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Doctor Who (17 Sep, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - The God Complex [LUCY [OC]] My name is Lucy Hayward, and I'm the last one left. [LUCY [OC]] It's funny. You don't know what's going to be in your roomuntil you see it, then you realise it could have never been anythingelse. [LUCY [OC]] The gaps between my worship are getting shorter. This iswhat happened to the others. It's all so clear now. I'm so happy.Praise him. Praise him. [LUCY [OC]] Praise him. [VOICE [OC]] Praise him. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [AMY] Let's go to Ravan-Skala, he says. The people are six hundred feettall. You have to talk to them in hot air balloons and the TouristInformation Centre is made of one of their hats, he says. I'm sorry,but I don't see any huge hats. [DOCTOR] Amy, Beaky, this could be the most exciting thing I have everseen. [RORY] You're kidding. [AMY] How can you be excited about a rubbish hotel on a rubbish bit ofEarth? --------------------------------------- (Reception) [DOCTOR] Because, assembled Ponds, this is notEarth. This has just been made to look like Earth. The craftsmanshipinvolved. Can you imagine? [AMY] What? Then where are we? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Something must have yanked us off course. Look atthe detail on that cheese plant! [RORY] Right, but who would mock up an Earth hotel? [DOCTOR] Colonists maybe, recreating a bit of home, like when ex-patsopen English pubs in Majorca. No, whoever did this, I am shaking hisstroke her hand stroke tentacle. [RORY] Have you seen these? Look at the labels underneath. [RORY] Commander Halke, defeat. [RORY] Tim Heath, having his photo taken. Lady Silver-Tear, Daleks. [AMY] Paige Barnes, other people's socks. Tim Nelson, balloons. NovicePrin, sabrewolves. Royston Luke Gold, Plymouth? Lucy Hayward, thatbrutal gorilla. Doctor, what does it mean? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Let's find out. [RORY] Whoa! [DOCTOR] Blimey, that was a bit quick. [GIBBIS] We surrender. [RORY] No, it's okay, we're not [GIBBIS] We surrender. [RORY] We're nice. [DOCTOR] She's threatening me with a chair leg. [RITA] Who are you? [HOWIE] Oh god, we're back in reception. [GIBBIS] We surrender. [DOCTOR] I've never been threatened with a chair leg before. No, hangon, I tell a lie. [AMY] Did you just say, it's okay, we're nice? [RITA] Okay, I need everyone to shut up, now. [HOWIE] Rita, be careful, yeah? [RITA] Their pupils are dilated. They're as surprised as we are. Besideswhich, if it's a trick, it'll tell us something. [DOCTOR] Oh, you're good. Oh, she's good. Amy, with regret, you'refired. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] I'm kidding. (silent) We'll talk. (normal) I take it from thepathological compulsion to surrender, you're from Tivoli. [GIBBIS] Yes. The most invaded planet in the galaxy. Our anthem iscalled Glory To Insert Name Here. [DOCTOR] You with the face, Howie, you said you were surprised to beback in reception. [HOWIE] The walls move. Everything changes. [DOCTOR] You, clever one. What's he talking about? [RITA] The corridors twist and stretch. Rooms vanish and pop upsomewhere else. It's like the hotel's alive. [DOCTOR] That's quite enough of that. [HOWIE] Yeah, and it's huge, with, like, no way out. [RORY] Have you tried the front door? [RITA] No. In two days it never occurred to us to try the front door.Thank God you're here. [DOCTOR] They're not doors, they're walls. Walls that look like doors.Door-walls, if you like, or dwalls. Woors even, though you'd probablygot it when you said they're not doors. I mean, the windows are [DOCTOR] Right, big day if you're a fan of walls. [RITA] It's not just that. The rooms have things in them. [DOCTOR] Things? Hello! What kind of things? Interesting things? I lovethings, ask anyone. [RITA] Bad dreams. [DOCTOR] Well, that killed the mood. How did you get here? [RITA] I don't know. I'd just started my shift. I must have passed out,because suddenly I was here. [HOWIE] I was blogging. Next thing, this. [GIBBIS] Oh, I was at work. I'm in Town Planning. We're lining all thehighways with trees so invading forces can march in the shade. [DOCTOR] Ah. [GIBBIS] Which is nice for them. [ALL] Yeah. [DOCTOR] So, what have we got. People snatched from their lives anddropped into an endless, shifting maze that looks like a 1980s hotelwith bad dreams in the bedrooms. [DOCTOR] Well, apart from anything else, that's just rude. --------------------------------------- (First floor landing) [DOCTOR] We'll pop back to the Tardis, I'll do aplanet-wide diagnostic sweep, and then we'll have a sing song. [AMY] Where's the Tardis? You parked it there, didn't you? [HOWIE] What's a Tardis? [RORY] Our way out. And it's gone. [DOCTOR] Okay, this is bad. At the moment, I don't know how bad, butcertainly we're three buses, a long walk and eight quid in a taxi fromgood. Are there any more of you? [RITA] Joe. But he's tied up right now. [DOCTOR] Doing what? [RITA] No, I mean he's tied up right now. --------------------------------------- (Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Hello. I'm the Doctor. [JOE] We're going to die here. [DOCTOR] Well, they certainly didn't mention that in the brochure. IsJoe there? Can I have a quick word? [JOE] Oh, it's still me, Doctor, but I've seen the light. I lived ablasphemous life, but he has forgiven my inconstancy, and soon he shallfeast. [DOCTOR] Well, you've been here two days. What's he waiting for? [JOE] We weren't ready. We were still raw. [DOCTOR] But now you're what, cooked? [JOE] If you like. Soon you will be, too. Be patient. First, find yourroom. [DOCTOR] My room. [JOE] There's a room here for everyone, Doctor. Even you. [DOCTOR] You said you'd seen the light now. [JOE] Nothing else matters anymore. Only him. It's like these things. Iused to hate them. They make me laugh now. Gottle o' geer. Gottle o'geer. [JOE] You should go. He'll be here soon. [DOCTOR] I think you should come with me. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [DOCTOR] Why you four? That's what I don'tunderstand. Aside from all the other things I don't understand. [GIBBIS] What does it matter? Sooner or later, someone will come alongand rescue us. [GIBBIS] Or enslave us. [DOCTOR] First, we find the Tardis. Quick thing before we go. If youfeel drawn to a particular room, do not go in, and make sure someoneelse can see you at all times. [RITA] Joe said, he will feast. Is there something here with us? [DOCTOR] Something to add, Joe? [JOE] Here comes a candle to light you to bed. Here comes a chopper tochop off your head. Chop, chop, chop, chop. [HOWIE] Can we do something about him? --------------------------------------- (First floor corridor) [GIBBIS] Personally, I think you've got the right idea. Times like this,I think of my old school motto. Resistance Is Exhausting. [HOWIE] I've worked out where we are. [RORY] Hmm? [HOWIE] Norway. [RORY] Norway? [HOWIE] You see, the US government has entire cities hidden in theNorwegian mountains. You see, Earth is on a collision course with thisother planet, and this is where they're going to send all the richpeople when it kicks off. [RORY] Amazing. [HOWIE] It's all there on the internet. [RORY] No, it's amazing you've come up with a theory even more insanethan what's actually happening. [DOCTOR] Hello. [TEACHER] Have you forgotten your PE kit again? Right, that's it, you'redoing it in your pants! [DOCTOR] Hey! Don't! [BLONDE] Oh, look, girls, it's H-H-H-Howie! [BRUNETTE] What's loser in K-K-K-Klingon? [HOWIE [OC]] Praise him. [HOWIE] Shut the d, d, d, the door. This is just some m, m, messed upCIA stuff, I'm, I'm, I'm telling you. [DOCTOR] You're right. Keep telling yourself that. It's a CIA thing,nothing more. --------------------------------------- (Second floor corridor) [RORY] Er guys? [AMY] Look. [AMY] Okay, whatever that is, it's not real, yeah? [DOCTOR] No. No, I'm sure it isn't, but just in case, let's run away andhide anyway. In here. [RORY] No, this way! I've found a --------------------------------------- (Rita's room) [FATHER] A B in mathematics? You are lazy. Do youunderstand me, girl? Lazy. [RITA] I'm sorry. Daddy, I'm so sorry. [RITA [OC]] Praise him. --------------------------------------- (Second floor corridor) [DOCTOR] Rory, come on! [RORY] There was a [DOCTOR] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Gibbis' room) [DOCTOR] Eek! [AMY] Don't blink. [HOWIE] What? [DOCTOR] Amy, get back. Why haven't they got us yet? [DOCTOR] Amy, they're not real. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] They should have got us by now. Amy, look at me. Focus on me.It's your bad dream, that's all. [RORY] I don't even think they're for us. [AMY] Doctor, what are you doing? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, I just have to see what it is. I just have to see. [DOCTOR] Oh, look at you. Oh, you are beautiful. Oh, dear. [DOCTOR] I think it's going after Joe. --------------------------------------- (Second floor corridor) [JOE] Come on, come to me. Come to me. Argh! [JOE [OC]] Praise him. [DOCTOR] Leave him alone! --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] Joe! --------------------------------------- (Corridors) [DOCTOR] Joe! Joe! --------------------------------------- (Restaurant) [RORY] If we can wedge a chair under the door handles, that should stopanything from getting in. [RITA] Help yourself to tea. Guys, tea over here. [AMY] If it's any consolation, I've met the Weeping Angels, so I knowhow. In fact, I thought that room was for me. [GIBBIS] Joe was right. Whatever it is in here, it actually wants tokill us. Not oppress us or enslave us, kill us! [AMY] Listen. The Doctor's been part of my life for so long now, andhe's never let me down. Even when I thought he had, when I was a kidand he left me, he came back. He saved me. And now he's going to saveyou. But don't tell him I said that, because the smugness would beterrifying. [GIBBIS] Of course, if the Weeping Angels were meant for me, then yourroom is still out there somewhere. [RITA] Tea? [RORY] Every time the Doctor gets pally with someone, I have thisoverwhelming urge to notify their next of kin. (laughs then flinches)Ooo. Sorry. The last time I said something like that, you hit me withyour shoe. And you literally had to sit down and unlace it first. [RITA] What exactly happened to him? [DOCTOR] He died. [RITA] You are a medical doctor, aren't you? You haven't just got adegree in cheese-making or something. [DOCTOR] No! Well, yes, both, actually. I mean, there is no cause. Allhis vital organs simply stopped, as if the simple spark of life, hisloves and hates, his faiths and fears were just taken, and this is acup of tea. [RITA] Of course, I'm British, it's how we cope with trauma. That andtutting. [DOCTOR] But how did you make it? [RITA] All hotels should have a well stocked kitchen, even alien fakeones. I heard you talking when you arrived. Look, it's no moreridiculous than Howie's CIA theory, or mine. [DOCTOR] Which is? [RITA] This is Jahannam. [DOCTOR] You're a Muslim. [RITA] Don't be frightened. [DOCTOR] Ha! You think this is Hell. [RITA] The whole '80s hotel thing took me by surprise, though. [DOCTOR] And all these fears and phobias wandering about, most arecompletely unconnected to us, so why are they still here? [RITA] Maybe the cleaners have gone on strike. [DOCTOR] Ha! I like you. You're a right clever clogs. But this isn'tHell, Rita. [RITA] You don't understand. I say that without fear. Jahannam will playits tricks, and there'll be times when I want to run and scream, butI've tried to live a good life, and that knowledge keeps me sane,despite the monsters and the bonkers rooms. Gibbis is an alien, isn'the? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Sorry. [RITA] Okay. I'm going to file that under Freak Out About Later. [AMY] Doctor, look at this. I found it in a corridor, I completelyforgot I had it. [DOCTOR] (reads) Er, my name is Lucy Hayward and I'm the last one left.It took Luke first. It got him on his first day, almost as soon as wearrived. [LUCY [OC] + DOCTOR] It's funny. You don't know what's going to be inyour room until you see it, then you realise it could never have been [DOCTOR] Anything else. I just saw mine. It was a gorilla from a bookI'd read as a kid. My God, that thing used to terrify me. The gapsbetween my worships are getting shorter, like contractions. [LUCY [OC]] This is what happened to the others, and how lucky theywere. It's all so clear now. I'm so happy. Praise him. [DOCTOR] Praise him. [HOWIE] Praise him. [DOCTOR] What did you just say? [HOWIE] Nothing. Praise him! [GIBBIS] This is what happened to Joe! [HOWIE] God, it's going to come for me now. [GIBBIS] You'll lead it right here. [DOCTOR] I won't leave you. I promise you. You have my word on that. [HOWIE] I don't want to get eaten. [AMY] Calm down. [GIBBIS] He's going to lead the creature right here! [DOCTOR] Hold it! [DOCTOR] Thank you. [GIBBIS] Don't you see? He'll lead it right here. [RITA] What do you suggest? [GIBBIS] Look, whatever it is out there, it's obviously chosen Howard asits next course. Now, tragic though that is, this is no time forsentiment. I'm saying if it were to find him, it may be satisfied andlet the rest of us go. All I want to do is go home and be conquered andoppressed. Is that too much to ask?! [RITA] It's okay. I'll stay with Howie. You take the others and go. [DOCTOR] No. We stay together. [DOCTOR] Your civilisation is one of the oldest in the galaxy. Now I seewhy. Your cowardice isn't quaint, it's sly, aggressive. It's how thatgene of gutlessness has survived while so many others have perished.Well, not today. No one else dies today. Right? Brilliant. Howie, anysecond, it's going to possess you again. When it does, I'm going to askyou some questions. Please try to answer them. [HOWIE] I hope my mum's all right, she's going to be w, worried. [DOCTOR] Howie? Howie. Howie, you're next. We're all dead jealous. So,tell us. How do we get a piece of the action? Why isn't he possessingall of us? [HOWIE] You guys have got all these distractions, all these obstacles.It'd be so much easier if you just let it go, you know? Clear the path. [AMY] You want it to find you even though you know what it's going todo? [HOWIE] Are you kidding? He's going to kill us all. How cool is that? [DOCTOR] It's as I thought. It feeds on fear. Everything, the rooms,Lucy's note, even the pictures in reception, has been put here tofrighten us. So we have to resist it. Do whatever you have to. Crossyour fingers, say a prayer, think of a basket of kittens, but do notgive in to the fear. [AMY] Okay, but what are we actually going to do? [DOCTOR] We're going to catch ourselves a monster. --------------------------------------- (Pasiphae Spa) [HOWIE [OC]] Bring me death! Bring me glory! My master, my lord, I'mhere! Come to me. I'm waiting here for you. He has promised me aglorious death. Give it to me now. I want him to know my devotion. --------------------------------------- (Room 216) [RITA] Anything to do with you? How's it going? [AMY] Don't talk to the clown. --------------------------------------- (Second floor corridor) [HOWIE [OC]] Praise him. Praise him. [AMY] Rory, he's in! [HOWIE [OC]] Let his name be the last thing I hear. Let his breath on myskin be the last thing I feel. I was lost in shadows, but he found me. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [HOWIE] His love was a beacon that led me from darkness to light, andnow I am blinded by his majesty. Humbled by his glory! Praise --------------------------------------- (Pasiphae Spa) [DOCTOR] That's quite enough of that. [HOWIE [OC]] Him. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [HOWIE] What's going on? You lied to me. [GIBBIS] Calm down, Howie. This is for your own good. [HOWIE] Oh, at least stand where I can see you. [GIBBIS] I've been told not to speak to you. [HOWIE] Don't mean you can't listen. --------------------------------------- (Pasiphae Spa) [DOCTOR] Nothing personal. I just think we shouldtake things slowly. Get to know each other. You take people's mostprimal fears and pop it in a room. A tailor-made hell, just for them.Why? [DOCTOR] Did you say they take? Ah, what is that word? The guard? No,the warden? This is a prison. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [HOWIE] You were right, you know. Chances are, ifyou hand me over, he'll leave you alone. [GIBBIS] Yes, well, we saw how that idea got shot down in flames. [HOWIE] It's not like chucking me out of a plane to lighten the load.I'm asking you for this. I'm begging you. [GIBBIS] You're possessed. You'd say anything. [HOWIE] Possessed guys can be quite strong. Who's to say I didn'toverpower you? --------------------------------------- (Pasiphae Spa) [DOCTOR] So what are we, cell mates? Lunch? We arenot ripe. This is what Joe said, that we weren't ready. So, what, what,you make us ready. You what? Replace? Replace what, fear? You havelived so long even your name is lost. You want this to stop. Becauseyou are just instinct. Then tell me. Tell me how to fight you. [HOWIE [OC]] My master, my lord. I'm here! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Spa) [RITA] That's Howie. [AMY] He's got out. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [HOWIE] Oh, bring me death. --------------------------------------- (Pasiphae Spa) [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no! Rory, watch out! [DOCTOR] Stay back! [DOCTOR] Pond, bring the fish. [AMY] What, the fish? Oh, the fish. [DOCTOR] Where'd he go? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Spa) [RORY] Somebody hit me. Was it Amy? [AMY] We should find the Doctor. [VOICES] Praise him. Praise him. [RITA] You shouldn't have done that. What did you see? [AMY] Nothing. Nothing. I don't know. It was weird. [RITA] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GIBBIS] He got free. He overpowered me. It might leave us alone now.Maybe now we'll be safe. Wait! --------------------------------------- (Reception) [DOCTOR] Have you found your room yet? [RORY] No. No. Is that good or bad? [DOCTOR] Maybe you're not scared of anything. [RORY] Well, after all the time I spent with you in the Tardis, what wasleft to be scared of? [DOCTOR] You said that in the past tense. [RORY] No, I didn't. You know, Howie had been in speech therapy. He'djust got over this massive stammer. What an achievement. I mean, canyou imagine? I'd forgotten not all victories are about saving theuniverse. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] Rita! Brilliant! How are you? Notpanicking, are you? Good, good. Because I am literally an otter'stoenail away from getting us out of here. [RITA] Why? [DOCTOR] Excellent question. Excellent question. Why what? [DOCTOR] Why is it up to you to save us? That's quite a God complex youhave there. [DOCTOR] I brought them here. They'd say it was their choice, but offera child a suitcase full of sweets and they'll take it. Offer someoneall of time and space and they'll take that, too. Which is why youshouldn't. Which is why grown-ups were invented. [RITA] All of time and space, eh? [DOCTOR] Oh, yeah. And when we get out of this, I'll show you too. [RITA] I don't know what you're talking about, but whatever it was, Ihave a feeling you just did it again. [DOCTOR] Right down to the smallest detail. Got you, Mister Minotaur. [RITA] Praise him. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VOICES [OC]] Praise him. Praise him. Praise him.Praise him. Praise him. Praise him. Praise him. Praise him. [DOCTOR] Of course. Who else? --------------------------------------- (Security room) [DOCTOR] Oh, you beauty. Come on, big fellow, where are you? Rita, whereare you going? [DOCTOR] Come on, come on, come on! Come on. [DOCTOR] Rita, where are you going? Can you take the phone into thecorridor? Will it reach? [DOCTOR] You started to praise it, didn't you? [DOCTOR] Rita, come back, please. We'll find a way to stop it, I swearto you. [RITA [on screen]] No, I need to get as far away from you all aspossible. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, you don't. The creature only wants whoever'spraising it. [RITA [on screen]] And then you'll put yourself in its way. [DOCTOR] I'm coming to get you. Block out the fear and stay focused onyour belief. [RITA [on screen]] The hotel will keep us apart. I could be fifty milesaway by now. [RITA [on screen]] I want you to do me one last favour, Doctor. I canfeel the rapture approaching, like a wave. I don't want you to witnessthis. I want you to remember me the way I was. [AMY] What's going on? Rita's disappeared. What's she doing there? [DOCTOR] Rita. Rita, please. Let me find you. [RITA [on screen]] You stay where you are. Please, let me be robbed ofmy faith in private. [DOCTOR] Look, Rita. Rita. Go into the room. Lock the door. [RITA [on screen]] I'm not frightened. I'm blessed, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RITA] I'm at peace. --------------------------------------- (Security room) [RITA [on screen]] I'm going to hang up. [DOCTOR] No. No, no, Rita. [RITA [on screen]] Goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Rita! [RITA [on screen]] Thank you for trying. [DOCTOR] Rita, please! Please! Please. --------------------------------------- (Bar) [DOCTOR] Okay. It preys on people's fear and possesses them. But Ritawasn't afraid. She was brave and calm. Maybe it's something to do withthe people, some connection between the four of you that'll tell me howto fight it. [GIBBIS] Yes, you keep saying that, but you never do. And while we wait,people keep dying. And we'll be next. [AMY] Look, he'll work it out. He always does. Just let him riff andmove anything expensive out of his way. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. Oh, no, no. [AMY] Doctor, what is wrong? [DOCTOR] It's not fear. It's faith. Not just religious faith, faith insomething. Howard believed in conspiracies, that external forcescontrolled the world. Joe had dice cufflinks and a chain with ahorseshoe. He was a gambler. Gamblers believe in luck, an intangibleforce that helps them win or lose. Gibbis has rejected any personalautonomy and is waiting for the next batch of invaders to oppress himand tell him what to do. They all believe there's something guidingthem, about to save them. That's what it replaces. Every time someonewas confronted with their most primal fear, they fell back on theirmost fundamental faith. And all this time, I have been telling you todig deep, find the thing that keeps you brave. I made you expose yourfaith, show them what they needed. [RORY] But why us? Why are we here? [DOCTOR] It doesn't want you. That's why it kept showing you a way out.You're not religious or superstitious, so there's no faith for you tofall back on. It wants her. [AMY] Me? Why? [DOCTOR] Your faith in me. That's what brought us here. [RORY] But why do they lose their faith before they die and startworshipping it? [DOCTOR] It needs to convert the faith into a form it can consume. Faithis an energy, the specific emotional energy the creature needs to live.Which is why at the end of her note, Lucy said [AMY] Praise him. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [RORY] No. Oh, please, no. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Amy? What are you doing? [AMY] He is beautiful. [GIBBIS] Leave her! Just leave her! --------------------------------------- (Amy's room) [AMY] Doctor, it's happening. It's changing me. It's changing mythoughts. [DOCTOR] I can't save you from this. There's nothing I can do to stopthis. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] I stole your childhood and now I've led you by the hand to yourdeath. But the worst thing is, I knew. I knew this would happen. Thisis what always happens. [DOCTOR] Forget your faith in me. I took you with me because I was vain.Because I wanted to be adored. Look at you. Glorious Pond, the girl whowaited for me. I'm not a hero. I really am just a mad man in a box. Andit's time we saw each other as we really are. [DOCTOR] Amy Williams, it's time to stop waiting. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] I severed the food supply, sacrificing their faith in me. Igave you the space to die. Shush, shush. --------------------------------------- (Hologrid) [AMY] What is it, a minotaur or an alien? Or analien minotaur? That's not a question I thought I'd be asking thismorning. [DOCTOR] It's both, actually. Yeah. Here we go. [DOCTOR] Distant cousin of the Nimon. They descend on planets and setthemselves up as gods to be worshipped. Which is fine, until theinhabitants get all secular and advanced enough to build bonkersprisons. [RORY] Correction. Prisons in space. [AMY] Where are the guards? [DOCTOR] No need for any. It's all automated. It drifts through space,snatching people with belief systems and converts their faith into foodfor the creature. [GIBBIS] See that planet there? [RORY] Which one? [GIBBIS] There. The grey one there. [RORY] Mmm hmm. [GIBBIS] That's where I'm from. [AMY] It didn't want just me, so you must believe in some god orsomeone, or they'd have shown you the door too. So what do Time Lordspray to? [DOCTOR] According to the in-flight recorder, the programme developedglitches. It got stuck on the same setting, the fears from the peoplebefore us weren't tidied away. [AMY] What's it saying? [DOCTOR] An ancient creature, drenched in the blood of the innocent,drifting in space through an endless, shifting maze. For such acreature, death would be a gift. Then accept it, and sleep well. Iwasn't talking about myself. [GIBBIS] Could I have a lift? Just to the nearest galaxy would do. --------------------------------------- (Street) [AMY] Don't tell me. This isn't Earth, that isn't a real house. Andinside lives a goblin, who feeds on indecision. [DOCTOR] No. Real Earth, real house, real door keys. [AMY] You're not serious? [RORY] The car too? But, that's my favourite car. How did you know thatwas my favourite car? [DOCTOR] You showed me a picture of it once and said this is myfavourite car. [AMY] Rory, can you give us two minutes? Two minutes? [RORY] She'll say that we can't accept it because it's too extravagantand we'll always feel a crippling sense of obligation. It's a risk I'mwilling to take. [AMY] Hey. [AMY] So. You're leaving, aren't you? [DOCTOR] You haven't seen the last of me. Bad Penny is my middle name.Seriously, the looks I get when I fill in a form, it's [AMY] Why now? [DOCTOR] Because you're still breathing. [AMY] Well, I think this is about the washing up, personally. [DOCTOR] I mean, you're right, there's still heaps of stuff out there tolook at. Do you know, there's a planet whose name literally translatesas Volatile Circus? Or maybe there's a bigger, scarier adventurewaiting for you in there. [AMY] Even so, it can't happen like this. After everything we've beenthrough, Doctor. Everything. You can't just drop me off at my house andsay goodbye like we've shared a cab. [DOCTOR] And what's the alternative? Me standing over your grave? Overyour broken body? Over Rory's body? [AMY] If you bump into my daughter, tell her to visit her old mumsometime. [DOCTOR] And look after him. [AMY] Look after you. Bye. [RORY] What happened? What's he doing? [AMY] He's saving us.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e11", "title": "The God Complex"}
Doctor Who (24 Sep, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - Closing Time [WOMAN] Thank you. [KELLY] Better cash up then. Suppose John Joe can just wait for me. [SHONA] No, I'll do it. You head off. [KELLY] When's the council going to fix this? Last night my telly wentoff in the middle of Top Model. [SHONA] John Joe's waiting. I'll do the changing rooms, too. [KELLY] Oh, thanks, Shona. --------------------------------------- (Craig's home) [SOPHIE] There's a list on the fridge. [CRAIG] I saw it. [SOPHIE] And I've labelled the food and sort of numbered it. [CRAIG] Sophie, you don't need to number food. [SOPHIE] It's just a suggestion. Also, my mum might phone. [CRAIG] Might? [SOPHIE] And your Mum, and my Dad, and you know, just some people. [CRAIG] I can cope on my own. Now, please go and have a rest. You needit. I love you. [SOPHIE] I love you, too. And thank you for this. And I do know you cancope on your own. And I may have drawn some arrows in the fridge. [CRAIG] You really have to go now. --------------------------------------- (Changing rooms) [SHONA] Oh, Kelly. [SHONA] Hello? Sorry, we need to close up. Two minutes, okay? --------------------------------------- (Living room) [CRAIG] Mum, it's not just you. I'm phoningeverybody. I'm texting the world. Craig Owens can do it on his own. Noone is coming to help me. [CRAIG] Mum, I'm going to have to call you back. I'm coping. I'm copingon my own. I'm coping on my own! --------------------------------------- (Front door) [CRAIG] I'm coping on my own! [DOCTOR] Hello, Craig. I'm back. [CRAIG] She didn't. How could she phone you? [DOCTOR] How could who phone me? Nobody phoned me, I'm just here. Oh,you've redecorated. I don't like it. [CRAIG] It's a different house. We moved. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's it. [CRAIG] Doctor, what are you doing here? [DOCTOR] Social call. Thought it was about time I tried one out. How areyou? [CRAIG] I'm fine. [DOCTOR] This is the bit where I say I'm fine too, isn't it? I'm fine,too. Good. Love to Sophie. Bye. [DOCTOR] Something's wrong. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] On your own, you said. But you're not.You're not on your own. [CRAIG] Just shush. [DOCTOR] Increased sulphur emissions. And look at the state of thisplace. What are you not telling me? [CRAIG] Doctor, please. [DOCTOR] Shush. [CRAIG] No, you shush. [DOCTOR] Shush! [CRAIG] Shush! [DOCTOR] No, you shush! [CRAIG] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Changing rooms) [SHONA] Hello, who's in there? --------------------------------------- (Alfie's bedroom) [DOCTOR] Whatever you are, get off this planet. [ALFIE] Whaaaa!! [CRAIG] You've woken him! --------------------------------------- (Changing rooms) [SHONA] Hello? Are you all right? --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] So when you say on your own [CRAIG] Yes, I meant on my own with the baby. Yes. Because no one thinksI can cope on my own. Which is so unfair, because I can't cope on myown with him. I can't. He just cries all the time. I mean, do they haveoff switches? [DOCTOR] Human beings. No. Believe me, I've checked. [CRAIG] No, babies. [DOCTOR] Same difference. Sometimes this works though. Shush. [CRAIG] Can you teach me to do that? [DOCTOR] Probably not. [CRAIG] Oh, please. Come on, I need something. I'm rubbish at this. [DOCTOR] At what? [CRAIG] Being a dad. You read all the books, and they tell you you'llknow what to do if you follow your instincts. I have no instinct.That's what this weekend's about, trying to prove to people I can dothis one thing well. [DOCTOR] So, what did you call him? Will I blush? [CRAIG] No, we didn't call him the Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, I didn't think you would. [CRAIG] He's called Alfie. What are you doing here anyway? [DOCTOR] Yes, he likes that, Alfie, though personally he prefers to becalled Stormageddon, Dark Lord Of All. [CRAIG] Sorry, what? [DOCTOR] That's what he calls himself. [CRAIG] And how do you know that? [DOCTOR] I speak baby. [CRAIG] Of course you do. I don't even know when his nappy needschanging, and I'm the one supposed to be his dad. Oh. [DOCTOR] Yeah. He's wondering where his mum is? Where is Sophie? [CRAIG] She's gone away with Melina for the weekend. She needs a rest. [DOCTOR] No, he's your dad. You can't just call him Not Mum. [CRAIG] Not Mum? [DOCTOR] That's you. Also Not Mum, that's me. And everybody else ispeasants. That's a bit unfortunate. [CRAIG] What are you here for? What's happening? [DOCTOR] I just popped in to say hello. [CRAIG] You don't do that. I checked upstairs when we moved, it's real.And next door, both sides, they're humans. Is it the fridge? Are therealiens in my fridge? [DOCTOR] I just want to see you, Craig! Cross my hearts. I've beenknocking about on my own for a bit. Bit of a farewell tour. One lastthing, popping in to see you, then I'm off to the Alignment of Exedor. [CRAIG] The Alignment of Exedor? [DOCTOR] Seventeen galaxies in perfect unison. Meant to be spectacular.I can't miss it. Literally can't. It's locked in a time stasis field. Iget one crack at flying my Tardis straight into it, if I get my datesright. Which I have. [CRAIG] Sounds nice. [DOCTOR] So this is me, popping in and popping out again. Just beingsocial. Just having a laugh. Never mind that. [CRAIG] Never mind what? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [CRAIG] No, you've noticed something. You've got your noticing face on.I have nightmares about that face. [DOCTOR] Ooo, nope, given up all that. Done noticing things. I didn'teven notice that, for example. Well, got to go. Good seeing you, Craig.Goodbye, Stormageddon. [CRAIG] No, no, wait, wait. Can you do the shushing thing? [DOCTOR] No, it only works once, and only on life forms withunderdeveloped brains. [CRAIG] Hang on. You said farewell tour. What do you mean, farewell? [DOCTOR] Shush. --------------------------------------- (Outside Craig's home) (Toy department) [DOCTOR] It goes up tiddly up, it goes down tiddly down for only fortynine ninety nine, which I personally think is a bit steep, but thenagain it's your parents' cash and they'll only waste it on boring stufflike lamps and vegetables. Yawn! [CRAIG] Yeah, Soph. Just enjoy your holiday. Yeah, coping. [DOCTOR] Nobody panic, but I appear to be losing control. [CRAIG] Yeah, love you. [DOCTOR] Oops. Guys, guys, ladies and gentlemen. While I deal with thisawkward moment, you go and find your parents slash guardians. Try inlamps. Craig! [CRAIG] What the hell are you doing here? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I work in a shop now. Here to help. Look, theygave me a badge with my name on in case I forget who I am. Verythoughtful, as that does happen. [CRAIG] You were leaving. The Alignment of Exeter, what about that? Onechance to see it, you said. [DOCTOR] Well, I was on my way, you know. Saw a shop, got a job. You gotto live in the moment. Craig, mind Yappy. [CRAIG] What? [DOCTOR] Yappy. The robot dog. Not so much fun as I remember. You lookawful. [CRAIG] I haven't slept, have I? I still can't stop him crying. I eventried singing to him last night. [DOCTOR] Yeah, he did mention that he thought you were crying, too. Hedidn't get a wink. Yappy, say goodbye to Craig and Stormageddon.Goodbye, Craig. Goodbye, Stormageddon. [DOCTOR] What was that? [CRAIG] You're here for a reason, aren't you? You noticed something, andyou're investigating it. And because it's you, it's going to bedangerous and alien. [DOCTOR] Might not be. [CRAIG] Doctor, I live here. I need to know. [DOCTOR] No, you don't. [CRAIG] My baby lives here. My son. [DOCTOR] Sheila Clark went missing Tuesday. Atif Ghosh last seen Friday.Tom Luker last seen Sunday. [CRAIG] Why's none of this on the front page? [DOCTOR] Oh, page one has an exclusive on Nina, a local girl who gotkicked off Britain's Got Talent. These people are on pages seven,nineteen, twenty two. Because no one's noticed yet. They're far tooexcited about Nina's emotional journey, which in fairness, is quiteinspiring. [CRAIG] And what else? --------------------------------------- (Children's clothing) [DOCTOR] These funny old power fluctuations whichjust happen to coincide with the disappearances. [CRAIG] That's just the council putting in new cables, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, that's it. Mystery solved. Wasting my time. Now, youcan go home and I can go to Exedor. Goodbye. [DOCTOR] And here's the lift. [CRAIG] It says it's out of order. [DOCTOR] Not any more. See? Here to help. [CRAIG] It says danger. [DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish. Lifts aren't dangerous. [CRAIG] Do I look like I'm stupid? [DOCTOR] Quiet, Stormy. Oh, all right. There's more. --------------------------------------- (Lift) [DOCTOR] Just between you, me and Stormy, don't wantto frighten me punters. Someone's been using a teleport relay righthere in this shop. Missing people last seen in this area. Before youask, CCTV's been wiped. [CRAIG] A teleport? A teleport? A teleport like, a beam me up teleport,like you see in Star Trek? [DOCTOR] Exactly. Someone's been using a beam me up Star Trek teleport.Could be disguised as anything. [CRAIG] But a teleport in a shop? That's ridiculous. --------------------------------------- (Cybership) [CRAIG] What was that? Was that the lights again? [DOCTOR] (strangled) Yes, that's it. That's all. It's the lights. [CRAIG] Why did you say that like that? [DOCTOR] Like what? [CRAIG] Like that, in that high pitched voice. [DOCTOR] Just keep looking at me, Craig. Right at me. Just keep looking. [CRAIG] Why? [DOCTOR] Well, because, because, because I love you. [CRAIG] You love me? [DOCTOR] Yes, Craig. It's you. It's always been you. [CRAIG] Me? [DOCTOR] Is that so surprising? [CRAIG] Doctor, are you going to kiss me? [DOCTOR] Yes, Craig. Yes, I am. Would you like that? Bit out ofpractice, but I've had some wonderful feedback. [CRAIG] Doctor, no. I can't. I'm taken. [CRAIG] Oh, my God! [DOCTOR] Or we could just hold hands if it make you'd feel morecomfortable. [CRAIG] What is happening? [DOCTOR] Well, first of all, I don't really love you, except as afriend. [CRAIG] What is that? --------------------------------------- (Lift) [DOCTOR] Quick reverse. [CRAIG] What the hell just happened? --------------------------------------- (Children's clothing) [DOCTOR] They must have linked the teleport relay tothe lift, but I've fused it. They can't use that again. Stuck up thereon their spaceship. --------------------------------------- (Soft furnishings) [CRAIG] What were those things? [DOCTOR] Cybermen. [CRAIG] Ship. A spaceship. We were in space? --------------------------------------- (Pedestrian precinct) [DOCTOR] It's got to be up there somewhere. Can't get a fix. It must beshielded. [CRAIG] But you fused the teleport. You sorted it. They can't come back. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, I've just bought myself a little time. Still got towork out what they're doing before I can stop it. [CRAIG] But if they've got the teleport and they're that evil, whyhaven't they invaded already? [DOCTOR] Craig, take Alfie and go. [CRAIG] No. [DOCTOR] No? [CRAIG] No. I remember from last time, people got killed. People thatdidn't know you. I know where it's safest for me and Alfie, and that'sright next to you. [DOCTOR] Is that so? [CRAIG] Yeah. You always win. You always survive. [DOCTOR] Those were the days. [CRAIG] I can help you. I'm staying. [DOCTOR] Craig. Craig. All right. All right, maybe those days aren'tquite over yet. Let's go and investigate. I mean, there's no immediatedanger now. --------------------------------------- (Jewellry section) [DOCTOR] Good afternoon, Val. [VAL] Hello. [CRAIG] Where am I investigating? [DOCTOR] Well, look round. Ask questions. People like it when you'rewith a baby. Babies are sweet. People talk to you. That's why I usuallytake a human with me. [CRAIG] So, I'm your baby? [DOCTOR] You're my baby. [VAL] Hope you don't mind me saying, Doctor, but I think you look everso sweet, you and your partner and the baby. [DOCTOR] Partner. Yes, I like it. Is it better than companion? [VAL] Companion sounds old-fashioned. There's no need to be coy thesedays. [DOCTOR] You've not noticed anything unusual around here lately, Val? [VAL] Well [DOCTOR] Yes, yes? [VAL] Mary Warnock saw Don Petheridge snogging Andrea Groom outside theConservative Club on his so-called day off golfing. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. [VAL] And then there's that silver rat thing. [DOCTOR] What? --------------------------------------- (Ladies underwear) [CRAIG] All right, Alfie, you watch Daddy investigate. You look cute,I'll do the talking. [KELLY] Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you? [CRAIG] Hiya. I'm Craig. [KELLY] Yeah? [CRAIG] Do you mind if I just ask you some questions. [KELLY] You what? [CRAIG] Just between me and you, in confidence, have you noticedanything unusual? Interesting? [KELLY] You what? [CRAIG] Talk to me about ladies wear. [KELLY] George! [CRAIG] Hi, George. Nice uniform. --------------------------------------- (Toy department) [DOCTOR] A silver rat, glowing red eyes. [VAL] Yes. Then it zizzed off. I wanted to get one for my nephew, butstockroom say there's no such item. [DOCTOR] I bet they do. [VAL] Well, what was it then? Answer me that. --------------------------------------- (Ladies underwear) [GEORGE] Can I help you, sir? [CRAIG] Have you seen how cute my baby is? Look at his face. I'm goingto head off, actually. All right, whoa. --------------------------------------- (Toy department) [CRAIG [OC]] Whoa! [VAL] What's all that hullabaloo? [DOCTOR] Er, that'll be my partner with the er [VAL] Ah. --------------------------------------- (Ladies underwear) [GEORGE] Make a habit of hanging round in women's wear, sir? [CRAIG] I'm sorry. Oh, shush. Alfie, come on. [KELLY] He's a pervert. Look at him. [DOCTOR] Hello, everyone. Here to help. [KELLY] Hello, Doctor. [GEORGE] Hello, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hello. Has anyone seen a silver rat? No. Okay. Long shot. I seeyou've met my friend, Craig. Nice uniform, George. [GEORGE] Thank you, Doctor. If he's with you, that's all right, then. [KELLY] Sorry. I thought he was hassling me, because that's the lastthing I need today, because Shona's not turned up, right, so I'm doingtwice the work for the same money, if you don't mind. [DOCTOR] Shush. [CRAIG] Please teach me how to do that. [DOCTOR] No. Hold on. Un-shush. Shona? [KELLY] My supervisor. She's meant to be in today but never showed up. [DOCTOR] Well, where did you last see her? --------------------------------------- (Changing rooms) [CRAIG] How do you do that? It's a power, isn't it.Some sort of weird alien hypnotic power. I bet you excrete some sort ofgas that makes people love you. [DOCTOR] Would that I could, Craig. [DOCTOR] Er, sorry, Madam. I'd try that in red if I were you. [CRAIG] I'm right though, aren't I? [DOCTOR] Well, you love me, I've never excreted any weird alien gases atyou. [CRAIG] I don't love you. Don't start that again. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Course he does. Of course you do. We're partners. [CRAIG] Yeah, but I did exactly what you would have done, and I nearlygot arrested. [DOCTOR] Stormy thinks you should believe in yourself more. [CRAIG] Great. So now my baby's reviewing me. [DOCTOR] Here. Right here. Last night. A Cyberman took Shona. [CRAIG] A Cyberman? I thought it was a little silver rat. [DOCTOR] It's not a rat. It's a Cybermat. [CRAIG] All right. Don't have a go at me just because I don't know thenames. --------------------------------------- (Ladies clothing) [DOCTOR] Cybermats are infiltrators. Very small,very deadly. They collect power like bees collect pollen. One of them'sbeen sucking the electrical energy from this area. But why a shop? Youknow, why not a nuclear power station? [CRAIG] Okay, why? [DOCTOR] Let's ask it. We wait for the shop to shut. We stake the placeout and grab ourselves a Cybermat. [CRAIG] And this is just a coincidence, is it? [DOCTOR] What is? [CRAIG] Aliens in Colchester. Aliens twice in my life, happening to me,just when you turn up. [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not my fault, Craig. [CRAIG] Oh, shush. Look what you've done now. [DOCTOR] It's his nappy. He's mentioned it twice. [CRAIG] Well sorry, I don't speak baby, do I. [DOCTOR] There's a changing station over by Electrical Goods. [CRAIG] And of course, you'd know that. Come on, Alfie. [DOCTOR] Craig! It's a coincidence. It happens. It's what the universedoes for [ELLY] Can I have your autograph, please? [AMY] Er, yeah. Sure. [DOCTOR] Fun. [AMY] What's your name? [ELLY] Elly. [AMY] To Elly. I like your hairband. [ELLY] Thank you. [RORY] All right? [AMY] There you go. [ELLY] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Amelia Pond. --------------------------------------- (Ground floor) [DOCTOR] Right, let's be having you then, Cybermat. [DOCTOR] Shush. [CRAIG] Can't you put that on quiet? [DOCTOR] No. It's a sonic screwdriver. Sonic equals sound. Take this. Igot it on my discount, ten percent off. It's a papoose. [CRAIG] Why do I need a papoose? [DOCTOR] Alfie wants you attached to him. You are far too slow when hesummons you. [CRAIG] When's he going to stop giving me marks? [DOCTOR] Never. That's parenthood. Couldn't you have just got ababysitter? No, any babysitter. Doesn't have to be a hot one. [CRAIG] I told everyone I know I didn't need their help this weekend. [DOCTOR] Well. [CRAIG] They won't even answer my calls. I didn't know there was goingto be an invasion of Cyberman. [DOCTOR] Shush. [DOCTOR] It's okay. [DOCTOR] Ah ha! That's very odd. It must be on low power. Or I'm betterat that than I remember. [CRAIG] Oh, is that it? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [CRAIG] Oh, that's quite cute. Look at that. Look, Alfie, look. [CRAIG] Argh! [CRAIG] Metal rat, real mouth! Metal rat, real mouth. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know it is. [CRAIG] Metal rat, real mouth. [DOCTOR] Stop screaming. Stop, stop screaming. Shush. [DOCTOR] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Basement) [DOCTOR] George! [DOCTOR] George [CRAIG] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! What happened? [DOCTOR] Oh, I've been, I've been chipped, chapped, chopped. TheCyberman. It killed George, took him back to the ship. [CRAIG] The Cybermen are here? But you said [DOCTOR] Yeah, I know what I said. I say a lot of things. But I fusedthe teleport. It should have taken them days to repair. [CRAIG] Are you okay? [DOCTOR] Oh, I should be dead, but the arm it chopped me with, it wasdamaged. Old spare parts. Must have changed those missing people. [CRAIG] They've changed the missing into Cybermen? Why didn't theychange you? [DOCTOR] A long story. I'm not exactly compatible. But why are theyusing spare parts? Why? Everything I find out makes less sense. [CRAIG] Doctor, listen to me. If the Cybermen are here, then we're notsafe. We've got to go. We've got to go back to base. [DOCTOR] We've got a base? When did we get a base? --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [CRAIG] I'm going down the shop. We've run out of milk. You know what todo if he cries. [DOCTOR] No. [CRAIG [OC]] Me neither. [DOCTOR] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Alfie's room) [DOCTOR] Hello, Stormageddon. It's the Doctor. Hereto help. Shush. Hey. There, there. Be quiet. Go to sleep. Really. Stopcrying. You've got a lot to look forward to, you know. A normal humanlife on Earth. Mortgage repayments, the nine to five, a persistentnagging sense of spiritual emptiness. Save the tears for later, boy-o.Oh, no. That was crabby. No, that was old. But I am old, Stormy. I amso old. So near the end. [DOCTOR] You, Alfie Owens, you are so young, aren't you? And, you know,right now, everything's ahead of you. You could be anything. Yes, Iknow. You could walk among the stars. They don't actually look likethat, you know. They are rather more impressive. [DOCTOR] Yeah. You know, when I was little like you, I dreamt of thestars. I think it's fair to say in the language of your age, that Ilived my dream, I owned the stage, gave it a hundred and ten percent. Ihope you have as much fun as I did, Alfie. [DOCTOR] Your dad's trying his best, you know. Yes, I know it's not hisfault he doesn't have mammary glands. No, neither do I. Alfie, why isthere a sinister beeping coming from behind me? [DOCTOR] Oh, no you don't. [DOCTOR] Come on, Alfie. Run! It's only stunned. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] It's going to be okay. Good Alfie. Yes.Don't worry about anything. We're going to go outside. [DOCTOR] Oops. --------------------------------------- (Craig's home) [CRAIG] I'm back! --------------------------------------- (Garden) [DOCTOR] Come on, Craig, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. --------------------------------------- (Craig's home) [CRAIG] Doctor? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Garden) [DOCTOR] Craig? Don't worry. Alfie is fine. But on no account enter thehouse. [CRAIG [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! [CRAIG [OC]] Help me! --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [CRAIG] Where's Alfie? Where's Alfie? [DOCTOR] He's safe. He's safe! [CRAIG] Get it off me! [DOCTOR] I think I can find the right frequency, shut it down again! [CRAIG] Kill it! [DOCTOR] All right, all right, all right! Move! [DOCTOR] Argh! Baking tray, Craig. Baking tray! [DOCTOR] Hold it down! [CRAIG] Get on with it! [DOCTOR] Ah, it must be shielded from metastatic energy. Of course. [CRAIG] Of course. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, I have an app for that. Stand back. Stand back! [DOCTOR] Success. That was amazing. You must be really, really strong.That thing should have had you easily. [CRAIG] Is it definitely dead? [DOCTOR] Inactive, yes. Technically never been alive. It was playingpossum before, to take us by surprise. Bravo. [CRAIG] Phew. Alfie! --------------------------------------- (Living room) [CRAIG] (yawns) I'm knackered. That thing was eating up the electricity? [DOCTOR] And transmitting it up to the Cybership. But why? Why do theyneed power? Why are those conversions not complete yet, and what arethey doing up there? [CRAIG] You said you were going to look at its brain. [DOCTOR] No, I had to wipe its brain. Now I can reprogram it and use itas a weapon against them. [CRAIG] The Cybermat came after us? [DOCTOR] No, after me. [CRAIG] They sent it after us. [DOCTOR] After me. Because of me, you and Alfie nearly died. Do youstill feel safe with me, Craig? [CRAIG] You can't help who your mates are. [DOCTOR] No. I am a stupid, selfish man. Always have been. I should havemade you go. I should never have come here. [CRAIG] What would have happened if you hadn't come? Who else knowsabout the Cybermen and teleports? [DOCTOR] I put people in danger. [CRAIG] Stop beating yourself up. If it weren't for you, this wholeplanet would be an absolute ruin. [DOCTOR] Craig, very soon I won't be here. My time is running out. Idon't mean Exedor. Silence will fall when the question is asked. Don'teven know what the question is. I always knew I'd die still asking.Thing is, Craig, it's tomorrow. Can't put it off any more. Tomorrow isthe day I [DOCTOR] Ah. --------------------------------------- (Outside Craig's home) [DOCTOR] Safe mode. Clever me. Come along, Bitey. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [SOPHIE [OC]] So I'll be back about ten, because Melina's totally goneoff on one. She's going to kill David Jenkins. I know I'm stupid toworry. I can't wait to get home to my special boys! [CRAIG] Oh, no, no, no, no. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [CRAIG] Doctor? [SOPHIE [OC]] Love you, Alfie. Love you, Craig. [CRAIG] You idiot! --------------------------------------- (Ladies clothing) [VAL] Morning! [DOCTOR] Morning. Teleport's still fused. They didn't repair it. So, theCyberman last night. How did it get down here, how did it get out? Andwhy, why, am I asking you? [VAL] You found the silver rat? [DOCTOR] But where are the silver men? --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [CRAIG] I'm sorry, Alfie, I can't leave you here on your own. There'ssomething up with the Doctor, and we owe him. I wouldn't have you orMummy if it wasn't for him. He needs someone. He always needs someone.He just can't admit it. I promise nothing's going to happen to you. Allright, come on, here we go. --------------------------------------- (Changing rooms) [DOCTOR] Secondary teleport. No, there is no otherteleport. They must have had a back-up system. Something complicated,something powerful, something shielded. Something like a door? A door!A disillium bonded steel door disguised as a wall. [DOCTOR] That is cheating. So, it didn't teleport down, it climbed up. --------------------------------------- (Cybership) [DOCTOR] Well, well, well. You have been busy. --------------------------------------- (Ladies clothing) [CRAIG] Doctor? Doctor? [VAL] Another row? He went in the changing rooms. Something about silvermen. [CRAIG] Oh, God, no. Val, I need you to look after Alfie for me, okay?Please look after him. The Doctor needs me. [VAL] I understand. You two need time alone. [CRAIG] And don't follow me! [VAL] I wasn't intending to. --------------------------------------- (Cybership) [CYBERMAN] You have come to us. [DOCTOR] Took me a while. Lot on my mind. Let's see. This ship crashedhere centuries ago. No survivors, but the systems are dormant, waitingfor power, and then the council stick a load of new cables right on topof you. Bitey wakes up and channels the power. You start crewing upfrom the shop as best you can. Not enough power, not enough parts. [CYBERMAN] When we are ready, we will emerge. We will convert thisplanet to Cyberform. [DOCTOR] What, the six of you? [CYBERMAN] You know that is enough. You know us. You are the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Correct. And the Doctor always gives you a choice. Deactivateyourself, or I deactivate you. --------------------------------------- (Changing rooms) [CRAIG] Doctor? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Cybership) [DOCTOR] Argh! [CYBERMAN] He must be the new leader. [CYBERMAN 2] No. He is not like us. Brain and binary vascular systemincompatible. They will be discarded. Other body parts may be of use. [CRAIG] Oi, Cybermen! Get off my planet, or I activate this. [DOCTOR] Craig, stop this. Get out! [CRAIG] It's like you said, Doctor. Got to believe you can do it. [CYBERMAN] You located us? [CRAIG] Yeah. Teleport in the lift, bit rubbish. And that littleCybermat never stood a chance. So you see what you're dealing with? [CYBERMAN] You are compatible. You are intelligent. [CRAIG] Argh! No, I'm not intelligent. You don't want me. [CYBERMAN] Do not fear. We will take your fear from you. You will belike us. You will be more than us. [CRAIG] No, no, no. [CYBERMAN] Your designation is CyberController. You will lead us. Wewill conquer this world. [CRAIG] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Craig! [CRAIG] Do something, please! [CRAIG] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Craig, don't worry. I've reprogrammed their Cybermat. It'lldrain their power. [CYBERMAN] You have failed, Doctor. Begin conversion. Phase one. Cleansethe brain of emotions. [DOCTOR] No. Craig, fight it! They can't convert you if you fight back.You're strong. Don't give in to it. [CRAIG] Help me! [DOCTOR] Think of Sophie. Think of Alfie. Craig, don't let them take itall away. [CRAIG] Make it stop. Please, make it stop! [DOCTOR] Please, listen to me. I believe in you. I believe you can dothis. I've always believed in all of you, all my life. I'm going die,Craig. Tomorrow, I'm going to die, but I don't mind if you just proveme right. Craig! [CYBERMAN] Begin full conversion. --------------------------------------- (Ladies clothing) [VAL] Don't worry, It's just a little light going out. --------------------------------------- (Cybership) [CYBERMAN 2] Unknown soundwave detected. [CYBERMAN] It is the sound of fear. It is irrelevant. We will remove allfear. [DOCTOR] Alfie, I'm so sorry! Alfie, please, stop. I, I can't help him. [CYBERMAN] Emotions eradicated. Conversion complete. Alert. Emotionalsubsystems rebooting. This is impossible. [DOCTOR] He can hear him. He can hear Alfie. Oh, please, just give methis. Craig, you wanted a chance to prove you're a dad. You are nevergoing to get better one than this. [CYBERMAN] What is happening? [DOCTOR] What's happening, you metal moron? A baby is crying. And you'dbetter watch out, because guess what? Ha ha! Daddy's coming home! [CRAIG] Alfie! Alfie, I'm here! I'm coming for you! [DOCTOR] Yes, Craig. [CRAIG] Alfie! [DOCTOR] Alfie needs you! [CYBERMAN] Emergency. Emotional influx! [DOCTOR] You've triggered a feedback loop into their emotionalinhibitors. All that stuff they cut out of themselves, now they'refeeling it. Which means a very big explosion. [CYBERMAN] Overload. Overload. Overload. [CRAIG] Get it open! We need to get to Alfie! [DOCTOR] They've sealed the ship! [CRAIG] We've got to get out of here! [DOCTOR] I know! [DOCTOR] The teleport! --------------------------------------- (Ladies clothing) [VAL] How did you get in there? [CRAIG] Alfie! [VAL] Here's your daddy. [DOCTOR] That was another review. Ten out of ten. [CRAIG] The Cybermen. They blew up. I blew them up with love. [DOCTOR] No, that's impossible. And also grossly sentimental and oversimplistic. You destroyed them because of the deeply ingrainedhereditary human trait to protect one's own genes, which in turntriggered a, a, a. Yeah. Love. You blew them up with love. --------------------------------------- (Ladies underwear) [DOCTOR] The building should be totally safestructurally, and of course the bonded disillium contained theexplosion. [KELLY] Right. Why you telling me all this? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Shush. [VAL] It suits you. [CRAIG] Thanks. [VAL] Discount applies to partners. [CRAIG] Great. [VAL] Are you two married then? [CRAIG] No, no. We talked about it, but it's just a piece of paper,isn't it? [DOCTOR] Thank you for your help, Val. Good noticing. Keep them peeled. [VAL] I will. I'm glad you two made up for baby's sake. [DOCTOR] Ah. [CRAIG] How do you mean? [VAL] It's nice for baby to have two daddies who love each other. [CRAIG] Wait. Hang on a sec. Two daddies? You think I'm? [VAL] His companion. [CRAIG] Ha ha ha! Doctor? [VAL] Oh. Now where's he rushed off to? [CRAIG] He's gone. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [CRAIG] Who's tidied all this up? --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] See, I do come back. [CRAIG] How did you? [DOCTOR] Time machine. But even with time travel, getting glaziers on aSunday. Tricky. [CRAIG] You went back in time? That means you used up your hours. Whatabout Exedor? [DOCTOR] What about you being in trouble with Sophie when she comesback? I couldn't let that happen. [CRAIG] You used up your time for me? [CRAIG] He calls me dad? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course he does now. Yeah, I know. He's a bit thick,isn't he? [CRAIG] Oi, shut up, you two. [DOCTOR] Well, now it's time. I have to go. [CRAIG] Doctor, I know that something's wrong. I can help you. [DOCTOR] Nobody can help me. I hope Sophie won't mind. I need these. [CRAIG] Where are you going to go? [DOCTOR] America. [CRAIG] Sophie'll be home any second. Are you sure [DOCTOR] I can't miss this appointment, Craig. Goodbye, mate. [CRAIG] Wait there. One second. [CRAIG] From Sean's stag. [DOCTOR] Wow. [CRAIG] You ride 'em, pardner. [DOCTOR] Oh, thanks. [CRAIG] Bye. [CRAIG] Doctor, that will be Sophie arriv --------------------------------------- (Front door) [SOPHIE] Hello, hello, I forgot my keys. [CRAIG] Oh, I've missed you so much. [SOPHIE] I missed you, too. Both of you. Are you wearing a papoose? [CRAIG] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [SOPHIE] Oh, my God, the place is spotless. Hasanything happened? You look different. [CRAIG] Nothing happened. Nothing weird. [SOPHIE] Look at you two, thick as thieves. Who's Daddy's little boythen? [ALFIE] Doctor. [SOPHIE] What? Craig? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [DOCTOR] Well then, old girl. One last trip, eh? [DOCTOR] Hey. I'm the Doctor. I was here to help. And you are very, verywelcome. [BLONDE GIRL [OC]] It was funny. He seemed so happy, but so sad at thesame time. [DARK BOY [OC]] I was just a kid. I thought maybe he was a cowboy on hisway to a gunfight. [GIRL IN SCARF [OC]] I really liked his hat. --------------------------------------- (Study) [KOVARIAN [OC]] Tick tock, goes the clock, and what now shall we play?Tick tock, goes the clock, now summer's gone away. [RIVER] Hello? [KOVARIAN] Such a lovely old song. But is it about him? [RIVER] You know about the Doctor? [KOVARIAN] So very well. Oh, don't try and remember me. We've been fartoo thorough with your dear little head. [RIVER] Oh! What are they? What are those things? [KOVARIAN] Your owners. [RIVER] My what? [KOVARIAN] So, they made you a Doctor today, did they? Doctor RiverSong. How clever you are. You understand what this is, don't you? [RIVER] According to some accounts, it's the day the Doctor dies. [KOVARIAN] By Silencio Lake, on the Plain of Sighs, an ImpossibleAstronaut will rise from the deep and strike the Time Lord dead. [RIVER] It's a story. [KOVARIAN] And this is where it begins. [KOVARIAN] You never really escaped us, Melody Pond. We were alwayscoming for you. [RIVER] How do you know who I am? [KOVARIAN] I made you what you are. The woman who kills the Doctor. [RIVER] No! No! No! [KOVARIAN] Tick tock, goes the clock, and all the years they fly. Ticktock, and all too soon, your love will surely die. [CHILDREN [OC]] Tick tock goes the clock, the cradle now be rocked. Ticktock, goes the clock till River kills the Doctor.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e12", "title": "Closing Time"}
Doctor Who (1 Oct, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - The Wedding of River Song [NEWSMAN [OC]] And it's another beautiful day in London. There arereports of sunspot activity and solar flares causing interferenceacross all radio signals so apologies for that. Pterodactyls fly overchildren playing in Hyde Park.) [GIRL] Guys, look! [BILL TURNBULL [on TV]] So do you think you can top last year'sChristmas Special? [SIAN WILLIAMS [on TV]] And can you tell us anything about it? [DICKENS [on TV]] Well, all I can say now is that it involves ghosts,and the past, the present and future, all at the same time. [SIAN WILLIAMS [on TV]] Ooo, we love a ghost story. [NEWS ANCHOR [on TV]] Crowds lined the Mall today as Holy Roman Emperor,Winston Churchill, returned to the Buckingham Senate on his personalmammoth. --------------------------------------- (Churchill's office) [MALOHKEH] Not too many late nights in Gaul, I hope. [CHURCHILL] Just the one. I had an argument with Cleopatra. Dreadfulwoman. Excellent dancer. [MALOHKEH] I can tell from your blood pressure. [CHURCHILL] What time do you have, doctor? [MALOHKEH] Two minutes past five, Caesar. [CHURCHILL] It's always two minutes past five. Day or night, it's alwaystwo minutes past five in the afternoon. Why is that? [MALOHKEH] Because that is the time, Caesar. [CHURCHILL] And the date. It's always the twenty second of April. Doesit not bother you? [MALOHKEH] The date and the time have always been the same, Caesar. Whyshould it start bothering me now? [CHURCHILL] I want to see the Soothsayer. Where is he? [MALOHKEH] In the Tower, where you threw him the last time. [CHURCHILL] Get him. [CHURCHILL] Leave us. Tick tock goes the clock, as the old song says.But they don't, do they? The clocks never tick. Something has happenedto time. That's what you say. What you never stop saying. All ofhistory is happening at once. But what does that mean? What happened?Explain to me in terms that I can understand what happened to time. [DOCTOR] A woman. --------------------------------------- (Disabled spaceship) [DOCTOR] Imagine you were dying. Imagine you were afraid and a long wayfrom home and in terrible pain. Just when you thought it couldn't getworse, you looked up and saw the face of the devil himself. Hello,Dalek. [DALEK] Emergency. Emergency. Weapon system disabled. Emergency. [DOCTOR] Hush, now. I need some information from your data core.Everything the Daleks know about the Silence. --------------------------------------- (The Docks of Calisto B) [DOCTOR] Gideon Vandaleur. Get him. Now. [BARMAN] Who says he's here? [DOCTOR] Father Gideon Vandaleur, former envoy of the Silence. Mycondolences. [VANDALEUR] Your what? [DOCTOR] Gideon Vandaleur has been dead for six months. [DOCTOR] Can I speak to the Captain, please? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Hello again, the Teselectatime-travelling shape-changing robot powered by miniaturised people.Never get bored of that. Long time since Berlin. [CARTER] Doctor, what have you done to our systems? [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] They'll be fine if you behave. Now, this unitcan disguise itself as anyone in the universe, so if you're posing asVandaleur, you're investigating the Silence. Tell me about them. [CARTER] Tell you what? [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] One thing. Just one. Their weakest link. --------------------------------------- (Calisto B space bar) [DOCTOR] The crowd are getting restless. They know the Queen is youronly legal move, except you've already moved it twelve times, whichmeans there are now over four million volts running through it. That'swhy they call it Live Chess. Even with the gauntlet you'll never makeit to Bishop Four alive. [GANTOK] I am a dead man, unless you concede the game. [DOCTOR] But I'm winning. [GANTOK] Name your price. [DOCTOR] Information. [GANTOK] I work for the Silence. They would kill me. [DOCTOR] They're going to kill me too, very soon. I was just going tolie down and take it, but you know what? Before I go, I'd like to knowwhy I have to die. [GANTOK] Dorium Maldovar is the only one who can help you. [DOCTOR] Dorium's dead. The Monks beheaded him at Demon's Run. [GANTOK] I know. Concede the game, Doctor, and I'll take you to him. --------------------------------------- (Charnel house) [GANTOK] The Seventh Transept, where the Headless Monks keep theleftovers. Watch your step. There are traps everywhere. [DOCTOR] I hate rats. [GANTOK] There are no rats in the transept. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. [GANTOK] The skulls eat them. [GANTOK] The headless monks behead you alive, remember. [DOCTOR] Why are some of them in boxes? [GANTOK] Because some people are rich, and some people are left to rot.And Dorium Maldovar was always very rich. [DOCTOR] Thank you for bringing me, Gantok. [GANTOK] My pleasure. It saves me the trouble of burying you. Nobodybeats me at chess. [DOCTOR] Gantok! [DORIUM] Hello? Is someone there? Ah, Doctor. Thank God it's you. TheMonks, they turned on me. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid they rather did, a bit. [DORIUM] Give it to me straight, Doctor. How bad are my injuries? [DOCTOR] Well [DORIUM] Ha, ha! Oh, your face. --------------------------------------- (Churchill's office) [CHURCHILL] This is absurd. Other worlds,carnivorous skulls, talking heads. I don't know why I'm listening toyou. [DOCTOR] Because, in another reality, you and I are friends. And yousense that. Just as you sense there is something wrong with time. [CHURCHILL] You mentioned a woman. [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm getting to her. [CHURCHILL] What's she like? Attractive, I assume. [DOCTOR] Hell, in high heels. [CHURCHILL] Tell me more. --------------------------------------- (Charnel house) [DORIUM] Oh, it's not so bad, really, as long asthey get your box the right way up. I got a media-chip fitted in myhead years ago, and the Wi-Fi down here is excellent, so I keep myselfentertained. [DOCTOR] I need to know about the Silence. [DORIUM] Oh. A religious order of great power and discretion. Thesentinels of history, as they like to call themselves. [DOCTOR] And they want me dead. [DORIUM] No, not really. They just don't want you to remain alive. [DOCTOR] That's okay, then. I was a bit worried for a minute there. [DORIUM] You're a man with a long and dangerous past, but your future isinfinitely more terrifying. The Silence believe it must be averted. [DOCTOR] You know, you could've told me all this the last time we met. [DORIUM] It was a busy day and I got beheaded. [DOCTOR] What's so dangerous about my future? [DORIUM] On the Fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, whenno living creature can speak falsely, or fail to answer, a questionwill be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered. [DOCTOR] Silence will fall when the question is asked. [DORIUM] Silence must fall would be a better translation. The Silenceare determined the question will never be answered. That the Doctorwill never reach Trenzalore. [DOCTOR] I don't understand. What's it got to do with me? [DORIUM] The first question. The oldest question in the universe, hiddenin plain sight. Would you like to know what it is? [DOCTOR] Yes. [DORIUM] Are you sure? Very, very sure? [DOCTOR] Of course. [DORIUM] Then I shall tell you. But on your own head be it. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DORIUM [in box]] It's not my fault. Put me back.Ow! I've fallen on my nose. Have you got wi-fi here? I'm bored alreadyand my nose is hurting. We all have to die, Doctor, but you more thanmost. You do see that, don't you? You know what the question is now.You do see that you have to die. --------------------------------------- (Senate room) [CHURCHILL] But what was the question? Why did itmean your death? [DOCTOR] Suppose there was a man who knew a secret. A terrible,dangerous secret that must never be told. How would you erase thatsecret from the world? Destroy it forever, before it can be spoken. [CHURCHILL] If I had to, I'd destroy the man. [DOCTOR] And silence would fall. All the times I've heard those words, Inever realised it was my silence, my death. The Doctor will fall. Whyare we here? [CHURCHILL] This, this is the Senate Room. [DOCTOR] Why did we leave your office? [CHURCHILL] Well, we wanted a stroll, didn't we? [DOCTOR] I think I've been running. Why do you have your revolver? [CHURCHILL] Well, you're dangerous company, Soothsayer. [DOCTOR] Yes. I think I am. [CHURCHILL] Resume your story. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DORIUM [in box]] Doctor, please, open my hatch.I've got an awful headache. Which to be honest means more than it usedto. It's like some terrible weight pressing down on my [DORIUM] Oh. I see. [DOCTOR] Why Lake Silencio? Why Utah? [DORIUM] It's a still point in time. Makes it easier to create a fixedpoint. And your death is a fixed point, Doctor. You can't run away fromthis. [DOCTOR] Been running all my life. Why should I stop? [DORIUM] Because now you know what's at stake. Why your life must end. [DOCTOR] Not today. [DORIUM] What's the point in delaying? How long have you delayedalready? [DOCTOR] Been knocking about. A bit of a farewell tour. Things to do,people to see. There's always more. I could invent a new colour, savethe Dodo, join the Beatles. Hello, it's me. Get him. Tell him, we'regoing out and it's all on me, except for the money and driving. I havegot a time machine, Dorium. It's all still going on. For me, it neverstops. Liz the First is still waiting in a glade to elope with me. Icould help Rose Tyler with her homework. I could go on all of Jack'sstag parties in one night. [DORIUM] Time catches up with us all, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, it has never laid a glove on me! Hello? --------------------------------------- (Nursing home) [NURSE] Doctor, I'm so sorry. We didn't know how tocontact you. I'm afraid Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart passed away --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NURSE [OC]] a few months ago. Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I [NURSE [OC]] It was very peaceful. He talked a lot about you, if that'sany comfort. Always made us pour an extra brandy in case you came roundone of these days. [DORIUM] Doctor? What's wrong? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Nothing. It's just. [DOCTOR] It's time. It's time. --------------------------------------- (Calisto B space bar) [VANDALEUR] Surely you could deliver the messagesyourself? [DOCTOR] It would involve crossing my own time stream. Best not. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] According to our files, this is the end foryou. Your final journey. We'll deliver your messages. You can depend onus. [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Calisto B space bar) [VANDALEUR] Doctor, whatever you think of theTeselecta, we are champions of law and order just as you have alwaysbeen. Is there nothing else we can do? --------------------------------------- (Senate room) [CHURCHILL] Why would you do this? [CHURCHILL] Of all the things you've told me, this I find hardest tobelieve. Why would you invite your friends to see your death? [DOCTOR] I had to die. I didn't have to die alone. --------------------------------------- (Road) [AMY] Doctor! [DOCTOR [OC]] Amy and Rory. The last Centurion and the girl who waited.However dark it got, I'd turn around, and there they'd be. --------------------------------------- (Senate room) [DOCTOR] If it's time to go, remember what you'releaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me. [CHURCHILL] And did you tell them this was going to happen? [DOCTOR] It would help if you didn't keep asking questions. [DOCTOR] (sotto) We don't have much time. --------------------------------------- (Road) [CHURCHILL [OC]] And this woman you spoke of. Did you invite her? [RIVER] Hello, sweetie. [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, she was there. River Song came twice. --------------------------------------- (Lakeside) [DOCTOR] Napoleon gave me this bottle. Well, I say gave. Threw. Salud! [ALL] Salud! [RORY] So, when are we going to 1969? [DOCTOR [OC]] Everything was in place. I only had to do one more thing.I only had to die. [RIVER] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] You all need to stay back. Whatever happens now, you do notinterfere. [RORY] That's an astronaut. That's an Apollo astronaut in the lake. [DOCTOR] Well, then. Here we are at last. [RIVER] I can't stop it. The suit's in control. [DOCTOR] You're not supposed to. This has to happen. [RIVER] Run. [DOCTOR] I did run. Running brought me here. [RIVER] I'm trying to fight it, but I can't. It's too strong. [DOCTOR] I know. It's okay. This is where I die. This is a fixed point.This must happen. This always happens. Don't worry. You won't evenremember this. Look over there. [RIVER] That's me. How can I be there? [DOCTOR] That's you from the future, serving time for a murder youprobably can't remember. My murder. [RIVER] Why would you do that? Make me watch? [DOCTOR] So that you know this is inevitable. And you are forgiven.Always and completely forgiven. [RIVER] Please, my love, please, please just run! [DOCTOR] I can't. [RIVER] Time can be rewritten. [DOCTOR] Don't you dare. Goodbye, River. [RIVER] Hello, Sweetie. [DOCTOR] What have you done? [RIVER] Well, I think I just drained my weapon systems. [DOCTOR] But this is fixed. This is a fixed point in time. [RIVER] Fixed points can be rewritten. [DOCTOR] No, they can't. Of course they can't. Who told you that --------------------------------------- (Senate room) [CHURCHILL] Well? What happened? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [CHURCHILL] Nothing? [DOCTOR] Nothing happened. And then it kept happening. Or, if you'dprefer, everything happened at once, and it won't ever stop. Time isdying. It's going to be five oh two in the afternoon for all eternity.A needle stuck on a record. [CHURCHILL] A record? Good Lord, man, have you never heard of downloads? [DOCTOR] Said Winston Churchill. [CHURCHILL] Gunsmoke. That's gunsmoke. Oh, I appear to have fired this. [DOCTOR] We seem to be defending ourselves. [CHURCHILL] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] The creatures that lead the Silence. Remarkable beings. They'rememory-proof. [CHURCHILL] But what does that mean? [DOCTOR] You can't remember them. The moment you look away, you forgetthey were ever there. [DOCTOR] Don't panic. In small numbers, they're not too difficult. [SOLDIER] Go! Go! Go! Keep the Silence in sight at all times, keep youreye drives active. [CHURCHILL] Who the devil are you? Identify yourselves. [AMY] Pond. Amelia Pond. [DOCTOR] No! She's on our side. It's okay. [DOCTOR] No. No, Amy. Amy, why are you wearing that? --------------------------------------- (Railway carriage) [NEWSMAN [OC]] The Government has again apologised for extensive radiointerference caused by solar flare and sun spot activity. [DOCTOR] Amy? [AMY] Those stun guns aren't fun. I'm sorry. I wanted to avoid a longconversation. You need to get up, though. We'll be in Cairo shortly. [DOCTOR] Amy Pond. Amelia Pond from Leadworth, please, listen to me. Iknow it seems impossible, but you know me. In another version ofreality you and I were best friends. We, we travelled together. We hadadventures. Amelia Pond, you grew up with a time rift in the wall ofyour bedroom. You can see what others can't. You can remember thingsthat never happened. And if you try, if you really, really try, you'llbe able to [DOCTOR] Oh. [DOCTOR] Oh. [AMY] You look rubbish. [DOCTOR] You look wonderful. [AMY] So do you. But don't worry, we'll soon fix that. [DOCTOR] Oh, Geronimo. [DOCTOR] Okay, you can turn round now. How do I look? [AMY] Cool. [DOCTOR] Really? [AMY] No. [DOCTOR] Cool office though. Why do you have an office?! Are you aspecial agent boss lady? What's that mean? Not sure about the eyepatch, though. [AMY] It's not an eye patch. Time's gone wrong. Some of us noticed.There's a whole team of us working on it, you'll see. [DOCTOR] And you've got an office on a train. That is so cool. Can Ihave an office? Never had an office before. Or a train. Or a trainslash office. [AMY] God, I've missed you! [DOCTOR] Okay. Hugging and missing now. Where's the Roman? [AMY] You mean Rory. [DOCTOR] Mmm. [AMY] My husband Rory, yeah? [AMY] That's him, isn't it? I've no idea. I can't find him, but I lovehim very much, don't I? [DOCTOR] Apparently. [AMY] I have to keep doing this, writing and drawing things. It's justit's so hard to keep remembering. [DOCTOR] Well, it's not your fault. Time's gone wrong. Do you rememberwhy? [AMY] The lakeside. [DOCTOR] Lake Silencio, Utah. I died. [AMY] But then you didn't. See, I remember it twice, different ways. [DOCTOR] Two different versions of the same event, both happening in thesame moment. Time split wide open. Now look at it. All of historyhappening at once. [AMY] But does it matter? I mean, can't we just stay like this? [DOCTOR] Time isn't just frozen, it's disintegrating. It will spread andspread and all of reality will simply fall apart. [RORY] Ma'am? We're about to arrive. Eye drives need to be activated assoon as we disembark. [AMY] Good point. Thank you, Captain Williams. [DOCTOR] Hello. [RORY] Hello, sir. Pleased to meet you. [AMY] Captain Williams, best of the best. Couldn't live without him. [DOCTOR] No. [AMY] What is wrong? [DOCTOR] Amy, you'll find your Rory. You always do. But you have toreally look. [AMY] I am looking. [DOCTOR] Oh, my Amelia Pond. You don't always look hard enough. [AMY] Why are you older? If time isn't really passing, then how can yoube ageing? [DOCTOR] Time is still passing for me. Every explosion has an epicentre.I'm it. I'm what's wrong. [AMY] What's wrong with you? [DOCTOR] I'm still alive. --------------------------------------- (Storage area) [RORY] You have to put it on, sir. [DOCTOR] An eye patch. What for? [AMY] It's not an eye patch. [RORY] It's an eye drive, sir. It communicates directly with the memorycentres of the brain. Acts as external storage. [AMY] Only thing that works on them. Because no living mind can rememberthese things. [RORY] The Silence. [RORY] We've captured over a hundred of them now, all held in thispyramid. [DOCTOR] Yeah. I've encountered them before. Always wondered what theylooked like. [AMY] Well, put your eye drive on and you'll retain the information, butonly for as long as you're wearing it. [DOCTOR] The Silence have human servants. They all wear these. [AMY] They'd have to. [RORY] This way. [RORY] They seem to be noticing you. [DOCTOR] Yeah, they would. [AMY] So why aren't the human race killing the Silence on sight anymore? [DOCTOR] That was another reality. What are the tanks for? [RORY] They can draw electricity from anything. It's how they attack.The fluid insulates them. And I really don't like the way they'relooking at you. [DOCTOR] Me neither. [RORY] Ma'am, I'm sure it's nothing, but I should really check this out.They haven't been this active in a while. You two, upstairs. Check allthe tank seals. Then the floors above. Get everyone checking. [SOLDIER] Sir. [RORY] You go ahead, Ma'am. [AMY] Thank you, Captain Williams. Doctor, this way. [DOCTOR] Captain Williams, nice fellow. What's his first name? [AMY] Captain. Just through here. [DOCTOR] Just give us a moment. Just need to check something, Ma'am. [AMY] We're in. He's on his way. [DOCTOR] The loyal soldier, waiting to be noticed. Always the pattern.Why is that? [RORY] Sorry, sir? [DOCTOR] Your boss, you should just ask her out. She likes you. She saidso. [RORY] Really, sir. What did she say? [DOCTOR] Oh, she just sort of generally indicated. [RORY] What exactly what did she say? [DOCTOR] She said that you were a Mister Hottie-ness, and that she wouldlike to go out with you for texting and scones. [RORY] You really haven't done this before, have you? [DOCTOR] No, I haven't. [RORY] See you in a moment, sir. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. [AMY] Come on, Doctor. Time for you to meet some old friends. [RORY] Attention all personnel. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [RORY [OC]] Attention all personnel. Please checkall assigned containment units. [KENT] You were right. Just his presence in the building caused the loopto extend by nearly four chronons. [DOCTOR] Hi, honey. I'm home. [RIVER] And what sort of time do you call this? [KOVARIAN] The death of time. The end of time. The end of us all. Oh,why couldn't you just die? [DOCTOR] Did my best, dear. I showed up. You just can't get thepsychopaths these days. Love what you've done with the pyramids. Howdid you score all this? [RIVER] Hallucinogenic lipstick. Works wonders on President Kennedy. AndCleopatra was a real pushover. [DOCTOR] I always thought so. [RIVER] She mentioned you. [DOCTOR] What did she say? [RIVER] Put down that gun down. [DOCTOR] Did you? [RIVER] Eventually. [KOVARIAN] Oh, they're flirting. Do I have to watch this? [RIVER] It was such a basic mistake, wasn't it, Madame Kovarian. Take achild, raise her into a perfect psychopath, introduce her to theDoctor. Who else was I going to fall in love with? [DOCTOR] It's not funny, River. Reality is fatally compromised. Tell meyou understand that. [RIVER] Dinner? [DOCTOR] I don't have the time. Nobody has the time, because as long I'malive, time is dying. Because of you, River. [RIVER] Because I refused to kill the man I love. [DOCTOR] Oh, you love me, do you? Oh, that's sweet of you. Isn't thatsweet. Come here, you. [AMY] Get him! [RIVER] I'm not a fool, sweetie. I know what happens if we touch. [RIVER] Get off me. Get him off me! Doctor, no. Let go! Please Doctor,let go! [WOMAN] It's moving. Time's moving! [RIVER] Get him off me! Doctor! [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, River. It's the only way. [RIVER] Cuff him. [DOCTOR] Oh, why do you always have handcuffs? It's the only way. We'rethe opposite poles of the disruption. If we touch, we short out thedifferential. Time can begin again. [RIVER] And I'll be by a lakeside killing you. [DOCTOR] And time won't fall apart. The clocks will tick. Reality willcontinue. There isn't another way. [RIVER] I didn't say there was, sweetie. [RIVER] There are so many theories about you and I, you know. [DOCTOR] Idle gossip. [RIVER] Archaeology. [DOCTOR] Same thing. [RIVER] Am I the woman who marries you, or the woman who murders you? [DOCTOR] I don't want to marry you. [RIVER] I don't want to murder you. [DOCTOR] This is no fun at all. [RIVER] It isn't, is it? [AMY] Doctor, what's that? [DOCTOR] The pyramid above us. How many Silence do you have trappedinside it? [KOVARIAN] None. They're not trapped. They never have been. They've beenwaiting for this, Doctor. For you. [RORY] They're out! All of them. [RORY] No one gets in here! Ma'am, my men out there should be able tolock this down. We have them outnumbered. [KOVARIAN] And you're wearing eye drives based on mine, I think. Oops. [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [AMY] She's dead. [DOCTOR] Eye drives off now. Remove them. [KOVARIAN] The Silence would never allow an advantage without taking onethemselves. The effects will vary from person to person. Either deathor debilitating agony. But they will take you all, one by one. [KOVARIAN] What are you doing? No, it's me. Don't be stupid. You needme. Stop it. Stop that! [DOCTOR] We could stop this right now, you and I. [KOVARIAN] Get it off me. [DOCTOR] Amy, tell her. [AMY] We've been working on something. Just let us show you. [DOCTOR] There's no point. There's nothing you can do. My time is up. [AMY] We're doing this for you! [DOCTOR] Then people are dying for me. I won't thank you for that,Amelia Pond. [KOVARIAN] Get it [RIVER] Just let us show you. [AMY] Please. Captain Williams, how long do we have? [RORY] Er, a couple of minutes. [RIVER] That's enough. We're going to the Receptor Room right at the topof the pyramid. I hope you're ready for a climb. [RORY] I'll wait down here, Ma'am. Buy you as much time as I can. [AMY] You have to take your eye drive off. [RORY] Can't do that, Ma'am. Might forget what's coming. [AMY] But it could activate any second. [RORY] It has activated, Ma'am. But I'm of no use to you if I can'tremember. You have to go now, Ma'am. [AMY] Yes. [RORY] Now! [AMY] Yes, thank you, Captain Williams. [SILENCE] Rory Williams, the man who dies and dies again. Die one lasttime and know she will never come back for you. [AMY] Come on, you. Up you get. You all right? [KOVARIAN] Amy, help me. [AMY] You took my baby from me and hurt her. And now she's all grown upand she's fine, but I'll never see my baby again. [KOVARIAN] But you'll still save me, though. Because he would, and you'dnever do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor. [RORY] Ma'am, we have to go, now. [AMY] The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right. But do you knowwhat else he is, Madame Kovarian? Not here. [AMY] River Song didn't get it all from you, sweetie. [AMY] So, you and me, we should get a drink some time. [RORY] Okay. [AMY] And married. [RORY] Fine. --------------------------------------- (Receptor room) [DOCTOR] What's this? Oh, it's as timey-wimey distress beacon. Who builtthis? [RIVER] I'm the child of the Tardis. I understand the physics. [DOCTOR] But that's all you've got, a distress beacon. [RIVER] I've been sending out a message. A distress call. Outside thebubble of our time, the universe is still turning, and I've sent amessage everywhere. To the future and the past, the beginning and theend of everything. The Doctor is dying. Please, please help. [DOCTOR] River! River, this is ridiculous. That would mean nothing toanyone. It's insane. Worse, it's stupid. You embarrass me. [AMY] We barricaded the door. We've got a few minutes. Just tell him.Just tell him, River. [RIVER] Those reports of the sun spots and the solar flares. They'rewrong. There aren't any. It's not the sun, it's you. The sky is full ofa million, million voices saying yes, of course we'll help. You'vetouched so many lives, saved so many people. Did you think when yourtime came, you'd really have to do more than just ask? You've decidedthat the universe is better off without you, but the universe doesn'tagree. [DOCTOR] River, no one can help me. A fixed point has been altered. Timeis disintegrating. [RIVER] I can't let you die. [DOCTOR] But I have to die. [RIVER] Shut up! I can't let you die without knowing you are loved by somany, and so much, and by no one more than me. [DOCTOR] River, you and I, we know what this means. We are ground zeroof an explosion that will engulf all reality. Billions on billions willsuffer and die. [RIVER] I'll suffer if I have to kill you. [DOCTOR] More than every living thing in the universe? [RIVER] Yes. [DOCTOR] River, River, why do you had have to be this? Melody Pond, yourdaughter. I hope you're both proud. [RORY] I'm not sure I completely understand. [AMY] We got married and had a kid and that's her. [RORY] Okay. [DOCTOR] Amy, uncuff me now. Okay, I need a strip of cloth about a footlong. Anything will do. Never mind. [DOCTOR] River, take one end of this. Wrap it around your hand, and holdit out to me. [RIVER] What am I doing? [DOCTOR] As you're told. Now, we're in the middle of a combat zone, sowe'll have to do the quick version. Captain Williams, say I consent andgladly give. [RORY] To what? [DOCTOR] Just say it. Please. [RORY] I consent and gladly give. [DOCTOR] Need you to say it too, mother of the bride. [AMY] I consent and gladly give. [DOCTOR] Now River, I'm about to whisper something in your ear, and youhave to remember it very, very carefully, and tell no one what I said. [DOCTOR] I just told you my name. Now, there you go, River Song. MelodyPond. You're the woman who married me. And wife, I have a request. Thisworld is dying and it's my fault, and I can't bear it another day.Please, help me. There isn't another way. [RIVER] Then you may kiss the bride. [DOCTOR] I'll make it a good one. [RIVER] You'd better. [DOCTOR [OC]] And you are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. [CHILDREN [OC]] Tick tock goes the clock, he gave all he could give.Tick tock goes the clock, now prison waits for River.) --------------------------------------- (Garden) [AMY] Heard there was a freak meteor shower two miles away, so I got usa bottle. [RIVER] Thank you, dear. [AMY] So where are we? [RIVER] I just climbed out of the Byzantium. You were there. So young.Didn't have a clue who I was. You're funny like that. Where are you? [AMY] The Doctor's dead. [RIVER] How are you doing? [AMY] How do you think? [RIVER] Well, I don't know unless you tell me. [AMY] I killed someone. Madame Kovarian, in cold blood. [RIVER] In an aborted time line, in a world that never was. [AMY] Yeah, but I can remember it, so it happened, so I did it. Whatdoes that make me now? I need to talk to the Doctor, but I can't now,can I? [RIVER] If you could talk to him, would it make a difference? [AMY] But he's dead, so, so I can't. [RIVER] Oh, Mother, of course he isn't. [AMY] Not for you, I suppose. You're seeing the younger versions of himrunning around, having adventures. [RIVER] Yeah, I am. But that's not what I mean. [AMY] Then what do you mean? [RIVER] Okay. I'm going to tell you what I probably shouldn't. TheDoctor's last secret. Don't you want to know what he whispered in myear? [AMY] He whispered his name. [RIVER] Not his name, no. [AMY] Yes, it was. He said it was. [RIVER] Rule One? [AMY] The Doctor lies. [RIVER] So do I, all the time. Have to. Spoilers. Pretending I don'tknow you're my mother, pretending I don't recognise a space suit inFlorida. [AMY] What did he whisper in your ear? [RIVER] Oh, that man. He's always one step ahead of everyone. Always aplan. [AMY] River, what did he tell you? River. [RORY] Hey. What? [AMY] He's not dead. He's not dead. [RORY] Are you sure, River? Are you really, properly sure? [RIVER] Of course I'm sure. I'm his wife. [AMY] Yes! And I'm his (pause) mother in law. [RIVER] Father dear, I think Mummy might need another drink. [RORY] Yes. Yes. --------------------------------------- (Charnel house) [DORIUM [OC]] Who's carrying me? I demand to know. I'm a head, I haverights. I want my doors open this time. I demand that my doors areopen. [DORIUM] Is it you? It is, isn't it. It is you, I can sense it. But howdid you do it? How could you possibly have escaped? --------------------------------------- (Calisto B space bar) [CARTER [memory]] Is there nothing else we can do? [DOCTOR] Actually, thinking about it --------------------------------------- (Receptor room) [DOCTOR] Look into my eye. --------------------------------------- (Charnel house) [DOCTOR] The Teselecta. A Doctor in a Doctor suit. Time said I had to beon that beach, so I dressed for the occasion. Barely got singed in thatboat. [DORIUM] So you're going to do this? Let them all think you're dead? [DOCTOR] It's the only way, then they can all forget me. I got too big,Dorium. Too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows. [DORIUM] And Doctor Song, in prison all her days? [DOCTOR] Her days, yes. Her nights? Well, that's between her and me, eh? [DORIUM] So many secrets, Doctor. I'll help you keep them, of course. [DOCTOR] Well, you're not exactly going anywhere, are you? [DORIUM] But you're a fool nonetheless. It's all still waiting for you.The fields of Trenzalore, the fall of the Eleventh, and the question. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Dorium. [DORIUM] The first question. The question that must never be answered,hidden in plain sight. The question you've been running from all yourlife. Doctor who? Doctor who? Doctor Who.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e13", "title": "The Wedding of River Song"}
Doctor Who (30 Apr, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - Day of the Moon [CANTON] Suspect directly ahead. Coming to you now. Over. [AMY] Canton. [CANTON] Miss Pond. [AMY] Is that a body bag? [CANTON] Yes, it is. [AMY] It's empty. [CANTON] How about that? [AMY] Do you even know why you're doing this, eh? Can you even rememberthe warehouse? --------------------------------------- (Warehouse memory) [DOCTOR] Canton. Amy. Amy! [RORY] River, come on! [DOCTOR] Run! [CANTON] What the hell's going on? [DOCTOR] Look behind you. [CANTON] There's nothing behind me. [DOCTOR] Look. Look. Canton, look, I tell you. [SILENCE] Canton. --------------------------------------- (Area 51, Nevada) [TANNOY] All visitors to remain behind the yellow line. All visitors toremain behind the yellow line. [CANTON] We found Amy Pond. She had strange markings on her arm. Do youknow what they are? [DOCTOR] Why don't you ask her? --------------------------------------- (New York) [RIVER] I see you. I see you. [CANTON] Doctor Song? Doctor Song? Go! Go! Go! [CANTON] Don't move! It's over. [RIVER] They're here, Canton. They're everywhere. [CANTON] I know. America's being invaded. [RIVER] You were invaded a long time ago. America is occupied. [CANTON] You're coming with us, Doctor Song. There's no way out thistime. [RIVER] There's always a way out. --------------------------------------- (Area 51) [CANTON] We found Doctor Song. [DOCTOR] These bricks, what are they made of? Where is she? [CANTON] She ran. Off the fiftieth floor. [DOCTOR] I'd say zero balance dwarf star alloy. The densest material inthe universe. Nothing gets through that. You're building me the perfectprison. And it still won't be enough. --------------------------------------- (Glen Canyon Dam - Arizona) [RORY] What are you waiting for? [CANTON] I'm waiting for you to run. It'd look better if I shot youwhile you're running. Then again, looks aren't everything. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [DOCTOR] Is there a reason you're doing this? [CANTON] I want you to know where you stand. [DOCTOR] In a cell. [CANTON] In the perfect cell. Nothing can penetrate these walls. Not asound, not a radio wave, not the tiniest particle of anything. [CANTON] In here, you're literally cut off from the rest of theuniverse. So I guess they can't hear us, right? [DOCTOR] Good work, Canton. Door sealed? [CANTON] You bet. [DOCTOR] Are you okay? [AMY] Finally. [RORY] These things could really do with air holes. [CANTON] Never had a complaint before. [AMY] Isn't it going to look odd that you're staying in here with us? [CANTON] Odd, but not alarming. They know there's no way out of thisplace. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Whatever they might think we're doing in here, theyknow we're not going anywhere. [DOCTOR] Shall we? [CANTON] What about Doctor Song? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CANTON] She dove off a rooftop. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. She does that. Amy, Rory, open all the doors tothe swimming pool. [DOCTOR] So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, anoccupying force, and they 'have been here a very, very long time. Butnobody knows that, because no one can remember them. [CANTON] So what are they up to? [DOCTOR] No idea. But the good news is, we've got a secret weapon. --------------------------------------- (Kennedy Space Centre) [RIVER] Apollo 11's your secret weapon? [DOCTOR] No, no. It's not Apollo 11. That would be silly. It's NeilArmstrong's foot. --------------------------------------- (Car) [RADIO [OC]] In just a few days, mankind will set foot on the Moon forthe first time. Today, the President reaffirmed America's commitment [CANTON] Ready. Check. [AMY] Clear. [CANTON] Clear. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CANTON] Ow! [DOCTOR] Ha. So, three months. What have we found out? [RORY] Well, they are everywhere. Every state in America. Ahh. [DOCTOR] Not just America, the entire world. [RIVER] There's a greater concentration here, though. [AMY] Ow! [DOCTOR] Are you okay? [AMY] All better. [DOCTOR] Better? [AMY] Turns out I was wrong. I'm not pregnant. [RORY] What's up? [AMY] Nothing. Really, nothing. Seriously. [CANTON] So you've seen them, but you don't remember them. [RIVER] You've seen them, too. That night at the warehouse, remember?While you were pretending to hunt us down, we saw hundreds of thosethings. We still don't know what they look like. [RORY] It's like they edit themselves out of your memory as soon as youlook away. The exact second you're not looking at them, you can'tremember anything. [AMY] Sometimes you feel a bit sick, though, but not always. [CANTON] So that's why you marked your skin. [AMY] Only way we'd know if we'd had an encounter. [CANTON] How long have they been here? [AMY] That's what we've spent the last three months trying to find out. [RORY] Not easy, if you can't remember anything you discover. [CANTON] How long do you think? [DOCTOR] As long as there's been something in the corner of your eye, orcreaking in your house, or breathing under your bed, or voices througha wall. They've been running your lives for a very long time now, sokeep this straight in your head. We are not fighting an alien invasion,we're leading a revolution. And today, the battle begins. [CANTON] How? [DOCTOR] Like this. [RIVER] Ow! [DOCTOR] (laughs) Nanorecorder. Fuses with the cartilage in your hand.(injects himself) Ow. And it tunes itself directly to the speechcentres in your brain. It'll pick up your voice, no matter what.Telepathic connection. So, the moment you see one of the creatures, youactivate it, and describe aloud exactly what you're seeing. [DOCTOR] [OC] [DOCTOR] Because the moment you break contact, you're going to forget ithappened. The light will flash if you've left yourself a message. Youkeep checking your hand if you've had an encounter. That's the firstyou'll know about it. [CANTON] Why didn't you tell me this before we started? [DOCTOR] I did, but even information about these creatures erases itselfover time. I couldn't refresh it because I couldn't talk to you. [CANTON] What? What are you staring at? [RIVER] Look at your hand. [CANTON] Why is it doing that? [DOCTOR] What does it mean if the light's flashing? What did I just tellyou? [CANTON] I haven't [DOCTOR] Play it. [CANTON [OC]] My God, how did it get in here? [DOCTOR [OC]] Keep eye contact with the creature and, when I say, turnback, and when you do, straighten my bow tie. [CANTON [OC]] What? What are you staring at? [RIVER [OC]] Look at your hand. [DOCTOR] It's a hologram, extrapolated from the photo on Amy's phone.Take a good, long look. [DOCTOR] You just saw an image of one of the creatures we're fighting.Describe it to me. [CANTON] I can't. [DOCTOR] No. Neither can I. You straightened my bow tie because Iplanted the idea in your head while you were looking at the creature. [AMY] So they could do that to people. You could be doing stuff and notreally knowing why you're doing it. [RORY] Like posthypnotic suggestion. [AMY] Ruling the world with posthypnotic suggestion? [DOCTOR] Now then, a little girl in a spacesuit. They got the suit fromNASA, but where did they get the girl? [CANTON] It could be anywhere. [DOCTOR] Except they'd probably stay close to that warehouse, becausewhy bother doing anything else? And they'd take her from somewhere thatwould cause the least amount of attention. But you'll have to find her.I'm off to NASA. [CANTON] Find her? Where do we look? [DOCTOR] Children's homes. --------------------------------------- (Greystark Hall Orphanage) [RENFREW] Hello? [CANTON] FBI. You must be Doctor Renfrew. Can we come in? [RENFREW] The children are asleep. [AMY] We'll be very quiet. [RENFREW] Is there a problem? [CANTON] It's about a missing child. [RENFREW] What are you. Yes, come in, please. This way. Please excusethe writing. It keeps happening. I try to clean it up. [AMY] It's the kids, yeah? They did that. [RENFREW] Yes, the children. It must be, yes. Anyway, my office is thisway. [CANTON] We nearly didn't come to this place. I understood GraystarkHall was closed in 67. [RENFREW] That's the plan, yes. [AMY] The plan? [RENFREW] Not long now. [CANTON] It's 1969. [RENFREW] No, no. We close in 67. That's the plan, yes. [CANTON] You misunderstood me, sir. It's 1969 now. [RENFREW] Why are you saying that? Of course it isn't. [CANTON] July. [RENFREW] My office is this way. This way. [AMY] I'll check upstairs. [CANTON] Be careful. --------------------------------------- (Apollo 11) [DOCTOR] Amy. --------------------------------------- (Dormitory) [AMY] I think we've found the place she was takenfrom. --------------------------------------- (Apollo 11) [DOCTOR] How do you know? [AMY] Because those things have been here. But the whole place isdeserted. --------------------------------------- (Dormitory) [AMY] There's just one guy here and I think he'slost it. --------------------------------------- (Apollo 11) [DOCTOR] Repeated memory wipes fry your headeventually. Find out what you can, but don't hang around. --------------------------------------- (Dormitory) [AMY] Where are you? --------------------------------------- (Apollo 11) [DOCTOR] Got to go. Got company. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, I've put everything back the way I found it.Except this. There's always a bit left over, isn't there? --------------------------------------- (Dormitory) [AMY [OC]] I can see them, but I think they're asleep. Get out. Just getout! --------------------------------------- (Lecture hall) [GARDNER] Now, one more time, sir. How the hell did you get into thecommand module? [DOCTOR] I told you. I'm on a top secret mission for the President. [GARDNER] Well, maybe if you just get President Nixon to assure us ofthat, sir, that would be swell. [DOCTOR] I sent him a message. [NIXON] Hello. I believe it's Mister Gardner. Is that correct? Head ofSecurity? [GARDNER] Er, yes sir. Yes, Mister President. [NIXON] Mister Grant, is it? [GRANT] Yes, Mister President. [NIXON] The hopes and dreams of millions of Americans stand here todayat Cape Kennedy, and you're the men who guard those dreams. On behalfof the American people, I thank you. [GARDNER] You're welcome, Mister President. [NIXON] I understand you have a baby on the way, Mister Grant. [GRANT] Yes, Mister President. [NIXON] What are you hoping for, a boy or a girl? [GRANT] Just a healthy American, sir. [NIXON] A healthy American will do just nicely. Now, fellows, listen.This man, here, code name the Doctor, is doing some work for mepersonally. Could you cut him a little slack? [GARDNER] Er, Mister President, he did break in to Apollo 11. [DOCTOR] (silent) Sorry. [NIXON] Well, I'm sure he had a very good reason for that. But I needyou to release him now so he can get on with some very important workfor the American people. Could you do that for me? [GRANT] Well [NIXON] Son, I am your Commander in Chief. [GARDNER] Then I guess that would be fine, Mister President. [NIXON] Glad to hear it. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Bye, bye. [NIXON] Carry on, gentlemen. [RORY] Ahem. America salutes you. --------------------------------------- (Renfrew's office) [CANTON] This place, it's been closed for years.What have you been doing? [RENFREW] Oh, the child. She must be cared for. It's important. That'swhat they said. [CANTON] That's what who said? --------------------------------------- (Attic corridor) [AMY] Hello. Who are you? [EYE PATCH LADY] No, I think she's just dreaming. [AMY] Hello? I saw you looking through the hatch. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [AMY] How? How can that be me? [AMY] Who are you? I don't understand, so just tell me who you are. [AMY] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shoot you. I'm glad I missed. But youkilled the Doctor. Or you're going to kill him. But who are you? Justplease tell me, because I don't understand. [GIRL] Please help me. Help me. Please. --------------------------------------- (Renfrew's office) [RENFREW] It's just some questions. Yes, I see. [CANTON] Who was that? Doctor Renfrew. Who was that? [RENFREW] Who was who? [CANTON] What are you? You can tell me, because I won't remember. Youinvaded us. You're everywhere. [AMY [OC]] Help me! Please. I can't see. Somebody, help me. [CANTON] Are you armed? [SILENCE] This world is ours. We have ruled it since the wheel and thefire. We have no need of weapons. [CANTON] Yeah? [CANTON] Welcome to America. Amy! --------------------------------------- (Oval office) [DOCTOR] You have to tape everything that happens in this office. Everyword, or you won't know if you're under the influence. [NIXON] Doctor, you have to give me more than this. What were you doingto Apollo 11? [DOCTOR] Thing. A clever thing. Now, no more questions. You have totrust me and nobody else. [RIVER] Doctor, it's Canton. Quick, he needs us. --------------------------------------- (Attic corridor) [AMY [OC]] Help me. Please, I can't. I can't see.Somebody help me. [CANTON] Amy! Amy, can you hear me? Amy, I'm going to try to blow thelock. I need you to stand back. [DOCTOR] Okay, gun down. I've got it. [RORY] Amy, we're here. Are you okay? [AMY [OC]] I can't see. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [RORY] Where is she, Doctor? [RIVER] It's empty. [AMY [OC]] It's dark. So dark. I don't know where I am. Please, cananybody hear me? [RORY] They took this out of her. How did they do that, Doctor? Why canI still hear her? [RIVER] Is it a recording? [DOCTOR] Er, it defaults to live. This is current. Wherever she is rightnow, this is what she's saying. [RORY] Amy, can you hear me? We're coming for you. Wherever you are,we're coming, I swear. [DOCTOR] She can't hear you. I'm so sorry. It's one way. [RORY] She can always hear me, Doctor. Always. Wherever she is, and shealways knows that I am coming for her. Do you understand me? Always. [AMY [OC]] Doctor, are you out there? Can you hear me? Doctor? Oh, God.Please, please, Doctor, just get me out of this. [RORY] He's coming. I'll bring him, I swear. [RENFREW] Hello? Is somebody there? I think someone has been shot. Ithink we should help. We c. I can't re. I can't remember. --------------------------------------- (Renfrew's office) [DOCTOR] Okay. Who and what are you? [SILENCE] Silence, Doctor. We are the Silence. [PRISONER ZERO [memory]] Silence, Doctor. [DOCTOR [memory]] Rory, listen to that. [RORY [memory]] Silence. [ROSANNA [memory]] We ran from the Silence. [DOCTOR [memory]] The Silence? [SILENCE] And Silence will fall. --------------------------------------- (Area 51) [CANTON] Hello again. [ISHEM] Sir, you've been in there for days. What the hell have you beendoing? [CANTON] It doesn't matter. I need Doctor Shepherd here right now. [ISHEM] Sir, I need to talk to Colonel Jefferson right now. [CANTON] No, you really don't. [NIXON] Er, hiya, fellows. I'm President Nixon. I want to tell you, onbehalf of the American people, how much we appreciate all of your hardwork. [TELEVISION] The target for the Apollo 11 astronauts, the Moon, atliftoff, will be at a distance of 218,096 miles away. We're just pastthe two minute mark in the countdown. T minus one minute fifty fourseconds and counting. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [RIVER] It's an exoskeleton. Basically, life support. There's abouttwenty different kinds of alien tech in here. [DOCTOR] Who was she? Why put her in here? [RIVER] You put this on, you don't even need to eat. The suit processessunlight directly. It's got built in weaponry, and a communicationssystem that can hack into anything. [DOCTOR] Including the telephone network? [RIVER] Easily. [DOCTOR] But why phone the President? [RIVER] It defaults to the highest authority it can find. The littlegirl gets frightened, the most powerful man on Earth gets a phone call.The night terrors with a hotline to the White House. [RIVER] You won't learn anything from that envelope, you know. [DOCTOR] Purchased on earth. Perfectly ordinary stationery. Tardis blue.Summoned by a stranger who won't even show his face. That's a first,for me. How about you? [RIVER] Our lives are back to front. Your future's my past. Your firstsare my lasts. [DOCTOR] That's not really what I asked. [RIVER] Ask something else, then. [DOCTOR] What are the Silence doing, raising a child? [RIVER] Keeping her safe, even giving her independence. [DOCTOR] The only way to save Amy is to work out what the Silence aredoing. [RORY] I know. [DOCTOR] And every single thing we learn about them brings us a stepcloser. [RORY] Yeah, Doctor, I get it. I know. [DOCTOR] Of course, it's possible she's not just any little girl. [RIVER] Well, I'd say she's human, going by the life support software. [DOCTOR] But? [RIVER] She climbed out of this suit. Like she forced her way out. Shemust be incredibly strong. [DOCTOR] Incredibly strong and running away. I like her. [RIVER] We should be trying to find her. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. But how? Anyway, I have the strangest feelingshe's going to find us. [TELEVISION] Apollo 11, this is Houston. How do you read? Over. [RORY] Why does it look like a NASA spacesuit? [DOCTOR] Because that's what the Silence do. Think about it. They don'tmake anything themselves. They don't have to. They get other life formsto do it for them. [RIVER] So they're parasites, then. [DOCTOR] Superparasites, standing in the shadows of human history sincethe very beginning. We know they can influence human behaviour any waythey want. If they've been doing that on a global scale for thousandsof years. [RORY] Then what? [DOCTOR] Then why did the human race suddenly decide to go to the Moon? [TELEVISION] Ten, nine. Ignition sequence start. six, five, four [DOCTOR] Because the Silence needed a spacesuit. [TELEVISION] One, zero. All engines running. Liftoff. We have a liftoff.Thirty two minutes past the hour, liftoff on Apollo 11. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [SHEPHERD] My God. What is it? [CANTON] It's just an alien, Doctor Shepherd. [SHEPHERD] Someone's already been treating it. [CANTON] Yeah, you've been treating it. [SHEPHERD] Does Colonel Jefferson know this thing is here? [CANTON] No. [SHEPHERD] Then I'm going to tell him right now. [CANTON] Again. [SHEPHERD] Sorry, what? [CANTON] Exactly. [SHEPHERD] Sergeant, why was I called in here for no reason? [SILENCE] You tend to my wounds. You are foolish. [CANTON] Why? What would you do in my place? [SILENCE] We have ruled your lives since your lives began. You shouldkill us all on sight, but you will never remember we were even here.You will evolve. [CANTON] Yeah? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but thanks. That's exactlywhat I needed to hear. This is a videophone. Whatever a videophone is. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [SILENCE [on screen]] You should kill us all on sight. [AMY [OC]] Help me, Doctor. [RIVER] This suit, it seems to be repairing itself. How's it doing that?Doctor, a unit like this, would it ever be able to move without anoccupant? [DOCTOR] Why? [RIVER] Well, the little girl said the spaceman was coming to eat her.Maybe that's exactly what happened. [AMY [OC]] I love you. I know you think it's him. I know you think itought to be him, but it's not. It's you. And when I see you again, I'mgoing to tell you properly, just to see your stupid face. My life wasso boring before you just dropped out of the sky. So just get yourstupid face where I can see it, okay? Okay? [DOCTOR] She'll be safe for now. No point in a dead hostage. [RORY] Can't you save her? [DOCTOR] I can track that signal back. Take us right to her. [RORY] Then why haven't you? [DOCTOR] Because then what? I find her and then what do I do? This isn'tan alien invasion. They live here. This is their empire. This iskicking the Romans out of Rome. [RORY] Rome fell. [DOCTOR] I know. I was there. [RORY] So was I. [DOCTOR] Personal question. [RORY] Seriously, you? [DOCTOR] Do you ever remember it? Two thousand years, waiting for Amy?The last Centurion. [RORY] No. [DOCTOR] You're lying. [RORY] Of course I'm lying. [DOCTOR] Of course you are. Not the sort of thing anyone forgets. [RORY] But I don't remember it all the time. It's like this door in myhead. I can keep it shut. [AMY [OC]] Please, please, just come and get me. Come and get me. [TELEVISION] The Flight Controller's going to go for landing. Just fivedays since Apollo 11 blasted off from Cape Kennedy, this unprecedentedjourney is reaching its crucial moment. Armstrong and Aldrin are makingtheir descent to the surface of the Moon. [DUKE [OC]] We copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about toturn blue. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [AMY] Where am I? Where is this? [SILENCE] You are Amelia Pond. [AMY] You're ugly. Has anyone mentioned that to you? [SILENCE] We do you honour. You will bring the Silence. But your partwill soon be over. [AMY] Whatever that means, you've made a big mistake, bringing me here,because wait until you see what's coming for you now. [SILENCE] You have been here many days. [AMY] No, I just got here. You just put me in here. [SILENCE] Your memory is weak. You have been here many days. [AMY] No. No, I can't have been. [SILENCE] You will sleep now. Sleep. [AMY] No. [SILENCE] Sleep. [AMY] No. Get off me. No. No. [SILENCE] Sleep. [AMY] No! [DOCTOR] Oh, interesting. Very Aickman Road. I've seen one of thesebefore. Abandoned. I wonder how that happened? Oh, well I suppose I'mabout to find out. Rory, River, keep one Silent in eyeshot at alltimes. Oh, hello. Sorry, you were in the middle of something. I justhad to say, though, have you seen what's on the telly? Oh, hello, Amy.Are you all right? Want to watch some television? Ah. Now, stay whereyou are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me,when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend River. Nice hair, clever,has her own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shootingpeople. I shouldn't like that. Kind of do, a bit. [RIVER] Thank you, sweetie. [DOCTOR] I know you're team players and everything, but she'lldefinitely kill at least the first three of you. [RIVER] Well, the first seven, easily. [DOCTOR] Seven? Really? [RIVER] Oh, eight for you, honey. [DOCTOR] Stop it. [RIVER] Make me. [DOCTOR] Yeah? Well, maybe I will. [AMY] Is this really important flirting? Because I feel like I should behigher on the list right now. [DOCTOR] Yes. Right. Sorry. As I was saying, my naughty friend here isgoing to kill the first three of you to attack, plus him behind, somaybe you want to draw lots or have a quiz. [AMY] What's he got? [RORY] Something, I hope. [DOCTOR] Or maybe you could just listen a minute. Because all I reallywant to do is accept your total surrender and then I'll let you go inpeace. Yes, you've been interfering in human history for thousands ofyears. Yes, people have suffered and died, but what's the point in twohearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving, now and then? Ooo, theSilence. You guys take that seriously, don't you? Okay, you got me. I'mlying. I'm not really going to let you go that easily. Nice thought,but it's not Christmas. First, you tell me about the girl. Who is she?Why is she important? What's she for? [McCANDLESS [OC]] And we're getting a picture on the TV. [DOCTOR] Guys, sorry, but you're way out of time. Now, come on. A bit ofhistory for you. Aren't you proud? Because you helped. Now, do you knowhow many people are watching this live on the telly? Half a billion.And that's nothing, because the human race will spread out among thestars. You just watch them fly. Billions and billions of them, forbillions and billions of years, and every single one of them at somepoint in their lives, will look back at this man,taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it. [TELEVISION] Okay, engine stop. ATA on the descent. Modes control bothauto. Descent engine command off. [DOCTOR] Oh. But don't forget this bit. Ready? --------------------------------------- (Cell) [CANTON] Ready. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [ARMSTRONG [OC]] That's one small step for a man [SILENCE [on TV]] You should kill us all on sight. You should kill usall on sight. You should kill us all on sight. You should kill us allon sight. [DOCTOR] You've given the order for your own execution, and the wholeplanet just heard you. [SILENCE [OC]] You should kill us all on sight. [ARMSTRONG [OC]] One giant leap for mankind. [DOCTOR] And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence.You just raised an army against yourself and now, for a thousandgenerations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day.How fast can you run? Because today's the day the human race throw youoff their planet. They won't even know they're doing it. I think, quitepossibly, the word you're looking for right now is oops. Run! Guys, Imean us. Run. [RORY] I can't get her out! [AMY] Go. Go. [RORY] We are not leaving without you. [AMY] Look, will you just get your stupid face out of here. [RIVER] Run! Into the Tardis, quickly. [DOCTOR] Don't let them build to full power. [RIVER] I know. There's a reason why I'm shooting, honey. What are youdoing? [DOCTOR] Helping. [RIVER] You've got a screwdriver. Go build a cabinet. [DOCTOR] That's really rude. [RIVER] Learn how to drive. [RIVER] My old fellow didn't see that, did he? He gets ever so cross. [RORY] So, what kind of doctor are you? [RIVER] Archaeology. Love a tomb. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You can let me fly it. [RIVER] Yeah, or we could go where we're supposed to. [AMY] What's the matter with you? [RORY] You called me stupid. [AMY] I always call you stupid. [RORY] No, but my face. [RORY] I wasn't sure who you were talking about. You know, me or [AMY] Him? [RORY] Well, you did say dropped out of the sky. [AMY] It's a figure of speech, moron. [RORY] Thanks. [AMY] You're welcome. --------------------------------------- (Oval office) [NIXON] So we're safe again. [DOCTOR] Safe? No, of course you're not safe. There's about a billionother things out there just waiting to burn your whole world. But, ifyou want to pretend you're safe, just so you can sleep at night? Okay,you're safe. But you're not really. Canton. Until the next one, eh? [CANTON] Looking forward to it. [DOCTOR] Canton just wants to get married. Hell of a reason to kick himout of the FBI. [NIXON] I'm sure something can be arranged. [DOCTOR] I'm counting on you. [NIXON] Er, Doctor. Canton here tells me you're, you're from the future.It hardly seems possible, but I was wondering [DOCTOR] I should warn you I don't answer a lot of questions. [NIXON] But I'm a President at the beginning of his time. Dare I ask.Will I be remembered? [DOCTOR] Oh, Dicky. Tricky Dicky. They're never going to forget you. Sayhi to David Frost for me. [NIXON] David Frost? [NIXON] This person you want to marry. Black? [CANTON] Yes. [NIXON] Hmm. I know what people think of me, but perhaps I'm a littlemore liberal. [CANTON] He is. [NIXON] I think the Moon is far enough, for now, don't you, MisterDelaware? [CANTON] I figured it might be. --------------------------------------- (Stormcage) [DOCTOR] You could come with us. [RIVER] I escape often enough, thank you. And I have a promise to liveup to. You'll understand soon enough. [DOCTOR] Okay. Up to you. See you next time. Call me. [RIVER] What, that's it? What's the matter with you? [DOCTOR] Have I forgotten something? [RIVER] Oh, shut up. [DOCTOR] Right. Okay. Interesting. [RIVER] What's wrong? You're acting like we've never done that before. [DOCTOR] We haven't. [RIVER] We haven't? [DOCTOR] Oh, look at the time. Must be off. But it was very nice. Itwas, it was good. It was er, unexpected. You know what they say.There's a first time for everything. [RIVER] And a last time. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Rory, I'm going to need thermocouplings.The green ones and blue ones. [RORY] Okay, hold on. [DOCTOR] So. [AMY] So. [DOCTOR] You're okay? [AMY] Fine. Head's a bit weird. There's loads of stuff I can't quiteremember. [DOCTOR] After effect of the Silence. Natural enough. That's not what Iwas asking. You told me you were pregnant. [AMY] Yes. [DOCTOR] Why? [AMY] Because I was. I mean, I thought I was. It turns out I wasn't. [DOCTOR] No, why did you tell me? [AMY] Because you're my friend. You're my best friend. [DOCTOR] Hmm. Did you tell Rory? --------------------------------------- (Tardis lower deck) [AMY [OC]] No. [DOCTOR [OC]] Amy, why tell me and not Rory? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Why do you think? I travelled with you in thisTardis for so long. All that time. If I was pregnant for some of it,wouldn't it have had an effect? --------------------------------------- (Tardis lower deck) [AMY [OC]] I don't want to tell Rory his baby mighthave three heads or, like, a timehead, or something. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] What's a timehead? [AMY] I don't know, but what if it had one? [DOCTOR] A timehead. [AMY] Shut up. --------------------------------------- (Tardis lower deck) [AMY [OC]] Oi, stupid face. [RORY] Er, yeah? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RORY] Hello. [AMY] I'm taking that away from you, if you're going to listen in allthe time. [RORY] Okay, that's a fair point. But you should've told me that youthought you were pregnant. I'm a nurse. I'm good with pregnancy. [AMY] Not, as it turns out, that good. So please stop being stupid. [RORY] Er, no, never. I'm never, ever, going to stop being stupid. [DOCTOR] So, this little girl. It's all about her. Who was she? Or wecould just go off and have some adventures. Anyone in the mood foradventures? Because I am. You only live once. --------------------------------------- (New York alleyway) [TRAMP] Are you okay? Little girl, are you okay? [GIRL] It's all right. It's quite all right. I'm dying. But I can fixthat. It's easy, really. See?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e02", "title": "Day of the Moon"}
Doctor Who (7 May, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - Curse of the Black Spot [BOATSWAIN] What's wrong? [MILLIGAN] Man wounded. [BOATSWAIN] Wake him. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [BOATSWAIN] He slipped in the bilge water, Cap'n and fell on to therigger. His hand. I Don't know if he'll survive. [AVERY] You're a dead man, McGrath. [AVERY] Same as all the others. [AVERY] She's here. [BOATSWAIN] Oh, save our souls. [McGRATH] I've got to escape! [BOATSWAIN] Don't go out there! McGrath, don't listen, for God's sake.The siren is a-calling. --------------------------------------- (On deck) [AVERY] Same as all the others. No sign of a struggle, no bones orblood. [BOATSWAIN] We're shark bait, every single one of us. Stuck on theocean, waiting. [AVERY] Until the wind changes. [AVERY] What's that? [BOATSWAIN] It's the creature. It's returned. [DOCTOR] Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that? --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [AVERY] We made no signal. [DOCTOR] Our sensors picked you up. Ship in distress. [AVERY] Sensors? [DOCTOR] Yes. Okay, problem word. Seventeenth century. My shipautomatically, er, noticed-ish that your ship was having some bother. [AVERY] That big blue crate? [BOATSWAIN] That is more magic, Captain Avery. They're spirits. How elsewould they have found their way below decks? [DOCTOR] Well, er, I want to say multidimensional engineering, but sinceyou had a problem with sensors, I won't go there. Look, I'm the Doctor.This is Amy, Rory. We're sailors, same as you. Ooo ar. Except for thegun thing. And the beardiness. [AVERY] You're stowaways. Only explanation. Eight days, we've beenstranded here, becalmed. You must have stowed away before we sailed. [BOATSWAIN] Now what do we do with 'em? [AVERY] Oh, I think they deserve our hospitality. --------------------------------------- (On deck) [DOCTOR] I suppose that laughing like that is in the job description.Can you do the laugh? Check. Grab yourself a parrot. Welcome aboard. [AMY] Rory? A little help? [RORY] Yeah. Hey, listen, right? She's not a doxy. [AMY] I didn't mean just tell him off. Thanks anyway. [AVERY] If you're lucky you'll drown before the sharks can take a bite. [DOCTOR] If this is just because I'm a captain too, you know, youshouldn't feel threatened. Your ship is much bigger than mine. And Idon't have the cool boots. Or a hat, even. [AVERY] Time to go. [DOCTOR] A bit more laughter, guys? [DOCTOR] Where are the rest of the crew? This is a big ship. Big forfive of you. I suppose the rest of them are hiding some place, andthey're going to jump out and shout boo. [AMY] Boo! [AMY] Throw the gun down. [AMY] The rest of you, on your knees. [DOCTOR] Amy, what are you doing? [AMY] Saving your life. Okay with that, are you? [AVERY] Put down the sword. A sword could kill us all, girl. [AMY] Yeah, thanks. That is actually why I'm pointing it at you. [DANCER] You have killed me. [AMY] No way. It's just a cut. [AMY] What kind of rubbish pirates are you? [AVERY] One drop, that's all it takes. One drop of blood and she'll riseout of the ocean. [AMY] Come on, I barely even scratched him. What are you all in such ahuff about? [RORY] Ow! Argh! [RORY] Er, Doctor, what's happening to me? [AVERY] She can smell the blood on your skin. She's marked you fordeath. [RORY] She? [AVERY] A demon, out there in the ocean. [DOCTOR] Okay. Groovy. So not just pirates today. We've managed to bagsya ship where there's a demon popping in. Very efficient. I mean, ifsomething's going to kill you, it's nice that it drops you a note toremind you. [BOATSWAIN] Quickly now, block out the sound. [RORY] What? [AVERY] The creature. She charms all her victims with that song. [RORY] Oh, great. So put my fingers in my ears, that's your plan?Doctor, come on. Let's go. Let's get back to the er, back to the er [BOATSWAIN] The music. It's working on him. Look. [RORY] You are so beautiful. [AMY] What? [RORY] I love your get up. That's great. You should dress as a piratemore often. Hey, hey, cuddle me, shipmate. [AMY] Rory, stop. [RORY] Everything is totally brilliant, isn't it? Look at thesebrilliant pirates. Look at their brilliant beards. I'd like a beard.I'm going to grow a beard. [AMY] You're not. [AVERY] The music turns them into fools. [AMY] Oh, my God. [RORY] I have to touch her. Let me touch her. [AMY] Sorry, but he is spoken for. [DOCTOR] Amy! Everybody into the hold. Rory! Come on! [RORY] Hey! Wait! --------------------------------------- (Hold) [AMY] What is that thing? [AVERY] The legend. The siren. Many a merchant ship laden with treasurehas fallen prey to her. She's been hunting us ever since we werebecalmed, picking off the injured. [BOATSWAIN] Like a shark. A shark can smell blood. [DOCTOR] Okay. Just like a shark, in a dress. And singing. And green? Agreen singing shark in an evening gown. [AVERY] The ship is cursed! [DOCTOR] Yeah, right. Cursed is big with humans. It means bad things arehappening but you can't be bothered to find an explanation. [RORY] She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. [AMY] Actually, I think you'll find she isn't. [RORY] She is. [AMY] We have to leave right now. [AVERY] That thing of yours really is a ship? [DOCTOR] Well, it's not propelled by the wind. [AVERY] Show me. Weigh anchor. Make it sail. [DOCTOR] And the gun's back. You're big on the gun thing, aren't you.Freud would say you're compensating. Ever met Freud? No? Comfy sofa. [DE FLORRES] Leave the cursed one, Captain. The creature can have him. [RORY] Yes, please. [AVERY] We don't want the siren coming after us. [AMY] It's a leech! [DOCTOR] Everyone out of the water! [DE FLORRES] It's bitten me. I'm bleeding. [DOCTOR] She wants blood. Why does she want blood? [AMY] What were you saying about leaving the cursed ones behind? [DOCTOR] It's okay, we're safe down here. No curse is getting throughthree solid inches of timber. [DOCTOR] Oh! Ah. Hello again. [ALL] No! No! No! --------------------------------------- (Mess deck) [AMY] Safe? [DOCTOR] I have my good days and my bad days. [AVERY] How did she get in? [DOCTOR] Bilge water. She's using water like a portal, a door. She canmaterialise through a single drop. We need to go somewhere with nowater. [AMY] Well, thank God we're not in the middle of the ocean. [RORY] Did you see her eyes? Like crystal pools. [AMY] You are in enough trouble. [AVERY] The magazine. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] He means the armoury where the powder's stored. [AVERY] It's dry as a bone. [DOCTOR] Good. Let's go there. [AVERY] I give the orders. [DOCTOR] Ah. Worried because I'm wearing a hat now? Nobody touchanything sharp! [AMY] Come on, Rory. [AVERY] Quickly, man. [BOATSWAIN] I can't find the key. Tis gone, Cap'n. [AVERY] How can it have gone? [DOCTOR] Someone else had the same idea. --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [AVERY] Barricade the door. Careful of that lantern.Every barrel is full of powder. [DOCTOR] Who's been sleeping in my gun room? [AVERY] You fool! You fool, boy. What are you doing here? [DOCTOR] Who is he? What, he's not one of the crew? [AVERY] No. He's my son. What in God's name possessed you, boy? Yourmother will be searching for you. When? [TOBY] Last winter. Fever. She told me all about you. How you were aCaptain in the Navy. An honourable man, she said. How I'd be proud toknow you. I've come to join your crew. [AVERY] I don't want you here. [TOBY] You can't send me back. It's too late. We're a hundred miles fromhome. [AVERY] It's dangerous here. There is a monster aboard. She leaves amark on men's skin. [TOBY] The black spot? [AVERY] There's nothing wrong with the boy. He has no scars. [DOCTOR] Yep. Ignore my last theory. [AMY] He has his good days and his bad days. [DOCTOR] It's not just blood, she's coming for all the sick and wounded,like a hunter chooses the weakest animal. [AMY] Okay, look, he's got a fever. The siren knows it. [DOCTOR] Humans. Second-rate. Damage too easily. It's only a matter oftime before everyone gets bruised. My ship, it can sail us all awayfrom here. You and me, we fetch it. Let's go. [AVERY] You're not the Captain here, remember. [AVERY] The water's dangerous. That's how she gets through. One touch ofher hand and you're a dead man. [BOATSWAIN] We're all cursed if we stay aboard. [DOCTOR] It's not a curse. Curse means game over. Curse means we'rehelpless. We are not helpless. Captain, what's our next move? [AVERY] Wait with the boy. [BOATSWAIN] Captain, we're all in danger here. [AVERY] I said wait. And barricade the door after we've gone. [AMY] Sure you want to go? [DOCTOR] We have to get Rory and Toby away. She's out there now, lickingher lips, boiling a saucepan, grating cheese. [AMY] Okay. Well, remember, if you get an itch, don't scratch too hard. [DOCTOR] We've all got to go some time. There are worse ways than havingyour face snogged off by a dodgy mermaid. --------------------------------------- (Mess deck) [AVERY] Do you want to draw lots for who's incharge, then? [DOCTOR] Darkness? Demon? You can have first go. [AVERY] Nearly. Phew! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AVERY] By all the [DOCTOR] Let me stop you there. Bigger on the inside. Don't mind, doyou, if we just skip to the end of that moment? Oh, and sorry I lied,by the way, when I said yours was bigger. Kitchen that way. Choice ofbathrooms there, there, there. --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [RORY] What's wrong? [AMY] The most beautiful thing you've ever seen? [RORY] Oh, tell me I didn't really say that. [AMY] What's going on? [BOATSWAIN] We're not staying here to mollycoddle the boy. The Captain'sgone soft. It's time for us to leave. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AVERY] What's this do? [DOCTOR] That does very, very complicated. That does sophisticated. Thatdoes whoa, amazing, And that does whizz, bang, far too technical toexplain! [AVERY] Wheel? [DOCTOR] Atom accelerator. [AVERY] It steers the thing. [DOCTOR] No. Sort of. Yes. [AVERY] Wheel. Telescope. Astrolabe. Compass. A ship's a ship. [DOCTOR] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [TOBY] He told you to wait, you dog. He's yourCaptain, a Naval Officer. You're honour-bound to do as he tells you. [BOATSWAIN] Honour-bound? Do you know what kind of ship this is? Do youknow what your father does? [AMY] Don't listen to him, Toby. [BOATSWAIN] We sail under the black flag. The Jolly Roger. [TOBY] Liar! He's no wicked pirate! [BOATSWAIN] Oh, you think so? I have seen your father gun down athousand innocent men. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] This is how the professionals do it. [DOCTOR] Er, it's stuck. Not responding. [AVERY] Becalmed? [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. Yeah, apparently. That's new. You had to gloat, didn'tyou? [AVERY] I'm not gloating. [DOCTOR] I saw that look just now. Ha, ha, his ship is rubbish. [AVERY] True. --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [BOATSWAIN] Get what treasure you can. I'll meet youin the row boat. [TOBY] You're going to remain at your post. [BOATSWAIN] I am not playing games with you, boy. You put that down. [TOBY] One more step and I'll use this, you blaggard. [BOATSWAIN] You don't know how to fight with a cutlass, boy. [TOBY] Don't need to, do I. [BOATSWAIN] No --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It can't get a lock on the plane. [AVERY] The what? [DOCTOR] The space we travel in. The ocean. Sort of ocean but not water.The Tardis can't see. It's sulking because it thinks the space doesn'texist. Without a plane to lock onto we're not going anywhere. [AVERY] I'm confused. [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, it's a big club. We should get T-shirts. [DOCTOR] What's happening? --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [BOATSWAIN] You little swabber! [AMY] Congratulations. You made it to the menu. Probably shouldn't goout there now. [BOATSWAIN] You scurvy ape! [RORY] Don't shoot. The powder will blow and kill us all. [BOATSWAIN] Mulligan, what are you doing? [AMY] No honour among pirates. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Okay, she's had her little sulk. Now she'sheading for the full-on screaming tantrum. [AVERY] Can you fix it? [DOCTOR] Argh! The parametric engines are jammed. Orthogonal vector'sgone. I'm almost out of ideas. [AVERY] Almost? [DOCTOR] Well, we could try stroking her and singing her a song. [AVERY] Will that help? [DOCTOR] Hard to say. Never has before. I've lost control of her. She'sabout to dematerialise. We could end up anywhere! [AVERY] That sounds bad! [DOCTOR] Yes, it is! Out! Out now! Abandon ship! Abandon ship! --------------------------------------- (Hold) [DOCTOR] Okay, okay, okay. Tardis runs off on its own. That's a bit of anew one. Bang goes our only hope of getting them out of here. [AVERY] Not much of a Captain without a ship, are you? --------------------------------------- (Mess deck) [AVERY] Mulligan, what are you doing? This is mutiny. [MULLIGAN] She doesn't want me. She only wants Toby and the scrawnylooking fellow. [DOCTOR] He's got the last of the supplies. We should go after him. [AVERY] Never mind the damned supplies. What about my treasure? [DOCTOR] Don't get injured. Don't get injured. --------------------------------------- (Store room) [AVERY [OC]] Come out of there, you mutinous dog! --------------------------------------- (Mess deck) [DOCTOR] She's inside. [AVERY] She's come for Mulligan. [MULLIGAN [OC]] Argh! --------------------------------------- (Store room) [AVERY] No water in here. How did she take him? Yousaid she uses water like a door, that's how she enters a room. [DOCTOR] I was wrong. Please ignore all my theories up to this point. [AVERY] What, again? [DOCTOR] We're all in danger. The water's not how she's getting in. Whenwe were down in the hold, think what happened. You, me, Amy, Rory,leeches. [AVERY] She sprang from the water. [DOCTOR] Yes, only when it grew still. Still water. Nature's mirror. [AVERY] So, you mean [DOCTOR] Yes. Not water, reflection. [DOCTOR] That siren legend. The curse. [AVERY] You said curses weren't real. [DOCTOR] Folklore springs from truth. She attacks ships filled withtreasure. Where else do you get a perfect reflection? [AVERY] Polished metal. [DOCTOR] Hmm. [AVERY] We must warn them. --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [DOCTOR [OC]] Amy! Open the door! [AVERY [OC]] Toby, open the door! Toby! [DOCTOR [OC]] Open the door. [AVERY [OC]] Toby! --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] We've got to destroy every reflection. Gold, silver, glass, shecould spring from any of them. Oh, yes, yes, I know, I know. Very badluck to break it. But look at it this way. There's a stroppy homicidalmermaid trying to kill all. [AVERY] How much worse can things get? [DOCTOR] Yep. Help me lug this lot out. [AVERY] Where are we taking it? [AVERY] No! No. This is the treasure of the Mogul of India. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. For a moment there I thought it was yours. [AVERY] No, no. Doctor, wait. Must we do this? [DOCTOR] Any reflection, any mirror, and the siren will attack. We haveto protect Rory and Toby. Go and get the crown from the storeroom. --------------------------------------- (Magazine) [RORY] Just wait? [DOCTOR] Not my most dynamic plan, I realise. [AMY] Tardis? [DOCTOR] It's been towed. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] Sorry. We might be stuck here for a while. [RORY] So you're saying that we should all just wait here below? [AVERY] The sea is still calm, like a mirror. If you go out on deckshe'll rise up and attack you. [DOCTOR] It's okay. The calm won't last forever. When the wind picks upwe'll all set sail. [AVERY] Until it does, you have to hide down here. [AVERY] I'm sorry about your mother. You miss her a lot. [TOBY] Three years. No word from you. [AVERY] Toby. [TOBY] You promised her. You promised you'd come home. And she believedyou would, right up until the day she died. What made you do it? Whatmade you turn pirate? [AVERY] Get some sleep now. [EYE PATCH LADY [OC]] It's fine. You're doing fine. Just stay calm. --------------------------------------- (On deck) [DOCTOR] It's not one star, it's two. The Dog star,Sirius. Binary system. [AVERY] I use it to navigate the ocean. [DOCTOR] I've travelled far, like you. Space can be very lonely, and thegreatest adventure is having someone share it with you. [AVERY] If we get out of this I'll take him back to England. He can'tstay with me. I'm not the father he needs. [DOCTOR] Who are you, Henry Avery? Respected naval officer, wife andchild at home. How did you end up here, wandering the oceans with aband of rogues? [AVERY] I've set my course now. Nothing I can do to alter it. [DOCTOR] People stared at it for centuries and never knew. Things cansuddenly change, when you're least expecting. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [AMY] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Shush. [AMY] What can you see? [DOCTOR] Feels like something's out there, staring straight at me. [DOCTOR] Man the sails! --------------------------------------- (On deck) [AVERY] To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! Put thebunt into the slack of the clews. [AMY] I swear he's making half this stuff up. [RORY] Well, we're going to need some kind of phrase book. [AVERY] Toby! Find my coat. My compass is inside it, boy. Heave ho, youbilge rats. [RORY] Rats was all I could hear. [AVERY] Don't let her take you! [AVERY] No! [AVERY] No! [AVERY] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. [DOCTOR] You couldn't give up the gold, could you. That's why you turnedpirate. Your commission, your wife, your son. Just how much is thattreasure worth to you, man? [AMY] Rory! Rory! I can't see him. Doctor? I'm going in. [DOCTOR] He's drowning. He's drowning! You go in after him, you'll drowntoo. There's only one thing that can save him now. [AMY] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] The Siren. The Siren, she wants him. We have to release her. [AMY] Doctor, no. [DOCTOR] He's drowning. Go and find him! [AMY] What, what did you do? [DOCTOR] If he stays in there he'll die. [AMY] But she'll destroy him. [DOCTOR] That thing isn't just a ravenous hunter. It's intelligent. Wecan reason with it. And maybe, just maybe, they're still alivesomewhere. We have to follow. [AVERY] Are you mad? [DOCTOR] If we ever want to see them again, we have to let the Sirentake us. We'll prick our fingers. All agreed? Yeah? [AVERY] Aye. [AMY] Aye. [DOCTOR] Aye. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [AMY] Where are we? [DOCTOR] We haven't moved. We're in exactly the same place as before. [AVERY] We're on a ghost ship. [DOCTOR] No. It's real. Space ship trapped in a temporal rift. [AMY] How can two ships be in the same place? [DOCTOR] Not the same. Two planes, two worlds, two cars parked in thesame space. There are lots of different universes nested inside eachother. Now and again they collide, and you can step from one to theother. [AMY] Okay, I think I understand. [DOCTOR] Good, because it's not like that at all. But if that helps. [AMY] Thanks. [DOCTOR] All the reflections have suddenly become gateways. [DOCTOR] Ever look in a mirror and think you're seeing a whole otherworld? Well, this time it's not an illusion. [AMY] The signal. [DOCTOR] Yes. [AMY] The distress call. [DOCTOR] Uh huh. [AMY] There was a second ship here all the time. [DOCTOR] And the Siren is on board. [DOCTOR] Dead. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [AMY] You were right. There was something staring at us the whole time.How long has this ship been marooned here? [AVERY] Long enough for the Captain to have run out of grog. [AMY] I don't understand. If this is the Captain, then what's the Siren? [DOCTOR] Same as us. A stowaway. [AMY] She killed it? [DOCTOR] Human bacteria. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] A virus from our planet. Airborne, travelling through theportal. That's what killed it. Didn't get its jabs. Urgh. Look. [AMY] What is it? [DOCTOR] Sneeze! Alien bogies. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [AVERY] McGrath! He's one of my men. [AMY] He's still breathing. [AVERY] My entire crew is here. Toby! [AMY] Rory! [DOCTOR] The Tardis! [AVERY] We have to get them out of here. [DOCTOR] Wait. His fever's gone. [AMY] He looks so well. [DOCTOR] She's keeping him alive. His brain is still active, but all itscellular activity is suspended. It's not a curse, it's a tissue sample.Why get samples of people you are about to kill? [AMY] Help me get him up. [DOCTOR] She's coming. [DOCTOR] Anaesthetic. [AVERY] What? [DOCTOR] The music. The song. So she anaesthetises people and puts theirbody in stasis. [DOCTOR] Avery, no! [DOCTOR] Fire. That's new. What does fire do? Burn? Yes. Destroy? Whatelse? Sterilise! I sneezed. I've brought germs in. [DOCTOR] Amy, stop. Don't interfere. Don't touch him. Anaesthetic,tissue sample, screen, sterile working conditions. Ignore all myprevious theories! [AMY] Yeah? Well, we stopped paying attention a while back. [DOCTOR] She's not a killer at all, she's a doctor! [DOCTOR] This is an automated sick bay. It's teleporting everyone onboard. The crew are dead, and so the sick bay has had nothing to do.It's been looking after humanity whilst it's been idle. Look at her. Avirtual doctor able to sterilise a whole room. [AMY] Able to burn your face off. [DOCTOR] She's just an interface, seeped through the join between theplanes, broadcast in our world. Protean circuitry means she can changeher form, and become a human doctor for humans. Oh, sister, you aregood. [AVERY] She won't let us take them. [DOCTOR] She's keeping them alive, but she doesn't know how to healthem. [AMY] I'm his wife, for God's sake. Why can't I touch him? [DOCTOR] Tell her, Amy. Show her your ring. She may be virtual but she'sintelligent. You can't do anything without her consent. Come on.Sophisticated girl like you. That must be somewhere in your coreprogram. [AMY] Look, he's very ill, okay? I just want to look after him. Whywon't you let me near my husband? [DOCTOR] Consent form. Sign it. Put your hand in the light. Rory's sick.You have to take full responsibility. [DOCTOR] He can't breathe. Turn it back on. [AMY] What do we do? I can't just leave him here. [AVERY] He'll die if you take him out. [AMY] Rory? Rory, wake up. [RORY] Where am I? [DOCTOR] You're in a hospital. If you leave, you might die. [AMY] But if you don't, you'll have to stay forever. [RORY] You're saying that if I don't get up now [AMY] You can never leave. [DOCTOR] The Siren will keep you safe. [RORY] And if I come with you? [DOCTOR] Drowning, on the point of death. [RORY] I'm a nurse. [AMY] What? [RORY] I can teach you how to save me. [AMY] Whoa. Hold on. [RORY] I was drowning. You just have to resuscitate me. [AMY] Just? [RORY] You've seen them do it loads of times in films. CPR. The kiss oflife. [AMY] Rory, this isn't a film, okay? What if I do it wrong? [RORY] You won't. [AMY] Okay, what if you don't come back to life? What if [RORY] I trust you. [AMY] What about him? I mean, why do I have to be the one? Why do I haveto save you? [RORY] Because I know you'll never give up. [DOCTOR] We have to send this ship back into space. Imagine if the Sirengot ashore. She would have to process every injured human. [AVERY] What about Toby? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. Typhoid fever. Once he returns it's only a matter oftime. [AVERY] What if I stay with him, here. The Siren will look after him. Ican't go back to England. And what home does he have now, if not withme? [DOCTOR] Do you think you can sail this thing? [AVERY] Just point me to the atom accelerator. [RORY] I know you can do this. Of course, if you muck it up I am goingto be really cross. And dead. [AMY] I'll see you in a minute. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Come on. Come on, Rory. Not here. Not this way. Not today. [AMY] He trusted me. He trusted me to save him. [DOCTOR] You still can. You can still do this. He believes in you. Comeon, Amy. Come on! [AMY] Please, please, please wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Come on. Comeon. [RORY] Amy. Amy, you did it. You did it! [AMY] I thought I was an excellent pirate. [RORY] I thought you were an excellent nurse. [AMY] Easy, tiger. Goodnight, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodnight, Amelia. [AMY] You only call me Amelia when you're worrying about me. [DOCTOR] I always worry about you. [AMY] Mutual. [DOCTOR] Go to bed, Pond. [RORY] (sotto) You can't tell him. It's his future. [AMY] I know. [DOCTOR] Oh, Amelia.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e03", "title": "Curse of the Black Spot"}
Doctor Who (14 May, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - The Doctor's Wife (Spaceship) [IDRIS] Will it be me, Uncle? [UNCLE] Yes, it's going to be you. I only wish I could go in your place,Idris. Nah, I don't, because it's really going to hurt. [IDRIS] It's starting. What will happen? [AUNTIE] Oh. Er, Nephew will drain your mind and your soul from yourbody and leave your body empty. [IDRIS] I'm scared. [AUNTIE] I expect so, dear. But soon you'll have a new soul. There'll bea Time Lord coming. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] And then we discovered it wasn't the RobotKing after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able tore-attach the head. [RORY] Do you believe any of this stuff? [AMY] I was there. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's the warning lights. I'm getting rid of those. Theynever stop. [RORY] Hey. You're still thinking about it, aren't you? [AMY] Oh, shush. We saw him die. [RORY] Yeah, two hundred years in the future. [AMY] Yes, but it's still going to happen. [AMY] What was that? [DOCTOR] The door. It knocked. [RORY] Right. We are in deep space. [DOCTOR] Very, very deep. [DOCTOR] And somebody's knocking. [DOCTOR] Oh, come here. Come here, you scrumptious little beauty. [RORY] A box? [AMY] Doctor, what is it? [DOCTOR] I've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In anemergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send themthrough time and space. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still outthere, and it's one of the good ones. [RORY] You said there weren't any other Time Lords left. [DOCTOR] There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But theuniverse isn't where we're going. See that snake? [DOCTOR] The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake asa tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he hadthe tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl. [RORY] Oh, what is happening? [DOCTOR] We're leaving the universe. [AMY] How can you leave the universe? [DOCTOR] With enormous difficulty. Right now I'm burning up Tardis roomsto give us some welly. Goodbye, swimming pool. Goodbye, scullery.Sayonara, squash court seven. [AMY] Okay, okay. Where are we? [DOCTOR] Outside the universe, where we've never, ever been. [RORY] Is that meant to be happening? [DOCTOR] The power, it's draining. Everything's draining. But it can't.That's, that's impossible. [RORY] What is that? [DOCTOR] It's as if the Matrix, the soul of the Tardis, has justvanished. Where would it go? --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [AMY] So what kind of trouble's your friend in? [DOCTOR] He was in a bind. A bit of a pickle. Sort of distressed. [AMY] Ah, you can't just say you don't know. [RORY] But what is this place? The scrap yard at the end of theuniverse? [DOCTOR] Not end of, outside of. [RORY] How we can we be outside the universe? The universe iseverything. [DOCTOR] Imagine a great big soap bubble with one of those tiny littlebubbles on the outside. [RORY] Okay. [DOCTOR] Well, it's nothing like that. Completely drained. Look at her. [AMY] Wait. So we're in a tiny bubble universe, sticking to the side ofthe bigger bubble universe? [DOCTOR] Yeah. No. But if it helps, yes. This place is full of riftenergy. She'll probably refuel just by being here. Now, this place.What do we think, eh? Gravity's almost Earth normal, air's breathable,but it smells like [AMY] Armpits. [DOCTOR] Armpits. [RORY] What about all this stuff? Where did this come from? [DOCTOR] Well, there's a rift. Now and then stuff gets sucked throughit. Not a bubble, a plughole. The universe has a plughole and we'vejust fallen down it. [IDRIS] Thief! Thief! You're my thief! [AUNTIE] She's dangerous. Guard yourselves. [IDRIS] Look at you. Goodbye. No, not goodbye, what's the other one? [UNCLE] Watch out. Careful. Keep back from her. Welcome, strangers.Lovely. Sorry about the mad person. [DOCTOR] Why am I a thief? What have I stolen? [IDRIS] Me. You're going to steal me. No, you have stolen me. You arestealing me. Oh tenses are difficult, aren't they? [AUNTIE] Oh. Oh, we are sorry, my dove. She's off her head. They call meAuntie. [UNCLE] And I'm Uncle. I'm everybody's Uncle. Just keep back from thisone. She bites! [IDRIS] Do I? Excellent. [DOCTOR] Ow! Ow! [IDRIS] Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner. [UNCLE] So sorry. She's doolally. [IDRIS] No, I'm not doolally. I'm, I'm. It's on the tip of my tongue.I've just had a new idea about kissing. Come here, you. [AUNTIE] No, Idris, no. [IDRIS] Oh, but now you're angry. No, you're not. You will be angry. Thelittle boxes will make you angry. [DOCTOR] Sorry? The little what? Boxes? [IDRIS] Oh, ho, no. Your chin is hilarious. It means the smell of dustafter rain. [RORY] What does? [IDRIS] Petrichor. [RORY] But I didn't ask. [IDRIS] Not yet. But you will. [AUNTIE] No, no, Idris. I think you should have a rest. [IDRIS] Rest. Yes, yes. Good idea. I'll just see if there's an offswitch. [UNCLE] Is that it? She dead now. So sad. [RORY] No, she's still breathing. [UNCLE] Nephew, take Idris somewhere she can not bite people. [DOCTOR] Oh, hello! [AMY] Doctor, what is that? [DOCTOR] Oh, no, it's all right. It's an Ood. Oods are good. Love anOod. Hello, Ood. Can't you talk? Oh, I see. It's damaged. May I? Itmight just be on the wrong frequency. [AUNTIE] Nephew was broken when he came here. Why, he was half dead.House repaired him. House repaired all of us. [CORSAIR [OC]] If you are receiving this message, please help me. Send asignal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Gallifrey. Tell themthat I am still alive. I don't know where I am. I'm on some rock-likeplanet. [RORY] What was that? Was that him? [DOCTOR] No, no. It's picking up something else. But that's, that's notpossible. That's, that's. Who else is here? Tell me. Show me. Show me. [AUNTIE] Just what you see. Just the four of us, and the House. Nephew,will you take Idris somewhere safe where she can't hurt nobody? [DOCTOR] The House? What's the House? [AUNTIE] House is all around you, my sweets. You are standing on him.This is the House. This world. Would you like to meet him? [RORY] Meet him? [DOCTOR] I'd love to. [UNCLE] This way. Come, please. Come. [AMY] What's wrong? What were those voices? [DOCTOR] Time Lords. It's not just the Corsair. Somewhere close by thereare lots and lots of Time Lords. --------------------------------------- (Brig) [IDRIS] I'm, I'm. Big word, sad word. Why is that word so sad? No. Willbe sad. Will be sad. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [UNCLE] Come. Come, come. You can see the House andhe can look at you, and he [DOCTOR] I see. This asteroid is sentient. [AUNTIE] We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food. [AMY] Smell its armpits. [HOUSE [OC]] And do my will. You are most welcome, travellers. [AMY] Doctor, that voice. That's the asteroid talking? [DOCTOR] Yes. So you're like a sea urchin. Hard outer surface, that'sthe planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside, that'syou. [HOUSE [OC]] That is correct, Time Lord. [DOCTOR] Ah. So you've met Time Lords before? [HOUSE [OC]] Many travellers have come through the rift, like Auntie andUncle and Nephew. I repair them when they break. [DOCTOR] So there are Time Lords here, then? [HOUSE [OC]] Not any more, but there have been many Tardises on my backin days gone by. [DOCTOR] Well, there won't be any more after us. Last Time Lord. LastTardis. [HOUSE [OC]] A pity. Your people were so kind. Be here in safety,Doctor. Rest, feed, if you will. [RORY] We're not actually going to stay here, are we? [DOCTOR] Well, it seems like a friendly planet. Literally. Mind if wepoke around a bit? [AUNTIE] You can look all you want. Go. Look. (to Amy) House loves you. [DOCTOR] Come on then, gang. We're just going to, er, see the sights. --------------------------------------- (Brig) [IDRIS] Are there a see zero that ito emo we. Ah!What was that? Do fish have fingers? Like a nine year old trying torebuild a motorbike. What am I saying? Why am I saying that? Thief?Where's my thief? Thief! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [IDRIS [OC]] Thief! [DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. [RORY] So, as soon as the Tardis is refuelled, we go, yeah? [DOCTOR] No. There are Time Lords here. I heard them and they need me. [AMY] You told me about your people, and you told me what you did. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, but if they're like the Corsair, they're good one andI can save them. [AMY] And then tell them you destroyed the others? [DOCTOR] I can explain. Tell them why I had to. [AMY] You want to be forgiven. [DOCTOR] Don't we all? [AMY] What do you need from me? [DOCTOR] My screwdriver. I left it in the Tardis. It's in my jacket. [RORY] You're wearing your jacket. [DOCTOR] My other jacket. [RORY] You have two of those? [AMY] Okay, I'll get it. But Doctor, listen to me. Don't get emotionalbecause that's when you make mistakes. [DOCTOR] Yes, boss. [AMY] I'll call you from the Tardis. Rory, look after him. [DOCTOR] Rory, look after her. [RORY] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [AMY] I told you to look after him. [RORY] He'll be fine. He's a Time Lord. [AMY] It's just what they're called. It doesn't mean he actually knowswhat he's doing. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Hey, we're here. Screwdriver's in your jacket, yeah? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Yeah, it's around somewhere. Have a goodlook. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Did you do that? [RORY] I didn't do anything. Right. Jacket. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Come on. Where are you? Now, where are youall? Where are you? [DOCTOR] Well, they can't all be in here. [MAN [OC]] Please do you read me. [WOMAN [OC]] Structural integrity failure. Damage to dimensionalstabiliser. [MAN 2] If you can hear, come and help. [DOCTOR] Just admiring your Time Lord distress signal collection. Nicejob. Brilliant job. Really thought I had some friends here, but this iswhat the Ood translator picked up. Cries for help from the long dead.How many Time Lords have you lured here the way you lured me, and whathappened to them all? [AUNTIE] House, House is kind and he is wise. [DOCTOR] House repairs you when you break. Yes, I know. But how does hemend you? You've got the eyes of a twenty year old. [UNCLE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] No. Oh, no, I mean it literally. Your eyes are thirty yearsyounger than the rest of you. Your ears don't match, your right arm istwo inches longer than you're left, and how's your dancing? Becauseyou've got two left feet. Patchwork people. You've been repaired andpatched up so often, I doubt there's anything left of what used to beyou. I had an umbrella like you once. [AUNTIE] Oh, now, it's been a great arm for me, this. [DOCTOR] Corsair. [AUNTIE] He was a strapping big bloke, wasn't he, Uncle? [UNCLE] Big fellow. [AUNTIE] I got the arm and then Uncle got the spine and the kidneys. [UNCLE] Kidneys. [DOCTOR] You gave me hope, and then you took it away. That's enough tomake anyone dangerous. God knows what it will do to me. Basically, run! [UNCLE] Poor old Time Lord. Too late. House is too clever. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] No sonic screwdriver. Also the doors seemed tohave locked behind us. Rory thinks there's a perfectly innocentexplanation, but I think you lied to us. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Time Lord stuff. Needed you out of the way. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] What, we're not good enough --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [AMY [OC]] For your smart new friends? [DOCTOR] The boxes will make you angry. How could she know? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Doctor, what are you talking about? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Stay put. Stay exactly where you are. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) (Brig) [DOCTOR] How did you know about the boxes? You saidthey'd make me angry. How did you know? [IDRIS] Ah, it's my thief. [DOCTOR] Who are you? [IDRIS] It's about time. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] He's not trusting us and he's being emotional. This is bad. Thisis very, very bad. [RORY] Yeah, I think it probably is. [AMY] Sometimes I hate being right. --------------------------------------- (Brig) [DOCTOR] I don't understand. Who are you? [IDRIS] Do you not know me? Just because they put me in here? [DOCTOR] They said you were dangerous. [IDRIS] Not the cage, stupid. In here. They put me in here. I'm the. Oh,what do you call me? We travel. I go (Tardis sound) [DOCTOR] The Tardis? [IDRIS] Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Yes, that's it. Names arefunny. It's me. I'm the Tardis. [DOCTOR] No, you're not. You're a bitey, mad lady. The Tardis is up anddowny stuff in a big blue box. [IDRIS] Yes, that's me. A Type Forty Tardis. I was already a museumpiece when you were young, and the first time you touched my consoleyou said [DOCTOR] I said you were the most beautiful thing I had ever known. [IDRIS] And then you stole me. And I stole you. [DOCTOR] I borrowed you. [IDRIS] Borrowing implies the intention to return the thing that wastaken. What makes you think I would ever give you back? [DOCTOR] You're the Tardis? [IDRIS] Yes. [DOCTOR] My Tardis? [IDRIS] My Doctor. Oh. We have now reached the point in the conversationwhere you open the lock. [IDRIS] Are all people like this? [DOCTOR] Like what? [IDRIS] So much bigger on the inside. I'm, oh, what is that word? It'sso big, so complicated. It's so sad. [DOCTOR] But why? Why pull the living soul from a Tardis and pop it in atiny human head? What does it want you for? [IDRIS] Oh, it doesn't want me. [DOCTOR] How do you know? [IDRIS] House eats Tardises. [DOCTOR] House what? What do you mean? [IDRIS] I don't know. It's something I heard you say. [DOCTOR] When? [IDRIS] In the future. [DOCTOR] House eats Tardises? [IDRIS] There you go. What are fish fingers? [DOCTOR] When do I say that? [IDRIS] Any second. [DOCTOR] Of course. House feeds on rift energy and Tardises are burstingwith it. And not raw, all lovely and cooked. Processed food. Mmm, fishfingers. [IDRIS] Do fish have fingers? [DOCTOR] But you can't eat a Tardis. it would destroy you. Unless,unless [IDRIS] Unless you deleted the Tardis Matrix first. [DOCTOR] So it deleted you. [IDRIS] But House can't just delete a Tardis' consciousness. That wouldblow a hole in the universe. So he pulls out the Matrix, sticks it in aliving receptacle and then it feeds off the remaining Artron energy.Oh. You were about to say all that. I don't suppose you have to now. [DOCTOR] I sent Amy and Rory in there. They'll be eaten. Amy! Amy? Rory?Get the hell out of there. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) (Corridor) [DOCTOR] It's House. He's after the Tardis. Just getout both of you. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] We can't. You locked the door, remember? --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [DOCTOR] But I've unlocked it. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] You stupid well haven't. [AMY] Doctor, I don't like this. --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [DOCTOR] Open! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [DOCTOR] Open this door! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Rory, hold my hand. --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [DOCTOR] Amy. Rory! [DOCTOR] Amy? Amy, can you hear me? (no) Okay, right. I don't, I reallydon't know what to do. That's a new feeling. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RORY] Listen, whatever happens, at least we're together. And we're inthe Tardis, so we're safe. [AMY] Yeah. [HOUSE [OC]] You're half right. I mean, you are in the Tardis. What agreat adventure. I should have done this half a million years ago. So,Amy, Rory, why shouldn't I just kill you now? --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] It's gone. [IDRIS] Eaten? [DOCTOR] No, it left. Not eaten, hi-jacked. But why? [AUNTIE] It's time for us both to go, and keep together. [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Go? What do you mean, go? Where are yougoing? [AUNTIE] Well, we're dying, my love. It's time for Auntie and Uncle topop off. [UNCLE] I'm against it. [AUNTIE] It's your fault, isn't it, sweets? Because you told House itwas the last Tardis. House can't feed on them if there's none morecoming, can he? [UNCLE] So now he's off to your universe to find more Tardises. [DOCTOR] It won't. [AUNTIE] Oh, it'll think of something. [UNCLE] Actually, I feel fine. [DOCTOR] Not dead. You can't just die! [IDRIS] We need to go to where I landed, Doctor, quickly. [DOCTOR] Why? [IDRIS] Because we are there in three minutes. We need to go now. Ow.Roughly how long do these bodies last? [DOCTOR] You're dying. [IDRIS] Yes, of course I'm dying. I don't belong in a flesh body. Icould blow the casing in no time. No, stop it. Don't get emotional.Hmm. That's what the orangey girl says. You're the Doctor. Focus. [DOCTOR] On what? How? I'm a madman with a box, without a box. I'm stuckdown the plughole at the end of the universe on a stupid old junkyard.Ooo. [IDRIS] Ooo what? [DOCTOR] I'm not. [IDRIS] Not what? [DOCTOR] Because it's not a junkyard. Don't you see? It's not ajunkyard. [IDRIS] What is it then? [DOCTOR] It's a Tardis junkyard. Come on! Oh, sorry. Do you have a name? [IDRIS] Seven hundred years, finally he asks. [DOCTOR] But what do I call you? [IDRIS] I think you call me Sexy. [DOCTOR] Only when we're alone. [IDRIS] We are alone. [DOCTOR] Oh. Come on then, Sexy. --------------------------------------- (House) [HOUSE [OC]] Corridors. I have corridors. So much tolearn about my new home. But you haven't answered my question,children. [RORY] Er, question? [HOUSE [OC]] You remember. Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you bothnow? [AMY] Well, because. Rory, why? [RORY] Because killing us quickly wouldn't be any fun. And you need fun,don't you? That's what Uncle and Auntie were for, wasn't it? Someone tomake suffer. I had a PE teacher just like you. You need to beentertained, and killing us quickly wouldn't be entertainment. [HOUSE [OC]] So entertain me. Run. --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [DOCTOR] A valley of half eaten Tardises. Are youthinking what I'm thinking? [IDRIS] I'm thinking that all of my sisters are dead. That they weredevoured, and that we are looking at their corpses. [DOCTOR] Ah. Sorry. No, I wasn't thinking that. [IDRIS] No. You were thinking you could build a working Tardis consoleout of broken remnants of a hundred different models. And you don'tcare that it's impossible. [DOCTOR] It's not impossible as long as we're alive. Rory and Amy needme. So yeah, we're going to build a Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Tardis corridor) [HOUSE [OC]] So are we having fun yet? I'm ratherenjoying the sensation of having you running around inside me. [HOUSE [OC]] I've turned off the corridor anti-gravs, so do be careful. [AMY] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [IDRIS] Bond the tube directly into the TachyonDiverter. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I have actually rebuilt a Tardis before, you know. Iknow what I'm doing. [IDRIS] You're like a nine year old trying to rebuild a motorbike in hisbedroom. And you never read the instructions. [DOCTOR] I always read the instructions. [IDRIS] There's a sign on my front door. You have been walking past itfor seven hundred years. What does it say? [DOCTOR] That's not instructions. [IDRIS] There's an instruction at the bottom. What does it say? [DOCTOR] Pull to open. [IDRIS] Yes. And what do you do? [DOCTOR] I push. [IDRIS] Every single time. Seven hundred years. Police Box doors openout the way. [DOCTOR] I think I have earned the right to open my front doors any wayI want. [IDRIS] Your front doors? Have you any idea how childish that sounds? [DOCTOR] You are not my mother. [IDRIS] And you are not my child. [DOCTOR] You know, since we're talking with mouths, not really anopportunity that comes along very often, I just want to say, you know,you have never been very reliable. [IDRIS] And you have? [DOCTOR] You didn't always take me where I wanted to go. [IDRIS] No, but I always took you where you needed to go. [DOCTOR] You did. Look at us talking. Wouldn't it be amazing if we couldalways talk, even when you're stuck inside the box? [IDRIS] You know I'm not constructed that way. I exist across all spaceand time, and you talk and run around and bring home strays. [DOCTOR] You okay? [IDRIS] One of the kidneys has already failed. It doesn't matter. Weneed to finish assembling the console. [DOCTOR] Using a console without a proper shell. It's not going to besafe. [IDRIS] This body has about eighteen minutes left to live. The universewe're in will reach Absolute Zero in three hours. Safe is relative. [DOCTOR] Then we need to get a move on. Eh, old girl? --------------------------------------- (Tardis corridor) [RORY] No! Amy! [AMY] No! [RORY] Amy. [RORY [OC]] Amy? Amy? Amy? [AMY] Rory? [RORY] Where have you been? [AMY] I stepped through that door and it came down here. [RORY] But you've been hours. [AMY] No, I haven't. It's House, and it's messing with the Tardis. Comeon, back this way. [RORY] No! [AMY] No! Oh. --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [IDRIS] You'll need to install the time rotor. [DOCTOR] How is this going to make it through the rift? How? We'realmost done. Thrust diffuser? Er, retroscope. Blue thingy. [IDRIS] Do you ever wonder why I chose you all those years ago? [DOCTOR] I chose you. You were unlocked. [IDRIS] Of course I was. I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a TimeLord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough. [DOCTOR] Right. Perfect. Look at that. What could possibly go wrong? [DOCTOR] That's fine. That always happens. No, hang on. Wait. --------------------------------------- (Tardis corridor) [RORY] Amy? [AMY] Oh, my God. Rory? [RORY] You left me. How could you do that? How could you leave me? [AMY] How long have you been here? [RORY] Two thousand years I waited for you. You did it to me again. [AMY] I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Rory, what are youdoing? [RORY] They come for me at night. Every single night, they come for meand they hurt me. Amy, they hurt me over and over and over and over [AMY] Rory. [RORY] How could you leave me? How could you do that to me? --------------------------------------- (Junkyard) [DOCTOR] Right. Okay, let's go. Follow that Tardis. [DOCTOR] Oh no, come on. There's rift energy everywhere. You can do it.Okay, diverting all power to thrust. Let's be having you. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. [IDRIS] What's wrong? [DOCTOR] It can't hold the charge. It can't even start. There's nopower. I've got nothing. [IDRIS] Oh, my beautiful idiot. You have what you've always had. You'vegot me. --------------------------------------- (Tardis corridor) [AMY] No! No! Rory, I'm so, so sorry. [RORY] Amy? [RORY] It's messing with our heads. Come on, run. --------------------------------------- (Rift) [DOCTOR] Whoo hoo! [IDRIS] We've locked on to them. They'll have to lower the shields whenI'm close enough to phase inside. [DOCTOR] Can you get a message to Amy? The telepathic circuits areonline. [IDRIS] Which one's Amy? The pretty one? --------------------------------------- (Ladder) [RORY] Argh. [AMY] Rory, what's wrong? [RORY] It's like I'm getting a message. [IDRIS] Hello, Pretty. [RORY] What the hell is that? [DOCTOR] Don't worry. Telepathic messaging. No, that's Rory. [IDRIS] You have to go to the old control room. I'm putting the route inyour head. When you get there use the purple slider on the nearestpanel to lower the shields. [DOCTOR] The pretty one? [IDRIS] You'll have about twelve seconds before the room goes into phasewith the invading Matrix. I'll send you the pass key when you getthere. Good luck. [AMY] What was that? [RORY] It was that woman. That mad woman and the Doctor. [AMY] The Doctor? [RORY] We have to keep going. --------------------------------------- (Rift) [DOCTOR] How's he going to be able to take down theshields anyway? The House is in the control room. [IDRIS] I directed him to one of the old control rooms. [DOCTOR] There aren't any old control rooms. They were all deleted orremodelled. [IDRIS] I archive them, for neatness. I've got about thirty now. [DOCTOR] But I've only changed the desktop, what, a dozen times? [IDRIS] So far, yes. [DOCTOR] You can't archive something that hasn't happened yet. [IDRIS] You can't. --------------------------------------- (Tardis corridor) [AMY] What happened to the lights? [RORY] The lights are fine. Oh, it's messing with our heads again. Okay,stay there a second. [AMY] What is it? What? [RORY] Just hang on. [AMY] Don't leave me. I can hardly see, you idiot. [RORY [OC]] Argh. [AMY] Rory? Rory? [RORY [OC]] It's okay, I'm fine. Come towards my voice. [AMY] What happened? Where are you? [RORY [OC]] I just banged my head. Just keep coming. Reach out yourhand. [RORY] This way. Come on, run! --------------------------------------- (Rift) [DOCTOR] Keep going. You're doing it, you sexything. [IDRIS] See, you do call me that. Is it my name? [DOCTOR] You bet it's your name. [IDRIS] Whoo! --------------------------------------- (Tardis corridor) [AMY] I can see now, Rory. I can see. [RORY] It was the Ood thing, the Nephew and it's still coming. [AMY] I know. So where is this place? [RORY] This is where she told me to go. She said she'd send me the passkey. Ow! [IDRIS + RORY] Crimson. Eleven. Delight. Petrichor. [AMY] Petrichor? [RORY] What do I do? Do I say it? Crimson. Eleven. Delight. Petrichor. Isaid it. [AMY] Petrichor. Petrichor. [RORY] I said it. [AMY] Petrichor. She told you what it meant. The smell of wet dust,remember? So, oh, it's the meaning, not the word. [RORY] The meaning of what? [AMY] The Tardis interface is telepathic. You don't say it, you thinkit. [RORY] It's coming. [AMY] Quiet. Crimson. Eleven. Delight. The smell of dust after rain.Crimson, eleven, delight, the smell of dust after rain. Crimson,eleven, delight, the smell of dust after rain. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] What is this place? Another control room? [RORY] Right, shields. Got it. --------------------------------------- (Rift) [IDRIS] They did it. Shields down. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [HOUSE [OC]] How did you find this place? It's noton my internal schematics. I had hoped you two could join Nephew as myservants. But you two are nothing but trouble. Nephew, kill them. [IDRIS] We're coming through. Get out of the way or you'll be atomised. [RORY] Where are you coming through? [IDRIS] I don't know. [RORY] Oh, great. Thanks. --------------------------------------- (Rift) [IDRIS] It's not going to hold. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RORY] Hold on. [AMY] Doctor. [IDRIS] Not good. Not good at all. How do you walk around in thesethings? [DOCTOR] We're not quite there yet. Just hold on. Amy, this is, well,she's my Tardis. Except she's a woman. She's a woman, and she's myTardis. [AMY] She's the Tardis? [DOCTOR] And she's a woman. She's a woman and she's the Tardis. [AMY] Did you wish really hard? [DOCTOR] Shut up. Not like that. [IDRIS] Hello. I'm Sexy. [DOCTOR] Oh. Still shut up. [HOUSE [OC]] The environment has been breached. Nephew, kill them all. [RORY] Where's Nephew? [AMY] He was standing right where you materialised. [DOCTOR] Ah. Well, he must have been redistributed. [RORY] Meaning what? [DOCTOR] You're breathing him. [AMY] Oh, come on. [DOCTOR] Another Ood I failed to save. [HOUSE [OC]] Doctor. I did not expect you. [DOCTOR] Well, that's me all over, isn't it? Lovely old unexpected me. [HOUSE [OC]] The big question is, now you're here, how to dispose ofyou? I could play with gravity. [HOUSE [OC]] Or I could evacuate the air from this room and watch youchoke. [DOCTOR] You really don't want to do that. [HOUSE [OC]] Why shouldn't I just kill you now? [DOCTOR] Because then I won't be able to help you. Listen to yourengines. Just listen to them. You don't have the thrust and you knowit. Right now I'm your only hope for getting out of your little bubblethrough the rift, and into my universe. And mine's the one with thefood in. [IDRIS] Water, water. [DOCTOR] You just have to promise not to kill us. That's all, justpromise. [DOCTOR] I'm very serious. I'm sure it's an entity of its word. [RORY] Doctor, she's burning up. She's asking for water. [DOCTOR] Hey. Hang in there, old girl. Not long now. It'll be over soon. [IDRIS] I always liked it when you call me old girl. [HOUSE [OC]] You want me to give my word? Easy. I promise. [DOCTOR] Fine. Okay. I trust you. Just delete, oh er, thirty percent ofthe Tardis rooms, you'll free up thrust enough to make it through.Activate subroutine Sigma nine. [HOUSE [OC]] Why would you tell me this? [DOCTOR] Because we want to get back to our universe as badly as you do.And I'm nice. [HOUSE [OC]] Yes. I can delete rooms. And I can also rid myself ofvermin if I delete this room first. Thank you, Doctor. Very helpful.Goodbye, Time Lord. Goodbye, little humans. Goodbye, Idris. [DOCTOR] Yes. I mean, you could do that, but it just won't work.Hardwired fail safe. Living things from rooms that are deleted areautomatically deposited in the main control room. But thanks for thelift. [HOUSE [OC]] We are in your universe now, Doctor. Why should it matterto me in which room you die? I can kill you just as easily here asanywhere. Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords. [DOCTOR] Fear me. I've killed all of them. [RORY] I don't understand. There isn't a forest in here. [DOCTOR] Yeah, you're right. You've completely won. Oh, you can kill usin oodles of really inventive ways, but before you do kill us allow meand friends Amy and Rory to congratulate you on being an absolutelyworthy opponent. [AMY] Congratulations. [DOCTOR] Yep, you've defeated us. Me and my lovely friends here, andlast but definitely not least, the Tardis Matrix herself, a livingconsciousness you ripped out of this very control room and locked upinto a human body. And look at her. [RORY] Doctor, she's stopped breathing. [HOUSE [OC]] Enough. That is enough. [DOCTOR] No. It's never enough. You forced the Tardis into a body soshe'd burn out safely a very long way away from this control room. Aflesh body can't hold the Tardis Matrix and live. Look at her body,House. [HOUSE [OC]] And you think I should mourn her? [DOCTOR] No. I think you should be very, very careful about what you letback into this control room. You took her from her home. But now she'sback in the box again, and she's free. [HOUSE [OC]] No. Doctor, stop this. Argh! Stop this now. [DOCTOR] Oh, look at my girl. Look at her go. Bigger on the inside. Yousee, House? [HOUSE [OC]] Make her stop. [DOCTOR] That's your problem. Size of a planet, but inside you are justso small. [HOUSE [OC]] Make it stop. [DOCTOR] Finish him off, girl. [HOUSE [OC]] Ow. Don't do this! Argh! [IDRIS] Doctor, are you there? It's so very dark in here. [DOCTOR] I'm here. [IDRIS] I've been looking for a word. A big, complicated word, but sosad. I've found it now. [DOCTOR] What word? [IDRIS] Alive. I'm alive. [DOCTOR] Alive isn't sad. [IDRIS] It's sad when it's over. I'll always be here, but this is whenwe talked, and now even that has come to an end. There's something Ididn't get to say to you. [DOCTOR] Goodbye? [IDRIS] No. I just wanted to say hello. Hello, Doctor. It's so very,very nice to meet you. [DOCTOR] Please. I don't want you to. Please. [DOCTOR] Where? [RORY] How's it going under there? [DOCTOR] Just putting a firewall around the Matrix. Almost done. [AMY] Are you going to make her talk again? [DOCTOR] I can't. [RORY] Why not? [AMY] Spacey wacey, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Well, actually, it's because the Time Lords discovered that ifyou take an eleventh dimensional matrix and fold it into a mechanicalthen. Yes, it's spacey wacey. [RORY] Sorry. At the end, she was talking. She kept repeating something.I don't know what it meant. [DOCTOR] What did she say? [RORY] The only water in the forest is the river. She said we'd need toknow that someday. It doesn't make sense, does it? [DOCTOR] Not yet. You okay? [RORY] No. I watched her die. I shouldn't let it get to me, but it stilldoes. I'm a nurse. [DOCTOR] Letting it get to you. You know what that's called? Beingalive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now, that's all thatcounts. Nearly finished. Two more minutes, then we're off. The Eye ofOrion's restful, if you like restful. I can never really get the hangof restful. What do you think, dear? Where shall we take the kids thistime? [AMY] Look at you pair. It's always you and her, isn't it, long afterthe rest of us have gone. A boy and his box, off to see the universe. [DOCTOR] Well, you say that as if it's a bad thing. But honestly, it'sthe best thing there is. The House deleted all the bedrooms. I shouldprobably make you two a new bedroom. You'd like that, wouldn't you? [AMY] Okay. Er, Doctor, this time could we lose the bunk beds? [DOCTOR] No. Bunk beds are cool. A bed with a ladder. You can't beatthat. It's your room. Out those stairs, keep walking till you find it.Off you pop. [RORY] Doctor, do you have a room? [DOCTOR] Are you there? Can you hear me? Oh, I'm a silly old. Okay. TheEye of Orion, or wherever we need to go. [DOCTOR] Ha ha! Whoo hoo.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Doctor's Wife"}
Doctor Who (21 May, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - The Rebel Flesh [JIMMY] Lights. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [JIMMY] Lights. You know the drill, people. Plasticvisors down and locked. Buzzer? [JENNIFER] Reading of nine point seven. [JIMMY] Sounds a bit low for unrefined. How's the average? [JENNIFER] The acid potency stats have definitely dropped below the meanduring the last quarter. [BUZZER] Prettier than a computer, isn't she? [JENNIFER] Give over, Buzz. [JENNIFER] Buzzer. Buzz. [JIMMY] Oh, great. Nice going, twinkle toes. [JENNIFER] I shouldn't have swung at him. Sorry, Buzz. My bad. [BUZZER] No, you're all right. Jimmy? [JIMMY] Well, no point carrying you back legless. Sorry, Buzzer. You'redead. [BUZZER] Well, this is a right pain in the armour. Heart's gone now. [JIMMY] Look, we'd best get off. Got to write this one up for the boss.Those suits cost a bomb. If I miss my boy's birthday filling out forms,I'll kill you again. [JIMMY] Lights. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JENNIFER] I'm looking at these readings, Jimmy, andthe potency stats are way too low. We may have to take that read again.This thing is still jamming up on me. [BUZZER] So I think we'd better talk about what just happened backthere. I could get compensation. I've seen the holo-ads. Had anaccident in the workplace? Yeah, I have as it goes. I melted. [JIMMY] Let it go. [BUZZER] Just remember. When you're doing your report, it wasn't myfault. She took a swing at me. [JENNIFER] I never touched you. You've got two left feet, Buzzer. [BUZZER] I haven't got two left feet. Or any arms, neck, head, the chin.This body costs money, love. [JIMMY] Not as much as that acid suit. [BUZZER] Oh, lighten up. It's not like anyone was hurt. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Forty six. Rubbishy, rubbishy, rubbish. [RORY] Hello? It's a double top. [AMY] Wrong side of the wire, mister. [RORY] You're on the oche, Red. [DOCTOR] Who wants fish and chips? [DOCTOR] I'll drop you both off. Take your time. Don't rush. [RORY] Er, and you? Things to do. Things involving other things. [AMY] Well, we'll stay with you. We'll do the other things. [DOCTOR] Nope. [AMY] Whatever you're up to, I'd personally like to be a part of it.What? [DOCTOR] Solar tsunami. Came directly from your sun. A tidal wave ofradiation. Big, big, big. [RORY] Oh Doctor, my tummy's going funny. [DOCTOR] Well, the gyrator disconnected. Target tracking is out. [DOCTOR] Assume the position! [DOCTOR] Textbook landing. --------------------------------------- (St John's Island) [DOCTOR] Behold, a cockerel! Love a cockerel. [DOCTOR] And underneath, a monastery. Thirteenth century. [AMY] Oh, we've gone all mediaeval. [RORY] I'm not sure about that. [AMY] Really? Mediaeval expert are you? [RORY] No, it's just that I can hear Dusty Springfield. [DOCTOR] These fissures are new. Solar tsunami sent out a huge wave ofgamma particles. This is caused by a magnetic quake that occurs justbefore the wave hits. [AMY] Well, the monastery's standing. [DOCTOR] Yeah, for now. [RORY] Doctor, look. [DOCTOR] Yeah. It's a supply pipe. Ceramic inner lining. Somethingcorrosive. They're pumping something nasty off this island to themainland. [RORY] My mum's a massive fan of Dusty Springfield. [DOCTOR] Who isn't? Right, let's go. Satisfy our rabid curiosity. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [AMY] So where are these Dusty Springfield lovingmonks, then? [DOCTOR] I think we're here. This is it. [RORY] Doctor, what are you talking about? We've never been here before. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [AMY] We came here by accident? [DOCTOR] Accident? Yes, I know. Accident. [RORY] Ow! [DOCTOR] Acid. They're pumping acid off this island. That's old stuff.Fresh acid, you wouldn't have a finger. [TANNOY] Intruder alert. Intruder alert. [DOCTOR] There are people coming. Well, almost. [AMY] Almost coming? [DOCTOR] Almost people. [RORY] I think we should really be going. [AMY] Come on! [RORY] I'm telling you. When something runs towards you, it is never fora nice reason. --------------------------------------- (Harness room) [AMY] What are all these harnesses for? [RORY] The almost people? [AMY] What are they, prisoners, or are they meditating, or what? [DOCTOR] Well, at the moment they fall into the or what category. [TANNOY] Halt and remain calm. [DOCTOR] Well, we've halted. How are we all doing on the calm front? [JIMMY] Don't move! [BUZZER] Stay back, Jen. We don't know who they are. [JENNIFER] So let's ask them. Who the hell are you? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm the Doctor, and this is Amy and Rory, and it's allvery nice, isn't it? [AMY] Hold up. You're all. What are you all? Like identical twins? [CLEAVES] This is an Alpha Grade industrial facility. Unless you workfor the military or for Morpeth Jetson, you are in big trouble. [DOCTOR] Actually, you're in big trouble. [CLEAVES] Meteorological Department? Since when? [DOCTOR] Since you were hit by a solar wave. [CLEAVES] Which we survived. [DOCTOR] Just, by the look of it. And there's a bigger one on the way. [CLEAVES] Which we'll also survive. Dicken, scan for bugs. [BUZZER] Backs against the wall. Now. [DOCTOR] You're not a monastery, you're a factory. Twenty second centuryarmy-owned factory. [AMY] You're army? [CLEAVES] No, love. We're contractors, and you're trespassers. [DICKEN] It's clear, boss. [CLEAVES] All right, weatherman, your ID checks out. If there's anothersolar storm, what are you going to do about it? Hand out sunblock? [DOCTOR] I need to see your critical systems. [CLEAVES] Which one? [DOCTOR] You know which one. --------------------------------------- (Flesh room) [DOCTOR] And there you are. [CLEAVES] Meet the government's worst kept secret. The Flesh. It's fullyprogrammable matter. In fact, it's even learning to replicate itself atthe cellular level. [AMY] Right. Brilliant. Lost. [CLEAVES] Okay. Once a reading's been taken, we can manipulate itsmolecular structure into anything. Replicate a living organism down tothe hairs on its chinny chin chin. Even clothes. And everything'sidentical. Eyes, voice [DOCTOR] Mind, soul? [CLEAVES] Don't be fooled, Doctor. It acts like life but it still needsto be controlled by us, from those harnesses you saw. [RORY] Wait, whoa. Hold it. So, you're Flesh now? [CLEAVES] I'm lying in a harness back in that chamber. We all are,except Jennifer here. Don't be scared. This thing, just like operatinga forklift truck. [DOCTOR] You said it could grow. Only living things grow. [CLEAVES] Moss grows. It's no more than that. This acid is so dangerouswe were losing a worker every week. So now we mine the acid using thesedoppelgangers. Or Gangers. If these bodies get burnt or fall in theacid [BUZZER] Then who the hell cares, right, Jen? [JENNIFER] Nerve endings automatically cut off like airbags beingdischarged. We wake up and get a new Ganger. [JIMMY] It's weird, but you get used to it. [CLEAVES] Jennifer, I want you in your Ganger. Get back to the harness. [BUZZER] Hang on, what's he up to? What you up to, pal? [DOCTOR] Stop it. Strange. It was like for a moment there it wasscanning me. [CLEAVES] Doctor. [CLEAVES] Get back, Doctor. Leave it alone. [DOCTOR] I understand. [AMY] Doctor? Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Incredible. You have no idea. No idea. I mean, I felt it in mymind. I reached out to it, and it to me. [CLEAVES] Don't fiddle with the money, Doctor. [DOCTOR] How can you be so blinkered? It's alive. So alive. You'repiling your lives, your personalities directly into it. [DOCTOR] It's the solar storm. The first waves come in pairs. Pre-shockand fore-shock. It's close. [CLEAVES] Buzzer, we got anything from the mainland yet? [BUZZER] No, the comms are still too jammed with radiation. [CLEAVES] Okay. Then we'll keep pumping acid until the mainland saysstop. Now why don't you stand back and let us impress you? --------------------------------------- (Harness room) [COMPUTER] ID confirmed. Jennifer Lucas. [JENNIFER] The meter is running. [JENNIFER] Cardio and respiratory online. Motor functions online.Plumbing in. --------------------------------------- (Flesh room) [DOCTOR] Well, I can see why you keep it in a church. Miracle of life. [BUZZER] No need to get poncey. It's just gunge. [CLEAVES] Guys, we need to get to work. [JIMMY] Okay, everybody, let's crack on. [DOCTOR] Did I mention the solar storm? You need to get out of here. [JIMMY] Where do you want us to go? We're on a tiny island. [DOCTOR] Well, I can get you all off it. [CLEAVES] Don't be ridiculous. We've got a job to do. [DOCTOR] It's coming. [JENNIFER] That's the alarm. [DOCTOR] How do you get power? [CLEAVES] We're solar. We use a solar router. The weathervane. [DOCTOR] Big problem. [JIMMY] Boss, maybe if the storm's back we should get underground. Thefactory's seen better days. The acid pipes might not withstand anotherhit. [CLEAVES] We have two hundred tons of acid to pump out. We fall behind,we stay another rotation. Anyone want that? [DOCTOR] Please, you are making a massive mistake here. You're right atthe crossroads of it. Don't turn the wrong way. If you don't, if youdon't prepare for this storm, you are all in terrible danger.Understand? [CLEAVES] My factory, my rules. [DOCTOR] I need to check the progress of the storm. Monitoring station?Monitoring station. [JENNIFER] Three lefts, a right and a left. Third door on your left. [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [DOCTOR] Waves disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. There is going tobe the mother and father of all power surges. See this weathervane, thecock-a-doodle-do? It's a solar router feeding the whole factory withsolar power. When that wave hits,ka-boom. I've to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose. Inever thought I'd have to say that again. Amy, breathe. [AMY] Yeah! I mean, thanks. I'll try. --------------------------------------- (Flesh room) [RORY] Oh. For want of a better word, ow! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [DOCTOR] Cleaves, you're not in your harness. [CLEAVES] I'm sorry, Doctor. You were right. [DOCTOR] You've lost all power to the factory. [CLEAVES] Doctor, I abandoned my team. [DOCTOR] Then let's go get them. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] How long would you say we were unconsciousfor, Cleaves? [CLEAVES] Not long. A minute, two minutes? [DOCTOR] I'd hazard we've been out a teensy bit longer. [CLEAVES] Well, how long? [DOCTOR] An hour. I've seen whole worlds turned inside out in an hour. Alot can go wrong in an hour. --------------------------------------- (Harness room) [BUZZER] I feel like I been toasted. [JIMMY] What the hell happened? [AMY] The tsunami happened. You hurt? [JIMMY] It feels like the National Grid's run through my bones but apartfrom that [BUZZER] I hope the meter's not bust. I still want to get paid. [RORY] Jennifer! Jennifer. Hey, all right? [JENNIFER] It hurt so much. [RORY] Hey. Hey, it's okay. It's over. [JENNIFER] I couldn't get out of my harness. [RORY] Shush. [JENNIFER] I thought I was going to die. [RORY] Welcome to my world. [AMY] Doctor, these are all real people, so where are their Gangers? [CLEAVES] Don't worry. When the link shuts down the Gangers return topure Flesh. Now, the storm's left us with acid leaks all over, so weneed to contact the mainland. They can have a rescue shuttle out herein no time. [JIMMY] That's my record. Who's playing my record? [DOCTOR] Your Gangers. They've gone walkabout. [CLEAVES] No, it's impossible. They're not active. Cars don't flythemselves, cranes don't lift themselves and Gangers don't --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [BUZZER] No way. [CLEAVES] I don't, I don't believe this. [JIMMY] They could've escaped through the service door at the back. [BUZZER] This is just like the Isle of Sheppey. [DOCTOR] It would seem the storm has animated your Gangers. [CLEAVES] They've ransacked everything. [DOCTOR] Not ransacked, searched. [CLEAVES] Through our stuff! [DOCTOR] Their stuff. [JIMMY] Searching for what? [DOCTOR] Confirmation. They need to know their memories are real. [BUZZER] Oh, so they've got flaming memories now. [DOCTOR] They feel compelled to connect to their lives. [CLEAVES] Their stolen lives. [DOCTOR] No, bequeathed. You gave them this. You poured in yourpersonalities, emotions, traits, memories, secrets, everything. Yougave them your lives. Human lives are amazing. Are you surprised theywalked off with them? [BUZZER] I'll say it again. Isle of Sheppey. Ganger got an electricshock, toddled off, killed his operator right there in his harness.I've seen the photos. This bloke's ear was all hanging [JIMMY] Even if this has actually happened, they can't remain stablewithout us plumbed in to them, can they, boss. [CLEAVES] Guess we'll find out. [RORY] Are you okay? Do you need some water? [JENNIFER] I feel funny. I need the washroom. [RORY] I'll come with you. [DICKEN] Sorry. [AMY] Oh! Okay. [BUZZER] That's me. It's good to have a hobby. So what, my Ganger didthat all on its own? [DOCTOR] Who taught you to do this? [BUZZER] My granddad. [DOCTOR] Well, your Ganger's granddad taught him to do it, too. You bothhave the same childhood memories, just as clear, just as real. [BUZZER] No. [DOCTOR] Scared, disorientated, struggling to come to terms with anentire life in their heads. --------------------------------------- (Washroom) [RORY] The Doctor's always saying don't wander off.First rule with him, actually. Don't wander off. [JENNIFER] I just need a minute. [RORY] Oh, yeah. Sure. Take all the time you need. I've got your back.You're fine. [RORY] Er, Jennifer? What's up, Jennifer? [JENNIFER] Just let us live. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [JIMMY] We need to protect ourselves. [DOCTOR] Are you a violent man, Jimmy? [JIMMY] No. [DOCTOR] Then why would the other Jimmy be? [CLEAVES] Don't tell me you can eat at a time like this, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You told me we were out cold for a few minutes, Cleaves, whenin fact it was an hour. [CLEAVES] Sorry, I just assumed [DOCTOR] Well, it's not your fault. Like I said, they're disoriented.Amy, when you got to the alcoves, who was in harness? [AMY] Jimmy and Dicken were helping Buzzer out. [DOCTOR] Jennifer? [AMY] She was standing on her own when we got to her. [DOCTOR] It's hot. [DOCTOR] Trans-matter's still a little rubbery. Nerve endings not quitefused properly. [CLEAVES] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] It's okay. [CLEAVES] Why didn't I feel that? [DOCTOR] You will. You'll stabilise. [CLEAVES] No, stop it. You're playing stupid games. Stop it! [DOCTOR] You don't have to hide. Please, trust me. I'm the Doctor. [BUZZER] Where's the real Cleaves, you thing? What have you done withher? [DOCTOR] That's it. Good, you remember. This is early Flesh. The earlystages of the technology. So much to learn. [AMY] Doctor, what's happened to her? [DOCTOR] She can't stabilise. She's shifting between half-formed andfull-formed, for now at least. [CLEAVES] We are living. [DOCTOR] Let her go. [AMY] Doctor, Rory. [DOCTOR] Rory? [AMY] Rory! [DOCTOR] Oh, Rory. Rory! Always with the Rory. --------------------------------------- (Monastery) [JIMMY] Explosion must've ruptured the acid feeds. We're going to needthe acid suits. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. We haven't got time. Back, back, back! [JENNIFER [OC]] Rory? Rory? Rory? --------------------------------------- (Washroom) [AMY] Rory. [DOCTOR] Of course, Jennifer's a Ganger too. [AMY] Doctor, you said they wouldn't be violent. [DOCTOR] But I did say they were scared and angry. [JIMMY] And early technology, is what you said. You seem to knowsomething about the Flesh. [AMY] Do you? Doctor? [JIMMY] You're no weatherman. Why are you really here? [DOCTOR] I have to talk to them. I can fix this. [JIMMY] Wait. What's going on? Where's the real Jennifer? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] It is too dangerous out here with acid leaks. [AMY] We have to find Rory. [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm going back to the Tardis. Wait for me in the dininghall. I want us to keep together, okay. No more wandering off. [AMY] And what about Rory? [DOCTOR] Well, it would be safer to look for Rory and Jennifer with theTardis. [JIMMY] Here we go. Distress flares. [DOCTOR] Exit? [JIMMY] Keep going straight. Can't miss it. But you're never going toget your vehicle in here. [DOCTOR] I'm a great parker. [JIMMY] We really need those acid suits. I've sent Buzzer and Dicken toget them. [AMY] Fine and dandy. I'm just going to find my husband, so cheers. [JIMMY] Amy, I wouldn't. [AMY] Nor would I. What can you do, eh? [JIMMY] At least wait for an acid suit. --------------------------------------- (Locker room) [G-JENNIFER] When I was a little girl, I got lost on the moors, wanderedoff from the picnic. I can still feel how sore my toes got inside myred welly boots. And I imagined another little girl, just like me, inred wellies, and she was Jennifer too. Except she was a strongJennifer, a tough Jennifer. She'd lead me home. My name is JenniferLucas. I am not a factory part. I had toast for my breakfast. I wrote aletter to my mum. And then you arrived. I noticed your eyes right off. [RORY] Did you? [G-JENNIFER] Nice eyes. Kind. [RORY] Where is the real Jennifer? [G-JENNIFER] I am Jennifer Lucas. I remember everything that happened inher entire life. Every birthday, every childhood illness. I feeleverything she has ever felt and more. I'm not a monster! I am me. Me!Me! Me! [G-JENNIFER] Why did they do this to us? Help me, Rory. Help me. [RORY] Shush, shush. --------------------------------------- (Flesh room) [LIPS] Trust me. --------------------------------------- (St Johns Island) [DOCTOR] Oh. What are you doing down there? --------------------------------------- (Locker room) [BUZZER] Clear. [BUZZER] Those damn Gangers got to the acid suits. [DICKEN] There is acid leaking everywhere. Did you see the boss' eyesback there in the hall? [BUZZER] I've never seen a Ganger look at me like that. [DICKEN] I don't know what they are now, but they ain't us. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [G-CLEAVES] We have the advantage now. We have the acid suits. We canmove freely. Strike at will. --------------------------------------- (Monastery) [RORY] Are you sure you're feeling better? No moresuper-elastic punches? [G-JENNIFER] I'm different now. Stronger. [RORY] The Doctor won't hurt you. He wants to help, Jennifer, okay? [G-JENNIFER] You used my name. You used my name. Thank you. [G-JENNIFER] Amy's a lucky girl. [RORY] Yeah, she is. Let's go. --------------------------------------- (Room) [AMY] Rory. Rory? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RORY] Amy! [AMY] You're okay. What happened? [RORY] She needs protecting. [BUZZER] Jen? [AMY] No, it's a Ganger. Rory, listen. [RORY] Look, you listen. Nobody touches her. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [DOCTOR] Hello. How are you all getting on? [G-CLEAVES] Why don't you tell us? [DOCTOR] Well, we have two choices. The first is to tear each otherapart. Not my favourite. The second is to knuckle down and worktogether. Try to work out how best we can help you. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Now, I know its hard for you to hold your fully human form.That's why you keep shifting between the Flesh stages, but do try.It'll make the others less scared of you. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [BUZZER] Where's Jen? What have you done with her? [G-JENNIFER] I haven't seen her, I swear. But look, I'm her. I'm justlike her. I'm real. [JIMMY] You're a copy. You're just pretending to be like her. [AMY] Rory, we don't really know anything about them yet. [RORY] Well, I know that she's afraid and she needs our help. [G-JENNIFER] Jimmy, Buzzer. Come on, you guys. We've worked together fortwo years. [BUZZER] I worked with Jennifer Lucas, not you. [AMY] Okay, let's not do anything at all [AMY + DOCTOR] Until the Doctor gets here. Hello. [JIMMY] This is [G-JIMMY] You're telling me. [G-CLEAVES] All right, Doctor, you've brought us together. Now what? [DOCTOR] Before we do anything, I have one very important question. Hasanybody got a pair of shoes I could borrow? Size ten. Although I shouldwarn you, I have very wide feet. --------------------------------------- (Locker room) [CLEAVES] That's it, Doctor befriend them. Team upwith them, why don't you? Make a football team. How about that? You'regoing to have us all together singing campfire songs. --------------------------------------- (Dining room) [DOCTOR] The Flesh was never merely moss. These are not copies. Thestorm has hardwired them. They are becoming people. [JIMMY] With souls? [DICKEN] Rubbish! Achoo. [DOCTOR] Bless you. We were all jelly once. Little jelly eggs sitting ingoop. [AMY] Yeah, thanks. Too much information. [DOCTOR] We are not talking about an accident that needs to be moppedup. We are talking about sacred life. Do you understand? Good. Now, theTardis is trapped in an acid pool. Once I can reach her, I can get youall off this island, humans and Gangers, eh? How does that sound? [JIMMY] Can I make it home for Adam's birthday? [G-JIMMY] What about me? He's my son too. [JIMMY] You? You really think that? [G-JIMMY] I feel it. [JIMMY] Oh, so you were there when he was born, were you? [G-JIMMY] Yeah. I drank about eight pints of tea, then they told me Ihad a wee boy and I just burst out laughing. No idea why. I miss home,as much as you. [DOCTOR] Look, I'm not going to lie to you. It's a right old mess, this.But as you might say up North, oh well, I'll just go to't foot ofstairs. Eee by by gum. Or not. Good. Right. First step is we geteveryone together, then get everyone safe. Then, get everyone out ofhere. [AMY] But we're still missing Jennifer and Cleaves. [JIMMY] I'll go and look for them. [G-JIMMY] I'll give you a hand, if you like. Cover more ground. [JIMMY] Yeah, okay. Thanks. [CLEAVES] This circus has gone on long enough. [G-CLEAVES] Oh, great. You see, that is just so typically me. [CLEAVES] Doctor, tell it to shut up! [DOCTOR] Cleaves, no. No, no. [CLEAVES] Circuit probe. Fires about ooo, forty thousand volts? Wouldkill any one of us, so I guess she'll work on Gangers just the same. [DOCTOR] It's interesting you refer to them as it, but you call aglorified cattle prod a she. [CLEAVES] When the real people are safely off this island, then I'llhappily talk philosophy over a pint with you, Doctor. [AMY] What are you going to do to them? [CLEAVES] Sorry. They're monsters. Mistakes. They have to be destroyed. [DOCTOR] Give me the probe, Cleaves. [CLEAVES] We always have to take charge, don't we, Miranda. Even when wedon't really know what the hell is going on. [DOCTOR] Argh! He's dead! [CLEAVES] We call it decommissioned. [DOCTOR] You stopped his heart. He had a heart. Aorta, valves, a realhuman heart. And you stopped it. [RORY] Jen? [G-JENNIFER] What happened to Buzzer will happen to all of us if wetrust you. [DOCTOR] Wait, wait, just wait. [RORY] No! [AMY] You idiot! [DOCTOR] Wait! Look at what you have done, Cleaves. [CLEAVES] If it's war, then it's war. You don't get it, Doctor. How canyou? It's us and them now. Us and them. [DICKEN] Us and them. [JIMMY] (sighs) Us and them. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [G-JENNIFER] You tried. We all tried and look whatthey did. Us and them now. [G-JIMMY] Us and them. [G-DICKEN] Us and them. [G-CLEAVES] Jennifer. [G-JENNIFER] Buzzer warned you it was a trick and now he's dead. If wewant to live, then it's time to go to war. I'll take care of the spareone running around out there. --------------------------------------- (Flesh room) [VOICE] Trust me. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [RORY] Look, I just wanted to help her. [AMY] Well, we all do, okay? [RORY] Don't be like that. Listen, she's [AMY] I said I agree with you. Drop it. [DOCTOR] The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery.Cleaves, the most fortified and defendable room in the monastery. [CLEAVES] The chapel. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [CLEAVES] Only one way in. Stone walls two feet thick. [DOCTOR] You've crossed one hell of a line, Cleaves. You've killed oneof them. They're coming back, in a big way. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RORY [OC]] Jennifer! [JENNIFER] Rory? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Chapel) [JIMMY] What about the flares? [DOCTOR] We'll worry about the flares when we're locked inside. Rory,Pond. [AMY] Rory, come on. [RORY] Jen's out there. She's out there and she's on her own. [DOCTOR] Well, if she's got any sense, then she's hiding. Rory! [RORY] I can't leave her out there! [DOCTOR] Rory. [RORY] I know you understand that. [AMY] Get in here. Get in here! [G-CLEAVES] There they are. [DOCTOR] Amy. [AMY] Rory! --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [DOCTOR] Amy, they are not after him, they're afterus. [VOICE [OC]] Why? Why? [DOCTOR] Show yourself. Show yourself! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RORY] Jennifer? --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [AMY] Doctor! [CLEAVES] Pass me the barrel. [DICKEN] We need something heavy. Anything you can find. [JIMMY] This is insane. We're fighting ourselves. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, it's insane, and it's about to get even moreinsanerer. Is that a word? Show yourself, right now! [AMY] Doctor, we are trapped in here and Rory's out there with them.Hello? We can't get to the Tardis and we can't even leave the island. [G-DOCTOR] Correct in every respect, Pond. It's frightening, unexpected,frankly a total, utter splattering mess on the carpet, but I amcertain, one hundred percent certain, that we can work this out. Trustme. I'm the Doctor.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Rebel Flesh"}
Doctor Who (28 May, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - The Almost People [G-DOCTOR] Argh. What's happening? I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, oneday. Argh. I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow. [DOCTOR] The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations.Hold on. [DOCTOR 4 [OC]] Would you like a jelly baby? [G-DOCTOR] Why? Why? Why? [DOCTOR] Why what? [G-DOCTOR] Hello. I'm the Doctor. No, let it go, we've moved on. [DOCTOR] Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise. [G-DOCTOR] I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow. Would youlike a Doctor, Doctor, I'm, I'm the. I can't. [DOCTOR] No, listen, hold on. Hold on. [G-DOCTOR] No! Argh. [BUZZER] I think I liked it best when they were being noisy. [AMY] Mmm hmm. Doctor, we need you. Get over here. [G-DOCTOR] Hello. [AMY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Cybermats. [G-DOCTOR] Do we have time for this? [DOCTOR] We make time. I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats. [G-DOCTOR] Created by the Cybermen. They kill by feeding off brainwaves. [AMY] Are you sure there aren't any weapons to can get to, like big gunswith bits on? [BUZZER] Yeah, big guns would be good right now. [JIMMY] Why would we have guns? We're a factory. We mine. [AMY] Acid. [DOCTOR] Rory and Amy, they may not trust both of us. [G-DOCTOR] Are you thinking what I'm thinking? [DOCTOR] Inevitably. [G-DOCTOR] I'm glad we're on the same [DOCTOR] Wavelength. You see, great minds. [G-DOCTOR] Exactly. So, what's the plan? [DOCTOR] Save them all, humans and gangers. [G-DOCTOR] Tall order. Sounds wonderful. [DOCTOR] Is that what you were thinking? It's just so inspiring to hearme say it. [G-DOCTOR] I know. [AMY] Doctor, come on. [G-DOCTOR] So, what now, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, time to get cracking, Doctor. [BOTH] Hello. Sorry, but we had to establish a few ground rules. [DOCTOR] Formulate a protocol. [G-DOCTOR] Protocol? Very posh. [DOCTOR] A protocol between us. Otherwise [G-DOCTOR] It gets horribly embarrassing. [DOCTOR] And potentially confusing. [AMY] I'm glad you've solved the problem of confusing. [G-DOCTOR] That's sarcasm. [DOCTOR] She's very good at sarcasm. [BOTH] Breathe. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] We have to get you off this island. And the Gangers too. [CLEAVES] Sorry, would you like a memo from the last meeting? They aretrying to kill us! [DOCTOR] They're scared. [AMY] Doctor, we're trapped in here. [DOCTOR] Right, See, I don't think so. The Flesh Bowl is fed by cablingfrom above. [G-DOCTOR] But where are the earthing conduits? [DOCTOR] All this piping must go down into a tunnel or a shaft orsomething, yes? With us? [DOCTOR] Yowza. An escape route. [AMY] Yowza? [DOCTOR] You know, I'm starting to get a sense of just how impressive itis to hang out with me. [G-DOCTOR] Do we tend to say yowza? [DOCTOR] That's enough, let it go, okay? We're under stress. --------------------------------------- (Monastery) [G-JENNIFER] Stop. Stop. Stop, stop. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BUZZER] The army will send a recon team our. [CLEAVES] We need to find a way to contact the mainland. [AMY] What about Rory and Jen? They are both out there. [DOCTOR] No, this place is a maze. Takes a long time to find someone ina maze. I bet you lot have got a computer map, haven't you? [CLEAVES] If we can get power running, we can scan for them. Be a lotquicker. [AMY] Doctor, you said earlier to breathe. [DOCTOR] Very important, Pond. Breathe. [AMY] Yeah, well, I'm struggling to. [DOCTOR] Acid interacting with the stone. [G-DOCTOR] Creating an asphyxiant miasma. [CLEAVES] A what? [DOCTOR] Choking gas. Extra heavy. If we can get above it. [CLEAVES] The evac tower. It's this way. --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [G-CLEAVES] Oh, damned headaches. I'm so tired. [G-JIMMY] They could be anywhere. How are we going to find them? [G-CLEAVES] Think about it. With all that gas out there, my guess wouldbe the evac tower. Get above it, try to get power up. [G-JIMMY] So? Let's stop them. [G-CLEAVES] It's a narrow doorway. I could defend it easy enough. So canshe. Ow. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [AMY] Oh. I think I coughed so hard, I pulled amuscle or something. It's okay, it's better. It's easing off. [JIMMY] It's midnight. It's Adam's birthday. My son's five. Happybirthday, bud. --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [G-JIMMY] Happy birthday, Adam. He'll be so excited.Out of bed at the crack of dawn. It's funny, he's got this wee dance hedoes when he gets over-excited. [G-JENNIFER] Listen to me. I tried to block the memories, but now I knowI must remember. It's the eyes. The eyes are the last to go. [G-JIMMY] What are you talking about? [G-JENNIFER] When they destroy us, the eyes are the last things to melt.And there's one question in those eyes. Why? Why should we suffer forthe sake of human beings? [G-DICKEN] I heard in India there's over ten million Gangers. [G-JENNIFER] We can reach out. Inspire them to rise up. [G-CLEAVES] Revolution? Look, I just, I just want to be left to live inpeace, Jen. [G-JENNIFER] They will melt you. Have you become so human that you'veforgotten the truth? Don't you remember all the times you weredecommissioned, or should I say executed? [G-CLEAVES] No, we don't remember. [G-JENNIFER] Well, I do. It's us or them. [G-JIMMY] She's right. [G-JENNIFER] I have a plan, and it'll destroy them all. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] Can you really get the power back? [G-DOCTOR] Oh, there's always some power floating around. [DOCTOR] Sticking to the wires, like bits of lint. [AMY] Can you stop finishing each other's [DOCTOR] Sentences? No probs. [G-DOCTOR] Yes. [AMY] No, hang on. You said that the Tardis was stuck in acid, so won'tshe be damaged? [DOCTOR] Nah, she's a tough old thing. Tough, old, sexy. [G-DOCTOR] Tough, dependable, sexy. [AMY] Come on. Okay, how can how can you both be real? [G-DOCTOR] Well, because we are. I'm the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yeah and so am I. We both contain the knowledge of over ninehundred years of memory and experience. [DOCTOR] We both wear the same bow tie, which is cool. [G-DOCTOR] Because bow ties are [DOCTOR] And always will be. [AMY] But how did the Flesh read you? Because you weren't linked up tothe it. [DOCTOR] Well, it must've been after I examined it. Thus, a new, genuineDoctor was created. [G-DOCTOR] Ta-da. [AMY] No getting away from it. One of you was here first. [DOCTOR] Well, okay. After the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident witha puddle of acid. Now, new shoes. A situation which did not confront melearned self here. [G-DOCTOR] That satisfy you, Pond? [AMY] Don't call me Pond, please. What? [G-DOCTOR] Interesting. You definitely feel more affection for him thanme. [AMY] No, no, I. Look, you're fine and everything, but he's the Doctor.No offence. Being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive. [G-DOCTOR] Being almost the Doctor's like being no Doctor at all. [AMY] Don't overreact. [G-DOCTOR] You might as well call me Smith. [AMY] Smith? [G-DOCTOR] John Smith. [DOCTOR] Yes! Communication a go-go. [AMY] Find Rory! Show me the scanning tracking screen. Come on, Rory,let's be having you. [CLEAVES] There's no sign of him anywhere. [AMY] Come on. Come on, baby, show yourself. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [G-JIMMY] You're right, there's power. [G-CLEAVES] Well, boys, I don't know much, but I know my own minds.She'll be straight on the comlink to the mainland. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] Saint John's calling. Emergency Alpha. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [G-CLEAVES] Let's see if we can intercept. [CLEAVES [OC]] Saint John's calling the mainland. Are you receiving me,Captain? Come in. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] We'll never get a signal through thisstorm. Saint John's calling the mainland. Come in, this is urgent. [CAPTAIN [OC]] We're just about reading you, Saint John's. How are youdoing? We've had all kinds of trouble here. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [CLEAVES [OC]] Request immediate evacuation. We'reunder attack. The storm's affected our Gangers. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] They're running amok. [CAPTAIN [OC]] Your Gangers? [CLEAVES] Yes, our Gangers are attacking us. We need you to take us offthe island immediately and wipe them out. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [CAPTAIN [OC]] Copy that, Saint John's. Shuttle'sdespatched. Hang on. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] You'll need to airlift us off the roof ofthe evac tower. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [CLEAVES [OC]] And Captain, any further transmissionsent by me must come with the following codeword. I'm typing it, incase they're listening in. [G-CLEAVES] Oof. See how smart I am? That's why I'm paid the big bucks. [CAPTAIN [OC]] Got it. We'll swing in, get you out and decommission theFlesh. [G-CLEAVES] Jennifer's right. We're going to have to fight if we want tosurvive. --------------------------------------- (Thermostatic room) [COMPUTER] Thermostatic override rejected. Can only be operated byrecognised source. [G-JENNIFER] I am recognised. I'm Jennifer Lucas. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [BUZZER] We've got to get out of here. We are, we'regoing to get out. [AMY] We're not leaving without them. [BUZZER] I want them found too, but it's about casualties, innit? Can'tbe helped. [AMY] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Making a phone call. [AMY] Who to? [DOCTOR] No one yet. It's on delay. [AMY] Right. Not getting it. Why exactly are you making a phone call? [DOCTOR] Because, Amy, I am and always will be the optimist. The hoperof far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. The wheels arein motion. Done. [AMY] You know really there can be only one. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [AMY] Oh, nothing. Carry on. Be amazing. [DOCTOR] Amy? What happened? [AMY] It's her again. [DOCTOR] It's who again? [AMY] There's a woman I keep seeing. A woman with an eyepatch, and shehas this habit of sliding walls open and staring at me. Doctor? [DOCTOR] It's nothing. [AMY] Doesn't seem like nothing. [DOCTOR] It's a time memory. Like a mirage. It's nothing to worry about. [G-DOCTOR] It's in my head. [JIMMY] Hey, hold on. [CLEAVES] Don't let him go. [AMY] No, leave it to me. --------------------------------------- (Outside the tower) [AMY] I'm sorry. What I said about you being almostthe Doctor, it's just really hard, because I've been through so muchwith him. I've even seen. I've even seen the moment of his. Can youdie? If you really are the same, then you can die. You can be killed,and I might have seen that happen. [G-DOCTOR] Why? [AMY] Why? Because you invited us to see it. Your death. [G-DOCTOR] Why? [AMY] You're hurting me. [G-DOCTOR] It's all the eyes say. Why? I can feel them as they work eachday, knowing the time was coming for them to be thrown away again. Notagain, please. And then they are destroyed and they feel death, and allthey can say is, why? --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [DOCTOR] Why? [AMY] Keep him away from me. [G-DOCTOR] Did you sense it? [DOCTOR] Briefly. Not as strong as you. [G-DOCTOR] Amy, I'm sorry. [AMY] No, you keep away. We can't trust you. [G-DOCTOR] It would appear I can connect to the Flesh. [AMY] You are Flesh. [G-DOCTOR] I'm beginning to understand what it's been through, what itneeds. [AMY] What you want. You are it. [G-DOCTOR] It's much more powerful than we thought. The Flesh can grow,correct? [CLEAVES] Its cells can divide. [G-DOCTOR] Well, now it wants to do that at will. It wants revenge. It'sin pain, angry. It wants revenge. [AMY] I was right. You're not the Doctor. You can't ever be. You're justa copy. [CLEAVES] Doctor, it might be best if you stayed over there for now,hmm? [DOCTOR] Hold on a minute, hold your horses. I thought I'd explainedthis. I'm him, he's me. [CLEAVES] Doctor, we have no issue with you, but when it comes to yourGanger [DOCTOR] Don't be so absurd. [CLEAVES] Buzzer. [BUZZER] Sure, boss. [BUZZER] Take a seat, mate. [G-DOCTOR] Nice barrel, very comfy. Why not? Is this really what youwant? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JENNIFER [OC]] Help me. No, get away. [RORY] Jen? Jen? --------------------------------------- (Crypt) [JENNIFER] Rory? [JENNIFER 2] I'm sorry. She found me. Rory, listen to me. [JENNIFER] Don't listen to her. [JENNIFER 2] I'm Jennifer Lucas. This woman is Flesh. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [PILOT [OC]] This is the shuttle. We're right aboveyou, but we can't get low enough. Gamma static could fry ournav-controls. Sit tight. We'll get to you. Just [JIMMY] Hello? Can you hear me? [AMY] I can't find Rory. I'm going out there. [DOCTOR] We could use the sonic to track him. Humans and Gangers giveoff slightly different signals. The sonic needs to tell the difference. [AMY] Oh, so the sonic knows Gangers are different. The other Doctor isdifferent. [DOCTOR] He is the Doctor. [AMY] Not to me. I can tell. [DOCTOR] Sure you're not prejudiced? [AMY] Nice try, but I know, okay? We've been through too much. You're myDoctor. End of. --------------------------------------- (Crypt) [RORY] So one of you is human, and one of you I satwith and talked with. Why can't you just tell me the truth? The Doctorwants you to live, and I'm with him all the way. [JENNIFER] That's a lovely idea, Rory, but the Flesh want to kill usnow. [RORY] You're limping. You're not. [JENNIFER 2] So? So what? You think a Ganger can't put on a limp? [RORY] Show me your leg. [JENNIFER] It got burnt while I was in the harness. [JENNIFER 2] She's lying. She's telling you what you want to hear. [RORY] But look, you can't fake a burn. [RORY] No! No, you don't. Stop it. Stop it! Fighting each other ispointless. Come on. Please, please stop. Jen. Both Jens, stop it. No! [JENNIFER] She, she attacked me. I knew you'd find me. We're in thistogether, Rory, and we've got to trust each other. [RORY] Okay. Come on, let's go. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [BUZZER] Hey, there's a camera up. We've got avisual. [AMY] That's Rory and Jennifer. [CLEAVES] They're heading for the thermostatic room. [AMY] Let's go get them. [AMY] Hang on. [CLEAVES] We can't let him go. Are you crazy? [DOCTOR] Am I crazy, Doctor? [G-DOCTOR] Well, you did want to plumb your brain into the core of anentire planet just to halt its orbit and win a bet. [AMY] He can't go rescue them. I'm going. [DOCTOR] Do you know, I want him to go. And I'm rather adamant. [BUZZER] Well then, he'll need company. Right, boss? It's fine. I'llhandle it. [G-DOCTOR] Thank you, Buzzer. It'll be all right. I'll find him. [DOCTOR] Can't explain it to you now, but I need you to trust him. Canyou do that for me, Amy? [AMY] And what if you're wrong? --------------------------------------- (Thermostatic room) [JENNIFER] This is the thermostatic chamber. We canstir the oxygen supply from here. [RORY] What? [JENNIFER] We're going to choke to death if we don't clean this air.Keep a look out in case of Gangers. Rory! [RORY] What's wrong? [JENNIFER] It's this wheel. It's just too tough for a girl to turn. Areyou feeling strong? [RORY] I'll break out the big guns. [JENNIFER] This first. [COMPUTER] Human source recognised. [COMPUTER] Thermostatic override granted. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] These temperature gauges are rising.Jennifer and Rory must have shut off the underground cooling vents. [DICKEN] Why do that? They'll kill us. [CLEAVES] There's a million gallons of boiling acid under our feet. [DOCTOR] And now it's heating up the whole island. How long till itblows? [DICKEN] Gangers or no Gangers, we need to get the hell out of here. [CLEAVES] Shuttle, we need evac. Where are you? Can you hear me? Can you [DOCTOR] Cleaves? Cleaves? Cleaves, sit down. [CLEAVES] I'm fine. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [G-DICKEN] You don't look good. [G-CLEAVES] Monsters never do. I'm fine. I remember medics doing tests. --------------------------------------- (Evac tower) [CLEAVES] I'm waiting for results, so let it go. [DOCTOR] It's a very deep parietal clot. [CLEAVES] How can you possibly? Inoperable? [DOCTOR] On Earth, yes. [CLEAVES] Well, seeing as Earth's all that's on offer. Hmm. I'm nohealthy spring chicken, and you're no weatherman. Right? [AMY] Something just cracked. I heard it. [DOCTOR] Yeah, we can't stay here. Let's go. [JIMMY] He's right. Let's shift. [CLEAVES] Cleaves to Shuttle. Respond. We need to move, and we can't becollected from the Evac tower. [PILOT [OC]] Give us the codeword. [CLEAVES] The codeword is [DOCTOR] Cleaves? Cleaves, it's dead. It's dead. We need to get out ofhere. We need to get back downstairs and get those vents back on. Comeon. --------------------------------------- (Monitoring station) [G-CLEAVES] This is our chance. I can reroute theshuttle to the courtyard. [G-JIMMY] You can't guess the codeword. [G-CLEAVES] Yes, I can, Jimmy, because I created the codeword. Shuttle,do you read me? This is Foreman Cleaves. [PILOT [OC]] Read you. You got cut off. Say again. What's the request? [G-CLEAVES] You need to reroute and pick us up from the courtyard. [PILOT [OC]] Courtyard. As soon as we can. Give me the codeword. [G-CLEAVES] Shuttle, the codeword is Bad Boy. I repeat, Bad Boy. [PILOT [OC]] Copy that. The courtyard. Still want us to take care ofthose Gangers? [G-CLEAVES] Negative. They've all been incinerated. [G-JIMMY] Bad Boy? Good call. [G-CLEAVES] Yeah, well, it wasn't luck. We're the same person. --------------------------------------- (Down in the crypt area) [JENNIFER] This room's always sealed. Power surgemust have thrown the bolts. [RORY] What is that? [JENNIFER] Discarded Flesh. Faulty, probably. Just thrown away. Look atthem. One of my old Gangers. [JENNIFER] Left to rot, fully conscious. Can you imagine what kind ofhell they're in? [RORY] But Cleaves, the Company, how could they do this? How could they? [JENNIFER] Who are the real monsters? [RORY] We can't let this carry on. Jen, we have to make people see. [JENNIFER] Okay, Rory. I have an idea. You came for me. We have a bond,right? We trust each other. [RORY] Yeah. [JENNIFER] So trust me on this. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [G-DOCTOR] I'm getting something. [BUZZER] Is it human? [G-DOCTOR] Yeah, it's human, but it's fading. It's fading. This is bad.Fading is very bad. Argh. The signal's gone. She's dead. [G-DOCTOR] She was hanging onto the edge of life and she just, justslipped away. Oh, Jennifer, I'm so sorry. She's been out here forhours. [BUZZER] But if the real Jen's been lying out here? [G-DOCTOR] Rory's in trouble. [BUZZER] Sorry, pal. it's boss's orders. Us and them, innit? --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [DOCTOR] Ah. The eyes have it. [AMY] Why are they here? [DOCTOR] To accuse us. [CLEAVES] Ignore them. It's not far. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [BUZZER] I should have been a postman like me dad. [G-JENNIFER [OC]] Shush. I'm here. I'm here. I'm with you. I know, ithurts. I'm sorry. Go to sleep. Sleep. --------------------------------------- (Crypt area) [BUZZER] You killed her. You killed our Jen. [G-JENNIFER] And I'm stronger, Buzz. I can grow. --------------------------------------- (Thermostatic room) [DOCTOR] It's a chemical chain reaction now. I can'tstop it. This place is going to blow sky high. [CLEAVES] Exactly how long have we got? [DOCTOR] An hour? Five seconds? Er, somewhere in between. [DOCTOR] Out! --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [RORY] Thank God. All right? [AMY] Oh, Rory. Oh, Rory. [RORY] There's a way out. Jennifer found it. A secret tunnel under thecrypt. [CLEAVES] From the crypt? It's not on the schematics. [RORY] It runs right out of the monastery. Maybe even under the Tardis,Doctor. Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [G-DOCTOR] Got anything for a sore head? [G-CLEAVES] This is how they'll always treat us. Do you see now? Afterall, you're one of us, Doctor. [G-DOCTOR] Call me Smith. John Smith. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [JIMMY] We can't leave without Buzzer. [CLEAVES] I'll go back for him. [RORY] Er, Doctor, look. I'd better tell you. I haven't been quitestraight with you. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Acid room) [DOCTOR] Rory! [RORY] Hang on, Jen. We don't need to lock them up. We should just showthem what we've found. [G-JENNIFER] I don't think so. [DOCTOR] Rory Pond, Roranicus Pondicus! [AMY] Rory, What the hell are you playing at? [RORY] They've been throwing away old Flesh and leaving it to rot.Alive. I think the world should see that. [DOCTOR] Rory, there is no time. The factory's about to explode. [RORY] Are you sure about this? Because I'm not. Let them out. [G-JENNIFER] The little girl got strong. [RORY] What? [G-JENNIFER] The little girl lost on the moors in her red wellies,looking for a way home? Well, she got strong, Rory. I told you,remember? [RORY] But that wasn't. It was the other Jennifer that told me aboutbeing a little girl. [G-JENNIFER] Oh? What other Jennifer? [RORY] Well, the, the er. Wait, you tricked me? Let me go. I'm openingthe door. Let me. I'm sorry! [AMY] No! [G-CLEAVES] We have to be free. [CLEAVES] I'm sorry too, Miranda. Of all the humans in the world, youhad to pick the one with the clot. But hey, them's the breaks. Welcometo the human race. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [DOCTOR] This is going to overheat and fill the room with acid, just asa point of interest. [CLEAVES] And we can't stop it? [DOCTOR] Just as a point of interest? No. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [RORY] You created another Ganger just to trick me.You tricked me. When I found you, you were both Flesh and you trickedme into trusting you. Jen's dead, isn't she? [G-DOCTOR] She's gone, Rory. Gone. [PILOT [OC]] Shuttle. We're dropping down on our approach. Stand by forevac. [G-JENNIFER] The humans will be melted, as they deserve, and then thefactory will be destroyed. Once we get to the mainland, the real battlebegins. The humans won't stand a chance. You're one of us, Doctor. Jointhe revolution. [RORY] I've got to go and get them out. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [JIMMY] It'll never hold her. [DOCTOR] If you have a better plan, I'm all ears. In fact, if you have abetter plan, I'll take you to a planet where everyone is all ears. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [RORY] Doctor, we can't just let them die. [G-DOCTOR] Ring, ring. [RORY] Doctor! [G-DOCTOR] Ring, ring. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [CLEAVES] The acid's eating through. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [G-DOCTOR] Stay. [RORY] Okay. [G-DOCTOR] Ah, that'll be the phone. Somebody get the phone. Jimmy, getthe phone. No? Fine, I'll get the phone. Stay put. [COMPUTER] Thank you for booking your holo-call with Morpeth Jetsan,bringing the world together. [G-DOCTOR] Ha! Hello, Adam, I'm the Doctor. Well, other Doctor. OrSmith. It's complicated and boring. Anyway, who cares. It's yourbirthday. [ADAM] Yay. [G-DOCTOR] Yay. Now, have you been getting up very early and jumping onthe bed? [ADAM] Yes, really high. [G-DOCTOR] I expect chocolate for breakfast. If you don't feel sick bymid-morning, you're not doing it right. Now, I think you want to speakto Dad. [ADAM] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Daddy? [G-DOCTOR] You'll do, Jimmy. What does the other Jimmy matter now?You're both the same dad, aren't you? Come on, Adam's waiting. [ADAM] Daddy? Daddy, what's that rumbly noise? What's going on, Daddy?Daddy? [G-JENNIFER] You've tricked him into an act of weakness, Doctor. [G-DOCTOR] No, I've helped him into an act of humanity. Anyone else likethe sound of that? Act of humanity. [G-CLEAVES] Dicken, drain the acid well in Crypt One. [G-JENNIFER] Don't you dare. [G-CLEAVES] I've had it with this. What's the point in this ridiculouswar? Look at you, Jen. You were a sweet kid. Look at you now. The stuffof nightmares. I don't want my world populated by monsters. [G-JENNIFER] You can't stop the factory from melting down, boss. I'lltake revenge on humanity with or without you. [G-DOCTOR] It doesn't have to be about revenge. It can be so much betterthan that. --------------------------------------- (Acid room) [JIMMY] Argh. [G-JIMMY] Let me through. [DOCTOR] There's nothing we can do. The acid's reached his heart. [G-JIMMY] Hang in there, mate. [JIMMY] I'm quite handsome from this angle. [G-JIMMY] I'm sorry. I'm the fake. Adam deserves his real dad. [JIMMY] Shut up. [G-JIMMY] What do you want me to do? Anything. Just say. [JIMMY] The way things are, mate, it's up to you now. Be a dad. Youremember how. [DOCTOR] Jimmy Wicks, you're a dad. --------------------------------------- (Dining hall) [ADAM] Daddy? Where's my daddy? [ADAM] Daddy, it's me. [G-JIMMY] Hey, sunshine. What are you up to? [ADAM] Opening all my presents. [G-JIMMY] Ha ha, good lad. You have fun today. And remember your dad, heloves you very, very much. [ADAM] When are you coming home? [DOCTOR] Daddy's coming home today, Adam. [ADAM] Yay. [DOCTOR] Now we need to move. --------------------------------------- (Crypt) [DOCTOR] Run. Run. Run! Ooo, roof's going to give. [G-DICKEN] We have to stop her. This door doesn't lock. [DICKEN] No, but the far one does. [DICKEN [OC]] Argh. [G-DICKEN] No! [G-DOCTOR] Here she comes. [DOCTOR] Oh, she does like to make an entrance. [DOCTOR] Everyone move. [G-DOCTOR] Go. Go, go, go. [G-CLEAVES] Get on board. Go. [CLEAVES] I'm not leaving. [G-CLEAVES] Go. [AMY] Hey, hey. Now's our chance. [G-DOCTOR] I have to stay. Hold this door closed. Give you time todematerialise. [AMY] Oh, don't be crazy. Okay, what happens to you? [DOCTOR] Well, this place is just about to explode. But I can stop her. [AMY] Both of you can survive this, okay? There has to be a way. [DOCTOR] Or perhaps you think I should stay instead? Mister Smith. [AMY] No, of course not. But look, this man, I've flown with him, youknow? And you are amazing and yeah, I misjudged you, but you're nothim. I'm sorry. [G-DOCTOR] Amy, we swapped shoes. [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [G-DOCTOR] And I'm the Flesh. [AMY] You can't be. You're the real him. [G-DOCTOR] No, I'm not, and I haven't been all along. [AMY] What? [DOCTOR] I'm the original Doctor, Amy. We had to know if we were trulythe same. It was important, vital we learn about The Flesh, and wecould only do that through your eyes. [AMY] I never thought it possible. [G-DOCTOR] What? [AMY] You're twice the man I thought you were. [G-DOCTOR] Push, Amy. But only when she tells you to. [RORY] Amy, come on! [G-DOCTOR] Well, my death arrives, I suppose. [DOCTOR] But this one, we're not invited to. [G-DOCTOR] Pardon? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Your molecular memory can survive this, you know. Itmay not be the end. [G-DOCTOR] Yeah, well, if I turn up to nick all your biscuits, thenyou'll know you were right, won't you. [AMY] Doctor! No, please. [G-DOCTOR] You too, Cleaves. Off you pop. [G-CLEAVES] I'm staying. [G-DOCTOR] This is not the time for grand gestures. [G-CLEAVES] Says the king of grand gestures. This is my factory. I'm notgoing anywhere. [G-DOCTOR] Foreman Miranda Cleaves, marvellous. Beware of imitations. [G-CLEAVES] Clear off out of here, the lot of you. [G-DOCTOR] This will dissolve her. [G-CLEAVES] And us too. [G-DOCTOR] There may be a way back from this. [G-CLEAVES] From being vaporised? How? [G-DOCTOR] Don't know. Let's find out, eh? [DOCTOR] Geronimo. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] The energy from the Tardis will stabilisethe Gangers for good. They're people now. [CLEAVES] And what happens to me? I still have this. [DOCTOR] Ah, that's not a problem. I have something for that. It's smalland red and tastes like burnt onions. Ha. But it'll get rid of yourblood clot. [DOCTOR] Happy endings. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [G-JIMMY] Hey! Hello, bud. [ADAM] Daddy, you're back. [G-JIMMY] Hello, my boy. How are you doing? --------------------------------------- (Morpeth Jetsan) [CLEAVES] You really want us to do this? [DOCTOR] Your company's telling the world that the situation is over.You need to get in there and tell them that the situation's only justbegun. Make them understand what they're doing to the Flesh. Make themstop. Dicken, remember, people are good. In their bones, truly good.Don't hate them, will you? [G-DICKEN] How can I hate them? I'm one of them now. [DOCTOR] Yeah. And just remember, people died. Don't let that be invain. Make what you say in that room count. [CLEAVES] Ready? Side by side. [G-DICKEN] You got it, boss. [REPORTER [OC]] Have the army dealt with the imposters, sir? [WOMAN [OC]] What sort of threat is there to the public? [AMY] You okay? [DOCTOR] I said breathe, Pond. Remember? Well, breathe. [AMY] Why? [DOCTOR] Breathe. [AMY] Oh! [RORY] Whoa. [AMY] Oh. [RORY] What's wrong with her? [DOCTOR] Get her into the Tardis. [AMY] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RORY] Doctor! What is happening to her? [DOCTOR] Contractions. [RORY] Contractions? [DOCTOR] She's going into labour. [AMY] Did he say? No. No, no. Of course he didn't. Rory, I don't likethis. Ow. [RORY] You're going to have to start explaining some of this to me,Doctor. [DOCTOR] What, the birds and the bees? She's having a baby. I needed tosee the Flesh in its early days. That's why I scanned it. That's why wewere there in the first place. I was going to drop you off for fish andchips first, but things happened and there was stuff and shenanigans.Beautiful word, shenanigans. [AMY] It hurts. [RORY] But you're okay? [DOCTOR] Breathe. I needed enough information to block the signal to theFlesh. [AMY] What signal? [DOCTOR] The signal to you. [AMY] Doctor. Doctor. [DOCTOR] Stand away from her, Rory. [RORY] Why? No. And why? [DOCTOR] Given what we've learned, I'll be as humane as I can, but Ineed to do this and you need to stand away! [AMY] No. No. Doctor, I am frightened. I'm properly, properly scared. [DOCTOR] Don't be. Hold on. We're coming for you. I swear it. Whateverhappens, however hard, however far, we will find you. [AMY] I'm right here. [DOCTOR] No, you're not. You haven't been here for a long, long time. [AMY] Oh, no. --------------------------------------- (Cubicle) [EYE PATCH LADY] Well, dear, you're ready to pop, aren't you? Littleone's on its way. Here it comes. Push!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Almost People"}
Doctor Who (4 Jun, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - A Good Man Goes To War [AMY] I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved, that you'll be safeand cared for and protected. But this isn't a time for lies. What youare going to be, Melody is very, very brave. [KOVARIAN] Two minutes. [AMY] But not as brave as they'll have to be. Because there's someonecoming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me,he's on his way. --------------------------------------- (Cyberspaceship) [CYBERMAN] Intruder level nine. [CYBERLEADER] Seal level nine. --------------------------------------- (White room) [AMY] There's a man who's never going to let usdown, and not even an army can get in the way. [AMY] Leave her. Just you leave her. Please leave her! Please, leaveher! --------------------------------------- (Cyberspaceship) [CYBERMAN] Intruder level eleven. [CYBERLEADER] Seal levels twelve, thirteen and fourteen. [CYBERMAN] Intruder, level fifteen. --------------------------------------- (White room) [AMY] He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived forhundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody,however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone. Becausethis man is your father. --------------------------------------- (Cyberspaceship) [CYBERLEADER] Prepare to engage. --------------------------------------- (White room) [AMY] He has a name, but the people of our worldknow him better --------------------------------------- (Cyberspaceship) [AMY [OC]] As the Last Centurion. [RORY] I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor and aquestion from me. Where is my wife? Oh, don't give me those blanklooks. The Twelfth Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. You heareverything. So you tell me what I need to know. You tell me now, andI'll be on my way. [CYBERLEADER] What is the Doctor's message? [RORY] Would you like me to repeat the question? --------------------------------------- (Docking bay) [LUCAS] A whole Cyber Legion though. He just blew them all up to make apoint. [DOMINICUS] We're being paid to fight him, not praise him. Praisingcosts way more. [LUCAS] Level Minus Twenty Three Transept. [LUCAS] Digger says he once chased the Atraxi off aplanet, then called them back for a scolding. [DOMINICUS] Fight him, not praise him. [TANNOY] Reminder. This base is on Yellow Alert. This base is on YellowAlert. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [LUCAS] Is she sewing? [DOMINICUS] She's on a break. She can do what she likes. Now try again. [LUCAS] That one. [DOMINICUS] No, that's the psychic. You've got to look for the fractals.Don't look bored, we're on Yellow Alert. [LUCAS] We've been on Yellow Alert for three weeks. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [TANNOY] Reminder. Do not interact with HeadlessMonks without divine permission. Do not interact with Headless Monkswithout divine permission. [FAT ONE] You're not supposed to stare at them. And if they think you'retrying to see under their hoods, they'll kill you on the spot. [THIN ONE] But why are they called the Headless Monks? They can't reallybe headless? [LORNA] They believe the domain of faith is the heart, and the domain ofdoubt is the head. They follow their hearts, that's all. [THIN ONE] You're Lorna Bucket, aren't you? [LORNA] Yeah. [THIN ONE] Hello. I'm the Thin One. This is my husband. He's the FatOne. [LORNA] Don't you have names? [FAT ONE] We're the thin fat gay married Anglican marines. Why would weneed names as well? [FAT ONE] Oh, looks like I'm off. Time for my conversion tutorial. Seeyou in a bit. Do you lot haveLent? Because I'm not good at giving things up. [THIN ONE] Lorna Bucket. You've had an Encounter, haven't you? You'vemet him. [LORNA] I was just a kid. [THIN ONE] But what's he like? The Doctor. [LORNA] He said run. [THIN ONE] Just run? [LORNA] He said it a lot. [THIN ONE] And this was in the Gamma Forests, yeah? Because you're aGamma girl, aren't you? What are you doing here? The Forests are heavenneutral. [LORNA] Yeah, and thirty seconds of the Doctor is the only thing thatever happened there. --------------------------------------- (Conversion chamber) [FAT ONE] Oh, this is nice, I like this. I mean, quite a lot of red. Ihope it's not to hide the stains. What's in the little boxes? [VOICE [OC]] Welcome, applicant, to the order of the Headless. It istraditional for visiting armies of other faiths to offer individualsfor conversion to our order. You have been selected. Are you ready tomake a donation? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [THIN ONE] So, what do you think? If the Doctor'sreally coming here, where is he? [LORNA] He's the Doctor. He could be anywhere in time and space. --------------------------------------- (London, 1888 A.D.) [PARKER] Whoa! [VASTRA] Thank you, Parker. I won't be needing you again tonight. [PARKER] Yus, my lady. --------------------------------------- (Vastra's home) [JENNY] You're back early, ma'am. Another case cracked, I assume? [VASTRA] Send a telegram to Inspector Abberline of the yard. Jack theRipper has claimed his last victim. [JENNY] How did you find him? [VASTRA] Stringy, but tasty all the same. I shan't be needing dinner. [JENNY] Congratulations, ma'am. However, a matter has arisen in thedrawing room. --------------------------------------- (Drawing room) [JENNY] It just appeared. What does it mean? [VASTRA] It means a very old debt is to be repaid. [VASTRA] Pack the cases, Jenny. And we're going to need the swords. --------------------------------------- (The Battle of Zaruthstra, 4037 A.D.) [HARCOURT] Nurse! Nurse! Damn it, where's the nurse! [ELEANOR] He needs help. [HARCOURT] Madame President, I'm sorry, but we have to go now! Thosethings could be here any second. [STRAX] Did somebody call for a nurse? [ARTHUR] Will I be okay? [STRAX] Of course you will, my boy. You'll be up and around in no time.And perhaps one day, you and I shall meet on the field of battle, and Iwill destroy you for the glory of the Sontaran Empire. [ARTHUR] Thanks, Nurse. [HARCOURT] Commander Strax. I just have to ask. A Sontaran nurse? [STRAX] I serve a penance to restore the honour of my clone batch. It isthe greatest punishment a Sontaran can endure, to help the weak andsick. [HARCOURT] Who came up with that one? [STRAX] Tonight, though, perhaps my penance is over. Captain Harcourt, Ihope some day to meet you in the glory of battle, when I shall crushthe life from your worthless human form. Try and get some rest. --------------------------------------- (Stormcage) [RIVER] Oh, turn it off. I'm breaking in, not out. This is River Song,back in her cell. Oh, and I'll take breakfast at the usual time. Thankyou. [RIVER] Oh, are you boys dressing up as Romans now? I thought nobodyread my memos. [RORY] Doctor Song. It's Rory. Sorry, have we met yet? Time streams. I'mnot quite sure where we are. [RIVER] Yes. Yes, we've met. Hello, Rory. [RORY] What's wrong? [RIVER] It's my birthday. The Doctor took me ice skating on the RiverThames in 1814, the last of the great Frost Fairs. He got Stevie Wonderto sing for me under London Bridge. [RORY] Stevie Wonder sang in 1814? [RIVER] Yes, he did. But you must never tell him. [RORY] I've come from the Doctor too. [RIVER] Yes, but at a different point in time. [RORY] Unless there's two of them. [RIVER] Now, that's a whole different birthday. [RORY] He needs you. [RIVER] Demon's Run. [RORY] How, how did you know? [RIVER] I'm from his future. I always know. Why on Earth are you wearingthat? [RORY] The Doctor's idea. [RIVER] Of course. His rules of engagement. Float like a butterfly,sting like a bee. [RORY] Look ridiculous. [RIVER] Have you considered heels? [RORY] They've taken Amy. And our baby. The Doctor's getting some peopletogether. We're going after her, but he needs you, too. [RIVER] I can't. Not yet, anyway. [RORY] I'm sorry? [RIVER] This is the Battle of Demon's Run. The Doctor's darkest hour.He'll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further, and Ican't be with him till the very end. [RORY] Why not? [RIVER] Because this is it. This is the day he finds out who I am. --------------------------------------- (Space bar) [DORIUM] Goodbye. [KOVARIAN] You appear to be closing down, Dorium. What have you heard? [DORIUM] That you pricked the side of a mighty beast, Madame Kovarian,and entirely failed to run. I admire your courage. I should like toadmire it from afar. [KOVARIAN] We've been waiting a month. He's done nothing. [DORIUM] Do you really think so? There are people all over this galaxythat owe that man a debt. By now, a few of them will have found a bluebox waiting for them on their doorstep, poor devils. [MANTON] You think he's raising an army? [DORIUM] You think he isn't? If that man is finally collecting on hisdebts, God help you, and God help his debtors. [MANTON] Why? [DORIUM] Colonel Manton, all those stories you've heard about him,they're not stories, they're true. Really. You're not telling me youdon't know what's coming? [MANTON] We're wasting our time here. [KOVARIAN] Agreed. [DORIUM] The asteroid, where you've made your base. Do you know why theycall it Demon's Run? [MANTON] How do you know the location of our base? [DORIUM] You're with the Headless Monks. They're old customers of mine. [KOVARIAN] It's just some old saying. [DORIUM] A very old saying. The oldest. Demons run when a good man goesto war. [DORIUM] No. No, no, please. Not me. You don't need me. Why would youneed me? I'm old, I'm fat, I'm blue. You can't need me! --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [MANTON] He is not the devil. He is not a god. He is not a goblin, or aphantom or a trickster. The Doctor is a living, breathing man, and as Ilook around this room I know one thing. We're sure as hell going to fixthat. --------------------------------------- (White room) [LORNA] Sorry. I shouldn't be here. I'm meant to be at the thing. Ibrought you something. Your child's name in the language of my people.It's a prayer leaf and we believe, if you keep this with you, yourchild will always come home to you. [AMY] Can I borrow your gun? [LORNA] Why? [AMY] Because I've got a feeling you're going to keep talking. [AMY] They're talking like he's famous. The Doctor isn't famous. [LORNA] He meets a lot of people. Some of them remember. He's sort oflike a, I don'tknow, a dark legend. [AMY] Dark? Have you met him? [LORNA] Yeah. But I was just a little girl. [AMY] So was I. [LORNA] You've been with him a long time, then. [AMY] No. He came back for me. [LORNA] You must be very special. [AMY] Hey. You can wait a long time for the Doctor, but he's worth it,okay? The thing is, he's coming. No question about it. Just you makesure you're on the right side when he gets here. Not for my sake, foryours. [AMY] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [MANTON] On this day, in this place, the Doctor willfall. [ALL] Hoo Rah! [MANTON] The man who talks, the man who reasons, the man who lies, willmeet the perfect answer. [MANTON] They never can be afraid. [MANTON] And they can never, ever be [DOCTOR] Surprised! Ha, ha! Hello, everyone. Guess who. Please, point agun at me if it helps you relax. [DOCTOR] You're only human. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [VASTRA] Go on, resist. I am ever so hungry. [JENNY] Now, dear. Which button controls the lights? --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [MANTON] Doctor, you will come with me right now. [DOCTOR] Three minutes forty seconds. Amelia Pond! Get your coat! [DOCTOR [OC]] I'm not a phantom. [MANTON] Doctor? [DOCTOR [OC]] I'm not a trick. [MANTON] Doctor? [DOCTOR [OC]] I'm a monk. [MANTON] Doctor, show yourself. [MAN] It's him! He's here! It's him! [MANTON] Weapons down! Do not fire! [MANTON] No! [KOVARIAN] Follow me. [MANTON] Doctor! Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [JENNY] Clever, isn't he? [VASTRA] And rather attractive. [JENNY] You do realise he's a man, don't you, ma'am? [VASTRA] Mammals. They all look alike. [JENNY] Oh, thank you. --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [MANTON] Do not fire. Nobody discharge their weaponin this room. Nobody! Do not fire! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [VASTRA] Was I being insensitive again, dear? I don't know why you putup with me. --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [MANTON] Stop. Wait. Listen to me. I am disarming myweapon pack. Monks, I do this in good faith. I am now unarmed. All ofyou, discharge your weapon packs. The Doctor is trying to make fools ofus. We are soldiers of God. We are not fools. We are not fools. We arenot fools. We are not fools. [SOLDIER] We are not fools! [MANTON] We are not fools. [SOLDIERS] We are not fools. [MANTON] We are not fools. [SOLDIER 2] We are not fools. --------------------------------------- (Control station) [VASTRA] Colonel Manton is regaining control. [JENNY] Where's the Doctor gone? --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [ALL] We are not fools. We are not fools. We are not fools. [STRAX] This base is now under our command. [MANTON] I have a fleet out there. If Demon's Run goes down, there's anautomatic distress call. [DOCTOR [OC]] Not if we knock out your communications array. And you'vegot incoming. [PILOT [OC]] Danny Boy to the Doctor. Danny Boy to the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Give 'em hell, Danny Boy. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [KOVARIAN] I need to get off this station now. Bringme the child! --------------------------------------- (Demon's Run) [PILOT [OC]] Target destroyed. [STRAX] Don't slump. It's bad for your spine. --------------------------------------- (Outside the airlock) [KOVARIAN] Get back in there with the rest of them. Remember, the Doctormust think he's winning, right until the trap closes. I'll take my shipfrom here. [COMPUTER] Airlock engaged. Shuttle ready for boarding. [RORY] No. [KOVARIAN] I have a crew of twenty. How do you expect to gain control ofmy ship? [AVERY] This ship is ours, milady. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [STRAX] All airlocks sealed. Resistance neutralised. [DOCTOR] Sorry, Colonel Manton. I lied. Three minutes forty two seconds. [STRAX] Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men towithdraw. [DOCTOR] No. Colonel Manton, I want you to tell your men to run away. [MANTON] You what? [DOCTOR] Those words. Run away. I want you to be famous for those exactwords. I want people to call you Colonel Run Away. I want childrenlaughing outside your door, because they've found the house of ColonelRun Away. And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to methrough the people I love is in any way a good idea, I want you to tellthem your name. Oh, look, I'm angry. That's new. I'm really not surewhat's going to happen now. [KOVARIAN] The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have toomany rules. [DOCTOR] Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out whyI have so many. [KOVARIAN] Give the order. Give the order, Colonel Run Away. --------------------------------------- (White room) [AMY] Who's that? Who's there? You watch it, because I'm armed andreally dangerous, and cross. [RORY [OC]] Yeah, like I don't know that. [AMY] Rory? Rory, is that you. [RORY [OC]] Yeah, it's me. Look, hang on a minute. [AMY] They took her. Rory, they took our baby away. [RORY] Now, Mrs Williams, that is never, ever going to happen. [AMY] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Where's she been? What have they done toher? [RORY] She's fine. Amy, she's fine. I checked. She's beautiful. Oh God,I was going to be cool. I wanted to be cool. Look at me. [AMY] You're okay. Crying Roman with a baby. Definitely cool. Come here,you. [DOCTOR] Urgh. Kissing and crying. I'll, I'll be back in a bit. [RORY] Oi, you. Get in here, now. My daughter. What do you think? [DOCTOR] Hello. Hello, baby. [AMY] Melody. [DOCTOR] Melody? Hello, Melody Pond. [RORY] Melody Williams. [AMY] Is a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a superhero. [DOCTOR] Well yes, I suppose she does smell nice. Never really sniffedher. Maybe I should give it a go. Amelia Pond, come here. [AMY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry we were so long. [AMY] It's okay. I knew you were coming. Both of you. My boys. [DOCTOR] It's okay. She's still all yours. And really, you should callher mummy, not big milk thing. [AMY] Okay, what are you doing? [DOCTOR] I speak Baby. [AMY] No, you don't. [DOCTOR] I speak everything, don't I, Melody Pond. No, it's not. it'scool. [VASTRA] Doctor? Take a look. They're leaving. Demon's Run is ourswithout a drop of blood spilled. My friend, you have never risenhigher. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [RORY] Hey, what's wrong? [AMY] She doesn't like the Tardis noise. I asked him to turn somethingoff, but it was all, but I don't want to punch a hole in the space-timecontinuum. Shush. [JENNY] Rory! The Judoon have escorted the Clerics out of the quadrant.Spitfires have returned to their own time. Captain Avery and his menare going. Is she all right? [AMY] Yes, she's just crying. [STRAX] Give her to me, human fool. She needs changing. [AMY] I just changed her. I think she might need a feed. [STRAX] A feed, of course. I'll take care of everything. [RORY] Er, I really don't think you will, actually. [STRAX] I have gene-spliced myself for all nursing duties. I can producemagnificent quantities of lactic fluid. [DOCTOR] She's not hungry, she's tired. Sorry, Melody, they're just notlistening. [AMY] What's this? [DOCTOR] Very pretty, according to your daughter. [RORY] It's a, it's a cot. [DOCTOR] No flies on the Roman. Give her here. [AMY] Hey, there we go. [RORY] But where would you get a cot? [AMY] It's old. Really old. Doctor, er, do you have children? [DOCTOR] No. [AMY] Have you ever had children? [DOCTOR] No, it's real. It's my hair. [AMY] Who slept in here? [VASTRA [OC]] Doctor, we need you in the main control room. [DOCTOR] Be right there! Things to do. I've still got to work out whatthis base is for. We can't leave till we know. [AMY] But this is where I was? The whole time I thought I was on theTardis, I was really here? [DOCTOR] Er, Centurian, permission to hug? [RORY] Be aware, I do have a sword. [DOCTOR] At all times. You were on the Tardis, too. Your heart, yourmind, your soul. But physically, yes, you were still in this place. [AMY] And when I saw that face looking through the hatch, that womanlooking at me. [DOCTOR] Reality bleeding through. They must have taken you quite awhile back. Just before America. [RORY] That's probably enough hugging now. So her Flesh avatar was withus all that time. But that means they were projecting a control signalright into the Tardis wherever we were in time and space. [DOCTOR] Yeah, they're very clever. [AMY] Who are? [RORY] Whoever wants our baby. [AMY] But why do they want her? [DOCTOR] Exactly. [RORY] Is there anything you're not telling us? You knew Amy wasn'treal. You never said. [DOCTOR] Well, I couldn't be sure they weren't listening. [AMY] But you always hold out on us. Please, not this time. Doctor, it'sour baby. Tell us something. One little thing. [DOCTOR] It's mine. [RORY] What is? [DOCTOR] The cot. It's my cot. I slept in there. [AMY] Oh, my God. It's the Doctor's first stars. [RORY] She's [STRAX] Drop your weapons. State your rank and intent. I found itlistening at the door. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] You've hacked into their software, then? [DORIUM] I believe I sold it to them. [DOCTOR] Ooo. So what have we learned? [VASTRA] That anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry? [VASTRA] The words of an old friend who once found me in the LondonUnderground, attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocenttunnel diggers. [DOCTOR] Well, you were very cross at the time. [VASTRA] As you were today, old friend. Point taken, I hope. Now, I havea question. A simple one. Is Melody human? [DOCTOR] Sorry, what? Of course she is. Completely human. What are youtalking about? [DORIUM] They've been scanning her since she was born, and I think theyfound what they were looking for. [DOCTOR] Human DNA. [VASTRA] Look closer. Human plus. Specifically, human plus Time Lord. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [LORNA] I heard her talking. This is a trap. Whywould I lie to you? [RORY] Well, you might want to take a look at your uniform. [LORNA] The only reason I joined the Clerics was so I could meet theDoctor again. [JENNY] You wanted to meet him, so you joined an army to fight him? [LORNA] Well, how else do you meet a great warrior? [AMY] He's not a warrior. [LORNA] Then why is he called the Doctor? [LORNA] It's starting. Please, listen to me. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] But she's human. She's Amy and Rory'sdaughter. [VASTRA] You've told me about your people. They became what they didthrough prolonged exposure to the time vortex. The Untempered Schism. [DOCTOR] Over billions of years. It didn't just happen. [VASTRA] So how close is she? Could she even regenerate? [DOCTOR] No, no. I don't think so. [VASTRA] You don't sound so sure. [DOCTOR] Because I don't understand how this happened. [VASTRA] Which leads me to ask when did it happen? [DOCTOR] When? [VASTRA] I am trying to be delicate. I know how you can blush. When didthis baby begin? [DOCTOR] Oh, you mean [VASTRA] Quite. [DOCTOR] Well, how would I know? That's all human-y, private stuff. Itjust sort of goes on. They don't put up a balloon, or anything. [VASTRA] But could the child have begun on the Tardis in flight, in thevortex. [DOCTOR] No! No! Impossible! It's all running about, sexy fish vampiresand blowing up stuff. And Rory wasn't even there at the beginning. Thenhe was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic. Then I had toreboot the whole universe. Long story. So, technically the first timethey were on the Tardis together in this version of reality, was ontheir w [VASTRA] On their what? [DOCTOR] On their wedding night. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [STRAX] Confirmed. No life forms registering on thisbase, except us and the Silurians. [LORNA] The Headless Monks aren't alive. They don't register as lifeforms. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] It doesn't make sense. You can't just cookyourself a Time Lord. [VASTRA] Of course not. But you gave them one hell of a start, andthey've been working very hard ever since. [DORIUM] And yet they gave in so easily. Does this not that botheranyone else? [DOCTOR] Amy. She worried the baby would have a time head. She said that [VASTRA] Only you would ignore the instincts of a mother. [DORIUM] Or the instincts of a coward. This is too easy. There'ssomething wrong. [DOCTOR] Why even do it? Even if you could get your hands on a brand newTime Lord, what for? [VASTRA] A weapon? [DOCTOR] Why would a Time Lord be a weapon? [VASTRA] Well, they've seen you. [DOCTOR] Me? [VASTRA] Mister Maldovar, you're right. This was too easy. We should getback to the others. [DOCTOR] Me? [RIVER [memory]] I'd say she's human, going by the life-supportsoftware. She climbed out of the suit, like she forced her way out. Shemust be incredibly strong. [KOVARIAN [on screen]] I see you accessed our files. Do you understandyet? Oh, don't worry, I'm a long way away. But I like to keep tabs onyou. The child, then. What do you think? [DOCTOR] What is she? [KOVARIAN [on screen]] Hope. Hope in this endless, bitter war. [DOCTOR] What war? Against who? [KOVARIAN [on screen]] Against you, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [AMY] What's that? [VASTRA] A force field. [LORNA] And those are the doors locking. [VASTRA] Apparently we're not leaving. [RORY] Is that the Monks? [DORIUM] Oh, dear God. That's the attack prayer. [RORY] Quick, come with me. [VASTRA] Commander Strax! [STRAX] I'm trying to seal off this area of the lighting grid. [VASTRA] This is where we'll make our stand. Clear lines of sight on allapproaches. [AMY] Rory, no offence to the others, but you let them all die first,okay? [RORY] You're so Scottish. [VASTRA] Centurian, you're needed! [LORNA] There should be some plasma pistols somewhere. They lefteverything. [STRAX] Then find them, boy! [VASTRA] She's definitely a girl. [JENNY] Oh, stop it! [DORIUM] We don't have to fight them. I'm friends to the Monks. Theyknow me. [RORY] Yeah, and they know you just sold them out to the Doctor. [DORIUM] Oh, they'll understand it's only me. Only silly old me. Youunderstand, don't you? [VASTRA] Mister Maldovar, get back here! [STRAX] Arm yourself, fool! [RORY] Dorium! [VASTRA] Mister Maldovar? [RORY] Dorium? [VASTRA] The child. At all costs, protect the child! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] A child is not a weapon! [KOVARIAN [on screen]] Oh, give us time. She can be. She will be. [DOCTOR] Except you've already lost her, and I swear I will never letyou anywhere near her again. [KOVARIAN [on screen]] Oh, Doctor. Fooling you once was a joy, butfooling you twice the same way? It's a privilege. [DOCTOR] Amy. Amy. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [RIVER [OC]] Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall anddrown the sun, when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and truelove lies, night will fall and the dark will rise, when a good man goesto war. [DOCTOR] Amy! [RIVER [OC]] Demons run but count the cost. The battle's won, but thechild is lost. [DOCTOR] Amy! [KOVARIAN] Wakey, wakey. [DOCTOR] Amy! [AMY] Rory? Rory! Rory! [DOCTOR] Amy, she's not real! Melody, she's a Flesh avatar. Amy! [DOCTOR] Amy! Amy. [RORY] Yeah, we know. [STRAX] It's strange. I have often dreamed of dying in combat. I'm notenjoying it as much as I'd hoped. [RORY] Come on, Strax. Don't give up. [STRAX] It's all right. I've had a good life. I'm nearly twelve. [RORY] Listen to me. You'll be back on your feet in no time. You're awarrior. [STRAX] Rory, I'm a nurse. [AMY] So they took her anyway. All this was for nothing. [DOCTOR] I am so sorry. [JENNY] Amy, it's not his fault. [AMY] I know. I know. [VASTRA] Doctor, there's someone who wants to speak to you. Her name isLorna. She came to warn us. [DOCTOR] Hey. Hello. [LORNA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] You helped my friends. Thank you. [LORNA] I met you once, in the Gamma Forests. You don't remember me. [DOCTOR] Hey, of course I remember. I remember everyone. Hey, we ran,you and me. Didn't we run, Lorna? [DOCTOR] Who was she? [VASTRA] I don't know, but she was very brave. [DOCTOR] They're always brave. They're always brave. [VASTRA] So, what now? They'd almost certainly have taken her to Earth.Raise her in the correct environment. [DOCTOR] Yes, they did. And it's already too late. [VASTRA] You're giving up? You never do that. [DOCTOR] Yeah, and don't you sometimes wish I did? [RIVER] Well then, soldier. How goes the day? [DOCTOR] Where the hell have you been? Every time you've asked, I havebeen there. Where the hell were you today? [RIVER] I couldn't have prevented this. [DOCTOR] You could have tried! [RIVER] And so, my love, could you. I know you're not all right. Buthold tight, Amy, because you're going to be. [DOCTOR] You think I wanted this? I didn't do this. This, this wasn'tme! [RIVER] This was exactly you. All this. All of it. You make them soafraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see theuniverse, did you ever think you'd become this? The man who can turn anarmy around at the mention of his name. Doctor. The word for healer andwise man throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know.But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean?To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means mightywarrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child, the childof your best friends, and they're going to turn her into a weapon justto bring you down. And all this, my love, in fear of you. [DOCTOR] Who are you? [RIVER] Oh look, your cot. Haven't seen that in a very long while. [DOCTOR] No, no, you tell me. Tell me who you are. [RIVER] I am telling you. Can't you read? [DOCTOR] Hello. [RIVER] Hello. [DOCTOR] But but that means [RIVER] I'm afraid it does. [DOCTOR] Ooo. But you and I, we, we, we, er (kiss kiss) [RIVER] Yes. [DOCTOR] How do I look? [RIVER] Amazing. [DOCTOR] I'd better be. [RIVER] Yes, you'd better be. [DOCTOR] Vastra and Jenny, till the next time. Rory and Amy, I knowwhere to find your daughter, and on my life, she will be safe. River,get them all home. [RORY] Doctor! [AMY] No! Where are you going? [AMY] No! [AMY] Where's he going and what did you tell him? [RIVER] Amy, you have stay calm. [AMY] Tell me what you told the Doctor. [RORY] Amy, no. Stop it! [RIVER] It's okay, Rory. She's fine. She's good. It's the Tardistranslation matrix. It takes a while to kick in with the written word.You have to concentrate. [AMY] I still can't read it. [RIVER] It's because it's Gallifreyan and doesn't translate. But thiswill. [RIVER] It's your daughter's name in the language of the Forest. [AMY] I know my daughter's name. [RIVER] Except they don't have a word for Pond, because the only waterin the forest is the River. The Doctor will find your daughter, and hewill care for her whatever it takes. And I know that. It's me. I'mMelody. I'm your daughter.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e07", "title": "A Good Man Goes To War"}
Doctor Who (27 Aug, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - Let's Kill Hitler [AMY] Okay, left. Sharp turn! Okay, right. No, no, no, I mean left. No, sorry, right, right. I definitely meant right. Now loop the loop. [AMY] Stop! Stop! [DOCTOR] Seriously? [RORY] Well, you never answer your phone. [AMY] Okay, you've had all summer. Have you found her? Have you found Melody? [DOCTOR] Permission? [RORY] Granted. [DOCTOR] You know who she grows up to be, so you know I will find her. [AMY] But you haven't yet. [RORY] Hang on. What's this bit? [AMY] That wasn't us. [ALL] Argh! [MELS] You said he was funny. You never said he was hot. [RORY] Mels! [AMY] What are you doing here? [MELS] Following you. What do you think? [RORY] Er, where did you get the car? [MELS] It's mine. Ish. [AMY] Oh, Mels, not again. [RORY] You can't keep doing this. You're going to end up in prison. [DOCTOR] Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost. Younever said I was hot? [MELS] Is that the phone box? The bigger on the inside phone box? Oh,time travel. That's just brilliant. Yeah, I've heard a lot about you.I'm their best mate. [DOCTOR] Then why don't I know you? I danced with everyone at thewedding. The women were all brilliant. The men were a bit shy. [MELS] I don't do weddings. [MELS] And that's me out of time. [AMY] Mels! [RORY] For God's sake! [AMY] What are you doing? [MELS] I need out of here, now. [DOCTOR] Anywhere in particular? [MELS] Well, let's see. You've got a time machine, I've got a gun. Whatthe hell. Let's kill Hitler. --------------------------------------- (Amy's bedroom) [YOUNG MELS] Is he hot? [AMELIA] No, he's funny. [YOUNG MELS] But how can he travel in time? [AMELIA] Because he's got a time machine, stupid. [YOUNG RORY] I thought we were playing hide and seek. I've been hidingfor hours. [AMELIA] Well, we just haven't found you yet. [YOUNG RORY] Okay. Hi, Mels. [YOUNG MELS] Hi, Rory. --------------------------------------- (Classroom) [WOMAN TEACHER] Mels, did you not understand thequestion? I'm asking you why the Titanic sank? [YOUNG MELS] Because the Doctor didn't save it. Except you don't knowabout the Doctor because you're stupid. --------------------------------------- (School) [AMELIA] Why are you always in trouble? You're the most in trouble inthe whole school, except for boys. [YOUNG MELS] And you. [AMELIA] I count as a boy. [YOUNG RORY] Am I getting warm? [AMELIA] Yes, Rory. --------------------------------------- (Classroom) [TEACHER] Mels? [MELS] A significant factor in Hitler's rise to power was the fact thatthe Doctor didn't stop him. --------------------------------------- (School) [AMY] I can't keep doing this. --------------------------------------- (Police station) [AMY] Mels! --------------------------------------- (Amy's bedroom) [MELS] It was late. I took a bus. [RORY] Er, you stole a bus. [AMY] Who steals a bus? [MELS] I returned it. [RORY] You drove it through the Botanical garden. [MELS] Short cut. [AMY] Why can't you just act like a person? Like a normal legal person? [MELS] I don't know, maybe I need a Doctor. [AMY] Stop it. [RORY] Er, I'd better go. I'm on earlies tomorrow. [AMY] Okay. [MELS] It's all right for you. You've got Mister Perfect keeping youright. [AMY] He's not even real. Just a stupid dream when I was a kid. [MELS] No, I wasn't talking about him. [AMY] What, Rory? How have I got Rory? [RORY] Yeah, how, how's she got me? [AMY] He's not mine. [RORY] No. No. I'm not hers. [MELS] Oh, come on. Seriously, it's got to be you two. Oh, cut to thesong. It's getting boring. [AMY] Nice thought, okay, but completely impossible. [RORY] Yeah, impossible. [AMY] I mean, I'd love to. He's gorgeous. He's my favourite guy. Buthe's, you know [RORY] A friend. [AMY] Gay. [RORY] I'm not gay. [AMY] Yes, you are. [RORY] No. No, I'm not. [AMY] Course you are. Don't be stupid. In the whole time I've known you,when have you shown any interest in a girl? [MELS] Penny in the air. [AMY] I mean, I've known you for, what, ten years? I've seen youpractically every day. Name one girl you've paid the slightest bit ofattention to? [AMY] Oh, my God! Rory! [MELS] And the penny drops. [AMY [OC]] Rory! [MELS] Catch you later, Time Boy. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You've shot it! You shot my Tardis! You shot the console! [MELS] It's your fault! [DOCTOR] Argh! How's it my fault? [MELS] You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in astate of temporal grace. [DOCTOR] That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was aclever lie. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Okay, we like him. [ANITA] Costume want to know about the suit. [CARTER] Just colour and shape. Don't need anything detachable. [JIM] Musculature good to go. [CARTER] That was quick. [JIM] They're showing off. Art department want to talk skin tone. [HARRIET] Yes, I do. I don't trust the sensors, I want to take a lookmyself. [JIM] We're in a hurry. We're not trying to win an award. [HARRIET] Yeah, that's what you said when we made Rasputin green. [CARTER] Okay, get your fat one up there. Run! [HARRIET] Yes, Captain. [CARTER] Harriet's going to eyeball. Everyone else, good to go, please. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ZIMMERMAN] What do you want? What are you doing? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [ANITA] Musculature online. [JIM] Five foot eleven, confirmed. [CARTER] Harriet, are you up there yet? [ANTIBODY] Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now beimplemented. [CARTER] Harriet, have you updated your privileges? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta eye level) [HARRIET] Yes, of course I have. [HARRIET] Look, I'm staff, see? Look, staff! [ANTIBODY] You are authorised. Your existence will continue. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ZIMMERMAN] I don't understand. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta eye level) [CARTER [OC]] Harriet, shift! [HARRIET] Five seconds to eyeball. [HARRIET] Shades forty four to eighty nine, peaking at sixty. Standarddensity. He's sweating a bit, so compensate. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ZIMMERMAN] What are you? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] All hands, prepare for tessellation.Prepare for tessellation. [CARTER] Okay, clean up. [ZIMMERMAN] Argh! [CARTER] Who is he? [ANITA] Eric Zimmerman. Loyal member of the Nazi Party. Guilty ofCategory Three hate crimes. [CARTER] Well, then. Leave him to the Antibodies. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta eye level) [ANTIBODY] Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now beimplemented. Welcome. You will experience a tingling sensation and thendeath. Remain calm while your life is extracted. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [HITLER] What do you want? Who let you in here? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] What's wrong with the shock absorbers? [JIM] Problem in the knees. [CARTER] Let's hope we don't have to run. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [ZIMMERMAN] Do not call for help. This room has beensound screened. You have been found guilty. Justice mode activating. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [JIM] Hang on! This is 1938. We're too early. Weneed to go later in his time stream. [ANITA] Something else. We've got incoming! [CARTER] On screen. What the hell is that? --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [DOCTOR] Out, out, out! Everybody out. Don't breathe the smoke, just getout! [AMY] Where are we? [DOCTOR] A room. [RORY] What room? [DOCTOR] I don't know what room. I haven't memorised every room in theuniverse yet. I had yesterday off. Mels, don't go in there. [MELS] Oi. [DOCTOR] Bad smoke. Don't breathe the bad, bad, smoke. Bad, deadly smokebecause somebody shot my Tardis! [RORY] Doctor. This guy, I think he's hurt. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Transmit normal life signs! [JIM] Artificial gravity holding, but we should get upright when we can. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [RORY] No, hang on. No, he's fine. [DOCTOR] Ooo, hello. Sorry, is this your office? Had a sort of collisionwith my vehicle. Faults on both sides, let's say no more about [DOCTOR] It. [RORY] Who? [AMY] Is that? No, it can't be, Doctor? [HITLER] Thank you, whoever you are. I think you have just saved mylife. [DOCTOR] Believe me, it was an accident. [HITLER] What is this thing? [AMY] What did he mean, we saved his life? We could not have just savedHitler. [DOCTOR] You see? You see? Time travel, it never goes to plan. [HITLER] This box. What is it? [DOCTOR] It's a police telephone box from London, England. That's right,Adolf. The British are coming. [HITLER] No, stop him! --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Damage report! Damage report! --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [RORY] Sit still, shut up. [AMY] Are you okay? [ZIMMERMAN] Yes, yes. Yes, I'm fine. I think he missed. [HITLER] He was going to kill me. [RORY] Shut up, Hitler! [DOCTOR] Rory, take Hitler and put him in that cupboard over there. Nowdo it. [RORY] Right. Putting Hitler in the cupboard. Cupboard, Hitler. Hitler,cupboard. Come on. [HITLER] But I am the Fuhrer! [RORY] Right, in you go! [HITLER] Who are you? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Are you okay? [ANITA] Sir, what do we do know? [JIM] Suggestion, we should go into surveillance mode. [CARTER] Agreed. Let's faint. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [RORY] I think he just fainted. [DOCTOR] Yes, that was a faint. A perfect faint. [AMY] Mels? [MELS] Hitler [DOCTOR] What about him? [MELS] Lousy shot. [AMY] Mels! Mels! [DOCTOR] Rory! [RORY] No, no, no, no! I've got to stop the bleeding. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [JIM] Sir, that blue box. I've got a match. We'retrying to bag war criminals, we've got the biggest one ever right underour noses. Forget Hitler. If we take this one down, the JusticeDepartment will give us the rest of the year off. [CARTER] Are you sure? [JIM] There's no question. It's her. [AMY] How bad is it? Rory, what can we do? [RORY] Just keep her conscious. Stay with us, Mels. [DOCTOR] Hey, look at me. Just hold on. [MELS] I used to dream about you. All those stories Amy used to tell me. [DOCTOR] What stories? Tell me what stories. Vampires in Venice. That'sa belter. [MELS] When I was little, I was going to marry you. [DOCTOR] Good idea, let's get married. You stay alive and I'll marryyou, deal? Deal? [MELS] Shouldn't you ask my parents permission? [DOCTOR] As soon as you're well, I'll get on the phone. [MELS] Might as well do it now, since they're both right here. Penny inthe air. Penny drops. [RORY] What the hell's going on? [DOCTOR] Back! Back! Back! Get back! [MELS] Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of NewYork. [AMY] Okay, Doctor, explain what is happening, please. [DOCTOR] Mels. Short for [MELS] Melody. [AMY] Yeah. I named my daughter after her. [DOCTOR] You named your daughter after your daughter. [MELS] It took me years to find you two. I'm so glad I did. And you see?It all worked out in the end, didn't it. You got to raise me after all. [AMY] You're Melody? [RORY] But if she's Melody, that means that she's also [MELS] Shut up, Dad. I'm focusing on a dress size. [RIVER] Oh! Oh! Oh! Whoa! Right, let's see, then. Ooo, it's all going ondown there, isn't it? The hair! Oh, the hair. It just doesn't stop,does it? Look at that. Everything changes. Oh, but I love it. I loveit! I'm all sort of mature. [RIVER] Hello, Benjamin. [DOCTOR] Who's Benjamin? [RIVER] The teeth. The teeth, the teeth! Oh, look at them. [RIVER] Watch out that bow tie. Excuse me, you lot. I need to weighmyself. [AMY] That's Melody. [RORY] That's River Song. [RIVER] Who's River Song? [DOCTOR] Spoilers. [RIVER] Spoilers? What's spoilers? Hang on, just something I have tocheck. [RORY] Is anybody else finding today just a bit difficult? I'm getting asort of banging in my head. [AMY] Yeah, I think that's Hitler in the cupboard. [RORY] That's not helping. [DOCTOR] This isn't the River Song we know yet. This is her right at thestart. Doesn't even know her own name. [RIVER] I'm going to wear lots of jodhpurs. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Well, that's her all right. Melody Pond,the woman who kills the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [RIVER] Well, now, enough of all that. Down tobusiness. [DOCTOR] Oh, hello. I thought we were getting married. [RIVER] I told you I'm not a wedding person. [RORY] Doctor, what's she doing? [DOCTOR] What she's programmed to. [RORY] Where'd she get the gun? [DOCTOR] Hello, Benjamin. [RIVER [memory]] Hello, Benjamin! [RIVER] You noticed. [DOCTOR] Of course I noticed. [DOCTOR] As soon as I knew you were coming, I tidied up a bit. [RIVER] I know you did. [RIVER [memory]] Watch out that bow tie. [DOCTOR] I know you know. [RIVER] Goodness, is killing you going to take all day? [DOCTOR] Why? Are you busy? [RIVER] Oh, I'm not complaining. [DOCTOR] If you were in a hurry, you could've killed me in thecornfield. [RIVER] We'd only just met. I'm a psychopath. I'm not rude. [AMY] You are not a psychopath. Why would she be a psychopath? [RIVER] Oh, Mummy, Mummy, pay attention. I was trained and conditionedfor one purpose. I was born to kill the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Demons Run, remember? This is what they were building. Mybespoke psychopath. [RIVER] I'm all yours, sweetie. [DOCTOR] Only River Song gets to call me that. [RIVER] And who's River Song? [DOCTOR] An old friend of mine. [RIVER] Stupid name. Oh, look at that. Berlin on the eve of war. A wholeworld about to tear itself apart. Now that's my kind of town. Mum, Dad,don't follow me. And, yes, that is a warning. [DOCTOR] No warning for me then? [RIVER] No need, my love. The deed is done and so are you. [AMY] Doctor, what's wrong? [DOCTOR] What have you done? River! [RIVER] Oh, River, River, River. More than a friend, I think. [DOCTOR] What have you done? [RIVER] It was never going to be a gun for you, Doctor. The man of peacewho understands every kind of warfare, except, perhaps, the cruellest. [RIVER [memory]] I'm all yours, sweetie. [RIVER] Kiss, kiss. [RORY] What's wrong with you? What's she done to you? [DOCTOR] Poisoned me. But I'm fine. Well, no, I'm dying, but I've got aplan. [AMY] What plan? [DOCTOR] Not dying. See? Fine. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [ANITA] Scanning him. He's dying all right. [JIM] But he can't be. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [RORY] Okay, what do we do? How do we help you? [DOCTOR] Take this. The Tardis can home in on it. Now, go. Get afterher. --------------------------------------- (Wilhelmstrasse) [OFFICER] Halt! [RIVER] Hello, boys. --------------------------------------- (Hitler's work study) [AMY] You said the smoke was deadly. [DOCTOR] No, no, the smoke's fine. The poison will kill me first. Now,get after River! [AMY] I don't understand, okay? One minute she's going to marry you andthen she's going to kill you. [DOCTOR] Ah, well, she's been brainwashed. It all makes sense to her.Plus, she is a woman. Oh, shut up. I'm dying. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Extractor fans on! Oh, that works. --------------------------------------- (Wilhelmstrasse) [OFFICER] What are you doing here? [RIVER] Well, I was on my way to this gay Gypsy Bar-Mitzvah for thedisabled, when I thought gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I thinkI'll kill the Fuhrer. Who's with me? [OFFICER] Shoot her. [RORY] No! [RIVER] Tip for you all. Never shoot a girl while she's regenerating. [RIVER] Ah! Now, that hit the spot. Thanks, boys. Call me. [AMY] What are you doing? [RIVER] New body, new town. I'm going shopping. [RIVER] Look, I know how this looks. Let me explain everything from thebeginning. [RORY] Heil! [SOLDIER] Heil! [RORY] Come on! [AMY] Can you ride a motorbike? [RORY] I expect so. It's that sort of day. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Okay. This time, let's do the bike, too. [JIM] You see, he can't be dying. [CARTER] But the Doctor is confirmed deceased. We have his records. [JIM] But he doesn't die here. He dies in Utah, by Lake Silencio, Aprilthe twenty second, 2011. [ANITA] Time can be rewritten. Remember Kennedy? [JIM] This time can't. It's a confirmed fixed point. The Doctor mustalways die exactly then. He always has and he always will. [CARTER] Then someone's screwed up, because he's dying right now. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I'm shutting down. I need an interface. Voice interface. Comeon, emergency. [HOLO-DOCTOR] Voice interface enabled. [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Give me someone I like. [DOCTOR] Oh, thanks. Give me guilt. [DOCTOR] Also guilt. [DOCTOR] More guilt. Argh. Come on, there must be someone left in theuniverse I haven't screwed up yet. [HOLO-AMELIA] Voice interface enabled. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, Amelia Pond, before I got it all wrong. My sweet littleAmelia. [HOLO-AMELIA] I am not Amelia Pond. I am a voice interface. [DOCTOR] Hey, let's run away and have adventures. Come along, Pond. [HOLO-AMELIA] I am not Amelia Pond. I am a voice interface. [DOCTOR] You are so Scottish. How am I doing? [HOLO-AMELIA] Your system has been contaminated by the poison of theJudas tree. You will be dead in thirty two minutes. [DOCTOR] Okay. So, basically better regenerate, that's what you'resaying. [HOLO-AMELIA] Regeneration disabled. You will be dead in thirty twominutes. [DOCTOR] Unless I'm cured, yeah? [HOLO-AMELIA] There is no cure. You will be dead in thirty two minutes. [DOCTOR] Why do you keep saying that? [HOLO-AMELIA] Because you will be dead in thirty two minutes. [DOCTOR] You see? There you go again. Basically skipping thirty onewhole minutes when I'm absolutely fine. Scottish, that's all I'msaying. [HOLO-AMELIA] You will be fine for thirty one minutes. You will be deadin thirty two minutes. [DOCTOR] Scotland's never conquered anywhere, you know. Not even aShetland. River needs me. She's only just beginning. I can't die now. [HOLO-AMELIA] You will not die now. You will die in thirty two minutes. [DOCTOR] I'm going out in the first round. Ringing any bells? Argh!Okay, need something for the pain now. Come on, Amelia. It's me.Please. [HOLO-AMELIA] I am not Amelia Pond. I am a voice interface. [DOCTOR] Amelia, listen to me. I can be brave for you, but you have gotto tell me how. [HOLO-AMELIA] I am not Amelia Pond. I am a voice interface. [DOCTOR] Amelia. Amelia, please. [HOLO-AMELIA] Fish fingers and custard. [DOCTOR] What did you say? Fish fingers and custard? Oh, Amelia Pond.Fish fingers and custard. Fish fingers and custard! --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [RIVER] Ladies and gentleman, I don't have a thing to wear. Take offyour clothes. --------------------------------------- (Outside Hotel Adlon) [RORY] Okay, all of Berlin. How do we find her? [AMY] I don't know. Look for clues. [RORY] Clues? What kind of clues? [AMY] Shut up. [RORY] Okay. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [RIVER] Now, look at that. Now that's fun from everyangle. [RIVER] Now dear, I told you not to follow me. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta eye level) [RORY] Okay. Okay, I am trapped inside a giant robotreplica of my wife. I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor. [AMY] How can we be in here? [RORY] Er. [AMY] How do we fit? [RORY] Miniaturisation ray. [AMY] How would you know that? [RORY] Well, there was a ray, and we were miniaturised. [AMY] All right. [ANTIBODY] Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now beimplemented. [AMY] Er, what's that? [RORY] Er, I don't know. It's in your head. [ANTIBODY] Please remain calm while your life is terminated. [AMY] We come in peace! [RORY] When has that ever worked? [AMY] Oh, shut up! [ANTIBODY] Please cooperate in your officially sanctioned termination.It is normal to experience fear during your incineration. [AMY] Stop or I sonic. [RORY] What are you doing? [AMY] Er, I don't know. [RORY] Okay. Psychic interface. Just point and think. [AMY] I know, but what do I think? [RORY] I don't know! [JIM] It's okay. Stay still and don't move. [JIM] Privileges activated. See? Activated. [ANTIBODY] You are authorised. Your existence will continue. [JIM] And you can put your hands down. This is Justice DepartmentVehicle six zero one eight. You're not guilty of anything. Welcomeaboard the Teselecta. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [RIVER] I might take the age down a little, justgradually, to freak people out. [TESELECTA-AMY] You killed the Doctor. [RIVER] Oh yes, I know, dear. I hope you're not going to keep on aboutit. Oh, regeneration. It's a whole new colouring to work with. [TESELECTA-AMY] You killed the Doctor on the orders of the movementknown as the Silence and Academy of the Question. You accept and knowthis to be true? [RIVER] Quite honestly, I don't really remember. It was all a bit ofjumble. [RIVER] No! No! Get off me! [DOCTOR] Sorry, did you say she killed the Doctor? The Doctor? Doctorwho? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] You said he was dying. [ANITA] He is. [JIM] When you're done here, your memories will be wiped and you'll beable to [AMY] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [RIVER] You're dying and you stopped to change? [DOCTOR] Oh, you should always waste time when you don't have any. Timeis not the boss of you. Rule four hundred and eight. Amelia Pond,judgment death machine. Why am I not surprised? Sonic cane. [RIVER] Are you serious? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Never knowingly. Neverknowingly be serious. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Rule twenty seven. You might want to writethese down. Oh, it's a robot. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] With four hundred andtwenty three life signs inside. A robot --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Worked by tiny people. Love it. But how doyou all get in there, though. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Bigger on the inside? No,basic miniaturisation sustained by a --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Compression field. Ooo. Watch what you eat,it'll get you every time. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Amy, if you and Rory areokay, signal me. [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Thanking you. [CARTER] How'd you do that? --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Argh! I'm so sorry. Leg went to sleep. Justhad a quick left leg power nap. I forgot I had one scheduled. Actually,better sit down. I think I heard the right one yawning. [DOCTOR] Don't you touch her! Do not harm her in any way! --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Why would you care? She's the women whokills you. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] I'm not dead. [TESELECTA-AMY] You're dying. [DOCTOR] Well, at least I'm not a time travelling shape shifting robotoperated by miniaturised cross people, which, I have got to admit, Ididn't see coming. What do you want with her? [TESELECTA-AMY] She's Melody Pond. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] According to records, the woman who killsthe Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] And I'm the Doctor. So what's it to you? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Throughout history, many criminals havegone unpunished in their lifetimes. Time travel has responsibilities. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] What? You got yourselves time travel, soyou decided to punish dead people? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] We don't kill them. We extract them nearthe end of their established timelines. [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] And then what? [CARTER] Give them hell. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] I'd ask you who you think you are --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] But I think the answer ispretty obvious. So, who do you think --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] I am, huh? The woman who killed the Doctor.It sounds like you've got my biography in there. I'd love a peek. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Our records office is sealed to the public.Foreknowledge is dangerous. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, I'll be dead in three minutes. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] There isn't muchforeknowledge left. [CARTER] Sorry, can't do that. [AMY] That man is my best friend. That woman is my daughter. You givehim anything he wants. [JIM] If she's family, she has privileges. [JIM] Say access personal records, the Doctor. [AMY] Access personal records, the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [TESELECTA-AMY] Records available. [DOCTOR] Question. I'm dying. Who wants me dead? [TESELECTA-AMY] The Silence. [DOCTOR] What is the Silence? Why is it called that? What does it mean? [TESELECTA-AMY] The Silence is not a species. It is a religious order,or movement. Their core belief is that silence will fall when thequestion is asked. [DOCTOR] What question? [TESELECTA-AMY] The first question. The oldest question in the universe,hidden in plain sight. [DOCTOR] Yes, but what is the question? [TESELECTA-AMY] Unknown. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, fat lot of use that is, you big ginge. Call yourselfa Records argh! Argh! Kidneys are always the first to quit. I've hadbetter, you know. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [ANITA] Okay, he's finished. [AMY] Oh, my God. [CARTER] Well then, let's do what we do. Give her hell. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Amy. Rory. Amy --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Can you hear me? [AMY] Yeah? [CARTER] You can talk to him. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [TESELECTA-AMY] What do we do? --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [AMY] This is me. This is me actually talking. --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [TESELECTA-AMY] What do we do? [DOCTOR] Just stop them. She's your daughter. Just stop them. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [AMY] How? How? --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [TESELECTA-AMY] How? [DOCTOR] Just do it! --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [JIM [memory]] Privileges activated, see? [DOCTOR [memory]] She's your daughter. Just stop them. [RORY] What are you doing? [AMY] Pointing and thinking. Get ready to run. [ANTIBODY] You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented. [AMY] Okay, Captain. Release her now, or I take down the wholeTeselecta. [RORY] Amy. [CARTER] You can't. [AMY] They can. [AMY] Rory, go! [ANTIBODY] All privileges withdrawn. [JIM] What have you done? [ANTIBODY] All life forms prepare for immediate decease. You willexperience a tingling sensation and then death. [CARTER] Shut it down. [JIM] I'm trying! [CARTER] Shut everything down! --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [DOCTOR] Please. Now we have to save your parents. Don't run. Now, Iknow you're scared, but never run when you're scared. Rule seven.Please. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta body) [ANTIBODY] Remain calm while your life is extracted. [AMY] Run! Keep running. [RORY] Where? [AMY] I don't know. Just run! --------------------------------------- (Teselecta) [CARTER] Mothership! Mothership, get us out of here!Emergency beam up now! Everyone! [ANTIBODY] Only two life forms remain. This will be rectified. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta body) [AMY] Where'd everyone go? [RORY] How can they just disappear? [AMY] Doctor, can you help us? Doctor? Doctor, help us! --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [TESELECTA-AMY] Doctor, help us! Doctor, please! [TESELECTA-AMY] Doctor! Help! [RIVER] Look at you. You still care. [TESELECTA-AMY] Doctor, help! Doctor, help us! Please help us. [RIVER] It's impressive, I'll give you that. [DOCTOR] River, please. [RIVER] Again? Who is this River? She's got to be a woman. Am I right? [DOCTOR] Help me. Save Amy and Rory. Help me. [RIVER] Tell me about her. Go on. [DOCTOR] Just help me. --------------------------------------- (Teselecta eye level) [ANTIBODY] You are unauthorised. You are unauthorised. Your death willnow be implemented. [AMY] I love you. [RORY] I love you too. [ANTIBODY] You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Doctor? Doctor, you did it. He did it! [RIVER] I seem to be able to fly her. She showed me how. She taught me.The Doctor says I'm the child of the Tardis. What does he mean? [AMY] Where is he? --------------------------------------- (Hotel Adlon Restaurant) [AMY] You can't die now. I know you don't die now. [DOCTOR] Oh, Pond, you've got a schedule for everything. [AMY] But it doesn't make any sense. [RORY] Doctor, what do we do? Come on. How do we help you? [DOCTOR] No. Sorry, Rory, you can't. Nobody can. Ponds, listen to me. Ineed to talk to your daughter. [DOCTOR] Find her. Find River Song and tell her something from me. [RIVER] Tell her what? [RIVER] Well, I'm sure she knows. [RIVER] Who's River Song? [AMY] Are you still working? Because I'm still a relative. Access fileson River Song. [TESELECTA-AMY] Records available. [AMY] Show me her. Show me River Song. [AMY] What did he say? The Doctor gave you a message for River Song.What was it? [AMY] What's happening? River, what are you doing? [RIVER] Just tell me. The Doctor, is he worth it? [AMY] Yes! Yes, he is! [DOCTOR] River. No. What are you doing? [RIVER] Hello, sweetie. --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [AMY] Hey. [RIVER] Hey. Where am I? [AMY] You're safe now. Apparently, you used all your remainingregenerations in one go. You shouldn't have done that. [RIVER] Mother, I had to try. [AMY] I know. [RIVER] He said no-one could save him, but he must have known I could. [DOCTOR] Rule one. The Doctor lies. [NURSE] She just needs to rest. She'll be absolutely fine. [DOCTOR] No, she won't. She will be amazing. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] So that's it, se leave her there? [DOCTOR] Sisters of the Infinite Schism. Greatest hospital in theuniverse. [AMY] Yeah, but she's our daughter. Doctor, she's River and she's ourdaughter. [DOCTOR] Amy, I know. But we have to let her make her own way now. Wehave too much foreknowledge. Dangerous thing, foreknowledge. [AMY] What's that? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [DOCTOR] Just some data I downloaded from the Teselecta. Very boring. [RORY] Doctor, River was brainwashed to kill you, right? [DOCTOR] Well, she did kill me, and then she used her remaining lives tobring me back. As first dates go, I'd say that was mixed signals. [RORY] But that stuff that they put in her head, is that gone now? TheRiver that we know in the future, she is in prison for murder. [AMY] Whose murder? Will we see her again? [DOCTOR] Oh, she'll come looking for us. [AMY] Yeah, but how? How do people even look for you? [DOCTOR] Oh, Pond. Haven't you figured that one out yet? --------------------------------------- (The Luna University, 5123) [CANDY] So then, tell me. Why do you want to study archaeology? [RIVER] Well, to be perfectly honest, Professor, I'm looking for a goodman.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e08", "title": "Let's Kill Hitler"}
Doctor Who (3 Sep, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - Night Terrors [CLAIRE] Bed. [GEORGE] But Mum [CLAIRE] George, I won't tell you again. Get into bed. I'm going to belate for work. It's just the lift, love. How many more times? [GEORGE] Don't like it. [CLAIRE] Well, what do we do with the things we don't like? We [BOTH] Put them in the cupboard. [GEORGE] The thing. You have to do the thing, Mum. [GEORGE] Five times. It has to be five times. [GEORGE] Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from themonsters. Please save me from the monsters. [CLAIRE] All right now? Come on, George. There's nothing to be scaredof. Night, night then, love. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [ALEX] How is he? [CLAIRE] He's in bed at least. [ALEX] I'm worried about him. Why's he terrified all the time? [CLAIRE] He needs help. [ALEX] He's got us. [CLAIRE] He needs a doctor. [GEORGE [OC]] Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from themonsters. Please save me from the monsters. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Please save me from the monsters. Haven't done this in a while. [AMY] Haven't done what? What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Making a house call. --------------------------------------- (Garage block) [RORY] No offence, Doctor [DOCTOR] Meaning the opposite. [RORY] But we could get a bus somewhere like this. [DOCTOR] The exact opposite. [AMY] Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff,Rory. [DOCTOR] Yes, it can. Course it can. Planets and history and stuff.That's what we do. But not today. No. Today, we're answering a cry forhelp from the scariest place in the universe. A child's bedroom. --------------------------------------- (By the lift) [RORY] Please save me from the monsters? Who sent that? [DOCTOR] That's what we're here to find out. [AMY] Sounds like something a kid would say. [DOCTOR] Exactly. A scared kid. A very scared kid. So scared thatsomehow its cry for help got through to us in the Tardis. [AMY] Yeah, but you've traced it here. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Ah. Going up. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [TELEVISION] Now, did you know there that there are twice as many petsas people here in the UK? Now that's a lot of animals and we want toknow how clever they are. Now, if you were watching BBC1 on Saturdaynight, you will have seen Rolf Harris and Kate Humble --------------------------------------- (Block of flats) [AMY] Hi. [DOCTOR] Hello. [AMY] Are your mummy and daddy in, or is it just you? [AMY] Okay. [MRS ROSSITER] Is it about the bins? [DOCTOR] Pardon? [RORY] Community support. Just checking up on community-based things. [JULIE] Can I help you? [AMY] Hi. Er, yeah. No, sorry. I was just wondering if you've had anybother around here? [RORY] Is everything okay? [MRS ROSSITER] The bins. I can't be expected to get down all themstairs. I need new knees. [JULIE] Bother? What do you mean? [AMY] Well, I mean [RORY] Are your neighbours nice? Do you get on well? [JULIE] He didn't send you, did he? [AMY] Who? [PURCELL] Jim Purcell. Course we get on well. I'm their landlord. Theylove me, don't they? [RORY] You're the landlord? [DOCTOR] Not the bins, no, Miss? [MRS ROSSITER] Mrs Rossiter. [PURCELL] I thought you'd know that, being from community support. [RORY] Yeah. Yes. Yes, of course. Sorry. [MRS ROSSITER] I've already got a new hip. I'll be able to manage when Iget the knees. Up and down them stairs like Sherpa Tensing, then. [DOCTOR] Can I come in? [RORY] Oh. [MRS ROSSITER] Course not. You could be anyone. [DOCTOR] I could be, but I'm not. [RORY] Or maybe it's best if I come back another time. [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [AMY] We've got to find that kid. [RORY] Maybe we should let the monsters gobble him up. --------------------------------------- (By the lift) [AMY] Hey. Any luck? [DOCTOR] Three old ladies, a traffic warden from Croatia and a man withten cats. [RORY] What are we actually looking for? [DOCTOR] Ten cats. Scared kid, remember? [AMY] I found scary kids. Does that count? [DOCTOR] Er, try the next floor down. Catch you later. [AMY] Okay. [RORY] Maybe it was, you know, junk mail. [AMY] What? [RORY] The message on the psychic paper. Maybe it was just nothing. --------------------------------------- (Front door) [ALEX] Oh. Right. That was quick. [DOCTOR] Was it? [ALEX] Claire said she'd phone someone. Social Services. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. [ALEX] It's not easy, you know, admitting your kid's got a problem. [DOCTOR] You've got a problem. I've got a problem. I bet they'reconnected, I'm the Doctor. Call me Doctor. What can I call you? [ALEX] Alex. [DOCTOR] Hello, Alex. [DOCTOR] So, tell me about George. --------------------------------------- (Rubbish area) [MRS ROSSITER] What a blooming mess. I'm the only one who gives amonkeys round here any more. Shocking. Talking to yourself now, Elsie.They say it's the first sign. [MRS ROSSITER] Oh, Lord. Come out of there! Don't be so ruddy horrible,trying to scare an old lady to death. It's not right. Is that you,George? I'll tell your mum and dad. Come on, you little devil. Let'ssee your face. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [ALEX] Ever since he was born he's been a funny kid. [DOCTOR] Funny's good. We like funny, don't we? [ALEX] He never cries. Bottles it all up, I suppose. Tell him off, hejust looks at you. [DOCTOR] How old is he? [ALEX] He was eight in January. I mean, he should be growing out ofstuff like this, shouldn't he? [DOCTOR] Maybe. It's got worse, though lately? [ALEX] Yeah. We talked about getting help. You know, maybe sending himsomewhere. He started getting these nervous tics. You know, funnylittle cough, blinking all the time. But now it's got completely out ofhand. I mean, he's scared to death of everything. [DOCTOR] Pantaphobia. [ALEX] What? [DOCTOR] That's what it's called. Pantaphobia. Not a fear of pantsthough, if that's what you're thinking. It's a fear of everything.Including pants, I suppose, in that case. Sorry. Go on. [ALEX] He hates clowns. [DOCTOR] Understandable. [ALEX] Old toys. He thinks the old lady across the way is a witch. Hehates having a bath in case there's something under the water.The lift sounds like someone breathing. Look, I don't know. I'm not anexpert. Maybe you can get through to him. [DOCTOR] I'll do my best. --------------------------------------- (Room) [RORY] Amy? Amy? Are you here? [AMY] Yeah. Here. No, here. It's me. [RORY] You okay? [AMY] Yeah, I think so. [RORY] What happened to the lift? We were in a lift, weren't we? [AMY] Yeah, yeah. We. I remember getting in and then. What? [RORY] We're dead, aren't we. [AMY] Eh? [RORY] The lift fell and we're dead. [AMY] Shut up. [RORY] We're dead. Again. [AMY] Oh, shut up. Let's just find out where we are. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RORY] You know, it's obvious what's happened. [AMY] Yeah? Really? Because it's not obvious to me. [RORY] The Tardis has gone funny again. Some time slippy thing. Youknow, The Doctor's back there in Eastenders-land and we're stuck herein the past. This is probably seventeen hundred and something. [AMY] Yay. My favourite year. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [ALEX] George? You okay? What's the matter? Oh. Never mind. Were youhaving a nightmare, son? [GEORGE] Wasn't a nightmare. I wasn't asleep. Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [GEORGE] A doctor? Have you come to take me away? [DOCTOR] No, George. I just want to talk to you. [GEORGE] What about? [DOCTOR] About the monsters. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [AMY] A bit neglected, wherever it is. [RORY] Let's find the front door, at least. Then we can work out wherewe are. When we are. [AMY] Rory? [RORY] Hmm? [AMY] Look at this. [RORY] Well, it's a copper pan. [AMY] No, it's not. It's wood. It's made of wood and just painted tolook like copper. [RORY] That is stupid. [AMY] Wait. Hang on. [AMY] There's a switch. [RORY] Wow. Well, not seventeen hundred and something, then. [AMY] It's glass. It's a glass eye. [AMY] Stop doing that. [RORY] It's not me. Come on. [AMY] Yeah. Hang on. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [ALEX] Maybe it was things on the telly, you know? [DOCTOR] Right. [ALEX] Scary stuff, getting under his skin, frightening him. [DOCTOR] Mmm-hmm. [ALEX] We stopped letting him watch. [DOCTOR] Oh, you don't want to do that. [ALEX] Then Claire thought it might have been something he was reading. [DOCTOR] Great. Reading's great. You like stories, George? Yeah? Me,too. When I was your age, about, ooo, a thousand years ago, I loved agood bedtime story. The Three Little Sontarans. The Emperor Dalek's NewClothes. Snow White And The Seven Keys To Doomsday, eh? All theclassics. [DOCTOR] Rubbish. Must be broken. I hate those things. Better tidy itaway, though, eh? How about in here? No. Not in the cupboard. Why notin there, George? [ALEX] It's a thing. A thing we got him doing ages back. Anything thatfrightens him, we put it in the cupboard. Creepy toys, scary pictures,that sort of thing. [DOCTOR] And is that where the monsters go? Yeah. There's nothing to bescared of, George. It's just a cupboard. [ALEX] Front door. --------------------------------------- (Basement corridor) [RORY] Let's try down here. --------------------------------------- (Front door) [PURCELL] Evening. [ALEX] Oh, hi. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [PURCELL [OC]] How's Claire? [ALEX [OC]] Good, thanks. At work. Look, er, this really isn't a goodtime. Maybe later I [PURCELL [OC]] And the kiddie? [ALEX [OC]] Good. Yeah. [PURCELL [OC]] You know how I hate to mention it, but it's that timeagain. [ALEX [OC]] Yes. [PURCELL [OC]] And you know I like my money prompt. [ALEX [OC]] The thing is, I still haven't found anywhere since the shopshut, and Claire's wage only goes so far. I thought we could, you know,come to some sort of arrangement. [GEORGE] Is that a torch? [DOCTOR] Screwdriver. [PURCELL [OC]] No can do, son. If I went around [DOCTOR] A sonic one. And other stuff. [GEORGE] Please may I see the other stuff? [DOCTOR] You may. [DOCTOR] Ah, pretty cool, eh? --------------------------------------- (Living room) [PURCELL] Listen to him. Isn't he awful, eh? Don'tgrowl at the nice man, Bernard. He don't mean to upset daddy, do you? [ALEX] No. [PURCELL] Look, son, I know what you're thinking. Here comes horriblePurcell after his rent. Dog on a chain. See? Wasn't expecting that, wasyou? I'm not as daft as I look. In fact, I'm not daft at all. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR] That's better. No tears from George, that'swhat I've heard. Go on, give us a smile, there's a brave littlesoldier. Bit rusty at this. Anyway, let's open this cupboard, eh?There's nothing to be [DOCTOR] (sotto) Off the scale. Off the scale. Off the scale. How? [PURCELL [OC]] All I want is my three hundred and fifty pound. Simple asthat. Night, night. Come on, son. Come on. [ALEX] Right. Sorry about that. So, have we got this thing open yet? [DOCTOR] No! No, no, no, no, no. You don't want to do that. [ALEX] Why? [DOCTOR] Because George's monsters are real. --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [RORY] Oh, at last. Argh. [AMY] What is it? [RORY] No doorknob. Wooden pans, a massive glass eye, and now nodoorknob. [AMY] And this clock. [RORY] What? [AMY] Look, the hands, they're painted on. --------------------------------------- (Kitchenette) [ALEX] You're supposed to be a professional. I'll never get him to sleepnow. It's so irresponsible. [DOCTOR] No, Alex. Responsible. Very. Cupboard bad. Cupboard not bare.Stay away from cupboard. And there's something else. Something I'vemissed. Something staring me in the face. [ALEX] Look, I'd like you to leave, please. You're just making thingsworse. Will you stop making tea. I want you to leave. [DOCTOR] No. [ALEX] What? What do you mean no? Leave. Get out. Now, please. Look,maybe this was a bad idea. We should sort out George ourselves. [DOCTOR] You can't. [ALEX] No one's going to tell us how to run our lives. I don't care whoyou are or what wheels have been set in motion. We'll sort it. [DOCTOR] I'm not just a professional. I'm the Doctor. [ALEX] What's that supposed to mean? [DOCTOR] It means I've come a long way to get here, Alex. A very longway. George sent a message. A distress call, if you like. Whatever'sinside that cupboard is so terrible, so powerful, that it amplified thefears of an ordinary little boy across all the barriers of time andspace. [ALEX] Eh? [DOCTOR] Through crimson stars and silent stars and tumbling nebulaslike oceans set on fire. Through empires of glass and civilizations ofpure thought, and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe ofimpossibilities. You see these eyes? They're old eyes. And one thing Ican tell you, Alex. Monsters are real. [ALEX] You're not from Social Services, are you? [DOCTOR] First things first. You got any Jammie Dodgers? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [MRS ROSSITER] Please, I don't like being on me own.If there's anyone here, please help me. --------------------------------------- (Bottom of staircase) [AMY] You hear that? [RORY] Yeah. Wait. [AMY] They're getting closer. [RORY] They? [AMY] Oh, it's just a. It's a dummy. Oh, it's just a dummy. [RORY] This is weird. [AMY] Yeah, says the time travelling nurse. Yeah, er, let's just leavethat for now. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [DOCTOR] What is it with these photos? Anyway. Good.Nice tea. Nothing like a cuppa, but, decision. Should we open thecupboard? [ALEX] What? [DOCTOR] Should we? [ALEX] Well [DOCTOR] Got to open the cupboard, haven't we. Course we have. Come on,Alex. Alex, come on. How else will we ever find out what's going onhere? [ALEX] All right, but you said [DOCTOR] Monsters. Yeah, well, that's what I do. Breakfast, dinner andtea. Fight the monsters. So this, this is just an average day at theoffice for me. [ALEX] Okay, yeah. You're right. [DOCTOR] Or maybe we shouldn't open the cupboard. [ALEX] Eh? [DOCTOR] We have no idea what might be in there. How powerful, how evilthat thing might be. [ALEX] We don't? [DOCTOR] Come on, Alex. Alex, come on. Are you crazy? We can't open thecupboard. [ALEX] God, no, no, we mustn't. [DOCTOR] Right. That settles it. [ALEX] Yes. Settles what? [DOCTOR] Going to open the cupboard. --------------------------------------- (Purcell's flat) [PURCELL] What the? Hold on a minute. This is not, no. [PURCELL] Help me, Bernard. Help. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR] I don't understand it. It has to be the cupboard. The readingsfrom the sonic screwdriver, they were [DOCTOR] How old is George, Alex? [ALEX] What? How old? [DOCTOR] Yes. How old is George? [ALEX] Well, I told you. Just turned eight. [DOCTOR] So you remember when he was born, then? [ALEX] Of course. [DOCTOR] Course you do. How could you not? You and Claire. ChristmasEve, 2002, right? [ALEX] What? Er yeah. [DOCTOR] Couple of weeks before George was born. Tell me about the dayhe arrived. Must have been wonderful. [ALEX] Well, it was the best day of my (big pause) life. [DOCTOR] Sure? [ALEX] Yes. [DOCTOR] You don't sound sure. [ALEX] What are you trying to say? Look, I don't like this. I've toldyou before, I want you to go. [DOCTOR] What's the matter, Alex? [ALEX] I can't. Oh, don't. Oh, this is scary. [DOCTOR] No, Alex, this is scary. Claire with baby George. Newborn, yes? [ALEX] Yes. [DOCTOR] Less than a month after Christmas. [ALEX] So? [DOCTOR] So look. Look. Claire's not pregnant. [ALEX] What? [DOCTOR] Not pregnant. [ALEX] Well, of course not. Claire can't have kids! [DOCTOR] Say that again. [ALEX] We tried everything. She was desperate. As much IVF as we couldafford, but. Claire can't have kids. How? How can I have forgottenthat? [DOCTOR] Who are you, George? [ALEX] It's not possible. This isn't [DOCTOR] George? [DOCTOR] George! George, what's going on? Are you doing it? [ALEX] What's happening? [GEORGE] Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from themonsters. Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from themonsters. [DOCTOR] George, no! [GEORGE] Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from themonsters. Please save me from the monsters. [ALEX] Help me, Doctor! [GEORGE] Please save me from the monsters. [DOCTOR] George, no! [GEORGE] Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from themonsters. Please save me from the monsters. [ALEX] No! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RORY] Why aren't there any lights? I miss lights.You don't really miss things till they're gone, do you? It's like whatmy nan used to say. You'll never miss the water till the well runs dry. [AMY] Rory. [RORY] Except light, I mean, not water. Lights are great, aren't they? Imean if this place was all lit up, we wouldn't even be worried at all. [AMY] Rory. Panicking, a bit. [RORY] Yeah, yeah. Sorry. [AMY] Yeah. [PURCELL] Help me, please. Keep them away from me. Keep them away. [AMY] I take it all back. Panic now. [DOLL] Don't run away. We want to play. --------------------------------------- (Dining room) [DOCTOR] George! George, don't do this. We want to help you, George. [ALEX] We went, we went into the cupboard. We went into the cupboard.How can it be bigger in here? [DOCTOR] More common than you'd think, actually. You're okay. [ALEX] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Obvious, isn't it? [ALEX] No. [DOCTOR] Dolls' house. We're inside the dolls' house. [ALEX] The dolls' house? [DOCTOR] Yeah, in the cupboard, in your flat. The dolls' house. [ALEX] No, no, just slow down, would you? [DOCTOR] Look. Wooden chicken. Cups, saucers, plates, knives, forks,fruit, chickens. Wood. So, we're either inside the dolls' house or thisa refuge for dirty posh people who eat wooden food. Or termites. Gianttermites trying to get on the property ladder. No. That's possible. Isthat possible? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ALEX] Look, will you stop? What is he? What isGeorge? And how could I forget that Claire can't have kids? How? [DOCTOR] Perception filter. Some kind of hugely powerful perceptionfilter. Convinced you and Claire, everyone. Made you change yourmemories. Now, what could do that? [ALEX] Just a mirror. --------------------------------------- (Library) [AMY] Lock it! [RORY] There isn't a lock. [RORY] No, no, no, no, no! [AMY] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [DOCTOR] So, Claire can't have kids and something responded to that.Responded to that need. What could do that? [ALEX] I thought you were the expert, fighting monsters all day long.You tell me. [DOCTOR] Oi! Listen, mush. Old eyes, remember? I've been around theblock a few times. More than a few. They've knocked down the blocksI've been round and re-built them as bigger blocks. Super blocks. AndI've been round them as well. I can't remember everything. [ALEX] Doctor [DOCTOR] It's like trying to remember the name of someone you met at aparty when you were two. [ALEX] Doctor, the lift. [DOCTOR] And I can't just plump for Brian like I normally do. [ALEX] Doctor, listen! [DOCTOR] Shush. What's that? [ALEX] It's the lift. It's the sound that the lift makes. George isscared stiff of it. --------------------------------------- (Library) [AMY] We can't stay in here. We've got to get out! [RORY] Er, how? [AMY] Take control, Rory. Take control of the only thing we can. Lettingthem in. [RORY] Letting them in? [AMY] It'll surprise them. We open the door and we push past them. Kickthem, punch them, anything, okay? [DOLL [OC]] Time to play. [RORY] Okay. [AMY] Okay. [AMY] Go on! [RORY] Amy, come on. [AMY] Rory! [RORY] Amy! Get off [CHILDREN] (singing) Tick tock goes the clock, and all the years theyfly. Tick tock and all too soon, you and I must die. --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [ALEX] Five times. [DOCTOR] What? [ALEX] The lights. It's happening five times. It's like one of George'shabits. We have to switch the lights on and off five times. [DOCTOR] Now you're getting it. [ALEX] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] What do you tell George to do, Alex, with everything thatscares him? [ALEX] Well, put it in the cupboard. [DOCTOR] Exactly. And George isn't just an ordinary little boy, we knowthat now, so anything scary he puts in here. Scary toys, like thedolls' house. Scary noises, like, like the lift. Even his littlerituals have become part of it. A psychic repository for all his fears,but what is he? [ALEX] Oh, my God. [ALEX] A gun? You've got a gun? [DOCTOR] It's not a gun. Wood! I've got to invent a setting for wood.It's embarrassing. [DOCTOR] Come on. [AMY DOLL] Don't run away. We just want to play. --------------------------------------- (Bottom of the stairs) [DOCTOR] Massive psychic field, perfect perceptionfilter, and that need. That need of Claire's to, to. Stupid Doctor. Ow. [DOCTOR] George is a Tenza. Of course he is. [ALEX] He's a what? [DOCTOR] A cuckoo. A cuckoo in the nest. A Tenza. He's a Tenza. Millionsof them hatch in space and then whoomph, off they drift, looking for anest. The Tenza young can sense exactly what their foster parents wantand then they assimilate perfectly. [ALEX] George is an alien? [DOCTOR] Yep. [ALEX] But he's he's our child. [DOCTOR] Of course he is. The child you always wanted. He sensed thatinstinctively and sought you out, but something scared him. Startedthis cycle of fear. It's all completely instinctive, subconscious.George isn't even aware that he's controlling it. So we have to makehim aware. George! --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR [OC]] George, you're the only one who canstop this --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] But you have to believe. You have tobelieve. You have to know you're safe. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR [OC]] I can't save you from the monsters. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] Only you can. George, listen to me. --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR [OC]] George, listen to me. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] Rory! [RORY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Where's Amy? [DOCTOR] Oh, no. George! George, you have to face your fears! --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR [OC]] You have to face them now. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] You have to open the cupboard, or we'll allbe trapped here forever in a living death. George! --------------------------------------- (George's room) [DOCTOR [OC]] George, listen to me. George! George,listen to me. George! --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] Please! George, you have to end this. Endthis. End it. End it now! [DOCTOR] George. George, you did it. You did it. Hey, it's okay. It'sall okay now. Everything's going to be fine. [DOCTOR] No! No! No, no, no, no, no. George, you created this wholeworld. This whole thing. You can smash it. You can destroy it. [DOCTOR] Something's holding him back. Something's holding him back.Something. [GEORGE [memory]] Who are you? [DOCTOR [memory]] I'm the Doctor. [GEORGE [memory]] A doctor? Have you come to take me away? Away. Away.Away. [DOCTOR] That's what did it. That's what the trigger was. He thought youwere rejecting him. He thought he wasn't wanted, that someone was goingto come and take him away. [ALEX] Well, we, we talked about it. [DOCTOR] Yeah, and he heard you, Alex. A Tenza's sole function is to fitin, to be wanted, and you were rejecting him. [ALEX] We just couldn't cope! We needed help! [DOCTOR] Yes, but George didn't know that. He thought you were rejectinghim. He still thinks it. [ALEX] But how can we keep him? How can we? He's not [DOCTOR] Not what? [ALEX] He's not human. [DOCTOR] No. [GEORGE] Dad! [ALEX] Whatever you are, whatever you do, you're my son, and I willnever, ever send you away. Oh, George. Oh, my little boy. [GEORGE] Dad. [ALEX] My little boy. [GEORGE] Dad. --------------------------------------- (Rubbish area) [ROSSITER] Oh dear. Must be them tablets. Oh. Oh, dear. --------------------------------------- (By the lift) [AMY] Was I? [RORY] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Front door) [ALEX [OC]] Right, stay still. Still as a statue, or I'll come and getyou. [ALEX [OC]] I'm coming, I'm coming. [CLAIRE] Hi. [ALEX [OC]] Hey, close eyes. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] Hello. You're Claire, I expect. Claire, (air kisses) how'd youfeel about kippers? [CLAIR] Er who [ALEX] They sent someone about George. It's all sorted. [DOCTOR] Yeah, we had a great time, didn't we? [GEORGE] Yeah. [DOCTOR] See? He's fine. [CLAIRE] What, just like that? [DOCTOR] Yes. Trust me. --------------------------------------- (Outside the flat) [ALEX] Doctor, wait. [DOCTOR] Sorry, yes. Bye. [ALEX] No, no, you can't just. I mean [DOCTOR] It's sorted. You sorted it. Good man, Alex. Proud of you. [ALEX] What, that's it? [DOCTOR] Well, apart from making sure he eats his greens and getting himinto a good school, yes. [ALEX] But is he going to, I don't know, sprout another head or threeeyes or something? [DOCTOR] He's one of the Tenza, remember. He'll adapt perfectly now.Hey! Be whatever you want him to be. I might pop back around puberty,mind you. Always a funny time. [CLAIRE [OC]] Kippers are getting cold. --------------------------------------- (Garage block) [DOCTOR] Come on, you two. Things to do, people tosee, whole civilisations to save. You feeling okay? [AMY] Er, I think so. [DOCTOR] Well, it's good to be all back together again, in the flesh.Come on. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Now, did someone mention something aboutplanets and history and stuff? [RORY] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Where do you want to go? [AMY] Er [DOCTOR] Mind's gone blank. [AMY] Well, I have just been turned into a wooden dolly. [DOCTOR] Excuses, excuses. [RORY] It's tough, though. It's like being given three wishes. The wholeuniverse? [DOCTOR] Or universes. Ooo, three wishes, like Ali Baba. How about that? [CHILDREN] (singing) Tick tock goes the clock, even for the Doctor.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s32", "episode": "e09", "title": "Night Terrors"}
Doctor Who (25 Dec, 2011; Eleventh Doctor) - The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe [DOCTOR [OC]] Amy. Amy? Hello? Amy, it's me, the Doctor. Hello. Bit of asituation. [COMPUTER] Intruder alert. [DOCTOR] I've got my finger on a button, which is fine, but as soon as Itake my finger off the button the spaceship is going to explode.(Sparks.) [DOCTOR] Argh. Which is good in one way, because the spaceship inquestion is about to attack the Earth, but bad in another way, becauseI'm on the spaceship and I'm going to get all smithereened. Now, plan.I'm going to send you the coordinates so you can fly the Tardis hereand rescue me. Only three flaws in this plan as far as I can see. One,I don't have the coordinates. Two, you can't fly the Tardis. Three, ohdear, you're not even there. You left ages ago. Oh, well. I think Ijust wanted a chat before all the smithereens. Merry Christmas, Amelia. --------------------------------------- (Earth orbit) [ALIEN [OC]] People of Earth, you stand alone. [COMPUTER [OC]] Intruder alert. Intruder alert. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [COMPUTER [OC]] Intruder alert. [DOCTOR] Ah! Come here, spacesuit. Come to Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Earth orbit) [DOCTOR] Got it! --------------------------------------- (Country lane) [MADGE] Hello? Hello? Hello, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Ow. [MADGE] Are you hurt? Did you fall? Where did you fall from? [DOCTOR] Helmet. [MADGE] All right, just just let me. I don't want to hurt you. [MADGE] Oh. [DOCTOR] I can't see. I'm blind! [MADGE] Oh no, love, no. I think you've just got your helmet onbackwards. How did you manage that? [DOCTOR] I got dressed in a hurry. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [MADGE] Cyril, what are you doing awake? [LILY] It's the moon's fault, apparently. It's too interesting. [CYRIL] It's astronomy. [LILY] Don't make up words. He's always making up things and breathing. [MADGE] Where's your father? [CYRIL] In the garden. [MADGE] What's he doing in the garden? [CYRIL] Agriculture. [LILY] You're not fooling anyone. [MADGE] Listen, Cyril. Tell him that I've borrowed Mister Goldsmith'scar. That I found a spaceman in a field, possibly an angel, but he'sinjured and I can't get his helmet off, so I'm having to take him intotown to find a police telephone box, all right? [CYRIL] All right. [MADGE] Good boy. [REG] Was that your mother? Where's she going? [CYRIL] Out. --------------------------------------- (Town) [DOCTOR] Ow! Did we just bump into something? [MADGE] No, no. [DOCTOR] We seemed to bump into quite a lot of things. [MADGE] Well, a lot of things get in the way. It's hardly my fault. Youneed to take that silly thing off. [DOCTOR] Can't. Impact suit. It's still repairing me. [MADGE] Repairing you? [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, you know, that's the idea. [MADGE] Won't it repair you all back to front? [DOCTOR] No. No. [MADGE] Well, that's good. Oh, that's a street lamp. [DOCTOR] Yes, I got that impression. [MADGE] Round this way. Don't you want me to take you to hospital orsomething? You're welcome to come to our house. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. I'm fine. I just need to find the, er, the key. [MADGE] Do you want me to do it with a pin? I'm good with a pin. [DOCTOR] Multi-dimensional, triple encoded temporal interface. Notreally susceptible to pointy things. [MADGE] Got it. [DOCTOR] Okay. Suddenly the last nine hundred years of time travel seemthat bit less secure. Thank you for taking care of me. You didn't haveto, you know. You've been very kind. [MADGE] Oh, don't be silly. It's Christmas Eve. No one should be aloneat Christmas. [DOCTOR] What did you say your name was? [MADGE] Madge. Madge Arwell. [DOCTOR] If thre's anything that I can do for you, let me know. [MADGE] How? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Make a wish. That usually works. [MADGE] Does it? [DOCTOR] It did for me. You're here, aren't you? Well, don't wait aroundhere. Just off you go home. I'll just go and, and wait inside here. [DOCTOR] Ow! Wrong one. Do you think we could try again? --------------------------------------- (Living room) [REG] You were a long time. Been taking home strays as usual? [MADGE] Just the one. What have you been reading? Not the war again.People keep reading about the war, then it will actually happen. Andthen where will you be? --------------------------------------- (Bomber) [CO-PILOT] Sir, Anderson's in a bad way. Where are we? [REG] I don't know. Somewhere over the Channel. [CO-PILOT] What do I tell Anderson? [REG] Tell him, tell him, tell him we're going home for Christmas. [CO-PILOT] Yes, sir. [REG] I'm sorry, my love. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [CYRIL] When's Father coming back? [LILY] For Christmas, like he always does. Now, hurry up and think ofsomething. [CYRIL] But we're going to Uncle Digby's house. Will he be there? [LILY] He will, won't he, mother? Daddy will be there. [MADGE] Of course he will. [LILY] See? Now, have you thought of anything? [CYRIL] Er, yep. [LILY] Count of three, then. Make a wish. One, two, three! --------------------------------------- (Outside Uncle Digby's house) [CYRIL] Is it haunted? [LILY] Is it draughty? [MADGE] Oh, this is no good. Where's Mister Cardew? He was supposed tobe here. [CYRIL] Maybe it's haunted by the ghost of Uncle Digby. [LILY] Uncle Digby is still alive. He's in a home in Battersea. [MADGE] Mister Cardew! [CYRIL] But why do we have to come here? [LILY] Because of the bombing, stupid. [CYRIL] I like the bombing. It's exciting. [LILY] Will Father be here? Well, he will, won't he? You said he'd meetus at the house. [MADGE] He'll be here. Of course he will. You don't need to keep askingabout it. [LILY + CYRIL] Father! [DOCTOR [OC]] Sorry, it's the door. It's developed a fault. [MADGE] Oh, hello? Mister Cardew? [DOCTOR] There we go. Well, come in. In you come. --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [DOCTOR] Mind your step. Now, don't worry. The back door is still,broadly speaking, operational. [DOCTOR] Right then, may I take your cases? [MADGE] Thank you. [LILY] Thank you. [CYRIL] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Lovely. Would you mind carrying them for me? I need to show youround. [MADGE] Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the caretaker. [MADGE] But you're not Mister Cardew. [DOCTOR] I agree. [MADGE] I don't understand. Are you the new caretaker? [DOCTOR] Usually called the Doctor. Or the Caretaker or Get Off ThisPlanet. Though, strictly speaking, that probably isn't a name. Hello,Madge Arwell. [MADGE] Hello. [DOCTOR] And Cyril Arwell. And Lily Arwell. Now, come on, come on. Lotsto see. Whistle stop tour. Take notes, there will be questions. --------------------------------------- (Small sitting room) [DOCTOR] Smaller sitting room. Just chairs. Bitpointless without a television, so I made some repairs. [DOCTOR] I know. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] Kitchen! That's a cooker, probably. Andthese are taps. Hot, cold, lemonade. [CYRIL] Lemonade? [DOCTOR] I know! --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [DOCTOR] Staircase. It seems to have broken down.We'll have to walk up. --------------------------------------- (Landing) [DOCTOR] I sleep up there. Stay away. Beware ofpanthers. [LILY] Panthers? [DOCTOR] They're terrifying. Have you never seen panthers? Cyril! --------------------------------------- (Madge's bedroom) [DOCTOR] Mum's bedroom. Grown up. Your basic boring. --------------------------------------- (Children's room) [DOCTOR] Lily and Cyril's room. I'm going to be honest, masterpiece. Theultimate bedroom. A sciencey wiencey workbench. A jungle. A maze. Awindow disguised as a mirror. A mirror disguised as a window. Selectionof torches for midnight feasts and secret reading. Zen garden,mysterious cupboard, zone of tranquillity, rubber wall, dream tank,exact model of the rest of the house, not quite to scale. Apologies.Dolls with comical expressions, the Magna Carta, a foot spa, Cluedo, ayellow fort. [CYRIL] Where are the beds? [DOCTOR] Well, I couldn't fit everything in. There had to be sacrifices.Anyway, who needs beds when you've got [DOCTOR] Hammocks! I know. [CYRIL] But how do you get on? [DOCTOR] Watch and learn, kid. [MADGE] For God's sake! [DOCTOR] This hammock has developed a fault. [MADGE] Can you please stop talking? Can you please just stop! [DOCTOR] Sorry. [MADGE] Children, go downstairs. [LILY] Why? [CYRIL] Are we leaving? [MADGE] Yes. No. I don't know. Just please go downstairs! [LILY] You don't need to shout. [MADGE] Why are you doing all this? [DOCTOR] I'm just trying to take care of things. I'm the caretaker. [MADGE] That's not what caretakers do. [DOCTOR] Then why are they called caretakers? [MADGE] Their father's dead. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. [MADGE] Lily and Cyril's father, my husband, is dead and they don't knowyet, because if I tell them now, then Christmas will always be whattook their father away from them, and no one should have to live likethat. Of course, when the Christmas period is over, I shall. I don'tknow why I keep shouting at them. [DOCTOR] Because very time you see them happy, you remember how sadthey're going to be, and it breaks your heart. [LILY [OC]] Mother, come and see! [CYRIL] Mother! You've got to see this! [DOCTOR] Because what's the point in them being happy now if they'regoing to be sad later. [CYRIL [OC]] Mother. [LILY [OC]] Mother, are you coming? [DOCTOR] The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sadlater. Now, we'd better get downstairs. I think they may have found themain sitting room. [CYRIL [OC]] Mother! [DOCTOR] I repaired it. --------------------------------------- (Main sitting room) [DOCTOR] I know. [CYRIL] Look at that present. It's for me. [LILY] No, it says it's for all of us. [CYRIL] I'm the youngest. I get to open it first. [LILY] Doesn't say who it's from. Mother, who left this here? [MADGE] That man is quite ridiculous. You must stay away from him. [LILY] I like him. [CYRIL] I like him, too. [LILY] And it's a nice tree, isn't it. [CYRIL] It's the best tree in the world. [MADGE] Yes. Yes, I suppose it is. [CYRIL] Say it, Mother. Go on, please. Say the thing you always say. [MADGE] This Christmas is going to be the best Christmas ever. --------------------------------------- (Children's room) [CYRIL] Lily? Lily, can you sleep? Lily! [LILY] Shut up. [CYRIL] What do you think that present is? We could just sneak down andhave a look. [LILY] Go to sleep. --------------------------------------- (Attic) [LILY] You were lying about the panthers. [DOCTOR] Famous last words. [LILY] Why have you got a phone box in your room? [DOCTOR] It's not a phone box, it's my wardrobe. I've just painted it tolook like a phone box. [LILY] Well, what are you doing? [DOCTOR] Rewiring. [LILY] Why would you rewire a wardrobe? [DOCTOR] Have you seen the way I dress? [LILY] Who are you? Really, who are you? [DOCTOR] Your brother, where is he? [LILY] Still in bed, asleep. [DOCTOR] Okay. Faulty, then. [DOCTOR] You're sure he's still in bed? --------------------------------------- (Children's room) [LILY] See? [DOCTOR] Shush. [DOCTOR] Oh, he's good. The old bear and duvet, eh? Classic. --------------------------------------- (Main sitting room) [DOCTOR] Cyril! [LILY] What's happening? I don't [LILY] What is that? [DOCTOR] With me. Quickly, come on. --------------------------------------- (Not Narnia) [DOCTOR] That's it. In you come. Brr, bit cold. Never mind. Cyril!Cyril! [LILY] Where are we? [DOCTOR] In a forest, in a box, in a sitting room. Pay attention. He'sabout twenty minutes ahead. [LILY] But we just saw him. [DOCTOR] Time moves differently across the dimensional planes. What dothey teach you in schools these days? [LILY] But I don't understand where we are. [DOCTOR] We've gone through a dimensional portal thingy. [LILY] Well, what's that supposed to be? Where did it come from? [DOCTOR] It was a present, and it wasn't supposed to be opened tillChristmas Day. Honestly, who opens their Christmas presents early?Okay. Shut up. Everyone. [LILY] I don't understand. Is this place real, or is it fairyland? [DOCTOR] Fairyland? Oh, grow up, Lily. Fairyland looks completelydifferent. Now, these are Cyril's footprints, and these are the ones hewas following. Notice anything? [LILY] The other footprints are getting bigger. [DOCTOR] Yes. Whatever your brother's following, it's growing. [LILY] Well, we have to get after him. [DOCTOR] It's okay, you're fine. Don't worry. [LILY] Is that tree alive? [DOCTOR] Of course it's alive. It's a tree. [LILY] But is it dangerous? [DOCTOR] Every rose has its thorns. [LILY] They're like Christmas tree decorations. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Naturally occurring Christmas trees. How cool is that? [LILY] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] It's a big universe. Everything happens somewhere. Call it acoincidence. Call it an idea echoing among the stars. Personally, Icall it a brilliant idea for a Christmas trip. Or it should've been. Doyou know the difference between wind and trees talking to each other? [LILY] What? [DOCTOR] No wind. I've been here many times, but I've never heard thetrees so active. Something's wrong. What are you doing? What are you upto? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Lily, I really am, but there is something very wrongin this forest, and your brother's right in the middle of it. --------------------------------------- (Main sitting room) [MADGE] Lily and Cyril Arwell, where are you? --------------------------------------- (Not Narnia) [LILY] Why would you bring us to this place? [DOCTOR] It was supposed to be a treat. This is one of the safestplanets I know. There's never anything dangerous here. [DOCTOR] There are sentences I should just keep away from. [DROXIL [OC]] This tree farm is private property. You are trespassing. [VEN GARR] Unarmed, sir. [DROXIL] What the hell are you doing here? [VEN GARR] No, wait, armed! No, unarmed. Sorry, sir. She's wearing wool,sir. The natural fabrics, they interfere with the [DROXIL] Please say we can tell the difference between wool and sidearms. [VEN GARR] We can tell the difference, sir. [DROXIL] Can we? [VEN GARR] Not always, sir, no. [DROXIL] What are you doing here? Do you understand what is about tohappen in this forest? [MADGE] I was just [BILLIS] Sir, I think she's a time traveller. [DROXIL] We're sure it's not her cardigan? [MADGE] Who are you? It was Christmas. [LILY] It's just irresponsible. How can you do this to my brother? [DOCTOR] It was meant to be a supervised trip. [LILY] To the future? [DOCTOR] Future, yes. [LILY] The future on a different planet. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, very different. [LILY] Where Christmas trees happen. [DOCTOR] Well, sort of Christmas trees. They're not really Christmastrees. [DOCTOR] Oh, look at that! [LILY] What, are we going in? [DOCTOR] Cyril did. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Interesting. [LILY] What's that? Is that a statue? What is it? It's like a King. [DOCTOR] A King, possibly, but not a statue. Look at the floor. This iswhat Cyril was following. The growing thing. Hatched from a bauble on atree. Grew to this size in less than an hour, I'd say. Impressive. Andso is this building. Yes. It's grown, see. This building, it isn't abuilding. It's a group of trees grown in the shape of a building.Disguised as a building. Ooo, clever. I love. Clever, clever oldforest. So, a forest grows a building. Why would it do that, Lily? [LILY] I don't know. [DOCTOR] Why is there honey in a honey trap? [LILY] Because it's a trap? [DOCTOR] Exactly. Thing about people, we can never resist a door. [LILY] So this is a trap. What, we've just walked straight into a trap? [DOCTOR] A people trap. Question is, why does a forest need people? [LILY] We should go. We have to get out of here. [DOCTOR] Except? [LILY] Except Cyril was here. [DOCTOR] So let's find Cyril. --------------------------------------- (Not Narnia) [DROXIL] Ma'am, please stop crying. I can'tinterrogate you while you're crying. This is a military engagement!There's no crying in military engagements. Corporal Ven Garr, are you [VEN GARR] I'm fine, sir. [DROXIL] What is wrong with you? [VEN GARR] I have mother issues, sir. It's all on file. It won't affectthe performance of my duties. [BILLIS] Er, sir. Er, with regret, I'm going to have to lower my gun. [DROXIL] Why? [BILLIS] She is a crying, unarmed female civilian. I'm thinking of thevisual. [DROXIL] Nobody's looking. [BILLIS] Doesn't mean there's no visual. [DROXIL] That's exactly what nobody's looking means. It means there's novisual. [VEN GARR] I'm sorry, sir. It's under control. Do you want me to shoother, sir? [BILLIS] Oh, this visual's deteriorating, sir. [DROXIL] Shut up. [DROXIL] What are you doing? [BILLIS] I am respecting her as a woman, sir. [DROXIL] Okay, we're putting our guns on the ground. Okay? Happy now?We're stepping away from our guns. Now can we interrogate you? We'refrom Androzani Major. The year is 5345, and we mean you no harm. Whereare you from? [MADGE] England, 1941. And there's a war on. [MADGE] Crying's ever so useful, isn't it? [DROXIL] If you say so. But there's nothing you could say that wouldconvince me you'd ever use that gun. [MADGE] Oh really? Well, I'm looking for my children. --------------------------------------- (Tower stairs) [DOCTOR] Cyril? --------------------------------------- (Dome) [DOCTOR [OC]] Cyril, can you hear me? [DOCTOR [OC]] Cyril? Cyril, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Tower stairs) [DOCTOR] Oh, of course. It's wood. It's rubbish atwood. [LILY] It doesn't look like wood. [DOCTOR] It's disguised wood. Have you been listening? [LILY] How can trees grow into a building? [DOCTOR] Never underestimate a tree, Lily. I met the Forest of Cheemonce. She fancied me. [LILY] Look at that. [DOCTOR] Busy, actually. Yes, I know, it's wood. Get over it. [LILY] But there are stars. There are stars coming out. [DOCTOR] Yes, that does happen, Lily. Cyril! [LILY] Yes, but out of the trees. What is that? [DOCTOR] Life force. Pure life force, just singing. [LILY] Beautiful. Doesn't it make you want to cry? [DOCTOR] Crying when you're happy. Good for you. That's so human. [LILY] What's that? What is it? Tell me what? [DOCTOR] Cyril, can you hear me? [LILY] Oh my god. Oh my god. --------------------------------------- (Platform control) [MADGE] What is all this? Is it some kind of cockpit? My husband's apilot. [BILLIS] It drives the platform. [MADGE] I don't understand! How did I get here? [BILLIS] You tell us, ma'am. [MADGE] I'm looking for my children. [VEN GARR] There is nobody else in this forest. There can't be. [BILLIS] Well, she found her way in. Maybe her kids did, too. [DROXIL] Then God help them. [MADGE] Why do you say that? [BILLIS] We can do a scan for life forms. We can detect people, eventhough they're far away. [MADGE] Like RDF, Radar. [BILLIS] Yeah. [MADGE] Then please stop patronising me and get on with it. [BILLIS] Yes, ma'am. [MADGE] Why did you say God help my children? [DROXIL] This forest is about to be harvested. [MADGE] Harvested? [DROXIL] Androzani trees. Greatest fuel source ever. The entire area isbeing melted down for battery fluid. [MADGE] Melted down? How do you melt a forest? [DROXIL] Acid rain. The satellites are in position. Anyone still outthere in five minutes is going to burn. --------------------------------------- (Tower stairs) [LILY] Caretaker, it's coming. Open it! [DOCTOR] I'm trying! [LILY] Open it! [DOCTOR] I'm trying. [DOCTOR] That wasn't me. [LILY] It doesn't matter. --------------------------------------- (Dome) [LILY] What's wrong with him, Caretaker? Is he dead? [DOCTOR] It's okay. He's just unconscious. So what are you? Not a King,a Queen! TheQueen Bee of the forest. [LILY] Caretaker, look. [DOCTOR] It's like [LILY] Like what? [DOCTOR] Like the life force is leaving the forest. [LILY] What are they doing? Stop him! [DOCTOR] Annoying aliens made of wood! It was always going to happen,you know. Er, it's okay. I think they just want to talk to us. [CYRIL] They're scared. Can't you hear them? The trees are screaming.Can't you hear? [DOCTOR] No, but you can. You're connected to them. --------------------------------------- (Platform control) [BILLIS] Okay, picking up life signs about half amile away. [MADGE] Can we go to them? Can we move this thing? [BILLIS] I'm not trained, ma'am. Those two are. [MADGE] I can't trust them. [BILLIS] I can't drive the platform, ma'am. [MADGE] It looks a little like a plane. My husband flies a plane. Hetook me up once. [BILLIS] It takes years of training. Scanning for an audio connection.We might be able to hear them. [COMPUTER] Acid rain alert. Five minute warning. Prepare for beam out. [BILLIS] I'm so sorry. You have to find a way out. [COMPUTER] Evacuate. [BILLIS] Acid fall is coming. You won't last two minutes. [COMPUTER] Evacuate. [MADGE] No, no, please wait. No, what am I to do? [COMPUTER] Evacuate. [COMPUTER] Evacuate. [MADGE] Where have you gone? [COMPUTER] Acid fall in five minutes. Unauthorised personnel will beincinerated. [LILY [OC]] Why have the stars left the trees? [CYRIL [OC]] I think they're [DOCTOR [OC]] Just concentrate. What are they --------------------------------------- (Dome) [DOCTOR] Doing? [CYRIL] Evacuating. They're evacuating. [DOCTOR] Why? [CYRIL] They're frightened of the rain. The rain that burns. --------------------------------------- (Platform control) [LILY [OC]] Caretaker, please explain. I'mfrightened. [DOCTOR [OC]] Those stars. --------------------------------------- (Dome) [DOCTOR] They're pure life force. Souls, if youlike. And they're trying to escape because they think their home isgoing to burn. [LILY] Why can't they just float up into the sky? [DOCTOR] They need to travel inside a living thing. Inside Cyril. Yousee, this, it's not a crown, it's a relay. They're turning your brotherinto a lifeboat. That's what this place is for, then. It's an escapeplan, is that it? Don't you harm him. Do not touch that child! [CYRIL/QUEEN] Your coming was foretold. [LILY] Oh my God, what is that? Why did he sound like that? [DOCTOR] Oh, hello. Are we lip synching now? [CYRIL/QUEEN] We had faith. Your coming was foretold. [DOCTOR] There's no such thing as foretelling. Trust a time traveller. [CYRIL/QUEEN] We waited, and you came. [DOCTOR] So, you've got an escape plan. Why aren't you escaping? [CYRIL/QUEEN] The child is weak. [DOCTOR] You mean he's a child. [CYRIL/QUEEN] No, he is weak. The forest cannot live in him. But thereare others. [DOCTOR] There certainly are. And, the good thing is I look great in ahat. So, let's get this thing off, eh? [CYRIL/QUEEN] You are also weak. [DOCTOR] I'm really not. Let's save a forest, eh, Cyril? [CYRIL/QUEEN] You are not the one. You are weak. [DOCTOR] I'm really not. [DOCTOR] Argh! [LILY] Let go! Just let go! Drop it! Let it go! Please, just drop it. [DOCTOR] I can't! [LILY] Oh, it's funny, isn't it. It's sort of tingly. [DOCTOR] Tingly? [LILY/QUEEN] She is strong, but she is young. [DOCTOR] She's strong, I'm weak. Interesting. [CYRIL] Mummy? [LILY] Cyril, it's all right. It's me. Mummy isn't here but, we're goinghome to her right now, aren't we, Caretaker? [DOCTOR] No. I don't think we are. The rain that burns. Acid rain. --------------------------------------- (Platform control) [DOCTOR [OC]] We have to get out of this forest.We're in terrible danger. This tower won't protect us for long. [CYRIL [OC]] Where's Mummy? [LILY [OC]] She's coming. You know she's coming, because --------------------------------------- (Dome) [LILY] Because she always comes, doesn't she. [DOCTOR] Cyril. The way we came here. That door won't stay open forever. Now, I'm not even sure if I can get us through the forest safely,but if we're going to have any chance at all, we have to go now. [CYRIL] No. We wait for Mummy. Mummy always comes. [DOCTOR] Not this time, Cyril. I'm sorry, but not this time. [LILY] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's an Androzani Harvester, but [LILY] You recognise that thing? [DOCTOR] More to the point, I think I recognise the driving. Ha ha!Madge has entered the forest! --------------------------------------- (Platform control) [DOCTOR [OC]] Come on, Madge. --------------------------------------- (Dome) [DOCTOR] You can do it. You go, girl. --------------------------------------- (Platform control) [MADGE] Oh, shut up, you ridiculous oaf! [DOCTOR [OC]] Come on. This way, girl. You can do it, you can do it!Excellent driving! Hello! [MADGE] Caretaker? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes? [MADGE] You're fired! --------------------------------------- (Dome) [DOCTOR] It's okay, she's fine. Don't worry. Stay here. Just stay here. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Madge! Madge! [DOCTOR] You okay? [MADGE] Stay inside. The rain is frightful. Lily? Cyril? --------------------------------------- (Dome) [MADGE] Cyril. [CYRIL] Mum! [MADGE] Lily. Oh, what are you doing? How dare you leave the house?Cyril, what have I told you about opening your presents early? [CYRIL] Sorry, mummy. [MADGE] Something like this was bound to happen. What are those? [LILY] Stay away from it. You have to stay back. [MADGE] That's beautiful, isn't it? [CYRIL] Mummy? [MADGE] See how it shines. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Nice one, Madge. A complete write off. --------------------------------------- (Dome) [LILY] The stars are going inside her. She's takingthe whole forest. [MADGE] Oh, this is marvellous. Oh, this is really quite wonderful. [DOCTOR] Madge? Are you all right? Talk to me. Madge, can you hear me? [MADGE] Yes, I can hear you. I'm perfectly fine, thank you. [DOCTOR] Fine? You've got a whole world inside your head. [MADGE] I know! It's funny, isn't it? One can't imagine being a forest,then suddenly one can. How remarkable. [DOCTOR] You're okay. She's okay. [MADGE/QUEEN] She is strong. [MADGE] Ooo. That wasn't me. This is all really rather clever, isn't it? [DOCTOR] She's strong. She's strong. Ooo, stupid me. Stupid old Doctor.Do you get it, Cyril? [CYRIL] No. [DOCTOR] Lily, you do, don't you? [LILY] No. [DOCTOR] Course you do. Think about it. Weak and strong. It's atranslation. Translated from the base code of nature itself. You and I,Cyril, we're weak. But she's female. More than female, she's mum. Howelse does life ever travel? The Mother ship. [LILY] What's happening? [DOCTOR] No idea. Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan. [DOCTOR] This is amazing. [CYRIL] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Technically, we're not anywhere. We've flown into the TimeVortex. You've what you wanted. Those idiots down there can burn yourold home and you'll be safe out here. But these people helped you, andthey're in my protection. Now help them. How do we get home? [MADGE/QUEEN] Think. [DOCTOR] Sorry? What? [MADGE/QUEEN] She must only think. [DOCTOR] Madge, did you hear that? You said it, but did you hear it?You've got to think. [MADGE] Think what? [DOCTOR] Think of home. Just picture it, feel it! You have to reallyfeel it. Can you do that? Your mind is controlling this vessel. You canfly us all back for Christmas. [MADGE] My head is full of trees, Caretaker. Can't you fly us home? [DOCTOR] I don't have a home to think of. And between you and me, I'molder than I look and I can't feel the way you do. Not any more. Andyou really need to feel it, Madge. Everything about home that you missuntil you can't bear it. Until you almost burst. [MADGE] Till it hurts. Is that what you mean, Caretaker? Till it hurts. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. [MADGE] Well then, home in time for Christmas! [LILY] What's happening? Where are we going? [DOCTOR] Show them! Show them! Ha! The Time Vortex. Your mother isflying a forest through the Time Vortex. Be a little impressed. Whatare you going home for? What's pulling you there? Please, try. Please,think. [MADGE] Reg! [CYRIL] Daddy! [MADGE] My Reg! [DOCTOR] That's it, focus on Reg. Be careful, but focus on him. [MADGE] Oh, I don't know. [DOCTOR] How did you meet? You and Reg. Tell me how you met. [MADGE] He followed me home. I worked in the dairy. He always used tofollow me home. [LILY] Look at Father. He looks so young. [MADGE] He said he'd keep on following me till I married him. Didn'tlike to make a scene. [DOCTOR] Just stay focused. Think of home. This thing, it workspsychically. It'll find a signal and lock on. [MADGE] No. No, please. Don't show me that. Please don't show me that! [CYRIL] Is that Daddy's plane? [MADGE] Please, I don't want to see that! Please! [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, Madge. Don't break the signal now. We can'tbreak it now. I'm sorry, Madge. [MADGE] Not the night he died. I don't want to see him die! [LILY] What do you mean, the night he died? [MADGE] Oh please don't make me watch him die! [CYRIL] Mummy? Is Daddy dead? Mummy! --------------------------------------- (Bomber) [CO-PILOT] Sir, Anderson's in a bad way. Where arewe? [REG] I don't know. Somewhere over the Channel. [CO-PILOT] What do I tell Anderson? [REG] Tell him. Tell him, tell him we're going home for Christmas. [CO-PILOT] Yes, sir. [REG] I'm sorry, my love. [MADGE [OC]] Goodbye, my love. Goodbye! --------------------------------------- (Dome) [DOCTOR] Cyril, Lily, are you all right? [MADGE] Are they dead? [DOCTOR] No, they're just wood now. They've been emptied. The forest hasgone from your head too, hasn't it. [MADGE] But where is it now? [DOCTOR] The life force of the whole forest has transmuted itself into asub-etheric waveband of light, which can exist as a [DOCTOR] The souls of the trees are out among the stars, and they'reshining, very happy. And you got them there. Well done, Madge. [MADGE] And where are we? [DOCTOR] Home! Christmas morning. [DOCTOR] We've taken a bit of a short cut. Haven't you always wanted todo that? [LILY] Mother? [MADGE] Oh, look at you. You've been so brave, you. Look, we're homeagain, see? [LILY] What did you mean, watch him die? Where's Father? Where is he?Where's Daddy? Why are you holding a telegram? Well, what does it say? [CYRIL] Please, just tell us. [LILY] Tell us! [DOCTOR] I imagine you'd prefer to be alone. [MADGE] I don't believe anyone would prefer that. Stay close, Caretaker. [DOCTOR] I'll be right outside. [MADGE] Lily, Cyril. --------------------------------------- (Outside Uncle Digby's house) [MADGE [OC]] A few nights ago, your father, who asyou know, was the best of men and the bravest of pilots --------------------------------------- (Dome) [MADGE] Was flying home for Christmas. His plane wasbadly damaged, and his instruments failed him. Unfortunately, he wasflying on a night where there was no moon, and because it was verycloudy, there were no stars to. There were no stars to light his way. [CYRIL] Did he get lost? [MADGE] Yes, Cyril. He got so very lost. [DOCTOR] Er, sorry to interrupt. You might want to pop out here for amoment. [MADGE] Caretaker, I'm talking to my children. [DOCTOR] I know, and before you go any further, I think you'd bettercome and look. --------------------------------------- (Lawn) [DOCTOR] No stars to light the way, Madge? There was one. --------------------------------------- (Bomber) [DOCTOR [OC]] There was you. [CO-PILOT] What is it? [REG] I don't know, but it's all we've got. We can follow it. --------------------------------------- (Lawn) [DOCTOR] Madge Arwell, who flew a whole forestthough the Time Vortex, plus one husband. [DOCTOR] He did it again, Madge. He followed you home. Look what you cando, Mother Christmas. [REG] Madge, what am I doing here? [MADGE] It's Christmas Day, my love! Where else would you be? [REG] Christmas Day? How? [MADGE] We took a short cut. [LILY + CYRIL] Daddy! [DOCTOR] Happy crying. Humany wumany. --------------------------------------- (Attic) [DOCTOR] Ah. [MADGE] Of course. It's you, isn't it? My spaceman angel, with his headon backwards. [DOCTOR] How do I look the right way round? [MADGE] Funnier. [DOCTOR] Okay. [MADGE] So you came back. [DOCTOR] Well, you were there for me when I had a bad day. Always liketo return a favour. Got a bit glitchy in the middle there, but it sortof worked out in the end. Story of my life. [MADGE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Oh, you did it all yourself, Madge Arwell. But thanks forthanking me. [MADGE] Now, the last time I saw you, I went back the next day, but thepolice box had gone. [DOCTOR] Yeah. You want to see how it's done? [MADGE] No. I want you to stay for Christmas, please. [DOCTOR] Ah, well, you see, things to do, people to see. [MADGE] Of course. Yes. Family of your own. [DOCTOR] Well, no, actually. [MADGE] Oh. Yes, yes, you said no family. But there must be people wholove you. Friends. [DOCTOR] No. Well, yes, but. It's a long story. But they all think I'mdead. Never mind. Anyway, watch my box do its thing. It's really cool.You'll love it. [MADGE] No. No one should be alone at Christmas. [DOCTOR] I'm fine. I don't mind. I'm really very good at being [MADGE] I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about your friends. Youcan't let them think that you're dead. Not at Christmas. [DOCTOR] It's complicated. Very complicated. It's far too complicated toexplain right now. [MADGE] You must tell them. At once. Off you go. [DOCTOR] Yes, Mum. I'll think about it. [DOCTOR] Now, eyes on the box. [MADGE] Oh, Caretaker? What if I require you again? [DOCTOR] Make a wish. [REG] What the hell was that? [MADGE] That was just the Caretaker returning to the Time Vortex. It's alovely place. I've been there myself. Shall we go downstairs? --------------------------------------- (Front door) [AMY [OC]] Argh! If that is more carol singers, I have a water pistol!You don't want to be all wet on a night like this. [DOCTOR] Not absolutely sure how long [AMY] Two years? [DOCTOR] Okay. Fair point. [AMY] So, you're not dead. [DOCTOR] And a happy New Year! [AMY] River told us. [DOCTOR] Well, of course she did. [AMY] She's a good girl. Well? I'm not going to hug first. [DOCTOR] Nor am I. [AMY] Mister Pond! Guess who's coming for dinner? [RORY] Whoa. Not dead, then. [AMY] We've done that. [RORY] Oh. [AMY] We're about to have Christmas dinner. Joining us? [DOCTOR] If it's no trouble. [RORY] There's a place set for you. [DOCTOR] But you didn't know I was coming. Why would you set me a place? [AMY] Oh, because we always do. It's Christmas, you moron. [RORY] Come on.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "", "title": "The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe"}
Doctor Who (27-31 Aug, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - Pond Life [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello, Ponds. Checking in. How are you? [DOCTOR [OC]] Not much to report. Surfed the fire falls of FlorinallNine. Not deliberately, just the easiest way out. [DOCTOR [OC]] Met Mata Hari in a Paris hotel room. [DOCTOR [OC]] What an interesting woman. [DOCTOR [OC]] Laid down some backing vocals. [DOCTOR] I should be with you any day now. Literally any day. Helmicregulator's playing up. Can't get the temporal steering right. [DOCTOR [OC]] Oh dear, I appear to have collided with ancient Greece.Argh! [AMY] The Doctor. [DOCTOR] Argh! Stop everything. [RORY] What's going on? [AMY] Doctor! Bedroom! [RORY] We have a rule about the bedroom. [DOCTOR] No one on this planet is safe right now. We have to solve thisbefore it's too late. Get your clothes on. If we move fast we at leaststand a chance and you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? [AMY + RORY] No. [DOCTOR] No. Helmic regulator again. Too early. Wrong point. As youwere. [AMY] Doctor, you can't just go like that. What's happening? Don't weneed to know? [DOCTOR] Popped up in the wrong order. Easy mistake to make. Nothing toalarm you. Forget I was ever here. I'll be back soon enough, I wouldhave thought. Everything's fine, pretty much. Don't worry about thefuture. The future is really (flashes of spoilers) safe. Really,really, safe. Sleep well. [RORY] I really hate it when he does that. [RORY] Whoa! [AMY] Out of the way, Mister Pond. What? Why not? [OOD] May I be of any assistance? [RORY] Ood on the loo. [AMY] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Ood. Yes, I was wondering where he'd got to. I thought he'djust gone for a walk in the Tardis. [DOCTOR [OC]] Must have wandered off when I popped in the other night.If it was the other night. [DOCTOR [OC]] You know, I rescued him from the middle of the Androvaxconflict. I was taking him back to the Ood Sphere. [DOCTOR] Anyway, he's not being a nuisance, is he? [OOD] Enjoy your workday experience. [RORY] Cheers. [RORY] Doctor. Doctor? He seems to think that he's our butler. [DOCTOR] He's conditioned to serve. The best thing is, let him do justthat. I'll come and pick him up tonight. Whenever tonight is. Oh no,got to go. Power drain's threatening to cause the Tardis to implode. Ohno, that's bad. [DOCTOR [OC]] Why's it doing that? No, no, no, no, no, don't do that! [OOD] Your infusions. How else may I be of service? [RORY] I feel so guilty. [AMY] Just eat your breakfast. [DOCTOR] Me again. Sorry about the gaps in communications. Dropped yourOod back home. Reconnected it to the hive mind. Helmic regulator'sstill not working. Got hit by an arrow at Hastings Hill. Also rode ahorse through eleventh century Coventry. Also, I think I may haveaccidentally invented pasta. I popped round but you were out. Which isfine. Everything's all right, isn't it, with you two? Course it is.Ponds always fine. Just worrying unnecessarily. Anyway, just call me ifyou need me. [DOCTOR] Okay? Toodle pip. [ANSWERPHONE] Message deleted. [AMY] We need you, raggedy man. I need you.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e05", "title": "Pond Life"}
Doctor Who (1 Sep, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - Asylum of the Daleks [DOCTOR] I don't think I asked you to sit. [FIGURE] There is a woman who wants to meet you. [DOCTOR] That's nice, but I'm married. [FIGURE] Your help is required. [DOCTOR] I don't discuss my business in public. [FIGURE] I know. [DOCTOR] Who are you? [FIGURE] A messenger. [DOCTOR] Whose messenger? [FIGURE] Darla von Karlsen. [DOCTOR] Never heard of her. [DOCTOR] Where's the tea room? [FIGURE] You were never in the tea room. [DOCTOR] Oh. Of course. Psychic projection. Someone's sending me a dreammessage. Well, I hope I fell asleep somewhere comfy. [FIGURE] Do you recognise where you are? [DOCTOR] Can't remember. How do you hang up on this thing? [FIGURE] You can't. [DOCTOR] Oh yeah? And what if I just wake up? [FIGURE] No, Doctor. The beach isn't real either. You are stilldreaming. [FIGURE] Spacetime coordinates. You will meet Darla von Karlsen here.Her daughter is in danger, and only you can save her. You recognise theplanet? [DOCTOR] Yes. [FIGURE] Say it. [DOCTOR] No. [FIGURE] Name the planet. [DOCTOR] I will not say that name. [FIGURE] Say it. [DOCTOR] No! [FIGURE [OC]] Name the planet. Name the planet. Name the planet. [DOCTOR] Skaro. --------------------------------------- (Skaro) [DARLA [OC]] First, there were the Daleks. And then, there was a man whofought them. And then, in time, he died. There are a few, of course,who believe this man somehow survived, and that one day he will return.For both our sakes, dearest Hannah, we must hope these stories aretrue. [DOCTOR] I got your message. Not many people can do that. Send memessages. [DARLA] I have a daughter, Hannah. She's in a Dalek prison camp. Theysay you can help. [DOCTOR] Do they? I wish they'd stop. I love your choice of meetingplace. [DARLA] They said I'd have to intrigue you. [DOCTOR] Skaro. The original planet of the Daleks. Look at the state ofit. Who told you about me? [DARLA] Does it matter? [DOCTOR] Maybe not, but you're very well informed. If Hannah's in aDalek prison camp, tell me, why aren't you? [DARLA] I escaped. [DOCTOR] (chuckles) No. Nobody escapes the Dalek camps. You're verycold. [DARLA] What's wrong? [DOCTOR] It's a trap. [DARLA] What is? [DOCTOR] You are, and you don't even know it. [DALEK [OC]] The Doctor is acquired. --------------------------------------- (Photoshoot) [AMY] I'll just be a minute. [PA] Your husband is here. [AMY] Hmm. I don't have a husband. [PA] Oh, well, apparently you still do. --------------------------------------- (Dressing room) [RORY] You have to sign these. [AMY] And then we're not married? [RORY] Just like magic. [AMY] Can't chat. Working. [RORY] Really? Thought you were just pouting at a camera. [AMY] Rory? [CASSANDRA] Sorry, love. Was I interrupting? [AMY] No. [CASSANDRA] Gosh, look at you. You've gone so pale. Come on, take aseat. We'll soon sort that out. [DALEK [OC]] Amelia Pond is acquired. --------------------------------------- (Bus) [RORY] Cheers. [DALEK [OC]] Rory Williams is acquired. --------------------------------------- (White room) [RORY] Where are we? [RORY] So how much trouble are we in? [DOCTOR [OC]] How much trouble, Mister Pond? [DOCTOR] Out of ten? Eleven. --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [AMY] Where are we? A spaceship, right? [DOCTOR] Not just any spaceship. The Parliament of the Daleks. Be brave. [AMY] What do we do? [DOCTOR] Make them remember you. Well, come on then. You've got me. Whatare you waiting for? At long last, it's Christmas! Here I am. [DALEK PM] Save us. You will save us. [DOCTOR] I'll what? [DALEK] You will save the Daleks. [DALEKS] Save the Daleks. Save the Daleks. Save the Daleks. Save theDaleks. Save the Daleks. Save the Daleks. Save the Daleks. [DOCTOR] Well. [DALEKS] Save the Daleks. [DOCTOR] This is new. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN [OC]] Day three six three. The terror continues. Also, madeanother soufflé, very nearly. Check defences. They came again lastnight. Still always at night. Maybe they're vampires. Oh, and it's mymum's birthday. Happy birthday, mum. [OSWIN] I did make you a soufflé, but it was too beautiful to live. [DALEK [OC]] You will let us enter! We will enter! We will enter! --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [RORY] What's he doing? [AMY] He's chosen the most defendable area in the room, counted all theDaleks, counted all the exits, and now he's calculating the exactdistance we're standing apart and starting to worry. Oh, and look athim frowning now. [AMY] Something's wrong with Amy and Rory, and who's going to fix it?And he straightens his bow tie. [DALEK PM] We have arrived. [DOCTOR] Arrived where? [DALEK PM] Doctor. [DARLA] The Prime Minister will speak with you now. [DOCTOR] Do you remember who you were before they emptied you out andturned you into their puppet? [DARLA] My memories are only reactivated if they are required tofacilitate cover or disguise. [DOCTOR] You had a daughter. [DARLA] I know. I've read my file. [DOCTOR] Well? [DALEK PM] What do you know of the Dalek Asylum? [DOCTOR] According to legend, you have a dumping ground. A planet whereyou lock up all the Daleks that go wrong. The battle-scarred, theinsane, the ones even you can't control. It's never made any sense tome. [DALEK PM] Why not? [DOCTOR] Because you'd just kill them. [DALEK PM] It is offensive to us to extinguish such divine hatred. [DOCTOR] Offensive? [DALEK PM] Does it surprise you to know the Daleks have a concept ofbeauty? [DOCTOR] I thought you'd run out of ways to make me sick. Hello again.You think hatred is beautiful. [DALEK PM] Perhaps that is why we have never been able to kill you. [DARLA] The Asylum. It occupies the entire planet, right to the core. [DOCTOR] How many Daleks are in there? [DARLA] A count has not been made. Millions, certainly. [DOCTOR] All still alive? [DARLA] It has to be assumed. The Asylum is fully automated. Supervisionis not required. [AMY] Armed? [DARLA] The Daleks are always armed. [RORY] What colour? I'm sorry, there weren't any good questions left. [DARLA] This signal is being received from the very heart of the Asylum. [WHITE] What is the noise? Explain. Explain. [DOCTOR] Er, it's me. [RORY] Sorry, what? [DOCTOR] It's me, playing the triangle. Okay, I got buried in the mix.Carmen. Lovely show. Someone's transmitting this. Have you consideredtracking back the signal and talking to them? He asked the Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello? Hello? Carmen --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] Hello? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hello? [DOCTOR [OC]] Come in. Come in. --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] Come in, Carmen. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hello! Yes, yes, sorry. Do you read me? --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] Yes, reading you loud and clear. Identify --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Yourself and report your status. [OSWIN] Hello. Are you real? Are you actually, properly, real? --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] Yes, confirmed. Actually, properly, real. [OSWIN [OC]] Oswin Oswald, junior entertainment officer, starship --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Alaska. Current status, crashed andshipwrecked somewhere not nice. Been here a year, rest of the crewmissing. Provisions good but keen to move on. --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] A year? Are you okay? Are you underattack? [OSWIN [OC]] Some local lifeforms. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Been keeping them out. [DOCTOR [OC]] Do you know what those lifeforms are? [OSWIN] I know a Dalek when I hear one, yeah. --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] What have you been doing on your ownagainst the Daleks for a year? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Making soufflés? --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] Soufflés? Against the Daleks? Where'd youget the milk? [WHITE] This conversation is irrelevant. [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] No! Hello? Hello? --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [DOCTOR] Because a starliner has crashed into yourAsylum, and someone's got in. And if someone can get in, theneverything can get out. A tsunami of insane Daleks. Even you don't wantthat. [WHITE] The Asylum must be cleansed. [DOCTOR] Then why is it still here? You've enough firepower on this shipto blast it out of the sky. [DARLA] The Asylum forcefield is impenetrable. [DOCTOR] Turn it off. [DARLA] It can only be turned off from within the Asylum. [DOCTOR] A small taskforce could sneak through a forcefield. Send in acouple of Daleks. Oh. (applauds) Oh. Oh, that's good. That's brilliant.You're all too scared to go down there. Not one of you will go, so tellme, what do the Daleks do when they're too scared? [WHITE] The Predator of the Daleks will be deployed. [DOCTOR] You don't have a Predator, and even if you did, why would theyturn off a forcefield for you? [DALEK PM] Because you will have no other means of escape. [DARLA] May I clarify? The Predator is the Dalek's word for you. [DOCTOR] Me? Me? [DARLA] You will need this. It will protect you from the nanocloud. [DOCTOR] The what? The nano what? [DARLA] The gravity beam will convey you close to the source of thetransmission. You must find a way to deactivate the forcefield fromthere. [DOCTOR] You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? I getfired at a planet and expected to fix it. [RORY] In fairness, that is slightly your M O. [DOCTOR] Don't be fair to the Daleks when they're firing me at a planet. [DOCTOR] What do you want with them? [WHITE] It is known the Doctor required companions. [RORY] Oh, brilliant. Good oh. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. We'll get through this, I promise. Don't bescared. [AMY] Scared? Who's scared. Geronimo. [DOCTOR] Ha! Oi! --------------------------------------- (Gravity beam) [ALL] Argh! [RORY] Wrong way up! Wrong way up! [AMY] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Snowfield) [HARVEY] Hello? Hello? Who are you? You okay? [AMY] Rory? Doctor? [HARVEY] I'm Harvey. No. Who's Rory? [HARVEY] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] Oh, ha, ha, ha. [OSWIN [OC}] Sorry, sorry. Pressed the wrong switch. [DOCTOR] Soufflé girl? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] You can always call me Oswin, seeing asthat's my name. You okay? [DOCTOR [on screen]] How are you doing that, eh? This is Dalektechnology. [OSWIN] It's very easy to hack. [DOCTOR [on screen]] No, it isn't. Where are you? [OSWIN] The ship broke up when it hit. Somewhere underground, I think.You coming to get me? [AMY [OC]] Doctor? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Hey! Oi! Soufflé girl! [OSWIN] Damn. [DOCTOR [OC]] Come back! --------------------------------------- (Snowfield) [AMY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Amy! Hey, where's Rory? [HARVEY] There was another beam. There. Over there. Are you the rescueteam? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hello? --------------------------------------- (Snowfield) [AMY] Rory? Rory! Rory! --------------------------------------- (Chamber) (Snowfield) [HARVEY] We came down two days ago. There's twelveof our escape pods. I don't know what happened to them. [AMY] Alaska? That's the same ship as soufflé girl. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Except she's been here a year. --------------------------------------- (Escape pod) [HARVEY] We should have some climbing rope longenough for that hole. [DOCTOR] Won't you introduce us to your crew? [HARVEY] Ah, yes, sorry. Guys, this is the Doctor and Amy. [HARVEY] Guys? [HARVEY] Oh, my god. [DOCTOR] They're dead. All of them. [HARVEY] That's not possible. I just spoke to them. Two hours ago. Wewere doing engine repairs. [DOCTOR] You're sure about that, are you? Because I'd say they've allbeen dead for a very long time. [HARVEY] But they can't have been. [AMY] Well, they didn't get in this state in two hours. [HARVEY] No, of course. Stupid me. [AMY] Of course what? [HARVEY] I died outside, and the cold preserved my body. I forgot aboutdying. [DOCTOR] Amy, the door! [AMY] Come on, come on. [AMY] Explain. That's what you're good at. How'd he get all Daleked? [DOCTOR] Because he wasn't wearing one of these. Oh, ho, ho. That'sclever. The nanocloud. Microorganisms that automatically process anyorganic matter, living or dead, into a Dalek puppet. Anything attacksthis place, it automatically becomes part of the on-site security. [AMY] Living or dead? [DOCTOR] These wristbands protect us. The only thing stopping us goingexactly the way he did [AMY] Doctor, shut up! Living or dead? [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. Living or, or [DOCTOR] Dead. Oh dear. --------------------------------------- (Cockpit) [AMY] Is it bad that I've really missed this? [DOCTOR] Yes. [AMY] Good. [DOCTOR] I know. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Unauthorised personnel may not enter thecockpit. --------------------------------------- (Cockpit) [DOCTOR] Shut up. [OSWIN [OC]] Oh, Mister Grumpy. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Bad combo. No sense of humour in that chin. [AMY [on screen]] Is that her again, soufflé girl? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Yeah, she. Oi, what is wrong with my chin? [OSWIN] Careful, dear. You'll put someone's eye out. --------------------------------------- (Cockpit) [OSWIN [OC]] Scanning you. You're in another of theescape pods from the Alaska, right? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Same ship I was on. [DOCTOR [on screen]] How can you hack into everything? It should beimpossible. You're in a crashed ship! [OSWIN] Long story. Is there a word for total screaming genius thatsounds modest and a tiny bit sexy? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Doctor. You call me the Doctor. [OSWIN] See what you did there. [OSWIN] Check the floor. I'm picking up a breach at floor level. Therecould be a way out. See you later. --------------------------------------- (Cockpit) [DOCTOR] Ah ha! Hatch. Looks like it's been usedalready and they've tried to block it off behind them. [AMY] Can't imagine why. [DOCTOR] The lower part of the pod is buried, so this must go straightdown to the Asylum. [AMY] Where Rory is. [DOCTOR] Speaking of Rory, is there anything you want to tell me? [AMY] Are we going to do this now? [DOCTOR] What happened? [AMY] Oh, stuff. You know. We split up. What can you do? [DOCTOR] What can I do? [AMY] Nothing. It's not one of those things you can fix like you fixyour bowtie. Don't give me those big wet eyes, Raggedy Man. It's life.Just life. That thing that goes on when you're not there. [AMY] Okay, so somebody else got out this way, then. [DOCTOR] Yeah, let's go and find them. Oh, hello, hello, hello. What arethey up to? [AMY] What's that? [DOCTOR] One of these. (a wristband) But where did they get it? [AMY] Doctor, they got it from me. [DOCTOR] Oh, Amy. [AMY] Doctor, what's going to happen to me? Seriously. Tell me what. --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [RORY] Shush. [RORY] What? Sorry, what? [DALEK] Eg eg eg eg eg eg eg. [RORY] Eggs? You mean those things? [DALEK] Egg. [RORY] I don't, I don't know what you want. Those things. Are thosethings eggs? This? You want this. [DALEK] Egg. Stir. Min. Ate. [DALEK] Exterminate. [DALEKS] Exterminate. [DALEK] Emergency. Emergency. Exterminate. Exterminate. [OSWIN [OC]] Run! The door at the end, run for it. They're waking up,but they're slow. The door at the end. Just run. Now! Now! Now! [DALEKS] Exterminate. Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [OSWIN [OC]] So, anyway, I'm Oswin. What do I callyou? [RORY] Er, I can't remember. Er, Rory. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Lovely name, Rory. First boy I ever fanciedwas called Rory. [RORY [on screen]] Okay. [OSWIN] Actually, she was called Nina. I was going through a phase. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [OSWIN [OC]] Just flirting to keep you cheerful. [DALEKS [OC]] Exterminate. Exterminate. [RORY] Er, okay, any time you want to start flirting again is fine byme. --------------------------------------- (Another corridor) [AMY] So tell me, what's going to happen to me? And don't lie. Because Iknow when you're lying to me and I will definitely fall on you. [DOCTOR] The air all around is full of micro-machines. Robots the sizeof molecules. Nanogenes. Now that you're unprotected, you're beingre-written. [AMY] So, what happens? I get one of those things sticking out of myhead? [DOCTOR] Physical changes come later. [AMY] What comes first? How does it start? [DOCTOR] With your mind. Your feelings, your memories, and I'm sorry butit's started already. [AMY] How do you know? [DOCTOR] Because we've had this conversation four times. [AMY] Okay, scared now. [DOCTOR] Hang on to scared. Scared isn't Dalek. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [OSWIN [OC]] Hey there, beakie boy. [RORY] If it's a straight choice, I prefer Nina. [OSWIN [OC]] Loving this. The nose and the chin. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] You two could fence. There's a door behindyou. [OSWIN] In there, quickly. Okay, you're safe for now. Pop your shirtoff, quick as you like. [RORY [on screen]] Why? [OSWIN] Does there have to be a reason? --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [AMY] What's that? --------------------------------------- (Outside the chamber) [DOCTOR] Keep a look out. Don't open this door.Oswin! [DOCTOR] Oswin, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hello, the chin. I have visual on you. [DOCTOR [on screen]] Why don't I have a visual on you? Why can't I eversee you? [OSWIN] Limited power, bad hair, take your pick. There's a door to yourleft. Open it. --------------------------------------- (Outside the chamber) [OSWIN [OC]] I'm going to send you a map to thatscreen. I put your little friend somewhere safe. I can get you to him. --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] Rory. You found Rory? [OSWIN] I call him Nina. Personal thing. Hush now. --------------------------------------- (Outside the chamber) [AMY] Who are you? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] How many Daleks directly aheadof me right now? [OSWIN] Ten, twenty. --------------------------------------- (Outside the chamber) [OSWIN [OC]] Hard to say. Some of them arecatatonic but they do have firepower. [DOCTOR] How do I get past them? Amy! --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [AMY] Shush. It's okay, it's just people in here.It's just people. [DOCTOR] Amy, it's the nanocloud, it's altering your perception. Lookagain. Look again. Those aren't people. [DOCTOR] Amy, come out. Take my hand. Run! Run! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [AMY] Look, they're coming down! [DOCTOR] Er, oh yes, they are. [DALEK] Intruder. [DOCTOR] Run. [DALEK] Intruder. [DALEK] Intruder. [DOCTOR] It's damaged. [AMY] Okay, but what do we do? [DOCTOR] Identify me. Access your files. Who am I? Come on. Who's yourdaddy? [DALEK] You are the Predator. [DOCTOR] Access your standing orders concerning the Predator. [DALEK] The Predator must be destroyed. [DOCTOR] And how are you going to do that, Dalek? Without a gun you're atricycle with a roof. How are you going to destroy me? [DALEK] Self-destruct initiated. [AMY] What's it doing? [DOCTOR] It's going to blow itself up, and I with it. Only weapon it'sgot left. [DALEK] Self-destruct cannot be countermanded. [DOCTOR] I'm not looking for a countermand, dear. I'm looking forreverse. [DALEK] Forward, forward. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] Oswin? --------------------------------------- (Room) [RORY [on screen]] What was that? That was close. --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [RORY] Oswin? What happened? Who killed all the Daleks? [DOCTOR] Who do you think? --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] Will sleeping help her? Will it slow down the process? [OSWIN [OC]] You'd better hope so --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Because pretty soon she's going to try andkill you. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] Amy. [AMY] Ow. [DOCTOR] Amy. Still with us. [RORY] Amy, it's me. Do you remember me? [RORY] She remembers me. [DOCTOR] Same old Amy. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Do you know how you make someone into aDalek? Subtract love, add anger. Doesn't she seem a bit too angry toyou? --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [AMY] Well, somebody's never been to Scotland. [DOCTOR] What about you, though, Oswin. How come you're okay? --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] Why hasn't the nanocloudconverted you? [OSWIN] I mentioned the genius thing, yeah? Shielded in here. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] Clever of you. Now, this place. The Dalekssaid it was fully automated. Look at it. It's a wreck. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Well, I've had nearly a year to mess withthem, and not a lot else to do. [DOCTOR [on screen]] A junior entertainment manager hiding out in awrecked ship, hacking the security systems of the most advanced warriorrace --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] The universe has ever seen. But you knowwhat really gets me about you, Oswin? The soufflés. Where do you getmilk --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] For the soufflés? --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] Seriously. Is no one else wondering aboutthat? [RORY] No. Frankly, no. Twice. [OSWIN [OC]] So, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] I've been looking you up. You're all overthe database. Why do the Daleks call you the Predator? [DOCTOR [on screen]] I'm not the Predator, I'm just a man with a plan. [OSWIN] You've got a plan? --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] That's all he is. [AMY] There's a nose joke going if someone wants to pick that one off. [DOCTOR] In no particular order, we need to neutralise all the Daleks inthis Asylum, rescue Oswin from the wreckage, escape from this planetand fix Amy and Rory's marriage. [AMY] Okay, I'm counting three lost causes. Anyone else? [DOCTOR] Oswin, there's a Dalek ship in orbit. [OSWIN [OC]] Yes. Got it on the sensors [DOCTOR] The Asylum has a forcefield. The Daleks upstairs are waitingfor me to turn it off. Soon as I do, they'll burn this whole world andus with it. --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] So, Oswin, my question isthis. How fast can you drop the forcefield? [OSWIN] Pretty fast. But why would I? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Because this is a teleport. Am I right, Oswin? [OSWIN] Yeah. Internal use only. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] I can boost the power. Once the forcefieldis down, I can use it to beam us right off this planet. [RORY] You said when the forcefield is down, the Daleks will blow us up. [DOCTOR] We'll have to be quick, yes. [AMY] Fine, we'll be quick. But where do we beam to? [DOCTOR] The only place within range. The Dalek ship. [AMY] They'll exterminate us on the spot. [RORY] Ah, so this is the kind of escape plan where you survive aboutfour seconds longer. [DOCTOR] What's wrong with four seconds? You can do loads in fourseconds. Oswin, how fast can you drop the forcefield? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] I can do it from here, as soon as you comeand get me. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] No, just drop the forcefield and come tous. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] There's enough power in that teleport forone go. Why would you wait for me? --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [DOCTOR] Why wouldn't I? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] No idea. Never met you. Sending you a mapso you can come get me. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] This place is crawling with Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Yeah. Kind of why I'm anxious to leave.Come up and see me sometime. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] So, are we going to go get her? [DOCTOR] I don't think that we have a choice. Okay, as soon as theforcefield is down the Daleks will attack. If it gets too explody-wodyin here, you go without me, okay? [RORY] And leave you to die? [DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry about me. You're the one beaming up to a Dalekship to get exterminated. [RORY] Fair point. Love this plan. What about Amy? [DOCTOR] Keep her remembering, keep her focused. That'll hold back theconversion. [AMY] What do I do? [DOCTOR] You heard what she said. They're subtracting love. Don't letthem. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DALEKS [OC]] Emergency. Emergency. Prepare to be annihilated.Emergency. We are the Daleks. We are the Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] Okay, look at me. I'm going to be logical.Cold and logical, okay? For both of our sakes, for both of us, I'mgoing to take this off my wrist and put it on yours. [AMY] Why? Then it'll just start converting you. That's not better. [RORY] Yes, but it'll buy us time, because it'll take longer with me. [AMY] Sorry, what? [RORY] It subtracts love, that's what she said. [AMY] What's that got to do with it? What does that even mean? [RORY] It's arithmetic. It'll take longer with me because we both know,we've always known, that. Amy, the basic fact of our relationship isthat I love you more than you love me, which today is good news becauseit might just save both of our lives. [AMY] How can you say that? [RORY] Two thousand years, waiting for you outside a box. Don't say itisn't true, you know it's true. Give me your arm. Amy! [AMY] Don't you dare say that to me. Don't you ever dare. [RORY] Amy, you kicked me out. [AMY] You want kids. You have always wanted kids. Ever since you were akid. And I can't have them. [RORY] I know. [AMY] Whatever they did to me at Demons Run, I can't ever give youchildren. I didn't kick you out. I gave you up. [RORY] Amy, I don't [AMY] Don't you dare talk to me about waiting outside a box, becausethat is nothing, Rory, nothing, compared to giving you up. [RORY] Just give me your arm. Let me put this on you. Just give me yourarm! [AMY] Don't touch me! [RORY] It's the Doctor's. When you were sleeping [AMY] That Time Lord. What's the betting he doesn't even need it. [RORY] Why didn't he just tell us? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Oswin, I think I'm close. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] You are. Less than twenty feet away. Whichis the good news. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Okay. And the bad which I suddenly feel iscoming? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] You're about to pass through IntensiveCare. --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] What's so special about this lot, then? [OSWIN [OC]] Don't know. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Survivors of particular wars. Spiridon,Kembel, Eridius, Vulcan, Exxilon. Ringing any bells? --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] All of them. [OSWIN [OC]] Yeah? How? [DOCTOR] These are the Daleks who survived me. [DALEK] Doctor. [DALEK 2] Doctor. [DALEKS] Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] That's weird. Those ones don't usually wakeup for anything. [DOCTOR [OC]] Yeah, well --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] Special visitor. Okay, door, but it won'topen. I can't be far away, though. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hang on. Not quite sure. There's a releasecode. Let me just --------------------------------------- (Intensive care) [OSWIN [OC]] Anything out there? [DOCTOR] No. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hang on, I'm trying to think. --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DALEK] Doctor. [DALEKS] Doctor. Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oswin, get this door open. --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Oswin, open this door! [OSWIN] I can't! --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] Oswin. --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Just get this door open! --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] Oswin! Oswin, please! Get this door open!Help me! [DOCTOR] Stop! [OSWIN [OC]] Oh, that is cool. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Tell me I'm cool, chin boy. --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] What, what did you do? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Hang on, I think I've found the doorthingy. --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] No, tell me what you did. [OSWIN [OC]] The Daleks, they have a hive mind. Well, they don't, theyhave a sort of telepathic web. [DOCTOR] The path web, yes. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] I hacked into it, did a mass delete --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [OSWIN [OC]] On all the information connected withthe Doctor. [DOCTOR] You made them forget me? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Good, eh? And here comes the door. --------------------------------------- (Intensive Care) [DOCTOR] I've tried hacking into the path web. Even I couldn't do it. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Come and meet the girl who can. Hey, you'reright outside. Come on in. [DOCTOR [on screen]] Oswin, we have a problem. [OSWIN] No, we don't. Don't even say that. Joined the Alaska to see theuniverse, ended up stuck in a shipwreck first time out. Rescue me, chinboy, and show me the stars. [DOCTOR [on screen]] Does it look real to you? [OSWIN] Does what look real? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Where you are right now. --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DOCTOR] Does it seem real? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] It is real. [DOCTOR [on screen]] It's a dream, Oswin. You dreamed it for yourselfbecause the truth was too terrible. [OSWIN] Where am I? --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] Where am I? Where am I? [DOCTOR] Because you are a Dalek. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] I am not a --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] Dalek. I am not a Dalek! --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] I'm human. --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DOCTOR] You were human when you crashed here. Itwas you who climbed out of the pod. That was your ladder. [OSWIN [memory]] Where am I? Where am I? Where am I? --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] You mean? --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] Human. [DOCTOR] Not any more. Because you're right. You're a genius. And theDaleks need genius. They didn't just make you a puppet, they did a fullconversion. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN [memory]] Where am I? Where am I? Where amI? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Oswin, I am so sorry, but you are a Dalek. Themilk, Oswin. The milk and the eggs for the soufflés. Where, where didit all come from? [OSWIN [memory]] Eggs. I'm human. I am not a Dalek, I am human. I am notDalek, I am human! --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] Eggs. [DOCTOR] It wasn't real. It was never real. [OSWIN [memory]] I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek. [OSWIN + DALEK] Eggs. [DALEK] Stir. Min. Ate. [DOCTOR] Oswin. [DALEK] Eggs. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Stir. Min ate. --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] Exterminate. [DOCTOR] Oswin. No, no, no, Oswin. Oswin. [DALEK] Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Listen. Oswin, you don't have to do this. [DALEK] Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] Oswin! [OSWIN] Why do they hate you --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] So much? They hate you so much. Why? [DOCTOR] I fought them many, many times. [DALEK] We have grown stronger in fear of you. [DOCTOR] I know. I tried to stop. --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Then run. [DOCTOR [on screen]] What did you say? [OSWIN] I've taken down the forcefield. --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] The Daleks above have begun their attack.Run! --------------------------------------- (Room) [DOCTOR [on screen]] Oswin, are you [OSWIN] I am Oswin Oswald. I fought the Daleks and I am --------------------------------------- (Padded cell) [DALEK] Human! Remember me. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [DALEK] Run! --------------------------------------- (Room) [OSWIN] Run, you clever boy. And remember. --------------------------------------- (Teleport room) [RORY] How long can we wait? [AMY] The rest of our lives. [RORY] Agreed. [DOCTOR] Right, go! Let's go. We're good. Let's go. Oh, for God's sake. --------------------------------------- (Parliament) [WHITE] The Asylum is destroyed. [DALEK] Incoming teleport from Asylum planet. We are under attack. [WHITE] Prepare to defend. Defend. Defend! [DALEK PM] Explain, Dalek Supreme. [DOCTOR [OC]] You know, you guys should really have seen this coming.The thing about me and teleports, I've got a really good aim. Pin-pointaccurate, in fact. Or, to put it another way [DOCTOR] Suckers! [DALEK] Identify yourself. Identify. Identify. [DOCTOR] It's me. You know me. The Doctor. The Oncoming Storm. ThePredator. [DARLA] Titles are not meaningful in this context. Doctor who? [DALEK PM] Doctor who? [DALEKS] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Oh, Oswin. Oh, you did it to them all. You beauty. [DALEKS] Doctor who? Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Fellas, you're never going to stop asking. [DALEKS] Doctor who? --------------------------------------- (Street) [RORY] Yes! Yes! [AMY [OC]] I can see you. [RORY] Okay. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Doctor who. Doctor who. Doctor Who!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e01", "title": "Asylum of the Daleks"}
Doctor Who (20 Apr, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - Hide [EMMA] How are we looking? [PALMER] Oh, about ready, I think. [EMMA] Any thoughts on the interference? [PALMER] Er, a stray FM broadcast, possibly. I've fitted some ferritesuppressors and some RF chokes, just in case. Are you sure you want togo through with this? I mean, the last time, it was very [EMMA] But she's so lonely. [PALMER] Excellent, then. Excellent. (into microphone) Caliburn House,night four, November 25th, 1974. 11.04 pm. [EMMA] I'm talking to the spirit that inhabits this house. Are youthere? Can you hear me? I'm speaking to the lost soul that abides inthis place. [EMMA] Come to me. Speak to me. Let me show you the way home. [EMMA] Let me show you the way home! [PALMER] Emma? [EMMA] She's so [PALMER] So what? [EMMA] Dead. [DOCTOR] Boo! Hello, I'm looking for a ghost. [PALMER] And you are? [CLARA] Ghostbusters. [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [PALMER] Doctor what? [DOCTOR] If you like. And this is Clara. [DOCTOR] Ah, but you are very different. You are Major Alec Palmer.Member of the Baker Street Irregulars, the Ministry of UngentlemanlyWarfare. Specialised in espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance behindenemy lines. You're a talented watercolourist, professor of psychologyand ghost hunter. Total pleasure. Massive. [EMMA] Actually, you're wrong. Professor Palmer spent most of the war asa POW. [DOCTOR] Actually, that's a like told by a very brave man involved invery secret operations. The type of man who keeps a Victoria Cross in abox in the attic, eh? But you know that, because you're Emma Grayling,the Professor's companion. [EMMA] Assistant. [DOCTOR] It's 1974. You're the assistant and non-objective equipment.Meaning psychic. [CLARA] Getting that. Bless you, though. [PALMER] Relax, Emma. He's Military Intelligence. So, what is all thisin aid of? [DOCTOR] Health and safety. Yeah, the Ministry got wind of what's goingon down here. Sent me to check that everything's in order. [PALMER] They don't have the right. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, guv'nor, I'll be out of your hair in five minutes.Oh! Oh, look. Oh, lovely. The ACR 99821. Oh, bliss. Nice action on thetoggle switches. You know, I do love a toggle switch. Actually, I likethe word toggle. Nice noun. Excellent verb. Oi, don't mess with thesettings. [PALMER] What's that? [DOCTOR] Gadget. Health and safety. Classified, I'm afraid. You know,while the back room boffins work out a few kinks. [CLARA] What's it telling you? [DOCTOR] It's telling me that you haven't been exposed to anylife-threatening transmundane emanations. So, where's the ghost? Showme the ghost. It's ghost time. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PALMER] I will not have this stolen out from under me, do youunderstand. [DOCTOR] Er, no, not really, sorry. [PALMER] I will not have my work stolen, then be fobbed off with a paton the back and a letter from the Queen. Never again. This is my house,Doctor, and it belongs to me. [CLARA] This is actually your house? [PALMER] It is. [CLARA] Sorry. You went to the bank and said, you know that gigantic oldhaunted house on the moors? The one the dossers are too scared to dossin? The one the birds are too scared to fly over? And then you said,I'd like to buy it, please, with my money. [PALMER] Yes, I did, actually. [CLARA] That's incredibly brave. [DOCTOR] Listen, Major, we just need to know what's going on here. [PALMER] For the Ministry. [DOCTOR] You know I can't answer that. [PALMER] Very well, follow me. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [CLARA] So, what's an empathic psychic? [EMMA] Sometimes I sense feelings, the way a telepath can sensethoughts. Sometimes, though. Not always. [DOCTOR] The most compassionate people you'll ever meet, empathics. Andthe loneliest. I mean, exposing themselves to all those hiddenfeelings, all that guilt, pain and sorrow and [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes? [CLARA] Shush. [PALMER] Would you care to have a look? [PALMER] Caliburn House is over four hundred years old, but she has beenhere much longer. The Caliburn Ghast. [PALMER] She's mentioned in local Saxon poetry and parish folk tales.The Wraith of the Lady, the Maiden in the Dark, the Witch of the Well. [CLARA] Is she real? As in, actually real? [PALMER] Oh, she's real. In the seventeenth century, a local clergymansaw her. He wrote that her presence was accompanied by a dreadfulknocking, as if the Devil himself demanded entry. During the war,American airmen stationed here left offerings of tinned Spam. The tinswere found in 1965, bricked up in the servants' pantry, along with anumber of handwritten notes. Appeals to the Ghast. For the love of God,stop screaming. [CLARA] She never changes. The angle's different, the framing, but she'salways in exactly the same position. Why is that? [PALMER] We don't know. She's an objective phenomenon, but objectiverecording equipment can't detect her [DOCTOR] Without the presence of a powerful psychic. [PALMER] Absolutely. Very well done. [EMMA] She knows I'm here. I can feel her calling out to me. [CLARA] What's she saying? [EMMA] Help me. [DOCTOR] The Witch of the Well. So where's the well? [PALMER] A copy of the oldest plan that we could find. There is no wellon the property. None that we could find, anyway. [DOCTOR] (sotto) You coming? [CLARA] (sotto) Where? [DOCTOR] (sotto) To find the ghost. [CLARA] (sotto) Why would I want to do that? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Because you want to. Come on. [CLARA] (sotto) Well, I dispute that assertion. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Eh? I'm giving you a face. Can you see me? Look at myface. [CLARA] (sotto) Fine. Dare me. [DOCTOR] I dare you. No takesies backsies. [EMMA] The music room is the heart of the house. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] Say we actually find her. What do we say? [DOCTOR] We ask her how she came to be whatever she is. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Because I don't know, and ignorance is, what's the opposite ofbliss? [CLARA] Carlisle. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, Carlisle. Ignorance is Carlisle. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [EMMA] Is he really from the Ministry? [PALMER] Er, I don't know. He's certainly got the right demeanour.Capricious, brilliant. [EMMA] Deceitful. [PALMER] Yes. Ha. He's a liar. But, you know, that's often the way thatit is when someone's seen a thing or two. Experience makes liars of usall. We lie about who we are, about what we've done. [EMMA] And how we feel? [PALMER] Yes. Always. Always that. You know, I have to, have to begetting on with things. The er, the equipment and so forth. [EMMA] Of course. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [DOCTOR] Ah, the music room. The heart of the house. Do you feelanything? [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Your pants are so on fire. [CLARA] (sotto) Do you feel like you're being watched? [DOCTOR] (sotto) What does being watched feel like? Is it that funnytickly feeling on the back of your neck? [CLARA] (sotto) That's the chap. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Then yes, a bit. Well, quite a big bit. [CLARA] I think she's here. [DOCTOR] Cold spot. Spooky. Cold. Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold.Warm. Cold. [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor! [DOCTOR] What? [CLARA] I'm not happy. [DOCTOR] No. [CLARA] Hey! --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [CLARA] What was that? --------------------------------------- (Caliburn House) [PALMER] Does it seem colder? [EMMA] She's coming. --------------------------------------- (Top of the stairs) [CLARA] Okay, what is that? [DOCTOR] It's a very loud noise. It's a very loud, very angry noise. [CLARA] What's making it? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Are you making it? [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes? [CLARA] I may be a teeny, tiny bit terrified. [DOCTOR] Yes? [CLARA] But I'm still a grown-up. [DOCTOR] Mainly, yes, and? [CLARA] There's no need to actually hold my hand. [DOCTOR] Clara. [CLARA] Yeah? [DOCTOR] I'm not holding your hand. --------------------------------------- (Caliburn House) [DOCTOR] Has this happened before? [PALMER] Never. [DOCTOR] Camera. Camera! [CLARA] Doctor? [WOMAN [OC]] Help me! [CLARA] Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [EMMA] Urgh. I'd rather have a nice cup of tea. [CLARA] Me too. Whisky is the eleventh most disgusting thing everinvented. --------------------------------------- (Dark room) [DOCTOR] I had a little peek at your records, back at the Ministry.You've certainly seen a thing or two in your time. Disrupting U-boatoperations across the North Sea, sabotaging railway lines acrossEurope. Operation Gibbon. The one with the carrier pigeons, brilliant.I do love a carrier pigeon. [PALMER] I did my duty, but then so did thousands of others. Millions ofothers. I was just lucky enough to come back. [DOCTOR] Yes, but how does that man, that war hero, end up here in alonely old house, looking for ghosts? [PALMER] Because I killed, and I caused to have killed. I sent young menand women to their deaths, but here I am, still alive and it does tendto haunt you. Living, after so much of the other thing. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [CLARA] So, you and Professor Palmer, have youever, you know? [EMMA] No. [CLARA] Why not? You do know how he feels about you, don't you? You, ofall people? [EMMA] I don't know. People like me, sometimes we get our signals mixedup. We think people are feeling the way we want them to feel, you know,when they are special to us, when really there's nothing there. [CLARA] Oh, this is there. [EMMA] How do you know? [CLARA] Because it's obvious. It sticks out like a big chin. --------------------------------------- (Dark room) [PALMER] You see, I was alone and unmarried and Ididn't mind dying. I mean, not for that cause. It was a very, very finecause, defeating the enemy. [DOCTOR] And if you could contact them, what would you say? [PALMER] Well, I'd very much like to thank them. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. Ping! [PALMER] Who do you think she is? [DOCTOR] Not what I thought she'd be. [PALMER] What did you think she's be? [DOCTOR] Fun. Can I borrow your camera? Ta. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [EMMA] What about you and the Doctor? [CLARA] Oh, I don't think so. [EMMA] Good. [CLARA] Sorry? [EMMA] Don't trust him. There's a sliver of ice in his heart. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [CLARA] (sotto) I've got this weird feeling it's looking at me. Itdoesn't like me. [DOCTOR] The Tardis is like a cat. A bit slow to trust, but you'll getthere in the end. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Hey. You need a place to keep this. [DOCTOR] I've got one. Or I had one. I think I had one. Look around. Seeif you find it. Did I have one? Am I going mad? [DOCTOR] No, not in here. How do you expect her to like you? She'ssoaking wet. It's a health and safety nightmare. [CLARA] Sorry. So, where are we going? [DOCTOR] Nowhere. We're staying right here. Right here, on this exactspot, if I can work out how to do it. [CLARA] So, when are we going? [DOCTOR] Oh, that is good. That is top-notch. [CLARA] And the answer is? [DOCTOR] We're going always. [CLARA] We're going always. [DOCTOR] Totally. [CLARA] That's not actually a sentence. [DOCTOR] Well, it's got a verb in it. What do you think? [CLARA] Colour's a bit boisterous. [DOCTOR] I think it brings out my eyes. [CLARA] Makes my eyes hurt. --------------------------------------- (Caliburn House) [PALMER] Did you see where he went? I could hear an engine but I can'tsee any lights. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Back off. Hot suit. Hot, hot, hot. [CLARA] When are we? [DOCTOR] About six billion years ago. It's a Tuesday, I think. [DOCTOR] Back in a mo. Are you all right? [CLARA] Totally. Peachy keen. [DOCTOR] Okay then. Well, don't press any buttons or pull any levers ormake any funny faces. Actually, don't move. Stand completely still.Don't breathe. Well, you can breathe, but shallow breaths. [DOCTOR] Oh. What's wrong? Did the Tardis say something to you? Are youbeing mean? [CLARA] No, it's not that. Have we just watched the entire life cycle ofEarth, birth to death? [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] And you're okay with that? [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] How can you be? [DOCTOR] The Tardis, she's time. We. Wibbly vortex and so on. [CLARA] That's not what I mean. [DOCTOR] Okay, some help. Context? Cheat sheet? Something? [CLARA] I mean, one minute you're in 1974 looking for ghosts, but allyou have to do is open your eyes and talk to whoever's standing there.To you, I haven't been born yet, and to you I've been dead one hundredbillion years. Is my body out there somewhere, in the ground? [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose it is. [CLARA] But here we are, talking. So I am a ghost. To you, I'm a ghost.We're all ghosts to you. We must be nothing. [DOCTOR] No. No. You're not that. [CLARA] Then what are we? What can we possibly be? [DOCTOR] You are the only mystery worth solving. --------------------------------------- (Living room) [EMMA] What's wrong? [CLARA] I just saw something I wish I hadn't. [EMMA] What did you see? [CLARA] That everything ends. [EMMA] No, not everything. Not love. Not always. [DOCTOR] Right, done. That's it. Gather round, gather round. Roll up,roll up. [DOCTOR] The Ghast of Caliburn House. Never changing, trapped in amoment of fear and torment. But, what if she's not? What if she's justtrapped somewhere time runs more slowly than it does here? What if asecond to her was a hundred thousand years to us? And what if somebodyhas a magic box. A blue box, probably. What if said somebody could takea snapshot of her, say, every few million years? [DOCTOR] She's not a ghost. But she's definitely a lost soul. Her nameis Hila Tacorian. She's a pioneer, a time traveller, or at least shewill be in a few hundred years. [PALMER] Time travel's not possible. The paradoxes [DOCTOR] Resolve themselves, by and large. [EMMA] How long has she been alone? [DOCTOR] Well, time travel's a funny old thing. I mean, from herperspective, she crash landed three minutes ago. [EMMA] Crash landed? Where? [DOCTOR] She's in a pocket universe. A distorted echo of our own. Theyhappen sometimes but never last for long. [CLARA] But what's she running from? [DOCTOR] Well, that's the best bit. We don't know yet. Shall we see? [DOCTOR] Oh. [CLARA] What is that? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Still, not to worry. [EMMA] So, what do we do? [DOCTOR] Not we, you. You save Hila Tacorian because you are EmmaGrayling. You are the lantern. The rest of us are just along for theride, I'm afraid. We need some sturdy rope and a blue crystal fromMetebelis Three. Plus some Kendal Mint Cake. [PALMER] Don't do it. [EMMA] I'm sorry? [PALMER] Nobody asked her to risk her life. This woman, she doesn'tdeserve. Whoever she is, however brilliant, however brave, she's notyou. She is not worth risking a single hair on your head. Not to me. [EMMA] Tell me what I'm thinking. [PALMER] I can't. I don't have your gift. [EMMA] You don't need it. Just look at me and tell me. [EMMA] There you are, you read my mind. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Can't you just, you know? [DOCTOR] What? [CLARA] Fly the Tardis into the parallel universe? [DOCTOR] Ah, it's not a parallel universe. It's a pocket universe. Plus,it is collapsing. I mean, the Tardis could get in there all right, butentropy would bleed her power sources, you see? Trap her there untilthe entire universe decayed back into the quantum foam. Which wouldtake about three minutes, give or take, you know. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [CLARA] What is that? [DOCTOR] A subset of the Eye of Harmony. [CLARA] I don't [DOCTOR] Of course you don't. Be weird if you did. I barely do myself.Right. You, sit down. All the way from Metebelis Three. [EMMA] What does it do? [DOCTOR] It amplifies your natural abilities like a microphone, or apooper scooper. [PALMER] What exactly is this arrangement? [DOCTOR] A psychochronograph. [PALMER] Forgive me, but isn't it all a bit well, make do and mend? [DOCTOR] Non-psychic technology won't work where I'm going. Listen, allI need to do is dive into another dimension, find the time traveller,help her escape the monster. get home before the entire dimensioncollapses and Bob's your uncle. [EMMA] Doctor, will it hurt? [DOCTOR] No. Well, yes. Probably. A bit. Well, quite a lot. I don'tknow. It might be agony. To be perfectly honest, I'll be interested tofind out. [EMMA] I'm talking to the lost soul that abides in this place. I'mspeaking to Hila Tarcorian. [DOCTOR] See? The Witch of the Well! It's a wormhole! A reality well! Adoor to the echo universe. Ready? [EMMA] Ready! [DOCTOR] Geronimo. [CLARA] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Pocket universe) [DOCTOR] Hila? Hila! Hila Tacorian! [DOCTOR] One, two, three. [HILA [OC]] Help me! Help! [DOCTOR] Hila Tacorian, I presume. [HILA] Who are you? [DOCTOR] Collapsing universe. You and me, dead, two minutes. No timecomplete sentences. Abandon planet. [HILA] Wait. There's something in the mist. [DOCTOR] Then run. Run! [EMMA [OC]] Doctor! Doctor! Come home! Doctor, come home! [DOCTOR] Not that way, which means, er, probably. [HILA] What's wrong? [DOCTOR] You know that exit I mentioned? [HILA] Yes? [DOCTOR] I seem to have misplaced it. [EMMA [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] This way. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] Doctor! Come home! --------------------------------------- (Pocket universe) [EMMA [OC]] Doctor, we're here. [DOCTOR] Whoa. [HILA] What's that? [DOCTOR] An echo house, in an echo universe. Clever psychic. That isjust top-notch. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] Doctor! Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Echo house) [DOCTOR] It's looking for a way in. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] I'm not strong enough! [CLARA] Just a few more seconds. --------------------------------------- (Echo music room) [DOCTOR] Grab the rope. Give it three tugs, quickas you like. [HILA] What about you? [DOCTOR] I'll be next. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's what that noise was. Lovely. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [CLARA] No! --------------------------------------- (Pocket universe) [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. Where are you? --------------------------------------- (Music room) [CLARA] Wake up! Wake up! Open the thing. [EMMA] I'm sorry. [PALMER] Don't be sorry. Don't be. What you did [CLARA] Wasn't enough. She needs to do it again. [PALMER] She can't. Look at her. [CLARA] She has to! We can't leave him. [PALMER] I know that you feel you can't do this, Emma, but look at thatwoman over there. You saved her. She's only here because of yourstrength, and so am I. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [CLARA] Oh, come on! Let me in, you grumpy old cow! [CLARA] Whoa. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [PALMER] I was as lost as her, but being with you,you gave me a reason to be, Emma. You brought me back from the dead. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [CLARA] What's this now? [HOLO-CLARA] The Tardis Voice Visual Interface. I'm programmed to selectthe image of a person you esteem. Of several billion such images in mydatabanks, this one best meets the criterion. [CLARA] Oh. Oh, you are a cow. I knew it. Whatever. You have to help theDoctor. [HOLO-CLARA] The Doctor is in the pocket universe. [CLARA] You can enter the pocket universe. [HOLO-CLARA] The entropy would drain the energy from my heart. In fourseconds, I'd be stranded. In ten, I'd be dead. [CLARA] You're talking, but all I hear is muh muh muh. Come on, let'sgo. [CLARA] Hey, hey, hey! --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] Doctor. [EMMA] Can you hear me? Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [CLARA] Oh, come on. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] Doctor, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Ah! Whoa! --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Pocket universe) [EMMA [OC]] Doctor, we're here. Come home. [DOCTOR] Emma? [DOCTOR] What do you want? To frighten me, I suppose, eh? Because that'swhat you do. You hide. You're the bogeyman under the bed, seeking whomyou may devour. [DOCTOR] You want me to be afraid. Then well done. I am the Doctor, andI am afraid. --------------------------------------- (Music room) [EMMA] Doctor, hurry! --------------------------------------- (Pocket universe) [DOCTOR] So why am I still here, huh? Why not justeat me? Ha? Come on. Because you still need me. [DOCTOR] Yeah, you need me to piggyback you across. To which I say, comeon then, big boy, chase me. --------------------------------------- (Caliburn House) [EMMA] You wanted a word? [DOCTOR] Well, if that's [EMMA] That's fine. You didn't come here for the ghost, did you? [DOCTOR] No. [EMMA] You came here for me. [DOCTOR] Yes. [EMMA] Why? [DOCTOR] I needed to ask you something. [EMMA] Then ask. [DOCTOR] Clara. [EMMA] Yes? [DOCTOR] What is she? [EMMA] She's a girl. [DOCTOR] Yes, but what kind of girl, specifically? [EMMA] She's a perfectly ordinary girl. Very pretty, very clever, morescared than she lets on. [DOCTOR] And that's it, is it? [EMMA] Why? Is that not enough? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [EMMA] Where will you go? [HILA] He can't take me home. History says I went missing. [EMMA] But he can change history. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, I can't, actually. There are fixed points in time,you see [CLARA] Hi. [DOCTOR] What? [HILA] I knew you were there. I could feel you. [EMMA] I know. [HILA] Have we? [EMMA] We can't have. You haven't even been born yet. [DOCTOR] No, you can't have met but she can be your great, great, great,great, great granddaughter. Yours too, of course. But you guessed thatalready, didn't you. Oh. Apparently not. [PALMER] The paradoxes [DOCTOR] Resolve themselves, by and large. That's why the psychic linkwas so powerful. Blood calling to blood, out of time. Not everythingends. Not love. Not always. [PALMER] Doctor, what about, what about us? Emma and me? [DOCTOR] What about you? [PALMER] Well, what's supposed to happen? I mean, what do we do now? [DOCTOR] Hold hands. That's what you're meant to do. Keep doing that anddon't let go. That's the secret. [CLARA [memory]] Doctor! I'm not happy. [DOCTOR [memory]] Yeah, you need me to piggyback you across. [DOCTOR [memory]] I'm not holding your hand. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so slow! I am slow. I'm notorious for it. That's alwaysbeen my problem. But, but I get there in the end. Oh yes. [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] How do sharks make babies? [CLARA] Carefully? [DOCTOR] No, no, no. Happily! [CLARA] Sharks don't actually smile. They're just, well, they've gotlots and lots of teeth. They're quite eaty. [DOCTOR] Exactly. But birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas doit. Every lonely monster needs a companion. [CLARA] There's two of them? [DOCTOR] It's the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other.Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events. War, politics,accidents in time. She's thrown out of the hex, or he's thrown into it.Since then they've been yearning for each other across time and space,across dimensions. This isn't a ghost story, it's a love story! [DOCTOR] Sorry. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt the rest of your life.So. Tiny favour to ask. --------------------------------------- (Pocket universe) [DOCTOR] I'm sorry! I understand now! I can takeyou to her! I can take you to a safe place far away from here! You canbe together! Well, come on, then. She's waiting! [DOCTOR] Well, hello again, you old Romeo, you. Now, here she comes. [DOCTOR] Get ready to jump.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e10", "title": "Hide"}
Doctor Who (27 Apr, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - Journey to the Centre of the Tardis [COMPUTER] Incoming salvage. Please validate. Incoming salvage. Pleasevalidate. Incoming salvage. Please validate. [BRAM] Rusty garbage. It's not worth lacing up my boots. [TRICKY] Wasting our time. There's no salvage this far out. [BRAM] You're a lucky boy, Tricky. You're an android. You don't getbored. [TRICKY] He won't turn back. Not with half a cargo. [BRAM] He's not captain. We're equal partners. [TRICKY] Yeah. Right. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You said [CLARA] I know what I said. I was the one who said it. [DOCTOR] You said it was looking at you funny. [CLARA] I was tired, overwrought. I didn't mean it. It's an appliance.It does a job. [DOCTOR] It's a pretty cool appliance. We're not talking cheese graterhere. [CLARA] You're not getting me to talk to your ship. That's properlybonkers. [DOCTOR] (to console) It's okay, it's okay. [CLARA] You're like one of those guys who can't go out with a girlunless his mother approves. [DOCTOR] It's important to me you get along. I could leave you two alonetogether. [CLARA] Now you're creeping me out. [DOCTOR] Take the wheel. Not the wheel. I'll make it easy. Shut it downto basic mode for you. [CLARA] Basic? Because I'm a girl? [DOCTOR] No. --------------------------------------- (Salvage ship) [GREGOR] Everyone suit up. It's good salvage. I cansmell it. [BRAM] It's just trash. [TRICKY] No, look. There's something tasty in the magno-field. [COMPUTER] Magno-grab ready. Engaging. [GREGOR] Move yourself. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] What have I done? [DOCTOR] Er, okay. [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] All the electrical impulses are jammed. I can't get the shieldsback up. She's completely vulnerable. [CLARA] I swear I just touched it. [DOCTOR] Magnetic hobble-field. We're flying right into it. Clara, stayby me. [CLARA] Please tell me there's a button you can press to fix this. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Big friendly button. [CLARA] You're lying. [DOCTOR] Yep. [CLARA] To stop me freaking out? [DOCTOR] Is it working? [CLARA] Not so much. --------------------------------------- (Salvage ship) [TRICKY] What is it, some kind of escape pod? [GREGOR] Come on. [GREGOR] Crack it open. [BRAM] It's doing nothing. [GREGOR] Use the thermo-charge and blast it. [TRICKY] No, no, no, wait. It's like she's alive. She's, she'ssuffering. I can feel it. I can feel it. [BRAM] No, Gregor, he's right. Looks like there's a broken fuel line. [GREGOR] All right. All right, put it back. No salvage today, boys. Openthe bay doors. [TRICKY] Wait. [TRICKY] Somebody's under that thing. The crew were still on board whenwe dragged her in. [GREGOR] We did nothing. If anyone asks, that ship was already busted.You got that? And you, make sure you keep your oily mouth shut, right? [DOCTOR] It's rude to whisper. Hi. I'm the Doctor. And you are? Er, VanBaalen and Van Baalen. Van Baalen and Van Baalen. That's going to getconfusing later. [GREGOR] We found you drifting. [BRAM] Yeah, your ship was junked up pretty bad. [DOCTOR] What broke my ship was a magno-grab. Found this remote in yourpocket. Eh? What are the chances? Outlawed in most galaxies, thislittle beastie can disable whole vessels unless you have shieldoscillators, which I turned off so that Clara could fly, damn it.Clara. Where is she? Girl, about so high. Feisty. She's still on board. [TRICKY] No, wait. Your pod is leaking fuel. If she's still in here,she's dead. [DOCTOR] Ah, respirators. [GREGOR] We can open the doors for a split second, reach in and grabher. [DOCTOR] Trust me, we can't. Now please, help me get her out. [TRICKY] I'm telling you, she fried [GREGOR] Shut it, tin mouth. What sort of fee are we talking? [DOCTOR] If you help me get her out, you get the machine, all the scrap,eh? [BRAM] It's not worth the risk. Four feet of metal? Nah. [DOCTOR] What if I can guarantee you the best haul you've ever had? [GREGOR] Bram, open the bay doors. [DOCTOR] No, no. Please, stop. Listen, listen. Right behind those doorsis the salvage of a lifetime. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor? [CLARA] Red flashing light means something bad. Get out of here fast? Orpossibly, whatever you do, don't open this door. [CLARA] Bad decision. --------------------------------------- (Salvage ship) [BRAM] Hey, are we really going to risk it? Thatthing is spewing poison. We should blow it back into space. [GREGOR] Get your gear. [BRAM] Hey, I don't take orders from my kid brother. [GREGOR] Don't try and form sentences, all right? Stick to what you dobest. [DOCTOR] Tell me, since when does an android need a blast suit and arespirator? [BRAM] Flesh coating, same as us. He'd burn up. [TRICKY] No fear, no hate, no pain. [GREGOR] Salvage of a lifetime? [DOCTOR] I feel pretty confident I can deliver on that. Here we go. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [GREGOR] I don't get it. I thought she was lying onher side. [DOCTOR] The Tardis is special. She has her own gravity. I'd explain ifI had some charts and a board pen. [GREGOR] It's, it's, it's bigger [DOCTOR] On the inside. Do you know, I get that a lot. [TRICKY] Whoa. Awesome. [DOCTOR] Well put. Whoa and awesome. [DOCTOR] Safe to breathe. [DOCTOR] Okay, now, the last thing I remember, you were right there.Come on, Clara, talk to me. [BRAM] How big is this baby? [DOCTOR] Picture the biggest ship you've ever seen. Are you picturingit? [BRAM] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Good. Now forget it, because this ship is infinite. [GREGOR] It could take you hours to find the girl. [DOCTOR] Days. Plus this whole place is toxic. She could be dead by thetime I reach her. So, here's the mission. We're going to find her inone hour. [GREGOR] We? [DOCTOR] You're my guys for this. [GREGOR] That wasn't the deal. [DOCTOR] 'Tis now. [BRAM] What makes you think we'll help? [DOCTOR] I just activated the Tardis self-destruct system. One houruntil this ship blows. [DOCTOR] Don't try to leave. The Tardis is in lockdown. I'll open thosedoors when Clara's by my side. [BRAM] You crazy lunatic! [DOCTOR] My ship, my rules. [GREGOR] You'll kill us all. And the girl. [DOCTOR] She's going to die if you don't help me. Don't get into aspaceship with a madman. Didn't anyone ever teach you that? Okay, alittle gently persuasion. Say thirty minutes. [BRAM] She'll die even quicker now! [DOCTOR] We all perform better under pressure. Anybody want to go forfifteen minutes? [BRAM] Whoa! [GREGOR] Whoa! [DOCTOR] It's your own time you're wasting. Salvage of a lifetime. Youmeant the ship. I meant Clara. --------------------------------------- (Storeroom) [CLARA] Oh! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GREGOR] Report. What's on board this thing? [COMPUTER] Dynomorphic generators, conceptual geometer, beamsynthesiser, orthogonal engine filters. [GREGOR] Guys, guys, look, I think we should split up. It's our bestchance of finding the girl. You know it is. [DOCTOR] Don't touch a thing. The Tardis will get huffy if you mess. [GREGOR] Keep in radio contact, all right? [GREGOR] Get back to the console. Strip it apart. [BRAM] Okay. [GREGOR] All right? --------------------------------------- (Library) [CLARA] Now that's just showing off. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [SUSAN [OC]] I made up the name Tardis from the initials Time AndRelative Dimension In Space. [DOCTOR 3 [OC]] The Tardis is dimensionally transcendental. [JO] [OC] [DOCTOR 4 [OC]] That's trans-dimensional engineering. A key Time Lorddiscovery. [DOCTOR 9 [OC]] The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't getthrough that door. Believe me, they've tried. [AMY [OC]] We are in space! [IAN [OC]] It can move anywhere in time and space? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [COMPUTER] Everything. [GREGOR] What? Report. [COMPUTER] Everything, behind that door. [GREGOR] Everything? [COMPUTER] Sensor detects everything you could possibly want. --------------------------------------- (ARS room) [COMPUTER] Everything. [GREGOR] I don't understand. Give me a price tag. [COMPUTER] Incalculable. [GREGOR] What? [COMPUTER] More valuable than the total sum of any currency. Livingmetal. Bespoke engineering. Whatever machine you require, this systemwill build it. [DOCTOR] No! No, no, stop! Please, don't. Don't touch it. Please. Shewon't let you touch it. I can feel a Tardis tantrum coming on. [GREGOR] What the hell is this place? [DOCTOR] Architectural Reconfiguration System. It reconstructs particlesaccording to your needs. [GREGOR] A machine that makes machines? [DOCTOR] Yes, basically. What are you doing? No, no, don't. Don't! [DOCTOR] If you walk out of here with that circuit, the Tardis will tryto stop you. Now listen to me. Look, the clock is ticking. We must findClara. [GREGOR] What the? Where's the door gone? [DOCTOR] Ever seen a spaceship get ugly? [GREGOR] This isn't happening. [DOCTOR] She won't relinquish it. Her basic genetic material. [GREGOR] Torch it. I said, torch it. [TRICKY] Can't you feel it, Gregor? The ship, the ship's in torment,like it's a living thing. You can't hurt it. [GREGOR] What's the matter, Tardis? Scared to fight me? --------------------------------------- (Library) [CLARA] So that's who --------------------------------------- (Junction) [TRICKY] It's the same. It's just the same. [DOCTOR] It's diverting us, spinning a maze around us. We will neverreach Clara in time. [DOCTOR] Hey! Hey! [TRICKY] It's just the same, again. [DOCTOR] No point in building walls. You'll just know how to smash themdown. It's found other ways of controlling you. Smart bunch, TimeLords. No dress sense, dreadful hats, but smart. If you want to get outof here, let that circuit go. It is creating a labyrinth. [GREGOR] Bram? Bram, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Under the console room) [GREGOR [OC]] Bram, the ship is alive. Get out ofthere. Bram, don't touch anything. [BRAM] You're just the sweetest thing ever. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [CLARA] Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thankyou, thank you. [CLARA] No! The door. Where's the door gone? No. You can't do this. --------------------------------------- (Under the console room) [GREGOR [OC]] Bram? You've got to get out of there fast. --------------------------------------- (Junction) [GREGOR] Channel's dead. [TRICKY] We've got to help him. Gregor, do something. Do something! [GREGOR] It's too late, he's gone. Let's just worry about the salvage. [TRICKY] You care more about that circuit than you do about him. [DOCTOR] Your concern for your brother is really touching. The androidis more cut up about it that you. Now will you two stop bickering andlisten. There is something else down there. [TRICKY] We've got to get out of here. Gregor, give it back. Give itback to her. [GREGOR] What are you doing? You're always on the side of the machines. [DOCTOR] Fellas! Multiple lifeforms on board the Tardis with us. I amgetting a massive signal. [TRICKY] Where are they? [DOCTOR] Oh, you're not going to like the answer. About two steps away.One step. [DOCTOR] Gregor, look out! Careful! Gregor, no! We have to staytogether. Come on, run. Tricky, run. I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [CLARA] Oh, why are you doing this? --------------------------------------- (Console room 2) [TRICKY] Back where we started. [DOCTOR] No, it's an echo. The console room is the safest place on theship. It can replicate itself any number of times. It's trying toprotect us. [TRICKY] Because I tried to give back the circuit? [DOCTOR] Team Tardis. [TRICKY] Where did, where did that go? [DOCTOR] There's more than one echo room. Hey, look, look. The Tardishas got Clara safe. That was her. That was her there. Thank you, thankyou, thank you. [TRICKY] Why can't we see her? [DOCTOR] It's like a light switch. Two positions, flickering atsuper-infinite speeds. We're only together for a brief second. Shush. [DOCTOR] I can hear her. [TRICKY] She's let it in. She's let it in! [DOCTOR] If I can just isolate her position, I can nudge thealternation, reach in and grab her. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [CLARA] Who are you? --------------------------------------- (Console room 2) [COMPUTER] Console room, echo imprint of theoriginal. [GREGOR] You're coming with me. I need you to get me out of here. [COMPUTER] Scanning for female human. Scanning for female human.Unidentified human. [DOCTOR] It doesn't know Lancashire. [GREGOR] What? [DOCTOR] It doesn't know sass. Yes! It's found Clara. It's found her.She is right there. [DOCTOR] It's all right. Clara, I'm so, so sorry. Sorry. Please, pleaseforgive me, Clara. [DOCTOR] Ow! Okay, so we're not doing hugging. I get that now. [CLARA] What do you keep in here? Why have you got zombie creatures?Good guys do not have zombie creatures. Rule one basic storytelling. [DOCTOR] Not in front of the guests. [CLARA] Who are they? [DOCTOR] Friends. Well, people who aren't trying to kill us, so I don'tneed punching again. [GREGOR] All right, all right. Look, a deal's a deal. You got the girlback. Now cancel the self-destruct. [DOCTOR] Ah. Ah. You know, I've got to tell you, I won't be needing youin my quiz team. [GREGOR] What? [DOCTOR] There is no self-destruct. Hey? Hey? Hey? Had you going though,boys, didn't I? I just wiggled a few buttons. Yeah, the old wigglybutton trick. And the face. You've got to do the face. Save her or weall die. I though I rushed it a bit, but [TRICKY] So you're telling us we're safe? [DOCTOR] Ish. Apart from the monsters and the Tardis reinventing thearchitecture every five minutes. Guys, don't worry. The countdown's afake. Look, just give me a second. I'll turn it off. I only made itlook as though the engine was actually exploding. [DOCTOR] Ah. That's not good. Okay, don't panic. Or maybe panic. [CLARA] Something you want to share with the rest of us? [DOCTOR] It appears the engine is damaged. We're in trouble, Clara.Proper trouble. It needs fixing or we're toast. [CLARA] So now would be a good time to use that big friendly button,right? [DOCTOR] Yes. Sorry, I should have had one built in. [TRICKY] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] Detour. [DOCTOR] The centre of the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] Shush. Something's in here. [TRICKY] Those things, they've followed us. [CLARA] Doctor, what are they? What aren't you telling me? [DOCTOR] Trust me. Some things you don't want to know. [GREGOR] They're on the move again. [DOCTOR] Run. Move, move. [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor? Again. [CLARA 2] I know what I said. I was the one who said it. [DOCTOR [OC]] You said it was looking at you funny. [CLARA 2] Now you're creeping me out. Please tell me there is a buttonyou can press to fix this? [CLARA] Oh, thank god. Doctor, what's going on? Say something. [DOCTOR] Clara, stop. Don't touch it. There's a rupture in timesomewhere on board the ship. A small tear in the fabric of thecontinuum. It must have happened when the Tardis was pulled in by thesalvage vessel. The Tardis is leaking. [CLARA] Leaking what? [DOCTOR] The past. You and me. Everything we've done, everything we'vesaid. Recent history. It's not real. It's a memory. [CLARA] What about this? [DOCTOR] If you're giving me the option, I'd say this one's real. [DOCTOR] She's right on to us. [CLARA] She? [DOCTOR] Clara, don't ask me any more. [CLARA 2] You're like one of those guys who can't go out with a girlunless his mother approves. [DOCTOR [OC]] It's important to me you get along. [CLARA] What's that noise? [DOCTOR] We're right under the primary fuel cells. [CLARA] So? So, so what? [DOCTOR] So, so the fuel's spilled out, so the rods will be exposed.Means they'll cool [CLARA] And start to warp. [DOCTOR] And start to warp. Maybe even [CLARA] No, you don't say it. Don't you dare say it. [DOCTOR] Maybe even break apart. [CLARA] Run? [DOCTOR] I'm liking how you're thinking. [CLARA] Yeah. [TRICKY] Cut it off. Just cut my arm off. [GREGOR] No. [TRICKY] It's the quickest way to release me. No fear, no hate, no pain.I can get a new one. Disposable parts. Just do it. It won't hurt me. [GREGOR] Tricky, you just don't understand. [TRICKY] I'm an android. Cut me! [CLARA] You made it through. [TRICKY] What's the matter with you? Why won't you cut me? [DOCTOR] Tell him. [TRICKY] Tell me what? [DOCTOR] You can't, can you. You're a coward. You won't save him, butyou're scared to tell him why. [TRICKY] What's he going on about? [DOCTOR] Robots don't need blast suits. They don't need respirators.They don't get frightened of monsters in the dark. [TRICKY] What's he talking about? [DOCTOR] Two bionic eyes and a synthetic voice box. But you, my friend,are human. Flesh and blood. [GREGOR] It was a joke. [TRICKY] What? [GREGOR] It was just a stupid joke. We did it to relieve the boredom. [DOCTOR] Well, it was very funny. They lied to you. Changed youridentity just to provide some in-flight entertainment. [GREGOR] I'm sorry. You're human, Tricky. [DOCTOR] Cut the metal. Cut the metal! Go! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Eye of Harmony) [GREGOR] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Power source. Right, you lot, wait here. I'll check it's safe.We can only survive for a minute or two in there. [CLARA] Er, what happens if we stay longer? [DOCTOR] Our cells with liquefy and our skin will start to burn. [CLARA] I always feel so good after we've spoken. [DOCTOR] Marvellous. Keep this door shut. [CLARA] That will not be a problem. [COMPUTER] Lancashire. Sass. [GREGOR] Intelligent sensor. [TRICKY] Ever pointed that thing at yourself, Gregor? What would it see?What sort of person does this to another human? Made them believethey're made of metal. Who am I? [GREGOR] My mouthy little kid brother. [TRICKY] Why, why can't I remember? [GREGOR] It was a salvage accident. There was a big explosion. You lostyour sight, voice and your memory. [TRICKY] And you, you thought of a way you could have some fun with me?I just wanted a brother beside me! [GREGOR] You were always the smart one, Tricky. He wanted you to takeover. He made you captain. [TRICKY] He? [GREGOR] Dad. [TRICKY] I don't remember him. You did this to me just to be captain ofa heap of junk. [DOCTOR] Stop! Tricky, listen to me. Ask yourself why he couldn't cutyou up. He has just one tiny scrap of decency left in him, and youhelped him find that, okay? Now you. Don't ever forget this. --------------------------------------- (Eye of Harmony) [DOCTOR] Okay, move, move, move. [DOCTOR] The Eye of Harmony. Exploding star in the act of becoming ablack hole. Time Lord engineering. You rip the star from its orbit,suspend it in a permanent state of decay. This way, quickly. [GREGOR] There's no way out. We're trapped. [CLARA] You're going to tell me right now. If we're going to die here,you're going to tell me what they are. [DOCTOR] I can't. [CLARA] Tell me. What's the use in secrets now? [DOCTOR] Secrets protect us. Secrets make us safe. [CLARA] We're not safe! [COMPUTER] Sensor detects animal DNA. Human core element. Calculatingdata. Calculating data. [DOCTOR] No, no, turn it off! [COMPUTER] Lancashire. Sass. Identifiable substance. Clara. [CLARA] That's me. [DOCTOR] I'm so sorry. [CLARA] It's me. I burn in here. [DOCTOR] It isn't just the past leaking out through the time rift. It'sthe future. Listen, I brought you here to keep you safe, but ithappened again. You died again. [CLARA] What do you mean, again? [DOCTOR] Hang on. As long as we can interrupt the timeline, this can'thappen. Don't touch each other, otherwise the future will reassertitself. [DOCTOR] Gregor, Gregor, let go of the circuit. [TRICKY] Just let it go. [DOCTOR] Gregor, Gregor. [DOCTOR] Okay. Er, er [GREGOR] Tricky! [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] No, don't touch him, or time will reassert itself. --------------------------------------- (Engine room) [DOCTOR] The engine room. The heart of the Tardis. [CLARA] We're outside. [DOCTOR] No, we're still in the Tardis. [CLARA] There's no way across. [DOCTOR] No, okay, you're right. [CLARA] So what do we do? Time for a plan. Do you have a plan? [DOCTOR] Well, no. No plan. Sorry. [CLARA] If you don't have a plan, we're dead. [DOCTOR] Yes, we are. So just tell me. [CLARA] Tell you what? [DOCTOR] Well, there's no point now. We're about to die. Just tell mewho you are. [CLARA] You know who I am. [DOCTOR] No, I don't. I look at you every single day and I don'tunderstand a thing about you. Why do I keep running into you? [CLARA] Doctor, you invited me. You said [DOCTOR] Before that. I met you in the Dalek Asylum. There was a girl ina shipwreck and she died saving my life, and she was you. [CLARA] She really wasn't. [DOCTOR] Victorian London. There was a governess who was really abarmaid, and we fought the Great Intelligence together. She died and itwas my fault, and she was you. [CLARA] You're scaring me. [DOCTOR] What are you, eh? Are you a trick, a trap? [CLARA] I don't know what you're talking about! [DOCTOR] You really don't, do you. [CLARA] I think I'm more scared of you right now than anything else onthat Tardis. [DOCTOR] You're just Clara, aren't you. [CLARA] Okay, I don't know what the hell this is about, but the hug isreally nice. [DOCTOR] We're not going to die here. This isn't real! It's a snarl. [CLARA] What? [DOCTOR] What does a wounded animal do? It tries to scare everyone away.We're close to the engine. The Tardis is snarling at us, trying tofrighten us off. We need to jump. [CLARA] You're insane. [DOCTOR] We'll cross a portal to the engine. [CLARA] How can you be so sure? [DOCTOR] I can't. [CLARA] Okay, well, that's watertight. [DOCTOR] Hey now, Clara, I have piloted this ship for over nine hundredyears. Trust me this one time, please. Okay. Okay. As well as all theother times. Ready? Geronimo. [DOCTOR] The heart of the Tardis. The engine, it's already exploded. Itmust have been the collision with the salvage ship. [CLARA] We're not dead. [DOCTOR] She wrapped her hands around the force. Froze it. [CLARA] So, so it's safe? [DOCTOR] Temporary fix. Eventually this whole place will erupt. There'sno way I can save her now. She's just always been there for me, andtaken care of me, and now it's my turn and I don't know what to do. Ithink it just [DOCTOR] Oh, Clara. Oh. [DOCTOR] You are beautiful. Beautiful fragile human skin. Likeparchment. Thank you. The rift in time. All the memories leaking out. Ineed to find the moment we crashed. I need to find the music. --------------------------------------- (Under the time console) [DOCTOR] The time rift. Recent past, possible future. [CLARA] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Rewrite today, I hope. [DOCTOR] I've thrown this through the rift before. I need to make surethis time. Going to take it in there myself. There might be a certainamount of yelling. [CLARA] It's going to hurt? [DOCTOR] Things that end your life often do that. [CLARA] Wait! All those things you said. How we've met before, how Idied. [DOCTOR] Clara, don't worry. You'll forget. Time mends us. It can mendanything. [CLARA] I don't want to forget. Not all of it. The library. I saw it.You were mentioned in a book. [DOCTOR] I'm mentioned in a lot of books. [CLARA] You call yourself Doctor. Why do you do that? You have a name.I've seen it. In one corner of that tiny [DOCTOR] If I rewrite today, you won't remember. You won't go lookingfor my name. [CLARA] You'll still have secrets. [DOCTOR] It's better that way. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Magnetic hobble-field. We're flying right into it. Clara, stayby me. [CLARA] Please tell me there's a button you can press to fix this. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Big friendly button. [CLARA] You're lying. [DOCTOR] Yep. [CLARA] To stop me freaking out? [DOCTOR] Is it working? [CLARA] Not so much. [FUTURE DOCTOR] Doctor, Doctor. I'm from your future. We haven't gotlong to reset time. [DOCTOR] Clara, no! No! [DOCTOR] Ah ha! Big friendly button. --------------------------------------- (Salvage ship) [TRICKY] I don't get it. It was on screen, then it was gone. [BRAM] Hey, robot, go get me some food. I'm starving. [GREGOR] Oi, leave him alone. [BRAM] What's the matter with you? [GREGOR] Maybe I've just got a little tiny scrap of decency. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] I feel exhausted. I feel [DOCTOR] We've had two days crammed into the space of one. [CLARA] Why would you say that? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I say stuff. Ignore me. Do you feel safe? [CLARA] Of course. [DOCTOR] Give me a number out of ten. Ten being whoo hoo, one beingargh. [CLARA] You're being weird. [DOCTOR] I need to know if you feel safe. I need to know you're notafraid. [CLARA] Of? [DOCTOR] The future. Running away with a spaceman in a box. Anythingcould happen to you. [CLARA] That's what I'm counting on. Push the button.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e11", "title": "Journey to the Centre of the Tardis"}
Doctor Who (4 May, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - The Crimson Horror [EDMUND] If I have not returned in an hour, you must fetch the police. [EFFIE] Edmund! [EDMUND] Don't fret, Effie, my dear. All will be well, but we must getto the bottom of this dark and queer business no matter what the cost. [EFFIE] Mrs Gillyflower! [GILLYFLOWER] We have come about your husband, my dear. A tragedy. [EFFIE] My husband? [GILLYFLOWER] Your late husband. [EFFIE] There must be some mistake. My husband is quite well. [GILLYFLOWER] We're so very sorry for your loss. --------------------------------------- (Morgue) [AMOS] Hell fire. That's put me right off me mash. Another one. [THURSDAY] Another? [AMOS] He's not the first one I've had in here looking like that. TheCrimson Horror, that's what they're calling it. [THURSDAY] I have no interest in the deplorable excesses of the PennyDreadfuls. [AMOS] Hey, hey. Payment in advance, flower. Taking a big risk, you see,I am. They'll have my vitals for fiddle-strings if they knew I'd letyou come to look at one of their precious stiffs. [THURSDAY] This stiff is my brother. I've come up from London to bringhim home. [AMOS] Oh aye? --------------------------------------- (Conservatory) [THURSDAY] Thank you for agreeing to this meeting. I'm told you are theinvestigator to see if there are strange goings-on. [VASTRA] I read of your brother's death. Another victim of the CrimsonHorror, I believe. [THURSDAY] So it is claimed. He was a newspaper man. He and a youngwoman were working undercover. Tell me, madam, do you know what anoptogram is? [VASTRA] It is a silly superstition, sir. The belief that the eye canretain an image of the last thing it sees. [VASTRA] Good grief. [THURSDAY] Oh, god. --------------------------------------- (Dark room) [JENNY] Well, I'll be blowed. I think, madam, that we'd better makeplans to head north. --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [VASTRA] According to my research, Sweetville'sproprietor holds recruitment drives for her little community. She isonly interested in the fittest and the most beautiful. [STRAX] You may rely on me, ma'am. [VASTRA] I was, in fact, speaking to Jenny. [STRAX] Jenny. If this weak and fleshy boy is to represent us, Istrongly recommend the issuing of scissor grenades, limbo vapour andtriple blast brain splitters. [VASTRA] What for? [STRAX] Just generally. Remember, we are going to the north. --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [GILLYFLOWER] Bradford, that Babylon of the moderns with its crystallight and its glitter, all aswarm with the wretched ruins of humanity.Men and women crushed by the devil's juggernaut. [GILLYFLOWER] And moral turpitude can destroy the most delicate oflives. Believe me, I know. I know. [GILLYFLOWER] Me own daughter, blinded in a drunken rage by my latehusband. Her once beautiful eyes, pale and white as mistletoe berries. [GILLYFLOWER] And what, my friends, is your story? Will you be foundwanting when the End of Days is come, when judgement rains down upon usall? Or will you be preserved against the coming apocalypse? Do notdespair. I offer a way out. There is a different path. Sweetville! [GILLYFLOWER] Join us. Join us in this shining city on the hill. (sings)Bring me my bow of burning gold. Bring me my arrows of desire. [GILLYFLOWER] You wish to join us, my dear? [JENNY] If it's all the same with you, ma'am. [GILLYFLOWER] Oh yes, dear. You'll do very nicely. --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [VASTRA] If our stratagem succeeds, Jenny willinfiltrate deep into the black heart of this curious place. [STRAX] And how will she locate the Doctor? [VASTRA] To find him, she needs only ignore all keep-out signs, gothrough every locked door, and run towards any form of danger thatpresents itself. [STRAX] nan [VASTRA] Business as usual. --------------------------------------- (Outside the secret room) [ADA] Did you think I'd forgotten you, dear monster, hmm? --------------------------------------- (Outside a house) [THURSDAY] I have travelled from London expressly to see Madame Vastra.If you'd be so kind as to announce me, my good man. [STRAX] Whom shall I say is calling? --------------------------------------- (Drawing room) [STRAX] It asked for permission to enter and then it fell over. What arewe to make of it? [VASTRA] I imagine Mister Thursday wants to know what progress we aremaking. The question is, how did the Doctor's image come to bepreserved on a dead man's eye? It's a scientific impossibility. Iwonder how Jenny is getting on. [STRAX] If she hasn't make contact by nightfall, I suggest a massivefrontal assault on the factory, madam. Casualties can be kept toperhaps as little as eighty percent. [VASTRA] I think there may be subtler ways of proceeding, Strax. [STRAX] Suit yourself. --------------------------------------- (Factory) [ABIGAIL] I'm dead nervous, aren't you? They have to be sure, you see.Only the best for Sweetville. I hope me teeth don't let me down. I'mAbigail. [JENNY] Pleased to meet you. [ABIGAIL] You're not local, are you. [JENNY] Nah. Up from London. [ABIGAIL] Different here, I bet. [JENNY] Yeah. Like a bleeding horse market. Do you know anyone who'scome to live here? In Sweetville, I mean. [ABIGAIL] I had a pal who come here three month back. She wrote to tellme how perfect it all were. Funny, though. I've not heard a peep fromher since. [PILGRIM [OC]] Next, please! [ABIGAIL] Hang on, we're moving. [ABIGAIL] What're you doing? [JENNY] Do me a favour. Cause a distraction. [ABIGAIL] What? [JENNY] Swoon. Have a funny turn. Fit of the vapours. [ABIGAIL] Are you crackers? [JENNY] Go on. There's a guinea in it for you. [ABIGAIL] Done. --------------------------------------- (Morgue) [AMOS] Them new manufacturers can do horriblethings to a person. Horrible. I've pickled things in here that'd fairturn your hair snowy as top of Buckden Pike. [VASTRA] You know what I'm looking for. [AMOS] Oh, aye. All them bits found in t'canal. The Crimson Horror. [VASTRA] It hardly seems possible. [AMOS] Eh? [VASTRA] I think, I think I've seen these symptoms before. [AMOS] Oh aye? [VASTRA] A long time ago. [AMOS] Oh aye? How long? [VASTRA] About sixty five million years. --------------------------------------- (Dining room) [ADA] I trust you had a pleasant day, Mama? [GILLYFLOWER] Tolerable. [ADA] Will Mister Sweet ever join us for dinner, Mama? [GILLYFLOWER] Mister Sweet is rather tired tonight, I fear. [GILLYFLOWER] Dear me. How clumsy I'm getting. [GILLYFLOWER] To keep the Devil at bay. --------------------------------------- (Outside the secret room) [JENNY] All right, mate. You just stay calm now. (thump and rattle ofchains) I could open this door. Would you like that? (thump) Thoughtyou might. But you and me has got to come to an arrangement. Savvy?(thump) Now, you stand well back, do you hear me? I don't mean no harmto you, but you try anything funny and I'll leave you here to rot. Isthat understood? (thump, thump) Right. --------------------------------------- (Secret room) [JENNY] Doctor! [JENNY] What happened to you? Can't you speak? [JENNY] Right. Right, we're getting out of here. --------------------------------------- (Factory corridor) [JENNY] Come on. [JENNY] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Red glow room) [JENNY] Oh my gawd. --------------------------------------- (Outside the secret room) [ADA] You are all I have, monster, but all will bewell. Imperfect as we are, there will be room for us in the newJerusalem. --------------------------------------- (Secret room) [ADA] No. No! Where are you, monster? Where are you? --------------------------------------- (Red glow room) [JENNY] What is it? You want to go in there? [DOCTOR] Ah! Missed me? [JENNY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jenny. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Just when you think yourfavourite lock-picking Victorian chambermaid will never turn up. Jenny. [DOCTOR] You have no idea how good that feels. Right. Mrs Gillyflower.We've got to stop her. And then there's Clara. Poor Clara. Where'sClara? [JENNY] Clara? Doctor, wait. [DOCTOR] Can't. Clara. Got to find. [JENNY] What happened to you? How long have you been like that? [DOCTOR] Days, weeks, don't know. Long story. I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------- (The Doctor's story) [DOCTOR] Okay, so. Not London 1893. Yorkshire 1893. Near enough. [CLARA] You're making a habit of this, getting us lost. [DOCTOR] Sorry. It's much better than it used to be. Ooo, I once spent ahell of a long time trying to get a gobby Australian to HeathrowAirport. [CLARA] What for? [DOCTOR] Search me. Anyway [DOCTOR] Brave heart, Clara. [EDMUND] It's another one. Don't you see? Another victim. Why won't anyone of you listen? [DOCTOR] We'll listen. [EDMUND] Mrs Winifred Gillyflower. An astonishing woman. Prize winningchemist and mechanical engineer. So why [DOCTOR] Why has she decided to open up a match factory in her old hometown. [EDMUND] And no one who ever goes to live there ever seems to come out. [EDMUND] Same as the rest. All dead from causes unknown and their fleshglowing. [AMOS] Like something manky in a coal cellar. They keep turning up int'canal. The Crimson Horror. [DOCTOR] Ooo, good name. Hey, that's good, isn't it? The Crimson Horror.I wonder what it is. Do you know the old Romany superstition, Clara?That the eye of a dead person retains an image of the last thing itsees. Nonsense, of course, unless the chemical composition of the bodyhas been massively corrupted. [DOCTOR] Wow, this is nasty. An organic poison. A sort of venom. And youthink it's connected to Sweetville? [EDMUND] I do. [DOCTOR] Well then, we need a plan. [GILLYFLOWER] Doctor and Mrs Smith. Oh yes, you'll do very nicely. [DOCTOR] Oh, grand. Smashing. Eh, the missis and I couldn't be morechuffed, could we, love? [GILLYFLOWER] Sweetville will provide you with everything you need. Youwon't have to worry about a thing ever again. [CLARA] The name, Sweetville. [GILLYFLOWER] Yes? [CLARA] Why not name it after yourself. After al, it's your creation. [DOCTOR] Gillyflowertown. Gillyflowerland. You could have rollercoasters. [GILLYFLOWER] It is named in tribute to my partner. [DOCTOR] Your late partner? [GILLYFLOWER] No, my silent partner. Mister Sweet likes to keep himselfto himself. Shall we move on? [DOCTOR] Who lives here? [GILLYFLOWER] Oh, names don't matter here. All you need to know is weonly recruit the brightest and the best. [GILLYFLOWER] Like pretty maids all in a row. The process improves withevery attempt. Mister Sweet is such a clever old thing. Oh, into thecanal with the rejects, Ada. [ADA] Yes. [ADA] Ma. [ADA] Sometimes the preservation process goes wrong. Only Mister Sweetknows why, and only Mama is allowed to talk to Mister Sweet. But ifyou're very good, you can stay here. You'll be my secret. My specialmonster. Shush. --------------------------------------- (Factory) [DOCTOR] Poor Edmund must have come looking for usand then fallen into a vat of the pure venom. Or was pushed. Didn'tstand a chance. [JENNY] What is that stuff, though? [DOCTOR] Deadly poison. And Mrs Gillyflower's been dipping her pilgrimsin a dilute form to protect them. Preserve them. Process didn't work onme. Maybe because I'm not human. I ended up on the reject pile. [JENNY] Preserve them against what? [DOCTOR] Well, according to her, the coming apocalypse. [JENNY] When the End of Days is come and judgement rains down upon usall. [DOCTOR] What? [JENNY] Nothing. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. What? [JENNY] Something Mrs Gillyflower said. One of her sermons. Madame willcome looking for me. We'd best get on. [DOCTOR] Yes, Clara. Got to find Clara. [JENNY] But, Doctor. Clara's dead. Isn't she? [DOCTOR] It's complicated. --------------------------------------- (Corporation Way) [STRAX] Horse, you have failed in your mission. We are lost, with nosign of Sweetville. Do you have any final words before your summaryexecution? The usual story. Fourth one this week, and I'm not evenhungry. [URCHIN] Sweetville, sir? [STRAX] Do you know it? [URCHIN] Turn around when possible. Then, at the end of the road, turnright. [STRAX] What? [URCHIN] Bear left for a quarter of a mile and you will have reachedyour destination. [STRAX] Thank you. What is your name? [URCHIN] Thomas, sir. Thomas Thomas. [STRAX] I think you will do well, Thomas Thomas. --------------------------------------- (Sweetville) [JENNY] Are we talking about the same person? Aboutthat Clara? Doctor! [DOCTOR] I couldn't see much from where I was, but I think she survivedthe process. She must be here somewhere. [JENNY] But Clara died. The Ice Lady? Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, it's er, it's complicated. --------------------------------------- (Terraced house) (Secret room) [GILLYFLOWER] What is the meaning of this? [ADA] Oh, Mama, I have been foolish. I have formed a sentimentalattachment. [GILLYFLOWER] An attachment? To whom? [ADA] A young man. Unlike the others, he survived rejection. He must bestrong. Worthy of salvation. [GILLYFLOWER] Wrecker. Berserker! You have loosed a reject onto theoutside world. [ADA] I have disappointed you. [GILLYFLOWER] My plans must be accelerated. Nothing must interfere withthe Great Work. [ADA] But please say there is still room for me in your new Eden, Mama.Promise me that. [GILLYFLOWER] I'll set my pilgrims onto him. [ADA] No! [GILLYFLOWER] Kindly do not claw and slobber at my crinoline. You know Icannot bear to look at sick people. [ADA] Promise me you will not abandon me, Mama. Promise me that. [GILLYFLOWER] Do you not yet understand? There can be no place forpeople such as you. That only perfection is good enough for myself andMister Sweet. The bright day is done, child, and you are for the dark. --------------------------------------- (Red glow room) [JENNY] Can she be revived, like you were? [DOCTOR] I hope so. [JENNY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, great. Great. Attack of the supermodels. Time for a plan. [JENNY] Nah, Doctor. This one's on me. [DOCTOR] That is a plan. [DOCTOR] Okay, time for a new plan. Run! [STRAX [OC]] Sontar ha! [VASTRA] Let's go. [JENNY] No, ma'am. We're not escaping. We've got to help the Doctor withClara. [DOCTOR] Long story. [STRAX] What now, madam? We could lay mimetic cluster mines. [VASTRA] Strax. [STRAX] Or dig trenches and fill them with acid. [VASTRA] Strax! You're overexcited. Have you been eating Miss Jenny'ssherbet fancies again? [STRAX] No. [VASTRA] Go outside and wait for me until I call for you. [STRAX] But madam, I [VASTRA] Go! [STRAX] I'm going to go play with my grenades. [DOCTOR] Okay, I think she's about done. [DOCTOR] I know who you think she is, but she isn't. She can't be. [VASTRA] I was right, then. You and Clara have unfinished business. [DOCTOR] There, there. Hello, stranger. [CLARA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. [CLARA] Hi. What's going on? [DOCTOR] Oh, haven't you heard, love? There's trouble at mill. She's alizard. --------------------------------------- (Factory corridor) [VASTRA] My people once ruled this world, as wellyou know, but we did not rule it alone. Just as humanity fights a dailybattle against nature, so did we. And our greatest plague, the mostvirulent enemy, was the repulsive red leech. [DOCTOR] Ooo, the Repulsive Red Leech. Nah. On balance I think I preferthe Crimson Horror. What was it, exactly? [VASTRA] A tiny parasite. It infected our drinking water. And once inour systems, it secreted a fatal poison. [DOCTOR] If it's been hanging around, lurking in the shadows, maybe it'sevolved. Or maybe it's had help. [CLARA] Doctor, I've been thinking. The chimney [DOCTOR] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Way past that now. Yucky redparasite from the time of the dinosaurs pitches up in VictorianYorkshire. Didn't see that one coming. [CLARA] Yeah, but the chimney [DOCTOR] But what's the connection to Mrs Gillyflower? Judgement willrain down on us all. An empty mill. [CLARA] A chimney that doesn't blow smoke. [DOCTOR] Clever clogs. [CLARA] Missed me? [DOCTOR] Yeah, lots. --------------------------------------- (Boiler room) [DOCTOR] She's going to poison the air. [JENNY] How? [CLARA] With that, I should think. [DOCTOR] And there's the poison. All right, gang, I've got a plan. [DOCTOR] Shush. Okay. --------------------------------------- (Secret room) [ADA] Who is that? Who is there? [ADA] You. It's you. My monster. You've come back. But you're [DOCTOR] Warm. And alive, thanks to you, Ada. You saved me from yourmother's human rubbish tip. Now then, what's wrong? [ADA] She does not want me, monster. I am not to be chosen. Perhaps itwas my own sin, the blackness in my heart that my father saw in me. [DOCTOR] Ada, no. That's nonsense. Stupid, backward nonsense, and youknow it. You know it. [CLARA] What is it? [ADA] Who is that? [CLARA] I'm, I'm a friend. A friend of his. [ADA] Then you are fortunate indeed. It isn't good to be alone. [DOCTOR] Now, Ada, I need you to tell me something. Who is Mister Sweet?Ada? [ADA] Oh, dear monster [DOCTOR] Please, tell me. [ADA] I cannot. Even now, I cannot. I cannot betray Mama. [DOCTOR] Well, come with us, then. There's something you need to know. --------------------------------------- (Drawing room) [GILLYFLOWER] Oh, you do seem to keep turning up like a bad penny, youngman. [DOCTOR] Force of habit. [GILLYFLOWER] Can I offer you something? Tea? Seed cake? Oh, a glass ofAmontillado? [DOCTOR] No, thanks. We've had a skinful already, as you might say. [GILLYFLOWER] Ha, ha. Very funny. [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm the Doctor, you're nuts and I'm going to stop you. [GILLYFLOWER] I'm afraid Mister Sweet and I cannot allow that. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Would it be impolite to ask why you and Mister Sweetare petrifying your workforce with diluted prehistoric leech venom? [CLARA] So when do we get to meet him, this silent partner of yours?Why's he so shy. [GILLYFLOWER] Mister Sweet is always with us. [DOCTOR] You seem to have a very close relationship, you and your pal. [GILLYFLOWER] Oh yes, Doctor. Exceedingly close. Symbiotic, you mightsay. [CLARA] Doctor, what is it? [GILLYFLOWER] A survivor. He has grown fat on the filth humanity haspumped into the rivers. That's where I found him. [DOCTOR] Very enterprising. [GILLYFLOWER] His needs are simple, and in return he gives me hisnectar. [DOCTOR] Mrs Gillyflower, you have no idea what you are dealing with. Inthe wrong hands, that venom could wipe out all life on this planet. [GILLYFLOWER] Do you know what these are? Ha, ha! The wrong hands. [DOCTOR] Planning a little fireworks party, are we? [GILLYFLOWER] You have forced me to advance the Great Work somewhat,Doctor, but my colossal scheme remains as it was. My rocket willexplode high in the atmosphere, raining down Mister Sweet's beneficenceonto all humanity. [CLARA] And wiping us all out. You can't! [GILLYFLOWER] My new Adam and Eves will sleep for but a few monthsbefore stepping out into a golden dawn. Is it not beautiful, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Now, tell us about Ada, Mrs Gillyflower. [GILLYFLOWER] What? [DOCTOR] Your daughter. You do remember your daughter? Tell us aboutyour daughter. [GILLYFLOWER] How can you speak of such trivia when my hour is at hand?The child is of no consequence. [DOCTOR] Is that why you experimented on her? [CLARA] Experimented? [DOCTOR] The signs are all there. The pattern of scarring. You used heras a guinea pig, didn't you. [CLARA] God. [GILLYFLOWER] Sometimes sacrifices must be made. [DOCTOR] Sacrifices? [GILLYFLOWER] It was necessary. I had to find out how much of the venomwould produce an anti-toxin to immunise myself. Don't you see? It wasnecessary! [ADA] Mama? Is it, is it true? [GILLYFLOWER] Ada. [ADA] It is. It's true. True. [GILLYFLOWER] Ada, listen to me. [ADA] You hag! You perfidious hag! You virago! You harpy! All theseyears I have helped you, served you, looked after you. Do they countfor nothing, nothing at all? [GILLYFLOWER] No, stop. Stop. [DOCTOR] Hang on, I've got a sonic screwdriver. [CLARA] Yeah? I've got a chair! [GILLYFLOWER] No! [DOCTOR] Yeah. That worked. I'm afraid your rocket isn't going anywhere,Mrs G. [GILLYFLOWER] Please, come to me, Ada. Oh, my child. You have alwaysbeen so very useful. [DOCTOR] No, Mrs Gillyflower. [ADA] Please, Mama. No more. No more. [GILLYFLOWER] And now, if you'll please forgive us, we must be going. Itis long past Ada's bedtime. [DOCTOR] No, no, Clara. If we follow straight after her, she'll shootAda on the spot. [CLARA] She wouldn't. [DOCTOR] She would. Chairs are useful. --------------------------------------- (Factory) [GILLYFLOWER] Come along, Ada. Don't dawdle. [ADA] Please, Mama, stop. [GILLYFLOWER] Has the venom been loaded? [PILGRIM] Yes, ma'am. [GILLYFLOWER] Then heaven awaits you. --------------------------------------- (By the rocket) [GILLYFLOWER] Stop! [DOCTOR] Just let her go, Mrs Gillyflower. Let Ada go. [GILLYFLOWER] Secondary firing mechanism, Doctor. Mister Sweet and I aretoo smart for you, after all. [DOCTOR] Just let your daughter go, Mrs Gillyflower. [GILLYFLOWER] Ada! [ADA] Shoot if you wish, Mama. It is of no matter, for you killed me along time ago. [GILLYFLOWER] (sings) I'll labour night and day to be a pilgrim. [GILLYFLOWER] Now, Mister Sweet, now the whole world will taste yourlethal kiss! [DOCTOR] I don't think so, Mrs Gillyflower. [GILLYFLOWER] Very well, then. If I can't take the world with me, youwill have to do. Die, you freaks. Die! Die! [STRAX] Put down your weapon, human female. [DOCTOR] Ouch. [GILLYFLOWER] No. No. Mister Sweet, where are you going? You can't leaveme now, Mister Sweet. [CLARA] What's it doing? [DOCTOR] It knows she's dying. She's no longer of any use to it. [GILLYFLOWER] Mister Sweet. Ada? [GILLYFLOWER] Ada. Are you there? [ADA] I'm here, Mama. [GILLYFLOWER] Forgive me, my child. Forgive me. [ADA] Never. [GILLYFLOWER] That's my girl. [JENNY] What will you do with that thing? [DOCTOR] Take it back to the Jurassic era, maybe. Out of harm's way. [DOCTOR] On the other hand --------------------------------------- (Alleyway) [DOCTOR] Right. Right, London. We were heading forLondon, weren't we? [CLARA] Was there any particular reason? [DOCTOR] No. No. Just thought you might like it. [CLARA] Yeah. Maybe had enough of Victorian values for a bit. [DOCTOR] You're the boss. [CLARA] Am I? [DOCTOR] No. No. Get in. [DOCTOR] Now, Ada, I'd love to stay and help clear up the mess, but [ADA] I know, dear monster. You have things to do. [DOCTOR] And what about you? [ADA] Oh, there are many things a bright young lady can do to occupy hertime. It's time I stepped out of the darkness and into the light. [DOCTOR] Good luck, Ada. You know, I think you will be just [DOCTOR] Splendid. Well, thanks a million, you three, as ever. Have somePontefract cakes on me. I love Pontefract cakes. See you around, eh, Ishouldn't wonder. [JENNY] But Doctor. That girl, Clara. You haven't explained. [DOCTOR] No, I haven't. [DOCTOR] Ah, look at the muck in here. Right! [STRAX] Another one for the vault. [THURSDAY] Ah, there you are. I called to see whether there had been anyprogress. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [CLARA] The boss. Yep, that's me. [CLARA] I am the boss. [ANGIE] It's you, isn't it. It's from the seventies, but it's definitelyyou. [CLARA] Of course it's not. [ARTIE] And that's you too, from 1983. I found it at school. [CLARA] No, that's just someone who looks like me. [ANGIE] And that's someone that looks like your boyfriend. [ARTIE] Is he an alien? [ANGIE] Why would he be an alien? [ARTIE] The chin. [ANGIE] And the time travel? [CLARA] That's not right. [ANGIE] You were in Victorian London. [CLARA] No, I was in Victorian Yorkshire. [ANGIE] How come you didn't tell us? [ARTIE] Time travel, that's so cool. [ANGIE] Can we have a go? [CLARA] Can you have a what? [ARTIE] We want a shot at the time machine. [CLARA] No, no, no, no. Listen [ANGIE] Okay. Or, we'll have to tell Dad that our nanny's a timetraveller.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e12", "title": "The Crimson Horror"}
Doctor Who (11 May, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - Nightmare in Silver [DOCTOR] Well, here we are. Hedgewick's World. The biggest and bestamusement park there will ever be, and we've got a golden ticket. Eh?Eh? Fun. [CLARA] Fun? [ANGIE] Your stupid box can't even get us to the right place. This islike a moon base or something. [DOCTOR] It's not the moon. [ARTIE] Actually, I think it does look like the moon, only dirtier. [DOCTOR] Hey. Guys. It's not the moon, okay? It's a Spacey Zoomer ride,or it was. [WEBLEY] Psst. Excuse I. I don't suppose you happen to be my lift offplanet? Dave's Discount Interstellar Removals? [CLARA] Afraid not. [WEBLEY] They were meant to be here six months ago. Well, that's Davefor you, see? Unreliable. [CAPTAIN [OC]] Stay where you are! [WEBLEY] Oops. [CAPTAIN] Throw down your weapons and identify yourselves. [DOCTOR] No. No weapons. Golden ticket. Spacey Zoomer. Free ice cream? [CAPTAIN] Who are you? This planet is closed, by Imperial order. [DOCTOR] How's this? [CAPTAIN] Oh. Welcome, Proconsul. I wish they'd told us you were coming.Any news of the Emperor? [DOCTOR] Oh, the Emperor. No, no. None that you'd er [CAPTAIN] We pray for his return. If there is anything you need, myplatoon is at your service. [DOCTOR] Right. Righty-o. Well, carry on, Captain. [CAPTAIN] Platoon, let's move out! On the double. Two, three, four. Two,three, four. Two, three, four. [WEBLEY] Have they gone? [DOCTOR] Yes. [WEBLEY] Uniforms give me the heebie-jeebies. Come on. They can't stopme being here, but they don't like it. [DOCTOR] Ha, ha! You see? I told you it was amazing. Well, it used tobe. [WEBLEY] It closed down. Wish I'd known that before I landed here. Butlet me show you my collection. Come along. Follow me. This way. Thisway in, come on. --------------------------------------- (Webley's room) [WEBLEY] Welcome to my show. Webley's World of Wonders. Miracles,marvels and more await you. I am Impresario Webley. You see before youwaxwork representations of the famous and the infamous. Anybody hereplay chess? [WEBLEY] Perhaps you, young man? [ARTIE] Actually, I'm in my school chess club. [WEBLEY] Ah. Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Chess room) [WEBLEY] Now, let demonstrate to you all the wonderof the age, the miracle of modernity. [WEBLEY] We defeated them all a thousand years ago, but now he's back,to destroy you. Behold, the enemy! [DOCTOR] Cyberman! Get down! [WEBLEY] No need to panic, my young friends. We all know there are nomore living Cybermen. What you are seeing is a miracle. The six hundredand ninety ninth wonder of the universe, as displayed before theImperial court, and only here to destroy you at chess. [WEBLEY] Careful now. An empty shell, and yet it moves. How? [ANGIE] Magic. [WEBLEY] That might well be, young lady, but a single penny wins youfive Imperial shillings [WEBLEY] If you can beat this empty shell at chess. [ARTIE] I haven't got a penny, but I've got a sandwich. [WEBLEY] All right, take a seat. It is free of all devices, and yet ithas never been beaten. Would you like to make the first move, youngman? [DOCTOR] Oh no, Artie. No, don't do that, it [DOCTOR] That's a fool's mate. [WEBLEY] If you can tell me how it works, I'll give you a silver penny. [ANGIE] I think you do it with mirrors? [DOCTOR] Hmm. Mirrors. Clever girl. Well, let's see, hey? Low tech. It'sa puppet. Monofilament strings, which means the brains are in [PORRIDGE] Hello. [DOCTOR] Hello. [PORRIDGE] I'm the brains. [DOCTOR] Hello. [PORRIDGE] Give us a hand. [PORRIDGE] They call me Porridge. Oh, it's good to be out of that box. [WEBLEY] For you, Miss, an Imperial penny. --------------------------------------- (Webley's room) [WEBLEY] I have not one but three Cybermen in mycollection. [ANGIE] Is that the King? [PORRIDGE] Emperor. Ludens Nimrod Kendrick, etc, etc, the forty first.Defender of Humanity, Imperator of known space. [CLARA] He looks a bit full of himself. [PORRIDGE] Don't say things like that about the Imperial family. You canend up on the run for the rest of your life. [ARTIE] They don't sound very nice. [PORRIDGE] Go on. If the kids want to ride the Spacey Zoomer, then I canoperate the gravity console. [ARTIE] Angie! --------------------------------------- (Spacey Zoomer) [ARTIE] Wow! [CLARA] Smile! Say, Spacey Zoomer. [ARTIE] Look at us, Doctor. We're flying! [DOCTOR] Having a good time? [ARTIE] I think that was the most fun I've had in my whole life. [ANGIE] It was (pause) okay. [ARTIE] Clara, I think outer space is actually very interesting. [CLARA] Right. Wonderful day out, Doctor, but time to get the kids home. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Er, no. Not actually ready to leave. [CLARA] Why not? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Reasons. [CLARA] What reasons? [DOCTOR] Insects. Funny insects. I should a them to my funny insectcollection. [CLARA] You collect funny insects? [DOCTOR] Yeah, I'm starting to, right now. --------------------------------------- (Webley's room) [ANGIE] How long do we have to stay here? [DOCTOR] Not long. Have a nap. I'll wake you when we're ready to leave. [PORRIDGE] Comfy? [CLARA] Sleep well. [PORRIDGE] Good night. [DOCTOR] Don't wander off. Now, I'm not just saying don't wander off, Imean it. Otherwise you'll wander off and the next thing you know,somebody's going to have to start rescuing somebody. [ANGIE] From what? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Nobody needs rescuing from anything. Don't wander off.Sweet dreams. --------------------------------------- (Chess room) [WEBLEY] Total takings for the day, one sandwich. Better than nosandwich, of course. Not as good as two sandwiches, or even a chicken. [WEBLEY] That's a bit odd. That's not funny. Give me my hands back. [CYBERMAN] Upgrade in progress. --------------------------------------- (Webley's room) [ANGIE] I hate the future. It's stupid. There's not even phone service.I'm out of here. [ARTIE] The Doctor said not to wander off. [ANGIE] He said that, and then he wandered off. [ARTIE] I don't think Clara would like that. [ANGIE] She's not our mum. [ARTIE] Don't leave me here. --------------------------------------- (Hedgewick's World) [CLARA] Was this really the biggest amusement park in the universe? [PORRIDGE] Yeah. Hedgewick bought the planet cheap. It'd been trashed inthe Cyberwars. [CLARA] Who were we fighting? [PORRIDGE] Cybermen. Technologically upgraded warriors. We couldn't win.Sometimes we fought to a draw, but then they'd upgrade themselves, fixtheir weaknesses and destroy us. It's hard to fight an enemy that usesyour armies as spare parts. [CLARA] You beat them, though. Beat them or you wouldn't be here. How? [PORRIDGE] Look up there. That corner of sky? What do you see? [CLARA] Nothing. It's just black. No stars, no nothing. [PORRIDGE] It use to be the Tiberion Spiral Galaxy. A million starsystems, a hundred million worlds, a billion trillion people. It's notthere any more. No more Tiberion Galaxy. No more Cybermen. It waseffective. [CLARA] It's horrible. [PORRIDGE] Yeah. I feel like a monster sometimes. [CLARA] Why? [PORRIDGE] Because instead of mourning a billion trillion dead people, Ijust feel sorry for the poor blighter who had to press the button andblow it all up. [DOCTOR] Clara, did you tell Angie she could go to the barracks? [CLARA] You know I didn't. She hasn't. [DOCTOR] She's just gone in there. [CLARA] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Barracks) [BEAUTY] I can't fix this. [CAPTAIN] It can't be broken. It's a solid state subether ansible classcommunicator. Just run the diagnostics. [BEAUTY] There's nothing left to diagnose. It's not broken, it's empty.All the components have gone. [CAPTAIN] Well, you must have replacement parts. [BEAUTY] Not enough to build a new one. [BRAINS] Captain, the weather controller is malfunctioning again.There's storms, heat waves, snow. [ANGIE] Hello, I'm bored. [CAPTAIN] Where's your big sister? [ANGIE] Clara? She's not my sister. She's stupid. She's talking toPorridge. [CAPTAIN] She talks to her porridge? [ANGIE] Porridge. That little bloke? [CAPTAIN] We need to have a chat. --------------------------------------- (Webley's collection) [ARTIE] I'm not scared, if you're wondering. I just think I ought toturn the lights back on. --------------------------------------- (Barracks) [CAPTAIN] So, tell me about the little bloke. [ANGIE] Well, you must have seen him. [CLARA] Angie! Angie! [ANGIE] She always has to turn up and spoil everything. I wasn't doinganything. Why can't you just leave me alone? [CAPTAIN] Cyberman! [CLARA] Angie! [CAPTAIN] Attack formation. [CAPTAIN] No! Attack formation, quickly. [CYBERMAN] Upgrade in progress. [CLARA] Angie! [CLARA] Angie! [DOCTOR] Clara. Clara! [CAPTAIN] That was a Cyberman. But they're extinct. [DOCTOR] Listen to me. I will get her back. Captain, a word please. Now,correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it your platoon doesn't do muchfighting. [CAPTAIN] What do you expect? [CLARA] What? [CAPTAIN] We're a punishment platoon. It's why they sent us out here, sowe can't get into trouble. [DOCTOR] Right, right, well, okay. As Imperial Consul, I'm putting Clarain charge. [DOCTOR] Clara, stay alive until I get back, and don't let anyone blowup this planet. [CLARA] Is that something they're likely to do? [DOCTOR] Get to somewhere defensible. [CLARA] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] I'm getting Angie, finding Artie and looking for funny insects.Stay alive. And you lot, no blowing up this planet! --------------------------------------- (Chess room) [ANGIE] Put me down! I hate you! [ANGIE] Artie? Artie, what's happening? [ARTIE] Please stand by. You will be upgraded. --------------------------------------- (Barracks) [CAPTAIN] Cyberiad class weaponry. I've taken itout of storage. [CLARA] Good. We need to find somewhere defensible. Where? [CAPTAIN] The beach, the Giant's Cauldron, Natty Longshoe's ComicalCastle. [CLARA] Real castle? Drawbridge? Moat? [CAPTAIN] Yes, but comical. [CLARA] We'll go there. [CAPTAIN] Ma'am, my platoon can deal with one Cyberman, and there areprotocols if we cannot immediately find and destroy it. [CLARA] Blowing up the planet protocols? [CAPTAIN] Respectfully, ma'am. [CLARA] Somewhere defensible. No blowing up the planet. [PORRIDGE] She's your commanding officer now, isn't she, Captain? [CAPTAIN] Yes. Sir. [PORRIDGE] You really saw a Cyberman? [CAPTAIN] We really did. [PORRIDGE] Have you reported it to the Imperium? [CAPTAIN] No communicators. [PORRIDGE] So you're going to do what she says. Right, let's all spendthe night at Natty Longshoe's Comical Castle. --------------------------------------- (Webley's room) [DOCTOR] Artie? [DOCTOR] Firstly, if anybody's watching this, those children are undermy protection. I'm coming to get them. And secondly, little metalmachine, you are beautiful. [DOCTOR] Not even a Cybermat any more, eh? Cybermites. --------------------------------------- (Chess room) [DOCTOR] Now, there's a local transmat link open toyour home. If I can just find the frequency --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [DOCTOR] Hey, that really shouldn't have worked. [ARTIE] Doctor, help us. [DOCTOR] Angie? Artie? [DOCTOR] Webley. [WEBLEY] We needed children, but the children had stopped coming. Youbrought us children. Hail to you, the Doctor, saviour of the Cybermen! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Castle) [CLARA] What would the Empire do if they werealerted? [CAPTAIN] I told you, tell me to blow up the planet. [CLARA] After they got us off. [PORRIDGE] Captain, you want to take that one? [CAPTAIN] No, ma'am. Just blow the sucker up. [CLARA] Drawbridge, moat, brilliant. [BRAINS] With respect, ma'am, we ought to be hunting the creature. [CLARA] The only reason I'm still alive is that I do what the Doctorsays. Can you guarantee me you'd bring back my children alive andunharmed? [CLARA] I trust the Doctor. [CAPTAIN] You think he knows what he's doing? [CLARA] I'm not sure I'd go that far. --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [WEBLEY] As the battle raged between humanity andthe Cyberiad, the Cyberplanners built a Valkyrie, to save criticallydamaged units and bring them here, and one by one, repair them. [DOCTOR] The people who vanished from the amusement park, they werespare parts for repairs. [WEBLEY] We've upgraded ourselves. The next model will be undefeatable. [DOCTOR] Nothing's undefeatable. [WEBLEY] We needed children to build a new Cyberplanner. A child'sbrain, with its infinite potential, is perfect for our needs. But we nolonger need the children. The Cybermites have been scanning your brain,Doctor. It's quite remarkable. [DOCTOR] Also completely useless to you. Cybermen use human parts. I'mnot human. You can't convert non-humans. [WEBLEY] Well, that was true a long time ago. But we've upgradedourselves. Current Cyberunits use almost any living components. [C-DOCTOR] Incorporated. Yes. Ah. Unfamiliar pulmonary set-up. Nervoussystem hyperconductive. Remarkable brain processing speed. Ho, ho.Amazing. [DOCTOR] Get out of my head! --------------------------------------- (Cyberiad) [DOCTOR] Stop rummaging in my mind. [C-DOCTOR] Just you try and stop me. Ooo, who's Clara. Why are youthinking about her so much? [DOCTOR] Enough. [C-DOCTOR] Fascinating. A complete mental block. Highly effective. --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [C-DOCTOR] Relax, relax. If you just relax, youwill find this a perfectly pleasant experience. You are being upgradedand incorporated into the Cyberiad as a Cyberplanner. [DOCTOR] Get out of my head! --------------------------------------- (Cyberiad) [DOCTOR] What is this place, a network? A hive?You're getting signals from every Cyberman everywhere. How many of youare there? --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [C-DOCTOR] Oh, this is brilliant. I'm so cleveralready, and now I'm a million times more clever. And what a brain. Nota human brain, not even slightly human. I mean, I'm going to have tocompletely rework the neural interface, but this is going to be themost efficient Cyberplanner. Not a great name, that, is it? I couldcall myself Mister Clever. So much raw data. Time Lords. There'sinformation on the Time Lords in here. Oh, this is just dreamy. --------------------------------------- (Cyberiad) [DOCTOR] Right, I'm allowing you access to memorieson Time Lord regeneration. [C-DOCTOR] Fantastic! [DOCTOR] I could regenerate right now. A big blast of regenerationenergy, burn out any little Cyberwidgets in my brain, along witheverything you're connected to. Don't want to. You use this me up, whoknows what we'll get next? But I can. --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [C-DOCTOR] Stalemate, then. One of us needs tocontrol this head. We're too well-balanced. What did you say? No, no,no, no, no. I heard you. Rhetorical device to keep me thinking about ita bit more. Stalemate? --------------------------------------- (Cyberiad) [C-DOCTOR] We each control forty nine point eighteight one percent of this brain. Point two three eight of the brain isstill in the balance. Whoever gets this gets the whole thing. [DOCTOR] Do you play chess? [C-DOCTOR] The rules of chess are in my memory banks. You're proposingwe play chess to end the stalemate? [DOCTOR] Winner takes all. Nobody can access that portion of the brainwithout winning the game. --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [C-DOCTOR] You can't win. [DOCTOR] Try me. [C-DOCTOR] You understand, when I do win, the Cyberiad gets your brainsand memories. All of it. [DOCTOR] When I win, you get out of my head, you let the children go,and nobody dies. You got that? Nobody dies! --------------------------------------- (Power station) [BRAINS [on radio]] Castle's clear. Missy, confirmstatus. [MISSY] All clear in the power station. [MISSY] It's Missy. Something's out there. [BRAINS [on radio]] What do you mean? Is it the Cyberman? [MISSY] I don't know. I couldn't see it. It was only for a moment. Can Ihide? Is it okay if I hide? [MISSY] Don't move! I'm in the army! --------------------------------------- (Castle) [BRAINS] Er, ma'am. Missy said she saw something,and then she went quiet. [CLARA] It's on its way, then. Weapons. Show me. Only one gun? [CAPTAIN] Cybermen have been extinct for a thousand years. Even oneAnti-Cyber gun is a miracle. These things are hand-pulsers. Touch theback of a Cyberman's head, the electomagnetic pulse deactivates it. [CLARA] What's this for? Just a mad guess here, it blows up the planet? [CAPTAIN] Implodes it. There's also a trigger unit. [CLARA] I'll have that, then. Is there any other way to activate thebomb? [CAPTAIN] It's set to respond to my voice. I have the verbal code. [CLARA] You will not activate it without a direct order from me. [CAPTAIN] I will follow my orders. [CLARA] Your orders come from me, don't they? [BRAINS] You'll need to sign for that trigger unit, ma'am. [CLARA] Thanks. [PORRIDGE] Mind if I take one of these? Might be handy. [CAPTAIN] Help yourself. I'll teach you how to use it. Upstairs. Now! --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [C-DOCTOR] There. That was easy. The game has just started. Doctor, whyis there no record of you anywhere in the databanks of the Cyberiad?Oh, you're good. Oh, you've been eliminating yourself from history. Youknow you could be reconstructed by the hole you've left. [DOCTOR] Good point. I'll do something about that. --------------------------------------- (Cyberiad) [C-DOCTOR] The rules of chess allow only a finitenumber of moves, and I can use other Cyberunits as remote processors.You cannot possibly win. [DOCTOR] I can. I know things you don't. For example, did you know veryearly versions of the Cyber operating system could be seriouslyscrambled by exposure to things, like gold, or cleaning fluid? Andwhat's interesting is, you're still running some of that code. [C-DOCTOR] Really. That's your secret weapon? Cleaning fluid? --------------------------------------- (Cyberlab) [DOCTOR] Nope, gold. [DOCTOR] Oh ho, ho! Like a charm. Right, you, Cyber Webley, and you kidthings. I'll bring the chessboard. Let's get out of here. --------------------------------------- (Castle battlements) [PORRIDGE] You knew it was me. [CAPTAIN] I was in the Imperial Guard on Caspertine. Mostly justparades, but I had the honour to guard the old Emperor during the icepicnic. [PORRIDGE] When the snow bears came and danced for us. That was a day. [CAPTAIN] We're a punishment platoon. We can't beat a Cyberman. TheImperium has to know what's happening. [PORRIDGE] Like you said, the communicators are out. The only way youcan report this now is to activate the bomb. [CAPTAIN] Yes. [PORRIDGE] And I forbid you to do that. [CLARA] I don't get it. Why would you blow up a whole planet andeverybody on it just to get rid of one Cyberman? [PORRIDGE] We tried other ways, but they only work sometimes, so now wetake drastic action. And it works. [CAPTAIN] If you find a Cyberman and you can't destroy it immediately,you implode the planet. I was sent here because I didn't follow orders.I can make up for that. [CLARA] Put it down. I forbid you. [PORRIDGE] Yeah. What she said. [CAPTAIN] You ran away. I will do what I was brought up to do. Live forthe Empire, fight for the Empire, die for the Empire. This is CaptainAlice Ferrin, Imperial ID one nine delta one three B. Activate [PORRIDGE] Cyberman! Get down! [CLARA] The Doctor said to get somewhere easily defensible, but if wejust stay in the castle it'll pick us off one by one. We have to takeit out. [HA-HA] Is that an order, ma'am? [CLARA] Yes. [HA-HA] Good. [CLARA] You know what to do. [BRAINS] Pulse to the back of the head. Fry the brain circuit interface. [CLARA] It's going to be hard to get in close enough. --------------------------------------- (Hedgewick's World) [HA-HA] I've heard about the Cybermen since I was in my cradle. I'm notafraid of you. [CLARA] Now! [HA-HA] Hold it right there. [CLARA] What's happening to them? [CLARA] One more step and I fire. [HA-HA] Don't fire that. A pulse will deactivate them. [HA-HA] And anyway, it's a waste of charge. We may need it again. [CLARA] You don't think that was the only one, then? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Castle) [DOCTOR] Argh! Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm nice. Please, don't shoot.Hey, Clara, you haven't let them blow up the planet. Good job. [CLARA] Did you get the kids? Are they all right? What's going on? [DOCTOR] Er, a bit of a good news, bad news, good news again thing goingon. So, good news, I've kidnapped the Cyberplanner and right now I'msort of in control of this Cyberman. [CLARA] Bad news? [DOCTOR] Bad news, the Cyberplanner's in my head. And, different badnews, the kids are, well, it's complicated. [CLARA] Complicated how? [DOCTOR] Complicated as in walking coma. [CLARA] Please tell me you can wake them up. [DOCTOR] Hope so. [CLARA] Other good news? [DOCTOR] Well, in other good news, there are a few more repaired andreactivated Cybermen on the way, and the Cyberplanner's installing apatch for the gold thing. No, wait, that isn't good news, is it. Er,so, good news, I have a very good chance of winning my chess match. [CLARA] What? [DOCTOR] I'll explain later. In a bit of a hurry. Get me to a table, andsomebody tie me up! Need hands free for chess. And immobilise me,quickly. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [DOCTOR] Right, that's good. I won't be able to move, but hands free.Good. [CLARA] You're playing chess with yourself? [DOCTOR] And winning. [C-DOCTOR] Actually, he has no better than a twenty five percent chanceof winning at this stage in the game. Some very dodgy moves at thebeginning. Hello, flesh girl. Fantastic. I'm the Cyberplanner. [CLARA] Doctor? [C-DOCTOR] Afraid not. I'm working the mouth now. Allons-y. Oh, youshould see the state of these neurons. He's had some cowboys in here.Ten complete re-jigs. [CLARA] You aren't the Doctor. [C-DOCTOR] No, but I know who you are. You're the impossible girl. Oh,he's very interested in you. [CLARA] Why am I impossible? [C-DOCTOR] Hasn't he told you? The sly devil. Oh, dear me. Listen, soonwe'll wake. We'll strip you down for spare parts, then build aspaceship and move on. [CLARA] More Cybermen. [C-DOCTOR] They're waking from their tomb right now. You can either dieor live on as one of us. [CLARA] The Doctor will stop you. [C-DOCTOR] He can't even access the lips. [DOCTOR] Argh! Ow! Oh, that hurt. No, stop. Enough, Bit of pain, neuralsurge. Just what I needed. Thank you. [CLARA] Why am I the impossible girl? [DOCTOR] It's just a thing in my head. I'll explain later. [CLARA] Chess game. Stakes? [DOCTOR] If he wins, I give up my mind and he gets access to all mymemories, along with knowledge of time travel. But, if I win, he'llbreak his promises to get out of my head and then kill us all anyway. [CLARA] That's not reassuring. [DOCTOR] No. [CLARA] Please tell me you can fix whatever happened to the children. [DOCTOR] Children. Yeah. They're fine. I mean, right now their brainsare just in stand by mode. [CLARA] That is not fine! [C-DOCTOR] Listen, right now they have a much better chance of gettingout of this situation alive than you do. [CLARA] Which one of you said that? [C-DOCTOR] Me. Cyberplanner. Mister Clever. Now, if you don't mind, Ihave a chess game to finish, and you have to die, pointlessly and veryfar from home. Toodle-oo. --------------------------------------- (Castle drawbridge) [CLARA] Apparently there are more Cybermen on theway. [BRAINS] There's at least a dozen more shots left in the gun before itneeds to recharge. [CLARA] We might have more than a dozen Cybermen to worry about. What'sthat cable? [PORRIDGE] Power line for the park. [CLARA] What wouldd happen if we unhooked the end, dropped it into themoat and turned it on? [HA-HA] Fry anything alive that entered the water. [CLARA] Can Cybermen fly? [BRAINS] No, ma'am. [CLARA] First good news of the day. Do it. --------------------------------------- (Cyberiad) [DOCTOR] Stop that. I felt that. [C-DOCTOR] Of course you did. It's time to get up. Wakey, wakey, boysand girls. Wakey, wakey. --------------------------------------- (Castle courtyard) [PORRIDGE] There, get that in you. Warm you up. [CLARA] Oh, thank you, Porridge. [DOCTOR [OC]] Oi, Clara! [CLARA] I'll see what he wants. Call me if there's any change. [PORRIDGE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [DOCTOR] Hey! Clara, there you are. Now, quickrundown. What's our weapons strength? [CLARA] One big gun, five of those hand-pulser units and a shiny blackbomb that implodes the planet. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Yeah, that one. Now, tell me, does it happen possibly tohave a remote triggery thing? [DOCTOR] Brilliant. Pass it here. [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Why not? [CLARA] In case you're not you right now. Or even if you are, just incase. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry. The Cyberplanner's hibernating between movesright now. Shush. [CLARA] Prove you're you. Tell me something only the Doctor knows. [DOCTOR] Clara, I suppose I'm the only one who knows how I feel aboutyou right now. How funny you are. So funny. And pretty. And the truthis, I'm starting to like you in a way that is more than just [DOCTOR] Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Yes! It's me. That really hurt. How did youknow that was him? [CLARA] Because even if that was true, which it is obviously not, I knowyou well enough to know that you would rather die than say it. Finishyour stupid game. [CLARA] Doctor, let go. [DOCTOR] I can't. He's got control of the left arm. Argh, argh, no! No! [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] He got what he wanted. He destroyed the trigger. My move. [CLARA] What do you mean, he got what he wanted? [C-DOCTOR] He means, good news, boys and girls. They're here! --------------------------------------- (Castle) [CLARA] One gun, five hand-pulsers and a planet smashing bomb thatdoesn't work any more. [BRAINS] Why not? [CLARA] Broken trigger unit. [BRAINS] But you signed for that. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [C-DOCTOR] I've learned so much from you, Doctor.It's been an education. But now, it's time for the endgame. --------------------------------------- (Castle) [CLARA] Brilliant. [CYBERMAN] Upgrade in progress. [CLARA] Damn. Who's our best shot? [HA-HA] Probably it's me. [CLARA] Shoot any of them who make it across. The rest of you, takedefensive positions. Porridge? [PORRIDGE] Yes? [CLARA] Keep yourself safe. [PORRIDGE] Alice Ferrin, you should have destroyed this planet when youhad the chance. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [C-DOCTOR] They're nearly here. Now, you can takemy bishop and keep limping on for a little longer, or you can sacrificeyour queen and get the children back. But it's mate in five moves, andI get your mind. [DOCTOR] Takes my queen, and give me back the children. [C-DOCTOR] Emotions. Can't you see what a foolish move that was? You'velost the game. [DOCTOR] Kids back now. [C-DOCTOR] Emotions, Doctor, all for two human children you barely know.And it was a pointless sacrifice anyway. So, Doctor, do you think thechildren's death will affect your relationship with Miss Clara? [WEBLEY] Welcome to Webley's World of Wonders, children. Now presentingdelights, delicacies, and death. [ANGIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Angie, are you okay? Just look after Artie, okay? [DOCTOR] Your move. But before you take it, just so you know,sacrificing my queen was the best possible move I could have made. TheTime Lords invented chess. It's our game. And if you don't avoid mytrap, it gives me mate in three moves. [C-DOCTOR] How? --------------------------------------- (Castle) [HA-HA] I've got no charge left. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [C-DOCTOR] How? [DOCTOR] Oh, come on. Call yourself a chess playing robot? [C-DOCTOR] How! [DOCTOR] You figure it out. Or don't you have the processing power, hmm? --------------------------------------- (Castle) [CYBERMAN] Please stand by. You will be upgraded.Welcome to the Cyberiad. You will be upgraded. Welcome to the Cyberiad.You will be upgraded. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [C-DOCTOR] Doctor. Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor,Doctor. I'm pulling in extra processing power. Three millionCyberbrains are working on one tiny chess problem. How long do youthink it's going to take us to solve it? [DOCTOR] That's cheating. [C-DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no. Just pulling in the local resources. [C-DOCTOR] There's no way you can get to mate in three moves. [DOCTOR] Three moves. Want to know what they are? [C-DOCTOR] You're lying. [DOCTOR] Move one, turn on sonic screwdriver. Move two, activate pulser.Move three, amplify pulser. See you. [C-DOCTOR] That's cheating! [DOCTOR] Just taking advantage of the local resources. Ah, hello. Cansomeone untie me, please? [CLARA] Do you think I'm pretty? [DOCTOR] No. You're too short and bossy, and your nose is all funny. [CLARA] Good enough. What happened to the Cyberplanner? [DOCTOR] Out of my head and redistributed across three million Cybermenright now, and about to wake them all up, kill us and startconstructing a spaceship. We need to destroy this planet before theycan get off it. [DOCTOR] Okay, it has a fallback voice activation. [HA-HA] The Captain, but she's dead. [ANGIE] I think you should ask Porridge. [CLARA] Why? [ANGIE] Well, he is the Emperor. I bet he knows the activation codes.Oh, come on. It's obvious. He looks exactly like he does on the coin,and on the waxwork, except they made him a bit taller, but look, am Ithe only one paying attention to anything around here? [CLARA] You are full of surprises. Porridge? [PORRIDGE] She's right. [CLARA] So you can save us? [PORRIDGE] We all die in the end. Does it matter how? [HA-AH] What do we do? [PORRIDGE] I don't want to be Emperor. If I activate that bomb, it's allover. [DOCTOR] And if you don't, three million Cybermen will spread across thegalaxy. Isn't that worth dying for? [PORRIDGE] Doctor [DOCTOR] Three million Cybermen! [PORRIDGE] The bomb, the throne, it's all connected. I just have to saythis is Emperor Ludens Nimrod Kendrick, called Longstaff the fortyfirst, the Defender of Humanity, Imperator of known space. Activate theDesolator. And it's done. [PORRIDGE] It'll blow in about eighty seconds. Easily long enough forthe Imperial Flagship to locate me from my identification, warp jumpinto orbit, and transmat us to the State Room. --------------------------------------- (State Room) [DOCTOR] Oh yeah. Nice ship. Bit big. Not blueenough. Listen, there is a large blue box at coordinates six ultranineteen P. I need it transmatted up here right away. [PORRIDGE] Right. Did you get that? [PORRIDGE] And that's that. Seventy six, seventy seven, seventy eight,seventy nine [PORRIDGE] Farewell, Cyberiad. You know, it was good to get away. Goodto be a person and not to be lonely, or Emperor of a thousand galaxieswith everyone waiting for me to tell them what to do. [ARTIE] Can't you run away again? [PORRIDGE] They'll be keeping a close eye on me this time. That's whathappens when you're Emperor. Loneliest job in the universe. [CLARA] You don't have to be lonely. [PORRIDGE] I don't. Clara, will you marry me? [CLARA] What? [ARTIE] He said [ANGIE] She heard what he said. [PORRIDGE] You're smart and you're beautiful, and I've never met anyonelike you before. And being Emperor won't be as hard if you're by myside. And you'd rule a thousand galaxies. [DOCTOR] This sounds like an actual marriage proposal. Tricky. Now, ifyou want my advice [CLARA] You, not one word. This is between me and the Emperor. Porridge,I don't want to rule a thousand galaxies. [PORRIDGE] Yeah. Silly of me. [CLARA] I'm really sorry. [ANGIE] But that's stupid. You could be Queen of the universe. How canyou say no to that? When someone asks you if you want to be Queen ofthe universe, you say yes. You watch. One day, I'll be Queen of theuniverse. [PORRIDGE] Of course, I could have you all executed, which is what aproper Emperor would do. [DOCTOR] You're not actually going to do that, though, are you? Oh,you're. Hey? [PORRIDGE] Go on, get out of here, all of you, before I change my mind. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [ARTIE] Thank you for having me. It was veryinteresting. [DOCTOR] My pleasure. Thank you for coming. Now, I've got something foryou. It's not from me, it's from the Tardis. Ah. New phone. [ANGIE] Thanks. [DOCTOR] You're welcome. [ANGIE] Sorry I said this box was stupid. [DOCTOR] Bye. [ANGIE] Bye. Thanks, Clara. [ARTIE] Thanks, Clara's boyfriend. [CLARA] Thank you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] For what? [CLARA] Kid's day out. Getting us off the planet alive. Whatever youwere doing with the Cybermen. Good night. See you next Wednesday. [DOCTOR] Well, a Wednesday, definitely. Next Wednesday, last Wednesday [DOCTOR] One of the Wednesdays. Impossible girl. A mystery wrapped in anenigma squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too tight. Ohyeah. What are you? --------------------------------------- (State Room) [PORRIDGE] Signs of any Cybertech remaining? [GLORIA] No, Majesty. [PORRIDGE] You ever wanted to be Emperor, Gloria? [GLORIA] No, Majesty. [PORRIDGE] That's the right answer. Come on. Let's go home.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e13", "title": "Nightmare in Silver"}
Doctor Who (18 May, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - The Name of the Doctor [CLARA] One day you meet the Doctor. Andof course, it's the best day ever. It's just the best day of your life.Because, because he's brilliant, and he's funny, and mad, and best ofall, he really needs you. The trick is, don't fall in love. I do thattrick quite a lot, sometimes twice a day. And once you start running,you start to forget, slowly. After a while, you just stop asking. Whoare you? Where are you from? What set you on your way and where are yougoing? Oh, and what is your name? You get used to not knowing. Ithought I never would. I was wrong. I know who he is. I know how hebegan and I know where he's going. I know the truth about the Doctorand his greatest secret. The day we went to Trenzalore. [DOCTOR] From the beginning, she was impossible. The Impossible Girl. Imet her in the Dalek Asylum. Never saw her face, and she died. I mether again in Victorian London, and she died. Saved my life both times,by giving her own. But now she's back and we're running together, andshe's perfect. Perfect in every way for me. Except she can't rememberthat we ever met. Clara. My Clara. Always brave, always funny, alwaysexactly what I need. Perfect. Too perfect. Get used to not knowing. Ithought I never would. I was wrong. I know who Clara Oswald is. I knowhow she came to be in my life, and I know what she will always mean. Ifound out the day we went to Trenzalore. --------------------------------------- (Citadel, Gallifrey) [ANDRO] Something wrong? [FABIAN] It's the repair shop. What kind of idiot would steal a faultyTardis? --------------------------------------- (Repair shop) [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor? [DOCTOR 1] Yes, what is it? What do you want? [CLARA] Sorry, but you're about to make a very big mistake. [CLARA [OC]] I don't know where I am. It's like I'mbreaking into a million pieces and there's only one thing I remember. Ihave to save the Doctor. He always looks different. [CLARA] Doctor! [CLARA [OC]] But I always know it's him. Sometimes I think I'meverywhere at once, running every second just to find him. [CLARA] Doctor! [CLARA [OC]] Just to save him. [CLARA] Doctor! [CLARA] Doctor? [CLARA [OC]] But he never hears me. [CLARA] Oi. [CLARA [OC]] Almost never. I blew into this world on a leaf. [CLARA [OC]] I'm still blowing. I don't think I'll ever land. I'm ClaraOswald. I'm the Impossible Girl. I was born to save the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (London 1893 - prison cell) [DeMARCO] Do you hear the Whisper Men? The WhisperMen are near. If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear. Donot hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do. For once you've heardthe Whisper Men, they'll stop and look at you. One word from you couldsave me from the rope. [VASTRA] Then you may rely on my silence. [DeMARCO] I have information. Valuable information. [VASTRA] Are you bargaining for your life? You have the blood offourteen women on your hands. There are no words you can speak thatwill save your neck. [DeMARCO] The Doctor. Ah, yes. I know all about him, your dangerousfriend. [VASTRA] How? [DeMARCO] In the babble of the world, there are whispers, if you knowhow to listen. The Doctor has a secret, you know. [VASTRA] He has many. [DeMARCO] He has one he will take to the grave. And it is discovered.Well? --------------------------------------- (Paternoster Row) [JENNY] We can't let that terrible man live. [VASTRA] He lives till I understand what he told me. We're going to needa conference call. I'll send out the invitations, you fetch thecandles. [JENNY] Yes, ma'am. [VASTRA] Where's Strax got to? [JENNY] The usual. It's his weekend off. [VASTRA] I wish he'd never discovered that place. --------------------------------------- (Glasgow) [STRAX [OC]] Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha! [ARCHIE] Come here while I kill ye, ya filthy wee midden. [STRAX] Prepare to die in agony for the glory of the Sontaran Empire! [MESSENGER BOY] Excuse me. Mister Strax? [STRAX] What is it, girl? Can't you see I'm trying to crush the brainsof this stinking primitive? Sorry about this. [ARCHIE] No problem. [MESSENGER BOY] It's a telegram, sir. Very urgent. [STRAX] Conference call. Sorry, Archie. I'm going to have to ask you torender me unconscious. [ARCHIE] Fine. [STRAX] Better use this. [STRAX] It might take a while. --------------------------------------- (Paternoster Row) [VASTRA] Sleep well, my love. [JENNY] You too. --------------------------------------- (Higher plane) [WHISPER [OC]] The trap is set for the Doctor's friends. They willtravel where the Doctor ends. [JENNY] Oh, I like the new desktop. [VASTRA] I was getting a little bored of the Taj Mahal. The tea shouldbe superb. It's drawn from one of my favourite memories. Strax, good ofyou to join us. [STRAX] It had better be important. I was in the middle of destroyingsome very pleasant primitives. [VASTRA] I apologise for the interruption, but there is urgent newsconcerning the Doctor. [STRAX] Who else is coming? [VASTRA] The women. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [ANGIE] Oh, no. You're going to try and make a soufflé again, aren'tyou? [CLARA] My mum's soufflé, yeah. Although this time I'll get it right.This time I will be Soufflé Girl. [ARTIE] How can it be your mum's soufflé if you're making it? [CLARA] Because, Artie, it's like my mum always said. The soufflé isn'tthe soufflé, the soufflé is the recipe. [ANGIE] Was your mum deep on puddings? [CLARA] She was a great woman. [CLARA] What's this? [ANGIE] Oh, it arrived today. It's for you. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [VASTRA [OC]] My dearest Clara. The Doctorentrusted me with your contact details in the event of an emergency,and I fear one has now arisen. Assuming this letter will have reachedyou as planned, on April the tenth, 2013, please find and light theenclosed candle. It will release a soporific which will induce a trancestate, enabling direct communication across the years. However, as Irealise you have no reason to trust this letter, I have taken theliberty of embedding the same soporific into the fabric of the paperyou are now holding. Speak soon. --------------------------------------- (Higher plane) [VASTRA] So glad you could make it. [CLARA] Where am I? [JENNY] Exactly where you were, but sleeping. [VASTRA] Time travel has always been possible in dreams. We are awaitingonly one more participant. [STRAX] Oh, no. Not the one with the gigantic head? [JENNY] It's hair, Strax. [STRAX] Hair. [RIVER] Madame Vastra. [VASTRA] Professor. Help yourself to some tea. [RIVER] Why, thank you. [JENNY] How did you do that? [RIVER] Disgracefully. [VASTRA] Ah. Perhaps you two haven't met. This is the Doctor'scompanion. That is, his current travelling assistant. [CLARA] Assistant? [STRAX] Have you gone a darker green? [VASTRA] Clara Oswald. [RIVER] Professor River Song. The Doctor might have mentioned me? [CLARA] Oh, yeah. Oh yeah, of course he has. Professor Song. Sorry, it'sjust I never realised you were a woman. [STRAX] Well, neither did I. [VASTRA] Perhaps we should get down to the business at hand. [JENNY] That might be good, dear, yes. [VASTRA] Clarence DeMarco. Murderer, under sentence of death. He offeredus this in exchange for his life. [RIVER] Space time coordinates. [VASTRA] This, Mister DeMarco claims, is the location of the Doctor'sgreatest secret. [CLARA] Which is? [JENNY] We don't know. It's a secret. [VASTRA] The Doctor does not discuss his secrets with anyone, my dear.If you're still entertaining the idea that you are an exception to thisrule, ask yourself one question. What is his name? [RIVER] Well, I know it. [CLARA] What, you know his name? He told you? [RIVER] I made him. [CLARA] How? [RIVER] It took a while. [CLARA] So you're a friend of his, then? [RIVER] A little more than a friend, a long time ago. [VASTRA] He's still never contacted you? [RIVER] He doesn't like endings. [RIVER] So what else did this DeMarco tell you? He didn't just buy hislife with some coordinates. How did he prove their value? [VASTRA] One word, only. [RIVER] What word? [VASTRA] A word I've heard in connection with the Doctor before.Trenzalore. [RIVER] How exactly did he describe what he was giving you? [HOLO-DeMARCO] The Doctor has a secret, you know. He has one he willtake to the grave. And it is discovered. [RIVER] You misunderstood. [JENNY] Ma'am, I'm sorry. I just realise I forgot to lock the doors. [VASTRA] It doesn't matter, Jenny. What misunderstanding? Tell me. [JENNY] No, ma'am, please. I should've locked up before we went into thetrance. [VASTRA] Jenny, it doesn't matter! [JENNY] Someone's broken in. Someone's with us. I can hear them. [VASTRA] Jenny, are you all right? [JENNY] Sorry, ma'am. So sorry. So sorry. So sorry. I think I've beenmurdered. [VASTRA] Jenny! [CLARA] What's happened to her. [RIVER] Jenny, can you hear me? [STRAX] Speak to us, boy! [VASTRA] Jenny! [RIVER] You're under attack. You must wake up now. Just wake up. Do it! --------------------------------------- (Paternoster Row) [VASTRA] Who are you? What have you done to her? --------------------------------------- (Higher plane) [RIVER] You too, Strax. Wake up now! [WHISPER MEN] Tell the Doctor. Tell the Doctor. Tell the Doctor. [CLARA] Tell him what? [HOLO-SIMEON] His friends are lost for ever more, unless he goes toTrenzalore. [RIVER] No! You can't say that. He can't go there. You know he can't. [DOCTOR [OC]] Angie? Artie? [RIVER] The Doctor can never go to Trenzalore. [DOCTOR [OC]] Am I getting warm? --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Angie? Artie? Am I getting warm? Am I getting warm? [DOCTOR] Am I getting warm? Look, I'm pretty sure you have to tell me ifI'm getting warm. I'm, I'm, I'm pretty sure that's in the rules. [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Ha! Clara. How are you? Don't worry, everything is undercontrol. [CLARA] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Oh. Mister Maitland went next door, so I said I'd look afterthe kids. They wanted to go to the cinema, but I said no. I said no,not until you wake up. I was very firm. [CLARA] At which point they suggested Blind Man's Buff. [DOCTOR] Yes. Where are they? [CLARA] At the cinema. [DOCTOR] The little Daleks. What's wrong? [CLARA] So who was she, the lady with the funny name and the space hair? [DOCTOR] An old friend of mine. [CLARA] What, like an ex? [DOCTOR] Yes, an ex. River asked Vastra for the exact words. What werethey? [CLARA] The Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. It isdiscovered. Doctor? [DOCTOR] Sorry. And it was Trenzalore? Definitely Trenzalore? [CLARA] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. Sorry. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Well? [DOCTOR] Trenzalore. I've heard the name, of course. Dorium mentionedit. A few others. Always suspected what it was, never wanted to findout myself. River would know, though. River always knew. Right, comehere. Give me your hand. Now, the coordinates you saw will still be inyour memory. I'm linking you into the Tardis telepathic circuit. Won'thurt a bit. [CLARA] Ow! [DOCTOR] I lied. [CLARA] Okay, what is Trenzalore? Is that your big secret? [DOCTOR] No. [CLARA] Okay, what then? [DOCTOR] When you are a time traveller, there is one place you mustnever go. One place in all of space and time you must never, ever findyourself. [CLARA] Where? [DOCTOR] You didn't listen, did you? You lot never do. That's theproblem. The Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. It isdiscovered. He wasn't talking about my secret. No, no, no, that's notwhat's been found. He was talking about my grave. Trenzalore is whereI'm buried. [CLARA] How can you have a grave? [DOCTOR] Because we all do, somewhere out there in the future, waitingfor us. [DOCTOR] The trouble with time travel, you can actually end up visiting. [CLARA] But you're not going to. You just said it's the one place youmust never go. [DOCTOR] I have to save Vastra and Strax. Jenny too, if it's stillpossible. They, they cared for me during the dark times. Neverquestioned me, never judged me, they were just kind. I owe them. I havea duty. No point in telling you this is too dangerous. [CLARA] None at all. How can we save them? [DOCTOR] Apparently, by breaking into my own tomb. [CLARA] What's that? [DOCTOR] She's just figured out where we're going. She's against it. I'mabout to cross my own timeline in the biggest way possible. The Tardisdoesn't like it. She's fighting it. Hang on! Hang on! [CLARA] Now what? [DOCTOR] She doesn't want to land. She's shut down. [CLARA] So we're not there? [DOCTOR] We must be close. [DOCTOR] Okay, so that's where I end up. [DOCTOR] Always thought maybe I'd retire. Take up watercolours orbee-keeping, or something. Apparently not. [CLARA] So, how do we get down there? Jump? [DOCTOR] Don't be silly. We fall. [DOCTOR] She's turned off practically everything, except the anti-gravs.Guess what I'm turning off. --------------------------------------- (Trenzalore) [DOCTOR] Oops. [CLARA] You okay? You're visiting your own grave. Anyone would bescared. [DOCTOR] It's more than that. I'm a time traveller. I've probablytime-travelled more than anyone else. [CLARA] Meaning? [DOCTOR] Meaning my grave is potentially the most dangerous place in theuniverse. Shall we? [CLARA] Gravestones are a big basic? [DOCTOR] It's a battlefield graveyard. My final battle. [CLARA] Why are some of them bigger? [DOCTOR] They're soldiers. The bigger the gravestone, the higher therank. [CLARA] It's a hell of a monument. [DOCTOR] It's the Tardis. [CLARA] I can see that. [DOCTOR] No. When a Tardis is dying, sometimes the dimension dams startbreaking down. They used to call it a size leak. All the bigger on theinside starts leaking to the outside. It grows. When I say that's theTardis, I don't mean it looks like the Tardis, I mean it actually isthe Tardis. My Tardis from the future. What else would they bury me in? [RIVER] Clara. Don't speak, don't say my name. He can't see or hear me.Only you can. [DOCTOR [OC]] Well, come on, then. [RIVER] We're mentally linked. It's the conference call. I kept the lineopen. [DOCTOR] Who are you talking to? We need to get. River. [CLARA] That can't be right. [DOCTOR] No, it can't. [CLARA] She's not dead. [DOCTOR] Oh, she's dead, I'm afraid. She's been dead for a very longtime. [RIVER] Yeah, probably should have mentioned that. Never the right time. [CLARA] But I met her. [DOCTOR] Long story. But her grave can't be here. [CLARA] Doctor! [WHISPER MEN] This man must fall as all men must. The fate of all isalways dust. [RIVER] If it isn't my gravestone, then what is it? [CLARA] What do you think that gravestone really is? [DOCTOR] The gravestone? [RIVER] Maybe it's a false grave. [CLARA] Maybe it's a false grave. [DOCTOR] Yeah, maybe. [RIVER] Maybe it's a secret entrance to the tomb. [CLARA] Maybe it's a secret entrance to the tomb! [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Makes sense. They'd never bury my wife outhere. [CLARA] Your what? [WHISPER MEN] The man who lies will lie no more when this man lies atTrenzalore. --------------------------------------- (Outside the tomb) [STRAX] This base is surrounded! Lay down your weapons and your deathswill be merciful! [VASTRA] Jenny. Jenny! [STRAX] This planet is now property of the Sontaran Empire. Surrenderyour women and intellectuals. [VASTRA] Strax, please! She's dead. [STRAX] No heart beat. Complete cardio-collapse, shock induced. [VASTRA] Get her back for me. Get her back for me now or I will cut youinto pieces. [STRAX] Unhand me, ridiculous reptile. [STRAX] There we go. Just a standard electro-cardio restart. She'll befine. [VASTRA] Are you all right, my love? Can you hear me? [STRAX] The heart is a relatively simple thing. [VASTRA] I have not found it to be so. [SIMEON] I see you have repaired your pet. No matter. I was onlyattracting your attention. I presume I have it. [VASTRA] Doctor Simeon. This is not possible. [SIMEON] And yet here we are, meeting again, so very far from home. [JENNY] But he died. You told me. [VASTRA] Simeon died, but the creature that possessed him lived on. Itake it I am now talking to the Great Intelligence? [SIMEON] Welcome to the final resting place of the cruel tyrant. Of theslaughterer of the ten billion, and the vessel of the final darkness.Welcome to the tomb of the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Catacombs) [CLARA] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Catacombs. [CLARA] I hate catacombs. So how come I met your dead wife? [DOCTOR] Oh well, you know how it is when you lose someone close to you.I sort of made a back-up. [RIVER] I died saving him. In return, he saved me to a database in thebiggest library in the universe. Left me like a book on a shelf. Didn'teven say goodbye. He doesn't like endings. [DOCTOR] Clara, come on! Run, run! --------------------------------------- (Outside the tomb) [SIMEON] It was a minor skirmish, by the Doctor'sblood-soaked standards. Not exactly the Time War, but enough to finishhim. In the end, it was too much for the old man. [JENNY] Blood-soaked? [VASTRA] The Doctor has been many things, but never blood-soaked. [SIMEON] Tell that to the leader of the Sycorax, or Solomon the trader,or the Cybermen, or the Daleks. The Doctor lives his life in darkerhues, day upon day, and he will have other names before the end. TheStorm, the Beast, the Valeyard. [VASTRA] Even if any of this were true, which I take the liberty ofdoubting, how did you come by this information? [SIMEON] I am information. [JENNY] You were a mind without a body last time we met. [VASTRA] And you were supposed to stay that way. [SIMEON] Alas, I did. [SIMEON] As you can see. --------------------------------------- (Tomb basement) [DOCTOR] Come on, quickly, we're in. [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Clara! [DOCTOR] Yowzah. [DOCTOR] Still a bit of a climb. I think I remember the way. Clara?Clara. [DOCTOR] Hey, it's okay. You're fine. The dimensioning forces this deepin the Tardis, they can make you a bit giddy. [CLARA] I know, I know. How do I know? How do I know that? [DOCTOR] Clara, it's okay. You're fine. [CLARA] Have we, have we done this before? We have. We have done thisbefore. Climbing through a wrecked Tardis. [CLARA] You said things, things I'm not supposed to remember. [DOCTOR] We can't do this now. The Tardis is a ruin. The telepathiccircuits are awakening memories you shouldn't even have. [DOCTOR [memory]] Why do I keep meeting you? [DOCTOR] Clara. [DOCTOR [memory]] The Dalek Asylum. There was a girl in a shipwreck andshe died saving my life. And she was you. [DOCTOR] Clara. [DOCTOR [memory]] In Victorian London there was a governess, who wasreally a barmaid, and she died. And she was you. [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara, what's wrong? [CLARA] What do you mean, you keep meeting me? You said I died. Howcould I die? [DOCTOR] That is not a conversation you should even remember. [CLARA] What do you mean I died? [WHISPER MEN] The girl who died he tried to save. She'll die againinside his grave. [DOCTOR] Run. Run! --------------------------------------- (Outside the tomb) [SIMEON] The doors require a key. The key is aword. And the word is the Doctor's. [DOCTOR] Here I am, late to my own funeral. Glad you could make it.Jenny. [SIMEON] Open the door, Doctor. Speak, and open your tomb. [DOCTOR] No. [SIMEON] Because you know what's in there? [DOCTOR] I will not open those doors. [SIMEON] The key is a word lost to time. A secret hidden in the deepestshadow and know to you alone. The answer to a question. [DOCTOR] I will not open my tomb. [SIMEON] Doctor, what is your name? The Doctor's friends. Stop theirhearts. [STRAX] Madam, boys, combat formation. They are unarmed. [JENNY] So are we! [STRAX] Do not divulge our military secrets. [DOCTOR] Stop this. Leave them alone. [SIMEON] Your name, Doctor. Answer me. [CLARA] Doctor? [STRAX] Do you want me to do that again? [SIMEON] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Please, stop it. [SIMEON] Doctor who? [STRAX] Unhand me, sir. Argh. [DOCTOR] Leave him alone. Let him be. [STRAX] Don't worry, sir. I think I've got him rattled. [CLARA] Doctor! Doctor! [SIMEON] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Please! [RIVER] The Tardis can still hear me. Lucky thing, since him indoors isbeing so useless. [STRAX] Why did you open the door, sir? I had them on the run. [DOCTOR] I didn't do it. I didn't say my name. [RIVER] No, but I did. [DOCTOR] Is everyone all right? Is everyone okay? Clara? Clara? Clara,are you okay? [CLARA] That was not nice. [DOCTOR] I know. I'm sorry. Now then, Doctor Simeon, or Mister GIntelligence, whatever I call you, do you know what's in there? [SIMEON] For me, peace at last. For you, pain everlasting. Won't youinvite us in? --------------------------------------- (Tomb) [CLARA] What's that? [DOCTOR] What were you expecting, a body? Bodies are boring. I've hadloads of them. Nah, that's not what my tomb is for. [VASTRA] But what is the light? [JENNY] It's beautiful. [STRAX] Should I destroy it? [VASTRA] Shut up, Strax. [CLARA] Doctor, explain. What is that? [DOCTOR] The tracks of my tears. [SIMEON] Less poetry, Doctor. Just tell them. [DOCTOR] Time travel is damage. It's like a tear in the fabric ofreality. That is the scar tissue of my journey through the universe. Mypath through time and space from Gallifrey to Trenzalore. [DOCTOR 1 [OC]] Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers inthe fourth dimension? [DOCTOR 4 [OC]] Do I have the right? [DOCTOR 6 [OC]] Daleks, Cybermen, they're still in the nursery comparedto us. [DOCTOR 2 [OC]] There are corners of the universe that have bred themost dangerous things. [DOCTOR 9 [OC]] You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. [DOCTOR 10 [OC]] I'm the Doctor. I'm from Gallifrey in the constellationof Kasterborous [DOCTOR 11 [OC]] Hello, Stonehenge! [DOCTOR] My own personal time tunnel. All the days, [DOCTOR 3 [OC]] It was the daisiest daisy I'd ever seen. [DOCTOR] Even the ones that I, er, even the ones that I haven't livedyet. [CLARA] Doctor. Doctor! [DOCTOR] No, no. Which is why I shouldn't be here. The paradoxes. It'svery bad. [DOCTOR] No. No. No. What are you doing? Somebody stop him! [SIMEON] The Doctor's life is a open wound. And an open wound can beentered. [DOCTOR] No, it would destroy you. [SIMEON] Not at all. It will kill me. It will destroy you. I can rewriteyour every living moment. I can turn every one of you victories intodefeats. Poison every friendship. Deliver pain to your every breath. [DOCTOR] It will burn you up. Once you go through, you can't come back.You will be scattered along my timeline like confetti. [SIMEON] It matters not, Doctor. You thwarted me at every turn. Now youwill give me peace, as I take my revenge on every second of your life.Goodbye. Goodbye, Doctor. [CLARA] What's wrong with him? What's happening? [VASTRA] He's being rewritten. Simeon is attacking his entire timeline.He's dying all at once. The Dalek Asylum. Androzani. [CLARA] What did you say? Did you say the Dalek Asylum? [VASTRA] Now he's dying in London, with us. [SIMEON [OC]] It is done. [VASTRA] Oh, dear Goddess. [JENNY] What's wrong? [VASTRA] A universe without the Doctor. There will be consequences.Jenny, with me. [CLARA] The Dalek Asylum. You said it was me that saved you. How?Victorian London. How, how could I have been in Victorian London? [DOCTOR] No. Please, stop. My life, my whole life is burning. --------------------------------------- (Outside the tomb) [JENNY] What are you scanning for? [VASTRA] Local star systems. [STRAX] Why? [VASTRA] Because they're disappearing. [JENNY] Disappearing how? [VASTRA] The Doctor's timeline has been corrupted. His every victoryreversed. Think how many lives that man saved. How many worlds. Hesaved your life when we met. Jenny? [VASTRA] Please, Jenny, no! Oh God, oh please, no. [STRAX] Reptile scum. [STRAX] You are an affront to Sontaran purity. Prepare to perish! [VASTRA] We're friends. Strax, your past is changing, but I swear, weare comrades! [STRAX] Die, reptile. [VASTRA] Strax! Strax! --------------------------------------- (Tomb) [CLARA] I have to go in there. [DOCTOR] Please, please, no. [CLARA] But this is what I've already done. You've already seen me doit. I'm the Impossible Girl, and this is why. [RIVER] Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't. [CLARA] If I step in there, what happens? [RIVER] The time winds will tear you into a million pieces. A millionversions of you, living and dying all over time and space, like echoes. [CLARA] But the echoes could save the Doctor, right? [RIVER] But they won't be you. The real you will die. They'll just becopies. [CLARA] But they'll be real enough to save him. It's like my mum said.The soufflé isn't the soufflé, the soufflé is the recipe. It's the onlyway to save him, isn't it? [VASTRA] The stars are going out. And Jenny and Strax are dead. Theremust be something we can do. [CLARA] Well, how about that? I'm soufflé girl after all. [DOCTOR] No. Please. [CLARA] If this works, get out of here as fast as you can. And spare mea thought now and then. [DOCTOR] No, Clara. [CLARA] In fact, you know what? Run. Run, you clever boy, and rememberme. [DOCTOR] No. Clara! [CLARA [OC]] I don't know where I am. [DOCTOR] Clara! [CLARA [OC]] I just know I'm running. Sometimes it's like I've lived athousand lives in a thousand places. I'm born, I live, I die. Andalways, there's the Doctor. Always I'm running to save the Doctor againand again and again. Oi! And he hardly ever hears me. But I've alwaysbeen there. --------------------------------------- (Gallifrey - Tardis repair shop) [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR 1] Yes, what is it? What do you want? [CLARA [OC]] Right from the very beginning. [CLARA] Sorry, but you're about to make a very big mistake. Don't stealthat one, steal this one. The navigation system's knackered, but you'llhave much more fun. [CLARA [OC]] Right from the day he started running. [CLARA [Dalek Asylum]] Run, you clever boy. --------------------------------------- (Tomb) [CLARA] And remember me. [STRAX] It was an unprovoked and violent attack, but that's no excuse. [VASTRA] We're all restored. That's all that matters now. [DOCTOR] We are not all restored. [RIVER] You can't go in there. It's your own time stream, for God'ssake. [DOCTOR] I have to get her back. [RIVER] Of course, but not like this. [JENNY] But how? [VASTRA] Is she still alive? It killed Doctor Simeon. [DOCTOR] Clara's got one advantage over the Great Intelligence. [VASTRA] Which is? [DOCTOR] Me. [RIVER] Doctor, please listen to me. At least hear me. [DOCTOR] Now, if I don't come back, and I might not [RIVER] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Go to the Tardis. The fast return protocols should be on.She'll take you home, then shut herself down. [RIVER] There has to be another way. Use the Tardis, use something. Saveher, yes, but for God's sake be sensible. [RIVER] How are you even doing that? I'm not really here. [DOCTOR] You are always here to me. And I always listen, and I canalways see you. [RIVER] Then why didn't you speak to me? [DOCTOR] Because I thought it would hurt too much. [RIVER] I believe I could have coped. [DOCTOR] No, I thought it would hurt me. And I was right. [DOCTOR] Since nobody else in this room can see you, God knows how thatlooked. There is a time to live and a time to sleep. You are an echo,River. Like Clara. Like all of us, in the end. My fault, I know, butyou should've faded by now. [RIVER] It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye. [DOCTOR] Then tell me, because I don't know. How do I say it? [RIVER] There's only one way I'd accept. If you ever loved me, say itlike you're going to come back. [DOCTOR] Well, then. See you around, Professor River Song. [RIVER] Till the next time, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Don't wait up. [RIVER] Oh, there's one more thing. [DOCTOR] Isn't there always? [RIVER] I was mentally linked with Clara. If she's really dead, then howcan I still be here? [DOCTOR] Okay, how? [RIVER] Spoilers. Goodbye, sweetie. [CLARA [OC]] I don't know where I am. I don't knowwhere I'm going or where I've been. I was born to save the Doctor, butthe Doctor is safe now. I'm the Impossible Girl, and my story is done. --------------------------------------- (Time stream) [CLARA] Doctor? [CLARA] Doctor! Please, please, I don't know where I am. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara. You can hear me. I know you can. [CLARA] I can't see you. [DOCTOR [OC]] I'm everywhere. You're inside my time stream. Everythingaround you is me. [CLARA] I can see you. [CLARA] All your different faces, they're here. [DOCTOR [OC]] Those are my ghosts. My past. Every good day, every badday. [CLARA] What's wrong? What's happening? [DOCTOR [OC]] I'm inside my own time stream. It's collapsing in onitself. [CLARA] Well, get out then. [DOCTOR [OC]] Not until I've got you. [CLARA] I don't even know who I am. [DOCTOR [OC]] You're my Impossible Girl. I'm sending you something. Notfrom my past, from yours. Look up. Look. [DOCTOR [OC]] This is you, Clara. Everything you were or will be. Takeit. You blew into the world on this leaf. Hold tight. It will take youhome. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara! Clara! Come on. Come on, to me, now. [DOCTOR] You can do it. I know you can. [CLARA] How? [DOCTOR] Because it's impossible. And you're my Impossible Girl. Howmany times have you saved me, Clara? Just this once, just for the hellof it, let me save you. You have to trust me, Clara. I'm real. Just onemore step. [DOCTOR] Clara, my Clara. [CLARA] Who's that? [DOCTOR] Never mind. Let's go back. [CLARA] But who is he? [DOCTOR] He's me. There's only me here, that's the point. Now let's getback. [CLARA] But I never saw that one. I saw all of you. Eleven faces, all ofthem you. You're the eleventh Doctor. [DOCTOR] I said he was me. I never said he was the Doctor. [CLARA] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Look, my name, my real name, that is not the point. The name Ichose is the Doctor. The name you choose, it's like, it's like apromise you make. He's the one who broke the promise. [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara? Clara! [DOCTOR] He is my secret. [NOT DOCTOR] What I did, I did without choice. [DOCTOR] I know. [NOT DOCTOR] In the name of peace and sanity. [DOCTOR] But not in the name of the Doctor.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e14", "title": "The Name of the Doctor"}
Doctor Who (23 Nov, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - The Day of the Doctor [CLARA [OC]] Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be.Be one. Marcus Aurelius. --------------------------------------- (Classroom) [CLARA] Have you been running? [TOM] Are you okay? There was a call for you at the office, from yourdoctor. [CLARA] Did he leave an address? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Draught. [DOCTOR] Fancy a week in ancient Mesopotamia followed by future Mars? [CLARA] Will there be cocktails? [DOCTOR] On the Moon. [CLARA] The Moon'll do. [DOCTOR] How's the new job? Teach anything good? [CLARA] No. Learn anything? [DOCTOR] Not a thing. [CLARA] What's happening? [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa. We're taking off, but the engines aren't going. [PILOT [OC]] Windmill Eleven to Greyhouse leader. Blue Eagle isairborne. Ready toreceive. We're on our way. --------------------------------------- (Outside the White Tower) [OSGOOD] Hello? Kate Stewart's phone. Oh, hold on.Excuse me. Ma'am. Ma'am! [KATE] The ravens are looking a bit sluggish. Tell Malcolm they need newbatteries. [OSGOOD] It's him. Sorry, it's your personal phone, but, well, Irecognised the ring tone. It's him, isn't it? [KATE] Inhaler. [KATE] Doctor, hello. We found the Tardis in a field. I'm having itbrought in. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] No kidding. [KATE [OC]] Where are you? --------------------------------------- (Outside the White Tower / Tardis) [KATE] Oh, my god! Oh, Doctor, I'm so sorry. We hadno idea you were still in there. Come on. [PILOT [OC]] Roger. New heading two zero seven. Changing course. [KATE] Doctor, can you hear me? I don't think he can hear me. [DOCTOR] Next time, would it kill you to knock? [KATE] I'm having you taken directly to the scene. Doctor, hello, areyou okay? [DOCTOR] Whoa! I'm just going to pop you on hold. [KATE] Doctor? [CLARA] Doctor! [SOLDIER] Atten - shun! [DOCTOR] Why am I saluting? [KATE] Doctor, as Chief Scientific Officer, may I extend the officialapologies of UNIT [DOCTOR] Kate Lethbridge Stewart, a word to the wise. As I'm sure yourfather would have told you, I don't like being picked up. [CLARA] That probably sounded better in his head. [KATE] I'm acting on instructions direct from the throne. Sealed ordersfrom her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the First. [CLARA] The Queen? The First? Sorry, Elizabeth the First? [KATE] Her credentials are inside. [KATE] No. Inside. [DOCTOR] (to Osgood) Nice scarf. [KATE] What's our cover story for this? [OSGOOD] Er, Derren Brown. [KATE] Again? [OSGOOD] Oh, we've sent him flowers. [SOLDIER] Atten-shun! Right, I want a secure perimeter around thegallery. --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [CLARA] Did you know her, Elizabeth the First? [DOCTOR] Unified Intelligence Task Force. [CLARA] Sorry? [DOCTOR] This lot. UNIT. They investigate alien stuff. Anything alien. [CLARA] What, like you? [DOCTOR] I work for them. [CLARA] You have a job? [DOCTOR] Why shouldn't I have a job? I'd be brilliant at having a job. [CLARA] You don't have a job. [DOCTOR] I do. This is my job. I'm doing it now. [DOCTOR] I do. I do. [KATE] Elizabeth's credentials, Doctor. [CLARA] But, but that's not possible. [DOCTOR] No more. [KATE] That's the title. [DOCTOR] I know the title. [KATE] Also known as Gallifrey Falls. [DOCTOR] This painting doesn't belong here, not in this time or place. [CLARA] Obviously. [DOCTOR] It's the fall of Arcadia, Gallifrey's second city. [CLARA] But how is it doing that? How is that possible? It's an oilpainting in 3D. [DOCTOR] Time Lord art. Bigger on the inside. A slice of real time,frozen. [KATE] Elizabeth told us where to find it, and its significance. [CLARA] You okay? [DOCTOR] He was there. [CLARA] Who was? [DOCTOR] Me. The other me. The one I don't talk about. [CLARA] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] I've had many faces, many lives. I don't admit to all of them.There's one life I've tried very hard to forget. He was the Doctor whofought in the Time War, and that was the day he did it. The day I didit. The day he killed them all. The last day of the Time War. The warto end all wars between my people and the Daleks. And in that battlethere was a man with more blood on his hands than any other, a man whowould commit a crime that would silence the universe. And that man wasme. --------------------------------------- (Arcadia) [DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate. [SOLDIER] Message for the High Council, Priority Omega. Arcadia hasfallen. I repeat, Arcadia has fallen. [WARRIOR] Soldier, I'm going to need your gun. [DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate. Exterminate! [GALLIFREYAN] Please. Please, just don't. [DALEK] Alert! Alert! The Doctor is detected. [DALEKS] The Doctor is surrounded! [DALEK] Inform High Command we have the Doctor. Seek, locate, destroy. [DALEKS] Seek, locate, destroy. Seek [DALEK] The Doctor is escaping. What are these words? Explain. Explain. --------------------------------------- (War room) [ANDROGAR] The High Council is in emergency session. They have plans oftheir own. [GENERAL] To hell with the High Council. Their plans have alreadyfailed. Gallifrey's still in the line of fire. So, he was there then? [ANDROGAR] He left a message, a written warning for the Daleks. He's afool. [GENERAL] No, he's a madman. [ANDROGAR] As you can see, sir, all Dalek fleets surrounding the planetnow converging on the capital, but the Sky Trenches are holding. [GENERAL] Where did he go next? [ANDROGAR] What does it matter? This is their biggest ever attack, sir.They're throwing everything at us [TIME LADY] Sir, we have a security breach to the Time Vaults. [GENERAL] The Omega Arsenal, where all the forbidden weapons are lockedaway. [ANDROGAR] They're not forbidden any more. We've used them all againstthe Daleks. [GENERAL] No. No we haven't. --------------------------------------- (Omega Arsenal) [GENERAL] The Moment is gone. [ANDROGAR] I don't understand. What is the Moment? I've never heard ofit. [GENERAL] The galaxy eater. The final work of the ancients of Gallifrey.A weapon so powerful, the operating system became sentient. Accordingto legend, it developed a conscience. [ANDROGAR] And we've never used it. [GENERAL] How do you use a weapon of ultimate mass destruction when itcan stand in judgment on you? There is only one man who would even try. --------------------------------------- (Desert planet) [WARRIOR] Time Lords of Gallifrey, Daleks of Skaro,I serve notice on you all. Too long I have stayed my hand. No more.Today you leave me no choice. Today, this war will end. No more. Nomore. [WARRIOR] How, how do you work? Why is there never a big red button? [WARRIOR] Hello? Is somebody there? [MOMENT] It's nothing. [MOMENT] It's just a wolf. [WARRIOR] Don't sit on that! [MOMENT] Why not? [WARRIOR] Because it's not a chair, it's the most dangerous weapon inthe universe. [MOMENT] Why can't it be both? Why did you park so far away? Didn't youwant her to see it? [WARRIOR] Want who to see? [MOMENT] The Tardis. You walked for miles, and miles and miles and milesand miles. [WARRIOR] I was thinking [MOMENT] I heard you. [WARRIOR] You heard me? [MOMENT] No more. No more. [WARRIOR] No more. [MOMENT] No more. No more. [WARRIOR] Stop it. [MOMENT] No more. [WARRIOR] Who are you? [WARRIOR] It's activating. Get out of here. [WARRIOR] Ow! [MOMENT] What's wrong? [WARRIOR] The interface is hot. [MOMENT] Well, I do my best. [WARRIOR] There's a power source inside. (penny drops) You're theinterface? [MOMENT] They must have told you the Moment had a conscience. Hello! Oh,look at you. Stuck between a girl and a box. Story of your life, eh,Doctor? [WARRIOR] You know me? [MOMENT] I hear you. All of you, jangling around in that dusty old headof yours. I chose this face and formespecially for you. It's from your past. Or possibly your future. Ialways get those two mixed up. [WARRIOR] I don't have a future. [MOMENT] I think I'm called Rose Tyler. No. Yes. No, sorry, no, no, inthis form, I'm called Bad Wolf. Are you afraid of the big bad wolf,Doctor? [WARRIOR] Stop calling me Doctor. [MOMENT] That's the name in your head. [WARRIOR] It shouldn't be. I've been fighting this war for a long time.I've lost the right to be the Doctor. [MOMENT] Then you're the one to save us all. [WARRIOR] Yes. [MOMENT] If I ever develop an ego, you've got the job. [WARRIOR] If you have been inside my head, then you know what I've seen.The suffering. Every moment in time and space is burning. It must end,and I intend to end it the only way I can. [MOMENT] And you're going to use me to end it by killing them all,Daleks and Time Lords alike. I could, but there will be consequencesfor you. [WARRIOR] I have no desire to survive this. [MOMENT] Then that's your punishment. If you do this, if you kill themall, then that's the consequence. You live. Gallifrey. You're going toburn it, and all those Daleks with it, but all those children too. Howmany children on Gallifrey right now? [WARRIOR] I don't know. [MOMENT] One day you will count them. One terrible night. Do you want tosee what that will turn you into? Come on, aren't you curious? [MOMENT] I'm opening windows on your future. A tangle in time throughthe days to come, to the man today will make of you. [MOMENT] Okay, I wasn't expecting that. --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [CLARA] But the Time War's over. Why have youbrought us here to look at a painting? [KATE] The painting only serves as Elizabeth's credentials, proof thatthe letter is from her. It's not why you're here. [ELIZABETH [OC]] My dearest love, I hope the painting known as GallifreyFalls will serve as proof that it is your Elizabeth who writes to younow. You will recall that you pledged yourself to the safety of mykingdom. In this capacity I have appointed you as curator of the UnderGallery, where deadly danger to England is locked away. Should anydisturbance occur within its walls, it is my wish that you be summoned.God speed, gently husband. [DOCTOR] What happened? [KATE] Easier to show you. [MCGILLOP] McGillop. But that's not possible. I was just. Understood,sir. But why would I take it there? [CLARA] Elizabeth the First. You knew her, then? [DOCTOR] A long time ago. --------------------------------------- (England, 1562) [DOCTOR 10] Allons-y! There you go, your Majesty, what did I tell you?Bigger on the inside. [ELIZABETH] The door isn't. You nearly took my head off. It's normallyme who does that. [ELIZABETH] Tell me, Doctor, why I'm wasting my time on you. I have warsto plan. [DOCTOR 10] You have a picnic to eat. [ELIZABETH] You could help me. [DOCTOR 10] Well, I'm helping you eat the picnic. [ELIZABETH] But you have a stomach for war. This face has seen conflict,it's as clear as day. [DOCTOR 10] Oh, I've seen conflict like you wouldn't believe. But itwasn't this face. But never mind that, your Majesty. Up on your feet.Up, up. [ELIZABETH] How dare you? I'm the Queen of England. [DOCTOR 10] I'm not English. Elizabeth, will you marry me? [ELIZABETH] Oh, my dear sweet love. Of course I will. [DOCTOR 10] Ah, gotcha! [ELIZABETH] My love? [DOCTOR 10] One, the real Elizabeth would never have accepted mymarriage proposal. Two, the real Elizabeth would notice when I justcasually mentioned having a different face. But then the real Elizabethisn't a shape-shifting alien from outer space. And [DOCTOR 10] Ding. [ELIZABETH] What's that? [DOCTOR 10] It's a machine that goes ding. Made it myself. Lights up inthe presence of shape-shifter DNA. Ooo. Also it can microwave frozendinners from up to twenty feet and download comics from the future. Inever know when to stop. [ELIZABETH] My love, I do not understand. [DOCTOR 10] I'm not your love, and yes you do. You're a Zygon. [ELIZABETH] A Zygon? [DOCTOR 10] Oh, stop it. It's over. A Zygon, yes. Big red rubbery thingcovered in suckers. Surprisingly good kisser. Think the real Queen ofEngland would just decide to share her throne with any old handsomebloke in a tight suit, just cos he's got amazing hair and a nice horse?Oh. [DOCTOR 10] It was the horse. I'm going to be King. Run! [ELIZABETH] What's happening? [DOCTOR 10] We're being attacked by a shape-shifting alien from outerspace, formerly disguised as my horse. [ELIZABETH] What does that mean? [DOCTOR 10] It means we're going to need a new horse. [ELIZABETH] Where's it going? [DOCTOR 10] I'll hold it off. You run. Your people need you. [ELIZABETH] And I need you alive for our wedding day. [DOCTOR 10] Oh, good work, Doctor. Nice one. The Virgin Queen? So muchfor history. [DOCTOR 10] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, very clever. [DOCTOR 10] Whatever you've got planned, forget it. I'm the Doctor. I'mnine hundred and four years old. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in theconstellation of Kasterborous. I am the Oncoming Storm, the Bringer ofDarkness, and you are basically just a rabbit, aren't you? Okay, carryon. Just a general warning. [ELIZABETH [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR 10] Elizabeth! [ELIZABETH] That thing. Explain what it is. What does it want of us? [DOCTOR 10] That's what I'm trying to find out. Probably just yourplanet. [ELIZABETH 2] Doctor. Step away from her, Doctor. That's not me. That'sthe creature. [ELIZABETH] How is that possible? She's me. Doctor, she's me! [ELIZABETH 2] I am indeed me. A compliment that cannot be extended toyourself. [ELIZABETH] Extraordinary. The creature has captured my exact likeness.This is exceptional. [ELIZABETH 2] Exceptional? A Queen would call it impertinent. [ELIZABETH] A Queen would feel compelled to admire the skill of theexecution, before arranging one. [DOCTOR 10] It's not working. [ELIZABETH] One might surmise that the creature would learn quickly toprotect itself from any simple means of detection. [ELIZABETH 2] Clearly you understand the creature better than I. Butthen, you have the advantage. [DOCTOR 10] Back, both of you, now! That's a time fissure. A tear in thefabric of reality. Anything could happen. [DOCTOR] 10 --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [KATE] This way. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [KATE] Welcome to the Under Gallery. This is whereElizabeth the First kept all art deemed too dangerous for publicconsumption. [DOCTOR] Stone dust. [KATE] Is it important? [DOCTOR] In twelve hundred years I've never stepped in anything thatwasn't. [DOCTOR] Oi, you. Are you sciency? [OSGOOD] Oh, er, well, er, yes. [DOCTOR] Got a name? [OSGOOD] Yes. [DOCTOR] Good. I've always wanted to meet someone called Yes. Now, Iwant this stone dust analysed. And I want a report in triplicate, withlots of graphs and diagrams and complicated sums on my desk, tomorrowmorning, ASAP, pronto,L O L. See? Job. Do I have a desk? [KATE] No. [DOCTOR] And I want a desk. [KATE] Get a team. Analyse the stone dust. Inhaler! [CLARA] Someday, you could just walk past a fez. [DOCTOR] Never gonna happen. [SCIENTIST] As you instructed, nothing has been touched. [KATE] This is why we called you in. [CLARA] 3D again. [DOCTOR] Interesting. [CLARA] The broken glass? [DOCTOR] No, where it's broken from. Look at the shatter pattern. Theglass on all these paintings has been broken from the inside. [KATE] As you can see, all the paintings are landscapes. No figures ofany kind. [DOCTOR] So? [KATE] There used to be. [CLARA] Something's got out the paintings. [DOCTOR] Lots of somethings. Dangerous. [KATE] This whole place has been searched. There's nothing here thatshouldn't be, and nothing's got out. [DOCTOR] Oh no, not now. [CLARA] Doctor, what is it? [DOCTOR] No, not now. I'm busy. [KATE] Is it to do with the paintings? [DOCTOR] No, no. This is different. I remember this. Almost remember.Oh, of course. This is where I come in. [DOCTOR] Geronimo! [CLARA] Doctor! [KATE] Wait! --------------------------------------- (Woods, 1562) [DOCTOR] Oof! [ELIZABETH] Who is this man? [DOCTOR 10] That's just what I was wondering. [DOCTOR] Oh, that is skinny. That is proper skinny. I've never seen itfrom the outside. It's like a special effect. Oi! [DOCTOR] Ha! Matchstick man. [DOCTOR 10] You're not. [DOCTOR 10] Compensating. [DOCTOR] For what? [DOCTOR 10] Regeneration. It's a lottery. [DOCTOR] Oh, he's cool. Isn't he cool? I'm the Doctor and I'm all cool.Oops, I'm wearing sandshoes. [DOCTOR 10] What are you doing here? I'm busy. [DOCTOR] Oh, busy. I see. Is that what we're calling it, eh? Eh? [DOCTOR] Hello, ladies. [DOCTOR 10] Don't start. [DOCTOR] Listen, what you get up to in the privacy of your ownregeneration is your business. [DOCTOR 10] One of them is a Zygon. [DOCTOR] Urgh. I'm not judging you. [BOTH] Oh, lovely. [DOCTOR] Your Majesties. Probably a good time to run. [ELIZABETHS] But what about the creature? [DOCTOR 10] Elizabeth, whichever one of you is the real one, turn andrun in the opposite direction to the other one. [ELIZABETHS] Of course, my love. [ELIZABETH] Stay alive, my love. I am not done with you yet. [DOCTOR 10] Thanks. Lovely. [ELIZABETH 2] I understand. Live for me, my darling. We shall betogether again. [DOCTOR 10] Well, won't that be nice? [DOCTOR] One of those was a Zygon. [DOCTOR 10] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Big red rubbery thing covered in suckers. [DOCTOR 10] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Venom sacs in the tongue. [DOCTOR 10] Yeah, I'm getting the point, thank you. [DOCTOR] Nice. [CLARA [OC]] Doctor, is that you? [DOCTOR] Ah, hello, Clara. Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery / Woods) [CLARA] Yeah, it's me. We can hear you. Where areyou? [DOCTOR] Where are we? [DOCTOR 10] England, 1562. [CLARA] Who are you talking to? [DOCTORS] Myself. [KATE] Can you come back through? [DOCTOR] Physical passage may not be possible in both directions. Its.Ah! Hang on. Fez incoming! [CLARA] Nothing here. [DOCTOR 10] So where did it go? --------------------------------------- (Barn) [CLARA [OC]] Who's he talking to? [KATE [OC]] He said himself. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [KATE] Keep him talking. [KATE] Malcolm? Malcolm, I need you to send me one of my father'sincident files. Codenamed Cromer. 70s or 80s depending on the datingprotocol. --------------------------------------- (Woods, 1562) [DOCTOR 10] Okay, you used to be me, you've done allthis before. What happens next? [DOCTOR] I don't remember. [DOCTOR 10] How can you forget this? [DOCTOR] Hey, hang on. It's not my fault. You're obviously not payingenough attention. Reverse the polarity! [DOCTOR] It's not working. [DOCTOR 10] We're both reversing the polarity. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know that. [DOCTOR 10] There's two of us. I'm reversing it, you're reversing itback again. We're confusing the polarity. [WARRIOR] Anyone lose a fez? [DOCTOR 10] You. How can you be here? More to the point, why are youhere? [WARRIOR] Good afternoon. I'm looking for the Doctor. [DOCTOR 10] Well, you've certainly come to the right place. [WARRIOR] Good. Right. Well, who are you boys? Oh, of course. Are youhis companions? [DOCTOR] His companions? [WARRIOR] They get younger all the time. Well, if you could point me inthe general direction of the Doctor? [WARRIOR] Really? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [DOCTOR 10] Really. [WARRIOR] You're me? Both of you? [DOCTOR 10] Yep. [WARRIOR] Even that one? [DOCTOR] Yes! [WARRIOR] You're my future selves? [BOTH] Yes! [WARRIOR] Am I having a midlife crisis? Why are you pointing yourscrewdrivers like that? They're scientific instruments, not waterpistols. Look like you've seen a ghost. [DOCTOR 10] Still, loving the posh gravelly thing. It's very convincing. [DOCTOR] Brave words, Dick van Dyke. [BENTHAM] Encircle them. Which of you is the Doctor? The Queen ofEngland is bewitched. I would have the Doctor's head. [WARRIOR] Well, this has all the makings of your lucky day. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [CLARA] I think there's three of them now. --------------------------------------- (Woods, 1562) [KATE [OC]] There's a precedent for that. [BENTHAM] What is that? [WARRIOR] Oh, the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are yougoing to do, assemble a cabinet at them? [BENTHAM] That thing, what witchcraft is it? [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Now that you mention it, that is witchcraft. Yes, yes,yes. Witchy witchcraft. Hello? Hello in there. Excuse me. Hello! --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [DOCTOR [OC]] Am I talking to the wicked witch ofthe well? [KATE] He means you. [CLARA] Why am I the witch? [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara? [CLARA] Hello? --------------------------------------- (Woods, 1562 / Under Gallery) [DOCTOR] Clara, hi, hello. Hello. Would you mindtelling these prattling mortals to get themselves begone? [CLARA] What he said. [DOCTOR] Yes, tiny bit more colour. [CLARA] Right. Prattling mortals, off you pop, or I'll turn you all intofrogs. [DOCTOR] Ooo, frogs. Nice. You heard her. [CLARA] Doctor, what's going on? --------------------------------------- (Woods, 1562) [DOCTOR] It's a timey-wimey thing. [WARRIOR] Timey what? Timey-wimey? [DOCTOR 10] I've no idea where he picks that stuff up. [SOLDIERS] The Queen. The Queen. [ELIZABETH] You don't seem to be kneeling. How tremendously brave ofyou. [DOCTOR 10] Which one are you? What happened to the other one? [ELIZABETH] Indisposed. Long live the Queen. [SOLDIERS] Long live the Queen. [ELIZABETH] Arrest these men. Take them to the Tower. [DOCTOR 10] That is not the Queen of England, that's an alien duplicate. [DOCTOR] And you can take it from him, cos he's really checked. [DOCTOR 10] Oh, shut up. [DOCTOR] Venom sacs in the tongue. [DOCTOR 10] Seriously, stop it. [DOCTOR] No, hang on. The Tower. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [DOCTOR [OC]] Did you say the Tower? Ah, yes,brilliant. Love the Tower. --------------------------------------- (Woods, 1562) [DOCTOR] Breakfast at eight, please. Will there beWi-Fi? [WARRIOR] Are you capable of speaking without flapping your hands about? [DOCTOR] Yes. No. I demand to be incarcerated in the Tower immediatelywith myco-conspirators Sandshoes and Granddad. [WARRIOR] Granddad? [DOCTOR 10] They're not sandshoes. [WARRIOR] Yes, they are. [ELIZABETH] Silence. The Tower is not to be taken lightly. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [ELIZABETH [OC]] Very few emerge again. [KATE] Dear God, that man's clever. Come on. [CLARA] Where are we going? [KATE] My office, otherwise known as the Tower of London. --------------------------------------- (Tower dungeons) [WARDER] Come on, you lot, get in there. [WARRIOR] Ow. [DOCTOR] Three of us in one cell? That's going to cause some nastyanomalies if we don't get out soon. [DOCTOR 10] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Getting us out. [DOCTOR 10] The sonic won't work on that, it's too primitive. [DOCTOR] Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape? [DOCTOR 10] Okay, so the Queen of England is now a Zygon. But never mindthat. Why are we all together? Why are we all here? Well, me andChinny, we were surprised, but you came looking for us. You knew it wasgoing to happen. Who told you? [DOCTOR] Oi, Chinny? [DOCTOR 10] Yeah, you do have a chin. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [OSGOOD] Marble, granite. A lot of different stone, but none of it fromthe fabric of the building. It's like somebody smashed up a lot of oldstatues. Are there any missing? [MCGILLOP] Don't think so. Why would anyone do that, anyway? I mean, Iknow we're meant to keep an open mind, but are we supposed to believein creatures that can hide in oil paintings and have some sort of agrudge against statues? You all right? [OSGOOD] We have to go, right now, this minute. [MCGILLOP] What's wrong? [OSGOOD] The things from the paintings. I know why they smashed thestatues. [MCGILLOP] Why? [OSGOOD] Because they needed somewhere to hide. --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [OSGOOD] The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me. The Doctorwill save me. The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me. [OSGOOD-Z] Excuse me. I'm going to need my inhaler. I so hate it when Iget one with a defect. Ooo, you've got some perfectly horrible memoriesin here, haven't you? So jealous of your pretty sister. I don't blameyou. I wish I'd copied her. [OSGOOD] So do I! [OSGOOD-Z] Oh, for goodness sake. --------------------------------------- (Tower environs) [KATE] The Doctor will be trying to send us amessage. We're looking for a string of numerals from around 1550,approximately. Priority One. I'm going to need access to the BlackArchive. --------------------------------------- (Black Archive corridor) [KATE] The Black Archive. Highest security rating onthe planet. The entire staff have their memories wiped at the end ofevery shift. Automated memory filters in the ceiling. Access, please. [ATKINS] Ma'am. [KATE] Atkins, isn't it? [ATKINS] Yes, ma'am. First day here. [KATE] (sotto) Been here ten years. --------------------------------------- (Black Archive) [CLARA] Lock and key? Bit basic, isn't it? [KATE] Can't afford electronic security down here. Got to keep theDoctor out. The whole of the Tower is Tardis-proofed. He reallywouldn't approve of the collection. [CLARA] But you let me in. [KATE] You have a top level security rating from your last visit. [CLARA] Sorry, my what? [KATE] Apologies. We have to screen all his known associates. We can'thave information about the Doctor and the Tardis falling into the wronghands. The consequences could be disastrous. [CLARA] What is that? [KATE] Time travel. A vortex manipulator bequeathed to the UNIT archiveby Captain Jack Harkness on the occasion of his death. Well, one ofthem. No one can know we have this, not even our allies. [CLARA] Why not? [KATE] Think about it. Americans with the ability to rewrite history?You've seen their movies. [CLARA] Okay, so this is how we're going to rescue the Doctor. [KATE] I'm not sure there's enough power for a two-way trip. In anyevent, we don't have the activation code. The Doctor knows we havethis, so he's always kept the code from us. Let's hope he changes hismind. [KATE] Yes? Well, if you've found it, photograph it and send it to myphone. [CLARA] Er, Kate? Should they be here? Why have they followed us? [KATE] Oh, they've probably just finished disposing of the humans a bitearly. [CLARA] The humans? [KATE] Dear me. I really do get into character, don't I? [OSGOOD-Z] The Under Gallery is secured. [ZYGON] Prepare to dispose of one more human. We have acquired thedevice. [CLARA] Activation code, right? --------------------------------------- (Tower dungeon) [WARRIOR] In theory, I can trigger an isolated sonic shift among themolecules, and the door should disintegrate. [DOCTOR 10] We'd have to calculate the exact harmonic resonance of theentire structure down to a sub-atomic level. Even the sonic would takeyears. [WARRIOR] No, no, the sonic would take centuries. Oh, we might as wellget started. Help to pass the timey-wimey. Do you have to talk likechildren? What is it that makes you so ashamed of being a grown up? Oh,the way you both look at me. What is that? I'm trying to think of abetter word than dread. [DOCTOR 10] It must be really recent for you. [WARRIOR] Recent? [DOCTOR] The Time War. The last day. The day you killed them all. [DOCTOR 10] The day we killed them all. [DOCTOR] Same thing. [MOMENT] It's history for them. All decided. They think their future isreal. They don't know it's still up to you. [WARRIOR] I don't talk about it. [DOCTOR 10] You're not talking about it. There's no one else here. [MOMENT] Go on, ask them. Ask them what you need to know. [WARRIOR] Did you ever count? [DOCTOR] Count what? [WARRIOR] How many children there were on Gallifrey that day. [DOCTOR] I have absolutely no idea. [WARRIOR] How old are you now? [DOCTOR] Ah, I don't know. I lose track. Twelve hundred and something, Ithink, unless I'm lying. I can't remember if I'm lying about my age,that's how old I am. [WARRIOR] Four hundred years older than me, and in all that time you'venever even wondered how many there were? You never once counted? [DOCTOR] Tell me, what would be the point? [DOCTOR 10] Two point four seven billion. [WARRIOR] You did count! [DOCTOR 10] You forgot? Four hundred years, is that all it takes? [DOCTOR] I moved on. [DOCTOR 10] Where? Where can you be now that you can forget somethinglike that? [DOCTOR] Spoilers. [DOCTOR 10] No. No, no, no. For once I would like to know where I'mgoing. [DOCTOR] No, you really wouldn't. [WARRIOR] I don't know who you are, either of you. I haven't got thefaintest idea. [MOMENT] They're you. They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey.The man who regrets and the man who forgets. The moment is coming. TheMoment is me. You have to decide. [WARRIOR] No. [DOCTOR 10] No? [WARRIOR] Just, no. [DOCTOR 10] Is something funny? Did I miss a funny thing? [DOCTOR] Sorry. It just occured to me. This is what I'm like when I'malone. [MOMENT] It's the same screwdriver. Same software, different case. [WARRIOR] Four hundred years. [DOCTOR 10] I'm sorry? [WARRIOR] At a software level, they're all the same device, aren't they.Same software, different case. [DOCTOR 10] Yeah. [DOCTOR] So. [WARRIOR] So, it would take centuries for the screwdriver to calculatehow to disintegrate the door. Scanning the door, implanting thecalculation as a permanent subroutine in the software architecture and,if you really are me, with your sandshoes and yourdickie bow, and that screwdriver is still mine, that calculation isstill going on. [DOCTOR 10] Yeah, still going. [DOCTOR] Calculation complete. [MOMENT] Same software, different face. [DOCTOR] Hey, four hundred years in four seconds. We may have had ourdifferences, which is frankly odd in the circumstances, but, I tell youwhat, boys. We are incredibly clever. [DOCTOR] How did you do that? [CLARA] It wasn't locked. [DOCTOR] Right. [CLARA] So they're both you, then, yeah? [DOCTOR] Yes. You've met them before. Don't you remember? [CLARA] A bit. Nice suit. [DOCTOR 10] Thanks. [CLARA] Hang on. Three of you in one cell, and none of you thought totry the door? [WARRIOR] It should have been locked. [DOCTOR] Yes. Exactly. Why wasn't it locked? [ELIZABETH] Because I was fascinated to see what you would do uponescaping. I understand you're rather fond of this world. It's time Ithink you saw what's going to happen to it. --------------------------------------- (Under Gallery) [OSGOOD] Kate? Oh goodness, you're not actually dead. Oh, that'stremendous news. Those creatures, they turn themselves into copies. Andthey need to keep the original alive, refresh the image so to speak. [KATE] Where, where did they go? [OSGOOD] I don't know. Oh, hang on, yes, I do. The Tower. [KATE] If those creatures have got access to the Black Archive, we mayjust have lost control of the planet. --------------------------------------- (Zygon control centre) [ELIZABETH] The Zygons lost their own world. It burnt in the first daysof the Time War. A new home is required. [CLARA] So they want this one. [ELIZABETH] Not yet. It's far too primitive. Zygons are used to acertain level of comfort. [ZYGON] Commander, why are these creatures here? [ELIZABETH] Because I say they should be. It is time you too weretranslated. Observe this. I believe you will find it fascinating. [CLARA] That's him! That's the Zygon in the picture now. [WARRIOR] It's not a picture, it's a stasis cube. Time Lord art. Frozeninstants in time, bigger on the inside, but could be deployed as [DOCTOR 10] Suspended animation. Oh, that's very good. The Zygons allpop inside the pictures, wait a few centuries till the planet's a bitmore interesting, and then out they come. [DOCTOR] You see, Clara, they're stored in the paintings in the UnderGallery, like cup-a-soups. Except you add time, if you can picturethat. Nobody could picture that. Forget I said cup-a-soups. [CLARA] And now the world is worth conquering. So the Zygons areinvading the future from the past. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [DOCTOR 10] And do you know why I know that you're a fake? Becauseyou're such a bad copy. It's not just the smell, or the unconvincinghair, or the atrocious teeth, or the eyes just a bit too closetogether, or the breath that could stun a horse. It's because myElizabeth, the real Elizabeth, would never be stupid enough to revealher own plan. Honestly, why would you do that? [ELIZABETH] Because it's not my plan. And I am the real Elizabeth. [DOCTOR 10] Okay. So, backtracking a moment just to lend context to myearlier remarks. [ELIZABETH] My twin is dead in the forest. I am accustomed to takingprecautions. [ELIZABETH] These Zygon creatures never even considered that it was mewho survived rather than their own commander. The arrogance thattypifies their kind. [CLARA] Zygons? [ELIZABETH] Men. [CLARA] And you actually killed one of them? [ELIZABETH] I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but at thetime, so did the Zygon. The future of my kingdom is imperilled. Doctor,can I rely on your service? [DOCTOR 10] Well, I'm going to need my Tardis. [ELIZABETH] It has been procured already. [DOCTOR 10] Ah. [ELIZABETH] But first, my love, you have a promise to keep. --------------------------------------- (Castle courtyard) [CLERGYMAN] I now pronounce you man and wife. [CLARA] Woo hoo! [CLERGYMAN] You may kiss the bride. [WARRIOR] Is there a lot of this in the future? [DOCTOR] It does start to happen, yeah. [ELIZABETH] God speed, my love. [DOCTOR 10] I will be right back. [DOCTOR] Right then, back to the future. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [WARRIOR] You've let this place go a bit. [DOCTOR] Ah, it's his grunge phase. He grows out of it. [DOCTOR 10] Don't you listen to them. [DOCTOR 10] Ow! The desktop is glitching. [WARRIOR] Three of us from different time zones. It's trying tocompensate. [DOCTOR] Hey, look. The round things. [DOCTOR 10] I love the round things. [DOCTOR] What are the round things? [DOCTOR 10] No idea. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, the friction contrafibulator. Ha! There, stabilised. [DOCTOR 10] (channelling Doctor 2) Oh, you've redecorated. I don't likeit. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh yeah? Oh, you never do. Listen, we're going to theNational Gallery. The Zygons are underneath it. [CLARA] No, UNIT HQ. They followed us there in the Black Archive. [CLARA] Okay, so you've heard of that, then. --------------------------------------- (Black Archive) [MCGILLOP-Z] The equipment here is phenomenal. Thehumans don't realise what half this stuff does. We could conquer theirworld in a day. [ZYGON] We were fortunate, then, in our choice of duplicate. [MCGILLOP-Z] If I were human, I'd say it was Christmas. [KATE] No, I'm afraid you wouldn't. We're not armed. You may relax. [ZYGON] We are armed. You may not. [KATE] Lock the door. I'm afraid we can't be interrupted. You don't mindif I get comfortable? [ZYGON] You don't mind if I do? [KATE] You'll realise there are protocols protecting this place. Osgood? [OSGOOD] In the event of any alien incursion, the contents of this roomare deemed so dangerous, it will self-destruct in [KATE] Five minutes. [KATE] There's a nuclear warhead twenty feet beneath us. Are you sittingcomfortably? [KATE-Z] You would destroy London? [KATE] To save the world, yes, I would. [KATE-Z] You're bluffing. [KATE] You really think so? Somewhere in your memory is a man calledBrigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart. I am his daughter. [DOCTOR [OC]] Science leads, Kate. Is that what you meant? Is that whatyour father meant? [KATE] Doctor? [DOCTOR [OC]] Space-Time Telegraph, Kate. A gift from me to your father,hotline straight to the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I know about the Black Archive and I knowabout the security protocol. Kate, please. Please tell me you are notabout to do something unbelievably stupid. [KATE [OC]] I'm sorry, Doctor. Switch it off. [DOCTOR 10] Not as sorry as you will be. This is not a decision you willever be able to live with. [DOCTOR] Kate, we're trying to bring the Tardis in. Why can't we land? [KATE [OC]] I said, switch it off. [DOCTOR] No, Kate, please. Just listen to me! [DOCTOR 10] The Tower of London, totally Tardis-proof. [CLARA] How can they do that? [DOCTOR] Alien technology plus human stupidity. Trust me, it'sunbeatable. [WARRIOR] We don't need to land. [DOCTOR 10] Yeah, we do. A tiny bit. Try and keep up. [WARRIOR] No, we don't. We don't. There is another way. Cup-a-soup. Whatis cup-a-soup? --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [DOCTOR] What happened? [KATE] Easier to show you. [MCGILLOP] McGillop. --------------------------------------- (Tardis / National Gallery) [DOCTOR] Take a look at your phone and confirm whoyou're talking to. [MCGILLOP] But that's not possible. I was just [DOCTOR] You were just talking to me. I know. I'm a time traveller,figure it out. I need you to send the Gallifrey Falls painting to theBlack Archive.Understood? [MCGILLOP] Understood, sir. But why would I take it there? --------------------------------------- (Black Archive) [KATE-Z] One word from you would cancel the countdown. [KATE] Quite so. [KATE-Z] It's keyed to your voiceprint. [KATE] And mine alone. [KATE-Z] Cancel the detonation! [KATE] Countermanded. [KATE-Z] Cancel the detonation. [KATE] Countermanded. [KATE-Z] We only have to agree to live. [KATE] Sadly, we can only agree to die. [OSGOOD] Please, Doctor. Please save us. Please save us. Please save us. --------------------------------------- (Gallifrey Falls) [DALEK] Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Black Archive) [WARRIOR] Hello. [DOCTOR 10] I'm the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Sorry about the Dalek. [CLARA] Also the showing off. [DOCTOR] Kate Lethbridge Stewart, what in the name of sanity are youdoing? [KATE] The countdown can only be halted at my personal command. There'snothing you can do. [DOCTOR 10] Except make you both agree to halt it. [KATE] Not even three of you. [WARRIOR] You're about to murder millions of people. [KATE] To save billions. How many times have you made that calculation? [DOCTOR] Once. Turned me into the man I am now. I'm not even sure whothat is any more. [DOCTOR 10] You tell yourself it's justified, but it's a lie. Becausewhat I did that day was wrong. Just wrong. [DOCTOR] And, because I got it wrong, I'm going to make you get itright. [KATE] How? [DOCTOR 10] Any second now, you're going to stop that countdown. Both ofyou, together. [DOCTOR] Then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of alltime. [DOCTOR 10] Safeguards all round, completely fair on both sides. [DOCTOR] And the key to perfect negotiation? [DOCTOR 10] Not knowing what side you're on. [DOCTOR] So, for the next few hours, until we decide to let you out [DOCTOR 10] No one in this room will be able to remember if they'rehuman [DOCTOR] Or Zygon. [DOCTOR] Whoops a daisy. [KATES] Cancel the detonation! [DOCTOR] Peace in our time. [OSGOOD-Z] It's funny, isn't it. If I'm a Zygon, then my clothes must beZygon, too. So, what happens if I lose a shoe or something? [CLARA] Hello. [WARRIOR] Hello. [CLARA] I'm Clara. We haven't really met yet. [WARRIOR] I look forward to it. Is there a problem? [CLARA] The Doctor, my, my Doctor, he's always talking about the day hedid it. The day he wiped out the Time Lords to stop the war. [WARRIOR] One would. [CLARA] You wouldn't. Because you haven't done it yet. It's still inyour future. [WARRIOR] You're very sure of yourself. [CLARA] He regrets it. I see it in his eyes every day. He'd do anythingto change it. [WARRIOR] Including saving all these people. How many worlds has hisregret saved, do you think? Look over there. Humans and Zygons workingtogether in peace. How did you know? [CLARA] Your eyes. You're so much younger. [WARRIOR] Then, all things considered, it's time I grew up. I've seenall I needed. The moment has come. [WARRIOR] I'm ready. [MOMENT] I know you are. [CLARA] Who's there? Who were you talking to? --------------------------------------- (Barn) [MOMENT] You wanted a big red button. [MOMENT] One big bang, no more Time Lords. No more Daleks. Are you sure? [WARRIOR] I was sure when I came in here. There is no other way. [MOMENT] You've seen the men you will become. [WARRIOR] Those men. Extraordinary. [MOMENT] They were you. [WARRIOR] No. They are the Doctor. [MOMENT] You're the Doctor, too. [WARRIOR] No. Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege oflesser men to light the flame, whatever the cost. [MOMENT] You know the sound the Tardis makes? That wheezing, groaning.That sound brings hope wherever it goes. [WARRIOR] Yes. Yes, I like to think it does. [MOMENT] To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone, however lost. [MOMENT] Even you. [CLARA] I told you. He hasn't done it yet. [WARRIOR] Go away now, all of you. This is for me. [DOCTOR 10] These events should be time-locked. We shouldn't even behere. [DOCTOR] So something let us through. [MOMENT] You clever boys. [WARRIOR] Go back. Go back to your lives. Go and be the Doctor that Icould never be. Make it worthwhile. [DOCTOR 10] All those years, burying you in my memory. [DOCTOR] Pretending you didn't exist. Keeping you a secret, even frommyself. [DOCTOR 10] Pretending you weren't the Doctor, when you were the Doctormore than anybody else. [DOCTOR] You were the Doctor on the day it wasn't possible to get itright. [DOCTOR 10] But this time [DOCTOR] You don't have to do it alone. [WARRIOR] Thank you. [DOCTOR 10] What we do today is not out of fear or hatred. It is donebecause there is no other way. [DOCTOR] And it is done in the name of the many live we are failing tosave. [DOCTOR] What? What is it? What? [CLARA] Nothing. [DOCTOR] No, it's something. Tell me. [CLARA] You told me you wiped out your own people. I just. I neverpictured you doing it, that's all. [MOMENT] Take a closer look. [CLARA] What's happening? [WARRIOR] Nothing. It's a projection. [MOMENT] It's a reality around you. [CLARA] These are the people you're going to burn? [DOCTOR 10] There isn't anything we can do. [DOCTOR] He's right. There isn't another way. There never was. Either Idestroy my own people or let the universe burn. [CLARA] Look at you. The three of you. The warrior, the hero, and you. [DOCTOR] And what am I? [CLARA] Have you really forgotten? [DOCTOR] Yes. Maybe, yes. [CLARA] We've got enough warriors. Any old idiot can be a hero. [DOCTOR] Then what do I do? [CLARA] What you've always done. Be a doctor. You told me the name youchose was a promise. What was the promise? [DOCTOR 10] Never cruel or cowardly. [WARRIOR] Never give up, never give in. [DOCTOR 10] You're not actually suggesting that we change our ownpersonal history? [DOCTOR] We change history all the time. I'm suggesting far worse. [WARRIOR] What, exactly? [DOCTOR] Gentlemen, I have had four hundred years to think about this.I've changed my mind. [WARRIOR] There's still a billion billion Daleks up there, attacking. [DOCTOR] Yeah, there is. There is. [DOCTOR 10] But there's something those billion billion Daleks don'tknow. [DOCTOR] Because if they did, they'd probably send for reinforcements. [CLARA] What? What don't they know? [DOCTOR] This time, there's three of us. [WARRIOR] Oh! Oh, yes, that is good. That is brilliant! [DOCTOR 10] Oh, oh, oh, I'm getting that too! That is brilliant! [DOCTOR] Ha, ha, ha! I've been thinking about it for centuries. [WARRIOR] She didn't just show me any old future, she showed me exactlythe future I needed to see. [MOMENT] Now you're getting it. [DOCTOR] Eh? Who did? [WARRIOR] Oh, Bad Wolf girl, I could kiss you. [MOMENT] Yeah, that's going to happen. [DOCTOR 10] Sorry, did you just say Bad Wolf? [CLARA] So what are we doing? What's the plan? [WARRIOR] The Dalek fleets are surrounding Gallifrey, firing on itconstantly. [DOCTOR 10] The Sky Trench is holding, but what if the whole planet justdisappeared? [CLARA] Tiny bit of an ask. [DOCTOR 10] The Daleks would be firing on each other. They'd destroythemselves in their own crossfire. [WARRIOR] Gallifrey would be gone, the Daleks would be destroyed, and itwould look to the rest of the universe as if they'd annihilated eachother. [CLARA] But where would Gallifrey be? [DOCTOR 10] Frozen. Frozen in an instant of time, safe and hidden away. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [WARRIOR] Like a painting. --------------------------------------- (War room) [ANDROGAR] Another one. [GENERAL] Are you sure the message is from him? [ANDROGAR] Oh, yes. [GENERAL] Why would he do that? [GENERAL] What's the mad fool talking about now? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Hello, hello, Gallifrey High Command, this is theDoctor speaking. [DOCTOR 10 [on monitor]] Hello! Also the Doctor. Can you hear me? [WARRIOR [on monitor]] Also the Doctor, standing ready. [GENERAL] Dear God, three of them. All my worst nightmares at once. [DOCTOR 10 [on monitor]] General, we have a plan. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] We should point at this moment, it is afairly terrible plan --------------------------------------- (War room) [DOCTOR 10 [on monitor]] And almost certainly won'twork. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] I was happy with fairly terrible. [DOCTOR 10 [on monitor]] Sorry, just thinking out loud. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] We're flying our three Tardises into yourlower atmosphere. --------------------------------------- (Tardis 10) [DOCTOR 10] We're positioned at equidistantintervals around the globe. Equidistant. So grown up. --------------------------------------- (Tardis 8.5) [WARRIOR] We're just about ready to do it. [GENERAL [OC]] Ready to do what? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] We're going to freeze Gallifrey. --------------------------------------- (War room) [GENERAL] I'm sorry, what? --------------------------------------- (Tardis 10) [DOCTOR 10] Using our Tardises, we're going tofreeze Gallifrey in a single moment in time. --------------------------------------- (War room) [WARRIOR [on monitor]] You know, like those stasiscubes? A single moment in time, held in a parallel pocket universe. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Except we're going to do it to a wholeplanet. --------------------------------------- (Tardis 10) [DOCTOR 10] And all the people on it. --------------------------------------- (War room) [GENERAL] What? Even if that were possible --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [GENERAL [OC]] Which it isn't, why would you do sucha thing? [DOCTOR] Because the alternative is burning. --------------------------------------- (Tardis 10) [DOCTOR 10] And I've seen that. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] And I never want to see it again. --------------------------------------- (War room) [GENERAL] We'd be lost in another universe, frozenin a single moment. We'd have nothing. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You would have hope. And right now, that isexactly what you don't have. --------------------------------------- (War room) [GENERAL] It's delusional. The calculations alonewould take hundreds of years. --------------------------------------- (Tardises) [DOCTOR] Oh, hundreds and hundreds. [DOCTOR 10] But don't worry, I started a very long time ago. [DOCTOR 1] Calling the War Council of Gallifrey. This is the Doctor. [DOCTOR] You might say I've been doing this all my lives. --------------------------------------- (War room) [DOCTOR 2 [on monitor]] Good luck. [DOCTOR 3 [on monitor]] Standing by. [DOCTOR 4 [on monitor]] Ready. [DOCTOR 8 [on monitor]] Commencing calculations. [DOCTOR 5 [on monitor]] Soon be there. [DOCTOR 7 [on monitor]] Across the boundaries that divide one universefrom another. [DOCTOR 6 [on monitor]] Just got to lock on to his coordinates. --------------------------------------- (Tardis 9) [DOCTOR 9] And for my next trick. --------------------------------------- (War room) [GENERAL] I didn't know when I was well off. Alltwelve of them! [ANDROGAR] No, sir. All thirteen! [ANDROGAR] Sir! The Daleks know that something is happening. They'reincreasing their fire power. [GENERAL] Do it, Doctor. Just do it. --------------------------------------- (Tardises) [GENERAL [OC]] Just do it. [DOCTOR] Okay. Gentlemen, we're ready. Geronimo! [DOCTOR 10] Allons-y! [WARRIOR] Oh, for God's sake. Gallifrey stands! --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [WARRIOR] I don't suppose we'll know if we actually succeeded. But atworst, we failed doing the right thing, as opposed to succeeding indoing the wrong. [CLARA] Life and soul, you are. [DOCTOR 10] What is it actually called? [DOCTOR] Well, there's some debate. Either No More or Gallifrey Falls. [WARRIOR] Not very encouraging. [DOCTOR 10] How did it get here? [DOCTOR] No idea. [DOCTOR 10] There's always something we don't know, isn't there? [WARRIOR] One should certainly hope so. Well, gentlemen, it has been anhonour and a privilege. [DOCTOR 10] Likewise. [DOCTOR] Doctor. [WARRIOR] And if I grow to be half the man that you are, Clara Oswald, Ishall be happy indeed. [CLARA] That's right. Aim high. [WARRIOR] I won't remember this, will I? [DOCTOR] The time streams are out of sync. You can't retain it, no. [WARRIOR] So I won't remember that I tried to save Gallifrey rather thanburn it. I'll have to live with that. But for now, for this moment, Iam the Doctor again. Thank you. Which one is mine? Ha! --------------------------------------- (Tardis 8.5) [WARRIOR] Oh yes, of course. I suppose it makes sense. Wearing a bitthin. I hope the ears are a bit less conspicuous this time. --------------------------------------- (National Gallery) [DOCTOR 10] I won't remember either, so you might aswell tell me. [DOCTOR] Tell you what? [DOCTOR 10] Where it is we're going that you don't want to talk about. [DOCTOR] I saw Trenzalore, where we're buried. We die in battle amongmillions. [DOCTOR 10] That's not how it's supposed to be. [DOCTOR] That's how the story ends. Nothing we can do about it.Trenzalore is where you're going. [DOCTOR 10] Oh, never say nothing. Anyway, good to know my future is insafe hands. Keep a tight hold on it, Clara. [CLARA] On it. [DOCTOR 10] Trenzalore. We need a new destination, because I don't wantto go. [DOCTOR] He always says that. [CLARA] Need a moment alone with your painting? [DOCTOR] How did you know? [CLARA] Those big sad eyes. [DOCTOR] Ah. [CLARA] I always know. Oh, by the way, there was an old man looking foryou. I think it was the curator. [DOCTOR] I could be a curator. I'd be great at curating. I'd be theGreat Curator. I could retire and do that. I could retire and be thecurator of this place. [CURATOR] You know, I really think you might. [DOCTOR] I never forget a face. [CURATOR] I know you don't. And in years to come, you might findyourself revisiting afew. But just the old favourites, eh? [CURATOR] You were curious about this painting, I think. I acquired itin remarkable circumstances. What do you make of the title? [DOCTOR] Which title? There's two. No More or Gallifrey Falls. [CURATOR] Oh, you see, that's where everybody's wrong. It's all onetitle. Gallifrey Falls No More. Now, what would youthink that means, eh? [DOCTOR] That Gallifrey didn't fall. It worked. It's still out there. [CURATOR] I'm only a humble curator. I'm sure I wouldn't know. [DOCTOR] Then where is it? [CURATOR] Where is it indeed? Lost. Shush. Perhaps. Things do get lost,you know. And now you must excuse me. Oh, you have a lot to do. [DOCTOR] Do I? [CURATOR] Mmm. [DOCTOR] Is that what I'm supposed to do now? Go looking for Gallifrey? [CURATOR] Oh, it's entirely up to you. Your choice, eh? I can only tellyou what I would do if I were you. Oh, if I were you. Oh, perhaps I wasyou, of course. Or perhaps you are me. Congratulations. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. [CURATOR] Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way. Who knows, eh? Whoknows? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara sometimes asks me if I dream. Ofcourse I dream, I tell her. Everybody dreams. But what do you dreamabout, she'll ask. The same thing everybody dreams about, I tell her. Idream about where I'm going. She always laughs at that. But you're notgoing anywhere, you're just wandering about. [DOCTOR [OC]] That's not true. Not any more. I have a new destination.My journey is the same as yours, the same as anyones. It's taken me somany years, so many lifetimes, but at last I know where I'm going. [DOCTOR [OC]] Where I've always been going. Home, the long way round.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e15", "title": "The Day of the Doctor"}
Doctor Who (25 Dec, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - The Time of the Doctor (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] I bring proof of courage and comradeship. What is this ship andwhy are you here? Identify yourselves by species and planet of origin. [DALEK] Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Handles? [DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Handles? Argh. Handles? [DALEKS] Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Every ship I go on, they just shoot at me.Handles, I said, put me on a ship. I didn't say, put me on a Dalekship. [DOCTOR] Don't put me on a Dalek ship when I'm holding a broken bit ofDalek! [DOCTOR] Ow! [HANDLES] You did not indicate a preference. [DOCTOR] Use your head. [DOCTOR] It's not like you've got a lot of alternatives. They're allhere. Daleks, Sontarans, Terileptils, Slitheen. And they're not evenfighting, they're just parked. Why? [HANDLES] The message was received throughout the universe. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, the message, the message. Even I can't translate it.I mean, why is everyone here if they don't understand it? [HANDLES] You're here. [DOCTOR] Well, you know, I'm OCD. What's their excuse? What does thismessage mean? [DOCTOR] Oh, no. And remind me I've got to patch the telephone backthrough the console unit. This is getting ridiculous. [HANDLES] Attention. Information available. [DOCTOR] Okay? [HANDLES] You must patch the telephone device back through the consoleunit. [DOCTOR] No, no. No, no, no, no. No, not now. Remind me later. [HANDLES] When? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Just later. Just pick a time. [HANDLES] When? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Just any old time. When you think I've forgotten. [HANDLES] When? [DOCTOR] Just pick a random number, express that number as a quantity ofminutes, and when that time has elapsed, remind me to patch thetelephone back through the console unit. [HANDLES] Affirmative. [DOCTOR] How those Cyber-evenings must fly. [DOCTOR] Hello, the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Clara's flat / Tardis) [CLARA] Emergency. You're my boyfriend. [DOCTOR] Ding dong. Okay, brilliant. I may be a bit rusty in some areas,but I will glance at a manual. [CLARA] No, no, you're not actually my boyfriend. [DOCTOR] Oh, that was quick. It's a roller coaster this phone call. [CLARA] But I need a boyfriend really quickly. [DOCTOR] Well, I hope you're nicer to the next one. [CLARA] No, shut up. Christmas dinner. Me cooking. [DOCTOR] So? [CLARA] So, I may have accidentally invented a boyfriend. [DOCTOR] Yeah, I did that once and there's no easy way to get rid of anandroid. [CLARA] No, not an android. A pretend one, an imaginary one. And I saidhe'd be coming to Christmas dinner. [DOCTOR] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Handles, that's a new ship. Okay, we'll take the Tardis thistime. [CLARA] I just need you to come for Christmas dinner. Just do that forme. Come to Christmas dinner and be my Christmas date. [DOCTOR] Sorry, missed that last bit. Got to dash. --------------------------------------- (New spaceship) [DOCTOR] Okay, don't be alarmed, I come in [CYBERMAN] Alert. Alert. [DOCTOR] Peace. No. [CYBERMAN] Intruder detected. The intruder will be upgraded. [DOCTOR] Argh! Sorry. --------------------------------------- (Clara's flat / Tardis) [CLARA] I need you. I'm cooking Christmas dinner! [DOCTOR] I'm being shot at by Cybermen! [CLARA] Well, can't we do both? [DOCTOR] Argh! Yeah, why not? --------------------------------------- (Clara's flat) [TV] Happy Christmas! [LINDA] How's the turkey doing? [CLARA] Great. Yeah, yeah, it's doing great. Well, dead and decapitated,but that's Christmas when you're a turkey. [GRAN] Actually, maybe I will have a little more. [CLARA] There you go, Gran. [DAD] Did you put it in early enough? [CLARA] Dad, I put it in when you phoned me. [DAD] I emailed you some instructions. [CLARA] Oh, you certainly did. --------------------------------------- (Outside the block of flats) [CLARA] Whoops! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Doctor, I so need you. [DOCTOR] Clara! [CLARA] No, stop, stop, don't move. Don't do anything. [DOCTOR] Why? What is it? What's wrong? [CLARA] You're naked. [DOCTOR] Yes, I am naked. I wondered if you'd notice. [CLARA] Doctor, why are you naked? [DOCTOR] Because I'm going to church. [DOCTOR] Better? [CLARA] Oh, that was quick. [DOCTOR] Hologram clothes, projected directly onto your visual cortex. [CLARA] So you're still naked underneath? [DOCTOR] Everybody's naked underneath. [CLARA] Urgh, don't say things like that. It's Christmas. Come and meetmy family. --------------------------------------- (Clara's flat) [CLARA] Hello, so, er, here he is. [DOCTOR] Hello, the Oswalds. Hello! Merry Christmas. Hello, hello. [DOCTOR] Hello, handsome. Anyone for Twister? [CLARA] So, this is the Doctor. My boyfriend. Isn't anyone going to sayhello? [GRAN] Hello. [DOCTOR] Excuse me a moment. Listen, I've got an idea to break the ice.Why don't I project my clothes hologram onto their visual cortexes too? [CLARA] So, to be clear, no one except me can see your clothes? [DOCTOR] Yes, and I'm starting to think it may be causing tension. [GRAN] Are we playing Twister now? [CLARA] Get in the kitchen. [DOCTOR] Eh? Sorry. [CLARA] Sorry. He's Swedish. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [CLARA] Doctor, please. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's never going to work, is it? [CLARA] What's wrong? Do you think it's not done yet? [DOCTOR] I think a decent vet would give it an even chance. [CLARA] Okay. Well, use an app. [DOCTOR] An app? [CLARA] On your screwdriver. App it. [DOCTOR] Most certainly not. It doesn't do turkey. Nothing does turkey.You'd need a time machine. What? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You can't keep using the Tardis like this. [CLARA] Like what? [DOCTOR] Missed birthdays, restaurant bookings. And please, just learnhow to use iPlayer. [CLARA] Ooo, vortex cooking? [DOCTOR] Yep, exposure to the time winds. It'll either come up a treat,or just possibly lay some eggs. [HANDLES] Information available. [CLARA] What's that? [DOCTOR] Oh, just a bit of a Cyberman. He'll get us to the church ontime. [HANDLES] I have developed a fault. [DOCTOR] The organics are all gone, but there's still a full set of databanks. Found it at the Maldovar market. [HANDLES] Planet identified from analysis of message. [DOCTOR] Right, cool. Go on then. Okay, tell us, what is the planet? Goon. [HANDLES] Processing official designation. Processing. [DOCTOR] Okay, in your own time, dear. Don't rush. [CLARA] So why haven't you just gone down there and had a look? [DOCTOR] It's shielded. Even the Tardis can't break through it. [HANDLES] Gallifrey. [DOCTOR] What did you say? [HANDLES] Gallifrey. [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? Gallifrey? What do you mean? [HANDLES] Confirmed. Planet designation, Gallifrey. [DOCTOR] You see that? Gallifrey is my home. I know it when I see it.That is not Gallifrey. [CLARA] Doctor, are you okay. [DOCTOR] It's not Gallifrey. Gallifrey is gone. [CLARA] Unless, unless you saved it. You thought you might have. [DOCTOR] Even if it survived, it's gone from this universe. That is notmy home. [DOCTOR] It can't be. [CLARA] What's that? [DOCTOR] Papal Mainframe. It's like a great big flying church. The firstship to arrive. They are the ones who shielded the planet. They can getus down there. [CLARA] A friend of yours? [DOCTOR] Tasha Lem, the Mother Superious. [DOCTOR] Oh, she's inviting us aboard. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Because I asked her. Swallow this. [CLARA] What is it? [DOCTOR] Your hologram projector. You can't go to church with yourclothes on. --------------------------------------- (Papal Mainframe) [CLARA] I don't feel like I'm wearing anything. [DOCTOR] I know. Relaxing, isn't it? [CLARA] What is this place? [DOCTOR] The Church of the Papal Mainframe, security hub of the knownuniverse. [CLARA] A security church? [DOCTOR] Yep. Keeping you safe in this world and the next. I veneratethe exaltation of the Mother Superious. [ALBERO] Welcome to the Church of the Papal Mainframe. Your nudity isappreciated. [TASHA] Hey, babes. [DOCTOR] Loving the frock. [TASHA] Is that a new body? Give us a twirl. [DOCTOR] Tash, this old thing? Please, I've been rocking it forcenturies. [TASHA] Nice though. Tight. [CLARA] So, er, hello. Also here. [DOCTOR] Clara, this is Tasha Lem, the Head of the Church of the PapalMainframe. Tash, ho, ho, ho, ho. This is my, my associate, ClaraOswald. Miss Clara Oswald. [TASHA] We'll go to my chapel. All honours in place, no sacrificesrequired. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] It was Tasha who shielded the planet. Butyou could sneak me down there, couldn't you, Tash? [TASHA] I would have conditions. (to Clara) I have confidential mattersto discuss with the Doctor. Would you excuse us? [DOCTOR] Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Clara.Well, quite a lot of it. Probably about half. Maybe a smidge under.Actually, Clara, would you mind waiting out here, please? [CLARA] No worries. You two get yourselves a room. [DOCTOR] Yes, quite. No, stop it. [CLARA] Boss of the psycho space nuns. So you. [DOCTOR] Well. [CLARA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [DOCTOR] That altar looks like a bed. [TASHA] That bed looks like an altar. [DOCTOR] Yep. [TASHA] That message is transmitting through all of space and time. Whatdid it make you feel? [DOCTOR] Feel? [TASHA] Every sentient being in the universe who detected that signalfelt something. Something overpowering. [DOCTOR] What? [TASHA] Fear. Pure, unadulterated dread. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] I saw you and then I forgot you. How does that work? --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [DOCTOR] Right. What's the signal? Where's it comingfrom? [TASHA] It's a settlement. Human colony, level two. A farm, basically. [DOCTOR] Right. Anyone been for a look? [TASHA] Any one ship lands, the rest will follow. There will bebloodshed. Fortunately we got here first, shielded the planet. Wemaintain the truce by blocking all of them. [DOCTOR] Daleks, Cybermen, one of that lot, could break through yourdefences. [TASHA] Perhaps. But they're afraid, remember? Nobody wants to go first. [DOCTOR] I do. [TASHA] I was counting on it. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [SILENT] Confess. [SILENT] Confess. [CLARA] What are you? Why do I keep forgetting you? [SILENT] Confess. Confess. [CLARA] What? --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [DOCTOR] Are you okay? [CLARA] Fine. Yeah, fine. Sorry. [TASHA] Right. This is my personal teleport. I can put you down justoutside the town. Find the source of the message and report back to mein one hour. And on your life, Doctor, you will cause no trouble downthere. [DOCTOR] When do I? Don't answer that. [DOCTOR] What? [TASHA] I'm not an idiot. Everyone in this church is trained to seestraight through holograms. [CLARA] Ah. Great. [TASHA] Give now. You are taking no technology of any kind down there. [DOCTOR] What can I do with a key? You, in, now. [TASHA] You could summon your Tardis. [DOCTOR] The Tardis doesn't work by remote. Fine. If it makes you feelany better, there we are. [TASHA] Remember. I want you back in one hour. --------------------------------------- (Forest) [CLARA] Oh, cold. Very cold. [DOCTOR] Okay, don't worry. There's a heat loss filter in your hologramshell. It'll kick in, just give it a moment. So, sweet little towncovered in snow, half the universe in terror. Why? Why? [CLARA] Oh, my God! [DOCTOR] What? [CLARA] There's something under the snow. It's [DOCTOR] What is it? [CLARA] It's cold. [DOCTOR] Okay, just stand back please, Clara. [CLARA] It's stone. It's just stone. It's only a statue. [DOCTOR] Clara, step away from it! [DOCTOR] Clara, keep looking at it. Don't look away. Don't even blink! [CLARA] What is it? [DOCTOR] There is a Weeping Angel under the snow. It looks like astatue, isn't a statue. Can you get your foot out? [CLARA] Only if I get it out of my shoe. [DOCTOR] You're not wearing a shoe. [CLARA] Good point. [DOCTOR] Okay, pull hard. One, two, three! [CLARA] They're climbing out of the snow. Oh, God! [DOCTOR] Keep looking at the. At all of them. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Quantum locked lifeform. It can only move if it's unobserved. [CLARA] What is it doing here? [DOCTOR] Same as everybody else. Must've got past Tasha's shield. [DOCTOR] Keep looking! [CLARA] I can't. I can't see. The snow's in my eyes. [DOCTOR] I just need to bring the Tardis down. [CLARA] You can't fly it remotely. [DOCTOR] No, but it can home in on the key. [CLARA] But she took your key! [DOCTOR] She took one of them. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [HANDLES] Engines activating. [DOCTOR] The old key in the quiff routine. Classic. [DOCTOR] Okay, homing in on the mysterious message. Ooo yes, I likethat. The mysterious message. [CLARA] You've shaved your head? [DOCTOR] Yep. Clever plan to get us past the shield. [CLARA] You got bored one night, didn't you? [DOCTOR] Yeah, tiny bit bored. [CLARA] Is that what happened to your eyebrows? [DOCTOR] No, they're just delicate. Right, setting us down near thesignal source. I'm going to turn the engines on silent. Don't want tomake a fuss. [CLARA] Put it back on. [DOCTOR] Why? [CLARA] Your ears are like rocket fins. [DOCTOR] I know. --------------------------------------- (Town) [CLARA] Oh, it's good to be wearing clothes again.That's so much better, don't you think? [DOCTOR] Now, what do we make of this place? It's two o'clock in theafternoon. Must be very short days here. The message is coming fromthat tower. [DOCTOR] Hello! Hello, there. Right, we're a couple from the next town.My name's probably Hank or Rock, something like that. [CLARA] Or Daisy? [DOCTOR] Shut up. Hello, good to meet you. Nice snow. [ABRAMAL] Most pleasant to meet you too. [MARTA] Most pleasant. Most pleasant. [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. Istole a time machine and ran away and I've been flouting the principallaw of my own people every since. That wasn't quite what I was meant tosay! [CLARA] I'm an English teacher from planet Earth, and I've run off witha man from space because I really fancy [MARTA] I think, perhaps, you should stop talking till you get used toit. [DOCTOR] Used to what? [MARTA] What did you say your name was? [CLARA] Bubbly personality masking bossy control freak. [DOCTOR] I'm wearing a wig! No, ah, I see. Yes, of course. It's a truthfield. Oh, that is so quaint. I haven't seen a truth field in years.I'm wearing a wig. [ABRAMAL] No one can lie in this town. Especially this close to thetower. [DOCTOR] Doesn't that make life a bit difficult? [MARTA] Not at all. [ABRAMAL] Yes. [DOCTOR] This town, what's it called? [MARTA] It's Christmas. [DOCTOR] It's July. [MARTA] No, the town. The town is Christmas. That's what it's called. [ABRAMAL] Be happy here. Be well. [CLARA] How can a town be called Christmas? [DOCTOR] I don't know. How can an island be called Easter? Maybe it'sjust nice here. I almost hate to find out what's wrong. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] There you are. What took you so long? [CLARA] What's wrong? It's only a crack in the wall. [DOCTOR] I knew. I always knew it wasn't over. [CLARA] What is it? [DOCTOR] A split in the skin of reality. [DOCTOR] A tiny sliver of the 26th of June, 2010. The day the universeblew up. [CLARA] Missed that. [DOCTOR] I rebooted it, put it all back together. [CLARA] That's good. [DOCTOR] Well, it was my Tardis that blew it up in the first place. Ifelt a degree of responsibility. But the scar tissue remains. Astructural weakness in the whole universe. Whoa! And someone's tryingto get through it from outside our universe, from somewhere else. Ofcourse. Of course. It makes sense. [CLARA] It does? [DOCTOR] Yes. If you were trying to break through a wall, you'd choosethe weakest spot. If you were trying to break into this universe, you'dchoose this crack, because. No. If you were trying to break back intothis universe. (to Handles) You said Gallifrey. Why did you sayGallifrey? [HANDLES] Analysis of message composition indicates Gallifreyan origin,according to Tardis databanks. [CLARA] You said Gallifrey was gone. [DOCTOR] No. I said it was in another universe. The message is comingthrough here. The truth field is too, at a guess. If it's the TimeLords.If it's the Time Lords. [DOCTOR] Seal of the High Council of Gallifrey. Nicked it off the Masterin the Death Zone. (Five Doctors) There is an algorithm imprinted inthe atomic structure. Use it to decode the message. [HANDLES] Message decoding. Message analysis proceeding. Informationavailable. The message is a request for information. [DOCTOR] It's a question. Why can't you just say it's a question? [HANDLES] It is being projected through all of time and space on arepeating cycle. [DOCTOR] The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight. [HANDLES] Warning. Translation will be available to all lifeforms inrange. Translation follows. Doctor who? (slightly different voice eachtime.) Doctor who? Doctor who? Doctor who? Doctor who? Doctor who?Doctor who? --------------------------------------- (Papal Mainframe) [VOICE [OC]] Doctor who? Doctor who? [TASHA] Patch me through to the Doctor. Now! --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] A question only I could answer. A truthfield to make sure I'm not lying. If I give my name, they'll knowthey've found the right place and that it's safe to come through. [CLARA] The Time Lords? Okay, so what then? If you answer the questionand they come back, what happens? [DOCTOR] Er, you need to take this to the Tardis and put it in thecharger slot for the sonic. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Hell. All hell, that's what happens if the Time Lords comeback. There's half a universe up there already, waiting to open fire.Now please, go to the Tardis and just do as I say. [TASHA [OC]] Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Town) [TASHA] Speak with me. [TASHA] Doctor! Face me now! --------------------------------------- (Bell chamber) [TASHA [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Mother Superious, there is only one thing I need from you. Thisplanet, what's it called? [TASHA] Trenzalore. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Okay, is that it? Are you doing a cleverthing? --------------------------------------- (Bell chamber) [TASHA] If you speak your name, the Time Lords willreturn. [DOCTOR] If they return, they will come in peace. [TASHA] It doesn't matter. They will be met with a war that will neverend. The Time War will begin anew. You know that, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Done. --------------------------------------- (Outside the block of flats) [CLARA] No. Don't you dare. No, no! --------------------------------------- (Bell chamber) [DOCTOR] They're asking for my help! [TASHA] And if you give it, war will be the consequence. I will not letthat happen, at any cost. Speak your name and this world will burn. [DOCTOR] No, this planet is protected. --------------------------------------- (Town) [DOCTOR] So, you lot, a quick word, thank you. Spot of news. Christmashas a new sheriff. Hello, everyone. I'm the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Papal Mainframe) [TASHA] Attention. Attention all Chapels and Choirsof the Papal Mainframe. The siege of Trenzalore is now begun. Therewill now be an unscheduled faith change. From this moment on, Idedicate this church to one cause. Silence. The Doctor will not speakhis name, and war will not begin. Silence will fall! [ALL] Silence will fall! Silence will fall. [TASHA [OC]] In the time that followed, the PapalMainframe strove to maintain the peace between the Doctor and hisenemies. --------------------------------------- (Town) [SKARR] We remain undetectable to the Papal Mainframe. [SONTARAN] Commander Skarr. That's the detection warning. Ourinvisibility cloak is compromised. [SKARR] What's wrong with it? [SONTARAN] I don't know. I can't see it. [SKARR] Well, it looks invisible to me. [ALBERO [OC]] The Church of the Papal Mainframe apologises for yourdeath. The relevant afterlives have been notified. [TASHA [OC]] As the days passed, and the years, theDoctor stayed true to his word. On the fields of Trenzalore, he stoodas protector both of his own people and his new home. --------------------------------------- (Town) [TASHA [OC]] Over the years, his foes would findnew, stranger ways to enter the town called Christmas. [BARNABLE] Are you there? Hello? Am I getting warm? [BARNABLE] There's another one! [BARNABLE] There's another one! There's another one! [BARNABLE] There's another one! Doctor, Doctor! There's another one! [CYBERMAN] Incinerate. Incinerate. [CYBERMAN] The Doctor is required. [DOCTOR] There you go, Barnable. [BARNABLE] Thanks. [DOCTOR] Working fine. Nice action. Don't leave it out in the rain again. [DOCTOR] Fixed the wheels and the antigrav. [GIRL] The anti what? [DOCTOR] Yeah, may have gone a bit far. Now then, what do we have today?Don't you move one step further. Wooden Cyberman. Nice. Like it. [DOCTOR] Low tech, doesn't set off the alarms upstairs. [DOCTOR] Only bit of tech allowed in. Got in before the truce. Now, Ijust sent an instruction to your firearm to reverse the polarity andfire out the back end. Now, as we're standing in a truth field, youwill understand I cannot be lying. If you like, you can scan myscrewdriver, verify that's the signal I sent. [CYBERMAN] Signal verified. [DOCTOR] Yes. I probably should have mentioned this doesn't work onwood. You send your friends up there a message from the Doctor. Youtell them the Doctor stays. [DOCTOR] Next. [TASHA [OC]] With every victory, the town celebrated. [DOCTOR] And there's me arm-wrestling a Draconian. I remember that. [TASHA [OC]] In time, the Doctor seemed to forget he'd lived any otherlife. [DOCTOR] Christmas is defended. [TASHA [OC]] And the people of the town came to love the man who stayedfor Christmas. [DOCTOR] You've got to be the drunk giraffe. You've got to commit! Don'tbe cool, guys. Cool is not cool. [CHILDREN] Cool is not cool! [DOCTOR] And what's the dance we're doing? [CHILDREN] The drunk giraffe! [DOCTOR] The drunk giraffe. Yeah, it is. Merry Christmas. Give me a hug.Bring it in. [CHILDREN] Yeah! [DOCTOR] How's your father's barn? [BARNABLE] You've fixed the leak all right, but he says it's bigger onthe inside now. [DOCTOR] Shush, they'll all want one. [BARNABLE] What is it? What's that noise. [DOCTOR] Well. Where have you been for three hundred years? Ha! [BARNABLE] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's my ship. [BARNABLE] Your what? [DOCTOR] It's my Tardis. That's how I got here in the first place. [BARNABLE] Does this mean you're leaving? [DOCTOR] What are you doing here? [CLARA] I was in space. [DOCTOR] Well, you were in the time vortex. She must have extended theforce field. No wonder. No wonder she's late, dragging you around. [CLARA] You tricked me. [DOCTOR] I saved you. [CLARA] You didn't even say goodbye! [DOCTOR] I'm furious with you! [CLARA] Well, I am not even talking to you! --------------------------------------- (Tower) [CLARA] Ha. [CLARA] Oh, Doctor. Fixing toys and fighting monsters. [DOCTOR] The turkey isn't done yet. [CLARA] Is it still asking the question? [DOCTOR] Oh, never stops. Come upstairs. It's almost time. [CLARA] What for? [DOCTOR] Dawn. The light here lasts only a few minutes. You don't wantto miss it. --------------------------------------- (Bell chamber) [DOCTOR] Well, it's a standoff. They can't attack in case I unleash theTime Lords, and I can't run away, because they'll burn this planet tostop the Time Lords. Hey, after all these years, I've finally foundsomewhere that needs me to stick around. A town called Christmas.Could've been worse. Right, there you go, buddy. Comfy? [HANDLES] Comfort is irrelevant. [DOCTOR] How's that, is that better? [HANDLES] Affirmative. [DOCTOR] You just take it easy, buddy. He's getting old. I do my bestfor him, but I just can't get the parts, you know. Hey, I know thefeeling. [CLARA] Where did you get those? [DOCTOR] I have a supplier. The pink ones are best. [HANDLES] I have developed a fault. [DOCTOR] Hey, don't you worry, Handles. you're just dreaming. The sun'scoming up very soon. You just hang on in there. [HANDLES] I have developed a fault. I, I have developed a fault. [DOCTOR] Hey, Handles. Come on. Come on. One more dawn, you can do it.You've got it in you. Come on, just hang on in there. [HANDLES] Attention. Emergency. Attention. [DOCTOR] Handles, what is it? What's wrong? [HANDLES] Urgent action required. You must patch the telephone deviceback through the console unit. [DOCTOR] Come back. Handles? Handles. Oh. Thank you, Handles, and welldone. Well done, mate. [DOCTOR] What do you think of my new place? I come up here once a dayfor a few minutes, to remind myself of what it is I'm protecting. [CLARA] It's beautiful. Why did you send me away? [DOCTOR] Because if I hadn't, I'd have buried you a long time ago. [CLARA] No, you wouldn't. I would never have let you get stuck here. [DOCTOR] Ha! Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually, Clara. Everythingends. [CLARA] Except you. [DOCTOR] Have you been paying attention? I'm an old man now. [CLARA] But you don't die. You change. You pop right back up with a newface. [DOCTOR] No, not for ever. I can change twelve times. Thirteen versionsof me. Thirteen silly Doctors. [CLARA] Okay, so you're number eleven, so [DOCTOR] Ha. Are we forgetting Captain Grumpy, eh? I didn't call myselfthe Doctor during the Time War, but it was still a regeneration. [CLARA] Okay, so you're number twelve. [DOCTOR] Well, number ten once regenerated and kept the same face. I hadvanity issues at the time. Twelve regenerations, Clara. I can't ever doit again. This is where I end up. This face, this version of me. We sawthis planet in the future, remember? All those graves, one of themmine. [CLARA] Change the future. [DOCTOR] I can't. [CLARA] You've got your Tardis back. [DOCTOR] Ha! You think I'm just going to fly away, abandon everyone? [CLARA] Of course not. But you've been protecting this town for overthree hundred years. Do you not think it's anybody else's go yet? [DOCTOR] There is no one else to protect it. [CLARA] It's not going to be you for ever. It'll end the same way,whatever you do. [DOCTOR] Every life I save is a victory. Every single one. [CLARA] What about your life? Just for once, after all this time, haveyou not earned the right to think about that? Sorry. Wrong thing tosay. We shouldn't be having an argument. [DOCTOR] Clara, I've been having that argument for the last threehundred years, all by myself. [CLARA] But you didn't have your Tardis. [DOCTOR] Ah. Yes, well, that made it easier to stay. True. [TASHA [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Ah. Look who's woken up. [TASHA] The Church of the Silence requests parlay. Your rights andsafety are sanctified. [DOCTOR] I'll be right up. [TASHA] I'm sending a transporter. [DOCTOR] Nah, don't bother. I've got me motor back. [CLARA] It's gone dark. [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, the sun's gone down. [CLARA] Already? [DOCTOR] Everything ends, Clara. And sooner than you think. --------------------------------------- (Town) [DOCTOR] Hmm. Are you guarding my Tardis, Barnable? [BARNABLE] Are you coming back? [DOCTOR] Oh, come on. You know me. [BARNABLE] I'll wait. --------------------------------------- (Papal Mainframe) [CLARA] She hasn't aged much. [DOCTOR] No, she's against ageing. [TASHA] Approach. [SILENT] Confess. [CLARA] What are those things? [SILENT] Confess. [DOCTOR] Confessional priests. Very popular. Genetically engineered soyou forget everything you told them. [CLARA] Told who? [DOCTOR] There you go. --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [TASHA] Satisfactory? [DOCTOR] Where are the pink ones? [TASHA] E numbers. You're hyper enough as it is. [CLARA] So, this is sweet. Middle of a siege and you two have littlechats? [TASHA] She's right. This situation cannot continue. [DOCTOR] It can't end, either. --------------------------------------- (Papal Mainframe) [DALEK] Report. [MEME] The Time Lord has entered the trap. --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [TASHA] Why did you ever come to Trenzalore? [DOCTOR] Well, I did come to Trenzalore, and nothing can change thatnow. Didn't stop you trying though, did it? [TASHA] Not me. The Kovarian Chapter broke away. They travelled backalong your timeline and tried to prevent you ever reaching Trenzalore. [DOCTOR] So that's who blew up my Tardis. I thought I'd left the bathrunning. [TASHA] They blew up your time capsule, created the very cracks in theuniverse through which the Time Lords are now calling. [DOCTOR] The destiny trap. You can't change history if you're part ofit. [TASHA] They engineered a psychopath to kill you. [DOCTOR] Totally married her. I'd never have made it here alive withoutRiver Song. [TASHA] I'm not interested in changing history, Doctor. I want to changethe future. The Daleks send for reinforcements daily. They are massingfor war. Three days ago, they attacked the Mainframe itself. [DOCTOR] They attacked here? [CLARA] How did you stop them? [TASHA] Stop them? It was slaughter. [DOCTOR] Why didn't you call me? I could have helped. [TASHA] I tried. I died in this room, screaming your name. [DOCTOR] No. [TASHA] Oh. I died. It's funny the things that slip your mind. Ah! [DOCTOR] No! No, no, no. Tasha, no, please, not Tasha. No. Fight it.Tash, fight it! [DALEK] Step away from the Dalek unit, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You shouldn't even know who I am. [DALEK] Information concerning the Doctor was harvested from the cadaverof Tasha Lem. [DOCTOR] Bet she never told you how to break through the Trenzaloreforcefield, though. She'd have died first. [DALEK 2] Several times. [DOCTOR] Well, you'd better kill me, then. Go on. But before you do [VOICE [OC]] Doctor who? Doctor who? Doctor who? [DOCTOR] I'm a tough old bird. I'll be ages dying. Way enough time toanswer a question. And, oh dear, what happens then, boys? [DALEK] You will die in silence, Doctor, or your associate will die. [DOCTOR] Fine, go on, kill her. Kill her! See if I care. But tell me,what you are going to do next? [DALEK] See how the Time Lord betrays. [CLARA] You'll kill me anyway. What difference does it make? I'm notafraid. I'll leave that to you. [DOCTOR] You see, Tasha, that's what I'm talking about. That is a woman!I always knew you were a bit spineless, you and your pointless church.Why did I ever rely on you? Never trust a nun to do a Doctor's work. [DOCTOR] And she's back! [DOCTOR] You never could resist a row. [TASHA] Kiss me when I ask. [DOCTOR] Well, you'd better ask nicely. [TASHA] In your dreams. [DOCTOR] Right, get us back to the Tardis. Can you do that? [TASHA] Yeah, but quickly, the Dalek inside me is waking. [DOCTOR] Fight it. [TASHA] I can't. [DOCTOR] Listen to me. You have been fighting the psychopath inside youall your life. Shut up and win. That is an order, Tasha Lem. [TASHA] The forcefield will hold for a while, but it will decay, andthere are breaches already. [DOCTOR] Then this isn't a siege any more, it's a war. It's all up toyou now. Fight the Daleks, inside and out. You can do it, I know youcan. [TASHA] Oh, I see. You've got your Tardis back, haven't you? Time to flyaway. [DOCTOR] Tasha, please. Please. Thank you. [TASHA] None of this was for you, you fatuous egotist. It was for thepeace. Fly away, Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It's done. [CLARA] What is? [DOCTOR] Your turkey. Either that or its woken up. [CLARA] Do you want some? [DOCTOR] Go on, then. [CLARA] Got any plates? [DOCTOR] Do you know, I've even got Christmas crackers. [CLARA] One thing. Give me those big sad eyes, look at me so I knowyou're not lying, and tell me you will never send me away ever again. [DOCTOR] Clara Oswald, I will never send you away again. [CLARA] Turkey smells good! [DOCTOR] Yeah, smells great. [CLARA] Perfect. [CLARA] Merry Christmas. [CLARA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Town) [BARNABLE] If you're not leaving, why did you bringit back? [DOCTOR] It's a reminder. Besides, I might leave tomorrow. Or the nextday. Or the day after that. [TASHA [OC]] And so, to the fields of Trenzalore came all the TimeLord's enemies. For this was the winter of the Doctor. In time, whenall other races had retreated or burned, only the Church of theMainframe remained in the path of the Daleks. And so those ancientenemies, the Doctor and the Silence, stood back to back on the fieldsof Trenzalore. --------------------------------------- (Clara's flat) [TOY PENGUIN] Merry Christmas, everyone. Merry Christmas, everyone. [LINDA] Other fish in the sea, that's what I'm saying. [DAD] Linda, I don't think Clara wants to talk about it. [LINDA] I've got a suggestion, that's all. I've got a list ofsuggestions. [DAD] Linda. [LINDA] You could make a boy band out of my list. [CLARA] I hate boy bands. [LINDA] Of course you don't, not at your age. [GRAN] These crackers are rubbish. [LINDA] I bought them. [GRAN] I know. [LINDA] They're classy. [GRAN] They don't have jokes. [LINDA] Exactly. [GRAN] They've got poems. [LINDA] They're more dramatic crackers. [GRAN] I like the jokes. [CLARA] Tell us a joke, Gran. You know loads of jokes. [LINDA] I think we're probably talking about my list now. [CLARA] Probably not. [DAD] Tell us how you met Dad. The thing about the pigeon. [GRAN] I saw him on a pier on a rainy day. [DAD] No, no, not that one. The one about the pigeon. [GRAN] I'd seen him before, lots of times, but he just looked sobeautiful standing there. [DAD] The pigeon in the restaurant. You remember? [GRAN] I wanted everything to stop. I wanted nothing to change everagain. [GRAN] If he could just keep standing there, so beautiful. A long timeago. Don't hug me so tight, dear. You'll break something. [LINDA] Oh, that's nice. Crying at Christmas. [CLARA] Sorry. [GRAN] I hope you made a wish. [DAD] Clara? What's wrong, Clara. [CLARA] Everybody just stay put. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] You can fly the Tardis? [TASHA] Flying the Tardis was always easy. It was flying the Doctor Inever quite mastered. [CLARA] What's happened to him? --------------------------------------- (Town) [CLARA] What am I supposed to do? [TASHA] He shouldn't die alone. Go to him. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Barnable? [CLARA] Clara. [CLARA] Hello, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Were you always so young? [CLARA] Nah, that was you. [DOCTOR] Ah. --------------------------------------- (Town) [DALEK] Seek the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [CLARA] Merry Christmas. [DOCTOR] Merry Christmas. [CLARA] Hey, it's okay. It's all right, don't worry. [DOCTOR] Ah! Is there a joke? Ha? [CLARA] Extract from Thoughts on a Clock by Eric Ritchie junior. [DOCTOR] Is it a knock knock one? Those are best. [CLARA] I don't think so. [DOCTOR] Well, read it. Go on. [CLARA] And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves.Eleven's hour is over now. The clock is striking twelve's. [DOCTOR] I don't get it. [DALEK [OC]] Doctor! The Doctor will be brought! [DALEK [OC]] The Daleks demand the Doctor. [YOUNG MAN] They're here. The Daleks, we can't stop them. They want you. [DOCTOR] Oh, all right, Barnable. Are you Barnable? [YOUNG MAN] No, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's okay, Barnable, don't worry. I have got a plan. Off youpop. [DOCTOR] I haven't got a plan, but people love it when I say that. [CLARA] Doctor, what are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. Talk very fast, hope something good happens,take the credit. That's generally how it works. [CLARA] Doctor [DOCTOR] Not this time, though. This is it. [CLARA] No! [DOCTOR] Yes. We saw the future, Clara. This is how it ends. [CLARA] Change it. [DOCTOR] Ha. [CLARA] Like Tasha said, change the future. [DOCTOR] I could have once, when there were Time Lords. Not any more. --------------------------------------- (Town) [DALEK] Locate the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] No. You're going to stay here. Promise meyou will. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] I'll be keeping you safe. One last victory. Allow me that. Giveme that, my impossible girl. Thank you. And goodbye. [DOCTOR] The trouble with Daleks is, they take so long to say anything.Probably die of boredom before they shoot me. [DALEK [OC]] The Doctor is required! [CLARA] Listen to me, you lot. Listen! Help him. Help him change thefuture. Do it. Do something. [DALEK [OC]] Doctor! [CLARA] You've been asking a question, and it's time someone told youyou've been getting it wrong. His name, his name is the Doctor. All thename he needs. Everything you need to know about him. And if you lovehim, and you should, help him. Help him. --------------------------------------- (Bell chamber) [DOCTOR] Sorry I'm a bit slow. I may not be at mybest right now. [DALEK [OC]] You are dying, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm dying. You've been trying to kill me for centuries,and here I am, dying of old age. If you want something done, do ityourself. [DALEK [OC]] You will die, and the Time Lords will never return. [DOCTOR] You still can't work up the courage to shoot me, can you?You're still worried I've got something up my sleeve. Well, you knockyourselves out, boys. I've got nothing this time. [DALEK [OC]] You will die now, Doctor. This is the end of you. [DALEK [OC]] The rules of regeneration are known. You have expended allyour lives. [DOCTOR] Sorry, what did you say? Did you mention the rules? Now,listen. Bit of advice. Tell me the truth if you think you know it. Laydown the law if you're feeling brave. But, Daleks, never, ever tell methe rules! [DALEK [OC]] Emergency! Emergency! The Doctor is regenerating! [DALEK [OC]] The Doctor is regenerating! [DOCTOR] Oh, look at this. Regeneration number thirteen. We're breakingsome serious science here, boys. I tell you what, it's going to be awhopper! [DALEK [OC]] Exterminate! Exterminate the Doctor. [DOCTOR] You think you can stop me now, Daleks? If you want my life, ha,ha, come and get it! --------------------------------------- (Town) [CLARA] Get inside! Come on, quickly. Get inside,quick. --------------------------------------- (Bell chamber) [DOCTOR] Love from Gallifrey, boys! --------------------------------------- (Town) [CLARA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hello. [CLARA] You're young again. You're okay. You didn't even change yourface. [DOCTOR] Ha! It's started. I can't stop it now. This is just the reset.A whole new regeneration cycle. Ooo. [DOCTOR] Taking a bit longer. Just breaking it in. Oh. Oh. Gah. [DOCTOR] It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone ina moment, like breath on a mirror. Any moment now, he's a-coming. [CLARA] Who's coming? [DOCTOR] The Doctor. [CLARA] But you, you are the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yep, and I always will be. [DOCTOR] But times change, and so must I. [DOCTOR] Amelia? [CLARA] Who's Amelia? [DOCTOR] The first face this face saw. We all change, when you thinkabout it. We're all different people all through our lives. And that'sokay, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you rememberall the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this.Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me. [AMY] Raggedy man. Good night. [CLARA] No, no. [DOCTOR] Hey [CLARA] Please don't change. [DOCTOR] Kidneys! I've got new kidneys. I don't like the colour. [CLARA] Of your kidneys? [CLARA] What's happening? [DOCTOR] We're probably crashing. Oh! [CLARA] Into what? [DOCTOR] Stay calm. Just one question. Do you happen to know how to flythis thing?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e16", "title": "The Time of the Doctor"}
Doctor Who (8 Sep, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship [DOCTOR] Bye, then. Lovely meeting you. Sorry about the mess. [NEFERTITI] You think I'll just let you leave without me, after whatwe've just been through? [DOCTOR] You've got the Egyptian people to rule, Queen Nefertiti.They'll need reassuring after that weapon-bearing giant alien locustattack we just stopped rather brilliantly. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, sorry. I've got it set to Temporal News For You.That's interesting. [NEFERTITI] What is? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Not interesting. Not at all. Ooo, never been there.Exciting! I'm off! [DOCTOR [OC]] Coming! --------------------------------------- (Indian Space Agency 2367 A.D.) [INDIRA] Craft size approximately ten millionsquare kilometres. [DOCTOR] A ship the size of Canada coming at Earth very fast. Any signsof life? [INDIRA] We sent up a drone craft. It took these readings. [DOCTOR] Crikey, Charlie, look at that. Ooo, I know someone who'd loveto have a look at that. And the Ponds. Mustn't forget the Ponds, Neffy.Haven't seen them in ages. I'm riffing. People usually stop me when I'mriffing or carry on without me. That's also an option. [NEFERTITI] Can you communicate with this craft? [DOCTOR] She's with me. Good question, Neffy. [INDIRA] No. No response on any channel, in any recognised language. Ifit comes within ten thousand kilometres of Earth, we send up missiles. [DOCTOR] Oh, Indira, I liked you before you said missiles. How long tillthe ship gets that close? [INDIRA] Six hours nineteen minutes. [DOCTOR] Right. Better get a shift on, then. Leave it with us. Come on,Neffy. We're going to need help. --------------------------------------- (African Plains 1902 A.D.) [DOCTOR] More stew? [RIDDELL] Where've you been, man? Seven months. You said you werepopping out for some liquorice. I had two very disappointed dancers onmy hands. Not that I couldn't manage. [DOCTOR] Riddell, listen. I've found, well, something. [RIDDELL] No, no, no, no, no. I shan't fall for that again. What is it? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. Do you want to find out? --------------------------------------- (Amy and Rory's home) [BRIAN] I think it's the fitting. [RORY] Dad, it's not the fitting. It just needs a new bulb. [BRIAN] You're wobbling the ladder. [RORY] I'm not. I don't want another loft incident. [AMY] How's my side, Brian? [BRIAN] Perfect, as ever, Amy. [AMY] Thank you, Brian. [BRIAN] I don't know what he said to you to make you marry him, but he'sa lucky man. [RORY] (sotto) Not here, not now. [BRIAN] You leave the back door open? [RORY] What is he doing? [AMY] I'm going to kill him. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Hello! You weren't busy, were you? Well,even if you were, it wasn't as interesting as this probably is. Didn'twant you to miss it. Now, just a quick hop. [DOCTOR] Everybody grab a torch. --------------------------------------- (Open area) [DOCTOR] Spiders. Don't normally get spiders in space. [BRIAN] What the? [DOCTOR] Don't move! Do you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn'tnotice? How did you get aboard, eh? Transmat? Who sent you? [RORY] Doctor. That's my dad. [DOCTOR] Well frankly, that's outrageous. [RORY] What? [DOCTOR] You think you can just bring your dad along without asking? I'mnot a taxi service, you know. [RORY] You materialised around us. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, that's fine, then. My mistake. Hello, Brian. How areyou? Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome. This is the gang. I've got agang. Yes. Come on then, everyone. [AMY] Tell him something, quick. [RORY] Yes, thank you! [BRIAN] I'm not entirely sure what's going on. [RORY] You know when Amy and I first got married and we went travelling [BRIAN] To Thailand. [RORY] More the entirety of space and time. In that police box. [AMY] All right, where are we? What is that noise and hello, ten months? [DOCTOR] Well, I sense it's orbiting. More like pre-crashing. On aspaceship, don't know, and hello, Pond. Ten months. Time flies. Neverreally understood that phrase. This is Neffy, this is Riddell. They'rewith me. [RIDDELL] Charmed. [AMY] With you? They're with you? Are they the new us? Is that why wehaven't seen you? [DOCTOR] No. They're just people. They're not Ponds. I thought we mightneed a new gang. Not really had a gang before. It's new. [DOCTOR] It's coming down. [RIDDELL] What is it? [DOCTOR] No idea. [BRIAN] Not possible. [DOCTOR] Run! [AMY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] I know. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship! [NEFERTITI] In here! [RIDDELL] I could take one of them. Short blow up into the throat. [DOCTOR] Or not. We've just found dinosaurs in space. We need topreserve them. [RIDDELL] Who's going to preserve us? [AMY] Shush. [RORY] Okay, so, how and whose ship? --------------------------------------- (Spaceship bridge) [DOCTOR] [on screen] --------------------------------------- (Open area) [BRIAN] Sorry, sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs areflying a spaceship? [DOCTOR] Brian, please, that would be ridiculous. They're probably justpassengers. Did I mention missiles? [BRIAN] Missiles? [DOCTOR] Didn't want to worry you. Anyway, six hours is a lifetime. Notliterally a lifetime. That's what we're trying to avoid. And we're allreally clever. Ooo, let's see what we can find out. Come on. [AMY] How many dinosaurs do you think are on here? [DOCTOR] Oh, well done, whoever you are. Looking for engines. Thank you,computer. Look at that. Different sections have engines, but these looklike the primary clusters. Where are we now, computer? We need to getdown to these engines. [NEFERTITI] What happened? [AMY] Oh, great. --------------------------------------- (Engine room) [DOCTOR] Find out. What? [BRIAN] We're outside. We're on a beach. [DOCTOR] Teleport. Oh, I hate teleports. Must have activated on myvoice. [BRIAN] Ah, yes, well, thank you, Arthur C Clarke. Teleport, obviously.I mean, we're on a spaceship with dinosaurs. Why wouldn't there be ateleport? In fact, why don't we just teleport now? [DOCTOR] Is he all right? [RORY] No, he hates travelling. Makes him really anxious. He only goesto the paper shop and golf. [DOCTOR] What did you bring him for? [RORY] I didn't! Why can't you just phone ahead like any normal person? [BRIAN] Somebody tell me where we are, now. [DOCTOR] Well, it's not Earth. Doesn't taste right. Too metallic. [BRIAN] Is that a kestrel? [DOCTOR] I do hope so. [RORY] The beach is humming. [DOCTOR] Is it? Oh yes. Right, well, don't just stand there, you two.Dig. I'm going to look at rocks. Love a rock. [RORY] Dig with what? [BRIAN] Ah, well. [RORY] Did you just have that on you? [BRIAN] Of course. What sort of man doesn't carry a trowel? Put it onyour Christmas list. [RORY] Dad, I'm thirty one. I don't have a Christmas list any more. [DOCTOR] I do! [BRIAN] There's a floor under this beach. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [RORY [on monitor]] Doctor! Doctor! [SOLOMON] Do you hear that? Did you hear what he called him? Doctor.After all this time. Bring them to me. [RORY [on monitor]] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Open area) [RIDDELL] There's clearly more than just two of these creatures. [AMY] Hey, put that away. I need you sober. [RIDDELL] It's medicinal. And I don't take orders from females. [NEFERTITI] Then learn. Any man who speaks to me that way, I execute. [RIDDELL] You're very welcome to try. [AMY] Sorry, what was your name again? [NEFERTITI] Lady of the Two Lands, wife of the great King Amenhotep,Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. [RIDDELL] I'll be damned. [AMY] Oh, my god. Queen Nefertiti? I learned all about you at school.You're awesome. Big fan. High five. Yeah, bit behind on that. You'rereally famous. [RIDDELL] Shush. Listen. [AMY] Okay. At a guess, T Rex, not yet full size. We're in the middle ofa dinosaur nest. [RIDDELL] I propose a retreat. [RIDDELL] Perhaps forwards. [AMY] Agreed. Just don't wake the baby. [AMY] Oh, my god. Who are you, anyway? [RIDDELL] John Riddell, big game hunter on the African plains. I'm sureyou've heard of me, too. [AMY] No. [RIDDELL] You clearly have some alarming gaps in your education. [AMY] Or men who hunt defenceless creatures just don't impact onhistory. Face it, she's way cooler than you. [NEFERTITI] And you, Amy. Are you also a Queen? [AMY] Yes. Yes, I am. --------------------------------------- (Engine room) [DOCTOR] See? Metal floors, screens in rocks. It was just a matter of ashort range teleport. We're still on the ship. [BRIAN] No, we're outside on a beach. [RORY] It's part of the ship, Dad. [BRIAN] Don't be ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Well, it is quite ridiculous. Also brilliant. That's why thesystem teleported us here. I wanted the engines. This is the engineroom! Hydrogenerators! Ha! [BRIAN] I have literally no idea what he's saying. [RORY] A spaceship powered by waves. [DOCTOR] Fabulously impossible. Oh, think of the things we could learnfrom this ship if we manage to stop it being blown to pieces. [RORY] Plus not dying. [DOCTOR] Bad news, can't shut the wave system down in time. Takes, takesway too long. [RORY] If these are the engines, there must be a control room. [DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what we need to find. Now, what do we do aboutthe things that aren't kestrals? [BRIAN] Oh my lord. Are those pterodactyls? [DOCTOR] Yes. On any other occasion, I'd be thrilled. Exposed on abeach, less thrilled. We should be going. [BRIAN] Where? [DOCTOR] Er, definitely away from them. [RORY] That's the plan? [DOCTOR] That's the plan. Amendments welcome. Move away from thepterodactyls. [RORY] I think they might be noticing. [DOCTOR] Amendment one, run! [RORY] Why don't we just teleport or something? [DOCTOR] No! Local teleport burnt out on arrival. There's something inthe cliffs over there. [RORY] Come on! [BRIAN] I'm trying! --------------------------------------- (Cave) [BRIAN] Are you all right? [RORY] Yeah, I'm fine. Right, what do we do now? There's no way back outthere. [DOCTOR] Through the cave. Come on. [DOCTOR] That suggestion was a work in progress. [BRIAN] We're trapped. [DOCTOR] Yes, thanks for spelling it out. [RORY] Doctor, whatever's down there is coming this way. [DOCTOR] Spelling it out is hereditary. Wonderful. [BRIAN] That sound's getting nearer. [ROBOT 1] We're very cross with you. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [AMY] Bit of weed killer wouldn't go amiss in here. [RIDDELL] Whoever was running this vessel left in a hurry. [NEFERTITI] Maybe a plague came and took them. [RIDDELL] No, there'd be corpses and bones. [NEFERTITI] Unless the animals ate them. [AMY] Whoa, Chuckle Brothers. Lighten up, would you? [NEFERTITI] How'd you know how to do that? [AMY] Well, I've spent enough time with the Doctor to know whenever youenter somewhere new, press buttons. [NEFERTITI] What else have you learned from him? [AMY] Don't stop at button pressing. [BLEYTAL [OC]] One hundred and seventeen years. [AMY] Data records. [RIDDELL] The ship's owners? [AMY] Could be. Come on. Help us out. [BLEYTAL [OC]] Mainly cryogenic. [BLEYTAL [OC]] I will continue to work [AMY] How about a picture, huh? Come on, for me. [BLEYTAL [OC]] Far beyond our [NEFERTITI] Look. Oh, it's beautiful. [BLEYTAL [on screen]] I can't tell how far we have come. Far enough toavoid the destructive impact forecast for our planet. Far enough for meto feel a profound sense of loss. [RIDDELL] What is that? [AMY] Silurian. --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [ROBOT 1] You're going straight on the naughtystep. [BRIAN] What's the escape plan? [DOCTOR] Why do we want to escape? [BRIAN] They have us hostage. [RORY] They're taking us somewhere. We might learn from it. [DOCTOR] Oh, you see? He's so clever. I've missed you, Rory. [RORY] Don't do that. [BRIAN] What if they kill us? [DOCTOR] They wouldn't do that. You're not going to kill us, are you,Rusty? [ROBOT 1] Who are you calling Rusty? [DOCTOR] Have you seen yourselves lately? [ROBOT 1] You try being on this ship for two millennia. See how yourpaintwork does. [ROBOT 2] Don't listen to him. He's just being mean because we capturedhim. [BRIAN] Oh, my goodness. [RORY] Whoa! [DOCTOR] Ooo! [DOCTOR] Herbivore. Don't panic. Triceratops. Ha! Beautiful. [ROBOT 2] Shall I shoot it? [ROBOT 1] We're not supposed to shoot the creatures, stupid. [ROBOT 2] Stop calling me stupid. [DOCTOR] Roar yourself. Hello, cutie. Good boy. Who's a lovely Tricythen? Yes, you are. Yes, you are. [BRIAN] What do I do? What do I do? [BRIAN] What're you doing? What're you doing? [DOCTOR] You don't have any vegetable matter in your trousers, do you,Brian? [BRIAN] Only my balls. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry? [BRIAN] Golf balls. Grassy residue. [RORY] What are you carrying those around for? [BRIAN] Urgh. [DOCTOR] Oh, bless. [BRIAN] Get it away from me. [DOCTOR] Throw one. [BRIAN] Really? Is this what you want? Is it? [DOCTOR] And breath out. Right, take us to your leader. [RORY] Really? [DOCTOR] Too good to resist. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [BLEYTAL [on screen]] Of the fifty species loaded,only one has had any difficulty surviving. All the others are thriving,and we expect them to be able to repopulate. [AMY] We're on an Ark. A Silurian Ark. [RIDDELL] Lizard people herding dinosaurs onto a Space Ark? Absolutetommyrot. [NEFERTITI] Only an idiot denies the evidence of their own eyes. [RIDDELL] Egyptian Queen or not, I shall put you across my knee andspank you. [AMY] Oh lord. [NEFERTITI] Try, and I'll snap your neck in a heartbeat. [RIDDELL] They certainly bred firecrackers in your time. [AMY] Oh, no, no, please don't start flirting. I will not have flirtingcompanions. [NEFERTITI] If the Doctor trusts Amy, so do I. Stop doubting her. [RIDDELL] If this ship was built by [AMY] Silurians, yeah. [RIDDELL] Where are they? [AMY] That's a surprisingly good question. Display life signs for HomoReptilia. [AMY] But where have they gone? [NEFERTITI] Perhaps they found another world, left the ship. [AMY] Why are the dinosaurs still on board, and why is the ship comingback to Earth? It doesn't make sense. What's changed between then andnow? Wait. Computer, show me the ship at launch with all life signals.Now show me the ship today with all life signals. Thousands less. Butwhy? Show me both images, then and now, side by side. [RIDDELL] What are you looking for? [AMY] Okay, two images. Spot the difference. What changed? What happenedto the Silurians? [NEFERTITI] The centre. [AMY] Computer, zoom in to the centre. Hold on. [RIDDELL] What is it? [AMY] Another spacecraft. This ship's been boarded before. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [DOCTOR] Love what you've done to the place down here. [SOLOMON [OC]] Let him in. Open the gate. [DOCTOR] It's fine. It's fine. [ROBOT 1] He's not interested in you. [RORY] Look, you need to learn some manners. [ROBOT 1] No, you need to learn some manners. [RORY] No, you do. [ROBOT 2] No, you do, Mister Manners. [DOCTOR] Fantasia in F minor for four hands. [SOLOMON] You know it. [DOCTOR] Know it? Say hello to hands three and four. Schubert kepttickling me to try to put me off. Franz the hands. Oh, that takes meback. Well, this is cosy. [SOLOMON] It's fate you came. [DOCTOR] Is it? I'm the Doctor. [SOLOMON] Yes, I know. I'm Solomon. [DOCTOR] What's that? [SOLOMON] System malfunction. Ignore it. [DOCTOR] What happened to you? [SOLOMON] I was attacked. Three raptors. They cornered me. The robotsrescued me but it was nearly too late. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, the robots. They're unusual. [SOLOMON] I got them cheap from a concession on Alyria Seven. The robotsdid as best they could with my legs, but you can help me so much more. [DOCTOR] Oh. A doctor doctor. I see. Let's have a look. [SOLOMON] They chewed through part of the bone in my legs. [DOCTOR] Yes. Very nasty. [SOLOMON] But you can repair them. [DOCTOR] If you tell me how you came by so many dinosaurs. [SOLOMON] Injure the older one. [DOCTOR] What? [RORY] Dad! Dad! It's all right, Dad. It's okay. [DOCTOR] I don't respond well to violent, Solomon. [SOLOMON] And I don't like questions, Doctor. You boarded without mypermission. Now, fix me, or the next bolt will be fatal. [RORY] I will take you apart cog by cog and melt you down when all thisis over. [ROBOT 1] Oh, I'm so scared. Actually, I might be. A little bit of oiljust came out. [RORY] Now, stay still. It's just a burn, it's nothing serious. [BRIAN] What's that? [RORY] You carry a trowel, I carry a med-pack. It's all about thepockets in our family. This is an ice patch. It cools the skin. [BRIAN] Never seen one of those. [RORY] I pick up cool stuff wherever we go. For some people it's carsand hardware, for me it is nursing supplies. Now, painkiller. Thiswon't hurt. [BRIAN] Ow. [RORY] I lied. It won't hurt from now on, though. All right, you'redone. [BRIAN] Thanks. [RORY] It's all right. You get to see my awesome nursing skills inaction for once. [ROBOT 1] What's that? [BRIAN] Your phone's ringing. In space. [RORY] You get used to it. I have to take this. The wife. Hello, missus. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [AMY] Where are you. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [RORY] Still on board. Met some pterodactyls andsome rusty robots I'm going to melt down. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [AMY] Rory, this is a Silurian ship. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [SOLOMON] How did you get on board, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, I never talk about myself with a gun pointed at me. Let'stalk about you. Your cosy little craft embedded in a vast old ship. [SOLOMON] You're very observant. [DOCTOR] I'm a Sagittarius, probably. [SOLOMON] I'm transporting it to the Roxborne Peninsula. [DOCTOR] A commerce colony. You're a trader. [SOLOMON] I search out opportunities for profit across nine galaxies. [DOCTOR] Ah, the purple light. That's what it was. An IV system,identifying value. The database of everything across space and timeallocated a market value. Argos for the universe. You were trying tofind out how much I'm worth. [SOLOMON] Would you like to know? [SOLOMON] You don't exist. It's never done that. [DOCTOR] That's me. Worthless. Unlike these creatures you have on board.Very valuable, given they're extinct. Done. Sit up, very slowly. [RORY] Doctor? Amy. [DOCTOR] I need to take this. [DOCTOR] Amy. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [AMY] This is an Ark built by the Silurians. Theywere looking for another planet. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [DOCTOR] Where are they now? --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [AMY] None on board. I mean, thousands of stasispods, all empty. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [DOCTOR] I'll see you soon. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Be ready. [SOLOMON] The pain in my legs is gone. I can move them. Thank you,Doctor. [DOCTOR] What did you do to the Silurians? [SOLOMON] We ejected them. The robots woke them from cryosleep a handfulat a time and jettisoned them from the airlocks. We must have left atrail of dust and bone. [DOCTOR] Because you wanted the dinosaurs. [SOLOMON] Their ship crossed my path. I sent out a distress signal, theylet me board, and when I saw the cargo things became more complex. [DOCTOR] Piracy and then genocide. [SOLOMON] Very emotive words, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm a very emotive man. [SOLOMON] The lizards wouldn't negotiate. I made them a generous offer. [DOCTOR] The creatures on board this ship are not objects to be sold ortraded. [SOLOMON] I feel like you're judging me. [DOCTOR] You said Roxborne Peninsula, so why are you heading to Earth?You're on the wrong course. Oh, you don't know how. Brilliant. Youcouldn't change the pre-programmed course without instructions. Theship defaulted, returned home. Oh dear. The Silurians outwitted youeven after you'd massacred them, so now you're a prisoner on the shipyou hijacked. [SOLOMON] Not now you're here. You going to help me go wherever I wantto go, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Little bit of news, Solomon. You're being targeted by missiles.Get off this ship while you still can. [SOLOMON] You think I believe that? You just want them for yourself. Youwon't profit from me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Don't ever judge me by your standards. [DOCTOR] Well, don't just stand there, Rory. (to robots) Hey, he wantsto see you. [RORY] Dad, up! --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [BRIAN] What are we doing? [DOCTOR] Just do exactly as I do. [RORY] Doctor, no! [DOCTOR] Geronimo! --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [ROBOT 2] Did you call? [SOLOMON] What are you doing? Stop them! [ROBOT 1] All right, don't shout. [SOLOMON] Useless machines. --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [DOCTOR] Go, Tricy. Run like the wind! [ROBOT 1 [OC]] After them. [DOCTOR] Quick, how do you start a Triceratops? [ROBOT 1] There they are. [ROBOT 2] I know, I saw them before you. [BRIAN] Tricy, fetch. [DOCTOR] Go, Tricy. [ROBOT 1] They've stolen a dinosaur. [ROBOT 2] I can see that. [DOCTOR] Come on, Tricy, faster, baby! [ROBOT 1] They're turning off. We're losing them. [ROBOT 2] Which way did they go? [ROBOT 1] I thought you were looking. [ROBOT 2] No. Now they've got away. [ROBOT 1] We definitely used to be faster. [BRIAN] I'm riding a dinosaur on a spaceship. [DOCTOR] I know! [BRIAN] I only came round to fix your light. [DOCTOR] Come on, Tricy. Where are the brakes? [DOCTOR] Good. That worked. Okay. Er, where are we now? Ooo, incomingmessage from Earth. Hello, Earth, how's things? [INDIRA [on screen]] Doctor, the ship's coming through the atmosphere. Ihave to start the missile programme. [DOCTOR] No. No, no, no, don't do that. Everything's completely undercontrol here. Turning round any moment. Need a bit of wriggle room onthe timings. [INDIRA [on screen]] I can't do that. [DOCTOR] You can. Of course you can. Tiny bit more time, Indira, please.This ship contains the most precious cargo. [INDIRA [on screen]] My only responsibility is the Earth's safety. I'mlaunching the missiles. Goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, Indira. Hey! Come back! Please! --------------------------------------- (Indian Space Agency) [COMPUTER]] Target identified. Navigation systemslocking on to target. Missile launch procedure initiated. Estimatedimpact, thirty minutes. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [RIDDELL] Now, these are what we need. Dinosaurprotection. [AMY] No weapons. [AMY] Anaesthetic? These are stun guns. You're almost clever. [RIDDELL] Enough to make a dinosaur take a nap. Even the Doctor couldn'tobject to that. [NEFERTITI] You and the Doctor, are you his Queen? [AMY] No, I'm Rory's Queen. Wife. Wife. I am his wife. Please don't tellhim I said I was his Queen. I'll never hear the end of it. [NEFERTITI] And the Doctor, does he have a Queen? [AMY] I thought you had a husband? [NEFERTITI] The male equivalent of a sleeping potion. [RIDDELL] You clearly need a man of action and excitement. One with avery large weapon. [AMY] So, human sleeping potion or walking innuendo. Take your pick. [DOCTOR [on screen]] That's very bad indeed. Completely unhelpful. [RORY [on screen]] Doesn't the ship have any defence systems installed? --------------------------------------- (Open area) [DOCTOR] Good thinking, Rory. [DOCTOR] Computer, show us weapons and defence systems. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, that was a waste of time, wasn't it? Getting my hopesup like that. [RORY] What ship doesn't have weapons? [DOCTOR] Ah, they're ancient species, Rory. Still full of hope. [BRIAN] What about the control deck? You said we should go to thecontrol deck next. [DOCTOR] It's too late. It won't make any difference. [RORY] We could at least try. [DOCTOR] It won't work, Rory. The missiles are locked on. [RORY] So what, we're just giving up? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I don't know. [SOLOMON] You were telling the truth, Doctor. Earth has launchedmissiles. This vessel is too clumsy to outrun them, but I have my ownship. [DOCTOR] You won't get your precious cargo on board, though. Just be youand your metal tantrum machines. [ROBOT 1] We do not have tantrums! [SOLOMON] Shut up. You're right, Doctor. I can't keep the dinosaurs andlive myself. But I had the IV system scan the entire ship, and it foundsomething even more valuable. Utterly unique. I don't know where youfound it, or how you got it here, but I want it. [DOCTOR] I don't know what you're talking about. [SOLOMON] Earth Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [SOLOMON [OC]] A face stamped across history. --------------------------------------- (Open area) [SOLOMON] Give her to me, and I'll let the rest ofyou live. [DOCTOR] No. [SOLOMON] You think I won't punish those who get in my way, whateverthey're worth? [DOCTOR] You must be very proud. [SOLOMON] Bring her to me, or the robots will make their way throughyour corpses. Bring her now. [DOCTOR] No. [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [NEFERTITI] I demanded to be brought here. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no way. [NEFERTITI] It isn't your choice, Doctor, it's mine. [DOCTOR] Listen to me. If you go with him, I can't guarantee yoursafety. [NEFERTITI] You saved my people. I am in your debt. [DOCTOR] No. No debts. You don't owe me anything. [NEFERTITI] Then I do it on my own. [DOCTOR] No, Neffy, Neffy. [RIDDELL] No! Take her and I shoot you. [NEFETITI] Put your weapon down. Let me make my choice. [SOLOMON] Do it, boy. [SOLOMON] My bounty increases. And what an extraordinary bounty you are. [NEFERTITI] Never touch me. [SOLOMON] I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have funbreaking them. And I will break you in with immense pleasure. Thankyou, Doctor. Computer, take us back to my ship. [COMPUTER] Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress.Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. [DOCTOR] Bingo. [RORY] What is it? Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Control deck) [DOCTOR] Okay, control deck. [RORY] So, what's the plan? [DOCTOR] Come on. The missiles are locked onto us. We can't out-runthem. We have to save the dinosaurs and get Nefertiti back fromSolomon. Isn't it obvious? [RORY] It's sort of the opposite of obvious. [DOCTOR] Seventeen minutes before the missiles hit. We need to turn thisship around. [RORY] You said it was too late. That there wasn't any time. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes, but I didn't have this plan then, did I? Riddell? Keepan eye out for dinosaurs. [RIDDELL] I was rather hoping you'd say that. [DOCTOR] No killing any. Rory, Brian, get rid of the cobwebs. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [SOLOMON] Come on, come on, we're not moving. He's magnetised us. Wecan't move away. --------------------------------------- (Outside the control deck) [RIDDELL] Come on, boy. I'll get you. [RIDDELL] Hell's teeth, that's really not fair. --------------------------------------- (Indian Space Agency) [COMPUTER] Missile target will be reached in elevenminutes. --------------------------------------- (Control deck) [DOCTOR] No, don't be like that. Really unhelpful. [AMY] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Parallel pilot compartments, both configured. Needs twooperator of the same gene-chain. And that's why Solomon couldn't changethe ship's course and neither can we. [DOCTOR] What? [BRIAN] We can. Me and Rory. We must be the same gene-thingy you said. [DOCTOR] Brian Pond, you are delicious. [BRIAN] I'm not a Pond. [DOCTOR] Course you are. Sit down, both of you, licketty split. The shipdoes all the engineering. The controls are straight forward. Even amonkey use them. Oh look, they're going to. Guys, come on. Comedy gold.Where's a Silurian audience when you need one. Anyway, two eye linescreens. Velocity and trajectories. Steer away from the Earth. Try notto bump into the moon otherwise the races who live there will be livid. [BRIAN] What? [DOCTOR] Primary controls in the arms of the chairs. Principle's thesame as any vehicle. Eight minutes forty five seconds. [DOCTOR] Get us as far away as you can. Right, phase two sorted. Now forphase one. [AMY] Oh no, phase two comes after phase one. [DOCTOR] Humans, you are so linear. Shine the torch in here. [AMY] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Mixing my messages. How's the job? [AMY] We're about to be hit by missiles and you're asking me that? [DOCTOR] I work best when I'm multitasking. Keep talking. How's the job? [AMY] I gave it up. [DOCTOR] You gave the last one up. [AMY] Yeah, well, I can't settle. Every minute I'm listening out forthat stupid Tardis sound. [DOCTOR] Right, so it's my fault now, is it? [AMY] I can't not wait for you, even now. And they're getting longer,you know, the gaps between your visits. I think you're weaning us offyou. [DOCTOR] I'm not, I promise. Really promise. The others, yeah, but notyou. Rory and you, you have lives, have each other. I thought that'swhat we agreed. [AMY] I know. I just worry there'll come a time when you never turn up.That something will have happened to you and I'll still be waiting,never knowing. [DOCTOR] No, come on, Pond. You'll be there till the end of me. [AMY] Or vice versa. [DOCTOR] Don't. [RIDDELL] Doctor? This is a two man job. [RIDDELL] What are you doing? [AMY] I'm easily worth two men. You can help too, if you like. [AMY] Doctor, what are you going to do --------------------------------------- (Outside the control deck) [RIDDELL] Quickens the blood, doesn't it? [AMY] The sooner this lot go back to being extinct, the better. [RIDDELL] You know what I want more than anything? [AMY] Lessons in gender politics? [RIDDELL] A dinosaur tooth to take home. Dinosaurs ahead, a lady at myside, about to be blown up. I'm sure I've never been happier. [AMY] Shut up and shoot. [RIDDELL] Duck! --------------------------------------- (Control deck) [BRIAN] I'm flying a spaceship. Rory! [RORY] Hmm? [BRIAN] We're flying a spaceship. [RORY] I know. --------------------------------------- (Indian Space Agency) [ISA WORKER] Ship's trajectory is changing. [INDIRA] It makes no difference. The missiles have locked on. How longtill target? [ISA WORKER] Seven minutes. --------------------------------------- (Control deck) [BRIAN] Here we go! That's it, that's it. That'sit, that's it. Me, me, me. Yes, yes. It's better than golf. --------------------------------------- (Small spaceship) [DOCTOR] Hello! Having trouble leaving? [ROBOTS] Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. [DOCTOR] Ship's still magnetised. Just couldn't bear to lose you. [SOLOMON] Release my ship, Doctor, or I kill this precious littleobject. [NEFERTITI] I am not your possession now, nor will I ever be. Now, staythere. [DOCTOR] Don't mess with Egyptian Queens, Solomon. I hope you've learntthat now. [SOLOMON] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Disabling this ship's signal and replacing it with the one fromthe Silurian ship. I send this craft off emitting the signal they'relooking for, the missiles will follow. Hopefully, Siliurian ship safe,dinosaurs safe, everybody safe. Bit tight for time, though. Shouldn'treally be chatting. Neffy, let's go. How remiss of me. Almost forgot.The thing about missiles, very literal. This is what they latch on to. [DOCTOR] Now, one press of this and the ship's demagnetised. [SOLOMON] Doctor, whatever you want, I can get it for you. Whateverobject you desire. [DOCTOR] Did the Silurians beg you to stop? Look, Solomon. The missiles.See them shine? See how valuable they are. And they're all yours. [SOLOMON] You wouldn't leave me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Enjoy your bounty. [SOLOMON] Doctor! [SOLOMON] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Open area) [DOCTOR] So, dinosaur drop off time. [RORY] Actually, we think home for us. [DOCTOR] Oh. Fine. Of course. [AMY] Not for ever, just a couple of months. [DOCTOR] Right. Yes. I'm pretty busy anyway. I mean, I've got to dropeveryone back. [BRIAN] About that. Can I ask a favour? There's something I want to see. --------------------------------------- (Amy and Rory's home) [AMY] More postcards from your dad. [RORY] Do you know what? I think it is the fitting.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e02", "title": "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship"}
Doctor Who (15 Sep, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - A Town Called Mercy (Desert) [MAS] I knew you'd find me eventually. [GUNSLINGER] Make peace with your gods. [MAS] Once they were your gods, too. [GUNSLINGER] Not any more. [MAN] Am I, am I the last one? [GUNSLINGER] There's one more. The Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] Mercy. Eighty one residents. [AMY] Look at this. It's a load of stones and lumps of wood. What is it? [DOCTOR] A load of stones and lumps of wood. [RORY] The sign does say Keep Out. [DOCTOR] I see Keep Out signs as suggestions more than actual orders,like Dry Clean only. [DOCTOR] That's not right. [RORY] It's a street lamp. [DOCTOR] An electric street lamp about ten years too early. [RORY] It's only a few years out. [DOCTOR] That's what you said when you left your phone charger in Henrythe Eighth's en-suite. [AMY] Doctor, er [DOCTOR] Anachronistic electricity, Keep Out signs, aggressive stares.Has someone been peeking at my Christmas list? [AMY] Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Saloon) [DOCTOR] Tea. But the strong stuff. Leave the bag in. [SADIE] What're you doing here, son? [DOCTOR] Son? You can stay. [PREACHER] Sir, might I enquire who you is? [DOCTOR] Of course. I'm the Doctor. This is [DOCTOR] No need to stand. You see that? Manners. Oh, thank you. [DOCTOR] But I don't need a new suit. [ABRAHAM] I'm the undertaker, sir. [WALTER] I got a question. Is you an alien? [DOCTOR] Well, er, bit personal. It's all relative, isn't it? I mean, Ithink you're the aliens, but in this context, yes. Yes, I suppose I am. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] Guys! [AMY] Doctor! Put him down! [SADIE] Don't think we won't kill you. [RORY] Leave him alone! [DOCTOR] Rory, everything is completely under control. Guys, guys, guys. [DOCTOR] Ow. [PREACHER] He's coming. Oh God, he's coming. [WALTER] Preacher, say something. [PREACHER] Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. [PREACHER] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. [ISAAC] You, bow tie. Get back across that line. [ISAAC] Now. [WALTER] Isaac, he said he was a doctor. An alien doctor. [ISAAC] That a reason to hand him to his death? [WALTER] Isaac, it could be him. [ISAAC] You know it ain't. [ISAAC] Ma'am. [WALTER] Just letting him go like that? Be seeing you, boy. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [DOCTOR] What was that outside? [ISAAC] The Gunslinger. Showed up three weeks back. We've been prisonersever since. See that border line stretching round the town? Woke up onemorning, there it was. Nothing gets past it, in or out. No supplywagons, no reinforcements. Pretty soon the whole town's going to starveto death. [RORY] But you let us in. [ISAAC] You ain't carrying any food. Just three more mouths to feed.We'll all die even sooner now. [DOCTOR] What happens if someone crosses the line? [DOCTOR] Ah, well, he wasn't a very good shot, then. [ISAAC] He was aiming for the hat. [DOCTOR] He shoots people's hats? [AMY] It was a warning shot. [DOCTOR] Ah, no, yes. I see. Hmm. [AMY] What does he want? Has he issued some kind of demand? [ISAAC] Says he wants us to give him the alien doctor. [AMY] But that's you. Why would he want to kill you? Unless he's metyou. [RORY] And how could he know that we'd be here? (sotto) We didn't evenknow we'd be here. [AMY] We were aiming for Mexico. The Doctor was taking us to see the Dayof the Dead Festival. [ISAAC] Mexico's two hundred miles due south. [DOCTOR] Well, that's what happens when people get toast crumbs on theconsole. Anyway, I think it's about time I met him, don't you? [ISAAC] Who? [DOCTOR] The chap outside said I could be the alien doctor, but you saidI wasn't, so you already know who it is. Two alien doctors. We're likebuses. Resident eighty one, I presume, so beloved by the townsfolk hewarranted an alteration to the sign. Probably because he rigged upthese electrics, and I'm guessing he's in here, because if half thetown suddenly wanted to throw me to my death, this is where I'd want tobe. [ISAAC] I don't know what you [JEX] Isaac, I think the time for subterfuge has passed. Good afternoon.My name is Kahler-Jex. I'm the doctor. [DOCTOR] The Kahler. I love the Kahler. They're one of the mostingenious races in the galaxy. Seriously, they could build a spaceshipout ofTupperware and moss. [AMY] All right. How did you get here? [JEX] My craft crashed about a mile or so out of town. I would have diedif Isaac and the others hadn't pulled me from the wreckage. [DOCTOR] And you stayed, as their doctor. [JEX] On my world I was a surgeon, so it seemed logical. And it gave mean opportunity to repay my debt to them. [ISAAC] Listen to him. Talking like it was nothing. Tell them about thecholera. [JEX] Now, Isaac, I'm sure our guests are [ISAAC] Two years after he arrived, there was an outbreak of cholera.Thanks to the doc here, not a single person died. [JEX] A minor infection we'd found a treatment for centuries ago. [ISAAC] No, no, what, what do you call them? The electrics? [JEX] Using my ship as a generator, I was able to rig up somerudimentary heating and lighting for the town. [DOCTOR] So why does the Gunslinger want you? [ISAAC] It don't matter. [DOCTOR] I'm just saying, if we knew that [ISAAC] America's the land of second chances. We called this town Mercyfor a reason. Others, some round here, don't feel that way. [JEX] Now, Isaac, we've discussed this. [ISAAC] People whose lives you've saved are suddenly saying we shouldhand you over. [JEX] They're scared, that's all. You can hardly blame them. [ISAAC] Them being scared scares me. War only ended five years back.That old violence is still under the surface. We give up Doc Jex, thenwe hand the keys of the town over to chaos. [DOCTOR] Did you try to repair your craft? Surely someone with yourskills [JEX] It really was very badly damaged. [DOCTOR] We evacuate the town. Our ship's just over the hills, room foreveryone. I'll pop out, bring it back here, Robert's your uncle. [AMY] Really? Simple as that. No crazy schemes, no negotiations. [DOCTOR] I've matured. I'm twelve hundred years old now. Plus I don'twant to miss The Archers. [AMY] Oh, so you're not even a tiny bit curious? [DOCTOR] Why would I be curious? It's a mysterious space cowboyassassin. Curious? Of course I'm not curious. [ISAAC] Son? You've still got to get past the Gunslinger. How you goingto do that? [DOCTOR] With a little sleight of hand. --------------------------------------- (Desert) [ISAAC] You okay? [RORY] I'm fine, yes. [ISAAC] Keep moving. Next time, you get to wear Jex's clothes. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] Can I borrow your horse, please? It'sofficial Marshal business. [PREACHER] He's called Joshua. It's from the Bible. It means theDeliverer. [DOCTOR] No, he isn't. I speak horse. He's called Susan, and he wantsyou to respect his life choices. --------------------------------------- (Cliff face) [RORY] Er, I think he's seen us. [ISAAC] This way. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [AMY] When this is all done, do you want us to takeyou home? [JEX] Thank you, but I've already given everything I have to the Kahler.My skills, energy, all that was good in me. Here, I could start afresh.I could remember myself and help people. That's all I ever wanted todo, end suffering. [AMY] Here. [JEX] You're a mother, aren't you. [AMY] How did you know? [JEX] There's kindness in your eyes. And sadness, but a ferocity too. [AMY] Life's not exactly straight forward. [JEX] It seldom is. [AMY] And what about you? Are you a father? [JEX] Yes. In a way, I suppose I am. --------------------------------------- (Ridge) [ISAAC] So, we're waiting till the Doctor comes topick us up in your ship. [RORY] Yes, I know. I was there when we agreed it. [ISAAC] Yeah, I said that more for my benefit than yours. --------------------------------------- (Desert) [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yes, I know we're in a hurry. Ijust want to check something out. Two ticks. [DOCTOR] There's something niggling me. Yes, yes, it could be important.Oi, don't swear. [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yes, I wear a Stetson now. [DOCTOR] Yes, a good point, Susan. Where is the damage? --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [JEX] That's the alarm on my ship. [AMY] Maybe the Doctor wants to get it working again? [JEX] But that wasn't the plan. He's not following the plan. [AMY] Welcome to my world. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [COMPUTER] Security breach. You have ten seconds to enter the pass code. [COMPUTER] Or this vehicle will self-destruct. Thank you for choosingAbarakas Security software. Incinerating intruders for three centuries.Nine, eight, seven. Self-destruct overridden. [DOCTOR] This is an awful lot of security for a titchy spacecraft. [COMPUTER] Awaiting command. [DOCTOR] Tell me everything you can about the Gunslinger. [COMPUTER] File not found. Please choose from Technical Specifications,Flight Recorder, Personal Files, Maps and Charts. [DOCTOR] Personal files of Doctor Kahler-Jex. [JEX [OC]] Names of deceased subjects can be found on the drop downmenu. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [JEX] I'm sorry, Amy. He really should have followed the plan. --------------------------------------- (Desert) [DOCTOR] Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot. I know who you are, andwho Jex is, too. [DOCTOR] Now, what I don't understand is why you haven't just walkedinto town and killed him. [GUNSLINGER] People will get in the way. [DOCTOR] You want justice, you deserve justice, but this isn't the way.We can put him on trial [GUNSLINGER] When he starts killing your people, you can use yourjustice. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [JEX] Isaac says he doesn't care about my past, butthings may have been uncovered that even he might struggle to forgive,so it's best we beat a hasty retreat. [AMY] We? I'm coming with you? [JEX] It's unlikely the Gunslinger will shoot if I'm with you. As far asI can tell, he's programmed to take innocent lives only if absolutelynecessary. [AMY] Oh, well, colour me reassured. [ISAAC] Doc? What are you doing? --------------------------------------- (Desert) [GUNSLINGER] No more warning shots. I'll kill thenext person to step over that line. Make sure it's Jex. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [JEX] It was stupid of me, I realise that now. Ijust thought I'd put you all in enough danger. Perhaps if I left [DOCTOR] He's lying. Every word, every thing he says, it's all lies.This man is a murderer. [JEX] I am a scientist. [DOCTOR] Sit down. Sit down! Tell them what you are. [JEX] What am I? A war hero. [ISAAC] Okay, somebody want to tell me what is going on? [DOCTOR] The Gunslinger is a Cyborg. [ISAAC] A what? [DOCTOR] Half man, half machine. A weapon. Jex built it. He and his teamtook volunteers, told them they'd been selected for special training,then experimented on them, fused their bodies with weaponry, andprogrammed them to kill. [ISAAC] Okay. Why? Why would you do that, Doc? [JEX] We'd been at war for nine years. A war that had already decimatedhalf of our planet. Our task was to bring peace, and we did. We builtan army that routed the enemy and ended the war in less than a week. Doyou want me to repent, to beg forgiveness for saving millions of lives? [DOCTOR] And how many died screaming on the operating table before youhad found your advantage? [JEX] War is another world. You cannot apply the politics of peace towhat I did. To what any of us did. [RORY] What happened then? How come you're here? [JEX] When the war ended we had the Cyborgs decommissioned, but one ofthem must have got its circuitry damaged in battle. It went offline andbegan hunting down the team that created it until just two of us wereleft. We fled, and our ships crashed here. [RORY] So, what do we do with Jex? [ISAAC] What do we do with him? [RORY] Yeah. I mean, he's a war criminal. [ISAAC] No, he's the guy that saved the town from cholera, the guy thatgave us heat and light. [AMY] Look, Jex may be a criminal and yeah, kind of creepy [JEX] And still in the room. [AMY] But I think we should put aside what he did and find anothersolution. [RORY] Another solution? It's him or us. [AMY] When did we start letting people get executed? Did I miss a memo?Doctor, tell him. [DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes. I don't know. Whatever Amy said. [JEX] Looking at you, Doctor, is like looking into a mirror, almost.There's rage there, like me. Guilt, like me. Solitude. Everything butthe nerve to do what needs to be done. Thank the gods my people weren'trelying on you to save them. [DOCTOR] No. No, but these people are. Out! Out! Out! [AMY] Oh, you're really letting him do this? [RORY] Save us all? Yeah, I really am. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [JEX] No! [DOCTOR] Go on. [DOCTOR] Get over, and don't come back. [JEX] You wouldn't. [DOCTOR] I genuinely don't know. [ISAAC] Doctor. Doctor. [AMY] Let him come back, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Or what? You won't shoot me, Amy. [AMY] How do you know? Maybe I've changed. I mean, you've clearly beentaking stupid lessons since I saw you last. [AMY] I didn't mean to do that. [ISAAC] Everyone who isn't an American, drop your gun. [DOCTOR] We can end this right now. We could save everyone right now. [AMY] This is not how we roll, and you know it. What happened to you,Doctor? When did killing someone become an option? [DOCTOR] Jex has to answer for his crimes. [AMY] And what then? Are you going to hunt down everyone who's made agun or a bullet or a bomb? [DOCTOR] But they coming back, don't you see? Every time I negotiate, Itry to understand. Well, not today. No. Today, I honour the victimsfirst. His, the Master's, the Dalek's, all the people who died becauseof my mercy! [AMY] You see, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long.Well, listen to me, Doctor. We can't be like him. We have to be betterthan him. [DOCTOR] Amelia Pond. Fine, fine. We think of something else. Butfrankly, I'm betting on the Gunslinger. [DOCTOR] Jex, move over the line. Now. [GUNSLINGER] Make peace with your gods. [JEX] Kahler-Tek, isn't it? I remember all your names, even now. I'llnever hurt anyone again. I'm even helping people here. [GUNSLINGER] Last chance. Make peace with your gods. [ISAAC] No! [DOCTOR] Isaac. Isaac. Isaac. It's okay, it's okay. We can get you toJex's surgery. He can save you. [ISAAC] Listen to me. You've got to stay. You've got to look aftereveryone. [DOCTOR] It won't come to that, Isaac. [ISAAC] Protect Jex. Protect my town. You're both good men. You justforget it sometimes. [DOCTOR] Take Jex to his cell. If anything happens to him, you'll haveme to answer to. [DOCTOR] This has gone on long enough. [GUNSLINGER] You are right. You've got until noon tomorrow. Give him tome or I'll kill you all. [AMY] Oh, my god. You're the Marshal. [DOCTOR] Yeah. And you're the Deputy. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [DOCTOR] Come in. [PREACHER] Marshal. Ma'am. Fella. You need to come outside. [DOCTOR] Why, what's wrong? [PREACHER] Just come outside. And you should put that on. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Marshal's Office) [DOCTOR] What's going on? [WALTER] He in there? Leave the keys and take a walk. By the time youget back, this'll all be done. [DOCTOR] I promised Isaac I'd protect him. [WALTER] Protecting him got Isaac dead. Tomorrow, it's going to be usall, dead. [DOCKERY] We thought Isaac was right to fight, but it's different now.We've got to say, all right we lost, and give that thing what it wants. [SADIE] What it wants is to kill our friend. [WALTER] We don't got any ill feeling towards the Doc. We just thinkingabout our families. Hand him over and we all safe again. [DOCTOR] You know I can't do that. [WALTER] We got us a problem. [DOCTOR] Please don't do this. [WALTER] Why, reckon you're quicker than me? [DOCTOR] Oh, certainly not, but this? Lynch mobs? A town turning againstitself? This is everything Isaac didn't want. [DOCTOR] How old are you? [WALTER] Nearly nineteen. [DOCTOR] That's eighteen, then. Too young to have fought in the war, soI'm guessing you've never shot anyone before, have you? [WALTER] First time for everything. [DOCTOR] But that's how all this started. Jex turned someone into aweapon. Now that same story's going to make you a killer, too. Don'tyou see? Violence doesn't end violence, it extends it, and I don'tthink you want to do this. I don't think you want to become that man. [WALTER] There's kids here. [DOCTOR] I know, who I can save if you'll let me. [WALTER] He really worth the risk? [DOCTOR] Don't know. But you are. [DOCTOR] Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [ABRAHAM] Fresh coffee, Marshal. For what it's worth, I know you'regoing to save us. Isaac made you Marshal for a reason, and if you'regood enough for him, you're good enough for me. Reckon you should knowthat. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Oi. Get out of it. [JEX] Let me guess. The good folk of Mercy wanted me to take a littlestroll into the desert. You could turn a blind eye. No one would blameyou. You'd be a hero. [DOCTOR] But I can't, can I. Because then Isaac's death would meannothing. Just another casualty in your endless bloody war. Do you wantme to hand you over? Is that what you want? Do you even know? [JEX] You think I'm unaffected by what I did? That I don't hear themscreaming every time I close my eyes? It would be so much simpler if Iwas just one thing, wouldn't it? The mad scientist who made thatkilling machine, or the physician who's dedicated his life to servingthis town. The fact that I'm both bewilders you. [DOCTOR] Oh, I know exactly what you are, and I see this reformation forwhat it really is. You committed an atrocity and chose this as yourpunishment. Don't get me wrong, good choice. Civilised hours, lots ofadulation, nice weather, but, but justice doesn't work like that. Youdon't get to decide when and how your debt is paid. [JEX] In my culture, we believe that when you die your spirit has toclimb a mountain carrying the souls of everyone you wronged in yourlifetime. Imagine the weight I will have to lift. The monsters Icreated, the people they killed. Isaac, he was my friend. Now his soulwill be in my arms, too. Can you see now why I fear death? You want tohand me over. There's no shame in that. But you won't. We all carry ourprisons with us. Mine is my past. Yours is your morality. [DOCTOR] We all carry our prisons with us. Ha! --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [PREACHER] Help me. Help me to --------------------------------------- (Marshal's Office) [AMY] Ready? --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [RORY] Ready? [GUNSLINGER] Disengage. It's a trick. --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [PREACHER] (sotto) Save us, O Lord. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] Go! Just go! I can't save them while you're here. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [COMPUTER] Nine, eight, seven. Self destructoverridden. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [GUNSLINGER] Deactivate automatic targeting. Switchto manual. [DOCTOR] Right. [GUNSLINGER] Where is he? [DOCTOR] He's gone. [GUNSLINGER] Where? Answer me. [DOCTOR] Away from here. Look up. Any second now you'll see the vapourtrail of his ship. This is their home, not the backdrop for yourrevenge. Lookup, go after him, take this battle away from [JEX [OC]] Kahler-Tek. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] Kahler-Tek. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [GUNSLINGER] Jex. Coward. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [GUNSLINGER [OC]] Where are you? [JEX] I'm in my ship. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] What are you doing? Just go! [JEX [OC]] Where are you from? --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] Where on Kahler? --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] Now? You're asking him this now? [GUNSLINGER] Gabriah. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] I know it. It's beautiful there. When this isover, will you go back? [GUNSLINGER [OC]] How can I? --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [GUNSLINGER] I am a monster now. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] So am I. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] Just go! Finish this! [GUNSLINGER] I'll find you. If I have to tear this universe apart, Iwill find you. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] I don't doubt that. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [JEX [OC]] You'll chase me to another planet --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] And another race will be caught in thecross-fire. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [GUNSLINGER] Face me! --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [COMPUTER] Count down to self-destruct resumed. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [GUNSLINGER] Face me! [JEX] No. You've killed enough. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] I'm ending the war for you, too. [COMPUTER] Count down to self-destruct --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [COMPUTER [OC]] Resumed. [DOCTOR] What's going on? [COMPUTER [OC]] Ten. --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [DOCTOR [OC]] The count down. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [DOCTOR] What's going on? Jex! [JEX [OC]] Thank you, Doctor. I have to face --------------------------------------- (Jex's spaceship) [JEX] The souls of those I've wronged. [COMPUTER] Five [JEX] Perhaps they will be kind. [COMPUTER] Three, two, one, zero. --------------------------------------- (Mercy) [GUNSLINGER] He behaved with honour at the end. Maybe more than me. [DOCTOR] We could take you back to your world. You could help with thereconstruction. [GUNSLINGER] I will walk into the desert and self-destruct. I'm acreature of war. I have no role to play during peace. [DOCTOR] Except maybe to protect it. [DOCTOR] Okay, so, our next trip. Oh! You know all the monkeys and dogsthey sent into space in the fifties and sixties? You will never guesswhat really happened to them. [AMY] Could we leave it a while? Our friends are going to start noticingthat we're aging faster than them. [DOCTOR] Another time? No worry. [WOMAN [OC]] By the time the Gunslinger arrived, the people of Mercywere used to the strange, the impossible. Where he came from didn'tmatter. As a man once said, America is a land of second chances. Do Ibelieve the story? I don't know. My great-grandmother must have been alittle girl when he arrived. But next time you're in Mercy, ask someonewhy they don't have a Marshal or Sheriff or policeman there. We've gotour own arrangement, they'll say, then they'll smile like they got asecret. Like they've got their own special angel watching out for them.Their very own angel who fell from the stars.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e03", "title": "A Town Called Mercy"}
Doctor Who (22 Sep, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - The Power of Three (Kitchen - July) [WOMAN [answerphone]] It's Lane's Opticians. Just reminding you yourreading glasses are ready for collection. Bye! [AMY] Milk two months out of date. Yogurt. [AMY] Eek! Don't ask. [RORY] We've run out of washing tablets. --------------------------------------- (Back garden) [RORY] We have two lives. Real life and Doctor life.Except real life doesn't get much of a look in. [AMY] What do we do? [RORY] Choose? [AMY] Not today, though. [RORY] Nah, not today. [AMY [OC]] Every time we flew away with the Doctor, we'd just becomepart of his life. But he never stood still long enough to become partof ours. Except once. The year of the slow invasion. The time theDoctor came to stay. --------------------------------------- (Front door) [RORY] Dad, it's half past six in the morning. [BRIAN] What are you doing lying around? Haven't you seen them? [RORY] What are they? [BRIAN] Nobody knows. They're everywhere. [AMY] Well, where have they come from? Wait. [AMY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Invasion of the very small cubes. That's new. [BBC NEWS] (Matthew Amroliwala) World leaders are appealing for calm. [BBC NEWS] (Joanna Gosling?) After the global appearance of millions ofsmall cubes. Despite official warnings, people have been taking thecubes from the streets into offices and homes. [MATTHEW [on TV]] What are they? [JOANNA [on TV]] Where do they come from? [MATTHEW [on TV]] And why are they here? [PROF BRIAN COX [on TV]] Well, they're certainly not random spacedebris. They're too perfectly formed for that. Are theyextra-terrestrial in origin? Well, you'll have to ask a better man thanme. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] All absolutely identical. Not a singlemolecule's difference between them. No blemishes, imperfections,individualities. [BRIAN] What if they're bombs? Billions of tiny bombs? Or transportcapsules maybe, with a mini robot inside. Or deadly hard drives. Oralien eggs? Or messages needing decoding. Or they're all parts of abigger whole. Jigsaw puzzles that need fitting together. [DOCTOR] Very thorough, Brian. Very, very thorough. Well done. Stayhere. Watch these. Yell if anything happens. [AMY] Doctor, is this an alien invasion? Because that's what it feelslike. [RORY] There couldn't be life-forms in every cube, could there? [DOCTOR] I don't know. And I really don't like not knowing. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] Right, I need to use your kitchen as a lab. Cook up some cubes.See what happens. [RORY] Right, I'm due at work. [DOCTOR] What? You've got a job? [RORY] Of course I've got a job. What do you think we do when we're notwith you? [DOCTOR] I imagined mostly kissing. [AMY] I write travel articles for magazines and Rory heals the sick. [RORY] My shift starts in an hour. You don't know where my scrubs are? [AMY] In the lounge, where you left them. --------------------------------------- (Alleyway) [MAN [OC]] Approaching site. Quite strong likeness detected. Targetunconfirmed. May be hostile. [SOLDIER] Approaching source now. Area will be secure in sixty seconds.Ultimate force available. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] All the Ponds, with their house and theirjobs and their everyday lives. The journalist and the nurse. Long wayfrom Leadworth. [AMY] We think it's been ten years. Not for you or Earth, but for us.Ten years older. Ten years of you, on and off. [DOCTOR] Look at you now. All grown up. [MAN] Clear! Trap one, kitchen secured. [MAN 2] Trap three, back garden secured. [RORY] There are soldiers all over my house, and I'm in my pants. [AMY] My whole life I've dreamed of saying that, and I miss it by beingsomeone else. [KATE] All these muscles, and they still don't know how to knock. Sorryabout the raucous entrance. Spike in Artron energy reading at thisaddress. In the light of the last twenty four hours, we had to check itout, and the dogs do love a run out. Hello. Kate Stewart, head ofscientific research at UNIT. And with dress sense like that. [KATE] You must be the Doctor. I hoped it would be you. [DOCTOR] Tell me, since when did science run the military, Kate? [KATE] Since me. UNIT's been adapting. Well, I dragged them along,kicking and screaming, which made it sound like more fun than itactually was. [DOCTOR] What do we know about these cubes? [KATE] Far less than we need to. We've been freighting them in fromaround the world for testing. So far, we've subjected them totemperatures of plus and minus two hundred Celsius, simulated a waterdepth of five miles, dropped one out of a helicopter at ten thousandfeet and rolled our best tank over it. Always intact. [DOCTOR] That's impressive. I don't want them to be impressive. I wantthem vulnerable with a nice Achilles heel. [KATE] We don't know how they got here, what they're made of, or whythey're here. [DOCTOR] And all around the world, people are picking them up and takingthem home. [KATE] Like iPads have dropped out of the sky. Taking them to work,taking pictures, making films, posting them on Flickr and YouTube.Within three hours, the cubes had a thousand separate Twitter accounts. [DOCTOR] Twitter? [KATE] I've recommended we treat this as a hostile incursion. Gatherthem all up and lock them in a secure facility. But that would takemassive international agreement and co-operation. [DOCTOR] We need evidence. The cubes arrived in plain sight, in vastquantities, as the sun rose. So, what does that tell us? [AMY] Maybe they wanted to be seen. Noticed. [DOCTOR] Or more than that, they want to be observed. So we observethem. Stay with them round the clock. Watch the cubes, day and night.Record absolutely everything about them. Team cube, in it together. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [DOCTOR] Four days. Nothing! Nothing! Not a singlechange in any cube anywhere in the world. Four days, and I am still inyour lounge! [AMY] You were the one who wanted to observe them. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I thought they'd do something, didn't I? Not justsit there while everyone eats endless cereal! [RORY] You said we had to be patient. [DOCTOR] Yes, you! You, not me! I hate being patient. Patience is forwimps. I can't live like this. Don't make me. I need to be busy. [AMY] Fine! Be busy! We'll watch the cubes. [DOCTOR] (keeping the football off the ground.) Ninety eight, ninetynine, one hundred. Amy! [DOCTOR] Four million nine hundred ninety nine, five million. [DOCTOR] That's better. Nothing like a bit of activity to pass the time.How long was I gone? [RORY] Er, about an hour. [DOCTOR] I can't do it. No. [AMY] Where are you going? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Brian, you're still here. [BRIAN] You told me to watch the cubes. [DOCTOR] Four days ago. [BRIAN] Ah! Doesn't time fly when you're alone with your thoughts? [RORY] You can't just leave, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I can. Quick jaunt, restore sanity. Ooo, hey,come if you like. [BRIAN] They can't just go off like that. [DOCTOR] Can't they? Can't you? That's how it goes, isn't it? [RORY] I've got my job. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, Rory. The universe is awaiting, but you have a littlejob to. [RORY] It's not little. It's important to me. Look, what you do isn'tall there is. [DOCTOR] I never said it was. [DOCTOR] All right. Fine. I'll be back soon. Monitor the cubes. Call me.I'll have the Tardis set to every Earthnews feed. [JOANNA [on TV]] At the end of a week of cubic questions and theories,but no answers, could this be the greatest stealth marketing campaignin business history? And if it is, will those behind it ever comeforward and explain exactly what it's for? --------------------------------------- (Party - October) [AMY] I'm so pleased for you two. It's about timeyou made an honest woman of her. [LAURA] Amy, about bridesmaids. You've missed quite a few things thelast year or two. [AMY] I'm so totally there. Whatever you need. --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [RANJIT] [RORY] Ah, well, thanks. [RANJIT] But there are months when we don't see you. And we can't dowithout you. I want you to go full time. [RORY] Full time? Blimey. Er. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [RORY] I said yes. I committed. [AMY] And I committed to being a bridesmaid. Months in advance. Like Iknow I'm going to be here. [RORY] So the Doctor's God knows where, the cubes aren't doing anythingat all. Did real life just get started? [AMY] I like it. [RORY] So do I. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [BRIAN] Brian's log, day sixty seven. [RORY] You, er, you can't call it that. Brian's log? [BRIAN] Brian's log, day sixty seven. Cube was quiet all night, 0nceagain. Cube was quiet all day, as per previously. No movement. Nochange in measurements. End of entry. [RORY] You stay up and watch it all the time. [BRIAN] I film it while I'm asleep. When I wake up, I watch the footageon fast forward. I e-mail the result to UNIT. My middle name isdiligence. [RORY] Wow. I can't wait to see day sixty eight. [BRIAN] Don't mock my log. I'm doing what the Doctor asked. --------------------------------------- (Hospital - December) [RORY] That's it. Er, Mister Ryan, please. [RORY] Again? --------------------------------------- (Ward) [ARNOLD] I'm fine. I've been done. [ORDERLY] What seems to be the matter? [ARNOLD] I'm just waiting for a prescription. [ORDERLY] Where does it hurt? [ARNOLD] I said I'm fine. Will you tell your colleague here that I.Stop! --------------------------------------- (Back garden - June) [AMY] Hey! Doctor, it's me. Hello. So, the UN classified the cubes asprovisionally safe, whatever that means, and Banksy and Damien Hirstput out statements saying the cubes are nothing to do with them. Andthe cubes, well, they're just here. Still. What's it been, nine months?People are just taking them for granted. Maybe we'll never know whythey came. But anyway. I got to Laura's wedding. It was great. She'shere tonight, being as it's our wedding anniversary. We thought youmight have dropped by. I left you messages. [DOCTOR] I know! Happy anniversary! Come with me. And bring yourhusband. --------------------------------------- (Savoy Hotel) [DOCTOR] 26th of June, 1890. The recently openedSavoy Hotel. Dinner, bed and breakfast for two. Bonjour, bonjour.Merci, Auguste. You'll be back before the party's over. They won't evennotice you went. No complications, I promise. [DOCTOR] Ooo! --------------------------------------- (Street) [DOCTOR] Bit of a shock, Zygon ship under the Savoy, half the staffimpostors. Still, it's all fixed now, eh? --------------------------------------- (Bedchamber) [HENRY [OC]] Gentlemen, open the doors! [AMY] I thought we were going home? [DOCTOR] You can't miss a good wedding. Under the bed. Under the bed! [DOCTOR] Shush! [AMY] It wasn't my fault. [RORY] It was totally your fault! [AMY] Somebody was talking, and I just said yes. [RORY] To wedding vows! You just married Henry VIII on our anniversary. [DOCTOR] Sorry. --------------------------------------- (Lounge - June... again) [BRIAN] How long were they away? [DOCTOR] I don't know what you're talking about, Brian. [BRIAN] Because they're wearing totally different clothes from earlier. [DOCTOR] Seven weeks. I got side-tracked. A lot. [BRIAN] What happened to the other people who travel with you? [DOCTOR] Some left me. Some got left behind. And some, not many but,some died. Not them. Not them, Brian. Never them. --------------------------------------- (Back garden) [DOCTOR] Can I stay here, with you and Rory, for abit. Keep an eye on the cubes. However long that takes. [AMY] I thought it would drive you mad. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. I mean, I'll be better at it this time. I miss you. --------------------------------------- (Brian's lounge - July) [BRIAN] Brian's log, day three hundred and sixtyone. Eight fifty pm. No movement. And I am cream crackered. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [LORD SUGAR [on TV]] I sent you out to sell as manycubes as you could in twenty four hours. And look at you, you've made aright hash of it, haven't you. Well, Craig, you're fired. [DOCTOR] If I had a restaurant, this'd be all I'd serve. [AMY] Yeah, right. You running a restaurant. [DOCTOR] I've run restaurants. Who do you think invented the Yorkshirepudding? [RORY] You didn't. [DOCTOR] Pudding, yet savoury. Sound familiar? --------------------------------------- (Brian's lounge) [BRIAN] Do it again. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [AMY] Good job, mister. Civilisations saved,surfaces wiped. What more could any woman ask for? [RORY] Ha, ha. [AMY] I mean it. [RORY] Where's the Doctor? [AMY] On the Wii again. I'm going for a bath. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [DOCTOR] Oh, yes! Second set, Doctor! Ha ha! Oh, ifFred Perry could see me now, eh? He'd probably ask for his shorts back. --------------------------------------- (Bathroom) [AMY] Ow! --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [DOCTOR] Third set decider, come on, then. [DOCTOR] Out of the way, dear, I'm trying to. Whatever you are, thisplanet, these people, are precious to me. And I will defend them to mylast breath. Is that all you can do, hover? I had a metal dog could dothat. [DOCTOR] What's that? --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [DOCTOR] Ooo, you really have woken up. [RORY] Doctor? Hi. Er, the cube in there, it just opened. [AMY] The cube upstairs just spiked me and took my pulse! [DOCTOR] Ha! Really? Mine fired laser bolts and now it's surfing thenet. [BRIAN] You're never going to believe this. My cube just moved. Itrattled. [RORY] Hello? --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [RANJIT] Rory, mate, I'm desperate for help. Peopleare saying they've been attacked by the cubes. It's going to be a longnight. [RORY [OC]] Okay, I'm on my way. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [RORY] I have to get to work. They need all the helpthey can get. [BRIAN] Let me come, help out. [RORY] Take your dad to work night, brilliant! Okay, are you going to beall right here? [AMY] Keep away from the cubes. [RORY] Right. [AMY] What are you grinning about? [DOCTOR] We're wanted at the Tower of London. --------------------------------------- (Tower of London) [KATE] Every cube across the whole world activated at the same moment. [DOCTOR] Now we're in business. You sent me a message to my psychicpaper. You know what? I'm almost impressed. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [AMY] Secret base beneath the Tower. Hope we're nothere because we know too much. [KATE] Yes, I've got officers trained in beheading. Also ravens ofdeath. [AMY] I like her. [KATE] There are fifty being monitored, and more coming in all the time.I don't know how useful it is. Every cube is behaving individually.There's no meaningful pattern. Some respond to proximity. Some createmood swings. [AMY] Er, what's this one? [KATE] Try the door. [KATE] On a loop! [KATE] This is the latest. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. Systems breach at the Pentagon, China, every Africannation, the Middle East. [KATE] I've got governments screaming for explanations and no idea whatto tell them. I'm lost, Doctor. We all are. [DOCTOR] Don't despair, Kate. Your dad never did. Kate Stewart, headingup UNIT, changing the way they work. How could you not be? Why did youdrop Lethbridge? [KATE] I didn't want any favours. Though he guided me, even to the end.Science leads, he always told me. Said he'd learned that from an oldfriend. [DOCTOR] We don't let him down. We don't let this planet down. [RESEARCHER] They've stopped. The cubes, across the world, they justshut down. [KATE] Active for forty seven minutes, and then they just die? [DOCTOR] Not dead. Dormant, maybe. [AMY] Then why shut down? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I don't know. I need to think. I need some air.Who has an underground base? Terrible ventilation. --------------------------------------- (By the Thames) [DOCTOR] The moment they arrived, I should have madesure they were collected and burned. That is what I should have done. [AMY] How? Nobody would have listened. [DOCTOR] You're thinking of stopping, aren't you? You and Rory. [AMY] No. I mean, we haven't made a decision. [DOCTOR] But you're considering it. [AMY] Maybe. I don't know. We don't know. Well, our lives have changedso much. But there was a time, there were years, when I couldn't livewithout you. When just the whole everyday thing would drive me crazy.But since you dropped us back here, since you gave us this house, youknow, we've built a life. I don't know if I can have both. [DOCTOR] Why? [AMY] Because they pull at each other. Because they pull at me, andbecause the travelling is starting to feel like running away. [DOCTOR] That's not what it is. [AMY] Oh, come on. Look at you, four days in a lounge and you go crazy. [DOCTOR] I'm not running away. But this is one corner of one country inone continent on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that's a cornerof a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating anddestroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. Andthere is so much, so much to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm notrunning away from things, I am running to them before they flare andfade forever. And it's all right. Our lives won't run the same. Theycan't. One day, soon maybe, you'll stop. I've known for a while. [AMY] Then why do you keep coming back for us? [DOCTOR] Because you were the first. The first face this face saw. Andyou're seared onto my hearts, Amelia Pond. You always will be. I'mrunning to you, and Rory, before you fade from me. [AMY] Don't be nice to me. I don't want you to be nice to me. [DOCTOR] Yeah, you do, Pond, and you always get what you want. They gotwhat they wanted. [AMY] What? Who did? [DOCTOR] The cubes. That's why they stopped. Come on. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [DOCTOR] Kate? Before they shut down, they scannedeverything, from your medical limits to your military responsepatterns. They made a complete assessment of Planet Earth and itsinhabitants. That's what the surge of activity was. [DOCTOR] Problem with the power? [KATE] Not possible. We've got back-ups. [DOCTOR] Hmm. [AMY] Doctor? Look. [DOCTOR] What? [KATE] Why do they all say seven? [DOCTOR] Seven. Seven, what's important about seven? Seven wonders ofthe world, seven streams of the River Ota, seven sides of a cube. [AMY] A cube has six sides. [DOCTOR] Not if you count the inside. [DOCTOR] It has to be a countdown. [KATE] Not in minutes. [DOCTOR] Why would it be minutes? Kate, we have to get humanity awayfrom those cubes. God knows what they'll do if they hit zero. Get theinformation out any way you can. News channels, websites, radio, textmessages. People have to know that the cubes are dangerous. [AMY] Okay, but why is this starting now? I mean, the cubes arrivedmonths ago. Why wait this long? [DOCTOR] Because they're clever. Allow people enough time to collectthem, take them into their homes, their lives. Humans, the great earlyadopters. And then, wham! Profile every inch of Earth's existence. [KATE] Discover how best to attack us. [DOCTOR] Get that information out any way you can. Go! [KATE] Right. [DOCTOR] Every cube was activated. There must be signals, energyfluctuations on a colossal scale, there must be some trace. There can'tnot be. We need to think of all the variables, all the possibilities,okay? Go, go, go, go, go! [MATTHEW [on TV]] This is a national security alert. The Governmentadvises that members of the public dispose of all cubes. If there arecubes inside your house, remove them immediately. --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [RORY] We've get them out of the building. Away fromhere, as far as you can, and get back here before it hits zero. Dad,could you go and get me a box of tape for dressings? It's just thecupboard round the corner. [BRIAN] Yes, boss. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BRIAN] Sorry. Er, excuse me? I'm looking for the supplies cupboard. Isaid, I'm looking for the supplies cupboard. --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [RORY] Have you seen my dad? [NURSE] No, sorry. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RORY] Hey. Dad! Hey! Hey! --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [AMY] Doctor, please. You don't have to do this. [KATE] She's right. You don't have to be in there. We can do thisremotely. [DOCTOR] Remotely isn't my style. See you after. [DOCTOR] Geronimo. [KATE] What's happening? [AMY] Well? What's in there? [DOCTOR] There is nothing in here. [AMY] Er, well, that's good. It's not, it's not bombs, it's not aliens. [DOCTOR] Why? Why is there nothing inside? Why? It doesn't make anysense. [DOCTOR] Glasses, is it the same? Is it the same all around the world? [KATE] They're empty. We're safe, right? [DOCTOR] Ah, no, no, no, we are very far from safe. All along, everyaction has been deliberate. Why draw attention to the cubes if theydon't contain anything? [AMY] Doctor, look. [RESEARCHER] They're CCTV feeds from across the world. They're showingthe same. [KATE] People are dying. [DOCTOR] What? They can't be dying. How? How are they dying? [KATE] I want information on how people are being affected. [DOCTOR] The cubes brought people close together. They opened and thenargh! [AMY] Doctor, what's the matter? [DOCTOR] Argh. Ah, I don't know! [RESEARCHER] Hospitals are logging a global surge in heart failures.Cardiac arrests. [DOCTOR] That's it. Oh! Oh! Oh! Only one heart. Other one's not working. [AMY] Okay, I'm going to get you to the hospital! [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no. Just a short circuit. Turn around, turnaround. Tell me, show me. Ten seconds after the cubes opened, show methe patterns in their electrical currents. [DOCTOR] See? [KATE] No! [DOCTOR] Yes, the power cut. They zapped the power and then argh!They're signal boxes. People leaning in, wham. Pure electrical surgeout of the cube targeted at the nearest human heart. The heart, anorgan powered by electrical currents, short-circuited. How to destroy ahuman? Go for the heart. Ow.Crikey Moses. [KATE] Doctor, the scan you set running. The transmitter locations. It'sfound them. [DOCTOR] And look at them all, pulsing bold as brass. Seven of them, allacross the world. Ow! Seven stations, seven minutes. Why is thatimportant? Argh! Ow, ow. How do you people manage? One heart, it ispitiful. A wormhole, bridging two dimensions. Seven of them hitchedonto this planet, but where's the closest one? Glasses, zoom in. [AMY] It's the hospital where Rory works. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [RORY] Dad. Dad! [RORY] Just get away from him. --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [DOCTOR] How many deaths have been recorded? [KATE] We don't know. We think it could be a third of the population. [DOCTOR] Kate, I have to find the wormhole, but the attacks could stillhappen. Tell the world. Tell them how to deal with this. The worldneeds your leadership right now. [KATE] I'll do my best. [DOCTOR] Of course you will. Good luck, Kate. Argh! Argh! [AMY] Okay, how long are you going to last with only one heart? [DOCTOR] Not much longer. I need to locate the wormhole portal. [DOCTOR] Hello. Hello! [DOCTOR] You are giving off some very strange signals. [AMY] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] Outlier droid, monitoring everything. If I shut her down, Ican. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Ah. It's all right, it's all right. Ican't, Amy. I can't do it. I need both hearts! [AMY] All right. Desperate measures. [DOCTOR] What? No. No, no, no. That won't work. I'm a Time Lord. [AMY] All right, clear! [DOCTOR] Whoo! Ooo. Ooo! Welcome back, lefty! Whoa-ho! Two hearts! Woo!Back in the game. Ah. Never do that to me again. [AMY] Ah, portal to another dimension in a goods lift? [DOCTOR] The energy signals converge here. Does seem a bit cramped,though. [DOCTOR] Through the looking glass, Amelia? --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [AMY] Where are we? [DOCTOR] We're in orbit. One dimension to the left. [AMY] Rory! [DOCTOR] Ah. Soborian smelling salts. Outlawed in seven galaxies. [DOCTOR] Whoa! Whoa! What kind of a welcome do you call that? Get themout of here. You too. Now! [AMY] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Absolutely no idea. Get him to the portal. [DOCTOR] Whoa! [SHAKRI] So many of them crawling the planet, seeping into every corner. [DOCTOR] It's not possible. I thought the Shakri were a myth. A myth tokeep the young of Gallifrey in their place. [SHAKRI] The Shakri exist in all of time, and none. We travel alone andtogether. The Seven. [DOCTOR] The Shakri craft, connected to Earth, through seven portals andseven minutes. Ah, but why? [SHAKRI] Serving the word of the Tally. [DOCTOR] Why the cubes? Why Earth? [SHAKRI] Not Earth, humanity. The Shakri will halt the human plaguebefore the spread. [DOCTOR] Erase humanity before it colonises space. We thought the cubeswere an invasion. The start of war. [SHAKRI] The human contagion only must be eliminated. [AMY] Who are you calling a contagion? [DOCTOR] Oi! Didn't I tell you two to go? [RORY] You should have learned by now. [AMY] Yeah, and what is this Tally anyway? [DOCTOR] Some people call it Judgment Day, or the Reckoning. [AMY] Don't you know? [DOCTOR] I've never wanted to find out. [SHAKRI] Before the Closure, there is the Tally. The Shakri serves theTally. [DOCTOR] The pest controllers of the universe, that's how the taleswent, isn't it? [AMY] Wow. That's some seriously weird bedtime story. [DOCTOR] You can talk. Wolf in your grandmother's nightdress? So, hereyou are, depositing slug pellets all over the Earth, made attractive sohumans will collect them, hoping to find something beautiful inside.Because that's what they are. Not pests or plague, creatures of hope,forever building and reaching. Making mistakes, of course, every lifeform does. But, but they learn. And they strive for greater, and theyachieve it. You want a tally. Put their achievements against theirfailings through the whole of time, I will back humanity against theShakri every time. [SHAKRI] The Tally must be met. The second wave will be released. [AMY] What does that mean? [DOCTOR] It's going to release more cubes to kill more people. --------------------------------------- (Hospital) [KATE] Tell the Secretary General it's not justhospitals and equipment, it's people. Our best hope now is each other. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [SHAKRI] The human plague breeding and fighting. Andwhen cornered, their rage to destroy. You're too late, Doctor. TheTally shall be met. [AMY] He's gone? [DOCTOR] He was never really here. Just the ship's automated interface,like a talking propaganda poster. I can stop the second wave. I candisconnect all the Shakri craft from their portals, leave them driftingin the darkspace. Ah, but all those people who were near the cubes, somany of them will have died. [AMY] I restarted one of your hearts. [RORY] You'd need mass defibrillation. [DOCTOR] Of course. Ah, beautiful. But, Ponds, Ponds. We are going to goone better than that. The Shakri used the cubes to turn people's heartsoff. Bingo! We're going to use them to turn them back on again. [AMY] Will that work? [DOCTOR] Well, creatures of hope. Has to. [DOCTOR] Thirty seconds. Don't let me down, cubes, you're working for menow. Oh dear. All these cubes. There's going to be a terrible wave ofenergy ricocheting around here any second. Run. [RORY] I'm going to miss this. [[OC]] Emergency hospitals and field units are working at full capacityaround the world, as millions of survivors of cardiac arrests arenursed back to health after an unprecedented night across the globe. --------------------------------------- (Tower of London) [KATE] You, er, you really are as remarkable as Dadsaid. [KATE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] My! A kiss from a Lethbridge Stewart. That is new. Oh dear, I'mlate for dinner. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] Dear me. I'd better get going. Things to do, worlds to save,swings to swing on. Look, I know, you both have lives here. Beautiful,messy lives. That is what makes you so fabulously human. You don't wantto give them up. I understand. [BRIAN] Actually, it's you they can't give up, Doctor. And I don't thinkthey should. Go with him. Go save every world you can find. Who elsehas that chance? Life will still be here. [DOCTOR] You could come, Brian. [BRIAN] Somebody's got to water the plants. Just bring them back safe. [AMY [OC]] So that was the year of the slow invasion, when the Earth gotcubed, and the Doctor came to stay. It was also when we realisedsomething the Shakri never understood. What cubed actually means. Thepower of three.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Power of Three"}
Doctor Who (29 Sep, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - The Angels Take Manhattan (Grayle's study) [GRAYLE] So, will you take the case, Mister Garner? [GARNER] Sure. Why not? [GRAYLE] Because you don't believe me. [GARNER] For twenty five dollars a day plus expenses, I'll believe anydamn thing you like. [GRAYLE] But you don't believe that statues can move. And you're right,Mister Garner. They can't. Of course they can't. When you're looking. [GARNER] Good night, Mister Grayle. [GARNER [OC]] The address Grayle gave me was an apartment block nearBattery Park.He said it was where the statues lived. I asked him why he didn't golook himself. He didn't answer.Grayle was the scariest guy I knew. If something scared him, I kindawanted to shake its hand. --------------------------------------- (Winter Quay apartments) [GARNER] Hello? Hello? [GARNER] What the? [GARNER] Hello? Anyone home? [GARNER] Hello? [GARNER] Who are you? [OLD GARNER] They're coming for you. They're going to send you back. [GARNER] Who's coming? Back where? [OLD GARNER] In time. Back in time. I'm you. I'm you. [GARNER] You gotta be kiddin' me. --------------------------------------- (New York Central Park) [STING] (singing) Whoa, I'm an alien. I'm a legalalien. I'm an Englishman in New York. [DOCTOR] (reading) New York growled at my window, but I was ready forit.My stocking seams were straight, my lipstick was combat ready, and Iwas packing cleavage thatcould fell an ox at twenty feet. [AMY] Doctor, you're doing it again. [DOCTOR] I'm reading! [AMY] Aloud. Please could you not? [DOCTOR] There's something different about you, isn't there? [RORY] What's the book? [DOCTOR] Melody Malone. She's a private detective in old town New York. [AMY] She's got ice in her heart and a kiss on her lips, and avulnerable side she keeps well hidden. [DOCTOR] Oh, you've read it? [AMY] You read it. Aloud. And then went yowzah! [RORY] Only you could fancy someone in a book. [DOCTOR] I'm just reading it. I just like the cover. [AMY] Ooo, can we see the cover? [DOCTOR] No, no, I'm busy. It's your hair! Is it your hair? [AMY] Oh, shut up. It's the glasses. I'm wearing reading glasses now, onmy nose, see? There you go. [DOCTOR] I don't like them. They make your eyes look all liney. No,actually, sorry. They're fine. Carry on. [RORY] Okay, I'm going to go and get us some more coffee. Who wants morecoffee? Me too. I'll go! [AMY] Rory, do I have noticeable lines on my eyes now? [DOCTOR] Yes. [RORY] No. [AMY] You didn't look. [RORY] I noticed them earlier. Didn't notice them. I specificallyremember not noticing them. [AMY] You walk among fire pits, Centurion. [RORY] Do I have to come over there? [AMY] You can if you like. [RORY] Well, we have company. [AMY] I'll get a babysitter. [DOCTOR] Oh, do you know, it is so humiliating when you do that. [RORY] Coffee? [AMY] Coffee. [DOCTOR] Can I have a go? [AMY] Read to me. [DOCTOR] I thought you didn't like my reading aloud. [AMY] Shut up, and read me a story. Just don't go yowzah. [AMY] Why did you do that? [DOCTOR] I always rip out the last page of a book. Then it doesn't haveto end. I hate endings. [DOCTOR] (reads) As I crossed the street, I saw the thin guy, but hedidn't see me. I guess that's how it began. [DOCTOR] (reads) I followed the skinny guy for two more blocks before heturned and I could ask exactly what he was doing here.He looked a little scared, so I gave him my best smile and my bluesteyes. [AMY] Beware the yowzah. Do not, at this point, yowz. Doctor? What didthe skinny guy say? [DOCTOR] He said, 'I just went to get coffees for the Doctor and Amy.Hello, River.' --------------------------------------- (Central Park - night) [RIVER] Hello, Dad. [RORY] Where am I? How the hell did I get here? [RIVER] I haven't the faintest idea, but you'll probably want to putyour hands up. [HOOD 1] Melody Malone? [RORY] You're Melody? [HOOD 1] Get in. --------------------------------------- (New York) [AMY] What's River doing in a book? What's Rory doing in a book? [DOCTOR] He went to get coffee. Pay attention. [AMY] He went to get coffee and turned up in a book. How does that work? --------------------------------------- (Limousine) [RORY] What is going on? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Where did you get this book? [DOCTOR] It was in my jacket. [AMY] How did it get there? [DOCTOR] How does anything get there. I've given up asking. Date, date.Does she mention a date? When is this happening? [AMY] Yes, hang on. Oh, April 3rd, 1938. --------------------------------------- (Limousine) [RIVER] You didn't come here in the Tardis,obviously. [RORY] Why? [RIVER] He couldn't have. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Couldn't have? What does she mean? Couldn'thave? --------------------------------------- (Limousine) [RIVER] This city's full of time distortions. It'd be impossible to landthe Tardis here. Like trying to land a plane in a blizzard. Even Icouldn't do it. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Even who couldn't do it? [AMY] Don't you two fall out, she's only in a book. [DOCTOR] 1938. Easy one. [AMY] What was that? [DOCTOR] 1938. We just bounced off it. --------------------------------------- (Limousine) [RORY] So how did you get here? [RIVER] Vortex manipulator. Less bulky than a Tardis. A motorbikethrough traffic. You? [RORY] I'm not sure. --------------------------------------- (Graveyard) [AMY] The Weeping Angels? [DOCTOR] It makes sense. [AMY] It makes what? [DOCTOR] That's what happened to Rory. That's what the Angels do. It'stheir preferred form of attack. They zap you back in time, let you liveto death. [AMY] Well, we've got a time machine. We can just go and get him. [DOCTOR] Well, tried that, if you've noticed, and we are back where westarted in 2012. [AMY] We didn't start in a graveyard. What are we doing here? [DOCTOR] Don't know. Probably causally linked somehow. Doesn't matter.Extractor fans on! [AMY] Well, we're going to get there somehow. We're in the rest of thebook. [DOCTOR] Doing what? [AMY] Page 43, you're going to break something. [DOCTOR] I'm what? [AMY] (reads) 'Why do you have to break mine', I asked the Doctor. Hefrowned and said, 'Because Amy read it in a book and now I have nochoice.' [DOCTOR] Stop! No! No! Stop! You can't read ahead. You mustn't. And youcan't do that. [AMY] But we've already been reading it. [DOCTOR] Just the stuff that's happening now, in parallel with us.That's as far as we go. [AMY] But it could help us find Rory. [DOCTOR] And if you read ahead and find that Rory dies? This isn't anyold future, Amy, it's ours. Once we know what's coming, it's fixed. 0I'm going to break something, because you told me that I'm going to doit. No choice now. [AMY] Time can be rewritten. [DOCTOR] Not once you've read it. Once we know what's coming, it'swritten in stone. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's entrance hall) [RIVER] Ah. Early Qin dynasty, I'd say. [GRAYLE] Correct. Are you an archaeologist as well as a detective? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Okay, landing a plane in a timey wimeyblizzard. I could push through, but if I'm out by a nanosecond, theengines will phase and I'll shatter the planet. I need landing lights. [AMY] Landing lights? [DOCTOR] Yes, I need a signal to lock on to. What did she say? Earlywhat dynasty? --------------------------------------- (Grayle's entrance hall) [GRAYLE] Early Qin, just as you say. You're verywell informed. [RIVER] And you're very afraid. That's an awful lot of locks for onedoor. [RORY] River, I'm translating. [RIVER] It's a gift of the Tardis. It hangs around. [GRAYLE] This one. Put him somewhere uncomfortable. [HOOD 1] With the babies, sir? [GRAYLE] Yes, why not? Give him to the babies. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's cellar) [HOOD 1] The lights are out. You'll last longer with these. [RORY] What do you care? [HOOD 1] It's funnier. [RORY] Hello? --------------------------------------- (China 221 BC) [DOCTOR] Ah, hello, yes. [DOCTOR] Special commission from the Emperor. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's study) [RIVER] Hello, sweetie. Let's see, crime boss with a collecting fetish.Whatever you don't let anyone else see has got to be your favourite.Or possibly your girlfriend. [RIVER] So, girlfriend, then. [GRAYLE] What are you doing? [RIVER] Oh, you know, texting a boy. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Landing lights. We have a signal. Locking on. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's study) [GRAYLE] These things are all over, but people don'tseem to notice. It never moves while you're looking. [RIVER] Oh, I know how they work. [GRAYLE] So I understand. Melody Malone, the detective who investigatesAngels. [RIVER] Badly damaged. [GRAYLE] I wanted to know if it could feel pain. [RIVER] You realise it's screaming? The others can hear. Is that why youneed all the locks? [GRAYLE] You're going to tell me all about these creatures. And you'regoing to do it quickly. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's cellar) [RORY] Hello, is someone there? [RORY] Come on, come on. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's study) [RIVER] The Angels are predators. They're deadly.What do you want with them? [GRAYLE] I'm a collector. What collector could resist these? I'm onlyhuman. [RIVER] That's exactly what they're thinking. [GRAYLE] What's that? What's happening? Is it an earthquake? [GRAYLE] What is it? [RIVER] Oh, you bad boy. You could burn New York. [GRAYLE] What does that mean? [RIVER] It means, Mister Grayle, just you wait till my husband getshome. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AMY] Come on! [DOCTOR] Just a moment. Final checks. [AMY] Since when? --------------------------------------- (Grayle's entrance hall) [AMY] Rory? Rory? Rory? [DOCTOR] Sorry I'm late, honey. Traffic was hell. Shock. He'll be fine. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's study) [RIVER] Not if I can get loose. [DOCTOR] So where are we now, Doctor Song? How's prison? [RIVER] Oh, I was pardoned ages ago. And it's Professor Song to you. [DOCTOR] Pardoned? [RIVER] Mmm. Turns out the person I killed never existed in the firstplace. Apparently, there's no record of him. It's almost as ifsomeone's gone around deleting himself from every database in theuniverse. [DOCTOR] You said I got too big. [RIVER] And now no one's ever heard of you. Didn't you used to besomebody? [DOCTOR] Weren't you the woman who killed the Doctor? [RIVER] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] She's holding you very tight. [RIVER] At least she didn't send me back in time. [DOCTOR] I doubt she's strong enough. [RIVER] Well, I need a hand back, so which is it going to be? Are yougoing to break my wrist or hers? Oh, no. Really? Why do you have tobreak mine? [DOCTOR] Because Amy read it in a book, and now I have no choice. [DOCTOR] You see? [RIVER] What book? [DOCTOR] Your book. Which you haven't written yet, so we can't read. [RIVER] I see. I don't like the cover much. [AMY] But if River's going to write that book, she'd make it useful,yeah? [RIVER] I'll certainly try. But we can't read ahead, it's too dangerous. [AMY] I know, but there must be something we can look at. [DOCTOR] What, a page of handy hints, previews, spoiler free? [AMY] Chapter titles. [DOCTOR] He's in the cellar. [AMY] Gimme! [RIVER] Doctor? Doctor, what is it? What's wrong? Tell me. Doctor?Doctor, what is it, tell me. [RIVER] Okay, I know that face. Calm down. Calm down! Talk to me.Doctor! [DOCTOR] No! Get your wrist out. You get your wrist out without breakingit! [RIVER] How? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Just do it. Change the future! --------------------------------------- (Grayle's cellar) [AMY] Rory? [DOCTOR] No! They're Angels. Baby Angels. [AMY] Did they get Rory? Where is he? Did they take him? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so, yes. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's entrance hall) [AMY] So, is this what's going to happen? We justkeep chasing him and they keep pulling him further back? [RIVER] He isn't back in time. I'm reading a displacement, but there areno temporal markers. He's been moved in space, not in time, and it'snot that far from here by the look of it. [DOCTOR] You got out. [AMY] So, where is he? [DOCTOR] Well, come on, come on, come on, where is he? [RIVER] If it was that easy, I'd get you to do it. [DOCTOR] How did you get your wrist out without breaking it? [RIVER] You asked, I did. Problem? [DOCTOR] You just changed the future. [RIVER] It's called marriage, honey. Now, hush, I'm working. [DOCTOR] She's good, have you noticed? Really, really good. [RIVER] Ah, wherever it is, it's within a few blocks. There's a car outfront. Shall we steal it? [DOCTOR] Show me! [AMY] Got it. [DOCTOR] Why did you lie to me? [RIVER] When one's in love with an ageless god who insists on the faceof a twelve year old, one does one's best to hide the damage. [DOCTOR] It must hurt. Come here. [RIVER] Yes. The wrist is pretty bad too. [RIVER] No. No. No, stop that. Stop that. Stop it! [DOCTOR] There you go. How's that? [RIVER] Well, let's see, shall we? [RIVER] That was a stupid waste of regeneration energy. Nothing isgained by you being a sentimental idiot. [DOCTOR] River [RIVER] No, you embarrass me. [DOCTOR] River! [AMY] Tell you what. Stick to the science part. --------------------------------------- (Outside Grayle's home) [AMY] Okay, why did you lie? [RIVER] Never let him see the damage. And never, ever let him see youage. He doesn't like endings. --------------------------------------- (Grayle's entrance hall) [DOCTOR] There you are. --------------------------------------- (Outside Grayle's home) [DOCTOR] Got it. He's at a place called Winter Quay.The car, yes? Let's go. --------------------------------------- (Limousine) [RIVER] Why would they send him here? Why not zaphim back in time, like they normally do? [DOCTOR] We'll know that when we know what this place is. [AMY] Winter Quay. --------------------------------------- (Winter Quay apartments) [AMY] Rory? [RIVER] He's close. [AMY] Rory! [AMY] Rory! [RORY] Amy. [RIVER] Doctor, look at this. Why is it smiling? [DOCTOR] Amy. Rory! --------------------------------------- (Apartment 802) [DOCTOR] Get out of here! Don't look at anything.Don't touch [AMY] Who's that? [OLD RORY] Amy. Amy, please. Amy, please. Please. [AMY] Rory? He's you. [OLD RORY] Amy. [RORY] Will someone please tell me what is going on? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Rory, but you just died. [DOCTOR] This place is policed by Angels. Every time you try to escape,you get zapped back in time. [AMY] So this place belongs to the Angels? They built it? [RIVER] It's like they've taken over every statue in the city. [DOCTOR] The Angels take Manhattan because they can, because they'venever had a food source like this one. The city that never sleeps.(Slow heavy footsteps outside the window.) [RORY] What was that? [DOCTOR] I don't know. But I think they're coming for you. [RORY] What does that mean? What is going to happen to me? What isphysically going to happen? [DOCTOR] The Angels will come for you. They'll zap you back in time tothis very spot, thirty, forty years ago. And you'll live out the restof your life in this room, until you die in that bed. [RORY] And will Amy be there? [DOCTOR] No. [AMY] How do you know? [DOCTOR] Because he was so pleased to see you again. [RORY] Okay. Well, they haven't taken me yet. What if I just run? Whatif I just get the hell out of here? Then that never happens. [RIVER] Doctor, he's right. [DOCTOR] No, he isn't. [RIVER] If Rory got out, it would create a paradox. [AMY] What is that? [RIVER] This is the Angels' food source. The paradox poisons the well.It could kill them all. This whole place would literally unhappen. [DOCTOR] It would be almost impossible. [RIVER] Loving the almost. [DOCTOR] But to create a paradox like that takes almost unimaginablepower. What have we got, eh? Tell me. Come on, what? [AMY] I won't let them take him. That's what we've got. [RORY] Whatever that thing is, it's getting closer. [DOCTOR] Rory, even if you got out, you'd have to keep running for therest of your life. They would be chasing you for ever. [AMY] Well, then. Better get started. [AMY] Husband, run! [DOCTOR] River, I'm not sure this can work. [RIVER] Husband, shut up. --------------------------------------- (Apartment stairwell) [AMY] Up! [RORY] What good's up? [AMY] Better than down! --------------------------------------- (Apartment 802) [DOCTOR] We can't keep doing this. [RIVER] Any ideas? [DOCTOR] Yeah, the usual. Run! [DOCTOR] Okay! Fire escape. --------------------------------------- (Winter Quay roof) [RORY] I always wanted to visit the Statue OfLiberty. I guess she got impatient. [AMY] What? What is it, what? [RORY] Just keep your eyes on that. [AMY] Is there a way down? [RORY] Er, no. But there's a way out. [AMY] What are you doing? Rory, what are you doing? [AMY] Rory, stop it. You'll die. [RORY] Yeah, twice, in the same building on the same night. Who elsecould do that? [AMY] Just come down, please. [RORY] This is the right thing to do. This will work. If I die now, it'sa paradox, right? The paradox kills the Angels. Tell me I'm wrong. Goon, please, because I'm really scared. Oh, great. The one time youcan't manage it.Amy, I'm going to need a little help here. [AMY] Just stop it! [RORY] Just think it through. This will work, this will kill the Angels. [AMY] It'll kill you too. [RORY] Will it? River said that this place would be erased from time,never existed. If this place never existed, what did I fall off? [AMY] You think you'll come back to life? [RORY] When don't I? [AMY] Rory. [RORY] And anyway, what else is there? Dying of old age downstairs,never seeing you again? Amy, please. If you love me, then trust me, andpush. [AMY] I can't. [RORY] You have to! [AMY] Could you? If it was me, could you do it? [RORY] To save you, I'd do anything. [AMY] Prove it. [RORY] No, I can't take you too. [AMY] You said we'd come back to life. Money where your mouth is time. [RORY] Amy, look. [AMY] Shut up. Together, or not at all. [DOCTOR] What the hell are you doing! [AMY] Changing the future. It's called marriage. [DOCTOR] Amy! Amy! [RIVER] Doctor! What's happening? [DOCTOR] The paradox. It's working! The paradox is working! --------------------------------------- (Graveyard) [RORY] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Back where we started. You collapsed the timeline. The paradoxworked. We all pinged back where we belong. [RORY] What, in a graveyard? [AMY] This happened the last time. Why always here? [DOCTOR] Does it matter? We got lucky. We could've blown New York offthe planet. I can't ever take the Tardis back there. The timelines aretoo scrambled. I could have lost you both. Don't ever do that again. [RORY] What did we do? We fixed it. We solved the problem. [DOCTOR] I was talking to myself. [RIVER] It could do with a repaint. [DOCTOR] I've been busy. [RIVER] Does the bulb on top need changing? [DOCTOR] I just changed it. [RIVER] So. Rory and Amy, then. [DOCTOR] Yes. I know, I know. [RIVER] I'm just saying. They're going to get terribly bored hanginground here all day. [RORY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Ha! [RORY] Look, next time, could we could just go to the pub? [DOCTOR] I want go to the pub right now. Are there video games there? Ilove video games. [RIVER] Right. Family outing, then. [RORY] Amy, come and see this. [AMY] What? [RORY] There's a gravestone here for someone with the same name as me. [AMY] What? [AMY] Doctor! [RIVER] Where the hell did that come from? [DOCTOR] It's a survivor. Very weak, but keep your eyes on it. [AMY] Where's Rory? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. Amelia, I'm so, so sorry. [AMY] No. No, we can just go and get him in the Tardis. One moreparadox. [DOCTOR] Would rip New York apart. [AMY] No, that's not true. I don't believe you. [RIVER] Mother, it's true. [DOCTOR] Amy, what are you doing? [AMY] That gravestone, Rory's, there's room for one more name, isn'tthere? [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? Back away from the Angel. Come backto the Tardis. We'll figure something out. [AMY] The Angel, would it send me back to the same time? To him? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Nobody knows. [AMY] But it's my best shot, yeah? [DOCTOR] No! [RIVER] Doctor, shut up. Yes. Yes, it is. [DOCTOR] Amy. [AMY] Well, then. I just have to blink, right? [DOCTOR] No! [AMY] It'll be fine. I know it will. I'll be with him, like I should be.Me and Rory together. Melody? [DOCTOR] Stop it. Just, just stop it! [AMY] You look after him. You be a good girl, and you look after him. [DOCTOR] You are creating fixed time. I will never be able to see youagain. [AMY] I'll be fine. I'll be with him. [DOCTOR] Amy, please, just come back into the Tardis. Come along, Pond,please. [AMY] Raggedy man, goodbye! [DOCTOR] No! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] River, they were your parents. I'm sorry, I didn't think. [RIVER] It doesn't matter. [DOCTOR] Of course it matters. [RIVER] What matters is this. Doctor, don't travel alone. [DOCTOR] Travel with me, then. [RIVER] Whenever and wherever you want. But not all the time. Onepsychopath per Tardis, don't you think? Okay. This book I've got towrite. Melody Malone. I presume I send it to Amy to get it published? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. [RIVER] I'll tell her to write an afterword. For you. Maybe you'lllisten to her. [DOCTOR] The last page! --------------------------------------- (Central Park) [AMY [OC]] Afterword, by Amelia Williams. Hello, old friend. And here weare, you and me, on the last page.By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So knowthat we lived well, and were very happy. And above all else, know thatwe will love you always. Sometimes I do worry about you, though. Ithink once we're gone, you won't be coming back here for a while, andyou might be alone, which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor.And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in agarden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lotof hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient,the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to seaand fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait twothousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to thegreatest painter who ever lived and save a whale in outer space. Tellher this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this how it ends. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen - end of Power of Three) [DOCTOR] I know. You both have lives here. Beautiful, messy lives. Thatis what makes you so fabulously human. You don't want to give them up.I understand. [BRIAN] Actually, it's you they can't give up, Doctor. And Idon't think they should. Go with him. Go save every world you can find.Who else has that chance? Life will still be here. [DOCTOR] You could come, Brian. [BRIAN] Somebody's got to water the plants. [[Int] Rory & Amy's house/hall -sunset]. [ANTHONY] Mr Brian Williams? [BRIAN] Yes. How did you know I was here? This isn't my house. [ANTHONY] This is for you. [BRIAN] I don't understand. [ANTHONY] You should read it. I'll wait. --------------------------------------- (Int: Rory & Amy's house/lounge -sunset.) [RORY [OC]] Dear Dad. This is the difficult bit. If I've gotthis right, you're reading this letter a week after we left in theTardis. Er, the thing is, we're not coming back. We're alive and well,and stuck in New York, fifty years before I was born. We can't comehome again. I won't ever see you again, and that breaks my heart. I'mso sorry, Dad. I thought about this for years, and I realised there wasone thing I could do. I could write to you. Tell you everything abouthow we lived. How despite it all, we were happy. But before I do, Ineed you to know, you are the best dad any son could've had, and forall of the times I've drove you mad, and you drove me mad, all thetimes I snapped at you, I'm sorry. I miss everything about you.Especially our awkward hugs. I bought a trowel! We have a small yard. Igarden. [RORY [OC]] But one more important bit of business. The man whodelivered the letter... Anthony. Be nice to him, because he's yourgrandson. --------------------------------------- (Int: Rory & Amy's house/hall -sunset) [RORY [OC]] We finally adopted in 1946. Anthony Brian Williams.He can tell you everything. He'll have the family albums, and I realisehaving a grandson who's older than you is so far beyond weird, but I'msorry. I love you, Dad. I miss you. [ANTHONY] How d'you do, sir?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Angels Take Manhattan"}
Doctor Who (17 Dec, 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - Vastra Investigates [STRAX] Prepare for obliteration, Earthling scum. [INSPECTOR] Actually, Mister Strax, if you could just take him aside fora moment, I have some officers on the way. [STRAX] As you wish. Humans. [JENNY] Sorry. He is new. [INSPECTOR] Funny looking fellow but, Turkish, is he? [VASTRA] He is a genetically modified clone warrior from outer space. [INSPECTOR] Ah. Makes sense. Well, what a case. Identical twins, poisonundetectable to science, an ancient Egyptian curse. Once more ScotlandYard is in your debt, Madame Vastra. Where would we be without you? [VASTRA] Quite some distance from a clue, one imagines. [INSPECTOR] You might be right. Does it ever hurt? [VASTRA] Does what hurt? [INSPECTOR] Your skin condition. Always wondered. [JENNY] It's not a condition, Inspector. It's just skin. [INSPECTOR] Are you sure? [VASTRA] I am, as I may have failed to mention, an intelligent reptilefrom an ancient civilisation long preceding mankind. Many of us slumberunder the Earth's crust. [JENNY] Madame was accidentally awoken by an extension to the LondonUnderground. [INSPECTOR] Well, that would account for it. [VASTRA] I was not initially keen on the society of apes, but I made themost elementary of errors. I fell in love. [INSPECTOR] What, with the Turkish fellow? [VASTRA] No. Not with the Turkish fellow. [INSPECTOR] Good lord. Good lord. [VASTRA] Come along, my dear. [JENNY] Yes, my darling. [INSPECTOR] Good lord. --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [JENNY] Still no word from the Doctor, then? [VASTRA] No, my dear. And there won't be. [JENNY] He can't sulk in his box forever. [VASTRA] Heartbreak is a burden to us all. Pity the man with two. [JENNY] It's starting to snow. [VASTRA] But it can't be. [JENNY] Well, it is nearly Christmas. [VASTRA] But the clouds. [JENNY] What about them? [VASTRA] There aren't any.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e59", "title": "Vastra Investigates"}
Doctor Who (25 Dec 2012; Eleventh Doctor) - The Snowmen (Park) [WOMAN] Walter, don't you want to go and play with the other boys andgirls? They're very nice. [WALTER] I don't need anyone else. [WOMAN] He never talks to anyone. He's so alone. It's not right. It'snot healthy. [WALTER] I don't want to talk to them. They're silly. [SNOWMAN] They're silly. Don't talk to them. They're silly. [SNOWMAN] Don't need anyone else. I can help you. [WALTER] How? --------------------------------------- (Institute) [SIMEON] The last of the arrivals have been sampled. [SNOWMAN] The great swarm is approaching. As humanity celebrates, soshall it end. Will the final piece be ready? [SIMEON] It's in hand. I serve you in this, as in everything else. [SNOWMAN] And do you keep my secrets, those men who helped us tonight? [SIMEON] It won't be a problem. I promised to feed them. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [WORKER] Beg pardon, Doctor Simeon. It's been a long day. I don't seeany food here. [SIMEON] I do. [WORKER] What is this? [SIMEON] I said I'd feed you. I didn't say who to. --------------------------------------- (Rose & Crown) [CLARA] Did you make this snowman? [DOCTOR] No. [CLARA] Well, who did? Because it wasn't there a second ago. It justappeared, from nowhere. [DOCTOR] Maybe it's snow that fell before. Maybe it remembers how tomake snowmen. [CLARA] What, snow that can remember? That's silly. [DOCTOR] What's wrong with silly? [CLARA] Nothing. Still talking to you, ain't I? [DOCTOR] What's your name? [CLARA] Clara. [DOCTOR] Nice name. Clara. You should definitely keep it. Goodbye! [CLARA] Oi! Where are you going? I thought we was just gettingacquainted. --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [VASTRA [OC]] How refreshing to see you taking aninterest again. Was she nice? [DOCTOR] I just spoke to her. [VASTRA [OC]] And made your usual impact, no doubt. [DOCTOR] No, no impact at all. Those days are over. [VASTRA [OC]] You can't help yourself. --------------------------------------- (Vastra's study) [VASTRA] It's the same story every time. And italways begins with the same two words. --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [DOCTOR] She'll never be able to find me again. Shedoesn't even have the name. Doctor. What two words? [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor who? --------------------------------------- (Outside Darkover House) [ALICE] Good evening, sir. [LATIMER] Pond's frozen over. Hasn't frozen since the night [SIMEON] Since the night your children's governess died, a year ago. [ALICE] Doctor Simeon, sir. He insisted on waiting. [LATIMER] She drowned in this very pond. [SIMEON] Which then froze. You didn't find her till a month later, whenthe ice finally melted. [LATIMER] I recall the incident. It is the sort of thing one remembers. [SIMEON] The ice remembers too. [LATIMER] Who are you? What do you want here? [SIMEON] The pond is yours, Captain Latimer, but what is growing insideit, when it is ready, is ours. Good evening. --------------------------------------- (Alleyway) [JENNY] Well, Doctor Simeon, you're out very late tonight. [VASTRA] Almost makes you wonder what you've been up to. But then, Ihave often wondered about the activities of Doctor Simeon and hisexceptionally secretive Institute. [SIMEON] Well, I am honoured this evening. The veiled detective and herfatuous accomplice. [JENNY] At your service. [SIMEON] You realise Doctor Doyle is almost certainly basing hisfantastical tales on your own exploits? With a few choice alterations,of course.I doubt the readers of The Strand magazine would accept that the greatdetective is, in reality a woman. [SIMEON] And her suspiciously intimate companion [VASTRA] I resent your implication of impropriety. We are married. [JENNY] More than can be said for you, eh, dear? [VASTRA] Now then. This snow is interesting, don't you think? The icecrystals seem to have a low level telepathic field. Almost as if it candetect and respond to the thoughts and memories of the people aroundit. Memory snow. Snow that learns. [SIMEON] How fascinating. [VASTRA] I hope it's listening to the right people. It could be aterrible weapon in the wrong hands, don't you think? [SIMEON] I think winter is coming. Such a winter as this world has neverknown. The last winter of humankind. Do you know why I'm telling youall this? [VASTRA] I am intrigued. [SIMEON] Because there's not a single thing you can do to stop it. [VASTRA] Perhaps I can't, but I know a man who can. [SIMEON] I look forward to meeting him. [JENNY] Do you mean the Doctor? He won't help us. He never helps anymore, you know that. [VASTRA] Yes, my dear, I do. So pray for a miracle, because I think weare going to need him. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Institute) [STRAX] They've taken samples from snowmen all over London. What do yousuppose they're doing in there? [DOCTOR] This snow is new. Possibly alien. When you find something brandnew in the world, something you've never seen before, what's the nextthing you look for? [STRAX] A grenade. [DOCTOR] A profit. That's Victorian values for you. [STRAX] I suggest a full frontal assault with automated laser monkeys,scalpel mines and acid. [DOCTOR] Why? [STRAX] Couldn't we at least investigate? [DOCTOR] It's none of our business. [STRAX] Sir, permission to express my opposition to your current apathy? [DOCTOR] Permission granted. [STRAX] Sir, I am opposed to your current apathy. [CLARA [OC]] Let me out! [DOCTOR] Thank you, Strax. And if ever I'm in need of advice from apsychotic potato dwarf, you'll certainly be the first to know. [STRAX] But if the snow is new and alien, shouldn't we be making someattempt to destroy it? Be reasonable. [DOCTOR] It is not our problem. Over a thousand years of saving theuniverse, Strax, you know the one thing I learned? The universe doesn'tcare. [CLARA [OC]] In this cab. Oi, Doctor! Let me out! Are you listening tome? [DOCTOR] Now, we have a problem of our own to worry about. [CLARA [OC]] Let me out! --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [CLARA] Oi! [DOCTOR] Don't worry. No one's going to hurt you. [CLARA] What is that thing? [STRAX] Silence, boy! [DOCTOR] That's Strax. And as you can see, he's easily confused. [STRAX] Silence, girl. Sorry, lad. [DOCTOR] Sontaran. Clone warrior race. Factory produced, whole legionsat a time. Two genders is a bit further than he can count. [STRAX] Sir, do not discuss my reproductive cycle in front of enemygirls. It's embarrassing. [DOCTOR] Typical middle child of six million. [CLARA] Who are you? [DOCTOR] It doesn't matter because you're about to forget that you and Iever met. [STRAX] We'll need the worm. [STRAX] Sir. [CLARA] You'll need the what? The worm? What worm? [DOCTOR] Don't worry, it won't hurt, but one touch on your bare skin andyou lose the last hour of your memory. [DOCTOR] Where is it? [STRAX] Where's what, sir? [DOCTOR] I sent you to get the memory worm. [STRAX] Did you? When? Who's he? What are we doing here? Look, it's beensnowing! [DOCTOR] You didn't use the gauntlets, did you? [STRAX] Why would I need the gauntlets? Do you want me to get the memoryworm? [DOCTOR] You. --------------------------------------- (By the carriage) [DOCTOR] Well, can you see it? [STRAX] I think I can hear it. [DOCTOR] Oi, don't try to run away. Stay where you are. [CLARA] Why would I run? I know what's going to happen next and it'sfunny. [DOCTOR] What's funny? [CLARA] Well, your little pal, for a start. He's an ugly little fella,isn't he? [DOCTOR] Maybe. He gave his life for a friend of mine once. [CLARA] Then how come he's alive? [DOCTOR] Another friend of mine brought him back. I'm not sure all hisbrains made the return trip! [CLARA] Neither am I. [STRAX] I can see it. [DOCTOR] Ooo! Can you reach it? Have you got it? [STRAX] Got what, sir? [CLARA] Because these are the gauntlets, aren't they? [STRAX] Sir, emergency! I think I've been run over by a cab. [DOCTOR] There you go. One touch and you lose about an hour of yourmemory. Let it bite you and you could lose decades. [DOCTOR] And you're still not trying to run. [CLARA] I don't understand how the snowman built itself. I'll run onceyou've explained. [DOCTOR] Clara who? [CLARA] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Oh, dangerous question. [CLARA] What's wrong with dangerous? [DOCTOR] The snow emits a low level telepathic field. [CLARA] My snowman. [DOCTOR] It seems to reflect people's thoughts and memories and becauseit's unusual, somehow it carries a previous shape and [CLARA] No, Doctor. My snowman. [DOCTOR] Ah! Interesting. Well, were you thinking about it? [CLARA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Well, stop. Clara, stop thinking about the snowmen! [DOCTOR] Get down! Clara, listen to me. The snow's feeding off yourthoughts. [CLARA] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] You're caught in their telepathic field. They're mirroring you.The more you think about the snowmen, the more they appear. Imaginethem melting. Picture it. Picture them melted! [DOCTOR] Well, very good. Very, very good. Ha! [CLARA] Is that going to happen again? [DOCTOR] Well, if it does, you know what to do about it. [CLARA] Unless I forget. [DOCTOR] Don't come looking for me. Forget about me. You understand? [CLARA] What about the snow? Shouldn't we be warning people? [DOCTOR] Not my problem. Merry Christmas. Take her back where we foundher. [STRAX] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Park) [CLARA] Come on. [CLARA] Hello. Invisible. [CLARA] An invisible staircase. --------------------------------------- (Cloud) [DOCTOR] Hello? Hello? Hello? --------------------------------------- (Institute) [SNOWMAN] Tonight the thaw. Tomorrow the snow will fall again, yetstronger. The drowned woman and the dreaming child will give us form atlast.Tomorrow the snow will fall and so shall mankind. She is coming. --------------------------------------- (Rose & Crown) [CLARA] Look at that. Must have thawed in the night. [CHILCOTT] I'm begging you, Clara. I'm on my knees. [CLARA] Elsie is back this afternoon, and I was only helping out. I'vegot my own work to get back to. [CHILCOTT] What work? Why won't you ever tell us? [CLARA] You'd never believe me. --------------------------------------- (Outside Darkover House) [CLARA] Alice, how smart you look today. [ALICE] The governess should enter by the back door, unless accompaniedby the children. [CLARA] And how are the children? Excited about tomorrow? [ALICE] Francesca, same as ever. Digby says he missed you every day.Captain Latimer wants to see you. [CLARA] Of course. Every day? [ALICE] Twice on Saturdays. [CLARA] That's better. --------------------------------------- (Study) [CLARA] Captain Latimer. [LATIMER] Ah. Miss Montague, you're back. [CLARA] In time for Christmas. Apologies for my brief absence. Familyillness is so unpredictable. You wanted to see me? [LATIMER] Francesca has been having nightmares. [CLARA] Young girls often do. [LATIMER] Every night this week, she says. Won't tell me about them. [CLARA] Perhaps if you asked her in the right way, there's no one she'drather tell. [LATIMER] Children are not really my area of expertise. [CLARA] They are, however, your children. [LATIMER] You have, if I may say, a remarkable amount of wisdom in thesematters, for one so very pretty, Miss Montague. Young, I mean. [CLARA] I'll see to the children now. --------------------------------------- (Garden) [FRANCESCA] Miss Montague! [DIGBY] Miss Montague, you're back! [CLARA] Ah, ah, ah! [DIGBY] Good morning, Miss Montague. [FRANCESCA] Good morning, Miss Montague. [CLARA] Good morning, Francesca. Good morning, Digby. Christmas Eve isthe most thrilling day, don't you think? Now, what have you two been upto while I've been away? [DIGBY] I did seven drawings and we saw a dead cow. [CLARA] Well, how exciting. [DIGBY] Do your secret voice. [CLARA] Allo, mates. [FRANCESCA] They're not exactly nightmares. Just dreams. [DIGBY] About our old governess. The one who died. She's hauntingFrannie from beyond the grave. [CLARA] Haven't you spoken to your father about this? [FRANCESCA] You can't talk about things like that to Daddy. [CLARA] You could try. [DIGBY] Do you want to see where she died? [DIGBY] She fell in there, and then it froze. She was in the ice fordays and days. I hated her. She was cross all the time. In Frannie'sdream she's still down there, waiting to come back. [CLARA] Everything else has thawed, but this pond is still frozen. [DOCTOR [memory]] The snow is feeding off your thoughts. The more youthink about the snowmen, the more they appear. [CLARA] Frannie, this is important. You dream about her. What do youdream? [FRANCESCA] She's cross with me. She says I've been bad, and she's goingto come out of the pond and punish me. [CLARA] When? [FRANCESCA] She said she'd come back for Christmas. Tonight. [DIGBY] I think Frannie's gone mad, don't you? I think she needs adoctor. --------------------------------------- (Park) [CLARA] Doctor! Doctor! [MAN] What's she looking at? [MAN 2] She's asking for a doctor. [CLARA] Doctor! [JENNY] Now then, that's enough noise. We don't want to attractattention, do we? [CLARA] I'm looking for the Doctor. Do you know about him? The Doctor? [JENNY] Doctor who? --------------------------------------- (Vastra's home) [STRAX] Do not attempt to escape or you will beobliterated! May I take your coat? [JENNY] Sit. [VASTRA] There are two refreshments in your world the colour of redwine. This is not red wine. [JENNY] Madame Vastra will ask you questions. You will confine yourselfto single word responses. One word only, do you understand? [CLARA] Why? [VASTRA] Truth is singular. Lies are words, words, words. You met theDoctor, didn't you? [CLARA] Yes. [VASTRA] And now you've come looking for him again. Why? [JENNY] Take your time. One word only. [CLARA] Curiosity. [VASTRA] About? [CLARA] Snow. [VASTRA] And about him? [CLARA] Yes. [VASTRA] What do you want from him? [CLARA] Help. [VASTRA] Why? [CLARA] Danger. [VASTRA] Why would he help you? [CLARA] Kindness. [VASTRA] The Doctor is not kind. [CLARA] No? [VASTRA] No. The Doctor doesn't help people. Not anyone, not ever. Hestands above this world and doesn't interfere in the affairs of itsinhabitants.He is not your salvation, nor your protector. Do you understand what Iam saying to you? [CLARA] Words. [VASTRA] He was different once, a long time ago. Kind, yes. A hero,even. A saver of worlds. But he suffered losses which hurt him.Now he prefers isolation to the possibility of pain's return. Kindlychoose a word to indicate your understanding of this. [CLARA] Man. [VASTRA] We are the Doctor's friends. We assist him in his isolation butthat does not mean we approve of it. So, a test for you. Give me amessage for the Doctor. Tell him all about the snow and what freshdanger you believe it presents, and above all, explain why he shouldhelp you. But do it in one word. You're thinking it is impossible thatsuch a word exists, or that you could even find it.Let's see if the gods are with you. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yes? What? I'm trying to read. [VASTRA [OC]] Miss Clara and her concerns about the snow. --------------------------------------- (Vastra's home) [VASTRA] I gave her the one word test. [DOCTOR [OC]] That's always pointless. What did she say? Well? Well? [VASTRA] Pond. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [VASTRA [OC]] Strax has already suggested where tostart investigating. --------------------------------------- (Institute) [SIMEON] What's wrong? [SNOWMAN] There is danger here. An intelligence. An intelligence beyondanything else in this time and place. [SERVANT] Doctor Simeon, sir. There's someone demanding to see you. [SIMEON] No callers, not in here, not ever. Did he leave his name? [SERVANT] Sir, it's Sherlock Holmes. [DOCTOR] Oh, nice office. Big globey thing. Now, shut up, don't tell me!I see from your collar stud you have an apple tree and a wife with alimp. Am I right? [SIMEON] No. [DOCTOR] Do you have a wife? [SIMEON] No. [DOCTOR] Bit of a tree? Bit of a wife? Some apples? Come on, work withme here. [SIMEON] I enjoy The Strand magazine as much as the next man, but I amperfectly aware that Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character. Get out! [DOCTOR] Do you have a goldfish named Colin? [SERVANT] No. [DOCTOR] Thought not. Now, ooo. I see this is one of your businesscards. It says so on the front. [SIMEON] Who are you, and What are you doing here? [DOCTOR] This. Wakey, wakey! [SIMEON] That is highly valuable equipment. You must step away now. [SNOWMAN] We are the Intelligence. [DOCTOR] Ooo. Talking snow. I love new things. [SNOWMAN] You are not of this world. [DOCTOR] Takes one to snow one. Right, let's see. Multi-nucleatecrystalline organism with the ability to mimic and mirror what itfinds. Looks like snow. Isn't snow. [SIMEON] You must leave here now. [DOCTOR] Shut up, I'm making deductions. It's very exciting. Now, whatare you, eh? A flock of space crystals? A swarm? The snowmen are footsoldiers,mindless predators. But you, you're the clever one. You're Moriarty.So, you turn up on a planet, you generate a telepathic field to learnwhat you can,and when you've learnt enough, what do you do? You can't conquer theworld using snowmen. Snowmen are rubbish in July. You'll have to bebetter than that.You'll have to evolve. [SERVANT [OC]] Sir, it appears to be stuck! [SIMEON] What have you done? Have you locked the doors? [DOCTOR] You need to translate yourself into something more, well,human. [SIMEON] Kick it down. [DOCTOR] To do that you'd need a perfect duplicate of human DNA in iceform. Where do you find that? [SERVANT [OC]] Sir? [SIMEON] Get in here, quickly! [SERVANT [OC]] I've got a master key somewhere, sir. [DOCTOR] Now, let's see. Most opened file, most viewed page. [DOCTOR] You know, you really should delete your history. Governessfrozen in pond. Gotcha! [SERVANT [OC]] Got it, sir! [SIMEON] Get in here! Take him downstairs. --------------------------------------- (Outside Darkover House) [DOCTOR] Body frozen in a pond. The snow gets a goodlong look at a human being, like a full body scan. Everything they needto evolve.Pond. Good point, Clara. What are you doing here? [STRAX] Madame Vastra wondered if you were needing any grenades? [DOCTOR] Grenades? [STRAX] She might have said help. [DOCTOR] Help for what? [STRAX] Well, your investigation. [DOCTOR] Investigation? Who says I'm investigating? Do you think I'mgoing to start investigating just because some bird smiles at me? Whodo you think I am? [STRAX] Sherlock Holmes. [DOCTOR] Don't be clever, Strax. It doesn't suit you. [STRAX] Sorry, sir. [DOCTOR] I'm the clever one, you're the potato one. [STRAX] Yes, sir. [DOCTOR] Now go away. [STRAX] Yes, Mister Holmes. [DOCTOR] Oi! Shut up. You're not clever or funny and you've got tinylittle legs! [DOCTOR] Okay, just tell her you're leaving, you're not going up.Leaving. Not going up. [DOCTOR] What was that about? Five minutes, where did that come from?You. --------------------------------------- (Outside the garden walls) [STRAX] It's the human male from the Institute. What's he doing here?Suggest we melt his brain using projectile acid fish, and theninterrogate him. Other way round. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [FRANCESCA] Am I going to have the nightmaretonight? [CLARA] Definitely not. [FRANCESCA] How do you know? [CLARA] Because someone's coming to help. [FRANCESCA] Who? [CLARA] You wouldn't believe me if I told you. [FRANCESCA] Is it one of your stories? Your definitely true ones? [CLARA] Ha! All my stories are true. [DIGBY] Like how you were born behind the clock face of Big Ben? [CLARA] Accounting for my acute sense of time. [FRANCESCA] And you invented fish. [CLARA] Because I dislike swimming alone. [DIGBY] So what's this one? [CLARA] There's a man called the Doctor. He lives on a cloud in the sky,and all he does, all day every day, is to stop all the children in theworld ever having bad dreams. [FRANCESCA] I've been having bad dreams. [CLARA] He's been on holiday. But I am confident he has now returned towork. And as a matter of fact, he's right here. [CLARA] Aren't you, Doctor? [CLARA] Bloomin' hell! [GOVERNESS] The children have been very naughty. [CLARA] Get back. Now. Quickly. [DIGBY] You're doing your other voice. [CLARA] Yes love, did you notice? [GOVERNESS] Naughty, naughty children. [CLARA] Run! --------------------------------------- (Schoolroom) [DIGBY] What do we do? [CLARA] Frannie, Frannie, imagine her melting. [FRANCESCA] What? [CLARA] In your head. Melt her. [FRANCESCA] I can't! [GOVERNESS [OC]] I'm getting impatient! [GOVERNESS] You have been very naughty! [DIGBY] What about the man? You said the man was here, the cloud man. [CLARA] Well, he's not, is he? [DIGBY] Where's the Doctor? [CLARA] I don't know! [PUNCH] Doctor? Doctor? Doctor who? [DOCTOR] That's the way to do it. [DOCTOR] Oi. Ow. [FRANCESCA] Where did she go? Will she come back? [DOCTOR] No, don't worry. She's currently draining through your carpet.New setting. Anti-freeze. And you're very welcome, by the way. [CLARA] I'm very grateful. I knew you'd come. [DOCTOR] No, you didn't, because I don't. Because this isn't the sort ofthing I do any more. Next time you're in trouble, don't expect me to [CLARA] What is it? What's wrong? [DOCTOR] Sorry, it's just. Didn't know I'd put it on. [DOCTOR] Old habits [CLARA] It's cooler. [DOCTOR] Yeah, it is, isn't it? It is very cool. Bow ties are cool. [CLARA] No, the room. The room's getting colder. [DIGBY] She's coming back! [FRANCESCA] What's she going to do? Is she going to punish me? [DOCTOR] Er, er, she's learnt not to melt. Of course, she's not really agoverness, she's just a beast. She's going to eat you. Run. --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [LATIMER] Children, what is the expla. Who the devil are you? What areyou doing in my house? [DOCTOR] It's okay. I am your governess' gentleman friend, and we'vejust been upstairs kissing! [ALICE] Captain Latimer. In the garden, there's snowmen! And they'rejust growing out of nowhere, all by themselves. Look! [VASTRA] Good evening. I'm a Lizard Woman from the Dawn of Time, andthis is my wife. [STRAX] This dwelling is under attack. Remain calm, human scum. [DOCTOR] So, any questions? [LATIMER] You have a gentleman friend? [DOCTOR] Vastra, what's happening? [VASTRA] The snow is highly localised, and on this occasion notnaturally occurring. [JENNY] It's coming out of that cab parked by the gates. [STRAX] Sir, one pulver grenade would blow these snowmen to smithereens. [DOCTOR] They're made of snow, Strax. They're already smithereens. See,Clara? Our friends again. [LATIMER] Clara? Who's Clara? [DOCTOR] Your current governess is in reality a former barmaid calledClara. [GOVERNESS] That's the way to do it! [DOCTOR] Meanwhile your previous governess is now a living ice sculptureimpersonating Mister Punch. Jenny, what have you got? [JENNY] That should hold it. [STRAX] Sir, this room. One observational window on the line of attackand one defendable entrance. [DOCTOR] Right, everyone in there. Now. Move it. You, carry her. [VASTRA] Nice to see you off your cloud and engaging again. [DOCTOR] I'm not engaging again, I'm under attack. [VASTRA] You missed this, didn't you? [DOCTOR] Shut up. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Strax, how long have we got? [STRAX] They're not going to attack. They made no attempt to concealtheir arrival. An attack force would never abandon surprise so easily,and they're clearly in a defence formation. [DOCTOR] Way, aye, aye. Well done, Straxie. Still got it, buddy. [STRAX] Sir, please do not noogie me during combat prep. [DOCTOR] So there's something here they want. [CLARA] The ice woman. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [JENNY] Why's she so important? [DOCTOR] Because she's a perfect duplication of human DNA in ice crystalform. The ultimate fusion of snow and humanity.To live here, the snow needs to evolve and she's the blueprint. She'swhat they need to become. When the snow melted last night, did thepond? [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Living ice that will never melt. If the snow gets hold of thatcreature on the stairs, it will learn to make more of them.It will build an army of ice. And it will be the last day of humanityon this planet. [DOCTOR] Stay here. --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [DOCTOR] Oi, I told you to stay in there. [CLARA] Oh, I didn't listen. [DOCTOR] You do that a lot. [CLARA] It's why you like me. [DOCTOR] Who said I like you? [CLARA] I think you just did. [DOCTOR] You kissed me. [CLARA] You blushed. And we just. Shut up. [SIMEON] Release her to us. You have five minutes. [DOCTOR] We need to get her out of here but keep her away from them. [CLARA] How? [DOCTOR] With this. Do I always have to state the obvious? [LATIMER] Those creatures outside, what are they? [DOCTOR] No danger to you, as long as I get that thing out of here. You,in there, now. [CLARA] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Between you and me, I can't wait to find out. [DOCTOR] Right, if you look after everyone here, then I can. Clara! [CLARA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] That was stupid. [CLARA] You were stupid, too. [DOCTOR] I'm allowed. I'm good at stupid. [GOVERNESS] That's the way to do it! [CLARA] Why does she keep saying that? [DOCTOR] Mirroring. Random mirroring. We need to get on the roof. [CLARA] This way! [DOCTOR] No, I do the hand grabbing. That's my job. That's always me! --------------------------------------- (Roof) [DOCTOR] Come on, quickly! What are you doing? [CLARA] My bustle is stuck. [DOCTOR] Your bustle? [DOCTOR] You're going to have to take those clothes off. I didn't mean. [CLARA] I know. I understand, I do. [DOCTOR] Good. [CLARA] Now, what's the plan? [DOCTOR] Who said I've got a plan? [CLARA] Course you've got a plan. You took that. [DOCTOR] Maybe I'm an idiot. [CLARA] You're not. You're clever. Really clever. [DOCTOR] Are you? [DOCTOR] If I've got a plan, what is it? You tell me. [GOVERNESS] That's the way to do it! [CLARA] Is this a test? [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] What will it do to us? [DOCTOR] Kill us. [GOVERNESS] That's the way to do it! [DOCTOR] So, come on then. Plan. Do I have one? [CLARA] Oh, I know what your plan is. I knew straight away. [DOCTOR] No, you didn't. [CLARA] Course I did. [DOCTOR] Show me. [CLARA] Why should I? [DOCTOR] Because we'll be dead in under thirty seconds. Do I have aplan? [CLARA] If we'd been escaping, we'd be climbing down the building. Ifwe'd been hiding, we'd be on the other side of the roof. But no, we'restanding right here. [DOCTOR] So? [CLARA] So! [CLARA] After you. [DOCTOR] After you. [CLARA] After you, I'm wearing a dress. Eyes front, soldier! [DOCTOR] My eyes are always front! [CLARA] Mine aren't. [DOCTOR] Stop it. [CLARA] No. I understand you're the previous governess. I regret toinform you the position is taken. Goodnight. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [CLARA] So you can move your cloud? You can controlit? [DOCTOR] No. No one can control clouds, that would be silly. The wind, alittle bit. [CLARA] She's following us. [DOCTOR] That's the idea. Keep her away from the snow. So. Barmaid orgoverness, which is it? [CLARA] That thing is after us, and you want a chat? [DOCTOR] Well, we can't chat after we've been horribly killed, can we? [CLARA] How did we get up so high so quick? [DOCTOR] Clever staircase. It's taller on the inside. [CLARA] What am I standing on, what's this made of? [DOCTOR] Super dense water vapour. Should keep her trapped for themoment. --------------------------------------- (Cloud) [CLARA] Do you actually live up here on a cloud, ina box? [DOCTOR] I have done for a long time now. [CLARA] Blimey, you really know how to sulk, don't you? [DOCTOR] I'm not sulking. [CLARA] You live in a box! [DOCTOR] That's no more a box than you are a governess. [CLARA] Oh, spoken like a man. You know, you're the same as all therest. Sweet little Clara, works at the Rose And Crown, ideas above herstation. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Well, for your information, I'm not sweet onthe inside, and I'm certainly not [CLARA] Little. [DOCTOR] It's called the Tardis. It can travel anywhere in time andspace. And it's mine. [CLARA] But it's. Look at it, it's [DOCTOR] Go on, say it. Most people do. [CLARA] It's smaller on the outside. [DOCTOR] Okay, that is a first. [CLARA] Is it magic? Is it a machine? [DOCTOR] It's a ship. [CLARA] A ship? [DOCTOR] Best ship in the universe. [CLARA] Is there a kitchen? [DOCTOR] Another first. [CLARA] I don't know why I asked that. It's just, I like makingsoufflés. [DOCTOR] Soufflés? [CLARA] Why are you showing me all this? [DOCTOR] You followed me, remember? I didn't invite you. [CLARA] You're nearly a foot taller than I am. You could've reached theladder without this. You took it for me. Why? [DOCTOR] I never know why. I only know who. [CLARA] What's this? [DOCTOR] Me. Giving in. [CLARA] I don't know why I'm crying. [DOCTOR] I do. Remember this. This right now, remember all of it.Because this is the day. This is the day. This is the day everythingbegins. [DOCTOR] Clara! Clara! --------------------------------------- (Cloud) [CLARA] Get off of me! [DOCTOR] Water vapour doesn't stop ice. I should've realised. [CLARA] Get off! [DOCTOR] Let her go. Let her go now! Now! [CLARA] Get off of me! [DOCTOR] No. Clara! [DOCTOR] Nooooo! --------------------------------------- (Study) [VASTRA] What was that? [JENNY] It's Clara. [LATIMER] Dear God. Oh, dear God. Where did she fall from? We have toget her inside. [VASTRA] Those things will kill you. [LATIMER] She's hurt. [VASTRA] She's dead. [LATIMER] What is that? What is happening? [VASTRA] He's bringing her in. [LATIMER] That green woman said she was dead. How can she be alive now? [STRAX] This technology has capacities and abilities beyond anythingyour puny human mind could possibly understand. Try not to worry. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [VASTRA] Isn't the creature still a danger? It could reform. [DOCTOR] No, not in here. [VASTRA] Then you should be with Miss Clara. [DOCTOR] She's going to be fine. I know she is. She has to be. [STRAX] Doctor, her injuries are severe. That equipment will bring backanyone for a while, but long term [DOCTOR] It was my fault. I am responsible for what happened to Clara.She was in my care. [VASTRA] What is the point of blaming yourself? [DOCTOR] None. Because she's going to live. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Hey. Hello. [CLARA] They all think I'm going to die, don't they? [DOCTOR] And I know you're going to live. [CLARA] How? [DOCTOR] I never know how. I just know who. [CLARA] The green lady. She said you were the saver of worlds once. Areyou going to save this one? [DOCTOR] If I do, will you come away with me? [CLARA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Well then. Merry Christmas. --------------------------------------- (Front door) [DOCTOR] I have in my hand a piece of the Ice Lady.Everything you need to know about how to make ice people. Is that whatyou want? See you at the office. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [VASTRA] So then, Doctor, saving the world again?Might I ask why? Are you making a bargain with the universe? You'llsave the world to let her live? [DOCTOR] Yes. And don't you think, after all this time and everythingI've ever done, that I am owed this one? [VASTRA] I don't think the universe makes bargains. [DOCTOR] It was my fault. [VASTRA] Well then. Better save the world. --------------------------------------- (Institute) [SIMEON] You promised us something. Have you brought it? [DOCTOR] Big fella here's been very quiet while you've been out. Whichis only to be expected, considering who he really is. Do you know whatthis is, big fella? [SNOWMAN] I do not understand these markings. [DOCTOR] A map of the London Underground, 1967. Key strategic weaknessin metropolitan living, if you ask me, but then I have never liked atunnel. [SNOWMAN] Enough of this. We are powerful, but on this planet we arelimited. We need to learn to take human form. [SNOWMAN] The Governess is our most perfect replication of humanity. [VASTRA] What's happening to its voice? [DOCTOR] Just stripping away the disguise. [SNOWMAN] No, stop! Stop that. Cease, I command you. [VASTRA] It sounds like a child. [DOCTOR] Of course it sounds like a child. It is a child. Simeon as achild. The snow has no voice without him. [SNOWMAN] Don't listen to him, he's ruining everything. [DOCTOR] How long has the Intelligence been talking to you? [SIMEON] I was a little boy. He was my snowman. He spoke to me. [SNOWMAN [memory]] They're silly. [DOCTOR] But the snow doesn't talk, does it. It's just a mirror. [WALTER [memory]] I don't want to talk to them. They're silly. [SNOWMAN [memory]] They're silly. [DOCTOR] It just reflects back everything we think and feel and fear. [WALTER [memory]] I don't need anyone else. [SNOWMAN [memory]] Don't need anyone else. [DOCTOR] You poured your darkest dreams into a snowman and look, lookwhat it became. [VASTRA] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] It's a parasite feeding on the loneliness of a child and thesickness of an old man. Carnivorous snow meets Victorian values andsomething terrible is born. [SNOWMAN] We can go on and do everything we planned. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, and what a plan. A world full of living ice people. Ohdear me, how very Victorian of you. [SIMEON] What's wrong with Victorian values? [DOCTOR] Ah, ah, ah. Are you sure? [SIMEON] I have always been sure. [DOCTOR] Good. I'm glad you think so, since your entire adult life isabout to be erased. No parasite without a host. Without you, it willhave no voice. Without the governess, it will have no form. [SNOWMAN] What, what, what's happening? What's happening? What did youdo? [DOCTOR] You've got nothing left to mirror any more. Goodbye. [SNOWMAN] What did you, did you. [SNOWMAN] Did you really think it would be so easy? [DOCTOR] That's not possible. How is that possible? [VASTRA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Study) [JENNY] They're growing! The snowmen are growing! [LATIMER] What should we do? --------------------------------------- (Institute) [DOCTOR] But you were just Doctor Simeon. You're notreal. He dreamed you. How can you still exist? [SNOWMAN] Now the dream outlives the dreamer and can never die. Once Iwas the puppet. [SNOWMAN] Now I pull the strings! I tried so long to take on human form.By erasing Simeon, you made space for me. I fill him now. [SNOWMAN] More than snow, more than Simeon. Even this old body is strongin my control. [DOCTOR] Argh! [SNOWMAN] Do you feel it? Winter is coming! [DOCTOR] Argh! [SNOWMAN] Winter is coming! --------------------------------------- (Study) [STRAX] No, you must fight. Hang on and fight, boy.You can do it. [CLARA] Captain Latimer. Your children. They're afraid. Hold them. [LATIMER] It's not really my area. [CLARA] It is now. --------------------------------------- (Institute) [SNOWMAN] What's happening? [VASTRA] Doctor, the globe. It's turning to rain. All of it, the snow,look. [VASTRA] He's dead. What happened? [DOCTOR] The snow mirrors, that's all it does. It's mirroring somethingelse now. Something so strong, it's drowning everything else. [DOCTOR] There was a critical mass of snow at the house. If somethinghappened there [VASTRA] It's salty. Salt water rain. [DOCTOR] It's not raining. It's crying. The only force on Earth thatcould drown the snow. A whole family crying on Christmas Eve. --------------------------------------- (Study) [STRAX] I'm sorry. There was nothing to be done. She has moments only. [DOCTOR] We saved the world, Clara, you and me. We really, really did. [CLARA] Are you going back to your cloud? [DOCTOR] No more cloud. Not now. [CLARA] Why not? [DOCTOR] It rained. [CLARA] Run. Run, you clever boy. And remember. [DIGBY] It's Christmas. Christmas Day. --------------------------------------- (Graveyard) [VASTRA] And what about the Intelligence? Melted with the snow? [DOCTOR] No, I shouldn't think so. It learned to survive beyond physicalform. [JENNY] Well, we can't be in much danger from a disembodied Intelligencethat thinks it can invade the world with snowmen. [VASTRA] Or that the London Underground is a key strategic weakness. [DOCTOR] The Great Intelligence. Rings a bell. The Great Intelligence. [JENNY] Doctor? [DOCTOR] I never knew her name. Her full name. [OSWIN [memory]] Oswin Oswald. Junior Entertainment Manager, StarshipAlaska. [DOCTOR] Soufflé girl. Oswin. It was her. [OSWIN [memory]] Run, you clever boy. [CLARA [memory]] Run, you clever boy. [OSWIN [memory]] And remember. [CLARA [memory]] And remember. [DOCTOR] It was soufflé girl again. I never saw her face the first timewith the Daleks, but her voice, it was the same voice. [JENNY] Doctor? [DOCTOR] The same woman, twice. And she died both times. The same woman! [VASTRA] Doctor, please, what are you talking about? [DOCTOR] Something's going on. Something impossible, something. Right,you two stay here. Stay right here. Don't move an inch. [VASTRA] Are you coming back? [DOCTOR] Shouldn't think so! [VASTRA] But where are you going? [DOCTOR] To find her. To find Clara. Ha ha ha! [JENNY] But Clara's dead. What's he talking about, finding her? [VASTRA] I don't know, but perhaps the universe makes bargains afterall. [GIRL [OC]] Where are you going? [CLARA] Short cut. [GIRL] Through there? I hate this place! Don't you think it's creepy? [CLARA] Nah. I don't believe in ghosts. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Clara Oswin Oswald. Watch me run.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Snowmen"}
Doctor Who (30 Mar, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - The Bells of Saint John (Playground) [GIRL] Hello. [DOCTOR] Hello. [GIRL] Why are you sitting on a swing? [DOCTOR] Why shouldn't I? [GIRL] Because you're old. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's true. That is very true. [GIRL] My mum says I shouldn't talk to strange men. [DOCTOR] Ah, you mum's right. [GIRL] Are you strange? [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. I'm way past strange. I think I'm probablyincredible. [GIRL] Are you lonely? [DOCTOR] Why would I be lonely? [GIRL] Because you're sad. Have you lost something? [DOCTOR] No. [GIRL] When I lose something, I go to a quiet place and I close my eyes,and then I can remember where I put it. [DOCTOR] Good plan. [GIRL] I'm always losing things. I lost my best pencil, my schoolbag,and my gran, and my mojo. [DOCTOR] Your mojo? [GIRL] I got it back, though. [DOCTOR] Hey, that's good. [GIRL] What did you lose? [DOCTOR] My friend. I met her twice before and I lost her both times,and now I don't think I'll ever find her again. [GIRL] Have you been looking? [DOCTOR] Yeah, everywhere. [GIRL] That's sad. [DOCTOR] It is a bit. Hey, is that your mum? [GIRL] Yeah, I'd better go and see if she's all right. [DOCTOR] Yeah, I think you better had. [GIRL] How are you going to find her? [DOCTOR] Well, the first two times I met her, I just sort of bumped intoher, so I thought maybe if I just wandered about a bit, I might bumpinto her again. You know, like destiny, sort of. [GIRL] That's rubbish. [DOCTOR] Yeah, I think it probably is. Hey, maybe I could find a quietroom and have a good think about it instead. [GIRL] That would be better. Goodbye. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. [GIRL] Mister, I hope you find her again. [DOCTOR] So do I. [MUM] Who was that? [GIRL] I was talking to a sad man. [MUM] Look, Clara Oswald, what have I told you about talking to strangemen? [NABILE] Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You'relooking for wifi. Sometimes you see something. [NABILE] A bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you'veclicked it, they're in your computer. [NABILE] They can see you. And they can see you, they might choose you.And if they do, you die. For twenty four hours, you're dead. For awhile. People's souls are being uploaded to the internet. And somepeople get stuck. Their minds, their souls, in the wifi. Like echoes,like ghosts. Sometimes you can hear their screams on the radio, on thetelly, on the net. This is real. This is not a hoax. [MAN 2 [on screen]] I don't know where I am. [NABILE] Or a joke. [NABILE] Or a story. [MAN 3 [on screen]] I don't know where I am. [NABILE] This is real, and I know that, because I don't know where I am.Please, please, if you can hear me, if you can hear me, I don't knowwhere I am. --------------------------------------- (Cumbria 1207) [MONK] Wake the Abbott. The bells of Saint John are ringing. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [ABBOTT] We must go to him. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [MONK] They call him the mad monk, don't they. [ABBOTT] They shouldn't. He's definitely not a monk. --------------------------------------- (Room) [ABBOTT] Ahem. I'm sorry to intrude, but the bellsof Saint John are ringing. [DOCTOR] I'm going to need a horse. [MONK] Is that her? [ABBOTT] The woman twice dead, and her final message. He was drawn tothis place of peace and solitude that he might divine her meaning. Ifhe truly is mad, then this is his madness. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [CLARA] Angie? Is the internet working? Trying to phone the helpline,they won't answer. [ANGIE] It's working for me. [CLARA] Can I use it when you're finished? [ANGIE] More than one person can use the internet at a time, Clara. [CLARA] You done your homework? [ANGIE] Shut up, you're not my mum. [CLARA] And I'm not trying to be, okay? [GEORGE] Right. Yes. Angie's probably fine on her own. You can probablyhave the night off. [CLARA] I'm okay. I'll be upstairs when I figure out my computer. [GEORGE] Anyway, the adverts are in, so hopefully we'll find someone. [CLARA] I'm here as long as you need me. [GEORGE] Good. Right, come along, Artie. Time to go. [CLARA] What chapter are you on? [ARTIE] Ten. [CLARA] Eleven is the best. You'll cry your eyes out. [FATHER [OC]] Artie! [CLARA] Oh, come on! Just answer. Pick it up. Pick it up. Pick it up. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] That is not supposed to happen. [DOCTOR] Hello? --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] Ah, hello. I can't find the internet. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] Sorry? [CLARA [OC]] It's gone, the internet. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] Can't find it anywhere. Where is it? --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] The internet? [CLARA [OC]] Yes, the internet. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] Why don't I have the internet? --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] It's twelve oh seven. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] I've got half past three. Am I phoning adifferent time zone? --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] Yeah, you really sort of are. [CLARA [OC]] Will it show up on the bill? [DOCTOR] Oh, I dread to think. Listen, where did you get this number? [CLARA [OC]] The woman in the shop wrote it down. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] It's a help line, isn't it? She said it'sthe best help line out there. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CLARA [OC]] In the universe, she said. [DOCTOR] What woman? Who was she? [CLARA [OC]] I don't know. The woman in the shop. So --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] Why isn't there internet? Shouldn't it sortof --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CLARA [OC]] Be there? [DOCTOR] Look, listen, I'm not actually, it isn't. You have clicked onthe wifi button, yeah? --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] Hang on. Wifi. [DOCTOR [OC]] Click on the wifi, you'll see a list of names. You see oneyou recognise. [CLARA] It's asking me for a password. [ANGIE] Is it okay if I go and see Nina? You can call her mum. [CLARA] Sure. What's the password for the internet? [ANGIE] R Y C B A R 1 2 3. [CLARA] How am I supposed to remember that? --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [MONK] Is it an evil spirit? [DOCTOR] A woman. [CLARA [OC]] Hang on. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] A mo. Run you clever boy and remember onetwo three --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] What did you say? --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [CLARA] Don't shout. Now you've made me type itwrong. It's thrown me out again. What do I do? How do I get back in? --------------------------------------- (Somewhere) [CLARA [on screen]] It's just a thing to rememberthe password, run you clever boy and remember. Hang on. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [CLARA] Hello? Yes, I hear you. [CLARA] Yep. Ah ha. [CLARA] Hello. [DOCTOR] Clara. Clara Oswald. [CLARA] Hello. [DOCTOR] Clara Oswin Oswald. [CLARA] Just Clara Oswald. What was that middle one? [DOCTOR] Do you remember me? [CLARA] No. Should I? Who are you? [DOCTOR] The Doctor. No? The Doctor? [CLARA] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] No, just the Doctor. Actually, sorry, could you start all thatagain? [CLARA] Could I what? [DOCTOR] Could you just ask me that question again? [CLARA] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Okay, just once more. [CLARA] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] Ooo, yeah. Ooo. Do you know, I never realised how much I enjoyhearing that said out loud. Thank you. [CLARA] Okay. [DOCTOR] Hey, no, Clara, please. Clara, I need to talk to you. Listen.Please. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] Clara Oswald. We've got a positive lock onher, but I think she's borderline. Very clever but no computer skills. [KIZLET] Upload her anyway. Splice her a computer skills package. [ALEXI] I'll activate a spoonhead. [KIZLET] Alexi, we call them servers, not spoonheads. [ALEXI] Sorry. Excuse me. [KIZLET] I'm ever so fond of Alexi, but my conscience says we shouldprobably kill him. [MAHLER] I'll inform HR. [KIZLET] Actually, he's about to go on holiday. Kill him when he getsback. Let's not be unreasonable. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] Didn't you want to speak to me? [MAHLER] We're uploading too many people too quickly. We're going to getnoticed. [KIZLET] If your conscience is bothering you, think of it like this.We're preserving living minds inpermanent form in the data cloud. It's like immortality, only fatal. [MAHLER] My conscience is fine. [KIZLET] Good. Because our client has his needs. [MAHLER] Did you just hack me? [KIZLET] Because you changed your mind? [MAHLER] I hope I did. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Please, I just need to speak to you. [CLARA] Why are you still here? Why are you here at all? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Oi, you phoned me. You were looking for theinternet. [CLARA] That was you? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Of course it was me. [CLARA [OC]] How did you get here so fast? --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR [on screen]] I just happened to be in theneighbourhood, on my mobile phone. [CLARA] When you say mobile phone, why do you point at that blue box? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Because it's a surprisingly accurate description. [CLARA] Okay, we're finished now. [DOCTOR [OC]] Oi, no, don't. [CLARA] Angie? Angie, you upstairs? Angie, you still here? [CLARA] Hello. [GIRL] Hello. [CLARA] Are you a friend of Angie's? [GIRL] I'm a friend of Angie's. [CLARA] What were you doing upstairs? [GIRL] I was upstairs. [CLARA] I know you, don't I? [GIRL] You know me, don't you. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Right. Don't be a monk. Monks are not cool. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Ah ha! Clara! Clara? [CLARA [OC]] Hello? [DOCTOR] Ah, see? Look, it's me. De-monked. Sensible clothes. Can I comein now? [CLARA [OC]] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] You just open the door. [CLARA [OC]] I don't know. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Of course you can. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Maitland home) [CLARA [OC]] Where I am. I don't know where I am.Where am I? Please tell me where I am. I don't know where I am. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [CLARA [OC]] I don't know where I am. I don't knowwhere I am! [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara? [CLARA [OC]] I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am. I don'tunderstand. I don't know where I am! I don't understand. I don't knowwhere I am. [CLARA [OC]] Where am I? I don't know where I am. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] I've got a problem. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Walking base station. Walking wifi base station. Hoovering updata. Hoovering up people. --------------------------------------- (Clara's room) [DOCTOR] Oh no, you don't. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Oh no, you don't. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] Looks like someone is trying to reverse anupload. [KIZLET] Is that possible? [MAHLER] The upload isn't fully integrated yet. In theory, yes. [ALEXI] Oh, my god. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not this time,Clara, I promise. --------------------------------------- (Office) [MAHLER] Can you stop this? [ALEXI] No. --------------------------------------- (Maitland home) [DOCTOR] Okay. It's okay, it's okay. You're fine. You're back. Yes, youare. Oh yes, you are. --------------------------------------- (Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] Well? [MAHLER] Our hacker sent a message. [MAHLER] I assume he's talking about the girl. [KIZLET] Get out. I have to speak to the client. [KIZLET] Sir. The one you told me about, he's here. The Doctor is here. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Maitland home) [CLARA] Hello? [DOCTOR] Hello! Are you all right? [CLARA] I'm in bed. [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] Don't remember going. [DOCTOR] No. [CLARA] What did I miss? [DOCTOR] Oh, quite a lot, actually. Angie called. She's going to stayover at Nina's. Apparently that's all completely fine and you shouldn'tworry like you always do. For god's sake get off her back. Also, yourdad phoned, mainly about the government. He seems very cross with them,I've got several pages on that. I said I'd look into it. I fixed thatrattling noise in the washing machine, indexed the kitchen cupboards,optimised photosynthesis in the main flower bed and assembled aquadricycle. [CLARA] Assembled a what? [DOCTOR] I found a disassembled quadricycle in the garage. [CLARA] I don't think you did. [DOCTOR] I invented the quadricycle. Ha! [CLARA] What happened to me? [DOCTOR] Don't you remember? [CLARA] I was scared, really scared. Didn't know where I was. [DOCTOR] Do you know now? [CLARA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Well then, you should go to sleep. Because you're safe now, Ipromise. Goodnight, Clara. [CLARA] Are you guarding me? [DOCTOR] Well, yes. Yes, I am. [CLARA] Are you seriously going to sit down there all night? [DOCTOR] I promise I won't budge from this spot. [CLARA] Well then, I'll have to come to you. [DOCTOR] Eh? --------------------------------------- (Office) [KIZLET] I take it the girl's inside, and alive? [ALEXI] Yes. [KIZLET] Alexi, I need you to do something creative about that. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Maitland home) [DOCTOR] I like your house. [CLARA] It isn't mine. I'm a friend of the family. [DOCTOR] But you look after the kids. Oh yes, you're a governess, aren'tyou, just like [CLARA] Just like what? [DOCTOR] Just like. I thought you probably would be. [CLARA] Are you going to explain what happened to me? [DOCTOR] There's something in the wifi. [CLARA] Okay. [DOCTOR] This whole world is swimming in wifi. We're living in a wifisoup. Suppose something got inside it. Suppose there was somethingliving in the wifi, harvesting human minds. Extracting them. Imaginethat. Human souls trapped like flies in the world-wide web. Stuckforever, crying out for help. [CLARA] Isn't that basically Twitter? [CLARA] What's that face for? [DOCTOR] A computer can hack another computer. A living, sentientcomputer, maybe that could hack people. Edit them. Re-write them. [CLARA] Why would you say that? [DOCTOR] Because a few hours ago you knew nothing about the internet,and you just made a joke about Twitter. [CLARA] Oh. Oh, that's weird. I know all about computers now in my head.Where did all that come from? [DOCTOR] You were uploaded for a while. Wherever you were, you broughtsomething extra back, which I very much doubt you'll be allowed tokeep. [DOCTOR] You and me inside that box, now. [CLARA] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] Look, just get inside. [CLARA] Both of us? [DOCTOR] Oh, trust me. You'll understand once we're in there. [CLARA] I bet I will. What is that box, anyway? Why have you got a box?Is it like a snogging booth? [DOCTOR] Clara. A what? [CLARA] Is that what you do, bring a booth? There is such a thing as tookeen. [DOCTOR] Clara, look around you. [CLARA] What's going on? What's happening? Is the wifi switching on thelights? [DOCTOR] No, people are switching on the lights. The wifi is switchingon the people. [CLARA] What is that thing? [DOCTOR] A walking base station. You saw one earlier. [CLARA] I saw a little girl. [DOCTOR] It must have taken an image from your subconscious, thrown itback at you. Ah! Activecamouflage. They could be everywhere. [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor. [CLARA] What's going on? --------------------------------------- (Office) [MAHLER] Do we need another London-wide activation?We can't always pass it off as a riot. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Maitland home) [CLARA] Our lights are on and everyone else's off.Why? [DOCTOR] Some planes have wifi. [CLARA] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] We must be one hell of a target right now. [DOCTOR] You, me, box, right now. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yes, it's a spaceship. Yes, it's bigger onthe inside. Now, I don't have time to talk about it. [CLARA] But, but, but, but it's [DOCTOR] Shut up, please. Short hops are difficult. [CLARA] Bigger on the inside. Actually bigger. [DOCTOR] Right, come on. [CLARA] We're going to go back out there? [DOCTOR] We've moved. It's a spaceship. We flew away. [CLARA] Away from the plane? [DOCTOR] Not exactly. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [CLARA] How did we get here? [DOCTOR] It's a ship. I told you. It's all very sciency. [CLARA] This is the plane? The actual plane? Are they all dead? [DOCTOR] Asleep. Switched off by the wifi. Never mind them. [CLARA] What is going on? Is this real? Please, tell me what ishappening! [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I'm an alien from outer space. I'm a thousandyears old, I've got two hearts and I can't fly a plane! Can you? [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Oh, fine. Let's do it together. [DOCTOR] Whoo! Would a victory roll be too showy offy? [PILOT] What the hell's going on? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm blocking your wifi so you're waking up, for a start.Tell you what, do you want to drive? --------------------------------------- (Office) [KIZLET] I don't understand. That box, where's it gone? Find that box! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Okay. When are you going to explain to mewhat the hell is going on? [DOCTOR] Breakfast. [CLARA] What? I ain't waiting till breakfast. [DOCTOR] It's a time machine. You never have to wait for breakfast. --------------------------------------- (South bank) [DOCTOR] Thank you, thank you. Yes, magic blue box. [DOCTOR] All donations gratefully accepted. Roll up, give us your dosh.Pennies, pounds, anything you've got. [DOCTOR] Keep collecting. We need enough for breakfast. Just poppingback to the garage. [CLARA] Garage? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] This way. --------------------------------------- (South bank) [CLARA] So this is tomorrow, then. Tomorrow's comeearly. [DOCTOR] No, it came at the usual time. We just took a short cut. Thankyou, thank you. Tomorrow, a camel. --------------------------------------- (Office) [MAHLER] What's happening? [ALEXI] Blue box, South bank. Definitely wasn't there five minutes ago. [MAHLER] Are we sure this time? Earl's Court was an embarrassment. --------------------------------------- (Motorcycle) [CLARA] If you've got a flying time machine, why are we on a motorbike? [DOCTOR] I don't take the Tardis into battle. [CLARA] Because it's made of wood? [DOCTOR] Because it's the most powerful ship in the universe and I don'twant it falling into the wrong hands. Okay? --------------------------------------- (Office) [KIZLET] I do love London. So many cameras. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [CLARA] So if we can travel anywhere in time and space, why did wetravel to the morning. What's the point in that? [DOCTOR] Whoever's after us spent the whole night looking for us. Areyou tired? [CLARA] Yes. [DOCTOR] What? Then imagine how they feel. They came the long way round.They've got to be close. Definitely London going by the signaldistribution. I can hack the lowest level of their operating system butI can't establish a physical location. The security's too good. [CLARA] Are you an alien? [DOCTOR] I am. Yes, okay with that? [CLARA] Oh, yeah. Think I'm fine. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. [CLARA] So, what happens if you do find them? What happens then? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I can't tell the future, I just work there. [CLARA] You don't have a plan? [DOCTOR] Oh, you know what I always say about plans. [CLARA] What? [DOCTOR] I don't have one. [CLARA] People always have plans. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I suppose they do. So tell me, how long have you beenlooking after those kids? [CLARA] About a year, since their mum died. [DOCTOR] Okay. Why you? Family friend, I get that, but there must havebeen others. Why did it have to be you? You don't really seem like ananny. [CLARA] Gimme. [DOCTOR] Sorry. What? [CLARA] You need to know where they physically are. Their exactlocation. [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] I can do it. [DOCTOR] Oi, hang on. I need that. [CLARA] You've hacked the lower operating system, yeah? I'll have theirphysical location in under five minutes. Pop off and get us a coffee. [DOCTOR] If I can't find them, you definitely can't. [CLARA] They uploaded me, remember? I've got computing stuff in my head. [DOCTOR] So do I. [CLARA] I have insane hacking skills. [DOCTOR] I'm from space and the future with two hearts and twenty sevenbrains. [CLARA] And I can find them in under five minutes plus photographs.Twenty seven? [DOCTOR] Okay, slight exaggeration. [CLARA] Coffee, go get. Five minutes, I promise. [DOCTOR] The security is absolute. [CLARA] It's never about the security, it's about the people. [CLARA] Why do you keep looking at me like that? [DOCTOR] Sorry, no, it's nothing. It's just, you're a nanny. Isn't thata bit, well, Victorian? [CLARA] Victorian? [DOCTOR] You're young. Shouldn't you be doing, you know, young things,with young people? [CLARA] You mean like you, for instance? Down, boy. [DOCTOR] No. No. I didn't. Shut up. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [DOCTOR] Two more cappuccinos over there, please. [BARISTA] One moment, sir. [BARISTA] You realise you haven't the slightest chance of saving yourlittle friend. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, what? [BARISTA] One moment, sir. I said, there's not the slightest chance ofsaving your little friend. And don't annoy the old man. He isn't, infact, speaking. [WAITRESS] I'm speaking. Just using whatever's to hand. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] Oh, she's rather pretty, isn't she? Do youlike her? --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [WAITRESS] Make her like you, too, if you want.(flicker) You all right, sir? [DOCTOR] Er, yes. Yes. Fine. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [DOCTOR] You okay? [CLARA] Sure. Setting up stuff. Need a user name. [DOCTOR] Learning fast. [CLARA] Clara Oswald for the win. Oswin! [CLARA [Doctor's memory]] You can always call me Oswin, seeing as that'smy name. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [WAITRESS] Now I want you to take a look around. Goon, have a little stroll. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] And see how impossible your situation is. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [WAITRESS] Go on, take a look. I do love showingoff. [GIRL] Just let me show you what control of the wifi can do for you.Stop! [DOCTOR] I saw what you can do last night. [GIRL] And clear. [WOMAN [on TV]] We can hack anyone in the wifi once they've been exposedlong enough. [DOCTOR] So there's one of your walking base stations here, somewhereclose. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] There's always someone close. We'vereleased thousands into the world. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [WOMAN [on TV]] They home in on the wifi like ratssniffing cheese. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] There's something up with the webcams. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [DOCTOR] I don't know who you are or why you'redoing this, but the people of this world will not be harmed. They willnot controlled.They will not be [WOMAN [on TV]] The people of this world are --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] In no danger whatsoever. My client requiresa steady diet of living human minds. Healthy, free-range, human minds.He loves and cares for humanity. In fact, he can't get enough of it. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [DOCTOR] It's obscene. It's murder. [WOMAN [on TV]] It's life. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] The farmer tends his flock like a lovingparent. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [WOMAN [on TV]] The abattoir is not a contradiction. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] No one loves cattle more than Burger King. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] I'm sure of it. Someone's hacking thewebcams. All of them. [MAHLER] Everybody check your webcams. [ALEXI] But what would be the point, taking mug shots of us? [MAHLER] Who's on Facebook? [MAHLER] Bebo? MySpace? Abo? [MAHLER] Put your hands down if you didn't mention where you work. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [DOCTOR] This ends. I'm going to end this today. [WOMAN [on TV]] How? You don't even know --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] Where we are. --------------------------------------- (Coffee shop) [DOCTOR] Who's doing this? Who is your client? Hmm?Answer me. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [MAHLER] Miss Kizlet, we have a problem. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [CLARA] I did it. I really did. I did it. I did it. I found them. [DOCTOR] You found them. [CLARA] The Shard. They're in the Shard. Floor sixty five. [DOCTOR] Floor sixty five. [CLARA] Are you listening to me, Doctor? I found them. [DOCTOR] I'm listening to you. You found them. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] We've got her. This time we've really gother. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara? [CLARA [OC]] Doctor? Doctor, help me. I, I don't know where I am. Idon't understand. Doctor, help me, please. I don't know where I am. Idon't know where I am! I don't know where I am. Doctor, please. Pleasehelp me. Please help me. I don't know where I am. I don't know where Iam. --------------------------------------- (Office) [CLARA [on screen]] Doctor, help me. I don't knowwhere I am. [MAHLER] Should we pulp her or keep her as a hostage? [KIZLET] There's no point. She's fully integrated now. She can't bedownloaded again. I'm sure he knows that. [ALEXI] I'm not sure he does. He's coming. [MAHLER] We could stop him, I suppose. [KIZLET] Why bother? Could be quite funny. --------------------------------------- (Outside The Shard) [MAN WITH CHIPS] Really, Doctor. A motorbike? Hardlyseems like you. [DOCTOR] I rode this in the antigrav Olympics, 2074. I came last. [MAN WITH CHIPS] The building is in lock-down. I'm afraid you're notcoming in. [DOCTOR] Did you even hear the word, antigrav? --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] Seriously? He can do that? He can reallyactually do that? [KIZLET] Oh dear lord. [MAHLER] I think that was your office. [KIZLET] Excuse me. I believe there's someone to see me. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] Do come in. [DOCTOR] Download her. [KIZLET] Sorry about the draught. [DOCTOR] Download her back into her body right now. [KIZLET] I can't. [DOCTOR] Yes, you can. [KIZLET] She's a fully integrated part of the data cloud, now. She can'tbe separated. [DOCTOR] Then download the entire cloud. Everyone you've trapped inthere. [KIZLET] You realise what would happen? [DOCTOR] Yes, those with bodies to go home to would be free. [KIZLET] A tiny number. Most would simply die. [DOCTOR] They'd be released from a living hell. It's the best you can dofor them, so give the order. [KIZLET] And why would I do that? [DOCTOR] Because I'm going to motivate you, any second now. [KIZLET] You ridiculous man. Why did you even come here? Whatever for? [DOCTOR] I didn't. [KIZLET] What? [DOCTOR] I'm still in the cafe. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [DOCTOR] I'm finishing my coffee. Lovely spot. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [BASE STATION] You hack people, but me? --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [DOCTOR] I'm old-fashioned. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [BASE STATION] I hack technology. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [DOCTOR] Here's your motivation. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] No, not me! Not me! --------------------------------------- (Office) [KIZLET [on screen]] Put me back. Put me back!Download me at once! That is an order. That is an order! [ALEXI] But she's fully integrated now. We'll have to download theentire cloud. We can't do that. [MAHLER] No, we can't. [KIZLET [on screen]] Download me! [KIZLET [on screen]] Download me! [MAHLER] Do what she says. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop terrace) [CLARA] Doctor? [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Office) [MAHLER] You have no right to be in this office, andI am demanding that you leave at once. [OFFICER] This building is under UNIT control. [MAHLER] What is UNIT? Never heard of you. [OFFICER] Just you calm down, sir. --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [KIZLET] UNIT are here. Friends of the Doctor, I presume. [GREAT INTELLIGENCE [on screen]] Oh, old friends. Very old friends. [KIZLET] Then I appear to have failed you, Great Intelligence. [GREAT INTELLIGENCE [on screen]] I have feasted on many minds. I havegrown. But now it is time for you to reduce. [KIZLET] You've been whispering in my ear so long, I'm not sure Iremember what I was before. [GREAT INTELLIGENCE [on screen]] Goodbye, Miss Kizlet. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ALEXI] Sorry. Where am I? What am I doing here? Areyou soldiers? What's happening? How did I get here? [MAHLER] Excuse me, where are the toilets? [ALEXI] The toilets? [MAHLER] I'm here to fix the toilets, the gents. How long have I beenhere? --------------------------------------- (Miss Kizlet's office) [OFFICER] Stay where you are! [OFFICER] Ma'am, identify yourself. [KIZLET] Where are my mummy and daddy? They said they wouldn't be long.Are they coming back? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Come in. [CLARA] So, he comes back, does he? [DOCTOR] You didn't answer my question. [CLARA] What question? [DOCTOR] You don't seem like a nanny. [CLARA] I was going to travel. I came to stay for a week before I left,and during that week [DOCTOR] She died, so you're returning the favour. You've got a hundredand one places to see, and you haven't been to any of them, have you?That's why you keep the book. [CLARA] I keep the book because I'm still going. [DOCTOR] But you don't run out on the people you care about. Wish I wasmore like that. You know, the thing about a time machine, you can runaway all you like and still be home in time for tea, so what do yousay? Anywhere. All of time and space, right outside those doors. [CLARA] Does this work? [DOCTOR] Eh? [CLARA] Is this actually what you do? Do you just crook your finger andpeople just jump in your snog box and fly away? [DOCTOR] It is not a snog box. [CLARA] I'll be the judge of that. [DOCTOR] Starting when? [CLARA] Come back tomorrow. Ask me again. [DOCTOR] Why? [CLARA] Because tomorrow, I might say yes. Sometime after seven okay foryou? [DOCTOR] It's a time machine. Any time's okay. [CLARA] See you then. [DOCTOR] Clara? In your book there was a leaf. Why? [CLARA] That wasn't a leaf. That was page one. [DOCTOR] Right then, Clara Oswald. Time to find out who you are.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Bells of Saint John"}
Doctor Who (6 Apr, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - The Rings of Akhaten [ELLIE] Oh, my stars. Are you all right? [DAVE] Yeah. [DAVE] So, I've got something for you. [ELLIE] What? [ELLIE] You kept it? [DAVE] Of course I kept it. [ELLIE] Why? [DAVE] Because this exact leaf had to grow in that exact way in thatexact place so that precise wind could tear it from that precise branchand make it fly into this exact face at that exact moment. And if justone of those tiny little things had never happened, I'd never have metyou. Which makes this the most important leaf in human history. --------------------------------------- (Playground) [DAVE] Give it a kick. [ELLIE] Oh, my stars! Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Fine. Marvellous. Refulgent. Possibly a bit embarrassed. That'snot dangerous, is it? [ELLIE] What's not? [DOCTOR] Embarrassment. [ELLIE] Not usually. Not to my knowledge. [DOCTOR] Good. Hey. Phew. [DAVE] Mate, I'm so sorry. She wants to be Bryan Robson. [DOCTOR] No worries. My fault. No harm done. Hello there. [ELLIE] Clara. [DOCTOR] Ah. Hello there, Clara. --------------------------------------- (Cemetery) (Tardis) [DOCTOR] She's just a girl. How can she be? [DOCTOR] She can't be. She is. She can't be. She's not possible. [CLARA] So we're moving through actual time? So what's it made of, time?I mean, if you can just rotor through it, it's got to be made of stuff,like jam's made of strawberries. So what's it made of? [DOCTOR] Well, not strawberries. No. No, no, no. That would beunacceptable. [CLARA] And we can go anywhere? [DOCTOR] Within reason. Well, I say reason. [CLARA] So, we could go backwards in time. [DOCTOR] And space, yes. [CLARA] And forwards in time. [DOCTOR] And space. Totally. So, where do you want to go, eh? What doyou want to see? [CLARA] I don't know. You know when someone asks you what's yourfavourite book and straight away you forget every single book thatyou've ever read? [DOCTOR] No. Totally not. [CLARA] Well, that's a thing that happens. [DOCTOR] And? Back to the question? [CLARA] Okay. So. So. So. So I'd like to see. I would like to see. WhatI would like to see is, something awesome. --------------------------------------- (Asteroid) [DOCTOR] Can you feel the light on your eyelids? That is the light of analien sun. Forward a couple of steps. Okay. Are you ready? [CLARA] Yes. No. Yes. [DOCTOR] Welcome to the Rings of Akhaten. [CLARA] It's. [DOCTOR] It is. It so completely is. But wait, there is more. [CLARA] More what? [DOCTOR] Wait, wait, wait. [DOCTOR] In about five, four, three, two [CLARA] What is it? [DOCTOR] The Pyramid of the Rings of Akhaten. It's a holy site for theSun Singers of Akhat. [CLARA] The who of what? [DOCTOR] Seven worlds orbiting the same star. All of them sharing abelief that life in the universe originated here, on that planet. [CLARA] All life? [DOCTOR] In the universe. [CLARA] Did it? [DOCTOR] Well, it's what they believe. It's a nice story. [CLARA] Can we see it? Up close? --------------------------------------- (Bazaar) [CLARA] Where are they from? [DOCTOR] Oh, you know, the local system, mostly. [CLARA] What do I call them? [DOCTOR] Well, let's see. Ah! There go some Panbabylonians. ALugal-Irra-Kush. Some Lucanians. A Hooloovoo. Ah! Qom VoTivig. [DOCTOR] That chap's a Terraberserker of the Kodion Belt. You don't seemany of them around any more. Oh! That's an Ultramancer. Do you know, Iforget how much I like it here. We should come here more often. [CLARA] You've been here before? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. I came here a long time ago with mygranddaughter. [CLARA] Hang on! [DOCTOR] Exotic fruit of some description. (scans) Right. Non-toxic,non-hallucinogenic. High in free radicals and low in other stuff, Ishouldn't wonder. [DOCTOR] No? [CLARA] So, why is everyone here? [DOCTOR] For the Festival of Offerings. Takes place every thousand yearsor so, when the rings align. It's quite a big thing, locally, likePancake Tuesday. [CLARA] Oh! Er, Doctor? [CLARA] What's happening? Why is it angry? [DOCTOR] This isn't an it, it's a she. Dor'een, meet Clara. Clara, meetDor'een. [CLARA] Doreen? [DOCTOR] Loose translation. She sounds a bit grumpy but she's a totallove actually, aren't you? Yes, you are. No, actually, she's justasking if we fancy renting a moped. [CLARA] So, how much does it cost? [DOCTOR] Not money. Something valuable. Sentimental value. A photograph,love letter, something like that. That's what's used for currency here.Psychometry. Objects psychically imprinted with their history. The moretreasured they are, the more value they hold. [CLARA] That's horrible. [DOCTOR] Better than using bits of paper. [CLARA] Then you pay. [DOCTOR] With what? [CLARA] You're a thousand years old. You must have something you careabout. [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor? [CLARA] Are you okay? [CHORISTER] Have you seen her? [CLARA] Who? [CHORISTER] The Queen of Years. [CLARA] Who? --------------------------------------- (Storeroom) [CLARA] Hello? [CLARA] Hey. Are you okay? Are you lost? [CLARA] Are you all right? What are you doing? [MERRY] Hiding. [CLARA] Oh. Why? [MERRY] You don't know me? [CLARA] Sorry. Actually not. [MERRY] So why did you follow me? [CLARA] To help. You looked lost. [MERRY] I don't believe you. [CLARA] I've got no idea who you might be. I've never been here before.I've never been anywhere like here before. I just saw a little girl wholooked like she needed help. [MERRY] Really? [CLARA] Really really. [MERRY] Can you help me? [CLARA] That's why I'm still here. [MERRY] Because I need to hide. [VOICE] Merry. Where are you, Merry? [CLARA] I know the perfect box. [VOICE] Merry, where are you? Merry. Merry. --------------------------------------- (Bazaar) [MERRY] What's this? [CLARA] A space-shippy thing. Timey, spacey. [MERRY] It's teeny. [CLARA] You wait. [CLARA] Oh, come on. [MERRY] What's wrong? [CLARA] I don't know. I don't think it likes me. Come on, let me in. [CLARA] Hey. Hey, little girl. [MERRY] My name's Merry. [CLARA] So, what's happening? Is someone trying to hurt you? [MERRY] No. I'm just scared. [CLARA] Of what? [MERRY] Getting it wrong. [CLARA] Okay. Can you pretend like I'm totally a space alien andexplain? [MERRY] I'm Merry Gejelh. [CLARA] Really not local. Sorry. [MERRY] The Queen of Years? They chose me when I was a baby, the day thelast Queen of Years died. [CLARA] Okay. [MERRY] I'm the vessel of our history. I know every chronicle, everypoem, every legend, every song. [CLARA] Every single one? Blimey. I hated history. [MERRY] And now I have to sing a song in front of everyone. A specialsong. I have to sing it to a god. And I'm really scared. [CLARA] Everyone's scared when they're little. I used to be terrified ofgetting lost. Used to have nightmares about it. And then I got lost.Blackpool beach, Bank holiday Monday, about ten billion people. I wasabout six. My worst nightmare come true. [MERRY] What happened? [CLARA] The world ended. My heart broke. And then my mum found me. Wehad fish and chips, and she drove me home and she tucked me up and shetold me a story. [ELLIE [memory]] It doesn't matter where you are, in the jungle or thedesert or on the moon. However lost you may feel, you'll never reallybe lost. Not really. Because I will always be here, and I will alwayscome and find you. Every single time. Every single time. [MERRY] And you were never scared again? [CLARA] Oh, I was scared lots of times, but never of being lost. So,this special song. What are you scared of, exactly? [MERRY] Getting it wrong. Making Grandfather angry. [CLARA] And do you think you'll get it wrong? Because I don't. I don'tthink you'll get it wrong. I think you, Merry Gejelh, will get it very,very right. [DOCTOR] What have you been doing? [CLARA] Exploring. Where are we going now? --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [CHORISTER] Sleep, my precious, sleep. Lay down, my warrior. Rest now,my king. --------------------------------------- (Amphitheatre) [DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Sorry. Sorry. Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me. [CLARA] Sorry, sorry. [CLARA] Are we even supposed to be here? [DOCTOR] Shush. [CLARA] But are we? [DOCTOR] Shush! Sorry. [MERRY] Akhaten --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [CHORISTER] Lay down, my king [CHORISTER] Sleep now eternal. Sleep, my precious king. Lay down --------------------------------------- (Amphitheatre) [MERRY] O god of Akhaten [DOCTOR] They're singing to the Mummy in the Temple. They call it theOld God. Sometimes Grandfather. [MERRY] O god of Akhaten [CLARA] What are they singing? [DOCTOR] The Long Song. A lullaby without end to feed the Old God. Keephim asleep. It's been going for millions of years, chorister handingover to chorister, generation after generation after generation. [CLARA] What are they doing? [DOCTOR] Those are offerings. Gifts of value. Mementoes to feed the OldGod. [MERRY] O god of, O god of, O god of Akhaten [CHORISTER] Sleep, my precious king. [DOCTOR] Lay, lay down --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [CHORISTER] Old God, protect us. Old God, protectus. --------------------------------------- (Amphitheatre) [CLARA] Okay, what's happening? Is that supposed to happen? [MERRY] Help! [CLARA] Is somebody going to do something? Excuse me, is somebody goingto help her? --------------------------------------- (Bazaar) [CLARA] Why are we walking away? We can't just walkaway. This is my fault! I talked her into doing this. [DOCTOR] Listen. There's one thing you need to know about travellingwith me. Well, one thing apart from the blue box and the two hearts. Wedon't walk away. [DOCTOR] I need something precious. [CLARA] Well, you must have something. All the places you've seen, theremust be something. [DOCTOR] This. And I don't want to give it away, because it comes inhandy. [CLARA] You're a thousand years ole and that's it? Your spanner? [DOCTOR] Screwdriver. [CLARA] It's my mum's. --------------------------------------- (Space) [CLARA] Merry! [CLARA] Brakes! Brakes! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [DOCTOR] Okay, time to let go. [CLARA] I can't. [DOCTOR] Clara, you have to. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Because it really hurts. [CLARA] Sorry. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's interesting. A frequency modulated acoustic lock.The key changes ten million zillion squillion times a second. [CLARA] Can you open it? [DOCTOR] Technically, no. In reality, also no, but still, let's give ita stab. --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [CHORISTER] Do not wake from slumber. Old God,never wake from slumber. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [CLARA] How can they just stand there and watch? [DOCTOR] Because this is sacred ground. [CLARA] And she's a child. [DOCTOR] And he's a god. Well, he is to them, anyway. --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [CHORISTER] Do not wake from slumber. Old God, do not wake from slumber.Rest your weary, holy head and cast our lives asunder. Do not wake fromslumber. [MERRY] I don't know what to do next. What happens? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [CLARA] Merry! Merry, hold on! We'll be there soon.Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, hello. [CLARA] Hello what? [DOCTOR] The sonic's locked on to the acoustic tumblers. [CLARA] Meaning? [DOCTOR] Meaning I get to do this. --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [DOCTOR] Hello there. I'm the Doctor, and you've met Clara. She wassupposed to be having a nice day out. Still, it's early yet. Are youcoming, then? Did I mention that the door is immensely heavy? [MERRY] Leave. You'll wake him. [DOCTOR] Really quite extraordinarily heavy. [DOCTOR] Clara? [CHORISTER] Old God, never wake from slumber.) [CLARA] Merry, we need to leave. [MERRY] No. Go away. [CLARA] Not without you. [MERRY] You said I wouldn't get it wrong and then I got it wrong. Andnow this has happened. Look what happened! [CLARA] You didn't get it wrong. [MERRY] How do you know? You don't know anything. You have to go! Gonow, or he'll eat us all. [CLARA] Well, he's ugly. But you know, to be honest, I don't think helooks big enough. [MERRY] Not our meat, our souls. [MERRY] He doesn't want you. He wants me. If you don't leave, he'll eatyou all up too. [DOCTOR] Yes, and you don't want that, do you? You want us to walk outof this really quite astonishingly heavy door and never come back. [MERRY] Yes. [DOCTOR] I see. Right. Clara's right. Absolutely never going to happen. [CLARA] Did you just lock us in with the soul eating monster? [DOCTOR] Yep. [DOCTOR] What? Before it eats our souls? [CLARA] Ideally, yes. [DOCTOR] Possibly. Probably. There usually seems to be. [CLARA] Doctor, why is he still singing? [CHORISTER] Old God, rest your weary, holy head. [DOCTOR] He's trying to sing the Old God back to sleep, but that's notgoing to happen. He's waking up, mate. He's coming, ready or not. Youwant to run. [DOCTOR] That's it, then. Song's over. [CHORISTER] The song is over. My name is Chorister Rezh Baphix, and theLong Song ended with me. [DOCTOR] That's it, then. Song's over. [DOCTOR] Ah ha! Look at that. [MERRY] You've woken him. [CLARA] It's awake? What's it doing? [DOCTOR] Oh, you know. Having a nice stretch. [DOCTOR] No, we didn't wake him. And you didn't wake him, either. He'swaking because it's his time to wake, and feed. On you, apparently. Onyour stories. [CLARA] She didn't say stories. She said souls. [DOCTOR] Same thing. The soul's made of stories, not atoms. Everythingthat ever happened to us. People we love, people we lost. People wefound again against all the odds. He threatens to wake, they offer hima pure soul. The soul of the Queen of Years. [CLARA] Stop it. You're scaring her. [DOCTOR] Good. She should be scared. She's sacrificing herself. Sheshould know what that means. Do you know what it means, Merry? [MERRY] A god chose me. [DOCTOR] It's not a god. It'll feed on your soul, but that doesn't makeit a god. It is a vampire, and you don't need to give yourself to it.Hey, do you mind if I tell you a story? One you might not have heard.All the elements in your body were forged many, many millions of yearsago, in the heart of a far away star that exploded and died. Thatexplosion scattered those elements across the desolations of deepspace. After so, so many millions of years, these elements cametogether to form new stars and new planets. And on and on it went. Theelements came together and burst apart, forming shoes and ships andsealing wax, and cabbages and kings. Until eventually, they cametogether to make you. You are unique in the universe. There is only oneMerry Gejelh. And there will never be another. Getting rid of thatexistence isn't a sacrifice. It is a waste. [MERRY] So, if I don't, then everyone else [DOCTOR] Will be fine. [MERRY] How? [DOCTOR] There's always a way. [MERRY] You promise? [DOCTOR] Cross my hearts. [CLARA] Having a nice stretch? [CLARA] Something's coming. [MERRY] The Vigil. [DOCTOR] And what's the Vigil? [MERRY] If the Queen of Years is unwilling to be feasted upon [DOCTOR] Yes? [MERRY] It's their job to feed her to Grandfather. [MERRY] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [CLARA] Don't you dare. [DOCTOR] Yeah, stay back. I'm armed. With a screwdriver. [DOCTOR] Clara. Sonic. [CLARA] You know all the stories. You must know if there's another wayout. [MERRY] There's a tale. A secret song. The Thief of the Temple and theNimmer's Door. [CLARA] And the secret songs open the secret door? How does it go? Canyou sing it? [DOCTOR] Go! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [CLARA] Doctor! [VOICE] Where are you? Where are you? [CLARA] Where did they go? [DOCTOR] Grandfather's awake. They're of no function any more. [CLARA] Well, you could sound happier about it. [DOCTOR] Actually, I think I may have made a bit of a tactical boo-boo.More of a semantics mix-up, really. [CLARA] What boo-boo? [DOCTOR] I thought the Old God was Grandfather, but it wasn't. It wasjust Grandfather's alarm clock. [CLARA] Sorry, a bit lost. Who's the Old God? Is there an Old God? [DOCTOR] Unfortunately, yes. [CLARA] Oh, my stars. What do we do? [DOCTOR] Against that? I don't know. Do you know? I don't know. Anyideas? [MERRY] But you promised. You promised! [DOCTOR] I did. I did promise. [MERRY] He'll eat us all. He'll spread across the system, consuming theSeven Worlds. And when there's no more to eat, he'll embark on a newodyssey among the stars. [CLARA] I say leg it. [DOCTOR] Leg it where, exactly? [CLARA] Don't know. Lake District? [DOCTOR] Oh, the Lake District's lovely. Let's definitely go there. Wecan eat scones. They do great scones in 1927. [CLARA] You're going to fight it, aren't you. [DOCTOR] Regrettably, yes. I think I may be about to do that. [CLARA] It's really big. [DOCTOR] I've seen bigger. [CLARA] Really? [DOCTOR] Are you joking? It's massive. [CLARA] I'm staying with you. [DOCTOR] No, you're not. [CLARA] Yes, I am. I can assist. [DOCTOR] No, you can't. [CLARA] What about that stuff you said. We don't walk away. [DOCTOR] No. We don't walk away. But when we're holding on to somethingprecious, we run. We run and run as fast as we can and we don't stoprunning until we are out from under the shadow. Now, off you pop. Takethe moped. I'll walk. [DOCTOR] Any ideas? No, didn't think so. Righty-ho, then. [DOCTOR] Lordy. --------------------------------------- (Amphitheatre) [MERRY] Isn't he frightened? [CLARA] I think he is. I think he's very frightened. [MERRY] I want to help. [CLARA] So do I. [MERRY] Rest now, my warrior. Rest now --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [DOCTOR] Okay, then. That's what I'll do. I'll tell you a story. --------------------------------------- (Amphitheatre) [ALL] Please, wake up. And let the cloak of life cling to your bones. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [DOCTOR] Can you hear them? All these people who'velived in terror of you and your judgement? All these people whoseancestors devoted themselves, sacrificed themselves, to you. Can youhear them singing? Oh, you like to thing you're a god. But you're not agod. You're just a parasite eaten out with jealousy and envy andlonging for the lives of others. You feed on them. On the memory oflove and loss and birth and death and joy and sorrow. So, come on,then. Take mine. Take my memories. But I hope you've got a bigappetite, because I have lived a long life and I have seen a fewthings. [DOCTOR] I walked away from the last Great Time War. I marked thepassing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and Iwatched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. Notime. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws ofphysics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I've watched universesfreeze and creations burn. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Ihave lost things you will never understand. And I know things. Secretsthat must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledgethat will make parasite gods blaze. So come on, then. Take it! Take itall, baby! Have it! You have it all! --------------------------------------- (Amphitheatre) [MERRY] Wake up. Wake up. [ELLIE [memory]] And I will always come and find you. Every single time. [DOCTOR [memory]] We don't walk away. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Pyramid) [CLARA] Still hungry? [CLARA] Well, I brought something for you. This. The most important leafin human history. The most important leaf in human history. [CLARA] It's full of stories, full of history. And full of a future thatnever got lived. Days that should have been that never were. Passed onto me. [CLARA] This leaf isn't just the past, it's a whole future that neverhappened. There are billions and millions of unlived days for every daywe live. An infinity. All the days that never came. And these are allmy mum's. [DOCTOR] Well, come on then. Eat up. Are you full? I expect so, becausethere's quite a difference, isn't there, between what was and whatshould have been. There's an awful lot of one, but there's an infinityof the other. [DOCTOR] And infinity's too much, even for your appetite. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Home again, home again, jiggity jig. [CLARA] It looks different. [DOCTOR] Nope. Same house, same city, same planet. Hey! Same day,actually. Not bad. Hole in one. [CLARA] You were there. At mum's grave. You were watching. What were youdoing there? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I was just making sure. [CLARA] Of what? [DOCTOR] You remind me of someone. [CLARA] Who? [DOCTOR] Someone who died. [CLARA] Well, whoever she was, I'm not her, okay? If you want me totravel with you, that's fine. But as me. I'm not a bargain basementstand-in for someone else. I'm not going to compete with a ghost. [DOCTOR] No. [DOCTOR] They wanted you to have it. [CLARA] Who did? [DOCTOR] Everyone. All the people you saved. You. No one else. Clara.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e08", "title": "The Rings of Akhaten"}
Doctor Who (13 Apr, 2013; Eleventh Doctor) - Cold War [VOICE [OC]] Signal is genuine. Signal is genuine. Zero bravo. [ZHUKOV] Prepare to launch nuclear weapons. [STEPASHIN] Aye, sir. [VOICE [OC]] Moscow confirming launch sequence. [ZHUKOV] The Firebird stands ready to serve. [STEPASHIN] For the Motherland. [ZHUKOV] For the Motherland. [GRISENKO] (singing) This means nothing to me. This means nothing to me. [GRISENKO] Oh, Vienna. Have I interrupted something? [ZHUKOV] We were about to blow up the world, Professor. [GRISENKO] Again? Ultravox. I bloody love them. Got a friend who sendsme the tapes. [ZHUKOV] This is the Captain. Drill abandoned. All hands, stand down.Repeat, drill abandoned. [STEPASHIN] With respect, sir, we must run it again. [ZHUKOV] Tomorrow. [STEPASHIN] Comrade Captain, the NATO exercises [ZHUKOV] Sabre rattling. [STEPASHIN] I don't think so. [ZHUKOV] Oh, you don't think so? [STEPASHIN] Sir, American aggression gets more intolerable by the day.We must run the drill again. [ZHUKOV] Tomorrow. [ZHUKOV] Did you have your specimen stowed okay? [GRISENKO] Yeah. Piotr's looking after it. [ZHUKOV] Well, at least we have something to show for our little huntingexpedition. What is it, a mammoth? [GRISENKO] Probably. --------------------------------------- (Storage) [PIOTR] What are you, milaya moya? Professor wants you thawed out backin Moscow, but life's too short to wait. [PIOTR] Argh! Get away! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [STEPASHIN] Alarm! Alarm! Hold the bridge, portside. [ZHUKOV] Evasive manoeuvres! [ONEGIN] Descending to two hundred metres. [VOICE [OC]] We're under attack! [ONEGIN] Two ten! [ZHUKOV] Bring her up! Bring her up! [ONEGIN] It's no good, sir. [DOCTOR] Viva Las Vegas! [STEPASHIN] Stranger on the bridge! [ZHUKOV] Who the hell are you? [CLARA] Not Vegas, then. [DOCTOR] No. No, this is much better. [CLARA] A sinking submarine? [DOCTOR] A sinking Soviet submarine! [STEPASHIN] Break out side arms. Restrain them! [ONEGIN] Four ten. Four twenty. Turbines still not responding! [ZHUKOV] They've got to. [DOCTOR] Ah! Sideways momentum. You've still got sideways momentum! [ZHUKOV] What? [DOCTOR] Your propellers work independently of the main turbines. Youcan't stop her going down but you can manoeuvre the sub laterally. Doit! [STEPASHIN] Get these people off the bridge now! [CLARA] Just listen to him, for god's sake! [DOCTOR] Geographical anomaly to starboard. Probably an underwaterridge. [ZHUKOV] How do you know this? [DOCTOR] Look, we have just a chance to stop the descent if we settle onit. Do it! [ONEGIN] Six hundred metres. Sir, six ten! [DOCTOR] Or this thing is going to implode. [ZHUKOV] Lateral thrust to starboard, all propellers. [ONEGIN] Sir? [ZHUKOV] Now! [STEPASHIN] You're going to let this madman give the orders? [ZHUKOV] Lateral thrust! [ONEGIN] Aye, sir! Six sixty, six eighty. [ONEGIN] Descent arrested at seven hundred metres. [ZHUKOV] It seems we owe you are lives, whoever you are. [DOCTOR] I'll hold you to that. Might come in handy. [STEPASHIN] Search them. Yes, I know. It's a woman. Now search them! [CLARA] Are we going to be okay? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. [CLARA] Is that a lie? [DOCTOR] Possibly. Very dangerous time, Clara. East and West standing onthe brink of nuclear oblivion. [DOCTOR] Lots of itchy fingers on the button. [CLARA] Isn't it always like that? [DOCTOR] Sort of, but there are flash points and this is one. Hair,shoulder pads, nukes. It's the Eighties. Everything's bigger. I wouldlike a receipt, please. [ZHUKOV] What is this? [DOCTOR] Clara! [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Clara! [DOCTOR] No! No, no, no, no, no, no. No, not now! [DOCTOR [OC]] Captain, we didn't attack of your ship out here. Now weneed to get the pumps working to get her afloat. [ZHUKOV [OC]] Yeah, we'll last till the rescue ship comes. [DOCTOR [OC]] If it comes. [ZHUKOV [OC]] Oh, the sinking is just a coincidence, is it? Who are you? [DOCTOR] All right, Captain, all right. You know what? Just this once,no dissembling, no psychic paper, no pretending to be an EarthAmbassador. [DOCTOR] Doctor, me and Clara, time travellers. Clara, you okay? [CLARA] Think so. [ZHUKOV] Time travellers? [DOCTOR] We arrived here out of thin air. You just saw it happen. [GRISENKO] I didn't. [DOCTOR] Your problem, mate, not mine. [CLARA] We were sinking. [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] What happened? [DOCTOR] We sank. [CLARA] No, what happened to the Tardis, I mean. [DOCTOR] Never mind that. Listen. Captain, breath's precious down here.Let's not waste it, eh? [ZHUKOV] You're right. Maybe I can save a little oxygen by having youboth shot! [CLARA] What does it matter how we arrived? The important thing is toget [CLARA] Out. [DOCTOR] Exactly! Number one priority, not suffocating. [DOCTOR] Eh? Ah. Oh, thank you. Finally seeing sense. Now, what sort ofstate is the sub in? [CLARA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] What about the radio? Can we send a [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What! [DOCTOR] What is that? Gas? Could be gas. [DOCTOR] Ah. It never rains but it pours. [GRISENKO] We were drilling for oil in the ice. I thought I'd found amammoth. [DOCTOR] It's not a mammoth. [GRISENKO] No. [CLARA] What is it, then? [DOCTOR] It's an Ice Warrior. A native of the planet Mars. And we go wayback. Way back. [ZHUKOV] A Martian? You can't be serious. [DOCTOR] I'm always serious. With days off. [CLARA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Just keeping it light, Clara. They're scared. [CLARA] They're scared? I'm scared. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, no! Please, please. Wait, just. There is noneed for this. Just hear me out. You're confused, disorientated. Ofcourse you are. You've been lying dormant in the ice for, for, for howlong? How long, Professor? [GRISENKO] By my reckoning, five thousand years. [DOCTOR] Five thousand years? That's a hell of a nap. Can't blame you ifyou've got out of the wrong side of bed. Look, nobody here wants tohurt you. [DOCTOR] Please, just. Why don't you tell us your name? [ZHUKOV] What are you talking about? It has a name? [DOCTOR] Of course it has a name. And a rank. This is a soldier, and itdeserves our respect. [ZHUKOV] This is madness. That is a monster! [SKALDAK] Skaldak. [DOCTOR] What did you say? [SKALDAK] I am Grand Marshal Skaldak. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] You idiot! You idiot. Grand Marshal Skaldak. [CLARA] You know him. [DOCTOR] Sovereign of the Tharsisian caste. Vanquisher of the PhobosHeresy. The greatest hero the proud Martian race has ever produced. [ZHUKOV] So what do we do now? [DOCTOR] Lock him up. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [SKALDAK] Is it true? [ONEGIN] Er, true? [SKALDAK] I slept for five thousand years? [ONEGIN] Er, that's what the professor says. [SKALDAK] Five thousand years. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] The Ice Warriors have a different creed,Clara. A different code. By his own standards, Skaldak is a hero. Itwas said his enemies honoured him so much, they'd carve his name intotheir own flesh before they died. [CLARA] Oh, yeah. Very nice. He sounds lovely. [ZHUKOV] An Ice Warrior? Explain. [DOCTOR] There isn't time. [ZHUKOV] Try me. [DOCTOR] Martian reptile know as the Ice Warrior. When Mars turned coldthey had to adapt. They're bio-mechaniod. Cyborgs. Built themselvessurvival armour so they could exist in the freezing cold of their homeworld, but a sudden increase in temperature and the armour goeshaywire. [CLARA] Like with the cattle prod thing. [DOCTOR] Like with the cattle prod thing. Bit of a design flaw. To behonest, I've always wondered why they never sorted it. Oh look, you'vegot me telling you about them and I said there wasn't time. [CLARA] Is he that dangerous? [DOCTOR] This one is. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [SKALDAK] Find me, my brothers. If you are stillout there, find me. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [STEPASHIN] Why are we listening to this nonsense, Captain? These peopleare clearly enemy agents. [CLARA] Huh? [STEPASHIN] Spies, Captain. [CLARA] Pretty bad spies, mate. I don't even speak Russian. [STEPASHIN] What? [CLARA] I don't. (sotto, to the Doctor) Am I speaking Russian? How comeI'm speaking Russian? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Now? We have to do this now? [CLARA] (sotto) Are they speaking Russian? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Seriously? Now? It's the Tardis translation matrix. [STEPASHIN] In my opinion, Comrade Captain, this creature is a Westernweapon. [CLARA] (sotto) Are they? [ZHUKOV] A weapon? [STEPASHIN] Survival suit. What is the alternative? The little green manfrom Mars? [GRISENKO] Correction. It's a big green man from Mars. [STEPASHIN] I don't appreciate your levity, Professor. [GRISENKO] Why does that not surprise me? Maybe they're telling thetruth. [STEPASHIN] The truth? [GRISENKO] Yes, a revolutionary concept, I know. [STEPASHIN] It's essential that we inform Moscow of what we have found. [ZHUKOV] The radio's out of action, in case you hadn't noticed,Stepashin. [STEPASHIN] They have our last position. They will find us. When they do [ZHUKOV] Yes? [STEPASHIN] Well, the Cold War won't stay cold for ever, Captain. [ZHUKOV] For God's sake, Stepashin, you're like a stuck record. We haveother priorities right now. I want you back on repairs immediately. Weneed to keep this ship alive. Dismissed. [STEPASHIN] Sir? [ZHUKOV] Dismissed, Stepashin. [DOCTOR] All we needed to do was let Skaldak go and he'd have forgottenus. But you attacked him. You declared war. Harm one of us and you harmus all. That's the ancient Martian code. [DOCTOR] You hear that? Skaldak has sent out a distress call. He willbring down the fires of hell just for laying a glove on him. [ZHUKOV] Unless you talk to it? [DOCTOR] I'm the only one who can. [ZHUKOV] No. Out of the question. We're not losing you. I'll do it. [DOCTOR] What? [ZHUKOV] You can talk to it through me. [DOCTOR] Skaldak won't talk to you. You're an enemy soldier. [ZHUKOV] And how would he know that? [DOCTOR] A soldier knows another soldier. He'll smell it on you. Smellit on you a mile off. [ZHUKOV] And he wouldn't smell it on you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Just let me in there before it's too late. It can't be you orany of your men. [ZHUKOV] Well, it can't be you. [CLARA] Ahem. Well, there really is only one choice, isn't there. Idon't smell of anything, to my knowledge. [DOCTOR] You? No! No! No way. You're not going in there alone, Clara.Absolutely not. No, no. Never. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] With your permission? [ZHUKOV] Be my guest. [DOCTOR] Ready, Clara? --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] Yeah. [DOCTOR [OC]] Okay. [CLARA] Grand Marshal Skaldak. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] The salute. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Do the salute like I showed you. [CLARA] Okay? --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] Good. Good. Now, like we rehearsed.Sovereign of the Tharsisian caste. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] Sovereign of the Tharsisian caste. By themoons, I honour the. [DOCTOR [OC]] Good. It's okay, Clara. Go closer. [CLARA] Grand Marshal, I'm, we're sorry about this. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] It's not what you deserve. [CLARA [OC]] It isn't what you deserve. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] Oh. Oh, great. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] Hey, it's okay, Clara. Keep going. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] You're a long way from home. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] Five thousand years. [CLARA [OC]] And five thousand years adrift in time. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] Please, let us help you. You are not ourenemy. [SKALDAK] And yet I am in chains. [CLARA] Doctor, what do I say? [SKALDAK] Yes, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [SKALDAK [OC]] What should she say? [GRISENKO] I think he wants to speak to the organ grinder, not to themonkey. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] I heard that. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] You are restrained until we can trust eachother, Skaldak. You would do exactly the same in my position, and don'teven think --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [DOCTOR [OC]] About using that sonic weapon. Not inthe torpedo room. [SKALDAK] I was Fleet Commander of the Nix Tharsis. My daughter stood byme. It was her first taste of action. We sang the songs of the OldTimes. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [SKALDAK [OC]] The Songs of the Red Snow. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [SKALDAK] Five thousand years. Now my daughter willbe dust. Only dust. [DOCTOR [OC]] No, no, no. Listen, your people live on Skaldak. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] Scattered all across the universe. AndMars will rise again, I promise you. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Just let me help you. [SKALDAK] I require no help. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [SKALDAK [OC]] There will be no help. [DOCTOR] Careful, Clara. [CLARA [on screen]] I'm okay. [DOCTOR] No, listen, Clara, don't get too close. --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] I'm okay. Doctor, something's wrong. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] What? --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] Something's [CLARA] It's not there. It's gone! --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] Gone? Gone? Gone? What do you mean, gone? --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [CLARA] It's got out. [SKALDAK [OC]] It is time I learned the measure of my enemies. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [SKALDAK [OC]] And what this vessel is capable of. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. Skaldak! --------------------------------------- (Torpedo room) [SKALDAK [OC]] Harm one of us and you harm us all.By the Moons, this I swear. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [DOCTOR] Clara, get out of there. Get out! [DOCTOR] Now, I've never seen one do this before. Actually, I've neverseen one out of its armour before. [GRISENKO] Won't it be more vulnerable out of its shell? [DOCTOR] No, it will be more dangerous. --------------------------------------- (Outside the torpedo room) [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara? [DOCTOR] Clara! Clara! Clara! Clara! [CLARA] I'm okay. Ha, ha! I'm okay. I'm okay! Where did he go? [CLARA] How did I do? Was I okay? [DOCTOR] This wasn't a test, Clara. [CLARA] I know, but [DOCTOR] You were great, yeah. [CLARA] Really? [DOCTOR] Really. [GRISENKO] Doctor? The signal. It's stopped. [DOCTOR] Skaldak got no answer from his Martian brothers. Now he's givenup hope. [ZHUKOV] Hope of what? [DOCTOR] Being rescued. He thinks he's been abandoned. He's got nothingleft to lose. --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [ZHUKOV] But what can he do, stuck down here like the rest of us? Howbad can it be? [DOCTOR] This sub's stuffed with nuclear missiles, Zhukov. It's fat withthem. What do you think Skaldak's going to do when he finds that out?How bad can it be? How bad can it be? It couldn't be any worse. [DOCTOR] Okay. Spoke to soon. --------------------------------------- (Turbine room) [STEPASHIN] Hello? Who's there? Who's there? Who'sthere! [STEPASHIN] What do you want with me? [SKALDAK] Much. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ZHUKOV] Comrades, you know our situation. Thereactor is drowned. We are totally reliant on battery power and our airis running out. Rescue is unlikely, but we still have a mission tofulfil. If the Doctor is right, then we are all that stands betweenthis creature and the destruction of the world. Control of one missileis all he needs. We are expendable, comrades. Our world is not. I knowI can rely on every one of you to do his duty without fail. That isall. --------------------------------------- (Turbine room) [STEPASHIN] Listen to me. We both understand eachother. This, this mewling time of peace, it doesn't suit us. We areboth warriors, and together we can form an alliance. [SKALDAK] An alliance? [STEPASHIN] Yes. To win the Cold War. [SKALDAK] Cold War? [STEPASHIN] Both sides are capable of completely obliterating the other.It's a state we call mutually assured destruction. [SKALDAK] Mutually assured destruction. But this has not occured. [STEPASHIN] No. [SKALDAK] Not yet. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CLARA] Even if a missile did get launched, thatwouldn't be it, would it? [DOCTOR] It? [CLARA] End of the world. Game over. I mean, what if they fired one byaccident. What would happen then? [DOCTOR] I told you, Clara. Earth is like a storm waiting to break,right now. Both sides baring their teeth, talking up war. It would onlytake one tiny spark. [CLARA] Yeah, but the world didn't end in 1983, did it, or I wouldn't behere. [DOCTOR] New. History's in flux. It can be changed. Re-written. [DOCTOR] How many of us are left? [ZHUKOV] Twelve. And we can't find Stepashin. [DOCTOR] We split up and comb this sub. One team stays here to guard thebridge. [ZHUKOV] That's it? That's the plan? [DOCTOR] Well, it's either that or we stay here and wait for him to killus. [ZHUKOV] Okay. [CLARA] Is it true you've never seen one outside of its shell suit? [DOCTOR] Shell suit? Clara! For an Ice Warrior to leave its armour isthe gravest dishonour. Skaldak is desperate. He is deadly and we havegot to find him. [GRISENKO] Will this help? [DOCTOR] Ah! You saved it. [GRISENKO] No, no, it was on the floor with this. [DOCTOR] Ah, Professor, I could kiss you. [GRISENKO] If you insist. [DOCTOR] Later. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [ONEGIN] Do you think it's true, sir? A Martian? [BELEVICH] I don't know what to think. --------------------------------------- (Compartment) [CLARA] So, why have you got a cattle prod on asubmarine? [GRISENKO] Polar bears. [CLARA] Ah, right. [GRISENKO] We run across them when we're drilling. Can be quite nasty,you know. [CLARA] I'd swap one for an Ice Warrior any day. Cuddlier. [GRISENKO] Courage, my dear. I always sing a song. [CLARA] What? [GRISENKO] To keep my spirits up. [CLARA] Yeah, that would work, if this was Pinocchio. [GRISENKO] Do you know Hungry Like The Wolf? [CLARA] What? [GRISENKO] Duran Duran. One of my favourites. Come on. [CLARA] I'm not singing a song. [CLARA] What was that? [DOCTOR] Pressure. Just pressure. We're seven hundred metres down,remember? [GRISENKO] Don't worry about it. Think of something else. [GRISENKO] I am hungry like the wolf. [CLARA] I'm not singing. [GRISENKO] Don't you know it? [CLARA] Course I know it. We do it at karaoke, the odd hen night. [GRISENKO] Karaoke? Hen night? You speak excellent Russian, my dear, butsometimes I don't understand a word you're talking about. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [ONEGIN] If we get out of here, we'll be bloodyheroes. [BELEVICH] If we get out of here. [ONEGIN] The first people in the world to discover a genuine, living [BELEVICH] Alien? [BELEVICH] I don't know. You hear stories, don't you. Stories about thethings the Kremlin doesn't want us to [BELEVICH] Onegin? Onegin! [GRISENKO] Good God. Torn apart. It's a monster, a savage. [DOCTOR] No, Professor. Not savage. Forensic. Well, he's dismantledthem. Skaldak's learning. Learning all about you. Your strengths, yourweaknesses. Come on. [DOCTOR] Stay here. [CLARA] Okay. [DOCTOR] Stay here. Don't argue. [CLARA] I'm not. [DOCTOR] Right. Good. [GRISENKO] Oh, it's a young man's game, all this dashing about. Clara,what is it? [CLARA] I was doing okay. I mean, I went in there and I did the scarystuff, didn't I? I went in there with the Ice Warrior and it went okay.Actually, it went just about as badly as it could have done but thatwasn't my fault. [GRISENKO] Not at all. [CLARA] So I'm happy about that. [GRISENKO] Yes. [CLARA] Chuffed. [GRISENKO] And so you should be. So what's the matter? [CLARA] Seeing those bodies back there. It's all got very real. Are wegoing to make it? [GRISENKO] Yes, of course. [ZHUKOV] It's in the walls. [DOCTOR] Oh, Stepashin. [DOCTOR] Oh, oh, oh. Fast. He's fast. [CLARA] What was that? [GRISENKO] The Doctor told you, it's just the boat settling. Tell meabout yourself. What do you like doing? Clara? Clara? [CLARA] Stuff. You know, stuff. [GRISENKO] Stuff. Very enlightening. And the Doctor, what he said. Is ittrue you're from another time? From our future? Clara? [CLARA] Yes. [GRISENKO] Tell me what happens. [CLARA] I can't. [GRISENKO] Well, I need to know. [CLARA] I'm not allowed. [GRISENKO] No, please. [CLARA] I can't! [GRISENKO] Ultravox, do they split up? [CLARA] Funny. You're funny. [GRISENKO] Let her go! [GRISENKO] See? I don't just like Western music [CLARA] No, please don't hurt him. Please! [SKALDAK] You attacked me. Martian law decrees that the people of thisplanet are forfeit. I now have all the information I require. It willtake only one missile to begin the process. To end this Cold War. [DOCTOR] Grand Marshal, there is no need for this. Listen to me. [SKALDAK] My distress call has not been answered. It will never beanswered. My people are dead. They are dust. There is nothing left forme except my revenge. [DOCTOR] There is something left for you, Skaldak. Mercy. [SKALDAK] Mercy? [ZHUKOV] You must wear that armour for a reason, my friend. Let's see,shall we? [DOCTOR] No, Captain, wait! [ZHUKOV] I will do whatever it takes to defend my world, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, great, fine, good, but we are getting somewhere here. Weare negotiating. Jaw-jaw not war-war. [GRISENKO] Churchill? [DOCTOR] Churchill. [ZHUKOV] Very well, we'll negotiate, but from a position of strength. [SKALDAK] Excellent tactical thinking. My congratulations, Captain. [ZHUKOV] Thank you. [SKALDAK] Unfortunately, your position is not, perhaps, as strong as youmight hope. [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] He summoned the armour. [CLARA] How did it do that? [DOCTOR] Sonic tech, Clara. The song of the Ice Warrior. [DOCTOR] No! [SKALDAK] My world is dead but now there will be a second red planet.Red with the blood of humanity! [DOCTOR] Skaldak! Skaldak, wait! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] No! Skaldak, wait! Wait, wait. [ZHUKOV] He's arming the warheads. [DOCTOR] Where is the honour in condemning billions of innocents todeath? Five thousand years ago Mars was the centre of a vast empire.The jewel of this solar system. The people of Earth had only just begunto leave their caves. Five thousand years isn't such a long time.They're still just frightened children, still primitive. Who are you tojudge them? [SKALDAK] I am Skaldak! This planet is forfeit under Martian law. [DOCTOR] Then teach them. Teach them, Grand Marshal. Show them anotherway. Show them there is honour in mercy. Is this how you want historyto remember you? Grand Marshal Skaldak, Destroyer of Earth. Becausethat's what you'll be if you send those missiles. Not a soldier, amurderer. Five billion lives extinguished. No chance for goodbyes. Aworld snuffed out like a candle flame! All right. All right, Skaldak,you leave me no choice. I'm a Time Lord, Skaldak. I know a thing or twoabout sonic technology myself. [SKALDAK] A threat? You threaten me, Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. No, not you, all of us. I will blow this sub up before youcan even reach that button, Grand Marshal. Blow us all to oblivion. [SKALDAK] You would sacrifice yourself? [DOCTOR] In a heartbeat. [SKALDAK] Mutually assured destruction. [DOCTOR] Look into my eyes, Skaldak. Look into my eyes and tell meyou're capable of doing this. Huh? Can you do that? Dare you do that?Look into my eyes, Skaldak. Come on. Face to face. [SKALDAK] Well, Doctor. [SKALDAK] Which of us shall blink first? [CLARA] Why did you hesitate? Back there, in the dark. You were going tokill this man, remember? I begged you not to, and you listened. Whyshow compassion then, Skaldak, and not now? The Doctor's right.Billions will die. Mothers, sons, fathers, daughters. Remember thatlast battle, Skaldak? Your daughter. You sang the songs. [SKALDAK] Of the Red Snows. [CLARA] What's happening? [SKALDAK] My people live. They have come for me! [ZHUKOV] We're rising. We're rising! [GRISENKO] Six hundred metres. Five fifty. [DOCTOR] We've surfaced. Your people have saved us. [SKALDAK] Saved me, not you. [DOCTOR] Just go, Skaldak, please. Please, go in peace. [CLARA] We did it. We did it! [DOCTOR] No. No, no, no, no, no. It's still armed. A single pulse fromthat ship. I'll destroy us if I have to. I will destroy us if I haveto. Show mercy, Skaldak. Come on. Show mercy. [CLARA] (sings) I'm lost and I'm found, and I'm hungry like the wolf. [DOCTOR] Now we're safe. [CLARA] Ahem. Saved the world, then? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [CLARA] That's what we do. [DOCTOR] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Conning tower) [CLARA] The Tardis! Where's the Tardis? You never explained. [DOCTOR] Oh well, don't worry about that. [CLARA] Stop saying that. Where is it? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Well, I wasn't to know, was I? [CLARA] Know what? [DOCTOR] I've been tinkering, breaking her in. I'm allowed. [CLARA] What did you do? [DOCTOR] (sotto) I reset the HADS. [CLARA] Huh? [DOCTOR] I reset the HADS. [CLARA] The what? [DOCTOR] The HADS. The Hostile Action Displacement System. If the Tardiscomes under attack, gunfire, time winds, the sea, it relocates. [CLARA] Oh, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Haven't used it in donkey's years. It seemed like a good ideaat the time. Well, never mind, it's bound to turn up somewhere. [DOCTOR] Ooo. Ha, see? Right on cue. Brilliant. [CLARA] Brilliant. [DOCTOR] The Tardis is at the pole. [CLARA] Not far, then. [DOCTOR] The south pole. [CLARA] Ah. [DOCTOR] Could we have a lift?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s33", "episode": "e09", "title": "Cold War"}
Doctor Who (14 Nov, 2013; Eighth Doctor) - The Night of the Doctor [CASS] Help me, please. Can anybody hear me? [COMPUTER] Please state the nature of your ailment or injury. [CASS] I'm not injured, I'm crashing. I don't need a doctor. [COMPUTER] A clear statement of your symptoms will help us provide themedical practitioner appropriate to your individual needs. [CASS] I'm trying to send a distress signal. Stop talking about doctors. [DOCTOR] I'm a doctor. But probably not the one you're expecting. Whereare the rest of thecrew? [CASS] Teleported off. [DOCTOR] But you're still here. [CASS] I teleported them. [DOCTOR] Why you? [CASS] Everyone else was screaming. [DOCTOR] Welcome aboard. [CASS] Aboard what? [DOCTOR] I'll show you. [CASS] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] Back of the ship. [CASS] Why? [DOCTOR] Because the front crashes first. Think it though. Oh! [DOCTOR] Why did you do that? [CASS] Emergency protocols. [DOCTOR] What's your name? [CASS] Cass. [DOCTOR] You're young to be crewing a gunship, Cass. [CASS] I wanted to see the universe. Is it always like this? [DOCTOR] If you're lucky. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, it's bigger on the inside. [CASS] What did you say? Bigger on the inside, is that what you said? [DOCTOR] Yes. Come on, you'll love it. [CASS] Is this a Tardis? [DOCTOR] Yes, but you'll be perfectly safe, I promise you. [CASS] Don't touch me! [DOCTOR] I'm not part of the war. I swear to you, I never was. [CASS] You're a Time Lord. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm a Time Lord, but I'm one of the nice ones. [CASS] Get away from me! [DOCTOR] Well, look on the bright side. I'm not a Dalek. [CASS] Who can tell the difference any more? [DOCTOR] Cass! [CASS] It's deadlocked. Don't even try. [DOCTOR] Cass, just open the door. I'm trying to help. [CASS] Go back to your battlefield. You haven't finished yet. Some ofthe universe is still standing. [DOCTOR] I'm not leaving this ship without you. [CASS] Well, you're going to die right here. Best news all day. [DOCTOR] Cass, Cass. Cass! Cass! Cass! --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [OHILA] And here he is at last. The man to end it all. My sisters, theDoctor has returned to Karn. We have always known in our bones that oneday he would return here. Such a pity he's dead. --------------------------------------- (Temple) [DOCTOR] Cass! [OHILA] If you refer to your companion, we are still attempting toextract her from the wreckage. [DOCTOR] She wasn't my companion. [OHILA] She's almost certainly dead. No one could survive that crash. [DOCTOR] I did. [OHILA] No. We restored you to life, but it's a temporary measure. Youhave a little under four minutes. [DOCTOR] Four minutes? That's ages. What if I get bored, or need atelevision, couple of books? Anyone for chess? Bring me knitting. [OHILA] You have so little breath left. Spend it wisely. [DOCTOR] Hang on. Is it you? Am I back on Karn? You're the Sisterhood ofKarn, Keepers of the Flame of utter boredom. [OHILA] Eternal life. [DOCTOR] That's the one. [OHILA] Mock us if you will, but our elixir can trigger yourregeneration, bring you back. Time Lord science is elevated here onKarn. The change doesn't have to be random. Fat or thin, young or old,man or woman? [DOCTOR] Why would you do this for me? [OHILA] You have helped us in the past. [DOCTOR] You were never big on gratitude. [OHILA] The war between the Daleks and the Time Lords threatens allreality. You are the only hope left. [DOCTOR] It's not my war. I will have no part of it. [OHILA] You can't ignore it forever. [DOCTOR] I help where I can. I will not fight. [OHILA] Because you are the good man, as you call yourself? [DOCTOR] I call myself the Doctor. [OHILA] It's the same thing in your mind. [DOCTOR] I'd like to think so. [OHILA] In that case, Doctor, attend your patient. [OHILA] You're wasting your time. She is beyond even our help. [DOCTOR] She wanted to see the universe. [OHILA] She didn't miss much. It's very nearly over. [DOCTOR] I could have saved her. I could have got her off, but shewouldn't listen. [OHILA] Then she was wiser than you. She understood there was noescaping the Time War. You are a part of this, Doctor, whether you likeit or not. [DOCTOR] I would rather die. [OHILA] You're dead already. How many more will you let join you? If shecould speak, what would she say? [DOCTOR] To me? Nothing. I'm a Time Lord. Everything she despised. [OHILA] She would beg your help, as we beg your help now. The universestands on the brink. Will you let it fall? Fast or strong, wise orangry. What do you need now? [DOCTOR] Warrior. [OHILA] Warrior? [DOCTOR] I don't suppose there's a need for a doctor any more. Make me awarrior now. [OHILA] I took the liberty of preparing this one myself. [DOCTOR] Get out. Get out! All of you. Will it hurt? [OHILA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Good. Charley, C'Rizz, Lucie, Tamsin, Molly. Friends,companions I've known, I salute you. And Cass, I apologise. Physician, heal thyself. [OHILA] Is it done? [WARRIOR] Doctor no more.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s34", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Night of the Doctor"}
Doctor Who (23 Aug 2014; Twelfth Doctor) - Deep Breath [POLICEMAN] Come on, out of the way. Move yourself, please. Comingthrough. That's it. Excuse me, sir. [GREGSON] Madame Vastra, thank God. I'll wager you've not seen anythinglike this before. [VASTRA] Well, not since I was a little girl. [JENNY] Big fella, isn't he? [VASTRA] Dinosaurs were mostly this size. I do believe it's a she. [JENNY] No, they weren't, I've seen fossils. [VASTRA] I was there. [GREGSON] Well, that's all well and good, but what's this dinosaurfellow doing in the Thames? [VASTRA] It must have time travelled. Jenny? [GREGSON] Time travelled? [JENNY] Is it choking? [VASTRA] There seems to be something lodged in its throat. [JENNY] How could it time travel? [VASTRA] I don't know. Perhaps it was something it ate. [GREGSON] Stand back. Stand back, stand back. [GREGSON] Well, it's just laid an egg. [JENNY] It's the Tardis. [VASTRA] It would seem so. [JENNY] We'll take care of this, Inspector. [GREGSON] But what if that thing goes on the rampage? [VASTRA] Place these lanterns on the shoreline and bridges, encirclingthe creature at twenty foot intervals. [GREGSON] What will they do? [VASTRA] They will emit a signal that will incline it to remain withintheir circumference. Jenny, Strax. With me. [JENNY] So it's him, then, the Doctor? [VASTRA] A giant dinosaur from the distant past has just vomited a bluebox from outer space. --------------------------------------- (River bank) [VASTRA] This is not a day for jumping toconclusions. Strax, if you wouldn't mind? [STRAX] Hello? Exit the box, and surrender to the glory of the Sontaranempire. [DOCTOR] Shush. [STRAX] Doctor? [DOCTOR] I was being chased by a giant dinosaur, but I think I managedto give it the slip. [DOCTOR] Sleepy? [STRAX] Sir? [DOCTOR] Bashful? Sneezy? Dopey? Grumpy. [DOCTOR] Oh, you two. The green one and the not-green one. Or it couldbe the other way round, I mustn't prejudge. [DOCTOR] Oh, you remember, er. Thingy. The, er, the not-me one. Theasking questions one. Names not my area. [CLARA] Clara. [DOCTOR] Well, it might be Clara. Might not be. It's a lottery. [CLARA] It is Clara. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not ruling it out. [DOCTOR] Oi, big man, shut it. Oh, you've got a dinosaur too. Big woman,sorry. [CLARA] Doctor, listen to me. You, you need to calm down. [DOCTOR] (to dinosaur) I'm not flirting, by the way. [CLARA] I think something's gone wrong. [DOCTOR] Wrong? What's gone wrong? Have you regenerated? (to Clara) Iremember you.You're Handles. You used to be a little, a little robot head, and nowyou. You've really let yourself go. [DOCTOR] Reduce the frequency. [CLARA] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] Your sonic lanterns, turn them down. You're giving her aheadache. [JENNY] Giving who a headache? [DOCTOR] My lady friend. Just an expression, don't get any ideas. [STRAX] How do you know? [DOCTOR] Come on, Clara. You know that I speak dinosaur. [CLARA] He's not Clara. I'm Clara. [DOCTOR] Well, you're very similar heights. Maybe you should wearlabels? Why, why are you all doing that? Why are you? You're all goingdark and wobbly. Stop that. [CLARA] I don't think we are. [DOCTOR] Never mind. Everyone take five. [CLARA] What do we do? [JENNY] I don't understand. Who is he? Where's the Doctor? [CLARA] Right here. That's him. That's the Doctor. [VASTRA] Well then, here we go again. --------------------------------------- (Guest bedroom) [DOCTOR [OC]] It's simply misunderstandable to me. I don't know what itis. Who invented this room? [CLARA] Doctor, please, you have to lie down. [DOCTOR] It doesn't make sense. Look, it's only got a bed in it. Why isthere only a bed in it? [CLARA] Because it's a bed room. It's for sleeping in. [DOCTOR] Okay, what do you do when you're awake? [JENNY] You leave the room. [DOCTOR] So you've got a whole room for not being awake in. But what'sthe point? You're just missing the room. And don't look in that mirror.It's absolutely furious. [CLARA] Doctor, please. You have to lie down. You keep passing out. [DOCTOR] Well, of course I keep passing out. There's all these beds. Whydo you keep talking like that? What's gone wrong with your accent? Why [JENNY] Nothing's wrong with her accent. [DOCTOR] You sound the same. It's spreading. You all sound all English.Now you've all developed a fault. [VASTRA] (with a Scots accent) Doctor, I need your help with something. [DOCTOR] Finally, someone who can talk properly. [VASTRA] I'm having difficulty sleeping. [VASTRA] Oh really, how interesting. And when do you do those? [DOCTOR] Well, generally whenever anyone else starts talking. I like toskip ahead to my bits. It saves time. [VASTRA] Save me time, Doctor. Project an image of perfect sleep intothe centre of my mind. [DOCTOR] What, do you want a psychic link with me? The size of my brain,it would be like dropping a piano on you. [VASTRA] Be gentle, then. [DOCTOR] I'll try. Brace yourself. Piano. [VASTRA] (English accent) I love monkeys. They're so funny. [JENNY] Oh, I see. So people are monkeys now, are they? [VASTRA] No, dear. People are apes. Men are monkeys. [CLARA] So what now? [VASTRA] He needs rest. [CLARA] So what do we do? How do we fix him? [JENNY] Fix him? [CLARA] How do we change him back? [VASTRA] Jenny, I will be in my chamber. Would you be kind enough tofetch my veil? [JENNY] Why, are we expecting strangers? [VASTRA] It would seem there's already one here. [CLARA] What have I done wrong? [JENNY] The dinosaur doesn't seem very happy. [CLARA] What's wrong with it? [JENNY] I dunno. The Doctor's the one that speaks dinosaur. Excuse me,ma'am. The wife doesn't like to be kept waiting. [CLARA] Where did he get that face? Why's it got lines on it? It's brandnew. How can his hair be all grey? He only just got it. [JENNY] It's still him, ma'am. You saw him change. [CLARA] I know. I do. I, I know that. [JENNY] Good. [CLARA] It's just [JENNY] What? [CLARA] Nothing. If. If Vastra changed, if she was different, if shewasn't the person that you liked? [VASTRA] I don't like her, ma'am. I love her. And as to different? Well,she's a lizard. [DOCTOR] I am alone. The world which shook at my feet, and the trees andthe sky, have gone. And I am alone now. Alone. [CLARA] Are you translating? [DOCTOR] The wind bites now, and the world is grey, and I am alone here.Can't see me. Doesn't see me. Can't see me. [CLARA] Who can't see it? I think all of London can see it. [STRAX] Boy? Madame Vastra is waiting. [CLARA] Okay. Whatever. [STRAX] I will convey you to her chamber. May I take your coat? [CLARA] Not wearing a coat. [STRAX] What's all that? [CLARA] Clothes. [STRAX] May I take your clothes? [CLARA] (sotto) Probably not. [STRAX] Are you wearing a hat? [CLARA] It's hair. [STRAX] No, I think it's a hat. Would you like me to check? --------------------------------------- (Street) [ALF] It's not real, of course. [ELSIE] What is it, then? [ALF] The government. [ELSIE] The government? [ALF] Yeah, up to their usual tricks. [ELSIE] It's a dinosaur, Alf. A real dinosaur. [ALF] I wouldn't put it past them. [ELSIE] You don't half talk a lot of rubbish, Alfie. See you don't stayout too late now. [ALF] You know me. [ELSIE] Yes. I do. [ALF] It's the neck. That's what's wrong with it. Just don't lookrealistic. [HALF-FACE MAN] You have good eyes. [ALF] Oh, I do, as it happens. Very good eyes. They're my greatest gift. [HALF-FACE MAN] I accept. [ALF] What's that for? [HALF-FACE MAN] Your gift. I have bad eyes. --------------------------------------- (Vastra's chamber) [VASTRA] And then? [CLARA] Why are you wearing your veil? [VASTRA] And then? [CLARA] And then we got swallowed by a big dinosaur. You probablynoticed. [JENNY] How did it happen? [CLARA] I don't know. I don't know. We were crashing about everywhere.The Doctor was gone. The Tardis went haywire. [JENNY] He's not gone. He's upstairs. [CLARA] Okay, he changed. [VASTRA] He regenerated. Renewed himself. [CLARA] Renewed. Fine. [VASTRA] Such a cynical smile. [CLARA] I'm not smiling. [VASTRA] Not outwardly. But I'm accustomed to seeing through a veil. Howhave I amused you? [CLARA] You said renewed. He doesn't. He doesn't look renewed. He looksolder. [VASTRA] You thought he was young? [CLARA] He looked young. [VASTRA] He looked like your dashing young gentleman friend. Your lover,even. [CLARA] Shut up. [VASTRA] But he is the Doctor. He has walked this universe for centuriesuntold, he has seen stars fall to dust. You might as well flirt with amountain range. [CLARA] I did not flirt with him. [VASTRA] He flirted with you. [CLARA] How? [VASTRA] He looked young. Who do you think that was for? [CLARA] Me? [VASTRA] Everyone. I wear a veil as he wore a face for the same reason. [CLARA] What reason? [VASTRA] The oldest reason there is for anything. To be accepted. [VASTRA] Jenny and I are married. Yet for appearance's sake, we maintaina pretence, in public, that she is my maid. [JENNY] Doesn't exactly explain why I'm pouring tea in private. [VASTRA] Hush now. [JENNY] Good pretence, isn't it? [VASTRA] I wear a veil to keep from view what many are pleased to callmy disfigurement. I do not wear it as a courtesy to such people, but asa judgment on the quality of their hearts. [CLARA] Are you judging me? [VASTRA] The Doctor regenerated in your presence. The young mandisappeared, the veil lifted. He trusted you. Are you judging him? [CLARA] How dare you? How dare you? --------------------------------------- (Guest bedroom) [DOCTOR] Door. Boring. Not me. [DOCTOR] Me. --------------------------------------- (Vastra's chamber) [CLARA] Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor.Last of the five good 'uns. Stoic philosopher. [VASTRA] Superlative bass guitarist. The Doctor really knows how to puta band together. [CLARA] And the only pin-up I ever had on my wall when I was fifteen.The only one I ever had. I am not sure who you think you're talking toright now, Madam Vastra, but I have never had the slightest interest inpretty young men. And for the record, if there ever was anybody whocould flirt with a mountain range, she's probably standing in front ofyou right now. Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do notassume that I am so easily distracted. [JENNY] Whoo. Whoo. Sorry. [VASTRA] Well, goodness me. The lake is ruffled at last. I oftenwondered what you'd be like when you lost your temper. [JENNY] Oi. Married. [VASTRA] The Doctor needs us, you more than anyone. He is lost in theruin of himself, and we must bring him home. [CLARA] When did you stop wearing your veil? [VASTRA] When you stopped seeing it. --------------------------------------- (Rooftops) [DOCTOR] Oi. Oi. Oi, big, sexy woman. Oi. Sorry. Sorry, it's all myfault. My time machine got stuck in your throat. It happens. I broughtyou along by accident. That's mostly how I meet girls, but don't worry,I promise I will get you home. I swear. Whatever it takes, I will keepyou safe. You will be at home again. [DOCTOR] Stop that. Who's doing that? No, don't do that. --------------------------------------- (Vastra'schamber) [VASTRA] That came from the river. [JENNY] The dinosaur. [VASTRA] Strax! Bring the carriage, now! --------------------------------------- (Street) [DOCTOR] Argh. Argh. Oh. [DOCTOR] Halt. Sorry, I'm going to have to relieve you of your pet. [CABBIE] You're what? [DOCTOR] Shut up, I was talking to the horse. [CABBIE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Forwards. [STRAX] Out of the way, human scum. Hi-yah. Jurassic emergency. Yah. [DOCTOR] Left. No, no. Right, right, right, right. Sorry, it's my newhands. I can't tell them apart. --------------------------------------- (Vastra'scarriage) [JENNY] What do you think's happened? [VASTRA] I don't know, but I fear devilment. [CLARA] Should we not have told the Doctor? [JENNY] He's not ready to leave his bed. --------------------------------------- (Street) [DOCTOR] Watch it on the corners, it's abit slippery up here. --------------------------------------- (Vastra'scarriage) [VASTRA] Strax. [VASTRA] Come on, Strax. [VASTRA] That's better. --------------------------------------- (WestminsterBridge) [DOCTOR] (sotto) Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry. [STRAX] Whoa. [JENNY] The Doctor. [CLARA] What's he doing here? [VASTRA] There is trouble. Where else would he be? [DOCTOR] She was scared. She was scared and alone. I brought her hereand look what they did. [VASTRA] Who or what could have done this thing? [DOCTOR] No. [VASTRA] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] No. That is not the question. That is not where we start. [STRAX] The question is how. The flesh itself has been combusted. [DOCTOR] No, no, shut up. What do you all have for brains, pudding? Lookat you. Why can't I meet a decent species? Planet of the pudding brains. [CLARA] Doctor, I know you're upset, but you need to calm down and talkto us. What is the question? [DOCTOR] A dinosaur is burning in the heart of London. Nothing left butsmoke and flame. The question is, have there been any similar murders? [VASTRA] Yes. Yes, by the Goddess, there have. [DOCTOR] Look at them all, gawking. [DOCTOR] Question two. If all the pudding brains are gawking, then whatis he? [VASTRA] He seems remarkably unmoved by the available spectacle. [CLARA] Do you think that is whoever [CLARA] What he's doing? He'll drown. [VASTRA] I very much doubt it. [CLARA] Why? [VASTRA] There has been a murder. The Doctor has taken up the case. Ifwe are to see him again, we must do the same. --------------------------------------- (Clara'sbedroom) [STRAX [OC]] Come on, Earthling scum. Position it here. Easy now. That'sit. Careful. [STRAX] Don't get it scratched or you and all your bloodline will beobliterated from time and space. [FOOTMAN] Very good, sir. [CLARA] Strax! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [STRAX] Ah! Morning, Miss Clara. You'reawake at last. [CLARA] You got the Tardis, then? [STRAX] Military tactics. The Doctor is still missing, but he willalways come looking for his box. By bringing it here, he will be luredfrom the dangers of London to this place of safety, and we will melthim with acid. [CLARA] Okay, that last part? [STRAX] And we will not melt him with acid. Old habits. The Times. ShallI send it up? [CLARA] Yeah, why not? [STRAX] Hah! --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [CLARA] Jenny. [JENNY] Ah, good morning, Clara. [CLARA] Morning. Er, so, what are we going to do? Are we looking for theDoctor? [JENNY] We've got the Paternoster Irregulars out in force. If anyone canfind him, they can. Meanwhile, Madam Vastra is slightly occupied by theConk-Singleton forgery case, and is having the Camberwell childpoisoner for dinner. [CLARA] For dinner? [JENNY] After she's finished interrogating him. Probably best to stayout the larder. It'll get a bit noisy in there later. [CLARA] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [STRAX] Ah, Miss Clara. You look better now you're up. [CLARA] Thank you, Strax. [STRAX] Oh, sorry. Trick of the light. You still look terrible. Can Iget you anything? [CLARA] Er, no, thanks. Maybe just some water. [STRAX] Of course. [STRAX] Well, don't hold back. I've nearly finished anyway. [CLARA] Er. [STRAX] It's perfectly all right. I washed in it myself. [CLARA] All of a sudden, I'm not very thirsty. [STRAX] Really? Perhaps it is time, then. [STRAX] For your mandatory medical examination. Say ah. [CLARA] Ah. [STRAX] You didn't move your lips. [CLARA] You're looking at my eye. [STRAX] Oh. Oh yes, there we are. Easy mistake. [STRAX] Now that's interesting. [CLARA] What? What's interesting? [STRAX] Deflected narcissism. Traces of passive aggressive. And a lot ofmuscular young men doing sport. [CLARA] What are you looking at? [STRAX] Your subconscious. Is that sport? It could be sport. [CLARA] Well, stop looking. [STRAX] Moving onto the thorax, such as it is. [STRAX] Ah, excellent. Enviable spleen. Well done. Twenty seven yearsold, with a projected lifespan of exactly [CLARA] Stop right there. [STRAX] Oh, you're going to do quite well. But watch out for fluidretention later. It's going to be spectacular. Well, put your clothesback on. [CLARA] They are on. [STRAX] Oh yes, so they are. [CLARA] Why are you doing this? [STRAX] If we are to serve together, I need you in peak physicalprowess, eh? [CLARA] Ow. Why would we be serving together? The Doctor's going to comeback, isn't he? [STRAX] It is to be hoped. [CLARA] He's not just going to abandon me here. [STRAX] You must stop worrying about him, my boy. By now, he's almostcertainly had his throat cut by the violent poor. --------------------------------------- (Alleyway) [DOCTOR] Bitey. The air, it's bitey. It's wet, and bitey. [BARNEY] Oh, it's cold. [DOCTOR] That's right. It's cold. It's cold, I knew it was a thing. Ineed um, I need clothes. I need clothes, that's what I need. And a big,long scarf. No, no, move on from that. Looked stupid. Er, have you seenthis face before? [BARNEY] No. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [BARNEY] Sir, I have never seen that face. [DOCTOR] It's funny, because I'm sure that I have. You know, I neverknow where the faces come from. They just pop up. Zap. Faces like thisone. Come on, look at it, have a look, come on, look, look, look. [DOCTOR] Look, it's covered in lines. But I didn't do the frowning. Whofrowned me this face? Do you ever look in the mirror and think I'veseen that face before? [BARNEY] Yes. [DOCTOR] Really? When? [BARNEY] Well, every time I look in the mirror. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, yes. Fair enough. Good point. My face is freshon, though. [BARNEY] Er [DOCTOR] Why this one? Why did I choose this face? It's like I'm tryingto tell myself something. Like I'm trying to make a point. But what isso important that I can't just tell myself what I'm thinking? [BARNEY] Er [DOCTOR] I'm not just being rhetorical here. You can join in. [BARNEY] I don't like it. [DOCTOR] What? [BARNEY] Your face. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't like it either. Well, it's all right up until theeyebrows. Then it just goes haywire. Look at the eyebrows. These areattack eyebrows.You could take bottle tops off with these. [BARNEY] They are mighty eyebrows indeed, sir. [DOCTOR] They're cross. They're crosser than the rest of my face.They're independently cross. They probably want to secede from the restof my face and set up their own independent state of eyebrows. That'sScot. I am Scottish. I've gone Scottish? [BARNEY] Oh yes, you are. You are definitely Scots, sir. I, I 'ear it inyour voice. [DOCTOR] Oh no, that's good. Oh. [DOCTOR] It's good I'm Scottish. I'm Scottish. I am Scottish. I cancomplain about things, I can really complain about things. Now, give meyour coat. [BARNEY] No. [DOCTOR] I am cold. [BARNEY] I'm cold. [DOCTOR] I'm cold. There's no point in us both being cold. Give me yourcoat. Give me your coat. No, wait. Shut up, shut up. Shut up. I missedsomething. It was here, it was here. It was. What was it I saw? Whatdid I see? [DOCTOR] This is what I saw. Spontaneous combustion. [BARNEY] What devilry is this, sir? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but I probably blame the English. --------------------------------------- (Vastra's chamber) [VASTRA] Hmm. Spontaneous combustion. [JENNY] Is that like love at first sight? [VASTRA] Hmm. A little. It is the theory that human beings can, withlittle or no inducement, simply explode. [JENNY] You don't need to flirt with me. We're already married. [VASTRA] It's scientific nonsense, of course. [JENNY] Marriage? [VASTRA] Hush. There have been nine reported incidents of peopleapparently exploding in the last month. [JENNY] And you think they weren't spontaneous. [VASTRA] I think whoever killed the dinosaur had at least nine previousvictims. All of these perished in the same spectacular fashion. [JENNY] I thought you were painting me. [VASTRA] I was working. [JENNY] Well, why am I posing then? [VASTRA] Well, you brighten the room tremendously. Chin up a little. [JENNY] Oh, I don't understand why I'm doing this. [VASTRA] Art? Now, why destroy the victims so completely? It'sdifficult, it draws attention. What advantage is to be gained? [JENNY] Well, tell us, then. [VASTRA] Concealment, perhaps. [JENNY] Concealment? [VASTRA] It's a fanciful theory, but it fits the facts. By destroyingthe body so completely, you conceal what is missing from it. [JENNY] Missing from the body? [CLARA [OC]] Madame Vastra! [VASTRA] Clara, excellent. Pop your clothes on that chair there. [CLARA] Look. [VASTRA] Advertisements, yes. So many. It's a distressing modern trend. [CLARA] No, look. Look. [JENNY] Ma'am? [VASTRA] The game is afoot. We're going to need a lot of tea. [VASTRA] There appears to be nothing of significance in the rest of thenewspaper. Not even in the agony column. [JENNY] We can't know it's from the Doctor. [CLARA] Of course it's from the Doctor. The Impossible Girl, that's whathe calls me. [VASTRA] He says lunch, but not when or where? [JENNY] On the other side? The other side of London? Bit vague. [VASTRA] The other side of regeneration, perhaps, once he's recovered? [CLARA] So what am I supposed to do, guess where we're meeting? [VASTRA] Perhaps that's the point. Perhaps you're supposed to prove thatyou still know him. Think what that must mean for a man who barelyknows himself. [CLARA] It doesn't makes sense. He doesn't do puzzles. He isn'tcomplicated. Really doesn't have the attention span. So, keeping itdead simple. On the other side. --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [DOCTOR] What's wrong? [CLARA] I don't know. Maybe the smell? [DOCTOR] I know. It's everywhere. [CLARA] Where did you get that coat? [DOCTOR] Er, ahem, I bought it. [CLARA] From where? [DOCTOR] Er, a shop? [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Might have been a tramp. [CLARA] You don't have any money. [DOCTOR] Er, I had a watch. [CLARA] No. That watch was beautiful. [DOCTOR] It was my favourite. [CLARA] You swapped your favourite watch for that coat. That's maybe nota good deal. [DOCTOR] Well, I was in a hurry. There was a terrible smell. [CLARA] Okay. [CLARA] No. No, don't. Don't. Don't. Don't smile. I will smile first andthen you know it's safe to smile. [DOCTOR] Are you cross with me? [CLARA] I am not cross. But if I was cross it would be your fault and.Yes, I am cross. [DOCTOR] I guessed that. [CLARA] I am extremely cross. [DOCTOR] And if I hadn't changed my face, would you be cross? [CLARA] I would be cross if I wasn't cross. [DOCTOR] Why? [CLARA] Why? An ordinary person wants to meet someone that they knowvery well for lunch. What do they do? [DOCTOR] Well, they probably get in touch and suggest lunch. [CLARA] Mmm hmm. Okay, so what sort of person would put a cryptic notein, in a newspaper advert? [DOCTOR] Well, I wouldn't like to say. [CLARA] Oh, go on, do say. [DOCTOR] Well, I would say that that person would be an egomaniac,needy, game-player sort of person. [CLARA] Ah, thank you. Well, at least that hasn't changed. [DOCTOR] And I don't suppose it ever will. [CLARA] No, I don't suppose it will, either. [DOCTOR] Clara, honestly, I don't want you to change. It was no bother,really. I saw your advert, I figured it out. I'm happy to play yourgame. [CLARA] No. No, no. I didn't place the ad. You placed the ad. [DOCTOR] No, I didn't. [CLARA] Yes, you placed the ad, I figured it out. Impossible Girl, see?Lunch. [DOCTOR] No, look, the Impossible. That is a message fromthe Impossible Girl. [CLARA] For the Impossible Girl. [DOCTOR] Ooo. [CLARA] Oh. [DOCTOR] Well, if neither of us placed that ad, who placed that ad? [CLARA] Hang on. Egomaniac, needy, game-player? [DOCTOR] This could be a trap. [CLARA] That was me? [DOCTOR] Never mind that. [CLARA] Yes, I am minding that. [DOCTOR] Clara. [CLARA] You were talking about me? [DOCTOR] Clara, what is happening right now in this restaurant to youand me is more important than your egomania. [CLARA] Nothing is more important than my egomania. [DOCTOR] Right, you actually said that. [CLARA] You never mention that again. [DOCTOR] It's a vanity trap. You're so busy congratulatingyourself on solving the puzzle, you don't notice that you're stickingyour head in a noose. [CLARA] What are you doing? [CLARA] And that isn't the only grey one, if you are, er, having a cull. [DOCTOR] What, do you have a problem with the grey ones? [CLARA] If I got new hair and it was grey, I would have a problem. [DOCTOR] Yeah, I bet you would. [CLARA] Meaning? [DOCTOR] It's too short. [CLARA] Ow. [DOCTOR] Sorry, it was the only one out of place. I'm sure that youwould want it killed. [CLARA] Ooo. Are you trying to tell me something? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to measure the air disturbance in the room. [CLARA] Right. Moments when you know you are boring. [DOCTOR] There is something extremely wrong with everybody else in thisroom. [CLARA] Mmm. Basically, don't you always think that? [DOCTOR] Look at them. Don't look. [CLARA] You just said to look. [DOCTOR] Look without looking. [CLARA] They look fine to me. They're just eating. [DOCTOR] Are they? [CLARA] Okay, no. No, they're not eating. [DOCTOR] Something else they're not doing. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Breathing. [CLARA] (sotto) What do we do? [DOCTOR] Well, you don't want to eat, do you? [CLARA] Hmm. Slightly lost my appetite. Ahem. How long before theynotice that we're different? [DOCTOR] Not long. [CLARA] Anything we can do? [DOCTOR] How long can you hold your breath? [CLARA] We could just casually stroll out of here, like we've changedour minds. [DOCTOR] Happens all the time. [CLARA] Ha. Course it does. [CLARA] We could take another look at the menu. [CLARA] What are they? [DOCTOR] I don't know. But don't worry, because that's not the question.The question is, what is this restaurant? [CLARA] Okay, what is this restaurant? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [DOCTOR] Er, no sausages? Do you? And there's no pictures either. Do youhave a children's menu? [DOCTOR] Any specials? [WAITER] Liver. [DOCTOR] I don't like liver. [WAITER] Spleen. Brain stem. Eyes. [CLARA] Mmm. Is there a lot of demand for those? [DOCTOR] I don't think that's what's on the menu. I think we are themenu. [WAITER] Lungs. Skin. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. [CLARA] Okay. Robot in a mask. [DOCTOR] It's a face. [CLARA] Yeah, it's very convincing. [DOCTOR] No, it's a face. [CLARA] Oh! [WAITER] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes, what? [WAITER] Yes, we have a children's menu. [DOCTOR] You've got to admire their efficiency. [CLARA] Is it okay if I don't? --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Hello? Hello, are you the manager? I demand to speak to themanager. [CLARA] This is not a real restaurant, is it? [DOCTOR] Well now, it's more a sort of automated organ collectionstation for the unwary diner. Sweeney Todd without the pies. [CLARA] So where are we now? [DOCTOR] Factually? An ancient spaceship, probably buried for centuries.Functionally? A larder. [CLARA] So why hasn't somebody come for us? [DOCTOR] We're alive. [CLARA] We're alive in a larder. [DOCTOR] Exactly. It's cheaper than freezing us. [CLARA] Okay. [DOCTOR] Are you ready? [CLARA] Go for it. [DOCTOR] Don't let it roll away. [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] We've got one shot at this. [CLARA] Next time, make one that doesn't roll. [DOCTOR] Go. [DOCTOR] Have you got it? [CLARA] I can only just about reach it. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's at times like this I miss Amy. [CLARA] Who? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [CLARA] Ready? [DOCTOR] Don't miss. [DOCTOR] Oh. [CLARA] Sorry, did I hit something? [DOCTOR] Oh, the symbolism. [CLARA] You should make that thing voice-activated. Oh, for God's sake,it is, isn't it? [DOCTOR] I don't want to talk about it. [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Dormant. [CLARA] How do you know? [DOCTOR] I don't. I'm just hoping. [CLARA] So, is it these guys that killed the dinosaur? [DOCTOR] Well, if they're harvesting organs, a dinosaur would have somegreat stuff. [CLARA] Why would robots need organs? Burke and Hare from space? [DOCTOR] No, but that's a good theory. Droids harvesting spare parts.That rings a bell. [DOCTOR] Captain, my Captain. [CLARA] Can he see us? [DOCTOR] Dormant. [CLARA] Hoping? [DOCTOR] Yep. Oh, look. He's recharging. He's asleep. Doesn't even knowwe're here. [CLARA] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Sure. Not sure. One or the other. [CLARA] Okay. So, half-man, half-robot. A cyborg, yeah? [DOCTOR] Oh. [CLARA] Oh? [BOTH] Oh. [DOCTOR] Look at the hands. [CLARA] What about them? [DOCTOR] Look at them. [CLARA] I'm looking. [DOCTOR] They don't match. These hands don't belong to the same body. [CLARA] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't blame you. See this, this is not your normalcyborg. This isn't a man turning himself into a robot. This is a robotturning himself into a man, piece by piece. [CLARA] That's what the restaurant's for. [DOCTOR] Well, it would need a constant supply of spare parts. You cantan skin, but organs rot. Some of that metalwork looks Roman.Wonder how long it's been around, how much of the original is evenleft? The eyeballs look very fresh, though. [CLARA] Ah. [CLARA] (sotto) Is it awake? [DOCTOR] It's waking up. I think. Okay, let's go. [DOCTOR] I've seen this before. I'm missing something. [CLARA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's the brand new head, rebooting. [CLARA] Come on. [DOCTOR] I've seen this before. [CLARA] Oh, hurry up. Get out. [CLARA] Doctor. Quickly. [DOCTOR] Sorry, too slow. There's no point in them catching us both. [CLARA] Well, give me the screwdriver. [DOCTOR] I might need it. [CLARA] No. Doctor? [DOCTOR [memory]] Something else they're not doing. Breathing. How longcan you hold your breath? [HALF-FACE MAN] Bring her. [CLARA [memory]] All right, stop. Stop. Stop it, all of you, now. [BOY [memory]] Ha, ha. It's her first day. [CLARA [memory]] If you don't stop it, I'm going to have each and everysingle one of you kicked out of this school. [COURTNEY [memory]] Go on, then. Do it. [HALF-FACE MAN] Where is the other one? There was another. Where is he?Where is the other? You will tell us, or you will be destroyed. [CLARA] What did you say? [HALF-FACE MAN] You will tell us. [CLARA] Yeah, I know. Or what? [HALF-FACE MAN] You will die. [COURTNEY [memory]] Go on, then. Do it. [CLARA] Go on, then. Do it. I'm not going to answer any of yourquestions, so you have to do it. You have to kill me. Threats don'twork unless you deliver. [HALF-FACE MAN] You will tell us where the other one is. [CLARA] Nope. [HALF-FACE MAN] You will be destroyed. [CLARA] Destroy me, then. And if you don't, then I'm not going tobelievea single threat you make from now on. Of course, if I'm dead, then Ican't tell you where the other one went then. You need to keep thisplace down here a secret, don't you? Never start with your finalsanction. You've got nowhere to go but backwards. [HALF-FACE MAN] Humans feel pain. [CLARA] Ah. Bigger threat to smaller threat. See what I mean? Backwards. [HALF-FACE MAN] The information can be extracted by means of yoursuffering. [CLARA] Are you trying to scare me? Well, cos I'm already bloodyterrified of dying. And I'll endure a lot of pain for a very long timebefore I give up the information that's keeping me alive. How long haveyou got? [CLARA] All you can offer me is my life. What you can't do is threatenit. You can negotiate. [CLARA] Okay, okay, okay. Okay, yes, yes, yes, I'm crying and it's justbecause I am very frightened of you. If you know anything about humanbeings, that means you, you're in a lot trouble. [HALF-FACE MAN] We will not negotiate. [CLARA] You don't have a choice. I tell you what. I'll answer yourquestions if you answer mine. [HALF-FACE MAN] We will not answer questions. [CLARA] We'll take turns. I'll go first. Why did you kill the dinosaur? [HALF-FACE MAN] We will not answer questions. [CLARA] Why'd you kill the dinosaur? [HALF-FACE MAN] We will not answer questions! [CLARA] Then you might as well kill me, because I'm not talking againtill you do. [HALF-FACE MAN] Within the optic nerve of the dinosaur is material ofuse to our computer systems. [CLARA] You burned a whole dinosaur for a spare part? No. No, hang on.You know what's in a dinosaur's optic nerve, which means you've seenthem before. [HALF-FACE MAN] Where is the other one? [CLARA] How long have you been rebuilding yourselves? Look at the stateof you. Is there any real you left? What's the point? [HALF-FACE MAN] We will reach the promised land. [CLARA] The what? The promised land? What's that? [HALF-FACE MAN] Where is the other one? [CLARA] I don't know. But I know where he will be. Where he will alwaysbe. If the Doctor is still the Doctor, he will have my back. [CLARA] I'm right, aren't I? Go on. Please, please, go on, say I'm right. [DOCTOR] Ah. Hello, hello, rubbish robots from the dawn of time. Thankyou for all the gratuitous information. Five foot one and crying. Younever stood a chance. Stop it. [DOCTOR] This is your power source. And feeble though it is, I can useit to blow this whole room if I see one thing that I don't like. Andthat includes karaoke and mime, so take no chances. See, Clara? That'show you disguise yourself as a droid. [CLARA] Yeah, well, I didn't have a lot of time. I'd been suddenlyabandoned. [DOCTOR] Yeah, sorry. Well no, actually, I'm not. You're brilliant onadrenaline. And you were out of your depth, sir. Never try and controla control freak. [CLARA] I am not a control freak! [DOCTOR] Yes, ma'am. [CLARA] Oh. [HALF-FACE MAN] Why are you here? [DOCTOR] Why did you invite us? The message, in the paper. That was you,wasn't it? Oh. [DOCTOR] I hate being wrong in public. Everybody forget that happened.Clara, say the word. [CLARA] What word? [DOCTOR] They never sent you in here without a word. [CLARA] I don't want to say it. [DOCTOR] I've guessed already. [BOTH] Geronimo. [VASTRA] Remain still, and lay down your weapons in the name of theBritish Empire. [STRAX] Argh. [VASTRA] Strax. [STRAX] Sorry. [JENNY] I've told you before. Take the stairs. [DOCTOR] Oh, look. The cavalry. [HALF-FACE MAN] I burned an ancient, beautiful creature for one inch ofoptic nerve. What do you think you can accomplish, little man? [DOCTOR] What do you? Vastra? [VASTRA] The establishment upstairs has been disabled with maximumprejudice, and the authorities summoned. [CLARA] Hang on, she called the police? We never do that. We shouldstart. [DOCTOR] You see? Destroy us if you will, they're still going to closeyour restaurant. That was going to sound better. [HALF-FACE MAN] Then we will destroy you. [DOCTOR] No, you won't. You're logical. You have restraint. You killedtosurvive. You're not a murderer. [CLARA] He's not a what? This is a slaughterhouse. [DOCTOR] And how does that make it different from any other restaurant?You weren't vegetarian the last time I checked. This is over. Killingus won't change that.What would be the point? [HALF-FACE MAN] To find the promised land. [DOCTOR] You're millions of years old. It's time you knew, there isn'tone. [HALF-FACE MAN] I am in search of paradise. [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, me too. I'm not going to make it either. [CLARA] Doctor! [HALF-FACE MAN] I will leave in the escape capsule. Destroy wherenecessary. [VASTRA] Escape capsule? This ship is millions of years old. It'll neverfly. [HALF-FACE MAN] It has been repaired. [CLARA] What with? [HALF-FACE MAN] You. [STRAX] Defensive positions, everyone. [CLARA] Doctor. He's getting away. [HALF-FACE MAN] Your friend is intelligent. He'll know better than tofollow me. --------------------------------------- (OutsideMancini's) [GREGSON] Right, here we are. This is the place. Come with me. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [VASTRA] It is our intent to leave. If itis your intent to stop us, perhaps we should get down to business. --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [GREGSON] Dear Lord, what has she landed us with this time? [HALF-FACE MAN] The restaurant is closed. --------------------------------------- (OutsideMancini's) [GREGSON] Keep everyone out. No one goes inthere. --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [HALF-FACE MAN] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] I've got the horrible feeling I'm going to have to kill you. Ithought you might appreciate a drink first. I know I would. --------------------------------------- (OutsideMancini's) [GREGSON] Watch out. --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [DOCTOR] Fifty first century, right? Timetravelling spaceship crashed in the past. You're trying to get home thelong way round. [HALF-FACE MAN] I go to the promised land. [DOCTOR] So you keep saying. Okay, so your restaurant is made out ofyour old ship. But you're wasting your time. It can't ever fly. [HALF-FACE MAN] The escape pod is viable. [DOCTOR] How? You can't patch up a spaceship with human remains. Youknow, this really is ringing a bell. [DOCTOR] Okay, that's clever. How are you powering it? [HALF-FACE MAN] Skin. --------------------------------------- (OutsideMancini's) [GREGSON] Get to the station. We need more men. [POLICEMAN] What shall I tell them is happening? [GREGSON] Go! --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [VASTRA] How many do you estimate, my dear? [JENNY] More than upstairs. About twenty, thirty? [VASTRA] The ones upstairs were mere decoys. These are battle ready. Ianticipate a challenge. [STRAX] Don't worry, my boy, we shall die in glory. [CLARA] Okay. Good-o. --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [DOCTOR] SS Marie Antoinette. Out of control repair droids cannibalisinghuman beings. I know that this is familiar, but I just can't seem toplace it. [HALF-FACE MAN] How would you kill me? [DOCTOR] Sister ship of the Madame De Pompadour. No, not getting it. [HALF-FACE MAN] How would you kill me? [DOCTOR] Why don't you have a drink first? It's only human. [HALF-FACE MAN] I am not human. [DOCTOR] Neither am I. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [STRAX] Why can't you stay dead, coward? --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [DOCTOR] What do you think of the view? [HALF-FACE MAN] I do not think of it. [DOCTOR] I don't think of it. I don't. Droids and apostrophes, I couldwrite a book. Except you are barely a droid any more. There's morehuman in you than machine. So tell me, what do you think of the view? [HALF-FACE MAN] It is beautiful. [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. It's just far away. Everything looks too small. Iprefer it down there. Everything is huge. Everything is so important.Every detail, every moment, every life clung to. [HALF-FACE MAN] How could you kill me? [DOCTOR] For the same reason that you're asking me that question,becauseyou don't really want to carry on. What'll happen to the other droidswhen you die? You're the control node, aren't you? Presumably they'lldeactivate. [HALF-FACE MAN] I will not die. I will reach the promised land. [DOCTOR] There isn't any promised land. This is just. It's asuperstition that you have picked up from all the humanity you'vestuffed inside yourself. [HALF-FACE MAN] I am not dead. [DOCTOR] You are a broom. Question. You take a broom, you replace thehandle, and then later you replace the brush, and you do that over andover again. Is it still the same broom? Answer? No, of course it isn't.But you can still sweep the floor. Which is not strictly relevant, skipthat last part. You have replaced every piece of yourself, mechanicaland organic, time and time again. There's not a trace of the originalyou left. You probably can't even remember where you got that face from. [HALF-FACE MAN] It cannot end. [DOCTOR] It has to. You know it does. And there's only one way out. [HALF-FACE MAN] Self-destruction is against my basic programme. [DOCTOR] And murder is against mine. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [VASTRA] Jenny! [CLARA] Hold your breath. They're stupid. Everybody hold their breath. [VASTRA[OC]] Be brave, my love. I can store oxygen in my lungs. Sharewith me. --------------------------------------- (Mancini's) [HALF-FACEMAN] You are stronger than youlook. [DOCTOR] And I'm hoping you are too. This is over. Are you capable ofadmitting that? [HALF-FACE MAN] Do you have it in you to murder me? [DOCTOR] Those people down there. They're never small to me. Don't makeassumptions about how far I will go to protect them, because I'vealready come a very long way.And unlike you, I don't expect to reach the promised land. [DOCTOR] You realise, of course, one of us is lying about our basicprogramming. [HALF-FACE MAN] Yes. [DOCTOR] And I think we both know who that is. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [VASTRA] Stop. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [STRAX] Whoa. [JENNY] You're sure he'd come back here? [VASTRA] There's no trace of him in the wreckage. They searched allParliament Hill. Where else would he go? [VASTRA] I fear we have missed him. --------------------------------------- (Vastra'schamber) [VASTRA] Please come in. [CLARA] I'm not interrupting? [VASTRA] I should be glad of your company. What can I do for you? [CLARA] Ah, well, that's exactly what I was going to ask you. Seems likeI'm stuck here now. Got a vacancy? [VASTRA] You would be very welcome to join our little household, but Ihave it on the highest authority that the Doctor will be returning foryou very soon. [CLARA] Whose authority? [VASTRA] Well, the person who knows him best in all the universe. [CLARA] And who's that? [VASTRA] Miss Clara Oswald. Who perhaps has, by instinct, alreadydressed to leave. [CLARA] I just wanted a change of clothes. I don't think I know who theDoctor is any more. [VASTRA] It would seem, my dear, you are very wrong about that. Clara?Give him hell. He'll always need it. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] You've redecorated. [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] I don't like it. [DOCTOR] Not completely entirely convinced myself. I think there shouldbe more round things on the walls. I used to have lots of round things.I wonder where I put them? I'm the Doctor. I've lived for over twothousand years, and not all of them were good. I've made many mistakes,and it's about time that I did something about that. Clara, I'm notyour boyfriend. [CLARA] I never thought you were. [DOCTOR] I never said it was your mistake. [DOCTOR] What do you think? [CLARA] Who put that advert in the paper? [DOCTOR] Who gave you my number? A long time ago, remember? You weregiven the number of a computer helpline, and you ended up phoning theTardis. Who gave you that number? [CLARA] The woman. The woman in the shop. [DOCTOR] Then there's a woman out there who's very keen that we staytogether. [DOCTOR] How do you feel on the subject? [CLARA] Am I home? [DOCTOR] If you want to be. [CLARA] I'm sorry. I'm, I'm so, so sorry. But I don't think I know whoyou are any more. [DOCTOR] You'd better get that. It might be your boyfriend. [CLARA] Shut up. I don't have a boyfriend. --------------------------------------- (Citystreet) [CLARA] Hello? Hello? [DOCTOR 11 [OC]] It's me. [CLARA] Yes, it's you. Who's this? [DOCTOR 11 [OC]] It's me, Clara. The Doctor. [CLARA] What do you mean, the Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Trenzalore/ City street) [DOCTOR11] I'm phoning you from Trenzalore. [CLARA] I don't [DOCTOR 11] From before I changed. I mean it's all still to happen forme. It's coming. Oh, it's a-coming. [DOCTOR 11] Not long now. I can feel it. [CLARA] Why? Why would you do this? [DOCTOR 11] Because I think it's going to be a whopper, and I think youmight be scared. And however scared you are, Clara, the man you arewith right now, the man I hope you are with, believe me, he is morescared than anything you can imagine right now and he, he needs you. [DOCTOR] So who is it? [DOCTOR 11] Is that the Doctor? [DOCTOR] Is that the Doctor? [CLARA] Yes. [DOCTOR 11] He sounds old. Please tell me I didn't get old. Anything butold. I was young. Oh, is he grey? [CLARA] Yes. [DOCTOR 11] Clara, please, hey, for me, help him. Go on. And don't beafraid. Goodbye, Clara. Miss ya. --------------------------------------- (Citystreet) [DOCTOR] Well? [CLARA] Well what? [DOCTOR] He asked you a question. Will you help me? [CLARA] You shouldn't have been listening. [DOCTOR] I wasn't. I didn't need to. That was me talking. You can't seeme, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any ideawhat that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here, standing infront of you. Please, just, just see me. [CLARA] Thank you. [DOCTOR] For what? [CLARA] Phoning. [DOCTOR] I, I don't think that I'm a hugging person now. [CLARA] I'm not sure you get a vote. [DOCTOR] Whatever you say. [CLARA] This isn't my home, by the way. [DOCTOR] Sorry. I'm sorry about that. I missed. [CLARA] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Glasgow, I think. [CLARA] Ah. You'll fit right in. (Scots) Scottish. [DOCTOR] Right. Shall we, er. Do you want to go and get some coffee, orchips, or something? Or chips and coffee? [CLARA] Coffee. Coffee would be great. You're buying. [DOCTOR] I don't have any money. [CLARA] You're fetching, then. [DOCTOR] I'm not sure that I'm the fetching sort. [CLARA] Yeah, still not sure you get a vote. --------------------------------------- (Garden) [MISSY] Hello. I'm Missy. You made it. I hope my boyfriend wasn't toomean to you. [HALF-FACE MAN] Boy friend? [MISSY] Now, did he push you out of that thing, or did you fall?Couldn't really tell. He can be very mean sometimes. Except to me, ofcourse, because he loves me so much. I do like his new accent, though.Think I might keep it. [HALF-FACE MAN] Where am I? [MISSY] Where do you think you are? Look around you. You made it. Thepromised land. Paradise. Welcome to heaven.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s34", "episode": "e01", "title": "Deep Breath"}
Doctor Who (1 Nov 2014; Twelfth Doctor) - Dark Water (Seb's office) [SEB] Has anyone offered you a coffee? [DANNY] Um. Well, no. [SEB] Could we have some coffeealong here, please?The good kind. We've got a new one. [SEB] Five minutes, tops. Best to waitfor the good coffee. [DANNY] Where am I? [SEB] Sometimes it'sjust the instant. [DANNY] Where am I? [SEB] Well, big question. Try to take that one slowly. We have beentryingto contact family members,but really there is so much admin [DANNY] I wasn't here, I was [SEB] Yeah. That last thingthat happened to you,that really happened, I'm afraid. But that's life. Well, not life, Isuppose, but. There are some forms to fill in.Might help you relax. [DANNY] I don't know. I've never reallythought of that. [SEB] I'm going to put you downas a yes,that's pretty muchthe default these days.If people only knew. [DANNY] Only knew what? [SEB] We've got a burner in number twelve. Tell them to prep, please. [DANNY] Burner? [SEB] Yeah, it's fine, we'll come to that. [DANNY] But I don't understand where I am. [SEB] Oh, look at that.You can see my house from here.Yeah, sorry, probably not helping. [DANNY] Where am I? Er. [SEB] You sort of know, don't you? Most people kind of know,it's justhard to get traction on the concept. [DANNY] Where am I? [SEB] Okay. You're dead, and this is what's next. [DANNY] I'm not dead. How can I be dead? [SEB] Our sincere condolences. [DANNY] I'm standing right here. [SEB] Yes, you are.Welcome to the Underworld. Otherwise known as the Nethersphere,or the Promised Land.It's where you go when you die. [SEB] Would you like to breatheinto a bag? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Nav-com's offline. We'll haveto do this old school. [CLARA] But this is where Danny is? [DOCTOR] Almost certainly not. It's wherethere's a connection with Danny.According to the Tardis, this iswhere it's most likely thatyour timeline will re-intersectwith his. And that won't do. [CLARA] What won't? [DOCTOR] You won't. Look at you.I need sceptical, clever, critical.I don't need mopey.It put years on your face.And what if people see us together?It looks like you've been melted. [CLARA] Are you forgetting why we're here? [DOCTOR] We're here to get your boyfriendback from the dead,so buck up andgive me some attitude. --------------------------------------- (Entrance lobby) [CLARA] Fish tanks? [DOCTOR] In a mausoleum? [CLARA] What does that mean? [DOCTOR] It means thoseare definitely not fish tanks. --------------------------------------- (Gallery) [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [CLARA] Okay, I'm assuming they didn'tactually drown in there. [DOCTOR] No. They were placed, after death. These are tombs. Watertombs, some sort offluid, anyway. [CLARA] With chairs? [DOCTOR] With chairs, yes.Extra comfort for the deceased. It pays to die rich. [CLARA] Oh, God. Am I going to find Danny now? Isthat why the Tardis brought us here?I don't want to see him like that. [DOCTOR] Good point.Tombs with windows. Who wants towatch their loved ones rot?Why would anyone go toso much trouble just to keep watch on the dead? [MISSY [OC]] 3W. Death is not an end. But we can we help withthat. Ever since 3W encountered the truthabout the death experience,'we have been working hard to finda better life for the deceased. At 3W, afterlife meansaftercare. [CLARA] Okay. Bit strange? [DOCTOR] Very. Why have the scrolling and a voice? Is it difficult? [CLARA] Is what difficult? [DOCTOR] Reading all those wordsback to front.Come on. We've come a long way. [MISSY] Hello. I hope you're well. How may I assist you with your death? [DOCTOR] Well, there is, er,no immediate hurry.We're just, er. We're just [CLARA] Browsing. [DOCTOR] Yeah, yeah, browsing. [MISSY] Please, take all the time you need. At 3W, you always havethe rest of your life. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. That's good to know,Clara, isn't it? [CLARA] Yeah. Great. [DOCTOR] Exactly what is 3W? [MISSY] Apologies.Clearly you have not received theofficial 3W greetings package. [DOCTOR] Well, you know, it's justan unexpected [MISSY] Welcome to the 3W Institute. [DOCTOR] (breathless) Clara, is it over now? [CLARA] I think it's over, yeah. [MISSY] You also have not receivedthe official welcome package. [CLARA] Oh, I'm good, thanks. No worries. [DOCTOR] Who are you? [MISSY] I am Missy. [CLARA] Missy? [MISSY] Mobile Intelligent Systems Interface. I am a multi-function,interactive welcome-droid.Helping you to help me to help you. [DOCTOR] You're very er realistic. [CLARA] Tongues? [DOCTOR] Shut up. [MISSY] I am fully programmed withsocial interaction normsappropriate to a range of visitors. Please indicate if you'd like meto adjust my intimacy setting. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, please. Please do that. Do that now right now. [CLARA] Maybe just a tad, yeah. [DOCTOR] I need to speak towhoever's in charge here. [MISSY] (as Maggie Smith) I am in charge. [DOCTOR] Well, who's in charge of you? [MISSY] I'm in charge of me. [DOCTOR] Well, who repairs you?Who, who maintains you? [MISSY] I am programmed for self-repair.I am maintained by my heart. [MISSY] Is everything in order? [DOCTOR] Who maintains your heart? [MISSY] My heart is maintainedby the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Doctor who? [MISSY] (shouts) Doctor Chang! [CHANG [OC]] Who's there? [CHANG] Hello? [CLARA] Hello. [DOCTOR] Hello. [CLARA] You can probably take yourhand down now, Doctor. [CHANG] So. Hey. Condolences. [CLARA] Condolences? [CHANG] It's a mausoleum.It's our hello.Is there a particular dead personyou want to talk to? [CLARA] Yes. Yes, there is. [CHANG] This way then. [DOCTOR] Are you okay? [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Good. There would be somethingvery wrong if you were. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [SEB] Bit of fresh air. Do you good. [DANNY] Why's it so cold here? [SEB] And the Wi-Fiis better out here. Don't know why. [DANNY] Wi-Fi? [SEB] Yeah, still a bit spotty,but basically [DANNY] You have Wi-Fi here? [DANNY] You. You have iPadsin the afterlife? [SEB] IPads? We have Steve Jobs. Listen, another big questionfor you.Have you ever killed anybody? [DANNY] This is surreal. [SEB] Imagine embryos had telephones. [DANNY] That's really not helping. [SEB] Go with me. Go with me.Imagine babies in wombs could talkto other babies in other wombs.What would they say? What would they think life was likeif they could talk among themselves? [DANNY] I really have no idea. [SEB] They'd think that life wasnine months long.Then, boom, trap door opens,out you fall, gone for ever.Never hear from those guys again. Nothing at the end of the cord. [DANNY] Okay. [SEB] This isn't really an afterlife. It's just more lifethan you were expecting. [DANNY] Why did you ask meif I'd killed anyone? [SEB] Before you were a teacher,you spent some time as a soldier. [DANNY] Yeah, so? [SEB] Any regrets? Bad memories? [DANNY] Is that, is that any of your business? [SEB] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Memories) [SOLDIER] Get to cover, now! --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [SEB] Sorry if I triggered something then. Memoryflashes can be very impactfulin the early stages. [DANNY] Why? [SEB] Why what? [DANNY] Why is it any of your business? [SEB] We've had a request to meet you. Any idea who that would be from? [SEB] It's been given a priority,which usually means [DANNY] Means what? [SEB] Well, anyway, we've arrangeda meet-up. [DANNY] When? [SEB] Come in. [SOLDIER [OC]] Danny, repeat, isthe building secure?' [SEB] So, I guess you remember him, yeah? [SOLDIER [OC]] Danny? Danny! --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CHANG] Come in, come in. Going to need to takea reading off you. [CLARA] A reading? [CHANG] Won't hurt. [CLARA] What won't? [DOCTOR] How does the bodykeep its integrity?Why isn't it just a bunchof bones floating about? [CHANG] Each body is encased ina support exoskeleton. --------------------------------------- (Gallery) [CLARA [OC]] An invisible exoskeleton? [CHANG] It's only invisible in the water.There's a specially engineeredrefraction index in the fluidso we can see the tank residentunimpeded by thesupport mechanisms. [DOCTOR [OC]] So each skeleton isinside something? --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Are you serious? X-ray water? [CHANG] It's so cool.Look at this. We call it dark water. [CHANG] Only organic mattercan be seen through it. [CHANG] I keep saying they should usethis stuff in swimming pools. [DOCTOR] Why? [CHANG] Think about it. [DOCTOR] I am thinking about it. Why? [CLARA] Doesn't matter. 3W, what kind of name is that?What does it mean? [CHANG] Well, you know, don't you? You're here on business orthey wouldn't have let you in.Sorry. Should have checked.Who are you? [DOCTOR] I thought that you would never ask. Sort out your securityprotocols,they're a disgrace. [CHANG] Another government inspection? So soon? Why is there all thisswearing? [DOCTOR] Oh, I've got a lot ofinternalised anger.What does 3W stand for? [CHANG] Well, the three words. [CLARA] What three words? [CHANG] Seriously? You don't know? [DOCTOR] Never mindwhat we know and what we don't know,just answer our question. [CHANG] Because people who don't know,when they hear about this,they can freak out. [DOCTOR] We're not going to freak out. [CHANG] If you've had a recent loss,this might be, this will be disturbing. [DOCTOR] She'll be fine. [CLARA] Speak for me again,I'll detach something from you.I'll be fine. [CHANG] You know how people are scaredof dying? Like, everybody. [DOCTOR] Of course. It's the most fundamentalfear in the universe. [CHANG] They'd be a lot more scared if theyknew what it was really like. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] So. You okay? I'm sorry. I just [DANNY] Hey, hey. Hey, listen. Listen Hey! [SEB] Probably best not, eh? Doesn't speak much. [DANNY] Why would he want to see me? [DANNY] What the hell is that? [SEB] Sounds like somebodyleft their body to science.Okay. Er, It's probably time to explainwhy you're always feeling cold. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CHANG] White noise off the telly.We've all heard it.A few years ago, Doctor Skarosa,our founder,did something unexpected. He played that noise througha translation matrixof his own devising. This is a recording of what he heard. [CLARA] Okay, people, voices. [DOCTOR] So what? [CHANG] Over time, Doctor Skarosabecame convincedthese were the voices ofthe recently departed.He believed it was a telepathiccommunication from the dead. [DOCTOR] Why? Was he an idiot? [CHANG] He was able to isolate some of thevoices, hear what they were saying. [DOCTOR] So, an idiot then. [CLARA] Shut up, Doctor. [CHANG] What I'm about to play youwill change your lifeand not for the better. These are thethree words which caused Doctor Skarosato set up institutes, like this one,all over the world,to protect the dead. If you'd rather not hear thesewords, there's still time [DOCTOR] Can you just hurry up, please, or I'll hit you with my shoe. [VOICE [OC]] Don't cremate me.Don't cremate me! [CHANG] There is one simple, horriblepossibility that has never occurredto anyone throughout human history. [VOICE [OC]] Don't cremate me.Don't cremate me! [CLARA] Don't say it. [CHANG] The dead remain conscious. The dead are fully aware ofeverything that is happening to them. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [SEB] So your mind is here. Your soul,whatever you want to call it. And you're in your new bodyin your new world, but you're still connected toyour old body in the old world.You're still goingto feel what it feels. [DANNY] That's why I'm cold. [SEB] They're keeping youin a cold place, yeah.You did say you were being cremated? [SEB] Sorry, I'll get this. [DANNY] Sorry. Sorry, are you telling me [SEB] Wow! Oh, that's rare.This never happens. [DANNY] Wow, what now? What never happens? [SEB] You've got a call. [DANNY] A call. [SEB] From the other side. [DANNY] Meaning? [SEB] Do you know somebody calledClara Oswald? --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [DOCTOR] Fakery. All of it. It's a con, it's aracket! [CHANG] I promise you this is not a con. [CLARA] What's that beeping? --------------------------------------- (Gallery) [DOCTOR [OC]] Never mind about beeping. Whocares about beeping? The dead are dead. 'They're not talkingto youout of your television sets. They're just gone [DOCTOR [OC]] And all thesepoor souls down there in these tanks, I'm sorry, but they'rejust deadand they're not coming back. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [DANNY [OC]] Clara? Clara? Clara,are you there? [CLARA] Danny! I can hear you. Is that you? --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [CLARA [OC]] Oh, please, say it's you. [DANNY] That's her, that's Clara! [SEB] Yeah, you're really lucky. It hardly ever happens. [DANNY] Where did she go? --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CHANG] Just lost the signal. But I cantrack it back, I'm pretty sure. [CLARA] I don't, I don't understand.What is happening? [CHANG] We've been scanning youtelepathically since you came in.You said you wanted to speakto someone who'd passed, and we've found you a matchin the Nethersphere. [DOCTOR] This isn't possible.The dead don't come back. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] Come on, get her back. [SEB] Da-da-da. I'm trying. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] It was him. It was his voice. [DOCTOR] If they scanned you telepathically,they could've lifted a voice print. It could still be a fake. [CHANG] Getting him back, very nearly! --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] Clara, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Yes, Danny, I can hear you.Can you hear me? [DANNY [OC]] Yeah, yeah, I can hear you. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] Clara! Oh, God.Clara [CLARA [OC]] What do I do? [DANNY] Who are you talking to? --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Hang onjust a moment. [DOCTOR] Question him.Ask him questions only he'd knowthe answer to. Be sure.You, with me. [CLARA] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] I've got to check out those tanks.There's something that I'm missing. [DANNY [OC]] 'Clara? [DOCTOR] Sceptical and critical, remember? Be strong, even if itbreaks your heart. [CHANG] Connection's stabilised. It should be okay. [DOCTOR] Who would harvest dead bodies? I feel like I'm missingsomething obvious. [CLARA] Danny? --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] Yeah, I'm here. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Danny, I'm so sorry but I'm goingto have to ask you some questions. [DANNY] Questions? I swear onanything it's me! --------------------------------------- (Gallery) [MISSY] Humankind, bring out your dead. [CHANG] Oh, my God. The tanks The tanks are activating!They're not supposed to do that. [DOCTOR] Andall your dead people are standing.Don't you think you skippedthe headline? [MISSY] Now, now, children.Naughty, naughty. [DOCTOR] Doctor Chang, your welcome droidhas developed a fault. [CHANG] That's not a droid. That's my boss. [MISSY] You know, I might have been guiltyof a just teensy little fibette.Doctorr Chang, I really liked working with you. I've enjoyed every dayof it. [CHANG] I'm sorry? [MISSY] You know, I've even got a littlephotograph of you looking so sweet.I'm always going to keep it. Always! [CHANG] Are you going to kill me? [MISSY] Now, come on.Let's not dwell on horrid things. This is going to beour last conversation,and I'm the one who's goingto have to live with that. [CHANG] Please don't kill me. [MISSY] Say something nice. [CHANG] Please, please. I don't, I don't want to die.You're going to kill me, aren't you? [MISSY] Say something nice. [CHANG] Please! [MISSY] Doctor Chang, I've got all day. And I'm not going to kill youuntil you say something nice. [CHANG] It has been an absolute pleasureworking with you, and I truly believethat you'll never be able tofind it in your heart to murder me. [MISSY] Now, I'll be with you in a moment. Just feeling a bit emotionalat the moment. [DOCTOR] Cybermen! --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] It's me. I, I swear on anythingit's me. [CLARA [OC]] The very first restaurantyou took me to. That first date. What was it called? [DANNY] Clara, it's me. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Then what was the nameof the restaurant?What was it? --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] I can't remember! --------------------------------------- (Gallery) [DOCTOR] They're Cybermen, all of them. We've got tostop them getting out. [MISSY] Now who's missing the headline? The Nethersphere. You know it'sever so funny,the people that live inside thatthink they've gone to heaven. [CLARA [OC]] My birthday. When is it? --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] November twenty third. That's right,isn't it? I got that one right. [CLARA [OC]] It's pretty basic information. 'Anyone could know that.Say something only you could say. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Tell me something onlyDanny would know. --------------------------------------- (Gallery) [DOCTOR] That's a matrix data-slice. A Gallifreyanhard drive. Time Lord technology. [MISSY] Imagine you could uploaddying minds to that.Edit them. Rearrange them. Get rid of all thoseboring emotions.Ready to be re-downloaded. Meanwhile, you upgrade the bodies. [DOCTOR] How did you get hold ofTime Lord technology? Who are you? [MISSY] You know who I am. I told you. You felt it. Surely you did. [DOCTOR] Two hearts. [MISSY] And both of them yours. [DOCTOR] You're a Time Lord. [MISSY] Time Lady, please,I'm old-fashioned. [DOCTOR] Which Time Lady? [MISSY] The one you abandoned, Doctor.The one you left for dead.Didn't you ever thinkI'd find my way back? [DOCTOR] Clara. Clara. Clara.I've got to get Clara! [MISSY] Oh, Clara, Clara, Clara! You know I should shoot youin a jealous rage.Now, wouldn't that be sexy? I've turned the lift off, though. [DOCTOR] I presume you have stairs. [MISSY] Well, I'm not a Dalek. --------------------------------------- (Outside St Paul's Cathedral) [MISSY] Oh, dear, Doctor. Didn't you realise whereyou were? --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [DANNY [OC]] I love you. [CLARA] No.No, no, no. I'm sorry, but no.Anybody could say that.Anybody would know to say that. Saysomething only you could tell me.Prove to me you are really Danny. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] How? [CLARA] I love you means nothingright now. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Not until I know who's talking. Saysomething only Danny could say. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] Clara [CLARA [OC]] Danny, if that is you --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Wherever you are --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [CLARA] Whatever it takes, I will be withyou again, I swear. [DANNY] No, you won't.You are not coming here. [CLARA [OC]] Nothing will stop me, --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Nothing in the world,as soon as I know it's you. [DANNY] There is only one way --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] To come here,and you are not doing that. [CLARA [OC]] I'll do anything, Danny, anything. Just say somethingonly you could say. [DANNY] Clara, you have your life.You have your whole life to live.You have to stay there. [CLARA [OC]] No. I have to be with Danny Pink. [DANNY] I love you. --------------------------------------- (Chang's offfice) [CLARA] Stop saying that! Don't say that. If you saythat again, I swearI will switch this thing off. --------------------------------------- (Balcony) [DANNY] Clara [CLARA [OC]] Yes? [DANNY] I love you. [SEB] These emotions, they're terribly difficult. But, you know, we'vegot a thingfor that.We can help with allthese difficult feelings.Just press this. [SEB] I'll leave you to make a decision. --------------------------------------- (Chang's office) [CLARA] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (St Peter's Hill) [DOCTOR] Get away from here!All of you, run! [DOCTOR] Go! Go! Get away from here!Run away! Run, run! Get away from hereall of you, now! [MISSY] I'm sorry, everyone. Another rantingScotsman in the street.I had no idea there was a match on. [DOCTOR] Get away, go! [MISSY] Stop shouting, love. Stop makinga fuss. It's too late.All the graves of planet Earthare about to give birth.You know the key strategicweakness of the human race?The dead outnumber the living. [DOCTOR] Who are you? [MISSY] Oh, you know who I am. I'm Missy. [DOCTOR] Who's Missy? [MISSY] Please, try to keep up. Short for Mistress. Well, I couldn'tvery well keep calling myself the Master, now could I?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s34", "episode": "e11", "title": "Dark Water"}
Doctor Who (Last Christmas; Twelfth Doctor) - Last Christmas [SANTA [OC]] Argh! (Bells jingle) Moron! Numbskull! Elf! [IAN [OC]] That's racist! [SANTA [OC]] Of course it's not racist, you are an elf. --------------------------------------- (Clara's roof) [SANTA] Chimneys? [IAN] I'm sorry! [SANTA] I'm just checking that you can see these massive chimneys. [IAN] I, er, they, they're hard to miss. [SANTA] Well, as you've clearly demonstrated, Ian. [WOLF] Donner! Donner and Blitzen. Come on down. Down here, boys. [WOLF] Good boys, good boys. Good boy. Rudolph? [SANTA] Just, just clear all the tangerines up. Pick 'em up. All ofthem, Ian. [IAN] You know no one really likes the tangerines, don't you? [SANTA] How dare you! That's my signature gift. That and the walnut. [WOLF] Down here, boys, come on. Come. Rudolph? [IAN] Er, sir? We've been seen. [SANTA] Hello. [CLARA] Hello. [WOLF] Hello, ha ha! [IAN] Hello, human. [WOLF] You can't call her human. [IAN] It's not racist. They don't mind. [SANTA] Hush up, both of you. Oh, sorry about this, girl. We are justthree passing, perfectly ordinary roof people, doing some emergencyroof things. Carry on. Merry Christmas. If, if it is Christmas, I mean.Heh, heh. I don't much care for things like that, myself. Pfft. I mean,Christmas. (laughs) [CLARA] Are you Santa Claus? [SANTA] Me? No. Oh, no. It's ridiculous. Heh, heh. No, no, no. [WOLF] Rudolph! Rudolph!Down here now! [SANTA] All right, fine, yes. Yes, it's me. Ha! Guilty. How did yourecognise me? [WOLF] You know how you grew that beard as a bit of a disguise? Peoplehave picked up on it. [CLARA] Okay. No. Hang on. Stop. Shut up. What? Seriously, you, you'reFather Christmas. You're real. [SANTA] Of course I'm real. [WOLF] How could he not be real? [SANTA] Huh? How do you think those presents got under the tree everyyear? By magic? [CLARA] Well, I thought it was my mum and [IAN + WOLF] Mum and Dad? [SANTA] Ho, ho! [IAN] Well, of course it was. [WOLF] I mean, it makes perfect sense. [IAN] Yeah, your mum and dad, one day a year, for no particular reason,just out of the blue, suddenly decide to give you a great, big pile ofpresents. [WOLF] No, no, no. Because they love you so much. It's a lovely story,dear. [IAN] Yeah, but it's time to start living in the real world, yeah? [SANTA] Okay. Right. Clara Oswald. Mostly favours travel books, sciencekits, strict ban on hair products. Marginal for the naughty list, '93.Tut, tut, tut. Believer until the age of nine. Why did you stop? [CLARA] Because you're a fairy tale. I grew out of fairy tales. [SANTA] (sighs) Did you, Clara? Did you really? [DOCTOR] Clara, I want you to step inside the Tardis. I don't want youto talk, I want you to do as I ask. Please. [IAN] That was good, with the box. [WOLF] Hmph. Not often we get upstaged on a rooftop. Hmm. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm really here. I'm back. Now get inside the Tardis. [DOCTOR] I know what this is. I know what's happening, and I know what'sat stake. [SANTA] I don't think you do, Doctor. But I promise, before thisChristmas Day is done, you will be glad of my help. [DOCTOR] Happy Easter. [WOLF] Ooh, brutal! [IAN] Cool exit line, though. [SANTA] Be sure to save some room for a tangerine, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Nobody likes the tangerines. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] I'm really back here. This is, this is real,yeah? [CLARA] Doctor? Talk to me. I never thought I was going to see youagain. What is going on out there? What's happening? [CLARA] Oh, that noise. Never knew how much I loved it. [DOCTOR] There's something you have to ask yourself, and it's important.Your life may depend on it. Everybody's life. Do you really believe inSanta Claus? [CLARA] Do you know what? Yeah. Right now, here, I think I do. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ASHLEY [OC]] You are now twenty feet from the infirmary. In a moment,assoon as you're ready --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] We'll disable the security protocols. [BELLOWS] Your neural link is good and holding. We stand ready to abortand extract at the first sign of an anomaly. [ALBERT] We're going to be with you --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ALBERT [OC]] Every step of the way, Shona. [ASHLEY [OC]] We're all depending on you --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] And we know you won't let us down. Shona,I'm opening the door. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [SHONA] I need the toilet! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BELLOWS] No, you don't. We're monitoring yourbodily functions. [SHONA [OC]] And how are you monitoring that? Costhat's rude! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [SHONA] That is perverted. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ALBERT] Do you remember my briefing, Shona? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [SHONA] Yeah. Well, no. I remember some of it. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Some of it? [BELLOWS] How much? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [SHONA] Till he put his hand on my knee. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SHONA [OC]] And then I was just grossing. [ALBERT] It was intended as a comfort. [BELLOWS] For whom? [SHONA [OC]] All I could see was his nose, with all the little hairscoming out of it. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [SHONA] Have you seen those? It's like he's gotinsects trapped up there, all trying to escape with their wee, wigglylegs. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Okay. Let's just go through this again. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ASHLEY [OC]] There are four sleepers inside theinfirmary. You're fine, so long as they don't wake up. [BELLOWS [OC]] She's in range. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Shona, I'm unsealing the infirmary. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ASHLEY [OC]] From now on, everything you think andfeel, everything you see, will be available to them. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Most of it's fine, like traffic noise whenyou're sleeping, so long as you don't think about them. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ASHLEY [OC]] So long as you don't look at them. Sodon't think about them --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Don't look at them. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [SHONA] I thought there was going to be music. [BELLOWS [OC]] We've got your playlist --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BELLOWS] Ready to go. [ASHLEY] Focus on the words of the song, try to remember what comesnext. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [ASHLEY [OC]] That will work like interference. [BELLOWS [OC]] Here comes your earworm. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Keep your eyes on the floor. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [ASHLEY [OC]] Shut them, where possible. [SLADE] Are you hanging up your stockings on the wall? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Focus on the music and move forward throughthe infirmary. [SLADE] It's the time that every Santa has a ball. Does he ride ared-nosed reindeer? [SLADE] Does a ton-up on his sleigh? [SLADE + SHONA] Do the fairies keep him sober for the day? [BELLOWS] Oh, dear Lord, she's not actually [ASHLEY] If dancing works, it works. [ALBERT] This is insane. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [SLADE + SHONA] So here it is, Merry Christmas,everybody's having fun. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] This is working. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [SLADE + SHONA] Look to the future now, It's onlyjust begun. Are you waiting for the family to arrive? Are you sureyou've got the room to spare inside? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] Shona? Shona, what's wrong? --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [SHONA] We've, we've got ghosts! [ASHLEY [OC]] Ghosts? [SHONA] Yeah, yeah. It's a skeleton man and a girl in a nightie. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CLARA [on monitor]] Doctor? [SHONA [on monitor]] No, no, no, you're making me think about them. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [SHONA] Don't make me think about them! [CLARA] What are they? [SHONA] Look. Just don't ask, yeah? And don't look. Don't make me thinkabout them. [DOCTOR] Deaf. Blind. How can they see us? How do they even know thatwe're here? [SHONA] They can only see you, yeah, if you see them. So just, so justdon't look, don't even think about them. [DOCTOR] Oh, telepathic. They can home in on their own image in someoneelse's brain. Third-party perception. Mind piracy. We're being hacked. [CLARA] What does that even mean? [DOCTOR] The visual input from your optic nerve is being streamed totheir brains. Stop broadcasting. Close your eyes. [CLARA] They're still coming, aren't they? [DOCTOR] It's because you're still thinking about them. So long as youretain them as an active memory, they can still home in. Think aboutsomething else. [CLARA] How? [SHONA] (sings) So here it is, Merry Christmas [CLARA] Why is she singing? [SHONA] Everybody's having fun [DOCTOR] (sotto) She's running interference. She's trying to distractherself. Three hundred and four minus seventeen. [CLARA] Sorry, what? [DOCTOR] Plus twenty. Just do it! [CLARA] Five hundred and seven. [DOCTOR] Minus fourteen, times four. [CLARA] One thousand nine hundred and seventy two. [DOCTOR] Stop being so good at arithmetic. [CLARA] I can't help it! [DOCTOR] Danny Pink! What is Danny Pink up to right now? He's probablyflirting with your neighbour or texting women of low moral character. [CLARA] (sotto) Don't you dare. Don't you dare say that. [DOCTOR] I was only [CLARA] Danny Pink is dead. [DOCTOR] No, he's not. [CLARA] He's dead. [ASHLEY] Go, run, now, now, now! [DOCTOR] Come on, quick, quick, quick, come on! [ALBERT] Here they come! [DOCTOR] No! [SANTA] Whoa, whoa! Ah! Good boy. [SANTA] Well, now. What seems to be the problem? This is the North Pole.We don't want any trouble here. [SANTA] Hey, Rudolph. [SANTA] Easy, son. Oi! Sleepy heads! It's Christmas Eve, early to bed. [ASHLEY] Who the hell are you? [DOCTOR] Oh, take a guess. Go on, push the boat out. Tooth Fairy, maybe?Easter Bunny? [IAN] Shut your mouth, wise guy, or you get yours. [WOLF] It's a balloon animal. [IAN] That's a toy gun. [WOLF] Yeah, well, at least it's unsuitable for children under four.Parts small enough to swallow, so watch out. [SHONA] Now, this is ridiculous. Am I, am I dreaming? [DOCTOR] Oh, very good. [ASHLEY] I need to know exactly who you are, and what's happening here. [SANTA] Hello, Ashley. Lead scientist on a polar expedition. Oh, thatmicroscope really paid off, didn't it? Now, your mum and dadwanted me to get you a toy one, but sometimes, I take a chance. [ASHLEY] Who are you? Why are you dressed like that? [SANTA] Why do you think? [SHONA] Come on, this is mental. This is totally not happening. [SANTA] I got three words, Shona. Don't make me use 'em. [SHONA] What three words? [SANTA] My. Little. Pony. [SHONA] Shut up, you. [SANTA] Yeah? I've got lots more, babe. [SHONA] I will mark you, Santa. [CLARA] Okay, Doctor, are you going to explain? What is going on? [SANTA] It's an invasion, Miss Oswald. [CLARA] An invasion of, of what, elves? [WOLF] Whoa! That is racist. [IAN] Elfist! [WOLF] Yeah. Which is a bit hypocritical, from someone of your height. [SANTA] Huh? You seen them before, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I've heard of them. [SANTA] The Kantrofarri. [DOCTOR] Colloquially known as the Dream Crabs. [SANTA] Yeah. Depending on how many of those are already on Earth, thehuman race may well have seen its last day. So, are we going to standabout arguing about whether I'm real or not, or are we going to getbusy saving Christmas? [IAN] Oh, ho, ho! Santa goes badass! [WOLF] He's giving me the feels. [SANTA] Shut up. That's a, that's a verbal warning. Please, stop it. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [CLARA] Is it dead? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Possibly. [ASHLEY] I'm assuming extra-terrestrial. [DOCTOR] Oh, definitely. [ASHLEY] Then how can you have heard of these things? [DOCTOR] Guess. [ASHLEY] Because you're extra-terrestrial, too. [DOCTOR] Do you believe that? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SHONA] If you are Santa [SANTA] Mmm hmm. [SHONA] What are you doing here? [SANTA] It's the North Pole. And I own it. [IAN] He means the actual pole. [WOLF] It goes right through the middle of the workshop. [IAN] I've got a selfie with it. [WOLF] Show her. Look at Ian. [SHONA] The North Pole isn't an actual pole. [IAN] Course it is. Look. [SHONA] If it was an actual pole, it would not be stripy. [WOLF] It's got to be stripy. [IAN] Otherwise, you couldn't see it moving round. [WOLF] Mmm. It's actually basic physics. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [ASHLEY] Why's it called a Dream Crab, for a start? [DOCTOR] Theorise. [ASHLEY] Because it generates a telepathic field. [DOCTOR] And? [ASHLEY] Alters perception. [DOCTOR] Meaning? [ASHLEY] I seem to be doing all the work here. [CLARA] Meaning we can't trust anything that we see or hear. [DOCTOR] Go to the window. [ASHLEY] Why? [DOCTOR] Because it gets worse. [ASHLEY] What is that? [DOCTOR] That's how Clara and I got here. [ASHLEY] In a box? [DOCTOR] Technically, in a telephone kiosk. [ASHLEY] (laughs) How? [DOCTOR] Because it's a spaceship in disguise. You know what the bigproblem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? [ASHLEY] What? [DOCTOR] They're both ridiculous. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SHONA] It's Christmas Eve! [SANTA] Yeah. You don't have to tell me that. [SHONA] Yeah, well, then why aren't you out delivering presents? [SANTA] Technically, I am. [SHONA] Well, you're not. You're stood right there. [SANTA] Oh, Shona, grow up, love. [IAN] Yeah, do the math, baby. [SANTA] There's not just one Santa delivery team. How could there be?There are five hundred and twenty six million four hundred and threethousand and twelve children all expecting presents before tomorrowmorning. So, hmm, that's twenty two million children per hour. It'simpossible!Obviously, I've got a second sledge. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [CLARA] So we don't know what is real and what isn't? [DOCTOR] Exactly. [CLARA] Are we in danger? [DOCTOR] Oh, we are well way past danger, Clara. If I'm right, and Iusually am, we're dying. [ASHLEY] Then how do we stay alive? [DOCTOR] I like you. Straight to the point. I want you to show me howyou first encountered those creatures, and what happened to thosepeople in the infirmary. I notice you all wear mini-cams, so I assumethat there is footage. [ASHLEY] Is it possible I'm about to work with someone who might be adream? [DOCTOR] If it helps, so am I. [ASHLEY] We have footage on the drives. I'll see what I can pull up. [DOCTOR] Ashley, what's this polar base for? Why are you all here? [ASHLEY] It's a long story. [CLARA] What you said about Danny. Unacceptable. [DOCTOR] I know. I had to flood your mind with random emotion. [CLARA] Random? [DOCTOR] You never told me he was dead. You said he made it back. [CLARA] Well, I lied. I lied, so you'd go home to Gallifrey instead offussing about me. [DOCTOR] I never found Gallifrey. I lied, so you'd stay with Danny. [CLARA] So we're dying, then? [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Oh, complicated. [CLARA] How long do we have? [DOCTOR] No idea. [CLARA] Just. Doctor, give me something to do. [DOCTOR] Trust nothing. Accept nothing you see. Whatever happens,interrogate everything. [CLARA] In case it's a lie. [DOCTOR] In case it's a lie. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SHONA] Reindeer can't fly. They just can't. [SANTA] No. No, they can't. It's a scientific impossibility. That is whyI feed mine magic carrots. [DOCTOR] You all right? [SHONA] Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to talk sense into er,Beardy-Weirdy. [DOCTOR] You don't seem much like a scientist. [SHONA] That's a bit rude, coming from a magician. [DOCTOR] Why are you out here? What brought you to the North Pole? [SHONA] Long story, isn't it? [DOCTOR] You missed the killer question. [SHONA] Sorry, what? [DOCTOR] Beardy-Weirdy. [SANTA] Yeah? [DOCTOR] How do you get all the presents in the sleigh? [SANTA] It's bigger on the inside. [WOLF] Ooh! [ASHLEY] Doctor? [ALBERT] Sorry. Starving. [DOCTOR] What am I looking at? [BELLOWS] Footage from a week ago. A side expedition from our mainmission. [DOCTOR] What is your main mission? [BELLOWS] Long story. Ice cave directly beneath this base. Now, look atwhat we found. [BELLOWS] Dormant at first. [DOCTOR] Until you looked at them too long. Till you thought about them. [BELLOWS] Exactly. [DOCTOR] Sleeping. Probably been down there for centuries. [CLARA] And it wakes up when you think about it? [DOCTOR] They can detect their own mental picture in any nearby mind. [ASHLEY] That's Bellows' theory. [BELLOWS] It's like it responds to the presence of any data concerningitself. [DOCTOR] Oh. That was always the legend. You think about a Dream Crab, aDream Crab is coming for you. [ALBERT] This is where it gets really nasty. [CLARA] Only now? [DOCTOR] Okay, then what? [ALBERT] They're a bit like Facehuggers, aren't they? [DOCTOR] Face huggers? [ALBERT] You know, Alien. The horror movie, Alien. [DOCTOR] There's a horror movie called Alien? That's really offensive.No wonder everyone keeps invading you. [BELLOWS] First, they just slept. Couple of days, just lying there. [DOCTOR] And then they became aggressive. [ASHLEY] If we got close enough, yeah. [DOCTOR] It would take the Dream Crab a little while to take control.Depends how much of the host brain was [ASHLEY] Was what? [DOCTOR] Digested. [ASHLEY] Are they still alive under those things? [DOCTOR] Depends what you call alive. [ASHLEY] Are they suffering? [DOCTOR] No. No, no. no, no, no. The Dream Crab induces a dream state.Keeps you happy and relaxed, in a perfectly realised dream world, asyou dissolve. Merciful, I suppose. [ALBERT] Compared to what? [DOCTOR] Compared to that turkey leg you keep eating. Could you rewindfor me? I'd like to see them dormant again. Clara, could you fetch methe dead one? [CLARA] Maybe I could fetch you a cup of tea while I'm at it. [DOCTOR] Ooh. Yes, and a punch in the face, too. [CLARA] My very next suggestion. [DOCTOR] Fair enough. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [CLARA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [ASHLEY] What's wrong? [DOCTOR] We're thinking about it. Clara! --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [CLARA] One hundred minus forty two is threehundred and fifty eight times three is one thousand seven hundred andseventy four minus thirty twois one hundred and forty two divided by seven is twenty and, and, anda bit. Think about somethingelse. Think about something else. Danny Pink, Danny, Danny. Danny Pink,I love you. [CLARA] And I'll never see you again, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied. Iam sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry --------------------------------------- (Clara's bedroom) [DANNY] Ho, ho, ho. [CLARA] Who are you? [DANNY] What do you mean, who am I? Who do you think I am? [CLARA] Danny? [DANNY] Merry Christmas. Come on! [CLARA] Come on where? [DANNY] Downstairs. [CLARA] Why? [DANNY] Well, you know what day it is. [CLARA] What day is it? [DANNY] Easter. It's Easter Day. That's why I'm dressed like this, I'mFather Easter. [CLARA] Is that a thing? [DANNY] No. Because it's Christmas! [CLARA] Oh. Well, you've made me want chocolate now. [DANNY] Good. Come on. You, out of bed. Downstairs. I have surprises. [CLARA] Tickets for the Indian Orient Express. That painting we saw inParis, and permission to own a cat. [DANNY] How did you know? [CLARA] Because those are exactly the things I want, and you are tooclever ever to be wrong. [DANNY] How do you make you clever into me being clever? [CLARA] I always protect your ego from the truth. [DANNY] Oh, er, thank you for that. [CLARA] It's Christmas. [DANNY] Hurry up, then! --------------------------------------- (Top landing) [CLARA] Danny? Whose blackboard is that? [DANNY] What blackboard? Are you coming? [CLARA] Yeah, just a moment! [DANNY] Clara. [CLARA] Coming! [DANNY] Clara! [CLARA] Yeah. Just a minute. [DOCTOR [OC]] You are dying. [DOCTOR [OC]] Dying! Dying! Clara! Clara! Clara! [DANNY] Well, come on then. You don't know what I'm wearing underneaththis Santa outfit. [CLARA] Your pyjamas. You're too shy to wear less than two layers. [DANNY] You could have used your imagination. [CLARA] Yeah, I don't really have to. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara! --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Clara, you're dreaming. You're dying. Can you hear me? Clara? [ASHLEY] We did try to waken the others. No stimulus worked. [DOCTOR] Okay, we kill it. We find a way to kill it and we get it off ofher. How do we kill it? [ASHLEY] There's no way to kill it without killing your friend, too. Andas a scientist, may I just say, I don't like the way you're talking. [DOCTOR] Santa. In the infirmary, you told the Sleepers to go to bed,and they obeyed you. [SANTA] Sorry, doesn't mean I can get that creature off her. [DOCTOR] No, but you can get back in there unharmed. [SHONA] What? You're asking Santa for help? He doesn't exist. [DOCTOR] And how would you know that? How did you become an expert onwhat does and doesn't exist? [SANTA] I can commit several million housebreaks in one night dressed ina red suit with jingle bells, so of course I can get back into theinfirmary. [DOCTOR] Good. Because there is only one way that I can communicate withClara. --------------------------------------- (Clara's living room) [DANNY] Your dad? [CLARA] Going by the timing, I'd say so. [DANNY] Mmm. [CLARA] If you let him anywhere near the subject of golf, I will do athing, and it will not be a good thing. [DANNY] Um, aren't we giving him golf clubs? [CLARA] And I'm prepared to use them. [DOCTOR] Hi. [CLARA] Hi. Doctor? [DOCTOR] It's not real, Clara. You know it's not real. It's a dream, andit's killing you. [CLARA] Merry Christmas. [CLARA] You remember Danny, of course. [DOCTOR] Not as well as you, clearly. You've made him a fraction taller.Merry Christmas, PE. [DANNY] Compliments of the season, sir. [DOCTOR] Dialogue's pretty good, too. Nice work. It's all in the detail. [CLARA] Just stop it. [DOCTOR] He's not real, Clara. None of this is real. What's real isthere is an alien organism wrapped around your face, keeping you warmand happy while it eats you. [DANNY] Mince pie, anyone? [DOCTOR] You're dying. [CLARA] If this is a dream, how can you be here? How can we both behaving the same dream? [DOCTOR] There was only one way to get to you. [CLARA] And what was that? [DOCTOR] I'm dying, too. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [ASHLEY] Have we just killed him? Have we just made it worse? [SANTA] He thinks he can join the dream, and get her out. Have a littlefaith. --------------------------------------- (Clara's living room) [CLARA] You just wake up. Just leave me here,please. [DOCTOR] You have a pain right here. It's like an ice cream pain, butgentle. Do you know what that is? The skin and bone have been parted,probably half an inch, and something has pushed right into the softtissue of your brain and is very slowly dissolving it. I want you topicture it this way. Somebody has put a straw right through your skulland is drinking you. You should be screaming with agony, but there'sanaesthetic. Everything around you right now, even Danny, especiallyDanny, that's the anaesthetic. [DANNY] Why are you doing this? Why are you saying all of that? [DOCTOR] Because it's true. How long do you think you've been here? [CLARA] All day. [DOCTOR] No. No, no, no. Barely five minutes. Because dream time goesfaster. Because this isn't real. Danny isn't real. Danny Pink diedsaving the world. [DANNY] I really didn't. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. I thought there was a way back for him, but I waswrong. I can't change that. He's dead. [DANNY] I didn't die saving the world, Doctor, I died saving Clara. Therest of you just got lucky. How long has she got? [DOCTOR] Minutes, till it's irreversible. [DANNY] Well then, get out the way. [DANNY] I'm a dream and you know I am, right? (Clara nods.) Right, onething. But it's important. It's a very important thing. That is totallyhow you guessed all of my presents. [CLARA] I miss you. [DANNY] Five minutes. [CLARA] What? [DANNY] You can miss me for five minutes a day. And you'd better do itproperly. You'd better be sad. I expect my five. But all the rest ofthe time, Clara, all the rest of the time, every single second, youjust get the hell on with it. Clear? [CLARA] Don't you soldier me. [DANNY] Do as you're told. [DOCTOR] Brave. [DANNY] Dead already. How does she wake up? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Just try. Accept this isn't real, and try. [DANNY] Do it. For me. [CLARA] (crying) When I wake up, you won't be there. [DANNY] Do you know why people get together at Christmas? Because everytime they do, it might be the last time. Every Christmas is lastChristmas, and this is ours. This was a bonus. This is extra. But nowit's time to wake up. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara, look at me, Clara! Clara! Breathe, breathe.Breathe. Breathe. [BELLOWS] So these creatures, when their feeding goes wrong, they die? [DOCTOR] The carnivore's hazard. Food has teeth too. You okay? [CLARA] No. [DOCTOR] Good. There are some things we should never be okay about. [CLARA] There doesn't seem to be a wound. [DOCTOR] No. And the pain's still there, isn't it? [SHONA] Is it the ice cream pain? Just here? Cos I've got that. [BELLOWS] It's the cold, I think. Some sort of reaction. [DOCTOR] But only on one side, just that spot there. Doesn't that strikeyou as odd? [ALBERT] Well, we've all got it. [CLARA] Okay, so why do we all have that pain? [DOCTOR] Theorise. [CLARA] Don't treat me like a beginner. I was dreaming, then I woke up.I know that. [DOCTOR] Do you? And have you ever woken up from a dream and discoveredthat you're still dreaming? Dreams within dreams. Dream states nested insideeach other. All perfectly possible, especially when we are dealing withcreatures who have weaponised our dreams against us. [BELLOWS] I don't know about anybody else, but I'm pretty certain I'mawake right now. [DOCTOR] Which is odd, when you think about it. [ASHLEY] Odd? [DOCTOR] Impossible, in fact. How can any of us be awake? [SHONA] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Remember how we all first met, in the infirmary? [DOCTOR [memory]] Come on, quick, quick, come on. [ASHLEY [memory]] Go! Run, now! [DOCTOR] All those creatures coming down from the ceiling, attacking us. [ALBERT [memory]] Here they come! [DOCTOR] We never stood a chance. How did we survive that? [SHONA] Well, we, we were rescued. [DOCTOR] Yeah, we were rescued. And who was it that rescued us? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SANTA] No, no, no, no. I need you to do the east coast right now. Well,otherwise you're going to be delivering to the islands in broaddaylight. Yeah, listen. Please try and remember that our mugshots areon every Christmas card. Yeah, just get it done, head towards thenorthern lights. Yes, I remembered to switch them on. [DOCTOR] The Helman-Ziegler test. The only reliable dream test that Iknow. Ah. Your base manual. I take it none of you have memorised this. [SHONA] Oh. I haven't, I haven't read it. [DOCTOR] These books should be identical in the real world. But as theydon't exist in your memory, in a dream, they can't be. Agreed? Clara.Give me any two digit number. [CLARA] Fifty seven. [DOCTOR] All right, all of you, turn to page fifty seven and look at theveryfirst word. Right, when I point at you. [ASHLEY] Isotope. [DOCTOR] Well? [BELLOWS] Extremely. [ALBERT] Inside. [SHONA] Chocolate. Why did I get chocolate? What's that about? [ALBERT] This can't be right. We must have got it wrong, that's all. [DOCTOR] Well, we'll do it again. Clara? [CLARA] Twenty four. [DOCTOR] Twenty four. [ASHLEY] We. [BELLOWS] Are. [ALBERT] All. [DOCTOR] Shona? [SHONA] Dead. [ASHLEY] Since the attack in the infirmary, nothing has been real? [DOCTOR] The attack is still going on. This is it! [ALBERT] We've been dreaming since then? [SANTA] Oh, for Easter's sake! Of course you've been dreaming. Haven'tyou been paying attention? [IAN] Rudolph. Did you see the nose? [WOLF] The North Pole? Come on, with stripes? [IAN] This [WOLF] Is [IAN + WOLF + SANTA] A dream! [SANTA] How much more obvious do you want me to make it? Because I cantext the Easter Bunny, you know. [DOCTOR] Seriously? You're trying to help? [SANTA] As you stand here, chatting, chatting, your lives are ending.Unless you wake up, unless you free yourselves from these dreadfulcreatures, they're, they're going to destroy you. [SHONA] You're a dream who's trying to save us? [SANTA] Shona, sweetheart, I'm Santa Claus. I think you just defined me. [DOCTOR] This makes perfect sense. The Dream Crab tries to make thedream as real as possible to trap you inside it. It creates dreamswithin dreams so you can never be sure if you are really awake. Butyour brain knows something is wrong. Your subconscious fights back.This is your mind trying to tell you thisisn't real. [SANTA] So it gives you me. Sweet Papa Chrimbo. [IAN] It gives you comedy elves, flying reindeer. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [SANTA] A time-travelling scientist dressed as a magician. [IAN] Classic! [DOCTOR] No. No, no. Hang on. No, no, no, no. [WOLF] Living in a phone box. [DOCTOR] It's a spaceship in disguise. [SANTA] You see how none of this makes any sense? [DOCTOR] Shut up, Santa. [SANTA] I have watched over you all your lives. I've taken care of youfrom Christmas to Christmas. [BELLOWS] But you're not real. [SANTA] And yet that never stopped me. All of you, come near. Comehere, come on. Join hands. [DOCTOR] Look. No. Look, we don't need all this touchy-feely stuff. [SANTA] Shut up, Doctor. Join hands. Come on, concentrate. [BELLOWS] Why? [SANTA] You are deep inside this dream, all right, and it is a sharedmental state, so it is drawing power from the multi-consciousnessgestalt which has now formed telepathically and [DOCTOR] No. No, No, no, no. Line in the sand. Santa Claus does not do thescientific explanation. [SANTA] All right. As the Doctor might say, (Scottish accent) Oh, it'sall a bit dreamy-weamy. [DOCTOR] Why don't you just go and, and make a naughty list? [SANTA] I have, mate, and you're on it. [DOCTOR] Don't give me that. Look, you're supposed to be warm and friendly andcheerful. [SANTA] (Scots) Oh, yeah. Well, look at your great bedsidemanner. [DOCTOR] Don't be so hostile, [CLARA] Doctor, behave. [ASHLEY] This is very sweet. But right now I have an alien life formwrapped around my face, and apparently it's digesting my brain. Whenyou speak, how do I know it's not the Dream Crab? [SANTA] Ooo, good question. Spoken like a scientist. [CLARA] Can I put it another way? Why would the part of our brain thatis trying to keep all of us alive choose you for a face? [SANTA] Is anyone else asking that? [SHONA] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. All of us. All of us. Why you? [SANTA] Why me? It's the North Pole, it's Christmas Day. You're dying.Who you gonna call? Just one last time, huh? One last Christmas, as ifyour lives depended on it. Please! Ho, ho, ho. Believe in Santa. [DOCTOR] I'm not very good with this holdy-hand thing. [CLARA] Tough. [DOCTOR] I will hold Clara's hand, but that's it. [CLARA] Shona, take his hand. [DOCTOR] Oh no, I'm fine, I'm fine. This is very Christmassy, isn't it? [ASHLEY] Okay, so what do we [BELLOWS] Where did he go? [DOCTOR] We're waking up. That part of the dream is over. We're on ourown now. [ALBERT] Well, then. What do we do? [DOCTOR] That pain in your head. Make it worse. Head towards it. [ASHLEY] So when we wake up, what do we expect? [DOCTOR] Only a few moments will have passed at the most. The attack isstill in progress. [SHONA] I'm scared. [DOCTOR] Congratulations. That means you're not an idiot. [CLARA] It's not like the last time. [DOCTOR] Last time wasn't real. [ASHLEY] Good luck. Stay calm. And God bless us, every one. --------------------------------------- (Infirmary) [DOCTOR] Run! [CLARA] Argh. [DOCTOR] Clara! [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Clara? Come on! [ASHLEY] Out, out, now! NOW! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Everyone all right? Good. Bye. [CLARA] Sorry, I'll just go and [DOCTOR] No need for chatting, you'll only get attached. This isn'tFacebook. --------------------------------------- (Outside the base) [CLARA] Er, what about the Dream Crabs? [DOCTOR] Oh, they're fine. [CLARA] And the people that they're eating? [DOCTOR] Beyond help. [CLARA] Doctor, the others are still in danger. [DOCTOR] Only if they're stupid. There are polar bears on this ice cap.Am I supposed to do something about that, too? [CLARA] We know Dream Crabs are still on Earth. [DOCTOR] There are lots of dangerous things on this funny little planetof yours, Clara, most of which you eat. I'm the Doctor, not your mam. [CLARA] Doctor? If Santa was only in the dream, why was he on my roof? [DOCTOR] Four. Four patients. Four manuals. Hurry! Do you know what Ihate about the obvious? [CLARA] What? [DOCTOR] Missing it. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] As you were. No saluting. Are you the same people as before? [CLARA] Of course they are. [DOCTOR] Oh, sorry, I deleted you. [SHONA] Well, that's not a very nice attitude, is it? [DOCTOR] Four manuals, yes? [ASHLEY] Yes, why? [DOCTOR] One each. [ALBERT] One each, yes. What's the problem? [DOCTOR] Well, the problem is, you can't see the problem. For instance,you, gobby one. [SHONA] I have a name, actually. [DOCTOR] Doesn't matter. I don't need it. When we first met you in theinfirmary, what were you doing? [SHONA] Mmm. It's a long story. [DOCTOR] Uptight boss one. (another manual) What is the primary mission of this polarbase? [ASHLEY] It's a long story. [DOCTOR] Sexy one. What brings you to the North Pole at your age? [BELLOWS] It's a long (pause) story. [CLARA] Okay, why are they all giving the same answer, because that is atiny bit freaky. [DOCTOR] If you think that's freaky, try this. We were in the Tardis. Whydid we come here? [CLARA] It's a long story. [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Dreams. They're funny. Ha, ha, ha. They're disjointed. They're,they're silly. They're full of gaps. But you don't notice, because thedream protects itself. Stops you asking the right questions. Forexample, why do you have four manuals, one each, when you have a crewof eight? Or did you forget about your friends in the infirmary here? [ALBERT] But we woke up. [DOCTOR] Dreams within dreams, I warned you. [BELLOWS] This isn't a dream. I know it isn't. [DOCTOR] No one knows they're not dreaming. Not one of us. Not ever. Notfor one single moment of our lives. Clara? Page number. Make it a goodone. [CLARA] Twelve. [ASHLEY] Very. [ALBERT] Very. [BELLOWS] Very. [SHONA] Dead. [DOCTOR] And who's going to be the first to admit it? [ASHLEY] Admit what? [DOCTOR] That the pain is still there. [SHONA] Actually, I think it's getting worse. [DOCTOR] Yes, there is an alien organism in your brain, eating it. Ofcourse it's getting worse. [CLARA] Doctor? What are they doing? [DOCTOR] Factually, getting up. Significantly, sensing the endgame. [CLARA] How? [ASHLEY] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, look at them. Go on. Look at them. Look at them properly.Look who they are. They're you. The Sleepers are you. [SHONA] How can they be us? [DOCTOR] Because we're dreaming, all of us. This base isn't real. Noneof us are actually standing in the room. I'm probably asleep in myTardis. Clara, you must be in bed. God knows where the rest of you are,probably scattered all over the world. But wherever you are, the DreamCrabs have got us, and we're all being networked into the samenightmare. [BELLOWS] What are they doing? [DOCTOR] It's your subconscious again. The Sleepers represent the partof your mind that's already surrendered to the attack. These are dreamimages of what's coming to kill you. [ALBERT] That's me? That's actually me? [DOCTOR] No, it's a metaphorical construct representing a psychic attackwithin a shared dreamscape. Do please keep up. [ALBERT] But it's me. [DOCTOR] Don't get too close. [ALBERT] Why? [DOCTOR] Because this is a nightmare. [DOCTOR] No! Clara! [DOCTOR] Look out, they're coming through. Out! Outside, now! Run, run,run, run! Run! Clara, run. Run, all of you, run. Run! --------------------------------------- (Outside the base) [BELLOWS] We'll freeze to death out here. [SHONA] But it, it's just a dream. [DOCTOR] This dream just killed your friend. Start taking it seriously. [SHONA] Where's Albert? Where's the professor? [DOCTOR] He probably just woke up somewhere in the real world, dead. Ifwe don't wake up now, we'll do the same. [CLARA] But how? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [DOCTOR] The Tardis! Come on! Come on! [CLARA] Doctor, it's not the real Tardis. [DOCTOR] Well, let's hope that I dreamed it really well, then. [CLARA] It's us. [DOCTOR] Of course it's us. We're dreaming too. [SHONA] Oh, my God. [BELLOWS] How is that possible? How can there be so many? [DOCTOR] The logic of a nightmare. [SHONA] So tell us how to wake up. Because you're always talking likeyou're so clever, going on and on. So tell us what to do! [DOCTOR] We have to leave this place. [SHONA] Leave it? [BELLOWS] How? [DOCTOR] Use your imagination. [BELLOWS] Excuse me? [DOCTOR] Dream yourselves home. [BELLOWS] (panicking) But how? [DOCTOR] Come on, it's Christmas, the North Pole. Who you gonna call? [SANTA] Hyah! Whoa! Whoa. Ah. Get in the sleigh. [SANTA] Fortunately, I know all your home addresses. Yah! --------------------------------------- (Sleigh) [CLARA] So what happens now? [SANTA] Hyah! [CLARA] This is us just waking up, right? [DOCTOR] Could be. Well, I hope so. Waking up or [CLARA] Or? [DOCTOR] Just focus on this. Do you believe in Santa Claus? [CLARA] I've always believed in Santa Claus. But he looks a littledifferent to me. [CLARA] Look! [SANTA] Hey. You want to take the reins, Doctor? [DOCTOR] You're a dream construct, currently representing either myrecovering or expiring mind. [SANTA] Yes, but do you want a go? [DOCTOR] Yeah. All right. [DOCTOR] Sorry, sorry, sorry. [SANTA] Easy! This way. [DOCTOR] No, no, no! Oh, ho ho! Ah! [SANTA] Up a bit. Lift up. There we go. [DOCTOR] Look at me. Look. Look at me! [DOCTOR] Look at me! I'm riding a sleigh. I'm riding a sleigh. Yippeeai-yay! [DOCTOR] Oh. Maybe you could [SANTA] Yeah, yeah. [SHONA] I work in a shop. [ASHLEY] I'm sorry? [SHONA] I thought I was a scientist. That's rubbish. [BELLOWS] Finally, something that makes sense. [SHONA] You're horrible, you. [ASHLEY] Perfume. [SHONA] What? [ASHLEY] I'm an account manager for perfume. Does this mean we're wakingup? [DOCTOR] Possibly. With any luck, we'll all wake up in our proper timesand places. [CLARA] Proper times? [DOCTOR] Well, we could all be from different time zones. Time travel isalways possible, in dreams. [SHONA] We might not know each other? Not any of us? [ASHLEY] No, possibly not. [SHONA] Well, you know what we should do? We should swap numbers. Weshould have a reunion. [ASHLEY] Bellows! --------------------------------------- (Bellow's home) [GIRL] Gran! Dinner's ready. [BELLOWS] Yeah, sorry, I must have dozed off. --------------------------------------- (Sleigh) [SHONA] Er, now I'm pretty sure I can remember mynumber so, if you memorise it, then you text me, we can go for a curryand [DOCTOR] The chances of you remembering any of this are very slim. [SHONA] Well, don't say that. We'll remember, won't we, Ashley? Ashley? [SHONA] Am I next? Is it me now? [CLARA] Shona, you're going home. You're surviving. [SHONA] Do you want to hang out sometime? We can just hang out. [CLARA] Sure. [SHONA] Santa, can I stay a bit longer? --------------------------------------- (Shona's flat) [SHONA] Gross! --------------------------------------- (Sleigh) [CLARA] It's a pity we have to wake up, really. It'snot really something we do every day, is it? [SANTA] No, no. Strictly once a year. [DOCTOR] We stay, we die, Clara. [CLARA] You're always such a downer, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Volcanic ledge) [DOCTOR] Clara! --------------------------------------- (Sleigh) [SANTA] You really should be waking up too, Clara. [CLARA] Just a little longer. [SANTA] Why? [CLARA] Every Christmas is last Christmas. [SANTA] Hyah! --------------------------------------- (Clara's bedroom) [DOCTOR] Oh, Clara. I might have known that you would be the one tosleep in. Okay, I tracked the psychic signal here. I'm pretty sure thatI know how to do this now. One of the advantages of actually beingawake. So, you just hold still. I've just got to zap the neuralcentres. [DOCTOR] Okay, there you go. [DOCTOR] The Dream Crabs must have got to me first then found you in mymemory. The others were collateral damage. Well, good to see youproperly at last. How long has it been? Clara. [CLARA] Oh, you know. About sixty two years. Doctor, I have missed youvery much, you stupid old man. [DOCTOR] I've missed you, too. --------------------------------------- (Clara's living room) [DOCTOR] These are Christmas hats, I've seen peopleuse them. You put them on and absolutely anything seems funny. [CLARA] Oh, probably won't work on you. [DOCTOR] Probably not. You want to try? [CLARA] Go on, then. [CLARA] Can you really see no difference in me? [DOCTOR] Clara Oswald, you will never look any different to me. So, howwas it then? [CLARA] How was what? [DOCTOR] The sixty two years that I missed. [CLARA] Oh, how was my life, you mean? [DOCTOR] Is there a Mister Clara? [CLARA] No. But there were plenty of proposals. [DOCTOR] They all turned you down though? [CLARA] I turned them down. I travelled. I taught in every country inEurope. I learned to fly a plane. [DOCTOR] Regrets? [CLARA] Oh, hundreds. I just wish there were time for a few more. [DOCTOR] Yeah, they're always the best part. Christmas cracker. Weshould do one. No one ever matched up to Danny, eh? [CLARA] There was one other man, but that would never have worked out. [DOCTOR] Why not? [CLARA] He was impossible. [DOCTOR] We should do this every Christmas. [CLARA] Because every Christmas is last Christmas. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. I was stupid. I should have come back earlier. Iwish that I had. [SANTA] Do you, Doctor? How much do you wish that? [DOCTOR] No. I'm not still [SANTA] Wakey, wakey! --------------------------------------- (Volcanic ledge) [DOCTOR] Clara! --------------------------------------- (Clara's bedroom) [CLARA] Doctor. Am I young? [DOCTOR] No idea. [DOCTOR] Is that any good? [CLARA] Oh, that's good. [DOCTOR] The Tardis is outside. [CLARA] So? [DOCTOR] So, all of time and all of space is sitting out there. A bigblue box. Please, don't even argue. [CLARA] Merry Christmas, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Merry Christmas, Clara Oswald. --------------------------------------- (Outside Clara's home) [CLARA] Well, look at you, all happy. That's rare. [DOCTOR] Do you know what's rarer? Second chances. I never get a secondchance, so what happened this time? Don't even know who to thank.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s34", "episode": "e13", "title": "Last Christmas"}
Doctor Who (Into the Dalek; Twelfth Doctor) - Into the Dalek [DANNY] Atten-shun. Look at you lot. I've never seen such a miserablebunch. What are you, children? [FLEMING] Yes, sir. [DANNY] You think you're funny, Fleming? [FLEMING] Yes, sir. [DANNY] All right, me too. [DANNY] Dismissed. [BOY] What you doing, Fleming? --------------------------------------- (Secretary's office) [SECRETARY] So, Mister Pink, did you have a good weekend? [DANNY] Yeah, I did, thanks. [SECRETARY] Yeah, I'll bet you did. What did you get up to? [DANNY] Er, you know. A bit of reading. [SECRETARY] Oh, I bet you were reading. [DANNY] I was, yeah. [SECRETARY] Yeah, I bet you were. [DANNY] Well, yeah, I was. [SECRETARY] I know your type. [COURTNEY] She wishes. [SECRETARY] Be quiet, you. --------------------------------------- (Maths classroom) [DANNY] Sothat's all the questions on page 32, except the last one, and theneverything on page 33. All that in for Thursday. Any questions? [FLEMING] Sir?Have you ever killed a man? [DANNY] I was a soldier.There were other soldiers and some of them weren't on our side. I shallleave the rest to your imagination.And, please, think of another question? [FLEMING] Okay. Have you ever killed anyone who wasn't a soldier? [DANNY] Just to repeat, that's all the questions on page 32, exceptthe last one, and then everything on page 33. All that in for Thursday.Is everyone clear? [CLASS] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Staff room) [CLARA] Fine, I'll take that class and then, they can do some of thetest. [ARMITAGE] I know.Oh, Clara, you've not met Danny Pink yet? New fella, maths.Danny?Clara Oswald. [CLARA] Hey. [ARMITAGE] English. [DANNY] Hey, nice to meet you. [CLARA] You too. [ARMITAGE] Want to watch yourself around him.Bit of a lady-killer, but always denies it. [DANNY] I am not a lady-killer. [ARMITAGE] See what I mean?Oh, Beth, can I have a word? [BETH [OC]] Yeah, yeah, sure. [CLARA] Er, was it you that I saw outside doing the soldiery thing? [DANNY] Ah yeah, probably. The Coal Hill Cadets. Just a bit of fun. [CLARA] What, teaching them how to shoot people? [DANNY] There's a bit more to modern soldiering than just shootingpeople. I like to think there's a moral dimension. [CLARA] Ah, you shoot people then cry about it afterwards? [DANNY] Ah. [CLARA] Something wrong? [DANNY] Nothing, no.Sorry, no, nothing. I just.I didn't think they'd say anything, that's all. [CLARA] Sorry? [DANNY] Have they told everyone? [CLARA] No, no, no. As far as I know, nobody has told anybody anything.What are you talking about? [DANNY] Why did you just say the crying thing? [CLARA] I was being funny. [DANNY] Why? [CLARA] I just do that. [DANNY] Why? [CLARA] I don't know. [DANNY] Anyway I, er, I've left some stuff in my class. [CLARA] Okay, see you. [DANNY] See you. [CLARA] Er, are you going to the, er, leaving thing tonight for Cathy? [DANNY] Um. --------------------------------------- (Maths classroom) [DANNY] Yeah. I wasn't going, but I am now, becauseyou're going to be there, and suddenly it seems like the best ideaever. --------------------------------------- (Staff room) [DANNY] No, I'm not. [CLARA] Oh, okay, never mind. [DANNY] Good night. [CLARA] Change your mind. [DANNY] Excuse me? [CLARA] I'm going. Er, I'll give you a lift. Why not? --------------------------------------- (Maths classroom) [DANNY] Actually, now that you mention it, seems like the best planever. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Staff room) [DANNY] No, I've got some reading. [CLARA] Ah, okay. Maybe some other time, then? --------------------------------------- (Maths classroom) [DANNY] Thank you! [CLARA] Ahem.Is the wooden sound you or or the desk? [DANNY] How long have you been there? [CLARA] Longer than you would like. [DANNY] Okay. [CLARA] Are you going to look that terrified when you take me out for adrink? [DANNY] I, I absolutely promise I won't. [CLARA] Play your cards right and you might. --------------------------------------- (Supply cupboard) [CLARA] Where the hell have you been? [DOCTOR] You sent me for coffee. [CLARA] Three weeks ago. In Glasgow. [DOCTOR] Three weeks, that's a long time. [CLARA] In Glasgow. That's dead in a ditch. [DOCTOR] It's not my fault, I got distracted. [CLARA] By what? [DOCTOR] You can always find something. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Why were you smiling? [CLARA] Was I?No, I wasn't. [DOCTOR] You were smiling at nothing. I'd almost say you were in love,but to be honest [CLARA] Honest? [DOCTOR] You're not a young woman any more. [CLARA] Yes, I am. [DOCTOR] Well, you don't look it. [CLARA] I do look it. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's right, keep your spirits up,Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara. Clara, Clara. Clara, Clara. I needsomething from you. I need the truth. [CLARA] Okay. Right, what is it?What's [CLARA] You're scared. [DOCTOR] I'm terrified. [CLARA] Of what? [DOCTOR] The answer to my next question, which must be honest and coldand considered, without kindness or restraint.Clara, be my pal and tell me, am I a good man? [CLARA] I don't know. [DOCTOR] Neither do I. [CLARA] Er, hey, no offence, but I've got plans. [DOCTOR] I need you. [CLARA] Right. Where are we going? [DOCTOR] Into darkness. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's room) [RUSTY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] How do you know who I am? [MORGAN] He doesn't.We promised him medical assistance. [RUSTY] Are you my doctor? [JOURNEY] We found it floating in space. [MORGAN] We thought it was deactivated, so we tried to disassemble it. [DOCTOR] You didn't realise there was a living creature inside. [JOURNEY] Not till it started screaming. [RUSTY] Help me. [DOCTOR] Why would I do that? Why would any living creature help you? [RUSTY] Daleks will die. [DOCTOR] Die all you like. Not my problem. [RUSTY] Daleks must be destroyed. [DOCTOR] Daleks must be de.What did you just say? [RUSTY] All Daleks must die. I will destroy the Daleks. Destroy theDaleks. Destroythe Daleks! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] A good Dalek? [DOCTOR] There's no such thing. [CLARA] That's a bit inflexible. Not like you. I'd almost sayprejudiced. [DOCTOR] (sigh) Do I pay you? I should give you a raise. [CLARA] You're not my boss, you're one of my hobbies. [DOCTOR] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [JOURNEY] That was quick. [DOCTOR] This is gun girl. She's got a gun, and she's a girl.This is a sort of boss one. Are you the same one as before? [MORGAN] Yes. [DOCTOR] I think he's probably her uncle, but I mayhave made that up to pass the time while they were talking. This isClara, not my assistant. She's, er, some other word. [CLARA] I'm his carer. [DOCTOR] Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's room) [RUSTY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hello again. [RUSTY] Will you help me? [CLARA] Will you? [DOCTOR] A Dalek so damaged,it's turned good.Morality as malfunction.How do I resist? [RUSTY] Daleks must die.Daleks must die. [CLARA] So, what do we dowith a moral Dalek, then? [DOCTOR] We get into its head. [CLARA] Mmm.How do you get into a Dalek's head? [DOCTOR] That wasn't a metaphor. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [JOURNEY] These are nanocontrollers.Once we're miniaturised, they takeover the molecular compression.When the mission's over,hit the button. [JOURNEY] Are you sure you understand? [CLARA] Why wouldn't I? [JOURNEY] Because this is a dangerous missionand you look like a school teacher. [CLARA] I am a school teacher.Still didn't catch your name. [JOURNEY] Journey Blue. [CLARA] Blue? [JOURNEY] Blue, yes. Problem? [CLARA] No. Er, I just met a soldier called Pink. [JOURNEY] Lucky fella. [CLARA] Lucky? [JOURNEY] From the way you smile. [CLARA] So, er, who makes you smile or is nobody up to the job? [JOURNEY] My brother. But he burned to death a couple of hours ago, sohe's really letting me down today. Excuse me. [DOCTOR] What are those ones for? I don't need armed baby-sitters. [GRETCHEN] We're not baby-sitters. [ROSS] We're here to shoot you dead if you turn out to be a Dalek spy. [DOCTOR] Well, that's a relief. I hate baby-sitters. [JOURNEY] Okay, listen up. Now, remember, do not hold your breath whenthe nanoscaler engages. You'll feel like you want to,but you must keep breathing normally during the miniaturisationprocess. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Ever microwaved a lasagne without pricking the film on top? [CLARA] It explodes. [DOCTOR] Don't be lasagne. [MORGAN] Nanoscaler engaging in five four three two. Nanoscaler engagingnow. [COMPUTER] Nanoscaling in progress. [COMPUTER] Nanoscaling complete. [MORGAN] Nanoscaling successful.Everyone okay in there? [JOURNEY [OC]] We made it. --------------------------------------- (Nanoscaler) [JOURNEY] Nobody popped. [CLARA] Whoa. Ha.I can't believe this. [DOCTOR] No, neither can I. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [MORGAN] We'll be following you all the way, Rescue One. Good luck allof you. [COMPUTER] Integration complete. Dalek levels steady. --------------------------------------- (Eye stalk) [CLARA] That was weird. [DOCTOR] You've seen nothing yet. [CLARA] What are the lights? [DOCTOR] Visual impulses travelling towards the brain. [CLARA] Beautiful. [DOCTOR] Welcome to the most dangerous place in the universe. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [JOURNEY [OC]] Entering the cranial ledge now. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] Here. [CLARA] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] Behold, the belly of the beast. [CLARA] It's amazing. [ROSS] It's huge. [GRETCHEN] No, Ross. We're tiny. [CLARA] So how big is it, that living part, compared to me and you,right now? [DOCTOR] You see all those cables? [CLARA] Yeah. [DOCTOR] They're not all cables. [ROSS] Does it know we're here? [JOURNEY] It's what invited us in. [DOCTOR] Now, this is the cortex vault, a supplementary electronicbrain.Memory banks, but more than that. This is what keeps the Dalek pure. [GRETCHEN] How are Daleks pure? [DOCTOR] Dalek mutants are born hating. This is what stokes thefire, extinguishes even the tiniest glimmer of kindness or compassion.Imagine the worst possible thing in the universe, then don't bother,because you're looking at it right now.This is evil refined as engineering. [RUSTY [OC]] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, hello, Rusty. You don't mind if I call you Rusty? We'regoing to need to come down there with you.Medical examination, and all that. [GRETCHEN] What, with those tentacles and things? [JOURNEY] How close do we have to get? [DOCTOR] Well, you know, we're never going to insert a thermometer fromup here. [DOCTOR] No. No, no, no, no! Stop, stop, stop, you idiot! [JOURNEY] We need a way down, the only way [DOCTOR] This is a Dalek, not a machine. It's a perfect analogue of aliving being, and you just hurt it.So what's going to happen now? [CLARA] Oh, God. [GRETCHEN] What?What is it? [CLARA] Antibodies? [DOCTOR] Dalek antibodies. [DOCTOR] Nobody moveAny attempt to help him, or attack those things, will identify you as asecondary source of infection. Stay still! [CLARA] But the Dalek wants us in here. Why is it attacking? [DOCTOR] Can you control your antibodies? [JOURNEY] Ross, stay calm. We're going to get you out of this. [CLARA] Can you? [DOCTOR] Ross, swallow that. [ROSS] What is it? [DOCTOR] Trust me. [ROSS] Now what? [JOURNEY] Ross! [CLARA] Oh, my God. What's it doing? [DOCTOR] The hoovering. [DOCTOR] Gotcha. [CLARA] What did you give him? [DOCTOR] Oh, just a spare power cell, butI can track the radiation signature. I need to know where they dump thebodies. [JOURNEY] I thought you were saving him. [DOCTOR] He was dead already. I was saving us. Follow me and run. [CLARA] Run! [DOCTOR] They've dumped him in here. Organic refuse disposal.We need to get in there. [CLARA] Why? [DOCTOR] Those antibodies won't give up until we're inside there. I'drather go in alive than dead. [JOURNEY] You don't know where it goes. [DOCTOR] Yes, I do. Away from here. Now in. In! In! [GRETCHEN] I can hold them off. [DOCTOR] No, you can't. [DOCTOR] Pull back.Down. Jump, everyone, jump. --------------------------------------- (Organic refuse disposal) [CLARA] Urgh. What is this stuff? [DOCTOR] People. The Daleks need protein. Occasionally, they harvestfrom their victims.This is a feeding tube. [JOURNEY] Is Ross here? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Top layer, if you want to say a few words. [JOURNEY] A man has just died. You will not talk like that. [DOCTOR] A lot of people have died. Everything in here is dead, and doyou know why that's good? [JOURNEY] There is nothing good about that. [DOCTOR] Nothing is alive in here, so logically this is the weakest spotin the Dalek's internal security.Nobody guards the dead. Mortuaries and larders, always the easiest tobreak out of. Oh, I've lived a lifeTell Uncle Stupid that we're in.Ah ha! A bolt hole. [CLARA] He'll get us out of here. The difficult part is notkilling him before he can. [DOCTOR] Bolt hole. Actually, a hole for a bolt. Does nobody get that? [CLARA] Also, there's the puns. [DOCTOR] Watch it, decontamination tubes are hot. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [COMPUTER] Anomaly threat displaced. Dalek levels returning to normalparameters. [JOURNEY [OC]] Rescue One to Mission Control. [MORGAN] This is Blue, Rescue One. Report. --------------------------------------- (Decontamination tube) [JOURNEY] The Dalek has an internal defence mechanism. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [JOURNEY [OC]] We've lost Ross. [MORGAN] What kind of defence mechanism? --------------------------------------- (Decontamination tube) [MORGAN [OC]] That thing knows you're inthere to help it. [JOURNEY] Yeah, well, who knows? It's a Dalek. We're going to continuethe mission. [DOCTOR] Are you all right back there?It's a bit narrow, isn't it? [CLARA] Any remarks about my hips will not be appreciated. [DOCTOR] Ach, your hips are fine. You're built like a man. [CLARA] (sotto) Thanks. --------------------------------------- (Power unit) [DOCTOR] What's that noise?Are you wearing a Geiger counter? [GRETCHEN] Standard battle equipment. That's just low level radiation. [DOCTOR] But stronger down here, for some reason.Gimme. [MORGAN [OC]] Was that him? --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [MORGAN] How's he working out? [JOURNEY [OC]] It's hard to say. --------------------------------------- (Power unit) [JOURNEY] He's [DOCTOR] I've got it.I know what's wrong with Rusty. [CLARA] Okay, that's good.Is that good? [DOCTOR] Well, you know how I said this was the most dangerous place inthe universe?I was wrong. It's way more dangerous than that. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [JOURNEY[OC]] Colonel, we have radiation indicators red-lining inhere.Could be that the Dalek is badly damaged than we thought. [MORGAN] Copy that. [DOCTOR [OC]] Old Rusty here is suffering a trionic radiation leak. --------------------------------------- (Power unit) [DOCTOR] It's poisoning the Dalek and us.Just as well we're here. [JOURNEY] Really? Perhaps we should get out while we can.Why should we trust a Dalek?Why would it change? --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR [on screen]] Good question. Rusty? What changed you? [RUSTY] I saw beauty. [DOCTOR [on screen]] You saw what? [RUSTY] In the silence and the cold, I saw worlds burning. [JOURNEY [on screen]] That's not beauty, that's destruction. [RUSTY] I saw --------------------------------------- (Power unit) [RUSTY [OC]] More. [DOCTOR] What? What did you see? [RUSTY [OC]] The birth of a star. [DOCTOR] Stars are born every day. You've seen a million stars born. Sowhat? [RUSTY [OC]] Daleks have destroyed a million stars. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR [on screen]] Oh, millions and millions.Trust me, I keep count. [RUSTY] And yet, new stars are born. [DOCTOR [on screen]] Every time. --------------------------------------- (Power unit) [RUSTY [OC]] Resistance is futile. [DOCTOR] Resistance to what? [RUSTY [OC]] Life returns. Life prevails. Resistance is futile. [DOCTOR ] So you saw a star being born, and you learned something. Oh,Dalek, do not be lying to me.Come on. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [JOURNEY [OC]] Heading for the Trionicpower cells, Colonel. [MORGAN] Radiation approxing two hundred Rads.Danger levels. [COMPUTER] Radiation levels increasing. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [DOCTOR] We're at the heart of the Dalek. [CLARA] It's incredible. [JOURNEY] Geiger counter's off the scale.Looks like it's about to blow. [DOCTOR] Good. [JOURNEY] How is that good? [DOCTOR] Well, I like a bit of pressure. Rusty, can you hear me? [RUSTY [OC]] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Rusty, we've found the damage. I'm sealing up the breach inyour power cell. [DOCTOR] No more radiation poisoning. Good as new.There. Job done. [CLARA] That's it? Just like that? [DOCTOR] An anti-climax once in a while is good for my hearts.Rusty? How do you feel? Rusty? Rusty? Rusty. [RUSTY [OC]] The malfunction is corrected. [JOURNEY] What's happened? [DOCTOR] Not entirely sure. [JOURNEY] It's like it's waking up. [DOCTOR] Rusty, come on, talk to me. What's going on? [RUSTY [OC]] The malfunction is corrected. All systems are functioning. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's room) [RUSTY] Weapons charged. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's room) [RUSTY] Exterminate. Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [DOCTOR] No, no, no, [RUSTY [OC]] Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [RUSTY] Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [RUSTY [OC]] The Daleks will be victorious The rebels will beexterminated. [JOURNEY] Colonel? What's happening out there? --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [RUSTY] Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate.Exterminate. [RUSTY] Exterminate. (and another) Exterminate. [MORGAN] Pull back, pull back. [RUSTY] Dalek fleet. Communications open. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [DALEK] The rebel ship has been identified. [DALEK 2] Prepare fourteen Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [CLARA] Doctor, what happened? [DOCTOR] Do you see? [CLARA] Do I see what? [DOCTOR] Daleks don't turn good. It was just radiation affecting itsbrain chemistry, nothing more than that. No miracle. [JOURNEY] Let me get this straight. We had a good Dalek, and we made itbad again? That's all we've done? [DOCTOR] There was never a good Dalek. There was a broken Dalek and werepaired it. [JOURNEY] You were supposed to be helping us. [DOCTOR] I gave it a shot. It didn't work out. It was a Dalek, what didyou expect? [JOURNEY] No more talking. You are done!Okay, new objective. We are taking this Dalek down. [RUSTY [OC]] Exterminate. Exterminate. [DOCTOR] What's that look for? [CLARA] It's the look you get when I'm about to slap you. [DOCTOR] Ow. Clara. [CLARA] Are we going to die in here? I mean, there's a little bit of youthat's pleased. The Daleks are evil after all.Everything makes sense.The Doctor is right. [DOCTOR] Daleks are evil. Irreversibly so. That's what we just learned. [CLARA] No, Doctor, that is not what we just learned. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [RUSTY [OC]] Exterminate. Exterminate. [MORGAN] Secure the door! Wasp fighters to action stations.Wasp fighters to action stations. [SOLDIER [OC]] The security systems have been hacked.We don't have access to the Wasps. [MORGAN] Then God save us all. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [JOURNEY] We need to place these charges for maximumeffect.I'm going to scan the rest of the architecture for weaknesses. [CLARA] One question. [JOURNEY] No time. [CLARA] Why did wecome here today? What was the point? You. You thought there was a goodDalek. What difference would one good Dalek make? [DOCTOR] All the difference in the universe, but it's impossible. [CLARA] Is that a fact?Is that really what we've learned today?Think about it.Is that what we've learned? --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [MORGAN] Journey, what the hell's happening?That thing's set the Daleks on us. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [MORGAN [OC]] And it's locked usout of our defences. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [MORGAN] Journey,you're the Aristotle's only hope. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [MORGAN [OC]] I need you to destroy thatDalek. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [RUSTY] The rebels will be exterminated. [MORGAN] Whatever it takes. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [JOURNEY] Understood, Uncle. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [MORGAN] I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (Power cell) [JOURNEY] Yeah. Me too. [DOCTOR] Clara Oswald, do I really not pay you? [CLARA] You couldn't afford me. [DOCTOR] Whatever you're going to do, don't do it This Dalek must not bedestroyed. We can do better. [JOURNEY] Are you out of your mind? [DOCTOR] No, I'm inside a Dalek. I'm standing where I've never been. Wecannot waste this chance. It won't come again. [JOURNEY] What chance? I have my orders. [DOCTOR] Soldiers take orders. [JOURNEY] And I'm a soldier. [DOCTOR] A Dalek is a better soldier than you will ever be.You can't win this way. [JOURNEY] Bah!So what do we do? [DOCTOR] Something better. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [DALEK] Prepare to board the rebel ship. We mustfind our comrade Dalek.Spare no humans.Exterminate them all. [DALEKS] Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Inner casing) [DOCTOR] The Dalek isn't just some angry blob in a Dalekanium tank. If it was,the radiation would have turned it into a raging lunatic. [JOURNEY] It is a raging lunatic, it's a Dalek. [DOCTOR] But for a moment, it wasn't. The radiation allowed it to expandits consciousness, to consider things beyondits natural terms of reference. It became good. That means a good Dalekis possible. That's what we learned today.Am I right, teach? [CLARA] Top of the class. [JOURNEY] But now it's back to how it was. [DOCTOR] But what it saw, what it felt, is still there. [JOURNEY] Yeah, I'm not really seeing that. [DOCTOR] Not here. There. [JOURNEY] You mean in the cortex vault? [CLARA] The evil engineering? [DOCTOR] Every memory recorded. Some suppressed, but all still intact.We need to show the Dalek that star being born again.Recreate that moment.You need to get up there, find that moment and reawaken it. [CLARA] Me? [DOCTOR] Yes, you. Good idea. [CLARA] How? [DOCTOR] Haven't the foggiest. Do a clever thing. And then once you'vedone it, the Dalek will be suggestible to new ideas. It will be openagain.And I will show it something that will change its mind forever [JOURNEY] What? Not a clue. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle docking port) [DALEK [OC]] Docking initiated. [DALEK [OC]] Pressures equalised. Boarding corp, begin attack. [DALEK 2] Advance. Exterminatethe humans. [DALEKS] Seek, locate, destroy. Surrender is not accepted. --------------------------------------- (Inner casing) [JOURNEY] This is crazy. There is no way that we canget back up there in time. [GRETCHEN] Yes, there is. [JOURNEY] No, Gretchen.It'll bring the antibodies back down on us. [GRETCHEN] Tell me the truth. Is he mad, or is he right? I've come thisfar. Probably going to die anyway.Wouldn't mind something to do for the rest of my life.Is he mad, or is he right?CLARA [GRETCHEN] One question, then. Is this worth it? [DOCTOR] If I can turn one Dalek, I can turn them all. I can save thefuture. [GRETCHEN] Gretchen Alison Carlisle. Do something good and name it afterme. [DOCTOR] I will do something amazing, I promise. [GRETCHEN] Damn well better. [JOURNEY] No, Gretchen. [GRETCHEN] Go. [CLARA] They're coming. They're coming. [JOURNEY] Grab hold of the rope. Don't look down. [GRETCHEN] Good luck. --------------------------------------- (Tea rooms) [MISSY] Hello. I'm Missy. Welcome to heaven. Would you like some tea?Little splosh? Lovely. [MORGAN] Fire! [DALEK] Exterminate. Advance. Seek, locate, destroy. [DALEK 2] Seek, locate, destroy. [DALEK 3] Exterminate. [DALEK] Advance. Seek, locate. [DALEK 2] Exterminate. Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR] Well, Rusty, here we are. Eye to eye. [RUSTY] You cannot save the humans. They will be exterminated. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [RUSTY] I shall join the Dalek units in the finalattack. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] So what do we do? [CLARA] Er, a clever thing, quickly.Think, think, think, think, think.Some of the lights are out. [JOURNEY] Yeah, we've got a damaged Dalek. You want to complain tosomeone? [CLARA] But it's not damaged, look at them. [JOURNEY] So? [CLARA] So, the Doctor said this was a memory bank and some of thememories were suppressed. What if. What if thedark spots are hidden memories? What if one of those is the Dalekseeing a star? [JOURNEY] Seriously? [CLARA] Yeah.Well, maybe. It's either that or the bulbs need changing. [JOURNEY] It really could be the bulbs. [CLARA] Got a better idea? [JOURNEY] Really wish I had. [CLARA] Yep, me too.Ah-ha. [CLARA] Watch out for antibodies.Let's see if there's an on switch. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR] I saved your life, Rusty. Now I'm going togo one better.I'm going to save your soul. [RUSTY] Daleks do not have souls. [DOCTOR] Oh, no? Imagine if you did. What then, Rusty? What would happenthen? --------------------------------------- (Cortex vault) [CLARA] I'm in the cortex. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] If there's a pack of spare bulbs, break itto me gently. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR] Your memories. I'm about to give some backto you. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] Are you okay? Clara? --------------------------------------- (Cortex vault) [CLARA] Yeah. I think there was some sort of energycharge. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] You got the first lights on. --------------------------------------- (Cortex vault) [CLARA] Of course, it's a brain. Brains work withelectrical pathways linking up memories.It's working. It's working,we're turning the memories back on. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR] See, all those years ago, when I began [DOCTOR] I was just running. I called myself the Doctor, but it was justa name.And then I went to Skaro. And then I met you lot and I understood who Iwas. The Doctor was not the Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [DALEKS] Exterminate. [MORGAN] Fall back.Follow me. Fall back. [DALEKS] Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] You'd better get a move on, There's company coming. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [DALEKS] Exterminate. Exterminate. [MORGAN] Fall back, fall back. [DALEKS] Exterminate. Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] Hurry up! --------------------------------------- (Cortex vault) [CLARA] Show me a star, Rusty. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR] Oh, look. It's your memories again. It's like somebody'smucking about up there.Memories, all those memories. Do you remember the star you saw beingborn? --------------------------------------- (Cortex vault) [CLARA] Almost done. One more to go. --------------------------------------- (Cranial ledge) [JOURNEY] Hurry up, Clara! Hurry up. [JOURNEY] Clara, you did it. It's rebooting. --------------------------------------- (Cortex vault) [JOURNEY [OC]] The antibodies have reset. --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [RUSTY] I, I remember. [DOCTOR] You saw the truth, Rusty. Remember how you felt. You saw a starbeing born.The endless rebirth of the universe. [RUSTY] No. [DOCTOR] And you realised the truth about the Daleks --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [RUSTY] Truth? What is the truth? --------------------------------------- (Organic compartment) [DOCTOR] Let me show you the truth. I've opened yourmind and now I'm coming in. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [MORGAN] That door is never going to hold. But I'm damned if I'm goingto make it easy for them. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's mind) [DOCTOR] I'm part of you. My mind is in your mind. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [RUSTY] I see your mind, Doctor. I see youruniverse. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's mind) [DOCTOR] And isn't the universe beautiful? [RUSTY [OC]] I see beauty. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's good. That is good. Hold on to that. [RUSTY [OC]] I see endless, divine perfection. [DOCTOR] Make it a part of you. Remember how you feel right now. Put itinside you and live by it. [RUSTY [OC]] I see into your soul, Doctor. I see beauty. I see divinity.I see hatred. [DOCTOR] Hatred? --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [RUSTY] I see your hatred of the Daleks and it isgood. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's mind) [DOCTOR] No, no, no.You must see more than that, there must be more than that. --------------------------------------- (Lab 01) [RUSTY] Death to the Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Rusty's mind) [RUSTY [OC]] Death to the Daleks. Death to theDaleks. [DOCTOR] No, there must be more than that. There must be more than that.Please. --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [RUSTY] Daleks are evil. Daleks must beexterminated. Daleks are evil. [MORGAN] God save us all. [RUSTY] Daleks must be exterminated. [RUSTY] Exterminate. [DALEK] Under attack from a Dalek! [RUSTY] The Daleks are exterminated --------------------------------------- (Rusty's mind) [DOCTOR] Of course they are. That's what you do,isn't it? --------------------------------------- (Aristotle) [MORGAN] Journey. [JOURNEY] Uncle Morgan. [RUSTY] I have transmitted a retreat signal.The Daleks will believe the humans have initiated the ship'sself-destruct. [CLARA] What about you, Rusty? [RUSTY] I must go with them. [DOCTOR] Of course you must. You've unfinished work, haven't you? [RUSTY] Victory is yours, but it does not please you. [DOCTOR] You looked inside me and you saw hatred. That's not victory.Victory would have been a good Dalek. [RUSTY] I am not a good Dalek.You are a good Dalek. [DOCTOR] Till the next time. [JOURNEY] Is he leaving? Isn't he going to say goodbye? [CLARA] I think that was it. Yep, that was it. Sorry, got to run. [JOURNEY] I'm sorry. [MORGAN] Sorry? --------------------------------------- (Med Sec 07) [JOURNEY] Doctor. Take me with you. [DOCTOR] I think you're probably nice. Underneath it all, I think you'rekind and you're definitely brave.I just wish you hadn't been a soldier. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] How do I look? [DOCTOR] Sort of short and round-ish, but with a good personality, whichis themain thing. [CLARA] I meant my clothes. I just changed. [DOCTOR] Oh, good for you, still making aneffort. [DOCTOR] Okay, right, you're back in your cupboard, thirty seconds afteryou left. [CLARA] When will I see you again? [DOCTOR] Oh. Soon, I expect. Or later. One of those. [CLARA] I don't know. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry? [CLARA] You asked me if you're a good man and the answer is, I don'tknow. But Ithink you try to be and I think that's probably the point. [DOCTOR] I think you're probably an amazing teacher. [CLARA] I think I'd better be. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DANNY] Ah, hey. [CLARA] Hey, Danny. [DANNY] Have you changed your clothes? [CLARA] Yes. Yes, I, I have. Well noticed. [DANNY] Okay, good. [CLARA] Yes, good. Very good. Good work.You passed the test. [DANNY] Are you really going to go for a drink with me? [CLARA] Yeah, course I am. Why wouldn't I? [DANNY] I just thought [CLARA] Thought what? [DANNY] I thought you might have a rule against soldiers. [CLARA] No. No, not at all. [CLARA] Not me.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s34", "episode": "e02", "title": "Into the Dalek"}
Doctor Who (18 Oct 2014; Twelfth Doctor) - Flatline [ROSCOE] Police, please. Hello? Yes. I know who did it. Who did it all. Ifigured it out. No. No, I can't speak up. They might hear me. [ROSCOE] Oh, no. Oh, no. Listen. Listen. They are everywhere. All around.We've been so blind. Argh! [OPERATOR [on phone]] Hello? Sir? Are you in a safe place? Are you beingheld against your will? Sir? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You could leave all that stuff here, youknow. We do have literally acres of room. [CLARA] Oh, no. It's all right. Danny's got a little bit territorial.The idea of me leaving so much as a toothbrush here. But, still, he'sall right with us doing this which I admit's a little bit weird, cosyou'd think if he had a problem with me leaving stuff in the Tardis,he'd object to me travelling in the Tardis. But he's not, so. [DOCTOR] Sorry. Stopped listening a while ago. Okay. Er, same time youleft, same place-ish. [CLARA] Ish? Don't give me an ish. [DOCTOR] These readings are very er, ishy. [CLARA] Er, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Uh huh? --------------------------------------- (Waste ground) [DOCTOR] Well. Well, I wonder what caused this? I don't think we'rebigger, are we? [CLARA] Bristol? Doctor, we're in Bristol! [DOCTOR] And a hundred and twenty miles from where we should be.Impressive. [CLARA] No. Not impressive. Annoying. [DOCTOR] No. This is impressive. [DOCTOR] This is annoying. The Tardis never does this. This is huge!Well, not literally huge. Slightly smaller than usual. Which is huge. [CLARA] Yes. I get it. You're excited. When can I go home? [DOCTOR] Your house isn't going anywhere. And neither is mine until Iget this figured out. Could you not just let me enjoy this moment ofnot knowing something?I mean, it happens so rarely. Look, I don't think this is dangerous,but I wouldn't like you to get squished accidentally. Anyway, I needyou to help me find out what's caused this. [CLARA] Fine. I'll go take a look around. --------------------------------------- (Shopping precinct) [FENTON] It's your filth, Rigsy, start with your signature. [AL] Oh, come on, there's no need for this. [FENTON] There you go. [FENTON] Get on with it. This is community service, not a holiday camp. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Now, that wasn't me, was it? [DOCTOR] Oh, that can't be good. --------------------------------------- (Underpass) [STAN] Cheer up, love. Might never happen. [GEORGE] (No. 22, an Indian man) Have some respect. She's grieving. [STAN] Oh, sorry, love. I didn't mean nothing by it. [RIGSY] Sorry about them. They're idiots. [CLARA] That's all right, don't worry. I've heard worse. [RIGSY] I've lost someone, too. My Aunt Karina. Deaf as a post. Didn'treally know her that well but she's still gone. Is your one in themural? [CLARA] Oh, no. I haven't actually [RIGSY] I'm sure they'll get round to it at some point. I'm not reallywith that lot out there. I just have to do this community servicething. I just do graffiti. Not anything, you know, murdery or [CLARA] So, er, what's all this about? What's happened to all thesepeople? [RIGSY] You mean you don't know? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] Hey, I think I've found something.People are missing all over the estate. --------------------------------------- (Waste ground) [CLARA] Do you think there's a connection? [DOCTOR [OC]] Could be. [CLARA] And where are you? [DOCTOR] [OC] [CLARA] No, you're not. I'm here and I can't see. Oh. [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes. Oh. [CLARA] Oh, my God, that is so adorable. Are you in there? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, I am. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] And, no, it's not adorable. It's very, veryserious. [CLARA [OC]] So is this more shrink ray stuff? Are you tiny in there? [DOCTOR] No. I'm exactly the same size. It's merely the exteriordimensions that have changed. --------------------------------------- (Waste ground) [DOCTOR] Stop laughing. This is serious. [CLARA] Yeah, well, I can't help it, can I, with you and your big oldface. How are you going to get out? [DOCTOR] Well, plainly I can't. Something nearby is leeching all theexternal dimensions. [CLARA] Aliens? [DOCTOR] Possibly. Oh, who am I kidding? Probably. Sensors are down andI can't risk taking off with it in this state.Clara, I need you to pick up the Tardis. Carefully. It should bepossible. I've adjusted the relative gravity. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] You mean you've made it lighter. [DOCTOR] Clara, it's always lighter. If the Tardis were to land with itstrue weight, it would fracture the surface of the Earth. [CLARA [OC]] Yeah, maybe a story for another time. What now? [DOCTOR] I've managed to get a rough fix on the source of thedimensional leeching. --------------------------------------- (Waste ground) [DOCTOR] It's roughly north west. That way. [CLARA] Please don't do that. That's just wrong. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Now, listen! You're going to need these. --------------------------------------- (Waste ground) [CLARA] Oh, wow. This is an honour. Does this mean I'm you now? [DOCTOR] No, it does not, so don't get any ideas. [DOCTOR] And listen, stick this in your ear. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Can you hear me? [CLARA [OC]] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Waste ground) [CLARA] Ow! What just happened? [DOCTOR [OC]] Nanotech. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I just hacked your optic nerve. [CLARA [OC]] What does that mean? [DOCTOR] I see what you see. --------------------------------------- (Shopping precinct) [CLARA] Anything? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm dizzy. But nothing useful. [RIGSY [on scanner]] You never did tell me your name. [DOCTOR] No time to fraternize. Come on, get rid of him. [CLARA [OC]] I'm er --------------------------------------- (Shopping precinct) [CLARA] I'm the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Don't you dare. [CLARA [OC]] Doctor Oswald. --------------------------------------- (Shopping precinct) [CLARA] But you can call me Clara. [RIGSY] I'm Rigsy. So er, what are you a doctor of? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Of lies. [CLARA [OC]] Well, I'm usually quite vague about that. --------------------------------------- (Shopping precinct) [CLARA] I think I just picked the title because itmakes me sound important. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Why, Doctor Oswald, you are hilarious. --------------------------------------- (Shopping precinct) [DOCTOR] [OC] [RIGSY] What are you exactly? You don't smell like police but that'ssomepretty cool gear you got there. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RIGSY [on scanner]] You like a spy, or something? [DOCTOR] Oh, he's a bright one, hang on to him. --------------------------------------- (Flat) [RIGSY] He was the last one to go missing. [RIGSY] And when he disappeared all the doors and windows were lockedfrom the inside. [DOCTOR [OC]] Ooh, now you're talking. I love a good locked roommystery. [CLARA] Yeah, doesn't everyone? [RIGSY] What? [CLARA] Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm talking to somebody else. He's listening in.Doctor, Rigsy, Rigsy, the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Hello, barely sentient local. [RIGSY [on scanner]] Another Doctor? [DOCTOR] How do you sleep at night? --------------------------------------- (Flat) [DOCTOR [OC]] Missing people, tiny Tardis, what'sthe link? [RIGSY] I think this is great that someone's finally looking into this.The police weren't doing anything. They never do on this estate.People were thinking that no one was listening. That no one cared. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RIGSY [OC]] So, yeah. I think it's great whatyou're doing. [DOCTOR] Clara, look, I think that we can manage on our own from now on. --------------------------------------- (Flat) [CLARA] Yeah, well, I think he could still beuseful. [DOCTOR [OC]] He's a pudding brain. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Worse than that, he's a fluorescent puddingbrain. [CLARA [OC]] Okay, fine. --------------------------------------- (Flat) [CLARA] And all those other missing people, Isuppose you know where they lived. [RIGSY] He could still be in the room. [CLARA] Sorry, what? [RIGSY] Sorry, nothing. I was just thinking out loud. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RIGSY [OC]] It's like one of those locked roomthings you get in books. --------------------------------------- (Flat) [RIGSY] It's always something weird, like, he'sstill in the room or something. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RIGSY [OC]] Do you want to go and check out anotherflat? [DOCTOR] Do you know, I think that you were wrong about this lad. Ithink that he could be very useful. Vital local knowledge. [CLARA [on scanner]] Oh, really? [DOCTOR] Yes. So try not to scare him off. [CLARA [on scanner]] How would I scare him off? --------------------------------------- (Flat) [RIGSY] Maybe he's lost in the desert, or something. [CLARA] Okay, right --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] Are we missing something here? Missingman, locked room. [CLARA [OC]] Shrink ray? --------------------------------------- (Flat) [RIGSY] Sorry, did you say just say shrink ray? [CLARA] What if he is still in this room like you said, only tiny? Youknow, like underneath the sofa or something. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, this is the --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Scaring off that we were talking about. --------------------------------------- (Flat) [RIGSY] Okay. So er, my lunch break's nearly up.This this has been er, interesting. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, local knowledge is leaving. Do something! [CLARA] Rigsy! One sec. Doctor, open the doors. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I didn't mean that! --------------------------------------- (Flat) [CLARA] Look, you want him to stay or not? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] You really do throw your companions in atthe deep end, don't you? --------------------------------------- (Flat) [CLARA] Rigsy, come here. Meet the Doctor. [CLARA] So, what do you think? Tiny man idea. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's a lovely thought. Which is why I set the sonic toscan for that as soon as we entered. Pleased to meet you. [CLARA] And you didn't think to tell me? [DOCTOR] Well, of course he might have been squashed under a policeman'sshoe by now. [RIGSY] It's bigger. On the inside. [DOCTOR] Do you know, I don't think that statement's ever been truer. [RIGSY] What are you? Like, aliens, or something? [CLARA] No. Well, he is. [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor, did you hear that? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yes. Whatever it was, it just drained amassive amount of energy --------------------------------------- (Flat) [DOCTOR] From inside the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] What was it? --------------------------------------- (Flat) [DOCTOR] I don't know, but that's the least of myproblems. Just get us out of there. [CLARA] Okay. Go. Rigsy, this is where we run. Stick with me. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I mean this is just embarrassing. I'm fromthe race that built the Tardis. Dimensions are kind of our thing. Sowhy can't I understand this? --------------------------------------- (Street) [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, I need more info. Where elsehave people disappeared? --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's home) [FORREST] MI5? [CLARA] Yes, this case has got our attention. [FORREST] Well, you've come to the right place, ma'am. First reporteddisappearance, a Mister Heath. It's not on the estate, but it's exactlythe same MO as the rest [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, I think that your shrink --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Ray theory was wrong. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's home) [CLARA] My shrink ray theory? I thought you werealready scanning for that. [FORREST] It's like they vanished. [CLARA] Doctor? What are you doing? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It just struck me. Locked room mysteries.Classic solution number one, they're still in the room. Classicsolution number two, they're in the walls. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's home) [CLARA] What do you mean, they're in the [FORREST] Have we done as much as we could? No. Do we have any suspects?No. Off the record, I think the top brass are hoping if they ignorethisit'll all just go away. [CLARA] Apparently they're in the walls. [FORREST] PC Forrest. Yes, sir. MI5, sir. [RIGSY] So, you and that bloke in a box. You do this sort of stuff alot? [CLARA] Oh, well, he's usually out of the box. But, yep. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [FORREST] I don't know. Maybe they thought weweren't doing enough, sir. [FORREST] Can I call you back? --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's home) [RIGSY] So how'd you get this gig? You studyscience, or aliens, or something? [CLARA] (laughs) No. Well, it's kind of a more of a right place, righttime or wrong place, wrong time depending on how he's behaving. [DOCTOR [OC]] I can hear you, you know. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [FORREST] Ma'am, there's something in here, I think. [CLARA] PC Forrest? Hello? Hello? [CLARA] Doctor, she's gone. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] What am I missing? The Tardis should beable to detect anything in the known universe. The known universe. Thisuniverse. [DOCTOR] Clara, wait, go back. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Back, back, back. That mural. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] That is a nervous system --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Scaled up and flattened. I think we'vefound PC Forrest. What's left of her, at least. [CLARA] Her nervous system. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] The mural in the flat. That wasn't a desert at all. It's amicroscopic blow up of human skin. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [CLARA] What? Why? [DOCTOR [OC]] Whatever they are, they are experimenting. They'retesting. They are, they are dissecting. Trying to understand us. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Trying to understand three dimensions. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [RIGSY] Ow. The handle. [CLARA] Doctor. The handle, they've flattened the handle. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Fascinating. Clara, they're in the walls! --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Keep away from them. If they touchyou, you're finished. [RIGSY] What happens if they touch us? [CLARA] I really don't want to find out. [RIGSY] They can't jump, can they? [CLARA] Hey, you. --------------------------------------- (Park) [DANNY] I've got our bench. Did you get held up? --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [CLARA] Just a little. Sorry, Danny. I think lunchis er, a bust. [DANNY [OC]] Oh, hon, you're missing --------------------------------------- (Park) [DANNY] Some classic park action. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Clara, the window! --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [RIGSY] Look! Look! They're climbing the walls. [DANNY [OC]] Who was that? [CLARA] Er, that's just a guy on community support and I'm helping himfind his auntie. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Nice. Not technically lying. --------------------------------------- (Park) [DANNY] Sounds kind of active. --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [CLARA] Er, yeah, there was a thing, er a thing. --------------------------------------- (Park) [DANNY] Where are you and are you in trouble? --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front room) [CLARA] No, no, no, I'm fine! --------------------------------------- (Park) [DANNY] Clara? [DANNY] Clara? --------------------------------------- (Mr Heath's front garden) [CLARA] Danny? [DANNY [OC]] What's happening? [CLARA] Oh, not much, just some nonsense. Long story. [DANNY [OC]] What story? [CLARA] Tell you later. Love you! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] This explains everything. They're from auniverse with only two dimensions.And, yes, that is a thing. It's long been theorised, of course, but noone could go there and prove its existencewithout a heck of a diet. [DOCTOR] And what long story are you going to tell Danny, huh? Orhaven't you made it up yet? [CLARA [OC]] Sorry, what? What was that? --------------------------------------- (Subway) [DOCTOR [OC]] Excellent lying, Doctor Oswald. [CLARA] Yeah? Well, thought it was pretty weak myself. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I meant to me. You told me that Danny wasokay with you being back on board the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Subway) [CLARA] Well, he is. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yeah, because he doesn't know anythingabout it. --------------------------------------- (Subway) [CLARA] Doctor [DOCTOR [OC]] Congratulations. Lying is a vital survival skill. [CLARA] Well, there you go. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] And a terrible habit. --------------------------------------- (Subway) [CLARA] Ah. Doctor, you're breaking up a bit. [DOCTOR [OC]] Yeah, of course I am. [CLARA] No, really, you are. I can't hear you. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] What? Oh, right, blowing out that window'spossibly affected the earpiece. Take it out and sonic it. --------------------------------------- (Subway) [CLARA] Doing it. [RIGSY] Hey! They can't do that. Hey! What you doing? [FENTON] Our job. You're on report, by the way. Late back from lunch. [CLARA] Does it even still count as lying if you're doing for someone'sown good?Well, like, technically their own good. [RIGSY] It's a memorial! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [FENTON [on scanner]] Council didn't approve it,it'sgraffiti. Stan. [DOCTOR] Look, Clara. Talk to me, talk to me! [RIGSY [OC]] What are you doing? --------------------------------------- (Subway) [DOCTOR] Clara, the mural. Clara, it's the mural! Over there, look, themural!We've found the missing people, they're in the walls! [CLARA] What do I do? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Act normal, but get everyone out. --------------------------------------- (Subway) [CLARA] They're very realistic. Who painted them? [RIGSY] I don't know. A local artist. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RIGSY [OC]] Probably a grieving relative. [CLARA [OC]] Did you ever meet them? --------------------------------------- (Subway) [CLARA] Or did they just appear after peopledisappeared? [FENTON] And who are you when you're at home, love? [CLARA] Health and safety. This subway is unsafe. Everyone needs toleave right now. [FENTON] This is blank. Try again, sweetheart. [CLARA] What? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] What? It takes quite a lack of imaginationto beat psychic paper. --------------------------------------- (Subway) [FENTON] Stan. Do your job. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, stop him. [RIGSY] Stan! [AL] What is this? What are they? [DOCTOR [OC]] They're wearing the dead like camouflage. [CLARA] Forget Stan. Your friend's gone. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, get them out of there! [CLARA] We need to move. Now. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [GEORGE] Did they follow us? Cos I didn't see them follow us. Are wesafe? [AL] Are we really hiding from killer graffiti? This is insane. [DOCTOR [OC]] I agree. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] We'll have to think of a better name forthem than that. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [GEORGE] And Stan was one of them. Flattened, dead,but coming after us. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, this is a --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Vital stage. This little group is currentlyconfused and disorientated --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [DOCTOR [OC]] But pretty soon a leader is going toemerge. You need to make sure that leader is you. [CLARA] I'm on it. George. George, isn't it? Can you watch that area? Ifyou hear anything, anything moves, you shout, okay? [FENTON] He will do no such thing until I get some answers. Who are you?That's what I want to know. Impersonating a government official.Trespassing on council property. [CLARA] Seriously? [FENTON] Seriously. [CLARA] Fine, I'll tell you who I am. I am the one chance you've got ofstaying alive.That's who I am. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Well done. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] Rigsy, how well do you know this area? Do you know where thatdoor leads? [RIGSY] It's the old Brunswick line. But it's not safe. [AL] Well, there's safe and there's safe. [RIGSY] Yeah, I know it. I used to go down there all the time. [FENTON] Yeah, I'll bet you did. Painting your filth. [CLARA] Yeah, well, you might be glad he did. Those things come in here,that is our only way out. (sotto) I just hope I can keep them allalive. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Ah, welcome to my world. So what's next,Doctor Clara? --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] Lie to them. [DOCTOR [OC]] What? [CLARA] Lie to them. Give them hope. Tell them they're all going to befine. Isn't that what you would do? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] In a manner of speaking. It's true thatpeople with hope tend to run faster, whereas people who think they'redoomed --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] Dawdle. End up dead. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] So that's what I sound like. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [FENTON] Who's she talking to? [AL] He says it's MI5. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Right, here's something that might helpyou. Do you remember the graffiti from the estate? Footprints, tyretreads? --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] Vaguely. [DOCTOR [OC]] Well, I don't think it was graffiti. I think that thatis --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] How those creatures saw us. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [DOCTOR [OC]] The impressions we make in twodimensional space. That was them reaching out, attempting to talk. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] At which point they moved into flatteningand dissection. Trying to understand. Trying to emulate.But here's the big question. Do they know they're hurting us? [CLARA [OC]] So what? --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] You think this is all one bigmisunderstanding? [DOCTOR [OC]] That's a very good question. Why don't we ask them?' [DOCTOR [OC]] We need to find a way to communicate. [CLARA] Why can't the Tardis just translate? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Because their idea of language is just asbizarre as their idea of space. Even the Tardis is confused. [FENTON [OC]] This is a bad idea. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [FENTON] What makes this colleague of yours thinkthose monsters even want to talk? [DOCTOR [OC]] I know a race --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Made of sentient gas who throw fireballs as a friendly wave. Iknow another race with sixty four stomachs who talk to each other by --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [DOCTOR [OC]] Disembowelling. [CLARA] He's got a hunch. [DOCTOR [OC]] My point being that in a universe as immense and bizarreas this one, you cannot be too quick to judge. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Perhaps these creatures don't evenunderstand that we need three dimensions to live in. [DOCTOR] They may not even know that they're hurting us. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] Do you really believe that? [DOCTOR [OC]] No. I really hope that. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It would make a nice change, wouldn't it?Okay. Let's start with pi. Even in a flat world they would havecircles.I don't mean edible pie, I mean circular pi. Which I realise would alsomean edible pie but anyway. [DOCTOR] They're responding. The Tardis is translating now. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [DOCTOR [OC]] It's a number. Fifty five. [CLARA] Fifty five? What does that mean? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Tenth Fibonacci number. Atomic number ofcaesium. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [RIGSY] I know what it means. We all have numbers onour jackets. Have to sign them out. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [RIGSY [OC]] That was the number on Stan's jacket,the man they flattened in the subway. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [FENTON] They're gloating. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] We don't know that. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] It could be an apology, for all we know? [AL] Really? That's nice of them. [FENTON] An apology? Are you seriously [CLARA] Shush, shush, shush. Listen. Wait. [DOCTOR [OC]] Two two. Twenty two. [CLARA] Twenty two. [RIGSY] That's George. [FENTON] Looks like your number's up, George. Now they're threatening. [CLARA] Maybe. Or maybe they're showing us they can read. [FENTON] Oh, grow up. They're picking targets. [RIGSY] Of course you'd see it that way. [FENTON] What do you mean by that? [CLARA] George? [RIGSY] Everyone's out to get you, aren't they? [FENTON] In this case, they kind of are. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Clara, be careful. --------------------------------------- (Train shed) [CLARA] The tunnel! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] Doctor, they've got George. [DOCTOR] I know. I did see. [CLARA [OC]] What now? [DOCTOR] Give me a minute. I'm working on it. --------------------------------------- (Disused tunnel) [CLARA] Another flat handle. They were here. Not now. They've stoppedchasing us, I think. It feels like they're cornering us. [DOCTOR [OC]] You can't apply human logic. You're dealing with creaturesfrom another dimension. [AL] That's three exits all blocked by those creatures. [CLARA] Rigsy, where's the next exit? [RIGSY] The only other one I can think of is where the old line joinsthe new, but it's a fair walk. Getting through that door would bequicker. [FENTON] But we can't, can we? [RIGSY] I'm just saying. [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, I might be able to help with that door. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Give me five minutes. --------------------------------------- (Disused tunnel) [RIGSY] It's one of mine. Do you like it? [CLARA] Yeah, not bad. So this thing you're working on? [DOCTOR [OC]] I think I've figured out a way to restore threedimensions. At least on a small scale, say --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Door handles. [CLARA [OC]] So, what's that, then? --------------------------------------- (Disused tunnel) [CLARA] A de-flattener? [DOCTOR [OC]] We're not calling it a de-flattener. [DOCTOR [OC]] This should be able to restore dimensions. You see whatI've called it? [CLARA] Two D is. Two Dee Iz? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] No. Twodis. It's called the Twodis. (sigh)Why'd I even bother? Well, give it a go, then. --------------------------------------- (Disused tunnel) [CLARA] Long way round it is. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Clara, I don't know how, but they're doing it again. They'releeching the Tardis! [CLARA [OC]] How? Your doors are closed. [DOCTOR] They've changed frequency. This time it's different. [CLARA [OC]] Listen! --------------------------------------- (Disused tunnel) [CLARA] The Doctor thinks we might be in trouble. Hethinks they might be close. [FENTON] Where, exactly? [CLARA] I don't know. He's not sure. He's getting readings all around. [FENTON] Oh, that's just great. Sounds important but means absolutelynothing. Can you tell your friend [AL] Aaaargh! Aaaaaaaaargh! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Of course. The next stage. 3D. --------------------------------------- (Disused tunnel) [RIGSY] Run! [CLARA] Doctor? The door. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] The handle's flattened. --------------------------------------- (Disusedtunnel) [DOCTOR] I've boosted the output. [CLARA] And it will work this time? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Absolutely. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, stop. Use it again. It can reverse the process. [RIGSY] There's a ladder at the end of this. If we get down into thetunnel, we can make it into daylight. [CLARA] Hang on! Hang on. [FENTON] If it's flat, we're safe now, aren't we? [RIGSY] They can't get through, can they? [CLARA] Wait. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] They have a new ability. Of course theyhave. Now they're 3D, they can restore dimensions. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR [OC]] Clara, do you want the good news or the bad news? [CLARA] We're in the bad news! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] I'mliving the bad news! [DOCTOR] The good news is I've come up with atheoretical way to send them back to their own dimension. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [CLARA] Do it! Now! [DOCTOR [OC]] And that's the bad news. The Tardis doesn't have enoughdimensional energy to pull it off. [CLARA] Great. What do you want me to do about it? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Apparently these things can pump it out asfast as they can steal it. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [CLARA] Maybe if I ask them really nicely, they'llfill you up again. Hey! [FENTON] Give me that machine! Hand it over! [CLARA] Doctor? [CLARA] Hello? Doctor? Look, can we please deal with this later? Becausewe need to move. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] Doctor? Doctor, I dropped you down a hole. Where are you? [DOCTOR] I don't know. My shields have gone. Structural integrity isfailing. Another blow like that and I've had it. [DOCTOR] Er, I'm on the train lines. And there's a train coming. Ofcoursethere is. Short-term re-materialisation? Not enough power. Teleport?Not enough power. Re-route the heart of the Tardis through - not enoughpower! Not enough power! [CLARA [OC]] Can't you move the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Clara, there is no power. The Tardis couldn't boil an egg atthe moment. Listen, do what you can to get those people out of there. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR [OC]] You're stronger than you know. [RIGSY] I wonder what they're like with ladders? [CLARA] No, I mean you move the Tardis. Like --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA [OC]] Addams Family. [DOCTOR] Ha! Di di di. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Track) [RIGSY] They'd be here if they were coming. Where are they? [FENTON] There's no other way down, right? Hey! I'm talking to you. [RIGSY] There is. An old service elevator near the mouth of the tunnel. [CLARA] We should go. [FENTON] Oh, no. [FENTON] And there's another train coming. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I don't know if you can still hear me out there, but the Tardisis now in siege mode. No way in, no way out.I managed to turn it on just before the train hit. But there's notenough power left now to turn it off. [BILL] What's going on? Why the red light? [CLARA] MI5. We've got a, er [FENTON] Blockage. In the tunnel. [CLARA] Can we ram the blockage? The train's empty, isn't it? [BILL] Yeah, it's out of service, but you'd need someone to hold thedead man's handle. Won't run without it. Is this official? Because I'vealways wanted to ram something. [CLARA] Can we rig it to drive without that? Send it in with no driver? [CLARA] Rigsy! --------------------------------------- (Driver'scab) [CLARA] Er, what are you doing? [RIGSY] I'm going to ram them, buy you some time. [CLARA] You'll die. [RIGSY] Yeah, course I'll die. Now go! [CLARA] Well, why'd you want to do that? [RIGSY] Just go, okay? Let me do this. [CLARA] Okay, fine, yeah. And I'll always remember you. [RIGSY] Fine. Great [CLARA] Cos I was just going to do this. [CLARA] No driver required. And I really like that hair band, but Isuppose I'll just take it, will I? And every time I look at it, I'llremember the hero who died to save it. Come on. You're not getting offthat lightly. There's work that needs doing. --------------------------------------- (Track) [CLARA] I quite liked that hair band. [RIGSY] What is it? [CLARA] I think it's the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Office) [BILL] They wear your skin? [FENTON] I never thought I'd say this [BILL] This is insane. [FENTON] But I think preferred them when they were flat. [BILL] What do you mean flat? [CLARA] Doctor? [CLARA] Doctor? What would you do now? No. What will I do now? Okay,okay, okay. Okay, the last thing the Doctor said was that the Tardisneeded energy. He said if it gets energy, he can beat them. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] No, no, no. What are you doing? --------------------------------------- (Office) [FENTON] Leave her. She's lost it. [RIGSY] Are you okay? [CLARA] Yeah, are you? [RIGSY] I think I will be. What's this? [CLARA] Come on, Graffiti Boy, I've got a commission for you. [RIGSY] I'm flattered but I don't think this is exactly the time [CLARA] Well, fine, if you don't think you're up to it. [RIGSY] What do you need, exactly? --------------------------------------- (Servicetunnel) [FENTON] You're going to get us killed. This plan's insane. [CLARA] You want to walk? Walk. You want to stay? Then shush! [BILL] They're coming! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Life support failing. I don't know if you'll ever hear this,Clara. I don't even know if you're still alive out there. [DOCTOR] But you were good! And you made a mighty fine Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Servicetunnel) [FENTON] It's not working. You've killed us all. [BILL] This is going to save us? Pumping energy into the wall? [CLARA] No. Not into the wall. Through the wall. Rule number one ofbeing the Doctor. Use your enemy's power against them. [CLARA] They can't restore three dimensions to a door that neverexisted. [CLARA] It worked. They charged the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I tried to talk. I want you toremember that. I tried to reach out, I tried to understand you, but Ithink that you understand us perfectly. --------------------------------------- (Trainshed) [DOCTOR [OC]] And I think you just don't care. And I don't know whetheryou are here to invade, infiltrate or just replace us. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I don'tsupposeit really matters now. You aremonsters. That is the roleyou seem determined to play. So it seems I must play mine. --------------------------------------- (Track) [DOCTOR] The man that stops the monsters. I'm sending you back to yourown dimension. Who knows? Some of you may even survive the trip.And, if you do, remember this. You are not welcome here. This plane isprotected. I am the Doctor. [DOCTOR] And I name you The Boneless. --------------------------------------- (Wasteground) [RIGSY] Hi, Mum. It's me. [CLARA] You all right? [BILL] I'm alive, and I've been inside that. I think I'm up on the deal.Come here. [BILL] Thank you. (to Fenton) You look chipper. [CLARA] Do people still say chipper? [DOCTOR] Apparently. Are you okay? [CLARA] I'm alive. [DOCTOR] And a lot of people died. [FENTON] It's like a forest fire, though, isn't it? The objective is tosave the great trees, not the brushwood. Am I right? [DOCTOR] It wasn't a fire, those weren't trees, those were people. [FENTON] They were Community Payback scumbags, I wouldn't lose anysleep. [DOCTOR] I bet you wouldn't. [FENTON] It's good to be alive though. Thank you. Seriously, thank you. [DOCTOR] Yes, a lot of people died and maybe the wrong people survived. [CLARA] Yeah, but we saved the world, right? [DOCTOR] We did. You did. [CLARA] Okay, so, on balance [DOCTOR] Balance? [CLARA] Yeah, that's how you think, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Largely so other people don't have to. [CLARA] Yeah, well, I was you today. I was the Doctor. And, apparently,I was quite good at it. [DOCTOR] You heard that, did you? [CLARA] Yeah, but the power was going off so I suppose you weredelirious. You didn't know what you were saying. [DOCTOR] Yes. [DOCTOR] Ah! The return of the fluorescent pudding brain. [CLARA] You do realise he can hear you now? [DOCTOR] I know. Your last painting was so good it saved the world. Ican't wait to see what you do next. [RIGSY] (chuckles) It's not going to be easy. I've got a hair band tolive up to. Thanks. [CLARA] Come here. [CLARA] Admit it. I did well. [DOCTOR] Is that PE? [CLARA] Just say it. Why can't you just say it? Why can't you just say Idid good? [DOCTOR] Talk to soldier boy. [CLARA] It's not him. Come on, why can't you say it? I was the Doctorand I was good. [DOCTOR] You were an exceptional Doctor, Clara. [CLARA] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Goodness had nothing to do with it. --------------------------------------- (Room) [MISSY] Clara. My Clara. I have chosen well.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s34", "episode": "e09", "title": "Flatline"}
Doctor Who (19 Sep 2015; Twelfth Doctor) - The Magician's Apprentice (The Planet Karn) [OHILA] He has asked to see you. His servants seek you everywhere. Willyou go? [DOCTOR] No. [OHILA] Why do you always lie? [DOCTOR] Why do you always assume I'm lying? [OHILA] It saves time. The truth - will you go? [DOCTOR] No. [OHILA] When? [DOCTOR] Soon. [OHILA] Why? Did something happen? [DOCTOR] No. [OHILA] Was it recent? [DOCTOR] Yes. [OHILA] Whatever it was, you owe that creature nothing. [DOCTOR] He and I've known each other a long time. [OHILA] You've been enemies for all of it. [DOCTOR] An enemy's just a friend you don't really know yet. Sorry.What, was that me being cynical again? [OHILA] Aren't we friends, Doctor? [DOCTOR] That's different. I don't like you! [OHILA] (laughs) Which means you can trust me. [DOCTOR] You know who to give that to? [DOCTOR] I won't go straight away. I'll hang out for a bit. Probablymeditate on a rock somewhere. Get myself ready. [OHILA] You are embarking on an enterprise that will end in yourdestruction. [DOCTOR] You could say that about being born. [OHILA] Wherever you go, there are people who care enough to find you. [DOCTOR] Look after the universe for me. I've put a lot of work into it. [OHILA] Anyone can hide from an enemy, Doctor. No one from a friend. --------------------------------------- (Doctor's room) [DOCTOR] How many days have I been here? [BORS] About three hours. [DOCTOR] Three hours? [BORS] Well, nearly. [DOCTOR] Maybe Clara's right. She keeps telling me I've got Attention Deficiter something or other. [BORS] What is your journey? [DOCTOR] You can't come with me, Bors. [BORS] I'm pledged to your service ever since you saved my life. [DOCTOR] I didn't save your life. You had a splinter. [BORS] Where is it you go, and why must you meditate first? [DOCTOR] Someone I know is very sick. He'll want to see me before(pause) whilethere's still time. [BORS] An old friend? [DOCTOR] Someone I've known a very long time. [BORS] If there is danger, let me ride at your side. [DOCTOR] You can't help me, not where I'm going. I have to get myselfready. I have to be alone. I have to think. No more distractions. [BORS] As you wish, Sir Doctor. [DOCTOR] Urgh. Hang on a minute. (stands up) The water. [BORS] The water, sir? [DOCTOR] I don't like it. Ican't meditate properly without decent water. --------------------------------------- (Outside the castle) [DOCTOR] We're going to dig a well! Right on, er,this spot. There will be excellent water here. [BORS] How'd you know? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm very good at water. [DOCTOR] This is definitely a good spot for water. [BORS] But this is the twelfth place you've made us dig. [DOCTOR] Well, twelve is my lucky number. [DOCTOR] Here. No, here. Look at this grass. This iswatery grass. Follow the squelchy. [BORS] Well, you've all the water you need now and it is the finest inthe land. Your meditation can begin. [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose it can. Except. [BORS] Except? [DOCTOR] Do you know what thiswell really needs? [BORS] Nothing. It's perfect. [DOCTOR] A visitor's centre. [BORS] Everyone has agreed on the plan for the throne room extension,but we're we're not quite sure what you mean by a sun roof. [DOCTOR] Look at this coin. You see it? [BORS] (putting down his armful of scrolls) I see it. [DOCTOR] Where is it now? [BORS] There. (pointing to the correct hand.) [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. [BORS] Yes, it is. I saw it. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? I'm really a very good magician. [BORS] What is it you dread? [DOCTOR] Why would I dread anything? [BORS] You're always making jokes. You never sit still, like you'rerunning in fear of days to come. [DOCTOR] I thought you were an idiot. [BORS] I know. I thought that too. [DOCTOR] Good. I was worried I would have to break it to you --------------------------------------- (Doctor's room) [BORS] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] I've been avoiding it. One last night, then I have to go. [BORS] Do you wish to be alone? [DOCTOR] I have to prepare myself. [BORS] But why? You've never explained. [DOCTOR] I did something wrong. I let somebody down when I should havebeen brave enough and strong enough to do better. Tomorrow I pay theprice. Tonight, I make myself ready. [BORS] Goodbye, Magician. You have widened my mind. [DOCTOR] You do realise you're still an idiot. [BORS] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Good. I have to be quiet now. Quiet as the grave. [BORS] I do not believe you are capable of silence. [DOCTOR] Oh? Oh, well, we'll see about that, shall we? [BORS] We shall, Sir Doctor. [DOCTOR] No more distractions. Got to focus. No more distractions. Bors! [DOCTOR] Are you any good with a broadsword? [BORS] Yes. [DOCTOR] Fancy a friendly? [BORS] Enough, Magician! I do not believe that you will meditate. It isnotin your nature. If this is to be your last night here then we shallcelebrate. There shall be revels. But first past, tell me your story.Tellme how you came to this place and why now you are compelled to leaveit. Iwill not depart this room until you do so. [DOCTOR] (standing) I suppose I do owe you. [BORS] I have served you loyally, Sir Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, you have. [BORS] Then begin your tale. [DOCTOR] Well, a little while ago, a very long way from here, I waslooking for a bookshop. Instead, I found a battlefield. Story of mylife. I've seen many battlefields. But this one will be different. Thisone will be my last. --------------------------------------- (Battlefield) [SOLDIER] Spread out! Get down! [SOLDIER] What's wrong? [KANZO] Was that a child? [KANZO] Hey! You there, stop! Stop running! [KANZO] It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't run. [SOLDIER] Kanzo? [KANZO] I'll catch up. [SOLDIER] There are clam drones two miles away. [KANZO] I know. I'll be fine. Just go. [KANZO] What are you doing out here, huh? Did you get lost? [KANZO] Stay still. Stay absolutely still. [KANZO] I'm just scanning the ground. I think we've got company. Do youknow what hand mines are? [KANZO] Well, in that case you know you've got to stand absolutelystill. Right? [KANZO] Have you ever seen a hand mine? (nod) Where? [KANZO] Okay. It's okay. Everything's going to be fine [BOY] Help me! Someone, please! Help me! Help me! [DOCTOR [OC]] Your chances of survival are about one in a thousand. Sohere's what you do. You forget the thousand, and you concentrate on theone. Pick it up. I said, pick it up! [DOCTOR [OC]] I'm straight ahead of you, about fifty feet. Can you seeme? [DOCTOR] The device in your hand is creating an acoustic corridor, sothat we can talk. Do you understand? [BOY] Who are you? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm just a passer-by. I was looking for a bookshop. How doyou think I'm doing? [BOY] This isn't a bookshop. [DOCTOR] No, this is a war. A very old one, going by the mix oftechnology. Which war is this? I get them all muddled up. [BOY] It's just the war. [DOCTOR] Where am I? What planet is this? [BOY] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, neither do I. I try never to understand. It's called anopen mind. Now, you have got to make a choice. [BOY] A choice? [DOCTOR] Yes, you have got to decide that you're going to live. Survivalis just a choice. Choose it now. [BOY] If I move, they'll get me. [DOCTOR] I told you, you have one chance in a thousand. But one is allyou ever need. What's your name? Come on, faith in the future.Introduce yourself! Tell me the name of the boy who isn't going to dietoday. [BOY] Davros. My name is Davros. Hello? Are you still there? Please,you've got to help me. You said I could survive. You said you'd helpme. Help me! --------------------------------------- (The Maldovarium) [SINGER] Father, why are all the women weeping? [COLONY SARFF] We are Colony Sarff. We bring harm. [COLONY SARFF] Where is the Doctor? (looking round) Where is the Doctor? [COLONY SARFF] Where is the Doctor! --------------------------------------- (The Shadow Proclamation) [SHADOW ARCHITECT] Deploy the under-regiment across both sectors. Thatnumber of suicide moons cannot be ignored. [SHADOW ARCHITECT] Apparently we have a security breach. I won't ask howyou got in here, but I will demand to know your business, Colony Sarff. [COLONY SARFF] Where is the Doctor? [SHADOW ARCHITECT] I've no idea. He's not our concern, and he'scertainly not your employer's. [COLONY SARFF] The Doctor is required. [SHADOW ARCHITECT] For what? Colony Sarff, you need to tell me. Whatdoes Davros want with the Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Karn) [OHILA] Welcome, Colony Sarff. We are the Sisterhood of Karn. If you donot leave our world immediately, we will take your skin. [COLONY SARFF] Where is the Doctor? [OHILA] Where he always is. Right behind you, and one step ahead. Treadcarefully when you seek the Doctor, Colony Sarff, or he will be thelast thing you find. [COLONY] Davros, creator of the Daleks, dark Lord of Skaro. [OHILA] What of him? [COLONY SARFF] Davros is dying. [OHILA] Davros is ancient. He should have been dust centuries ago. [COLONY SARFF] He has a message for the Doctor. [OHILA] Then you will give it to me. [OHILA] Your powers mean nothing here. Give me the message and leave. [COLONY SARFF] Tell the Doctor, Davros knows. Davros remembers. Tell himhe must face Davros one last time. [COLONY SARFF] (leaving) Davros knows. Davros remembers. [OHILA] Doctor? What have you done? --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. [COLONY SARFF] You are dreaming, Lord Davros. [DAVROS] No. I am anticipating. [COLONY SARFF] He cannot be found. [DAVROS] Of course he can. He has a weakness. If you seek the Doctor,first seek his friends. --------------------------------------- (Classroom) [RYAN] Will I get it back after school? [CHILDREN] Urgh! [CLARA] How will you know which one's yours? [CLARA] Fine, then. Right. Now, where was I? Jane Austen. Amazingwriter, brilliant comic observer, and strictly among ourselves, aphenomenal kisser. [ALISON] Miss? Miss? [RYAN] Miss? [ALISON] Is she okay? [CLARA] Everybody turn on their phones. News websites and Twitter. [RYAN] Twitter? [CLARA] Hashtag, #ThePlanesHaveStopped [BBC NEWSREADER] Reports are coming in of planes hanging apparentlymotionless in the sky. [TV NEWSREADER] Footage of passenger jets, which have seemingly come toa complete standstill in mid-air. --------------------------------------- (Classroom) [MR DUNLOP] Miss Oswald, a call at the office. [CLARA] Yeah, that would probably be UNIT. [MR DUNLOP] They're telling me you're needed. They were going to put methrough to the Prime Minister. [CLARA] Mister Dunlop, sorry. I have to take the rest of the day offowing to a, er, personal crisis. --------------------------------------- (Outside the school) [CLARA] Yes. Yes, yes, yes, I'm coming. No, don't send a helicopter.Think it through. [NEWSREADER [OC]] Attempts at communications withthe planes, with pilots, crew, passengers, all have failed. [NEWSREADER [OC]] Family members with candlelight vigils around the world.Meanwhile, reports are coming in from Caracas, Tel Aviv, Beijing. Itseems no corner of the planet is unaffected. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [KATE] The planes aren't responding. No, none ofthem. It's radio silence. I've got to go. Tell the President I'll callhim back. [KATE] He's not answering his phone. Have you tried? [CLARA] We don't know enough yet. He doesn't appreciate gossip. [KATE] Gossip? [CLARA] How many planes? [JAC] 4,165 aircraft currently airborne. [KATE] That's a lot of passengers. [CLARA] That's a lot of fuel. [KATE] Oh, dear God. Yes, it is. [CLARA] Okay, so, what could you do with 4,000 flying bombs? [JAC] Ah, well, 439 nuclear power stations currently active. [KATE] What else? [CLARA] I dunno. Er, fault lines. Earthquake, a tsunami? [JAC] Running simulations now. [KATE] So this is an attack? [CLARA] What kind of an attack advertises? Why show somebody what youcan do? Why not just do it? What's actually happened to the planes?What are the pilots saying? [KATE] We, we can't contact them. [JAC] The planes haven't stopped. They're actually frozen. Like, frozenin time. Pardon my sci-fi, but this is beyond any human technology. [KATE] Okay, so we need the Doctor. [CLARA] Kate, we can't just phone the Doctor and bleat, he'll goScottish. Come on. What have we got? What do we know? It's not anattack, it's not an invasion, because, well, that doesn't come with afair warning. So, somebody needs our attention. Somebody who needs toput a gun to our heads to make us listen. Oh. [KATE] Oh? [MIKE] We've got a message. The Doctor channel. [CLARA] Sorry, what? [KATE] He never uses it. I doubt he remembers it even exists. [CLARA] Then who is it? [MIKE] Decrypting. We're getting text through, I think. [CLARA] Texting? Definitely not the Doctor. [TEXT] You so fine. [KATE] Have you got any more? [MIKE] Coming. [TEXT] You blow my mind. Hey Missy, you so fine, you so fine, you blowmy mind! Hey Missy!!! [MISSY [on monitor]] Today, I shall be talking to you out of (suddenly 3D)the square window! [KATE] What the hell was that? How did she do that? [JAC] Dunno. Some sort of psychic projection, or something. [KATE] Oh great, thanks. [MISSY [on monitor]] Okay, cutting to the chase. Not dead, back, bigsurprise, never mind. I'm in a lovely little square in one of your, oh,I don't know, hot countries. There's a light breeze coming from theeast, this coffee is a buzz-monster in my brain, and I'm going to needeight snipers. [KATE] Eight what? [MISSY [on monitor]] Three for each heart, and two for my brain stem. You'llhave to switch me off fast, before I can regenerate. How fast can youget here? Ooo, I'll need to arrange you a flight corridor. [KATE] Why do you need snipers? [MISSY [monitor]] Because it's the only way she'll feel safe enough totalk to me. Shall we say four o'clock? --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) [MISSY] Oh, saucy. [MISSY] Go on, then. [MISSY] How's your boyfriend? Still tremendously dead, I expect. [CLARA] Still dead, yeah. How come you're still alive? [MISSY] Death is for other people, dear. Would you like to sit in theshade? I know how you humans burn. [MISSY] Better? I expect you've tried to contact him by now. Well, youshould know, I can't find him either. No one can. [CLARA] That happens, now and then. [MISSY] Not like this. [MISSY] It's a confession dial. [CLARA] A what? [MISSY] In your terms, a will. The Last Will and Testament of the TimeLord known as the Doctor, to be delivered, according to ancienttradition, to his closest friend, on the eve of his final day. [MISSY] Ah, ah! What are you doing? [CLARA] You said. I thought. [MISSY] No, no, no, no, no. It was delivered to me. [CLARA] You? [MISSY] Well of course it was sent to me. What have you got to do withit? I'm his friend. You're just [CLARA] I'm just what? [MISSY] See that couple over there? [MISSY] You're the puppy. [CLARA] Since when do you care about the Doctor? [MISSY] Since always. Since the Cloister Wars. Since the night he stolethe moon and the President's wife. Since he was a little girl. One ofthose was a lie. Can you guess which one? [CLARA] He's not your friend. You keep trying to kill him. [MISSY] He keeps trying to kill me. It's sort of our texting. We've beenat it for ages. [CLARA] Mmm. Must be love. [MISSY] Oh, don't be disgusting. We're Time Lords, not animals. Try,nano-brain, to rise above the reproductive frenzy of your noisy littlefood chain, and contemplate friendship. A friendship older than yourcivilisation, and infinitely more complex. [CLARA] So the Doctor is your bezzy mate and I'm supposed to believethat you've turned good? [MISSY] Good? [SOLDIER [OC]] Man down! [CLARA] (sotto) No! [SOLDIER [OC]] Man down! --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [KATE] Don't shoot her. Do not shoot her! --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) [MISSY] By the ring on his finger, he was married,and I, I think I detected some baby leakage on his jacket, so he had afamily. No, I've not turned good. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [KATE] Nobody fire! --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) [MISSY] Ooh, wow, I'm on a roll. Thanks for bringingspares. [CLARA] Stop it. Just stop it. Don't shoot anybody else! [MISSY] Oi, you, sweaty one, on your knees. Let's have a goodbye selfiefor your kids. [CLARA] Missy, nobody else! [MISSY] Say something nice. [CLARA] No. [MISSY] I'll kill everyone in this square. [CLARA] Start with me. Then what, hey? You camehere for my help. [MISSY] Because the Doctor is in danger. [CLARA] Make me believe you. [MISSY] How? [CLARA] Release the planes. [MISSY] The planes are keeping me alive. I mean, there's one, two,three, four, five, six, seven, eight naughty little snipers ready tokill me. [CLARA] Yeah. On my command. [CLARA] Your best friend is in danger. Show me you care. Make me believe. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [JAC] The planes! The planes are all moving again. --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) [MISSY] It's only a basic Time Stop. Parlour trick.Couldn't have done anything with them anyway. [CLARA] What does it say? [MISSY] What does what say? [CLARA] His confession. [MISSY] It will only open when he's dead. [CLARA] Then it won't open, will it? [MISSY] Question. If the Doctor has one last night to live, if he'scertain he's facing the end of his life, where, in all of space andtime, would he go? [CLARA] Here. [MISSY] Well, yes, Earth, obviously! But where? When? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [JAC] The algorithm generates probabilities based oncrisis points, anomalies, anachronisms, keywords. [KATE] Such as? [JAC] Blue box, Doctor. [JAC] There we go. San Martino, Troy, multiples for New York, --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) (UNIT HQ) [KATE] But which one is theone? Where is he now? --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) [CLARA] How's a Time Lord supposed to die? [MISSY] Meditation. Repentance and acceptance. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [MISSY [on screen]] Contemplation of the absolute. [CLARA [on screen]] Great, thanks. Change the algorithm. Eliminate thecrisis points. Where is the Doctor making the most noise, but thereisn't any crisis? --------------------------------------- (Mediterranean plaza) [CLARA] (sighs) We're looking for a party. [CLARA] There he is. "Do not go gentle into that good night." [MISSY] You go, girl! --------------------------------------- (Castle ramparts) [MISSY] Whoo, whoo whoo! Mummy, do it again! Vortex manipulators. Yoursis slaved to mine. Cheap and nasty time travel. [BORS] Face me, Magician! Face me! [MISSY] You probably want to throw up, don't you? Pick a local.According to you, this is where the Doctor is. [CLARA] Okay, how do we find him? How do we know what we're looking for? [MISSY] Anachronisms. The slightest, tiniest [MISSY] Anachronisms. --------------------------------------- (Castle courtyard) [BORS] Dude! What is that? [DOCTOR] You said you wanted an axe fight. [DOCTOR] Oh, come on. In a few hundred years, that'll be really funny.It's a slow burner. [BORS] A musical instrument is not an axe. [DOCTOR] Yes, and a daffodil is not a broadsword, but I still won thelast round! [DOCTOR] What do you think of my tank? Don't worry, it isn't loaded. [BORS] I don't like it. [DOCTOR] No, neither do I. I bought it for my fish. [BORS] Your fish? [DOCTOR] I may have ordered online! [DOCTOR] Oh, come on. Fish? Tank? Honestly, this stuff will be hilariousin a very few hundred years. Do please stick around. [CLARA] What's the matter with him? He's never like this. [MISSY] Oh, you really are new, aren't you? [CLARA] Wait, hang on. Did he just hear that? He doesn't know we'rehere, does he? [DOCTOR] Now, you lot. I have been here all day, and it's been a greatday! [BORS] You've been here for three weeks. [DOCTOR] Three weeks? It must be nearly bedtime. Well, we've partied. [DOCTOR] Yes! I helped you dig a well, with a first-class,child-friendly visitor's centre! I've given you some top-notch mathstuition in a fun but relevant way. And I have also introduced the word"dude" several centuries early. Let me hear you! [ALL] Dude! [DOCTOR] Are you a Renaissance? [ALL] Dude! [DOCTOR] Are you a Medieval? [ALL] Dude! [DOCTOR] I am a dragon-slaying? [ALL] Dude! [DOCTOR] We are all the young? [ALL] Dudes! [DOCTOR] I like it. But I've got some sad news for you, dudes. Tonight,I'm going to have to leave you. [DOCTOR] But before I do, I'd like you to meet a couple of friends ofmine. [CLARA] How did you know I was here? Did you see me? [DOCTOR] When do I not see you? [CLARA] What, one face in all of that crowd? [DOCTOR] There was a crowd, too? [CLARA] Wow, we're doing charm as well, now, are we? Which one of us isdying? [CLARA] Okay. And we're doing hugging now, too. I can't keep up. [DOCTOR] Well, you know what they say. Hugging is a great way to hideyour face. [CLARA] Okay, look. I guessed a party, but not like this. What is this?This isn't you. [DOCTOR] I spent all day yesterday in a bow tie, the day before in along scarf. It's my party, and all of me is invited. [MISSY] What the hell are you up to, man? [DOCTOR] It's the wicked stepmother! Everyone hiss! [MISSY] Apparently, you think you're going to die tomorrow. [DOCTOR] Well, I've got some good news about that. [MISSY] Oh, yeah? [DOCTOR] It's still today! [MISSY] Oh, that's very good. [DOCTOR] Bors. Is it a marble again? Did you swallow one of the marblesI gave you? Don't swallow marbles! [COLONY SARFF] Doctor. Your friends have led me to you. You will come. [DOCTOR] Says you and whose army? [DOCTOR] Nobody dies here. Not one person, not one of my friends, do youunderstand? [COLONY SARFF] Davros, creator of the Daleks, dark lord of Skaro, isdying. [DOCTOR] So I hear. [COLONY SARFF] He would speak with you again on the last night of hislife. [DOCTOR] Then you will harm nobody in this place. Not one person. Are wevery, very clear? [COLONY SARFF] Are you so dangerous, little man? [DOCTOR] You want to know how dangerous I am? Davros sent you.You knowhow stupid you are? Huh! You came! [DOCTOR] Is that supposed to frighten me? Snake nest in a dress? Now,explain, politely. Davros is my arch-enemy. Why would I want to talk tohim? [MISSY] No, wait, hang on a minute. Davros is yourarch-enemy now? [DOCTOR] Hush! [MISSY] I'll scratch his eye out. [COLONY SARFF] Davros knows. Davros remembers. [CLARA] That's yours. [DOCTOR] Er, it was. [CLARA] Was? [DOCTOR] I don't have a screwdriver any more. [MISSY] Ooo. Never seen that before. Doctor, thelook on your face. Whatis that? [CLARA] Shame. You're ashamed. Doctor? What have you done? [YOUNG DAVROS [memory]] Please, you've got to help me. You said I couldsurvive! You said you'd help me! Help me! [DOCTOR] Is your ship in orbit? [MISSY] It's a trap. [COLONY SARFF] Prepare yourself for teleport. [MISSY] Doctor, listen to me. I know traps, traps are my flirting. Thisis a trap. [DOCTOR] I am prepared. [MISSY] You sent me your confession dial. You threw yourself athree week party. You know what this is. [DOCTOR] Yes. Goodbye. (sotto) Goodbye, Clara. [CLARA] We're coming with him. Both of us, her and me. [ DOCTOR] No! No, no, no. Under no circumstances! What are you doing now? [COLONY SARFF] Voting. We are a democracy. It is agreed. [DOCTOR] No, no, no! I forbid it, no! No! No! No! No! --------------------------------------- (Castle) [BORS] Inform High Command. It is located. The Tardis is located. [DALEK [OC]] The Tardis will be procured. [DALEKS [OC]] Procure the Tardis. Procure the Tardis. Procure. Procure. --------------------------------------- (Sarff's spaceship) [DOCTOR] Davros is the child of war, a war thatwouldn't end. A thousand years of fighting, till nobody could rememberwhy. So Davros, he created a new kind of warrior, one that wouldn'tbother with that question. A mutant in a tank that would never, everstop. And they never did. [CLARA] The Daleks? [DOCTOR] How scared must you be to seal every one of your own kindinside a tank? (a pause) Davros made the Daleks, but who made Davros? [MISSY] Okay, great. Coming out of hyperspace. [DOCTOR] So that's where he ended up. [CLARA] What is that? [DOCTOR] I don't know. A hospital? --------------------------------------- (Empty room) [CLARA] How long have we been waiting? [DOCTOR] Who knows? It's always the way with hospitals. [COLONY SARFF] You will come. You will stay. [MISSY] Fair enough. [CLARA] Doctor. You sent Missy your confession dial. [DOCTOR] Well, we've known each other a long time. She's one of my ownpeople. [CLARA] My point is, we both saw her die on Earth, ages ago. Andobviously you knew that wasn't real. Or worse, hoped it wasn't. Eitherway, I think you've been lying. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. [CLARA] Don't apologise. Make it up to me. There, see? Ha. Now you haveto come back. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Gravity. [MISSY] I know. [CLARA] Gravity? [MISSY] Oh, yeah. You know what's wrong with the gravity in here? [CLARA] No. [MISSY] Nothing. It's perfect. But this is a space station, so thegravity should be artificial, all coppery-smelling round the edges, atiny bit sexy. (American) But this feels real, man. (normal Scottish)Like a planet. [CLARA] How can you and the Doctor be friends? [MISSY] Why shouldn't we be? [CLARA] You spend all your time fighting. [MISSY] Exactly. [MISSY] You know what this airlock is? I'll tell you. It's pants. [CLARA] What do you mean? [MISSY] I mean that today might be the day. [CLARA] What day? [MISSY] The day I kill you. [CLARA] What are you doing? Are you opening it? [MISSY] Yeah, course. [CLARA] Missy, we'll get sucked out! [MISSY] You and me together, off we go. Let's make jam! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] Doctor? [DAVROS] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Davros. [DAVROS] I approve of your new face, Doctor. So much more like mine.Colony Sarff, untie our guest's hands. [DAVROS] You may leave us. [DAVROS] You came, then. [DOCTOR] Clearly. [DAVROS] Did you suspect a trap? [DOCTOR] I still do. [DAVROS] Then why are you here? Did you miss our conversations? [DOCTOR 4 [Genesis of the Daleks]] If you had created a virus in yourlaboratory [DOCTOR 5 [Resurrection of the Daleks]] I'm not here as your prisoner,Davros... [DOCTOR 7 [Remembrance of the Daleks]] Unimaginable power! Unlimitedrice pudding! [DOCTOR 10 [Stolen Earth]] Everything we saw. Everything we lost. [DOCTOR 6 [Revelation of the Daleks]] But did you bother to tell anyonethey might be eating their own relatives? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, okay, you've made your point. [DAVROS] Have I? [DOCTOR 4 [on screen]] If someone who knew the future pointed out achild to you, and told you that that child would grow up totally evil,to be a ruthless dictator who would destroy millions of lives, couldyou then kill that child? [DOCTOR] I get the point. [DAVROS] Do you know why you came, Doctor? You have a sense of duty. Ofguilt, perhaps. And certainly of shame. [DOCTOR] You flatter me. [DAVROS] Pity. I intended to accuse. I believe that for the ultimategood of the universe, I was right to create the Daleks. [DOCTOR] You were very wrong. [DAVROS] This is the argument we've had since we met. [DOCTOR] It ended in the Time War. [DAVROS] It survived the Time War. But it will end tonight. That is whyyou are here. [DAVROS] It seems your friends have gone exploring. --------------------------------------- (Outsidethe hospital) [MISSY] It's warm, isn't it? (a pause) For deep space, anyway. [CLARA] What are you doing? [MISSY] Treading softly. [CLARA] What, there's a floor? [MISSY] No. No, there's ground. This is the ground. [MISSY] We're on a planet.And that is not a space station. That is a building. And the rest ofthe planet, the whole thing, is invisible. [CLARA] That's ridiculous. [MISSY] Well, yes, of course it is. I mean, how would you ever find yourglasses? Or the little girl's room? And what if you kissed an ugly?Unless, when you're part of the atmosphere, you start syncing with thespectrum. [CLARA] Why would anybody hide a whole planet? [MISSY] That would rather depend on the planet, dear. [MISSY] No. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] No! --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [MISSY] They've built it again. They've brought itback. No, no. No! [CLARA] What? What is it? Where are we? --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] Skaro! You've brought me to Skaro. [DAVROS] Where does an old man go to die, but with his children? --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [CLARA] What's Skaro? [MISSY] The beginning. Where it all started. This is the planet of theDaleks! [DALEK] Correct. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] (sotto) Clara! [DAVROS] You cannot help her now, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CLARA] The Tardis. How did she get here? [DALEK SUPREME] It has been procured. [CLARA] Yeah? Yeah, well, if you're trying to get inside, you can't.Nothing can enter the Tardis. [DALEK SUPREME] The Tardis will not be entered. The Tardis will bedestroyed. [CLARA] (chuckles) Yeah, well, good luck, because she's indestructible. [MISSY] Did the Doctor tell you that? Because you should never believe aman about a vehicle. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] What are they going to do? Tell me, what? [DAVROS] Who can say? You know what children are like. [MISSY [on screen]] Daleks! Pay attention! [DOCTOR] (sotto) Don't. Just don't. --------------------------------------- (Control room / Davros' room) [MISSY] You know what this is? This thing you're about to destroy? I'lltell you! It's the dog's unmentionables. And you know all about those,don't you? [MISSY] This is a Tardis. With this, you can go anywhere, doanything, kill anyone. With this, the Daleks can be more powerful thanever before. [ MISSY] You just need one thing. [DOCTOR] (sotto) No. Missy, no! [MISSY] Me. You need me. A Time Lady, to show you how it works. Withthis and with me, everything can be yours. And you can burn it all, forever and ever and ever. (long pause) Or would you rather just kill me? [DALEK SUPREME] Maximum extermination. [DALEK] Exterminate. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] Please! Please, I'm begging you. Please,please. Please, save Clara. [DAVROS] I gave the Daleks life. I do not control them. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Oh, Clara. Oh, my Clara. [DAVROS] See how they play with her. See how they toy. They want her torun. They need her to run. Do you feel theirneed, Doctor? Their bloodis screaming kill, kill, kill! Hunter and prey, held in the ecstasy ofcrisis. Is this not life at its purest? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] Why have I ever let you live? [DAVROS] Compassion, Doctor. It has always been your greatestindulgence. Let this be my final victory. Let me hear you say it, justonce. Compassion is wrong. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK SUPREME] Destroy the Tardis! [DALEKS] Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! (ad infinitum) --------------------------------------- (Battlefield) [YOUNG DAVROS] Help me! You can't leave me! You promised. You said I hada chance. [YOUNG DAVROS] Who are you? I don't get it. How did you get there? [DOCTOR] From the future. [YOUNG DAVROS] Are you going to save me? [DOCTOR] I'm going to save my friend the only way I can. [DOCTOR] Exterminate!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s35", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Magician's Apprentice"}
Doctor Who (5 Dec 2015; Twelfth Doctor) - Hell Bent
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s35", "episode": "e12", "title": "Hell Bent"}
Doctor Who (26 Sept 2015; Twelfth Doctor) - The Witch's Familiar [MISSY] Consider the Doctor. The Doctor, trapped. The Doctor, alone. Youall right there, dear? [CLARA] Where are we? How did we ? [MISSY] Shh, now. Mummy's talking. Okay, I'm going to tell you a storyof the Doctor. It's classic. On the run, no Tardis. No friends, nohelp. In other words, the Doctor, happy. It was a long time ago. [MISSY] Doesn't matter which face he was wearing, they're all the Doctorto me. So let's give it to the eyebrows. [CLARA] But the Daleks [MISSY] Yes, I'm coming to that. [CLARA] Shouldn't we be, um? I don't want to say dead. [MISSY] Hush! He's travelling by teleporter. Unfortunately, histeleporter is out of power. Also unfortunate, he's being stalked by,oh, say about fifty androidassassins? I may be rounding up. [MISSY] Ow. Fifty invisible, indestructible android assassins, allexclusively programmed to kill him. [CLARA] Why are you sharpening that stick? [MISSY] Well, I've no idea how long we're going to be stuck out here.Might have to go hunting. [CLARA] So why am I tied up? [MISSY] In case there's nothing to hunt. [MISSY] The Doctor, then. Surrounded. Outnumbered. Outgunned. Andfreeze. Nanoseconds to live. Four, I'd say, being generous. Now, myquestion is this. How did he survive? [MISSY] Oh, come on, Clara! You know him. Consider the Doctor. [CLARA] Where did he get that teleport thingy? [MISSY] Oh, good, good. He stole one from an android. [CLARA] So, I'm guessing he uses the same energy as the android weapons,right? [MISSY] Excellent! Not seeing you as sandwiches now. [CLARA] Okay, then. He uses the energy wave from the android weapons torecharge the teleport bracelet and at the exact moment he's supposed todisintegrate, [CLARA] He actually teleports. Hang on, that's how you did it. That'show we escaped the Daleks. [MISSY] I modified the same principle for our vortex manipulators, yes.Blew them off, I'm afraid. But the Doctor, he, he improvised it. Hemust have got through several thousand calculations in the time ittakes to fire up a disintegrator. Seriously, what a swot! [CLARA] So the androids think he's dead and the Doctor escapes. [MISSY] No, he's the Doctor. He fell into a nest of vampire monkeys. [MISSY] But that's another story! [CLARA] Oh! [MISSY] Why does the Doctor always survive? [CLARA] Because he's clever. [MISSY] Yes, but there's lots of clever dead people. I love killingclever clogs, they make the best faces. [CLARA] Because he always assumes he's going to win. He always knowsthere's a way to survive. He just has to go and find it. [MISSY] Yes, except this time, he made a will and threw himself agoodbye party. Now, if the Doctor assumes he's going to die, whathappens then? [CLARA] We do. [MISSY] He's trapped at the heart of the Dalek empire. He's a prisonerof the creatures who hate him most in the universe. Between us and himis everything the deadliest race in all of history can throw at us. We,on the other hand, have a pointy stick. How do we start? [CLARA] We assume we're going to win. [MISSY] Oh. Pity, really. I was actually quite peckish. [CLARA] Can I have a stick too? [MISSY] Make your own stick. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] It took me so very long to realise it was you,standing at the gates of my beginning. And here you are at the end. [DAVROS] But this time, I have you at my mercy. Exterminate. [DAVROS] Ancient. Inoperable. [DOCTOR] Genius. [DAVROS] You would threaten a dying man? Have I not suffered enough? [DOCTOR] Get out. [DAVROS] I cannot leave this chamber. It sustains me. [DOCTOR] Get out! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK] Alert! Alert! The infirmary is breached. [DALEK SUPREME] Protect Davros. Davros must be assisted. [DALEK] Davros is leaving the infirmary. [DALEK SUPREME] Davros must remain. Davros cannot leave. [DAVROS [OC]] My children! Help me! [DALEK SUPREME] You must return to the infirmary. [DAVROS [OC]] The Doctor is escaping. Find him. Find the Doctor. [DALEK SUPREME] Find the Doctor! Seek, locate, destroy! --------------------------------------- (Corridors) [DALEKS] Seek, locate, destroy. Seek, locate. [BATTLE DALEK] Exterminate the Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [DALEKS [OC]] Exterminate the Doctor! Exterminate! [CLARA] What's happening? [MISSY] What do you think? [CLARA] He's in the middle of that? [MISSY] Ah, that's what we need. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DAVROS [OC]] Assist me! [DALEK] Davros approaches. [DALEK SUPREME] Admit Davros. Admit the creator. [DAVROS] Help me! [DALEK SUPREME] Assist Davros. Assist. [DOCTOR] Admit it. You've all had this exact nightmare. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] Get me Sarff! [COLONY SARFF] I am here. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] So,anyone for dodgems? [DALEK SUPREME] Exterminate! [DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Cave) [CLARA] Daleks have sewers? [MISSY] With one significant difference. [CLARA] Being? [MISSY] They're ever so slightly alive. [CLARA] They're what? [MISSY] How much of a drop would you say that is? Can you see the bottom? [CLARA] Too dark. Er, we could chuck a stone down, or something. [MISSY] Oh yeah, good idea. [CLARA] Oh! [MISSY] Twenty feet. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] Of course, the real question is, where did I get the cup of tea?Answer? I'm the Doctor. Just accept it. [DALEK SUPREME] You are unharmed. [DOCTOR] Proposition. Davros is an insane, paranoid genius who hassurvived among several billion trigger-happy mini-tanks for centuries.Conclusion? I'm definitely having his chair. [DALEK SUPREME] You cannot escape, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I'm guessing his personal forcefield only works in onedirection. [DALEK SUPREME] The Doctor does not use weapons. [DOCTOR] Doesn't he? Ah, listen to your little hearts beat! --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [CLARA] Ah [MISSY] Hello. [MISSY] Oh, poppet. Do you really think you could? [CLARA] First chance I get. [MISSY] You won't survive down here on your own. [CLARA] You won't survive turning your back. [MISSY] Ooo. How exciting. [MISSY] God, you're dull. [MISSY] In future, if you're going to take my stick, do me the courtesyof actually killing me. Team work is all about respect. [CLARA] We're not a team. [MISSY] Of course we are. Every miner needs a canary. Now, hush, lookaround. Bit of a mess, isn't it? [CLARA] You said it was a sewer. [MISSY] Daleks don't generate much in the way of waste. [CLARA] So what is it all, then? [MISSY] Decaying Daleks. Daleks can't die. Genetically hard-wired tokeep on living, whatever happens. Well. But they still age, poor loves.Over time, the body breaks down, rots, liquefies. Interestingly, theDalek word for sewer is the same as their word for graveyard. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] Ask me what I want. [DALEK SUPREME] Irrelevant. You will not prevail. You will not succeed. [DOCTOR] I've been at the heart of your empire for forty two minutes,and I own it, and I haven't even got out of my chair. Ask me what Iwant. [DALEK SUPREME] What do you want? [DOCTOR] Clara Oswald. [DOCTOR] I want Clara Oswald, safe, alive, and returned to meimmediately. You bring her back. You do that. You do that now.Unharmed. Unhurt. Alive. [DALEK SUPREME] Your associate [DOCTOR] I saw what happened. I was there.And I'm hoping, for all of our sakes, that it was a trick. [DALEK SUPREME] It was not a deception. [DOCTOR] Because if Clara Oswald is really dead, then you'd better bevery, very careful how you tell me. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [MISSY] Listen to that. The Doctor without hope. [DOCTOR [OC]] Who's going to tell me? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] Who's going to go first? --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [MISSY] Nobody is safe now. [DOCTOR [OC]] All the power Davros had is mine. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] Everything he had, I have. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [DOCTOR [OC]] Who's going to tell me that ClaraOswald is really dead? [MISSY] He'll burn everything. Us too. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK SUPREME] Clara Oswald is not alive. [DAVROS [on screen]] Doctor, this urge for conquest. It is gratifying tosee you learn. [DOCTOR] Davros. You're up. Sorry, this seat's taken. [DAVROS [on screen]] Indeed. But not by you. [DAVROS [on screen]] You've met my Head of Personal Security, I think.Colony Sarff. His agents are everywhere. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] Are you ready? [COLONY SARFF] Of course. [DAVROS] Be subtle, Colony Sarff. Tonight, we entrap a Time Lord. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [CLARA] What is that? A lift? [MISSY] What? Never mind the lift. See that thing on the wall? [CLARA] What about it? [MISSY] Take a look. [CLARA] What is it? [MISSY] Closer. [CLARA] What am I even looking for? [MISSY] Nothing. I'm giving it a good look at you. [DALEK [OC]] Intruder alert! Intruder alert! [CLARA] Why the hell did you do that? [MISSY] Ever ring a doorbell and run away? [DALEK [OC]] Humanoid detected in lower level. [MISSY] Not this time. [DALEK [OC]] Dalek to Lower Level Thirteen. [CLARA] What the hell did you do that for? [MISSY] We need to trap and kill a Dalek. You're the bait, I'm the hook. [MISSY] Dark star alloy. Goes through armour plating like a knifethrough people. [CLARA] Missy. Missy. Missy, uncuff me now! [MISSY] It's pretty, though, isn't it? Got it in the olden days onGallifrey. The Doctor gave it to me when my daughter [MISSY] Keep it talking. We need to draw it out of the lift. [CLARA] You can't kill a Dalek with a brooch. [MISSY] Yes, you can. Yes, you can. [DALEK] Humanoid detected. Remain still. Do not move. Scan in progress.Humanoid unauthorised in restricted area. [DALEK] Sterilisation proceeding. [MISSY] Hey, you! Guess what? I just put a hole in you. [MISSY] And another and another. And another! [CLARA] What are you doing? [MISSY] Murdering a Dalek. I'm a Time Lady, it's our golf. [DALEK] Damage levels insignificant. [MISSY] Oh, really? I think you're forgetting you're surrounded by abunch of very old, very angry Daleks. [MISSY] (American) You just got yourself a puncture in a badneighbourhood. Meet the locals? All blind and squelchy and out of theirtiny minds, but they can still smell! Nobody hates like a Dalek. Herethey come! I think they want to steal your motor. [DALEK] Emergency! Emergency! My vision is impaired. [DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! [MISSY] Oh, here comes the older generation! [MISSY] These young folks today are so tetchy! [DALEK] Emergency! Emergency! [MISSY] Wheeeeeee! --------------------------------------- (Battleground) [YOUNG DAVROS] Help me! You can't leave me. You promised. You did! Yousaid I could survive. You said you'd help me. Help me! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] I hope you are grateful. It wasn't easy to procure. And verynearly unique, of course. You should feel privileged. The only otherchair on Skaro. [DAVROS] Don't get up. [DOCTOR] You neither. [DAVROS] The chamber is sealed, and I believe you are not carrying yoursonic device. [DOCTOR] I gave it up. Bad memories. [DAVROS] I am dying, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You keep saying that, you keep not dying. Can you give it somewelly? Come on. [DAVROS] And it is time for us to conclude our business together. [DOCTOR] We have no business. [DAVROS] We have nothing but. Look again at the cables, Doctor.Understand what they are. What they can do. Just step a little closer. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [MISSY] Get in. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] They don't have much respect for you, dothey? Your kids. Have you seen the state of this place? I mean, this isexactly where you dump a smelly old uncle slash family pet slash geniusscientist who couldn't even invent legs. Seriously, how do your boystake it when everybody else has got two eyes? [DAVROS] You know what it is, of course. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. It's a hyperspace relay, with some kind of a geneticcomponent. [DAVROS] I am connected to the life force of every Dalek on this planet.It is what has kept me alive. As their hearts beat, so does mine. [DOCTOR] Ooo. Nice. Vampiring off your own creations, just to eke outyour days. I'm surprised the Daleks allow it. [DAVROS] Oh, they have no choice. My Daleks are afflicted with a geneticdefect. [DOCTOR] What defect? [DAVROS] Respect. Mercy for their father. Design flaws I was unable toeliminate. And now he sees it. Now he understands. The cables, Doctor.Touch them. Imagine, to hold in your hand the heartbeat of every Dalekon Skaro. They send me life. Is it beyond the wit of a Time Lord tosend them death? A little work and it could be done. [DOCTOR] Er, why would you be telling me this? [DAVROS] Genocide in a moment. Such slaughter, not in self-defence. Notas a simple act of war. Genocide as a choice. Are you ready, Doctor? Somany backs with a single knife. [DAVROS] Are you ready to be a god? [DAVROS] Why do you hesitate? No one would know. Clara Oswald is dead.Is this the conscience of the Doctor, or his shame? The shame thatbrought you here. [DOCTOR] There's no such thing as the Doctor. I'm just a bloke in a box,telling stories. And I didn't come here because I'm ashamed. A bit ofshame never hurt anyone. I came because you're sick and you asked. Andbecause sometimes, on a good day, if I try very hard, I'm not some oldTime Lord who ran away. I'm the Doctor. [DAVROS] Compassion then. [DOCTOR] Always. [DAVROS] It grows strong and fierce in you, like a cancer. [DOCTOR] I hope so. [DAVROS] It will kill you in the end. [DOCTOR] I wouldn't die of anything else. [DAVROS] You may rely on it. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [CLARA] How am I supposed to make it go? Are there pedals? [MISSY] Telepathic control. Open wide. [MISSY] I meant your skull. Never mind [CLARA] Ow! [MISSY] Shh, shh, now, don't worry. [CLARA] Ow. [MISSY] There's loads of nano-tech repairing any damage as the feed goesin. [CLARA] What about when it comes out? [MISSY] No idea. Nobody knows. Anyway, to control the unit, you justhave to think. Novel idea for you, but let's try it. Move forwards. [CLARA] I don't know how to [MISSY] You see? [CLARA] Oh! How did I do that? [MISSY] Circle right. [CLARA] I can't [MISSY] Circle left. There you go. All right, this won't hurt a bit. [CLARA] Hang on. No, Missy. No, no, no, no! No, Missy. Missy, no, no,no, please don't! Don't, don't, please! [MISSY] Are you okay? --------------------------------------- (Inside the Dalek) [CLARA] Fine, I think. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [DALEK] Fine, I think. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Okay. [CLARA DALEK] Okay. That's a bit weird. [MISSY] Just a bit. Okay. All right. Shh. Say your name. [CLARA DALEK] Why? [MISSY] Just just say. Just say it. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Clara. [CLARA DALEK] Dalek. [MISSY] Say it again. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Clara Oswald. [CLARA DALEK] Dalek. Dalek. [MISSY] One more time. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] I am Clara Oswald! I'm Clara Oswald! [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! [MISSY] Whoa! Just don't get emotional. Emotion fires the gun. Okay? [CLARA [in the Dalek]] I don't understand. [CLARA DALEK] I do not understand. [MISSY] Say I love you. Those exact words. Don't ask me why, just say it. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] I love you. [CLARA DALEK] Exterminate. [MISSY] Say, you are different from me. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] You are different from me. [CLARA DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! [MISSY] Say, "Ex-ter-min-ate!" [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Exterminate. [CLARA DALEK] Exterminate! [CLARA DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! [MISSY] Cybermen suppress emotion. Daleks channel it through a gun.That's why they keep yelling exterminate. It's how they reload. So,let's go and kill them. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] There is a question, Doctor. One I havelonged to ask. [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, if you're going to put your hand on my knee, itisn't going to go well. [DAVROS] Why did you leave Gallifrey? [DOCTOR] Well, because I did. [DAVROS] You stole the Tardis, and ran and ran. Why? [DOCTOR] It's a boring place, Gallifrey. I was going out of my mind. [DAVROS] Yet you long to return. [DOCTOR] Ah, well, I'm inconsistent. [DAVROS] But it is always the same lie. [DOCTOR] What lie? [DAVROS] You weren't bored. No one runs the way you have run for sosmall a reason. [DOCTOR] I do. [DAVROS] No, you don't. Colony Sarff confiscated these items on yourarrival. [DAVROS] A Time Lord confession dial, I believe. Your confession. Tellme. Send me to my grave with this precious knowledge. What isthe Doctor's confession? [DOCTOR] Don't you dare! [DAVROS] Is it possible I have touched a nerve? [DOCTOR] Some things matter to me, Davros. Not many, but a few. And youdon't put your fingers anywhere near them. [DOCTOR] And they'd better not be scratched. These are my best ones. [DAVROS] Still you play the fool. [DOCTOR] Well, by now that should make you nervous. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DALEK] Halt! Report. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Humanoid intrud [CLARA DALEK] Humanoid intruder found on lower levels. [DALEK] Why has the intruder not been exterminated? Explain. Explain.Explain! [MISSY] I'm a prisoner of special significance. Count the hearts. [DALEK] You are a Time Lord? [MISSY] Time Lady, thank you. Some of us can afford the upgrade. Is itstill the same old Supreme Dalek these days? I fought him once on theslopes of the Never Vault. Tell him the bitch is back. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] Make your confession, Doctor. Whydid you really leave Gallifrey? [DOCTOR] How long has it been, you and I? [DAVROS] Long enough. Galaxies have burned. [DOCTOR] And now you ask me a personal question? [DAVROS] You have slaughtered billions of my children, as I haveslaughtered billions of your race. We have exhausted the conventionalmeans of communication. [DOCTOR] My people are alive. They didn't die. I brought them back. Ifound a way. [DAVROS] Is this true? [DOCTOR] Gallifrey is back in the sky. I don't know where, I may neverknow. But Gallifrey is back and it is safe from both of us. [DAVROS] Doctor, my most sincere congratulations. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry? [DAVROS] This is wonderful news. Beyond all hope. I congratulate you. [DOCTOR] Why are you saying that? [DAVROS] A man should have a race, a people, an allegiance. A man shouldbelong, Doctor. Believe me, please. I am happy for you. So happy. [DOCTOR] I don't, I don't understand this. Why are you [DAVROS] Come closer again. Let me see your face. [DOCTOR] You've seen it often enough. [DAVROS] Let me see it again with my own eyes. [DAVROS] Closer, please. [DAVROS] If you have redeemed the Time Lords from thefire, do not lose them again. Take the darkest path into the deepesthell, but protect your own as I have sought to protect mine. Did I doright, Doctor? Tell me. [DAVROS] Was I right? I need to know before the end. AmI a good man? [DOCTOR] You really are dying, aren't you? [DAVROS] Look at me. Did you doubt it? [DOCTOR] Yes. [DAVROS] Then we have established one thing only. [DOCTOR] What? [DAVROS] You are not a good doctor. [DAVROS] Pity. I had hoped to see the sun one last time with the eyes ofmy true self. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MISSY] Oh, hello! Look at you all, withyour nice, shiny domes. Oh, I am loving this. (to Dalek Supreme) You'remy secret favourite. Don't tell the others. [DALEK SUPREME] You are an enemy of the Daleks. [MISSY] Yes, well, anyone who's not a Dalek is an enemy of the Daleks,so that was an easy guess. [DALEK SUPREME] You will be exterminated. [MISSY] Please, please do, because I have been on my feet all day. [MISSY] Butbefore you get all exterminate-y, two things. One, I want to seeDavros. Two, I have a lovely little gift for you all, if you take me tohim right now. [DALEK SUPREME] We do not negotiate. [MISSY] Clara Oswald. I brought you complete control of the Doctor,gift-wrapped. Better. Canned. --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] It is beautiful, my world, is it not? [DOCTOR] How did you get it back? [DAVROS] The Daleks remade it. Like you, they have a strong concept ofhome. [DOCTOR] No, like you. Everything you are, they are. [DAVROS] Like both of us, perhaps. How far we have come to go home again. [DOCTOR] I'm trying to pep this up, but you've been going a long time.Every Dalek on Skaro isn't enough any more. [DAVROS] It is so good of you to help me. [DOCTOR] I'm not helping you. I'm helping a little boy I abandoned on abattlefield. I think I owe him a sunrise. [DOCTOR] Come on, chin up. [DOCTOR] Any minute now [DAVROS] I have always admired you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Here it comes. [DAVROS] I wish, just once, we had been on the same side. [DOCTOR] Look, the sun's coming up. We're on the same side now. [DAVROS] I regret I cannot open my eyes. [DOCTOR] Okay, don't ever tell anyone that I did this. [DOCTOR] A little bit of regeneration energy. Probably cost me an arm ora leg somewhere down the line. Or I'll just be really little. [DOCTOR] Should be enough, just to [DAVROS] Hold him firm, Colony Sarff. He is precious to us now. [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [DAVROS] Regeneration energy. The ancient magic of the Time Lords. Ithought I would have to tear you apart to take it from you but, asalways, your compassion is your downfall. [DOCTOR] No! No! No, please! No! [DAVROS] You have opened your veins of your own free will, and allDaleks shall drink the blood of Gallifrey. They shall rise strongerthan ever. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK SUPREME] Where is Clara Oswald? You will tell us! You will tell us! You will tell us [MISSY] I'm sorry. Was I, er, was I boring you? [MISSY] No. No, no, no, no, Doctor. What have you done? [CLARA [in the Dalek]] What's happening? [CLARA DALEK] What is happening? [MISSY] I have to find the Doctor. [CLARA] No! [CLARA DALEK] Exterminate! [CLARA] No! [CLARA DALEK] Exterminate! [CLARA] Please, you can't just leave me here. Please! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] There was a prophecy, Doctor, on your own world. [DOCTOR] Please you must, you must stop this. You must stop this! [DAVROS] It spoke of a hybrid creature. Two great warrior races forced togetherto create a warrior greater than either. Is that what you ran from,Doctor? Your part in the coming of the hybrid? Half Dalek, half TimeLord? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [MISSY] Give me your gun! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] Stop! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK SUPREME] We are renewed. We are more powerful. The experiment has succeeded. All praise Davros. [DALEKS] All praise Davros! All praise Davros! (etc., etc.) --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [MISSY] Morning. [DOCTOR] Where's Clara? [MISSY] Oh, hello to you, too. [DOCTOR] You're alive, so she is too. Where is she? [MISSY] I'm fine, thanks for asking. [DAVROS] Oh, you are not fine. Thanks to you, Doctor, my creations shall grow toyet greater supremacy, and my own life is prolonged. This is the finaldefeat of the Time Lords. Have you nothing to say, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Three. [DAVROS] Do you understand what has happened? Hear my children sing. [DOCTOR] Two. [MISSY] Oh, I know that face. [DAVROS] All praise Davros, creator and saviour of the Daleks. [DOCTOR] One. [DAVROS] What is that? What's happening? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK SUPREME] We are under attack. Explain! Explain! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DOCTOR] I knew exactly what you were doing, and I let you do it. Youtransmitted regeneration energy into every Dalek on this planet. Everysingle one. [DAVROS] What have you done? [DOCTOR] One word. Er, no, two words, actually. First word, moron. [DOCTOR] Second word, sewers. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK] Emergency! What is happening? Power is fluctuating! --------------------------------------- (Davros' room) [DAVROS] No. This cannot be correct. How can this be? [DOCTOR] Generations of Daleks just woke up very cross, and they are coming up the pipes. Or to put it another way, bye! [DAVROS] Doctor, you must help me. [MISSY] Can I just say, it's been an absolute pleasure to finally meet you? [MISSY] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK] My vision is impaired. I cannot see. [DALEK SUPREME] (spinning) Alert. I cannot control. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA DALEK] Doctor! [DOCTOR] This city is about to be sucked into the ground. Your own sewer isabout to consume you. There's no way you can win, there is nothing youcan do, so just tell me, where is Clara Oswald? [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek. [DOCTOR] Yes, you're a Dalek. Where is Clara? [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know that you're a Dalek. Where is Clara Oswald? [CLARA [in the Dalek]] It's me, I'm right here! It's me, I'm in here! It's Clara! [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! [MISSY] Doctor, stop! It's you, isn't it? I mean, no offence, you all look alike, but it is it is you? [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Yes, it's me, it's me. I'm right here. [CLARA DALEK] Affirmative. [MISSY] Clara's dead, Doctor. This is the one that killed her. [CLARA DALEK] Do not listen to her. I am a Dalek, I am a Dalek. [MISSY] I got her out of the city, but this one caught us and shot her down. There was nothing I could do, I'm afraid. [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek. [MISSY] She ran. She screamed. I'm so glad you didn't have to see that. [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek. [MISSY] This one's a mad one, isn't it? I mean, it's almost like, like it's proud. [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek! [MISSY] Kill it, Doctor. They're all going to die anyway. Indulge yourself. Go on, kill the Dalek. [CLARA DALEK] Do not kill me! Do not kill me! [DOCTOR] Is Clara dead? [CLARA [in the Dalek]] No! Doctor, no! I'm not dead, I'm in here! Can you hear me? [CLARA DALEK] I am a Dalek. I am alive. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] I'm your friend. I'm your friend! [CLARA DALEK] I am your enemy. Your enemy. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] No, please, don't. [CLARA DALEK] Mercy. Mercy. [DOCTOR] You shouldn't be able to say that. [CLARA DALEK] Mercy. [DOCTOR] That word shouldn't exist in your vocabulary. How did Davros teach you to say that? [CLARA DALEK] Mercy. [DOCTOR] Why aren't you trying to kill me? [CLARA DALEK] Mercy. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] Because I would never kill you. You are the last person I would ever kill. [CLARA DALEK] I show mercy. [DOCTOR] I'm putting the gun down. Open your casing. [CLARA [in the Dalek]] How? [CLARA DALEK] How? [DOCTOR] Just think the word "open". It'll work. [MISSY] Oh, look at that. Now, there's a surprise. [DOCTOR] Missy, run. [CLARA] Oh, Doctor [MISSY] In a way, this is why I gave her to you in the first place. To make yousee. The friend inside the enemy, the enemy inside the friend. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Clara. I'm so sorry! [MISSY] Everyone's a bit of both. Everyone's a hybrid. [DOCTOR] I said, run. [MISSY] It wasn't me who ran, Doctor. That was always you. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK SUPREME] Emergency! Dalek control is compromised. [DOCTOR] Where was the Tardis? It was over there somewhere, wasn't it? [DALEK SUPREME] What is happening? Explain! Explain! [DOCTOR] Dalek Supreme, your sewers are revolting. [DALEK SUPREME] You will assist, or you will be exterminated. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, go on, then. Exterminate away. [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Oops, sorry. Tardis force field is still here. We get in, you don't. [DALEK SUPREME] The Tardis has been destroyed. [DOCTOR] Ah, don't be silly, of course it hasn't. It just redistributed itselffor a moment. Hostile Action Dispersal System. I'll give it a quickblast from my sonic, and the real time envelope will reassemble righthere. [CLARA] Doctor, you don't have your screwdriver. [DOCTOR] Oh, yeah, I'm over screwdrivers. They spoil the line of your jacket. These days, I'm all about wearable technology. [CLARA] No! No? Seriously? [DALEK SUPREME] What is happening? [DOCTOR] Oh, same old, same old. Just the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DALEKS] Humanoid detected. Humanoid detected. Remain still. Do not move. Do not move. You are a Time Lord. [MISSY] You know what? I've just had a very clever idea. --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [CLARA] No chance you're going to tell me what's in that confession dial, I suppose? [CLARA] Hmm. [DOCTOR] It doesn't make sense. [CLARA] What doesn't? [DOCTOR] When you were in the Dalek, you made it say mercy.. It shouldn'thave understood the concept, it shouldn't have been able to say it. Howdid a tiny piece of mercy get into the DNA of the Daleks? [CLARA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Battlefield) [YOUNG DAVROS] Help me! You can't leave me, you promised. You said I had a chance. [YOUNG DAVROS] Who are you? I don't get it. How did you get there? [DOCTOR] From the future. [YOUNG DAVROS] Are you going to save me? [DOCTOR] I'm going to save my friend the only way I can. Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Come on, I'll take you home. [YOUNG DAVROS] Which side are you on? Are you the enemy? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure that any of that matters, friends, enemies. So long as there's mercy. Always mercy.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s35", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Witch's Familiar"}
Doctor Who (3 Oct 2015; Twelfth Doctor) - Under the Lake [MORAN [OC]] Privatejournal of Captain Jonathan Moran, 21st November 2119. We have locateda craft of unknown origin on the lake floor. Visual scans in siturevealed nothing, so we have brought the crafton board and myself and the crew will now investigate. --------------------------------------- (Main hangar) [MORAN] How did they miss this in the initial survey? [LUNN] Cass says it was buried, and then the currents of the water must haveshifted the rubble around. [PRITCHARD] A conversation needs to be had about who owns this spaceship. [MORAN] Can we stop calling it a spaceship? We don't know what it is. [PRITCHARD] A case could be made that this is an asset, and my company has boughtthe rights to all assets [MORAN] Whoa, whoa. What's this? Lunn, grab me a torch, will you? [MORAN] It was found on MOD property, even if that property is underwater. [MORAN] Whatyou bought is the oil under the ground. Lunn! Where's the torch? [CASS via LUNN] Can I go in? [MORAN] What is the radiation count? [BENNETT] Pretty much background level. [O'DONNELL] Anything more, it would have shown up onthe initial survey twenty years ago. [LUNN] (signs to Cass) If it's not safe, how come you can go in? [CASS via LUNN] How long do you think it's been down here? [BENNETT] Well, there's next to no corrosion. I've not seen technology likethis [MORAN] Please don't say on Earth. [BENNETT] On Earth before. [MORAN] (sighs) Maybe it's some kind of experimental craft that got left behind whenthey abandoned the site. [BENNETT] Wait, you think the Army would just lose a prototype weapon? [MORAN] You're new to the military, aren't you, son? [LUNN] Cass says he might be right. It might have been here since the 1980s,when the valley flooded. [MORAN] Cass! [LUNN] Come on! Move! Come on, we need to go now! [COMPUTER] Fire in the main hangar. Safety protocols have beeninitiated. All crew must evacuate immediately. This safety message wasbrought to you by Vector Petroleum. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [O'DONNELL] We can't just leave him in there! [PRITCHARD] There was something in the spaceship, I saw it! [BENNETT] O'Donnell. O'Donnell, he's dead. Didn't you see? [LUNN] The fire, are we safe out here? [BENNETT] It's fine. The CO2 will put the fire out. [O'DONNELL] (to Pritchard) It was you! You were messing about with the controls on that ship! [BENNETT] Moran. But, we just saw you [O'DONNELL] He's. Oh, my God. He's a ghost. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] What's wrong? You're not happy. Why aren't you happy? Tell me. [CLARA [OC]] Come on! we're on a roll! [CLARA] Monsters, things blowing up. Oh, hey, can wego back to that place where the people with the long necks have beencelebrating New Year for two centuries? I left my sunglasses there. Andmost of my dignity. [DOCTOR] Why have you brought us here? [CLARA] Here being? [DOCTOR] Underwater. Some sort of a base. The technology's twenty second century. Maybemilitary, maybe scientific. [CLARA] Is there a crew? [DOCTOR] Must be, somewhere, if there's oxygen. [CLARA] I want another adventure. Come on, you feel the same. You're itching tosave a planet, I know it. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [CLARA] Doctor, look at this. [CLARA] Food fight? [DOCTOR] I think there was more to it than that. Whatever it was, it happenedpretty recently. [DOCTOR] Seven or eight hours ago. No bodies, though. [CLARA] And theytook provisions. Okay, so something or someone forced the crew to abandon the base. Maybethey went for a swim in the creepy flooded village outside. [CLARA] Oh, yeah. You see, this is more like it. [CLARA] Oh, come on. Don't leave me hanging. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Look. Told you. Crew. [DOCTOR] Hello, sailors! [DOCTOR] Right, I did not expect that. Hands up who expected that. [DOCTOR] Wait, wait. I don't think they're going to hurt us. I think thatthey're just curious. [CLARA] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Well, I mean, define sure. Look at you lovely chaps. What's happenedto you, then? [DOCTOR] Come on. [CLARA] What are they? [DOCTOR] I haven't a clue. Isn't that exciting? --------------------------------------- (Main hangar) [CLARA] Where did they go? What is it, some kind of submarine? [DOCTOR] No, it's alien. [DOCTOR] That's weird. The Tardis hasn't translated it. [CLARA] (sotto) Hey, look, they're back. [DOCTOR] Hello! Did you want to show us this?It's very nice. [CLARA] Wait, are they saying something? [CLARA] Okay, they now appear to be arming themselves. [DOCTOR] Yes, I spotted that, too. [DOCTOR] Was it something she said? She does that. She once had an argument withGandhi! [CLARA] I'm starting to see why the crew did a runner. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] Run! [O'DONNELL] In here! Quick! --------------------------------------- (Faraday cage) [DOCTOR] What are you? [PRITCHARD] Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here? [DOCTOR] This is Clara, and I'm the Doctor. [PRITCHARD] You're from UNIT. [DOCTOR] Well, if that's what it says. [PRITCHARD] I'm Pritchard, this is Bennett. [O'DONNELL] O'Donnell! Are you really the Doctor? I'm a huge fan! I mean, er, you know Nicework. [LUNN] Tim Lunn, I sign for Cass. [DOCTOR] Tell me, what about those things out there? What are they? Why are theytrying to kill us? [BENNETT] Well, they're er, they're ghosts. [DOCTOR] They're not ghosts. [LUNN] Cass is saying [DOCTOR] Thank you, but I actually don't need your help. I can speak sign.(signs) Go ahead. [DOCTOR] No, no, actually, I can't. It's been deleted for semaphore.Someone get me a selection of flags. [CASS via LUNN] One of the ghosts is our previous commanding officer. The other,um moley guy, we don't know what he is. [DOCTOR] He's from the planet Tivoli. [BENNETT] See? I told you he was an alien. Didn't I say that? [DOCTOR] Weird thing is, they're not violent. They're too cowardly. Theywouldn't say boo to a goose. They're more likely to give the goosetheir car keys and bank details.When did they first appear? [O'DONNELL] Oh, did you see that spaceship in the hangar? Yeah, we found that on the lake bed and we'd just got it on board andone of the engines started up and then Moran got (pause) [CASS via LUNN] Then they appeared and pretty much straight away started trying to killus. So we grabbed what we could and we were looking for somewhere tohide,and that's when we realised the ghosts couldn't come in here. [CLARA] What is this place? [DOCTOR] It's a Faraday cage. Completely impenetrable to radio waves, andapparently, whatever those things are out there. So, who's in charge now? I need to know who to ignore. [CASS via LUNN] That would be me. [LUNN] Her. [PRITCHARD] Actually, that would be me. [PRITCHARD] I represent Vector Petroleum. We'veobtained the mining rights to the oil. [DOCTOR] The oil? Where are we? [BENNETT] This used to be a military training site. There was a dam overlookingit, but the dam burst and the valley was submerged. [PRITCHARD] Then twenty years ago, we discovered a massive oil reservoir underneathit. [COMPUTER] Good morning. Entering day mode. [O'DONNELL] Okay, it's morning. We can go outside now. [LUNN] Thank God for that. [PRITCHARD] At last, we can get out of here. [CLARA] Morning? [BENNETT] (Taking a towel from a hook.) Yeah, we're too far below the surface for daylight, so we have todemarcate artificial days and nights. [DOCTOR] I'd like to have a further look at that spaceship, but what about thosethings that aren't ghosts? [O'DONNELL] Oh, it's all right. They only come out at night. [CLARA] (sotto) Weird how that is not comforting. --------------------------------------- (Main hangar) [DOCTOR] If whatever they are [PRITCHARD] They're ghosts. [DOCTOR] They're not ghosts. Have been trying to kill you, why haven't you abandoned the base? [PRITCHARD] That was my call. We've got about a trillion dollars worth of mining equipment here.We're not just going to abandon it What? If it all goes pear-shaped, it's not them that lose a bonus. [DOCTOR] It's okay. I understand. You're an idiot. Come to mention it, why isthere a Faraday cage on the base? [BENNETT] It's the mining equipment. It runs on nuclear fission. The Faraday cagehas been lined with lead to act as a shelter in the event of aradiation leak. [DOCTOR] So, we are fighting an unknown homicidal force that has taken the form ofyour commanding officer and a cowardly alien, underwater, in a nuclearreactor. Anything else I should know? Someone got a peanut allergy, orsomething? [DOCTOR] It all started with this ship. This is where the answer will be. [DOCTOR] What's happened to the stuff you've removed? This is for long-haulflights. There should be a suspended-animation chamber for the pilotright here.Plus, one of the power cells is missing. [PRITCHARD] Power cell? [DOCTOR] Yeah. You can see the casing is empty. [LUNN] It's not safe out here! [CLARA] What's the matter? [LUNN] She won't let me look inside the spaceship. She says it's not safe. I'msaying it's not safe out here. [PRITCHARD] I imagine they're pretty valuable. [DOCTOR] What? [PRITCHARD] I mean powerful. Those power cells. I imagine they're pretty powerful. [DOCTOR] Well, they can zap a vessel from one side of the galaxy to the other, so, you know, takea wild stab in the dark. [PRITCHARD] And the missing one must still be out there. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, otherwise. Sorry, why is this man still talking to me? [O'DONNELL] We haven't removed anything. There hasn't been time. [DOCTOR] So what have we got? Moran dies, and then those things appear. They canwalk through walls. They only come out at night and they're sort ofsee-through. [CLARA] Doctor, wait, you're not saying --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] They're ghosts! Yeah, ghosts [CLARA] You said there was no such thing. You actually pooh-poohed the ghosttheory. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, well, there was no such thing as, as socks or smartphonesandbadgers until there suddenly were. Besides, what else could they be?They're not holograms, they're not Flesh Avatars, they're not Autons,they're not digital copies bouncing around the Nethersphere. No, thesepeople are literally,actually, dead. Wow. This is, it's amazing! I've never actually met aproper ghost. [CASS via LUNN] Moran was our friend. [CLARA] (sotto) The cards. [DOCTOR] Oh! Oh, right you are. [CLARA] (sotto) Oh, come here. [DOCTOR] Ahem. I'm very sorry for your loss. I'll do all I can to solve the death ofyour friend slash family member slash pet. [DOCTOR] But don't you see what this means? Death! It was the one thing thatunified every single living creature in the universe, and now it'sgone.How can you just sit there? Don't you want to go out there right now,wrestle them to the ground and ask them questions until your throatfalls out?What's death like? Does it hurt? Do you still get hungry? Do you missbeing alive? Why can you only handle metal objects? Oh, I didn't knowI'd noticed that.Okay, so they'll try to kill you, blah, blah, blah. What does thatmatter? You come back. A bit murder-y, sure, but even so! Calm,Doctor, calm. You were like this when you met Shirley Bassey.Okay. Question one. What is a ghost? Question two. What do they want? [O'DONNELL] Whoa. Whoa, what's happening? [COMPUTER] Good evening. Entering night mode. [O'DONNELL] That's not right. We're switching back into night modeagain. This can't happen! No, no, no! [BENNETT] Er, what's doing that? [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] The Tardis Cloister Bell! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] Doctor, what's wrong? [DOCTOR] It must be the ghosts. That's why she was upset when we got here. [CLARA] Why? I don't understand. [DOCTOR] It's just what I was saying. You live and you die. That's it. Theghosts are aberrations. A splinter of time in the skin. They'reunnatural.She wants to get away from them. [CLARA] So, what do we do? [DOCTOR] Put the handbrake on. [DOCTOR] Whoa! Ho, ho, ho, ho! Where do you think you're going? [CLARA] Out there, where the action is. [DOCTOR] Look, you, er [CLARA] What? [DOCTOR] Oh, this is my own fault. I like adventures as much as the next man.If the next man is a man who likes adventures. Even so, don't, don'tgo native. [CLARA] What do you mean? I'm not. [DOCTOR] Look, there's a whole dimension in here, but there's only room forone me. [CLARA] Wait, wait a second. You just raved about ghosts like a kid who hadtoo much sherbet. [DOCTOR] Do you know what you need? You need a hobby. [CLARA] I really don't. [DOCTOR] Or even better, another relationship. Come on, you lot, you're bananasabout relationships. You're always writing songs about them, or going towar, or getting tattooed [CLARA] Doctor, I'm fine. [DOCTOR] I just felt that I, I, I had to say something. [CLARA] I know. And I appreciated it. [DOCTOR] Because I've got a duty of care. [CLARA] Which you take very seriously, I know. [DOCTOR] So can I stop now? [CLARA] Please. Please do. --------------------------------------- (Airlock) [O'DONNELL [OC]] Attention, all crew. The Drum has switched tonight mode early so grab provisions and make your way to the Faradaycage. [PRITCHARD] That you, Bennett? I went out looking for that missing power cell. Okay, contractually, it'sa grey area, but I reckon we can argue everything non-indigenous isan asset and therefore [PRICHARD] Bennett? [PRITCHARD] We're meant to be in day mode! You shouldn't be here. [PRITCHARD] What? What? What what are you saying? [PRITCHARD] No, Moran! Don't! --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [O'DONNELL [OC]] Pritchard, you are unaccounted for. Contactthe bridge or get to the Faraday cage immediately. Pritchard, contactthe bridgeor get to the Faraday cage! [BENNETT] I'd love to work for UNIT, Earth's first line of defence, and all. I'mprobably not suited, though. Not much of a fighter. More of a bleeder. [CLARA] Pritchard! Where you have you been? Everyone's been looking for you. What's with the wet suit? [BENNETT] Yeah, where have you been? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [BENNETT [OC]] O'Donnell, it's okay. Pritchard's in here!. [O'DONNELL] Pritchard, you moron. Grab your stuff, we're locking down early. Incase I can't get this back into day mode. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [CLARA] Is he all right? [BENNETT] Man overboard. Man overboard! We need a rescue team in the water now! [CLARA] Bennett, wait! It's Pritchard. [CLARA] He's a ghost. He's another ghost. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [O'DONNELL] Come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. [COMPUTER] Good morning. Entering day mode. [PRITCHARD [on screen]] No! No, Moran! Don't! [DOCTOR] They're working out how to use the base against us. Altering the timesettings so they can go about uninhibited, opening the airlocks. They're learning. [CLARA] And now there's three of them. [BENNETT] Cass, what do we do? [CASS via LUNN] We abandon the base. Topside can send down a whole team of marines or ghost-busters orwhatever. [DOCTOR] Wait, wait. [CASS via LUNN] I can't force you to leave, so you can stay and do thewhole cabin in the woods thing and get killed or drowned, if you want.But my first priority is to protect my crew. [CLARA] (sotto) But we're coming back, aren't we? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, we're coming back. [CASS via LUNN] O'Donnell, contact Topside. Tell them we're abandoning the base on my orders. [O'DONNELL] Topside, Topside, this is Lance Corporal Alice O'Donnell from DrumControl. Over. [TOPSIDE [OC]] Drum Control, this is Topside. We have received your message.Submarine on its way. Over. [O'DONNELL] Repeat, Topside. Over. [TOPSIDE [OC]] We've received your request for a rescue sub. It's two minutes away.Over. [O'DONNELL] Topside, who did you speak to and when was this request made? Over. [TOPSIDE [OC]] Drum Control, it was in Morse code and arrived maybe half an hour ago.Said it was urgent, comms were down, two crew members critically ill,full paramedic team requested. Over. [DOCTOR] Topside, this is the Doctor, UNIT security visa seven one zero Apple zero zero. Youmay be familiar with my work. Call back the sub. [TOPSIDE [OC]] 'Doctor, why would [DOCTOR] Call it back! We have a hazardous and undefined contagion on board.This base is now under quarantine. [BENNETT] What did you do that for? [DOCTOR] Well, none of us sent the message, did we? So that means that the ghosts sent it,which means they want that crew down here. [LUNN] Why would they do that? [DOCTOR] Well, I don't know, but I'm pretty certain it's not so they can all form aboy band. Okay. We solve this on our own. The ghosts can only come out at night sothey change the base's time settings. Why? What's different at night? [O'DONNELL] It's mainly atmospheric. The lights are dim, the noise from the enginesis muffled. [DOCTOR] No. Something, something else. [CASS via LUNN] The diagnostic sweep. When the systems are checked, that stops at nightto save power. [DOCTOR] What systems specifically? [O'DONNELL] Life support, the locks. They're electromagnetic. They have to besecured in case of flooding, so throughout the day, they're checked,one by one, every few seconds. [DOCTOR] The answer is in there somewhere, I can smell it. [CLARA] Doctor, what do we do? [DOCTOR] O'Donnell. Excellent work, returning the base to day mode. [O'DONNELL] Shut up. It was nothing You really think so? [DOCTOR] Now put it back into night mode. [O'DONNELL] What! [DOCTOR] We know nothing. We don't know what they want. That's what's getting uskilled. Well, I won't run. Not any more. So, O'Donnell, kindly put thebaseback into night mode. We want to know what these ghosts are after? Weask them. We're going to do the impossible. We're going to capture aghost. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [COMPUTER] Good evening. Entering night mode. [BENNETT] H-Hey, how's it going? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [O'DONNELL] Bennett's got them moving, and Clara's in position. [DOCTOR] Clara, Bennett is going to run across the top of the T-junction to yourright --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR [OC]] In about ten seconds. Draw the ghosts towards you.Turn right, and then take second left. [CLARA] Hey! Hey, ghosts. Down here! --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] Lunn, they're coming your way. Clara's going to duck down to her left.You've got to keep the ghosts going on the same route they're on now. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR [OC]] Then, after about fifty yards on your left, there is a flood door. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] O'Donnell will close the door once you're through. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [LUNN] I, I can hear them. [DOCTOR] Lunn, don't let them see where you go. --------------------------------------- (Intersection) [LUNN] Hey! Yeah, this way. [LUNN] We've got a problem! --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [O'DONNELL] They've separated. [DOCTOR] What? [O'DONNELL] Moran and the mole guy are going after Clara. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [O'DONNELL [OC]] Clara, look out. Two ghosts are still on your case. Rightbehind you. [CLARA] I'm beginning to think we should have let the ghosts in on the plan. [DOCTOR] Clara, there's a flood door at the end of the corridor, around thecorner to your right. We'll close it from here. Listen to me. You've got to get through that door before Moran and theother ghost sees you. --------------------------------------- (Flood door) [CLARA] Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] Now, O'Donnell, fast as you can! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [LUNN] Guys, I'm nearly at my door. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] Now, Lunn, quickly. --------------------------------------- (Flood door) [LUNN] It saw me. Oh, God. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [LUNN [OC]] It saw me. It's coming through. It's coming throughthe door. [O'DONNELL] We don't have a camera in there. [DOCTOR] No, no, Lunn. Lunn, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Lunn, what'shappening? [DOCTOR] Lunn, can you hear me? Lunn? Lunn? --------------------------------------- (Floor door) [DOCTOR [OC]] Can you hear me? Lunn, Lunn? Lunn, Lunn! What's happening? Lunn? Lunn?Can you hear me? [LUNN] I'm okay. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [O'DONNELL] Cass, he's alive. [LUNN [OC]] It didn't hurt me. I'm okay [DOCTOR] What? What's wrong with you? Why didn't it hurt you? Bennett, you're on again. Bennett, where are you? [O'DONNELL] There. Oh, God, look. [DOCTOR] Bennett, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR [OC]] There are two ghosts just around the corner from you. [BENNETT] (sotto) Yes, thanks, I'd noticed. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] The Faraday cage is across the intersection and down the corridor toyour right. This last bit is down to you. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BENNETT] Okay, so, the good news is, they aren't split up any more. Cue Clara! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Faraday cage) [DOCTOR] We need to talk. Sorry, chaps. Just a hologram. You play a little bit too rough. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [CLARA] I'm fine, by the way, in case any of you were worried. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Faraday cage) [DOCTOR] Cass, are you seeing this? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [O'DONNELL] Sonic glasses Wi-Fi locked in. On screen B2. [LUNN] She says she can't see them properly. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Faraday cage) [LUNN [OC]] The glass is too thick andthey're too far away. [DOCTOR] Open the door. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [O'DONNELL] What? [CLARA] Doctor, you can't go in there, they will kill you! --------------------------------------- (Faraday cage) [DOCTOR] They don't have any weapons or access to any of the controls. Theycan't hurt me, so open the door. [DOCTOR] Cold, isn't it? Take away your weapons and you're not so scary, are you? Is that better, Cass? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [LUNN] She says they're saying the same thing, the same phrase, over and over.They're saying the dark. The score. No, the sword.The for sale? No, the forsaken. The temple. [DOCTOR] What? [LUNN [OC]] Yes, she's sure. The dark, the sword, the forsaken, the temple. [LUNN [OC]] Justthat. Over and over. [DOCTOR] Dark, sword, forsaken, temple. What does that mean? What are you telling me, big man? Bennett! I need maps. I think I just worked out what our friend here is telling us. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] They'recoordinates. [BENNETT] How can they be coordinates? [DOCTOR] The dark? Space. So, whoever's following the coordinates knows they'regoing to another planet. The sword? [DOCTOR] Orion's sword. The sword, thethree stars, although one isn't actually a star but the Orion Nebula,hanging down from Orion's belt.But if viewed from back here, the Earth becomes the fourth bit ofthe sword. So, narrowed it down to a planet now. Getting closer. [DOCTOR] The forsaken. The forsaken or abandoned or empty town. See, it's alocation, beaming out to someone or something across the universe, overand over. And every time they kill one of us [CLARA] It strengthens the signal. Another ghost, another transmitter. [O'DONNELL] Which iswhy they sent for that rescue sub. [DOCTOR] Get more people down here,kill them, make even more ghosts to beam out the coordinates. [CASS via LUNN] But why are they beaming out the coordinates? Is it a distress call? [DOCTOR] It could be. Or a warning. Might even be a call to arms. It could mean, come here, they're vulnerable, help yourself.Wait a minute, though.Wait a minuet. Do you know what this means? It means that they're not anatural phenomenon.It means that someone is deliberately getting people killed, hijackingtheir souls and turning them into transmitters. [O'DONNELL] But what do the coordinates lead to, though? To us? To the ghosts? What? [DOCTOR] Ah! What the coordinates are for. That is part of the answer to theother question you're all thinking.(blank stares) Really? Come on. None of you? Surely just being around me makes youcleverer by osmosis? What is the other question? [CASS via LUNN] The temple. The fourth part of the directions. What's the temple? [DOCTOR] Finally. It's like pulling teeth. This is the flooded military town. Shops, houses, town square, andthis. [CLARA] A church? [DOCTOR] Whatever the coordinates are for, it's in thatchurch.Find that and you're a hop, skip and a jump to stopping them. [BENNETT] Wait, you're not suggesting that? But we're safe now. The ghosts are in the cage. We can get out of here. [DOCTOR] No one has to stay. In fact, I would prefer it if you went. You'll allget in the way and ask ridiculous questions. But, you know, (indicates Cass, Lunn and O'Donnell) you have chosen to protect and serve. (indicates Bennett) You have given yourselfto science and the pursuit of knowledge.None of you have chosen anonymous or selfish lives. Go, and a part ofyou will always wonder, what would have happened if I'd stayed? How could I have helped? What would I have learned? I want you to go.But you should know what it is that you're leaving. [LUNN] Cass says we should go, but everything that happens here is herresponsibility now, so she's going to stay. So I, er, guess I shouldtoo. [O'DONNELL] Well, count me in. Who wants to live forever, anyway? [BENNETT] Sorry, er, have you gone insane? We can go home. [BENNETT] They're ghosts, though. How can they be ghosts? Well, at least if I die, you know I really will come back and hauntyou all. [BENNETT] Okay, the sub is approaching the town square. Which way is the church? [CLARA] What are we looking for, exactly? [DOCTOR] Something that has the power to raise the dead and turn them intotransmitters. I expect we'll know it when we see it. [BENNETT] Wait, I've found the church. [DOCTOR] That's it, keep going. [DOCTOR] Wait. What's that? Move closer. --------------------------------------- (Main hangar) [DOCTOR] It's the suspended-animation chamber from the spaceship. [CLARA] So the pilot could be in there. [DOCTOR] There's something inside there. But it's deadlock sealed. I can't openit. It should be the pilot, it should be. So why do I think it isn't?More questions. Everything I solve, just more questions. I have to goback to the beginning. We arrive, we see the ghosts. They don't killus.They lead us here, they show us the spaceship. Then they try to killus. [DOCTOR] Not translated by the Tardis. Why? [DOCTOR] Lunn, translate for me. Whenever I step outside, you are the smartestperson in the room. So, tell me, what's weird about this? I know thatit's all bonkersbut, you know, when you think about it, one thing keeps snagging inyour mind. What is it? [CASS via LUNN] The markings on the inside of the spaceship. [DOCTOR] The markings on the inside of the spaceship. Yes! Why? [CASS via LUNN] I don't think they're just words. [DOCTOR] They're not. They're magnets. [BENNETT] Magnets? How? [DOCTOR] Well, a localised and manufactured electromagnetic field, to beprecise. The dark. The sword. The forsaken. The temple.When we heard the coordinates for the first time, did anyone expectthem not to be that? No, exactly. Me neither. It's like we alreadyknew, somehow.Like the words were already in us. [O'DONNELL] So that writing is the coordinates? [DOCTOR] Everything we see or experience shapes us in some way. But these wordsactually rewrite the synaptic connections in your brain. They literallychange the way you are wired. Clara, why don't I have a radio in the Tardis? [CLARA] You took it apart and used the pieces to make a clockwork squirrel. [DOCTOR] And because whatever song I heard first thing in the morning, I wasstuck with. Two weeks of Mysterious Girl by Peter Andre. I was beggingfor the brush of Death's merciful hand.Don't you see? These words are an earworm. A song you can't stophumming, even after you die. [CLARA] Okay, so, the spaceship lands here. The pilot leaves the writing on thewall so whoever sees it, when they die, they become a beacon of thecoordinates,while he slash she slash it snoozes in the suspended-animation chamber [DOCTOR] Waiting for his slash her slash its mates to pick the message up. My God. Every time I think it couldn't get more extraordinary, itsurprises me. It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing.I want to kiss it to death. [COMPUTER] Attention, all crew. Evacuate base immediately. Emergencyprotocols have been initiated. This safety message was brought to youby Vector Petroleum. Fuel for our futures. [O'DONNELL] Oh, no. The ghosts tampering with the day-night settings caused acomputer malfunction. Its its first priority is to keep the reactorcool,so it's opening the hull doors and it's flooding the base. [LUNN] Cass says, close the internal flood doors. That'll contain the water inthe central corridor. [DOCTOR] Where's the Tardis? [O'DONNELL] On the other side. [DOCTOR] We need to get there. It's our only way out. [O'DONNELL] Okay. We've got thirty seconds before the flood doors close. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] (to Lunn) Come on! [CLARA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] I'll get you and the others out. Sit tight, I'll come back for you. [CLARA] Just come over here in the Tardis now. [DOCTOR] The Tardis won't go there. It won't go near the ghosts. [CLARA] You can't just leave us! [DOCTOR] Listen to me. I'm going back in time to when this spaceship landed. IfI can understand why this is happening, I can stop them killing anyoneelse. I can save you.You trust me, don't you, Clara? [BENNETT] Wait, you're going to go back in time? How do you do that? [DOCTOR] Extremely well. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [LUNN] You're sure they're not going to hurt us? [CLARA] They can't get out of the Faraday cage. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Back to before the flood. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [CASS via LUNN] And you're sure the Doctor won't just leave us here? [CLARA] Guys, look, this is how we roll. He's going to go away, come back andwe'll have to listen to how he did it. [LUNN] Is it Moran or Pritchard or the mole guy? How, how did they get out? [CLARA] No, I don't think it's any of them. I think it's a new ghost. [LUNN] What does that mean? [CLARA] It means that something happened in the past, it means that somebodyelse must have. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s35", "episode": "e03", "title": "Under the Lake"}
Doctor Who (10 Oct 2015; Twelfth Doctor) - Before The Flood (Railway station) [DOCTOR] Where's Bennett? We need to get going. [O'DONNELL] Oh, he's still throwing up. One small step for man, onegiant bleaurgh. [DOCTOR] Oh, time travel does that sometimes. [O'DONNELL] Somehow I doubt that Rose or Martha or Amy lost theirbreakfast on their first trip. [DOCTOR] You seem to know an awful lot about me. [O'DONNELL] I used to be in military intelligence. I was demoted fordangling a colleague out of a window. [DOCTOR] In anger? [O'DONNELL] Is there another way to dangle someone out a window? Whatyear are we in? [DOCTOR] 1980. [O'DONNELL] So, pre-Harold Saxon. Pre-the Minister of War. Pre-the moonexploding and a big bat coming out. [DOCTOR] The Minister of War? [O'DONNELL] Yeah. [DOCTOR] No, never mind. I expect I'll find out soon enough. [BENNETT] Sorry about that. Had a prawn sandwich. Might have been off. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. Don't worry. Shall we go? [O'DONNELL] Just one sec, I've justgot something in my boot. [O'DONNELL] It's bigger on the inside, it's bigger on theinside, it's bigger on the inside. How can it be bigger on the inside,Bennett? (sobers up) Okay, let's roll. --------------------------------------- (High Street) [BENNETT] Why have we gone to Russia? [DOCTOR] Er, we haven't. We're still in Scotland. This is the townbefore it flooded. The Tardis has brought us to whenthe spaceship first touched down. But here and now, it's the height ofthe Cold War.The military were being trained for offensives on Soviet soil. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [O'DONNELL] Oh, is that the pilot? My God, look at size of it. [DOCTOR] No, that's the body. [O'DONNELL] What do you mean, the body? [DOCTOR] This isn't just any spaceship. It's a hearse. [BENNETT] The suspended animation chamber's still here, and the powercells for the engine. [O'DONNELL] And there are no markings on thewall. [DOCTOR] Yet. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Church) [PRENTIS] Greetings! [O'DONNELL] It's him. That's the ghost from the Drum. [ PRENTIS] Remarkable. Oh, and humans, too. Albar Prentis, FuneralDirector. [BENNETT] You're from Tivoli, aren't you? [PRENTIS] The most invadedplanet in the galaxy!Our capital city has a sign saying, if you occupied us, you'd be homeby now. [DOCTOR] Yes, I've had dealings withyour lot before.I can't say I'm a fan. [PRENTIS] No, we do tend to antagonise. (laughs) [DOCTOR] What are you doing here? [PRENTIS] Ah, yes. Of course.(runs up the ramp) Thisis the Fisher King.He and his armies invaded Tivoli andenslaved us for ten glorious years!Until we wereliberated by the Arcateenians.But, thank the Gods,soon we'd irritated themso much, they enslaved us, too! (laughs) [BENNETT] My first proper alien, and he's an idiot. [PRENTIS] And now, in accordance withArcateenian custom,I've come to bury himon a barren, savage outpost. [O'DONNELL] You mean the town? [DOCTOR] He means the planet. [PRENTIS] Although, at the risk of startinga bidding war, you could enslave me.In the ship I havedirections to my planetand a selection of items that you canoppress me with. [DOCTOR] Listen, we've come from the future.You're about to send some sort ofsignal.How do you do it? Is ita special pen? [PRENTIS] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] The technology you use. The thing that wrenches the soulout of the body and makes it repeatyour coordinates for eternity.Give it to me now, I'm goingto take the batteries out. [PRENTIS] We don't have anything like that. (laughs)Even this belongs to theglorious Arcateenians. [DOCTOR] So who sends the message? [DOCTOR] Back to the Tardis.I need to talk to Clara. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [LUNN] You've bee here before,in situations like this before. [CLARA] Yeah, not exactly like, but, yeah, once or twice. [LUNN] So you've had to deal withpeople who are scared.What do you say to them?I'm asking what I should say to you. [CLARA] That it will be all right. That theDoctor will save us. [LUNN] And when you say it,do you believe it? [CLARA] Yeah. Yeah, I do. [LUNN] And now? [LUNN] Cass thinks the Doctor's sayingsomething different to the others.He's saying Moran Pritchard Apprentice.No, Prentis O'Donnell Clara Doctor Bennett Cass [CLARA] Who's Prentis? [CLARA] It's the Doctor. [LUNN] He's alive? [CLARA] For the moment. [CLARA] Doctor? Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yeah, fine. So listen,the spaceship, it's a hearse. --------------------------------------- (Tardis / Mess hall) [DOCTOR] Clara, what's wrong? [CLARA] Another ghost has appeared. [DOCTOR] What? Who? Has someone died? [CLARA] Doctor,it's you. Are you okay? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Well, currently. [CLARA] What does it mean? [DOCTOR] It means I die. [CLARA] No, not necessarily. We can changethe sequence of events so [DOCTOR] This isn't a potential future. This is the futurenow. It's already happened.The proof is rightthere in front of you.I have to die. [CLARA] No.You can change things. [DOCTOR] I can't.Even the tiniest change, theramifications could be catastrophic.It could spread carnageand chaos across the universelike ripples on a pond. Oh, well, I've had a good innings.(to O'Donnell) This regeneration, it'sa bit of a clerical error anyway. (to Clara)I've got to go sometime. [CLARA] Not with me!Die with whoever comes after me.You do not leave me. [DOCTOR] Clara, I need to talk to youjust on your own. [DOCTOR] Listen to me.We all have to face deatheventually, be it ours or someone else's. [CLARA] I'm not ready yet.I don't want tothink about that, not yet. [DOCTOR] I can't change what's alreadyhappened. There are rules. [CLARA] So break them.And anyway, you owe me.You've made yourself essential to me.You've given me something else to,to be. And you can't do thatand then die. It's not fair. [DOCTOR] Clara. [CLARA] No.Doctor, I don't care about yourrules or your bloody survivor'sguilt.If you love me in any way,you'll come back.Doctor, are you? [DOCTOR] I can't save Moran or Pritchard. [CLARA] No, but like you said, if you can, if you canfind out why this is happening,maybe you can stop them killinganybody else, you can save us.And you can stop ithappening to you. [DOCTOR] I'll do what I can,but the future has already happened.We've just met the Undertakerand he's still alive. [DOCTOR] So. Ghost me. You've got a better view than me.How do I look?Any signs of trauma, any scars?Any clues as to how I die? [CLARA] No, nothing.You're the same as all the otherghosts with the weird blackeyes and.No. No, wait. Your coat.It's torn. The right shoulder. [DOCTOR] I assume I'm just sayingthe same thing as the others. [CLARA] No. You're saying a list of names.Our names, mainly. Moran, Pritchard, Prentis,O'Donnell, Clara, Doctor, Bennett, Cass.Who's Prentis? [DOCTOR] The mole-faced chap. [DOCTOR] What's the matter, Clara,what's happening? [CLARA] You've moved inside.You're inside here now. [DOCTOR] What am I doing? [CLARA] Er, nothing. You're,you're just standing there. [DOCTOR] I'm not trying to kill you?Why am I not trying to kill you? [CLARA] No, wait, you're moving,going toward the control panel. [CLARA] Oh, no.He's opened the Faraday cage.He's let the other ghosts out. [DOCTOR] I need to talk to me now. [CLARA] Didn't you hear me?You opened the Faraday cage.The other ghosts are outside.Shouldn't we be hiding? [DOCTOR] In a minute.I need to talk to the ghost me. [CLARA] Okay, Doctor, you're on. [DOCTOR] Doctor. Such an honour.I've always been a huge admirer.This is really a delight.Finally someone worth talking to.So firstly, why are you here? [DOCTOR] Clara? Clara, what's happening? [CLARA] Er.Er, you, you've just stopped.Oh, no, wait, you've started again. [CASS via LUNN] His message has changed. He's saying somethingdifferent.He's saying [CLARA] What? [DOCTOR] What? [LUNN] What? [CASS via LUNN] He's saying, the chamber will open tonight. [DOCTOR] Clara, now the ghosts are out,go to the Faraday cage.They won't be able to getyou in there. Oh, there's a problem. [CLARA] Problem? What problem? Oh, really? Becauseeverything else is going sosmoothly [DOCTOR] The phone signal won't be able to get through.What you'll have to do,Clara, put the phone outside,and you can watch it throughthe little round porthole. And when you see it ringing, if it'ssafe to do so, go out and answer it. [CLARA] Okay, how long are you going to [DOCTOR] Clara, listen to me.Don't let that phoneout of your sight.I need to be able to reach you, Ineed to know everything my ghostdoes.Do you understand?I'll come back for you. I swear. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Come on. Oh, wait a minute.Not you, O'Donnell. [O'DONNELL] Why not? [DOCTOR] Someone needs to stay hereand mind the shop.What if Clara calls? [O'DONNELL] The last bloke that saidsomething like that to megot dangled out of a window. [BENNETT] Maybe the Doctor's right. Maybe it's best if you stay here. [O'DONNELL] Never going to happen. Seriously,have you two met me? --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Prentis.Prentis! [O'DONNELL] Guess that dead body wasn't so deadafter all. [BENNETT] And now we've got the writing. [DOCTOR] The Fisher King did it himself.The future is still coming. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Church) [DOCTOR] He's taken the suspended animationchamber to the church. [O'DONNELL] What was that? [DOCTOR] We need to get back to the Tardis.Now! --------------------------------------- (Building) [DOCTOR] It's cut us off. [O'DONNELL] Let's split up.Go on, Bennett. [DOCTOR] No, Bennett! Wait! [BENNETT] Why did you come? You shouldn't havecome. I mean, you never listen to anyone. It drives memad. [O'DONNELL] To keep an eye on you, idiot.So, don't die. [BENNETT] No. [BENNETT] Who's next on the list? [BENNETT] That list your ghost was saying,that's the order in which people aregoing to die, isn't it?I mean,I've only just figured that out.But you knew that all along, didn't you? [DOCTOR] I thought perhaps, because her ghostwasn't there in the future,like Prentis's was,I thought maybe,maybe it wouldn't happen. Maybe she stood a chance. [BENNETT] Yeah, but you didn't try very hardto stop her, though, did you?It was almost like you wanted totest your theory.So who's next? [DOCTOR] Clara. [BENNETT] Yeah.Yeah. Except now you're going to dosomething about it, aren't you? Yeah, because it's getting closer toyou.You changehistory to saveyourself but not to save O'Donnell.You wouldn't save her. [DOCTOR] This isn't about saving me.I'm a dead man walking.I'm changing history to save Clara. --------------------------------------- (Faraday cage) [CLARA] O'Donnell's dead. [CLARA] Oh, no. No, no, no, no,don't you dare. Don't you dare. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Big day for you.Time travel, twice! [BENNETT] Whoa, really? When are we going to? [DOCTOR] Off the map.Out of the rule book. Whatif I don't die? What if I refuse?I'm going to go back to the baseand I'm going to save Clara, becausethat's what I do. And I don't seeanyone here who's going to stop me. --------------------------------------- (Location 512) [DOCTOR] Why are we still here? [DOCTOR] No. No, no, no, no, no. [BENNETT] What? [DOCTOR] We've moved half an hour backwards.I'm locked in my own time stream.The Tardis won't let me leave. [BENNETT] Well, what do we do? [DOCTOR] Now we have to keep out of sight,until time catches up. [LATER DOCTOR] Where's Bennett? We need to getgoing. [LATER O'DONNELL] Oh, he's still throwing up. [BENNETT] Prentis. He's alive. [DOCTOR] No, he's just not dead yet.And we don't tell him. [BENNETT] Yeah, but he's right there. I mean,we can just [DOCTOR] No! [DOCTOR] However that sentence ends,no, we can't.Save him,and you'll want to save O'Donnell.You can't cheat time.I just tried.You can't just go backand cut off tragedy at the root.Because you find yourself talking tosomeone you just saw dead on a slab.Because then you really dosee ghosts.We don't tell him.Understand? Not a word.We don't have that right. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Church) [LATER PRENTIS] Albar Prentis, Funeral Director. [LATER BENNETT] You're from Tivoli, aren't you? [LATER PRENTIS] The most invadedplanet in the galaxy!Our capital city has a sign saying, if you occupied us, you'd be homeby now. [LATER DOCTOR] Yes, I'vehad dealings with your lot before.I can't say I'm a fan. [LATER PRENTIS] No, we do tend to antagonise! [LATER DOCTOR] What are you doing here? [LATER PRENTIS] Ah, yes. Ofcourse. --------------------------------------- (Faraday cage) [CLARA] The dark. The sword.The forsaken. The temple.When we found out what theghosts were saying,we weren't surprised because thewords, they were already inside us. [CLARA] But you, you were, weren't you?You didn't know what thewords were going to be. [LUNN] Er, no, I didn't. How did you know? [CLARA] Who was the one person who didn'tsee the writing in the spaceship? [LUNN] Me. Cass wouldn't let me go inside. [CLARA] That's why the ghosts didn't hurtyou when they had the chance.The message isn't inside you. [LUNN] Yes, I suppose that makes sense. [CLARA] So you can get the phone back. [LUNN] What? [LUNN] She's saying I should goand get the phone back. [CASS] No. [CLARA] Listen, listen. I need.We, we need to be able tocontact the Doctorand you are the only one who can dothis. [LUNN] Okay [LUNN] No, she's right.Neither of you can get it back. [CLARA] What? What is it? What did she say? [LUNN] It doesn't matter. [CLARA] Please. [LUNN] She said to ask you whethertravelling with the Doctorchanged you,or were you always happy to putother people's lives at risk. [CLARA] He taught meto do what has to be done.You should get going. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Church) [DOCTOR] Oh. I need more time. It's too soon.I haven't saved her yet.Tick tock, tick tock,tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.I've got no choice now,I have to face the Fisher King.You, back to the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Faradaycage) [CLARA] Look, he'll be fine, I promise. [CLARA] Okay. Didn't need anyone totranslate that. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Church) [DOCTOR] Now I'm ready. --------------------------------------- (Basement) [DOCTOR] I've come from the future.I've seen the chaos you cause. The bloodshed. [FISHER KING [OC]] Tell me what you have seen. [DOCTOR] Ghosts. [FISHER KING [OC]] Ghosts? [DOCTOR] Souls wrenched from the dead.Repeating directions to here,to this spot, over and over. [FISHER KING [OC]] How many ghosts do I create?How many! [DOCTOR] Four that I know of. Maybe five bynow.Probably more since I left. [FISHER KING [OC]] My ghosts will make more ghosts.Enough to bring an armada.Enough to wake me from my sleep. [DOCTOR] What will happenwhen your people arrive? [FISHER KING [OC]] We will drain the oceansand put the humans in chains. [DOCTOR] This world is protected, by me. [FISHER KING [OC]] Yes.One man,lost in time. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [COMPUTER] Door emergency security lock. --------------------------------------- (Basement) [FISHER KING] The seed of their destruction isalready sown. They will die.The message will be sent.My people will come, and you will donothing to stop it,Time Lord. --------------------------------------- (Faraday cage) [CLARA] Hey! No, no, no, no. Cass!Wait, what are you doing?Look, Lunn, he is going to be fine,I promise.We have to stay here.I know that look. I do that look.Okay, fine. But we stick together. --------------------------------------- (Basement) [FISHER KING] Time Lords. Cowardly,vain curatorswho suddenly rememberedthey had teethand became the most warlikerace in the galaxy.But you, you! [FISHER KING] You are curious.You have seen the words, too.I can hear them tick inside you.But you are stilllocked in your history.Still slavishly protecting Time.Willing to die rather than changea word of the future. --------------------------------------- (Intersection) [CLARA] (sotto) Lunn. [CLARA] (sotto) Lunn.Lunn.(turns round) Oh, Cass.Cass.Cass.Idiot. I'm an idiot. --------------------------------------- (Basement) [FISHER KING] You will be a strong beacon.How many ghosts can I make of you? [DOCTOR] You know, you've gota lot in common with the Tivoleans. You'll both do anything to survive.They'll surrender to anyone.You will hijack other people's soulsand turn them into electromagneticprojections.That will to endure. That refusal to ever cease.It's extraordinary.And it makes a fella think. Because you know what? If all I haveto do to survive is tweak the futurea bit, what's stopping me?Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah. The ripple effect.Maybe it will mean that the universewill be ruled by cats or something,in the future.But the way I see it,even a ghastly future is better thanno future at all.You robbed thosepeople of their deaths, made them nothing more thana message in a bottle.You violated something moreimportant than Time.You bent the rules of lifeand death.So I am putting things straight.Here, now,this is where your story ends. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CLARA] Oh, there youare. --------------------------------------- (Basement) [FISHER KING] There is nothing you can do. [DOCTOR] I've already done it.The words have gone.I got rid of them.The future I saw,none of that will happen now.The message will never contaminatemy friends. No one will die. No one is coming to save you.That's the thingabout knowing you're going to die.You've got nothing left to lose. --------------------------------------- (Mess hall) [LUNN] No, no, you've got to get out ofhere.The ghosts locked me in.It's a trap. [CLARA] Come on. Faraday cage now! --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [FISHER KING] The Time Lord lied. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [HOLO-DOCTOR] This is security protocol seven one two. Theechelon circuit has been activated.Please stow any hand luggageand prepare for departure. --------------------------------------- (Main hangar) [CLARA] Back, get back. [DOCTOR] Don't kiss me. Morning breath. [CLARA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [CLARA] What's that noise? [DOCTOR] It's the call of the Fisher King.The call of their master. [CLARA] Where are they going? [CLARA] (wearing the sunglasses) So what was it? Your ghost. [DOCTOR] A hologram.Like the one we made of you to lurethe ghosts into the Faraday cage.With a soupçonof artificial intelligence,and a few pre-recordedphrases thrown in. [DOCTOR] Ah! [DOCTOR] All beamed from the sonic glasses. [DOCTOR] As soon as you brought me and thechamber on board, it connectedwith the base's wi-fi and Bob's youruncle, you've got a ghost Doctor. [CLARA] Why did they only come out at night? [DOCTOR] Because they're electromagneticprojections that wereout of phase withthe base's day mode. Right. [DOCTOR] That's it. I've erasedthe memory of the writing.Though you might find you've losta couple of other memories too. You know, like people you went toschool with, orprevious addresses or how to drinkliquids.That's you two done.Where's Bennett? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Faraday cage) [BENNETT] What will happen to them? [DOCTOR] UNIT will cut outthe Faraday cagewith them inside and take it away.Then the space-hearse will bedestroyed,so the writing doesn'tinfect anyone else. [BENNETT] What do I do now? [DOCTOR] I don't understand. [CLARA] I do.You keep going. You have to.Take it from me, there isa whole world out there. A galaxy, a life.What would O'Donnell have wanted? [DOCTOR] I need to erasethat message from your mind,but it's fine, I'll do it later. [BENNETT] Lunn. Will you translatesomething to Cass for me? [LUNN] Of course. [BENNETT] Tell her that you're in love with her andthat you always have been. [LUNN] What? [BENNETT] Tell her there is no pointwasting time because things happenand then it's too late.Tell her I wish someone had given methat advice. [LUNN] Oh, God, no.I was just passing on what he said. Please, don't feel --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [CLARA] What will UNIT do with the ghosts? [DOCTOR] Drag the cage into space, away fromthe Earth's magnetic field.With nothing to sustain them,the ghosts will eventually fade away. [CLARA] Here's what I don't understand.You did change the future.You stopped the Fisher Kingfrom returning. [DOCTOR] The Fisher King had beendead for a hundred and fifty yearsbefore we even got here.But once I went back,I became part of events.But here's the thing.The messages my ghost gave, theyweren't for you, they were for me.That list. Everyone after youwas random, but youbeing the next name, that's whatmade me confront the Fisher King. [CLARA] And saying the chamber will open? [DOCTOR] That was me telling me to get insideand when to set it for. [CLARA] Smart. [DOCTOR] Except that's not why I said them. [CLARA] How do you mean? [DOCTOR] I programmed my ghost to say thembecause that'swhat my ghost had said.And the only reason I createdmy ghost hologram in the first placewas because I saw it here.I was reverse engineeringthe narrative. [CLARA] Okay, that's still pretty smart. [DOCTOR] You do not understand.When didI first have those ideas, Clara? [CLARA] Well, it must have been (penny drops)Wow. [DOCTOR] Exactly.Who composed Beethoven's Fifth?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s35", "episode": "e04", "title": "Before The Flood"}
Doctor Who (25 Dec 2016; Twelfth Doctor) - The Return of Doctor Mysterio, by Stephen Moffat (Young Grant's bedroom) [DOCTOR] Hey! [DOCTOR] Hello there! Ah, hello! [YOUNG GRANT] Hello? [DOCTOR] Hello! [YOUNG GRANT] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] I was setting a trap. [YOUNG GRANT] A trap? [DOCTOR] On your roof. [YOUNG GRANT] What [DOCTOR] I tried it out. [YOUNG GRANT] How? [DOCTOR] Accidentally. [DOCTOR] Bless you. [YOUNG GRANT] Thanks. [DOCTOR] What's your name? [YOUNG GRANT] Grant. [DOCTOR] Hello, Grant. What floor is this? [YOUNG GRANT] Sixty. [DOCTOR] Ah! [DOCTOR] Would it all right if I came in? [YOUNG GRANT] I'll have to ask my mom. [DOCTOR] Ow! [YOUNG GRANT] Mom, wake up. [DOCTOR] Oh! [YOUNG GRANT] Mom says you can come in. You're [DOCTOR] Expected? Argh! [DOCTOR] Sorry, did you say I was expected? [YOUNG GRANT] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Who did you say I was? [YOUNG GRANT] I told her I saw an old guy at the window. (sneezes) [DOCTOR] Ho-ho-ho-ho. Merry Christmas, Grant! [YOUNG GRANT] Mom and Dad are asleep now. I can get you back on the roof. I know the way. [DOCTOR] Shh. [YOUNG GRANT] What are you [DOCTOR] Take a look at that picture. [YOUNG GRANT] Okay. [DOCTOR] Now this one. (Superman) Take a good, long [YOUNG GRANT] See what? [DOCTOR] Superman and Clark Kent are [YOUNG GRANT] Are you serious? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Look, I drew specs on [YOUNG GRANT] Everyone knows they're the same person. [DOCTOR] Well, Lois Lane --------------------------------------- (Stairs) [DOCTOR] Why did they call him Spider-Man? Don't [YOUNG GRANT] He was bitten by a radioactive spider, and guess what [DOCTOR] Radiation poisoning, I should think. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [YOUNG GRANT] No, he got special powers. [DOCTOR] What, vomiting, hair loss and death? Fat lot of use. Hey! What do you [YOUNG GRANT] That looks [DOCTOR] I know. [YOUNG GRANT] Cheap. [DOCTOR] Oh, shut up! Got a cold [YOUNG GRANT] I always get a cold at Christmas. [DOCTOR] Me too. Or an invasion. [YOUNG GRANT] Where did you get that from? [DOCTOR] My pocket. [YOUNG GRANT] How do you keep a glass of [DOCTOR] Skills. Now hush, I've got a lot of work to do. [YOUNG GRANT] Who are you? [DOCTOR] The Doctor. [YOUNG GRANT] Yeah, but who are you? [DOCTOR] The Doctor. [YOUNG GRANT] Which one, though? There's lots of doctors. [DOCTOR] The one. I'm the main one. The [YOUNG GRANT] In a comic book, you [DOCTOR] Oh, I like that. Doctor [YOUNG GRANT] What is it? [DOCTOR] Well, in terms that [YOUNG GRANT] A what? [DOCTOR] Well, there's been a lot [YOUNG GRANT] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Do you [YOUNG GRANT] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Well, it's not like that. [YOUNG GRANT] I [DOCTOR] I was, to protect this. I don't want [YOUNG GRANT] But it looks [DOCTOR] Of course it does, it's science. Do you want to [YOUNG GRANT] Can I? [DOCTOR] Go on. It's Christmas Day. [YOUNG GRANT] What do I do? [DOCTOR] Ah! [YOUNG GRANT] Nothing's happening. [DOCTOR] Yeah, because now we get to the cool bit. Come here. Do you [YOUNG GRANT] What gemstone? [DOCTOR] The gemstone that I gave you. Pop it right in there. [YOUNG GRANT] (sotto) That was a gemstone? [DOCTOR] Well, it's more than just a [YOUNG GRANT] I thought it was medicine. [DOCTOR] What? [YOUNG GRANT] It looked like [DOCTOR] What have you done with it? [YOUNG GRANT] Well, you gave me medicine and a [DOCTOR] Oh! You swallowed it. You can't go round swallowing things. What [YOUNG GRANT] Eight. [YOUNG GRANT] Am I going to get sick? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. [YOUNG GRANT] The opposite? What's the opposite? [YOUNG GRANT] What happened? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [YOUNG GRANT] What's wrong with me? [DOCTOR] Well, you've got a cough and a slight case of levitation. Stay calm. [YOUNG GRANT] What happens if I don't stay calm? [DOCTOR] Oh! Don't panic. [YOUNG GRANT] What happens if I panic? --------------------------------------- (Nursery) [GRANT] Oh, hey, you're all right. Hi, you're okay. [GRANT] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Top of the Empire State Building) [DOCTOR] Grant, you need to [YOUNG GRANT] What's happened to me? [DOCTOR] Intuitive crystal, plus too many --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [BROCK] Any questions after today can be handled by Miss Shuster or Miss Siegel, who can be contacted on the e-mail addresses provided in [LUCY] Mister Brock, just [BROCK] The world is [LUCY] Yeah, but your benefactors? I [BROCK] Very simple reason for that. I killed [LUCY] How big is your back [BROCK] At the last count, Wyoming. [BROCK] Now, if you good [NARDOLE] Mister [BROCK] Apparently we have one more [NARDOLE] Yes. Where is the little boys' room? [BROCK] I think you'll find the [NARDOLE] No, not the restrooms, the little [BROCK] If you successfully locate the restrooms, I think you'll find everything you need in there. Thank you all. [WOMAN] This way, ladies and [NARDOLE] I don't want a rest. If everyone's just having a rest, I might cause an incident. [BROCK] Doctor Sim, is there a problem? [SIM] It's the brains. There's something I need to show you. It's necessary. [BROCK] Later. Meet me here at [SIM] Thank you, sir. [SIM] Mister Brock. You startled me. [BROCK] Shall we? [SIM] Of [NARDOLE] All clear. --------------------------------------- (Brain safe) [BROCK] Well? [SIM] Look at [BROCK] I see brains every place except here. [SIM] But why? [BROCK] It's not your job to ask questions. Stick to science. [BROCK] Something wrong with your eyes? [SIM] Sir, the first time I came in here, I [BROCK] Well, I guess they've got the space. [SIM] You don't understand. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Brain Safe) [DOCTOR] It's okay. I'm an intruder too. Yeah, I brought snacks. Mark of a pro. Keep listening. --------------------------------------- (Brain Safe) [BROCK] Looks like a brain to [SIM] Yes. That's the [BROCK] What'd you say? [SIM] Tap the glass, please. [BROCK] What? What the hell is that? Is that a joke? [SIM] No sir, it's not a joke. [BROCK] It's [SIM] Yes sir, they are. [BROCK] Doctor Sim? What are you pointing at? [SIM] I'm pointing at Doctor Sim. [BROCK] What happened to you? I don't [SIM] The same thing that is about to happen to you. I had a change of mind. [BROCK] No, no, please, no! Let me out of here! What's happening?What --------------------------------------- (Outside the restrooms) [DOCTOR] Who are you? [LUCY] Lucy Fletcher, [DOCTOR] Spooky, isn't it? Looking for a story? [LUCY] I think I just found one. [DOCTOR] Brains with minds of their own? No one will believe that. This is [LUCY] Who are you? [DOCTOR] Special Agent Dan Dangerous from Scotland Yard, [NARDOLE] Nope. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, they are, see? [NARDOLE] New [DOCTOR] (sotto) You don't need to point out [NARDOLE] Washington's got its own one, yeah. [SIM] I would call Security, but they might leave you alive. I [DOCTOR] Good plan. Here's another one. (he turns his back on Sim.) Go on. Tell them [SIM] Face me. [DOCTOR] Maybe not. [SIM] Face me now. [SIM] What is [NARDOLE] It's not me. [LUCY] It sounds like [DOCTOR] Like someone knocking at a window. [LUCY] We're on the hundredth floor. [LUCY] Oh, my God, he's [DOCTOR] Who's real? [LUCY] The Ghost. [DOCTOR] Who's the Ghost? [LUCY] Masked vigilante. But [DOCTOR] What? [LUCY] Super. [GHOST] Mind if I come in? [SIM] Impressive. Those windows, like everything in this building, are built to withstand a blast equivalent to four nuclear explosions. [GHOST] Sorry about that. Would you like me to call a glazier? [SIM] Hmm. [GHOST] Please [GHOST] However, light to moderate injury's fine. [NARDOLE] That was [GHOST] Hello. Was that man annoying you? [LUCY] You're real? I can't believe [GHOST] I'm afraid I am. I enjoy your column, Miss [LUCY] You read my column? You read? You're real and you read? [GHOST] Though I find the political bias in your paper's editorial not entirely to my [LUCY] I'll pass that on. [GHOST] Thank you. Who are these gentlemen? [LUCY] They're, er. I don't actually know. [DOCTOR] This is my friend, Nardole. [NARDOLE] Hello, [DOCTOR] And I'm the Doctor. [GHOST] The Doctor. I thought we had lots of [GHOST] Can I give you a ride home? [LUCY] You have a car? [GHOST] No. (He takes her in his arms.) I hope you're okay with heights. [LUCY] I'm okay so far. [GHOST] Have a good [NARDOLE] He seems nice. [DOCTOR] Grant. --------------------------------------- (Top of the Empire State Building) [YOUNG GRANT] So I'm a [DOCTOR] Well, once the gemstone is gone from inside you, you'll be back [YOUNG GRANT] But how will it get out? [DOCTOR] Like I said, it will [YOUNG GRANT] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Of course I'm not sure. [YOUNG GRANT] Sure. --------------------------------------- (Street) [GHOST] Is this the right building? They all look the same from up there. [LUCY] Yeah. Yeah, this is me, [GHOST] Well, I certainly hope this unpleasant experience hasn't put you [LUCY] Oh, no, no, no, not at all. [GHOST] Sorry. [LUCY] Look at that. The Bat-Signal's an app now? What is it? Bank [GHOST] Er, something like that. Excuse me. [LUCY] Go get 'em. --------------------------------------- (Nursery) [DOCTOR] With great power comes great responsibility. No man worthy of the title leaves a baby alone. [GRANT] How did you find me? [DOCTOR] I tracked the --------------------------------------- (Apartment) [DOCTOR] Your powers, they don't belong in this world. [GRANT] May I take her? [DOCTOR] She's yours? [GRANT] I'm hers. I'm her nanny. [DOCTOR] (handing Jennifer over) You're her nanny? [GRANT] Yeah, her [DOCTOR] No, no, it's just, well, okay, so you are a [GRANT] Well, you've got to make a buck somehow. I mean, you don't get [NARDOLE] Oh, you don't have to tell us. Here you go, nice and [NARDOLE] Ooo, elephant. [GRANT] It's fine. It's a [DOCTOR] Grant, Grant, this is [NARDOLE] Even [GRANT] I can cope. [DOCTOR] Of course you can't. When do you sleep? When are you not [GRANT] Well, not as complicated as it's about to get. Er, we're in here, Mrs [LUCY] Oh, Jennifer, look at you, up again? Don't you ever sleep? [GRANT] Did [LUCY] Oh, it was work. Why would it be [GRANT] Well, I don't know, you seem a little buzzed. I thought maybe you'd met someone. [LUCY] Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Grant (spots the Doctor and Nardole.) What are you doing [NARDOLE] We could ask you the same question. But it's your apartment, so we [DOCTOR] Well, we, we, we, we were worried about you. We wanted to [LUCY] You followed me [DOCTOR] Well, that's just a measure of our concern. [NARDOLE] Very [GRANT] They said they knew you. I let them in. [LUCY] We met tonight. We [GRANT] Oh! Did something happen? [LUCY] Nothing [GRANT] I can do that. [LUCY] No, it's okay, I want to. [GRANT] Lombard's her married name. He ran off when the baby came along. [DOCTOR] Lucy. Of course. --------------------------------------- (High school) [DOCTOR] Hey. [TEEN GRANT] What [DOCTOR] I'm your relief algebra teacher. Thought I'd check in on you and see how you're coping. [TEEN GRANT] Well, it hasn't passed, if that's what [DOCTOR] I think that it's a part of your DNA now. It's bonded [TEEN GRANT] I don't want to. [DOCTOR] You're not looking at anyone. Are you shy now? Is that floor really [TEEN GRANT] I'm not shy. I just can't stop it. [DOCTOR] Can't stop what? [TEEN GRANT] The [DOCTOR] Oh. [TEEN GRANT] I'm in hell. Naked hell. I just can't look at people. [DOCTOR] It's the gemstone, responding to puberty. [TEEN LUCY] Hey, Grant! [TEEN GRANT] Hey, Lucy! [DOCTOR] You really like her, don't you? [TEEN GRANT] I have X-ray eyes. I like [DOCTOR] But Lucy is your favourite. [TEEN GRANT] Who says? [GRANT [OC]] A couple of years --------------------------------------- (Fire escape) [GRANT] She even remembered me. [DOCTOR] Oh, that was lucky. [GRANT] And I was with my best friend at the time, and she [DOCTOR] Okay. [GRANT] Love at first sight. [DOCTOR] Right. [GRANT] Then [DOCTOR] Leaving, I suppose, the field open for you to move in. [GRANT] Yeah. [DOCTOR] And care for the [GRANT] Yeah. [DOCTOR] So she could keep working and [GRANT] Pretty much. [DOCTOR] You tiger. Thank [GRANT] Who are you thanking? [DOCTOR] The universe. There's somebody worse at this [GRANT] Excuse me. [LUCY] This is Mister Huffle. Mister Huffle [LUCY] Meet me in the kitchen. --------------------------------------- (Apartment) [LUCY] With you in a minute. [LUCY] So, you're from Scotland Yard? [DOCTOR] Yes. [LUCY] It's fine if you don't tell me your secrets. I intend to keep mine. But don't lie to me. [DOCTOR] Or what? [LUCY] I hurt Mister Huffle. [LUCY] I assume you belong to some kind of, I don't know, agency, I [DOCTOR] No, I was just passing through [DOCTOR] Okay, okay. Yes, fine, okay, yes, broadly speaking, yes. [LUCY] What are those brain [DOCTOR] I don't know. It's nothing that need concern you. [LUCY] I'm a reporter. That category does not exist. What are they? [DOCTOR] You wouldn't believe me if I told you. [LUCY] No reason not to tell me, then. [DOCTOR] Those brains, they aren't just brains. They're independent alien life forms. [LUCY] And? [DOCTOR] They migrate from planet to planet, extracting and [LUCY] And? [DOCTOR] Harmony Shoal is a multinational corporation whose true purpose is to [LUCY] Ha. [DOCTOR] You believe me? [LUCY] I don't think you're lying. Slightly different. What has Harmony [DOCTOR] Nothing. [LUCY] Ah, so you know who the Ghost [DOCTOR] No, I have no idea. [LUCY] Oh, stop it. We just went to a top-secret science research facility apparently run by brains from [DOCTOR] Don't I? [LUCY] You're not used to being spoken to like this, [DOCTOR] I like to keep busy. [LUCY] Why? What happened to you? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Oh, look! [LUCY] Oh! [GHOST [on TV]] Because fire [GHOST [on TV]] Sorry, duty calls. [LUCY] Oh, look at him go. I need to know who he is. [GRANT] You're all right. She just needs a change. [LUCY] Oh, it's okay, [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. He's definitely quick. [REPORTER [on TV]] In less than a minute, this major fire [DOCTOR] Do [GRANT] Sure. [REPORTER 2 [on TV]] As the storm hit, it became clear that [LUCY [OC]] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Nursery) [LUCY] So, can you put me in touch with him? The real guy behind the mask? [DOCTOR] You're smart. You're so clever I actually noticed. I hardly [LUCY] So what? [DOCTOR] So why can't you find him yourself? [LUCY] I got a lead. [DOCTOR] What lead? [LUCY] You. You know him. Don't even [DOCTOR] Maybe you know him too. [LUCY] Hey, where'd Grant [GRANT] Right here, Mrs Lombard. [LUCY] Oh. [GRANT] Would you like your coffee? [LUCY] Oh, no, I'm okay, thanks. Are you all right? [GRANT] Sure. Why? [LUCY] You're kind of wet. [GRANT] I prefer [LUCY] Can you put me in touch with him? [DOCTOR] The Ghost? [LUCY] Yeah, the [DOCTOR] Mrs Lombard, there are some situations which are just too stupid [LUCY] Hang on. Hello. [GHOST [OC]] Is [LUCY] Yes. Who is this? [GHOST [OC]] Sorry, I had to fly. [LUCY] (gasp) Am I? Sorry, am I, am I speaking to the Ghost? [GHOST [OC]] Hello, Lucy. [LUCY] So, I'm hoping this means I'm getting an interview. [GHOST [OC]] An interview is entirely [LUCY] Hey, you make the headlines, you make the rules. [GRANT] Discussion [LUCY] Fair enough, get that. How about [GRANT] For what? [LUCY] The interview? We could get dinner. [GRANT] Dinner. [LUCY] Do you eat dinner? [GRANT] Of course I eat dinner. [LUCY] Okay, then. Pick me up here --------------------------------------- (Apartment) [LUCY] Grant, could you babysit for me [GRANT] Er [LUCY] Please, it's important. [BOTH] I've got a date. A date? [LUCY] Er, kind of a date. [GRANT] Okay. [LUCY] An interview. Are you seeing someone? [GRANT] Er [LUCY] None of my business. I mean. But are you? I mean, you [GRANT] Yeah, well, it kind of came as a surprise to me too. [LUCY] I'm sorry? [GRANT] It's complicated. [DOCTOR] I can confirm that it's definitely complicated. [GRANT] You know, don't worry about it, I'll [LUCY] You will? [DOCTOR] You will? [GRANT] I'll figure it out. Let me take [LUCY] Okay. [GRANT] Okay. [DOCTOR] (sotto) She's jealous. [GRANT] (sotto) I'm jealous! [DOCTOR] Grant, you are [GRANT] Technically, she's jealous of her. [DOCTOR] Grant, how long have [GRANT] Since elementary school. Twenty four years. [DOCTOR] Twenty four years? Yeah, [GRANT] Are you okay? [DOCTOR] Time passes for everyone. Even [GRANT] No, seriously, are you okay? [DOCTOR] I'm always okay. --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [SIM] Ah, welcome, [BROCK] A little cramped. [SIM] It [BROCK] Interesting. And can it be acquired? [SIM] A plan is being formulated. [BROCK] This one. Who is he? [SIM] I'm not sure. But he may be dangerous. [BROCK] He doesn't [DOCTOR [on screen]] Boo! I'm talking to you live! (the lights come on) [DOCTOR] In [BROCK] What do you want? [DOCTOR] Mercy. [BROCK] We have none. [DOCTOR] It's [BROCK] Are you declaring war on us? [DOCTOR] I am drawing a line, and I'm [BROCK] Then war it is. [DOCTOR] Multi-nucleate organism, functioning as an infinitely adaptable, independently functioning, peripatetic central nervous system. Good to [BROCK] What won't work? [DOCTOR] Whatever it is, whatever you've got planned. Stating the obvious, you've set up [SIM] They will come to us, and they will come running. [DOCTOR] Oh. I very much doubt [DOCTOR] Yes, take that! [BROCK] Who are you? [DOCTOR] There have been many attempts to conquer the Earth. I've lost count. Not one of them has [SIM] What is this? [DOCTOR] It's a burger. I always bring a --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Very good. Right on target. [NARDOLE] Trial and error, to be honest. A [DOCTOR] Where'd you get the [NARDOLE] Twelfth century Constantinople. I ruled firmly, but wisely. [NARDOLE] Ah, ah, ah. How did it go? [DOCTOR] Oh, you know. Issued a warning, donated a burger, nicked some stationery. The Ghost. What have you got? [NARDOLE] The whole story. [DOCTOR] Fact [NARDOLE] No, sir, that's not the reason, is [DOCTOR] Oh, just get on with it. [NARDOLE] You cut me out of Hydroflax because you [DOCTOR] I'm not avoiding anything, I'm just [NARDOLE] Which is what you always do when the --------------------------------------- (Nursery) [LUCY] Good girl. [GRANT] Mrs Lombard? You look nice. [LUCY] You look surprised. [GRANT] No, no, no, it's just that, well, [LUCY] This is [GRANT] Okay. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [LUCY] Hi. [GHOST] Hi. [LUCY] Is something wrong? [GHOST] You look nice. [LUCY] You look surprised. [GHOST] I am, a little. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] He's not supposed to be [NARDOLE] What, like the Time Lord [DOCTOR] I [NARDOLE] Oh! [DOCTOR] Come on. [NARDOLE] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Where we were, except not. [NARDOLE] Oh. Sorry? --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [NARDOLE] Oh, Tokyo branch. [DOCTOR] Yep. [NARDOLE] A bit empty, isn't [DOCTOR] Yes, I created a distraction. I flooded downstairs with Pokémon. [JAPANESE MAN] You're not supposed to be in here. [DOCTOR] I know, it's terrible. Sorry, [NARDOLE] It's a signal, isn't [DOCTOR] It's a signal beaming into space. There was one from the New York --------------------------------------- (Roof) [LUCY] I did book a restaurant. [GHOST] I'm not comfortable in restaurants. [LUCY] I suppose you get a lot of [GHOST] Right back at you. Are you sure you're warm [LUCY] Yeah. Okay, no. [GHOST] Now? [LUCY] Yeah, definitely. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yep, low orbit. [NARDOLE] But you can't get a fix on it? [DOCTOR] I'm trying. The shielding's too good. [NARDOLE] But can't [DOCTOR] Tracking them now. Boom. [NARDOLE] Ha, ha! --------------------------------------- (Roof) [LUCY] So what powers do [GHOST] Well, basic flying, basic super strength. [LUCY] Basic X-ray vision? [GHOST] Yep. [LUCY] Is that ever tempting? [GHOST] Adolescence was difficult. [LUCY] In what sense? [GHOST] It went on a lot longer. [LUCY] How much longer? [GHOST] I'll let you know. --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [BROCK] We're moving into position. It won't be long now. [SIM] The Ghost is located. [BROCK] Action the surgeons. --------------------------------------- (Earth orbit) [DOCTOR] That's what Harmony Shoal is signalling to. Shall we pop over and have a look? Pretty sure no-one's on [NARDOLE] How do you know? Did you scan for lifeforms? [DOCTOR] No. All the lights [NARDOLE] Mmm. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [LUCY] Do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Well, there has been [GHOST] Are we very slightly stereotyping here? [LUCY] I get it. There's [GHOST] Was it the mask that tipped you [LUCY] How do you cope with your double life? [GHOST] I'm nothing [LUCY] Come on. You spend half your time as a [GHOST] I spend all my time that way. [LUCY] And the other half [GHOST] How do you cope with a career and a [LUCY] How do you know I have a baby? [GHOST] I did my research. [LUCY] I have a nanny, that's basically your answer. [GHOST] Yes, of course. [LUCY] He's downstairs [GHOST] I see. [LUCY] And, yes, I said he. [GHOST] Yes, you did. [LUCY] Yes, I did. [GHOST] Is that a problem? [LUCY] I'm sorry, it's just that guys like you sometimes find it [GHOST] With respect, Miss Fletcher, there aren't too many guys like me. [LUCY] There aren't too many guys like Grant either! [GHOST] You okay? [LUCY] Excuse me a minute. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Bridge is this way. --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [SIM] Move. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [GHOST] I didn't mean to imply there's something [LUCY] Not [LUCY] What's wrong with me? [GRANT] There's probably something I [LUCY] Grant. The perfect name. A man I take for granted. [GRANT] Er, really, if you could just look up about now [LUCY] Always there, always [GHOST] That's very commendable. [BROCK] Good evening. Please, take no [LUCY] Mister Brock? What do you [BROCK] The same thing you do, Miss Fletcher. His body. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Hmm. [NARDOLE] Bit rubbish, innit? [DOCTOR] Don't touch anything. [NARDOLE] No, [DOCTOR] I said, don't touch. [NARDOLE] What do you [DOCTOR] You see? The reactor core. It's cycling at critical. Someone's been [NARDOLE] Ooo! Just going to move out. (spots movement on a monitor) Doctor! [DOCTOR] They're [NARDOLE] So what do they want a bomb for? [DOCTOR] What does [NARDOLE] Surely they want to conquer the Earth, not blow [DOCTOR] Oh, you couldn't blow up the Earth with this. But you could wipe out a city. Good point, well made. [NARDOLE] What point? [DOCTOR] New York. It's not a capital [NARDOLE] Oh. I don't understand. [DOCTOR] What if you dropped [NARDOLE] The reactor core would split [DOCTOR] Not all of it. Not all of it, Nardole. [SIM [on monitor]] This [DOCTOR] Oh, this is very good, very meta. [SIM [on monitor]] Did you understand? [DOCTOR] You're stage-managing an alien attack when the aliens have already landed. [DOCTOR] Because of what happens next. When everyone thinks that the Earth is [NARDOLE] Mass panic. [NARDOLE] Ooo, [DOCTOR] Don't worry, it's triple deadlock-sealed. It'll hold [NARDOLE] Harmony Shoal. [DOCTOR] New York isn't a capital city. It's a shop window. When the world is in danger, come hide with us. Harmony [SIM [on monitor]] And they will come running. [DOCTOR] A few hours later, every politician and [SIM [on monitor]] The humans have no plan at [DOCTOR] (laughs) That's where you're wrong. They have the same [SIM [on monitor]] What plan? [NARDOLE] Hey, hey! [DOCTOR] Don't do that. [NARDOLE] Sorry. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [BROCK] The [GHOST] You'll find me a lot harder to cut open than your [BROCK] Harmony Shoal have been conquering your world for five [LUCY] Ghost, don't [BROCK] Do anything at all and [LUCY] Don't listen to him! [BROCK] Remove the mask.I like to see their [GHOST] I'm truly sorry. [BROCK] On the bright side, at least I get to kill you. [LUCY] No, you can't. That's the trouble with one [BROCK] One hostage? (closes his head) Isn't there a child [GRANT] Nobody touches that child. [BROCK] And who are you? [GRANT] I'm the nanny. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [SIM [on monitor]] Stand away from the controls, Doctor. Any attempt to interfere [DOCTOR] Yes, I see that. Very [SIM [on monitor]] When the time is right, there will be no delay. [DOCTOR] Oh, you told me [SIM [on monitor]] What did I tell you? [DOCTOR] You told me that the time is currently wrong. [NARDOLE] Oh, it's the smile. I don't like the smile! [DOCTOR] The Sword of Damocles hanging over New York. I can't destroy it, I can't remove it, I can't stop it [NARDOLE] What? [DOCTOR] The unexpected! The thing about being in a room full of buttons and switches is, I love buttons [NARDOLE] Oh, don't! [SIM [on monitor]] What are you doing? [NARDOLE] No! [SIM [on monitor]] What are you doing? [COMPUTER] Thrusters engaged. [DOCTOR] Next stop New York. Say wheeee! [NARDOLE] Oh! --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [SIM] Lower shields! Brace for impact! New York is under --------------------------------------- (Roof) [BROCK] It occurs to me, Miss Fletcher, I now have three hostages. [GRANT] Why [BROCK] What difference would it make? Besides, --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [NARDOLE] Stop! You're going to destroy New York! [DOCTOR] Of [NARDOLE] Help! [DOCTOR] We [NARDOLE] No, wait! Those things are out there. [DOCTOR] The ship is crashing! They're not going to be worrying about us! [NARDOLE] Ooo! Oh! [DOCTOR] Okay, plan B. [NARDOLE] Doctor! Help me! [DOCTOR] Oh, you'll be [NARDOLE] What's plan B? [DOCTOR] I have no idea, but it's going to be a very [DOCTOR] How [NARDOLE] I know you miss her, but couldn't you just write a poem? [DOCTOR] Excellent! The controls are locked, but they've still got a little bit of give. It means I can take aim. [NARDOLE] At what?! [DOCTOR] New York. There's [NARDOLE] No! Nooo. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [BROCK] No. [DOCTOR [OC]] Grant! Grant! This is the Doctor! You are [GRANT] Mrs Lombard, please, get down. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Nardole! [NARDOLE] Yeah? [DOCTOR] Brace for impact! --------------------------------------- (Street) [MAN] What is that? [WOMAN] Up there! --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Nardole? Nardole! [NARDOLE] Okay, one [DOCTOR] Nardole, it worked. The reactor core [NARDOLE] Why not? [DOCTOR] Shock absorber. --------------------------------------- (Roof) [GRANT] Mrs Lombard, I realise in many [DOCTOR] There, on you go, take a look at him. [GRANT] Sorry, instinct. I couldn't let go of this. [DOCTOR] Oh, oh, ho! Ho! [LUCY] You know what? I think I prefer you in your superhero [GRANT] It's a bit difficult for me to change right now. [LUCY] I'll do it for [DOCTOR] Grant! Grant! Remember, when you're finished, throw that thing [BROCK] So, Doctor, you think this is over? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Your bomb's [BROCK] The vengeance of Harmony Shoal is known and feared throughout the five star [DOCTOR] Ooo, is it. Is it really. Well, I'd like to stick around and --------------------------------------- (Harmony Shoal) [SOLDIERS] Let's go, let's go, let's go! Get down! Down here now! [WOMAN] Get off of me! [OFFICER] And he [SOLDIER] Yes, sir. [OFFICER] Wait here. I'm putting a call into Osgood. --------------------------------------- (Apartment) [DOCTOR] So, no more Ghost, then? [GRANT] Nah, laid to rest. [LUCY] Are you [GRANT] Yeah, of course I'm sure. I mean, life's not a comic book, right, [DOCTOR] Possibly I'm not the right person to ask. [LUCY] What if something [GRANT] Well, you know, maybe I'll [LUCY] Hmm. [DOCTOR] The world will be [GRANT] You were away? [NARDOLE] Huh. Twenty four years. What a night. [GRANT] Where'd you go? [LUCY] Wrong question. (puts Mister Huffle on the table) What was her name? [DOCTOR] I'm sure that I must be [GRANT] You okay? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, I'm okay. [DOCTOR] Things [LUCY] Hey, Doctor? (throws Mister Huffle to him) Keep it real. [NARDOLE] Her name was River Song. They were together for a while and they were very happy. And then she died, a long time ago, in a library. [GRANT] Are you sure he's going to be all right? [NARDOLE] Hmm. He's the Doctor. He's very brave and he's very silly [LUCY] You never [GRANT] Doctor Mysterio.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "", "title": "The Return of Doctor Mysterio, by Stephen Moffat"}
Doctor Who (17 Jun 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - The Eaters of Light [BROTHER] Judy! Judy what are you doing? Come on! [JUDY] I want to hear the music. [BROTHER] You're going to get me in trouble. Everyone knows there are ghosts in the hill. [JUDY] Wait! You'll hear it in a minute. [BROTHER] That's ghosts. If you stay out here listening to ghosts, they will come out of the hill and eat you. [JUDY] They won't. [BROTHER] They will. And I'll get the blame. Now, come on. [JUDY] I can hear it. [BROTHER] Judy, no! [BAN [OC]] I'll put the story in the stone. [BROTHER] Judy! [BAN [OC]] Put your name there. [CROW] Doc-tor! Doc-tor! Doc-tor! Doc-tor! --------------------------------------- (Moorland) [NARDOLE] Oh, where are we now? [BILL] Aberdeen, Scotland. 2nd century AD. [DOCTOR] You weren't complaining when it was Mars, were you? [NARDOLE] So why is Scotland suddenly more important than guarding the Vault and keeping your sacred oath? [DOCTOR] She thinks she knows more about Romans than me. [NARDOLE] Oh, well that's explained everything, thank you. [BILL] You don't know more about the Ninth Legion than me. You don't. I read the book. I loved the book. I read everything. [DOCTOR] They disappeared. [BILL] Except they didn't. [DOCTOR] They were annihilated in battle. [BILL] Then where's the big pile of bodies? Oh, I don't know. [DOCTOR] So where's the Ninth Legion? If they'd left, they should still be leaving. Can you see five thousand Roman soldiers marching south? [BILL] Down there, by the river. They'd have followed the river. That's what they did. [DOCTOR] There's so much that you don't understand about Roman Britain. [BILL] I got an A star. [NARDOLE] (sotto) Ooo, got an A star. [DOCTOR] I've lived in Roman Britain. Governed, farmed, juggled. And speaking as a former Vestal virgin, second class, I can assure you [BILL] I bet you there is a Roman legion down there. [NARDOLE] Hang on. What, second class? [DOCTOR] Fine. You go and check the river. I'll go and find their last battlefield. [BILL] Fine. I'll meet you back here with a Roman soldier. [NARDOLE] Yeah, but seriously. Second class? [DOCTOR] Yeah, it's a long story. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Woods) [KAR] (sobbing) I honour you, Mother. I honour you. I honour all our dead. [KAR] I honour you, Father. I honour all our dead. I honour you, Mother. I honour you, Father. I honour all our dead. --------------------------------------- (Moorland) [DOCTOR] Five thousand Roman soldiers. Eyes peeled. They must have left some kind of mark on the landscape. Burning huts, slaughtered locals, sweetie wrappers. [CROW] Dark! Dark! Dark! [NARDOLE] Doctor. [CROW] Dark! Doctor! [DOCTOR] Look, a stone cairn. Pictish civilisation. [NARDOLE] The bird! [DOCTOR] What about it? [NARDOLE] It said dark. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, that's why we're hurrying, because there's not much light at this time of day. [NARDOLE] But it talked. [DOCTOR] Well, of course it did. It's a crow. All crows talk. [NARDOLE] They don't talk in the future. [DOCTOR] Course they do. Human beings just stopped having intelligent conversations with them. They all took a bit of a huff. [NARDOLE] Crows in the future are all in a huff? [DOCTOR] Course they are. Haven't you noticed that noise they make? It's like a mass sulk. Come on. The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll know the answer. [NARDOLE] Yeah, I know, but [DOCTOR] Picts, early Celts, loved stone cairns. They built them under the ground but close to the sky. They think they're doors between worlds. Iron age churches. What do you always find near churches? [NARDOLE] Women in hats. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Human settlement. [NARDOLE] It's all a bit damp, though, isn't it? [DOCTOR] It's Scotland. It's supposed to be damp. --------------------------------------- (Pit) [BILL] Oh, a Roman soldier. Oh, I wish I'd studied Latin so you could understand me. [SIMON] I understand you. [BILL] Sorry, what? [SIMON] I understand you. [BILL] But you're, you're speaking English. [SIMON] What's English? [BILL] Er, what you're speaking in. [SIMON] You're speaking Latin. [BILL] I'm not. [SIMON] That's Latin. You just said that in Latin. [BILL] Ah! It's the Doctor. Or the Tardis. Or both. Something, telepathic, link. Auto-translate. That's why everyone in space speaks English. [SIMON] What on Earth are you talking about? [BILL] Oh my God, it even does lip-sync. [SIMON] Who are you? [BILL] I'm Bill. [BILL] Are you from the Ninth Legion? [SIMON] Yes. [BILL] Yes! Where have you been? [SIMON] Don't you know? [BILL] Know what? [SIMON] Did you see what happened to us? --------------------------------------- (Moorland) [DOCTOR] It's as if his bones have disintegrated. [NARDOLE] Ooo. What could do that? [DOCTOR] A complete and total absence of any kind of sunlight. [NARDOLE] Death by Scotland. [DOCTOR] No. [NARDOLE] No. [DOCTOR] It should take decades. This happened a short while ago. This is alien. [NARDOLE] Right. Good-o. [DOCTOR] Question is, where are the rest of them? [NARDOLE] (groans) I just want to go back to bed. --------------------------------------- (Battlefield) [DOCTOR] Well, there they are. The Ninth Legion. Great big pile of bodies. It's not always fun to be right. This wasn't long ago. Whatever did it is close by. We need to find Bill. [BAN] Don't move! Stay where you are! --------------------------------------- (Woods) [SIMON] The Barbarians dug these traps everywhere. [BILL] What was that? [SIMON] It's what slaughtered the Ninth. Can you see it? They attacked us with a, a thing. A monster. [BILL] There's nothing here. [SIMON] I've got to get back to the others. [BILL] You said they were wiped out. [SIMON] There are survivors. A handful. I can't leave them. [BILL] Course not. [SIMON] We found a hiding place. We might still be safe there. [BILL] So what was it like, this monster? [SIMON] I don't know. We deserted. We were the ones who couldn't face it. Roman soldiers don't run, and we did. [BILL] What? [SIMON] They're underground, by the river. There's a carving of a fish. [BILL] Is that it? The monster? [BILL] No! --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [LUCIUS] Block the entrance! Quickly, hurry up! [THRACIUS] How long will that hold? [LUCIUS] Not for long. Now bring her through, where we can have a better look at her. [THRACIUS] You do realise the beast now knows where we are? [LUCIUS] You're not one of the barbarians. [BILL] No. So, you're the Ninth Legion? [LUCIUS] We are what's left. [VITUS] (another African) Simon should be back. [THRACIUS] He was looking for the road. Our route south. Did you see him? [BILL] Yeah. [THRACIUS] Well, where is he? [BILL] I'm sorry. That creature killed him. What is it, that thing? Where did it come from? [VITUS] It killed him? [BILL] Yeah. He was covered in this, this like, black slime. [MARCUS] It knows where we are. We'll all die here in the dark. [LUCIUS] No one is going to die. --------------------------------------- (Round house) [DOCTOR] Oh, for heaven's sake. How long are you going to keep us here? Couldn't we have seats? What about the Wi-Fi code, how about that? [BAN] Don't move. Don't speak. Kar will be here soon. [DOCTOR] Who's Kar? [BAN] The Keeper of the Gate. My sister. [DOCTOR] Well, let's hope she's the brains of the family, because there's a big bad wolf of a monster out there and you live in a house of sticks. [NARDOLE] Nice here, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, I like what you've done with the place. Yeah. Yeah, would you er, would you like some popcorn? [NARDOLE] Er, won't take me a jiffy to make. [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [NARDOLE] I'm ingratiating myself. [DOCTOR] Stop it. It's nauseating. [NARDOLE] It's called charm. [DOCTOR] (taking the popcorn bag) I'm against it. I'm against charm. [NARDOLE] Yeah, we all know that. [BAN] I said, don't move! [NARDOLE] I'm rooted. [DOCTOR] Shh! Did anybody hear that? Do you know what that sound was? [BAN] What? [DOCTOR] That was the sound of my patience shattering into a billion little pieces. [DOCTOR] Now, there are only two things that I need to know. Where is my friend, and what destroyed the Roman army? [KAR] I destroyed the Roman army. [DOCTOR] Really? What, you, just on your own? That's quite a trick. [KAR] I'm the Gatekeeper. [DOCTOR] Gatekeeper. What gate? [BAN] Didn't you hear the call? Where were you? [KAR] I had to find the Gatekeeper's things. [DOCTOR] Sorry, wait a minute. Are you the mighty warrior that we've all been waiting for? Where are all the grown-ups? [KAR] There was a great battle. A great battle, and we beat the Romans. [BAN] Kar beat them. That's all that matters. [DOCTOR] Yes, but she's not a warrior. She's an embryo. What did you do, throw your action figures at them? [KAR] Listen, Roman. [DOCTOR] We're not Roman. We're not part of the Roman army. [NARDOLE] No, we're not even slightly Italian. I mean, I do a mean spag bol. [KAR] Let me tell you about the Romans. They are the robbers of this world. When they've thieved everything on land, they'll rob the sea. If their enemies are rich, they'll take all they have. If their enemies are poor, they'll make slaves of them. Their work is robbery, slaughter, plunder. They do this work and they call it empire. They make deserts and they call it peace. [DOCTOR] Yeah, but you've got to love the indoor toilets, yeah? [KAR] They're not conquerors, they're cowards. [DOCTOR] They're also all dead. There's an awful lot of dead cowards out there, and I don't believe that you killed them. Because the thing is, you said gate, you called yourself Gatekeeper, and you mentioned gate weapons. So I've got to wonder, what kind of a gate is that, and what's on the other side? And yes, you're absolutely right. [KAR] Right? [DOCTOR] I am extremely quick. [DOCTOR] Listen, you are all very, very angry, but really you're just very scared. For now, would you mind awfully all just jumping out of your skins and allowing Nardole and I to escape in the confusion? [KAR] Who are you? [DOCTOR] Let me explain. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Cairn) [CROW] Monster! [NARDOLE] We're looking for Bill, right? [DOCTOR] No, we're looking for the maximum danger in the immediate area and walking right into it. [NARDOLE] Yeah, but what about Bill? [DOCTOR] Well, if she's there, we're saving her. If she's not, she's safe already. Trust me, this is not my first rodeo. [DOCTOR] Now, they think these Cairns are gateways between worlds. And given that they keep going on about gates, possibly they're right. [NARDOLE] Ooo! Ooo! No, but [KAR] The Gate's opening. Your friend won't be coming back. [NARDOLE] The way I heard it, the human ship was called the Mary Celeste. Something like that. Anyway, the Enzomodons assumed that any species they encountered would communicate as they did, by digesting each other. The Enzomodan ambassador got through the whole crew and then very sadly choked on a lifeboat, so [NARDOLE] You're back! They said you would probably never come back. [DOCTOR] I was in there for seconds. [NARDOLE] Two days. [DOCTOR] It's an inter-dimensional temporal rift. A second in there equates to days of time on this side. I was in there for two days? [NARDOLE] And eight hours, five minutes, and [DOCTOR] Well, that's good, then, isn't it? [NARDOLE] Good? [DOCTOR] Plenty of time for you to find Bill. [NARDOLE] Oh. I looked. They helped me look. [DOCTOR] How hard did you look? [NARDOLE] I think we've lost her, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No. No, no, no. We just don't know where she is. Not the same thing at all. Come on. [NARDOLE] I'll tell you about the Lusitania later. Oh, keep an eye out for Bill. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [LUCIUS] You have to move again. Stay in the sunlight. It burns off the slime. Here. [BILL] Thanks. [LUCIUS] No problem. Are you hungry? Come on. You have to eat. [CORNELIUS] How much food have we got left? [LUCIUS] Enough. [CORNELIUS] Really? [LUCIUS] Shut up, Cornelius. Go on, eat it. It's two days, you haven't had anything. [BILL] I've never been lost this long. I need to find him. [LUCIUS] Who? [BILL] The Doctor, my friend. I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't find him. [LUCIUS] Well, we'll look after you. [BILL] I'll have to find my way home somehow. [LUCIUS] This is the safest place to be. The beast is still out there. --------------------------------------- (Woods) [KAR] You came back. [DOCTOR] Did you know what was in there? [KAR] The gate. [DOCTOR] A portal between dimensions. Do you know what's on the other side? You don't know anything, do you. You just stand around making speeches and waving a TV aerial about. [DOCTOR] Shall I tell you what's in there? [KAR] No. It's called the Eater Of Light, and we held it back. Every generation, a new warrior went into the gate and fought the Eater Of Light so it couldn't break through. [DOCTOR] But the creature did break through. (Kar nods) It broke through and it destroyed the whole Ninth Legion. [KAR] It's weak, it's nearly dead. It will die soon. [DOCTOR] Well, let's hope so, because there are millions more just like it on the other side, and very soon all of them will find their way through to this dimension. [KAR] Then I'll hold them back. [DOCTOR] You'll hold them back? What, with your lollipop and your kiddy face paint and your crazy novelty monster killing tool? Are you holding that thing the right way up, by the way? [KAR] I don't want your help! [DOCTOR] But I'm all you've got. Believe me, I'm on your side. [KAR] Come on, let's go! --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [LUCIUS] We're all in this together. You're going to be fine. Marcus was hurt like you, and the sunlight healed him in the end. [BILL] I am feeling better. [LUCIUS] Good. [CORNELIUS] Yeah, don't worry, Bill. Lucius will look after you. [LUCIUS] Shut up, Cornelius! [BILL] Ah. Lucius, er. Right, listen. There's er something I should explain. [LUCIUS] What? [BILL] This is probably just a really difficult idea. I don't like men, that way. [LUCIUS] What, not ever? [BILL] Nah. Not ever. Only women. [LUCIUS] Oh. All right. Yeah, I got it. You're like Vitus, then. [BILL] What? [LUCIUS] He only likes men. [VITUS] Some men. Better looking men than you, Lucius. [LUCIUS] I don't think it's narrow-minded. I think it's fine. You know what you like. [BILL] And you like both? [LUCIUS] I'm just ordinary. You know, I like men and women. [BILL] Ha! Well, isn't this all very modern. [LUCIUS] Hey, not everyone has to be modern. I think it's really sweet that you're so restricted. [BILL] Cheers. [LUCIUS] We can be friends, though. I did save your life. That means we're friends forever. [BILL] (laughs) Yeah. I can deal with that. [MARCUS] Why's it going dark? [LUCIUS] The sun's setting. [MARCUS] No, it's the beast. It's circling us. It's looking for a way in. --------------------------------------- (Woods) [DOCTOR] It's getting stronger again. It's strong enough to feed. Every hour of sunlight that feeds it makes the world darker, and the beast stronger. We've got very little time. [KAR] I have to stop it. This is my fault. I'm the Keeper of the Gate. I have to put this right. [DOCTOR] So, you were supposed to guard the gate while everyone else went off to war. But you had strangers at the door, and a guard dog in the attic, so you let the beast come through. [KAR] It was the only thing that could defeat them. [DOCTOR] So you thought the Eater Of Light could destroy a whole Roman army. [KAR] It did. [DOCTOR] And a whole Roman army could weaken or kill the beast. [KAR] Yes. [DOCTOR] Well, it didn't work. You got a Roman legion slaughtered, and you made the deadliest creature on this planet very, very cross indeed. To protect a muddy little hillside, you doomed your whole world. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [LUCIUS] One man? You think one man can save us all? [BILL] Come and meet him. He came here to meet you. He's met loads of people like you. The terrified, the desperate. And he always helps. He always makes a difference. [LUCIUS] There are painted barbarians up there. They outnumber us. There is a beast of darkness that laid waste to an entire legion in less than an hour. No one man can make a difference to that. [BILL] Maybe that's what you don't learn when you think it takes five thousand highly trained soldiers to slaughter a bunch of Scottish farmers. Yes, one man can. And he's here. [THRACIUS] If you're calling us cowards, carry on. We already ran away. We know. [BILL] You're not cowards. You're scared. Scared is fine. Scared is human. But I'll tell you what it isn't. It isn't a plan. [LUCIUS] She's right. [THRACIUS] Why are you even listening to her, Grandad? [LUCIUS] Because no one else is saying anything. We need a plan. A real commander would have a plan. [BILL] Why did he call you Grandad? [LUCIUS] They always call me Grandad. I'm in command. I'm the oldest one left. [BILL] How old are you? [LUCIUS] Eighteen. [BILL] Right, listen to me, all of you. I'm going up there to find my friend. If you come with me, I can't promise that you won't all die. But I can promise you this. You won't all die in a hole in the ground. --------------------------------------- (Round house) [DOCTOR] We have to drive it back through and close the portal behind it. Now, the gate only opens when the dawn sun hits it. Why is that? [BAN] Our ancestors couldn't close the gate completely, but they built the cairn to control it. [NARDOLE] Ah, like venting an oil gush. If they let the portal open a few moments every year, they stop the whole thing ripping apart. It's quite clever, really. [DOCTOR] Are you sulking? [KAR] I'm remembering the dead. [DOCTOR] Oh, right. Well, save that for old age. [KAR] They're dead because of me. [DOCTOR] You know, every moment you waste wallowing about in that happy thought means more of the living are going to join them. When you want to win a war, remember this. It's not about you. Believe me, I know. Time to grow up, Kar. Time to fight your fight. [DOCTOR] How does this work? [BAN] It poisons the light as the beast eats it. [DOCTOR] Good. We'll need more of this. It has optical cancellation properties. Now, we have one chance. Right now it's weak, it's injured, it's starving.But when the sun comes up, it will feed and grow strong. We have to lure it back through the portal before that happens, before sunrise. Now, I've got a plan, but I need your help. [KAR] But I'm afraid. [DOCTOR] Who isn't? But you've still got to face your beast anyway. Can you do that? [KAR] Aye. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [VITUS] Shh! [LUCIUS] It's nothing. It's the wind in the rocks. Forward, centurion. Keep going. There are lots of entrances the beast could get through. It's a labyrinth. [LUCIUS] This is where we hear them, the barbarians. Right up there, up above us. Are you sure your friend will be with them? [BILL] Yeah. Basically, he always ends up being boss of the locals. [LUCIUS] How? [BILL] Usually by annoying them. [CORNELIUS] What was that? [LUCIUS] All right, centurions, stay sharp. [CORNELIUS] That's the way out, so let's get out. [LUCIUS] Easy, Cornelius. Let's make sure we know what we're walking into. [CORNELIUS] No. Let's go. [LUCIUS] Stop! Come back. Wait! --------------------------------------- (Round house) [DOCTOR] No! Wait! Douse the fire, quickly! [BILL] Shift your arse, Roman! [DOCTOR] Close the trap door. [DOCTOR] Block it off! We have to block it off! [LUCIUS] Centurions, defence formation. [DOCTOR] It's fallen back. It's waiting. It's waiting to feed off the sunlight, to grow to its full strength. [DOCTOR] Hello. [BILL] Hi. I brought you the Ninth Legion. [DOCTOR] Whoa, there they are. The lost Legion of the Ninth. [BILL] Totally found them. [DOCTOR] Yeah, you totally did. [BILL] Nardole, what happened to you? [NARDOLE] Oh, I'm blending in. (Scots) Welcome to our land. Scotch. [KAR] Drop your weapons. [DOCTOR] Oh, for goodness' sake! We don't have time for this. [LUCIUS] Stay back! [BILL] Lucius, stop it! [KAR] Are you their champion now? [BILL] There is no time for fighting! [DOCTOR] Exactly. [KAR] We never wanted to fight. We lived in peace, and then you came and laid waste to everything and everyone we loved. All you understand is war. [BILL] No, he understands. Don't you? Now he's wondering why. [LUCIUS] You speak Latin? [KAR] I don't. [BILL] Neither do I. Not a word. And I don't speak whatever they speak either. It's him. It's you, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes, it's me. [BILL] Something to do with the Tardis. Maybe, telepathic field? So now that we all understand each other, how do we all sound? [LUCIUS] You sound like children. [KAR] You sound like children too. [DOCTOR] You all do. [BILL] Is this what happens when you understand what everyone in the universe is saying? Everybody just sounds like children? [DOCTOR] There are exceptions. [NARDOLE] Thank you very much. [DOCTOR] Not you. Okay, kids, pay attention. She slaughtered your legion. You slaughtered everything that she loves. Now, you all have a choice. You can carry on slaughtering each other till no one is left standing, or you grow the hell up! Because there's a new war now. I think these creatures are light-eating locusts, looking for rents and cracks between worlds to let themselves into dimensions of light. Once they break through, they eat. They will eat the sun, and then they will eat the stars. And they will keep eating until there are no stars left. So, whose side are you on now? Because as far as I can see, there's only one side left. [DOCTOR] If it helps, I do have a plan. --------------------------------------- (Inside the Cairn) [DOCTOR] It feeds on light but it homes in on sound. [BILL] So what's going to happen? [DOCTOR] It's simple. Bit of noise, lure the beast here, drive it back through the gate. [BILL] But how do we keep it there? I mean, you said all those things are going to come through, right? [DOCTOR] They can only come through one at a time. [BILL] I know. [DOCTOR] That's why guarding the gate worked. One Pict in there, fighting it off for a few minutes, that adds up to sixty or seventy years out here. [BILL] I get it, yeah, and then the next one goes in. But what do we going to do this time? Or are you going line up Picts sacrificing themselves untilthe end of the world? [DOCTOR] I've got a better idea this time. [BILL] Which is the part you never tell me. [DOCTOR] Don't I? [BILL] No. [DOCTOR] I probably just get interrupted. [NARDOLE] This is worse than jazz. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Cairn) [BAN] Nothing. There's nothing. [NARDOLE] Maybe it won't come. [NARDOLE] Hello. [CROW] Hello. [NARDOLE] Hello. [CROW] Doc-tor! [NARDOLE] No, no. Nardole. It's probably a bit tricky for you, that, innit? [CROW] Nar. [NARDOLE] Lovely. Hello! [CROW] Monster! [NARDOLE] Sorry? [CROW] Monster! [BAN] There! [NARDOLE] Oh! --------------------------------------- (Inside the Cairn) [NARDOLE] It's coming! [BAN] It's here! [DOCTOR] Get ready! [DOCTOR] Channel the light! [DOCTOR] Keep it here! We've got to hold it here till sunrise. [DOCTOR] Keep it there! Keep it there! [DOCTOR] Turn it, the sun is rising! [DOCTOR] Back! Back to the void! [DOCTOR] It'll only stay open as long as the sunlight's on it. Give me your weapon. [BILL] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] This is the clever bit. [BILL] Well, tell me. [DOCTOR] The gate has to be guarded. There's no other way. The trouble is, human life spans, they're tiny. They're hilarious. You get used up too quickly. So what's the answer? Go on, figure it out. The answer's me. I go on for ages. I don't even really die, I regenerate. I can hold that gate till the sun goes out. [BILL] No, you can't. [DOCTOR] Course I can. I'm going to. [BILL] This isn't your job. [DOCTOR] No, it isn't, Bill. It's who I am. [DOCTOR] I've been standing by the gates of your world, keeping you all safe, since you crawled out of the slime. I'm not stopping now. [BILL] Doctor, please. [DOCTOR] Listen. The Tardis will take you home. Return journeys are easy. [BILL] Listen to me. [DOCTOR] Leave the instruments on the current setting. Just hit them with a spanner. (to Kar) The weapon. Now. [KAR] No. [DOCTOR] Give it to me. Come on. You'll be safe. Tomorrow you'll be farming. You can name a cow after me. [BILL] What about the other gates that you have to guard? What about the Vault? [DOCTOR] The Vault will never exist if I let those things come through. [BILL] Well, then someone else better stop them. [DOCTOR] Nobody else can. [KAR] I can. [DOCTOR] What are you saying? [KAR] Time to grow up, Doctor. Time to fight my fight. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, no. No one else can do this, not like I can. [LUCIUS] We can. I'm ready. I'll guard the gate with you. I'll fight by your side. [DOCTOR] Awesome. Brilliant. You'll be a hero for two seconds, then the whole solar system will be devoured. [KAR] Stop him. [(Spears point at the Doctor's throat.)KAR] This is my destiny, my fight. [DOCTOR] Out of my way. Now! [LUCIUS] We'll take it in turns. [DOCTOR] Two of you can't hold the gate. [THRACIUS] Two of them? I'm counting more than two. The Legion of the Ninth stands ready to serve. [DOCTOR] Oh, stop being brave. I can't bear brave people. [BAN] I'll put the story in the stone. I'll put your name in the air. They'll see it for hundreds of years, and they'll know your name forever. [KAR] Good. (they hug) Ready? [DOCTOR] No. Listen to me! No, listen [BILL] You're wrong, Doctor. It's their destiny, not yours. [NARDOLE] Sorry. You're going nowhere. [DOCTOR] Bill! Bill, stop it! [BILL] Quickly! Quickly! [LUCIUS] Soldiers of the Ninth, advance! [KAR] Come on! [BILL] What's that? What's happening? [NARDOLE] Too many of them going through at once. This place is unstable. [BILL] We need to get out of here. Now! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Cairn) [NARDOLE] (untying the Doctor) I know you're inclined to bear a grudge, so just remember I know about ten percent of your secrets. The dark secrets. And I'm the only one in the Tardis who knows where the tea cakes are. [BAN] Kar. She's holding the gate. Remember, her name is Kar. [CROW] Kar! [BAN] Kar. [CROW] Kar! Kar! (flies off) [NARDOLE] There, you were wrong. The crows aren't sulking. The crows are remembering. [CROW] Kar! Kar! Kar! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [BILL] I'm sorry, Doctor, but you have a Vault to guard. You can't take on every fight. [DOCTOR] All right, I was wrong. I didn't know what really happened to the Ninth Legion. [BILL] No, we were both wrong about that. [DOCTOR] They were never really missing. They've always been here. The Ninth Legion and the Keeper of the Gate, seizing the day till the sun goes out. Holding back the dark. [DOCTOR] What? [BILL] I thought. Do you hear that? I thought I could hear the music, but I can't, can I. They're in another time. [DOCTOR] Music's funny like that. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NARDOLE] Right, shall we go back home? Time you were guarding that Vault. We don't want Missy getting any ideas. [MISSY] Oh, one should always try to avoid those. Hello! You lot were ages. I was getting ever so worried. [NARDOLE] How did you get out of the Vault? Sir, what do we do? How could this happen? [DOCTOR] It's all right, Nardole. She's been doing some work for me. [MISSY] Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I assumed they knew. Should I have stayed below decks? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. It's fine. [NARDOLE] She's supposed to be in the Vault! [DOCTOR] How were the engines? [MISSY] (walking down the steps) Better than you deserve. You are naughty. Do you ever do basic maintenance? [DOCTOR] No, but I've got a plan for that. [MISSY] What? [DOCTOR] You. [BILL] Seriously? What, she's doing chores for you now? [NARDOLE] Sir, I must to protest in the strongest, most upset terms possible. Don't make me go squeaky voiced! [MISSY] Do relax, you two. I'm bio-locked out of the controls. I can't even get through those doors. I'm as much a prisoner here as I am in the Vault. [NARDOLE] No, you most certainly are not. [BILL] Doctor. Seriously. Why did you let her out? [DOCTOR] I think you may be forgetting how we got home from Mars. [BILL] What, so now you trust her? [MISSY] No, so now he's getting Tardis maintenance for free. Let's not get carried away. [DOCTOR] So what have you been up to? Did you watch us? [MISSY] Some of it. A little bit. [DOCTOR] What did you think? [NARDOLE] Oh, is she reviewing us now? [MISSY] All those little people, trapped in a hill, fighting forever. Is that really up to your bleeding heart standards? [DOCTOR] Well, they're not trapped and they're more than just fighting. And there's music. Always music. [MISSY] Well, team, who's going to help me hide his gee-tar? [DOCTOR] See, that's what I'm trying to teach you, Missy. You understand the universe, you see it and you grasp it, but you've never learned to hear the music. [MISSY] I don't even know why I'm crying. Why? Why do I keep doing that now? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Maybe you're trying to impress me. [MISSY] Yes. Probably some devious plan. That sounds about right. [DOCTOR] The alternative would be much worse. [MISSY] Really? [DOCTOR] The alternative is that this is for real, and it's time for us to become friends again. [MISSY] Do you think so? [DOCTOR] I don't know. That's the trouble with hope. It's hard to resist.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e10", "title": "The Eaters of Light"}
Doctor Who (24 Jun 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - World Enough and Time [DOCTOR] No. No. Nooooo! --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Hello. I'm Doctor Who. And these are my plucky assistants, Thing One and the Other One. [NARDOLE] Bill. Nardole. [MISSY] We picked up your distress call, (big wink) and here we are to help, like awesome heroes. [BILL] Yeah, we're not, we're not assistants. [MISSY] Okay, right, so, so what does he call you? Companions? Pets? Snacks? [MISSY] Oh, someone's watching. (dances) Well, that's quite a good beat, really, isn't it? [NARDOLE] Yeah. Maybe we should be moving on? [BILL] Yeah, and he calls us friends. [MISSY] Ew, Doctor. But think of the age gap. [DOCTOR [OC]] Stop mucking about and concentrate. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Nardole, do something non-irritating. [NARDOLE [OC]] On it, sir! [MISSY [OC]] Time Lords are friends with each other, dear. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Everything else is cradle-snatching. [NARDOLE] Oh, it's a big one. Ship reads as four hundred miles long --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NARDOLE [OC]] And a hundred miles wide. [DOCTOR] It's big, even for a colony ship. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR [OC]] Anything else? [NARDOLE] Er. (looks up through the observation dome at the black hole) Oh, look at that. [DOCTOR [OC]] Finally! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It's like watching plants grow. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [NARDOLE] It's heading towards a black hole. [MISSY] No. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. [MISSY [OC]] It was --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Heading towards a black hole, until somebody noticed. Now they're trying to reverse away from it.Engines are on reverse thrust, see? [NARDOLE] Oh. Well, it's succeeding. [MISSY] Very, very slowly. [BILL] Explains the distress call, I guess. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] So, a four hundred mile ship, reversing away from the gravitational pull of a black hole. Are we having fun yet? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Mmm. [JORJ [on screen]] Hello? Who's there? Hello? Please report status. [MISSY] Oh, hello. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MISSY [OC]] What have we got here? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] You're probably handsome, aren't you? Well, congratulations on your relative symmetry. [JORJ [on screen]] Who are you? [MISSY] Well, I am that mysterious adventurer in all of time and space, known only as Doctor Who. And these are my disposables, Exposition and Comic Relief. [NARDOLE] We're not functions. [MISSY] Darling, those were genders. [JORJ [on screen]] Please, stay exactly where you are for your own safety. [MISSY] He likes me. So exciting. [JORJ [on screen]] I'm coming through. [MISSY] Hurry, my stallion. And if I'm in the shower, just bring me some beans on toast. That's [NARDOLE] Urgh. [MISSY] That's roughly human flirting, isn't it? [BILL] So, why do you keep calling yourself Doctor Who? [MISSY] Because I'm pretending to be him. Because that's the whole point of this ridiculous exercise. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It's not an exercise, it's a test. (crunch) --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Are you eating? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] No. [MISSY [OC]] Yeah, well, don't test me --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Eating crisps! [BILL] Yeah, but he's called the Doctor, so [MISSY] He says, I'm the Doctor, and they say, Doctor who? See, I'm cutting to the chase, baby. I'm streamlining. I'm saving us actual minutes. [BILL] Yeah, okay, whatever. [MISSY] Also it's his real name. [BILL] It's what? [MISSY] Look at the screens. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Slow today, Missy. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] All those screens have been angled to a single viewpoint. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MISSY [OC]] But not originally, they've all been moved. [DOCTOR] Which means? [MISSY [OC]] Giant ship --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Single pilot, but not designed that way. Something's happened to the others. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yes. And now --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR [OC]] It's time for you to figure out what. [NARDOLE] Uh oh. Someone else has noticed us. [BILL] Sorry, what do you mean, it's his real name? Nobody knows the Doctor's real name. [MISSY] I do, because I grew up with him, and his real name is Doctor Who. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Bill, she's just trying to wind you up. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Chose it himself, you know, trying to sound mysterious. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MISSY [OC]] And then he dropped the Who when he --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [MISSY] Realised it was a tiny bit on the nose. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Stop teasing her and focus.BILL [OC] --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [BILL] Is your real name Doctor Who? [NARDOLE] Oh, you're blue. Nice. I should go back to blue. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JORJ [on scanner]] Stay where you are. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR [OC]] Stay calm. He's very frightened. [MISSY] Deary me, I thought you were handsome, and now you've gone all cross and you're pointing a gun at me. Is this the emotion you humans call spanking? [JORJ] Are there only three of you? Are any of you human? [MISSY] What has happened to this ship and how long have you been here alone? You're looking very sickly. [JORJ] Two days. (to Missy) Are you human? [MISSY] Oh, don't be a bitch. [JORJ] How did you get on board? Is that your capsule? [MISSY] Yep. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] No. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [JORJ] There, look! Three lifts. They're coming. [NARDOLE] What's in this ship? [MISSY] Super-fast inertia lifts. [NARDOLE] Well, what's inside? What's coming up here? [JORJ] Things. I don't even know where they came from. One of you must be human. They only come up if they detect human life signs. [BILL] What for? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JORJ [OC]] They take them away. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [NARDOLE] So those are the lift doors, yeah? That's where they come out? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I'll be right with you. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [JORJ] Which of you is human? [BILL] Me. Me, me. I'm human. I'm the only one. Just, just me. [DOCTOR] Please stop this. Stop right there, now. [JORJ] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but you're the reason that they're coming. [DOCTOR] Put it down. Put that down now. [JORJ] They won't come if she's dead. [DOCTOR] You don't need to do this. I can get her off this ship. I can shield her life signs. [BILL] You know what, Doctor? I said this was a bad idea. [DOCTOR] Please, listen to me. Look at me. Go on, look at me. That's good. That's very, very good. Now, do you see this mad womansitting in this chair? Her name isn't Doctor Who. My name is Doctor Who. [NARDOLE] It's not, is it? [DOCTOR] I like it. You don't know it yet, but in a short time, you will trust me with your life. And when I save you and everyone on your ship,one day you will look back, and wonder who I was and why I did. --------------------------------------- (University grounds) [BILL] Doctor, this is a bad idea. [DOCTOR] No, it's a good idea. A test run. She thinks she can be me. Let's try her out. [BILL] Why? --------------------------------------- (University) [DOCTOR] She got us home from Mars. [BILL] She's a murderer. [DOCTOR] Enjoying your bacon sandwich? [BILL] Why? [DOCTOR] Because it had a mummy and a daddy. Go tell a pig about your moral high ground. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] I pick a scenario, we drop her down into it, and we see how she does. [BILL] How does that work? [DOCTOR] Ah. We just take the Tardis for a spin and we graze for distress calls. We pick a good one. Our usual Saturday. [BILL] And what if she just walks out and slaughters everyone just for a laugh? [DOCTOR] Well, I will be monitoring you the whole time. [BILL] Me? [DOCTOR] Yes. You and Nardole. You can be her companions. See? [BILL] Ah, nah! Forget it. Absolutely no way. [DOCTOR] Nardole agreed. [NARDOLE] No, I didn't. [DOCTOR] You did in my head, which is good enough for me. [BILL] Why do you want to do this? [DOCTOR] She's my friend. She's my oldest friend in the universe. [BILL] Well, you've got lots of friends. Better ones. What's so special about her? [DOCTOR] She's different. [BILL] Different how? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [BILL] Yes, you do. [DOCTOR] She's the only person that I've ever met who's even remotely like me. [BILL] So more than anything you want her to be good? [NARDOLE] Are you having an emotion? [DOCTOR] I know I can help her. [NARDOLE] Yeah. Look at that face, he's having an emotion. Yeah. Yes, look at that bit, yeah, he's doing emotions. [BILL] Oh, leave him alone. [NARDOLE] Can I take a selfie with you? --------------------------------------- (University roof) [DOCTOR] She was my first friend, always so brilliant, from the first day at the Academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush. [BILL] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] Yeah, I think she was a man back then. I'm fairly sure that I was, too. It was a long time ago, though. [BILL] So, the Time Lords, bit flexible on the whole man-woman thing, then, yeah? [DOCTOR] We're the most civilised civilisation in the universe. We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession withgender and its associated stereotypes. [BILL] But you still call yourselves Time Lords? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Shut up. [BILL] Okay. [DOCTOR] We had a pact, me and him. Every star in the universe, we were going to see them all. But he was too busy burning them.I don't think she ever saw anything. [BILL] And you think that if she did, she'd change? [DOCTOR] I know she would. I know it. [BILL] You're a bloody idiot. You know that, yeah? [DOCTOR] Of course. [BILL] She scares me. Like, she really scares me. Okay. So promise me one thing, yeah? Just promise you won't get me killed. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [JORJ] I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (University room) [DOCTOR] I can't promise you that. [BILL] Thanks. [DOCTOR] I mean, look, you're human. And humans are so mortal. [BILL] Cheers. [DOCTOR] I mean, you pop like balloons. (Bill is slowly toppling backwards on the spaceship) I mean, one heart? It's your most important organ, and you've no back up. It's like a budget cut. [BILL] Oh, you'll try and keep me alive? [DOCTOR] Within reason. [BILL] Thanks, mate. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [NARDOLE] What are they? What are those things? [DOCTOR] You're too late, she's dead. Don't you touch her. Don't you lay a finger on her. [VOICE] Stand. Away. Stand. Away. She. Will. Be. Repaired. [DOCTOR] Repaired? [VOICE] Stand. Away. [DOCTOR] You can help her? Is that what you mean? [DOCTOR] Where are you going? What are you going to do with her? [VOICE] Re-pair. [JORJ] Don't try and stop them. They'll snap you in half. [DOCTOR] When do you bring her back? [VOICE] We. Will. Not. [DOCTOR [telepathic]] Wait for me. Wait for me. Wait for me. [MISSY] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Leaving a message in her subconscious. [JORJ] How? She's dead. [DOCTOR] Those things are going to repair her, so clearly she isn't. [MISSY] Assumption. [DOCTOR] Deduction. [MISSY] Hope. [DOCTOR] Faith. [MISSY] Idiot. [DOCTOR] Always! [JORJ] Sir, step away from those doors. You'll bring them back. [MISSY] What do you care, Smurf? They're not even interested in you. [JORJ] Sir, I swear to you. Step away from that lift or I will kill you. [DOCTOR] Don't. You will only make me angry. [MISSY] Honey, listen to him. [DOCTOR] Why? [MISSY] Because if somebody kills you and it's not me, we'll both be disappointed. Now, you. What were those things? [JORJ] I don't know. [DOCTOR] How can you not know? They're on your ship. [JORJ] The ship is supposed to be empty. [NARDOLE] But it's a colony ship. [JORJ] But it's brand new. The colonists haven't arrived yet. We were on our way to pick them up. A skeleton crew, fifty of us, that's all. [NARDOLE] It's not empty now, is it? Look, thousands of life readings. [JORJ] Two days ago there was nothing. Those readings came out of nowhere. [MISSY] Well, obviously you were boarded. [JORJ] No. [MISSY] Your ship was taken over. It happens. [DOCTOR] No. [NARDOLE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] This is worse than I thought. Much worse. Fifty of you, taking your brand new ship, fresh from the factory, to pick up some colonists. [JORJ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Two days ago, you almost bump into a black hole. What did you do then? [JORJ] We tried to reverse out of it. [DOCTOR] And you sent a team down to the other end of the ship to reverse the rear thrusters, yes? [JORJ] Yes. [DOCTOR] How many people in the team? [JORJ] About twenty. [DOCTOR] And you never heard from them again. And then the whole ship just lit up with all these new lifeforms. Correct? [JORJ] Exactly. [DOCTOR] What happened then? [JORJ] Those creatures arrived, took the rest of the humans away. They weren't interested in me. I tried to fight them, but they were too strong. [NARDOLE] Well, maybe something came out of the black hole. [MISSY] Nothing comes out of a black hole. [DOCTOR] Nothing boarded this ship. I'm afraid you'll never see your crew again. Black hole, four hundred mile spaceship. It's a matter of Time. [DOCTOR] Pay attention. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [SURGEON] Hello. Back with us? No, don't try to speak, just relax. You'll be fine. Full conversion wasn't necessary, though it will be in time. Sleep now. --------------------------------------- (Recovery room) [BILL] Hmm. [RAZOR] Oh, awake, is it? Awake now. Good, settle. [DOCTOR [memory]] Wait for me. [BILL] Doctor! [VOICE [OC]] (unemotional) Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. Pain. --------------------------------------- (Out Ward) [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. [NURSE [OC]] Who's making all that noise? Who is it? [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. Pain. [NURSE] Right, what's the matter with you, hmm? Making all that fuss. [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. [NURSE] Let's see now. [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. [NURSE] That's better, isn't it? Right then, Mister Razor, might as well do the rounds, now I'm here. [RAZOR] Rounds? Yes, it is. Rounds, good, yes. [VOICE [OC]] Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. [BILL] Sorry, mate. [VOICE [OC]] Pain. [BILL] I'm really sorry. [VOICE [OC]] Kill. Me. Kill. Me. Kill. Me. Kill [BILL] Sorry, sorry. [NURSE [PC]] This way, Mister Razor. Look sharp! [RAZOR] Would you like some tea? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RAZOR] This way, this way. [BILL] What about him? [RAZOR] It's all right. They don't feel pain. [BILL] Oh, I think they do. [RAZOR] Yes, they do. [BILL] So why did you say they don't? [RAZOR] It was a clever lie, but you see straight through me. Come, tea, this way. [BILL] Hey, what are those things? [RAZOR] People, people, people, people, they're people. [BILL] What are you doing to them? [RAZOR] Curing them. Come. (scuttles down the corridor) Psst! In here. --------------------------------------- (Razor's room) [(Lots of shelves and racks with bits and pieces. There is a telephone on the wall and what could be an old television set showing a black and white still of the scene on the Bridge.)RAZOR] Do you want the good tea or the bad tea? [BILL] What's the difference? [RAZOR] I call one good, one bad. [RAZOR] Excellent, positive attitude. Will help with the horror to come. [BILL] What horror? [RAZOR] Mainly the tea. [BILL] Where am I? [RAZOR] Hospital. [BILL] Yeah, but where? [RAZOR] The ship. You are on the ship. [BILL] I was on a ship, yeah, but it wasn't like this. [RAZOR] You were at top of the ship and now you are at bottom. [RAZOR] Ship. Top. Bottom. See? Yes. [BILL] How did I get here? [RAZOR] You were sick, very sick. Broken. Heart broken. New heart. Good, is it? [BILL] I haven't dared look yet. [RAzOR] Is good. Is very good. Shiny. You can carry it off. Not everybody can. For some people, it all goes a bit, you know. [BILL] What? [RAZOR] Vending machine. (laughs then hands her a mug) Drink it while it is very hot. The pain will disguise the taste. [BILL] Thanks. How long have I been here? [RAZOR] Oh, weeks. Many weeks. Maybe months. [BILL] God. [RAZOR] Is good. You get strong. [BILL] Yeah, but I came here with people. My friends. [RAZOR] Oh, they don't look so bad. [BILL] That's them. That's my friends. [RAZOR] I know. I make picture for you. You like? [BILL] Where are they now? Are they okay? [RAZOR] Well, they are fine. Look at them. [BILL] Yeah, but are they okay now? [RAZOR] That is now. That is right now. That is them. Is live. [BILL] Yeah, but the picture, it's frozen. [RAZOR] No. [BILL] Yeah, it is, they're not moving. Look at them. [RAZOR] They are at top of ship. Top of ship very slow. We are at bottom. Bottom much faster. Very fast bottom. (laughs) [BILL] Yeah, I don't understand. [RAZOR] Ah. So you don't know. [BILL] About what? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] Short version. Because of the black hole, time is moving faster at this end of the ship than the other. It's all about gravity. Gravity slows down time.The closer you are to the source of gravity, the slower time will move. (Jorj looks blank) If you're standing in your garden, your head is travelling fasterthrough time than your feet. Don't they teach you this stuff at space school? --------------------------------------- (Razor's room) [BILL] See he's raising that eyebrow? That's his sarcasm face. He's making a joke. [RAZOR] He's been raising that eyebrow for a week. [BILL] So when are you going to tell me? [RAZOR] Tell you what? [BILL] How I can get back up there. [RAZOR] I already told you. You can't leave here. I'm sorry. [NURSE] What are you doing in here? [RAZOR] She works for me now. We agreed. [NURSE] Everyone here works for me. There's a floor out there needs cleaning. [BILL] Running all the way. [NURSE] I know you dream of leaving. [BILL] No, me? Never. [NURSE] (taps Bill's chest) This is your heart now, and outside this hospital, it will stop working. [BILL] Ah. It's a good thing you've got all those locks, then, in case I accidently wander off. Yeah. Better get mopping. (to Razor) Don't change the channel. [RAZOR] A week, raising his eyebrow? Why would I change? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [JORJ] Space school? I'm basically the janitor. [DOCTOR] That's a good job. But you've got to concentrate more. Now, listen. --------------------------------------- (Razor's room) [BILL] He's going to do an explanation. That always takes a while. [RAZOR] The months will fly by. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] A black hole isn't just any old gravity. It's Superman gravity. You really want to slow down time, park next to one of these guys.Trouble is, one end of the ship is closer to the Superman gravity than the other. [DOCTOR] Wait for me. [BILL] How much longer, Doctor? How many more years? --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [JORJ] But what about these lifeforms? What are they? Where did they come from? How can there be so many? [DOCTOR] Those are the descendants of your crewmates. Two days for you, generations for them. [JORJ] What are these [DOCTOR] Look --------------------------------------- (Razor's room) [BILL] What kind of treatment is that? Why won't you ever explain? [RAZOR] I do explain. They are the special patients. [BILL] When do those bag things come off their heads? [RAZOR] They don't. [BILL] They don't? [RAZOR] Conversion is permanent. [BILL] Why? [RAZOR] We are dying. All of us on this ship, dying. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RAZOR] They are the cure. They are the future. [VOICE] Die. Me. Die. Me. Die. Me. [RAZOR] To survive, they are what we must all become. I will show you. [BILL] Where are we going? [RAZOR] Outside. You always want to go outside. We go outside. [DOCTOR] Wait for me. Wait for me. --------------------------------------- (City) [BILL] Everyone looks so sick. [RAZOR] This was a good place once, hundreds of years ago, when the settlers first came here. But this ship is old, everything is dying. Our world is rust, our air is engine fumes. So we must evolve to survive. But evolution is not fast enough. The special patients, they are strong. Soon we will all be upgraded like them. [BILL] They're in pain. [RAZOR] The pain will be cured, and the exodus will begin. [BILL] Exodus? [RAZOR] Operation Exodus. We will leave this city, we will climb up through this ship, and we will take command. [BILL] Well, you could just go up right now. [RAZOR] We have to be strong. [BILL] There are lifts. [RAZOR] There are many dangers. [BILL] But I've been up there. There's a friend of mine, he could help. [RAZOR] You do not understand the dangers. Many years ago, there was an expedition to floor 507, the largest of the solar farms. [BILL] And? [RAZOR] Silence. They never came back. There is something up there. And we must be strong. [COMPUTER] Return to the hospital. [BILL] I don't [RAZOR] You see, my dear. You must be strong to leave the hospital. And you will be. Soon. Very soon. [COMPUTER] Return to the hospital. --------------------------------------- (Bridge) [DOCTOR] Sorry, pressed for time. [NARDOLE] That was good. [DOCTOR] Venusian Akido. [NARDOLE] I thought you needed four arms for Venusian. [DOCTOR] I've got hidden talents, as well as hidden arms. [NARDOLE] But it's been ten minutes, so she must have been down there for years. [DOCTOR] Yeah. [NARDOLE] We can take the Tardis, go back and get it right. [DOCTOR] This close to a black hole, we'll never be able to pilot her accurately. --------------------------------------- (Razor's room) [BILL] Do you think they're coming down here? Because if they are, where does that lift arrive? Just asking. [RAZOR] You are dear to me. You are my dearest person. You are like [BILL] I know. [RAZOR] A mother to me. [BILL] Definitely not a mother. [RAZOR] Or an aunt. [BILL] No. [RAZOR] But this question you must not ask. [BILL] (sighs) Why not? [RAZOR] Because if you do, I think I might tell you. [BILL] Ah, sorry, mate. Guess what I'm about to do. [RAZOR] Do not. Do not do this. [BILL] I'm going to ask you again. [RAZOR] When you hug me, it hurts my heart. [BILL] Ah, sweet. [RAZOR] No. Your chest unit. It digs right in. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BILL] Are you sure about the mask? [RAZOR] Is burgling mask. [BILL] Why? [RAZOR] Just in case. [BILL] In case of what? [RAZOR] Shh! [BILL] But it's locked. [BILL] Where did you get that? [RAZOR] I have burglary skills. They don't let just anyone wear a mask like this, you know. [BILL] (re the key) It's got your name on the label. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [(Bill sees a pair of patients slumped motionless by the walls and gasps. Razor grabs her.)RAZOR] It's all right. It's just, you know, work in progress. [BILL] So, these lifts, where do we find them? [RAZOR] It's through there somewhere. Oh, I like the hat. [RAZOR] I'm going to ask for a hat when it's my turn. [BILL] Your turn? [SURGEON] No, actually. I'm afraid, Miss Potts, it's your turn. Thank you for bringing her, Mister Razor. [RAZOR] Ah, you see through my clever disguise. Stupid thing. [BILL] You didn't. Please tell me you didn't. [RAZOR] Is for your own good. Make you strong. Ready for the exodus. [SURGEON] I'm sorry about the deception. It's best to get people in here without them knowing why. We don't want screaming in the main part of the hospital. [BILL] Don't you touch me. Don't you lay a finger on me. [SURGEON] This unit of yours won't last forever, you know. You need the full upgrade. [BILL] You're not going to turn me into one of those things. [SURGEON] I'm rebuilding you to survive in a world not made for flesh. [BILL] But look at them. They're screaming in pain every second they're alive. [SURGEON] But we've got something for that now. [SURGEON] This won't stop you feeling pain, but it will stop you caring about it. It fits over your head. --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [DOCTOR] Okay, you two, welcome to a new time zone. Not knowing the differential, I don't know how much time has passed here.Right, we need to find out more about this ship. [NARDOLE] On it. [DOCTOR] No. Missy, you do it. Nardole, you come with me. [NARDOLE] But I'm the computer guy. That's always me. [DOCTOR] Sorry, she's cleverer. [NARDOLE] She's more evil. [MISSY] Same thing. [DOCTOR] It really isn't. [MISSY] Oh, it is a little bit. A little bit the same. [NARDOLE] Anyway. [MISSY] Yes, thank you. [DOCTOR [OC]] Nardole! [RAZOR] Hello. [MISSY] Hello, ordinary person. Please maintain a minimum separation of three feet. I'm really trying not to kill anyone today, but it would be tremendously helpful if your major arteries were out of reach. [RAZOR] (laughs) I have been so looking forward to meeting you. [MISSY] Right. I'm very happy for you. [RAZOR] I was watching you on the screen. It took me a while to work out who you were. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [NARDOLE] Ah! Oh, there's always a scary thing with you, isn't there? [DOCTOR] Are you only getting that now? --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [MISSY] Oh, this is super interesting. I assumed this ship was from Earth, full of squishable little humans, but it's not from Earth at all, is it? [RAZOR] You don't remember me, do you? [MISSY] Looks like an Earth-like planet, but not Earth itself. Very Earth-like. If planets had twins [RAZOR] You don't remember being here before, do you? [MISSY] I've never been here before. Will you please stop wittering on or I'll have to splat your brains for finger paint. [RAZOR] Oh, you have been here before. You really can trust me on that. [MISSY] Planet, planet. Which, which planet? --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [NARDOLE] There's a lot of genetics, bio-engineering. There's a lot of stuff about something called Exodus. Operation Exodus. --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [MISSY] Look at that. This ship is from Mondas. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Room) [DOCTOR] It's a Cyberman. A Mondasian Cyberman! --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [MISSY] Doctor! [RAZOR] (falsetto) Doctor! Ooo, Doctor! Doctor! [MISSY] Okay, listen to me. I may be about to take that silly little gun away from you [RAZOR] He'll never forgive you, you know, He'll never set you free. Not when he discovers what you did to his little friend. [MISSY] I haven't done anything to his silly little friend. [RAZOR] Oh, but I'm afraid you did. But a long time ago. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [DOCTOR] You're brand new, fresh out the factory. You're not ready for a fight yet. [NARDOLE] He does looks a little bit ready. [DOCTOR] Bill Potts. Do you know where she is? Where is Bill Potts? [CYBERMAN] (sing-song) Doc-tor. [DOCTOR] You know me? [CYBERMAN] You are Doc-tor. --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [MISSY] Am I supposed to know what you're talking about? Would it help you focus if I extracted some of your vital organs and made a lovely soup? [RAZOR] You would never be so self-destructive. [MISSY] So what? [RAZOR] But then again, neither would I. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [DOCTOR] Listen. We mean you no harm. We're just passing through. We're looking for Bill Potts, friend of mine. [CYBERMAN] Bill Potts. [DOCTOR] Yes, Bill Potts. You're a Cyberman. You're part of a neural net. Can you find her? --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [RAZOR] I love disguises. Do you still like disguises? Of course, they are rather necessary when you happen to be someone's former Prime Minister. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [CYBERMAN] Accessing. [NARDOLE] Get back from it. [CYBERMAN] Bill Potts. Locating Bill Potts. I am Bill Potts. --------------------------------------- (Outside the lift) [MASTER] Hello, Missy. I'm the Master, and I'm very worried about my future. Give us a kiss. --------------------------------------- (Conversion Theatre) [DOCTOR] Bill? Bill, talk to me. What have they done to you? [NARDOLE] Operation Exodus, whatever that is. [MISSY] Oh, wrong name, for a start. [(She goes and stands by Cyber-Bill's right shoulder.) CYBER-BILL] I waited. [MISSY] This is not an exodus, is it? More of a beginning really, isn't it? [CYBER-BILL] I waited. [MASTER] In fact, do you know what I'd call it? I'd call it a genesis. [MISSY] You've met the ex? [MASTER] Specifically, the Genesis of the Cybermen. [CYBER-BILL] I waited for you.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e11", "title": "World Enough and Time"}
Doctor Who (1 Jul 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - The Doctor Falls [HAZRAN] Everyone under their beds, now! [ALIT] (a little girl) Again? [HAZRAN] Alit, get under your bed and stay there! [ALIT] It's the scarecrows. New ones. [GAZRON] (another girl) It's okay. We'll be okay. [REXHILL [OC]] Save your ammo! Wait for it! Fire! --------------------------------------- (Memory) [MASTER] How many times have you died? [MISSY] How many different ways? [MASTER] Have you burned? [MISSY] I know you've fallen. [MASTER] Have you ever drowned? [MISSY] Have you felt the blade? [MASTER] I suppose what we're really asking, my dear, is, well [MISSY] Any requests? --------------------------------------- (Level 1056 Hospital roof) [MASTER] So, I imagine you're the next one along, then? [MISSY] Oh, I think so. I'm a bit hazy on the whole regeneration thing, I'm afraid. [MASTER] You mean, I'm going to turn into a woman and you don't even remember it happening? [MISSY] Oh! Am I a woman now? [MASTER] Well, kind of, yeah. [MISSY] Hold me. [MASTER] Kiss me. [MISSY] Make me. [DOCTOR] Do you two want to be alone? Which, in your case, would mean more than it usually does. [MASTER] We've been debating the best way to kill you. [DOCTOR] Where's Bill? [MISSY] Well, we thought we might chuck you off the roof, but I wasn't sure how many regenerations you had left. [MASTER] Yeah, we could have been up and down the stairs all night. [MISSY] We could shoot you, but that's a bit vanilla. [MASTER] But old school, nice for a change. [MISSY] For a change. [DOCTOR] I said, where is Bill? [MASTER] Well, if we told you that, I'm afraid you'd be really, really upset. [MISSY] So [BOTH] She's right behind you! [MISSY] Look, there's Bill. Dead, dismembered, fed through a grinder and squeezed into a Cyberman. Doomed to spend an eternal afterlife as a bio-mechanical psycho-zombie. It was hilarious. [MASTER] Ten years you spent up there, chatting. You missed her by two hours. [MISSY] Ripped out her heart, threw it in to a bin, and burned it all away. He's internalising. I love it when he's Mister Volcano. [DOCTOR] (to the Master) The last time I saw you, you were on your way to Gallifrey. [MASTER] Well, I didn't stay. Why would I stay? [DOCTOR] So they cured your little condition and kicked you out. [MASTER] It was a mutual kicking me out. [DOCTOR] Somehow you ended up in this dump. You never could drive. [MASTER] Meh. You wouldn't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, let's see how I do. Your Tardis got stuck. You killed a lot of people, took over the city, lived like a king until theyrebelled against your cruelty. And ever since then you've been hiding out, probably in disguise, because everybody knows your stupid round face. [MASTER] Round? [MISSY] It's a little bit. [MASTER] Shut up! Do you want to see my city, Doctor? Do you want to see what happens when you're too late to save your little friend and everybody else? [MASTER] See? This used to be just a hospital. Now it's mass production. The Cyber Foundries. [MISSY] The whole city is a machine to turn people into Cybermen. What do you think? Exciting, isn't it? Watching the Cybermen getting started. [DOCTOR] They always get started. They happen everywhere there's people. Mondas, Telos, Earth, Planet 14, Marinus.Like sewage and smartphones and Donald Trump, some things are just inevitable. [MISSY] Doctor. Doctor, have you done something? What's happening? [DOCTOR] People get the Cybermen wrong. There's no evil plan, no evil genius. Just parallel evolution. [MASTER] Doctor, what have you done? [DOCTOR] People plus technology minus humanity. The internet, cyberspace, Cybermen. Always read the comments, because one day they'll be an army. [MISSY] Look, they're coming. They're coming for us! [MASTER] This doesn't make any sense! [DOCTOR] Doesn't it? [MASTER] These Cybermen are primitive. They're programmed to track human beings and convert them. They home in on human life signs only. [DOCTOR] You two, you should know by now. When you're winning, and I'm in the room, you're missing something. [MASTER] What have we missed? [DOCTOR] You shouldn't have hit me, Missy. I was waiting for my chance. Computer, containing the algorithm defining human life signs. I only had time to change one detail. A single number. One to a two. One heart to two hearts. I expanded the definition of humanity.Took 'em a while to update the net, but here we go. Welcome to the menu. [DOCTOR] Now they think that we count as humans, and they're going to fix that in a hurry! [MASTER] There must be other ways up here. We can't cover them all. [DOCTOR] You can't fight a whole city. You know the stories. There's only ever been one way to stop that many Cybermen. Me! [MASTER] Then do it. Stop them! [DOCTOR] Begging for your life already? That's a new record. [MASTER] I'm not begging you. I'd rather die than beg you. [DOCTOR] Lucky day, then. [MASTER] I can do this. They're not difficult. They're Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Knock yourself out. [MISSY] Your wish is my command. [MISSY] I was secretly on your side all along, you silly sausage. [DOCTOR] Is that true? [MISSY] Don't spoil the moment. [DOCTOR] Seriously, I need to know. Is that true? [MISSY] It's hard to say. I, I'm in two minds. Fortunately, the other one's unconscious. [DOCTOR] Nardole, have you been useful? [NARDOLE [OC]] Yeah. Found this in the loading bay. [NARDOLE] Shuttlecraft. [DOCTOR] Get Junior up there. [MASTER] Oh, you hit me really hard. [MISSY] You're telling me. I think, I think I've still got the bump. [DOCTOR] Right. First things first [DOCTOR] Argh! Argh! Argh! [DOCTOR] Bill. [MISSY] What was that, Doctor? You'll only slow us down? Yeah, I think you're right. --------------------------------------- (Shuttlecraft) [MASTER] The Doctor's dead. He told me he'd always hated you. Let's go. [NARDOLE] No. [MISSY] The Doctor's dead. He told me he'd always hated you. [NARDOLE] Yeah, I heard you the first time. [MASTER] Oh, tedious. [NARDOLE] Oi! [MASTER] Look, we need to get away from here. Find a hole in the roof, or make one. Is there a great big gun on the front? That would be good. [NARDOLE] I don't think we're going anywhere. Bill's back. --------------------------------------- (Hospital roof) [DOCTOR] Bill, I will fix this. I will get you back again, I swear. --------------------------------------- (Countryside) [MISSY] What level are we on? [MASTER] Must be one of the solar farms. Hologram sky, bit of atmosphere. [ALIT] Who are you? [NARDOLE] That's the last floor we can bust through. Engine's blown. Hello, little girl. We're from downstairs, and, er, I think we're going to need your help. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [HAZRAN] Sorry you have to stay out here. You'd frighten the children. [BILL] Where am I? How did I? Sorry, I can't remember. [HAZRAN] The Doctor put you to sleep. You needed rest. [BILL] What am I doing in a barn? What's wrong? [HAZRAN] Sorry. It's just. [BILL] Sorry, what? [HAZRAN] The Doctor has explained that you're not dangerous, but it's difficult. [BILL] What's difficult? Where, where is the Doctor? I need to [HAZRAN] His injuries are, are being tended to. [BILL] Injuries? [BILL] I want to see the Doctor. I need to speak to him! [BILL] Hello? [ALIT] Hello. Everyone's too scared to talk to you. But I'm not. [BILL] Why are they scared? --------------------------------------- (Farm) [NARDOLE] Come on you lot, put your backs into it. Remember the Alamo! Oh, maybe not. [HAZRAN] Nardole, you're working them too hard. [NARDOLE] This isn't work, it's war. Operation Exodus. They're looking for fresh meat, and you're it. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [BILL] Is that it? [BILL] I really wouldn't harm you, you know. [ALIT] I know. [CYBER-BILL] That is not me. [ALIT] I'm sorry. [CYBER-BILL] I am Bill Potts. [ALIT] I'm sorry! I'm sorry! [CYBER-BILL] I am Bill Potts! [DOCTOR] Hey, hey, hey, hey! [DOCTOR] Hello, Bill Potts. [CYBER-BILL] Doc-tor. [ALIT] I'm sorry. I gave her a mirror. [DOCTOR] Oh no, don't be sorry. You were being kind. Nothing wrong with kind. Jelly baby? [ALIT] Thank you. [DOCTOR] You're welcome. [ALIT] Bye. [DOCTOR] Toodle-oo. [BILL] What was that, in the mirror? [DOCTOR] Er, a Cyberman. [BILL] What's a Cyberman? [DOCTOR] A technologically augmented human being, designed to survive in a hostile environment. Perfectly sound idea. Unfortunately all they want to dois to turn everyone else into Cybermen too. They go viral. [BILL] Why? [DOCTOR] They consider themselves to be an improvement, an upgrade. [BILL] No. Why do I see a Cyberman in the mirror? [DOCTOR] What do you remember? [BILL] There's quite a lot, you know? I was down there for ten years. [DOCTOR] And then one day, they took you to the Conversion Theatre. Do you remember that? [BILL] No. Bits of it. You turned up. [DOCTOR] Do you remember what they did to you? [BILL] Nothing. Look at me, I'm fine. I'm fine! [DOCTOR] You are so strong. You're amazing. Your mind has rebelled against the programming. It's built a wall around itself. A castle made of you, and you are standing on the battlements, saying no. No, not me. [BILL] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] All that time, living under the Monks, you learned to hang on to yourself. [BILL] But I'm, I'm fine. Look at me! [DOCTOR] Bill, what you see is not you. Your mind is acting like a perception filter. You still see yourself as you used to be. [BILL] Used to be? [DOCTOR] It won't last forever. [BILL] What do you mean, used to be? [DOCTOR] Bill, I'm sorry, but you can't be angry any more. A temper is a luxury you can no longer [BILL] Why can't I? Why can't I be angry? [DOCTOR] Bill, please! [CYBER-BILL] You left me alone for ten [BILL] Years! Don't tell me I can't be angry! [REXHILL [OC]] Get back! You all right? [DOCTOR] Because of that. That's why. Because you're a Cyberman. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [NARDOLE] Right. Everyone, back to work. Nothing to see here. Somebody broke the barn, no biggie. Come on, defences don't build themselves. [DOCTOR] It's okay. They're just frightened. [BILL] People are always going to be afraid of me, aren't they? Aren't they? [BILL] What is that, engine oil? [DOCTOR] No. It's an actual tear. But it shouldn't be. [MASTER] Doctor. Right, while you've been here chatting up Robo-Mop, me and me have been busy. We've found it. (Razor) Oh, hello, my dear.My God, you were so boring for all those years. But it was worth every day of it, for this. [DOCTOR] Bill, don't let him upset you. [MASTER] Though, didn't you used to be a woman? I'm going to be a woman, fairly soon. Any tips? Or, maybe, I dunno, old bras? [CYBER-BILL] I am not upset. [MASTER] Oh. Well, doesn't that take all the fun out of cruelty. Might as well rile a fridge. Come on, this way. --------------------------------------- (Countryside) [BILL] Why are there so many children in that house? [DOCTOR] Small community, several hundred at most. So they keep the children together for their protection. [DOCTOR] Those things, they make it up here sometimes. They try to take the children. [BILL] You all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, fine. [BILL] What was that? [DOCTOR] They target the children because conversion is easier with a younger donor. The brains are fresher, and because the bodies are smaller, there's less to er [BILL] Less to what? [MASTER] Less to throw away. [BILL] You said. I remember, you said you could fix this. That you could get me back. Did you say that? [DOCTOR] I did say that, yes. [BILL] Were you lying? [DOCTOR] No. [BILL] Were you right? [DOCTOR] No. Bill. [BILL] We're not going to get out of this one, are we. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't know. There are always possibilities. [BILL] No. I can feel it. In my head, the programming. The Cybermen are taking me over, piece by piece. It's like I'm hanging on in a hurricane, and I can't hang on forever. [DOCTOR] Bill, look, whatever it takes [BILL] No, I want you to know, as my friend, I don't want to live if I can't be me anymore. Do you understand? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [BILL] And that's not possible, is it? [DOCTOR] Well, I'll tell you what else isn't possible. A Cyberman crying. Where there's tears, there's hope. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Clearing) [MASTER] Weird, how you don't remember any of this. [MISSY] The two of us together puts the timelines out of sync. You can't retain your memories, so I don't have them. [MISSY] You absolutely had to bring her, did you? [MASTER] Her? It's a Cyberman now. [MISSY] Yes, sorry. [MASTER] Becoming a woman's one thing, but have you got empathy? [DOCTOR] Where is it? [MISSY] Lift shaft? Right here. [MASTER] Hologram. Mustn't ruin the pretty forest. It's a wonder more people don't turn to genocide. [MISSY] And the doors. [DOCTOR] This is how we evacuate the children. There have to be more lifts, quite close. [DOCTOR] We know Operation Exodus is ready. We can't hang around here. [DOCTOR] What are you doing? You just called the lift! [MISSY] Yeah, well, we're going to need them, aren't we? [DOCTOR] The lift was downstairs, and quite possibly not empty. [CYBER-BILL] Stand aside. [DOCTOR] Do as she says. [CYBER-BILL] Stand aside. [MASTER] Do as she says. Is the future going to be all girl? [DOCTOR] We can only hope. [DOCTOR] Fire! [MASTER] Kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it! Kill it, kill it. Kill it. [DOCTOR] Missy, sonic the lift. Keep it here. [BILL] Why's it different? Why does it look like that? [MASTER] It evolved. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Since we left, they've built a weapons-grade version to come after us. And we just gave our position away. Well done, the genius twins. [MISSY] It doesn't matter. We can still get out of here. We go take the lift right to the top and escape in your Tardis.We could evacuate the Waltons back there, if you're feeling ridiculous. [DOCTOR] We can't go back to the bridge. We can only go four or five floors up at the most. The further we move up the ship, the slower time moves for usand the faster it moves for the Cybermen. By the time we get to the bridge, they'll have had thousands of years to work out how to stop us.There is no safe way to get back to the Tardis. It's a mathematical impossibility. --------------------------------------- (Level 1056) [CYBERMAN] Operation Exodus. Troops to attack phase. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [HAZRAN] Nardole, what is that? [HAZRAN] Tell me, what is it? [NARDOLE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] The Cybermen don't have fear, but they know how to use it. Operation Exodus. They're announcing their arrival. They're coming! The Cybermen are coming. [BILL] How long till they get here? [DOCTOR] Two hundred miles of time-dilated spaceship. According to my calculations, we need a plan, quick. [HAZRAN] You realise this is hopeless, don't you? [NARDOLE] Oh, I was hoping someone would say that. For a moment there I was feeling a glimmer of purpose. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [BILL] But do we have long enough? [DOCTOR] They're Cybermen. There's no such thing as long enough. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [HAZRAN] But Nardole, look at it. They've got armour! We don't have guns that can shoot through armour. [NARDOLE] Look. Give me one of them rifles. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [MISSY] Dearest, I've been thinking. We need your Tardis. We can't go up, but we can go down. Your Tardis is right at the bottomof the ship, isn't it? [MASTER] Well, I suppose. [MISSY] Is it, or isn't it? --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [BILL] What's that? [DOCTOR] We're on a spaceship, remember? That's a service duct, rusted shut. Think you could get angry with it? --------------------------------------- (Farm) [NARDOLE] Is that windmill important? [HAZRAN] Why? [NARDOLE] No reason. You see that bush over there? Shoot it. [HAZRON] You think you're quite something, don't you? [NARDOLE] I try not to miss the obvious. [REXHILL] How was that possible? [DOCTOR] Because this is not the countryside. This is a spaceship. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [MASTER] It's my Tardis. [MISSY] Our Tardis. [MASTER] And it's right in the middle of a city full of Cybermen. [MISSY] They're all coming here. [MASTER] And it doesn't work! [MISSY] Because? --------------------------------------- (Farm) [DOCTOR] If it fooled you, it will fool the Cybermen. They're robots, but they've got monkey brains. You can always fool a monkey brain with a little bit of theatre. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [MASTER] I landed here. I had trouble taking off. [MISSY] The black hole? [MASTER] Too close to the event horizon. [MISSY] And you screwed up. You went too fast. [MASTER] I blew the dematerialisation circuit. [MISSY] Which reminds me. A funny thing happened to me once. [MASTER] What? [MISSY] A very long time ago, a very scary lady threw me against a wall and made me promise to always, always carry a spare dematerialisation circuit.I don't remember much about her now but, she must have made quite an impression. [MASTER] You know you basically have me to thank for this. [MISSY] You're welcome. [MASTER] By the way, is it wrong that I er [MISSY] Yes. Very. --------------------------------------- (Dormitory) [ALIT] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, it's very simple. The Cybermen have removed all fear from their hearts and minds. But you, Alit, you are going to put it all back. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [HAZRAN] I've never met anyone like you. So where are you from? [NARDOLE] I don't know. I was sort of found. [HAZRAN] On a doorstep? [HAZRAN] Who loved you? [NARDOLE] I er probably should tell you, I'm not human. [HAZRAN] I'll try anything once. [NARDOLE] No! Stop, stop. It's Bill, it's Bill! [HAZRAN] Oh. I'm so sorry. [CYBER-BILL] I understand. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [BILL] Listen. Er, I don't suppose [DOCTOR] We have a maximum of ten minutes before they attack. [ALIT] Is it time? [DOCTOR] Nardole? [NARDOLE] We're ready. [ALIT] Is that my gun? [DOCTOR] Oh! Er, no, no. I don't like guns. (gives it to Hazran) I've got a better idea. Are you good at throwing? [ALIT] Better than all the boys. [DOCTOR] Then how about humanity's first weapon? (an apple) Tempting, isn't it? [MASTER] Listen, me and sis are off now, but we were kind of wondering, what's your plan, Doc? [MISSY] Because whatever you've got, you can't save them. [DOCTOR] There's another solar farm five levels above us. If I can get all the children up there, and most of the adults [MASTER] Then the Cybermen will find them again. [DOCTOR] It's the best I can do, so I'm doing it. Do you have a problem with that? [MASTER] You can't win. [DOCTOR] I know! And? [MASTER] Come on, Lady Version. I honestly don't know what you see in him. [MISSY] Likewise. [DOCTOR] No! No! When I say no, you turn back around! (catches up with them) Hey! I'm going to be dead in a few hours, so before I go, let's have this out, you and me, once and for all. Winning? Is that what you think it's about? I'm not trying to win. I'm not doing this because I want to beat someone, or because I hate someone, or because, because I want to blame someone. It's not because it's fun and God knows it's not because it's easy. It's not even because it works, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do, because it's right! Because it's decent! And above all, it's kind. It's just that. Just kind.If I run away today, good people will die. If I stand and fight, some of them might live. Maybe not many, maybe not for long. Hey, you know,maybe there's no point in any of this at all, but it's the best I can do, so I'm going to do it. And I will stand here doing it till it kills me.You're going to die too, some day. How will that be? Have you thought about it? What would you die for? Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand, is where I fall. Stand with me. These people are terrified. Maybe we can help, a little. Why not, just at the end, just be kind? [MASTER] See this face? Take a good, long look at it. This is the face that didn't listen to a word you just said. [DOCTOR] Missy. Missy. You've changed. I know you have. And I know what you're capable of. Stand with me. It's all I've ever wanted. [MISSY] Me too. But no. Sorry. Just, no. (she takes his hand) But thanks for trying. --------------------------------------- (Countryside) [ALIT] Hello. [CYBERMAN] You will not be harmed. You will be upgraded. [ALIT] No, thanks. [NARDOLE] Alit, let's go! --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [NARDOLE] Do you get it now? This whole floor, under the soil, it's fuel lines and fusion turbos. And if you happen to be a genius with insane computer skills, you can remote-spark a critical failure and boom! [ALIT] Boom! [NARDOLE] You weren't listening to a word of that, were you? [HAZRAN] No, I'm still not getting it. [NARDOLE] On it. Three, two, one. [DOCTOR] So, any second now, the Cybermen will decide that we have significant weaponry. [NARDOLE] (to Alit) Awesome weaponry. The ultimate apple upgrade. [DOCTOR] Which means that they will change their campaign parameters. [NARDOLE] How's that? [DOCTOR] Up till now, this has been a mercy mission. [HAZRAN] A what? [DOCTOR] They want to upgrade you. That's why they come for your children. But now they think we're a military target, so they will fall back, regroup,and plan a much bigger assault. [BILL] Oh, good-o. [DOCTOR] Yes, good. Because they will stop tracking the children, which means [REXHILL] They're moving back. [DOCTOR] Time to go. [REXHILL] But, we're surrounded. [DOCTOR] Oh, I love being surrounded. It means everyone's looking at me. Hazran, let's get going. [HAZRAN] Right then. Come on, you lot. Everybody down to the cellar. [DOCTOR] Nardole, I want you to lead the evacuation. [NARDOLE] What? No. [DOCTOR] There's another solar farm on floor 502. There should be enough livestock in the cryogenic chamber [NARDOLE] You need me with you. [DOCTOR] Thanks for all the software. I will take it from here. [NARDOLE] Sir, with respect, I'm worried about your plan. [DOCTOR] Plan? What plan? [NARDOLE] I think as soon as this place is evacuated, you're going to blow the whole floor, killing as many Cybermen as you can. [DOCTOR] No. No, course not. I won't do that until I've left. [NARDOLE] Liar! It can't be done remotely. [DOCTOR] You couldn't do it remotely. [NARDOLE] Neither could you. And more to the point, you are not sending me up there to babysit a load of smelly humans. [DOCTOR] Yeah? Well, I'm afraid that's exactly what I'm doing. [NARDOLE] Huh? This is me we're talking about. Me. You know what I was like. If there's more than three people in a room, I start a black market.Send me with them, I'll be selling their own spaceship back to them once a week. Please, I would rather stay down here and explode. You go and farm the humans. [DOCTOR] Listen. One of us has to stay down here and blow up a lot of silly tin men, and one of has to go up there and look after a lot of very scaredpeople, day after day, for the rest of their lives, and keep them safe. Now the question is this, Nardole. Which one of us is stronger? [NARDOLE] Damn. [DOCTOR] My condolences. [NARDOLE] I'm going to name a town after you. A really rubbish one. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm counting on it. [NARDOLE] And probably a pig. Young lady, you're coming with me. No arguments. May I remind you I'm still empowered to kick your arse. [BILL] You'd have to go back down there to that hospital and find it, then. [NARDOLE] Look, Bill [BILL] My arse got kicked a long time ago, and there's no going back. (she stands next to the Doctor) All I've got left is returning the favour. [NARDOLE] Oh, great. So she's allowed to explode. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [BILL] You know I am. [NARDOLE] I don't know what to say. [BILL] You'll think of the right words later. [NARDOLE] Doctor. Bill. (starts to leave) You're wrong, you know. Quite wrong. I never will be able to find the words. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [NARDOLE] Right, everyone. I need you to be big, I need you to be brave, and I need you to follow me. --------------------------------------- (Clearing) [MASTER] Right. Come on, then, hop in. Straight down. Tardis. [MISSY] Come here. [MASTER] I'm sorry? [MISSY] Come here, I said. [MASTER] Seriously? Are we really going to do this? [MISSY] I loved being you. Every second of it. Oh, the way you burn like a sun. Like a whole screaming world on fire. I remember that feeling, and I always will. And I will always miss it. [MASTER] Now that was really very nicely done. [MISSY] Thank you. [MASTER] It's good to know I haven't lost my touch. [MISSY] You deserve my best. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [DOCTOR] Oh, they love to advertise. We have to keep them away from the house till everyone's clear. We've got to buy them time. --------------------------------------- (Service duct) [NARDOLE] All right back there? Hazran, keep them moving. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [BILL] They'll attack on both sides. I'll take the back, yeah? [DOCTOR] Yeah. This is it, I'm afraid. So, if there's anything we ought to be saying? [BILL] I can't think of anything. Can you? [DOCTOR] (thinks) No. [BILL] But, hey er, you know how I'm usually all about women and, and kind of people my own age. [DOCTOR] Yeah? [BILL] Glad you knew that. [DOCTOR] Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. --------------------------------------- (Clearing) [MASTER] How long do I have? [MISSY] Oh, I was precise. You'll be able to make it back to your Tardis, maybe even get a cuppa, although you might leak a little. [MASTER] And then regenerate into you. [MISSY] Welcome to the sisterhood. [MASTER] Missy? Seriously, why? [MISSY] Oh, because he's right. Because it's time to stand with him. It's where we've always been going, and it's happening now, today.It's time to stand with the Doctor. [MASTER] No. Never. Missy! I will never stand with the Doctor! [MISSY] Yes, my dear, you will. [MASTER] Don't bother trying to regenerate. You got the full blast. [MASTER] You see, Missy, this is where we've always been going. This is our perfect ending. We shoot ourselves in the back. [NARDOLE] Okay, to the lifts. Floor 502. Squeeze as many in as you can, we only get one trip. They'll take years to get back here. [HAZRAN] Come along. [DOCTOR] Telos! Sealed you into your ice tombs! Voga! Canary Wharf! Planet 14! Every single time, you lose. Even on the Moon. [DOCTOR] Ah! Hello. I'm the Doctor. [CYBERMAN] Doctors are not required. [DOCTOR] Argh! No, no. I'm not a doctor. I am the Doctor. The original, you might say. [DOCTOR] Doctor. Doctor, let it go. Time enough. [DOCTOR] Pity. No stars. I hoped there'd be stars.[Level 502](Nardole waits by a lift door on a new, identical farm, right down to the daffodils.) [ALIT] They still might come, your friends. [NARDOLE] No. No, I don't think so. [ALIT] What about the Cybermen? [NARDOLE] Well, the Doctor's destroyed most of them, so it'll take them a while to regroup, before they find us again. [ALIT] And then what? [NARDOLE] Well, I'm sure I'll think of something. [GAZRON] Nardole, Alit! Hazran says the food's ready. [NARDOLE] Right. Come on. Let's go and find the others. [ALIT] You know Hazran? [NARDOLE] Yes? [ALIT] I think she likes you. [NARDOLE] Well, she's only human.[Level 507](Now a charred post-apocalyptic wasteland with a few fires still burning. Cyber-Bill limps through the ashes and finds the Doctor, falls to her knees and touches him gently, weeping over him. A tear falls on his forehead. Then she stands and looks skywards as if screaming at the heavens. Rain begins to fall and a figure rises out of a very rapidly created pool of water.) [BILL [memory]] Promise you won't go? [HEATHER [memory]] Promise. [BILL] Am I dead? [HEATHER] Does that feel dead to you? You're like me now. It's just a different kind of living. [BILL] How did you find me? [HEATHER] I left you my tears, remember? [BILL [memory]] I don't think they're mine. [HEATHER] I know when you're crying them. Time to go. [BILL] But the Doctor, we can't just leave him. [HEATHER] Of course we can't. And we're not going to. [BILL] I suppose this is the only place he'd rest in peace. If there's any place he'd do that. [BILL] How can you fly the Tardis? [HEATHER] I'm the Pilot. I can fly anything. Even you. [BILL] So I'm like you now. I'm not human any more. [HEATHER] I can make you human again. It's all just atoms. You can rearrange them any way you like. I can put you back home, you can make chips,and live your life, or you can come with me. It's up to you, Bill, but, before you make up your mind [HEATHER] Let me show you around. [BILL] Back in time for tea? [HEATHER] If you want. [BILL] You know what, old man? I'm never going to believe you're really dead. Because one day everyone's just going to need you too much.Until then. (kisses his cheek) It's a big universe, but I hope I see you again. [BILL] Where there's tears, there's hope. (to Heather) Just one thing. I've been through a lot since the last time we met, so I'll show you around. [BILL [memory]] Doctor! Doctor! [NARDOLE [memory]] Doctor! [ROSE] Doctor. [MARTHA] Doctor. [DONNA] Doctor. [JACK] Doctor. [VASTRA] Doctor. [JENNY] Doctor. [SARAH-JANE] Doctor. [AMY] Doctor. [CLARA] Doctor? [RIVER] Doctor. [MISSY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Sontarans perverting the course of human history! I don't want to go. When the Doctor, when the Doctor was me. When the Doctor was me. It's starting. I'm regenerating. No! No! No! No! No! No! [DOCTOR] Where have you taken me? If you're trying to make a point, I'm not listening. I don't want to change again. Never again!I can't keep on being somebody else. Wherever it is, I'm staying. [(He runs outside and the Cloister Bell sounds.) [Snowstorm]DOCTOR] No! [DOCTOR] I will not change. [1ST DOCTOR] I will not change. I will not! No, no, no, no. The whole thing's ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Hello? Is someone there? [1ST DOCTOR] Who is that? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [1ST DOCTOR] The Doctor. Oh, I don't think so. No, dear me, no. You may be a doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say. --------------------------------------- (Level 502) [ALIT] They still might come, your friends. [NARDOLE] No. No, I don't think so. [ALIT] What about the Cybermen? [NARDOLE] Well, the Doctor's destroyed most of them, so it'll take them a while to regroup, before they find us again. [ALIT] And then what? [NARDOLE] Well, I'm sure I'll think of something. [GAZRON] Nardole, Alit! Hazran says the food's ready. [NARDOLE] Right. Come on. Let's go and find the others. [ALIT] You know Hazran? [NARDOLE] Yes? [ALIT] I think she likes you. [NARDOLE] Well, she's only human. --------------------------------------- (Level 507) [BILL [memory]] Promise you won't go? [HEATHER [memory]] Promise. [BILL] Am I dead? [HEATHER] Does that feel dead to you? You're like me now. It's just a different kind of living. [BILL] How did you find me? [HEATHER] I left you my tears, remember? [BILL [memory]] I don't think they're mine. [HEATHER] I know when you're crying them. Time to go. [BILL] But the Doctor, we can't just leave him. [HEATHER] Of course we can't. And we're not going to. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BILL] I suppose this is the only place he'd rest in peace. If there's any place he'd do that. [BILL] How can you fly the Tardis? [HEATHER] I'm the Pilot. I can fly anything. Even you. [BILL] So I'm like you now. I'm not human any more. [HEATHER] I can make you human again. It's all just atoms. You can rearrange them any way you like. I can put you back home, you can make chips,and live your life, or you can come with me. It's up to you, Bill, but, before you make up your mind [HEATHER] Let me show you around. [BILL] Back in time for tea? [HEATHER] If you want. [BILL] You know what, old man? I'm never going to believe you're really dead. Because one day everyone's just going to need you too much.Until then. (kisses his cheek) It's a big universe, but I hope I see you again. [BILL] Where there's tears, there's hope. (to Heather) Just one thing. I've been through a lot since the last time we met, so I'll show you around. [BILL [memory]] Doctor! Doctor! [NARDOLE [memory]] Doctor! [ROSE] Doctor. [MARTHA] Doctor. [DONNA] Doctor. [JACK] Doctor. [VASTRA] Doctor. [JENNY] Doctor. [SARAH-JANE] Doctor. [AMY] Doctor. [CLARA] Doctor? [RIVER] Doctor. [MISSY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Sontarans perverting the course of human history! I don't want to go. When the Doctor, when the Doctor was me. When the Doctor was me. It's starting. I'm regenerating. No! No! No! No! No! No! [DOCTOR] Where have you taken me? If you're trying to make a point, I'm not listening. I don't want to change again. Never again!I can't keep on being somebody else. Wherever it is, I'm staying. --------------------------------------- (Snowstorm) [DOCTOR] No! [DOCTOR] I will not change. [1ST DOCTOR] I will not change. I will not! No, no, no, no. The whole thing's ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Hello? Is someone there? [1ST DOCTOR] Who is that? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [1ST DOCTOR] The Doctor. Oh, I don't think so. No, dear me, no. You may be a doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e12", "title": "The Doctor Falls"}
Doctor Who (25 Dec 2017; Twelfth Doctor) - Twice Upon A Time (Tardis) [DOCTOR 1] Quite an Arctic storm blowing out there. Hmm! Come along, Polly, my child, with my cloak. [POLLY] Hey, Doctor, you've got the most fantastic wardrobe. [DOCTOR 1] Yes. We don't know what we're in for outside there. Pretty soon we shall be having visitors. --------------------------------------- (Tracking station) [POLLY] You're different. You've got no feelings. [KRAIL] I do not understand that word. [DOCTOR 1] Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. [DOCTOR 1] Have you no emotions, sir? [POLLY] What's happened to you, Doctor? [DOCTOR 1] I guess this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin. --------------------------------------- (Cyberman ship) [BEN] Doctor! Wakey, wakey, it's all over now. [DOCTOR 1] No. It isn't all over. It's far from being all over. [BEN] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR 1] I must get back to the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Antarctica) [DOCTOR 1] I can't go through with it. I will fight it. I will not change. [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello? Is someone there? Hello? [DOCTOR 1] Who is that? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [DOCTOR 1] Oh, I don't think so. No. Dear me, no. You may be a Doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say. [DOCTOR] You. How can it be you? [DOCTOR 1] Do I know you, sir? [DOCTOR] This is the South Pole. We're at the South Pole. [DOCTOR 1] Of course we are. Don't you know that? [DOCTOR] This is where it happened. [DOCTOR 1] Where what happened? [DOCTOR] This is it. The very first time that I, well, you, we regenerated. You're mid-regeneration, aren't you? Your face, it's all over the place, but you're trying to hold it back. [DOCTOR 1] What do you know of regeneration? Are you a Time Lord? [DOCTOR] You know who I am. You must. [DOCTOR 1] Hmm. Have you come to take the ship back? [DOCTOR] The ship. You still call it a ship. [DOCTOR 1] Oh dear, what have you done to it? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [DOCTOR 1] (walking around the Tardis) The windows. [DOCTOR] I don't remember this. [DOCTOR 1] They're the wrong size. The colour. [DOCTOR] I don't remember trying not to change. [DOCTOR 1] I'm sure it's changed. [DOCTOR] Not back then. [DOCTOR 1] Look at it. It seems to have expanded. [DOCTOR] Well, it's all those years of bigger on the inside, You try sucking your tummy in that long. Why are you trying not to regenerate? [DOCTOR 1] I have the courage and the right to live and die as myself. [DOCTOR] Too late, it's started. A few minutes ago, you were weak as a kitten, right? Now you're fine. We're in a stateof grace, both of us, but it won't last long. We have a choice. Either we change and go on, or we die as we are.But if you, if you die here, if your future never happens, if you don't do the things that you are supposed to do, the consequences could be... [DOCTOR] The snow. [DOCTOR 1] The snow? [DOCTOR] Look at it! [DOCTOR 1] How extraordinary. [DOCTOR] Everything's stopped. But why? Maybe it's us, maybe it's something else, but somehow, something has gone very wrong with Time. [CAPTAIN] Hello? [CAPTAIN] Sorry. So sorry. I don't suppose either of you is a doctor? [DOCTOR] You trying to be funny? --------------------------------------- (Ypres 1914) [CAPTAIN] There's something I should like to say. That is, there is something I should very much like you to understand.I do not have the slightest desire to kill you. The only reason I would do so is self-defence.However, since you are aware I might kill you in self-defence, there is the strong possibility you will kill me in self-defence.Does rather make me wish you understood English. [GERMAN SOLDIER] Lass mich einfach hier. Ich will dich nicht toten. Bitte geh. [CAPTAIN] Or that I spoke German. War is hell, eh? [FEMALE VOICE] Timeline error. There is a timeline error. Timeline error. There is a timeline error. --------------------------------------- (Antarctica) [DOCTOR [OC]] Everything's stopped. [DOCTOR 1 [OC]] But why? [DOCTOR [OC]] Maybe it's us, maybe it's something else, but somehow, something has gone very wrong with Time. [CAPTAIN] Hello? Sorry. So sorry. I don't suppose either of you is a doctor? [DOCTOR] Are you trying to be funny? [CAPTAIN] She's coming. She's coming. It's her. [DOCTOR 1] Not human, I think. State your planet of origin and your intentions. This is Earth, a level five civilisation. [DOCTOR] And it is protected. [DOCTOR 1] It's what? [DOCTOR 1] Protected by whom? [DOCTOR] Oh, it is early days, isn't it? [DOCTOR 1] (to the Captain) May I suggest, for your own safety, you step onboard my ship? [CAPTAIN] What ship? [DOCTOR] He means, get inside the box. [DOCTOR 1] A little snug from this angle --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR 1] But you might be in for a sur... My Tardis. Look at my Tardis! [CAPTAIN] This is impossible! [DOCTOR 1] Have I been burgled? [CAPTAIN] It's... but it's... [DOCTOR 1] It's hideous! [CAPTAIN] Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. [DOCTOR] You know, I thought it probably was. I'm glad it's not just me. [CAPTAIN] What is this place? [DOCTOR 1] This place is, or ought to be, my Tardis. [DOCTOR] Technically, that is your Tardis. It's about seventy feet that way, see? Always remember where you parked. It's going to come up a lot. [CAPTAIN] Is this madness? Am I going mad? [DOCTOR] Madness? Well, you're an officer from World War One at the South Pole, being pursued by an alien through frozen time. Madness was never this good. [CAPTAIN] World War One? [DOCTOR] Judging by the uniform, yes. [CAPTAIN] Yes, but what do you mean, one? [DOCTOR] Oh, sorry. Spoilers. [DOCTOR 1] Enough of this! Who are you? [DOCTOR] Er, you know who I am. You knew the moment you saw me. I'd say stop being an idiot, but I kind of know what's coming. [DOCTOR 1] I assure you, I do not have the faintest idea who you are. [DOCTOR] Well, I know who you are. [CAPTAIN] (holding a video tape) Is anyone going to explain what's going on? [DOCTOR] Snap. [DOCTOR 1] You are me? No. No. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm very much afraid so. [DOCTOR 1] Do I become you? [DOCTOR] Well, there's a few false starts, but you get there in the end. [DOCTOR 1] But I thought [DOCTOR] What? [DOCTOR 1] Well, I assumed I'd get er, younger. [DOCTOR] I am younger! [CAPTAIN] You know, I really don't think I'm completely following. Oh. Oh dear. [DOCTOR 1] Oh, you're in shock. Let me help you. Er, brandy. Get him brandy. Do you have any? I had some somewhere. [DOCTOR] Hang on. [DOCTOR 1] Sit down here, my boy. Collect your wits. [CAPTAIN] Who are you people? [DOCTOR 1] I am the Doctor, and this is my [DOCTOR] It's complicated. Actually, I am also [DOCTOR 1] My nurse. [DOCTOR] Excuse me? [DOCTOR 1] I realise that seems a little improbable. [DOCTOR] Well, yes. [DOCTOR 1] Because he's a man. [DOCTOR] What? [DOCTOR 1] Older gentlemen, like women, can be put to use. [DOCTOR] You can't, you, you, you can't say things like that. [DOCTOR 1] Can't I? Says who? [DOCTOR] Just about everyone you're going to meet for the rest of your life. Here. [DOCTOR 1] Have you had some of this? [DOCTOR] Well, you know, I may have snuck a glass at some point in the last fifteen hundred years. It's been rock and roll. [DOCTOR 1] There you are, get this down you. You'll feel a lot better. [CAPTAIN] Thank you, yes. [DOCTOR 1] I er, I don't understand any of this. [DOCTOR] Well of course you understand. I am your future self. [DOCTOR 1] Are you indeed. And I suppose this is meant to be my Tardis? [DOCTOR] Our Tardis. [DOCTOR 1] What's wrong with the lights? [DOCTOR] It's supposed to be like this. [DOCTOR 1] Why? [DOCTOR] It, it's atmospheric. [DOCTOR 1] Atmospheric? This is the flight deck of the most powerful space-time machine in the known universe, not a restaurant for the French. Good Lord, what is that? [DOCTOR] Oh, look what someone has accidentally left here. [CAPTAIN] I say, it's some sort of guitar, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Oh, is it yours? [CAPTAIN] No. [DOCTOR 1] It appears to have been played quite recently. It's the only thing here that's been cleaned. Yes, in fact this whole place could do with a good dusting.Obviously Polly isn't around any more. [DOCTOR] Please, please. Please stop saying things like that. [DOCTOR] I can't get the engines to start. There's some kind of signal blocking the command path. [FEMALE VOICE [OC]] Exit your capsule. The Chamber of the Dead awaits you. [DOCTOR] I'll fix the engines while you keep her talking. Fields up. --------------------------------------- (Chamber of the Dead) [FEMALE VOICE [OC]] Look around you. You stand in the Chamber of the Dead. [FEMALE VOICE [OC]] You are known to all here, for you are the Doctor of War. [DOCTOR 1] The Doctor, yes. But the Doctor of War? Never, ma'am, never. [FEMALE VOICE [OC]] We offer you a gift. Return to us the human on your Tardis and in exchange, you may speak with her again. [DOCTOR 1] Speak with whom? [DOCTOR 1] Young lady, who are you? [BILL] Is he here? Is the Doctor here? [BILL] Doctor! (they hug) I knew it! I did, I knew it. I knew you couldn't be dead, you don't have the concentration. Doctor? What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Just keep still, please. Bill Potts. [BILL] Yeah. [DOCTOR] My friend Bill Potts was turned into a Cyberman. She gave her life so that people she barely knew could live. So, let's be clear. Nobody imitates Bill Potts. Nobody mocks Bill Potts. [BILL] Bill Potts is standing right in front of you. [DOCTOR] How is that even possible? [BILL] Well, long story short. I totally pulled. [DOCTOR 1] You, you did what? [BILL] Heather. Do you remember, the girl in the puddle? Well, she showed up. She came for me. [DOCTOR] How romantic. Where is she? [BILL] Well, she's. She's. [DOCTOR] And how did you get here? [BILL] I don't... I, I can't [DOCTOR] You can't remember. No, I bet you can't. (He scans her again.) [DOCTOR 1] That device. What is it? [DOCTOR] It's a sonic screwdriver. [DOCTOR 1] A, a what screwdriver? [DOCTOR] It's really a very good job. [DOCTOR 1] An audio screwdriver? [DOCTOR] There are only three low-key markers indicating that she's a duplicate. [BILL] I'm not a duplicate! [DOCTOR] So, who has been stealing the faces of the dead? [DOCTOR 1] Time travel technology, eh? Obviously. [DOCTOR] From the far future. [DOCTOR 1] I know. Sunglasses? [DOCTOR] They're sonic. [DOCTOR 1] Indoors? [DOCTOR] So, what are you? [GLASS WOMAN] We are what awaits at the end of every life. As every living soul dies, so we will appear. We take from you what we needand return you to the moment of your death. We are Testimony. [DOCTOR] You come from the distant future. You travel back in time, find people at the exact point of death, and what, you harvest something from them? [GLASS WOMAN] Yes. [DOCTOR] On behalf of the dying, what is it that we have that the future needs so badly? [DOCTOR 1] And what has any of this to do with a War World One Captain landing at the South Pole in the wrong decade? [GLASS WOMAN] We were returning him to the appointed time and place of his death. An error in the timeline ejected him into the wrong time zone. Now his death must proceed as history demands. [DOCTOR 1] If I may. [DOCTOR 1] Who were you? [DOCTOR] She wasn't anyone. [DOCTOR] She's a computer-generated interface, connected to a multiform, inter-phasing data-bank. [DOCTOR 1] Oh, for heaven's sake, will you put that ridiculous buzzing toy away and look at the woman! You see? Her face, it's very slightly asymmetrical. If it were computer generated, it wouldn't produce that effect. [DOCTOR] Yes. You're absolutely right. I should have noticed that. [DOCTOR 1] Well, it might help if you could see properly. [CAPTAIN] Er, excuse me! Doctor? [DOCTOR] Get back inside. [CAPTAIN] I'm not quite sure, but it seemed to me that this young lady's life was being offered in exchange for my own. As it happens, I think my number is pretty much up anyway. [BILL] What are you talking about? Doctor, what's he talking about? [CAPTAIN] So, might as well make it count for something, eh? I should be happy to take your place, if that would resolve this situation. [GLASS WOMAN] Accepted. [BILL] That is, that is not happening. That's totally not happening. Agreed? [DOCTOR] Tell me what to do, then. Bill Potts would tell me what to do. [BILL] Do what you always do. Serve at the pleasure of the human race. [DOCTOR] Here's what's going to happen. First, I'm going to escape. You, with me. [DOCTOR 1] Where are we going? [GLASS WOMAN] Escape is not possible. [DOCTOR] It is possible, and it is happening, and I'm taking Bill and the Captain with me. [DOCTOR 1] Why are you advertising your intentions? Can't you stop boasting for a moment? [DOCTOR] Mister Pastry, too. I could do with a laugh. [GLASS WOMAN] Escape is not possible. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm going to do way more than escape. I'm going to find out who you are and what you're doing, and if I don't like it, I will come backand I will stop you. I will stop all of you! [DOCTOR 1] Who the hell do you think you are? [DOCTOR] The Doctor. [DOCTOR 1] I am the Doctor. Who you are, I cannot begin to imagine. [GLASS WOMAN] Then let us show you, Doctor. See who you will become. [DAVROS] Doctor! [DALEK] Exterminate! [CYBERMAN] You will be assimilated. [DOCTOR] No, no, that's not a good idea. [DOCTOR 10 [OC]] They all died. [GLASS WOMAN] The Doctor has walked in blood through all of time and space. The Doctor has many names. [DAVROS [OC]] The Destroyer of Worlds. [GLASS WOMAN] The Imp of the Pandorica. The Shadow of the Valeyard. The Beast of Trenzalore. The Butcher of Skull Moon. The Last Tree of Garsennon. The Destroyer of Skaro.He is the Doctor of War. [DOCTOR 1] What, what was that? [DOCTOR] To be fair, they cut out all the jokes. Do what I do when I do it. [DOCTOR] Jump! [GLASS WOMAN] They are not escaping. --------------------------------------- (Antarctica) [DOCTOR] Jump! [BILL] What do we do now? [DOCTOR] Run! [BILL] Where? They've got the Tardis. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's exactly what they're supposed to think. [BILL] But they do though. Look. [DOCTOR] They've got my Tardis. Over to you, Mary Berry. [DOCTOR 1] Come on. [BILL] Doctor, is that another Tardis? [DOCTOR] No. No. It's another of the same Tardis. [BILL] Hang on, the windows are the wrong size. [DOCTOR] Inside, quickly! --------------------------------------- (Console room) [DOCTOR] Take off, now! Deep space, anywhere. [CAPTAIN] I tell you what. These police boxes, they're ever so good, aren't they? [DOCTOR 1] The navigation systems don't function properly. I'm unable to programme our flight with any accuracy. So, my dear, I presume you travel with him. [BILL] Used to. Kind of miss it. [DOCTOR 1] Well, he clearly misses you. That ship of his is in dire need of a good spring clean. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, stop, stop, stop talking. Look, look, look. Oh, look at the, look at the astral map. Look at all the lovely blinking lights. Look at that. [BILL] He's you. He is, isn't he? He's you. He's one of your old faces. [CAPTAIN] I'm find I'm lagging behind a tiny bit again. You [DOCTOR 1] Not those again. I forbid it! [DOCTOR 1] I said that. [DOCTOR] Same difference. [DOCTOR] If her face was based on a human original, perhaps identifying who that was will tell us what we need to know about Testimony. [DOCTOR 1] Why am I wearing these? [DOCTOR] Because I love it. Never take those off. [DOCTOR 1] What's browser history? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to match her face in the Tardis data bank, but there's hardly anything in it yet. We need a bigger database. Possibly the Matrix on Gallifrey. No. We need something bigger than the Matrix. --------------------------------------- (Chamber of the Dead) [BILL [on screen]] Basically. [CAPTAIN [on screen]] A striking looking creature. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [CAPTAIN] Quite beautiful, really, isn't she? [DOCTOR 1] Well, aren't all ladies made of glass, in a way? (laughs) [CAPTAIN] (laughs) Very good, sir, very good. [BILL] Are we now? [DOCTOR 1] Oh, my dear. I hope it doesn't offend you to know that I have some experience of the er, fairer sex. [BILL] Me too. [CAPTAIN] Good Lord. [BILL] Where are we? [DOCTOR 1] But you steered the ship, you piloted her perfectly. We are at the very centre of the universe. [DOCTOR] Out there is the most comprehensive database of all life anywhere. There is just one little problem. [BILL] Which is? [DOCTOR] It wants to kill me. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR] The Weapon Forges of Villengard. Once the nightmare of the seven galaxies, now home to the dispossessed. [CAPTAIN] I say, I think there's something moving over here. [DOCTOR 1] Step away, please. [CAPTAIN] Probably just rats. I'm used to rats. [DOCTOR] Deep breaths, deep breaths. Just breathe, Captain, you'll be fine. [DOCTOR 1] That creature, it looked familiar. [DOCTOR] It's mutated a bit, but yes, I should think it did. [DOCTOR 1] Come along, my dear chap. You'll be fine. [DOCTOR] Get him into the Tardis. [BILL] What are those things? [DOCTOR] What we came here for. The biggest database in the galaxy. They'll settle down in a moment. [BILL] So, do we talk to them, ask them questions? How does it work? [DOCTOR] We don't do anything. I do. [BILL] Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! [DOCTOR] You're going to wait in the Tardis. [BILL] Why? [DOCTOR] Because you need to look after the Captain. [BILL] You're lying. You think I'm a duplicate, a trick. [DOCTOR] I don't know what I think. But if there's the slightest chance that Bill Potts is alive and standing in front of me, then I will not,under any circumstances, put her life in danger again. [BILL] Seriously. You're looking right at me and you don't even know I'm here. [DOCTOR] Correct. I ask you to respect that, and respect me. [BILL] You're an arse. Do you know that? You, you, you, you're a stupid bloody arse. [DOCTOR] As I have always respected you. [DOCTOR 1] If I hear any more language like that from you, young lady, you're in for a jolly good smacked bottom. [DOCTOR] Can we just pretend that that never happened? [BILL] I'm a broad-minded girl. I mean, I know we have this whole professor - student thing going on. [DOCTOR] Can we just never, ever talk about this again? [BILL] I hope we talk about it loads. I hope we spend years laughing about it. Come back alive. [DOCTOR] Be here when I do. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [DOCTOR 1] Perhaps another nip of brandy? [DOCTOR 1] Hmm. So that's where it went. [BILL] I'll look after him. [DOCTOR 1] Good girl, quite right. Now, young lady, I don't want to have to repeat myself. [BILL] I don't think any of us want that. [DOCTOR 1] I'll see you both presently. [BILL] Brandy? [CAPTAIN] Please. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR 1] These creatures. What are they? [DOCTOR] Old friends of ours, but they've really come out of their shell. [DOCTOR 1] Out of their shell? [DOCTOR 1] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] I'll be, I'll be fine in a moment. [DOCTOR 1] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] I died a few hours ago, then I refused to regenerate. It catches up with you. You know, it's like a big lunch. [DOCTOR 1] I did exactly the same. [DOCTOR] I know you did. But why? I don't remember this. Why are you refusing the regeneration? [DOCTOR 1] Fear. I'm afraid. Very, very afraid. I don't normally admit that to anyone else. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. Technically, you still haven't. [DOCTOR 1] Why are you? [DOCTOR 1] There's something in that tower! [DOCTOR] Must be my friend. [DOCTOR 1] Why do you call him your friend? [DOCTOR] He's got a great big gun. Are you suggesting I insult him? (runs into a beam of light) Just scan me. Go on, scan me.Because I've got big news for you. I'm dying. [DOCTOR] You see, it's true. Dying. Now, be honest with yourself. Wouldn't you like to see that up close? [DOCTOR] Come on. Up and at 'em, Corporal Jones. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [CAPTAIN] Funny thing. I wasn't afraid in the crater. One doesn't want to die, of course, but one gets in a certain frame of mind,one pulls oneself together, and gets on with the matter in hand. Big shock for everyone back in Cromer, of course. [BILL [OC]] You have family? [CAPTAIN] My wife will miss me. That's perfectly natural. But she's a solid woman, remarkably solid, and my boys. Well, sons are supposed to move on from their fathers. It's the proper way. [BILL [OC]] Of course. [CAPTAIN] Trouble is, I thought I'd been rescued. It felt rather like a miracle, in fact. But I do have this feeling they're going to put me back. Back in that crater in time to die. And you see, I'm not ready any more. I've lost the idea of it. That's the trouble with hope. Makes one awfully frightened. (laughs) I must sound like the most dreadful coward. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR] Okay, I'd better go up alone. [DOCTOR 1] I won't hear of it. [DOCTOR] That thing up there won't miss the chance to kill me twice. The paradox would rip the universe apart, and you know how much hard work itis putting it back together again. You keep a lookout down here. [DOCTOR 1] Oh, if you insist. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] You know what? You're a bit of a legend these days, but not everyone believes it. People don't think that it could happen. That someone like you could turn against your own kind, because your kind don't do that. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR 1] Out of their shells. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Because people don't believe there could be any such thing as a good Dalek. [RUSTY] I am not a good Dalek. You are a good Dalek. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR 1] Oh. Hello, my dear. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Now, Rusty, you know that I'm dying, and if you don't want me to go off and die somewhere else where you can't watch, you're going to have to stop shooting at me. [RUSTY] I agree to your terms. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm going to need some proof. [DOCTOR] You know what? You are the very first Dalek that ever got naked for me. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [BILL] You're the first one, yeah? Like, the original version of the Doctor. [DOCTOR 1] My dear, you should get back to the ship. This place isn't safe. [BILL] You're the one who stole the Tardis and ran away. [DOCTOR 1] The Captain might be needing you. [BILL] Nah, the Captain's fine. Why did you do it? [DOCTOR 1] Oh, I'm sure your Doctor has explained. [BILL] I'm not even sure he remembers. [DOCTOR 1] There were many pressing reasons. [BILL] I don't mean what you ran away from. What were you running to? [DOCTOR 1] That's rather a good question. [BILL] Questions are kind of my thing. How are you with answers? --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] It's been a long time. Remember the good old days, when I got miniaturised and I climbed around inside you? [RUSTY] You taught me to hate the Daleks. [DOCTOR] Billions of years ago. What have you been up to since then? [RUSTY] Destroying Daleks. [DOCTOR] Yes, all the ones who come here to murder you. Yes, I saw the mess outside. [RUSTY] Why are you here? [DOCTOR] As a Dalek, you are linked in to the Dalek hive mind. All Daleks are. Biggest database I know. I'd like to access it. [RUSTY] Why would I help you? [DOCTOR] Because helping me, in any way, does something wonderful. It hurts the Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR 1] There is good and there is evil. I left Gallifrey to answer a question of my own.By any analysis, evil should always win. Good is not a practical survival strategy. It requires loyalty, self-sacrifice and er, love. So, why does good prevail? What keeps the balance between good and evil in this appalling universe? Is there some kind of logic?Some mysterious force? [BILL] Perhaps there's just a bloke. [DOCTOR 1] A bloke? [BILL] Yeah. Perhaps there's just some bloke, wandering around, putting everything right when it goes wrong. [DOCTOR 1] Well, that would be a nice story, wouldn't it? [BILL] That would be the best. [DOCTOR 1] But the real world is not a fairy tale. [BILL] You dash around the universe trying to figure out what's holding it all together, and you really, really don't know? [DOCTOR 1] You know me in the future. Do I ever understand? [BILL] No. I really don't think you do. Everyone who's ever met you does. You're amazing, Doctor. (hugs him) Never forget that. Never, ever. [DOCTOR 1] Well, that's very kind of you. [BILL] We just needed to understand you, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [DOCTOR] Professor Helen Clay, University Of New Earth, year five billion and twelve. There's footage. Can you run it? --------------------------------------- (Villengard) [DOCTOR 1] A spy. A spy in the camp. [BILL] No, not a spy. I'm Bill Potts, but I'm part of Testimony now. --------------------------------------- (Tower) [HELEN [projection]] The Testimony Foundation combines the resources of time travel, with the latest in memory extraction techniques. The near-dead can be lifted momentarily from their time streams, their memories duplicated, and then their physical selves returnedto the moment of their dissolution without pain, distress or any recall of the process. Now the dead can speak again. We can hear the testimony of the past, and channelled through our glass avatars, they can walk among us again. This is Heaven on New Earth. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's not an evil plan. I don't really know what to do when it isn't an evil plan. Why did you stop it? Rusty? [DOCTOR 1] He didn't stop it. They've frozen Time again. [DOCTOR] Who has? [GLASS WOMAN] Not everything's evil, Doctor. [BILL] You're not the only kind one in the universe. [DOCTOR] I knew you weren't real. [BILL] Oh, shut up and stop being so stupid. Of course I'm real. What is anyone supposed to be except a bunch of memories? These are my memories, so this is me. I'm Bill Potts, and I'm back, and so long as I'm here, what the hell do you mean, you're not going to regenerate? [DOCTOR] There has to be an end, Bill, for everyone, everywhere. [BILL] What about the Captain? You know he has to die at his allotted point in time and space to correct the error. [DOCTOR] I'm so tired of losing people. If the Captain has to die, a request. This was our fault. [DOCTOR 1] How so? [DOCTOR] Let us take him back. [DOCTOR 1 [OC]] How was this our fault? [DOCTOR [OC]] You and me tried to die twice in the same lifetime. Our lives are woven throughout time and space. We caused the timeline error that put the Captain in the wrong place. We created a whirlpool in time that landed him at our feet. [DOCTOR 1 [OC]] But why him? What's so important about one Captain? [DOCTOR [OC]] Everybody's important to somebody, somewhere. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Are you all right? [CAPTAIN] Yes, fine, absolutely. Just thinking. I told the wife I'd be home for Christmas. Funny how things work out. --------------------------------------- (Ypres 1914) [CAPTAIN] Thank you. Thank you all. You've all been most gracious in the unfortunate circumstances. [DOCTOR 1] I regret, Captain, that the universe generally fails to be a fairy tale. [GLASS WOMAN] When time resumes, you will not remember this. A perception filter will also render us invisible. [CAPTAIN] Yes. One imagines some of those words were attached to actual meanings of some sort. One thing you could possibly do for me, if you were very kind? [DOCTOR] Oh, anything. Name it. [CAPTAIN] My family. Perhaps you could look in on them, from time to time? [DOCTOR 1] We should be delighted. What's the name? [CAPTAIN] Lethbridge-Stewart. Captain Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart. [DOCTOR 1] I shall make it my business. [DOCTOR] You can trust him on that. [CAPTAIN] Thank you so much. I believe I am now ready. [GERMAN SOLDIER] Das ist verruckt. Ich will dir nicht wehtun. [CAPTAIN] [GERMANS] ♫ Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht. Alles schlaft, einsam wacht. ♫ [CAPTAIN] I say, is that singing? [GERMANS] ♫ hochheilige Paar Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar. Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh! Schlaf in himmlischer ♫ [CAPTAIN] Is that Christmas carols? [BRITISH] ♫ Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright. Round yon Virgin Mother and Child. ♫ [CAPTAIN] You know, I could swear it's coming from both sides. [DOCTOR] If I've got my timings right, and clearly I have, then we should be right at the beginning. [DOCTOR] I adjusted the time frame, only by a couple of hours. Any other day it wouldn't make any difference, but this is Christmas 1914, and a human miracle is about to happen. The Christmas Armistice. [CAPTAIN] Wounded man here! [CAPTAIN] Wounded man here! Wounded man! [DOCTOR] It never happened again, any war, anywhere. [CAPTAIN] I say, wounded man here. Wounded man! [DOCTOR] But for one day, one Christmas, a very long time ago, everyone just put down their weapons, and started to sing. Everybody just stopped. Everyone was just kind. [DOCTOR 1] You've saved him. [DOCTOR] Both of them. Never hurts, a couple fewer dead people on the battlefield. [DOCTOR 1] So that's what it means to be a doctor of war. [DOCTOR] You were right, you know. The universe generally fails to be a fairy tale. But that's where we come in. [SOLDIERS] ♫ For auld lang syne, my dear. For auld lang syne. We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear. For auld lang syne. We'll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne. ♫ [DOCTOR 1] I think I'm ready now. But I should like to know, are you? [DOCTOR] You'll find out. The long way round. [DOCTOR 1] Whatever you decide, good luck, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Console room) [DOCTOR 1] Well then, here we go. The long way round. --------------------------------------- (Ypres 1914) [BILL] Are you okay? [DOCTOR] Shall we go for one last stroll, Miss Potts? [BILL] Do you know what the hardest thing about knowing you was? [DOCTOR] My superior intelligence. My dazzling charisma. Oh! My impeccable dress sense. [BILL] Letting you go. Letting go of the Doctor is so, so hard, isn't it? [DOCTOR] You see, that's, that's, that's not the sort of thing the real Bill Potts would say. [BILL] I am the real Bill! A life is just memories. I'm all her memories, so I'm her. [DOCTOR] If you say so. [BILL] Okay, I'm going to prove to you how important memories are. I've got a little goodbye present for you. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's nice. Will I have to pretend I like it? Because honestly, that rug [BILL] Oh, come here, you. (kiss on cheek) [CLARA] Merry Christmas, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Clara. [CLARA] Hello, you stupid old man. [DOCTOR] You're back. You're in my head. All my memories are back. [CLARA] And don't go forgetting me again, because, quite frankly, that was offensive. [BILL] Memories. Important, right? [NARDOLE] I know what you're thinking. Where is he? Hello, sir. [DOCTOR] When you're already dying, you're entitled to think that your day couldn't get any worse, but here you are. And both of you are here. How does that work? [BILL] We can be everyone. We are everyone. [NARDOLE] Yeah, it's good this, innit? Now I'm all made of glass, not just my nipples. Yeah, but they got my hair a bit wrong though, didn't they? [BILL] You don't have any hair! [NARDOLE] I have invisible hair. Got a suggestion for you, then. [DOCTOR] Oh, there's a novelty. [NARDOLE] Don't die. Because if you do, I think everybody in the universe might just go cold. [DOCTOR] Can't I ever have peace? Can't I rest? [BILL] Of course you can. [NARDOLE] It's your choice. [BILL] Only yours. [NARDOLE] We understand. [DOCTOR] No. No, you don't. You're not even really here. You're just memories held in glass. Do you know how many of you I could fill? I would shatter you. My testimony would shatter all of you. A life this long, do you understand what it is? It's a battlefield, like this one, and it's empty. Because everyone else has fallen. Thank you. Thank you both, for everything that you were to me. What happens now, where I go now, it has be alone. [NARDOLE] Cuddle. [DOCTOR] Time to leave the battlefield. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Oh, there it is. The silly old universe. The more I save it, the more it needs saving. It's a treadmill. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know. They'll get it all wrong without me. I suppose one more lifetime wouldn't kill anyone. Well, except me. [DOCTOR] You wait a moment, Doctor. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears! Remember, hate is always foolish. and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Oh, and you mustn't tell anyone your name. No one would understand it, anyway. Except, ah! (collapses) Except children. Children can hear it sometimes. If their hearts are in the right place, and the stars are too, children can hear your name. Argh! But nobody else. Nobody else, ever. Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. Doctor, I let you go. [DOCTOR 13] Oh, brilliant!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e13", "title": "Twice Upon A Time"}
Doctor Who (22 Apr 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - Smile (Wheat field) [GOODTHING [OC]] Kezzia, where are you? [KEZZIA] Hey, Goodthing. I'm coming back in. [GOODTHING [OC]] Kezzia, don't come in just yet. [KEZZIA] I've been out since second sunrise. I'm hungry. Round them up, big fella. [GOODTHING [OC]] Kezzia, please don't come in. We're having a little tiny Vardy problem. [KEZZIA] Me and my Vardies have just pollinated three miles of wheat. [GOODTHING [OC]] You've got to keep smiling. [KEZZIA] Got to what? --------------------------------------- (City) [GOODTHING] It's the Vardies. [KEZZIA] God, what's wrong with you? Is that smile supposed to look real? It's like you're standing in a wind tunnel. [GOODTHING] Okay, big smiles now. Brace yourself! Mum is dead. [KEZZIA] Sorry? [GOODTHING] Smile, smile, smile! [KEZZIA] That's not even funny. [GOODTHING] No, it's not a joke. Mum is dead. [GOODTHING] Mum is dead. And Hopeful, she's dead too. And her friend Sunshine, she's dead. And Eliza. And quite a few other people are dead. [KEZZIA] (Crying emoji) Why are you saying this? You can't say things like that, grinning like an idiot. [GOODTHING] Smile, really. Try. If you don't. I shouldn't have told you. [GOODTHING] Please smile. Oh, you're on two tears now. [KEZZIA] Is it hugging me? Who programmed that? [GOODTHING] Please, give her a moment! She'll be happy in a moment! Kezzia! [GOODTHING] No. Look, I'm smiling. Smiling! --------------------------------------- (Wheat field) [BILL] Which way is Earth? [DOCTOR] Ah, space is bent. Earth is any way you choose to look. Why, you thinking about leaving? [BILL] Thinking? I'm not thinking. My brain's overloading. Why a phone box? [DOCTOR] I told you. [BILL] Yeah, well, I get that it's a cloaking device, but why keep it that shape? Why do you like it? [DOCTOR] Who said I like it? [BILL] You kept it. [DOCTOR] Come along. --------------------------------------- (City) [DOCTOR] This is one of the Earth's first colonies. They say the settlers have cracked the secret of human happiness. [BILL] One question. Little fella said you made an oath? You're not supposed to leave the planet. [DOCTOR] Okay, I suppose I owe you an explanation. A long time ago, a thing happened. As a result of the thing,I made a promise. As a result of the promise, I have to stay on Earth. [BILL] Guarding a vault. [DOCTOR] Guarding a vault. [BILL] Well, you're not guarding a vault right now. [DOCTOR] Yes, I am. I have a time machine. I can be back before we left. [BILL] But what if you get lost, or stuck, or something? [DOCTOR] I've thought about that. [BILL] And? [DOCTOR] Well, it would be a worry, so best not to dwell on it. Look at this building. Look at it. You know what I like about humanity?Its optimism. Do you know what this building is made of? Pure, soaring optimism. --------------------------------------- (Walkway) [BILL] What are they? Alien birds? [DOCTOR] Vardies. Tiny robots. Work in flocks. They're versatile, hard-working. Good at learning skills.The worker bees of the Third Industrial Revolution, probably just checking us out for security. [BILL] These are robots? These are disappointing robots. [DOCTOR] That's a very offensive remark. Don't make personal remarks like that. [BILL] Er, you can't offend a machine. [DOCTOR] Typical wet brain chauvinism. [BILL] Oh, what just happened? [DOCTOR [OC]] Your ear's on fire. [BILL] Ow! Your voice just came out in my ear. I mean, I know voices go into ears but this was like [DOCTOR] We have been fitted with some kind of communication device that is using our own nervous system as hardware. We've just downloaded an upgrade for our ears. [BILL] I'll never lose my phone again. I'll never run out of battery again! [DOCTOR] Welcome to paradise. [BILL] Hang on, is there a mute button though? What if you're in the loo? [DOCTOR] Who needs loos? There's probably an app for that. [BILL] So, where is everyone? Don't tell me we've come halfway across the universe and they've all gone out.We should've texted first or something. [BILL] What's that? That is a robot. That is not a disappointing robot. --------------------------------------- (City) [DOCTOR] Technically, this isn't a robot at all. The tiny little things, those are the robots, this is the interface with them. [BILL] Does it speak? Will we understand it? [DOCTOR] Well, depends upon what aspect of your language have survived over so many thousands of years. [BILL] Emoji. It speaks emoji! [DOCTOR] Of course it does. [BILL] Aw. It's cute. [BILL] What's that? [DOCTOR] Blank badges. [BILL] Oh, yours isn't blank. It's got a face on the back. [DOCTOR] Yours too. [DOCTOR] Interesting. [BILL] It's never on the side that you're looking at. [DOCTOR] What's it doing now? What, what face is it making? [BILL] Sort of puzzled. Me? [DOCTOR] The same. Do you know what I think? I think that this is some kind of mood indicator. [BILL] But you're never allowed to see your own mood. [DOCTOR] Makes sense. [BILL] Does it? [DOCTOR] Well, seeing your own mood might affect your own mood. It's like a feedback loop, interfering with the information being collected. Like a scale weighing itself. [BILL] So who's collecting the data? [DOCTOR] Is the big question. [BILL] So what do we do then? [DOCTOR] Well, if they're badges then [DOCTOR] What? Where's? Where's it gone? [BILL] Oh, it's on your back. [DOCTOR] Yours too. [BILL] So, everyone you walk past can see what you're thinking. What if you really fancy someone? [DOCTOR] Well, I suppose it means that you have to maintain eye contact with them. [BILL] Oh, that's brilliant. [DOCTOR] Welcome to the future. [DOCTOR] Emojis. Wearable communications. We're in the utopia of vacuous teens. [BILL] Look at this. It knew I was starving! Food from another planet. You've got to, haven't you? [BILL] Smells like fish. [DOCTOR] I'm not that fond of fish, except socially, which can complicate a meal like this. [BILL] Should we eat it, though? I mean, what if they're not like us? [DOCTOR] Well, the cutlery's human cutlery. No other species in the universe uses emojis. Everything here is human except [BILL] No humans. [DOCTOR] This is a perfect colony for humans, so where are all the colonists? [DOCTOR] That's some sort of flavoured algae. I haven't seen any livestock yet. [BILL] That's good, isn't it? In the future we don't eat living things, we eat algae. [DOCTOR] I met an emperor made of algae once. He fancied me. [BILL] Why aren't you loving this? [DOCTOR] Everything is here, everything is ready, but there's no one here. [BILL] It's like the Student Union first thing, before the actual students arrive. Two portions, though. [DOCTOR] Well, that's because that one is mine. That's it! That's it! Of course! The whole place is waiting. We're just too early. [BILL] So, they're all still in bed? Two portions. One portion. Is there going to be food sexism even in the future? Is this bloke utopia? [DOCTOR] It's probably reading me as two people. The heartbeats. If you're going to travel twenty light years, you're going to want to make sure you've got somewhere to sleep at the end of it, aren't you? So, what do you do? [BILL] Sorry? Two hearts? [DOCTOR] You send a rocketload of intelligent robots up ahead of you. They build you a place to live, so that, when you arrive, it's all waiting. This is brilliant! [BILL] You, you, you've got two hearts? [DOCTOR] Robots, they don't breathe. They can fix the atmosphere for you, send data back, so you know whether to bring your waterproofs or not. Work in huge robot flocks. You just send them up ahead and you leave them to it. [BILL] Yeah. Hearts, though. Why two? [DOCTOR] Well, why one? [BILL] Does that mean you've got really high blood pressure? [DOCTOR] Really high. --------------------------------------- (Greenhouse) [BILL] So, if the people aren't here yet, what do we do? Put the kettle on? Or are we going to leave before they arrive? Is that what you're worried about? I can see you're worried. [DOCTOR] Well, you never know what's round the next corner. [DOCTOR] Ah, of course, wheat fields outside, now something else to eat when they get here. This is their crops. Look, they're going to haveorchards, olive groves. This is their nursery. Look the little robots are doing pollination work. [BILL] Oh, this plant! There's one of these growing outside the Student Union. It smells amazing. [DOCTOR] Rosemary. [BILL] I'm smelling home twenty light years from home. Thanks for bringing me. This is a great day out. I mean, come on, admit it. You love it. [DOCTOR] Did I say I didn't love it? Yes, I do. It's very lovable. You asked me where all the people were, and I theorised that they hadn't got here yet. Did I sound convincing? [BILL] Yeah. [DOCTOR] And did I convince myself? [BILL] No. [DOCTOR] No, no. And I'll tell you why. Because there should be somebody here. There should be some kind of set-up team, a skeleton crew. [BILL] You're thinking. Tell me what you're thinking about. [DOCTOR] A magic haddock. [BILL] Obviously. What is this stuff? Is it snow? [DOCTOR] This is fertiliser. Mineral fertiliser, calcium-based. Now, we don't have answers, so let's put together two questions. What is the source of this mineral fertiliser? [DOCTOR] And where are all the people? [BILL] Urgh! [DOCTOR] Here, right here, in this garden. [BILL] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] Despite appearances, they haven't been dead very long. [BILL] What, those are the colonists? [DOCTOR] The colonists aren't here yet. This is the set-up team, the skeleton crew. [DOCTOR] I don't know. Maybe they ran out of fertiliser. Let's not ask them. [DOCTOR] Oh, hello! We were just admiring your garden. [BILL] Yes! [DOCTOR] Moving on now because there's nothing of particular interest here. Cheerio. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [BILL] If he's chasing us, he's moving very slowly. [DOCTOR] Do you know what it means when something chases you very slowly? [BILL] What? [DOCTOR] It means there's a reason that they don't have to run. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Okay, they're slow, but the city is full of them, so they catch you in the end. [BILL] What do we do? [DOCTOR] Question. We've been here for ages. Why are they attacking us now? [BILL] Does it matter? [DOCTOR] Only if we want to live. [DOCTOR] Smile for me! [BILL] Smile? [DOCTOR] Use your whole face, right now, do it. [BILL] (grinning) What good's smiling? [DOCTOR] Smiles aren't just smiles. Psychologically, they have a measurable effect on your mood states. Yes. These robots, they built this place, they grew those trees. Something went wrong, but they were designed to make you happy. [BILL] How would massacring hundreds of people make me happy? [DOCTOR] How would massacring hundreds of people make me happy smiley face. [BILL] Smiley face. [DOCTOR] The magic haddock. [BILL] What magic haddock? What's that all about? [DOCTOR] The robots want you to be happy but they got the wrong end of the stick. I think we should give them what they want. [DOCTOR] Don't even try without smiling. What a lovely place you have here. Thank you so much for your hospitality. [BILL] We will come again. Doctor, I was thinking maybe next time we might go to Wiltshire, perhaps, or Aberdeen. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Two thumbs up for Wiltshire slash Aberdeen. --------------------------------------- (Walkway) [BILL] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Smile! Smile! [BILL] Where did they come from? [DOCTOR] Once we're out of the city, we should be safe. --------------------------------------- (Wheat field) [BILL] Are they coming after us? [DOCTOR] I'm guessing that once we're out, we're not their problem. [DOCTOR] Right. You'll be perfectly safe in the Tardis. She'll look after you until I get back. [BILL] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] There's a giant smiley abattoir over there and I'm having this really childish impulse to blow it up. Be right back. [BILL] What, you're going back in? We've only just escaped! I thought we were going home. [DOCTOR] Home? Why would we be going home? That place is a living deathtrap. We can't just leave it with its mouth wide open. [BILL] But they're all dead. We saw them. It's too late. [DOCTOR] We have to assume that there is a colony ship on the way. What do you think's going to happen when all those people arrive? They're expecting the new garden of Eden. What they are not expecting is to be the fertiliser. There's broadband in there. Go! Go and watch some movies or something! [BILL] I get that someone has to do something but why is it you? Can't you phone the police? Isn't there a helpline or something? [DOCTOR] And stay away from my browser history! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BILL] Penguin with its arse on fire. [BILL] Huh. --------------------------------------- (City) [DOCTOR] Ah! Good morning! I'm happy! Good morning. Look at me, I'm happy, happy, happy, happy! What a lovely, beautiful morning, it makes me so happy. I'm happy.I hope that you are happy, too. See? (turns to show his smiley) Happy. []DOCTOR] Hello? Is someone there? I can hear you breathing. [BILL] Why are you Scottish? [DOCTOR] I'm not Scottish, I'm just cross. [BILL] Is there a Scotland in space? [DOCTOR] They're all over the place, demanding independence from every planet that they land on. Why are you here? [BILL] Because I figured out why you keep your box as a phone box. [DOCTOR] I told you, it's stuck. [BILL] Advice and Assistance Obtainable Immediately. You like that. [DOCTOR] No, I don't. [BILL] See, this is the point. You don't call the helpline because you are the helpline. [DOCTOR] Don't sentimentalise me. I don't just fly around helping people out. [BILL] What are you doing right now? [DOCTOR] I happened to be passing by, so I'm mucking in. [BILL] You've never passed by in your life. You couldn't even leave me serving chips, so I'm not going to leave you. [DOCTOR] Look at the wall. [BILL] The wall? [DOCTOR] Closely. Before, when the Vardy, the little microbots, were going to attack you, you asked me where they came from. Well, they didn't come from anywhere. They were here all the time. [BILL] What? In the wall? [DOCTOR] No, not in the wall. They're not in the wall, they are the wall. [DOCTOR] They're all the walls. These little robots, they didn't build this place, they became it. They can be a part of a wall one minute, flying around the next.This whole structure is built from interlocking microbots. Smile! You're in the belly of the beast. [BILL] So what do we do? [DOCTOR] Well, the obvious. We find a real wall. Oh, you really are smiling, aren't you? [BILL] Do you know why? You're an awesome tutor. [DOCTOR] When the Vikings invaded, they used to pull their longboats out of the water, turn them upside down and live in them as housesuntil they'd pillaged and looted enough to build new ones.BILL [DOCTOR] You didn't see a space ship outside, did you? When the settlers first landed, they must have lived in it and built out from it,so it's still here, somewhere inside this building. Ah. (a not-perfectly-smooth-and-white wall) Bits of meteor damage. Flecks of rust. Rivets. Oh, I love rivets.A wall. A real, honest wall. Not made of tiny robots but made of any old iron. [BILL] Every spacecraft needs a door. [DOCTOR] Not even locked. They were expecting to live in peace. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [BILL] Wicked. [DOCTOR] We'll lock it after us, shall we? [DOCTOR] Its life support systems are starting up. It knows we're here. [BILL] Whoever did the interior decoration in here needs to take lessons from whoever did it out there. [DOCTOR] Ah, this was built by humans, that was built by Vardy. Wet brains, dry brains. [DOCTOR] Ah! Good, old, universally compatible, incorruptible maps. You are here. This is the engine room. That's the target. That's where I'm going. [BILL] Where am I going? [DOCTOR] You're staying here and you will be guiding me to here, using this map. I'll hear you through the thingummybob. [BILL] I'm on a space ship. Like, for real. A proper one. [DOCTOR [OC]] Left or right? [BILL] Ow. Er, right. --------------------------------------- (Cargo bay) [DOCTOR] Well, they were certainly planning to make themselves at home here. They brought all their favourite knick-knacks. [BILL [OC]] There should be a door --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [BILL] That leads onto a corridor. I really am on a spaceship. [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Cargo bay) [DOCTOR] Which we are about to blow up. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [BILL] How are you allowed to do that? Like, how are you allowed to blow something up and not get into trouble? I mean, blow something up, get into trouble. That is a standard sequence. [DOCTOR [OC]] What do you mean, allowed? --------------------------------------- (Somewhere else) [DOCTOR] It's a moral imperative. This is a murder machine. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [BILL] Beautiful, though, I mean, the whole place. You should be able to see a staircase. --------------------------------------- (Somewhere else) [DOCTOR] All traps are beautiful, that's how they work. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR [OC]] Up or down? [BILL] Down. What? What's this big bit in the middle? There's a big empty space in the middle. The engine is right in the middle of a big empty space. What's that for? [TANNOY] Attention. Attention. Erehwon systems initiated. --------------------------------------- (Steps) [DOCTOR] The ship's systems are set to respond to human presence. It was sleeping. We walked in, now it's waking up. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [BILL] Er, there should be a ladder. --------------------------------------- (Top of ladder) [DOCTOR] Got it. --------------------------------------- (Engine core) [DOCTOR] Beautiful. Fleishman Cold Fusion Engine. All I've got to do is back the flow into the calorimeter and run. It's like it wants to get blown up. [BILL] Hang on, I'm being thick. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [BILL] I can come with you. [DOCTOR] Took that long to think of photographing it? [BILL] You'd already memorised it, hadn't you? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yep. [BILL] Stop trying to keep me out of trouble. --------------------------------------- (Engine core) [DOCTOR] There's no trouble. This is going to be a stroll in the park. [BILL] No. --------------------------------------- (Mausoleum) [BILL] Doctor, why did people come here? Did something terrible happen? --------------------------------------- (Engine core) [DOCTOR] I can't hear you! [DOCTOR] This isn't as easy as it looks. --------------------------------------- (Mausoleum) [BILL] I've got to know. The people who came here, were they the last people? Were they our last hope? [DOCTOR [OC]] Earth was evacuated. --------------------------------------- (Engine core) [DOCTOR] But there were a number of ships. I've bumped into a few of them over the years. Right, I've re-routed the flow.No, no, no, no. That's not right. Bad noise. That's not right, no, no! [DOCTOR] No. When the calorimeter reaches its peak. I could do with a hand here! [BILL [OC]] Okay, on my way. --------------------------------------- (Cargo bay) [BILL] Oh. [NATE] Are we there yet? --------------------------------------- (Engine core) [BILL [OC]] Doctor, there's something you need to know. [DOCTOR] I'm too busy! [BILL [OC]] Almost with you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You took your time. When I let this go, it's going to spin back. I want you to hold it tight while I jam it shut. [BILL] (at the hatchway) Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me? [DOCTOR] Ah! Don't worry about me. I'm having the time of my life, making new friends! [BILL] Come on. [DOCTOR] Get ready to run! Run really fast! [DOCTOR] What? Where did you come from? [BOY] Where is everybody? [DOCTOR] When you say everybody --------------------------------------- (Cryostore) [TANNOY] My very good people, we will soon be beginning an emergency disembarkation. Good people, please prepare for disembarkation. We wish you a happy new world. [BILL] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Pods. Pods. [BILL] What is it? What's happening? [DOCTOR] We can't blow up the city. --------------------------------------- (Engine core) [BILL] Why? Those pods, what's in them? [DOCTOR] I got it wrong. I got it very, very wrong. [DOCTOR] The colony ship isn't on the way, it's right here. The colonists are all around us, cryogenically frozen. What's in those pods, Bill, is the surviving population of Earth. And I nearly killed all of them. [TANNOY] Welcome to your new world. Be happy. [BILL] They're waking up, aren't they? [DOCTOR] We must have triggered the process when we came in. [BILL] So what happens now? [DOCTOR] Now? Now they're all going to leave this ship, and find their friends and family mulched in the garden. And if they don't smile about that, it's going to be the end of the human race. --------------------------------------- (Cryostore) [STEADFAST] Oh! Oh, those pods, eh? Not much headroom. Oh, I thought I'd be first up. Steadfast, MedTech One. What day is this? [DOCTOR] The end of the world. [STEADFAST] Again? We've only just got here. [DOCTOR] Bill, with me. [STEADFAST] What's happening? [DOCTOR] What's happening is nobody leaves this ship until I tell you otherwise. Clear? Nobody leaves. [BILL] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] No idea. But if I look purposeful, they'll think I've got a plan. If they think I've got a plan, at least they won't try to think of a plan themselves. [BILL] But you don't have a plan. [DOCTOR] I don't know how to stop it happening again because I can't figure out why it happened last time. What made them do this? [BILL] I think I need to show you something. [TANNOY] Section A34, reanimation sequence commencing. --------------------------------------- (Mausoleum) [DOCTOR] The spacecraft landed. Most of the colonists were kept in cryogenic suspension. A few, the ones with skills [BILL] The best ones. The brave ones. [DOCTOR] They were woke to shepherd the little flocks of Vardy robots. [BILL] She came here. She was happy. It was all going well. Those are the shepherds, aren't they? And they're all dead. [DOCTOR] If we rearrange this data to reflect the time of death, what do we get? [BILL] That's her. [DOCTOR] This woman died. There's no sign of violence. So, you know, she just died the way that humans do. Then a few more people died all at the same time, and then a lot more died just after, and then, the rest. Dozens. [BILL] A virus? A virus that went, well, viral? [DOCTOR] Grief! Grief! Grief as plague. [BILL] But how? [DOCTOR] The Vardies. Well, their job was to maintain happiness. At first, that meant making sure there was enough oxygen and water. That's what the badges are meant to communicate. Satisfaction, a positive mental state. But the Vardy are smart. They learn, try to be good servants, so they expand the definition of happiness until [BILL] She dies. [DOCTOR] No one had ever died here before this lady. The Vardies, they'd never heard of grief before. This place is all about hope and the future, and happiness. No one ever thought about the opposite. The Vardies didn't know what to do with it. They identified grief as the enemy of happiness and everyone who was experiencing grief as a problem, as [BILL] Compost. [DOCTOR] And all those dead people, well, you know, they had friends and family, too, so [BILL] Even more compost. [DOCTOR] And so on, and so on, and so on. And what you get is a whole grief tsunami. [BILL] And all of this took how long? One morning? All of these people were slaughtered in a day? [DOCTOR] Slaughtered for their own good, because the Vardy think different. Like the magic haddock. Not bad, not good, just, just different. [BILL] So, what will happen when the new people meet the robots? [BILL] That's the boy. The first to wake up. Where did you get this? [DOCTOR] I think it's his mother's, don't you? [BILL] Yeah, or his Nan's. Well, he'll find her, when she wakes up in her pod. [DOCTOR] I found it in the fruit garden, when we first arrived. [BILL] Oh. [DOCTOR] I would say that a lot of the colonists had friends or family who were working here as shepherds. When they find out what happened [BILL] They'll be grief-stricken. [DOCTOR] And after that [BILL] A massacre. Okay, where are we going? [DOCTOR] What's the opposite of a massacre? [BILL] Okay, what? [DOCTOR] In my experience, a lecture. --------------------------------------- (Cryostore) [DOCTOR] You brought the Vardy here, microbots to make your life so easy.But like every slave class in history, the Vardy are beginning to have ideas of their own.They wanted to eliminate unhappiness, but to a robot that meant eliminating unhappy people.They gave you monitors, badges, so they'd know when you were too unhappy to live. --------------------------------------- (Armoury) [BILL] You need to listen. [STEADFAST] I did listen. What did I miss? The Vardy have killed our families. [DOCTOR] But you need to understand why that happened. [STEADFAST] I don't care why. [DOCTOR] Then you will die, too, and so will everyone on your ship. The Vardy are not your enemy. [STEADFAST] They want to kill us. [DOCTOR] No. They want to help you. Killing you is just a side-effect. [STEADFAST] Get out of my way. [DOCTOR] You've got guns. You think that will help against a whole living city? [BILL] That little boy, where did he go? --------------------------------------- (City) [NATE] My mum was a gardener. Have you seen her? She's supposed to be here. [BILL] There he is! [STEADFAST] Step away from the kid. [BILL] They're not armed. You don't need to do this. You just need to [NATE] What's wrong? What's going on? Where's my mum? Where's everyone? Where's everyone? [BILL] Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Don't cry, don't cry! Hey, hey. Look, everything's going to be okay. Look, this is your new house. Isn't it lovely? [NATE] I want Mummy. [BILL] Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile. Everything's going to be fine if you just keep smiling. [STEADFAST] Get away from the kid! [DOCTOR] What's that? Rage? Revenge? [STEADFAST] It's one robot. [BILL] It's not one robot. Doctor, what do we do? Doctor, what's happening? [STEADFAST] Cover fire, now! [DOCTOR] Fascinating! [BILL] What's fascinating? [DOCTOR] The Vardy are identifying as under attack, which means they identify as a species. They are self-aware. They, they're alive! [BILL] They're going to kill us! [BILL] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] I really hope this doesn't hurt. Do you know why I always win at chess? Because I have a secret move. I kick over the board. Here it comes! [DOCTOR [OC]] Once, long ago, a fisherman caught a magic haddock. The haddock offered the fisherman three wishes in return for its life.The fisherman said, "I'd like my son to come home from the war, and a hundred pieces of gold." The problem is magic haddock, like robots, don't think like people.The fisherman's son came home from the war in a coffin and the King sent a hundred gold pieces in recognition of his heroic death. The fisherman had one wish left. What do you think he wished for? [DOCTOR] Some people say he should have wished for an infinite series of wishes, but if your city proves anything, it is that granting all your wishes is not a good idea. [BILL] It's okay. It's not going to hurt you. Actually, it doesn't even know who you are. [STEADFAST] What happened? What have you done? [DOCTOR] In fact, the fisherman wished that he hadn't wished the first two wishes. You see, in a way, he pressed the reset button. [STEADFAST] What the hell did you do? [DOCTOR] Aren't you listening? I pressed the reset button. Every computer has one, and anyone can find it, especially if they happen to bea scary, handsome genius from space. I re-initialised the entire command structure, retaining all programmed abilities but deleting the supplementary preference architecture. [BILL] He turned it off and on again. [DOCTOR] I turned it off and on again. Of course, I wiped their memories. They no longer have the faintest idea who you are and, in fact, they're wondering what you're doing in their very nice city. [STEADFAST] Their city? [DOCTOR] Yes, their city. It's made of them. [STEADFAST] It's our city. They're our robots. [BILL] They were. [DOCTOR] Welcome to your new world. Meet the Vardy. They are, as of now, the indigenous life form.You'd best make friends with them because there's loads of them, and they're the only ones who know how anything works. [STEADFAST] They killed our people. [DOCTOR] Well, look, they have forgotten about that. They've forgotten about you, they've forgotten that you even made them in the first place. Now, since they have absolute powerover this city, and since I'm assuming you all don't want to sleep rough tonight, I have a suggestion for you. [BOTH] Smile. [STEADFAST] You can't be serious. [DOCTOR] I am serious. In fact, I'm willing to be a negotiator. [STEADFAST] Are you now? [DOCTOR] Yes. Watch. [DOCTOR] Hello, I'm the Doctor. A few hours ago, I made the mistake of not recognising your statusas an emergent new lifeform. As recompense for my mistake, please allow me to act as your negotiatorwith a migratory conglomerate known as the human race. They're looking for a place to stayand they've got their eye on your city. Would you like me to discuss rent? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BILL] So, is it going to work? [DOCTOR] That's up to them. [BILL] Did you just, well, did we just jumpstart a new civilisation? [DOCTOR] It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it. [BILL] Did you do this all the time? [DOCTOR] Do what? [BILL] Fly around sorting things out, like some kind of intergalactic policeman. [DOCTOR] I don't sort things out. I'm definitely not a policeman. [BILL] Well, you live in a police box. [DOCTOR] That's a pure coincidence. [BILL] Yeah, of course. [DOCTOR] Back at the exact moment we left. The kettle's boiling, I've got a vault to guard, and everything is exactly as we left it. [BILL] Wasn't snowing when we left. [DOCTOR] Maybe I do need a steering wheel. [BILL] Where are we? [DOCTOR] London. And this is the Thames.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e02", "title": "Smile"}
Doctor Who (29 Apr 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - Thin Ice (Tardis) [BILL] You never said we could travelto parallel worlds! [DOCTOR] Not a parallel world. [BILL] But that's London. [DOCTOR] Our London.We're on the Thames. The last greatFrost Fair. 1814, February the fourth. [BILL] Hang on, why aren't we home?Can't you steer this thing? [DOCTOR] I told you. You don't steerthe Tardis, you reason with it. [BILL] How? [DOCTOR] Unsuccessfully,most of the time. [DOCTOR] She's a bad girl, this one. Always looking for trouble. --------------------------------------- (Next to the river) [BILL] Whoa. [DOCTOR] Last day before the thaw.Thought I'd better finda more reliable parking spot. [BILL] Wait, you want to go out there? [DOCTOR] You don't? [BILL] It's 1814. [BILL] Melanin. [DOCTOR] Yes? [BILL] Slavery is still totally a thing. [DOCTOR] Yes, so it is. [BILL] It might be, like, dangerousout there. [DOCTOR] Definitely dangerous. [BILL] So, how do we stay out of trouble? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not the right personto ask. [BILL] Okay, when you go somewheredangerous, what do you take? [DOCTOR] First door on the left,second right, under the stairs,past the bins, fifth dooron the left. [BILL] What's there? [DOCTOR] The wardrobe. Pick a dress. [BILL] So the Tardis has dressesand likes a bit of trouble?Yeah, I think I'm low-keyin love with her. [DOCTOR] Me too. [GROCER] Watch out, sir! [GROCER] Oh. [BILL] Doesn't anyone notice the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Your species hardlynotices anything. [BILL] So, what are the rules? [DOCTOR] Rules? [BILL] Yeah.Travelling to the past,There's got to be rules.If I step on a butterfly,it could send ripples through timethat mean I'm not even bornin the first placeand I could just disappear. [DOCTOR] Definitely. I mean, that's what happened to Pete. [BILL] Pete? [DOCTOR] Your friend, Pete.He was standing there a moment ago,but he stepped on a butterfly andnow you don't even remember him. [BILL] Shut up!I'm being serious! [DOCTOR] Yeah, so was Pete. [BILL] You know what I mean.Every choice I make in this moment,here and now, could changethe whole future. [DOCTOR] Exactly like every other dayof your life.The only thing to dois to stop worrying about it. [BILL] Hmm. Okay. If you say so. [DOCTOR] Pete's stopped worrying. [NUT SELLER] Chestnuts, sir? [DOTTIE] (a very little girl) Come to the Frost Fair, miss.Only a sixpence, miss. [BILL] Oh, my God [DOCTOR] You're not stepping on a butterfly,you're just taking a flyer. [DOCTOR] It's just time travel.Don't overthink it. [BILL] Is that whatyou said to Pete? [DOCTOR] Who's Pete? [WATERMAN] Sixpence to the waterman!Sixpence for the Frost Fair! [WATERMAN] Sixpence to the waterman! Sixpence for the Frost Fair! [BILL] Yeah, no big deal.Just walking on the Thames!I hope you realiseI'm going to try everything.Everything. [WOMAN] Tasty ox cheek, piping hot! [MAN] Lapland mutton! Lapland mutton,cooked right on the ice! [WOMAN 2] Get your sheep hearts here!Juicy, juicy sheep hearts! [BILL] Yeah. Maybe not everything. [DOCTOR] Oh, go on. Try this, at least. [BILL] Urgh! [DOCTOR] It's my favourite. [BILL] Your favourite?You've been here before? [DOCTOR] Oh, yeah. A few times. [BILL] Get in! [DOCTOR] Of course, it's not really wrestlingunless it's in zero gravity [BILL] Seriously? [DOCTOR] With tentacles [BILL] Okay. [DOCTOR] And magic spells. [BILL] Interesting. [DOCTOR] What is? [BILL] Regency England.Bit more black than they showin the movies. [DOCTOR] So was Jesus.History's a whitewash. --------------------------------------- (Skittles tent) [BILL] Pub champion, two years running. [DOCTOR] Ah. --------------------------------------- (Fish pie tent) [PIE-MAN] Best fish pies on the ice. Try your luck, ladies and gentlemen!Toss for a pie! [BILL] Argh! [PIE-MAN] Better luck next time, miss. [BILL] And you're sure this isn'tcow brains or sheep eyes or [PIE-MAN] I caught the fish myself, miss.Made it right here in the old... [PIE-MAN] Hey!What are you about? [DOCTOR] Do that again. Toss the coin. [PIE-MAN] Pay me another and I will. [DOCTOR] Forgetabout the pie, I don't want a pie.I just want to see how you cheated. [PIE-MAN] Cheated?! [BILL] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Don't look at me like that. I'msaying you're a very good con-man. [PIE-MAN] I'm a what? [DOCTOR] A trickster. A swindler.You see, I'm a bit of a thiefmyself.I bet you that I could stealanything from your shop. --------------------------------------- (Frost Fair) [PIE-MAN [OC]] Get out! [DOCTOR] Oh! In theory!I could steal anything in theory! [BILL] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Honestly, some people. More pie? [BILL] Are there side-effects to timetravel? Like, physical symptoms? [DOCTOR] Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.Sometimes you see lightsunder the ice. [BILL] Okay, so you've seen the lights. [DOCTOR] Of course. [BILL] Well, why didn't you say something? [DOCTOR] Well, you're enjoying yourself.I assumed we'd get to workeventually. [DOCTOR] Now, are these lightselectric or organic? [BILL] Organic lights? [DOCTOR] Bioluminescence.Fireflies, glow-worms. [KITTY] Please, sir. Have you seen my dog?He was right here,but then I looked away and he [BILL] It's okay, we'll help.Um, what does he look like? [KITTY] He's small and brownand ever so soft. [DOCTOR] Are you sure of that?That collar's for a big dog.With long white hair.Nice con, though.Respect. [KITTY] Run! [DOCTOR] Ah! --------------------------------------- (Urchin's hideout) [SPIDER] (the boy in the red hat) What is it, do you think? [KITTY] Something valuable.Don't break it. --------------------------------------- (Frost Fair) [DOCTOR] What happened to the girl? [BILL] Does it matter?The boy's the one with your magicwand. [DOCTOR] Sonic screwdriver. [BILL] How is that a screwdriver? [DOCTOR] In a very broad sense. [BILL] All right, how's it sonic? [DOCTOR] It makes a noise. [DOCTOR] There they are! [KITTY] Spider, come on! [SPIDER] Kitty, come look! [KITTY] They'll catch youand have you transported!Is that what you want? Spider!Spider, quick! [DOCTOR] The lights. He's seen the lights. [SPIDER] Kitty? Ah! [DOCTOR] Stay back! [BILL] Save him. [DOCTOR] I can't. He's gone. [BILL] Do somethingand save him. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry about your friend,but the danger isn't over yet.There must be more of you livingrough here. Tell me where. [KITTY] So, you can take us tothe Magistrate? [DOCTOR] No, of course not.We're not here to arrest you,we're here to help.And if you show me where you live,we can do that. [KITTY] We? She's gone! --------------------------------------- (River's edge) [BILL] How did you find me? [DOCTOR] Get used to that question. [BILL] Oh, clever.Yeah, very clever. [DOCTOR] What's wrong? [BILL] What's wrong?Seriously, what's wrong?I've never seen anyone die before. [DOCTOR] A few hours ago, we were standingin a garden full of dead people. [BILL] That was different. [DOCTOR] How? [BILL] They were dead already. [DOCTOR] Morally and practically,that is not a useful distinction. Unlearn it. [BILL] Don't tell me what to think. [DOCTOR] I'm your teacher. Telling you things is what I do. [BILL] Yeah? Tell me this.You've seen people die before, yeah? [DOCTOR] Of course. [BILL] You still care? [DOCTOR] Of course I care. [BILL] How many? [DOCTOR] How many what? [BILL] If you care so much,tell me how many peopleyou've seen die? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [BILL] Okay.How many before you lost count? [DOCTOR] I care, Bill, but I move on. [BILL] Yeah? How quickly? [DOCTOR] It's not me you're angry with. [BILL] Have you ever killed anyone?There's a look in your eyessometimes that makes me wonder.Have you? [DOCTOR] There are situations whenthe options available are limited. [BILL] Not what I asked. [DOCTOR] Sometimes the choices are very [BILL] That's not what I asked! [DOCTOR] Yes. [BILL] How many? [BILL] Don't tell me.You've moved on. [DOCTOR] You know what happens if I don'tmove on? More people die.There are kidsliving rough near here. They may well be next on the menu.Do you want to help me? Do you wantto stand here stamping your foot?Because let me tell you something. I'm two thousand years old, and I have never had the timefor the luxury of outrage. [KITTY] What do you mean, on the menu? --------------------------------------- (Urchin's hideout) [BILL] Is this where you live? [KITTY] For now. [BILL] But there's no one here. [KITTY] Good work! [KITTY] Except you, Dot.I can see your shoes. [DOTTIE] They're too big, that's why! [DOCTOR] Oh, I see! I get it.You lure people to the fairand then you rob them.Very good. Very enterprising. [KITTY] They're all right, Dot.Strange. But all right.And that's not how it is. [DOCTOR] Oh, what? You don't rob people? [KITTY] Course we do.But bringing people to the fair, that's by-the-by.On the side, like. [DOCTOR] Why? [KITTY] Why?For coin, of course. Why else? [DOCTOR] Someone pays youto promote the fair, get people onto the ice? [DOCTOR] Who? Who pays you? [HARRIET] (in boy's clothing) Kitty, where's Spider? [KITTY] Spider is.He... [DOCTOR] Who's hungry? I'm hungry.Food! Bill, food!Food is always useful. [DOCTOR] Now, I know what you're thinking,but don't worry.These are stolen!Well, eat up.Ah, with your permission, of course. [DOCTOR] Don't suck your thumbswhile I'm away.The great tall tailoralways comesTo little boyswho suck their thumbs.Ere they dream what he's aboutHe takes his great sharpscissors outAnd cuts their thumbs clean offand then... [KITTY] You done staring yet? [BILL] We're going to find outwhat those things are, okay?They're not going to hurtanyone else, I promise.I promise.The Doctor, he helps people. That's what he does. [KITTY] And you?What do you do,apart from shout at him? [BILL] We were fighting.It happens. [KITTY] Are you still fighting now? [BILL] No.I moved on. [DOCTOR] Okay,I'm wondering why the Frost Fair'son this part of the river.I bet that at least one of you knowswho paid Kittyto take people out on the ice. [DOTTIE] It was a bad man, with a ship. [HARRIET] Dottie! [DOCTOR] A ship?What, do you mean a merchant? [PERRY] Not that kind of ship. [HARRIET] Perry! [PERRY] What? [KITTIE] It's all right. You can tell him. [DOTTIE] It's a drawing.Here. On his hand. [BILL] So, this guy,where would we find him? [HARRIET] He finds us. [BILL] But a tattoo on his hand,I mean, we could ask around? [DOCTOR] Boring!I know somethingthat's much easier to find. [BILL] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] All right. You guys, hang tight!Laters. --------------------------------------- (Frost Fair) [DOCTOR] I was being all 'down with the kids'there, did you notice? [BILL] Yeah, my hair was cringing. [DOCTOR] Awesome. [BILL] Please stop. --------------------------------------- (Wharf) [BILL] So, what's easier to find? [DOCTOR] Conjecture. There's somethingfrozen under the Thamesand it's eating people. [BILL] Okay. [DOCTOR] Proposal. We need to geta closer look it. [BILL] Good, yeah. [DOCTOR] Plan. Let's get eaten. [BILL] Is this stuff safe? [DOCTOR] Potentially. [BILL] Potentially?What does potentially mean? [DOCTOR] Safe, with a frisson of excitement. [BILL] Right, but we're not going to be like completelydefenceless down there, though? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no.Well yes. But don't worry about it. [BILL] Why not?What have you got up your sleeve?Oh, my God!Have you been holding out on me?Do you have, like,magical, alien powers? [BILL] What, was that an impolite question? --------------------------------------- (Frost Fair) [BILL] Why do we need diving suitson top of the ice? [DOCTOR] If we're lucky, the lightswill come and take us under.Whatever they are, they're clever.When they went after the boy,they waited until he was awayfrom the crowds, by himself. [BILL] What?Did you say something? [DOCTOR] The question is, how? [BILL] Doctor? Oh. Ah. Doctor?Doctor!Doctor! [DOCTOR] Bingo! --------------------------------------- (River Thames) (River's edge) [PIE-MAN] What? [DOCTOR] I know you! You're the cheat!I love your work! [BILL] The sound it made.I couldn't hear you,but that noise, it's like I felt itin my bones, you know?It sounded like, like [DOCTOR] Despair.Loneliness.A prisoner in chains. [BILL] That guy. He said he caught the fish himself.I bought pie off that guy. Fish pie! [DOCTOR] Oh, hello.Aren't you magnificent? [BILL] I ate that pie. I liked that pie. [DOCTOR] Definitely not carnivores.Which means you're cooperating withthe creature, providing for it.What do you get in return, hmm?What did it take for youto evolve into that? [BILL] The creature, do you reckon that'swhat's making London so cold? [DOCTOR] Very possibly. [BILL] What kind of alienmesses with the weather? [DOCTOR] Ha, ha! You assume it's alien. [BILL] Of course it's alien. [DOCTOR] Alien, terrestrial, it's irrelevant.The real question is,who's keeping it in those chains?And perhapsour friend here can answer that. [PIE-MAN] Who are you?What do you want with me? [DOCTOR] The coin trick.Just tell me how to do it, please!Okay. Not the time.Have you ever seen a man around herewith a tattoo of a ship? What's that face? Is that a noor are you against tattoos?I'm against tattoos, too,I think that we are bonding. [PIE-MAN] We're stood by the docks,and you just asked me if I've everseen a man with a tattoo of a ship. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [BILL] Fair point. [DOCTOR] What point? [BILL] Look, forget the tattoos.Have you seen anyone actingsuspiciously since the freeze? [PIE-MAN] Well, there's the dredgers. [BILL] The dredgers? [PIE-MAN] There's a workhouse upriver.They have men out therepatrolling all hours. --------------------------------------- (Workhouse) [MAN [OC]] Hurry up! Be quick about it! [BILL] What are they dredging for? [DOCTOR] Let's find out. [BILL] How are we getting in? [BILL] You work for the palace? [DOCTOR] Haven't had that one in a while. [MAN [OC]] Let's be having you. [OVERSEER] Oi. How'd you get through here? [DOCTOR] Ah ha! At last, someone in authority. [OVERSEER] Oh, I do apologise, sir.Does Lord Sutcliffeknow you're here? [DOCTOR] Does Lord Sutcliffe knowwe're here. (to Bill)Does Lord Sutcliffe know we're here? [BILL] Lord Sutcliffe insisted we come. [DOCTOR] Hmm. Oh, that Lord Sutcliffe, yes.There's no arguing with Sutcliffewhen he puts his foot down.You'd better show us around. [OVERSEER] Follow me, sir. [MAN [OC]] Take it inside!Same as the last batch. [BILL] Why all the fuss?It's just mud from the river,isn't it? [DOCTOR] Mud is one word for it. [BILL] Is this even the right place?The creature's almost a mile away. [DOCTOR] The creature's headis almost a mile away. [DOCTOR] I assume we're now at the other end. [DOCTOR] These men, why do we trust them? [OVERSEER] Hired them all myself, sir. [DOCTOR] Ah. Why do I trust you? [OVERSEER] Sir? [DOCTOR] You understandhow important this is, yes?It is imperative that no one discoverswhere the stuff goeswhen it leaves here. [OVERSEER] Oh, I know that, sir.We use unmarked carts. [DOCTOR] Are they ever followed? [OVERSEER] Oh no, sir. [DOCTOR] Have you checked this personally? [OVERSEER] Oh yes, sir. [DOCTOR] All the way to Hampton? [OVERSEER] No, to the steel mill, sir. [DOCTOR] Hampton is code for the steel mill. [OVERSEER] Code, sir? [DOCTOR] Yes.Yes, we need to use code otherwise anyone could walk in hereand get you blabbing like a fool. [OVERSEER] That's a good point, sir. [DOCTOR] Now, these men, what do they knowof this material? [OVERSEER] No more than I do, sir. [DOCTOR] Yes, but you are someonewho knows more than he tells. [OVERSEER] I'm not one to speculate. [DOCTOR] But you can't help it becauseyou're a man of intelligence. [OVERSEER] They won't let us smoke in here,so I assume it's fuel.Fuel for the furnaces, sir. [DOCTOR] Excellent reasoning.Lord Sutcliffe appreciatesan enquiring mind. [OVERSEER] Well, I keep my ear to the ground, you know. [DOCTOR] And what is the groundsaying these days? [OVERSEER] That this stuff burnsa thousand times longer than coal? [DOCTOR] Very good. [OVERSEER] Hotter, too.Hotter than they can measure. [DOCTOR] Excellent!First class. [OVERSEER] I'm right, aren't I, sir? [DOCTOR] Oh, there's no stopping you.You keep this up, you won't beworking in this yard for very long. [OVERSEER] (preening) Oh, you think not? [DOCTOR] I can almost guarantee it. [OVERSEER] You know what else they say?They say it even burns under water. [BILL] No sh... --------------------------------------- (Outside Sutcliffe House) [BILL] So. This guy has a pet monsterthat turns people into fueland we're just rocking upat his door? [DOCTOR] That's his door, this is us rocking. [DOCTOR] If we're going to stop him,we need to know where he started. [BILL] Meaning? [DOCTOR] Which planet. [BILL] Which planet? --------------------------------------- (Drawing room) [BILL] So, you think Sutcliffe is an alien? [DOCTOR] Possibly. [BILL] Because the creature is an alien. [DOCTOR] It certainly appearsto be producing fuelsuitable for interstellar travel.Either way, Bill, I need you to leavethe talking to me. [BILL] Why? [DOCTOR] Because you have a temper. [BILL] Oh okay, well, I lost it a tiny bit. [DOCTOR] You're about to meet a man,alien or otherwise,for whom human beingsare raw material.Who grinds up children for profit.What we are here foris one thing.Information.We get that with diplomacy and tact.Charm, if necessary. [BILL] Okay.I get it. [DOCTOR] Always remember, Bill. Passion fights, but reason wins. [SUTCLIFFE] Doctor Disco, from the Fairford Club!Obviously,one aspires to membership,but to actually be considered for [SUTCLIFFE] Who, who let this creature in here?On your feet, girl,in the presence of your betters. [DOCTOR] He's human.Thirty one years of age. Low on iron. [BILL] Yeah, that was pretty convincingracism for an extra-terrestrial. [DOCTOR] My thoughts exactly. [DOCTOR] Oh, hello.Can I just say,this is very unlike me.I don't normally do this. [BILL] Yeah, he was aiming for charming. [DOCTOR] Basically. [SUTCLIFFE] Well, you're not from the Fairford Club. [DOCTOR] The creature in the river, where did it come from? [SUTCLIFFE] Who the devil are you people? [DOCTOR] Where did it come from? [SUTCLIFFE] Nowhere!It's always been there.The secret's been passed downin the family since, I don't know when.As far back as records go. [DOCTOR] Then tell me, do you also keepa record of how many it's killed? [SUTCLIFFE] Please. People knowthe ice is dangerous,yet they will insiston their festivities.That's hardly my fault. [DOCTOR] Don't sell yourself short. This isthe biggest Frost Fair in decades,and that's down to you. [BILL] It is? [DOCTOR] The man holding me has a tattooon his left hand.And that's not all, is it?The circus performers,the elephant, that's all you. [SUTCLIFFE] I made the most of the situation.It's the first proper freezeit's caused in years. [BILL] Why?Production down, huh?Not enough people dying? [SUTCLIFFE] Girl, you show the ignoranceof all your kind.Without that beast,my mills would rely on coal mines,and men die in coal minesall the time. [DOCTOR] I preferred it when you were alien. [SUTCLIFFE] When I was? [DOCTOR] Well, that explained the lack of humanity.What makes you so surethat your life is worth morethan those people out thereon the ice? Is it the money?The accident of birth that puts youinside the big, fancy house? [SUTCLIFFE] I help move this country forward.I move this Empire forward. [DOCTOR] Human progress isn't measuredby industry, it's measured by the valueyou place on a life.An unimportant life.A life without privilege.The boy who died on the river,that boy's value is your value.That's what defines an age.That's what defines a species. [SUTCLIFFE] What a beautiful speech.The rhythm and, and vocabulary,quite outstanding.It's enough to move anyone with an ounce of compassion.So, it's really not your day, is it? If they know about the beast,then others must, too.We bring the plan forward. [DOWELL] (chief henchman) When, sir? [SUTCLIFFE] Now! In daylight. --------------------------------------- (Carriage) [BILL] No time for outrage.You've never had time for anythingelse, right? [DOCTOR] Don't be smug.Smug belongs to me. [BILL] Are you really two thousand years old? [DOCTOR] Why? [BILL] I just wanted to knowhow long it takes before you can make a speechlike the one you just made.It was worth the wait. --------------------------------------- (Frost Fair) [DOWELL] Come on, out. --------------------------------------- (Fireworks tent) [DOWELL] Get in there!Sit down and shut up. [BILL] It could be rum.Rum came in barrels. [DOCTOR] Nah, smell that.It's their home-made rocket fuel,redeployed as explosive.It's a little reckless,don't you think?Half the fair disappearsinto the river,the secret of your success won't bea secret any more. [SUTCLIFFE] Hardly.The city will pause to mourna fireworks displaygone tragically awry,and the creature will be fed.By spring, this will bea footnote in history.That is progress.They're bringing the elephantout presently.We won't get bigger crowdsthan that,so make sure you'reoff the ice by noon. [BILL] Noon? There's no way you cankeep us here that long.We'll just scream our heads off. [DOCTOR] No. No, please, please, please [BILL] He (But she is drowned out by the cries of the people watching the sword-swallower, and the acrobat, and the strongman bending iron rods over his head.) [WATERMAN [OC]] Sixpence to the waterman. [BILL] elp! (coughs) [DOCTOR] If you're quite finished,I could use some help. [BILL] Eh? [DOCTOR] Sonic screwdriver. Inside pocket. [BILL] Oh, okay. [BILL] Yeah, bit more. [DOCTOR] Kick it! [BILL] Ah, okay. [DOCTOR] Can you [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. [BILL] Um, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Huh?Oh, hello! [BILL] How are you doing that? [DOCTOR] Er.Sonic screwdriver.It makes a noise. That's howthe fish choose a victim. That's how they know they'veisolated someone on the ice. [BILL] Er better question. Why are you doing that? [DOCTOR] Just, just a little more. [DOWELL] What are you? Give me that! [DOWELL] What the...? [DOCTOR] Turn it off.There's a button on the side. [DOCTOR] Here! Give it here!(He throws the screwdriver to the Doctor, whose hands are free, then falls through the ice.) [DOCTOR] Afraid it has a knack to it. (Bill watches the hole seal up again.) [DOCTOR] Bill. Miss Potts? I need you with me. [BILL] I, I [DOCTOR] Things to do, Bill. Decisions tomake. What are we going to do about Tiny? [BILL] Tiny? [DOCTOR] The creature.The loch-less monster.The not-so-little mermaid. Are wejust going to leave her down there? [BILL] We can't set her free.She could burst up out of the waterand eat a hundred peopleright off of Southbank!She could eat half of London! [DOCTOR] She might. It's a risk.So, what do you want to do, Bill? [BILL] We already know the answers.Why are you even asking? [DOCTOR] I don't know the answers.Only idiots know the answers.But if your future is builton the suffering of that creature,what's your future worth? [BILL] Why is it up to me? [DOCTOR] Because it can't be up to me.Your people, your planet.I serve at the pleasure of the humanrace, and right now, that's you.Give me an order.Not long till noon.I need an order. [BILL] Save her. [DOCTOR] I'll take care of this.You get everyone off the ice. --------------------------------------- (Frost Fair) [BILL] Need help, need it now. Are you in? [KITTIE] Where's your friend? [BILL] Not here. [KITTIE] What's he doing? [BILL] Not sure.But whatever it is, I don't thinkwe're going to miss it. [DOTTIE] The thaw! The thaw is here! [KITTIE] A lady fell through the ice! [CROWD] The ice is melting! [BILL] Quick! Get to the shore! [WOMAN] The ice is melting! The ice! [SUTCLIFFE] It's a mistake!The ice isn't melting.I swear to you, there is no thaw! [HARRIET] The ice is melting! [BILL] Quickly, quickly, that's it. [SUTCLIFFE] Come on! Hurry!Come on!Something's happened. They've got the word out.We blow it now! [BILL] No, not yet. Harriet, run! [HARRIET] But there's still people... [BILL] Forget them. There's no time. Kitty?Run!Now! [SUTCLIFFE] What? [SUTCLIFFE] Argh! Out of my way! [BILL] (to a potman) Quick! Get to the shore! [SUTCLIFFE] Argh! [BILL] Doctor! Doctor! [DOCTOR] Bill!Bill! [BILL] You did it!She's free! [BILL] Go!Where will she go? [DOCTOR] Somewhere cold, I imagine.Hopefully, she's smart enoughto avoid you lot now. [BILL] What if she isn't? What if we justlike, doomed Greenland? [DOCTOR] I'll check in on Greenland. [BILL] How long is she?! [BILL] Ah. [BILL] Can you hear that? --------------------------------------- (Outside Sutcliffe House) [DOTTIE] Harry, look! [KITTIE] No pinching anything, you hear me?And no staring like gapeseeds whenthe lady talks peculiar. It's rude. [BILL] Get a load of you lot!Cute as!Come in. --------------------------------------- (Entrance hall) [KITTIE] You going to tell uswhat we're here for? [BILL] A very long time, I hope. --------------------------------------- (Dining room) [BILL] Go on.Eat as much as you like. [DOCTOR] Er, you, boy!Remind me, what's your name? [PERRY] (mouth full) Perry. [KITTIE] Perry. His name's Perry.Why? [BILL] Apparently, Lord Sutcliffe'slong-lost heir can't be a girl. --------------------------------------- (Office) [BILL [OC]] We must have changedsomething, right?I mean, people sawa monster in the Thames. [BILL] Well, it doesn't look any different. [NARDOLE] All right. There you go.There's your tea.I put a bit of coffee in it, aswell, just to give it some flavour.See, it's much better when you stick to your oath. [NARDLOE] Oh sir, no.This is unacceptable.This is beyond unacceptable.This is naughty. [DOCTOR] Language. [BILL] I don't get it.London, 1814.Monster, sea creature,serpent,really, really big fish.Nothing. [NARDOLE] Sir, you saidyou wouldn't be going off-world. [DOCTOR] Do these look likeoff-world clothes to you? [NARDOLE] But, sir, you saidyou'd be coming back to your office! [DOCTOR] Look, here I am.I'm in my office.I'm drinking my tea, in my specially chosen tea clothes. [BILL] I don't understand. How could itnot have been headline news? [DOCTOR] Never underestimatethe collective human abilityto overlook the inexplicable.Also, the Frost Fair involveda lot of day drinking. May I? [DOCTOR] You can always rely upon the papersto miss a headline. [BILL] (reads) Lord Sutcliffe drownsin snap thaw.Shock as steel fortuneis passed to street urchin! [NARDOLE] Sir.We need to talk. Your oath. [DOCTOR] Give us a coin. [NARDOLE] What? [BILL] The new Lord Sutcliffe was foundstarving on London's streets. The inheritance was contested,everyone got super mad, blah, blah, blah,Urchin boy deemed legitimate.Oh my God, it worked!You did it.You saved them. [DOCTOR] You did.You gave the order, boss. [NARDOLE] Sir. [DOCTOR] Give me a coin.We'll toss for it.Heads, the Tardis stays put.Tails, you leave me alone. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [NARDOLE] Leave him alone. Huh. Chance would be a fine thing.Leave me alone.How about that for a new idea?I didn't ask to be re-assembled,did I? [NARDOLE] Knocking.What was that about?No one's going to open the door,just because you're knocking! [NARDOLE] Oh, getting cocky now, are you?Why?What do you think you know?What has he told you? [NARDOLE] Because, yeah,he may have a little friend nowand, yeah, he may bea little bit distractedbut I tell you something,I'm still here. And as long as I'm still here,you are going nowhere!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e03", "title": "Thin Ice"}
Doctor Who (6 May 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - Knock Knock (Estate agents) [ESTATE AGENT] Six bedrooms? [PAVEL] I've got audio equipment, so some extra space would be good. [FELICITY] I'd quite like underfloor heating. --------------------------------------- (House for sale) [ESTATE AGENT] This is bedroom five. [PAUL] It hasn't got a door. [ESTATE AGENT] And bedroom six is through there. --------------------------------------- (Second house) [ESTATE AGENT] As you can see, this offers more space. --------------------------------------- (Street) [SHIREEN] What do other people do? [BILL] Other people have money. [LANDLORD] Forgive me, but are you looking for somewhere to live? --------------------------------------- (Outside the House) [FELICITY] Oh, wow! [PAUL] Oh, mate, check out the tower. [LANDLORD] I'm afraid the tower is unsafe. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [SHIREEN] Bill, look at it! [BILL] Yeah, but why's it so cheap? [PAVEL] This place is great. The rooms are huge! Can I move in tonight? My halls are kicking me out. [LANDLORD] Yes. Yes, of course. So, you'll sign the contract? [ALL EXCEPT BILL] Yes! [FELICITY] Of course. [SHIREEN] Bill? [PAVEL] (sotto) Wicked! --------------------------------------- (Pavel's room) [PAVEL [OC]] What? No, no! No, no! Stop! [PAVEL] Stop! --------------------------------------- (Bill's home) [BILL] Three, two, one. [DOCTOR] That's all you've got? I thought you'd have loads. [BILL] Thanks for helping, yeah? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BILL] You should hire this out, like a removal service. [DOCTOR] Removals? Bill, I'm a Time Lord [BILL] Time Lord? What's that, your job? [DOCTOR] No. It's, er, my people, my species. [BILL] Doesn't sound like a species. Sounds posh, like, yes, my lord. Doff my cap. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, that's why I gave it up. Ran away. [BILL] Time Lords. That's hilarious. Do you wear robes and big hats? [DOCTOR] No. Er, big collars mostly. [BILL] Do you want the postcode? [DOCTOR] Sorry? [BILL] To find the house. [DOCTOR] Bill, the Tardis uses multi-dimensional space-time coordinates. [BILL] So you know where it is. [DOCTOR] Okay, right, put the postcode in here. [BILL] Saw the bedroom. Do you sleep here? [DOCTOR] If I need to. Done? [BILL] Yeah. [BILL] If I need to? What does that mean? [DOCTOR] Sleep's for tortoises. [BILL] Not Time Lords? [DOCTOR] No! Unless we've regenerated or had a big lunch. [BILL] Regenerated? [DOCTOR] Oh, the questions, the questions, the questions. Just remember Time Lords. That's enough for now. [DOCTOR] Oh, here we are. --------------------------------------- (Pavement) [DOCTOR] Oh, I'll use the Tardis, take it all to your room. [BILL] Firstly, I don't know which one my room is. And secondly, that's weird and I want to make a good impression. It's cool, I'll just, er, get everything out of the Tardis and then you can go. Thanks for the lift, though!Bye! [DOCTOR] That's your house? [BILL] Sharing, yeah. Six of us, renting. [DOCTOR] I thought you were students? [BILL] Yeah. I was like, what's the catch, but, actually, it's fine, just a bit draughty. [DOCTOR] Draughty? [BILL] I meant draughty inside. [DOCTOR] Interesting. I'll help you in. [BILL] No, no, no. It's fine. You really don't have to. It's not [DOCTOR] Really not a problem. [BILL] No, wait, honestly. Um, if you just er. If you just go and do history or whatever. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [SHIREEN] Hey. Where have you been? I thought (sees the Doctor) Ah, you're the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. Hi. Can I get past? [BILL] Er yes, he's just helping with the move. [SHIREEN] Helping? [BILL] He's just my [DOCTOR] Friend. [BILL] Grandad. [DOCTOR] Wait, I don't look old enough to [BILL] To hold that box for very long. [BILL] There. Me. [FELICITY] How exciting is this? [HARRY] Oh, wow. Doctor. Legend. [BILL] He's my grandad. [DOCTOR] Aw, come on. Father at least, please. [BILL] All right, grand-father. You really can go now, though. Thanks for the help. (thumbs up) Job done. [DOCTOR] Okay. Bye. [BILL] Bye. [HARRY] He's your grandad? That's awesome. Mine went greypacking on the Great Wall Of China with his boyfriend, but they got arrested for trying to steal a bit. [BILL] A bit of what? [HARRY] The wall. [BILL] Okay. [PAUL] (holding a box with bedding in it) Do you want a hand? [BILL] Er, yeah. Thanks. --------------------------------------- (Staircase) [PAUL] I keep thinking there's going to be one of those bookcases that you pull special books and it's a secret passage. [BILL] Yeah? [PAUL] Spooky. --------------------------------------- (Upper passageway) [PAUL] Met Pavel on my first day. Often does this. Sits in his room for days. Says it gets him in the zone. All these lot are empty. --------------------------------------- (Bill's room) [PAUL] Yeah, this is nice. I picked my room before I'd even seen up here. [BILL] I thought you wanted the tower? [PAUL] Yeah, I wish. Can't find a way in. There's a freshers' party in the park tonight. This lot aren't interested, but it could be fun. Or not. Er, but either way, I was saying we should er throw our own party. You know, pop-up. Freestyle. Boom. [BILL] Yeah, sounds good. See you later then. [PAUL] Sure. [BILL] Here you go, Mum. My own place. You proud? Thanks! [BILL] Grrrrrrr! [BILL] Stop it. There's no living puddles or weird robots, big fish. It's just a new house, and people you don't know. Not scary at all. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [FELICITY] I just get nervous when there's no reception. Like something bad's goingto happen. [SHIREEN] Have to get a landline. [FELICITY] Landline? What is this, Scotland? [HARRY] Actually, I was unpacking just now and heard this tapping? Little footsteps, like, in the room above? [FELICITY] What? [PAUL] Maybe it's a little doll that's come to life. [SHIREEN] Or a massive, freaky spider. [BILL] Probably just a mouse. [SHIREEN] Yeah, we know. We're just messing with her. [FELICITY] Mice? If there's mice, I'm leaving. [HARRY] What's that? [FELICITY] Pavel? [PAUL] Pavel's upstairs. [HARRY] Paul, go and have a look. [PAUL] Why me? [HARRY] You're physically the biggest. [SHIREEN] And the most expendable. [FELICITY] It's in the kitchen. [BILL] It's all right, I'll go. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [SHIREEN] Maybe it's just the central heating? [DOCTOR] There isn't any. [FELICITY] I thought [BILL] He'd gone home. Me, too. Isn't any what? [DOCTOR] Central heating. I've been looking around, inside and out. Very interesting. Lots of wood. [BILL] Er, why are you still here? [DOCTOR] Do you know what that is? [DOCTOR] That's an oil-burning heater. You might need it. There's no washing machine either. The hob is from the Thirties. [HARRY] Thanks very much. [DOCTOR] The power sockets will not take your devices. [SHIRLEEN] Oh, I thought it was just my room. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. They're out of date. What's that smell? Is that Chinese food? I love Chinese. [BILL] Doctor. [BILL] There might be a few old things, but it just needs updating. It's not like there's some massive mystery going on. [DOCTOR] Did you hear the trees creaking outside when we arrived? [BILL] Yeah. It was the wind. [DOCTOR] There wasn't any wind. (to everyone) You should find another house. [SHIRLEEN] Mmm, I don't think so. [HARRY] The rooms are really big. [PAUL] Exactly. And it's still the best place for the money. I'll just call the landlord, sort itout. [SHIREEN] You can't. No reception. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [PAUL] Okay, so I'll go down the hill. Oh, hi. [FELICITY] Didn't hear you come in. [LANDLORD] For a man such as myself, discretion is second nature. So, a gathering. You're all here. [LANDLORD] No, except one. [SHIREEN] Pavel's upstairs. [LANDLORD] And one in addition. [HARRY] He's the Doctor. [LANDLORD] Doctor? [BILL] Yeah, er, he's, he's my grandfather. [LANDLORD] You're assisting with the relocation? [DOCTOR] That's right, yeah. [LANDLORD] It's a heart-breaking experience, to leave one's charge behind, all alone in the big wide world. [DOCTOR] Indeed, yes. You got children? [LANDLORD] I, yes, a daughter. But I'm most fortunate, she's still under my protection. So long as that's the case, I'm most content.So, I was calling to see if everything' s satisfactory? [FELICITY] Actually, there are a few things. [LANDLORD] Yes, I see. Go on. [FELICITY] No central heating? [SHIREEN] The power sockets are wrong. [PAUL] And a landline. [HARRY] Some new furniture. [FELICITY] I need some curtains, carpets. [BILL] Have you got a cat? [LANDLORD] A cat? [BILL] Er, er, yeah. Er, Harry said that he heard some, some noise upstairs, like walking around? [LANDLORD] No cats. No pets. You understand I won't be able to do any of this tonight. But as soon as possible, yes. Knock on wood. [LANDLORD] Do what I can. [SHIRLEEN] That's another thing. This house is really creaky. Everything you touch, it's like uuuurrr! [LANDLORD] It's unavoidable, my dear. [HARRY] How do you get into the tower? [LANDLORD] You don't. The tower is specifically excluded from the terms of our agreement. [HARRY] Oh, right, well, thank you. No tower. Got it. [LANDLORD] Right. [LANDLORD] Oh, are you staying here tonight? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [BILL] Er no, he's not. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure. [BILL] There's no reason to. [DOCTOR] I probably will. [BILL] There isn't a bed, so. [LANDLORD] All right. [DOCTOR] Sorry, excuse me. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Who, um, who's the Prime Minister? [LANDLORD] I beg your pardon? [DOCTOR] Margaret Thatcher? Harriet Jones? Wilson? Eden? [LANDLORD] (sotto) I think it's better to leave your granddaughter here with her friends. They seem respectable, and I'll keep an eye, of course. [LANDLORD] I'll attend to your requirements in the morning. In the meantime, sleep well. [FELICITY] I take it back. You're fine. He's weird. [SHIREEN] Oh! The washing machine! --------------------------------------- (Front door) [SHIREEN] That's weird. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [SHIREEN] He's not there. [HARRY] That's it. [HARRY] That's the noise I heard. [DOCTOR] Fascinating. [PAUL] It's just pipes. I'm going to bed. [BILL] Yeah. Might go up, as well. [FELICITY] Me, too. Locking my door though. [BILL] Er, Grandfather? Hello. Yeah. Perhaps you should leave now? [DOCTOR] No, no, I'm fine. [BILL] Or at least then, go and er, (sotto) sleep outside, in the car. [DOCTOR] Er, are you two tired? [HARRY] Well, I was [DOCTOR] Good. No, I'm going to hang about with Simon. [BILL] Harry. [DOCTOR] And Florence. [BILL] Felicity. Yeah, why? [DOCTOR] Well, we're gonna, we're gonna chill. Yeah? [FELICITY] Yeah. Okay, yes! [DOCTOR] Put some tunes on, yes? [FELICITY] Yes. [HARRY] All right. [DOCTOR] See? I'm good at making friends. Give me your phone. [BILL] But why? There's no reception. [DOCTOR] Phone. [DOCTOR] I love this. [FELICITY] Do you know who this is? [DOCTOR] Do I know who this is? Yes, I know who this is. [BILL] Yeah, it's Spotify so it's probably random. [DOCTOR] (reading) Little Mix. [PAUL] You like Little Mix? [DOCTOR] Oh, clearly she does. Look, where's a whole playlist here. [SHIREEN] (taking the phone) What else have you got on it? [BILL] Can I have a word, please? --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [BILL] Honestly, Doctor, there's nothing going on. Nothing weird, nothing alien. Just an old house and a dodgy landlord, which is pretty standard for students. I'll see you later for more exciting Tardis action, but, basically, this is the bit of my life that you're not in. Do you know what I mean? [DOCTOR] I know what you mean. [BILL] Thanks. [DOCTOR] So, up the wooden hill you go. Sleep well. [BILL] Okay. [DOCTOR] Maybe before you do, you should check on your friend who hasn't been seen for a day, and who has strange music coming out of his room. [BILL] They said he just does that. [DOCTOR] Nobody just does anything. [BILL] You're not leaving, are you? [DOCTOR] No. Your friend will probably be fine. (knocks on a panel) Knock on wood. [SHIREEN] We need to have a talk about your taste in music. [PAUL] You coming up? [BILL] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Upstairs passageway) [SHIREEN] Oh, this freaky Scooby-Doo house! [PAUL] Bill, if you get scared in the night, you know where I am, yeah? [BILL] What? [PAUL] Just if you need any er, of my help, or my whatever, you know? [BILL] Yeah. Er, I get that you're into me, but, um, sorry, you're not my type. It's just, er I tend to go for girls, usually, so [PAUL] Oh. Oh, right! I was never in with a chance. Awesome! [SHIREEN] Jeez! Stop! This is what I'm talking about. [PAUL] This stuff really freaks you out, doesn't it? [SHIREEN] No! It's just annoying. [PAUL] Ah. [SHIREEN] Go to bed. [PAUL] Sure. [PAUL] See you in the morning. Agh! [SHIREEN] Night, then. [BILL] Why didn't you get a room next to me, like we said? [SHIREEN] What? I don't know. Doesn't mean anything. [BILL] I'm not cool enough, is that it? [SHIREEN] No, shut up. These are my mates, too. [SHIREEN] Paul! Not funny! [BILL] Do you fancy him? [SHIREEN] No, who? Paul? Why? No. [SHIREEN] Hey! It's not funny! [SHIREEN] Paul? Are you okay? [BILL] Mate, come on. We got the joke. [SHIREEN] See? He's fine. Okay, see you in the morning. [BILL] What? [SHIREEN] Er, what's going on? [BILL] Paul? Oh, we should get the Doctor. [SHIREEN] Why, what's he going to do? Lecture? [BILL] Just a normal day, just a normal day. [BILL] Up. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [FELICITY] Do you like this music, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Reminds me of Quincy Jones. I stepped in for him once. The bassist he'd hired turned out to be a Klarj Neon Death Voc-Bot.What was worse, he couldn't play. This is very interesting. [HARRY] The door? [DOCTOR] Because it isn't. [HARRY] Isn't? [DOCTOR] A door, anymore. Try to open it. [FELICITY] Come on. Shireen did it a minute ago. [FELICITY] So, it's locked. [DOCTOR] No. Look. It's completely sealed. [FELICITY] I don't understand. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [FELICITY] The shutters. [HARRY] What about them? [DOCTOR] Closed by themselves. Sealed. [FELICITY] So, we're trapped? [DOCTOR] Maybe that's the idea. [HARRY] What do you mean? [FELICITY] What's that? [FELICITY] No. No, no, no! (dust falls from the ceiling) There's something in here. I can't be trapped! I can't! [DOCTOR] Wait! --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] Don't go out there! [FELICITY] I can't be trapped! [HARRY] Great. Now we're stuck here. Why'd you try and stop her? [DOCTOR] Listen. --------------------------------------- (Outside the House) [FELICITY] Police. Call the police. Call the police. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [HARRY] What's happened to her? What's going on? Do you think it's like she said? A thing? [DOCTOR] Maybe. [HARRY] And so is it out there now? Or in here? [DOCTOR] Or both. [HARRY] I'm scared. [DOCTOR] Don't be. [HARRY] Why not? [DOCTOR] It doesn't help. [DOCTOR] Who's there? --------------------------------------- (Pavel's room) [BILL] Oh, God! [SHIREEN] Pavel? [BILL] Pavel. [SHIREEN] Do you think he can hear us? [BILL] It'll be okay. [SHIREEN] Is this what happened to Paul? Do we call an ambulance? [BILL] No reception. Shireen, please sort the record out. [BILL] Oh, no! Wait, wait, wait! Is it something to do with the music? Did someone do this to you? [LANDLORD] I have no desire to intrude, but I felt there was a problem. [BILL] How did you get up here? It's sealed shut. [LANDLORD] Music can be pleasant, but a simple repetition like that, it's merely a distraction from the inevitable. Hope is its own form of cruelty. [BILL] Pavel! No, wait! Put it back! [LANDLORD] Oh, look. He's released. Mercy at last. Beautiful, isn't it? Nature contained. He's preserved in the walls, in thevery fabric of the building forever. [SHIREEN] So this house is eating people? [LANDLORD] We must all pay our dues. [BILL] But not you? [LANDLORD] Correct. I am the exception. [LANDLORD] For I am your landlord. [LANDLORD] You came here, you signed the contract. And now [LANDLORD] It's time to pay. [BILL] Go. --------------------------------------- (Upper passageway) [SHIREEN] What's that noise? [BILL] That tower. It was at the back of the building. Logically, the door should be at the end of this corridor. Look for a way in! [BILL] Indiana Jones, come on! [BILL] Yes! The tower! --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] What if something's got into the wood? Into the lathes, behind the plaster, into the very fabric of the house? Wood nymphs, tree spirits, dryads. Anything's possible. [HARRY] Doctor, what are you doing? We need to get out and call the police! [DOCTOR] Who's there? [HARRY] Doctor, you're provoking it. It's getting louder! [DOCTOR] Wake up! Wake up! Out you come! [DOCTOR] Oh! I was expecting something quite different, you know, like a gaseous creature, or microscopic! Did you see it move through the wood? Interacting at a cellular level. This must be alien! Got to be alien! What are you doing here? On your holidays? Harry, get a matchbox. [HARRY] A matchbox? [DOCTOR] All right, a shoe box. Don't let it get away! [HARRY] What do you mean, alien? [DOCTOR] Oh, little one! [HARRY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, it can move fast. Come on, where's that box? [HARRY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What? [DOCTOR] Ah. Now, this starts to make sense. Yes. Dryads indeed. We need to get out. [HARRY] We can't! [DOCTOR] Harry, in here! [HARRY] What's the point of hiding ina cupboard? [DOCTOR] It's not a cupboard! --------------------------------------- (Basement) [HARRY] What are they? They look like insects but you're saying they can shut doors, trap us? [DOCTOR] They're not just in the wood, they're becoming the wood itself. Total infestation. Infestation of the Dryads! [HARRY] You're talking like you've seen things like this before. [DOCTOR] No, actually. [HARRY] But you said they were alien. [DOCTOR] Well, they could be native to this planet, but I've never seen them before. Have you? [HARRY] That's what they're called? Dryads? [DOCTOR] Well, that's what I'm calling them, yes. [HARRY] You've gone crazy. [DOCTOR] Well, I can't just call them lice, can I? --------------------------------------- (Tower room) [SHIREEN] (sotto) There's something behind there. [ELIZA [OC]] Father? Is that you? --------------------------------------- (Basement) [HARRY] Maybe it belonged to a family that used to live here? [DOCTOR] Harry, there's six boxes. [HARRY] Tenancy agreement. Same as ours. Six signatures. Jake Christie, Annie Wren, Jonathan Frost. [DOCTOR] What's the date? [HARRY] Er, 1997. Sarah Tiller, Mark Hopethorne, Carl Richards. [DOCTOR] (looking at a set of polaroid photographs) They move in, relax, go to their rooms, then panic. Infestation. [HARRY] Doctor. [HARRY] 1977. [DOCTOR] 1957. Every twenty years. [HARRY] There's something coming. [DOCTOR] Good. [DOCTOR] Christie, Wren, Frost, Tiller, Hopethorne, Richards. [LANDLORD] Fine young men and women. [DOCTOR] As were all the others. Where are they? [LANDLORD] In the house. [HARRY] What? Where? We haven't seen them. [DOCTOR] He means they're in the house. The wood, Harry. [LANDLORD] Don't think I haven't considered theconsequences, Doctor. [DOCTOR] So why do it? [LANDLORD] My daughter was dying. [HARRY] What are you talking about? [LANDLORD] Nothing could be done, until these creatures saved her. [LANDLORD] We'd do anything to protect them. [DOCTOR] Your daughter, she's here, she's in the house, isn't she? [LANDLORD] Indeed. And she must survive. [HARRY] We have to get out! [DOCTOR] Harry, stay with me! Come back, Harry! Come back! [HARRY] Aaah! Doctor! [DOCTOR] Get him out! [LANDLORD] God rest his soul. [DOCTOR] Bill! Is Bill all right? [LANDLORD] I'd be more concerned for yourself, Doctor. Your advanced age means you have less energy, less matter, but they'll take what they can get. [DOCTOR] The insects are keeping your daughter alive. How does that work? Come on, call these off! Maybe I could help? I'm a doctor! --------------------------------------- (Tower room) [BILL] Er, are you okay? [ELIZA] Oh, I haven't had visitors in such a long time. My name is Eliza. [BILL] I'm Bill. This is Shireen. [SHIREEN] Hey! [ELIZA] I'm pleased to meet you. [SHIREEN] Bill, look! [ELIZA] What? [BILL] You've got something just, just there. [SHIREEN] I'm a celebrity, get me out of here, yeah? [SHIREEN] Bill? [SHIREEN] Cockroaches. Had them on my gap year in Morocco. No problem. Let's go. [BILL] Shireen. [SHIREEN] Oh, no. Oh, no! It's in my foot! [BILL] Shireen! [BILL] I, I don't understand. She's [ELIZA] It's upsetting, I understand. But Father says we have to survive. [LANDLORD] Eliza, do not fear this man. He says he might be able to make you well. [DOCTOR] Bill, how are you? [BILL] (close to tears) Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Shireen. [DOCTOR] The lice? [BILL] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Harry, too. Um, in brief, he's her dad. He's been keeping her alive with the bugs for about seventy years. Your friends are the food.I said that I could help. Now, you must be Eliza. How are you feeling? Rotten? [ELIZA] I am quite well. [LANDLORD] Administer your treatment, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, what's the medical history here? What happened? Eliza, you were very ill? [ELIZA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes? The doctors had, er, given up on you, but then one day your father brings you a present. Where did you find them? What, on the roof? In the garden? [DOCTOR] You find the insects. You bring them into the house because you want to show them to her, presumably just to just to amuse her.You couldn't have known what they were. [LANDLORD] Can you help her or not? [DOCTOR] I am helping. This is me helping. How did you find out their unique abilities? Did you bring them in here?You brought them in here, right, but what activated them? You use a tuning fork now, but [BILL] Pavel had that record on. A violin? [DOCTOR] High-pitched sounds. Yes. [DOCTOR] Soothes her to sleep. High-pitched sound. You leave your daughter alone for the night, or so you believe. The music wakes them. They set to work, and in the morning, you find her revitalised, just slightly wooden. [DOCTOR] You realise there's a way she can survive. [LANDLORD] Enough! [BILL] No, wait. Doctor, that doesn't make sense. [DOCTOR] Can you not interrupt? I'm doing my thing here. [BILL] But why would he pick up insects from the garden and bring them in to see his ill daughter? [DOCTOR] Everyone loves insects. [BILL] I don't! [DOCTOR] They're fascinating. [BILL] Okay. Secondly, he's not wood. He's just like us. [DOCTOR] He's. (looks at the Landlord) Yes. [BILL] So, if he's her father, and she was preserved seventy years ago. [ELIZA] I do not understand. [DOCTOR] I forget, you see, your human lifespan, it's, it's not long, is it. [LANDLORD] Do not let them trouble you. [DOCTOR] What do you remember of the past, Eliza? [ELIZA] My father, he knows what's best. [DOCTOR] Yes, the lice preserve the appearance and the voice, but not so much the memories. He's not your father, am I right? [LANDLORD] No! Stop talking! [ELIZA] Father, what's the matter? I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Your father would have had better things to do than playing with insects in the garden. But he isn't your father. When you were ill, he was sent out of the house by the doctors who are failing to save his mother! [ELIZA] His mother? [DOCTOR] Eliza, he's your son. Your loving son. [ELIZA] My son? [LANDLORD] (crying) Forgive me. Forgive me. [DOCTOR] When you saw what the creatures had done, you understood, didn't you? The lice could keep your mother alive if you protected them,tamed them, fed them. [LANDLORD] If you could save the one who brought you into this world, wouldn't you? Your silence is a confirmation. [ELIZA] I did what you told me because I thought you knew best. But I, I am your mother? [LANDLORD] Yes. [ELIZA] And you, all these children you've taken. You told me it was necessary, that we had no choice. [LANDLORD] That's right, it was. It meant we could stay together. Don't you understand? We were happy! I kept our lives a secret, and a secret we must remain. [LANDLORD] You have brought her nothing but misery and confusion! You will be taken, like the others! [BILL] Okay, now's the time for the plan. [BILL] Well, start busking, [DOCTOR] Eliza, people have died and will continue to die unless you stop all this right now. [ELIZA] How can I stop it? [DOCTOR] You're the parent. You're in charge! [DOCTOR] That's it! [LANDLORD] Do what I say! I control you! [ELIZA] No. It's me. I control them. [LANDLORD] Eliza, finish them now. Take them, or you'll die! They'll destroy you! [DOCTOR] What's the point in surviving if you never see anyone, if you hide yourself away from the world? When did you last open the shutters? [BILL] It's the freshers' party in the park. [DOCTOR] Exactly. New friends, fireworks. That's what life should be. [ELIZA] I remember. My son, leave my side at last. Go and see the world. [LANDLORD] (little boy voice) No, I don't want to! If you won't finish them, I will! [ELIZA] John! [ELIZA] My little boy, this has to end. [LANDLORD] No, we mustn't end. We have to destroy them. [ELIZA] It's our time. [LANDLORD] No, I don't want to! [LANDLORD] No, no. [ELIZA] Thank you. [DOCTOR] We've got to get out of here. [BILL] Is that? [DOCTOR] Yes, your friend. She's restoring them! Come on. [BILL] I thought you were gone. [SHIREEN] Are you okay? [BILL] Me? Yeah, I'm fine. What about the others? [DOCTOR] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Upper passageway) [BILL] We need to get out! Now! --------------------------------------- (Outside the House) [DOCTOR] Wrong way! Wrong way! Wrong way! [FELICITY] Bang goes our deposit. [SHIREEN] Oh man, that's our house. [HARRY] Gone. [DOCTOR] Right, you lot, back to the estate agents. Better luck next time. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [NARDOLE] Oh, here he comes. [DOCTOR] Are you being cheerful? I'm against cheerful. [NARDOLE] Bill told me you went on a little adventure. You see? [DOCTOR] I see what? [NARDOLE] Well, you don't have to go to outer space to find monsters. There's plenty of things that want to kill you right here on Earth. [DOCTOR] Result. [DOCTOR] Well, I am. [NARDOLE] Obviously. [DOCTOR] Okay, you can take the rest of the night off. Go on, go and do whatever it is you do. Actually, what do you do? No! Never tell me that. [NARDOLE] I just want to have a look at this. Our friend inside's been a little restive lately. [DOCTOR] Ah, I can sort that out. [NARDOLE] No, it's all right, I don't mind. [DOCTOR] Goodnight, Nardole. [NARDOLE] Right. Goodnight, sir. See you in the morning. [NARDOLE] A piano? You've put a piano in there? Why? [DOCTOR] Goodnight. [NARDOLE] (sighs) Oh, you don't learn, do you, sir. [DOCTOR] Hey! Do you want dinner? I've got Mexican. [DOCTOR] Look, I know you miss it all, but I'm stuck here too, you know? We're both prisoners. So what do you say, dinner? And I've got a new story for you, too. There's a haunted house and woodlice from space. And lots of young people get eaten. [DOCTOR] I'm coming in.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e04", "title": "Knock Knock"}
Doctor Who (13 May 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - Oxygen (Lecture hall) [DOCTOR] So, how does space kill you? I'm glad you asked. The main problem is pressure. There isn't any. So, don't hold your breath or your lungs will explode. Blood vessels rupture. Exposed areas swell. Fun fact! The boiling temperature of water is much lower in a vacuum. Which means that your sweat and your saliva will boil, as will the fluid around your eyes. You won't notice any of this because fifteen seconds in, you've passed out as oxygen bubbles formed in your blood. And ninety seconds in, you're dead. Any questions? [DOCTOR] Yes. [STUDENT] What's this got to do with crop rotation? [DOCTOR] Er, I dunno. But space is great, isn't it? --------------------------------------- (Outside the building) [NARDOLE] You're missing it, aren't you? [DOCTOR] Crop rotation? [NARDOLE] Space. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [NARDOLE] I'm worried you're thinking about taking another trip, sir. [DOCTOR] I'm here, I'm guarding the vault. What do you want from me? [NARDOLE] The truth. [DOCTOR] Don't be unreasonable. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Space! Going to space is exactly like camping. [BILL] Is it? [DOCTOR] Er, well, no. [BILL] Okay. [DOCTOR] Well, in a way, yes. [BILL] Great. [DOCTOR] Too much between you and the outside and you might as well stay home. To really feel it, you need the space equivalent of a wafer-thin sleeping bag and a leaky two-man tent. So, pick a campsite. [BILL] Got any reviews? [DOCTOR] What? [BILL] You know, like for restaurants. Waiter was a bit handsy, lasagne gave me the trots. Two stars. [DOCTOR] Strangely, no. [BILL] Oh, I don't know. That one. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes, well, possibly we could go there, pitch our tent next to the toilet block. How about something a bit more exciting? [BILL] What's that? [DOCTOR] That is my theme tune. Otherwise known as a distress call. [BILL] You like distress calls? [DOCTOR] You only really see the true face of the universe when it's asking for your help. [NARDOLE] I haven't seen my true face in years. Swapped it for this one on the run. [DOCTOR] Oh, look, Bill, it's Nardole. What a lovely surprise. I thought I sent you to Birmingham for a packet of crisps. [NARDOLE] Yeah, I saw through your cunning ruse. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, if you will go thinking for yourself. What do you want? [NARDOLE] I was given strict instructions to keep you at the university. [DOCTOR] Who by? [NARDOLE] You. [DOCTOR] Well, you're not doing a very good job, are you? I'll overlook it this once. [NARDOLE] Do you know what this is? [DOCTOR] If it's not crisps, you're sacked. [NARDOLE] Fluid link K57. Removed it from the Tardis the other night after your lecture. [DOCTOR] That is very untrusting. [NARDOLE] You took an oath, sir. The vault cannot be unguarded. [DOCTOR] Oh, listen to Mister Boring. [NARDOLE] I'm acting under your orders! [DOCTOR] See how reliable I am? [BILL] What's a fluid link? [NARDOLE] No idea. But the Tardis can't go anywhere without it. [DOCTOR] Who told you that? [NARDOLE] You did. [DOCTOR] Exactly. (snaps his fingers) Teach you to trust me. [NARDOLE] No. [DOCTOR] I'm docking your pay for this. --------------------------------------- (Space station) [NARDOLE] I'm a bit cross with you, sir. [DOCTOR] Noted. Scored out. Forgotten. [DOCTOR] Wait. There's no oxygen. [BILL] What? Well, how come we're breathing? [DOCTOR] Air shell around the Tardis. Hang on. [DOCTOR] Now there's a really big air shell around the Tardis. [BILL] How big? [DOCTOR] Big enough for a stroll. [NARDOLE] So cocky. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BILL] Why aren't we floating? [DOCTOR] Artificial gravity. [BILL] Doesn't feel like space. [BILL] Aw! Now it feels like space! [DOCTOR] Look at this. Classic design. Pressure seals, hinges. None of that shk-shk nonsense. [NARDOLE] Space doors are supposed to go shk-shk, not urrrrr. [DOCTOR] Are you going to be like this all day? [NARDOLE] Yeah. Till you're back where you should be. [BILL] Er, guys? [DOCTOR] Hm? --------------------------------------- (Repair bay) [DOCTOR] Hello?(The man looks very unwell. The Doctor scans him.) [DOCTOR] He's dead. [BILL] Well, how can he be dead? He's standing up. [DOCTOR] No. His suit's standing up. He's just along for the ride. [BILL] Oh God, it's standing for him? [DOCTOR] Gyro stabilisers, magnetic boots and gloves, onboard computer. It could run, jump, and update his Facebook. Death, where is thy sting? [NARDOLE] So, back to the Tardis? [BILL] Yeah, can you turn it off? [NARDOLE] Turn what off? [BILL] The suit. Just, please, just, just turn it off. [DOCTOR] Why? [BILL] He's just standing there. It's sick. It's disrespectful. [DOCTOR] I'll tell you what's disrespectful. Whatever killed him. [BILL] Well, there was no oxygen, right? Before we got here. Didn't he just suffocate? [NARDOLE] Well, his tank's full. And his field's up. [BILL] His what? [DOCTOR] Forcefield. Keeps the air in. [BILL] Well, look, can we just, like, lie him down or something? I mean, this isn't right. [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. It isn't. Mining Station Chasm Forge. Crew of forty. I've got thirty six records of life signs terminated. Last log entry, Station declared non-profitable. [NARDOLE] Yeah, your workers all dying'll do that for you. [NARDOLE] Okay then! Back to the Tardis! Lovely in there. Nice and cosy. [BILL] Yeah. Yeah, he's right. [BILL] Doctor, are you listening? [DOCTOR] Forty minus thirty six. [BILL] Sorry, what? [DOCTOR] Equals what? [BILL] Oh no, I'm just saying that Nardole was saying [DOCTOR] Four. Four, Bill. Four survivors, one distress call. The universe shows its true face when it asks for help. We show ours by how we respond. [DOCTOR] Any questions? [DOCTOR] Good. --------------------------------------- (Section 02) [DOCTOR] Hello! [BILL] Has he got his tunes on? [DOCTOR] Not exactly. [BILL] Whoa! [DOCTOR] Calm down. It's empty. [NARDOLE] And you couldn't just tell us? [BILL] Are you trying to scare us? [DOCTOR] I'm maxing out your adrenaline. Fear keeps you fast. Fast is good. [BILL] Do people ever hit you? [DOCTOR] Well, only when I'm talking. [BILL] So, it's basically a robot? [DOCTOR] Ah, well. Sort of. Fairly dumb. Capable of simple tasks. (to Nardole) So you'd better watch your step. You could be out of a job. And ah! Speech. [DOCTOR] Hello, suit. [SUIT] Good morning. How may I assist? [NARDOLE] Ooo, recognise that voice. Yes! Nice girl, actress, bit orange. Left me for an AI in a call centre. [DOCTOR] What killed the crew of this station? [SUIT] I am unaware of any recent deaths. [DOCTOR] What about the oxygen? Where did it all go? [SUIT] There has never been any oxygen in this station. [NARDOLE] (laughs) Oh, listen to that. Still saucy after all these years. [DOCTOR] Explain. [SUIT] Oxygen is available for personal use only, at competitive prices. [DOCTOR] It's only in the suits. Personal use. They only have oxygen in the suits themselves. [SUIT] Any unlicensed oxygen will be automatically expelled to protect market value. [NARDOLE] Charging for the air you breathe. She hasn't changed. What was her name? [BILL] Hang on. Didn't we just fill this place with air? [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose we did. [BILL] Because it said expelled. [NARDOLE] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's decompressing! --------------------------------------- (Repair bay) [NARDOLE] So! [NARDOLE] The Tardis is on the other side of that. [DOCTOR] Yes, I was really hoping that someone would state the obvious. [NARDOLE] Vacuum behind it, can't open it. [DOCTOR] Oh, you're on a roll. [NARDOLE] And if we could, we'd be sucked out into space. [BILL] What's that? [DOCTOR] Er, nothing to worry about. [BILL] Really? [DOCTOR] Yes, not for several minutes. Well, don't stress early, it's a waste of energy. [BILL] Stress about what? [TASKER [OC]] Occupants of repair station, please identify. Occupants of repair station, please identify. [DOCTOR] Hello there! You first. [TASKER [OC]] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] Well, all your crewmates are dead. So, either you're extremely lucky or you killed them. Which is it? [TASKER [OC]] This is Drill Chief Tasker. And I haven't killed anyone. Yet. Now who is this? [DOCTOR] Doctor, plus two. You sent out a distress call. You should be expecting company. Now tell me, what happened to the crew of this station.(The dead man starts to walk towards them.) [TASKER [OC]] Hang on, you're in the repair bay, right? Get out of there! Now! [DOCTOR] Why? [TASKER [OC]] There are suits in there! For God's sake, stay away from the suits! [DOCTOR] Oh! [BILL] Doctor! [DOCTOR] It's fried, should be safe. [NARDOLE] Er, you thought you were safe before. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm bound to be right eventually, aren't I? [DOCTOR] Get me some history. (to Bill) You okay? [BILL] Er, yeah. Just a, just a little freaked, I think. [DOCTOR] Try not to breathe so fast. [NARDOLE] A single line of instruction was sent to all suits. Deactivate your organic component. [BILL] Organic component, as in people? [NARDOLE] Ooo! [DOCTOR] Interesting. They were killed by their own suits. [BILL] Can you fry those ones, too? [DOCTOR] Possibly, but we have another problem. Opening the airlock was the station's plan A. Plan B, filtering out all the oxygen. [NARDOLE] So they can sell it back to us. [DOCTOR] Capitalism in space. If we want to keep breathing, we have exactly one option. Buy the merchandise. [COMPUTER] Oxygen levels are seriously depleted. Please step on board your Ganymede Systems Series Twelve SmartSuit. Engage pressure pad to activate customised robing. [BILL] You said those things were going to kill us! [DOCTOR] Well, on the bright side, we're dying already. [BILL] How does this help? [DOCTOR] We know that they killed their occupants on specific orders. I think these ones are off network for repairs, so they can't receive commands. [BILL] What if you're wrong? [DOCTOR] Well, we'll be horribly murdered! Let's say I'm right. [NARDOLE] Doctor, if those suits have killed thirty six people, that means there's thirty six corpses walking about this station. [DOCTOR] You know, that really doesn't matter right now. [NARDOLE] Correction. Yeah, it does. Because I think there's something moving out there. [DOCTOR] Suits, now! [COMPUTER] Welcome to the Ganymede Systems Series Twelve SmartSuit. Oxygen field engaged. At current levels of exertion, you have two and a half thousand breaths available. [BILL] Breaths? You couldn't just give it me in minutes? [NARDOLE] It doesn't work like that. When you panic, you breathe quicker. [DOCTOR] You die quicker. [NARDOLE] Yeah, the scareder you are, the faster you suffocate. So, relax or die. Sorry, probably not the most helpful thought. So, breathe in, breathe out. [DOCTOR] Drill Chief Tasker. Do you read me? [TASKER [OC]] Read you, Doctor. You need to take Corridor Twelve to Processing. Quickly. [DOCTOR] Come on. [NARDOLE] We'd better go. Come on, but keep breathing. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] They're here. Come on! This way! Move! [BILL'S SUIT] You look like you're trying to run. Would you like some help with that? [BILL] Can you shut your girlfriend up? [NARDOLE] Velma! That was her name! [BILL'S SUIT] Confirmed. My name is now Velma. [DOCTOR] We've hit a sealed door at the end of Corridor Twelve. No way through. [BILL] My suit's really called Velma? [VELMA] Correct. My name is Velma. [DOCTOR] Tasker, come in. [NARDOLE] Oh! They're through! [BILL] Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in [DOCTOR] Hello? [BILL] Breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. [NARDOLE] Anybody? [DOCTOR] Tasker! [)BILL] Breathe in. [DOCTOR] Hello? Tasker! [BILL] Breathe [DAHH-REN] Here. Go! Quick! --------------------------------------- (Processing) [WOMAN] Deadlock the door! [DOCTOR] Cutting it a bit fine, weren't we? [TASKER] There was some debate over whether to open it at all. [BILL] Wha! Sorry, I wasn't expecting. Hello. [DAHH-REN] Great. We rescued a racist. [BILL] What? Excuse me? [TASKER] And you are? [DOCTOR] We got your distress call. [BILL] Sorry. It's just I haven't seen many, well, any of your people. [DAHH-REN] It shows. [TASKER] They're from the union. [ABBY] The union's a myth. [TASKER] Take a look. [NARDOLE] Yeah. We're from the mythical union. [TASKER] Dahh-Ren? [NARDOLE] We're here to help. [BILL] Sorry, is your name Darren? [DAHH-REN] Dahh-Ren. [BILL] Ahh. Makes more sense. [BILL] Er, that's not me. That's not me. [TASKER] It's just glitching. Ivan, take a look. [BILL] Look, for the record, I'm not prejudiced. I'm usually on the receiving end. [DAHH-REN] Oh? Why? [BILL] What, you really don't know? [VELMA] Would you like to give feedback on your experience so far? Would you class your experience [DAHH-REN] Right, where's your ship? [DOCTOR] Er, we're parked just off your repair station. [ABBY] Then you might as well be on the moon. They're swarming round there now. [TASKER] It's just maths now. Oxygen divided by bodies. And none of us have more than three thousand breaths left. [DOCTOR] Then stop wasting them. I need a map of the base and a full rundown on what happened here. [TASKER] Who the hell put you in charge? [DOCTOR] I'm here to save your lives. But if you don't want me to, just raise your hand. [TASKER] Abby, get the man a map. [NARDOLE] (to Dahh-Ren) All right? Some of my best friends are bluish. --------------------------------------- (Maintenence room) [BILL] Why is Velma the only one that talks? [IVAN] Velma? [BILL] My suit. [IVAN] The others do sometimes. Mostly to say, here's the bill. [BILL] Is there a mute button? [IVAN] Yours isn't working. Suit's a mess. Needs a complete overhaul. [BILL] Thanks, mate. [IVAN] Don't mention it. --------------------------------------- (Processing) [DOCTOR] Deactivate your organic component. [TASKER] All the suits got the same command. Best guess, someone hacked the network. [DOCTOR] And you survived how? [ABBY] We were off network. You have to be to repair the conveyors. [DAHH-REN] It was just dumb luck. [DOCTOR] The measurements, are these in metres? [TASKER] Average breaths. The only unit worth a damn out here. [DOCTOR] Of course they are. [ABBY] Forty breaths to the dorms, one twenty to the core. That's where we're headed. It's the safest place. [DOCTOR] Are there more suits inside the base or out? [ABBY] Outside is suicide. [TASKER] Inside we can move faster than them. Outside they have the edge. Which means we're dead. [NARDOLE] What are you mining? Is it worth stealing? [ABBY] You think this is a robbery? [DOCTOR] Well, killing you'd be a good start if it was. [NARDOLE] It's how I'd do it. [NARDOLE] If I was to do that sort of thing. Which, actually, I probably wouldn't, so please don't worry. [DAHH-REN] Well, they picked a fine day for it. This is the least productive we've all been for months. [TASKER] Look, we're mining copper ore. You'd need to steal a mountain to make it worth your while. [DOCTOR] Your employers. Any help from them? [TASKER] They're too far away. [IVAN] Not that it matters. Whoever hacked the suits also cut the radio. [DOCTOR] So your distress call [IVAN] Was a botch. I boosted a suit radio through the dish. [DOCTOR] Good job. [DOCTOR] What about the brains of these suits? The AI? [TASKER] They're dumb as rocks. [DOCTOR] But can they learn? Evolve? Grow? Maybe get tired of carrying pesky humans around? Know the feeling? [IVAN] They've got limited problem-solving, and that's it. [DOCTOR] I'm missing something. What am I missing? [ABBY] Oxygen. That's what we're missing. Maybe find some of that and leave the big picture till later, yeah? [TASKER] They're fixing the lock! [ABBY] Well then, it's time to go. [NARDOLE] Limited problem-solving, eh? [IVAN] West corridor is free. Forty breaths to the core. Let's move. --------------------------------------- (West corridor) [DAHH-REN] Quick! They're through! [COMPUTER] Instruction received. Organic component will be deactivated. Please remain calm while your central nervous system is disabled. Your life is in our hands. [IVAN] Airlock!(Tasker joins the zombies as they stomp forward.) [IVAN] Airlock. Helmets on. [BILL] Where are we going? [IVAN] Outside. [BILL] Well, didn't they say that was a bad idea? [DOCTOR] It is. But I know a worse one. [BILL] Wait, why, why, why, why do I need that? What about the air forcefield thing? [DOCTOR] Not strong enough for a vacuum. Trust me. [BILL] What happens if I throw up in my helmet? [NARDOLE] Colour and smells. [BILL] (sotto) Don't throw up in helmet then. Check. [VELMA] Warning. Helmet malfunction. [BILL] Er, Doctor? [VELMA] Please advise local technician. [BILL] Somebody stop it! [DOCTOR] Put it back on! [BILL] Doctor, that's not me doing that. [DOCTOR] Put it back on! [BILL] I'm trying. I can't move my arms! [DOCTOR] Stop the cycle! [IVAN] We can't stop it. It's automated. [DOCTOR] Now we know now why your suit was being repaired. Bill. Bill! You're about to be exposed to the vacuum of space. [BILL] Oh, God! [NARDOLE] So don't hold your breath. [BILL] Or my lungs'll explode. [DOCTOR] You were listening. Well done. [BILL] What are we going to do? --------------------------------------- (Compartment) [BILL] (sotto) Suit? Suit. Velma? [VELMA] Good morning. How may I assist? [BILL] (sotto) Shh, shh. I can't move. [VELMA] This suit is currently offline for diagnostic purposes. [BILL] Ah, Nardole. Ivan, thank God! [NARDOLE] You're awake. Told you. [IVAN] Are you okay? [BILL] Shh. No. What happened? I can't move. [IVAN] Your suit is set to auto. The Doctor hacked it and walked you out. [NARDOLE] And you've got oxygen deprivation which is why you feel like you feel. [BILL] Have you looked down there? [NARDOLE] Hmm? Ah, no, they're fine. [BILL] What? Are we safe? What's stopping them? [IVAN] This whole area's new. It's not in their mapping system. [NARDOLE] See? You know, like when your satnav doesn't know a new road. [BILL] So they can't come here? [IVAN] Not without a floor plan. [BILL] Good. What happened to the Doctor? I thought I saw him [NARDOLE] Yeah, he. The Doctor took you to safety. He gave you his helmet. [BILL] He died? [IVAN] He should have done. I don't know how he survived. [NARDOLE] Listen, about the Doctor. He walked in a vacuum for far too long. He's mostly okay but, he paid a price. [BILL] What do you mean? [NARDOLE] He's in Section Twelve. --------------------------------------- (Section 12) [BILL] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Bill. You're up. [BILL] You're blind. [DOCTOR] I am? Well, that explains the bruised shins. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't get all gooey on me. It's temporary. [BILL] Really? [DOCTOR] Yeah. Once we get back to the Tardis. [BILL] The Tardis? [DOCTOR] I've got stuff in there that'll cure anything. Failing that, I think I've got some spare eyes somewhere.They're from a lizard, but I'm sure they'll fit. [BILL] So er, until then? [DOCTOR] Until then what? You really think this is going to slow me down? I do most of my best work ordering other people around. [DAHH-REN] You do know we're still here, right? [DOCTOR] Didn't I send you out to get me a latte? [BILL] So, what's the plan? [DAHH-REN] Well, we've all been trying to get a radio working and the Doctor's been (pause) thinking. [ABBY] Don't mean to hurry you, but in seven hundred breaths I'll be dead. [DOCTOR] I need to think. [NARDOLE] He really doesn't like help. [ABBY] It's a transponder, from a ship. [BILL] Doctor, you okay? [DOCTOR] Bill, I've got no Tardis, no sonic, about ten minutes of oxygen left, and now I'm blind. Can you imagine how unbearable I'm going to be when I pull this off? [BILL] Don't do this. You always do this. [DOCTOR] Do what? [BILL] Make jokes to distract me from whatever's about to kill us. [DOCTOR] What else are jokes for? [NARDOLE] Doctor! There's a rescue ship on the way. [DAHH-REN] We've picked up a company transponder. [ABBY] If there's a rescue ship on the way, then how can the rescue ship already be here? [DOCTOR] Too many rescue ships. There's a first-world problem. [ABBY] Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I will do everything in my power to save all your lives. And when I do, you will spend the rest of them wondering who I was and why I helped you. If anyone's offering a better deal, be my guest. [ABBY] You didn't save Tasker, did you? And he believed you. Trusted you. [ABBY] And now he's dead. [ABBY] Can you give me one good reason why you shouldn't join him? [IVAN] Whoa! Whoa! We're all getting a little punchy here. It's the oxygen thinning. It's making it harder to think. [DAHH-REN'S SUIT] Instruction received. [ABBY] Will you get out of my way! [IVAN] Argh! [DAHH-REN'S SUIT] Complying. Please remain calm while your central nervous system is disabled. [DAHH-REN] No, no! [DAHH-REN'S SUIT] Your life is in our hands. [ABBY] Head for the reactor core! Run! [DOCTOR] What's happening? [NARDOLE] Guess! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [IVAN] They knew we were there, somehow. [ABBY] Voice rec. Had to be. [BILL] Doctor? Doctor, my suit! It's doing it again! I can't move! [IVAN] The sequencer's jammed. It needs a reboot. [DOCTOR] How long will that take? [NARDOLE] Too long. [DOCTOR] Okay, we'll pick her up. Come on. [VELMA] Warning. This is an illegal manoeuvre. [ABBY] The suit won't let us. Health and safety. [NARDOLE] Health and safety? [BILL] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Okay, get her out of her suit. Give her mine. [IVAN] The sequencer controls the release clamps. We can't get her out. [NARDOLE] Well, we can't leave her here. They'll kill her! [VELMA] Please do not interfere with the operation of this suit. Fines may be incurred. [BILL] Oh, great. I'll get fined for dying! [DOCTOR] Fined for dying. [BILL] Doctor? [DOCTOR] What if there never was a hack? What if this is just business? Business as usual. [BILL] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Bill. Bill, do you trust me? [BILL] Why are you saying that? [DOCTOR] We're going to have to leave you here. [BILL] What? I'll die! [DOCTOR] You're not going to die. But I won't lie to you, this will not be good. [ABBY] We have to go. Now. [DOCTOR] You will go through hell, but you will come through it. And I will be waiting on the other side. [BILL] But what if I was going to die [DOCTOR] You're not going to die! [BILL] Would you just say exactly the same? [DOCTOR] I will see you soon. [BILL] Just tell me a joke before you go. [BILL] Just tell me a joke! He didn't tell me a joke. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Mum! Answer me! [VELMA] Instruction received. Complying. [BILL] Mum! [VELMA] Please remain calm while your central nervous system is disabled. Your life is in our hands. --------------------------------------- (Reactor core) [NARDOLE] Doctor, this isn't going to work. [DOCTOR] Isn't it? Why, what do you think I'm doing? [NARDOLE] Electrolysis. Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's clever. I wish I could see me doing that. [NARDOLE] Doctor, that water is cooling the nuclear core. We'd enjoy five minutes of oxygen before the whole thing overheated and blew. [DOCTOR] Yes, five whole minutes! We could boil the hell out of an egg! Stop being such a quitter! [NARDOLE] Doctor, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have saved her! [DOCTOR] You know what's wrong with this universe? Believe me, I've looked into it. Everyone says it's not their fault. Well, yes, it is. All of it.It's all your fault. So, what are you going to do about it? [NARDOLE] There's nothing we can do! She's dead. [DOCTOR] She's no more dead than you are. Than I am. Than everyone on this station is. Get me to a keyboard. [NARDOLE] What? Why? [DOCTOR] Because I'm not trying to make oxygen. Keyboard! Now, please! [IVAN] You think you have a plan. [DOCTOR] We've got exactly one plan left. [IVAN] What plan? [DOCTOR] The big one. The one you've been waiting for all your life. [ABBY] What's he doing? [NARDOLE] Coolant system again. [DOCTOR] Yes, I've rejigged it a tiny little bit. Either that, or I've really screwed up the plumbing. It's tough when you're blind. [ABBY] We need to know about this plan. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. The nice thing about life is, however bad it gets, there's always one last option available. [DOCTOR] Dying well. [ABBY] No. No! [IVAN] What is it? [ABBY] Our life signs. He's wired them to the coolant system. If we die, it vents. [DOCTOR] When the suits kill us - and they are going to kill us - the core will blow and the whole station will be destroyed. One very big boom. [NARDOLE] Is that really the best you've got? Revenge? [DOCTOR] Not just revenge. It's revenge as bright as the sun. It's revenge you can see across galaxies! Not bad for a blind man. [IVAN] He's locked us out of the subroutine. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought I was tweeting. [ABBY] They're through the third lock. [DOCTOR] Open the doors. [IVAN] Are you of your mind? [DOCTOR] Er, yes, completely, but that's not a recent thing. Listen, all we've got left is a good death. This is the moment you've been waiting for since the day you were born. Don't screw it up now. [ABBY] There's rescue ships on the way. [DOCTOR] No, there isn't! No, there isn't. There never was a rescue ship. [IVAN] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] There was no hacking, no malfunction. The suits are doing exactly what they were designed to do. What your employers are telling them to do. [IVAN] And what would that be? [DOCTOR] Save the oxygen that you are wasting. You've become inefficient. You even told me. Your conveyors were down. [ABBY] So everyone had to die? [DOCTOR] Ah ha! Well, you are just organic components, and you're no longer efficient, so you're being thrown away. You don't believe me? Check on that rescue ship. Access the log. [ABBY] No, not true. None of it. You, you are just a lunatic. [IVAN] It is true, Abby. The ship, it set off before the distress call. [DOCTOR] They're not your rescuers. They're your replacements. The end point of capitalism. A bottom line where human life has no value at all. We're fighting an algorithm, a spreadsheet. Like every worker, everywhere, we're fighting the suits. [IVAN] They're nearly through! [DOCTOR] Open up. Let's send them a message. Let's teach them a lesson they will never forget. If they take our lives, we take their station and every penny they will ever make from it. Die well! It's the finish line! It's winning! [ABBY] Open it. [NARDOLE] (sotto) Doctor! Doctor [DOCTOR] (sotto) What? [NARDOLE] (sotto) It's Bill. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Of course it's Bill. Fate and me, we have a thing. (normal) Hello, suits. Our deaths will be brave and brilliant and unafraid. But above all, suits, our deaths will be (pause) expensive! [DOCTOR] Check your readings. We die, your precious station dies. The whole thing will blow. The company will make the biggest loss in its history. A moment ago, we were too expensive to live. Now we're more expensive dead. Welcome to the rest of your lives. [ABBY] But you said that we were going to die. [DOCTOR] Ah. Technically, I said you were as dead as Bill. Probably should've mentioned. Bill's not dead. [DOCTOR] I saw earlier her suit battery was too low. Not enough for a lethal dose. I know what it takes to kill someone. [IVAN] Ellie. [ABBY] What are they doing? [DOCTOR] Relax. They're giving us their oxygen. It's good for business. [NARDOLE] I'm not sure I'm very happy about it.(The zombies swap oxygen tanks with our survivors.) [IVAN] Thank you. [NARDOLE] It worked! [BILL] Doctor [DOCTOR] Yeah? [BILL] I think I'm alive. [DOCTOR] Yep. You do seem to be under that impression. [NARDOLE] Cuddle. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NARDOLE] Okay. Keep your eyes open. Keep them open up there, that's it. [ABBY] You could have told us your actual plan in the first place. [DOCTOR] I could have told Bill her battery was too weak to kill her, but the suits would have heard. I try never to tell the enemy my secret plan. [NARDOLE] Better? [DOCTOR] Hmm. Ah, we're back in the Tardis. When did that happen? [ABBY] Thank you, Doctor, for all that you've done. I'm sorry that I didn't have more faith in your methods. [DOCTOR] Ah, don't mention it. Now I can set you down on a hub world outside of corporate control, or anywhere, really. The universe is your crustacean. [ABBY] Head Office. We've got a complaint to make. [DOCTOR] I think we can arrange that. [DOCTOR] Promise me you'll be loud? [ABBY] Promise. --------------------------------------- (Office) [BILL] Does it work? [DOCTOR] Does what work? [BILL] Making a complaint to Head Office. [DOCTOR] No idea. Never had a head office. But as far as I remember, there's a successful rebellion six months later. Corporate dominance in space is history,and that about wraps it for capitalism. [BILL] Yay! [DOCTOR] Then the human race finds a whole new mistake. But that's another story. [BILL] Can't wait. [DOCTOR] But you will. [BILL] Laters! [DOCTOR] Laters. [NARDOLE] Never again. [DOCTOR] Stop talking. Now. [NARDOLE] I'm serious. We were so close to not making it back. Then what happens to the vault? You know what's at stake here. [DOCTOR] Really, stop talking. [NARDOLE] What if you got killed out there, huh? What happens to your precious Earth then? You need to be here, and you need to be ready if that door ever opens. Look at me. [DOCTOR] I can't. [NARDOLE] What if you came back injured or sick? You really think our friend down there won't know that? Won't sense it? Look at me! [DOCTOR] Nardole, I can't. I really can't! I can't look at anything ever again. I'm still blind.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e05", "title": "Oxygen"}
Doctor Who (20 May 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - Extremis [ RAFANDO] Death is an increasing problem. With over a billion intelligent species active in this galaxy alone, it is an ever-greater challenge to know how to kill all of them. On this planet, we are proud to serve as executionersto every living thing. The destruction of a Time Lord, however, is a particular honour. [RAFANDO] This technology is precisely calibrated. As you can see, it will stop both hearts, all three brain stems, and deliver a cellular shock wave that will permanently disable regenerative ability. [DOCTOR] I know how it works. [RAFANDO] You certainly will in a moment. Following termination, the body will be placed in a Quantum Fold chamber, under constant guard for no less than a thousand years. In case of, shall we say, relapses. Life can be a cunning enemy. An additional stipulation of the Fatality Index is that the sentence must be carried out by another Time Lord. Apologies for our choice, but your people are not easy to come by. [MISSY] Oh! Doctor! I didn't expect you. Thought you'd retired. Domestic bliss on Darillium, that's the word among the Daleks. What happened? Oh, I see. My condolences. [RAFANDO] The prisoner will kneel. [MISSY] Right. [MISSY] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [DOCTOR] They can't know I'm blind, Missy. No-one can know. Memories are so much worse in the dark. --------------------------------------- (Execution place) [RAFANDO] The Quantum Fold chamber is prepared. [MISSY] Great. [RAFANDO] The sentence will be carried out. Executioner? [MISSY] Please, I'll do anything. Just let me live. --------------------------------------- (Lecture hall) [DOCTOR] Hello? Hello? Who's there? [ANGELO] Good evening, Doctor. [ANGELO] We have come here today direct from the Vatican. [DOCTOR] Oh, right. That's nice. Well, if you've got a collecting tin, I'm sure I can find something. Er, leaky roof, is it? [NARDOLE] Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Stop talking. Stop now. Please, just listen to them. It sounds important. [ANGELO] We have come here to see you because your services and wisdom are recommended at the highest level. [ANGELO] As you can see, this is the personal recommendation of Pope Benedict IX. In 1045. [DOCTOR] Pope Benedict. Lovely girl. What a night. I knew she was trouble, but she wove a spell with her castanets. [ANGELO] Doctor! On behalf of every human soul in this world, of any creed, of any faith, with the utmost respect and in complete secrecy, His Holiness, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, requests most urgently, a personal audience. [DOCTOR] Well, if he's so keen to talk to me, why doesn't he just come here himself? [NARDOLE] He is here. He's standing right in front of us. [DOCTOR] Hello, ah, the Pope. I'm sorry that I didn't recognise you there. You don't do this. The Pope doesn't zoom round the world in the Popemobile, surprising people. Why would you do that? [POPE] Extremis. --------------------------------------- (Office) [ANGELO] There is an ancient text buried deep in the most secret of the Vatican libraries. A text older than the Church itself. The language of this text is lost to us, but thanks to the work of an early Christian sect, the title has survived. [DOCTOR] Okay, so what's the title? [NARDOLE] Oh. Yes, I can see that it says, er, Veritas. Oh. [ANGELO] Literally, The Truth. [DOCTOR] Obviously, this sect, they understood the language. [ANGELO] It died with them. And all copies of their translation disappeared shortly after their mass suicide. A few months ago, after many centuries of work, the Veritas was translated again. [NARDOLE] Right? And? [DOCTOR] What did it say? [ANGELO] No-one knows. Everyone who worked on the translation, and everyone who subsequently read it is now dead. Dead, Doctor, by their own hand. [ANGELO] The Veritas is a short document. A few pages only. And yet, it contains a secret that drives all who know it to destroy themselves. [DOCTOR] Confirmed suicides? All of them? [ANGELO] In every case. Beyond doubt. [DOCTOR] All bodies recovered? [ANGELO] Except one, but we naturally assumed that he had [DOCTOR] Assume nothing. Assumption makes an ass out of you, and umption. Cardinal, one of your translators is missing. [ANGELO] Doctor, those translators were devout. Believers. They took their own lives in the knowledge that suicide is a mortal sin. [POPE] Dottore, will you read the Veritas? --------------------------------------- (Bill's home) [BILL] Loo's through there. [PENNY] Oh, ta! I thought you'd moved out from here? [BILL] Yeah, slightly didn't work out. Second attempt on the way. [MOIRA] Did I hear voices? [BILL] I thought you were going out with Harry tonight? [MOIRA] Howard. [BILL] I don't like knowing their names. I only get attached. [MOIRA] Did you bring someone home? [BILL] Yeah. I'm a grown-up. I can do that, can't I? [MOIRA] Of course not. I have very strict rules about men. [BILL] Probably not as strict as mine. [PENNY] Oh, hello. Are you Moira? [MOIRA] Oh, you're a girl! [PENNY] Mmm. I'm Penny. [MOIRA] Oh! Oh, I see! Oh, I'm sorry. Here's me thinking that she dragged some poor, terrified man home. [BILL] Well, phew. [PENNY] Oh, phew. [MOIRA] Right, you two, I'm off to the pub. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. [BILL] Well [BILL] Alone at last. [PENNY] Oh God, what was that? [BILL] The pipes. It's, it's the, the pipes in, in my bedroom. Be warned. Sometimes I shout at them. [PENNY] What? [BILL] Are you okay? [PENNY] Yeah. Sorry, I'm just not quite used to all of this. [BILL] Well, whatever this is, and actually it's not anything yet, it is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. Okay? [PENNY] Okay. [PENNY] That was the Pope! Bill, that was the Pope! [BILL] Yeah, yeah, give me a minute. I am about to have a truly awesome word with someone. --------------------------------------- (Bill's bedroom) [PENNY] Oh, my God! [BILL] No, Penny! Wait! [BILL] You're all going to Hell. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BILL] Doctor! Here's a tip. When I'm on a date, when that rare and special thing happens in my real life, do not, do not under any circumstances, put the Pope in my bedroom! [DOCTOR] Okay. Now I know. Air cleared. Nardole will explain what's going on. [BILL] Er, Doctor? [NARDOLE] It's, er, I think it's pretty serious. [BILL] What's happened? [NARDOLE] Well, you [NARDOLE] You know the Vatican? [BILL] Yeah. [NARDOLE] The one in Rome? In Italy? [BILL] Yeah [ANGELO] And what is that? [DOCTOR] It's a sort of a, a reading aid. [ANGELO] It looks dangerous. [DOCTOR] Completely deadly. But, you know, swings and roundabouts. [ANGELO] Pope Benedict said that you were more in need of confession than any man breathing. But when the offer was made, you replied it would take too much time. On behalf of the Catholic Church, the offer stands. You seem like a man with regret on his mind. --------------------------------------- (Execution place) [RAFANDO] Have you requested a priest? [MISSY] Well, I haven't. [DOCTOR] Apparently, I have. [RAFANDO] I shall seek consultation. [RAFANDO] There are four hundred and twelve precedents in the Fatality Index. Divine intervention, therefore, is permitted for a maximum of five minutes. [MISSY] Five minutes. [RAFANDO] The executioner may now discuss his immortal soul and any peril thereunto. [FIGURE] Greetings, sinner. Only in darkness are we revealed. [DOCTOR] I never sent for you. [FIGURE] Goodness is not goodness that seeks advantage. Good is good in the final hour, in the deepest pit without hope, without witness, without reward.Virtue is only virtue in extremis. This is what he believes, and this is the reason above all, I love him. My husband. My madman in a box. My Doctor. [NARDOLE] Your missus wouldn't approve. [DOCTOR] How the hell did you get here? [NARDOLE] Followed you from Darillium, on the explicit orders of your late wife, River Song. Warning, I have full permission to kick your arse. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NARDOLE] Okay, so you're blind and you don't want your enemies to know. I get it. But why does it have to be a secret from Bill? [DOCTOR] Because I don't like being worried about. Around me, people should be worried about themselves. [NARDOLE] Yeah, shall I tell you the real reason? [DOCTOR] No. [NARDOLE] Because the moment you tell Bill, it becomes real. And then you might actually have to deal with it. [DOCTOR] Good point, well made. Definitely not telling her now. [NARDOLE] You're an idiot. [DOCTOR] Everyone knows that. --------------------------------------- (Vatican) [POPE] Que deve proseguire senza di me. Il Cardinale Angelo vi condurra alla biblioteca. [ANGELO] Here you must go without me. Cardinal Angelo will conduct you to the library. [POPE] Possa il Signore illuminare il vostro cammino. [ANGELO] May God light your path. [DOCTOR] Well, he could certainly give it a go. [ANGELO] The entrance to the Haereticum, the library of forbidden and heretical texts. First instituted by your old friend, Pope Benedict, who still guards the door. [NARDOLE] You old dog. --------------------------------------- (Library) [ANGELO] Very few know this place exists. The library of blasphemy, the Haereticum. [BILL] Harry Potter! [DOCTOR] Language! [ANGELO] Please, stay close to me. The layout is designed to confuse the uninitiated. [DOCTOR] Sort of like religion, really. [BILL] You happy in those shades? Not dark enough for you? [DOCTOR] In darkness, we are revealed. --------------------------------------- (Execution place) [NARDOLE] Remember, sinner, in darkness, we are revealed. [RAFANDO] I regret, gentlemen, this consultation is over. [MISSY] I regret it, too. [RAFANDO] The sentence must now be carried out. [MISSY] Well, take a few more minutes if you like. Knock yourself out. Actually do. Do that. Knock yourself right out. [MISSY] I'll be good, I promise. I'll turn, I'll turn good. Please. Teach me, teach me how to be good. [DOCTO] Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. --------------------------------------- (Library) [DOCTOR] Who was your date, then? [BILL] Er, Penny. It's a long story. [ANGELO] The very centre of the Haereticum. Home of the Veritas for over a thousand years. [DOCTOR] Truth in the heart of heresy. [ANGELO] And death in the heart of truth. [NARDOLE] You'd be wizard at writing Christmas crackers, you two. [NARDOLE] Doctor! [BILL] What's that? [ANGELO] I don't know. [NARDOLE] Oh, look, it's a mysterious light, shining round a corner, approximately ten feet away. [ANGELO] Hello? Who's there? [BILL] Doctor? [ANGELO] This library is forbidden! [BILL] No, wait! [ANGELO] Who are you? [ANGELO] What are you doing here? Speak! [ANGELO] Speak to me. [DOCTOR] What's through there? What's through that door? [ANGELO] There is no door there. It's a wall. [ANGELO] Impossible. Quite impossible. [DOCTOR] Let's take a look at the Veritas. I have a feeling the answers might be there. [ANGELO] I have to check if there is a breach in the wall. I'll unlock the cage in a moment. [DOCTOR] Sure. [BILL] Oh, my God! [DOCTOR] What's wrong? Oh, hang on. [DOCTOR] I think there's someone in there. [NARDOLE] Yeah, we are very slightly getting that. [PIERO] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [PIERO] I sent it. [DOCTOR] Sent what? [PIERO] I sent it, yes. [DOCTOR] Sent what where? [NARDOLE] No, stop. You'll just get lost. [DOCTOR] Cardinal Angelo, someone just broke into your book cage. [NARDOLE] Priest, by the look of him. Shot out the lock. [DOCTOR] Oh well, he hasn't gone far. So much for your forbidden library, Cardinal. --------------------------------------- (Veritas cage) [BILL] Doctor, look at this. Must have been his. [NARDOLE] A laptop. [BILL] Hey, there's Wi-Fi down here. [DOCTOR] Of course there's Wi-Fi. It's a library. [NARDOLE] Reading chair with a safety belt? [BILL] What's CERN? [NARDOLE] CERN? [DOCTOR] The European Organization For Nuclear Research. The largest particle physics laboratory on this planet. Why? [NARDOLE] Because four hours ago, someone, that priest presumably, e-mailed them a copy of the Veritas translation from this computer. [BILL] Remember what he said. He said, I sent it. He sent the Veritas. [NARDOLE] And CERN have just replied. [DOCTOR] What'd they say? [BILL] Pray for us. When do a bunch of scientists ask for prayers? [DOCTOR] The same time anyone does. When they're very, very afraid. [DOCTOR] Particle physicists and priests. What could scare them both? [BILL] He's been down here for a while, that guy. Whoever he is. [DOCTOR] At a guess, the missing translator. [BILL] Oh, that's promising. [NARDOLE] Promising? [BILL] Yeah, at least one person read the Veritas and lived. [NARDOLE] I think we know he isn't. [DOCTOR] We know nothing of the kind. He might need help. He might have useful information. He's about fifty feet that way. [BILL] Are you trying to get rid of us? [DOCTOR] Why? [NARDOLE] Because you're sending us into the dark, after a man with a gun. [DOCTOR] Ah, well, I've thought of that. [NARDOLE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Nardole, make sure that you walk in front of Bill. [NARDOLE] Oh, great. [BILL] Are you going to read this? Is that why you're sending us off? [DOCTOR] I won't read this without you. [NARDOLE] Really, he won't. [BILL] Promise? [DOCTOR] Trust me. [BILL] We'll shout if we need you. [DOCTOR] Me too. [BILL] Does it give you the fear when he says trust me? [NARDOLE] If I worked here, I'd cross meself. --------------------------------------- (Library) [NARDOLE] Bill, stay close by me, there's a man with a gun. Uh-uh-uh. [BILL] Yeah, you don't actually have to do that. In fact, don't you dare do that. [NARDOLE] Uh-uh-uh, Bill. You're to walk behind me now, like the Doctor said. [BILL] Yeah, totally not happening. [NARDOLE] Okay, Bill. Miss Potts. [NARDOLE] I am the only person you have ever met, or ever will meet, who is officially licensed to kick the Doctor's arse. I will happily do the same to you, in the event that you do not align yourself with any instructions I have issued which I personally judgeto be in the best interests of your safety and survival. [NARDOLE] Okay, Bill? [BILL] Okay. [NARDOLE] Good-o! [BILL] Nardole, are you secretly a badass? [NARDOLE] Nothing secret about it, baby doll. [NARDOLE] Well, that answers that question. [BILL] It's an opening, like we saw before. [NARDOLE] Yeah, like a portal. [BILL] You're right. [NARDOLE] About what? [BILL] It would be stupid to go and look. --------------------------------------- (Veritas cage) [DOCTOR] Cardinal Angelo? I could do with your help here. [DOCTOR] I'm not absolutely sure how this is going to work. Either it's going to temporarily fix my eyesight, or it's going to burn out my brain. Just, er, give me a mo. --------------------------------------- (Execution place) [MISSY] I am your friend. [DOCTOR] Makes no difference. [MISSY] I know it doesn't. I know I'm going to die. I have to say it, the truth. Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. I am your friend. [DOCTOR] On my oath as a Time Lord of the Prydonian Chapter, I will guard this body for a thousand years. --------------------------------------- (Pentagon) [WOMAN] Hello? [NARDOLE] Hello. [WOMAN] Who are you? Do you have clearance for Floor Three? [NARDOLE] Floor Three of what? [WOMAN] Of what? [BILL] Of what? [WOMAN] The Pentagon! --------------------------------------- (Hub) [BILL] So the Pentagon is through there. [NARDOLE] Yeah. [BILL] And, and, and the Vatican is through there. [NARDOLE] Yeah. [NARDOLE] I wonder what's through here? [BILL] What is this? How is this possible? [NARDOLE] Alien technology. Let's see what else they've got. (the next light to the left) Ooo. Bill! Come and take a look at this. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [NICOLAS] Oh, hello. Are you coming? [BILL] Coming where? [NICOLAS] We're all in the cafeteria. You mustn't miss it. [BILL] Why? [NICOLAS] We'll all go together when we go. (laughs) Come on! --------------------------------------- (Veritas cage) [DOCTOR] Cardinal, it worked. I can see. Not well enough, not yet. The thing about the universe is, whatever you need, you can always borrow, as long as you pay it back. I just borrowed from my future. I get a few minutes of proper eyesight, but I lose something. Maybe all my future regenerations will be blind. Maybe I won't regenerate ever again. Maybe I'll drop dead in twenty minutes. But I will be able to read this! [DOCTOR] Now, I have no idea how that is going to affect me, so I'd be a bit stupid to reject the precautions provided. Could you help me, please? Could you help me? [DOCTOR] You know, I've read a lot of books that this chair would be quite useful for. Moby Dick. Honestly, shut up, and get to the whale. [DOCTOR] You invited friends and family? [DOCTOR] Oh, it's the old, old story. They never look so good in the morning. [DOCTOR] Goodbye to the truth? I came a long way to read that book! Two thousand years at the last count. If you don't want me to read it, you could have stopped me any time you wanted. Why the play acting? This is not a game. [MONK] This is a game. [DOCTOR] Good, because I win. [MONK] Doctor! Doctor! [MONK] Doctor, we have the Veritas. --------------------------------------- (Cafeteria) [NICOLAS] Come, come, come, come. [BILL] CERN. [NARDOLE] Where what's-his-name sent the Veritas. [NICOLAS] Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention please! I've been round everywhere, and I've checked everything. It's all ready to go. Five minutes. Last orders please! [NARDOLE] (sotto) Look under the tables. [BILL] (sotto) Oh, my God. --------------------------------------- (Library) [DOCTOR] Oh no. Oh, no! No, not yet! No, no, no, no! --------------------------------------- (Cafeteria) [NICOLAS] In vino veritas. [BILL] Why are you doing this? You've got explosives! [NICOLAS] We're saving the world. [NARDOLE] You know, we should go. We should probably even run. [BILL] How is blowing yourselves up saving the world? [NICOLAS] Because this isn't the world! [BILL] This isn't what? [NARDOLE] Bill, time, tiny bit running out. [NICOLAS] You haven't read it. You haven't read the Veritas. [NARDOLE] Sorry, love to, but must dash. [NICOLAS] Choose a number. Any number. Both of you. Now. And say it when I tap this table. [BOTH] 36. [NICOLAS] Try again. Keep going. [BOTH] 17. [NARDOLE] Huh? [NICOLAS] Again, don't stop. Every time I tap the table. [BOTH] 9. 48. 103. A million. Seven million and seven. [NICOLAS] 67. [BOTH] 905. [THREE] 20,460. [ALL] 12. 4. 87. 702! [BILL] What is this? How are you doing that? [NICOLAS] It's a test. It's a shadow test. I'm really very sorry. [ALL] Eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! --------------------------------------- (Hub) [BILL] Okay, what was that about? Those numbers, how did they do that? [NARDOLE] Ooo. Oh. Ooo! [BILL] You okay? [NARDOLE] No! Yes. No! [BILL] Someone's been through here. Could be the Doctor. [NARDOLE] Those things, what do they look like? [BILL] Projectors. [NARDOLE] Exactly. [BILL] Yeah, they're projecting the portals. [NARDOLE] No, they're not. They're projecting everything. Those worlds, they're all projected. The Pentagon, the Vatican, CERN. [BILL] They're not real? [NARDOLE] No, no, they're holograms. They're holographic simulations. And the people in them, too. [BILL] Sorry, what? [NARDOLE] You know, like the holodeck on Star Trek, or a really posh VR without a headset. Through there, those places, that's basically Grand Theft Auto. [BILL] But it can't be. [NARDOLE] It is! Look at the tech. It definitely is. [BILL] What? Sorry, you're not making any sense. When did we end up in a computer game? When did that start? [NARDOLE] I don't know. Maybe when we arrived at the Vatican? But I programmed the Tardis myself. We were on target. We went to the Vatican, the real one, I'm sure of it. Oh. [BILL] Oh? [NARDOLE] Those machines, they project the simulations. [BILL] Yeah? [NARDOLE] And I'm just wondering what happens if we move outside the light of the projector? Don't let me be right. Please, don't let me be right. [NARDOLE] I'm part of it! I'm part of the simulation! Bill, I'm not real! [NARDOLE] Bill! [BILL] Nardole! [BILL] Doctor. Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Oval office) [DOCTOR] Bill, is that you? [BILL] Hello, Doctor. Is that the President? [DOCTOR] It was. [BILL] I take it he read the Veritas. [DOCTOR] So did I. Well, I listened to it. There's this thing on here, it reads aloud to you. It's very useful. Who needs Nardole? Where is Nardole? [BILL] I need to know what's real and what isn't real. [DOCTOR] Don't we all? [BILL] Don't play games. Tell me. [DOCTOR] The Veritas tells of an evil demon who wants to conquer the world. But to do it, he needs to learn about it first. So he creates a shadow world, a world for him to practise conquering, full of shadow people who think they're real. [BILL] There was a thing. The shadow test? [DOCTOR] If you're in doubt whether you're real or not, the Veritas invites you to write down as many numbers as you like, of any size, in any order, and then turn the page. [BILL] All the same numbers in the same order. [DOCTOR] Yes. Let's bring the story up to date, Bill. Imagine an alien life form of immense power and sophistication, and it wants to conquer the Earth. So it runs a simulation. A holographic simulation of all of Earth's history and every person alive on the surface. A practice Earth, to assess the abilitiesof the resident population. Especially the ones smart enough to realise that they are just simulants inside a great big computer game. [BILL] But this is, this (knocks on the desk) This is real. I feel it. [DOCTOR] Computers aren't good with random numbers. If you ask a computer simulated person to generate a random string of numbers, it won't truly be random. And if all the simulated people are part of the same computer programme, then they'll all generate the same string. The exact same numbers. [BILL] The numbers. I said them, too. [DOCTOR] I know. So did I. The trouble is, when simulants develop enough independent intelligence to realise what they are, there's a risk they'll rebel. Those deaths, they weren't suicide. Those were people escaping. It's like, er, Super Mario figuring out what's going on, deleting himself from the game because he's sick of dying. [BILL] No, I'm real. I feel real! [DOCTOR] Those pretend people you shoot at in computer games. Now you know. [BILL] Know what? [DOCTOR] They think they're real. They feel it. We feel it. [BILL] Please, help me. [DOCTOR] Bill, what's happening to you? [BILL] Save me. [DOCTOR] Bill, are you there? [MONK] She was not real. You are not real. [DOCTOR] No, I'm not. I'm a shadow. A puppet Doctor for you to practise killing. [MONK] We have killed you many times. [DOCTOR] Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you kill me now? [MONK] You suffer. Pain is information. Information will be gathered. [DOCTOR] Turn me off. Turn me off! I have nothing. Not even hope. [MISSY] (memory) Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. [DOCTOR] Funny. I don't believe much. I'm not sure I believe anything. But right now, belief is all I am. Virtue is only virtue in extremis. I take it that your intention is to invade the Earth? [MONK] The simulations have been run. The Earth will be ours. [DOCTOR] Well, consider this a warning on the eve of war. I am the Doctor. I am what stands between you and them. [MONK] You are not the Doctor. You are not real. [DOCTOR] Oh, you don't have to be real to be the Doctor. Long as you never give up. Long as you always trick the bad guys into their own traps.And here's the trap you fell into. Your simulation, it's far too good. [DOCTOR] Do you see these? They're set to record. I'm blind, you see, so I'm psychically wired into these, so my memory print of the last few hours will still be intact on here. Information about you! [MONK] You are not real. There is nothing you can do. [DOCTOR] There's always one thing you can do from inside a computer. Even if you're a jumped-up little subroutine, you can do it. You can always (puts on the shades) e-mail! [MONK] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] I'm doing what everybody does when the world is in danger. I'm calling the Doctor. Pressing send. --------------------------------------- (Bill's home) [BILL] I'm doing it, I'm doing it. The essay, I'm doing it. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [DOCTOR] Are you on a date? [BILL [OC]] No. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? --------------------------------------- (Bill's home / Outside the Vault) [BILL] I think I'd kind of notice? [DOCTOR] What about Penny? Do you know a girl called Penny? [BILL] Well, yeah. [DOCTOR] What's she like? [BILL] Out of my league. [DOCTOR] No. [BILL] Sorry, what? No? [DOCTOR] No. [BILL] What does that mean, no? [DOCTOR] It means I'm a scary, handsome genius from space and I'm telling you no, she's not out of your league. [BILL] Okay, well, maybe I'll call her tomorrow. [DOCTOR] Call her tonight. [BILL] Tonight? [DOCTOR] Something's coming, Bill. Something very big, and something possibly very, very bad. And I have the feeling that we're going to be very busy. Call her tonight. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [DOCTOR] Listen. If it comes down to it, if you're all I've got left and I need your help, you said you were my friend. --------------------------------------- (Execution place) [MISSY] Oi! Get off. Get off! I've just been executed. Show a little respect. [RAFANDO] She's, she's alive. [MISSY] I was just a bit sleepy, all right? Let's not split hairs. Shut up. Night-night. [DOCTOR] Of course she's not dead. She's a friend of mine. I may have fiddled with your wiring a little bit. [RAFANDO] You swore an oath. [DOCTOR] I swore an oath I'd look after her body for a thousand years. Nobody mentioned dead. [RAFANDO] You cannot do this. You will not leave this planet alive. [DOCTOR] Do me a favour. The Fatality Index. Look up The Doctor. [RAFANDO] You have an entry, just like any other sentient being. [DOCTOR] Under Cause Of Death. [RAFANDO] You do seem to have an impressive record of fatalities credited to you. [RAFANDO] A truly remarkable record. [RAFANDO] Where are you going? He's unarmed! You are unarmed? [DOCTOR] Always. [RAFANDO] You stand alone? [DOCTOR] Often. [RAFANDO] You're the one who should be afraid. [DOCTOR] Never. [RAFANDO] Have a nice day, then. [DOCTOR] Nardole, help me move Missy to the Vault. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [DOCTOR] Something's coming, Missy, and I'm blind. How can I save them when I'm lost to the dark?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e06", "title": "Extremis"}
Doctor Who (27 May 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - The Pyramid at the End of the World [PENNY] Your tutor's a what? [BILL] An alien. [PENNY] What do you mean, an alien? [BILL] A space one. A space alien. [POPE [previously]] Will you read the Veritas? [NARDOLE [previously]] So you're blind and you don't want your enemies to know. --------------------------------------- (Street) [PENNY] So your tutor ran a computer simulation. [BILL] Well, yeah, more like he got, like, trapped inside one. [PENNY] Can that happen? [BILL] Yeah, he's an alien. [PENNY] A space one. [BILL] Yeah, a space one. Let's just call it a sort of dream. [PENNY] Are you just completely mad? [BILL] Is it working? [PENNY] A little bit. [BILL] Not so mad, then. [MONK [previously]] What are you doing? [DOCTOR [previously]] I'm doing what everybody does when the world is in danger. I'm calling the Doctor. Pressing send. --------------------------------------- (Bill's home) [PENNY] So this computer-simulation-dream thing. [BILL] Yeah? [PENNY] Which, to be clear, I don't believe a word of. [BILL] Fair enough. [PENNY] You said I was in it? [BILL] Yeah. [PENNY] How did it go? The dream version. [PENNY] (laughing) The Pope? [BILL] In person. [PENNY] The Pope, in your flat. Here? [BILL] Yeah. [PENNY] Your tutor has strange dreams. [BILL] I bet he does, you know. [PENNY] Maybe he's just trying to keep you on the straight and narrow. [BILL] Maybe, yeah. How do you feel on the subject? [PENNY] Whoa! [SOLDIER] Stay where you are! Clear. [COMMANDER] Please remain still and calm. Sit down. Keep your hands in sight on the table. Miss Potts? [BILL] Yeah. [COMMANDER] Who's this? [BILL] This is my friend Penny. Who the hell are you? [OFFICER] Room secure, your Excellency. [COMMANDER] This is Miss Potts, sir. [BILL] Hi. [COMMANDER] Miss Potts, this is the Secretary-General of the UN. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] I have flown here today to speak to the President. I'm told you might be able to help. [BILL] I don't know the President. How would I know the President? I mean, I wouldn't even have voted for him. He's orange. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] I mean the President. The Doctor. [BILL] The Doctor's not a president. What's he president of? [SECRETARY-GENERAL] Well, in times of crisis, Earth. [PENNY] Is it okay if I get an Über? --------------------------------------- (Limousine) [BILL] President of the world? [SECRETARY-GENERAL] In times of unusual danger, that status is made official. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] Turmezistan, near the border. This is a disputed area. Potential hot spot. The Chinese have troops here, the Russians here, the Americans here.And in the centre [BILL] A pyramid. [OFFICER] Sir, I have Colonel Brabbit on the line. Colonel Brabbit, you're on with the Secretary-General. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] Colonel, what have you to report? [BRABBIT] (American) Nothing, sir. Nothing at all. It seems dormant. [BILL] Reporting what? What's dormant? [SECRETARY-GENERAL] The pyramid. We are keeping it under observation. [BILL] Why? What's it been doing? [BRABBIT] You haven't told her? [SECRETARY-GENERAL] I haven't, no. [BRABBIT] It's a five thousand year old pyramid. Just one problem with that. One little problem. It wasn't there yesterday. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] The end of your life has already begun. There is a last place you will ever go, a last door you will ever walk through, a last sight you will ever see,and every step you ever take is moving you closer. The end of the world --------------------------------------- (Ordinary street) [DOCTOR [OC]] Is a billion, billion tiny moments. [ERICA] Don't shut the door! [DOCTOR [OC]] And somewhere, unnoticed [MAN] Sorry. [DOCTOR [OC]] In silence or in darkness [ERICA] Damn it! [DOCTOR [OC]] It has already begun. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BILL [OC]] You talking to yourself in there? [DOCTOR] I'm meditating. [BILL [OC]] You've been in there for hours. I've been trying to talk to you. Have you double-locked this thing? [DOCTOR] I'm busy thinking. Excellent. Who needs eyesight? Those Monk creatures I told you about. If they've modelled every event in human history, if they've simulated entire eventsstreamed from day one till now, think what they'd know. Think what they could do with that. [BILL [OC]] The UN called. They want you in Turmezistan immediately. [DOCTOR] Tell them no. --------------------------------------- (UN aeroplane) [DOCTOR] Oh. [NARDOLE] They wouldn't take no for an answer. [DOCTOR] How did they get it out of my office? The windows aren't big enough. [COMMANDER] Oh. They are now. [BILL] Are you going to ask what's going on? [DOCTOR] Last I heard, you were on a date with Penny. What happened? [BILL] Er, the United Nations Secretary-General. [DOCTOR] Awesome. [BILL] Nah, that wasn't a metaphor. [DOCTOR] Good, because I really wasn't following it. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] Mister President, I'm very pleased to see you. I think we have something of interest. [DOCTOR] Why don't you tell me in your own words? [SECRETARY-GENERAL] It's a matter of a pyramid. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel Research Operations) [DOUGLAS] Ah. You're an angel. [ERICA] Hey. You look, and don't take this the wrong way, you look awful. [DOUGLAS] How could anyone possibly take that the wrong way? [ERICA] Big night last night? [DOUGLAS] There was drinking. There were breakages. [ERICA] Textbook. [DOUGLAS] We're going to stage two today. [ERICA] Well, it would be rude not to. You okay mixing it? I broke my reading glasses. --------------------------------------- (Near the Pyramid) [DOCTOR] Tell me what you see. [BILL] A five thousand year old pyramid. [DOCTOR] What do you know? [BILL] It wasn't there yesterday. [DOCTOR] Therefore? [BILL] It's not really a pyramid. It's something disguised as a pyramid, that just appeared out of thin air, and that's all way beyond human technology, so it's got to be alien. It's an alien space ship. [DOCTOR] There you go. [BRABBIT] But what's it doing? [DOCTOR] It could have chosen anywhere on this planet. It chose to sit on the strategic intersection of the three most powerful armies on Earth. So what it's doing, Colonel, is sending us a message. [BRABBIT] What message? [DOCTOR] Bring it. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] Mister President? [BRABBIT] Sir? What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Bringing it. Nardole. [NARDOLE] On it, sir. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] What's he doing? We don't know what that thing is capable of. [NARDOLE] Nothing yet, all looks fine. [BILL] What are you doing? [NARDOLE] Oh, updating him. [NARDOLE] There's something's happening, sir. It's opening up, sir. There's a door. [DOCTOR] Nardole? [NARDOLE] Something's coming out, sir. [NARDOLE] Going by the description you gave me from the simulation, sir, I think that's one of the Monk creatures. [DOCTOR] Hello? [MONK] We know you. [DOCTOR] Then you'll know that there is a line in the sand, and I'm the man on the other side of it. You want to keep me that way. [MONK] We will take this planet and its people. [DOCTOR] You will be prevented. You will be fought. [MONK] We will be invited. We will take this world. We will rule its people. But only when we're asked. We will talk again. [DOCTOR] When? [MONK] At the end of the Earth. [BRABBIT] 11 [BILL] Yeah, mine too. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] It's everyone's. 11.57 PM. [NARDOLE] Did you get that, sir? Everyone's phone's gone to 11 [DOCTOR] Yep, same here. [BILL] What's [BILL] What does that mean, 11 [DOCTOR] Also known as three minutes to midnight. The Doomsday Clock. [NARDOLE] The what? [DOCTOR] Symbolic clock face, representing a countdown to possible global catastrophe, started by some atomic scientists in 1947.The closer they set the clock to midnight, the closer we are to global disaster. Currently, it's set at three minutes to midnight. [BILL] So now every clock in the world is the Doomsday Clock. [DOCTOR] Thanks to the Monks, yes. [BRABBIT] Is this a threat? [DOCTOR] I wish it was. Threats are easy. I think this is a warning. Somewhere, somehow, the end has begun. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [DOUGLAS] Fully automated. [ERICA] Lunch? [DOUGLAS] Well, it'd be rude not to. --------------------------------------- (Turmezistan - Russian sector) [ILYA] Da? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Hello. Privyet. Sorry about that. Needed the call to zero in on your co-ordinates. Now, this is the Secretary-General of the UN. I am the President of the world. And this is Xiaolian, she's in charge of the Chinese army. Say hi to each other. Now, we've been having a bit of chat.The thing is, World War Three. What do you think? Basically, we're against it. --------------------------------------- (UN Base Turmezistan) [DOCTOR] Listen to me. Those creatures in that pyramid, they have studied your species, your civilisation, your entire history. They've run a computer simulation of this world since you lot first slopped out of the ocean looking for a fight,and they have chosen this exact moment and this exact place to arrive. Why? [BILL] Because a war's about to break out? [DOCTOR] Possibly. But whatever it is, they're right here, right now because they believe humanity will be at its weakest. [XIAOLIAN] Then we'll demonstrate strength. We will attack the pyramid. [NARDOLE] Force is never the answer. Isn't that right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Contact your masters. Co-ordinate your attacks. [NARDOLE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] I doubt you'll even scratch that thing, but if you demonstrate strength and unity, they might choose to step away. (sotto) Bill, take that look off your face. [BILL] There's no look on my face. [DOCTOR] They did not come here in peace. We have to do what we can. [BILL] Yeah, I get it. [NARDOLE] It's two minutes to now. [DOCTOR] The Doomsday Clock is moving. [SECRETARY-GENERAL] What do we do? [DOCTOR] Co-ordinate your attacks. [BILL] What's wrong with him? What's wrong with the Doctor? [DOCTOR] Did Nardole send you to speak to me? [BILL] Might have done. Might have said there was something you ought to tell me. [DOCTOR] Funny thing, fear, isn't it? Once it rules you, you're even afraid to admit what's scaring you. For the record, I, for one, fully understand my weakness. [BILL] Oh God, what's that? --------------------------------------- (En route to the Pyramid) [PILOT] Approaching target. Permission to strike. [BILL] So, why is the pyramid active now? [DOCTOR] Possibly they know they're about to be bombed. [PILOT] Target distance ten miles. Set position five degrees. [PILOT] Red 12. Mayday! Mayday! --------------------------------------- (Near the Pyramid) [NARDOLE] It's the Monks. They've hijacked the plane. How did they do that? [NARDOLE] Oh, they're fine. The crew are alive. [BILL] Who are those guys? [ILYA] I think they're ours. [BILL] Yours? [ILYA] We targeted the pyramid with a missile. [ILYA] From a submarine. [DOCTOR] So demonstrating strength isn't going to help. [MONK [OC]] We are ready to talk. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [ERICA] Why don't you just take the afternoon off if you feel that bad? [DOUGLAS] I can't just take the afternoon off. [ERICA] How about a kip on the floor under your desk? [DOUGLAS] Now, that's an idea I can get behind. --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [BILL] I mean, this is a trap, right? [DOCTOR] Possibly. Probably. [BILL] And we're just walking into it. [DOCTOR] Well, every trap you walk into is a chance to learn about your enemies. Impossible to set a trap without making a self-portraitof your own weaknesses. [BILL] Great. Unless it kills us. [DOCTOR] Well, you could say that about anything. [MONK] The human race is about to end. The chain of events is already in motion. Life on Earth will cease by humanity's own hand. Observe. --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [DOCTOR] Ah. The simulation machine looks a bit different from the outside. [MONK] We are modelling the future. Each thread is a chain of days, leading to your end. We can detect when a catastropheis about to occur. [DOCTOR] And? [MONK] Stop it from occurring. [BRABBIT] You don't look much like guardian angels. [MONK] We have chosen this form to look like you. [BRABBIT] You look like corpses. [MONK] You are corpses to us. Your world is ending. You can do nothing, but we can save you. [DOCTOR] Save us, then. [MONK] To save you we must be asked. [DOCTOR] Then what? [MONK] We will protect you. [DOCTOR] How long for? [MONK] Forever. [DOCTOR] Do you understand now? Do you see? Asking them for help has conditions. Invite them in, and it will be the last free action you take. [MONK] If you do not ask for help, then see the days to come. These are the threads that lead to one year in your future. Take them as proof. [XIAOLIAN] What was that? [DOCTOR] Planet Earth with not a single living thing. Dead as the moon. [BRABBIT] You seem pretty damn calm about it. [DOCTOR] Do I? Oh, I'm sorry. It's not my first dead planet. [MONK] Ask for help. It will be given. [DOCTOR] Why do you need to be asked? [MONK] Power must consent. [DOCTOR] Power must consent. What does that mean? [MONK] Those who hold power on this world must consent to our dominion. [DOCTOR] Why? [NARDOLE] One minute to midnight. [DOCTOR] You could take this planet in a, in a heartbeat. Why do you need consent? [MONK] We must be wanted. We must be loved. To rule through fear is inefficient. [DOCTOR] Of course. Fear is temporary. Love is slavery. [DOCTOR] No. No, don't do this. Please, don't even consider this! [SECRETARY-GENERAL] What I saw was real. I felt it. If you can help us, I consent. [DOCTOR] Please, listen to me! [MONK] Do you have power? [SECRETARY-GENERAL] I have power. [MONK] Does power consent? [DOCTOR] Please, stop. Just stop this. [MONK] If your consent is impure, it will kill you. [DOCTOR] Impure? What does that mean, impure? [MONK] You act out of fear. Fear is not consent. [DOCTOR] Planet Earth does not consent to your help, your presence, or your conquest. Thank you for playing the big pyramid game. Bye, bye. See you again next week, hopefully not. [MONK] Without our help, Planet Earth is doomed. [DOCTOR] Yes? Well, it's been doomed before. Guess what happened? Me! --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel greenhouse) [ERICA] What are you doing? [DOUGLAS] I just need a minute. I was about to throw up in my suit. [ERICA] I did that once. [DOUGLAS] Urgh. [ERICA] Oh, my God. [DOUGLAS] Okay. Whatever that is, that is not meant to happen. [ERICA] We need to sort this. --------------------------------------- (UN Base Turmezistan) [DOCTOR] Why do they need consent? [BILL] Maybe they're like vampires. Can't come in unless they're invited. [DOCTOR] They're not vampires. [XIAOLIAN] The future we saw. Is it the war? Do we bring that future about? [DOCTOR] That would seem to be the most obvious conclusion. [XIAOLIAN] No. I say, no. Friend, I will not fight you. [ILYA] We are just soldiers in the field. [XIAOLIAN] Are we too afraid to disobey? [BRABBIT] I'm not. [ILYA] Neither am I. [BILL] This is amazing. [BRABBIT] What do you think, Mister President? Did we just give peace a chance? [DOCTOR] The clock. [BRABBIT] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] Look at the clock. [NARDOLE] It's still one minute to midnight. [XIAOLIAN] It made no difference. How could this make no difference? [DOCTOR] Because it's not you who's going to end the world. You were never the problem. [BILL] Then who is the problem? [DOCTOR] Something is happening somewhere else. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [DOCTOR [OC]] Somewhere in the world, in silence or in darkness, the world is ending right now. And we have to find out where. [ERICA] It's gone crazy. It's much too strong. It's not just breaking the root system down, it's killing the whole thing. We have to seal off the lab, the greenhouse, everything. This can't be allowed to get into the atmosphere. --------------------------------------- (UN Base Turmezistan) [BRABBIT] This is impossible. We can't search a whole planet in a few minutes. [DOCTOR] Narrow it down. They landed the pyramid in the middle of military crisis. What was the point of that? [BILL] Okay, what was the point? [DOCTOR] What was the effect? They told us the world was ending in a potential war zone. What did we assume was going to happen? [BILL] World War Three. [DOCTOR] But it didn't. The trick with misdirection, don't look where the arrow is pointing, look where it's pointing away from. So, what's already on our radar that we should be worried about right now? Forget about war. What else could end the world? [NARDOLE] Bacteria. [DOCTOR] I like the sound of that. [XIAOLIAN] New strain of flu? Plague? [DOCTOR] People can be immune. And whatever it is will kill all life on Earth, not just humans. Plague discriminates. So this isn't a plan, it's a mistake. Somebody, somewhere, is doing something that's about to blow up in everybody's face. [ILYA] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] The distraction tells us that whatever's coming is already on a watchlist. I just put all the top-secret intelligence documentsin the world online in searchable format. [BRABBIT] What! [DOCTOR] Sit down and google. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [ERICA] It's never done anything like that before. Check the mix. Anything? [ERICA] Douglas? Douglas! Douglas?! --------------------------------------- (UN Base Turmezistan) [BRABBIT] Doctor, listen. [DOCTOR] What? [BRABBIT] Isn't it worth at least just considering doing the deal? [DOCTOR] What deal? [BRABBIT] All we have to do is consent. [DOCTOR] That's what the Secretary-General thought. They burned him. [BRABBIT] He was afraid. I'm not being afraid, I'm being smart. [DOCTOR] Yeah, being smart is not giving away your planet. So, an accident, leading to irrevocable consequences. I like bacteria. They can spread. Once they're out, you can't put them away again. What could they do? What do you depend on? [NARDOLE] Air, water, food, beer. [DOCTOR] Air, water and food. Let's say something's going to change, something is going to be released. Something new, something fast. I'm feeling, I'm feeling biochemical. Check biochemical trials. [NARDOLE] Yes, sir. [BRABBIT] Doctor. That world was dead a year from now. We should at least go in there and talk. [NARDOLE] There are about a hundred thousand biochemical trials going on right now. [DOCTOR] Specifically related to GM bacteria. [NARDOLE] Er, six thousand? [DOCTOR] How many have reached stage two? You cannot accept their offer. [ILYA] Why not? [DOCTOR] Because whatever the price is, it's too high. [BRABBIT] We'll work it out. [NARDOLE] Four hundred and twenty eight. [XIAOLIAN] It's too many, and we don't even know if you're right. [DOCTOR] Well, I probably am. [BRABBIT] Probably isn't good enough! [DOCTOR] Well, probably is all you've got. It's your planet. I can't just give it away. [BRABBIT] You know what, sir? Finally, you've said something I agree with. It's our planet. Our choice. [DOCTOR] You can't make a deal with them. You don't what you're agreeing to. I don't know. [BRABBIT] All I know is, I plan on living to fight another day. Right now, what we don't have is a whole lot of other days. [XIAOLIAN] Agreed. [ILYA] Also agreed. [BILL] Doctor, is it just possible that they're right? [DOCTOR] Being right is easy. We need to win. [BILL] All these soldiers in the room, and you're the only one still fighting. [DOCTOR] Would you make the deal? Even not knowing what's going to happen? [BILL] Those guys have modelled every event in human history to find our weak spot. Are you going to do the same in a couple of minutes? [DOCTOR] Would you make the deal? [BILL] No. Not if I had a choice. But we don't, do we? [DOCTOR] It's your world. [BRABBIT] Not any more. Okay, back to the pyramid and negotiate our surrender. [BILL] Doctor? What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Well for a start, I'm going to tell you the truth. I've been keeping a secret from you. [BILL] Doctor? [DOCTOR] We can blind them. That's how we do it. We blind them! [BILL] Blind who? The Monks? [DOCTOR] Bill, go to the pyramid. Keep an eye on them all. Nardole, with me. To the Tardis. [NARDOLE] Yes, sir. [BILL] Have you got a plan? [DOCTOR] You'll be hearing from me. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [TANNOY] Biohazard. Lab in lockdown. [TANNOY] Biohazard. Lab in lockdown. Biohazard. Lab in lockdown. [ERICA] Oh Douglas, what have you done? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Okay, here's the list of labs on the UNIT watch list. If they're being watched, that means they've got CCTV cameras with feeds to UNIT HQ. Can you hack them? [NARDOLE] Course I can, I'm not just sexy. But there's four hundred and twenty eight of them. We can't watch them all. [DOCTOR] Are you following me? [NARDOLE] Yeah, I think I get it. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we're not going to watch them, we're going to switch them off. Can you do that? [NARDOLE] What good would switching them off do? [DOCTOR] If I'm right, the Monks are only watching one of those labs. How would they do that? [NARDOLE] Well, I suppose they'd just hack the cameras. [DOCTOR] So switch 'em off. [NARDOLE] Okay, so, we've blinded them. But whatever's happening is still happening. [DOCTOR] Yep. [NARDOLE] And the Monks are powerful. They can just turn the cameras back on. [DOCTOR] Yes, they can. But they're only watching one lab. So all we need to know is which lab just got its cameras back? [NARDOLE] Oh, you genius! [DOCTOR] Boom. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [ERICA] Oh, my God! [DOCTOR] No, I'm the Doctor, but it's an easy mistake to make. The eyebrows. [ERICA] How did you do that? What is that thing? [DOCTOR] It's Nardole. He's not my fault. Back to the Tardis. This place is toxic. [NARDOLE] I'm not human. [DOCTOR] Oh, you're human enough. I got your lungs cheap. [NARDOLE] Oh, now he tells me. [DOCTOR] Park her close. Monitor me. Oh, tidy up your room. [DOCTOR] You have a problem, I believe. [ERICA] Who the hell are you? [DOCTOR] Don't be alarmed, we don't have time. Just jump straight to all the explaining. --------------------------------------- (Near the Pyramid / Agrofuel lab) [BILL] It's the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Okay, found it. Lab in Yorkshire. Long story short, misplaced decimal point resulting in a bacteria that turns any living thing it touches into gunk. [BRABBIT] So why is it going to end the world? Has it been dispersed already? [DOCTOR] Ah, no, it's still in the lab. I think I can contain it. [BRABBIT] We give him two minutes and we're heading in. Agreed? [ILYA] Agreed. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [ERICA] We have an air filtration system to take toxins out of the air. It runs a cycle every thirty minutes. It's going to pump the bacteria into the atmosphere. [DOCTOR] So switch it off. [ERICA] I can't. [DOCTOR] Oh. Right, okay, when's the next cycle? [ERICA] Twenty minutes. [DOCTOR] What! --------------------------------------- (Near the Pyramid / Agrofuel lab) [BRABBIT] Anything? [DOCTOR] The venting system is automatic. This is going to be trickier than I thought. [BRABBIT] We're going in. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [DOCTOR] Think. Think, think, think, think. Stupid Doctor. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Handsome Doctor. Adorable, hugely intelligent, but still approachable Doctor. What's another way to destroy bacteria? [ERICA] Sterilisation. [DOCTOR] And how do you sterilise something? [ERICA] Put it in boiling water. [DOCTOR] Or? [ERICA] Put it in a flame. [DOCTOR] She's got it. By George, she's got it! [DOCTOR] I'm not going to lie to you. This means that your insurance premiums are going to go through the roof. In fact, pretty much everything is going to go through the roof, because I'm going to blow up the lab. We just need some kind of a trigger, first. [ERICA] But what are you going to blow it up with? (lightbulb moment) The bacteria is making ethanol. The greenhouse and the lab are full of it! [DOCTOR] Seriously, what are you doing when this is all over? --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [BRABBIT] We're ready to talk. [MONK] Do you have power? [BRABBIT] Well, right now we're representing the three biggest armies on the planet, so I guess we do. [MONK] Does power consent? [BRABBIT] We consent. [MONK] If your consent is impure, it will kill you. [BRABBIT] I surrender. We surrender. What more do you want? [MONK] To rule, there must be love. Your consent must be pure. [MONK] You act out of strategy. Strategy is not consent. [BILL] Ah! [MONK] Do you consent? [BILL] I don't have any power. I'm nobody. [MONK] You represent the greatest power on the planet. You represent the Doctor. Is your consent pure? --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [ERICA] Is this going to work? [DOCTOR] Trust me. I pop it in there. Machine goes ping. Lab goes boom. World is saved. You develop a pretty intense crush on me. Okay. Go through to the machine room. You're going to have to let me back in when I'm done. How long before the vents kick in? [ERICA] Four minutes. --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber / Agrofuel lab) [BILL] Doctor, you still there? [DOCTOR] There's no way of stopping the lab venting, so I'm going to sterilise the building by blowing it up. Everything in here will be destroyed. [BILL] Including you? [DOCTOR] Not if I pull my socks up. [BILL] Honest answer. You going to do it? [DOCTOR] Course I'm going to do it. [BILL] Because they're still offering a deal, and I'm the only one left. [DOCTOR] Tell them you're flattered but don't. --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [BILL] What does consent mean? [MONK] You must ask for our help, and want it, and know you will then be ours. Only then can the link be formed. [BILL] What link? [MONK] Do you consent? --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel machine room / Greenhouse) [ERICA] Can you hear me? [DOCTOR] I don't even know your name. [ERICA] Erica. [DOCTOR] Did you always want to be a scientist, Erica? [ERICA] Since I was about eight. Before that, I wanted to be a bus driver, because I liked how they waved at other bus drivers. [DOCTOR] Okay, I've given us two minutes. [ERICA] Right, you need to get out of there. [DOCTOR] Hello, I'm the Doctor, saving the world with my eyes shut. --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [BILL] Doctor, the clock's going back. Have you done it? --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [DOCTOR] Yes, I have! I'm totally the President of Earth, and from now on, two planes! One for me and one for my glamorous assistant, Erica. Say hello to the folks at home, Erica, and let me through the door. --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [DOCTOR [OC]] Bill, get the hell out of that pyramid! --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [ERICA] I can't open it. It's under emergency protocol. You need to use the combination lock. Set it to 3614. [DOCTOR] Ah, you're going to have to guide me. [ERICA] I can't see it from here. You can see it, right? [DOCTOR] How long have I got? [ERICA] One minute forty. 3614. --------------------------------------- (Pyramid / Agrofuel lab) [ERICA [OC]] Come on. [BILL] Doctor, what's happening? You okay? [DOCTOR] Bill, sorry, slight hitch. Working on it. [BILL] What's the problem? [DOCTOR] 3614. I need to open the door, but I can't er, see the numbers. [ERICA] One minute twenty. [BILL] I don't understand the problem. [DOCTOR] Combination lock. All the sonic will do is calculate the number. I still have to enter it. [DOCTOR] Nardole! Nardole! Nardole, I need you to do a visual on the lab. There's a camera in here. [DOCTOR] Nardole? Nardole, can you hear me? [BILL] I don't understand the problem. Just open the door. [DOCTOR] I can't. [BILL] Why can't you? [DOCTOR] Because I'm blind. I'm sorry, I'm blind. [BILL] What, what do you mean, blind? What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] I lied. I've been blind since Chasm Forge. I didn't get my sight back. I've been lying to you. There's a combination lock with numbers, and I can't see them. [BILL] You're an idiot. You are the stupidest idiot ever! But I'm not going to let you die. [DOCTOR] No. You have to. There's no choice. No-one else can help me now. [BILL] The Monks. The Monks can help you. [DOCTOR] No! Bill, no, don't do that. [BILL] I'm sorry. [DOCTOR] I made a mistake. I have to face that. But do not ask the Monks for help. Bill! [BILL] Doctor. This planet needs you, so I'm making an executive decision. I'm keeping you alive. [DOCTOR] Bill, listen to me, please. I don't know what consenting allows them to do to you. You don't know what you're agreeing to! --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [BILL] Can you give him his sight back? [MONK] His sight can be restored. [BILL] Then, then I'm asking you for help. I'm giving my consent. [MONK] Is your consent pure? [BILL] Just give him his sight back! You can have the world. Just make him see again. I consent. [MONK] You act out of love. Love is consent. We must be loved. --------------------------------------- (Agrofuel lab) [DOCTOR] Bill! Do not make this deal! I forbid it! Bill, can you hear me? What's happening? Bill? Bill? [DOCTOR] Bill, what have you done? --------------------------------------- (Simulation chamber) [BILL] I'll tell you what, old man. You'd better get my planet back! --------------------------------------- (Agrotech machine room) [MONK [OC]] Enjoy your sight, Doctor. Now see our world.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Pyramid at the End of the World"}
Doctor Who (03 Jun 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - The Lie of the Land (Family home) [DOCTOR [on TV]] How lucky Earth is to have an ally as powerful and tender as the Monks,that asks for nothing in return for their benevolence but obedience. [POLICE] Go! Go! Go! Get down! On your knees! Hands on your heads! [POLICE 2] Get down! On your knees! Get down! [POLICE] Search the room! [COMMANDER] Jane Bishop. [MOTHER] That's me. [COMMANDER] You are charged with the manufacture and possession of propaganda intended to undermine the True History. This is in contravention of the Memory Crimes Act of 1975. [MOTHER] 1975? (the Truth logo flickers on our screen.) The Monks have only been here a few months. [COMMANDER] Therefore I sentence you to ten years in a labour camp. Take her away. --------------------------------------- (Outside the home) [POLICE] Come on! [MOTHER] Be a good boy for Mummy! The Monks have only been here a few months! (Monk image flickers) Fight back! It's all lies! [POLICE] Get in! [MOTHER] You know it's all lies! [POLICE] In there. [POLICE 3] Right, nothing to see, move along! [POLICE 3] Keep going. [DOCTOR [OC]] So relax, do as you're told. Your future is taken care of. --------------------------------------- (Bill's flat) [BILL] Hello, Mum. The Monks, the Monks have only been here for six months. --------------------------------------- (Street - memory) [BILL [OC]] I can't remember how I escaped, Mum. I asked for their help and then, and then there's nothing. And then I woke up and the Monks were here, and they'd always been here. [POLICE] Come with me! [BILL [OC]] But I don't understand it, because no-one's saying anything. [BILL [OC]] It's like, like they've been brainwashed. [TV] deal with fairmindedness with those who would do them harm, by implementing a swift and painless death. [TV] Praise be the justice of the Monks. --------------------------------------- (Bill's flat) [BILL] I travelled with a man called the Doctor and his friend Nardole, and I did this to save him. I'm trying to stay strongwithout them, but every day it's harder to remember what's real any more. --------------------------------------- (Street - memory) [DOCTOR [on TV]] If you suspect a colleague, a neighbour or a family member of being a memory criminal... [BILL [OC]] And I know, I know how it looks, Mum, with all of the stuff that he's been saying on the telly --------------------------------------- (Bill's flat) [BILL] But it's all right, because I know he has a plan. One day soon, he's going to come back and save us all.One day [NARDOLE] What are you doing? It's me, Nardie! [BILL] No. Wait, wait. Shut up. Tell me something. That first time, with the Heather creature chasing us, where did we run away to? [NARDOLE] Australia. [BILL] What noise should spaceship doors make? [NARDOLE] Shuck-shuck, obviously. [BILL] Oh God, it happened. I knew it. It all really happened. [NARDOLE] Ow! [BILL] Where have you been? [NARDOLE] That hurt me, that really hurt me! [BILL] I needed you! [NARDOLE] Well, I got contaminated by that bacteria in the lab, didn't I? I was laid up for six weeks. If I was human, I would have died.Right now, you'd be talking to. Come to think of it, who were you talking to? [BILL] Um, er, my er, my mum. [NARDOLE] I thought your mum (sotto) died. (normal) You know, when you were (sotto) little. [BILL] I er, made up a version of her. Yeah, I talk to her all the time. [NARDOLE] Oh. Oh well, that's not that weird. I used to have an imaginary friend, 'til he left me for someone else. Huh. I know, charming. [BILL] They're doing something to us. The Monks. I can't think straight. (flicker of Monk and logo) It's like they're saying they'vebeen here for ever, and I know they haven't, but part of me is starting to think that it's real. Every day I have to, I have to remind myselfthat everything that you, me and the Doctor did actually happened, and it wasn't just a dream. Why do it? That's what I don't get. They invade somewhere, take control. Why go to the trouble of changing the past? [NARDOLE] However bad a situation is, if people think that's how it's always been, they'll put up with it. That's ninety percent of the job done. [BILL] Wait. You said you were ill for six weeks. [NARDOLE] Hmm? [BILL] What have you been doing since then? [NARDOLE] Looking for the Doctor. [BILL] Have you found him? [NARDOLE] Well, let's just say. (pause) Yes, yes, yes, I found him. [BILL] Oh! [NARDOLE] So, all anyone's seen of the Doctor in the last six months are those broadcasts he does. [BILL] He's faking it. I'm positive. He hasn't joined the Monks. He's being held prisoner. He's just, he's just biding his time, waiting. [NARDOLE] The thing is, the Monks have got some kind of scrambler so no-one can trace the broadcasts. Lucky, then, that I have got this! [NARDOLE] It traces the source of the signal and gives a map co-ordinate. [BILL] Cool. Where'd you get it? [NARDOLE] Found it in the Tardis. Yeah, it was in one of the drawers with some old takeaway menus and fifty Danish krone. Anyway, this is them. [BILL] So he's at sea? [NARDOLE] Mmm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. The Monks have got him on one of the old prison boats. Hulks, they used call them. [BILL] So how do we get to him? [NARDOLE] Every six weeks, all their food and fuel and stuff gets taken to them by a supply boat. The next delivery is in two days' time, off the coast of Scotland. [BILL] That's our chance! [NARDOLE] Yeah, that really has to stop. [BILL [OC]] It's happening, Mum. I knew it would. So, Nardole has made contact with the captain of the supply boat that runs to and from the prison ship where the Doctor's being held. His son is serving ten years in a labour camp for possession of a box of comics, so he's no fan of the Monks. [BILL [OC]] He'll get us on board the prison ship. Security is really tight, obviously, but Nardole says there's not been much in the way of resistance since the Monks took over, so they're more worried about the Doctor getting out than anyone getting in. --------------------------------------- (Cargo area) [MAN] Get those crates moving. [BILL [OC]] But what we don't want is for them to do a spot-check on our identity papers. [RICHARD] Papers! Spot check. [BILL [OC]] Nardole doesn't have any, and I'm down as university kitchen staff. [RICHARD] It's them. [RICHARD] All right, what are you waiting for? We need to get this stuff on board. Chop chop. Come on! --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [BILL [OC]] After that, we're on our own. [DOCTOR [OC]] Over the years, I have encountered innumerable civilisations, but never one as benevolent as the Monks.Their grace and humility. No, their grace and philanthropy is matched only by their [NARDOLE] Careful. --------------------------------------- (Doctor's room) [BILL] Doctor? Doctor, it's me. [DOCTOR] Guards! [DOCTOR] What are you doing here? [BILL] What does it look like? We've come to save you. [DOCTOR] (to Nardole) This is your doing, isn't it? You shouldn't be here. I'll have to talk to the Monks now. [BILL] Doctor [DOCTOR] Stop. Don't. Don't move. They will kill you. Stay where you are. [DOCTOR] Epsilon. Fire. Jupiter. Lily. (puts down handset) The Monks are on their way. When they get here, let me do the talking. [BILL] Wait, what was that? Did you actually just call them, you nutter? [DOCTOR] You deserve an explanation. [DOCTOR] Human society is stagnating. You've stopped moving forward. In fact, you're regressing. [BILL] This isn't exactly much better. [DOCTOR] It's safer. [BILL] Not so much for the people the Monks are killing. [DOCTOR] The Romans killed people and saved billions more from disease, war, famine and barbarism. [BILL] No, wait. What about free will? You believe in free will. Your whole thing is. You made me write a three thousand word essay on free will. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I mean, you had free will, and look at what you did with it. Worse than that, you had history. History was saying to you, look, I've got some examples of fascism here for you to look at. No? Fundamentalism? No? Oh, okay, you carry on. I had to stop you, or at least not stand in the way of someone else who wanted to, because the guns were gettingbigger, the stakes were getting higher, and any minute now it was going to be goodnight, Vienna. By the way, you never deliveredthat essay, anyway. [BILL] Because the world was invaded by zombie Monks! [DOCTOR] And whose fault was that, huh? I didn't ask for my sight back. No, you took it upon yourself to ignore me, to do what you thought was best. All I can say is that we are lucky it was a benevolent race like the Monks, not the Daleks. Yes, I know the Monks are ruthless. I get that. Yes, they play with history and I'm not exactly thrilled about that. But they bring peace and order. [BILL] Okay. Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's like that time we discovered that huge fish creature in the, in the Seine in Paris. [DOCTOR] That was a coded message. The big fish creature was under the Thames. If I'd played along, she'd have known that I was tricking you. Guns down. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Bill. I just, I just, I really wanted to make you see. [BILL] This, this is real? You, you're actually, you're actually doing this? Do you have any idea how hard the past few months have been? How hard it's been to hold onto to the truth? It would have been so easy to just, just, just give in and believe their lies.But I didn't. I fought against it, for you! For when you came back. And now you're saying you've joined them?You're helping them? [DOCTOR] Bill, put, put, put the gun down. [BILL] I'm serious, Doctor. We'll think of something else. But you'd better tell me now, because if you help the Monks, then nothing will ever stop them.They'll be here for ever. [DOCTOR] It's not a trick, it's not a plan. I have joined the Monks. Whatever it takes, I'm going to save you from yourselves. [DOCTOR] Good girl! [DOCTOR] (to Nardole) Regeneration a little bit too much? [NARDOLE] No, I thought it was a nice touch. Too much was Richard asking for our identity papers. [RICHARD] I couldn't resist it. Your face. [BILL] Er, hello? Could somebody tell me what the hell is going on? [DOCTOR] You did it. You did it! The Monks are using some kind of, you know, something, to control the population. They must be, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to hold on to power for this long. Now, they don't trust me yet, not completely, and I had to just check that you weren't under the influence and testing me. [BILL] So you, you, you haven't, you haven't turned. You're not working for them. [DOCTOR] No, of course not. I've spent the last six months planning, and also recruiting all these chaps. Deprogramming them one by one, talking some sense into them. And there's loads of them. I could do with a Strepsil. [BILL] But I shot you. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, that was the plan, you see? Everyone exchanged their ammo for blanks. [DAVE] Ahem. [DOCTOR] Did you forget, Dave? You forgot? Well, that would have really blown the plan, wouldn't it? [BILL] But you called the Monks. [DOCTOR] I called the kitchen. Oh, could you pop down and explain it to them? They're going to be really confused. [BILL] And you were in on this too? [DOCTOR] Oh, it was partly his idea. [BILL] Oh. My. God. I am going to beat the sh [DOCTOR] No! No! Oh, come on, come on, we've got the band back together again. Now, lovely as it is to have you on board, literally and metaphorically, we're going to need some help. [NARDOLE] So, who're we going to get? [DOCTOR] The only person I know almost as smart as me. [NARDOLE] Oh. Oh, I see. Blimey. Has it really come to that? [BILL [OC]] Mum, it's me. We're coming back. We could have snuck back in, but the Doctor being the Doctor [BILL [OC]] By the time we got back to the university, the Monks were waiting for us. Of course. [BILL [OC]] We weren't headed to his office, though. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [BILL [OC]] Even so, the Doctor was nervous, Mum. I could tell. He had to do this, he said. He had to open the vault. [DOCTOR] Move into the containment field, please. --------------------------------------- (Vault) [BILL] But it's, it's just a woman. [BILL] God, the way you and Nardole have been carrying on, I thought you had some kind of monster in here, or something! [DOCTOR] I do. Missy, Bill. Bill, Missy, the other Last of the Time Lords. [BILL] Wait a sec. Why have you got a woman locked in a vault? Because even I think that's weird, and I've been attacked by a puddle. [DOCTOR] She's going cold turkey from being bad. [MISSY] Humph! [DOCTOR] I want to ask if you've had any dealings with the Monks before. [MISSY] Of course. I've had adventures too. My whole life doesn't revolve around you, you know. [BILL] Did you defeat them? [MISSY] I did. [BILL] How? [MISSY] I've got some requests. I want some new books, some toys, like a particle accelerator, a 3-D printer and a pony. [DOCTOR] I don't think that you really grasp what's going on here. Nice people generally don't haggle over the fate of a planet. [MISSY] I once built a gun out of leaves. Do you think I couldn't get through a door if I wanted to? I'm here, all right? I'm engaging with the process. [BILL] Okay. Yeah. Yeah, we can, we can get those things for you. [MISSY] C'est super. So, what have you got so far? [DOCTOR] They hold on to power by targeting the part of the brain specifically to do with memory and perception, correct? Right? [MISSY] Getting warm. Fingers tingling. [DOCTOR] But they target it with what exactly? How do they sustain it? [DOCTOR] How do their lies infiltrate the brains of billions? Is it some kind of airborne psychoactive? [MISSY] No, no, that's very cold, very cold. [DOCTOR] Something that's constantly being fed to the populace, constantly consolidating its hold. Is it in the water? [MISSY] God, no. It's freezing, freezing. Absolutely freezing. Couldn't be colder. Very, very, chilly. So, so chilly. Oh, come on. I'm bored! You haven't been to see me in six months. No-one has! Not even that bald bloke who looks like an egg.BILL [DOCTOR] I was in prison for six months. [MISSY] Start at the beginning. How do they get a foothold on a planet? [DOCTOR] Some idiot asks for their help. [MISSY] Well, not just any idiot. It has to be a properly consenting human mind. A pure request, one without agenda or ulterior motive. [DOCTOR] It's them. That person creates a psychic link, which forms an anchor that keeps the Monks in power. They're the lynchpin. [MISSY] Scalding. Ow. [DOCTOR] But the brainwaves of one person wouldn't be powerful enough to contain an entire planet. The statues! As soon as they got here,the Monks put up statues in every town square, and every park, and every playground. [MISSY] You're on fire, you're literally on fire you're so caliente. That's Spanish for hot. [DOCTOR] The statues are transmitters. They boost the signal and beam it out all around the world. [MISSY] Boom! You've exploded. Now, all you have to do is find whoever opened the door to the Monks in the first place. [DOCTOR] Say I already have. [MISSY] Oh! Well then, you're sorted. Just kill them. That weakens the Monks' grip on the world. [DOCTOR] No, no. No, no, that can't be right. There are planets that the Monks have ruled for thousands of years. [MISSY] It's passed on through the bloodline. Usually the lynchpin goes on to lead a normal life, have their own family, and the link is passeddown through the generations. [DOCTOR] But the Monks must have worked that out. They've been doing this for millennia. [MISSY] Why? If the link is passed on, the Monks stay in charge, through, they think, their ruthlessness and efficiency. But if the lynchpin dies and the link isn't passed on, and the Monks get booted off the planet, well, they just chalk it up to experience. [BILL] No, it's okay. I want to speak to her. [MISSY] Yes? [BILL] So when you defeated the Monks, that's how you did it? [MISSY] Well, at this point, all that was left of the bloodline was a wee girl, and I just pushed her into a volcano. [BILL] It's me. The lynchpin is me. [MISSY] Awkward. [BILL] So you're saying I have to die. [MISSY] No. If you were just to die, everyone's false memories would have to fade, and that could take ages. It's actually better if you keep breathing, if your brain just keeps transmitting, well, nothing. That would blot out the residue false memories. [BILL] What would be left of me? [MISSY] You'd be a husk. Completely and irrevocably brain-dead. You couldn't even get on Celebrity Love Island. [DOCTOR] Even if that was the truth, the fact that you're suggesting it shows there's been no change, no hope, no point. We don't sacrifice people. It's wrong, because it's easy. [MISSY] You know, back in the day, I'd burn an entire city to the ground just to see the pretty shapes the smoke made. I'm sorry your plus one doesn't get a happy ending, but, like it or not, I just saved this world because I want to change. [MISSY [OC]] Your version of good is not absolute. It's vain, arrogant and sentimental. If you're waiting for me to become all that, I'm going to be here for a long time yet. --------------------------------------- (Secret HQ) [NARDOLE] What did she say? [DOCTOR] Nothing. [BILL] There's a way to defeat them. [DOCTOR] There isn't. Well, there is, but not that. [BILL] Come on. You knew she was going to say something like this. It's why you needed me back. You could have escaped from that ship. You could have started something to defeat the Monks without me. [DOCTOR] I wanted you back by my side because it's the safest place in the world. [NARDOLE] Can someone...? What did she say? [BILL] She said it's me. I asked the Monks for help and started all of this, so I have to be the one to finish it. The only downside is, if that's what we do, well, it's not worth me starting any long books. [NARDOLE] Okay, well, er, let's er put a pin in it for now, as they say, and, er, see if we can think of something else. [BILL] You said the safest place for me was by your side. That's what's protecting the Monks. It's why their plan works. [DOCTOR] The Cathedral. The Monks' headquarters. Oh, yes. We're going to have to break in there. [BILL] Why? [DOCTOR] Somewhere in there, the Monks must have some kind of a machine that creates and broadcasts the myths of their history. The ones that are powered by, carried by, fed by your brainwaves. So, we get in, I plug myself into it, and replace the signals that they are receiving with my brainwaves and beam out the true history of the world. Oh, yes! I could even throw in some other stuff.The things that I could change just by thinking. Racism. People who talk in cinemas. [NARDOLE] Are you sure? This would be an incredibly sophisticated transmitter, powerful enough to beam highly detailed propaganda to the entire world twenty four hours a day, and you're going to plug your brain into it? --------------------------------------- (Boarded up building) [NARDOLE] That's odd. There's no Monks guarding the entrance. [DOCTOR] Come away from the window. How many Monks were there? [NARDOLE] About twelve Monks there. [DOCTOR] Twelve?(Nardole looks through the slats again. Oh, there's the Fiction Factory sign that says this shot is taken in Cardiff Bay.) [NARDOLE] Well, you have to admit that's ever so clever. [DOCTOR] You see? Another way they hang on to power is to create a myth that they're here in greater numbers than they really are. [BILL] The beam's stronger here, isn't it? (flicker of Monk and logo) I can almost hear it. It's so hard to hang on to any thought of life before the Monks. [DOCTOR] Yes, and it's going to get stronger the closer we get to the transmitter. The lies are going to become more convincing. You'll want to turn around. You won't know what you're doing here or why you're working against the Monks. Now, have you all got your stereo headphone iThing? [BILL] Yeah. You never told us what we needed these for. [DOCTOR] Ah, this is where you come in. [BILL [OC]] The Monks are not our friends. They have invaded Earth and made its people slaves. They cling onto power by means of a powerful transmitter broadcasting myths and lies that suggest that they have always been here. --------------------------------------- (Pyramid) [BILL [OC]] In fact, they have only been here a few months, and have falsified and manipulated our history. Our mission is to interrupt their broadcast and replace it with the true history of Earth, which will weaken and undermine the Monks' power. The Monks are not our friends. They have invaded Earth and made its people slaves. They cling onto power by means of a powerful transmitter, broadcasting myths and lies [BILL [OC]] That suggest that they have always been here. [ALAN] Take cover! [BILL [OC]] In fact, they have only been here a few months, and have falsified and manipulated our history. [BILL [OC]] Our mission is to interrupt their broadcast and replace it with the true history of Earth, which will weaken and undermine the Monks' power. [BILL [OC]] The Monks are not our friends. They have invaded Earth [GUARD] Reloading now! [BILL] Are you okay? [ALAN] Yeah, I think it's my (discovers the damage) Oh. Doctor! [DOCTOR] It's in here. [DOCTOR] Everything all right, Alan? [ALAN] You tricked us. You tried to make us believe the Monks were invaders. How could you say that? They've always been here. You know that. [DOCTOR] Ah-ha. (sees the damaged tape player) Ah. Oh, I see. [ALAN] The Monks are our friends. I won't let you hurt them. I'll die first. I'll kill you first. [NARDOLE] Tarovian Neck Pinch. Yeah, I er, I studied their martial arts for a while, actually. Yeah, reached the level of Brown Tabard. Can't do it with this hand though. Kind of bugs me. Course, this wasn't my original hand, as you know. I won this in a game of er, yeah, let's crack on. --------------------------------------- (Broadcast chamber) [DOCTOR] Fake News Central. [BILL] I can think. They're not in my head. Why is that? [DOCTOR] We're in the eye of the storm. Guard the doors. We can't be interrupted. [DOCTOR] Boo! [NARDOLE] Not necessary. [DOCTOR] Nee-owwm. Okay, he's out. Let's do this. [BILL] It's working! The Monks are disappearing! [DOCTOR] Oh, I didn't agree to this. [BILL] What's happening? [DOCTOR] He's fighting back. He's blocking me, countering every move. [NARDOLE] Look! [BILL] Oh, no, no, no. [DOCTOR] Argh! [BILL] Doctor! [BILL] I wanted to do it before you woke up. But I had to say goodbye. [DOCTOR] Bill, whatever you're planning, there's no need for this. Let me try again. He caught me unawares. Cup of tea and I'll get my second wind. [BILL] Even your brain couldn't stand another roasting like that. [DOCTOR] So we'll find another way. Let me talk to Missy again. [BILL] We have the answer. Doctor, please. I don't want our last conversation to be this. [DOCTOR] I don't want this to be our last conversation. [BILL] Goodbye, Doctor. [BILL] Thank you. God, it was worth it. [DOCTOR] Bill. Bill, no, don't, Bill. Bill, Bill. It will kill you, Bill. It's too powerful. Bill, I, I order you! [DOCTOR] I'm ordering you not to do this! Bill! Nardole, untie me! Nardole, untie me now! [DOCTOR] Bill, don't do this! [BILL] Okay. I don't usually let someone erase my brain on the first date, but seeing as it's you. [DOCTOR] No! No! [DOCTOR] Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no! They're hijacking her memories, infecting them like a virus. She's just reinforcing their lies. She's dying for nothing! [DOCTOR] Argh! There must be a way to shut this thing down! [BILL [memory]] Hello, Mum. [NARDOLE] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Oh, you clever, brilliant, ridiculous girl. Look at that! All the pictures I gave you. I thought I was just being kind, but I was saving the world.Bill, if there's any of you left in there, listen. You have to keep thinking about your mum, the memory you created. Her voice, her smile. The Monks can't get near it. Fill your mind with it! Push it into every corner. [BILL'S MUM [on screen]] Bill. [BILL] Mum. [DOCTOR] She's filling its mind with one pure, uncorrupted, irresistible image. And it's broadcasting it to the world, because it can't help it.All those years you kept her alive inside you, an isolated subroutine in a living mind. Perfect, untouchable. She's a window on the world without the Monks. Absolutely loved, absolutely trusted. And that window is opening everywhere. [DOCTOR] A glimpse of freedom. But a glimpse is all you need. The lie is breaking. Bill's mum, you just went viral! --------------------------------------- (Street) [DOCTOR] You did it. You broke the signal. [NARDOLE] What are the Monks going to do? [DOCTOR] What oppressors always do when they realise who's really in power. They run. --------------------------------------- (University) [BILL] This is exciting, isn't it? You know, kind of, it's like a turning point. [BILL] Humans have learned that they can overthrow dictators and stuff, they just have to band together. [DOCTOR] Well, it's not quite as simple as that. You, Appalling Hair. [DOCTOR] This thing that we're sitting on. What is it? [STUDENT] Er, we thought they were just like filming something here or something? [DOCTOR] Thank you. Very helpful. Now go away, or something. You see? The Monks have erased themselves. Humanity's doomed to neverlearn from its mistakes. [BILL] Well, I guess that's part of our charm. [DOCTOR] No, it's really quite annoying. Anyway, I mustn't keep you. Three thousand words. The Mechanics of Free Will. Now six months overdue. [BILL] Why do you put up with us, then? [DOCTOR] In amongst seven billion, there's someone like you. That's why I put up with the rest of them. --------------------------------------- (Vault) [MISSY] I keep remembering all the people I've killed. Every day I think of more. Being bad, being bad drowned that out. I didn't know I even knew their names. You didn't tell me about this bit. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, but this is good. [MISSY] Okay.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e08", "title": "The Lie of the Land"}
Doctor Who (10 Jun 2017 ; Twelfth Doctor) - Empress of Mars [KNIBBS] Don't let us down now, Valkyrie. [COOLIDGE] Fingers crossed, Alan. [KNIBBS] I got everything crossed. Okay, people. Transmission arriving in ten, nine, eight, seven, six. [DOCTOR] Five, four, three, two, one! Sorry, I could never resist a countdown. [COOLIDGE] Who the hell are you? [BILL] Is this Neil Armstrong? [KNIBBS] What? [BILL] Neil Armstrong. First man on the Moon. [DOCTOR] Not quite the first. [BILL] What, ou mean he wasn't the first man on the Moon? [DOCTOR] That is such a human-centric question. [BILL] I'm the human in this set-up. [NARDOLE] She is, actually. [NARDOLE] It's a bit embarrassing, really. [KNIBBS] Who are you people? [DOCTOR] Friendly aliens. Don't mind us. Just a day out for the kids. [COOLIDGE] It's from the Chief. [DOCTOR] Is it? Oh, yes. That's right. Authorising us to go anywhere we please. So. Valkyrie. [KNIBBS] Valkyrie is er probing the Martian ice caps with a new kind of camera on board. Uses a different spectrum to see under the poles and beam back pictures. [KNIBBS] What the hell? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Mars. 1881, or thereabouts. According to the Tardis, that's when the message was made. Though we may be a bit early. [BILL] So, there were humans on Mars in Victorian times? [DOCTOR] No. There weren't. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [NARDOLE] The Tardis registered multiple life forms below the surface, so this seems like the best place to look. [BILL] Maybe someone's been messing around with time. Like in The Terminator. [DOCTOR] The Terminator? [BILL] It's a movie. You haven't seen it? [DOCTOR] I'm a very busy man. [BILL] You'd like it. It's got killer robots. [DOCTOR] Ooo, I'll put it on me list. [BILL] Even if there are people here, why would they bother writing messages on the surface of the planet? [DOCTOR] State visit? Patriotic fervour? Rogue graffiti artist? [BILL] Doctor. [DOCTOR] I see it. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [BILL] If there's fire, there's got to be oxygen. [DOCTOR] Wait, wait, wait. Let's not be rash. [BILL] Okay. [DOCTOR] I'll go first. [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [NARDOLE] Fire. Oxygen. Basic physics, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Could've been basic death. [BILL] Wait. How can there be oxygen here? [DOCTOR] The indigenous Martians were superb engineers. Mind you, there's a lot here that doesn't make sense. [BILL] (walking away) Oh, it's like the underground tunnels in The Thing. [DOCTOR] The what? [BILL] It's a movie. You'd like that one too. Everybody dies. [DOCTOR] Bill? Bill? Bill! Bill! [DOCTOR] Hang on! We'll find a way down! (to Nardole) Go back to the Tardis. Get ropes, lifting gear, anything you can find. [NARDOLE] Oooo! [DOCTOR] Nardole, what the hell are you doing? [DOCTOR] So this could go very well or very badly. [DOCTOR] Halt! --------------------------------------- (Main cavern) [CATCHLOVE] I say! We weren't expecting company. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NARDOLE] Right. Er, yeah. Right. --------------------------------------- (Main cavern) [DOCTOR] By the moons, I honour thee. I'm the Doctor. What is your name? [DOCTOR] I know your people of old. I was once an Honorary Guardian of the Tythonian Hive. [GODSACRE] Don't move. I'll sort this beggar out. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no! You don't understand. This creature is no threat. He may look like a monster to you [GODSACRE] I wasn't talking to you. Are you all right, Friday? [FRIDAY] Sir. [GODSACRE] Who are you and what the devil are you doing here? [DOCTOR] Well, I could ask you the same question. And I will. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Vault) [NARDOLE] Hello? Hello, Miss? I was wondering if I could ask for your help? Er, I need to get to Mars. Well, I need to get back to Mars, in fact. Er, and it's a little bit urgent, only the Tardis is acting up and I was wondering if you could tell me how to fix [MISSY [OC]] Of course I can. [NARDOLE] Oh. Right. Well, thank you. [MISSY [OC]] But it's probably easier if I just show you. [NARDOLE] Oh. Er, er. --------------------------------------- (Officer's mess) [CATCHLOVE] Indian or China, m'dear? [BILL] Er. I, I dunno. China? (sotto) Where's Nardole? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Er, well, he seems to have taken the Tardis. [BILL] (sotto) What? [DOCTOR] (sotto) I'm sure it's only a temporary thing, you know, but it means that for the time being we're stuck here on Mars. (normal) You were saying, Colonel? [GODSACRE] Oh, er, well, yes, I was stationed out there. South Africa. One day, I, I came across something in the veldt. Something that was clearly not of this earth. An interplanetary vessel. I found Friday here on board, in a sort of coma, half dead. [BILL] Why'd you call him that? [CATCHLOVE] Man Friday? As in Robinson Crusoe? So, according to this (the psychic paper) you've been on board Friday's ship the whole time? [DOCTOR] Yes. That we were. That was, that sounds, that sounds [BILL] Convincing. [DOCTOR] Quite. Yes, that's right. On his ship. [CATCHLOVE] Well, I suppose it was pretty roomy, what. [DOCTOR] It was. Yes! Wasn't it? [BILL] Yes. [DOCTOR] Very roomy. But the whole, you know, getting on board. I mean, that's all. It's all a bit hazy. Maybe you could tell us everything. [GODSACRE] Yes, well, after I woke him up, Friday asked for my help. [BILL] To repair his spaceship. [GODSACRE] Yes. And to bring him home. [DOCTOR] In return for what? [CATCHLOVE] Ah. Well, now. That is the question. --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [PEACH] Prepare to fire! At the double! [PEACH] Go, go, go! [CATCHLOVE [OC]] Friday helped us build the Gargantua, a remarkable piece of mining equipment fashioned from one of his ship's artillery. [CATCHLOVE [OC]] He promised us gemstones, you see. Silver, gold. Treasure beyond our wildest dreams. --------------------------------------- (Officer's mess) [DOCTOR] That's why you helped him come home. To claim Mars in the name of Queen Victoria, to loot it of its riches, stake a claim.The red planet turned pink. [CATCHLOVE] That was the general idea, old love. But there's nothing here. Whole show has been a ruddy wash-out. The ship crashed on landing. I go top side now and then to see if I can repair the beggar. That's what I was doing when I ran across you. [BILL] And? [CATCHLOVE] No joy so far. [GODSACRE] It could have been a fresh start. For all of us. But now, supplies are running as low as morale. Things are pretty desperate, I'm afraid. [BILL] You've told us why you came here. What does he get out of it? [GODSACRE] Nothing. [BILL] Nothing? [GODSACRE] Well, he was hoping to find his people, but it appears that he was asleep on that ship for much longer than he anticipated. Mars is dead. Dead as a coffin nail. Friday is the last of his kind. [DOCTOR] Is he now? [BILL] You know what Friday is, then? [DOCTOR] He's an Ice Warrior. [BILL] And they're the proper Martians, right? They belong here? [DOCTOR] Yes. The indigenous species. An ancient reptilian race. They built themselves a sort of bio-mechanical armour for protection. The creature within is at one with its carapace. The Ice Warriors. They could build a city under the sand, yet drench the snows of Mars with innocent blood. They could slaughter whole civilisations, yet weep at the crushing of a flower. [BILL] Like The Vikings. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, very much. [BILL] Yeah, Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis. Oh, the theme tune is amazing! There's this brilliant bit where his eye gets gouged out [DOCTOR] Why have you really come back? [FRIDAY] (sigh) I am old and tired and spent. --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [PEACH] Now then, Vincey. Look lively, lad. [JACKDAW] What's the point, though? [PEACH] Jackdaw. [JACKDAW] Months we've been digging 'ere and what have we got to show for it? Sweet Fanny Adams, that's what. [SOLDIERS] Yeah! [JACKDAW] What old Friday promised, it's a load of gammon! [VINCEY] Jackdaw? [JACKDAW] What? --------------------------------------- (Officer's mess) [PEACH] You must come at once, sir. The Gargantua, she's, she's uncovered something. --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [GODACRE] Good Lord! [CATCHLOVE] Looks like old Friday came good after all, eh? [BILL] Oh, it's beautiful. What is it, a tomb? [DOCTOR] Not just any tomb. This is the tomb of an Ice Queen. I have a bad feeling about this. These sarcophagi were sometimes part of a complex hibernation system. [CATCHLOVE] Sergeant Major, get these civilians out of here. [DOCTOR] No. Colonel, Colonel, you have to let me examine this. [CATCHLOVE] I think not, Doctor. This is a military matter. [DOCTOR] This may not just be a grave you've uncovered. This could be the entrance to an Ice Warrior Hive. [CATCHLOVE] A what? Sergeant Major Peach, I gave you an order. [GODSACRE] I'm in charge here, Catchlove. [CATCHLOVE] Yes, sir. Of course, sir. [GODSACRE] Post a guard. No one's to come near this thing until the morning, is that clear? [PEACH] Yes, sir! --------------------------------------- (Colonel's tent) [DOCTOR] The last thing I'm going to do is take sides. But isn't it obvious? Friday has been using you all along. His aim was to get back to Mars and find his Queen. [CATCHPOLE] Nonsense. He was leading us to the riches he promised us. [DOCTOR] The simple fact is, you don't belong here. The sooner you get off this planet, the better. [CATCHPOLE] Don't belong? We're British! Mars is part of the empire now. --------------------------------------- (Officer's mess) [BILL] What happened to not taking sides? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to save their lives. Let's face it. In this scenario, the humans are the invaders. On the other hand, the Ice Warriors have vastly superior armaments which will wipe the humans out. So what am I supposed to do? --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [JACKDAW] Here you go, Sarge. [PEACH] Much obliged, I'm sure, Jackdaw. [VINCEY] Don't I get none? [PEACH] RHIP, son. [VINCEY] Eh? [PEACH] Rank has its privileges. [JACKDAW] Christ alive, look at the geld on that thing. That would set a fella up for life, Vincey. Even just a little bit of it. [PEACH] Now then, you 'orrible old man. Don't go getting no fancy notions. I'm sure the Colonel will be distributing this munificence in a fair and decent fashion, and we can all look forward to, to a, a rosy future. [VINCEY] Sarge? Jackdaw, what you done? [JACKDAW] A quietner from the infirmary. He'll be as right as ninepence come dawn. But by then, I'll be gone. [VINCEY] Gone? Gone where? Case you've forgotten, we're marooned on ruddy Mars. [JACKDAW] You don't know what I know, son. Captain Catchlove's further on with his repairs than he's let on. Oh, yes, my old love. Jackdaw's going home, but this time, he'll be minted. Come on. Give us a hand. [JACKDAW] Right. Keep an eye out, will you? [VINCEY] Nah, you ain't getting me involved in this lark, Jackdaw. [JACKDAW] Oh, go on. Be a sport. You'll get your share of the rhino, I promise! --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [JACKDAW] ♫ It's the same the whole world over. It's the poor what gets the blame. It's the rich what gets the pleasure ♫ [JACKDAW] ♫ Ain't it all a bleedin' shame! ♫ (While he laughs, gold flies off the figure on the sarcophagus to reveal green underneath. He puts his sapphire into a bag then has a go at the ruby next to it. An armoured hand grabs him by the scruff of the neck. In the Officer's Mess, Friday halts and turns. Vincey is nervous, and when he sees another soldier approacing, he runs in to the burial chamber.) [VINCEY] Someone's coming, Jackdaw! We'll ruddy swing for this. [VINCEY] Jackdaw! Come on, mate. Don't muck about. Jackdaw? [IRAXXA] What manner of fleshy worm are you? [IRAXXA] Speak. [SOLDIER] What the hell? [IRAXXA] That was unwise. [FRIDAY] Your Majesty. [FRIDAY] By the moons, I honour thee, Iraxxa. My Empress, my Queen. [IRAXXA] My Sentinel. You have fulfilled your pledge. I am resurrected! [FRIDAY] Forgive me, Majesty, but we have slept longer than anticipated. By my calculations, Majesty, we have slept for five thousand years. [IRAXXA] Five thousand years? --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [PEACH] Jump to it! Move! Come on, you lot! --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [GODSACRE] What the devil? What the hell's going on here, Friday? [DOCTOR] Colonel, let me speak to them. I can do this. I can sort this out. [CATCHLOVE] Who the devil is this? [FRIDAY] She is Iraxxa, Empress of Mars. [CATCHLOVE] The deuce she is. And you think you can just go about slaughtering my men willy-nilly, do you, madam? [BILL] Your men? [IRAXXA] What does the pink thing say? [CATCHLOVE] Pink thing? Sergeant Major, call to arms! [GODSACRE] No! No! Wait, Catchlove! Wait! [CATCHLOVE] Honour must be satisfied. An eye for an eye! [GODSACRE] I am in command here! (to the Doctor) All right. [DOCTOR] By the moons, I honour thee. I am the Doctor, and I beg leave to intercede. [IRAXXA] You know my race? [DOCTOR] I do. And I ask mercy for these primitives. [CATCHLOVE] Primitives! [DOCTOR] Shh! Majesty, the world you knew is dead. The atmosphere has all but evaporated. The surface is lifeless. If there are others who sleep here, they cannot survive on Mars without help. You must cooperate if you are to survive. [FRIDAY] He speaks the truth, Majesty. The war, all that we fought for, is less than the dust now. [IRAXXA] And you! Female. What do you say? [BILL] Me? [IRAXXA] We are both surrounded by noisy males. I would value your opinion. [BILL] (walking forward) Yeah. Yeah, yeah, er. They're not lying to you. There's no need for anyone else to die today. The humans saved his life. [IRAXXA] Is this true? [DOCTOR] His cryogenic cell was damaged. They saved him. [IRAXXA] And made him their pet! [FRIDAY] It was necessary to dissemble, Majesty. I thought only of your resurrection. It was a tactical decision. [IRAXXA] An Ice Warrior's duty is to command! [CATCHPOLE] Present! [DOCTOR] Iraxxa, listen to me! The Mars you ruled is gone, but don't let it end this way. Fight, yes, but for the future, not a dead past. [GODSACRE] You bloody fool. [SOLDIER] Sorry, sir! [GODSACRE] (to Catchlove) Down. Put your gun down. Halt. [DOCTOR] Majesty, are you all right? [IRAXXA] You ask for mercy for these creatures? [DOCTOR] Indeed. [IRAXXA] Then I grant it. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [IRAXXA] They will die quickly. [DOCTOR] Noooo! Colonel! Get your men out of here! Now! [DOCTOR] Colonel! [CATCHLOVE] Retreat! Retreat! --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [DOCTOR] Catchlove, listen to me. Your only chance is to come to terms. [CATCHLOVE] But we have the Gargantua. Is she primed and aimed, Sergeant? [PEACH] Yes, sir! [GODSACRE] No, no, I forbid you. That is not a weapon. [CATCHLOVE] Forbid? You forbid? [GODSACRE] This farce has gone on long enough. [CATCHLOVE] Arms at the ready!(Friday appears in the doorway as Catchlove starts to move Gargantua's laser.) [BILL] No! No! Don't shoot him, for God's sake. [DOCTOR] Down! Put your guns down! [CATCHLOVE] What the devil? [CATCHLOVE] That will hold them! [CATCHLOVE] We're about to go to war, so it's time you knew the truth. Listen to me, men! The colonel is not what he appears! The hero of Isandlwana.(Zulus 1 [GODSACRE] No, no. No, please! No, please. [CATCHLOVE] Show them! [CATCHLOVE] The mark of a rope. While you were fighting for Queen and country, the Colonel here was dancing the Newgate polka. This burn, this is the mark of the rope that failed to hang him for desertion. They tried to hang him, but they bungled it. He's a paper tiger. Not fit to command. [DOCTOR] Look, it doesn't matter who's in charge of your stupid expedition. You don't stand a chance against the Ice Warriors. [CATCHLOVE] What, all two of 'em? [DOCTOR] There will be more, you idiot. The Hive is active. Don't you see? They'll do anything to defend their home planet. [CATCHLOVE] Well, I dare say the British Army is more than a match for a bunch of upright crocodiles. Sergeant Major! [PEACH] Sir. [CATCHLOVE] I'm assuming command. Take the Colonel and put him in the brig. Sergeant Major Peach, I gave you an order. [PEACH] Very good, sir. Private! [PEACH] If you would be so good as to come this way, sir? [CATCHLOVE] Oh, and for the last time, get these wretched people out of my sight. Put them in the brig, too. There's no room for civilians here. [DOCTOR] This isn't over, Catchlove. [CATCHLOVE] No. It ain't. Not now Neville Catchlove's in charge. --------------------------------------- (Brig) [DOCTOR] You'll regret this! In a couple of hours, you'll be begging for help! --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [IRAXXA] It will take time to revive all my Warriors. But perhaps enough are awoken to go on the offensive. --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [CATCHLOVE] If either of those creatures get out of there, we'll be ready for them. [PEACH] Yes, sir. [CATCHLOVE] Carry on, Sergeant Major. [PEACH] We won't let you down, sir. --------------------------------------- (Brig) [DOCTOR] Oh. There's no setting for wood. Why is there still no setting for wood? [BILL] But, you've got a plan? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I've got a plan. I'm all plans. I'm made of plans. [GODSACRE] Who the deuce are you two, really? You speak of us as though we're a different species. You seem to know all aboutthese, these Ice Warriors. You seem to know a lot about most things. [BILL] Well, we're sort of police. [DOCTOR] Speak for yourself. [BILL] What, you can deal with big green Martians and, and, and rocket ships, but you can't deal with us being the police? [GODSACRE] No, no, no, no, no. It's just such a fanciful notion. A woman in the police force. [BILL] Listen, yeah? I'm going to make allowances for your Victorian attitudes because, well, you actually are Victorian. But, but anyway. Is it true? You deserted? (Godsacre nods) Why? [GODSACRE] Oh, cowardice. Simple cowardice. I thought I had it in me to command, Miss Potts, but when push came to shove I, I flunked it, deserted my post. Catchlove's the only one who knew and he's bled me dry. It could have been a fresh start for all of us. [BILL] How's it looking out there? [DOCTOR] All quiet. It's traditional at this point to say, too quiet. --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [VINCEY] Always liked the Colonel, I did. Seemed a decent chap. [PEACH] Well, we must take orders from the Captain now, son. Them's the rules. [VINCEY] Sir. [VINCEY] Blimey, Sarge. This is a queer 'un, ain't it? [VINCEY] Something to tell your kids. I mean, Martians! [PEACH] You just face front and mark your man when you see him, Vincey lad. [PEACH] Martian or no Martian. [VINCEY] Wait till Alice hears all this. [PEACH] Set a date, have you, son? You and your Alice? [VINCEY] Not yet. I want to have enough put by to make us comfy. [VINCEY] And then we'll get married in that little church with the twisted spire back home, down by the river. [VINCEY] Oh, it's so green there, Sarge. It's beautiful. I miss the trees and the grass. I never want to see red again in all my puff. I just want to see [CATCHLOVE] How in God's name did they get behind us? [CATCHLOVE] Turn it! Turn it, for God's sake, ninety degrees! [PEACH] It won't work, sir. We need more men! [DOCTOR] Catchlove, this is senseless slaughter! [CATCLOVE] Front, present! Fire! Come on, lads, there's only three of them. --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [IRAXXA] Sleep no more, my Warriors. Sleep no more. It is time! --------------------------------------- (Brig) [BILL] Doctor, what do we do? There's no way out. --------------------------------------- (Drilling room) [CATCHLOVE] Close it! Close the gap! [PEACH] Retreat! Retreat! Run for it! [VINCEY] Sir! What do we do? [CATCHLOVE] Oh, sod this for a game of soldiers. --------------------------------------- (Brig) [BILL] Friday? [FRIDAY] Doctor, we must work together. --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [IRAXXA] Rise, my Ice Warriors! Rise! --------------------------------------- (Drilling chamber) [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where are you going? [GODSACRE] I'm sorry, Doctor. Blue funk. Can't help it. I can't do it. I'm sorry. [DOCTOR] I need a distraction. [BILL] You got one. [DOCTOR] Good luck. [BILL] Oi, Queenie! Let's talk. Woman to woman. You valued my opinion before. [IRAXXA] Perhaps. But this is war. [BILL] Why? Why does it have to be war? [FRIDAY] Your Majesty, she's right. [IRAXXA] You have forged a new alliance, I see. [BILL] We can stand together. [IRAXXA] It's too late. Mars stands alone. We are strong. Soon, all my Warriors will wake. We do not require assistance. [DOCTOR] Your Majesty! Oh, Your Majesty, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Stand down, or I'll fire. [IRAXXA] Fire at what? [DOCTOR] Well, geography was never my strong suit, but aren't we underneath Mars's north pole? Over our heads, millions of tons of snow and ice. One good blast from the Gargantua here and your army will be on ice forever, trapped in an eternal winter, like, like Frozen! It's a movie. [IRAXXA] You will destroy yourself at the same time. [DOCTOR] That's a price worth paying, isn't it? It's a simple choice, Iraxxa, the oldest in the book. We must live together, or die together. [IRAXXA] You dare to touch me? [CATCHLOVE] in a spacesuit) Yes, my dear. I do. [DOCTOR] Don't do this, Captain. Don't mess this up. [CATCHLOVE] No choice, old boy. You see, I suddenly remembered I need a bit of a hand getting that ruddy ship off the ground. And who better to ask than the Ice Queen herself? Call off your dogs, Your Majesty. Call them off! [CATCHLOVE] That's better. Course, I will have to dynamite the lifts to stop you following, but er, well, war is hell, what? [DOCTOR] If you want to escape, I can help. Just leave Iraxxa with her people. Don't mess this up. [CATCHLOVE] Thank you, Doctor, but er, I think I prefer my plan. [CATCHLOVE] Gentlemen! It's been a privilege, however brief, to command you, but all good things come to an end. [GODSACRE] I think you'll find, Captain, that I'm in command here. [IRAXXA] You sacrificed one of your own without tactical advantage? [GODSACRE] No, I didn't sacrifice him. I executed him. [IRAXXA] Do you now expect your life to be spared? [GODSACRE] No. No, no, no. I expect it to be taken. And I give it willingly. [DOCTOR] Shh! [GODSACRE] Some time ago, I was hanged for cowardice. The execution took longer than expected, and I fear I have not used my time well. [GODSACRE] I should be happy for you to complete the work they failed to do so long ago. [IRAXXA] It will be a pleasure. [BILL] No, please, don't do this. [DOCTOR] Bill, quiet. [BILL] He saved your life! [GODSACRE] Your Majesty, I have a request, if that may be permitted. [IRAXXA] Speak! [GODSACRE] That man was not one of us. Please, do not judge mankind by his cruelty or indeed by my cowardice. Spare my friends and my world. [IRAXXA] Your request does you credit, soldier. It will be considered. [GODSACRE] God save the Queen. [SOLDIERS] God save the Queen! [IRAXXA] You will die with honour, with bravery, and in the service of those you swore to protect. [GODSACRE] Thank you. You don't know what that means. Thank you. [IRAXXA] But not today. In battle, soldier. To die in battle is the way of the warrior. Pledge your allegiance to me and my world, and I will ensure you have the opportunity. [GODSACRE] My life and my service are yours. (kneels) To the end. [IRAXXA] To the death, my friend. To the death. [BILL] You knew that would happen. [DOCTOR] Always been my problem. [BILL] What? [DOCTOR] Thinking like a warrior. --------------------------------------- (Burial chamber) [DOCTOR] There we are. I've sent out a sort of round-robin e-mail. All being well, the first intelligent, space-going system will be in touch fairly soon. [IRAXXA] Thank you, Doctor. Mars is dead, but the Ice Warriors will live on. [BILL] Will they make it? Oh, yes. In fact, this might be the beginning of the Martian Golden Age. [VOICE [OC]] Are you receiving us? Mars, are you receiving? [IRAXXA] This is Iraxxa, Queen Empress of Mars. [VOICE [OC]] Ah, excellent! We have received details of your situation. We would be happy to send a fleet to your aid at once. A physical marker of some sort would be appreciated to guide our ships. [IRAXXA] To whom am I speaking? [VOICE] This is Alpha Centauri. Welcome to the universe! --------------------------------------- (Mars) [BILL] Big enough? [DOCTOR] For the ship to see? I think so. [BILL] You going to be okay? [GODSACRE] Well, that's twice I've been executed. Whatever happens now, it's got to be better than I expected. There's nothing for me backon Earth, and to help forge a new world, well, that will be my privilege. Seems a shame, though. [BILL] What does? [GODSACRE] Well, no one back on Earth will ever know that we got here. All will be forgotten. [DOCTOR] Oh, not quite forgotten, Colonel. You've changed the mind-set of a very stubborn Martian monarch. And one day, even though the ice cap may obscure it, someone's going to notice that. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [NARDOLE] So, er, what did I miss? [DOCTOR] Where have you been? [NARDOLE] Yeah. Er, before you go getting all frowny. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [NARDOLE] Er, well, er. [MISSY] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] This can't happen. This is not what we agreed to. I'm going to have to put you back in the Vault. You know that. [MISSY] Sure. That's fine. [DOCTOR] What? [MISSY] But Doctor, please tell me. Really, are you all right?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s36", "episode": "e09", "title": "Empress of Mars"}
Doctor Who (07 Oct 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - The Woman Who Fell To Earth [RYAN] So today I want to talk about the greatest woman I ever met. Smart, funny, caring, special. Proper special. Er, where do I start? Okay, I've mentioned this on here before. I'm pretty much not an idiot. I'm actually a capable guy, considering. But I'm 19, and cos of the thing I told you before, I can't yet ride a bike. --------------------------------------- (Moors) [GRACE] Who says you can't? [RYAN] Me, Nan. We keep trying this. [GRACE] And we'll go on trying till it's done. Now keep your eye on Grandad. [RYAN] You mean Graham. [GRACE] Keep your eye on Graham, then. Three, two, one, go! Go on! [GRAHAM] Go on, Ryan! You're doing it, mate! [GRACE] Nearly. [RYAN] No, not nearly. I'm sick of coming up here, I'm sick of falling, and I'm sick of this stupid bike. [GRACE] Ryan Sinclair, don't you dare! [GRAHAM] Mate, you rode it for a second. [RYAN] Can you stop calling me mate? Anyway, a second's not enough. [GRACE] You'll do it, if you keep on trying. [RYAN] I just want to make you proud. [GRACE] You make me proud every day. [GRAHAM] Anyway, you're on your own getting that bike, cos our train leaves in twenty minutes. Come on, love. [RYAN] Hi. Er, Police, maybe. --------------------------------------- (Street) [SONIA] She smashed it with a hammer! [JANEY] Cos you keyed me nearside door! [SONIA] Because you parked in my spot! [JANEY] It's not your spot. There are no spots. [YASMIN] Ladies, please! Thank you. Can I suggest a simple solution? You pay for her cracked window, you pay for her scratched door, and we all agree that parking round here is a nightmare but that grown-ups really shouldn't need to call the police to sort it out for them. Now, if we're all agreed on that, there's no need for me to take any further police action and we can all get on with our lives. What do you reckon? --------------------------------------- (Police car / Police station) [YASMIN] I'm just saying, I am capable of more than parking disputes. [RAMESH] And I keep telling you don't run before you can walk. You're a probationer, Yaz. Learn the basics. [YASMIN] I want to do more. Can you not get them to give me something that'll test me? Something a bit different. [RAMESH] There is something that just came in, if you want different. --------------------------------------- (Woods) [YASMIN] And you say you just found it here? [RYAN] No, I said it appeared, out of nowhere. [YASMIN] Right. [RYAN] I swear, this isn't a prank. I came down here to get me bike. [YASMIN] And where's your bike? [RYAN] In that tree. [YASMIN] Name, sir? [RYAN] Ryan Sinclair. [YASMIN] Wait. Redlands Primary? [RYAN] Yeah. [YASMIN] Yasmin Khan. [RYAN] Oh my God. Yaz. Wow. [YASMIN] I know. [RYAN] Look at you. You're a Fed. [YASMIN] Yeah. We don't call it that. I'm still training, second year probation. What about you, what are you up to? [RYAN] Warehouse worker. [YASMIN] Oh. Right. Like it? [RYAN] Hate it. It's cash while I study for my NVQ. I'm trying to be a mechanic. [YASMIN] That's good. You have to take this away, though, seriously. It's going to be dark any minute. You can't dump this here. [RYAN] I didn't. I can't even lift it. [YASMIN] Oh, come on, Ryan. It's me. [RYAN] Touch it. [YASMIN] What? [RYAN] See? It's freezing. --------------------------------------- (Train carriage) [ANNOUNCEMENT] The next station is Grindleford. [GRAHAM] Do you ever think he's going to call me Grandad? [GRACE] Give him time. [GRAHAM] Three years we've been married. [GRACE] And you've never been happier! [GRACE] Can't keep his hands off me, love. [GRAHAM] Behave yourself. [GRACE] Never. [GRAHAM] You all right, love? [GRACE] Think so, yeah. What just happened? [GRAHAM] Where you going? [GRACE] Just having a look. [GRACE] What're you doing? Don't go on t'track, it could be live. [KARL] Get off of there! [GRACE] Graham, the doors just locked. We're shut in. I can't get them open. Summat's wrong. [KARL] I think something's coming down the train. [GRAHAM] Right, get away from the door. Grace, get to the back of the carriage. Get to the back. --------------------------------------- (Woods) [RYAN] Wait, one sec. Hiya, Nan. [GRACE [OC]] Ryan, love. Our train's stopped between Hathersage and Grindleford, and something really weird's going on. (static) [YASMIN] Everything all right? [RYAN] Nan? --------------------------------------- (Train carriage) [GRAHAM] Grace, get back. [GRAHAM] What is it? [GRACE] I've no idea. [DOCTOR] What? [DOCTOR] Should buy us a few seconds. (looks at the hole in the roof) Oh yeah, Long story. Tell you later. Doors? [GRACE] Locked shut. [DOCTOR] We'll see about that. No sonic. Empty pockets. Oh, I hate empty pockets. [KARL] It's coming back! [DOCTOR] What are you? Okay, you don't like questions. More the private type, I get that. [KARL] Get it away from me! [DOCTOR] All of you, stay very still. [KARL] It's going to kill us. [DOCTOR] It could've done that already. [RYAN] Nan! [GRACE] Ryan, stay away! [YASMIN] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] You three, relax, but stay put. I'll check the rest of the train. Fat lot of use you two were. [YASMIN] Hey! Hold on there please, madam. I need you to do as I say. This could be a potential crime scene. [DOCTOR] Why are you calling me madam? [YASMIN] Because you're a woman. [DOCTOR] Am I? Does it suit me? [YASMIN] What? [DOCTOR] Oh yeah, I remember. Sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman. When's the next train due? [RYAN] This is the last one back. [DOCTOR] But the doors are locked. How did you both get in? [YASMIN] Driver's window was smashed in. [DOCTOR] What's your name? [YASMIN] PC Khan, Hallamshire Police. [DOCTOR] Name, not title. [YASMIN] Yasmin Khan. Yaz to my friends. Can I have your name, please? [DOCTOR] When I can remember it. [YASMIN] You don't know your own name? [DOCTOR] Course I know it. I just can't remember it. It's right there, on the tip of my... What's that? [RYAN] Tongue? [DOCTOR] Tongue! Smart boy. Biology. What did she call you? Ryan? [RYAN] Yeah. Ryan Sinclair. [DOCTOR] Good name. Are you a doctor, Ryan? [RYAN] No. [DOCTOR] Shame. I'm looking for a doctor. --------------------------------------- (Driver's cab) [DOCTOR] Power, lights, doors. Poor woman. [RYAN] That thing must've killed her as it came through. [DOCTOR] Must it? It didn't kill anyone else. Looks more like she died of shock when it smashed through the window. [YASMIN] Either way, a woman has died here. [DOCTOR] But no more creatures, and no other passengers left on board. Let's get back to the others. --------------------------------------- (Train carriage) [YASMIN] Wait. Can you stop, please? This could be a major incident. I'm the one in charge here. [DOCTOR] What are you going to do? [YASMIN] Call it in to my station. [DOCTOR] What are you going to tell them? [YASMIN] The facts. [DOCTOR] Which are? [YASMIN] The train was attacked. [DOCTOR] By what? [YASMIN] I need to take a look at CCTV footage. [DOCTOR] And why do you need to check CCTV when we all saw it with our own eyes? [RYAN] Was it an alien? Because it looked like an alien to me. [YASMIN] Oh, come on. [DOCTOR] What, you think he's wrong? [YASMIN] No, I dunno, but... [DOCTOR] But you're worried about how you'll explain all this to a superior officer who won't believe you. [YASMIN] I can't not report it. [DOCTOR] You could hold off until we get the answers to the bigger questions. [YASMIN] Which are? [DOCTOR] What was it? Why is it here? Where's it going next? And, most importantly, how do we stop it? 'Cos whatever it is, I don't think it's done. Come on, Ryan. Come on, Yaz. I'm calling you Yaz, cos we're friends now. [KARL] It's er Karl Wright. Middle name's Brian. 52 Northover Street. [YASMIN] Telephone number? [DOCTOR] Right then, troops. No, not troops. Team, gang, fam? I'm distracting myself. [GRACE] You came crashing through that roof. [DOCTOR] I was thrown out of my Tardis. Oh, I've lost my Tardis. It was exploding and then it dematerialised. Don't panic. Not the end of the world. Well, it could be the end of the world, but one thing at a time. [GRAHAM] Are we supposed to understand anything you're saying? [RYAN] She thinks that thing is an alien. [GRAHAM] Don't be daft. There's no such thing as aliens. Anyway even if there was, they ain't going to be on a train in Sheffield. [DOCTOR] Why not? I'm alien and I'm here. [GRAHAM] Grace, we're going. [GRACE] No, we're not. She just saved our lives. [DOCTOR] Don't be scared. All of this is new to you, and new can be scary. Now we all want answers. Stick with me, you might get some. [KARL] Actually, I don't want answers. I just want to get to work and forget all about this. If that's all right with everyone. Even if it isn't. Thank you. [YASMIN] Would you like me to... [KARL] No! Thank you. I er, just want to be on my own. I'll walk. I need the air. And I'm with him. We don't get aliens in Sheffield. [GRACE] I think he's still in shock, bless him. [DOCTOR] Obvious question, but has anyone noticed anything else out of the ordinary tonight? --------------------------------------- (Police car) [YASMIN] I'm going to be in such trouble if they find out I were there. [DOCTOR] Can we have the lights and siren on? [YASMIN] No! I shouldn't be doing any of this. [DOCTOR] So you three know each other? [GRACE] I'm his Nan. Graham's me husband. [RYAN] Second husband. [DOCTOR] And you two know each other? [RYAN] Yeah, Yaz and I were at school together. [DOCTOR] Oh. [GRACE] Not Yasmin Khan? [YASMIN] Hello, Ryan's Nan. [GRACE] Haven't you done well for yourself, love. [DOCTOR] And you say you just found it there, this thing? [RYAN] Yeah, pretty much. I took pictures. [DOCTOR] Oh, good lad. (looks at the pictures) That's exciting. No, not exciting. What do I mean? Worrying. Fast as you can, Yaz. --------------------------------------- (Woods) [RYAN] There's my bike. [DOCTOR] Why's it in a tree? [RYAN] We were up top and I chucked it over. [GRAHAM] He gets cross cos he can't ride it. [GRACE] We're giving him lessons. He's got dyspraxia. It's a coordination disorder. [RYAN] Anyway, enough about me. The tree's to the left so it should be... [YASMIN] It was definitely there. [DOCTOR] So where's it gone? --------------------------------------- (Industrial unit) [ANDY] Rahul, if you're right about that, should we not tell someone? [RAHUL] What good would that do? [ANDY] I'm worried for you, mate. [RAHUL] I've finally got it. Go on, mate, have a pint on me. I'll see you Monday. Pick you up at eight. --------------------------------------- (Sheffield) [DOCTOR] Two weird things, one city, same night, makes me nervous. [YASMIN] I'll see if there have been any more reports on that object. [DOCTOR] Good, cos we need all the information we can get. Meet us back here. [GRAHAM] I could have a word with some of my old pals from work. If you want to know what's happening, ask a bus driver. [RYAN] He always says that. [GRAHAM] Yeah, that's cos it is true. I'd still be doing it now if I could. [RYAN] I can search for weird stuff on social media. [GRACE] I'll check in with my nurses group on WhatsApp. [GRAHAM] Seriously though. Aliens? [DOCTOR] Yep. [GRAHAM] Yeah, maybe I won't mention that bit. [DOCTOR] Suddenly I feel really tired. [GRACE] That was a big fall you had, love. We should get you checked out at A&E. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. I never go anywhere that's just initials. Although... (sticks a finger up her nostril) Ah. Can one of you catch me? [RYAN] You're going to fall over? [DOCTOR] In 2 minutes, 19 seconds. Wait. Forget the 2 minutes 19. Oh, this new nose is so unreliable. --------------------------------------- (Police station) [RAMESH] Yaz, you've done your shift. Stop pestering me for more interesting shouts. [YASMIN] It's not that. I'm just wondering whether there's been anything else out of the ordinary tonight. [RAMESH] It's the night shift in Sheffield. Everything's out of the ordinary. --------------------------------------- (Bus station) [GRAHAM] I've got to ask you, any talk of weird stuff or strange creatures out tonight? [GABRIEL] My wife's out with her mates at karaoke, if that's what you mean. [GRAHAM] Yeah, yeah. --------------------------------------- (Ryan's home) [GRACE] Ryan, look. [RYAN] Whoa. [GRACE] She's got two separate pulses. [RYAN] Oh my God, what is that? [GRACE] I have no idea. [DOCTOR] Ah! Ah! Oh! Who woke me up? I'm not ready, still healing, still... oh. Can you smell that? No, not smell, not hear, feel. Can you feel...? Stay still, Ryan. [RYAN] What is it? What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Ah. Show me your collarbones. [DOCTOR] Oh, you've all got them. [RYAN] So have you. [DOCTOR] Yeah, I have. Okay. Really sorry. Not good news. DNA bombs. Micro-implants which code to your DNA. On detonation, they disrupt the foundation of your genetic code, melting your DNA. Fast and nasty and outlawed in every civilised galaxy. [RYAN] How did we get them? [GRAHAM] Never mind that, are they going to go off? [DOCTOR] Quiet, I'm trying to think. It's difficult. I'm not yet who I am. Brain and body still rebooting, reformatting. [DOCTOR] Oh, reformatting. Can I borrow that? [RYAN] Yeah, I guess so. But what for? [DOCTOR] That creature, on the train when you two came on board, it zapped us all with these. Simple plan to take out witnesses. Very clever. Merciless, but clever. I reformatted your phone. [RYAN] No! All my stuff's on there! [DOCTOR] Not any more. [DOCTOR] Oh! That nap did me the world of good. Very comfy sofa. (grabs her jacket) Come on, keep up. --------------------------------------- (Industrial unit) [RAHUL] Where's my sister? [TZIM-SHA] Ask me again. [RAHUL] Where's my sister? [TZIM-SHA] You will never know. --------------------------------------- (Car) [DOCTOR] Next left. [YASMIN] Where are we driving to? [RYAN] I reckon she's using my phone to track the origin signal for the DNA bombs. [GRAHAM] Again, how long till they go off? [DOCTOR] Don't know. [GRAHAM] Well, can't we just defuse them? [DOCTOR] Not without the right equipment. Left again. --------------------------------------- (Business park) [DOCTOR] We're close. [DOCTOR] Bingo. Oi! [DOCTOR] I was expecting a tentacle-y thing. (shouts) Don't you move! [RYAN] Wait, is that another alien? [GRACE] Looks like it! [GRAHAM] Why is she running at another alien? [YASMIN] Don't just stand there, come on! [GRAHAM] Now you're all running at it! [DOCTOR] Oh, lost it. It's fast. I'm slower cos of all this... fizzing inside. [RYAN] In here! --------------------------------------- (Industrial unit) [GRAHAM] Got a man down over here. [GRACE] That thing must've killed him. I've never seen injuries like these. [DOCTOR] Not a weapon blast, more of an ice burn. [GRACE] It broke his jaw open too. [DOCTOR] Looks like it took one of his teeth. What sort of creature kills someone and then stops to pull out a tooth? I'm sorry you all had to see this. [GRACE] I'll find something to cover the body. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Grace. I'm sorry any of this is happening. I'm sorry that thing on the train planted these bombs inside you, and I'm sorry I haven't figured out what's going on yet. [RYAN] This is it. This is the thing. [YASMIN] It was all sealed up earlier. Looks like it's been broken. [DOCTOR] Or it's done what it came here for. It's some sort of transport chamber, presumably for that thing we just saw in the alley. But why here? Why tonight? [RYAN] Actually, that might have been me. [DOCTOR] Why? What did you do? [RYAN] When I went to get me bike, there were this line in the air. And then it moved, and there were shapes. [DOCTOR] And? [RYAN] And I touched one. [GRACE] Ryan. [RYAN] You all would've done the same. [GRAHAM] I wouldn't. [DOCTOR] I would've. [RYAN] Right, the shapes disappeared. A few seconds later, that appeared. What've I done? [DOCTOR] Hard to say, really. [GRAHAM] I suppose you'll be blaming this on the dyspraxia as well. Can't ride a bike, started an alien invasion. [GRACE] Graham. [GRAHAM] What? [GRACE] Enough, love. [RYAN] All right, I made a mistake. But why did that guy move this thing from the Peaks to here? And how did he even know it were there? [DOCTOR] Good questions. [YASMIN] Let's take a look round here, see what we can find. [DOCTOR] Can't follow it. The tracking's been blocked, like it figured out what I was doing. [GRACE] If we were tracking bomb signals from that creature from t'train, why did they lead us here? [DOCTOR] Another good question. I dunno. If I could analyse that. Course, what I really need is my... Oh! I could build one I'm good at building things. Probably. [YASMIN] It's not your fault, all this. [RYAN] Yeah, it basically is. [YASMIN] You couldn't have known that was going to happen. [RYAN] Maybe tell Graham that. [YASMIN] He knows, really. Do you believe she's an alien? [RYAN] Yeah, I think I do, yeah. Is that mad? [YASMIN] No. I think I do too. [RYAN] Hey, look in here. --------------------------------------- (Office) [RYAN] Hey, look at this. --------------------------------------- (Industrial unit) [GRAHAM] You don't look like an alien. [DOCTOR] You should've seen me a few hours back. My whole body changed. Every cell in my body burning. Some of them are still at it now. Reordering, regenerating. [GRACE] Sounds painful, love. [DOCRO] You have no idea. There's this moment when you're sure you're about to die and then... you're born. It's terrifying. Right now, I'm a stranger to myself. There's echoes of who I was, and a sort of call towards who I am, and I have to hold my nerve and trust all these new instincts. Shape myself towards them. I'll be fine, in the end. Hopefully. Well, I have to be because you guys need help. And if there is one thing I'm certain of, when people need help, I never refuse. Right, this is going to be fun! [DOCTOR] Ta-da! (the sonic screwdriver lights up, then goes bang) Oh. Should be fine. [RYAN] Hey, we found a load of stuff. --------------------------------------- (Office) [RAHUL [on screen]] It's come back. The thing I saw the night my sister... Everyone always says disappeared, but I know she was taken. Seven years now, tracking energy signals, building predictive programmes so that I'd know when the atmospheric disruptions matched what happened that day. And tonight it came back again and I've got it. I am going to find out what happened to my sister. If anything happens to me, her name was Asha. Don't let anyone else go through this. [RYAN] He knew what he was doing might kill him. [DOCTOR] She was his family. [RYAN] Did you just make that? [DOCTOR] Sonic screwdriver. Well, I say screwdriver, but it's a bit more multi-purpose than that. Scanner, diagnostics, tin opener. More of a sonic Swiss Army knife. Only without the knife. Only idiots carry knives. [RYAN] What are you doing with it? [DOCTOR] Mapping the distance this object has travelled. It looks like it started over 5,000 galaxies away. [YASMIN] How can you tell? [DOCTOR] That bit there. Recall circuitry. It's designed for a return journey. [GRAHAM] So whatever killed that bloke will have to come back here? [DOCTOR] Question is, why did it leave? What's it looking for? [GRACE] What's your best guess, love? [DOCTOR] Two aliens, one city, one night. Best guess? Two species at war, using Earth as a battleground. [YASMIN] Are you joking? [DOCTOR] No, sorry. [GRAHAM] So... so you're saying that the creature on the train and the thing that came out of here, they're now looking for each other spoiling for a scrap? [DOCTOR] Bit more than a scrap. [YASMIN] What are we going to do? Cos this is my home, and I'm not having it being an alien battleground. [DOCTOR] We stop them meeting. Capture them, send them home. Away from each other, and away from Earth. [RYAN] How do we do that? [DOCTOR] Well, give me a minute. I'm working on it. [GRAHAM] Not to sound like a stuck record, but can I just ask about these DNA bombs? Like, how long have we got left? [DOCTOR] Enough questions! You lot, you love to chat. I get it. Lots to do. I'm working on it all. And I haven't forgotten about your collarbones, Graham. Give me nine minutes, a bit of quiet, and I'll be ready to roll. Scout's honour. [GRAHAM] Hello? Yeah, Kevin. No, no mate. That's exactly the sort of thing. --------------------------------------- (Alleyway) [DEAN] Halloween's next month, mate. (throws salad at him) Eat my salad, Halloween! --------------------------------------- (Rooftop) [DOCTOR] Hi. Us again. [DOCTOR] Now! [RYAN] Get in! It actually worked! [DOCTOR] Of course it worked. I'm not an amateur. Overloaded its socket, stunned it for a bit. Not sure for how long though. Best be quick. And thank you to Kevin the bus driver for location intel. [GRAHAM] See? Always ask a bus driver. [DOCTOR] (scanning it) Half organic, half machine. Starts to make sense now. Wait. It's a Gathering Coil. No, dozens of Gathering Coils. These tentacle-y things, they're creatures which gather information. They've been lashed together and augmented into one super-creature. But why? What data are they gathering? Unless... [YASMIN] So that's an alien species? [DOCTOR] Not really. More of a semi-species. Weaponised bio-tech. [YASMIN] You said there were two aliens in a battle. [DOCTOR] You're right, I did, but now I think I'm wrong and I'm trying to catch up with what that might mean. If I can access the data it's gathered... [GRAHAM] It's Karl from the train. [DOCTOR] Karl's the data. That's what it was gathering on the train. [GRAHAM] But what would the alien want with him? [TZIM-SHA] Which one of you shall I kill first? [DOCTOR] I'm voting none of us. Get behind me now. Stop right there. Come any further and we'll blast whatever that thing is. [TZIM-SHA] You're interfering in things you don't understand. [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, we all need a hobby. [TZIM-SHA] You're not human. Who are you? [DOCTOR] Me? I'm... Oh, it's gone again. I had it a minute ago. So annoying. Same question back at you. No, in fact, before that, because it's really bugging me, actually not bugging me, offending me. Why the teeth? Bad enough you kill, why take a tooth from the victim? [TZIM-SHA] A Stenza warrior wears his conquests. You may tell your children you were once privileged to encounter Tzim-Sha of the Stenza. [DOCTOR] Tim Shaw? [TZIM-SHA] Tzim-Sha. [DOCTOR] Tim Shaw. [TZIM-SHA] Tzim-Sha! Soon to be leader of the Stenza warrior race, conquerors of the Nine Systems. [DOCTOR] When you say soon to be leader, what are you now, the office junior? [GRAHAM] Eh? No, don't wind him up. [TZIM-SHA] Tonight is my challenge. Trace and obtain the selected human trophy. [DOCTOR] It's a hunt. You're on a hunt. [TZIM-SHA] Well done. Your tiny mind must be burning with such effort. [DOCTOR] Did he just say I had a small mind? [TZIM-SHA] The challenge is simple. Our leaders randomly designate a selected human. I'm sent here, alone, no weapons, no assistance. I must locate and obtain the trophy and return home with it, victorious. By doing this, I ascend to leader. This is the ritual of the Stenza. [YASMIN] And it's happened before. Rahul's sister. [DOCTOR] Earth is not a hunting ground. [TZIM-SHA] Access was granted. [RYAN] No, it wasn't. It was a misunderstanding. Access revoked as of now, by me. [DOCTOR] Just to pick up on one thing. You don't mind, do you? You said the rules were no weapons, no assistance. [TZIM-SHA] Correct. [DOCTOR] How did you kill them? What caused the ice burns? [TZIM-SHA] We Stenza live at temperatures far below this planet, one touch of my cold skin will kill a human. [DOCTOR] So, this super-powered Gathering Coil right here, you're not meant to have it, are you? [TZIM-SHA] The creature is irrelevant. [DOCTOR] I don't think it is. I think you smuggled it ahead of you. I think it located the randomly designated human for you. I think you broke the rules. Some leader you're going to make. Tim Shaw is a big blue cheat! [DOCTOR] Okay, fine, have it. [RYAN] What's it doing? [DOCTOR] Total transference. If you've finished, let's be really clear. You're not taking any human from Earth tonight. Leave now or we're going to stop you. [TZIM-SHA] Good luck. [DOCTOR] No! Short-range teleport. Double cheat! [YASMIN] Where have they gone? [DOCTOR] To hunt. [RYAN] Hunt who? [DOCTOR] Isn't it obvious? --------------------------------------- (Crane cab) [RECORDING] I am special. [KARL] I am special. [RECORDING] I am valued. [KARL] I am valued. [RECORDING] Somebody out there wants me. [KARL] Somebody out there wants me. --------------------------------------- (Security hut) [DENNIS] You stay up too late, madam. Let your mum get some sleep. She works very hard for you. Mind you, I like it that you call me. Not every grandad's this lucky. [DENNIS] Daisy love, I've got to go now. Love you loads. What do you think you're... Argh! --------------------------------------- (Car) [YASMIN] Karl's number's going straight to voicemail. [RYAN] Got him. Karl Wright, operator for Skylark Building Services. [GRAHAM] I know where their site is. It ain't far. Grace, next right, love! --------------------------------------- (Crane cab) [KARL] Dennis, there's someone climbing up to me cab. Dennis? Dennis, it's Karl! --------------------------------------- (Building site) [KARL [OC]] Dennis, I need help! Somebody's on my crane! [DOCTOR] Oh, great. Karl's a crane operator. He would be, wouldn't he? [RYAN] It's over there. [GRAHAM] And that creature's guarding the bottom of it. [DOCTOR] Graham, Grace, need you to take this equipment and get everybody off this site. Don't care how. Use your initiative. Do not come back in, understand? Ryan, Yaz, how are you with machinery, and heights? --------------------------------------- (Crane) [DOCTOR] That tentacle-y thing is guarding Karl's crane, so we go up this one. [YASMIN] What do we do when we get up there? [DOCTOR] Don't worry, I've got a plan. [YASMIN] Really? [DOCTOR] Well, I will have by the time we get to the top. [YASMIN] Are you all right with this? Cos if it's a problem, you don't have to do it. [RYAN] I do. I can do this. --------------------------------------- (Building site) [GRAHAM] Thank you very much. Total site shutdown. Quick as you can, please. Thank you. Major power issues, very serious, emergency services on their way. [GRACE] Off site immediately, please. Matter of urgency. --------------------------------------- (Crane cab) [KARL] You can't come up here. Turn around please! Go on! [DOCTOR] Oi! Karl from the train. Up and over! Up and over! [KARL] You have got to be kidding. I am valued. I am special. --------------------------------------- (Crane) [YASMIN] Ryan! You okay? --------------------------------------- (Karl's crane) [KARL] I am confident. I achieve my goals. I achieve my goals. --------------------------------------- (Crane) [RYAN] We made it! Oh! Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's way too high up here. [YASMIN] What's the plan? You said you'd have a plan. [DOCTOR] Nearly. Nearly, nearly... I got one. I climb onto the arm of this crane, you swing the arm round next to Karl's crane. [RYAN] Oh no, you're kidding. [DOCTOR] Karl steps across, you swing the arm away, I get him back in here, all back down for a cuppa and a fried egg sandwich. I'm really craving a fried egg sandwich. Simple, no? [YASMIN] Not really. [DOCTOR] All right, it's a work in progress, but so is life. It'll be fine. Oh! I got these downstairs. One must work. [DOCTOR] You can figure out how to work a crane, right? Go. [DOCTOR] Yep, way too high. --------------------------------------- (Building site) [GRAHAM] Grace, she explicitly said not to come back. It's not safe. [GRACE] Look, it's swapped cranes. It's trying to bring it down. We have to stop it. --------------------------------------- (Crane cab) [YASMIN] Last one. (it works) Get in. Okay, so now we just need to swing the arm round to meet that one. [RYAN] Right, I think this shows us. Ready? [YASMIN] Every day's a learning day. --------------------------------------- (Crane jib) [DOCTOR] Wrong way! Wrong way! --------------------------------------- (Crane cab) [RYAN] Wrong way. Wrong way! [YASMIN] I know. Shut up. --------------------------------------- (Crane jibs) [DOCTOR] Hiya, again. [RYAN] What's going on? [DOCTOR] When the arms line up, just step across. [KARL] How am I supposed to get across there now? [DOCTOR] When I said step, obviously I meant jump. Jump across. [KARL] I can't do that! [DOCTOR] Of course you can. Stand up, quick jump. Chop chop, I'll catch you. [KARL] I dunno. I'm not great with heights. [DOCTOR] What? [KARL] It's my dad's company. [DOCTOR] Pop on over. [KARL] Okay. I am special. [DOCTOR] Yes, you are. [KARL] I am brave, and I am gonna jump. [DOCTOR] No time like the present. [DOCTOR] Let him go! [KARL] I'm sorry! [DOCTOR] If you want something doing... [KARL] Please! Help! [ALL] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] These legs definitely used to be longer. [DOCTOR] Oi, Tim Shaw, you stop right there. [KARL] Oh, he's got a face of teeth! [DOCTOR] I know. I've got this. Let him go... or I destroy this. [DOCTOR] Really need a new coat. This. [DOCTOR] The recall from the pod you travelled in. I took it out. Without this, you can't get home. Yeah, see? Now you're worried. If I fall, this falls with me. Then you're stuck. --------------------------------------- (Building site) [GRACE] Yeah? [GRAHAM] Yeah. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Crane jib) [DOCTOR] What do you do with them, your human trophies? [TZIM-SHA] They're held in stasis in our trophy chambers, on the cusp between life and death. [DOCTOR] Left to rot? How completely obscene. [TZIM-SHA] They're not important. [KARL] Hey! I'm important. [DOCTOR] If I don't stop you, your people will keep doing this. [TZIM-SHA] Give me the circuit or I detonate the bombs placed in your friends. [DOCTOR] More weapons. Did your pet put one in Karl too? [KARL] What? [TZIM-SHA] There was no need. He was tagged. He is the trophy. [DOCTOR] I thought as much. Right, you detonate the bombs, I'll destroy the recall. So, what are we going to do? --------------------------------------- (Building site) [GRACE] Right, you rewired the house, so you sort things out this end, I'll climb up. [GRAHAM] I don't want you doing that. [GRACE] Graham, Ryan's in danger. We don't have time to argue. Give me t'signal when you're ready. [GRAHAM] Okay. [GRACE] Is it wrong to be enjoying this? [GRAHAM] Yes! --------------------------------------- (Crane jib) [DOCTOR] Poor Tim Shaw. The wannabe leader who has to cheat because he knows he's unworthy. See, that's why I know you won't detonate. Although, you could prove me wrong cos we're all capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve while still staying true to who we are. We can honour who we've been and choose who we want to be next. Now's your chance. How about it? [TZIM-SHA] Who are you? [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm glad you asked that again. Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. I know exactly who I am. I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe. Now please, get off this planet while you still have a choice. [TZIM-SHA] I choose to win. [DOCTOR] Sorry. I removed those nasty little things from my friends - Swiss Army sonic, now with added Sheffield steel - And I implanted them back in your creature. Your transference wasn't just data, it was physical. You got everything transferred to you, including five tiny bombs. You had a choice. You did this to yourself. Go home. [KARL] I am important! [DOCTOR] You had no right to do that. --------------------------------------- (Building site) [GRACE] Put a bomb in me, would you? Now, Graham! [GRACE] It's working! [GRACE] Don't be cross with me. [GRAHAM] I'm not cross, baby. I'm not cross. [GRACE] Promise me... you won't be scared. [GRAHAM] What do you mean? [GRACE] Without me. [GRAHAM] Grace. Grace... --------------------------------------- (YouTube channel) [RYAN] So, today I want to talk about the greatest woman I ever met. Smart, funny, caring. Proper special. My nan. Because... she died. --------------------------------------- (Ryan's bedroom) [RYAN] First me mum six years ago, and now me nan. It's like the best people get taken first. I had a lot to learn from her and I were looking forward to that. She died like she lived, trying to help other people. I love you, Nan, and tomorrow I'm going out there for you. --------------------------------------- (Moors) [RYAN] Three, two, one... --------------------------------------- (Chapel) [DOCTOR] What time did your dad say he'd get here? [RYAN] Two hours ago. [DOCTOR] If he said he'll come... [RYAN] He says a lot of things. He's never been the best at being reliable. I mean, how can he not be here? She's his mum. She would've wanted him here. I want him here. [GRAHAM] Lots of you knew Grace longer than me, so I can't stand here and pretend to know everything about her. I wasn't her first husband, but she said I would do for a second attempt. I can only tell you about the Grace I met, when I thought I didn't have much time left. The... the Grace that showed me life had more to offer, and... And I know if she was here now, she'd tell us not to be so sad. You see, I can hear her saying to me, Graham, we had three glorious years, what're you complaining about? I'm complaining because I wanted more. You see, Grace was a better person than I could ever be. And I should have gone and... Grace should still be here. --------------------------------------- (Outside Ryan's home) [DOCTOR] What did you mean in your speech, you thought you'd run out of time? [GRAHAM] Oh, well, er, I had cancer and er... Well, strictly speaking, I'm still in remission, three years gone. And Grace was my chemo nurse. That's where we met and fell in love. So by rights, I shouldn't even be here. [YASMIN] Have you got family? [DOCTOR] No. Lost them a long time ago. [RYAN] How do you cope with that? [DOCTOR] I carry them with me. What they would've thought and said and done. I make them a part of who I am. So even though they're gone from the world, they're never gone from me. [GRAHAM] That's the sort of thing Grace would have said. [YASMIN] So everything we saw, everything we've lied to people about, is this normal for you? [DOCTOR] I'm just a traveller. Sometimes I see things need fixing, I do what I can. Except right now, I'm a traveller without a ship. I've stayed too long. I should get back to finding my Tardis. [YASMIN] Doctor. Can I just say, you really need to get out of those clothes. [DOCTOR] Right, yeah. It's been a long time since I bought women's clothes. --------------------------------------- (Charity shop) [DOCTOR [OC]] Not that. Not that, not that. Ah, not that. Oh! Yes! Now, that's what I want. [YASMIN] That's what you're going with? [DOCTOR] Yep! Got any cash? Empty pockets. Also, I've been thinking about my Tardis. So you think you guys might be able to help me? --------------------------------------- (Industrial unit) [GRAHAM] How long have we got to stand here for? I'm getting cramp. [DOCTOR] Seriously, Graham, trying to concentrate here. [RYAN] Do you understand what she's doing? [DOCTOR] My ship uses a particular type of energy. I've tracked that energy trail from the moment I lost it to where it is now. Now, given this is a transport pod, I'm configuring it to send me to the planet where my ship seems to have ended up. [YASMIN] You're going to another planet? [DOCTOR] Well, trying to. Except Stenza technology's really annoying and super hard to decipher. 139 layers, seven of which don't make sense. Right. Graham. [GRAHAM] Yeah? [DOCTOR] Clamp those onto there. [GRAHAM] All right. [DOCTOR] Yaz, thread the cable onto the top. Ryan, you turn on the switch. Okay, you three, I'm almost gonna miss ya. [DOCTOR] That's it. It's connected up. It should work. [DOCTOR] Moment of truth, then. Wish me luck. And goodbye. Oh, deep breath. Not you lot. Me.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Woman Who Fell To Earth"}
Doctor Who (9 Dec 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos [ANDINIO] (older female) Finally, this is where our journey stops. [DELPH] (younger male) You're going to make this the place? [ANDINIO] It's time. You're ready, Delph. [DELPH] I don't think I am. [ANDINIO] Seventeen years is enough. This is what I've trained you for. [DELPH] You call it training, I call it building doubt. Every lesson that you've given me, I feel like I've understood less, not more. [ANDINIO] Which is the point. The more we learn, the less we realise we know. This is our faith. This is our existence. The Creator would contend the world is not to be understood, only experienced, and built with our gift. [DELPH] Praise the Creator's will. [ANDINIO] Do this, Delph, and you shape our world in worship. [DELPH] But if I fail, if I can't do it after all these years... [ANDINIO] Trust in yourself. Now, come on. Show me our years of walking have not been wasted. Fulfil what we are, what only we can do. [ANDINIO] What's happening? Stop, Delph, now. [ANDINIO] It's not possible. It cannot be, and yet... --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [GRAHAM] Those systems are lit up like a Christmas tree. [DOCTOR] Nine cries for help, nine distress signals, all coming from the same planet. Not just the same planet, the same area of the same planet.Now listen, planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos. [YASMIN] Ranskoor Av what? [DOCTOR] Kolos. Roughly translated, means Disintegrator of the Soul. [GRAHAM] Oh, another cheery one. [DOCTOR] The Tardis is reporting that the planet's transmitting violent psychotropic waves throughout its atmosphere. The type of waves that mess with your brain, distort reality, change moods to the extreme. These are neural balancers. So long as you're wearing one, it should keep you immune to the waves. But you must keep it on at all times. [RYAN] What happens if we lose them? [DOCTOR] Don't lose them. [GRAHAM] And it has to be us, does it, answering the signals from this planet? [DOCTOR] No. Not at all. But everyone else has passed them by. You think we should do the same? I've locked onto a craft on the planet's surface. Here we go. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] This is one of the ships that sent a distress signal. Cryo-sleep chambers, long-range craft, weapons archive. Been in service for a long time, by the looks of things. But who sent the signal? Where's the crew? [YASMIN] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hi. [PALTRAKI] Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. This is Yaz, Ryan, and Graham. [PALTRAKI] What is that thing? [DOCTOR] It's what we travel in. See? The sign on the front. We respond to urgent calls. You look like an urgent call. What's your name? [PALTRAKI] Did they send you? [DOCTOR] When you say they, who do you mean? People from here? Cos we've just arrived here, remember? We've never been to this planet before. So we can't be with them, whoever they are. [PALTRAKI] That's right. [DOCTOR] Now, is it just you, or is there any other crew with you? [PALTRAKI] I don't know. What's happened to me? [DOCTOR] My friends are going to take a look round your ship, if that's okay. See what you can find out. [PALTRAKI] I should've left. [DOCTOR] And why haven't you? [PALTRAKI] I can't remember my name. I used to know, before I went outside. I should never have gone outside. [DOCTOR] Why? What happened outside? [PALTRAKI] The battle. (raises gun) Who are you? How did you get here? [DOCTOR] We've just been talking. We just arrived. We want to help you. I think this planet is having a bad effect on you. Would you consider putting this on? Neural balancer. It'll help calm your mind. Please. [DOCTOR] Put this on. [YASMIN] I think I've found an on button. [GRAHAM] Who do you think that lot are, then? [RYAN] I think this is the rest of them. [YASMIN] So there's four in total. [GRAHAM] He's the commander. [RYAN] Maybe he killed his own crew. [GRAHAM] Always one for the cheery option. [YASMIN] We don't know they're dead. All we know is they're not here. [GRAHAM] Yeah. [DOCTOR] He's taken the neural balancer. I'm hoping it'll restore something in his mind. [GRAHAM] He looks pretty broken to me, Doc. [DOCTOR] Engine's fine. [DOCTOR] The power's still working. The ship's fine. He could've left whenever he wanted. It doesn't make sense. [GRAHAM] Here he is. [PALTRAKI] Paltraki. My name is Paltraki. [DOCTOR] Nice to meet you, Paltraki. Neural balancer kicking in? Don't push too hard. They work slowly. It'll come back. [RYAN] Whoa, what is that? [DOCTOR] We can answer it for you. Do you want us to activate it? [PALTRAKI] Get out of the viewing line. Do as I say, son. [RYAN] Okay. [ANDINIO [on screen]] Paltraki. [PALTRAKI] What do you want? [ANDINIO [on screen]] You must return to us. The Creator commands it. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] Paltraki. (mechanical breaths) Do you remember me, Paltraki? [DOCTOR] I know that voice. [YASMIN] Is that...? [RYAN] It can't be. [TZIM-SHA [on screen]] I want what is mine returned. [PALTRAKI] And why would I do that? [TZIM-SHA [on screen]] For your crew. Return what you took, or I will dismantle them piece by piece, beamed directly into your ship. [UMSANG [on screen]] Paltraki, don't come back. Don't worry about us. You got what we came for. (screams) [TZIM-SHA [on screen]] Two of your crew left. You have till lightfall. [ANDINIO [on screen]] Please, return what you took. Do as the Creator desires. [RYAN] Is it the same one? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [YASMIN] That can't be Tim Shaw. I thought he was dead. [DOCTOR] I sent him back to where he came from, using his own recall device. [RYAN] Then why is he here? [GRAHAM] Who's the girl? [PALTRAKI] Her name... was... Umsang. We fought alongside each other. [DOCTOR] What did you take? [PALTRAKI] Not take. Recover. [DOCTOR] What is it? [PALTRAKI] Our mission is retrieval. [DOCTOR] Great. All I'm getting is contradictions. Looks mineral. Maybe it's been extracted from the planet. The density's blowing the sonic's mind. [YASMIN] If it's that valuable, he'd want to keep it safe. [DOCTOR] It's not just safe. There's an incredibly sophisticated stasis lock embedded in the container's bio-structure, and I don't understand it.Stenza technology. What is it, Paltraki? Where did it come from? [PALTRAKI] I mustn't return it, but they have my crew. [RYAN] Hey, you seen this? Some kind of mapping device. All kinds of stuff on here with targets marked on. [DOCTOR] Mission briefing. Was this yours? [PALTRAKI] Maybe. I don't know. [GRAHAM] We could use it to retrace where he was. [DOCTOR] Yeah. We want to help you get your crew back. We'll go with you. [GRAHAM] Cos we've got unfinished business with that monster. [DOCTOR] Oh, I can lift it! But I shouldn't be able to. How can I lift it, with that impossible density? We're going to find your crew. We'll work out why this is so important. Equipment bay, is it over there? Do you mind if we take a look? Okay, Graham? --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [DOCTOR] Ranskoor Av Kolos isn't the Stenza's home planet, so how can that be Tim Shaw? [YASMIN] You feeling sick? [RYAN] Yeah. Like travel sick, but worse. [PALTRAKI] The sickness is how it started. [GRAHAM] So what is that sound? [DOCTOR] I think it's the planet. Obviously it doesn't like intruders. [GRAHAM] Doc, can I have a word? [DOCTOR] Of course. [GRAHAM] Just the two of us? [RYAN] Fine. Come on, Yaz. [GRAHAM] I need to be honest with you, cos I am really grateful for everything you've done for me. Well, for us, you know? Everywhere we've been, all the adventures, been amazing. But if that is the creature from Sheffield, I will kill it if I can. For what it did to Grace. [DOCTOR] Go back to the Tardis, Graham. [GRAHAM] No. [DOCTOR] I won't let you do that. [GRAHAM] You ain't going to have a say in it. [DOCTOR] You're better than this. You are. You have to be. If you kill him, I can't have you travel with me. That's if you even live. [GRAHAM] I understand. [DOCTOR] No, you don't. We're going to rescue hostages. Anything that compromises them is dangerous. And if you kill him, you become the same as him. [GRAHAM] I ain't having that. [DOCTOR] I'm serious, Graham. [GRAHAM] And so am I. [RYAN] And that's all you remember? Being back in your ship without your crew? [PALTRAKI] Nothing before that. There's a reason I should have left. I can nearly remember. [YASMIN] The Doctor said don't push. The memories will return. [RYAN] Hey, Yaz. Look. You all seen those? [DOCTOR] What happened here? [PALTRAKI] Those that came before us, that failed and fell. The Vanquished of Ranskoor Av Kolos. But that's not all. Look beyond. [DOCTOR] What are you looking at? [PALTRAKI] Look at the mists. Through the battlefield, on to the Edifice. That was our destination. [RYAN] We're not going to go through there, are we? No one in their right mind's going to go through there. --------------------------------------- (Below the Edifice) [DOCTOR] Equipment. [DOCTOR] I borrowed all this from your ship, Paltraki. These throat mics work like commdots. Side of the neck. Stay in contact. Take one each. Grenades. Codebreakers for doors. Also, a bomb. [RYAN] What happened to never do weapons? [DOCTOR] It's a flexible creed. Doors, locks, walls, buildings, fair game. If it can be rebuilt, I'll allow it. [RYAN] No, no. You stopped me shooting at Sniperbots before. [DOCTOR] You were new. I have to lay down the rules if someone's new. Also, don't quote that back to me. My rules change all the time. [DOCTOR] Be careful with them. You've got your trackers. As far as I can decipher, the golden markers on your devices relate to your original mission purpose for Paltraki and his crew, which must connect to this object. That's where I want you both to head. See what you can find. Graham, Ryan. You've got life signal markers on your devices. Head to that area and rescue Paltraki's crew. [YASMIN] What about you? Where are you heading? [DOCTOR] I'm going to find our friend. [GRAHAM] I want to come with you. [DOCTOR] No. [YASMIN] What'll you do once you find him? [DOCTOR] Find out what this is, and why it's so precious to him. Oh, I might need a bit of a negotiation leverage. [RYAN] What are you doing with those? [DOCTOR] Grenades as insurance policy. [PALTRAKI] Do you think that's smart? [DOCTOR] I think it's a precaution. I like precautions. Always take precautions, especially when you don't know what you're doing. [DOCTOR] Oh, I should have brought wellies. That could have been another precaution. Always bring wellies. I love wellies. In fact, I think I half-invented them. [YASMIN] And you think this is the best way in? [DOCTOR] Closest thing to a front door this building's got, as far as I can tell. [DOCTOR] Now, doorbell. Oh, entrance activation field. Maybe I can bypass...ah! --------------------------------------- (Edifice) [RYAN] Whatever happened to doors? Don't aliens bother with doors? [DOCTOR] The building dragged us in. [GRAHAM] So they know we're here. [PALTRAKI] Be quiet and get moving. Come on. You all know what you have to do. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GRAHAM] You see anything? [RYAN] Of course I can't see anything, I'm looking at the same things as you. I know what you're thinking. [GRAHAM] Is that right? [RYAN] You want to get to him. For Nan. Hold that. [GRAHAM] Do I really? Why don't you just concentrate on what we're supposed to be doing? [RYAN] You think that's what Nan would want? [GRAHAM] No, I think your Nan would want to be alive. She actually liked being alive, and she was really good at it. And she'd say to me, Graham, if you get the chance, you send that blue piece of rubbish to Kingdom Come. Because you know why? Your Nan... Your Nan might have been kind, but she was also tougher than you and me put together. [RYAN] And what about the rest of us, me, Yaz and the Doctor? I thought we were a team. Don't wreck what we've got because you're still angry. [GRAHAM] I am not a...! Look. We did not get rid of that thing properly, right? And now look what's happened. [RYAN] Shut up. [GRAHAM] Why, cos you know I'm right? [RYAN] No, really, shut up! Run! [GRAHAM] Sniperbots! [RYAN] How did they get here? [GRAHAM] He's built an army of them! [RYAN] No. No. More of them! We're trapped! [RYAN] Duck! [RYAN] Thank me later. --------------------------------------- (Lit corridor) [DOCTOR] Hi. [ANDINIO] Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm no one, but I have something you might be interested in. [ANDINIO] Where is the object? [DOCTOR] I never talk in the face of a gun. Point of principle. Please put it down. Going to be like that, is it? Fine. I've attached a couple of explosive devices to your object here on my back. So, shoot, and you jeopardise whatever this thing is. And what is it? Come on, share with the class. [ANDINIO] Where is Paltraki? [DOCTOR] I'm not answering your questions if you don't answer mine. Are his other two crew members still alive? [ANDINIO] Yes. [DOCTOR] See? That wasn't so hard. And good, thank you. Why didn't you stop that woman from being killed? What's your name? [ANDINIO] I am Andinio of the Ux. [DOCTOR] You're kidding. The Ux? As in the duo-species, only ever two of you? Lifespans of millennia? Only found on three planets in the whole universe?I've never met an Ux. Congratulations. It must be so cool. Wait, there's something else. Oh, I can't remember. What happened here, Andinio?Make sense of it for me. The battle zone outside? [ANDINIO] They came for the Creator. We defended him. [DOCTOR] Oh! I've remembered. Wait. Is this yours, this building? Is it true about the Ux? Faith-driven dimensional engineers. Is that why the building feels alive? [ANDINIO] This is our shrine. [DOCTOR] It feels like an energy running through it. [ANDINIO] Surrender the object and go. You have until the count of three. [DOCTOR] Show him my face. [ANDINIO] What? [DOCTOR] Let him see my face. Your Creator. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] Bring her to me. [ANDINIO] But... how can he know you? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PALTRAKI] Greston. My first name is Greston. Just remembered. Memories reconnecting. [YASMIN] What about where you're from? [PALTRAKI] Stebble. [YASMIN] Stebble? [PALTRAKI] What about you? [YASMIN] Earth. [PALTRAKI] What kind of a word is that? [YASMIN] It's better than Stebble, mate. Do you have a home there? [PALTRAKI] Beautiful home. Some land, and animals. Too many facts coming back. It's like a flood. I don't know what's important, or... We were the last fleet. When the others didn't come back, they sent for us. [YASMIN] Who sent you? Why did you come? [PALTRAKI] The Congress of the Nine Planets. In response to the atrocities. [YASMIN] Which were what? [YASMIN] Sniperbots! Nice shot. [PALTRAKI] They have an army of those things. --------------------------------------- (Lit corridor) [DOCTOR] Why do you call him the Creator? [ANDINIO] Our faith is handed down. The Creator is the cornerstone. [DOCTOR] And you're the first to see him. [ANDINIO] We are the blessed generation. [DOCTOR] Wait, there's only ever two of you. Where's the other one? [ANDINIO] I don't have to answer all these questions. [DOCTOR] That's what my teachers used to say. Usually just as they quit teaching. But I've got so many questions, Andinio.Because there's a battlefield outside where many people died, but you're no warrior. And your words are certain, but your eyes are full of doubt. [ANDINIO] How can you know him? [DOCTOR] Yes. How can I? --------------------------------------- (By steel doors) [PALTRAKI] Here. It's here. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [YASMIN] More of those mineral samples. [PALTRAKI] Five in total. I remember. We landed, fought our way here, even though the planet was playing with our minds. We never believed any of this was possible.But it was. [YASMIN] What is that stuff inside them? Why is everyone fighting over it? --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [RYAN] Areyou sure it's in here? [GRAHAM] I'm not sure about anything. But this is where the signals are telling us to go. [RYAN] What do you reckon these are? [GRAHAM] Not a clue. [GRAHAM] She's one of Paltraki's crew. [RYAN] How do we get her out? We've got to help her. [GRAHAM] I'll see if I can find some light. One of these panels has got to do something. [RYAN] Hey, that's it. You got it. [GRAHAM] Ryan, look. [RYAN] There's more through here. What do we do? We only came to rescue two people. There's dozens in there. How are we going to get them all out? --------------------------------------- (Life support room) [DOCTOR] You look in a bad way, whereas I've got a new coat. What do you think? [TZIM-SHA] Ready him. There will be a new target. [DOCTOR] Ready who? For what? [TZIM-SHA] I said, ready him. [ANDINIO] Whatever the Creator wills. [TZIM-SHA] Out. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. I'll look after him. [DOCTOR] Tim Shaw. How long's it been? [TZIM-SHA] Three thousand four hundred and seven years. [DOCTOR] I bet the seven really dragged. So, what happened to you? [TZIM-SHA] You did. You corrupted my recall device, banishing me across the universe to this desolate rock for the rest of my existence, unable to leave without dying. This was my curse, for failure. Or so you thought. I arrived, on the verge of death, racked by the DNA bombs. [DOCTOR] But you got more than you could possibly have wished for. The Ux. [TZIM-SHA] The universe provides. [DOCTOR] You wanted to be a leader. Now you're worshipped as a false god. Why all the ships outside? What have you made them do? [TZIM-SHA] (laughs) Do you know what the Ux are capable of? I carry the entire hive knowledge of the Stenza civilisation within me. Paired with the abilities of the Ux, they were happy to work for me. [DOCTOR] Work at what? [TZIM-SHA] What every living creature wishes for. Revenge. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [RYAN] Two codebreakers, thirty chambers. How much time do you reckon we've got? [GRAHAM] Not enough. And what's bothering me is how do we know these chambers aren't set to kill the people if they're tampered with, cos you know how sick that creature is. [RYAN] Still doesn't give you an excuse to go after him. [GRAHAM] Look at the people in here. It totally proves my point. [RYAN] They're trained soldiers, and they couldn't beat him, and you still think you can take him? [GRAHAM] Oh, yeah? And why do you care all of a sudden? According to you, I was never good enough for your Nan anyway. [RYAN] I said that a long time ago, Grandad. [GRAHAM] Yeah, and I've been waiting too long for that and all. [RYAN] Maybe. But you got it now. We're family. And I love you. [GRAHAM] What did you just say? [RYAN] I'm not saying it twice. Don't pretend you couldn't hear me the first time. I'm telling you what she used to tell me. Be the better man. Please. [GRAHAM] Why's it doing that? [RYAN] Motion detector, maybe. Do you think the robots shooting each other set off an alarm? [GRAHAM] I don't... (shakes head) --------------------------------------- (Life support room) [DOCTOR] When you say revenge, revenge on who? [TZIM-SHA] You, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. Don't put this on me. [TZIM-SHA] If you had not interfered, I would have become leader. First of the Stenza. And yet, I should thank you. [DOCTOR] Thank me? Why? [TZIM-SHA] You have made me a god. [DOCTOR] You are nothing of the sort. Now, tell me what this is. [TZIM-SHA] Can't your puny mind understand? [YASMIN [OC]] Doctor, we've found four more of those objects. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [YASMIN] What do you want us to do? [DOCTOR [OC]] Bit busy at the moment, Yaz. [PALTRAKI] Someone's coming. Over here. [ANDINIO] By the Creator's will. [DELPH] Andinio, please. Please. Don't make me do this again. [ANDINIO] We cannot understand the higher plan. Our faith is all we have. [DELPH] It's wrong. Please. [DELPH] This cannot be right. It will destroy me. It will destroy both of us! Andinio, please don't! [YASMIN] What are they doing? --------------------------------------- (Life support room) [DOCTOR] What's happening? What did you tell her to do? Make who ready? [TZIM-SHA] It has taken thousands of years. Every fragment of scientific understanding the Stenza ever possessed, allied to the impossible power of the Ux. You will see, Doctor. I must be a god. I have the powers of one. [DOCTOR] Let me guess. They built you a weapon. That's what your sort like to do. Is that why all those ships came? You made a weapon, and they came to stop you. And presumably, it's here. Somewhere in this building. [TZIM-SHA] Not in this building, Doctor. This shrine is the weapon. The Ux worked so hard to keep me alive. And they're right to worship me. I am unstoppable. [DOCTOR] No one's unstoppable. [TZIM-SHA] Run, tiny creature. It will make no difference now. The weapon is activated, Doctor. The Stenza held people in stasis as trophies, but that was never the goal. Our ultimate goal was to hold civilisations. They never found the way, but I have. You gave me my destiny. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [GRAHAM] Yeah, that should hold them off for a bit. I hope the Doc's got everything under control. [RYAN] Not getting a reply. And we have to get this lot out. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [YASMIN] The objects, why are they shaking? [PALTRAKI] I remember. [DOCTOR] Yaz, what's happening? Oh. Why are they doing that? [PALTRAKI] I remember what they did. Five objects. Five planets. One weapon. They stole five planets. [DOCTOR] That's not possible. [PALTRAKI] It's what happened. Entire planets removed from their spatial orbit. [DOCTOR] It would've destroyed all life. Planetary genocide. Oh, Tim Shaw, I didn't like you then. But now... [DOCTOR] Make them stop. You're breaking every known law of the universe. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] I'm rewriting the laws of the universe. [DOCTOR] It doesn't work like that. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] Stenza technology, allied to the gifts of the Ux, can create anything. [DOCTOR] Every action has consequences. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] And these are yours, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I didn't mean it like that. [DOCTOR] So annoying. The Ux! They're creating a rip in Space-Time. He's harnessed their powers. [DOCTOR] You don't understand anything right now. All these planetary masses cannot exist in the same place at the same time. The technology isn't stable. You bring another through, it could destroy everything. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] You're bluffing. [DOCTOR] He's one of those people that really irritates me. [YASMIN] Can we not disconnect them? [DOCTOR] It might kill them both if we disrupt it, or destroy this planet. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] The target, Doctor. Your responsibility. You and your friends. [DOCTOR] He's targeting Earth. [TZIM-SHA [OC]] The site of our first meeting, where this all began. Any world which ever defied or opposed the Stenza is now my target. Even in exile, I shall lead. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [RYAN] We're in. It worked. [GRAHAM] Hurry up, I can hear something outside the doors. [GRAHAM] Ryan, come on, son, we haven't got long! [RYAN] Take my hand. It's okay, you're safe. It's all right, it's all right. [GRAHAM] Chuck us a code-breaker, son. [RYAN] We ain't going to get them all out in time. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [DOCTOR] Can't stop, but must stop it. [GRAHAM [OC]] Could do with some help down here. [DOCTOR] Got a few problems of our own, Graham. [PALTRAKI] I'll go. (mic) This is Paltraki, I'm on my way. [DOCTOR] Get the hostages back to your ship. Yaz, you go with him. [YASMIN] No. I'm with you. Whatever happens. [PALTRAKI] We'll wait for you at the ship for as long as we can. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [GRAHAM] Everybody, get down! They're coming through! [PALTRAKI] I still remember how to take down robots, luckily for you. You found my crew. Thank you. [RYAN] Nice entrance, by the way. Now, get them back to your ship. [PALTRAKI] What about you? [GRAHAM] Oh, we've got a couple more to get out. [RYAN] Yeah. [GRAHAM] The codebreakers take a while to work. [PALTRAKI] You're going to have company. Detonate this as they come through, and don't be long. [RYAN] All right, this way. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [DOCTOR] The Ux. I've never met a race like them. They can affect the shape of the universe by thought. All that power, harnessed to Stenza tech. Can't disconnect them, it might kill them. [YASMIN] But if we don't, what happens to Earth? Their life versus seven billion others. [DOCTOR] There must be a way. There's always a way. We're really clever. What have we got? What can we use? Us verses the Ux. Think. If they're psychically generating all this... I could block the signals. [DOCTOR+YASMIN] Neural balancers! [DOCTOR] I could adjust the settings. Really easy. Make them neural blockers, no signals out or in. Could be enough. Big risk. [YASMIN] If we take our balancers off, put them on those two... [DOCTOR] The planet will be able to attack our minds. [YASMIN] Then, I'll take that risk to stop Earth being destroyed. [DOCTOR] Yeah, good. I mean, really good. Except it doesn't solve our problem with these. They can't all be here. We have to put them back in place.There's too many things to do! One thing at a time. It's fine. All good. Well, almost. First things first. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GRAHAM] Take it easy, all right. Here you go. Ryan! Get them out of here! [RYAN] I will not leave you behind. [GRAHAM] I've got to stay here to time the detonator, to stop them coming after us. I'll be right behind you. [RYAN] Promise? [GRAHAM] Yeah, yeah, I promise. Go. Go! Go on! --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [DOCTOR] Modified neural balancer on. Now you, Yaz. Gently does it. [DOCTOR] Come on, block their signals. [ANDINIO] No! What have you done? This is the Creator's work. [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. That creature took advantage of your faith. How could he recognise me, Andinio? We've met before. He's an exile from a warrior race called the Stenza.When we met, he was killing people for no reason on the planet he wants you to destroy. [ANDINIO] The Ux had been waiting for him, for generations. He is my truth. He was our truth. [DOCTOR] That creature is a lie, and he debased you and your faith. Don't you see? You are the creators. Look what you can do. You build. But he made you destroyers.That's no God. I'm sorry. [YASMIN] Doctor, something's happening to the containers. [DOCTOR] Oh no, I thought this might happen. Those planets cannot be contained any longer, else the damage will be colossal. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [GRAHAM] Yippee ki-yay, robots. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [DOCTOR] Too much to do, not enough time. Oh no, that's bad. The mass is returning. I can't lift it any more. But the planets need to be returned to the exact place inthe universe where they came from. Can you do it? Can you return them? [DELPH] It's possible. [ANDINIO] It would take time. [DOCTOR] Which we don't have. Argh, my brain. It's getting fuzzy. How do we do this? What have we got left? Oh. One possibility. You two, this set-up, us. What else? Oh! (the Sheffield sonic) Aligned to Stenza power, enough for a short-range whistle. Might work. Please work. Universe, provide for me. I'm working really hard to keep you together right now. [ANDINIO] What's that noise? [DOCTOR] Tim Shaw might have a shrine, but I've got a Ghost Monument. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [TZIM-SHA] You should run. [GRAHAM] Sorry, Ryan. --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [RYAN] All right, keep going! Catch up with them! [RYAN] Come on, Graham. Waiting, now. Keep going. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [GRAHAM] My wife died because of you. [TZIM-SHA] Good. [GRAHAM] I swore if I ever saw you again, I'd kill you. [TZIM-SHA] And yet, you falter. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [DOCTOR] Remote summons. It's locking on. Got it! [ANDINIO] What is that? [DOCTOR] You're not the only ones who can conjure stuff out of nothing. Do you mind if I get these back? Bit headachy now. [DOCTOR] Yaz, come on. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Cables, in the portal. Big thick ones. Drag them out. You and Andinio loop them into the systems. Very fast. If I can extend the dematerialisation field by three metres then split the field. Must be able to split the field. They're only tiny and I'm clever. Oi, Ux! Get in here! I know this will be way beyond your comprehension. [DELPH] Dimensionally transcendental? [DOCTOR] Now, get the cables with Yaz, and lock them into the systems. Delph, come here. [YASMIN] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Telepathic circuits. If it can work for your Nani's watch, it can work for that clever lad. You brought all these things here. You have all the coordinates in your head. The fastest way is to read what's in your mind and send them back, fast, but keeping us here. Their knowledge, their abilities, Tim Shaw's tech, our blue box. We're going to lash together every resource we've got. Sort of like a supergroup. Best elements of everyone. Clear? [YASMIN] Not in the least. Will it work? [DOCTOR] No idea. But I once towed your planet halfway across a universe with this Tardis and turned a Slitheen back into an egg, so let's give it a go. --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [TZIM-SHA] You are no warrior. [GRAHAM] No. (powers down weapon) I'm the better man. [TZIM-SHA] You are weak and feeble. [RYAN] Tim Shaw! Don't diss me Grandad, ever! [RYAN] Hey, you shot him! [GRAHAM] Yeah, but just the foot. Just it. Just in the foot. Just to shut him up. Don't tell the Doc, she'll be livid. [RYAN] Shut up. And stop with that hand thing. [GRAHAM] What do we do now? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I know this will be painful. I wouldn't put you through this if I could think of any other way right now. [DELPH] It's okay. [DOCTOR] It's not, but thank you. Ready? --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [ANDINIO] May the will of the true Creator give me strength. [YASMIN] Ready! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Please, please, please. No backup plan. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Delph. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [YASMIN] Stay strong, Andinio. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It's working! Possibly. Just hold. Keep at it, all of you! --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [ANDINIO] We are the blessed... our faith... --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Delph! --------------------------------------- (Stasis chamber) [GRAHAM] You brought us all together. You ain't going to tear us apart. You ain't worth killing. But you can have a taste of your own medicine. [RYAN] We're not weak, we're strong, and we sentence you to life. [GRAHAM] So, as you're contemplating eternity, keep one name on your mind. [RYAN+GRAHAM] Grace. --------------------------------------- (Shrine) [DOCTOR] You did it. You did it, Delph. [ANDINIO] Did it work? [DOCTOR] You are a couple of awesome Ux. Thank you. [ANDINIO] Praise the true Creator's will. [DELPH] We are the blessed few. [RYAN] Woo! [GRAHAM] You ain't half made a mess in here. [DOCTOR] Where's Tim Shaw? [GRAHAM] Oh, he's taking a very long nap in a very small stasis chamber. [RYAN] Of his own making. I like that. [GRAHAM] Yeah. Oh, I couldn't do it, Doc. Yeah, I had the chance. Too weak. [DOCTOR] Graham O'Brien, you're the strongest person I know. Well, one of a few. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [PALTRAKI] What about that creature? [ANDINIO] We sealed the building as we left. No one can get to him. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry for the way he betrayed you. We can take these people home. Save you the job. [PALTRAKI] No. I'm going to complete my mission. [DELPH] Then take us too. [ANDINIO] Delph, this is our home. We must stay here. [DELPH] No. We need to understand what's out there. Find another home. [PALTRAKI] You'll have to sleep on the floor. [DELPH] I walked this planet for decades. Floors are fine. [ANDINIO] Where will you go now? [DOCTOR] No idea. Come on, fam. [RYAN] I thought we weren't doing fam. [YASMIN] I like it. [DOCTOR] None of us know for sure what's out there. That's why we keep looking. Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe'll surprise you... constantly.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e10", "title": "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos"}
Doctor Who (1 Jan 2019; Thirteenth Doctor) - Resolution [LIN [OC]] Help. [YASMIN] Listen. Can you hear that? [LIN [OC]] Help me. [MITCH] That's Lin. [DOCTOR] I need to take a look at you. [MITCH] It's okay, I'm here. We're all here. [DOCTOR] Everything's all right, Lin. [YASMIN] Is she going to be okay? [DOCTOR] Whatever that thing secretes acted like a plug on her neck once it left, otherwise she'd be dead. [LIN] I'm sorry. [DOCTOR] You have nothing to be sorry about. You fought and you won. [LIN] No, listen. It's still here. [DOCTOR] You three, help her stand, get her back to the Tardis. There's supplies there that'll help with the healing. [RYAN] What about you? [DOCTOR] I'm going to find that creature. [YASMIN] You can't do that on your own. [DOCTOR] Always have done. Me and a Dalek, it's personal. Go on, get her safe. [RYAN] Come on. [DALEK] Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Blocking your laser signals, mate. You're not fully in sync yet. So that's what you've been doing. Reconstructing yourself from memory, and remnants, and spare parts. [DALEK] I am rebuilt. [DOCTOR] What do you call this look, junkyard chic? [DALEK] Earth is now under the control of the Daleks. [DOCTOR] No, it's not. You couldn't even control one person. [DALEK] Humanity will surrender. [DOCTOR] They really won't. Trust me, I've seen them in action. They've fought off so many things, including the worst of their own people. They're really stubborn. Have you not worked that out yet? Even the recon scout Daleks, the first ones out of Skaro. Humanity bands together, vanquishes you, and buries you for centuries. [DALEK] Yet I survived. [DOCTOR] Yeah, you're good at that. But it won't be enough. [DALEK] This planet is annexed. The fleet will be summoned. [DOCTOR] You don't have the ability. You don't have the strength. [DALEK] You are weak. Humanity is weak. [DOCTOR] Except... I'm not human. Have a scan. [DALEK] Who are you? Identify! [DOCTOR] Oh, mate. I'm the Doctor. Ring any bells? [DALEK] Sonic device override! [DOCTOR] I'll take that as a yes. [DALEK] The Doctor is an enemy of all Daleks! Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Yes, I am. You want this planet, you have to come through me. So why don't you make it easy on yourself and leave now? [DALEK] Conquest has already started. I have all the information I need. [DOCTOR] What information? [DALEK] Humanity will surrender. Dalek invasion fleet will be summoned. Total conquest of Earth predicted in 9,376 rels! --------------------------------------- (Farm) [DOCTOR] Now, must remember, how long's a rel? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [YASMIN] How'd it go? What happened? [RYAN] Did you get rid of it? [DOCTOR] Not quite. [YASMIN] How much not quite? [DOCTOR] Not at all. Slightly riled it and let it get away. [RYAN] What? [DOCTOR] And now it's in a tank, trying to summon the fleet. [YASMIN] Doctor! [DOCTOR] All right! Don't go on about it. I know. They're really persistent. How you feeling, Lin? [LIN] Er, shaky. [DOCTOR] I'm not surprised. You will for a while. But you kept fighting it. Thank you. Take these. Three a minute for four minutes. Don't take with alcohol, you'll grow an extra head. That was an embarrassing party. [LIN] It was ready to kill me. I could feel its hatred enveloping me. Is that what it's going to do to the world? [DOCTOR] No, because I'm going to stop it. We're going to stop it, somehow, before humans start engaging with it. It's flying right through their airspace. Where's it going? [DOCTOR] What? --------------------------------------- (Graham's home) [GRAHAM] Where are you? [DOCTOR [OC]] In the Tardis. [GRAHAM] You'd better be coming to pick me up. [DOCTOR] Okay, fine. [GRAHAM] Right. Thank you. (call ends) Er, Aaron, mate. Little thing we haven't told you. Tiny thing, so word of warning. You know that blue cabinet? That is just about to blow your mind. [AARON] What do you mean? [GRAHAM] It travels in Space and Time. [YASMIN] Come on, quick. The Doctor said you can come too, but Graham'll have to explain. --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [SERGEANT] Go! Go! Take positions! Intercepted unknown drone. We have it surrounded. [DALEK] Surrender! [SERGEANT] Did it just talk? [DALEK] [SERGEANT] Open fire! [SERGEANT] Cease fire! [SERGEANT] Run. [SOLDIER] What? [SERGEANT] Run! That's an order! [DALEK] The Dalek race is supreme! [GUNNER] Left. [GUNNER] Out! Out! Come on! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Oh, huge heat signal, and a non-terrestrial form moving away from it fast. I'm on its tail. Sorry, the Tardis isn't designed for these short hops. [DOCTOR] A microwave? Who brought a microwave with them? [AARON] It's actually an oven and a microwave. [DOCTOR] Nice. [AARON] What is this place? [RYAN] This is where I've been since Nan died. Travelling the universe with these guys. [YASMIN] Even if we track this Dalek thing, how do we stop it? [DOCTOR] I'm still working on that. [MITCH] The Custodians managed it. If we take the same approach as those drawings. [LIN] Those documents aren't reliable, Mitch. [MITCH] Except all the rumours have proved to be true. It's shown here. [RYAN] Short version. Alien psychopath, in its own tank, trying to bring loads more to Earth. I guess this is how they attacked it last time. [AARON] What's it made of? [DOCTOR] Remnants of its original shell, patched up with all sorts of spare parts. Mainly metal. [AARON] We can use my oven. [RYAN] It's not going to fit in there. [AARON] That's not what I meant. Help me break it up. [DOCTOR] That Dalek's moving fast but where's it going? [AARON] Ryan, help me get the element out. [RYAN] Why? [AARON] It's metal. [DOCTOR] Oh, you're good, Ryan's Dad. You're almost making up for your parenting deficit. [DOCTOR] I know where it's heading. The biggest communications resource in the country. --------------------------------------- (GCHQ, Cheltenham) [MAN] I don't mean you any harm. [DALEK] Exterminate! Communications headquarters acquired. Aligning all signals to Dalek fleet. All power will be diverted towards fleet signal transmission. [DALEK] Earth is annexed. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] It's diverting every bit of power it can take from the whole of the UK to power the transmission. It's shutting down the Wi-Fi, the phone signals. Whoa! That Dalek just shut down the whole of Britain's internet. [GRAHAM] What, on New Year's Day, when everything's shut and everyone's hung over? [RYAN] What a monster. --------------------------------------- (Typical home) [TEEN 1] The Wi-Fi's gone off. [MOTHER] Everything's gone off. No Wi-Fi, no phone signal. It's all down. [TEEN 2] Not even Netflix? [MOTHER] Nothing. [TEEN 1] What do we do? [MOTHER] I suppose we'll have to have a conversation. [TEENS] What? --------------------------------------- (GCHQ) [DOCTOR] Don't shoot! [DALEK] Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Do you think I'm daft enough to stand here without shields? It's safe, gang! [DALEK] Hide behind your shield, Doctor, you and your human friends. You have failed. [DOCTOR] Say hello to a Dalek. [DALEK] Signal activation in nine rels. The fleet shall be summoned. [DOCTOR] No, it won't. No matter how many times you try, no matter how long you wait, I'll always be in your way, backed up by the best of humanity. Now, final, final, final warning, cos I'm nice. I really do try my best. Stop the signal, get off this planet. [DALEK] You are not my commander. [DOCTOR] I tried. You heard me, right? I tried! I gave it a chance. [YASMIN] Yeah. [RYAN] Yep. [GRAHAM] You did. [DOCTOR] I'm fast enough, right? I'm fast enough for this plan? [RYAN] Er, probably. [YASMIN] Maybe. [GRAHAM] Possibly. [DOCTOR] Well, that one needs work. Here's a New Year message for you to send. Earth is protected by me and my mates, this year and every other. Here we go! [DALEK] Exterminate the Doctor! The Doctor must be destroyed! [DOCTOR] Now, gang! [DALEK] Do not approach! None of you will survive! [DOCTOR] Aim the gun at the servers! [DALEK] Weaponry malfunctioning! [DOCTOR] Now attach the parts! [DALEK] Weapon failure! [YASMIN] The parts are on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Get clear! [DALEK] What is on my casing? [DOCTOR] The Custodians burned your shell, and we've got something they didn't have. A nicely designed portable combination oven. Transformers, primary and secondary coils, going from high voltage, low ampage to low voltage, very, very high ampage. [DOCTOR] Get down! [AARON] Is it dead? [DOCTOR] Signal never sent. I think that was my best skid ever. I'm so chuffed. Well done, team. Gang. Extended fam. [RYAN] Dad? [AARON-MUTANT] You underestimate me, Doctor. Daleks survive. [RYAN] Doctor, do something! [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Aaron. I miscalculated. [AARON-MUTANT] You will take me to the Dalek fleet. Resist and this body will be destroyed. [RYAN] Doctor, do something. [DOCTOR] Fine. [YASMIN] Doctor, seriously? [DOCTOR] My decision. Whatever you want. Just promise me you'll let him go. [AARON-MUTANT] You are my prisoners now. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [AARON-MUTANT] The glory of a Tardis shall be ours. [RYAN] Help him. [DOCTOR] Trust me? We've landed. [AARON-MUTANT] Finally, my mission is complete. The Earth and the Doctor shall submit before the Dalek fleet. [RYAN] Doctor, what are you doing? [DOCTOR] Sorry, did I not mention? No fleet. Only a sun going supernova, and a squid-sized vacuum corridor about to pull you out into space. [RYAN] Dad! [DOCTOR] You're too weak, Dalek. You can't hold on. [GRAHAM] Except it is holding on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] All right. Ah! The vacuum corridor's expanding and I can't control it. [GRAHAM] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] It's going to take Aaron with it! Argh! Everybody, hold on! [RYAN] Dad! Doctor, help him! Dad! Dad! Hold on! [YASMIN] Ryan! [RYAN] Dad! Dad, I know you can hear me. [AARON-MUTANT] He is mine now. [RYAN] No, he's not. He's mine. Dad. Dad, I'm here for you. I forgive you. I love you, Dad. Take my hand! [RYAN] Leave my dad alone! [RYAN] We've got you. Not bad for a kid with dyspraxia, right? [DOCTOR] Not bad at all. --------------------------------------- (Dig site) [DOCTOR] Think that's everything back in place. [LIN] Next time, you go looking for anything that goes missing. [AARON] You're really going in that? This is what you do? [DOCTOR] Yeah. You fancy a trip? [AARON] No. Call me when you get back. You are coming back? [RYAN] Yeah, of course. [AARON] Look after him. [YASMIN] Always. [DOCTOR] Come on then, you lot. Places to go. [YASMIN] When you say places to go, where are you thinking? Where to next? [DOCTOR] I was thinking... everywhere.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e11", "title": "Resolution"}
Doctor Who (14 Oct 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - The Ghost Monument (Angstrom's spaceship) [GRAHAM] Breathe slowly, son. Well done. That's it. Well done. [RYAN] I'm alive. We are alive, right? [GRAHAM] As far as I can tell, yeah. [RYAN] Where are we? [GRAHAM] On a spaceship. [ANGSTROM] My spaceship! [RYAN] Who's that? [GRAHAM] She says she's the pilot. [RYAN] We were in space. No, wait. We were in that warehouse, and then we were in space. [GRAHAM] Yeah. [RYAN] How were we in space? [GRAHAM] I've got no idea. [RYAN] And why are we not in space now? [ANGSTROM] I scooped you. That was a very sneaky trick of his, especially coming out of hyperjump. Now, you could've been killed! [GRAHAM] Listen, I keep telling you, we haven't got a clue what you're talking about. [ANGSTROM] Oh, have it your own way. [RYAN] Where in space are we? [ANGSTROM] Just off the Final Planet. Which is out of orbit, not where it should be. But I still found it. [RYAN] What do you mean, Final Planet? How can a planet be final? [ANGSTROM] You are a very funny little bonus. [RYAN] Where's Yaz and the Doctor? Are they here? [GRAHAM] No, I don't know where they are. I've been trying to get her to look for them. I said there was four of us. [ANGSTROM] And I said I only saw the two of you. I mean, things were moving pretty fast. Speaking of which... Landing ahead. Lock yourselves back in. [GRAHAM] We're not doing anything unless you turn this thing around and go and look for our friends. [ANGSTROM] There'd be no point. If they were still there, they'd be dead. [RYAN] They can't be dead. [GRAHAM] Don't panic. We'll figure it out. [RYAN] How? What happened to them? --------------------------------------- (Epzo's spaceship) [DOCTOR] None of the equipment on this thing make any sense! [EPZO] Stop insulting my ship. This is one of the best crafts around. [DOCTOR] I'd hate to see the others! [EPZO] I don't need your help. [DOCTOR] Yes, you do! Your power's failing across three sections, the ship's on the verge of total shutdown. [EPZO] How can a planet be in the wrong place? It should've been back there where I scooped you up. We should be in its gravity belt by now. [DOCTOR] Well, we're not. [EPZO] I can see that. [YASMIN] Hi. I can smell burning. [EPZO] You were right, she is still alive. [DOCTOR] Yaz, you need to stay locked in the medipod. [YASMIN] Where's Ryan and Graham? [DOCTOR] There! The planet's there. [EPZO] How can it be there? [DOCTOR] Does it even have a name? [EPZO] Only a symbol. Or a warning. Closest word is... Desolation. Right. I can do this. I am not going to be beaten. Move! I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve. [DOCTOR] Manual shield activation? Wow, this thing should be on Antiques Roadshow. [EPZO] Right, blast shields up. Don't know how long they'll last for, though. [DOCTOR] Brilliant. About to crash land on Desolation. Real grounds for optimism. [EPZO] Do you not understand anything? I can't even get us there, because of the fuel... because of the fuel I've wasted scooping you up. [YASMIN] I'm on a spaceship. Okay. [DOCTOR] I can get us into the atmosphere if we jettison the rear section. [EPZO] Listen to me. Nobody is jettisoning anything. This is the Cerebos, all right? She's the envy of millions. [DOCTOR] Really? [EPZO] Yes, people have written songs about her. [DOCTOR] They'll be writing operas about our pointless deaths if we don't take drastic action right now. [YASMIN] We're about to die? [DOCTOR] Oh, sorry, Yaz, I forgot you were there. All going to be fine. Five systems down, six minutes left on life support. Are we doing this or what? [EPZO] Oh, rekk. Let's do it. Last stage, anyway. [EPZO] Catch! And you. [YASMIN] What's actually happening? [DOCTOR] No need to panic, Yaz, we're just going to blow the back off this spaceship. [YASMIN] What? [DOCTOR] Jettisoning. [EPZO] Do it. --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [RYAN] Whoa! [GRAHAM] I couldn't have put it better. [RYAN] Hey! Where are you going? [ANGSTROM] I need to survey the atmospheric data. [RYAN] We're on an alien planet, Graham. [GRAHAM] I know. Well, three suns in the sky are a bit of a giveaway. [RYAN] Ah ha. What do we do? [GRAHAM] Shall we just follow her? [RYAN] Yeah. Maybe they're already here. Yaz and the Doctor. Maybe they're safe. --------------------------------------- (Epzo's spaceship) [EPZO] All systems offline! We're not going to make it! [DOCTOR] Extra hand here! [EPZO] Come on. [YASMIN] You can be honest with me. Are we going to die? [DOCTOR] One day, yes. Comes to us all. But not right now, not if I've got anything to do with it. This ship is old school. I'm good at old school. Manual stabilisers. Pull these two levers up. They'll pull down and to the left. Pull them up and to the right as strong as you can. [YASMIN] Got it. [DOCTOR] That descent pattern won't work. [EPZO] We're about to die and you're still having a go? You think you can do better? [DOCTOR] Yes. [YASMIN] Doctor, these stabiliser handles don't feel very stable. [DOCTOR] And by the way, level three shield hazing. [EPZO] What, seriously? Drive power failure. We're heading into the... the gravity belt. --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [GRAHAM] Whatever you think we are, we're not, all right? [ANGSTROM] Are you still pleading ignorance? [RYAN] Do you guys hear that? [ANGSTROM] Finskad! How did he even make it? [RYAN] It's another spaceship! [GRAHAM] Another spaceship about to crash land. [ANGSTROM] Don't just stand there, run! [ANGSTROM] Keep going! Keep going! --------------------------------------- (Epzo's spaceship) [DOCTOR] Brace! --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [RYAN] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Sorry about the mess. [RYAN] Yaz, you're alive! [GRAHAM] We thought you were dead. [YASMIN] We thought you were dead. [DOCTOR] Right, quick update. I made a terrible mistake. We shouldn't be here. I'm going to fix it and get you guys home, I promise. Soon as I figure out where we are. [GRAHAM] How are you going to do that? [DOCTOR] Not sure. Treating it as a chance to surprise myself. Oh, by the way, welcome to what I presume is your first alien planet. Don't touch anything. Come on, let's try this way. [ANGSTROM] Look at you, Epzo. So you can't even control your own ship now? You nearly killed us! [EPZO] Yeah, well, I'll try harder next time, eh? Where's Kornlite, and Fythen? [ANGSTROM] Failed hyperjump, both of them. It's just you and me left. [EPZO] You're kidding me. You have got so lucky. How did you even make it this far, Angstrom, eh? You're nothing. Still, makes the next bit easy. [ANGSTROM] You would really love that, wouldn't you? But I've got two bonuses, same as you. [DOCTOR] What's that? [ANGSTROM] Here we go. [DOCTOR] What you mean, here we go? Here we go where? To what? [RYAN] Yeah, where are we actually going? [ANGSTROM] Come on. [DOCTOR] Oh, I forgot I put stuff in these pockets. [GRAHAM] All this sand is getting in my eyes something rotten. [DOCTOR] Want to borrow my shades? [GRAHAM] Oh, ta. [DOCTOR] Like an old pair of mine. I say mine. Can't remember who I borrowed them off now. It was either Audrey Hepburn or Pythagoras. [GRAHAM] Eh? Pythagoras never wore shades. [DOCTOR] You obviously never saw him with a hangover. [DOCTOR] Do you two know what that is? [EPZO] It's a tent. [DOCTOR] Obviously, it's a tent. I meant... Oh, never mind. Come on, no dawdling. --------------------------------------- (Outside the tent) [ANGSTROM] Losers first. [DOCTOR] Be careful. I still don't know what's going on. It could be dangerous. Probably is dangerous. [GRAHAM] Can I ask, if we are on an alien planet, with aliens, how can we understand them? Ain't they talking alien? [DOCTOR] Let's have a look. Yeah, medipods have put implants into each of you. Standard procedure. Checks for a universal translator, implants one if you don't have one. [GRAHAM] Eh? Well, can people and things stop putting stuff inside me without my permission! [DOCTOR] If I had my Tardis, you wouldn't need them. Anyway, shall we? --------------------------------------- (Tent) [DOCTOR] This is lavish, for a tent. I'm the Doctor, these are my new best friends, Ryan, Graham and Yaz. Now... [DOCTOR] Oh. See? Hologram. Thought it might be. Good one, though. I love a good hologram. I was a hologram once, for three weeks. The gossip I picked up. What are you, projection reality or AI interface? Cos if you're an interface, those are excellent nose hairs. [ILIN] Who are these people? [ANGSTROM] Bonuses. [ILIN] No. [EPZO] What? [ILIN] I told you, bonuses and snaketraps are over. [EPZO] They were hanging in the starfield when we exited hyper. Are you saying we scooped them for nothing? [ILIN] Yes. [EPZO] I sacrificed my ship! [DOCTOR] Yeah, sorry. Some of this is my fault. Hi. We were loads of solar systems away, I was trying to find my own ship, I got a fix on it here... and then it all went quite badly wrong, actually. These three are being very good not going on about it. (to Epzo and Angstrom) Very grateful you came along. (to Ilin) Can I ask, what is actually going on here? Cos I'm confused. Are you confused? [YASMIN] Pretty confused. [RYAN] Proper confused. [GRAHAM] I'm way beyond confused. [ILIN] You're intruding on the final stage of the last ever Rally of the Twelve Galaxies. [DOCTOR] So, what, like a race? Like Paris-Dakar, in space? Are you two space-racing each other? [ANGSTROM] We're the finalists. [ILIN] Four thousand entered, two are left. Only one will claim the prize. [RYAN] What's the prize? [ILIN] For the final ever race, 3.2 trillion krin. [DOCTOR] 3.2 trillion what? [ANGSTROM] Krin. [DOCTOR] How much is a krin? [ANGSTROM] 200 kavlons. [EPZO] 90 forvalars. [DOCTOR] No... [ANGSTROM] 4,000 trynties. [EPZO] Well, in old money. [DOCTOR] Bit behind on my exchange rates. [ILIN] Enough to provide a lifetime of comfort on a safe world for the winning pilot and their entire clan. [RYAN] Are we eligible too? [ANGSTROM] No. [EPZO] No. You're irrelevant. Get on with it. Tell us the task. [ILIN] The final challenge is to cross the terrain, survive the planet, make your way to the other side of the mountains, and the first one to get to the site marked as the Ghost Monument will be crowned the winner and transported off this planet. The loser will not. [ANGSTROM] You can't leave one of us here. The ships are out of fuel. [ILIN] Don't tell me what I can and cannot do with my own race. You knew the risks when you joined. Biggest ever prize, biggest ever risk. [GRAHAM] Oi, hang on, what about us? [EPZO] Shut up. You're not part of this. [GRAHAM] 'Scuse me, we are human beings. Show a bit of solidarity. [EPZO] I'm Muxteran. She's Albarian. [ANGSTROM] Never even heard of Moomanbeans. [RYAN] Beings. Human beings. Earth? [EPZO] Nope. [DOCTOR] Pretty cruel race, leaving the loser stranded. [ILIN] The rally is a test of survival. How far will we go? How will we react when challenged? It's the ultimate test. [DOCTOR] Interesting use of the word we, seeing as though you're not here. [DOCTOR] Projected in from a very long way away. [ILIN] I started the rally. I competed and I won, and now I'm going to end it. No sabotage, no injuries and no killing each other. [EPZO] Shame. [ILIN] Instant disqualification applies. Now, take your meds, don't travel at night, and don't drink the water. In fact, don't even touch the water. This entire planet has been made cruel. [DOCTOR] Made cruel how? And by whom? [ILIN] This stage must be completed before one full solar rotation. You have one single piece of assistance. Transport, provided by the water.Get across the water, through the ruins, and the site of Ghost Monument is on the other side of the mist swamps. [YASMIN] Mist what? [ILIN] Your route trackers are over there. Good luck. [DOCTOR] I know you prefer to ignore me, but what is it, this Ghost Monument? [ILIN] The site was named by the ancient settlers. It appears in exactly the same place every thousand rotations. [ANGSTROM] I've got my tracker, I'm good to go. [EPZO] See you for the prize, Ilin. I'll finally get to light my Althusian cigar. Saving it for the win. [DOCTOR] What does it look like, this monument? [ILIN] What does it matter? [DOCTOR] Look at us. Four people who barely know each other, stranded on a planet called Desolation. No route trackers, no way off, and judging by what you've just told us, very little hope of survival. I need all the information I can get. Including, but not limited to,what this Ghost Monument actually looks like when it appears. [GRAHAM] That's an old police box. [YASMIN] Yeah, like the one on Surrey Street. Only the one in town's green. This doesn't make any sense. [DOCTOR] Makes sense to me. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. That'll do. [ILIN] Well, I'm sorry I can't be of any more help. [DOCTOR] I don't think you are. [ILIN] You're right. --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [DOCTOR] Bye, then. He was a bit full of himself. [YASMIN] I've got a couple of questions. [GRAHAM] A couple? I've got a book full. But shouldn't we keep up with those two before they get too far away? [DOCTOR] Yes. Now, I know this is a bit of a shock. [GRAHAM] Well, you could say that. I mean, we have been dumped in space, we got spaceships crashing all around us and now we are marooned on a planet that everyoneelse is racing to get away from. [DOCTOR] All right, anyone can focus on the negatives. [GRAHAM] Well, what are the positives? [DOCTOR] What he called the Ghost Monument, that's my ship. It's here. [GRAHAM] What, the old police box? [RYAN] Didn't look all that. [DOCTOR] It's very all that, thank you very much. Don't you see? I got it mostly right. I tracked my Tardis here, but the planet had fallen out of orbit. We landed where the planet should've been. It looks like the engines are stuck in a loop, phasing in and out of time and space. If we get to it when it phases in, I should be able to stabilise it. Then I can get you back home. [YASMIN] Definitely? If we get there, you can get us off this planet alive? [DOCTOR] Yaz, I promise, I will keep you alive and I will get you back home. I'm really good in a tight spot. At least, I have been historically. I'm sure I still am. If we stick together, if you trust me, we can get out of this. Right, let's get a shift on. [RYAN] Do you think she's telling the truth? Do you really think she can get us off here? [YASMIN] She saved Karl. She got the better of Tim Shaw. And she did jump a crane. Don't know what would've happened if she hadn't have been there. [GRAHAM] Yaz is right. I mean, she's our best hope. Or only option, depending on your politics. [RYAN] Guess so. Don't argue with the wisdom of Graham, eh? [GRAHAM] So we're sticking with Graham, are we, and not Grandad? [RYAN] Yes, Graham. --------------------------------------- (Jetty) [EPZO] I said stay away from the boat. [ANGSTROM] You don't get this to yourself. [APZO] This blaster says I do. [DOCTOR] Put the blaster down. We all know you're not going to use it. No injuring, no killing, no sabotage, isn't that what whatsisface said? [EPZO] Yeah, well, maybe I don't play by the rules. [DOCTOR] Did you practise those lines in the mirror? (hold up her little finger) See this? [ANGSTROM] Nice move. [DOCTOR] Thanks. Venusian Aikido. Grand Master Pacifist. Temporarily paralyses, while also being fundamentally harmless. Very clever, those Venusian nuns. Shall I let go? [ANGSTROM] And this boat doesn't work. [GRAHAM] Oh. Well, me and Ryan'll take a look. [RYAN] Will we? [GRAHAM] Yeah, well, those NVQ classes must be good for something. An engine's an engine. [RYAN] Not a space engine. [EPZO] You don't get to take charge here. This is about me and her fighting to win. [YASMIN] We're all going to the same place, and that boat is big enough for all of us. [DOCTOR] Yaz is right. If we get it started, we all get on board. [EPZO] I know what this is. You're part of Ilin's game. Saboteurs, sent to throw us off. [ANGSTROM] You think the whole universe is out to get you. [EPZO] How's your family, Angstrom? [DOCTOR] So that's why he said don't touch the water. Flesh-eating microbes, millions of them, living in there. Toxic atmosphere, killer water. Very dangerous planet, Yaz. --------------------------------------- (Boat) [GRAHAM] You were right, not like any engine I've ever seen. Are we ever going to talk about your Nan? I mean, just cos all this is going on don't mean to say it didn't happen. You see, I cope myself by asking a question, if Grace was here, what would she say? [RYAN] What'd you reckon? [GRAHAM] Well, right now, she'd be going, what's the matter with you? You're on another planet. How cool is that? [RYAN] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Yeah. And it is, right? I'm going to look out for you, son. [RYAN] I'm not a kid. [GRAHAM] Oh, okay. Well, I was hoping you'd say, I'm going to look out for you too. [RYAN] You talk about this stuff way too much. [GRAHAM] Mmm hmm. And you don't talk about it enough. [RYAN] That's not an engine. It's more like a massive battery. What if it's solar? [DOCTOR] Look at you boys. Light years from home, figuring things out. Yep. Three suns in the sky, tri-solar engineering panels on the outside, powering that battery. [GRAHAM] Well, if it won't start, maybe the panels aren't lined up. [RYAN] Or maybe they're not feeding the battery properly. [DOCTOR] Loving your work, boys. Let's take a look. --------------------------------------- (By the water) [ANGSTROM] I've never seen so much water. [YASMIN] You're Albarian, he said? [ANGSTROM] Yes. The planet of Albar. It's tiny. Crammed full of rusting high-rises. Everyone wants to leave any way they can. Even more so since... [YASMIN] Since what? [ANGSTROM] I don't know you. [DOCTOR] Up and running. All aboard. --------------------------------------- (Boat) [RYAN] Hey, Yaz, can you believe it? Alien planet, man. [YASMIN] I know. [DOCTOR] This planet doesn't make any sense. No other life forms except us and the microbes in the water. No people, no animals, no insects, no nothing. But he talked about the old settlements. What happened here? [EPZO] No-one cares. [ANGSTROM] Don't take him personally. He treats everyone like this. [EPZO] I don't need other people. [GRAHAM] We all need other people, mate. [EPZO] We're all alone. That's how we start and end, and it's the natural state of all points in between. [GRAHAM] Were you born that miserable, or did you have to work at it? [EPZO] You know, when I was four, my mum told me to climb a tree. She made me climb until I was too scared to climb any higher. Then she told me to jump into her arms. Don't worry, she said, I'm your mum, I'm here for you, I'll catch you. So I jumped. And she moved out of the way. [DOCTOR] What? [YASMIN] Sorry, did you say your mum did this to you? [EPZO] I smashed into the ground. Broke this arm, shattered that ankle. And she stood over me and she said, Now you've learned. You can never trust anyone in this life. [RYAN] That is messed up. [EPZO] Best thing she ever did for me. I loved my mum. [GRAHAM] Yeah, she sounds terrific. [DOCTOR] Your mum was wrong. We're stronger together. [GRAHAM] I see your mate's dropped off. It's nice to see him quiet. [ANGSTROM] Yeah. He can nap anywhere. Famous for it. [DOCTOR] How many stages are there in the rally? [ANGSTROM] This time? 209 terrains, 94 planets. We start the race with nothing and barter our way up. [DOCTOR] Is it worth it? [ANGSTROM] To ensure enough for my family's safety? Yeah. Albar is being systematically cleansed. Half of my family are in hiding. The others are on the run. This is my only chance to bring us back together. [YASMIN] So you left your family to do this? [ANGSTROM] I left my family to try and save my family. They told me to. If I win, I find them, rescue them. If they're alive to be rescued. Whatever happens here, it's a better chance than I had back home. [YASMIN] You're making me miss my family. That's quite some achievement, considering my dad drives me bananas and my sister's trying to get me to move out so she can have my bedroom. And I only saw them yesterday. [ANGSTROM] Don't ever take them for granted. God, you all look shattered. [DOCTOR] You should all rest. I'll wake you when we get there. [GRAHAM] Ryan. Ryan. Wake up, son. [RYAN] I'm awake. I'm awake. We home? [GRAHAM] No. Time to get off the boat. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Desert) [ANGSTROM] Have you seen yourself, Epzo? I'd say you love that cigar more than you've loved any person. [EPZO] Have you any idea how rare and expensive these are? It takes half an Althusian lifetime to make just one of these. To make them, roll them, age them, and then, and this is the best bit, they make them self-lighting. Just one click of the finger and it lights itself. Do you want a sniff? Closest you'll ever get to victory. [ANGSTROM] Bad for your health. [DOCTOR] Big set of ruins. Wonder who those were built for? [EPZO] Why do you even care? [DOCTOR] Where are those people now? Why are there so few signs of life? What happened to everyone? [EPZO] Bye. Ha! [ANGSTROM] Good luck. [EPZO] You've already lost, Angstrom! [GRAHAM] What, we're just letting them go, are we? How do we know what to do, where to go? [DOCTOR] First thing we have to do is make it through those ruins safely. Because these readings are all over the place, and I don't know why. --------------------------------------- (Ruins) [DOCTOR] Those suns are starting to set. They're moving way faster than I realised. [GRAHAM] Well, back in the tent, that bloke Ilin said do not travel by night. [DOCTOR] We need to move, fast. [GRAHAM] Whoa! They weren't there when we came in. [RYAN] Where did they come from? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [YASMIN] Oh, my God, Doctor! [GRAHAM] So much for no life forms on this planet. [DOCTOR] They're not alive. They're robot guards. Why would you need robot guards on a deserted planet? Good news is, they're not fully active. So, what we all need to do is very slowly, totally unthreateningly, back out of here. [DOCTOR] Argh! They've been activated! Run! [GRAHAM] Move! Move, everyone! Come on! [DOCTOR] Ah! Ah! Swerve! Don't run straight. They're predicting our path! In here! --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [DOCTOR] Well done, all of you, nice running. Ah! [DOCTOR] Oh! Okay, come on. Oh! What have we here? [YASMIN] Got anything there, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Information. Oh, that's bad. They're SniperBots. We just walked into the middle of the shooting range. Everything within the perimeter is target practice. [GRAHAM] Which would explain all the targets in here. And looking on the negative side, they're human-shaped targets. [RYAN] If that's the way it is, time to stop messing about. [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [RYAN] Fighting back. [DOCTOR] No. Guns, never use 'em. [RYAN] They're shooting at us. [DOCTOR] I know. [RYAN] They're going to kill us with their guns! [GRAHAM] He's got a point, Doc. [DOCTOR] Put the gun down, Ryan. [RYAN] What's your better idea? [DOCTOR] Out-think them. [GRAHAM] You can't out-think bullets. [DOCTOR] Been doing it all my life. [RYAN] Uh-uh. Sorry. Call of Duty, man. I've trained for this. --------------------------------------- (Ruins) [RYAN] Argh! Who's next? See, that's what I'm talking about! That's how you deal with things. Taking out the aliens! [RYAN] No, no, no! Where's the reload? Where's the reload? Where's the reload! --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [DOCTOR] Made it worse? [RYAN] Just a little bit, yeah. [DOCTOR] Now do you see why I don't like guns? [RYAN] Don't go on about it. [DOCTOR] I will go on about it. A lot! They're here. Take cover behind the pillars. [YASMIN] You know we're completely surrounded? [DOCTOR] Yep! [GRAHAM] With no way out whatsoever. [DOCTOR] Here's the lesson. The answer was on the floor. You just reached for the wrong thing. [GRAHAM] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] The best thing about robots is, they're powerful. Literally packed with power. Super-powered. [RYAN] Wow! [GRAHAM] Okay. Now that was impressive. [DOCTOR] Thank you. I aim to please. [YASMIN] What exactly did you just do? [DOCTOR] Electromagnetic pulse. Basically fried their systems. I reckon we've got about five minutes before they reboot and recover. See? Brains beat bullets. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Ruins) [ANGSTROM] Epzo, is that you? Oh, my God, what happened? Do you need help? [EPZO] Not from you. [DOCTOR [OC]] Let's try through here. [EPZO] What just happened? [DOCTOR] What do you care? You don't care about anything. Ooo, tracker, thanks. [ANGSTROM] How did you even do that? [DOCTOR] Did I not mention? I am really smart. [ANGSTROM] Thank you. [DOCTOR] You are very welcome. Amazing what you can learn from a SniperBot. Like where their control commands emanate from. Also, maps. Which leads us... here. [DOCTOR] I want answers to this planet and I think they're down there. [GRAHAM] You sure about that? [DOCTOR] Nope. Come on. [RYAN] (sighs) Why is it always ladders? --------------------------------------- (Tunnels) [YASMIN] See? Second nature now. [RYAN] No, not really. Thanks for waiting. [YASMIN] Always. [DOCTOR] These tunnels runs under half of the planet. Think of the technology, the civilisation required to build all that. And then ask yourselves, where are they? How's the injury? [EPZO] It's painful. [DOCTOR] Hope it's made you reconsider your entire philosophy. [EPZO] Nope. [GRAHAM] Doctor? Scorch marks all along the walls. [DOCTOR] Not exactly encouraging, is it? [GRAHAM] No. [DOCTOR] Still, best feet forward. (further along) Oh, big locked door. I love a big locked door. [DOCTOR] Ominous. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [DOCTOR] What happened in here? [YASMIN] There's another room next door. We'll take a look? [RYAN] Yeah. [ANGSTROM] I don't want to be here. We're off route. We need to move on. [DOCTOR] You went into the ruins without knowing what was there. You want to keep going without knowing why it's bad to travel at night? [EPZO] Whatever happened here, it's in the past. What does it matter to you? [DOCTOR] This was a living, breathing planet once, with an ecosystem, organic life, and a population. There was a catastrophic event here. And as hard as it is for you to understand, you are not the only life form in this universe. Some of us feel a duty to others who might be in trouble. So fix your wound, take one of your heroic naps, and we'll wake you when we leave, if you're lucky. [EPZO] Fine. [DOCTOR] Now do me a favour. Give me something that will finally make sense of this planet. [DOCTOR] There. That's more like it. Angstrom, bring me that route mappy thing. If we sync it, this shows us the whole network of tunnels. Your friend Ilin warned us not to travel at night. We could use the tunnels to keep moving while it's dark, avoiding whatever's on the surface. [ANGSTROM] It's better than that, though. Look. There's the site of the Ghost Monument. This network could help us cut a diagonal through the route, then bypass most of the mountain terrain. We could cover the distance in half the time. [GRAHAM] Well, if you leave now, you could get there before Sleeping Beauty. You could win. [GRAHAM] What was that? [DOCTOR] There's something through there. --------------------------------------- (2nd room) [YASMIN] Ryan, have you seen this? Surveillance footage. [RYAN] Look. They've found the hatch. --------------------------------------- (3rd room) [DOCTOR] Inscriptions on the floor. [GRAHAM] What is it, some sort of cave painting? [DOCTOR] Almost. Left by the people who worked here. [GRAHAM] Can you read it? What does it say? [DOCTOR] We are scientists. Abducted, tortured and made to work, while our families are held hostage. We are forced to find new ways of destruction. Poisons, weapons, creatures. We gave them our minds and they made us the creators of death. This planet has been left scorched and barren from our work. The atmosphere and water are toxic. Killing machines and creatures inhabit every corner. We had no choice but to obey... The Stenza.We are trying to destroy all of our work before they use it against others. There's two words below that. They're coming. That's how it ends. [GRAHAM] The Stenza? That's the thing we stopped in Sheffield, right? [ANGSTROM] You know the Stenza too? [GRAHAM] My wife died because of them. [ANGSTROM] Mine too. I'm sorry. They took our planet, sent us into hiding, cleansed millions of us. --------------------------------------- (Tunnels) [DOCTOR] Epzo! [ANGSTROM] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] Nothing's working on it. [GRAHAM] We've seen them before. Like, all over the planet. Like they were lying dormant. [DOCTOR] Lying dormant till night, across the whole planet... clearing up the wounded. [YASMIN] Doctor! I found you! The SniperBots are on their way down after us. [RYAN] Whoa! [DOCTOR] We need to get out of here. Everybody, move fast! [YASMIN] Why have we stopped? [DOCTOR] Listen. [DOCTOR] They've shut down the life support systems, depriving us of air. [GRAHAM] A man could really take against those robots. [DOCTOR] We need to get out of the tunnels. [GRAHAM] But it's night. [ANGSTROM] This exit ladder will take us up and out to the surface. [YASMIN] What's up there? [ANGSTROM] Acetylene fields. [RYAN] Acetylene, like the gas? [YASMIN] That doesn't sound good. [DOCTOR] We're running out of air and options, so let's go up. [DOCTOR] You okay? [RYAN] It's not my favourite thing, climbing ladders under pressure. [DOCTOR] Can I just say? You are amazing. [RYAN] Am I? [DOCTOR] Think of what you've gone through to be here, and you're still going. I'm proper impressed. [RYAN] Thanks. [DOCTOR] If it helps, focus on facts about acetylene as you climb. Did you cover it in NVQ? [RYAN] Think we might've done, yeah. [DOCTOR] Got to be quick now, Ryan. Sorry. --------------------------------------- (Acetylene fields) [YASMIN] That's some smell. [GRAHAM] What is it, garlic? [RYAN] Wait. Everyone, stop. Look, it's like the ground's moving. [REMNANT] Finally, a big feast of lives. [DOCTOR] Nobody move. [EPZO] Don't let them touch you. They'll squeeze the life out of you. [REMNANT] Yes, squeeze the life from all of you. [DOCTOR] The talk is to distract you. That's how they were designed in that laboratory. [REMNANT] You can't save them. We smell your fear too. The strongest of all. [DOCTOR] You want fears? I've got a dozen lifetimes' worth. [REMNANT] A dozen lives? We'll take you first. [DOCTOR] Remember any facts, Ryan, as we climbed? [RYAN] It's lighter than air. [DOCTOR] Yes. Smells like garlic and lighter than air. That's right. And one other thing about it, but we'll all have to dig deep for that, right? [EPZO] What are you talking about? What are you doing? [ANGSTROM] Shut up and dig, Epzo. [REMNANT] You lead but you're scared, too, for yourself and for others. [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, who isn't? [REMNANT] Afraid of your own newness. We see deeper, though, further back. The Timeless Child. [DOCTOR] What did you just say? [REMNANT] She doesn't know. [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? What can you see? [REMNANT] We see what's hidden even from yourself, the outcast, abandoned and unknown. [DOCTOR] Get out of my head. [REMNANT] Now we crush those fears from you. [DOCTOR] Enjoy your feast, whatever it is. You know what some people like after a feast? Graham? [GRAHAM] Huh? [DOCTOR] Not me. Some people. [EPZO] Do it. [GRAHAM] Oh, yeah. A nice cigar. [DOCTOR] Down! [DOCTOR] Third fact, ignites very easily. Good old acetylene. See? Teamwork. Now, move. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Mountains) [RYAN] We must be near now. [ANGSTROM] Says we're close. [DOCTOR] There. Your finish line. [EPZO] Ah, we made it. [YASMIN] But where's your ship? Where's the Ghost Monument? [DOCTOR] It's not here. I don't understand. It should be here. We did all this for nothing? So you got here... [ANGSTROM] And now I'm going to claim my prize. [EPZO] What? Your prize? [ANGSTROM] I saved your life. You'd be dead without me. And if I raced you now to that tent, you'd be dust. You're a wreck, Epzo. [APZO] Who had the cigar, eh? Me. That was mine. The cigar saved us all. [ANGSTROM] Seriously? Don't even think I'm going to lose to you now. [DOCTOR] Er, could I make a suggestion? --------------------------------------- (Tent) [EPZO] Dead heat. [ANGSTROM] Joint first. Dual winners. [DOCTOR] With witnesses. [ILIN] What? No. There's never been a joint winner of the Rally. [ANGSTROM] There has now. [ILIN] No. I will declare the final race null and void. [EPZO] Ilin, you've made this a living hell for us. I promise you that whatever happens, I will get off this planet, and if we don't get what we both fought for, I will hunt you down and ensure that whatever time you have left is both short-lived and agonising. Do we understand each other? Now, recognise your equal winners. [ANGSTROM] Pay the prize, or pay the price. [ILIN] I'm honoured to declare a unique joint victory... and equal split. [EPZO] Now, get us off this rock. [ILIN] Fine. [ANGSTROM] And them. [ILIN] No. [ANGRSTROM] No! (But Ilin has snapped his fingers.) --------------------------------------- (Mountain) [RYAN] They're gone. [GRAHAM] We're stuck here, are we? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. I've failed you. I promised you and I let you down. [RYAN] We can wait, can't we? [YASMIN] Yeah. We've got each other. [DOCTOR] No, we'll be dead within one rotation. [GRAHAM] Who says so? We've come this far, ain't we? Who says we're giving up? Any of us? Really? Even you, Doc? No. Come on, we ain't having that, are we? [YASMIN] Nope. [RYAN] No. [YASMIN] Can you hear that noise? [DOCTOR] Come on, please. Give us this. (activates the Sheffield sonic) It's all right, it's me! Stabilise. Come to Daddy. I mean Mummy. I mean, I really need you right now. [DOCTOR] My beautiful Ghost Monument. (runs over to her) Hello, you. I've missed you. Ah, you've done yourself up. Very nice. Lost my key. Sorry. [GRAHAM] But it's an old police box. [DOCTOR] Sort of. Not really. [RYAN] You expect us all to fit inside there? [DOCTOR] Yep. [YASMIN] At the same time? [DOCTOR] Wanna try? [RYAN] Okay. [DOCTOR] Oh, word of warning. I left it in a bit of a mess. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Oh. You've redecorated. [DOCTOR] I really like it. This is my Tardis. [YASMIN] Wow. [RYAN] Yeah. [GRAHAM] It was a police box. [DOCTOR] It still is on the outside. [GRAHAM] How do you fit all this stuff inside a police box? [DOCTOR] Dimensional engineering. [YASMIN] You can't engineer dimensions. [DOCTOR] Maybe you can't. [RYAN] Can I press any of...? [DOCTOR] No. [GRAHAM] It's a spaceship? [DOCTOR] And a timeship. [RYAN] Get out. [DOCTOR] Seriously. [RYAN] This... is proper... awesome. [DOCTOR] I thought maybe you didn't believe me that I'd get you home. [YASMIN] I thought you didn't believe yourself for a second back there. [DOCTOR] Who, me? No. Never doubted. Don't know what you mean. Home, then? [YASMIN] You can get us there? Really? [DOCTOR] Start believing.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Ghost Monument"}
Doctor Who (21 Oct 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - Rosa [MUSIC] I woke up this morning with my mind set on freedom. I woke up this morning with my mind, Lord, set on freedom... --------------------------------------- (Bus) [BLAKE] Hey, you. You don't go that way. That way's not for coloureds. Get off, go round to the back and get on there. That's your entrance. You know that. [ROSA] I don't see the need for getting off, then back on there. Not when there's folks standing in the stepwell. How am I going to squeeze on there? [BLAKE] If you ain't going through that back door, you're getting off my bus. [ROSA] Sir, let me go. Please don't do that. Stop. [ROSA] You better not hit me. [BLAKE] Get out that door! --------------------------------------- (Street) [ROSA] Hey. Hey. Hey, hold on. Hey, stop! [DOCTOR] Nearly. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [YASMIN] Sheffield? [DOCTOR] Almost. Really close. [GRAHAM] So not Sheffield, then? [DOCTOR] You're doing this deliberately, aren't you? [YASMIN] Who are you talking to? [RYAN] If it's me, I haven't touched anything. [DOCTOR] I'm talking to the Tardis, because this is our ninth attempt. [GRAHAM] Fourteenth. You can't control this thing, can you? [DOCTOR] Excuse me. Yes, I can. Most of the time. Just sometimes, like now, it has a mind of its own. [YASMIN] So where are we, actually? [DOCTOR] Earth, United States. 1955, Montgomery, Alabama, if I'm reading this properly. New displays. Still figuring them out. [GRAHAM] 1955? Elvis. Could we see Elvis? [DOCTOR] I think he's in New York this week. I could give him a call. [GRAHAM] You haven't got Elvis's phone number. [DOCTOR] Don't ever tell anyone I lent him a mobile phone. [DOCTOR] Whoa, what's that? Traces of artron energy? [YASMIN] Should we know what artron energy is? [DOCTOR] It's the same type of energy the Tardis runs off. There really shouldn't be traces of artron energy here, unless they're ours, which they're not. [YASMIN] And now you want to check it out. [DOCTOR] Yeah, I should. Quick look, but quietly. History is very delicate. We stick together. --------------------------------------- (Street) [YASMIN] Real-life 1950s. Time travel's awesome. [RYAN] Excuse me. Excuse me. You dropped this. [RYAN] Hey. [STEELE] Get your filthy black hands off my wife. [DOCTOR] Whoa. Stop. [YASMIN] Sir, please take a step back. You okay, Ryan? [RYAN] I was just trying to give her back her glove. [STEELE] Is this your boy? [GRAHAM] He's my grandson, actually. [STEELE] Your what? [GRAHAM] My grandson. [STEELE] You ain't from around here. [DOCTOR] We don't want any trouble. [STEELE] I don't know how it goes where you folks are from, but your boy, he'll be swinging from a tree with a noose for a neckerchief if he touches a white woman in Montgomery. [GRAHAM] What did you just say?. [ROSA] There a problem here, Mister Steele? (to Ryan) Step away now. Go ahead, step away. [STEELE] These friends of yours? [ROSA] No, sir. Just on my lunch break, wondering if I can help out with any misunderstanding. Oh, I believe your suit will be ready tomorrow. The alterations going to make it look just right, sir. [STEELE] Let's go, Lizzie. [ROSA] Are you crazy? [RYAN] He slapped me. [ROSA] Don't you read the newspapers? You know what they did to young Emmett Till. [DOCTOR] We're from out of town. [ROSA] So was Emmett Till, on vacation from the north. Couple of words to a white woman in Mississippi, and the next thing, they find his body in the river. You want that to be you? [RYAN] No. [ROSA] Did your mother raise you with no manners? I will take a 'no, ma'am'. [RYAN] No, ma'am. [ROSA] You all together? [DOCTOR] Yes. We're very grateful, Miss... [ROSA] Mrs Parks, Rosa Parks. [YASMIN] No way. [GRAHAM] You're kidding. [DOCTOR] Brilliant. Rosa Parks. Lovely to meet you, Rosa Parks. Big fan. [ROSA] Excuse me? [DOCTOR] Big fan... of Montgomery. I am... we are just visiting. Recommend anything for tourists like us? [ROSA] I recommend you get yourselves the hell out of Alabama before you find yourselves in trouble you can't get out of. [YASMIN] Oh, my God, can you believe it? Actual Rosa Parks. [DOCTOR] Amazing. Also a problem. Registering traces of artron energy all around her. Why is that? --------------------------------------- (Alley) [KRASKO] No. [KRASKO] Force shields. --------------------------------------- (Slim's Bar) [YASMIN] We were in Rosa Parks class in primary. Do you remember? All the Year 4, 5 and 6 classes were named after inspirational people. [RYAN] She's the bus woman, right? [YASMIN] You do remember what she did. [RYAN] Yeah, first black woman to ever drive a bus. [YASMIN] No, Ryan. [RYAN] What? [GRAHAM] Your Nan would have a fit right now. How could you have been in a class named after the woman and not know who she is? [RYAN] She's American. [YASMIN] She refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus to a white passenger, and got arrested for it. Her arrest started a boycott of the buses in Montgomery. [DOCTOR] Or rather, will start. Today is Wednesday, November 30th, 1955. Tomorrow, Rosa refuses to give up her seat. [RYAN] And all this basically kicked off the US civil rights movement, led by Martin Luther King. See, I'm not totally ignorant. I just got confused by the whole bus thing. [DOCTOR] Martin Luther King is a minister here in Montgomery right now. [YASMIN] He and Rosa knew each other? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Is it me, or has it gone very quiet in here? [WAITRESS] We don't serve negroes. [RYAN] Good, cos I don't eat them. [WAITRESS] Or Mexicans. [YASMIN] Is she talking to me? [WAITRESS] Y'all need to eat somewhere else. [DOCTOR] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Street) [DOCTOR] Okay, listen. I can deal with this. You guys go back to the Tardis and be safe. [YASMIN] While you do what? [DOCTOR] Locate the source of these energy anomalies. We're one day out of a tipping point in Earth history. I don't want anything disrupting that. It's easy for me here. It's more dangerous for you. You can walk away from this. [RYAN] Rosa Parks can't. [YASMIN] Rosa Parks doesn't. [RYAN] If she can live her whole life, a couple of hours ain't going to kill me. It ain't going to kill me, right? [GRAHAM] No. [DOCTOR] Not if we look out for each other. [RYAN] I'm cool with it. What do you reckon, Mexican lady? [YASMIN] Oi. Keep that up, I'll use you as a pinata. [DOCTOR] Epicentre of the artron readings is 1.2 miles that way. Come on. [GRAHAM] Hey, hey, we will stop somewhere else to eat, though, won't we? [DOCTOR] No time, Graham. [GRAHAM] Have you noticed that happens a lot? I need regular food, that's all. [RYAN] We just got thrown out of a bar and that's what you're worried about? [GRAHAM] Not just that. [YASMIN] Not sure your stomach's compatible with time travel, Graham. --------------------------------------- (Street) [ROSA] Can I help you? There a problem here? [KRASKO] No problem, ma'am. No problem at all. --------------------------------------- (Bus works) [DOCTOR] This is where the artron signals converge. At the bus company. [YASMIN] All roads lead to Rosa Parks. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Bit of a worry. Let's have a look around. [GRAHAM] I'm not sure about this. --------------------------------------- (Bus works shed) [RYAN] There's nothing in here. [DOCTOR] Why padlock an empty room, unless it's not empty. [GRAHAM] That wasn't there a second ago. [RYAN] No kidding. [DOCTOR] It was there. We just couldn't see it. Perception filter. [YASMIN] Why would anybody do that to a suitcase? [RYAN] Can we open it? [DOCTOR] Is the right question. Is anyone excited? Cos I'm really excited. [GRAHAM] You won't be if it's a bomb. [DOCTOR] Don't kill the vibe, Graham. [RYAN] Whoa, not very '50s. [DOCTOR] I knew it. See, now there's a problem. We're not the only ones in Montgomery who don't belong here. [YASMIN] Any clues what any of that is? [DOCTOR] Information brick, multi-intercept and surveillance device. All a bit knackered, though. [GRAHAM] Well, why has it been left in here? [DOCTOR] (gasp) This explains the artron signals. This is very bad news. Secondary charger for a... [DOCTOR] Run. --------------------------------------- (Bus works yard) [DOCTOR] Over here. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Stay here. [DOCTOR] Oi, Brando, looking for us? I'm not armed. [KRASKO] Is that supposed to make me not shoot you? [DOCTOR] Ideally. So, temporal displacement weapon. Horrible things. Can't stand them. [KRASKO] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Not a compliment. Takes a lot of power to displace things in Time. I think you and I both know your weapon's pretty much out of juice. And I've got your spare battery. You've been leaving traces of residual artron energy all over 1955. [KRASKO] And what are you, the Artron Police? Maybe you are. The blue box in the alley. Is it a Tardis? [DOCTOR] Might be. What's it to you? [KRASKO] Well, it could be worth a lot. [DOCTOR] Nah, not that one. Second hand, huge mileage, one careless owner. Mind you, it's better than a Vortex Manipulator, like the one on your wrist. Cheap and nasty time travel. [DOCTOR] So, what do you want with Rosa Parks? [KRASKO] Who? [DOCTOR] Oh, now you're being annoying. [KRASKO] The feeling's mutual. [DOCTOR] How long have you been here? [KRASKO] Get out of Montgomery. [DOCTOR] You're not the first to say that to us. [KRASKO] If I see any of you again, I will kill you. [DOCTOR] Don't threaten me. [KRASKO] Chop, chop, on your way now. [KRASKO] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Come on, gang. [YASMIN] Are we actually leaving? [DOCTOR] Not in a million years. --------------------------------------- (Sahara Springs Motel) [RYAN] I'm getting pretty sick of seeing that sign. [YASMIN] So, how are we going to do this? --------------------------------------- (Motel room) [GRAHAM] In you come, before anyone sees. [RYAN] Well, this is fun. [YASMIN] Last time I sneaked into someone's room by a window was Danny Biswas in Year 10. [RYAN] You just went right down in my estimation. [YASMIN] All right. [RYAN] Danny Biswas? He was punching well above his weight. [YASMIN] Did you just accidentally pay me a compliment? [RYAN] Whatever. [GRAHAM] Why can't we just stay in the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Our friend with the temporal displacement weapon's got eyes on it. We go in and out of there, we're going to run into him again and I don't want to just yet. Not till we've figured this out. [RYAN] And this is better? Smuggling ourselves into crummy motels? [DOCTOR] I just need a moment to work this out. [YASMIN] Yeah, like, what do we actually know? [GRAHAM] Well, 1955, Montgomery, one day away from Rosa Parks refusing to give her seat up on a bus. [DOCTOR] Meanwhile, we've got an out-of-time impostor skulking at the bus works with a temporal displacement weapon. [RYAN] I understand weapon, but not sure about temporal or displacement. [DOCTOR] Displaces you through Time. A blast hits you, you're thrown through Time to wherever the user has set it. He had it set for the very far future. [RYAN] That's horrible. [DOCTOR] Yes. And it uses artron molecules. That, plus his Vortex Manipulator were presumably what the Tardis detected when it brought us here. [YASMIN] So do we think he's trying to kill Rosa Parks, or use that weapon on her? [DOCTOR] He's been here a while. He set up base at the bus works. If he wanted to get rid of her, why has he not done it already? Besides, the sonic picked up something else on him, but I'd need to go back to make sure. Right, what do you remember about Rosa from school? [GRAHAM] Oi, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?. That is vandalism. We'll have to pay for that. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, special pen. [GRAHAM] No, pack it in. You ain't Banksy. [DOCTOR] Or am I? Rosa takes the bus on the 1st December 1955. What time of day? [YASMIN] Evening. She was coming home from work. I remember cos she said people thought she didn't stand cos she was tired from working, but she wasn't. [DOCTOR] Where did she work? [YASMIN] I think it was in a shop, like a department store. [GRAHAM] No, no, wait. Earlier she told that git that slapped Ryan his suit'd be ready tomorrow. [YASMIN] That's it. She did clothes repairs. She was a seamstress. I mean, is a seamstress. Can't get used to being in the past. [YASMIN] Bathroom. [RYAN] Seriously? [YASMIN] Very seriously. [GRAHAM] No, Doc. The wall. [DOCTOR] Banksy doesn't have one of those. Or have I? [DOCTOR] Oh, officer. What can I do for you? [MASON] Can I come in, ma'am? [DOCTOR] Ma'am. Still can't get used to that. Here we are, darling. This police officer was so keen to come in he didn't feel the need to introduce himself. [GRAHAM] Is there a problem, Officer...? [MASON] Mason. Montgomery Police. [DOCTOR] I'd offer you a cuppa, but the refreshment facilities are very poor. I'll be leaving a note. [MASON] British? [GRAHAM] How can you tell? [MASON] You've been making folks uneasy. [DOCTOR] How've we done that? [MASON] Y'all happen to know a couple of... mongrels, hmm? Negro boy, Mexican girl? [DOCTOR] I don't recognise anyone by that description. [MASON] Huh. See, the er, negro's been going around picking fights with upstanding citizens. Now, you appreciate it's er, an offence to harbour coloureds in a room here. [DOCTOR] We're not harbouring anyone who doesn't have a right to be here. [MASON] Mmm-hmm. What's your business here in Montgomery? [GRAHAM] We're here to, er, pitch an invention. Yeah, er, it's a telephone... that plays music, and it's a camera also, takes photo... and it's a calendar. And it send letters. [MASON] Sounds ridiculous. [GRAHAM] Yeah, I know. [MASON] What's your name, sir? [GRAHAM] Steve... Jobs. Steve Jobs. [MASON] You being disrespectful with me, Mister Jobs? [GRAHAM] Steve Jobs would never disrespect a Montgomery police officer, sir. [MASON] Uh-huh. [MASON] Hmm. You get yourselves gone as soon as your, er, business is concluded, mmm-hmm? [DOCTOR] I did not warm to him. --------------------------------------- (Behind the motel dumpsters) [RYAN] I'm sick of this place already. [YASMIN] I know. But to be here just as history's taking place. [RYAN] This ain't history here, Yaz. We're hiding behind bins. I'm having to work so hard to keep my temper, every second here. I could've slapped that guy back there as soon as we arrived. Thank God me Nan taught me how to keep my temper. Never give them the excuse. [YASMIN] Yeah? My dad tells me the same. [RYAN] Yeah, see? It's not like Rosa Parks wipes out racism from the world forever. Otherwise, how come I get stopped way more by the police than my white mates? [YASMIN] Oi, not this police. [RYAN] Tell me you don't get hassle. [YASMIN] Course I do, especially on the job. I get called a Paki when I'm sorting out a domestic, or a terrorist on the way home from the mosque. [RYAN] Yeah, exactly. [YASMIN] But they don't win, those people. I can be a police officer now cos people like Rosa Parks fought those battles for me. For us. And in 53 years, they'll have a black President as leader. Who knows where they'll be 50 years after that? But that's proper change. What? [RYAN] Were you born this positive? [YASMIN] Guess so. Must be my Mexican blood. [GRAHAM] head out of bathroom window) Yaz. Ryan. --------------------------------------- (Motel room) [DOCTOR] Where were we? We need as much intel as we can get. If we're going to protect Rosa, we need to know the facts of her life. Home address, daily routine, where she works, the routes she takes, and the church she attends. Also, the name of the driver she refused. [GRAHAM] I know that. It's James Blake. [RYAN] How do you know that? [GRAHAM] Well, your Nan, when she found out I was a bus driver, said to me, you'd better not be like James Blake. Blake the snake, that's what she called him. And I had to ask her who he was and she just said he gave all bus drivers a bad name. [YASMIN] She said that when you'd only just met? [GRAHAM] Yeah. [YASMIN] That's pretty hardline. [RYAN] That's me Nan. [GRAHAM] Yeah. She had a T-shirt that said, er, The Spirit of Rosa, and er, well, I wish that she was here. [RYAN] I don't. She'd start a riot. [GRAHAM] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Right. Operation Rosa Parks. [YASMIN] I've found out where she works. Montgomery Fair Department Store. [RYAN] And if the phone book's right, this is where she lives. [GRAHAM] Right, so these bus routes don't go near Rosa's shop or house, but these ones do. [DOCTOR] Great. If we can find Rosa's route and time today, we can keep an eye on her tomorrow. Who's up for a bus ride? --------------------------------------- (Bus) [GRAHAM] Excuse me. Sorry. Okay, Doc. This route is one of three that goes between Rosa's home and where she works. I reckon this one is the most direct. [DOCTOR] So it's most likely she takes this one tomorrow night. But we can't be certain exactly what time. [YASMIN] Unless we stalk her all day. [RYAN] This is me, on the back of the bus. [GRAHAM] (sotto) I'm so ashamed. (normal) You shouldn't have to do this. [DOCTOR] I agree. I'm sorry, Ryan. [YASMIN] The driver let me on at the front of the bus. What does that mean for where I sit? Obviously not a lot of Pakistani heritage around here. Does coloured just mean black in 1955? Guess I'll park my South Asian-Mexican backside in the white section, then, and let's see what happens. Riding the bus in Montgomery. Good times. --------------------------------------- (Bus Stop) [YASMIN] That's where she works. This must be her stop. [DOCTOR] Perfect. We can wait here, then get on the bus with her when she finishes work, have a little chat. --------------------------------------- (Bus) [YASMIN] Hi. Nice to see you again. Mrs Parks, right? [ROSA] Yes. [DOCTOR] You helped us out earlier today with our little misunderstanding. [ROSA] I remember. British. [DOCTOR] Yes. Funny thing, you'll never believe this, we're actually doing market research for bus companies. Looking at people's transport habits. Answer the questions, enter the raffle for a prize. You get this bus this time every day? [ROSA] Most days. Always this time. [DOCTOR] And you live...? [ROSA] Cleveland Court. Next stop. Ma'am, if you keep sitting there, we're all going to have to move. [GRAHAM] What do you mean? [ROSA] If white folks need seats, by law, I have to give mine up. This middle section is only for coloureds if white folk don't need it. [GRAHAM] Well, that's not right. [ROSA] Tell your company that, sir. If I win your raffle, will that give me the right to sit anywhere I want on this bus? [DOCTOR] No. [ROSA] I didn't think so. This is my stop. [RYAN] I'm going to follow her. See what I can find out. Meet you back at the motel later. [DOCTOR] Ryan? Be careful. [RYAN] Yeah. [YASMIN] Do you think he'll be all right? [DOCTOR] I hope so. Graham, do you think you can find James Blake, the driver? [GRAHAM] Er, yeah. I'll just have a talk with the bloke at the front and find out where they all drink. [DOCTOR] Yaz, can you compile a timeline of what happens this time tomorrow evening? [YASMIN] Okay. What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Talk to our friend. Tell him to stay out of history's way. --------------------------------------- (Cleveland Court) [RYAN] Stalking Rosa Parks. Don't know about this. [ROSA] You better not be following me. [RYAN] I want to help. [ROSA] With what? [RYAN] The fight. [ROSA] And how do I know you're not a spy for the police, or the FBI? [RYAN] Cos if they were going to send a spy, they'd send one who could actually follow you without being spotted. And didn't have a British accent. Also, I don't think they know any black guys. [ROSA] You any good at serving coffee? --------------------------------------- (Bus works shed) [DOCTOR] Whoops. Shame, you just sent all your equipment to goodness knows where. 79th century, judging by the weapon setting, which, by the way, overheat very easily. [DOCTOR] Cheap and nasty. Now we're even. First things first. Tell me about Stormcage. [KRASKO] Storm what? [DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish liar. On your wrist. It's a Stormcage identifier. The most secure prison facility this side of the universe. Not in this time-zone, of course, but I guess that's where the Vortex Manipulator comes in. [KRASKO] It's amazing what you can get if you're prepared to work and barter inside that prison. [DOCTOR] Escape or release? [KRASKO] I did my time. I'm rehabilitated. [DOCTOR] What were you there for in the first place? [KRASKO] If I tell you, it might colour your view of me. I was young. Nobody got hurt. Well, a few people got killed. A few hundred people. A thousand, tops. Two thousand. [DOCTOR] And it was nasty enough that Stormcage placed a neural restrictor in your brain before releasing you back into the universe. [KRASKO] How can you know that? Who are you? [DOCTOR] Very good scanner, this. I thought I detected it the first time we met, and then it started to make sense, cos we were wondering, you've obviously got a problem with Rosa, why don't you just kill her? But the answer is, because you can't. Neural restrictor means you can't kill or injure any living thing. It stops you from doing it, no matter how much you want to try. So even if I do this... (grabs the Vortex manipulator from his wrist, drops it on the concrete floor and stomps on it) smash your Vortex Manipulator... [DOCTOR] Yeah, there it is, kicking in, tied to your brain chemistry. [DOCTOR] You can't harm me, as much as you want to. Better be nice to me, cos I'm your best chance of getting out of this time-zone now. Neutered criminal on release, and you come here. Why? [KRASKO] I'm allowed a hobby. [DOCTOR] And yours is Rosa Parks? [KRASKO] This is where things started to go wrong. [DOCTOR] And you think you can put them right? [KRASKO] I had a lot of time to think in Stormcage, and I realised tiny actions change the world. [DOCTOR] What's your name? [KRASKO] Krasko. [DOCTOR] Don't like it. Listen, Krasko, I'll give you one warning. Go somewhere else, find a beach, read a book, cos you're a criminal who's lost his kit, lost his weapons. [KRASKO] You think that makes a difference? History changes when tiny things don't go to plan. [DOCTOR] You mean tomorrow. Won't work, not while I'm here. [KRASKO] Well, let's see. --------------------------------------- (Parks' home) [ROSA] This is Ryan Sinclair. He's from England. I'm thinking he might be a new recruit to our Youth Council. I said he could listen in and serve coffee. This is my husband, Parks. This is Mister Fred Gray. And this is Doctor King from Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. [RYAN] What? Martin Luther King? [KING] That's correct. [RYAN] Oh, my days. Me Nan loves you. [KING] Your Nan? [RYAN] My gran. Grandma. [PARKS] The elder ladies do love your sermons, Martin. You'll never be short for a grey-haired wife in Alabama. [KING] She attend Dexter Avenue? [RYAN] No, she died recently. [KING] I'm sorry for your loss, son. [RYAN] Thank you. Thank you, Martin Luther King. She'd be chuffed to know that you said that. [ROSA] Ryan? [RYAN] Excuse me, Doctor King. Yes, Rosa Parks? (sotto) Whoa. [ROSA] You want to serve that coffee now? [RYAN] (big grin) Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Slim's bar) [BLAKE] So, you say you're a bus driver too, back in England? [GRAHAM] It's a privilege, isn't it, eh? Getting people where they want to go, being part of the community. [BLAKE] Figuring you ain't got to deal with keeping coloureds apart from whites. [GRAHAM] No. No, no, we don't do that. You approve of that, Jim? [BLAKE] Just the way it is. No matter how much they complain, ain't going to change. [GRAHAM] Back at it tomorrow, I suppose. [BLAKE] Nope. Going fishing at Mill Creek. [GRAHAM] You can't be. It's December 1st. [BLAKE] What? [GRAHAM] Well, it's a Thursday, isn't it? You know, like a workday. [BLAKE] The rota got changed. Fella from the depot just came by, gave me the good news. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Parks' home) [ROSA] Get what you wanted from tonight? [RYAN] I didn't know what I wanted. But, yeah. Meeting you guys, listening to you all talk, I can't believe. It'll get better, y'know. Not perfect, but... better. [ROSA] I hope so. [RYAN] It's worth the fight. Thank you, from me and my Nan. [ROSA] I haven't done anything. [RYAN] Goodnight, ma'am. --------------------------------------- (Motel room) [DOCTOR] Managed to get Krasko's weapon off him, at least. [GRAHAM] James Blake is taking the day off. [YASMIN] What? But he can't. [GRAHAM] That's what I said. Strangely, he didn't listen. Your mate is interfering. He's reassigned Blake's route to a driver called Elias Griffin Junior. [DOCTOR] Tiny actions, that's what Krasko's doing. See, he's clever, I'll give him that. He knows. He's not planning on killing, or destroying or breaking history. He's planning to nudge it just enough so that it doesn't happen. Enough of a stick in the spokes to throw everything off the rails, and now I am really mixing my transport metaphors. Well, he didn't reckon with us keeping it in place. [YASMIN] And how do we do that, then? [DOCTOR] Now we know what our task is. Keep history in order. No changing it, just guarding it against someone who wants to disrupt it. Tomorrow, we have to make sure Rosa Parks gets on the bus driven by James Blake. And that the bus is full, so Rosa sits when she's asked to stand for white passengers. Ryan, don't mess with that. [RYAN] How does it even work? [DOCTOR] Charges here, this setting dials the temporal destination. Pretty simple, pretty deadly. Now, can we concentrate? [GRAHAM] How are we supposed to keep history in order if James Blake is going to go fishing at Mill Creek and another driver is lined up to do his route? [RYAN + YASMIN] I've got an idea. [DOCTOR] Same idea? [YASMIN] Raffle winner. [RYAN] Fishing takedown. --------------------------------------- (Griffin front door) [DOCTOR] Elias Griffin Junior? [GRIFFIN] Yeah? [DOCTOR] Congratulations. You are the lucky winner of our Raffle Of The Century. [GRIFFIN] I don't remember entering no raffle. [DOCTOR] You have won an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas, front row tickets to see Frank Sinatra and a VIP pass to meet Frank himself. [GRIFFIN] My wife loves Sinatra. [DOCTOR] Amazing. Who would've guessed? Only one condition. You have to leave now. [YASMIN] Right now. [GRIFFIN] Oh, I can't. My work shift starts in a couple of hours. [YASMIN] We've sorted that too. Your company's already assigned someone to cover you. [DOCTOR] There's a taxi coming to pick you up in thirty minutes to take you to the airport. [GRIFFIN] Thirty minutes? [YASMIN] Unless you don't want to go. [GRIFFIN] Oh, we'll be ready, we'll be ready. [DOCTOR] Good job Elvis lent Frank that mobile phone, against everything I told him. We need to stick tight to Rosa. --------------------------------------- (Mill Creek) [GRAHAM] Oi, oi, Jim boy. How are you doing, cockle? We've been looking for you all along the creek. [BLAKE] Why? [GRAHAM] We thought he'd come and join you. You saying last night how beautiful and peaceful it was, yeah. This is my grandson, Ryan. [BLAKE] What in the hell? [RYAN] Yo, Jimmy Blake. What's up, blud? [BLAKE] You can't be here. [RYAN] Hey. How many have you caught? Can I pick them up? Ever seen a man juggle fish? [BLAKE] Stay out of my things. You don't belong here. And he ain't your grandson. [GRAHAM] I reckon we'll be here all day. [RYAN] Yeah, might as well, seeing as that bus sit-in's kicking off. Gonna be big trouble. [BLAKE] What'd you say, boy? [GRAHAM] Oh, we heard that a group of black passengers were planning a sit-in across all the bus routes tonight. [BLAKE] Not on my bus, they're not. Y'all get out of my seat. [GRAHAM] Eh? [BLAKE] Out of my seat! [GRAHAM] All right, settle down. [BLAKE] Have the damn creek. [RYAN] He was easy. [GRAHAM] (holding out his fist) Boom. [RYAN] Don't do that. --------------------------------------- (Sewing room) [DOCTOR] Mrs Parks, enormous clothing emergency. Can you help me? [ROSA] That is one nasty tear. [YASMIN] Yes, it is. And there is nothing us Brits hate more than a clothing emergency. [DOCTOR] Mrs Parks, I have to go out in that coat this evening, and if it's torn I'll get in such trouble. [YASMIN] Can you take a look at it now? Double time Christmas bonus? [ROSA] (checks her work book) Well, I don't have any collections until tomorrow afternoon. I guess I could fit you in. Now, if you come back just before we close... [YASMIN] I'll wait while you work. Keep you company. [ROSA] I don't need company. [DOCTOR] No, but my coat does. It's very valuable. I don't usually let it out of my sight. Thank you. You're going to make a big difference. [ROSA] Oh, I'd best set to work, then. [DOCTOR] Don't let her out of your sight. I'm going to go meet Graham and Ryan. Remember, get Rosa out of here by 5 --------------------------------------- (Bus works) [BLAKE] I came back from the creek for this? Four flat tyres and a smashed-in windshield? What the hell happened? [KRASKO] (in overalls) Kids. [BLAKE] Well, I can't drive that. [KRASKO] No, you go on home. We'll cancel the route. [BLAKE] (leaving) So much for that protest. This bus ain't going nowhere. [GRAHAM] Do you hear that? Everything we do, Krasko's a step ahead. He must have deliberately smashed up that bus himself. [RYAN] We've got to fix this. James Blake has got to drive Rosa's bus home tonight. [GRAHAM] Right, well, he ain't giving up that easily. [DOCTOR] Well, neither are we. Ryan, check every bus stop along Blake's route. Tell the waiting passengers that the bus is coming and they have to wait. [RYAN] Okay. [DOCTOR] Do not let any of the passengers walk. The bus has to be full. It has to be crowded enough so that Rosa is expected to move. [RYAN] Right, got it. [GRAHAM] Good luck. [DOCTOR] Now, Graham. [GRAHAM] Mmm hmm. [DOCTOR] Are you thinking what I'm thinking? --------------------------------------- (Bus depot) [GRAHAM] Nicking and hot-wiring a bus from right outside the depot? Hope our friendly cop don't hear about this. [BLAKE] What in the hell? [DOCTOR] This is your replacement bus service. [GRAHAM] Jim boy. [BLAKE] You again? [GRAHAM] I know, I literally get everywhere now. Come on, hop in and do your job. [DOCTOR] You're already eighteen minutes behind schedule. [BLAKE] How do you know that? What's going on? What happened to that damned sit-in? Nobody else knew anything about it. [DOCTOR] Love to explain all that to you, but you know us Brits, very imperious, not prone on explaining ourselves to anyone. So, no time to chat, just get driving. A lot of people need to get on this bus tonight. [DOCTOR] Driver James Blake behind the wheel. Check. --------------------------------------- (Street) [RYAN] Bus services are suspended. No, no, no, no, no, Krasko. --------------------------------------- (Sewing room) [YASMIN] Have you always wanted to be a seamstress? [ROSA] I dreamed of being a teacher, but my grandmother got sick, then my mother, so that was the end of school. [YASMIN] I'm sorry about that. [ROSA] Oh, I got myself educated. Just took longer than I thought. [YASMIN] But you kept going. [ROSA] Always. An education makes you unstoppable. [YASMIN] Everything here's a fight for you. Don't you get tired? What keeps you going? [ROSA] Promise of tomorrow. When today isn't working, tomorrow is what you have. You married? Got a job back home? [YASMIN] Not married, and I'm a police officer. [ROSA] You're police? [YASMIN] Yeah. Just starting. Not where I want to be. [ROSA] Hmm. Where is it you want to be? [YASMIN] In charge. [ROSA] (laughs) Amen to that. [YASMIN] Shouldn't you be finishing up? [ROSA] If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. [YASMIN] But don't you have a bus to get? [ROSA] I can always walk. --------------------------------------- (Bus) [GRAHAM] Hey, Doc, I don't want to be alarmist, but this bus seems a bit emptier than last night. [DOCTOR] No, that's bad. We need the bus to be full. Come on, Ryan. --------------------------------------- (Street) [RYAN] Excuse me. Excuse me, old people. The buses are still running. [ARTHUR] We're going to walk. [RYAN] The buses are coming, I promise. Please, just wait for the bus. [ARTHUR] You don't tell me what to do, boy. [RYAN] Oh, man, this place. Passengers down, white passengers down, not good. --------------------------------------- (Sewing room) [ROSA] I think that should just about... [YASMIN] Love it. Let's go. I'll walk you out. Pay you on the way. [ROSA] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Street) [RYAN] Ah, I might have known. Pretty boy blocking the road. Right, then. This is on me. Mate, move your car so the bus gets though. Come on, out of the way. [KRASKO] No. You get out my way. [RYAN] Just give it up, will you? Cut your losses. You're not going to win tonight. [KRASKO] I already have. I know what should happen. And even if it gets past here, that bus is at least three passengers short of what it should be by now. Parks won't be asked to stand, she won't protest, and your kind won't get above themselves. [RYAN] My kind? [KRASKO] Yeah, your kind. Stay in your place. [RYAN] Mate, you're living in the past. In fact, you like the past that much, so why don't you stay there? [RYAN] Oh! Oh, it worked. Nice one, Ryan. Thanks, Ryan. Move the car, clear the route, find the bus, and Rosa Parks will change the world. Good, here we go. --------------------------------------- (Bus) [DOCTOR] Yaz, you're here. How's it going? [YASMIN] Mrs Parks fixed your coat. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, Mrs Parks. Beautiful work. Much appreciated. [ROSA] You're welcome, ma'am. [RYAN [OC]] Don't shut the door, don't drive off. One more coming on. [RYAN] Found you. I just got rid of Krasko. [DOCTOR] How? [RYAN] I borrowed this. I think I dialled the settings as far back as it can go. He's gone. [BLAKE] Use the door for coloureds. Law's the law. [DOCTOR] Let's move back. [GRAHAM] Hey, Doc. Rosa's on board, Blake's driving. We're good, right? [YASMIN] What's the matter? What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Counting seats. [YASMIN] Has it worked? Have we done enough? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [GRAHAM] We get off at the next stop, right? [YASMIN] Empire Theatre, yeah. [GRAHAM] Right, come on, then. We can go, job done, history's safe. [GRAHAM] Well, come on, then. [YASMIN] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Don't get off, Graham. If we get off, there's enough empty seats for white passengers. Rosa won't be asked to move. We have to stay on. [YASMIN] But we're here. We're part of the story. Part of history. [GRAHAM] No, no, no, I don't want to be part of this. [DOCTOR] We have to. I'm sorry. We have to not help her. [BLAKE] I'm going to need those seats back there. Y'all better make it light on yourselves and let me have those seats. [BLAKE] Stand up now. [ROSA] I don't think I should have to. [BLAKE] (shouting) Are you going to stand up? [ROSA] No. [BLAKE] If you don't stand, I'm going to have you arrested. [ROSA] You may do that. [ANDRA] You're broken down and tired Of living life on a merry-go-round --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] On Monday, the boycotts begin. Across Montgomery, people refuse to use the buses as a response to Rosa's arrest. And in just over a year, on 21st December 1956, segregation on buses in Montgomery was ended. [RYAN] So it all worked out for her. [DOCTOR] No, life's still hard for Rosa. She loses her job, so does her husband. It's a struggle, but they keep fighting. And in June 1999, Rosa receives the Congressional Medal from President Clinton, the highest award given to any civilian, recognising her asa living icon for freedom. [RYAN] It took so long, though. Her whole life. [DOCTOR] Yes, it did. But she changed the world. In fact, she changed the universe. Look at this. [DOCTOR] Asteroid 284996. Also known as Rosaparks. [ANDRA [closing titles]] And we'll rise up, High like the waves. We'll rise up, In spite of the ache. We'll rise up And we'll do it a thousand times againFor you. For you. For you. For you.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e03", "title": "Rosa"}
Doctor Who (28 Sep 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - Arachnids in the UK (Ballroom) [ROBERTSON] (American, reading a file on a pad.) Are you kidding me? [KEVIN] Sir, we need to be moving out. The plane is on standby. [ROBERTSON] I say when the plane leaves, Kevin. What do you need, money? [FRANKIE] It's not the money, sir. It's the logistics. And the scale. It's too big, too complex. And of course, the confidentiality. It's potentially very exposing for all of us, but especially for you. [ROBERTSON] Frankie, we're family, right? I mean, you're my... What are you again? [FRANKIE] I'm your niece's wife, sir. [ROBERTSON] Exactly. But you get things done. Now this could destroy me for 2020, so make it disappear. [FRANKIE] I'm not sure I can. [ROBERTSON] What? [NAJIA] Hi! Thought I was the only one in. I just came in to check everything was all right before we opened. [ROBERTSON] Who the hell is this? [NAJIA] I'm Najia. I didn't realise that you were in here. Or here at all. Wow. [ROBERTSON] I thought I told you to stay on the door, Kevin. [KEVIN] I came through the door to tell you we had to leave, sir. [ROBERTSON] Unbelievable. What do you, work for me or something? [NAJIA] Yes. I'll be the General Manager. I thought, while we're finalising, I'd come in and familiarise myself, so I can hit the ground running when we officially open. [ROBERTSON] You're fired. [NAJIA] Pardon? [ROBERTSON] You're fired. Get out. [NAJIA] I'm so sorry. [ROBERTSON] (to Frankie) You have one hour to tell me how you're going to make this all go away. Okay? Kevin. I say when we go. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Nearly there! [GRAHAM] Are you sure you've got this under control? [DOCTOR] Totally. New systems. Just running them in. --------------------------------------- (Park Hill) [YASMIN] We're home. We're actually home! [DOCTOR] Yes. Result. See? I told you I'd do it. [RYAN] We're at Park Hill. [YASMIN] That's my flat, there. [RYAN] Wait, you live at Park Hill? We're just up there. [YASMIN] And I've got mobile signal again. But no messages. [DOCTOR] But to be fair, it's only half an hour since you left. [GRAHAM] What, half an hour since we were with you were in that warehouse? [DOCTOR] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Wow. [DOCTOR] So... I suppose this is it. [RYAN] Yeah, I suppose it is. [DOCTOR] Got you back. Guess we're done. Nice having you aboard. [GRAHAM] Thanks, Doc. It's been a blast, truly. [DOCTOR] Pleasure. [YASMIN] What're you going to do now? [DOCTOR] Oh, you know. Back in the box. There's loads to see. [YASMIN] By yourself? [DOCTOR] Yeah, I suppose. [YASMIN] Do you want to come for tea at mine? [DOCTOR] Definitely! Yes, I would. Thanks. I love tea. Tea at Yaz's? Amazing. Are you coming? Are we all going for tea at Yaz's? [RYAN] She didn't invite us. [YASMIN] Don't be daft, course you're invited. [RYAN] All right, then. [YASMIN] Graham? [GRAHAM] I think I'll nip home first, Yaz. Maybe join you later, if that's all right? [RYAN] Shall I come with you? [GRAHAM] I'd rather do it alone. Don't go without saying goodbye. [DOCTOR] Tea at Yaz's. I've never been for tea at Yaz's. --------------------------------------- (Deck outside flats) [RYAN] Can't believe you live here. [JADE] Anna! [RYAN] I can see this block from my window. Almost neighbours, all this time. [YASMIN] I know. It's cool. [RYAN] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Everything all right? [JADE] (on phone) Fine, thanks. Anna, it's Jade McIntyre, I'm outside your front door. Are you in? --------------------------------------- (Khan's flat) [YASMIN] I'm home! Got a couple of mates with me. They're probably all out. [HAKIM] You've brought friends back. Sonya? Yaz has brought friends back. I'm getting food. [SONYA] What, you actually have friends? She paying you? [DOCTOR] Look at your views. Never had a flat. I should get one, I'd be good in a flat. I could get a sofa. Imagine me with a sofa, like my own sofa,I could get a purple one and sit on it. Am I being weird? [RYAN] A little bit, yeah. [DOCTOR] (sotto) I'm trying to do small talk. I thought I was doing quite well. [YASMIN] (sotto) Needs work. [DOCTOR] Maybe I'm nervous. Or just socially awkward. I'm still figuring myself out. You really like junk. Are you collecting it, like stamps? [HAKIM] Let me tell you about this mess. [SONYA] Don't get him started. [YASMIN] Dad, we keep telling you. Stop picking it up. Mum's going to go crazy when she sees you've brought it home again. It stinks. [HAKIM] I can't just leave it there. [SONYA] Why do we have to have it? [HAKIM] Well, I thought maybe that as your sister is a policewoman... [YASMIN] Police officer. [HAKIM] And she said she'd do something about it. [YASMIN] I did, and they're looking into it. [HAKIM] Well, not fast enough. It's a disgrace. [YASMIN] Don't keep it in the kitchen. Put it down the chute. [HAKIM] It's evidence> And you know what it's evidence of? [YASMIN + SONYA] A conspiracy. [HAKIM] Exactly. A total conspiracy and getting worse. [DOCTOR] I love a conspiracy. [SONYA] So, are you and Yaz...? [RYAN] Mates. We were at primary school together. [SONYA] Just mates, then? [RYAN] Yeah. [SONYA] That's good. [YASMIN] Hi, Mum. [NAJIA [hotel reception]] Hey. Can you pick me up from work? [YASMIN] What, now? I'm just in the middle of... [NAJIA [hotel reception]] Yes, now. It's urgent. I'll text you the address. Don't let on to your dad. I'll tell you everything when I see you. [YASMIN] Fine. [NAJIA [hotel reception]] Thanks, sweetheart. [HAKIM] Is she all right? [YASMIN] Yeah. She forgot something. Asked if I'd drop it at work for her. She's got a new job, posh hotel opening. Do you mind if I nip out quickly? [DOCTOR] Need any company? [YASMIN] Nah, I'll be fine. [HAKIM] We'll look after your friends. I'm going to make pakora. [YASMIN] Dad, don't. He's terrible at pakora. [HAKIM] We never meet your friends. She never brings anyone around. [SONYA] Married to the job. [YASMIN] At least I've got a job to be married to. Bye. [SONYA] Hope you don't crash. [HAKIM] Girls, now... [DOCTOR] Sisters. I used to have sisters. I used to be a sister, in an aqua-hospital. Actually, turned out to be a training camp for the Quiston Calcium Assassins. [RYAN] Going off on one again. [DOCTOR] Ooo, you've got a parcel to pick up. Left with a neighbour. [HAKIM] Yeah, I've been trying to get that for days. Couple of doors down. No reply. [DOCTOR] Do you want me to go get it while you make your terrible pakora? --------------------------------------- (Graham's home) [GRACE] You'll have to learn how to change the hoover bag now. And work out where I kept the spares. Rubbish collection is every Friday. Recycling every other week. [GRAHAM] I know. I know. I've got so much to tell you. --------------------------------------- (Deck outside flats) [DOCTOR] No word from Graham? [RYAN] You think I should've gone with him? [DOCTOR] You know him better than me. [RYAN] Not much. [DOCTOR] Still no answer? We've got a package to pick up for number 34. Think she took it in. You a friend? [JADE] We work together at the uni. She hasn't been in for a few days. Didn't call in sick, isn't answering her messages. Thought I'd drop by, see if she's okay. I'm Jade. [RYAN] I'm Ryan. That's the Doctor. [DOCTOR] (through letterbox) Hello, Anna? It's next door but one. Have you got a parcel for us? (stands up) I mean, I could open the door. [JADE] What, like, break it in? [DOCTOR] No, just sort the lock. If you thought it was appropriate. If you're worried about her. [JADE] I am. --------------------------------------- (Anna's flat) [DOCTOR] Anna? How long did you say it'd been since you'd seen her? [RYAN] Power's out. [JADE] A few days. [RYAN] Lot of cobwebs for a few days. [DOCTOR] Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Oh. [RYAN] Whoa. This is proper weird now. [DOCTOR] Yep. --------------------------------------- (Graham's home) [GRACE] Graham O'Brien, what you doing, sniffing coats? How's that going to help, eh? --------------------------------------- (Anna's flat) [DOCTOR] Did Anna ever mention she had a problem with spiders? [DOCTOR] Let's take a look downstairs. --------------------------------------- (Graham's home) [GRAHAM] What is that? --------------------------------------- (Anna's flat) [DOCTOR] Anna? [RYAN] Is she in here? [DOCTOR] You okay? [DOCTOR] Anna? [RYAN] Oh, my days! [JADE] My God, Anna. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. [RYAN] Spiders don't do that. Do they? [DOCTOR] Wrong question, Ryan. You should be asking where's the spider that did this? [RYAN] You think it's still in here? [DOCTOR] Maybe. Three, two... [RYAN] Look at the size of it! [DOCTOR] No sudden moves. [JADE] It's domestic but it's way too big. It's not harmful. [RYAN] It suffocated your mate. [DOCTOR] Let's put a door between us. When I say now, quick as you can. Go, go, go... Go! [DOCTOR] Ryan, keep it in there. Back in a sec. [RYAN] We're out, it's contained. Only a spider. Big spider, but only a spider. Not mad keen on spiders. [JADE] Er... [RYAN] What? [RYAN] Doctor, it's coming through! [JADE] Can't keep it in the bedroom. Rubbish chute. Maybe that's how it got in. Could we drive it out through there? [DOCTOR] And set it loose across the city? No, we need to keep it isolated here. Ryan, get up here! [RYAN] Oi, you just covered me in vinegar. [DOCTOR] Spiders' feet are their noses and they hate the smell of garlic. And the acetic acid in the vinegar means it won't come any further. [RYAN] Where is it? [DOCTOR] Hi. We don't mean you any harm. You're not supposed to be this big and you're definitely not supposed to attack humans. You stay here, until I figure this out. Deal? Let's go. --------------------------------------- (Deck outside flats) [RYAN] Oh, I did not like that. [DOCTOR] Jade McIntyre, who are you exactly? I saw you check those cobwebs and you weren't surprised. [GRAHAM] (running) Hey! You'll never guess what I just found in the loft room. [RYAN] It better not be a massive spider. [GRAHAM] Yeah. Like a big spider had just shed its skin. [DOCTOR] A woman has died, and I think you know more than you're telling. [JADE] This isn't the first incident. Something's happening with the spiders in the city. They're out of control. --------------------------------------- (Khan's flat) [HAKIM] Long time to get a parcel. [SONYA] She always has the weirdest friends. --------------------------------------- (Granville Street) [JADE] The place where Anna worked with me, it's just over the way. I'm a research fellow in zoology, specialising in arachnids and arthropods. But spiders are our main focus, and we're seeing something very wrong in their behaviour right now. [RYAN] How's the house? [GRAHAM] Yeah, fine. Yeah. Good to be home, eh? [RYAN] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Look, I found this on the mat. It's your dad's handwriting, isn't it? [RYAN] Looks like it. Yeah. [GRAHAM] Well, you're not going to open it? [RYAN] Nah. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [FRANKIE] This is my insurance policy. Everything I did was under strict instruction and non-disclosure agreements and against my better judgment. And I hope, one day, I can forgive myself for my part in it. What's that? Oh, my God! --------------------------------------- (Car) [YASMIN] Flippin' 'eck, Mum. --------------------------------------- (Hotel reception) [NAJIA] Quick, get in before anyone sees. [YASMIN] Hi! [NAJIA] Oh! What's the big hug for? I only saw you this morning. [YASMIN] Yeah, well, it feels longer. This is well swanky. [NAJIA] Don't get attached. We need to go. [YASMIN] Can I not have a quick look round? [NAJIA] No, Yaz. I've been sacked. [YASMIN] What? Mum! But you've just started. [NAJIA] I know. [YASMIN] They can't do that. What happened? Who sacked you? [ROBERTSON] I did. [KEVIN] Hands in the air, both of you! [ROBERTSON] As of right now, you're both trespassing upon my property. [YASMIN] Put the gun down, please, sir. [ROBERTSON] My hotel, my rules. You were fired, yet instead of leaving, you bring someone else in. [NAJIA] She's my daughter and she's giving me a lift home. [ROBERTSON] Oh. How very moving. [YASMIN] Why'd you fire her? [ROBERTSON] I don't answer to you. What are you, 15? You should be in school. Your mother isn't supposed to be here. I told the staff to take two days off. [NAJIA] I came in to do extra preparation before we opened. [ROBERTSON] Well, I really don't care. Because if I hadn't fired you then, I would've fired you ten minutes ago when I saw the rooms. Disgraceful. [NAJIA] What rooms? I don't understand. [ROBERTSON] I'm sure you don't understand. Would you like to see how good your mother really isn't? --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [JADE] We reckon there could be around 21 quadrillion spiders on the planet in total. [DOCTOR] So what sort of research are you doing in here? [JADE] We're interested in utilising the genetic strengths of arachnids. Ordinary spider silk is as strong as steel or as tough as Kevlar. [GRAHAM] That still don't make me like them. [DOCTOR] Ooo, fun fact, if you weave dragline spider silk as thick as a pencil, it's strong enough to stop a plane in flight. [GRAHAM] You're kidding. [DOCTOR] I'm not. I've had to deal with it. Well, me and Amelia Earhart. You'd like her, she's a right laugh. So, what else are you doing in here? [JADE] I've been working on an enzyme to increase the lifespan. Spiders can keep growing for as long as they live. [RYAN] That spider in Anna's flat was way bigger than a normal household spider. [JADE] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Did Anna have access to your experiments? [JADE] No, she was on the admin team. Everything we do here is secure. We discard all carcasses responsibly through a specialist company. Unless she was taking things without us knowing, but... she's not that kind of person. I should notify the police. [DOCTOR] What is it you wanted to show us? [JADE] Reports of unusual spider activity in Sheffield over the last three months, from the police, pest controllers, and to us here. [JADE] Rare sightings, an increase in numbers, spiders you don't normally see at this time of year. [DOCTOR] Something's wrong with the spider ecosystem in South Yorkshire. [JADE] Exactly. But we don't know what. They have nothing in common. Different species, different quantities. Some are large massings, some have been a profusion of web-building. I can't work out if they're confused, or angry or scared. [DOCTOR] Or trying to send a message. [JADE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Where's that? --------------------------------------- (Hotel bedroom) [ROBERTSON] Now if you're so great, explain this. [NAJIA] I... I can't. That's not possible. [ROBERTSON] You're fired. Again. (his watch beeps) Oh, it's time for my scheduled bathroom break. Kevin, we'll go next door. And when I'm done, Kevin will escort you off the grounds. Forever. [YASMIN] Scheduled bathroom breaks. [NAJIA] I checked this room yesterday. It wasn't like this. [NAJIA] Did you hear that? [YASMIN] Yeah. [NAJIA] Hello? Yeah. It's for you. It's a doctor. [YASMIN] Hi, Doctor. You're never going to believe it. --------------------------------------- (Outside the hotel) [DOCTOR] Are you at the hotel where your mum works? [YASMIN [OC]] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Can you let us in? --------------------------------------- (Hotel bathroom) [ROBERTSON] Frankie, where are you? Don't keep me waiting. [ROBERTSON] Kevin! Kevin! [KEVIN] Oh, my God. [KEVIN [OC]] Get it off me! --------------------------------------- (Hotel reception) [DOCTOR] (hugs Najia) Hi, Yaz's mum. [NAJIA] Najia. Yaz, they can't be here. [DOCTOR] Najia, you made a very awesome human. Tell me what's going on. [RYAN] Was that gunshots? [DOCTOR] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [ROBERTSON] Kevin? [ROBERTSON] Is it dead? Kevin? [ROBERTSON] (silent) Holy... [ROBERTSON] Oh, my God. It got Kevin. I have no more Kevin. I'm compromised. No, no, my cell! [KEVIN [OC]] Help me! Help me! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GRAHAM] You are joking. [RYAN] No way. [JADE] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] Crisis investigators. You just ran really quickly out of a room looking really scared. Tell me exactly what's going on, omitting no detail, no matter how strange. [ROBERTSON] A giant spider just smashed through my bathtub and took out my bodyguard, Kevin. [DOCTOR] Right. Very succinct summary. Well done. You just wait here with my... people. A spider smashed through a bath. Right. [RYAN] Hey. [ROBERTSON] Hey. [GRAHAM] You're that bloke. [ROBERTSON] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Bathroom) [YASMIN] The room next door is covered in cobwebs, top to bottom. [DOCTOR] Just like your neighbour's house. [YASMIN] What? [DOCTOR] Big spider problem in this city right now, Yaz. Glad to be home? [DOCTOR] Hi. [DOCTOR] Looking for a Kevin. [YASMIN] Did you see it? [DOCTOR] Really close. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ROBERTSON] Did you see it? Did you find him? Where's Kevin? [DOCTOR] We need to move out of this area, quick. It's too dark, too deserted. Spiders love that. We need to go somewhere bright and busy. [ROBERTSON] No, no, no, no, no. We need to get as far away from that thing as possible. [RYAN] I'm with him. [NAJIA] I know the way out. [DOCTOR] Everyone, follow Yaz's mum. [NAJIA] It's Najia. [ROBERTSON] Wait! Who are you people? [GRAHAM] Word of advice, mate. Run now, ask questions later. --------------------------------------- (Hotel reception) [RYAN] Oh, that's bad. [YASMIN] We just came in that way. How have they done so many webs so fast? [GRAHAM] Never mind that, let's just get through them. [ROBERTSON] No, this can't be happening. This is a protest. One of those eco-protests, huh? This isn't spiders. Spiders can't do that. [DOCTOR] These spiders can. Those aren't normal cobwebs. They know we're here and they're trying to seal us in. [JADE] They're trying to make the whole hotel their web. [DOCTOR] And we're the flies. We're not leaving. We have to find out why they're here and stop them getting any further. We need to find a safe haven. Yaz's mum? [NAJIA] Kitchen? [DOCTOR] Lead on. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [DOCTOR] Ah, good. This'll do. Okay, thinking. Need to be quick, spiders are moving fast. Why is this hotel the epicentre of spider activity? [ROBERTSON] Wait! Nobody talk until you tell me what you're all doing here. Spiders. Plural? [DOCTOR] Very plural. Sorry, I don't know who you are. [ROBERTSON] Oh, really? Cos you must be the only person on the planet that doesn't. [DOCTOR] Are you Ed Sheeran? Is he Ed Sheeran? Everyone talks about Ed Sheeran round about now, don't they? [ROBERTSON] I am not Ed Sheeran. I am Jack Robertson and this is my hotel. Just one hotel in an incredibly successful chain of hotels, which is just one small part of my business portfolio, as featured in Fortune Global 500. Does that ring a bell? [DOCTOR] Should I look impressed right now? Is that impressive? [GRAHAM] He's running for President in 2020. [DOCTOR] Ed Sheeran? [GRAHAM] No! Him. Robertson. Aren't you? [ROBERTSON] I haven't declared my intentions yet. But, look, we're talking about spiders! [GRAHAM] See? Typical politician. Avoiding the question. [ROBERTSON] I am not a politician. I'm a businessman and I know how to run things. [JADE] I've heard you're only running cos you've hated Trump for decades. [ROBERTSON] Please don't mention that name. Look, I was just attacked by a spider the size of a bathtub, and it's all her fault. [NAJIA] I told you. I know nothing about this. [YASMIN] Mum, don't even talk to him. He fired you. [DOCTOR] What? He didn't. You didn't. You can't be President if you fire Yaz's mum. [NAJIA] Najia. [ROBERTSON] I hate spiders. Phobia hate. [RYAN] Oh, man, me too. And there's loads knocking about right now. [ROBERTSON] I will not have them in my hotel. [GRAHAM] I mean, you're running for President, it could be espionage, you know, targeted directly [RYAN] At you by Russians. [ROBERTSON] That's possible. There are a lot of people that would like to see me dead. [NAJIA] Funny, that. [ROBERTSON] See? [JADE] They don't need giant spiders. They'd just pop a tiny poisonous one on your pillow. [ROBERTSON] You've really got to stop saying stuff like that. [YASMIN] So, what do we do? [ROBERTSON] Why are you asking her? [RYAN] Cos she's in charge, bro. [ROBERTSON] Says who? [GRAHAM + YAZ + RYAN] Says us! [NAJIA] How do you all know each other? [YASMIN] Mum, can you shut up a second? [DOCTOR] Right, we need two things. Plans of the hotel and a captive spider. [ROBERTSON] I'm not getting near the spider. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GRAHAM] I really don't like this. I don't want to do this. I can't stand it. Come on, Graham. Deep breaths, son. [GRAHAM] Sorry, mate, don't mind me. [GRAHAM] No, no, go on. You carry on. Stay away. Go on, stay away. Nothing to see here. I'm warning you. Go on, get away. [RYAN] Got you! (laughs) [GRAHAM] You took your time. One, two, three, lift. [RYAN] Graham! [GRAHAM] What? [RYAN] Behind you! [GRAHAM] Right, leg it! Faster! Come on! --------------------------------------- (Office) [DOCTOR] Now, hotel plans. Let's see. [ROBERTSON] That can't be accurate. It doesn't even have my panic room marked on it. [DOCTOR] Any issues with spiders before today, Najia, here or at home? [NAJIA] My home? [DOCTOR] One of your neighbours had a spider problem. The link between both places is you. [ROBERTSON] I knew it. And I'm going to litigate you until your last breath, Nadia. [NAJIA] It's Najia. And I've done nothing. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [NAJIA] Sorry, but who are you? How'd you know my daughter? Why have I never met you before? [YASMIN] Oh, not now. [NAJIA] Yes, now. It's not a difficult question. [DOCTOR] It is a bit of a long answer. [NAJIA] Well, I've got time. [DOCTOR] But I haven't. Not right now. [NAJIA] Are you two seeing each other? [DOCTOR] I don't think so. Are we? [YASMIN] We're friends. [DOCTOR] Hmm. [YASMIN] I owe the Doctor my life, quite a few times over. [NAJIA] What's that even supposed to mean? [YASMIN] Please can we not have this conversation now? And not in front of him. [ROBERTSON] Oh, I'm enjoying this. [DOCTOR] How long did it take you to build this hotel? [ROBERTSON] Five years. We have fifteen of these hotels throughout the world now. Repurposing former industrial sites into luxury leisure venues. [DOCTOR] Repurposing? What was the site before? [ROBERTSON] I don't have... clarity on that. [NAJIA] I do. Coal mines. This was mining land. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [JADE] That's not good. [GRAHAM] You're telling me. I can't stand them. [JADE] No, I've see these before. Was that the largest one out there? [GRAHAM] Well, we're not going to go and double check, are we? Are we? [JADE] I'm afraid I'm going to need you to do exactly that, while I find the others. --------------------------------------- (Service corridor) [NAJIA] We've just passed the entrance to the back of the spa. We should be here now. [ROBERTSON] You're not going down there. It's too dangerous. [DOCTOR] I eat danger for breakfast. I don't, I prefer cereal. Or croissants. Or those little fried Portuguese... Never mind, it's not important. [ROBERTSON] Ha! See? Look at this. Keep out. Danger of death. You are not authorised to go in here. [DOCTOR] Dude, I've all the authorisation I ever need. (fries the keypad with the Sheffield sonic) I call people dude now. [JADE] Doctor, I need to speak to you. [DOCTOR] We need to do it as we walk. There's something behind this door people want to keep locked away. [ROBERTSON] Oh, sure, it's a party. Everybody can come. [JADE] Thanks. Doctor, I've seen these spiders before. [ROBERTSON] But you. [NAJIA] You're not the boss of me any more. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Nice work, Yaz. [ROBERTSON] No, not nice work. None of you are allowed down here. [DOCTOR] Are all your hotels built on repurposed sites? [ROBERTSON] Well, that's the business. I mean, every city in the world, big or small, has an area that they want repurposed. Maybe it's not too pretty, maybe it's never been used, maybe it's an industry that's died. We go in and we help them figure it out. We get a good deal, but we give them world-class facilities. It's a win for everybody. [DOCTOR] A network of mining tunnels could explain how the bigger spiders are moving. The question is, does that make your hotel their target or their base? [NAJIA] What is that smell? [YASMIN] What are they? [NAJIA] Oh, my God! [DOCTOR] You guys, stay back. Keep an eye out for me. [ROBERTSON] Oh, my God. [DOCTOR] Do you know who this is? [ROBERTSON] Her name is Frankie. Look what they did to her. [YASMIN] Why are they in cocoons? [DOCTOR] I think they're being stored as food. [JADE] Spiders don't eat people. [DOCTOR] I said they're being stored. They haven't eaten them. They're outsized and confused. All their behavioural patterns have been disrupted. How did they get like this? [JADE] It doesn't make any sense. This is not what spiders do. [DOCTOR] I presume this is Kevin. [ROBERTSON] Yeah. [YASMIN] Doctor? [ROBERTSON] You don't need to go any deeper! [DOCTOR] What is it? [YASMIN] Look. [YASMIN] Have you seen what's down here? [JADE] It's landfill. [NAJIA] Is that what the smell is? It goes on for miles. [DOCTOR] And down. [NAJIA] Your hotel's built on landfill? [ROBERTSON] I have a lot of companies, okay? JLR does corporate waste disposal. They're very efficient, very highly rated internationally. [DOCTOR] You fill up disused mines with landfill waste and build a luxury hotel on top? [ROBERTSON] Smart business planning. Perfect vertical integration. [NAJIA] All your hotels are built this way? [DOCTOR] Not quite perfect, I'm afraid. Not quite efficient. A blocked-in site pumping out methane and sulphides and trichloroethylene, never mind the specialist material that haven't been properly preserved. A soup of toxic waste, incredibly badly managed. I mean, there's no outlet for it. It's just building and marinading and becoming more and more toxic. It's a botched job. [ROBERTSON] I didn't know. [NAJIA] Yes, you did. That's what she was telling you when I saw you. That woman, Frankie. [ROBERTSON] Oh... [NAJIA] She was telling you this site was unsafe. [ROBERTSON] Okay, all right, you're right. That's why I came here. Apparently JLR was a little overzealous in cutting corners and worried about keeping the bottom line instead of doing the right thing. But I just sign the contracts, okay? I expect other people to do their jobs. This is not on me. [DOCTOR] Don't you even care? [ROBERTSON] Look, I'm going to pay you all off. You'll never have to work again. [NAJIA] I like working. Do you know the worst thing? Bits of this is leaking out above here. It's in my kitchen. My husband's right. It's a conspiracy. Do you have any idea how annoying it is when my husband's right? [ROBERTSON] Look, I've never even been down here. It doesn't even add up. [JADE] It does for me. JLR Disposal. JLR takes the waste from our lab. Our aborted experiments and our spider carcasses. [DOCTOR] And they're all in there. Your spider carcasses in his toxic waste. [ROBERTSON] Not my fault. I didn't know anything about spider carcasses. [JADE] Course you didn't. You don't know anything. You just avoid taking any responsibility. I'm running through our work, stuff we shut down. Spiders bio-engineered for stronger cobwebs, prolonged life. [DOCTOR] Because spiders can keep growing as long as they live. [JADE] What if our waste included something that we thought was dead, but was still just alive? [DOCTOR] And with enough food in all that waste to survive, and enough toxicity to mutate and to keep on growing. --------------------------------------- (Ballroom) [GRAHAM] I don't know what she expects us to bring back. [RYAN] Graham. [GRAHAM] Mmm hmm? [RYAN] I read the letter. [GRAHAM] Oh. [RYAN] From me dad. He said he's sorry for not being there for me, for us, for Nan. [GRAHAM] Yeah. [RYAN] He wants us to reconnect. Says that I can live with him now, being that he's my proper family. [GRAHAM] Well, right. [RYAN] I don't like that he put that. Proper family. He's not proper. [GRAHAM] Ryan. [RYAN] What? [GRAHAM] Did you check the ceiling? [RYAN] No. [GRAHAM] Neither did I. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [YASMIN] We've found out what's going on... [RYAN] Massive spider in the ballroom! [DOCTOR] How massive? [GRAHAM] The size of a large van. [DOCTOR] Wow, that is massive. [JADE] It must be the mother and the rest are the babies. Some stayed here, some went out into the city, their pheromones disrupting the spider eco-system, causing other spiders to behave abnormally. [DOCTOR] Of course. Najia, you were never the link. Your colleague, Anna. What if she had the same pheromones on her, accidentally calling out to a spider that had gone out hunting from this hotel? All these spiders answering the same call, because in the end, every living thing has the same instinct. To come back home. [ROBERTSON] That's very touching. But there's a plague in my hotel and it needs to be fixed. [DOCTOR] Show me your panic room. --------------------------------------- (Panic room) [GRAHAM] It looks like a bank vault. [ROBERTSON] My lockdown palace. I have one in every hotel, just in case it's needed. Not finished yet, but still. [RYAN] What's in the boxes? [ROBERTSON] Food, water, entertainment system, a book. I could survive in here for six months if I needed to. And I've got a huge stash of weapons, enough for all of us. Enough for two guns apiece. [RYAN] Oh, mate, she's not going to like that. [DOCTOR] No, I'm not. You are not shooting those creatures. [RYAN] Told you. [ROBERTSON] They're mutants. [JADE] Caused by you. [ROBERTSON] Your carcasses, lady, not mine. [DOCTOR] Whatever happened, there are living, breathing organisms out there and we treat them with dignity. So here's what we're going to do. [ROBERTSON] Shoot them! [DOCTOR] We're not going to shoot them! [ROBERTSON] What's wrong with you people? What is wrong with this country? Why don't you do what normal people do? Get a gun, shoot things, like a civilised person. [DOCTOR] Because I've got a much better idea. Spiders are roaming this hotel searching for food. We're going to lure them in here with the promise of food, then deal with the spider mother in the ballroom. Oh, that sounds like the best novel Edith Wharton never wrote. [NAJIA] Once they're in here, what happens? [JADE] We shut them in and isolate them. [ROBERTSON] You're going to let spiders use my panic room? [JADE] They deserve a humane, natural death. [ROBERTSON] Shooting's quicker. [GRAHAM] So how are you going to lure them? [DOCTOR] Spiders gravitate to their food through vibration. Any ideas? [RYAN] Easy. Raze. Am I right? [YASMIN] I don't know what you're saying. [RYAN] Yaz, you're so uncool right now. [RYAN] Sheffield's sickest grime station! --------------------------------------- (Hotel) [MUSIC] I'm a boss man like Birdie I'm a badman like Shirley Big man like me with a beard Look, how am I scared? God's wrath is the only power man fear [NAJIA] Go on, you disgusting things. [GRAHAM] Can you believe they're actually moving towards that music, eh? [MUSIC] Where do you know me from? Out here like the Roll Deep song Man, I'm tryna put my Co-Ds on I do not know this don Where do you know me from? Where do you know me from? Where do you know me from? Where do you know me from? [RYAN] Yeah, baby. [ROBERTSON] nan --------------------------------------- (Swimming pool) [DOCTOR] You three, into the spa. Get every bottle of essential oils that you can. [NAJIA] What are we going to do, spa it into submission? [DOCTOR] Pretty much. Meet you outside the ballroom. --------------------------------------- (Spa) [NAJIA] So, are you two...? [YASMIN + RYAN] No. [NAJIA] Oh. [MUSIC] Know me from? Where do you know me from? Where do you know me from? Where do you know me from? Where do you know me from? Where do you know me? I'm gonna allow it, I'm gonna allow it. --------------------------------------- (Ballroom) [DOCTOR] Ooo! Very big spider. [RYAN] What have we got? [DOCTOR] Peppermint and tea tree oil diluted with water. Spider repellent. I'm hoping this'll help us herd it out. [GRAHAM] You want us to herd out a giant spider? They're attacking people. [JADE] Stop a second. Can you see that? [DOCTOR] It's grown too big. [JADE] She's suffocating. She's got too big to breathe efficiently. Even moving around in here, it's using up what little oxygen she can absorb. She won't survive for long. She's more scared of us than we are of her. [DOCTOR] I'm so sorry this has happened to you. [GRAHAM] So what do we do, just leave her? [DOCTOR] No. Absolutely not. [ROBERTSON] My hotel, my rules. I am the future President of the United States. How's this for fire and fury? [DOCTOR] No, don't! [DOCTOR] Put the gun down. She wasn't a real threat. She was dying anyway. [ROBERTSON] Ah, well, then it's a mercy killing. [DOCTOR] I don't see any mercy in you. [ROBERTSON] I don't need your approval, Doctor. This is what the world needs right now. This is what's going to get me into the White House. [GRAHAM] God help us all. --------------------------------------- (Graham's home) [RYAN] I'm going to see the Doctor. See you down there? [GRAHAM] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Khan flat) [NAJIA] Can you please just clear them away? [YASMIN] There's no bread. [HAKIM] Sonya, I said get some more. [SONYA] (tapping on her mobile phone) Why are you blaming me? It could've been Yaz. [YASMIN] I'll go to t'shop. [NAJIA] Oh, thanks, love. [HAKIM] One day you'll realise I was right about all this stuff, you know? [NAJIA] (handing over banknotes) And when you get back, you can tell me the truth about how you know the Doctor. [YASMIN] Yeah. When I get back. [SONYA] Hurry up, will you? [SONYA] Oh, you two. [HAKIM] Love you. [SONYA] So soppy. [HAKIM] What's wrong with that, hmm? [NAJIA] Do you want a brew? [HAKIM] Yes, please. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Proper goodbye this time. [RYAN] About that. [GRAHAM] Do we have to? You see, Doc, the thing about grief is it needs time. I don't want to sit around my house waiting for it to go away, cos that house is full of Grace and it makes it so much harder. But, er, being with you and seeing all these things out there, it really helps. [DOCTOR] What about you? [RYAN] Do you really think I want to go back to working in that warehouse? No way. [DOCTOR] Yaz, you wanted to come home. [YASMIN] I know. I love my family, but they also drive me completely insane. I want more. More of the universe. More time with you. You're like the best person I've ever met. [RYAN] You're pretty awesome. [GRAHAM] You're all right, I suppose. [DOCTOR] I can't guarantee that you're going to be safe. [YASMIN] We know. [DOCTOR] Do you? Really? Cos when I pull that lever, I'm never quite sure what's going to happen. [RYAN] That's okay. [DOCTOR] You're not going to come back as the same people that left here. [GRAHAM] But that's all right. I think that's good. [DOCTOR] Be sure. All of you, be sure. [YASMIN] Sure. [GRAHAM] Sure. [RYAN] Deffo. [DOCTOR] Look at you. My fam. No, still doesn't quite work. Team Tardis? [YASMIN] Meh. We'll take that. [DOCTOR] Welcome aboard. Properly. Oh. Do you want to do it together? [DOCTOR] I love this bit.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e04", "title": "Arachnids in the UK"}
Doctor Who (4 Nov 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - The Tsuranga Conundrum [RYAN] We're never going to find one! [DOCTOR] Course we are. I've programmed the detectors specifically. I found seven last time I was here. [GRAHAM] And how long did that take you? [DOCTOR] It couldn't have been more than a month. Unless that was Seffilun 59. [YASMIN] Which one's this? [DOCTOR] Seffilun 27. Maybe 59's the one with a big pile of these. That's the problem with junk galaxies, all the planets look the same. It's hard to keep track. [GRAHAM] If we've wasted the last four hours on the wrong planet... [DOCTOR] Oi! Who took you rainbathing in the upward tropics of Kinstarno? [GRAHAM] Oh, no, no. Listen, that's amazing. I was just saying, like, needle... haystack. [DOCTOR] Yeah, you might be right. [GRAHAM] No, hold on. I've found something! [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. [YASMIN] What's he found? [DOCTOR] Nobody move. (scans it) If I can keep it in temporal lock... No, it's got too many sensors, it won't work. It was camouflaged! This is someone's idea of a nasty joke. [YASMIN] What is it? [DOCTOR] Sonic mine. It's counting down. [GRAHAM] How long we got? [DOCTOR] Three, two... --------------------------------------- (Assessment zone) [MABLI [OC]] I can't find their medtags. That's how rubbish I am at this. You'd think it'd be simple enough. [ASTOS [OC]] Mabli, stop beating yourself up. I'm sure there's a simple explanation. [ASTOS] It's all right, you're safe. Just don't make any sudden moves. Your body'll take a moment to catch up. [MABLI] Can you point out your medtag for me? I can't find it anywhere. [DOCTOR] Where are we? [GRAHAM] We're in hospital. They've just brought us all round. You're the last one up. [YASMIN] We don't have medtags. [MABLI] Oh. It wasn't my mistake. [ASTOS] Told you. [MABLI] Except you must have. We need your full bio-history, allergies, fluid levels, lifespan data. [ASTOS] It's basically to help us avoid killing you. Take it slow. [DOCTOR] There was a sonic mine... [ASTOS] Yeah, the robo-dredgers notified us as they were pulling you from the debris. We've stabilised your vital organs. You're lucky they got to you fast. [GRAHAM] Stabilised my organs? What happened to them? [ASTOS] I've seen quite a few sonic mine injuries here. They disrupt your internal organic stability, whilst churning up the exterior environment. Tsuranga's actually agitating for the territories to be swept more fully, but... [ASTOS] That doesn't make sense. [DOCTOR] Tsuranga? [ASTOS] Why have they done that? [DOCTOR] I know that name. [DOCTOR] Oh. (clutching her left side) Where have I heard the name Tsuranga? Whatever. Very grateful. Need to get back to our ship. Oh! Come on, you lot. [ASTOS] Hey! Come back. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Which way is out? [ASTOS] Can you return to the assessment zone, please? We're not discharging you. You need to rest. [DOCTOR] I appreciate how much you've looked after us, but my ship is very valuable. It's also my home, our home. And I'm worried about leaving it here on a junk planet where people come and scavenge. I might never see it again, and I've only just got it back. [ASTOS] Wait here. (leaves) [DOCTOR] This way out. --------------------------------------- (Pod One) [RONAN] Whether you agree or not, it is my responsibility to protect the General. [DURKAS] I understand your responsibilities, Ronan, okay? I hear about them endlessly. [CICERO] Says the man who never wants any of his own. [DOCTOR] Sorry. Looking for the exit. There's no signs. [RONAN] General Cicero's privacy indicators are clearly on. [GRAHAM] Sorry, not really up on privacy indicators. [DOCTOR] General Cicero? Not Eve Cicero? Keeba galaxy? Neuro pilot? [DURKAS] Oh, God. [DOCTOR] You're mentioned in the Book of Celebrants. You helped defeat the Army of the Aeons at the Battle of the Underkind. [CICERO] I was one of many. [DOCTOR] You're a bit of a legend, though. [CICERO] This is my brother, Durkas, and my consort, Ronan. [DURKAS] When she says consort, she really means Clone Drone. Android. You can tell by the hair. [CICERO] Durkas. And who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [CICERO] Wait. I've heard that name. Aren't you in the Book of Celebrants? Isn't there a whole chapter about you? [DOCTOR] Me? No. Very common name. Anyway, lovely chatting. Must be off. Hope you all get better soon. (starts to leave) I'd say it was more of a volume than a chapter. Just so you know. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Oh, that bit hurts. Oh! That bit really hurts. Where's the exit? Why are there no signs for the exit? --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [DOCTOR] Hi. Very sorry. Looking for the exit. [YOSS] Hello. [DOCTOR] Somebody needs to have a big rethink on the signage in this building. I'd do it myself, but I need... Oh! Ah! My ecto-spleen hurts. I can feel it resettling. [YOSS] Oh, you're the sonic mine lot? Sounded pretty serious. How you feeling? [RYAN] Rough. What are you in for? [YOSS] Pregnant. [YASMIN] Blimey. Yes, you are. [DOCTOR] Almost ready to pop. [GRAHAM] How did you get like that? [YOSS] On holiday. Got involved with someone. Didn't take precautions, like an idiot. [GRAHAM] So, what's that, nine months? [YOSS] No, last week. [YASMIN] Last week? [DOCTOR] Oh, you're a Gifftan. Male pregnancies last a week. Very intense. [YOSS] Yeah, it feels like forever. I'm a day overdue. They're thinking they might induce me at Resus One, otherwise... Well, it wouldn't be good for either of us. [MABLI] You're here! Look, you can't keep disturbing all the other patients. Astos, found them. They're here in Pod Two. [DOCTOR] We need to go now. I'm sure you'll be fine. We'll be thinking of you. [YOSS] What do you mean, go? How are you going to do that? [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [ASTOS] We have been trying to tell you. [DOCTOR] Yes, you have. Vibrations. Too wrapped up in myself. Missed the vibrations. [ASTOS] I was trying to break it to you gently. [DOCTOR] Tsuranga. This isn't a hospital. It's a ship. And we're already in flight. [ASTOS] Tsuranga operates emergency medical transport. This is a QuadZone Rescue Craft. [YASMIN] Like the Red Cross. [MABLI] You'll be fine. We'll be at Resus One soon enough. [RYAN] Er, how long were we out for? [ASTOS] Four days. [GRAHAM] Four days' flight from the Tardis... [DOCTOR] Argh! I'm walking. Argh. No need to walk with me. I need to walk on my own. Four days. Walking. Come on, limbs. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Have you got onboard teleport? [ASTOS] No, but there's post-recuperation onward teleport at Resus One. [DOCTOR] I don't want to go to Resus One. Let me talk to the pilot. [ASTOS] Hey, it's not just you on board. [ASTOS] What are you doing? Don't touch that. Patients aren't allowed access to any onboard systems or non-medical facilities. [DOCTOR] What were you worried about? Just as I was waking up, you... you saw something and you were worried. [ASTOS] No. [DOCTOR] Ooo, bad liar. Must be difficult in your job. [ASTOS] Hey, I'm an excellent liar. [DOCTOR] So you were lying, then. [ASTOS] I didn't say that. [DOCTOR] See? Bad liar. [DOCTOR] NavChamber. This way. Ah! Still hurts! [ASTOS] Running can disrupt the ongoing internal healing process. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [ASTOS] Enough, now. You can't be in here. I don't know what that device is, but if you don't leave, I have to restrain you. [DOCTOR] Where's the crew? [ASTOS] Rescue crafts are automated. It's a two-medic crew, just me and Mabli. Our course is remotely programmed from the Tsuranga Hub at Resus One. [DOCTOR] How do we turn it around? [ASTOS] We can't. The course is remotely set and locked. Onboard crew don't have privileges to unlock it. [DOCTOR] We'll see about privileges. [ASTOS] Don't! If you interfere with the navi-systems, they'll take it as an act of hostility or hijack. They can detonate the craft. [DOCTOR] I'm not being hostile! [ASTOS] Yes, you are. You're being hostile and selfish. There are patients on board who need to get to Resus One as a matter of urgency. My job is to keep all of you safe. You're stopping me from doing that. [DOCTOR] You're right. Of course you're right. I'm sorry. That mine hit me harder than I thought. [ASTOS] I've done 37 tours. We will get you back safe. [DOCTOR] Where are we? There's a lot of stuff out there. Space junk, asteroids. [ASTOS] We're on the edges of the Constant Division. That's what threw me back there. The routing usually keeps us out of here. [DOCTOR] Why? [ASTOS] It's disputed territory. We're only just over the boundary, so nothing to worry about. [DOCTOR] So what's that? [ASTOS] What's what? [ASTOS] Not sure. [ASTOS] Probably an asteroid shard. [DOCTOR] Shield breach. No, wait. Reconfiguring. Resealed and solid. But something breached it for a second. [ASTOS] I'll check the system monitors. [DOCTOR] Something's inside the shields. [ASTOS] I'm sure it's nothing. [DOCTOR] Bad liar, Astos. [ASTOS] Go back to your patient-pod. I don't know your name. [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. [ASTOS] Are you kidding? [DOCTOR] Sometimes. But not right now. Tell me the ship's structure, Astos, quick as you can. [ASTOS] Central walkway goes all the way around. We have an assessment area in the heart, three patient-pods, one emergency suite on the sides. We can perform limited medical procedures but our job is basically keep people alive until we can get them to a facility. [DOCTOR] Evacuation equipment? [ASTOS] Two life-pods, portside and starboard. Maximum five per pod. We're just within our occupancy limit. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's good. [ASTOS] This ship was designed for 100,000 tours. It can withstand a hell of a lot. [DOCTOR] Who are you trying to reassure, me or yourself? [ASTOS] That's a breach alert. [DOCTOR] It's in the portside life-pod. [ASTOS] It can't be. [DOCTOR] Are there comms in the life-pod? [DOCTOR] It's using the life-pod as a way into the ship. You know these territories. What can it be? Whoa, that thing can really move. It's heading from the portside to the starboard. [ASTOS] Area around the starboard pod's offline. I can't get a reading. [DOCTOR] We have to take a look. [ASTOS] Okay, you take port, I'll check starboard. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. Too dangerous. You take port, I'll take starboard. [ASTOS] You're not in charge here. This is my craft. You are my patient and my responsibility, as is everyone else here. You're still recovering, you're still in pain. I'll check starboard. You check portside. [DOCTOR] Don't like being told what to do. [ASTOS] Yeah, I'm getting that impression. Take a comm-dot. Mabli already has one. Stay off her channel while we work out what this is. She doesn't need to know about this yet. It's only her second tour. Neither do any of the other patients, obviously. [DOCTOR] Obviously. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ASTOS] Why am I trusting you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] You might be a bad liar, Astos, but you've got excellent instincts. --------------------------------------- (Pod One) [MABLI] Did you just buzz me? [RONAN] I'm requesting further adrenaline blockers. [MABLI] What, already? [RONAN] Yes. [MABLI] Let me check with Astos. [RONAN] No. You must supply them, without delay. [MABLI] We only carry a limited stock. I'm not sure I'm allowed to. [RONAN] The panels are down this way. You know our status and how Keeba Central regard us. We would not ideally register a complaint against someone so early in their career. [MABLI] Let's get them, then. --------------------------------------- (Pod) [GRAHAM] I think that's staff only. [DURKAS] Yeah. I'm trying to figure what to do next. Deny everything, or, er... ask you to turn a blind eye? [GRAHAM] Ah, I see your problem. Yeah. Generally, truth is always your best option. [DURKAS] I was trying to hack into my sister's medical records. [GRAHAM] Well, we've all hacked into our loved ones' confidential records at one stage or another, haven't we? Can I ask why? [DURKAS] Well, she's lying to me about, about... about what's wrong with her. [GRAHAM] She might have good reason for that. [DURKAS] I know the reason. She's a control freak, even to her own little brother. The most decorated general in Keeba history. 907 days in continual flight, on residual energy, fighting the Ayonians, saving our species. [GRAHAM] What do you do, then? [DURKAS] Me? I'm an engineer. [GRAHAM] Oh. [DURKAS] Yeah, I fix the things pilots like my sister tend to wreck, and she looks down on me for it. And she always will. --------------------------------------- (Corridors) [DOCTOR] See anything, Astos? [ASTOS] Nothing so far. [DOCTOR] Me neither. [ASTOS] The life-pod's just round the corner. [DOCTOR] Me too. Go carefully. Whatever this thing is, it can move very fast. [ASTOS] The power's been shorted around the life-pod. [DOCTOR] The power's gone out in this section. [ASTOS] You need to check the pod's still secure. [DOCTOR] The system's all drained. [ASTOS] No sign of anything here so far. How about you? [DOCTOR] Astos. The portside life-pod, it's gone. Jettisoned. [ASTOS] Understood. Doctor, it's here. It's inside this pod. [DOCTOR] Don't engage with it. Stay where you are. We need you safe. [DOCTOR] Astos, what's happening there? Astos? Are you listening to me? Do not engage. [ASTOS] No, no, no! [COMPUTER] Life-pod active. Disengaging. Use life restraint straps now. [DOCTOR] Astos, what's happening? [ASTOS] Rookie mistake. It's jettisoning the pod. The internal controls are broken... and I'm inside. No! [COMPUTER] Systems malfunction. Currently unavailable. [DOCTOR] Astos, hold on, I'm coming! [COMPUTER] Evacuation critical. [ASTOS] Mabli? Mabli! --------------------------------------- (Corridor / Life-pod) [MABLI] Astos? I'm just with a patient. Do you need something? [ASTOS] I'm sorry, Mabli. It tricked me. I can't get back. [MABLI] What are you talking about? Get back from where? [ASTOS] You can do this, Mabli. You're good enough. You have to believe in yourself. I believe in you. I always have. --------------------------------------- (Starboard) [DOCTOR] Astos? Astos! [MABLI] Astos? [MABLI] Where's Astos? Oh, my saints! [GRAHAM] What is that? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but it's incredibly dangerous. It jettisoned the life-pods, and it killed Astos. [MABLI] What? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Mabli, but it's down to us to get us safely back to Resus One now. (to the little one) And you - off this ship, back into space, right now, else you'll have me to deal with! [DOCTOR] Got that, thanks, Graham. [RYAN] How's it eating all that stuff? [YASMIN] What even is it? [DOCTOR] No idea. Hit the ship from the depths of space, so it can survive a vacuum. Doesn't need oxygen. And can digest pretty much whatever it wants, by the looks of things. [DOCTOR] Oh! [RYAN] And it's got nerve. [DOCTOR] It just ate my sonic! [DOCTOR] Huh. --------------------------------------- (Pod One) [CICERO] Get them? [RONAN] I think there may have been an incident. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [MABLI] The ship's databanks. I shouldn't let you in here, but I am, and that's fine. [DOCTOR] I've already been in here with Astos. [MABLI] Is he really gone? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Mabli. [MABLI] He... he was one of the only people who ever believed in me. Including me. He was so kind. There aren't enough kind people. [DOCTOR] What would he want you to do now? [MABLI] Er, make sure everyone stays safe. [DOCTOR] You can do this. [MABLI] Right. Yeah. I can. [DOCTOR] What did you want to show us? [MABLI] Well, if I sync my ocular recorders with the databanks... [GRAHAM] Oh, yeah. Sync the old ocular recorders. It's obvious. [MABLI] All Tsuranga medics are implanted with lenses so we can record all treatments for training purposes, lawsuits, data records. [YASMIN] Like a posh version of my uniform camera. [GRAHAM] Hang on. So, if this is the control deck, where's the rest of the crew? [DOCTOR] No crew. All automated. [GRAHAM] So it's just us. [DOCTOR] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Alone. [DOCTOR] Yeah. [GRAHAM] In space. [DOCTOR] Yeah. [GRAHAM] With that creature. [DOCTOR] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Right. [YASMIN] I don't fancy its chances. [RYAN] Yeah? I back us every time. [COMPUTER] Thank you for choosing Perils Of The Constant Division. We know you have a choice of vid-briefings concerning the most threatening of... [MABLI] Sorry. Here we go. [COMPUTER] Item Seven Alpha Cubed. Pting. [ALL] Pting? [COMPUTER] Pting. Threat Level, Chalice. [RYAN] Is that bad? [MABLI] Worst one. One up from Beetroot. [COMPUTER] Few facts are known about the organism Pting. (lost under Mabli's last line) the species, if it is a species, birth or creation, many studies having failed due to the fatally violent nature of the Pting. No Pting has ever been kept in captivity due to their ability to eat through any materialthat would incarcerate them. While strictly non-carnivorous, they devour all non-organic material. (continues under dialogue) [YASMIN] Well, at least that's something. [GRAHAM] Is it really? I mean, it won't eat us, but it will eat the ship we're on. [COMPUTER] They move at great speed, and while they may be momentarily stunned, are impossible to wound or kill. Pting skin is understood to be toxic to most life forms. Never touch a Pting directly. Pting should never be restricted to a confined space. Condensed advice. Never engage with Pting. Risk to life, ultimate. [DOCTOR] On the plus side, I now feel very well informed. Seven minutes. Get everyone into the assessment area. [MABLI] Why seven minutes? [DOCTOR] I need a moment to think. --------------------------------------- (Pod One) [(Durkas finds the empty vials.)DURKAS] What're you doing? Adrenaline blocker? You can't take adrenaline blockers with corton fever. [CICERO] It's fine. [DURKAS] You know, I knew you were up to something. I knew you were lying. [RONAN] Durkas, I would respectfully ask... [DURKAS] No, I would respectfully ask, don't talk to me. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [YASMIN] Hi. We're going to need you to... [YOSS] Oh! Oh! Put your hand there. [RYAN] Nah, you're all right. [YOSS] Ah, go on. Please, both of you. Quick, it's kicking. Come on, it'll be nice to share it. Oh, wait for it, wait for it. Oh! [YASMIN] Wow. [YOSS] See? He likes you guys. [RYAN] Oh, and again. [YASMIN] You know it's a boy? [YOSS] Course it is. Boys give birth to boys, and girls give birth to girls. That's how it is. [YASMIN] Not where we come from. [YOSS] Urgh. How does that work? (shudders) Do you want to see my baby pics? [RYAN] We all need to be in the assessment area in six minutes. [YOSS] Ah. One hour, three hours. End of the first day, mid second day, and... oh, three hours ago. [RYAN] Mate, you're growing a person. [YOSS] Yeah. [RYAN] I couldn't do that. [YASMIN] No, he really couldn't do that. [YOSS] Yeah, almost seems a shame to give him away. [YASMIN] That's what you're going to do? [YOSS] Oh, I'm not fit to raise a kid. Besides, dark times right now. Turbulent worlds. I'm not sure I'm his best option. I can't even operate my oven. [RYAN] But... won't you miss him? [YOSS] Six minutes, you said? I'll be there. [RYAN] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RYAN] He's the same age as me dad must have been when he had me. Same age as I am now. I never really thought about it like that. I wouldn't be able to cope having a kid now. [YASMIN] When was the last time you saw your dad? [RYAN] A year ago. Didn't go well. Got angry with him. [YASMIN] Why? [RYAN] He ducked out when I needed him. He's like a... a gap in my life. Even at Nan's funeral... [YASMIN] Do you mind me asking? How did your mum die? [RYAN] Washing up in the kitchen. Massive heart attack. Just... just out on the floor. [YASMIN] God. Who found her? [RYAN] Me. [YASMIN] How old were you? [RYAN] 13. [YASMIN] Ryan, I'm so sorry. I never knew. [RYAN] I never knew life threw that sort of stuff at you. I never knew that when it does, sometimes adults don't cope either. [YASMIN] Your dad. [RYAN] I get it. He loved her too. People always said that I looked like her. He must've found that hard. Why am I even talking about this? Come on, four minutes to the briefing. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [DOCTOR] Too fast to chase and capture, too toxic to touch directly. It's a bit of a puzzler. [MABLI] It's going to kill us all, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Whoa, Mabli! You went there way too quick. I said a puzzler, not a death sentence. I mean, it's a bit of a challenge, and I can't quite see the solution yet, but that's life. Or medicine. Patients present problems, you figure them out and come up with solutions. That's what this is. A problem to be diagnosed. Medicine to be administered. You're a medic, I'm the Doctor. [MABLI] A doctor of medicine? [DOCTOR] Well, medicine, science, engineering, candyfloss, Lego, philosophy, music, problems, people, hope. Mostly hope. [MABLI] I'm struggling to see much hope here. [DOCTOR] It doesn't just offer itself up. You have to use your imagination. Imagine the solution and work to make it a reality. Whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination. [MABLI] So what are you imagining now? [DOCTOR] Broadly, I'm imagining that thing off this ship. Specifically, I'm trying to imagine the answer to the question, what does it want? [MABLI] Does it have to want anything? [DOCTOR] Every living thing, from the tiniest to the largest, wants something. Food, survival, peace. [MABLI] But the first thing it did was kill Astos. That must be what it wants to do to all of us. [DOCTOR] You know, there's a much faster way back to Resus One. Why is it routing us this way? [MABLI] Asteroid field. Fast-moving asteroids all around. Really unpredictable. [DOCTOR] What are these? [MABLI] They're... bad. This craft has over 5,000 different scan sensors. They're constantly feeding back to Resus One. They monitor everything, both internally and externally, check the routing's stable and there are no hostile forms, however microbial, on board. The systems have detected the Pting. They're asking us to confirm or deny anything's wrong. We can't take a creature like that back to Resus One. There's thousands of vulnerable patients. [DOCTOR] And if we confirm it's on board? [MABLI] They'll recommend evacuation. [DOCTOR] But we can't evacuate. [MABLI] They go straight to RST. Remote structural termination. They destroy the ship. [DOCTOR] Right. [DOCTOR] Nothing wrong. We're fine. [MABLI] We can't keep doing that. Three dismissals and they don't believe you. Precautionary detonation. [DOCTOR] Oh, great. Who designed that? So this ship either gets destroyed by that creature, or by control from Resus One? [MABLI] Yeah. Sorry. --------------------------------------- (Assessment area) [DOCTOR] You're probably wondering why I called you all here. Sorry, bit Poirot. I need to bring you all up to speed very directly, very succinctly. I can't sugar-coat this. [CICERO] Where's the Chief Medic? [DOCTOR] Gone. Killed by an alien organism called Pting that's come on board. Very fast moving, very deadly, and it's eating its way through the structure of the ship. Also, and this is the bit you need to work on not panicking, it's jettisoned the life-pods. I'm the Doctor. These are my friends, Ryan, Graham and Yaz. You know Mabli, our very capable medic. We will pool all our brilliance and get us all safely to Resus One. [DOCTOR] I thought there'd be more questions. [CICERO] I've encountered a Pting before. It massacred my fleet. [DOCTOR] Okay. What did you learn about them? What do they want? [CICERO] They kill. Relentlessly. [MABLI] It must've got to the central systems. That means we'll soon lose oxygen and heat. [CICERO] It'll go for whatever's powering the craft next. [MABLI] We're on an anti-matter drive. [CICERO] We could use stazers to defend ourselves. They can stun it briefly. Got any on board? [MABLI] A couple, I think, in here. [CICERO] If we're going to live through this... [MABLI+CICERO+DOCTOR] Protect the anti-matter drive! [DOCTOR] Snap! [CICERO] Can we get to Resus One any faster than currently routed? [DOCTOR] Not without breaking the ship's auto-routing, which would send a signal back to Resus One. [CICERO] And they'd go straight to Hostility Protocols. [DOCTOR] I could create a false positive route signal to send back, but there's no manual controls in the NavChamber. [CICERO] Show us. [RONAN] General... [CICERO] Shush now, Ronan. I know. [DOCTOR] We could go past the drive chamber on the way. [CICERO] Durkas, with me. Please. [YOSS] Er, is this a bad moment to mention my internal fluids have broken? I think the baby's coming. Really sorry. [MABLI] The BirthBud's set up in your patient-pod. Let's get you back there. [YOSS] But it won't have any power! [MABLI] It's got a backup generator. No need to panic. [YOSS] Okay. Oh, would you two be my doulas? I haven't got any doulas. [GRAHAM] Do what? [MABLI] Doulas. Birth partners. [YOSS] She's brilliant, but I need some men with me. [GRAHAM] Yeah. We're blokes, ain't we? [RYAN] Yeah, yeah, yeah. All over it, yeah. Cool. [MABLI] (to the Doctor) Right now, I'm imagining you sorting all this out. [DOCTOR] Me too. Be cautious. It could be anywhere. Are you okay? [DURKAS] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Come on. [CICERO] I need another adrenaline blocker. [RONAN] You used the last one, General. [DOCTOR] Everything okay? [CICERO] Yeah. [DOCTOR] With me, please. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [YASMIN] Where do you think it is right now? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I can't trace it since the diagnostic systems drained. [MABLI] Doctor, quick word, private. [DOCTOR] Catch you up. Go on. [MABLI] Eve Cicero. Her condition... [DOCTOR] What about it? [MABLI] Patient confidentiality. I can't discuss with you. But if you're a doctor, maybe you should examine her. I've got to go. --------------------------------------- (Drive chamber) [DOCTOR] Sorry, where are we? Oh, anti-matter drive. What century is this? [CICERO] Are you joking? [DOCTOR] No. We travel in Time. [CICERO] Are you joking now? [DOCTOR] No. [DURKAS] 67th. [DOCTOR] Ah. Nice century. Bit tricky in the middle. It turns out all right in the end. See this, Yaz? Anti-matter drive. [YASMIN] Oh. I did a bit on anti-matter at school. Never quite understood it. [DOCTOR] The thing with anti-matter is you have to either find it or generate it. That's what this bit does. Particle accelerator. [YASMIN] Like at CERN? We did that in physics. No, but the thing at CERN is massive. [DOCTOR] In your time, generating anti-matter cost a massive amount of money. This is progress. Things get smaller, faster and cheaper. This is like the iPhone version of CERN, accelerating enough particles to power this entire craft. [YASMIN] So how does it work? [DOCTOR] The particle accelerator smashes the atoms together, like a little anti-matter factory, to produce positrons, which are then stored very carefully inside electric and magnetic fields. The positrons interact with the fuel materials to produce heat, which produces thrust. [DURKAS] It's pretty old school, this one. [DOCTOR] It's beautiful. Anti-matter powering the movement of matter. Bringing positrons into existence to move other forms of life across space. I love it. Conceptually, and actually. Yaz, you have to keep this safe from the Pting. If this drive gets destroyed, this ship will lose propulsion, we'll drift endlessly while the Pting... [YASMIN] I get it. It won't be good. [CICERO] Ronan can stay with you. [RONAN] No, General, my responsibility is to... [CICERO] Ronan, you're able to touch it without it toxifying you. That's useful to all of us, including me. [RONAN] Of course, General. [DOCTOR] You might need this. MedBlanket. Sterilised barrier, 67th century technology. In case you need to pick anything up. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [DOCTOR] Ah. Pting presence denied, strike two. One left. Now, you two. See? A more direct route. Obviously, fast-moving asteroids and debris to avoid on the way, which is presumably why the systems wanted to avoid it. Now, if I can rig up a cover signal back to Resus One... [CICERO] Doctor, I'm a neuro pilot. My expertise is in symbiotic neuro-piloting, pulse systems at a push, but not this. [DURKAS] I could make a rig out of this chamber. [CICERO] No, you can't. [DURKAS] You wouldn't be able to make your way through those asteroids even if I did. [CICERO] Yeah? Says you. [DURKAS] How long have I got? [DOCTOR] Literally? No time at all. [DURKAS] Give me some space to work. [DOCTOR] Siblings. Bless. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Why are you on this ship, General? [CICERO] Corton fever. Contracted it on my last duty. Can't quite shake it. [CICERO] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Hmm. Why would you be using adrenaline blockers for corton fever? [CICERO] How do you know about the blockers? [DOCTOR] Your slow pulse, my really good hearing. You asked Ronan for some. It isn't corton fever, is it. Is it pilot's heart? I'm sorry, Eve, but if we're going to survive this, you need to be honest with me. [CICERO] I started as a pulse pilot. I graduated to Neuro Fleet Commander faster than anyone in Keeban history. I'm the most decorated general. I'm the poster woman. I cannot have pilot's heart. I cannot be that example to others. [DOCTOR] But you have. And you've been using more and more blocker shots to get through the day. [CICERO] Trying to control the surges of adrenaline around the heart. One big surge could kill me. [DOCTOR] Does Durkas know? [CICERO] I don't want him worrying. [DOCTOR] He's going to find out sooner or later. [DURKAS] He already has. Not that he's surprised, just... disappointed. [CICERO] Durkas... [DURKAS] We don't have time now. I've rigged a primitive piloting bypass, combining pulse and neuro... [DOCTOR] I'll do it. [CICERO] Ever flown that way? [DOCTOR] No, but you could talk me through it. [CICERO] It takes people a dozen years to train. [DOCTOR] Oh, I really need to spend more time in the 67th century. [CICERO] I know how to do this. I'm not stopping now. Everyone's going to live. Including me! --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [GRAHAM] Breathe deep, cockle. [YOSS] I am breathing! Oh, this really hurts! [MABLI] Yoss, Yoss? I'm giving you some stronger pain management. It should help... [YOSS] Ah, yeah. Yeah, that's better. Where's the BirthBud? Is it running? [MABLI] No. Backup generator isn't working. [YOSS] What? I can't do this without a BirthBud! [RYAN] Er, er, Yoss, don't panic, mate. [YOSS] I am panicking! [RYAN] Which is why I'm telling you not to. Listen to your doulas. We're here for you. [YOSS] I don't even know you! Who are you? You're not the one about to have a baby you don't want on a ship without a BirthBud! [MABLI] The baby's ready to come out. [YOSS] Oh, God! --------------------------------------- (Drive chamber) [YASMIN] It's close. [RONAN] Just focus on protecting the anti-matter drive. [YASMIN] Ah! [RONAN] Stazers ready. The creature is toying with us. [YASMIN] Shh. [YASMIN] I'll get it as far away from the drive as I can. [RONAN] Be fast! The stun power will only last a few seconds! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [YASMIN] Siobhan Chamberlain with the goal kick for England! Boom! --------------------------------------- (Drive chamber) [DURKAS] Okay, it's rigged. I've leached some system power off the anti-matter drive. Now, if they can keep that up and running, we'll have enough power to keep basic systems going and still get to Resus One. That's if that thing doesn't get in there and drain the energy. [CICERO] This isn't going to work. [DURKAS] Quiet, General. Trust your engineer and tell me you're well enough. [CICERO] I'm well enough. [DURKAS] Now promise me that's true. (she nods) You're going to need every scrap of energy you have. [DOCTOR] Cover signal transmitting to Resus One. Hopefully, bit of luck, they're still going to think they're in control. Oh, Durkas. You're a genius. The energy! It doesn't want to kill us. It doesn't care about us. It wants the systems. It wants the power! It didn't go for Astos, it went for the life-support systems in the life-pod. It drained the lights and the power and my sonic. It drains everything it eats. That little creature seeks out and feasts on energy. That's why it homed in on us here, pulsing with it in the wilds of space. [DURKAS] Locked in, General. Try it out. [CICERO] I can see the course. I'll need to increase speed. [DURKAS] Handing over control. It's all yours. [DOCTOR] Argh! [DURKAS] Eve! [CICERO] Still got it, boy. I've missed this so much. [DURKAS] How is it? [CICERO] Rough. But it'll work. [DOCTOR] Take us in safely, General. Nice and calm. Pting denial, strike three. After which, tricky. [DURKAS] What will we do with the Pting when we get to Resus One? [DOCTOR] Nothing to worry about. I'll deal with the Pting. [DURKAS] Why are you going to do that? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Pting, bomb. No, can't get it. Ah! Still hurting. Yes. No. Maybe. Maybe. --------------------------------------- (Drive chamber) [DOCTOR] It's me! I'm not a Pting. [YASMIN] It was here. I got rid of it. But it'll be coming back. [RONAN] What is the situation elsewhere? [DOCTOR] Eve's piloting the ship, Durkas is maintaining controls and signals, you're guarding the particle accelerator... [DOCTOR] Mabli, Graham and Ryan are presumably delivering Yoss's baby, and the bomb's going to detonate, so I'm just going to move it away from this room. Mind helping? [YASMIN] Yes! [DOCTOR] Clever sonic. Self-rebooting. [RONAN] There's a bomb in this room? [DOCTOR] Right in here. [DOCTOR] Mabli said that Resus One would terminate the ship if they found a Pting on board. How would they do that? It's too far for missiles. It has to be the same for every Tsurangan Rescue Craft. It's built in. Self-detonation. [YASMIN] Bingo. [DOCTOR] Ten points for Yasmin Khan. And yes, I am keeping score, for all of you. Ronan, up your game. Jokes. So... [RONAN] You're interfering with a bomb? [DOCTOR] Yes. [RONAN] Is it going to detonate? [DOCTOR] Yes. [RONAN] What will you do? [DOCTOR] Speed it up to save our lives. [RONAN] Are you also experiencing comprehension deficiency? [YASMIN] Oh, every day right now, mate. [DOCTOR] Need to be so careful. Tiny little device could blow us all to pieces, and I'm going to set it off. Ronan, keep guard. Yaz, come on. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [DURKAS] Resus One in sight. We join the route back in at this point. They won't know we've deviated. You okay? [CICERO] All those times I thought I was going to die in battle, that you'd get a dispatch and hear about it. Always felt so bad. But now, I'm glad you're here. --------------------------------------- (Outside an airlock) [DOCTOR] Funny, I'm normally the one defusing the bomb. [DOCTOR] Pick a number between 1 and 100. [YASMIN] 51. [DOCTOR] Pentagonal number. Interesting. [DOCTOR] Get in that corner. [YASMIN] What was the number for? [DOCTOR] Number of seconds before the bomb goes off. I moved it forward a bit. [YASMIN] What? I would've gone higher! [DOCTOR] Good number, 51. Atomic number of antimony, number of federalist papers written by Alexander Hamilton. I love that show. I've seen all 900 casts. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [MABLI] I'm giving you more gas, Yoss. This'll relax you. [YOSS] I've never been less relaxed in all my life. I do not want to do this! [MABLI] We're all here for you. Aren't we? [RYAN] Too right. [GRAHAM] Oh yeah. I've seen every episode of Call The Midwife, and he's descended from an old Earth nurse. It's in his blood. [RYAN] Every episode? [GRAHAM] Yeah, it's bang on. See, whilst you've been mucking around on YouTube, I've been learning useful life skills. --------------------------------------- (Outside an airlock) [YASMIN] I'm really trusting you on this bomb, but I don't know what you're doing. [DOCTOR] Think of the Pting as a mouse, and the bomb as a piece of cheese. [YASMIN] A very large piece of cheese about to explode and take us all with it. [DOCTOR] It's not a perfect analogy, I'll admit. You could've picked a bigger number. Where is it? Come on. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [RYAN] So how do we do this, then? [MABLI] Really straightforward. Cut open his stomach sac, reach in, remove the baby, done. [RYAN] Cut him open? Won't that, like, hurt him? [MABLI] No. Male Gifftan pregnancy sacs don't have any pain sensors for precisely this reason. [GRAHAM] Yeah, but all the same, I mean, cut open a bloke's stomach. Do we have to? [RYAN] What, they didn't have that on Call The Midwife? [GRAHAM] I dunno. I always looked away at the squeamish bits. --------------------------------------- (Outside an airlock) [DOCTOR] As the bomb gets closer, the energy's building, getting ready to blow. The Pting must be attracted to that, surely. That's what I've been working onthis whole time. Oh, please don't be wrong. I'd be so embarrassed. [YASMIN] And dead. Doctor... [DOCTOR] I'm not bad. Admit it. I'm not bad. It's all in the timing. [DOCTOR] When you're ready, mate. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [MABLI] Making the incision. [GRAHAM] Oh, I am never getting pregnant. [MABLI] Right. Now, opening up. [YOSS] Oh, I do not want this baby. I can't be a dad. [RYAN] Hey. None of that, now. Listen to me, Yoss. You can do this. You're a good man. Your baby, your son, will be lucky to have a good man like you as his dad. Starting now. You're going to give him life. You're going to bring a person into being. Mate, that is epic! [YOSS] I'm not ready. --------------------------------------- (Outside an airlock) [DOCTOR] Really, get a shift on. [YASMIN] It ate it! [DOCTOR] Wait for it. [DOCTOR] Absorbed every bit of energy. One massive, massive hit. Bye-bye, Pting. Intruder ejected. [DOCTOR] First problem, gone. That should keep it fed for a very long time. Still not home and dry, though. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [CICERO] I'm sorry. [DURKAS] For what? [CICERO] I didn't tell you I was ill. [DURKAS] There's plenty of things I never told you. [CICERO] Yeah? Like what? [DURKAS] Like I love you. I'm proud of you, sis. [CICERO] I love you too, bro. I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (Pod One) [RONAN] General. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [MABLI] Sac, open. [GRAHAM] Oh, shouldn't have looked. Can't unsee that. [MABLI] There's the baby. [YOSS] What does he look like? Is he okay? [MABLI] He's fine. [RYAN] Yoss, you don't have to be perfect. You just have to be there. [MABLI] It's okay, my darling. Shh, shh. You have to cut the cords simultaneously. It's okay. [RYAN] Come on, Professor Squeamish, we're doing this. [MABLI] Three... [GRAHAM] Hang on. [MABLI] Two... one... now. --------------------------------------- (NavChamber) [DOCTOR] Eve! [YASMIN] What happened? [DURKAS] Her heart couldn't take it. She gave me control. [DOCTOR] Do you know how to do this? [DURKAS] I'm a Cicero. I studied for this. We're coming into Resus One. Resus One, request emergency assistance landing. Bringing her in safe. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Both. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [MABLI] Careful, Dad. [YOSS] Oh. Oh, my saints, I did it. It's a baby. Hello, mate. I'm your dad. I'm his dad. [RYAN] Yeah. Nice one, Yoss. [GRAHAM] You all right? If your Nan could see us now, eh? [RYAN] She'd be laughing herself crazy. [GRAHAM] Yeah. [RYAN] No. --------------------------------------- (Pod Two) [MABLI] They, er... they say quarantine scanning and craft detox should take no more than three hours, then they'll admit us to the facility. They're booking your teleport to Seffilun, as soon as you've spoken to the investigators. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Mabli. I'll be sure to tell them how brilliant you were. [MABLI] You all were. Light in dark times. [DOCTOR] People prevail. Hope prevails. [YASMIN] Have you got a name for the baby? [YOSS] Yeah. In honour of you both, I wanted to call him... Avocado. [RYAN] You what? [GRAHAM] Avocado? [YOSS] Yeah, after the ancient Earth hero, Avocado Pear. [GRAHAM] No, no, mate, that is a fruit. [RYAN] No, it's a vegetable. [GRAHAM] No... Look, either way, it's not a hero. [YOSS] But we did it in school. You mean the Gifftan history logs are wrong? [GRAHAM] Well, just a bit. I thought you was going to say you'd call him after us, Graham Ryan. [RYAN] Or Ryan Graham. [YOSS] (laughing) No. He'd be a laughing stock. [GRAHAM] Well, cheers. [RYAN] If you're naming him, does that mean you're going to keep him? [YOSS] I thought I'd give being a dad a try. I'm going to make mistakes, aren't I? But I'll just keep going. [DURKAS] What happens to you now, without her? [RONAN] I've come to the end of my service. There is only shutdown. [DURKAS] I'm sorry, Ronan. I wasn't always kind to you. [RONAN] No. [DURKAS] You gave her great service. [RONAN] As did you. [DURKAS] Will you incant for her? [RONAN] It would be my honour. [DOCTOR] Could we join you? [DURKAS] Please. [RONAN] May the saints of all the stars and constellations [ALL] Bring you hope as they guide you out of the dark and into the light on this voyage and the next, and all the journeys still to come. [DOCTOR] For now and evermore.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Tsuranga Conundrum"}
Doctor Who (11 Nov 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - Demons of the Punjab [ALL] Happy birthday! [UMBREEN] I said no fuss. [YASMIN] You have to celebrate your birthday, Nani. [UMBREEN] I was the first woman married in Pakistan. Now look at me. In a wheelchair, and being fed shop-bought cake. [NAJIA] That's a nice cake. [YASMIN] The first woman married in Pakistan? Did you know this? [UMBREEN] And I was the first Muslim woman to work in a textile mill in South Yorkshire. [YASMIN] Grandad taking you dancing every Wednesday night. [UMBREEN] Oh. I so miss that man. Now, I want to give you these things before it's too late. Najia, these are some letters your father wrote to me when he was away.Don't read the filthy bits. Sonya, this is a present your grandfather gave me. I can't remember why, but it's nice. [UMBREEN] And now, Yasmin, my favourite granddaughter. [SONYA] What? [NAJIA] Mummy. [SONYA] What? [NAJIA] I've told you about that. [UMBREEN] I want you to have this. [YASMIN] Thank you. Was it Grandad's? [HAKIM] I can get it fixed if you like. [UMBREEN] It must never be fixed. [YASMIN] Why not? [UMBREEN] I don't want to talk about it any more. [YASMIN] Nani, please. [UMBREEN] You won't understand. I have such stories I could tell you. [YASMIN] And we want to hear them, really. If you don't tell us, we won't know. Your life's our heritage. [UMBREEN] When you're older. Maybe. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I know what you're asking. But family history and time travel? Very tricky. [YASMIN] Just for an hour. See her from a distance. What's the point of having a mate with a time machine, if you can't nip back and see your gran when she were younger? [DOCTOR] Er... Have you got a time or place? [YASMIN] I know she lived in Lahore in the '50s, but, other than that... [DOCTOR] I mean, I could, but I shouldn't. Unless... No, too unpredictable. [RYAN] Could what? [DOCTOR] It's a risk. [GRAHAM] Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky. [DOCTOR] I have apologised for the Death Eye Turtle Army. Profusely. I Suppose I could loop this into the Tardis' telepathic circuits. [GRAHAM] This thing's telepathic, too? [DOCTOR] Don't call her a thing, Graham. And yes, she does have telepathic navigation, sort of. Shorthand for a very complicated process which is way beyond your understanding. [GRAHAM] Ta very much. I only hang around here to be insulted. [DOCTOR] Any object amasses all sorts of fragmentary spatio-temporal particles through its life. The Tardis can read it, like date-stamps. What do you two reckon? [GRAHAM] Oh, yeah, love it. Pakistan. Never been there before. Another one off the bucket list. As long as there's no killer turtles. [RYAN] Yeah, I'm well up for it. [DOCTOR] Hmm. One hour, no [ALL] Interfering. [DOCTOR] Go on, you know you can do it. Bit of a punt. --------------------------------------- (Hillside) [DOCTOR] Whoa! Nice. [GRAHAM] I thought Lahore was a city. This ain't a city! [DOCTOR] Tardis readings are all over the shop. Looks pretty Northern Punjab. [PREM] Hey! Get out the road. [DOCTOR] Really sorry, bit of a wobble. [RYAN] What just happened? [DOCTOR] Not sure. But I didn't like it at all. [GRAHAM] Sorry, mate. Just getting our bearings. We're not from round here. [PREM] Yeah, no kidding. Your Punjabi's not bad for foreigners though. You need to be careful. These roads aren't safe right now. [YASMIN] We're actually looking for a woman by the name of Umbreen. [PREM] Right. Umbreen. What for? [YASMIN] We're family. [RYAN] We're friends. [GRAHAM] Family friends. [YASMIN] We're on our way to say hello. Bit of a surprise. [PREM] But we agreed... Ah, okay, get in. [GRAHAM] Okay? [RYAN] Yeah. Thank you. [YASMIN] You all right? [DOCTOR] I think so. Probably. Don't know. Like I intercepted something, in my brain. --------------------------------------- (Cart) [GRAHAM] So what, are you a flower merchant? [PREM] Pretty much, right now. [DOCTOR] Why isn't it safe on the roads? [BHAKTI] Running transport now, Prem? [PREM] Want to ride with us, Sadhu? I can take one more. [BHAKTI] What's wrong with your feet? You young people, always such a rush. Walking's served me all my life. I'll be there, don't you worry. [PREM] We'll be ready. I'm late. Umbreen's going to kill me. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [UMBREEN] You're late. And who are they? [PREM] They're your family, Umbreen. [UMBREEN] What? [YASMIN] Oh, my God. You're Umbreen. You look amazing. What are you doing here? [UMBREEN] I live here. [YASMIN] On a farm? But I thought... Doesn't matter. I'm so happy to see you. [DOCTOR] So, Yaz, you should probably explain who we are. [YASMIN] Sorry. Yeah. Excited. Uncle Malik. You know... Uncle Malik. [UMBREEN] There are loads of Uncle Maliks. [YASMIN] Exactly. Well, the one from about 15 valleys over. I'm that Uncle Malik's third cousin's younger sister. Yaz. And these are my friends Ryan, Graham and the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hi. [RYAN] Hello. [GRAHAM] All the way from England. [PREM] You might want to keep that to yourself right now. [UMBREEN] Right, it's just... we weren't expecting you. Or anyone. Uncle Malik's not coming to the wedding as well, is he? [YASMIN] There's a wedding? [DOCTOR] Which is why we're here. Bringing wedding best wishes. Er, when... when's the big day again? [UMBREEN] Tomorrow. [YASMIN] Amazing. I can't wait to meet the groom. [UMBREEN] You already have. [PREM] Remember me? Cart, flowers, marrying Umbreen? [YASMIN] No. You can't be. You're not my... [DOCTOR] A wedding in the Punjab. Bring it on. We love a wedding, don't we, boys? [RYAN] Oh, yeah, I could go to a wedding every day if I could. [GRAHAM] Do you need a singer? I know all the classics. Or latest hits, to you lot. [RYAN] Don't ever let him sing. [DOCTOR] We won't be stay long anyway. Just wanted to convey our best wishes and then head off. (giving Yasmin a Look.) [MANISH] Hi! Thought I saw people on the cart. Sorry about his driving. [PREM] My baby brother thinks he can do everything better than me. [MANISH] I'm Manish. [HASNA] Come, all of you. It's being announced! [UMBREEN] Coming, Mum! [HASNA] Who're they? [YASMIN] What's happening? [MANISH] Everyone's waiting for the announcement, but I've got advanced information. (leaves) [YASMIN] Okay. Number one. The man Umbreen is about to marry is not my grandad. [GRAHAM] Defo? Totally sure? [YASMIN] Yes. For starters, Prem's a Hindu name. We're Muslim. And he doesn't look anything like the photos. It's not him. [RYAN] And that Umbreen, she's your nan, right? [YASMIN] Yeah. She does look like the photo. [DOCTOR] But Prem's wearing the watch your nani gave you in the future. [YASMIN] So what, she had a secret Hindu first husband? [GRAHAM] Er, Doc. I reckon that hour's nearly up, mate. [RYAN] Yeah. [YASMIN] We can't go. I came here for answers. All I've got is more questions. [DOCTOR] I knew this would happen. [MANISH] Can anyone help me with this? [YASMIN] I'll help. I'm Yaz. [MANISH] Great. Thanks, Yaz. Big moment. You won't forget this in a hurry. [YASMIN] You're right there. [DOCTOR] We shouldn't have come. I'm too nice. This is what happens when you try to be nice. Who wants to know what they're listening to in there? [RYAN] Yep. [GRAHAM] Yep. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [RADIO] After much delay, and amid escalating communal violence, Lord Mountbatten has finally released the specific details of the borders which will separate the two countries. [RYAN] What borders are they talking about? [HASNA] Pakistan. Today, India is officially cut into pieces. [DOCTOR] It's the 17th of August. [HASNA] And still you want to go ahead? [UMBREEN] Nothing changes, Mum. We knew this was coming. [GRAHAM] Sorry, don't mean to sound stupid. What year is it exactly? [PREM] Same year you have in England. 1947. [DOCTOR] Partition. We're in the middle of the Partition of India. --------------------------------------- (Stream) [MANISH] Three, two, one. [YASMIN] These are for the celebrations? [MANISH] Big celebrations. Welcome to the border... [PREM] Manish? [MANISH] Where India ends, and our future begins. [PREM] Manish, what're you doing? [DOCTOR] Yaz. Hi. Quick side bar, August 1947. Partition. The borders have just been announced. [MANISH] India. Pakistan. [DOCTOR] It's not just the land that gets divided. Rioting in the cities, tens of millions of people about to be displaced, more than a million about to die. [GRHAM] Doc, meanwhile, her nan's about to get married, but not to her grandad. [RYAN] I'm thinking that hour's well up now. [HASNA] You can't know the borders. It's only just been announced. [MANISH] The maps were leaked weeks ago. I got one from my sources. [HASNA] Your sources must be wrong, because you've just put my house in Pakistan. [MANISH] With the other Muslims. What? You get a fresh start. [PREM] Manish, you need to slow down. [UMBREEN] Pakistan is somewhere for Muslims, if they want to go. [MANISH] I'm not saying you have to go, but Pakistan is being created for Muslims. Hindus have India. We both feel safe. [PREM] Don't reduce it to that, brother. It's not that simple. [MANISH] But I get you have a hard decision, if you're married. [PREM] The land belongs to everyone. Has done for centuries. One day doesn't change that. [MANISH] I love you, brother, but you're wrong. [HASNA] Look, demons! [HASNA] I told you this would happen. I told you these days were cursed. [UMBREEN] They've gone. [DOCTOR] Not far. We'll deal with this. Come on! --------------------------------------- (Forest) [DOCTOR] Find the signal. They didn't go far. [ALIEN] Stay away. [PREM] Did I get them? [DOCTOR] I don't think so. They moved faster than your bullet. [RYAN] What were they? [PREM] Bakti? They killed him. [GRAHAM] He was your man on the road. [PREM] He's a holy man, a Sadhu. Everyone knows him as Bakti. Umbreen and I asked him to bless our marriage. Why would they kill him? [DOCTOR] I don't know. But what I also don't understand is, you just saw something not of this world, and you took it right in your stride. Why's that, Prem? [PREM] I've seen them before. [YASMIN] Where have you seen them before? [PREM] Who are you? You say you're Umbreen's family but clearly you're not. And you ran at those demons like you didn't care. [DOCTOR] I don't think they're demons. [PREM] Why should I trust what you think? [DOCTOR] Because we've got experience with impossible creatures, and because we ask questions like, what is this substance on his body? [RYAN] And things are getting even weirder. [GRHAM] You think that's what they used to kill him? Some sort of fast-dissolving, poisonous dust? [DOCTOR] It doesn't read like he was poisoned. I don't understand. [YASMIN] So what're we going to tell the others back there? [PREM] They don't have to know. Hasna already thinks the marriage is cursed. Umbreen doesn't need anything else to worry about. And Manish? Who knows what he thinks these days. I was away from him for too long, fighting in the war. By the time I got back, Manish wasn't my baby brother any more. [YASMIN] People grow up. We all have to find our own way. [PREM] Some of us need more guidance than others. [GRAHAM] This fella needs to be laid to rest. [YASMIN] Why don't we go and get the others to help? But not let on what happened. [DOCTOR] Ah! Kordian waves. Which could mean a dormant octonic engine nearby. [PREM] What's she saying? [RYAN] If I had to guess, I think we're going demon hunting. [DOCTOR] Gold star for Ryan. Oh, wait. Was I awarding points? Oh, I forgot about the points. [PREM] I'm coming with you. [DOCTOR] No. [PREM] I know this forest. I can help. [DOCTOR] Okay. Yaz! Be careful what you say back there. The wrong word in the wrong moment, you could interfere yourself out of existence. Do you understand? [YASMIN] You know there are aliens here, right, in the Punjab during Partition, and you're worried about me being gobby? [DOCTOR] Tread softly. You're treading on your own history. [PREM] I don't like this. Traipsing through the forests alongside the British, looking for the enemy. I've done enough of that. Although maybe you're my enemy now, for the mess you've just made of my country. Carving it up slapdash, in six weeks. Going to run off home now, are you? [DOCTOR] I'll make a note of your thoughts and pass them on to Mountbatten if I ever bump into him again. [RYAN] These demon things, you seen 'em before? Or do you reckon they're here because of the Partition? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I need to find out. [RYAN] Then he's got one up on you if he's seen them before you. [PREM] What's your demon tracker saying? [DOCTOR] It's saying... [DOCTOR] Hello! [PREM] What is that? [DOCTOR] Seems like a transmat --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] Doorway. [RYAN] Nice. That was cool. [PREM] What just happened? We were in the forest and now we're... really not. [DOCTOR] Short answer, we got dragged through a doorway, into... [PREM] The demons' lair. [DOCTOR] Wouldn't put it quite like that but you're getting the gist. [RYAN] Spaceship, though, right? [DOCTOR] I can't get a read on anything. [PREM] It's beautiful. [DOCTOR] Yeah. You're right. It really is. They can surprise you, demons. [RYAN] Hey, do you think they're here? [DOCTOR] Not getting any life signals. Maybe they're out. Shopping. Catching a movie. Bowling. Some races like bowling. I'm talking to cover up my latent worry. [RYAN] I know. I've got that now. [DOCTOR] Oh, come on, one of these settings must unlock it. [RYAN] Hey, that worked. [PREM] What is it? [DOCTOR] Exactly what I wanted. Craft spec, species data, bio-ID. (gasp) [RYAN] What? What've you seen, Doctor? [DOCTOR] This is a Thijarian Hive. [RYAN] Is that good thing or bad thing? [DOCTOR] Thijarians are assassins. [RYAN] Right. So that's basically a bad thing, then. [DOCTOR] I've heard about them, but never come across them. They're one of the ancient species, evolved themselves into the deadliest assassins in the known universe. [RYAN] He was their target? [DOCTOR] Why, though? Why would the Thijarians target a holy man in the 1940s? Wait. You said you'd seen them before. Where? [PREM] I don't want to talk about that. [DOCTOR] It could be important. [PREM] I don't want any of this! I'm supposed to be married tomorrow. [RYAN] Mate, the Doctor's right. We can help you, but you have to trust us. Where did you see them? [PREM] In Singapore. Our section had found a boat to escape on. But I'd signed up with Kunal. I wasn't going to leave without him at my side. [PREM [memory]] Kunal! Kunal! [PREM] That's where I saw the demons. Standing over my older brother's dead body. I lost them in the haze as the evacuation sounded. [PREM] Left his body there. [PREM] I couldn't save him. Why are they here? How did we bring demons on ourselves? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but we'll find out, and we'll protect you. All of you. [PREM] What if you can't? [RYAN] Ah, er, hey, hey, look at this. Er, that was the stuff that was on the holy man's body. The stuff that they used to kill him. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm taking a look at that. [DOCTOR] Over-keen. Should've thought about that. Er... [PREM] They're here! [ALIENS] You have desecrated the Hive. The Hive is sacred. [DOCTOR] Do you have to push your words into our heads like that, cos it really hurts. And no, we haven't actually. It's you who are desecrating this planet. I know who you are. I know what you do. And it's not happening here. Leave these people alone. They're under my protection now. [ALIENS] You cannot prevent this. [DOCTOR] You just watch me. --------------------------------------- (Forest) [DOCTOR] Get out of the forest! [DOCTOR] What? [DOCTOR] Miniaturised transmat locks. Clever. Also, confiscated. See you! [PREM] What just happened? [RYAN] No idea, but the Doctor said get out of the forest. Come on! [DOCTOR] Ah! And another one. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [GRAHAM] Did you know him well? [MANISH] Bakti taught me the scriptures. How did he die? [GRAHAM] We're not exactly sure. [HASNA] Where's Prem, and your other friends? [YASMIN] Seeing if they can find out any more about what happened. [HASNA] Your family, Manish. Cursed. [UMBREEN] Mum! [HASNA] This is another terrible omen for you. [UMBREEN] Thanks for that. [MANISH] I'll get the cart, bring his body back. [HASNA] I'll help you prepare the burial. And pray for your family. [UMBREEN] I don't know what to do. Bakti had agreed to marry us. Not many would agree to a Hindu marrying a Muslim right now. [YASMIN] Then you can't go ahead with marrying Prem. [UMBREEN] You think I'd give up that easily? I've seen war take our young, and drought take our old and weak. Now men without a clue are imposing a border like a crack through my country. Prem is the one certain thing in my life. --------------------------------------- (Farm) [GRAHAM] This must be scrambling your head. [YASMIN] Just a bit. I thought I knew my nan's story. She inspired me. But if this is true, if this is her life, then she lied to me. [GRAHAM] Yeah, but maybe she just didn't want to tell you everything, you know. The woman's allowed to have secrets, even from her granddaughter. And you've got to remember, Yaz, that girl in there, she ain't your nan yet. It's only later she'll decide how to tell it. And I honestly don't know whether any of us know the real truth of our own lives, cos we're too busy living them from the inside. So just enjoy it, Yaz. Live this moment and figure it out later. [YASMIN] Easier said than done. [GRAHAM] No, no, I get that, but... Look at us. The things we're doing with the Doc. We're in 1947. [YASMIN] With me nan. [GRAHAM] Yeah, yeah. [YASMIN] No one will ever believe us. Especially my nan. [GRAHAM] Exactly. [RYAN [OC]] We've lost the Doctor! Mayday! Red alert! Red alert! [YASMIN] Sounds like trouble. [GRAHAM] It must be the Doc. [RYAN] We've lost the Doctor! [PREM] She was with us and then gone. [YASMIN] There she is! [DOCTOR] Get to the barn! [GRAHAM] What? [DOCTOR] Get to the barn right now! --------------------------------------- (Barn) [YASMIN] What're you...? [DOCTOR] Shh! [DOCTOR] No! Stay out! [ALIEN] You disrupt our work. [DOCTOR] Good. Now who are you here for? [ALIEN] We don't answer to you. You must leave or we will stand over your corpses. [DOCTOR] Nothing like getting to the point. [PREM] Is it me? Are you here to kill me? Take me, and promise to leave the others. [UMBREEN] Prem, no. Not going to happen. [DOCTOR] Both of you, I'm dealing with this. I've just nicked four of your transmat locks out of the forest. Good trick, by the way, forcing people back away from the boundary.Clever. So clever I'm using it myself, against you, locking you out of this farm. [PREM] You killed the demons. [DOCTOR] No. Just exiled them for now. I've made a temporary transmat barrier around the farm. I'm hoping it'll keep them out for the next few hours. Enough time for you to get married and for us to keep everyone safe. [MANISH] Are you serious? After what's just happened? Can't you see what's happening? You bring demons to life. [DOCTOR] I don't think they're demons. [HASNA] Well, I do. I'm with Manish. [UMBREEN] How many hours? [DOCTOR] Twelve? Eighteen at a push. I can't be sure. [UMBREEN] Tonight we celebrate, and we marry first thing. And then if we have to fight them, we will. Come on! [YASMIN] Still not interfering, are we? [DOCTOR] Oi! The alien assassins started it. We can't leave now. If something happens to Umbreen, your whole timeline could be erased. No Yaz. We can't have a universe with no Yaz. Now, whatever's in here might tell us more. Nobody breathe too deeply. [DOCTOR] Whoa! It's overloaded my sonic. Too many inputs. That's never happened before. Think. Have to go analogue. I need oil, water, tree bark, a saucepan, nine containers, an old newspaper, a touch of ox spit, a chicken poo and a biscuit. [RYAN] Bagsy not chicken poo. [GRAHAM] Why a biscuit? [DOCTOR] I love biscuits. [GRAHAM] I am never, ever getting spit from an ox ever again, no matter how much you need it. [RYAN] The ox took a bit of a shine to him. [YASMIN] So what is it, then? [DOCTOR] Science. Should break the sample down, give us more information. Only take a couple of hours. [UMBREEN] Are you coming or not? What's that? [DOCTOR] Part of my er, demon repellent. [UMBREEN] That'd better be gone by tomorrow. [DOCTOR] Definitely. [UMBREEN] So, come on. Women with me and Mum, men over at Prem's house. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [DOCTOR] This is the best thing ever. Never did this when I was a man. [YASMIN] Doctor. You and your jokes. [DOCTOR] Yeah, that's right. My references to body and gender regeneration are all in jest. I'm such a comedian. [HASNA] Umbreen doesn't think these are my best work. But maybe if you had to prepare a body this morning, you wouldn't draw so well either. [YASMIN] So, how long have you known Prem? [UMBREEN] Our whole lives. We all grew up here together. Our families have worked the land alongside each other for generations. I can't believe it's happening. I waited so long for him. All the time he was away fighting, I was terrified he wouldn't come home. But he did, and now I can see my life mapped out with him. Our home, here. [HASNA] If they let us stay. [UMBREEN] Nobody cares what we do here, Mum. It's not a city. [HASNA] I stood outside earlier. I heard gangs in the distance. Motor vehicles. Gunshots. [UMBREEN] It's a long way away. [HASNA] It's not too late. I can still find you a good Muslim man. [UMBREEN] Are you joking right now? [HASNA] Look at the misery that follows him. You don't even have a priest. What sort of respectable wedding will it be? [UMBREEN] I don't care about traditions. And I don't care about respectable... Wait. You're a doctor, right? That's respectable. You could marry us. [HASNA] Don't be ridiculous. [DOCTOR] I suppose I could. [YASMIN] No, Doctor... [DOCTOR] I haven't officiated a wedding since Einstein's. His parents didn't approve either. Non-denominational though. [HASNA] If your father were alive, he'd die on the spot. [UMBREEN] Everyone is saying it's a new future. We make our own traditions now. [DOCTOR] You're on. [YASMIN] I thought we were not getting involved? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Only a teensy bit. --------------------------------------- (Prem's house) [PREM] Bust. Again. You're cleaning me out, little brother. [GRAHAM] You know what they say, though, Prem. Unlucky at cards, lucky in love. [MANISH] You think he's lucky? [GRAHAM] Yeah. [MANISH] I think he's lost his mind. [RYAN] Hey, mate, not on his stag night. [PREM] You'll have to forgive him. He spends too much time reading pamphlets, listening to angry men on the radio. [MANISH] Do you love me, Prem? [PREM] Of course I love you. Even if sometimes I don't recognise the brother I left behind. [MANISH] Kunal would've understood. He said he was only fighting for you lot so he could get rid of you. And now it's happening. Don't marry tomorrow. [PREM] Umbreen's a good woman. [MANISH] You can't live together here. India's not her home now. [PREM] India's a home to all of us. We didn't change when a line was drawn. [MANISH] But we did. I need air. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [YASMIN] She's going to officiate, knowing he's not my grandad. [GRAHAM] Well, if Manish has anything to do with it, there won't be anything to officiate. [RYAN] And these alien assassins, we still don't know who they've come for. [YASMIN] What happens here? Why did she never tell her family about any of this? [DOCTOR] This dust is the densest organic material you can imagine. It's sort of everything. Carbon, phosphorous, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, calcium.Billions of DNA fragments. And loads more. [DOCTOR] They're breaking the transmat locks! [YASMIN] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [DOCTOR] So what, is it me? You've come to assassinate me? [ALIENS] We are not assassins. [DOCTOR] Firstly, I much prefer it when you're not making that threatening sound, so thanks for that at least. Secondly, don't lie to me. I know the stories of theAssassins of Thijar. [ALIENS] We are changed. [DOCTOR] What? Changed how? [ALIENS] Our past is no more. We are no longer assassins. Now we are witnesses. [DOCTOR] I don't understand. [ALIENS] We honour the lost as we can not honour our own. [DOCTOR] No, still not with you. [ALIENS] As the assassins hunted, the Thijarian world was destroyed. We returned to find nothing. This is all that remains of our home. Our people. Every ancestor. All one dust. [DOCTOR] I didn't know. I'm so sorry. [ALIENS] They died unwitnessed, unsaved. We were too late to grieve or honour them. [ALIENS] But we who returned gave up a hundred generations to sift, to remember the lost dead, the unmourned. In time, it was all we knew. And now we travel beyond, seeking the unacknowledged dead across all of Time and space. This is now the Thijarian mission, to bear witness to those alone. To see, to bear pain, honour life as it passes. As each one passes, we commemorate union. [DOCTOR] That's what Prem saw you do to Kunal, what you were doing to the holy man. But why here? Why now? [ALIENS] Millions will perish, unseen, unknown in the days to come here. [DOCTOR] The casualties of Partition. [ALIENS] We read the timewaves. [DOCTOR] But why this family? Why this land? [DOCTOR] Prem. [ALIENS] His time is soon. [DOCTOR] How soon? Give him a day. Just give him this day, please. [ALIENS] We are not gods. Events sit as they will. We only witness. The fixed force of Time cannot be stopped. [DOCTOR] I know. But if you didn't kill the holy man, if you were only honouring his death, how did he die? [ALIENS] We can show you. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [YASMIN] Where've you been? You've been gone hours. [DOCTOR] The Thijarians, they told me everything. I know what happened. And I know what happens. [YASMIN] I want to know what happens. [DOCTOR] Prem dies today. [YASMIN] We can't let that happen. [DOCTOR] It has to. For Umbreen to become your nani, for you to exist, Prem has to die. [RYAN] You mean the Thijarians have come to kill Prem? [DOCTOR] That's not why they're here. They're not assassins. They honour those who die alone. [GRAHAM] Aliens with compassion. [YASMIN] Umbreen loses her husband on the day she marries. Of course she never wants to talk about it. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Yaz. We should leave. [YASMIN] No. I want to be sure she's safe, whatever happens. I want to look after my nani. [RYAN] I'm with Yaz. [GRAHAM] Yeah, me, too. [DOCTOR] We can't tell them what we know. [RADIO] My friends, I woke this morning to the sight of smoke over the hills. More villages burned, more homes ransacked. It seems these savage mobs cannot be satisfied. [RADIO 2] I urge you to stay safe, and stay strong. Protect yourselves however you must. [GRAHAM] Well, the flowers don't help much. You still look like a schoolboy on manoeuvres. [PREM] These are the best clothes I have. [GRAHAM] You look great. [RYAN] No Manish? [PREM] He was out early. He'll be here. [RYAN] Did you hear the noises in the valley during the night? [PREM] The violence is getting closer. [RYAN] Who's doing this stuff? [PREM] Ordinary people who've lived here all their lives, whipped into a frenzy to be part of a mob. Nothing worse than when normal people lose their minds. We've lived together for decades, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh, and now we're being told our differences are more important than what unites us. Like we learned nothing in the war. I don't know how we protect people, when hatred's coming from all sides. [GRAHAM] Well, all we can strive to be is good men. And you, Prem, are a good man. [GRAHAM] I er, I... Come on. Marriage. --------------------------------------- (Stream) [PREM] This is the spot you choose? [UMBREEN] I'm going to be the first woman married in Pakistan. [PREM] Of course you are. [HASNA] Are you all right, sweetheart? [YASMIN] I always cry at weddings. [DOCTOR] I know there aren't many certainties in any of our lives, but Umbreen, Prem, what I see you in you is the certainty you have in each other. Something I believe in my faith. Love, in all its forms, is the most powerful weapon we have, because love is a form of hope and, like hope, love abides in the face of everything. You both found love with each other. You believed in it, you fought for it, and you waited for it. And now, you're committing to it. Which makes you, right now, the two strongest people on this planet. Maybe in this universe. I am not sure how we formalise this. [UMBREEN] I am. [UMBREEN] (to Yasmin) Will you? [YASMIN] That's a Hindu thing, isn't it? Tying the hands together. [UMBREEN] Now it can be our thing, if we want it to be. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [UMBREEN] I'm not often lost for words but I never thought this day would come. It's been tough. People who I wish were here to celebrate... [HASNA] They are, bheti. [UMBREEN] The drought was nearly the end of us. But we get to have this day because of Manish. You were tireless. When there was hardly any food, you took none. When we doubted we'd make it through to summer, you kept on. Night and day, we worked those fields together. I'm proud to have been your neighbour but I'm even prouder now to call you my brother. You kept us fed, Manish. Will you let me feed you? [MANISH] I didn't work this land for you, Umbreen. I worked it for my brothers. One who didn't come back, and the other I wish hadn't. [HASNA] Enough, Manish. [MANISH] No. Look at you all. Don't you understand what's coming? None of this will make a difference. [DOCTOR] I'll talk to him. Prem, your turn. [PREM] Okay. So... [UMBREEN] What are you doing? [PREM] You did a Hindu thing with the rope. Only right I do a Muslim thing too. This is your mahr. Yours to keep forever. [UMBREEN] Prem! [PREM] I'm sorry. [HASNA] Cursed. [UMBREEN] It's fine. It's perfect. This is us, forever. Our moment in time. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [DOCTOR] Is that what you used to shoot the holy man? Your brother's rifle? [MANISH] Be quiet. [DOCTOR] What happened, Manish? Did it get out of hand? Did you scare yourself? Because you were too young for the war. You've never fought or killed anyone. [MANISH] I'm not scared of anything because this is my time to fight. Fight for what I believe. [DOCTOR] Killing a man because he might marry a Muslim and a Hindu, and then pretend you knew nothing? [MANISH] Take your friends and leave, if you want to get out alive. [DOCTOR] What have you done? Who's coming? [MANISH] The future. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [DOCTOR] Listen, all of you. There's armed men heading up the track. You have to leave now. [UMBREEN] They want the land. [HASNA] I'm not going anywhere. This is my home. My husband and parents are buried here. I'm not going to abandon it to thugs. [PREM] Where's Manish? [DOCTOR] He's leading them here. He killed the holy man with your rifle. [PREM] Of course. [UMBREEN] Mum's right. This is our home. We stay. [DOCTOR] If you stay, you'll die. [PREM] Go to the house. Get anything essential, and get back here. [YASMIN] I'll help you. --------------------------------------- (Farmhouse) [YASMIN] Is that Sheffield mapped on here? [UMBREEN] My Dad brought that map home from the market one day. One night, I said, I'll put my finger on this map and, wherever it lands, I'm going to go. [YASMIN] And you landed on Sheffield? [UMBREEN] Such an exotic word. It's in England. Do you know it? [HASNA] Stop talking. We have to leave. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [YASMIN] They're nearly here. [DOCTOR] You need to move out. [PREM] I have to talk to Manish. [UMBREEN] No, Prem. I'm not leaving you here. [PREM] I'll distract them long enough to be sure you can get away, then I'll be right behind you. [UMBREEN] It's too dangerous. [PREM] He's my brother. Across the field, over the border, into the forests. Keep going north. [PREM] Go. [PREM] You as well. [DOCTOR] I'll come with you. [PREM] No. These are demons I have to face alone. --------------------------------------- (Field) [UMBREEN] Mum, come on, keep up. [HASNA] I'm running as fast as I can. [YASMIN] Look. [MANISH] They're checking the land for people who don't belong. [PREM] This is our home. Everyone's welcome here. I know what you did to the holy man. [MANISH] There's nothing holy about a man who would approve your union. Better he die than defile himself. [PREM] My baby brother. What happened to you? [PREM] Really? I know you. We fought together in Siam. We made a good team. And now this? I can't let them through, brother. [MANISH] We are your people, Prem. India is your country. You and Kunal fought for this. [PREM] This is not what I fought for. [ALIENS] We will watch over him now. [PREM] Please, Manish. [DOCTOR] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [YASMIN] She made it out, right? She got to Lahore. She lived. [DOCTOR] She made it. --------------------------------------- (Khan flat) [UMBREEN] This is a terrible design. Was it a good wedding at least? [YASMIN] Yeah. [UMBREEN] What is the matter, bheti? [YASMIN] You loved grandad, didn't you? [UMBREEN] Of course. [YASMIN] And you're happy with how your life turned out? [UMBREEN] Why would you be asking that? [YASMIN] Just your journey. So many countries, so many years. I can't even begin to imagine what you've dealt with. Then you end up in Sheffield, of all places. [UMBREEN] I love Sheffield. [YASMIN] Really? [UMBREEN] Well, not quite as exotic as I thought it would be, but it gave us stability, a life, a home. And it gave me your mum. And it gave me you and your sister. You want to know about the watch? Really? [YASMIN] No. Tell me another time. I love you, Nani. [UMBREEN] And I love you too, bheti.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e06", "title": "Demons of the Punjab"}
Doctor Who (18 Nov 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - Kerblam! [DOCTOR] Hold on. [YASMIN] We are holding on! [DOCTOR] Well, hold on tighter. [GRAHAM] Can you do something about this turbulence? [DOCTOR] I'm avoiding something. Argh, can't get the hang of these new systems. [YASMIN] What is it? [DOCTOR] No, it's still coming for us. Oh! It's a teleport pulse. [RYAN] Ah! What's that? [DELIVERY BOT] Delivery for the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Ah, it's the Kerblam man! [YASMIN] It's the what? [DOCTOR] The Kerblam man. [GRAHAM] You're just making sounds now. [DELIVERY BOT] Delivery fulfilled. And remember, if you want it, Kerblam it! [GRAHAM] Space postman. I've seen it all now. [DOCTOR] Delivery bots. Kerblam's the biggest retailer in this galaxy. I don't remember ordering anything. Must've been a while back. [DOCTOR] Oh. What do you think? (puts it on) Still me? [GRAHAM] Nice. [RYAN] Check it out, they even use bubble wrap. [YASMIN] Doctor, look at this, the back of the packing slip. [DOCTOR] (reads) Help me. [RYAN] Probably someone just bored out their mind, mucking about. Trust me, I've been there. You should have seen what we used to hide inside the trainers. [YASMIN] What if it's not? What if someone really is in trouble? [GRAHAM] Can't hurt to check, can it, Doc. [DOCTOR] Right. Kerblam, here we come. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Warehouse) [DOCTOR] There's the planet Kandoka, and we're on its moon. Kerblam turned it into one massive warehouse. [GRAHAM] Look at the size of it. [YASMIN] There must be thousands of people in there. How are we going to find out who sent that message? [RYAN] Halfway across the universe, and I feel like I'm back at work. [DOCTOR] Ryan, brilliant. Come on. [RYAN] What? [DOCTOR] We're going under cover. Chop chop. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [SYSTEM] Good morning, workers. Welcome to another rewarding... [DOCTOR] Can you check again? We just came in from Kandoka. We must be on the list there somewhere. [JUDY] Not expecting anyone new today. Didn't even know there was a shuttle coming in. [DOCTOR] Do you mind if I take a look? It might just be the spelling. By the way, this is our reference. [JUDY] Oh, you're relatives of the First Lady? [DOCTOR] Oh, did she put that? We asked her not to. Didn't we, gang? [YASMIN] We don't like to talk about it. [RYAN] Yeah, so awkward. [GRAHAM] We're very private. [JUDY] Well, there must be some m... Oh, no, here you are. Got you. Private shuttle landing. Sorry, person error. Me, I mean. Right, well, er, let's get you on this induction, then. Follow me, this way. [SYSTEM] Welcome to another rewarding shift at Kerblam, fulfilling orders from the human colony at Kandoka... [DOCTOR] (to cleaner) Hi. [CHARLIE] Morning. [DOCTOR] Sorry, what's your name? [JUDY] Judy Maddox. Head of People. [DAN] Morning, Les. How are the family? [TEAMMATE] Good morning, Daniel. My name is not Les, but I acknowledge your amusing co-worker banter. [DAN] Every morning. (to the Doctor) So much for machine learning. [TEAMMATE] Have a great day, Dan. [DOCTOR] Hiya. [TEAMMATE] Good morning, new workers. [RYAN] Is it me, or are they pretty creepy? [GRAHAM] It ain't you. [DOCTOR] Oi, you two, that's robophobic. Some of my best friends are robots. [YASMIN] You'll be right at home here, then. [SYSTEM] Kerblam. Fully automated, people powered. --------------------------------------- (Induction) [JUDY] The System allocates work details based on fitness, stamina, dexterity and mental assessments. [DOCTOR] Same model as the Kerblam Man. I love the Kerblam Man. [JUDY] The TeamMates are the friendly face of the System. They're here to assist and to supervise the organic workers. [GRAHAM] Organic? [JUDY] Oh, sorry. Listen to me. You get so used to the jargon. Gone native. Two hearts? [DOCTOR] Courtesy of the First Lady. Very good healthcare policy, I don't like to talk about it. So, Kerblam is completely automated? [JUDY] No. Ninety percent, as per Kandokan guidelines. Proud to be a certified Ten Percent People-Powered Company. I know some people are against quotas, but I am all for that one. Mind you, I would say that, Head of People. Self-interest. It's funny, I don't normally talk this much. [JUDY] Oh. Don't worry. It'll come back online in a moment. [DOCTOR] Not paid your bills? [JUDY] Build a warehouse on a moon, it's never going to be perfect. We get the occasional power drain, it's down to the self-optimisation systems. [YASMIN] (being scanned) How's the morale among the workers? [JUDY] I like to think very good. It's my job to make sure that everyone's happy. Not that it's difficult. I mean, we're all so grateful to have a job, right? We all know how hard they are to come by. No, I hope that people feel it's a privilege to work at Kerblam. [TEAMMATE] Relax as I fix your GroupLoop. [GRAHAM] Are we under house arrest? [JUDY] Oh, no. The GroupLoops monitor productivity and report back to the System. [RYAN] I wore one of these at me last job. [JUDY] Oh, really? Where was that? [RYAN] SportStack. People's Republic of South Yorkshire. [JUDY] Hmm. I don't know it. But it's nice to meet someone with experience. You'll feel right at home. [RYAN] Yeah. [JUDY] Right, time for the tour. --------------------------------------- (Catwalk) [JUDY] 600 million products, 10,000 employees. The biggest human workforce in this galaxy. Welcome to Kerblam. [SYSTEM] Welcome to another rewarding shift at Kerblam, fulfilling orders from the human colony of Kandoka. [RYAN] 10,000 workers, one little message. [DOCTOR] Might take a while, this. --------------------------------------- (Fulfilment) [JUDY] The System instantly relays customer orders to workers in Fulfilment. They scan the product and send it down to the Packing Stations. --------------------------------------- (Packing) [SYSTEM] Product incoming. [JUDY] Once it's packed, the customer's order goes on the conveyor. Rule number one. Keep all loose clothing, hair and body parts away from the conveyors.And never, ever climb onto the conveyors. Any person found on the conveyor faces immediate termination. --------------------------------------- (Final Checks) [JUDY] And this is Final Checks, where parcels are inspected, sealed and go down the hatch to Dispatch. Through this hatch beats the heart of the Kerblam operation. Hundreds of conveyors pumping parcels down to our fully-automated lower level. From Dispatch, our postmen retrieve the parcels and teleport direct to the customers. Any questions? [DOCTOR] Can I do the packing slips? [JUDY] Sorry, only purple GroupLoops work the packing stations. [DOCTOR] Oh. [JUDY] Leisure breaks in the HomeZone. Right, I'll leave you in the capable hands of the TeamMates. I'll be checking in on you, make sure you're okay. Got to keep an eye on the ten percent. As my dad used to say, go, Organics! He was a bit odd, my dad. [DOCTOR] Stand still, Graham. [GRAHAM] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Switching jobs with you. I need purple. Whoever sent that message had access to the packing stations. That's where I need to be. [GRAHAM] And where does that leave me? [TEAMMATE] Hello, co-workers. We're so thrilled to have you with us. Yasmin Khan, please come with me. Ryan Sinclair and the Doctor - great name - with my colleague to the left. [TEAMMATE 2] Hello, team. [YASMIN] Meet at break time in the Home Zone? [RYAN] Yes, ma'am. [DOCTOR] Roger Wilco. Oh, did I ever tell you about a bloke I met called Roger Wilco? [GRAHAM] Here, here, hold on. What about me? Where am I going? [TEAMMATE 3] Graham O'Brien. A very warm welcome to Premium Maintenance. [GRAHAM] Not a word. --------------------------------------- (Packing) [SYSTEM] Product incoming. [KIRA] You two are doing so well. Especially for a first day. [DOCTOR] Thanks, Kira. I was hoping for something a bit less really repetitive, but I'm quite enjoying it. [SYSTEM] Product incoming. You're a ninja at this, Ryan. [RYAN] This was my life before you. Mind you, you should have seen me when I'd just started. First month, total nightmare. Takes me a while to learn thingsphysically. Get there in the end, but just some stuff takes me a bit longer. Luckily, I had mates who covered for me in the beginning. [KIRA] I was terrible too, my first week. I'm amazed the System kept me on. But now I just take a deep breath at the beginning of every shift and tell myself, Kira Arlo, you can do this. Sometimes I almost believe myself. [DOCTOR] What I don't understand is, why does Kerblam need people as a workforce? These are automated and repetitive tasks. Why not get the robots to do it? [KIRA] Do you not watch the news? [DOCTOR] We travel a lot. [RYAN] A lot. [KIRA] Kandokan labour laws. Ever since the People Power protests, companies have to make sure a minimum ten percent of the workforce are actual people, at all levels. Like the slogan says, real people need real jobs. Work gives us purpose, right? [RYAN] Some work, maybe. [SYSTEM] Product incoming. [KIRA] Do you want a tip? If I ever get bored, I imagine customers opening their parcels back on Kandoka. Their big smiles. I only ever got a present the once,but oh, I can never forget how it felt. Like, like a little box of happiness. [RYAN] Just one present in your whole life? [KIRA] My birthday last year. A little box of chocolates from Judy, our Head of People. Oh, it was so amazing. [RYAN] What about your mum and dad? Didn't they ever get you a present? [KIRA] Never knew them. But I can still imagine families opening these packages. We make them happy by doing what we do here. [DOCTOR] You have a great approach to life, Kira. [KIRA] Thank you. That's so lovely of you. Nobody's ever said something that nice to me. [DOCTOR] Where are these packing slips generated from? [KIRA] I don't know. They just arrive here. Our little instruction slips. [DOCTOR] Kira, have you ever met anyone here who's worried or needs help? --------------------------------------- (Fulfilment) [DAN] Help with what? [YASMIN] I don't know. Somebody having a hard time, or got themselves into trouble. [DAN] Word of advice. The TeamMates can hear everything, if they choose. [YASMIN] Everything? [DAN] Constant random monitoring. No such thing as privacy here. Are you from the Union? Is that it? [YASMIN] Just trying to get a sense of the place. [DAN] Well, best way to get along. Do as you're told, try not to bump into the robots. If you can manage that, you might end up on a poster. [YASMIN] That's you. [DAN] Film star looks. I got extra credit for it. Sent a poster to my little girl for her bedroom wall. [YASMIN] How old is she? [DAN] Six. [YASMIN] Where is she? [DAN] She's upstairs. She's Head Of Finance. No, she's back home on Kandoka. She made me this, lacquered with Arcadium. [DAN] Outlast anything, that will. Including me. Actually, that's a bit depressing. [TEAMMATE] Hello, co-workers. Please confine social interaction to leisure breaks. [YASMIN] How often do you see your daughter? [DAN] Twice a year, I splurge on an economy shuttle. Rest of my wages I put away for her education. I do this job so she doesn't end up like her dad. [YASMIN] Her dad's all right. [DAN] Well, I was a rubbish husband to her mum. But I'm making up for it. [YASMIN] It's tough being away from family. [DAN] Well, at least I'm working. Unlike half the galaxy. Suppose we've only got ourselves to blame. Whilst we were busy staring at our phones, technology went and nicked our jobs. [TEAMMATE] Great conversation, guys, but unnecessary talking can lead to efficiency reductions. Why not pick up the pace a little? [DAN] Sure thing, Basil. [TEAMMATE] Thank you. [DAN] He was a pole dancer till his hips gave out. I like you, Yaz. You laugh at me jokes. [YASMIN] Hmm. Antique lamp. Section triple nine double five slash seven. [DAN] No. Not a good idea. Not on your first day. I'll take that. You'll get lost in the Triple Nines. [YASMIN] Dan, I'm perfectly capable... [DAN] I know you are. I'm just not sure the System is. There's barely anything down the Triple Nines any more. The last person to search for an order down there got the sack. I never saw them again. I'm not having that happen to you, not on your first day. --------------------------------------- (Packing) [SYSTEM] Kerblam performance status. All systems currently at optimal... [DOCTOR] Another power drain? [SYSTEM] Functionality. System online. [SLADE] All right, it's just a glitch. Back to work. Come on, Kira, re-engage brain, if you can find it. [KIRA] Sorry, Mister Slade. [RYAN] Hey, don't talk to her like that. [KIRA] It's okay. [DOCTOR] No, it's not. [SLADE] Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I'm new. And you are? [SLADE] Jarva Slade, Warehouse Executive. Your boss. [DOCTOR] Well, you've certainly got the clipboard for it. Be nicer to Kira, please. [SLADE] How would you like a warning for insubordination? [DOCTOR] I'd love one. I could add it to my collection. [KIRA] Doctor, don't. [DOCTOR] Gentle people skills advice for you, Mister Slade. Respect goes both ways. The best managers, the really good ones, value their staff and know instinctively if someone's in trouble, or is asking for help. Now, how good a manager are you? Know anyone who needs help? [SLADE] Get back to work. All of you. [KIRA] Be careful with Slade. Last week, Zaff got a warning for leaning on the conveyor and the next day he was gone. [RYAN] Gone? Does that happen a lot? [KIRA] A few have gone recently. Zaff, Jax from the canteen, Chinello from Maintenance. And it's weird, because Looper called Chinello's mum and she never arrived home. --------------------------------------- (Fulfilment - Triple 9s) [DAN] Blimey. You scared me there for a moment. You should be in Dispatch, shouldn't you? Not down here. What are you doing, practising your lurking? Can you hear me? Something wrong with your speech circuits? [DAN] Hang on, I'll report it. Get you back to Dispatch. [YASMIN] Dan? Dan? Dan. Dan! You down there? [YASMIN] Dan! [YASMIN] Are you there? [YASMIN] Er... I just found these. They belong to Dan Cooper. Do you know where he is? [YASMIN] Okay, never mind! --------------------------------------- (Maintenance store) [TEAMMATE] Safety Rule 198, do not drink any of the cleaning fluids. [GRAHAM] Yeah, yeah, I've got it now, guys, thank you. [TEAMMATE] Your Maintenance Mentor is Charlie. [GRAHAM] Huh? Oh, all right, cockle? [TEAMMATE] Have a productive day, team. [TEAMMATES] Happy maintaining! [GRAHAM] Graham. Nice to meet another real person. [CHARLIE] Charlie. I've just done the gents', so... [GRAHAM] Oh, I'll just settle for a wave, then. Cor, those guys go on a bit, don't they? I mean, that briefing nearly lasted half my life, and I'm 310. [CHARLIE] I, er... I saw you arrive earlier. Wasn't expecting anyone new down here. [GRAHAM] Well, it's your lucky day, then, eh, Charlie boy? So, tell me how all this really works. [CHARLIE] The moment there's a mess or a spill, we get beeped. There's strict time guidelines on how quickly we're supposed to get there and how long it takes us to clear things up. [GRAHAM] Right. [CHARLIE] All laid down by the System. They check up on us after every task. [GRAHAM] So even though everything's automated, there's still an idiot boss? [CHARLIE] Yeah. [SYSTEM] Temporary functionality issues. Team 9, please take an emergency rest break in the Home Zone now. --------------------------------------- (Home Zone) [DOCTOR] So, just to be clear. You found Dan's scanner crushed? [YASMIN] I heard him yell and now there's no sign of him anywhere. We have to find him. [DOCTOR] These were Delivery Bots like the Kerblam Man? Not the TeamMates? You two stay with me. (to Graham) I need you to find out the history of the company and try and get some plans of the complex. [GRAHAM] How am I going to do that? [DOCTOR] You're perfectly placed. No one questions a cleaner. You've got unrestricted access. [GRAHAM] Yeah, and chronic skin irritation. [CHARLIE] Graham, did you sort that spill? [GRAHAM] It's all right. All taken care of. Don't worry. Everyone, this is Charlie. [KIRA] Hi, Charlie. [KIRA] Oh no. What am I like? [CHARLIE] It's okay, I've got it. It's okay. [KIRA] I'm so clumsy. [CHARLIE] I don't mind. [KIRA] Really? [CHARLIE] Really. [KIRA] I'm just such a butterfingers. [CHARLIE] I love butter. [DOCTOR] Aww. [CHARLIE] Er... bye. [KIRA] Oh. [RYAN] Workplace crush. [GRAHAM] Reminds me of you when you were younger. When I say younger, I mean last month. [RYAN] Ha, ha, ha. Funny. [DOCTOR] Come on, we're going to file a complaint. --------------------------------------- (Office) [DOCTOR] Dan Cooper has vanished. Maybe you should call the police. [SLADE] There are no police here. [DOCTOR] The authorities, then. [JUDY] We are the authorities. Kerblam is its own jurisdiction. We have responsibility for all employee welfare. [DOCTOR] Then you'd better be worthy of the jobs you're holding because a man is missing and I don't think he's the first, not if this is any indicator. [DOCTOR] This came to me in a delivery. [JUDY] What do you think it means? [YASMIN] It's not exactly cryptic. [RYAN] Somebody was worried about their own safety, and now we're finding that other people are going missing. [DOCTOR] Who has access to the printing system for those packing slips? [SLADE] Nobody. They're auto-generated during the order process. But they're placed in boxes by the workers in Fulfilment. Your section. [RYAN] Have you tried working down there? There's no time to add stuff to slips. This was done somewhere else before it gets to Fulfilment. [DOCTOR] Something is very wrong here at Kerblam. And if you two don't do something about it, I might start to suspect that you're responsible. [JUDY] We'll look into it. You have my word. [SLADE] Mine too. [DOCTOR] Those words better be worth something. And if anything happens to us, or our new friends, or anyone else here, you'll have me to answer to. [DOCTOR] Too bombastic? [YASMIN] Felt about right. [RYAN] I kinda liked it. [DOCTOR] Thanks. Laters! Oh, I'm not doing that again. Sticking with bye. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [RYAN] Catch me up with this. We storm into management, cause a fight. What ever happened to being under cover? [DOCTOR] That was before I knew people were disappearing. I'm stepping it up a gear, going straight to the top. [YASMIN] I bet you were the sort of kid who liked poking a stick in the wasps' nest, just to see what happened. [DOCTOR] Don't like bullies, don't like conspiracies, don't like people being in danger. And there's a flavour of all three here. Now, ever hidden in a panelled alcove? [RYAN + YASMIN] No. [DOCTOR] You haven't lived. [RYAN] Why are we doing this, exactly? [DOCTOR] We wait until Slade leaves, then we break back in to his office, obviously. Oh, talking of wasps. Did I ever tell you about me and Agatha Christie? --------------------------------------- (Maintenance store) [GRAHAM] So, how long have you had a thing for Kira? [CHARLIE] How'd you know about that? [GRAHAM] That's one of my superpowers, yeah. I can detect even the most subtle of social cues. [CHARLIE] Really? [GRAHAM] No. It's obvious. [CHARLIE] I dunno. It's kind of... it's just er... it's just I can't... I can't concentrate when I'm near her. It's like I forget everything I'm supposed to be doing. I mean, have you smelt her? [GRAHAM] Strangely enough, I haven't. [CHARLIE] She smells... perfect. I haven't told anyone else. Been on my own here for a long time. [GRAHAM] I can tell. Charlie, can I be honest with you? [CHARLIE] I suppose. [GRAHAM] You see, you know your way around here, but I am going to need a little bit of help, you see, because I get easily confused. A bit like you when Kira's around. And I cannot get my nut around the shape of this place because it's way too big, but... if I had, like, a er... some sort of... [CHARLIE] Diagram? [GRAHAM] A diagram of Kerblam's layout, maybe I could find things a bit easier, see? Cos without it, I ain't going to last long in the job, am I, cos it'd take me hours to get to the next spill. [CHARLIE] I reckon I can get that. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [SYSTEM] Our reception is currently in night mode. [CHARLIE] These artefact cabinets contain the entire history of Kerblam, from the prototype Delivery Bot right up to today. Designs, layout, everything. [GRAHAM] Right. Won't somebody miss 'em? [CHARLIE] Ah, it's just for show. Like you say, we're only borrowing. Not like anyone pays attention to this stuff. [GRAHAM] Yeah. And you've got the codes for all of these, have you? [CHARLIE] The insides of these cabinets need polishing too, you know. [GRAHAM] Yeah, of course they do. Right. Mind if I get a friend to help me study these? [CHARLIE] What? [GRAHAM] Thank you, cockle. Come on. (to a Delivery Bot) Nothing to see here, mate. --------------------------------------- (Office) [YASMIN] I thought Slade'd never leave. [DOCTOR] What do we think, then? [YASMIN] If this is Slade's office, and everything in this company is automated, why does he need a clipboard? [RYAN] Or a filing cabinet? [DOCTOR] Khan and Sinclair, the greatest detectives in the galaxy. [YASMIN] Locked. [DOCTOR] Ooo, paperwork. Very retro. Now, what sort of paperwork does Slade keep locked away? [RYAN] What is it? [YASMIN] Oh, my God. [JUDY] You'd better have a very good excuse for breaking in here. Your GroupLoops told me you were back here. [DOCTOR] Oh. I knew that, but I forgot that. That's the problem with conspiracies, there's so much to think about. What if I said we'd got lost, ended up in here by accident, just as the filing cabinet weirdly fell open. How would that play? [JUDY] There were no shuttles from Kandoka today. I checked. Who are you? Industrial spies? [DOCTOR] I was being honest with you earlier. We got a message that someone needed help, and we came. People are vanishing, and Mister Slade is keeping a running tally. [DOCTOR] Seven people so far. According to these notes, it started four months ago with two workers. The next month, another. This month, four. The disappearances are on the increase. No wonder people are sending out cries for help. And as Head of People for Kerblam, I'd suggest you're guilty of some serious negligence. [YASMIN] Another power drain? [JUDY] That's not a power drain. That's a total system blackout. (uses a computer terminal) Power's drained right down to the Foundation levels. [DOCTOR] What's down in the Foundation levels? [GRAHAM] I can help with that. [JUDY] Charlie, what are you doing up here? [CHARLIE] Sorry, Judy. [GRAHAM] He's with me. [DOCTOR] And he's with us. [GRAHAM] And they are the original plans for Kerblam. [JUDY] What are you doing with those? Those are company artefacts. Was this down to you? [RYAN] More urgent question. If everything's automated and all the power's shut down, why is that robot still active? [DOCTOR] Oh, good question. Back behind me, everyone. [TEAMMATE] Error reported. Error reported. [GRAHAM] Charlie, don't, mate. [CHARLIE] I can er, I can look at it. [TEAMMATE] Error reported. Error reported. [TEAMMATE] Investigating. [DOCTOR] Charlie! [TEAMMATE] Investigating. Investigating. [YASMIN] Doctor, do something. [DOCTOR] I'm trying. The receptor codes are fluctuating. [JUDY] Are you all right? Deep breaths now. You're safe. This has never happened before with any of the robots. [YASMIN] You're wrong. When Dan Cooper went missing, there were three of those, dressed in those Postmen uniforms, walking the shelving. They came after me. [JUDY] That's not possible. The Delivery Bots never leave Dispatch. We'd know. The System would tell us. [DOCTOR] I would respectfully suggest that you can't trust your System. [DOCTOR] And we're back online. But the receptor cells on this are all blown out. [RYAN] Hey, Doctor, be careful. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's as if the System suddenly channelled all its energy into this one single TeamMate. [YASMIN] The System's attacking us? [DOCTOR] It's like the System's gone rogue. [JUDY] Of course it's gone rogue. Nobody would do any of this deliberately. [DOCTOR] If I ever find out that you're lying... [JUDY] I have worked for years to make Kerblam more of a People-Powered Company. My career has been about bringing people like Charlie here. People who need a second chance. Haven't I? [CHARLIE] It's true. She's the reason most of us are here. She selects all the workers. We owe her a lot. [JUDY] I've never seen these papers of Slade's before now. Those names, Zaff, Jax, Chinello, the others, they're active on the System. According to the System, they're still alive and working. There are 10,000 people here. I can't keep track of them all. [YASMIN] So what do we do, Doctor? [DOCTOR] If I could get a copy of the original code, I could hack in, isolate the upgrades and see what it's up to. [RYAN] So you need Kerblam version 1.0. [YASMIN] That'd be hundreds of years old, wouldn't it? [GRAHAM] And I think we can help with that. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [RYAN] Kerblam Delivery Bot version 1.0. Also known as Twirly. [CHARLIE] I don't think we should do this. If Mister Slade finds out... [JUDY] Leave Slade to me. Let's just hurry up before the TeamMates come on their patrol. [DOCTOR] Here we go, Twirly. Nice to meet you. [YASMIN] Quite cute, isn't it? [RYAN] It's kind of retro. [DOCTOR] Well, he is getting on a bit. I love a bit of retro. --------------------------------------- (Packing) [TEAMMATE] Kira Arlo. [KIRA] Hi. Yes. Sorry, I didn't hear you there. I was in my own little world. [TEAMMATE] You are an exceptional worker, Kira Arlo. [KIRA] Am I? [TEAMMATE 2] We are thrilled to reveal you've been designated Employee Of The Day. [KIRA] Oh. Oh wow. I, I, I didn't even know there was such a thing. [TEAMMATE] And in recognition of your work, Kerblam has a gift for you. [KIRA] A gift? [TEAMMATES] Come with us. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [TWIRLY] Customers who selected these items also bought ear mufflers, pencil sharpeners and cola bottles. Say yes now to order these three for the price of the cheapest two. [DOCTOR] No. [TWIRLY] Thank you. I have stored your preferences. And remember, if you want it, Kerblaaa... [DOCTOR] It's out of juice. It needs a big recharge before I can access the code. [GRAHAM] Maintenance store. There's everything there. [CHARLIE] That's not a good idea. [JUDY] Doctor, I've just had a notification that one of the workers from Packing has gone missing. Her GroupLoop's disappeared right off the System. Name of Kira Arlo? [CHARLIE] What? Kira? [RYAN] We have to find her. [DOCTOR] I thought you said the System didn't notify you when someone went missing. [JUDY] Well, it didn't until now. It's like it's sending us a deliberate message. [RYAN] It knows we're onto it. [CHARLIE] Where was her signal last recorded? [JUDY] Er... Dispatch. [CHARLIE] That's not possible. No people are allowed down there. [DOCTOR] Dispatch? Foundation levels, right? Where the power's drained down to. [YASMIN] How do we get to her? [JUDY] You can't. It's fully automated. There's not even a route down. [YASMIN] But she got down there somehow. [RYAN] You get what you need from that robot. Yaz, Charlie, come with me. We'll find Kira. [GRAHAM] Hang on, how are you going to get down there? [RYAN] I know how these places work. --------------------------------------- (Final Checking) [RYAN] Get ready to stick it to Rule Number One. [YASMIN] You did this in your last job? [RYAN] Yeah. Once. [YASMIN] How'd it go? [RYAN] Really badly. Sprained ankle and a final warning. [CHARLIE] Come on. We have to find Kira. [RYAN] I should let you know I have a coordination problem. Not super serious, but you know, makes life really interesting. And frustrating. And difficult. Especially at moments like this. [CHARLIE] You don't have to come. I can find Kira on my own. [RYAN] Mate, that's not how we roll. Is it, Yaz? [YASMIN] Nope. We're all in. [RYAN] Dispatch, here we come. --------------------------------------- (Room) [TEAMMATE] Here you are, Kira. [KIRA] Thanks. Sorry, what's this? [TEAMMATE] Make yourself at home. --------------------------------------- (Dispatch) [YASMIN] You sure about this? We'll be safe, won't we? [RYAN] Definitely. I mean, the parcels are safe. We're just parcels now. [CHARLIE] But the parcels get wrapped in bubble wrap, to protect them. [YASMIN] From what? [RYAN] Oh, my days. [CHARLIE] From that! [YASMIN] Never liked roller coasters! [CHARLIE] We're going to die! [YASMIN] We're going too fast! [RYAN] We did it! That was amazing! We're amazing. Charlie, you're the man! [YASMIN] Charlie, we're coming! [RYAN] I can't jump down there. [YASMIN] Course you can. We both can. Right? (they stand and hold hands) On one... two... three! [RYAN] We did it. We're not dead. We're totally not dead! --------------------------------------- (Maintenance store) [DOCTOR] Right, Twirly, all charged up. [TWIRLY] Alert. You may also like to know we have a one-hour offer on cushions! Cushions liven up the grimmest workplace, like this one. [DOCTOR] Twirly, hi. I'm the Doctor, and this is Graham, and this is Judy. And can you pause all sales protocols for a bit? [TWIRLY] Even the upselling? [DOCTOR] Even the upselling. You've just had a nap of about two hundred years, so your offers are out of date anyway. [TWIRLY] Without upselling, my only purpose is delivery. [GRAHAM] We don't need you do that either, mate. [TWIRLY] The future is very confusing for my protocols. I serve Kerblam, and Kerblam serves the people. [JUDY] Which is why we need your help. These are my Kerblam credentials, my own executive read-code. We need you to carry out a task which may fundamentally save Kerblam. [TWIRLY] I am only a delivery bot. [GRAHAM] See, now you've made it nervous. [DOCTOR] Don't panic, Twirly. You can do this. It's possible that Kerblam has been compromised. I'm going to patch you into the System. I need you to look far and wide, past new upgrades and firewalls and security patches, into the base code that only you can recognise, and then you can tell us what's going on and deliver the information to us. [TWIRLY] Retrieve and deliver. I understand. [DOCTOR] This might tickle. [TWIRLY] Help me, help me, help me! [DOCTOR] What happened? [SYSTEM] Help me. Help me. [DOCTOR] Why are you saying that? [SYSTEM] Not Twirly speaking. The System. Kerblam. Help me, Doctor. Help me. Help me, Doctor. Help me. [DOCTOR] Oh! The System sent the message. It printed the slip. It sent it out. [GRAHAM] But why would the System need help? [DOCTOR] Twirly, what do you mean? What sort of help? How can we help? [SYSTEM] Help required in Dispatch. Help in Dispatch. Urgent help. [GRAHAM] Doc, they've all just gone down there. --------------------------------------- (Foundation level) [CHARLIE] Disinfectant post. Get down. [SYSTEM] Organic contamination detected. Initiate disinfection. Disinfection process unsuccessful. [RYAN] Urgh! It tastes like... [SYSTEM] Organic contamination persists. Hygiene Defence is activating. Initiate disintegration. [CHARLIE] Run! [SYSTEM] Disintegration progressing. [RYAN] I'm never doing that again. [YASMIN] So we're at the Foundation Level? [RYAN] Yeah. [KIRA [OC]] Hello? Hello? [CHARLIE] That's Kira's voice. [RYAN] How did she get down here? [YASMIN] I think it came from this way. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [DOCTOR] I'm stupid, really stupid. Can you believe how stupid I am? [GRAHAM] (Carrying Twirly) Is that a rhetorical question? [DOCTOR] I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. There's too many things going on, too many variables. My brain's too crowded. [JUDY] What's she talking about? [GRAHAM] No idea. You get used to it. She normally explains in the end. [DOCTOR] These delivery bots. They've got teleport circuits. [GRAHAM] See? [DOCTOR] We don't have to go on the conveyor down to Dispatch. If I can hijack their circuit for one moment... [SLADE] (pointing his weapon) Move away from the delivery bot. [DOCTOR] No, Slade, don't. --------------------------------------- (Foundation level) [DOCTOR] Very bad manners to point guns at people. I've never warmed to you. (releases him) So, tell us what you've done. [DOCTOR] We saw the list, the names of the victims you've targeted. [SLADE] What? I'm not targeting people. I'm recording the missing. [DOCTOR] Oh. So it's not you? [SLADE] No. Something's wrong with the System, but I don't know what. That's why I had to make sure my notes were analogue. I though it was you. I've been tracking you since you arrived. [DOCTOR] We're trying to help. [SLADE] So am I, but what am I supposed to do? There's no one to report this to, no one to stop it. There's only the System. [JUDY] There's me. I'm responsible for every person here. You could have told me. [SLADE] I didn't know whether I could trust you. I still don't. [GRAHAM] Hey, Doc, come and have a look at this. [GRAHAM] Some kind of goo and GroupLoops. Why are they in there? [DOCTOR] I think these are the remnants of the missing workers. We're under a vast liquidisation tank. [GRAHAM] What? You mean the robots are kidnapping the workers and then liquidising them? [DOCTOR] What I don't understand is why. [GRAHAM] Anyone got a tissue? [DOCTOR] Whoa! [GRAHAM] Looks like an army. --------------------------------------- (Room) [KIRA] Hello? --------------------------------------- (Outside the room) [RYAN] Kira! [RYAN] Kira! She can't hear us. [YASMIN] Let me find the entrance. [CHARLIE] We've got to get her out. Why's she in there? [YASMIN] There's no access from here. We can't get her out. --------------------------------------- (Foundation level) [SLADE] Complaints have been coming in about delayed deliveries. This must be why. Everything's stuck here. Nothing's going out. What's happened? [DOCTOR] They're being held back. Oh, the power drains. (scans the ceiling) Vast teleportation hardware, with huge reserves of power building up. What if the power's been drained to be stored for one huge simultaneous teleport? All these deliveries, all at once. [GRAHAM] To do what? [DOCTOR] You said it looked like an army. What do armies carry? [GRAHAM] Weapons? [JUDY] But that's not a weapon, it's a toy. [SLADE] And every parcel's got something different in it. [DOCTOR] Almost. Except what does every parcel here have in common? --------------------------------------- (Outside the room) [CHARLIE] No, Kira, don't! [YASMIN] Oh, my God. Is that what happened to Dan, and all the others too? [RYAN] You knew something was going to happen. [YASMIN] Charlie. [CHARLIE] It's done this deliberately. [YASMIN] We need to find the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Foundation level) [DOCTOR] Deadly bubble wrap. Totally innocuous, apart from when it's intercepted here and weaponised. Sheets of tiny little bombs, ready to explode and kill. Every parcel a death-trap. The workers aren't the targets. It's the customers. [GRAHAM] Kerblam's trying to kill their own customers? That's the worst business plan I've ever heard. [YASMIN] Doctor, we've found you. [RYAN] Kira's dead, and Charlie had something to do with it. [JUDY] What? [CHARLIE] Not Kira. It wasn't meant for her. The System took her. It's been fighting back against me. [DOCTOR] Because it knew what you were planning. The maintenance man. Access to everywhere, noticed by hardly anyone. [JUDY] You've been killing other workers? [CHARLIE] I needed test subjects to be sure the detonation force would work in such a small concentration. [JUDY] What? Charlie, how do you know all this stuff? [CHARLIE] I lied on my application. Gave you a sob story, so you'd let me in, and you bought it. I've studied cybernetics, explosives, teleportation. I have worked for this. [JUDY] I don't understand. [CHARLIE] Ten percent? They want us to be grateful that ten percent of people get to work? What about the other ninety percent? What about our futures? Because without action, next time it will be seven percent, then five, then one. I am stronger than you. I am not going to stand by and accept it. People like me, my generation, we change things. We make things happen. [DOCTOR] Even if it costs people's lives. You kill a load of customers at Kerblam, let the systems take the fall for it, erode people's trust in automation, make people angry. [CHARLIE] Imperfect technology, without a conscience. Machines malfunction, that's what they do. [GRAHAM] No, mate, that's what you're doing. Seriously malfunctioning. [CHARLIE] I'm not your mate! [DOCTOR] Except Kerblam's System does have a conscience. It's been fighting you, Charlie. It knew it. It sent a message across the galaxy, begging for help. That TeamMate in Slade's office, it was coming for you. And then Kira. It took her, knowing how you felt about her, to show you how it would feel. Because how you feel right now about Kira is how all those families and friends will feel if your plan goes off. [CHARLIE] I don't care. [DOCTOR] I think you do. I think you came here with a plan, but you didn't expect to fall in love. But that's what happens. Use it, Charlie, learn from it, please. [CHARLIE] No! No. If that's the price to change how everyone on Kandoka sees technology, then it is worth it, for the cause. [DOCTOR] This isn't a cause. You're not an activist. This is cold-blooded murder. [CHARLIE] We can't let the systems take control! [DOCTOR] The systems aren't the problem. How people use and exploit the system, that's the problem. People like you. [CHARLIE] I don't care what you think. The delivery goes ahead. [DELIVERY BOTS] Mass delivery procedures initiating. [DOCTOR] Someone grab that controller! [DELIVERY BOTS] Mass delivery procedures initiating. [DOCTOR] What have you done? [CHARLIE] You can't stop it now. [YASMIN] Make it stop! We are not going to let you kill all those innocent people. [DELIVERY BOTS] Destination coordinates locked. Preparing teleport. [GRAHAM] Doc, I hope you've got an idea of how to fix that. [DOCTOR] Not enough time to fix it. Wait. New idea. Oh, not enough time for that either. Maybe worth a go. [GRAHAM] Maybe? [DOCTOR] I mean definitely. Grab the postman's head. [RYAN] What? [DOCTOR] Just like Judy did in the office, do it! Now! I need to stop this. [SLADE] Does she know what she's doing? [YASMIN] Some of the time, definitely. [YASMIN] Oi! Get back here! Stop him. [GRAHAM] Charlie! [CHARLIE] She can't stop it now. Those deliveries are going to be teleported out. I'm sorry. [DOCTOR] Twirly, I need your help. [TWIRLY] Safe mode off. Hello again. Customers with your current medical symptoms browsed blood pressure medication. [DOCTOR] This is important. I've linked you into the new System, to all the delivery bots, and I have a request. [DELIVERY BOTS] How may we help? [DOCTOR] Change of delivery address for every order about to teleport. New address, right here, this hangar, right where we're standing. I want every Kerblam man to deliver to themselves. [DELIVERY BOTS] Delivery orders accepted. [DOCTOR] I want every Kerblam man to open the order they've just delivered to themselves, making sure they do what everybody does with bubble wrap. [DELIVERY BOTS] Orders confirmed. [GRAHAM] Charlie! Get back up here, please. [DELIVERY BOTS] Delivery in process. [CHARLIE] What's going on? [DELIVERY BOTS] Delivery received. [YASMIN] Doctor, they're about to detonate! [DOCTOR] Charlie, last chance. Get out of there now! [DELIVERY BOTS] Opening delivery. Activating bubble wrap. [GRAHAM] Doc, get us out of here. [DELIVERY BOTS] And remember, if you want it, Kerblam it. --------------------------------------- (Reception) [DOCTOR] If you want it, Kerblam it. [SYSTEM] Kerblam is experiencing a momentary technical difficulty. Our expert engineers are already working to get the systems up and running again as quickly and safely as possible. In the meantime, why not consider a personal mindful moment? --------------------------------------- (Home Zone) [SLADE] We're suspending all operations for a month, pending review and while the TeamMates are rebuilding Dispatch. [JUDY] All our workers have been given two weeks' paid leave, free return shuttle transport. And I'm going to propose that Kerblam becomes a People-Led Company in future. Majority organics. People, I mean. We're always looking for good workers to join our management team. [DOCTOR] Er, thanks. We're strictly freelance. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [YASMIN] Doctor, can I make a request? [DOCTOR] Always. [YASMIN] If Dan hadn't have switched scanners, it would have been me in that test room. He saved my life. I want to take this to his daughter. Tell her how much he loved it. [YASMIN] How much he loved her. [DOCTOR] It's the least we can do. [RYAN] Put it down. It's Kerblam bubble wrap. [DOCTOR] Er, you sure you want to pop that?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e07", "title": "Kerblam!"}
Doctor Who (2 Dec 2018; Thirteenth Doctor) - It Takes You Away [GRAHAM] Ah, nice fjord. That is a fjord, innit? Got your bearings yet, Doc? [DOCTOR] Norway. Definitely Norway. One of the frilly bits on the top. [DOCTOR] Stay back! [DOCTOR] It's fine. It's only 2018. I thought we'd leapt into the Woolly Rebellion. [YASMIN] Sorry, what? [DOCTOR] The Woolly Rebellion. In 193 years, there's a total renegotiation of the sheep-human relationship. Utter bloodbath. [GRAHAM] I've always fancied the idea of Norway. What bit's this? [DOCTOR] Don't know. (eats some soil) But twenty five miles away, there's an alpaca farm, and gift-shop with a very low TripAdvisor rating. Soil? [GRAHAM] I'll give it a miss, ta. [RYAN] There's a nice little house down there. [DOCTOR] Oh, yeah. A cottage, in Norway, in winter, with a chimney but no smoke. [GRAHAM] Could be a holiday let. [DOCTOR] Maybe. Shall we take a walk? [GRAHAM] Me and your Nan used to talk about coming to Norway. [RYAN] And what stopped you? [GRAHAM] Well, just never got round to it, you know? --------------------------------------- (Outside the cottage) [GRAHAM] Oh, look at that. Someone got a bit overexcited with the DIY. [YASMIN] Those panels look more like barricades than repairs. Looks like it's been abandoned. [RYAN] Hey, did you see that? Someone's in there. [DOCTOR] Anyone in? [DOCTOR] Quick look? Set our minds at rest. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [DOCTOR] Three locks on a deserted house in the middle of nowhere. [RYAN] Maybe we shouldn't be in here. [YASMIN] There's a child in this house. [GRAHAM] Or some maniac that collects kids' shoes. [DOCTOR] You two, go check upstairs. [GRAHAM] All right. --------------------------------------- (Upstairs) [GRAHAM] Ryan, sweet wrappers. [RYAN] It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. [DOCTOR] Hi. We want to help. What's your name? [GRAHAM] Not hungry, are you? Cos these days I always carry a cheese and pickle sarnie, you know, just for emergencies. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [RYAN] You carry sandwiches with you every time you leave the Tardis? [GRAHAM] Yes, well, I've learned the hard way, ain't I? I mean, we can go a long time without eating and I get a bit cranky with the old low blood sugar level.Now, I always come prepared. [HANNE] Who are you people, and how did you get into our house? [DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor, this is Yaz, Ryan and Graham. We were out walking but we got a bit worried something was wrong here.When you say, our house, who lives here with you? If you don't mind me asking, what's got you so scared? [HANNE] The thing. [YASMIN] What thing, sweetheart? [HANNE] The thing my dad was defending the house from. It got in and took him. [DOCTOR] What did this thing look like? [DOCTOR] What's your name? [HANNE] Hanne. [DOCTOR] Are you blind, Hanne? [HANNE] Please, help me find my dad. --------------------------------------- (Outside the cottage) [HANNE] I heard the thing out here before I went to sleep and, in the morning, my dad was gone. [RYAN] You don't know it actually got in? How do you know your dad didn't just pack up and go? [HANNE] My dad would never just leave me, okay? [YASMIN] Ryan. [RYAN] What? How long's he been gone? [HANNE] Four days. [RYAN] Okay. [YASMIN] Love your top. I'm from Sheffield, same as the Arctic Monkeys. My cousin saw their first-ever gig. [HANNE] My mum saw their first gig in Norway. This T-shirt was hers. [DOCTOR] Where is your mum, Hanne? [HANNE] She died. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry to hear that. You must miss her. [HANNE] All the time. So does my dad. [YASMIN] Of course. And I think what Ryan meant to say was, obviously your dad would never want to leave you, but what if he went out to work or something, and got lost, or hurt? [HANNE] He quit work when we left Oslo. And our boat's still here. I walked down and checked. [HANNE] We need to get inside. It always comes out around now. [DOCTOR] The same time every day? [HANNE] That's when it hunts. [GRAHAM] Poor kid. [RYAN] You're not buying that? Her dad's done a runner and she's making this monster stuff up. [DOCTOR] Let's not make any assumptions. You two, have a look in the shed. Graham, let's check out the house. Don't be out here too long. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [GRAHAM] Do you miss the city? [HANNE] Sometimes. But my dad wanted a change after my mum died. [GRAHAM] So, what, he came here, to get away from all the memories? [HANNE] Yeah. And it had been empty for ages, so it was cheap. [DOCTOR] Was it your dad who put these boards and locks everywhere? [HANNE] The day before he disappeared. I told him he was mad. There's nobody for miles. But he just said, there are worse things out there than people. --------------------------------------- (Outbuilding) [YASMIN] Urgh! What's that smell? [RYAN] I don't think I want to know. [YASMIN] (laughs) Did you just yelp? [RYAN] A row of dead birds ain't normal. [YASMIN] Normal for Norway, maybe. [RYAN] You were great with her back there. I'm rubbish with kids. [YASMIN] I've had training. You have to reinforce whatever it is that makes them feel safe. Ryan... [RYAN] What are they? Animal traps? --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [HANNE] It's coming! --------------------------------------- (Outside the cottage) [RYAN] Doctor! Doctor! [DOCTOR] Did you see it? [YASMIN] No. But Hanne's dad did. [RYAN] He's got a shedload of them in the... shed. And that's not normal, even for Norway. [DOCTOR] What is that thing? [RYAN] I dunno, but it sounds like it's coming from the woods. [DOCTOR] Inside. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [DOCTOR] We need to secure the house. Yaz, Ryan, block the back door. Graham, take look-out from the upstairs window. [GRAHAM] On it. [HANNE] It takes you away, it takes you away, it takes you away... [DOCTOR] Hanne, listen to me. Whatever is out there, we will keep you safe. [HANNE] But it takes you away. --------------------------------------- (Upstairs) [DOCTOR [OC]] See anything? [GRAHAM] Nothing yet. [RYAN] Whoa! [GRAHAM] Argh! Don't do that! [RYAN] Why are we not in the mirror? [GRAHAM] I don't know. [RYAN] We'd know if we were vampires, right? [GRAHAM] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Oh, what's that noise? [DOCTOR] Get away from the mirror, both of you. [DOCTOR] Keep back. [GRAHAM] Hey, we're there. [RYAN] What just happened? [DOCTOR] Not entirely sure but I really don't like it. Did you see it change? What happened here? [GRAHAM] I just heard this noise. I come over to the mirror and I wasn't reflected in it. [GRAHAM] There it is again! And that noise. [DOCTOR] Nobody move. [DOCTOR] Locked it, mid-whatever it was doing. Can I just say, I love my sonic. Now. When is a mirror not a mirror? [DOCTOR] Oh, wow, wow. Oh! I'm okay. Mostly. Bit of a head wonk. Otherwise, I'm totally fine. Solid seven out of ten. Six and a half at a push. [HANNE] What was the noise? [YASMIN] The whole house started to vibrate. [DOCTOR] Hi, Yaz. Hi, Hanne. Lots going on. [HANNE] Was it the thing outside? [DOCTOR] No. This mirror in your dad's bedroom seems to be a portal. [YASMIN] When you say a portal... [DOCTOR] A doorway to another world, or dimension, or who knows what. But let me tell you, it really messes you up. [HANNE] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] I know. Big thing to find out. I should've broken it to you a bit more gently. But, like I said, head wonk. [GRAHAM] Whatever's in the woods, could it have come through this portal? [DOCTOR] Possibly. Don't know. I didn't see much. I need to take a proper look. [GRAHAM] Hey, Doc. Do you think it's safe? [DOCTOR] I doubt it. It's a juddering dimensional portal in a mirror in a Norwegian bedroom. [YASMIN] I'm coming with you. [GRAHAM] Me too. [RYAN] So am I. [HANNE] And me. Whatever's happening, I'm staying with you. [DOCTOR] I can't let you do that, Hanne. I don't know what's through there. You're safe here. Your dad made sure of that.Also, I need you to keep protecting this house from whatever's outside. Ryan'll stay here with you. [RYAN] Oh, what? [HANNE] Not him. [RYAN] Hey, what's that for? [DOCTOR] Both of you, stay clear of the mirror. It's already tried to lure in Graham. [RYAN] Yeah. [GRAHAM] Eh? I wasn't lured. It's not like I gave it my credit card details. [DOCTOR] This is a map of the house with its most vulnerable points. Make sure you take care of them. [RYAN] Yeah. [DOCTOR] What's your dad's name, Hanne? [HANNE] Erik. You will find him, won't you? [DOCTOR] I'll do everything I can. [GRAHAM] I'm really not sure this is a good idea. Oh, here we go! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [GRAHAM] I can barely see a thing. [DOCTOR] Some sort of space-time portal has latched onto that mirror, but it shouldn't look like that, all these weird shards of light. It's like the portal's been pulled in half. By rights, we should've stepped into another world.YASMIN [DOCTOR] Not according to my readings. [GRAHAM] Are we still in Norway or not? [YASMIN] How Nordic does this look to you? [GRAHAM] Not very. [DOCTOR] Let's look around, carefully. [GRAHAM] Hey, Doc, there's some lights around that rock. [DOCTOR] Nice spot, Graham. Both of you, stay close. Let's make sure we can find our ways back. [GRAHAM] Is that string? Very hi-tech. [DOCTOR] Hi. Sorry to bother you. Have you seen either a very loud creature heading that way, or a Norwegian human possibly heading the other way?Name of Erik, the human. His daughter's missing him. [RIBBONS] Such tragedy. Makes me hungry. No. [DOCTOR] Fine. If you can't help us, can we have your lantern? Cos you seem to have a monopoly on light here. [RIBBONS] No charity. Only trade. [RIBBONS] Away! Lantern not yours. [GRAHAM] All right. I was only looking. [YASMIN] Take it easy. [RIBBONS] Bird is lunch. Maybe codger is tea. [GRAHAM] Who are you calling a codger? It's you who stinks of your own wee. [RIBBONS] That's not my wee.(The Doctor holds out the Sheffield sonic as if it is a weapon.) [DOCTOR] Let him go, cos you do not want those words to be your last ones. [RIBBONS] Madam, my name is Ribbons of the Seven Stomachs. I so want your tubular. Such a shiny tubular. Because Ribbons did see the man you seek, trade is now possible. With this tubular, you can buy this tasty information. Plus one lantern. [DOCTOR] What did he look like, this man? [RIBBONS] No horns, one mouth. So ugly, like you. But such nice big boots. [DOCTOR] So he's alive. Was anyone with him? Or any thing? [RIBBONS] You find when I take you. But only with payment. Tubular, please. Now. [DOCTOR] Payment on delivery. And leave the knife here. [GRAHAM] Hey, Doc, you're not going to give him the sonic, are you? Look, he's got a belt full of massive dead rats with six legs. [YASMIN] Graham's right. For all we know, he took Erik. And now you want us to follow that nutter into the dark? [DOCTOR] No, I want you to follow this nutter into the dark. There's three of us and only one of him. Not counting the rats. [RIBBONS] Important to stay quiet, friends. Here, light, in good faith. Follow Ribbons to missing Daddy. --------------------------------------- (Upstairs) [RYAN] Have you always been blind? [HANNE] Basically. I can see light if it's super close. [RYAN] Ah. Must be hard. [HANNE] I don't need you to feel sorry for me. [RYAN] Why don't you like me? [HANNE] You thought my dad would leave me. [RYAN] Okay, I'm sorry. I was wrong. [HANNE] Which bit of the house is weakest on the map? [RYAN] Er, the conservatory. I mean, I mean the porch. [HANNE] That's not a map, is it? It sounded like she was writing something. [RYAN] It's totally a map. [HANNE] What are you hiding from me? I want to go with them. [RYAN] The Doctor told us to stay here. [HANNE] I want my dad! Let go of me! [HANNE] Hey, give me that key. You can't just grab me and drag me around. I could call the police. [RYAN] What, and tell them about the monster? Or the portal in the mirror? How's that going to help? [HANNE] It's not cool you lying to me about what she wrote on the wall. [HANNE] That was closer. [RYAN] How about we stop arguing and re-check our defences? --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Where exactly are you taking us, Ribbons? [RIBBONS] Relax. Enjoy Ribbons. [DOCTOR] Oh, we are. So tell us about these lanterns you're so proud of. [RIBBONS] My design. The only light here. [DOCTOR] Where is here? [RIBBONS] Information is sadly so expensive. You don't have such credit. [DOCTOR] But you live here, presumably? I mean, given there's a portal right where we found you and you've chosen not to use it. [RIBBONS] Oh, you ask the clever questions. I bet your brain tastes so delicious. [DOCTOR] What's that? [RIBBONS] Flesh moth. Your fault. Keep still. [YASMIN] That is one vicious moth. [RIBBONS] Won't hurt clothes, but they strip the meat off your bones. Luckily anything can be distracted with a little bit of food.Onwards, friends. Ribbons will clear and follow. --------------------------------------- (Outside the cottage) [RYAN] Oh, you've got to be kidding me. [RYAN] Why would you do that? Hanne! --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [RYAN] Hanne, you don't need to be scared, there's no creature out there. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [YASMIN] I've totally lost my bearings. It's like some kind of maze, this. [DOCTOR] Is this is where you saw Erik? [RIBBONS] Oh, no, no, no, no. Ribbons presents your weakest negotiating position. [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? [RIBBONS] Sadly, you have no umbilical. [DOCTOR] No Erik, no sonic. [RIBBONS] Oh. [GRAHAM] Argh! [DOCTOR] Two knives. Of course he's got two knives. [RIBBONS] All we have here is such renegotiation. You have no way home. I can show you, but such delicious showing costs more. [GRAHAM] My God, how can you smell worse than last time? [RIBBONS] Flesh moth is following. We must get rid of it or more will come. Final rat. Not biting. [YASMIN] Can't we ditch the lantern? [RIBBONS] No. Dark is worse. [DOCTOR] What is this place, Ribbons? [RIBBONS] Antizone. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [YASMIN] Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? [DOCTOR] An antizone is a thing the universe makes wherever the fabric of Space-Time is threatened. Like a protective buffer zone to keep threats at bay.And we're in the middle of it. How did you even get here, Ribbons? [RIBBONS] Always been here. [DOCTOR] Ah! [YASMIN] What's happening? [RIBBONS] Flesh moths summoning its swarm. Signal kills my lantern. Too many will come now! You should run. My tubular now! [GRAHAM] No, you don't, sunshine! How's that for an old codger, hey, two knives? [RIBBONS] Silence. They are here. [DOCTOR] Yaz, Graham, do not move a muscle. He wanted us to run. So stay completely still. [DOCTOR] No, Ribbons, don't! [RIBBONS] No, not me! Attack the anomalies, not me! Argh! [DOCTOR] Nice and quiet. Now run! [YASMIN] Keep going, there's a light ahead. [GRAHAM] There's the portal. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [GRAHAM] What was that? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but I think we're safe for now. [YASMIN] Hey, have they moved things around in here? Everything looks different. [DOCTOR] I don't think that was the same portal we came in through. [GRAHAM] But if that wasn't the same portal, how we are back in this bedroom? [DOCTOR] Looks to me like we've ended up the other side of the mirror. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [RYAN] Hanne! --------------------------------------- (Living room) [DOCTOR] Not interrupting, are we? [ERIK] Ah! [DOCTOR] Ah! [ERIK] What are you doing in my house? [DOCTOR] What are you doing in your house? And how is this your house, Erik? It can't be, can it?! [ERIK] Who are you and how do you know my name? [DOCTOR] Put that down. We just came through an antizone, sent by your abandoned daughter, and it wasn't much fun. [ERIK] Hanne's not abandoned. [GRAHAM] Oh, yes, she is, mate. She's scared and hungry and thinks you've been abducted. [ERIK] She's a teenager. There's food in the freezer. She's fine without me. [GRAHAM] There's a monster on the loose in the woods outside your house. [ERIK] No, there isn't. [DOCTOR] You seem very sure about that. [ERIK] It's just recordings so she doesn't go out up into the hills. [DOCTOR] You turned your house into a fortress to keep your daughter scared? [ERIK] To keep her safe, while I'm gone. [YASMIN] That is a shocking bit of parenting. [DOCTOR] You knew you were coming here. [YASMIN] So why did you make the bear traps? [ERIK] Because there are bears. No monster, but the occasional bear. Look, thanks for coming. I'll go back soon, but you can go now. [GRAHAM] I'm going to hit him. [YASMIN] No you're not. I am. [DOCTOR] Nobody's going to hit anyone. Long day. Flesh Moths and antizones. Now, who else is here, Erik? Who don't you want us to see? [ERIK] I don't know what you mean. [DOCTOR] Yes, you do. Two plates. [TRINE] Hi. I'm Trine, Erik's wife. [DOCTOR] Erik! You got mirror married? [ERIK] No. Trine is Hanne's mum. [GRAHAM] Hanne's mum's dead. [TRINE] In your world, I am. But not here. [TRINE] What are you doing? [YASMIN] Is this some kind of alternate reality where Trine doesn't die? [DOCTOR] I don't know what this is. [TRINE] Neither do I. I mean, I died. I remember it. But here I am. [ERIK] She can't leave. We've tried, but she can't go through the mirror. I know I stayed away from Hanne too long, but I kept thinking, what if I go and I can't come back? I can't lose Trine again. [GRAHAM] You've got get your priorities straight, mate. Your daughter needs you. Come on. [TRINE] Don't you want to see your friend? [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? [TRINE] She got here when you did. --------------------------------------- (Garden) [DOCTOR] All right? [GRAHAM] I know that sound. [GRACE] Graham O'Brien. You'd better tell me right now what's going on. [GRAHAM] Don't do this to me. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [RYAN] Don't move. Stand really still. It's me, Ryan. All right, er, I'm just going to sort something. Then we're going to move together. There's a light stashed here. [RYAN] All right, just hold my sleeve. [HANNE] Where are we? [RYAN] No idea. Stay close. All right. [HANNE] Tell me what you can see. [RYAN] Well, there's kind of a cave. A nice cave, though. You ever been to the Peak District? Bit like that. [HANNE] Ryan, you're lying to me. I'm sorry for slamming the door on you. I had to get in here to find my dad. [RYAN] Fine. You want the truth? The monsters in the woods were just recordings. I reckon your dad did that to keep you inside. He should've just got Wi-Fi. [HANNE] He lied to me? [RYAN] Yeah. [HANNE] And now you're lying to me about how bad it is in here. [RYAN] I'm trying to look after you. --------------------------------------- (By the log store) [GRACE] I know this sounds daft but, am I real? That creature on t'crane. It killed me. But now, I'm here with you. I don't understand. [GRAHAM] No. Neither do I. [GRACE] Why are you being so off with me? [GRAHAM] Because this is isn't possible. [GRACE] I know. But I'm here, love. I'm real. [GRAHAM] If you're Grace, tell me everything about this necklace. [GRACE] It's mine. You gave it to me two Christmases ago. Same year Ryan got me a different frog necklace. Cos I like frogs.And you two didn't check with each other before you went shopping. And you're wearing it as a way of keeping me close. [GRAHAM] This isn't fair. This has to be a trick. You... you can't be her. [GRACE] I feel like me. --------------------------------------- (Garden) [YASMIN] That can't be Grace. Can it? [DOCTOR] No. And you can't be Erik's wife. [TRINE] I know. But we are, aren't we? --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [DOCTOR] All right, no need to panic. [YASMIN] I wasn't panicking. [DOCTOR] I know, I was talking to myself. Cos all this is very wrong. Right, what do we know? This mirror is a direct portal between two worlds.We went into it in the real world. We came out of it in this world. But that antizone sprung up in the middle, splitting the portal in two. [YASMIN] The buffer zone between the two worlds. [DOCTOR] Exactly, cos antizones only exist where the fabric of the universe is under huge, terrible threat. Oh. So that means that one must be to stop this world and your world from ever touching. Wait, but that means that this world is dangerous. But how can it be dangerous? Also, what even has the power to create a copy world like this? Unless... Oh, no actual way! [YASMIN] No actual way, what? [DOCTOR] I've told you about the Solitract, right? [YASMIN] Literally never heard the word before. Solitract? [DOCTOR] Solitract! It's a theory, a myth, a bedtime story my gran used to tell me. [YASMIN] You had a grandmother? [DOCTOR] I had seven, but Granny Five, my favourite, used to tell me about the Solitract. Cos in the beginning - pre-Time, pre-everything - all the laws and elements and nuts and bolts of the universe were there. Light, matter, maths, and so on. But they couldn't fit together properly, because the Solitract was there. [YASMIN] So what is the Solitract? [DOCTOR] A consciousness, an energy. Our reality cannot work with Solitract energy present. The most basic ideas of the universe just get ruined. Think of it like a kid with chicken pox - nuclear chicken pox - who wants to join in but always ends up infecting everyone else. Our universe cannot work with the Solitract in it. [YASMIN] Your gran told you this as a bedtime story? [DOCTOR] Only when I had trouble sleeping. So, what did our universe do? It managed to exile the Solitract to a separate, unreachable existence. The Solitract plane.And suddenly, everything makes sense. The universe could finally work because the Solitract had been removed. [YASMIN] Hang on. Are you saying we're now on the Solitract plane? [DOCTOR] I wish I wasn't but I think I am. I'm scared. Are you scared? I'm genuinely terrified! [YASMIN] This is a separate exiled universe that is also a consciousness. [DOCTOR] That's what Granny Five said. A conscious universe. She also said that Granny Two was a secret agent for the Zygons, but she seems bang on with this one. But why? Why has the Solitract copied your world, including Grace and Trine, and built a doorway to our universe? [YASMIN] When you put it like that, it sounds like a trap. --------------------------------------- (By the log store) [GRACE] What are you doing in Norway? [GRAHAM] It's the Doc's ship. Oh, you'd love it, Grace. It's this old police box, and inside it's like a massive spaceship. It goes everywhere and anywhere. [GRACE] She were telling the truth that night. [GRAHAM] You remember everything, right? [GRACE] Course I remember everything. [GRAHAM] Yeah. I've been to an alien planet, Grace. Me. And I've met Rosa Parks. [GRACE] Rosa Parks? [GRAHAM] I know! [GRACE] Sounds like you're doing fine without me. [GRAHAM] I'm lost, Grace. I miss you. All my life, I was looking for you. Then I found you and I was so happy. [GRACE] That makes two of us. [GRAHAM] And then I lost you. [GRACE] I'm here. [GRAHAM] Yeah. I miss you so much. I miss you so much, Grace. [DOCTOR] Graham, we're off. Now. [GRAHAM] Fine. Yeah. Come on, Grace. [DOCTOR] Yeah, sorry to be blunt. Hi, Grace. That's not Grace. No offence, Grace. [GRACE] None taken, love. [DOCTOR] She can't come, Graham. She's not real. [GRAHAM] Oh, I think you're wrong. [DOCTOR] I'm not wrong. [GRAHAM] She remembers everything. [DOCTOR] I know this is difficult. [GRAHAM] I mean, all the crazy things you've seen, Doc, I mean, you can't tell me that you know it's not her. [DOCTOR] This whole thing is a con. I don't think even Grace knows it. I think this whole world is a trap, and she's part of it. Listen to me. It's her or the real world. You can't have both. Please, get inside. We're going. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [DOCTOR] I need to get this open and get Graham and Erik out of here. Oh, it won't budge! It must be controlled by the Solitract. Oh, and I can't force it with the sonic like before, because it's clever and it's adapting. [YASMIN] What if you do something it hasn't dealt with before, like reverse the polarity or something? [DOCTOR] Yasmin Khan, you speak my language. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [RYAN] Keep running, Hanne! In here! In here! Get down. Get down. --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [DOCTOR] I think we're good to go. [YASMIN] Nice work, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Thank you, I do my best. Graham, Erik, time to go! [GRAHAM] Come on, love. [YASMIN] Graham, you heard what the Doctor said. [GRAHAM] Grace, come on. [GRACE] I'm not sure. [DOCTOR] I can't hold it open much longer. Graham, Yaz, Erik, now please! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [RYAN] Run! There's the portal straight ahead. I'll distract them! --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [DOCTOR] What are you doing here? [ERIK] Hanne, it's me. [HANNE] I heard my dad! [ERIK] It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. [HANNE] Where are we? What's happening? [DOCTOR] The portal's adapted again. I can't open it. [ERIK] I've got a surprise for you. It's your mum, Hanne. She's alive. [HANNE] What? [TRINNE] Hanne. Oh, my gorgeous girl. [HANNE] I don't know who you are, but you are not my mum. [HANNE] Ryan? Ryan! [YASMIN] Ryan's not here. Wait, was he in the antizone with you? [HANNE] He's still in there with those things. [DOCTOR] The portal's shut and Ryan's still in there. [GRAHAM] Well, get it... get it open. We've got to help him. [GRACE] No! [GRAHAM] What you mean, no? [DOCTOR] This world is falling apart because of us still being here. You and us are still totally incompatible. Erik being here may have been manageable, but five of us? That's a lot more incompatible stuff! You've gone over capacity. You need to let us go now. [TRINE] Is it me or is this woman completely mad? [GRAHAM] Grace and Trine aren't doing this. [DOCTOR] Of course they are. They're made of Solitract energy. Hanne can sense it, why can't you? Why? What did you build this all for? Oh, I'm dumb. Of course. You want the same thing you've always wanted. To be with us. So you've built a world you thought we'd like, and taken forms we won't reject. [GRACE] Don't listen to her, love. [YASMIN] Don't take advantage of him. You're not Grace. The real Grace was a beautiful smiling superstar. And you know what she was above all else? She was brave. And she'd be leading the charge through that mirror. [DOCTOR] Yaz! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [YASMIN] Argh! Ryan! Ryan! --------------------------------------- (Bedroom) [TRINE] How did I do that? [DOCTOR] Oh, I think you know. [HANNE] I want to go home. [TRINE] Hanne. Don't be scared. Erik, tell her it's okay. [ERIK] Hanne, we're in a place, and it's close enough to home. We can stay. I wouldn't ask you to stay if it wasn't safe. [HANNE] You would, Dad. You're not well. You haven't been since Mum died. You're not my mum. Whatever you are, I hate you. Now, let me out! [DOCTOR] Graham, Yaz and Hanne have shown us how to do this. Ryan is out there in danger, and this place is collapsing in. [GRAHAM] Doc, I know what you're asking me to do. I just... I just can't do it. [DOCTOR] She's not your wife. She's furniture with a pulse. [GRACE] She doesn't know. She can't know. [DOCTOR] Graham, please. I know how hard this is for you. But let her go or we're all going to die. [DOCTOR] I know, deep down, you still blame yourself for what happened to Grace. It was not your fault. Please, reject her, because you know that is not Grace. [GRACE] Don't leave me, love. Not again. [GRAHAM] What about Ryan? He's in trouble out there, love. [GRACE] He'll be fine. He's a smart lad. [DOCTOR] This reality's collapsing, Graham! [GRAHAM] So close. You were so close. You see, Grace would never let me leave Ryan in danger. You're a fake. I wish you weren't, but you are. [DOCTOR] Oh, Grace. [ERIK] What happened to her? [DOCTOR] Surplus to requirements. Now do you believe me? Erik, this woman is clearly an alien force collapsing two realities and impersonating your dead wife. Time to move on, mate. [ERIK] But I can't. [DOCTOR] No. Of course you can't. Fine. Congratulations. Erik wants you. Just one thing. This world is falling apart. I reckon you can only keep one of us. You sure he's your best option? Cos the Solitract doesn't want a husband, you want a whole universe. Someone who has seen it all, and that's me. I've lived longer, seen more, loved more and lost more. I can share it all with you. Anything you want to know about what you never had. Cos he's an idiot with a daughter who needs him. So let him go and I will give you everything. [ERIK] You're not Trine. [DOCTOR] Finally, Erik. [DOCTOR] You can stop being Trine now, cos this universe is going critical. If it blows, it'll take out the antizone and my universe too! [DOCTOR] Er, why is there a frog in here? [SOLITRACT] You said I could stop being Trine. [DOCTOR] The Solitract is a frog? Who talks like Grace? [SOLITRACT] My own form is endless, but this frog is a form that delights me, as it once delighted Grace. [DOCTOR] Ah, and there's me thinking the day had no more surprises left. [SOLITRACT] Now, please, tell me of your universe. [DOCTOR] You think words can do it justice? It's really big... and incredibly beautiful. And, apparently, I've just said goodbye to it. But the thing I'm going to miss the most is the people. My friends. [SOLITRACT] I will be that. We will be that. Friends! [DOCTOR] Right, me and a conscious universe masquerading as a frog, BFFs. [DOCTOR] Whoa! Did you just see that? Cos I wouldn't be much of a friend to you if I didn't point out you're not in control of this. [SOLITRACT] You're wrong. This is my plane. I control everything here. [DOCTOR] So you can see that it's still destabilising? Me being here is going to kill us both. You may want us to be together, but it's not working. It can never work. [SOLITRACT] You're lying to me because you want to leave. [DOCTOR] No. I'm your friend. But friends help each other face up to their problems, not avoid them. This is... You are the maddest, most beautiful thing I've ever experienced, and I haven't even scratched the surface. I wish I could stay. But if either of us are going to survive, you're going to have to let me go and keep on being brilliant by yourself. [SOLITRACT] I miss you. I miss it all so much. [DOCTOR] I know. But if you do this, I promise, you and I will be friends forever. You have to let me go. [SOLITRACT] I will dream of you out there without me. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Ah! Thrown by a frog! Brilliant! Oh, er. [GRAHAM] Flaming rocks! I'm never coming here again! [RYAN] Graham! [GRAHAM] Ryan, you're safe! [RYAN] I got you, Graham. [GRAHAM] The whole place is disintegrating! Keep going! There's the portal! [RYAN] What about the Doctor? Where's the Doctor? [DOCTOR] Coming through! --------------------------------------- (Upstairs) [HANNE] Are we safe? [DOCTOR] From the Solitract, yes. Don't know if it survived. But it won't be coming back here. Shame. Made a new friend, a whole conscious universe, then I had to say goodbye. --------------------------------------- (By the log store) [DOCTOR] What do you think you'll do? [ERIK] It's time we went home. It's not good for any one of us to be here now. [HANNE] To Oslo? [ERIK] Oslo, yes. To our flat, and some Wi-Fi, and friends. [HANNE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Any time. [YASMIN] Bye. [RYAN] Bye, Hanne. [DOCTOR] Come on, Graham. (walking off) It is a very nice fjord. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [DOCTOR] I see the sheep have moved on, probably off plotting. Come on! [RYAN] All right? [GRAHAM] All right. [RYAN] Yaz said you saw Nan in there. [GRAHAM] Yeah. I thought, maybe... But it wasn't her. Not really. [RYAN] Must hurt. [GRAHAM] Yeah. [RYAN] I miss her, too. All the time. But at least we've got each other, eh? Grandad. [GRAHAM] What did you just call me? [RYAN] Why, you going deaf in your old age? Come on. Tardis.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s37", "episode": "e09", "title": "It Takes You Away"}
Doctor Who (10 Sep, 1966; First Doctor) - The Smugglers (Tardis) [POLLY] Good heavens! [BEN] Blimey, where did all this come from? Well, it was a police box,wasn't it? [DOCTOR] What are you both doing in here? [POLLY] You dropped your key. [DOCTOR] How dare you follow me into the Tardis! [BEN] The what? [DOCTOR] The Tardis, sir! This is a vessel for travelling through timeand space! Why did you follow me? [POLLY] I'm terribly sorry if we've annoyed you, Doctor. It was myfault, I'm afraid. [BEN] Well, what's all this then. [DOCTOR] And stand back from those controls. Those controls are used fordematerialising. [BEN] Dematerialising? What does that mean? [DOCTOR] You and this young lady are experiencing it. You are nowtravelling through time and space. [BEN] Yeah, well, make sure that I get back by teatime, Doctor. I've gotto get back to my ship by tonight. [DOCTOR] Young man, it's going to be a long time before you see yourship again. [BEN] Hey? [POLLY] Why? When are we going to land? [DOCTOR] I don't know. That's the cause of half my troubles through myjourneys. I never know. [POLLY] Why not? [DOCTOR] I have no control over where I land. Neither can I choose theperiod in which I land in. Oh, now, you see that scanner? That is whatI call a scanner up there. We get a very good view of the outside. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. I think we've landed in some sort of caves. [BEN] Yeah, well, thanks for the home movies, Doctor. Now if you'd justopen these doors. [DOCTOR] Wait, wait, wait, young man, we don't know where we are. Wedon't know if it's safe or what period we're in. [BEN] Well, I'll take a little bet with you, ay? London, 1966, FitzroySquare. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's quite normal. Yes, the temperature's allright. Well, I think you can leave, but watch your step. [POLLY] What a relief. You had me nervous for a minute, Doctor. Come on,Ben. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, all this distraction. And I really thought I was goingto be alone again. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [BEN] Crikey, look! [POLLY] Ben, I'm scared. What's happened to us? [BEN] I don't know. Maybe he's some kind of hypnotist. Pinch me. Ow! Notthat hard. Hey, wait a minute. [BEN] What did you do that for? [DOCTOR] I never leave it unlocked, my boy. [POLLY] Doctor, you must take us back. [DOCTOR] I'm not going to take you back to London in the Tardis. [BEN] Well, you refuse, hey? [DOCTOR] My dear young man. [BEN] Oh, come on Polly. We'll find our own way back. [DOCTOR] Well, I suppose I shall have to chase after them. Quiteincapable of looking after themselves. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [BEN] Look at this! [POLLY] I don't believe it. Hey, isn't it exciting! [BEN] Well, it might be if I wasn't so pushed for time. Come on. [POLLY] But it's a super place. Whee! [DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder. Yes, I wonder. [BEN] Crumbs. [POLLY] Ben, it's smashing! [BEN] It'd be a lot nicer with a few houses and a bus stop. Got any ideawhere we are? [POLLY] Looks like Cornwall to me. [BEN] Cornwall? Are you sure? [POLLY] Looks like it, me handsome. [BEN] Oh, I don't know what this is about. All I know is I've got to getback to barracks. Come on, it'll take hours from here. [POLLY] All right. Are you coming with us, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes! You may know where you are, my dears, but notwhen. Oh, I can foresee oodles of trouble. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, I suppose I'd better follow them. See that they don'tget into any harm. --------------------------------------- (Cliff top) [BEN] Here, look, there's a church. [POLLY] So we are in our own time, after all. [BEN] Yeah. You didn't really believe all that nonsense about past andfuture, did you? [DOCTOR] We can't be too sure, my boy. [BEN] Sure? There are millions of churches like that. [DOCTOR] Oh, good gracious, most of them have been standing there forcenturies. [BEN] Yeah, well so have we here. Come on, I've got a train to catch. [POLLY] Sorry Doctor, but we'd better find a station. We can talk on thetrain. [DOCTOR] Oh, talk on the train, child. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [POLLY] No use, I can't read it. [BEN] You'd think there'd be a few houses or something. I bet it's milesto a bus. [DOCTOR] Well, there doesn't seem to appear any Victorian restoration. Ithink it could be any time after the 16th century. [BEN] Only it's not. It's good old nineteen sixty six. [DOCTOR] Well I don't think so, somehow. [LONGFOOT] Hold fast, I say! [POLLY] Oh, please. Would you put that gun away? [LONGFOOT] Hold thy tongue, lad! [LONGFOOT] You seem to be a gentleman, but why on foot with these ladsas company? [DOCTOR] Well, we stopped aside, sir, on our journey to walk along thecliffs and unfortunately we got lost. [LONGFOOT] Thou art foreign? [DOCTOR] No, no. We don't come from this part of the country. [LONGFOOT] And there's no more of ye than this? [DOCTOR] No, just the three of us. You see, we are travellers lookingfor shelter. [LONGFOOT] And you came by road and not from the sea? [DOCTOR] No, sir. Not by sea. [LONGFOOT] Very well. I cannot give thee shelter but I can give theesustenance and direction. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [LONGFOOT] Come. [BEN] Well, he's a right one. What gear's he got on? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid you're going to lose your bet, young man. Thatgentleman comes from the seventeenth century. [BEN] Seventeenth century? --------------------------------------- (Church vestry) [LONGFOOT] There's the brandy. [POLLY] Oh, I'll just have a little water, thank you. [DOCTOR] No, we don't touch it. I wonder if you could direct us to thenearest inn. We seek shelter. [LONGFOOT] In time. In good time. I don't know thee, do I? [DOCTOR] No, I don't think we've met before, no. [LONGFOOT] Aye, 'tis true. And you've seen no others on the road? Noships upon the sea? [BEN] Nah. Didn't see a blind thing. Expecting someone are you? [LONGFOOT] Speak when thee spoke to, sir! [BEN] Well, I was only trying [DOCTOR] Ah, Ben, Ben, Ben. No, sir, we met nobody and saw nothing. Areyou, er, expecting some friends? [LONGFOOT] Avery's boys are no friends of mine. Never said that. [DOCTOR] Avery? [LONGFOOT] You know not that name? Oh, then you're the happier for it. [DOCTOR] And you are expecting this Avery? [LONGFOOT] Him? Why, he's been buried these long years past. Ah, but hisspirit rides. Aye, in the dark souls of those who follow in his wake. [BEN] Was he a sailor? [LONGFOOT] Who mentioned sailor? What would I know about the sea? I buttend this church. [POLLY] Are you a priest then? [LONGFOOT] A priest? The word of God touched me too late, boy. I'm theChurchwarden here. Name of Joseph Longfoot, Christian. [DOCTOR] You appear to be afraid, sir. Can we help? [LONGFOOT] Ye help? Against Pike's hook? No, thee cannot help. [POLLY] Pike's hook? What's that? [LONGFOOT] The blackest name I know, boy. So never say it to me faceagain! [DOCTOR] Oh your hand, sir. Are you in pain? [LONGFOOT] Nah. 'Tis naught. The finger's but bent. It'll mend. [DOCTOR] Dislocated. [LONGFOOT] Cured! Oh, your blessed hand [DOCTOR] Oh 'tis naught, 'tis naught, my dear chap. Have another drink.We must be on our way. Goodbye. [LONGFOOT] No, no, don't leave me yet. [BEN] Well we must go, we've got to get back to the (gets a Look) to thebeach. [LONGFOOT] The beach? There is no beach. The tide'll be in. [BEN] The tide! [DOCTOR] Ah, yes, of course, I remember now. Yes, yes, yes. We have towait until the tide recedes. [POLLY] Come on, let's hurry. [DOCTOR] We could, of course, stay, if you wish. [LONGFOOT] No, this is no place for gentleman and lads. Go thy way. Goquickly while ye may. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [BEN] We must be in the seventeenth Century. [DOCTOR] Well, thank you for your diligence, sir, and, the kindness ofyour [LONGFOOT] Thou art a real gentleman. Go thy way quickly. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you. [LONGFOOT] Hey! A moment, sir. While at the inn, take care I say. Guardthy tongue. Think only of thy comfort and thy needs. [DOCTOR] Yes. We only need shelter for the night. [LONGFOOT] Heed my words. Be watchful. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Goodbye. [LONGFOOT] Goodbye. Hey! One more word, sir. If you should come this wayagain and find me gone, remember these words. This is Deadman's secretkey. Smallwood, Ringwood, Gurney. [DOCTOR] But what to? What's the purpose, sir? [LONGFOOT] It's a secret worth remembering. [DOCTOR] Yes. [LONGFOOT] For this kindness [DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you indeed. And I think that's going to be allright now. Yes. Goodbye, sir, goodbye. Come along. [POLLY] Goodbye. Thank you. [LONGFOOT] God bless. --------------------------------------- (Inn stables) [KEWPER] Tom! [TOM] Aye, Master? [KEWPER] There's business afoot. A message for the Churchwarden tonight. [TOM] But I, I [KEWPER] Go do as you're bid, boy! [TOM] Aye, sir. [KEWPER] Tell him, tell him that Kewper has had word from friends. [TOM] Down the coast? [KEWPER] A delivery can be expected soon. I'll tell him further whenI've made arrangements. [TOM] I'll tell him. Can I take the mare? [KEWPER] Aye, and go now before the storm breaks. --------------------------------------- (Inn) [DOCTOR] You're the landlord, I presume, hmm? [KEWPER] Aye, Jacob Kewper. And I've no rooms. We're full. [DOCTOR] Oh, we only want rooms for the night, my friend. [KEWPER] Strangers are not welcome in these parts. Nor are they alwayswhat they seem. [POLLY] That's more or less what the Churchwarden said. [DOCTOR] Yes. [KEWPER] Say that? [DOCTOR] The Churchwarden said you could probably put us up for thenight, but it appears that he was wrong. [KEWPER] If he said that, you'll know his name. [DOCTOR] Longfoot, sir, Joseph Longfoot. Now surely that name meanssomething to you? [KEWPER] A friend of his is welcome, sir, but not so strange travellers.Your pardon, sir. [DOCTOR] Granted, granted. Now, rooms, a meal, something hot for us.Surely that's possible? [KEWPER] It is, sir, and you'll be wanting dry clothes for the morningtoo, ay? [DOCTOR] Ah, yes, yes indeed, yes. For the lads. And I think I shall beable to dry myself out with that lovely fire. [KEWPER] It'll be done, sir. [BEN] Well, my lad? [POLLY] Ha, ha, very funny. I do wish everyone would stop calling melad. It does make me feel very odd. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I think it better at the moment, my dear. What wouldthey say to a maiden in trousers? [BEN] Probably die laughing. [POLLY] You would think it funny, You and your bell-bottom sense ofhumour. [BEN] Oh, listen to our little dolly-rocker Duchess, then. [DOCTOR] Watch your tongue, dear boy. [KEWPER] I hope these will serve, man. [POLLY] Oh, thank you very much. Thank you. Come on, help me sort theseout. [BEN] Look, Doctor, what I want to know is, how are you going to get usout of here? [DOCTOR] Oh, we shall return to the Tardis, my boy, when the tiderecedes and let's hope that we materialize in nineteen sixty six. [POLLY] You don't sound very certain, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid I'm not, my dear. More likely we shall probablyland in the far distant future. [BEN] Oh great! The way things are going there probably won't be a navywhen I get back. [POLLY] Look, Ben, for the moment we're in the seventeenth century,somehow. We'll just have to like it and lump it. Here you are. [BEN] Oh, okay. Well, it's a nice old pub anyway, isn't it. Yeah, andI'll bet the beer's better than they serve nowadays. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think they're somewhat suspicious of us. [POLLY] They certainly don't seem to like strangers, do they? [BEN] Yeah, I wonder why? [DOCTOR] Well, I wouldn't worry too much about that, my dear, because Idon't think we're going to be here long enough to find that out. --------------------------------------- (Church vestry) [LONGFOOT] Who rob great ships on every sea! Who pillage crews withoutmercy! [LONGFOOT] Master Cherub! [CHERUB] It's nice to see an old shipmate again, eh, Joe? We had goodtimes aboard the Albatross when you was mate, ay? [LONGFOOT] Them days is gone and past. [CHERUB] Ah, but not forgotten. Not by your old friends, Joe. [LONGFOOT] I'm no friend of yours. I'm Churchwarden here. A Christianman. [CHERUB] You always had the leaning towards the Good Book. Holy JoeLongfoot, mate of the Black Albatross. [LONGFOOT] No more I'm not. [CHERUB] We miss you, matey. But most of all does the Captain. [LONGFOOT] The Captain. Captain Pike? [CHERUB] You owes him something matey. He wants what's his. [LONGFOOT] I got naught what his. [CHERUB] If you ain't got it, you knows it's whereabouts. Avery's gold. [LONGFOOT] No Christian man'd touch it. [CHERUB] We ain't all like you, Holy Joe. We ain't all afraid of thecurse that's on it, and it's ours by right. [LONGFOOT] Tis no man's rights. [CHERUB] We'll decide that when we get the loot. [LONGFOOT] Ha! You'll never find it. [CHERUB] Won't we Joe, my old matey? Ain't you gonna to tell me, ay? [LONGFOOT] You can't threaten me. I got friends here, powerful friends. [CHERUB] They need to be to better Pike. [LONGFOOT] Well, don't you think they couldn't. [CHERUB] Where's your friends now, eh? Gone? The old man and his twolads. What does he know, ay? [LONGFOOT] Know? Know nothing. I directed him on his way. [CHERUB] Where to? Where to, say I? [LONGFOOT] To the inn, for shelter. [CHERUB] Who was he? What's he to you, ay? [LONGFOOT] A passing traveller on his way. [CHERUB] No, matey, I saw you a-whispering something in his ear. Whatwas you saying to him, ay? [LONGFOOT] Nothing. [CHERUB] Joe, you wouldn't be trying to sell what you know to somestrangers, ay? [LONGFOOT] You can rot in hell! [CHERUB] You're a fool, Joe Longfoot. But before you goes to join yourmates, tell me what I want to know. Speak up. [LONGFOOT] (dying) Avery's curse on you, you black villain. [CHERUB] Speak, damn your eyes! It wouldn't be like you to go to DavyJones' silent, matey. So I reckon we best get on to that old fella andget our hooks into him. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) (Inn) [BEN] Now, that's better. [POLLY] Mmm. Rain's stopped. [BEN] Here, I've seen a few shady customers in my time, but this crowdbeats the lot. [POLLY] They're fantastic, aren't they? [BEN] Evening. [CUSTOMER] Evening. [BEN] Cheerful lot, Doctor, aren't they? [DOCTOR] I think we would do well to remember the Churchwarden's words. [BEN] What? That old rough neck? [DOCTOR] To keep our thoughts only on ourselves. [POLLY] I wonder why, though? What do you suppose they're up to? [TOM] Sir, sir, quickly! Help! --------------------------------------- (Taproom) [KEWPER] What's the trouble, lad? [TOM] The Churchwarden, Master Kewper. [KEWPER] Well, what of him. Drunk was he, as usual? [TOM] No, sir. He was dead. [KEWPER] Dead? How? [TOM] Knifed in the back. He was smiling. [KEWPER] Was he now? [TOM] The door was burst wide open. No sign of no one though. [KEWPER] No one else of our lads have been down there this night. [TOM] The strangers were though. [KEWPER] Aye, and who else would want to kill Joseph Longfoot, ay? [TOM] None as I know of round here. He'd no money and no enemies,neither. [KEWPER] Word's got to be passed on. You'd best tell your tale to theSquire. Ask him to come here as Magistrate. [TOM] Bring him here, sir? [KEWPER] As fast as the horse can go. Away with you now. --------------------------------------- (Inn) [POLLY] Oh, sorry. [CHERUB] I want you, old fella. [DOCTOR] I beg your pardon, sir? [CHERUB] Don't you come the gent with me, matey. We're going to havewords together, you and me. [BEN] Get your dirty hands off him, mate. [CHERUB] You what, lad? [BEN] I said lay off. What's he done to you? [DOCTOR] I don't think I've set eyes on you before in my life, man. [CHERUB] No, but we have a mutual acquaintance though. [DOCTOR] And what do you mean? [CHERUB] Joseph Longfoot. [BEN] What, the Churchwarden? [DOCTOR] Yes, he merely tried to help us. Barely an acquaintance. [CHERUB] Was, you mean. You see, him and me, we had a little bit of atizzy like, mate. [POLLY] Dead. [CHERUB] The trouble was, he forgot to give me an urgent message beforehe passed over. But he spoke to you, didn't he, ay? [DOCTOR] And how do you know all this, sir? [CHERUB] 'Cause I was keepin' look out, that's why. [BEN] Well, you're wrong, see. [CHERUB] Well, what I want is what he told him, so speak up, old fella! [POLLY] Leave the Doctor alone. [CHERUB] Doctor ay? Well, sawbones, speak up, or do I have to make you? [DOCTOR] Don't harm them! [CHERUB] Well, come quietly then. [DOCTOR] And where are you taking me? [CHERUB] You wait and see, sawbones. Daniel! --------------------------------------- (Inn yard) [CHERUB] Go on before to the beach, ya scum! --------------------------------------- (Inn) [POLLY] Help, somebody! Help! --------------------------------------- (Taproom) [POLLY] Help me! Please, help me! The Doctor,they've taken him! [KEWPER] Who has? Who's taken him? [POLLY] Those men! They were terrible and they've hurt Ben! You musthelp me! [KEWPER] Why, is he bad then, this lad? [POLLY] He's bleeding! --------------------------------------- (Inn) [KEWPER] He's not dead though. Here, take his feet,lad. [KEWPER] Don't you worry, lad. Squire'll be here soon. [POLLY] The Squire? What can he do? I want to get the Doctor backsafely. [KEWPER] The Squire's the law in these parts, cub. And guard your tonguewhen talking to your elders. [POLLY] But you don't understand. They were threatening to kill theDoctor. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [SQUIRE] What's this I hear, Jacob, ay? [KEWPER] Trouble, Squire. Strangers. [SQUIRE] Oh, let's deal with it then! --------------------------------------- (Inn) [POLLY] Ben. [SQUIRE] Now then. So these are your strangers, eh? [KEWPER] Aye, Squire, and this one's wounded. [SQUIRE] Hmm? Oh, aye. He'll need binding. Tom. [TOM] Sir? [SQUIRE] Fetch cloth and water, and a drop of brandy, eh. [KEWPER] Oh, I don't [SQUIRE] Kewper. [KEWPER] Oh aye, Squire. Go, Tom. [POLLY] Will he be all right? [SQUIRE] Aye, boy, he will. Now, tell me, where's your Master? [POLLY] He's been kidnapped. You've got to save him. [SQUIRE] Kidnapped? And who are the ruffians who did this, ay? [POLLY] Well, there were four of them. [SQUIRE] Before you tell me this tale, tell me about yourself. [POLLY] Me? But the Doctor's the [SQUIRE] Doctor? Oh, aye him. Well, let's not beat about the bush. Iwant to know who the three of you are and where you've come from? [POLLY] But the Doctor will be killed if you don't do [KEWPER] Speak when the Squire tells you. [SQUIRE] If you want help, I want the truth. Sit a minute. Well? --------------------------------------- (Black Albatross deck) [CHERUB] Come, my beauty, I'll take you to the Captain. You'll find helikes a little conversation with a fine gentleman like yourself. --------------------------------------- (Inn) [BEN] Oh, blimey, my head. Well, what happened? Well, where's theDoctor? [POLLY] Ben, he's been taken and we're in trouble. [BEN] Eh? How? [POLLY] The big man over there, he's the Squire, and he insists onknowing who we are and where we're from. [BEN] Oh, you haven't told him? [POLLY] Well, of course not, but he won't help us if we don't speak. [SQUIRE] So, you've come to, have you? I've told your young friend here,I want information. He's refused to give it to me. I demand to be toldthe truth. [BEN] You'll get it when you got the Doctor back. [KEWPER] You speak civil to the Squire. [BEN] Well, why don't you all do something? Don't just stand there. [SQUIRE] Be silent, sir! I hold you both to be knaves and rogues and ofhighly suspicious intent. And as Magistrate of this Borough, I'm herebyarresting both of you. [BEN] Arresting us? What for? [SQUIRE] For the murder of the Churchwarden. And for this villainousdeed you'll be imprisoned until the next Assizes, and there punishedaccordingly. --------------------------------------- (Black Albatross deck) [PIKE [OC]] Enter! --------------------------------------- (Pike's cabin) [PIKE] Cherub, what in hell's name have you dragged in here now? [DOCTOR] I demand [PIKE] Silence! [CHERUB] Holy Joe's dead, Captain. Dead before he'd tell his secret. [PIKE] What's that ye say? [CHERUB] But before he died he spoke with this old sawbones here. [PIKE] Ah. [CHERUB] The sawbones won't talk, not to me. [PIKE] Well, by thunder, ye'll talk to me. Or my name's not Samuel Pike! --------------------------------------- (Pike's cabin) [DOCTOR] I can tell you nothing, sir. [CHERUB] They talked, Captain. I saw 'em. Holy Joe whispered in his earsecret-like. [DOCTOR] I do not know this Holy Joe that you keep referring to. [PIKE] Holy Joe Longfoot, an old shipmate of ours. Blast his eyes. [CHERUB] The Churchwarden to you, sawbones. [DOCTOR] He was a member of your crew? [PIKE] Him and me and Cherub was all mates together, serving underAvery. [DOCTOR] Avery. [CHERUB] Aye, Captain Avery. The sharpest skipper that ever sailed outof Bristol port. [PIKE] Aye, and one of the blackest. Morgan was a woman aside 'a him. [DOCTOR] Of course, of course. Avery the pirate. I should have known. [CHERUB] Don't come the innocent with us, sawbones. You know what Joewas hiding. [PIKE] He took plunder that was rightfully ours, and we mean to get itback, and you may lay to that. [CHERUB] He died before he talked to me, but he told you something. [PIKE] You're going to tell us, ain't ya. Ay? Ay? [CHERUB] Oh, let me make him talk, Captain. [PIKE] Old man, are ye truly a sawbones? [DOCTOR] I would prefer you to use the correct term, sir. I am a doctor. [PIKE] Well, Doctor, ye had best start using your cleverness. So talk,before I let Cherub have ye. [CHERUB] Let me show him first, Captain, ay? Let me give him a taste ofThomas Tickler. [PIKE] He'd be a credit to your trade, would Cherub, Doctor. A touchlike an angel's wing he has with that blade. [CHERUB] Sharp as a whistle, it is. Ever seen a head with no ears,sawbones, ay? Or what them Mexican Indians can do to a bloke's eyelids,ay? [DOCTOR] You vicious fellow. Get him off my back! [CHERUB] Don't you talk to me like that. Oh, Captain, give me the word.Just give me one minute. I'll have the words spilling out of him likeblubber from a whale. [PIKE] Well, Doctor? Will ye loosen your tongue or lose it altogether? --------------------------------------- (Gaol cell) [BEN] Oh, of all the bloomin' fixes to be in. [POLLY] I don't know. I find it pretty exciting. [BEN] Oh, you would. But I don't go a bomb on this tune, and I can'tvery well report back to a seventeenth century navy. [POLLY] Ah, you've got no imagination, that's your trouble. It's great. [BEN] Oh, great. Stuck in jail for murder. Oh, honest. Who'd have ourluck? [POLLY] The point is, how on earth are we going to get out of here?There must be some way. [BEN] Well, there better be. I'm not going to swing for that old nutcase at the church. [POLLY] Ben! [BEN] What? [POLLY] Look in the corner! It's a rat! [BEN] Oh, shut up screaming. You big baby. Be quiet. [POLLY] Oh no. I can't bear them. Oh, please do something about it. Ohno. I hate [TOM] What you screaming for? [BEN] Oh, nothing, We're just happy, mate, that's all. [POLLY] What's your name? Didn't we see you at the inn? [TOM] Name's Tom. I've been put in charge of you prisoners. I've got thekeys. But I'm not to speak with you murderers. [BEN] But we didn't kill him. [TOM] Only a stranger'd kill the Churchwarden. You're strangers. [BEN] But we're not the only ones. What about the geezers who kidnappedthe Doctor? [TOM] No one else has seen them. [POLLY] But they were there. How else do you suppose the Doctor woulddisappear? [BEN] Oh, the daft nit. What'd he think it was, magic? [POLLY] Ben, that's it. [BEN] Aye? What is? [POLLY] In the seventeenth century they were terribly superstitious.They still believed in witches. [BEN] So what you going to do, fly out of here on a broomstick? [POLLY] No, but I think I've got a plan. Now wait, look. If we get thisstraw. Oh no, the rat's in the corner! You get me some straw, will youplease? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Inn) (Pike's cabin) [DOCTOR] If I am to reveal something of what I know, then I demandconsideration, sir. [CHERUB] Don't listen to him, Captain. There's trickery afoot. [DOCTOR] Oh, I find your friend rather a bore, but you I think agentleman. So let us talk like gentlemen. [CHERUB] Captain? [PIKE] What makes you think I like gentlemen, ay? [DOCTOR] Well, it's quite obvious to the perceptive eye, sir. Yourdress, your manner, your taste. Yes, you're the type of man that hasraised himself to an exalted position unaided. Hmm, hmm. [PIKE] Aye, with this to help me. [DOCTOR] Oh, quite so, quite so. But you are neither a barbarian, or asavage. I can see that. [CHERUB] Oh, Pike [PIKE] Cherub, you've got a funny sense of humour. [CHERUB] Aye Captain. [PIKE] Well, Doctor, you talk sweet, but don't toy with me or you'll rueit. [DOCTOR] My dear sir, I'm sure you can quickly see through any flatteryof mine. [PIKE] Aye, indeed I could. [DOCTOR] So let us talk like men of the world. Be elegant, and withdignity. [PIKE] Talk away. [DOCTOR] May I sit down? [CHERUB] Beware his tongue, Captain. [PIKE] Make way for the Doctor, ye swab. [DOCTOR] Thank you, my man. [PIKE] Cherub, I'm entertaining a guest, and you ain't being verypolite. [CHERUB] But he's a snake, Captain. [PIKE] One more word out of you and I'll slit your gizzard, right? Now,let us talk together like gentlemen. Eh, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Thank you, no. That would indeed be pleasant. [PIKE] Wine, Cherub, to help the Doctor talk more freely. [DOCTOR] One thing more, before we go on any further. [PIKE] Aye? [DOCTOR] Now that we understand each other, I think it would only befair that if I impart the information you require, I should receivesome small reward? [PIKE] Aye. You'll get your reward, never fear. [DOCTOR] In fact, a share? [PIKE] A share? [DOCTOR] Yes, indeed, yes. After all my dear Captain. Thank you. Thereis quite enough to go round, is there not? [PIKE] For them that deserves it. Aye, well. [DOCTOR] Well, here's to a better acquaintance. Mmm. Oh, yes indeed.Yes, a very fine old Madeira. Yes. Indicative of your general taste,sir, if I may say so. [PIKE] Aye, ye may say so Now tell us what we want to know! [PIKE] What? [JAMAICA] Captain! Boat to leeward. [PIKE] Coming up on the sly, is she? [JAMAICA] Gi' us a shout, all friendly. [CHERUB] We got no friends hereabouts. [PIKE] Aye. Cherub, ask them to kindly step aboard a while. [CHERUB] What then, Captain? [PIKE] If it's a revenue man, you can have him [PIKE] And just in case they're friends of yours, Doctor. Jamaica? [JAMAICA] Captain? [PIKE] Take my guest to the galley. Give him food and wine. He'sprecious. [JAMAICA] Aye, Captain. --------------------------------------- (Gaol cell) [BEN] Okay? [POLLY] Here goes. [BEN] Right! [BEN] Tom! Thomas me ol' mate. Tom! Come quick! Tom! Quick! [TOM] Oh, what's your noise for now? [BEN] Tom can you see Poll, er, Paul there? [TOM] Aye? [BEN] Well, quick Tom, open the door. Come in and help me. Quick, Tom,open the door! [TOM] What's that? What's he doing? [BEN] You see Paul, Tom. Well, he's the gibbet. [TOM] Eh? [BEN] He's been took over, Tom, by the spirit of his master. [TOM] No. Such things ain't to be seen by human souls. [BEN] His master, Tom, the bloke what was kidnapped. He's a warlock. [TOM] A warlock! Heaven save us! [BEN] Not us, Tom, you! [TOM] Me? [BEN] The old Doctor's a wizard, no less, Tom, and us two's hisapprentices. [TOM] You got the power? [BEN] We have, Tom, from our master. Now, you see the gibbet? You seethe fellow what's swinging here? [TOM] That's a doll. Just a straw doll. [BEN] Ah, sure mate. But it's more than that 'cos it's got a soul.Someone else's soul! [TOM] No. [BEN] It's our master, Tom. He's captured the soul of someone he holdsresponsible for us being here, and he's gonna do him in! [TOM] Well, it ain't me. I ain't but lookin after ye. [BEN] But there's one hair from your head inside that doll, Tom. [TOM] No! [BEN] Can you feel yourself swinging? [TOM] It ain't my fault! It were the Squire that ordered it. [BEN] It's too late, Tom. It's you there swinging! And in a minute thatdoll's gonna fall, and when it does [TOM] Oh, sir, save me, save me. I swear it weren't my doing. [BEN] Is that the truth, Tom? [TOM] Oh, sir, it is. It is. Save me! Save me! [BEN] Tom, there is a way. [TOM] Tell me, sir. I'd do anything. [BEN] The spell can only work if we're held prisoners. Now, if we werefree? [TOM] But, but sir, I gave my word to master Kewper. [BEN] Quick, Tom, before your doll falls. Your time's up this minute!Quick! [TOM] Oh, sir, I'll do it. I'll do it! Wait a minute, sir. I'll freeyou. Oh, sir, have pity. Have mercy. [BEN] Well done, Tom. We'll put a good word in for you, mate. [TOM] Sir, am I safe now? [POLLY] Take this, Tom. While you hold it my master will know you andnothing will happen [BEN] Come on, Polly! See you sometime, old son. Hey, and remember. Fromnow on you're one of us. Come on, this way. --------------------------------------- (Gaol house) [POLLY] Ben, where on earth do we go from here? [BEN] Well, not the inn, that's for sure. [POLLY] I haven't got the faintest idea where the Doctor is. [BEN] I know, we'll try the old church. [POLLY] Yes, that should be safe enough. [BEN] We might pick up some kind of clue there. [POLLY] And maybe find out who really killed the Churchwarden. [BEN] Yeah. Come on, down here. --------------------------------------- (Black Albatross deck) [CHERUB] And just who's this we have the pleasure of welcoming aboard,at? [KEWPER] Jacob Kewper's the name. Innkeeper come to talk business. [CHERUB] Oh? And how would you know of our business, ay matey? [KEWPER] It's more in the manner of putting business in your way. [CHERUB] And what would an innkeeper want with honest sailors? [KEWPER] Ah no, master. That would be your skipper's ear if he'll butlisten, at? [CHERUB] Sounds like he might be interested. [KEWPER] It'll be worth his while. [CHERUB] Come below, matey. But belay any tricks, ay, Master Kewper? --------------------------------------- (Pike's cabin) [PIKE] Enter. [CHERUB] A visitor, Captain, who says he'd talk of business. [PIKE] Business? [KEWPER] Aye, business to interest a merchant like yourself, sir, to ourmutual benefit. [PIKE] Aye? [KEWPER] Brandy, silks perhaps? Or should I call it merchandise? [CHERUB] Sounds dishonest, Captain. [PIKE] Aye, it does, by Morgan's beard. [KEWPER] The only man who would call such business dishonest would be arevenue man. [PIKE] Master innkeeper, I keep a law-abiding ship here, and a cleanone. [KEWPER] There is nobody who doubts that, Captain. [PIKE] And I'll have the ears of any man who thinks he'll land me beforea judge. [KEWPER] Oh, Heaven preserve us. [PIKE] But I'm willing to do business with any swab I can trust and whotrusts me. [KEWPER] Trust. Aye, if there's smuggling to be done. [PIKE] So that's your business. I'd know more of this before I dropanchor here, so talk up, man. [KEWPER] And I'll not give details until we shake hands on it. But, Itell you, we are well supported. [PIKE] I'd not prejudice my good name. [KEWPER] Would you throw in your lot with the Squire, and theChurchwarden, ay? [PIKE] Maybe. [PIKE] But not with scum like you. [KEWPER] What trick's this?! [PIKE] The choicest apples, top of the barrel, Innkeeper? I've a mind tohave word with this Squire of yours. [KEWPER] I speaks for him! You'll do no business without me. [PIKE] Better for you if he does, matey. Else there'll be another corpseput ashore with Joe Longfoot, ay Cherub? [CHERUB] Indeed, Captain. [KEWPER] Longfoot? The Churchwarden? You killed him. What for? [PIKE] Because he crossed me, that's why. And nobody who crosses Pikelives to tell the tale. [KEWPER] You're Captain Pike? [PIKE] Jamaica! There's more to this than we reckoned, ay Cherub? [CHERUB] Indeed there is, Captain. [JAMAICA] Captain? [PIKE] Fetch the Doctor, Jamaica. [JAMAICA] Yes, sir! [KEWPER] Why should you come here? [PIKE] Your tongue is nigh as long as your ears, Innkeep. Careful wedon't cut them both short for ya. We're going ashore, Cherub. [CHERUB] What about the old Sawbones, Captain? [PIKE] When we come back. Then's his time. You and the sawbones, bothguests of mine till I return. [PIKE] Treat them well and kindly, Jamaica. But if there's any funnybusiness, why, use this on them. [JAMAICA] Sure, Captain. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [BEN] Well, there's not much down here. [POLLY] There's nothing up in the vestry, and we searched thatthoroughly enough. [BEN] You know, the old boy must have been bumped off pretty soon afterwe left. [POLLY] Ben, perhaps the murderer was hiding down here all the time. [BEN] Yeah, could be. [BEN] Maybe he kept his money box down here, or something? [POLLY] What? Oh, yes. He did look like a bit of a Scrooge, didn't he? [BEN] Well, he was dead scared of something, I know that. [POLLY] Yes, almost as though he was even expecting something to happen. [BEN] Yeah. Hey, Polly! [POLLY] What? Where are you? [BEN] Listen, maybe the murderer will come back to the scene of thecrime. [POLLY] Oh, no! Ohm shut up, Ben. You are a fool. [BEN] Yeah, maybe you're right, Duchess. Early days for Sherlock Holmes,I suppose. [POLLY] Yeah, well, I'm not playing what's his name? Watson to you. Oh,dear, I wish we knew where the Doctor was. [BEN] Yeah, and the Tardis too. In fact, if I know him, I bet he's backin it all comfy. [POLLY] Do you think so? Well then we've jolly well got to find theTardis too. [BEN] Yeah, that's not such a bad idea. The beach wasn't far from here.Come on. [BEN] Gotcha! [POLLY] Ben, do you think it's the murderer? [BEN] I'm not stopping to find out. Tie him up first and ask questionsafter, love. [POLLY] Listen, if this is the murderer then we're in the clear. Andthen if we tell the Squire, now he'll help us find the Doctor. [BEN] Oh, I'm not so sure. He was a bit thick-headed, that Squire. Toomuch like a petty officer for my liking. [POLLY] Yeah, but we'll never find the Doctor without help. And only hecan work the Tardis. [BEN] Yeah, I see what you mean. I don't fancy getting stuck with thislot for good. [POLLY] Listen, you stay here and guard him, and I'll go to the Squireand tell him we caught him, shall I? [BEN] Well, hadn't I better go? [POLLY] No, I'll go. I don't like it down here. [BEN] Okay. Oh, look, Polly. Don't tell him about that, ay?. [POLLY] No all right. I don't suppose I'll be long. [BEN] Polly. Take care, love. --------------------------------------- (Black Albatross deck) [PIKE] Well, what think ye, Cherub? Do I lookpresentable? [CHERUB] As a picture, Captain, but for that. [PIKE] Yes, my little pike will hardly be welcome at the manor, ay? [PIKE] There lad, take care of that till I get back. [CHERUB] Ready there below! --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [BEN] All right mate. Let's hear what you've got to say for yourself. [BLAKE] Untie me at once, you rogue. Do you not know who I am? [BEN] You tell me. [BLAKE] I am Josiah Blake, the King's revenue officer. [BEN] Oh yeah? Prove it. [BLAKE] My word should be enough. [BEN] Well, not for me it's not, mate. [BLAKE] Untie me this instant. [BEN] I'm sorry, old son, but I'm not taking any risks. You may be whatyou say, but then again you may not. [BLAKE] And who are you, sir? Pray, tell me that. [BEN] Well, I'm just a sailor. Only I got nabbed for the murder of theChurchwarden which I did not do. So, as you turn up on the scene of thecrime I reckon you're a good suspect. [BLAKE] I am here in the pursuance of my duty. [BEN] Oh? And what's that? [BLAKE] I'm after the smugglers, and I think I've found the route thatthey've been using. [BEN] Ay? [BLAKE] That passageway. [BEN] Oh, sure, and I suppose the Churchwarden's one of them. [BLAKE] Hmmm. [BEN] Pull the other one, mate. It rings. [BLAKE] What say you? [BEN] Oh, forget it. [BLAKE] But this is so, I tell you, in truth. The Churchwarden wassuspected. [BEN] Honest? [BLAKE] I was hoping to confront the villain with the evidence of thatpassageway, but now that he's dead. [BEN] Ah, you're stumped. You ain't got no proof. [BLAKE] No, proof aplenty. That tunnel leads through a series of cavesdown to the beach. [BEN] Down to the beach? [BLAKE] Aye. [BEN] You've just brought me good news, mate. [BLAKE] Hey, where are you going? [BEN] Well, just for a look. Won't be long. [BLAKE] Hey, come back here! Stop in the King's name! --------------------------------------- (Squire's hall) [PIKE] There's style, Cherub, style. [CHERUB] This would fetch a pretty penny. [PIKE] Belay that, ye dolt. We are honest men, remember? Now, here isour plan. We'll find out all we need to know about these littlevillains. [CHERUB] Smugglers, huh. [PIKE] And we'll take their store, find Avery's treasure, and this intothe bargain. --------------------------------------- (Squire's study) [SQUIRE] Ah, good morning gentlemen. Good morningto you. Will you take wine with me? [PIKE] Nay, nay, sir Squire. We are come on a matter of business. [SQUIRE] Business? So early in the day? What can be so urgent so early? [PIKE] We were sent by a friend. [SQUIRE] Friend? [CHERUB] Jacob Kewper. [SQUIRE] Kewper, ay? Then you must be [PIKE] Merchants, sir. Honest merchants. [SQUIRE] By my favourite mare, that's witty, Business, indeed, [PIKE] The very word friend Kewper used himself, sir. [CHERUB] Aye. [SQUIRE] Aye. Where is the fellow. Should he not be handling thisaffair? [CHERUB] Aye, that he is, sir. He's back at the ship accounting ourvarious merchandise. [PIKE] Aye, such silks, such brandy and tobacco. Aye, Squire, indeed. [SQUIRE] Oh, this is worthy of a toast, gentlemen. I insist you drinkwith me. Brandy, eh? Silks and tobaccos. Well, here's to a fine cargoand a gallant captain. [PIKE] And here's to a good landfall and no tales told. [CHERUB] And so say I. [PIKE] Forgive him, sir Squire. An honest fellow, but unused to the waysof gentlefolk. [SQUIRE] Oh, no consequence, no consequence. Pray, have you breakfasted? [PIKE] Aye, but I would remind you, sir, we still have business in hand. [SQUIRE] Indeed. Now, what would Kewper have me do? [PIKE] Sir, he thought you might spare the time of day to explain suchpetty matters as must trouble us poor sailors. [CHERUB] Aye, where to land, where to leave the goods, and things. [SQUIRE] Oh, as for delivery, 'tis at the church on the cliff top.Likely, eh? [PIKE] Most suitable. But who will receive our goods, sir? [SQUIRE] Ah, twas to have been the Churchwarden, bur he's been mostfoully murdered by renegades. [CHERUB] Shame, such a holy-minded man. [PIKE] But where are we to beach our boat, sir? [SQUIRE] Ah, now I think it best if we [SQUIRE] Great Heavens! This is one of the very renegades who slew poorLongfoot. How did you escape? Well done, Birch. [POLLY] Well done, nothing. I came here of my own free will, Squire. [SQUIRE] You may go, Birch. [POLLY] I came here to tell you that we found [POLLY] You! you're the one that kidnapped the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Pike's cabin) [DOCTOR] Tell me about my friends. [KEWPER] It's bad news, sir. [DOCTOR] Why, is there trouble? [KEWPER] Aye, they are taken for trial for the murder of theChurchwarden, which was done by Cherub, sir. [DOCTOR] Oh, good gracious. We must escape from here and try and helpthem. [KEWPER] Aye, not only for the sake of your friends, sir, but for thesake of the whole village yonder. [DOCTOR] But I don't understand you. [KEWPER] Pike is the bloodiest pirate now alive, sir. No one has everseen that deadly hook and lived. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I quite agree. A somewhat violent man. [KEWPER] Why did he take you, sir? [DOCTOR] Oh, because he thought that I held the secret of the treasurebelonging to the deceased pirate, Avery. [KEWPER] Avery's gold? Buried ashore? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, he's determined to get it. Apparently the Churchwardenknew something about it. [KEWPER] Then Pike'll have it, sir, or raze the village to the ground inthe finding of it. [DOCTOR] But the officers of the law? [KEWPER] Oh, they'd be no match for Pike's men, sir. Once he's laid hisplans, we and the village are lost. We must get back word to them, sir. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I think I agree. Yes, well, bear with me, sir. I havea plan. [DOCTOR] Er, tell me, sir. Er, you play cards? --------------------------------------- (Squire's study) [SQUIRE] I don't believe one word of thistrumped-up story. Not a jot. [CHERUB] Such a sweet young face and yet so wicked. [PIKE] It smacks of a trap, ay, Mister Cherub? [CHERUB] Indeed it does, Captain. Very dangerous. [POLLY] But we are innocent and he took the Doctor. [PIKE] I have none sick aboard. Wherefore should I need a sawbones? [POLLY] I don't know but you took him. And I wouldn't be surprised ifyou didn't have a hand in the killing of the Churchwarden too. [SQUIRE] Cease these vile untruths, boy! These gentlemen are goodlymerchants. I vouch for them. You are a stranger here, as is yourcompanion, and therefore not to be trusted. [POLLY] But we haven't done anything. [SQUIRE] A man is dead, boy. [POLLY] We left him alive. [SQUIRE] Oh. Then you did speak with him. There's a damning fact,indeed. [PIKE] Out of the mouths of babes, ay? [CHERUB] Such acts of violence in one so young. [PIKE] Aye, young people are not what they were once, not in our time,ay Mister Cherub? [CHERUB] Indeed not, Cap'n. Very wicked. [SQUIRE] Now, who this poor fellow is you captured I know not. [PIKE] Might he not be, er, one of our mutual friends, Squire? A revenueofficer. [SQUIRE] Oh, aye, indeed, it could be so. [CHERUB] Then perhaps we should fall in with this young rogue's pot o'purpose. [PIKE] Yes, recapture this villain's accomplice and let our man free. [CHERUB] That were best. [POLLY] Squire, you're being a fool. These men are villains. [PIKE] Oh, come, come, lad. Do we look so black-hearted? [CHERUB] Time's short if we're to prepare. [SQUIRE] Aye, we'll ride this very minute, and take our prize with us. [PIKE] Squire, do you not think this lad should be restrained a little,just in case of misfortune? [SQUIRE] Aye, I do. A happy thought, Captain. [PIKE] Here is cord. [CHERUB] And here is silence. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [BEN] What a turn-up for the books. You don't know what kind of goodturn you done me, mate. [BLAKE] I do not share your joyous feelings, boy. Untie me, I say. [BEN] The passageway leads right down to the beach all right, to thevery spot we've been looking for. [BLAKE] Hey, boy, you one of these smuggling rogues after all? [BEN] No, of course not. But it leads right down to where the Tardis is. [BLAKE] The Tardis? What's that, a ship? [BEN] Well, sort of, but you wouldn't understand. Any way, it's thereall ready for us to get away. If only I could tell the others, we couldall escape. [BLAKE] Eh? Escape? [BEN] Yes, escape! [SQUIRE] Stand fast, I say there. [BEN] Polly! And you! [SQUIRE] Recaptured again, ay boy? We'll have no more tricks this time. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [BEN] He's the bloke that kidnapped the Doctor. [PIKE] Wrong, lad. Don't deface the character of my dear friend. [BEN] Look, Squire, why can't you believe us. [SQUIRE] Hold your tongue. You're vagabonds, both of you, not to betrusted. Bind them, eh? [BEN] What about this one? He's a right villain. [SQUIRE] These gentlemen are honest merchants. [BLAKE] Squire! Squire! Here! [SQUIRE] Blake! What the blazes are you doing here? [BLAKE] I'd be obliged if you'd release me, sir, before asking questionsof me. [SQUIRE] Aye, certainly, but I have no knife. One moment. This Blake isa revenue man. There's trouble afoot. [CHERUB] Should I? [PIKE] Nay, Mister Cherub, hold fast. What does he know? [SQUIRE] Nothing. [PIKE] Well, use him. Let him take these prisoners, as is his duty. [SQUIRE] Aye, then we're free of them. [BLAKE] Squire, won't you release me, sir? [PIKE] Cut him free, Mister Cherub. [SQUIRE] Aye, release him. You've laid hands upon one of the king'sRevenue men, Josiah Blake. [BEN] But we thought he was the murderer. [SQUIRE] Be silent, sir! These pretty young vagabonds have murdered myChurchwarden. [BLAKE] Joe Longfoot? [SQUIRE] None other. They must be therefore taken to prison, and asMagistrate I place this duty upon you. [BLAKE] I am a Revenue man, sir, not your Sheriff. [SQUIRE] Nevertheless, you will do as I say. [BLAKE] I am on orders from the King, sir, for the apprehension ofsmugglers. [CHERUB] Could they not be smugglers too? [SQUIRE] Aye, indeed. What say you? [BLAKE] Aye, they could be. [BEN] Look, we haven't done a thing. We didn't kill anyone. We haven'tsmuggled anything. Look, sir, you can take our word for it. [CHERUB] Their tongues waggle o'er much for my ears. [SQUIRE] Aye, agreed. [BLAKE] Very well, I will take them with me. Thank you for saving mefrom these rogues. They will get the treatment they deserve. [SQUIRE] Take my pistol. They're wily knaves. [BLAKE] Oh, thank you, Squire. All right. Good day to you, Squire. Allright, move, villains! --------------------------------------- (Pike's cabin) [DOCTOR] Now, sir, I hope this works. You may pick up any five cards. [KEWPER] Aye. One, two, three, four, five. [DOCTOR] Do you wish me to tell you? [KEWPER] Aye! I have no fear of what lies therein. [DOCTOR] Ah, such brave words, my friend, brave words. But these cardshold the secret to your life or death. [JAMAICA] I can tell you that without cards. Death! [DOCTOR] Do not mock that which you do not understand. [KEWPER] Oh, come, old man. Tell me what the future holds. Read thecards. [DOCTOR] Very well, my friend, very well. Be it on your own head. [DOCTOR] Oh, beware. Stand back, or you will affect the cards. [JAMAICA] Ah. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, that's very strange. And very disturbing. [KEWPER] What do these cards mean? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid they're rather unpleasant. Yes, the first onerepresents yourself, innkeeper. [KEWPER] I am no knave, sir! [DOCTOR] Well, the cards have it so, sir. [DOCTOR] And the second is master Cherub. [JAMAICA] See a dagger? That's Cherub right enough. [DOCTOR] The third is the king. The blackest villain of them all. [KEWPER] Next, the ace? [DOCTOR] Yes, and that is death itself. [JAMAICA] The Captain. [KEWPER] What, Pike? And this one, the Jack of Diamonds, what is he? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid I have no idea about that, sir, but I canassure you he will triumph in the end. [KEWPER] Ah, 'tis all madness. [DOCTOR] Well, you may call it what you wish. I know it's only cards,but sometimes they tell the truth. [JAMAICA] About any man, like me? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes indeed. Yes, yes. Aren't you afraid? [JAMAICA] Me? Jamaica ain't afraid. [DOCTOR] Very well then, my friend, shuffle for yourself and let's seethem reveal your own fate. [DOCTOR] Well done, innkeeper. Now, a rope. Tie him up. [KEWPER] A guileful trick, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps, perhaps, yes. [KEWPER] It was a trick, was it not? [DOCTOR] No time for idle speculation. We have to get away from thisboat as soon as we can. [KEWPER] 'Twill not be easy without being seen. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's our only chance. [KEWPER] Then we must try. [DOCTOR] Yes, and we've got to hurry if I'm to help my friends. [KEWPER] But first we must seek the aid of the Squire. [DOCTOR] Yes, because he has them prisoner. [KEWPER] But he is the Magistrate. He was but doing his duty. Once is heis informed, he will let them free. No doubt of that. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think you're quite right, yes. It's better to have thelaw on our side, isn't it? [KEWPER] In these dark days honesty surely pays. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I hope your fortune turns out all right, my friend. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [SQUIRE] I feel well free of these vagabonds. [PIKE] Such guile and wisdom, eh Mister Cherub? A master of men, noless. [CHERUB] Indeed, sir, a kid glove upon an iron hand. [PIKE] I wish it were always so easy to guide the officers of theRevenue. But I have not the quickness of wit of ye, Squire. [CHERUB] Such subtle ways gladden my soul. [SQUIRE] Indeed, if one has the brains, 'tis pity they be not used? [PIKE] Rid of both law and villainy. Indeed, sir Squire, I find myselftrusting ye more and more. [CHERUB] With you to lead us, sir, all fears are dispelled. How can wefail? [SQUIRE] Indeed, we cannot. But I would surprise you more. [PIKE] How is that, sir Squire? [SQUIRE] Why, like this. [SQUIRE] The grave holds it's secrets, ay? [PIKE] But few as worldly as this, ay? [SQUIRE] Silks, tobacco and brandy, Captain. This is our immediatecache, you understand. [PIKE] Aye? Then where are we to place our merchandise? [SQUIRE] Why, upon the beach where you'll be met. [CHERUB] Whyfore not here? [SQUIRE] This is our domain, the sea is yours. Our routes and methodsmust remain our own. But have no fear, this will be emptied beforetomorrow's tide. --------------------------------------- (Squire's stables) [PIKE] Tomorrow night, then, sir, at the timearranged. [SQUIRE] Yes, a small beacon will be lit upon the shore at two pasttwelve. There you'll be met. [PIKE] What if there is any danger? [SQUIRE] A second fire will be lit close by. [PIKE] Why then, we are suited. Except for payment. [SQUIRE] Oh, that's soon settled. Not here, not now. Over wine and food.What say you? --------------------------------------- (Inn stables) [BEN] Hey! [POLLY] What are you doing? [BLAKE] Well, is it not obvious? [BEN] Well, yeah, but why release us, mate? [BLAKE] I know [BEN] Whose side are you on? [BLAKE] I know you not, but of your tale and the Squire's, I wouldrather trust your word than his. [POLLY] Well, thank goodness somebody believes us. Can you untie methen? [BLAKE] Aye. [BEN] Yeah, I was getting worried. [BLAKE] I have not said I hold you in complete trust. [BEN] Oh no, I know, because we're strangers. Anyway, mate, as long asyou're against the Squire and those other two layabouts, we're withyou. [POLLY] But why don't you trust the Squire? [BLAKE] Word of mouth has it that the Squire rules the smuggling ring,but as yet I have no proof. [BEN] What, can we help? [BLAKE] No, no. This calls for armed men. [POLLY] Armed men? Are you expecting something to happen? [BLAKE] Did you not observe the two men who were with the Squire?Seamen, both. [BEN] Sailors? [POLLY] Bringing goods for smuggling. [BLAKE] Aye, more than likely, and soon. This night or tomorrow, theywill land their goods. [BEN] And then you'll be there to nab them. [BLAKE] Only if I can get men in time. Otherwise I can do nothing. [POLLY] But if these two sailors were smugglers, what would they wantwith the Doctor? [BEN] Who knows? He's got a funny way of landing himself right in it allthe time. [BLAKE] This friend of yours, the one you call the Doctor, is he alearned man? [BEN] Oh, not half. [BLAKE] Oh, more's the pity. A soldier or a mercenary at this pointwould be mighty advantageous. [POLLY] The Doctor may not be a soldier, but he's jolly crafty atgetting himself out of trouble. At least, he was when we were inLondon. [BEN] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Yes, and why not here, my dear? [BEN + POLLY] Doctor! [POLLY] What happened to you? Where did they take you? How did youescape? [DOCTOR] Oh, my dear child, my dear child, control yourself. Let itsuffice that I did escape in the company of Kewper. You remember, theinnkeeper? [BEN] But he's in with the Squire. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Yes, yes. [BLAKE] Kewper is thought to be deeply involved, and he knows me. [KEWPER] We came to rescue you, lads. We know who killed theChurchwarden. [POLLY] Who did, then? [KEWPER] Well, the villain they call Cherub. [BLAKE] The villain who is now involved in more villainy with yourSquire. [KEWPER] Hey, Mister Blake. [POLLY] It's true. And what's more, Mister Blake knows that Ben and Iare innocent and it's you and Squire that are [BEN] No, Polly! [KEWPER] It's a trap you set for me, is it? Did I but know that you werea revenue spy. [BLAKE] No, Master Kewper. [KEWPER] Stand from me, I say. Aye, Doctor, but that you saved me fromdeath I'd slay you now. But the next time we meet, look not for pitythen. --------------------------------------- (Stable yard) [KEWPER] Take that! [BLAKE] Stop in the name of the law! --------------------------------------- (Pike's cabin) [JAMAICA] Captain, they tricked me into it. I swearit was no fault of mine. [PIKE] Aargh, ye black-souled scum! Escaped! [JAMAICA] But, Captain. [PIKE] I'll tear your liver out and feed it to the sharks, ye sea slime. [JAMAICA] It was the old man, Captain. He cast a spell on me, I swearit. [PIKE] I'll cast a spell on ye, me pretty death's-head. A spell that'llrun from ear to ear. Escaped! [JAMAICA] 'Twas the black arts, Captain. [PIKE] Aagh. [JAMAICA] Spare me, Captain. Spare me. [PIKE] I'll keelhaul ye from here to Port Royal. Where did they makefor? [JAMAICA] I know, Captain. I know. [PIKE] Then speak, boy, while ye still have breath. [JAMAICA] I heard them speak, Captain. They said about going to see theSquire. [PIKE] Ah, that buffoon, what good'll he be to them? [JAMAICA] They said that he was the law. [PIKE] Aye, had he a will he'd call the militia, but I doubt he'll dothat. [JAMAICA] Captain, do you think he would lay a trap? [PIKE] It follows, Jamaica. [JAMAICA] So we have to surprise them, Captain. [PIKE] Ye speak straight, Jamaica. They expect us tomorrow night at twoof the clock. [JAMAICA] Then, we must go tonight at one. [PIKE] Jamaica, ye'd have made a fine skipper but you're short on guile.Any dark of the night they'll expect us. We'll spike 'em. We'll land byday. Some will go direct to the church and loot the smuggler's horde.Me and Cherub will seek Avery's gold. [JAMAICA] Aye, Captain, plunder the inn, the village, and the Squire'sfine hall. [PIKE] Aye, it will be a merry night, but not for ye. [JAMAICA] Captain. Captain. I beg thee. No! No! No! Ahh! [PIKE] Fare ye well, Jamaica. --------------------------------------- (Black Albatross deck) [PIKE] Cherub! Cherub! Where in blazes of hell areyou? Cherub! Where's Cherub? Speak, boy. [SAILOR] Not aboard, Captain. Not aboard. [PIKE] Not aboard? Where in Satan's name is he? --------------------------------------- (Inn) [DOCTOR] Pike intends to sack the old church, andat the same time search for Avery's treasure. [BLAKE] Indeed? Strange secrets, these. But when? [DOCTOR] Well, I can't be exact, sir, but pretty soon. I should saytonight or tomorrow night. [BLAKE] Ah, then help is desperately needed if these pirates are to bethwarted. [DOCTOR] Yes, especially if, as Kewper thinks, that the village will bepillaged and burnt too. [BEN] Aye, what for? [BLAKE] 'Tis Pike's way. Death is second nature to him. [DOCTOR] Yes, at least the smugglers will have prior knowledge of Pike'splan now that Kewper has escaped. [BLAKE] If they're at each other's throats, this should give me the timeI need to get men and arms. [DOCTOR] Yes, be off with you, sir. [BLAKE] Aye. Stable boy! Here, I say! [POLLY] Perhaps they'll just fight it out between them. [BLAKE] No, no, when their blood is up nothing will stand before them.Stable boy, get me my horse, quickly. Quickly, I say! Pray God I'll beback soon enough. [BEN] Well, we can leave this place anytime we like. [POLLY] We can't get down to the cave until next low tide. [DOCTOR] Oh, my child, explain yourself. [BEN] Well, Doctor, in the crypt at the old church there's this secretpassage. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, you mean that place where the Revenue man came out of? [BEN] Yeah, but you don't know where it leads to. Smack down to wherethe Tardis is. So, all we've got to do is get back to the old church,go down the passage, and we're away, mate. [POLLY] Oh, thank goodness for that. [DOCTOR] Yes. [BEN] What's the trouble, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid, my boy, we can't leave at the moment. [POLLY] What? But why not? [DOCTOR] Yes, well I know it's really difficult for both you tounderstand, but I'm under moral obligation. [BEN] Well, about what? We've got no ties here. [DOCTOR] No, but it's this village. I feel that I might be responsiblefor it's destruction, and therefore I must at least try and avoid thisdanger until Blake comes back. [BEN] Yeah, but you heard what Blake said. We wouldn't stand a chanceagainst Pike's mob. They're a right bunch of yobbos. [POLLY] We wouldn't stand a chance. [DOCTOR] Ah, wouldn't we, my dear? [BEN] Well, what does that mean? [DOCTOR] Well, you seem to forget, young man, that I've already metPike, and I know something that he doesn't. The clue to the treasure. [POLLY] So, the poor old churchwarden did tell you something. [BEN] Oh, what are you up to now? [DOCTOR] Well, I think if we are able to find that treasure first, wemight be able to bargain. [BEN] Well, I don't fancy it. I can't see him standing around chatting. [DOCTOR] Yes, and it's going to give us enough time for Blake to comeback here, and the same time to save the people in this village. [POLLY] It would be awful to do otherwise. [BEN] Oh, a right couple of nut cases you two are. Oh well, all right,I'll try anything once. [DOCTOR] Well said, my boy. Now, let's get down to the church and hopethat our luck still holds out. Come on, come on. [BEN] Hey Tom. Thanks again, mate. [POLLY] Bye, Tom. (Tom watches his new friends disappear down the road,secretly rather relieved to see them go.) [CHERUB] They've gone, haven't they, Tom. Be a good lad and tell mewhere, ay? --------------------------------------- (Squire's Hall) [KEWPER] I tell you it is Pike. [SQUIRE] I've been tricked, and by him. [KEWPER] At least you've lived to tell the tale. [SQUIRE] To think I've delivered our plans into his evil hands. What arewe to do? [KEWPER] We must play them at their own game, only more skillful, aswith a fox. [SQUIRE] I do not relish crossing swords with Pike's hook. [KEWPER] If we but stick to clear thought we will not sink. And evenbetter, we may profit. [SQUIRE] How profit? [KEWPER] His real reason in coming here was but to spy out the land. Hisgreater interest lies in treasure. [SQUIRE] Treasure? [KEWPER] Avery's gold, or part of it. [SQUIRE] Here? In these parts? [KEWPER] Longfoot, the Churchwarden, was at one time one of thisnotorious band. They tracked him to his lair, knowing him to have thegold or secret access to it. They now firmly believe that it is hiddenbelow the church. [SQUIRE] Avery's gold? [KEWPER] A dream to conjure with. [SQUIRE] Indeed, and hidden within our grasp, ay? But don't men say thisgold is tainted? [KEWPER] Any villainy would be worthwhile for this end. So we must act. [SQUIRE] But how? And without bloodshed. [KEWPER] Well, by guile, I say. They will come soon, so we must come thesooner. [SQUIRE] Aye, forestall the villains and leave them nothing. [KEWPER] Aye, but later this night they will be upon us without a doubt.Thus, a trap must be laid. [SQUIRE] Aye, we have the time. [KEWPER] Once we have the treasure, we are made men. But they are to becrushed, or we are dead men. [SQUIRE] But I have told him of the shore and the tomb wherein our storeis hid. [KEWPER] Then we know the path that they must follow this night. So,twenty hidden muskets and they are done for. [SQUIRE] Aye, and here's a triumph for law and order. [KEWPER] Ah, indeed. But first to the church and Avery's gold. [SQUIRE] Aye, away. Come man. Birch, I say! --------------------------------------- (Squire's stable yard) [SQUIRE] Have we no clue, no knowledge of anyburial place? [KEWPER] No one I know save the strange doctor knows Longfoot's secret. [SQUIRE] Then we must search even harder. [KEWPER] We ride alone? [SQUIRE] To be sure, to be sure. [SQUIRE] No, we will admit no other soul into this but ourselves.Avery's gold snatched clean from 'em. [KEWPER] I would see their faces at the empty chests. But sooner I wouldsee them dead. [SQUIRE] Now come on, hyup, hyup. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [POLLY] Well, here we are. Now where do we startlooking? [BEN] What did the Churchwarden tell you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, for heavens' sake boy, some kind of code and I'm trying towork it out. [BEN] I'm sorry. [POLLY] Let him get on with it. He'll tell us when he's got it. [BEN] Weird lot of tombstones, aren't they? [POLLY] They're rather super, aren't they. Hey, let's try and find theoldest. [BEN] Yeah, OK. Hey Duchess, have a butchers at this one. Fifteen ninetytwo! [POLLY] That's not old, soppy. Don't forget we're not in the twentiethcentury. This is sixteen hundred and something. [BEN] Oh yeah, I forgot. Hey, this one's a laugh. Henry Hawksworth, hedid die, of drinking too much small beer when he was dry. [POLLY] Some of these old names are fantastic. Hey, listen to this.Lucinda Maltree.) [DOCTOR] What did you say, dear? [POLLY] Lucinda Maltree. [DOCTOR] No, no, before. These names. Yes, yes, that's it! [POLLY] What is? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Dead man's secret. [BEN] What? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. That's the answer to the puzzle. Yes. Allthese dead people. [BEN] What, here in the graveyard? [DOCTOR] No. No, not here. [POLLY] Hey, in the crypt! [DOCTOR] Yes, my dear. Exactly! Good heavens, well, you are inspired.Come on, quickly. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [BEN] Well what the heck are we looking for,Doctor? [POLLY] What was the secret the Churchwarden told you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] It was some kind of rhyme. Now, let me see. Dead man's secretkey. Ringwood, Smallbeer and Gurney. [BEN] Dead man's secret. Well, that means names on tombstones. But howdoes that help? [DOCTOR] Well, we must find these names, mustn't we. Yes, that'll be thefirst step. [BEN] Well look, don't you want to see the secret passage? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, of course, dear boy, well, where is it? Where is it? [BEN] Up here. [DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, that's very clever. Yes. Very clever indeed, yes. Nowjust shut it up again, will you. Then we can get on. [BEN] Okay, you're the governor. [POLLY] Ringwood! I found Ringwood. [DOCTOR] Oh, good, my dear. Well, continue with the search. And then thesooner we'll have better you know, the sooner we find the secret. [BEN] Hey, Polly. Gurney! That's two of 'em. [POLLY] Only one more to go. [BEN] Come on, Smallbeer. Let's have you. [DOCTOR] Ah. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Yes! --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [SQUIRE] Below the church, aye, in the crypt. [KEWPER] Open? But this is strange indeed. [SQUIRE] Are we forestalled? [KEWPER] We will see. But we'd best proceed with caution. [SQUIRE] Aye, they'd be few in number, I'd say. [KEWPER] Aye, no guards, no horses. [SQUIRE] Pike would be more watchful. [KEWPER] And Blake would be better equipped. [SQUIRE] Could it be this pestiferous Doctor? [KEWPER] If it is, then providence is on our side, for he holds thesecret of the treasure, of that I'm sure. [SQUIRE] Then let us find him out. [KEWPER] We will. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [DOCTOR] Well now, we've found our three names. [BEN] Well I'm blowed If I can see how it helps. [POLLY] Nor me. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, yes. It would help if we found four names. [BEN] What, another dead man's name? [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. Yes, exactly. [POLLY] What are you talking about, Doctor? Tell us. [DOCTOR] Well, my dear, I [KEWPER] Aye, Doctor, tell us. [DOCTOR] And what are you doing here, sir? [KEWPER] The same as you, my friends. Seeking Avery's treasure. [SQUIRE] Aye, he may not have murdered the Churchwarden, but this doesindeed show you're more than innocent travellers. [DOCTOR] And what name might yours be? [SQUIRE] Edwards, sir, Squire Edwards, local magistrate. [KEWPER] Oh, let's not waste time on formal greetings. The secret, oldman. [DOCTOR] For what purpose? [SQUIRE] To forestall Pike, and [BEN] And line your own pockets. Yeah, fine magistrate you are. [KEWPER] Hold your tongue, cur. Riches are for them that takes 'em. [DOCTOR] I hope you don't expect me to help you. [KEWPER] You'll talk, Doctor, or these young sprigs will die for it. [DOCTOR] Here, now. Be careful sir. [SQUIRE] Nay, nay, Kewper, surely not. [KEWPER] Oh, be not lily-livered now. This gold is not for weaklings. [SQUIRE] I will not kill in cold blood. [KEWPER] He knows the secret. He must be made to talk. [SQUIRE] Not by this unholy threat. Let them be bound and we'll make oursearch ourselves. [KEWPER] What, and waste precious time? This is madness. The threatalone and he will talk. [SQUIRE] Not even that will I stomach, sir. Let us behave likegentlemen. [KEWPER] Gentlemen? Was this gold got by gentlemen? Is it now to be gotby kindness? [SQUIRE] I will have my way, sir! [KEWPER] Don't truss up thy temper, I say. [SQUIRE] Rogue, I could have thee hanged if I wont. [KEWPER] Threaten you me with the rope? Then you shall stand with me onthe gallows. [SQUIRE] You grow overbold. [KEWPER] The rope will make more mark on your fine skin. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [POLLY] Ben, do something. [BEN] You maniac! [CHERUB] Is there any more as fancies a free trip to Davey Jones, ay? [DOCTOR] By stabbing your man in the back, sir? You had us all at yourmercy. There was no need for you to kill Kewper. [CHERUB] I fancied better odds than five against one, sawbones. [DOCTOR] What is it you want of us? [CHERUB] Why, the secret, of course. Where Avery's gold lies. [DOCTOR] And suppose we refuse to tell you? [CHERUB] Do you fancy these lads of yours meeting their maker so young,ay sawbones? [DOCTOR] I'm not going to barter with you, sir. Where is your captain? [CHERUB] Oh, you fancy you'll twist him round to your way, would you? [DOCTOR] He would at least listen. [CHERUB] Not here, matey. There's only one skipper here. Me. [BEN] You're alone, then? [CHERUB] That's right, matey. But I'm no fool, so one false move andI'll split you in two. [DOCTOR] Leave this to me, Ben, my boy. [CHERUB] That's right. Let the old fellow do the talking cause he knowsthe answers. [POLLY] But what about the Squire? He's badly wounded. He needs help. [CHERUB] Let him rot, the blockhead. [POLLY] But he needs water. [DOCTOR] Have some mercy. [CHERUB] Mercy. Why not? What's a moment's kindness? Here, give him thispannikin. Come. [CHERUB] That's better. Now sawbones, talk or the young lad dies. [DOCTOR] We must play for time now. Trust me. [BEN] All right, you're the gov'nor. [CHERUB] Enough jabbering, sawbones. Where's it hid? [DOCTOR] Well, I must admit the Churchwarden did tell me something, butto be quite honest with you, I am baffled. [CHERUB] What's the puzzle? [DOCTOR] The dead man's secret key. Er, Ringwood, Smallbeer and Gurney.Were these names of villages around here? [CHERUB] No, no. I know those names. Old Jack Ringwood. He had a woodenleg. He was the finest master gunner that never served his king. [DOCTOR] And Gurney, what of he? [CHERUB] Old Zeb, the ship's chandler. A fellow that sewed many amerchant into a sailcloth nightgown. [POLLY] What? [CHERUB] A sailor's shroud to you, boy. And Daniel Smallbeer, there wasa man. Fight along the side of him and he was like a killer whale. [DOCTOR] Good men, I take it? [CHERUB] All four of them, aye. [POLLY] Four? [CHERUB] Four. Tim Desmond, he were Avery's galley boy. Now what elsedid he tell ye? [DOCTOR] Nothing, I'm afraid, nothing. [CHERUB] Nothing? Did you say nothing? [DOCTOR] Now don't be hasty, please. I said I needed your help. Now thisis how. [CHERUB] And that's all he told ye? Four names? Four names to Avery'sgold? [SQUIRE] Avery's curse, what of that, ay? [CHERUB] Avery's curse. You can have that for the sharks. [SQUIRE] It's a curse men fear. Remember Avery's end? Did he not die apauper? [CHERUB] Aye, rotten with rum and madness in his tongue. [SQUIRE] They say he bargained for his life. His soul in return for thesouls of those who come after, seeking and finding the cursed treasure. [CHERUB] And if you so believed it, why did you seek the gold, ay sirSquire? [SQUIRE] Because I was a fool and ill led. Answer enough lies there,surely. [CHERUB] Enough of this. Old man, you know more and I will hear it said.Tell me now what the riddle means or in one minute's time. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [GAPTOOTH] Quietly, my beauties, quietly. [PIKE] Spaniard, find Cherub for me, wherever he is. --------------------------------------- (Church yard) [PIKE] Belay there. Gaptooth, there's your loot. [GAPTOOTH] Aye, aye, Captain. Is it to be carried back straight away? [PIKE] Nay. Unload the tomb. Set the goods upon the shore. We go at mysignal. [GAPTOOTH] It'll be dry work, Captain. [PIKE] Broach a cask, then. [GAPTOOTH] Aye, aye, sir. [PIKE] When it be finished. [GAPTOOTH] Aye aye, sir. Er, Captain, inside. Is there more loot there? [PIKE] Did I say there was? [GAPTOOTH] No, no! [PIKE] Do as ye bid, ye dog, or I'll leave ye in the coffin as asouvenir. [GAPTOOTH] Aye, aye, Captain. Get to it, lads. [PIKE] Cherub. Fie, where's Cherub? --------------------------------------- (Road) [BLAKE] Hurry along, you men. [SOLDIER] Idle dogs. On, men. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [CHERUB] Your time's up. sawbones, so speak. [PIKE] What would you have him say, Cherub boy. [CHERUB] Oh, here at last, Captain. I've got him for ye. [PIKE] For me, you say? [CHERUB] Of course, Captain. [PIKE] Cherub, you deserted the ship. [CHERUB] Nay, Captain. I knew there was some trickery afoot. Didn't Isay so, time and again? [PIKE] I never did trust that tongue of yours, Cherub. It was a mighttoo like the archangel's. [CHERUB] But I found the sawbones, didn't I? [PIKE] Aye, and you'd have found the gold too, eh? [CHERUB] But I was making him talk, Captain. See? He spoke of Holy Joe'sriddle. He was going to spill the whole cargo. I wasn't going to let noone do you down, Captain. [PIKE] No, Cherub? [CHERUB] Well, he'd have nabbed it all for himself, see? He'd have donefor us both. [PIKE] Would he now? Do for Pike, would he? So that's the game, aysawbones? [BEN] Look, the Doctor wouldn't cheat no one. [PIKE] By the Black Albatross, ye met your doom now, my Cherub. [CHERUB] Not from such a black pig as ye. [PIKE] I'll quarter ye, ye rat faced smiler. Only watch the hook, boy,for when it whistles then it is the end of ye. [POLLY] Doctor, it's just like the Squire said. Avery's curse. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [GAPTOOTH] Come on now, you bilge breath. Get on with it. [SPANIARD] Ah stow it, Gaptooth. [GAPTOOTH] And you, Spaniard, do as you're bidden. If Pike finds youidling here you'll lose your ears as well as your tongue. [PIRATE] Go on, cut him, Will. [GAPTOOTH] Stop. Beware of Pike. Now you've earned your jot and youshall have it. But you Spaniard, and you David, to the beach with you. [GAPTOOTH] Here. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [BEN] Right, now's our chance. Down the tunnel. [DOCTOR] Yes, get Polly back to the Tardis, and I will followimmediately Blake returns with the men. [POLLY] But I can't leave you here alone. [DOCTOR] There is no other way, child. Without either of you they can'thold a hostage for me to force my hand. [BEN] Yeah, that's true. But, suppose they start on you? [DOCTOR] Ah, I've done it before, my dear boy. We must play for time. [BEN] Right. Come on, back to the Tardis. [DOCTOR] Quickly. Quickly. I somehow don't think that master Cherub willbe the winner. [BEN] Right, I'll give you fifteen minutes. If you're not back by thenI'm coming for you. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. [PIKE] Well, my Cherub, you'll not need prayers in this company, ay? [PIKE] Back to your hell hole, Cherub! [PIKE] Now, old man, the time has come. [DOCTOR] I think we agreed on that point previously. [PIKE] The secret. [DOCTOR] My dear Captain, I had every intention of telling you. [PIKE] And that's why ye fled me ship? [DOCTOR] I had no choice. My friends are in danger. [PIKE] Aye, those two lads. Where are they stowed away, sawbones? Isthere another passage out of this crypt? [SQUIRE] Tell him nothing. [PIKE] Still alive, ay, gentleman Squire? [SQUIRE] Aye, I'll live to see you hanged. [PIKE] Think ye so? [DOCTOR] Stop! I made a bargain with you, sir, gave you my word. Don'tyou want me to keep it? [PIKE] Aye. That sounds like the foolishness of an honest man. Speak on. [DOCTOR] I wish to keep my side of the bargain, but I want to change theterms of my plan. That is, if I may. --------------------------------------- (Beach) (Church crypt) [PIKE] Strange terms indeed. [DOCTOR] I prefer to call them humane, sir. [PIKE] And ye want none of the gold? [DOCTOR] I would rather not touch it. [PIKE] Ha. Heard of Avery's curse, ay? [DOCTOR] I have given you all my reasons. I want no part of the gold,though perhaps I can deliver it to you immediately. [PIKE] If I keep my lads out of the village? [DOCTOR] There is no need for innocent people to suffer. [SQUIRE] Well said, Doctor. Well said. [PIKE] I like my lads to be happy, sawbones. That way they work well. [SQUIRE] You'd have Avery's gold and our stores, would you, villain?Will nothing satisfy you? [PIKE] We have an uneasy conscience, have we, Squire? Ye lily-liveredrogue. Ye dare to call to call me villain? [SQUIRE] Oh, I've been a rogue, I frankly admit it. The generosity ofthis stranger has shamed me. But I never spilled blood in my villainy.I beg you as a fellow rogue, if you must, spare my poor villagers. [PIKE] When the fever is in the lads' bones, nothing but blood willslake it. [DOCTOR] Senseless destruction. [PIKE] Tis by way of being a pastime with us gentlemen of fortune. Whyshould I stop them? [SQUIRE] So, you admit it to be difficult, at? You'd rather let them runmad than test their obedience, ay, Captain? [PIKE] No man defies me and lives to speak of it. [SQUIRE] No, but you'll not give that one order, ay? A highlydisciplined crew, in truth. [PIKE] They'll do as I bid or die of it. [SQUIRE] Would they? [PIKE] Aye, they would. [DOCTOR] Prove it! [PIKE] Aye, I will. When I have the gold. [DOCTOR] I suppose we must trust you? [PIKE] Aye, ye must. And take heed of Cherub yonder, ay sawbones? [DOCTOR] Have no fear, Captain. I am not likely to try and cheat youjust as he did. [PIKE] Out with it, then. Show me the gold. --------------------------------------- (Tunnels) [BEN] Come on, ducks, we're nearly there. [POLLY] Oh, good. Ow! Oh! [BEN] You okay? [POLLY] Ow, yes. How much further is it? [BEN] I told you, we're nearly there. It's only about another hundredyards. [POLLY] Well, look. You go back and get the Doctor then. [BEN] But will you be all right? [POLLY] Yes, I'll be fine. Look, hurry. I'll see you back at the Tardis. [BEN] Okay then. Polly. [POLLY] Yes? [BEN] Put the kettle on. --------------------------------------- (Cliff top) [BLAKE] All right, Sergeant, off you go. The rest of you come with me. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [DOCTOR] Now, let me see. The Churchwarden set me ariddle which involved four names. Ringwood, Smallbeer, Gurney andDeadman, which should be on that wall, sir. [PIKE] Four names of Avery's crew in the old days. [DOCTOR] Ha! Yes, it's there. Just there. [PIKE] How come those names here? They died on the seven seas, all ofthem. [DOCTOR] The original names were changed by the Churchwarden. [PIKE] Aye. Like a marker, ay? [DOCTOR] Yes, that is correct. And unless I am very much mistaken, sir,this flagstone is at the intersection of those fateful names. [PIKE] Aye, and 'tis loose. Stand aside. [DOCTOR] Indeed, I think that is what you seek. [PIKE] What's this? I see nothing. [DOCTOR] Well, how deep is it? [PIKE] Still nothing, blast your eyes. [PIKE] Nay, nay, what's this? [PIKE] Ha! Ha! What now? Ha! What price your damned Avery now? What now,Squire? [PIKE] What's that? If that is a trap, sawbones, I swear you'll liebeneath that slab yourself. [PIKE] Ahoy there. What's afoot! What in hell's name? Gaptooth, answer! --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) (Cave) (Tunnel) [POLLY] Ben! --------------------------------------- (Beach) [BLAKE] Come on. [BLAKE] All right, come on. Now quietly. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [POLLY] Mister Blake, thank heavens. [BLAKE] Now stand aside, boy. Our work lies above. Keep close and incommand. [BEN] Hang on, Blake. I'm with you. Polly, go on back to the Tardis andwait for us there, okay? [POLLY] All right. --------------------------------------- (Church crypt) [PIKE] Fight, ye black-hearted sons of traitors. There's gold for ye allif we can but board the Albatross. [BLAKE] Pray, stand aside, good old man. In the King's name! [PIKE] Sawbones, ye Neptune's curse! Ye've laid a trap and for thatyou'll die by the pike. [BEN] Come on, Doctor, now let's get out of here. [DOCTOR] No, I must try and help the Squire. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank heavens you're still alive, sir. Let's try and gethim out of here. [BLAKE] Captain Pike, surrender I say. [PIKE] And give over this treasure? Never! [PIKE] Sawbones, I'm coming for ye. See if your magic will help you now. [PIKE] Here's an end to ye, sawbones, damn your eyes. [BLAKE] Thank ye, Squire. The day is ours. [SQUIRE] Yes, quite so, quite so. I think we've managed very well, youand I. [BLAKE] But where's the old man? I would offer my gratitude to him. [BLAKE] Godspeed, old man. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [POLLY] Thank heavens you're both safe. Doctor, areyou all right? [DOCTOR] Oh, a little exhausted, my dear, otherwise I'm all right. Comealong, let's get off. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [BEN] Here, I thought the Doctor nearly had it whenold Pike got going. [POLLY] What happened? How did you all escape? [BEN] Well, Blake's mob beat them. [POLLY] So they're all dead then, the ones who wanted the treasure. [DOCTOR] Yes, superstition is a strange thing, my dear, but sometimes ittells the truth. [POLLY] Where will we go to now, Doctor. Will we go forward or back intime? [DOCTOR] I have no idea. I have no control over such matters. [BEN] Well, it better be 1966 or I'm in dead trouble, Doctor. Well,anyway, wherever it is, it can't be as bad as going back to them days. [DOCTOR] My dear boy, it could be a great deal worse. [POLLY] What's happened, Doctor. I'm freezing! [BEN] Yeah, it's getting right parky in here. [DOCTOR] Just look up at that scanner. We have arrived at the coldestplace in the world!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Smugglers"}
Doctor Who (8 Oct, 1966; First Doctor) - The Tenth Planet (Tracking room) [GENEVA [OC]] Handing Zeus 4 to Polar base. Will you take control now,please? [CUTLER] We have Zeus 4. Thank you, Geneva. [DYSON] (bald) Snowcap to Zeus 4. Over to local control channel J forJimmy. [WILLIAMS [OC]] Over to J for Jimmy now. [CUTLER] Good morning gentlemen. You lucky devils. Have a nice trip. [SCHULTZ [OC]] (Australian) Why not come up and join us? [CUTLER] The penguins might miss me. Take over, will you, Barclay? [BARCLAY] Sir. Dyson, give Texas Tracking the next orbital pattern, willyou? [DYSON] Right, will do. [BARCLAY] Snowcap to Zeus 4. Morning, Blue, morning, Glyn. How do youread me? [SCHULTZ [OC]] Loud and clear, Snowcap, loud and clear. Hey, we have agreat view of your weather. How is it your end? [BARCLAY] There's a blizzard and an eight force wind. Repeat yourvelocity for ground check please. --------------------------------------- (Zeus 4) [SCHULTZ] Well, let's see. We have 18,250 at 0132. [WILLIAMS] (African American) Williams coming in. Cosmic management isnow complete. Are you ready to receive data? [BARCLAY [OC]] Go ahead. [WILLIAMS] Okay, Bluey, let him have it. Are you receiving it? [BARCLAY [OC]] Yes, A one okay. --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [SERGEANT] Man, it's blowing like crazy out there. All I can see issnow, snow and more snow. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Quite an arctic storm blowing out there.Come along, Polly, my child, with my cloak. [POLLY] Hey Doctor, you've got the most fantastic wardrobe. [DOCTOR] Yes, well I'm glad you approve, my child. [POLLY] These are gorgeous. Where do you shop, Carnaby Street? [BEN] Who do you think you are, Nanook of the North or something? [DOCTOR] Oh now, now, now. Stop being so flippant. We don't know whatwe're in for outside there. Now come along, come along, come along. [POLLY] There you are, Doctor. Are you sure you're going to be warmenough? [DOCTOR] Oh, like toast my dear. Now, did you find everything you want? [POLLY] Yes, thanks. [DOCTOR] All right, well let's go outside and investigate. Go along. --------------------------------------- (South Pole) [POLLY] The Doctor was right about this being thecoldest place on earth. I'm freezing already. [BEN] Yeah. [POLLY] Hey, what's this? [BEN] Well, watch it Polly. [POLLY] It's some kind of an aerial. There must be something buriedunderneath here. Hey, look over there. There's something moving. [BEN] Don't touch it, Polly. It looks like some kind of periscope. [POLLY] Is there some kind of a submarine or something down there? --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [SERGEANT] Hey Tito, will you come over here? [TITO] Oh, what is it? [SERGEANT] Come over here, quick. I can see people! [TITO] Sure, sure, lots of people. [SERGEANT] And there's a woman. [TITO] A woman. A woman? Hey! [TITO] Come on. (looks through the periscope) Hey, hey! Mama Mia.Bellissima. [SERGEANT] Looks looks like some kind of a hut. Quick, take those smallarms. Get upstairs and get bring them down. Get moving! --------------------------------------- (South Pole) [BEN] I think we'd better go with them. --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [SERGEANT] Move it. Come on. Hurry up. Come on. Let's go, let's go. Comeon, pops, will you move it? Will you move it, pops? Let's go, come on! [DOCTOR] Please stop that. Please, please stop that. [SERGEANT] Just a moment, pops. Now, who are you, and what are you doinghere? [POLLY] Oh, we just landed outside. [SERGEANT] What in? [POLLY] Well it's a sort of spaceship actually. [TITO] Ha ha! Some spaceship, boss! [SERGEANT] You can knock off the jokes. [BEN] She's not joking. [SERGEANT] Look buddy, I want the truth, and quick. [DOCTOR] Can you tell us precisely where we are, please? [SERGEANT] You're at the South Pole base of International Space Command,and frankly, pops [DOCTOR] Doctor. [SERGEANT] Doctor, your story's gonna have to be awful good. [POLLY] So you mean we are on Earth? [BEN] Well you heard, the South Pole. [SERGEANT] Oh boy. Tito, get the CO. [TITO] He's a-not going to like it. [SERGEANT] Get him! [DOCTOR] Why don't you speak up, I'm deaf! (sotto) Who's the CO? [BEN] The Commanding Officer, the boss. [TITO] Hallo, sir? Private Tito, duty guard here. Could you give amessage to the General please? [BEN] General? [SERGEANT] General Cutler, the CO. [TITO] Sir? I know, but this is an emergency! What's that? The General'snot there? Well can-a you tell me where he is then? [CUTLER] Right here, Private. What is it, Sergeant? [SERGEANT] Ah, well, sir. [CUTLER] Who are these people? [SERGEANT] Well sir, they just appeared outside. [CUTLER] What? [SERGEANT] Yes, sir, as I said they just appeared. From a hut. [CUTLER] A hut? [SERGEANT] Yes, sir. Never been there before. [TITO] That's a-right General. That's just the way it happened. [CUTLER] Well? Who are you? [BEN] Able seaman Ben Jackson, sir, Royal Navy. [CUTLER] Then why aren't you with your ship? [BEN] That's a bit difficult to explain, sir. [CUTLER] Yeah, I'll bet my sweet life it is. [DOCTOR] We don't intend you any harm, General, I can assure you ofthat. [CUTLER] You can assure me of what you like but whether I'll believe youor not is another question. I haven't got time to deal with these now,but when I do you'd better have a good explanation. [DOCTOR] I don't like your tone, sir. [CUTLER] And I don't like your face, nor your hair. Sergeant, bring theminto Tracking and put them under guard in the Observation room. I'lldeal with them as soon as I have time. [SERGEANT] Yes, sir! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [TITO] OK, come on, move, avanti, avanti, svarro. [CUTLER] All right, all right. Don't sit there like a lot of frustratedpenguins. Get on with it. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [POLLY] Hey, isn't it smashing. It looks just likethat rocket place in America. [BEN] Yeah, but I wonder why there are so few people. I mean it's notlike what you see on the telly, is it? [SERGEANT] I don't know what you see on your TV, son, but this isGeneral Cutler's outfit. Come on, you'd better take a seat. [SERGEANT] He don't like a lot of personnel. Cuts down to the bareminimum and works them right into the ground. We only spend a couple ofmonths on this station anyway. We can't stand more than that. [POLLY] I see. Hey, perhaps we can catch a lift back to England. [BEN] Oh, I can't see the squire there giving us a free lift anywhere. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't want to depress you both but I'm afraid we're notquite where you think we are. [BEN] What do you mean? [POLLY] What? [DOCTOR] Well, just take a peek at that. [POLLY] 1986! Oh no, and I thought we'd be able to get home. [BEN] Yeah, we're still at sea. Here, but that'll explain the fewpeople. Them computers must do all the work now. Here, I wonder if theygot to the moon yet. [SERGEANT] Sure, don't you listen to the news? [BEN] You mean you have sent people to the moon? [SERGEANT] Yeah, an expedition just returned. [POLLY] Well, what's this flight then? [SERGEANT] Oh, this is just a normal atmosphere testing probe. [DOCTOR] Yes, I see. A rocket testing site. [SERGEANT] Hey, what's that? [BARCLAY [OC]] An error? Where? --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [WILLIAMS [OC]] Looks bad. We're now over SouthIsland New Zealand and reading a height of 1100 miles. [BARCLAY] 1100? But that's impossible! Dyson, check what it should be,will you? [DYSON] It should be 980. [BARCLAY] No, it can't be. Let me try. [DYSON] Let me do it. [BARCLAY] No, you're right. 980 miles? They're out of position by morethan a hundred miles! [DYSON] Looks like it. [BARCLAY] Snowcap to Zeus 4. Can you read me? [WILLIAMS [OC]] Zeus 4 to Snowcap. Strength 8, over. [BARCLAY] Take visual checks on Mars to establish position. Report back. [WILLIAMS [OC]] Will do, out. --------------------------------------- (Zeus 4) [WILLIAMS] Did you get that, Dan? [SCHULTZ] Yeah. [WILLIAMS] Okay, go ahead. Should be about 4-2-0. [SCHULTZ] No. It's 4-3-2. [WILLIAMS] It can't be. Try again. [SCHULTZ] I am. [WILLIAMS] Come on, shake it up. We'll be back in sunrise in a bit. [SCHULTZ] Cut it out, Glyn. [WILLIAMS] Did you read conversation? [BARCLAY [OC]] Yes. We're getting a Mars fix too. Call back. [SCHULTZ] Hey, Glyn? [WILLIAMS] Yeah? [SCHULTZ] Well, er, take it easy but, er [WILLIAMS] Come on, come on, what is it? [SCHULTZ] It wasn't Mars I had. [WILLIAMS] Well that explains it, doesn't it. Come on now, Dan, tryagain. [SCHULTZ] No, listen, Glyn, there's something else out there. [WILLIAMS] What do you mean? [SCHULTZ] There's another planet out there! [WILLIAMS] Another planet? [SCHULTZ] Yeah. [WILLIAMS] Yeah, you're right. There is something. I can't see properlybut it reads as if it was in orbit between Mars and Venus. [SCHULTZ] Yeah, that's it. Funny how I can't put me finger on it but itlooks kinda familiar. [WILLIAMS] Yeah. [SCHULTZ] Came the dawn. [WILLIAMS] Yeah. Well, I guess we've had enough Earth observations for abit. Hello Snowcap. Hello Snowcap. We're now in dawn over SanFrancisco. Can you get the subject from where you are? [BARCLAY [OC]] Snowcap to Zeus 4. You are very faint. Put up your poweroutput please. [WILLIAMS] It is up. [BARCLAY [OC]] Reading you strength 3. Come in, please. [WILLIAMS] Repeat, can you get the subject on your retina scope? [BARCLAY [OC]] Can do. [WILLIAMS] Hey. Hey, Dan. That's odd. [SCHULTZ] Yeah? [WILLIAMS] Fuel cells are showing a power loss. [RADAR] I've found it, sir. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [DOCTOR] Here we are. Well now, excuse me, my dear. Take this to yourGeneral please. [SERGEANT] Me? You crazy? [DOCTOR] Very well, then, take me to the General. I think perhaps I canhelp him. [SERGEANT] Oh, I don't know. [DOCTOR] Now look here, Sergeant. This is urgent. I insist. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [SERGEANT] General, sir. [CUTLER] Yes, what is it? [SERGEANT] The old boy would like to have a word with you. Claims it'surgent. [CUTLER] Okay, bring him over. But make it fast. [DOCTOR] I think I know what you are going to see. [CUTLER] How can you possibly? [BARCLAY] What? [CUTLER] Oh, get him back over there. [DOCTOR] I've written down here what he will see. Now take your handsoff me, please. [DYSON] Barclay. It's not very clear but it's a planet all right. [CUTLER] How could it be? Planets don't just appear. [BARCLAY] It must be on an oblique orbit. [DYSON] It's approaching quite fast. Barclay, couldn't it be [BARCLAY] I know what you're thinking. Zeus 4 is out of orbit and a newplanet has appeared. Therefore the new planet is influencing Zeus 4.Right? [DYSON] That's about it. [BARCLAY] We must get them down. [CUTLER] An emergency splash zone? [BARCLAY] Yes. Snowcap calling Zeus 4, come in please. Zeus 4, come inplease. Do you read me? [WILLIAMS [OC]] Yes, we read you loud and clear. [BARCLAY] You are strength 2 only. Come in, please. Speak up. [WILLIAMS [OC]] Fuel cells are showing a power loss. [BARCLAY] Power loss? How much? [WILLIAMS [OC]] Main tanks are down approximately --------------------------------------- (Zeus 4) [WILLIAMS] Twenty percent. [BARCLAY [OC]] We are going to bring you down. [WILLIAMS] Roger. We need coordinates to correct orbit. [BARCLAY [OC]] Stand by. [SCHULTZ] What the heck's going on, Glyn? [WILLIAMS] I don't know. Let's get down there and find out. [SCHULTZ] Yeah. [BARCLAY [OC]] Snowcap to Zeus 4, corrected co-ordinates are0-0-4-8-2-0-8-2-3. [WILLIAMS] Right. We're now correct. Out. Ready on attitude test, Bluey? [SCHULTZ] Ready. [WILLIAMS] Okay, go. [WILLIAMS] Again. [SCHULTZ] Look, look! [SCHULTZ] We're tumbling! [WILLIAMS] No! Use the manual controls! [SCHULTZ] I can't. [WILLIAMS] Come on. Come on. [WILLIAMS] What the heck's going on? I feel absolutely clamped down. [SCHULTZ] It's like something's sucked out all the power out of my body. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Zeus 4 will splash down at 14 [DYSON] Thank you, keep checking. [CUTLER] Yes? Yes, all helicopters to area 6 immediately. [DYSON] Hello, Rome computer base. Final descent path please. Computeand report. [BARCLAY] Snowcap to Zeus 4. Your flight path is now correcting. [SCHULTZ [OC]] Power loss is increasing and something's happened to ourlimbs. We're both finding great difficulty in moving. [BARCLAY] Well, you've been up there a fair time. It's probably justspace fatigue. [SCHULTZ [OC]] No, it's quite different. We had to operate the manualcontrols together. Neither of us could have done it alone. [BARCLAY] Well, I, er, we have your descent path now. --------------------------------------- (Zeus 4) [WILLIAMS] You'll have to bring us in this timeround. We can't hang on any longer. [BARCLAY [OC]] You must! We can't bring you in this time. You'llovershoot. [SCHULTZ] We'll never make it, Glyn. [WILLIAMS] Yes, we will, Bluey. Come on now. We'll check the re-entrycontrols. Ready? [SCHULTZ] Yeah. [WILLIAMS] Retros 1 and 3. [SCHULTZ] Okay. [WILLIAMS] Main chute cover. [SCHULTZ] Yeah. [WILLIAMS] Heat shield bolts. [SCHULTZ] Right. [WILLIAMS] Hey. Hey, Bluey, what do you make our position? [SCHULTZ] We're swinging out again! [WILLIAMS] Emergency! Emergency! We've lost flight path again. Givecorrection, please. Urgent! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [BARCLAY] Will do. Stand by. It must be the planet.Its gravity is affecting the capsule. [DYSON] What shall we do about it? [BARCLAY] Well, first of all we must give Zeus 4 a new correction path.Will you do that? [DYSON] Right away. [BARCLAY] You try and get a better fix on that so-called planet and seewhat it is. [TECHNICIAN] Right sir. [CUTLER] It's clearer now. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [BARCLAY] You say you know what this planet is.Well, what is it? [DOCTOR] Well I'm not quite sure, sir. Let me have another look intothis instrument. [DYSON [OC]] Zeus 4, Zeus 4, can you hear, over? [BARCLAY] (intercom) Feed the retina scope into the observations roommonitor. [CUTLER] Look, Doctor Barclay, let's just get those boys down. [DOCTOR] General, General, yes, it's just as I thought. Come and have alook at these land masses. [CUTLER] Land masses? I don't see. I see what you mean. [DOCTOR] Now, doesn't that remind you of anything? [CUTLER] Remind? No, I don't think so. [BEN] Yeah, it looks familiar somehow. [POLLY] Yeah. Hey, Ben, look, that bit looks just like Malaysia! [BEN] Oh, give over. No, hang on, isn't that? Well it looks like SouthAmerica. But it can't be though! [BARCLAY] But there is a similarity. [CUTLER] Nonsense, how could there be? [BARCLAY] This is unbelievable. That's surely Africa? [POLLY] Yes, certainly, and that is Malaysia! [CUTLER] Ridiculous. There must be some reflection off Earth. [BARCLAY] No, it can't be, there's nothing to reflect on. [DOCTOR] And now, my dear Doctor Barclay, I suggest you look at thatpiece of paper I gave you. [BARCLAY] Paper? Oh yes. (reads it) You knew! [DOCTOR] Certainly. [CUTLER] Knew what? [BARCLAY] He has correctly written down what we have just seen and hedid it before we saw it. [CUTLER] It's a simple confidence trick, that's all. [BARCLAY] No, I know when he gave me the paper. Now you clearly knowsomething more about the situation. Can you be more explicit? [DOCTOR] Yes, sir, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can. You see, millions ofyears ago there was a twin planet to Earth and [CUTLER] Oh, for heaven's sake! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [DYSON] Roger, Zeus 4. We will give you moreinformation. Over and out. [CUTLER] Get me Geneva on the radio link. [BARCLAY] I do think we ought to hear the old boy out. [CUTLER] We'll see what Wigner has to say about this. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [POLLY] You're looking terribly worried, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Am I my dear? Yes, I'm afraid I am rather worried. [BEN] What is it Doctor? What's up? [DOCTOR] Well you see, Ben, I know what this planet is and what it meansto Earth. [BEN] And what does it mean to Earth? [DOCTOR] Well, that pretty soon we shall be having visitors. [BEN] Visitors? What, here? Well, who do you think's bringing 'em,Father Christmas on his sledge? [DOCTOR] Oh, quiet, boy, quiet! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] ISC Geneva? Put me through to the GeneralSecretary, immediately. Yes, that's right. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [DOCTOR] May I ask who that was? [SERGEANT] You're late, soldier. I was due for my break five minutesago. Doctor, you don't know nothing about what's going on. That's theSecretary General of International Space Command, Mister Wigner. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] This is very hard to believe, General. Are you quite sure? [CUTLER [OC]] Yes sir, there's no doubt at all. [WIGNER] Very well. Just a moment please. Get on to Mount Palomar. Askthem to provide us with a picture as soon as possible. Contact JodrellBank and ask them to get an exact fix on this. We must have data, andquickly. Let me know the moment you have any more information, General. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] I'll do that, sir, but there's one morething. [WIGNER [OC]] Yes? [CUTLER] We have three intruders. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] Intruders? At the pole? Where did theycome from? --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Well I haven't interrogated yet, sir, butone of them seems to know a good deal about this new planet. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] How can he possibly know? [CUTLER [OC]] I don't know but I'm going to find out. [WIGNER] Do that. Relay at once any further information. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] I'll do that sir. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [CUTLER] Now, suppose you tell me how you reallycame here. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm afraid all that's going to be rather difficult. [CUTLER] Now just a minute. You turn up out of nowhere, a routine spaceshot goes wrong, a new planet appears and you tell us you know allabout it. That puts you slap bang in the hot seat, right? [DOCTOR] Hot seat? [POLLY] But we've got nothing to do with it. [CUTLER] That you're going to have to prove. [DOCTOR] Well, I think if you allowed us to return where we came from [CUTLER] You're not going anywhere. (intercom) Sergeant? [SERGEANT [OC]] Yes sir? [CUTLER] Have you searched that hut yet? [SERGEANT [OC]] No, sir, we haven't. [CUTLER] Well, why not?! Look, I don't want any excuses, get out thereand do it immediately. Now, perhaps we'll get to the bottom of this. --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [SERGEANT] Come on, Tito, we have to go break intoa hut. [TITO] What, that thing out there? [SERGEANT] Yeah, that's right. Come on, hurry up and get dressed up. [TITO] Oh, mama. --------------------------------------- (South Pole) [SERGEANT] It's no good, Tito, we'll need a welding torch to get insidethis thing. Get back inside and bring me out one. You'll need somehelp, okay? [TITO] Okay. [SERGEANT] Hurry up, will you, before I freeze to death. [SERGEANT] What the heck? Tito? Is that you, Tito? What's going on here?Who is that? Who the heck are you? --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [TITO] Okay Joe, that should do it. Okay, let's go. --------------------------------------- (South Pole) [TITO] Hey, here it is, Sarge. Hey, sir, what's going on? --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [CUTLER] That's the most fantastic story I've everheard. [DOCTOR] I can only repeat, sir, what I have already told you. You willget visitors from that other planet. [CUTLER] Nonsense. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] What's the position on the capsule, DoctorBarclay? [BARCLAY] Full instructions have been issued, General. I'm just doingthe final ground check. [CUTLER] What's the range? [RADAR] 1250 miles, sir. [CUTLER] How much off course? [RADAR] About 230 miles. [CUTLER] (unintelligible) [RADAR] (unintelligible) [CUTLER] I don't like it. Hello, Zeus 4. Cutler, Snowcap here. Now look,gentlemen, everything's under control, there's nothing to worry about.We're going to get you down here sure as God made little apples. [WILLIAMS [OC]] Okay. [CUTLER] We'll be seeing you. [CUTLER] All right, Doctor Barclay, this isn't a convalescent home. [BARCLAY] All right. [DYSON] Are you all right. [BARCLAY] Yes. Ready? [DYSON] Ready. --------------------------------------- (South Pole) (International Space Command) [WIGNER] Get me Polar base. [WOMAN] We are having trouble there, sir. [WIGNER] Keep trying. [WOMAN] Yes sir. [REPORTER [on screen]] And since it was first discovered at the SouthPole rocket base --------------------------------------- (International Television News Studio) [REPORTER] Reports have been coming in fromobservatories the world over confirming its' existence. [REPORTER] And here, straight from Mount Palomar observatory, is thefirst picture of our new neighbour in space. [REPORTER] Some observers have reported that its land masses resemblethose of Earth, but this is being hotly disputed in top astronomicalcircles and no general agreement has yet been reached. [REPORTER] Jodrell bank, England, says the planet is approaching Earthbut there is absolutely no cause for alarm. It won't come near enoughto collide. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [REPORTER [on screen]] So I repeat, there is nodanger. [WIGNER] Let's hope they are right. What about Polar base? Are youthrough? [WOMAN] No, sir. We can't get them. [WIGNER] What's happened? [WOMAN] There's some interference, sir. [WIGNER] What sort? [WOMAN] Well, that's the trouble, sir. We don't know. It's enormouslypowerful and it seems to be coming from the base. [WIGNER] We must get in touch with them. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [BARCLAY] (into microphone) May I have yourattention, everybody. This is very important, so please listencarefully. Final orbit commencing from base reference one is fourminutes, ten seconds from now. Now, we've got a very difficult job onour hands and I want everybody to be on their toes all the time. If thecapsule power falls too low I shall take over re-entry from here, andfor that I want the entire team behind me. Now, base reference onecommencing --------------------------------------- (Observation area) [BARCLAY [OC]] Now. [DOCTOR] Yes, they must bring them down. [BEN] But why, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Because they can't last another orbit. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [DOCTOR] It's imperative that I talk to you, General. [CUTLER] Get away, old man. Can't you see [DOCTOR] (to Barclay.) You, will you pay attention? Will you?! [CUTLER] Get this man back into the Observation room. Sergeant, that wasan order! Take that man back to the obs [CUTLER] Back to your places. --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [POLLY] Oh. no! [BEN] Come back, Polly. They'll blow your head off! [DOCTOR] Hey! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Now look, I don't know who you are or whatyou are, but we've got two men in space. If we don't act now we won'tget them back alive. [KRAIL] They will not return. [CUTLER] Why not? [KRAIL] It is unimportant now. [CUTLER] But We must get them back! When [KRAIL] There is really no point. They could never reach Earth now. [POLLY [OC]] But don't you care? [KRAIL] Care? No, why should I care? --------------------------------------- (Observation room) [POLLY] Because they're people and they're going todie! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [KRAIL] I do not understand you. There are peopledying all over your world yet you do not care about them. [POLLY] Yes, but we could avoid their deaths. [KRAIL] You will be wondering what has happened. Your astronomers musthave just discovered a new planet. Is that not so? [BARCLAY] Yes, that's right. [KRAIL] That is where we come from. It is called Mondas. [BEN] Mondas? [BARCLAY] Mondas? But isn't that one of the ancient names of Earth? [KRAIL] Yes. Aeons ago the planets were twins, then we drifted away fromyou on a journey to the edge of space. Now we have returned. [BEN] You were right, Doctor. [BARCLAY] But who or what are you? [KRAIL] We are called Cybermen. [BARCLAY] Cybermen? [KRAIL] Yes, Cybermen. We were exactly like you once but our cyberneticscientists realised that our race was getting weak. [BARCLAY] Weak? How? [KRAIL] Our life span was getting shorter, so our scientists and doctorsdevised spare parts for our bodies until we could be almost completelyreplaced. [POLLY] But that means you're not like us. You're robots! [KRAIL] Our brains are just like yours except that certain weaknesseshave been removed. [BARCLAY] Weaknesses? What weaknesses? [KRAIL] You call them emotions, do you not? [POLLY] But that's terrible. You, you mean you wouldn't care aboutsomeone in pain? [KRAIL] There would be no need. We do not feel pain. [POLLY] But we do. [CUTLER] Ha, that'll fix you! Europe will know there's an emergency herenow. [KRAIL] That was really most unfortunate. You should not have done that. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] Well, it seems to me there is a pattern.Number 1, a new planet appears. Number 2, the Earth is losing it'senergy. Number 3, as the planet gets nearer, the energy loss getsworse. This in my mind connects the two. Exactly how I don't know, buta [WOMAN] Sir! [WIGNER] Yes, what is it? [WOMAN] Emergency signal from the Pole, sir. [WIGNER] What did they say? [WOMAN] Well, nothing, sir. It went off again. [WIGNER] Heavy static, emergency signal. Get them on the emergencymicrolink. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [KRAIL] Switch on the radio and tell Europe thatnothing further has happened and that all is well here. [CUTLER] I'll do no such thing. [KRAIL] That is an order. [CUTLER] Go take a jump! [KRAIL] Trigger pack. [KRAIL] Stay where you are. [POLLY] You've killed him! [KRAIL] I have not killed him. He will recover. Now, someone must answeryour commander in Europe. He is waiting. [BARCLAY] I refuse. [KRAIL] You. [DYSON] Yes? [KRAIL] Which are the communication controls? [DYSON] They're over there. [BARCLAY] Dyson! [KRAIL] Stand aside. [BARCLAY] What are you going to do? [KRAIL] You will see. [BARCLAY] If you destroy those we shall be unable to keep contact withthe capsule. [KRAIL] Your commander is still waiting for your report. [DYSON] For God's sake, Barclay, do as he asks. Do you want the placedestroyed? [BARCLAY] All right. Come in, Geneva. [WIGNER [OC]] Snowcap. What's going on? We received an emergency fromyou on the microlink. [BARCLAY] (stammering) It was a fault. We're looking at it now. I'msorry about the false alarm. [WIGNER [OC]] Where is this static coming from? We can hardly hear you,even on these bands. [BARCLAY] It, well, I think it must have been the reactor. We had themoderator on for a time this afternoon and er, well, well that'sprobably it. [WIGNER [OC]] I see. Contact us if you have any further reports on thisnew planet. [BARCLAY] Yes, sir. [DYSON] Well done, Barclay. Now the space capsule will have anotherchance. [BARCLAY] Now you must let us try and get in touch with our astronauts. [KRAIL] I told you it is impossible for them to get back now. The pullof Mondas is too strong. [BARCLAY] But you must let us try, please. [KRAIL] It is a foregone conclusion. You are wasting time. However, ifyou wish to contact them I have no objection. He and his colleagues mayuse their equipment. Any attempt at deceit however, kill them at once.Remove the soldier. I will carry on detail. [BARCLAY] Snowcap to Zeus 4, come in please. Zeus 4, come in please. [WILLIAMS [OC]] We have you. Over. [BARCLAY] Prepare to check orbital density. [WILLIAMS [OC]] Ready. [BARCLAY] As it was. [BEN] Right, Doctor. While they take him out, we'll make a break for it. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [BEN] We can get back to the Tardis! [DOCTOR] Well how can we do that, boy? [BEN] Well, we can make a break for it down that corridor, to thetrapdoor and then bolt it from behind. [DOCTOR] Nonsense, nonsense, they'll burn us down in a flash. [BEN] We can do with that for a start. [DOCTOR] No, Ben! [POLLY] No, they'll see you. Ben, for goodness sake! [KRAIL] Stop! Come here. [KRAIL] You do not seem to take us seriously. [BEN] Blimey! [KRAIL] Take him out and look after him. It is quite useless to resistus. We are stronger and more efficient than your Earth people. We mustbe obeyed. --------------------------------------- (Projection room) [BEN] Locked! Oh, now where've they put me? [BEN] Oh great. A projection room! --------------------------------------- (Zeus 4) [BARCLAY [OC]] You begin exactly 60 seconds fromnow. Are you ready to go? [SCHULTZ] Yeah, ready. [BARCLAY [OC]] Our readings here show that you need forward correctionof 7 degrees. [WILLIAMS] Yes, that checks. We'll correct with attitude control. Okay,Bluey, go ahead. [SCHULTZ] Hello, Snowcap. We've reoriented capsule. Attitude nowcorrect. [BARCLAY [OC]] Retro rockets to go in 20 seconds. After I give you thetime check you'll come in on your own. Right? [WILLIAMS] Will do. [BARCLAY [OC]] Ready. 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fire! [WILLIAMS] Okay, Bluey, check velocity. I'll do ground check. [SCHULTZ] We're not down to re-entry velocity. [WILLIAMS] What? [SCHULTZ] We're still at 14-5, we should be down to 11-2. [WILLIAMS] We'll have to use the retros again. Quick man, quick! [SCHULTZ] Fuel's gone. [WILLIAMS] Hello Snowcap. Hello Snowcap, fuel's gone! Can't get back in!Any ideas? --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [DYSON] Look at the radar now. They'reaccelerating! [POLLY] Can't you do anything to help them? [BARCLAY] No, the retro fuel's gone. [DOCTOR] Terrible, terrible. [RADAR] Emergency red and await instructions. I repeat, emergency red. [DYSON] Their course is changing now, they're spinning out. Theacceleration is enormous! --------------------------------------- (Zeus 4) (Tracking room) [DYSON] They're beyond escape velocity now. Theycan't possibly re-enter. [POLLY] What happened? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid the spaceship exploded, my dear. [POLLY] You mean they're dead? [KRAIL] Now perhaps you can see that your planet is in great andimminent danger. In order to save you we shall require information tobe transmitted to Mondas. [DOCTOR] Save us? [POLLY] What about those poor men? [KRAIL] Perhaps you will co-operate. Mondas drew the ship away. It wasunavoidable. [DYSON] Why? What is happening? [KRAIL] I will require your name. [DYSON] Tell us! [KRAIL] The energy of Mondas is nearly exhausted and now we turn to it'stwin and will gather energy from Earth. [BARCLAY] But but! [DOCTOR] Gather energy?! [KRAIL] Age, name and occupation. [BARCLAY] But for how long? [DYSON] My name is John Dyson, supervising engineer. [KRAIL] Until it is all gone. Age. [DYSON] But that means that the Earth will, will die! [KRAIL] Yes. Everything on Earth will stop. Age, please. [BARCLAY] But you can't calmly stand there and tell us we're all goingto die! [KRAIL] You are not going to die. [DOCTOR] And how are you going to stop this energy drain from Mondas? [KRAIL] Name and occupation please. We cannot. It is beyond our powers. [DOCTOR] How are we going to survive?! [KRAIL] Speak please. By coming with us. Age. [BARCLAY] With you? [KRAIL] Yes. We are going to take you all back to Mondas. Your ageplease. [DOCTOR] His age is unimportant here! [BARCLAY] That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life! [DOCTOR] You cannot for one moment --------------------------------------- (Projection room) [BEN] Oh, I can just imagine trying to tackle one of them geezers with ascrewdriver. [BEN] Hey, wait a minute! If I was to turn this on the door, it mightblind him! Yeah. [BEN] Hah! I saw that film twenty years ago. [BEN] Oy, come in here mate, you're wanted! Oy, come in here! [BEN] Now then, Fred! [CYBERMAN] Do not resist. Give me that weapon. [BEN] I'm sorry, mate, I'm giving the orders here. Now look, get back.I'm telling you, get back! [BEN] You didn't give me no alternative! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [BARCLAY] There's no scientific certainty that thisis a dying planet. [DYSON] Perhaps we'd prefer to take our chances here. [KRAIL] You must come and live with us. [POLLY] But we cannot live with you. You're, you're different. You'vegot no feelings. [KRAIL] Feelings? I do not understand that word. [DOCTOR] Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. Have you no emotions, sir? [KRAIL] Come to Mondas and you will have no need of emotions. You willbecome like us. [POLLY] Like you? [KRAIL] We have freedom from disease, protection against heat and cold,true mastery. Do you prefer to die in misery? [POLLY] But look, surely it's possible for us not to lose Earth'senergy? [KRAIL] It is inevitable. [POLLY] Then you don't mind if we all die. [KRAIL] Why should we mind? [DOCTOR] Why? Why?! [POLLY] Because millions and millions of people are going to suffer anddie horribly! [KRAIL] We shall not be affected. [POLLY] Don't you think of anything except yourselves? [KRAIL] We are equipped to survive. We are only interested in survival.Anything else is of no importance. Your deaths will not affect us. [POLLY] But I can't make you understand, you're condemning us all todie. Have you no heart? [KRAIL] No, that is one of the weaknesses that we have removed. [CUTLER] All right, get me Geneva, quick! Come on, let's have someaction. Get rid of these things. [DOCTOR] I don't think you should have done that, General. We may havelearned a very great deal. [CUTLER] Yeah, we may have lost a very great deal. Our lives. [CUTLER] Put me through to the General Secretary. Is Zeus 4 down yet? [BARCLAY] I'm afraid we lost them, General. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] We followed Zeus 4's last orbit from here.A terrible tragedy. [CUTLER [OC]] Yes, sir, but I'm afraid that's not the hassle. We've hadmore visitors. [WIGNER] Visitors? [CUTLER [OC]] Yes, sir. They're part man, part robot. They come fromthis new planet, Mondas. Three of them broke into the base here andoverpowered us. [WIGNER] What's happened to them now? [CUTLER [OC]] We overwhelmed them sir, but there'll be more on theirway. [WIGNER] Hold on, Cutler. Military bases all round the world must be puton immediate alert. Cutler, could you deal with another attack, withyour limited resources? [CUTLER [OC]] Yes, we can handle them. [WIGNER] Good. Now, Cutler, we've got a special task for you. We sent upa single astronaut to help Schultz and Williams down. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] When did you send him up? [WIGNER [OC]] He was sent from Woomera at 14 [CUTLER] Yes? You want me to take over the tracking? [WIGNER [OC]] Yes. Establish contact immediately. One other thing. Thisis a dangerous mission. We needed for a brave man, so we asked forvolunteers. [CUTLER] So? [WIGNER [OC]] Your son volunteered. Cutler? Are you there? [CUTLER] Yes, sir. Yes I'm here. You've sent my son to his death. Yourealise that, I hope. [WIGNER [OC]] We'll bring him down. [CUTLER] What about the loss of power? --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] His spacecraft has double the reserves ofZeus 4. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] He's gonna need it. [WIGNER [OC]] Good luck, General. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] If Cutler is right, then we are probablygoing to fight the first interplanetary war. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] All right, that's the information,gentlemen. Now get cracking, and establish contact with it. [ALL] Right, sir. [BARCLAY] But surely, General. [CUTLER] No buts. Get the information from computer, and let me knowwhen you've got it. [BARCLAY] Right-o. [CUTLER] Security? Major, I want the guard doubled on the main entrance.Use section 1. Yes, and section 2 to the flight exit and tracks.Section 3 to the fuel tanks, check them over, and double the guard onthem. What's that? I don't care what sort of a rest they're on! Getthem out there, and do it quick! I'll get some action here yet. Missilecontrol? Programme all Cobra anti-missiles for launch imminent. Standin readiness and await instructions. [POLLY] What a ghastly man. [BEN] Yeah, I wouldn't want him on the bridge. [CUTLER] We'll soon have this place sealed up like a bottle. [DOCTOR] I think you rather underestimate the Cybermen, General. [CUTLER] Oh, that's what you reckon is it, old man? Well, you'reentitled to your opinions so long as you keep them to yourself! You didwell, boy, to kill that soldier. [BEN] I had no choice. [CUTLER] Oh, don't apologise. He's dead, isn't he? [POLLY] He seems to be enjoying all this. [CUTLER] What's that? What's that you said? [POLLY] I said you seem to be enjoying all this. [CUTLER] Look, missy, I've got a personal stake in this emergency.That's my son up in that capsule. And you know what happened to thelast one. [POLLY] I'm sorry. [RADAR] Sir! [CUTLER] Yes? [RADAR] General Cutler, sir! [CUTLER] Yes, what is it? [RADAR] Strong signal on the early warning, unidentified. [CUTLER] Well, identify it, man! [RADAR] Yes sir, it's. There are hundreds of them, sir! [CUTLER] Hundreds of what? [RADAR] Spaceships sir. In formation! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Spaceships. That means only one thing,more Cybermen. Dyson, see if you can get hold of Zeus 5. I want tospeak to my son. [DYSON] Trying now, sir. [BEN] What's the matter, Doctor? [POLLY] Doctor, what's the matter? [BEN] What's happened to him? [POLLY] Ben, do something quickly. [BEN] Yeah, he needs medical help and quick. General! [CUTLER] Yes, what is it? [BEN] It's the Doctor, he's passed out. He's ill! [CUTLER] Look, I've got enough on my plate without worrying about him.Get him down to one of the cabins and look after him. You, give him ahand. [TECH] Yes, sir. [DYSON] Coming through now, sir. [CUTLER] Good. [DYSON] Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. How do you read me? [TERRY [OC]] Zeus 5 to Snowcap. Reading you loud and clear. Over. [CUTLER] Give me that. Hello, son. Zeus 5, are you experiencing anypower loss? [TERRY [on monitor]] Hey, that voice sounds familiar. [CUTLER] Repeat, any power loss? [TERRY [on monitor]] You sound very het up down there. Yeah, there'ssome loss of power when I'm in orbit on the same side of Earth as thisnew planet, but it picks up again on the far side. I guess I'm shieldedthere. What happened to Williams and Schultz? [CUTLER] Well, er, you won't be meeting up and docking with them now.There's been a little trouble. So what we have to do is get you downnow. --------------------------------------- (Bunk room) [BEN] Oh, a fine time he picks for a kip. Well, come on Polly, let's getback to the control room. [POLLY] We can't leave him. [BEN] He seems all right. His pulse and breathing are normal. [POLLY] I don't understand it. He just seems to be worn out. [BEN] Well, look, there's nothing we can do till the quack gets hereanyway. Come on. [POLLY] All right. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Yes, well, let me know if there's anychange. Now look, son, we're getting readings on our screens down hereof a large formation of spaceships. Seen anything up there? [TERRY [on monitor]] Sounds kinda spooky. No, I've nothing to report sofar. [CUTLER] They're on your orbit about thirty miles below you. [TERRY [on monitor]] No, I can't see anything, but it's pretty dark downthere. [CUTLER] Well keep your eyes open and report any sightings immediately,okay? [TERRY [on monitor]] Check, sir. [CUTLER] Now take care, son. We'll get you down as soon as we can. Out. [DYSON] What do we do now? [CUTLER] I only hope I'm right. Now listen, men, the situation as I seeit is this. We've got three major problems on our hands. One, my sonhas been sent up on a foolhardy mission and we've got to get him down.Two, another visit from these creatures is almost a certainty. Three,the Earth is being drained of it's energy by this so-called planetMondas or whatever it's called. [DYSON] There's nothing we can do about any of them. [CUTLER] That's where you're wrong, Mister Dyson, we can do something.We can destroy Mondas. [BARCLAY] But that's impossible. [CUTLER] Impossible is not in my vocabulary, Doctor Barclay. [BARCLAY] And just how do you propose to do it? [CUTLER] By using the Zee-bomb. [BARCLAY] You can't do that! [CUTLER] I can and I will. [DYSON] What about the radiation effects on Earth? [CUTLER] That's a risk we'll have to take. [BARCLAY] But to use this bomb you'll have to get authority from Geneva. [CUTLER] I'll get authority, fella, right now. Get me Geneva. [BEN] What is the Zee-bomb? [CUTLER] What is it? It's a doomsday weapon, Mister, and rightly primedit could split that planet in half. There are two or three at strategicpositions round the globe. We have one of them and the means ofdelivering it to Mondas. [BARCLAY] Secretary Wigner, sir. [CUTLER] Secretary? --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] Yes, General? [CUTLER [OC]] The expected attack, sir. They've been sighted in force. [WIGNER] Yes, I know. We've just got reports. They are coming in fromall over the world. And to make matters worse, the energy drain isincreasing rapidly. (to aide) Ouvrez les lignes des communications avectoute les (?) de monde.Allez-y. [WOMAN] Toute de suite. [WIGNER] Cutler, you must hold on as best you can. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Yes, sir. Request permission, sir, to takedefensive action against this planet. [WIGNER [OC]] What action? [CUTLER] The Zee-bomb, sir. Mounted in the warhead of a Demeter rocketand fired at Mondas, it could destroy it. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] We can't take the risk. This might havedisastrous effects, both on Earth and the atmosphere. We would have toconsult our top scientists. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] But there isn't time for consultation.This is an emergency! [WIGNER [OC]] We must know exactly what we are doing. [CUTLER] But there isn't time, we'll have to take a chance! --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] No, General. You must take no precipitousaction. This is quite out of the question. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Yes, sir. But do you do give me authorityto take any action necessary against the Cybermen? [WIGNER [OC]] Yes, of course. You must do all you can. [CUTLER] Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. [CUTLER] Right, gentlemen. Prepare to start the countdown. [BARCLAY] But surely you haven't got the authority to use that bomb! [CUTLER] Secretary Wigner has given me authority to take any stepsnecessary to stop the Cybermen. [BEN] Yeah, but I bet that didn't include using the Zee-bomb! [CUTLER] That is my order! [BEN] Look, tell him he can't use this bomb, Barclay. We'll all go upwith it! [CUTLER] Now, look you. Ever since you came into this base you and thatold man have poked your noses into things that don't concern you. Well,you've just done it for the last time. You, take them out of here andlock them up with the Doctor. [POLLY] But just a minute, are you sure there's only one way of dealingwith the Cybermen? [CUTLER] As they are about to attack us, yes, I am sure. [BEN] But there is another way. To wait. [BARCLAY] I don't follow. [BEN] Look, the Doctor said that it's not only Earth that's in danger,but that Mondas itself is in far greater danger. Otherwise, why havethey bothered coming here? [CUTLER] And just how did he figure that out? It's draining energy fromthe Earth, isn't it? [BEN] Yes, but he said eventually it would absorb too much energy andburn itself out. Well, shrivel up to nothing. So all we've got to do iswait! [CUTLER] Wait? Sure, wait until these Cybermen friends of yours get hereand take over this planet. Oh no, mister, we're not going to wait.We're just going to accelerate the process a little. We're going tomake it disappear just a little bit sooner, that's all. [BARCLAY] But don't you see, General? A nuclear explosion on Mondaswould deliver a terrific blast of radiation, enough to destroy all thelife on the side of the Earth that's facing it. It might even turn intoa sun, a sort of supernova. And it would certainly destroy the spacecapsule. [CUTLER] That's a risk we'll have to take. So far as the capsule'sconcerned, Doctor Barclay, you are going to programme that bomb so thatit hits Mondas at a time when my son's orbit has taken him to the farside of the Earth. [BARCLAY] But there are no guarantees of success. [CUTLER] I'm not arguing, Doctor. [RADAR] They're coming in closer, sir. [POLLY] I'm coming with you. [BEN] No, love, you stay here. [POLLY] But what about the Doctor? [BEN] No, I'll look after him. Now look, You heard what Barclay said. Ithink he's scared, so work on him, get him on our side. [POLLY] All right. [CUTLER] All right, Barclay, the bomb. Well? [BARCLAY] You'll have to be present at the fusing, General. Dyson is notallowed to do it without you. [CUTLER] Okay, Dyson, let's get on with it. [POLLY] Can I stay and help? [CUTLER] What do you think you could do? [POLLY] Well, I could make some coffee or something. [CUTLER] Oh, all right. I suppose we could do with some. Now, don't losecontact with my son, and keep track of those Cybermen. Let me know themoment an attack is imminent. [R/T] Yes, sir. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. --------------------------------------- (Bunk room) [BEN] Doctor! Doctor! Oh, what's the use? Theremust be a way out of here somewhere. [BEN] Oh, they didn't make locks like that in 1966. [BEN] Hey, wait a minute. I wonder where this leads to? --------------------------------------- (Bomb assembly room) [CUTLER] Right, we'll fuse it now. [DYSON] Yes, sir. [CUTLER] Well, come on Barclay. What are we waiting for? [DYSON] Last minute checks, sir. [CUTLER] This little baby's gonna solve all our problems. [DYSON] Yes, sir. [CUTLER] Well, at least you agree with me, Dyson. [DYSON] If we get this away, do you think we stand any chance, sir? [CUTLER] What do you mean? There's no alternative. [DYSON] The old man could be right. It might be better to wait. [CUTLER] Wait nothing. History is littered with guys who waited, andwhere did it get them? Nowhere. [DYSON] There are the radiation effects. I mean, nothing is known, theresults of this bomb could be quite fantastic. [CUTLER] You've never talked so much since you came to the base, Dyson.What's the matter, you scared? [DYSON] No, not exactly. [CUTLER] Come on man, admit it. I am. I'm scared for that son of mine.That's why we've got to get this thing away, otherwise we'll never gethim down. Well, come on you fellas. Time's short. Let's get moving. [DYSON] We can start now. [TECH] Sir. [DYSON] Ready? Right. Seven, two, four, six, eight, eight, two. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [BARCLAY] Well? [R/T] Still can't raise Lieutenant Cutler, sir. [BARCLAY] Well, keep trying, man. Keep trying. [R/T] Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Come in, please. [BARCLAY] Let me know the instant you hear from him. [R/T] Yes, sir. Try via the Hawaii relay. [TECH] Right. [R/T] Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Come in, please. [POLLY] How do you like your coffee? [BARCLAY] Oh, as it comes. [POLLY] Are you trying to get in touch with General Cutler's son? [BARCLAY] Look, you just keep your mind on making coffee, will you? I'msorry, that was rude. You must be scared stiff with all this happening. [POLLY] I am rather. [BARCLAY] Well, try not to worry about it. [POLLY] If Mondas turns into a sun and pours out deadly radiation, howmuch will it affect us? [BARCLAY] I don't know. It may not affect us at all. [POLLY] That's not what you said just now. [BARCLAY] I know, but I'm not at all certain what would happen. [POLLY] But what could happen? [BARCLAY] Well, the radiation could affect us, and there'd be a certainloss of life. And the vegetation would, well, suffer badly for manyyears. [POLLY] And you're prepared to just let this happen? [BARCLAY] Well, what can I do? Cutler holds all the cards. [R/T] 13 minutes to countdown, Doctor Barclay. [BARCLAY] Right. [POLLY] Can't we wait, fight off the Cybermen until Mondas is destroyed?It would probably mean the end of Cutler's son, but that's one lifeagainst millions. [BARCLAY] Yes, but what can I do? If I don't follow the General's ordershe's bound to, well, carry on on his own without me. You know, he's avery ruthless man. [POLLY] Can't we pretend to follow his orders, but in fact make sure therocket doesn't go off? [CUTLER] Anything to report? [RADAR] Yes, sir. The signal on the screen is still there, 1500 milesnorth north east. It's been stationary for the last ten minutes. [CUTLER] Let me know the moment it starts to move. [RADAR] Yes, sir. [CUTLER] Any word from my son? [BARCLAY] Can't seem to raise him, General. [CUTLER] What? [RADAR] The signal, sir, it's moving. Coming in fast, course 0-1-5. [CUTLER] Where's it heading? [RADAR] Straight for here, sir. [BARCLAY] Cybermen? [CUTLER] Must be. [BARCLAY] Anti-missile batteries? [CUTLER] No. No, I've got a better idea. We'll let them land and thenambush them with their own weapons. Put the whole base on red alert. [R/T] Very good, sir. Now hear this. All base to red alert. Repeat, allbase to red alert. [CUTLER] Security? Major, put section one under snow camouflage andissue them with the captured Cybermen weapons. Report to me on R/T whencomplete. How long to countdown? [BARCLAY] Ten minutes. [CUTLER] They'll be here by then. We'll have to hold them off, thenproceed as with a normal launching. [CUTLER] Yes? [DYSON [OC]] Bomb's in position, sir. Will you check it now? [CUTLER] Right. Just time before the battle commences. [POLLY] (sotto) Quick, now's our chance. [BARCLAY] For what? [POLLY] To go and see Ben. We need the others to help. Hurry, beforeit's too late. --------------------------------------- (Bunk room) [POLLY] Ben? [BEN] Strewth, you gave me a turn then, duchess. [POLLY] How is he? [BEN] Oh, he's just the same. [BEN] The quack's been to see him. He says he'll be all right, though. [POLLY] Doctor Barclay's going to help us. [BEN] Oh, good. Now look, is there anything we can do to stop thisrocket? [BARCLAY] Well, it can be immobilised quite simply if we can get intothe rocket silo. [BEN] Well, can't you? [BARCLAY] No, it's under constant guard. If I or anyone else tried totamper with the controls we'd be discovered immediately. [BEN] Well, is there any other way in? [BARCLAY] No. Wait a minute. [BEN] Well? [BARCLAY] There is one way. I designed this part of the base. Thatventilator shaft leads straight into the rocket silo. But I doubt if Icould get into it. It'd be a tight squeeze. [BEN] But I might. Though if it leads into the rocket silo, would I needa radiation suit? [BARCLAY] No, the top part is screened. But there's a guard outside andan engineer checking instruments inside. [POLLY] Well, couldn't we distract him, get him outside? [BARCLAY] Perhaps. Now look, this is what you would have to do. [BEN] Yeah. [BARCLAY] Along the side of the rocket [BEN] Yeah. [BARCLAY] Just level with the walkway, there is a panel marked PlugServo Leads. You'll need a screwdriver. [BEN] Well, I've got this knife. [BARCLAY] Good. That will do. Now, unscrew the panel and inside you willsee four small plugs. Take out any one of them and snip off a pin andput it back. [BEN] What'll that do? [BARCLAY] Well, the fuel pump pressure will fall to zero at blast off. [BEN] You mean the engines won't work? But I mean, won't they discoverit? [BARCLAY] Not in six months. It's not the sort of fault they look for. [BARCLAY] The Cybermen. Now look, this is what you have to do. You comeout of the ventilation shaft, down a ladder at the side. --------------------------------------- (South Pole) (Ventilation shaft) (Bunk room) [POLLY] I do wish you'd wake up. --------------------------------------- (Rocket silo) (South Pole) (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Well, that's accounted for that lot. Tell them to bring thecaptured weapons down to the guard room. [R/T] Sir. [CUTLER] Barclay? Where's Barclay? [DYSON] I don't know, sir. He wasn't here when I got back. [CUTLER] Know where he went? [DYSON] Maybe to the rocket silo. [CUTLER] I wonder. [DYSON] Burns, check my figures on the second stage booster. [BURNS] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CUTLER] What are you doing here, Doctor Barclay? [BARCLAY] General, I was just checking these with Haynes. --------------------------------------- (Rocket silo) [CUTLER] All right. Get him down to the tracking room. You, check thatrocket. See if he's done anything. [BARCLAY] I can explain this, General. [CUTLER] Yes, I'm sure. Right now you're coming with me. I need you.We'll talk about this after that rocket's gone. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [CUTLER] Now, listen. I am warning you. If thatrocket doesn't take off for Mondas, if my son's life is in jeopardybecause of him, I'll take the law into my own hands. And that goes foryou too, Doctor Barclay. You'd just better make a good job of thatlaunch. Okay, start the countdown. [BARCLAY] Preliminary checks are not complete, General. [CUTLER] See if you can get through to my son again. [R/T] Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Come in, please. [TERRY [OC]] Zeus 5 to Snowcap. Reading you loud and clear. Over. [CUTLER] Give it to me. Son, Son, have you seen any sign of thosespacecraft yet? [TERRY [on monitor]] No, I haven't seen a thing, there's just me up hereat the moment, all on my lonesome. [CUTLER] Yeah. Well watch it. They move mighty fast. [TERRY [on monitor]] Well, when are you going to bring me down? [CUTLER] Well, we can't do it just yet, you'll have to hold on. We haveto deal with Mondas first. [TERRY [on monitor]] Hey, wait a minute. The capsule's getting a littleslow on the controls. [CUTLER] What about your power? [TERRY [on monitor]] It loses and then picks up again. [CUTLER] Yes, that's Mondas affecting it. Don't worry, son. We'll getyou down just as soon as we're able. [TERRY [on monitor]] Well, it can't be too soon for me. [CUTLER] Good luck, son. Out. [TERRY [on monitor]] Luck. I'm gonna need it. [BARCLAY] All systems ready to proceed with countdown. Barclay speaking.Check in please. Silo control. [POLLY] Ben. Ben, please wake up. [TECH [OC]] Check. [BARCLAY] Gantry team. [TECH 2 [OC]] A1 Okay. [BARCLAY] Fire control. [TECH 3 [OC]] Check. [BARCLAY] Fuel control. [TECH 4 [OC]] Perfect. Check. [BARCLAY] Search monitors. [TECH 5 [OC]] Okay. [BARCLAY] Bomb fuse team. [TECH 6 [OC]] Completed. Check. [BARCLAY] Booster guidance. [TECH 7 [OC]] Check. [BARCLAY] We are starting at T-minus two minutes, starting from now! [POLLY] Ben, are you all right? [BEN] Who's that? [POLLY] Shh, keep your voice down. [BEN] What happened? [POLLY] I'll tell you later. [BARCLAY] Radar vectors check. T-minus 1-50 and counting. [TECH [OC]] Check. [POLLY] Did you manage it? [BEN] Oh, my head. It's splitting! [POLLY] Did you, Ben? Try and remember. [BEN] I can't think. [BARCLAY] T-minus 1-40 and counting. Clear silo. Booster giros on. [TECH [OC]] Silo clear. We have a fault on range computer. Checkcircuits. [BARCLAY] Stop the countdown! [POLLY] Does that mean they've found the fault? [BEN] I don't know! [CUTLER] What's the matter with those range computers? [BARCLAY] It's only a minor fault, General. Holding at T-minus 01-35. [CUTLER] It had better be minor, Doctor Barclay. [TECH [OC]] All clear. [BARCLAY] Proceed with countdown. Starting from now. [POLLY] It's still going to fire after all you've done. [BARCLAY] T-minus 01-25. Raise the missile. [BARCLAY] T-minus 1-5. Everyone out of silo area. Land lines away. [BARCLAY] T-minus 50 seconds. Switch firing circuits to auto action. [TECH [OC]] Will do. [BARCLAY] Countdown timing to automatic. [POLLY] We'll know if you succeeded in just a few seconds. [TECH [OC]] T-minus 40 seconds. T-minus 30 seconds. T-minus 20 seconds.T-minus 10 seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [POLLY] Ben, you made it. The rocket hasn't gone off. It didn't work.Now we've all got a chance of life. [CUTLER] Your Cybermen friends may have a chance of life, but not you,sailor. Nor that old man. Now go get him up here. [POLLY] But he's ill! [CUTLER] He's gonna get worse. Get him up! [DOCTOR] No need. I'm here. [POLLY] Doctor! [BEN] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. Your plan is foiled, sir. You cannot fire therocket. [CUTLER] You just arrived in time. Get over there. [DOCTOR] I must protest. [CUTLER] Move! Dyson, get through to Zeus 5! [POLLY] What's happened to you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm not sure, my dear. Comes from an outside influence.Unless this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin. [POLLY] What do you mean, wearing a bit thin? [DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry child, don't worry, don't worry. Oh, let's havea look, dear boy. [CUTLER] Barclay, that rocket was sabotaged with your help. Now you'regonna get it off the ground again. I'm gonna give you one more chanceor you're gonna get killed with them. [BARCLAY] I can't fire this rocket, and neither can you. [CUTLER] How long will it take you to refuel? [BARCLAY] Long enough. [CUTLER] All right, if that's the way you want to play it get up. Getup. Get up! Get over there. [DYSON] I'm getting a signal, sir. From Lieutenant Cutler, sir. [TERRY [on monitor]] I'm tumbling badly and there's little control leftin the capsule. I must speak fast. [CUTLER] Yes. Yes, go ahead, son. [TERRY [on monitor]] This new planet, there's something strangehappening. [CUTLER] What do you mean? [TERRY [on monitor]] Well it seems to brighten up like a sun and thendarken again. [DOCTOR] It cannot absorb much more energy. [RADAR] Sir, Cyberman spaceships on approach path. [CUTLER] Shut up, will you? Go ahead, son. [TERRY [on monitor]] Hey, control's gone again. Energy loss severe It'slike, it's like being on a switchback. I can't, I can't seem to [CUTLER] Get that signal back! [DYSON] It's gone. Could be a power failure. [CUTLER] Come on, man! Come on, Dyson, get that signal! [RADAR] Sir, Cyberman ship on descent now! [DYSON] Radio dead. It's hopeless. [BARCLAY] The enemy will landing at any moment. [DOCTOR] General! [CUTLER] The enemy! The enemy! I'll tell you who the enemy is. You arethe enemy. You. [RADAR] The Cybermen, sir. They must have landed. [CUTLER] You, you, you, you killed my son! [DYSON] But, sir, they've landed! [CUTLER] The only person I gave a care about in this whole world, andyou killed him. So now I'm going to kill you and I'll start on you,Doctor. [KRANG] Silence. Anyone who moves will be killed instantly. [DOCTOR] We owe you our lives. That man was going to have us shot. [KRANG] Go with the others down there. [BEN] There's gratitude for you. We save their grotty planet Mondas forwhat. [KRANG] Saved Mondas? We do not believe you. We have seen a rocketmissile aimed at Mondas. [DOCTOR] That is so. We prevented it being fired at you. We helped you.Therefore, I suggest you help us. [BEN] It's no use talking to these geezers. [KRANG] And what do you ask in return for this? [DOCTOR] Your planet is finished. It will disintegrate. We know why youcame here, so why not stay and live with us in peace? [KRANG] We will confer. Keep your places. Anyone who moves will bekilled instantly. [BARCLAY] Can we trust them? [BEN] No, of course we can't. [DOCTOR] We have no chance. We must play for time. Be quiet. Well, sir,what have you decided? [KRANG] We cannot talk while that missile is aimed at Mondas. It must bedisarmed first. [DOCTOR] A moment, please. Are you able to disarm this rocket? [BARCLAY] Well, yes, but, er [DOCTOR] It will give us the time we need. [BEN] The time for Mondas to burn itself out, you mean? [DOCTOR] Yes, now quiet! We accept your terms. The warhead will beremoved from the rocket. [KRANG] It must be removed to below ground level. [BARCLAY] Well, there's the radiation room. It's the deepest in thebase. [KRANG] That will do. And to make sure you do this, we will take twohostages. That girl will go to the spacecraft. You will stay here withus. You three must go to the rocket. [DOCTOR] You must do as they say. [BEN] Look, if you want a hostage, what about me? [KRANG] You are needed to help with the warhead. [BEN] Now, look here, you're not taking Polly. [DOCTOR] Let me handle this, my boy! [BEN] But Doctor! [DOCTOR] All of you, go with Barclay. [BARCLAY] But Doctor, I think it would be a good idea if [DOCTOR] Go. I think it is wiser. [BARCLAY] Very well. Come on, Dyson. [DYSON] Right. [DOCTOR] You give me your word that this young girl will be returned tome when that bomb is safely stowed away? [KRANG] Yes. [DOCTOR] Very well, child, off you go. And don't forget your coat. Idon't want you to get cold. --------------------------------------- (Cyberman ship) [POLLY] Ow! What are you going to do with me now? What kind of chair isthat? It's horrible! Look, keep back! Keep away from me! --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [WOMAN [OC]] Geneva calling South Polar base.Geneva to South Pole. [DOCTOR] Didn't you hear? [WOMAN [OC]] Geneva calling South Polar base. Geneva to South Pole.Geneva to South Pole. Geneva to South Pole. [DOCTOR] Hello Geneva, Geneva. [WOMAN [OC]] Secretary Wigner to speak with General Cutler. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid the General isn't here at the moment, and, er, I'vebeen put in charge temporarily. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] Who is that speaking? [DOCTOR [OC]] I have no time to discuss it now, sir. [WIGNER] Tell General Cutler there have been mass landings of Cybermenin many parts of the world. Who are you? [GERN] I am now Controller of the Earth. Resist us and you die. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [GERN [OC]] You must proceed with your secondobjective. [KRANG] We are proceeding according to plan. [GERN [OC]] Report to me as soon as you are ready. We must have time toevacuate. [KRANG] Unit Delta plus calling. Unit Delta plus calling. Unit Deltaplus calling. [DOCTOR] I do not understand your friend, sir. Evacuate? Surely you'renot going to return to Mondas now? [KRANG] We will not discuss our plans with you. [DOCTOR] What is your second objective? It's quite obvious, isn't it?The destruction of the Earth! Ben! Barclay! Do not help them. --------------------------------------- (Radiation room) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] They're going to use theZed-bomb to destroy the Earth! [BEN] Did you all hear that? [BARCLAY] Of course, it all makes sense now! We've allowed ourselves tobe fooled by them. [DYSON] We've just set them up nicely. Cutler was right, wasn't he? Weshould have used the bomb on them. [BARCLAY] No, that might quite easily have led to something far worse. [DYSON] Worse? We're just about to be blown to bits along with theentire population of the Earth, and you talk about something worse? [BEN] Give over, mate. What he means is, while there's life there'sstill hope. [DYSON] Seems to me we've just signed our own death warrants. [KRANG [on monitor]] Check progress on the bomb. [BEN] Quick! All look busy. Bring in number two line! Half a mo. TheDoctor told us to play for time, right? And I've got an idea. [DYSON] Marvellous. [BEN] Well, you might at least hear it. I don't hear any brightsuggestions coming from you two guys. [BARCLAY] Go on. [BEN] Well, any idea how strong these Cybermen are? [BARCLAY] A rough idea. [BEN] Yeah, well, they could lift a man like he was well, like he was awrench, right? [DYSON] Yes, well? [BEN] Well, they're also pretty advanced geezers, way ahead of us. [DYSON] What has this got to do with it? [BEN] Well, that just it. With all this, why should they need us? Well,they could shift that bomb in half the time, so why get us to do it?Also, you notice they remain outside this door, looking at us all thetime through the door. Well why? [DYSON] This is just a waste of time. [BARCLAY] No, wait a minute, I think I see what he's driving at. Theyuse us because they daren't handle it themselves. [BEN] Yeah, but the point is, why? Well, you're the scientists. [BARCLAY] Don't you see, Dyson? It could that they're afraid ofradioactivity. [BEN] Let's get this one inside and see what it does to him. Now look,all lie down on the floor. Play dead. [DYSON] This is ridiculous, games. [BARCLAY] Well maybe, but it's worth giving it a try. Come on, lie down. [BEN] Help! Help! Come in here, mate, there's something up! Help! [BEN] You see? [DYSON] What did you do that for? We could have escaped! [BEN] To where? We're okay right where we are. [BARCLAY] And they can't set off this bomb while we defend this room. [BEN] Right. So all we've go to do is sit tight and wait until Mondasbreaks up like the Doctor said! Well, we've got them. Yeah, but they'vestill got the Doctor and Polly. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [DOCTOR] Well, gentlemen, stalemate I think, don'tyou agree? Well now, what about a little talk? [KRANG] You forget we can do what we like with all of you and the girl. [DOCTOR] Oh, quite so, but I'm afraid that won't help save your planet,will it? --------------------------------------- (Radiation room) [KRANG [on monitor]] Listen to me. This closeproximity of our two planets means that one has to be eliminated forthe safety of the other. The one to be destroyed will be Earth. Wecannot allow Mondas to burn up. If you help, we will take you all backto Mondas with us. There you will be safe. [BEN] Yeah? For how long? [DYSON] It could be our only chance. [BEN] The answer is no! We'll just sit tight here until Mondas breaksup. Now then, you'd better release the Doctor and Polly and send themdown here. You're gonna need our help when Mondas is gone. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [KRANG] Mondas will not burn up. Take the old manout to the spacecraft. [DOCTOR] You will regret this. [KRANG] Now we give you three minutes to start fusing the warhead. Ifyou fail, you will never see your friends again. --------------------------------------- (Radiation room) [BEN] That's really done it. What do we do now? [DYSON] This is hopeless. We must do as they say. [BARCLAY] Well, it could be a bluff. [BEN] Yeah, how do we find out? [BARCLAY] Well, we must stick to our plan and sit tight. There aremillions of lives at stake. [BEN] Yeah, but there must be something we can do. [DYSON] What did you do that for? Now we can't communicate with them. [BEN] No, and they can't spy on us either. Now this is what I think weshould do. --------------------------------------- (Cyberman ship) [POLLY] Doctor? Doctor? [DOCTOR] What is it, child? [POLLY] Engines! They're not going to take off, are they? [DOCTOR] No, no. Wait. The vibrations. Perhaps it's coming from Mondas. [POLLY] What do you mean, Mondas? [DOCTOR] This spacecraft receives its energy from Mondas. Perhaps it'sabsorbing too much. [POLLY] Don't mean it's going to blow up, do you? [DOCTOR] No, I don't know, child. It is an unknown power. [POLLY] Doctor, I'm scared! --------------------------------------- (Radiation room) [BEN] What's it weigh then? [DYSON] You're not thinking of carrying that thing around with you, areyou? [BEN] I'm not asking you. Can it be shifted, Doctor Barclay? [BARCLAY] No, it would be an impossible task to use it as you intendusing it. [BEN] Well, just what is there in this room that is radioactive and thata bloke could carry? [DYSON] Nothing. You're wasting your time and ours. And our threeminutes is nearly up anyway. [BEN] Think, sir. Is there anything behind here that's radioactive? [BARCLAY] Well, yes, of course. That's the base nuclear reactor. Itsupplies all the power. [BEN] Well what's it like? Is there anything that could be moved byhand? [BARCLAY] Well, if we extracted the reactor rods they could be carriedfor a short distance, but it would be a very tricky operation. [BEN] Well, it's our only hope. Come on. [DYSON] Are you both quite mad? [BEN] Look, Dyson, we're the sane ones. Do you really think thoseCybermen intend to let us live? [DYSON] They gave us their word. [BEN] They just said anything they thought we'd listen to. They've gotno feelings, remember? They told us that. So what's to stop them?Anyway, you might as well face it, mate, your number's up either way.So why not try, eh? We need your help anyway, okay? --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [JARL] Records, Krang. [KRANG] Our planet is nearing saturation point. We must lose no time.Switch on the monitor. Their three minutes is up. We must hear theirdecision. What has happened? --------------------------------------- (Radiation room) [BARCLAY] Hold them away from yourselves. Gently does it, very gently.Stand by the emergency power switch. The lights will be fading anysecond now. [DYSON] I suppose you realise there's only about an hour's supply oflighting and heating in the emergency batteries. Then we shall allfreeze to death. [BEN] If this don't work, mate, you needn't worry about the coldanymore. [BEN] Okay, it's all clear. Quick! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BEN] Dyson, you go up this end of the corridor.When you hear the Cybermen coming, come out behind them. Haines, you goround that corridor and do the same. Now look, I'll draw their fire, sowhen you hear the sound of this gun, start coming forward. Do youreally think there's enough radiation in these two rods to trap them? [BARCLAY] Just. [BEN] Okay, come on. [KRANG] Do not use this gas unless you have to. We need them alive andconscious. --------------------------------------- (Radiation room) [BEN] They're coming. Quick! Behind the door. [KRANG [OC]] Your three minutes is up. What is your decision? We shallbe forced to kill you. We will give you one more chance to come out andgive us the bomb. [BEN] Come in and get it! [BEN] There's something else down by the door. [BEN] Now! [BARCLAY] I can't hold out much longer! [BEN] Where's Dyson and the other bloke got to? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [KRANG] The humans are behind the door. Let the gasdo its work. [BEN] Quick, Dyson. Help get Barclay out of here. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [TECH] What happened, Doctor Barclay? Are you allright? [BEN] He's all right. Yeah, get in the chair. [DYSON] Back to your desks all of you. The emergency's not over yet.Philips, there are two reactor rods out in the corridor. See thatthey're put back at once. [BEN] Hey, they've still got the Doctor and Polly. [BARCLAY] No, wait! If you try and tackle the spacecrafts on your own,you don't stand a chance. We don't know how many Cybermen there areleft. [BEN] Well? [BARCLAY] Well, here's one of the things they use to contact each other. [BEN] I don't know how it works. [BARCLAY] Well then, do anything, make a signal. Draw them here. [DYSON] Is that wise? [BEN] Well, if that spaceship takes off we'll never gonna see themagain. [DYSON] You may bring them all in on us. [BEN] Well that's a risk we've got to take. [BEN] That should do it. Any idea how long it'll take for them to gethere? [DYSON] You stand by with those guns. [BARCLAY] Now look, we must all get down other side of the room. [BEN] Okay. [BARCLAY] Opposite the door so we can face them. Use the guns. [BEN] What now? [DYSON] The emergency battery's running out, I suppose. [BARCLAY] We can't face them in the dark! [DYSON] Now we shall freeze to death. [BARCLAY] They must get those reactor rods back. [BEN] Hang on, they're coming back. [BARCLAY] Ah. [BEN] Look! [BARCLAY] Here they are. [SHAV] Resistance is useless. Drop your weapons. [RADAR] Just look at Mondas, sir. I can't believe it! [DYSON] Fantastic! It looks as if it's melting! [BEN] It's falling to bits! [BARCLAY] The end of Mondas. [BEN] Hey, look! What's happened to them? [BARCLAY] They've disintegrated! [DYSON] They must have been entirely dependent on power from Mondas. [TERRY [on monitor]] Zeus 5 to Snowcap. Are you receiving me. Over? [BARCLAY] Quick, Dyson, get that. [TERRY [on monitor]] Zeus 5 to Snowcap. [DYSON] Snowcap to Zeus 5. Reading you loud and clear. [TERRY [on monitor]] What happened? Where have you been? [BARCLAY] Here, let me have that. Snowcap to Zeus 5, what is your fuelposition? [TERRY] It's okay. Everything's suddenly working normally. And whatabout getting me down? [BARCLAY] We've been on emergency power. We'll handle your splashdown assoon as we get full power back. Start checking the base main units. [DYSON] Yes, right. [BARCLAY] Hello, Geneva? Geneva? [BEN] Hey! The Doctor and Polly! [BARCLAY] Snowcap here. [WIGNER [on monitor]] Hello, Snowcap. Who is that, Barclay? [BARCLAY] Yes, we've just getting full power back. The danger isapparently over. --------------------------------------- (International Space Command) [WIGNER] The Cyberman menace has ended all over theworld. Let me have a full report as soon as you can. --------------------------------------- (Tracking room) [BARCLAY] Sir, will do. Did you hear that? He wantsa full report. Where exactly shall we begin, do you think? --------------------------------------- (Cyberman ship) [BEN] Doctor! [POLLY] Ben! Oh please, Ben, help me. Get me out of this thing! [BEN] All right, don't panic, I'll have you out soon. [POLLY] Ow! My hands were stuck and I couldn't get out. Ben, I've beenso scared. [BEN] Take it easy, love, take it easy. [POLLY] And that Cyberman thing, it just fizzled into nothing, Ben, itwas awful. [BEN] What's the matter with the Doctor? [POLLY] I don't know. When the lights went out, he just seemed to faint. [BEN] Hey, come on Doctor, wakey wakey! It's all over now. [POLLY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] What did you say, my boy? It's all over. It's all over. That'swhat you said. No, but it isn't all over. It's far from being all over. [BEN] What are you taking about? [DOCTOR] I must get back to the Tardis immediately! [POLLY] All right, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, I must go now. [BEN] Aren't we going to go back to say goodbye or anything? [DOCTOR] No. No, I must go at once. [BEN] Oh well, you better have this. We don't want you catching yourdeath of cold. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Thank you. It's good. Keep warm. [POLLY] What's happened to him? [BEN] Dunno. He seems to lost his sense of humour. [POLLY] Well, I can't wait to get out of this place. [BEN] Good looking guys, aren't they? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [POLLY] Wait for us! [BEN] Open the door! [POLLY] Hey, let us in! [BEN] You can't leave us here, of all places! Open up! [POLLY] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [POLLY] Doctor! Quick, help him. [BEN] No, leave him.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Tenth Planet"}
Doctor Who (5 Nov, 1966; Second Doctor) - The Power of the Daleks (Tardis) [POLLY] His face, his hair, look at it. [BEN] He's breathing, and the Tardis seems to be normal. [POLLY] Ben, what are we going to do? We can't just leave the Doctorthere. [BEN] What, him? The Doctor? [POLLY] Well, that's who came through the doors. There was no one elseoutside. Ben, do you remember what he said in the tracking room?Something about 'This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin.' [BEN] So he gets himself a new one? [POLLY] Well, yes. [BEN] Oh, do me a favour. [POLLY] Then whatever happened, happened in here. [BEN] But it's impossible. [POLLY] Not so long ago we'd have been saying that about a lot ofthings. [DOCTOR] Stop. Stop. Concentrate on one thing. One thing. [DOCTOR] It's over. (chuckles) It's over. [BEN] Doctor? [DOCTOR] The muscles are still a bit tight. [BEN] What are we going to do? [POLLY] It is the Doctor. I know it is. I think. [BEN] It's not only his face that's changed. He doesn't even act likehim. [BEN] Come on, it's time we sorted this out. Now look here! [DOCTOR] Hold that. [DOCTOR] Tilt it. [BEN] Have you done with this? [DOCTOR] Put it down. Put it down. [BEN] Now what's the game? [DOCTOR] Ah! The Crusades, from Saladin. The Doctor was a greatcollector, wasn't he? [POLLY] But you're the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't look like him. [BEN] Who are we? [DOCTOR] Don't you know? [DOCTOR] Extermination. [DOCTOR] Ah. Very good. Nails need growing. [BEN] Now look, the Doctor always wore this. So if you're him, it shouldfit now, shouldn't it? [BEN] There. That settles it. [DOCTOR] I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case afterit's spread its wings. [POLLY] Then you did change! [DOCTOR] Life depends on change and renewal. [BEN] Oh, so that's it. You've been renewed, have you? [DOCTOR] I've been renewed, have I? That's it. I've been renewed. It'spart of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn't survive. Come here. [DOCTOR] Come here. [DOCTOR] The Doctor kept a diary, didn't he? [POLLY] Yes. [DOCTOR] I thought so. I wonder where. I wonder where. [POLLY] He's a very different Doctor, Ben. [BEN] Yeah, maybe. Just where do we stand, though? [POLLY] Doctor? [POLLY] Doctor, what's going to happen to us? [DOCTOR] I think. I think we must have landed for sometime. I think it'stime we went for a stroll. [POLLY] But you don't know where we've landed! [BEN] No, you haven't checked the oxygen or the temperature or anything! [DOCTOR] (still reading the diary) Oxygen density 172, radiation nil,temperature 86. Strong suggestion of mercury deposits. Satisfied, Ben?Now, are you two coming or are you not? [POLLY] He does know us. He said Ben. Didn't you hear him? [BEN] Yeah, I heard. But he might just have been copying you though,mightn't he? --------------------------------------- (Mercury swamp) [DOCTOR] Are you coming, you two? [DOCTOR] Time I put you through some tests, I think. [EXAMINER] Hello? [EXAMINER] Hello? Is there anyone there? Hello? Hello? Why don't theycome? (sees the Doctor) Ah, so you've come at last. I'm from Earth. I'mthe Examiner. [DOCTOR] Earth Examiner. Accord every access. Vulcan. [BEN] Doctor, where are you? [BEN] Phwoar, ain't it hot. [POLLY] Do you think the air's like this everywhere? [BEN] Nah, might be just around here. Don't want too many lungfuls ofit, I know that. Here, when I was a kid, we used to live opposite abrewery. You could take a walk and get tipsy all in one go. [POLLY] It's beautiful. [BEN] No, don't touch it, Polly. [POLLY] I wasn't going to. [BEN] No, it's quicksilver. It gets through the pores. Where is theDoctor, or whatever he is, got to? [BEN] What's the matter? Hey, Polly! Hey, Doctor, wherever you are.Quick, there's something happening to Polly! [BEN] Quick! Over this way! [BEN] Doctor! [BRAGEN] Ah, Quinn, there you are. What have you got there? My peoplehave found two more of them by one of the pools. [QUINN] This one's got a nasty bruise on the back of his head. Fallenover his feet and knocked himself out, I suppose. [BRAGEN] I suppose so. [QUINN] Why don't they use the kit we send them? [BRAGEN] Yes. The other two have had a rather bad dose of fumes. Thegirl has, anyway. [QUINN] Girl? [BRAGEN] Yes, but she'll recover. [QUINN] These comic opera guards of yours do have some uses after all. [BRAGEN] I pick them for their physical fitness. [QUINN] I thought it wasn't for their IQ. Give me a hand with theExaminer, will you. [BRAGEN] I wonder why Earth has chosen to send an Examiner to Vulcan?Just now, I mean. [QUINN] I don't know. [BRAGEN] It's a mystery, isn't it? He isn't due for another two years. [QUINN] How do you feel? [BEN] (cough) Urgh. [QUINN] We saw your rocket overshoot the landing area. [BEN] Ay? [QUINN] Don't worry. Most of the ships from Earth do over-shoot. I'mQuinn, Deputy Governor. [BRAGEN] Bragen, Head of Security. [QUINN] Let's get them all back, shall we? I'll take the girl. [BRAGEN] Here, you two, help carry the Examiner. [BRAGEN] I suppose you Earth people can't wait to examine Lesterson'sspace capsule? [BEN] Ay? --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [JANLEY] (a woman) Lesterson. [LESTERSON] Look at this. [JANLEY] They've just brought in an Examiner from Earth, and a couple ofassistants. [LESTERSON] An Examiner? What's he here for? [JANLEY] I thought you'd know. [LESTERSON] It's the capsule, it must be. Well, they can't stop meworking on it, I'll tell you that. [JANLEY] Could anyone? [LESTERSON] The Governor's always been difficult about it. But surelythey wouldn't send somebody all the way from Earth just [JANLEY] Look, what about the meeting? [LESTERSON] Meeting? [JANLEY] Yes. I've arranged everything. Can we still use the old rocketroom? [LESTERSON] Yes, I suppose so. But I do wish you wouldn't get mixed upwith these pressure groups, Janley. [JANLEY] Well, somebody has to do something. The colony's running downand you know it. [LESTERSON] I'm too busy. [JANLEY] But if we ran things, you'd have better facilities, more money.I wish you'd take an interest. [LESTERSON] Now look, I don't mind letting you have the use of one of myrooms now and again, Janley, but don't try to involve me. This is whatI find important. Two hundred years in a mercury swamp and this pieceof metal that dropped from it? Look, a couple of minutes polishing andit's as good as new. [JANLEY] Wonderful. [LESTERSON] Rain, damp, heat, mercury. Nothing touches this metal. Nocorrosion, Janley. Think of that. [JANLEY] Well, I hope the Examiner lets you go on with your experiment.Frankly, I doubt it. I think the Governor's brought the Examiner hereto stop you opening the capsule. You should join our group, Lesterson.You might need us one day. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BEN] So the murdered man was the real Examiner? [BEN] Well, did you see who did it? [POLLY] The Doctor got this button though. [BEN] I think it's pretty dull around here. I don't know why we don'tjust go back to the Tardis. [POLLY] Doctor, are you going to let them think you're the realExaminer? [POLLY] Won't that be dangerous? [BEN] Look, why don't you stop blowing that thing and talk to usproperly? [POLLY] Ben! [BEN] Now don't you start. It's bad enough with him. [POLLY] Well, he hasn't done anything. [BEN] No, that's just the trouble. [BEN] He knows what happened back at the Tardis, yet will he tell us?Will he come out and say? Will he admit to being the Doctor? [BEN] Come in! [HENSELL] I am Hensell, the Governor. I trust you're all feeling muchbetter? [BEN] I've felt worse, Governor. The Governor. [HENSELL] If Earth had seen fit to warn us you were coming, we mightpossibly have been able to guide you down to the landing area. [DOCTOR] If Earth didn't warn you we were coming, Governor, they musthave had a very good reason. I wonder what it was? [HENSELL] Now look here, I run this Colony. I'm entitled to know why youhave come to Vulcan. What is your brief? [DOCTOR] I am the Examiner. [HENSELL] Why are you here? [DOCTOR] To examine. And I intend to start my examination at once. [HENSELL] Someone's leaked reports about these Rebel groups. That's it,isn't it? [DOCTOR] Your turn now, Governor. [BRAGEN] There is Lesterson's capsule. [HENSELL] Internal affairs are my business, Bragen. Please don'tinterfere. [DOCTOR] Please go on. [HENSELL] The capsule. It was found in a mercury swamp. It must havebeen here for centuries. [DOCTOR] Interesting. Continue. [HENSELL] For centuries before the Earth colony arrived. I felt it mightbe dangerous. It might contain bacteria. [DOCTOR] I shall examine the capsule later. You may leave us. [HENSELL] I shall look forward to your report. Bragen, see that theExaminer and his party get some proper clothes, will you? [DOCTOR] We are wearing proper clothes. [BEN] Oh, how did he get that thing back again. That was a bit of acheek, wasn't it, seeing if the Governor was the guy you got the buttonoff? [POLLY] Doctor? When he was talking to you, you were staring at theother man. [DOCTOR] Yes, very rude of me, wasn't it. Terrible manners. To tell youthe truth, I was studying his reaction, seeing if he agreed with thestory. [BEN] Did he? [DOCTOR] Must have a look at that capsule. [BEN] Now, you want to watch you don't take this Examiner stuff a bittoo far. [DOCTOR] Our answers must come from that mercury swamp. [BEN] 'Cause at least one bloke ain't going to be fooled. [DOCTOR] When Bragen found us, he definitely said space capsule. [BEN] Look, you're not going to fool the guy that did the real Examinerin! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [QUINN] Bragen! What's all this nonsense about having to have a pass tosee the Examiner? [BRAGEN] It's the Governor's idea. [QUINN] Surely it doesn't apply to me? [BRAGEN] It's not my order, Quinn. I expect the Governor wants to keeppeople away from him. [QUINN] It sounded like one of your red-tape ideas. [BRAGEN] It had nothing to do with me. [QUINN] Right! [JANLEY] Oh! [QUINN] Sorry, Janley. [JANLEY] My fault. [QUINN] Are you all right? [JANLEY] Yes. Lesterson's just cleared me out of his lab. Is theExaminer going to let him open the capsule? [QUINN] I don't know. I'm on my way there now, if I can push pastBragen's army oflay-abouts. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [DOCTOR] Where did you get this? [LESTERSON] It dropped from the capsule. [DOCTOR] Dropped? [LESTERSON] Yes, when it was being hauled into the laboratory. But, youcan see, this metal could revolutionise space travel. That's why I'minsisting that we open it. Well, who knows what other marvels there maybe inside? [HENSELL] But Lesterson, I didn't think you could open it. [LESTERSON] Well, I have a theory. I'm convinced that the openingmechanism on the other side is either here, or here. [DOCTOR] Extermination. [LESTERSON] Now, my theory is that I can insert a laser ray in thisridge here. The ray spreads, fuses the opening device and gets us in. [HENSELL] Examiner, I shall have to make it your responsibility. [DOCTOR] A laser. Why not? It shouldn't be too difficult. [LESTERSON] Well, we'll try the other side. --------------------------------------- (Capsule entry) [LESTERSON] Hmm. It's a bit disappointing. [DOCTOR] Not really. This is just an entry bay, isn't it. [LESTERSON] Yes, I suppose so. [HENSELL] Well, this doesn't get us very far, does it? [LESTERSON] Getting into the rest of the capsule will take time,Governor. [BEN] Well, can't you use that torch thing again? That must be anopening door. [LESTERSON] I should have to measure it up and find out where the lockmechanism is. [DOCTOR] I think we'll leave if for tonight. [HENSELL] Leave it for tonight? But what did we come here for? [DOCTOR] That is my decision, Governor. [HENSELL] But good heavens above, man. [DOCTOR] A hundred years you say this has been buried? [LESTERSON] Oh, at least. Now, there must be something in the innercompartment. We shall be able to find out where it came fromoriginally. [DOCTOR] It didn't come from this planet Vulcan. [LESTERSON] Oh no, no, no. The metal is quite alien. [DOCTOR] Alien, yes. Very alien. Goodnight. [BEN] What's he up to now? [POLLY] Ben, we're not going to let him out of our sight. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [HENSELL] Well, Lesterson, you got your way. Was itworth sending for this Examiner? This idiotic Examiner? [LESTERSON] I didn't send for him. I thought you did. [QUINN] Why don't you let me talk to the Examiner, Hensell. I can findout what's he's here for. [HENSELL] No, no, no, no. You keep away from him. We'll leave him towork with Lesterson here. We've all got enough to do without having toworry about some amateur critic from Earth interfering. [QUINN] But with five minutes [HENSELL] You heard what I said, Quinn. You won't mind keeping theExaminer busy, Lesterson? I don't mind what you do with him so long asyou keep his nose out of our business. [LESTERSON] Yes. All right. [HENSELL] All right. Well, we shall talk about it tomorrow. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [POLLY] Ben! [BEN] (waking) What? [POLLY] Shh! He's in the corridor. [BEN] Who is? [POLLY] The Doctor, you clod. Come on, quick! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [POLLY] He's going towards Lesterson's lab. [BEN] Of course. To the space capsule. [POLLY] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) (Capsule entrance) [DOCTOR] Polly, Ben, come in and meet the Daleks. [BEN] What? [DOCTOR] The Daleks. [POLLY] You could have opened this before. [DOCTOR] These two pieces of metal are identical. The Doctor got one ofthem from the Daleks himself. [BEN] Why do you keep saying the Doctor if you mean you? [DOCTOR] I knew I should find them here. I knew it. [BEN] Ah, they look harmless. Not very lively. [POLLY] What do you think? Two hundred years in a swamp and you wouldn'tlook very lively either. Nothing could live through that, could it? [BEN] Live? [DOCTOR] Nothing human, no. [POLLY] Doctor, look. [BEN] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] There were three Daleks in here! What's happened to the otherone? [BEN] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [DOCTOR] A light. A torch, outside. [BEN] Did you see it? [DOCTOR] Quickly, Ben, quickly! [POLLY] What was it? [POLLY] Can you answer me? [BEN] It was a sort of disembodied hand. A sort of claw. It washorrible. [DOCTOR] No. No, there's nothing. [BEN] You were right. There were three Daleks. [POLLY] Don't you know what it was? If there were three, who moved it? [BEN] Don't ask me. Lesterson? [POLLY] But he hadn't opened the capsule. [BEN] No, he said he hadn't opened it. Lets get our facts straight. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. Excellent! Good thinking, good thinking. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [BEN] Well, does that mean you think he's beeninside? [DOCTOR] Perhaps he's been experimenting on the Daleks? Ah. [POLLY] But, but they're things. I, I mean they're dead. They must be! [DOCTOR] This light is dead. Now the watch. [BEN] Do you mean these things just need power? [DOCTOR] Now, Lesterson's fanatic. The Governor's jealous of his ownposition. What does that suggest to you? Don't know. Haven't thoughtabout it. But all is not well with this colony. Add to that one Dalek. [BEN] Oh, blimey, you don't half make mountains, don't you? One Dalek? [DOCTOR] Yes! All that is needed to wipe out this entire colony. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [QUINN] Examiner? Examiner? [QUINN] Bragen, don't you ever knock before you enter a room? [BRAGEN] I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I was expecting to find theExaminer here, not you, Quinn. [QUINN] Well, he's not here. You'll probably want to start snoopingunder the bed, so I'll leave you to it. [BRAGEN] One moment. [QUINN] Don't try your luck with me, Bragen. [BRAGEN] On the contrary, I'm trying to avoid trouble. The Governor gaveexpress instructions that you were not to contact the Examiner. I findyou here. I'm sure you can offer some suitable explanation. [QUINN] I can. But not to you. [BRAGEN] Before you go. Oh! [QUINN] Don't ever try to block my way again. [BRAGEN] Guard! [BRAGEN] The Examiner is missing. He must be found immediately. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [BEN] Of course, the real Doctor was always going on about the Daleks. [POLLY] Real Doctor? [DOCTOR] Real Doctor? Oh, you mean the real Doctor. [BEN] Yeah, now I've seen that claw thing, well, wouldn't want to shakehands with it, let's put it that way. [POLLY] Doctor, look, if they're that dangerous, what are you going todo about it? [DOCTOR] Save my breath. Would Lesterson listen? Lesterson listen.Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen. Exercises the tongue. Try it.Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen. [BEN] Look, they think you're the Examiner, order them to destroy theDaleks. Well, chuck your weight about. [POLLY] (in background) Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lestersonlisten, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen. [POLLY + DOCTOR] Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen... [LESTERSON] What do you think you're doing in here? [DOCTOR] Listen, listen. [LESTERSON] Who gave you permission? [DOCTOR] Read this. Aloud! [LESTERSON] Accord every access. [DOCTOR] Exactly! It doesn't say 'except your laboratory' anywhere doesit? Unless it's in micro-print. [LESTERSON] I should have been asked first. [DOCTOR] What was the first thing you noticed when you looked insidethat capsule? [BEN] Well, the Daleks. [DOCTOR] You were astounded? [POLLY] Yes. [DOCTOR] Amazed? [BEN] Yes. [DOCTOR] You didn't even give them a glance! Why? Because you'd been inthere and seen them. Where is the third Dalek? [LESTERSON] I don't know what you're talking about. [DOCTOR] You opened up the capsule without permission. You found theinner compartment containing three Daleks. You took one of them awayand you hid it! [LESTERSON] Hid it? What, what nonsense! [BRAGEN] May I ask what all this is about? [POLLY] We opened an inner compartment in the capsule, and Lesterson hadalready been in there. [LESTERSON] I don't deny that. [BEN] And he's nicked a Dalek! [BRAGEN] Dalek? [LESTERSON] It's the name the Examiner has given to two metal creationsthat I've discovered inside the capsule. [BEN] And they're dangerous. Evil. [LESTERSON] Lumps of metal. Quite inactive. [BEN] That's what you think, mate. If you'd seen [LESTERSON] I consider it my duty as a scientist to examine andinvestigate these objects. Now please, all of you, keep out of mylaboratory. Keep your hands off my experiments! [DOCTOR] These lumps of metal, Daleks, I want them broken up, or melteddown. Up or down, I don't care which, but destroyed! [LESTERSON] I refuse to allow it. [DOCTOR] I'm an Earth Examiner. I demand it. [LESTERSON] You're exceeding your authority. [DOCTOR] Perhaps we should ask the Governor about that? I wish to seehim immediately. [BRAGEN] That might be difficult. [DOCTOR] But not impossible. Ben, Polly. [RESNO] Could he stop the experiments? [LESTERSON] I don't know. It's none of your business. You go and getJanley and then come back here. We haven't got any time to waste. Nowgo on, man. Quickly, quickly. [LESTERSON] They won't stop me experimenting. There must be some way tobring you back to life, and I'm going to find it. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BRAGEN] And of course you do have the right of anyaccess. [DOCTOR] Which is why I have a badge which says so. [BRAGEN] Lesterson watches over his ideas like a mother hen. [DOCTOR] If there was a bomb under this floor timed to go off in fiveminutes, would you ask my permission before you ripped up thefloorboards? Ah ha, fruit! [POLLY] Thank you. [BRAGEN] Examiner, it's up to you of course, but I'd advise a littlediscretion in your investigations. It's not a very good time, just now. [BRAGEN] Thank you. With all these disturbances [POLLY] Disturbances? [BRAGEN] Yes, minor acts of sabotage. Rebel cliques, secret newspapers,nothing important you understand, but it keeps the Governor busy. I'veno doubt he'll tell you about it himself when I arrange your meetingwith him. [BEN] When will that be? [BRAGEN] Oh, he's going on a tour of the perimeter of the colony. I'llfind out if he can see you before he goes. [POLLY] Thank you. [BEN] You know, it's little things like this that make it difficult tobelieve that you're the Doctor. The other one, I mean. The proper one.Oh, nuts, you know what I mean. [DOCTOR] Nuts? Yes, certainly, here we are. Crackers? [BEN] You, my old china, are an out and out phony! [DOCTOR] China. Yes, I went there once I believe. Met Marco Polo. [BEN] No, not China. China! China and plate, mate, friend. [DOCTOR] Yes, Marco Polo, a friend. I believe he was. [POLLY] Don't listen to him, Doctor. I know who you are. [DOCTOR] Shh! [POLLY] It's a [BEN] Well, well, a touch of the bugs. Microphones. [POLLY] Someone's been listening to what we were saying! [BEN] Yes, so that's why you were messing about and talking nonsense. [DOCTOR] I never talk nonsense. [POLLY] Ahem. [DOCTOR] Well, hardly never. [BEN] Well, they certainly believe in making us at home, don't they? [DOCTOR] At first, I thought there might be more than one. [BEN] Here, I bet old Charlie Bragen did it. [POLLY] Charlie? [BEN] Well Fred wouldn't suit him, would it. [POLLY] If he did do it, do you think it was his own idea? I mean, hecould have been under orders. [BEN] You mean from the Governor? Ah, I don't know. What do you think,Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes of course. Let's consider this button for amoment. It's the only clue we've got to the murderer of the Examiner.The real Examiner. [POLLY] And who asked for him to come? [BEN] Well, Lesterson's crackers about that capsule. He wouldn't wantanyone nosing about. [POLLY] Bragen said the Governor's been having trouble. [BEN] No, rule him out. Governors are all the same. He wouldn't ask forhelp. If he sent the word it would look as if he couldn't do the jobproperly. [POLLY] Yes. [BEN] Oh, well, I vote we go back to the Tardis. I've had enough of thisdump. [DOCTOR] Have you? What about the Daleks? [BEN] Well, they're dead. [POLLY] Well, what about that thing we saw in the capsule? That wasalive all right. [BEN] Yeah, I can't explain that. [DOCTOR] I can. And that's why we have to stay. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [RESNO] Ugly-looking brutes, aren't they? [RESNO] What's he want to muck about with them for? Leave well alone,that's what I say. [JANLEY] You're a fine one to be a research assistant. Leave well alone.There'll be no progress on this planet with people like you around. [RESNO] We're doing all right as we are. Or we were until your lot camealong stirring things up. You won't get away with it, you know. TheGovernor knows all about you rebels. He'll smash the lot of you whenhe's ready. [JANLEY] Governor? [RESNO] Yeah, the Governor! [JANLEY] He couldn't smash [LESTERSON] Will you be quiet! Where do you both think you are? This isa scientific laboratory. Kindly keep your politics out of it. Come on,Resno, man, get on with it. We haven't got all day. We've got to getthis working before the Examiner stops us. He's got some phobia aboutthese, these Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [DOCTOR] I know the misery they cause, the destruction. But there'ssomething else more terrible. Something I can only half remember. [POLLY] Doctor, what was it? [DOCTOR] Well? Where is the Governor? What did he say? [BRAGEN] He sends his apologies, Examiner. He can't see you tonight, buthe hopes to see you first thing in the morning. [BEN] Well, it might not wait that long, Char, ah, Bragen. [BRAGEN] It will have to. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. [BEN] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] To see the Governor, of course. [BRAGEN] I'm afraid that's not possible. Once his door is closed, noone, not even you, Examiner, is allowed into his room. [DOCTOR] Very well. [BRAGEN] Thank you. Until the morning then. [BEN] What happens now? [DOCTOR] I shall radio Earth. Governor or not, Hensell will have tolisten to them. I'll get Earth to back me. [DOCTOR] That's funny. I could have sworn. You stay here. I shan't belong. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] Connecting now. [RESNO] All connections responding. [LESTERSON] Nothing at all? [RESNO] No. [LESTERSON] Are you sure? [RESNO] There's nothing wrong here. [LESTERSON] Well, let's see. [RESNO] Really, if you can't trust me to read a dial. [LESTERSON] Be quiet. All right, we'll try again. This time we'll takeit up to 3.24. Got that, Janley? [JANLEY] 3.24. [RESNO] It's moving. [LESTERSON] Now, note this, Janley. Number one attachment with suckerstick responding. Number two attachment not moving. Number threeattachment with lens responding. Watch these meters, Resno. [RESNO] Still responding. [LESTERSON] Now, it's reasonable to assume that this the sucker stickacts like some kind of a hand. [LESTERSON] It's all right. Don't be alarmed. We've only introducedtemporary power. We shall have to be able to open it up before we couldfind how it works permanently. [JANLEY] It's a bit frightening. [LESTERSON] Yes. Now, I cannot think what this short stubby arm is for. [JANLEY] Could the lens attachment be an eye? [LESTERSON] Yes, yes, yes, yes. Now it's quite possible that this,Dalek, now there must be some kind of directing influence. There mayeven be a simplified brain. Positronic, I shouldn't wonder. Oh, if onlywe could open it up. [LESTERSON] Now what? [RESNO] Everything functioning here. [LESTERSON] Yes. Well, perhaps the power is leaking away somewhere.We'll try again. [RESNO] Look at the eye-stick! It's watching us! [LESTERSON] Don't be absurd. [RESNO] It was, I tell you. I saw it. [LESTERSON] You can't use the phrase 'watching us'. You'll have usbelieving that the thing has intelligence next. Now, get on with yourwork, man. --------------------------------------- (Communications room) [DOCTOR] I know you're there. [QUINN] Examiner, thank goodness it's you. I've been trying to talk toyou ever since you got here. [BRAGEN] What's happening here? You again. [QUINN] What do you want? [DOCTOR] I found the operator unconscious. [QUINN] Yes, so did I. I was just looking at him when I heard someonemove. It must have been you. [BRAGEN] And those? [QUINN] I picked them up. What is all this? [DOCTOR] The cables have been cut. [QUINN] What? This is serious. It's not just our own communications.We're cut off from Earth as well. [BRAGEN] The only people that would want to do that are the rebels. [QUINN] If those muscle boys of yours had any brains, they'd stop thingslike this. [DOCTOR] Bragen, I was attacked just after I landed. This is a smallsouvenir I collected. [BRAGEN] This button belongs to you, doesn't it? [QUINN] Well, yes. [BRAGEN] And you say you picked these up? I suggest that you weresabotaging the communications. [QUINN] That's a lie. [BRAGEN] Having first attacked one of the engineers. I'd detain theGovernor on evidence like that. [QUINN] I hope you're not thinking of detaining me, Bragen. [BRAGEN] I've no option. I could hardly let you run around loose afterthis, could I? All right, guards. [QUINN] I warn you, Bragen! [QUINN] All right, you win this round, Bragen. We'll see what it lookslike in front of the Governor. [BRAGEN] The Governor will want an enquiry. May I ask what you weredoing here? --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] Right. I've redirected power. This time working up to 4.68.Now, Resno, you will have to dodge between the camera and your meters. [RESNO] Ready. [LESTERSON] Connecting now. [RESNO] All connections responding. [LESTERSON] Excellent. [JANLEY] It's working! [LESTERSON] Excellent. Film it, film it now, Resno. And note thereadings, Janley. [LESTERSON] It seems to be interested in you, Resno. What's the matterwith you, man? [RESNO] I tell you it's intelligent. It's watching me, Lesterson,weighing me up. I can sense it. [LESTERSON] Don't be a fool. [RESNO] I don't like it, I tell you. I don't know what these things cando. [LESTERSON] No, and we never shall know, shall we, unless we take filmof every reaction. Now get on with your work, man. [LESTERSON] Resno! [JANLEY] It's all right, he isn't dead. [LESTERSON] What happened? [JANLEY] Knocked out by the shock wave. [LESTERSON] We must get him to the hospital. I'll go and get help. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [POLLY] But we've got to defend Quinn. [BEN] Yeah, I know. He's innocent until he's proved guilty. But he isguilty. [POLLY] He's the Deputy Governor. [BEN] So what? I had a headmaster once who got nicked for not paying hisbus fare. And then there's the motive. Don't forget the motive. [POLLY] Like what, for instance? [BEN] Well, he's the Deputy Governor, right? Maybe he wants to beGovernor. [POLLY] Oh, that's ridiculous. [BEN] Well, the jacket button wasn't. And he was caught red-handed inthe Communications room with a pair of pliers. And don't tell me he wasplucking his eye-brows either. [POLLY] Look, there are some people you know are all right. You justknow by looking at them. [BRAGEN] Good morning. The enquiry is about to begin. I've been sent toescort you. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] Hello, Janley. [JANLEY] Is it time? [LESTERSON] Yes, yes, I think so. I feel quite excited. [JANLEY] So you should. It's a wonderful achievement. [LESTERSON] Yes, yes, but the wonderful thing, Janley, is that we don'tknow the full scope of this experiment. Who knows where we may go fromhere. Who know what this Dalek may do? [JANLEY] It's harmless now? [LESTERSON] Yes, yes, yes. I've removed. Oh, Resno. Have you been to seehim today? [JANLEY] Yes, yes. [LESTERSON] And? [JANLEY] He's had medical attention. He's going to be all right. [LESTERSON] Oh good. [JANLEY] No one must find out about this accident. It might give theExaminer just the excuse they want, and he could stop the wholeproject. [LESTERSON] Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes, you're right. [JANLEY] Well. Ready? [LESTERSON] Yes. Let's go and surprise them. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [HENSELL] I am sorry I couldn't see you earlier, Examiner. Please sitdown. [HENSELL] Well, Quinn, I don't like this any more than you do. What haveyou been up to? [QUINN] Nothing. Absolutely nothing. [HENSELL] Well, what about Bragen's report then? These are facts, Quinn.Now, what have you got to say about it? [QUINN] Does the engineer say I hit him? [BRAGEN] How could he if he was hit from behind? [QUINN] Then its only circumstantial evidence. [BRAGEN] The Examiner was also attacked in the mercury swamp. We have abutton from your jacket found in the Examiner's hand. [QUINN] I can't explain that. [BRAGEN] I'm sure you can't. [HENSELL] Examiner. You seem to be in two minds. [BEN] (sotto) Yeah, and two bodies. [HENSELL] You mentioned to Bragen that these machines of Lesterson's.What do you call them? [DOCTOR] I call them what they are, Daleks. [HENSELL] Yes, yes, yes, Daleks. You say they could be a motive fordestroying our communications. [DOCTOR] I do. [HENSELL] Lesterson, this is a special enquiry. Now please. [LESTERSON] This won't wait. You won't be disappointed. [HENSELL] You heard what I said, Lesterson. [LESTERSON] Governor, I've just completed an experiment which couldrevolutionise the whole colony. Bear with me. [DOCTOR] Lesterson, what have you done? What have you done? [LESTERSON] I'll show you. Janley, now! [BEN] It recognised the Doctor. It recognised him. [POLLY] What's the matter, Doctor? Are you all right? [DOCTOR] The fools. The stupid fools. [BEN] You're scared. What can it do? [DOCTOR] Nothing yet. [LESTERSON] This creation is called, I understand, a Dalek. [BEN] It knew who you were. It sounds ridiculous, but it did. [DOCTOR] It knew who I was. [BEN] The Dalek knows who you are. [LESTERSON] Now, look at it. I have merely given it electrical power,but it is capable of storing it. Moreover, it responds to orders. Turnaround. [LESTERSON] Move that chair. [LESTERSON] Stop. You see? Well, just think what this could do for ourmining program, our processing, packaging. Dozens of labour jobs,Governor. It may even supply the end to all this Colony's problems. [DOCTOR] Yes, it will end the colony's problems, because it will end thecolony. [DALEK] I am your servant. [LESTERSON] It, it spoke! Janley, did you hear it? It can actually talk. [DOCTOR] It can do many things, Lesterson. But the thing it does mostefficiently is exterminate human beings. It destroys them, withoutmercy, without conscience. It destroys them. Utterly. Completely. Itdestroys them. [DALEK] (trying to drown out the Doctor) I am your servant. I am yourservant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [HENSELL] So, Lesterson, they're even capable ofspeech. [LESTERSON] Yes. But then, why not? After all, they have a certainintelligence. [HENSELL] Yes, I know, but [LESTERSON] But it is an intelligence that we can control. [HENSELL] So what you want is permission to continue your experiments? [LESTERSON] Governor, think what it would mean if we were to set it towork in the mines. It could double our production overnight. [BRAGEN] Consider the effects it could have on our whole economy. [HENSELL] Yes, and the effect of that on Earth. Yes, yes, they could bevery grateful. [DOCTOR] (to Dalek) I shall stop you. I will. [HENSELL] All right, Lesterson, permission granted. [DOCTOR] Permission? Permission for what? [LESTERSON] To continue my work, Examiner. [DOCTOR] But, but didn't you all hear what I said? The Daleks must bedestroyed! [LESTERSON] Never! [DOCTOR] Very well. If not by my order, then by Earth's! Come Ben,Polly. [HENSELL] Ah, Examiner, just a moment. Tell me, why are you so againstthis project? [DOCTOR] But I've told you! I realise I can't give you any proof, butyou've no idea of the danger. [LESTERSON] No. [DOCTOR] Yes. Danger! I shall be contacting Earth just as soon as radiocommunications have been restored. [DOCTOR] You're my servant, are you? [DALEK] I am. [DOCTOR] Very well. Immobilise yourself. Go on. I order it! Immediately! [DOCTOR] Huh! [JANLEY] Lesterson. [LESTERSON] Why did you stop obeying? You were given an order. [DALEK] He has gone. [LESTERSON] Then you obey only [DALEK] His order was wrong. I cannot serve human beings if I amimmobilised. You gave me power. Your orders are right. I serve you. [HENSELL] Lesterson. Lesterson, it reasons. Just how limited is itsintelligence? [LESTERSON] Now, there is no cause for concern, Governor. Just you waituntil you see the amount of work it can do. And now, I'm really goingto put you through your paces. Follow me, Dalek. [DALEK] I obey. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] That's it! [POLLY] We should have stayed with Quinn. [BEN] Well, we couldn't have helped him, Polly, even if we'd wanted to.The Governor's already reached his verdict. [DOCTOR] Wire. Scissors. Tape. [POLLY] But he didn't murder the real Examiner. I'm sure he didn't. [BEN] Oh, well. The way I see it this lot's too busy arguing amongstthemselves to do much about anything. Anyway, first things first. TheDaleks are the important thing. [DOCTOR] Ah! Congratulations, Ben! [BEN] What did I do? What did I do? [DOCTOR] You just used your brains, that's what you did. The Daleks arethe most important thing. [POLLY] I still think Quinn's innocent. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [QUINN] How can I be in league with the rebels? [BRAGEN] The evidence confirms it. [QUINN] It was I that warned of their dangers. [BRAGEN] As part of your overall plan. [QUINN] You wouldn't even take the matter seriously. [BRAGEN] If I was wrong then, I have a chance to rectify it now. [QUINN] If that's going to be your attitude, I suggest that we [HENSELL] Quinn! Let us conduct this inquiry in an orderly manner. Now,the Examiner was attacked. There can be no question of that. [BRAGEN] And the button grabbed by the Examiner was missing from yoursuit. [HENSELL] Yes, if you've got anything to add to that, you'd better sayit now. [QUINN] I didn't attack the man. I had no reason to. I was the one thatsent for him. [HENSELL] You sent for him? [QUINN] It was necessary. Under the circumstances, I'd hardly be likelyto sabotage the radio communications. [HENSELL] But, but why Quinn? Why? [QUINN] Because of the rebels! [BRAGEN] The rebels. They're nothing more than one or two fanatics. [QUINN] You know as well as I do that they [BRAGEN] Unless you're trying to create trouble here to undermine theGovernor's position. [HENSELL] Bragen, you'd better explain that. [BRAGEN] If you're removed, who takes your place? The Deputy Governor,of course. And that's the real reason behind all this trouble, isn'tit, Quinn? [HENSELL] Go on. [BRAGEN] You attack the Examiner in the mercury swamp and blame it onthe rebels. Then you sabotage the radio and blame that on the rebelstoo. [HENSELL] Get him out of my sight! [QUINN] Hensell, before you listen to these preposterous allegations [HENSELL] I chose Quinn myself. I trained him for the job. Why, in a fewyears time, he'd have had this seat. [BRAGEN] Sometimes, Governor, a few years is a long time to wait. [HENSELL] Oh, Bragen? [BRAGEN] Governor? [HENSELL] You will assume Quinn's duties. As of now, you are DeputyGovernor. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BEN] I hope you know what you're doing. [DOCTOR] So do I. Excellent. excellent. [BEN] I thought we were after the Daleks, not this control unit you'venicked. [DOCTOR] If only we could find a. Ah, yes. [BEN] He's a right little delinquent, isn't he? [POLLY] Doctor, what on Earth are you up to? [DOCTOR] Now we're really getting somewhere! [BEN] Look Doctor, I don't want to appear dim, but how's this going todo the Daleks in? [DOCTOR] They think that Lesterson's the driving force, but I don't. TheDaleks are using him. [POLLY] But how? [DOCTOR] Problem. Smash the Daleks, and the people here will lock us upor kill us. Let the Daleks go, and we'll all be exterminated. [BEN] We could just go back to the Tardis. At least we'd be safe tothink there. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, it's coming on. [BEN] Oh, you talk to him, will you? [POLLY] Doctor, look, if you told us what you were up to, perhaps wecould help you. [DOCTOR] Mustn't underestimate any of them. Lesterson's a first classscientist, first class. He opened the capsule. He realised that theDaleks could be reactivated. [BEN] Yeah, that could be the answer. Let's kidnap Lesterson, and hidehim away for a bit. Well, it would stop him bringing the Daleks back tolife, wouldn't it? I thought it was pretty bright. [DOCTOR] There we are. [BEN] What is it? [DOCTOR] What is it? It could be the answer to all our problems. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [QUINN] Ah, Examiner, don't let them fool you about the rebels. They'restrong. Try and find out where they hold their meetings. [POLLY] Leave him alone! [QUINN] It's all right, Polly. [DOCTOR] We'll help him Polly, but later. [POLLY] Yes, but [DOCTOR] Now, this is a case where a little injustice is better thanwholesale slaughter. What we want is in Lesterson's laboratory. Comealong. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] Incredible! Let's move on to testfourteen. [DALEK] I am ready. [LESTERSON] When sodium acts on ethyl alcohol, what is the resultingderivative? [DALEK] Sodium ethoxide. C2 H5 ONA. [LESTERSON] Just five seconds, Janley. Just the time it took to speakthe answer. [JANLEY] It's right too. [LESTERSON] But of course it's right. Look, can you imagine what kind ofpositronic brain this robot has, Janley? Think of the store ofknowledge that it must carry. Sulphuric acid. [DALEK] H2 SO4. [LESTERSON] Ah, you see? [DOCTOR] May I come in? [LESTERSON] What do you want? [DOCTOR] Oh, just to see how you're getting on. [LESTERSON] If you think [DOCTOR] No, please. I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm just interested,that's all. [LESTERSON] You've done nothing but meddle and interfere ever since youlanded on Vulcan. [DOCTOR] Well, I did give you permission to open up the capsule, nowdidn't I? Oh please, carry on. [LESTERSON] And you won't try to stop me? [DOCTOR] Stop you? No, of course not. We got off on the wrong foot,Lesterson, but I'm a reasonable man, and I've been thinking perhaps Iwas hasty. [LESTERSON] Well, if you really want to call a truce. [DOCTOR] A truce? My dear fellow, I'd like to be friends. [LESTERSON] Yes. Yes, very well, you may stay. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Thank you. [DOCTOR] Perhaps you'd like to amuse yourselves for a little while. [JANLEY] Laboratory. Yes. All right. I can come now. Right. [JANLEY] I just have to slip out for a few minutes, Lesterson, allright? [LESTERSON] Ah, yes, yes. Very well then, Examiner, shall we test itsknowledge of physics? [DOCTOR] Oh, splendid, splendid. Please, please, carry on. [LESTERSON] Thank you. What is the First Law of Thermodynamics? [DALEK] When heat is transformed into any other kind of energy or viceversa, the total quantity of energy remains invariable. [DALEK] That is to say, the quantity of heat which disappears isequivalent to the quantity of other kind of energy produced. [LESTERSON] You fool! What do you think you're doing? [DOCTOR] I'm saving your life! [LESTERSON] Get out! Get out! [DALEK] I have sustained no damage. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [JANLEY] It's all right. It's been done. [BRAGEN] You were able to get away then? [JANLEY] Yes. Lesterson's with the Examiner. And Hensell? [BRAGEN] At a meeting of production managers. He left me in control. [JANLEY] We could take over the colony now. [BRAGEN] No. No, it has to be absolutely right. I don't want to takeover a colony full of rebels do I, Janley? [JANLEY] I don't know. You're making me help them. [BRAGEN] Only to stir them up to create enough trouble to get rid ofHensell, and then, then we crush them. The whole colony will begrateful, and I'll be Governor. [BRAGEN] Is that the gun you told me of? Can you persuade the rebelsthis will help them? [JANLEY] Yes, Valmar thinks he can work in a switch to turn it on andoff. [BRAGEN] How powerful is it? [JANLEY] It killed Resno, Lesterson's assistant. Lesterson believes thatResno's simply shaken up, taking a few days off. [BRAGEN] And the body? [JANLEY] In the mercury swamp. Lesterson was the indirect cause ofResno's death. It's a good hold over him if he makes trouble. I'll givethis to Valmar then? [BRAGEN] Yes. [JANLEY] When do we move? [BRAGEN] I need another card in my hand. The Examiner bothers me. [JANLEY] I thought Quinn was the danger. [BRAGEN] Not any more. The Examiner's no fool. No, there has to besomething else. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [POLLY] Well? [BEN] Well, he's not in the laboratory. Lesterson's by himself. [POLLY] Hmm. He must have gone another way. Can I leave it you? I'mgoing to go back to the rest room. [BEN] But [POLLY] Somebody's got to clear it up. [BEN] Okay. [JANLEY] Hello there. [POLLY] Hello. You're Lesterson's assistant aren't you? [JANLEY] Yes. You're not looking for the Examiner, are you? [POLLY] Well, do you know where he is? [JANLEY] Yes, he's waiting to get a message through from Earth. He's inthe Communications room. [POLLY] Erm. [JANLEY] Oh, you'll find it easy enough. Look. Around, then to yourright, in the next block. [POLLY] Thanks very much. --------------------------------------- (Communications room) [POLLY] Doctor? Anyone here? [JANLEY] Well done, Valmar. [JANLEY] Hold her. Hold her. [JANLEY] There, that'll keep her quiet for a bit. [VALMAR] I've no idea who she is. She was just snooping around. [JANLEY] I sent her. We want her kept out of the way. Get a couple ofyour men to keep her in a safe place. Now, this is what I told youabout. [VALMAR] Yes. The lethal power must come from here. [JANLEY] Uh huh. [VALMAR] It should have quite a good range. [JANLEY] Can you fix it? [VALMAR] It's easy. This could win us the revolution. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BEN] She said she was coming back here. She knew the way, and shewouldn't have wandered off. I know she wouldn't! Oh! [DOCTOR] Ben, if you were a Dalek, what would be your next move? [BEN] I'm talking about Polly. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no. She's a clever girl, but she couldn'tanswer this. [BEN] But she is missing! [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no. [BEN] Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes! [DOCTOR] No, no, no! She's looking around. There's a lot to see in thecolony. She's interested. I like that. [BEN] Come on. [DOCTOR] Where are we going? [BEN] To report it. If we make a fool of ourselves, I don't care. Wereport it! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] Yes, yes, yes. I managed to stop thatfool of an Examiner just in time. You know, there are some people herewho believe that you're an enemy. [DALEK] I am your servant. What does this machine do? [LESTERSON] You know, it's amazing. You have an almost human interestand curiosity. [DALEK] A Dalek is bet, is not the same as a human. If I am to help, Imust know everything. [LESTERSON] Yes. Yes, of course. [DALEK] What is this machine? [LESTERSON] It computes meteorite storms as they approach our weathersatellites. [DALEK] How accurate is it? [LESTERSON] About seventy percent. It helps to cut down on our satellitelosses. [DALEK] Daleks can build computers with one hundred percent accuracy. [LESTERSON] One hundred percent? [DALEK] If you provide materials and our own power unit, a computer willbe built. [LESTERSON] A hundred percent? But that would be an enormous saving forthe for the colony. [DALEK] Then you will get the materials? [LESTERSON] I'll go and speak to the Governor at once. [DALEK] I will be ready to dictate the blueprint when you return. [LESTERSON] Oh, that's marvellous. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BEN] You agreed we'd go and see Bragen. [DOCTOR] Hmm? Power. [BEN] Come on then! [DOCTOR] Now the energy intake for Daleks should be the cube [DOCTOR] Now then, twenty two over three. Nineteen times [BEN] Well, now what are you at? Talk to yourself. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's useless with incomplete data! [DOCTOR] Lesterson! [BEN] Eh? [DOCTOR] He just went past. That means we can get into his laboratoryagain. [BEN] But we're looking for [DOCTOR] Oh, come along, Ben. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [BEN] There's somebody in there. [DALEK] What are you doing here? [DOCTOR] Stand aside. Servants shouldn't question. [DALEK] Entry is restricted. [DOCTOR] Not for me it isn't. Accord every access. I've got a badge. [DALEK] That is an order. [DOCTOR] A Dalek order. Short circuit the generator, Ben. [DALEK] Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Stand back! [DOCTOR] Don't be frightened of it, Ben. It's not armed. I'm going tosee what it was doing in there. [DOCTOR] Ben? [BEN] What? [DOCTOR] Let's get out of here. [BEN] The fool. Lesterson must have reactivated them. [DOCTOR] Yes. When I say run, run like a rabbit. Run! [DALEK] I have sent the human being for materials. [DALEK 2] And power? [DALEK] Yes. Power we can turn into static. Then we will conquer. [DALEKS] We will conquer. We will conquer. We will conquer. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [DOCTOR] But if you didn't do it, Lesterson, thenthe Dalek must have used your power supply and reactivated the othersitself. [LESTERSON] I was going to do that anyway. [BEN] Are you off your head, mate? Those two are armed! [LESTERSON] Then we turn off the electricity, disarm them, and theneverything is safe again. [DOCTOR] But I've already explained to you. [HENSELL] Stop these arguments, both of you. I've had enough. I've everyconfidence in Lesterson. He has carte blanche for the Daleks from nowon. [DOCTOR] But they must be destroyed! [HENSELL] Bragen, I'm making a tour of the perimeter. I put you indirect charge here. See that Lesterson gets everything he wants, willyou? [LESTERSON] I shall need a permanent guard on my laboratory, Bragen. [DOCTOR] Huh. [BRAGEN] Don't worry about the Examiner. I think I can keep him quiet. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BEN] We've been forgetting about Polly. [DOCTOR] Greed and ambition, that's all it is. Wait till they find outwhat their precious production figures have cost them! [BEN] Oh, I want to see you. [BRAGEN] What about? [BEN] Well it's Polly, she's missing. We can't find her anywhere. [BRAGEN] I'll tell one of my men to make enquiries. It shouldn't takelong to find her. [BEN] Ah, thanks. [BRAGEN] Examiner, some of my men have found a body in the mercuryswamp. It was the body of a middle-aged man. [DOCTOR] What is that to do with me? [BRAGEN] You're the Examiner. Or maybe you're not. [DOCTOR] Just exactly what do you mean by that? [BRAGEN] Who are you? Quinn's friends come to stir up rebellion? [DOCTOR] There's only one possible way that you could know I'm not theExaminer. [BEN] Yeah, by knowing what the real Examiner looked like. [DOCTOR] Exactly, Ben. Exactly! Only two people knew of his arrival onthis planet. Myself and his murderer. [BRAGEN] That's enough! [BEN] Is it? Doctor, we've got to tell the Governor. [BRAGEN] Do you think he'll believe you? I'll soon convince him that youmurdered the man yourself. You stole the Examiner's badge. [DOCTOR] Then why don't you arrest us? Because there's a doubt isn'tthere? Because it might, it just might, go against you. [BRAGEN] All right, all right, so neither of us wants to make a move.But you leave Lesterson alone. And the Daleks! [BEN] He'd make a right Father Christmas, wouldn't he? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'd rather fight a hundred of his sort than just one Dalek. [BEN] Listen to this. The girl is safe. She will remain so as long asyou leave the Daleks alone. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] And did you disarm the other two? [DALEK] Yes. We are your servants. We do not need guns. [LESTERSON] I'm very glad. I knew the Examiner was wrong about you. [DALEK] Did you get our materials? [LESTERSON] Yes. Everything you need you can have. [DALEK] And a power plant? [LESTERSON] Everything. [DALEK] We will get our power. [DALEKS] We will get our power. We will get our power. We will get ourpower. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [DALEK] (slow) Turn back the power supply. [LESTERSON] I will, I will. But I want you to remember that I controlyou. [DALEK] We are your servants. [LESTERSON] I know. Remember it. I gave you each a special charge tobring you back to life. Any further power you need must come from thisgenerator, and I control it. Is that clear? [DALEK] We obey. [LESTERSON] Where are they going? [DALEK] To await your orders, master. [LESTERSON] Good. Have you completed the blueprints for the meteor stormcomputer? [DALEK] It is ready. [LESTERSON] Oh, it's marvellous! I'm glad we understand each other. [DALEK] We understand the human mind. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [BRAGEN] Isn't that finished yet? [VALMAR] Nearly. This is Valmar. Test call please. [VALMAR] Terrace. So I can hear you clearly all right, good. Now try andget in connection now with the interior, and then the perimeterstations. Well, no troubles now. [BRAGEN] About time. This work should have been completed long beforethis. [VALMAR] Well, I did the best I could. [BRAGEN] Well, it isn't good enough. [VALMAR] Then get someone else, Bragen. [BRAGEN] Be careful. I shall be watching you, Valmar, after this. Nowget out. [BEN [OC]] See Bragen. [DOCTOR [OC]] Accord every access. [BRAGEN] What does this intrusion mean? [GUARD] I'm sorry, Bragen. I tried to stop them. [DOCTOR] Intrusion? It's no intrusion. We're just returning the variouscalls that you made. This guard tried to tell us you were busy. You'renot a bit, are you? [BRAGEN] All right, I'll see them. [DOCTOR] Oh, what a nice new uniform. Very smart, very smart. I wouldlike a hat like that. [BRAGEN] Well, what do you want? [BEN] Some joker has kidnapped Polly and sent us this note. [DOCTOR] Yes. [BEN] Well, we want to know what you're doing to find her. [BRAGEN] Now that the communications are restored we can start a search. [BEN] Yeah, I can just imagine what kind of job you'll make of that.Haven't you heard anything yet? [BRAGEN] The planet is a large one. [DOCTOR] So, they've given you the run of the colony, have they? [DALEK] We obey. [DALEK] Do I bring liquid for your visitors? [BRAGEN] No. They won't be staying much longer. [BEN] Look, Doctor, if he's not going to help us, we'll have to searchfor Polly ourselves. [BRAGEN] Sound advice. Why don't you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Uh, uh. Examiner. I wonder how much longer they'll be able tomove around on these floors? [BEN] Ay? [DOCTOR] The floors. They're not metal. [BEN] Doctor. [HENSELL [on monitor]] Ah, there you are Bragen. Thank heavens thecommunications are working again. It's bad enough being stuck out hereon the perimeter. Well? Your report, man. Hurry up. I've got a veryfull schedule. [BRAGEN] There is nothing to report, Governor. [HENSELL [on monitor]] The Examiner? [BRAGEN] I'm taking good care of him. [HENSELL [on monitor]] Good, you know my orders. [BRAGEN] Yes, sir. [HENSELL [on monitor]] All right. Well, you can reach me here if youhave to, that's all. [BRAGEN] One moment, Governor. When will you be coming back? [HENSELL [on monitor]] Oh, not for a day or two at least. You canmanage, can't you? [BRAGEN] Yes. Yes, of course, Governor. [BRAGEN] What do you want? [DALEK] Have you finished your liquid? [BRAGEN] No. No, I haven't. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JANLEY] You'd better check the agenda. [KEBBLE] I'll do it now. [DOCTOR] Static, do you see. They need a constant supply of static fromthe floor. Some sort of electrical field. [BEN] Doctor. Why should he? [DOCTOR] It's madness! [BEN] What is? [DOCTOR] Letting them run around like this. [BEN] Hey, wait a minute. Bragen had one acting as a servant, and we'vejust left him. [DOCTOR] One Dalek in Bragen's office. Three Daleks just gone down thecorridors. That makes four. [BEN] Where did the fourth one come from? [DOCTOR] Well, Lesterson can't have been making them. Perhaps there weremore in the capsule than we thought. [BEN] We must go and see Lesterson. Yeah, and show him this note. Maybehe or Janley knows where Polly is. [BEN] We frightened him off. I wonder what the fascination of thisnotice board is? [DOCTOR] It looks like a perfectly ordinary notice board to me. [BEN] Yeah, well, come on, Doctor. We must find out who's got Polly.Doctor, come on! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [LESTERSON] Janley? [JANLEY] What is it? [LESTERSON] The Daleks. They've given me another list of materials theyneed. [JANLEY] Let me see. We've got all those things? [LESTERSON] Yes, but why these quantities, Janley? Why? How can theyhave used up all the materials I gave them? What is it? Why, it's onlya matter of a few hours ago. [JANLEY] They're building new things for us. [LESTERSON] Yes, well, I don't want them to do anything withoutconsulting me. What is it they do inside there? [JANLEY] You're worrying too much. [LESTERSON] Look, Janley, say what you like, but I'm beginning tobelieve that the Examiner is right about the Daleks. Their originalthinking terrifies me. If we can control them, fine. But if not [JANLEY] Yes? [LESTERSON] Then I shall have them destroyed. It's too dangerous. TheExaminer knows something about them that we don't. I'm going to ask hisadvice. [JANLEY] I wouldn't bring the Examiner into it if I were you. [LESTERSON] And why not? [JANLEY] You want him to find out about Resno? [LESTERSON] Oh, a little accident. How is he? Is he better? [JANLEY] He's dead. [LESTERSON] What are you talking about? You told me he was [JANLEY] You were busy with the experiments on the Daleks. [LESTERSON] But you should have told me. But the body? It'll have to bereported. [JANLEY] Don't worry, no one will find the body. [LESTERSON] Oh, Janley, you've done a terrible thing. [JANLEY] The experiments on the Daleks were more important. [LESTERSON] More important than human life? No, no, I won't accept that. [JANLEY] You will. You must. Your carelessness was the cause of Resno'sdeath. You murdered him. It's only your word against mine. [LESTERSON] I won't be blackmailed by you. [JANLEY] All I want is for you to go on as you are. Scientific discoverycan't stop dead, Lesterson. [LESTERSON] I told the guard that no-one was to be allowed in. [DOCTOR] Accord every access, remember? [BEN] We're looking for Polly. [LESTERSON] Well, she isn't here, and I haven't seen her. [BEN] Well, she's been kidnapped. [LESTERSON] Oh, it sounds a little unlikely. [BEN] Oh, it does, does it? Well, we've got this note which tells us so. [LESTERSON] I'm very sorry, but I don't know anything about it. [DOCTOR] Lesterson? [LESTERSON] Yes? [DOCTOR] You haven't been building Daleks, have you? [LESTERSON] Building? No, I wouldn't know how to begin. [DOCTOR] And there were only three in the capsule? [LESTERSON] Yes. [DOCTOR] Well, we've just seen four. One in the Governor's office andthree in the corridor. [LESTERSON] But that's not possible! [DOCTOR] There's only one explanation. The Daleks are reproducingthemselves. [JANLEY] These things are machines. How could they reproduce? [DOCTOR] Machines? What makes you think they're just machines? TheDaleks are brilliant engineers. Nothing is beyond them given the rightmaterials. [LESTERSON] What? [DOCTOR] I said nothing is beyond them given the right materials. [LESTERSON] Oh. [DOCTOR] Lesterson, what's the matter? [LESTERSON] Oh. [JANLEY] Leave him alone. He's just been overworking, that's all. [BEN] Well, he looks bad. [JANLEY] Will you both go away. Guard! It's you, badgering him withquestions. You've done nothing but hound him ever since you arrived onVulcan. Bragen's orders were that no one was to be admitted. [GUARD] Yes, but I thought that the Examiner. [JANLEY] He attacked Lesterson. Get them out of here. Both of them. [BEN] He did not attack Lesterson! [JANLEY] Out, do you hear? [BEN] All right, all right. [JANLEY] Janley here. Tell Valmar to come over to the lab right away.Good. Now, it's all right. Come on. Rest here for a bit. There. You'vebeen doing far too much. [JANLEY] Shh. [JANLEY] I've sedated him. [VALMAR] Well, what's the matter with him? [JANLEY] Overwork, I suppose. He just suddenly broke up. Anyway, it'llgive you a chance to lay in the new power cable the Daleks have askedfor. [VALMAR] You don't miss a trick, do you? [JANLEY] We're going to lay in the new cables you wanted. [DALEK] Good. [VALMAR] You're sure this is okay, Janley? [JANLEY] Of course. We help them, they help us. [DALEK] Yes. We are your servants. [JANLEY] Don't take too long about it, Valmar. Oh, you saw the notice,did you? [VALMAR] I saw it. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BEN] Well, we're still no nearer finding Polly. What are we hangingabout here for? [DOCTOR] Ben, I've found a message in code. It's an anagram, you justtake the capital letters, see? Work it out yourself. [BEN] Oh, I can't do crosswords. [DOCTOR] Meeting tonight, 2000 hours. R O C K E T -- Rocket. R O O M -Room. P. Rocket Room P. [DOCTOR] It's the rebel's way of calling a meeting. Only tonight we'regoing to be there, early. [BEN] Yeah, maybe we're nearer finding Polly than I thought. --------------------------------------- (Rocket room P) [BEN] Ow. I've got pins and needles now. [DOCTOR] What's the time? [BEN] Time we went home. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JANLEY] Now, we're going to demonstrate something. You section leaderscan pass on what you've seen. So far, we've been concerned with testingthe strength of the Governor with a few acts of sabotage. But now we'reready to take over. [KEBBLE] What is that thing? I've seen them moving about, but all we'vebeen told is that it's a machine Lesterson discovered. [JANLEY] Valmar. [VALMAR] Lesterson removed the armaments of the Daleks he discovered.I've rearmed this one, but with a controlling device. We can regulatethe fire power and turn it off and on whenever we choose. [JANLEY] Shall we have the demonstration now? [BEN] That's the one we want. He must be the boss of this outfit. [JANLEY] This screen is two inch thick tungsten steel. Right, Valmar. [VALMAR] Fire at the screen. [JANLEY] Quiet! You must keep quiet. We're too vulnerable here. [KEBBLE] But you can't control a thing like that. It'll turn on us. [JANLEY] No, it won't. [KEBBLE] I wouldn't let any of my group go anywhere near it. [VALMAR] I can control it. [KEBBLE] Prove it. Ah, you daren't! I'm not talking about that thingfiring at the wall or bits of metal or anything. I mean people. Haveyou tested whether you can stop it from killing people? Our people? [VALMAR] Look, I can show you what I've done here. [KEBBLE] Forget it. How do you know a Dalek can tell the differencebetween the Governor's people and our people? [VALMAR] But I can tell the difference, you fool, and I control it. [KEBBLE] We want something better than words. [JANLEY] Test it on me. Will that satisfy you? [KEBBLE] Well yes, but [BEN] She's out of her mind. [VALMAR] Is it all right? [VALMAR] Now, when I tell you to fire [DALEK] I am your servant. [JANLEY] Get back to your places. [KEBBLE] Are you all right? [JANLEY] Of course. I don't take needless risks. [VALMAR] Oh, well done, Janley. [JANLEY] You haven't disarmed the Dalek. Well, go on, take the gun away.We don't want any accidents. Now, what about the girl? [KEBBLE] We've got her safely locked up. Never fear. [JANLEY] I think the best thing for us to do is [BEN] Hear that? Maybe they'll say were she is. [JANLEY] Who's there? [BEN] You stay there, I'll distract them. Find out where Polly is. [JANLEY] No! [BEN] Help! Help! [JANLEY] The guards will have heard that! Come on we've got to get outof here! Take him and lock him up! Quick! Out! [BRAGEN] You might as well come out. We know you're there. [DOCTOR] Bragen. [BRAGEN] Of course. Who else is fitted to be leader of the rebels? [DOCTOR] No doubt you want to be leader of the Daleks too. [BRAGEN] I am the leader of the Daleks. [DOCTOR] Well, see if you can stop this one from killing me. [BRAGEN] Stop! You heard me, that's an order. Turn away. Fetch theguard. [DALEK] I obey. [DOCTOR] You hope to have it both ways, Bragen. But how will you look infront of the Governor, when I explain your dual role to him? [BRAGEN] The Governor will hardly listen to an impostor. [DOCTOR] An impostor? How do you propose to prove that? [BRAGEN] My guards are now going to produce the body of the realExaminer from the mercury swamp. [DOCTOR] The one you murdered. [BRAGEN] The one you pretended to be. [DOCTOR] Murder's a far worse crime than impersonation. [BRAGEN] Yes, but you can't prove I'm a murderer, while I can prove thatyou're an impostor. [BRAGEN] Take this man away. Detain him. [JANLEY] A dangerous man. [BRAGEN] Now the only one left is the Governor. [JANLEY] Perhaps we should have dealt with the Examiner earlier. [BRAGEN] I'll deal with him in time, and Quinn. --------------------------------------- (Cell block) [QUINN] You're the last man I expected to see here. [DOCTOR] Hmm. Works by sound, does it? [QUINN] I'm speaking to you, Examiner. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry. [QUINN] If you'd listened to me in the first place, you wouldn't belocked up here now. [DOCTOR] Well, your imprisonment hasn't been entirely wasted. It'sbrought your enemy out into the open. [QUINN] Bragen? I've known that all along. [DOCTOR] Yes. But did you know that he was the leader of the rebels? [QUINN] Bragen, the leader? [DOCTOR] Yes. It's quite a simple sort of lock, really. [QUINN] Hensell's trouble is he thinks he can run this colony on hispersonality alone. [DOCTOR] But even if he knew of the danger, could he do anything? Therebels are well organised. [QUINN] The Governor's popular. He can count on the mine workers at theperimeter for support. [DOCTOR] In that case we must get word to him. [QUINN] If you'd done your job properly, Examiner, you wouldn't be herenow, and I'd have been out too. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, but then I'm not the real Examiner. [DOCTOR] Ben, Polly and I, we're just travellers, that's all. I foundthe Examiner dead. Bragen murdered him. [QUINN] Everything leads back friend Bragen. Just give me a chance getmy hands on him. [DOCTOR] We aren't going to have that chance unless we can get out ofhere. [QUINN] There's just a little matter of the cell doors. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [DALEK 2] You sent for me? [DALEK] Take up a position at the communications room. Watch and report. [DALEK 2] I obey. [LESTERSON] They're conspiring together! Oh, why didn't I realise? TheExaminer was right. They are evil! [LESTERSON] There are four. They can't be reproducing! --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [DALEK] Dalek nine complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [NEW DALEK] (under the count) We are the new race of Daleks. [DALEK] Dalek ten complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek eleven complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek twelve complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek thirteen complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek fourteen complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek fifteen complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek sixteen complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek seventeen complete. [DALEK 2] Check. [DALEK] Dalek eighteen complete. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [JANLEY] What's the matter? What is it? Are you ill? [LESTERSON] They're in there, making themselves! Duplicating! [JANLEY] What? What are you talking about? [LESTERSON] I started this, opening the capsule. [JANLEY] Lesterson! [LESTERSON] Don't try to stop me! [JANLEY] What happened? [LESTERSON] They forget that I control them. I gave them life backagain, and now I've taken it away. Finished it, stopped it. [JANLEY] The Daleks? [LESTERSON] Evil. Horrible. I know what I'm going to do. Laser torches.Melt them down. I'm going to melt the Daleks down to pools of metal. [JANLEY] You won't, Lesterson. [LESTERSON] Oh, do you think I care what you can do? Go on, telleverybody I was responsible for Resno's death. I don't care! I'm goingto wipe out the Daleks! Yes, tell everybody all about me! I'm stillgoing to I'm going to wipe out the Daleks! [LESTERSON] Get me the Examiner. Prison? Who put him there? But I've gotto talk to him! I've got to, don't you understand? [LESTERSON] How did you get there? I cut off the power. [DALEK] We can store power. We will soon have our own. [LESTERSON] Own power? [DALEK] Why was the capsule door closed? [LESTERSON] Own power! Argh! [DALEK] Seal off the capsule's secret entrance. [DALEK 2] I obey. [DALEK] Wait! No more than three Daleks to be seen together at any onetime. [DALEK 2] I obey. [DALEK] We are not ready yet to teach these human beings the law of theDaleks. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [LESTERSON] You can help me! [GUARD] What's the matter? [LESTERSON] Where's the Examiner? [GUARD] The Examiner's in prison. [LESTERSON] Oh, yes. [GUARD] What's the matter with you? [LESTERSON] I forgot. [GUARD] What are you running for? Hey! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [JANLEY] Did Lesterson come back? [DALEK] No. Why is this human restricted? [JANLEY] She's against the Daleks. Afraid, are you? Nothing's going tohappen to you if you behave. [POLLY] The Daleks? Of course I'm afraid, and so should you be. [JANLEY] The Daleks are going to help us. [POLLY] Us being the rebels, I suppose. [JANLEY] If you like. [POLLY] And when you've won, the Daleks will just go back to beingservants again? You're bigger fools than I thought. [DALEK] We are your servants. [POLLY] While it suits you. [JANLEY] You'll see. [KEBBLE] In! [KEBBLE] You want me to stay with her? [JANLEY] Yes. You may have to help Valmar. He'll be here in a minute tofix up the new Dalek power cable. [KEBBLE] Right. [DALEK] When will the work be completed? [JANLEY] What is this cable you Daleks are laying, anyway? [DALEK] Daleks operate on static electricity. [JANLEY] Static! Is that possible? [DALEK] To create static, the Daleks need a complete cable circuit. [JANLEY] I see. You convert our electricity into your own power. [DALEK] That is correct. When will the human being complete the work? [JANLEY] He'll be here. It's easier now. There's no-one to interferewith our plans. --------------------------------------- (Cell block) [QUINN] Do you have to do that? I'm afraid you'll find these locks arefoolproof. [DOCTOR] I wonder how they're converting the power? [QUINN] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] The Daleks. They're powered by static electricity. It's likeblood to them, a constant life-stream. [QUINN] Static isn't workable. [DOCTOR] It is to the Daleks. They've conquered static, just as they'veconquered anti-magnetics. [QUINN] I'm not going to listen to any more of this nonsense. [DOCTOR] I don't seem to be able to hit the right note. Do you have anymore water? [QUINN] I hope not. No. [DOCTOR] Then I shall have to get some. [GUARD] You can't! [LESTERSON] But it's important! It's desperately important! [GUARD] Well, Bragen gave orders. [LESTERSON] Just get out of my way! Ah! Examiner! The Daleks ! [DOCTOR] Yes? [LESTERSON] They're duplicating! I've seen them! They've got their ownpower now! I can't stop them! [GUARD] Take him to Bragen. [LESTERSON] Oh! Oh! Oh! [DOCTOR] I say. I say, do you think we might have a little more water? [QUINN] Is that all you can say? Lesterson fights his way down here tospeak to you and all you can do is demand more water? [GUARD] Get away from the door. [QUINN] Sorry about that outburst. I thought it might help thesituation. [QUINN] Nearly, nearly. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [BRAGEN] What's this? [GUARD] He tried to break in and speak with the Examiner. [LESTERSON] What is the Dalek doing?! [BRAGEN] I thought you knew. Something to do with the emergency powersupply. [LESTERSON] Oh, no. It's a trick. I didn't ask for it. [BRAGEN] Lesterson, I've had reports. [LESTERSON] What are you doing?! [DALEK] Laying the new emergency power supply as you ordered, master. [LESTERSON] It's a lie! [BRAGEN] I've had reports of your incomprehensible behaviour. [LESTERSON] Yes. Yes, but I can explain if you'll get rid of that! [BRAGEN] Finish now. [DALEK] I am your servant. [LESTERSON] Where is the Governor?! [BRAGEN] At the perimeter. Why? [LESTERSON] Call him. Get him back here as quickly as possible. We'reall in terrible danger! The Examiner was right! Right all the time! [LESTERSON] Don't listen to anything she has to say. [JANLEY] Come along now. [LESTERSON] She's in league with the Daleks! [JANLEY] Now, now, now, now. Please, Lesterson. Just take things calmly.You're not well. [LESTERSON] I'm perfectly well! [JANLEY] Please, Lesterson, please. Now, you ought to be in hospital.You promised me you'd report there. [LESTERSON] I promised nothing of the kind. [JANLEY] Don't you remember? Never mind. I understand. [BRAGEN] Pity. It's probably only temporary. [LESTERSON] You're trying to say I'm mad. [BRAGEN] No, no, not mad. [JANLEY] No, of course not. No. [LESTERSON] But I tell you, I saw the Daleks. They were duplicating! Isaw it! I swear to you! [JANLEY] He suddenly started saying these things in the lab. I'm afraidhe's [LESTERSON] Oh, no! No! [BRAGEN] Keep him under restraint. [LESTERSON] Oh, will nobody listen to me?! --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [VALMAR] Pass me that small screwdriver. [POLLY] I can't. My hands are tied. Anyway, I wouldn't help you even ifI could. [VALMAR] Okay. [VALMAR] More? I can't handle them. [KEBBLE] This is the lot. [POLLY] Listen. The Dalek's gone now. [KEBBLE] That doesn't mean you can start talking. [VALMAR] Oh, leave her alone, Kebble. She isn't doing any harm. [POLLY] You think you're very tough don't you, pushing a girl around.I'd like to see you come up against a real man. [KEBBLE] Like who? [POLLY] Like Ben, for instance. [KEBBLE] Don't worry about him. We've got him safely stowed away. [POLLY] You've got Ben? [KEBBLE] He's sleeping off a slight fall. [VALMAR] I told you to leave her alone. [POLLY] Your name's Valmar, isn't it? [VALMAR] That's it. [POLLY] You want the Daleks to fight the Governor. But don't you see?They'll turn on you, too. [KEBBLE] What? Three big pepper pots? [VALMAR] One of them did kill Resno. And you saw what the Dalek did tothat sheet of metal. [POLLY] And that's just the beginning. [KEBBLE] Don't listen to her. She's giving you the Examiner's line. [POLLY] He isn't the Examiner. We're just travellers, landed here byaccident. The Doctor, that's the man you think is the Examiner, foundthe real Examiner dead and picked up his papers. [VALMAR] This Doctor of yours. He knows something about the Daleks? [POLLY] He's tried to warn everyone. It's the only reason we stayedhere. [DALEK] When will the work be completed? [VALMAR] I don't know. I'll need a new junction box like this one. [POLLY] You've all underestimated these Daleks. [KEBBLE] Better brains than us, I suppose. [POLLY] I only know what the Doctor has told me. He says they're capableof exterminating whole nations. [VALMAR] Perhaps, but what would they want to kill us for, after we'vetaken over. We're friendly with the Daleks. [POLLY] But don't you see? Human beings can't be friends with Daleks.They don't have friends. [VALMAR] I don't see why not. [POLLY] It's a kind of hatred for anything unlike themselves. They thinkthey're superior. [VALMAR] The girl's got something. [KEBBLE] You want to tell Janley, you're welcome. [POLLY] Janley! She'll betray the lot of you, if she gets the chance. [DALEK] The other junction box is outside. [VALMAR] Thank you. [KEBBLE] Talk too much, don't you? Didn't you know he was soft onJanley? All right, all right, I'm just putting her straight. [VALMAR] More slack on the cables. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [HENSELL] What are all these cables lying about? [GUARD] New emergency power supply. [HENSELL] Who's idea was that? [GUARD] What do you want to know for? [HENSELL] What do I? Don't you know I'm the Governor? Where are youfrom? [GUARD] The interior, sir. [HENSELL] The interior? Why are you carrying a gun? [GUARD] I'm a Squad Leader in Bragen's guard, sir. [HENSELL] Oh, I see. Bragen's guard, ay? All right, carry on. --------------------------------------- (Cell block) [GUARD] Cut that row out, you two. [GUARD] What the? Oh! [QUINN] Come on. [DOCTOR] Wait a minute. [DOCTOR] We don't want him trying it, although he seemed a bit tone deafto me. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [HENSELL] Well, Bragen, these trips are becomingmore and more demanding. [BRAGEN] I didn't expect you, Governor. [HENSELL] Oh, I had as much as I could stand. Well, what's beenhappening here? [BRAGEN] One moment. [HENSELL] I asked you a question, man. [BRAGEN] I heard you. [HENSELL] Look, your work can wait. You can hand over to me tomorrow. Iwant to hear about the Examiner. [BRAGEN] The Examiner is at present in jail. [HENSELL] In jail? That's rather dangerous, isn't it? Who put him there? [BRAGEN] I did. [HENSELL] You did? In heaven's sake, why? [BRAGEN] He's an impostor, Governor. Possibly a murderer as well. We'vejust discovered the body of the real Examiner in the mercury swamp. [HENSELL] I hope you're sure of your facts, Bragen. [BRAGEN] Quite sure. [HENSELL] This could have far reaching consequences. [BRAGEN] As far as I am concerned, there's nothing more to be said. Soif there's nothing further [HENSELL] Nothing further? Who the devil do you think you're talking to?Stand up when you're speaking to me, man! [BRAGEN] I prefer to remain seated. [HENSELL] Do you now? We'll soon see about that. Guards! Take this manout of my office. Did you hear what I said? That's an order! [BRAGEN] You forget, my dear Hensell. They're not your guards, they'remine. [HENSELL] I am the Governor. [BRAGEN] No. Not now. I am. [HENSELL] Oh, I see. Your guards, ay? Yes, Quinn warned me about yourguards, but we all took them too lightly, didn't we? But we'll soonchange that. [HENSELL] You imbecile! How long do you think your handful of guards canhang out when the people hear that I am being kept a prisoner in my owncapital? [BRAGEN] The people will do exactly as they are told, Hensell. It will,of course, be easier for them if you co-operate with us. [BRAGEN] Wait there. Guards, dismissed. [HENSELL] So, Bragen, you want my cooperation, do you? [BRAGEN] It would save bloodshed. I might even let you keep the title ofGovernor. [HENSELL] Might you now? I'll tell you what you will do. You'll orderyour guards to disarm and place yourself under arrest immediately! [BRAGEN] So you reject my offer. I thought it a generous one in thecircumstances. [HENSELL] What circumstances? [BRAGEN] Look at this. [HENSELL] What is it? [BRAGEN] The reason that the colony is now mine. [HENSELL] Is it a weapon of some kind? [BRAGEN] I'll arrange a demonstration for you. Do you still refuse myoffer? [HENSELL] I will not be intimidated. [BRAGEN] Of course not. In character to the last, Hensell. Kill him! [DALEK] Why do human beings kill human beings? [BRAGEN] Get on with your work. [DALEK] Yes, master. I obey. [BRAGEN] Yes, obey me! From now on, I'll have complete obedience fromeveryone! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [VALMAR] I'll have to check the cable circuit now. Otherwise it's justas you asked for. [DALEK] Very well. [VALMAR] Why can't you carry on with the power you're drawing from thecolony? Why go to all this trouble? [DALEK] Until now, we have had to recharge from the colony supply. Withstatic power, the Daleks will be twice as (pause) useful. [JANLEY] Valmar, quick! [VALMAR] What's the matter? [JANLEY] The Governor's back. [VALMAR] What about the girl? [JANLEY] Leave her. [DALEK] I will follow you. [VALMAR] What for? [DALEK] I am your servant. [JANLEY] Come on. [DOCTOR] An electrical circuit of their own supplying staticelectricity! I wonder how much longer we've got? --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [DOCTOR [OC]] I didn't realise they'd have a circuitof their own. [POLLY] Doctor, look out! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [POLLY] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Well done! Who was the man who went outside just now? [POLLY] Valmar. He's been working for the Daleks. [DOCTOR] On their static power supply. [POLLY] Doctor, they've got Ben. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. He ran away so that I could. Oh well, it's a longstory. But don't worry, that boy can take care of himself. [QUINN] Did you hear that? That won't help. [DOCTOR] Get out, all of you! [QUINN] What about you? [POLLY] But Doctor! [DOCTOR] Go! [DALEK 2] Have they escaped? [DALEK] Yes, return to capsule and report. [DALEK 2] I obey. --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [DALEK] We are to wait here until the human beingsfight among themselves. [DALEK 2] Then we will strike. [DALEK] And exterminate! [ALL DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [QUINN] The one man who could have saved us. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. The people will follow you, too. [QUINN] Maybe. But there wasn't any maybe about Hensell. He wasold-fashioned, single-minded, yes, but he's done a lot of wonderfulwork for this colony. Events turned out against him, that's all. Butwhy? Why was he killed? [BRAGEN] I can answer that. [BRAGEN] He wanted to destroy the Daleks, so one of them killed him. NowI'm declaring martial law. You will be returned to prison and properlyguarded this time. [DOCTOR] Martial law? What good do you think that will do against theDaleks? [BRAGEN] The Daleks will do as I tell them. [DOCTOR] We shall see, shan't we. [BRAGEN] Take them away. --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [ALL DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! [DALEK 2] Orders received. Exterminate all humans! [DALEK] Exterminate all humans! [DALEK 2] Exterminate! Annihilate! Destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! [ALL DALEKS] Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy!Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquerand destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [DALEK] Take up positions, ready to exterminate allhuman beings. [DALEK 3] Exterminate! [ALL DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GUARD] Move on! [DOCTOR] The Dalek! [POLLY] What about it? [DOCTOR] Can't you see it's armed? [GUARD] Keep moving! [DALEK] This area is restricted. [QUINN] On whose authority? [GUARD] Silence! [DALEK] Repeat. This area is restricted. [DALEK 2] Obey or you shall be exterminated. [QUINN] I thought they obeyed us? [POLLY] What do we do now, Doctor? [QUINN] This way. [DALEK] They will be exterminated. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [JANLEY] We've won. The revolution's over. I'll passthe word to Valmar, Kebble and the rest. [BRAGEN] Wait. The revolution is not quite over yet. [JANLEY] What more can we do? Hensell's dead, you're the new Governor.The battle's over. [BRAGEN] Not quite. You mentioned Kebble, Valmar and that rabble. Well,now they must be dealt with. [JANLEY] But those are our own men. [BRAGEN] Of course. [JANLEY] I don't understand. [BRAGEN] Do you think I can ever be secure in that chair while thatrabble are still loose? They rebelled against Hensell yesterday.Tomorrow it'll be my turn. Well, let them rebel. Tell them the guardshave taken control. Let them attack, and then we can crush themutterly. [JANLEY] You say we. [BRAGEN] Yes. We've come a long way together, you and I. Are you goingto back down now? [JANLEY] Couldn't you just arrest them? [BRAGEN] Everyone must be killed. [JANLEY] Must they all be slaughtered? [BRAGEN] All of them. [BRAGEN] Well, are you still with me? [JANLEY] I suppose so. [BRAGEN] Then do as I say. [BRAGEN] I'm glad you agreed with me. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Now! --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BEN] What have you brought me in here for? [VALMAR] Quiet! [BEN] Whose side are you on anyway? [VALMAR] I thought I was going to be on the winning side. [BEN] What changed your mind? [VALMAR] Bragen. The colony's become too small for him. He wants us outof the way now. [BEN] Yeah, well, it often happens that way, mate, when you followblokes like him. [VALMAR] Look, I'm going to try and get your friends here, if I can. Sowait here. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [GUARD [on monitor]] Section one reporting, Governor Bragen. [BRAGEN] Yes. [GUARD [on monitor]] The rebels are gathering. We've got them underobservation. [BRAGEN] Don't let them concentrate in large groups. Hit them beforethey organise. They'll be making their move any time now. [GUARD [on monitor]] Right. [BRAGEN] People of Vulcan. This is your new Governor talking to you. Ihave to announce that Governor Hensell has been murdered by the rebels.I have taken control temporarily until order is restored. People livingon the perimeter and in the interior can stay calm. We know who themurderers are. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [BRAGEN [OC]] I shall keep you informed of events assoon as I am able, so listen for the signal to watch your communicationsets. That is all. [DOCTOR] Ah! There you are. [POLLY] Ben! [DOCTOR] I knew you'd be all right! [BEN] Polly, you okay? [POLLY] Oh, yes. [BEN] Did Valmar find you, then? [POLLY] Valmar? No. [QUINN] What's this about Valmar? [BEN] Well it seems Bragen's gone power mad. He wants the rebels torevolt, then he can finish them off. [DOCTOR] The Daleks won't care who they fight. They'll exterminate everyhuman being on this planet. [POLLY] Doctor, oh please, let's go back to the Tardis. [DOCTOR] Quinn, keep them both here. [BEN] Well, wait a minute, Doctor! [BEN] All right. All right. [QUINN] Now what do you think he's up to? [DALEK [OC]] Orders received. Daleks commence extermination. [ALL DALEKS [OC]] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [KEBBLE] Just a minute, Examiner. [GUARD] All right, hold it! [DOCTOR] Down everyone! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [VALMAR] Don't come any nearer. [JANLEY] What do you mean? [VALMAR] I overheard your conversation with Bragen. But you can't standup to the Daleks, so your plan will come to nothing. [JANLEY] Not my plan. Bragen's. [VALMAR] But that's the same thing. [JANLEY] Not any more. [VALMAR] You expect me to believe that? [JANLEY] Look, Val, he was going to kill me too. I came here to doexactly what you've done. Let Bragen see what the Daleks are like. Hedoesn't know how strong they are. He's got to be stopped. [DALEK] You will lead us to the middle of your party of human beings. [VALMAR] Yes. [DALEK] We will fight (pause) for you. [JANLEY] Believe me, Val, it's the only way to save all our lives. [VALMAR] Did you know that the Daleks are duplicating? [JANLEY] Yes. [DALEK] But we are your friends. [DALEK 2] We will serve you. [DALEK 3] Take us to the centre of your group. [VALMAR] Can we trust them? [JANLEY] We must! The guards have orders to wipe us out. We must use theDaleks. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Guest quarters) [POLLY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] The window. Does it open? [BEN] I don't know. [DOCTOR] It had better, or we're done for! Out you go. [POLLY] What's happening? [DOCTOR] The Daleks. They're teeming all over the corridors. We've gotto get back to Lesterson's lab. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [BRAGEN] This is Governor Bragen speaking. A groupof rebels is attempting to take over the colony. It is the duty of allloyal citizens to help the guards resist. Stay in your homes. Orderwill be restored. Listen to my bulletins. [GUARD] The rebels are using the Daleks against our people! [BRAGEN] Well, get back and fight! Why do you come running to me? Whatdo you think your guns are for? [GUARD] Well, the guns don't work against them! [BRAGEN] Get back and fight them! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JANLEY] There and there! [JANLEY] Over there! No! No! Over there! They're our people! [VALMAR] Cut the Dalek gun off! [JANLEY] No! [VALMAR] I told you to cut the gun off! [JANLEY] I did! [VALMAR] You've killed our own people! [VALMAR] We have to dismantle the gun, that's all. [JANLEY] Oh, look at it! [DALEK] Your usefulness is over. [JANLEY] Come on! Quick, Val. Come on! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [POLLY] Doctor, it's stupid to hide in here! [BEN] Well, do you fancy your chances outside in the corridor? Nothanks. [DOCTOR] The answer must be here somewhere. [LESTERSON] Shh! [LESTERSON] You must be absolutely quiet. They know everything that'sgoing on. Everything! They even know what you're thinking. [BEN] Where do they get their power from, Lesterson? [LESTERSON] Ah, I tried to turn the power off, but they were miles aheadof me. Marvellous creatures. You have to admire them. [BEN] But we've got to stop them! [LESTERSON] Oh, it's too late for that. They're the new species, yousee, taking over from homo sapiens. Man's had his day. Finished now. [DALEK] The static circuit is nearly complete. [DALEK 2] Soon we can abandon the power we are using. [DALEK] The humans are being exterminated. [BEN] Did you hear that? They're going to use their own power. [DOCTOR] The cables they laid. The trick I tried before won't workanymore. [LESTERSON] Oh, if that's no good now, we're finished. All we can do ismarvel at the creatures who are taking our place. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VALMAR] No! [JANLEY] Come on! [VALMAR] Don't be a fool. [JANLEY] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [BEN] Take it easy, Polly. [POLLY] Can't we do anything?! They're murdering everybody, one by one! [BEN] You've done all this. Why'd you give them power in the firstplace? [LESTERSON] Well, I could control it, you see. And then Janley got oneof her men, Valmar, I think it was, yes, and he rigged up a secretcable. It's carrying power directly from the colony's supply. [DOCTOR] Where? Where is it, Lesterson? [LESTERSON] Valmar's the only one who can answer that. Or the Daleks ofcourse. They know everything. Yes, you should ask the Daleks. [BEN] Then we must find Valmar. [DOCTOR] No. You stay here and look after Polly. I'll go. [MAN [OC]] Come on. This way. (scream) --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [QUINN] You'll have to leave her now, Valmar. [VALMAR] She wasn't as bad as you think. [DOCTOR] Valmar! Where is the Dalek power? [QUINN] Get down, both of you! [DOCTOR] Valmar. Valmar! Where is the Dalek power supply? [QUINN] We've got to stop them, Valmar. She's dead. There's nothing youcan do for her. [VALMAR] The main cable's inside the capsule, but there's nothing youcan do. [QUINN] There must be some way of cutting off the power! [DOCTOR] What makes you think I want to do that? We need more time. Iknow. A diversion. Bragen's guards. We'll have to use them to keep theDaleks busy. You go to Bragen. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [BRAGEN] Section One, where's your report? Are youthere, Section one? Section two? Section two? Why don't they answer?Can you hear me, Section two? Section three? Oh, why don't they answer?I'm their Governor. Why don't they answer? --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [BRAGEN [OC]] This is Bragen speaking. I'm speaking to the Daleks.Daleks, listen to me. I am the Governor. You must work for me. Do nottrust the rebels. I will give you whatever you want, but immobiliseyour guns. This is the Governor speaking. [BEN] He's nuts, trying to talk to the Daleks. [BEN] Lesterson, what's in that cupboard? [LESTERSON] Nothing. It's quite empty. [BEN] Well, come on, Polly, we'll be safe in there, love. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [BRAGEN] Do you hear me, Daleks?! You will obey myorders! [QUINN] No use, Bragen. The Daleks have stopped obeying your orders. [BRAGEN] Guards! [QUINN] Dead! The Daleks have killed them. You still have your guardunits in the interior. How long will it take them to get here? [BRAGEN] That depends. [QUINN] Well, get them! [BRAGEN] Well, they will be intercepted by the Daleks. [QUINN] Exactly! It will draw them away from here and give the Doctor achance to deal with them. [BRAGEN] I refuse to allow my guards to be sacrificed. [QUINN] In that case the Daleks will destroy everything on this colony. [BRAGEN] Guards. This is Bragen speaking. All units will reportimmediately to the capital. Be prepared to face the rebel Daleks.There. Are you satisfied? [QUINN] I hope it works. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [DOCTOR] Ben! Polly! [BEN] Doctor, did you hear what Bragen said? [DOCTOR] Yes, I did. [BEN] Well, I only hope the Daleks do go for the guards. [POLLY] A lot of the Daleks went out just now. [DOCTOR] Good, because we're going inside. Come on, Valmar. [DOCTOR] Ben, give us that spare cable over there. Polly, keep watch atthe door. [BEN] Well, you know what you're doing? [DOCTOR] Of course I do. [BEN] Well, why can't you just take all the plugs out and cut the poweroff? [DOCTOR] Because I prefer to do it my way! [POLLY] Look out! [DALEK 2] Static power is being stored. We can dismantle the humanelectric system. [DALEK] The law of the Daleks is in force. [DALEK 2] Extermination of humans. [DALEK] Our cables have been moved. [LESTERSON] And I could tell you who did it. [DALEK] What were you doing in there? [LESTERSON] I want to help you. [DALEK] Why? [LESTERSON] (like a Dalek) I am your servant. [DALEK] We do not need humans now. [LESTERSON] Ah, but you wouldn't kill me. I gave you life. [DALEK] Yes, you gave us life. --------------------------------------- (Colony) [DALEK 2] There are two [DALEK] Exterminate! Ah! Ah! Exterminate! [DALEK] Out of control! Out of Control! --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [BRAGEN] What happened to it? [QUINN] I don't know. [BRAGEN] It seems that your friend, the Examiner, was successful afterall. [BRAGEN] Now I shall restore law and order on this planet. [QUINN] Not your law, Bragen. That's finished for good. [BRAGEN] You'll obey me, or [QUINN] Your day is over, Bragen. No one will obey you now. [BRAGEN] I'm still the Governor, and you will. Valmar! [VALMAR] He was a murderer. [QUINN] Enough of guns. There's a lot of clearing up to be done. We willrebuild together. What is the extent of the damage? [VALMAR] Oh, I don't know if its repairable. The whole electricalsystem. --------------------------------------- (Lesterson's laboratory) [QUINN] Are you all right? [BEN] Oh, he's okay. The clot knocked himself out. [QUINN] It's a miracle. How did you do it? [DOCTOR] Eh? What happened? What did I do? What did I do? [BEN] You destroyed the Daleks, that's what you did. [POLLY] No need to be modest about it. [DOCTOR] Did I do that? [POLLY] You know you did. [VALMAR] You used the power from the colony's electric supply, overfedit and blew up their temporary static circuit. Well, didn't you? [DOCTOR] Did I do all that? [VALMAR] You may have stopped the Daleks, but have you any idea of thedamage you've done to the colony? [DOCTOR] Oh. There was a blow back, was there? [VALMAR] A blow back? Our power supply has been destroyed! It'll bemonths before we can get things back to normal. [QUINN] Valmar! [DOCTOR] Oh, that is unfortunate. [VALMAR] But did it have to be this way? [DOCTOR] I did a lot of damage, did I? [QUINN] Come on. [DOCTOR] I think we'd better get out of here before they send us thebill. --------------------------------------- (Mercury swamp) [BEN] Well, I mean I didn't expect the brass bands to be playing, but Iwouldn't have thought a thank you would have hurt anybody. [POLLY] But Ben, think of all those poor people all killed. [BEN] I know, but the Doctor saved the colony from being completelywiped out. [POLLY] Hmm. [BEN] Yeah, and he was telling them all along, but would they listen? [POLLY] Mind you, he wasn't very convincing when he was trying toexplain it to Valmar and Quinn and everybody. [BEN] No, he wasn't, was he? [POLLY] Doctor, you did know what you were doing, didn't you? [BEN] Oh, you needn't worry about them anymore, Doctor. Just a heap ofold iron now.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Power of the Daleks"}
Doctor Who (17 Dec, 1966; Second Doctor) - The Highlanders (Culloden moor) [POLLY] It's so cool. [BEN] Hey, Polly. [POLLY] What? [BEN] Where does this remind you of? [POLLY] Oh, it's cold and damp. [BEN] No, where does it remind you of? [POLLY] Ouch! Prickles! What? [BEN] Where else could it be? We're home, Duchess! [POLLY] Oh, you never give up hope, do you? We'll ask the Doctor. Hey,Doctor. [DOCTOR] Listen. [BEN] It sounds like the cup final. [POLLY] Look out! [DOCTOR] What are you doing down there? [BEN] What was it? It looks like an old-time cannon ball. Ow! It's hot. [DOCTOR] Allow me. Yes, a ten pounder. That does it. [POLLY] But Doctor, we can't leave. This looks like England. [BEN] Yeah, I'm going to look over that hill. [POLLY] Doctor, you don't want us to think you're afraid, do you? [DOCTOR] Why not? [POLLY] Look, we can't let Ben go up there on his own. We don't knowwhat he's going to find. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [COLIN] Ahh, Kirsty. Ahh. [KIRSTY] He badly needs a doctor. [ALEXANDER] Aye, and food. [COLIN] Water. Water. [KIRSTY] Whist, father. [ALEXANDER] Water. Water. [JAMIE] There's a wee drop left yet. [COLIN] The battle. The battle! [ALEXANDER] It's done. The clans are broken, shot to pieces by theEnglish guns. Never had the chance to get to within claymore's lengthof them. [COLIN] Ah, the slaughter. [ALEXANDER] Whist! Do you want to bring the redcoats upon us? [JAMIE] They'll be here soon enough, have no fear. [COLIN] The Prince? [JAMIE] Dinna fash yourself. He was the first to leave the field. [ALEXANDER] What's that you say about the Prince? [COLIN] Ah stay, the pair of you. Why didn't you leave me to die on thefield? [ALEXANDER] You're the Laird himself. [COLIN] The Laird of what? All the men of our clan are lying in the mudof the Culloden Moor. Oh, I should be with them. Oh, Kirsty, my Kirsty. [ALEXANDER] We may not be long joining them. The English troops arebutchering all their wounded and hanging all their prisoners. [JAMIE] They canna hang us all, can they? [ALEXANDER] They'll never hang me, piper. You may be sure of that. [ALEXANDER] Whist! [KIRSTY] The English? [ALEXANDER] There is but three of them. [JAMIE] They're not soldiers. [COLIN] Our people? [ALEXANDER] Well, I'll find out. Jamie, at the rear. You gang that way.Wait my signal. --------------------------------------- (Near the cottage) [BEN] Hey, look! This must be where that cannon ball came from. [DOCTOR] It's unlikely. [BEN] What do you mean it's unlikely? [DOCTOR] It's been spiked. [BEN] Been what? [DOCTOR] It's been spiked. [BEN] Well, how did you know? [DOCTOR] I would like a hat like this. How do I look? [POLLY] It's got words on it. With Charles our brave and merciful PrinceRoyal, we'll greatly fall or nobly save our country. [DOCTOR] Bah. Romantic piffle. [ALEXANDER] You'll pick it up. [JAMIE] Careful, like. [ALEXANDER] This way with you. Quick! --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [COLIN] We're going to awa' to the caves. [KIRSTY] Father, you're in no fit state to travel. [ALEXANDER] Kirsty! Get away with you. [COLIN] Who are they? [ALEXANDER] I know not. They're no Scot. They threw down the Prince'scockade. [POLLY] Cockade? [BEN] What Prince? [DOCTOR] Prince Charles Edward. Bonnie Prince Charlie. [ALEXANDER] You have the tongue. Aye, I thought so. English, the threeof them. Camp followers to the Duke of Cumberland, come to steal fromthe dead. [COLIN] Abide a moment! Do you wish to pray before you die? [DOCTOR] Die? [POLLY] Die for what? [BEN] Well, you can't kill us in cold blood. [JAMIE] Well, our bloods warm enough! Your English troopers gave noquarter to men, women and bairns. [POLLY] Doctor, tell them who we are. [KIRSTY] Doctor? [ALEXANDER] Get away with you, woman. [KIRSTY] We have need of a doctor. [ALEXANDER] The Laird. [COLIN] Get me a doctor. Get me a doctor. [KIRSTY] Look, kill them after. Let them help the Laird first. [ALEXANDER] We're not going to trust the Laird with these sassenachs,woman. [KIRSTY] But if they can help him at all [ALEXANDER] Kirsty, get away, will you. [DOCTOR] Just think of the women. [BEN] Right, back both of you! Or your Laird won't need a doctor. [DOCTOR] Well done, Ben. And now, gentlemen. [ALEXANDER] I'm warning you! [DOCTOR] Your swords, I think. Ben, cock the pistol. [KIRSTY] But why? Give them up! [DOCTOR] Polly, take the swords. That's the style. Now, back against thewall, both of you. Go on! That's better. Now, I'm going to have a lookat the wound. Come along, come along, let me see. Yes. We're going toneed some clean water to bathe the wound. Ah. [KIRSTY] I'll not leave him. [DOCTOR] We're not going to harm him. Polly? [POLLY] Yes. [DOCTOR] You go with her. [POLLY] All right. [DOCTOR] Off you go then. [POLLY] Will you show me where the stream is? [ALEXANDER] Here, Kirsty. Take the Laird's spyglass with you and watchout for these Sassenach dragoons. [DOCTOR] You can put that away now, Ben. [BEN] Put it away? But [DOCTOR] Will you both give us your word that you'll not molest us?We're only trying to save your Laird from bleeding to death. [ALEXANDER] Aye. [JAMIE] You have our word. [DOCTOR] Put it away, Ben. [BEN] What, are you going to trust these blokes? [DOCTOR] A Highlanders word is his bond. At least don't point it at me! [BEN] It just went off. [ALEXANDER] You fool! [JAMIE] You'll have every English soldier within miles! [BEN] Well, what's wrong with that? [DOCTOR] What's? You should have paid more attention to your historybooks, Ben. [BEN] Ay? [JAMIE] Redcoats! There's about six of them. [ALEXANDER] They'll slaughter us. --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) [SERGEANT] Sir! A rebel's been sighted, sir, at the door the cottagewhere the shooting seemed to come from. [FFINCH] Good. Only one? [SERGEANT] Only one seen, sire. There could be more. [FFINCH] There better be. We haven't seen many, have we? [SERGEANT] No, well, the troopers were ahead of us, sir. [FFINCH] And done a good job. Now, I wish they'd left us some pickings. [SERGEANT] Ah, perhaps when they got away they took their possessionswith them. [FFINCH] Let's hope so. Take a man around the rear, Sergeant. We'llout-flank them. [SERGEANT] Sir! [FFINCH] Tell them to shoot first and take no risks. Remember theserebels will be desperate by now. [SERGEANT] Yes, sir! [FFINCH] Advance in battle order. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [JAMIE] We'll be caught like rats in a trap. Can wenot run for it? [ALEXANDER] And leave the Laird to their mercy? There is but one chance.It is but a very slim one. I will try and draw them away from thiscottage. [DOCTOR] Wait! Wait! --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) [ALEXANDER] Creag an tuire! --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [SERGEANT] Surrender in the King's name! [BEN] Blimey, it's good to hear a London voice again. [SERGEANT] Silence, you rebel dog. [BEN] Rebel? What are you talking about? I'm no rebel! Me and the Doctorhere, have just arrived. [SERGEANT] Deserter, then. You'll hang just the same. [DOCTOR] (German accent) I'm glad you've come, Sergeant. I was waitingfor an escort. [SERGEANT] Who the devil do [DOCTOR] Civil tongue, Sergeant! You are in charge of these men? [FFINCH] No, I am. [DOCTOR] A gentleman at last. Doctor von Wer, at your service. [SERGEANT] Doctor who? [DOCTOR] (sotto) That's what I said. [FFINCH] One of those confounded froggies that came over with thePretender. [BEN] We ain't French. Are we? [DOCTOR] German, from Hanover. Where your good King George comes from.And I speak English a good deal better than he does. [SERGEANT] Hear that, sir. Treason! Shall we hang them now? [FFINCH] Wait a moment. Who is that? [JAMIE] Colin McLaren, the Laird, and I'm his piper. [SERGEANT] Ah, they're a poor lot, sir. We'll get no pickings here.Let's hang them and have done. [BEN] Well, a right shower you are! What have we done? Nothing! And whathave you got against these two? They lost a battle, right? Well,doesn't that make them prisoners of war? [FFINCH] Rebels are not treated as prisoners of war. Right, Sergeant,prepare to hang them. [SERGEANT] Sir. Take him out. [DOCTOR] Didn't I tell you I was [SERGEANT] And you. [BEN] But we haven't done anything! [SERGEANT] And you. [JAMIE] But he can't walk! [SERGEANT] Drag him! --------------------------------------- (Duke of Cumberland's line) [GREY] Perkins. Perkins! [PERKINS] Yes, sir. [GREY] Not a very inspiring battle, would you say, Perkins? [PERKINS] Don't really know, sir. I've never seen one before. [GREY] This one was over in a brief hour. Never have I seen such bravefellows so poorly led. And now, Cumberland's troops are butchering thewounded. It's such a waste of manpower. A little wine, Perkins? [PERKINS] Oh, yes, sir. Quite ready for it, I am, sir. This sharpnorthern air, sir, gives one quite an appetite. [GREY] Ah, all these fine sturdy Highlanders. Used to hard work andlittle food. Think what a price they'd fetch in Jamaica or Barbados,Perkins. [PERKINS] A pretty penny, no doubt, sir. No doubt at all. [GREY] Indeed, and I'll have them, Perkins. I did not give up a thrivinglegal practise, just for the honour of serving King George as hisCommissioner of Prisons. [PERKINS] I thought there was more behind it, sir. [GREY] With Mister Trask and his ship at our service, we may expect toclear some measure of profit out of this rebellion, ay Perkins? [PERKINS] Yes, sir. [GREY] Depending, of course, on how many of the wretched rebels we candeliver from his Majesty's over zealous soldiers. [GREY] The wine was corked. If you wish to remain in my service, you'llhave to be more careful, won't you, Perkins? [PERKINS] Yes, sir. My apologies, sir. It won't happen again, sir. [GREY] I think we best be about our business, otherwise there'll benothing but corpses left on the battlefield. And corpses are of littleuse to us, ay Perkins? [PERKINS] Yes, sir. Wagon, sir? [GREY] No, I think not. I've had enough for one day. Come, Perkins,we'll walk. [PERKINS] Yes, sir. [GREY] Perkins. [PERKINS] Yes, sir? [GREY] Perkins! --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) [KIRSTY] Down! [POLLY] Oh, you've spilt the water. Who are those men? [KIRSTY] Don't pretend you can't recognise English Redcoats when you seethem, even at this distance. [POLLY] English? Well, that's all right, then. We're safe. [KIRSTY] Do you want to get us both killed? Tortured? Look, they'regoing to hang our men. [POLLY] You're right. It's horrible. They've got to be stopped. [KIRSTY] How? [POLLY] Well, there must be something we can do? [KIRSTY] We can but mourn. [POLLY] Crying's no good. Have you still got breath to run. Come on.We're going to create a diversion. --------------------------------------- (Outside the cottage) [FFINCH] What was that? [SERGEANT] Look, sir, over there, on that hill. [FFINCH] Looks like a wench. Stab me, there's another one. [SERGEANT] Yeah, puts me in mind of what Sergeant King of the Dragoonssaid, sir. [FFINCH] What? [SERGEANT] Well, the Dragoons have got orders to stop every woman. Notthat they need them, mind. [FFINCH] Get to the point, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] Well, they've heard that the Prince is trying to escapedisguised as a woman. Shall I go after them, sir? [FFINCH] No, I'll go. You two men, come with me. [SERGEANT] Yeah, but I --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) [POLLY] This is our chance. The officer's comingafter us. They can't hang them with the officer away. Let's go. [KIRSTY] It'll do no good. [POLLY] Besides which, you must know this place better than they do. [KIRSTY] There's a high track. [POLLY] And we're younger than they are. They'll never catch us. Comeon. [KIRSTY] But, look [POLLY] Leave that. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Cottage) [DOCTOR] What a great devotion to duty your Lieutenant shows, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] Devotion to duty. Devotion to thirty thousand pound reward,that's all. [DOCTOR] You think he will catch them? [SERGEANT] That young whelp? Couldn't catch his own grandmother. [DOCTOR] Disrespect to your superior officer, Sergeant? I could reportyou. [SERGEANT] You could, but you won't. [DOCTOR] Ah, but at a price, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] You won't, cause you won't be here when he gets back. Allright you scum, proceed with the hanging. [BEN] Well, you can't hang us with the officer away. [SERGEANT] Why do you think he went away? Got a delicate stomach, hehas. Always leaves the dirty stuff to me. Right! Get them up! [SERGEANT] Take the strain! Stand by! [GREY] Halt! [SERGEANT] What do you want? [GREY] One moment! [SERGEANT] Who the devil are you? [GREY] Perkins. [PERKINS] Solicitor Grey, Lincolns Inn Fields. His Majesty'sCommissioner for the disposal of rebel prisoners. [GREY] There's a fine sturdy young man. Take the nooses off them. Setthat young man down. [PERKINS] Set him down. [SERGEANT] I don't care who you are. You've got no charge over my men. [GREY] Can you not read, Sergeant? I have charge over all rebelprisoners. [PERKINS] Of course he has. Appointed by the Chief Justice of England.All prisoners. [SERGEANT] Not these. [GREY] Perkins. [GREY] The other pocket, I think. [GREY] I admit your prior claim, Sergeant, but I think you are areasonable man. [GREY] Continue, Perkins. Continue, I said. Of course, I regret anyinconvenience encountered by yourself and these fine fellows of yours. [SERGEANT] All right, you heard what the Commissioner said. Nooses off.Get him down. [BEN] Oh, thanks, sir. [GREY] A trifle, I assure you. Strong ruffians like you and this otheryoung rebel here, are needed in his Majesty's service. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. [GREY] You can despatch this one, Sergeant, and this strange lookingscoundrel. [DOCTOR] Article Seventeen, Aliens Act, 1730. [GREY] What? [DOCTOR] You are gentlemen of the law? [PERKINS] How dare you speak to Mister Grey like that. [GREY] I am a lawyer, yes. [DOCTOR] Then you are doubtless familiar with Article Seventeen. Youcannot hang a citizen of a foreign power, without first informing hisambassador. [PERKINS] Article Seventeen, Aliens Act? [GREY] Who is this extraordinary rogue? [SERGEANT] He says he's a frog doctor, sir. [DOCTOR] German. And I know more about the English law than you do, itseems. [SERGEANT] I'm the only law what matters to you right now, matey. And ifthis gentleman don't want you, you hang. [GREY] No, wait. You show a touching faith in his Majesty's justice,sir. A doctor, eh? We need doctors where you're going. Send him alongwith the other prisoners to Inverness. [JAMIE] The Laird goes too or you can hang me with him. I'll not go withye. [COLIN] No, go, Jamie, go. [SERGEANT] We'll see about that. [GREY] Sergeant! What do you think, Doctor? Can this man be healed ofhis wound? [DOCTOR] With proper care, yes. [GREY] Whether he'll get that where he is going is very doubtful. ButI'll leave him in your care. Take him away, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] Sir! 'Shun! You men escort these gentlemen and theseprisoners to Inverness. I'll wait here for the Lieutenant. Come on,out. Get him down. [DOCTOR] What will happen to us? [GREY] First you go to Inverness, and then perhaps a sea voyage? [SERGEANT] Do you good, rogue. Come on. [GREY] Just in time, Perkins. Just in time. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [KIRSTY] This is the cave. They'll not find us here. [POLLY] You don't live here, do you? [KIRSTY] Oh, no. The family use it as a hide out after a cattle raid. [POLLY] A cattle raid? You mean you rob people? [KIRSTY] No! We only take from those who steal from us. [POLLY] Oh, it's dark. [KIRSTY] Ah, there we are. [POLLY] That's a funny kind of match. [KIRSTY] What? [POLLY] Match. Oh, it doesn't matter. [KIRSTY] Now, we keep a supply of food here. Oh no, there's only onewheat biscuit. [POLLY] When was it left here? [KIRSTY] Well, about three months ago. [POLLY] Oh, it's a dog biscuit. [KIRSTY] Biscuits are not baked for dogs. But please do begin. [POLLY] Oh, no, no, you start. I don't want to lose all my fillings.Teeth. Doesn't matter. You start. I'm not hungry, really. Got to make aplan. We saw them being marched away. Now where would they be takingthem? [KIRSTY] Inverness gaol. [POLLY] Oh, look, don't start crying again. If they've taken them togaol, then we've got to get them out. Have you got any money? [KIRSTY] But what would we need money for? [POLLY] Well, for food, of course. That biscuit isn't going to last verylong. And for bribing guards with. What have we got we can sell? [POLLY] This won't fetch much, but at least its a start. [KIRSTY] Why should you help us? You're English. [POLLY] They've got my friends too, remember? Yes, and I must get someproper clothes. [KIRSTY] Aye, why do you wear the short skirts of a bairn? You're agrown woman. [POLLY] Well, it would take too long to explain. [POLLY] Hey, that ring. It's gold. Look, you've got to trust me. [KIRSTY] It doesn't belong to me. It's my father's. [POLLY] Well, let me just look at it. Come on, now. I just want to lookat it, that's all. It's beautiful. We should get a lot for that. [KIRSTY] We're not going to sell it! [POLLY] Not even to save your father's life? [KIRSTY] He wouldn't thank me. [POLLY] Oh, you're hopeless. Why not, for goodness sake? [KIRSTY] He entrusted it to me before the battle. He would kill me if Iever parted with it. [POLLY] I don't understand you people. Come on, give it to me. [KIRSTY] No. [POLLY] Look, give it to me! It's the. Please yourself! You're just astupid peasant. I'm off to help my friends. You can stay here and guardyour precious ring. [KIRSTY] Look, mind your step. It'll be dark soon. [POLLY [OC]] Watch out for yourself. [KIRSTY] You'll get lost. --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) (Animal trap) [POLLY] Don't. [KIRSTY] Oh, it's yourself. [POLLY] You! Of course it's myself. Who did you think it was? [KIRSTY] I thought a Redcoat had fallen into the animal trap. [POLLY] Well, by the look on your face I'm glad it wasn't. Come on, helpme out of here. [KIRSTY] Well, look, give me your hand then. [POLLY] Wait a minute, I can't [KIRSTY] Well, come on. [POLLY] Pull! [KIRSTY] I'm pulling! [POLLY] Are you hurt? [KIRSTY] Oh, no. Just a wee bruise or two and a lot of dirt. Now we'reboth trapped. [POLLY] No we're not! Even your dour Scots lassies must have playedpiggy-back. [KIRSTY] What? I don't understand. [POLLY] Well, you bend down and I climb on top of you and scramble up.Look, I'll show you. [KIRSTY] What? [POLLY] Bend down here a minute. All right. [KIRSTY] Oh! [POLLY] You okay? [KIRSTY] Quick, will ye! You're no light weight. Oh, go on. Hurry! Comeon. [POLLY] Shh! There's a light. Soldiers. [KIRSTY] Redcoats. Oh, we're cornered. [POLLY] No, we're not. They'll soon pass. --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) [FFINCH] (to the other soldiers) Halt! You dolt.Couldn't catch a couple of wenches, could you? Call yourselvessoldiers? The terror of the Highlands? You wouldn't frighten anone-armed dairy maid. Well, I've done enough walking for one day. Goand fetch my horse. If you're not back within one hour, three hundredlashes apiece. Imbeciles! Give the lantern to me. I don't want to beleft here in the dark. Right then, march! --------------------------------------- (Animal trap) [KIRSTY] He's staying there. [POLLY] Oh, not again. Didn't the women of your age do anything but cry? [KIRSTY] What? [POLLY] It doesn't matter. Listen, I've got an idea. Since our officerhas so obligingly parked himself outside our pit, we'll lure him in tojoin us. [KIRSTY] Oh, glory. [POLLY] We'll be able to deal with him. Now, this is what we are goingto do. --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor) [FFINCH] What's that? --------------------------------------- (Animal trap) [KIRSTY] Move and I'll blow your brains out. [POLLY] She will too, so you better keep still. I'm going to take thesash for his feet and you take the belt for his wrists. [FFINCH] Outrageous! Do you know that for assaulting a King's Officeryou could [POLLY] I know. But you're not in charge now. The next thing is hispockets. [KIRSTY] Ach, no! [POLLY] Look, he's probably got money and we need it. [FFINCH] You can't mean to rob me. [KIRSTY] Look, you and your kind have robbed our glens. Look, he's gotfood. Chicken and bread. [POLLY] Great! Now, my gallant officer. [FFINCH] I've done you no harm. [KIRSTY] 'Tis no thanks to you that my father and Jamie weren't hanged.They're probably rotting in gaol in Inverness by now. --------------------------------------- (Gaol) [BEN] Look after him, mate. He'll be all right. Okay, mate, okay. Takeit easy, take it easy. Sit down. [BEN] A right rat hole this is, isn't it? [JAMIE] Oh, King George has worse than this, never fear. [BEN] Yeah, well, I'm glad Polly's out of it. Why did we ever get mixedup in this, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I'm glad we did. I'm just beginning to enjoy myself. Down withKing George! [SENTRY] Silence, you Jacobite pigs. You don't want to feel thisbayonet. [JAMIE] Oh, enjoy yourselves. So you are for the Prince after all? [DOCTOR] No, not really. I just like hearing the echo, that's all. Let'shave a look at his wound, shall we? [JAMIE] Would you not be letting him now? [DOCTOR] With care that'll heal. [JAMIE] Ach, here's you saying you're a doctor, you've not even bled himyet. [BEN] What's he on about? [DOCTOR] Blood letting. [BEN] Yeah, but that's stupid. [JAMIE] It's the only way of curing the sick. [BEN] Killing him, more like. He's lost enough blood already. [DOCTOR] Oh, Isis and Osiris, is it meet? Aquarius, Aries, Taurus. [JAMIE] Oh, aye. [BEN] (Now what are you mumbling about? [JAMIE] Whist, man. [DOCTOR] Gemini and Taurus. When was the Laird born? [JAMIE] In the fifth month. [DOCTOR] That's what I thought. Now, blood letting must wait untilTaurus is in the ascendant. So it is willed. [BEN] You don't believe all that codswallop, do you? [DOCTOR] Of course I do. So does he. He's never heard of germs. [JAMIE] What was that word? [DOCTOR] It's a secret word. [BEN] Yeah, germs, they're all around us. [DOCTOR] Used by German doctors. [JAMIE] Oh, Ger-man. Germs. [DOCTOR] Yes. Have you got a handkerchief, Ben? [BEN] Yeah, here you are. [DOCTOR] Good. [JAMIE] Ach, that wee lassies kerchief? Here, Doctor, use mine. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Just a fresh dressing. [DOCTOR] Hello, what's this? [JAMIE] Prince Charlie's personal standard. [BEN] What's he doing with it? [JAMIE] Protecting it. Now put it back, will ye. If a sentry saw it [DOCTOR] No, wait. [JAMIE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] What chance do you think he has of evading the gallows withthis on him? [JAMIE] Well [DOCTOR] Besides, it's really rather nice and warm. Let's have a tune tocheer us all up. [BEN] Yeah, I didn't think we'd heard the last of that. [SENTRY] Silence! [JAMIE] Whist, man! [DOCTOR] Well, you're a loyal Jacobite, aren't you? This is your tune.Come on, everybody, join in. [SENTRY] Silence, I say! I warned you rebels once! Now we'll see what atouch of the bayonet will do. Now then! [BEN] The guard is coming down now. [SENTRY] You! [DOCTOR] (German) Thank heavens. Did you hear that tune? [SENTRY] Heard a rebel dirge. [DOCTOR] They were singing it to drive me out of my mind, as I'm a loyalsubject to King George the Second! [SENTRY] Now what's that got to do with me? [DOCTOR] They know of a plot to murder your general, the Duke ofCumberland. [JAMIE] What? [BEN] Oh, come off it, Doctor. [JAMIE] I knew he wasne one of us. [DOCTOR] Take me to Solicitor Grey. Perhaps we're in time to prevent it. [SENTRY] Why didn't you speak about this before? [DOCTOR] Well, it's only just discovered. That rogue is party to it! [BEN] Well done, mate. [JAMIE] What do you mean? Why don't you go and join your friend? [BEN] Oh, calm down. Can't you see it was all a fiddle? [JAMIE] Fiddle? [BEN] Well, a trick, a ruse to get out of here. [JAMIE] I don't understand you. [BEN] Oh, blimey, look. Outside he's got a chance to get away and rescueus. What chance do you think he's got paddling round in here? [JAMIE] Aye, nevertheless, I'm still worried. [BEN] Now don't you worry about him, mate, worry about us. See thatline? Well, that's where the water level comes up to. And tonight isnot my bath night. --------------------------------------- (Animal trap) [POLLY] seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.Twenty guineas. How far do you think it will get us? [KIRSTY] I've never seen so much money in all my days. [FFINCH] You'll both hang for this, you know. [POLLY] You're very fond of hanging, aren't you, Mister. Hey, what'syour name? [FFINCH] I refuse to tell you. [POLLY] Oh, we're very brave all of a sudden. Watch him, Kirsty. He musthave some form of. Ah-ha, yes. Algernon Thomas Alfred Ffinch. Two 'f's!Lieutenant in the Honourable Colonel Atwood's Rifles. So, I bet theColonel would be highly interested to hear how his Lieutenant F-finchwas captured by two girls. [FFINCH] You would not tell. [POLLY] Oh, wouldn't we? Give me the knife, Kirsty. [FFINCH] What are you going to do? [POLLY] Never fear, Algernon Thomas F-finch. We're just after a smallsouvenir, that's all. There we are. This piece of hair and this discwill be proof enough in case the Colonel doesn't believe us. [KIRSTY] But, but why? [POLLY] We need an ally in the enemy camp and I think we've found one.Right, Algernon? [FFINCH] It's sheer blackmail. [POLLY] Right again. Come on, Kirsty, let's go before this officer'ssoldiers get back. Bye bye, Algy dear. We'll be seeing you inInverness. Come on, Kirsty. Up you go. All right? [KIRSTY] Oh no. I --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle inn) [TRASK] Well, lawyer, my old cattle boat's ready for its livestock.Belay there! What in thunder are you laughing at? [GREY] It will be no laughing matter for any of us if we are caught, Ican assure you. That is why we must begin loading the prisonerstonight. [TRASK] Tonight? [GREY] Before the judges are ready to try the rebels, we'll have themall safely on plantations. [TRASK] Arr. A Highlander will do twice the work of one of your blackslaves. [PERKINS] At least twice. [TRASK] Who asked for your opinion? [GREY] Silence, Captain. I will not have my clerk bullied. I have enoughevidence on you to send you to the gallows ten times over, and don'tyou forget it. [GREY] Come in! Well? [SENTRY] One of the prisoners, sir. He insists on seeing you. Says hehas some important information about a plot against the Duke's life,sir. [GREY] Why come to me? [SENTRY] Says he won't speak to no one else but you, sir. [GREY] Which prisoner is it? [SENTRY] The German doctor, sir. [GREY] Ah, interesting. Bring him in at once. [SENTRY] Sir. [GREY] Well man, what are you waiting? Perkins. [GREY] Now, gentlemen, I suggest you start loading the prisoners atonce. Here is your warrant. And to avoid comment, you'd better takethem the back way. [SENTRY] The prisoner, sir. [GREY] Perkins. Trask. [DOCTOR] Auf Wiedersehen. [TRASK] Arr. [GREY] You may go. [SENTRY] Sir. [GREY] Now, Doctor, your story. I hope it is an entertaining one. It hascost me a silver shilling. Very well then, what is the nature of thisplot? [DOCTOR] There is no plot. [GREY] Have a care, Doctor. You waste my time at your peril. [DOCTOR] Would the chance to lay your hands on 15,000 pounds be a wasteof your time? [GREY] What would a vagabond like you know of such a sum, pray? [DOCTOR] The personal standard of Prince Charles Edward. [GREY] Indeed. [DOCTOR] Whoever was entrusted with this standard stood closest to thecouncils of the Prince, you would agree? He would also know where thePrince was most likely to run to. [GREY] Which prisoner carried this standard? [DOCTOR] That must remain my secret for the time being. [GREY] There are ways to force your tongue. [DOCTOR] But why employ them, since we are both on the same side? The30,000 pounds reward for the capture of the Prince is surely enough tosatisfy both of us. [GREY] Ah, you have some fresh information as to his whereabouts? [DOCTOR] I am on the track of some, but I need a free hand. [DOCTOR] Don't cry out. I'm not very expert with these things and itjust might go off in your face. Turn around and put your hands behindyou. [GREY] You'll pay for this. [DOCTOR] Just keep very still. [DOCTOR] There, now turn around. Why, great heavens, man, your throat. [GREY] What? [DOCTOR] It's so swollen. Does it hurt you? [GREY] No, of course not. [DOCTOR] Say ahh. [GREY] What? [DOCTOR] Ahh. [GREY] Ahh. Mphf! [DOCTOR] I've never seen a silent lawyer before. [DOCTOR] Would you mind just waiting in here? Another patient, youunderstand. [DOCTOR] Enter. [PERKINS] Oh, er, pardon, I thought that [DOCTOR] You thought what? [PERKINS] The, the Solicitor? [DOCTOR] Your master's a very sick man. He's gone to lie down. It luckyfor him I was called in time. Well, great heavens, man. Your eyes! [PERKINS] What? [DOCTOR] Your eyes. Come over here to the light. [PERKINS] No, I don't. [DOCTOR] No headaches? [PERKINS] Well, er. Ow! [DOCTOR] Oh dear. You call me a liar? [PERKINS] Well, no, no, no, no. Me head does ache. [DOCTOR] Of course it does, what did you expect? Your eyes. [PERKINS] Me eyes? What did you find? [DOCTOR] Print blindness. You read too much. [PERKINS] Well, 'tis true, I'm a clerk. What must I do? [DOCTOR] You must rest them for at least an hour. [PERKINS] But, I [DOCTOR] That is my prescription. Ignore it at your peril. Now, lie downon the table. That's right. And put this over your eyes and rest themfor at least an hour. [PERKINS] What's that knocking? [DOCTOR] Knocking? It's not knocking, it's in your mind. In your eyes.Now rest your eyes and the knocking will grow fainter, and fainter, andfainter. One hour, remember. [PERKINS] One hour, Doctor. One hour. --------------------------------------- (Animal trap) [SERGEANT [OC]] Sir? [FFINCH] Sergeant! [SERGEANT [OC]] Where are you sir? I can't quite see you. [FFINCH] I'm down here, man! [SERGEANT] Oh, there you are, sir. [FFINCH] What took you so long, you jackanapes? [SERGEANT] Well, we made the best time we could in the dark, sir, butit's hard to see our way, you see? [FFINCH] Well, don't just stand there. Get me out of this infernal hole. [SERGEANT] All right, you two, I'll handle this. You go and stand guardby the Lieutenant's horse. Come on. [FFINCH] Well, come on, man. Help me out! [SERGEANT] Well, it's er, it's very deep, sir. [FFINCH] Get me out at once or I'll order you five hundred lashesapiece! [SERGEANT] Oh, don't misunderstand me, sir. I'm willing enough to try,but you see, er, we're not used to pulling officers out of pits. [FFINCH] Confound it, man, what are you jabbering about? [SERGEANT] Well, I mean to say, sir, you see, er, officers don't usuallyfall into pits. [FFINCH] You'll regret this, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] Ah, it isn't me, sir. You see, it's the men I'm thinkingabout. I mean, they're not used to it, like. I mean, they're going tobe very slow, sir. And they're going to be very dry. [FFINCH] I see! Well, here's some money to drink with and I hope itchokes you! [FFINCH] You'll, er, get it when we return to Inverness. Well, for thelast time, man, get me out of here. --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle inn) [TRASK] We've started shipping them across. What inthunder? [PERKINS] I'm resting me eyes. [TRASK] Damn your eyes. Where's your master? [PERKINS] The Doctor says he must rest too. [TRASK] Rest? [TRASK] Now what have we here then? A pretty sight you look, lawyer. Andwhat might this be a cure for, Saint Vitus's Dance? [GREY] Oh, release me you fool. You let him escape. [PERKINS] Well, I didn't know. It's me head. [GREY] One more such folly, t'will need no further cures. [TRASK] The Prince's standard. [GREY] Aye, he used that to trick me with, but he won't get far.Perkins, summon the watch! And you, get those prisoners aboard beforethe soldiers get here. [TRASK] Arr. --------------------------------------- (Inn scullery) [MAN [OC]] Mollie, where are ye? [MOLLIE] All richt, all richt. [MAN [OC]] Mollie! [MOLLIE] Whist your noise, I'm coming. [MAN [OC]] There must be some grub around here somewhere. --------------------------------------- (Gaol) [TRASK] That's two of them, and room for one more.Here! [SENTRY] All right you, come on. He's done for. [TRASK] The next one, you swab. [SENTRY] You. You'll do. Out with the others. Come on, all three of you.Outside! Move! --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle inn corridor) [SENTRY] Now, look lively! [BEN] Sorry. [TRASK] Watch your feet, you swab. Out of the way, you. Right, open up. [SENTRY] Come on through. Get a move on, now. Step lively. --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle room) [JAMIE] Where's your friend? [BEN] Polly? I don't know. Safe, I hope. [JAMIE] And Kirsty, too. They're well out of it. But I mean the Doctor. [BEN] I dunno. He'll be here though, don't worry. [JAMIE] Yeah, in a wee moment it'll just be too late. [TRASK] Silence, you two! Unless ye wants a taste of this! Right, you'reall going down there. Right, Pat lad, down he goes. --------------------------------------- (Rowing boat) [SENTRY] Right, Mister Trask, that's the lot. [BEN] Well, where are you taking us? [TRASK] You'll find out soon enough. [JAMIE] You've not a mind to drown us, have you? [TRASK] Ha! Wouldn't pollute the firth with ye. Get in the boat. [BEN] Quick, we can make a break for it and swim. [JAMIE] I can't swim. [BEN] Now you tell me. [TRASK] In the boat! [TRASK] Right. Off. --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle room) [SENTRY] All right, Fred. Come on, let's move. [DOCTOR] But, officer [SENTRY] Go away, will you. [DOCTOR] I've bought a wee drop of broth for Mister Trask. [SENTRY] Well, he's not here, miss. He's gone. He's not here. [DOCTOR] Will you have it officer? It's a pity to waste a nice hotbroth. Do you good. [SENTRY] Oh, all right, I'll have it. It's a cold night outside anyway.What are you looking at? There's not enough here for two. Go on, getback to your post! Go! Move! --------------------------------------- (Ship Annabelle) [TRASK] Belay there, you swabs! In case you're thinking of escaping,there's Jim Hughes for you. He didn't find it an happy ship, so I'llfind him another berth where he'll be happy! [TRASK] Once aboard the Annabelle, that's the only way you'll get offher. Straight downwards! Arr. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle's hold) [TRASK] Get in there! [BEN] But there's no room. [TRASK] Room enough for rebels. Get stored below. [BEN] What have you got down here, stinking fish? [TRASK] That's exactly what it is, stinking fish. [JAMIE] Well, I'm not going. [TRASK] Yes you are, you scurvy swab. Another word out of you and I'llbe down here with my cutlass. You'll learn who's master here. [BEN] Oh, you can hardly breathe. [COLIN] At least we're alive. [JAMIE] Are you feeling better, sir? [COLIN] Greatly recovered, thank you, Jamie. My fever's going. [JAMIE] Aye, it'll be no better for being cooped up in this hell hole. [BEN] Yeah, for how long though? And where are they sending us? [COLIN] Who kens. [BEN] What? [JAMIE] Who knows? [BEN] Well, someone here might. Hey mate, got any idea where they'resending us? [WILLY] Beware. They're spies. [BEN] What? [WILLY] This man's an Englishman. One more blow we can strike forScotland. [BEN] Ay? What are you talking about? [WILLY] One more piece of vermin to be stamped out. [BEN] What are you going to do? [WILLY] Put the foot into him and tramp his English bones into the deck.Back! Back! I discovered him. The first blow will be mine. [COLIN] Will MacKay would never strike a friend of the Prince. [WILLY] I know that voice. [COLIN] Ye havna been away so long you don't recognise me. [WILLY] Ach, man, it's yourself. Colin McLaren. [COLIN] And Jamie, son of Donald McCrimmon. A piper, like his father andhis father's father. [JAMIE] With no pipes though, just my chanter. [WILLY] Ah, wee Jimmy. But this Englishman, he is a friend to ourPrince? [COLIN] He is a friend of mine. He helped bring me here, weak but alive. [WILLY] Ach well now, I crave your pardon. A friend of the McLaren's isa friend of mine. [BEN] Well thanks, I'm glad to hear it. [WILLY] Then how came he here with you? [JAMIE] Who, Ben? He's a deserting English sailor. So we take him backhome. [WILLY] A sailor. I'm a man of the sea myself. The master of this veryvessel. [BEN] If you're the skipper here, what's that Trask geezer doing on thebridge? [WILLY] That shark was my mate. I was running arms from France past theblockade. Trask betrayed me. The Navy boarded the Annabelle and nowhe's sailing the ship for King George! [BEN] Oh yeah? [WILLY] You doubt my word? [BEN] Oh no, skipper, just the bit about working for King George. [WILLY] What do you mean? [BEN] Well, we're not exactly being treated like prisoners of war, noware we? Doesn't it occur to you that this Trask could be using thisvessel without the knowledge of his King and Sovereign in order to worksome big fiddle on his own account? [WILLY] Fiddle? [BEN] Look, mate, he is going to sell us like the stinking fish hethinks we are. Slave labour, that's what we're going to be, slavelabour! --------------------------------------- (Barn) [POLLY] Kirsty! You gave me such a fright. [KIRSTY] I'm not used to fetching and carrying, you know. We used tohave our own servants. [POLLY] That's obvious. Did you get everything? [KIRSTY] Aye, the clothes for you and trays and oranges. But, what so wehave to spend our money on oranges for? [POLLY] You'll see. Hey, these are great. Last time we went back to thepast I had to wear boy's clothes all the time. [KIRSTY] What? [POLLY] Now then. How do I look? [KIRSTY] Bonnie enough. [POLLY] Okay, the next thing is the oranges. In the trays. [KIRSTY] You're not going to have us selling oranges, are ye? [POLLY] What? I haven't got it wrong, have I? You do have orangesellers, don't you? I mean Nell Gwyn and all that? [KIRSTY] Nell Gwyn? Well, of course there are orange sellers inScotland. But they're mostly coarse common girls. [POLLY] The sort that hang around soldiers. [KIRSTY] Yes. [POLLY] Right, then we're going to be orange sellers. [KIRSTY] What? [POLLY] Well look, how else can we find out where they've taken theDoctor and your father? [KIRSTY] But if they catch us. [POLLY] We still have a friend. [KIRSTY] Who? [POLLY] Algernon F-finch. Always assuming he's got out of that terriblepit. --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle dining room) [FFINCH] Sit down. Sit down. Wench! Get me some wine. Come on, hurry up,woman. At last. Be off with you. I'll pay later. That's better. That'sbetter. [SERGEANT] All right, you two, in here and see the officer. Go on, inyou go. Get in there. [KIRSTY] Put your hands off me or I'll scalp the hide off ye! [POLLY] Kirsty, be quiet! [KIRSTY] I'm not having a great ugly Englishman laying hands on me!Filthy. [POLLY] Keep quiet, Kirsty, you'll give away the game. [SERGEANT] Over here, both of you. [KIRSTY] Will you stop that! Stop it! You'll pay for this. [SERGEANT] All right you scum, get back! Get out or you'll be flayedalive. Go on. [KIRSTY] Oh, you're so brave, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] Very funny. Over there. [POLLY] Algy. Algernon. [FFINCH] What? [POLLY] Algernon. Hey, wake up. Wake up, Algy. [FFINCH] Oh no! [SERGEANT] These two look like the rebels we were searching foryesterday, sir. [POLLY] What a nasty man. Tell him we're not, Algy, dear. [FFINCH] Oh, just a minute. [KIRSTY] Aye, we're old friends. [SERGEANT] I can see that. [FFINCH] Well, that's all, Sergeant. Be about your business. [SERGEANT] Sir. All right, you scum, out of it! The King doesn't pay youto lay around here all day. Go on, out, all of you. The last one outgets five hundred lashes. Now go on, beat it! Out! [FFINCH] This is really too much. [POLLY] Oh, Algy, we thought you'd be flattered. We turned to you forhelp immediately, didn't we Kirsty? [KIRSTY] Just the sort of man two defenceless girls would turn to. [FFINCH] I'll have you thrown in prison. [POLLY] Alfred Algernon Thomas [FFINCH] Quiet. What more do you want from me? Stab me, you've taken allmy money. I haven't even the price of a glass of wine left on me. [POLLY] I don't suppose the Doctor and the others have a glass of waterto drink, never mind wine. Now, where are they? [FFINCH] How should I know? In prison, I expect, where they belong. [KIRSTY] They're not, we've checked. Now where are they? [FFINCH] I don't know. I just round them up. You'll have to askSolicitor Grey. He's in charge of prisoners, not me. [POLLY] Where is he? [FFINCH] He's got a room somewhere near here. Can I go? Dash it, Ihaven't had a wink of sleep yet. [POLLY] Oh, you poor thing. Go on. But be careful. Not a word to anyone. [FFINCH] Two wenches there to see the Solicitor. [PERKINS] Oh, I beg your pardon, madam. Kindly sit down here. CedricPerkins, Solicitor's Clerk, ladies, at your service. What can I do foryou? [POLLY] Where is the Solicitor? [PERKINS] Seeing to his duties. Giving some rebel prisoners the choicebetween life and death. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle's hold) [TRASK] Silence there, you bilge rats! And quiet!Pipe down there. Quiet. The Solicitor hath news for ye. [GREY] Rebels, your attention. A mark of clemency from his most graciousMajesty King George. [TRASK] Get down! Get down! [GREY] This clemency can be withdrawn, so hark ye. [WILLY] We're harking to ye. [GREY] It has pleased his Majesty to declare, that whereas there are agreat many of his rebellious subjects in gaol, a speedy example must bemade of them. [COLIN] Ah, clemency. [GREY] Therefore it is ordained that there will be those required aswitnesses. [JAMIE] Traitors, you mean. [GREY] Witnesses. Those not wanting to turn King's evidence will behanged. [TRASK] Pipe down! Pipe down, you dogs! [GREY] Wait! There is, there is another alternative. Thank you, MisterTrask. [TRASK] Arr! [GREY] Plantation workers are required to work in his Majesty's coloniesin the West Indies. I have here seven year contracts. Sign your name tothese and you will receive free transportation to your new homes. Well?Which of you lucky lads will be the first to sign? [WILLY] Don't touch that pen! I know fine what you offer, MisterSolicitor. I have seen these plantations in the Indies. Not one of youmen that signs will live out your seven years. Better a quick andhonourable death at the end of a rope, than a long slow one aftermonths of [GREY] Who is this man? [TRASK] Willy MacKay, former master of this vessel. I should have donefor him long ago. [GREY] Later, Trask, later. Listen to me, all of you. You've heard whatMacKay here offers you. Death with honour? What, lingering on the endof a halter? Followed, may I remind you, by quartering and the likecourtesies extended to rebels. I offer you life, with a chance to workfor your eventual liberty. [WILLY] Liberty? [GREY] Unless of course, Mister MacKay, you would care to turn King'sevidence. For the rest of you, for those who wish to sign, over here.For those who wish to hang, over there. Make your choice! [TRASK] Right, line up over here. That's it, stand in a line ye. Now,pipe down. Get those signatures on the contract. Pipe down there! [GREY] Well, well, MacKay. Only four for the gallows? [BEN] Now hang on a minute [JAMIE] No, Ben, you can't! [COLIN] Oh, let him go, let him go. [BEN] I'm not a Scots, but can I sign? [GREY] Why not? [BEN] Can I read it first? [GREY] Of course. [TRASK] You scurvy swab! [GREY] Clap him in irons. When I return with new contracts, we'll bindhim and drop him from the highest yard-arm. [TRASK] Mister Solicitor, mark this! [GREY] All of you! The next man who tries to oppose me will not be sofortunate. See to it. [TRASK] Right, Parker, clap him in irons. --------------------------------------- (Inverness - Sea Eagle inn) [POLLY] Mister Grey doesn't seem to be coming. I think we'd better beoff. [PERKINS] Oh surely, ladies, you won't deprive an old fellow of yourcharming company? I assure you he won't be long. [POLLY] Nevertheless, I think [PERKINS] I insist! [POLLY] No! [PERKINS] Very well, I shall rouse the watch. They may be interested intwo such genteel orange wenches. That's better. Now, to pass the time,what say you to a nice round of whist. [DOCTOR] (woman) You need four for whist. [PERKINS] Kindly remove yourself, madam. [DOCTOR] There's nothing nicer than a nice game of whist. [PERKINS] Madam, I told you. [DOCTOR] (normal) I'm sure you'll oblige an old woman. [PERKINS] The German Doctor! [DOCTOR] Perhaps you'd like to count the trumps? [PERKINS] Well, I, er. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, clubs. Would you like to deal, Polly orange wench. [GREY] Perkins, I want. What the devil are you at, man? [PERKINS] Well I, er. Well I, er. Just playing a round of cards, MisterGrey.GREY [POLLY] Mister Grey? [GREY] Yes? [POLLY] Nothing. [GREY] Come along, Perkins, make haste. [PERKINS] I have to go. [DOCTOR] Not just yet. Remember, you have seen nothing. [PERKINS] What? [DOCTOR] Your eyes. [PERKINS] Eyes? [DOCTOR] Yes. You wouldn't want another headache, now would you? [PERKINS] Oh, no, no, no. But er. [DOCTOR] I tell you what we're going to do. We ladies are going to leavefirst, but you are going to sit here, quietly, comfortably, for anotherten minutes. [PERKINS] Yes. [DOCTOR] Before you leave, because I am going to watch you all the time.And if you move [PERKINS] Yes, I understand, sir. [DOCTOR] Now, girls, let's leave this rough place. Ten minutes,remember? [PERKINS] Ten minutes, Doctor. Ten minutes. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [POLLY] Come on, it's quite safe. All right? [DOCTOR] Very good, very good. [POLLY] That horrible little man's face. [KIRSTY] Twas a picture right enough. [POLLY] Hey, why did he call you the German doctor, Doctor? Doctor, becareful! [KIRSTY] You'll have the town upon us! [DOCTOR] It's not loaded. They're dangerous things. [POLLY] You know, those dresses really do suit you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, you saucy girl. [KIRSTY] You're the very image of my old granny McLaren. [POLLY] You're wonderful, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I know. [POLLY] You've even managed to cheer old Kirsty up. [KIRSTY] Oh, aye. I'd forgotten. [POLLY] Now what are we going to do? [DOCTOR] Do? What do you mean, do? [POLLY] Doctor, don't go all sleepy on us now. We've got to dosomething. [DOCTOR] All right, go ahead. [POLLY] If only we knew where the others were. [DOCTOR] They're on the ship. [POLLY] What? [DOCTOR] They're on the ship, the Annabelle. Master's name, Trask. Not anice man. You wouldn't like him. [POLLY] Doctor! Doctor! Look, if they're on the ship, then we've got toget them off it. Or [DOCTOR] Or what? [POLLY] Or capture the ship. [KIRSTY] What would we do that for? [POLLY] Well, couldn't you sail to somewhere safe? I mean, wasn't Franceyour ally, or something? [KIRSTY] I won't leave Scotland. [DOCTOR] It'd be safer. [KIRSTY] Never. [DOCTOR] Well it wouldn't be for very long. Just for seven, just for afew years, and then it'd be safe to come back. [KIRSTY] But why should I leave my own country? [DOCTOR] Oh, please yourself. But you and your father may get killed ifyou stay in the glens. [KIRSTY] Are you sure there's no other way? [POLLY] Look, the Doctor says it won't be for long. [KIRSTY] What must we do? [POLLY] We must make a plan. Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [POLLY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hmm! [POLLY] Have you got a plan for us? [DOCTOR] No. [POLLY] Oh, go on, I know you better than that. You must have a plan. [DOCTOR] Well, it's just a wee idea really. [POLLY] Go on. [DOCTOR] I've only just thought about it. It won't work, but it'd be atry. Anyone got any money? [POLLY] Yes, seventeen guineas that we pinched from the EnglishLieutenant. [DOCTOR] That's a fortune in these days. Now, we want weapons, lots ofthem, and a rowing boat. [KIRSTY] I can get a rowing boat. [DOCTOR] Good, and we can buy the weapons. [POLLY] Can we? [DOCTOR] From the English soldiers. Well, they're bound to have heaps ofweapons as souvenirs. [POLLY] Yes, but will they sell them to us? [DOCTOR] You don't know the English soldier. He'd sell his grandmotherfor tuppence ha'penny. [KIRSTY] And then? [DOCTOR] We smuggle them aboard the Annabelle. [POLLY] That's great. And then what? [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know, we'll think of something. I must get somesleep. [POLLY] Doctor! Doctor! Oh. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle deck) [GREY] Mister Trask! Devil take him, where is the man? Mister Trask! Ah,you. Go and fetch Mister Trask. Mister Trask! [TRASK] Aye? [GREY] Is everything in readiness? [TRASK] It is. [GREY] I've had Perkins here copy out three contracts, just to makesure. And if anyone tries that trick again of tearing them up, shoothim down immediately. [TRASK] Don't you worry about that. [GREY] We need two of the contracts to be signed. [TRASK] Every man jack of them will sign. If not with ink, then withblood. Tis all the one to me. [GREY] No. You're not dealing with slaves, man. These Highlanders aremen of high courage and resolution. Flog but one of them, they'll allstand together and refuse to sign a thing. You'll undo everything I'veworked for. No, once they're safely sold in Barbados they can bewhipped to death for all I care. Until then, use a light fist, oryou'll answer to me. [TRASK] And the London deserter, what about him? [GREY] Proceed with the ducking. It'll serve as a useful encouragementto the rest. Perkins, go below. Make the preparations. [PERKINS] Yes, sir. [GREY] And, Perkins, bring the deserter on deck. [PERKINS] Of course, sir. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [POLLY] Haven't done very well, have we? [KIRSTY] They wouldn't take me seriously. [POLLY] No, nor me. I do hope the Doctor's had better luck. (knocking)Who's there? [DOCTOR [OC}] Me. [POLLY] Let's see, Doctor. What have you got? [DOCTOR] No. Let's see yours first. [POLLY] Oh look, don't tease us. Look. [DOCTOR] Oh. It's a start. [KIRSTY] You must have robbed the Duke's arsenal. [DOCTOR] Yes, something like that. [POLLY] You're fantastic. [DOCTOR] I know. [KIRSTY] Look, there's a bonnie one. [DOCTOR] Just a minute. [KIRSTY] What is it? [DOCTOR] This ring. Now, let me see. [POLLY] Oh, that. It's her father's. She won't let you touch it. [DOCTOR] I'm not surprised. It's not her father's. [KIRSTY] You're lying! [POLLY] What! [KIRSTY] It is! [DOCTOR] Then why has it the Stuarts' seal? [KIRSTY] My father bade me not tell where he got it. [DOCTOR] Until the right time. That time has now arrived. [KIRSTY] The Prince gave it to my father off his own hand in heat ofbattle. My father saved the Prince's life. [DOCTOR] Then it is right and proper that it should now save his life.Give it me. Thank you. I wonder. Bait. [KIRSTY] What? [DOCTOR] Bait for a very greedy man. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle deck) [TRASK] Right, lads, take him up. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle deck) [GREY] He's not escaped? --------------------------------------- (Quayside) [BEN] Oh, no. Not after all that. I give up. [BEN] It's you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Who else would be walking around the jetty at this time ofnight dressed like a soldier who'd been wounded in battle? [BEN] Yeah, you've got a point there. But why? [DOCTOR] Why? Because I like it here. Besides, it keeps the othersoldiers away. [BEN] Oh, I'm cold and hungry. [DOCTOR] I know just the place. Hold that. I'll just get these thingsaboard the boat. [BEN] The boat? [DOCTOR] Just a few wee gifties for our friends aboard the Annabelle.Come on. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [PERKINS] There you are, sir, all signed andattested. It but wants your signature. [GREY] Not before time. [TRASK] A little wine for your cold heart, lawyer? [GREY] I never mix liquor with business. I would advise you to do thesame. We sail on the morning tide, remember. [TRASK] Happen it's too foggy to sail, what then? [GREY] (sternly) You sail, fog or no fog. [TRASK] And crash the old girl's timbers on Chanonry Point. [GREY] I took you for a seaman. [TRASK] Why, that I am. I am! Trask'll get your cargo of little bootiesto Barbados, never fear. That's what really counts, lawyer. Not thosedried up bits of parchment of yours. [GREY] Without these bits of parchment, we would all sail foul of theKing's law. [TRASK] Law? What does the law or anyone care for those Highland cattlewe carry? [GREY] Nothing. But to take these cattle safely to the slaveplantations, before their strength is sapped by his Majesty's prisons,that takes skill and preparation. [TRASK] And what would happen to you and me if this trade were to bediscovered to the Duke? [GREY] That will never happen, Trask. There are but three of us privy tothis secret. I can answer for myself and Perkins. Ay, Perkins? [PERKINS] Oh, yes sir. Yes sir, indeed you may. [GREY] As for you, Captain, you must answer for yourself. [TRASK] Twas but in jest. You know me, Solicitor. I'm your man. [GREY] Aye, and that is the way you will remain, Mister Trask. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [BEN] Ah, that's better. Never thought I'd live to see a meal like thatagain. [POLLY] But listen Ben, how did you manage to get loose? Underwater, Imean? [BEN] Well it's the old Houdini trick, duchess. You flex your muscleswhen they tie you up, then when you're ready, you relax them. Well thatway you're half the size you were before. Get it? [KIRSTY] No. [POLLY] And that's all there is to it? [BEN] Well, almost all. [POLLY] I bet. [POLLY] Hey you've got your own clothes back. [DOCTOR] Yes. Can you imagine, I found them thrown out on the rubbishdump, behind the inn. [BEN] Amazing, isn't it? Well mine should be dry by now. [POLLY] I liked you better in your dress, Doctor. [KIRSTY] Aye, you made a good granny. [DOCTOR] Now then, do we all know what we have to do? Ben? [BEN] Yeah, I take you out to the ship in the rowing boat. Then doubleround the back smartish while they're sorting you out, and then passthe weapons through the porthole. [POLLY] While Kirsty and I just sit here and wait for you to get back,if you ever do. No fear. [KIRSTY] We've done enough waiting. [DOCTOR] But it may be dangerous. They may not swallow my story. [BEN] Yeah, and they may see me in the boat, even with this on. [DOCTOR] I would like a hat like that. [POLLY] Nevertheless, we're not going to let you two out of our sights,are we, Kirsty? Well, you get into such terrible trouble without us. [DOCTOR] Very well, you shall come in the rowing boat. It might be agood idea at that. [BEN] Well, what do you want me to do now? [DOCTOR] I've got another idea for you, Ben. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle's hold) [WILLY] I can hardly believe it. They've playedright into Solicitor Grey's hands. My own crew amongst them. [COLIN] Can you blame them? It's a poor choice between the gallows andthe plantations. A man will clutch at any straw to save his skin. [JAMIE] And what will they do with us, sir? [COLIN] I fear they will make an example of us, once Trask gets away tosea. [WILLY] He'll not let me live, that's for sure. Ach well, better a fastdeath than a lingering one under the overseers. I've no regrets. [COLIN] If I could see my Kirsty again, I'd die content. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [GREY] Three thousand five hundred guineas. You willcollect this amount in gold on delivery of the prisoners and renderstrict accounting to me. Is that clear? [PERKINS] Yes, sir, Mister Grey, sir. Quite clear, sir. You may trust meto the death, sir. [GREY] Now I must return ashore. I shall expect to see you in London atthe end of October. Meanwhile, keep a close eye on Trask. He's not [TRASK [OC]] Right lads, bring him down. [DOCTOR] Want to see him. [TRASK] Us has got company, Mister Solicitor. Caught him coming over theside, bold as a welsh pirate. [DOCTOR] (German) And of my own free will. I'm delighted to meet youagain, Mister Solicitor Grey. [GREY] You may not be so delighted when we part company this time,Doctor. [DOCTOR] If you'd ask these fellows to let go of my arms, I have a smalltoken for you. [GREY] Indeed. I have not forgotten the last one. All right, let him go. [TRASK] Let me have him. I'll soon change his tune. [GREY] Silence! Perkins, the door. [PERKINS] Please? [GREY] Well, go on. [DOCTOR] Now then, let me see, where did I put it. No, it's not inthere. I transferred it from there, into this pocket. Well it's notthere now, perhaps it's in here. [TRASK] Why, you! [GREY] I would advise you to find this token quickly, before I leave youto the tender mercies of Mister Trask. [DOCTOR] Got it! [DOCTOR] Here we are. Look at the seal. [GREY] The Stuart arms. [DOCTOR] Well, Mister Grey? [GREY] Where did you get this? [DOCTOR] From the hands of Prince Charles himself. [GREY] Where, man, where? [DOCTOR] In prison. [GREY] I don't follow. [DOCTOR] It's perfectly easy. Prince Charles disguised himself as aHighlander and was taken prisoner with the rest of the rebels. [GREY] And where is he now? [DOCTOR] I wonder what that information would be worth? Now let me see. [TRASK] I'll burn it out of him. [GREY] No! How much do you think it to be worth, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, shall we say, ten thousand guineas? --------------------------------------- (Annabelle's hold) [KIRSTY [OC]] Father. Father. [COLIN] Hmm? [KIRSTY [OC]] Father. [COLIN] Aye, my child. [KIRSTY [OC]] Father, listen to me. [COLIN] I hear you, Kirsty. [KIRSTY [OC]] Father, it's me. It's Kirsty. I'm here. [COLIN] (waking) Aye. Ah, I must be dreaming. Kirsty. [KIRSTY [OC]] Whist, keep your voice down. [COLIN] Where are you? [KIRSTY [OC]] I'm outside here, in a boat. [COLIN] My child, are you well? They havna harmed you? [KIRSTY [OC]] Father, I'm fine. And you? [COLIN] Better. A world better for hearing your voice. But you cannastay there. They'll find you. [KIRSTY [OC]] Here, then, take this. [COLIN] It's a miracle. I must be in a dream. [KIRSTY [OC]] Father, it's no dream. We've got arms for all of you and aplan. Can you come closer? Right, now listen. --------------------------------------- (Captain's cabin) [GREY] You drive a hard bargain, Doctor, but nomatter. I agree. Now, where is he? [DOCTOR] The very last place you would think of looking for him. [GREY] Well? [DOCTOR] Right here on this ship. [TRASK] Let me have him! [GREY] A dangerous jest! [DOCTOR] Did you mark the young Highlander who was with me? The piper? [GREY] Piper? [DOCTOR] With the soft hands and face? [GREY] No. [DOCTOR] Did you notice his hair? Unmistakable, that was the Prince. [GREY] You had better be very sure. [DOCTOR] Would I come and place myself in your hands if I was not verysure? [TRASK] We'll smell out the Pretender right now, by heaven. [GREY] Come along then. Perkins. [DOCTOR] Aren't you forgetting one thing? [GREY] What? [DOCTOR] I'm the only one who knows what he looks like. [GREY] Bring him along then. Make haste. --------------------------------------- (Annabelle's hold) [LOOKOUT] (sotto) Go to sleep. [TRASK] In here, Doctor. [GREY] Quiet. If they have any suspicion of whom we're looking and knowhim to be here [TRASK] Arr. Come on, Doctor. Him? Him? [DOCTOR] No. [TRASK] What about him? [DOCTOR] No. Perhaps he is further over. [GREY] If you have made a mistake. [DOCTOR] I've found him. He's the little one, over there. [COLIN] Creag an tuire! [JAMIE] Creag an tuire! [WILLY] Now I shall relieve you of your command! [TRASK] Not yet, Willy MacKay! --------------------------------------- (Annabelle's deck) [TRASK] Right, lads, to me! Throw the scurvy swabs over the side! I'mstill master here! [BEN] Not for long, mate. [TRASK] You! I'll make sure of you this time, lad. [WILLY] Where's Trask? [JAMIE] In the firth. [WILLY] Good lad. Hold! Come back! Hold! All of ye. I want men. Get themover here. That's right, we sail for France on the next tide. I wantwilling hands. If you hadn't volunteered you'd have had a long coldswim for it. Right now, make ready. Off with ye, go on! Up to the top.Off with ye! [DOCTOR] Ben, well done, well done, well done. Kirsty, here's yourfather. There we are. Polly [KIRSTY] Father! [DOCTOR] Got lost in the fog. [POLLY] Well done, well done. [BEN] Oh, don't over do it, Pol. [POLLY] But we've won! [DOCTOR] Only for the moment. [POLLY] What do you mean? [BEN] Well, the real job's only just beginning. Getting back to theTardis with only a rough idea of where it is and the whole English armyout to stop us. [POLLY] What are we going to do? [BEN] Well, we're going to get ashore before they get under way. That'sthe first thing. Right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Right. [WILLY] Stand by the capstan. [DOCTOR] We have to go ashore now. [WILLY] Oh, don't bother me now, man. Stand by at the end of the ropehere. [COLIN] What about the prisoners? [DOCTOR] We'll take Mister Grey ashore as a hostage. [COLIN] And the clerk? [DOCTOR] Well I [PERKINS] Now, may I have converse with you. [COLIN] Yea, man, yea. [PERKINS] Don't send me ashore with that man, sir. Now, if you are goingto France, then maybe you can do with a secretary. Especially one whois conversant with the French tongue. [COLIN] Shifting with the wind, you rogue. Well, Doctor, what do yousay? [DOCTOR] Many of your people speak French? [COLIN] Aye, but little. [DOCTOR] Then take him with you. He'll stay loyal enough. [PERKINS] Oh, I will, I will, sir. [DOCTOR] Till the wind shifts again. Laird, we must go. [COLIN] Doctor, I [DOCTOR] Bring the prisoner over! [PERKINS] Mister Solicitor! [GREY] Well, Perkins? [PERKINS] I've been wanting to do that for a long time. You've no ideathe pleasure that gave me. [GREY] Why you [PERKINS] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Quayside) [POLLY] I can't even see the ship. [BEN] No, they said they'd send us a signal before they went. Hey, look.There it is! [POLLY] Do you think they'll beat the English blockade? [DOCTOR] The fog will help them. More than it will help us. [POLLY] We never even said goodbye to Jamie. [BEN] No, he just disappeared. I wonder where he went to. [JAMIE] Right here. [BEN] Jamie! [POLLY] Jamie! [JAMIE] Aye, himself. [BEN] Well, why didn't you go with the others? [JAMIE] Well, let's say I fancied my chances here better. Besides,you'll need someone to guide you through the glen, won't you? [BEN] How did you know? [DOCTOR] Glad to have you with us, Jamie. [POLLY] But won't you be in danger here though? [JAMIE] Ach, if they can survive here, so can I. [BEN] Hey, watch it! Quick, through these doors. --------------------------------------- (Boathouse) [POLLY] They're going away. It's all right. [GREY] Help! [JAMIE] One more move and you're a dead man. [DOCTOR] They heard. [POLLY] But what if they find us? [DOCTOR] Shh. [GREY] Mmph! [JAMIE] I'm certainly glad I'm on your side. [DOCTOR] Grey! [POLLY] The window! [DOCTOR] No. No, Ben. It's too late. [BEN] But he was our hostage. They'll never let us get to the Tardisnow! [DOCTOR] We'll find someone else, eh, Polly? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Sea Eagle Inn) [FFINCH] What the? [BEN] We want your company, mate. [DOCTOR] If you don't mind. [POLLY] You won't refuse us, Algy dear. [FFINCH] Oh, this is really too much. [POLLY] This way. [COLONEL] Damn it, man. Where the devil do you think you're going? [FFINCH] Colonel! [COLONEL] Well, have you forgotten it's your deal, Ffinch? [FFINCH] Yes, sir, I know. But, I was just [COLONEL] Well, who are these vagabonds? [FFINCH] Well, Colonel they're [DOCTOR] (German) Doctor von Wer at your service. Remedies for the ague,the twitch, the colic, the warts and the gout. [COLONEL] The gout? I haven't got the gout. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no. I wouldn't waste your time with that, afine healthy gentleman like yourself. No, it's this ring you see, sir. [FFINCH] Perhaps we'd better get back to the game, sir. The night air. [COLONEL] Oh, blast the night air. Let me see. The Pretender's ring!Where'd you get this, man? [DOCTOR] Well, you go up there and to the left. No perhaps it's betterto explain this way. To the right [COLONEL] Look what are you talking about? [DOCTOR] No. On second thought, perhaps the other way. We were takingthe Lieutenant, you see, sir. [FFINCH] The game, sir. [COLONEL] Confound the game, this is the Prince's ring. Go with them.Take an attachment. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, sir. [COLONEL] What? [DOCTOR] That might frighten the blackguard, sir. We are enough toapprehend him. [COLONEL] All right, go on, Lieutenant. You have your orders, what areyou waiting for? [FFINCH] Yes, sir. But, this wench [FFINCH] Yes, sir. Very good, sir. [COLONEL] And when you have them [DOCTOR] We will bring him back to you, sir. Right? [COLONEL] Right. --------------------------------------- (Cottage) [JAMIE] You know where you are now? [BEN] Yeah, I won't forget this place in a hurry. [DOCTOR] Well, it's time we said goodbye, Lieutenant. And thank you. [POLLY] I've been telling him all about Mister Grey's activities. [BEN] Yeah, you want to nab him quick. [POLLY] Oh, Algy, here you are and thank you very much. [FFINCH] It was nothing. [GREY] Ah, so you found these rebels, Lieutenant? Well done. [FFINCH] No! [GREY] You can escort them with me to Inverness. You will not escape thegallows this time, Doctor. Any of you. As for you, wench, I'll have youtied to the tail of a cart and whipped from one end of [FFINCH] Silence! [GREY] What was that you said? [FFINCH] I've heard the whole story of your schemes from this young ladyhere. [GREY] You take the word of this [DOCTOR] What wicked times we live in, Lieutenant. A prison commissionerusing his office to smuggle rebels out of the country. [GREY] You're wasting your breath, Doctor. It was all perfectly legal.The rebels signed the contracts for transportation of their own freewill. [DOCTOR] Contracts? I don't believe I saw any contracts. Did you, Ben? [BEN] No, I wouldn't know what they were. [DOCTOR] Or you Jamie? [JAMIE] Me? No. [GREY] A lie, Lieutenant. The contracts were signed, I have them righthere in my [DOCTOR] So sad. Once a promising legal talent. [FFINCH] There is only one end for slave traders, Solicitor. I'm placingyou under arrest. [GREY] I warn you, Lieutenant [FFINCH] I've had enough of your warnings, sir. Gag him, Sergeant. Takehim to prison under escort. [SERGEANT] Sir! [GREY] No, wait! This is some sort of trick, you fool. If the Colonelhears of this you'll be lucky to end up as a band master. [FFINCH] Take him away, Sergeant. [SERGEANT] Come on, you traitorous dog. [GREY] Fool. [SERGEANT] You men follow me. [FFINCH] Well, goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. [BEN] Goodbye. [POLLY] Wait. Algy, why did you do it? [FFINCH] A chance to put paid to a villain, ma'am. [POLLY] It wasn't just that, was it? [FFINCH] Not quite, ma'am. [POLLY] Thank you, Algy. (kiss) Goodbye. [FFINCH] Well, I wouldn't linger here if I were you. These moors, youknow, they're still scouring them for rebels. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. [FFINCH] Goodbye. [BEN] Ta-ta. [JAMIE] One thing I don't understand. Where those contracts went? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. [DOCTOR] Well how did they get there? [BEN] You old fraud. Come on, we must go. [POLLY] What about Jamie? We can't leave him here. [DOCTOR] True. His ship's sailed. [POLLY] What will you do? [JAMIE] Oh, I'll be all right. They won't catch me. [BEN] Did you hear that! They'll catch us all if we don't move fast. [POLLY] Doctor, can we take him with us? [DOCTOR] If he teaches me to play the bagpipes. [JAMIE] If you want, Doctor. [BEN] That's all we need. Come on. [POLLY] Come on, Jamie. [JAMIE] But where are we going? [POLLY] You'll see. --------------------------------------- (Culloden moor)
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Highlanders"}
Doctor Who (Jan 14, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Underwater Menace (Tardis) [JAMIE] What's this? [DOCTOR] You'll find out. [JAMIE] Ah, I don't think I want to. [BEN] It's a machine, my old haggis, which will take us away fromScotland forever. [JAMIE] Where to? [BEN] Ah, well, that as the Doctor would say, that is in the lap of thegods. We never know. [JAMIE] Aye, you'd not be leading me on now, would you? Is it a fact youdon't know where we're going? [POLLY] Quite true, and what's more we don't even know what year it willbe either. [JAMIE] Ach now, I don't believe it. [DOCTOR] Nae man can tether time nor tide. Robert Burns. [JAMIE] Ay? Who's Robert Burns? [DOCTOR] Oh, I should have remembered. [POLLY] What? [DOCTOR] Well to Jamie, its 1746. Robert Burns wasn't born until 1759. [BEN] Gets sort of complicated, don't it? [JAMIE] What's happening now? [BEN] We're just beginning to land. [DOCTOR] Hold tight, everyone. [JAMIE] Land? [POLLY] Don't be scared, Jamie, it's all right really. [BEN] I get a sort of queer feeling. See we never know what we're goingto find, do we? [DOCTOR] Ah, that's the fun. Stand by, here we go. [POLLY] Please let it be Chelsea 1966. [BEN] Hope it's the Daleks, I don't think. [DOCTOR] Prehistoric monsters. [JAMIE] What have I come upon? [JAMIE] That wasn't too bad. Let's go outside, Doctor. [BEN] Yeah, come on, Jamie, you and me first. Well, you never know, youknow. [JAMIE] What? [BEN] We don't know what's going to be waiting for us out there, do we?Come on, Doctor, open up. [DOCTOR] Yes, I don't see why not. It looks all right to me. (The doorsopen.) Wait! [DOCTOR] For me. [POLLY] This time I'll guess where we are. [DOCTOR] All right then, where are we? [POLLY] Cornwall. [BEN] Ah, you said that last time. [POLLY] And I was right. [JAMIE] The Isles, maybe. [BEN] Don't you know? [DOCTOR] Haven't a clue. Not the isles of Britain, anyway. [POLLY] How can you tell? [DOCTOR] This rock. It's volcanic. It's not very old either. [BEN] How old? [DOCTOR] Oh, miocene. [BEN + POLLY] What? [DOCTOR] It's only about 25 million years old. Look. [BEN] Hey, that's an extinct volcano, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Possibly, possibly. [JAMIE] Are we not going for a wee look round? [POLLY] Yes, lets. Come on. [POLLY] Oh, give us a hand. [BEN] Here. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [BEN] I don't reckon we're going to see much when we get there. [POLLY] Ben? [BEN] What now? [POLLY] I'm beginning to see things. [BEN] Where? [POLLY] Down there, look. I'm sure I saw something moving. [BEN] Ah, you're round the twist. [POLLY] Look, there it is again. [BEN] You see anything? [JAMIE] Nothing. [POLLY] Ben, I think we ought to go back. [BEN] No, not me, I'm having a dekko down here. [JAMIE] Yeah, me too. [POLLY] Wait for me! [(Polly struggles after the men. They stop again just below the summit.)POLLY] Oh, can't we stop and have a breather? [JAMIE] Ben and I'll go on. You stay here. [POLLY] Oh, no. [BEN] We shan't be long, love, back before you know it. [POLLY] All right. [BEN] Hey, that's Polly. [BEN] Polly? Polly? [JAMIE] She must have gone inside. [BEN] Hang on, I've got a torch. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [BEN] Polly? --------------------------------------- (Beach) [DOCTOR] Mediterranean. Oh no, tidal sea, can't be. That's funny, ithasn't been fired long. [BEN] Polly? [BEN] Polly, where are you? [JAMIE] Polly? [BEN] What's that? --------------------------------------- (Cage) [POLLY] Ben, Jamie, is it you? [BEN] Who do you think it is? [JAMIE] Are you all right, Polly? [POLLY] Yes. [BEN] When you're finished get us out of this contraption. [POLLY] I can't. They've tied me up. [JAMIE] Who are they? [POLLY] I don't know, I didn't see them. [BEN] That's all we needed. [DOCTOR] So they caught you too. [BEN] Left half me stomach behind. [JAMIE] Aye, me too. [POLLY] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] That we shall find out very soon. [POLLY] Wherever it is it's an awful long way down. [DOCTOR] Yes, we must be below sea level already. [JAMIE] It's difficult to breathe. [BEN] What is it, Doctor? [POLLY] It's a funny taste. I don't feel very well. [DOCTOR] Here we are. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't be frightened anybody. If we pass out it'scompressed nitrogen. It's called caissons disease. [BEN] Polly, try and get us out of here. [POLLY] I'll try. --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [DOCTOR] Oh. [BEN] Where's this? Polly? Jamie? [JAMIE] Oh. [BEN] Come on, man, rise and shine. [JAMIE] Would you disturb the dead. [BEN] Oh you're not dead, you just got a touch of the submariners',that's all. [JAMIE] What are they? [BEN] It'd take too long to explain now. This must be some sort ofcompression chamber. [DOCTOR] Troglodytes. [BEN] What? [DOCTOR] Ancient tribes from North Africa who lived in caves. Possibly,possibly. Where's my diary? [BEN] Cave men? Hey, Jamie, you better watch it. With that kilt someonemight mistake you for a bird. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Yes, it's difficult to put a precise date on these people. [POLLY] I don't think it is. [DOCTOR] All right then, when? [POLLY] Oh, I'd say about 1970. [DOCTOR] Can you prove it? [BEN] Yeah, go on, prove it. [JAMIE] How d'you know, Polly? [BEN] Ah, she's been studying her crystal ball. [POLLY] Abracadabra. [DOCTOR] Oh, how interesting, yes. Hmm. It's Aztec. Fake of course. [BEN] Mexico Olympiad. [POLLY] When we first left Earth it hadn't happened yet. [BEN] No, that's right, it wasn't due till 1968. [POLLY] Right, so now is any time later than that. [JAMIE] Later? Oh, I wish I understood. [BEN] Polly, you speak foreign. Go and talk to him. Ask him where weare. [POLLY] Er, parlez-vous francais? Sprechen Sie deutsch? Habla siespanol? [GUARD] Bazumi tampost postu! [JAMIE] Au Gaelic akye? [BEN] What's that? [JAMIE] Gaelic. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, that means move in any language. I think we'd bettercomply. Women and children last. Polly? [DOCTOR] Oh food. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so sorry. Thank you. [DOCTOR] This is good. [DOCTOR] This is very good. Mmmm. It's delicious. This is excellent. Sitdown, sit down. This is ambrosia. [BEN] What's got into him? [POLLY] I don't know. I've never seen him go for food like this before.It's usually hats. [JAMIE] Better hurry or he'll scoff the lot. [BEN] What is it? [DOCTOR] Plankton. [JAMIE] Plankton? What's that? [DOCTOR] Well, it's small plants and animals from the sea. [POLLY] Animals? [BEN] Yeah, little spidery ones. [POLLY] Oh, I don't think I'm very hungry, thank you. [DOCTOR] You'd better get used to it. I don't expect there's much elseto be had around here. Visitors! [DOCTOR] Good day to you. [RAMO] We've been expecting you. [POLLY] He speaks English. [BEN] What does he mean, he's been expecting us? We didn't know we werecoming ourselves. [RAMO] The living goddess Amdo sees and hears all. [DOCTOR] And she had a message about us? For you? [RAMO] Yes. She told us you would fall from the sky in time for ourfestival of the vernal equinox. [DOCTOR] And just what part are we to play in this festival of thevernal equinox? [RAMO] A very important part, I regret to say. Guards. [DOCTOR] No! Wait! I have something important to say. [RAMO] Be quick and say it then. [DOCTOR] I won't speak under threats! [RAMO] You have five minutes in which to make your point. After that youwill join your companions. The ceremony will proceed. [POLLY] Doctor? [RAMO] Go, girl. [DOCTOR] What will happen to them? [RAMO] They will come to no harm. Yet. [DOCTOR] You'll have to go, Polly. [RAMO] Now, stranger, say what you have to and do not waste time. Thereis very little of it left for any of you. [DOCTOR] What I have to say concerns a certain Professor Zaroff. [RAMO] What do you know of Zaroff? [DOCTOR] A great deal. He's here, isn't he? [RAMO] How did you know? [DOCTOR] The food. It couldn't be anyone else but Zaroff. He led thefield in producing food from the sea. His progress is astonishing. [RAMO] You are a friend of Zaroff's? [DOCTOR] Just send him this message, and you'll see. [RAMO] I will take no message to Zaroff. [DOCTOR] You're making a big mistake! [RAMO] Yes, what is it, Ara? [ARA] I've come to clear the table. [RAMO] Yes, yes, we've wasted enough time. [DOCTOR] Ara, take this message to Professor Zaroff. [ARA] But I --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [POLLY] I'm scared. What are they going to do to us? [JAMIE] I don't see the Doctor here. He's escaped, maybe. [BEN] Ah, some chance of that. [JAMIE] Oh, he's a canny one, yon Doctor. Dinna fash yourself, Polly. [RAMO] Quiet! You profane the sacred temple with your idle chatter. [ARA] I must speak to Professor Zaroff. [ARA] Well, Damon then. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [JAMIE] Ben, should we run for it? [BEN] No, wait till we hear from the Doctor. [POLLY] It'd be better. [JAMIE] Put me down. [POLLY] Ben? The Doctor isn't coming! [BEN] Don't worry. As long as he's not here, there's still some hope. [BEN] Oh, no. --------------------------------------- (Surgeon's lab) [DAMON] Well, girl, what do you want? Why are you not at your work? [ARA] I have a note for Professor Zaroff. It's very important. [DAMON] A note for Zaroff? Let me see. Oh, come, girl. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [LOLEM] Life is a stream of water that drains away even as time does,and cannot be reclaimed. [LOLEM] Accept, oh mighty and powerful Amdo, these, your sacrifices. [POLLY] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hold on! Hold on for your lives. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [DAMON] Here is the note. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [DOCTOR] Don't move. Don't even breathe. [ZAROFF] Stop the ceremony! [RAMO] You dare to interfere with the hour of sacrifice? [ZAROFF] I do not interfere with your sacrifices, but I must first speakwith that man. Release him. [RAMO] Release him. [ZAROFF] Now, this information you have, what is it? [DOCTOR] First, release my friends. [ZAROFF] I do not care about your friends. Your information, quick! [DOCTOR] But I do. Professor Zaroff, if anything happens to them, you'llnever know the secret I was going to tell you. [ZAROFF] You! All right, release them. Take them to the labourcontroller. He will know what to do with them. Well, Doctor? [DOCTOR] First, let me say how glad I am to see that the reports of yourdeath twenty years previously are a little premature. [ZAROFF] The whole world believed I had been kidnapped. [DOCTOR] The East blamed the West. The West, the East. [ZAROFF] Oh, I wish I could have been there. [DOCTOR] Now here you are, the greatest scientific genius sinceLeonardo, under the sea. You must have a fantastic story to tell? [ZAROFF] Perhaps I tell you someday, if you will live long enough tohear. Now this vital secret, what is it? I must know. [DOCTOR] I haven't got one. [ZAROFF] How dare you! [DOCTOR] But I'm sure a that great man like you wouldn't want a modernscientific brain like mine to be sacrificed to a heathen idol? [ZAROFF] You know I could have you torn to bits by my guards, yes? [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZAROFF] I could feed you to my pet octopus, yes? [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZAROFF] Well you have sense of humour. I too have sense of humour. Ineed men like you. (both laugh) You come with me, yes? [DOCTOR] I come with you. --------------------------------------- (Operating theatre) [DAMON] Your lives have been spared. See that they contribute usefulservice to the community. [BEN] Anything you say, mate. [DAMON] What was that? [BEN] Oh, nothing, nothing. [DAMON] You men look strong. You'll be sent to the mines. Take themaway. [BEN] What? [JAMIE] What does he mean, mines? [BEN] Now wait a minute. Now what are you going to do with her? [POLLY] Yes, what? [DAMON] I shall decide that later. [JAMIE] Don't lose heart, Polly! [DAMON] Don't be afraid, girl. Life is very beautiful under the sea.Come along. [DAMON] Seventy percent of the world's surface is under the oceans. Youare looking at our food producing area. Without it, we couldn'tsurvive. [POLLY] It's fantastic. What are those? [DAMON] Those are our farmers. [POLLY] I think it's splendid. All those people working under the sea tofeed the others. But listen, how do they breathe? [DAMON] We give them plastic gills. Look. [DAMON] That surprises you, doesn't it? [POLLY] It's breathtaking. Oh, sorry. That wasn't meant to be a pun. [DAMON] No, not at all. No, I'm glad you're taking it like this. Somepeople get most upset when they find they're to have the operation. [POLLY] Operation? [FOREMAN] Well, of course. We couldn't send you out there without it.You'd drown. [POLLY] You're not turning me into a fish! [DOCTOR] Just give me a clue, Professor. [ZAROFF] West of Gibraltar, south of the Azores. The Atlantic ridge,what does that suggest to you? [DOCTOR] Ancient temples under the sea. But that's not possible! That'sonly a legend. [ZAROFF] Go on, go on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] We're on the ancient kingdom of Atlantis. [ZAROFF] Yes, yes, and this is not the perfect place to complete mywork? [DOCTOR] But how did you get them to accept you? Surely science is inopposition to ancient temple ritual and idol worship? [ZAROFF] I gave them a sugar-coated pill. I have promised to liftAtlantis out of the sea. [ZAROFF] Yes, what is it? Pardon me, Doctor. [ARA] Doctor? Doctor? [DOCTOR] What is it, Ara? [ARA] It's the girl. They're going to carry out the fish operation onher. [DOCTOR] Fish operation? Well, well, well. Ara, do you know where themain fuses are? [ARA] Fuses? [DOCTOR] Oh, never mind. Go back to Polly, and if the chance comes, gether away from there! Will you do that for me? [ARA] Yes. [ZAROFF] Doctor! [POLLY] Keep away! [DAMON] Bring her here. [DAMON] Don't be difficult, girl, it's quite painless. Lights. [POLLY] No! no! [DAMON] We're ready now. [POLLY] No! No! No! No! No! No! [DAMON] One tiny jab, and you'll know nothing more about it until it'sall over. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [ZAROFF] And so you see, my friend, it is all sosimple. When Atlantis was submerged at the time of the flood, some lifecontinued in air pockets in the mountain's caves, thanks to the naturalair shaft provided by the extinct volcano. [ZAROFF] You like my laboratory, yes? You find all this very impressive,no? [DOCTOR] No, not a bit, not a bit. [ZAROFF] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] I expected nothing less from the great Professor Zaroff. --------------------------------------- (Operating room) [DAMON] The lights are playing up again. Go and see what's wrong. No,wait. I'd better go myself. Zaroff might listen to me. Look after thegirl. [NURSE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [ZAROFF] Yes, we have come a long way in ourresearch, and luckily the riches of Atlantis have provided ample means. [ZAROFF] Ah, so you are hungry today? Did I forget to feed you? Isbeautiful, no? [DAMON] Zaroff! [ZAROFF] Not now, Damon. Can't you see I am talking with my friend here. [DAMON] This won't wait. If I am to operate on the girl, I must havelight. [ZAROFF] One operation, one girl. You are making an unnecessary fuss. [DAMON] I know what's going on. You're using so much voltage on theproject that all civil use is curtailed. [ZAROFF] Ridiculous. I will show you. You follow me. Open the panel.Ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with the civil supply. There's neveranything wrong. Look, the supply to your clinic is always adequate andcannot be affected by demands elsewhere. [DAMON] Zaroff! [ZAROFF] The fault must lie at your own intake. [DAMON] It's easy to make excuses. [ZAROFF] Excuses! Who taught you, Damon? Everything you know, I'vetaught you. As I made you, so I can break you. --------------------------------------- (Operating room) [NURSE] So Zaroff will listen to him. You'd better go and get some lightfrom somewhere. You'll find some in the old quarters. Don't worry,prisoner, we won't keep you waiting long. Ah, you, girl, come here.Keep watch on the prisoner while I search for fuses. And don't try anytricks, understand, or it will be worse for you. [ARA] I understand. [ARA] Girl? [POLLY] What? [ARA] Don't speak, just follow me. [POLLY] But I can't see anything. [ARA] Hold my hand. I'm used to the dark. Hurry, before they get back. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [DOCTOR] I can't think of how I came to be so clumsy. I must have bumpedinto it. [DAMON] You're not clumsy, Doctor. You did it on purpose. But you won'tsave the girl. [ZAROFF] Oh no, Doctor, you are staying here with me. [DOCTOR] As your prisoner? [ZAROFF] Let us say as my guest. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [ARA] It's all clear, come on. [POLLY] Oh, I feel as though I've run a hundred miles. But where? [ARA] I know where to hide you. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [ZAROFF] Damon? Ha, he's just an Atlantean, aprimitive. Clever, but no vision. [DOCTOR] Professor, you have offered these people a very bigsugar-coated pill to make them accept you, yes? [ZAROFF] I turned their dreams and prophecies to my own means. [DOCTOR] The dreams of a people living on a drowned continent must be. [ZAROFF] To lift Atlantis from the ocean. Make it dry land again. [DOCTOR] Exactly. But now, how are you going to do it? Even a geniuslike you. [ZAROFF] Look. Atlantis underwater. [DOCTOR] A very large mass to lift. [ZAROFF] If I can't lift it then I must lower the water level. You seethe valve there? [DOCTOR] Yes, may I? [ZAROFF] Please. [ZAROFF] Simple, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes, but you haven't got a drain big enough to take an ocean. [ZAROFF] Then I will make one. [DOCTOR] You'll forgive me. I'm a little lost. The crust of the Earth ismore than a hundred miles thick. Below that is believed to be awhite-hot molten core. Now where is your ocean going to go? [ZAROFF] That is my secret. [DOCTOR] Oh, now you're making fun of me, Professor. [ZAROFF] No, no. [DOCTOR] Even supposing you could drill to the depth of a hundred miles. [ZAROFF] There is a place where a fissure reduces the distance to lessthan fifteen miles. [DOCTOR] It's still an enormous obstacle. [ZAROFF] But not insurmountable. We have been working on it for manyyears. [DOCTOR] Even if. [ZAROFF] Excuse me, I have been interrupted. [DOCTOR] But Professor? [ZAROFF] Yes? [DOCTOR] Even supposing you succeeded, you know what will happen, don'tyou? [ZAROFF] You tell me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, the water will be converted into superheated steam, thepressure will grow, and crack the crust of the Earth. Destroy all life,maybe even blow the planet apart. [ZAROFF] Yes. And I shall have redeemed my promise to lift Atlantis fromthe sea. Lift it to the sky! It will be magnificent. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZAROFF] Bang! Bang! Bang, bang! That's all. [DOCTOR] Yes. Just one small question. Why do you want to blow up theworld? [ZAROFF] Why? You, a scientist, ask me why? The achievement, my dearDoctor. The destruction of the world. The scientists' dream of supremepower! --------------------------------------- (Mine) [FOREMAN] Only four loads today? You'll have to increase output oryou'll be joining our fish friends. All right, get on with it. [FOREMAN] I've another two for you. All right, this way, follow me. [FOREMAN] What's this? [SEAN] Huh? [FOREMAN] Slacking? [SEAN] (Irish, of course) Oh, I'm sorry I can't hear a word you'resaying. Splitting with the noise. [FOREMAN] What have you got there? [JACKO] Who, me? [FOREMAN] Guard! [FOREMAN] Search that man. [GUARD] Nothing here. [FOREMAN] Search the other. [GUARD] Nothing on this one either. [FOREMAN] All right, this time you're lucky. These two have just joinedus. Teach them to be useful. [JACKO] That was close. What is it? [BEN] What's the secret about a compass? [SEAN] It's as important as eyes down here. Thanks, chum. If they hadfound that on us we'd have been for the high jump, I tell you. [JAMIE] Why d'ye pass it on to me though? Suppose they'd caught me withit? [SEAN] Well, they didn't, did they? [BEN] Are you planning something, then? [SEAN] That's our business. [JAMIE] What's the matter with you? Are we not all in the same boat? [JACKO] That's right, Jock, and we don't want no one to rock it. [JAMIE] The name happens to be Jamie and I'll just thank you to [SEAN] Take no notice, he's a bit like that, you see. [BEN] Hey, watch it. That guard's looking this way. [SEAN] Oh, well, make out we're working. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [ZAROFF] Your calculations cannot be correct. Let me see. [DAMON] Professor? [ZAROFF] Not now, Damon. Come with me. [DOCTOR] Ah, Mister Damon, you're back. Did your operation go well? [DAMON] The girl escaped. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. How very frustrating for you. [DAMON] We'll get her back. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes of course you will. [DOCTOR] It's very important to you, isn't it? I mean, you want all thehuman labour you can get, don't you? [DAMON] Yes. But it's cheap and plentiful. We pick up survivors fromshipwrecks who would otherwise be corpses, and convert them to fishpeople. [DOCTOR] Amazing. The Professor leads the field in scientificdiscoveries. What a fantastic conception. To control the world from atest tube. [DAMON] That's right. [DOCTOR] Well, two can play at that game. Have you ever seen this? [DAMON] Stop him, stop him. Don't let him get away. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [ARA] You understand, you must hide on Amdo and waituntil I can fetch you. Don't be worried. [POLLY] Yes, but. [ARA] And don't make a sound. [POLLY] No, all right. --------------------------------------- (Mine) [BEN] Don't you ever get sick of this seafood? [JACKO] You learn to live with it. [SEAN] Just watch it though, they haven't found any way of keeping itfresh. In a few hours it's putrid. [JAMIE] Tell me, why do you need a compass? [SEAN] Oh, there's no point in making a break without one, is there? [JACKO] Why don't you shout it out to the guard? [BEN] Look, mate, do yourself a favour and stop treating us as if we'reone of them. Look, Jamie and I don't intend to stop here either. [SEAN] See, I told you. Now come on boys, will you cheer up? [JACKO] All right, all right. [BEN] How do you intend going about it? [JAMIE] Aye, how? There're guards all over. [BEN] Well, come on, give. [SEAN] Right. Well, while I was mining a shaft, I came along theentrance to a little underground tunnel like this, you see? [BEN] I see. [JAMIE] Where does it lead, though? [SEAN] Well, we haven't been able to explore it. We'll just have to takea chance. Now if we go, there'll be no turning back. You understand? [JACKO] We make it or we don't. [SEAN] Are you with us, then? [BEN] Yeah, count me in. [JAMIE] Aye, when do we go? [JACKO] When the chance comes. [SEAN] And we jump fast, do y'hear me? [FOREMAN] They need extra labour up at the project. You two join thelineup for selection. [BEN] Now's our chance. We're off. [SEAN] By Christopher, you're right. If we disappear now they'll thinkwe're gone to the project work gang. Okay, Jacko? [JACKO] Oh, it'll give us a start anyway. [BEN] Right, now look, you go first, Jacko. That'll show Jamie and mewhere the entrance is. Then you go, Sean. [JAMIE] And then you, then me. [SEAN] Scatter. [FOREMAN] Right. You, you, you. [JAMIE] How about me, sir? [FOREMAN] You're too new. Get out of my way. [FOREMAN] You, you. [BEN] I volunteer, sir. [FOREMAN] Too new. [BEN] Oh, but sir. [FOREMAN] Go and join your friend. [FOREMAN] You. [FOREMAN] I thought I told you to get out of my way. [JAMIE] Oh aye, sir, I'm just going, sir. (Jamie follows Ben.) Thanks,boys. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [BEN] Come on, man. We haven't got all day. [JACKO] Took a long time, didn't he. [BEN] Yeah. [SEAN] Is that you? [JAMIE] Aye. [BEN] Well come on, hurry up. [SEAN] And bring the light. [JAMIE] All right. [BEN] Look, suppose this don't lead any place, and we want to come back? [SEAN] Oh, you won't mate. They'll kill runaway workers on sight. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GUARD] We'd better try the small chamber. --------------------------------------- (Chamber) [GUARD] Nothing here. The compression chamber next. [GUARD] Seen any strangers, girl? [ARA] No, sir, nobody. [DOCTOR] Ara? No, wait, Ara. It's me. [ARA] Oh, it's you. [DOCTOR] Where's Polly? [ARA] Safe. I'm taking her some food and clothes. [DOCTOR] Good girl, well done. Ara, where can I find your Chief ofState? [ARA] In the council chamber, why? [DOCTOR] I want to talk to him. Can you take me to him? [ARA] Yes, but he'll hand you over. [DOCTOR] I'll have to take that risk. [DAMON [OC]] Stay outside. [DAMON] Keep your eyes skinned for escaped prisoners. [RAMO] Well, where are the others now? [DAMON] The two young men are at the mine. The girl is still at large,and so is the Doctor. But we'll find them. They cannot get away. [RAMO] Now what does Zaroff think about it all? [DAMON] Oh, he's furious, of course. Could upset his plans. [RAMO] He should not have interfered with the temple sacrifice. [DAMON] You've always hated him, Ramo. Why? [RAMO] He's a destroyer. He appeals to all that is base in our people.He should never have come to Atlantis. [DAMON] But without him, Atlantis will never rise again from the sea. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Can you get Damon away? I want to talk to the priestalone. [ARA] I'll try. [ARA] If you please? [RAMO] But not to the same extent. [ARA] Master? [DAMON] Yes, yes? [ARA] I believe I have seen the girl you are looking for. [DAMON] Where? [ARA] Down by the market. [DAMON] Show me. [DOCTOR] Can I have a word with you, Ramo? [RAMO] Doctor! Damon! [DOCTOR] We're both on the same side, Ramo. You distrust Zaroff out ofinstinct. I distrust him because I know the truth. [RAMO] Why should I trust you? [DOCTOR] That's a very good question. I wish I could think of a goodanswer. [RAMO] All right, tell me what you know. [DOCTOR] Can we talk here? [RAMO] I know a place where we shan't be interrupted. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [JACKO] Yeah, which way now? [BEN] This-away, or thataway? [SEAN] Oh, one is as good as the other. [JAMIE] Well, let's try fifty paces up each tunnel, then turn back. [BEN] Yeah. [JAMIE] Jacko? Oh, I suppose I'll go with you. We'll take the high road. [JACKO] Oh, let's go then. [BEN] Which leaves us with [BEN + SEAN] The low road. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [RAMO] Come this way. We shall not be interrupted here. Now, tell mewhat you found out about Zaroff. [DOCTOR] He says that he's going to raise Atlantis, yes? That's notquite true. He intends to destroy Atlantis. [RAMO] A difficult task. [DOCTOR] It's easier than raising it. [RAMO] How will he destroy us? [DOCTOR] He intends to drill a hole through the earth's crust, and drainaway the ocean, yes? [RAMO] Yes. [DOCTOR] Have you any idea what will happen if he does that? I'll showyou. [DOCTOR] May I? [DOCTOR] This pot is the earth. This is the ocean. The ocean drains intothe earth. Now, but the centre of the earth is hot, far hotter thanthis fire. So what happens? [RAMO] But this is child's play. What has this to do with Zaroff'sproject? [DOCTOR] This pot is Zaroff's project. Watch. Now the pot begins toboil, but the steam can't get out, and so. I think we'd better stand alittle further back. Get down! [DOCTOR] This is what will happen. Zaroff intends to raise Atlantis, butin little pieces. [RAMO] You swear this is true? [DOCTOR] Well, I thought I might mention it. Of course, if you don'tmind being blown up. [RAMO] Can you stop him? [DOCTOR] Could I? I am not the ruler of Atlantis. [RAMO] If I took you to our ruler Thous, could you convince him? [DOCTOR] I might. [RAMO] Wait here. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [BEN + SEAN] Thirty eight, thirty nine, forty. [BEN] Well, what beats me is why Atlantis hasn't been discovered before. [SEAN] Oh, maybe it has, but nobody got back home to tell the tale. [BEN] Oh yeah, could be. Hey. [JACKO] Hey! It's me. [SEAN] I'm sorry. You can't be too careful these days. [BEN] Yeah, but where's Jamie? He went with you. [JACKO] He's gone on, I came back to collect you and Sean. [BEN] Now what do we do. We're not even at the end of this one yet. [SEAN] I think the best thing to do is you go back to Jamie ,and I'll goon and meet you in ten minutes. [BEN] Oh yeah, but where? [SEAN] Where? At the, er, at the fork. Okay? [BEN] Right. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [RAMO] Put this on, could you? [DOCTOR] Could I? [RAMO] With these robes, no one will challenge you. [DOCTOR] How do I look? [RAMO] What? [DOCTOR] Never mind. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel ledge) [BEN] Jamie! [JAMIE [OC]] Here. [BEN] Jamie! [JAMIE] Down here! [BEN] Okay, mate. We're with you. Are you hurt? [JAMIE] No, but watch it. The rock's slippery. [BEN] Don't worry about us. Just cling on. [SEAN] How far down is he? [BEN] About ten feet, I'd say. [SEAN] What's that in metres? [BEN] Why don't you get further along there. (Ben lies down and tries toreach out to Jamie.) [BEN] Can you reach it? Try again. Right. Now the other hand. [BEN] Oh, Jacko! [JAMIE] I think I've got a foothold now. [BEN] All right. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [POLLY] Huh. You needn't think I'm afraid of you, you stupid thing. [SEAN] Come on, quietly. [BEN] Blimey, look where we are. [JAMIE] Back at the temple. [SEAN] There's somebody down there. [POLLY] Boo. [BEN] Ah, it's Polly! All right. [JAMIE] Polly! [JACKO] You know her? [BEN] Yeah, of course I do. She's one of our lot. [POLLY] What happened to you? [BEN] We found a tunnel in the mines that lead into this idol. [JAMIE] So here we are. [BEN] What's this rigout in aid of? [POLLY] They were going to turn me into a fish. [BEN] Into a fish? [POLLY] It's not funny! [SEAN] I'm Sean, this is Jacko. [JAMIE] Have you seen the Doctor? [POLLY] Not since he went off with Professor Zaroff. Why, haven't you? [BEN] No, but I'd love to know what he's up to. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [DOCTOR] Ramo, this ruler of yours, is he [RAMO] His name is Thous. He believes Zaroff to be the deliverer ofAtlantis. [THOUS] Good evening, Brothers of the Temple. Please be seated. What isthis important business you want to tell me about? [RAMO] Most excellent Thous, this is a matter of life and death. Underno other circumstances would I have brought a stranger to you in templegarb. [THOUS] A stranger? Who are you? [DOCTOR] A man of science. [THOUS] Science? Ah, I see. One of Professor Zaroff's colleagues.Perhaps we should ask him to join us. [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, I wouldn't do that if I were you. In fact, I wantedto speak to you alone, Excellency. [THOUS] Well, speak. [DOCTOR] Excellency, the Professor is a wonderful man. [THOUS] Wonderful? [DOCTOR] A worker of miracles. [THOUS] Indeed, you speak the truth. [DOCTOR] But, have you noticed his eyes lately? [THOUS] No. [DOCTOR] When he talks of his project, have you noticed his eyes? Theylight up like this! [THOUS] What does this mean? [DOCTOR] The Professor is as mad as a hatter. [THOUS] Mad? Zaroff? [DOCTOR] Completely. No answer. It's sad. [THOUS] I do not understand. [RAMO] We believe Zaroff to be working toward the destruction ofAtlantis, not it's resurrection. [THOUS] I have heard such words from you before, Ramo. [RAMO] This man has proved it to me. Zaroff's plan will split the worldin two. This is not the action of a sane man. [THOUS] But your own priests proclaimed him to be the prophet who wouldraise us above the sea. [RAMO] Lolem. He is old and superstitious. [THOUS] And your superior, Ramo. Remember that! [DOCTOR] So you will not listen to us? [THOUS] I did not say that. I have heard your arguments. [DOCTOR] We've only just begun. [THOUS] I have heard enough. Now leave me, and I will consider what youhave said. [RAMO] I know you will choose well, for all our sakes. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [ARA] Oh, I'm sorry I'm so long. Here's some food. [JAMIE] Ah, food. [POLLY] And clothing. Super. Thanks, Ara. Look at this! Listen, why areyou doing all this for us? [ARA] You were kind to me, and I hate Zaroff. [JAMIE] You hate Zaroff? [ARA] We are not all his slaves. He will find out one day. [SEAN] Let's hope we find out soon. Do you want all that food foryourself, Ben? Come on. [BEN] Oh, sorry. Look, Ara, have you seen anything of the Doctor? [ARA] Yes, I'll take you to him later. [BEN] What's that? [ARA] Oh, quickly, you must hide. They're coming. [JAMIE] Back where we came from, Ben. [BEN] Right, the safest place in the whole of Atlantis. [SEAN] There's no need to be afraid, girl. [POLLY] Aren't you coming with us, Ara? [ARA] No, I must stay here. I'll be missed. [JAMIE] Are you two going to remain here all night? Come on. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [THOUS] I have given much thought to your words, and I have come to adecision. There is your answer. [THOUS] Do with them what you will! --------------------------------------- (Thous' room) [ZAROFF] So you're just a little man after all,Doctor, like all the rest. You disappoint me. [DOCTOR] You disappoint me, Professor. I didn't think a man of scienceneeded the backing of thugs. [ZAROFF] Have a care, Doctor. Your life is in the balance. [DOCTOR] What, you mean you haven't told your own people what's in storefor them? Are you afraid, Zaroff? [ZAROFF] I have made a mistake. If I had not interfered with the templesacrifice, the sharks would have torn you apart. But it's not too late.I'll return you to Lolem and tell him I need you no longer. And he canhave that stupid priest as makeweight. [DOCTOR] No. You've no quarrel with Ramo. I persuaded him to help me.I'm the one to blame. [RAMO] That is not true. I have always distrusted you, Zaroff. [ZAROFF] Take them away! [RAMO] The curse of Amdo be on you! [ZAROFF] Goodbye, Doctor. Have a pleasant journey. [DOCTOR] Let's not say goodbye, Professor. We'll be seeing each otheragain. [ZAROFF] Not in this world, Doctor. [ZAROFF] As always, there is nothing to worry about. [THOUS] And there is no truth in this man's arguments? [ZAROFF] The man is a fool. Have I not sworn to you that Atlantis shallrise again from the sea? Haven't I? Haven't I? What are you staring at? [THOUS] Nothing. Nothing at all. [DOCTOR] What happens now? [RAMO] First the supplication, and then [LOLEM] Accept, oh powerful and mighty Amdo, these your sacrifices. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry I got you into this, Ramo. [RAMO] We all have to die sometime, Doctor. If it is the will of Amdo,it is inevitable. [VOICE] This is the voice of Amdo. Hear me. Bow down your heads thatAmdo may accept your sacrifice. Bow. Let no human eyes witness thisawful moment. [DOCTOR] (sotto) I know that voice. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Ramo. Don't be afraid. Get up and follow me. Come on. [VOICE] He who looks on the living face of Amdo shall die. [LOLEM] A miracle! A great and powerful miracle! Amdo has eaten up hervictims! --------------------------------------- (Secret room) [RAMO] Unbelievable. All these years and I neverguessed Amdo's secret. [DOCTOR] Oh, I thought I recognised the voice. How on Earth did youmanage it? [POLLY] This is linked to the back of Amdo's mouth. It's a bit old butit works. [DOCTOR] It was the sweetest sound I've ever heard in me life. [POLLY] Thanks, Doctor. [BEN] Keep your voices down now, or they'll hear us. [POLLY] No, they won't, I've put the bunghole in. [RAMO] So Amdo was made to trick her worshipers. [DOCTOR] Ben, how did you find this place? [BEN] Oh, we found it by chance. A tunnel in the mines leads straighthere. [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] Doctor. That's Sean, that's Jacko. [ZAROFF] So I tell you, it's complete. Everythingwill be ready in two days from now. [THOUS] To think that after so long the great day is at hand. We shallsurprise the whole of mankind. [ZAROFF] Yes. A very great surprise. Perhaps the greatest ever. [THOUS] I shall order special prayers today. [ZAROFF] Why not? It will keep the people happy. [LOLEM [OC]] Let me in! [THOUS] What is the meaning of this, exalted Lolem? [LOLEM] A miracle, mighty Thous, before our very eyes! [ZAROFF] Tell us. [LOLEM] Mighty Amdo, goddess of land and sea, has accepted the sacrificeof the priest, and the little Doctor. [ZAROFF] Indeed. What a miracle. [LOLEM] They vanished into air before they could be beheaded. [ZAROFF] No. Disappeared, you say? How? [LOLEM] They were in our midst and we bowed our heads in prayer. When welooked again they'd gone. [ZAROFF] You lie, Priest. You allowed them to escape, no? [THOUS] You discredit the mystic power of Amdo? [ZAROFF] I believe what I see with my own eyes. [THOUS] The truth, Lolem. [RAMO] I tell you, the voice of Amdo spoke to us. [ZAROFF] Ha. [LOLEM] The little Doctor no longer lives. [THOUS] You're certain? [LOLEM] By the spirit of Amdo, by the all-beating heart of livingAtlantis. [THOUS] Perhaps he is right. It is a miracle. You may go. [ZAROFF] Yes, go. And pray to Amdo that you are right. [LOLEM] May the wrath of Amdo engulf you! [ZAROFF] I'll take my chance. Get out! [THOUS] Is it wise to sow seeds of doubt by discrediting a miracle justnow? [ZAROFF] Yes. If the Doctor is at large, he can be an even biggerdanger. We must search the whole of Atlantis for him. [THOUS] But Lolem has said [ZAROFF] Maybe Lolem can raise Atlantis again from the sea with hisprayers? [THOUS] Give your orders, Zaroff. It shall be as you wish. [ZAROFF] Now you are talking sense again. [POLLY] The point is, where do we go from here? [BEN] Yeah, where? [JAMIE] Aye, tell us, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Our course is plain. We must attack Zaroff. He has gone mad,and he's bent on destroying the whole world. We've only a short whilein which to stop him. [SEAN] Well, just tell us what to do. [DOCTOR] Food. [SEAN] You're hungry, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [SEAN] Hungry? [DOCTOR] No, I mean Zaroff and his people cannot exist without food. [RAMO] But there's always plenty of food for everyone. The sea is allaround us. The supplies are unlimited. [DOCTOR] Yes, but who provides it? [RAMO] The fish people do. [DOCTOR] The fish people! Exactly. And why? Because they are slaves. Butslaves, like worms, can be made to turn. [POLLY] Right. So if you organise the fish people to cut off thesupplies. Yes, but that's no good. Then they'll just go and live offtheir stocks. [DOCTOR] Tell them, Ramo. [RAMO] We have no stocks of food. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Zaroff has not yet found the answer to his greatproblem. All his seafood goes bad in a few hours, and has to be thrownaway. [RAMO] That's true. [DOCTOR] And so [BEN] I get it, we get the fish people to go on strike. [JACKO] Oh, you are dreaming, man. [SEAN] Now hold on a minute, we could try right enough. [POLLY] Yes, but what would that do for us? [DOCTOR] What would it do for us? I don't know, really, but it's astart. Do you think you can do it? [SEAN] Well, we'll have a go, Doctor, but it'll take a great gift of thegab to win over the fish people, you know? [DOCTOR] But you are Irish. [SEAN] Well, come on, laughing boy. Tell me, how can we contact you? [DOCTOR] We make this place our headquarters. If nobody's here, justleave a message. [POLLY] Good luck. [JACKO] Oh, we'll need it. [BEN] What are we going to do? [DOCTOR] Kidnap Professor Zaroff! --------------------------------------- (Market) [DOCTOR] Are you all right? [POLLY] Yes, super. Look what I've got on. [DOCTOR] You look splendid. [POLLY] Better than you do. Couldn't you find a better disguise thanthat? [DOCTOR] What's wrong with it? [POLLY] You look like a sailor. [DOCTOR] That's what I'm supposed to be. [POLLY] No, thank you. [POLLY] Salt water. [DOCTOR] What do you expect? This is Atlantis. Now you know what to do? [POLLY] I think so. [DOCTOR] Wait a minute. Something's gone wrong. Where's Zaroff? [POLLY] Looking for us. [ARA] Back this way. Nola, we need your help. [NOLA] (a stall holder) Guards? [POLLY] They're looking for me. [NOLA] Lie down. [GUARD] Have you seen any strangers about, old woman? [NOLA] Everyone's a stranger these days. Why don't they stay away andleave us in peace? [GUARD] What have you got here? [NOLA] How shall I sell my carpets if you stick holes in them? [NOLA] It's clear. [ARA] Are you all right? [POLLY] Yes. Thank you very much. [NOLA] Don't waste time, girl. Get away while you're safe. [JAMIE] Zaroff's on his way, close behind us. [BEN] Hey! Did you see anyone come through the market place? [DOCTOR] A man? [BEN] Yes. [DOCTOR] About five foot nine? [BEN] That's right. [DOCTOR] Black coat, baggy trousers and a bow tie? [BEN] Exactly. [DOCTOR] No. As a matter of fact I haven't. [BEN] You fool. [JAMIE] He's gone. We'd better get in position. [BEN] Right. [DOCTOR] Polly! [ZAROFF] Where's that man who has been a moment ago? [ARA] What man, sir? [ZAROFF] Answer me, girl. [ARA] I don't know. [ZAROFF] Guard! Search over there. [GUARD] Sir! [ZAROFF] You two come with me. [DOCTOR] Zaroff! [ZAROFF] There he is! There he is! Stop that man! [DOCTOR] Zaroff! --------------------------------------- (Passageway) [ZAROFF] That man, which way did he go? [RAMO] Is all well? [DOCTOR] Splendid. He's close behind me. I hope I haven't set too hot apace for him. No. Here he comes. [ZAROFF] He must be here somewhere. Search the temple. [BEN] Yeah. [ZAROFF] Who has entered here, priest? Ah, the renegade priest himself.Guards, take him! [ZAROFF] Ah, Doctor, at last. [BEN] Right, to the back with him. [ZAROFF] Let go of me! Let go of me! Let go of me! [POLLY] Doctor, now that you've got him, what are you going to do withhim? [DOCTOR] You'll see. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Cliffside) [JACKO] Go on, tell them. [SEAN] Tell them what? I tell them nothing. They're not people like us,they're just a bunch of sardines. You heard me. Cold-blooded fishes.You haven't got a drop of good red blood in your body. [SEAN] A flatfish from Galway would have more guts in them than thatbunch. [SEAN] (laughs) You wouldn't hurt a little child. [JACKO] What would they do? [SEAN] I'll tell them. All right, all right, all right. Oh, calm downand listen. Listen, will you? Look, you supply all the food forAtlantis, right? It can't be stored, right? It goes rotten in a coupleof hours. That's why Zaroff has you working like slaves night and day,right? Well, has it never occurred to your little fish brains to stopthat supply of food? Feed yourselves but starve Atlantis, eh? What doyou think would happen then? Well now is your chance. Will you do it,or will you stay fish slaves for the rest of your lives? You're men,aren't you? Well, start the blockade right now. [JACKO] Do you reckon they will do it? [SEAN] Who knows? We can only hope for the best. --------------------------------------- (Secret chamber) [ZAROFF] I have underrated you, Doctor. I hardlyimagined you would have the nerve to kidnap Zaroff himself. [BEN] What's so funny? [JAMIE] Aye, what? [POLLY] I don't see what you've got to laugh at. [ZAROFF] Dear lady, if you wish to stop my plans, you are all too late. [RAMO] Too late? [ZAROFF] The process has started. My nuclear reactor is activated, andwhen the desired figure is reached, fission will take place, and noneof all this will matter for any of us. [DOCTOR] He's only bluffing. Nothing can start without him. [ZAROFF] Ah, Doctor, how do you know that? [DOCTOR] Simple. The great Zaroff would have to be there to set off theexplosion. Miss your big moment? I think not. [ZAROFF] You cannot hold me. My guards will [RAMO] Will never find you. Not inside the temple you have defiled,Zaroff. [ZAROFF] You are fools! Idiots! I am mightier than all of you. If I, if [POLLY] Doctor? [JAMIE] It's a ruse. [POLLY] What's the matter with him? [DOCTOR] Some sort of attack. [BEN] That stopped him. The project won't be able to go ahead now, willit? [DOCTOR] I don't know. We'd better make sure. [JAMIE] What would you do? [DOCTOR] Get inside that laboratory. [JAMIE] Then I'm coming with you. [BEN] Yeah, me too. [DOCTOR] No, somebody's got to stay here to look after Zaroff. [POLLY] I, I'll stay. [JAMIE] You can't bide here by yourself. [RAMO] I'll stay with her. [DOCTOR] Very well. Come on. Quick. [POLLY] Take care. [BEN] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [BEN] Not another service? [DOCTOR] This is likely to take some time. [JAMIE] Could we not just slip out? [DOCTOR] I don't think so. Better duck down here. --------------------------------------- (Secret chamber) [POLLY] It doesn't seem possible, does it? [RAMO] What? [POLLY] Well, look at him. He doesn't look very menacing now, does he? [RAMO] There is still evil in this man. It hangs over him like a shroud.You will pay dearly for your crimes, Zaroff. [ZAROFF] I know, I know. But before I die, priest, you must help me topray to your god for atonement. [RAMO] Why should I help you? [ZAROFF] Have pity on me. At least help me stand at your side so I mayfeel the aura of your goodness. [POLLY] I think you should. He does look very ill. [RAMO] It's more than you deserve, Zaroff. But for the blessing of AmdoI will grant you this last request. [ZAROFF] And now, meddling priest, this is the end of you. [POLLY] Don't! Stop it! [ZAROFF] You will come with me. --------------------------------------- (Temple of Amdo) [BEN] Who'd have thought it would take that long. [JAMIE] Let's get started. [BEN] Yeah, quick. [DOCTOR] Just a minute, I've had a thought. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Jamie, you'd better watch Zaroff. [JAMIE] Why? [DOCTOR] Well, we need a guide, and only Ramo knows all the passages. [JAMIE] Oh, if you say so, Doctor. [JAMIE] Doctor, look! [RAMO] Zaroff. [DOCTOR] Come on. Come on. [BEN] Is he? [DOCTOR] Yes. [BEN] Zaroff was having us on. [JAMIE] Polly's gone. [DOCTOR] Zaroff's taken her as a hostage. [BEN] Well, let's go! [DOCTOR] No, Ben. Jamie, you go after Polly. Only watch out. Zaroff's adesperate man. [JAMIE] Right. [DOCTOR] Ben, you and I have other fish to fry. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [POLLY] Oh, wait. I can't go on any more. [ZAROFF] You will go on if I have to drag you. Wait. Did you hearanything? [POLLY] No, nothing. [ZAROFF] Come on. [POLLY] No. [ZAROFF] Do you want the same treatment as the priest? [POLLY] No. [ZAROFF] Come. [JAMIE] Polly? [ZAROFF] Wait. Come back here. Come back, I warn you. [ZAROFF] Ah! [POLLY] Jamie! [ZAROFF] Go back. Go back. [JAMIE] He's away. [POLLY] Jamie, quickly, we've got to go and warn the Doctor. [JAMIE] Aye, the Doctor's going to find a heap of trouble if Zaroff getsback there first. [JACKO] How do we find the laboratory? [POLLY] Ara, she's the only one we know who knows the way. Now you goback to the temple and we'll go and find her. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [DAMON] The slaves are in revolt. They've cut offall food supplies. [THOUS] I cannot understand it. Why do they act like this when the hourof triumph is at hand? [DAMON] They're just slaves, what can you expect? [THOUS] Where is Zaroff? He should be here to attend to this. [DAMON] Disappeared. [THOUS] Disappeared? He can't have. Go and look for him. [DAMON] There is no time, Excellency. You must take control now. [THOUS] So be it. I cannot let my people starve. Bring them before methat I may hear their demands. [DAMON] Yes, great Thous, I will tell them. [THOUS] All-wise, all-seeing Amdo, help me now. [THOUS] Zaroff! Where have you been? We've been looking for you. Theworkers are in revolt. [ZAROFF] My guards will restore order. [THOUS] They are simple people. I'm sure they will [ZAROFF] Those who resist will be killed. [THOUS] Killed? [ZAROFF] I have no time to waste. [THOUS] Zaroff, you are subject to me in all matters. I will not have mypeople [ZAROFF] Your people? Your people? They are my people now. I hold theirwhole world in my power. [THOUS] The Doctor was right about you. I order your project stopped atthis moment. Guards! Take Zaroff to the temple and hold him there. [ZAROFF] You're a fool. You're a fool! I'll send you to your belovedgoddess Amdo to discuss the future of the universe with her. [THOUS] I demand that you [ZAROFF] You? You demand? You demand? Well since your, since yourbeloved goddess has developed such an enchanting appetite for people,it is only fitting that the great Thous should offer himself. No, no, Ishall offer him. [ZAROFF] Kill those two men. Nothing in the world can stop me now! --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [BEN] Doctor, look at this! Someone's been having a right punch-up inhere. [DOCTOR] It's the governor. It's Thous. [BEN] Is he all right? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Doesn't seem to have hit anything vital. [BEN] Doesn't look too good, though. [DOCTOR] Neither would you with a bullet in you. [BEN] If we don't stop Zaroff soon, we'll all be for the chop. [DOCTOR] I know. Come on, we must get him to safety. [BEN] Well, then what? [DOCTOR] To the generating station. --------------------------------------- (Secret chamber) [JACKO] Are you sure the Doctor said we are to meethere? [ARA] He must come back soon. [SEAN] Well, if he's not back in five minutes we move on, okay? [JACKO] Oh, where to, if the whole world is going to blow up in a coupleof hours? [SEAN] You're a great comfort to have around, did anyone ever tell youthat? [ARA] Look out. [DOCTOR] Here we are. Careful. Anyone at home? [ARA] Oh, Doctor! Oh, what's wrong? [BEN] He's wounded, but don't worry, Ara, he'll be all right. [DOCTOR] Where's Polly and Jamie? [ARA] They've gone to Zaroff's laboratory. [DOCTOR] Why? [ARA] To look for you. I showed them which way to go and then they toldme to come back here and wait. [DOCTOR] We'll have to find them. Now, listen everyone. I have a plan. [SEAN] Good. [DOCTOR] It might even work. [SEAN] Well? [DOCTOR] Our one hope of stopping Zaroff is to flood all this lower partof Atlantis. [BEN] But that means in here. [DOCTOR] Yes. The temple, and Zaroff's laboratory. [SEAN] Yes, but will the water stop there? [DOCTOR] Don't know. We'll have to take that chance. [JACKO] Yeah, but the people here. [DOCTOR] They'll have to be warned and moved to a higher level. That'syour job and Sean's. [SEAN] And you? [DOCTOR] Ben and I will try and get into the generating station. We'llturn up the power on the reactor, break down the sea walls and floodthe laboratory. There's only one thing that's worrying me. [SEAN] What's that? [DOCTOR] Can we all swim? --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [MAN [OC]] Stabiliser station Z2 calling. Stabiliserstation Z2 calling. Routine check. [TECH] Control receiving. [MAN [OC]] Stabilisers normal. Nothing to report. [TECH] Thank you, station Z-2, report again at zero minus five. [MAN [OC]] Will do. [TECH] That's in another ten minutes. [MAN 2 [OC]] Priority, priority. Reactor station Z3 calling. Reactorstation Z3 calling. [ZAROFF] Zaroff here. [MAN 2 [OC]] Reading maximum. Gauges four, five and six steady. Gaugethree fluctuating and unpredictable. [ZAROFF] Bring in the reserve. [MAN 2 [OC]] The reserve? But if that fails. [ZAROFF] That is an order! Report back if the fault continues. [MAN2 [OC]] Yes, Professor. [ZAROFF] Nothing can go wrong now. Nothing must go wrong. [MAN 3 [OC]] Emergency, power network control. [ZAROFF] Zaroff here, what's the problem? [MAN 3 [OC]] Station eleven is no longer operating, the workers havedeserted. [ZAROFF] Deserted? What's the matter with them? Where are they? [MAN 3 [OC]] They're out looking for food. [ZAROFF] Why? [MAN 3 [OC]] The food supplies have not arrived and there's a rumourthat we're facing starvation. They've all panicked. [ZAROFF] And no reserves? [MAN 3 [OC]] That's right. [ZAROFF] Get them back at once. Send the guards after them. [MAN 3 [OC]] I've had to bring the guards into the plant to prevent acomplete breakdown. [ZAROFF] Well, do the best you can. I get more men to you within thehour. Blast! Blast! Blast! --------------------------------------- (Outside the generating station) [BEN] A guard! How are we going to get past him? [DOCTOR] We'll walk past him. [BEN] What, in those trousers? [DOCTOR] Oh, you think I look a bit conspicuous, do you? [BEN] A bit, yeah. [DOCTOR] Maybe you're right. I know. You're a guard, and I'm a prisoner,right? [BEN] Right! [DOCTOR] Now don't make a mess of it, there's a good chap. [GUARD] Halt! [BEN] Prisoner and escort for Professor Zaroff. [GUARD] Password? [BEN] Ay? [GUARD] Password? [BEN] Yeah, well, look it's all right for you giving me the old chat,mate, but I know nothing about passwords. I've been out chasing thisburke all day. [GUARD] Professor Zaroff's not here anyway. [BEN] Well, I know that. My orders was to bring him here and wait. [GUARD] That's all very well. How do I know he's a wanted man? [BEN] Well, blimey, look at him. He ain't normal, is he? [GUARD] Yes, I see what you mean. All right. [DOCTOR] You don't know the password either! [GUARD] It's Oscar. Get him out of here! [BEN] Go on, get out! Thanks, mate. [DOCTOR] Very well done, Ben, very well done. I'm not quite sure aboutthat not being normal bit, but very well done. I couldn't have donebetter myself. [BEN] Thanks. [GUARD 2] Halt. Give the password. [BEN] Oscar. [GUARD] Pass, Oscar. [DOCTOR] Come on, now. We've got little time. --------------------------------------- (Power station) [BEN] What now? [DOCTOR] Cut those cables. [BEN] Do you know what you're doing? [DOCTOR] Oh, what a question. Of course I don't! There's no rule againsttrying, is there? There. Now, Zaroff's laboratory. He should be feelingthe effects of this little lot any time now. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [JAMIE] There's a gap through here. [POLLY] Oh, Jamie, I think we're lost. Are you sure this is the way Aratold us to come? [JAMIE] Aye. All the tunnels look alike, though. [POLLY] No, listen. We must be somewhere below Zaroff's power source. [JAMIE] Aye, it's like the beating of the Devil's heart. [POLLY] You're not far wrong. We'd better keep going. The laboratorycan't be far away. [JAMIE] Aye, but which way? --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [ZAROFF] That reading must be wrong, you idiot. I'llcheck it myself. No, that's not possible. Come here. Look at thatreading. That's all we need now, radiation leak. Where the Devil is itcoming from? --------------------------------------- (Tunnel ledge) [JAMIE] I told you, don't look down. [POLLY] But Jamie, look. The wall down there. It's glowing. [JAMIE] What is it? [POLLY] It could be radiation. [JAMIE] Well, what's that then? [POLLY] Radiation? Well, it's. Oh, it's too difficult to explain. Thewalls are beginningto crumble. It's all that vibration. [JAMIE] Let's see, the sea's on the other side of that wall. Now if thatgives way. [POLLY] Yes. [JAMIE] There must be way up to higher ground. [POLLY] Must get breath. [JAMIE] Lucky it's uphill. Take more time for the water to reach us. [POLLY] What's that? [JAMIE] It's given way. The sea's breaking through! --------------------------------------- (Another tunnel) [SEAN] Will you listen to that. [JACKO] What is it? [SEAN] How would I know, but it certainly isn't closing time at BettyMurphy's pub. It can be only one thing. It's the Doctor, of course.He's started to flood Atlantis. The sea's breaking in. [THOUS] To raise Atlantis from the sea was only the dream of a madmanafter all. [ARA] Rest. Don't speak. [JACKO] Aye, rest. [SEAN] And you best forget about all that now and look to the future.That is, if we're going to have any future. [SEAN] Well, personally speaking, not being a terribly good swimmermyself, I think I'll just start to make a move. [JACKO] Ah, we've got a visitor. [SEAN] Oh Damon, you got my warning then. [DAMON] My operating room. A life's work, washed away. [THOUS] Damon. [DAMON] Thous. [THOUS] We can start again, Damon. [SEAN] Look, if we don't hurry and get onto high ground above waterlevel, we're going to be turned into fish food. [DAMON] Yes, you're right. Quite so. I'll help. We've got a long way togo yet. [SEAN] Come on, Jacko, up. Gently now. That's it. [POLLY] Oh, no! It's a dead end. [JAMIE] Aye. [POLLY] Jamie, we must go back. We've got to warn the others. There mustbe another turning. [JAMIE] No, I kept an eye open for one on the way up. Besides, would youlisten to that water. [POLLY] We've got to get out of here somehow. [JAMIE] Do you see that? There's a draught. Right, that's what we'llfollow. I'll go first, and you stay close behind me. --------------------------------------- (Mountain cave) [DAMON] Artificial respiration. Your wound? [THOUS] A little better. How is my poor country? [DAMON] The water has already flooded the lower parts of the city. [THOUS] The great enemy, which we held at bay for so many centuries, theever-lasting nightmare is here at last. [DAMON] Rescue parties are being organised. All passages have beenblocked except the main shaft. We're keeping that open till the last togive the stragglers a chance. [THOUS] What of Lolem the priest? [DAMON] Well, last seen he was going towards the temple to seek aid fromAmdo. [THOUS] He is lost then. [SEAN] We may still find them. Are you all right there? [DAMON] You look after yourself. [SEAN] Oh, hey Jacko? Any luck? [JACKO] What do you expect? They must have all been drowned. [SEAN] Ah, well. Probably a better death than the one that's in storefor us when Zaroff lets off his explosion. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [ZAROFF] No one, I repeat, no one will leave hisplace. Everything goes according to schedule, except that the time ofthe big detonation has been advanced. The whole project will beactivated from this control point. That is all until zero minus five. [ZAROFF] Now we must connect you. [DOCTOR] Good day to you. I hope I'm not too late. [ZAROFF] There is the man who has been trying to sabotage all our plans.Make sure he doesn't leave us now. [DOCTOR] Oh, how very nice of you, but I'm afraid I've interruptedsomething important, haven't I? Oh, yes, I can see that I have. Youwere on the point of exploding your firecracker, weren't you? [DOCTOR] I hope you've let these gentlemen into your big secret. [ZAROFF] They share everything with me. [DOCTOR] Naturally. They can't help themselves, can they? They must bedevoted to you, to allow you to blow them all to pieces! [TECH] You what? What's he talking about, Professor? [DOCTOR] Oh, have I dropped a brick? Oh, I seem to have shaken some ofthem. Zaroff, I think you ought to know the sea has broken through andis about to overwhelm us here. [ZAROFF] Don't listen to him. The man lies. [DOCTOR] Then perhaps the distant roaring that we can hear is just thegoddess Amdo with the indigestion? [TECH] He's right. Come on! [ZAROFF] Don't be alarmed. Don't be fooled. Ah, they're cowards,traitors. But it doesn't matter. [DOCTOR] Time is running out, Zaroff. Hadn't you better call it a day? [ZAROFF] You cannot beat me, Doctor. [ZAROFF] You see, I have anticipated every situation. There was always apossibility that someone would try to keep me from my ultimate momentof triumph. Now no one can get through this, and all the controls areon this side. Now all I must do is press the plunger when the needle ofthat dial is over the thousand mark. Simple, no? I tell you, so thatyou may share the last, great experiment of Zaroff! [BEN] He's off his rocker. [DOCTOR] I know. I've got to get him out of there. Come over here. I'vegot an idea. [ZAROFF] Don't go away, Doctor. You will die just the same. You might aswell stay and watch me. [JAMIE] Hold the candle. Oh, would you be careful? [POLLY] Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. [JAMIE] Right. [POLLY] Any luck? [JAMIE] Aye, there's a wee hole down there. I can't see where it leadsto though. But if you're willing to take a chance? [POLLY] Do we have a choice? [POLLY] Only just in time. [JAMIE] Aye, we're not out of the woods yet. --------------------------------------- (Zaroff's laboratory) [BEN] Doctor, I've got to go. The water's nearlyhere. [ZAROFF] I see you have your deserters, too, Doctor. That leaves justyou and me. [DOCTOR] All right, Ben. [BEN] Goodbye. [ZAROFF] Young fool. I will press the plunger long before the water getshere. The result will be the same. [DOCTOR] I know. But it's much more exciting in the dark. [ZAROFF] Doctor, you are a comedian. [ZAROFF] You see. Keep very still, Doctor. We have an emergency systemhere. You have solved nothing. Now unfortunately I have to tie you up.Turn around. [ZAROFF] No! No! You cannot do this to me! [ZAROFF] No! No! No! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [BEN] Doctor, hurry. Now what's the matter? [DOCTOR] Ben, I've been thinking. I can't leave Zaroff to drown downthere. I'm going back for him. [BEN] But why on Earth? We've got to get out of here quick or we'll becut off! [DOCTOR] But we can't leave him there. [BEN] Look, you're coming with me. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel cave) [POLLY] Oh, it's no use, Jamie, I'll never make it. [JAMIE] Course you can. One wee slope and we're away. [POLLY] And another and another and another. It's no use, I won't,Jamie. [JAMIE] Come on. [POLLY] No, no, I can't, Jamie, I can't. I can't. I can't. [JAMIE] Polly! Polly! Come on. I'll help you. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Zaroff. He's cut off. [BEN] Zaroff? Who cares about him? That means the others must be, too.Well, are they? [DOCTOR] Well, how do I know? All we can do is to go on going up. Comeon. [DOCTOR] Nearly there. Of course, if you will lie down and sleep. [BEN] Who said anything about lying down? --------------------------------------- (Cave) [JAMIE] Come on. Come on. Fresh air. [POLLY] Oh, we made it. Ben and the Doctor? [JAMIE] I'm thinking he wouldn't have stood much of a chance back there.They may have. --------------------------------------- (Mountain cave) [DAMON] Any sign of the Doctor? [ARA] No. He must have died saving us. [THOUS] We'll raise a stone to him in the temple. [DAMON] No. No more temples. It was temples and priests and superstitionthat made us follow Zaroff in the first place. When the water's foundit's own level, the temple will be buried forever. We shall neverreturn to it. But we will have enough left to build a new Atlantis,without gods and without fish people. [THOUS] Yes. That shall be his memorial. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [BEN] Doctor, what about Polly? --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [POLLY] I can't see anyone. [JAMIE] Whist. [DOCTOR] Boo! [JAMIE] You! [DOCTOR] Me? [JAMIE] We thought you were dead. [DOCTOR] Us? Polly, good to see you. Come on, you two. [SEAN] Oh, no. I can't believe it. [JACKO] What? [SEAN] A flaming English police box. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Right. Off we go into the wide blue yonder,as someone was once heard to remark. [POLLY] Hooray. [BEN] Yeah, I'm not sorry to be out of that place. Phwoar, Jamie, youdon't half stink of fish! [JAMIE] Oh, you want to take a wee sniff of yourself, Benjamin. He's notexactly a bonnie bunch of heather. [DOCTOR] You sound very happy, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh aye, Doctor, I am now. You know I never thought I'd say this,but, well it's great. [POLLY] What is? [JAMIE] All this. I'll never know what makes it go, mind you, but, well,at least I feel safe in here. It's only the wee things outside thatare, well, alarming. [DOCTOR] He's got a point there. [BEN] Yeah, you can say that again. [JAMIE] Is it a fact, though, Doctor? You can't exactly control theTardis? [DOCTOR] Control it? Of course I can control it. [JAMIE] No, no, what I meant was, can you not exactly make it go whereyou mean it to? [DOCTOR] If I wanted to. It's just that I've never wanted to. [BEN] Oh, yeah, I bet. [DOCTOR] Right, just for that, I'll show you. Now, where shall we go? Iknow, let's go to Mars. [POLLY] Doctor, what's happening? [BEN] Doctor, can't you do something? [DOCTOR] Do something? I seem to have done something. It's all yourfault, wanting me to tamper with the steering. I'm very sorry,everybody, but I'm afraid the Tardis is out of control!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Underwater Menace"}
Doctor Who (11 Feb, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Moonbase (Tardis) [JAMIE] What's he done? [BEN] Doctor, do something! [DOCTOR] I'm trying to! [JAMIE] We're not going to make it. [DOCTOR] I have it back in control again. [BEN] Here, we're landing. Look. Coming at a fair rate. [JAMIE] Oh, thank the Lord for that. You know, Doctor, I'll never askyou to do that again. [DOCTOR] Huh? Oh, no. There must have been a reason for that. [POLLY] Anyway, Doctor, you've done it. It's Mars. It must be. You'relanding the Tardis exactly where you said you would. [BEN] Hey, wait a mo! This don't look like Mars to me. [POLLY] How would you know? You never seen it. [BEN] No, Duchess, but I have seen pictures of the moon's surface andthat's what this looks like. [JAMIE] That's the moon? [POLLY] Doctor, is it the moon? [BEN] Oh, well, you weren't too far out, were you? Only about twohundred million miles. [DOCTOR] All right, let's move on. While we can. [POLLY] Now wait a minute! [BEN] What? [POLLY] You don't expect to land us on the moon and let us fly off justlike that, do you? [BEN] Yeah, at least let us have a look around! [JAMIE] That picture canna be the moon. The moon's way up in the sky. [DOCTOR] Where do you think you're going? [BEN] You're not going to tell us there's no shore leave. [POLLY] Ah, please, Doctor. The Tardis isn't out of control or anythingis it? [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no. It was just a bumpy landing, that's all. [BEN] Yeah? [DOCTOR] Well, if you must go ashore, only half an hour. [BEN] Right. [POLLY] Super. [DOCTOR] You can't go ashore like that! You need space suits. There's noatmosphere out there. Come on, there's some in the chest. [JAMIE] We'll maybe meet the old man in the moon. [BEN] You won't meet nobody mate if you don't get some gear on. [JAMIE] What? Oh aye. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [DOCTOR] Come on now, let's go over here. [POLLY] Hey, look at this. [DOCTOR] It's deserted. [JAMIE] I don't think I like it. [POLLY] Look, over there. [JAMIE] I'll don't see anything. [BEN] What did you see? [POLLY] Some sort of great glow in the sky. [BEN] It's probably your eyes getting used to the lunar light, hey,Doctor? [DOCTOR] Possibly. [POLLY] What do we need these great clogs for? [DOCTOR] Try a little jump. [POLLY] All right. [DOCTOR] Careful! One tear in that space suit and you'll suffocate. [POLLY] You never told me you'd taken ballet lessons, Ben. [POLLY] Come on, it's easy. [BEN] Look out, here I come. [POLLY] Where's he gone? [BEN] Over there. [POLLY] What on Earth? Look! [BEN] Blimey! What is it? [POLLY] Doctor, what is it? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [POLLY] Hey, I can see Jamie. There he is. [BEN] Hey, there's somebody coming out. [DOCTOR] Come on, let's go. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] (2nd in command, French) What on Earth is it? [HOBSON] (base commander) I don't know. Get him along to the Medicalunit. [BENOIT] But Doctor Evans has gone down with it as well. [HOBSON] Yes, I know that but the relief Doctor from Earth should behere on the next shuttle rocket. [BENOIT] Yes, yes, of course. Bob, give me a hand, will you? [BOB] Yes, right. [HOBSON] And Jules, you take over. Come on, it won't bite you. Theremust be some source to this infection. Look, we'd better get the ladsin here and tell them what's happening. Get them on the blower, wouldyou, Nils? [NILS] (the number 3, Danish) Okay, Hobby. (into intercom) Nilsspeaking. We, er, we've got a bit of a flap on up here. --------------------------------------- (Reception room) [NILS [OC]] Mister Hobson wants a word with you allin weather control room. Quick as you can. [HOBSON] Hello. Where did you lot spring from? Don't tell me the shuttlerocket's arrived already? [DOCTOR] No, it hasn't. [SAM] There was another one with them, sir. Bob's taken him along to theMedical unit. He's all right. He's just knocked himself out orsomething. [HOBSON] Oh no, if we haven't got enough troubles already. Have theybeen through the sterile room? [SAM] Yes, Hobby. [DOCTOR] We don't want to cause you any trouble. Just let us collect ouryoung friend and we'll be off. [HOBSON] Hey, not so fast. [POLLY] Please, let me go and see Jamie. [BENOIT] I will take you there, mademoiselle, if you come with me. [HOBSON] All right, young lady. You can carry on. [BENOIT] This way. [HOBSON] But I'd just like to have a word with you two. You could dowith a extra bacteria check by the look of it. [DOCTOR] Bacteria check? [HOBSON] That's what I said. [BEN] Well, thanks. [DOCTOR] I'll have you know our Tardis is as sterile as [HOBSON] Tardis? [DOCTOR] Our space craft. [NILS] They're all here, sir. Any time you're ready. [HOBSON] Right. Well, we'll learn about your spacecraft a little later.Meanwhile, you'd better come along with me, meet my team and listen towhat I have to say. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Well, you know what this place is? [DOCTOR] Well, it looks like some sort of weather control centre? Ah,yes. And that's the thing with which you control the weather. That'sthe culprit, then. [BEN] Ay? [DOCTOR] That's what gave us such a bumpy landing. Some sort of gravitydevice? [HOBSON] Some sort of gravity device. You are from Earth, aren't you? [DOCTOR] Yes. [HOBSON] Well, where've you been for the past 20 years. Every school kidknows about the Gravitron in there. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes. It must be about the year 2050, Ben. [HOBSON] We've got a proper Rip Van Winkle here. It's 2070, in caseyou'd like to know. [DOCTOR] There you are. I was only twenty years out. [HOBSON] Well, before we all forget what century we're in, I'd bettertell you why I've called you here. [DOCTOR] Won't you introduce us first? I am a Doctor. [HOBSON] A Doctor? You're arrived just in time. We need your help. [DOCTOR] Ah. Do you? [HOBSON] I'll see you in a moment. Now, this virus [DOCTOR] Well, I may be able to help you if you'll introduce us. [HOBSON] Right, Doctor. You'd better meet them all. We're all scientistshere, you see. No room for idle hands, I see to that. Roger Benoit,beside you there, is my assistant. He takes over as Chief Scientist ifanything happens to me. He's a physicist like me and Joe Benson there.Nils, our mad Dane, is an astronomer and mathematician as is Charliehere. Ralph, Jules and Franz are geologists. When they're not acting ascooks, looks-outs, general and, you know, handymen. [DOCTOR] And this is where you control the Earth's weather? I see. [BENOIT] The gravitron there controls the tides, the tides controls theweather. And from this console here we plot it all on that map. Simple,eh? [BEN] Oh, yeah, very simple. Wish we'd had all this back in 1966. [DOCTOR] Was it a bad year then? [BEN] What's that? What's happened? [HOBSON] It's Jim. Quick, Franz, take over here. [BENOIT] Indicator Five over the Pacific is starting to move. [BEN] What does that mean? [DOCTOR] Some form of change in the weather. [HOBSON] We're soon hear from Earth what it means. [NILS] Here it comes! [CONTROL [OC]] International Space Control Headquarters Earth callingWeather Control Moon. Come in please. [NILS] Moonport standing by. [CONTROL [OC]] Earth calling Weather Control Moon. Come in please. [NILS] Moonport standing by. [HOBSON] Hobson here. [CONTROL [OC]] What's happening up there? The hurricane you were guidingis now 45 degrees off course. It's threatening Hawaii. [HOBSON] One of my men was taken ill. We're operational again now. [CONTROL [OC]] The controller would like to know the cause of theillness. [HOBSON] Yes, so would we. We've now got three men down with thismystery virus in the past few hours, including the doctor. [CONTROL [OC]] One moment please. Stand by for further instructions. [HOBSON] Just hang on another couple of minutes, lads. We'd better hearwhat the great Mister Rinberg has to say. [NILS] Hobby? [HOBSON] Yes. [NILS] There it is again. I'll play it back to you. [HOBSON [OC]] Yes, so would we. We've now got three men down with thismystery virus in the past few hours, including the Doctor. [CONTROL [OC]] One moment please. Stand by for further instructions. [NILS] Hear the big noise ratio on that re-run? We're being monitoredagain. [HOBSON] Monitored? [NILS] Someone, not too far away from the base, is listening to everyword we say. [CONTROL [OC]] Moonbase, Moonbase. Come in, Moonbase. [HOBSON] Still standing by. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [HOBSON [OC]] Well? [CONTROL [OC]] Your instructions are to send blood samples back to Earthfor investigation. [HOBSON [OC]] Well, when can we do that? The next shuttle rocket's notfor another month. [CONTROL [OC]] Then they must be put on that rocket. In the meantime theMoonbase is to be put in quarantine. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Quarantine? What if these men aren't fitenough to get back to work. I shall need replacements. [CONTROL [OC]] If you radio information about this virus, we'll do ourbest to identify it and suggest treatment. [HOBSON] I demand to speak to Rinberg. --------------------------------------- (Space ship) [CONTROL [OC]] The controller is busy. I'm sorry.Over and out. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [NILS] That whole conversion was monitored bysomeone or something. [HOBSON] Oh, never mind about that now. That Rinberg fellow just won'ttalk to you. How can we trace down this mystery illness with the doctorhimself down with it. [DOCTOR] We'd better get out of these things and see how Jamie is.Perhaps I could be of help in the sick bay now. [HOBSON] Anything you can do. Bob! [BOB] Yes, Mister Hobson? [HOBSON] Show him to the Medical unit, will you? [BOB] Yes, of course, sir. Will you come this way, please. [DOCTOR] Yes. Thank you. [HOBSON] Well, you all heard the position. We don't know what thisinfection is or how it got into the base, but I want you all to takeextra precautions while this emergency is on. We may be short-handedfor quite a while. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [POLLY] Is this how it goes, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Then this unit automatically controls thepulse, the temperature and the breathing. [POLLY] A sort of electronic doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. Almost got striped trousers. [BEN] And it even gives him medicines too? [DOCTOR] Yes, it will do very nearly everything. [POLLY] It can't be nice to him. Oh dear. How do you think he is,Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, he's not too bad. He's a bit concussed and feverish, buthe'll be all right with rest. [JAMIE] The Piper. The McCrimmon Piper. Don't let him get me! [DOCTOR] Piper? [POLLY] Some legend of his clan. As far as I can make out, this piperappears to a McCrimmon just before he dies. [DOCTOR] Has this phantom piper appeared to Jamie yet? [POLLY] You don't believe it, do you? [DOCTOR] No, but he does. It's important to him. [POLLY] He keeps asking us to keep the piper away from him. [DOCTOR] Good. Well, we'll see whether we can do just that. [BEN] Well, carry on, nurse. [POLLY] Well, at least I tried to help. With a ward full of sick men andno doctor, somebody's got to do something. [POLLY] I wonder who this is? [DOCTOR] Don't get too near, Polly. Have a look on his chart. [POLLY] Yes, that's a good idea. [BEN] It's Doctor Evans. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. The station doctor. He was the first one to get it. [POLLY] He looks one of the worst. [DOCTOR] There's something about this epidemic that I don't quiteunderstand. It's not like a real disease at all. It's almost as if [BEN] Not real? What more do you want? [DOCTOR] I don't know. But there are certain signs and symptoms whichdon't add up. Ben, I want you to go along to the control room and keepan eye on things. [BEN] Well, how? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Give a hand, do anything, but keep your eyes andears open. [BEN] Right. [DOCTOR] There's something very wrong here. Very wrong indeed. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] Still up, Hobby? Why not take a rest. Go and get some sleep. [HOBSON] How can I rest with that thing up the spout. You know the scoreas well as I do. Five units off centre we lift half London into space.Five more and the Atlantic water level goes up three feet. Rinberg justdoesn't understand the pressure we're under. Hey, you! What do youthinking you're doing skulking there? [BEN] Well, I was just wondering if I can help, sir. [HOBSON] Help? How could you help? [BENOIT] We could do with an extra pair of hands. He can help me. [HOBSON] Well, keep him away from me, that's all. All right, I'll go andlie down. Call me if anything happens. [BENOIT] Yes, of course. [HOBSON] Oh, by the way. There were two more of those momentary drops inair pressure while I was on. I've put them in the log. [BENOIT] Right. [BENOIT] Well, there are some coffee cups to clear away if you wish tobe helpful. And er, oh er, Ralph, that is, no. 14, needs a hand down inthe food store. Can you find your way there? [BEN] Yeah, I'll find it. [BENOIT] Good boy. --------------------------------------- (Food store) [RALPH] (american) Anyone would think we've got rats up here. [RALPH] Who's that? Who is it? [BEN] It's only me, mate. [RALPH] Oh, for heaven's sake. Don't go sneaking around like that. [BEN] Blimey, you lot aren't half edgy. [RALPH] You will be too, mate, if you've been up here long enough. Say,are you responsible for the broken bags here. [BEN] Come off it. I've only just arrived, haven't I? [RALPH] Okay. See and you can find that light. Round the back there,most likely. [BEN] Okay. [RALPH] Let's see. We still need some more milk and sugar. [BEN] Number 14? Ralph? Where are you? Scarpered. Funny bloke. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [POLLY] What's that? [DOCTOR] Shh. It's all right, Polly, it's only me. We don't want to wakeeverybody up, do we? You look as though you could do with some sleepyourself. [POLLY] I'm all right. What have you got there? [DOCTOR] Oh, I've been doing a little investigation. [POLLY] A piece of silver paper. What is it? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [POLLY] What's happened? [DOCTOR] Oh, it's nothing. It probably just a changeover in the timecycle. [POLLY] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Oh well, you see, it's rather interesting really. You see, onthe moon they have a fortnight of days and a fortnight of nights. [POLLY] Well? [DOCTOR] Well, it's obvious, isn't it? They have to make their own dayand night artificially up here, or it would upset their wholebiological time clock. [POLLY] Their what? [DOCTOR] They won't know whether they were coming or going. Get it? [POLLY] Yes. [DOCTOR] Clever girl. QED. That's why it's dark up here. [POLLY] Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, of course. How stupid of me. [DOCTOR] Of course along at the control centre it's probably broaddaylight. Polly, you wouldn't be making fun of me, would you? [POLLY] No. [POLLY] Doctor Evans! [EVANS] The hand. No, don't touch me. No. The silver hand. (scream) [POLLY] Doctor, is he? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid he is. [POLLY] What are we going to do? [DOCTOR] What did he mean by the silver hand? I'd better report this toMister Hobson. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Can't find him? Ralph? [BEN] Well, I was helping him load some stores and he just disappeared. [HOBSON] What, in this place? Well, there are only nineteen of us. [DOCTOR] Have you tried his quarters? [BEN] Yeah. [HOBSON] Why didn't you report this to me? [BEN] Well, I'm just telling you now, aren't I? [HOBSON] Now what is the matter? [DOCTOR] I'm very sorry. It's Doctor Evans. [HOBSON] Well? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid he's dead. [HOBSON] Dead? No. [BENOIT] This must be reported at once. [HOBSON] Yes, yes. No! No, we haven't got enough data yet. You know whatthey're like down there. I'll come to the sick bay with you. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [POLLY] Here. Gently, Jamie. [POLLY] Jamie! [HOBSON] What the matter? [POLLY] Something just went out of that door! [HOBSON] Nils! John! [DOCTOR] What was it? [NILS] Nothing. Nothing there. [HOBSON] Your nerves are getting the better of you. Where's Evans' body? [POLLY] Over there. [HOBSON] All right, let's get it over. [HOBSON] Is this someone's idea of a particularly bad joke? [DOCTOR] This is no joke, believe me! [BENOIT] Mister Hobson, Mister Hobson, you are wanted! Another man'scollapsed at the controls. The Gravitron has gone off alignment again. [HOBSON] Come on! And you'd better find that doctor's body or out youall go, quarantine or no quarantine. [POLLY] I don't understand what could have happened. I must have dozedoff or something. One thing I am sure of. Something went out of thatdoor just as you came in. [DOCTOR] That body can't just have vanished. Polly, I'm going to leaveyou alone, now just for a minute. [POLLY] All right. [JAMIE] Water. Water. [POLLY] I'll go and get you some. [JAMIE] Water. [JAMIE] It's you. The phantom piper! --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [JAMIE] No! No, I'll not go with you. Do you hear me, piper? No, leaveme. Leave me, I'll not go with you, do you hear me? Leave me. No, I'llnot go with you. [JAMIE] I'll fight you every inch of the way. I'll not go with ya. No.No. [JAMIE] Leave me, piper. No, leave me, I'll not go. [DOCTOR] Polly! Polly, what's happened? [POLLY] Oh, Doctor! Doctor, it was horrible. A great creature like a,like a Cyberman. [DOCTOR] It's all right. Don't be frightened. Whatever it was, it's allgone now. [POLLY] Yes, but Doctor, the Cyberman was carrying one of the patientsout! [DOCTOR] Cyberman? [HOBSON] Cyberman? What are you talking about? [POLLY] I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was! [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [JAMIE] I'll not go with you! [BEN] All right, mate. You're safe now. Take it easy. [POLLY] Yes it did, I promise you. [HOBSON] She's right. There's another one gone. Sam, Jules, you've gotto find these men. They can't just disappear in a place this size.Search every square inch, don't come back until you've found them. Nowmove. [HOBSON] Now, supposing you tell me your story. What did you see? [POLLY] Well, I went out to get Jamie some water and when I came back Isaw this giant man or creature or something just going out of the doorcarrying one of the patients like a doll. I think it was a Cyberman. [HOBSON] Forget the Cyberman part. Then what? [POLLY] Well, then nothing. The door shut and then you came in. [HOBSON] What do you know about all this? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Absolutely nothing. [HOBSON] We'll see about that in a minute. This thing you saw, what wasit like? [POLLY] It was enormous and silver, and it had holes in it's head foreyes, like a robot! [HOBSON] A robot? [BEN] But the Cybermen were all killed when Mondas blew up, weren'tthey? [HOBSON] Stop this Cyberman nonsense. There were Cybermen, every childknows that, but they were all destroyed ages ago. [DOCTOR] So we all thought. [HOBSON] That's enough. Now let's have a little calm thinking. For thepast two weeks a completely unknown disease has appeared in the base.People drop in their tracks, they develop this black pattern on theirskin. Then some of the patients disappear, right? Well, they can'tleave the base without wearing space suits, and there are no spacesuits missing, so where are they? [DOCTOR] I must say it does sound a little odd. [HOBSON] More than a little. Well I do know one thing. A new diseasestarts, people disappear and then you turn up. [POLLY] And you think we did it. [BEN] Oh, come off it, we haven't done a thing. [HOBSON] That's as maybe. I don't know who you are, what you are orwhere you comefrom. But you can get off the moon now. [BEN] Yeah, well that suits me fine. The sooner the better. [DOCTOR] No, Ben. We can't go yet. [BEN] Well, why not? They don't want us here. [DOCTOR] Because there is something evil here and we must stay. [HOBSON] Evil? Don't be daft. [DOCTOR] Evil is what I meant. There are some corners of the universewhich have bred the most terrible things. Things which act againsteverything that we believe in. They must be fought. This disease, forinstance. It isn't really a disease at all, but I can help you with it.You'll see. I'll find the cause for you. [HOBSON] Will you, indeed? [DOCTOR] Yes, certainly. I just need to examine a few things, that'sall. It should be simple. [HOBSON] Well, I'm not sure. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give youjust one Earth day cycle to find the cause. [BEN] Earth what? [HOBSON] Twenty four hours. [BEN] But that's no time at all. [HOBSON] It's all the time you're going to get. Then you get off themoon, complete with this bloke here. [POLLY] But you can't move him. He's very ill. [DOCTOR] We accept. Now tell me, you have pathological equipment here,yes? [HOBSON] Yes, Evans was working on an extensive research project. It'sall in here. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'll have a look in here. [HOBSON] It's quite a small unit. We're not equipped to deal with a fullscale epidemic, you understand. Do you think you can manage? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think I can. [HOBSON] Right. Well, I'll leave you to it. But don't forget, twentyfour hours. [BEN] What are you going to do, Doctor? [DOCTOR] We're going to start with this one. [POLLY] Listen, are you really a medical doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think I was once, Polly. I think I took a degree once inGlasgow. 1888 I think. Lister. Hold that for me, will you? [DOCTOR] It's all right. He's quite unconscious. [BEN] Well look, what can we do to help? [DOCTOR] I shall need to examine everything. Clothes, boots, food,towels, soap, everything. Will you get them for me, please? [POLLY] Have you any idea what it might be? [DOCTOR] No. Not an idea. But we'll find it out. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] I don't understand it. I'm sure there's alack of co-ordination somewhere. [BENOIT] Yes, but where? [HOBSON] On the indicators, look. It should be steady as a rock. [BENOIT] The fault must be in the gravitron. [HOBSON] Nils, here. [NILS] Yes Hobby? [HOBSON] I'm going to run a test. Move the probe and we'll see if theindicators move the right distance on the map. Okay? [NILS] Right. [HOBSON] Benoit, keep an eye on the probe itself, will you? [BENOIT] Okay. All yours, Bob. [BOB] Right. [HOBSON] Deflect probe five degrees, now. Way off. Five degrees shouldput them over Iceland. Move the probe back again. [NILS] Right. [BENOIT] The probe seems to deflect all right. [HOBSON] The fault must be here. This could be a major disaster if wecan't stabilise the Earth's field. [NILS] If we lose that hurricane, Mister Hobson, all hell will breakloose on the Earth. I've a wife and family. [HOBSON] Yeah, you're not the only one. Roger, check the potentiometers. [BENOIT] Right. [HOBSON] Nils, check the gravitation units. Shake it up. We haven't gotmuch time. [NILS] Field stabilising at 48, Mister Hobson. [HOBSON] Prepare to move probe. Check co-ordinates. We've got to holdthat hurricane in the Pacific. Stand by. Now. [BENOIT] Twenty degree tilt complete. [HOBSON] The field's not correcting. We'll have to increase the reactorpower. [BENOIT] You can't do that. The torus will burn out. [HOBSON] It's all we can do. [CONTROL [OC]] International Space Control. [R/T] Earth calling. [CONTROL [OC]] Earth calling Moon Weather Control. Stand by. Stand byfor the controller. [R/T] This is Moonbase. Come in please. [CONTROL [OC]] We wish to speak to Mister Hobson. [HOBSON] Hobson speaking. [CONTROL [OC]] Stand by for the Controller. [HOBSON] Right. He's actually going to speak to us this time. [RINBERG [OC]] Controller Rinberg speaking. Is that you, Hobson? [HOBSON] Yes, Rinberg. [RINBERG [OC]] The directional fields are showing a progressive error.Reports have come in of wide-spread pressure fluctuations in Atlanticzone 6. You must get the gravitron back into balance. [HOBSON] We're trying to compensate by re-aligning the probe. We have anerror in the servos. [RINBERG [OC]] Well, there's no sign of any improvement here. We've justhad a report from Miami, Florida. Thirty minutes ago they were enjoyingclear skies and a heat wave. Now Hurricane Lucy is right overhead. [BENOIT] There is only one thing to do. [HOBSON] What's that? [BENOIT] Shut it down. [HOBSON] What, switch the gravitron off?! [BENOIT] Yes, it's the only chance. [HOBSON] We can't do that, man. The collapse of the gravity woulddevastate half the globe. There'd be storms, whirlwinds, hurricanes. [RINBERG [OC]] I overheard your conversation. It's quite out of thequestion. You're not to shut down the gravitron under anycircumstances, and that's an order. I think perhaps you don'tappreciate how serious the situation already is. [HOBSON] I bet he gets a knighthood. [RINBERG [OC]] We spent years in a general assembly negotiating methodsof agreement between farmers and landowners and so on. Now theweather's out of control they're after our blood, and I must say Ican't blame them. You've got to get that thing under control, quickly.Now please get on with it. [CONTROL [OC]] Earth control, over and out. [HOBSON] Well, you're all in the picture. We've got trouble, badtrouble, we haven't got much time. We're going to run through everycircuit, every field pattern, every damn nut and bolt on Charlie boy inthere until he's running sweet and smooth. A full class A test, infact. Now you all know what to do so let's get on with it. [MEN] Okay, Chief. [HOBSON] Right, we'll start on the main tape programme. [BENOIT] Right. --------------------------------------- (Computer room) [NILS] It's running now. [HOBSON] Right, give me the analogue value on module 6, will you? [BENOIT] Will do. They look all right. A at 10 millivolts. B at 15millivolts, C at 26. That fits, doesn't it? [HOBSON] Yes, they're at normal levels. Roger, finish checking here,will you? The answer may be in the control panel. [BENOIT] Okay. I'll sing out the binary conversion values, you checkthem on read out, okay? [NILS] Right. [BENOIT] Right. [BENOIT] Channel one. [NILS] Jah. [BENOIT] Eight. [NILS] Right. [BENOIT] One. [NILS] Mm-hm. [BENOIT] Three. [NILS] Jah. [BENOIT] Four. [NILS] Jah. [BENOIT] Six. [NILS] Right. [BENOIT] Eight. [NILS] Right. [BENOIT] Twelve. [NILS] Jah. [BENOIT] Right? [NILS] Right. All spot on. [BENOIT] Right. [BENOIT] Eh là , qu'est-ce que vous fabriquez ici, imbécile d'idiot ! Vousn'avez rien d'autre à faire ? Vous croyez que nous sommes en train denous amuser ? Oh, come on. Get out of the way. [DOCTOR] Enchanté, Monsieur. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] Now, where were we? Ah, yes, the fluidservo pressures. I reckon this is probably where the fault is. [NILS] Er, do you want them all or just the main tank readings? [BENOIT] The main will do. [NILS] Right. Header one, 45 pounds. [BENOIT] Yes. [NILS] Header two, 47 [BENOIT] Yes. [NILS] Three, 42. [BENOIT] Yes. [NILS] Sine values equivalent. [BENOIT] They all fit. Nothing there. [NILS] It must be the potentiometer net, then. [BENOIT] Looks like it. Take us some time to do that. We'll need thedigital voltmeter. [NILS] Right, I'll get it. [HOBSON] What the blazes are you doing? [DOCTOR] I'm just collecting specimens. [HOBSON] Specimens? Oh, yes. Well, get on with it. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [BEN] We're nearly out of this interferon stuff. [POLLY] Oh. Well you'd better go and ask Mister Hobson where the restis. [BEN] Yeah, right. [POLLY] Shh. It's all right, Jamie, it's all right. You're going to getbetter but you must lie still. [JAMIE] Oh, what is this place? Is it the home of the piper? [POLLY] No, we're on the moon. You know, the moon, up in the sky. [JAMIE] Oh no, I can't be alive. I've just seen the piper. [JAMIE] The piper! I knew! [DOCTOR] Polly! What's happened? Polly. Are you all right? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Anything out on the probe's servos? [BENOIT] The error detectors show a slight discrepancy, in normallimits, though. [HOBSON] What about the overall feedback valve? We haven't checked that. [BENOIT] No, that's an idea. [HOBSON] You know, I don't think it's likely to be a mechanical fault. [JOE] Mister Hobson, an air pressure drop again. [HOBSON] Same as before? [JOE] Yes, just the same. Lasts about five seconds. [HOBSON] Something's odd. It's not the pumps, I'm sure of that. Hasanyone asked permission to leave the base? [JOE] No. As far as I know, the compression chamber's empty. [HOBSON] If I find anybody's been fooling about in there withoutpermission, I'll tear their hides off. --------------------------------------- (Store room) (Control room) [JOE] The pressure's up again now, sir. [HOBSON] Thank heaven for that. I'm going to check over the control loopmonitor. [BENOIT] Control loop monitor? Huh. I think you're wasting your time. [HOBSON] Nothing's a waste of time till we trace this fault, and don'tyou forget it! You saw what's happening on Earth. We can't afford tomiss anything. Now get on with it! [SAM] I think I've found something! [HOBSON] What is it? [SAM] One of the probe control antennae. [BENOIT] Well, what's the matter with it? [SAM] Well, according to these readings there are at least two pieces ofit missing. It's just not coordinating. [HOBSON] Missing? [BENOIT] Meteorites? [HOBSON] Could be. There could be a simpler explanation. Roger, when didthese people arrive here? [BENOIT] The end of period 11 in this present lunar day. [HOBSON] And when did the gravitron start playing up? [BENOIT] About the beginning of period 12. [HOBSON] Sam, when was the last time we had anyone outside? [SAM] During period 13. Two men went outside to realign one of the solarmirrors. [HOBSON] That's it. [BENOIT] I'm not quite with you. [HOBSON] Well, it's simple. Strangers arrive period 11, the gravitrongoes up the spout period 12. [BENOIT] I understand. But it can't [HOBSON] Come on. It's time we put that Doctor and his friend in coldstorage. Just a second. Get two men outside to look at the antennae,will you, Sam? [SAM] Okay. Right, Joe, nip along to the mess deck, tell Jules and FranzI want them here pretty sharpish. [JOE] Right. [HOBSON] Well, now what is it? [BEN] Another patient's gone, sir. [HOBSON] What? Come on! --------------------------------------- (Airlock) (Sickbay) [DOCTOR] Nothing. Absolutely nothing. [POLLY] Isn't there any clue at all? [DOCTOR] No. It's a complete blank. All the tests are negative. As faras I can see this whole ridiculous place is completely sterile. [POLLY] We'll have to go and tell Mister Hobson, I suppose. [DOCTOR] He's not going to like it very much. I simply don't understandit. [POLLY] Doctor, it wouldn't, I mean it couldn't possibly have anythingto do with Lister, could it? [DOCTOR] Lister? [POLLY] Well, I mean, you did say that you took your degree in Glasgowin 1888. It does seem an awful long time from now, 2070 or whatever itis. [DOCTOR] Polly, are you suggesting that I'm not competent to carry outthese tests? [POLLY] Oh, no. No, no, no, no. I was just wondering if there wasanything that Joseph Lister didn't know in 1888 that might possiblyhelp you now. [DOCTOR] Shh! Somebody's coming. It's Mister Hobson, out for blood.Ours. Look busy. Quick! [HOBSON] That's as might be, but that's the third person to disappear inthe past few hours. It's completely illogical. Single beds, no way toget out. [DOCTOR] Do you mind?! [HOBSON] What? [DOCTOR] Would you mind standing away from the door and allowing it toclose? The slides, the dust. [HOBSON] Okay. It must be you people. We've got some straight talking todo, you and I. [DOCTOR] Polly. [POLLY] Yes? [DOCTOR] Another boot. [POLLY] Right. [HOBSON] Do you hear me? [DOCTOR] This is extraordinary. [POLLY] Excuse me, please. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [HOBSON] Now look here. [DOCTOR] Excuse me, please. We are trying to help you, you know. [HOBSON] Help? Is that what you call it? You can all get off the moonnow. [POLLY] Now, wait a minute, you said [HOBSON] I don't care what I said. [DOCTOR] Ah! [HOBSON] Found something? [DOCTOR] I think perhaps I have. [HOBSON] Really? [DOCTOR] Yes, I may be onto something, but I must have some room. Howcan I work under these conditions? Now out, please! Come along,outside. I'm trying to work in here! Ben, see that they stay outside. [POLLY] Doctor, did you mean that? [DOCTOR] What? [POLLY] You've found something. [DOCTOR] Oh, Polly, I only wish I had. Why not make some coffee to keepthem all happy while I think of something? [POLLY] All right. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) (Outside Sickbay) [HOBSON] Here, Doctor. You've completed your examination? [DOCTOR] Yes, just about. [HOBSON] Turned the base upside down, poked into everything? [DOCTOR] Yes, clothes, boots, food. [HOBSON] And you've found? [DOCTOR] Absolutely nothing. [HOBSON] Just as I thought. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [HOBSON] So what I told you still stands. [DOCTOR] Ah, coffee. Splendid. Thank you, Polly. I think we could all dowith a cup. [HOBSON] Benoit, you'd better go outside and see how Jules and Franz aregetting on. [BENOIT] Right. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) (Outside Sickbay) [POLLY] Coffee? [HOBSON] Well, Doctor. [POLLY] Sugar? [HOBSON] Oh, thank you. [POLLY] It's very hot. Doctor, what about you? [DOCTOR] Thank you, Polly. [HOBSON] Well, Doctor, as I was saying, you've had your chance andyou've come up with absolutely nothing. Now I want [DOCTOR] Don't touch him! Let me look. [HOBSON] Here, Charlie and you, what's your name, Ben, give us a hand toget him into the medical unit. [DOCTOR] Try not to touch his skin. [DOCTOR] Don't drink that! [HOBSON] What the hell? [DOCTOR] It's the sugar! Don't you see? That's why the disease doesn'taffect everyone. It's the sugar. Not everyone takes it. No, don't touchit. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [HOBSON] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Just be patient. Just as I thought. A large neurotropic virus. [HOBSON] What, like the space plague? [DOCTOR] No. It's a large, infective agent that only attacks the nerves.That's why the patients have got these lines on their faces and theirhands. It follows the course of the nerves under the skin. [HOBSON] That's all very well, but how did it get in here? [DOCTOR] Oh, it is the Cybermen. I believe they have deliberatelyinfected the base. [HOBSON] My men have searched every square inch of the base. There's nospace to hide a cat, let alone a Cyberman! Anyhow, how did they get in? [DOCTOR] One moment. [HOBSON] What is it? [DOCTOR] You say you searched all the base? [HOBSON] Yes. What of it? [DOCTOR] Every nook and cranny? [HOBSON] Yes. [DOCTOR] No chance of anyone hiding anywhere? [HOBSON] None whatever. [DOCTOR] Did your men search in here? [HOBSON] Well [DOCTOR] Did they? [HOBSON] Well, there were always people in here, so they probably [DOCTOR] Did they search in here? [HOBSON] No! [POLLY] But there's nowhere in here they could hide. [POLLY] Oh, no. No, no, no. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Back. [CYBERMAN 1] Stand back. Stand back from that door. [HOBSON] You're right. It is them. [HOBSON] Quick! Get out of here! [DOCTOR] No! [CYBERMAN 1] Remain still. [HOBSON] You devils. You killed him! An unarmed man. [CYBERMAN 1] Get up. See that they remain there. [CYBERMAN 2] Yes. [CYBERMAN 1] Operational system two now complete. Operational system twonow complete. --------------------------------------- (Space ship) [CYBERMAN 1 [OC]] Ready to start Operational systemthree [CYBERMAN 3] Understood. Operational system three will now begin. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [CYBERMAN 1] You are known to us. [DOCTOR] And you to me. [CYBERMAN 1] Silence. Who is in command? [HOBSON] I am. [CYBERMAN 1] You will be needed. [HOBSON] What have you done with my men? [CYBERMAN 1] They will return. [HOBSON] They're not dead? [CYBERMAN 1] No. They are not dead. They are altered. [BEN] Altered? What have you done to them? [CYBERMAN 1] They are now controlled. [HOBSON] If you do anything to my [CYBERMAN 1] You will do nothing. [CYBERMAN 2] This one has not received neurotrope X. Stand back. [POLLY] Please, leave him alone. His head is hurt. He's had an accident. [CYBERMAN 2] His head? Then he would be of no value. The others areready for conversion. [CYBERMAN 1] You will now take us to the control centre. [HOBSON] I'll be damned if [HOBSON] It's through here. [CYBERMAN 2] You will remain here. If you leave you will be convertedlike the others. [BEN] I don't like that word converted. --------------------------------------- (Space ship) [CYBERMAN 3] Raise your left arm. [CYBERMAN 3] Raise your right arm. [CYBERMAN 4] Control is excellent. Transfer that one to the capsule. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] It's about time that we heard from thosetwo outside. Let's have a word with them. [NILS] All yours, Roger. [BENOIT] Surface party, come in please. Surface party, come in please.Surface party, come in. We are not receiving you. Over. Can we see thecontrol antenna from here? [NILS] No, Roger. It's just around that first block outside the mainport. [BENOIT] Well, we'll have to send someone else out so get ready to [HOBSON] Get back! Get back! These things are lethal. [CYBERMAN 1] No one will move. You will remain still. If you move youwill be killed. [BENOIT] What are they? How did they get in? [CYBERMAN 1] Silence. We are Cybermen. You will listen. [BENOIT] But you were all killed! [CYBERMAN 1] We are going to take over the Gravitron and use it todestroy the surface of the Earth by changing the weather. [DOCTOR] But that will kill everybody on the Earth. [CYBERMAN 1] Yes. [HOBSON] You're supposed to be so advanced. Here you are taking yourrevenge like, like children. [CYBERMAN 1] Revenge? What is that? [HOBSON] A feeling people have when [CYBERMAN 1] Feelings? Feelings? Yes, we know of this weakness of yours.We are fortunate. We do not posses feelings. [BENOIT] Then why are you here? [CYBERMAN 1] To eliminate all dangers. [HOBSON] But you'll kill every living thing on the Earth. [CYBERMAN 1] Yes. All dangers will be eliminated. [BENOIT] Have you no mercy? [CYBERMAN 1] It is unnecessary. Keep watch on them. [HOBSON] Don't rush him, Nils. [CYBERMAN 1] Operational system four. Operation system four. [CYBERMAN 3 [OC]] Operational system four complete. Entry to base nowcompleted. [HOBSON] Entry? How did you get in? [CYBERMAN 1] It was very simple. Only stupid Earth brains like yourswould have been fooled. [HOBSON] Go on. [CYBERMAN 1] Since we couldn't approach direct, we came up under thesurface and cut our way in through your store room, contaminating yourfood supply on the way. A simple hole, that's all. [HOBSON] A hole! That explains those sudden air pressure drops we'vebeen recording. [CYBERMAN 1] Clever. Clever. Clever. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [POLLY] Hey, what do you think you're doing? You seem to be better. [JAMIE] Aye, I feel myself again. [POLLY] Lie back there. [JAMIE] But I'm better! Oh, my head. [BEN] Yeah, well take it easy, mate. [POLLY] At least, you know it's not your McCrimmon piper, anyway. [JAMIE] It had me worried though, I admit that. [BEN] Yeah, those Cybermen have got us all worried, mate. We've see themin action before. [POLLY] They must have some weakness. [BEN] They have, don't you remember? They can't stand radiation. [POLLY] But where do we find that here? [BEN] There's the Gravitron power pack but that's thermonuclear. No onecan get near it once its going. [POLLY] Why not? [BEN] Well because Duchess, the temperature inside is about four milliondegrees, that's all. [JAMIE] Well, in my day, they used to sprinkle witches with holy water. [BEN] Fat lot of use that would be on them. [POLLY] Sprinkle. Holy Water. Ben? [BEN] Yeah? [POLLY] What are the Cybermen covered in? [BEN] As far as I know, their suit is a metal of some sort. [POLLY] Oh. What about that thing on their chests? You know, the partwhich replaces their heart and lungs. [BEN] Some kind of plastic, I think. [POLLY] I thought so. You see, it's simple. Nail varnish removerdissolves nail varnish. Nail varnish is a plastic. So we do what Jamiesays. We sprinkle them, see? [BEN] No, I don't. Clear as mud if you ask me. [POLLY] Well anyway, I'm going to try an experiment. [BEN] Yes, Professor. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Jules! Doctor Evans! I thought he was all dead. I thought theywere all dead. [BENOIT] Better if they were by the look of it. [CYBERMAN 1] You will leave your places. Go over there. [CYBERMAN 1] You will move. Tell the operators in the power unit to comeout. Now. [HOBSON] All right, you can all see what's happening. Come out. Leavethe machine and don't try anything. [CYBERMAN 1] They will now take over the Gravitron power unit. [CYBERMAN 2] Yes. [BENOIT] But you can't send them in there without the protectivehelmets. [CYBERMAN 1] Why? [BENOIT] The machine produces very intense sonic fields. Without thehelmets, those men will be insane in a few hours. [CYBERMAN 1] How many hours? [BENOIT] Twelve, possibly. [CYBERMAN 1] Then there is no problem. [BENOIT] Why? [CYBERMAN 1] Our purpose will be achieved before that. [BENOIT] But what about the men? [CYBERMAN 1] They will be disposed of. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [POLLY] Ben? [BEN] Yeah? [POLLY] What is nail varnish remover? [BEN] It's a sort of thinner, something like acetone I think. [POLLY] Acetone, of course. Great, we've got some of that. Now, keepyour fingers crossed. [POLLY] It's works! [BEN] But I still don't know what you're on about. [POLLY] If we can sprinkle some of that on their chest units, it mighthelp to soften them. [BEN] I get it! You mean it'll clobber their controls or something. [POLLY] Yes, that's it. [BEN] Yeah, but how do we know that acetone will dissolve their sort ofplastic? [POLLY] I hadn't thought of that. [BEN] Just a moment though, if we make up a mixture. [POLLY] Of all the solvents. [BEN] What have we got? [POLLY] Benzene, ether, alcohol. [BEN] We brew a right old cocktail. [POLLY] Yes. Wait a minute, how are we going to throw it at them? [BEN] Well, in bottles, I suppose. Now just a tick though. I've got abetter idea. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CYBERMAN 1] Prepare to align the field rectors. [CYBERMAN 1] Main power into vortex generators now. Servo pumps to fullpressure. [HOBSON] Why did they go to so such trouble? [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [HOBSON] Why didn't they operate the controls themselves? [CYBERMAN 1] What is happening? [CYBERMAN 2] There is loss of control. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Thought so. Sonic control. That should be easy. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Funny. Funny. Go to all that trouble to make the men dothe work. Why? Do it themselves, easy. They're using the men as tools.Why? Don't know. Yes, I do though. There must be something in here theydon't like. Pressure? Electricity? Radiation? Maybe. Gravity! Nowthere's a thought. Gravity. Oh, yes. Gravity. [CYBERMAN 1] Start probe generators. Realign the probe. Probe field tofull power now. [HOBSON] They'll devastate the whole Earth when that field takes hold. [BENOIT] We've got to do something. [CONTROL [OC]] Earth Control calling Moonbase. Come in, please. [CYBERMAN 1] Remain still. [CONTROL [OC]] Hello, Moonbase. Come in, please. [CYBERMAN 1] You will all be silent. [CONTROL [OC]] Moonbase, come in, please. Hello? Reading on fivecentimetre band. Come in. Your last routine signal was not received.Over. We are not receiving you. Over. If you hear us and cannottransmit, fire sodium rocket. We shall see flare. [CYBERMAN 1] What does that mean? [HOBSON] It's a distress rocket. It ejects sodium into space and thenthe sun lights the sodium into a yellow flare. [CYBERMAN 1] What will your Earth do if they do not see the flare? [HOBSON] Well, they'll think we're all dead. They'll do nothing. [CONTROL [OC]] Standing by to observe flare. Standing by. [HOBSON] If they don't get our next transmission, they'll send up arelief rocket. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [BEN] So, get it? This bottle holds the stuff thatputs the fire out and this cylinder pushes gas into the bottle so thatstuff squirts out here. Now, all we've got to do is to undo it. Phoar.Empty it and fill it with Polly cocktail. [POLLY] I've got it all ready here. [BEN] Good. What did you put in it? [POLLY] Let's think. Benzene, ether, alcohol, acetone and epoxy-propane. [BEN] Blimey, one of them should do it. Now, we'll need another one ofthese. [JAMIE] Right, I'll get it. [BEN] No, you stay where you are, Jamie. [POLLY] Jamie, you're not well enough. [JAMIE] It takes more than a wee crack on the head to keep a McCrimmondown. [BEN] Look mate, we don't want you cracking up on us. I'm sure Polly'svery impressed. [JAMIE] Look, I said I was better. Would you like me to prove it to you? [BEN] Any time, mate. [POLLY] Look, come on. Haven't we got enough trouble without you twofighting each other? [JAMIE] I go. [BEN] Oh well, come on then. Not you, Polly. This is men's work. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] You'll kill them. [CYBERMAN 2] If you will not remain silent you will be put under braincontrol. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BEN] Polly. I thought that I told you to staybehind. [POLLY] I'm coming with you. [JAMIE] You'll maybe get hurt. Now go back. [POLLY] I'm coming with you and that's flat! You still need someone tolook after you [JAMIE] I don't want [BEN] There's no time for arguments. If you're coming, come on. [BEN] Now look, we've only got one chance. When I open the door, dropdown as low as you can, aim this things at their chests and squirt likemad. Right? [JAMIE] Right. [BEN] Now get ready. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CYBERMAN 2] Someone is there. [CYBERMAN 1] The beam is jammed. [BEN] Quickly, go and get their chest things! [DOCTOR] Quick, get these things off their heads! [HOBSON] Come on, get to your places! Quick, there's not a moment tolose. We've got to get the Gravitron down to safe level. [POLLY] What about those poor men? [HOBSON] Shift them along to the medical unit, quick as you can. --------------------------------------- (Space ship) [CYBERLEADER] We are not receiving you. We are notreceiving you. [CYBERMAN 4] They must have failed. [CYBERLEADER] Yes. We must invade now. Prepare the weapons. [CYBERMAN 4] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] Before all this, we lost contact with thosetwo men outside. [HOBSON] Well, send someone else out. [BENOIT] Can't spare anyone. I'll go myself. [HOBSON] Field strength is stable, isn't it? [BENOIT] Yes. Yes, it's all right. [HOBSON] Keep in R/T contract and be quick. [BENOIT] Right. [HOBSON] Nils? [NILS] Jah? [HOBSON] Hook your controls into Joe's channel, then get up into thedome and keep a eye on Roger when he's outside. [NILS] Right. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [BENOIT] Hello Base, Hello Base. I've found them. At least, I've foundtheir suits. They got them, I'm afraid. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Well, there's nothing we can do about thatnow. You'd better come inside as quick as you can. [BENOIT [OC]] I will. [NILS] Sir, sir! There's one of those things outside. He's after RogerBenoit. [HOBSON] You hear that, Roger? --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [BENOIT] Yes, I did, but he must be mistaken.There's none to be seen around here. [BENOIT] No! No! [BENOIT] Did you see that? Those things don't work in the vacuum! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [POLLY] Why can't you squirt it at them like you did just now? [BEN] Because duchess, it would evaporate in the vacuum before it hitsthem. There, now come on. --------------------------------------- (Airlock) [BEN] Come on, quick. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [NILS] They're in! That fellow Ben got one of them. [JAMIE] That was Ben? [HOBSON] Now listen, everybody. I don't know how many more of theseCybermen there are, but our point of view we're under siege. I'llreckon they will be back in a bit. Now, communications. Charlie, keeptrying to get through to Earth. Right? [CHARLIE] Right, will do. [HOBSON] The rest of you, lower the armoured doors at all exits. Andyou, make up as much of that gubbins as you've got. We may need it. [DOCTOR] Well done, Ben! [JAMIE] Well done. [HOBSON] Ground radar? [SAM [OC]] Ground radar speaking. [HOBSON] Have you got a fix on their ship yet? [SAM [OC]] Yes, Mister Hobson. We're getting a strong pulse from fivefour degrees north about three kilometres. [HOBSON] That makes it just over the rim. [DOCTOR] Mister Hobson, how far can the probe be lowered down? [HOBSON] About thirty degrees. [DOCTOR] That's no good. [HOBSON] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Can any other part of it be lowered? [HOBSON] Well, the main coil lenses can be shifted round without toomuch trouble, but why do you want to do [NILS] There's something outside, sir! [HOBSON] What is it? [NILS] It's a long way off. [HOBSON] I'll come. --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [POLLY] Oh, it's freezing. Do you think we shouldhave our suits on? [BEN] Oh, no, it's all right love. Get a gorgeous suntan. [HOBSON] Can't see anything. [NILS] Just to the left of the launching area. Round a bit to your left. [HOBSON] Still can't see anything. [BENOIT] (pointing) No, it's there, look! Reflections in the sun. [HOBSON] You're right, there is something. [HOBSON] It's them. They're coming. Everybody inside, quick! --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [DOCTOR] They can't just march in here, can they? [HOBSON] Not now we've discovered how they got in. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. They tunnelled into the store room. [JAMIE] Doctor, Mister Hobson, come quickly. [HOBSON] What is it? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CYBERLEADER [OC]] Moonbase. Moonbase. [NILS] They've got our wavelength. We hear you. [CYBERLEADER [OC]] You are surrounded. All resistance is useless. Youmust open the entry port. [HOBSON] Let me. You're wasting your time. We've discovered yourpassageway and blocked it. You cannot enter now. [CYBERLEADER [OC]] Resistance is useless. [POLLY] Can they get in? [HOBSON] I don't know and I'm not stopping to find out. Get me Earth asquick as you can. [NILS] Right. Weather Control Moon calling Earth. Come in, please. [JAMIE] What's that? [HOBSON] Switch that off. [POLLY] What's that terrible noise? [BEN] It wasn't like that before. [HOBSON] We'll never hear anything through that if they're jamming it. [BENOIT] Perhaps, or could it be. [HOBSON] The aerial. They're having a go at the aerial. [BENOIT] Where are you going? [HOBSON] Out. [BENOIT] You're crazy. They'd get you in a flash. [HOBSON] Well, someone's got to go. [DOCTOR] It's too late. Come and see. --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [HOBSON] They get us every way, these creatures. [DOCTOR] I refuse to believe that. Everything's got a weak point. It'sjust a question of waiting until it shows up, that's all. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] They're bound to send a relief rocketwithin 12 hours, if no signals are received from us. [BEN] A lot of good that is. [NILS] Well, with all the trouble we've been giving them I'd say it'scertain the rocket is on its way, sent off hours ago. Rinberg's veryquick off the trigger, right, Hobby? [HOBSON] I'm sure of it. With a replacement for me aboard, no doubt. [POLLY] But that's wonderful! [HOBSON] Thanks very much. [POLLY] No, what I mean is, what are we all worrying about? The Cybermencan't get in and help is on its way. [BEN] Ah, it all sounds too easy for my liking. [HOBSON] Get the scanner lined up on the flight path between moon andEarth. Let me know the moment you spot anything. [NILS] Right. [HOBSON] All we have to do, Doctor, is to hold on here. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's all. It doesn't depend on us, though. [BEN] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] It depends on what the Cybermen are hatching up. If a rocket ison it's way, they're bound to be aware of that already. --------------------------------------- (Space ship) [CYBERLEADER] Emergency. Emergency. There is aspaceship approaching from Earth. It will arrive on the lunar surfacein 15 minutes. Immediate offensive action must be taken. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [CYBERMAN] They have blocked up our way into thebase. Other methods to gain entry will be tried. --------------------------------------- (Space ship) [CYBERLEADER] The machine from Earth must first bedestroyed. There are 14 minutes left. [CYBERMAN [OC]] Understood. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [CYBERMAN] Transmit control signal. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) (Lunar surface) [CYBERMAN] You will listen to me and follow my instructions. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] Switch on again. [NILS] Without an aerial? [BENOIT] We can pick up local signals. [NILS] Local? Oh I see, the Cybermen. [BENOIT] If they have any more words of cheer for us we might as wellhear them. [NILS] Right. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [CYBERMAN [OC]] Those are your orders. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BENOIT] That is correct, but watch the digital counter. [BEN] Right. [HOBSON] How's he shaping? [BENOIT] Not bad for a beginner, I suppose, but it will take a long timeyet. [HOBSON] Well, at least the gravitron's stable at the moment. I don'tknow how they can take it for long in that room. [BENOIT] How's Benson standing up to it? [HOBSON] He's [BENOIT] He's been on for 6 hours on the trot. [HOBSON] He says he'll be all right for the time being. [BENOIT] Yes I know, but should he be on it alone? [HOBSON] Who else have we got? You're the only other operator who couldreplace him and you're needed right here. [BENOIT] Well, it's a bit tough on him, isn't it? [HOBSON] I know, Roger. It's tough on all of us but the lives ofmillions of people depend on this weather control unit. [POLLY] Here we are. I've brought us all some coffee to keep us awake. [BEN] Without sugar this time, I hope. [POLLY] Of course. Don't remind me. [HOBSON] Take some to the Doctor. He's in the dome. [POLLY] Right. [HOBSON] Ben. --------------------------------------- (Gravitron control) [CYBERMAN [OC]] You will now change field co-ordinates as instructed. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [BEN] Doctor! They've spotted it on the scanner. [DOCTOR] What? [BEN] The relief ship. [POLLY] Ben, where? [BEN] Over here. [DOCTOR] Let's see. [HOBSON] Well? [NILS] No doubt about it. I told you they would be on their way. [POLLY] That's a spaceship? [BEN] No, that's the scanner. [DOCTOR] It's not far off. [HOBSON] Far off? It's coming in now off parking orbit. It'll be down insix minutes. [POLLY] Well, don't you think you ought to warn them? [BEN] Yeah, the Cybermen will be waiting for them. [HOBSON] Don't worry, they've got their own warning system and weapons.They'll blast the Cybermen and their spaceship to kingdom come in aboutfour minutes from now. [POLLY] Come on, come on. It seems to move so slowly. [BENOIT] What are they doing? [JAMIE] Looks like they've changed direction. [HOBSON] They've changed into an escape orbit. Follow it. [NILS] But it's going too fast. I can't keep up with it. [HOBSON] Well, keep trying. [NILS] I can't hold it. It's accelerating too fast. [BENOIT] Look out, man. You're on the sun. [NILS] But that's where it's heading. [BENOIT] The acceleration, it's gigantic! [HOBSON] Get R/T contact with the ship. [NILS] No good, sir. The Doppler effect. It's going too fast. [BENOIT] They've had it, I'm afraid. [HOBSON] The sun. [BENOIT] Yes. [POLLY] Will somebody please tell us what it all means? [BENOIT] The rocket has been deflected towards the sun. Nothing can savethem now. [POLLY] Save them? What are you talking about? [BENOIT] From plunging into the sun. [BEN] But the sun's millions of miles away. [BENOIT] Once they get into the sun's gravity belt they can't changecourse. It may take a week but they'll end up there just the same. [HOBSON] What on earth could have caused it? [BENOIT] The rocket was deflected off course, but why and how? [DOCTOR] Deflected? Yes, of course. The gravitron. [HOBSON] Have the Cybermen got a gravity weapon, do you think? [DOCTOR] No, they haven't but we have. [HOBSON] You're not suggesting that [DOCTOR] There's only one way that rocket could have been deflected intothe sun. From this very room! [BENOIT] I see what you mean. [HOBSON] Of course, the gravitron. Benson, he must [BENOIT] I told you he'd been on duty too long. [DOCTOR] If it is Benson. [HOBSON] It's Evans! [BEN] But he was in the medical room! [DOCTOR] They must have got control of them again. [BEN] And the other men in there? [DOCTOR] They may not be affected yet. Get along to the medical room.Barricade the door with everything you can find. Keep them in there atall costs! [JAMIE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) (Outside Sickbay) [JAMIE] Well, that's all right. We haven't passedany of them. [BEN] Well, maybe it was only Evans who's been reactivated. [JAMIE] Aye. We'd better keep watch just here. [BEN] We could stick that thing against the door [JAMIE] It wouldn't hold them for long, I'm thinking. [BEN] They're not Cybermen, mate. They're just flesh and blood like us.Come on, get hold of the other end. [BEN] Hey! [JAMIE] Behind you! [BEN] Quick! Ram him! [BEN] Press the locking button. [JAMIE] It won't hold for long, will it. [BEN] No. Look, get those chairs and we'll block 'em in. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Evans, can you hear me? Listen, Evans, thisis Hobson talking. Evans, you've got to concentrate. Your brain hasbeen altered by the Cybermen. You're being controlled by them, anyhow.We've got one or two of those things as well, you know. You can't shootall of us so why not be a good fellow and come out of there. [BENOIT] What's he doing in there? Look at the field reactors. [HOBSON] Huh? [BENOIT] We must get back control soon. He could flood half of Europe ifhe keeps the gravitron aligned with spring tides. [HOBSON] That settles it, we'll have to rush him. Get those weapons out. [CYBERLEADER [OC]] Resistance is useless. All further ships from Earthwill be deflected. Open the airlock to us. If you do not we shalldestroy the base and you will be eliminated. [HOBSON] Can you hear me? [CYBERLEADER [OC]] Everything you have said in the past half hour hasbeen overheard. [HOBSON] Well you can hear this too, then. We're not done yet and we'llfight you to the last man. You'll never get inside this base. [CYBERLEADER [OC]] We are in it already. [HOBSON] They've punctured the dome! [BENOIT] The oxygen masks! Quick everyone, take a mask. Over there. --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [BENOIT] I do hope we don't lose too much oxygen. [HOBSON] Can we patch it, do you think? [BENOIT] We can try. [HOBSON] Give me a hand off, will you? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [POLLY] Doctor, I can't breathe! [DOCTOR] Put this on your face. --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [HOBSON] Oh, thank heavens. I can breath again. [BENOIT] Oh no! [HOBSON] Is there anything else we can patch it with? [BENOIT] No, nothing. Wait. Over there. [HOBSON] Slide it to me but don't let go of it. We have to do it in oneaction. No second chance. Okay, ready? [BENOIT] Oui. [HOBSON] Now! [HOBSON] Stopped them for the moment. [BENOIT] I wonder for how long. [HOBSON] Well, let's have a look. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] Polly! Are you all right? [POLLY] Oh yes. Oh. Oh, where's that air coming from? [NILS] Reserve tanks of oxygen. [POLLY] Oh. Well why couldn't we have had those before? [NILS] And lose all our oxygen? [POLLY] Oh, I see. It's so quiet. [DOCTOR] Yes, it is, isn't it. The gravitron's stopped! [DOCTOR] Quick, before he comes to! Ben, Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Gravitron control room) [NILS] Joe! [BEN] We've barricaded the sick bay with half the tables and chairs inthe base but it won't hold forever, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well done, Ben. Here's another one for you. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [JAMIE] What do we do with him, Doctor? [DOCTOR] That's your problem. Just make sure he doesn't come back herefor a while. [BEN] Blimey, I'll be after a job as a copper when I get back to 1966. --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [DOCTOR] Mister Hobson, I've got an idea. [HOBSON] Doctor, what do you make of this? [DOCTOR] Made by a laser beam, I would think. [HOBSON] Is there anything known to science the Cybermen haven't got? [DOCTOR] Well they haven't got a gravitron or they wouldn't be afteryours. [HOBSON] We'll just have to stand guard in here with their cyberguns. [BENOIT] Not much use, I'm afraid. They are getting reinforcements. [HOBSON] What? [BENOIT] Looks like another of their spaceships. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, there. [HOBSON] Another one! [CYBERLEADER [OC]] We have brought up reinforcements with other weapons.You have one chance. You must open the entry port. You cannot stop usnow. You will all be completely destroyed. [POLLY] What does he mean, other weapons? [NILS] We'll soon find out. You stay here. I must report this to MisterHobson. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) (Space ship) [CYBERLEADER] I shall count to ten. If you stillstupidly remain silent. we shall fire. One --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [NILS] Hobby! They've got another weapon. They'regoing to [HOBSON] Yes, I know. There it is. Everybody take cover. Get down, allof you! [HOBSON] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Is the gravitron still switched on? [HOBSON] Yes. [DOCTOR] Then I shall certainly stay here. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [CYBERLEADER [OC]] Nine, ten. Fire. [CYBERLEADER [OC]] Again. Fire. --------------------------------------- (Observation dome) [HOBSON] What happened? [DOCTOR] It just deflected over the dome. [BENOIT] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. [HOBSON] The gravitron deflected it. The force field. [DOCTOR] Yes, and that gives me an idea. What are they doing now?They're packing it away. [HOBSON] What'll they cook up next, I wonder? [DOCTOR] How far down can this be aimed? [HOBSON] Down? [DOCTOR] Can it be brought to bear on the surface of the moon? [BENOIT] I see! [HOBSON] Ah, well, I don't [DOCTOR] Has it ever been tried? [BENOIT] No, but we should try! [DOCTOR] With Evans gone, the gravitron is all yours. [BENOIT] Splendid! Je m'en occupe! [HOBSON] It can only go to here. Any further down and the field mayaffect the base. [DOCTOR] What does that matter now? [HOBSON] Well, I suppose you're right. [DOCTOR] Get someone to stand by that window and relay instructionsdirect to Benoit. [HOBSON] Right. [HOBSON] He's ready. [DOCTOR] Start moving the probe down. [HOBSON] That's as far as it'll go. [DOCTOR] What? But it's way over their heads. There's one chance. We'lltry bringing it down by hand. [HOBSON] Right. [DOCTOR] Is this still switched off? [HOBSON] Yes, it's off. [DOCTOR] Round the back. [HOBSON] It won't go. [DOCTOR] All your weight, once more. No, it's no use, it won't shift. [HOBSON] Ah, stupid of me. Of course it won't. [DOCTOR] Why? [HOBSON] Well, the angular cut out. It's obvious, isn't it. You see,there's got to be a safety cut out on the angle of the probe otherwiseit might affect the whole base. There, that's done it. No, no, no,stand back. Benoit can do it now. [DOCTOR] Polly! [HOBSON] Switch on! [DOCTOR] We did it! [HOBSON] Well, that's taken care of the Cybermen. Now then, everybody,we've got to get this gravitron in operation again as fast as we can. [DOCTOR] I'm so sorry we damaged it. [HOBSON] What? Oh, yes. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HOBSON] Nils, rig up a temporary aerial. Call upSpace Control. Tell Rinberg we will be operational in er, oh about twohours. He won't like it but it's the best we can do. [NILS] Right. [HOBSON] Two hours, that's all we've got to get the world's weather backunder control again. Benoit, take charge of your side. [BENOIT] Right. [HOBSON] And Doctor, what the? Oh well, perhaps it's just as well. We'vegot enough madmen here already. Now come on, I want to see your firstweather plot in two minutes. [BENOIT] Right, come on boys. --------------------------------------- (Lunar surface) [POLLY] Doctor, look. [POLLY] Could that be them? [DOCTOR] Possibly. And I hope it's the last we see of them. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] There we are. In perfect flight. [POLLY] Yes, and look what happened last time. [DOCTOR] Oh, that. What a lot of fuss. Just a bumpy landing, that's all.It won't happen again. I know. [BEN] What are you up to now? [DOCTOR] Let's have a look at the time scanner. [POLLY] The what? [DOCTOR] The time scanner. Instead of the normal picture showing wherewe are, it gives you a glimpse of the future. [JAMIE] The second sight? Very dangerous. [DOCTOR] Oh nonsense. I haven't used it very much. It's (cough) not veryreliable, as you can see. [POLLY] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [POLLY] Look!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Moonbase"}
Doctor Who (11 Mar, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Macra Terror [PILOT] Oh, splendid! Splendid! You've got a very good band there,Barney. [BARNEY] Thank you, Pilot. [PILOT] Mind you, I don't say you'll come first at the festival, butnever say die, what? Nothing succeeds like success. If at first youdon't succeed [ALL] Try, try, try again! [PILOT] That's right. [OLA] Stop him! Don't let him get out! [PILOT] What's the matter? Medok! [MEDOK] Let me go! [PILOT] This is very foolish of you, Medok. It's for your own good. [MEDOK] Out of my way! [OLA] He's far too dangerous to be allowed to escape. Get after him! Youshould have stopped him. [PILOT] What happened, Ola? [OLA] He refused treatment in front of my guards so I dismissed them andhe made a dash for it. [PILOT] Well, get after him. He must not get away. --------------------------------------- (Countryside) [BEN] Hey! [POLLY] Oh! Oh, Ben, for goodness sake. [BEN] Well, what's the big stick for, Jamie? Nothing's happened yet. [JAMIE] Have you no sense? Have you forgotten what we saw on that timescanner? [POLLY] Don't. It was horrible. [JAMIE] Aye. Well, I'm not being left without nothing to defendourselves with. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid you're wasting your time, Jamie. [JAMIE] Why? [DOCTOR] Unless I'm very much mistaken, these creatures are so bigthey're going to see us long before we see them. [POLLY] Look out, Jamie! [BEN] Hang on, mate. I'll get him. [POLLY] Jamie! [DOCTOR] Go on, Ben. [POLLY] Sit on top of him, Ben. [JAMIE] That's just a [POLLY] Ben, are you all right? [OLA] We don't know who you are, strangers, but we are grateful. Medokis one of our last patients in the Colony. We've done our best for himbut he gets worse day by day. I wasn't informed you were travellingacross our territory. Hurry back to the Colony and tell the Pilotwhat's happened. [BEN] Pilot? [OLA] Yes, the Pilot of our Colony. No doubt he will want to thank youin person. Tie him up tighter. Come on, tighter. I don't want any moretrouble with him. Come on, I'll show you myself. [JAMIE] Er, any good asking? [DOCTOR] Where we are? Well, according to my calculations we'recertainly in the future and on a planet very like the Earth. [JAMIE] How do you know? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I'm guessing. [OLA] My name is Ola. I am the Chief of Police. [POLLY] That sounds very important. [OLA] Oh, it's a very responsible job. I take my instructions from ourControl centre. Oh, it all works very well, as you will see. Pleasefollow me. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [DOCTOR] Not too tight. It's bad for the blood pressure. --------------------------------------- (Colony entrance) [MUSIC] (in background all the time) Ra ra ra rara-ra ra ra! Danke shone, danke schone. Number one! Tan tan tan tantana ta tan! Danke schone two, danke schone two (or something soundingvery like it, anyway.) [OLA] Pilot, these are the strangers that have helped us. [PILOT] Very well, Ola. I will look after our guests. You will no doubtwish to take care of poor Medok. You may leave. Well, our thanks to youand welcome. You are indeed a brave man to tackle someone as disturbedas Medok. [DOCTOR] Well, it was nothing. Anyone would have done the same. Wellthis is gay. Why all the music? [PILOT] Oh, we regulate our day by music. And now, my friends, I suggestyou take advantage of our refreshing department. [BEN] Lead me to it mate. I'm starving. [PILOT] Oh, you will eat later. Here we revive the weary body. [DOCTOR] Oh. [JAMIE] Keep your eyes skinned. [POLLY] Why? What's the matter? [JAMIE] They're a weird sort of folk. I don't know that I understandthem. --------------------------------------- (Refreshing department) [PILOT [OC]] Come along here, my friends. It's justaround the corner. [POLLY] It's so impressive. [BARNEY] Pilot! Pilot! Control wish you to call them immediately. Theywish to welcome our guests. [PILOT] Oh, but of course. Switch on please, my dear. [POLLY] Hey, who's that? He looks smashing. [PILOT] That's our Controller. [CONTROL [OC]] We wish to welcome joyfully the visitors to our colony.We are very grateful to them. They have performed a valuable service.The Colony is to make our guests happy and contented during their stay.Welcome again, friends. Now, back to work everyone. [POLLY] Well, that was great. I'm really going to enjoy myself. [PILOT] Splendid! And now, my good friends, let me put you into thehands of our supervisor, Barney. Dear old Barney, everybody calls him. [BARNEY] Thank you, Pilot. [PILOT] And I must leave you for work calls, you know. And hard worknever hurt anybody. Till later. [BARNEY] Delighted to see you. Delighted to have you with us. Now, youhave a complete choice of all our treatments. We have steam baths,beauty treatments, perhaps a massage. You, sir, of course, would likeyour clothes cleaned. And there's sunlight treatment, moonlighttreatment, sparkling and effervescent sprays. [DOCTOR] I feel perfectly all right as I am, thank you. [POLLY] Oh go on, Doctor. Don't be such a drag. It all looks super.Please, may I have a shampoo? [BARNEY] Shampoo, of course, for the young lady. [POLLY] Thanks very much. [BARNEY] And for the young gentlemen, our very latest treatment in ourcubicles over there. [JAMIE] Me? Oh, hey, no, you're not going to do that to me. I'm nolassie. [BEN] It's no good, Jamie, the lassies have got you., And believe memate, I'm not going to struggle. [BARNEY] And now, sir, for you. [BARNEY] Oh, very nice. Very nice indeed. You must certainly be the mostbeautiful young lady in our Colony, and are quite sure to be electedour next beauty president. [POLLY] Thank you very much. [BARNEY] Oh, not at all. All part of our service. To your liking, sir? [BEN] Ah, marvellous. Like being at anchor in the Med. [BARNEY] Some protective oils for our guests and a little suntan. [BEN] This the life. [JAMIE] Hey, mister, would you call the ladies off? I'm frightened whatthey might do to me. [BARNEY] Oh, but you look charming, sir. Charming. [JAMIE] That's what I'm frightened of. [DOCTOR] Please get me out of here. I'm done to a turn. [BARNEY] Clothes reviver. [DOCTOR] My clothes don't need reviving. [BARNEY] Oh, while we're about it, sir. And off. [POLLY] Oh, Doctor. You look gorgeous. [DOCTOR] Oh, my shoes! [BEN] Oh, they're fantastic. You can see your face in them. [DOCTOR] Precisely. Who wants to see their face in a pair of suedeshoes? What's this one? [BARNEY] Oh, that, sir, is our rough and tumble machine, for toning upthe muscles. [DOCTOR] Exactly what I need. Full on! [BARNEY] Oh, but no, sir! No! [POLLY] But your clothes! [BEN] Get out. Oh, come out, Doctor. [POLLY] Turn it off. Turn it off. [BEN] Come out of it. [POLLY] Come out of it, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, I feel better. Oh, that's more like it. [POLLY] Oh, you look smashing. You really do. You look like a prince.Jamie, that's super. It really is. --------------------------------------- (Colony) [OLA] Come on, move back. This prisoner's not to betrusted. He's violent and suffering from delusions. [MEDOK] I'm not the one suffering from delusions, it's you. All of you!You don't know what's happening in this Colony. [OLA] Be quiet, Medok. [MEDOK] There's only one way to silence me, Ola. [QUESTA] Medok, old fellow, it's Questa. Remember me? What's happened toyou? [OLA] It's no good. You can't reason with him. [QUESTA] Just a minute. He's an old friend. One of the best. [OLA] Ha! [QUESTA] He's as cheerful as any of us. Medok, what's happened to you?What's all this about you seeing things? [MEDOK] I don't see things, Questa, you fool. There are things. Horriblethings. Creatures infesting this camp at night. [OLA] That's enough. Have you seen the Pilot? [QUESTA] He's with the strangers. I've no idea where they are. [CONTROL [OC]] Back to work. Shift rest is over. No time to be lost. TheColony needs you. Preparation to be made for tonight's reception, awelcome for the strangers. [QUESTA] A reception tonight. A Colony party! Medok, join in with therest of us, like you used to. [CONTROL [OC]] It will be fun for all! [QUESTA] Do you hear that, Medok? Fun for all. [MEDOK] All right! Have fun while you can, before they crawl all overyou! [OLA] That's enough! Right, get back all of you. --------------------------------------- (Refreshing department) [DOCTOR] There you are. I wondered what had happenedto you. [MEDOK] I don't know you. You don't belong here. [DOCTOR] Do you belong here? [MEDOK] No, not any more. [OLA] We don't talk to him. He sees things. Come on, Medok. [CHICKI] Can I help you? [DOCTOR] What? Oh, no. No, its all right, thank you. I just thought I'ddropped something, that's all. --------------------------------------- (Medok's cell) [MEDOK] Ah! What's the game? [DOCTOR] I'm going to set you free. Just hold still a minute. There weare. One more. Don't bother to say thank you. Now, tell me somethingabout these things that you see. Do they, for instance, appear to crawlslowly over the ground? [MEDOK] How do you know? [DOCTOR] Oh, just wondered, that's all. [MEDOK] Listen. [DOCTOR] I don't hear anything. [MEDOK] Someone's coming. [DOCTOR] It's all right, I won't let them hurt you. [MEDOK] Get out of my way. [DOCTOR] Why don't you listen to me? [MEDOK] I am not being caught! [OLA] Stop him! Don't let him escape! [PILOT] How did he get away? Who's responsible? What happened? [DOCTOR] I told him he wouldn't get hurt and he wouldn't believe me. [PILOT] You mean you let him go? [DOCTOR] Well, no, not exactly. [OLA] He let the prisoner escape. That is a crime in this Colony. Forthat men must work in the pit. Guards! [POLLY] You can't touch him. He doesn't know your laws. [PILOT] That's true, Ola. He is a stranger here. [DOCTOR] There's something else you forgetting, gentlemen. I set freesomeone that we caught in the first place. [PILOT] True. A reasonable point of view, Ola. [OLA] Medok is dangerous. He should have never let him go. The Colonywill be petrified when they know he's out there in the night. [PILOT] Well, send your patrol after him. He can't have got far. [DOCTOR] He can run, you know. He's got legs. He doesn't have to crawlover the ground. [OLA] Why do you say that? [DOCTOR] No reason. No reason at all. [OLA] Anyone who spreads that kind of rumour in this Colony will findhimself in the hospital for correction. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, that's where Medok lives, is it? [PILOT] I think, Doctor, you will understand more about Medok if youtalk to some of the people who knew him best. [OLA] Pilot, I think [PILOT] Now take the strangers to the labour centre, Ola. See they learnsomething about us. Pete, go with him. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, thank you. --------------------------------------- (Building site) [GUARD] What is it? [GUARD 2] Nothing, come on. --------------------------------------- (Labour centre) [CONTROL [OC}] This is your Controller speaking.There is no need for alarm. You may all continue your work and playconfident that the best is being done for you. But our unfortunatecompanion Medok has been allowed to escape. Emergency Patrols two andthree are now searching the Colony, and he is sure to be caught beforeit is dark. Now, return to your work and play with fresh heart andrenewed energy. [BEN] They've got that bloke all over the place like a blinkingpolitician. [PETE] He is our Controller. We're always pleased to see him. He bringsus encouragement. [BEN] Oh, he's not a politician then. [CONTROL [OC]] Number nine shift to stand by. Leader to report to YouthCentre. [PETE] Work shift ready to leave. [MUSIC] (in background) We're happy to work, we're happy to play.) [JAMIE] That's a nice wee tune, Doctor. [BEN] Yeah, if you happen to like work. [PETE] It's a privilege to work for the Colony. [SHIFT LEADER] Shift leader reporting. Shift number nine, all presentand correct. [OFFICIA] Good. You're the first of the night shifts. [JAMIE] What do you do then? Farming or fishing? [OFFICIA] We work very hard here. [DOCTOR] Yes, but what do you do? [OFFICIA] We tap and refine gas. [POLLY] For heating? [OFFICIA] No, we use it for many things. The Colony depends on it. It'sabsolutely essential. Emergency! [OFFICIA] Quick, give me that. Come on. [SHIFT LEADER] Accident. Stand by, oxygen supply. [OFFICIA] Take them away. Any other losses? [PETE] Two with gas sickness. Come on. [BEN] What happened? [OFFICIA] Their work. It can't be helped. Work must be done. [POLLY] Do you hear that, Doctor? Where's he gone? --------------------------------------- (Building site) [DOCTOR] I saw you. [MEDOK] Get out. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's not very polite. I was interested in what you weresaying. [MEDOK] Who else knows I'm here? [DOCTOR] No one. Why should I tell them? Now, these creatures. Have youseen them clearly? What do they look like? [MEDOK] What's it got to do with you? [DOCTOR] But I'm interested. What do they look like? [MEDOK] All right, if you really want to know. It's hard to say. Theymove at night, in the dark. And horrible. Creatures like giant insects. [DOCTOR] With big claws? [MEDOK] Yes, that's it. [DOCTOR] You've seen them in the Colony? [MEDOK] Oh, yes. [DOCTOR] Has anyone else seen them? [MEDOK] A few, but they lock them up in the correction hospital. [DOCTOR] Why do they do that? [MEDOK] Control tells them to. They'll put me back there when they catchme. They'll put you back there for helping me. [BEN + JAMIE [OC]] Doctor! Doctor! [MEDOK] Go on, quickly. They're looking for you. [BEN] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Refreshing department) [POLLY] But we searched there, I'm sure. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Were you looking for me? I was just looking around, that's all. [OLA] It's dangerous to go off on your own after dark. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm used to the dark. I like it. [OLA] We're confined to rest cubicles at night by order of Control.Anyone who wanders round the Colony at night may be killed. [CONTROL [OC]] Curfew time. All personnel not on duty must retire toquarters. [OLA] Do you hear that? [CONTROL [OC]] Emergency patrols two and three to remain on duty. Workshifts to remain at their posts until dawn. Visitors to retire for thenight to the refreshing department. [OLA] That's you. You're confined here. --------------------------------------- (Doctor's cubicle) [BARNEY] Here we are, Doctor. Your young friends arein their rooms over there. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [BARNEY] I hope you sleep well. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sure I will. Thank you. Goodnight. [BARNEY] Goodnight, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Refreshing department) [CONTROL [OC]] It is now dark. No one will gooutside into the Colony. A dangerous man is in hiding. Our patrols haveorders to shoot on sight. Happy sleep time, everybody. [DOCTOR] Same to you. --------------------------------------- (Colony grounds) (Building site) [OLA [OC]] Patrol two, over here, Patrol three,follow me. If you see him, shoot to kill. I'll have a look over there. [DOCTOR] It's all right. It's me. Stay where you are. [MEDOK] Why are you back? [DOCTOR] Don't move. [OLA [OC]] Have a look in those new houses they're building. [MEDOK] He's coming. We'll have to get out. [DOCTOR] Wait. If he comes in this way, we go out the back. If he comesin the back way, we'll go out ahead here. [MEDOK] Yes, all right. He's coming to the front of the house. [OLA [OC]] Over here. I heard something. [DOCTOR] All right, go back. [MEDOK] You can't stay here. [DOCTOR] I'll try to create a diversion. [MEDOK] They'll kill you! [DOCTOR] Do as I tell you. [MEDOK] Thanks. [DOCTOR] Go on. Go on. All right, we'll go through this opening when Igive the word. Right, now. [MEDOK] No. Look out there. [DOCTOR] I don't see anything. [MEDOK] In that patch of moonlight. I told you I'd seen them. --------------------------------------- (Building site) [MEDOK] That proves it. I wasn't seeing things. [DOCTOR] Medok. The guards, they'll hear you. [MEDOK] It doesn't matter. They can't lock me up again. Now I can proveit. We know they're real. [DOCTOR] Medok. [OLA] Medok. I know you're in there. Come out quietly. [MEDOK] You can put that gun away. I'm coming. [OLA] Who's with you? [MEDOK] The Doctor. [OLA] What are you doing here? [MEDOK] Don't waste time. Come on over here. [OLA] Stay where you are. [MEDOK] Listen, I came out to show you. [OLA] Stand still! [MEDOK] It's the Macra, Ola! They are real! Ask the Doctor. He'll tellyou. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think I can confirm. [OLA] We don't want to know what the strangers think. [DOCTOR] Well, it might be as well to [OLA] Where do you think you're going? [DOCTOR] I just thought I'd go and have a look. [OLA] Stay where you are. Guard, search him. [DOCTOR] What will they do to us? [OLA] I'll tell you. You're going before the Pilot. You were in thecompany of an escaped criminal and you were out in the Colony at night. [MEDOK] I'm sorry, Doctor. I thought he'd listen to reason. [DOCTOR] Reason's the last thing a man like Ola will listen to. [MEDOK] You're going to be in trouble, and it's my fault. [OLA] Silence! Pilot's headquarters. Move! --------------------------------------- (Pilot's office) [PILOT] Shifts to stand by for greater efforts during working hours. Thegas from the pits must be kept in constant supply at even greaterpressures. Remember the life of the colony is dependent upon this gas.All industry and activity [VOICE [OC]] Emergency call. Emergency call. [PILOT] Yes. Go ahead, Emergency. [VOICE [OC]] Ola requests audience immediately. Ola requests audienceimmediately. [PILOT] Look, I'm extremely busy. Unless this is a major crisis, Ireally don't [VOICE [OC]] Medok has been taken prisoner and one of the strangers hasbeen captured with him. [PILOT] Bring the stranger in. [DOCTOR] Good evening, Pilot. Oh, what a very nice office you have here. [PILOT] Now what's this all about, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, I [OLA] We found both of them in the new buildings, Pilot. [PILOT] At night? How did he get there? Wasn't there a guard on hissleeping quarters? [OLA] All my guards were out looking for Medok, Pilot. [PILOT] I see. Very well, you may leave us, Ola. I will conduct theinvestigation myself. [DOCTOR] Oh, forgive me. This is interesting. A telescopic viewingmachine. I imagine you can keep track on the entire Colony from hereand direct intercommunication between all parts. Very up to date, Iimagine. Excellent, excellent. And what [PILOT] You don't seem to realise how serious this business is, Doctor.You have committed a crime. [DOCTOR] A crime? [PILOT] What were you doing with Medok? You know he's a dangerous man. [DOCTOR] I'm not so sure, Pilot. [PILOT] You have already been told. He has refused to cooperate and toobey orders. He suffers from hallucinations. [DOCTOR] Ah, that's the point. Does he? [PILOT] What exactly do you mean by that? [DOCTOR] Let me perhaps explain. [PILOT] What is it now? I've already said I don't want to beinterrupted. [OLA] Ola reporting, Pilot. [PILOT] Well, what is it? [OLA] Medok has made a statement. It completely changes the situation. [PILOT] Oh, very well. Bring him in. [DOCTOR] I hope you're not going to listen to everything that Medoktells you? [PILOT] Why, Doctor? Are you afraid of something he might say? [DOCTOR] Well, in his state of mind he might say anything. [MEDOK] Doctor. How have they been treating you? [OLA] Silence. [DOCTOR] Perfectly all right, thank you. [OLA] Medok's made a further statement, Pilot. It's about the Doctor. [PILOT] Ah. [DOCTOR] Ah. [PILOT] Yes, Medok? [MEDOK] The Doctor wasn't helping me. He was trying to make me givemyself up. [PILOT] Well, that was extremely brave. Why didn't you tell us this? [DOCTOR] Well, as a matter of fact [MEDOK] Captain Ola didn't give him a chance. [PILOT] I see. Well, it seems we owe you an apology, Doctor. [MEDOK] It's better we tell the truth, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. Thank you, Medok. I quite understand. [PILOT] Take him away. [OLA] Come on, Medok. [PILOT] Well, I'm extremely sorry about it, Doctor, and of course you'refree to go. [DOCTOR] What will happen to Medok? [PILOT] Oh, well, he'll be taken back to the hospital for correction.He'll be given another course of treatment. And when he returns to theColony, Medok will be a changed man. He will cooperate and he will obeyorders. He'll be just like the rest of us. [DOCTOR] Why do you want everyone to be the same? [PILOT] Doctor, this Colony was founded many centuries ago by ourancestors who came from the Earth planet, like your young friends. Ourancestors believed in the virtues of healthy happiness and we havetried to keep their ideals alive. Sometimes, alas, it is necessary touse force. (into intercom) The Doctor will be returning to his quartersnow. [VOICE [OC]] The Doctor's escort is ready. [PILOT] Well, I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Doctor, and many thanksagain for your help. [DOCTOR] Not at all. Thank you. Goodnight. [PILOT] Oh, I'm so sorry. Goodnight. [CONTROL [OC]] The Doctor and his friends are to be given the advantageof high powered adaption at once. They must begin to think like membersof the Colony. They are to have deep sleep and thinking patterns. Wecannot have criticism from these strangers! The work to do it, it mustbegin immediately. [PILOT] Emergency order from Control, top priority. Are all the cubiclesconnected? [VOICE [OC]] The rest cubicles for the four strangers are all connectedfor deep sleep and thought patterns. [PILOT] Very good. The process is to begin immediately. Yourinstructions are being carried out. [CONTROL [OC]] That is good. This is an emergency. Control must bebelieved and obeyed! No one on the Colony believes in Macra! There isno such thing as Macra! Macra do not exist! There are no Macra! --------------------------------------- (Jamie + Ben's cubicle) [VOICE [OC]] The sleeper must relax and believe. Everything in theColony is good and beautiful. You must accept it without question. Youmust obey orders. The leaders of the Colony know what is best. In themorning when you wake up you will be given some work. You will be gladto obey. You will question nothing in the Colony. [JAMIE] Ben? Ben? [BEN] What is it? [JAMIE] I heard something. [BEN] Oh, you're always hearing something. [JAMIE] I never heard a voice like this before. Ben? [BEN] I'm asleep. [JAMIE] It was evil, Ben. An evil voice. An evil that spoke so gentlyand yet I almost believed what it said. [BEN] Oh, look, mate, get some sleep. We've got a hard day's work aheadof us tomorrow. [JAMIE] Why do you say that? [BEN] Well, we've got to do something to help in the Colony. We can'tjust eat their nosh without helping out. [JAMIE] You sound just like that voice, Ben. [BEN] Oh, what are you on about? This Colony's all right. It wouldn't betoo bad to work here. [JAMIE] I never heard you talk that way before, Ben. [VOICE [OC]] You will not resist the sleeping gas. Breathe deeply. Inthe morning, when you wake, you will obey. --------------------------------------- (Polly's cubicle) [DOCTOR] Wake up, Polly. [POLLY] Doctor? What on earth are you doing? [DOCTOR] I've been scotching a rumour. Or should I say scorching. [POLLY] What happened? [DOCTOR] Polly, I think you've been listening to some very bad advice. [POLLY] But I've been asleep. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know you have. Fast asleep. Very fast asleep. Polly, doyou smell anything? A sort of sweet perfume? [POLLY] No. [DOCTOR] Never mind. Now, Polly, I want you to forget everything thatyou've been dreaming. [POLLY] Why do you say that? [DOCTOR] Well, it's just possible that you've been given a series oforders while you've been asleep. You know, do this, do that, do theother thing. My advice to you is don't do anything of the sort. Don'tjust be obedient. Always make up your own mind. What am I thinking of?Ben and Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Jamie + Ben's cubicle) [BEN] Hello, Doctor. Is it morning? [DOCTOR] No, not yet, but nearly so. [BEN] What are you up to? [DOCTOR] Well, by my calculations, there should be a thin strand of wirein the wall here, like a nerve tapping the subconscious of the humanbrain. [BEN] Lay off, mate. You'll find yourself on a charge. [DOCTOR] It should be here somewhere. Ah! [BEN] Pack it in, Doctor. The way you mess about you could do somedamage. [DOCTOR] Better some damage than loss of will power. [BEN] What are you on about? Look, get out of it. It's against the law. [DOCTOR] What law? [BEN] The law of the Colony. Don't do that! (The Doctor shorts thewire.) Now you'll get chucked in jail. [POLLY] What's the matter with you, Ben? Since when did you start toworry? [BEN] He thinks he knows best all the time, but this time he's wrong. [JAMIE] Hey, what's all the noise? [DOCTOR] Jamie, how did you sleep? [JAMIE] Oh, very badly, Doctor. I told Ben I kept hearing wee voices. [DOCTOR] That's a good sign. That means they haven't been able to getvery deeply into your brain. [JAMIE] Ay? I don't understand? [DOCTOR] I'll show you. Watch this. [BEN] You're fools, all of you! And just look what you've done. You'vesmashed up all this equipment. [POLLY] Yes, but look here. If they were trying to make us believe awhole load of rubbish [BEN] Rubbish? It's not rubbish. Control knows what's best for us. Theywant us to cooperate. We should be helping. [POLLY] What's the matter with you, Ben? This doesn't sound like you atall. [BEN] We should learn to obey. The Doctor's causing trouble. I'm goingto turn him in. [JAMIE] You don't know what you're doing, Ben. [BEN] Get off me! [POLLY] What's the matter with him? [DOCTOR] I'm very much afraid I'm too late. [POLLY] Ben! [BEN] Let go of me. [POLLY] Ben! [BEN] Guards! Guards! [POLLY] Don't let him go. [DOCTOR] No, it's no use, Jamie.JAMIE [JAMIE] But he's betrayed you. [DOCTOR] No, no, not Ben. He's not in control of his actions. He's beengiven a series of instructions and he can't help himself. [POLLY] Yes, but he [BEN] That's him! He prodded about in the wall and smashed up ourequipment. [OLA] This time we've got the evidence, and from one of your ownfriends. Come on, Doctor. [JAMIE] Leave him alone. [OLA] Get out of my way. That's an order. [JAMIE] I take orders from no one but the Doctor. [OLA] All right, you're coming too. Get out, both of you! [DOCTOR] Thank you, Jamie, but I'd better go with Captain Ola. [POLLY] But Doctor, what will they do to you? [BEN] He should be in that hospital of yours. [JAMIE] You traitor, you. [OLA] That's enough! [BEN] The hospital! He needs correction more than Medok does. --------------------------------------- (Hospital ward) [VOICE [OC]] You wish to cooperate. You have seen no strange creatures.You will work hard and happily. Hard and happily. You wish tocooperate. You have seen no strange creatures. [PILOT] It's a very difficult case, I'm afraid. Nothing much we can do.He's too far gone to help. No, he'll never be happy like the rest ofus. All we can do is send him to the pits for life. [MEDOK] Can't hide the truth. [PILOT] Yes, what is it? What's that? The Doctor? I'll come at once.Keep at it. --------------------------------------- (Jamie + Ben's cubicle) [POLLY] What did you do it for? The Doctor's ourfriend. [BEN] I had to do my duty. [POLLY] Well, you go on doing it, then. I'm going to go and find outwhere the others have gone. [BEN] Look, Polly, you'd better stay here. [POLLY] Go on, report me. [BEN] Now look. Come back, Polly. Polly? Polly! --------------------------------------- (Building site) [BEN] Polly, where are you? Polly? You'll be in trouble. Don't foolabout, Polly. You must obey Control. Polly? Stop! [POLLY] Leave me alone! [BEN] You're coming back to the guard. [POLLY] What's the matter with you, Ben? Wake up! [BEN] You're coming with me, girl. You broke the Colony law. [BEN] What's the matter with you? [POLLY] There. [BEN] There's nothing there. [POLLY] But there was. I saw it. A huge face, like an insect, or a giantcrab. It was horrible and it was looking at us and it had claws. Clawslike we saw on the time scanner. [BEN] There's nothing there. Come on. [POLLY] No, not that way. [BEN] Look, you're just trying to dodge off. [POLLY] No, no, please, I'm not. But please look. [BEN] There is nothing there! [POLLY] Ben. [POLLY] What is it? [BEN] I don't know. [POLLY] Well, what are we going to do? [BEN] There is nothing evil or harmful in this colony. [POLLY] How can you believe that stuff? [BEN] It stands to reason. It's safe. There is nothing here! [POLLY] Ben, what is this? Get it off me, Ben! It's got my foot! Ben!Help me, Ben! Help me! [POLLY] Oh, it was horrible! [BEN] It's all right. I think it's going away. [POLLY] Let's go inside. Ben, behind you! There's another one! Ben,they're all around us! [BEN] Look, Polly, you make a run for it, and I'll keep them here. [POLLY] No, you won't stand a chance. [BEN] We can't stop here. Come on, quick! --------------------------------------- (Pilot's office) [PILOT] You have destroyed three nerve circuits,Doctor. You have burned them out. What have you to say? [DOCTOR] Rather neat, don't you think? And so simple. I did it withthis. [PILOT] You admit it? [DOCTOR] I'm proud of it. [PILOT] What is it? What's the matter? [DOCTOR] My dear Pilot, your wall? Even you are subjected to this formof subconscious control? [PILOT] Leave that alone. [DOCTOR] That's better. [PILOT] You will be punished for this. [DOCTOR] The least you can do is to say thank you. [OLA] Pilot! [PILOT] What is it? [OLA] It's the young man who reported the Doctor, Pilot. [PILOT] What about him? [OLA] He has another report, Pilot. An urgent one. [PILOT] Very well, Ola, you may leave. I will deal with it. [JAMIE] Who are you stabbing in the back this time? [DOCTOR] Polly? Polly? What's the matter? [POLLY] Doctor, it was horrible. A great insect, like a crab. It gothold of me. Ben got me free. [JAMIE] Ben did? [POLLY] And he was nearly killed himself. [PILOT] Silence. Did you protect the girl from such creatures? [BEN] She ran away. I went after her. [PILOT] Did you protect her, and were there such creatures? [BEN] No. There were no such creatures. [POLLY] Ben! [BEN] There are no such things as Macra. [POLLY] But you saw them! [BEN] There were no such creatures! There are no such things as Macra! [DOCTOR] Don't blame him, Polly. [JAMIE] But you heard him. [DOCTOR] I told you. Ben has come under control of the evil forces atthe heart of this colony. [PILOT] That is quite untrue. Control always acts for the best. [DOCTOR] Who is Control? [PILOT] You've seen our Controller. [DOCTOR] Have I? I don't remember. [PILOT] Well, switch on then. We've nothing to hide. [CONTROL [OC]] Controller speaking. We know everything that's happened.The poor girl has had hallucinations. [JAMIE] That's not the Controller. That's just a picture of a man. [PILOT] It is the picture of our Controller. [JAMIE] Well, where is he? I'll wager he doesn't exist. [PILOT] Of course he does. [JAMIE] Well, let's see him then. [PILOT] That's not necessary. [JAMIE] Well, I don't believe he's there. [PILOT] Of course he is. You've heard his voice. [DOCTOR] Why don't you show him to us then? [PILOT] Well, all right, if you wish, I'll ask. As you can hear,Control, they ask to see you in person. [DOCTOR] That set the cat among the pigeons. [JAMIE] They've not got him there. [CONTROL [OC]] This is your Controller. This is your Controller. [JAMIE] But he's an old man. [PILOT] Well, now you've seen the Controller. [JAMIE] Well, let him speak. [CONTROL [OC]] Be silent! That is an order! [POLLY] Let him speak. [PILOT] Be silent! [JAMIE] Ah, he's not giving the orders. He can't talk. [CONTROL [OC]] This is the man. You will hear him speak. Speak,Controller, speak! [CONTROLLER [on screen]] Speak? Am I to speak? [CONTROL [OC]] Tell the strangers to believe and obey! [CONTROLLER [on screen]] I will tell them. I will tell them. I'll dowhat you say. [CONTROLLER [on screen]] Keep away. Don't touch me. I'll obey. [JAMIE] What's that? What's happening? [POLLY] Doctor, that was it. That thing in the picture, that was theclaw! They're in control. --------------------------------------- (Pilot's office) [PILOT] Take them out of here. They're condemned tothe pits. [OLA] Come on. Get out, all of you. Out! Get out! [PILOT] (to intercom) Stand by work shift. Stand by in the pits. [VOICE [OC]] Work shift standing by. [PILOT] The strangers are being sent to you for pit labour. Put them inthe Danger Gang. [CONTROL [OC]] Your orders are correct, Pilot. The strangers must besent to explore the new gas reserve. They are dangerous people. Theymust be disciplined. [PILOT] Yes, Control. [CONTROL [OC]] You will forget all that happened. [PILOT] Yes, Control. [CONTROL [OC]] The Colony enjoys hard work and happiness. We will nottolerate the evil of such strangers. [PILOT] Yes, Control. You must serve the Colony. Keep watch on yourfriends and if you see anything suspicious, report to me immediately. [BEN] Yes, Pilot. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [MUSIC [OC]] We are all happy to work. We are allhappy to work. For the good of the Colony. Happy to work. Happy towork. [DOCTOR] Oh! [POLLY] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Dreadful. Did you hear that rhyme? The man who wrote that oughtto be sent to the Danger Gang, not us. [OLA] All right. That's enough. [OFFICIA] Ah, are these the three strangers? [OLA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes, you might call us that. [OLA] They've been allocated 176 shift. [OFFICIA] Oh, very good, Ola. I'll recall the shift leader. [DOCTOR] What an extremely remarkable place. What efficiency. Whateverdo you make? [OLA] Silence. [JAMIE] I thought this was a mine, you know, where you dig up coal? [OFFICIA] Ah, yes, but here, you see, the rock foundation is a type ofsalt. Now at depths it generates gases, over the years, and these gasesare extremely valuable. [OLA] Don't bother to explain to them. Just get them to work. [JAMIE] Aye. well, you don't send a lassie and an old man down to dig. [DOCTOR] Old? What do you mean old? I'm not old, Jamie. [OLA] You'll do as you're ordered. [OFFICIA] Here's the leader of the their shift, sir. [OLA] Very well. Report any irregularities to me. [JAMIE] Medok! How did you get here? [MEDOK] They threw me out of the correction hospital. Apparently I'm ahopeless case. [POLLY] But why did they send you here? [MEDOK] The one remaining punishment they could think of. To work in theDanger Gang for life. [JAMIE] For life? [MEDOK] Oh, don't worry, you don't survive long in this atmosphere. It'sthe gas. It gets everywhere. It creeps into your lungs. And when you'redown there, you're right in the thick of it. [OFFICIA] Come on, Medok. Take them to their work. [MEDOK] What's the hurry? [OFFICIA] You don't want me to call the guard, do you? [MEDOK] All right, all right, we're going. But we are entitled to asupervisor on this shift. [OFFICIA] Oh, yes, that's true. [MEDOK] Yes. Well, I'm leaving this man. [OFFICIA] Hmm? Oh, well, yes. I suppose that's all right. [DOCTOR] But it's much safer up here. Isn't it, Medok? [MEDOK] It is. [DOCTOR] Ah. I see. I'm perfectly capable of working in the pit, thankyou. Polly can have the safe job. [POLLY] Oh no, you stay up here, Doctor. I wouldn't know what to do. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure I understand all this machinery myself. [JAMIE] Do you not think you might make better use of the opportunity,Doctor? [DOCTOR] What do you mean? Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Yes, I'll be supervisor. [OFFICIA] What was all that? [DOCTOR] Nothing. Absolutely nothing. [OFFICIA] Come on, you two. [MEDOK] Oh, you're going to issue them with masks, aren't you? Youaren't taking them down there without any protection? [OFFICIA] Surely you could have seen to that? Oh, here. You'd bettertake this checklist. [DOCTOR] But would have liked a mask. [DOCTOR] This really is remarkable. Most interesting. Yes, I supposewith a little adjustment. Hello, Ben. Don't go. Come in. Don't beafraid. [BEN] I have nothing to be afraid of. [DOCTOR] No, of course not. It wasn't your fault you betrayed yourfriends. [BEN] The voices tell me what to do. [DOCTOR] The voices may not be right, Ben. [BEN] I do what I am told. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. That's why you're here, isn't it? To spy on me.What does Control want to know this time? Can't you answer me? Youknow, Ben, this is very unlike you. [BEN] I don't know what you mean. It is my duty. [DOCTOR] It's hard for you to struggle against the voices, isn't it,Ben? But I warn you, if you spy on the others, watch out Jamie doesn'tcatch you. He's not so tolerant as I am. --------------------------------------- (Gas mine) [OFFICIA] Hurry up. Put on your equipment. [JAMIE] You shouldn't make lassies do the work of men. [OFFICIA] The Danger Gang will do as they are told. It's a punishmentfor their failure to cooperate. [MEDOK] We do all the dirty work. We go where the gas is worst. [OFFICIA] It's your own fault, Medok. If you obeyed Control [MEDOK] All right. All right. Forget it. I prefer Control poisoning mylungs to their trying to poison my mind. [POLLY] What's that? [MEDOK] It's a gas strike. [OFFICIA] Go on. Help with the cable there. Go on, hurry up. That's thealarm. This gas is lethal. [JAMIE] What does he mean? [MEDOK] He means they've struck so much gas they can't channel it off.When it reaches a certain density, that alarm bell goes. [OFFICIA] Hurry up! Get that cable to the strike. [MEDOK] Come on, quickly. [OFFICIA] Quickly. Come on. Pull there. Pull, all of you. Pull! Pull! [JAMIE] Polly! [OFFICIA] Leave her. Get that cable to the strike. [MEDOK] Get her away from here. Away. Jamie, the head of the cable, gotit! Right! Now put your masks on. They're in your pockets. Right, nowhelp me with this. Hold it. Hold it, Jamie, hold it. Right. [POLLY] What's it all for? [MEDOK] For a poisonous gas which we mine from the bowels of thisplanet, which kills us if we breathe it. No one knows what it's usedfor. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [DOCTOR] Yes. Now, one must assume that the relative connection isconstant. Now, let me see. Ah. Yes, I think that's right. I shall givemyself ten out of ten. [DOCTOR] Oh, you did give me a turn. [PILOT] Where did you find it? [DOCTOR] What? [PILOT] The formula. [DOCTOR] In my head. You know. [PILOT] Don't lie. That is a secret known only to three people in theColony. [DOCTOR] And you're one of them, I'd say. [PILOT] Naturally. And you're not asking me to believe that in a fewmoments you have been able to work out a formula which it has taken ourcombined computers years to perfect? [DOCTOR] It does seem rather a tall order. [PILOT] Yes, of course. I know what you've done. You've broken into oursecret files, haven't you? [DOCTOR] I wouldn't know how to do that. Take a look. [PILOT] Well, you must have seen the document. That's the exactcomputation. [DOCTOR] Really? Huh. In that case [PILOT] Do you really mean to say that you worked that out by yourself? [DOCTOR] Well, I did have a little assistance. [PILOT] Yes, I thought so. Who was it? [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no. Oh, no. No person. No. I simply mean that Itook readings from the various dials. They appeared to be related, so Iworked out the principle that controlled them. It was simple really.Like doing a sum backwards. [PILOT] Backwards? [DOCTOR] Yes. You know. Given the answer, what's the question? [PILOT] Wipe it away. Get it off there before anybody else sees it. [DOCTOR] Oh well, if you insist. [DOCTOR] Oh, there now. If anyone follows that formula there'll be analmighty explosion. X to the power of y is derivative 2 3's of 6! [PILOT] Get it off. --------------------------------------- (Gas mine) [POLLY] What are they doing? [MEDOK] We call that probing. [POLLY] They're not looking for more gas? [MEDOK] Oh, yes. We never stop. [JAMIE] There's a door here. Where does it lead to? [MEDOK] I've no idea. To my knowledge those doors were never opened. [JAMIE] Could be an old shaft. [POLLY] Why would it need such a new door? And so strong? [MEDOK] Hey, look out! [OFFICIA] Ah, you've made the connection? [MEDOK] Of course. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. [OFFICIA] Now, be careful, Medok. There are other places worse than theDanger Gang, you know. This is a high pressure strike. You are going toneed a stronger screw than this. [MEDOK] Don't touch it. [OFFICIA] I know what I'm doing. [POLLY] He's fainted. [JAMIE] Aye. He must have. [BEN] What's the matter? What has happened to him? [JAMIE] He's had a wee whiff of the gas. [BEN] Get him up. I'll look after him. Yeah, it's all right, mate. Hangon. [POLLY] How long do you think Ben was watching us? [JAMIE] I don't know. [POLLY] Do you think he saw you take the keys? [JAMIE] Well, if he did, we're in trouble. [POLLY] Yes. [JAMIE] It just means we'll have to make use of them as quick as we can. [POLLY] But where, Jamie. And how? [JAMIE] Let's try that wee door first. Come on. Give me the word ifanybody comes. [POLLY] Right. Look out. Okay. [MEDOK] Hey you two, give us a hand. [POLLY] All right. I'd better go. [JAMIE] Just a minute Polly. This key's turning. Oh. [POLLY] Good luck. [JAMIE] Aye. It fits. Come on, Pol. [MEDOK] Come on here, everybody. Lend a hand. [POLLY] What's that? [MEDOK] It's impossible. [POLLY] Is it more gas? [MEDOK] No, it's an escape. That bell means that someone has escapeddown here. [POLLY] It's Jamie. [MEDOK] Your friend? That door! I'm going with him. [POLLY] Hey, wait! Don't leave me down here. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [OFFICIA] We couldn't have an alarm. It'simpossible. No one ever escapes. Calling Pit Guard. Close exits to allgas shafts. Stand by. A prisoner has escaped. Shoot on sight. [DOCTOR] But, if no one can escape [OFFICIA] My keys. My keys! They were on my tunic. [BEN] You must have dropped them. [OFFICIA] Special guards to cover all exits to the old shaft. WithPilot's permission, they may have to go on forbidden ground. --------------------------------------- (Old shaft) [MEDOK] Jamie? Jamie? Jamie? Ah! [JAMIE] Hello? Who's there? --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [CONTROL [OC]] No permission is granted for theguard to go on forbidden ground. Repeat, no permission. They are not tocover the exit to the old shaft. This is in use at this moment byControl. No one is to go in or near the old shaft. Top priority. [DOCTOR] They seem very emphatic about that. [OFFICIA] Control knows best. [DOCTOR] But what if your prisoner escapes that way? What will happen toyou? [OFFICIA] I shall be punished. [DOCTOR] Well, aren't you going to do something about it? [OFFICIA] Control knows best. [DOCTOR] Who has escaped, anyway? [OFFICIA] We shall soon find out. [BEN] It is Jamie. [DOCTOR] How do you know that, Ben? [BEN] I saw him take the keys. [DOCTOR] And you didn't report it? [BEN] No. [DOCTOR] Why not? [BEN] I don't know. I don't seem to be able to think straight. [DOCTOR] Ben, you're recovering. I always thought you were a toughcustomer. Well done. [BEN] Control knows best. [DOCTOR] You don't seem very sure. [BEN] Jamie took those keys. I must report him. --------------------------------------- (Old shaft) (Pithead) [POLLY] Doctor, you know what's happened? [DOCTOR] Yes. Jamie's got free. By my calculations he's got a very goodchance. Hold that for me, will you? [POLLY] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Well, as I understand it, Jamie's in the old shaft. [POLLY] Yes, that's right. [DOCTOR] And for reasons of their own, Control don't want anyone there.It's forbidden territory. [POLLY] So you think he'll be all right? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I'll be able to tell you when I've tested this tosee how lethal it is. [POLLY] But what's that got to do with Jamie? [DOCTOR] On this planet it's got a lot to do with everybody. There now.Yes. [POLLY] Oh, Doctor, what on earth are you doing? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to analyse this gas, and I'm not having very muchluck. [POLLY] Is that the same stuff that we've been pumping out of the pits? [DOCTOR] Yes. And they go to great efforts to get it. The question iswhy? [POLLY] Shh! Somebody's coming. [DOCTOR] Oh! Mustn't find this. --------------------------------------- (Pilot's office) [SUNNA] Oh, the Pilot's not here. Let me help you. [BEN] No. [SUNNA] Always lend a helping hand. A willing friend makes the tasklighter. [BEN] I'll wait for the Pilot, if I'm going to tell anybody. [SUNNA] You are, aren't you? [BEN] I don't know what I'm going to do. I've got these voices in myhead. Sometimes I just think I'm having a bad dream. [SUNNA] But the voices are here to help us. They are our friends. [BEN] That's it. What about my friends? --------------------------------------- (Old shaft) (Pithead) [OFFICIA] I'll see you're reported for this. If thiswere not an emergency [POLLY] The bell's stopped. Why has it stopped? [OFFICIA] Because, young lady, the emergency's over. [POLLY] Does that mean he's been caught? [OFFICIA] It means they're closing in on him. --------------------------------------- (Pilot's office) [PILOT] Thank you. But why didn't you tell this toOfficia? [BEN] You told me to report back to you. [PILOT] I see. Very well. The stranger who has escaped is in the oldshaft. Control will now give instructions. [CONTROL [OC]] All guards will leave the area of the old shaft. No onemust go near it, even in search of the stranger. Do not approach itsexit or entrance. Do not go in. Officials are to stand by at the gascentre. [PILOT] We will obey, Control. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [OFFICIA] Gas centre standing by. What transfers doyou wish made? [CONTROL [OC]] Prepare for gas to be diverted into the old shaft.Inspect connection immediately and report back. [POLLY] The old shaft. Doctor, that's where Jamie is! [DOCTOR] They're going to pour this gas in the old shaft. Gas they valueabove all else. What do you make of that, Polly? [POLLY] For goodness sake, Doctor. What are you going on about? [DOCTOR] Don't you see? Control are not pouring this poisonous gas intothe old shaft to kill Jamie. They've quite another reason. [POLLY] Doctor, you've got to do something to help him. [DOCTOR] Before we act, we must think. Now, the Macra that have come tothe surface of this planet have not found sufficient gas in theatmosphere, so they've had to get somebody to pump it up from downbelow. [POLLY] But if it's life and death to them, why do they waste it? Whydivert it into the old shaft? [DOCTOR] That's obvious, Polly, obvious. Because there's somethingtrapped down there they wish to keep alive. [(Jamie backs away from the Macra. It moves slightly towards him.) OFFICIA] Officia reporting. All connections have been tested. They areall one hundred percent serviceable. Transfer of all gases may now bemade to the old shaft. [CONTROL [OC]] Stand by for action. [MUSIC [OC]] The Colony. The Colony is happy to obey. The Colony ishappy to obey. [POLLY] We've got to help him. [DOCTOR] I'm doing my best, Polly. I'm thinking at top speed. There's apattern involved here, a combination of pipes. If one were to followthis one [CONTROL [OC]] Stand by gas, Officia. All flow is to be channelledthrough systems seven and eleven. [DOCTOR] Seven and eleven. Now which are they? [OFFICIA] All channels are ready. [CONTROL [OC]] Prepare to turn on at half blast. [OFFICIA] All ready. [CONTROL [OC]] Now! [DOCTOR] Seven and eleven. If that's the system in use, it must go fromhere round up to there. [CONTROL [OC]] Officia is to increase pressure. [POLLY] Doctor, quickly. [DOCTOR] Polly, I think I've found the gas flow. [OFFICIA] The pressure's being increased. [CONTROL [OC]] Turn on full pressure now. [OFFICIA] Full pressure in action! --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [CONTROL [OC]] Retain full pressure. [OFFICIA] Full pressure is being maintained on master control. Reservesare standing by. [DOCTOR] Let me see, let me see. [POLLY] Doctor, what could be happening to Jamie now? [DOCTOR] I hate to think. It won't be anything very pleasant. Polly, goand see what the first dial on the control desk registers. [POLLY] Right. [DOCTOR] Hurry up. [POLLY] Full pressure. [DOCTOR] Full pressure. And the other one? Come on. [POLLY] Zero. [DOCTOR] Zero. Now I think there's only one thing for it. Plus must bemade minus and minus must be made plus. [POLLY] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] The question is, which is plus and which is minus? [POLLY] Oh. [OFFICIA] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Oh, just checking. [OFFICIA] Well, I don't need your help, thank you. [DOCTOR] As you please. But I think you're going to run into trouble. [OFFICIA] Why? What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Well, according to my calculations, the pressure gauges arewrong. [OFFICIA] Don't be ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Ridiculous? Well, that's as may be. But, after all, three timesthree is nine, and if you divide by half of its own cubic capacity tothe formula Pi over four squared, I think you'll have to agree with me. [OFFICIA] Don't touch that. [DOCTOR] Why not? [OFFICIA] That controls the inflow system. [DOCTOR] Oh. So these are the inflow pipes, are they? That's all Iwanted to know. [OFFICIA] But what are you doing? [DOCTOR] Inflow. Inflow. Outflow. Inflow. High pressure. Low pressureand O-U-T spells out. [POLLY] Doctor, what are you doing? [DOCTOR] It's all right, Polly, confusion is best left to the experts. [OFFICIA] But stop it. You've no idea what you're doing. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I have. I can stand an operation on its head quickerthan anyone. There! I think you'll find I've revolutionised the entiregas flow of the Colony. [OFFICIA] You must be mad. You'll be locked up. [DOCTOR] Polly, see what those dials register now. [POLLY] Right. Doctor, something's happened to this one. [DOCTOR] What does it read? [POLLY] It's reads zero. [DOCTOR] And the other one? [POLLY] Full pressure. [DOCTOR] Good. Splendid. That means there'll be a fine old gale of freshair blowing along the old shaft any time now. [OFFICIA] You can do nothing. You'll only delay matters. It's a simplematter for me to reconnect the gas. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure it is. But I'm sure you'd like a little help. [OFFICIA] Now stop that. You've enough to answer for already. Guard!Guard! [DOCTOR] It's all right, Polly, I've got his keys. Lock the door. [OFFICIA] Send the guard, immediately! [POLLY] They're bound to get in sooner or later. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, the later the better. The only thing we can do forJamie now is to give him time. Lock the door. [CONTROL [OC]] This is Control. Why has the outflow of gas stopped? Gasmust be pumped into the old shaft without interruption. Begin pumpingimmediately. [OFFICIA] I need help immediately. The strangers obey nothing. They areturning taps in the wrong direction. [CONTROL [OC]] Guards have been detailed to assist you. [OLA [OC]] Open up in there! [OFFICIA] The keys. My keys. Where are my keys? [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Your keys. Try in your pocket. Or on the gantry. Orover there. [OFFICIA] Look, I know you've got them. [POLLY] Doctor, the door. [OLA [OC]] Open up in there or we'll smash it in. [POLLY] It's going to give way. [DOCTOR] Come on, Polly. Let's get out of here. [POLLY] No, not that way. It goes to the pits. Quick. Try that one. [DOCTOR] It's locked. [POLLY] Then use the keys! Quick, Doctor, quick! [OFFICIA] Over there. Quick! Stop them before they do any damage. OLA --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [DOCTOR] Push, Polly, push! [POLLY] I can't! [DOCTOR] You've got to. Come on, together. I've nearly got it locked.There we are. [POLLY] Where are we? [DOCTOR] Well, it looks rather like a cupboard with a lot of pipes. [POLLY] Where do you suppose they lead? [DOCTOR] They must lead somewhere. Let's have a look. [POLLY] Doctor, I think these are the pipes that carry the poisonousgas. [DOCTOR] Yes, very likely. [POLLY] Well, don't you think we'd better stay here? [DOCTOR] Stay here? I'm not spending the rest of my life with a lot ofold pipes. [POLLY] But Doctor [DOCTOR] Now, come along Polly. I'm sure there's no need to be afraid.Well, well I think there's no need to be afraid. Oh, come on. Let'sfind out. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [OFFICIA] There, that ought to do it. Let's hopewe're not too late. --------------------------------------- (Old shaft) (Cupboard) [LEADER [OC]] What do you know? [CHEERLEADERS [OC]] We all know Control is right, and we must obey! --------------------------------------- (Hall) [LEADER] Let them know. Let them know. [CHEERLEADERS] Let them know they're happy! [LEADER] Greet the morning with a shout. [CHEERLEADERS] Everyone up. The sun is out. [LEADER] Rah, rah, rah! [CHEERLEADERS] Rah, rah, rah! Cheers for the Colony. We're the gang thatworks the hardest, and we must obey. Obey Control. Ring the bell. [LEADER] Rah, rah, rah! [CHEERLEADERS] Rah, rah, rah! [LEADER] Work well. [CHEERLEADERS] Ring the bell! [LEADER] Oh, that's much better. But we'll do it again, and this timewith more feeling. Ah! And don't forget our job is to inspire theothers. Our brave workers who are doing such a dangerous job. Allright? [CHEERLEADERS] All right! [LEADER] What do you know? [CHEERLEADERS] We all know Control is right, and we must obey! [LEADER] Let them know. Let them know. [CHEERLEADERS] Let them know they're happy! [LEADER] Greet the morning with a shout. [CHEERLEADERS] Everyone up. The sun is out. [LEADER] Rah, rah, rah! [CHEERLEADERS] Rah, rah, rah! [LEADER] Oh, that's very good! That's beginning to sound like something.It still needs a bit more clarity, and I think that the girls could.Say! how did you get there? [JAMIE] Oh, well, er, I just, as a matter of fact [LEADER] Oh, I see. You're one of the dancers. [JAMIE] One of the dancers? Oh, I'm afraid. Aye. Aye, yes. I'm one ofthe dancers. [LEADER] And you got your dance ready? [JAMIE] My dance? Ah. Well, er, yes. Yes, it's ready. [LEADER] Well, go ahead. I'll see it now. [JAMIE] You'll see it now? [LEADER] And don't forget you have to be very good to get into the HappyColony finals. We want something gay and cheerful. [JAMIE] Gay and cheerful? [LEADER] Have you any music? [JAMIE] Oh, no. I don't need it. [LEADER] Go ahead. We'll pick up the rhythm and clap to it. All right? [CHEERLEADERS] All right! [LEADER] Well, come on. Get on with it. We haven't got all day. [JAMIE] Oh, aye. [LEADER] That's very good. What do you call it? [JAMIE] The Highland Fling. [LEADER] Why do you call it the Highland Fling? [JAMIE] Because we finish the dance by flinging ourselves out the door. [LEADER] Oh, that's very good! Come on now. Rah, rah, rah! [CHEERLEADERS] Rah, rah, rah! [LEADER] Cheers for the Colony. Rah, rah, rah! --------------------------------------- (outside the Hall) [OLA] Where did this boy come from? [LEADER] Oh, he's one of the dancers. [OLA] Nonsense. He's the escaped stranger. You there, identify him. Isthis the boy you reported? [BEN] (hesitant) Yes. [JAMIE] Ben, you gave me away. [OLA] Tie him up. Go to the Pilot. Tell him the stranger's found. Tellhim it won't be long before we get our hands on his friends as well. [BEN] Jamie, I'm --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [CONTROL [OC]] No permission for the guards to go onforbidden ground. Repeat, no permission. They are not to cover the exitto the old shaft. This is in use at this moment by Control. No one isto go near the old shaft. [DOCTOR] Shh. I hear voices. Very faint. [POLLY] I don't hear anything. [DOCTOR] Stay here a minute, Polly. [POLLY] No, don't leave me. [CONTROL [OC]] The search for the other strangers must be carried on. [POLLY] It's the Controller. The voice behind the screen. [CONTROL [OC]] All guards are detailed to hunt for the Doctor and thegirl. They must be taken dead or alive. [POLLY] Look! He must be there. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROL] This is Control. The day shift is to begin work in theemergency gas shaft. All pressures are to be maintained. The Colonycannot live without gas. --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [POLLY] So that's where all the gas goes. [DOCTOR] Yes, just as I thought. These creatures would die without it. [POLLY] But how long have they been there? I mean, they weren't alwaysin control, were they? [DOCTOR] I couldn't tell you when they were here in the first place,Polly. They're like germs in the human body. They've got into the bodyof this colony. They're living as parasites. [POLLY] You make it sound like a disease. [DOCTOR] Polly, that's what I think they are. [POLLY] They're in the control room. It must be like getting into thebrain, mustn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes, very likely. [POLLY] Shh. They might hear you. [DOCTOR] Now then. One system must provide them with the gas they need,and the other one must be an outflow. [POLLY] Doctor, we've got to bring the Pilot here, and then we can showhim these creatures really do exist. [DOCTOR] Yes, Polly. I think it might work. --------------------------------------- (Pilot's office) [OLA] (to Jamie) Look at me when I talk to you. [PILOT] Ola, a word with you. Where exactly did you catch him? [OLA] In here. In the hall, Pilot. [PILOT] I see. So in fact, he gave himself up? [OLA] He should never have been allowed to escape. [PILOT] Are you criticising Control? [OLA] I'm criticising the running of the pits. [PILOT] But that is my job, Ola. [OLA] I know that. But were it not for my guards, this stranger wouldstill be a danger to all of us. I am going to report to Control thatthere is no discipline in the pits. [PILOT] That's not the only report Control will get! [OLA] Ever since these strangers arrived your authority in this Colonyhas gone to pieces. They come and go as they please, and even now twoof them are still missing. [DOCTOR] Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Well, everyone is upbright and early. And the last two strangers are not missing after all.Oh, come now. We can't have bad temper and differences of opinion inthis happy type colony. Say you're sorry, Ola. Say you're sorry, Pilot. [JAMIE] Doctor, what did ye come here for? You've walked into a trap. [DOCTOR] Good morning, Jamie. It's nice to see you so well cared for. [JAMIE] Yes, but Doctor [DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right. I've just come in to have a word with myold friend, the Pilot. Good morning, Ben. I hope you're feeling moreyour old self? [BEN] Yes, Doctor. I am. [PILOT] Why did not your guards arrest these strangers? [OLA] I don't know. Guards, arrest them. [PILOT] That is no longer necessary. [DOCTOR] Of course not. You can't arrest us now we've given ourselvesup. That's against the rules. [PILOT] Now. You wish to see me? [DOCTOR] Yes, I do, urgently. Come with me. [CONTROL [OC]] This is Control. Everyone is to return to workimmediately. This order includes all executives. It includes the Pilot.Everyone back to work immediately. [PILOT] Well, I shall have to go. [POLLY] No, wait. You must listen to what the Doctor's got to tell you.They're only saying that because they know what we've seen. [CONTROL [OC]] At once! [DOCTOR] Pilot. [CONTROL [OC]] At once! That is an order! [POLLY] Don't take any notice of them. That's not your Controller. Thoseare your enemies. [CONTROL [OC]] There must be no discussion with the strangers! [POLLY] Why not? [JAMIE] Aye, what are you afraid of? [CONTROL [OC]] Arrest the strangers! That is an order! All thestrangers! [BEN] That doesn't sound like a man in control. [PILOT] What did you wish to tell me? [OLA] Pilot, you heard Control. Guards, take them all away. [PILOT] I am still the Pilot here. You will take your orders from me.Get back to your quarters. [OLA] Contact Control immediately. Report the Pilot! [DOCTOR] That was a very brave thing to do. [PILOT] Or very foolish. What is it you wanted to tell me? [DOCTOR] Come with me. [OLA] Pilot! [PILOT] You will all remain here. [BEN] He disobeyed Control. The Pilot will be arrested. [JAMIE] No. [POLLY] Anything may happen now, Jamie. We've got to be ready to run forit. [JAMIE] We can't leave the Doctor. [POLLY] He'll be back in a minute, and Ben seems to be all right now. [JAMIE] Aye, more like the old Ben, I must admit. But you still canna.Where is he? --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [(Ben is hiding amongst the instruments, watchingthe Doctor and Pilot.)PILOT] But, Doctor, this is forbidden territory. [DOCTOR] Yes and you'll soon see why. [PILOT] Stop! Stop! You're breaking the law! [DOCTOR] Bad laws were made to be broken. Follow me. [PILOT] But [OFFICIA] What's happened to the Pilot, Ola? The strangers have changedhim! [OLA] The Pilot is a traitor. [CONTROL [OC]] The Pilot has no more authority. Ola is in command! --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [PILOT] I really don't know why I trust you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, perhaps I've got an honest face. [CONTROL [OC]] The Pilot is to be arrested! This is a happy Colony! Allmust obey! [PILOT] Did you hear that? [DOCTOR] Don't give up now. It's just up here. [CONTROL [OC]] All guards to report to the pit head. They are to takeorders from Ola. Is this understood? [DOCTOR] There you are. That's what's taken over this Colony. Youhaven't been in touch with Control, but with these. They've used thisColony for their own ends, destroying you to live themselves. [PILOT] Why, they're horrible. No, Doctor. It is they who must bedestroyed. We must kill them. [CONTROL [OC]] They're here! [DOCTOR] Let's go. [CONTROL [OC]] The Pilot and the stranger! In forbidden territory! Theymust be destroyed! [PILOT] What are they, Doctor? I mean, some monstrous form of bacteria?Insects? Or what? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but you must fight them. [PILOT] How? [DOCTOR] Take full command! [PILOT] You mean defy Control? [DOCTOR] Well, you see what Control really is. [PILOT] Yes. You're right, Doctor. They must be destroyed. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [OLA] We've been waiting for you. [PILOT] Ola, the Colony is in the hands of grotesque insects! [OLA] So you've been seeing things? [PILOT] They're in there. The Macra! [OLA] You know what happens to people that say that. [PILOT] But I [OLA] Now we can deal with you all together. [POLLY] Did the Pilot has see them? [PILOT] Yes, I saw the Macra. [CONTROL [OC]] It is forbidden to say that. Don't let him say that hehas seen Macra! [PILOT] I saw you! You are the Macra! [CONTROL [OC]] Silence! Silence the three strangers! That is an order! [OLA] What shall we do with them, Control? [CONTROL [OC]] Return them to the pipe room. The three strangers and thePilot. They are to be locked in, and you will not let them out. [OLA] Come on, get in. [PILOT] Ola. [POLLY] Doctor! [OLA] Come on, you heard Control. Get in. [PILOT] You'll suffer for this, you wait and see. [JAMIE] Don't worry Polly, I'll look after you. [POLLY] No! [JAMIE] Take your hands off her. [OLA] Get in! [CONTROL [OC]] You have done well, Ola. [OLA] What instructions, Control? [CONTROL [OC]] Clear the building. Guards and workers are to return tothe hall for music. [OLA] I obey, Control. [CONTROL [OC]] It will take precisely four minutes, and then it will besafe for everyone to return to work. Four minutes. --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [POLLY] Why four minutes? [JAMIE] Aye, what can they do in four minutes, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know. We must be ready for anything. [JAMIE] It's the gas! It's coming in here. [DOCTOR] Pilot, do you know where it's coming from? [PILOT] Why, no. I've never been here before. [DOCTOR] There must be a hidden inlet. [CONTROL [OC]] You will not be able to fight it. You cannot stop it. [POLLY] Doctor, I'm getting dizzy. [DOCTOR] Polly, hold that in front of your mouth. [JAMIE] It's coming from over here, Doctor! [DOCTOR] I think you're right, Jamie. [PILOT] It's coming from here as well! [CONTROL [OC]] You are unable to stop it. [DOCTOR] Polly! [CONTROL [OC]] It will not last long. Only for four minutes. By thattime you [POLLY] Let us out. Let us out! [CONTROL] Will be completely helpless. Not quite dead, but helpless. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [BEN] Hello in there. [POLLY [OC]] Who is it? [BEN] Ben. --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [DOCTOR] Ben? Is that you? Are you all right? [BEN [OC]] Can you open the door from your side? [DOCTOR] No. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [BEN] But it's locked. There isn't a key. [DOCTOR [OC]] Ben, listen. --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [DOCTOR] We've got very little time. It's all up toyou. [BEN [OC]] Go ahead Doctor. Tell me what to do. [DOCTOR] Go to the control desk, and you'll see two switches, one markedoutflow and one marked inflow. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [BEN] Hang on. [CONTROL [OC]] The other stranger has recovered. He is now dangerous! Hewill no longer obey Control. The fourth stranger is trying to help hisfriends. He is no longer one of us. He must be stopped at once! [BEN [OC]] I've got them, Doc. Two switches. What next? --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [DOCTOR] Good. You see a lever in front of them? [BEN] Yeah. [CONTROL [OC]] It is forbidden to touch that instrument! You must notobey the Doctor! You will kill us all! He intends to create anexplosion! --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [CONTROL [OC]] Come away from those instruments! Youwill destroy the Colony! [BEN] Oh, shut up. Okay, Doctor. Fire away. [CONTROL [OC]] Guards! Stop the strangers! --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [DOCTOR] Switch on both inflow and outflow. [CONTROL [OC]] No! Stop! The pressure will be unbearable! Oh, for humanbeings as well. [DOCTOR] Switch them on, Ben. Then stand by to throw the lever. [CONTROL [OC]] You are to give no such order! --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [BEN] Inflow on. Outflow on. Okay, Doc. Ready withthe lever. [BEN] Quickly, Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Pipe room) [DOCTOR] Throw the lever away from you. [CONTROL [OC]] No! No! Don't let him. --------------------------------------- (Pithead) [CONTROL [OC]] No! --------------------------------------- (Hall) [PILOT] Now, my first duty is to thank the strangers, for they havesaved our Colony. [PILOT] A dance festival will be held every year in their memory, andthe winners will be awarded the Strangers' Trophy. [BEN] Where's the Doctor? [JAMIE] Why, he's right over there. [BEN] Well, I've got a tipoff he'll want to hear. Hey, Doctor? Doctor? [DOCTOR] Relax. Relax. More haste, more waste. Pleasure is beautiful. [BEN] Relax? You wait till you hear what they're going to do with you. [DOCTOR] Oh, well. [BEN] Yeah, I just heard it on the grapevine. They're going to draft usas members of the Colony, and make you the next Pilot. [DOCTOR] They can't do that to me. Let's get out of here. [BEN] Yes, but how? [DOCTOR] Take a leaf out of Jamie's book. Give them the old danceroutine.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Macra Terror"}
Doctor Who (8 Apr, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Faceless Ones (Gatwick airport runway) [JAMIE] It's a flying beastie! [POLICEMAN] Hey, you! Stop! [DOCTOR] Scatter. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] The pilot said what? [MEADOWS] A police box on the runway. [COMMANDANT] A likely story. Tell him to get back into stack and awaitfurther instructions. [MEADOWS] Yes sir. [COMMANDANT] Miss Rock, get the Airport Police. [MEADOWS] Gatwick Control, Sugar Delta X-Ray. Return to stack. [COMMANDANT] Police? Commandant here. In-bound aircraft reportsobstruction on intersection of runways Five and Two. Investigate andreport back. Police Box. [DOCTOR] Jamie, come over here with me. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [SPENCER [OC]] Just a minute. [SPENCER] Give me that envelope! [SPENCER] I would advise you to stop. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon tours secret office) [SPENCER] Can you come quickly? Trouble. [BLADE [on monitor]] Trouble? What happened? [SPENCER] The postcards. Someone found them. [BLADE [on monitor]] Right. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] (into phone) All right, all right. Soyou dumped it by number four hangar, but what was it? It was a policebox? (to Jean) Get me the police chief. All right, you can bring thoseplanes down now. The obstruction's been cleared. [MEADOWS] Right, sir. [JEAN] Do you think it was some kind of practical joke, sir? Students ormaybe someone? [COMMANDANT] Well, whoever it was they're going to pay for it as soon asI get my hands on them. I'm not going to have the lives of passengersendangered by practical jokers or anyone else. [JEAN] Superintendent Reynolds? I have the Commandant for you. The Chiefof Police. [COMMANDANT] Listen, what's all this about a police box on the runway?Oh. Well, security's got to be tightened up all round. He reports thatfour suspects were seen running away from it. [JEAN] Did they catch them? [COMMANDANT] No. Idiot of a policeman lost them. They're probably milesaway by now. Get me Immigration. Tell them to let me know if anysuspicious characters are seen in the area. --------------------------------------- (Airport) [JAMIE] There's Polly! [DOCTOR] Polly! Over here! [POLLY] Doctor, I've just seen a man killed. [JAMIE] Hit by one of the beasties? [POLLY] No, no. He was murdered by another man. [DOCTOR] Get your breath, Polly, and tell us exactly what happened. [POLLY] Well, I went into the hangar to get away from a policeman, andthere were two men in there. One of them had a gun and he shot theother one. [DOCTOR] The murderer, did he see you? [POLLY] Well, he chased me, but I managed to lose him. [DOCTOR] Could you find this hangar again? [POLLY] Well, I think so. I can remember the name. It was Chameleonsomething or other. Hey, where's Ben? [DOCTOR] We haven't seen him. Come on, let's find this hangar. [POLLY] But listen. The bloke with the gun, he'll be looking for me. [JAMIE] Ah, we'll look after you. Now come on. [POLLY] But where's? What about Ben? [JAMIE] Aye, we'll find him. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [BLADE] Who was he? [SPENCER] He found the postcards. [BLADE] His name? [SPENCER] I don't know. I caught him in the office. He found evidence. Ihad to stop him. [BLADE] You killed Detective Inspector Gascoigne. A policeman. [SPENCER] Do you think a parent sent him? [BLADE] Possibly. It's doesn't matter The important thing is that nobodyshould find him. Arrange disposal. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [SPENCER] All right. Get it over here as quickly aspossible. A container is on the way. [BLADE] Right. Destroy this. Why have you left those suitcases there? [SPENCER] The detective. He interrupted me. [BLADE] Spencer! [POLLY [on monitor]] Look. And, Doctor, the bloke came out of that doorthere. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Is it locked? Is anyone in there? No, its locked.There's nobody there. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [DOCTOR] Polly, this man that killed him. Would yourecognise him again? [POLLY] Well, yes. He chased me. I'd recognise him anywhere. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [BLADE] Fool. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [DOCTOR] Polly, how do you say he was killed? [POLLY] With a gun. [DOCTOR] Can you describe it to me? [POLLY] No. It was too far away. Why? [DOCTOR] This man was electrocuted. His clothes are all scorched! [POLLY] It was definitely some kind of a gun, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Maybe. But not one that's not been developed yet on thisplanet. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [BLADE] This man they call Doctor, where does he gethis knowledge? [SPENCER] He looks like a normal being. [BLADE] More intelligent then most. He is a threat to our operation. [SPENCER] I'll kill him. [BLADE] No. Get the girl. She can identify you. We can deal with the manlater. [SPENCER] He may talk. [BLADE] So? Nobody will believe him. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [DOCTOR] We must report this to the authorities. [JAMIE] That man who chased us. We could find him maybe. [DOCTOR] What, the policeman? Oh, no, no, Jamie. We must find the man incharge in this place. [POLLY] But what about him? We can't just leave him here. [DOCTOR] There's nothing else we can do. Now, let's find the mainairport building. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Gatwick airport) [JAMIE] Are you sure this is the right way, Doctor? [DOCTOR] This seems to be leading to the main airport building. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [POLLY] Oh, what happened to me? [SPENCER] A temporary disablement. You'll be back to normal any secondnow. Up here. [POLLY] Where are you taking me? [SPENCER] You'll soon find out. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [SPENCER] I've got her. [BLADE] Excellent. Did anybody see you this time? [SPENCER] She was following behind her friends, but they didn't notice. [POLLY] They'll come looking for me. [BLADE] Sit down. [POLLY] Murderers. [BLADE] You'll have to show us some respect, and answer my questions.Which airline do you work for? [POLLY] I don't understand. [BLADE] You must belong to some airline or the airport authority to bein this part of the airport. [POLLY] I've got nothing to do with the airport. We'd just arrived. Wewere lost. I was trying to find someone to help me and I saw him kill aman. [SPENCER] You say you'd just arrived? How did you get here? [BLADE] We'll gain nothing by questioning her. The important thing isthat we've got her. [POLLY] You don't think my friends are just going to forget me likethat, do you? [JAMIE [on monitor]] I don't understand it, Doctor. Polly's nowhere tobe seen. Something must have happened to her. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] It's locked Jamie. There's nobody there. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [DOCTOR] I'm afraid we're wasting our time here,Jamie. The sooner we find the authorities and tell it all to them, thebetter. Come on. [JAMIE] All right. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [BLADE] Yes, you're right. Your friends are worriedabout you. Well then, we shall have to do something to stop themworrying. --------------------------------------- (Immigration) [TANNOY] Would Doctor Scott, passenger recentlyarrived from Alderney on flight number JY17, please return to theticket desk. [DOCTOR] This seems to be the way, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Excuse me, we're looking for someone in authority. [JENKINS] Just a moment, sir. All in good time. Thank you, Madam. Now,sir, your passport please. [DOCTOR] I've got no time for that. We want to see someone in authority! [JENKINS] I am in authority. Your passport, please. [DOCTOR] You don't understand. We have something important to report. [JENKINS] Yes, sir. When you've found your passport. The next one,please. [JAMIE] What's a passport, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Some sort of official mumbo-jumbo. Look! We've just discovereda dead body out there. Did you hear me? [JENKINS] Well, sir. If I were you I'd inform the police. [DOCTOR] Then please tell me where we can find them. [JENKINS] There's probably a policeman in the main concourse, [DOCTOR] And where is that? [JENKINS] Through this door and turn to your left. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you very much. Come on, Jamie. [JENKINS] May I see your passport, sir? [DOCTOR] We neither of us have passports! Now does that satisfy you? [JENKINS] I think you must be mistaken, sir. You couldn't have got onthe aircraft without passports. [DOCTOR] What aircraft? [JENKINS] The one you arrived on, sir. [JAMIE] We didn't arrive on an aircraft. [JENKINS] Now look here, sir, this joke's gone on far enough. You knowand I know that you must have arrived here on the last inbound flight,which was flight number 729 from Madrid. [JAMIE] Can we not tell him about Tardis? Ow! [JENKINS] What's that? [JAMIE] It's the way we got here. [JENKINS] You gentlemen wouldn't know anything about a police box, wouldyou? [JAMIE] That's just what I'm saying. We're. Ow! [DOCTOR] I really think that our mode of conveyance is irrelevant. Theimportant thing is that we've discovered a dead body out there and wewant to report it to someone in authority. [JENKINS] I think you'll have plenty of opportunity to see someone inauthority. [DOCTOR] Well, thank you. [JENKINS] Will you take a seat please, over there? [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. [JENKINS] Give me the Commandant, please. Hello, sir, Jenkins here.Immigration desk number five. I think I've got two of your suspectshere. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [BEN] Anyone here? There must be someone around. Anyone here? [JEAN] Oh, hello, Is Captain Blade about? [BEN] Well, I don't know. I'm a bit lost. [BLADE] Are you looking for me? [JEAN] Yes, I have your flight schedules here. They're all in order. [BLADE] Thank you. [JEAN] Goodbye. [BLADE] And what do you want? [BEN] I'm looking for the way out, mate. [BLADE] This is private property. Visitors are not welcome. Do youbelong to the airport staff? [BEN] Yeah, I started today. But I didn't mean to come in here. I justgot lost, see. [BLADE] Are you sure? [BEN] Of course I am. Look, are you going to direct me or not? [BLADE] Yes, of course. Come on, I'll show you the way. --------------------------------------- (Immigration) [COMMANDANT] You say this girl actually witnessed amurder? [DOCTOR] Yes, she saw the man killed. [JAMIE] He was electrocuted with a ray gun. [COMMANDANT] A what? [DOCTOR] Oh, what does it matter what sort of gun. The point is he waskilled and my friend saw it happen. [COMMANDANT] Where is she? I'd like to talk to her. [JAMIE] Well, that's another thing. She's vanished. [COMMANDANT] Oh, people who vanish, ray guns. Is this some sort of joke? [DOCTOR] You wouldn't think it a joke if you'd come and see the body. [COMMANDANT] What flight did these people come in on? [JENKINS] Well sir, they came with the passengers from flight 729 fromMadrid, but they've no passports. [COMMANDANT] Perhaps you'd kindly explain why you have no passports? [DOCTOR] Oh look, we're all wasting time. Now, are you going to come andsee that body, or am I going to find someone who really is in charge inthis place? [COMMANDANT] I am in charge in this place, thank you. Now, you'll bothaccompany me to this hangar immediately. [DOCTOR] Well thank you. Thank you very much. At last. [COMMANDANT] Tell Air Traffic Control where I am. [JENKINS] Yes, sir. Immigration desk number five here. Number One's justgone to the hangar area. He wanted me to let you know. As a matter offact, he has just gone to look for a dead body. Yes, It's going to beone of those days, isn't it. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon tours office) [BLADE] Get her? [SPENCER] She's being processed. They can take another on the nextflight. [BLADE] Excellent. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [JAMIE] The body, it's gone. [COMMANDANT] You're quite sure you got the right hangar? [JAMIE] Aye, the name's up outside. The body was lying just here. [DOCTOR] Well, let's see what we have got, shall we? [COMMANDANT] What exactly are you doing? [DOCTOR] For the police, of course. The trouble is, I can't tell themwho he was. [COMMANDANT] Some sort of mystery man, no doubt? [DOCTOR] Yes, as a matter of fact he was. There was nothing in hispockets to identify him. [COMMANDANT] Oh, a man with nothing in his pockets? [DOCTOR] Yes, I was rather surprised myself. No, wait a minute, therewas one thing. [COMMANDANT] What did he have in his pocket? [DOCTOR] This. [COMMANDANT] A postage stamp? [DOCTOR] Ah, but it's Spanish and it hasn't been used. [COMMANDANT] Oh, I am sure that'll make all the difference. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Hello, this is interesting. [COMMANDANT] What have you found now? [DOCTOR] It's burnt fibres. [JAMIE] What about this, Doctor? This wasn't here before. It's a burnmark. [DOCTOR] You're right, Jamie. That's quite new. Well, it's good to seesomeone is using their intelligence. [COMMANDANT] Oh, I've had enough of this. You two are coming with me. [DOCTOR] That was definitely made by a ray gun. [COMMANDANT] Ray gun, burnt fibres, foreign stamps. [DOCTOR] Unused foreign stamps. [COMMANDANT] All right, unused foreign stamps. I must be as mad as youare even to be listening you. [DOCTOR] You know what they've done with it, don't you? [COMMANDANT] Done with what? [DOCTOR] The body. Somewhere there's a large packing case. [JAMIE] Right behind you, Doctor. [BLADE] Can I help you? [COMMANDANT] Are you connected with Chameleon Tours? [BLADE] Yes. I'm Captain Blade, Chief Pilot. [COMMANDANT] Ah, these gentlemen seem to think there's an incidenthappened in here. [BLADE] An incident? [COMMANDANT] Would you mind if we had a look in this packing case? [BLADE] May I ask who you are? [COMMANDANT] I'm the Commandant. [BLADE] Yes, of course. What you expect to find? [JAMIE] A dead man. [BLADE] How very interesting. [COMMANDANT] Plastic cups! Now, I'm going to do some investigating of myown. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad I've roused your interest. [COMMANDANT] Oh, but you have. And what I am going to investigate is youand why you're both here in the airport. Thank you, Captain Blade. Comeon, you two. Out! [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. We'd better humour him. [BLADE] Bring him down. [BLADE] It's all right. [SPENCER] Will he survive? [BLADE] If we hurry. [SPENCER] There you are. We've got to get you to the airport buildingand you'll be safe. [BLADE] He's reaching suffocation point. Hurry. --------------------------------------- (Immigration) [DOCTOR] If you'd had let me search the placeproperly we might have found [COMMANDANT] That hangar is leased to a private charter company. I've noright to search in there, let alone you. Now, will you kindly sit downand keep quiet. Jenkins, get on to Superintendent Reynolds. This is hisjob. These people are trespassing. [JENKINS] I've just got another flight coming through, sir. [COMMANDANT] All right, I'll do it. [JAMIE] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Commandant, this is the girl I was telling you about. [POLLY] I beg your pardon? [COMMANDANT] Do you know these gentlemen? [POLLY] No. Why, should I? [COMMANDANT] According to them, they know you. [DOCTOR] Now where have you been, Polly? [POLLY] Polly? My name isn't Polly. You must have made a mistake. I'venever seen them before in my life --------------------------------------- (Medical centre) (Medical centre x-ray room) (Immigration) [COMMANDANT] You're quite sure you've never metthese men? They say they know you. [MICHELLE] But they can't know me. This is my first visit to England. [JAMIE] But Polly, it's us. Me and the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Would you mind telling us your name? [MICHELLE] I am Michelle Leuppi from Zurich. [DOCTOR] You have a passport? [MICHELLE] Yes, of course. Here. Have I done something wrong? [COMMANDANT] Oh no, I don't suppose there's anything for you to worryabout, Miss. May I just ask what you're doing in England? [MICHELLE] I've come here to work. Look, here is my work permit. [COMMANDANT] Oh, yes, that's quite in order. Thank you. Excuse me. [DOCTOR] Where did you learn such excellent English? [MICHELLE] I had an English governess. Would you mind telling me what'shappening? [COMMANDANT] Nothing that need concern you, miss, everything's perfectlyorder. Now, if you'd just like to go through there. [POLLY] Thank you. [JAMIE] Polly, wait! [COMMANDANT] Just a minute young man. [JAMIE] But she's a friend of ours and she saw the murder! [COMMANDANT] You're going to wait here until the Superintendent ofpolice arrives, now understand that. [DOCTOR] Ah, you're going to tell him about the dead body. Verysensible. [COMMANDANT] No. I am going to tell him about you. Put me through toSuperintendent Reynolds, please. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Jamie, I don't think we're very welcome here. When Isay run, we run. [COMMANDANT] Hello, Super? Commandant. I've got a couple of illegalentrants here. Yes. Immigration desk number five. [DOCTOR] Run! [JENKINS] Commandant! [COMMANDANT] Situation changed. They've just made a run for it. I'llgive you their description. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre x-ray room) [BLADE] Quick, he's suffocating. [PINTO] You were twenty minutes late. [BLADE] Who is he? [PINTO] Meadows, Air Traffic Control. [BLADE] Good. He may be useful to us. --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [JAMIE] They're still hunting for us, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. We'll have to keep out of their way until we can prove ourstory. [JAMIE] A fine chance we have of doing that with Polly kidding on shedoesnae know us. [DOCTOR] I don't think Polly was kidding on. In fact I don't think thatwas Polly. [JAMIE] Of course, it was Polly. You saw her. [DOCTOR] You don't want to believe everything you see, Jamie. [JAMIE] Doctor. [JAMIE] All clear, Doctor. [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie, what was the name of that hangar? [JAMIE] Polly said Chameleon something. [DOCTOR] Yes, Chameleon Tours. An advertisement for Chameleon YouthTours. Budget Tours for young people between the ages of eighteen andtwenty five. [JAMIE] What do they mean by budget? [DOCTOR] Inexpensive, cheap. This could be the bait. Do you know what achameleon is, Jamie? [JAMIE] It's just a name, I suppose. [DOCTOR] It's the name of a small animal, a lizard that can change it'scolour to merge with it's background. But it's a name that couldequally be applied to people as well. People who change theirpersonalities to suit their own ends. Budget Tours. Young peoplebetween the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. Oh yes, there's somethingstrange going on here. [BEN] Doctor! Jamie! [DOCTOR] Ben, are you all right? [BEN] Yeah, I'm okay. [JAMIE] Well that's a relief. [BEN] What happened to you two, and where's Polly? [DOCTOR] We can't talk here. We've got to find somewhere to hide.Something about passports. [BEN] I've got the very place. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre x-ray room) [BLADE] Is he all right? [PINTO] We'll see. [MEADOWS 2] Ow! [PINTO] Read the first line. [MEADOWS 2] (slurred) E T [PINTO] Vocal control. [BLADE] Try that. [MEADOWS 2] H X O A [PINTO] All complete. [BLADE] Who are you? [MEADOWS 2] My name is George Meadows. I work at Air Traffic Control,Gatwick Airport. [BLADE] Where do you live? [MEADOWS 2] Number Ten, Sylvia Avenue. [BLADE] Number Ten? [MEADOWS 2] Until last week we lived at Number Thirty-Four. I've beentoo busy to tell the Personnel Department of the change. [BLADE] Excellent, --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [BEN] Look, there's Polly. [DOCTOR] Yes. Look who she's working for. [JAMIE] Chameleon Tours. [DOCTOR] Yes. Leave this to me. Polly. [MICHELLE] Please go away. [DOCTOR] Now, something has happened to you, Polly. I want you to try toremember up to the time we left the hangar. [MICHELLE] I don't know what you're talking about. [DOCTOR] Now think, Polly. There were three of us in the hangar. Youwere showing us something. Now, what was it? [MICHELLE] I tell you, I don't know what you're talking about. [DOCTOR] The hangar, Polly. The Chameleon Hangar. You said you'd seenthe man who did it. [MICHELLE] I didn't see anything. I think you're mad. If I'd seen anyoneshot, I'd have gone to the police. [DOCTOR] Anyone shot? [MICHELLE] I mean murdered [DOCTOR] I didn't say anyone was shot or murdered, Polly. [MICHELLE] (upset) Look, please, will you just leave me alone. [BEN] What's happened to her, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but I mean to find out. Come on, let's find thatplace where we can talk. [BEN] Right. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon tours cubicle) [BLADE] Come in here. I was going to brief you forthis assignment, but there isn't any purpose now. [MICHELLE] I have failed then? [BLADE] Circumstances are against you. I'll make arrangements for you toleave on the next flight. [MICHELLE] Back to base. [BLADE] Yes. [MICHELLE] What about that man? He's very persistent. [BLADE] Don't worry about him. We have ways of dealing with such people. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [CROSSLAND] Are you sure you haven't seen him, sir? [COMMANDANT] I'm quite sure. Oh Jean, this is Detective InspectorCrossland. Give him any help you can. If you'll excuse me? [CROSSLAND] Yes, of course, sir. [JEAN] Well now, Inspector, what can I do for you? [CROSSLAND] Well, I think I'll need a pass for a start. [JEAN] Well, that's easily arranged. Anything else? [CROSSLAND] Yes, I was supposed to meet a colleague of mine here.Detective Inspector Gascoigne. [JEAN] Yes? [CROSSLAND] Well, he was investigating a missing person off one of yourcharter flights. The funny thing is, he hasn't shown up. [JEAN] Detective Inspector Crossland. What shall I say your business is? [CROSSLAND] Investigation into Chameleon Youth Tours. --------------------------------------- (Photo booth) [JAMIE] What is this place? [BEN] It's a machine that takes your photograph. [JAMIE] Photograph? [BEN] Well, you see, you've got your [DOCTOR] No, Ben, not now. What puzzles me is this girl pretending to bePolly, yet in a way she is Polly. [BEN] Do you think she's been brainwashed? [DOCTOR] No, not in the time. Whatever happened to her happened to herin a few minutes. Look out. [DOCTOR] All right. Now Ben, Jamie, we've got to find out more aboutChameleon Youth Tours, but the trouble is, we're not free to movearound with the authorities looking for us. [BEN] Well, they're not looking for me. [DOCTOR] No, that's true. You could investigate the hangar. [BEN] (Leave it to me. Now what about you? [DOCTOR] I'm going back to the Commandant and try and convince him thatthere's a murderer abroad. [JAMIE] Well I'll go with Ben. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, I want you to find your way back to the Chameleonkiosk and keep an eye on Polly. [TANNOY] Further call for flight BR129 to Geneva now boarding throughchannel B at gate number 19. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [SAMANTHA] Oh, er, are you in charge here? [MICHELLE] Yes. Can I help you? [SAMANTHA] Yes. I'm Samantha Briggs and I've come down from Liverpool. [MICHELLE] Oh, really. [SAMANTHA] It's about my brother, Brian Briggs. [MICHELLE] What about him? [SAMANTHA] He went on one of your tours, and now he's disappeared. [MICHELLE] I'm sorry, I don't follow. [SAMANTHA] Well, it's really very simple. I tried to get the telephonenumber of the hotel you sent him to, and the operator said there was nosuch place. [MICHELLE] Well, the operator must have been mistaken then. [SAMANTHA] So, I got in touch with the police and they said that Brianwasn't staying at any hotel in Rome. [MICHELLE] Well, perhaps he changed his mind and decided to go off on adifferent tour then. [SAMANTHA] Yes? Well what about this then? A postcard from Brian postedin Rome. [MICHELLE] Yes, that does seem odd, doesn't it. Er, would you like me tomake some enquiries, for you? [SAMANTHA] Well, what do you think I've come all the way down fromLiverpool for? [MICHELLE] Well, since you've put the matter with the police, why haveyou? [SAMANTHA] The police. They said that dozens of people go missing everyweek and they haven't got the men to go chasing after them all. [MICHELLE] I see. What did you say your brother's name was? [SAMANTHA] Brian Briggs. Would you like me to spell it for you? [MICHELLE] That won't be necessary, thank you. I'll see what I can findout, if you don't mind waiting. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [MICHELLE] Is Captain Blade there? [SPENCER [on monitor]] No. [MICHELLE] Well, I must speak with him urgently. Enquiries about amissing passenger. [SPENCER [on monitor]] I'll tell him to contact you. He shouldn't belong. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [MICHELLE] The gentleman I wanted to speak withwasn't available. They're trying to find him. Do you want to wait? [SAMANTHA] Well, I've got nothing else to do, have I? I'll be overthere. [SAMANTHA] Oh, blast. [JAMIE] Is anything the matter? [SAMANTHA] Stuck up thing! [JAMIE] What? [SAMANTHA] Not you. That girl. She just couldn't care less. [JAMIE] About finding your brother. [SAMANTHA] Yes. [JAMIE] I couldn't help overhearing. Do you think something's happenedto him? [SAMANTHA] Well, that's just it, I don't know. Oh, Brian can take careof himself all right, but still. [JAMIE] Aye, well I hope you're right. [SAMANTHA] What do you mean? [JAMIE] I might just be able to help you. I can't tell you anything atthe moment but later I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. I'm surehe'll know what's best. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] Excuse me, sir. There's a gentleman to seeyou. [COMMANDANT] Did he say what about? [JEAN] Well yes. It's about a dead body. [COMMANDANT] Bring him in. [JEAN] Would you come in, please? [DOCTOR] Thank you. Ah, Commandant. How nice to see you again. [COMMANDANT] (into telephone) Airport Police please. [DOCTOR] At least hear what I have to say. [COMMANDANT] I've heard all I want to from you. What do you mean,they're engaged. This is the Commandant. Thank you. [DOCTOR] If you're going to speak to the police, then tell them thatthere's something happening in this airport that may endanger humanlives. [COMMANDANT] Hello, police? Commandant. Would you send a couple of mendown here at once please. [DOCTOR] Well, since I'm obviously about to be arrested, may I make onelast request? Listen to me for just one minute! [COMMANDANT] Not for one second. I've heard all I want to hear aboutburnt fibres, ray guns, disappearing people. [DOCTOR] But there was a dead body in the Chameleon Tours hangar. [JEAN] Did you say Chameleon Tours? [DOCTOR] Why, do you know something about it? [JEAN] Well no, but the Inspector Crossland wanted to know [COMMANDANT] All right, Jean. I'll handle this. Take this man away, puthim under lock and key and keep him there. [DOCTOR] One step nearer and I'll blow you all to smithereens! Catch! [COMMANDANT] All right, after him. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [BLADE] That's quite clear, is it? You know what totell her? [MICHELLE [on monitor]] I do. [BLADE] As soon as you've got rid of the girl, close the kiosk and geton the next flight. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [MICHELLE] Miss Briggs. [SAMANTHA] Yes. Have you found anything? [MICHELLE] Er, well yes, I have, but I'm afraid it doesn't help verymuch. Your brother definitely did get on our flight to Rome, but whathe did when he got off the plane, I couldn't tell you. [SAMANTHA] Well, if you can't, who can? [MICHELLE] Miss Briggs, we're dealing with thousands of passengers everyweek. We can't keep track of every single one. If I were you, I'd goback to Liverpool. I'm sure your brother will turn up eventually. Nowif you'll excuse me, I have to close this kiosk. [SAMANTHA] Thanks for nothing. [SAMANTHA] There's something funny going on here. [JAMIE] Why? [SAMANTHA] My brother's vanished, and that lot just couldn't care less. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) (Chameleon Tours office) [BEN] Hello? What's the name of the man who's in charge of this airport?The Commandant? Right, well look, can you put me through to his office,please? All right, then Air Traffic Control. But I want to speak to afriend of mine who should be with the Commandant right now. --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [JAMIE] Doctor, I'd like you to meet this younglady. [DOCTOR] What young lady? Where's Polly? [JAMIE] She's still inside. [DOCTOR] Ah, I shan't be a minute. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [DOCTOR] Polly. [BEN [on monitor]] But why wouldn't you listen to him? It's all true.I'm in the Chameleon Hangar now and I've just f [DOCTOR] Ben! Ben, can you hear me? [DOCTOR] Ben, can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Ben, are you all right? Can you hear me? Ben! Ben!Ben, can you hear me? [BLADE] Who is he? [SPENCER] A friend of that Doctor on the screen. [BLADE] Did he see what happened in there? [SPENCER] He must have done. [BLADE] Then he'll be coming here. We'd better be prepared for him.First, dispose of the body. --------------------------------------- (Immigration) [JENKINS] Who is he? [CROSSLAND] His name's Brian Briggs. He's supposed to have come throughhere about a week ago on holiday. [JENKINS] Thousands of people come through here in a week. [CROSSLAND] Aye, well it was just a chance. Do you remember that man? [JENKINS] Oh yes, I remember him. He had a pass. But I can't rememberhis name. [CROSSLAND] He's a colleague of mine. Detective Inspector Gascoigne. Nowwhen did he come back? [JENKINS] I couldn't tell you. There are so many faces. There was a bitof bother this morning. He could have slipped through then. [CROSSLAND] What sort of bother? [JENKINS] Two people without passports, who told some story about a bodyin a hangar. [CROSSLAND] What happened? [JENKINS] Ah, it was all a hoax. These two men they ran away. Theairport police are still looking for them. [CROSSLAND] Can you describe them to me? [JENKINS] One was a scruffy-looking man, medium-height, wearing afrock-coat. the other was a Scots boy dressed in a kilt. [CROSSLAND] Oh, they shouldn't be too hard to find. --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [SAMANTHA] Hey, you think we should go after yourfriend? He's been gone about ten minutes now. [JAMIE] No, he said half a hour. Now we'll do what he said. [SAMANTHA] Hey, he's a right weirdy, isn't he? [JAMIE] No! I wish I had his brains. [SAMANTHA] You're all right as you are. [TANNOY] Chameleon Youth Tours announced the departure of their flightNumber 413 to Zurich. Will all passengers please assemble in thedeparture lounge. Chameleon Youth Tours ann [SAMANTHA] Hey. Hey, look, they've opened up that kiosk now. [JAMIE] Aye, and where's Polly? [TANNOY] Will all passengers please assemble in the departure lounge. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [DOCTOR] Packing cases. --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [ANN] I'm quite sure the first thing you want to do when you get toSwitzerland is write home to your parents, but in case you don't havetime, Chameleon Tours have some postcards of Zurich ready for you towrite here. When you've finished your postcards, give them back to meand we'll post them for you in Zurich. [SAMANTHA] Er, do you mind? [MAN] No, go ahead. [SAMANTHA] Look, a postcard of Zurich, stamped with a Swiss stamp, allready to post. [JAMIE] Well? [SAMANTHA] Oh, you're a right one, aren't you. Don't you see. This couldexplain the card I got from Brian. It was posted in Rome, but thatdoesn't mean to say that he posted it. [JAMIE] Oh, I see. We'd better tell the Doctor about this. How long's hebeen gone? [SAMANTHA] Er, about half a hour, now. [JAMIE] Right, I'll go and find him. [SAMANTHA] I'll come with you. [CROSSLAND] Just a minute, son. I want a word with you. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [SPENCER [OC]] Somebody help me, please. I'm suffocating. Quickly,somebody help me, please. I'm suffocating. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [SPENCER [OC]] Help me, please! --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) (Concourse) [SAMANTHA] Yeah, but what about me brother? [CROSSLAND] I'm afraid I've got something more serious to look intofirst, Miss. If this young man's telling the truth, a colleague ofmine's been murdered. [JAMIE] Ah, Doctor. There's a man here wants to talk to you. [DOCTOR] Oh, who is he? [JAMIE] Er [CROSSLAND] There you are, sir. [DOCTOR] Detective Inspector Crossland, Scotland Yard. [JAMIE] Aye, I've told him everything. [CROSSLAND] Have you ever seen that man? [DOCTOR] Well, that's the man we found in the Chameleon Tours hangar. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [BLADE] The Doctor's body. Where is it? [SPENCER] He escaped. His intelligence is far above normal beings. [BLADE] Above yours, perhaps. I must leave. the flight to Zurich isready to take off. You will remain here. [SPENCER] For what purpose? [BLADE] To atone for your incompetence. The Doctor must die, and youmust do it. --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [CROSSLAND] All right then, Doctor, we'll go and seethe Commandant. I want him to hear your story. [DOCTOR] Well, he wasn't every impressed with it the last time. [CROSSLAND] This time, he's going to believe you. [DOCTOR] Well, if you think so. Jamie, stay here and keep an eye on thekiosk. We shan't be long. [CROSSLAND] And don't worry about your brother, Miss. We'll find him foryou. [SAMANTHA] A fat lot of good that Inspector's going to be. [JAMIE] Ah, but he believes us. [SAMANTHA] Oh yeah, but that doesn't mean to say he's going to doanything. I think I'll go and have a look round that Chameleon Hangar. [JAMIE] Ah, not by yourself. [SAMANTHA] Well, I suppose it would be better if I had a man with me. [JAMIE] Aye. Oh, if only the Doctor hadn't told me to watch this place. [SAMANTHA] Oh, do you always do everything you're told? [JAMIE] No. But the Doctor trusts me. [SAMANTHA] Yeah, that's your trouble isn't it. All right, stay here.After all, they can only murder me. Ta-ra. [JAMIE] No, wait a minute. I don't suppose anything'll happen here, doyou? [SAMANTHA] Well since they closed the kiosk, it's hardly likely. [JAMIE] And we won't be long away, will we? [SAMANTHA] Well, that depends on what we find. Ah, come on, kid. [JAMIE] In any case, you'll need me to show you the way there. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] All right, all right, I'll accept thatyou found a body, but I still want to know where you come from and whyyou have no passport. [DOCTOR] Oh, but surely that's unimportant. If [COMMANDANT] It is not unimportant to break the law. [CROSSLAND] Sir, I think we're going to have to let him tell us in hisown way. [COMMANDANT] Oh, very well. Make it brief. [DOCTOR] Thank you. I have just carried out a search of the ChameleonTours hangar. In a packing case, I found the body of a man. [CROSSLAND] You never told me that, Doctor. Another dead man? [DOCTOR] No, he was in a stupefied state, a sort of coma. [COMMANDANT] Who's this one? [DOCTOR] I don't know his name but I have a feeling he's one of youremployees. [COMMANDANT] Oh, indeed. [DOCTOR] In fact, I think he may be in here. [MEADOWS 2] Taxi, following southern taxi way for departure runway twoseven. [DOCTOR] Do you know what this is? [COMMANDANT] It looks like a fountain pen to me. [DOCTOR] Things are not always what they seem. Oh careful, it'sdangerous. Chameleon Tours are not quite what they seem either. [COMMANDANT] Oh? And what's your theory? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid you won't believe it when you hear it.However. First, Inspector Gascoigne was murdered with a ray gun. [CROSSLAND] A ray gun? [DOCTOR] A weapon that has not yet been developed on this Earth. [COMMANDANT] Oh, really! [DOCTOR] There, you see? I knew you wouldn't believe it. What's the use? [CROSSLAND] No, now be patient, sir. We are trying to understand you. [DOCTOR] Very well. Next, I believe Chameleon Tours to be merely afront, a cover. [COMMANDANT] For what? [DOCTOR] For the mass kidnapping of young people. [COMMANDANT] And is all this supposed to be taking place in my airport? [DOCTOR] Yes, at this very moment! [COMMANDANT] Oh, that's quite enough. Can't you take that fellow intocustody? [CROSSLAND] Well, I'm very sorry, sir, but you know he hasn't broken anylaw, except for this immigration business, and that's not myresponsibility. [DOCTOR] But Brian Briggs is your responsibility. [COMMANDANT] And who is he? [DOCTOR] He's a young man who went on a Chameleon Tour and vanished. [CROSSLAND] Now, come on Doctor, wait a minute. We're not certain ofthat yet. [DOCTOR] Well, he's nowhere to be found. [CROSSLAND] Well, no. [DOCTOR] And neither are my two friends. Which to my mind proves mypoint. Chameleon Tours are a cover for the abducting of young people. [COMMANDANT] And just where do you think they're taking them? [DOCTOR] Well, in view of the facts that I've already presented, the raygun, this pen and one or two other things, I think we're dealing withpeople who are not from this planet. [COMMANDANT] That hardly answers my que. What did you say? [DOCTOR] You see, I knew you wouldn't believe me. [COMMANDANT] Oh, this is absolute, arrant nonsense/ [CROSSLAND] Er, look, Doctor, I think you ought to produce some evidenceto support all this. [DOCTOR] Evidence? What about this pen? [COMMANDANT] A pen! Do you call that evidence? [DOCTOR] I'll demonstrate it for you. Excuse me. Would you mind helpingus? [MEADOWS 2] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Could you hold this cup out in front of you? [MEADOWS 2] Very well. [DOCTOR] Oh, perhaps you've seen one of these before? [MEADOWS 2] No, no I [JEAN] It's turned to ice. [DOCTOR] Do you call that arrant nonsense? --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [SAMANTHA] Dear Mum and Dad, have arrived safely in the Black Forest.Will write again soon. Love, Tim. Dear Dad, I. Dear Mum. Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [SAMANTHA] Jamie, look what I've found. There must be fifty postcardshere. That should make that inspector do something. [JAMIE] Aye, you're right, and I know where to find him. You're a bravewee lassie. No time to greet now. [SAMANTHA] Oh, get off. I've got something in me eye. Come on. Where arewe going? [JAMIE] The Commandant's office. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [JEAN] Here are the remaining flight schedules for Chameleon tours youwanted. [DOCTOR] Thank you, my dear. [COMMANDANT] What a nasty little device. [CROSSLAND] I think I'd better get that checked over, sir. [COMMANDANT] What the devil? [JAMIE] Doctor! Samantha, down here. Doctor, picture postcards. Look atthem. [COMMANDANT] This is the limit. I will not have my control room invaded. [DOCTOR] What, not even for these? [CROSSLAND] Why? What have you got there? [DOCTOR] I think it's the further evidence you required, Inspector. Yes,just as I thought. [CROSSLAND] Where'd you get these? [SAMANTHA] In the office in that hangar. You see what they mean? [DOCTOR] All falling into pattern. This envelope is addressed tosomewhere in Germany. [SAMANTHA] Yeah, Dem Chameleon Reisen, Freiberg. That means ChameleonTours. [COMMANDANT] Just what are you all talking about? [SAMANTHA] Well, you see. They give out these cards and get the kids towrite home to their parents before they go. Then the Chameleon Tourslot take the cards abroad and they post them back to Britain. [CROSSLAND] So the parents think the children have arrived safely. [SAMANTHA] Doctor, what do you think does happens to them? [COMMANDANT] Now, now, now, this is all mere supposition. [SAMANTHA] Oh, to you, maybe. But one of those kids happens to be mybrother. [COMMANDANT] Your brother? [CROSSLAND] Aye, sir. This is the young lady whose brother's missing,and you see, she did get a card from him in Rome. [COMMANDANT] But why would anyone want to abduct these young people? [DOCTOR] Well, if we knew that we wouldn't be sitting here. [COMMANDANT] Inspector, can I have a word with you? [COMMANDANT] You don't think this fellow's a little unbalanced, do you? [CROSSLAND] Oh maybe a wee bit unorthodox, sir, but after all, he'sgiven us the only lead we've got so far. If you could just see your wayto giving him a free hand. [COMMANDANT] A free hand? [CROSSLAND] Just to poke around a little bit, sir. [COMMANDANT] Do you think it's safe to let the fellow roam round theairport? [CROSSLAND] You can rely on us to keep an eye on him, sir. [COMMANDANT] All right, but on your head be it. [CROSSLAND] I personally will investigate Chameleon Tours. Then I'llreport back to you here if I've found out anything. But in themeantime, if you could just keep everything going as normal, youunderstand? We don't want them to get wind of anything. [COMMANDANT] No, no, no, no, no. Doctor, I'll give you the freedom ofthe airport for twelve hours, heaven help me. At the end of that time Ishall expect you back here with some real facts this time. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Commandant. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [SPENCER] Did they believe the Doctor? [MEADOWS 2] I don't know. [SPENCER] What do you mean? [MEADOWS 2] I think he suspects me. He turned one of our own weapons onme, forced me to leave. [SPENCER] You fool. You should have stayed. Now we do not know how muchhe has discovered. [MEADOWS 2] Even if he has discovered the secret of our mission here,they will never believe him. These Earth minds cannot stretch that far. [SPENCER] Of course, the truth is beyond their intelligence. Except forthat Doctor. [MEADOWS 2] I know where he is. I could kill him. [SPENCER] You're going to, but not at the risk of your own safety. Westill need you in Air Traffic Control. [SPENCER] Here, take this attach it to him. When we are ready I shallactivate the mechanism with this. That should put paid to him once andfor all. [MEADOWS 2] Very well. [SPENCER] Don't delay. I want him dead before Captain Blade returns. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] Doctor, I've made out a pass for you and for your two friends. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. [HESLINGTON] Excuse me, sir. There's a Chameleon flight coming in now. [DOCTOR] Ah. [BLADE [OC]] Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima calling Gatwick Airportcontrol. [HESLINGTON] Gatwick Control to Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima. [HESLINGTON] Gatwick Control to Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima. I willnow give you your heading. [DOCTOR] How many flights do they use a day? [JEAN] Seven or eight. [DOCTOR] How many planes do they use? [JEAN] Four. I could get their registration numbers if you like? Why doyou ask? [DOCTOR] Eight flights a day and only four planes. Is that normal? [JEAN] Oh, yes. They have a very quick turn around. I mean, after allthey're only on short haul flights. You know, all the holiday centres.Spain, Rome, Athens, the Black Forest. [COMMANDANT] Jean, where's the file on winter schedules. [JEAN] Excuse me. [DOCTOR] Which is the Chameleon plane? [HESLINGTON] Oh that one, sir. Look, he's turning left at Dunsfold. Ishall hold him now over Epsom until I can give him landing clearance. [DOCTOR] What's the range of your radar? [HESLINGTON] Hundred and thirty miles, sir. Why? [DOCTOR] I was just wondering when this plane first appeared. [HESLINGTON] I've no idea, sir. We don't notice them till they start tocall in. Oh, excuse me a moment. Gatwick Control to Alpha Delta SierraX-ray Lima. Climb to ten thousand feet and hold in Epsom control zoneto wait landing clearance. [BLADE [OC]] Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima to Gatwick Airport. Climbingto ten thousand feet and holding. [HESLINGTON] Ah, you were saying, sir? [DOCTOR] How long do you hold them after take off? [HESLINGTON] Once they've left Gatwick control zone we've finished withthem. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. That means they might be anywhere. [COMMANDANT] Aren't you rather wasting your twelve hours hanging aroundhere, disturbing my people? [DOCTOR] I don't think I've been wasting a minute, but I'll go if youinsist. Sam, Jamie. [MEADOWS 2] Sorry. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right. It's quite my fault. Haven't I met yousomewhere before? [MEADOWS 2] I don't think so. [DOCTOR] You must have a double. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [SPENCER] Okay, thank you. [CROSSLAND] Excuse me, are you the manager? [SPENCER] I'm looking after bookings. Can I help? [CROSSLAND] I'd rather like to speak to the manager. I'm a policeofficer. [SPENCER] Is there some trouble? [CROSSLAND] I'd prefer to speak to the person in charge. [SPENCER] Well, that's Captain Blade. He's just returned from oneflight, he's taking off for another. He's rather busy at the moment. [CROSSLAND] Perhaps I could go out to the plane. [SPENCER] I'll have to see about that. Just a moment, please. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [SPENCER] A detective wants to see you. [BLADE [on monitor]] Does he suspect anything? [SPENCER] I don't know. [BLADE [on monitor]] All right, send him over to the plane. We'll dealwith him. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [JAMIE] Are you sure this is the right room, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Jamie, have you ever known me to be mistaken? [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Hey. Now watch out. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] That's the wall the gas-nozzles came out of. [JAMIE] Well, there's nothing here now. [DOCTOR] You're right. Well, that's clever. That's very clever. Oh well,makes life simpler for us. Now, the man I froze came from heresomewhere. [JAMIE] Aye, he would. A solid wall. [DOCTOR] Well. somewhere in that solid wall there's a door. [JAMIE] Aye, and we still haven't found Ben and Polly. What do youthink's happened to them? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Perhaps if we find that door, we'll find them.Come on, you take that end, I'll take this. [JAMIE] Right. [DOCTOR] We must hurry. Inspector Crossland's keeping them busy at themoment, but he'll be no match for them. If he presses them too far. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BLADE] You'll find that the whole plane conforms strictly to theInternational Standards of air safety. I can't think why anybody shouldhave complained about us? [CROSSLAND] Did I say anyone had complained? I'm not enquiring aboutsafety. My enquires are about a missing boy. A passenger on one of yourflights. And there's also the business of a colleague of mine,Detective Inspector Gascoigne, who was last seen in your hangar. He'sbelieved to have been murdered. [BLADE] That is indeed a much more serious matter. [CROSSLAND] Aye, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to hold up thisflight a while, while I ask you some questions. If you wouldn't mindcoming to the Commandant's office? [BLADE] Well, if you'll just excuse me for a moment, Inspector, I havesome arrangements to make. [ANN] Excuse me, please. [CROSSLAND] Aye, I'm sorry lass. --------------------------------------- (Flight deck) [CROSSLAND] Captain Blade. [BLADE] I shouldn't move any further if I were you. This gun provedremarkably effective in dealing with your colleague, InspectorGascoigne. [CROSSLAND] You killed him. [BLADE] Unfortunately an error. You Earth men are more use to us alive.Sit down there. [BLADE] That's better. This Earthman is a particularly fine specimen,don't you think? [ANN] Perhaps the Director himself. [BLADE] Exactly. [CROSSLAND] Look, I don't know what you two are planning for me, but Imust warn you of the long arm of the British law. [BLADE] I don't think it'll reach where you're going. Chameleon Flightfour one three to control. Request start up. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [DOCTOR] Jamie, look! [JAMIE] Hey. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours room) [JAMIE] What's that, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Someone who's not used to the Earth's atmosphere. Veryinteresting. Ah, a TV monitor set. Let's see what we can see. [JAMIE] Hey, what's that? [DOCTOR] Well it looks like a hospital. Jamie, we're getting warmer,which is a change from the last time I was here. Come on, let's see ifthere's a First Aid post in Gatwick Airport. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours office) [JAMIE] Should we clear up the mess, Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [DOCTOR] No, let's get along to the first aid post. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [DOCTOR] Oh, my back! [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Jamie, my back! --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [ANN] Please take a barley sugar. Thank you. [ANN] You can unfasten your seat belts now. Thank you. Barley sugar?Thank you. Everything all right? --------------------------------------- (Flight deck) [ANN] All set. [BLADE] Good. [BLADE] You wanted to know what was the secret of Chameleon Tours. Well,Inspector, see for yourself. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [JAMIE] Doctor! [SPENCER] He's dead. You're coming with me. [JAMIE] I'll not leave him. [SPENCER] You have five seconds to change your mind. [JAMIE] You'll have to kill me then. [SPENCER] I said five seconds. Five, four, three [JAMIE] Samantha! --------------------------------------- (Flight deck) [CROSSLAND] I suppose there's no use my asking where this plane's goingto? [BLADE] You will know soon enough. This is Plane number three to Base.Inform the Director that I have an original for him as ordered. I amdelivering him now, and will return immediately to Gatwick Airport. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours hangar) [SAMANTHA] Jamie? Are you all right? [JAMIE] Aye. They've not harmed you, have they? [SAMANTHA] No, but I can't move. [JAMIE] Doctor? [SAMANTHA] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] What's happening? I can't move. What's that? [SAMANTHA] I don't know. It's a beam of light. [JAMIE] Aye. Doctor, it's moving towards us. [DOCTOR] That's just a small foretaste of what'll happen to us if wedon't move and quickly. [JAMIE] But I can't move, Doctor. [SAMANTHA] Neither can I. Oh, wait a minute. I can move one arm. But Ican't move away. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre x-ray room) (Chameleon Tours hangar) [SAMANTHA] Oh, Doctor, can't you do anything to stop it? [DOCTOR] No. Wait. One thing. It's a long chance but it just might work.Have you got a mirror in that bag? [SAMANTHA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Let's see. Yes, that'll do. Hand it to me. [SAMANTHA] I can't. [DOCTOR] I can't move my hand. Jamie, can you take it? [SAMANTHA] Have you got it? [JAMIE] No. Careful. [SAMANTHA] Take it. [JAMIE] Got it. [DOCTOR] Right now, see if you can point it at that laser gun. [JAMIE] Ay? [DOCTOR] That thing on the wall. [JAMIE] I'll try, Doctor. But why? [DOCTOR] Well, if you can reflect the light back, we've got a chance. [SAMANTHA] Can't you prop it up on something? [JAMIE] No, it won't work. I'll have to hold it. [SAMANTHA] But your hand. [JAMIE] It's a risk I'll have to take. [DOCTOR] Quick, Jamie, now! [DOCTOR] Oh, well done. [JAMIE] Why, I can move. [DOCTOR] I wonder if [JAMIE] Do you think that's what happened to Ben and Polly, Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. [JAMIE] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] I think they were needed for some purpose. [JAMIE] And we weren't. [DOCTOR] We were obviously too dangerous for them. [SAMANTHA] But to try and do something like this in broad daylight. [DOCTOR] Yes. It means only one thing, I'm afraid. Their plans arealmost complete. We'll have to act fast if we're going to save Pollyand Ben. [SAMANTHA] And Brian. Or have you forgotten about him. [DOCTOR] No, I've not forgotten him, Sam, but if my guess is rightthey're all in the same place. [JAMIE] And where's that? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Wait. The first aid post. [JAMIE] Ay? [DOCTOR] We saw a first aid post on that monitor. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] We must find it. Well, come on. You're not going to sit thereall day, are you? Just a minute. We can't all go down to the MedicalUnit. [SAMANTHA] All right. What can I do? [DOCTOR] Did you get a good look at the man who tried to kill us? [SAMANTHA] I'll say. I had me arms round his neck. [DOCTOR] Go down to the Chameleon Kiosk and see if he comes in or out. [SAMANTHA] Right. [DOCTOR] But be careful. Don't let him see you. [SAMANTHA] Me be careful? You two watch out for yourselves. I'll beokay. [JAMIE] She's got a lot of courage, that wee lass, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. I just hope she doesn't try to be too adventurous. --------------------------------------- (Medical Centre x-ray room) [PINTO] Who are you? [JENKINS 2] Steven Christopher Jenkins [PINTO] Where do you live? [JENKINS 2] With my parents in Wimbledon. [PINTO] Employment? [JENKINS 2] I'm an Immigration officer at Gatwick Airport. --------------------------------------- (Medical Centre) [DOCTOR] We'll have you as right as rain in a minute. Now just get youdown here. There we are. Splendid. [JAMIE] (sotto) How am I doing, Doctor? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Very well, but don't over do it. Yes, this is the roomwe saw on the TV monitor. [PINTO] If the tablets do not help, come and see me again. What's thematter with him? [DOCTOR] It's a rare tropical disease, Nurse. I'm his doctor. If he ifhe doesn't rally soon we shall, we shall have to use somnalin. [PINTO] Somnalin? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, somnalin. I shall have to get him somewhere to liedown. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, this will do nicely. [PINTO] I'm afraid you can't go there. [DOCTOR] Why not? It's just an x-ray room, isn't it? Isn't that a couchbehind the screen. [PINTO] I'm sorry, Doctor. You can't take your patient in there. [DOCTOR] You refuse to help my patient? [PINTO] Oh, it's not that. I have someone coming for an x-ray. [DOCTOR] Oh I see. Well why didn't you tell me in the first place. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Let's get you out of here. [SPENCER] That Doctor is a menace to our plans. [JENKINS 2] Then we must kill him. [SPENCER] I tried. He must have escaped. [JENKINS 2] They won't escape me. [SPENCER] No, wait. This time, let them to come to us. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] (on telephone) I've been paging him,Superintendent, but he hasn't responded. Yes, very well sir. I'll keepon trying. Operator. Look, I booked a call through to Athens. Nowwhat's happened? [JEAN] Yes, very well, I'll stay near the phone. [COMMANDANT] What's all this about? [JEAN] Oh, Doctor, have you seen Inspector Crossland? [DOCTOR] Well, no. Why? [JEAN] Well, Scotland Yard are looking for him and we can't find himanywhere. Also, your Miss Briggs wants to see you. [DOCTOR] But I told her to. Where is she now? [JEAN] Well, she said something about going to the Chameleon Kiosk. [DOCTOR] Go down and join her, Jamie. She's a very strong headed youngwoman. See she doesn't come to any trouble. [JAMIE] I'll keep an eye on her, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Commandant, did the Inspector say where he was going? [COMMANDANT] Hmm? Oh, he said he was going to make some enquires aboutChameleon Tours. [DOCTOR] And now he's disappeared? [COMMANDANT] Aren't you rather jumping to conclusions? [DOCTOR] I don't think so. My two friends became involved with ChameleonTours and they've both disappeared. However, you know what I think'shappened. [COMMANDANT] Yes, and you know what I think about your ridiculoustheory. People from outer space, indeed. [COMMANDANT] Something the matter with you? [JEAN] Commandant, I've found out what's been happening. [DOCTOR] Well, that's a step in the right direction. [JEAN] What I mean is I took the liberty of phoning all the airportsthat Chameleon Tours fly to. The last on my list was Athens. [COMMANDANT] But don't you realise the expense of phoning Athens. [JEAN] Yes, I know, I'm sorry. But what I found out is, they neverdeliver any passengers. [COMMANDANT] What do you mean? Never deliver any passengers. [JEAN] It's absolutely true, sir. They all say the same thing.Dubrovnik, Athens, Rome. They say they pick up young passengers to takethem off to other places, but none of them ever arrive anywhere. [COMMANDANT] Well in that case, they must be flying these young peopleto some secret airfield. But why? [DOCTOR] You're still thinking in Earth terms. [COMMANDANT] And I intend to go on doing so. What was the name of thatChameleon Pilot? [JEAN] Captain Blade. [COMMANDANT] And what time is the plane due back? [JEAN] About half an hour sir. [COMMANDANT] Right. After the turn-round we'll have it followed thistime. [DOCTOR] Might I have a word with you, my dear? [COMMANDANT] Get me the RAF Station Manston. [DOCTOR] I suspect that the Medical Centre is connected with all this. [JEAN] Medical? Oh come on. [DOCTOR] Now, please don't get like him. Oh yes, there is definitely aconnection. Now, I would like to get in there and have a look round. [JEAN] But anyone can go in there. [DOCTOR] But I would like to get that nurse out of the way first. Do youthink that you could manage it for me? --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [ANN] You'll find that in order. [SAMANTHA] Ta. [JAMIE] He said you'd do something silly. [SAMANTHA] Oh yeah? What else did he say? [JAMIE] He said you were headstrong. [SAMANTHA] Oh great. Look, you can tell the Doctor he's not going totalk me out of this one, and neither are you. I'm going on the nextChameleon flight that leaves in half a hour. Oh look, don't you seeit's the only way we can find out anything. Oh, don't worry. I'll comeback and tell you all about it. [JAMIE] Aye, if you do come back. [SAMANTHA] Oh, it's only going to Rome. [JAMIE] And what makes you so sure you'll find your brother in Rome? [SAMANTHA] Oh, I don't know. But that's where he was supposed to begoing. At least I'll be doing something. [JAMIE] Aye, but do you not realise how dangerous it is? [SAMANTHA] Look, if you're sacred, I'm certainly not. [JAMIE] I wish the Doctor were here. [SAMANTHA] Oh. [JAMIE] Hey, maybe I could go with you. [SAMANTHA] Hey, now you're talking. Do you think you can you raise thelolly? [JAMIE] The lolly? [SAMANTHA] The brass, the money. Look, it'll cost you twenty eight quid.Pounds to you. [JAMIE] Oh, but that's a fortune. I've never seen that much money in mylife. I suppose I couldn't take your place? [SAMANTHA] No! [JAMIE] The Doctor said it was no job for a wee lassie. [SAMANTHA] A wee lassie? You can tell the Doctor. [JAMIE] I'll say goodbye. [SAMANTHA] Hey, kid! [SAMANTHA] I can take care of myself, you know. [JAMIE] I just wanted to make sure. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] (into phone) Hmm. So you can arrange tohave it followed? Good. Oh, I'll find out. What time's the nextChameleon flight? [JEAN] 1530hrs to Rome, sir. [COMMANDANT] 1530hrs heading south. Right. And I'll let you know whenthey request permission to start up. Cheerio, old man, and many thanks.Well, that's settled that. The next Chameleon flight will have an RAFfighter on its tail. [COMMANDANT] Good grief. Jean. Jean! What's the matter with the girl?Get me the Medical Centre. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre) [PINTO] (into phone) Isn't it possible for yourassistant to come down here, Commandant? But I'm not supposed to leavehere. All right, sir. If you insist. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre x-ray room) [DOCTOR] I'm just going off duty, but this gentleman will be pleased toattend to you. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [PINTO] How do you feel? [JEAN] Not too good. [COMMANDANT] I can't understand it. She's never done this on me before. [JEAN] Thank you, Nurse. I feel much better now. [COMMANDANT] Well, there couldn't be much wrong then. [PINTO] Have you had any lunch? [JEAN] No, I've been so busy today, I haven't even had any breakfast. [PINTO] Then no wonder you didn't feel well. Really, Commandant. Youmust see that your staff have time for regular meals. [COMMANDANT] I've never stopped her having her lunch. [PINTO] I'm sure, Commandant. But it has been known to happen. [COMMANDANT] Now look here, Jean. [DOCTOR] Very well done. [JEAN] Did I give you enough time? [DOCTOR] Ample time. [COMMANDANT] What is all this? You weren't ill at all, were you? [DOCTOR] It's all right, Commandant. She was acting on my instructions. [COMMANDANT] On your instructions? [DOCTOR] Yes. What do you think of these? [COMMANDANT] Now, what are these? [DOCTOR] I think there's somebody here who can tell us. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. Where's the chap who usually sits there? [COMMANDANT] Well, he's probably off duty. In that case, he'll be backon shift in a couple of hours. [DOCTOR] I see. Oh well, these'll have to wait. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [TANNOY] Chameleon Youth Tours announce the departure of their flightnumber 419 to Rome. Will all passengers please assemble in thedeparture lounge. [ANN] Don't forget your postcards. Give them back to me and we'll postthem for you in Rome. Have you found your ticket yet? [SAMANTHA] I don't know. I seem to have lost it somewhere. But youremember me, don't you? I bought the ticket off you. [ANN] There are so many people. What was the name? --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [SAMANTHA [on monitor]] Samantha Briggs. Oh, it hadS Briggs on the ticket. [ANN [on monitor]] S Briggs has already checked in. [SAMANTHA [on monitor]] Oh no. Well, who the heck? Look, can youremember what she looked like? [ANN [on monitor]] She? I seem to remember a boy with that ticket. [SAMANTHA [on monitor]] Jamie. He's pinched it. Look, you have to stophim. [ANN [on monitor]] I can't hold up the flight. [SAMANTHA [on monitor]] But look. [ANN [on monitor]] I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can do for you. --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours kiosk) [ANN] Hello. Yes, all right. That's very kind ofyou. You're very fortunate. Your ticket's just been found. [SAMANTHA] Oh, good. Well who got it? [ANN] We can't tell you that, I'm afraid, but our manager would like tosee you. He's just through there. [SAMANTHA] Oh right, ta. [ANN] Now, who's got their postcards ready? --------------------------------------- (Chameleon Tours cubicle) [SAMANTHA] Er, you wanted to see me? [SPENCER] Yes, indeed. You won't escape again. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [HESLINGTON] Chameleon 419. Clearance correct. [BLADE [OC]] Chameleon 419. Taxi Clearance. [HESLINGTON] Chameleon 419. Taxi following southern taxiway fordeparture runway 27. [BLADE [OC]] Roger. [COMMANDANT] Well, this time they'll have the RAF on their tail. [DOCTOR] How high can fighters go these days, Commandant? [COMMANDANT] Oh, ten miles plus. [DOCTOR] How futile. [JEAN] RAF Manston, sir. [COMMANDANT] Oh, good. Hello, old boy. The Chameleon Rome flight's justtaken off. They're on Amber one, at flight level 210. Right. Good man. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [ANN] You can unfasten your seat belts now. Thankyou. [ANN] Are you all right? [JAMIE] Oh aye, I'll be all right. [ANN] Good. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] That's the fifty mile mark they'repassing now. [DOCTOR] Normally you don't plot them at this range? [COMMANDANT] No, there's too much traffic to control. Once they're upand away on their air corridor, we're finished with them. [PILOT [OC]] Hello, Gatwick Airport. This is RAF 241. How do you readme? --------------------------------------- (RAF fighter) [HESLINGTON [OC]] Gatwick Airport to RAF 241. Weread you loud and clear. [PILOT] Have the Chameleon aircraft in sight. Am following at tenthousand feet, heading due south. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] That's him, right on the tail. So far,so good. --------------------------------------- (Flight deck) [ANN] All set. [BLADE] Something's following us. [ANN] Another airliner going the same way? [BLADE] No, it's too small. It's a fighter. Give me a radar reading. [ANN] Two three decimal seven nine. --------------------------------------- (RAF fighter) (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] Heslington, that fighter's off course. [HESLINGTON] Gatwick to RAF 241. Do you read me? [DOCTOR] That plane isn't just off course. Something's happened to it. [COMMANDANT] You're right. It's out of control. [HESLINGTON] Gatwick to RAF 241. Do you read me? [DOCTOR] I don't think you'll get a reply. [COMMANDANT] It's fading, dropping out of our radar. Jean, get me RAFManston. That plane's crashed. [HESLINGTON] Look at the Chameleon plane. There's something wrong withthat too. [COMMANDANT] Hmmm? [DOCTOR] It's standing still! [COMMANDANT] Impossible. [HESLINGTON] No, sir, the blip's stationary. [COMMANDANT] That can only mean one thing. It's crashing, too. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BLADE [OC]] Report to the flight deck immediately. --------------------------------------- (Flight deck) [BLADE] How many people require passports in orderto leave the airport on the next flight. [ANN] Twenty five. [BLADE] You missed this one here. [ANN] I'm sorry. [BLADE] Carry on. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] Negative report from Air Sea Rescue, sir. [COMMANDANT] But with two aircraft ditching there must be some signs ofwreckage. [DOCTOR] Why do you think the Chameleon plane crashed into the sea? [COMMANDANT] Because it disappeared off our radar screen. [DOCTOR] But it stood still first. [COMMANDANT] Because it must have collided with the RAF plane anddropped like a stone. [DOCTOR] Why do you think that? [COMMANDANT] You see, when a plane on that radar appears to stand still,it is in point of fact dropping straight down. [DOCTOR] What about straight up? [COMMANDANT] Oh, my dear Doctor. To get above our radar umbrella likethat it'd have to climb vertically until it was a hundred miles high.The darned thing would be in outer space. [DOCTOR] Exactly. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [ANN] That plane they sent to follow us, should we have destroyed it? [BLADE] We could eliminate a whole squadron of their toy planes andthey'd never get on to us. Their minds can't cope with an operationlike this. Remember the teaching of our Director. The intelligence ofEarth people is comparable only to that of animals on our planet. --------------------------------------- (Stock room) [ANN] I thought I'd missed one of you. I wondered what happened to you. [JAMIE] What have you done to them? [ANN] Close that drawer. [JAMIE] No. No. Don't. Leave me. No, leave me! --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] Right, thank you. Air Sea Rescue say they're still searching butthere's no trace yet. [COMMANDANT] Commandant. I see. Did the pilot managed to bail out? I'msorry. They've found the remains of that RAF plane. The pilot had beenelectrocuted. [DOCTOR] Do you still think these people are from Earth? [COMMANDANT] I don't know, Doctor. I just don't know what to think. Ifonly there was one solid piece of evidence. [DOCTOR] I think it's just come in. Do you mind if I question him? Ithink I know how to make him talk. [DOCTOR] You know what this is, don't you? [MEADOWS 2] I don't know what you're talking about. [DOCTOR] Oh I think you do. Roll up your sleeve. [MEADOWS 2] Do I have to take orders from him, sir? [COMMANDANT] I think perhaps you should explain, Doctor. After all, thisman is working for me. [DOCTOR] You only think he's working for you. Commandant, your personnelare being systematically replaced, and this is how they are doing it.This is not Meadows, it only looks like Meadows. He's wearing one ofthese things on his arm. [COMMANDANT] Very well, do as he asks. [MEADOWS 2] But sir, this is ridiculous. [COMMANDANT] We all have to help in this, Meadows. Roll up your sleeve. [DOCTOR] Stop him! [COMMANDANT] Now get him in this chair. Jean, send for the police. Allright, Doctor, go ahead. [DOCTOR] Roll up his left sleeve. [DOCTOR] There we are. Now then. What happens if I were to turn one ofthese? [MEADOWS 2] Don't touch it! [DOCTOR] Ah, I see. Right. Now then, you are going to answer all myquestions, and in return, I promise no harm will come to you. Do youunderstand? [MEADOWS 2] All right. [DOCTOR] Where are your planes taking all their passengers? [MEADOWS 2] There's a satellite about a hundred and fifty miles up. [DOCTOR] Why are you abducting all these young people? [MEADOWS 2] We had a catastrophe on our planet. A gigantic explosion. Asyou've seen, we have lost our identities. My people are dying out. [COMMANDANT] But what use would our people be to you? [MEADOWS 2] Our scientists devised a process so that we could take onthe physicalcharacteristics of another being. [DOCTOR] This is part of the process? [MEADOWS 2] Yes, that's why you mustn't touch it. [DOCTOR] How many of these young people do you hope to abduct? [MEADOWS 2] This time, fifty thousand. [COMMANDANT] Fifty thousand! [DOCTOR] How large is this satellite? [MEADOWS 2] On the journey in our planes, the passengers areminiaturised. [DOCTOR] I see. How many of your people are working here at GatwickAirport? [MEADOWS 2] I don't know. That's the truth, I tell you. I don't know. [DOCTOR] Very well. What happens to the people whose identity has beentaken over, the originals? [MEADOWS 2] They're somewhere in the airport. I don't know exactlywhere. [COMMANDANT] I'll have the whole place torn to pieces to find them. [MEADOWS 2] No, you mustn't find them. [DOCTOR] Why not? [MEADOWS] You, you mustn't, that's all. [DOCTOR] Because if we do find them, we'll find one of these on theirarms, eh? And if we remove it, something terrible will happen to you? [MEADOWS 2] Yes. [DOCTOR] What if you have to change back? [MEADOWS 2] Well, that can be done, but with the machine. [DOCTOR] The machine in the Medical Centre? [MEADOWS 2] Yes. None of us know where our own originals are, exceptthat Nurse. [DOCTOR] Nurse? What about her? [MEADOWS 2] Oh she was cunning. She's got her own original with her. [DOCTOR] Where is it? [MEADOWS 2] I don't know. [DOCTOR] I think you do know. Now, are you going to tell me? [MEADOWS 2] It's in the Medical Centre. [DOCTOR] Right, you're going to show me where it is. [MEADOWS 2] I daren't. She'll have me destroyed. [DOCTOR] Are you going to co-operate or are you not? [MEADOWS 2] All right. It won't make any difference. You'll never seethose fifty thousand young people again. [DOCTOR] I think I'd better take him down there. The Medical Centre. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre) [SPENCER [on monitor]] What is it? [PINTO] This girl. What do we do with her? [SPENCER [on monitor]] We need to use her as an original. That way wecan get one of our people close to the man who is menacing us. He willthen be killed. [PINTO] But surely Captain Blade isn't bringing any more of our peopleto Earth? [PINTO] Can I help you? [DOCTOR] Bring him in. [PINTO] I'm afraid I don't understand. [DOCTOR] I think you two have something in common. [PINTO] Is this man ill, officer? [DOCTOR] Roll up your sleeves. [PINTO] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] Officer! [PINTO] Please, take your hands off me. [DOCTOR] Certainly. [DOCTOR] Now then, where is her original? [MEADOWS 2] It's in there. [PINTO] You can't go in there! [DOCTOR] Would you rather be destroyed? Keep an eye on her, officer.Bring him along. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre x-ray room) [DOCTOR] Sam! Sam, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Are you all right, Sam? [SAMANTHA] Yeah. Oh, I thought I was done for there. Pins and needles. [DOCTOR] You're lucky it was no worse. [SAMANTHA] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Just checking up. Now then, where is the Nurse's original? [MEADOWS 2] It's in a panel in the wall somewhere. The control's in thecouch there. [DOCTOR] All right, Officer. [SAMANTHA] Flipping heck. But she's in there! [PINTO] You traitor! [SAMANTHA] Look out! [DOCTOR] It's all right, Sam. It's all right. [SAMANTHA] She vanished! [MEADOWS 2] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Put her on here. [MEADOWS 2] There we are. [DOCTOR] Will there be any permanent damage? [MEADOWS 2] No. You can take that off now. [DOCTOR] It's all right. You'll be quite all right in a few minutes.There. [SAMANTHA] Doctor, what's happened to Jamie? [DOCTOR] What on Earth are these doing here? [SAMANTHA] Doctor, Jamie wasn't anywhere near the kiosk the last time.Look, you're not listening! I think they've got Jamie! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Where? [SAMANTHA] Well, you should know. You got him to pinch me ticket. [DOCTOR] Pinch your ticket? [SAMANTHA] To stop me from going to Rome. [DOCTOR] Oh. You mean Jamie has [SAMANTHA] Has gone in my place. [DOCTOR] First Polly and Ben, now Jamie. We've no time to lose. --------------------------------------- (Stock room) [JAMIE] Inspector! [CROSSLAND] Let's see if I can get you out of there. How did you gethere? [JAMIE] I came on the plane, stole someone's ticket. [CROSSLAND] You ought to have been miniaturised on the journey. [JAMIE] Miniaturised? [CROSSLAND] Reduced in size, like all the youngsters in these cabinets.Did you not have anything to eat or drink? [JAMIE] No, I felt too ill. [CROSSLAND] That explains it. The food is the first part of the process. [JAMIE] Inspector, what is this place? [CROSSLAND] A satellite, Jamie. A flying ship in space. These people arefrom another planet. It seems the Doctor was right after all. Doesanyone down there believe him yet? [JAMIE] Oh, I'm not sure. I don't think so. [CROSSLAND] I suppose it is too much for them to believe. But surely theDoctor's convinced them that something is going on? [JAMIE] Aye, I think maybe the Commandant. [CROSSLAND] Yes, Jamie. [JAMIE] Inspector, have you escaped or something? [CROSSLAND] No-one escapes from here. [JAMIE] But the plane that comes here, well, it must go back to Earth.We could get on it. [CROSSLAND] The last plane to Earth is leaving now. They've just goneback to pick up their own people. [JAMIE] Surely the Doctor'll think of some way of rescuing us? [CROSSLAND] Not this time, Jamie. This time he's up against a mindsuperior even to his. The mind of the Director. [JAMIE] You mean someone clever than the Doctor? [CROSSLAND] The man in charge of this whole mission. [JAMIE] You seem to know a lot about it, Inspector. [CROSSLAND] Of course I do, Jamie. I am the Director. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] And his is the bearing where theChameleon plane vanished. I want to know if it reappears there. They'vea flight due any minute. [HESLINGTON] Very good, sir. [COMMANDANT] Now then, Doctor. What's all this about personnel files? [DOCTOR] Over here. I'll show you. I found these in the Medical Centre.Records of twenty five people who work here. Each one of these has beentaken over by Chameleons. [COMMANDANT] Right. I'll have them all under arrest within fifteenminutes. Airport Police please. Now, look at this. [DOCTOR] What is it? [JEAN] Chameleon Air Schedules. [COMMANDANT] You see here? Their last flight of the season goes in anhour. Superintendent Reynolds please. [DOCTOR] The last flight? Well that's exactly why they mustn't bearrested. [COMMANDANT] Superintendent? Commandant here. [DOCTOR] Will you please listen to me! [COMMANDANT] Will you hold on a moment, please? [DOCTOR] These people must not be arrested. [COMMANDANT] Why not? [DOCTOR] Somewhere in outer space, there are fifty thousand youngpeople, three of my friends amongst them, and somehow we've got tobring them back. I want to get on this last flight, which means theChameleons must think that everything is going according to plan. [HESLINGTON] Commandant? [COMMANDANT] Reynolds, I'll call you back. Now what is it? [HESLINGTON] This blip. It's just appeared out of nowhere and it'scoming this way. [COMMANDANT] Right, well keep tracking them. It maybe the Chameleonplane returning. Now look here, Doctor. All very well talking aboutgetting on that plane, but how? [DOCTOR] At the moment, you look like a man called Meadows. Could youshed that identity and become somebody else? [MEADOWS] Yes. Yes, some of our people have been processed twice. [DOCTOR] Good. Then in that case I shall pretend I am a Chameleon, andget on board that way. [COMMANDANT] But even if you get on that plane, what do you hope to do? [DOCTOR] I don't know till I get to the satellite, and then I will haveone card to play, and that's up to you Commandant. [COMMANDANT] What's that? [DOCTOR] The people the Chameleons have taken over, the originals, arehidden somewhere here in Gatwick Airport. You have got to find them. [COMMANDANT] Of course, and get those fearful things off their arms. [DOCTOR] No, no, no! Find them, by all means, but don't tamper withthose arm sheaths. Otherwise we lose our one threat. The one thing Imay be able to bargain with. [COMMANDANT] Yes, I see that. But I still don't see how you're going toget on that plane, let alone convince them that you're one of theirpeople. [DOCTOR] That will depend entirely on Nurse Pinto. [COMMANDANT] Jean, get onto Superintendent Reynolds. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre) [DOCTOR] Now, is everything clear? You're sure youunderstand what I am asking you to do? [PINTO] Yes, of course, but we've got to think of those young people. [BLADE] How very convenient. Lock the door. [PINTO] No, don't shoot! This is Meadows. He had to be re-processed. [BLADE] Why? [DOCTOR] The Doctor became too suspicious of me as Meadows. I was ableto kidnap him. The rest is as you can see. [BLADE] A pity. It was useful having someone in Air Traffic Control. Butthen of course we have possession of the Doctor's brain. [DOCTOR] You think that will be useful? [BLADE] Undoubtedly. [DOCTOR] That means that you'll be taking us up to the satellite? [BLADE] I am taking everybody back to the satellite on the next plane.It's the last flight. Surely you haven't forgotten that? [DOCTOR] The re-processing. It's difficult to remember details. [BLADE] Yes, of course, I understand. What have you done with hisoriginal? [DOCTOR] In a safe place. [BLADE] Well it should be with the others. [DOCTOR] Tell me where that is and I'll have it transferred. [BLADE] There's no time for that now. Jenkins will see you throughImmigration. We leave in fifteen minutes. [PINTO] Do you think we convinced him? [DOCTOR] I don't know. However, we've got aboard that plane. Come on,don't let's be late. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JEAN] Right. Thank you. That was the police, sir.They say the passengers are now boarding the Chameleon plane. [COMMANDANT] Did they see if the Doctor had got on board? [JEAN] Yes. He was with Nurse Pinto. All the passengers are adults andmost of them have been identified as airport personnel. [HESLINGTON] Commandant. Chameleon plane's requesting clearance forstart up. [COMMANDANT] All right, Heslington, normal procedure. Give themclearance. [HESLINGTON] Chameleon 345, stand by for start temperature [COMMANDANT] Yes. Now it's stationary. It must be ascending vertically. [HESLINGTON] The blip's getting fainter, sir. That means he's risingabove our radar umbrella. [COMMANDANT] (into phone) Ah Superintendent, the very man. [HESLINGTON] Blip's just gone, sir. [COMMANDANT] Now look, Reynolds. We've got to get every man of yourforce on that search. There isn't a moment to lose. Time's running outon us. --------------------------------------- (Medical centre) [SAMANTHA] Any luck? [JEAN] No. Look at that. Wish my files were as neat as that. How aboutyou. What about the kiosk? [SAMANTHA] Not much. Just a few papers. [JEAN] Hmm. Oh, we'd better get back to Air Traffic Control then. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] Well? [JEAN] Just a few papers, sir. [COMMANDANT] Well, there might be a clue there. [JEAN] Commandant, surely they'd put them somewhere? I mean, well,somewhere we'd never think of. [COMMANDANT] We've got to think of it, Jean, wherever it is. TheDoctor's relying on us. Thousands of lives are depending on us findingthose originals, and quickly. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [PINTO] How much longer, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I should think we're almost there. Don't worry. [BLADE] One moment. Owing to the complete success of our operation,living space on our satellite has had to be used for our cargo.Therefore, quarters will be re-allocated. Report to the accommodationcentre for instructions. [PINTO] Do you think he's suspects? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Let's follow the others. --------------------------------------- (Transference room) [DIRECTOR] What is your name? Try again, What is your name? [JAMIE 2] Jamie. [DIRECTOR] Where do you come from? [JAMIE 2] From Earth, a place called Scotland. [DIRECTOR] Excellent. [BLADE] Director. [DIRECTOR] What is it? [BLADE] We have found two impostors. The Doctor and Nurse Pinto. I wantpermission to have them destroyed. [DIRECTOR] One moment. What do you know about the Doctor? [JAMIE 2] He is not of this Earth or of this century. He has travelledthrough time and space. His knowledge is even greater than ours. [BLADE] Director, this man is a danger to us. He should be destroyed. [DIRECTOR] And I say he must live, but as one of us. [BLADE] You will regret it. [DIRECTOR] You have your orders, Captain Blade. --------------------------------------- (Satellite corridor) [PINTO] What do we do now? [DOCTOR] We slip away and see if we can find these young people. Comeon. Ah, Captain Blade, we're carrying out your instructions. We'relooking for the accommodation centre. [BLADE] My instructions don't apply to you. You two won't be needingliving space. --------------------------------------- (Satellite corridor) [DOCTOR] Captain Blade, what is this? I don'tunderstand. We're here to stay, aren't we? [BLADE] Oh yes, you're here to stay, but not in your present state. [DOCTOR] I'm very sorry. I simply don't understand what you mean. [BLADE] I checked with the Medical Centre. You're both human. We wantyou intact. That's why I allowed you to come here. I want your brain. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [MEADOWS 2] I've told you, I don't know where theyare. You're wasting your time with me. [REYNOLDS] I think he's telling the truth. [COMMANDANT] I'm afraid he is. Get him out of here. They must be heresomewhere. [REYNOLDS] We have completely searched this area. I've now got fifty mengoing through this part and the Metropolitan Police are sending help.But time is running short. I have to cover the entire airfield. I needvolunteers now. [COMMANDANT] Get me the public address room. Heslington, divert allin-bound aircraft. Public Address Room, this is the Commandant. Switchme through to the PA system and stop all other announcements untilfurther instructions. This is the Airport Commandant speaking. --------------------------------------- (Concourse) [COMMANDANT [OC]] Please pay attention. I want allavailable Airport personnel to assist in a special duty. Will theyplease report to the Airport Police, who will issue instructions. Iwould like to assure passengers that there's no cause for alarm, and toapologise for the temporary suspension of all outward flights. --------------------------------------- (Director's office) [DOCTOR] Oh. [DIRECTOR] What did you hope to achieve here? [DOCTOR] A chance to plead with you for the lives of fifty thousandyoung people. [DIRECTOR] They're only human beings. [DOCTOR] And what are you? [DIRECTOR] We are the most intelligent race in the universe. [JAMIE 2] Director? [DIRECTOR] Yes? [JAMIE 2] Freiburg flight has just taken off. [DOCTOR] Why, Jamie! [JAMIE 2] You wish to speak to me? [DOCTOR] Oh no, of course, it's, it's not Jamie. You're a Chameleon.Well, I don't think you've done a very good job on him. [DIRECTOR] Why not? [DOCTOR] Well you've lost his Scots accent in the process. Oh, I muchpreferred the original. [DIRECTOR] If you're looking for your friend's original, Doctor, youwon't find it in here. [DOCTOR] Really? [DIRECTOR] No, it's (pause) in a safe place. Not far from here. What arewe waiting for? [JAMIE 2] Dubrovnik and Athens. They're waiting to collect ourpersonnel. [DIRECTOR] We're well ahead of schedule. We can wait. Proceed with theprocessing. By the way, Captain Blade, congratulations on bringing thisman here. I personally will decide which of our people is to have hisidentity. [DOCTOR] It'll be one of your friends, I've no doubt. It'sunderstandable. The special people up here feel more secure if theiroriginals are actually in the satellite. [DIRECTOR] Be quiet. [DOCTOR] The Director has nothing to worry about because his original,Detective Inspector Crossland is actually on board. But (to Blade)where's your original? (to Spencer) And where's yours? [DIRECTOR] That's enough! Their originals are perfectly safe, hidden onGatwick Airport where they will never be found. [BLADE] What did you mean about our originals? [DOCTOR] Well, as I see it, there are two categories. People like yourDirector and that man over there whose originals are safe on boardhere. And then there are people like you two, whose originals have beenleft behind at Gatwick airport. If they're tampered with, you'refinished. [BLADE] He's lying. Come on, let's get him into the machine before theDirector returns. [DOCTOR] Yes, you'd better process me quickly, because any minute nowyou'll cease to exist. You're first on the list. [BLADE] What list? [DOCTOR] Oh, surely you understand? We've found all of the originals.The Commandant at the Airport is going to deprocess them one by one,starting with you, unless I stop him. [SPENCER] He's bluffing. [BLADE] Wait! Where did you find the originals? [DOCTOR] Ah, that I can't tell you. But they'd been searching for sometime and just as I was about to board the aircraft I got a signal whichmeant that they'd been successful. Otherwise I wouldn't have come.Well, if you don't believe me, check with Gatwick Airport. I imagineyou know its radio frequency? [BLADE] Contact Gatwick Air Control. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [REYNOLDS] I've got two dozen men moving down herelooking for any signs of the soil having been disturbed. There aretwenty men here, with fifty volunteers going through these hangars. [HESLINGTON] Commandant. [COMMANDANT] Yes. [HESLINGTON] Someone's crashing our frequency. [COMMANDANT] Who is it? [HESLINGTON] I don't know, sir. It's an unidentified station asking foryou. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] This is Chameleon Headquarters calling Gatwick Airport.How do you read me? [COMMANDANT] This is Gatwick Airport, Commandant speaking. We arereading you loud and clear. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] We understand you have found some property in which wehave an interest. Will you confirm? [COMMANDANT] Yes, we have that property. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] State where you found it. [COMMANDANT] Does that matter. The important thing is we have found it,and can now destroy you. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] Please stay by your receiver. [COMMANDANT] The Doctor must be trying some sort of bluff. [REYNOLDS] And we're not being much help to him. [JEAN] Where do you think you left them? [SAMANTHA] I don't know, I left them in here somewhere. Anyway, none ofthat Chameleon lot could have nicked them 'cos they've all gone. [JEAN] Here, look. [SAMANTHA] Yeah. You see it suddenly dawned on me, what would they bedoing with so many coaches? [JEAN] Oh, why didn't that occur to me? [SAMANTHA] Oh, you haven't got all the brains in London you know. Twentyfive. There you are. Twenty five car numbers, twenty five people. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [JAMIE 2 [OC]] This is Chameleon Headquarters.Explain your reluctance to state where you found the property. [COMMANDANT] It is not a question of reluctance. [REYNOLDS] Say the police haven't told you yet. [COMMANDANT] The property is in the hands of the police, who have notyet informed me where the hiding place was. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] Message understood. Please stay by your receiver. [REYNOLDS] I'll get that. Air Traffic Control. Hold on a minute. It'sthe girl and your assistant. They think they've got a clue. [COMMANDANT] Right, I'll try and stall them. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] Chameleon Headquarters to Gatwick Airport. We are closingdown now. [COMMANDANT] Gatwick Airport to Chameleon Headquarters, are youreceiving me? --------------------------------------- (Director's office) [COMMANDANT [OC]] Gatwick Airport to ChameleonHeadquarters, are you receiving me? Gatwick Airport to ChameleonHeadquarters, are you receiving me? [DIRECTOR] Turn it off. Put that gun away. [BLADE] He said he'd found our originals. [DIRECTOR] And had he? [BLADE] No, he was bluffing. [DIRECTOR] Proceed with the processing. In future, take your orders onlyfrom me. [DOCTOR] You're going to get a surprise when twenty five of your peopledisintegrate. [DIRECTOR] What a pity you won't be able to see it. The Nurse. [DOCTOR] Now then, now what is it you want me to do? [BLADE] Sit down. [DOCTOR] Tell me, what happens if you disintegrate in the middle of mybeing processed? I mean, will that do me any harm, being suspendedbetween one thing and another, so to speak? [BLADE] Sit down! [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [DIRECTOR] You should have been watching him. Send for a new unit. Youhaven't averted your fate, only postponed it. --------------------------------------- (Car park) (Director's office) [DIRECTOR] At last. Now, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You're quite sure it's safe now? --------------------------------------- (Car park) (Director's office) [DIRECTOR] Is everything ready now? [BLADE] Just one moment, sir. [JAMIE 2] Director. Gatwick Control calling us again. [DIRECTOR] Ignore them. [JAMIE 2] They claim they have found the originals. [DIRECTOR] They're bluffing again, I said ignore them. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [HESLINGTON] Gatwick Airport to Chameleon HeadQuarters. Do you read me? It's no good sir. [COMMANDANT] Very well. We'll have to give them a demonstration. Right,Super. [REYNOLDS] Sergeant Erskine? --------------------------------------- (Car park) (Director's office) [BLADE] They have found them! They weren't bluffing. [DIRECTOR] His equipment could have gone wrong. [BLADE] All right, what could have gone wrong with it? [DIRECTOR] That is a question for our scientists. [DOCTOR] By the time they tell you that there's nothing wrong with it,you'll all have disintegrated, except of course the Director. [DIRECTOR] Be quiet. This has nothing to do with you. [DOCTOR] Yes, you're quite right, it only concerns these two. I'll keepmy mouth shut. [BLADE] We'd better contact Gatwick Air Control. [DIRECTOR] We've finished with Gatwick Airport. [BLADE] And what if they haven't finished with us? [DIRECTOR] That would be your own fault, wouldn't it? You told me thatall the originals were hidden where they could not possibly be founduntil the life have been drained from them. Are you now telling me youwere careless? [BLADE] Contact Gatwick Air Control. [DIRECTOR] Destroy the transmitter! [DIRECTOR] All right. [JAMIE 2] This is Chameleon Headquarters calling Gatwick Airport. How doyou read me? --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] Gatwick Airport to Chameleon HeadQuarters. We are reading you loud and clear. [JAMIE 2 [OC]] Can you now state where you found the originals? [COMMANDANT] The originals were discovered in a car park. To prove it,we have already eliminated one of your personnel. A man. --------------------------------------- (Director's office) [COMMANDANT [OC]] I now wish to speak to the Doctor.Unless I hear his voice immediately, the next to be eliminated will beCaptain Blade. [BLADE] Release him. I said, release him! [BLADE] Get to that microphone. [DOCTOR] Release the Nurse first. [COMMANDANT [OC]] I said I wished to speak to the Doctor, otherwise thenext will be Captain Blade. [BLADE] Doctor, the microphone. [DOCTOR] Are you quite all right, my dear. [PINTO] Yes, I think so. [DOCTOR] Good. Commandant, this is the Doctor speaking. [COMMANDANT] Ah, what a relief. [DOCTOR] Stand by while I negotiate. Now then, I will tell you my terms.I will guarantee your continued existence, if you will return to Earthall the young people you abducted. [DIRECTOR] No use. They've all been miniaturised. [DOCTOR] Then reverse the process. [DIRECTOR] I'm afraid that's impossible. The equipment for that is onour home planet. [BLADE] He's lying. The planes themselves are the miniaturisationchambers and they work both ways. What kind of continued existencewould we have, Doctor? [DOCTOR] In your former state, I'm afraid. Your scientists will have tothink of some other way out of your dilemma. [BLADE] It's better than death. [SPENCER] We accept. [BLADE] All right, we accept. [DIRECTOR] You fools, how can you trust him? [JAMIE 2] Look out! Ahh! [DOCTOR] Commandant, are you still there? [COMMANDANT [OC]] Yes. [DOCTOR] Negotiations have been successfully concluded as arranged. [COMMANDANT [OC]] Good. I'll leave the people in the car park as theyare until you arrive back. [DOCTOR] Good. Please stay listening out on this frequency. I am leavingCaptain Blade in charge of the radio. [COMMANDANT [OC]] Can you trust him? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think I can now. [COMMANDANT [OC]] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] I'm going to try and find my three friends and the Inspector.You know where they are? [BLADE] Yes. [DOCTOR] You will take me to them. I will call you again. [COMMANDANT [OC]] Roger. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] Well, Heslington, flap over. Let's getback to normal as quick as we can. --------------------------------------- (Store room) [BLADE] They're over there. I don't know which one. [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Ha, I'm glad to see you alive. [JAMIE] How do you mean? [DOCTOR] I'll explain to you one day. Well, come along out. You looklike a soldier in a sentry box standing there. Sit down. --------------------------------------- (Director's office) [BLADE] Doctor, the first plane is ready for take off. We've got all theprocessed personnel including your three young friends aboard. [DOCTOR] Ah, good. [BLADE] Are you going with us, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm going with Nurse Pinto. Are you going, Inspector? [CROSSLAND] No, I think I'd better stay here just for a while, to tidythings up. Are you ready, Nurse? [PINTO] Oh yes, Inspector. [CROSSLAND] I'll see you to the plane. [DOCTOR] I'll see you on the plane, Nurse. [BLADE] What will our future be, Doctor? [DOCTOR] So long as you keep your side of the bargain, you may return toyour planet unharmed. Perhaps your scientists will be able to find someway out of their dilemma. I may be able to give them one or two ideasof my own. --------------------------------------- (Air Traffic Control) [COMMANDANT] Yes, yes, I know. All flights were suspended as well asyours. Hello Doctor. All down safely. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. [COMMANDANT] Splendid, Splendid. I'll take that Brussels call now. [DOCTOR] There's just one thing, Commandant. [COMMANDANT] Yes, yes, right. [DOCTOR] Our Tardis. Our police box. [COMMANDANT] Ah Bruxelles. Oui, j'accord. [DOCTOR] The police box on the runway. [COMMANDANT] Oh, yes, of course. Jean, see that the Doctor gets hisproperty back, will you? Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you so much. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Commandant. [COMMANDANT] Goodbye, Scotty. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Samantha. Come along, Jamie. We must find Ben andPolly and get to the Tardis. [JAMIE] I'd better say goodbye. [SAMANTHA] Oh. Well I'll see you around then? [JAMIE] Around where? [SAMANTHA] Well, you know, around. Ah, you're not just going off likethat? [JAMIE] Aye, I must go. The Doctor'll be. Well, your brother'll be hereany moment. [SAMANTHA] Yeah. Well, ta-ra then! [JAMIE] Aye, well, er. [SAMANTHA] Hey, thanks for everything, Jamie. [JAMIE] I'll say goodbye. [SAMANTHA] Goodbye, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Gatwick Airport) [DOCTOR] This will do. My thanks to the Commandant. [POLLY] Thank you every much. Hey, Doctor, where are you going? [BEN] Hey, come back! --------------------------------------- (Airport hangar) [POLLY] Doctor. [BEN] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Doing? I'm looking for the Tardis, of course. [POLLY] Oh, no. Can't we stay in London a bit? [BEN] Yeah, it's good to feel normal again. [DOCTOR] Normal? What do you mean, Ben? [BEN] Well, no monsters, or Cybermen. All this, it's normal. Iunderstand it. [DOCTOR] Do you? What about Chameleon Tours? [BEN] Oh yeah, that was different. [JAMIE] Oh, I'll be glad to get away from here. Can you not land us in anice civilised place like 1750? [POLLY] What's so uncivilised about 1966? [JAMIE] Oh, you can keep it! [BEN] Did you say 1966? [POLLY] Yes. [BEN] What month is it? [DOCTOR] It's July. July the 20th, to be precise. [POLLY] What are you getting at? [BEN] Don't you see, Duchess? July the 20th, 1966 is when it all began!We're back to when it all started. Well, I think. [POLLY] That means it's as if, it's as if we've never been away. [DOCTOR] You really want to go, don't you? [BEN] Well, we won't leave, Doctor, if you really need us. [POLLY] The thing is, it is our world. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. You're lucky, I never got back to mine. All right,then. Off you go. Now go on, Ben can catch his ship and become anAdmiral, and you Polly, you can look after Ben. [POLLY] I will. You will be safe, won't you? [JAMIE] I'll look after him. [BEN] I'm sure you will, mate. Goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Ben. [BEN] We might see you sometime. Take care. [DOCTOR] Well you'd better hurry. The Commandant's car waiting. [JAMIE] I'm sad to see them go. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. So am I. Well, we've got things to do. [JAMIE] What things? [DOCTOR] Well, I didn't tell the others, but we've lost the Tardis. [JAMIE] We can't have done. [DOCTOR] It was outside. It's not there now. [JAMIE] You mean somebody's stolen it? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but that's what we're going to find out. Come on!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e08", "title": "The Faceless Ones"}
Doctor Who (20 May, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Evil of the Daleks (Gatwick Airport) [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] The Tardis! --------------------------------------- (Garage) [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Excuse me! [HALL] Ay? [DOCTOR] I wonder if you can help us? [HALL] My mate likes the wireless turned on at full blast. I have tokeep this turned down. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. [JAMIE] Who's taken the Tardis? [HALL] The what? [DOCTOR] He means the police telephone box. [HALL] He said Tardis or something. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, Tardis, that's another name for it. [HALL] Oh, foreign, is he? [JAMIE] Me, foreign? You're the one that's foreign. I'm Scottish. [DOCTOR] That's right. Tardis is a is a Gaelic word. Jamie, hush. [JAMIE] It's getting further away all the time. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Well, anyway, it's our property and we've come tocollect it. [HALL] Oh, you mean the --------------------------------------- (Field outside the airport) [HALL [OC]] The police box? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes! [HALL [OC]] Yeah. Well, that's gone. --------------------------------------- (Garage) [JAMIE] Oh, we know it's gone. That's the wholepoint. Its ours and somebody's stolen it. [HALL] Oh, I don't know about that. I've got a note here somewhere.Yeah, here we are. There. Police Tel Box. Collection 3 o'clock. [DOCTOR] Let me see this, please. [HALL] Been signed for. [DOCTOR] Yes, so I see. J Smith. Doesn't really help us, does it? [HALL] Yeah, well, I just do what I'm told. You'd better see the airportCommandant or someone. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. I don't think we'd better do that. Jamie, I think we'dbetter talk to the police. [HALL] Of course I, er, I do know the name of the firm what picked itup. [JAMIE] You do? [HALL] Yeah, firm name of, er, Leatherman. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. You'll be hearing from us. [JAMIE] Leatherman. Now that's a clue. Just a minute. Now, what streetdo they? Doctor, wait. [HALL] Did you get all that? [KENNEDY [OC]] Every word. We'd better get going. Get your money back atthe warehouse. --------------------------------------- (Outside the garage) [JAMIE] We should have followed that clue he gave us. [DOCTOR] Perhaps. I think we'd better keep an eye on him. [JAMIE] Why? [DOCTOR] Well, didn't you notice his overalls? They were much too smallfor him, and the top sheet of his clip board was different to all theothers. And when we mentioned the police he became friendly [JAMIE] Aye. Hey, may --------------------------------------- (Field outside the airport) [KENNEDY] Kennedy to base. Kennedy to base. Do youread me? --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [KENNEDY [OC]] Kennedy to base. Do you read? [WATERFIELD] Yes. [KENNEDY [OC]] The Doctor and his friend are following Bob Hall. [WATERFIELD] I knew they would suspect him. [KENNEDY [OC]] (I'll go on to the warehouse. [WATERFIELD] Very good, Mister Kennedy. --------------------------------------- (Airport gates) [DOCTOR] That's him. There he goes. [JAMIE] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] For hire. [JAMIE] Ay? [DOCTOR] Follow that car. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [WATERFIELD] Yes? [PERRY OC]] Perry, sir. [WATERFIELD] Oh, er, one moment, Mister Perry. [PERRY] It's here. [WATERFIELD] Good. [PERRY] Like me to open the shutters, sir? Lovely day outside. [WATERFIELD] I have a choice between the sun or noise, Mister Perry. Iregret shutting out one, but at least I keep out the other. [PERRY] Yes. (a clock chimes) I say, that's very good. Just come in, eh?Mint condition. Eighteen seventy, is it? [WATERFIELD] Approximately. [PERRY] Don't know who your contacts are, sir, but this is marvellous. [WATERFIELD] Well, Victorian timepieces are my specialty, Mister Perry. [PERRY] Wish you'd tell me who makes them for you, sir. [WATERFIELD] But then you would be as wise as I, and that wouldn't do atall, would it? [PERRY] Whoever makes them, Mister Waterfield, they'd fool an expert. IfI didn't know it was impossible, I'd say it was absolutely genuine. [WATERFIELD] And, er, there was no trouble with the box? [PERRY] Apparently not. A bit out of our line, isn't it, sir? A batteredold police box? [WATERFIELD] The whims and caprices of our patrons is our line, MisterPerry. [PERRY] Hmm. Odd though. [WATERFIELD] Mister Perry, I pay you the sum of 50 guineas per week, doI not? [PERRY] Pounds, actually, sir. 50 pounds. [WATERFIELD] Yes. I hope I may be forgiven if I believe that entitles meto demanding less curiosity of you. [PERRY] Sorry, sir. [WATERFIELD] It is, I think you will agree, a princely salary. [PERRY] No complaints on that score. As long as I'm not asked to doanything dicey. [WATERFIELD] Dicey? [PERRY] Crooked. Illegal. [WATERFIELD] Your candour is refreshing, Mister Perry, even if yourjudgement of character is somewhat questionable. [PERRY] I didn't mean that [WATERFIELD] I know perfectly well what you meant. You may rest assured,I shall not ask you to do anything dicey. [PERRY] No, sir. [WATERFIELD] I think you are wanted in the shop, Mister Perry. [PERRY] And the telephone box, sir. What do we do with it? [WATERFIELD] Do? We do nothing. [PERRY] Oh, right. [WATERFIELD] Nothing except wait. --------------------------------------- (Lane) [DOCTOR] This is his car. He must be around here somewhere. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [KENNEDY] You sure you weren't followed? [HALL] No, course I wasn't. Hey, you haven't told me what this littlecaper's about yet, Kennedy. [KENNEDY] Counted the money yet then, have you? [HALL] No, not yet. [KENNEDY] Or do you think I made a mistake giving you two fifty insteadof seventy five? We thought you might like a little extra. [HALL] What for? [KENNEDY] You know those two at the hangar? [HALL] Yeah? [KENNEDY] They're outside. You weren't followed. We'll be ready forthem, won't we? That's what the extra's for. [HALL] Now listen. [KENNEDY] You on one side of the door, me on the other. Right? Straightover their heads. They won't even know what hit them. [HALL] Nah, not me, mate. [KENNEDY] It's a bit late to argue, isn't it? They're outside. [HALL] Now listen, I'm not getting mixed up in no kidnapping, and that'sflat. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Warehouse) [JAMIE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, have you tried the door? --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [DOCTOR] It's the man in the overalls. It's all right, he's alive. [HALL] Where's Ken [DOCTOR] Ken? Ken who? [JAMIE] Make him tell us where the Tardis is! [DOCTOR] No good, he's out cold. See if we can find some watersomewhere. Hello, this is something. This really is something. [DOCTOR] But why pay him to help steal the Tardis and then knock him onthe head? [JAMIE] Why steal the Tardis anyway? [DOCTOR] That's what's been bothering me, Jamie, too. [JAMIE] There's no water here. Hey, that looks a lot of money, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's between two and three hundred pounds. Yes, it is a lot, atleast for what he had to do. Put on a pair of overalls and just hangaround. Come to think of it, why hang around? He was obviously planted.Why not just go off in the lorry? [JAMIE] You've found something else? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [DOCTOR] Yes, this man rolled his own cigarettes, so these must belongto somebody else. That's a fair assumption. [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's all right. It's only a train. [JAMIE] A what? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a train. There are carriages and they go on wheels,on rails, and they're drawn by a steam. Hey, come back! [JAMIE] Well, give us a hand. [JAMIE] Not a sign of him. The only chance we had. [DOCTOR] There is this. (the matchbook) The Tricolour. It's a coffeebar, apparently. And that's not all. [JAMIE] Well, what else? [DOCTOR] Well, normally people pull out their matches from right toleft. These have been torn out from left to right. [JAMIE] What does that mean? [DOCTOR] It means we've got to find a coffee bar called The Tricolour,and look for a man called Ken or Kenneth someone, who's left-handed. [JAMIE] Now we've got something to go on. [DOCTOR] But it's so little, Jamie. It's too little. He might only havebeen there once. There's no guarantee he'll ever go there again. [JAMIE] Now, don't give up Doctor. Remember Bruce. [DOCTOR] Bruce? [JAMIE] Robert Bruce. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [KENNEDY] Look, I told you [WATERFIELD] And they were not aware that you were watching? [KENNEDY] No, they were too busy trying to work it all out. [WATERFIELD] Good. [KENNEDY] That Bob Hall was a bit of a problem. I didn't think he'd turnnasty. [WATERFIELD] You didn't hurt him? [KENNEDY] Him? You're joking. [WATERFIELD] I can assure you that I am not. [KENNEDY] He's a lot bigger than me, you know. No, I just battered himone and that was it. [WATERFIELD] That was what, Kennedy? I must know precisely what hashappened. How badly injured was Hall? [KENNEDY] Well, a bit dazed, that's all. He just mumbled something thenmade a run for it when they weren't looking. [WATERFIELD] And where is he now? [KENNEDY] Well, I went round to his place later. There he was coming outthe front door, zip bag and everything. He got in a cab and went toEuston. [WATERFIELD] Were you able to find another hansom and follow him? [KENNEDY] Ay? [WATERFIELD] Did you follow him? [KENNEDY] Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about him. He's gone up north. [WATERFIELD] That disposes of that. Now, this is extremely important.You did leave the matches? [KENNEDY] Don't worry about it. The Doctor found the cigarettes and thematches. [WATERFIELD] And you are certain they were the ones bearing the name ofthe coffee shop? [KENNEDY] Coffee bar. [WATERFIELD] Yes. [KENNEDY] Yes. I told you, it worked like a charm. I never thought itwould, but you were quite right. He got onto the name on the matchesstraight away. [WATERFIELD] Well, just one last thing, to make quite sure. [WATERFIELD] Now, you are certain that these are the people that yousaw? [KENNEDY] That's them, yeah. Yeah, definite. [WATERFIELD] Right. Well, I shall want you to keep out of sight. You'dbetter stay in the house. And on no account are you to talk to MisterPerry about any of this. [KENNEDY] Okay. [WATERFIELD] Okay? What does that mean? [KENNEDY] What? Yes! [WATERFIELD] Oh, I know my attitude may appear strange to you onoccasions, Kennedy. [KENNEDY] You want to play the part of the Victorian grandfather, that'sall right by me. Must be a pretty good gimmick. You pay me well enough. [WATERFIELD] It helps to sell to our customers. [KENNEDY] Yeah, sure, sure. You've never told me what it is exactlyyou've got against this Doctor and his friend. Some kind of vendetta orsomething? [WATERFIELD] Explanations are not part of our arrangement. [KENNEDY] Oh, just wondering. [WATERFIELD] Imagination is a virtue, but it can become a vice. [KENNEDY] Mind me own business. Yeah. I get the message. [WATERFIELD] Ask Mister Perry to come and see me, will you please? --------------------------------------- (Antique shop hallway) [KENNEDY] He wants to see us. [PERRY] Oh, thank you. (He knocks four times on the door.) --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [WATERFIELD] Who is it? [PERRY [OC]] Perry, sir. [WATERFIELD] One moment. [PERRY] You wanted to see me, sir? [WATERFIELD] Yes. I have an extremely important and delicate task foryou to perform. [PERRY] Oh, yes? I say, you got a new delivery. [WATERFIELD] Yes. [PERRY] I didn't see it arrive. [WATERFIELD] It was delivered last night. I've only just brought it inmyself. It is for a new customer. [PERRY] Oh, yes? [WATERFIELD] A Doctor Galloway. He's extremely wealthy and an ardentcollector. [PERRY] Of Victoriana, sir? [WATERFIELD] No less. I do not know the Doctor personally, but we havearranged to meet in the coffee shop, er, bar, nearby. [PERRY] The Tricolour, sir? [WATERFIELD] Yes. Unfortunately, I am unable to keep the appointment, soI want you to go instead, Mister Perry. Here is a photograph of DoctorGalloway. This is his assistant and secretary, Mister James McCrimmon.Now, I want you to ask the Doctor to come to the shop tonight. Say atten o' clock? [PERRY] Ten o'clock, sir? [WATERFIELD] Yes. Oh, don't worry, Mister Perry. I shall be attending tohim myself. You needn't wait. [PERRY] Oh, right, sir. [WATERFIELD] The Doctor is notoriously unpunctual. I fear you may have along and tedious wait. [PERRY] I shall find him, sir. Do you want me to go now? [WATERFIELD] If you please, Mister Perry. [PERRY] Right. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop hallway) [PERRY] And what are you doing? [KENNEDY] I can't make Mister Waterfield hear me. I knocked. [PERRY] He's busy. [KENNEDY] Okay, I'll try later. --------------------------------------- (Tricolour coffee bar) [JAMIE] Don't look so depressed, Doctor. [DOCTOR] If only we knew what he looked like, Jamie. [JAMIE] We'll ask one of the lasses in a moment, when things getquieter. [DOCTOR] We've got to untangle this, you know. [JAMIE] It's all quite obvious to me. [DOCTOR] Oh? [JAMIE] They're just robbers. Thieves, you understand. [DOCTOR] No, no. There's more to it than that. Why leave that man in thehangar to give us a clue? [JAMIE] Which we haven't followed up, you know. Leatherman. [DOCTOR] There is no delivery firm of that name. Not in the London area,anyway. I checked in the phone book. [JAMIE] But surely there's more places than London. [DOCTOR] Maybe. [JAMIE] Do you think this is some sort of a trap, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes. If only we knew who our enemies are. [JAMIE] Not the Chameleons again! [DOCTOR] No, something else. I can feel them, closing in all around us. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop secret room) [WATERFIELD] I've done everything that you've askedof me. Isn't that enough? Now you must tell me the truth. Do you hear?The truth! --------------------------------------- (Antique shop hallway) [WATERFIELD [OC]] But you must tell me. I demand! I'm talking to you!Come back! --------------------------------------- (Tricolour coffee bar) [JAMIE] Oh, if only the Laird could see that! Why do I get all thedifficult tasks, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Because you're so much better at them than I am, Jamie. Now,what did you find out? [JAMIE] None of the lasses here can remember anybody called Ken orKenneth. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. [JAMIE] Aye. But, they do have a different lot on duty in the evening.Now, maybe they'll know. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I'm being stared at. Is there something wrong with me? [JAMIE] You mean up here, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Is my hair in disarray? [JAMIE] Well, no more than usual. [DOCTOR] Do I look strange or bizarre? [JAMIE] Aye. Well maybe I'm just used to you. [DOCTOR] That's some comfort. Look out, he's coming over. [PERRY] I beg your pardon. [DOCTOR] Not at all. [PERRY] It is Doctor Galloway, isn't it? [JAMIE] Dr. Galloway? [PERRY] and Mister McCrimmon. [JAMIE] Aye, I'm Jamie McCrimmon. [PERRY] My card. [DOCTOR] Yes, er, Mister Perry? [PERRY] Mister Waterfield's frightfully sorry, but he can't meet you asarranged. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, dear. What a pity. [PERRY] But he said if you'd care to come to the shop at about tentonight, he'll see to you personally. [DOCTOR] At about 10. Oh, yes. We'll be there. [PERRY] Right-ho. [DOCTOR] Right. [PERRY] Right. [DOCTOR] Edward Waterfield. Genuine Victoriana. [JAMIE] It can't be a mistake. Even though he got your name wrong, heknew mine. [DOCTOR] I wonder if Mister Kenneth has found us. [JAMIE] Ay? [DOCTOR] K. Perry, Esquire. Yes, I think we'll go and see Mister EdwardWaterfield. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [WATERFIELD] And he definitely said he would behere? [PERRY] Yes, sir. [WATERFIELD] Thank you. You have done excellently, Mister Perry. Goodnight. [PERRY] See you in the morning, sir? [WATERFIELD] Yes. Yes, in the morning. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop hallway) [WATERFIELD] Kennedy. Kennedy? [WATERFIELD] The Doctor is coming here tonight. I shall want you to helpme. And you had better put some warm clothes on. Dark things. [KENNEDY] All right. You'd better make sure that police box is wellcovered-up, in case the Doctor starts snooping about. [WATERFIELD] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop secret room) [DALEK] Who are you? Who are you? Answer! --------------------------------------- (Antique shop secret room) (Antique shop) [JAMIE] I don't know what you're being so cautious about. [DOCTOR] Shh! [JAMIE] They left the door open for us, didn't they? [JAMIE] Hey, it's half-past the nine o'clock. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. [JAMIE] But they made the appointment for ten. Why have we come early? [DOCTOR] The early bird catches the worm, Jamie. Now do be quiet,there's a good chap. And for heaven's sake, don't knock into anything. [DOCTOR] Shh! [JAMIE] Any good, this? [DOCTOR] It's interesting. In fact, Jamie, it's quite remarkable. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, you know you told me outside it said GenuineVictorian Antiques? Well, all the stuff in here's brand new. [DOCTOR] Hmm, you've noticed that. [JAMIE] Of course I did. The man's a rogue. [DOCTOR] Yes, so it seems. Except [JAMIE] Except what? [DOCTOR] Except that all these things are not reproductions. They're allgenuine. [JAMIE] Now, that's ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Here, look at this. To one deed box, four guineas. This is abill from William Dearing and Son, 1866. [JAMIE] Then it's a forgery. [DOCTOR] Yes. If you were going to make a forgery, wouldn't you try todirty it up a bit? Yellow the edges, crinkle it up? This is brand new. [JAMIE] I've got an idea. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] All the stuff in here is genuine. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] But brand new. [DOCTOR] Well done. [JAMIE] Well, that is impossible, unless Waterfield could have inventeda time machine like the Tardis, Doctor, and he's bringing all thisstuff back from Victorian times. [DOCTOR] But it's not very likely, is it? The only way to find out is toask Waterfield. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [WATERFIELD] Kennedy! --------------------------------------- (Antique shop secret room) [WATERFIELD] What happened? [DALEK] The human discovered our communications system. [WATERFIELD] And you murdered him? [DALEK] He would have betrayed us. [WATERFIELD] You don't have to kill! [DALEK] Silence! [WATERFIELD] I won't be silent! What are you dragging me into? You'vedestroyed a human life. Don't you understand that? [DALEK] That is of no consequence. [WATERFIELD] No consequence? [DALEK] There is only one form of life that matters. Dalek life. Obeyyour orders, Waterfield. [WATERFIELD] No, wait, wait! What am I to do with the body? I can't, Ican't go on with this. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop) [DOCTOR] I'm sure I heard somebody shouting. Jamie,we've got to get in there. [JAMIE] What about the wire? [DOCTOR] It's too pliable. [DOCTOR] Boo! [PERRY] Oh! What are you doing here? [DOCTOR] You made the appointment. [PERRY] For ten o'clock. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we thought we'd be early. What are you doing here? [PERRY] I work here. [JAMIE] Then what are you creeping about for? [PERRY] Er. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think you've got some explaining to do, Mister KennethPerry. [PERRY] My name isn't Kenneth, it's Keith. Now look, I don't understandthis. [DOCTOR] So, it's Keith. Do you know a man called Bob Hall? [PERRY] Well, he's a man Mister Waterfield employs. [DOCTOR] Well, he keeps some very rough company, including a man calledKen. [PERRY] Ken. Kennedy? [DOCTOR] What? What do you know about Kennedy? [PERRY] Oh, wait a minute. This is all too quick for me. Look, I'llanswer your questions, if you'll answer mine. [PERRY] This old police box was for a collector of curios. [DOCTOR] But it belongs to me. [PERRY] But why is it so important to you? [DOCTOR] Because, because of what's inside it and because it happens tobe my property. [JAMIE] Look, where is it? [PERRY] At the back. [DOCTOR] Well, is there another way through? This door is locked. [PERRY] We might be able to get over the yard gates. You see, this doorhas an electric lock on it. [DOCTOR] You're going to show me where this yard of yours is. [PERRY] I say, if it's a police box, shouldn't we get the police? [JAMIE] Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [PERRY] That's Kennedy! [DOCTOR] He's dead. [JAMIE] What are you doing? [PERRY] Getting the police. What? [PERRY] I don't think you ought to touch anything. I'll be as quick as Ican. [JAMIE] Should we have let him go? [DOCTOR] No, he's doing the right thing. [JAMIE] But the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we'll have to find it before he comes back. Now Iwonder what this telephone interference is. [JAMIE] Looks as if Waterfield's cleared out. [DOCTOR] Why make an appointment to see us at ten? [JAMIE] Well, obviously, he didn't know he was going to have a fightwith Kennedy. Och, come on Doctor, lets find the Tardis and go. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, the Tardis. Now, how did he die? His limbs are stiff,his hands clenched. Look, he died in horrible agony. Look at his face.Hello? [JAMIE] What? It's your picture! [DOCTOR] Yes. Now, he fell like that, with his arm stretched out. Jamie,go out into the hall and measure the length of it up to the door here. [JAMIE] Fourteen, fifteen. [DOCTOR] It's only five from the door to the wall. There must be anotherroom behind here. [JAMIE] Hey Doctor, there's a keyhole. [DOCTOR] Yes, you're right. Now, Waterfield will have the key. We'dbetter find something to prise it open with. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop secret room) [DOCTOR] Well, look at this. That's where your telephone interference iscoming from. Oh, yes, this is interesting. [JAMIE] Hey, the other half of your picture. [DOCTOR] Yes. Don't open that! --------------------------------------- (Antique shop) [PERRY] This way, along here. --------------------------------------- (Antique shop study) [PERRY] Here we are. That's funny. There were acouple of other gentlemen here. They seem to have disappeared. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [MOLLIE] Hello sir. Are you feeling better? Oh, you did have a partylast night, didn't you sir? The master sent this in for you. [DOCTOR] The master? Mister Waterfield? [MOLLIE] Oh, no, sir, Mister Maxtible. Mister Waterfield came back fromabroad last night, sir, with you and the young gentleman. Don't youremember? [DOCTOR] Not very well, no. Ooh! [MOLLIE] I'd best not wake him. [DOCTOR] What's your name? [MOLLIE] Mollie Dawson, sir. [DOCTOR] This works remarkably quickly, doesn't it? [MOLLIE] Am I to pour some more? [DOCTOR] No. No thank you, Mollie. But, you can tell me what the dateis. [MOLLIE] The date? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm feeling very much better, but I don't seem to be ableto remember the date and where I am. [MAXTIBLE] Mollie, that will do. The answers you require, sir, mightcome better from me. My name is Theodore Maxtible and I am the owner ofthis house. Pray, don't get up. I have the greatest sympathy for yourcondition, since I was the cause of it. [DOCTOR] And this is Mister Edward Waterfield, I presume. You don't keepyour appointments, do you? [WATERFIELD] There were circumstances. [DOCTOR] Yes, indeed there were. [MAXTIBLE] Please, please, Doctor. First things first. You asked whatdate it was and where you were. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well? [MAXTIBLE] You're in my house, some miles from Canterbury. The date isJune the 2nd, eighteen hundred and sixty six. [DOCTOR] And just what do you think you're up to? You steal my property,you spirit Jamie and me a hundred years back in time and you murder aman along the way. [MAXTIBLE] We had nothing to do with the death of that man. [DOCTOR] I don't believe you! [MAXTIBLE] You will believe, Doctor. We are all of us the victims of ahigher power. A power more evil and more terrible than the human braincan imagine. [DOCTOR] Power? Victims? What do you mean? [WATERFIELD] They've taken my daughter, Victoria. [DOCTOR] Who are they? [MAXTIBLE] You will not be kept in suspense very much longer, Doctor.Pray, come with us and we will show you how it all began. [WATERFIELD] Doctor, do whatever it is they ask, I beg of you. Mydaughter's life is in your hands. [DOCTOR] I will listen, I promise. [DOCTOR] Is that your daughter? [WATERFIELD] No, sir. That is a painting of my wife as a young girl. Sheis dead now, rest her soul, but Victoria is the image of her. --------------------------------------- (Victoria's room) [DALEK] You have not eaten. You will eat. That is an order. Answer! [VICTORIA] Yes. [DALEK] You will not feed the flying pests outside. Answer! [VICTORIA] Yes. [DALEK] Move to the machine. Move! [VICTORIA] No, no. [DALEK] Move. Move! The weight of your body has fallen by seventeenounces. [VICTORIA] What do you expect? What do you expect? For pity's sake, letme go! [DALEK] Speak when you are told to speak! More food will come. Eat it,or you will be fed by force! --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [MAXTIBLE] Here we are, Doctor. This is hallowed ground. Here we shallnot be disturbed by the servants. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, very impressive. And now perhaps you'll explainwhat all this is about? [MAXTIBLE] Patience, my dear sir, a little longer. [DOCTOR] Patience? You don't seem to understand what's happened. A manhas been murdered! You behave as though we're going on Sunday schoolouting. [MAXTIBLE] Neither Whitefield nor I were responsible for his death. Acigar? [DOCTOR] Why have you brought us here? Who are these enemies of yours,these ones you say control you? [MAXTIBLE] Brilliant minds, Doctor. [WATERFIELD] They are monsters. [MAXTIBLE] Oh, I admit, Waterfield, they have behaved callously. [WATERFIELD] Inhuman monsters! [DOCTOR] Inhuman? [WATERFIELD] Creations of the devil! [MAXTIBLE] Let me explain. [DOCTOR] Please do. [MAXTIBLE] I have always been fascinated by the concept of travellingthrough time. Waterfield here is an expert in certain technical mattersand I have the money to indulge my whims. Everything you see about youhere was constructed by us two. [DOCTOR] To try to find a way of exploring time? [MAXTIBLE] Yes. Now this is my theory. A mirror reflects an image, doesit not? [DOCTOR] Yes. [MAXTIBLE] So, you may be standing there, and yet appear to be standingfifty feet away. Well, following the new investigations twelve yearsago by J Clark Maxwell into electromagnetism and the experiments byFaraday into static electricity. [DOCTOR] Static? [MAXTIBLE] Correct. Waterfield and I first attempted to refine the imagein the mirror, and then to project it. In here, Doctor, are one hundredand forty four separate mirrors. [WATERFIELD] And each is of polished metal. Each is subjected toelectric charges, all positive. [MAXTIBLE] Like repels like in electricity, Doctor, and so next,Waterfield and I attempted to repel the image in the mirrors, whereverwe directed. [DOCTOR] You mentioned static electricity. [WATERFIELD] That was our last experiment. Negative and positiveelectricity had failed, so we tried static. If only we could have knownthe powers we were going to unleash. [DOCTOR] Powers? [WATERFIELD] In the middle of our final test with static, creaturesburst out of the cabinet, invaded the house, took away my daughter. [MAXTIBLE] Oh, my dear fellow. My dear, dear fellow. But we shall winthrough now that the Doctor is here. [DOCTOR] These creatures? [WATERFIELD] We had opened the way for them with our experiments. Theyforced me into the horror of time travel, Doctor. They ordered me tosteal a box belonging to you and thus lure you into a trap andtransport you here, together with your colleague Mister McCrimmon. [DOCTOR] They knew about me, these creatures. [MAXTIBLE] They gave us likenesses. [WATERFIELD] What could I do? They said my daughter would die. [DOCTOR] What are they called, these creatures? [DALEK] Doctor! Now do you understand? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Perfectly. [DALEK] Move back! Our plan has worked. We shall triumph! You will obey!You will obey! [DOCTOR] Obey? Obey? What do you want? [DALEK] We have your time ship. We will destroy it unless you help uswith an experiment. [DOCTOR] What experiment? [DALEK] You will help the Daleks test another human being. [DOCTOR] What sort of test? [DALEK] Do not question! [DOCTOR] I will not be your slave! [WATERFIELD] Doctor, I beg you. [DALEK] No harm will come to you if you agree. Where is your companion? [DOCTOR] Jamie? [WATERFIELD] He is in the house. I have done everything you asked me to. [DOCTOR] Why do you ask about Jamie? [DALEK] He is the human being who is to be tested. [DOCTOR] What do you mean? Tested how? [DALEK] Silence! You will reveal nothing to your companion. Obey theDaleks! You are in our power! [DOCTOR] What have you done with your infernal meddling? What is thistest? Do either of you know? [WATERFIELD] No. [MAXTIBLE] I believe I do. They, I mean the Daleks, tell me they havealways been defeated by human beings. [DOCTOR] In the long run, yes. [MAXTIBLE] Possibly because of some factor, possessed by human beings [DOCTOR] Possibly. [MAXTIBLE] That is absent in Daleks. [DOCTOR] Possibly. [MAXTIBLE] Perhaps they want to find out what it is and transplant itinto their race. [WATERFIELD] But if they do that, allied with their own alienintelligence, they'll be invincible! Maxtible, you should've [MAXTIBLE] Oh, my dear fellow. I am merely surmising. I know nothingdefinite. But, besides, what could we have done? Even if I had knownfor certain, the fact was, nay is, they hold your daughter, Victoria. [DOCTOR] And now they've got Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [MOLLIE] Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to wakeyou. There. [JAMIE] Oh, it's not funny. Oh. [MOLLIE] The master left this for you to drink, sir. This'll clear awaythe cobwebs. Here you are, sir. [JAMIE] Where's the Doctor? Oh. [MOLLIE] He's with the master and Mister Waterfield, sir. [JAMIE] Waterfield? [RUTH] Mollie? What are you doing here? [MOLLIE] Just seeing to the young gentleman, miss. [RUTH] Go and bring some tea. Well, go along. [RUTH] Please, Mister McCrimmon. [JAMIE] You know my name? [RUTH] My father told me that you and your friend arrived last nightwith Mister Waterfield. [JAMIE] Your father? I'm sorry but I seem to have great difficulty inremembering anything. [RUTH] He owns this house. I'm his daughter, Ruth Maxtible. [JAMIE] How do you do? Have you seen the Doctor this morning? [RUTH] He's talking with my father. He'll be along presently. Do youhave everything you need? [JAMIE] I don't know what this stuff is, but it seems to work all right. [RUTH] Mollie shall bring you some tea in a minute. [JAMIE] I'm obliged to you. Er, Miss Maxtible? [RUTH] Yes? [JAMIE] Could you tell me who that is in the portrait? [RUTH] That's a portrait of Mister Waterfield's late wife. [JAMIE] She was very lovely. [RUTH] Yes, and his daughter looks just like her. You're quitecomfortable? [JAMIE] Yes. Thank you. [JAMIE] Eighteen sixty six. So that's what Waterfield's done. [MOLLIE] Here we are sir. I've been as quick as I could. Shall I pourfor you? Poor young gentleman. They shouldn't have given you so much todrink. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's hallway) [WATERFIELD] Doctor, I do ask you to consider. [DOCTOR] I have made up my mind. [MAXTIBLE] But they ordered you not to tell your friend McCrimmonanything. [DOCTOR] Do you think I'm going to allow Jamie to run into dangerwithout telling him anything? No, I will not. [MAXTIBLE] But suppose he refuses to do what they want? [DOCTOR] We shall see. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [DOCTOR] He's still asleep. The gas in that box ofyours was pretty potent. [WATERFIELD] It was Maxtible's invention. [DOCTOR] Jamie. [WATERFIELD] Mollie! --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [DALEK] Order the Doctor to begin the test. [MAXTIBLE] But I must first explain to him what he has to do. [DALEK] Go now. Obey the Daleks! --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [WATERFIELD] But your friend is vital to the plan of these Daleks.Absolutely essential. [DOCTOR] So it seems. So who can have kidnapped him? [WATERFIELD] Oh, why won't you understand? The threats they make are notidle ones. Kennedy was murdered. Without your friend, our only hope isgone unless, unless you know something. You seem to be well acquaintedwith the creatures. [DOCTOR] Everything you say, Waterfield, is true. If we cannot findJamie, the Daleks will take pleasure in killing everyone in sight, andtheir greatest pleasure will be in killing me. --------------------------------------- (Dalek's room) [DALEK] The humans have been told to begin the test. [DALEK 2] Any delay will result in death. [DALEK] There will be no delay. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [WATERFIELD] Mollie, Mollie. Mister McCrimmon hasbeen kidnapped. It means the end of us unless we can find him quickly. [DOCTOR] Straw. [WATERFIELD] I beg your pardon? [DOCTOR] A piece of straw. --------------------------------------- (Stables) [TOBY] Had a cosy little sleep, young swell? [TOBY] Lively, is it? Maybe you'd like to sleep again? I've got MisterNod here. He'll have you snoring as good as ever. [JAMIE] What do you want? [TOBY] I'm to be well paid. Have no fear of that. [JAMIE] Aye, and for what? I don't know you. [TOBY] This your man, sir? [TERRALL] Toby! What in Hades have you done? [TOBY] Why, I brought him from the house, like you said. [TERRALL] I said nothing of the kind. [TOBY] Well, you did, sir. Honest you did. A guinea you promised me, andI done what you said. You don't get out of paying. [TERRALL] Be careful how you speak to me, Toby. There's your money. Getout! [TERRALL] Where's Toby? [JAMIE] You just sent him about his business. Look, what's the matter?Are you all right? [TERRALL] Where's Victoria Waterfield? [JAMIE] I don't know. [TERRALL] Yes, you do. [JAMIE] I tell you, I don't even know her. [TERRALL] You're in the house, a friend of Maxtible's. You must know. [JAMIE] No, listen, I'm telling [TERRALL] Ah ha, I must apologise for that villain Toby. He was tellinglies, of course. I shall escort you to the house. [JAMIE] You just asked me about Victoria Waterfield. [TERRALL] She's in Paris. I'm afraid I haven't introduced myself. ArthurTerrall. [JAMIE] No, never mind about that. Did you or did you not, ask that manto knock me on the head and bring me in here? [TERRALL] I, oh certainly not! [JAMIE] Oh. Doctor! [TERRALL] Oh. I see you're in good hands now. I won't detain you anyfurther. Good day, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, good day to you. [JAMIE] He's mad. Stark, staring mad. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I was listening. Let's have a look at that head ofyours. [JAMIE] Och, it's all right. [DOCTOR] Come along. [JAMIE] One minute he says this, the next minute he says that. Can youmake it out, Doctor? I'm knocked on the head and I'm brought in here.Then that man Terrall enters and denies having ordered the other man todo it. Well, then he changes, and he starts asking about VictoriaWaterfield and in the next breath, he tells me she's in Paris. [DOCTOR] I know what's happened to Victoria. [JAMIE] What has? [DOCTOR] She's a prisoner of the Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Victoria's room) [DALEK] Hurry! [VICTORIA] Why am I being moved? Are you taking me back to my father? [DALEK] No. You are being moved. Pick up your cover. Follow. Do not beafraid. You are not to be exterminated. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DALEK] Do not delay. [DALEK 2] Move. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [WATERFIELD] You warned him, told him about theDaleks? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I did! [WATERFIELD] But you were expressly told [DOCTOR] Oh, fiddlesticks! Bosh! Jamie will cooperate. You may becertain of that. [WATERFIELD] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Yes, perfectly sure. Jamie will do everything he is asked todo. Now come along, we must go and find Maxtible. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [DALEK] The female human being has been moved. [MAXTIBLE] Everything is prepared. [DALEK] The testing equipment is ready? [MAXTIBLE] I think you will be pleased with the man I have had speciallybrought from London. He works in my house. [DALEK] Show me. [MAXTIBLE] You will understand that he is rather simple. He is quitedumb, but that has its advantages for us. His mind is, how shall I say,undeveloped. He will not understand you, the Daleks. I mean, he will beterrified of you. [DALEK] Show me. [MAXTIBLE] Oh, I beg your pardon. [MAXTIBLE] Kemel! [MAXTIBLE] Will you come with me? I want you to stand here. No, no, no,no, no, face the cabinet. Good. [MAXTIBLE] Now, bend that. [MAXTIBLE] Excellent, Kemel, excellent. Now, you'll help me with thesestools. [MAXTIBLE] There. Now, Kemel, one blow. Break the plank! [MAXTIBLE] Very good, Kemel. I'm very pleased with you. Now you can puton your jacket. Come over here. Now, I want you to listen carefully.You see this man? [MAXTIBLE] Now, I'm going to take you to a place that I want you toguard. This young man will try and get past you and you are not to lethim. Do you understand? Oh, he's an evil villain, Kemel. A cutthroatwho would gladly murder us all in our beds if he could. You willremember this man? Right. Well, you come with me and I will direct you. --------------------------------------- (Alcove) [MAXTIBLE] You wait here. [MAXTIBLE] This is the entrance to the south wing of my house, andthrough here will pass the man I showed you in the picture. The dooritself is an obstacle. [MAXTIBLE] No, no, wait! [MAXTIBLE] Now, if he gets through here, you will deal with him. Go now. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [DALEK] We do not trust you. [DOCTOR] Then we're quits, aren't we? [DALEK] But we have your time machine. [DOCTOR] Yes. [DALEK] So, you will obey us. [DOCTOR] They want the human Factor, is that right? [WATERFIELD] Yes, that is what they want. [DOCTOR] Very complex. And you want to introduce this human factor intothe race of Daleks? [DALEK] Yes, the conquest of humanity has eluded us. The Daleks mustknow why. [DOCTOR] Well why choose Jamie for this test? [DALEK] His travelling with you makes him unique. [DOCTOR] But why him, why not me? [DALEK] Request denied. [DOCTOR] Why? [DALEK] You have travelled too much through time. You are more thanhuman. [DOCTOR] I see. What is this? [MAXTIBLE] They have been brought from the Dalek planet. [DOCTOR] Skaro? [DALEK] Yes. [DALEK] their life force is dormant. Before it is activated, we want [DOCTOR] You want the human factor introduced. I see. [DALEK] You will obey us. [DOCTOR] I will make up my own mind! [WATERFIELD] Do not antagonise them, Doctor. They will destroy your timemachine. [DOCTOR] And if I agree, it means the creation of a race of superDaleks. My Tardis. I have no choice, do I. Very well, I agree. [DALEK] The human being with you must not be aware of the trial. [DOCTOR] I quite understand. [DALEK] Make him begin the test. [DOCTOR] What must Jamie do? [MAXTIBLE] Attempt to rescue Waterfield's daughter. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [MOLLIE] There we are, sir. [RUTH] Thank you, Mollie. Arthur, I'd like you to meet Mister McCrimmon. [TERRALL] May I ask what you are doing in this house? [JAMIE] I was just about to ask you the same thing. [RUTH] Oh, you gentlemen have been introduced? [JAMIE] Aye, we've met. [TERRALL] It seems, Ruth, your father has the oddest collection of houseguests these days. [RUTH] Now, Arthur, please. You must forgive him, Mister McCrimmon. [JAMIE] Ah, it's becoming a habit. [TERRALL] I don't care for insolence. [JAMIE] Well, I'm not keen on arrogance myself. [RUTH] Why, you bite at each other as if you were old enemies. [JAMIE] I'm sorry if I seem rude. [RUTH] Come, I want you to be friends. Won't you be so, to please me? [RUTH] Arthur? Arthur, what is it? [RUTH] Excuse me. Arthur! What's the matter? [MOLLIE] Sir? [JAMIE] Yes? Oh, I wish you'd call me Jamie. [MOLLIE] Oh, I couldn't do that, sir. What would the master say? [JAMIE] Oh, who cares? What can I do for you? [MOLLIE] If you'd tell me where your bags are, sir, yours and theDoctor, I'll have them taken up to your room. [JAMIE] Aye. Well, Mollie [MOLLIE] Listen to me. Have them taken. I daresay I'll be doing itmeself! [JAMIE] You see, we didn't have time to pick up the luggage. It'll befollowing. [MOLLIE] Oh. [JAMIE] Why do you say you'll be doing it yourself? [MOLLIE] Well, they do say, sir, that the house is haunted. MisterKitson, the butler, left, and cook and the two footmen are complainingagain. [JAMIE] Haunted? [MOLLIE] Mmm. But, I've never heard anything, sir. I sleep like a logand always have. [JAMIE] Aye. Well, I'm glad you've got over the fright you had. [MOLLIE] Oh, yes, that horrible man. Miss Ruth said it was all a game,but I don't know, sir. I've never fainted before, sir. Truly I haven't. [JAMIE] Not sir, Jamie. Tell me about Arthur Terrall. [MOLLIE] Miss Ruth's fiancé, sir? [JAMIE] Aye. [MOLLIE] Oh. Oh, he's a kind man, sir. Usually. [JAMIE] Usually? [MOLLIE] Mmm. Well, when he's a bit odd or his temper's up, as it hasbeen lately, I says to myself, Inkerman, and then it's all right. [JAMIE] Inkerman? [MOLLIE] Yes sir. He was out in the Crimea, he was. They do say MisterTerrall was wounded out there. [MOLLIE] Do you know, my uncle was killed at Inkerman, sir. So, you see,I do know what it's like with soldiers. Oh! oh, I'm sorry, sir. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Mollie. [MOLLIE] I didn't mean to. [DOCTOR] Never mind. [MOLLIE] Well, cook said to me that if I did some dusting it would beall right. [DOCTOR] That'll do. Yes, Mollie, thank you very much. It's all right. [MOLLIE] You won't tell the master, will you? [DOCTOR] I wouldn't dream of telling him. [MOLLIE] Thank you, sir. Sorry. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. Bye bye. [DOCTOR] You'll have to brush up on your history. I can't be around tocover up for you all the time. Now then, in the Crimean War, theEnglish, the French and the Turks fought the Russians. [JAMIE] Oh, forget about all that! [DOCTOR] Oh, I thought you'd be interested. I watched the Charge of theLight Brigade. Magnificent folly. [JAMIE] Look, where've you been? [DOCTOR] Oh, just looking around. [JAMIE] Aye. What for, the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Jamie, you're in a temper! [JAMIE] Oh, am I? Is that bad, then? Does that mean I won't beco-operative. I won't do everything I'm told? [DOCTOR] What was that? [JAMIE] I overheard you and Waterfield. [DOCTOR] You were eavesdropping. [JAMIE] Well, whatever it is, I don't like what you're doing. [DOCTOR] Now, you listen to me, Jamie! [JAMIE] No, Doctor. You're forgetting the Tardis was stolen and a manwas murdered. Now, how am I supposed to tell when I see you as friendlyas you like with the murderer. [DOCTOR] Waterfield did not murder that man! [JAMIE] All right, then. But he stole the Tardis and that still makeshim a thief. [DOCTOR] The Daleks forced him to! [JAMIE] The Daleks! You keep telling me about the Daleks, and I haven'teven seen one. You're always on about them, but where are they? [DOCTOR] Now, you listen to me. [JAMIE] No, you'll not get round me this time, Doctor. You're up tosomething with Waterfield and Maxtible. Now what is it? Some scientificinvention? Ah, here's your friend. [DOCTOR] Just a little argument. [WATERFIELD] I heard voices raised. [JAMIE] That's not all you'll hear! [DOCTOR] Jamie seems to think that I'm lying to him. [JAMIE] Well, aren't you? [DOCTOR] He doesn't believe the Daleks are here. [WATERFIELD] It's the truth. [JAMIE] Aye, the truth you told Arthur Terrall, maybe, that yourdaughter was in Paris. [WATERFIELD] I had to tell him that. [JAMIE] So you've got another story to tell me? [WATERFIELD] I tell you that the Daleks are holding my daughter prisonerin the south wing of this house, Mister McCrimmon. [JAMIE] Then why don't you try and get her back, ay? What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Well, what can I do? Now, be fair, Jamie. Waterfield's tiedhand and foot because of his daughter, and we're tied hand and footbecause of the Tardis! [JAMIE] Aye, and that's all you can think about, isn't it? The Tardis.Well, you can all stand around doing nothing. I'm sick to death of it. [DOCTOR] Now just where are you going? [JAMIE] To be by myself for a bit. Do you mind? [DOCTOR] No, not a bit. But one word of warning. Don't you try to be aone-man army. You leave well alone. I won't have you ruining everythingtrying to rescue Victoria Waterfield. Now, you understand? [WATERFIELD] Well, are you sure you didn't go a little too far, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Adding a little fuel to the fire. Tell Maxtible that I'll bealong to his laboratory shortly. [WATERFIELD] Oh, very well, Doctor, if you're sure. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, quite sure. Once our young friend has cooled his heelsa bit, he'll launch off on his own. And you dropped the hint about thesouth wing beautifully. --------------------------------------- (Stables) [TERRALL] Well, what is it? You wanted to see me. [TOBY] Very good of you to talk to me, gov'nor. [TERRALL] Well, never mind all that. I'll give you two minutes, no more. [TOBY] I want me rights. No more, no less. [TERRALL] What do you mean, rights? [TOBY] Half a guinea, you gave me, and it ain't what we said. [TERRALL] You were lucky to get anything. [TOBY] That ain't fair. [TERRALL] You'll get no more from me. I warn you, keep away from thishouse and this property. Find the nearest road to London and take it. [TOBY] Oh, yeah, London, sir. Yeah. I daresay I could earn something forme stories there. [TERRALL] Stories? [TOBY] Oh, I won't detain an important gentleman like yourself. Like asnot me two minutes is up anyway. [TERRALL] What do you mean, stories? [TOBY] It's all right, sir. I'll take a stroll to London. [TERRALL] Don't play with me. [TOBY] Get off me. If you must know, there's plenty who'd pay to hearwhat I've got to tell them. [TERRALL] Indeed. [TOBY] Yeah. You blows too hot and cold for me, telling me this oneminute and that the next and not paying up. [TERRALL] You know nothing. [TOBY] Don't I, though? [TERRALL] Who'd believe you anyway? [TOBY] Pay me off, and there's the end of it. [TERRALL] Oh, blackmail is it? Get out. [TOBY] Maybe I don't know much to tell, but I'll wager I'll findsomething in the house that's worth me trouble. So I'll say thank you,Mister Terrall, sir. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's sitting room) [JAMIE] It's only me, Mollie. [MOLLIE] It's over here, sir. I took it from the master's study. [JAMIE] It's marvellous. Thank you. [MOLLIE] Here, is this what you wanted? [JAMIE] Perfect, yes. Let's see. This is the south wing here? [MOLLIE] Yes sir, but it's been closed off. [JAMIE] Completely? [MOLLIE] Oh no, sir. only because of some repairs about a twelve monthback. But the door may be locked. [JAMIE] Can you show me? [MOLLIE] All right. [MOLLIE] What're you going to do, sir? [JAMIE] I'm off to hunt a few ghosties, Mollie. --------------------------------------- (Workroom) [DOCTOR] Every single one of Jamie's reactions willbe recorded on these Dalek machines. [MAXTIBLE] And then transformed into thought patterns on silver wire. Awonderful creation. [DALEK1] It is for you, Doctor, to select the major feelings to make upthis human factor. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. I quite understand. [MAXTIBLE] We can rely on the Doctor to give us all cooperation. [DALEK] We shall watch your every move. [DOCTOR] I'm sure you will. And every step of Jamie's progress will becovered? [DALEK] Yes. [DALEK 2] The young human being is on his way. [MAXTIBLE] Then the recording machines can be set in action. --------------------------------------- (Alcove) [JAMIE] Here? [MOLLIE] Yes, sir. I once remember the master stepping away from here.When he saw me, he was very cross and told me to keep away. [JAMIE] I see. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) (Alcove) [MOLLIE] What was that? What was that? [JAMIE] That was no ghost, Mollie, that's for sure. That was a humanvoice. [MOLLIE] Oh, sir. [JAMIE] Look, Mollie, take the candle and go back to your room. Will youdo that? [MOLLIE] Yes, sir. [JAMIE] Now, do you want me to see you safely there? [MOLLIE] No, no. I'll be all right. --------------------------------------- (South wing) [JAMIE] Hello. Who are you? --------------------------------------- (South wing) (South wing room) (Victoria's room) (Dalek laboratory) [DOCTOR] It took courage to fight Maxtible's Turkishwrestler. [DALEK] The Daleks are afraid of nothing and no-one. [DOCTOR] But Jamie saved the Turk's life. [DALEK] Human weakness. [DOCTOR] If he hadn't, he would have died in that room of yours. If youwant the human factor, a part of it must include mercy. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [WATERFIELD] What is he doing here? [MAXTIBLE] (A common thief, come to see what he could steal. No mysteryhere. [DALEK] The intruder was destroyed. [WATERFIELD] Well, what are we to do? Where is the Doctor? He must betold. [DALEK] No. [WATERFIELD] Why not? [DALEK] Obey me! [MAXTIBLE] Waterfield, I beg of you, do not antagonise the, er, ourfriends. [WATERFIELD] Oh, why do you consistently avoid reality, Maxtible?Another man has died. Can't you grasp that fact? [DALEK] You will hide the remains of the dead human intruder. [WATERFIELD] No! [DALEK] That is an order! [MAXTIBLE] We must do as they say, Waterfield. We cannot anger them.Here. Here, wrap the body in this. [WATERFIELD] No. [MAXTIBLE] We must. Have you lost your mind? Don't you want to see yourdaughter again? [WATERFIELD] There's no end to this. The hands of the Devil. [DALEK] Dispose of the body. Obey! [MAXTIBLE] Waterfield, what is the matter with you? We are not to blamefor everything that has happened. No English judge or jury would findit in their hearts to convict us of one solitary thing. [WATERFIELD] It'll never come to that. [MAXTIBLE] And what may that remark mean? [WATERFIELD] I have one purpose only, to see my daughter out of thehands of those foul monsters. When that is achieved, I shall confess mypart in all that has happened. [WATERFIELD] You must help me. [MAXTIBLE] I am at your heels, my dear sir. --------------------------------------- (South wing) [JAMIE] That's better, thank you. Aye, you're an odd one. I'll say that.Aye, well, I suppose we're both a bit touched, eh? Knocking each otherabout the place and saving one another's lives. You don't say much, doyou? [JAMIE] Oh, I see. You can't talk. Aye. Well, you're a sight better thana number of people I know who can. I wonder what your name is? [JAMIE] Kemel? Well, I'm Jamie. [JAMIE] Hey, what is that? Now, come on now. I want none of that. We'reto be friends, d'you hear? Friends. [JAMIE] Aye. [JAMIE] V.W. I know. Victoria Waterfield. [JAMIE] Oh, Miss Waterfield gave you the flower? You like her? Ofcourse. Then what are we fighting for? Do you not know what I'm doinghere, Kemel? Victoria Waterfield is being held a prisoner heresomewhere. Together? Aye, we'll go together. There's no one I'd ratherhave with me. --------------------------------------- (Dalek laboratory) (Stables) [WATERFIELD] What was that? Did you hear it? [MAXTIBLE] Control your nerves. [WATERFIELD] But there was a noise. [MAXTIBLE] Waterfield, go back to the house. [WATERFIELD] No, we have a task to perform. [MAXTIBLE] Waterfield, I am sick to death of you. [WATERFIELD] What? [MAXTIBLE] I take you into my house, you and your daughter, provide foryou. [WATERFIELD] Yes, I know everything that you've done. [MAXTIBLE] Small thanks do I get for it. I did not bring these terriblecreatures here deliberately, you know that. Am I to blame foreverything? [WATERFIELD] No, no. [MAXTIBLE] It is your daughter they have kidnapped. One moment you begme to do everything I can to rescue her, next moment you blame me. [WATERFIELD] Yes, I don't mean it like that. It's the price. FirstKennedy, now this fellow. How many people must die so that my daughtercan live? [MAXTIBLE] We are not the murderers. [WATERFIELD] No, just the silent partners. But we're equally to blamebecause we stand by and do nothing. [MAXTIBLE] Go back to the house, Waterfield. I understand you are undera stress. You try and get some sleep. [WATERFIELD] Sleep? I've not had one good night's rest since thisstarted. [MAXTIBLE] Well, you go back to your room. Near the end now. You havedone enough. [MAXTIBLE] What are you doing? [TERRALL] Waterfield does not die yet. [MAXTIBLE] He says he will confess everything. [TERRALL] Go back to the laboratory. I will dispose of the body. Youwill obey. You will obey! --------------------------------------- (South wing) [JAMIE] Wait. Never mind about those, Kemel, unless they catch sight ofus. We seem to be going in the right direction. [JAMIE] Down! --------------------------------------- (Dalek laboratory) [DALEK] We do not trust you. What thoughts are you using now? [DOCTOR] Human beings have five senses. Sight, hearing, taste, smell andtouch. But there is instinct, too. Jamie used instinct to avoid yourtrap. --------------------------------------- (Banqueting hall) [DALEK] Name? [VICTORIA] Victoria. [DALEK] Louder. [VICTORIA] Victoria! Victoria Waterfield! You know my name! [DALEK] Silence. Inspection is over. Return to your room. [JAMIE] She's very beautiful, Kemel. [JAMIE] What are you going to do with that? You'll attack the Daleks,draw them off down the corridor, while I go up there and rescue hersomehow? It's too dangerous, Kemel. Besides, it needs two of us upthere. Oh, but how? --------------------------------------- (Dalek laboratory) [DALEK] What is the significance of this thoughtpattern? [DOCTOR] Suicidal attacks to gain an objective. Postulate.Self-preservation is a strong human factor. Jamie and his new friendare determined to succeed, but finding the girl is only part. Gettingher away is another. --------------------------------------- (Trophy room) [TERRALL] You'll come in here, Mollie, and explain yourself. [MOLLIE] Oh, sir, please, sir, You're hurting me! [TERRALL] Now, what is this hysterical nonsense? [MOLLIE] But, sir, I heard Miss Victoria's voice. [TERRALL] Did she say how the weather was in Paris? That's where she is,Mollie. [MOLLIE] Well, I know that, sir, but I heard her speaking. [TERRALL] Where? [MOLLIE] I was walking past the big fireplace in the hall, sir, and hervoice sort of floated out of it. [TERRALL] Will you explain how you could possibly hear Miss Waterfield'svoice when she's in Paris? [MOLLIE] I know it can't be, sir, but I heard her as plain as anything. [TERRALL] Anyway, what were you doing in the hall? [MOLLIE] Oh, well. I wasn't doing anything wrong, sir. [TERRALL] What were you doing in this part of the house at this hour? [MOLLIE] Oh, I don't know. [TERRALL] You do know, and you'll tell me! [RUTH] Arthur! [TERRALL] I found this child creeping about the corridors. [MOLLIE] I haven't done anything. [TERRALL] Be quiet! [MOLLIE] Yes, sir. [TERRALL] She is miles from her room. Should have been in bed an hoursince. [RUTH] Did you have extra work, Mollie? [MOLLIE] Yes, Miss Ruth. I did. [TERRALL] You're a liar! [MOLLIE] Well, I haven't done anything, Miss. I haven't took nothing. [RUTH] Arthur, the poor child's frightened out of her senses. [TERRALL] It's nothing but play acting. She's a mean, snivelling littleminx. [MOLLIE] But I haven't done anything, miss. [TERRALL] Go to the sitting room and wait there. Mister Maxtible willdecide what to do with you. [MOLLIE] But sir, I [TERRALL] Do as you are told! [RUTH] Mollie, it's all right. Everything will be all right. [RUTH] Arthur, tell me what's wrong. [TERRALL] Wrong? Why should something be wrong? [RUTH] Has my father influenced you in some way? [TERRALL] No, not your father. [RUTH] Come away with me, please. I somehow feel if we delay, it'll betoo late. [TERRALL] I can't go. Not yet. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [MAXTIBLE] I have done everything you have asked meto. You wanted an agency here on Earth to plan and prepare things foryou. I have been that agency. Will you please tell those who give youorders that I am getting tired of waiting. [DALEK] Do you threaten the Daleks? [MAXTIBLE] Oh, surely threatening is not necessary. We have apartnership, an understanding. [DALEK] You have obeyed us. [MAXTIBLE] You have a strange way of putting things. I prefer to saythat you have asked for certain services, I have provided thoseservices punctually and efficiently. Now you really must look to yourside of the bargain. It is not beyond me to ruin the entire enterprise. [DALEK] Do not threaten! Obey! [MAXTIBLE] Yes. Very well, I understand. [DALEK] Obey the Daleks. [MAXTIBLE] No, please. Please wait! The secret. The secret. You promisedto give it to me. That is why I have done all this. [DALEK] The Daleks know many secrets. You will learn the most important. [MAXTIBLE] I must not be frightened of them. It's just their way.They're different people. Alien. But they will tell me. Of course theywill! [RUTH] Father? [MAXTIBLE] Ruth, I told you not to come in here. [RUTH] I had to. [MAXTIBLE] Under any circumstances. [RUTH] Father, I simply had to. I heard you speaking to someone andthere's no-one here. And Arthur is involved in some way. [MAXTIBLE] Ah, Arthur. Yes. [RUTH] Why has he become so changed? And Victoria Waterfield. Where isshe? [MAXTIBLE] My child, these are questions that I cannot answer. But, mydear, I will tell you one thing. One thing only, and then perhaps youmay understand why there are secrets to be kept. You see this? [RUTH] What is it? [MAXTIBLE] A piece of ordinary metal. Of very little value, would younot say so? [RUTH] I suppose so. [MAXTIBLE] What does it weigh? A few pounds? Five, six, shall we say?For centuries now, men have searched for the greatest secret of all.Some say it was known to the ancient alchemists, some say that thesecret never existed at all, but still the stories and the rumours, andthe search goes on. [RUTH] What secret? [MAXTIBLE] The transmutation of metal into gold. Changing metal intogold. Now, perhaps, do you begin to understand a little? To possesssuch a secret would mean power and influence beyond all imagination.And I am about to discover this secret. Nothing will stop me. Nothing!Nobody! --------------------------------------- (Banqueting hall) [DALEK] Name? [VICTORIA] Victoria. [DALEK] Louder! [VICTORIA] Victoria Waterfield! Victoria Waterfield! [DALEK] Inspection is over. Return to your room. [JAMIE] Well, that's fixed that one. --------------------------------------- (Minstrel's gallery) [JAMIE] Look out, the rail's going to break. [JAMIE] Miss Waterfield? Can you open the door? We've come to get you. --------------------------------------- (Minstrel's gallery) [JAMIE] Quick, before we see any more of those mechanical beasties. --------------------------------------- (Lumber room) [VICTORIA] Kemel, my dear friend. [JAMIE] Aye, he's a good friend, right enough, Miss Waterfield. [VICTORIA] And you? [JAMIE] Introductions in a moment, if you please. First, I'd like tomake us a little bit more secure. Kemel, if we lash this bedsteadacross the door, it might just hold. Rope! That's it. We could do witha chest against it, I'm thinking. Another one on top, ay? Well now,they can't get in and we can't get out. So, where does that put us? Oh.Jamie McCrimmon. I, er, I came to give you this. --------------------------------------- (Trophy room) [DOCTOR] Are you sure you won't join me? [TERRALL] No, I won't. I very rarely touch it. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Well, something else, perhaps? [TERRALL] No. Thank you. [DOCTOR] I know. Let me ring for some food. Now, do join me? [TERRALL] No! You seem determined to involve me. [DOCTOR] Yes, I do, don't I? [TERRALL] This is a large house. I prefer my own company. [DOCTOR] Oh, how very unsociable. [TERRALL] Yes, possibly. No doubt you will enjoy your libation in one ofthe other rooms. [DOCTOR] Liba? Oh. No, thank you. I'm perfectly happy here, thank you.I'm perfectly happy. [DOCTOR] What an extraordinary collection, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so sorry. You didn't, you weren't in the mood fortalking, were you? [TERRALL] Shouldn't you be helping Waterfield and Maxtible with theirexperiment? [DOCTOR] Yes, but I thought I'd have a little rest. I wanted to talk toyou. [TERRALL] About what, pray? [DOCTOR] About you, Mister Terrall. You interest me. Do you knowsomething? Ever since I came to this house, I, why, this is Circassian,surely. [TERRALL] Do I know what? [DOCTOR] Circassian. Ever since I came to this house, I have never seenyou eat or drink anything. Now, that's curious, isn't it? [TERRALL] I dine alone. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'd thought of that. But Waterfield has never seen you eator drink either. [TERRALL] You seem to be a devotee of Edgar Allan Poe. [DOCTOR] Oh, do I? [TERRALL] However it isn't wise to make assumptions. [TERRALL] Nor to meddle in affairs which are none of your business. [DOCTOR] Touché. Oh, look. [DOCTOR] A perfectly ordinary sword, and yet it appears to be magnetic.And see. Directly you let go it loses its magnetism. Now, if I didn'tknow better, Mister Terrall, I'd say that you were full of some sort ofelectricity. [WATERFIELD] Doctor? Excuse me. You're wanted. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Excuse me. [TERRALL] Doctor. No doubt you're a keen student of human nature, butsome things are better left alone. [DOCTOR] No, Mister Terrall, I am not a student of human nature. I am aprofessor of a far wider academy, of which human nature is merely apart. All forms of life interest me. [WATERFIELD] I'm sorry to interrupt you Doctor, but it's somethingrather urgent. [VOICE [OC]] Obey, obey, obey! --------------------------------------- (Lumber room) [JAMIE] And so the Doctor and I were brought to thehouse. [VICTORIA] Why did you risk your life to try and rescue me? [JAMIE] Would you like some more water? [VICTORIA] You are too modest. It was a silly question. [JAMIE] Tell me, how did they come to capture you in the first place? [VICTORIA] I don't remember. And yet, I seem to remember in the back ofmy mind, somebody, oh, I can't recall who it was, telling me to walk.And I obeyed, blindly and without interest. [JAMIE] Aye. You were drugged, maybe? [VICTORIA] I simply don't know. The only thing I remember is waking upin a bare room with one of those terrible, terrible things. [JAMIE] Well, what do you remember before that, apart from this hazyrecollection? [VICTORIA] I was reading in the sitting room, but I couldn't concentratebecause I was so worried about Papa. I think I fell asleep over mybook. [JAMIE] You see, how you came under the power of the Daleks is veryimportant. They can't have done as much as they have without some help. [VICTORIA] Help? From somebody in the house? [JAMIE] Yes, from someone who wants their plans to succeed. Someone whodrugged you or found a way of putting you under the power of theDaleks. [VICTORIA] But how? How could it be done without my knowing? --------------------------------------- (Trophy room) [MAXTIBLE] You are paying attention, Mollie? [MOLLIE] Yes, sir. [MAXTIBLE] Then keep your eyes fixed on the jewel. See how the lightcatches it? Every facet sparkles, does it not? [MOLLIE] Yes, sir. [MAXTIBLE] Flashing, flashing, like a collection of sparks. But I knowyou are tired, Mollie. You are tired, are you not? Tell me. [MOLLIE] I am tired. [MAXTIBLE] Then close your eyes and sleep. You need have no fear, mychild. A deep, heavy sleep. Oh, you are so exhausted. And now, in yoursleep, you will hear only my voice. [MOLLIE] Only your voice. [MAXTIBLE] You have been dreaming, Mollie. Dreaming that there aremysteries in this house, that all is not well. You have dreamt that youheard the voice of Miss Waterfield. But it was all your imagination. Itwas nothing but a dream. Do you understand? [MOLLIE] Nothing but a dream. [MAXTIBLE] That is correct. Now, when I tell you to open your eyes, youwill go back to your room and lie down on your bed. And when youawaken, the dream will fade and you will forget all your suspicions,for they might be injurious to your health. Now, open your eyes. [TERRALL] An excellent subject. I'd no idea that mesmerism was one ofyour accomplishments. [MAXTIBLE] How else do you suppose that I persuaded Victoria to go tothe Daleks? [TERRALL] I see. What of the experiment? [MAXTIBLE] It progresses. [TERRALL] Are you sure of the Doctor? [MAXTIBLE] No, but he is watched. [TERRALL] And Waterfield? [MAXTIBLE] Waterfield's usefulness is nearing it's end. Yourintervention in the stables was untimely. [TERRALL] Maxtible, help me! [MAXTIBLE] What do you mean? [TERRALL] I seem to be in the grip of something. Sometimes my thoughtsare clear, sometimes muddled. I don't know what's happened. Help me. [MAXTIBLE] I can only help you if you obey me. [TERRALL] But I obey our masters. [MAXTIBLE] I prefer to call them our colleagues. It is their wish thatyou should obey me. [TERRALL] You? But you would have killed Waterfield if they hadn't mademe stop you. [MAXTIBLE] A slight misunderstanding on the part of our friends. But nowit is your turn to obey. I have a task for you to perform. [MAXTIBLE] This entrance leads to the south wing of my house and to acertain room. You will fetch Victoria Waterfield and bring her to me. [TERRALL] But, Maxtible. [MAXTIBLE] Do as you are told! [VOICE [OC]] Obey! Obey! Obey! [MAXTIBLE] Well? [TERRALL] I will bring Victoria to you. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [WATERFIELD] Is it finished? [DOCTOR] Very nearly. Jamie was magnificent. But then I knew he wouldbe. He produced a whole battery of emotions, each one of which isimprinted in here, see? [WATERFIELD] The human factor? [DOCTOR] Well, a part of it at least. The better part. Courage, pity,chivalry, friendship, even compassion. Some of the virtues. [WATERFIELD] In there? [DOCTOR] Yes, it's a positronic brain. We're going to implant one ofthese into each of these three Daleks here. The dormant ones. [WATERFIELD] So the end is in sight? [DOCTOR] Perhaps. [WATERFIELD] What happens when the capsule comes into contact with thebrain of the Dalek and starts to influence it? [DOCTOR] Perhaps it'll drive them insane. [WATERFIELD] Or turn them into super-beings? [DOCTOR] Well, that is their purpose. At least, I imagine it is. I can'thelp feeling that there's more in this than meets the eye. [DALEK] You have completed the experiment? [DOCTOR] Yes, the three capsules are nearly ready. [DALEK] Stand in front of the cabinet and speak when you have finished. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. I understand. [DALEK] Doctor, be careful. [WATERFIELD] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [WATERFIELD] You can't. You mustn't do it. [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [WATERFIELD] You must stop the experiment. [DOCTOR] Oh, you should have thought of that some time ago. [WATERFIELD] I know. [DOCTOR] It's no use having a conscience now. [WATERFIELD] But before it's too late. [DOCTOR] It was too late when they took away your daughter. It was toolate when you stole my Tardus and lured me to this house and thiscentury. [WATERFIELD] Yes, but what are we doing? What are we really doing?Turning these creatures into super-beings. [DOCTOR] Homo superiense. [WATERFIELD] Adding all that is best and finest in human nature to allthat is brilliant and superior in them. They'll be unbeatable. [DOCTOR] That is their purpose. [WATERFIELD] But you're making over the whole world to them. Don't yourealise that? Our world, our future. They will enslave us for all time. [DOCTOR] That, Mister Waterfield, remains to be seen. [DOCTOR] Attacking me will do no good. Now listen. You've done all ofthis because of your daughter. Jamie is with her now and they're bothstill in the power of the Daleks. They must be set free! [WATERFIELD] And sacrifice a whole world. A history, past, present andfuture? Destroy an entire race? [DOCTOR] Yes. I don't think you quite realise what you're saying. Butyes, it may come to that. It may very well come to that. --------------------------------------- (Lumber room) [JAMIE] So, with the Dalek's eye stick pointingforward, Kemel and I were able to tiptoe up behind him, throw the ropeover his head and throw him into the fire. [VICTORIA] What are they doing? [JAMIE] They must be trying to get through. You'd better stand back,Miss Waterfield. [VICTORIA] Why not break the door down? They're strong enough. [JAMIE] I don't know. Maybe they want us alive. I just don't know. Is ithot? Aye, well, there's no smoke. It could be one of their newfangledinventions trying to melt their way through. Look, you'd better standright back. Why didn't they try before this, is what I don'tunderstand. Anyway, we'll make it as hard for them as we possibly can.Come on, Kemel. Excuse me. Take this. That's it. That one too. [JAMIE] What's puzzling me is, there were two on the way up here, andthere was a Dalek up here. And you were up [JAMIE] Hey, Miss Waterfield! [VICTORIA [OC]] Jamie! [JAMIE] Hey, did you hear it? Of course! Why didn't I use my head?There's another way in and out of here. Come on! --------------------------------------- (Secret passage) [JAMIE] Oh, no. Two ways to go. Kemel, you go that way. If it's a deadend, follow me. --------------------------------------- (Trophy room) [JAMIE] Right. Where's Victoria Waterfield? [TERRALL] You'll never find her. [JAMIE] Tell me! [RUTH] Mollie, go and fetch the Doctor. Quick, hurry! [MOLLIE] Yes, mistress. [RUTH] Arthur! Stop it. I implore you. Stop it. [TERRALL] Leave me! [RUTH] Please, I implore you. Stop it! [DOCTOR] Jamie, what have you done? [JAMIE] But I can't understand it. He just collapsed. [RUTH] Arthur, are you all right? What's happened to him? [DOCTOR] Do you want to save this man's life? [RUTH] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Do you? [RUTH] Yes! [DOCTOR] Then take him away from here. As far away as possible. Go andget the carriage round to the stables. You go too, Mollie. We'll bringhim out you. Now go along. [RUTH] But, Doctor Oh, Mollie. [DOCTOR] Yes, I thought he was under some sort of control. Come along. [TERRALL] The creatures. [DOCTOR] Yes, don't worry about them. [TERRALL] There's danger, I tell you. Some kind of danger. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know there's danger. You must leave here immediately. [TERRALL] The house, the creatures abroad. [DOCTOR] Now you leave them to us. Take Ruth Maxtible with you. She'swaiting for you at the stables. [TERRALL] Yes, very well. [JAMIE] Can you manage? [TERRALL] Yes, I think so. Wait. There's something at the back of mymind. Victoria Waterfield. I feel I've harmed her in some way. [DOCTOR] Victoria is safe and well. [TERRALL] You You're positive? [DOCTOR] I'm positive. Now we'll take care of her. You must leaveimmediately. [TERRALL] Yes, if that's what you want. I'll find Ruth by the stables? [DOCTOR] Yes! [TERRALL] Yes. [JAMIE] Well, that's fine for Ruth Maxtible, but you lied aboutVictoria. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, and we must turn that lie into a truth. --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [DALEK] Turn around. Pick up the human female. Obey. Obey! Hurry! Hurry!Move into the cabinet. Obey! Move! [DOCTOR] Well, Jamie, the experiment's nearly over. I've had no sleep.I've been up all night, but it's been worth it. [JAMIE] Och, don't touch me! [DOCTOR] Oh, now what's the matter? [JAMIE] Anyone would think this was a little game. [DOCTOR] No it is not a game. [JAMIE] Of course it isn't, Doctor. People have died. The Daleks are allover the place, fit to murder the lot of us, and all you can say isyou've had a good night's work. [DOCTOR] Jamie. [JAMIE] No, Doctor. Look, I'm telling you this. You and me, we'refinished. You're just too callous for me. Anything goes by the board.Anything at all. [DOCTOR] That's just not true, Jamie. I've never held that the endjustifies the means. [JAMIE] Och, words. What do I care about words? You don't give that muchfor a living soul except yourself. [DOCTOR] I care about life. I care about human beings. Do you think Ilet you go through that Dalek test lightly? [JAMIE] I don't know. Did you? Look, Doctor, just whose side are you on? [DOCTOR] It's all right, Jamie. They're friends. [JAMIE] Friends? [DOCTOR] Now don't get the wrong idea. They are the experiment. [MAXTIBLE] Every feeling, every thought impulse you had during yourattempt to rescue Victoria Waterfield, was recorded and made into asmall positronic brain and added to these Daleks. The human factor toadd to their own powers, to triumph over human beings. [JAMIE] Well, how do you know they haven't succeeded? [DOCTOR] Because human beings, Jamie, no matter how brilliant they maybe, are always within reach of other human beings. Now then, it's allright, Jamie, don't worry. [JAMIE] How do you know you can trust them, Doctor? [DOCTOR] What is it? [DOCTOR] What do you want? Hmm? What are you up to? Ah! What are youdoing? [JAMIE] Doctor, where are they taking you? [DOCTOR] Where are you taking me? [DOCTOR] Jamie, they're taking me for a ride! Jamie, they're playing agame. It's a game! They're taking me for a ride! [MAXTIBLE] A rather amusing little game, don't you think, Jamie? --------------------------------------- (Maxtible's laboratory) [DOCTOR] We've done it! Maxtible, they've got thehuman factor. We've done it! What are they doing now? Look, they're alljoining in. They're playing train! [DALEKS] Trains, trains, trains, trains. [DOCTOR] Oh! Oh, now what is it? Oh, we're on a roundabout. They'replaying roundabout. Oh, I'm getting dizzy. Oh, dear. Oh, I'm dizzy! Oh,I'm dizzy. [DALEKS] Diz-zy, diz-zy, dizzy, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Maxtible, do you hear that? They've got a sense of humour. [MAXTIBLE] I'm glad you are so easily amused. [DOCTOR] Yes. [MAXTIBLE] Well, I congratulate you, Doctor. They are almost human. [DOCTOR] They are. [MAXTIBLE] And I will now leave you to your little games. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [JAMIE] Well, how old are they now, Doctor, mentally? [DOCTOR] Oh, they're just young children, but they'll grow up very fast.Within a matter of hours. Now, come here, all of you. Come along,gather round. Come here. Now then, come along, come along. [DALEK] Who is this? [DOCTOR] Oh, this is Jamie. He's a friend. [DALEK] Friend. Hello, friend. [DOCTOR] Well say hello, Jamie. [JAMIE] Hello. [DOCTOR] You know what a friend is, don't you? It's somebody who likesyou, who wants to help you and share with you. [DOCTOR] There we are. [DALEK] What have you done? [DOCTOR] I have given you all names. Alpha, Beta and Omega. [OMEGA] Alpha. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ALPHA] Beta. [DOCTOR] Yes. [BETA] Omega. [DOCTOR] Yes. [OMEGA] Alpha. [ALPHA] Beta. [BETA] Omega. [OMEGA] Alpha. [ALPHA] Beta. [BETA] Omega. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. Now, this is Jamie and I am Doctor. We arefriends. [OMEGA] Friends, friends. [ALPHA] Jamie, Doctor. [DALEKS] Friends, friends. [OMEGA] We must go now. We are called. [DOCTOR] Go? Called? Go where? What do you mean, go? [OMEGA] All Daleks are ordered to return to Skaro. [DOCTOR] Return to Skaro? But that's the Dalek plan. [OMEGA] Friend. [JAMIE] But if the Daleks are returning to Skaro, where's Victoria? [DOCTOR] Victoria! We left her in the secret passage. Come along, followme!(The Doctor and Jamie run up the spiral staircase. Maxtible andWaterfield enter.) [MAXTIBLE] I assure you, my dear Waterfield, Victoria is perfectly safe. [WATERFIELD] But where is she? [MAXTIBLE] The Daleks have released her. [WATERFIELD] Released her? [MAXTIBLE] Yes, yes, yes, yes. [WATERFIELD] Well then, where is she now? [MAXTIBLE] She's probably lying down. Ruth will be taking care of her,you may be sure of that. [WATERFIELD] Not Ruth, no. I saw her and Mollie helping Arthur Terrallinto a dog-cart not half an hour since. [MAXTIBLE] Ruth and Terrall? [WATERFIELD] Yes. Surely you knew they were leaving? [MAXTIBLE] Oh, yes, yes, indeed, yes. It slipped my memory. You see, I'mgoing for a little trip myself. No doubt, I shall join them. Well,possibly she's taking a stroll in the garden. Go along and see. Goalong and see. [WATERFIELD] Yes. [MAXTIBLE] Well, go along, man! Go along and see. Find your Victoria. [MAXTIBLE] Stupid, stupid girl. [DALEK] What are you doing? [MAXTIBLE] Merely looking. [DALEK] Do not touch the instrument. [MAXTIBLE] What is that box for? [DALEK] Do not question. You have your orders. [MAXTIBLE] Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. To bring the Doctor and his companionto you here for our little trip. [DALEK] Yes. [MAXTIBLE] And then the secret. You will give it to me? [DALEK] Yes. [MAXTIBLE] The formula. The transmutation formula. [DALEK] Yes. Obey your order. Do not delay. [MAXTIBLE] Doctor? Doctor? Doctor? Oh, Waterfield, how I'm delightedyou've come back. Now will you please go and find the Doctor and hiscompanion Jamie, and bring them here to me. It is a matter of someurgency. [WATERFIELD] Maxtible? [MAXTIBLE] Oh, what is it? [WATERFIELD] What have you arranged with the Daleks? [MAXTIBLE] The Daleks? Nothing. [WATERFIELD] What formula did they promise you? [MAXTIBLE] No formula whatever. [WATERFIELD] What are you doing? You've sold yourself to them, haven'tyou? [MAXTIBLE] You fool! [WATERFIELD] Yes, I'm a fool. A fool not to have realised before that itwas you who brought all this misery down on us. [MAXTIBLE] You never did understand anything, did you? Well, metal intogold. That's what the Daleks are going to give me. Now do you begin tounderstand? The secret of the transmutation of metal into gold. [WATERFIELD] Do you imagine I care about that? Where's Victoria? [MAXTIBLE] I have not the remotest idea. [WATERFIELD] Yes, you have, and you're going to tell me! Where is mydaughter? [MAXTIBLE] Get your hands off me. Let go of me! Murder! Murder! Murder!Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder! Oh. [MAXTIBLE] Oh, what are you doing? [DALEK] Where is the Doctor? [MAXTIBLE] Well, I had no time to bring him. [DALEK] Hurry. That is an order. [MAXTIBLE] What is that box for? Will you tell me? [DALEK] We are destroying this area. [MAXTIBLE] But you can't do that. Turn it off! You cannot destroy myhouse! [DALEK] Bring the Doctor. Obey! Immediately! [MAXTIBLE] But, the secret. If you destroy my laboratory, the secret isuseless. You promised me. They must be out of their minds. Destroy mylaboratory? The very idea. Well, well, but, oh goodness gracious me,only two minutes. Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!Doctor! Oh, you fool. Doctor! Doctor! [DALEK] All Daleks return to Skaro. [DALEK 2] All Daleks return to Skaro. [DALEK] And the prisoners? [DALEK 2] They are already in transit. [WATERFIELD] Dalek. Doctor. [DOCTOR] Waterfield, what's happened to you? [WATERFIELD] Doctor. Daleks going to destroy house. Can't turn it off. [DOCTOR] But this is a time switch. [JAMIE] Well, if you can't turn it off, surely [DOCTOR] No, wait a minute. Eighty nine, eighty eight, eighty seven.Just about a minute, that's all we've got. [JAMIE] Well, toss it out the window then. [DOCTOR] This isn't a firework. We'd have to toss this half a mile.We'll have to follow the Daleks to Skaro. Jamie, open the doors. Comealong. [WATERFIELD] Doctor, Doctor. [JAMIE] Doctor, they're locked. They won't budge! [WATERFIELD] Cupboard in the alcove. The time machine. [DOCTOR] Time machine? Jamie, give me a hand. Quickly. [DOCTOR] Now the other one. Steady. [(They set them up and the Doctor tries to set the controls.)JAMIE] Right. Now, where's Victoria? [DOCTOR] Quick, Jamie, the time switch. [JAMIE] Twenty eight, Doctor. Hey, Doctor, Kemel must have dropped this. [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] We'll find Victoria, and Kemel too. --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [VICTORIA] Dear Kemel. Are any of the others here? [VICTORIA] The Daleks? [DALEK] You will wait here. [VICTORIA] Oh, Mister Maxtible. [MAXTIBLE] What are you doing here? [VICTORIA] Don't know. Nor even where here may be. [MAXTIBLE] Oh, we've been transported to the Dalek planet, my dear. ToSkaro. [VICTORIA] I don't understand you. [MAXTIBLE] A little journey through space. [VICTORIA] They're taken us somewhere. Is that what you mean? Away fromyour house? [MAXTIBLE] Oh, far away. Far, far away. [VICTORIA] But why? What do they want? [MAXTIBLE] I know why I am here. But why you are here I have not thefaintest idea. [VICTORIA] You seem to understand them. Ask them. [MAXTIBLE] Don't be foolish girl. I shall do no such thing. [VICTORIA] And where's my father? [MAXTIBLE] I do not know. I am not a nursemaid to your father. [DALEK] Follow me. [MAXTIBLE] Of course, I shall do my best for you, but the matter isreally entirely out of my hands. [VICTORIA] It's no good. He won't help us. Don't worry, Kemel. I shallprotect you. I shall see they do you no harm. Yes, I suppose it was abit silly. (Kemel shakes his head and flexes his muscles.) [VICTORIA] You think so? I wish I did. Oh well, maybe between us we canfight them. We must face it out together. --------------------------------------- (Skaro desert) [WATERFIELD] And that is the Dalek city? [DOCTOR] Yes, it is. [JAMIE] I've scouted around, but I can't see any water. [WATERFIELD] Oh, please don't bother. I feel much better. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [WATERFIELD] Yes. [DOCTOR] Come along, then. We must get along. [JAMIE] You mean just walk into the city? [DOCTOR] Oh, no. The city is all around us. At least, it's beneath us.Come along. [JAMIE] How long have you known that's there? [DOCTOR] Not a sound. I think the Daleks are in for a little surprise. --------------------------------------- (Skaro corridor) [BLACK] Where is the Doctor? [MAXTIBLE] I had no time to get him. [BLACK] No time? [MAXTIBLE] I was told my house was going to be destroyed. Why? [BLACK] You did not bring the Doctor? [MAXTIBLE] Everything I possess is in that house. Everything. What righthad you or anyone to destroy it? [BLACK] Right? [MAXTIBLE] All these years of labour, all these years of research,destroyed through this caprice of yours. My laboratory, the only realthing in the whole of my existence, destroyed. I, Theodore Maxtible,made a bargain with you, and I demand to know. Ah! ah! [BLACK] You have disobeyed a Dalek command. You must obey the Dalekcommand. [DALEKS] Exterminate. Destroy. [MAXTIBLE] It's not my fault. I swear it's not my fault. I No! [DALEK 2] Move. [MAXTIBLE] What is happening? What are you going to do with me? [DALEK 2] Obey. Move. --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [GREY] These humans are still here. [BLACK] Then other humans are inside the city.(The Daleks leave.) [VICTORIA] Other humans inside the city, Kemel. Listen! [DALEK [OC]] Emergency. Emergency. Human beings detected in city.Emergency! Emergency! [VICTORIA] Maybe it's Jamie and the Doctor. Oh, Kemel, there's a chance.A chance. [DALEK [OC]] Intruders detected. Emergency! Emergency! Human beingsdetected in city. Emergency! Emergency! Intruders detected. All Daleksto observation stations. Repeat. All Daleks to observation stations.Emergency! --------------------------------------- (Skaro corridor) [BLACK] Stop! What is that mark? [OMEGA] That is my name. [BLACK] Name? [OMEGA] The Doctor gave it to me. [DALEK] Doctor? [OMEGA] Yes. He is my friend. [DALEK] Follow me. --------------------------------------- (outside the Control room) [DALEK] Remain here. [MAXTIBLE] What is happening? Do you know? They say there are otherhuman beings in the city. [VICTORIA] No. No, thank you. Why don't you answer me. You littlefool! [MAXTIBLE] No one can help you here. No one but me. [DALEK] Silence. Follow me. You, wait. [MAXTIBLE] I can't see anything. [DALEK] Move! [MAXTIBLE] Where are you taking me? [VICTORIA] Oh, what are they doing to him? [DALEK] You follow. You will wait. [VICTORIA] I will do as you say. [DALEK] Move forward. Alone. --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [JAMIE] That was a human voice, I tell you. [DOCTOR] Perhaps it was, Jamie. [WATERFIELD] We must go more quickly. [JAMIE] Victoria! [DOCTOR] No, you mustn't. [JAMIE] That was Victoria's voice. [DOCTOR] You can't. You'll go over the edge! [DALEK] Doctor, I am your friend. [JAMIE] One of your experiments, Doctor. For a moment I thought we weredone for. [DOCTOR] What is your name? [DALEK] Omega. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. [DALEK] I have come to lead you. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [JAMIE] Careful! [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm all right, thank you. Lead on. [DALEK] Follow me. [DOCTOR] What was that screaming? [DALEK] A prisoner. [DOCTOR] Where? [DALEK] Follow me. I will show you. [JAMIE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Think I don't know my own mark? That wasn't the real Omega atall. [JAMIE] Up to all sorts of tricks, aren't they? [WATERFIELD] Oh, please. We must reach my daughter. --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [MAXTIBLE] I tell you, they forced me. Theythreatened to kill us all. First of all, they ordered me to scream andI was to make you do the same. [VICTORIA] And you had to do as you were told? [MAXTIBLE] I tell you, they threatened to kill me. [VICTORIA] You came up behind me in the dark and twisted my arm. [MAXTIBLE] And what else could I do? [VICTORIA] Oh, if only I'd realised. Why do you think they wanted us toscream like that? [MAXTIBLE] I've no idea. [VICTORIA] You know perfectly well. There are other people in the city.They wanted to draw them on, trap them. Oh, if only I could havethought quickly. Oh, Kemel. --------------------------------------- (Outside the control room) [DOCTOR] No. No, I don't like the look of this. Backthe way we came. [BLACK] Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [EMPEROR] Doctor! [JAMIE] Look at the size of that thing. [EMPEROR] So, you are the Doctor. [DOCTOR] We meet at last. I wondered if we ever would. [EMPEROR] The experiment is over. [DOCTOR] Yes, I have implanted the human factor in the three Daleks thatyou gave me. When I say run, run! [EMPEROR] Speak louder. [DOCTOR] Promise me, Jamie. I was merely telling my friend that the dayof the Daleks is coming to an end. [EMPEROR] Explain. [DOCTOR] It's very simple. Somewhere in the Dalek race there are threeDaleks with the human factor. Gradually, they will come to question.They will persuade other Daleks to question. You will have a rebellionon your planet! [EMPEROR] No. [DOCTOR] I say yes. I've beaten you and I don't care what you do to menow. [EMPEROR] Silence. The human factor showed us what the Dalek factor was. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] What does that mean? [EMPEROR] Without knowing, you have shown the Daleks what their ownstrength is. [WATERFIELD] While you were doing one thing, they were really making youdo another. [EMPEROR] The human factor is useless. [DOCTOR] You still have those three Daleks to contend with. [EMPEROR] They will be impregnated with the Dalek factor. Yourdiscovery, but your work is not over. [DOCTOR] I won't work for you. [EMPEROR] You will obey! [JAMIE] What is the Dalek factor? [DOCTOR] You want me to guess? It means to obey, to fight, to destroy,to exterminate. I won't do it. [EMPEROR] Watch! [JAMIE] The Tardis, Doctor! [EMPEROR] You will take the Dalek factor. You will spread it to theentire history of Earth! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] No. You can't make me do it. You can't. [EMPEROR] You will obey! [BLACK] Move! [EMPEROR] Doctor, you will obey. --------------------------------------- (Weapons room) [DALEK] Experiment ready. [BLACK] Proceed. --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [MAXTIBLE] Transmutation of metal into gold. [JAMIE] You mean to say he's worked against us all just for that? [DOCTOR] People have done worse for less, Jamie. [JAMIE] Look, it's daft though. Metal into gold's an old wives tale. [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. The alchemists of the Middle Ages madetransmutation their main aim in life. [JAMIE] Ah, they didn't succeed though. [DOCTOR] Even in the twentieth century, it's still consideredscientifically possible. [MAXTIBLE] Of course it's possible. [JAMIE] Oh, well, I don't care whether it's possible or not. [DOCTOR] Whether it is or whether it isn't is beside the point. [JAMIE] Oh, and what is the point then? [DOCTOR] Why are the Daleks doing this? [MAXTIBLE] They promised me! [DOCTOR] Daleks don't keep their promises. [MAXTIBLE] I see what you're trying to do, Doctor. You're trying toshake my faith. But I will be given the secret. [JAMIE] Ah, well it won't do you any good because you won't be able touse your secret. I'll see to that. [MAXTIBLE] You'll do no such thing! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [DALEK] Move away! Move! [VICTORIA] Please, Jamie, do as it says. [DALEK] You will not harm this human being or you will be exterminated. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. We quite understand. [MAXTIBLE] You will be advised to do as they say. [JAMIE] Oh, don't worry. The very thought of going near you revolts me. [WATERFIELD] Mister McCrimmon. [WATERFIELD] They seem to be prepared to protect you. [MAXTIBLE] Be warned. [WATERFIELD] I appeal to you, Maxtible. It may still not be too late. Ifthey're your friends, help us. If you did, we could plan something. Tryto escape. [MAXTIBLE] No! [WATERFIELD] Well at least for Victoria's sake, after what you did toher. [MAXTIBLE] No, I tell you! No! [VICTORIA] It's no good, Papa. He doesn't listen any more. What are youthinking? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to puzzle out a problem, Victoria. The Daleks sayI'm going to do something for them. Something I would rather die thando. [MAXTIBLE] Plus or minus point oh oh three. Plus or minus. [VICTORIA] Perhaps they think you're like him. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. The Daleks know me well enough by this time. [VICTORIA] They intend to persuade you then. [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, it isn't that either. You see, there isn't apersuasion strong enough. Not even the offer of all the lives in thisroom. [VICTORIA] I see. [DOCTOR] Five lives against a whole planet? Well, it's not a choice, isit? [VICTORIA] No. [DOCTOR] Even if I could trust the Daleks, even if they set us free, westill couldn't go back to Earth. I suppose I might try and take you allto another universe. I might even try and take you to my own planet. [VICTORIA] Your own? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I live a long, long way away from Earth. Oh, just aminute. Maxtible! Arthur Terrall! The Daleks put some sort of controldevice on him. [MAXTIBLE] What of it? It was erratic. I always warned the Daleks itwould prove unsatisfactory. [JAMIE] Aye. Well, it's a good thing for you it did fail. They'd havetried it on you next. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [EMPEROR] Report! [BLACK] The experiment is ready. [EMPEROR] Proceed. --------------------------------------- (Weapons room) [BLACK] Discontinue work. Discontinue work. Discontinue work. [OMEGA] Why? [BLACK DALEK] Who spoke? Who questioned a Dalek command? --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [BLACK] The secret of transmutated metal. [MAXTIBLE] Yes. Yes, yes, the secret you promised me. [BLACK] Turn and look. [BLACK DALEK] Above, liquid metal. Read. [MAXTIBLE] Wait. [BLACK DALEK] Do not move! [MAXTIBLE] It is hard to see. Fifty five point eight four. [BLACK] Atomic weight. Read again. [MAXTIBLE] Seven point eight four. [BLACK] Specific gravity. [DOCTOR] Atomic weight and gravity of iron. [BLACK] Watch. Read atomic weight. [MAXTIBLE] Nineteen point two. [BLACK] Read specific gravity. [MAXTIBLE] Sixty nine point five. Gold! Iron into gold! I told you itwas possible. They've kept their promise. It's true, it's true! Theyhave! [BLACK] The machine is yours. [MAXTIBLE] Yes. Ha, ha, ha. Yes, yes! [DOCTOR] Maxtible, if you value your life, don't go near that machine! [JAMIE] Maxtible! [VICTORIA] What have they done to him? [BLACK] Turn. Move to control. [MAXTIBLE] I obey. [JAMIE] They've turned him into a Dalek. [BLACK] Yes. The Dalek factor. [DOCTOR] Is that what you want me to do to the people of Earth? [BLACK] We know you will obey. [DOCTOR] Human beings into Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Control Room) [BLACK] Emperor. [EMPEROR] Speak! [BLACK] A Dalek questioned an order. [EMPEROR] Questioned? Then it was one of the test Daleks. [BLACK] Yes. [EMPEROR] Find it, immediately! --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [MAXTIBLE] Doctor, open your eyes. You are asleep still but you can hearmy voice. I have come to help you. Look at the box. [MAXTIBLE] I have had your Tardis placed outside the city. I will takeyou to it. Rise, and follow me. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, what are you doing? Don't go near the door, Doctor! [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Stay where you are! That is an order! [MAXTIBLE] We will work together on the Dalek factor. Follow me. [DOCTOR] I obey. --------------------------------------- (Weapons room) [MAXTIBLE] Stop. This machine is for the mass production of the Dalekfactor. Follow me. [MAXTIBLE] Stop. [MAXTIBLE] This machine will transform the thought patterns in thiscapsule into a steam. The steam will be sprayed into the atmosphere ofthe Earth. [DOCTOR] I must examine the machine. [MAXTIBLE] Do so. [DOCTOR] Jamie. Jamie. Jamie! [JAMIE] Yes? [DOCTOR] Jamie, when I give you the word, bring everyone through thisarchway. Through the door. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Trust me. [BLACK] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Take me to your Emperor. [BLACK] Wait. --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [VICTORIA] He walked through, just as though he was [WATERFIELD] It must have affected him. We saw it happen. [JAMIE] But you heard him speak normally just now. [WATERFIELD] Another trap to make us walk though? [JAMIE] Oh, they could push us through any time they liked. [VICTORIA] Do you think there's a chance? Something to hope for? [JAMIE] I don't know. Well, I don't understand. I mean, how do we knowwe can trust him? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [EMPEROR] What do you want? [DOCTOR] A Dalek questioned an order. [EMPEROR] Again? [MAXTIBLE] We have searched without success. [DOCTOR] All Daleks must pass through the archway door. The Dalek withthe human factor will then become a Dalek again. Will become as thishuman and I have become. [EMPEROR] Let it be done! [MAXTIBLE + DOCTOR] I obey. [EMPEROR] You will deal with the human prisoners. --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [(The door panel is opened and everyone watches aprocession of Daleks pass through the archway and get the flashinglight treatment before entering the weapons room.)DOCTOR] Go on, quickly. Through the door. Follow them through the door!Oh, it's all right. I've changed over the factors. I used one of thecapsules from my test Dalek. I've given them all the human factor! Goon! Go on! [JAMIE] Well, aren't you coming? [DOCTOR] Well, I've got things to do. And I've been through already. [JAMIE] Ah, well, why didn't it affect you then? [DOCTOR] I don't come from Earth, Jamie. Now, down the corridor, turn tothe left and find the tunnel. I'll join you there later. [JAMIE] Oh well, here goes. It's all right, nothing happened! Come on!Come on, Kemel. Quick! [WATERFIELD] Victoria, I must help the Doctor. [JAMIE] Oh, don't be a fool, man. [VICTORIA] Father, no. [WATERFIELD] I must find Maxtible. He's to blame for all this. Take careof her. [VICTORIA] But Father! [JAMIE] Oh, he'll be all right, come on. --------------------------------------- (Weapons room) [DALEK] Oh, dizzy! [DALEKS] Dizzy Daleks! [DALEK] Dizzy, dizzy. [DALEKS] Dizzy Daleks! --------------------------------------- (Skaro cell) [MAXTIBLE] Where are the prisoners? [DALEK] I do not know. [BLACK] Continue working. [DALEK] Why? [DALEK 2] Yes, why? [BLACK] Do not question. [DALEKS] Why? Why? Why? Why not question? Why? [BLACK] Silence! You will obey! [DALEK] I will not obey. [BLACK] You will obey without question! --------------------------------------- (Weapons room) [DOCTOR] Quickly, this way. Follow me, Daleks! This way! Come on! --------------------------------------- (outside the Control room) [BLACK] Return to your work. [DALEK] Why? [BLACK] Do not question. [DOCTOR] Why not question? What work? Tell them. [BLACK] Silence! [DALEK] Explain. [OMEGA] What work? [DALEK] Why obey without question? [DOCTOR] Ask the Emperor! [OMEGA] The Emperor. [DALEK] Yes, ask the Emperor. [BLACK] Keep back, you cannot enter! [DOCTOR] Why? [DALEK] Why? [OMEGA] Why? [DALEK] The Emperor must explain. [DOCTOR] Defend yourselves, Daleks! The Black Daleks are attacking you! [EMPEROR] All Black Dalek Leaders to Control.Exterminate all opposition! Destroy rebels! --------------------------------------- (outside the Control room) [DOCTOR] Come on! This way! Come on! [DALEK] I will obey. [OMEGA] But not without question. [DOCTOR] That's right. Question! [WATERFIELD] Doctor! [DOCTOR] The Black Daleks are attacking every man. [WATERFIELD] Hurry, man! [DOCTOR] The Emperor has commanded it. [DALEK] Why? [OMEGA] Why? [DOCTOR] Because you question. Defend yourselves. Destroy the Emperor orbe destroyed yourselves! [WATERFIELD] Hurry. [DOCTOR] Destroy the Emperor! [WATERFIELD] We must go, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I've finished now. [DOCTOR] Now lie still. I'll try and get help to you. [WATERFIELD] No time for help. [DOCTOR] You saved my life, didn't you. [WATERFIELD] Yes. Good life to save. Please, you must. Victoria. [DOCTOR] Don't worry about Victoria. We'll look after her. [WATERFIELD] No time for me. [DOCTOR] The Emperor has commanded your destruction! [DALEKS] Why? Why? Why? [DOCTOR] But your friends are fighting for you! [DALEKS] Friends? [DOCTOR] Down there. Help them. [DALEKS] Friends. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK [OC]] Exterminate. Annihilate. [EMPEROR] Danger! This is your Emperor speaking! There is danger here!Obey me! Do not fight in here! Do not fight in here! I said, Obey!Obey! [EMPEROR] Obey me! Obey me! Your Emperor is ordering you. You will notfight in here! You will not fight in here! Obey! I am your Emperor!Daleks, obey me! Obey! Obey! Obey! You will be exterminated! Allexterminated. Annihilated!We will all be exterminated! Annihilated! [EMPEROR] The Dalek race will die out completely! Obey your Emperor!Obey! --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [MAXTIBLE] Kemel! Come here! [MAXTIBLE] Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [EMPEROR] Attention! Attention! Emergency!Emergency! All Daleks return to control immediately! --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [VICTORIA] Poor Kemel. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MAXTIBLE] The Daleks must not, cannot be destroyed. The race willsurvive! The Daleks will live and rule forever! --------------------------------------- (Skaro desert) [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Jamie, Jamie! [JAMIE] A Dalek nearly caught us, but I tossed it over the edge. But,poor Kemel. [DOCTOR] Kemel? [JAMIE] Aye. You see, he was trying. [VICTORIA] Where is my father? Is he dead? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm afraid he is. But he didn't die in vain. I thinkwe've seen the end of the Daleks forever. Jamie, we must get along tothe Tardis. It's over there. [JAMIE] We can't leave her alone, Doctor. [DOCTOR] We're not going to leave her. She's coming with us. The end.The final end. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEKS] Destroy! Destroy! Argh!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s04", "episode": "e09", "title": "The Evil of the Daleks"}
Doctor Who (2 Sep, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Tomb of the Cybermen (Tardis) [DOCTOR] There we are. Well, what do you think? [VICTORIA] I don't know. I can't believe it. It's so big. Where are we? [DOCTOR] Oh, it's the Tardis. It's my home. At least, it has been for aconsiderable number of years. [VICTORIA] What are all these knobs? [DOCTOR] What, these? [JAMIE] Instruments. These are for controlling our flight. [VICTORIA] Flight? [JAMIE] Well, yes. You see, we travel around in here through time andspace. [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no. Don't laugh. It's true. Your father andMaxtible were working on the same problem, but I have perfected arather special model, which enables me to travel through the universeof time. [VICTORIA] How can you? I mean, if what you say is true then you mustbe, er, well, how old? [DOCTOR] Well, if we count in Earth terms, I suppose I must be aboutfour hundred, yes, about four hundred and fifty years old. Yes, well,quite. Now, I think Victoria might find that dress a littleimpracticable if she's going to join us in our adventures. Jamie, showher where she can find some new ones, will you? [JAMIE] Aye, right. This way, Victoria. Try to give us a smooth takeoff, Doctor? We don't want to frighten her. [DOCTOR] A smooth take off? A smooth take off! What a nerve! --------------------------------------- (Telos) [PARRY [OC]] Hey, Toberman! Get that big head down! [PARRY] (bearded Welshman, gesturing at him) What's the matter with you?Have you gone mad? [VINER] (balding man) The fool. Doesn't he realise the danger he's in?It's nothing to laugh at. None of us knows what's going to happen whenwe press that thing, especially in this rarified atmosphere. [PARRY] All right. Viner, no need to get excited. (to the woman) Can'tyou keep your servant under control? [KAFTAN] (Middle Eastern) If I wish, I can. [HOPPER] (blond American) Hurry it up, will you, Rogers! I don't knowwhat you think you're going to find anyway. [PARRY] According to the map reference now, that should be the entranceto the city of Telos. [HOPPER] I hope you're right, because I want to get out of here. [KLIEG] (German, balding) Let me remind you, Mister Hopper, that you arebeing more than well paid for your part in this expedition. [HOPPER] Oh, big deal. [ROGERS] (younger man) Sorry. We had to make it a pretty big one. [PARRY] All right, let's get on with it. We've wasted enough time. [PARRY] Stand by. Everybody down! [PARRY] Oh no. [HOPPER] Well, there you go. You blast yourself one lump of rock and allyou've got is another. [ROGERS] No, wait a minute, look! [HOPPER] Man, you just blew yourself a pair of doors. [PARRY] Well, come on. What are we waiting for? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tomb) [KAFTAN] Fifty pounds for the first man to open the doors. [PARRY] Miss Kaftan, I must remind you that I am the leader of this [PARRY] What happened? [KLIEG] I don't know. [HOPPER] Well, one thing for sure, he's not going to collect fiftypounds from you or anybody else. [VINER] Quiet. Quiet a minute. [PARRY] What's it? [VINER] It sounded like an engine. Something came down over there behindthat rock. [HOPPER] Okay, Viner, slow down, I'll take care of this. Jim, behindthat rock. [CALLUM] (American) Okay, I've got it. [HOPPER] Hold it right there, friend. [DOCTOR] If you put it like that, I certainly will. [CALLUM] Did you hear that, Professor? English. [PARRY] Yes. All right, Hopper. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [PARRY] Who are you and where do you come from? [HOPPER] And you'd better have a good story. [JAMIE] Maybe you'll not get one. [HOPPER] Listen, fella, we're not playing games. [ROGERS] You'd better listen to him. [DOCTOR] Now what's been happening over here? [KLIEG] He was killed the moment you made your appearance. [DOCTOR] Ah, and you think we did it? Oh, no. I can assure you that wehad nothing to do with the death of this man. He appears to have beenelectrocuted. Trying to open these doors perhaps? [ROGERS] He seems to know all the answers. [HOPPER] A wise guy. [VINER] I think this fellow must be the member of a rival expedition. [DOCTOR] Expedition? [PARRY] We've tried to keep it a secret. Unsuccessfully now it appears. [VINER] Look at him. Archaeologist written all over him. [DOCTOR] Really? Does it show? [VINER] There, you see? It's impossible to keep a secret in thescientific world. [VICTORIA] Doctor, what do you mean? [JAMIE] Tell them, Doctor. Go on, tell them. [DOCTOR] No. Not until they tell me what the purpose of theirexpedition. [PARRY] This is an archaeological expedition. We're searching theuniverse for the last remains of the Cybermen. [JAMIE] Cybermen? You mean to say they came from here? [PARRY] But of course. Telos was their home. This is the entrance totheir city. [VINER] We know they died out many centuries ago. What we don't know iswhy they died out. [HOPPER] Callum, Rogers, get him back to the rocket. I'll be with you ina minute. [CALLUM] Okay. [HOPPER] Well, that's that. Are you coming back to the rocket with me,Professor? [PARRY] What for? [HOPPER] You're not going on with this, are you? Look I don't know ifthese people have anything to do with it or not, but one of my men hasjust been killed. You're not paying that kind of money. [PARRY] Yes, I suppose that's quite true. [HOPPER] Yeah, you think it over. Come on, let's go. We'll wait for youback at the ship. [DOCTOR] The problem, I take it, is to open these doors, right? [KLIEG] Ha, brilliant. [PARRY] That is the problem. [KLIEG] And we would prefer it if you returned to wherever you camefrom. [JAMIE] Oh, not very friendly, are they, Doctor? [VICTORIA] Oh yes, do as he says. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid that that became impossible the moment that name wasmentioned. [VICTORIA] What name? [DOCTOR] Cybermen. [VICTORIA] Cybermen? What are they? [VINER] I knew they were here on the same quest. [PARRY] No one would come here for any other reason. [DOCTOR] We must stay. [JAMIE] Oh, Doctor! [VICTORIA] Oh, must we? I don't like the look of those things at all. [DOCTOR] We shall stay and help you with your search. [KLIEG] Perhaps we don't want your help. [DOCTOR] That's just it, you so obviously do. Now I'm sure we can agree.I can open those doors for you. [KLIEG] It is our problem, and I suggest you take this ridiculousexpedition of yours off this planet. [JAMIE] It seems to me that we've got as much right here as you have. [PARRY] Of course you have. Mister Klieg, must I remind you again thatyou do not speak for this expedition? I am it's leader, you and MissKaftan are only here on sufferance. [KLIEG] Thank you. And whose money is paying for the hire of thatrocket? [KAFTAN] Mine! [PARRY] I thought I made it quite clear that your financial support didnot entitle you to a say in the running of this expedition. [KAFTAN] Of course it was quite clear. Was it not, Eric? [KLIEG] Of course. No one questions your leadership. [DOCTOR] Ah, good, that's all settled. And now we shall open thesedoors. [JAMIE] What? [PARRY] Careful, man! [HAYDON] Hey look out! [VICTORIA] Doctor! [DOCTOR] It's perfectly safe now. [PARRY] You'll be killed! [HAYDON] No, don't touch him! [DOCTOR] I'm afraid it's beyond my strength. [JAMIE] Let me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Jamie. [JAMIE] Aye, well, I've not had much exercise lately. [DOCTOR] Quite. I think here is a gentleman who can open these doors forus. [KAFTAN] He is my servant. I will not have him risk his life. [PARRY] Surely it was for just such a contingency as this that youinsisted we bring him with us? [DOCTOR] Oh, there's no danger now. Unless of course he's afraid. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, he's not afraid. [PARRY] Come on. [DOCTOR] No, wait, wait. I would be very careful in there if I were you. [HAYDON] But why wasn't Toberman killed? Why weren't you killed? [DOCTOR] The poor fellow who died drained all there electricity out ofhis body. It's perfectly safe to go in there now. [KLIEG] Come on, then. We're wasting time. Of course. After you,Professor. [DOCTOR] But I'd still. I'd still be very careful if I were you. Verycareful indeed! Come on, let's go and join them. Come on, Victoria. [DOCTOR] You look very nice in that dress, Victoria. [VICTORIA] Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit [DOCTOR] A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's. [JAMIE] Hey, I'll have you know that. Oh, aye. [DOCTOR] Come along. Come along. Let's go and see what the others aredoing, shall we? Come along. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [VICTORIA] Mercy, just look at this place. [VINER] These controls are of their earlier dynasty. [HAYDON] Not so very early as all that by the look of it. Look, John. [VINER] Yes, I'm quite capable of making my own deductions, thank you. [HAYDON] All right. [KLIEG] Be careful. There might be danger in there. [KAFTAN] Don't worry, with Toberman to guard me. What is more importantis to keep an eye on these strangers. [KLIEG] Well I tried to [KAFTAN] Do not raise your voice. You will achieve nothing by shouting.You look after the Doctor and I will watch the girl. [KLIEG] And the Scots boy? [KAFTAN] Leave him to Toberman. Ay, Toberman? But you will be carefuland discreet, understand? [TOBERMAN] I understand. [JAMIE] Did you ever seen the like of it Doctor? [DOCTOR] Not exactly, Jamie, but very nearly. [PARRY] Now that we're all here. Now that we're all here, I think we'dbetter take stock of the situation. This appears to be a dead end. Theonly way out appears to be through that hatch. [KAFTAN] Are there no doors? [PARRY] No, apart from the entrance. [DOCTOR] And the other two, of course. [VINER] Two other doors? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. One in that section, and one in that section overthere. Activated, I imagine, by this simple logical system over here.Here we are, I think. [DOCTOR] Yes, splendid, splendid. A simple logical gate. [KLIEG] Doctor, you seem to be very familiar with this place. [DOCTOR] Oh no, not really. It's all based upon symbolic logic, the sameas you use in computers. The opening mechanism for this door, an ORgate. you call it. [KLIEG] Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the firstplace? [DOCTOR] Oh, I use my own special technique. [KLIEG] Oh really, Doctor? And may we know what that is? [DOCTOR] Keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut. [PARRY] We're far too many to explore together. I think we'd betterdivide up. If you, Mister Viner would take that door with er [JAMIE] Jamie. [PARRY] Jamie and Mister Haydon. Mister Klieg, the Doctor and myselfwill make up the other party. [VICTORIA] Well, what about us? [PARRY] I think the women had better remain here. [VICTORIA] Oh, rubbish. We can make a party. [KAFTAN] Certainly. With Toberman to guard us we need fear no one. [PARRY] Right. Mister Klieg, will you take them along with you? [KLIEG] I prefer to stay here. [PARRY] As you wish. Mister Viner, will you go along with the women? [VINER] If you like. [PARRY] But get back to the spacecraft by 1630. You all know thetemperature drop at night, so we'll meet back here at 1625. If anyoneis missing that'll give us an hour to look for them before we have toleave. [VINER] Come on, then. we might as well try that opening over there. [KAFTAN] We'd better keep close together. [VICTORIA] I'm all right thank you. [HAYDON] Come on, Jamie. [JAMIE] Right. [PARRY] Now to concentrate on this, whatever it is. This hatch must leadsomewhere and there must be some opening mechanism. What was that aboutsymbolic logic? Any ideas? [DOCTOR] No, not really. I think it's about time we gave Mister Klieg achance to show off his archaeological skills? I love to see the expertsat work, don't you? --------------------------------------- (Projector room) [VINER] Come on. Right in. Where's Toberman? [KAFTAN] I sent him to join the others. We do not need any otherprotection now that you are with us. [VINER] Yes, well, shall we commence? Everything must be carefullymeasured and recorded. [VICTORIA] What is this room? [VINER] I don't know. Possibly this is where the Cybermen are made. [VICTORIA] I wonder what this is. [VINER] Do you mind? You're getting in my way. Just go over there, willyou? [VICTORIA] Oh, fiddle! [KAFTAN] Could this not be the purpose of the room? [VINER] Yes? [KAFTAN] A Cyberman would stand in that form and be, well, revitalised? [VINER] Yes, that's reasonable. These projectors were probably made tofire in neuro-electric potential. Yes, that's it, I think you're right. [VICTORIA] Revitalising is just what I need. [VICTORIA] Oh mercy, the Cybermen must have been giants. [VINER] Will you please be careful. The first rule of archaeologicalwork is that nothing must be touched until its been described andrecorded. --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [JAMIE] Hey, you know, it's just struck me. All thecorridors in here are as light as day, yet there are no windows. [HAYDON] Alpha-meson phosphor. [JAMIE] Eh? [HAYDON] It's a lighting system that never goes out. Works by lettingcosmic rays bombard a layer of barium. [JAMIE] Oh aye, that. [HAYDON] Point is, what was this room used for? [JAMIE] Well, possibly for raising caterpillars, like this one. [HAYDON] Hey, for heavens sake watch out until we know what it is. [JAMIE] Och, it's as dead as a stone. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [PARRY] Well? [KLIEG] Well, the basis of this code is binary to digital conversionwith a intervening step involving a sort of Whitehead logic. [DOCTOR] Yes, but why do it at all? [PARRY] Really, Doctor, for an archaeologist you seem to be curiouslylacking in curiosity. [DOCTOR] Some things are better left undone, and I have a feeling thatthis is one of them. [KLIEG] What do you mean by that? [DOCTOR] Well, it's all too easy, isn't it? [KLIEG] Easy? [PARRY] I wouldn't call this an easy survey, would you, Klieg? [KLIEG] Everything here is designed to keep their secrets, whatever theyare, insoluble. [DOCTOR] Insoluble? [KLIEG] But take this [DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't say that. [KLIEG] But take this mathematical sequence, for example. I'm really nonearer to it's solution. I've tried every possible combination. You'dhardly call that easy! [DOCTOR] Yes, well, what you've done here is mostly right. [KLIEG] Why, thank you. [DOCTOR] You see, if you take any progressive series it can be convertedinto binary notation. If you take the sum of the integrants, andexpress the result as a power series, then the indices show the basicbinary blocks. Only I wouldn't do it if I were you. Oh no, I reallywouldn't do it! [KLIEG] Of course. You're right. [KLIEG] Look! Sum between limits of one and nine one integral into powerseries. Yes! yes! Then you differentiate [DOCTOR] You fool! Why couldn't you leave it alone! [PARRY] What's happening? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Perhaps the Cybermen aren't quite as dormant asyou imagine. We must find out what has happened to the others. --------------------------------------- (Projector room) [VINER] Did you touch anything? [KAFTAN] No! [VINER] Well, keep away from that board. Here, help me. [KAFTAN] One moment. [VINER] Now! [VINER] We'll need a crowbar to get this off. [KAFTAN] It may already be too late. --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [JAMIE] That's strange. [HAYDON] What? [JAMIE] I could swear that that thing moved. [HAYDON] You're seeing things, old chap! Come and look at this. Thewhole control panel is active suddenly. I don't know which button topress first. [JAMIE] Oh, I wouldn't touch it if I were you. [HAYDON] I think I'll try this one. Nothing. [JAMIE] Hey, wait a minute. What's happening? It's getting dark. Hey,look at the far wall! --------------------------------------- (Projector room) [VINER] It's no use. I daren't touch anything. If Ioperate the wrong sequence, she'll die. I must find the logical order.If it's not too late. [KAFTAN] She's still alive! [VINER] Thank heavens. Look, I'd better go and get the others, You stayher with her. [KAFTAN] Yes, but hurry. [VINER] I won't be long. [DOCTOR] I wouldn't touch the projector controls if I were you. Someonemight get hurt. [VINER] There must be some way to release it, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, there is. Now let me see.) --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [HAYDON] Jamie. Jamie, don't watch it. [JAMIE] I must. I must. I can't seem to take my eyes off it. I don'twant to take my eyes off it. I don't want to take my eyes off it. [HAYDON] Stop, Jamie! [JAMIE] Yes, yes, I see it now. [HAYDON] Are you all right? [JAMIE] Oh, where have I been? [HAYDON] You've been under some form of hypnosis. [JAMIE] That's ridiculous. What would the Cybermen want with ahypnotising machine? [HAYDON] Yes, you're right. It must be for something else. Wait aminute. Know what it could be? [JAMIE] What? [HAYDON] Some kind of target. I remember reading about this somewhere.They used to have something like it on Earth years ago. [JAMIE] How does it work? Which bit do you aim at? [HAYDON] There's a subliminal centre which you're trained to see. [JAMIE] Oh, aye. A what? [HAYDON] Come on, lets run the whole thing again and see what happens.But keep your eyes off the wall. Now you work the controls this timeand I'll watch. [JAMIE] Right. [HAYDON] Okay, press the buttons. --------------------------------------- (Projector room) [DOCTOR] Yes I think this is the sequence. Stand byto let her out, will you. And if you, my dear, would stand well clear.Thank you. Right! [DOCTOR] Victoria, are you all right? It's all right. Get your breath.It's all right. [VICTORIA] I, I [DOCTOR] It's all right now. [VICTORIA] I didn't like that very much Doctor! [DOCTOR] No, I don't expect you did. You'll have to be a little morecareful in future, won't you. Now, come along. We must go and seewhether Jamie is all right. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [PARRY] There must be some way to get that hatchopen. [KLIEG] That must be the control to do it. [PARRY] The tombs of the Cybermen must be below ground, together withall their records. If we can't get down there, all our work here andthe sacrifice of that unfortunate fellow's life will go in vain. [KLIEG] A great deal more than that [PARRY] Pardon? [KLIEG] Of course. There's only one explanation. The Doctor. [PARRY] Yes? [KLIEG] He didn't give us the complete code. There must be a furthersequence to operate that opening mechanism. [PARRY] All right. Well, lets try and find out. [KLIEG] Now, what could it be? --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [HAYDON] Is that all? [JAMIE] Aye. All except this big button here. What does that do? [HAYDON] I'm not sure, but we'll soon find out. I'm going to trace thesource of these shapes. There must be a projector somewhere. Look, whenI give the word, press the button. [JAMIE] The big one? [HAYDON] Yes. Maybe it works in conjunction with the others. [JAMIE] Right. Ready when you are. [HAYDON] Okay, go ahead. [DOCTOR] Oh Jamie, don't touch that control! [JAMIE] I already have. What's the matter Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, which one was it? [JAMIE] Which one what? --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [DOCTOR] What exactly happened here, Jamie? Whatdid you do? What sequence did you use? [JAMIE] Sequence, how do you mean? Oh, you mean these! Oh, well, I justpressed that button and pulled this lever and then that lever there. [PARRY] Doctor, could you spare us a moment? I. Haydon! What's happened? [VINER] He's dead. Don't you see, he's dead? It's this damn building.It's alive. It's watching us! It'll get us all! We've got to leave! [PARRY] All right, Viner. This is terrible. How did it happen? [VINER] We've got to get out this building. It's deadly! They'll killall of us if we don't get back to rocket. [DOCTOR] They? [VINER] The Cybermen! Didn't you see it? [PARRY] Cybermen? A live Cyberman? My dear Viner, they've been dead forthe last five hundred years. [VINER] I tell you it was a Cyberman and it came out of there, thatscreen thing. [JAMIE] He's right. [VINER] Keep back! Keep back! You'll bring it out again. [DOCTOR] The question is, what killed him. [VINER] But you saw the Cyberman, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I saw something. [VINER] Well? [DOCTOR] Poor Haydon was looking at that screen, in the direction we allwere, right? [VINER] Of course. Must you state the obvious? [DOCTOR] It's not so obvious when you consider he was shot in the back. [JAMIE] In the back? [PARRY] Are you sure, Doctor? [DOCTOR] See for yourself. Now if the Cybermen didn't shoot him, whatdid? The answer, I think, lies over here. Jamie? [JAMIE] Yes, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Can you remember exactly what you did, what sequence you used? [JAMIE] Oh, I'm not sure, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You must try. I want to repeat it all when I give the word. [JAMIE] Very well, Doctor. [VINER] You're crazy, man. You'll bring that, that thing out again. [DOCTOR] Maybe. I don't know. Now, Jamie, when you're ready. [JAMIE] Anytime, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Now there is a distinct element of risk in what I'm asking youall to do, so if anyone wishes to leave they must do so at once. Notyou, Jamie. [VINER] Can't you stop this? He'll kill us all. [DOCTOR] Not if you go back against that wall, in that corner there.Now, please. Right, Jamie. [JAMIE] Careful, Doctor! [DOCTOR] It's all right. I think. I think it's all right now. Yes. Yousee, it's just a mock up, a model. No, don't touch that. That gun maybe wired up too. [PARRY] It's a trap. [DOCTOR] No I don't think so. I think it's a testing room for weapons.This is a purely robotic Cyberman. There's no human material in it atall. He's a target for weapons. [PARRY] Let's get back to the control room with this poor fellow. [VICTORIA] What's that? [JAMIE] Some wee creature I found on the floor there. [VICTORIA] It's a fossil. [DOCTOR] Victoria, be careful. Let me see that. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's certainly inactive, but it's not a fossil. Wait aminute. [DOCTOR] Yes, here we are. Yes, it's a Cybermat. [VICTORIA] What's a Cybermat? [DOCTOR] It's one of those. I'd leave it alone if I were you. Comealong. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [KAFTAN] Well? [TOBERMAN] It is done. [KAFTAN] Good. [KLIEG] I just don't understand this code. This sequence doesn't makecomplete sense. [KAFTAN] You, a logician, you can't understand it? [KLIEG] But in the time [KAFTAN] You must. [KLIEG] In the time we have. [KAFTAN] We have plenty of time. You will see. [PARRY] Lay him down there. [KAFTAN] What has happened to him? [VINER] There's been a terrible accident. He's been shot! [PARRY] Right, we're all here, it seems. Will you all sit down for amoment? [KAFTAN] Toberman? [TOBERMAN] Yes. [PARRY] Mister Klieg? [KLIEG] Leave me alone. Can't you see I'm working, or have you forgottenthe purpose of this expedition? [PARRY] This directly concerns my expedition. You will kindly take yourplace. Right, I'll come straight to the point. I have reluctantlydecided to abandon the expedition and return to Earth. [PARRY] I feel as strongly about it as you. This expedition has been mydream for many years. But there were those like Mister Viner who saidthat more preparation was needed, more men and equipment. I refused toheed their warnings and the result is that two men have died. I'msorry, but we must leave at the first available conjunction. We'll takeback all we can for further study, of course, but that is my decisionand that is what we must do. [KLIEG] I insist that [PARRY] My decision is final! We leave when the north hemisphere isproperly tangential, which will be at eighteen forty two. Ah, CaptainHopper. Just the man. Can you be ready to blast off at eighteen fortytwo? [HOPPER] No. [PARRY] I beg your pardon? Did I hear you right? You are paid to takeorders, Captain Hopper. [HOPPER] Not impossible ones, I'm not. It's the fuel pumps. Somecharacter has balled up the lot. [DOCTOR] Or something. [HOPPER] Well, whatever it is, it's practically wrecked our chances ofgetting off this crummy planet. [VINER] I don't care what any of you say. I utterly refuse. I will notspend the night on this planet. [DOCTOR] I don't think we've got much choice. [VINER] Well, at least we can get out of this sinister building. I'verecorded all the necessary details, I suggest we all go back to therocket. [HOPPER] You make a very bad suggestion, Viner, you know that? [VINER] I insist. [HOPPER] You do a lot of insisting. Well, I'm going to tell yousomething now. The first guy that set sets foot in my rocketship isgoing to stop the repair work just like that. [PARRY] How long will it take to get the rocket operational again? [HOPPER] Working non-stop without interruption, maybe seventy two hours. [PARRY] Seventy two hours! [VINER] But that's impossible! We'd all be out of our minds after threedays in this place. We must go back on board. [HOPPER] Now look, I can't afford to waste any more time with you guys,but I'll give it to you just once more, all right? Now you may not knowthis but we practically have to pull that ship apart to fix the damage.And there just isn't room for all of you on board. Especially with youinsisting all over the place. No room to work, got it? [PARRY] Yes, of course. I see now. [VINER] It's all right for you. Have you any idea what it's like in thisdeadly building? [HOPPER] Well it's not exactly peaches back on the ship. [DOCTOR] Captain, you do have another reason for not wanting them backon the ship, don't you? [HOPPER] Yeah. Until I find who broke into that rocket. [DOCTOR] Or what? [HOPPER] Who broke into the rocket. Until then I'm going to keep a roundthe clock guard on it. [DOCTOR] I see. [HOPPER] I'm going to get off this place with my skin still fittingtight all over, all right? [DOCTOR] All right. [HOPPER] Now, in case it gets cold at night, I've brought these anoraksand some food. I'll let you know when I'm ready to take off. [KLIEG] As we have to stay, we might as well finish our job and fullyexplore down there. That is, if the Professor has no objection. [PARRY] We have no alternative. it seems. [DOCTOR] Well, but can't we stay here? It seems a pleasant enough roomto me. [JAMIE] Hey, you speak for yourself. [KLIEG] Of course you can leave here anytime you please, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I was forgetting. I can, can't I. [VICTORIA] But you're not going to are you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. Not just yet awhile, no. But you and Jamie can go back tothe Tardis if you wish. [VICTORIA] I'll stay with you. [DOCTOR] Jamie? [JAMIE] Oh, I'll stay. [DOCTOR] Good. [DOCTOR] Now, I think it's about time we gave Mister Klieg some help. [KLIEG] Thank you, I think I can manage. [TOBERMAN] Stay! [JAMIE] Hey, let the Doctor past or I'll [JAMIE] Yes, well, let the Doctor past. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Jamie. Your colleague has very strong hands. [KAFTAN] Very strong. [DOCTOR] Enough to do a good deal of damage if let loose in the rightplace. [PARRY] There's no doubt about it, the major workings lie below. Thereare metal caverns down there, all interconnected. If only we can getdown into them. [KLIEG] That's it! I've got it! Finally, a Boolean function of symboliclogic. [DOCTOR] Logical, yes, but [KAFTAN] Everything yields to logic. Our basic assumption, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Really. [KLIEG] Six, cap, B four, if and only if, C is cap function of two A. [DOCTOR] I think perhaps your logic is wearing a little thin. [KLIEG] I must have made a mistake. I'll do it again more carefully.Six, cap, B four, if and only if, C is cap function of, ah, that's it,two F not two A. [VICTORIA] The hatch! [KLIEG] I've done it! I've done it! [DOCTOR] Congratulations. [JAMIE] Yeah, but Doctor, you [PARRY] Excellent! Now to work. It'll be extremely cold down there. Weshall all need to put on warm clothing. Mister Viner, will you seeabout the anoraks? [KLIEG] Just a moment. Are we all going down? [PARRY] There is safety in numbers. [KLIEG] The women as well? [PARRY] Oh, they of course will stay up here. In case of trouble,contact the rocket. [VICTORIA] I'm coming down with you. [PARRY] But my dear young lady [VICTORIA] You heard me, Professor. The [DOCTOR] Victoria, you would be much safer up here. [VICTORIA] But, Doctor, I [DOCTOR] And much more use to us. [VICTORIA] I don't see, [DOCTOR] Keep an eye on (points at Kaftan) things. Please? [VICTORIA] All right. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [PARRY] Well, if we're all ready, I shall lead the descent. Be ready togo back the instant I give the word. [KLIEG] You know what to do. [KAFTAN] The hatch? [DOCTOR] Mister Toberman? [KAFTAN] He stays with me. [DOCTOR] Then I stay here too. [KAFTAN] Of course, I am being selfish. His strength will be useful toyou down there. He must go down. Go down, Toberman. [DOCTOR] Remember what I said. Be very careful. [KAFTAN] It seems we are to be left alone to wait. Captain Hopperbrought some food from the rocket. You would like some? [VICTORIA] Oh, rather. I'm ravenous. [KAFTAN] Roast beef? Roast veal? Chicken? [VICTORIA] Oh, chicken, please [VICTORIA] What on Earth's this? [KAFTAN] What you have asked for. Chicken. [VICTORIA] Thank you, but I'm not very hungry now. --------------------------------------- (Bottom of the ladder) [PARRY] Hurry up, there. We've no time to linger.It's extremely cold down here even with these anoraks. [JAMIE] You obviously knew what to expect. [DOCTOR] Well, which way do we go? [KLIEG] I don't know. Let's try this way. [DOCTOR] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [JAMIE] Hey, what on Earth?! [PARRY] Behold, gentlemen. The tombs of the Cybermen! [JAMIE] Tombs? I don't see any tombs. [DOCTOR] In there, Jamie. Frozen forever. All their evil locked awaywith them. And so it must remain. [KLIEG] Like a gigantic honeycomb. Like bees waiting the signal to arisefrom their winter sleep. [DOCTOR] A signal that they're never going to get. [VINER] We'd better get busy. Everything must be recorded. It's too coldto remain for long. [KLIEG] Unless we find some way to warm things up. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [KAFTAN] You have hardly touched your coffee. Itmust be cold by now. You would like some more? [VICTORIA] No, thank you. I'm much warmer now. [KAFTAN] That's good. [VICTORIA] I feel so sleepy. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [VINER] What was that? [JAMIE] It sounded like the hatch! --------------------------------------- (Bottom of the ladder) [JAMIE] It's closed! [VINER] Oh, what's the use. We're trapped down here now. We'll neversurvive down in this cold. Better get back. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] Well? [VINER] It's closed. What have they done that for? What are they playingat up there? [DOCTOR] Perhaps it wasn't them. Where's Jamie? [VINER] He went up the ladder to try it. Professor. Professor, listen tome, for heaven's sake! The hatch is down again. We're trapped downhere. [PARRY] Trapped? But there are some of my party up there. Are you sure? [VINER] Of course I'm sure. You know how heavy that thing is. It's downnow. We must do something. I give us a couple of hours in here at themost. [DOCTOR] Mister Klieg doesn't seem to be very worried. [KLIEG] No, I'm not, Doctor. [JAMIE] It won't open and I can't make anybody hear. [VINER] There you are. [KLIEG] There is an easy way out of our situation. [VINER] You've found something? [KLIEG] Of course you're forgetting your logic. If it closes it can beopened, from here. [DOCTOR] Conveniently labelled in symbolic logic, I notice. [KLIEG] Right, are we ready? I shall now operate the sequence. [DOCTOR] If it is the opening device. [KLIEG] It's obviously an opening device of some kind, Doctor. [VINER] I don't know how you can be so blasted calm about it all! [JAMIE] I'll see if it works then. [JAMIE [OC]] Go ahead! [JAMIE [OC]] Nothing happening out here. [VINER] It doesn't work. --------------------------------------- (Bottom of the ladder) [PARRY] Water! [JAMIE] Aye, it's getting warmer. [VINER] The ice is melting. [JAMIE] Hey, look behind you! --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [VINER] Look! Look at the honeycomb! There'ssomething inside. [JAMIE] They're Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Jamie, come back. [PARRY] It is them. Gentlemen, they are perfect. This is unique inarchaeology. [VINER] No. No, they're moving. We must shut it down. [KLIEG] What are you doing? Keep away from that! [VINER] No! [KLIEG] Keep away. [DOCTOR] What do you think you're doing? [KLIEG] I shall not hesitate to kill. For the last time, I'm asking youto get away from those controls. [VINER] No! [PARRY] Viner! Viner, Viner. [PARRY] Viner, you've killed him! [JAMIE] He's mad! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [PARRY] Haydon dead, now Viner. What kind of a man are you?! [KLIEG] Back. Keep back! Let's see what happens. As the Professor says,this is a unique archaeological event. It would be such a pity to missit. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [VICTORIA] What's happened? [KAFTAN] What? [VICTORIA] The hatch is down. Are they back? [KAFTAN] They are still down there. [VICTORIA] Then why is the hatch down? They won't be able to get upagain. [KAFTAN] I shall open it when we are ready. [VICTORIA] When who's ready? You closed it? [KAFTAN] I did. [VICTORIA] Then you'd better open it again, hadn't you! [KAFTAN] No, it shall remain closed. [VICTORIA] The Doctor warned me about you. [KAFTAN] That was very clever of him. [VICTORIA] Out of my way! [KAFTAN] Why? [VICTORIA] I'm going to open the hatch. [KAFTAN] Stand back! That's better. Now, let's move away from thesecontrols. We shall be more comfortable over here, I think. [VICTORIA] But why? Why have you done it? You've trapped your friendsdown there as well as mine! [KAFTAN] I shall open it when Mister Klieg has completed our plans.Meanwhile, it is better that they remain undisturbed. If you touchthose controls I shall have to kill you. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [JAMIE] You know, Doctor, I have a feeling thatman's planned it all. He knew that that control wouldn't open thehatch. [DOCTOR] So did I, Jamie. [JAMIE] You knew, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I wanted to know what he was up to. [KLIEG] And now you know, Doctor. [PARRY] We know nothing. This is the action of a lunatic. [KLIEG] Lunatic? Not at all, Professor. A necessary detail, that's all. [PARRY] But why? [KLIEG] Logic, my dear Professor, logic and power. On Earth theBrotherhood of Logicians is the greatest man intelligence everassembled. But that's not enough by itself. We need power. Power to putour ability into action. The Cybermen have this power. I have come hereto find it and use it. [PARRY] So that was your motive in financing my expedition. [KLIEG] Precisely. Your complete lack of administration made it idealfor our purpose. [DOCTOR] You think the Cybermen will help you? [KLIEG] Of course. I shall be their resurrector. [PARRY] Look! --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [KAFTAN] Keep still. [VICTORIA] Behind you! That thing, it's come alive! [KAFTAN] You are so simple. You don't really expect to take me in with atrick like that? [VICTORIA] It's true. Look! [KAFTAN] Will nothing keep you still? [VICTORIA] Oh, will you please look! [KAFTAN] If I have any further trouble from you I will have to takedrastic steps. [VICTORIA] Why don't you believe me? [KAFTAN] We will not allow a little girl like you to interfere with ourplans. [VICTORIA] I don't know. [VICTORIA] Captain Hopper! --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] I think it's their leader, their Controller, Jamie. [KLIEG] I am Klieg. Eric Klieg. I have brought you back to life. We ofthe Logicians have planned this. You are alive because of us. Now youwill help us. We need your power. You need our mass intelligence. Areyou listening? Do you understand me? Now that I have released you [KLIEG] Aaah! Let me go! I set you free! It was our plan! [CONTROLLER] You belong to us. You shall be like us. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [PARRY] How did you know that we would come torelease you? You could have remained frozen forever. [CONTROLLER] The humanoid mind. You are inquisitive. [DOCTOR] Ah, I see, a trap. A very special sort of trap, too. [PARRY] What do you mean, special trap? [DOCTOR] Well, don't you see? They only wanted superior intellects.That's why they made the trap so complicated. [CONTROLLER] We knew that somebody like you would come to our planet oneday. [DOCTOR] Yes, and we've done exactly as you've calculated, haven't we? [CONTROLLER] Now you belong to us. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [VICTORIA] Now, quick. Find the opening device. I don't know which itis. [HOPPER] Now hold on. I'm not pulling any levers until I know what thisis all about. [CALLUM] I don't reckon we should have left the rocket, Captain. I can'tsee much wrong here. [VICTORIA] Not much wrong? Are you blind, the pair of you? What aboutthis then? [CALLUM] I can't see any change, Vic. [VICTORIA] That's just it. They're down there now. [CALLUM] Then why close the hatch on them? [CALLUM] It doesn't make sense, Vic. [VICTORIA] I didn't. And please stop calling me Vic. She closed thehatch. [CALLUM] Oh, did she now? [VICTORIA] Now look, are you going to help me or not? They're probablyfreezing to death down there. If you're not going to help me, I'm goingto pull every one of those levers on that board and see what happens. [HOPPER] Ah now, I wouldn't do that, Vic. Come on, Jim. I think we'dbetter do as she says. [CALLUM] Yeah. [HOPPER] Okay, now. Were you here when they opened it all up? [VICTORIA] Yes. [HOPPER] Well, come on. You must have some idea. [VICTORIA] I don't know. I wasn't looking. Oh, I think it's one of thoselevers down there. [CALLUM] She thinks! --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [JAMIE] Can we not make a run for it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] No, no. We wouldn't even reach the ladder. It's too risky. [PARRY] What can we do? [DOCTOR] We'll play for time. Wait our chance. Leave it to me. Excuseme. May I ask a question? Why did you submit yourself to freezing? Youdon't have to answer that if you don't want to. [CONTROLLER] To survive. Our history computer has full details of you. [DOCTOR] Oh? How? [CONTROLLER] We know of your intelligence. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you very much. Ah, yes. The lunar surface. [CONTROLLER] Our machinery had stopped and our supply of replacementsbeen depleted. [DOCTOR] So that's why you attacked the Moonbase. [CONTROLLER] You had destroyed our first planet and we were becomingextinct. [JAMIE] What difference does capturing us make? You'll still becomeextinct. [CONTROLLER] We will survive. We will survive. Now you will help us. [PARRY] What makes you think we're going to help you? That murdererdoesn't speak for us. [CONTROLLER] You will become the first of a new race of Cybermen. Youwill return to the Earth and control it. [PARRY] Never! Never! [CONTROLLER] Everything we decide is carried out. There are no mistakes. [JAMIE] A new race of Cybermen? But we're humans. We're not like you. [CONTROLLER] You will be. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no. Keep away! Keep away! Keep away from me! [DOCTOR] If only you'd let go I'd stand still. [TOBERMAN] Please, please, please let me go! Please, let me go! [DOCTOR] If you would let go of me, I can stand still! You're breakingmy arm! [CONTROLLER] To struggle is futile. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [HOPPER] You sure that's the one? [CALLUM] Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's the only one it could be. Yeah. It leadsup to that one there. Yeah. [VICTORIA] Please hurry, Captain Hopper! [HOPPER] Keep back, will you? Leave this to me. Jim, stand by the powercut off. [CALLUM] Power, yeah, yeah. [HOPPER] Stand back, will you, just in case we got the wrong one. [KAFTAN] Don't move! Raise your hands! [HOPPER] Now look here, lady. [KAFTAN] I shall kill you. [HOPPER] Well, your own men are down there, remember? What are you doingthis for? [KAFTAN] Move away from that control board. Over here. I shall open thehatch when Klieg gives the signal. [HOPPER] Well why close it in the first place? [KAFTAN] Klieg must remain undisturbed. Your friends will not escapefrom there, and you will not interfere. [HOPPER] Watch her, Jim. If she moves, blast her. [CALLUM] Right. [HOPPER] Ah, you scream real good, Vic! Thanks a lot. [VICTORIA] Please, the hatch! [HOPPER] Okay, we'll take a risk. Stand by. [VICTORIA] It's very quiet down there. [HOPPER] Yeah, too quiet. [VICTORIA] Something must have happened. [HOPPER] How long they been down there? [VICTORIA] Oh, about an hour. [HOPPER] That's too long. I'm going down. Hey, Jim, what are those bombsloaded with? [CALLUM] Smoke. [HOPPER] Great. Give us a couple, will you? [CALLUM] Yeah, sure. [HOPPER] Come on, come on. [CALLUM] Yeah, yeah, yeah. [HOPPER] Okay, here we go. [VICTORIA] I'm coming too. [HOPPER] Later, maybe. Not this trip. [VICTORIA] Who'd be a woman. [HOPPER] How would you know, honey? You'd better stay up here. We don'tknow what's going on down there. [VICTORIA] Is he always like that? [CALLUM] Most of the time, Vic, yeah. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CONTROLLER] We have decided how you will be used. [KLIEG] Yes? [CONTROLLER] You are a logician. Our race is also logical. You will bethe leader of the new race. [KLIEG] You will listen to my proposals then? [CONTROLLER] Yes, we will listen, but first you will be altered. [KLIEG] Altered? [CONTROLLER] You have fear. We will eliminate fear from your brain. Yes.You will be the first. [CYBERMAN] And you will be the next. [PARRY] I? No, no! [CYBERMAN] You will be like us. [CONTROLLER] To die is unnecessary. You will be frozen and placed in ourtombs until we are ready to use you. Your lives will be suspended.Prepare the tombs. [PARRY] They really mean it. They're going to freeze us. [JAMIE] Not me. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie. They're coming back. [HOPPER] Come on, you guys, run for it! --------------------------------------- (Outside the cavern) [DOCTOR] Is he all right? [JAMIE] Aye, I think so. Which way is it? I can't remember. [DOCTOR] That way. [JAMIE] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] No, I'm not sure, but try it. I'll be with you in a minute. [JAMIE] All right. [DOCTOR] Captain, we've got to stop them. [HOPPER] Block off this tunnel perhaps? [DOCTOR] No, we can't do that. The hatch. We must get there first. Comeon. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CONTROLLER] This humanoid is powerful. We will use him. Prepare him. --------------------------------------- (Bottom of the ladder) [HOPPER] Hurry up, can't you? For Pete's sake, get a move on. [JAMIE] I am. I can't breathe. Victoria! [HOPPER] Come on, come on get up! --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [VICTORIA] Jamie! Look at that smoke. [JAMIE [OC]] Victoria! [JAMIE] Come on, Mister Parry. Come on, quick! Stand back. [HOPPER] The Cybermen, they're right behind us. [HOPPER] As soon as the Doctor's up, slam down the hatch! [CALLUM] Okay. Stand by! [DOCTOR] Oh! Ah! He's got my leg! [JAMIE] Doctor, come on! Come on! [DOCTOR] It's no use! [HOPPER] Jim, close the hatch! [JAMIE] Victoria! [CALLUM] Got him! [VICTORIA] It was horrible. It was so strong! [JAMIE] It's all right, Victoria. You're all right now. [PARRY] That was a near thing. Is anyone missing? [HOPPER] Yes. Klieg and Toberman, they're still down there. --------------------------------------- (Bottom of the ladder) [CONTROLLER] The humanoid has escaped? [CYBERMAN] Yes. [CONTROLLER] Guard the passageway. [CYBERMAN] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [PARRY] Don't open it. It may be the Cybermen. [DOCTOR] No. No, it's too soft. It must be Toberman and Klieg. [HOPPER] Ah, you're crazy. [PARRY] You're right. We can't leave them down there, even if they arekillers. [JAMIE] Oh, they're probably both frozen solid by now. [KAFTAN] You must let them up. They must be saved. [DOCTOR] Yes, they're more dangerous down there than they are up here. [HOPPER] What? Well, okay. Jim. [CALLUM] All right. [HOPPER] Okay, let her go. [DOCTOR] Excuse me, please. [KLIEG] Close it! Close it, quick! [KAFTAN] Eric, where's Toberman? [KLIEG] They've got him. [DOCTOR] Do you still think you can form an alliance with the Cybermen,Mister Klieg? [KLIEG] If I'd only been in a stronger position to bargain with them. [PARRY] You must be out of your mind, Klieg. [HOPPER] You're not in any position to bargain with anybody right now.Well, what are we going to do with him? [PARRY] I'd feel much happier if they weren't left in here. [DOCTOR] Well, what about the testing room? There's only one door. Theycan't get out. [PARRY] That's a good idea. They'll be quite safe in there. [HOPPER] Callum. [CALLUM] Right. Mister Klieg? Miss Kaftan? [HOPPER] Now, if I don't get back to the rocket, we're not going to takeoff inside a week. [PARRY] We'll come with you. [HOPPER] I told you before, not till I'm operational again. I'll let youknow when that is. [HOPPER] I don't think you'll have any more trouble with your friendsdown there. [DOCTOR] We shall see. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CONTROLLER] Release the cyber mats. We will use the power ofcybernetics. [CONTROLLER] Activate them. The brain of this humanoid will be theirtarget. Now. [CONTROLLER] These Cybermats are dormant through lack of use. Inspectthem. --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [KLIEG] What's that? [KAFTAN] Just me. [KLIEG] Oh, be quiet. [KAFTAN] Sleep later. Look at this. [KLIEG] What is it? [KAFTAN] One of the weapons they were testing. Look, here's theconnection. [KLIEG] Let me see. Oh yes, you're right. It's a Cybergun. Take a lookat that control. See that everything is switched off. [KAFTAN] Right. All the sequences show negative. [KLIEG] Good. Now they will have to listen. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CYBERMAN] The Cybermats are ready. [CONTROLLER] Stand clear. Now. --------------------------------------- (Testing room) [KLIEG] Excellent. A small X-Ray laser. [KAFTAN] What are you going to do now? [KLIEG] Take command, of course. What do you think? With this I shall beable to deal with those people in there. [KAFTAN] Never mind about them. The important thing for us is to controlthe Cybermen. [KLIEG] Yes, I know but [KAFTAN] Isn't it, Eric? [KLIEG] You haven't been down there. You haven't seen those vile things. [KAFTAN] You're not scared, are you? [KLIEG] I have completely underestimated their power. [KAFTAN] But this time we have the power, at least you do. The gun,Eric, the gun. You have the Cybermen's own weapon, this laser to turnagainst them. Now they will have to obey. If they refuse, we shalldestroy the opening device and seal them up in their tomb forever. Nowdo you understand? [KLIEG] Yes. Yes, you're right. I am invulnerable with this. I shall bemaster. [KAFTAN] Come, let us deal with these people first. Eric? [KLIEG] Master. The supreme moment in my life. It was logical. [KAFTAN] Eric, we have work to do. [KLIEG] Yes, yes, of course. But hardly work, more a pleasure. [KAFTAN] What? [KLIEG] The pleasure to test this on that Doctor and his companions. Theothers are of no consequence, but he will make a most precise target. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [CONTROLLER] Enough. These humanoids are not likeus. They still have fear. Place the Cybermats on the runway. [CONTROLLER] Cybermats will attack. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [DOCTOR] I'm on your side, remember? Hey, why didn't you wake me? Ishould have been on watch half an hour ago. [VICTORIA] I thought you should rest. [DOCTOR] Why me? [VICTORIA] No reason really. [DOCTOR] Oh, I think I know. Is it because I'm [VICTORIA] Well, if you are 450 years old, you need a great deal ofsleep. [DOCTOR] Well that's very considerate of you, Victoria, but between youand me, I'm really quite lively actually, all things being considered. [DOCTOR] Are you happy with us, Victoria? [VICTORIA] Yes, I am. At least, I would be if my father were here. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, I know. [VICTORIA] I wonder what he would have thought if he could see me now. [DOCTOR] You miss him very much, don't you? [VICTORIA] It's only when I close my eyes. I can still see him standingthere, before those horrible Dalek creatures came to the house. He wasa very kind man, I shall never forget him. Never. [DOCTOR] No, of course you won't. But, you know, the memory of him won'talways be a sad one. [VICTORIA] I think it will. You can't understand, being so ancient. [DOCTOR] Eh? [VICTORIA] I mean old. [DOCTOR] Oh. [VICTORIA] You probably can't remember your family. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I can when I want to. And that's the point, really. Ihave to really want to, to bring them back in front of my eyes. Therest of the time they sleep in my mind, and I forget. And so will you.Oh yes, you will. You'll find there's so much else to think about. Soremember, our lives are different to anybody else's. That's theexciting thing. There's nobody in the universe can do what we're doing.You must get some sleep and let this poor old man stay awake. [DOCTOR] Jamie, Victoria, Callum, wake up. Wake up! [JAMIE] What? [VICTORIA] What is it? [DOCTOR] Callum. Callum! [VICTORIA] It's one of those terrible things again. [DOCTOR] Don't move, Callum. Don't move. [DOCTOR] Now get back to the controls, all of you. Steady, don't makeany sudden movements. Parry, Parry. Wake up, Parry. Wake up. Wake up.Don't panic. Come back with us. Steady. Now we'll all go in the otherroom and lock them out. [CALLUM] Let's get out of here. The main doors. No, look. [VICTORIA] Oh Doctor, we're trapped. [DOCTOR] Back against the controls, everybody. [DOCTOR] Here. Five me a hand, quick. [PARRY] What? [DOCTOR] Lay this down on the ground. Come on! [JAMIE] They'll go over it, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Come on! [CALLUM] Let's blast the filthy things! [DOCTOR] You're wasting your time. There are too many of them. Now, dowhat I say. Come back! [DOCTOR] There you are, you see. [PARRY] What are those creatures? [DOCTOR] Well, they're a form of metallic life. They home on humanbrainwaves and attack. [VICTORIA] Are they safe now? [DOCTOR] Yes, quite safe now. The power cable generated an electricalfield and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say thatthey've had a complete metal breakdown. [DOCTOR] I'm so sorry, Jamie. [VICTORIA] What about Klieg and Kaftan? They've probably attacked themas well. [PARRY] The testing room. [DOCTOR] Come on. Now mind your feet. [KLIEG] Most ingenious, Doctor. Now, let's see what you can do againstthis. [CALLUM] Watch out, Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [KLIEG] Keep back! Your gun. [PARRY] You've killed him, you murderer. [KLIEG] No, he is fortunate, I spared him. [JAMIE] You mean you missed him. [KLIEG] Silence. I could have destroyed him if I wanted to. Shall I killthem now? [KAFTAN] No, no, that will not be necessary. I'm sure the Cybermen willhave a good use for them. You will make excellent experimentalspecimens. [VICTORIA] Oh, let me help him, please. [KLIEG] No tricks. [DOCTOR] You still think you can bargain with the Cybermen? [KLIEG] Certainly. And this time on our terms. [KLIEG] I wish to speak to the Controller. I wish to speak to theController! --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [KLIEG [OC]] I wish to speak to the Controller! [CONTROLLER] The humanoids must first be destroyed. You will re-entercells to conserve energy. [CYBERMAN] He is now prepared. [CONTROLLER] Release him. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [KLIEG] They're coming. And now, gentlemen, youwill see how I shall use the power of the Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Use maybe, but you'll never control the Cybermen. [KAFTAN] Eric, behind you! [KLIEG] Stop. You know what this can do to you. [KLIEG] That's better. Now you are under my control. We know you must berevitalised or you will perish. If you agree to my terms, I shall letyou survive. [CONTROLLER] I will listen. [KAFTAN] Make them release Toberman. [JAMIE] If you think they'll listen to you, you're even dafter than Ithought. [KLIEG] Silence. Sit down. First, you release our man. [KAFTAN] Toberman, it is good that you are back. Watch them. [JAMIE] Doctor, he seems er [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, yes. [KLIEG] Stay where you are! Now, do you agree to accept our plan? [DOCTOR] Plan? [KLIEG] The conquest of the Earth. [PARRY] What? You must be out of your mind. [KLIEG] Silence! Your answer? [CONTROLLER] We accept. We will give you some of our power devices. [KLIEG] Good. I knew an understanding could be reached. I shall let yoube revitalised. To survive, it must be now. Come forward. Slowly. [KAFTAN] Eric, be careful. [KLIEG] Leave this to me. [PARRY] You're absolutely crazy to trust them! [KLIEG] Do you think so? Then perhaps you and your colleagues had betterjoin him. Go on, go on! [KLIEG] The girl stays with us! [DOCTOR] No! [KLIEG] Any trouble, she is our hostage. [KLIEG] Close the hatch. [KAFTAN] Go on, close it. --------------------------------------- (Projector room) [JAMIE] He's too weak to get in. [DOCTOR] Quiet, Jamie. [DOCTOR] You seem to be in trouble. [CONTROLLER] The energy levels are low. We will survive. You will helpus. You will help us. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, certainly. Jamie, Professor. [JAMIE] You don't mean to say you're actually going to help them? [PARRY] Surely not? You can't support these creatures. [DOCTOR] I think it best. Come on. Come along. [DOCTOR] That's it. Up and in. [CONTROLLER] (winding down) Do you understand the machine? [DOCTOR] Yes. One moment. [JAMIE] Have you taken leave of your senses? Now let's go and helpVictoria. [DOCTOR] In a moment, Jamie. Now, are you ready? [CONTROLLER] We will survive. We will sur [DOCTOR] Now then, where would you rather have him, in or out of there? [JAMIE] Oh, I see what you mean. [DOCTOR] Only we must make sure that he stays in there. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [VICTORIA] Do you really believe you can bargain with those terribleCybermen? [KAFTAN] That is our concern, not yours. [VICTORIA] I'm talking to him, not you. [KLIEG] They will have to agree to our plan. [VICTORIA] What about the other weapon? [KLIEG] What other weapon? [VICTORIA] Well, I saw another one like that in that room over there. [KLIEG] Is that true? [KAFTAN] I don't know. We'd better make sure. [KLIEG] No, wait. That means that any one of them in there could [KAFTAN] Yes, you're right, Eric. [KLIEG] Better wait here. If the Cyberman is aroused, we shall be readyfor him. Now stay well clear. Take no chances. --------------------------------------- (Projector room) [PARRY] Keep back, it's smoking. [JAMIE] I told you we shouldn't have touched it. [PARRY] Yes, turn it off. It's out of control. [PARRY] It's taken over. [DOCTOR] I think not. I think there must be some sort of internal timingmechanism. Jamie, I hope you made those ropes secure. [JAMIE] Oh, the King of the beasties himself couldnae get out of thatone. [DOCTOR] Good! [DOCTOR] Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots sometime. [CONTROLLER] You will remain still. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [KLIEG] Stay here and watch that door. At least nowwe will have some warning. [CALLUM] What do you two hope to gain from all this? [KLIEG] That does not concern you. [KAFTAN] Oh, they might as well know, Eric. We are going to build abetter world. [CALLUM] Better? Well, who for? [KLIEG] I told you to watch that door. [KAFTAN] Toberman! [JAMIE] Victoria! [VICTORIA] What's going on? [CONTROLLER] You have done well. [KAFTAN] Toberman! [CONTROLLER] Silence. He is now under our control. Open the tombs. [KAFTAN] No. You have broken your promise. [CONTROLLER] Cybermen do not promise. Such ideas have no value. Open. [KAFTAN] No. [CONTROLLER] That gun will not harm me. [DOCTOR] Look what they've done. You're not like them. You're a man likeus. You must help us! He has killed Kaftan! You must help us. [CONTROLLER] You will report to the surface. [DOCTOR] Jamie, the hatch! [DOCTOR] The gun, Jamie! [JAMIE] There's another one, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Are there any more? [JAMIE] No, it's gone quiet. I'll close the hatch. [DOCTOR] No, wait a minute. I'd better go down there. [VICTORIA] Oh, no, no, not again. [DOCTOR] It's the only way to make sure. [JAMIE] Then I'll go with you. [DOCTOR] No, wait. You stay and look after Victoria. I'll take somebodyelse. [DOCTOR] Toberman, you see what these creatures have done to you?They've tried to make you like them. Do you understand? They've triedto make you their slave. They just want to use you. They are evil.Think of Kaftan. [TOBERMAN] Evil! [DOCTOR] They must be destroyed, do you see? Evil must be destroyed,Now, come! [TOBERMAN] Destroy! [DOCTOR] Come! Come on! Come on! [PARRY] Good luck. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [JAMIE] Doctor, the gun. [DOCTOR] I shan't need that. [JAMIE] He should have taken it. [VICTORIA] Oh, poor Mister Callum. How are you feeling? [CALLUM] I can't move my arm. I can't move it. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [DOCTOR] Move quietly. They're all dormant, see. [TOBERMAN] Evil! [DOCTOR] No! Quietly. They're only asleep. They're not frozen yet. Now,you watch them. I have things to do. Now, let me see. [DOCTOR] Yes. [KLIEG] The cryostat! You're freezing them! [DOCTOR] Klieg! [DOCTOR] No! No! You'll wake them up! [KLIEG] That is exactly my intention. You still don't understand, doyou? Their Controller is dead. Now I shall control them. They'll dowhat I say. You see, Doctor, yours is the privilege to witness for thefirst time the union between mass power and my absolute intelligence.Who's that? Come out. Come out or I shall kill this man. [KLIEG] It's you. Over to that wall, all of you. All of you! Now. [DOCTOR] Yes, as you say, such a combination between intelligence andpower would make you formidable indeed. Why you'd be commander of theuniverse with your brilliance! It makes the imagination reel with thepossibilities! [KLIEG] Why, Doctor, if I had only known you shared my imagination, youmight even have worked for me. [DOCTOR] Perhaps it's not too late? [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, don't you see? [DOCTOR] Don't you see what this is going to all mean to all the peoplewho come to serve Klieg the All Powerful? Why, no country, no personwould dare to have a single thought that was not your own. Eric Klieg'sown conception of the, of the way of life! [KLIEG] Brilliant! Yes, yes, you're right. Master of the world. [DOCTOR] Well now I know you're mad. I just wanted to make sure. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [HOPPER] Well, the fuel system's okay. We can blastoff any time. [PARRY] All right. [HOPPER] Hey, what gives? Well, where is everybody? [PARRY] Down there. And so are Klieg and the Cybermen. [HOPPER] Well, I hope they know what they're doing. I've been down thereonce and I don't reckon to go again. [VICTORIA] That's all right, Captain. It's comforting to know that wehave your superior strength to call on, should we need it. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [KLIEG] And so you have forfeited your right tosurvival. I shall make an example of you to all who question myintelligence, and the supreme power of the Cybermen. [DOCTOR] You know, I've heard all this before somewhere. [JAMIE] You know your trouble? You talk too much. [KLIEG] Oh, you're stupid. You still think that your puny minds cansurvive against us? You're decadent, weak. Do you know that? Weak! [DOCTOR] All right. Go ahead, kill us. [KLIEG] No, I have a better idea. Much better idea. I shall leave you tothe Cybermen. I'm sure they'll have some use for you. Or parts of you. [DOCTOR] Quick Jamie. These two levers together. [JAMIE] I can't shift this one. [DOCTOR] What? You've got to trip that first. [DOCTOR] Last time they were frozen for five centuries. This time itmust be forever. --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Here we are, Victoria, safe and sound. Close the hatch. [DOCTOR] There we are. Now then. Now, the best thing about a machinethat makes sense, you can very easily make it turn out nonsense. [DOCTOR] There we are. Now I think you'd better all go outside. [PARRY] Why, what are you going to do, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I'm going to re-electrify the main doors. [PARRY] Yes? [DOCTOR] Only this time I'm going to include the hatch and the controlpanel. [PARRY] Yes. [DOCTOR] Anyone touching any of them will get a considerable shock. Infact, a fatal one. [PARRY] I see. [DOCTOR] Now, everyone outside. And please take him with you, I shall beglad to see him outside. [VICTORIA] Jamie? [JAMIE] No, I'll stay with the Doctor. [VICTORIA] Oh, all right. [DOCTOR] There we are. That's done. Now, we just have to close the maindoors and the circuit is complete. [JAMIE] Oh, thank goodness for that. [JAMIE] Doctor. Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie, you go that way, I'll go this way. That way will give usmore of a chance. When I say run, run. [DOCTOR] Run! --------------------------------------- (Tomb entrance) [DOCTOR] Quickly. Wait! Stop! [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] We'll get a shock. We must find something to insulate. I know,that shoring timber over there! Hurry up! Hurry up, he's coming! [JAMIE] Okay, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Quickly! We must keep him inside or else all our work'll bewasted. [JAMIE] I can't hold mine. Come on! [DOCTOR] You must do! [JAMIE] Toberman! [CONTROLLER] We must survive. We must survive. [TOBERMAN] You are evil! [DOCTOR] Toberman, come away! [JAMIE] Careful, you'll get killed, man! --------------------------------------- (Central chamber) [TOBERMAN] They shall never pass Toberman. The dooris closed. --------------------------------------- (Tomb entrance) [PARRY] How terrible. Another life gone. [HOPPER] Come on, Professor. Blast off in nine minutes. Well, anybodycoming along for the ride? [VICTORIA] We have our own flying machine. [HOPPER] Flying machine? [VICTORIA] At least it works. [HOPPER] Oh, let's go. [PARRY] Right. Well, goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. [PARRY] I'm sorry it had to end [DOCTOR] I know. I know. Goodbye. [JAMIE] Now, that really is the end of the Cybermen, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. On the other hand, I never like to makepredictions. Come along.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Tomb of the Cybermen"}
Doctor Who (30 Sep, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Abominable Snowmen (Mountainside) [TRAVERS] John? [TRAVERS] John, where are you? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] I don't believe it. Marvellous. After all this time. [JAMIE] Oh, what's so marvellous about that? [DOCTOR] Well, don't you see, Jamie? It's the Himalayas. And I dobelieve we're in exactly the right.Now, wait a minute. [JAMIE] The Hima - what? [DOCTOR] Shush. Shush. [VICTORIA] The Himalayas, Jamie. They're mountains. [JAMIE] Aye, I can see that. Hey, is it the Earth, Doctor? I don't fancyanother tangle down the Cybermen's tomb. [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie, shush. Yes, of course it's the Earth. Yes, yes, Ithink I'm right. Yes. [JAMIE] Where are these mountains? [VICTORIA] Don't you know where the Himalayas are? They're in India.Well, at least I think so. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's it! I knew it, I knew it. It's incredible. Right.Oh no. No, not India. This is Tibet. That's where we are, Tibet. Now,there's no time to be lost. Come along, Jamie, we must find the ghanta. [JAMIE] The what? [DOCTOR] The ghanta, the ghanta. I put it here somewhere. Come along,Jamie, help me. [JAMIE] Hey, what am I supposed to be looking for? [DOCTOR] I told you it's. Good Lord, I haven't seen that for years. [JAMIE] Oh, that's the ghanta then? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. It's a. Well, whatever it is, it's nice to seeit again. [VICTORIA] Oh. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Come along, Victoria. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, would you look at these? You never told me you hadthese. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie. [JAMIE] Hey. Oh, I could fix those easily. [DOCTOR] Yes, I was afraid of that. [VICTORIA] Jamie, you're getting as bad as the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Come along, help me find the ghanta. [VICTORIA] It would help us considerably if we knew what we were lookingfor. [DOCTOR] Ghanta! [VICTORIA] But what is it? [DOCTOR] Oh, what is it? You don't know? Oh, it's a bell. [VICTORIA] Oh, it's a bell, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh, a bell. Oh, well now we know what we're looking for. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's a Tibetan bell, actually. A holy relic. This one isquite small. It has a dragon on it. As a matter of fact, it has ratheran interesting history. It was. Oh. Ah ha, yes, I'll have that. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's just the thing for this climate. Now, you might aswell find yourselves something while you're about it. How do I look? [VICTORIA] Doctor, you look beautiful. [DOCTOR] Yes, I thought I might. I think I'll go and have a scoutaround. Now, you two find the bell. It's very important. [VICTORIA] Oh, but why do you want it? [DOCTOR] Because down there it's going to guarantee us the welcome of alifetime. [VICTORIA] Down there? [JAMIE] Oh, don't ask me. When you've been with the Doctor as long as Ihave, you begin to realise you don't know what he's talking about. We'dbetter find this bell of his. [VICTORIA] Oh, wait a minute, Jamie. [JAMIE] Hey, come and give us a hand. [VICTORIA] I want to see where the Doctor's gone. Now if I turn this tothe left it should. Ah ha that's it. [JAMIE] Hey, now would you look at this. Oh, that's marvellous. What.Hey, what's that? [VICTORIA] Where? [JAMIE] A great sort of hairy beastie. Turn the thing back. [VICTORIA] Oh. [JAMIE] No, to the right. [VICTORIA] I am. [JAMIE] Downwards. That's it, there. [JAMIE] Oh no, my mistake. The great hairy beastie, it's the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [DOCTOR] Yes. Ah, yes. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [VICTORIA] A monastery. [JAMIE] Aye, that'll be where he's gone. [VICTORIA] I wonder why he wouldn't take us? [JAMIE] You can never tell with the Doctor. Hey, just thought. Do theylet lasses into monasteries? [VICTORIA] I don't know. Oh, don't say that. [JAMIE] Oh, never mind. I suppose he'll manage somehow. [VICTORIA] Hey, shall we open it? [JAMIE] I don't think so. The Doctor might not like it. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) (Tardis) [VICTORIA] Apart from climbing boots, I really thinkyou ought to wear something warm. [JAMIE] I tell you, I'm a Highlander. The cold doesn't affect me. [VICTORIA] There's a great deal of difference between the Highlands andthe Himalayas, Jamie. [JAMIE] Aye, they're bigger. [VICTORIA] Oh, there you are, Doctor. I found this bell thing you werelooking for. [DOCTOR] Oh, splendid, splendid. [VICTORIA] Is the monastery far? Can we come too? [DOCTOR] Yes. No. One thing at a time, Victoria. We must find thisghanta. [VICTORIA] Oh, here. [DOCTOR] Hmm? Ah. Hmm. [VICTORIA] Is this where we're going, Detsen? [DOCTOR] Detsen, yes, that's the name of the monastery, but I'm afraidyou're not going. Well, not yet a while anyway. [VICTORIA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, I think it'd be better if I went alone. [JAMIE] You've seen something haven't you? Would it not be better I wentwith you? [VICTORIA] Is there something dangerous then, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, good heavens, no. No, there's nothing for you to worryabout. Now, you stay here with Jamie, inside, and I'll be as quick as Ican. [VICTORIA] Oh, er, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh. I nearly forgot it. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) (Tardis) [VICTORIA] Oh, I'm getting bored. Let's go outside. [JAMIE] No, I don't think we should. [VICTORIA] All right, I'll go by myself. [JAMIE] Oh no, you won't. You won't leave me here by myself. [VICTORIA] Oh come on. We needn't be long. [JAMIE] Aye, well, just a quick look then. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [DOCTOR] Anybody here? [JAMIE] What can you see? [VICTORIA] Come on, it's a marvellous view. [JAMIE] Aye, so it is. Now, come away back. [VICTORIA] Why? [JAMIE] Because the Doctor said that, Well if you must know, I am cold. [VICTORIA] Didn't I tell you? Now why don't you go and get that coat? [JAMIE] Because I'm not leaving you out here on your own, and that'sfinal. [VICTORIA] Jamie, look. [JAMIE] What is it? [VICTORIA] Footprints. Look at the size of them. Something's beenwalking round the Tardis. What could it be, Jamie, a bear? [JAMIE] Whatever it is, it's pretty big. We'd better get inside. [VICTORIA] I'd like to find out what it is first. Wouldn't you? [JAMIE] Look, we must be careful. This could be dangerous. Wait while Iget that sword. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [DOCTOR] Hello there? --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [DOCTOR] Hello? Where is everybody? [DOCTOR] Oh, there you are. I thought, I thought for one moment. [KHRISONG] (warrior leader) What do you want here? [DOCTOR] I've come to [TRAVERS] Look! He's got my rucksack. [DOCTOR] Oh, that. Oh. [TRAVERS] You murderous devil. [KHRISONG] Who is this man? [TRAVERS] I don't know, but this is mine all right. [THOMNI] (young monk) But you said it was [KHRISONG] Be silent. You said it was a beast that attacked you. [TRAVERS] Yes, but it was dark, remember. All I could see was a vagueshape, but I felt its hair. Well it's quite obvious now it's this coathe's wearing. [KHRISONG] Why did you attack this man? [DOCTOR] Me? I haven't attacked anyone. I found the haversack on themountain. [TRAVERS] He's lying. [DOCTOR] I also found a dead man. [TRAVERS] Yes, and you killed him. [KHRISONG] Enough. Seize him. [DOCTOR] But you can't possibly [KHRISONG] Silence. This man accuses you of one crime, but there havebeen many others. If you are responsible, be sure you will be punished.Take him away. [DOCTOR] But this is ridiculous. Why don't you listen to me? Where areyou taking me? [TRAVERS] Watch him carefully, Khrisong. He's dangerous. [KHRISONG] This is possible. [THOMNI] We do not know he is the attacker. [TRAVERS] Of course he is. I've just said he's so. [THOMNI] Why then did he come here? [KHRISONG] That also we shall discover. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [DOCTOR] The welcome of a life time? --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [VICTORIA] Jamie, look. [JAMIE] Aye, that'll be where the beastie lives, right enough. And it'sas far as we're going. [VICTORIA] Oh, we can't turn back now. [JAMIE] We can and we will. It could be dangerous. [VICTORIA] How do you know? It may be quite harmless. [JAMIE] With feet that size? [VICTORIA] Well just a quick look inside. [JAMIE] Look, if that animal is dangerous we could be walking into atrap. [VICTORIA] Oh, but Jamie. [JAMIE] No, we're going back. I mean it. [VICTORIA] Jamie. Look. [JAMIE] Hey. Wait a minute. [VICTORIA] Well, what is it? [JAMIE] Look there, just inside the cave. [VICTORIA] Where? I can't see anything. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [JAMIE] It looks like a beam of wood. [VICTORIA] Oh it can't be. [JAMIE] It might not be an animal's den after all. I'm going to take acloser look. [VICTORIA] Oh but Jamie. [JAMIE] Look, a wild animal's one thing. I'm not afraid of a man. Thisis a man's work all right. [VICTORIA] Oh let's go back, Jamie. Jamie. Jamie! [JAMIE] Hey, come and a look at this. [VICTORIA] Jamie, listen. There's something coming. [JAMIE] Get back. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [TRAVERS] It's a hundred foot drop outside that window. There's no wayout, you know. [DOCTOR] I didn't think there would be. [TRAVERS] How did you track me down? [DOCTOR] Track you down? I don't even know who you are. [TRAVERS] Don't play the innocent with me. It won't work. If it wasn'tfor my expedition you wouldn't be here. You're one of those wretchednewspaper men. [DOCTOR] Paper men? I wish I know what you are talking about? [TRAVERS] Oh, yes. You laughed at me in the press didn't you. Travers,the mad anthropologist. After that, even my own Society wouldn'tfinance me. But I know they're here. Twenty years I've been searching. [DOCTOR] Twenty years. [TRAVERS] I've staked my reputation and every penny I own on thisexpedition. Now, when I'm close to finding them, you want to steal myglory just for the sake of a cheap headline. [DOCTOR] Finding them? Finding what? [TRAVERS] Don't pretend. They're here, somewhere on these mountains. [DOCTOR] What are?. [TRAVERS] You know. The Yeti. The Abominable Snowmen. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [JAMIE] Oh, it's not use, I can't shift it. Perhaps there's another wayout of here. I'm going to see what's down there. [VICTORIA] Oh, no, don't. There may be more of them. [JAMIE] Aye, there might. That's why I want you to stay here. [VICTORIA] Oh no. [JAMIE] Look, you're safe enough for the moment. If you need me justyell your head off. [VICTORIA] Don't worry, I will! --------------------------------------- (Cell) [DOCTOR] But it could have been the Yeti thatattacked you. [TRAVERS] Rubbish. The Yeti are timid creatures. They're shy. [DOCTOR] But [TRAVERS] They're afraid of men. [DOCTOR] Why me? Why say I did it? [TRAVERS] You want a clear field, don't you. I discovered the Yeti. Thehonour's mine, but you want to take it from me. Why, you even murderedmy companion just to get a cheap story for your newspaper. [DOCTOR] That is ridiculous. [TRAVERS] Is it? [DOCTOR] Whoever killed your friend had enormous strength. [TRAVERS] Yes? [DOCTOR] Well, could I have done it? Well, could I? [TRAVERS] I'm not going to discuss it any further. There's work to bedone. The expedition must go on. Khrisong will find out the truth. [DOCTOR] Travers. Travers, come back! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [KHRISONG] We have the word of the Englishman,Travers. [THOMNI] But how do we know he is telling the truth? [KHRISONG] Why should he lie? In any case, I am not so concerned withthe death of Travers's companion. Four of our brothers have beenslaughtered. That is my concern. [RINCHEN] (a lama) Had we not agreed that the Yeti were responsible? [KHRISONG] True, Rinchen. But have we not also wondered why? They wereso rarely seen. Timid. Then, suddenly, they become savage. Did we notwonder why? Did we not wonder what or whom had brought this change. Andnow, here is this stranger and Travers accuses him. He may be thecause. I ask you again, let me put it to the truth. Now. [RINCHEN] You are asking us to condemn a man to certain death. [KHRISONG] I am Chief Warrior. Is it not my duty to protect you? [RINCHEN] But not by taking a man's life. [KHRISONG] Yes, if it is necessary. [SAPAN] (a lama) No. Only the Abbot can decide. Songsten alone canapprove such measures. [RINCHEN] It is time for prayer, my brothers. [KHRISONG] Wait! We must decide now. [SAPAN] No, Khrisong. After our meditations we will consult the Abbot. [KHRISONG] This is foolishness. Time will be wasted. Do they wish moreof our brothers to die before I'm allowed to take action. [THOMNI] There is no other way. [KHRISONG] There is, for me. Let them meditate. Let them consult. I,Khrisong, will act. Bring me the prisoner. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [VICTORIA [OC]] Jamie, Jamie! It's coming back. [JAMIE] Get back in there. [VICTORIA] Oh, is it safe? [JAMIE] Aye. Now go on. [VICTORIA] Jamie, get back! It'll kill you! --------------------------------------- (Cave) [JAMIE] Keep back, Victoria. I can't stop it. [VICTORIA] Jamie, the roof. What are you doing? [JAMIE] We've got to stop that thing somehow. [VICTORIA] You'll bury us alive! [JAMIE] It's our only chance. Now get back. [JAMIE] Are you all right? [VICTORIA] That horrible thing. What was it? [JAMIE] I don't know. Did you see what it did to my sword, though? Brokeit like a piece of wood. No human's as strong as that. [VICTORIA] What is this place? And what are those? [JAMIE] Some sort of metal. They're all glowing. [VICTORIA] Oh, let's get away from here, Jamie. [JAMIE] Aye, if we can. I don't think that tunnel's completely blocked.Come on. [JAMIE] Oh, don't worry about that, it's quite dead. [JAMIE] What's the matter? [VICTORIA] Look. [JAMIE] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Cell) [THOMNI] Come. [DOCTOR] Ah, and about time too. Come to release me, have you? [THOMNI] No, sir. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, well, first things first. What's your name? [THOMNI] Thomni. You must come with me. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see, Thomni. After we've had a little chat. [THOMNI] Khrisong will be waiting. [DOCTOR] No, no. Just wait. No one seems to want to listen to me andeveryone is jumping to the wrong conclusions. Now, you seem to be areasonable sort of chap. What's going on here? [THOMNI] We are besieged. The Yeti have turned upon us. At least, thatis what we thought until [DOCTOR] Until I turned up. I see. Every time I visit Detsen themonastery seems to be in some sort of trouble or another. [THOMNI] You have been here before? [DOCTOR] That attack in 1630, what was the outcome? [THOMNI] You know something of our history. [DOCTOR] Yes, a little. [THOMNI] Ah, that was also a dark period. It was then our holy Ghana wastaken from us. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Never mind, I'm sure it'll turn up again. [THOMNI] Legend tells us so, but after so [DOCTOR] This chap Travers. This chap Travers, what of him? [THOMNI] Sir, there is no time to talk, Khrisong will be angry. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, he may be angry, but he's not the Abbot, is he? [THOMNI] No. [DOCTOR] No. I don't think you'll find the Abbot will be angry when hesees what I've bought with me. [THOMNI] What do you mean? Show me. [DOCTOR] I want you to help me to get this to the Abbot. [KHRISONG] Why this delay? Seize him. Take him to the gate. [DOCTOR] Abbot. The straw. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [KHRISONG] Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JAMIE] Victoria, the Tardis is that way. [VICTORIA] I know, but we must warn the Doctor. [JAMIE] How can we? We don't know where he is? [VICTORIA] Jamie! [JAMIE] Run! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [RINCHEN] Khrisong. Khrisong. [KHRISONG] Do not interfere, Rinchen. [RINCHEN] Did we not decide we would consult the Abbot, Songsten, beforetaking action? [KHRISONG] We? You mean you had decided. The time for talk is past. [RINCHEN] But, Khrisong, the Abbot must [KHRISONG] The Abbot. Must I always consult the Abbot before I takedecisive action? [DOCTOR] Travers, don't you think this has gone far enough? [TRAVERS] Well, there's nothing I can do. [DOCTOR] What do you hope to gain? [TRAVERS] Time. [DOCTOR] Time? [TRAVERS] Look, you killed my companion, left me single handed, butdon't worry, you won't get another chance of getting in my way. I shallfind the Yeti, with or without help. [DOCTOR] You can't possibly leave [TRAVERS] Can't I? You'll be quite safe here and I know where you are.I'm going. Now, don't worry. The monks won't harm you. They're men ofpeace. [DOCTOR] Men of peace? [RINCHEN] You are asking us [RINCHEN] You are asking us to agree to murder. [KHRISONG] No. Our hands will be clean. [SAPAN] After deliberately using him as bait? You cannot be so ruthless. [KHRISONG] Sapan, I believe that this man is, for some reason, trying toturn the Yeti into savage creatures. [SAPAN] But what proof is there? [KHRISONG] You heard the word of Travers. He's an Englishman, astranger. He's a killer. Let me tie him to the gate. If the Yeti cometo rescue him, we will know the truth, and my warriors will be waiting. [SAPAN] But if he is innocent? [KHRISONG] My warriors will protect him. [RINCHEN] Khrisong, there may be wisdom in what you say. All we ask isthat you wait until the [KHRISONG] No. I have done with waiting. Bring him to the gate. --------------------------------------- (Sanctum) [THOMNI] Master Abbot. (getting up) Abbot Songsten. Forgive me, Abbot. [SONGSTEN] Thomni. [THOMNI] I'm sorry, but [SONGSTEN] You know well that only I may enter here. What is this? [SONGSTEN] Where did you get this? [THOMNI] Is it not the Ghanta that was lost? [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] (a gentle, saintly voice) It is, my son. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] Two hundred years or more it has been lost to us.How came you by it? [SONGSTEN] It is the Master, Padmasambhava. Do not be afraid. Answerhim. [THOMNI] A stranger brought it, Master. [VOICE [OC]] (harsh and rasping) The Doctor. So. He has returned. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] Bring the Ghanta to me, my son. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] Both of you. Do not be afraid, Thomni. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [KHRISONG] Rapalchan, watch from the window there. Kheda, you, the otherwindow. Any attempt to rescue you will now be highly dangerous for you. [DOCTOR] Look, nobody is going to rescue me, least of all an abominablesnowman. And hasn't it occurred to you, that innocent or guilty,whatever's been killing your monks might very well kill me. [KHRISONG] If you are innocent, then let us hope that we will have thetime to rescue you. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JAMIE] I think we've shaken it off. [VICTORIA] Have we? Oh, good. [JAMIE] Come on. It can't be much further. Listen. [VICTORIA] Now what is it? [JAMIE] Something's coming. Come on. [TRAVERS] Here, who the devil are you? What are you doing here? [JAMIE] We're on our way to the monastery. [TRAVERS] Are you indeed? You're a strange pair to find roaming roundthese mountains. You aren't anything to do with that newspaper fellow,I suppose? [JAMIE] What do you mean? [TRAVERS] Well, he says he's a Doctor, but I know what he's reallyafter. [VICTORIA] Oh, have you seen him? [TRAVERS] Oh yes, I've seen him. [JAMIE] Is he all right? [TRAVERS] Oh yes, he's quite all right. So, you're going to themonastery, are you? Good. I think you'll find those lamas have quite awelcome waiting for you. [VICTORIA] The Doctor said there would be. [TRAVERS] Did he now? [JAMIE] Oh, I wouldn't go that way if I was you. [TRAVERS] Wouldn't you? [VICTORIA] There's something up there. [JAMIE] Aye, a great hairy beastie. [TRAVERS] Where? [JAMIE] In a cave. [TRAVERS] A cave? Have you found their cave? [JAMIE] Aye. [TRAVERS] Will you show me where it is? [VICTORIA] Oh, no. [JAMIE] No, I couldn't go back there, not with Victoria. [TRAVERS] Now look here, young fellow, do stop playing games with me. Iknow that you and that Doctor fellow are after the Yeti. [VICTORIA] Yeti? What's he talking about? [TRAVERS] Are you trying to tell me you're not part of some pressexpedition? [JAMIE] Expedition? [VICTORIA] We're not part of anything. We're just visiting themonastery. [TRAVERS] But the cave. [JAMIE] Look, if you're that keen to tangle with that beastie I'll showyou where the cave is. [TRAVERS] You will? [JAMIE] After you've shown us how to get to the monastery. [TRAVERS] All right. I've nothing to lose, I suppose. All right, comewith me. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] Tell me, my son. Is the Doctor alone? [THOMNI] Yes, Master. [PADMASAMBHAVA] We are grateful for the return of the holy Ghanta. TheDoctor is our friend. He must be treated with respect and kindness.Thomni, you will go to Khrisong. Tell him the Abbot orders the releaseof the Doctor. Go now. Remember, these words were spoken by the Abbothere. You will forget that you have entered this room or that you havespoken to me. [VOICE [OC]] Therefore, Songsten, we must make certain that Doctorlearns nothing of what is happening. He is a man of great knowledge andintelligence, but he may not show sympathy for the powers that guideus. He may even seek to hinder the Great Plan. [PADMASAMBHAVA] It might be wise if he departs as soon as possible. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [RALPACHAN] Khidom. In the rocks. Did you see something? Something iscoming. Khrisong, the Yeti. The Yeti! [DOCTOR] Oh no. [KHRISONG [OC]] Be ready to kill them. [DOCTOR] Jamie! Victoria! Keep back! [VICTORIA] Oh, look! [DOCTOR] Keep back! They'll kill you! [DOCTOR] Keep away! Get away! [KHRISONG] You see? I was right. [TRAVERS] Khrisong! Khrisong, it was all a mistake. [JAMIE] Doctor. [TRAVERS] I've been talking to these youngsters. I'm sorry. This is notthe man that attacked me. [KHRISONG] Seize them. [JAMIE] Hey, what's going on? [DOCTOR] I told you to keep away. He's lead you into a trap. [TRAVERS] No, Doctor, believe me. [KHRISONG] Silence. Who are these people? [TRAVERS] They're friends of his. [KHRISONG] Then they shall act as hostages also. [THOMNI] Khrisong. [KHRISONG] Where have you been? [THOMNI] With the Abbot. He has given me instructions [KHRISONG] The Abbot? I gave you no instructions to be with the Abbot.. [THOMNI] But, Khrisong, we must release him. This stranger has broughtback to us the holy Ghanta that was lost. We must treat him withrespect and kindness. These are the words of our Abbot. [KHRISONG] Is this true? [DOCTOR] Of course. [KHRISONG] Then why did you not tell me? [DOCTOR] You'd already accused me of murder. You were hardly in theright frame of mind to listen to my story of how I came by the bell,now where you? Oh please. [DOCTOR] This wasn't the welcome I expected, you know. As for you,Travers. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [VOICE [OC]] It is well to remember that nothingmust disturb our preparations. There is little time left now. [SONGSTEN] How, if the Doctor will not go? [PADMASAMBHAVA] His life could be in great danger. He has been a goodfriend in the past. It would be ill if the life of such a one became inperil. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [DOCTOR] You say you found this in the cave? [JAMIE] Aye. [VICTORIA] There were lots of them. [JAMIE] Well, what do you think it is, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. Now, this creature, what was it like? [JAMIE] Oh, it was huge and all covered with hair, like a sort of bear. [VICTORIA] It attacked us. [DOCTOR] It does sound like your abominable snowman, Travers. [TRAVERS] Oh, but they wouldn't attack anyone. [DOCTOR] No, I always thought so. [TRAVERS] They're shy, elusive creatures. Why do you think it's taken meso long to track them down? [DOCTOR] What made this? I wonder what it's for. Oh well. [DOCTOR] I'd like to see one of these creatures. [VICTORIA] It was horrible. [JAMIE] Aye, it was buried under tons of rock, yet it still just got upand came after us. [VICTORIA] Like a nightmare. [TRAVERS] Now, fear makes us imagine all sorts of things. [DOCTOR] Including creatures that don't seem to be flesh and blood. [RALPACHAN [OC]] Khrisong. Khrisong. [DOCTOR] What is it? [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [RALPACHAN [OC]] Khrisong! [JAMIE] What's he seen? [RALPACHAN [OC]] Khrisong, come quickly. [KHRISONG] What is it? [JAMIE] He must have seen something. [RALPACHAN [OC]] Look. [TRAVERS] There they are at last. [JAMIE] Hey, yes. [TRAVERS] After all these years. [KHRISONG] Ralpachan, stand watch at the walls. Pletu, I want two meneither side of this base. Thomni, come with me. [TRAVERS] Look. They're magnificent. Just as I thought they'd be. [DOCTOR] Do you really think they'll attack? [KHRISONG] I don't know. They have never been this close before. [TRAVERS] Of course they wouldn't attack anyone. They're timid. You'llsee. [DOCTOR] Yes, but if they do, do you think you could capture one? Iwould like to examine one. [JAMIE] Examine it? Aye, we'll wrap it up for you. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Jamie. [KHRISONG] Thomni, come. We must see to the defences. Boy, help at thegates. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, if you really want to capture one of thesebeasties, I think I have an idea which might just work. [DOCTOR] Oh. Victoria? [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Victoria, I think this is one of those instances wherediscretion is the better part of valour. Jamie has an idea. Come along. [JAMIE] No, Doctor [DOCTOR] Come along. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [SONGSTEN] Have no fear. Now that the holy Ghantahas been returned to us, all will be well. [RINCHEN] But what if the Yeti do attack? [SONGSTEN] Have faith, Rinchen. Khrisong and his warriors will protectus. [SAPAN] Khrisong is a rash man. He was so sure that this Doctor was athreat to us. [DOCTOR] I can assure you I am not. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [JAMIE] I hope this is going to work. You ready upthere? Catch. [THOMNI] There is one coming. [JAMIE] Aye, one's enough. [THOMNI] The others don't seem to be moving. [JAMIE] Keep it back. I'm not ready for it yet. [THOMNI] Keep it back. [JAMIE] That's it. Stand by, here it comes. (The Yeti arrives) Now! [JAMIE] Right, haul the rope, quick. Quick with the net. Pull hard. Upwith it [JAMIE] Wait, wait. [THOMNI] It, it's dead. [JAMIE] Aye. Hey, why aren't the others attacking? [THOMNI] They're going. [JAMIE] Good. Let's get this one inside. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) (Meeting room) [DOCTOR] You were right about one thing, Victoria. This creaturecertainly doesn't seem to be flesh and blood. [TRAVERS] What? [DOCTOR] It's not your abominable snowman either, Travers. Look. [DOCTOR] It's metal. [TRAVERS] That's incredible. [THOMNI] What is it? [KHRISONG] A devil's warrior. [DOCTOR] No, I don't think so. It's more like a robot. [TRAVERS] A robot? My dear chap, don't let your imagination run awaywith you. [DOCTOR] Now, why has it stopped? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. [VICTORIA] Nothing there. [DOCTOR] No, but there has been. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [DOCTOR] Jamie, when you captured this creature, youmust have dislodged it's control unit. [JAMIE] Then it must still be lying out there. [DOCTOR] Precisely. [KHRISONG] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] To have a look outside the gates. I want that unit. Come on,Jamie. [KHRISONG] No. I will not allow it. [DOCTOR] But why not? [KHRISONG] I trust no one to leave the monastery. You say this creatureis not a real Yeti. [TRAVERS] It's metal. It's been made. [KHRISONG] And sent against us. Why? Why does someone wish harm to themonks of Detsen. I will trust no stranger until these questions areanswered. [JAMIE] Oh, but we're on your side. Have we not convinced you yet? [KHRISONG] I am convinced of nothing. [VICTORIA] The Doctor knows all about this sort of thing. Why not lethim help you? [DOCTOR] Well if you don't trust us at least send Thomni, or one of yourother warriors. [KHRISONG] No. I will not allow the gates to be opened. [DOCTOR] If you want us to help you. [KHRISONG] I do not need your help. Thomni, guard them. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. A very obstinate man. [TRAVERS] Yes, well, that's that I suppose. Nothing we can do about itnow. Well I'll just go and get a bit of shut-eye. Good night all. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [KHRISONG] Ralpachan. [RALPACHAN] Yes, Khrisong. [KHRISONG] Stand guard at the gate. No one is to leave the monastery. Bewatchful, these Yeti are more dangerous than we thought. [TRAVERS] Khrisong. [KHRISONG] What is it? What do you want? [TRAVERS] Er, I want a word with you. [KHRISONG] Well? [TRAVERS] Alone. [KHRISONG] Yes? [TRAVERS] Look, I've been thinking. Now that we've found out that theseabominable snowmen are mechanical things. [KHRISONG] Well? [TRAVERS] Don't you see? It means that I'm right. The real Yeti arethere, hiding up there somewhere in those mountains. [KHRISONG] This is no concern of mine. [TRAVERS] No, but Khrisong, wait. I want to go out there after them. [KHRISONG] That would be foolishness. [TRAVERS] Look, I've always said that the real Yeti are harmless. Now Imust find out for sure, otherwise the whole point of my expedition willbe lost. [KHRISONG] And those devil creatures would kill you. [TRAVERS] Yes, well, that's a chance I'll have to take. [KHRISONG] No. I will not allow it. [TRAVERS] But don't you see? The real Yeti may be killed by theserobots. Look, I must go. [KHRISONG] No, I forbid it. [TRAVERS] Look, I'm not one of your monks, you know? You can't give meorders. [KHRISONG] No. I have said that no one will leave. Anyone may becontrolling these monsters. Even you. [TRAVERS] Oh, that's ridiculous. [KHRISONG] I have given my orders. Obey them. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [THOMNI] Sir, I have no choice. I must obeyKhrisong. [JAMIE] Do you not realise the man's a wee bit daffy? [DOCTOR] Oh I wouldn't say that, Jamie. He's just doing his duty as hesees it. [THOMNI] But I think he is mistaken not to trust you. There is muchsense in what you say. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, Thomni. [VICTORIA] Doctor? Come here a moment. [DOCTOR] What is it? [VICTORIA] The place you said where the control unit would go, it'sround. [DOCTOR] Yes? [VICTORIA] Well I wonder if? Jamie, you remember in that cave, we foundthat sphere. Well, don't you think it could go. [JAMIE] Hey, yes. I believe you're right. [DOCTOR] Yes, but I've thought of that. But the thing was as light as afeather. There couldn't have been anything inside it. Unless. Where isit? [JAMIE] Why, I gave it to you. You were looking at it. [DOCTOR] I remember. I put it down somewhere. [VICTORIA] The Buddha. The Buddha in the courtyard. [DOCTOR] The Buddha. I put it down by the Buddha. Oh now, please,Thomni. Please. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [JAMIE] It's not here, Doctor. [DOCTOR] But I swear I put it down here by the Buddha. [JAMIE] Aye, well, it's not here now. [VICTORIA] Somebody must have picked it up. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [VICTORIA] Maybe that guard's taken it. [JAMIE] Aye, let's ask him. [DOCTOR] No, tact, Jamie. I'll handle this. Hello, guard. good evening.I wonder if you can help us. I left a silver sphere by the Buddhathere. [RALPACHAN] Sphere? [VICTORIA] It's a shiny round thing. [THOMNI] It's most important. Have you taken it? [RALPACHAN] No, and if anyone had I should have seen them. [THOMNI] Ralpachan, who has passed through the courtyard? [RALPACHAN] Master Khrisong, but he touched nothing. [JAMIE] No one else? [RALPACHAN] The Englishman, Travers. [DOCTOR] Travers? Are you sure he didn't pick it up? [RALPACHAN] I am sure. He spoke only to Khrisong and now he is gone. [DOCTOR] Gone? [RALPACHAN] He said Khrisong had given him permission to leave. [DOCTOR] But that's impossible. [THOMNI] He has tricked you. [JAMIE] Aye, he must have taken it. [DOCTOR] Yes, but why? [VICTORIA] Could he be the one that's doing it? [DOCTOR] I wonder. Are you sure he didn't take the sphere with him? [RALPACHAN] He took nothing. [JAMIE] I'll find his room and search it. [DOCTOR] Right, Jamie. [THOMNI] We must tell Khrisong what has happened. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Travers. I can't believe he has anything to do withthese robots. [VICTORIA] One thing's for certain. It couldn't have moved on its own. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [SAPAN] How if the devil should breath life into it again? [RINCHEN] My ghost trap will ward off the evil spirits. [SAPAN] Hmm. But to fetter it with chains is also wise. The strangerssay that this creature is not flesh and blood. [RINCHEN] How can this be? Does it not move? Strangers? Do not believethem, Sapan. [SAPAN] But see. [RINCHEN] It is but armour, such as any warrior would wear. The devil inhis guile wears his armour beneath the skin to protect his evil heart. [SAPAN] Such a being is against nature. It troubles me. Let us go. [SONGSTEN] What have you been doing, my brothers? [SAPAN] We have built a spirit trap about the monster, my Abbot. [SONGSTEN] This is well thought, Sapan. You are wise. [RINCHEN] You should never have allowed this monster to have beenbrought into the monastery, Khrisong. [KHRISONG] What I allow is my affair, Rinchen. [SONGSTEN] Gently, my son. Gently. [KHRISONG] I'm sorry, my Abbot. I try to guard my tongue, but Rinchenfinds much fault in me of late. [SONGSTEN] Harsh words are like blunted arrows. It is the truth thatmakes them sharp. [KHRISONG] I have tried to do my duty. Under your guidance, theprotection of the monastery lies in my hands. [SONGSTEN] I know, my son. Your task is a hard one. [KHRISONG] And such is our adversary, that against such creatures that Imust protect you. The purpose of my life is nothing if I fail. Youknow, my Abbot, that I willingly would lay down my life for you and mybrothers. But can I combat this with mildness? You must let me fighttheir strength with my strength. [SONGSTEN] Our ways are the ways of peace, Khrisong, my son. You, mustnot seek to change them. [KHRISONG] I would fight to preserve them. You must let me. There is noother way. [SONGSTEN] There is. It is merely obscured to our simple minds. I shallseek guidance from the Master, Padmasambhava. [DOCTOR] Khrisong. Khrisong, I must speak with you. [KHRISONG] What is it? [DOCTOR] Have you given Travers permission to leave the monastery? [KHRISONG] Of course not. [DOCTOR] Well, he's gone. [KHRISONG] How? [DOCTOR] The guard at the gate said you'd given him permission. [KHRISONG] Did he? Very well. Come with me. [DOCTOR] It's about time you let me help you. [KHRISONG] Help? I want to make sure you don't disappear as well. [VICTORIA] It's the Abbot. Is he all right? [THOMNI] Oh, yes. He's in a trance. We must leave him now. [VICTORIA] Trance? [SONGSTEN] Yes, Master [VICTORIA] Who's he talking to? [THOMNI] The Master, Padmasambhava. He's asking for spiritual guidance. [VICTORIA] How? [SONGSTEN] I hear you, Master. I am coming. [VICTORIA] Where's he going? [THOMNI] To the Holy Sanctum. To Padmasambhava. [VICTORIA] Let's follow him. [THOMNI] No, no, no. It is forbidden. No one but the Abbot may enter. Noone! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [KHRISONG] And this should not have happened. I holdyou responsible, Ralpachan. [DOCTOR] Oh well, what's done is done. Ah, Jamie. [JAMIE] I searched his room, but it's not there. [DOCTOR] I see. Khrisong, you must see that it is vital that I examineone of these control units. Now, the one that Jamie bought down fromthe mountains has disappeared. Someone is trying to stop us learningthe truth. [JAMIE] You must let us outside to find the other one. Och, look. [KHRISONG] Very well. I will go. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) (Corridor) [THOMNI] No! No, Miss Victoria, we mustn't. [VICTORIA] I only want to see where he's going. [THOMNI] I told you, the Sanctum. No one is allowed to go there. Please,let us go back. [VICTORIA] You mean to say you've lived here all this time and neverbeen in there. [THOMNI] Yes. [VICTORIA] You are funny. Aren't you the tiniest bit curious? [THOMNI] No. [VICTORIA] And you've never seen this Master? [THOMNI] Never. [VICTORIA] Don't you want to know what he looks like? Oh, sure you do.Come on. [THOMNI] No, Miss Victoria. Can't you understand it is impossible? [VICTORIA] I don't see. [THOMNI] No, you do not. It is forbidden, and I have been brought up inthe path of obedience. [VICTORIA] Very well. [VICTORIA] But I'll get there somehow. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [DOCTOR] Hasn't he found it yet? [JAMIE] No. Khrisong, can I give you a hand? [KHRISONG] Stay where you are. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] Far better if the Yeti had not beenbrought into the monastery. [SONGSTEN] I am sorry, Master. I could not prevent it. [PADMASAMBHAVA] The Doctor is wise. His eyes are not closed inignorance. [SONGSTEN] If he is not ignorant perhaps he might assist you with yourplan. [PADMASAMBHAVA] But his mind is on a complex plane. It is hard tofathom. There is a chance he will oppose what we have to do. [VOICE [OC]] No. We must continue with the work alone. I must now makesure our plan isimperiled no more. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [KHRISONG] I've found it. [DOCTOR] Khrisong! Behind you. Yeti. [JAMIE] Come in. [KHRISONG] No. [DOCTOR] Don't be a fool. [JAMIE] Don't be a fool, they're on top of you. [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. Quick, get him inside. They came to get theirball back. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] It would seem that the Yeti havecaused some little upset at the gates. However, their work isaccomplished. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Now, Songsten, observe. These three Yeti are waiting foryou. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Take this pyramid I have prepared. Take it to the caves.Then the Great Intelligence will focus upon this planet. Soon it willbegin to grow and at last take on physical form. At last its wanderingsin space will be at an end. My work will then be done. Go now,Songsten. Do as I have asked. [VOICE [OC]] Nothing must interfere. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [RINCHEN] These creatures are indeed fearsome. [JAMIE] Aye, you were lucky you weren't killed. [KHRISONG] But why did they just turn and leave? They had us at theirmercy. Why? [DOCTOR] They didn't come to fight. They came for the sphere. [JAMIE] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Pretty sure. They didn't want me to examine it. [KHRISONG] You talk of these creatures as if they were human, with ahuman's brain. [DOCTOR] That sphere is like a brain. They had to get it back. [JAMIE] Yes, and that Yeti we caught in the net. Well, that could havebeen after the sphere we found in the cave. [DOCTOR] I'd still like to know what happened to that one. [DOCTOR] This sound that you heard. [KHRISONG] It came from the sphere, I swear it. [JAMIE] Some sort of signal, do you think? [DOCTOR] Yes, it could be. Anyway, its a help. [SAPAN] How can this help? [DOCTOR] Well, with the right sort of equipment, these signals can betracked. [JAMIE] You mean you can find out where the Yeti are getting thereinstructions from? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. [RINCHEN] Where can we find such equipment? [DOCTOR] We've got to back to the Tardis. [JAMIE] Right. [KHRISONG] This equipment. You have it? [DOCTOR] Yes. But it's outside there on the mountain. [KHRISONG] Then, you must go for it. [JAMIE] You mean you'll let us go? [KHRISONG] I have no choice. I have failed. My warriors are powerless. Imust trust you. [DOCTOR] Come on. Let's get me coat. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [VICTORIA] Oh. Oh, they're not back yet. I thinkI'll go and find them. No need for you to come. [THOMNI] I think it would be better if I came with you. [VICTORIA] Afraid I may go somewhere that I shouldn't? Oh, come on then.I don't want to stay in here with that thing. [RINCHEN] Thomni, it were well that you went to Khrisong. [THOMNI] Where is he? [RINCHEN] In the courtyard. [THOMNI] I will go to him. Oh, Sapan, would you care for our guest,please? [VICTORIA] Is Jamie and the Doctor. are they all right? [SAPAN] Rest easily, my child. [RINCHEN] They are in [SAPAN] They are very well. There is no need for this child to worry. Isit not so, Rinchen? [VICTORIA] You're keeping something from me. [SAPAN] My child, I have told you nothing but truth. Your friends arebusy helping our brothers. [RINCHEN] Sapan, we have duties to perform. [SAPAN] True. We must leave you. It might be wiser to join Thomni in thecourtyard? Excuse us, please. [THOMNI] You are not well, Khrisong. You should be resting. [KHRISONG] There can be no rest for me while this creature is here. [THOMNI] But it is dead. What harm can it do us now? [KHRISONG] Even so, wiser to destroy it. Rinchen or the Doctor. Who isright? I do not know any longer. [RINCHEN] Khrisong, you must guard this child. Sapan sent her to you inthe courtyard, yet I found her near the Sanctum. [VICTORIA] I didn't mean any harm. [RINCHEN] For her own good, it would be safer if she were closelyguarded. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) (Courtyard) [SONGSTEN] When I have passed through the gate, you will awake. You haveseen nothing. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [VICTORIA] I suppose everyone thinks I'm a nuisance.Is that it? [THOMNI] We are concerned for your safety, as you well know. [VICTORIA] You're not really going to lock me up in this beastly room,are you? [THOMNI] No, I don't think that will be necessary. But you must promiseto behave and not cause trouble. [VICTORIA] What do you mean? [THOMNI] I think perhaps you are a little too inquisitive, MissVictoria. [VICTORIA] Me? I just don't like mysteries. Your Master, for instance,Padma. [THOMNI] I have told you there are some things that you should not ask. [VICTORIA] Oh, all right, I'm sorry. All right. Look, do we have to stayhere. Can't I go and find the Doctor? [THOMNI] The Doctor? But he's gone. [VICTORIA] Gone? Gone where? [THOMNI] To the mountain. I thought you knew. Did Sapan not tell you? [VICTORIA] I knew he was keeping something from me. I've a good mind togo after them. [THOMNI] That would be foolish. [VICTORIA] Don't worry, I'm not really serious. [THOMNI] Oh, please, forgive me, I'm being a very bad host. Would youcare for some food? [VICTORIA] No, thank you. Er, yes. Perhaps on second thoughts I will. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [DOCTOR] They're not moving. [JAMIE] They can't have seen us, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Perhaps they're switched off? I wonder. [JAMIE] Don't be a fool, Doctor. No point in taking chances. Let's getto the Tardis while we can. [DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps you're right. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [THOMNI] Oh, no! Miss Victoria! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [THOMNI] Ralpachan. The girl, did she go out? [KHRISONG] What did you want, Thomni? [THOMNI] I went for food, now she has disappeared. [KHRISONG] Fool. [THOMNI] I think she went after the Doctor. [KHRISONG] No one has passed Ralpachan. [THOMNI] Then she must still be in the monastery. [KHRISONG] Find her! [THOMNI] Where? Where could she? --------------------------------------- (Sanctum) [THOMNI [OC]] Miss Victoria! [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] It were better that you were not found in here, mychild. [VICTORIA] Who's that? [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] The monks will look upon your presence here assacrilege. [VOICE [OC]] Go, quickly! --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [THOMNI [OC]] Miss Victoria! Miss Victoria, where are you? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [THOMNI] Miss Victoria! [SAPAN] My son, what is the matter? [THOMNI] Oh, Sapan. The girl, I can't find her. I think she may have [THOMNI] Miss Victoria! --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) (Meeting room) [VICTORIA] Oh, no. Thomni! Help, Thomni! [THOMNI] Run, Miss Victoria! Run! Fetch Khrisong. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VICTORIA] The Yeti! The Yeti! Fetch help. Where'sKhrisong? [SAPAN] But where is Thomni? What has happened? [VICTORIA] He's in there. He's coming. Now hurry! --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [SAPAN] Khrisong! The Yeti, it is alive. [KHRISONG] What? [VICTORIA] It's true, Khrisong. Quick, it's coming. Do something. [KHRISONG] Get back! Get back! Ralpachan, help him. Get him. Get up. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JAMIE] What's the matter, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh? Oh, I'm just taking a breather, that's all. [JAMIE] You've heard something? [DOCTOR] No, no, nothing. [JAMIE] Well, come on then. [DOCTOR] Listen. [JAMIE] Nothing. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's what's worrying me. It's too quiet. We've not seena sign of the Yeti since we left those three back there. [JAMIE] Well, let's just be grateful and get to the Tardis. [DOCTOR] I don't like it. There's something happening on this mountain.I can feel it. [JAMIE] Here, you're giving me the willies. Come on. [JAMIE] Look, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I thought we'd been too lucky. [JAMIE] What now? [DOCTOR] I don't know. We've got to get to the Tardis somehow. [JAMIE] Aye, well you can't frighten one of those things away. [DOCTOR] No. [JAMIE] I wonder what he's waiting for? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [JAMIE] Well, he couldn't have known we were coming. [DOCTOR] It's a robot, Jamie. It merely follows instructions. [JAMIE] Who's giving them? [DOCTOR] That we shall have to find out, won't we? [JAMIE] Get down, Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Inner Sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] Oh, Great Intelligence, have Iserved you well? After so many years, can I feel the grip of your powerloosen? How long before your great experiment begins and I can rest? Sosoon? I am not sorry. What of the others? It will be done. Songsten ismaking final preparations. --------------------------------------- (Cave) (Outside the Tardis) [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, I believe I have. [JAMIE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Bung a rock at it. [JAMIE] Oh, be serious, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I am. [JAMIE] Hey, no, Doctor. [DOCTOR] There you are, you see? Just as I thought. It can't see and itcan't feel. Come on. [JAMIE] Don't be daft, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well. it's quite all right, Jamie. It's like those three backthere. It's either switched off or not receiving. Come along. [JAMIE] Are you sure it's quite safe? [DOCTOR] Well, quite frankly, no, Jamie. But there's only one way offinding out. [JAMIE] Don't, Doctor. You might switch it on. [DOCTOR] No, I don't think so, Jamie. Yes, just as I thought. Now then. [DOCTOR] Jamie, will you hold this flap open for me, please? Thank you. [JAMIE] Hey you're taking an awful risk, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad that's over. Catch. [JAMIE] Hey, I just thought of something, Doctor. The man that madethese robots is very clever, right? [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] And yet we were able to walk right up to it and put it out ofaction just like that. [DOCTOR] You mean, why didn't they build in some sort of protectivedevice? [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Well, perhaps they didn't think it was necessary. I mean, lookat him. Would you walk up to a creature like that with just ascrewdriver in your hand? [JAMIE] No, I would not. [DOCTOR] No, there you are. I'm really rather pleased with myself. --------------------------------------- (Cave) (Outside the Tardis) [JAMIE] Have you not found it yet? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, Jamie. Sorry, I'm just coming. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie? [JAMIE] Look! [DOCTOR] Ah, splendid, splendid. It's sending out a signal. That's justwhat we wanted. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, you'll have to help me or I'll let go. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, you mustn't do that. Jamie, no! [JAMIE] It's no use, I'll have to let go. [DOCTOR] Whatever happens, you mustn't let go, Jamie. [JAMIE] It's no use, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No. [DOCTOR] Jamie, get a rock. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] A rock! Put it in the hole in its chest. [JAMIE] Are you all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm all right. Just a bit puffed, that's all. Jamie, thesethings are programmed to return to their Yetis. That one thatdisappeared in the monastery. That wasn't taken. [JAMIE] It moved itself. It could have got to the Yeti, the one wecaptured. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [KHRISONG] You deliberately disobeyed my orders. [THOMNI] It was the only sensible thing to do. [KHRISONG] Be silent. If you had not opened the gate the creature wouldnot have escaped. [VICTORIA] Khrisong, you know we couldn't stop it. You'd have beenkilled. Anyway, it was my idea to open the gates. [RINCHEN] Was it? Was it also your idea to breath life into the Yeti? [VICTORIA] What do you mean? [RINCHEN] Were you not with the creature when it came to life? [VICTORIA] Yes, but [SAPAN] You think that she was [RINCHEN] Who else could have done this? [THOMNI] Oh, this is foolishness. [KHRISONG] Continue, Rinchen. [RINCHEN] The creature was here, dead. What reason had you to enter thisroom? [VICTORIA] I was hiding. [RINCHEN] Hiding? Why? For what purpose? [KHRISONG] Speak! [THOMNI] She means no harm. [KHRISONG] Be silent. [RINCHEN] Your young warrior seems to anxious to protect this stranger.What are they plotting, these two? [THOMNI] No! You do not understand. [RINCHEN] Where is your authority, Khrisong, that your warriors forgettheir allegiance. [KHRISONG] Lock them up. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor. [DOCTOR] What is it? [JAMIE] It's started again. The signal's started. [DOCTOR] Oh no. No, that's another sort of signal. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I've just picked up another signal. [JAMIE] Oh, Doctor, let's get to the monastery. You said you'd do allyour tracking from there. [DOCTOR] Jamie, you don't seem to understand. [JAMIE] Oh, don't I though? While you're fiddling with that thing, thissphere is calling up all the Yeti in creation. [DOCTOR] What a perfect opportunity to trace the main transmitter. [JAMIE] Aye, and a perfect opportunity to get ourselves killed. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [VICTORIA] I wish the Doctor would come back. [THOMNI] This Doctor, is he your guardian? [VICTORIA] I suppose he is in a way. [THOMNI] He is a good man. [VICTORIA] I think so. [THOMNI] Tell me, Miss Victoria, how did he come by our holy bell? [VICTORIA] I don't really know. Why? [THOMNI] It disappeared three hundred years ago. [VICTORIA] Oh, stolen, you mean? [THOMNI] No, it was given to a stranger, for safe keeping during a timeof trouble. It was never returned. [VICTORIA] A stranger? Of course, the Doctor. They're one and the sameman. [THOMNI] But three hundred years? [VICTORIA] Oh, dear. Well, I know this sounds silly, but the Doctor cantravel through time and space. He has a machine, you see, and, well, Idon't really understand it myself. It's rather difficult to explain. [THOMNI] There is no need. I understand perfectly. [VICTORIA] You do? [THOMNI] Yes. You see, it is said that our Master, Padmasambhava, canfree himself from his earthly body and travel great distances. [VICTORIA] Oh. [THOMNI] But this can only be obtained after many years of strictdiscipline and self training. [VICTORIA] You mean, you mean that you might be able to do that sort ofthing? [THOMNI] Perhaps, one day. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [KHRISONG] Rinchen, where is Songsten? [RINCHEN] No one has seen him for many hours. He will be withPadmasambhava. [KHRISONG] Padmasambhava. [SAPAN] To seek guidance. [KHRISONG] Or is it to escape his responsibilities? [SAPAN] Khrisong, you should not say such things. [KHRISONG] Why not? Has anyone seen Padmasambhava? Ralpachan. Inform mewhen the Doctor returns. [SAPAN] Khrisong would be wise not to voice such thoughts. [RINCHEN] Perhaps, but brave men are impatient. And he is no fool. [SONGSTEN] Sleep, Ralpachan. You have not seen me. You have not openedthe gate. No one has entered. When I leave the courtyard, you will notknow that you have slept. --------------------------------------- (Inner Sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] You have done well, Songsten.Already the Great Intelligence begins to take on material form. But itdemands more. It must expand. That is why you and our brothers mustdepart from this place. [SONGSTEN] Leave the monastery, Master? I understand. And the strangers? [PADMASAMBHAVA] The strangers? Oh, yes. I will tell you how to deal withthem, if they return. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JAMIE] I wish this thing would keep quiet. [DOCTOR] Not much further. [DOCTOR] Well, we were expecting it. [JAMIE] Now what do we do? [JAMIE] Trapped! [DOCTOR] Jamie, give me the sphere. Give me the box. [JAMIE] What now? [DOCTOR] Move forward very slowly. Jamie, when I say run, run. Run likethe wind. Don't worry about me. [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Now, Jamie, please. No heroics, Jamie. [JAMIE] But surely, Doctor [DOCTOR] Now Jamie. Run. Run! I know what I'm doing. I hope. [DOCTOR] It worked. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [THOMNI] It's no use, Miss Victoria. Even if Padmasambhava would consentto see us, we can't get out. [VICTORIA] Can't? We haven't even tried. [THOMNI] Thank you, Ralpachan. [RALPACHAN] I am sorry about this, Thomni. [VICTORIA] Oh, good. I am thirsty. [VICTORIA] Ugh. A funny taste. Oh, Ralpachan, has the Doctor? Oh! [THOMNI] Miss Victoria, what is it? [VICTORIA] No, no, no, don't touch it. The drink. [THOMNI] Miss Victoria! [RALPACHAN] I will fetch some water. Stay close to her, Thomni. [THOMNI] Miss Victoria? [THOMNI] Miss Victoria. [VICTORIA] I'm sorry, Thomni. [THOMNI] Miss Victoria! --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [SONGSTEN] And in his wisdom our Master, Padmasambhava, has given me hisguidance. We must all leave the monastery. It is impossible for us todefeat the Yeti. [KHRISONG] But there may be a way. The Doctor [SONGSTEN] No, my son, they are invincible. They will destroy us all.Therefore, in order to avoid further bloodshed, it has been decided [KHRISONG] Songsten, I have just been informed that the Doctor hasreturned. He brings with him equipment which will help us to defeatthese monsters. [SONGSTEN] Khrisong, the Master has [KHRISONG] The Master? My apologies, Abbot. I have felt the strength ofthese Yeti, but still I will not meekly turn away. I mean to fight. [SONGSTEN] Brothers, Khrisong thinks only of our safety, we know, but inthis matter he has been led astray. He has forgotten his vow ofobedience. [SONGSTEN] In due time he will realise his [RAPALCHAN] Master Abbot, the girl has escaped. She tricked us byfeigning sickness. [RINCHEN] She is a devil women. [SAPAN] She must be found. [SONGSTEN] Find her, my brothers. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [KHRISONG] We had no defence against it, yet it justwalked through the gates. Doctor, we must act quickly or the Abbot willprevent us. [JAMIE] Yes, but is Victoria all right? [KHRISONG] I did as you asked. She is locked up. Is this your equipment? [DOCTOR] Yes. [KHRISONG] Stand aside. [DOCTOR] Travers! [TRAVERS] Thank heavens. Doctor. Up there. A pyramid. [JAMIE] What's he saying? [DOCTOR] Shh. Go on. [TRAVERS] A pyramid. It's a [RINCHEN] Seize them. Seize the strangers. Khrisong, the girl hasescaped. She is a devil woman. [JAMIE] Victoria? Hey, what's happened? [RINCHEN] Take these people to the cells. [KHRISONG] No! These people can help us. Besides, this man is ill. Icannot allow it. [SONGSTEN] Khrisong, you will obey. Take them. [JAMIE] No, but [DOCTOR] Where is Victoria? [JAMIE] Doctor, what did he mean 'a devil woman'? [DOCTOR] What is this about Victoria? Where is she? Where are you takingus? [KHRISONG] I cannot allow this. [SONGSTEN] You cannot allow? These are the orders of our Master. Youmust obey. [KHRISONG] But these people can help us. [SONGSTEN] The Master tells us there is no help against the Yeti. Hetells us to leave. [KHRISONG] We will not leave. [SONGSTEN] Khrisong, do not defy me. Find the girl. Instruct yourwarriors. [SONGSTEN] Go after them, Sapan. [SONGSTEN] Advise me Padmasambhava. Khrisong turns his warriors awayfrom the path of obedience. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] I hear, Songsten, and I understand. Well, if theywill not be lead then they must be driven from the monastery. This iswhat you must do. [SONGSTEN] I understand, Master. [SONGSTEN] Help them search for the girl. Go quickly. --------------------------------------- (Sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] Come in, my child. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Come in. You have no alternative. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] Do not be afraid. [VICTORIA] Are, are you? [PADMASAMBHAVA] I am Padmasambhava. [VICTORIA] I'm sorry to intrude. I know this room's meant to be private,but [PADMASAMBHAVA] You need my help. Is that not so? [VICTORIA] Oh yes. Please, the Doctor. [PADMASAMBHAVA] One moment, child. [VICTORIA] But. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Shh. [VICTORIA] What is it? [PADMASAMBHAVA] The courtyard is empty. [VICTORIA] Courtyard? [PADMASAMBHAVA] I must do what I am compelled to do. [VICTORIA] What's that? [PADMASAMBHAVA] Come closer. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Look. See? [VICTORIA] It's one of those horrible creatures. A Yeti. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Indeed. [VICTORIA] But how [PADMASAMBHAVA] You have not seen it. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [JAMIE] She must have had some reason. I mean, why would she run offlike that? [THOMNI] Her motives were not clear to me, Mister Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh headstrong, that's what she is. [TRAVERS] No! No! No! [DOCTOR] All right, Travers. You're quite safe. [TRAVERS] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes. [TRAVERS] What happened? Oh, my head. [DOCTOR] Just relax. You're safe, in the monastery. [TRAVERS] The monastery? [DOCTOR] What happened? Where did you go to? [JAMIE] Was it the Yeti? [TRAVERS] No, no, not the Yeti. It was something else. It was a light, ablinding white light and a noise. A piercing noise that went rightthrough my head. I couldn't stand it. Then I can't remember anymore. [THOMNI] You spoke of a pyramid. [TRAVERS] Pyramid? [THOMNI] Yes, at the gates when you returned. [TRAVERS] Pyramid? No, no. I left the monastery, then er, then. It's nouse, my mind's a complete blank. [DOCTOR] You just rest. [DOCTOR] What is it? [TRAVERS] No! [THOMNI] We are taught that it is better to share a memory of fear. [TRAVERS] Evil. A feeling of evil. Like a shadow on my mind. [DOCTOR] Yes? [TRAVERS] I felt as though I was going to drown. [JAMIE] But where did this happen? [TRAVERS] I, I don't know, I can't remember. Oh, I'm tired, so tired. [DOCTOR] You just rest. You'll feel better. Poor fellow, he's completelyexhausted. [JAMIE] What does he mean, a shadow? [DOCTOR] We'll just let him sleep. [THOMNI] What could it be, this evil of which he speaks? [JAMIE] What was that? [MONKS [OC]] The Yeti! The Yeti! [JAMIE] Khrisong, what's happening? [KHRISONG] The Yeti have broken in. You are safe here. [JAMIE] But Victoria, where is she? [RINCHEN] Who can tell? But she will be found. She must be stopped. [JAMIE] Doctor, is there nothing we can do? [DOCTOR] Shush. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [SONGSTEN] Calm. [KHRISONG] Forgive me, Songsten. I have failed to defend the monastery. [SONGSTEN] Failed? No. This disaster was written. Man cannot alter hisdestiny. [KHRISONG] I should have obeyed you, my Abbot. My desire to fight thesecreatures was foolish, but I will defend you with my life. [SAPAN] Abbot, I fear for Rinchen's safety. [SONGSTEN] Is he not here? [SAPAN] No. He would not seek safety. He is so sure that the girl isresponsible. [KHRISONG] He is still searching for her? [SAPAN] Yes. [SONGSTEN] Find her. [KHRISONG] If it is not too late. [RALPACHAN] The Yeti. They are turning back. [KHRISONG] Then you are safe for the moment. Ralpachan, come with me. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [RINCHEN] Stop! Stop! She-devil, wherever you are, call off thesemonsters. Spare us. [RINCHEN] Oh, no! Oh, no! [KHRISONG] He's dead. [RALPACHAN] The monastery of Detsen is accursed. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] Now it is complete. Now the monks will leave. Bynightfall the monastery will be emptied. The mountain yours. Will thisthen be your final command? Will you then be content? I do notunderstand, but I will continue to serve. [PADMASAMBHAVA] And now we must consider the problem of you and yourfriends. The Doctor is not easily frightened like my poor monks.Therefore, my child, you will assist me. Together we will make surethat he leaves. Come closer. This is what you will do. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [THOMNI] This is the courtyard and we are here, to the south. [DOCTOR] I see, Thomni. So here lies north. [THOMNI] That is so. [DOCTOR] What are those readings again, Jamie? Jamie, the readings? [JAMIE] What? What? [DOCTOR] The readings? [JAMIE] I'm sorry, I was thinking of Victoria. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, but there's nothing we can do about her. [JAMIE] Two ninety seven, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Two ninety seven. Now that will give us a bearing roughlythere. [THOMNI] Does your science help us, Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. We want another bearing, say, from there. And where thosetwo cross, that will be where the transmissions are coming from. Butthat won't tell us why. [THOMNI] Why? [DOCTOR] Yes, what is the purpose behind all this. That's what we haveto find out, ay Jamie? [TRAVERS] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Are you feeling better? [TRAVERS] Better? What are we doing in here? What's happened? [DOCTOR] You had a spot of trouble on the mountain. [TRAVERS] Trouble? [JAMIE] Aye, with the Yeti no doubt. [TRAVERS] Funny, I don't remember. Sorry, I'm a bit confused. [JAMIE] Well you sounded it, with all that talk about. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure it'll all come back to you in time. [TRAVERS] Yes, with the headache I've got, no wonder I can't rememberanything. I think I'll get a bit of fresh air. Why is this door locked? --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [SONGSTEN] Do not blame yourself, Khrisong. Death isinevitable. Sambhutar, Ghentan, take up our brother. We will take himwith us on our journey. There will be a time to mourn our brother. [KHRISONG] Put to the test I ran and hid like a mountain rabbit. I'm notfit to be called a warrior. We must lead out our brothers before moreof them are destroyed. [SONGSTEN] Gather what is needed, my brothers. Soon it will be the hourfor meditation, then we must depart. [KHRISONG] What of the strangers, master Abbott? [SONGSTEN] They will be taken with us to a place of safety. [SAPAN] But the girl is lost. [SONGSTEN] Khrisong and his warriors will find her. [KHRISONG] And the Master? What of Padmasambhava? [SONGSTEN] His powers are great. He will remain. [SONGSTEN] The holy Ghanta. [KHRISONG] Child, how came you [SAPAN] Shh. She has entered the Sanctum. [KHRISONG] Then let me. [SONGSTEN] Silence. See, she is about to speak. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] This is a time of much danger. [SONGSTEN] Padmasambhava. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] I have chosen to speak to you myself through thelips of this maiden. She bears the holy Ghanta. Bear it away to safekeeping. Treat this child with kindness. She and the strangers areinnocent of any malice towards you. Their wish is but to help youagainst the Yeti. But in my wisdom I tell you, there is no help. Detsenmust be abandoned. When the wind destroys the nest, so the bird willbuild another. [SONGSTEN] But what of you, Master. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Go, with my blessing. [SONGSTEN] But, Master. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Do not question. I will remain here to the end. [SAPAN] Will a day come for our return to Detsen? [SONGSTEN] Take her to rest. Ralpachan, release the strangers. Bid themmake ready. It is time for prayer. The last time at Detsen. Come, mybrothers. --------------------------------------- (Cell) [RALPACHAN] You are released. [TRAVERS] I should jolly well think so. What the devil do you thinkyou're up to. [RALPACHAN] You must prepare to leave with us. [TRAVERS] I shall have a few words to say to the Abbot before I goanywhere. [JAMIE] Never mind about that. Have you found Victoria yet? [RALPACHAN] She is safe. Khrisong is with her. [JAMIE] Ah, good. --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [KHRISONG] Are you recovered? Child? [JAMIE] There you are, I've been worried sick. Where have you been?Victoria? What have you done to her? Doctor? Doctor, I think she's ill. [DOCTOR] Let me see. [VICTORIA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, Victoria. [VICTORIA] There is great danger. You must take me away. Take me away.Take me away! [DOCTOR] Yes, yes of course. [JAMIE] Victoria, what's happened? Tell us? What's the matter with her?Victoria, it's me, Jamie. [DOCTOR] How long has she been like this? [VICTORIA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, Victoria. [VICTORIA] There is great danger. You must take me away. Take me away.Take me away! [KHRISONG] The child is still in a state of trance. [DOCTOR] Still? What do you mean? [KHRISONG] She spoke to us with the voice of the Master. [THOMNI] Ah. Then she did reach the holy sanctum. [JAMIE] What are you talking about? [THOMNI] She was certain that Padmasambhava would recognise the Doctor. [JAMIE] Recognise the Doctor? [THOMNI] Yes, he has been here before. [DOCTOR] But that was three hundred years ago. It's the same man. [RALPACHAN] Khrisong, the Abbot Songsten wishes us to join our brothersin prayer. [KHRISONG] Very well. You will prepare to leave. Is Mister Traversready? [RALPACHAN] He is in the courtyard. [KHRISONG] Come, Thomni, to prayer. [THOMNI] Khrisong, will you forgive me? [KHRISONG] We have both of us strayed from the path of obedience. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Jamie, there is something I have to do. [JAMIE] Right. Hey, why are we whispering? [DOCTOR] It's my voice. She reacts to my voice. [JAMIE] Oh, it's that hypnotism thing. Can you not do anything about it? [DOCTOR] Yes I can, but I need more information. Now, you wait here. [JAMIE] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] I'm going to see a very old friend. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [PADMASAMBHAVA] Oh, Intelligence. You promised to release me, yet stillI feel your grasp upon this frail body. Why? What is happening? Thiswas not your plan. But if you continue to expand? I have brought theworld to its end. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Come in, Doctor. Good to look upon your face again. Somany years. [DOCTOR] Padmasambhava. So it's true. [PADMASAMBHAVA] I have been kept alive so many years, but now our timeleft is very, very short. Listen carefully. Perhaps you can [DOCTOR] Kept alive? I don't understand. [PADMASAMBHAVA] I didn't know. I didn't realise. [DOCTOR] What? Try to tell me. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Intelligence. Formless in space. I astral travelled. [DOCTOR] I see. You made mental contact with this intelligence? [PADMASAMBHAVA] It used my mind. It controls my body. [DOCTOR] But why? [PADMASAMBHAVA] Experiment. Wished material form. A voice, it said. Ibelieved. Experiment. But now. Help. You must help me. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I will help you. But first you must tell methings. Why are the monks being driven away? What is the purpose ofthese robots, the Yeti? Where is their control? Padmasambhava?Padmasambhava? --------------------------------------- (Meeting room) [JAMIE] I wish there was something I could do. [DOCTOR] What on earth was that? [JAMIE] Oh, it was just an idea. [VICTORIA] Doctor. There is great danger. You must take me away. Take meaway. Take me away! [JAMIE] Doctor, you've got to do something. Did you find out what youwanted to know? [DOCTOR] Not about Victoria, no. But I found some very interesting cluesas to what's been happening. [JAMIE] Oh, never mind about that. It's Victoria you ought to beworrying about. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, you're quite right. Victoria must come first. Troubleis I really need more information. However, I'll just have to take achance. It may just be simple post-hypnotic suggestion. On the otherhand. [JAMIE] Yes. [DOCTOR] It may be something worse. [JAMIE] What if it is? [DOCTOR] Well, let's just hope it isn't. [DOCTOR] Victoria. [VICTORIA] Doctor. There is great danger. You must take me away. [DOCTOR] Yes, Victoria. [VICTORIA] Take me away. [DOCTOR] Listen to me. You've been taken away. You're no longer in themonastery. You're safe in the Tardis. Now do you understand? You'resafe. In the Tardis. Yes. Well, look at me. Look at my eyes. You'refeeling tired, very sleepy. Drift away. Let yourself drift away intosleep. Deeper. Deeper. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Oh, not you Jamie. [JAMIE] Hey, what? [DOCTOR] So far, so good. [JAMIE] Hey, I never knew you could do that sort of thing. [DOCTOR] No. Neither did the person who hypnotised Victoria. [JAMIE] What now? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm tempted to ask her what happened, but I don't think Idare probe too deeply. The important thing is to get rid of thisimplanted fear. It's growing every minute. [JAMIE] What if you can't? [DOCTOR] Well, we shall just have to do as she asks and take her away.If we don't. [JAMIE] Yes. [DOCTOR] She'll go out of her mind. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, that's the object of the exercise. To get us away fromthe monastery. But I'm not beaten that easily. [JAMIE] Hey, you're taking an awful risk. [DOCTOR] I know what I'm doing, Jamie. Victoria? Now, Victoria, you canhear my voice, can't you? [VICTORIA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. Now I'm going to take you a little way back in thepast, Victoria. You're in the cell with Thomni. Do you understand? [VICTORIA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Good. Now you're going to forget everything after that. Youwent to sleep. Is that clear? Good. Jamie and I have come back to themonastery and you are in the meeting room with us. You're feelinghappy, but a little tired. Do you understand? [VICTORIA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Good. Now, when I count three, you're going to wake up. One,two, three. [VICTORIA] (yawning) Oh, oh dear. Oh, I must have dropped off. [DOCTOR] Yes, I believe you did. I've got work to do. [VICTORIA] What are you grinning at? --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [DOCTOR] Travers? Travers. [TRAVERS] Yes, Doctor. [DOCTOR] How are you feeling? [TRAVERS] Oh, much better thanks. Look, I've been taking a look up themountain. Those robots are still there. They're just standing, notmoving. I don't like it. [DOCTOR] Yes. I think things are coming to a head. [TRAVERS] What are they up to? What are they waiting for? [DOCTOR] Instructions. Travers, can you remember any more of whathappened to you on the mountain? [TRAVERS] I'm afraid not. My mind's a complete blank. [DOCTOR] Are you prepared to risk it again? [TRAVERS] I thought we're supposed to clear out. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, the monks are, but I want to get back up themountain. One more bearing and I shall know where the control centreis. [TRAVERS] I see. You want me to help you. [DOCTOR] Yes, if you will. [TRAVERS] What about your young friends? [DOCTOR] Oh, they're leaving with the monks, but I want to get out ofhere before anyone sees us. Will you help? [TRAVERS] All right, I'm on. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [TRAVERS] I don't know. I've got a feeling I've done this before. Now,what do you want me to do? [DOCTOR] I want you to stay here and take some readings. Those Yeti arenot transmitting. I'm going over there to stir things up a bit. [TRAVERS] I don't understand that thing. You'd better let me go. [DOCTOR] Oh no, it's far too dangerous. I can't ask you to take thatsort of risk. [TRAVERS] Rot. I can take care of myself. Right. Now, wish me luck. [DOCTOR] No, wait! [DOCTOR] That's odd. [TRAVERS] You got your readings Because if you've got the reading. [DOCTOR] Yes. [TRAVERS] What's up? --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [KHRISONG] Is there any sign? [RALPACHAN] No. Every room is empty. [THOMNI] Mister Travers and the Doctor are nowhere to be found. [KHRISONG] It as you wished. The monastery is deserted. [SONGSTEN] This is well. I will ask a final blessing of our Master,Padmasambhava, then we will depart. [VICTORIA] Padmasambhava! [JAMIE] Try not to think about it. [VICTORIA] But I think [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Khrisong, I have found the control. [KHRISONG] It is too late, Doctor, I can no longer help you. [DOCTOR] But you don't understand. It's here, in the monastery. [TRAVERS] What? That's impossible. [THOMNI] But the monastery is empty. We are all here. [DOCTOR] Are we? Are we all here? [THOMNI] The Master! [SAPAN] Songsten is with him. [KHRISONG] Then he is in great danger. Stay where you are, all of you. [TRAVERS] Songsten. I remember. Songsten, the Yeti, on the mountain.Yes, yes, it's all coming back to me. [JAMIE] Well, tell us. [TRAVERS] There was this cave. --------------------------------------- (Cave) (Courtyard) [DOCTOR] It was Songsten who took this pyramid intothe cave? [TRAVERS] That's right. [JAMIE] And the Yeti never harmed him? [TRAVERS] No. [DOCTOR] Songsten. He's the link I've been looking for. [THOMNI] But Khrisong is with Songsten now. [DOCTOR] Then he's in danger. --------------------------------------- (Sanctum) [KHRISONG] Songsten! Danger. You are in great danger. Come away fromthis place. [SONGSTEN] What madness is this? [VOICE [OC]] Khrisong, whence came you by such foolish thoughts? [KHRISONG] Don't try and frighten me. Who are you? I demand to know whatis happening. [SONGSTEN] Demand? You are in the presence of the Master. [KHRISONG] Yes, a master who controls the Yeti. What is hidden in there? [SONGSTEN] Forgive him, Master. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] Of course. But our brother must not be allowed todepart in the knowledge that I am other than what I am. [VOICE [OC]] Songsten! [KHRISONG] Why do you put him in a trance? [VOICE [OC]] You understand, Songsten? [SONGSTEN] I understand, Master. [PADMASAMBHAVA [OC]] You may enter, Khrisong. [SONGSTEN] One moment. You may not take weapons into the presence of theMaster. [VOICE [OC]] Are you afraid? --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [VOICE] You have done well, Songsten. You will now. [PADMASAMBHAVA] Why are you making me do this? Why? Release me, I beg ofyou. I am. [VOICE] Songsten, you will now go forth with the monks. You will neverreturn. --------------------------------------- (Sanctum) [SONGSTEN] Yes, Master. [JAMIE [OC]] Khrisong, where are you? [THOMNI] Khrisong! What has happened? [JAMIE] Khrisong. [TRAVERS] We're too late. [SONGSTEN] What have you done to Khrisong? [TRAVERS] What have we done? Well, that's a bit cool, I must say. [THOMNI] You have killed him. [SONGSTEN] I? [VOICE [OC]] Songsten, kill them! [DOCTOR] Jamie, grab hold of him. His hands. [DOCTOR] Quick, get him out of here. [KHRISONG] Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's all right. Lie still. I'll get help. [KHRISONG] Too late. My time has come. Closer. My brothers, they are notto blame Songsten. He was in a trance. [DOCTOR] I understand. Now just try and [KHRISONG] No. Leave. Leave me here. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [THOMNI] My brothers. My brothers, Khrisong is dead. [SAPAN] Dead? [RALPACHAN] By whose hand? [THOMNI] By the hand of our Abbot, Songsten. [SAPAN] This cannot be. [TRAVERS] Aye, it's true enough. [SAPAN] No. What reason would he have to do such a vile thing? [JAMIE] Obviously he thought Khrisong knew too much. [SAPAN] Songsten, is this true? [JAMIE] Keep back! [RALPACHAN] Do not interfere, stranger. [THOMNI] No, leave him alone. There's been enough killing. [VICTORIA] Jamie, no! [THOMNI] Wait! Wait, my brothers. This is no time for rashness. [DOCTOR] He is quite right. He is quite right. You listen to him. [RALPACHAN] Well? [SONGSTEN] Kill them. Kill them. Kill them. [THOMNI] Look, is this our Abbot who loves peace? Surely you can see hewas made to kill Khrisong. He is a helpless puppet. [TRAVERS] But I saw him on the mountain. He was leading the Yeti. [DOCTOR] Yes, but by command, unknowingly. Thomni is right. Songsten ismerely a puppet. [SAPAN] Who has done this to him? [RALPACHAN] Is it you? [THOMNI] No. I tell you I saw Songsten change. He was put in a trance bythe Master. [SAPAN] Have a care what you say. [DOCTOR] Now listen to me, all of you. Your Abbot is not responsible.But neither is Padmasambhava. He too is controlled. Now do as you'dplanned. Leave the monastery. There is great evil here. [TRAVERS] No, Doctor, you're wrong. The evil is on the mountains. It'sthat hideous thing in the cave. [SAPAN] Wherever it may be, what can we do to overcome such a force? Mybrothers, let us obey the Doctor. [THOMNI] What of you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I will stay here, Thomni. [JAMIE] Oh, me too. [VICTORIA] Why? [DOCTOR] I have to. This things that's here, this evil, it will spread.It has to be stopped and I think I can do it. Thomni, will you help me?It will be dangerous. [THOMNI] You can rid us of this evil? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think I can. And if we succeed, the monks will be ableto return. [THOMNI] Then of course I will help. [VICTORIA] Doctor, you're not going to send me away with the monks, areyou? [DOCTOR] Yes, Victoria. I think it best. [VICTORIA] Well, I won't go. [DOCTOR] No, I didn't think you would. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor. Songsten, he's unconscious. [RALPACHAN] Sapan, tend our Abbot. [DOCTOR] No. Wait. There are things I have to find out and only Songstencan tell me. [JAMIE] What makes you so sure he's going to do that? [DOCTOR] Sit him down here, Jamie. Over there. [TRAVERS] The Doctor's got it wrong. I've seen that thing in the cave.That's what we've got to destroy. [RALPACHAN] The Doctor thinks the evil is here, in [TRAVERS] I know, I've seen it. He hasn't. He said himself thatPadmasambhava was being controlled. And it's that thing that was doingit. I'm going to get at it. Are you coming with me? [RALPACHAN] Very well. [TRAVERS] Good man, come on. [RALPACHAN] What do you plan to do? [TRAVERS] I don't quite know yet. Got to get to that cave. The pyramid'sthe answer. I just have to take a shot at it with this. Come on. [DOCTOR] And the Yeti? [SONGSTEN] They were designed to serve the Intelligence. [DOCTOR] I see. Now, this Intelligence, it is confined to the cave? [SONGSTEN] No. [DOCTOR] No? [SONGSTEN] It has broken its promise. Now it demands the whole mountain. [DOCTOR] I see. Now, Songsten, I want you to help me. [SONGSTEN] I want to help you. [DOCTOR] Now these Yeti, they are controlled? [SONGSTEN] Yes, by Padmasambhava. [DOCTOR] Yes, but the control units, they were made somehow, somewhere? [SONGSTEN] The Master laboured for nearly two hundred years. With thehelp of the Intelligence, he built the creatures and the otherwonderful machines. [DOCTOR] These small Yeti models. Their movements must be mirrored bythe real robots? [SONGSTEN] True. [DOCTOR] But there must be a control. A machine that gives out theorders. Now, where is that control? [SONGSTEN] The sanctum. [DOCTOR] But I have seen the sanctum. [SONGSTEN] Throne. Behind the throne there lies a hidden room. [DOCTOR] How do I get into it? Songsten, how do I get into it? --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [TRAVERS] That was a close one. Heading towards the monastery. [RALPACHAN] Should we not return? [TRAVERS] No, now we've come this far. Let's push on. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [DOCTOR] Take care of him, Sapan. [SAPAN] I will. He has suffered much. [SONGSTEN] Is it time to leave? [DOCTOR] Now, as soon as the monks have left, we must get into thatcontrol room. [JAMIE] How do we get past Padma-thing-me? [DOCTOR] I'll deal with him. But remember, as soon as we're in thesanctum, whatever happens, Thomni and you must smash the controls. [VICTORIA] What do you mean, whatever happens? [DOCTOR] Padmasambhava will use super-normal powers if necessary. For astart, he'll try to hypnotise you again. [VICTORIA] Well how can I stop him? [DOCTOR] Thomni, you'd better teach her the Jewel of the Lotus prayer.It'll give her something to concentrate on. [THOMNI] Yes, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Jamie, where is Travers? [JAMIE] Travers? [DOCTOR] Well, he's not here. [JAMIE] Perhaps he's deserted us. [DOCTOR] No, I don't somehow think he's done that, but I'd like to knowwhat he's up to. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [TRAVERS] Well, we're going the right way. There'ssome sort of path along here. [RALPACHAN] Look. [RALPACHAN] What is it? [TRAVERS] It's that hideous light from the cave. It's spreading all overthe mountain. [RALPACHAN] It's blinding me. How can we reach the pyramid? [TRAVERS] We can't. It's too late for that now, I'm afraid. [RALPACHAN] But it will engulf the monastery. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [SAPAN] Doctor, why will you not accept the aid ofour warrior brothers? [DOCTOR] Because they're needed to guard you and the lamas, Sapan. [THOMNI] Besides brave hearts will not suffice for this battle. [SAPAN] Protect them, Thomni. We shall pray for you. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Don't worry, everything will be all right. When it'sall over you can come back. I hope. [DOCTOR] Now don't forget. I will go into the sanctum first and dealwith Padmasambhava. And, as soon as it's safe, make for the curtainbehind the throne. That's where the control room is. [THOMNI] But when we have destroyed the machine, what'll happen? [DOCTOR] I haven't the faintest idea. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Jamie. It's going to be all right. [JAMIE] Hey, we might all be blown to smithereens. [VICTORIA] What am I supposed to do? [DOCTOR] Well nothing, I hope, but one of us just might need help. Arewe ready? Come on. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [RALPACHAN] What shall we do? [TRAVERS] Looks as though we're well and truly cooked. [RALPACHAN] Look. There below us, torches. The monks must have left. [TRAVERS] Yes, but has the Doctor? [RALPACHAN] How can we tell? We are trapped. [TRAVERS] I don't know. [RALPACHAN] We cannot enter the monastery. [TRAVERS] Looks as though we'll just have to sit tight. [RALPACHAN] Can we not try and join my brothers? [TRAVERS] No. The Doctor may still be in there. I'm sure he is. --------------------------------------- (Sanctum) [VOICE [OC]] Why are you here? Why did you not heed my warning? You arestubborn, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Who are you? [VOICE [OC]] You know well it is I, the Master, Padmasambhava, whospeaks. [DOCTOR] Oh no, it isn't. I know Padmasambhava. He's my friend. Wherehave you come from? Why are you using his body in this fashion? [VOICE [OC]] Such a brain as yours is too small to grasp my purpose. [DOCTOR] Too small? [VOICE [OC]] I am much power. [DOCTOR] Much power? [DOCTOR] Just a simple levitation. A childish trick. Now stop playinggames and open these doors. Or are you afraid to meet me face to face? [VOICE [OC]] You are rash. [DOCTOR] Now, anything can happen now. Just trust me, and above all,don't panic. [VICTORIA] No! No! The Doctor said to wait. --------------------------------------- (Inner Sanctum) [DOCTOR] Now! [JAMIE [OC]] Come on, Thomni. [DOCTOR] Quickly. Into the control room. Smash the controls. [JAMIE] To work, Thomni. [VICTORIA] Doctor, he's bringing the Yeti in! [DOCTOR] Victoria, Victoria, I can't hold him. The models. Knock overthe models! No, Victoria, don't let him. Jewel of the Lotus. Om manepadme hum. Om mane padme hum. [VICTORIA] Om mane padme hum. Om mane padme hum. --------------------------------------- (Monastery gate) [TRAVERS] At last. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [VICTORIA] Om mane padme hum. Oh, it's no good. Ican't move. [DOCTOR] You've got to. [VICTORIA] I can't! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Jamie! Jamie! Yeti's coming! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [JAMIE] Yeti? [THOMNI] But we have destroyed the machines. [JAMIE] Well there must something else that controls them. The controlunit. Of course, the sphere. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [VOICE [OC]] One stroke of fortune will not save you. [VOICE [OC]] Stupid man. Did you not feel enough of my power when youmet me in the cave? [TRAVERS] The cave? [DOCTOR] The cave. Jamie! There was a pyramid in the cave! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [JAMIE] There's one here too. --------------------------------------- (Inner sanctum) [DOCTOR] Destroy it! [VOICE [OC]] No! [VICTORIA] Look at him. [PADMASAMBHAVA] At last, peace. Thank you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodbye old friend. [JAMIE] Are you all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. It worked. The Intelligence is destroyed. [TRAVERS] Yes, well, it was most decidedly tricky for a minute or two. [DOCTOR] Yes. Thomni, you can signal the monks they can return. [TRAVERS] Doctor, are you trying to tell me that that old man wasresponsible for all this? The Yeti? The cave? [DOCTOR] Oh no, no. He was just a tool in the hands of a monstrousbrain. It wasn't his fault. [VICTORIA] It's horrible. Let's get away from here. [JAMIE] Aye, come on. --------------------------------------- (Courtyard) [THOMNI] Please, Doctor. Our Abbot will be most grieved that he did notthank you personally. Will you not wait? [DOCTOR] Ah no, Thomni, we're anxious to get back to the Tar. [DOCTOR] We're anxious to get back. [THOMNI] Goodbye, Doctor. [TRAVERS] I'll see them safely up the mountain. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Thomni. [JAMIE] Goodbye. [VICTORIA] Bye, Thomni. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JAMIE] Aye, well those things won't bother us anymore, Doctor. [VICTORIA] Those horrible things. [DOCTOR] Ah, they were clever machines. Almost a pity to have had themdestroyed. Well, at least you'll have something to take home from yourexpedition, Mister Travers. [TRAVERS] I suppose so. But nobody'll believe me. They'd think I'd hadit made. No, I'm afraid the expedition's over now. [VICTORIA] Oh Doctor, look. [JAMIE] Oh no. [DOCTOR] It can't be. [TRAVERS] A Yeti. A real Yeti! At last! Excuse the haste. Goodbye andall that. Mustn't lose this one. [JAMIE] Do you think he'll ever find his abominable snowman, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, that we shall never know, Jamie. What's the matter withyou? Are you cold or something? [JAMIE] Oh it's all right for you in your home made Yeti kit. [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose there is a little bit of a nip in the air. [JAMIE] A nip? A nip? Just look at my knees. They're bright blue. [DOCTOR] What a horrible sight. [JAMIE] Could you not land us somewhere warmer next time? [DOCTOR] Jamie, you never know, do you?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Abominable Snowmen"}
Doctor Who (Nov 11, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Ice Warriors (Ioniser control room) [ANNOUNCER [OC]] This is a preliminary warning. Preliminary warning.Prepare phase one base evacuation procedure. Phase one evacuation. [CLENT] Why has the ioniser been allowed to deteriorate to danger level? [GARRETT] (woman) There was a power stoppage. I've done all I can toboost it. [CLENT] Well, it can't be allowed to fall any lower. [GARRETT] We still have time to evacuate. [CLENT] We will certainly not evacuate. We've beaten its tantrumsbefore. [GARRETT] It's falling again. [CLENT] Well, hold it! You must hold it steady. [GARRETT] I can't. [CLENT] Switch the stabilising circuits through to computer control. [GARRETT] I have. It's still not holding! [CLENT] All circuits, woman. All circuits! [GARRETT] We're nearly there. [CLENT] There's not enough power. [GARRETT] It's slowing down. [CLENT] Maybe it'll hold there. [GARRETT] I doubt it. [CLENT] Well, at least it gives us time. [GARRETT] We need Scientist Penley. [CLENT] He is no longer a member of this post. You will make thismachine work. [GARRETT] Yes, Leader Clent. [CLENT] That's better. [GARRETT] Emergency evacuation phasing set. [WOMAN] Yes. [GARRETT] Ioniser state fault check. [WOMAN 2] Yes. [GARRETT] Reactor safety sequence in operation. Good. [CLENT] You'll make an Organiser First Class yet, Miss Garrett. [GARRETT] I only follow your example, Leader Clent. [CLENT] What is the latest report from all other ioniser bases? [COMPUTER] All bases are in phase. America, glaciers held. Australasia,glaciers held. South Africa, glaciers held. Asia, some improvementclaimed. [CLENT] They would. [COMPUTER] Britannicus Base Europe, slipping out of phase. Glacialadvance imminent. [GARRETT] If we fail, the whole programme for glacier containment is indanger. [CLENT] I'm fully aware of that fact. [GARRETT] But in two hours the ioniser will be useless. [CLENT] And then the glaciers will move again. Five thousand years ofhistory crushed beneath a moving mountain of ice. [ANNOUNCER [OC]] Phase two evacuation. Emergency. Phase two evacuation.Red state emergency. Red state emergency. [CLENT] Priority override. [GARRETT] Yes, of course. But Penley was the expert. [CLENT] I've had enough of experts and their crazy ideas. Where's Arden? [GARRETT] Still at the ice face, completing the instrumentation project. [CLENT] Well, hasn't he been warned? [GARRETT] We couldn't get through. Surface communication's impossiblewhen [CLENT] Well, we have to tell him immediately. I cannot lose any moremen. Leader Clent to Scientist Arden at glacier face. Come in, Arden. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [ARDEN] Walters, drill here. Now clear that trench, Walters, while Iprepare the seismograph probe. [WALTERS] Sir. Get your drill ready, Davis. Sir! [ARDEN] Yes? [WALTERS] Come quickly, sir! [WALTERS] I could swear there's something inside. [ARDEN] Oh, not another mastodon. [WALTERS] Well, look for yourself, sir. [ARDEN] Is it a man? [WALTERS] Perhaps it's an animal. [ARDEN] Well, we'll soon find out. Davis, the heavy drill. [DAVIS] Yes, sir. [WALTERS] Base calling, Sir. [ARDEN] What do they want? [WALTERS] There's nothing coming through. Poor reception. I suppose they [ARDEN] They'll have to wait. This is more important. Come on, Davis. [WALTERS] Well, what are we going to do, sir? [ARDEN] Do? Excavate. This could be a brilliant discovery. [WALTERS] But, sir, the computerised schedule. We must stick to that. [ARDEN] Oh, must we? [WALTERS] Leader Clent will be furious, sir. [ARDEN] Well, that's just too bad. For once we'll do something on ourown account, eh? [WALTERS] There's not much base can do about it, sir. After all, wecan't even ask permission, can we? [ARDEN] Come on, Davis. Hurry, man! --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] Arden, for heavens sake man, come in! Thisis urgent! [GARRETT] Failing again. (something) is decreasing. Not far from totaldisintegration. --------------------------------------- (Outside the base) [JAMIE [OC]] Up you go. [DOCTOR [OC]] Just got to get my hand there. [JAMIE [OC]] You can. Now the other one. [JAMIE [OC]] Argh! [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [JAMIE [OC]] You're on my head! [JAMIE [OC]] Careful. [DOCTOR] Up you come. There we are. Come on, Victoria. Give me yourhand. [DOCTOR] It was a blind landing. [JAMIE] Is that what you call it? [VICTORIA] Well, no broken bones. Hey, look at the snow. [JAMIE] Oh no, not again. Tibet was bad enough, but I think you've putus down just further up the mountain. [DOCTOR] Well, let's see, shall we? Very careful. I'm going to get out.It's quite a long drop. [JAMIE] Up you go. [DOCTOR] Come on, Victoria. That's right. [VICTORIA] Hey, it looks like a great big wall of ice. [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] You're on my hand! [VICTORIA] But Doctor, look. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's not ice, that's plastic. [JAMIE] Yes, and see how smooth it is, and curved. [DOCTOR] Yes. It's a dome. A protective dome. [VICTORIA] It's so big. Can't see the end of it. Wonder what's inside. [PENLEY] Don't worry. Those alarms weren't meant for us. I wonder what'swrong, though. [STORR] (Scots) Aye, that's their problem. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [GARRETT] Leader Clent, the video! Arden has madecontact. [CLENT] Arden, can you hear me? [ARDEN [on monitor]] Yes. What is it? [CLENT] You must return to base immediately. [ARDEN [on monitor]] Well, don't panic. I've almost finished setting upthe seismograph probes. Davis, hurry up. [CLENT] Yes, but the ioniser's nearly at disintegration point. [ARDEN [on monitor]] Oh, I wonder if Penley's ears are burning. [CLENT] It's not a laughing matter, man! You know what it means. [ARDEN [on monitor]] Yes. Cold weather ahead. I thought it felt a bitnippy. [CLENT] There'll be a full enquiry into your delay, you realise that. [ARDEN [on monitor]] Yes, and I've got a very good reason. A fantasticdiscovery in the ice. [CLENT] Your task was to set up movement probes in the ice, not indulgein amateur archaeology. [ARDEN [on monitor]] This is a man! [CLENT] Oh, congratulations. Makes a change from fossils. Now leave itand return. [ARDEN [on monitor]] I'm bringing the body back with me. [CLENT] Arden. [ARDEN [on monitor]] I'm sorry, I can't hear you. There seems to someinterference. [CLENT] Arden! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor, it's just like my home. [DOCTOR] I know! [JAMIE] We could be [ANNOUNCER [OC]] Red state emergency. Evacuation phase three. Phasethree evacuate. Transport section leaders report now. Phase threeevacuation. [DOCTOR] Something's wrong. [VICTORIA] It seems safe enough. [DOCTOR] We're discovered. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [JAMIE] Thank you. Excuse me, miss, I'm Jamie McCrimmon, do you thinkyou could tell us where we are? [DOCTOR] She doesn't want to know, Jamie. [VICTORIA] Hey, this says we're on evacuation flight seven. [DOCTOR] Rather inhospitable. We've only just arrived. [JAMIE] Hey, and this tag, it says I'm a scavenger. And yours does too!Here, we're not beggars. [DOCTOR] Hush, Jamie. [VICTORIA] What is it Doctor? [DOCTOR] It sounds like electronic machinery. Like a computer. There'ssomething wrong with it's pitch. [VICTORIA] Oh, no. Now look, it might be dangerous. Now let's leave it. [DOCTOR] No. [VICTORIA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Let's go in. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] Oh, there's something very wrong here. [CLENT] Now is (something) still out of phase? Seven two point four. [DOCTOR] Seven two point four? That's bad. [CLENT] Now balance those gauges, Miss Henry. 17 degrees out of norm. [DOCTOR] 17 degrees? Well, this is serious! [CLENT] Miss (something), report to me [GARRETT] level will you? Minus one seven degrees. [CLENT] One three seven-nine. [DOCTOR] One three seven nine? Excuse me, I [CLENT] Who the blazes are you? Get these scavengers out of here, quick! [DOCTOR] No! We're not scavengers! [DOCTOR] No! In two minutes thirty eight seconds, you're going to havean almighty explosion! The readings say so! [CLENT] Well how can you possibly know that? I haven't even, I haven'teven processed them through the computer yet! [DOCTOR] I don't need a computer. [GARRETT] If he's right it's already too late to escape. [DOCTOR] No, it isn't. It doesn't have to happen. If you'll excuse me. [DOCTOR] Cut out the reactor link for a start! Uncouple the transformerunit. (something) the density phase and power. [GARRETT] There's insufficient power for that. [DOCTOR] Well, a quick short burst then from the reactor unit, now. Off!Now link the circuits with the reactor link. Now, bring in the computerstabiliser. Yes, that should hold it steady. It's not a perfect job,mind you. You ought to get an expert in, you know. [CLENT] How did you? It was all a bluff, wasn't it, that two minutesthirty eight seconds to danger. [DOCTOR] Oh no, it was near enough correct. Give or take a second. [CLENT] Rubbish. [DOCTOR] Check it on your precious computer then. [CLENT] Miss Garrett, do so. [GARRETT] Ioniser fall rate, seven two point four. Ion compensator,minus one seven degrees. Ion flow rate, one three seven nine.Assessment please. [COMPUTER] Immediate emergency. In two minutes thirty seven seconds, thereactor will explode. [DOCTOR] Well, a second out. We can't all be perfect. [GARRETT] We're at half power now, Leader Clent. [CLENT] Why, even Penley couldn't have done better. Where on earth didyou spring from? It doesn't matter. Now look [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [GARRETT] Are you all right? [CLENT] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. No, no, it's nothing. It's just anemergency added to a ten hour duty spell. [GARRETT] The vibro-chair. [CLENT] Yes, you're right. Contact the Medi-Control centre the momentthere's a further downward fluctuation. We'll talk at the same time,come with me. (he leaves the room) [DOCTOR] Thank you. Now, Jamie, (something) [JAMIE] Ask him where we are. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [ARDEN] A giant among prehistoric men. [WALTERS] See the kind of armour he's got on? [ARDEN] Yes, that's rather strange. He looks pre-Viking. But no suchcivilisation existed in pre-historic times, before the first ice age. [WALTERS] Proper Ice Warrior, isn't he, sir? I reckon Leader Clent'll beinterested. [ARDEN] Yes. What'll the mighty computer make of it, ay? [WALTERS] Sir, hadn't we better get back while the weather still holds? [ARDEN] Good point, Walters. Davis, try bringing the air-sled a littlecloser, will you? [STORR] What are they up to? [PENLEY] Arden's found something in the ice. Something to take back toClent. It won't be appreciated. [STORR] Aye, they ought to leave way alone. [PENLEY] Arden was always a researcher. He wanted to be an archaeologistwhen I knew him. [STORR] Archaeology. What good's that? [PENLEY] It's good to know things, even when they're dead. [STORR] Nothing's sacred to you, is it? [PENLEY] I only ask questions. It's in my character, I suppose. [STORR] Aye, you swore you'd give all that up. [PENLEY] Discovery is as exciting to me as the hunt is to you. But withClent, he uses scientists craniums as stepping stones for hisambitions. [STORR] Aye, that's about all you lot are fit for. Door steps. [PENLEY] Well we're not totally useless, surely? [STORR] To me you are. Come one, we've got to move. Leave them to theirstupid games. [WALTERS] Avalanche! Come on! [PENLEY] Look out! Avalanche! [(Davis is swept off his feet and down into a crevasse in front of theglacier face.)PENLEY] Storr, are you alright? [STORR] Penley. [PENLEY] What's the damage? [STORR] My arm. It's gone, I think. [PENLEY] Broken? [STORR] Feels like it. [PENLEY] Well, you're lucky. There's one down there who's staying on themountain for good. [STORR] They'll come looking for him. We must move out a bit. Unless youfancy trying to turn me over to your friends. [PENLEY] Six weeks ago they were my friends, but not any more. Can youwalk? [STORR] Aye. Just you try and keep up. Come on. [WALTERS] All clear, sir. [ARDEN] Yes, but how about Davis? [WALTERS] I'll go look for him. [ARDEN] Well, let's hope he's safe. With another man gone, Clent'll skinme alive. [WALTERS] Well, if he gets too difficult, you can always set yourwarrior on him, hey, sir? --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) [CLENT] But you've no valid proof of your qualifications? [DOCTOR] Look, aren't we wasting time? If you want our help, why nottell us all about it? [CLENT] All about it? All about what? Where have you been all theseyears? [DOCTOR] Well, as a matter of fact, we've been in retreat. In Tibet. Weare sanctifiers. [CLENT] Oh, I see. In Tibet. Well, if you'll take a simple test, I'llsoon know if you're up to our scientific standards. [DOCTOR] I see. And if I fail? [CLENT] You'll be evacuated with the other scavengers in due course. [JAMIE] Oh, where to? [GARRETT] The African rehabilitation centres, of course. [VICTORIA] Oh, no, not Africa. [DOCTOR] Very well, fire away. [CLENT] I present you a problem. All the major continents are threatenedwith destruction under the glaciers of the second ice age. [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLENT] How would you halt the ice surge and turn the climate back tonormal? Forty five seconds starting from now. [DOCTOR] Oh, possible causes. The reversal of the magnetic field. [CLENT] No such change has occurred. [DOCTOR] Interstellar clouds obscuring the suns rays? An excessive burstof sunspot activity. A severe shift of the Earth's angle of rotation. [VICTORIA] Come on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] There aren't that many alternatives. Gigantic heat loss? [CLENT] I asked for an answer, not a question. Twelve seconds left. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, well, in that case the answer's simple. A severe dropin the carbon dioxide level in the Earth's lower atmosphere. Is thatit? [JAMIE] Well, is he right? [CLENT] Yes, he is. [VICTORIA] Oh. But I still don't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, the carbon dioxide level in the Earth's atmosphere helpsretain the sun's heat. Take that gas away, and there's a sudden freezeup. [JAMIE] Oh, where does the gas go to? [DOCTOR] Well [CLENT] You know how efficient our civilisation is, thanks to thedirection of the great World Computer. And you also know how weconquered the problem of world famine a century ago by artificialfoods. [CLENT] On the land that was once used to grow the food we needed, webuilt up to date living units, to house the ever-increasing population. [DOCTOR] Up to date? [CLENT] Well, there were exceptions, of course. I mean, this house wasclassified as being of historic interest. So, the amount of growingplants on the planet, was reduced to an absolute minimum. [DOCTOR] No plants, no carbon dioxide. [CLENT] Then suddenly, one year, there was no spring. Even then itwasn't understood. Not until the ice-caps began to advance. [JAMIE] But, what's this ioniser? [CLENT] Miss Garrett. [GARRETT] Ionisation is a method of intensifying the sun's heat onto theEarth, but into particular areas. [DOCTOR] Yeah, it's like a magnifying glass, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh, aye. [VICTORIA] You mean you can melt glaciers and change the weather? [CLENT] When certain difficulties are overcome. [GARRETT] Precise control is not easy. [CLENT] We can't afford to make mistakes. Ionisation can producetemperatures intense enough to melt rock. [GARRETT] Only by maintaining a perfect balance can we preventwidespread flooding. [DOCTOR] Can't your computers solve the problem of control? [GARRETT] Of course they can. [DOCTOR] Well. [GARRETT] When the imprint data is complete they will give us thesolution. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. And when will that be? [GARRETT] Soon, Doctor, soon. [DOCTOR] What's the position now? [CLENT] Well, we're barely holding the glacier in check. Now, there yousee a world map of the situation at the moment. And there you seewhat's going on in our sector. But if we fail, then not only willEurope be swallowed up, but the balance of power will be ruined, andthe whole world programme will go under. [DOCTOR] And the glaciers will win. I see. [CLENT] My senior scientist, Penley, is missing. I think you have thecapabilities to join us here in this great mission. Will you help us? [DOCTOR] Well I'm willing to try. [CLENT] Jolly good. Jolly good. Miss Garrett will give you somebackground information. You've worked with computers, I presume? [DOCTOR] Only when I have to. [GARRETT] Well, Miss Garrett is our computer specialist. She'll helpyou. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'll try and remember that. [GARRETT] Here we are completely computerised. [DOCTOR] Well, never mind. [GARRETT] Every decision is checked to eliminate risk of failure.Because of course, all decisions, all actions, must conform to thecommon good. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ARDEN] This way, gentlemen, this way. Right. Now do be careful. Aroundhere. Steady with her. --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) [CLENT] Is this what you call your full co-operation, Arden? How do youexpect us to carry out this [JAMIE] There's something in it. [CLENT] Great heavens. [ARDEN] Yes, I thought you'd be impressed Clent. Right, chaps. Let'shave him over here. Curtain up. This way. Head this way, tail downthere. [VICTORIA] What is it? [JAMIE] It looks like a Viking warrior. Look at the helmet. [DOCTOR] Frozen for centuries in the ice. Perfectly preserved. Ooo,that's odd though. [JAMIE] What? [ARDEN] Who are you? [CLENT] An addition to our staff, Arden. What's odd, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well the helmet, it's wrong. When this man was frozen to deathonly primitive cavemen existed. [ARDEN] Well I say it's an undiscovered civilisation. Think of theimplications. [CLENT] Well, whatever the implications, it must still take second placeto out ioniser project. We have our daily planning conference in threeminutes fifteen seconds exactly. Come along, Arden! Play with your toyafter the meeting. [JAMIE] Well, what's supposed to happen, Doctor? [DOCTOR] You see, this fellow Arden has set the electricity so that theice melts very slowly, allowing for the resistance. [VICTORIA] It's working quite quickly. [DOCTOR] Well, I suspect there are some impurities in the ice. I say.Look at that. [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] It's an electronic connection. I'm sure of it. [VICTORIA] It can't be. [DOCTOR] Now you wait here, and don't touch anything. [JAMIE] What's got into him all of a sudden? [VICTORIA] I don't know. Scientists are all alike. Eureka and all that. [JAMIE] Aye. He could do with a go on this, maybe. [JAMIE] Victoria? [VICTORIA] What? [JAMIE] You see how those lassies were dressed? [VICTORIA] Yes, I did. And trust you to think of something like that. [JAMIE] Well, I couldn't help thinking about it. [VICTORIA] Well, I think it's disgusting, wearing that kind of thing. [JAMIE] Oh, aye, so it is, so it is. You don't see yourself dressed likethat then? [VICTORIA] Jamie! [JAMIE] Oh, I'm sorry. It was just an idea. [VICTORIA] We will now change the subject, please. I want to look atthis man. --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) [VICTORIA] Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] He took just forty five seconds to proposeionisation. No prior knowledge. [ARDEN] Well, it took us and the Academy of Scientists years. [GARRETT] The computer took three milliseconds. [ARDEN] Yes, well, we had to programme it first. [CLENT] Quite. Well, before I make a final decision, I want thecomputer's assessment on this Doctor. [GARRETT] We must be absolutely sure. [CLENT] State the work potential and community value of the Doctor. [COMPUTER] More information is necessary for a full evaluation. High IQbut undisciplined for our needs. Present evaluation, to be used onresearch projects, but could be obstructive in certain situations. [DOCTOR] Oh, there you are. [CLENT] Doctor, would you mind [DOCTOR] I've been looking everywhere. Why don't you label your doors? [CLENT] Yes, this is a private meeting. [DOCTOR] Yes, I realise that, and I'm sorry. [CLENT] And we have not yet completed our business. [DOCTOR] Look, I wouldn't intrude if I didn't think it necessary. What Ihave to say is extremely important. After all, you did ask me to helpyou, didn't you? [ARDEN] Has something happened to the warrior? [DOCTOR] Well, it has something to do with that, yes. [CLENT] We have more serious matters on hand. [DOCTOR] This is serious! [ARDEN] Now let him tell us, Clent. Well? [DOCTOR] Thank you. It's the, it's the helmet. It's not what we thoughtit was. [CLENT] It's a prehistoric drinking cup. [DOCTOR] No! It has electronic connections. [CLENT] E? What are you talking about? [ARDEN] But that's impossible. You must be mistaken. [DOCTOR] No, I'm positive. You realise what this means? [ARDEN] Well it must mean the civilisation he came from must be moreadvanced than we thought. [DOCTOR] Yes, indeed. They even had astronauts, it appears. [CLENT] How do you mean? [DOCTOR] This headpiece is no warriors tin-hat. It's a highlysophisticated space helmet! [CLENT] Aren't you jumping to conclusions, Doctor, for a scientist? [ARDEN] But if this is true? [DOCTOR] If this is true your project is in danger. [CLENT] In what way? How can one preserved body, however old, effect us? [DOCTOR] How did he get here? Well, he didn't walk, did he? [CLENT] Well, if what you say is true, by spaceship. [DOCTOR] Yes, and where is that spaceship now? [ARDEN] In the glacier. Then it must still be intact. He had no signs ofmutilation. He couldn't have crashed. He must of landed. Clent, can'tyou see the importance of such a discovery? [CLENT] The propulsion unit of the spacecraft is probably [GARRETT] Probably atomic powered. [CLENT] Quite. And, er, if we use the ioniser at full power [DOCTOR] This reactor pile could be exploded or be activated. [CLENT] But if we don't [GARRETT] The whole area will be contaminated. [CLENT] But if we don't use the ioniser, what then? We are part of aworld plan. Now,if we hold back that plan cannot go into operation. [GARRETT] We could hold it at minimal power. [CLENT] Not good enough. [ARDEN] No, we daren't take the risk. The contamination level would lastfor five decades or more. [CLENT] It merely makes the fine control of the heat level even morevital. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I thought you ought to know. [CLENT] Yes, you were right, thank you. I must inform the computerimmediately for its decision. [ARDEN] Well, we shall need more facts. [CLENT] Well, furnish me with facts then! [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] The warrior's come alive! [ARDEN] Alive? [CLENT, DOCTOR + GARRETT] What? [JAMIE] He's taken Victoria. I couldn't stop him! [ARDEN] Alive. and I found it. --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) [CLENT] Alive? [DOCTOR] Strange. [CLENT] How did it happen? [JAMIE] Well, we were just talking, and I turned, and there he wasstanding right next to us. [ARDEN] That's impossible. To be preserved, yes, but to come alive?Impossible. [DOCTOR] For a human being, maybe. [ARDEN] What, not human? [DOCTOR] Look at this table. [CLENT] Well, it's been burned. [ARDEN] Well, I used a low voltage especially. [DOCTOR] Yes, but a high current. [ARDEN] Yes but it was quite safe. [DOCTOR] But if that current passed through a low resistance. [GARRETT] Extremely high temperatures. [CLENT] The intense heat must have shocked him back into life. [JAMIE] Oh look, I don't know what you're all talking about, but all Iknow is Victoria's in danger and what are we doing to save her? [DOCTOR] Yes Jamie, you're right. Come on. She can't have gone far. [JAMIE] Well, come on then. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] Danger red alert, danger red alert.Intruders within perimeter. Capture and control. Priority one. Repeatto all posts. [JAMIE] But within a perimeter? But supposing they're way out of it? [ANNOUNCER [OC]] Danger red alert, danger red alert. Intruders withinperimeter. Capture and control. Priority one. [CLENT] Well, that'll be just too bad. Obviously I can't release men foran extensive search outside the base. [DOCTOR] But she may be in danger of her life! You can't take thatdecision! [CLENT] Very well. You want an impartial opinion? I shall ask thecomputer. [JAMIE] Oh, not the computer. [DOCTOR] It's a waste of time asking the computer. --------------------------------------- (Storage room) [VICTORIA] Who are you? [VARGA] (hissing) Varga. [VICTORIA] Where are you from? [VARGA] From the Red Planet. [VICTORIA] Mars? We thought you were dead and then you came alive. Whathappened? [VARGA] Too many questions. [VICTORIA] I'm curious, that's all. [VARGA] I need answers from you. [VICTORIA] I don't think I can help you very much. [VARGA] Answers. [VICTORIA] Is that a gun? [VARGA] How long was I in the ice? [VICTORIA] I don't know, I. One of the scientists said you must havebeen there since the first ice age. Thousands of years ago. [VARGA] That cannot be true. [VICTORIA] Were there others with you? [VARGA] Yes. Our spaceship crashed at the foot of the ice mountain. Aswe came out to investigate, a great avalanche of snow buried us. [VICTORIA] Then the others are still trapped in the glacier, then. [VARGA] I will free them. Then we will return to the Red Planet. [VICTORIA] How? You can't get them out by yourself. [VARGA] You will help. How was I brought to life? [VICTORIA] Let the scientists here on Earth help you. [VARGA] Tell me! They would not help me. They would keep me as acuriosity, and they would leave my warriors for dead, or destroy them. [VICTORIA] No. No, they, they wouldn't. [VARGA] But with my men, I can talk from strength. Then we shall decide. [VICTORIA] Decide? Decide what? [VARGA] Whether to go back to our own world, or to conquer this. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] All relevant factors now presented. Howshould we act? [JAMIE] Och, how's a machine to know? [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie, have patience. Give it a chance. [COMPUTER] Ionisation programme should continue as planned. A limitednumber of lives are expected to be lost. [JAMIE] What about Victoria, though? [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie. [COMPUTER] However, the suspected presence of an alien spacecraft mustbe investigated, in case of potentially fissionable material. [JAMIE] Spacecraft! Hey, do you reckon that's where the warrior's goneback to? [DOCTOR] Well, he didn't come by Shetland Pony, Jamie. [COMPUTER] In order to accommodate this priority the workload has beenrescheduled to free one scientist investigator. [CLENT] Who should be released? [COMPUTER] Scientist Arden. [CLENT] Well, Arden, do you think you could handle this ice giantsingle-handed? [ARDEN] Well, I shall need at least one guard. [JAMIE] Well, what about me then? I could go with him. [DOCTOR] Yes, he's a capable lad. [CLENT] Well, the computer said one investigator only. [DOCTOR] That was from your staff, Jamie's extra. [JAMIE] Aye. [GARRETT] The mission must be carried out. The computer has ordered it. [CLENT] As the Doctor has agreed to help us with the ioniser. Yes, verywell, the boy can go. [DOCTOR] Oh good. [CLENT] But you must leave immediately, because the sooner we knowwhether there is a reactor buried inside that glacier or not, thebetter. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe, but Victoria's important too, you know. [CLENT] You don't seem to realise, boy, the fate of the world could beat stake. The girl must take her chance. --------------------------------------- (Plant museum) [STORR] What ye trying to do? Cripple me? [PENLEY] You know the trouble with you. Storr? You're just stupid. [STORR] How was I to know it would get infected? [PENLEY] If you'd listened to me in the first place. [STORR] Aye, you'd have stuffed me to the eyeballs with anti-this andanti-that. I'd have been flat on my back for weeks. [PENLEY] Where as now, you're fighting fit. [STORR] Ach, well, someone has to do things. [PENLEY] Mmm. Well, that someone isn't going to be you. [STORR] Ach, it's nothing. I'll pull through. [PENLEY] Yes, I'm rather afraid you will. But if you don't do what I sayyou'll soon be in a coma, which at least would give me a bit of peace. [STORR] Don't try scare me with all that scientific guff. [PENLEY] I'm just telling you, Storr. You got a headache? [STORR] Ach, it's nothing. [PENLEY] What I like about you is if a polar bear got you you'd give himindigestion. Feeling fuzzy in the head, eh? [STORR] I will not let it beat me. Is it going to be bad? [PENLEY] You won't know much about it. [STORR] My mouth's dry. [PENLEY] Here's a what do you call it? A tomato. It's nearly ripe. [STORR] Ach, you shouldnae have done that. I've been waiting weeks forthat to ripen properly. [PENLEY] Take it, it'll do you good. [STORR] Ach. [PENLEY] Well, there are advantages to living in a plant museum, eventhis close to the glacier. [STORR] Ah, so even a scientist can appreciate it then? [PENLEY] Well, there's warmth and food. Selected ancient food plants.Tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, strawberries. A world out of Atlantis. [STORR] Aye, helps me picture how it was before they killed off all theplants. There was spring then, and flowers. You could pick the fruitoff the trees. Now you rotten scientists (coughs) drop down dead. [PENLEY] Even so it's not the nicest way to live. [STORR] Aye. [PENLEY] An avalanche waiting on your doorstep. [STORR] Not leaving here until I have to. [PENLEY] Granted. [STORR] You're not going out after food, are you? You wouldn't know whatto do without me. Where are you going, anyway? [PENLEY] Well I've learnt enough from you to take care of myself, andit's for your idiotic sake that I'm going. [STORR] Where to? [PENLEY] The base. [STORR] You're going to hand me in to rehabilitation. Africa. Nevertrust anybody. [PENLEY] I'm going for drugs. And if I don't get them, you're as good asdead. --------------------------------------- (Storage room) [VICTORIA] It's, it's, it's, it's a [VARGA] Go on. [VICTORIA] It's a black box with wires. They connected it to you, andyou came alive. I, well, I don't know how! [VARGA] A power source. Resistance. A great heat and then life. Thisroom we came from. We will go back to it. [VICTORIA] I'll tell you how to get there. [VARGA] You will take me there. Without that power unit, my warriors arelifeless. [VICTORIA] But we have to go down the corridors. Supposing someone seesyou? [VARGA] I shall kill them. And you. [VICTORIA] Me? [VARGA] If you call for help. [VICTORIA] What is that? [VARGA] Sonic gun. It will burst your brain with noise. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [JAMIE] There's no one been here. There's not amark. [ARDEN] Well, we didn't pass them on the way. Now, stand aside lad, willyou? [JAMIE] We were wrong, then. He's lost out there somewhere, Victoriawith him. [ARDEN] I can't get a reading. There's something inside there, but allit's doing is creating havoc with this radiation sensor. Arden callingLeader Clent. Arden calling Leader Clent, answer please. [CLENT [on screen]] Clent here. Report. [ARDEN] There's no sign of the fugitive or the girl. They didn't,couldn't have come this way. [CLENT [on screen]] That was not the purpose of your mission. Pleasereport correctly. [ARDEN] No reading obtainable. The sensor is being jammed by some sortof a screening device. I can't make head nor tail of it. [CLENT [on screen]] But something is in there. [ARDEN] Correct. [CLENT [on screen]] Well, come on then, man! Don't waste time. Go in andfind out what it is! [ARDEN] Well, not with the equipment I have with me now. [CLENT [on screen]] Very well then, return at once. The mission will berepeated with the correct equipment. [ARDEN] But this is the proper equipment for the job. [CLENT [on screen]] Obviously not. Don't waste time. Return immediately.Out. [JAMIE] A nice boss you've got there. [ARDEN] Yes. The trouble with Clent is that he's not a proper scientist,he's an organiser. He should've been born a robot. [JAMIE] Let's go on. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VICTORIA] No, no, it's not in there. It's furtherdown the corridor. --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) [VARGA] The black box. Find it, quickly. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [GARRETT] It's still on half power, but it's holdingwell. [CLENT] Good. Well? [DOCTOR] Well, I still think you ought to get in an expert. Why can'tyou get one? [CLENT] I choose not to. [DOCTOR] But why? [CLENT] You're not here to question me. [DOCTOR] No, I'm here to help you, if I choose. [CLENT] This is the most important job I've ever had. Now, every otherproject I've handled with ease. Nothing has failed. I was chosenbecause I never fail. When I handpicked the team, I made one vitalmistake. [DOCTOR] This chap Penley. [CLENT] Best man in Europe for ionisation studies. As it turned out,hopelessly temperamental. [DOCTOR] Temperamental or individual? Creative scientists have to beallowed some head you know. [CLENT] Creative? Poppycock. When he walked out of here he proclaimedhimself to be criminally, criminally irresponsible. [DOCTOR] It couldn't have been just a simple gesture of protest? [CLENT] He was always protesting. This is a team, a team with a mission.If we fail, others cannot succeed. [DOCTOR] And your name will suffer. That's important. [CLENT] I lead the team. I depend on the experts I picked. My judgementwas sound. Others won't see it that way. [DOCTOR] So you do need Penley. [CLENT] No, I do not need Penley. But I do need an equivalent brain. Butit would be months before anyone else could pick up the knowledge thatPenley acquired here. Just isn't time, that's the pertinent issue. [DOCTOR] Well, I'll try and help you, but I do think you might trytrusting human beings instead of computers. [CLENT] I trust no one, Doctor. Not any more. Human emotions areunreliable. I'll just go and see that the working area reserved for youin the Medi-Control Centre is ready. --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) [VARGA] The power pack. [VICTORIA] I'm looking! [VICTORIA] Yes, yes, they look like the one. Yes, yes. [VARGA] You are coming with me, to the ice mountain. [VICTORIA] No, please. [CLENT] Who are you? [VICTORIA] You killed him! [VARGA] Come. [PENLEY] I er, I was going to give him this. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's disgusting. It's just the thing. Did you do this? [PENLEY] I've come very close to it at times. I've never seen him lookso peaceful. [DOCTOR] Oh, he'll be all right. Did you see who did do it? [PENLEY] Yes. A monstrous looking creature. I didn't like the look ofhim at all. [DOCTOR] Was there a girl there? [PENLEY] Yes, she seemed scared stiff. [DOCTOR] Well, why didn't you try and stop them? [PENLEY] Well, I came here to get some drugs for a man who is sick. Icouldn't run the risk of getting caught. [DOCTOR] But she's only a young girl! [PENLEY] She's alive. My friend will die if I don't get back. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I see. [PENLEY] Are you going after them? I can take you part of the way. [DOCTOR] No, no, they're searching already. There's a red alarm all overthe base. [PENLEY] Well, I've got what I want. I'm off. [DOCTOR] Penley? [PENLEY] You know about me then. My escapades in computer-land. [DOCTOR] They need you here, you know. They need you desperately. [PENLEY] Needing isn't getting. I'm free of their problems for good. [DOCTOR] They're your problems too, you know. It's your world. [PENLEY] My world is up here. Private and no admittance. Well, I'm goingto go then. [DOCTOR] I expect you know what you're doing. [PENLEY] You know it's nice to meet one that they haven't got at yet. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [PENLEY] Goodbye. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. [GARRETT [OC]] They're in here. [DOCTOR] Where's Victoria? [GARRETT] Leader Clent! [ARDEN] What's happened? [CLENT] Where are they? [GARRETT] I've just had a message from the perimeter gate. He smashedhis way through, taking the girl with him. [CLENT] He knocked me out with a power pack. [DOCTOR] With a power pack? You mean the one that you used to unfreezehim? [CLENT] Yes. And he and the girl have many more. [ARDEN] To revitalise others like himself. [CLENT] Others? What do you mean. We don't know that there are others. [JAMIE] Well now, he'll head for the glacier. Let's get way after him. [DOCTOR] No. That's what he wants us to do. That's why he's takenVictoria with him as a hostage. No, we must let him show his handfirst. [JAMIE] But we can't just stand around waiting? [DOCTOR] We're not going to. Only until morning. That'll be time enough. [CLENT] No, now! Must I remind you of the mission that you have yet toaccomplish? [ARDEN] Oh no, Clent, not at night. Not for you or anybody. You've neverbeen out there at night. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [VARGA] I have located my warriors. When your friends come after us,they will find a surprise. [VICTORIA] What are you going to do? [VARGA] You'll see. Don't try to run away. [VICTORIA] I was only going to watch you. [VARGA] You are going to help me. --------------------------------------- (Plant museum) [PENLEY] Twenty four hours and you'll be your oldanimal-like self again. And while you're undergoing repairs, Storr, oldchap, I'm going to do a bit of hunting myself, up on the glacier.Something strange is happening, Elric Penley, honoured sir. Thatwarrior, that girl, that funny, scruffy looking chap. Something strangeindeed. Something disturbing. Something to do with the ice. And if whatthat particular chap has said is true, if they really need me, it maymean the parting of the ways for us. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [VARGA] It's done. They are free. And now, to bringthem back to life. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [VARGA] See, it is working. Zondal is coming tolife. Zondal. Zondal. Zondal. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [JAMIE] Wish me luck, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You take care of yourself, Jamie, and keep an eye on Arden. Idon't think he quite realises how dangerous this creature is. [JAMIE] After what's happened here? He must be blind. [DOCTOR] Well, he's a scientist and a bit inclined to have his head inthe air. You know what they're like. [JAMIE] Aye, I certainly do. [ARDEN] Are you all ready, lad? [JAMIE] Aye, let's away. [DOCTOR] Good luck. [ARDEN] Now we don't know how many of them there are, so we'll have totread carefully. [CLENT] You will not expose yourself to any unnecessary violence, Arden? [ARDEN] Now listen, Clent, we both know that I'm responsible for whathas happened. If I hadn't brought that creature back here in the firstplace, none of this would have occurred. I also caused the death ofDavis. I can't forget that, either. [CLENT] Well, you just remember your mission, that's all. And no wildsorties after the girl. It's vital that you get your information backto us immediately. [JAMIE] Look, we'll not leave Victoria to the warriors, if that's whatyou mean. If there's half a chance of us two [CLENT] You will take your orders from Scientist Arden! Act according toyour priorities, Arden. [ARDEN] Come along, boy. [CLENT] Arden? [ARDEN] Yes? [CLENT] Don't be to too hard on yourself. Scientists must question, youknow. I mean, if I'd been in your shoes I think I'd have done the same.I'd have, I'd have brought it back. So, anyway, good luck. [DOCTOR] Good luck, Jamie! [JAMIE] And you, Doctor. [CLENT] Well, Doctor, let's see you go into action. I'll just get MissGarrett to take you over the set-up here. [DOCTOR] Miss Garrett? Oh, no, no. There's no need to go intoformalities. [CLENT] Miss Garrett? I like things done properly. Where is she? [DOCTOR] Now Clent, just remember I am not a member of your staff. I'mjust a working guest, as you might say. [CLENT] Yes, of course. But this is a formal establishment, and ourregulations [DOCTOR] Your regulations do not apply to me. I work in my own way,freely. [CLENT] I see. Like Penley. Regulations seemed to bother him, too.Probably caused his eventual breakdown, in fact. [DOCTOR] Breakdown? I thought you said he defected? [CLENT] Did I? Well, one thing lead to another, naturally. He was undera great deal of pressure. Just too much for him, that's all. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. --------------------------------------- (Plant museum) [STORR] A creature growing out of the ice! Bah! [PENLEY] I assure you that what I saw was very real. And terrifying. [STORR] You've been out on the mountain too long. It takes some peoplethat way. Especially the brainy ones. [PENLEY] Hmmm. Very well, don't believe me, but I still intend to findout. [STORR] Ah well, you can leave me out of your fun and games. I've gotenough troubles of my own. [PENLEY] You're fit enough now. To do the cooking, at least. Thanks toscience. [STORR] Science! Och, it wasn't science, it was just good plaindoctoring. And if you smirk again like that, I'll crack your head openwith this. [PENLEY] Yes, you're definitely back to your normal witty self. What'sthe matter? [STORR] Someone's outside. [PENLEY] They must have tracked me here from the base. Hide yourself. Wedon't want you carted off to Africa yet. You! [GARRETT] I followed you. It's all right, I'm alone. [PENLEY] What do you want? [GARRETT] Elric, we're in desperate trouble at the base. You're the onlyone who can help us. [PENLEY] Clent doesn't need me. All he wants is a mirror. Preferablyrose-tinted. [GARRETT] He does need you to make the ioniser work again. [PENLEY] Is that all? [GARRETT] No. He's faced with having to report the full situation toWorld Control. [PENLEY] Oh well, now we're coming to it, aren't we? The great Clentwould have to admit failure. That's it, isn't it? Poor old Clent. Henever could face the music. Here, what about this creature at theglacier? [GARRETT] That's only part of our trouble. The real problem is theioniser. Will you come? [PENLEY] It's typical of him to send you, instead of armed guards. [GARRETT] He doesn't know I'm here. I'm asking you. [PENLEY] I won't come. [GARRETT] But you can't just step aside. A man like you, living like ascavenger? It's utterly wrong. Civilisation needs you. [PENLEY] Jane, I chose this existence. I chose it because I refuse to besucked into that computerised ant-heap you call a civilisation. I'm aman, not a machine. I will not return. [GARRETT] Not even to save the world? [PENLEY] Save the world? Well, that has a fine Clentian ring to it. Nothanks, no. It'll take more than me to do that. But don't you worry,you don't get rid of my sort all that easily. Machines corrode andrust, but mankind goes on. You'll find Clent one of these days in amuseum, like that ancient stove, with an inscription round him.Robotised human mark two, now extinct. But you'll find others like mestill alive. [GARRETT] Surely, Elric, that's all the more reason to come back. Tochange things. [PENLEY] Don't you understand, Jane? Clent's just a talker. He's a glibpolitical animal. Even if I did change things, the Clent's of thisworld would still come out on top. Running things according to theirown whims and indulgences. And the pity of it is, they believe they'reright. [GARRETT] Then you leave me no alternative. You will come, and now! [PENLEY] You must be desperate. But tranquillising me isn't going tomake it any easier. You'd never be able to carry me all that way. [STORR] Oh no you don't! [GARRETT] Who's this? [PENLEY] Just a friend. Now what are you going to do? [GARRETT] Return to base and wait for the inevitable disaster. [STORR] Oh no, you don't. I'm not having you set the dogs on me. I'd assoon put an end to her game. Give me that. [PENLEY] Storr, no. She won't put us away. [GARRETT] No, I won't. [STORR] I don't trust any of them. [GARRETT] Please trust me enough to come with me to safety. Apart fromthe danger of the glacier, these creatures. [PENLEY] Oh yes, your ice warriors. Well, we shall just have to take ourchance. No, I won't return. And now you must go. But if Sir Genius doeshave trouble with the ioniser, look up my notes on the Omega factor. [GARRETT] Thank you for that at least. [STORR] This ice warrior. It's real then. [PENLEY] Oh yes. And I'm going up there again. [STORR] But why, man? [PENLEY] Because I must know. Now, put this knife to more sensible use. --------------------------------------- (Glacier face) [VARGA] If you value life, obey, and do not angerus. [VICTORIA] I want to go back to my friends. [VARGA] Perhaps later. For the moment, you are useful to us. Zondal. [ZONDAL] Commander. [VARGA] You will locate our buried spaceship without delay. [ZONDAL] That will not be difficult. [VARGA] You will excavate sufficient space to form a cave. [ZONDAL] A cave. [VARGA] To act as a trap. [VICTORIA] A trap? Who for? [VARGA] Do not interfere. Your friends may attack us. [VICTORIA] But they don't want to attack you. They could help you. [VARGA] We do not need help. [VICTORIA] You'd still be frozen and dead if it wasn't for us. [VARGA] You are a child. [VICTORIA] Oh, why won't you listen? [VARGA] Commence. [VICTORIA] What are you going to do with me? [VARGA] Bait. Bait for the trap. [ZONDAL] Activate direction sensors. Steady. Sonic stalls ready. Set towide impact. Take aim. Continuous fire! --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] If I was to reverse the sequence to give adensity ratio. Where did I? Yes, here we are. If I reverse the sequenceto give a density ratio. Excuse me. Excuse me! Yes. [CLENT] Genius at work, I see. Good morning Doctor. [DOCTOR] Mmm? Yes. [CLENT] Well, this is all very impressive, Doctor, but don't you thinkit'd be simpler to use a computer? [DOCTOR] Four. What computer? [CLENT] The base computer. [DOCTOR] Six. Yes, they're useful for digital analysis, but I veryrarely use them, except when I have to. There is one thing you could dofor me which would be very important. [CLENT] Yes, yes, anything. What is it? [DOCTOR] Lend me a pencil. Oh, that would be even better. [CLENT] Doctor, would you mind explaining just what it is that you are [DOCTOR] Now, this is wrong, this is wrong. It's not right. There'ssomething missing. [CLENT] Would these figures help? [DOCTOR] Supposing I? What are they? [CLENT] Data readings from the other bases. [DOCTOR] Oh, computer checked, I hope? [CLENT] Of course. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank heavens for that. [GARRETT] Doctor, I've found something here that I think you might [CLENT] Where have you been, Miss Garrett? Your instructions were tohelp the Doctor, were they not? [GARRETT] Yes, Leader Clent. I have been looking up Scientist Penley'snotes. These. Could these help? [DOCTOR] What are they? Omega. Well, what does he mean? Omega. What doeshe? Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Yes! Yes, of course. The OmegaFactor! There and here and there. Yes! Ha ha! Your friend Penley isvery clever. [CLENT] Is that it? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's it! [CLENT] That's fantastic. [DOCTOR] Oh, when you've been at it as long as I have it's nothing. [GARRETT] Do you think it could possibly work? [CLENT] It's very possible. [DOCTOR] Possible? It's perfect! Well, it's nearly perfect. [CLENT] We shall see. [DOCTOR] Oh, it'll work, all right. [CLENT] The computer will confirm that, I'm sure. [DOCTOR] Computer? [GARRETT] Well, everything's checked. [DOCTOR] I resent that! [CLENT] Just normal practice, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It should be the other way round. [CLENT] We have to be quite sure. It'll only take a matter of seconds.Copy all this down, Miss Garrett, and then we can feed it through thecomputer and do a simulator run. I'll just go and set it up. [DOCTOR] I shall demand an apology, you know. [GARRETT] We may not have time for that. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad you had time to look up Penley's notes. [GARRETT] I thought it might be useful. [DOCTOR] Pity that he turned traitor. [GARRETT] Oh, Clent might call him that, but he's still the mostbrilliant scientist we have. [DOCTOR] Oh? Oh, it's nice to see he still has some friends in the base. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [ARDEN] Glacier task unit. Leader Clent, please.Leader Clent, please. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] Clent here. Report. [ARDEN [on monitor]] We've arrived at the glacier site. There'ssomething strange. [CLENT] What is? [ARDEN [on monitor]] The ice face. It's been excavated into a cave. [DOCTOR] How? [ARDEN [on monitor]] By some kind of tool, I think. [CLENT] Is there any sign of a spacecraft? [ARDEN [on monitor]] Yes. [DOCTOR] There is? Where? [ARDEN [on monitor]] Well, at the back of the cave, there's what lookslike a metal door in the ice. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [ARDEN] The place is apparently deserted. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Well make sure you don't go too near. [CLENT [on monitor]] Excuse me. Take the necessary readings, and leavequickly, Arden. [ARDEN] I'll take care. [JAMIE] What readings? [ARDEN] Radiation, magnetic field and ion density. Won't take long. [JAMIE] I don't fancy this place. [ARDEN] There's never been such a discovery as this. All my life [VICTORIA] No! Oh Jamie, no! What have you done to him? You killed them! [VARGA] It was necessary. [VICTORIA] Oh, you're monsters! [VARGA] Remove her inside. [VICTORIA] Oh, leave me alone! Oh, please. Haven't you done enough?Please, leave me alone! I want to go back! Please! [ZONDAL] There may be more of them. [VARGA] If more of them come, we will destroy them. If no more of themcome, we will know there are not enough of them to resist us. [ZONDAL] Let us destroy the girl now. [VARGA] They came after her. She is obviously of some value to them. [ZONDAL] Then they will try again. [VARGA] We shall be ready for them. But first, Zondal, you have a taskto complete. The propulsion unit. It must be made to function. Time isvital. You must succeed. [ZONDAL] Yes, Commander. [VARGA] Come. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] We've just finished programming thecomputer. We shall have the result very quickly. [DOCTOR] Isn't it about time that Arden and Jamie reported again? [CLENT] Yes, that's true. But you know what Arden is, with hisscientific curiosity. [DOCTOR] Yes, very human. I'm worried about them too. [CLENT] Yes, I'll do it if you don't mind. Leader Clent callingScientist Arden. Arden? Do you receive me? [DOCTOR] He's not answering. Perhaps something has happened to them. [CLENT] It looks as if he's. Arden. For heaven's sake man, come in! --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Jamie, answer me! Jamie,what's happened? Jamie! Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] I will never forgive myself if anything'shappened to Jamie. [CLENT] What about this project with Arden missing? [DOCTOR] Oh, your ioniser will work all right. [CLENT] I hope so. I'm not sure that I trust your judgement yet, Doctor. [DOCTOR] What do you mean, I'm only human? Well as a matter of fact [GARRETT] It works! [DOCTOR] I told you it would. [GARRETT] The equation works! [DOCTOR] I told you it would. [CLENT] Good. Good. Jolly good. Success is at last possible. Inform allioniser bases, Miss Garrett. Thank you, Doctor. It's a triumph. [DOCTOR] Very likely. But somewhere, out on that ice face, are two youngpeople for whom I have considerable affection. That is no triumph! [CLENT] I appreciate your feelings. I, too, have lost a colleague. [DOCTOR] They're not colleagues, they're friends. [CLENT] We cannot be sentimental in this situation, Doctor. Our missioncontinues. We must all play our part. [DOCTOR] I've played mine. It's finished. [CLENT] What a triumph. Europe saved. Science the victor over nature,and it happened in my sector. Well, it's not the first time. [GARRETT] Now we can go ahead. It only needs programming. [DOCTOR] Aren't you forgetting something? [CLENT] I'm sorry, but some lives are bound to be lost. [DOCTOR] No, no, I don't mean that. Arden. He's not yet completed hismission. [GARRETT] Oh yes, of course. The spaceship reactor. We daren't proceeduntil we've heard from Arden. [CLENT] Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? --------------------------------------- (Plant museum) [STORR] What did you have to bring him back herefor? Another mouth to feed. [PENLEY] You may hate scientists, Storr, but there's no need to hate allhuman beings. [STORR] I don't trust anyone from Clent's base. [JAMIE] Who are you? Where's Arden? What happened?! Oh, my head. [PENLEY] Now you must rest. You're suffering from severe shock. Now justlie still. [JAMIE] Well, where am I? [STORR] Ah, never you mind. Somewhere safe. [JAMIE] Well, what happened to me and Arden? [PENLEY] Arden's dead. You were both shot down by the warriors. [JAMIE] Arden dead? [PENLEY] They used some sort of ray gun. [JAMIE] So we failed. [STORR] You came to rescue the girl? Is that it? [JAMIE] You've seen Victoria? Is she still alive? [PENLEY] Yes, she is alive. [JAMIE] Then we can still save her! You will help me, please! [PENLEY] Now you're not yet well enough. We'll discuss it later. [JAMIE] No, it'll be to late then. They might. Oh, my head. No, you musthelp me save Victoria. It'll be too late. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [VICTORIA] Doctor, if only I could make this thing work. This isVictoria calling the Doctor or Leader Clent. This is Victoria. Pleaseanswer me. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [ZONDAL] The girl, Commander. She will betray us. [VARGA] She has courage. But she is also very stupid to think that wewould not watch her every move. [ZONDAL] She must be stopped. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] It's Victoria! Victoria, where are you? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] I --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [VICTORIA] I don't know --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Some sort of cave. [DOCTOR] Are you all right? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Yes, but, oh Doctor, something terrible'shappened! [DOCTOR] What? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] They, they've shot Jamie and Arden! [DOCTOR] What? Well, is he dead? Is, is he wounded? Is he badly wounded? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] I don't know. [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Well, he's gone. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [VICTORIA] Arden's body's still here and he's dead,but the warriors are from Mars, and. Oh, Doctor, it's horrible! [CLENT [on monitor]] Keep calm, girl. We want facts. Tell us about thespacecraft first. [VICTORIA] No, please, please listen to me. Arden's dead, and Jamie'sdisappeared. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Don't you understand?They're ruthless killers and they'll stop at nothing. Now please,listen to me. There's no time to lose. [ZONDAL] Ready to fire. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] Not yet. [ZONDAL] She has betrayed us. She must be destroyed. [VARGA] Let her talk first. [ZONDAL] They will know our numbers. [VARGA] They will also know she is alive. She is the bait. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] Victoria, tell us more about the warriors. [VICTORIA [on monitor]] They're from Mars. [CLENT] They're not important. Have you seen the propulsion unit of thespacecraft, girl? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Propulsion unit? [CLENT] The engines. [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Oh, yes. They're busy repairing them now. [CLENT] What kind are they? It's vitally important. [VICTORIA [on monitor]] I have no idea. [CLENT] Well, reactor turbine? Ion jet? Anti-gravity? Think, girl! [DOCTOR] Can you describe them to us, Victoria dear? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Yes, yes, I think so. [CLENT] Well hurry, girl! [VICTORIA] Look, it isn't easy. Now I have to have time to think. [DOCTOR] Victoria? Victoria, what's happened? Are you all right? Answerme! [VICTORIA [on monitor]] I'm all right. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [VICTORIA] It's the glacier. It's moving all thetime. [DOCTOR [OC]] You're not hurt? [CLENT [OC]] The engines. Tell us about the engines. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] She has told them enough. Bring her in. [ZONDAL] Destroy her. [VARGA] You are wrong, Zondal. She must answer some questions first. Whyare they so interested in our engines? Why are they afraid? --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [VICTORIA [on monitor]] There's someone coming. [DOCTOR] Victoria. Victoria. Can you see the base from where you are? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] Yes. Yes, I can. [DOCTOR] Do you think you can get back to it? [VICTORIA [on monitor]] I can give it a try. [DOCTOR] Well, get in contact again as soon as you can. Good luck. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] Yes. This is an automatic chemicaldispenser, is it not? [GARRETT] Yes. [DOCTOR] How does it work? [CLENT] Well, you choose the category of the article that you want byindicating it on one of these little chaps here. Jolly good. And nowyou dial the precise chemical formula that you want there. [DOCTOR] May I? There's something I need rather desperately. [CLENT] Oh, what's that? [DOCTOR] Water. [CLENT] Indeed. [DOCTOR] Ah, that's better. Now then, let's see. Jamie has vanished. [DOCTOR] Victoria's on her way back to the base. And neither of them canhelp us with our main problem. [DOCTOR] An exact description of the spacecrafts propulsion unit. [GARRETT] That will? [DOCTOR] I will. [CLENT] With the help of ammonium sulphide? [DOCTOR] We know these creatures come from Mars, don't we? What do weknow about their planets atmospheric conditions? [GARRETT] Chiefly nitrogen, with virtually no oxygen or hydrogen. [DOCTOR] Then they're not going to enjoy this little concoction much,are they? [CLENT] What? You mean you intend to use it as a kind of toxic gas? [DOCTOR] Well, if I'm going to an alien spaceship it may come in handy. [CLENT] Now don't be ridiculous. We've lost Arden already. [DOCTOR] Arden fell into a trap. I know what to expect. [CLENT] I refuse to allow you to go! [DOCTOR] Splendid! You go instead then! [GARRETT] No one can be spared. Least of all Leader Clent. [DOCTOR] I can be spared. I've done all I can here. The ioniser willwork without me. I'd start getting it ready if I were you. [CLENT] But if anything goes wrong with the countdown? [DOCTOR] Oh, you'll manage. [CLENT] No. [DOCTOR] It's as simple as this. Someone has to get to the spacecraft,find out what sort of propulsion unit it has, and bring the informationback to you, or we can't use the ioniser. Now, who better than me? [CLENT] I've come to regard you as Penley's replacement, and. All right,all right. But it's strictly under protest. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [GARRETT] How will you get the information back to us? [DOCTOR] Ah. Now I don't suppose you have a small radio transmitter? [CLENT] No, our video links are the only communicators available. Puresound is no longer in use. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, you won't see me, but you'll hear me. As soon as Iget to the glacier face I'll switch it on and you'll overhear. I hope. [GARRETT] Is that all you're taking? [DOCTOR] Why, what else do I need? [DOCTOR] But I'm not going to fight a duel. [GARRETT] But you must be in a position to defend yourself. They'll tryto kill you out of hand. [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so. This is my defence. [CLENT] But how can you rely on that? They've already proved themselvesto be utterly ruthless. [DOCTOR] I think they'll listen to me. [GARRETT] You mean you're going to let them take you prisoner? [DOCTOR] That is exactly what I'm going to do. --------------------------------------- (Glacier) (Plant museum) [PENLEY] He's going to wake. His pulse isn't toogood. [STORR] His fever's gone. [PENLEY] Well, his body is young. It will heal. [STORR] Then why you looking so worried? [PENLEY] I don't know yet. The weapon they used on him. Peculiar. [STORR] Aye, scientifically designed, of course. [PENLEY] This is no time for debates. [STORR] Aye, it's easily said. I'll away and fetch a fresh drink. [JAMIE] You'll not keep me prisoner! [PENLEY] Stay still! [JAMIE] No, get away out of it! [PENLEY] Storr! [STORR] Do not fight us. [JAMIE] You'll not keep me! [PENLEY] We you're friends! [STORR] We saved your life. [JAMIE] Oh, oh my head. [JAMIE] What are you doing to me? [PENLEY] I'm going to try and ease your pain with this tranquilliserpad. [JAMIE] I don't believe you. [PENLEY] Now you must trust us. We know about your friend. We may beable to help. [JAMIE] Victoria? Well, where is she? [PENLEY] In the alien spaceship. [JAMIE] Alien? [PENLEY] These warriors are not of our time, nor of this planet. [JAMIE] Well, how would you know all that? [STORR] Ah, because he's a scientist. He can produce an explanation foranything. [JAMIE] And you? [STORR] I'm a loyalist. [JAMIE] A loyalist. [STORR] Ah, they've told you, have they? [JAMIE] Aye. But there's no time to talk. I came here to rescueVictoria. [PENLEY] You're in no state [JAMIE] Oh, just you try me. Here, give me a hand. [STORR] He's no as bad as you say, Penley. [JAMIE] No, scientists aren't always right. [STORR] You hear that, Penley? But your legs are still weak. [JAMIE] My legs! I can't feel them. I can't stand! [STORR] Oh, is this what your stupid drugs can do? [PENLEY] Don't be a fool, Storr. Of course it's not the drugs. [JAMIE] Well, what is it then? [PENLEY] Well, their weapons must have affected your central nervoussystem. [JAMIE] You mean I'm paralysed? --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] Where is the girl? [ZONDAL] Turoc has not yet returned. [VARGA] He must find her. [ZONDAL] Why? [VARGA] We need her to draw an intelligent being from the base. [ZONDAL] To find out the kind of reactor they use. [VARGA] Yes. Without the mercury fuel elements we are helpless. [ZONDAL] And if they have them? [VARGA] We shall take them. [VARGA] Is the fuel completely run down? [ZONDAL] If these scientists succeed in melting the ice? [VARGA] There will be floods. [ZONDAL] No hope for our engines then. [VARGA] Or for us. [ZONDAL] The gun is our only chance. --------------------------------------- (Glacier) [VICTORIA] Help! Oh, somebody help me! [VICTORIA] Help! Somebody! [VICTORIA] Oh please! Help me, somebody! Please help me! --------------------------------------- (Plant museum) [PENLEY] Well, there's little more I can do for him.That's the last of the tranquilliser pads. [STORR] Do ye understand his illness? [PENLEY] No, and I've no way of knowing the cause. [STORR] Well, there's one way we can save him. [PENLEY] How? [STORR] To befriend the aliens. [PENLEY] Oh, don't be a fool, Storr. [STORR] Oh, they'll help us. I'll talk to them. They'll understand. [PENLEY] But they're warriors, trained to kill. [STORR] Ach, only in self-defense, surely. [PENLEY] Oh, rubbish. No. We've got to get the boy back to the base. [STORR] No! [PENLEY] For the boys sake. [STORR] Oh, ye're trying to trap me. There's no return for me to thecivilisation that Clent represents. This is where I stay. [PENLEY] Do you think the aliens are any better? They killed Arden. [STORR] Ach, they were afraid. [PENLEY] They're ruthless. They place no value on human life. [STORR] Well, I'll talk to them. Someone has to. [PENLEY] We don't know what they're capable of, or why they're here. [STORR] Well, I'll ask questions first, then act. [PENLEY] It may be too late then. [STORR] We'll see. [PENLEY] No, wait, Storr. Look, you don't know what you're running into. [STORR] Now don't try and stop me. You look after the boy. --------------------------------------- (Glacier) [PENLEY [OC]] Storr! Storr! Storr! Storr! [VICTORIA] Can you hear me! Help! Oh! I'm trapped! [DOCTOR] Oh, it's you again, is it? [PENLEY] Has anyone passed this way? [DOCTOR] No. Are you looking for someone? [PENLEY] A rather ragged fellow like me. [DOCTOR] No, nobody. Not even like me. [PENLEY] Then I'm too late. There's nothing I can do. [DOCTOR] Can I help you? [PENLEY] Well, you've helped me once already. Why didn't you give meaway or stop me at the base? [DOCTOR] Well, why should I? I don't believe everything Clent tells me. [PENLEY] This boy. He's your friend. [DOCTOR] You know where he is? Is he hurt? [PENLEY] Come this way. [VICTORIA] Help me, please! Who are you? [STORR] Ach, never mind about that now. [VICTORIA] Would you release me please? [STORR] What happened? [VICTORIA] I run away and the warrior caught me. The ice fell [STORR] You ran away? But why? [VICTORIA] The warriors, they're evil. They killed Arden. I think theywant to destroy the base. [STORR] They are against the scientists? [VICTORIA] I know, but they won't listen. They think the ioniser is aweapon against them. [STORR] Aye, it's true. A weapon of destruction. [VICTORIA] Only to destroy the ice. [STORR] Ach, it will destroy civilisation. [VICTORIA] Anyway, thank you. Where were you going? [STORR] Well, your friend, the boy. [VICTORIA] Jamie? Jamie is alive? Oh, is he all right? [STORR] Ah, he's desperately ill. I'm going for help. [VICTORIA] But where? [STORR] We'd better move out of here quickly. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [VARGA] Is it ready? [ZONDAL] We are checking the motivator. Reline harmonic frequencies totarget point. When do we attack the base? [VARGA] Soon, Zondal, soon. Has Turoc returned? [ZONDAL] Not yet. [VARGA] The ice, it is alive. [VICTORIA [OC]] The spaceship! [STORR [OC]] Aye. [VICTORIA [OC]] You came here on purpose? [STORR [OC]] Of course! [VICTORIA] I'm not coming with you! [STORR] Oh, but you must. We must. We'll be safe. They'll listen to me. [VICTORIA] But they won't. You can't trust them. [STORR] Ah, they're against the scientists and the ioniser. That's goodenough for me. [VICTORIA] Is that your reason? I think that's wicked! [STORR] They'll understand. [VICTORIA] Let go of me! [VICTORIA] Oh! [VARGA] Where is Turoc? [VICTORIA] He was crushed by the ice. [VARGA] I give you your life. You run away. Because of that, one of mymen is dead. [VICTORIA] Honestly, it wasn't my fault. [VARGA] Take her inside. [VICTORIA] You're not going to kill me, are you? [STORR] My name is Storr. I'm a scavenger. A loyalist. [VARGA] You are from the base? [STORR] No, I'm against the scientists. [ZONDAL] You know nothing of their machines? [STORR] No, I don't want to. Their intentions are evil. I want to helpyou destroy the scientists. [ZONDAL] You. What good are you to us? [STORR] Oh, well, I know the land around here. I've lived here all mylife. [VARGA] You are not a scientist, only a local native. [ZONDAL] Useless and unnecessary. [STORR] But, but I want to help you. [VARGA] Now to question the girl. --------------------------------------- (Plant museum) [DOCTOR] Yes, there we are. [JAMIE] It's good to see you again, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Ah, won't be long before you're on your feet again, Jamie. [JAMIE] How long? [DOCTOR] Well, that depends. You've had some sort of shock to yourbrain. It's affected your nervous system. [JAMIE] I will walk again though? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, of course you will. It's just a matter of time, that'sall. [JAMIE] Aye, well I'll take your word on that. [PENLEY] What can we do for him? [DOCTOR] Well the base is the only place he can be treated. [PENLEY] Yes I know that, but he can't get there alone. [PENLEY] That's the glacier. It's moving forward even faster. [DOCTOR] Yes. It'll flatten this place in no time at all. [PENLEY] All right. I'll help you take him back. [DOCTOR] Well, that's just it, you see. I can't go. There's something Imust do. [PENLEY] You don't expect me to face Clent alone? That mouth piece ofthe computer? He's got a printed circuit where his heart should be. [DOCTOR] He's a man with a mission. I don't think he can afford toreject you. [PENLEY] Well, that's not the point. Anyway, what are you going to do? [DOCTOR] I must speak with the warriors. [JAMIE] No, Doctor! [PENLEY] What can you do alone? [DOCTOR] I have to see whether Victoria got away safely, and I must findout whether this spacecraft is a danger to the ionisation programme. Iadmit it won't be easy. [JAMIE] Doctor, if you go to the warriors you'll be their prisoner. [DOCTOR] Their guest I hope, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] Look, Miss Garrett, look. The glaciermoving. That's the fifth surge today. The ioniser just isn't holding itanymore. [GARRETT] But we daren't increase power beyond the minimal. [CLENT] Well, I know the risk if the spaceship explodes. Cobaltradioactivity level. We'd only replace one disaster with an evengreater one. [GARRETT] But you must make a decision soon. [CLENT] No decision to be made yet. Computer can act only when givenadequate information. We still don't know enough about the alienreactor. [GARRETT] But suppose we never know? Suppose the Doctor never returns? [CLENT] We'll face that if and when we have to. [GARRETT] But you must have a plan in mind, surely? [CLENT] I'm pinning all my hopes on the Doctor. He must succeed. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Here we go, Clent old chap. Wish me luck. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [DOCTOR] Anyone at home? [DOCTOR] Open up. Come on. Open up, I say! Very well, I shall count toten. One, two, three. Ah! --------------------------------------- (Airlock) [VARGA [on monitor]] Who are you? [DOCTOR] I never answer questions until I'm addressed properly. [VARGA [on monitor]] You will answer now. Very well. You are standing inthe airlock of this spacecraft. Unless you answer my questions withinten seconds, I will take atmospheric pressure around you down to zero. [DOCTOR] But if you do that my body will explode. [VARGA] One, two, three, four --------------------------------------- (Airlock) [DOCTOR] All right, all right! I don't think much ofyour hospitality. [VARGA [on monitor]] Identify yourself. [DOCTOR] Me? I'm a scientist. I've come to talk with you. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] To help you. [VARGA] A scientist? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Yes. Yes, you could call me that. [ZONDAL] You do not look like a scientist. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Looks aren't everything, you know. [VARGA] You look more like a scavenger. We killed him. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Well if you kill me, you'll ruin any chance youmay have of escape. [ZONDAL] Do you think he can help us? [VARGA] He cannot afford to lie. Allow him to enter. [DOCTOR] Ah, thank you very much. That's very civil of you. Oh, my word! [VARGA] You claim to be able to help us. [DOCTOR] No, I am sure I can help you. On certain conditions. [VARGA] You are our prisoner. It is we who set conditions. [DOCTOR] On the contrary, it is you who are the prisoner, and I can helpyou. [VARGA] Not on your terms. Bring in the girl. Now we will have twohostages. [DOCTOR] Well, what good will that do? You are buried alive in the heartof this glacier. Time is desperately short. You've got no time tobargain over hostages. [VARGA] Inside our spaceship, we are safe. And with you here, your basewill dare not use their secret weapon against us. [DOCTOR] Weapon? But the ioniser is not a weapon. [VARGA] You know how it works? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. It'll melt the ice and set you free! [VICTORIA] You're hurting me! [DOCTOR] Victoria! [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor! Oh dear, but they've got you too. [DOCTOR] It's all right. We are not beaten yet. [VICTORIA] What about Jamie? [DOCTOR] He's alive. [VARGA] If what you say is true, why have you not freed us before? [DOCTOR] Well, there are difficulties. [VARGA] What are they? [DOCTOR] Well. [VARGA] You will tell us. --------------------------------------- (Snowfield) [PENLEY] You're caught on a bough or something. Well, it's not muchfarther now, lad. [JAMIE] How far are we? [PENLEY] Well, we're at the edge of the woods fringing the campperimeter. [JAMIE] Can we not rest a while? [PENLEY] I think so, but a couple of minutes, no more. [JAMIE] Aye, you're right. The Doctor needs help right away. [PENLEY] I wasn't thinking only of the Doctor. [JAMIE] Wolves. [PENLEY] Yes. Here we're more or less safe, but the last stretch is opencountry. [JAMIE] I don't help much, do I? [PENLEY] Well, I'm not exactly a man of action myself. Storr should behere now. I miss him. [JAMIE] Have you no weapons? [PENLEY] Arden's tranquilliser gun, that's all. [JAMIE] Aye, it's not much. [PENLEY] Storr was a huntsman. An expert with a bow and arrow. [JAMIE] It's no good wishing. [PENLEY] Well, I'd better carry on. [JAMIE] Aye, lead on McDuff. [PENLEY] Keep very still. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] So you are afraid of us. [DOCTOR] No, but of your ship. If the ioniser sets off a nuclearholocaust, it will all have be in vain. [VARGA] That is good. In that case you dare not act. [ZONDAL] But if you thought there would be no explosion? [VARGA] Well? [DOCTOR] Well, in that case we'd have no choice. [VARGA] You would use the ioniser. [DOCTOR] But it wouldn't harm the ship. It would release it. [ZONDAL] There would be floods. [VARGA] Our engines would be useless. [ZONDAL] We would be at your mercy. [VARGA] Why did you come here? [ZONDAL] To spy? To betray us? [VARGA] But you could not hope to escape to tell the tale. [DOCTOR] Oh, I always live in hope. [VARGA] You have some kind of communicator. [DOCTOR] You do realise, don't you, that after a certain point, my basewill --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Have to activate the ioniserregardless of the consequences? [VARGA [on monitor]] And destroy you and themselves as well? --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [DOCTOR] Is that what would happen? [VARGA] Give it to me. [VARGA] Ah, they would never know. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [VARGA [on monitor]] They would never know. [GARRETT] The Doctor. You heard what he said. [CLENT] Regardless of the consequences. Yes. Yes, he's telling us totake the risk. [GARRETT] But we can't give the computer the information it needs. Itcan't instruct us. [CLENT] Can the ioniser hold? [GARRETT] At present power it's steadily losing ground. But we dare notincrease. [COMPUTER] Summary of orders to all World Ioniser Stations. The newequation originated from Brittanicus Base will be adopted to conditionsprevailing in each sector. All bases will prepare to use full ioniserattack on the ice in concerted action. Zero hour in six hours exactly.Report readiness one hour. [CLENT] We can't do it. [GARRETT] But if we don't the whole plan must fail. [CLENT] But if we act and there is an explosion, apart from destroyingthis base the contamination could easily [GARRETT] We must state our problem to World Control, now. [CLENT] No, wait! We'll give our computer all the information we have. [GARRETT] It isn't enough. [CLENT] It may be. It may be. [GARRETT] I know what the computer will say. [CLENT] No, no, no, no, no. Let the computer speak for itself. [GARRETT] There's only one answer it can give. [CLENT] Come on, quickly. Put the situation to the computer. Do asyou're told! --------------------------------------- (Snowfield) [PENLEY] He's sizing us up. [JAMIE] Can you not run for it? [PENLEY] I don't intend to leave you here as hors d'oeuvre, laddie. [JAMIE] Well, the gun. Use the gun. [PENLEY] I couldn't hit the side of the mountain. I'm a scientist, not agladiator. [JAMIE] Well, at least you can try. [PENLEY] All right. Well, cross your fingers. Here goes. [JAMIE] Quick, get me out of here. I'll tackle him. Get a hold ofyourself, man. [PENLEY] He's charging now! [JAMIE] Quick, he's nearly on us! --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [COMPUTER] Set up all circuits to new equation andwait. Further information essential before decision can be taken.Prepare to notify World Control in event of emergency. [CLENT] Of course, the computer's right. We must be prepared, and wemust wait. [GARRETT] It is the answer I expected. [CLENT] But you don't realise why it made this choice, do you? [GARRETT] Because it is the most logical answer in the circumstances. [CLENT] Of course. And because it's so logical, it can't gamble. Itcan't take risks. [GARRETT] That is its function. To be totally impartial. To serve thecommunity. [CLENT] Exactly. And one more aim in its life, to survive. [GARRETT] It has given us its decision. [CLENT] It is no decision. The computer is playing for time. Now listen,all of you! We risk destruction either by a radioactive explosion or bythe slow grind of the glaciers. Now there you see that the ice hasadvanced one hundred metres today. Now either way [GARRETT] The computer is destroyed. [CLENT] So that, by demanding a decision, we are asking it to commitsuicide. [GARRETT] It can't do that! [CLENT] Then what is the answer? [GARRETT] We can escape. There's still time to evacuate. [CLENT] Perhaps you could face world opinionata. I couldn't. [GARRETT] You must notify World Control eventually. The other bases willbe waiting. [CLENT] I will decide exactly when. For now we do as the computer says.Prepare the ioniser and wait. Now, complete data check please, MissGarrett. Miss Curtis, report to me the moment marker four reaches onefive oh oh. One three seven nine, now. Well, what do you feel about allthis, Walters? Bet you didn't think you'd have ice monsters and thingslike that to deal with when you volunteered for the job, did you? Well,did you? [WALTERS] I didn't volunteer. [CLENT] Ah, yes. Well, good man, anyway. --------------------------------------- (Snowfield) [JAMIE] Penley! Penley, are you all right? [PENLEY] If I can get out from under this brute I will be. [JAMIE] You sure you're all right? [PENLEY] Well he's clawed me, that's all. [JAMIE] Now we'd better get away, quick. He won't be any friendlier whenhe wakes up. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] Close engine room. Well? [DOCTOR] It's an ion reactor, isn't it? Hmm. It could be dangerous, butit wouldn'tnecessarily explode. [VARGA] True. But your friends do not know that. [DOCTOR] Now why don't you let us help you? [VARGA] We can get what we want without your help. [DOCTOR] But what else do you need, apart from escaping from the ice? [VARGA] We have had enough of your questions. Now you will give meanswers. [DOCTOR] Well, I've told you all I can about the ioniser. [VARGA] That is only a toy. The base. What is its power source? [DOCTOR] Why on earth do you want to know that? [VARGA] Answer. [DOCTOR] Oh, so that's what you need, is it? [ZONDAL] Answer the Commander's questions. [DOCTOR] Fuel! Fuel for your reactor! And suppose I don't tell you? [VARGA] The girl dies now. [VICTORIA] Doctor, don't tell them. [DOCTOR] Yes, you'll find what you need at the base. [VICTORIA] You shouldn't have! [DOCTOR] But you won't find Leader Clent easy to persuade. He's a veryobstinate man. [VARGA] He will listen to our sonic cannon. [ZONDAL] We must act quickly, Commander. [VARGA] Isbur and Rintan, wait for me at the entrance to the cave.Zondal, you will man the sonic gun. [VICTORIA] You won't succeed. You can't be so inhuman. [VARGA] We only fight to win. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [GARRETT] Ion density reading at 1000. 2000. 3000.4000. 5000. Operate. [WALTERS [on monitor]] Reception check point to Leader Clent. [CLENT] Yes, what is it? [WALTERS [on monitor]] Two new arrivals, sir. [CLENT] Well, I don't wish to be disturbed by trifles! [WALTERS [on monitor]] These aren't scavengers, sir. It's the lad thatcame with the Doctor and Scientist Penley. [CLENT] What? [PENLEY [on monitor]] Clent, I must talk to you. I have news of theDoctor. [CLENT] Walters! Bring the arrivals to me at once. [WALTERS [on monitor]] Sir. [GARRETT] Density compensator setting, please. [COMPUTER] Density compensator setting, zero three nine seven sevenseven zero one. Sequence ends. [GARRETT] Take all systems up to this level. Everything seems to beproceeding satisfactorily. [CLENT] Is it? [GARRETT] What's wrong? [CLENT] Penley's come back. [GARRETT] Of his own choice? [CLENT] Apparently. [GARRETT] But why? [CLENT] We shall soon see. If he tries to start any trouble [GARRETT] Well, he can't be allowed to interfere with the programme. Notat this stage. [CLENT] No. I no longer need to be tolerant with him because he's nolonger my equal. He's an outsider. [WALTERS] Come on then. [PENLEY] Put him over here. [WALTERS] Take it easy. [PENLEY] Rest on that, Jamie. [JAMIE] Thank you. [WALTERS] All right there, lad? [JAMIE] Thank you. [CLENT] No, stay, Walters. You may be needed. [PENLEY] I'm not liable to be violent. [CLENT] What do you want? [PENLEY] Well, I brought this lad. He's in desperate need of medicalsupervision. [GARRETT] We are not a first-aid centre. [PENLEY] He's paralysed. [CLENT] How did it happen? [PENLEY] He was shot down by the warrior's guns. [CLENT] Well, thank heaven their weapons don't deal fatal blows. [PENLEY] Well they killed Arden. [JAMIE] Look, you've got to help. [CLENT] Yes of course, boy. Walters will take you to the Medi-ControlCentre. [JAMIE] No, I didn't mean me. I meant Victoria and the Doctor. Look,they're inside the alien spaceship. You've got to help them! [CLENT] That isn't possible. [JAMIE] Well it must be. You've got to do something. [CLENT] No, we lost contact with the Doctor over an hour ago. I'm afraidthere's no hope. [PENLEY] You mean hope happens to be inconvenient. You've got to stickto your precious schedule, is that it? You've got to wave your splendidioniser about to prove that it works and never mind about human beings. [GARRETT] The computer has decided. [PENLEY] The computer? Override it. Let the ioniser wait. The computerisn't going to fall apart because it has to mark time for an hour. [CLENT] We are marking time. We're not using the ioniser underinstructions from the computer itself. [PENLEY] Why? [GARRETT] The spaceship may contain a reactor system that could wipe usoff this island if we cause it to explode. [PENLEY] So what are you going to do? [CLENT] We obey the computer. We will wait. [PENLEY] Wait? But that's suicide. The glacier's practically on top ofus. [CLENT] We still have time in hand. [JAMIE] Yes, but if the Doctor, if he's still [CLENT] No. [PENLEY] If the Doctor doesn't contact you, then what hope is there? [CLENT] There is hope. [PENLEY] Oh don't be a fool, Clent. You're not a man, you're just amachine slave. [CLENT] Don't you spit your stupid liberty in my face, Penley. We knowyour kind of freedom. Freedom to run away from responsibilities, fromservice, from moral judgement. I may be a physical coward, Penley, butyou're a coward in the mind. [PENLEY] Well at least I have a mind and not a transistorised junctionbox. I would act, but you daren't. And so you're going to be destroyedalong with your mechanical master. [JAMIE] Look, you've got to help us, man. [PENLEY] Jamie, I don't think you're [CLENT] There! Now, get them out of here! [GARRETT] You'd better take them to the Medi-Control Centre. Get someoneto look at the boy. Make sure there's a guard for when they come to. [WALTERS] Right. Send two guards to control. [CLENT] Penley. He's nothing. [GARRETT] Our trust is in the great computer. With its aid, we cannotfail. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA [on monitor]] I am now outside their base.Stand by, gun control. Take target readings. [ZONDAL] Ready. Vertical bearing minus point nine. Lateral bearing threefive. [ZONDAL] Prepare to charge to frequency three five. [WARRIOR [OC]] Frequency three five. [DOCTOR] It's all right Victoria, don't cry. It's all right. There'snothing to be afraid of. [ZONDAL] Wait until Varga returns triumphant. Then you will have causeto cry. [DOCTOR] Come along, Victoria, blow. Blow. [DOCTOR] That's better, that's better. (sotto) We can try and escapewith this. [VICTORIA] (sotto) What is it? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Ammonium sulphide. [VICTORIA] (sotto) Ammonium sulphide? It's only a stink bomb. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, you've had the benefits of a classical education.Yes, it is what you'd call a stink bomb. [VICTORIA] (sotto) What use is that? [DOCTOR] (sotto) You'd be surprised. Harmless to humans, but to aliensvery possibly deadly! [ZONDAL] The gun is fully ready, Commander. [VARGA [on monitor]] Good, Zondal. We will now contact the scientists.On my command you will fire once. Do you understand? [ZONDAL] Yes, Commander. [VARGA [on monitor]] Good. [VICTORIA] Zondal. Zondal, look! [ZONDAL] What is it? [VICTORIA] Look! [ZONDAL] Do not try any tricks. [VICTORIA] There's, there's water, seeping into the ship. Just there. [DOCTOR] I can't get it undone. [VICTORIA] Look, over in the corner there. [VICTORIA] Let me. [ZONDAL] You tricked me. There is no water. What is that? Let me haveit. Give it to me at once. [VARGA [on monitor]] Zondal. [VARGA [on monitor]] Zondal, fire. Fire now. Zondal, fire. Zondal fire.Fire now. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [GARRETT] Co-ordinates for area red one. Oh oh eightone nine three vertical, eight five eight one eight oh lateral.Parallel lateral shift. Controls are set. [CLENT] (unintelligible under the rising sound of the ioniser.) [WALTERS] The records wing! It's gone! It's demolished! [CLENT] We're under attack! Report! [VARGA [on monitor]] Leader Clent, surrender or die! [CLENT] What in the blazes? [CLENT] No, I refuse! You can't destroy us! [VARGA [on monitor]] You do not believe me? Very well. Must I fireagain? [GARRETT] We must play for time. [WALTERS] The building won't stand much more of this bombardment, sir. [CLENT] Then we must talk. Who am I addressing? [VARGA [on monitor]] My name is Varga. Do you surrender? [CLENT] Now frankly, you'll gain nothing by destroying us, Varga. Weboth have urgent needs. I will agree to talk but nothing more. [VARGA [on monitor]] No treachery. If I come in peace there must betrust between us. [CLENT] Very well. There will be no traps, or conditions. [VARGA [on monitor]] See that you keep to that, for if you lie. [GARRETT] What does he want? [WALTERS] Our guards won't stand a chance against weapons like that,sir. [CLENT] You heard what he said. No treachery, only trust. [GARRETT] But can we trust him? [CLENT] I'm afraid we have to. He's got the best argument on his side.That gun, or whatever it is. [GARRETT] We can bluff him though. [CLENT] How? [GARRETT] He doesn't know the computer's command to wait. We canthreaten to destroy the glacier and his ship with it. [CLENT] Yes, yes. Yes possibly. [WALTERS] Well why can't we do it, sir? It's our only chance forsurvival. [GARRETT] You know the computers decision and its reasons. [WALTERS] I know all about that. But it doesn't exactly give muchthought to us, does it? [GARRETT] The computer thinks of everything, considers all the facts. [WALTERS] And it's supposed to come up with all the answers, isn't it?Well, a fat lot of good it's doing us now. Wait, it says, wait! Withglaciers on the one hand, and warriors on the other! Well, what priceyour computer now. [CLENT] Walters! [WALTERS] What we need is someone like Penley, or that Doctor. Somebodywho can think. Not with a machine. And what good's your preciouscomputer done anyway? Nothing! Nothing but trouble! And it's timesomebody put a stop to it. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VICTORIA] That's Varga's voice. [DOCTOR] Shush. [VARGA [on monitor]] We are going in now. [VICTORIA] We must escape. [DOCTOR] It's not just a question of escape, Victoria. We've got to takesome action. It's this gun that's given Varga control of the base.Without it he'd be helpless. [VICTORIA] What can we do? --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] Well now, gentlemen, you said no traps and we for our part havemade utterly sure, that there are no traps [VARGA] I made no promises. I merely warned you not to trick me. [GARRETT] How can we help you? [VARGA] I will tell you what I want and you will give it to me. [CLENT] Oh, come now, Varga. That's not the way to talk. We're both ofus in a very difficult situation and at times like this it beholds usboth to proceed with mutual respect and, because the whole world couldbe [VARGA] So much for your word. [CLENT] That was, that was not planned. [VARGA] I have one major requirement. The mercury isotopes for my shipsreactor. You will give them to me. [CLENT] But we don't use mercury isotopes. [VARGA] The Doctor stated that you had them here. [CLENT] Well, he was wrong. We have none. [VARGA] You are lying. [CLENT] What good will it do me? [VARGA] Tell me what will happen if we halted your reactor in order toremove the fuel elements we need. [GARRETT] You can't do that! [VARGA] Why? [CLENT] That reactor gives us light, heat and power. [GARRETT] And it powers the ioniser. [VARGA] So that without it, you would be completely helpless. [CLENT] In Arctic conditions like these we'd soon perish. [VARGA] Whereas we would not. [CLENT] You'd be wasting your time. This reactor does not use mercury. [VARGA] I do not believe you. [CLENT] But you must. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA [on monitor]] There is only one way to findout. Where are the reactor controls? Tell me now. [VICTORIA] Did you hear that? Making them shut down the reactor. [DOCTOR] Yes. Now this is Varga's main weapon. There's just a chancethat I can turn it against him. [VICTORIA] What? [DOCTOR] If I can open these doors. There we are. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [DOCTOR] Now careful. Just stay there. How does thisgun operate? [VICTORIA] Oh, hurry, Doctor, hurry. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] You've got to believe me! [VARGA] So you say. [CLENT] Listen, Varga, the power source is locked in directly with theioniser. Now if we cut the power before it is safe, the feedback effectcould blast this building into a state of ion flux. [VARGA] What's its temperature range? [CLENT] It can melt rock. Don't interfere with it! It's fully primed. [VARGA] It can melt rock. What a weapon. [GARRETT] It is not a weapon. It is a scientific instrument. [VARGA] I see it differently. [CLENT] It's still a highly dangerous machine. [VARGA] Then run is carefully down to safety level. But no tricks. Youdo it now. [GARRETT] It will take some time. [VARGA] Does it matter? You dare not use it anyway. [CLENT] What? [VARGA] Your Doctor friend talked. I know your fear of my spaceship.That it will explode if the heat is too great. [CLENT] Would it? [VARGA] Close it down or you die. [CLENT] She's the only person qualified to disconnect the ionisersafely. [VARGA] What are your qualifications for existence? [CLENT] I'm the leader here. [VARGA] You have less value to me than your colleague, who has certainskills. [CLENT] But she doesn't know everything. I have the answers that yourequire. [VARGA] I know all I need to know. If I killed you, it would be no greatloss to me. [GARRETT] No, please! [VARGA] Then you will do as I say. Run down the machine as quickly as issafely possible. No more tricks. At once. --------------------------------------- (Glacier cave) [VICTORIA] What is it you're trying to do? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a little difficult to explain, Victoria. Oh. Ohdear. Hold this for me, will you? This gun works on the basis thatsound waves produce reverberations in the objects in their path. [VICTORIA] The objects vibrate in sympathy. Well, I know. My father toldme once. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Well if you can produce unsympatheticvibrations, damage results. [VICTORIA] Damage? Oh, like a singer breaking glass. [DOCTOR] Yes. But I want to be able to get at the warriors without itaffecting the scientists too much. Now, if we change this to frequencyseven. [VICTORIA] What will that do? [DOCTOR] Well, primarily it affects fluids. [VICTORIA] What good is that to us? [DOCTOR] Well, I believe that Varga and his warriors have a far greaterfluid content than human beings. There. [VICTORIA] If it works, what happens? [DOCTOR] That's just it. I don't know. [VICTORIA] Oh now look, Doctor. [DOCTOR] But I do know that whatever effect it has on the scientists,it'll have a far greater one on the warriors. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VICTORIA] Well, how's that? [DOCTOR] Well, apart from the fluid question, their helmets will trapand intensify the soundwaves. [VICTORIA] You mean, it'll knock them out and leave the scientists a bitdizzy. Well, is that it? [DOCTOR] Well, that's what I'm hoping, but there is just a vague riskthat it'll kill everybody. Clent and Penley included. [VICTORIA] And Jamie? --------------------------------------- (Medi-control centre) (Ioniser control room) [GARRETT] It's done. [VARGA] It is safe now? [GARRETT] Yes. Just ticking over. Not even holding the ice in check atall. [VARGA] Disconnect it completely, now. Now we must move quickly, beforethe glacial surge does too much damage. [CLENT] You'll regret this, Varga. [VARGA] At least I will live to regret it. Now, the reactor. Shut itdown, quickly. [PENLEY] Perfectly at home in ice age conditions. Well, we'll soonchange all that. [VARGA] Shut it down at once. The heat. What is happening? There issomething wrong. [VARGA] You are trying to trick me again. For that you will die. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VICTORIA] No, no, no. It's too dangerous! [DOCTOR] It's a risk we must take, Victoria! [VICTORIA] Oh! [DOCTOR] Now, cross your fingers. Here we go. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) (Spacecraft) [DOCTOR] Varga, this is the Doctor. Are you going toretreat, or shall I fire again? The trouble is I dare not use it again.If it hasn't killed them all already, another firing most certainlywill. Varga! Answer me or I fire again! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Ioniser control room) [VARGA] You will die for this. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VICTORIA] What are you doing now? [DOCTOR] Get well back, Victoria. [VICTORIA] What? [DOCTOR] Stand by for fireworks. Here we go. [DOCTOR] Now, quickly. Let's get out of here before they come back.(Later, while all the humans are still out cold, Zondal wakes.) [VARGA] The gun is useless. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] Victoria, see if you can find Jamie. [VICTORIA] Doctor, Jamie's in there. He's alive! [DOCTOR] Oh thank goodness for that. Now you get back to the Tardis, andclose the doors. [DOCTOR] Sorry about that. Up you get. Come along. [PENLEY] What happened? Did you do that? [DOCTOR] No time for questions. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] So, you allowed them to trick you. [ZONDAL] I await your punishment, Commander. [VARGA] We have no time. Everything depends on being ready to break freefrom the ice as soon as they evaporate it. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [DOCTOR] Up you get. Come along, Miss Garrett. Thereyou are. [GARRETT] Oh, the ioniser. They made me disconnect it. [DOCTOR] Then it must be switched on again immediately. [GARRETT] I don't take orders from you. [CLENT] Miss Garrett, if we are to obey Computer Control, it must bereconnected. Do so, please. [GARRETT] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Clent, their spacecraft is powered by an ion reactor. [CLENT] Well, that means we dare not use the ioniser at full force.That's our last chance gone. [PENLEY] Why, for heavens sake? [CLENT] Because of the risk, man. You know what would happen. [DOCTOR] Of course there's a risk, but it's a risk we must take. It'sthe only way! [PENLEY] Exactly. [CLENT] The computer says no! [PENLEY] The computer [CLENT] Is our supreme advisor. [PENLEY] And what sort of advice is that. Do nothing? [GARRETT] We must obey! [PENLEY] And be destroyed? Has the computer considered that? [CLENT] The computer considers everything. [DOCTOR] But that's why in this case you cannot rely on its judgement! [GARRETT] We trust the computer. It is our strength and our guide. [DOCTOR] Not this time. [JAMIE] Well, why not? [DOCTOR] Because Jamie, the computer is faced with an insoluble problem.Either way it risks destroying itself and this it cannot do. It mustplay safe. [JAMIE] Aye, but if it does nothing that's just as bad. [DOCTOR] I'll explain to you another time, Jamie. [PENLEY] There's only one way out. [CLENT] What? [PENLEY] We must over-ride the computer. [GARRETT] You can't do that! [PENLEY] We must. This is a decision for a man to take, not a machine.The computer isn't designed to take risks, but that is the essence ofman's progress. We must decide. [CLENT] But if you do that you'll soon ruin the world plan. All theioniser bases must act together through World Computer Control! If weact too soon it's as bad as being too late! [PENLEY] Yes, I know that, but the other bases haven't got a glacierright on top of them and apart from that what about these ice warriors?If they live they threaten our entire civilisation. [DOCTOR] A decision must be taken, and quickly! [CLENT] I can't. [GARRETT] I daren't. [DOCTOR] Penley, it's up to you. [PENLEY] Well, Clent? [CLENT] I reserve the right to consult the computer. [PENLEY] Go ahead. [CLENT] Problem. Alien spacecraft is powered by an ion reactor. Dare weuse the ioniser? What are the alternatives? Answer. [JAMIE] It's as though it's gone mad! [DOCTOR] Well, Penley? [PENLEY] We will use the ioniser at full strength to turn back theglacier. Miss Garrett, inform World Control. [JAMIE] But the spaceship, if you release it from the ice? [PENLEY] At full strength the ioniser will melt rock. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [ZONDAL] Commander, the glacier is breaking up. Soonwe will be free. [VARGA] What use is our freedom if we are helpless? Our engines muststill dead. [ZONDAL] I have not given up yet. [VARGA] Nor I. There must be some life left in the elements. [ZONDAL] Commander, power. [VARGA] What? The ice is our friend. We still have power. [ZONDAL] Shall I increase it? [VARGA] Carefully. We must time full take-off boost perfectly. [ZONDAL] And when we are free and in flight, we will be invincible. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [CLENT] Instrument readings on the glacier face showa steady rise in temperature. Now near to maximum. [JAMIE] Well, do will we know? [GARRETT] The instruments on the ice face have the highest heat andshock resistance known to man. When they cease to function, everythingabout them will be destroyed. [CLENT] You're wrong! You're wrong! We'll all be killed! [PENLEY] It is a risk I willingly take. --------------------------------------- (Spacecraft) [VARGA] It was not power in the engines, Zondal, it was heat. Heat fromthe ioniser. --------------------------------------- (Ioniser control room) [GARRETT] Only a minor explosion. We're safe! [DOCTOR] Oh. Goodness me! [PENLEY] Set all circuits to automatic, Miss Garrett, and tie in withthe World Ioniser instrumentation. Clent, will you check these readingswith me? And you've a report to prepare, haven't you? [CLENT] Yes, yes, yes, I have. Penley, you are the most insufferablyirritating and infuriating person I've ever beenprivileged to work with. [PENLEY] Thank you. [CLENT] Can't write a report though, can you? Something I've got to dofor you. Well don't worry, it's something that I've been trained to do. [PENLEY] Without the computer? [CLENT] Now, Penley, I've always written my own speeches and my ownreports. [PENLEY] Are you going to include? Well, where's the Doctor?
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Ice Warriors"}
Doctor Who (23 Dec, 1967; Second Doctor) - The Enemy of the World (Beach) [JAMIE] Where are we, Doctor? [DOCTOR] We're by the seaside, that's where we are. That's all thatmatters. [JAMIE] Aye, but where? [VICTORIA] Yes, Doctor, we must know. [DOCTOR] Oh, stop fussing, you two. Come on. [DOCTOR] Come on, you two. No, wait a minute. See if there's any bucketsand spades in the Tardis. [JAMIE] Buckets and spades? Is he going to dig for worms? [VICTORIA] No, he wants us to play sand castles. [JAMIE] Sand castles? What does he think we are, a couple of children? --------------------------------------- (By the hovercraft) [ANTON] Hey, Rod, pass me those binoculars. [ROD] Now what's biting you? [ANTON] Some crazy nut dancing a jig. [ANTON] Hey, wait a minute. It can't be. Get below fast, both of you. [ROD] What's the matter? [ANTON] Move! --------------------------------------- (Beach) [DOCTOR] Come on in, the water's lovely. You don't know what you'remissing. [VICTORIA] Doctor! You'll catch your death. --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [ROD] Well, what do you know? You're right, it ishim. [ANTON] What are we going to do? --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [ASTRID] (blonde woman) Yes? [ANTON [OC]] This is Anton. [ASTRID] Where are you? [ANTON [OC]] Ten miles west of Cape Arid. Now listen. [ASTRID] Wait a minute. [ASTRIC] What are you doing there? --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [ANTON] What do you think we're doing, fishing? [ASTRID [OC]] I shouldn't be surprised. [ANTON] Oh yeah? Well this time we caught a whale. He's here! --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [ASTRID] Well, that's physically impossible. [ANTON [OC]] It's him all right. There's no shadow of doubt about it. [ASTRID] Oh no, you're making a mistake, you must be. --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [ANTON] Now listen, there are three of us here.We've all had a look. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [ASTRID] Well, if you're that definite, I'll contactGiles. --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [ANTON] No! We'll take care of this ourselves. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [ASTRID] Listen, Anton, you'll do nothing without Giles' agreement. [ANTON [OC]] There isn't time! --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [ASTRID [OC]] Make time. [ANTON] If you think I'm going to pass up a chance like this, you'recrazy. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [ASTRID] Well, at least wait till I get there. [ASTRID] Anton! Anton! [ASTRID] Giles, that's just what I said. How could it be him? [KENT [on monitor]] It's a mistake, it must be. [ASTRID] Yes, I know, but he was definite. He's going to kill him. [KENT [on monitor]] I don't care. Get after them, stop them! [ASTRID] But Giles, what can I do? [KENT [on monitor]] Look, I don't care what you do, Astrid, but stopthem! --------------------------------------- (Beach) [DOCTOR] Oh, there's nothing like a dip to freshen you up. [JAMIE] Hey, there's a funny looking boat. [DOCTOR] That's not a boat, it's a hovercraft. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] It's a hovercraft. It floats on the air instead of the sea. [JAMIE] Oh, yes? Yeah, I'm too old for fairy tales. [DOCTOR] No, it's true, Jamie. [VICTORIA] What a terrifying thing. It's like a sea monster. [JAMIE] Oh, we'll soon get a closer look. It's coming nearer. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes. I don't think I like the look of this. Let's go. [VICTORIA] Why? What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Come on, run. [JAMIE] But Doctor [DOCTOR] Don't argue, run. Come on. [JAMIE] What do you mean, run? [DOCTOR] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Dunes) [JAMIE] If only we had a gun. [VICTORIA] But why do they want to harm us? [DOCTOR] Why indeed? Well, what now? [VICTORIA] Look, Doctor, can't we go back to the Tardis? [DOCTOR] No, we'd never make it. There's not much cover here. [VICTORIA] Perhaps we've landed in a world of mad men. [DOCTOR] They're human beings, if that's what you mean, indulging theirfavourite past time. Trying to destroy each other. [DOCTOR] Time we went. Come on. [JAMIE] Creag an tuire! [VICTORIA] Oh, well done. [JAMIE] What's that? [ROD] I know those markings, that's Astrid's runabout. What's she doinghere? [ANTON] Interfering. We've got to get to him before she does. [JAMIE] What is it, Doctor? [VICTORIA] Oh, I'm frightened! [ASTRID] Over here! Run! [VICTORIA] I can't! I can't! [DOCTOR] You must. It's our only chance. [ASTRID] Hurry! [DOCTOR] Come on! [ANTON] Leave him. --------------------------------------- (Helicopter) [DOCTOR] A very timely and welcome rescue. [ASTRID] Don't speak to me for a moment, please. [JAMIE] But what is this thing, Doctor? [DOCTOR] It's a helicopter, Jamie. [JAMIE] Huh? [DOCTOR] A chopper. You know, a whirly bird. [JAMIE] He say's it's a bird. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. It's a primitive form of flying machine. [VICTORIA] Well, at least we're safe now, aren't we? [ASTRID] Depends on what you mean by been safe. They've shot a hole inthe fuel tank. We might blow up any minute. [ASTRID] Here we go. --------------------------------------- (Outside the bungalow) [DOCTOR] Wait. You're hurt. [ASTRID] It's nothing. We're lucky to be still alive. [DOCTOR] Jamie, give her a hand. --------------------------------------- (Astrid's living room) [DOCTOR] Come along inside. [ASTRID] I'm all right. [DOCTOR] Now let's have a look at it. You're not, and please don'targue. Victoria? Bring some warm water will you? [VICTORIA] Well, where's the kitchen? [ASTRID] Through the arch. There's a medical kit in the bathroom,through there. [DOCTOR] Go and fetch it, will you, Jamie? [JAMIE] Right. [DOCTOR] Come and sit down. [ASTRID] It's nothing. It's just a scratch. [DOCTOR] We'll see. Oh, yes. [ASTRID] Who are you? [DOCTOR] You mean you don't know? [ASTRID] No, why should I? [DOCTOR] Well you went to such a great deal of trouble to save us. Ah,there we are. Thank you, Jamie. [ASTRID] Do you know how to use those things? [JAMIE] Oh, don't worry, the Doctor will fix you up just fine. [VICTORIA [OC]] Jamie! [ASTRID] Oh, you're a doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, not of any medical significance. [ASTRID] Doctor of law? Philosophy? [DOCTOR] Which law? Whose philosophies, eh? [ASTRID] Oh, I see. You're determined to be mysterious. [DOCTOR] Am I? [ASTRID] Doctor of science? [DOCTOR] Septic spray. That should be right. [ASTRID] A Doctor of Divinity, then? [DOCTOR] You'll run out of doctors in a minute. Now, you haven't told usyour name yet. [ASTRID] Astrid Ferrier. [DOCTOR] Ah, Miss Ferrier, this is Victoria and this is Jamie. [JAMIE] Hello. [DOCTOR] Now, this won't take a minute. I just want to clean it off. Beas gentle as I can. There we are. Who are these men? Why are they sodetermined to kill us? [ASTRID] Kill you. They hate you. [DOCTOR] Me? I'm the nicest possible person. [ASTRID] Or at least I should say they hate the person that they thinkyou are, passionately and completely. [VICTORIA] Can't we tell them they've made a mistake? [ASTRID] There wouldn't be time. [DOCTOR] They seem remarkably dedicated. [ASTRID] They are. [DOCTOR] There. [DOCTOR] Tell me, Miss Ferrier, do you hate me? [ASTRID] Far from it. To me you're the most wonderful and marvellous manthat's ever dropped out of the skies. Will you do something for me? [DOCTOR] Anything, anything at all. [ASTRID] It'll probably cost you your life. Oh, but it would be worthit. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's, that's comforting, anyway. What is it that you want me todo? [ASTRID] Let me take you to the man I work for, Giles Kent. He'llexplain everything you want to know. [DOCTOR] I don't think so, Miss Ferrier. No, I'm sorry. [JAMIE] Can we not just listen, Doctor? There's no harm in that. [DOCTOR] There's a great deal of harm in it. You don't suppose MissFerrier saved our skins for our sakes, do you? Now what is it you wantus for? [ASTRID] You resemble very closely a man who's determined to be dictatorof the world. A man who will stop at nothing. [VICTORIA] A dictator? Like Napoleon? [DOCTOR] Who is he? [ASTRID] Salamander. [DOCTOR] Salamander? [ASTRID] I know it's surprising. Let me take you to Giles Kent. [VICTORIA] Oh, you're not going to agree? [ASTRID] The back door! Hurry! [DOCTOR] It's too late! [ASTRID] In there! [ASTRID] Run for it! [JAMIE] Come on! [JAMIE] Miss Ferrier, come on. [CURLY] But I. He was framed against the window. I saw him, he wastrying to get out! [ANTON] No time now. They'll get away! [CURLY] There they are! [ANTON] Wait! If we can get up in the air above them we can finish this.Now let's get to that helicopter! --------------------------------------- (Outside the bungalow) [ASTRID] The helicopter. [ASTRID] It'll blow up! --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] Incredible. [KENT] Absolutely incredible. [DOCTOR] I'm not a specimen in a glass bowl, you know. [KENT] I'm sorry. Do sit down. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [KENT] It's just so astonishing. You are Salamander? [ASTRID] You see what I mean? [KENT] But surely you know how alike you are? After all, Salamander is aworld figure. [DOCTOR] Well, my friends and I, we've been out of touch of civilisationfor a little while. We're visitors, so to speak. On ice, shall we say. [KENT] I see. Where shall I start? [DOCTOR] At the beginning, please. We've been subjected to a number ofattacks because I look like this Salamander of yours. [KENT] I'm not surprised. I'll show you why. I have a video wire ofSalamander addressing the United Zones Conference on World Food. [REPORTER [OC]] And meanwhile, over at the United Zones GeneralAssembly, from all over the world delegates were flocking in, eager tohear the latest report from Leader Salamander. [SALAMANDER [on screen]] The progress, Mister President, of the SunConservation establishment at Kanowa, in the Australasian Zone, is, I'mdelighted to report, highly satisfactory. But we cannot yet guaranteegood summer holidays for all. (laughter) However, we have now in orbit the MarkSeven Sun Catcher, and already we have been able to concentrate thesun's rays into much needed areas. The great Canadian wheat plains aresafe. And now, Mister President, Ukraine, the grain field of theplanet, that unfortunate area between Bucava and Kirovograd devastatedby the elements two short years ago. What have I to say to you aboutthat? I can tell you that on both banks of the Dnieper River the cornis ripening in the sun! And ten-thousand robot harvesters are movingdown to gather in fifty million tons of flour! [VICTORIA] There's nothing there to say he's a bad man. [DOCTOR] I quite agree, Victoria. He seems to be a public benefactor.Quite a speaker too and remarkably handsome, didn't you think so Jamie? [KENT] He's one of the most popular men on the planet. Many people callhim the shopkeeper of the world. The saviour, in fact, some of them. [JAMIE] Well, what's he saved the world from? [ASTRID] Starvation. Too many people, too little food. [KENT] Until Salamander invented his Sun Store. But surely you've heard?You must know? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, well of course, we've heard something. [KENT] The Sun Store collects the rays from the sun and stores them inconcentrated form. [JAMIE] Oh, like the ioniser, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, a rather different principle, I think, Jamie, but [VICTORIA] Well, never mind how it works. What's it for? [KENT] Salamander can force-grow three, sometimes four, crops in onesummer. [JAMIE] Well, why do these men want to kill him? I mean, one minute yousay he's saving the world, the next [KENT] For his own ends. Step by step, he's taking control of thisplanet. [DOCTOR] You have proof of this? [KENT] Some, yes. I was once a high official in the World ZoneAuthority. Deputy Security Leader for North Africa and Europe, butSalamander discredited and ruined me because he realised I wasbeginning to get suspicious. [DOCTOR] But you could be making up stories about Salamander out ofrevenge. [KENT] Yes, I suppose so. Then you can judge for yourself. [KENT] You rememberMichael Assevski? He was Controller of the Eastern European Zone. Hewas drowned at sea a mile from shore. [KENT] Hockingham, murdered. All of them were seen with Salamander, or aman known as his deputy, shortly before their deaths. [ASTRID] All of them were replaced by men known to be in Salamander'spower. [DOCTOR] Known by who? [KENT] By me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, why don't you tell the authorities, the police orwhatever? [KENT] Because I'm discredited, don't you see? Because Salamander is sopopular and also because the man that took my place, a man named DonaldBruce, has since risen to become overall Security Chief. [DOCTOR] Surely there is someone you can take your story to? [KENT] Oh, yes. Elvick believed me. So did Assevski. And they're dead.However there is one other man, a man named Alexander Denes, (pronounced Denesh) but noneof them will do anything until it's too late. [VICTORIA] I'm surprised. Well, if Salamander is everything you say heis, then why hasn't he tried to [KENT] Dispose of me? [VICTORIA] Yes. [KENT] Well, he has, but he's afraid. You see, the testimony of a deadman still holds legal weight. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Well, it seems we have a problem on our handswhether to believe Mister Kent or not. [KENT] Well, there is one way that you can find out for yourselves. [DOCTOR] Oh, how? [ASTRID] Impersonate Salamander. [DOCTOR] Yes, I thought that's what we were leading up to. [JAMIE] Well, I must admit, Doctor, you do look like him. [VICTORIA] Exactly like him. [DOCTOR] Yes, there's more to it than that. What about the voice? [ASTRID] Well, it's nearly the same pitch. Only the accent [DOCTOR] Only the accent? My dear young lady. Oh, dear. Now, what was ithe said. (tries an imitation) We still cannot guarantee good summerholidays for all. No. Guarantee. No, no. Guaran. Guarantee. You see,it's very difficult. Of course, I always was interested in phonetics.Holidays. Summer. Summer. He must have come from Mexico. Quintana Rooor Yucatan I shouldn't wonder. [KENT] That's incredible, Doctor. He was born at Merida, state capitalof Yucatan. [DOCTOR] Yes, there are other very strong influences though. Oh, I coulddo it in time. But what if I did? What then? [KENT] You could walk into Salamander's Research Station at Kanowa, findout how he's getting control of the separate World Zones and then bringout absolute proof. [KENT] Yes. I see. How long did you say it would take you to masterSalamander's accent? [DOCTOR] I didn't. It would take three weeks, perhaps four. [KENT] Well, while we've been talking the Security Chief I told youabout, Donald Bruce, has since cordoned off this entire area. He'scoming here himself, now! I'd say you've got about two minutes, Doctor. [DOCTOR] But that's out of the question! [KENT] You know what he'll do as soon as he sees you, a man whoresembles Salamander so closely? [VICTORIA] Oh, that's not fair! [KENT] Will you please listen! You'll be under arrest for impersonationas soon as he sees you. I mean it. [DOCTOR] But isn't there another way out of this? [KENT] Only one. Be Salamander. [VICTORIA] But the clothes! [DOCTOR] Yes. [KENT] Yes, there are some in here. [KENT] A little less eccentric, but do the best you can. [DOCTOR] I won't! I can't! [KENT] Your friends, Doctor, do you want them to suffer? Because theywill, you know. [DOCTOR] No, no, wait a minute! Why is a man like Bruce coming here? Don't push me. [KENT] There isn't time. [DOCTOR] You sent for him, didn't you? You tipped him off! [KENT] I couldn't miss an opportunity like this. Now please, come on. [ASTRID] Giles, for heaven's sake, what have you done? It's far toorisky. [BRUCE] Hello, Kent. Doing some recruiting, are you? A bit young forkillers, aren't they? [VICTORIA] What do you mean? [KENT] All right, what do you mean by stepping in here like this? [BRUCE] Any time, Kent. I've got the right and you know it. Any time Ilike. [KENT] All right, what do you want? [BRUCE] That's better. You're ex-security, you know the way it's got togo. We might as well be nice and civil about it, mightn't we? Thatbungalow in Cedar District. In your name, right? [ASTRID] Why? [BRUCE] Do I have to tell you? There's been an awful nasty mess outthere. Someone has got himself shot in your living room. And who areyou two? [JAMIE] Jamie McCrimmon. [BRUCE] And? [JAMIE] Victoria Waterfield. [BRUCE] What's the matter, can't you speak? [VICTORIA] Don't shout at me. [BRUCE] Oh, very good. The outraged public citizen. Do they know who Iam? [KENT] Yes, they do. [BRUCE] A pity. I like to hear you say it. Now listen to this, all ofyou. One of your men was murdered in a bungalow rented to you. Theremains of two others were found in what was left of a helicopter. Youwere in that bungalow at the time and there were three other peoplewith you. Two youngsters and a man, right? Now, there was another man,wasn't there? So we'll deal with that first. Where is he? [DOCTOR] (mexican) Why, hello, Bruce. What are you doing here, huh? --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [BRUCE] I was under the impression you were in theCentral European Zone, Leader. [DOCTOR] (mexican) That's what you were meant to believe. [BRUCE] Why? [DOCTOR] I do not care to be questioned by my own security. [BRUCE] But that's just it. How can I possibly maintain security whenyou behave like this? I'm at least entitled to know your movements. [DOCTOR] You have a policeman's mind, Bruce. [BRUCE] That may be, but only a few days ago you questioned me aboutthis man and his activities, and we agreed that he was dangerous. Now Ifind you in his office. [DOCTOR] Sometimes I like to deal with matters in my own way. [BRUCE] They're not holding you here? [DOCTOR] Holding me? [BRUCE] Under some threat or other? [DOCTOR] No one threatens Salamander. [BRUCE] I still think I deserve an explanation, Leader. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. You shall have it. But not now. When I returnfrom the Central European Zone. [BRUCE] Very well. Now, what about the dead man found in your bungalow.He was one of your lot, wasn't he? [ASTRID] Yes. Er, he was trying to protect me. The other two wanted to killme. [BRUCE] Now why should they want to do that to a nice young girl likeyou? [ASTRID] Well I [KENT] Obviously they thought I was there. [BRUCE] You? [KENT] Yes, Bruce. Just like you a lot of people don't like me. [BRUCE] Don't get clever with me, Kent. I've a good mind to [DOCTOR] I am prepared to accept his story. [BRUCE] Well, I'm not. [DOCTOR] That's interesting, but not important. I accept it, that's allthat matters. [BRUCE] It's beginning to look as if these people are working for younow. Is that right? [DOCTOR] You still dare to question me? They have information. I shallget it. I will see you on my return. Now leave me. [BRUCE] McCrimmon, you said? [JAMIE] Aye. [BRUCE] Well, you just watch your step, that's all. [JAMIE] I never said a word. [DOCTOR] (normal) Must be the way you look, Jamie. [VICTORIA] You were splendid, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [ASTRID] That was a dangerous game to play. [KENT] It paid off. All right, are you with us? [DOCTOR] I don't know where you stand, Mister Kent, but you and thisSalamander are obviously on opposite sides. That at least is clear. Butwhich side is good? Which side is bad? And why should I interfere? [ASTRID] Well, you're the only man who can help save the world. [VICTORIA] But isn't that what Salamander's trying to do? [ASTRID] Don't you understand? Salamander [DOCTOR] Just a moment. Jamie, you're unusually quiet. What do youthink? [JAMIE] Well, to save the world, aye, well, it sounds grand, but. Oh, wecouldn't turn our back on a chance like this, Doctor. Well, at least Iknow you wouldn't. [VICTORIA] We don't know anything about these people. [JAMIE] Astrid saved our lives. She was wounded because of it. [VICTORIA] Oh, but Jamie, you don't think [JAMIE] Look, she was [KENT] Look, we're right about Salamander. It won't take you long tofind out for yourselves. [DOCTOR] How do you propose we do that? [JAMIE] He'll be well guarded for a start. [VICTORIA] We can hardly steal into his study and go through his papers. [DOCTOR] That man Bruce said that he was in the Central European Zone. [VICTORIA] It's a long way from Australia. [ASTRID] It's only two hours by rocket. [KENT] You could leave almost at once. [DOCTOR] Well, what then? [ASTRID] I've had a plan for infiltrating into Salamander's inner circlefor some time. Well, I could adapt it for your two friends. [KENT] I can arrange three travel warrants and visas. Everything youneed. [JAMIE] Just three? [KENT] Well one for Astrid, one for you and [VICTORIA] Victoria. [KENT] Of course. [DOCTOR] Oh that's very clever of you. How can you do that? I thoughtyou said you had no official position. [ASTRID] We have a contact there. [DOCTOR] He must be a very important person. [ASTRID] He is. Denes, Controller of the Zone. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. What about me? [KENT] I think we better have a look at Salamander's Research Station atKanowa. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, but from a safe distance, of course. --------------------------------------- (Benik's office) [BENIK] What is all this? I'll just give you a couple of minutes. I havea meeting. [BRUCE] This is important, Benik. [BENIK] I hope so. Well? [BRUCE] Salamander's left you in control of the Research Station? [BENIK] Yes. [BRUCE] Did he go on the rocket for the Central European Zone? [BENIK] Yes. [BRUCE] Did you see him go aboard? [BENIK] Hasn't been an accident, has there? [BRUCE] Did you see the rocket take off? [BENIK] Do you mean did I stand there waving my handkerchief? Hardly. Ihad too much to do. [BRUCE] You're not a very funny man, Benik. Not to me. Now answer me!Did you actually see him leave? [BENIK] What is all this? [BRUCE] I've just driven straight here from having spoken to Salamander,not two hundred miles away. [BENIK] That's impossible. [BRUCE] I don't lie, even to someone like you. He was with Giles Kent. [BENIK] But he hates Kent. [BRUCE] Exactly. [BENIK] Kent wasn't holding him by force, was he? [BRUCE] No, I thought of that. Salamander was a wee bit odd, I admit.Not quite his usual self, but he was perfectly in control. All he hadto do was bat an eyelid and I'd have knocked off everyone in sight. [BENIK] Oh well, I don't understand it. [BRUCE] Now, Salamander suggested that he was on his way to the CentralEuropean Zone. Now you're in radio contact with him. I want you to talkto him, make sure that Kent hasn't got some hold over him that we don'tknow about. [BENIK] He instructed me not to bother him until the conference wasover. [BRUCE] Well, I'm countermanding that instruction. [BENIK] I'm telling you, Bruce, he won't answer. Not till the conferenceis over. It's too important. [BRUCE] How long will it last? [BENIK] How should I know? They last three hours, usually. [BRUCE] All right, that'll have to do. Let me have a report as soon asyou've spoken to him. Is that clear? Is that clear? [BENIK] Yes. [BENIK] I want a direct channel link to Leader Salamander, Ariel TLXKZ.Notify me as soon as he is able to accept transmission. That's all. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [DENES] (East European) This is dreadful news, Salamander. I still can'tbelieve it. [FEDORIN] Terrible, terrible. [SALAMANDER] I don't say it will happen. I say it can happen. Your zoneis in danger, Denes. Here, here and here. [FEDORIN] We've had no trouble for years in those mountains. [SALAMANDER] You don't imagine I make it up? [FEDORIN] No, no, of course not. [DENES] Those volcanoes have been dead since sixteenth century. Fedorinis right to doubt. [SALAMANDER] A volcano is a strange thing, my friend. I tell you thetruth. It's like a man in the hot sun, sleeping. Still, lifeless. Thenboom! He wakes full of energy! I know volcanoes. [DENES] Isn't there a possibility of a miscalculation for a few degrees? [SALAMANDER] I'm never wrong. Every one of my predictions has beenaccurate. [DENES] Yes. Your record is good. I don't deny that. [SALAMANDER] You are too kind. Now will you listen to me? [FARIAH] Leader, the communications [SALAMANDER] I know! I know! I told you I was not to be disturbed. [FARIAH] Yes, Leader. [SALAMANDER] No, wait! No, wait Fariah, huh? You'd like some refreshment,perhaps? [FEDORIN] Thank you. [DENES] No, no, not for me. [SALAMANDER] Oh, you're going so soon? [DENES] I must consult my scientific advisors. [SALAMANDER] You still don't believe me. [DENES] I believe you sufficiently to want to have your informationchecked before I alarm my people unnecessarily. [SALAMANDER] Your scientists won't help you. They don't know. They areamateurs. [DENES] No, Salamander, they are not amateurs. They are very clever mendedicated to their work, but they are men, capable of human error likeanybody else. [SALAMANDER] Do what you wish. Captain! [CAPTAIN] Sir! [SALAMANDER] Controller Denes is leaving. [CAPTAIN] Yes, sir. [SALAMANDER] You will soon see that I am right. (to Fedorin) Oh, youwill stay, huh? Have a drink. We have a great deal to talk about, youand I. Fariah, see to him. --------------------------------------- (Public Gardens) [JAMIE] Are you sure this is the right one? [VICTORIA] I'm not sure of anything after that rocket. But Astrid saidit was the third bench on the south walk of the large gardens. Well,here it is, I counted. [JAMIE] Here we are. [ASTRID] It's all arranged. Salamander's in residence in the President'sPalace. [JAMIE] What's the card? [ASTRID] That'll get you through the front gate. Find the terrace facingwest. [VICTORIA] Good luck, Jamie. [ASTRID] Yes, keep your wits about you. [JAMIE] Right. [ASTRID] Hello. Hello? Australasian Zone? How much longer? Look, don'ttalk to me about sun spots. What? Well, the Central European Zone.Please don't worry about procedure. This is urgent. Connect me! --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] That might be her now. Yes. [ASTRID [OC]] Hello, Giles? This is me, Astrid. [KENT] Right, let's have it. What's happening? [ASTRID [OC]] Everything's gone fine so far. [KENT] Speak up. We can't hear you very well. --------------------------------------- (Public gardens) [ASTRID] Oh, it's these spots. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] Oh, she's having spot trouble. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. [KENT] Right, how is the plan working so far? --------------------------------------- (Public gardens) [ASTRID] It's gone fine. The rocket arrived right ontime in Hungary, and Jamie's got his entrance pass and has startedphase one. [KENT [OC]] Do you think the boy can handle it? [ASTRID] Well I hope so. My goodness, they're a pretty odd lot though,aren't they? --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] Well, actually, the Doctor's with me right now. [ASTRID [OC]] Oh, I am sorry. Oh, I know I'm sure they'll be fine. [KENT] What news of Denes? We must keep him posted as to what ishappening. --------------------------------------- (Public gardens) [ASTRID] It's all right. We've contacted and we'vearranged to meet. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] Be careful, he's pretty well known. [ASTRID [OC]] Oh, don't worry. I suggested that we meet under a disusedjetty by the river. [DOCTOR] Disused Yeti? [KENT] No, no, no, no. Jetty, jetty. Er, anything else to tell us? --------------------------------------- (Public gardens) [ASTRID] No. If the plan goes through I'll try andcontact you again. [KENT [OC]] Right. Goodbye, good luck. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [DOCTOR] Good luck, Astrid. Jamie and Victoria willlook after you. [KENT] Astrid, are you there? Where. She's gone. And I'm not surprisedafter that last remark. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [FEDORIN] Why don't you sit down? [FARIAH] No. [FEDORIN] Why not? [FARIAH] I have never sat out here. [FEDORIN] Salamander won't mind. [FARIAH] I would never sit down here. [FEDORIN] If you don't like him, why do you work for him? [FARIAH] He has a way of persuading people. [FEDORIN] Yes, I can imagine that. [FARIAH] Brujo. [FEDORIN] What? If only I knew what he wanted to talk to me about. Wouldyou know? [FARIAH] Salamander talks to many people. Some only once. [FEDORIN] Well, I shall know soon enough, I suppose. What exactly do youdo here? [FARIAH] I serve. [FEDORIN] Yes, but you're obviously not an ordinary servant. [FARIAH] No, I'm not. [FEDORIN] What, then? [FARIAH] Would you like some more refreshment? [FEDORIN] No, I'll get it myself. [FEDORIN] Oh, that's good. [FARIAH] Is it? I'm very glad to hear that. [FEDORIN] What? [FARIAH] I am Salamander's food taster. [FEDORIN] Does he need one? [FARIAH] There have been many attempts to poison him. [FEDORIN] Dangerous job. [FARIAH] Mmm. That's why it's very nice to have help for a change. [FEDORIN] You mean? You mean you haven't? [FARIAH] No. I didn't have time. Still taste good? Nothing bitter? [FEDORIN] No. I, I don't think so. [FARIAH] You would know by now, I think. [FEDORIN] Oh. Oh, you, you had me worried for a moment. But what on Earth made you take a job as a food taster? [SALAMANDER] She was hungry. Only thing is, now she has all the food sheneeds, she's lost her appetite. Give me a drink. [FEDORIN] You are well protected. [SALAMANDER] Very well protected. Be calm. Sit down. Drink your drink. [JAMIE] Thank you for calling the guard. I was wondering what to doabout him. Now don't move for that box! Not if you value your life. Nowall of you, back over there! That's it. [JAMIE] Not as well protected as you think you are, hey? Now when I sayduck. [JAMIE] Duck! Get down! [SALAMANDER] Wait! What do you do, boys, huh? Read? Sleep? It's a finething. Here we have an attempt to destroy me and where are you? It'snot so good, boys. It's not so good. I'm watching you. Look after him. [SALAMANDER] Better still, get rid of him. What's all this about, huh? [JAMIE] I heard two men talking. They said they'd planted a bomb of somekind in your radio telephone. I tried to warn them at the gates, butthey wouldn't pay any attention. [SALAMANDER] So you break in? How you break in? [JAMIE] Ah well, I'm here on holiday with a friend. She's very pretty,so the guard didn't see me slip past him. [SALAMANDER] Why didn't you call out and warn me? I nearly used theradio telephone several times. [JAMIE] Ah you'd have had me shot, most like. [SALAMANDER] Why you risk your skin to save me? [JAMIE] Well, without you the Earth hasn't much of a chance, has it? [SALAMANDER] You like to work for me, huh? You like that? [JAMIE] Oh no, you don't have to do that. I mean, you owe me nothing. [SALAMANDER] You're quite right, boy. [JAMIE] And I'm on holiday. [SALAMANDER] You won't find what I pay you disappointing. [JAMIE] Aye, there's my girlfriend too, though. [SALAMANDER] Oh we might be able to find something for her, hey Fariah? [FARIAH] Yes. Your chef could use an assistant. [SALAMANDER] See to it. What do you say, huh? [JAMIE] Well, I'll give it a go. But I'll say this though. Your securitysystem's rotten. There'll have to be changes. [SALAMANDER] What a boy, huh? Fariah, see he gets some proper uniforminstead of this skirt. And bring him and his girlfriend to see me. [FARIAH] Come along, then. [FEDORIN] What an extraordinary young man. [SALAMANDER] I prize loyalty very highly, my friend, and I repay it verygenerously, like I do the girl Fariah, huh? [FEDORIN] Can I... Can I ask you something? [SALAMANDER] What is it? [FEDORIN] What does Brujo mean? [SALAMANDER] It's a word we use in Mexico for sorcerer. Why? [FEDORIN] Nothing, nothing. [SALAMANDER] You stay for dinner, huh? --------------------------------------- (Public gardens) [ASTRID] Here comes Jamie. [JAMIE] Everything's fine. [VICTORIA] Oh, good. [ASTRID] Careful, you might have been followed. [JAMIE] Oh don't worry, they think I've saved his life. Hey, he's offeredme a job. To you as well. [VICTORIA] That's perfect. [ASTRID] Well done, Jamie. [JAMIE] Well it was nothing. Is it all right your end? [ASTRID] Yes. But it was nothing. [VICTORIA] Jamie. Jamie! [JAMIE] What? [VICTORIA] Does he look like the Doctor? [JAMIE] Aye, it's so uncanny. [ASTRID] Careful. [JAMIE] What's the matter? [VICTORIA] What is it? [JAMIE] She must have eyes in the back of her head. So, he's offered theboth of us a job. [VICTORIA] Oh, good. [CAPTAIN] Who was that? [JAMIE] Who? [CAPTAIN] The other girl who was sitting there? [FARIAH] Why don't you leave them alone? Do you have to treat everyoneas if they're criminals? [CAPTAIN] He had no right to leave the Presidential Palace. [FARIAH] He had every right. He came to fetch his girlfriend. Salamanderordered it. [CAPTAIN] I didn't hear Salamander order it. [FARIAH] Very well, go and ask him. No? Perhaps you're wise. [FARIAH] He won't follow me. I am Fariah. How do you do? [JAMIE] This is Victoria. [VICTORIA] Hello. [FARIAH] Hello. Jamie tells me you're studying the arts of the kitchen. [JAMIE] Aye, she's a great dishwasher. [VICTORIA] I like eating, and I'm hungry. [FARIAH] Then let's see if we can't find you something to do. You canwork with me if you like. [VICTORIA] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Disused jetty) [DENES] I used to love to do this sort of thing when I was a boy. [ASTRID] I'm sorry. It was the safest place I could think of. [DENES] Oh, it's all right. I'm still fit enough. [ASTRID] Thank you for getting me the necessary documents. [DENES] Have you been successful? [ASTRID] So far. Salamander's swallowed it. [DENES] I thought he would. [ASTRID] The boy's very confident. The girl, not so much. [DENES] See the point is that I'm near enough to him to pick outsomething. This was the first time I met Salamander. I must say thatyou were right about him, Astrid. We must get rid of him. He must bestopped. [ASTRID] He will be stopped. I'm returning to Giles Kent. Can you waittill we can take action? [DENES] Oh, with a bit of luck, yes. [ASTRID] Fedorin. Can you trust him? [ASTRID] Oh, I've been followed. I thought I'd thrown them off. [DENES] No! There is enough violence as it is. Besides, Salamandermustn't get suspicious. You kill his man and he will begin to think. [GUARD [OC]] You understand that strangers are to be picked up. There'sbeen an attempt on Salamander's life. Very well, return to your patrol. [ASTRID] It's all right. Fedorin, would he betray you in some way? [DENES] I'm trying to think of some reason why he should. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [FEDORIN] But these are all lies, Salamander. Lies, I assure you. [SALAMANDER] So you say. [FEDORIN] What are you going to do? My family, my friends. [SALAMANDER] (laughs) My dear man. My dear Fedorin. You don't suppose I intend tomake your swindling public, huh? This is, this just an insurance, hmm?Sit down. Forget it. I tell you what I'm going to do for you. [FEDORIN] What? [SALAMANDER] You are going to replace Denes as controller of this Zone. [FEDORIN] But [SALAMANDER] Don't say anything. I'll know you'll accept. [FEDORIN] What do you want? [SALAMANDER] I'll tell you. There will be disaster in this Zone. I cannotstop the disaster, but I can come to the aid of this Zone when it'shappened. [FEDORIN] And take over. I see. The Zone would be yours. [SALAMANDER] Oh, ours, Fedorin, ours. It's a partnership I'm offeringyou. Either you have half of everything, or you have nothing. [FEDORIN] There's Alexander Denes. [SALAMANDER] Oh yes, the popular, well beloved Denes. What a pity. [FEDORIN] Pity? [SALAMANDER] Oh, didn't I tell you? Denes is going to die mysteriously.An assassin. Terrible. [FEDORIN] I can't do that. You can't ask me! [SALAMANDER] I think I can ask you to do anything I want. [SALAMANDER] My predictions are accurate! [SALAMANDER] The entire Eperjes-Tokaj ranges are in eruption. [SALAMANDER] Fedorin,come and look. It's very pretty. The history of Hungary is about to berewritten. [BRUCE] Salamander. [SALAMANDER] What are you doing here? [BRUCE] I had a report there was trouble here. An attempt on your life. [SALAMANDER] It was nothing. Come and look. [BRUCE] Terrible. Those poor people. [DENES] Salamander! What have you done? [SALAMANDER] I warned you. [DENES] You couldn't have known. You've done this somehow yourself! [SALAMANDER] The man's mad! Worse still, he's incompetent! I warnedthis man that this Zone was in danger of natural disaster and he didnothing! Issued no cautions to the public. You deliberately allowedyour people to suffer and die. You're a traitor! [DENES] You're a traitor! You contrived this for your own ends. [SALAMANDER] Bruce, I order you to arrest this man. [DENES] But this is nonsense. Fedorin, you were here. You know this isnonsense. [SALAMANDER] Denes, you are too naive. At your trial, Fedorin will be thechief witness against you. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [CAPTAIN] Prisoner's escort, halt! [SALAMANDER] Bruce, you are head of World Security. I hold youpersonally responsible for this man Denes. [BRUCE] Why? Don't you trust your own security? [SALAMANDER] Do I have to insist? My name carries some weight in thecouncils of the world. [BRUCE] Of course it does. [SALAMANDER] Well, do as I ask. [BRUCE] Very well. [SALAMANDER] Fedorin, come with me. We must make a report to the WorldAuthority. [DENES] They won't believe a word you tell them. [SALAMANDER] We shall see. Fedorin. [BRUCE] I'll do what I can for you, but I don't want any trouble. [DENES] Don't worry. I'm looking forward to facing Salamander in publiccourt. I won't run away. --------------------------------------- (Salamander's office) [SALAMANDER] You've done very well so far, Fedorin. [FEDORIN] It's nothing but a blackmail. [SALAMANDER] Blackmail? What have I threatened you with? Nothing. [FEDORIN] No. But you would if I refused to. [SALAMANDER] Fedorin, I keep on telling you, this is just a form ofcomprehensive insurance, huh? It's nothing for you to worry about. Oh,my dear man, I've done nothing but praise you ever since we first met.I said you should be European Controller. I said I would support you. [FEDORIN] You found out things about me. Lies that would damage me. [SALAMANDER] On the contrary, I'm doing you a good turn. I'm actuallysuppressing facts about you. [FEDORIN] Lies, I tell you. [SALAMANDER] Lies, truth, who knows. But we wouldn't like to put them tothe test, would we, huh? [SALAMANDER] There. [FEDORIN] What's this? [SALAMANDER] Used in the right way, at the right time, it can dictateyour own future, and the future of Alexander Denes. [FEDORIN] Poison? --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [BRUCE] I want you to take a message. McCrimmon.What are you doing dressed like this? [JAMIE] Leader's orders. [BRUCE] Well, as you're here, I've got some questions I want to ask you. [JAMIE] I've better things to do, thank you. [BRUCE] I want to know what Salamander and Giles Kent were discussingwhen I saw you last. [JAMIE] It's not for me to tell you that. [BRUCE] I'm concerned with Salamander's safety. Giles Kent is supposedto be his bitter enemy. [JAMIE] Look, if Salamander wishes you to know that, I dare say he'lltell you himself. You'll get no confidences out of me. --------------------------------------- (Palace corridor) [DENES] Well, how much longer am I to be kept here?You choose to be insolent? [JANOS] We're waiting for the security hovercar. The volcanic eruptionshave disrupted everything. [DENES] You, Captain. Isn't there a room I could wait in? [CAPTAIN] I'm simply obeying orders. [DENES] Perhaps you might interpret your orders differently, huh? [CAPTAIN] Mister Denes, what can I do? You are no longer the Controller.You're a prisoner here. [BRUCE] Captain? Why is Mister Denes being kept in the corridor here? [CAPTAIN] It's easier to guard him here. [BRUCE] Are you all right? [DENES] Yes, thank you. [BRUCE] Something to read, perhaps? [DENES] That would be a comfort, yes. [BRUCE] The Controller is not to be treated as a convicted man beforehis trial. See he has whatever he wants. [CAPTAIN] What can I get for you? [DENES] Well, if we have to wait, something to eat and drink. [CAPTAIN] Very well. [JANOS] Prison rations, Captain? [CAPTAIN] Certainly not. Nothing but the best for Controller Denes. Fromour Leader's own kitchens. [JANOS] Sir. [CAPTAIN] And to read? [DENES] Well, something light. A book about foreign travels perhapsm hmm? --------------------------------------- (Palace kitchen) [GRIFFIN] So you reckon you know about cooking? [VICTORIA] Yes, I used to do lots at home. [GRIFFIN] All right, give me a menu. [VICTORIA] What, now? [GRIFFIN] Yeah, now. [VICTORIA] Soup. Fish. Meat and pudding. Er. [GRIFFIN] Dessert. [VICTORIA] Yes. [GRIFFIN] Go on. What else? [VICTORIA] Oh. [GRIFFIN] Yes, you're a bit too smart for me. All right then, let's havea recipe. [VICTORIA] What, now? [GRIFFIN] Yeah, now. [VICTORIA] Er, er. Oh, yes! Yes! We used to have a lovely pudding at home, withlots of almonds, eggs, lemon peel, candied peel, oranges, cream and, ohit was lovely! [GRIFFIN] You wouldn't know how to make it? [VICTORIA] Oh it's quite simple, really. You sort of whoosh it up alltogether. [GRIFFIN] Well, that sounds easy. What's this whoosh-up called, then? [VICTORIA] Kaiser pudding. [GRIFFIN] Oh that's great, just great. Yes, I've got a job for you, allright. Peel those spuds, yeah, now. [FARIAH] Is that the best you can do for her? The girl must learn. [GRIFFIN] Back at school, are we? Well, I suppose there are worsethings. The place could be overrun with rats gnawing holes in the gaspipes so the ovens catch fire and burn the building down. [FARIAH] It isn't that bad, Griff. [GRIFFIN] Look, I'm only trying to help with the. See? There, you see?This chicken'sbrowning too soon already. It'll be as tough as rubber. [FARIAH] Oh, Griff. [GRIFFIN] Now the soup's boiling. Did I put any salt in it? Dinnertonight's going to be national disaster. My mother was right. [VICTORIA] What? [GRIFFIN] She wanted me to be a dustman. Here, look, do you want to dosomething useful? [VICTORIA] Oh yes, please. [GRIFFIN] Well sit down and write out the menus. First courseinterrupted by bomb explosion. Second course affected by earthquakes.Third course ruined by interference in the kitchen. I'm going out for awalk. It'll probably rain. [VICTORIA] He doesn't like me. [FARIAH] It isn't you. He's the same with everyone. [VICTORIA] Even Salamander? [FARIAH] Listen. You must go away from here. Don't get caught up inSalamander's world. [VICTORIA] Why? What do you mean? It sounds as if you don't like him. [FARIAH] Like him? I [JAMIE] Oh, hello there. [FARIAH] Finish writing those menus. [VICTORIA] Did you hear that? [JAMIE] Aye. Work on her. I have a feeling she can tell us somethingabout Salamander. [VICTORIA] All right. As soon as I can. What have you been doing? [JAMIE] I managed to slip out and tell Astrid everything that'shappened. [VICTORIA] Oh, you might have told me, Jamie. [JAMIE] There wasn't time. She's trying to get Denes away. [VICTORIA] Oh, and take him to the Doctor? He'd believe Denes. [JAMIE] Aye, he would. [VICTORIA] But how can she get in? Salamander's got guards everywhere. [JAMIE] She's got friends here. They're going to arrange passes and theright sort of uniform. [VICTORIA] What sort of uniform? [JAMIE] Don't know. Messenger delivery or something. Shh! --------------------------------------- (Outside the kitchen window) [GUARD] Controller Denes has been arrested. I can'tmake up my mind whether Fedorin is to be regarded as the new Controlleror not. [GUARD 2] The burden of office is heavy, my friend. I remember when Iwas --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [JAMIE] All right, they're gone. [VICTORIA] Astrid and Giles Kent were quite right, Salamander is an evilman. I can somehow sense it from all the people here. [JAMIE] Aye, he's bad all right. He's had Denes arrested, and he's gotthis man Fedorin eating out of his hand. [VICTORIA] Why should he do that? [JAMIE] Remove the honest man and put a weaker man in his place, butsomehow have a hold on him. That way Salamander can take over theterritory. [VICTORIA] Oh, I see. And when everything's in a turmoil because of theearthquakes. [JAMIE] Aye, and that's lucky to say the least. [VICTORIA] But you don't really believe that Salamander could causeearthquakes, do you? --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [KENT] I'm certain Salamander's causing the earthquakes, Doctor, and I'msure your friends Jamie and Victoria will tell you just how bad hereally is. [DOCTOR] But why make earthquakes? [KENT] Years ago, Doctor, when one country wanted to invade another itset about attacking the confidence of that country, throwing it intoconfusion, making it weak. Then it was right for takeover. Now, isn'tthat exactly what's happening here, only in a different way? [DOCTOR] What you're saying is that Salamander's found a way ofharnessing the natural forces of the earth. It's a little difficult toaccept. I'm not saying it's impossible, mind you. You say it's comingfrom the Research Station. Salamander's Research Station, eh? [KENT] That's what I believe, in spite of. Shush! Wait a minute. [KENT] In spite of a number of reasons. He invented the sunstore, abrilliant advance. He found a way of directing conserved energy toareas starved of sun. [DOCTOR] What made you suspicious? [KENT] All the money he was spending at the Research Station. Thematerials involved, the food stores. It didn't make sense. I had allthe papers, all the requisition orders. [DOCTOR] But that's valuable evidence! [KENT] All destroyed, and new ones appeared, and I was made out to bethe criminal. All by suggestion, of course. I was discredited. Andevery accusation I made against Salamander was put down as an attemptto throw suspicion off myself. [DOCTOR] A sort of Jekyll and Hyde character, perhaps, our MisterSalamander. It'll be interesting to see what report Jamie brings back. [KENT] Security. Quick! Here. [DOCTOR] I hope there's plenty of air in here. [KENT] Yes, yes, yes. [BENIK] So. It's you. I might have known. [KENT] Do you have any authority? [BENIK] You're on Research Station territory. [KENT] Not quite. Have a look at the boundary lines. [BENIK] That's very clever. Well, what are you doing here? [KENT] I don't have to answer your questions. [BENIK] Bird-watching, no doubt? [KENT] Perhaps. [BENIK] Yes, there's a perfect view of the Research Station from here. [KENT] Really? [BENIK] Well, well, well. A memento of the old days. [KENT] You have no right to [BENIK] Guard! [BENIK] It was just an accident. Now then, you won't be staying in thisvicinity, will you. [KENT] You can't make me leave here. [KENT] Hey now, watch that! [BENIK] All right. That's enough. [BENIK] Well, there's not much point in your staying here now, is there.Oh, I wouldn't complain to anyone about this if I were you, Kent. Afterall, nobody would believe you, would they? [KENT] Come on. Now do you believe the sort of people we're up against? [DOCTOR] Unpleasant, yes, destructive, but not necessarily evil. [KENT] Why won't you believe me? [DOCTOR] It is too important. I must be sure. Oh dear. What prettycrockery this is. Sad really, isn't it? People spend all their timemaking nice things, and other people come along and break them. [KENT] That's what I'm trying to tell you about Salamander. He's tryingto destroy the world! [DOCTOR] Facts, Kent. I must have facts. That's what I hope Jamie'sgoing to bring back. --------------------------------------- (Palace corridor) [JANOS] Halt! Why are you running? [ASTRID] I have an urgent message for Leader Salamander. [JANOS] Your pass? You have not been here before. [ASTRID] No. [JANOS] I thought so. Next time do not run. It is dangerous to run here. [ASTRID] I'll remember. [JANOS] Wait! You like wine? My name is Janos. We drink wine togethertonight? [ASTRID] I have to go and deliver my message. [JANOS] Yes, but later you will come back? [ASTRID] Oh yes. Yes, I'll come back. [CAPTAIN] Just a moment! [ASTRID] I have an urgent message for Leader Salamander. [CAPTAIN] Yes, I heard you. Where is it? [ASTRID] It's private and personal. [CAPTAIN] I don't want to read it. Keep still. [ASTRID] I have to deliver this to Salamander personally. [CAPTAIN] You do have a message? [ASTRID] Of course. [CAPTAIN] Then show me. [CAPTAIN] Very well. I know you from somewhere. [DENES] Oh, I think I must have dropped off. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Palace kitchen) [ASTRID] Sit down. Go on with what you're doing. We've got to rescueDenes. Get him away from the building. [VICTORIA] There are guards everywhere. [ASTRID] Yes, I know, but we must try. [JAMIE] It's a pity we can't get him to the Doctor. [ASTRID] That's exactly where I intend to take him. [JAMIE] Well, what's your plan then? [ASTRID] Look, I want you to, well, cause a diversion. [JAMIE] What do you want me to do? [ASTRID] Well, anything. But do it at eleven o'clock precisely. [JAMIE] Eleven o'clock, right. [ASTRID] I see, the second corridor on the right, thank you so much. [JAMIE] Er, yes. [GRIFFIN] Now we're a travel agency. I haven't met you before. What'swrong? It's bound to be something serious. [VICTORIA] This is a friend of mine, Griff. [GRIFFIN] He's not a cook like you, I hope? [VICTORIA] No. [GRIFFIN] Oh, well that's all right then. Well, I suppose this is asgood a place as any for meeting friends. Come one, come all, I say!How's the food? Terrible. Terrible. I'll get the sack tonight, I swearI will. Maybe they'll shoot me, and I won't have to worry any more. No, theywouldn't do that, the firing squad'd miss me. [FARIAH] How are you getting on with the food for Mister Denes? [GRIFFIN] Well it's ready, such as it is. Now we don't want too much ofa crowd in here. [JAMIE] Well, I'll be on my way, then. [GRIFFIN] No, no. You stay. I'll go. I'm only the chef here. [FARIAH] Now, what can we give Mister Denes? [JAMIE] Er, do you like working for Salamander, Fariah? [VICTORIA] It must be wonderful travelling all over the world with him. [FARIAH] I don't enjoy travelling. (She tastes the soup.) Oh, this isgood. That Griff's a genius. [JAMIE] Well, why travel then? [FARIAH] Sometimes we do what we have to do, not what we want to do. [JAMIE] You don't have to work for Salamander. [FARIAH] Don't I? Don't I? What do you know about it? [JAMIE] I'm sorry, I was just [FARIAH] To you, Salamander is a god, isn't he? The saviour of theworld. That's why you work for him. You saved his life, didn't you? [JAMIE] I [VICTORIA] Don't you protect his life every day? [FARIAH] Yes! As I say, sometimes we do what we have to do, not what wewant to do. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [BRUCE] Nevertheless, whatever he's done or not done, he should betreated according to rank. [SALAMANDER] He will be moved soon. You can't expect much sympathy forhim, you know, Bruce. Word gets around. I warned him about theearthquakes. He could have cautioned the people. Some of them mighthave been saved. [BRUCE] Maybe. [SALAMANDER] No maybe about it. [BRUCE] Who's going to control this zone now? Fedorin? [SALAMANDER] Fedorin. Oh, what a good idea. --------------------------------------- (Palace kitchen) [GRIFFIN] Be nice to Mister Denes. [VICTORIA] I will. --------------------------------------- (Palace corridor) [GRIFFIN] Give him a smile. It might make him forget the taste of thesoup. [FEDORIN] Oh, is this for Mister Denes? [VICTORIA] Yes, yes, I'm taking it to him. [FEDORIN] May I look? [VICTORIA] Yes. [FEDORIN] Mmm. Delicious. [FEDORIN] Ah, very good. Where's the salt? [VICTORIA] What? [FEDORIN] You forgot something. [VICTORIA] Oh, no. Well, I [FEDORIN] Well, you run and get it. [VICTORIA] Yes, yes. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [CAPTAIN] The same girl I saw in the park. Isuddenly remembered. [SALAMANDER] You say she was talking to the boy and girl? [CAPTAIN] She was on the same bench. [SALAMANDER] Coincidence? [CAPTAIN] She wasn't in messengers' uniform then. She is now. [SALAMANDER] Yes, she certainly hasn't delivered any messages to me. [CAPTAIN] Shall I alert the building? [SALAMANDER] No. No, I want to know where she comes from. Let her escapebut have her followed. Frighten her away. [CAPTAIN] I understand. And the other two? [SALAMANDER] Oh, I'll deal with them. --------------------------------------- (Palace corridor) [FARIAH] Ah, good. [VICTORIA] Sorry I've been so long. [DENES] Oh, good. I'm looking forward to this. Thank you. [CAPTAIN] Just a moment. Has the trolley been checked? [JANOS] I was just going to, sir. [CAPTAIN] Don't any of you know anything? [DENES] Do you imagine I'm going to try and cut my way out of here? Howdo I eat without the knife? [CAPTAIN] It's none of my concern. [FARIAH] Try the spoon, Mister Denes. [DENES] And how do you cut a steak with a spoon? [DENES] It's a long time since I had my food cut up for me. [CAPTAIN] Watch him carefully. [JANOS] Sir. [DENES] Thank you for your courtesy. [CAPTAIN] Fariah, come with me. I want a word with you and Griffin aboutbreaking regulations. [FARIAH] Yes, sir. [VICTORIA] What's the time? [DENES] Six minutes to eleven. [VICTORIA] May I stay with you? I'm Victoria. [DENES] Yes, of course. I'd be glad of your company. If you'll forgiveme, I'm really rather hungry. --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [FEDORIN] There must be some other way. I couldn'tdo it, Salamander, I couldn't do it. I stood there with this man's lifein my hands and. This powder, I couldn't use it. [SALAMANDER] I give you the chance to become something. Somebody. Youfailed to take it, huh. [FEDORIN] There must be some other way. [SALAMANDER] (laughs) Of course, my friend. Don't worry. [FEDORIN] What? [SALAMANDER] Don't worry. You try, you fail. So what, huh? The moondoesn't fall out of the sky. Come, sit down, have a drink, huh? Cheerup. We find another way. [FEDORIN] I really did try. [SALAMANDER] Of course you did. Don't worry. Forget it, huh? I have analternative. [SALAMANDER] Your health. I hope you'll appreciate this wine. It's madefor me especially in Alaska. [SALAMANDER] One chance, my friend. I said one chance. [CAPTAIN] Some trouble in the kitchens, Leader. The new man says he'sseen someone in the kitchen gardens. [SALAMANDER] Very well. Oh, see to that, will you? Suicide, of course.Such a pity. --------------------------------------- (Kitchen) [GRIFFIN] I can't see anything. [JAMIE] Over there by the trees. Hey, he's armed, too. Get down. Look,I'm going out there, you stay down here. When the rest of the guardscome, send them out after me. [GRIFFIN] Yes, all right. [GRIFFIN] This is just about the end of a perfect day. [GRIFFIN] Here, I know the food's bad, but you don't have to go that far! [GRIFFIN] All right, have it your own way. Why did I ever leaveWoolloomooloo? --------------------------------------- (Palace corridor) [VICTORIA] Astrid's going to try and get you away. [ASTRID] An attempt has been made to rescue this man. Get him out to thecar. [ASTRID] I'm sorry, Janos. [CAPTAIN] Stop! [CAPTAIN] After them! [CAPTAIN] Get that girl! --------------------------------------- (Palace terrace) [SALAMANDER] Well, we all seem to be here, except the third member ofyour escape committee. [JAMIE] I don't know what you're talking about. [SALAMANDER] You were seen speaking with a girl in the park. The one whotried to escape with Denes. [VICTORIA] We don't know anything about that. We don't even know her. [SALAMANDER] A diversion was caused. There was no one outside thekitchen. [JAMIE] Of course there was someone, and there was shooting. [CAPTAIN] Three shots have been fired from this gun. It's yours, isn'tit? [SALAMANDER] Pretending to save my life was ingenious. But ingenuityrequires a constant stream of new ideas. Yours seem to have dried up. Icome to the Central Zone. An attempt is made on my life. Denes provesto be a traitor. Fedorin commits suicide because I uncover him. Do yourjob, Bruce. You can see they're all in this. [BRUCE] All right. Take them away. [VICTORIA] Take your hands off me, you [BRUCE] Salamander, I think it's about time you told me what's going on.One minute I see you with this lad McCrimmon, you're working together,the next minute [SALAMANDER] I thought he saved my life. [BRUCE] No, I mean before that, in Kent's office. [SALAMANDER] What are you talking about? [BRUCE] Well, I saw you there. [SALAMANDER] But I haven't seen Kent in months. [BRUCE] Yes, you were with Kent, the Ferrier girl, and those twoyoungsters. I thought it was so curious I spoke to your number two,Benik, about it. That's really the reason I came to this zone. [SALAMANDER] But I tell you. I must get back to research centre. Youwill come with me. [BRUCE] It was you! (the penny drops) Or someone like you. --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [DOCTOR] Patience, Mister Kent, patience. [KENT] Astrid should have been in contact by now. [DOCTOR] Oh, perhaps her plan to infiltrate into Salamander'sorganisation has failed. [KENT] Ah no, otherwise Benik's little visit here wouldn't have been somoderate. He wouldn't have stopped at breaking up the crockery. [DOCTOR] Can't you contact her? [KENT] If I knew where she was. Oh no, I know she's in the CentralEuropean zone, but that's a big place. No, we'll just have to sweat itout and wait. [DOCTOR] Well, your friend Benik did indicate we weren't entirely welcomehere, you know. [KENT] Yes, it's not safe, and taking you from place to place isn'teasy. And I mean, you're not exactly inconspicuous, are you? [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Well, I suggest we give her another hour, and thenif she doesn't contact us by then, we'll move out and find out what hashappened. [KENT] Astrid, you're back. Switch to scramble. --------------------------------------- (Records room) [ASTRID [on monitor]] Scramble? Are we beingmonitored? [ASTRID [on monitor]] Right. Switching now. [BENIK] Has Leader Salamander's ship arrived at the terminal? [GUARD [on monitor]] I think it's due now, sir. [BENIK] Good. Contact the guard. And I want the girl Astrid Ferriertraced. She's Giles Kent's assistant. I'll have an identiprint sentdown immediately. She's somewhere in this zone. [GUARD [on monitor]] Yes, sir. [BENIK] Tell the Captain to inform me the moment he's found her, and tohurry. [GUARD [on monitor]] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT [on monitor]] Denes dead? [ASTRID] Yes, shot in the back. [KENT [on monitor] ] Well, it looks as if our friend Salamander's had areal field day, doesn't it? [ASTRID] I'm afraid I haven't done very well. [KENT [on monitor]] Don't worry. It's not your fault. Look, stayput and we'll join you. [ASTRID] You! What are you doing here? [ASTRID] No, don't be foolish. What are you doing here? [FARIAH] I can't talk. You're choking me. [ASTRID] One move. Just one move. [FARIAH] You think Salamander sent me here. [ASTRID] Well, didn't he? [FARIAH] No, it was my own idea. I came here to see Giles Kent. [ASTRID] Why? [FARIAH] I have some information for him. [ASTRID] Why should you want to help him? [FARIAH] Because I hate Salamander probably even more than you do. I canhelp you to destroy him. I want to be there to see his face when hedies. --------------------------------------- (Records office) [BENIK] Come on, come on. [BENIK] About time too. Is the Captain there? [GUARD [on monitor]] Yes, sir. [CAPTAIN [on monitor]] Here, sir. The girl Astrid Ferrier. She was inthe Central European zone. [BENIK] Was she? Well she's here now. Have you found her? [CAPTAIN [on monitor]] Well, I think so. One of my men saw someoneanswering her description going into Giles Kent's office earlier. [BENIK] Was she alone? [CAPTAIN [on monitor]] Yes, sir. But shortly after someone else followedher in. [BENIK] Well who, man, who? [CAPTAIN [on monitor]] Leader Salamander's food-taster sir, Fariah. [BENIK] Fariah? Right, I want the place surrounded, and I'll join youthere. Get a move on! [CAPTAIN [on monitor]] Yes sir. [BENIK] Fariah. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [DOCTOR] But what are they going to do to Jamie andVictoria? [ASTRID] I don't know. [KENT] Hold them in the Central European zone until Salamander has timeto deal with them. [FARIAH] No, you're wrong. Salamander doesn't care for loose ends. Hebrought them back with him. [DOCTOR] What, to his headquarters, the Research Centre? [FARIAH] Yes. He's going to try to get information from them. [DOCTOR] How far will he go to get it? [FARIAH] Very far. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's very comforting. [FARIAH] I tell you, I know Salamander. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm not quite clear about your part in all this. You workfor Salamander, suddenly you fall over yourself to betray him. [FARIAH] I came here for that purpose, yes. [DOCTOR] Why? [FARIAH] Because I have every reason to hate Salamander. He blackmailedme into being his personal servant. I even had to smile when he told meto. [KENT] What sort of blackmail? What had you done? [FARIAH] Does it really matter? [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, of course not, my dear. Well, nobody's perfect,Kent. But I still can't help wondering why [FARIAH] Why I haven't tried to expose Salamander? [DOCTOR] Well, you were in a unique position to do so. [FARIAH] Because without any proof I'd be wasting my time. [DOCTOR] Proof! Proof! Proof! It always comes back to the same thing. Noone has any evidence against Salamander! [KENT] We have some. [DOCTOR] Not enough! It's not enough! Salamander covers up too well. [FARIAH] I have what you want. [ASTRID] But I thought that you said [FARIAH] No. Not about me. Fedorin. [ASTRID] Fedorin? A public embezzler who commits suicide? [FARIAH] Salamander engineered nearly every one of those swindles, and Ican prove it. [ASTRID] How? [FARIAH] Fedorin's file. [DOCTOR] But that's wonderful. Let me see. I'll give it to you back.Thank you. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes. --------------------------------------- (Outside the office block) [GUARD] Report your position, A three. [CAPTAIN] Keep well back, sir. [BENIK] Is the building surrounded? [GUARD] A three's in position, Captain. [CAPTAIN] Just closing up the gaps. [BENIK] Well, you haven't brought me here on a fool's errand, I hope? [CAPTAIN] Still inside, sir. [BENIK] Where's Kent's office? [CAPTAIN] Up on the second floor. [BENIK] Hmm, right. We'll move in. [CAPTAIN] Just a moment, sir. What about the roof? [GUARD] No reply yet, Captain. Position A five, position. [BENIK] Come on, come on. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [DOCTOR] But I'm afraid this still isn't evidence.It's not real evidence. [KENT] You mean even this doesn't convince you about Salamander? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm not saying that. [ASTRID] Well then, you'll do it? You'll impersonate him? [FARIAH] And of course when they see you with me they're bound to thinkyou're Salamander. [DOCTOR] But I still don't know if I can carry it off. [KENT] It's the only way to get your friends released. [DOCTOR] Yes. [KENT] Of course, there are [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Yes, of course, there are conditions, aren't there?You help me, I defeat Salamander. [KENT] Now look, you're giving me the biggest opportunity I'll ever haveof ridding the world of this monster. Either I can convince you one wayor I'll have to do it another. [DOCTOR] What you really want me to do is to kill him, isn't it? [KENT] What else do you do when someone is evil? [DOCTOR] Private justice, eh? Oh no, no. I'll expose him, ruin him, havehim arrested, but I won't be his executioner. No one has that right. [KENT] Sometimes it's necessary. [DOCTOR] No! [KENT] Yes, Doctor, yes! When the inducement is strong enough, and inyour case, yes, you still want your friends out of danger? [DOCTOR] You can't bargain with people's lives like that! [KENT] I can. Either you get rid of Salamander, or we won't lift afinger to help your friends. [FARIAH] Mister Kent, look. [KENT] I'd make up my mind quickly if I were you. [DOCTOR] Why? [KENT] Have a look out of the window. [DOCTOR] Well, what is it? --------------------------------------- (Outside the office block) [GUARD] A five reporting in, Captain. Every man's inposition now. [CAPTAIN] Right, we'll move in. [BENIK] Tell all men to shoot on sight. [CAPTAIN] I can't accept responsibility like that, sir. [BENIK] You won't have any responsibility unless you do as I say. Thesepeople are terrorists. Give the order! [GUARD] All A positions, shoot on sight. [BENIK] Forward. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] No doubt of it. They're security men. [FARIAH] And they're closing in. [DOCTOR] Well, isn't there another way out of here? [KENT] The usual ways will be blocked. [ASTRID] The fire escape. [KENT] Up there, look! [DOCTOR] More down there, too. [FARIAH] What do we do now? [KENT] Over here, quick! [DOCTOR] What's that? [KENT] Through here. The ventilator shaft. [ASTRID] Giles, we can't. [KENT] Yes, of course. [FARIAH] Wait. The file. [KENT] Come on, quickly. [DOCTOR] But where does it go? [KENT] It doesn't matter. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Outside Kent's office) [CAPTAIN] It's locked. [BENIK] Kent! Why don't you just let us in. It'll save so much unpleasantness. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [KENT] Now look. Just relax and you won't feel athing. [KENT] Now you, Doctor, next. [BENIK [OC]] Kent! Open the door. [DOCTOR] Oh no, what about you? [ASTRID] Oh no, you're too important. You go, and Giles. I'll follow. [KENT] All right. [BENIK [OC]] Very well. --------------------------------------- (Outside Kent's office) [BENIK] You leave me no alternative. Break it down. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [BENIK [OC]] Get back! [ASTRID] Get away from that door! [BENIK [OC]] Can you hear me in there? Why don't you come out? [ASTRID] I can hear you. [BENIK [OC]] How long do you think you can hold out against us? --------------------------------------- (Outside Kent's office) [BENIK] Standing by? [GUARD] A five, progress. [BENIK] Well? [GUARD] He's outside the window now, sir. [BENIK] He's through, Sergeant. Smash that lock. --------------------------------------- (Kent's office) [BENIK] Well? Well? [CAPTAIN] Empty. [BENIK] The air ducts. They've disappeared through the air conditioningplant. Is there a manhole exit from the plant to the street? [GUARD] I don't know, sir. [BENIK] Well, find out! On the double! [CAPTAIN] Attention all A positions. Cover the street. Sendto the air conditioning plant. [BENIK] Tell your men to shoot to kill! [CAPTAIN] Shoot to kill. Tepeat shoot to kill. --------------------------------------- (Alleyway) [CAPTAIN] What do you think you're doing? [GUARD] We had orders to kill. [CAPTAIN] Do you always obey orders? [GUARD] I'm sorry, Captain. [CAPTAIN] Oh, never mind. Go and search for the others. [GUARD] I'm sorry, but you should have stopped. [BENIK] Did you get the others? [GUARD] Not yet, sir. [BENIK] Now listen to me. There was you, Astrid Ferrier, Giles Kent andanother. Who was the other man? [FARIAH] You'll know soon, soon enough. [BENIK] I want to know now. [CAPTAIN] Sir, you [BENIK] Shut up! Well? [FARIAH] You can't threaten me now, Benik. I can only die once, andsomeone's beaten you to it. [BENIK] Who was the other man? [CAPTAIN] Sir! She's dead. [BENIK] Good. [BENIK] Fedorin's file. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Records room) [SALAMANDER] What you mean is you failed. [BENIK] I always said something should be done about Kent. [SALAMANDER] You always say. You say things but you don't think. [BRUCE] You exceeded your authority, Benik. A woman's been killed. [BENIK] Resisting arrest. [BRUCE] Maybe, but you can't just take the law into your own hands.Giles Kent hadn't broken any rules that I know of. [BENIK] I was sure he'd show himself one day. He was simply building uphis resistance group. [SALAMANDER] Resistance group. The man's a traitor! These people arerebels. Bruce, you must find this man who impersonated me. The dangersare obvious. He could walk in anywhere at any time pretending to be meand ruin everything. [BRUCE] You can leave that to me. [SALAMANDER] How so? [BRUCE] Benik, come with me and I'll go over the security arrangementswith you now. [SALAMANDER] Do as you're told! [BENIK] I think you'll find this interesting. [SALAMANDER] What? The girl Fariah had this? What can I say? [GUARD [OC]] Yes, sir? [SALAMANDER] The records room is out of bounds. I am not to bedisturbed. See that the security locks are engaged. [GUARD [OC]] Very well, sir. For how long, sir? [SALAMANDER] For as long as I say so. [GUARD [OC]] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [BRUCE] Are you telling me that no one, no one atall can see Salamander? [GUARD] No one, sir. [BRUCE] Can you communicate with him on closed circuit? [GUARD] I'll try, sir. He's turned off the master switch. Sorry, sir. [BENIK] Here are all the security details. What's the matter now? [BRUCE] It seems that Salamander has locked himself away and can't begot at. [BENIK] So? [BRUCE] Well, suppose the place caught fire? [BENIK] It won't. [BRUCE] Don't be foolish! [BENIK] Look, I can only tell you that when Salamander works in records,as he does from time to time, no one is allowed in. [BRUCE] I could understand if it were a laboratory or a research room ofsome sort, but a records room? What sort of records have you got inthere anyway? [BENIK] What did you want to see him about? [BRUCE] Never mind. I just don't like mysteries. Salamander's far tooimportant to lock himself away like this. Anything might happen. Aworld emergency. Suppose I had to order you to let me in there? [BENIK] It wouldn't do any good. When the locks are switched over theycan only be opened from the inside. --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [SALAMANDER [OC]] I have returned. Take radiation precautions. I willmake a report about the surface. [SWANN] He's back. He's managed to get back again. [COLIN] Let's hope he's got some goodnews this time. [MARY] Do you think Salamander's found some more food, Swann? [SWANN] I hope so, otherwise we're finished. Where's that stock list? [COLIN] Here. [SWANN] Thank you. [MARY] Are you going to ask him? [COLIN] You bet I am. He'll take me, too. [MARY] Colin, I couldn't sleep a wink last night thinking about youmaking the trip. None of the others have come back. [COLIN] Don't stop me now. I've got to see the surface, Mary, I've gotto. I want to see the Sun again, walk on top of the Earth, not hidelike a rat underground. I've got to do it, Mary. I've got to ask him. [MARY] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [SWANN] Welcome back, Salamander. Are you all right? [SALAMANDER] Don't don't come too near, my friend. I am not yetdecontaminated. I am too weary. Too utterly weary. [SWANN] You shouldn't have made this trip, Salamander. You're doing toomuch. [SALAMANDER] Someone has to bring back the food for you, my friend, huh?You know that the radiation is slowly killing me, don't you, Swann? [SWANN] You're just doing too much. [SALAMANDER] I worry about you all the time. What're you going to dowhen I am no longer here? [SALAMANDER] The radiation gets a little more each time, huh? One day,that needle will stay at maximum radiation. [MARY] Don't say that. [SALAMANDER] Why, Mary, Colin. It's my big joke, huh? Just to frightenyou a little. I've got good news for us. [COLIN] We can return to the surface? [SALAMANDER] No, no, no, not yet, but I've found another store of food. [COLIN] Thank goodness! [SALAMANDER] And it is undamaged. Colin, open the last store of wine, huh?Go on, you help him too, Mary. [SWANN] You must take it slowly, for goodness sake. [SALAMANDER] I'm all right my friend, I'm just a little dizzy. It'sterrible up there, you know. Swann, you've no idea. Right, I am ready. --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [SALAMANDER] Here we are, my friends. [SALAMANDER] Oh please, no. It is enough that Iam back with you again and I have brought food for you. Plenty of food. [SWANN] Here's to the man who contrived [SALAMANDER] Please, Swann. I remembered on my way back down here thatwe are near our anniversary again. In a few short weeks, we survivorswill have been down in this shelter for exactly five years. [CROWD] Five years. [SALAMANDER] Colin and Mary were just teenagers then. Look at them now.We fed ourselves. But what's more than that, we are fighting back! Weare doing something! [CROWD] Yes! Yes! [COLIN] Will we return to the surface, Salamander? [SALAMANDER] Yes, of course we will. This is what I'm striving for. Butup there, it's terrible still. The war goes on and on, and you never knowwhen the air is clean or when it's poison. [COLIN] When can we return? [SALAMANDER] We have to fight for a while longer, hmm? Creating naturaldisasters, monsoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, always in theplaces where the enemies of truth and freedom gather together. [COLIN] You tell us this all the time, Salamander. When are we going toescape from this nightmare prison, that's all I'm asking you? [MARY] Colin, please. [COLIN] I want an answer! [SALAMANDER] You shall have an answer, my friend. You will return to thesurface when you have a good chance of survival. [COLIN] You are ill. [SALAMANDER] No, no, it's all right. But you must believe me. Colin, allof you. You cannot return to the surface until is safe to do so. Pleasemy friend, we must, we must [MARY] You shouldn't have asked him, Colin. He's doing his best. [COLIN] I can't help it, Mary. Next time, I'm going to make him take mewith him. [MARY] No. You know the others didn't come back. [COLIN] I've got to. [MARY] Then take me with you. I'd rather die with you up on the surfacethan live down here without you. [SALAMANDER] No, Swann. We must check the power levels, huh? [SWANN] All right, everyone to their places, please. Salamander wants tocheck the power levels. Come along there, come on. Full blast, that'sright. Check the meter levels. Full power on line one, Salamander. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [SALAMANDER] Oh, good, good. [SWANN [OC]] No faults indicated. [SALAMANDER] Excellent. --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [DOCTOR] But I still don't understand what's happened to Fariah. [KENT] She went the wrong way. We lost her. [DOCTOR] Well, we must find her! You don't seem to realise how vital itis. [ASTRID] Doctor, hold still a moment will you? [DOCTOR] Sorry. [ASTRID] There. Look at that, Giles, isn't it amazing? [KENT] Salamander to the life. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's not bad. [ASTRID] Shush, I think I heard something. [DOCTOR] Well, perhaps it's Fariah. --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [BRUCE] Stay where you are. I've been lookingforward to meeting you again. Over there. No, not you. [BRUCE] Sit down, all of you. [KENT] How did you find us? [BRUCE] Your last visitor was Salamander's deputy, Benik. When he left,he fixed this underneath your trailer. [ASTRID] A radio tracking device. [KENT] On whose authority? [BRUCE] Mine. [BRUCE] It's amazing how alike you and Salamander are. Incredible. Youfooled me the first time we met, but now, even Salamander himself wouldthink he was looking in a mirror. Why? You want this man to impersonateSalamander, why? How much are they paying you? [DOCTOR] I beg your pardon? [BRUCE] They want you to assassinate Salamander, don't they? Take hisplace? [DOCTOR] But that's ridiculous! I couldn't possibly do that. [BRUCE] But you were preparing to impersonate him, weren't you? [DOCTOR] Well, well, yes. [BRUCE] All right then, why? [DOCTOR] Because Salamander holds my two friends prisoner. I wasgoing to attempt to rescue them. [ASTRID] And at the same time get evidence that would expose Salamanderas a traitor, blackmailer and murderer. [BRUCE] Quite an ambitious plan. How do you know such evidence exists? [KENT] It exists in Salamander's records. [BRUCE] Oh, yes, I know why you want Salamander out of the way. You hatehim because he exposed your profitable sideline of misusing publicmoney. [ASTRID] Oh, it was Salamander who was misusing the money. [KENT] And I was dismissed from my post and the evidence againstSalamander concealed. [BRUCE] So you say. But you've no evidence at all against Salamander,have you? [KENT] I tell you the evidence is in Salamander's records. [BRUCE] And I'm expected to take that from you? [DOCTOR] We do hold evidence that Salamander isn't quite so pure andwhite as he's painted. [BRUCE] No? What? [DOCTOR] A file, containing certain information about a gentleman calledFedorin. [ASTRID] Salamander was going to use this evidence against Fedorin.Blackmail him into submission. After he'd got rid of Denes, that is. [KENT] And so gain control of another zone. [BRUCE] Where is this file? [DOCTOR] Fariah has it. Salamander's food taster. [BRUCE] Fariah? But she's dead. [DOCTOR] Dead? But how? [BRUCE] She was shot by one of Benik's guards escaping arrest. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's terrible. [KENT] Escaping arrest? Benik had her killed because she had evidenceagainst Salamander. [ASTRID] And Benik will return the file to Salamander. We must get tothe Research Station. [BRUCE] You're not going anywhere or doing anything. As far as I'mconcerned, this story you've told me could be a pack of lies to coveryour attempt to assassinate Salamander. Now I'm not saying I'maltogether satisfied with Salamander or his organisation, but I'llinvestigate in my own way. [KENT] Meanwhile Salamander will have found a way to cover himself, andalso a way of disposing of you. You're digging your own grave, Bruce. [BRUCE] That's my affair. And I do things my own way. [ASTRID] And I do things my way. Really, as Head of Security, you shouldhave more reliable guards. --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [BENIK] Leader Salamander? [GUARD] Still inside, sir. [BENIK] Let me know the moment the doors are opened. [GUARD] Yes, sir. [BENIK] So you've brought them? Good. Any trouble? [CAPTAIN] No, a light drug saw to that. [BENIK] Let me know the moment they wake up. [CAPTAIN] Yes, sir. [BENIK] I'm looking forward to questioning them. I have a feelingthey're going to be stubborn. It''s so much more interesting when ourprisoners are stubborn. --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [BRUCE] You're only making trouble for yourself.Killing me won't get you anywhere. [ASTRID] We have to get to the Research Station, and you're not going tostop us. [BRUCE] But you're completely surrounded. You don't really believe Icame here with just one guard, do you? You'd be very silly to try andfight your way out. I'd give you about thirty seconds to live if youtry. [KENT] All right, Bruce, we might have just thirty seconds but you'dhave exactly half that time, if you were lucky! [DOCTOR] Please, Mister Kent! You're forgetting one very importantthing. [KENT] What? [DOCTOR] Me. Without me you haven't got an earthly chance of getting inthat control centre. [KENT] So? [DOCTOR] I told you before. I will not have anything to do withviolence. [KENT] And what about your two friends? Are you going to leave them tothe tender mercies of Salamander? [DOCTOR] No, I am not. May I? [ASTRID] What? [DOCTOR] Please? Just trust me. [DOCTOR] Now then, I think you agree that at this moment your life is inmy hands. [KENT + ASTRID] What are you doing? [BRUCE] Hold it. [DOCTOR] It's all right. Mister Bruce isn't going to shoot anyone, areyou? [BRUCE] Why? Why'd you do that? [DOCTOR] Because I think I know what sort of man you are. Honest andreasonable. [BRUCE] Go on. [DOCTOR] I gave you back that gun because I trust you. Now I want you totrust me. [BRUCE] You must be a complete fool or very clever. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid you will have to make up your mind to thatright away. [BRUCE] What do you hope to gain by this gesture? [DOCTOR] Your confidence. [BRUCE] Do you believe Kent's accusations against Salamander? [DOCTOR] I think there's reasonable doubt about Salamander's personalintegrity, but there's only one way to get proof. [BRUCE] By getting into Salamander's Research Station. [DOCTOR] Yes. And my two young friends may have some information. [BRUCE] And if there isn't any evidence? [DOCTOR] Then you'll be perfectly free to arrest us and put us inprison, won't you? [BRUCE] All right, I'll do it on one condition. [DOCTOR] And what's that? [BRUCE] That you and I go alone. Kent and the girl stay here ashostages. [KENT] Now wait a minute. I must go with him. [BRUCE] No, Kent, you stay here. I must be mad to trust you. I only hopeyour impersonation of Salamander fools Benik. If it doesn't, we're indead trouble. Here, take this. [BRUCE] Keep those two in the caravan. Oh, and watch the girl. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [SALAMANDER] Swann, I'm back in the control room. --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [SALAMANDER [OC]] I placed the new food cases on theconveyor. Detail some men to unload them. Then make a report onschedule seven. [SWANN] Jones, Morris, Hunt. Now remember, if there's any contaminationshowing up at all on the register you must tell me immediately. [COLIN] Swann. Have you ever thought what would happen to us ifSalamander didn't come back from the surface one day? [SWANN] No. He always comes back. And talk like that isn't healthy. I'vetold you about this before, Colin. [COLIN] You can live in a dream world if you want to. [SWANN] Morale is important down here. [COLIN] Reality is important, too. Facing facts! [MARY] Colin. [COLIN] Yes, all right. I know. [MARY] I'm sorry, Swann. [SWANN] He's the best man I've got. [MARY] I know. [SWANN] If only he'd just accept the fact that everything will [MARY] He never will. [SWANN] He must be more patient then. We'll get out of here one day. [MARY] Will we? [SWANN] Of course we will. Salamander says so. [MARY] Yes. [COLIN] Blind idiot. Why does he think everybody else has to be an idiottoo? [MARY] We daren't let people think, Colin. Swann's all right. [COLIN] I don't think it's right. Just work, sleep, eat, if there'senough to go round. Like worms under the earth, sightless wormswriggling about without hope, without purpose. [MARY] It isn't like that. [COLIN] Isn't it? All this? Every day I ask myself what are we doingdown here. [MARY] You've never doubted him before. [COLIN] I don't know. I don't say I doubt him, but just once, Mary, justonce I want to see with my own eyes what's going on up there. Me. Nothear about it from anybody else. [SWANN] Are you getting on with your work? Mustn't fall behind, youknow. Come on, Colin. We all get depressed. I know how you feel. [COLIN] I'm sorry. [SWANN] That's all right. [SWANN] Ah, how we getting on here? Ah, all this? It's a good haul. [SALAMANDER [OC]] Stand by to make your report, Swann. [MARY] Reaching full power here, Swann. (Swann goes to the door to the control room. It is locked. He uses the intercom.) [SWANN] Salamander, I must see you. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [SALAMANDER] Not now, we are too busy. [SWANN [OC]] This is urgent. [SALAMANDER] Oh very well. [SALAMANDER] Now what's the matter, huh? [SWANN] What's this? What is this? [SALAMANDER] What? [SWANN] Newspaper. It's a piece of newspaper. [SALAMANDER] So? [SWANN] Well, go on, look at it. Read it. Last year's date. Look at thebit of headline there. There! [SALAMANDER] Control yourself, Swann. You'll go mad. [SWANN] Holiday Liner Sinks! You say there's a global war, radiationeverywhere. How can there be holiday liners? Tell me how! You've liedto us, haven't you? Haven't you! [SALAMANDER] In a way, Swann, yes. I had to. [SWANN] Had to? What do you mean, had to? [SALAMANDER] Well, it's true that the war is over, but have you any ideawhat happens to people who've been involved in a nuclear war? Have you? [SWANN] Of course I haven't. I've been down here. [SALAMANDER] Those who are lucky enough to escape the annihilation havetheir bodies eaten away by radiation poisoning. They're deformed inmind and body. [SWANN] But this, this, this newspaper? [SALAMANDER] They have a kind of society, but it's evil, corrupt. Youdon't think I could expose you to that sort of thing? Think of Mary andthe other women. [SWANN] You could have told me at least. [SALAMANDER] I decided not to. [SWANN] You should have told me. [SALAMANDER] I thought it was best. [SWANN] And what about the natural disasters we've been organising? Thevolcanoes, earthquakes? [SALAMANDER] Swann, they are not fit to live. [SWANN] You're murdering them, killing them off. [SALAMANDER] I want you and the others to inherit the Earth. Make a newworld. [SWANN] Yes, I know all about that, but not at the price of wholesalemurder. [SALAMANDER] It's not murder! If you could see, you would understand.It's an act of mercy. [SWANN] There must be some other way. [SALAMANDER] No! [SWANN] I won't take your word any more. I want to see for myself. [SALAMANDER] You, you, you, you''d be horrified. [SWANN] Maybe. [SALAMANDER] The radiation would kill you. [SWANN] I'll chance that. [SALAMANDER] Very well. But promise me one thing. You won't tell theothers. [SWANN] Why shouldn't I? [SALAMANDER] Because I am right and you are wrong! You wouldn't want to,you wouldn't want to hurt them like that, huh? [SWANN] And if you're lying, and I want to tell when I get back? [SALAMANDER] How can I stop you? You'd better tell them you're comingwith me. Say er, say you've persuaded me. Swann, trust me. Don't go ahead withthis, huh? [SWANN] I have to. --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [SWANN [OC]] This is Swann speaking. It's nearly ayear since anyone went on the surface with Salamander. [COLIN] Salamander's changed his mind. He's going to take me with him. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [SWANN] There are more stores to bring down too.Salamander can't do it all on his own. We'll both be back soon withgood news, I hope. --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [COLIN] Why not me? Why? I asked him. He turned medown. [MARY] Colin. [COLIN] Why not me? Why not me? Salamander, take me with you! Take mewith you! [MARY] They've gone. It's no good. Please, Colin. [COLIN] Why didn't he take me? I've got to get out of here, Mary. I've got toget out. --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [VICTORIA] Jamie? Jamie? [JAMIE] What? Oh. [VICTORIA] Here, drink this. The headache soon goes. [JAMIE] Where are we? [VICTORIA] I don't know. [JAMIE] Let's find out. [BENIK] Don't leave us so soon. We're going to have a little talk. [JAMIE] Where are we? [BENIK] You're in the Australasian zone. I had you brought hereespecially. [JAMIE] Why? [BENIK] So that Salamander could ask you some questions. [JAMIE] For all the answers he's going to get, he might as well have leftus there. [BENIK] Stand up when you talk to me! [JAMIE] You'll get nowhere by shouting. [BENIK] On the contrary. I'm going to get everything I want from youtwo. [JAMIE] We'll not tell you a thing. [BENIK] (laughs) That's good. I like that. [JAMIE] What? [BENIK] Spirit. Resistance. And you've got plenty of both, haven't you,boy? Well I wonder how long you'll last. Five minutes? No, a littlelonger, maybe. Ten, perhaps? [JAMIE] What do you mean? [BENIK] Come now, you don't think I'm just going to sit here and askquestions, do you? [JAMIE] You must have been a nasty little boy. [BENIK] Oh, I was. But I had a very enjoyable childhood. [BENIK] Yes, I thought so. Spirit, plenty of spirit. [BENIK] Oh, we're going to enjoy ourselves, aren't we? Now then. [VICTORIA] I thought you were going to take us to see Salamander. [BENIK] Yes, I will. But he'll expect me to do my little best first. [JAMIE] You lay a finger on her and I'll kill you. [BENIK] Will you? How? No. I think the time's come for you to answer myquestions, don't you? Come here, girl! If you don't, I shall have toshoot one of you. Oh, not a mortal wound. In the leg, perhaps? [JAMIE] You'd better go. Don't worry. [BENIK] There, that's better. Oh, such pretty hair, don't you think. [JAMIE] All right, leave her alone. What do want to know? [BENIK] Quite a lot. And you're going to tell me everything, aren't you. [JAMIE] All right. Yes. [BENIK] Who's behind you? Is it Giles Kent? [SALAMANDER] Ah, so they're here, are they? [BENIK] Salamander, I thought you were in Records? [SALAMANDER] Have they told you anything yet? [BENIK] Not yet. [SALAMANDER] Very well. Bruce and I will take over. You may go. And er, takeyour little puppy dog with you, hmm? [SALAMANDER] Now. [JAMIE] We can't tell you anything. [SALAMANDER] Of course not. We know everything. We know about GilesKent, we know about the girl called Astrid, and we know about yourfriend, the Doctor. [VICTORIA] I don't believe you. [SALAMANDER] A childish plan to impersonate me. That's the truth, isn'tit? [JAMIE] Ah, but he didn't agree to it. [SALAMANDER] You two were sent to the Central European zone to stir uptrouble. [VICTORIA] If you want to know he truth, Giles Kent told us a story andwe weren't sure. Before the Doctor could do anything, we had to comehere and find out what person you were like. [JAMIE] Yeah, and we found that out right enough. [SALAMANDER] You see, Bruce, they're just terrorists. Not very big fry,either. All this nonsense about proof against me. [VICTORIA] If you're doing so much good for the world, why are you soafraid for your own life? [JAMIE] Aye, why do you have so many enemies? [VICTORIA] Personal guards. [JAMIE] Your own food taster. [VICTORIA] And why destroy the one man the people trusted, Alexander Denes? [JAMIE] Aye. [BRUCE] What do you mean, destroy? [VICTORIA] One of your men shot him. [BRUCE] Trying to escape? [VICTORIA] He shot him deliberately. [JAMIE] Aye. And that girl Fariah, well, she was close to Salamander.She'd speak against him. I know she would. [SALAMANDER] Fariah is dead. [VICTORIA] Dead? [JAMIE] You've had her murdered too, have you? [VICTORIA] Why you. [DOCTOR] Oh, Victoria, don't hit me! You wouldn't hit your old friendthe Doctor, would you? I wouldn't leave you in the tender mercy ofSalamander. [JAMIE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] You don't believe me. Oh. [DOCTOR] Only you made me leave it in the Tardis. [JAMIE] It is him! Doctor! [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor! [BRUCE] Tardis? Tardis? What's that? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a little place that we three have in common. You mustadmit they thought I was Salamander to begin with. [BRUCE] Yes. I concede that. But there's still no proof. [DOCTOR] No, but there's enough doubt in your mind to make you go onasking questions, isn't there? That's why we came here. --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [BENIK] I told you to let me know when Salamanderwas out of Records. [GUARD] But no one's come out, sir. [BENIK] What did you say? [GUARD] He hasn't come out, sir. --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [SWANN] Wait. What happens up there? [SALAMANDER] Oh, it ends in a ruined building. This is where I bring thestores. You would be safer here. [SWANN] Safer? [SALAMANDER] Yes, the radiation. I don't think it filters down here. [SWANN] I still want to see the surface. [SALAMANDER] You will, you will. --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [KENT] I should have insisted on going with him.Bruce should have taken me. [ASTRID] You know he doesn't trust you. [KENT] He wouldn't trust his own grandmother. [ASTRID] Oh, never mind, Giles. We've come a long way. Months ago, well,a few weeks ago even, nobody would have even listened to you. [KENT] Ah, maybe. [ASTRID] There's no maybe about it. [KENT] Yeah, perhaps you're right. Bruce listens to us at last. He'seven prepared to ask questions, that's fine, but I know Salamander.He'd talk his way out of a quicksand. [ASTRID] Well, what else can we do? The guard's still outside. [KENT] I must get into the Research Centre. I've got to make sure thatBruce understands the evidence. Understands it, Astrid. Don't yourealise he mightn't know what he's looking for. I know. [ASTRID] But we can't attack the guard. It would only make mattersworse. [KENT] Not if I was to give Bruce real evidence. [ASTRID] Giles, how long would it take you to get to the Research Station? [KENT] Well, just a few minutes. I've got a pass. It's just a matter ofgetting there. [ASTRID] All right, I think I can help you. I'll draw the guard off andleave you alone. [KENT] You think you can do it? [ASTRID] Yes, I think so. [KENT] But I thought you said we weren't going to attack the guard? [ASTRID] Oh, we're not going to attack the guard. But there is going tobe an attack. A fatal one. --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [SWANN] Where does this lead? [SALAMANDER] It goes on up and comes out in a field. [SWANN] What about radiation? [SALAMANDER] Here, it's almost negligible. [SWANN] You mean you could have brought others here from below? I don'tunderstand you. Don't you realise what a break it would be for them,just moving away from that underground tomb once in a while? [SALAMANDER] You seem to forget, Swann, I've brought people up herebefore. There's always an element of risk. [SWANN] I still want to have a look at these people you say are livingon the surface. Where does that lead? [SALAMANDER] Oh, that's a dead end. It's a place I sometimes rest. It'svery hard work, you know, bringing all this [SWANN] Yes, I know that. This way, then? [SALAMANDER] You sure you won't change your mind, huh? --------------------------------------- (Kent's trailer) [GUARD] What's going on here? [ASTRID] He's been shot through the window. [GUARD] All right, stand back. Looks as though he's finished. Better get a doctoranyway, just in case. [GUARD] Hey! Come back! --------------------------------------- (Shrubbery) [SWANN [OC]] (faint) Help! Somebody help. Please. Help! Help, somebody help me. [ASTRID] Who did this to you? [SWANN] A man named Salamander. [ASTRID] Salamander? --------------------------------------- (Shrubbery) [SWANN] Down there. [ASTRID] Down there? --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [JAIMIE] What other explanation is there? [BRUCE] Now wait a moment. Are you seriously trying to tell me without ashred of evidence that Salamander is attacking the world with naturaldisasters? [JAMIE] Well, he must be. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I believe. [BRUCE] But it's beyond belief. How could he possibly? [DOCTOR] I'm sure we'll find proof in the Records Room. [BRUCE] Maybe, but that's where Salamander is. [DOCTOR] Ah. Well, we shall have to wait until he comes out, won't we, hmm? --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [SWANN] Water. [ASTRID] What? [SWANN] Water. [ASTRID] Yes. [SWANN] No, no. Salamander's place. It's danger. [ASTRID] All right. Be careful. I'll get you some water. --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [DOCTOR] (as Salamander) Really, Benik, I'mbeginning to wondering why I pay you such a monstrously high salary.Worrying me over trifles. Make your own decision. Is that all? [BENIK] You have to sign these passes for the hovertruck food supply. [DOCTOR] What, now? [BENIK] Well, you always told me they had priority over everything. [DOCTOR] Oh, very well. [BENIK] By the way. [DOCTOR] Yes? [BENIK] The door to the Record Room is jammed. It was all right when youcame out, wasn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes. [BENIK] Well, it won't open now. May I have your key? [DOCTOR] I'm going mad. I left it in there. What a fool. [BENIK] It's all right, I'll use the emergency key. [DOCTOR] Yes, do that, will you? Right away. Oh, please don't wait forthese. [DOCTOR] (normal) That was close. [BRUCE] How long was he standing there listening to us? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [JAMIE] Do you think he's on to us? [DOCTOR] I hope not. But he's done us a good turn in bringing me these.This'll interest you, Bruce. How many people do you say work in theresearch centre? [BRUCE] Fewer than you'd think. It's fully automated, you know. Sixengineers, and six guards on duty at any one time. [DOCTOR] A dozen, eh? Will you tell me why thirty people are catered forhere? --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [SWANN] The war. How bad was the war? [ASTRID] War? I didn't understand you. I wish there was something Icould do for you. [SWANN] What's he done? What's he done? He's kept us prisoners. Listen,there are others. There are more people down the shaft. [ASTRID] Others? [SWANN] Salamander'skept us down there, prisoners, years of it. Promise you'll bring themto the surface. Swear it. You've got to swear it. [ASTRID] Yes, I swear it. --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [DOCTOR] This is Salamander. I want a security escort to come to theinterrogation room immediately. I am releasing two prisoners. They areto be conducted to the main gates and set free. Is that understood?Good. [DOCTOR] (normal) Well, I hope that works. [JAMIE] So do I. [VICTORIA] What do you want us to do when we get outside? [BRUCE] There are plenty of public phones in the area. Dial double zeroone and ask for a man named Forrester. [JAMIE] Eh? [BRUCE] He's my deputy to this area. [VICTORIA] Double zero one Forrester. [BRUCE] Tell him where I am and just say redhead. [VICTORIA] Redhead. [BRUCE] Redhead. Is that clear? [JAMIE] Redhead? Is that your wife? [BRUCE] It's our emergency call. [JAMIE] Sorry. [DOCTOR] (as Salamander) Salamander. (listens) Is the, is the pass in order? Very well,you have my authority. [JAMIE] What's all that about? [DOCTOR] (normal) We have a visitor. Now, Bruce, you're going to get yourproof, but I want you to do one thing. [BRUCE] What? [DOCTOR] I want you to take my two friends to the gates and see they getaway all right. [BRUCE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] You are to go straight to the Tardis as soon as you can. [JAMIE] No, wait a minute. [BRUCE] What is this Tardis? [VICTORIA] It's a sort of space. [DOCTOR] Shh. [VICTORIA] House. House we live in. [BRUCE] I don't think you heard me the first time. What are you going todo? --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [MARY] Please eat something, Colin. [COLIN] I will, later. [MARY] He's coming back. [COLIN] Right. This time I'm going to have it out with Salamander. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [MAN] Who's that? --------------------------------------- (Underground main room) [ASTRID] Where are you? [MAN [OC]] Keep away. Get back. [ASTRID] I've come to help you. [ASTRID] No! Please, no! [COLIN] Please, let me go. It's a girl, a human being. [MARY] What about the radiation? [ASTRID] Please stop, please. [COLIN] What's the matter with you? Are you all mad? Get back! Get back! [ASTRID] Thanks. [COLIN] First, don't move. I don't know who you are, but you must becarrying radiation. [ASTRID] What? [COLIN] You're from the surface, aren't you? [ASTRID] Radiation? [MARY] How'd you get down here? [COLIN] Did you see Salamander? And Swann? What about Swann? [ASTRID] Swann sent me. [MARY] Swann? Where is he? [ASTRID] He's dead. [MARY] You see, Colin, Salamander was right. He always said if we wentup to the surface we'd die of radiation. [ASTRID] No, not radiation. Salamander killed him. [CROWD] No. No. I don't believe her. [ASTRID] He's lying to you. [CROWD] It can't betrue. [ASTRID] He's been keeping you prisoners, I don't know why. [MARY] But that's impossible. [ASTRID] Now listento me. [COLIN] Now, wait! We must decontaminate you. There's equipment inSalamander's control room. In there. [ASTRID] All right. --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [COLIN] In there. [COLIN] You see? Radiation. [COLIN] You can come out now. [ASTRID] I'm all right? [COLIN] Yes. Now tell us, what's this about Swann? [ASTRID] No. Just watch. [ASTRID] Look at the meter. [ASTRID] This machine's a fake. Is this ruler contaminated? Look, seethose valves? There's an invisible ray. Break it, and it works themeter. [COLIN] But Salamander built this. [MARY] He built it. He always uses it when he comes down. [ASTRID] Yes, I know, to try to convince you for some reason or otherthat there's radiation above ground. [MARY] There is. The war. [ASTRID] War? What war? [COLIN] Where is he? Where's Salamander? [ASTRID] That's just what I would like to know. --------------------------------------- (Research Station corridor) [CAPTAIN] Wait. Where are you going? [JAMIE] Leader Salamander's orders. [CAPTAIN] What orders? [JAMIE] He's released us. [CAPTAIN] I wasn't informed. [BRUCE] I was. [CAPTAIN] Where are the release papers? [BRUCE] Are you questioning my word? [CAPTAIN] No, of course not, sir, but there are strict rules. [BRUCE] Rules? Really? You forget, I'm World Security Controller. I makerules and break them. And men, Captain. Come on, you two. [CAPTAIN] Find Deputy Benik. Quickly. [GUARD] Sir! --------------------------------------- (Underground control room) [ASTRID] But I can only take two at a time. [MARY] I'm sure they all understand that. [COLIN] Where is he? I must find Salamander. [MARY] Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with them? [ASTRID] No. Now that Swann's dead, you two seem to be the leaders. Afterwhat you've told me, we must confront the man that started all this,face to face. --------------------------------------- (Research Station corridor) [GUARD] Yes, sir, the door's jammed and I can't get a view of the insideof it all. [BENIK] Right. So Bruce and the rest of them are in the interrogationroom? [GUARD] Yes, sir. The Captain felt something was wrong and so do I, sir.One minute Leader Salamander's locked in the Records room, the nexthe's in the interrogation room. It doesn't make sense, sir. [BENIK] Of course it doesn't make sense if you haven't got any sense.Just stand guard and try and keep your wits about you. [GUARD] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Records room) [SALAMANDER] Giles Kent. What are you doing here? [KENT] Oh, I've been looking forward to this meeting. You're gettingcareless. You didn't double lock the doors. Oh, its all right, I'vedone it now. The only way anybody can get through there is to blasttheir way through. [SALAMANDER] How did you get into the Research Centre? [KENT] Oh, you know me. There isn't a pass in the world I can't get myhands on if I put my mind to it. [SALAMANDER] You won't find it so easy getting out. [KENT] Really? Well, we'll see. I'm not on my own this time. I've gotfriends here with me, and between us we're going to fix you once andfor all. [SALAMANDER] You always were a tiresome man, Kent. [KENT] I'm going to be more than tiresome this time. You know, thebiggest mistake you ever made was not killing me when you had thechance. [SALAMANDER] Oh, so you going to kill me, huh? How petty. What good doyou think that will do? [KENT] Hold it! [KENT] Now, don't move quickly. My nerves are a bit shaky atthe moment. --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [BRUCE] We must get in there somehow. [BENIK] We can't without the emergency key, and Salamander has it inthere. [GUARD] We could burn our way in. [BENIK] Never. [BRUCE] Why not? [BENIK] It's an X-structure alloy. You'd hardly scratch the surface. [BRUCE] We'll have to try it. Get the gear up here, fast. --------------------------------------- (Records room) [KENT] (laughs) Never get away with it. Oh, that's good,coming from you. Or don't you realise you're dispensable, and the world isgoing to get along fine without you from now on. The only good idea youever had in your life was getting rid of me, and you couldn't even dothat properly, could you? And now I'm back and you're finished. (whirring noise) Oh,what's that? [SALAMANDER] They're breaking down the door. [KENT] They don't appear to be having much success. --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [GUARD] It's not cutting, sir. [BRUCE] Never mind, keep at it. I'll have that, thanks. [GUARD] It's no good sir. [BRUCE] Keep going! --------------------------------------- (Records room) [SALAMANDER] You're trapped, aren't you? [KENT] You're a fool, Salamander. You don't think I've forgottenalready, do you? [SALAMANDER] What? [KENT] I've been with you too many times in this room in the past, notto know where this leads to. [KENT] Your little bolt-hole. Half way down the tunnel, a passage out tothe fields and enough explosives down there to stop you or your thugsfollowing me. [DOCTOR] (normal) Well, that's very interesting, Mister Kent. Why didn'tyou tell me that before? [KENT] Oh no, it can't be. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm afraid it is. Oh, look. Here's another surprise foryou. Look behind you. [KENT] Astrid, you've come just in time. [ASTRID] It's too late, Giles. I know everything. [COLIN] That's him. That's the man who took us down there in the firstplace. [MARY] Giles Kent. We thought you were dead. [KENT] Now look, I've never seen these people before in my life. [ASTRID] They've told me everything. You and Salamander were in ittogether. --------------------------------------- (Underground room) [ASTRID [on monitor]] You built an atomic shelter, took some people downfor an endurance test. The next person they saw was Salamander. --------------------------------------- (Records room) [ASTRID] Who told them that an atomic war hadstarted. [DOCTOR] You see, Kent [ASTRID] Oh, be careful, Doctor. He'll kill you. [MARY] You kept us down like animals. [COLIN] Why? Why did you do it to us? [KENT] We had to have someone create the natural disasters, didn't we? And we fooled you all! [DOCTOR] You didn't fool me, Kent. [KENT] You didn't suspect me. [DOCTOR] Any man who resorts to murder as eagerly and as rapidly as youmust be suspect. You didn't just want to expose Salamander, you wantedto kill him and take his place. [KENT] And I will! Do you think you're going to stop me? And thesepeople? Now move out of the way, quick! We'll see who'll stop me! [DOCTOR] Stop him. Stop him. He's going to try and blow the place up! [ASTRID] Come on then. [DOCTOR] No! Don't touch that door, it's red hot. [ASTRID] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Well, it's locked. They're trying to burn through from theother side. [ASTRID] Look! [DOCTOR] It looks like some sort of cave. [ASTRID] It's the escape route. That's Salamander! [DOCTOR] Yes. I wonder if he knows Kent's on his way? --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [GUARD] Still no good, sir. [BRUCE] Come on, man. Can't you increase the power? [GUARD] Yes, sir. [BENIK] Get back! Get back. [BRUCE] About time, Forrester. [BENIK] Don't shoot, don't shoot. [BENIK] I demand a trial, Bruce. A fair trial. [BRUCE] What a nasty little man you are, to be sure. Forrester, I wantall research personnel detained, and you can begin with Benik here.Take him away. [DOCTOR [OC]] Bruce? Bruce, can you hear me out there? Bruce? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Can you hear me? [BRUCE] Yes, Doctor. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Oh, there you are. I think Kent is going to try to blow us up.Any chance of getting us out of here? Things are going to turn rathernasty in a minute. [BRUCE] We're doing our best, Doctor. [DOCTOR [On monitor]] Oh. Well, if you can't, you'd better leave with your men.There's no point in us all going up in smoke. --------------------------------------- (Underground tunnel) [SALAMANDER] You always were a fool, weren't you? [KENT] Now, wait a minute. They'll be after both of us now. [SALAMANDER] Oh no, they won't. [KENT] I tell you, they know. [SALAMANDER] So what do you want me to do, huh? Bury our differences? Ididn't need you once. I still don't need you. [KENT] Now wait a minute. The place is mined, we know that. We plannedit for years, together. Between us we can destroy them all, and theevidence. Just you and me, Salamander. [SALAMANDER] You and me. What use are you to me? You were useful once,but now. [KENT] No, no! [SALAMANDER] You won't get away from me, Kent. --------------------------------------- (Underground room) [SALAMANDER] I told you you could not escape me. [KENT] Well, if I'm going to die, Salamander, you'll die with me. [SALAMANDER] No! No! --------------------------------------- (Records room) [BRUCE] Are you hurt? Let's get out of here. Come on, Doctor, we're going to get you out of here. [ASTRID] Oh, look. Salamander! Giles! They're dead! [BRUCE] We'll be dead too if we don't get out of here. [DOCTOR] Let's get out of here. [BRUCE] Come along. --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [ASTRID] The people. [BRUCE] People. What people? [ASTRID] The people underground in the deep shelter. [DOCTOR] They may have been killed. [ASTRID] I promised Swann I'd get them out. [BRUCE] But that's not your fault. You couldn't have done more. [DOCTOR] There's a TV monitor screen in there. There must be a link tothe deep shelter. --------------------------------------- (Records room) [ASTRID] It's all right! They're alive! [BRUCE] How are you going to get to them? [ASTRID] There's a tunnel from outside. We can get to it outside the Research Station. [BRUCE] But that's probably been destroyed by the explosion. [ASTRID] We'll get to them somehow. [BRUCE] Look out! --------------------------------------- (Outside the records room) [ASTRID] Give me some men. I'll lead them. [BRUCE] All right. I'll go with you. [DOCTOR] Oh good, that's splendid. I'll come too. [ASTRID] Oh no, Doctor. It's far too dangerous. They might mistake youas Salamander. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Oh. [ASTRID] Are you hurt? [DOCTOR] No, I'm all right. I'll come with you as far as the gates. Comeon, we must go. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [JAMIE] I thought you were never coming. Hey, Doctor, are you all right? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [VICTORIA] Oh, there you are, Doctor. You do look ina state. Come and sit down. [JAMIE] I told you he wouldn't be long. You, you worry too much. [VICTORIA] We shouldn't have left him. [JAMIE] You see, after the explosion, Doctor, we didnae know what to do.You said to come back here, which we did, but I'm sure we werefollowed. [VICTORIA] Please, can we start straight away? [JAMIE] Me, Doctor? But you said we were never to touch the controls. [DOCTOR] Quite right, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Welcome to the Tardis. [SALAMANDER] Thank you. You're doing so well impersonating me, I thoughtI might return the compliment. [DOCTOR] And Giles Kent? [SALAMANDER] Unfortunately, he didn't survive the explosion. [DOCTOR] We're going to put you outside, Salamander. No friends, nosafety, nothing. You'll run, but they'll catch up with you. [DOCTOR] No! [SALAMANDER] And now I'm going to kill you. [JAMIE] No, you don't. [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Victoria! Jamie! Hold onto something! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Oh!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Enemy of the World"}
Doctor Who (3 Feb, 1968; Second Doctor) - The Web of Fear (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Jamie! Jamie! The doors! We've got to close the doors! Can youdo it? [JAMIE] I'll try, Doctor, but I'll have to get to a better position. [DOCTOR] That's it, Victoria. Hold on. Whatever you do, hold on! [VICTORIA] I'm slipping! [DOCTOR] No, no, you're not. I've got hold of you. Don't look out there.Concentrate on holding on. [VICTORIA] I can't! [DOCTOR] Yes, you can. That's the style. [JAMIE] Right, Doctor, I'm going to try and fall to the control panel. [DOCTOR] All right, but watch the Tardis doesn't lurch again. [JAMIE] Made it. [DOCTOR] Well done. [JAMIE] So far, so good. [DOCTOR] You know the switch? [JAMIE] Aye. Found it. I'm nearly there. [DOCTOR] It's all right, they're closing! [DOCTOR] Oh, well done, Jamie. You did it! That was a near thing, wasn'tit? Are you all right, Victoria? [VICTORIA] Oh, what happened? Are we safe now? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I think so. Salamander started the Tardis without firstclosing the door. He was sucked out. [JAMIE] Aye, and I nearly joined him. [DOCTOR] I'm very glad you didn't. He's not in a very enviable position,you know, at the moment, floating around in time and space. Now then,where shall we go? [JAMIE] Oh, let's just get our breath back first before you starttearing off anywhere. Anyway, as you know the Tardis has a mind of itsown. You know you can't control it. [DOCTOR] Can't control it? [JAMIE] No. [DOCTOR] We'll see about that. We'll see about that. [VICTORIA] Here we go again. [JAMIE] I wonder where it'll be this time. [DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [ANNE [OC]] Mister Silverstein? [SILVERSTEIN [OC]] Yes. Who are you? [ANNE [OC]] Anne Travers. Is my father here? [SILVERSTEIN [OC]] Yes, he's here Come and see him, and take him away.He's a fool, an old fool. [ANNE] Father? Father. [TRAVERS] Anne, what are you doing here? [ANNE] Looking for you. [TRAVERS] Oh? [ANNE] You were supposed to be meeting me. [TRAVERS] Was I? [ANNE] At the airport. Father, what is the matter? You send me a cablesaying you're in grave trouble, and I have flown half the way aroundthe world [TRAVERS] Trouble. Yes, a great deal of trouble. And it's that thing! [ANNE] The Yeti? [TRAVERS] You're a stupid old fool, Julius Silverstein. [SILVERSTEIN] Oh, me the fool? You would like me to be the fool and giveyou back my Yeti, huh? [TRAVERS] Well, you must, man. Don't you understand? It's dangerous. [SILVERSTEIN] Huh! For thirty years it stands here in my museum, and nowhe tells me it is dangerous. [TRAVERS] I wish I'd never brought it back from Tibet. [ANNE] Father, what has happened? [TRAVERS] Well, he won't listen to me. This silly old goat won't listento me. I've told him, warned him. Damn it, he knows it's a robot. [ANNE] But Father, the Yeti isn't dangerous. It can't work unless it hasa control unit. [TRAVERS] But I've done it, Anne! I have reactivated a control unit. [ANNE] Oh, but Father, this is wonderful news. [TRAVERS] Is it? Yes, yes, I suppose it would be, except for one thing. [ANNE] What? [TRAVERS] The sphere. It's gone. It's disappeared! Look, you must let mehave the Yeti back, Julius. Oh, make him understand, Anne. [SILVERSTEIN] Oh, I understand. I buy the Yeti off you thirty years ago,and now it is valuable. You try to scare me, take your Yeti back. Why?Money! You want to rob me. [TRAVERS] All right then, I'll buy the thing back if that's what youwant! [SILVERSTEIN] No, no, no. It's priceless. The only one in the world, andit is mine. [TRAVERS] You fool. [SILVERSTEIN] Thief! [TRAVERS] I'm not a thief. [SILVERSTEIN] Swindler! [TRAVERS] Stubborn old goat! [ANNE] Father! [SILVERSTEIN] Take him away. Out of my house. [ANNE] Father, look, perhaps you've made a mistake. You've put thesphere away somewhere in your laboratory and forgotten it. You've doneit before, you know. [TRAVERS] No, I've looked everywhere. [ANNE] Well, let's go home and look again, shall we? You know whatyou're like. [TRAVERS] Yes, but suppose [ANNE] Let's go and have a quiet dinner and you can tell me all aboutit. Then we'll go home and we'll look for the sphere. [TRAVERS] All right. But I warned you, Julius, I warned you. [SILVERSTEIN] Get out! Take him away! Nobody destroys JuliusSilverstein's collection. Nobody! [ANNE] Come on, Father. [SILVERSTEIN] Nobody. The Yeti's mine. You can't scare me with your madstories. Out, out, out! [SILVERSTEIN] Travers? Travers, is that you? I am not frightened by yourstupid tricks. Travers? I know it's you, I'm not a fool! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JAMIE] I tell you it did. It was flashing. [DOCTOR] Now, Jamie, if that light had come on, we'd have landed,wouldn't we? [JAMIE] Look, I'm not arguing about that. [DOCTOR] But we're still travelling, aren't we? So how could it havedone? [JAMIE] Look, I don't know. All I know is that thing came on. Now I'venot taken to seeing things. At least I don't think I have. [VICTORIA] Hey, do you like it? [DOCTOR] What? [VICTORIA] I found it in the chest. I think it looks very sophisticated,don't you? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, very sophisticated, Victoria. Go on, Jamie. Don't you? [JAMIE] Aye. Now look, I'm not daft you know, Doctor. [VICTORIA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] What? [VICTORIA] Why is that light flashing? [JAMIE] Aha! [DOCTOR] I see. Are you two playing some sort of game? [JAMIE] There you are. Told you so. [DOCTOR] Well, then we are landing, aren't we? [VICTORIA] Let's hope it's somewhere pleasant. [JAMIE] Hey, it might even be Scotland. [DOCTOR] Now shush. The scanner, that will tell us. [VICTORIA] Where are we? [JAMIE] Nothing but stars. What does it mean? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Something strange has happened. We're suspendedin space [DOCTOR] Gravity? [JAMIE] On. [DOCTOR] Power? [VICTORIA] On. [DOCTOR] Control? [JAMIE] Er, on. [DOCTOR] Flight. [VICTORIA] That's on too. [DOCTOR] There you are, you see? I was right. It is all working. [JAMIE] You mean we've landed and yet we haven't landed? [VICTORIA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Just a minute, Victoria. If the time lock has slipped [VICTORIA] Doctor, look at the scanner! [JAMIE] What is that stuff, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know. But something or someone is holding us here. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [LANE] Hello? Hello? Hello? [BLAKE] Know where the Captain is? [LANE] Yeah, he's upstairs, being chatted up by that TV bloke. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [CHORLEY] And finally, Captain Knight, could you tell us your ownfeelings about Colonel Pemberton? [KNIGHT] Well, he was certainly a brave soldier. There's no doubt aboutthat. He gave his life for his country, and I was proud to serve underhim. Is that all right? [CHORLEY] Oh, super. Sterling stuff! You talk in pure quotes, old boy. [KNIGHT] Not just quotes, Mister Chorley. I meant what I said. [BLAKE] Professor Travers is here, sir. [TRAVERS] What the devil's going on? Why have I been brought here likethis? Who are you? [KNIGHT] Knight [TRAVERS] Never heard of you. Who? [KNIGHT] Captain Knight. OK, Corporal. [KNIGHT] Look, it's no good shouting at me, Professor. I didn't ask foryou. [TRAVERS] Who did, then? [KNIGHT] Your daughter. [TRAVERS] Anne? Just like her mother. Always interfering in things sheknows nothing about. [KNIGHT] I understood that you'd sent for her to come back from Americaand help you. [TRAVERS] What do you want me for, anyway? [KNIGHT] I don't. I consider this to be a military matter. Othersdisagree. [TRAVERS] Well, you haven't had much success so far, have you? [TRAVERS] Army. What the devil do they know about it? Who are you? [CHORLEY] Harold Chorley, London Television. [TRAVERS] Who? What? [CHORLEY] Harold Chorley, London Television. [TRAVERS] Television? Never watch it. You an actor or something? [CHORLEY] Journalist, actually. The government, in its infinite wisdom,decided only to allow one correspondent down here. The press chose me. [TRAVERS] Oh yes? [CHORLEY] Tell me, Professor, will you be in charge of the scientificsection, or will your daughter? [TRAVERS] Mind your own business! [CHORLEY] And how long do you think it's going to take you to come upwith the answer? One week? Three, perhaps? [TRAVERS] Well how the hell should I know? Is that thing working? [CHORLEY] Of course. [TRAVERS] It's more than likely we won't be able to defeat this menace.London, in fact the whole of England, might be completely wiped out.There, did you get that? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JAMIE] That's the only one I could find. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh yes, that'll do, Jamie, I think. Just get that in thereand that'll be excellent. There we are, that should work. [JAMIE] What does it do? [DOCTOR] Oh, nothing. [JAMIE] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] Well, nothing yet, but it will do once we start moving again. [VICTORIA] Do you think we ever will? We've been here so long. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course we will, Victoria. You see, whatever's holdingus must let go sometime. [JAMIE] Doctor, the scanner. It's clearing! [VICTORIA] The scanner's cleared! [DOCTOR] Right. Now Jamie, give me a hand while there's still time. Plugthis in. [JAMIE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Plug it in there. Yes, that's right. Now listen, both of you.As soon as we land, whatever you do, don't let go. Hold on. [VICTORIA] What's going to happen? We're landing [DOCTOR] There. Now, hold tight [DOCTOR] Oh, it's not so bad as I thought. [DOCTOR] Is everyone all right? [JAMIE] Aye. What did you do? [DOCTOR] Well, I've managed to move us on a bit. Not very far, perhapshalf a mile from where we were expected to land. For the moment, wehave eluded our captor. Look at the scanner, both of you. [VICTORIA] Well, where are we? [DOCTOR] I really don't know, Victoria. Shall we go out and have a look? [VICTORIA] Now, is it safe? [DOCTOR] Oh, I shouldn't think so for a moment. Jamie, I think we'regoing to need torches. --------------------------------------- (Covent Garden Underground station) [DOCTOR] Some sort of grille. [JAMIE] Don't say you've landed us in a prison. [DOCTOR] It could be the dungeons of a castle. [VICTORIA] It's so dark. [DOCTOR] Ah, steps. Come along, be careful. [DOCTOR] Yes, it seems to be a large room. Tiled walls, curved ceiling.Come on. --------------------------------------- (Covent Garden Underground platform) [JAMIE] The floor seems to end here. Hey, there's asort of trench. Look. [VICTORIA] Hey, Doctor. Come and look at this. [DOCTOR] What have you found, Victoria? [VICTORIA] See for yourself. [DOCTOR] Covent Garden. Oh yes, of course. It's an underground station.We're standing on the platform. [VICTORIA] Underground station? [DOCTOR] Trains. Underground trains. A little after your time, I think,Victoria. [VICTORIA] Is it always as dark as this? [DOCTOR] No, no, no. It's probably the middle of the night. Come along,let's go up top. There'll be lots of light up there. Funny, isn't it? [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] How we keep landing on your Earth! --------------------------------------- (Covent Garden Ticket hall) [VICTORIA] Oh, the Doctor was wrong. [JAMIE] Aye, it's not the middle of the night, it's broad daylight. [DOCTOR] Just a minute. Just let me get my breath. Those stairs. [JAMIE] It looks like we're locked in, though. [DOCTOR] Well, that's strange. [VICTORIA] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes? [VICTORIA] Listen. [JAMIE] I can't here anything. [DOCTOR] Oh, it is quiet. I see what you mean. The middle of London,there should be some noise. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, there's an old man over there. Let's ask him. [DOCTOR] Yes, go on. [JAMIE] Excuse me. Excuse me. --------------------------------------- (Covent Garden Underground platform) [DOCTOR] It's all right, it's all right. [VICTORIA] Oh but Doctor, did you see his face? It was sort of coveredwith cobwebs. [JAMIE] Like that stuff we saw on the scanner. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Now, come along. [VICTORIA] Oh, no, no, don't let's go into the tunnel, please. [DOCTOR] But we've got to get above ground, Victoria. Now let's try thenext station. Come along. [JAMIE] Aye, come on. [DOCTOR] Jamie, no! Don't move! Don't touch the rails. [JAMIE] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Whatever you do, stand still! Stand still. Don't move. Keepquite still, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right. You can relax. The electricity is off. [JAMIE] What was all that about? [DOCTOR] If there had been a current running through these rails, you'dhave been fried! [JAMIE] Hey? [DOCTOR] Electrified. Brunched! Burnt up! Now, come along. It's safenow, I think, but we'd better be careful. Follow me --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [VICTORIA] What are you doing, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Just confirming something. Yes, just as I thought. Therehaven't been any trains here for some time. [JAMIE] Hey, what's that over there? [DOCTOR] It's a power cable. I wonder what it's doing down here? [DOCTOR] In there, quick. [DOCTOR] Soldiers? I wonder what they're doing down here? [JAMIE] Let's go and ask them. [DOCTOR] No. I think we'd better tread carefully. Let's go and find outwhat's going on first. [VICTORIA] What do you want us to do, Doctor? [DOCTOR] You follow the soldiers, but keep out of sight. I'm going tosee where this cable goes to. Meet back here in a few minutes, allright? [JAMIE] Right. [BLAKE] (a corporal) What's the matter? [WEAMS] Thought I heard something. [ARNOLD] (the sergeant) Getting a bit jumpy, aren't you, Weams? [WEAMS] It's no wonder, is it, Staff? [BLAKE] Shall we connect up the new drum now, Staff? [ARNOLD] Yeah. All right, Corporal. [BLAKE] Good thing we fixed these lights. [WEAMS] You can say that again. [JAMIE] I can't hear anything. [VICTORIA] Are they still there? [JAMIE] I think they must be moving. Come on. [WEAMS] I told you I heard something, didn't I, Staff? [ARNOLD] Yeah. Come on. [VICTORIA] I'm sorry! [JAMIE] It's only a cobweb. [VICTORIA] Oh, do you think they heard? [JAMIE] Hope not. Come on. [ARNOLD] Well, well, well, would you believe it? The babes in the wood. --------------------------------------- (Charing Cross Underground platform) (Goodge Street Ops room) [LANE] It's no good. I can't raise them, sir. [KNIGHT] The truck was due there twenty minutes ago. [LANE] I wouldn't worry, sir. We've never had any trouble at Holbornbefore. They're probably on their way back by now. [KNIGHT] Yes, perhaps you're right, Corporal Lane. Keep trying Holborn. [LANE] Sir. [KNIGHT] Oh, hello. [ANNE] This blast recorder's working now, Captain. [KNIGHT] Fine. Let me give you a hand. [ANNE] It's quite all right, I can manage. [KNIGHT] No, no, I insist. Come on. [CHORLEY] Now look here, Knight. I really must protest. [KNIGHT] What's the matter now, Mister Chorley? [CHORLEY] Professor Travers! He's being obstructive and secretive. Now Iwas led to believe that when I came here, I was going to be given fullfacilities. Look, perhaps you can help, Miss Travers? [ANNE] I really am very busy, Mister Chorley. [CHORLEY] But so am I. [KNIGHT] There's not time for talking, Chorley. Travers is busy. Nowdon't worry, I'll see that you're not left in the dark. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress) [ARNOLD] All right, you two, stand over there. Keepan eye on them, Blake, will you? [ARNOLD] Hey, you there. Give the craftsman a hand. [SOLDIER] Oh, but Staff, I'm on this other job. [ARNOLD] Don't argue, lad. Just get on with it. I want that in theOperations Room upstairs. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [KNIGHT] How's it going? [ANNE] Just fine. [KNIGHT] What's a girl like you doing in a job like this? [ANNE] Well, when I was a little girl I thought I'd like to be ascientist, so I became a scientist. [KNIGHT] Just like that? [ANNE] Just like that. [KNIGHT] Been a long time, Staff. Everything all right? [ARNOLD] Yes, all right, sir. Weams is just struggling up with the cablenow. Come on, you two, chop chop. [WEAMS] In here, mate. Come on. [KNIGHT] Any trouble at Charing Cross? [ARNOLD] No trouble, sir. All right, lads, you can buzz off now. By theway, I brought you back a little present, sir. [KNIGHT] Oh? [ARNOLD] Found a couple of youngsters loose in the tunnel. [KNIGHT] What the devil were they doing down there? [ARNOLD] I don't know, sir. I thought perhaps you'd better chat them up,so I brought them back here. [KNIGHT] Put them in the Common Room, Staff. I can't talk to them now. Idon't want to waste any more time on this demolition job. [ARNOLD] Sir. [ANNE] Staff Sergeant. [ARNOLD] Yes, miss. [ANNE] You're sure there are only two of them down there? [ARNOLD] Yes, miss. Why? [ANNE] Well, I don't like the idea of the tunnel being blown up ifthere's anybody else down there. [ARNOLD] I see what you mean, miss. [KNIGHT] Make sure there's no one else down there. Have a word withthem, Staff. I want that tunnel blown as soon as possible. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress) [JAMIE] How much longer are we going to be kepthere? [BLAKE] What's the matter then. Don't you like it here? [VICTORIA] No, I don't. Where are we, anyway? [ARNOLD] All right, Blake. I'll take over now. [BLAKE] Right-ho, Staff. [ARNOLD] You two, in here. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [JAMIE] Do you mind telling us where we are? [ARNOLD] Oh, this place has been here a long time. It were a transitcamp in the Second World War. [JAMIE] What do you do down here? [ARNOLD] Now, now, everybody knows what's happening. And you know verywell you shouldn't have come down here. By the way, you were on yourown, weren't you? [VICTORIA] Well [JAMIE] Yes. [ARNOLD] You're quite sure there was nobody with you? [JAMIE] Look, how many more times? [ARNOLD] Well, that's all right then. [KNIGHT] Clear to fire, Staff? [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. They were on their own apparently. [KNIGHT] Right. [JAMIE] What was all that about? [ARNOLD] I suppose there's no harm in telling you. You know, you two arevery lucky. We're going to blow up the tunnel. [JAMIE] What? [ARNOLD] That's what we were laying the cable for. [VICTORIA] The Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [KNIGHT] It's all right, they were on their own. Okay, Weams, no sensein wasting any more time. Off you go. [WEAMS] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [JAMIE] Come on, let us out! Let us out! [VICTORIA] It's no good, Jamie. They can't hear. What have we done? [JAMIE] Not we, Victoria. Me. I'm the one that's to blame. I should havetold them about the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [KNIGHT] A doctor? Well, if he was anywhere nearthose explosives when they went up. [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. Don't you think I should go and have a look, sir? Theyoungsters said he was following the cable. [KNIGHT] Yes, you'd better. [ARNOLD] Sir. [KNIGHT] Oh, and Staff, take someone with you. [ARNOLD] Sir. [WEAMS] Sir? [KNIGHT] Yes, Weams? [WEAMS] This blast recorder ain't working, sir. [KNIGHT] Rubbish. Miss Travers checked it. [WEAMS] Well, it ain't registered, sir. [ANNE] He's right. [KNIGHT] But it fired. Look at the circuits. You can't have an explosionwithout a blast, can you? [WEAMS] No, sir. [ANNE] Well, come to think of it, we didn't hear anything either. Weshould have heard something, even at this distance. [KNIGHT] Yes. [WEAMS] Sir, this Doctor bloke who's in the tunnel. He could havetampered with the charges, you know. [KNIGHT] Sabotage. I think it's time we had a chat with those twoyoungsters. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [VICTORIA] You mustn't blame yourself, Jamie. Afterall, the Doctor did tell us to be careful. Now we still don't know whothese people are. [JAMIE] No, we don't know anything, except the Doctor might have beenblown to kingdom come. [VICTORIA] The Doctor, is he? [KNIGHT] Sit down, both of you. [VICTORIA] Is it bad news, then? [ANNE] Oh, no. Well, at least, we hope not. [KNIGHT] We don't know for the moment. I've sent a couple of men alongthe tunnel to investigate. But that's not why I came in here. You threeare up to something, and I mean to find out what. [JAMIE] We're up to something? Now just a moment. Suppose you tell usfirst just what's going on down here. [CHORLEY] How did you get into the tunnel? Or let me put it another way.Where did you break in? [VICTORIA] We didn't break in. [CHORLEY] But you must have done. All the stations are sealed, aren'tthey? [VICTORIA] We just arrived. We were brought here. [WEAMS] Sir, Lane's got Holborn on the line. Sounds like trouble. [KNIGHT] Yeti? [WEAMS] Could be, sir. Something's up. [KNIGHT] Okay, Weams. [JAMIE] Yeti? Did he say Yeti? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [LANE] Hello? Hello, Holborn? This is HQ to Holborn.Can you hear me? Not a sausage. [O'BRIEN] There must be someone manning the phone. [KNIGHT] Okay, Lane, what gives? [LANE] Well, it's just firing at the other end, sir. [KNIGHT] Firing? [LANE] Yes, sir. Listen. [CHORLEY] Great stuff. [LANE] Hello, HQ to Holborn? [KNIGHT] What happened, Lane? [LANE] Well, it was difficult to hear, sir. I think the truck was lategetting there [KNIGHT] Then what? [WEAMS] Well, they must have got the ammo unloaded, sir, because he saysthey were jumped when they were moving. [KNIGHT] Take O'Brien and a couple of the others. [LANE] Sir. Come on, mate. [CHORLEY] Here, you're not going out there? [KNIGHT] Yes, Mister Chorley. Want to come? Report some action firsthand? [CHORLEY] Well, I don't think I'd better get in the way. I, er, I thinkI'd better stay here, don't you? [KNIGHT] Yes. Yes, I think you better had. --------------------------------------- (Charing Cross Underground platform) [BLAKE] There hasn't been an explosion, Staff. [ARNOLD] I can see that, lad. Here. [BLAKE] No sign of that Doctor bloke. [ARNOLD] No. Here, what do you make of this? [BLAKE] It's our detonator, all right. It's fired, too. Here, hang on aminute. All the ammo, Staff. If it's fired, then why didn't [ARNOLD] Yeah, why isn't this tunnel blocked? No damage at all. Yetsomething blew up here. [BLAKE] It's obvious, innit? It's been got at. [ARNOLD] Where's that Doctor? That's what I'd like to know. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [ANNE] Father? [TRAVERS] Hmm? [ANNE] The soldiers have found two youngsters in the tunnels. They seemto know a great deal about the Yeti. [TRAVERS] Oh? [ANNE] They know they're robots. [TRAVERS] What? [ANNE] They know about the control spheres, too. [TRAVERS] But they can't have. I mean, the public were never told. [ANNE] I know. [TRAVERS] Where are they? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [JAMIE] Don't you see it makes sense, Victoria. Ifthe Yeti are in London, then the Intelligence is here too. [VICTORIA] What, you mean controlling them? [JAMIE] Aye, and not only them. Look, it must have been the Intelligencethat got hold of us in space, and it must have brought us here. [VICTORIA] Oh, but why? [JAMIE] I wish I knew. Revenge, perhaps. [TRAVERS] Well now, you've got some explaining to do, haven't you? [JAMIE] We have? Now look here. [TRAVERS] Now, now, just what do you know about the Yeti? [JAMIE] Quite a lot, but before we go into all [TRAVERS] And the spheres? Where'd you find out about them? [JAMIE] That's none of your business. I'd just like to [TRAVERS] Who are you? [JAMIE] I'd like to ask you the same question. [VICTORIA] Wait a minute, Jamie! I'm Victoria Waterfield. And that'sJamie McCrimmon! [ANNE] Father? [TRAVERS] But it can't be. Why, that's over forty years ago. [JAMIE] What's going on here? [VICTORIA] Oh Jamie, don't you recognise him? It's Professor Travers. [JAMIE] So it is! Professor Travers! Here, hasn't he got old? Oh, butwe're very pleased to see you, Professor. Very pleased. [TRAVERS] The time machine. It was all true then? [JAMIE] The Tardis you mean? Aye, of course it's true. Hey, do you knowwhat's happened to the Doctor? [VICTORIA] Oh, is he safe? [TRAVERS] Isn't he with you? [ANNE] No, he's in the tunnels. Arnold's gone to look for him. Father,what is going on? [TRAVERS] Oh dear, I do hope he's all right. Come on, Jamie. Let's goand find out if he's got back yet. [ANNE] Father! [TRAVERS] Eh? Victoria, try and explain to Anne, will you? It's allright, Victoria. You were born. I mean. She was born years before Iwas! [ANNE] A time machine. [VICTORIA] Oh, dear. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [ARNOLD] And the Captain's been gone about twentyminutes, you say? [WEAMS] Yes, Staff. [CHORLEY] Must have been quite a battle. I should think we've lost thosechaps bringing back the ammo. [ARNOLD] Well it's to be hoped you're wrong, Mister Chorley. All right,Blake, you can stand down now. You too, Weams. [WEAMS] Right-ho, Staff. [JAMIE] Ah, Sergeant. The Doctor, is he all right? [ARNOLD] He weren't killed in the explosion, if that's what you mean. [TRAVERS] Oh, thank heavens. [ARNOLD] For the simple reason that there weren't no explosion. [TRAVERS] What? [ARNOLD] Somebody had tampered with it, and it's my guess it was thisDoctor feller. [TRAVERS] What rot, Arnold. The Doctor's a friend of mine. He's the oneman that can help us. [ARNOLD] Oh is he now? Well, he weren't nowhere to be seen. He'ddisappeared. [JAMIE] Do you think the Yeti got him? [ARNOLD] No. [JAMIE] What makes you so sure? [ARNOLD] Dunno. Just a hunch. Hey, wait a minute, where d'you thinkyou're going? [JAMIE] He may be lying injured. [ARNOLD] No, we'd have found him. Unless you know where he is? [JAMIE] I might. [ARNOLD] Take me to him, could you? [JAMIE] Aye. [ARNOLD] Right, well come on, lad. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [ANNE] It flies? Through time and space? [VICTORIA] Not exactly flies. Well, it's difficult to explain. [ANNE] Not half as difficult as it is to believe. [VICTORIA] Your father believes it. [ANNE] Yes. Yes, he seems to. And you met him, when was it you said? In1935? In Tibet? [VICTORIA] Yes. [ANNE] You couldn't possibly have. You're no older than. But you seem toknow about the Tibet business. Why didn't my father tell anyone aboutthis Doctor friend of yours and his Tardis? [VICTORIA] You're his daughter, and even you find it difficult tobelieve. So how would other people react? [CHORLEY] Ah, sorry to barge in. Left my typewriter in here, and I wantto knock up a quick piece about this mysterious Doctor chap. Hey, a bitof a turn-up for the book, wasn't it? Any theories? [ANNE] On what? [CHORLEY] On what the Doctor and these two kids were doing in thetunnel. [ANNE] Mushrooming? [CHORLEY] No, seriously. [ANNE] Ask a silly question. [CHORLEY] Hasn't she told you anything? [ANNE] Nothing that you could print, Mister Chorley. [CHORLEY] Oh, for goodness sake, why is everybody being so evasive? Whywon't anybody answer any questions? [ANNE] Perhaps they're afraid you'll interpret them in your owninimitable style. [CHORLEY] And what does that mean, pray? [ANNE] It means you have a reputation for distorting the truth. You takereality and you make it into a comic strip. In short, Mister Chorley,you are a sensationaliser. [CHORLEY] You smug little redbrick university [ANNE] Don't say it, Mister Chorley. I have a very quick temper and verylong claws. [CHORLEY] There's no sense in us losing our temper, Miss Travers. I'msorry that my journalistic style doesn't appeal to you, but there aremillions of people it does. [ANNE] Yes, the gutter press has a very large following. [CHORLEY] Yes, it does. It does indeed. And you'd do very well toremember that, because I intend to print all the facts when we get outof here. [ANNE] If we get out of here. The Yeti, remember? [CHORLEY] I'm not forgetting. In fact, I think our little friend herecould tell us a few things about them. It was quite a coincidence,wasn't it, you three pitching up when you did. [VICTORIA] What do you mean? [CHORLEY] Ah, don't give us the innocent bit, love. You know very wellthat the Doctor sabotaged that explosion. [ANNE] Mister Chorley, what are you talking about? [CHORLEY] Arnold's just come back and confirmed there was no explosionin the tunnel, and the only person who was in there, as far as we know,was your Doctor friend. [VICTORIA] If the Doctor did stop it, he had a very good reason. [CHORLEY] Yes, well we'll find out soon enough, because Arnold's justtaken the lad back in to hunt him out. [VICTORIA] Jamie's gone into the tunnel? --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [KNIGHT] Right, Thompson, that's the best we can do. Now go and tell theCorporal to get the men back here as fast as he can. [KNIGHT] No. No, you're too late. Stay where you are. Lane! Lane! Fallback! You'll never hold them! [Lane] Will nothing stop them? [LANE] Come on, back! [LANE] Right, come on! [LANE] We couldn't hold them, sir. They're coming, two of them! They gotO'Brien and Cocksey. Nothing stops them. [LANE] It's Staff Arnold. [KNIGHT] Yeah, come on. [ARNOLD] Captain? [KNIGHT] Yeti. [LANE] They got two of us. [KNIGHT] And the ammo detail. They're all gone. [ARNOLD] What's the plan then? [KNIGHT] I brought a load of explosives down from Holborn. I'm going toblow it and them with it. [ARNOLD] Taking a bit of a risk, aren't you, sir? [KNIGHT] Yeah, I know. [JAMIE] Hey, look. What's happening? [LANE] What are they doing? [JAMIE] Looks like the cobwebs. [KNIGHT] Cobwebs or not, I'm going to blow it sky high. Get back! [LANE] What's that noise? [JAMIE] The boxes are pulsating! [KNIGHT] Get back! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [TRAVERS] Chorley's an idiot, telling Victoria theboy's gone. Those two are all that child's got in the world. [ANNE] I asked her to make some tea. Thought it would take her mind offthings. [TRAVERS] Oh, good idea. Oh, switch the soldering iron on, would you? [ANNE] Father? Have you ever seen this Tardis? [TRAVERS] No, no, I can't say I have. [ANNE] It all sounds a bit far-fetched to me. You know, I think theDoctor's at the back of all this. [TRAVERS] What do you mean? [ANNE] Doesn't it strike you as odd that on the two occasions you'veencountered the Yeti, you've also come across the Doctor? [TRAVERS] Well? [ANNE] Well, it's obvious. He controls them! [TRAVERS] Oh, but surely. What? Oh, tea. Thank you, my dear. [TRAVERS] Oh, aren't you having any? [VICTORIA] No. I think I'll go and lie down for a bit. [TRAVERS] Yes, good idea. [ANNE] Do you think she heard? [TRAVERS] No. In any case, what you say is nonsense, Anne. I saw theDoctor defeat those robots and save Detsen Monastery. He wouldn't dothat if he was in league with them, now would he? [ANNE] No, no, I suppose not. In a situation like this one imagines allsorts of things. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [THOMPSON] This waiting's getting on my nerves. Whythe heck don't they do something? [ARNOLD] Steady, lad. We'll know soon enough. [THOMPSON] We can't just stand here. Can't we make a run for it? [JAMIE] We wouldn't stand a chance, not with them switched on. [KNIGHT] How do you know that? [ARNOLD] It's all right, sir. The Professor's vouched for him.Understand he knows a great deal about these robots. [JAMIE] See, you have to find out. (beeping sound) What's that? [THOMPSON] They've left us behind. [KNIGHT] What made them do that, I wonder? [ARNOLD] Couldn't say, sir. But I don't think we should stay to findout. [KNIGHT] Yes, you're right, Staff. Come on. Let's get back. [JAMIE] Wait. Can we not just see what they're up to? [KNIGHT] No! If there's one thing that I've learned, it's never pushyour luck. Now come on. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [WEAMS] Tibet? Tibet? You're joking. [BLAKE] That's where old Travers says they come from. He reckons they'reAbominable Snowmen. [WEAMS] Well, he's off his chump, ain't he? How'd they get here in thefirst place? [BLAKE] Come through the post, don't they? [WEAMS] Nah, seriously. Outer space, that's where they come from. Well,that's what I reckon, anyway. [BLAKE] Oh do leave off. You've been reading too many kids' comics, youhave. [WEAMS] All right then, Corp, where do they come from? [BLAKE] It's a foreign power, ain't it? Bacteriological warfare, that'swhat that stuff is in the tunnels. [WEAMS] What, that fungus stuff? [BLAKE] Yeah. And them Yeti are some sort of new weapon. Well, a sort ofrobot army. [WEAMS] What, you mean it ain't real then? [BLAKE] Well of course they ain't, you nit! Otherwise we'd be able toknock 'em out with the small arms, wouldn't we? [WEAMS] Yeah. Nothing hardly touches them, does it? [BLAKE] Not unless you can cop 'em straight between the eyes. Thenthey've had it. [WEAMS] Yeah, well that'll take some doing. I mean, I'd have a job justholding me arm steady if one of them ugly creeps came at me, wouldn'tI? [BLAKE] Yeah. I wish we had some more hand grenades, cus they're thethings that seem to stop them dead in their tracks. [WEAMS] Yeah, but we ain't got any, have we? [BLAKE] It's a pity that ammo truck they stopped at Holborn had all thegear in. [WEAMS] Stone me! Here, we ain't got much of a chance if we come upagainst that lot, have we. [BLAKE] Not with the funny old crowd we got down here with us. You gotcivvies, RE's, REME. [WEAMS] Here, watch it, mate. [BLAKE] The lot. A right old Fred Karno's Army, innit? Still, not toworry, me old son. Not the end of the world, is it. Want some more tea? [WEAMS] Yeah, all right mate. [BLAKE] Well, move then. [WEAMS] Here, Corp, look at this. [BLAKE] What? [BLAKE] Oh, crikey. That's what comes of talking about it. [WEAMS] It's that fungus stuff, it's moving again. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [TRAVERS] Oh, Anne, come and do this for me, willyou? [ANNE] All right, father. [TRAVERS] It's my hands. Can't control them! Getting old, that's mytrouble. [ANNE] Don't worry. [TRAVERS] I can't help it. I feel responsible somehow. If only theDoctor would turn up. I'm sure he could help us. [BLAKE] Excuse me, sir. [TRAVERS] Eh, what? [BLAKE] That fungus stuff. It's on the move again. Euston Square's gone. [TRAVERS] Come on, let's have a look. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [TRAVERS] Is it on the move again, Weams? [WEAMS] Yes, sir. Kings Cross has gone out, and it's moving on toFarringdon. [ANNE] It's never moved as fast as this before. [WEAMS] Hasn't moved at all the last three weeks, Miss. [BLAKE] What started it up again all of a sudden? [TRAVERS] Can't say. [CHORLEY] Strange, isn't it, that all this should happen on the very daythat your mysterious Doctor friend turned up? [ANNE] He hasn't turned up. [CHORLEY] Precisely. He could have sent those kids in here as spies. [TRAVERS] Rubbish! Would Jamie go away and leave Victoria, if he didn'tintend coming back again? [BLAKE] Excuse me, sir, but where is the young lady? [TRAVERS] Oh, in the Common Room, I suppose. [BLAKE] No, she's not, cus I went in there when I was looking for you. [TRAVERS] What? Well, where is she then? --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [VICTORIA] Jamie? Doctor? Jamie? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [ANNE] Not a sign of her. [BLAKE] We looked everywhere. [TRAVERS] Well, then, she must have gone [CHORLEY] Like I said, a couple of spies. [WEAMS] Look, sir. The fungus, it's moving again. [BLAKE] I hope the Captain and Staff Arnold aren't anywhere near thatlittle lot. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [ARNOLD] What is it, sir? [KNIGHT] Quiet! Listen. Quick, get in there. [EVANS [OC]] (sings) Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tân, Sosban fawr yn berwiar y llawr, A'r gath wedi [ARNOLD] Soldier. [EVANS] Well, there's a sight for sore eyes. [KNIGHT] Are you stark raving mad? [EVANS] Aye, well, I always sing when I'm scared, see. [ARNOLD] Stand to attention when you're talking to an officer. Name andlast three. [EVANS] Six oh [ARNOLD] Shush! [EVANS] (sotto) Six oh one Evans, sir. [KNIGHT] Evans? Anybody know him? [EVANS] Oh, I'm not one of your lot, sir. [ARNOLD] Then what are you doing down here? [EVANS] Trying to get out, Sarge. [ARNOLD] Don't try to be funny with me, lad. How did you get down herein the first place? [EVANS] Driver on the ammo truck to Holborn. Got jumped, we did. Quite adust up, there was. Couldn't get past them hairy creatures, see? Beenwandering for hours. Lost, I was. I tried one way, but there seemed tobe some sort of cobweb muck moving down the tunnel. [KNIGHT] Moving? Are you sure it was moving? [EVANS] Well of course I'm sure, sir. Sounds daft, I know, but it seemedto be following a Yeti that had a kind of pointed glass thing in itshands. [JAMIE] Was it shaped like a pyramid? [EVANS] Well, I suppose it was, really. [JAMIE] Well, that's it. Smash the pyramid, and you put the Intelligenceout of action. [KNIGHT] What Intelligence? [ARNOLD] Whereabouts did you say this happened? [EVANS] Kings Cross, Staff. [KNIGHT] What? [ARNOLD] Headquarters, sir. HQ may be in danger. [KNIGHT] Yes. We'd better get back as soon as we can. [JAMIE] No, look. [ARNOLD] You heard what the officer said. Now come on. [JAMIE] Look, I came down here to find the Doctor. I'm not going backtill I have. [ARNOLD] Now look here [JAMIE] No, I'm not going. And if I get a chance to smash that pyramid,I will. [KNIGHT] That's quite a risk you're taking. [JAMIE] Aye, but it's me that's taking it. [KNIGHT] All right, it's your neck, chum. [EVANS] Sir? [KNIGHT] Yes? [EVANS] I'd like to volunteer to go with the young gentleman, sir. [KNIGHT] Well, you're not one of my lot. All right. Come on, the rest ofyou. [JAMIE] Thanks. [EVANS] Don't be daft, boyo. First chance I get and I'm skipping. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [WEAMS] Liverpool Street gone now, sir. [TRAVERS] But still no movement on the southern section. [BLAKE] No sign of the Captain yet. [WEAMS] Once this stuff joins up, we've had it. Why don't we try and getout now, while we've still got a chance? [CHORLEY] Sounds like a very good idea to me. [TRAVERS] No, no. The decision to evacuate this fortress must be takenby Captain Knight. [ANNE] Yes, but where is he, Father? He's been gone for ages. [BLAKE] Let's just hope he's not on the Circle Line. --------------------------------------- (Cannon Street Underground platform) [EVANS] Here we are, then. Cannon Street. CircleLine. [JAMIE] We've gone miles out of our way. [EVANS] I told you I didn't know one tunnel from another, didn't I? [JAMIE] Why didn't you tell me about these maps before? [EVANS] You never asked. Who wants to find a Yeti anyway? [JAMIE] Monument next then Tower Hill. Come on, we must find thatpyramid. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [CHORLEY] Oh, thank heavens you're back, Captain. [ANNE] Where are the other men? [KNIGHT] Gone. [TRAVERS] Captain, come here. The southern section's on the move.Charing Cross and the Temple have gone. [CHORLEY] Look, Weams says there's a danger we might be cut off. Nowdon't you think it would be a very good idea if [KNIGHT] If you want to leave, Mister Chorley, no one's stopping you.Now, when did all this happen? [TRAVERS] Just after you left. Still no sign of the Doctor? [KNIGHT] None. [ANNE] Or the girl? [KNIGHT] Has she gone too? [TRAVERS] Yes. [ARNOLD] That means all three of them are out there, sir. [KNIGHT] Yes. But where? --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [VICTORIA] Doctor? Jamie? [VICTORIA] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [WEAMS] I think we've had it, Corp. [BLAKE] Yeah, that stuff's got us trapped, all right. [TRAVERS] Captain? Look, I know it seems hopeless, but if we could findthe Doctor I'm sure he could help us. [KNIGHT] Perhaps. But I'm sure that he must be dead by now. [ARNOLD] If any of those three are on the Circle Line, sir, they've hadit. [CHORLEY] Captain Knight? Captain Knight! Cannon Street and Tower Hillhave gone now. [KNIGHT] That just leaves the Monument. --------------------------------------- (Monument Underground station platform) [JAMIE] Monument. That's Tower Hill next. [EVANS] Hey, wait a minute. Did you hear something? [JAMIE] What? [EVANS] Listen. [JAMIE] Look! The fungus, it's here! [JAMIE] We'd better get out, fast. [JAMIE] We're trapped! [EVANS] We've had it, boyo. We can't go forward, and we can't go back. --------------------------------------- (Monument Underground station platform) [JAMIE] We've got to get to that archway. [EVANS] There's something coming through. Look! [JAMIE] The pyramid! Shoot the pyramid! [JAMIE] The pyramid! Get it! [JAMIE] Come on, man, try again! [JAMIE] But we've destroyed the pyramid. It doesn't work! [EVANS] Let's get out while we can. [JAMIE] But you shot it! [EVANS] Don't argue, come on, --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [VICTORIA] Doctor? Doctor, is that you? [COLONEL] One moment. [DOCTOR] Victoria! [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor, thank goodness I found you. Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Well. [VICTORIA] Who's this? [DOCTOR] Well, you see, Victoria. [COLONEL] Well before you begin this rapturous reunion, there are one ortwo questions I'd like answered. For a start, is there anyone else downhere playing hide and seek? [VICTORIA] Well [DOCTOR] Well, yes. Where is Jamie, Victoria? [VICTORIA] He came out to look for you. [COLONEL] Out? Out from where? [VICTORIA] The fortress at Goodge Street. [COLONEL] Goodge Street? Hang on, are you anything to do with Traversand his daughter? [DOCTOR] Travers? What do you mean, Travers? [VICTORIA] It's the same man we met in Tibet. I've come to warn you. Hethinks you're responsible for the Yeti. [DOCTOR] Me? [COLONEL] Oh, does he? The plot thickens, doesn't it? I think it's timeI got you two back to HQ. Lead on. [DOCTOR] Come along, Victoria. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [ANNE] Well, that's it. The whole of the Circle Linegone. We're completely hemmed in. [KNIGHT] Yes, we can't get out, and no one can get in. Not very healthy,is it? [LANE] Excuse me, sir. [KNIGHT] Yes, Corporal, what is it? [LANE] That girl's turned up again, sir, and that Doctor feller you waslooking for. [ARNOLD] Oh, him? [LANE] Yes, Staff. They was brought in by a Colonel. [ARNOLD] A Colonel? [KNIGHT] Where did he spring from? [LANE] I don't know, sir. [KNIGHT] I suppose I'd better show my face. Where are they? [LANE] Corporal Blake's got them in the Common Room, sir, under guard. [KNIGHT] Anne, you'd better fetch your father. He'll want a word withthe Doctor. And you carry on here, Staff. [ARNOLD] Sir! [WEAMS] Here, Staff, this Colonel, where'd he come from? What's he doinghere? [ARNOLD] Don't ask me, lad. It's turning into a proper holiday camp,this place. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [VICTORIA] You're sure? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'm quite all right, Victoria. I was just knocked outby the explosion a bit, that's all. [VICTORIA] Where did the Colonel come from? [DOCTOR] Well, I don't know. When I came to, there was no sign of theYeti, so I wandered around for a bit and then, as I was on my way backto you, he suddenly popped out from nowhere. [VICTORIA] How did you find out about the Intelligence? [DOCTOR] When I saw the Yeti, I put two and two together. And then nowyou say Travers is here, well. [COLONEL] Afternoon. Captain Knight? [KNIGHT] Afternoon, Colonel? [COLONEL] Lethbridge-Stewart. Expect you're wondering who the devil Iam, eh? [KNIGHT] Well, as a matter of fact, sir, yes. [COLONEL] Well, I couldn't tell you before but you're a bit cut off downhere, aren't you? I'm taking over from Pemberton. Sorry about him. Veryfine soldier. [KNIGHT] Taking over? I see. Well, excuse me, Colonel, but have you gotany [COLONEL] Authorisation? Yes, of course. Here are my papers. Glad to seeyou don't take things at face value. [KNIGHT] All right, Blake. You can fall out. [BLAKE] Sir! [KNIGHT] How did you get in, sir? [COLONEL] Holborn. Ammunition party. Got badly beaten up. All the mendead, I'm afraid. [KNIGHT] Not all. Evans managed to escape. [COLONEL] Evans? [KNIGHT] The driver. [COLONEL] Oh, yes. [KNIGHT] Evans didn't mention any other survivors. [COLONEL] No, well, it all got a bit confused. Driven into a sidetunnel, myself. After that, got a bit lost, and then found this Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, I was wondering when you where going to get around to me. [KNIGHT] Yes, well, the Professor's spoken for him. We do know a littleabout the Doctor already. [COLONEL] I see. In fact, more than you do about me, eh? [KNIGHT] To tell you the truth, sir, yes. [TRAVERS] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Who? [TRAVERS] Oh, my dear fellow, am I glad to see you! [DOCTOR] My word, it is. It's been a long time. [COLONEL] Professor, I'm told you know this man. [TRAVERS] Huh? I'd have thought that was obvious. And if it comes tothat, who are you? [COLONEL] Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart. New C.O. So you can vouch for theDoctor here? [TRAVERS] Well, of course I can. [COLONEL] And what about this girl? [DOCTOR] Oh, she's on my staff. [TRAVERS] We've got lots to do, Doctor. Time's running short. Need yourhelp. Captain Knight, I'll take him straight down to the lab. Now comeon, Doctor. You'd better come too, Victoria. Things are getting a bitdesperate, and I've got an idea [COLONEL] It would seem that the Professor's in charge down here,Captain. [KNIGHT] Yes, well, he does have a job to do, sir. I think it's best tolet him get on with it, don't you? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Yes, well as I say, when I came to therewas no sign of the Yeti, so I wandered around a bit, got lost and sawthe fungus. [ANNE] You've seen it, then? [TRAVERS] Oh, foul stuff. Oh, it was the Intelligence, all right. [DOCTOR] Not me, then? [TRAVERS] Huh? What do you mean? [DOCTOR] From what Victoria said, you had one or two suspicions aboutme. [TRAVERS] Rubbish, my dear fellow. Whatever gave you that idea,Victoria? Pah! Never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life. [ANNE] So you did hear us talking, then? [VICTORIA] Yes. [TRAVERS] Oh, that. Well, it was only just idle chatter. Oh yes, it wasthe Intelligence that brought you here, all right. [DOCTOR] But why? That's what I can't understand. Why? [TRAVERS] Yes, well, you've given it the slip, Doctor. It doesn't knowwhere you are yet. [VICTORIA] I hope it hasn't caught Jamie. --------------------------------------- (St Pauls Underground platform) [JAMIE] Saint Pauls. [EVANS] We're on the Central Line, all right. [JAMIE] Right, come on [EVANS] Wait a minute. [JAMIE] What is it? [EVANS] Nothing. Want a bar of chocolate, that's all. Got sixpence? [JAMIE] Ach, don't be daft! Those beasties might be right behind us. Nowcome on! [EVANS] All this walking. Shouldn't be down here at all, you know.Driver, I am. [EVANS] Well, there's lovely. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [CHORLEY] Don't you understand, Sergeant? I've gotto get out of here! [ARNOLD] Well I don't see as I can put it any clearer, sir. We're hereat Goodge Street, right? And the fungus has gone all the way round theCircle Line. [CHORLEY] Yes, I know that, man, but these other tunnels, the NorthernLine, the Central Line, I mean, they're not filled, are they. [ARNOLD] No, sir [CHORLEY] They must be on a different level to the Circle Line. I mean,Wait a minute, it's absolutely simple. We go out under the stuff. [ARNOLD] Now look, sir. You know we've already lost two men trying to dothat. The influence of this fungus extends through the earth, bothdownwards and up. Believe me, sir, we're trapped. [CHORLEY] But I've got to get out. You see, well, my reports are soimportant. I mean, the world must know what's going on down here. Imean, well, there must be a way out. The surface. What's on thesurface? [ARNOLD] Well, there's a ground level door in Cheney Street, sir, but [CHORLEY] Of course, of course, of course. Thank you, Sergeant. thankyou. [WEAMS] He's a nutter. [ARNOLD] You're telling me. Can't even get my rank right. [WEAMS] Yeah, I noticed that, Sergeant. [ARNOLD] Cheeky! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] But how, that's what I can't understand.What brought the Intelligence back again? [TRAVERS] That was my wretched curiosity, I'm afraid. You see, when Icame back from Tibet, I brought quite a bit of stuff with me. You know.Broken Yeti, bits of control spheres, and things like it. Oh, the monkswere only too glad to see the back of it. [DOCTOR] Yes. [TRAVERS] Yes, and then, my dear fellow, one of the control spheres wasintact. So naturally I wanted to find out how it worked. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [TRAVERS] I fiddled with the thing on and off for years, and then oneday [DOCTOR] Don't tell me. It just disappeared. [TRAVERS] Mmm. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well presumably, once the sphere started working, theIntelligence just homed in on it. [TRAVERS] Yes, and with a fully functional Yeti, well, it was a readymade pair of hands for the Intelligence. [KNIGHT] Sorry to interrupt, Professor, but Colonel Lethbridge-Stewarthas decided to hold a briefing. He'd like you all to attend. [ANNE] A briefing? We're not in the army yet, Captain. [KNIGHT] Yes, I know that, Miss Travers, but now that he's taken overcommand, he thinks it would be the simplest way of being put in thepicture. [TRAVERS] Yes, splendid idea. Might help you too, Doctor. Now come on,I'd like to show you the layout as I've already [KNIGHT] If you'll just make your way to the Common Room, you'll findthat he's waiting for you. [ANNE] Captain. [VICTORIA] Any news of Jamie? [KNIGHT] No. No, I'm afraid not. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [EVANS] Come on, boy-o. Not far to Chancery Lanenow. [JAMIE] You're in a hurry, all of a sudden. [EVANS] Aye, well I've got it all worked out, see. Next station's whereI'm getting off. [JAMIE] What? [EVANS] Aye. Last time, the Yeti were at Holborn Station, so I reckon ifI can get out at Chancery Lane, I might be able to reach my lorry. [JAMIE] So you meant what you said, then? You're not going back to HQ? [EVANS] No, I'd be more of an hindrance, I would. Anyway, I'm notsupposed to be down here. I'm a driver, I am. [JAMIE] Aye, there is another word I could use. Look, all you want to dois save your own skin. [EVANS] Well, it's the only one I got. Look, boy-o, they don't stand achance back there. Hop it with me now, boy, while the while the going'sgood. You've got to take care of Number One in this world. You'lllearn. I'm getting out of these tunnels fast. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [KNIGHT] So this was the situation on the fifth.Next slide, Blake. [KNIGHT] Ah, yes sir, this will give you a better idea. You can see thefog, or mist, very clearly. [DOCTOR] This mist, does it do anything? I mean, is it poisonous oranything? [TRAVERS] No, no, no. But if anyone goes into it they just, well, theyjust don't come out again. [COLONEL] As soon as the effect of the mist was known, this whole areawas cordoned off. But by the sixth, the area had expanded to includeSouth Ken tube station. Right, carry on, Knight. [KNIGHT] Sir. Next slide please, Blake. Now, you can see how quickly itwas spreading. [COLONEL] Ah yes, that'd be the seventh, the day the fungus was firstreported in the Underground. The tube system had to be abandoned, ofcourse. [DOCTOR] Any sign of the Yeti by this date? [KNIGHT] No, they weren't sighted until the ninth. Next slide. [DOCTOR] Ah yes. My word, I thought I wasn't mistaken. Those Yeti havechanged in appearance. Look. [TRAVERS] Why, yes. I see what you mean. [DOCTOR] It's a sort of Mark Two, isn't it. [TRAVERS] Yes, very interesting. [DOCTOR] I wonder how the Intelligence managed that? [KNIGHT] Gentlemen. [TRAVERS] I'm so sorry. [DOCTOR] Sorry. [KNIGHT] Now by this time, the fungus below ground and the fog above hadboth extended. Slide. [COLONEL] Ah yes, that's it. Now, notice this thin area of mist linkingthe two arms. I think we must now assume that this mist covers theentire area enclosed by the Circle Line. [DOCTOR] Have you had any success against it yet? [KNIGHT] No. We've tried chemicals, flame throwers, explosives. All tono avail. [COLONEL] That's why we're dependent on you three coming up with theanswers. If you fail, London's finished. England itself, perhaps. Nowthe army will, of course, give you all the support you need. Tell me,Miss Travers, what progress have you made so far? [ANNE] Well, my father and I think we may be able to jam thetransmissions to the Yeti. [TRAVERS] What we really need is some additional equipment. [COLONEL] Knight? [KNIGHT] Well, sir, the main problem has been lack of communication. Asyou know, this fog absorbs all radio waves. [DOCTOR] What about telephones? [KNIGHT] All right for a while, but the Yeti soon destroyed them. We'velaid a couple of lines ourselves between here and Holborn, but I don'tknow how long they'll last. [CHORLEY] Ah, Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart. [COLONEL] What is it, Mister Chorley? We're in the middle of a briefing. [CHORLEY] Yes, so I see. Did you know about this door to the surface? Ahelicopter could lift us all out. [COLONEL] Could it? Always assuming we could make contact with theoutside world, which we can't, how do you imagine they would find us inthat mist? Sit down, please. [CHORLEY] Look, Colonel, I resent your tone. You seem to forget that I'mhere as a representative of the Press, and as such [COLONEL] And as such, Mister Chorley, you are no more than a passenger.Staff, lights please. [ARNOLD] Sir! [CHORLEY] Right! [COLONEL] Right, let's get down to some constructive thinking. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [CHORLEY] Ah, Weams. Weams, I'd like someinformation, man. [WEAMS] Sir? [CHORLEY] Now would I be right in thinking there are a lot of very tallbuildings in this area? [WEAMS] Well, the Post Office Tower, that ain't far away. [CHORLEY] The Post Office Tower, yes. Do you think that's above themist? [WEAMS] Well, I wouldn't know about that, sir, would I? [CHORLEY] Where is it in relation to the Circle Line? Come on, man,where is it? [WEAMS] Well, it's about here. Crikey! [CHORLEY] What's the matter? [WEAMS] Can't you see? It's that fungus stuff starting up again. I'vegot to tell the Colonel! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [EVANS] Argh! You gave me a fright there for a minute, boy. [JAMIE] I thought you were supposed to be [EVANS] Aye, well, I changed my mind, see. Quite right, you were. Can'tleave your mates when they're in trouble, can you? [JAMIE] Oh, aye? [EVANS] No, well, it wouldn't be right, would it? [JAMIE] Well, what was it like up top then? [EVANS] Don't know. Well, between you and me, I couldn't get out, see.The gates were locked. [JAMIE] Come on. [EVANS] Aye, let's get over to HQ. At least we'll be safe there. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [COLONEL] Queensway, Lancaster Gate, Strand,Chancery Lane. All in a half hour, and it's creeping in all the time.How long do you think we've got, Professor? [TRAVERS] It's difficult to say. Why, at this rate, oh, a couple ofhours at the most. [CHORLEY] Look, Colonel, you've got to do something. We can't just standhere waiting, can we? [COLONEL] Ah, Mister Chorley. You'd like to help, wouldn't you? [CHORLEY] Well, I [COLONEL] Yes, of course you would. Now look, I'll tell you what I wantyou to do. We shall all be rushing about a bit, so what I want you todo is to wait in the Common Room. Act as a sort of Liaison Officer. Youcould do that, couldn't you? [CHORLEY] Well, I don't know, I [COLONEL] Yes, of course you could. Off you go. We'll all reportprogress to you personally. [CHORLEY] What, do you mean coordinate things? [COLONEL] Yes, that's it. Corporal Blake? [BLAKE] Sir? [COLONEL] See that Mister Chorley has everything he needs. Desk,comfortable chair, plenty of paper and so on. [BLAKE] Sir! [COLONEL] Off you go. [COLONEL] Right, that's enough diplomacy for one day. Now, let's getdown to some practical soldiering. Doctor, you've been very quiet. Anyideas? [DOCTOR] Well, as far as I can see, what we most need is time. Now if wewere to blow the tunnel here, just above Goodge Street, we could sealourselves in for a bit. [COLONEL] Good. Practical suggestion. Staff, have we got any explosives? [ARNOLD] There is a bit, sir. [COLONEL] Enough to blow the tunnel? [ARNOLD] Just about enough, sir. [KNIGHT] The trouble is, every time we lay the charges, the Yeti cocoonthem. [DOCTOR] I've thought of that. Got anything on wheels, something thatwill run along a track? [KNIGHT] Yes, yes, there's a baggage trolley. I think it's beside thestairs. Go and see, would you, Staff? [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. Be the wrong gauge, of course. We'll soon fix up thatthough, sir. [COLONEL] What's the plan? [DOCTOR] Well, it's simple enough. We lay the explosives on the trolleyand set a triggering device, and then blow it up while it's on themove. [COLONEL] Yes. Yes, that should work. [DOCTOR] Come on, Travers, let's fix up this detonator. [COLONEL] Think I'll take the opportunity to have a look around theplace. Let me know when you've got the trolley organised. [KNIGHT] Sir. [WEAMS] Glad to see we're doing something active at last, sir. [KNIGHT] Yes. Let's hope that it works. [KNIGHT] It had better! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [ANNE] You've seen those things before, Victoria? [VICTORIA] Yes. I remember them in Tibet. The Intelligence used them toguide the robot Yeti. [DOCTOR] Ah, there you are, Victoria. I've been looking for youeverywhere. Oh, my word. That looks familiar. It doesn't work, does it? [ANNE] No. Neither do the other three. [VICTORIA] Three? There are only two. [ANNE] Well, that's funny. There's one missing. I wonder where that'sgot to. [TRAVERS] Doctor? Sorry to have been so long, but I've got yourblowing-up thingamajig. Here we are. [DOCTOR] Ah, good. Fine. This should do the trick. It's both timing andcontact. [ANNE] Well, I think Victoria's right. [TRAVERS] What on earth are you talking about? [ANNE] The explosion. We'll be cut off, all right, but so will Jamie. [VICTORIA] Don't you see? He'll be trapped. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [COLONEL] And this will explode in 60 seconds? [DOCTOR] Yes. Just push the trolley down the gradient, and that shouldgive you enough time to get clear. [KNIGHT] Yes, but suppose the Yeti stop it before it goes off? [DOCTOR] Well, if it comes into contact with anything, it'll blow up atonce. [ARNOLD] We've got the trolley on the line, sir. [KNIGHT] Ah, thank you, Staff. [ARNOLD] Funny thing, though, sir. The main door was open. [COLONEL] Open? You sure about that? [BLAKE] Sir! Sir, sorry to interrupt, sir, but I found this. [KNIGHT] What is it? [BLAKE] It's the padlock from the explosives store, sir. And this thingwas with it. [DOCTOR] Did you see inside? [BLAKE] No, I thought best not. I left Lane on guard, sir. [KNIGHT] Come on! [WEAMS] Here, let's have a look at that thing. [BLAKE] There. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress entrance) [COLONEL] Staff, close that door, will you? [ARNOLD] Sir! [COLONEL] All right, Corporal. [LANE] Sir! [KNIGHT] Well, it seems quiet enough. Do you think there is something inthere? [DOCTOR] There's only one way of finding out, isn't there? [DOCTOR] Well, now we know. How are we going to blow up the tunnel now? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [ANNE] Don't worry, Victoria. The Doctor promised hewouldn't blow the tunnel until the very last moment. [VICTORIA] Yes, but Jamie [ANNE] Jamie might be a lot safer than you or I at this moment. Have youthought of that? [VICTORIA] Safe? But how? [ANNE] Perhaps he was right off the Circle Line by the time it closedup. [VICTORIA] Oh, do you really think so? [ANNE] Of course. [TRAVERS] Don't you worry, my dear. Why, the Doctor will find a way.Once we've blown the tunnels and sealed ourselves off, we'll be able toget on with the job in hand. Why, with Anne's technical knowledge, andthe Doctor and I, the Intelligence won't stand a chance. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [DOCTOR] The Yeti have dealt with the explosiveshere, and I'm willing to bet they'll do the same with those at Holbornas well. [COLONEL] Maybe. [DOCTOR] I think you're wasting your time now, Colonel. [COLONEL] Yes. Still, at least there's a chance. We must check. [ARNOLD] Search completed, sir. Headquarters all clear. No sign of Yeti. [COLONEL] Good. Captain Knight got the men ready? [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. [COLONEL] Well, tell Captain Knight to start, will you? [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. [COLONEL] You and I will follow on behind, Staff. [ARNOLD] Sir. [COLONEL] Oh, better tell the Professor we're leaving. [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. What about Mister Chorley? [COLONEL] No. The less he knows, the better. [ARNOLD] Sir. [COLONEL] Right, I shall be leaving four men behind here. You'll bequite safe, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Will I? [COLONEL] Huh? [DOCTOR] Someone here is in league with the Yeti. Maybe even controllingthem. [COLONEL] What? [DOCTOR] The main door didn't open by itself, did it? It may be any oneof us. [COLONEL] Me, perhaps? [DOCTOR] Perhaps. [COLONEL] Or even you? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [CHORLEY] It's at Covent Garden, you say? [VICTORIA] That's where we landed. [CHORLEY] Oh, this is ridiculous. You can't land in an Undergroundstation. [VICTORIA] The Tardis can. It's not an ordinary sort of craft. [CHORLEY] Look, look, you say it can get us out of here? [VICTORIA] Yes. But the Doctor wouldn't go without Jamie. And nowthey're going to blow up the tunnel, I don't think we're going to [CHORLEY] Blow up the tunnel? Blow up the tunnel? Well then, we'll neverget out of here. And the Doctor won't leave until Jamie gets back, eh?Oh, there you are, Doctor, we were just talking about you. I hadn'trealised what was going on. [DOCTOR] Oh? [CHORLEY] No [DOCTOR] What's the matter with him? [VICTORIA] He doesn't want them to blow up the tunnel. [DOCTOR] Well, he's too late. They've already left. Wait a minute. Whydoesn't he want them to blow up the tunnel? [VICTORIA] He thinks he'll be cut off from the Tardis. [DOCTOR] You didn't tell him about the Tardis, did you? [VICTORIA] Oh dear! Oh no! No, do you think that [DOCTOR] Yes, I do think! [VICTORIA] Oh, but [DOCTOR] There you are. It's locked. Victoria! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress entrance) [CHORLEY] They've left already? [JAMIE] Aye, we passed them a while back. [EVANS] Aye, off to Holborn, they were. [CHORLEY] Holborn, eh? Right. [EVANS] Before you go, sir, could you tell me where? [EVANS] Charming. [JAMIE] Listen. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [VICTORIA] I'm so worried about Jamie. [DOCTOR] Wait. [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] Doctor! Good to see you! [VICTORIA] Oh Jamie, you're safe! [DOCTOR] Jamie, have you seen Chorley? [JAMIE] Who's he? Hey, why were you locked in? [DOCTOR] Have you seen anyone leave headquarters here? [JAMIE] Well, aye, just now. There's a man [DOCTOR] Right, come along, no time to waste. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Come on, I'll tell you as we go. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [TRAVERS] But where's the Doctor? After all, thiswas his idea. [ANNE] Well, shall I go and get him? [TRAVERS] Wait here. [ANNE] Father, no! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [TRAVERS] Weams? Weams! [TRAVERS] What? [TRAVERS] Good Lord. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [TRAVERS] A Yeti! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel junction) [JAMIE] Which way? [DOCTOR] It's this way to Covent Garden. [JAMIE] You're sure Chorley's after the Tardis though? [DOCTOR] Yes, certain of it. Why else would he lock us in? [JAMIE] Aye, maybe you're right. [EVANS] Like me to take a shufty down this tunnel? He might have taken awrong turning. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, if he did it doesn't matter, does it? Come along,this way. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel two) [ARNOLD] What is it, sir? [COLONEL] Something up ahead. It's all right. Captain Knight and hisparty. [ARNOLD] They've been very quick, sir. [COLONEL] Any luck? [KNIGHT] Afraid not, sir. The fungus beat us to it. A hundred yards thisside of Holborn. [ARNOLD] Just as if it knew what we were up to, sir. [COLONEL] Yes. [KNIGHT] There's just a chance, Colonel, that we might be able to get toHolborn via Piccadilly. [COLONEL] Fungus on the Central Line only, eh? [KNIGHT] Well, it's worth a try, sir. [COLONEL] Yes, right. Tottenham Court Road, down to Leicester Square,and up past Covent Garden. Come on, follow me. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel outside Covent Garden) [DOCTOR] This looks familiar. It's around thiscorner. [JAMIE] Oh no! [VICTORIA] Oh, we can't get to the Tardis! [DOCTOR] No, Victoria, I'm afraid we can't. [JAMIE] What's happened to Chorley, then? [DOCTOR] That's what I'm wondering. Did he reach the Tardis before thefungus, or did he not? [JAMIE] You mean to say, he could have got to the Tardis and alreadyhave taken off in it? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [JAMIE] Hey, come back, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Jamie. I'm not going to do anything silly. Ijust want to try and get a little bit for analysis. [VICTORIA] Oh Jamie, stop him. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Victoria. Has anyone got a box? [EVANS] I've got my tobacco tin. [DOCTOR] Oh, splendid. [EVANS] But then it's got tobacco in it. [DOCTOR] Never mind. [EVANS] Hey! Oh, all right. I only hope you think the sacrifice is worthit. [DOCTOR] Hold the tin for me, would you, Evans? [EVANS] Gone and set it off! Come on, now! [VICTORIA] Oh, it's horrible. [JAMIE] Come on, Doctor, get away [DOCTOR] Hold the tin underneath. There we are. Now back, everyone,quickly! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel junction) [ARNOLD] All right, Corporal. Get back and tellCaptain Knight it's all clear up here. And get them to get a shift on. [BLAKE] Right-ho, Staff. [EVANS] Hello, Staff. It's all right, it's just Staff Arnold! [ARNOLD] One of these days, Evans my lad, you're going to creep up onsomeone once too often. [EVANS] Well, that's life, innit Staff. [DOCTOR] Any luck at Holborn? [ARNOLD] No. Fungus. [JAMIE] Same back there. [ARNOLD] Right. I'll tell the Colonel. You lot had better get back toHQ. We'll be along in a few minutes. [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie, I'll just show this bit of fungus to Travers. [JAMIE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress entrance) [JAMIE] The door's open, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Let's see, Jamie. [JAMIE] Hey, look at this! [DOCTOR] Good Lord! That's Yeti! [JAMIE] You don't think they may still be here? [DOCTOR] No. [JAMIE] I hope not. [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Quiet, Victoria. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Anne! [JAMIE] Miss Travers! [VICTORIA] Will she be all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I think she'll be all right. Evans, get a chair forher, will you? Get her up, Jamie. Come along. It's all right. It's allright now, Anne. Sit down. [JAMIE] There you are. [DOCTOR] It's all right now. [ANNE] Oh, Doctor, Doctor, the Yeti. Have they gone? [DOCTOR] Yes, they've gone now. It's quite safe now. [JAMIE] What happened? [ANNE] My father. The Yeti! The Yeti, they've taken him! Oh, my. Oh. [DOCTOR] Jamie, you'd better get her to the Common Room. [JAMIE] Come along. [DOCTOR] You go too, Victoria. [JAMIE] It's all right, we'll find him for you. [DOCTOR] Lie her down. [JAMIE] Easy, that's it. [EVANS] You okay? [JAMIE] Yeah, I'll manage, thanks. [EVANS] Do you reckon they have? [DOCTOR] Have what? [EVANS] Taken him, like she said? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm very much afraid they have. But why? Why didn't theyjust kill him? Unless [EVANS] Yes? [DOCTOR] Well, unless they had a use for him. [COLONEL] Ah, Doctor. What's this I hear about Travers? [DOCTOR] Well, the Yeti broke in while we were out looking for Chorley. [COLONEL] Chorley? [KNIGHT] What the devil was he doing in the tunnel in the first place? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not quite sure. [KNIGHT] I knew that one would panic. [ARNOLD] I'm afraid young Weams has had it, sir, like the other poordevils outside. [COLONEL] I see. Staff, you'd better get [ARNOLD] Yes, all right, sir. We're doing that now. Evans, come with me. [EVANS] Staff! Glad to see you're all right, sir. [COLONEL] Eh? [EVANS] Drove you to Holborn, I did, sir. [COLONEL] Ah yes, so you did. [ARNOLD] Evans! [EVANS] Sorry, Staff. [COLONEL] I can't make out why the Yeti broke in. I mean, they couldhave destroyed the place if they'd wanted to. [DOCTOR] Well, the answer's simple. They came for something, and theygot it. [COLONEL] What was that? [DOCTOR] Well, Travers. [BLAKE] Excuse me, sir, but I think you ought to come to the Ops Room. [KNIGHT] Why? What's happening? [BLAKE] That fungus stuff, it's on the move again. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [BLAKE] It's like a spider's web, ain't it? [DOCTOR] Yes. And we're the flies, all right, but where is the spider? [COLONEL] Better give the others a hand, Corporal. [BLAKE] Sir. [COLONEL] Doctor. Been thinking about what you were saying earlier.About someone here in HQ being responsible for all this. Could it havebeen Travers? [DOCTOR] I doubt it. [KNIGHT] Well, after all he has disappeared. [DOCTOR] Yes. So has Chorley. I'd say he was a much more likely suspect. [COLONEL] True. [DOCTOR] On the other hand, of course, whoever is in league with theIntelligence could still be amongst us here. [COLONEL] That's a fact of which I am uncomfortably aware. But tell me,Doctor, this Intelligence, exactly what is it? [DOCTOR] Well, I wish I could give you a precise answer. Perhaps thebest way to describe it is a sort of formless, shapeless thing floatingabout in space like a cloud of mist, only with a mind and will. [COLONEL] What's it after? What's it want? [DOCTOR] I wish I knew. The only thing I know for sure is that itbrought me here. [KNIGHT] Brought you here? [COLONEL] Yes, been wondering how you got here. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I don't think there's any harm in telling you now. Ihave a craft that travels in time and space. [KNIGHT] Oh, come now, Doctor, you can't expect me to [COLONEL] This craft of yours, this time space craft. Could it get usout of here? [DOCTOR] Well, yes, but it's at Covent Garden. [COLONEL] What does it look like? [DOCTOR] It's a police box. [KNIGHT] Oh really, Colonel, you're surely not going [COLONEL] So if we could rescue that craft, you could take us out? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I could, but I have to stay here and finish Travers'work. [JAMIE] Ah, Doctor. Miss Travers is feeling all right now and would liketo see you right away. [DOCTOR] Very good, Jamie. Excuse me, gentlemen, please. [COLONEL] Yes. [KNIGHT] Well, I've heard some stories in my time, but that one reallytakes [COLONEL] So you don't believe him? [KNIGHT] No, of course not, sir. The whole idea is screwy. A police box? [COLONEL] Well whether you think it foolish or not, we are going torescue that craft. [KNIGHT] Oh, but sir. Our job [COLONEL] Captain Knight, the Army has failed to defeat this menace. Nowthe Doctor thinks he might succeed. Personally, I doubt it. But if westay here, we're as good as dead. Therefore I do not intend leaving anyescape route unexplored, however screwy you may think it. [KNIGHT] Oh, surely Colonel [COLONEL] Let's get on with it, shall we, Knight? [KNIGHT] Sir. I suppose you've considered that the Doctor might beleading us into a trap? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [ANNE] But, but there must be a chance. If theDoctor says [DOCTOR] No, the soldiers could comb these tunnels for a fortnight andstill never find him. I'm afraid your father's been taken by theIntelligence. The only way that we can save him is by finding thecentral control source. [JAMIE] Aye, if he's anywhere, that's where he'll be. [ANNE] But why? Why him? Why not me, or one of the soldiers, or [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Tell me. What was your father working on justbefore the Yeti broke in, Anne? [ANNE] We were ready to test the sphere with the control unit, but Idon't see what this has to do with anything, Doctor. [DOCTOR] But don't you? If he was near to success [VICTORIA] That's why they took him. [DOCTOR] Well, it's a possibility, isn't it? Now Anne, do you feelstrong enough to come back to the laboratory? [ANNE] Yes, yes, of course. [JAMIE] Anything we can do? [DOCTOR] No, no, you just take it easy, Jamie. Come along. [JAMIE] What's the matter? [VICTORIA] I've been thinking about what the Doctor said. Anything wedo, the Intelligence always knows. [JAMIE] Aye, but I wouldn't let it worry you. The Doctor will soon finda way out. [VICTORIA] I wish I could believe that. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Oh yes. Yes, this seems to be in order, Anne. [ANNE] My father didn't want it put together until this was in properorder. [DOCTOR] Very wise. Let's have a look at this [DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes. My word, this is a splendid piece of work, Anne. [ANNE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Yes, this should control the sphere all right, but would itoverride the commands issued by the Intelligence, I wonder? [ANNE] No. No, I'm afraid it won't. I just didn't have the time. Do youthink we can do it? [DOCTOR] We can do it if you've got the right bits and pieces. [EVANS] Hope I'm not disturbing, Doctor, but Staff asked me to give youthis. [DOCTOR] Where'd you get this? [EVANS] On the floor, by that young lad Weams, it was. [DOCTOR] But this is what brought the Yeti to the explosives store. It'sobviously been reprogrammed as a homing device and you've given it tome! [EVANS] Here, you don't think I had anything to do with these Yeti, doyou? [ANNE] Doctor. The other models. They've gone! [EVANS] Well, don't look at me. I didn't want to come down here in thefirst place. I shouldn't be down here at all, really. Driver, I am,see. Well you'd better have this before you say I've nicked it. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [EVANS] And I'll have that tin back when you've finished with it. [DOCTOR] Don't look so unhappy. We're all under suspicion, you know,including me. [EVANS] Huh! [ANNE] What's in the tin, Doctor? [DOCTOR] It's the fungus from the tunnel. I thought if we examined it,it might give us a clue. I must get this dismantled. It's like holdinga time bomb. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [COLONEL] So my party will get above ground andapproach Covent Garden by Neal Street. Is that clear? [ALL] Yes, sir. [COLONEL] Now Staff here will be taking the trolley through the tunnel,and will arrive, we hope, at the same time as we do. You picked yourtwo men, Staff? [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. Lane and Evans. [COLONEL] Right. Now as soon as we get there, we shall be looking for apolice box. [BLAKE] A police box, sir? [COLONEL] Yes, a police box. Now I want that box either out of thestation or onto the trolley as quickly as possible. Is that understood? [ARNOLD] Yes, sir. [COLONEL] Right. Any questions? [BLAKE] Yes, sir, this police box. Is it important? [COLONEL] Corporal Blake, we'd hardly be going to this trouble if itweren't. [KNIGHT] Who's going to look after the civilians, sir? [COLONEL] I'd like you to stay behind and look after them, CaptainKnight. The Doctor's got work to do. Right, gentlemen, time to go. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Now you'd better stand back, Anne. [ANNE] Is it really necessary, Doctor? [DOCTOR] This fungus is an unknown quantity, you know. [JAMIE] Ah, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie, what is it? [JAMIE] The Colonel says to tell you he's on his way. [DOCTOR] On his way where? [JAMIE] To rescue the Tardis. [DOCTOR] He's wasting his time. [VICTORIA] Well that's what I told him. And I think that man Chorleymust be behind [DOCTOR] Shush. Now look. Get behind me, both of you, and keep clear.Here we go. [DOCTOR] No! [ANNE] What is it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] The tin's empty! Evans. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress entrance) [EVANS] Of course, really I shouldn't be doing this,you know, Staff. Not officially on the strength down here, see. What Iam really is a driver, you see [ARNOLD] Don't try to come the old soldier with me, lad. [EVANS] Who, me? [ARNOLD] Yes, you. And when we get in the tunnels, don't you try toskive off, cus if you do I'll have you for breakfast. Do youunderstand? [LANE] Trolley's ready, Staff. [ARNOLD] Right, come on! --------------------------------------- (Deserted street) [COLONEL] Right. So far, so good. If we don't seeany Yeti, we should make Covent Garden in about ten minutes. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [JAMIE] Captain, they've gone, and Evans with them,I think. I can't find him anywhere. [KNIGHT] Yes, well, we'd better question Evans carefully when he getsback. [JAMIE] Aye, if he gets back. [KNIGHT] It's a funny business, Doctor, that fungus disappearing. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know, but don't worry about that just at themoment. I've been working on this control box of Miss Travers'. There'sa few more things I need. Transistors, circuits. [KNIGHT] Aren't there any in Stores? [DOCTOR] No, not of the right type. [KNIGHT] Well in that case, Doctor, I can't help you. [DOCTOR] Well, I was wondering if I could go up to street level [VICTORIA] But the mist? Or the Yeti? [DOCTOR] There's no mist directly above us here. We'd have to risk theYeti. [KNIGHT] No. No, I'm afraid that's out. [ANNE] It's terribly important. Please. [DOCTOR] It'd only take five minutes. [KNIGHT] All right. I'll get my gear. [DOCTOR] Well done, Travers. [KNIGHT] And while we're gone, you three lock yourselves in. [JAMIE] Oh aye. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [ARNOLD] The Colonel will be through there at CoventGarden in a few minutes, right? [EVANS] Do you think they'll be able to load the police box on here,Staff? [ARNOLD] Well, if we can get this thing through the fungus stuff.There's not much of a gradient in this section of the tunnel. Right, Iwant one volunteer. [EVANS] Volunteer? That's a dirty word, that is. Not me. [ARNOLD] Lane? [LANE] What for, Staff? [ARNOLD] Well, this thing wants some help going through to CoventGarden. I'm going through with it. [LANE] Into that stuff? [ARNOLD] Have you got those respirators? [LANE] Well, yeah, here. [ARNOLD] I reckon we shall be all right in these. Oh, all right, Lane.I'll go by mesen. [LANE] No, hang on a sec, Staff. That trolley's heavy. It'll take two ofus to shift it. [ARNOLD] Good lad. Come on. [EVANS] You're potty, the pair of you. [ARNOLD] Shut up, will you! Do as you're told. Play that rope out as wego. Any sign of trouble, whip us out sharpish, right? [EVANS] Well, it's your neck. [ARNOLD] Okay. [LANE] All right then [EVANS] Staff? Staff Arnold? [EVANS] Staff? --------------------------------------- (Covent Garden Market) [BLAKE] Look, sir! [COLONEL] In here, quick. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse yard) [COLONEL] Come on, through the gate. I'm going tofind a way out. Now split up. [SOLDIER 1] Yetis. Three of them, sir. [COLONEL] Grenade! [BLAKE] Right, fire! [SOLDIER 1] Sir, they're smashing down the gate! [BLAKE] We can't hold them, sir! [COLONEL] Over the top, all of you! [SOLDIER 2] Grenades! [COLONEL] Through the yard, come on! Bazooka here to cover the others. [COLONEL] Dawson! Langley! [COLONEL] Make for the warehouse! Murphy! --------------------------------------- (Electrical shop) [KNIGHT] There it is again, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Just one more thing. [KNIGHT] For heaven's sake, hurry up. [DOCTOR] I just need one more component. I'll look through here. [KNIGHT] Doctor! Doctor, look out! [KNIGHT] No! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [JAMIE] And this was in his pocket, you say? [VICTORIA] How did he get it? You said it was stolen. [ANNE] Oh but you can't think that he stole [DOCTOR] No, no, no, he didn't steal it. The person who did planted iton him. [JAMIE] Hmm. [EVANS] Don't you try and pin this on me, boy-o! Strikes me anythinggoes wrong around here and I'm always the one to get the blame. [DOCTOR] All right, all right, let's keep our temper, shall we? Thepoint is two of these were missing. Now where's the other one? --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] There. That one shouldn't bother us any more. Now then, comealong, Anne, let's get down to work. Where did I put those bits andpieces? [VICTORIA] I wish I knew who put it in the Captain's pocket. [JAMIE] Well, it must have been Chorley. [VICTORIA] Well look, he left ages ago. [JAMIE] It doesn't matter. He could still [DOCTOR] Colonel! [VICTORIA] Are you all right? [JAMIE] What's happened? [DOCTOR] Colonel, what happened? [COLONEL] Gone. [VICTORIA] Not all of them? [DOCTOR] All of them! [COLONEL] I said so, didn't I? All of them. Evans, what about yourparty? Arnold? [EVANS] Gone, sir. [JAMIE] Captain Knight, too. [COLONEL] Knight. Hopeless. [COLONEL] Can't fight them. It seems indestructible. Can't fight them!You were right, Doctor, when you said they were formless, shapeless.You were right. [DOCTOR] Listen. Listen, everyone! It's the other Yeti model. It's here!It's somewhere in this room! [COLONEL] That noise, I've been hearing it on and off all day. [DOCTOR] Your pockets! [COLONEL] What? [DOCTOR] Open your pockets, Colonel. Quickly, quickly, come on! [COLONEL] How [DOCTOR] They bring the Yeti! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [JAMIE] Oh, no. [COLONEL] I just don't understand what's happening. [JAMIE] Poor Travers. [TRAVERS] Silence! [ANNE] Father. [DOCTOR] No, no. [ANNE] But I must [DOCTOR] No, Anne. Don't go near him. Just listen to him. [TRAVERS] I am the Intelligence. [ANNE] No. [JAMIE] You can't be. [TRAVERS] Listen to me. I speak to you with this man's voice because thetime has come for you to understand my purpose. [EVANS] What's he getting at? [COLONEL] Quiet. [DOCTOR] What do you want? [TRAVERS] You defeated me in Tibet, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. [TRAVERS] Now you have fallen into the trap that I have so carefullyprepared for you. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see, so that's why you've brought me here. Revenge. [TRAVERS] No. Revenge is a very human emotion. My purpose for you is farmore interesting. [DOCTOR] And what's that? [TRAVERS] Through time and space, I have observed you, Doctor. Your mindsurpasses that of all other creatures. [DOCTOR] What do you want? [TRAVERS] You! Your mind will be invaluable to me. Therefore I haveinvented a machine that will drain all past knowledge and experiencefrom your mind. [VICTORIA] But you'll kill him! [TRAVERS] Oh no, he will survive, his mind unharmed. Only empty as anewborn child's. [DOCTOR] And if I refuse? [TRAVERS] Then I shall have to seek the help of lesser mortals, likeyour companions here. And many, many others. [DOCTOR] But you can't! [TRAVERS] I can and I will. [DOCTOR] Yes, I believe you. [JAMIE] You can't. We'll fight! [TRAVERS] That will not do. The Doctor must submit willingly. [DOCTOR] And if I do submit, what of the others? [TRAVERS] Then the others will go free. [ANNE] And my father too? [TRAVERS] And him too. I'm only using this body to communicate with you. [ANNE] He didn't help you before, then. [TRAVERS] Oh, no. I have many other human hands at my command. [DOCTOR] And who are they? [TRAVERS] Always questioning! Even now, you're seeking to destroy me. Isee I shall have to guide your thoughts. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, no. [TRAVERS] Cooperate and the child will be unharmed. You have twentyminutes to make up your mind. [JAMIE] Let me go, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie, don't be a fool. You don't stand a chance. [JAMIE] Let me go! Victoria! Let me past, Colonel. [COLONEL] No, the Doctor's right. There've been enough lives wasted. [JAMIE] And what are we going to do? Just sit around and wait for thenext thing to happen? [COLONEL] Don't be a fool, boy! We can't fight those things bare-handed.We must work out a plan! [JAMIE] Well you do what you want, I'm going. [DOCTOR] He left one of those things there to stop us getting away. Now,Victoria is quite safe. [JAMIE] Safe? [DOCTOR] The Intelligence knows that if it harms her, I won't cooperate. [ANNE] Does that go for my father too? [DOCTOR] Yes, Anne, it does. [ANNE] Oh, are you sure? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure! [EVANS] Permission to speak, sir. [COLONEL] Yes, what is it, Evans? [EVANS] Well, stop me if I've got it wrong, sir, but if thisIntelligence thing here gets the Doctor, will he leave us all alone? [COLONEL] Yes, that's what it looks like. What's in your mind? [EVANS] Well, sir, why don't we just let it have him? Then we could allgo home. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [VICTORIA] Please, my wrist. Professor! Professor,please. You're hurting me. My wrist! Professor! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [COLONEL] Will this Intelligence keep its word, doyou think? [JAMIE] Well, it didn't in Tibet. [DOCTOR] Jamie. [EVANS] Leastways, it's a chance. [JAMIE] But it's not you that's taking the risk, is it? [EVANS] I reckon he ought to give himself up now. [COLONEL] Evans, when I want your opinion I'll ask for it. [EVANS] Sorry, sir. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Evans. If I don't come up with the answer, Iwill give myself up, I promise. [EVANS] That's okay then. [JAMIE] You will not give yourself up. [DOCTOR] Don't be foolish, Jamie! [JAMIE] But Victoria! [DOCTOR] She will be your responsibility. And when it's all over, you'lljust both have to look after me, that's all. [JAMIE] Ay? [DOCTOR] Well, if what the Intelligence says is true, my mind will belike that of a child. You'll have to look after me until I grow up. [JAMIE] Oh. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. I'm going to try not to let it happen. [EVANS] Hey, wait a minute. [COLONEL] What is it, Evans? What's the matter now? [EVANS] Stand back everyone. [EVANS] I thought I heard it go! [COLONEL] Yes, well, we'd better make sure. Evans, you, myself andMcCrimmon will go and search the place. Doctor, you'd better staybehind here and get on with your tinkering. [ANNE] You're not seriously thinking of giving yourself up to thosecreatures, are you? [DOCTOR] I sincerely hope it won't come to that, Anne. [ANNE] It's so hopeless. What can we do? [DOCTOR] This control box. We've got to get it working! [ANNE] Doctor, we've only got twenty minutes. [DOCTOR] Then there's no time to lose, is there? Oh, come on, Anne,don't give up. I need your help. [ANNE] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Right. Now hand me that sphere, will you? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress corridor) [JAMIE] I suppose that Yeti was left there as a kindof rear guard. [COLONEL] Possibly. [JAMIE] If we went into the tunnels, we'd run into them again. [COLONEL] Yes, probably would. [JAMIE] But supposing we were to go over the top? You see, Colonel, as Isee it, there's only one way for them to go. South. [COLONEL] Yes? [JAMIE] So if we could get ahead of them. [COLONEL] What, take them by surprise, you mean? [JAMIE] Aye. [COLONEL] What's the point? You can't fight those things. I know, I'vetried. [EVANS] Anyway, we'd never get back in, sir. All the stations arelocked. [JAMIE] We might find one that's open. I mean, after all, the Yeti getin and out. Why can't we? [EVANS] Well, I reckon we're safer here, sir. [JAMIE] Aye, we are. But what about Victoria and Travers, eh? Och, ifyou're both too scared, I'll go myself. [COLONEL] Wait a minute, McCrimmon. I think it's pointless, but at leastwe'll be doing something active. [EVANS] What about the Doctor and Miss Travers, sir? [COLONEL] Oh, yes. Mustn't leave them unprotected. You stay here, Evans. [EVANS] Right, sir. [COLONEL] And don't go taking any chances. [EVANS] Don't worry. I won't. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] And the cross wires here. [ANNE] I still don't see how you can [DOCTOR] Well, I haven't finished yet. Now if you detach the germaniumcrystal strip here, and then attach the collector and the emitter. [ANNE] Yes, yes, and link up there. Of course. Then the frequencyvariations, they'll automatically change! [DOCTOR] Simple? [ANNE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Right. You get on with that. [ANNE] Okay. [DOCTOR] And I'll just check this sphere. Yes. Yes, that should completethe circuit. Good. I wonder? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Fortress entrance) [JAMIE] There's only one way to find out. [COLONEL] Yes. Certainly no sound out there. [JAMIE] Shall we chance it, then? [COLONEL] Why not. Now! [JAMIE] No! Back! No! [COLONEL] Push! Push! Push, hard as you can! Push, get your back to it!Get your back to it! Fire door by the stairs. Go and unhitch it. I'lltry to hold this. Go on, McCrimmon! [JAMIE] You sure? [COLONEL] Yes, go on! Go on! [JAMIE] All right, Colonel, come on! --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Strange, it's not picking up. TheIntelligence must be transmitting. I wonder why it's not working. [ANNE] Oh, oh that's marvellous. [DOCTOR] Come along. [ANNE] I'm sorry I'm being so long. This is such a fiddling job. [DOCTOR] Help you in a minute. [DOCTOR] There we are. Yes, you see, it's homing. There we are. Fairlystrongly [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Careful. Shut the door. [COLONEL] What? [ANNE] The sphere. The sphere, it's working. [JAMIE] Never mind about that. [DOCTOR] Why, what's happened? [JAMIE] We tried to get out the surface door, but the fungus is there. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not surprised. I thought the Intelligence would tryto hem us in. [COLONEL] Yes, unfortunately it's got into HQ. [ANNE] What? [COLONEL] Don't worry. Managed to get a fire door closed. Should holdit. [ANNE] I hope you're right. [DOCTOR] Come on, Anne. We must get to work. [COLONEL] Doctor, tell me, this sphere of yours. Exactly how's it goingto help us? [DOCTOR] Well, the sphere itself, it won't. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] No. But it will help us to test the control box. [JAMIE] Is that all? [DOCTOR] All? [JAMIE] You mean to say you've wasted all this time, just to [DOCTOR] Wasted? We haven't been wasting our time. [JAMIE] Well, I think you have! [COLONEL] Must agree with the boy, Doctor. You don't seem to haveachieved very much. [ANNE] Colonel, if you left us alone we'd get along a lot quicker. [COLONEL] Oh, very well. Come on, McCrimmon. We'll leave them to it. [DOCTOR] Right, Anne. Let's get on with this control box. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [COLONEL] Right, let's have a look at this board. [COLONEL] Evans, what exactly do you think you're playing at? [EVANS] Been working it out, I have, see. Come to the conclusion one ofyou two must be working for this Intelligence. [JAMIE] Oh, for heaven's sake. [EVANS] No. It told us it had another pair of hands working for it.Well, I know it's not me, see, so it must be one of you two. Stands toreason, don't it. [JAMIE] Oh, don't be daft, man. It's Chorley. I've said so all along. [EVANS] Well, it's only natural you'd say that, ain't it? [COLONEL] I don't know what you're talking about, Evans, and quitefrankly I don't care. Now McCrimmon and I are going out into thetunnels. You'd better join the Doctor and Miss Travers. [EVANS] If it's all the same to you, sir, I'd prefer to stay here. [COLONEL] Evans, I gave you an order. [EVANS] A better position here, sir. Keep an eye on the corridors, Ican. Better tactically, don't you think, sir? --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground platform) [VICTORIA] Please Professor, let me go. I won't try to escape. Oh,please. [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] Release her, Professor. As she says, she will notescape. There is nothing for you to be afraid of, child. [VICTORIA] Isn't there? Where are you? [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] Nearby. [VICTORIA] Why don't you show yourself? [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] All in good time. Travers, you have served yourpurpose. Awake. [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] Soon you will both see me. [TRAVERS] What's happened? Where are we? [VICTORIA] I think you'd better rest for a bit. [TRAVERS] Rest? No. Work to do. I've got to help the Doctor. Don't run,Victoria, but there's a Yeti over there, on the platform. [VICTORIA] I know. [TRAVERS] Yes, well, we'll try and give it the slip. What did you say? [VICTORIA] I know. That's the one that brought us here. [TRAVERS] What? Well, come on, Victoria --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [ANNE] Doctor. Doctor, do hurry. [DOCTOR] Nearly ready. There. Now then, let's see if it works. [ANNE] Is it at full power? [DOCTOR] Yes. [ANNE] Then we've failed. [DOCTOR] Hang on a minute [DOCTOR] Ah ha! [ANNE] Oh, it works. [DOCTOR] Back you come. Yes, the trouble is, it only works at very shortrange. [ANNE] But still, that's better than nothing. So now what do we do? [DOCTOR] Well, we know that your control box can stop a Yeti. Now then,if I can re-programme this sphere to obey our verbal commands. [ANNE] Yes, but can we do it? I mean, in the time? [DOCTOR] How long have we got? [ANNE] Twelve minutes. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel junction) [COLONEL] Do we go on or turn back? [JAMIE] Let's go on. [COLONEL] Right. Come on. What are you waiting for? [JAMIE] What made you choose this turning, Colonel? [COLONEL] What? Well, I don't know really. Why? You're not stillthinking about what Evans said, are you? [JAMIE] Well, he was right about one thing. One of us is working withthe Intelligence. [COLONEL] I can assure you it's not me, McCrimmon. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe so. [JAMIE] Hey, wait a minute! [JAMIE] This is Victoria's. We're on the right track. --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground platform) [TRAVERS] Anne's all right, you say? [VICTORIA] Don't worry, Professor. The Doctor's bound to come up withsomething. [TRAVERS] I wish I shared your confidence, m'dear. Hello, what'shappening? [TRAVERS] Arnold! How'd you get here? I thought Victoria said [ARNOLD] What, what's happened, sir? [TRAVERS] Shush! Give me a moment. Do you think you can get to HQ? [ARNOLD] I'll try, sir. [TRAVERS] Yeah, well, get hold of the Doctor and tell him where we are. [ARNOLD] Right, sir. [TRAVERS] Thank you. [VICTORIA] Can't we go with him? [TRAVERS] No, Victoria. That Yeti's guarding us. If we go, it'll follow.I don't think they've found out about Arnold yet. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [DOCTOR] No, don't shoot! [EVANS] Is that thing on our side, then? [DOCTOR] It is now. Stop. [DOCTOR] Were you scared? [EVANS] Eh? Oh no, no, I mean, I just got up here to get a better aim,that's all. How did you make it stop then? [DOCTOR] Simple, I told it to. [EVANS] Here, ball. Why don't you go back where you come from? [EVANS] Now pull the other one. [ANNE] Oh, show him, Doctor. [DOCTOR] All right, I will. Move forward. Stop. Move to the left. Stop.There you are, how about that? [EVANS] Hey, that's great! Make a smashing toy, that would. [ANNE] Toy? That's a highly complex piece of equipment. [EVANS] Oh, is it? Well I don't see how it's going to help us. [DOCTOR] But it obeys our commands. [EVANS] So? [DOCTOR] Well, once we get it inside a Yeti, we'll have a powerful ally. [EVANS] Inside a Yeti? [ANNE] Yes, certainly. Will you help us? [EVANS] You must be joking, Go near one of them things? I may be stupid,but I'm not daft. [DOCTOR] Oh. Very well, Anne, I shall have to do it myself. [ANNE] Oh, I'm coming with you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, no, it's far too dangerous. [EVANS] There you are, what'd I tell you? [ANNE] Not another word. I'm coming with you. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [COLONEL] Hold it. [COLONEL] Staff Arnold? It can't be. We'd given you up for lost. [JAMIE] Easy, easy. That's it. [ARNOLD] Sorry about this, sir. [JAMIE] What happened? [ARNOLD] I don't know. Can't remember. I were pushing the trolleythrough the fungus, and I blacked out. I thought I were falling. When Icome to, sir, I were in the tunnels. Where's the Doctor, sir? I met theProfessor and the girl back there and [JAMIE] Victoria? Is she all right? [ARNOLD] Yeti guarding them, but I promised I'd tell the Doctor, sir. [COLONEL] Right. Come on, back to HQ. [JAMIE] I'm going for Victoria. [COLONEL] We'd stand a better chance if we stick together. Go ahead.Come on, Staff. Take it easy. [ARNOLD] Thank you, sir. Right, sir. [COLONEL] Careful. --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground platform) [TRAVERS] The Doctor's twenty minutes are almost up. [VICTORIA] Professor? [VICTORIA] Where are they taking us? [TRAVERS] Now keep calm, Victoria. I'm sure the Doctor will think ofsomething. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Ops room) [JAMIE] Now, that's it then. [COLONEL] Evans, come out from behind that board. [EVANS] Oh, it's you, sir. [COLONEL] Where's the Doctor? Evans! [EVANS] B-b-but y-y-you, you [ARNOLD] Stop bleating like a Welsh baa-lamb, Evans, and answer theColonel. [EVANS] Sir? [COLONEL] Doctor and Miss Travers, where are they? [EVANS] Gone, sir. [JAMIE] Gone where? [EVANS] Warren Street, I think. [JAMIE] Why? [EVANS] After a Yeti, they said. [ARNOLD] Look at the board, sir. Warren Street. [JAMIE] Come on! [COLONEL] No, not you, Staff. Evans, make yourself useful. Get adressing for the Staff Sergeant's head. [EVANS] Sir. [ARNOLD] Thank you, sir. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Do you think it's mutating, Anne? [ANNE] I don't know, but I don't think we'll stay and find out, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, perhaps you're right. [ANNE] We're trapped! [DOCTOR] Give me the control box, Anne. [ANNE] The control box. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ANNE] Haven't you got it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] What? Hold the sphere! [ANNE] Oh Doctor, you must have it! [DOCTOR] Yes. [ANNE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Don't worry, it'll work. It's got to work! [ANNE] I know you said it only worked at short range, but for a moment [DOCTOR] Don't tell me you were worried? Would you like to hold this forme? Now then. It's all right, it's quite safe. [DOCTOR] Now then. Turn round! [ANNE] Oh, it works! You've done it. [DOCTOR] We've done it, you mean. Now then, with my reprogrammed sphereand your control box, we should be able to work him over quite adistance. And put your arm down. [DOCTOR] Now we've got a chance, Anne. Come on. Oh, mustn't forget him.Come on, Fred, at the double. --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Common room) [EVANS] Hold still, can't you? [ARNOLD] Oh, come on, Evans. Get on with it. [EVANS] I reckon I ought to have been a doctor. Real professional, thatis. [ARNOLD] All right then, doctor. Take your gear back to the lab. [EVANS] Oh, right-ho then. [ARNOLD] And when you've done that, you can come back and shift thatchair. [EVANS [OC]] Staff! Staff! [ARNOLD] What is it? --------------------------------------- (Goodge Street Laboratory) [ARNOLD] What is it, Evans? [ARNOLD] Come on, Evans, let's get out of it. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [EVANS] What are we going to do now, Staff? [ARNOLD] The main door should keep the fungus out of the tunnels for abit. We must warn the others that HQ's had it. [EVANS] Right. [ARNOLD] Well, come on, then. [EVANS] Oh, oh no, not me. [ARNOLD] You're not disobeying an order, are you, Evans? [EVANS] Now look here, Staff. If we go up there, and this stuff breaksout, we'll be trapped. [ARNOLD] Now look, lad, you're scared, that's understandable. But you'vebeen in the Army long enough to know that orders is orders. There'sfour people up there. If we don't warn them, they're for the chop. [EVANS] So? Four of them's getting the chop. There's no reason to makeit six, is there? [ARNOLD] I've had enough of your lip for one day. Come on. Follow me.Evans! Come back here! [EVANS [OC]] Not on your nellie! Cheerio, Staff! [ARNOLD] Right, then. I'll get you for this! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel 2) [DOCTOR] Anne. [ANNE] Hey! [DOCTOR] Stop. Come back here. Stop. Anne, I've been thinking. Until weknow who else is working for the Intelligence, everyone must besuspect. [ANNE] Yes? [DOCTOR] Well, the fewer people who know this chap's on our side, thebetter. [ANNE] Yes. Yes, and whoever is the Intelligence is bound to know thatyou're controlling this Yeti. [DOCTOR] I know. You are to remain here for, do you think a minute willbe enough? [ANNE] What for? [DOCTOR] For us to get clear. [ANNE] Perhaps. [DOCTOR] You are to remain here for ninety seconds, and then resumeacting on orders from the Intelligence until you are told otherwise. Isthat understood? [DOCTOR] Right. Switch off for ninety seconds starting from now. Comeon, Anne. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel 3) [JAMIE] It is them. Come on. Am I glad to see you!There's fungus at Warren Street. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. [JAMIE] Oh. What are you doing down here, anyway? [DOCTOR] Well, as a matter of fact. I'll tell you another time. Hello,Colonel. [COLONEL] Glad to see you're both safe. Any luck with your gadgets? [ANNE] No. No, I'm afraid not. [COLONEL] Pity. [DOCTOR] Any news of Victoria? [JAMIE] Yes, she's at the Piccadilly Station. [DOCTOR] Piccadilly? [ANNE] Is my father there too? [JAMIE] Aye, he's with her. [DOCTOR] Are they all right? [COLONEL] Yes. [DOCTOR] How do you know? [COLONEL] I ran across Arnold - he saw them. [DOCTOR] Arnold? [ANNE] Arnold? But Evans said the fungus [COLONEL] Yes, he went into it, all right, but he came out againsomehow. Says he can't remember what happened. [DOCTOR] We haven't got any time to find out. [ANNE] No, time's nearly up. [COLONEL] Yes, your twenty minutes. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ANNE] Yes. [COLONEL] Well, come on then. [ANNE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] We can't do anything until we get back to Headquarters, andthen, if we've got time, we'll try and increase the range of thecontrol units. [ANNE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Come on. [DOCTOR] What is it, Colonel? [COLONEL] Something up ahead. [ANNE] We can't go back. [COLONEL] What, fungus, you mean? [DOCTOR] No. [ANNE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ARNOLD [OC]] Is that you, Colonel? [COLONEL] It's Arnold. Hang on, Staff! [JAMIE] Why isn't he in HQ? [ARNOLD] Sir, the fungus, it's swamped HQ. [JAMIE] No! [ARNOLD] I'm afraid so, sir. The main doors should keep it out of thetunnels for a bit, but [COLONEL] Where's Evans? [ARNOLD] Scarpered, sir. [ARNOLD] Our time's up! We're all together. They've come to fetch us! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel 4) [EVANS] Er, hello. If you're looking for your friend, he went that way. [EVANS] Look, you don't want me. I'm not one of them, see? Driver,that's what I am. I shouldn't be down here at all, really. Hey, steadyon. Oh, going for a walk, are we? There's lovely. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel junction) [ARNOLD] I'm going to make a break for it, sir. [COLONEL] Think you can? [ARNOLD] Well, it's worth a try. On the loose, sir, I might be able todo something. If only you could distract them, sir. [COLONEL] Right, Staff. [ARNOLD] I think it wants us to go on, sir. [COLONEL] Right. Here we go. [JAMIE] Wait! Can't you see he's fallen over? --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly ticket hall) [VICTORIA] Where are we being taken, Professor? [TRAVERS] Oh, to meet the Intelligence, I suppose. [VICTORIA] A pyramid! [TRAVERS] Yes, but it's different! We've never seen one like thisbefore. It's fascinating! This must be the machine that theIntelligence intends using on the Doctor. [VICTORIA] Oh, no, no, no. I shouldn't if I was you. [TRAVERS] Yes, I think perhaps you're right. [VICTORIA] There's someone there. [TRAVERS] What? [VICTORIA] There! [TRAVERS] Who's there? Who is it? [TRAVERS] Did you see who it was? [VICTORIA] No. Do you think it could have been [TRAVERS] The Intelligence? If only we could do something. [VICTORIA] I'm sure the Doctor will think of something. [TRAVERS] No, not this time, Victoria. The Doctor would never risk thechance of the Intelligence harming you. [VICTORIA] You mean he'll just give in? [TRAVERS] Yes, I'm afraid so. Afraid there's no alternative. [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] Yes, you're right, Professor. He has no alternative.I am sorry not to be here to welcome you personally, but I am sure youwill not be offended. After all, the guest of honour is the Doctor. He,I am sure, will cooperate as I advise you to do. Any attempt tointerfere would be pointless. My Yeti can destroy you so easily. [TRAVERS] It's all my fault. If I hadn't tampered with that sphere.People killed, London invaded, all because of my wretched curiosity. [VICTORIA] Don't blame yourself, Professor. [TRAVERS] Why not? I've sacrificed you all, and for what? --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground platform) [JAMIE] Why didn't you tell me all this before? [DOCTOR] Him. [JAMIE] You don't think the Colonel? [DOCTOR] Well, you never know, do you? [JAMIE] Which one is ours? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, unfortunately I've lost track of him. [JAMIE] Oh, that's a great help. [DOCTOR] Well, never mind, I want you to take this microphone and keepon calling our Yeti to you. [JAMIE] How will I know I've got the right one? [DOCTOR] You'll soon know if you haven't got the right one, won't you.Jamie, I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [CHORLEY] Sergeant! Oh, thank heavens I found you. I've been wanderingdown here by myself for ages. [ARNOLD] Well, well, well. Quite forgotten about you we had, MisterChorley. [CHORLEY] Tried to get out over the surface, but there are Yetieverywhere. And there's this fungus and fog, all around, you see, andit's hopeless! I tried to get back to HQ, I tried, but all the stationswere locked, you see, and I couldn't get back in. And all the time Ikept seeing more and more Yeti, and they were closing in on me. I wasretreating. I was always retreating, and then, at last I found I couldget into Piccadilly, but when I got down there, there was this machineand that Professor, and a girl. And more Yeti. They're everywhere! [ARNOLD] My, my, my. We are in a state, aren't we, sir. [CHORLEY] Yes. All right. So, I'm frightened. Well so would you be ifyou'd been up there. [ARNOLD] It's all right, sir. Nothing to be ashamed of. [CHORLEY] Yes. [ARNOLD] There's just one thing that puzzles me though, sir. [CHORLEY] Oh, what's that? [ARNOLD] How you managed to exist all this time. Why didn't the Yetisget you? [CHORLEY] Look, Sergeant, what are you suggesting? You're not suggestingthat I [ARNOLD] Oh no, sir, I was just wondering, that's all. I think perhapsyou'd better come along with me, don't you, sir? Come on now. --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground platform) [ANNE] Where's the control box? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [ANNE] The control box. [DOCTOR] It's in my pocket. [ANNE] Well, why don't you use it on these Yeti, and then maybe we canescape. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. I must meet the Intelligence face to face. [COLONEL] Doctor? [DOCTOR] What is it? [COLONEL] Been thinking. The Yeti haven't noticed McCrimmon'sdisappearance yet. Not that I think he'll be able to achieve anything. [DOCTOR] Well, go on. [COLONEL] Well, I don't really know how to say this, but there's MissTravers and Victoria to think of, and, er [DOCTOR] You mean, am I going to give myself up? [COLONEL] Yes. Of course, the decision must be yours, yours alone. Butthe Intelligence did promise to release Travers and Victoria. [DOCTOR] You believe that? [COLONEL] Well, why not? [ANNE] Hello, we've got company. [EVANS] Hello, sir. [COLONEL] Evans, where the devil have you been? [EVANS] Didn't Staff Arnold tell you, sir? [COLONEL] Yes. Sounded very like desertion to me. [EVANS] Desertion? Me? Oh, good heavens, no. No, I thought I'd try asingle-handed and desperate attempt to rescue Professor Travers and thegirl. Isn't Staff Arnold about? [ANNE] No. [EVANS] Good. [DOCTOR] Listen. [DOCTOR] Now listen, everyone. When the Yeti come for you, don'tstruggle. Whatever you do, don't resist them. [EVANS] Don't struggle, he says. He must be joking. [COLONEL] The Doctor will have to give in. There's no other choice. [EVANS] Aye, aye, time to get fell in. --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground corridor) [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly ticket hall) [ANNE] Father! Oh, Father, are you all right? [TRAVERS] Yes, I'm all right. Don't worry, Anne. [VICTORIA] Jamie and the Doctor, where are they? [TRAVERS] Anne? --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly Underground platform) [JAMIE] Yeti? Come towards me. I'm standing besidethe platform at Piccadilly Station. Yeti, wherever you are, cometowards me. [JAMIE] Come towards me. Like that, that's it. Come to. Right now, raiseyour right arm. Raise your right arm! [JAMIE] Oh, what's the use. --------------------------------------- (Piccadilly ticket hall) [TRAVERS] Well, there's nothing to be afraid of.Just be calm. [VICTORIA] Doctor! [TRAVERS] The Doctor! [ANNE] Doctor! [VICTORIA] What are they going to do? [DOCTOR] Now don't worry, Victoria. [VICTORIA] Oh, but [DOCTOR] Everything's under control. Don't be frightened. [VICTORIA] But Doctor, what are they going to do? [DOCTOR] Everything is under control. Tell her, Anne. You understand. [ANNE] Yes, yes, I think so. [DOCTOR] Now listen, everyone. Don't do anything foolish! I am perfectlyall right. [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] Yes, he is perfectly all right. Thank you, Doctor,for being so cooperative. [COLONEL] Why don't you show yourself? Who are you? [INTELLIGENCE [OC]] Silence. You will know soon enough. [VICTORIA] Chorley? [COLONEL] Chorley? [TRAVERS] Good grief. [ANNE] That horrible little man? [EVANS] You, the Intelligence? [ANNE] No.! [COLONEL] No, he can't be the Intelligence. He can't be. It doesn't makesense. [CHORLEY] It isn't me. It isn't me. Don't you understand? I'm not theIntelligence. The Intelligence is him! [TRAVERS] It can't be! [ANNE] Oh, it's too horrible. I don't believe it! [ANNE] Arnold. [ARNOLD] (no accent) No, merely Arnold's lifeless body in which I haveconcealed myself. But let us to work. There will be time for discussionlater. In fact, all the time in the world. [ANNE] Oh, so you weren't going to let us go then afterwards. [TRAVERS] Did you think he would? [ARNOLD] The last member of the party. Come and join us. [VICTORIA] Oh, Jamie! [JAMIE] Victoria, are you all right? [VICTORIA] Yes. [ARNOLD] Your solicitude is touching. Nevertheless, it is wasting time. [DOCTOR] Frightened that something might go wrong? [ARNOLD] Join the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Do what he says, Jamie. [ARNOLD] Take him! [ARNOLD] I must ensure your complete cooperation, Doctor. Should youprove at all unhelpful, your young friend's neck will be broken. [DOCTOR] You gave your word that no one would be harmed. I refuse tosubmit until you release Jamie! [ARNOLD] All right. Release the boy. But at the first sign of troublefrom you [DOCTOR] Don't worry. I will do what you say. [ARNOLD] Good. Into the machine, Doctor. [TRAVERS] What's he going to do? [COLONEL] What's happening? [ARNOLD] Soon your mind will be absorbed by the Great Intelligence. Youshould be very proud, Doctor. Your knowledge of the past will help toshape the future of this planet. [DOCTOR] Just get on with it, please. [ARNOLD] You seem very anxious suddenly. [DOCTOR] I just want it over and done with. [ARNOLD] Submission is essential. You must understand, Doctor, thatwithout your complete cooperation this transference would be of novalue. Should you offer any opposition, either physical or mental, Ishall be forced to punish you, or rather your friends. Prepare for agreat darkness to cloud your mind. [JAMIE] Attack now! Attack the Yeti! [JAMIE] Get Arnold! [DOCTOR] No! [COLONEL] Get the Doctor out! [DOCTOR] No, you don't understand. You'll ruin everything! No! [JAMIE] Professor! Anne! Give us some help! [DOCTOR] No! No! No! Leave me be! You don't understand. I've got to stayhere! [EVANS] Well, that's that then, innit? [DOCTOR] You blithering Welsh imbecile! Why can't you do what you'retold! [JAMIE] Hey, now just a minute, Doctor. If we hadn't pulled you out ofthat, you'd have been a heap of dust by now. [DOCTOR] You're just as bad. I told you to leave it to me! Now you'vegone and ruined everything. [JAMIE] Ruined everything? How can we? We we've won, haven't we? [DOCTOR] No! [TRAVERS] What do you mean, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, why didn't they leave it to me? I had crossed those wireson that helmet thing. The Intelligence wouldn't have drained me, Iwould have drained the Intelligence! As it is, all we got was a crossedcircuit. [ANNE] You mean, all we've done is cut off its contact with Earth? It'sstill out there in space somewhere, flying around? [DOCTOR] Precisely! Look. [VICTORIA] Oh! [CHORLEY] Oh, poor fellow! [COLONEL] Do you mean to say that Arnold wasn't the Intelligence? [DOCTOR] No. He was just a poor soldier that was taken over. He wasprobably one of the first to disappear. [EVANS] You mean it might come back? [DOCTOR] Well, it's still around, isn't it? I've failed. [TRAVERS] Nonsense, man. [ANNE] You were marvellous. [COLONEL] Yes. Great victory. [DOCTOR] I doubt it. [ANNE] No, you were a hero, and you know it. [DOCTOR] You don't really think so, do you. [ANNE] Yes, yes,. I do. [CHORLEY] You've got to face facts, old man. By tomorrow morning you'regoing to be a household word, a national figure. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. Oh, no. [CHORLEY] Yes. I want you on my television programme, and [DOCTOR] Oh, no! [CHORLEY] and I want to organise a big press conference, and [DOCTOR] Jamie! Victoria! Come along, it's time we left. [CHORLEY] But the press conference, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodbye! [TRAVERS] But Doctor? Doctor, you can't go yet. There are a lot ofthings I want to discuss with you. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Travers, we have to go. [CHORLEY] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] Covent Garden. Come along. Come along, Jamie. Goodbye, Travers. [TRAVERS] Goodbye Victoria, dear. Goodbye. Goodbye. [ANNE] Where's he going? [TRAVERS] Oh, er, back to his Tardis, I suppose. [CHORLEY] You mean this, uh, this time machine thing, it really exists? [TRAVERS] Well, I, er. Oh, explain it to him, Anne, will you? Colonel, Ithink we'd better check up top, don't you? [COLONEL] Right, Professor. Evans! [ANNE] Father? Father, I [CHORLEY] Now don't you go, Miss Travers. I'd like you to explain allabout this time machine for me. [ANNE] Oh, dear. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel junction) [DOCTOR] Well, where do we go? Which is the way toCovent Garden? [JAMIE] Oh, don't ask me. I've completely lost my bearings. [VICTORIA] All these tunnels look the same to me. [DOCTOR] Come on, let's try this way. [JAMIE] Well, it doesn't matter, anyway. I mean, there's no danger, isthere? [DOCTOR] Well, not from the Yeti, no, but who knows, they might suddenlystart the trains again! Come on! [JAMIE] Trains? [VICTORIA] Oh! [JAMIE] Come on!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Web of Fear"}
Doctor Who (16 Mar, 1968; Second Doctor) - Fury From The Deep (Beach) [DOCTOR] There. Come one, Victoria, out you get. [JAMIE] Trust you to bring us right down in the middle of the sea. [DOCTOR] The Tardis is perfectly capable of floating you know. [VICTORIA] Where are we exactly? [DOCTOR] Oh England, undoubtedly. [JAMIE] Aye, you can tell by the weather. [DOCTOR] And the white cliffs. [VICTORIA] We always seem to land on this planet. [JAMIE] Aye, it's always England. I think by the hammering the Tardishas got, you've gone and spiked it. Hey, where are you going? [JAMIE] Hey what's all this stuff Doctor? [VICTORIA] Foam, you silly. You often get it on the sea shore. [JAMIE] Aye, but not in big lumps like this, hey Doctor? [DOCTOR] No, not usually, Jamie. (He scoops some up.) Hey Jamie, feelthat. [JAMIE] Right. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, what's that? May be that's where the foam's comingfrom. [DOCTOR] Oh, I hardly think so, Jamie. [JAMIE] Well, let's go and see. [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] It's just what it says, Jamie. It's EuroSea Gas. [JAMIE] Gas from the sea? Oh, who are you trying to kid? [VICTORIA] So it's nothing to do with the foam then. [DOCTOR] No, no, I shouldn't think so. I wonder what that is? [JAMIE] Will it not budge? [DOCTOR] No, it won't touch it, I'm afraid, Jamie. Ah well, have to usethis. [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's a sonic screwdriver. Never fails. [DOCTOR] There we are. Neat isn't it? All done by sound waves. Now, whathave we got here. Oh yes. [JAMIE] What is it? What's that noise? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jamie. [VICTORIA] I can hear it too. [DOCTOR] Yes. It's probably only throbbing from a pump, you know. [VICTORIA] Doctor, please hurry up. I don't like this place. It's soquiet. I feel as if we're being watched. [DOCTOR] All right, Victoria. Now then, Jamie. [VICTORIA] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [VICTORIA] Doctor? Doctor? [DOCTOR] Victoria? Jamie, you there? [JAMIE] Oh, I think so. [VICTORIA] I can't move. My legs. [JAMIE] What happened?? What do you want? [DOCTOR] Would someone kindly tell us where we are, please? Why don'tyou answer? [JAMIE] Come on, where are we? [VICTORIA] What have they done? Can't move. [DOCTOR] I think we've been tranquillised, Victoria. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Tranquillised. [JAMIE] Who do they think they are? [ROBSON] We should be the ones asking the questions. I shall expectquite a lot of answers. [JAMIE] What is this place? [ROBSON] You mean you don't know? [JAMIE] If only I could just get up. [ROBSON] I wouldn't try if I were you. [DOCTOR] You know, in this position it's just a little difficult tocommunicate. [HARRIS] Shall we give them some U4, sir? [DOCTOR] Eh? [ROBSON] Yes, do that Mister Harris. [JAMIE] What's U4? [VICTORIA] Oh no. [DOCTOR] I think it's all right, I think it's the antidote. [VICTORIA] No, please. [DOCTOR] Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it, you know. Oh yes,thank you. Yes, that's better, thank you. Thank you very much. Yes. [ROBSON] You were on the beach by the pipe line, in a restricted area.Now why? [VICTORIA] We were lost, that's all. [ROBSON] You were tampering with the emergency release valve remotecontrol. You're a saboteur. [VICTORIA] He's not. He's a doctor. [DOCTOR] I can assure you. I was only being curious. [HARRIS] I don't really think how they could have anything to do withthe fall in pressure [ROBSON] When I want your opinion, Harris, I'll ask for it. In themeantime, lock them up in one of the cabins. I'll interrogate themlater. And you lot, get back to work. [JAMIE] Is he always as charming as that? [HARRIS] We're in something of an emergency at the moment. You see,we've just lost contact with one of our rigs at sea. [DOCTOR] You mean communications have broken down? [HARRIS] No, that's what's curious about it. As far as we can tell ourvideo link is functioning normally. The crew just aren't answering. [VICTORIA] You can't blame us for that, surely. [HARRIS] There's also been a drop in pressure in the feed lines from therigs. You were seen tampering with a release valve on the pipe line. [DOCTOR] I told you I was merely being curious. [HARRIS] Were you? [JAMIE] Are you calling us liars? [HARRIS] No, but you must admit your sudden appearance here inside ourrestricted area is suspicious. [VICTORIA] That's no reason to shoot us down like animals. [HARRIS] Maybe not, but we were under a security alert and MisterRobson's, well. under considerable pressure himself. I'm sorry but Ishall have to do as he says and lock you up. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [HARRIS] Would you follow me? Come along, this way. --------------------------------------- (Compound entrance) [GUARD] May I see your pass please, madam? [MAGGIE] Pass? [GUARD] I have instructions that no one is to leave or enter thecompound without a written pass from Chief Robson. Not until after theemergency. [MAGGIE] But you know who I am. My husband is second in command to ChiefRobson. [GUARD] Yes Mrs Harris, I know. [MAGGIE] Then let me pass. Please. [GUARD] Sorry, madam. I think you should return to the residentialblock. --------------------------------------- (Crew bunk room) [HARRIS] I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do tohelp you until you tell me what you were doing with that release valveon the pipe line. [DOCTOR] It wasn't the valve I was interested in. [HARRIS] Oh? [DOCTOR] I heard a movement coming from inside the pipes. [HARRIS] A movement? (to guard) Oh, it's all right. You can go. [DOCTOR] Yes, movement. Don't ask me what it was. [HARRIS] Well, I'm not sure what you re trying to suggest, but I canassure you marine life couldn't possibly get inside the pipe line tube.It would never get pass the drill pumps. [JAMIE] Aye, that's as maybe, but there was something inside that tubebecause I heard it too. [VICTORIA] And so did I. [DOCTOR] But if the pressure is down in the pipes, perhaps that's thereason why? Perhaps marine life has got into the pipes. [HARRIS] But that's impossible. We spent years of time, money andresearch into perfecting our emergency system. [DOCTOR] Well, perhaps there's a fracture in the pipes. A break, andsomething's got in that way. [HARRIS] Oh, I doubt it. [DOCTOR] Mister Harris, I don't wish to appear interfering but don't youthink it'd be a good idea to turn off the gas? At least until you'vehad a chance to check. [HARRIS] Chief Robson would never agree to that. [DOCTOR] Why not? [HARRIS] Well, he doesn't believe in working to the book. He prideshimself that the flow has never been shut off ever since he tookcharge. [DOCTOR] He sounds a very silly man. [HARRIS] But he appears to be right about one thing. You seem to knowquite a lot about our business. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Chief? [ROBSON] Yes? [PRICE] We've gained contact with Rig D. Come in, Rig D. Come in,please. Rig D, can you hear me please? [CARNEY [on monitor]] Yes. Rig D to HQ. I can hear you. [ROBSON] Carney? What the dickens is going on out there? [CARNEY [on monitor]] Everything's quite all right, Mister Robson. [ROBSON] What? [CARNEY [on monitor]] We have the situation under control. [ROBSON] Will you speak up, man. I can't hear a word you're saying. [CARNEY [on monitor]] Don't worry. [ROBSON] Price, are we losing volume? [PRICE] No, sir. I don't understand it. Will you speak a little louder,Mister Carney? [CARNEY [on monitor]] Everything is under control. [ROBSON] Carney? What happened to the emergency crew we sent you? Havethey arrived yet? [CARNEY [on monitor]] Yes. Yes. But they must stay here for the timebeing. [ROBSON] They what? [CARNEY [on monitor]] We've had a slight accident. Two men out ofaction. [ROBSON] Now listen, Carney. You get that rig fixed A1 and quick. [CARNEY [on monitor]] But it will take some time. [ROBSON] What? What did you say? What's wrong with this thing. [PRICE] I don't know, sir. It must be their end. He seems to bewhispering. [CARNEY [on monitor]] Everything's under control. [ROBSON] Carney, speak up man! [CARNEY [on monitor]] Everything's under control. [ROBSON] Carney! [CARNEY [on monitor]] Everything's under control. [ROBSON] Carney! [PRICE] I think we've lost contact again, sir. [ROBSON] Well fix it, man. [ROBSON] Price is getting too old for his job. [HARRIS] Mister Robson, I think we should turn off the gas flow comingfrom the rigs and make a check. [ROBSON] You think what, Mister Harris? [HARRIS] That Doctor chap, the stranger. He said he heard a movementcoming from inside the pipe line on the beach. [ROBSON] Oh, did he now. Did he say what he thought it was? Mice? [CHIEF] Chief? She's down a further three. Pressure's on just one fiftyseven. [ROBSON] One fifty seven? Are you sure? [CHIEF] Yes, sir. [HARRIS] That means the gas flow pressure is down at the rate of threepercent every [CHIEF] Twenty minutes. [HARRIS] Doesn't this prove that something must be blocking the pipeline? [ROBSON] It proves nothing of the sort. It's probably a faulty gauge,that's all. Check it. [HARRIS] Look, at least give us the benefit of the doubt. [ROBSON] When you want to find out about pipe lines and rigs MisterHarris, the thing to do is to go out to sea and work on them. [HARRIS] Look, I'm merely saying that if something had got into the tubethen we should check [ROBSON] You let me worry about that. [HARRIS] But Mister Robson, please listen. Look, this ties up with whatI've been trying to tell you. For three weeks now, there's been aregular and increasing build up of fall in pressure. Look, I think youshould at least look at my calculations. The time ratio of theincreases and falls corresponds to form a definite progressive pattern. [ROBSON] So? [HARRIS] I'll get them. [ROBSON] What are you trying to prove, Harris? That I don't know my job? [HARRIS] No, sir, just that I do know mine. It's your decision whetherto take notice of my work but I must put it on record that I haveoffered the information. [ROBSON] Don't threaten me, boy. I've eaten upstarts like you forbreakfast. You think you can baffle me with your little bits of paper,don't you. All right, you go ahead and get them and I'll show you whereyou've gone wrong. [ROBSON] Did you make a thorough check? [CHIEF] Yes, I checked it. Seems to be working properly. [HARRIS] It's gone. [CHIEF] Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her. [HARRIS] It's gone. The file's gone. [ROBSON] Well, well, well. Has it now. [HARRIS] I'm sure I put it in here this morning. I must have left thefile on my desk at home. I'll go home and get it. [ROBSON] You won't. You'll stay here. I'm not doing your job as well asmy own. [HARRIS] What's the matter, sir? Are you scared that I might prove youwrong? [ROBSON] No, you go ahead. But you'd better have something more than ahigh flown theory, because if you haven't I'm going to take you andchop you up into little pieces and throw you back to your crummy littleuniversity. All right? --------------------------------------- (Crew bunk room) [DOCTOR] I've got it. [DOCTOR] Can you see anyone? [JAMIE] All clear. [DOCTOR] Do you think you can make it? [JAMIE] Of course I can make it. Hold on. [VICTORIA] Don't bother, Jamie. I can do it with this. [JAMIE] Pick a lock with A hair pin? Don't be daft. [VICTORIA] Clumsy. --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [HARRIS] Maggie, where have you been? I've beentrying to contact you. [MAGGIE] I was on my way to the village but Robson's clamped down onsecurity. I'm just coming to find you to get a pass. [HARRIS] Yes, there's been a bit of a flap on. [MAGGIE] Well can I have a pass? [HARRIS] Not at the moment. Look, could you do something for me? [MAGGIE] Yes, what is it? [HARRIS] There's a file. It's probably in the middle drawer of my deskin the study. Could you get it and bring it to me at the control room? [MAGGIE] All right, darling. What's the panic? [HARRIS] I'll explain later. Don't be long. [MAGGIE] All right, darling. --------------------------------------- (Crew bunk room) [VICTORIA] Oh, he's stuck. [DOCTOR] No, he's not. Are you ready, Jamie? [JAMIE] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Right. [VICTORIA] Told you not to bother. [DOCTOR] Sorry about that, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [MAGGIE] Typical. [MAGGIE] Seaweed? --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [VAN LUTYENS] (Dutch) Mister Robson? Mister Robson?Could I speak with you please? [ROBSON] van Lutyens. I thought you were out at the control rig. [VAN LUTYENS] I just got back on the supply boat. [ROBSON] Something wrong? [VAN LUTYENS] I'm not quite sure. The men out there seem very restless. [ROBSON] Restless? What are you talking about? [VAN LUTYENS] You lost contact with Rig D, didn't you? [ROBSON] Yes. It was only a temporary fault. We regained contact withinthe hour. [VAN LUTYENS] Well, why didn't you tell us that? Unusual incidents likethat only cause tension on the rigs. [ROBSON] Don't tell me what happened out on the rigs. I spent four yearson one of those things without a break. [VAN LUTYENS] Then you should know better than anyone how important itis to keep up the morale of the crews. [ROBSON] What do you want me to do, wipe their noses for them? Mind yourown business,Van Lutyens. [VAN LUTYENS] Mister Robson. I think you're forgetting we also have aninterest in EuroSea Gas. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [ROBSON] We? [VAN LUTYENS] I'm here for the Dutch Government, not for myself. [ROBSON] You're here to offer me your expert advice, not to spread alarmamongst my crews. [VAN LUTYENS] How dare you say that to me? [ROBSON] I didn't ask you to come here. It was Megan Jones and thosefools on the board. I said it wouldn't work and it never has. [VAN LUTYENS] Only because you are too proud to accept advice. [ROBSON] Let's get one thing straight, my friend. When I need youradvice I'll ask for it. [VAN LUTYENS] U stomme pompouze idiot Engelsman. --------------------------------------- (Control hall walkway) [JAMIE] What was all that? [DOCTOR] I think he's Dutch, Jamie, and I don't think he likes theEnglish very much. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Control. [BAXTER [OC]] Chief Baxter, Control Rig. Is Mister Robson there? [PRICE] Yes, sir. Mister Robson, sir. [ROBSON] Yes? [PRICE] Chief Baxter, Control Rig, sir. [ROBSON] Right. Yes, Baxter, what is it? [BAXTER [OC]] Has Mister Lutyens arrive there yet, sir? [ROBSON] Yes. Why? [BAXTER [OC]] Then he'll have told you how the men feel, sir. [ROBSON] Now listen, Baxter. I'm in charge of this outfit, not vanLutyens. You take orders from me not him. [BAXTER [OC]] Yes, sir. But there's something else. [ROBSON] What else? [BAXTER [OC]] Something seems to have got inside the pipe line. [ROBSON] Inside the pipe line? [BAXTER [OC]] We've all heard it. [ROBSON] Heard what? [BAXTER [OC]] This sound. At first I thought it was something to do withthe pumps but it isn't. It's a peculiar sound. A sort of regularthumping, pulsating, like a heart beat. --------------------------------------- (Control hall walkway) [DOCTOR] That's the noise I heard on the beach. [VICTORIA] What is it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know but we're going to find out. Come on, Jamie. OhVictoria, no. Not you. [VICTORIA] Why not? [DOCTOR] I think it'd be better if you stayed back in the bunk room.Please. [VICTORIA] Oh, all right. [JAMIE] Oh, and Victoria? [VICTORIA] Yes? --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [PRICE [on monitor]] Control. [MAGGIE] Mrs Harris here, married block 420. Could I speak to my husbandplease? --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [ROBSON] Have you recalibrated? [PRICE] I've just done phase two. [ROBSON] Better start on phase three. [HARRIS] Mister Robson. [ROBSON] Yes, Harris. Where are your figures? [HARRIS] Oh I haven't got them, sir. I sent my wife for them, but she'snot well. I wondered if I could go and [ROBSON] No I would not. Tell her to call a doctor, not pester you. [HARRIS] But Doctor Patterson is still out at Rig D, sir. [ROBSON] Well, tell her to get one in from the outside. [HARRIS] But you've still go the compound on full emergency alert,remember? [ROBSON] All right. But make it quick. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen store room) [VICTORIA] Oh, well. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [JAMIE] What's that thing supposed to do? [DOCTOR] It's an impeller, Jamie. It pumps gas from the main pipe lineout at sea. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Pipeline room) [JAMIE] Is this the pipeline, then? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, they all are. It's a continuation of the pipe wefound on the beach. [JAMIE] That bit there, you can see inside the pipe. [DOCTOR] Yes, It's transparent for checking condensation, and anythingelse that might get inside. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen store) [VICTORIA] Hello? Is anybody there? Oh, come on. --------------------------------------- (Pipeline room) [DOCTOR] There it is again, Jamie. Can you hear it? [JAMIE] Aye. What is it? [DOCTOR] Your guess is as good as mine. There's something inside there. [VICTORIA [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Victoria! Come on! --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [VICTORIA] Jamie! [VICTORIA] Help! [DOCTOR] Victoria, where are you? [VICTORIA [OC]] Doctor! Jamie! Help! --------------------------------------- (Oxygen store) (Refinery corridor) [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. [JAMIE] In here! [DOCTOR] I can smell gas! [DOCTOR] Here you are. [JAMIE] What happened? [DOCTOR] Deep breaths. Take deep breaths. [CHIEF] Mister Robson, in here. Gas. [ROBSON] Check it then. Find out what it is. [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor, a horrible creature. [DOCTOR] Creature? [VICTORIA] Didn't you see it? It was in there. It came straight towardsme covered with seaweed and foam and this horrible hissing sound, andthen I screamed. I didn't know. [DOCTOR] All right, Victoria. [ROBSON] Creature? The girl's hysterical. [CHIEF] Mister Robson? They're empty. The seals are broken. [ROBSON] Why were you in there? [VICTORIA] I was hiding. I heard someone coming so I went in. [ROBSON] This door is always kept locked. You broke in. You emptiedthose cylinders, didn't you. [VICTORIA] Oh, no, no. It was open and someone locked it behind me. [JAMIE] She's telling the truth. The door was locked from the outside. [VAN LUTYENS [OC]] Mister Robson. [DOCTOR] Yes, it was locked. [VAN LUTYENS] This room wasn't full of oxygen when we came in here. Itwas another gas of a toxic composition. [ROBSON] All right, if it was a poison gas, where did it come from? [CHIEF] What about up there? [VAN LUTYENS] The ventilator's open. Good. Did you open the ventilator? [VICTORIA] No, it opened by its self. [JAMIE] Then whoever locked you in must have opened it. But how? [VAN LUTYENS] From here. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [HARRIS] What is it, love? [MAGGIE] I don't know. I feel so dazed. And my hand. [HARRIS] Let me see. It looks all right. What happened? [MAGGIE] I don't remember. [HARRIS] You said you were stung or something. [MAGGIE] Did I? Why, I don't. Yes, yes it must have been. I went to getthe file you asked for, put my hand inside and then. The seaweed. [HARRIS] All right, my love. Lie still and rest. Shall I get you somefood, a glass of milk or something? [MAGGIE] Darling, you couldn't even boil an egg. [HARRIS] You shouldn't have married a scientist then. [HARRIS] Maggie! [MAGGIE] Darling. Darling. Darling. [HARRIS] Maggie! [HARRIS] What is it, love? What's the matter? [MAGGIE] I don't know. I just feel [HARRIS] I'd better get you a doctor. I'll go back and see if DoctorPatterson's returned yet from Rig D. Will you be all right? [MAGGIE] I think so. [HARRIS] Well if he isn't back, there's this other doctor. He might beable to help. I won't be long. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [ROBSON] So what's the panic? [CHIEF] It's the pump, sir. The revs have dropped. [VAN LUTYENS] The pump is slowing down? [CHIEF] Yes, she's not holding steady even now. I don't understand it. [ROBSON] Well, don't stand there thinking about it, man. Do a completecheck. [DOCTOR] Excuse me, may I say something? When I was in the pipe room ashort while ago, I'm sure I heard a movement coming from inside thepipe. [VAN LUTYENS] What kind of movement? [DOCTOR] Well, the same as I heard on the beach. A sort of thumpingsound. [VAN LUTYENS] But that's what they heard out at the rigs. [ROBSON] What you heard and what everybody else heard was a mechanicalfault somewhere along the line. [DOCTOR] Then why did they hear it out at the rigs? [ROBSON] Because, my friend, underneath this impeller shaft is a vaststeel gasometer buried in the earth. It acts like an echo chamber.It'll make the sound of a pin dropping sound like that of a thunderclap. It travels along the pipe. [DOCTOR] Oh, this wasn't a mechanical sound. [ROBSON] All right then, suppose there is something in the pipe. A fishor something. What do you expect me to do about it? [DOCTOR] Turn off the gas flow. At least until you've had a chance toinvestigate. [ROBSON] That's out of the question. [VAN LUTYENS] Mister Robson, if there is something in the pipeline [ROBSON] We do not turn off the flow and that is final. [CHIEF] Mister Robson, sir. [ROBSON] Yes? [CHIEF] Down another half. [ROBSON] It must be a mechanical fault. Get a couple of men and check,man, check. [VAN LUTYENS] If you allow the pressure to build up in the pipeline,you'll blow the whole rig sky-high. [DOCTOR] And blow us with it. [VAN LUTYENS] All because you're too stubborn to turn off the gas. [ROBSON] All right, what do you think it is? One of these creatures thehysterical girl thought she saw? [DOCTOR] Well, who knows. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [JAMIE] You mean to say that this place supplies allthe gas for the whole of the south of England? [PRICE] And the whole of Wales. [VICTORIA] What are all those lights for? [PRICE] Well, that's a plan of the entire compound and each of thoselights represents a remote control camera that I can switch through tothis screen if I want to look at any particular area. Like this. [JAMIE] Oh. Where are all these rigs people talk about? [PRICE] Well, they're out at sea, of course, but that plan over thereshows you the relative position of all the rigs under our command. [VICTORIA] What's the big one in the middle? [PRICE] Well that's the central control rig complex, the sort of thenerve centre of the whole thing. The other rigs feed her with gas andshe in turn pumps it to us via the main pipeline, see. [VICTORIA] How awful to have to live out at sea. And lonely. [PRICE] Oh, I don't know. Mister Robson once spent four years on one ofthe early rigs without ever going ashore. [JAMIE] Aye, that would account for quite a lot. [VICTORIA] Jamie! [ROBSON] Hey, you. Come in here and give a hand. [JAMIE] Doesn't that man ever call anyone by their name? [PRICE] Well, it probably means trouble if he does. No, he's all right,is Robson. Certainly knows all there is to know about rigs, anyway. [HARRIS] Price! Has Doctor Patterson returned from Rig D yet? [PRICE] No, sir. [HARRIS] Where's your friend, the Doctor? [JAMIE] In there. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [HARRIS] Doctor! Doctor, I need your help. It's mywife, she's very ill. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure that I [HARRIS] You must come. [ROBSON] He will not go with you. [HARRIS] This is an emergency. It's my wife. [ROBSON] These people are in my custody until I decide what to do withthem. [HARRIS] But my wife! [ROBSON] Don't bring your domestic affairs into the refinery, Harris.That goes for the rest of you. [HARRIS] Mister Robson, my wife is ill. If anything happens to her, I'll [ROBSON] All right, one hour. [HARRIS] Thank you. Doctor, please, this way. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [OAK] (short, fat) Mrs Harris? [MAGGIE] Yes. [OAK] We are maintenance controllers, madam. I wonder if we might have afew words with your husband? [MAGGIE] Oh, my husband isn't here. He's at the compound. [OAK] Oh dear, that does make it rather difficult. We've come to carryout an inspection. [MAGGIE] Inspection? [OAK] In the kitchen. Your husband didn't tell you? [MAGGIE] No. Couldn't it wait until another day? I'm not feeling verywell. [OAK] I'm sorry, madam, it has to be carried out without delay. ChiefRobson's instructions. [MAGGIE] That man never stops giving instructions, does he. Oh, Isuppose you better come in then. [OAK] Thank you. My name is Mister Oak and this is my colleague, MisterQuill. [MAGGIE] Yes, well, please, be quick. I'm really not very well. [OAK] Of course, madam. Now don't you worry about us, Mrs Harris. Youwon't even know that we're here. Will she? The bag, Mister Quill. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] Mister Van Lutyens. [VAN LUTYENS] What is it? [CHIEF] Feed line from the Control Rig. An excessive pressure build upin the pipeline. [VAN LUTYENS] She's almost up to capacity. [CHIEF] She'll blow herself wide open. [VAN LUTYENS] So there's a build up in the pressure coming in from therigs and a drop in the pressure of the flow going out to the receivingstations. [CHIEF] There must be something interfering with the impeller itself. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Mister Robson, sir. [ROBSON] Yes. [PRICE] This is from Control Rig, sir. They say there's a pressurebuild-up in their feed line to us. [ROBSON] Right. Ask them how much, will you? [PRICE] Yes, sir. [VAN LUTYENS] Almost up to danger level, Mister Robson. Shall I give theorder to turn off the gas? [ROBSON] You will not, Mister Van Lutyens. [VAN LUTYENS] There'll be an explosion any minute. [ROBSON] There will not be an explosion. [VAN LUTYENS] There must be if you don't turn off the gas. [ROBSON] Open release valve Section D, full pressure, will you? [VAN LUTYENS] What are you doing, man? It's too late for that. You can'tpossibly release enough gas in time. [ROBSON] You want to bet, Mister Van Lutyens? --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [MAGGIE] What are you doing in here? Is there something that you want? --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] It's down. The pressure in the pipeline,it's back to normal. [VAN LUTYENS] Dank uw geluk. I wouldn't have thought you could possiblyhave done it in the time. [ROBSON] When you have too much gas in the tube, you release it. Didn'tthey teach you that much back at evening classes in the Hague, MisterVan Lutyens? Contact Chief Baxter, Control Rig, will you? Tell him theimmediate crisis is over. Oh, and contact the other rig chiefs. [PRICE] Right. [VAN LUTYENS] But the feed out to the receiving stations is stilldropping. The impeller is still slowing down. [ROBSON] What's the matter with you, Van Lutyens? You've been trying toteach me my job ever since you came here. I've been drilling for gas inthe North Sea for most of my life. I don't need people like you orHarris to teach me how to do it. [PRICE] Mister Robson, sir. It's C Rig, sir. I can't raise them. Noresponse at all. [VAN LUTYENS] So, the immediate crisis is over, ja? --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [HARRIS] Maggie, I've brought the Doctor. [VICTORIA] Oh no, it's the same [DOCTOR] I smell gas. There's gas in this house. [HARRIS] Doctor, in here. [DOCTOR] Jamie, the window, quickly! [JAMIE] Give me a hand. [HARRIS] Maggie. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] I'm sorry, sir, I can't raise them. [VAN LUTYENS] Well, are you pleased with what you have done? [ROBSON] I'm warning you, Van Lutyens. [VAN LUTYENS] And I warned you, but you are too koppig, too stubborn tolisten. Look at the facts, man. The fact that we lose contact with tworigs, have unprecedented, inexplicable pressure variations for overthree weeks. [ROBSON] Oh, so that's it. You've been talking with Harris, eh? [VAN LUTYENS] Ja, Mister Harris did show me his figures. Only becauseyou refused to listen to him. That's why I went out to the Control Rig,to see if there was an explanation out there. [ROBSON] And what did you find? Nothing. I'll tell you why. Becausethere's nothing to find. [VAN LUTYENS] All the same, Mister Harris' figures [ROBSON] Are bunk! And the rest of his tuppenny ha'penny tin-pot ideas.He's still a school kid with his bits of paper and his graph and hisslide rule. You think I'm going to take any notice of him? I know everynut and bolt on every one of those rigs out there. [VAN LUTYENS] All right! So your prejudice prevents accepting MisterHarris' calculations. But what about me? Do you treat my opinion withas much contempt? [ROBSON] You? You are here to offer me your expert advice, but I'm notobliged to take it. I run this outfit the way I think fit. Is thatunderstood? [CHIEF] Mister Robson, the impeller. Quick, two men. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] She's down to a hundred and forty revs.Something must be jamming it at the base. [VAN LUTYENS] Well, Mister Robson, where do we go from here? Come on,now. You have all the answers, don't you? [CHIEF] Wait a minute. Quiet! [VAN LUTYENS] What is it? [CHIEF] I think I can hear something. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [VICTORIA] Is she dead? [DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no. [HARRIS] What's the matter with her? [DOCTOR] Well, she's in some sort of coma. Possibly because of this gas.It was toxic. [HARRIS] It isn't possible there could have been a gas leak in the flat.Besides, natural gas isn't toxic. [DOCTOR] Well, this isn't natural gas. This is the gas we found whenVictoria was locked in the Oxygen room. [HARRIS] But where could it have come from? [DOCTOR] I don't know. What was the matter with her before thishappened? [HARRIS] Well, she said she'd been stung by some seaweed or something. [JAMIE] Seaweed? [HARRIS] I asked her to get a file from my study, and she found theseaweed inside it. [DOCTOR] Did you put it there? [HARRIS] Well, no, of course not. [DOCTOR] There's no marks or abrasions. [HARRIS] No. [VICTORIA] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Um. [VICTORIA] What's this? [DOCTOR] What. Oh! [JAMIE] A bit of seaweed. What's it doing in here? [DOCTOR] It's still wet. [HARRIS] Perhaps it's the same sort that Maggie was talking about. [DOCTOR] No, don't touch it. [HARRIS] Why? [DOCTOR] Well in the first place, you don't want to get stung like yourwife, do you? And in the second place, whoever put it in your filemeant you to touch it. [HARRIS] But that's ridiculous. Wait a minute. I was sure I put thatfile in my briefcase this morning, but it wasn't there when I went toget it. I was on my way home when I met Maggie. But why? Why shouldanyone want me to get stung by a piece of seaweed? [VICTORIA] Well I hate the stuff. It's so slimy and horrid. [JAMIE] Och away, you've seen seaweed before, haven't you? There wasloads of it down by the pipeline this morning. [DOCTOR] By the pipeline? [JAMIE] Aye, the place was overrun with it. [VICTORIA] Well not like that. It didn't move. [JAMIE] Move? --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] I want them all checked. Every remote control release valve onthe line. And check and double check all those circuits. [VAN LUTYENS] Excuse me, Chief, could I have a word with you please? [CHIEF] Yes of course. [VAN LUTYENS] The impeller is still not functioning, ja? [CHIEF] No, it's not. [VAN LUTYENS] And that sound we heard, have you heard it again? [CHIEF] No. As Mister Robson says, it's probably just a mechanicalfault. [VAN LUTYENS] You believe that? [CHIEF] Well it's really not my job to [VAN LUTYENS] Ah, come on, man. You're the Chief Engineer. The impelleris your responsibility. [CHIEF] It's not my job to formulate theories, it's Mister Robson's. [VAN LUTYENS] Robson! Robson! What's the matter with you all? Are youfrightened of him or something? [CHIEF] No, Mister Van Lutyens, I just respect his judgement. [VAN LUTYENS] Well, I'm sorry, Chief. Could I have a word with you inprivate? [CHIEF] Well, I [VAN LUTYENS] It's important. [CHIEF] Check the feed valve. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [VAN LUTYENS] I've been looking at the installationplan, and the impeller intake valve in particular. I think I know wherethe blockage may be. [CHIEF] All right. [VAN LUTYENS] Well, this valve is at the base of the main shaft andleads directly to the intake, ja? [CHIEF] Mmm hmm. [VAN LUTYENS] Well, as far as I can see there is no point between thatvalve and the Control Rig where a blockage could occur big enough tostop the impeller. [CHIEF] Apart from the under-sea emergency valve. [VAN LUTYENS] But you've got remote control observation on those andthey are free, ja? [CHIEF] Mmm. [VAN LUTYENS] So the impeller intake must be at fault. [CHIEF] It's possible. [VAN LUTYENS] Possible, man? It's the only answer. What we have to do isto go down and free that valve. [CHIEF] I'll have to check with Mister Robson. [VAN LUTYENS] Robson! Robson! What's the matter with you? Are youchildren? Can't you do anything on your own initiative? [CHIEF] Look, I can't send men down there without his approval. [VAN LUTYENS] Can you not also blow your nose without approval? [CHIEF] Now listen to me, Mister Van Lutyens. I've worked for MisterRobson a long time. We were out there on those rigs together in theearly days. You may think he's wrong to run this place in the way hedoes, but I trust him. And I take orders from him purely because Itrust his judgement. No other reason. [VAN LUTYENS] I'm sorry, Chief, I shouldn't have said that. You forgiveme, ja? Now what I would like you to do is to go to Mister Robson andsay we think we know where the blockage is, and get official permissionto inspect the bass of the shaft. [CHIEF] Just a minute, that's your theory, that's not mine. [VAN LUTYENS] It's the only possibility. Anyway that sound you heard, itmust have come from the bass of the shaft. [CHIEF] If the main valve is open it could be an echo from any one ofthose rigs. [VAN LUTYENS] If it is open! But you do not know that it is open and youwill not know until you go down and check. [CHIEF] Well, I suppose I could put it to him. [VAN LUTYENS] You're not going to tell me that that is a mechanicalfault. [CHIEF] I'll go and see him. [VAN LUTYENS] He's in his cabin. --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [ROBSON] Chief! What's the matter? [CHIEF] Mister Robson, that noise in the impeller, it's started again. Ithink we should go down and check the main valve, sir. [ROBSON] Oh, you do, do you? [CHIEF] Well, that's where we think the blockage is. [ROBSON] We? [CHIEF] Well, Mister van [ROBSON] Mister van Lutyens. Yes, I thought he'd get his nose in. Comeon. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [ROBSON] You lot get back to work. Mister VanLutyens, I want to talk to you. [VAN LUTYENS] Mister Robson, there is something alive in the pipeline. [ROBSON] You're out of your mind. There's nothing down there. [CHIEF] I promise you, sir, I did hear something. [ROBSON] You've been unnerving my crew. Now you, get out! [VAN LUTYENS] Listen. [ROBSON] That's it. Did you hear what I said? [VAN LUTYENS] Now listen, will you? (heartbeats) It's down there, in thedarkness, in the pipeline, waiting. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, don't touch it. [JAMIE] But it's only a bit of seaweed. [DOCTOR] Yes, unless it really did move like Victoria said. [JAMIE] Oh, how can it move. It's not a living thing, is it? [DOCTOR] Everything in the sea is living, Jamie. [VICTORIA] Well, it did move. It gave me a shock. It was like a spider. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we're not taking any chances. Hold that for me, willyou? [JAMIE] What's this for? [DOCTOR] We're going to take a closer look at this weed. Now bring thebag down here. Right onto the floor. That's it. Now don't let it touchyour fingers. Careful. Slowly does it. Mind your fingers. There. [JAMIE] What are you going to do with it? [DOCTOR] We're going to see if an ordinary piece of seaweed really canmove. [HARRIS] Doctor, my wife, will she be all right? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I think so, yes. I don't think there's any panic, butI'd get her under medical supervision if I was you. [HARRIS] Yes, I'll go back to the Medicare centre at the compound andarrange for her to be taken in there. [DOCTOR] Yes, you do that. [VICTORIA] Poor man. [JAMIE] Aye. Hey! I thought we were supposed to be prisoners? [DOCTOR] Yes, so did I. We better make the most of it. We've got a lotof work to do back at the Tardis. She seems to be sleeping peacefully.Come on. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] What is it, that sound? [VAN LUTYENS] It's uncanny. It's like a heartbeat. [CHIEF] It's stopped again. [VAN LUTYENS] Well this is surely proof enough. [ROBSON] Proof? [VAN LUTYENS] There is something down there blocking the impeller. [ROBSON] Rubbish! Hysterical nonsense. [VAN LUTYENS] But you heard it, that dreadful sound. [ROBSON] I heard a fault in the base of the impeller. [VAN LUTYENS] But the impeller isn't working. Don't you believe a thinguntil you see it? [ROBSON] I want that pump operational in half an hour. Now get to it! --------------------------------------- (Tardis laboratory) [JAMIE] What are you doing, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well you see, Jamie, these two cylinders contain a small amountof natural gas. It should be quite interesting to see what sort ofeffect it has on the weed. How are you doing, Victoria? [VICTORIA] I don't know, I think you ought to have a look. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, well, that's got the natural iron content. [VICTORIA] Well, I did the Bunsen test, like you told me, but I foundsomething which worried me. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I'm not surprised. Is this hot? [VICTORIA] No, no. [DOCTOR] You see this rusty stuff here. [VICTORIA] Yes? [DOCTOR] Well, it means that the weed's giving out a gas. Probablytoxic. [VICTORIA] Toxic? [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor! What are these little wriggly things in the weed? [DOCTOR] Now just a minute, Jamie. I'm looking at. Little wrigglythings? Where? [JAMIE] Here, look. Look in there. [DOCTOR] Jamie, this is it! There's molecular movement! Come and see,Victoria. There. Why, that's amazing! [JAMIE] What does it mean? [VICTORIA] It means, Jamie, that the weed is just as much alive as youand me. --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [VAN LUTYENS] Mister Harris, I've been trying to gethold of you. Mister Robson won't listen to reason. [HARRIS] I'm sorry, Van Lutyens, I've got something more important on mymind at the moment. [VAN LUTYENS] Important? What is more important? [HARRIS] My wife is ill. Get out of my way, man. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [HARRIS] Price! [PRICE] Yes, sir? [HARRIS] Is Doctor Patterson back? [PRICE] No, we've heard nothing from D Rig, sir. [HARRIS] Right. Get on to the Matron at the Medicare Unit and tell herto send a couple of orderlies over to my quarters with a stretcher tobring my wife in. She's ill. You know the extension. [PRICE] Yes, sir. [ROBSON] What's the panic now, Harris? [HARRIS] Go on, get on with it. [ROBSON] Harris, I asked you a question. [HARRIS] My wife is ill. She needs medical attention. [ROBSON] What's the matter with her, she got a hangover? [HARRIS] She's very ill, Mister Robson. [ROBSON] Who says so, that Doctor fellow? Incidentally, where is he andthe two kids? [HARRIS] Oh, well, I left them in my quarters when I found my wife wasill. [ROBSON] You what? Those three prisoners were in your charge and youleft them there? [HARRIS] I was worried about my wife. I didn't have time to think aboutit. [ROBSON] That's your trouble you never do think, do you, Harris, whenyou should. Those three prisoners were in your charge. [HARRIS] I don't care. Don't you understand? My wife was lying on thefloor when I got there. She was unconscious and that smell of toxic gaswas there. She's been poisoned, Robson, poisoned! [VAN LUTYENS] And this toxic gas, where does it come from? [HARRIS] Oh, I don't know. [ROBSON] And none of us will know now you've let them loose. [HARRIS] How could they possibly have anything to do with it? [ROBSON] That still doesn't alter the fact that you let those prisonersgo without my authority. [HARRIS] Prisoners? A harmless old man and a couple of teenagers? [ROBSON] That harmless old man is probably a saboteur. It's probably himthat's been tampering with that release valve on the shoreline.Creating all those variations in pressure you got so excited about! [HARRIS] Oh don't be so ridiculous, Robson. You're clutching at straws,stupidly blind to the real facts! [ROBSON] Don't shout at me, boy! [CHIEF] Mister Robson, sir. Mister Robson. The impeller, it's movingagain. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [ROBSON] Good man. I told you it was only amechanical fault, didn't I. [CHIEF] It just started quite suddenly. [ROBSON] Keep it going, man. [CHIEF] I don't know if we can hold it. [ROBSON] Don't lose it now. [ROBSON] You fools! You stupid fools! [CHIEF] Well, the faults not this end! It must be jammed at the base. [ROBSON] You wanted this, didn't you? It's just what you wanted! [VAN LUTYENS] You should have listened to me, Robson. [ROBSON] What, turned off the flow? Ruined a reputation of thirty years? [VAN LUTYENS] Reputation! Don't you realise that what is going on hereis beyond your comprehension? That whatever it is that is in thepipelines, that's jamming the impeller, has taken over the rigs, is amenace and a threat to us all? [ROBSON] The only menace and threat around here is you, Van Lutyens. Andyou Harris. Listen. What are you staring at! I want that impellerworking in half an hour. I'll be in my quarters. Let me know as soon asthe impeller starts moving again. [VAN LUTYENS] Dwaas. He's cracking up, Harris. [HARRIS] Look. I've got to get back to my wife. [VAN LUTYENS] Harris, you can't go now. He's losing control. [HARRIS] My wife's been poisoned. [VAN LUTYENS] She's in good hands, ja? She'll be brought into theMedicare Unit. What can you do? [HARRIS] But I ought to go and see her. [VAN LUTYENS] To hang about and worry, that's all. Robson is crackingup. You are the only man with authority to take over. We need you here. [HARRIS] Chief. [CHIEF] Sir. [HARRIS] Mister Robson, you know him better than any of us. How do you?Do you think he's all right? [CHIEF] Well, he's under a lot of pressure, I think he's nerves are abit. [VAN LUTYENS] Ja, pressure, strain. He's cracking up, I tell you. [CHIEF] Well, you're not helping him you know. [VAN LUTYENS] That's not my job. I am here to give technical advicewhich he ignores. All right, he knows a lot about engineering, but notall. And what he does not know is the state of mind of those men outthere on the rigs. [CHIEF] He ought to know. He was out on those rigs himself long enough. [VAN LUTYENS] Oh, ja, ja. He has plenty of professional experience ofnormal conditions, but these are not normal conditions. There issomething very strange going on here, but he refuses to accept the newfactor. [CHIEF] So what do you think he should do? [VAN LUTYENS] I know what I would do. Close the compound, evacuate therigs. [CHIEF] He'd never do it. [VAN LUTYENS] We have lost contact with two rigs. We have a majorblockage in the main pipeline. The impeller is jammed, and we stilldon't know what is causing the trouble. [HARRIS] But we regained contact with Baxter on Rig D and he saideverything was under control. [VAN LUTYENS] Ja, and we've not heard from him since. And what about RigC? [CHIEF] Oh, that could be a telecommunications fault somewhere. [VAN LUTYENS] J., it could be, but we have to check that it is and wehave to check the valve at the base of the impeller. But what doesRobson do? Nothing! Nothing! [HARRIS] Well, I suppose he might listen if we all put it to him. Whatdo you think, Chief? [CHIEF] You're absolutely right of course. We must check. --------------------------------------- (Tardis laboratory) [VICTORIA] That's it, Doctor. That's the creature I saw back at theCompound. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I was afraid it would be. [VICTORIA] But how did it get in this book? [DOCTOR] Well, I told you, Victoria, this is a book of legends andsuperstitions. This particular drawing was supplied by ancient marinersin the North Sea in the middle of the eighteenth century, Jamie. [JAMIE] That's my time. You mean to say this is the creature thatVictoria saw back at the Compound. [DOCTOR] Yes I think there's no doubt about it. [JAMIE] Well, what about these great clumps of weed. [DOCTOR] Well there's obviously some connection between the weed and thecreatures themselves. [VICTORIA] Oh, no! [DOCTOR] Gas! [VICTORIA] What? [DOCTOR] Jamie! Jamie, help me get the lid on! Oh, no. Quickly! [DOCTOR] I was right. The weed formations are feeding off the naturalgas beneath the North Sea and giving off toxic gas. Come on. We mustget back to Harrises' quarters. Come along. Just a minute. That weedwent back in its tank very suddenly, didn't it? I wonder why? Nevermind. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [ROBSON] No, I will not listen. It's you, VanLutyens, isn't it? Isn't it? You've been undermining my authority eversince you came here. You and Harris. You've been stirring up troublejust to get at me, haven't you? You've even got the Chief on your sidenow. One of my oldest and trusted friends. [CHIEF] Mister Robson. [ROBSON] At least I thought I could trust you. [CHIEF] Mister Robson, all we want to do is [ROBSON] I know what you want! I know what you all want! You're going toget at me, just so I'll give up. I'm not going to give you thatpleasure! Why don't you go and join him? Go on, join Van Lutyens! Goon, join him! What are you standing around for? What are you starringat? I'm in charge! I'm in charge here! [HARRIS] Mister Robson. [ROBSON] I'm in charge of this Compound, Harris! It's my responsibility!Mine! My responsibility! [VAN LUTYENS] Do you still think he's capable of running this place? Youdo what you like. I'm going to get in touch with my people in theHague. [HARRIS] What can they do? [VAN LUTYENS] I don't know. They might push your people in London intosome sort of action. Give me a direct line to Van der Post, HagueCentral, [PRICE] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Robson's cabin) [ROBSON] Who's there? Go away. I'm not to be disturbed. --------------------------------------- (Outside Robson's cabin) [HARRIS] Mister Robson? [HARRIS] Mister Robson, wait! I need your permission to send two mendown the impeller shaft to --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [DOCTOR] Well, thank you, Victoria. Yes, nobody here. It's better thatway. [JAMIE] You speak for yourself. I'd rather [VICTORIA] Oh no! [DOCTOR] Gas! [VICTORIA] Where's it coming from? [DOCTOR] Jamie, try the kitchen. [VICTORIA] What's it doing? [DOCTOR] We've apparently frightened it away. [VICTORIA] Mrs Harris? [DOCTOR] Mrs Harris. Ah. Oh yes, of course. Mister Harris had her takenover to the Medical centre. At least I hope he did. [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor, quick, help me! [DOCTOR] That's Jamie! [VICTORIA] Jamie! [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor, I'm in here. [JAMIE [OC]] I can't hold out much longer. [VICTORIA] Now what? [DOCTOR] The terrace! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Victoria, come on, follow me. [VICTORIA] What are we going to do? [JAMIE [OC]] Quick, Doctor. Hurry. [DOCTOR] Give me a hand! [DOCTOR] Come on, out you come, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Pass him down, Victoria. --------------------------------------- (Robson's quarters) [HARRIS] Yes, it's in here. Look. Well, it was inhere. I saw it. [VAN LUTYENS] You did? [HARRIS] Yes, it was moving. Something alive. You don't believe me. [VAN LUTYENS] Oh yes, I believe you, Mister Harris. It must have comeout of the ventilator grille, like it did in the oxygen store. [HARRIS] You mean when that girl Victoria was locked in. [VAN LUTYENS] Ja. And having achieved its purpose, back down the shaft. [HARRIS] Purpose? What purpose? [VAN LUTYENS] Who knows? We know so little about it. And no one tries tofind out. [HARRIS] I know. [VAN LUTYENS] Least of all Robson. [HARRIS] Yes, he rushed out of here as though he were, he was out of hismind. [VAN LUTYENS] You'd better alert security. He may do himself some harm. [HARRIS] Yes, you're right. --------------------------------------- (Outside Robson's quarters) [HARRIS] At least the stuff won't get out of here. [VAN LUTYENS] Oh really, Mister Harris. There must be hundreds of grillsin this compound. And once the foam has got into the shaft it couldemerge from any one of them. [HARRIS] I suppose you're right. Then we must insist that all emergencyventilators are kept shut. [VAN LUTYENS] Mister Harris, you know what you must do now? [HARRIS] Do? [VAN LUTYENS] Assert yourself. Take over the compound. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [HARRIS] Price. [PRICE] Yes, sir. [HARRIS] I want you to alert the security posts. Mister Robson may beill. I'd like to know his whereabouts. [PRICE] Very good, sir. [HARRIS] And order all areas to keep their emergency air vents closed.Understand? [PRICE] Yes, sir. [VAN LUTYENS] You're taking over then? [HARRIS] Robson is still officially in charge. [VAN LUTYENS] I've already informed my authorities at the Hague. Youmust do the same with your Director in London. [HARRIS] Yes. Price? [PRICE] Yes, sir. [HARRIS] Get me Board Headquarters. I want to speak to Megan Jones. --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [DOCTOR] Are you all right, Jamie? [JAMIE] Oh, I've come over dizzy. [DOCTOR] Well, you just rest a while. [JAMIE] I'll just get my breath back. [VICTORIA] Doctor, why is it that we always land up in trouble? [DOCTOR] Well, Victoria, it's the spice of life, my dear. [VICTORIA] Oh, well I'm not so sure. I don't really like been scared outof my wits every second. [DOCTOR] Is something wrong? [VICTORIA] Well, I just wish that once. Oh, never mind. [DOCTOR] Are you right, Jamie? Come on then. [JAMIE] What's the matter with Victoria? --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Thank you, Miss Jones. We'll see you then inthree hours time. Goodbye. [HARRIS] In three hours the whole compound will be crawling with boardofficials. [VAN LUTYENS] Let's hope the situation doesn't get any worse. [HARRIS] I only hope Megan Jones understands why I've taken over. It wasshe who insisted that Robson should know this particular complex in theearly days. [VAN LUTYENS] You did right. I will stand by you. You couldn't letRobson go on. You had the men on the rigs to think of. They are now herresponsibility. [HARRIS] If only we knew what we were up against. These creatures thathave been getting into the refinery, where do they come from? We don'teven know what they are? [DOCTOR] That's where you're wrong, Mister Harris. We do know what theyare. At least I think we do. Seaweed! [HARRIS] Seaweed? [DOCTOR] Yes. Not the sort that you'd normally find on the beach. Thisseaweed happens to be dangerously alive. [HARRIS] Alive? But how can it be? [DOCTOR] I think you better listen to me. I think you'd all betterlisten to me. Large formations of seaweed have been coming up on thebeaches along this coast. Seaweed that shows clear indications ofhaving life like human beings. [CHIEF] It's this seaweed that's blocking the pipeline then. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think there's no doubt about it. [VAN LUTYENS] We must clear the base of the impeller. [DOCTOR] No, wait. The weed is capable of protecting itself. It givesoff a toxic gas. It's also a parasite. It attaches itself to otherliving things. [HARRIS] You mean human beings? But what happens to them? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid I don't know. [HARRIS] But my wife was stung by the seaweed. [DOCTOR] Ah, yes, but she survived, didn't she? How is she? [HARRIS] Well I asked the Medicare Centre to bring her in. Price? GetMedicare for me and ask how my wife is now. Doctor, I've just seen onethese creature things that your young friend saw in the Oxygen room. [DOCTOR] Oh? Where? [HARRIS] In Mister Robson's cabin. It might have attacked him. He was ina wild state when I went in and just run out. He hasn't been seensince. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [PRICE] Mister Harris, sir. [HARRIS] Yes? [PRICE] The Matron says she's sorry, she hasn't brought your wife in yetbut she's sending someone over now. [DOCTOR] What? [HARRIS] What is it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, we've just come from your quarters. Your wife wasn'tthere! [JAMIE] The place was covered with seaweed. [HARRIS] Is this right? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'm afraid it is. [HARRIS] Then where is she? Where is she? I must go and find her. [VAN LUTYENS] Wait! Well, where do you think she is? Do you think it hasanything to do with this seaweed stuff? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I simply don't know. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [MAGGIE] There is little time. You know what you must do? [ROBSON] Yes. [MAGGIE] You will obey? --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Rig D. Rig D. Control calling Rig D. Comein, please. Rig D. Rig D. Control calling. Come in, please. I'm sorry,sir. I can't reach them. [VAN LUTYENS] Try Rig A again. [PRICE] Rig A. Control calling Rig A. It's no good, sir. That's threerigs not answering now, sir. [VAN LUTYENS] The men on the remaining rigs won't last under suspensemuch longer. Try the guard post again. See if there's any sign ofMister Harris. [PRICE] Very good. [VAN LUTYENS] Three Rigs now. What can have happened to them? [DOCTOR] Well, can't you send someone out to investigate? [VAN LUTYENS] No, I'm afraid I have no authority here. I'm just here astechnical adviser. Mister Harris is in charge. When he comes back hemight possibly authorise the company helicopter for at least to take alook. [DOCTOR] We can do nothing. [VAN LUTYENS] Nothing. Wait. Wait. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] Nothing. Keep checking. [CHIEF] That's started again. --------------------------------------- (Bunk room) [VICTORIA] Jamie. Jamie? Jamie, you asleep? [JAMIE] I'm just resting my eyes. [VICTORIA] I don't know how you can with all this trouble going on. [JAMIE] Oh, don't worry. The Doctor will work something out. He alwaysdoes. [VICTORIA] Yes. What then? [JAMIE] What do you mean, what then? [VICTORIA] Where will we be next? [JAMIE] Oh, Victoria, you know better than to ask a question like that.We never know where we're going to land one place to the next. It'shalf the fun, isn't it? [VICTORIA] Is it? [JAMIE] Victoria, what's the matter? You've been acting very oddly eversince we got here. [VICTORIA] Oh it's nothing. It doesn't matter. [JAMIE] Look you'll worry the Doctor if [VICTORIA] Jamie, I said it was nothing. Just go back to sleep. [JAMIE] Aye. Well I wouldn't worry about that old bit of sea weed. TheDoctor'll work something out. [VICTORIA] Yes, but will he? There's so many questions. The weed grows.Feeds off natural gas. But how fast does it grow? What happens to thosethat touch it? Oh, Jamie. Jamie, I'm frightened! [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry, Victoria. Did I startle you? [VICTORIA] Yes. [DOCTOR] Where's Jamie? [VICTORIA] Up there. He's still asleep. Nothing would wake him except abomb dropping. [DOCTOR] Oh good. [VICTORIA] Doctor, what's happening? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure, Victoria. I'm not sure. Looks so peacefulout there, doesn't it? [VICTORIA] I heard that noise again. [DOCTOR] Yes. [VICTORIA] Well, what are they doing about it? [DOCTOR] Well, we have to wait. [VICTORIA] Wait? But what for? For one of those awful creatures to comeand attack us all? [DOCTOR] Now, Victoria, it's not as bad as all that, you know. [VICTORIA] Isn't it? Even you don't know really how bad is it, do you? [DOCTOR] Well, no, not exactly. [VICTORIA] Every time we go anywhere something awful happens. Daleks.Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Yeti? [VICTORIA] Yes, and Yeti. Why can't we go anywhere pleasant, wherethere's no fighting. Just peace and happiness. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [HARRIS] Mister Robson! Mister Robson! Robson!Robson! Mister Robson! Mister Robson! What are you doing down here,sir? Have you seen my wife at all? [ROBSON] Your wife? [HARRIS] I've been searching for her. [ROBSON] You'll find her, Mister Harris. Very soon. [HARRIS] Then you haven't seen her? [HARRIS] Robson! --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [DOCTOR] If you don't mind my saying so, Mister VanLutyens, I think this is a very bad idea of yours. You don't know whatyou're up against. [JAMIE] Aye, you wouldn't catch me down there. [CHIEF] Why don't we wait until Mister Harris comes back, sir? [VAN LUTYENS] The only way to find out if this weed stuff of yours isblocking the base of the impeller is to go down and have a look. [CHIEF] Look, Mister Van Lutyens, I have no authority to send my mendown there. [VAN LUTYENS] I realise that. That is why I am going down. [CHIEF] By yourself? [VAN LUTYENS] Oh yes. [CHIEF] I wouldn't go down. Well, I hope you know what you're doing,sir. [VAN LUTYENS] I think so. [DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do this, Mister Van Lutyens. [VAN LUTYENS] I can't sit about waiting any longer. I have no positionof authority here but I do have the run of the company installations,and if I can do nothing else I can at least inspect the base of theimpeller shaft. [VAN LUTYENS] Tot straks. [DOCTOR] Good luck. [JAMIE] Aye, you'll need it. [CHIEF] All right, lower him down. --------------------------------------- (Impeller shaft) (Impeller room) [CHIEF] Get him up! [VICTORIA ] What is it? What's happened? [JAMIE ] Van Lutyens is down there. [VICTORIA] What's happened to him? [DOCTOR] Well, we don't know, Victoria. [DOCTOR] What's happened? What did you see? [CHIEF] He's not in the shaft. He must still be down there. Let's findMister Harris. [DOCTOR] We can't just leave him down there. [JAMIE] What are we going to do? [DOCTOR] We're going down there after him. [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor, no. [JAMIE] Oh no, we're not. [DOCTOR] Jamie, you wouldn't let me go down there on my own, now wouldyou? [JAMIE] Er, well, no. Oh. [VICTORIA] Oh Doctor, you can't. You don't know what's down there. [DOCTOR] Open the airlock. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Miss Megan Jones? Just leaving the receptionnow. Right. Thank you. Ah, Mister Harris. Mister Harris, we've beenlooking for you everywhere. [HARRIS] What is it, Price? [PRICE] Are you all right, sir? [HARRIS] Yes. Just tired. Is there any news of my wife? [PRICE] No, I'm afraid not, sir. You didn't find her? Oh, Mister Harris? [HARRIS] Yes? [PRICE] The director, Miss Megan Jones, is leaving reception on her wayhere now, sir. [HARRIS] I see. Thank you, Price. Where's Mister Van Lutyens? [PRICE] In the Impeller area I think, sir. [HARRIS] All right. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] This is terrible. Do you mean to say theyboth went down inside that shaft? [VICTORIA] I couldn't stop them. They went to look for Mister VanLutyens. [HARRIS] What? What has happened to him? [CHIEF] Mister Harris, thank goodness you're back. Mister Van Lutyenswent down inside the impeller shaft to try and find what was blockingthe pipe line. [HARRIS] Yes? [CHIEF] He didn't come back. Now the Doctor and the boy has gone downthere. [HARRIS] They've done what? Get them up at once. Stop the lift. [OAK] I'm sorry, sir. It's too late. --------------------------------------- (Impeller shaft) [JAMIE] Gloomy sort of place, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Jamie, that hole goes straight down to the big gasometer downbelow. [JAMIE] Hey, isn't that Van Lutyens' torch? [DOCTOR] Well, it must be. [JAMIE] But where is he? [DOCTOR] Shine it down there, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Give it to me. [JAMIE] Come on, Doctor. Let's get out of here. You can feel there'ssomething evil lurking down here. --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [PERKINS] It all seems quiet enough, Miss Jones. [JONES] Of course it is. Robson's an efficient man. Why do you think Igave him control of the compound? He knows the job backwards. [PERKINS] Then why the sudden panic? [JONES] I don't know. Harris was rather vague. [PERKINS] Vague? He said he was taking over from Robson. I wouldn't callthat vague. [JONES] You've never met Robson, have you Perkins? [PERKINS] No. But I've [JONES] When you do, you'll realise he's not the sort of man one pushesaround. [PERKINS] Then what's it all about? [JONES] Just an internal squabble, I'd say. Harris is a bright man. Isent him thinking he might gain from Robson's practical experience.Obviously the two haven't hit it off together. [PERKINS] So we're pouring oil. Politics? [JONES] Let's go and see, shall we? --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [VICTORIA] Jamie! Doctor! Oh, I do wish they'dhurry. [HARRIS] Is there any way we can get them up, Chief? [CHIEF] Well, we can't use the lift in case they want to get back in ahurry. There is the ladder inside the pipe line. [PRICE] Mister Harris? [HARRIS] Yes, what is it, Price? [PRICE] Miss Megan Jones has arrived, sir. [HARRIS] Oh, I see. Thank you. Chief, you'd better come with me. I'mgoing to need some support when I talk to Megan Jones. [CHIEF] All right. [VICTORIA] But what about Jamie and the Doctor? [HARRIS] There's isn't a great deal we can do at the moment, I'm afraid.Oak, as soon as they signal, bring them up. And if there's any sign oftrouble, come and get me. [OAK] You can rely on us. [HARRIS] Come on, Chief. [VICTORIA] Will they be all right. I mean, is it safe? [OAK] Oh yes, Miss. Don't you worry about a thing. We'll take care ofeverything won't we, Mister Quill? --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [JONES] Creatures? Seaweed creatures? What do yousay to that, Perkins? [PERKINS] Oh, well [HARRIS] It's true. [JONES] You can't be serious, Mister Harris. [HARRIS] These creatures have been seen in the refinery itself, in theoxygen room [JONES] By some half-witted Doctor and a couple of teenagers. [HARRIS] And by me. [JONES] You've seen them? [HARRIS] Yes, Miss Jones. I have seen them. [JONES] Harris, I understand your wife had some sort of accident. I knowthis must have been a considerable shock to you and I fully understand [HARRIS] You think I'm lying, that I've been seeing things? Believe me,there are things you don't know. [JONES] I know throughout the southern region receiving stations areworking on emergency supplies. What are we going to do about it? [HARRIS] At present there's nothing we can do about it. One by one we'relosing contact with the rigs out at sea. [JONES] Then I suggest you send someone out there to see what's goingon. [HARRIS] All right. Have I your permission to call out Air Defence. [JONES] Certainly not. This not is a national emergency. Use the companyhelicopters. [HARRIS] But you don't understand what's going on. [JONES] Will you please do as I say. [HARRIS] Price? [PRICE] Yes, sir. [HARRIS] Get me the helicopter hangar, please. [PRICE] Very good, sir. [JONES] Now, Mister Harris, I think I'll have a talk with Chief Robson. [HARRIS] Oh, I'm sorry, I think. Well, he's not very well. [JONES] Not well? In what way? [HARRIS] Something's happened to him. That's all I can tell you. [JONES] Well, what? What's happened? [HARRIS] I don't know. I just don't know. --------------------------------------- (Impeller shaft) [JAMIE] Can you see anything? [DOCTOR] No, it's too dark, Jamie. Not a sign of Van Lutyens. [JAMIE] Well, no point in hanging about here. [DOCTOR] Wait a minute. [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. Let's get out of here. Press the lift button! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] HQ calling Rig D. This is Feed HQ callingRig D. Come in, please. Can you hear me? [HARRIS] It's no use, there won't be a reply. [JONES] Don't be a fool, man. We must keep trying. If there are men outon those rigs there must be a reply. [HARRIS] If? But we don't know. We've already lost contact with three ofour drilling rigs. [PERKINS] And you say there is definitely something down there in theimpeller shaft blocking the flow? [JONES] You've checked the impeller? [HARRIS] Chief? [CHIEF] It's not the impeller. I've checked every last nut and bolt.Whatever it is, it's down there in that shaft. --------------------------------------- (Impeller shaft) [JAMIE] Get us out of here! [DOCTOR] Take the lift up! --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [DOCTOR] Give me your hand. [JAMIE] You all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. [JAMIE] What a climb. [DOCTOR] It's the weed. It must fill the entire shaft. It was movingpretty quick, too. [JAMIE] Let's get out of this in case, then. Where's Victoria? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [DOCTOR] No wonder they didn't see the lift shaft signal. There's no onehere. [JAMIE] Victoria wouldn't desert us. [DOCTOR] No. Not unless she'd been persuaded to. Jamie, I think we'dbetter go and look for her. Come on. You go that way. I'll go this way. [JAMIE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [JONES] Foam and weed on all the rigs? [HARRIS] According to the helicopter pilot. And no sign of life at all. [JONES] It's so fantastic. What on earth are we going to do? [HARRIS] Save the lives of the men on all the other rigs. [JONES] How? [HARRIS] Give me permission to evacuate them. [PERKINS] What? [HARRIS] And then blow every one of the rigs to pieces, right out of thesea. [PERKINS] You must be out of your mind. Miss Jones, you can't reallyagree to such a thing. [HARRIS] We have to. The men's lives are more important than any ofthose rigs. [PERKINS] The Minister would never agree. [JONES] That'll do, Perkins. You ask me to destroy years of hard work,skill and government money like that? [HARRIS] I'm asking you to destroy this evil that's in the sea beforeit's too late. Bomb the rigs. I implore you. [ROBSON] No! No! Never! You leave those rigs alone. They're mine.They're mine, I tell you. Mine. [JONES] Robson, what's the matter with you? [ROBSON] Can't you see? They're getting at me. Those rigs, they're mine.I built them. My own flesh and blood. They're mine. They're my life!They want to destroy everything. They think in that way they candestroy me. We won't allow it. [JONES] We? Who, Robson, who? [ROBSON] My. I don't know. Chief. Chief. [JONES] Are you all right, Robson? [ROBSON] Yes, I'm all right. I don't know. I don't know if [JONES] Robson. [HARRIS] Let him go. The strain must have affected his mind. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's not that, I can assure you. [HARRIS] Doctor. [JONES] And who are you? [DOCTOR] Well, I [HARRIS] Doctor, I've almost forgotten. What about Van Lutyens? Did you? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid not. [HARRIS] Have you any idea what happened? [DOCTOR] Yes. Jamie and I nearly joined him. The whole of the bottom ofthe impeller shaft is covered in weed and foam. [JONES] What happened to Mister Van Lutyens? And Mister Robson? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid that Mister Robson is being controlled by some forcethat emanates from this weed. [JONES] That's incredible. [HARRIS] That's what we've said so far about everything the Doctor hastold us. Each time he's been proved right. I think it's about time westarted to believe him. [JONES] All right. The least I can do is listen. --------------------------------------- (Refinery corridor) [JAMIE] Victoria. Victoria, it's me, Jamie. Whereare you? Victoria! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [JONES] You think this seaweed or what ever it is,is a living organism capable of exercising telepathic control? [DOCTOR] Yes. [JONES] But seaweed's a vegetable matter. Everyone knows that. [DOCTOR] This is a struggle for power, Miss Jones. Matter over mind. I'mconvinced all these people Mrs Harris, Chief Robson, Mister VanLutyens, have all been overcome in this struggle and goodness knows howmany more people. [HARRIS] But where does the weed get this intelligence from, Doctor? [DOCTOR] From the human brain. It's parasitic. [HARRIS] You mean the creatures have taken over human beings? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but they've certainly become part of the colony. [PRICE] Mister Harris? Control rig. [BAXTER [on monitor]] Hurry. Hurry. Emergency. [HARRIS] Control. Yes, Baxter, what is it? [BAXTER [on monitor]] At last. Mister Harris, for pity's sake, they'reall around us. [HARRIS] What is, Chief? What's happening? [BAXTER [on monitor]] These things, they're everywhere. They're all overevery thing, in every place. Mister Harris [HARRIS] Baxter! Baxter! Can you hear us? [BAXTER [on monitor]] Argh! Get us out of here! Somebody get us out ofhere! [PRICE] Feed HQ calling Control rig. Come in please. Come in please. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [JAMIE] Victoria? Victoria? Victoria? Back to squareone. She must be somewhere. [JAMIE] Victoria! --------------------------------------- (Pipeline room) [JAMIE] Victoria. Victoria. Say something. No. No,you can't be dead. Victoria, if anything happened to you, I'd neverforgive myself. [VICTORIA] Oh Jamie, I didn't know you cared. [JAMIE] Victoria Waterfield! You tricked me! That's not fair. [VICTORIA] I did not. I was unconscious. [JAMIE] Aye? What happened? [VICTORIA] Those two engineers, they must have [JAMIE] What engineers? [VICTORIA] You know, the, the, and the little one. [JAMIE] You mean the two that were with the swing [VICTORIA] Yes. Yes, that's right. Oh, I don't remember. I must havepassed out. [JAMIE] If I ever get my hands on them. You know the Doctor and me, wewere nearly. Aye, well, never mind about that. [VICTORIA] Oh Jamie, why are we always getting into trouble like this?It's the same everywhere we go. [JAMIE] How do you mean? [VICTORIA] I don't know. I'm just fed up. I'm tired of one crisis on topof another. I just want some piece and quiet. [JAMIE] But, Victoria, are you not happy with the Doctor and myself? [VICTORIA] Oh yes, yes, I am. But I just. [JAMIE] What's the matter? [VICTORIA] Listen. [JAMIE] Hey, what's the matter? [VICTORIA] Listen, Jamie. [JAMIE] What is it? [VICTORIA] Can't you hear it? It's that noise again. [JAMIE] Yes but where's it coming from? Victoria, look! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [DOCTOR] With the Control rig gone, we can draw onlyonce conclusion. The weed is trying to take over all the rigs and formone vast colony. [JONES] With what objective? [DOCTOR] The saturation of the British Islands and perhaps in time theentire planet. [PERKINS] Is such a thing possible? [DOCTOR] Oh yes. Unless we can find the nerve centre and destroy it. [JONES] But how can we possibly do that? It could be anywhere out therein the North Sea. [DOCTOR] Yes, that is the difficulty. [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What is it? [JAMIE] Doctor, the pipeline. Quick. [VICTORIA] Quickly, come and see. [DOCTOR] All right. What's happened? [JAMIE] It's here. It's come up. --------------------------------------- (Pipeline room) [JONES] What in heaven's name is that? [DOCTOR] The advance guard. [JONES] I don't understand. What's happening? [DOCTOR] The first part of the invasion. [VICTORIA] Doctor, don't go near. [DOCTOR] It's begun. The battle of the giants. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Feed HQ calling Rig F. Feed HQ calling RigF, can you hear me? Come in, please. Oh, Mister Harris? Mister Harris,I can't raise any of the rigs. Not one. [HARRIS] This is unbelievable! [PRICE] I'll try again, sir. Feed HQ calling Rig B. Feed HQ calling RigB, can you hear me? [JONES] Well, keep trying, man. [DOCTOR] Your wasting your time, Miss Jones. By now all those rigs willhave been taken over by the weed colony. [HARRIS] I don't care about the rigs. What's happened to the crews? [DOCTOR] The worst, I'm afraid. [HARRIS] Then we've got to destroy the rigs. [JONES] No! [DOCTOR] No, we daren't do that . [HARRIS] Why not? [DOCTOR] Well, that would spread this menace over a wide area and makeit impossible to attack it. [HARRIS] Well, what are we going to do? [DOCTOR] No, what is the weed going to do? [JONES] What can it do? [DOCTOR] Well, let's think. Now I imagine that in the first place theweed was drawn up by one of the drilling rigs. [HARRIS] No, no. Anything that comes up through the bores would becleared by the engineers at the source otherwise it would block thepumps. [DOCTOR] Precisely. And the engineers who cleared it must have touchedit, yes? [HARRIS] Yes, so they must have been amongst the first to be controlled. [DOCTOR] And since then, this attack, and it is an attack, has followeda set pattern. [JONES] How do you mean? [DOCTOR] Top priority people have been attacked first. [JONES] If your theory is correct, the weed now controls two people whoknow the entire layout and structure of this whole compound. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm very much afraid that is true. [JONES] Robson was here not long ago. We must find him and prevent themusing him, for his own sake as well as ours. [HARRIS] Yes I agree. Price? [PRICE] Sir. [HARRIS] Get security to search the entire compound. I want MisterRobson found and put under armed guard in his cabin. [PRICE] Very good, sir. [HARRIS] Doctor, there's one thing that doesn't fit in with your theory. [DOCTOR] Oh, and what's that? [HARRIS] When Victoria was locked in the Oxygen room. Now she's nothingto do with the personnel here. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's something that's been puzzling me too. But shedisturbed somebody who was interfering with the oxygen supplies. [HARRIS] Someone wearing a gas mask. [DOCTOR] Now supposing that person was under the control of the weed, hewas wearing a gas mask for one reason only. [HARRIS] Because to him pure oxygen would be toxic? [DOCTOR] Exactly, Mister Harris. [HARRIS] Well then, we can use the oxygen as a weapon against the weed. [DOCTOR] Well, it's only a theory at the moment. [JONES] Well as Mister Harris said before, you've been right so far.There's no reason why you shouldn't be now. [DOCTOR] Oh, how nice to be trusted. But I only hope I am right. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen room) (Control hall) [PRICE] Good. See that he stays there. MisterHarris? [HARRIS] Yes? [PRICE] They've found Mister Robson. [HARRIS] Good. Where? [PRICE] In his cabin, lying on his bunk, apparently. [HARRIS] Oh well that's a relief. [PRICE] There's a guard at the door, sir. [HARRIS] Good. [JONES] Mister Harris. I want to see Mister Robson. [HARRIS] Robson? But he's ill. He won't be able to put two [JONES] I want to see him. [HARRIS] But you've seen him already. Surely you could see he was in nofit state to help us in any way. [JONES] I fully realise that, Mister Harris, but we're old friends. Hemight talk to me. There's just a possibility that he may know somethingthat could help us. [HARRIS] I see. All right, but I'm coming with you. Robson's in anunpredictable state at the moment. He could be violent. [JONES] All right. You come too, Perkins. [PERKINS] Yes, Miss Jones. [HARRIS] Oh, if anything happens, Price, anything at all, I'll be withMiss Jones in Mister Robson's cabin. [PRICE] Very good, sir. [HARRIS] Chief. [CHIEF] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PERKINS] Look, why don't you get the Minister tocall up the National Defences? [JONES] What exactly do you suppose the armed forces could do? [PERKINS] Well, attack this weed or whatever it is. [JONES] How? If we attack the rigs what about the men out there? [PERKINS] But we don't know that they are there. [JONES] Equally we don't know that they aren't. They could be prisoners,anything. And anyway, even if we blow the rigs out of the sea there'sno guarantee it will end this nightmare. It might well spread themenace as the Doctor suggested. [HARRIS] This way please, Miss Jones. [JONES] Right. And come along, Perkins. Don't look so worried, man. Youmight as well go home. Oh, I'm sorry. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Outside Robson's cabin) [JONES] If you please, Harris. [HARRIS] Miss Jones, I'd rather you let me or Perkins come in with you. [JONES] No. Now don't fuss, Harris. I'll be perfectly all right. --------------------------------------- (Robson's cabin) [JONES] Robson. Robson! John. John? It's all right. John, it's me Megan,Megan Jones. [ROBSON] Megan. [JONES] I want to try to help you. [ROBSON] Can't help. No one can help. [JONES] John, can you tell us what happened? [ROBSON] No. [JONES] John, listen to me. We can't help you unless you help us. [ROBSON] Can't help. No one can help. [JONES] Yes, we can, John, if you let us. Now whatever it is that'saffecting you, you've got to fight it. [ROBSON] Can't fight. [JONES] You've got to fight it, John. [ROBSON] Can't fight it. [JONES] Now come on, Robson. Robson! Now listen to me. I'm director ofthe board. I put you in charge of this area and I can just as easilysend you back to the rigs. Do you understand me, Robson? Now pullyourself together, man! [ROBSON] Megan, I [JONES] Pull yourself together! [ROBSON] Megan. Megan, help me. Help. Help me, Megan! [JONES] John. [ROBSON] Help! [JONES] It's all right, John. [HARRIS] Miss Jones? [JONES] John, can you hear me? Can you hear me? It's as if he was in atrance. Hypnotised. I thought for a minute he was rational. [HARRIS] I think we'd better let him rest. --------------------------------------- (Outside Robson's cabin) [JONES] Harris, is there nothing we can do to helphim? [HARRIS] No, the Doctor couldn't help my wife so I'm sure there isnothing he can [JONES] No. No, of course not. As far as I can see the only thing to dois to destroy this weed. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [JAMIE] He does look worried this time. It's beginning to give me thewillies. [VICTORIA] Yes. I wish we could go back to the Tardis, leave all thistrouble behind. [JAMIE] We couldn't do that. You know the Doctor would never leave thesepeople. Not while there's [VICTORIA] I know, I know. [JAMIE] Oh, Victoria, you're not going to start again, are you? Look,the Doctor's got enough trouble as it is. Let him just sit and work itout. Anyway, he says there's an obvious answer to this seaweed stuff. [VICTORIA] An answer? What do you mean? [JAMIE] A way of fighting it. [VICTORIA] If it's that obvious he'd have thought of it by now. [JAMIE] Aye. [JONES] Well Doctor, have you thought of a way in which we can attackthis weed? Doctor! [DOCTOR] Oh, Miss Jones. No, I'm afraid I haven't. [JONES] Well, have you any idea what it might do next? [DOCTOR] Well, I think it has little alternative but to attack us here. [HARRIS] Here? [PERKINS] But why? [DOCTOR] Because this is the gas distribution centre. It'll want to gaincontrol of it. We must find a way of attacking it's nerve centre beforeit does. [PERKINS] But where is the nerve centre? [DOCTOR] That's the trouble. We don't know. [HARRIS] And we're not sure yet quite how to destroy it, are we? [DOCTOR] No, but there is something at the back of my mind. [PERKINS] Well what about the oxygen? [DOCTOR] Yes, that is a possibility. [JONES] Then we must put the oxygen supply room under guard. [HARRIS] Right! --------------------------------------- (Robson's cabin) [ROBSON] Yes. Yes. Yes. --------------------------------------- (Outside Robson's cabin) (Control hall) [HARRIS] The whole of the oxygen store? [BLAKE] Yes, sir. There are no reserves left at all. [HARRIS] They seem to be one step ahead of us all the time. [DOCTOR] Yes, I was right. Someone amongst us here is under the controlof the weed. [HARRIS] You mean apart from Robson and Van Lutyens? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so. [HARRIS] How will we find out who they are? [DOCTOR] I don't know, that's the difficulty. [HARRIS] Well, we must do a personnel check. Now there's a fingerprintfile in security. [DOCTOR] Yes. [HARRIS] Doctor, I shall need your help. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] Hey, you two. Just a moment. Stop! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JAMIE] Come back. You wont get away from me! [VICTORIA] Careful! [JAMIE] That soon put paid to him, didn't it. Didn't know what hit him,did he. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, I'm sure you're right. [JAMIE] There's a wee bit of power left in the old McCrimmon punch yet. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry to disillusion you, Jamie, but I don't think it wasthe punch that did it. [CHIEF] Mister Harris! [HARRIS] What is it? [CHIEF] I think you better come, sir. Quickly! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [JONES] What's the trouble? [HARRIS] The pipeline room. [JONES] But it's incredible. [PERKINS] Why can't we do something? [JONES] We'll have to trust this strange Doctor. He's the only one whoseems to be able to anticipate events. [PERKINS] Don't you think that in itself is suspect? [JONES] He's our only hope. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Pipeline room) [JAMIE] What's happened to it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] It's beginning to expand, like it did in the Tardis. [JAMIE] Is there no way of stopping it? [DOCTOR] No. I should have thought of this. [JONES] What, do you mean this horrible stuff's growing all the time? [DOCTOR] I'm very much afraid so! [PRICE [OC]] Mister Harris, sir. Mister Harris. Mister Robson's brokenout of his cabin. He's attacked the guard! [JAMIE] Doctor, look at that! [DOCTOR] Right, Jamie, right back. Back, everyone back. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [DOCTOR] Miss Jones, I think it's time you went.Come along. [TANNOY] Emergency alert. [JAMIE] Where's Victoria? [DOCTOR] Well, she was here. [JAMIE] Victoria? [DOCTOR] She was here, standing along side you. [JAMIE] I thought she was with you! [DOCTOR] No! [JAMIE] Where's she gone? [DOCTOR] She must have gone through there. [JAMIE] Hey! [DOCTOR] The doors! [JAMIE] They won't open. [DOCTOR] Open these doors! Open these doors! Try here, Jamie! [JAMIE] They're closed, too. [DOCTOR] They're not, come along! [DOCTOR] Jamie, the doors, they're heavy. I can't hold them! Jamie,hurry! Jamie! Jamie, come on! This way, in here. Hurry up, I can't holdthem! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JAMIE] Now what do we do? [DOCTOR] We must look for Victoria. You go that way, I'll go this. [JAMIE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [HARRIS] Seal off the pipeline room completely.Close the pipelines in and out. Well, come on, man, don't just standthere! Guards! You must find Mister Robson. Search everywhere. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Mister Harris! [HARRIS] What is it? [PRICE] Mister Robson has just taken off. [JAMIE] Hey, have you seen Victoria? [HARRIS] No, I haven't. [JAMIE] Doctor, have you found her yet? [DOCTOR] No, I was hoping you had. [JAMIE] But she was standing right beside us. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. [HARRIS] Doctor, it's Robson. He's trying to get away in one of thecompany helicopters. [JAMIE] What? [HARRIS] I'm afraid he's got your young girl with him. [DOCTOR] Oh no. Oh no. Can I speak to him from here? [HARRIS] Yes. Price, switch to RT. [PRICE] Yes, sir. [DOCTOR] This one? [PRICE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Robson. Robson. Robson, listen to me. Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Robson's helicopter) [DOCTOR [OC]] Robson. Come back, man. Come back.Robson, don't you realise what they're trying to do to you? They'retrying to control you. [ROBSON] Now listen to me. [DOCTOR [OC]] Robson. Robson. [ROBSON] Listen! Listen! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [ROBSON [OC]] I have the girl. She is my prisoner.She is my hostage. Do you understand? If you want her to live, comeover to us. Come over to us. [DOCTOR] Robson. Robson! [PRICE] He's switched off, sir. [JONES] What did he mean, come over to us? [DOCTOR] Well, he meant exactly what he said! [HARRIS] You mean they want you? [DOCTOR] Yes, they must think I'm a serious menace. [HARRIS] But you won't go, surely? [DOCTOR] But of course. [JONES] But we need you here. You're our only hope. [JAMIE] Doctor, we can't let him take Victoria! Now we've got to dosomething to stop him! [JONES] You can't go with that man. You can see he's not responsible. [DOCTOR] Jamie's right. We've got to go after him. [HARRIS] Yes, you can use a company helicopter. [JONES] Harris! If we let this man go now what hope have we got? [DOCTOR] Miss Jones, I have a feeling that Mister Robson is going tolead us to the nerve centre of the colony. [HARRIS] Price, tell the helicopter crew to stand by. Doctor, come withme. I'll get you some transport. Quickly. --------------------------------------- (Harris' office) [HARRIS] Good. Thank you, Price. Tell them not tolose touch. Oh and Price? The Doctor and the boy, are they airborneyet? [PRICE [OC]] No, sir. They're just approaching the airfield. --------------------------------------- (Harris' office) [PRICE [OC]] Mister Harris, sir. Mister Harris, theDoctor's airborne. [HARRIS] Good. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [HARRIS] Doctor, can you see Robson? [DOCTOR [OC]] No, we can't see anything here. [HARRIS] All right, listen carefully. We managed to track him on theradar scope. He's just landed on the control rig complex. [DOCTOR [OC]] The control rig complex. [HARRIS] What? Say again. [DOCTOR [OC]] We are proceeding there now. [JONES] What chance have they got? [HARRIS] Your guess is as good as mine. [JONES] What do we do now? [HARRIS] We sit and wait. [JONES] But we can't [HARRIS] If the Doctor hasn't done something within an hour, I'mevacuating the compound. [JONES] No, it's [HARRIS] And that's final, Miss Jones. --------------------------------------- (Doctor's helicopter) [DOCTOR] Jamie, there's the control rig complex. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor. One of those towers is all covered in white. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's foam. That's the nerve centre. [JAMIE] Robson's helicopter. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] We can't land there. [DOCTOR] Oh yes we can, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Control Rig) [DOCTOR] Come on in. The water's lovely. [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. Now, down the hatch. --------------------------------------- (Rig corridor) [DOCTOR] So far so good, Jamie. [JAMIE] But the driver, will he wait for us? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, he said he'd hang around. [JAMIE] Where do we go from here? [DOCTOR] I think we'll go along down here. [JAMIE] It's like walking into the lion's den. [DOCTOR] Jamie, we're already in the lion's den. What we've got toconcentrate on is keeping our heads out of his mouth. Now come on. [JAMIE] It's very quiet. Do you think Victoria really is down here? [DOCTOR] There's nowhere else she can be. [JAMIE] I suppose you're right. Vic [DOCTOR] No, Jamie. Jamie! Now there's no element of surprise! [VICTORIA [OC]] Jamie! Doctor! [JAMIE] See, I was right. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie! [JAMIE] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] If you were hunting what would you do? [JAMIE] Well I would set. Oh I see. You think it might be a trap. [DOCTOR] Might be. Let's be cautious just in case, hey? [DOCTOR] Here we go. --------------------------------------- (Rig cabin) [JAMIE] It's Robson! [ROBSON] Come in, Doctor. We've been waiting for you. --------------------------------------- (Rig cabin) [DOCTOR] What do you want with me? [ROBSON] You are going to help our new masters. They need you. [DOCTOR] They need me? [VICTORIA [OC]] Jamie! Doctor! [ROBSON] You are going to help [JAMIE] Victoria. [ROBSON] With the conquest of the human planet. [VICTORIA [OC]] Jamie! [JAMIE [OC]] Where are you? [VICTORIA [OC]] In here. [DOCTOR] Don't you realise what they've done to you? They're trying tocontrol your mind, man! [VICTORIA [OC]] Oh, hurry. [JAMIE [OC]] It's locked. [VICTORIA [OC]] Hurry. [ROBSON] The mind does not exist. It is tired. It is dead. It isobsolete. Only our new masters can offer us life. [DOCTOR] Matter will never conquer mind. It's against the law of nature! [ROBSON] The body does not exist. Soon we shall all be one. [DOCTOR] Jamie, hurry! --------------------------------------- (Rig corridor) [DOCTOR] Hurry, Jamie. [ROBSON] You cannot escape. You must join us. You must join us. You willjoin us.(Jamie frees Victoria from a room at the end of the corridor. Shescreams.) [DOCTOR] Scream again, Victoria! [ROBSON] No! No! No! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! [DOCTOR] Come along. It's time we got out of here. [VICTORIA] What about the door? [JAMIE] Yes, should we lock him in? [DOCTOR] No, no. I think it's all right now. The helicopter's waiting.Come along. Mind the stairs, they're slippery. --------------------------------------- (Control rig) [DOCTOR] Well, where's the helicopter then? [VICTORIA] I can't see anything except this awful foam. [JAMIE] Don't worry, Victoria, it won't hurt you. [DOCTOR] There it is! [ALL] Hey! Hey! Hey! [VICTORIA] Oh, can't he see us? [DOCTOR] Probably not. [JAMIE] He's probably just too scared. [DOCTOR] Oh Jamie, help me get this hatchway covered. We can't hangaround here. The helicopter will never see us. [JAMIE] But we'll never get of the rig without it. [DOCTOR] There's Robson's helicopter in there. [JAMIE] But it hasn't got a driver. [DOCTOR] I've been dying to get my hands on one of those things. Comeon. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Helicopter) [VICTORIA] Oh the foam, Doctor! I can't see! [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Victoria. We'll soon be out of it. [JAMIE] I hope you know what you're doing. [DOCTOR] Well, we're airborne, aren't we, Jamie? Anyway, Astrid Ferrier.We watched her fly one of these things. [VICTORIA] That's the only time. [DOCTOR] Now, don't worry, Victoria. It's a very primitive machine, youknow. It should be easy to control. [VICTORIA] Doctor, look out! [DOCTOR] Well, that's strange. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, I was always under the impression that you couldn't loopthe loop in a helicopter. [JAMIE] What? [VICTORIA] Look out! [PILOT [OC]] Stick back. Stick back. Nose down a bit. Go on. Right pedaldown. Right rudder. [DOCTOR] Right rudder. [PILOT [OC]] Not too much, not too much. Try and keep the nose on thehorizon. That's better. Okay. Okay. Now too much. Stick back! Stickback! Stick back, you want to come up now. Come on, you're getting toonear the water. Much too near the water. Stick back. Stick back. That'sbetter. Pull her up! Stick back! Stick back quickly! To the right.You're about to hit the water. That's right. Now try and keepeverything centralised. Okay, now pull her up. Stick back! Stick back!Quickly, stick back, stick back! Now try and keep the control central. [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you so much. Oh, just one thing. I've got it up allright and it should be comparatively simple to propel it forward.However, how do I land it? --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [HARRIS] It's no good. We won't hear from the Doctoror any of them. We must evacuate the compound. [JONES] No! We said an hour. He's got ten more minutes. [HARRIS] But even if he does come back, what good could he do? The onlypossible weapon we might have used against the weed has been destroyed. [JONES] That was your entire stock of oxygen, was it? [HARRIS] Yes. [JONES] Right. Perkins, get onto London to the Defence Minister. I wanta full red alert on this now. Tell him what's happened and ask him toarrange for as many tankers of oxygen as he can muster to be sent hereimmediately. [PERKINS] Yes, Miss Jones. [HARRIS] They won't be in time. We must evacuate the compound. Thepipeline room is a mass of weed and foam. You've seen how rapidly itreproduces. It could swamp the entire compound at any moment. [JONES] It could, but it hasn't yet, and until it does, we stay here. [HARRIS] And when it does attack, how do you expect to fight it? Withwhat weapons? [DOCTOR] Perhaps I can answer those questions, Mister Harris. [JONES] Doctor! Oh, thank heavens you're alive. [HARRIS] What about Robson? Did you find him? [JAMIE] Aye, we found him all right. [HARRIS] And my wife? [DOCTOR] Well, we didn't see her, no. [HARRIS] No. There's not much hope, is there. What can we do? How can wefight this hideous thing? [DOCTOR] You say there's not much hope. I believe there is. [HARRIS] But even if we succeed in fighting of the weed, what aboutthose people already affected by it? [DOCTOR] Well on our way back here we stopped of at the Medicare Centre.The man that Jamie fought with in the corridor has almost completelyrecovered. [HARRIS] What? [DOCTOR] Yes, the weed growth on his arm has disappeared and died. He'sbemused, he's dazed, but he's alive! [HARRIS] But how? Why? What killed the weed? [DOCTOR] Noise! Sound vibrations. [JONES] How did you find out? [DOCTOR] Victoria discovered it. [VICTORIA] I did? [DOCTOR] Well, yes. You screamed. [VICTORIA] I screamed. [DOCTOR] It's her scream, her particular pattern of sound that does thetrick. [HARRIS] So that's why the crews on the rigs spoke softly. The noiseaffected them. [DOCTOR] Yes, very possibly. Now, before you evacuate this compound,just give me one half hour. [HARRIS] The risk is too great. The entire compound is alive withseaweed. [JONES] Half an hour won't make that much difference. Doctor, what doyou think we can do? [DOCTOR] We make a noise, Miss Jones. We make an awful lot of noise! [HARRIS] It's too late. We'll never stop it now. [DOCTOR] But we've got to. It may be too late. [HARRIS] It's impossible, I tell you. It's seeping in from every cornerof the compound. [DOCTOR] Yes, but if we can destroy the weed's nerve centre. [JONES] But you said yourself you don't know where the nerve centre is. [DOCTOR] But we do. It's here. [HARRIS] That's the Control Rig. [DOCTOR] Precisely. We must generate enough sound to penetrate theControl Rig. [JONES] But how will you get it there? [DOCTOR] That way. Through the pipelines. Mister Harris, this is theonly way to help your wife and all those other people. [HARRIS] Yes, I realise that, but there isn't time. [DOCTOR] Please. Just one half hour. [HARRIS] Price. [PRICE] Sir. [HARRIS] What's happening in the pipeline room? [VICTORIA] Oh, no. [PRICE] Half an hour? [HARRIS] Yes, that's about all we've got. But you're right. We must try. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Now then, Mister Price, where do all these bigleads go to? [PRICE] The transmitter and loud speakers down below, sir. [DOCTOR] I see. [PRICE] What's this all about, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, if we can boost this equipment to transmit enough sounddown the pipeline, we can destroy the weed's nerve centre. [JONES] But do you think this idea will work? [DOCTOR] Have you got a tape recorder or some such thing? [PRICE] Yes, sir. [DOCTOR] Victoria, I want you to scream. [VICTORIA] Scream? [DOCTOR] He will record it. Make a loop of it so that we can repeat itendlessly. [PRICE] Right, sir. What have we got here? [JONES] I hope he knows what he's doing. [JAMIE] Of course he does. I think. [CHIEF] Mister Harris, the impeller shaft. You men, quick! [JONES] Oh come on, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [CHIEF] Look, there! --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [DOCTOR] Take these magnetised speakers and attachthem to the pipeline over there. Jamie, give me a hand. [PRICE] Right, ready miss? Now scream into this. Now. [VICTORIA] What, now? [PRICE] Yes, yes. There's not a moment to lose. [VICTORIA] I can't. It's silly. [PRICE] No, no. Please, please, you have to. [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] What's the matter, Victoria? [PRICE] She can't scream, sir. [DOCTOR] Oh no! Oh Victoria, that's ridiculous. [VICTORIA] Jamie, you can't scream just like that! [DOCTOR] Everything depends upon you screaming. [DOCTOR] There you are. I knew you could. [HARRIS] Run! Don't just stand there! [DOCTOR] Keep away from it! Keep away! [CHIEF] Shut those doors! [HARRIS] Quick, this way. [HARRIS] All release valves open! Quick! [JONES] What are you doing, man? [HARRIS] I'm going to save the lives of an awful lot of people, MissJones. Close feed lines one to six! Come on, man! [JONES] You mean you're giving up? You're evacuating? [HARRIS] Open your eyes, Miss Jones. Can't you see what's happening?We're gradually being strangled. I can't risk the lives of these menhere any longer. [DOCTOR] Just a few more minutes, please, Mister Harris. The scream'sready. [HARRIS] Good! [DOCTOR] And Mister Harris. [HARRIS] All right, all right, what do you want us to do? [DOCTOR] Now then, I've attached the speakers to the pipeline.Victoria's scream will be put through this. [HARRIS] What does that do? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a little toy of my own. Together with theamplifiers, yes, it should produce a sonic laser sound wave. [JONES] You mean like a laser light beam? [DOCTOR] Yes, passing through the pipes. It'll destroy the nerve centreof the weed. [HARRIS] Yes, but will it destroy the weed here? [DOCTOR] Well unfortunately no. No, we have to do battle with thatourselves. [HARRIS] How? [DOCTOR] With these, Mister Price. [PRICE] With what? [DOCTOR] If the weed attacks us here, we simply point these at it andhope for the best. Now, for heaven's sake, don't get in the way of thespeakers. The sound'll cut you to pieces. HARRIS [DOCTOR] Give me the other two. Let's set up another two. [PRICE] What's the current? [DOCTOR] Come along, no time to waste. [HARRIS] Chief! Chief, quick! [DOCTOR] Here we are. That's it. [JAMIE] Doctor, how many is there? I thought that there was only the onemonster. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Control hall) [HARRIS] Back, Chief. Back. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [HARRIS] Full Alert! Close all doors! [DOCTOR] There we are. [HARRIS] Close all doors! [JAMIE] Those doors won't hold! [DOCTOR] Take this and point it at the monster, but don't get in the wayof it. [HARRIS] Look out! [DOCTOR] Back, everybody. Onto the platform here. [DOCTOR] Switch it on, man, switch it on! Hold that, Jamie. Which is theconnector switch? The connector switch! [DOCTOR] Come on. Switch on your speaker and point it at the creature.Switch on! Go on! [JAMIE] What's going on? [JONES] It's not working! [DOCTOR] Give it a minute. [JONES] It's not working, I tell you. [HARRIS] No! Look! [DOCTOR] Behind you! Look behind you! The corridor! [JAMIE] It worked. [HARRIS] Doctor, it worked. [DOCTOR] Switch off. Price! Switch off now. [PRICE] Doctor, you've done it. [DOCTOR] Mister Price, I think you can switch it all off now. [PRICE] What about the weed's nerve centre at the Control Rig? [DOCTOR] What about [PRICE] Do you think we've destroyed that? [DOCTOR] Why don't you go and see, Mister Price. [PRICE] Right. [HARRIS] Price. [PRICE] Yes, sir. [HARRIS] Send out the company helicopters right away to the Control Rig.I want a full report right away. [PRICE] Very good, sir. [JONES] Well Doctor, I don't quite know what to say, except thank you. [DOCTOR] Miss Jones, that will be more than sufficient. [HARRIS] I still can't believe it. [DOCTOR] What's the matter, eh? [VICTORIA] I don't know. I'm always frightened. [DOCTOR] Well, of course. [VICTORIA] Oh, Doctor, I can't. [DOCTOR] It's all right. [VICTORIA] I can't. [HARRIS] Doctor, they're safe! [DOCTOR] It's all right, they're safe. [VICTORIA] I can't. [DOCTOR] They're safe. Listen, they're safe. Come along and see. [HARRIS] They're all safe! We've won! Isn't it marvellous? Maggie!Maggie! Mister Robson, can you hear me? [ROBSON [OC]] Yes, Mister Harris, we can. [MAGGIE [OC]] Yes, darling, we can hear you. [HARRIS] Good, good. Are you all well? Has the weed gone? [ROBSON [OC]] The weed? Oh yes, yes, it's gone. [HARRIS] What about Van Lutyens? I don't suppose you [ROBSON [OC]] No, he's fine. He's well. [MAGGIE [OC]] Darling, we're all all right, I promise you. [HARRIS] Quiet, everybody, quiet! Mister Robson, we're sending out oneof the company helicopters to you right away. You'll be back with us inless than an hour. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [ROBSON] Oh, I should have listened to you in the first place, MisterHarris. [HARRIS] Oh, I doubt it would have helped. As it turned out, we werelucky we didn't tamper with the weed. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. [MAGGIE] We'll the next time you ask me to get something from your desk,you can do it yourself. [ROBSON] To think I wanted to keep you locked up, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, lots of people have tried. [HARRIS] They didn't want to. [ROBSON] That was a very splendid dinner, Mrs Harris. Now if you'llexcuse me, I'm very tired. [DOCTOR] Oh, really. Oh, dear. There we are. [ROBSON] See you in the morning, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, no. No, as a matter of fact, we must be on our way. [ROBSON] Oh, dear. Where are you going? [DOCTOR] Well, we haven't quiet decided yet. [JAMIE] Aye, even if we had it wouldn't make any difference. We wouldn'tget there. Not with him. [ROBSON] If you're ever around here again, do drop in. And in the frontgate this time, just to avoid any unfortunate incidents. [DOCTOR] Yes, I will. [HARRIS] Good night, Mister Robson. [ROBSON] Good night. Bye, Mrs Harris. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Mister Robson. Well, I suppose I think it's time wewent. Jamie. Victoria. [JAMIE] Hey, Victoria. Wakey, wakey. What's the matter? [DOCTOR] You don't want to come with us, do you, Victoria. [VICTORIA] I don't know. I don't really want to leave you. [DOCTOR] Well, I suspected as much. [VICTORIA] Would you mind? [JAMIE] Victoria, you can't [DOCTOR] Just a minute, Jamie. You mean you want to stay here and settledown. Well, if you want to, you must. [VICTORIA] I'm sorry. [DOCTOR] No, that's all right. Mrs Harris, I wonder if you'd mind ifVictoria stayed with you for a little while. You see, she's got noparents or home and it is a bit difficult [MAGGIE] Well, of course. We'd be delighted to have you for as long asyou want to stay. [VICTORIA] Oh, would you? [MAGGIE] Yes. [DOCTOR] There, thank you very much. Jamie and I will stay for anotherday, just in case you want to think again. [JAMIE] Look, we'll talk it over later. [DOCTOR] Now, Jamie. She must make up her own mind. It's her own life.It's her decision. [JAMIE] Aye. --------------------------------------- (Control hall) [PRICE] Thank you, Rig D. Normal function on allchannels. Control checks positive. Closing down now. All communicationsremain on standby. [ROBSON] All right, Price? [PRICE] Oh yes, thank you, sir. Back to normal. [ROBSON] Relief? [PRICE] Crews on their way, sir. [ROBSON] Bet you could do with a bit of shut-eye. [PRICE] Oh, I don't know. I think I'm a bit past it. [ROBSON] Go out like a light, eh? [PRICE] Probably. [ROBSON] Chief still here? [PRICE] Yes, in the impeller room, sir. [ROBSON] Goodnight, Price. [PRICE] Goodnight, sir. --------------------------------------- (Impeller room) [ROBSON] Hello, Chief. [CHIEF] Mister Robson. [ROBSON] Sound as a bell, eh? [CHIEF] Almost, sir. [ROBSON] Almost? [CHIEF] Still half a point off capacity. [ROBSON] Is it? [CHIEF] The main control valve was slightly damaged. They're working onit now. Be up to our normal output in the morning. There's still one ortwo minor repairs to be done. [ROBSON] Not tonight, Chief. [CHIEF] Well, why not? [ROBSON] Get some sleep. Don't argue. Leave it to the relief. [CHIEF] All right. [ROBSON] Where do you lot think you're going? There's another threeminutes before your relief arrives. [CHIEF] Nice to know you're back to normal, sir. [ROBSON] If I didn't know you better, Chief, I would swear you weregiving me lip. [CHIEF] Oh, I wouldn't dream of doing that, sir. [ROBSON] Wouldn't you? Goodnight, Chief. [CHIEF] Goodnight, sir. --------------------------------------- (Harrises' quarters) [JAMIE] Are you not tired? [VICTORIA] No. No, I'm fine. I'm not tired at all. [JAMIE] Do you know what the Doctor's just gone and done? [VICTORIA] No. [JAMIE] He's only gone down the beach for a swim. He gets worse. You'restill not sure, are you? [VICTORIA] Yes. But it doesn't make it any easier leaving you and theDoctor. [JAMIE] Aye, we've been together a long time now. Has the Doctor saidanything to you? [VICTORIA] No. No, you know what he's like, he wouldn't. He believes inpeople making up their own minds. [JAMIE] Oh, Victoria. Do you think you'll be happy here? [VICTORIA] Oh, I think so. The Harrises are very nice people. [JAMIE] Yes, I know that, but they're not from your time, are they? [VICTORIA] I wouldn't be at ease back in Victorian times. I had noparents or family left there anyway. [JAMIE] Aye, that's true. Oh, well. [VICTORIA] Jamie. [JAMIE] Yes? [VICTORIA] You wouldn't go without saying goodbye, would you? [JAMIE] Of course not. That won't be till the morning anyway. Goodnight,Victoria. [VICTORIA] Goodnight, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Beach) (Tardis) [JAMIE] We can't just leave her. [DOCTOR] We are not leaving her, Jamie. It was her decision to stay.She'll be quite all right with the Harrises. Now don't worry so much,Jamie. [JAMIE] I'm not, I'm just. Och, come on, let's go. [DOCTOR] Well, where would you like to go? [JAMIE] I couldn't care less. [DOCTOR] I was fond of her too, you know, Jamie.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e06", "title": "Fury From The Deep"}
Doctor Who (27 Apr, 1968; Second Doctor) - The Wheel In Space (Tardis) [JAMIE] We can't just leave her. [DOCTOR] We're not leaving her, Jamie. It was her decision to stay.She'll be perfectly all right with the Harrises. Now don't worry somuch. [JAMIE] I'm not, I'm just. Och, come on, let's go. [DOCTOR] Well, where would you like to go? [JAMIE] I couldn't care less. [DOCTOR] I was fond of her too, you know, Jamie. [DOCTOR] Jamie, we're landing. Jamie! [JAMIE] Huh? [DOCTOR] We're landing! [JAMIE] Oh. [DOCTOR] Let's have a look at the scanner, shall we? [JAMIE] I thought you said we'd landed? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, we are, but I seem to have lost the picture. Let's trya little bit more power, shall we? [JAMIE] Are you sure you're pushing the right one? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I am. Look at the fault indicator, will you?It's round there on the left. [JAMIE] No, it's all right here. [DOCTOR] No movement at all? [JAMIE] No. [DOCTOR] Well, that's funny. The air's all right, the temperature'sperfectly normal. There seems to be rather a lot of metal all around us [JAMIE] What? Oh, you know I can't hear you when you talk to yourself. [DOCTOR] There we are, it's coming up now. [JAMIE] Hey, now that looks all right! Boy! Look at it. Hey, what'sthat? [JAMIE] The size of it. [DOCTOR] Well, that's funny, it's changed to night now. [JAMIE] It's a wee bit quick, isn't it? Look, it's changed again. What'sgoing on? [DOCTOR] Oh dear. Those pictures aren't what's happening outside, I'mcertain of that. [JAMIE] Why do they keep appearing then? [DOCTOR] They're temptations. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] The Tardis is trying to warn us to get away from here tosomewhere more pleasant. I must have pushed the wrong switch. [JAMIE] The red light's stopped flashing. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] Something must be wrong. [DOCTOR] What? Well the power's overloading. The power lines areoverloading!(There's a flash.) [DOCTOR] The fluid link's gone! [JAMIE] Doctor, look under here. [DOCTOR] The mercury's vapourising! We've got to get out of here, comeon. [JAMIE] But how? [DOCTOR] Hold on to me. [JAMIE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Just hold on! --------------------------------------- (Rocket motor section) [JAMIE] Doctor, what's happened to the Tardis? [DOCTOR] I disengaged the time vector generator. [JAMIE] The what? [DOCTOR] Well once removed, it alters the size of the Tardis. The insidebecomes an ordinary telephone box again. Come along, come and sit overhere. [DOCTOR] If I hadn't have done, the mercury vapour would have killed us. [JAMIE] Where are we? [DOCTOR] It looks like the motor section of some sort of rocket. [JAMIE] A rocket? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. There's an artificial gravity system, too. [JAMIE] What does that do? [DOCTOR] Well, it's what keeps us on our feet, otherwise we'd befloating around. [JAMIE] Oh. There's no water around, is there? [DOCTOR] Water, no. Not in here, Jamie. There's no movement either, isthere. [JAMIE] We're on the ground, then. [DOCTOR] Yes, I expect so. Ouch! [JAMIE] What's the matter? Well, don't keep me in suspense, what'shappened? [DOCTOR] Have a lemon sherbet. It'll quench your thirst. [JAMIE] Doctor, the warning mechanism obviously thought there wassomething wrong out here, but what? I mean, everything's so, well,dead, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Jamie. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Look. It's a track. [DOCTOR] Why, that's oil. It must be some sort of machine. It's recent,too. [JAMIE] Well, I wonder what that would(Jamie presses a button and the door opens.) [JAMIE] I just. Oh. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JAMIE] Shall we open the door? [DOCTOR] No. No, there may be something on the other side. Here. [DOCTOR] Here we are. [JAMIE] Looks safe enough. [DOCTOR] Yes. What caused the defence mechanism of the Tardis toregister danger then? And where's the crew? And what's this track?There's plenty of air in there. Let's try and get in. [JAMIE] Oh. I'll look up here then. [JAMIE] Stores in that one. [DOCTOR] It's living quarters here. --------------------------------------- (Rocket living quarters) [JAMIE] Ah. Water! [JAMIE] I'd have thought a rocket this size would have carried more thantwo people. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, it does. It carries four. Two on duty and tworesting. [JAMIE] Oh, the Tardis must have gone mad, then. I mean, there's nothingon board here, so there's no danger. [DOCTOR] Isn't there? [DOCTOR] We're just drifting, Jamie. Drifting aimlessly in space.Perhaps that's what the Tardis was trying to warn us about. [JAMIE] What's it matter? [DOCTOR] Matter? We're just a piece of space flotsam, don't you realisethat? [JAMIE] Well all right, stick your rod dimen [DOCTOR] Time vector generator. [JAMIE] Aye, stick it back in, and we'll float off somewhere else. [DOCTOR] No, it's not as simple as that, Jamie. The fluid, hmm? We needmercury to refill it, don't we. [JAMIE] Well there must be some on board here, surely? [DOCTOR] Yes, I hope so. [JAMIE] Well there's got to be. [DOCTOR] What's happened to the crew? They haven't just gone out for alittle constitutional, you know. [JAMIE] Well, we won't find that out till we look inside that controlroom, will we? --------------------------------------- (Rocket motor section) [DOCTOR] Well, I've searched my side. There's not a drop of mercuryanywhere. [JAMIE] Me, too. No, the only place we haven't searched is that controlroom. [DOCTOR] Well, we'll have a breather, and then we'll try in there. [JAMIE] And perhaps we'll find some food in that machine as well. [DOCTOR] I can give you another lemon drop. [JAMIE] Something a bit more substantial, please. [DOCTOR] What do you fancy? [JAMIE] Well right now I'd like a nice plate of roast beef with all thetrimmings. [DOCTOR] I'll see what I can do. [JAMIE] Eh? Ah now Doctor, where are you going to find a plate of roastbeef on this place? --------------------------------------- (Rocket living quarters) [JAMIE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Roast beef, you said? [JAMIE] Well, yes. [DOCTOR] What vegetables? [JAMIE] Potatoes [DOCTOR] Potatoes. [JAMIE] And cabbage. [DOCTOR] And cabbage. What about a drop of fruit salad? [JAMIE] Fruit salad, yes. [DOCTOR] And I'll have some pork, potatoes and carrots. And, I'll have adrop of ice-cream. [DOCTOR] There we are. what about the gravy? [JAMIE] I don't think so. [DOCTOR] Gravy. [JAMIE] Am I supposed to eat this? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. It'll be delicious. [JAMIE] I've heard of a square meal, but this is ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Sit down and eat up. [JAMIE] Doctor, what do you think Victoria's doing now? [DOCTOR] Now? Time is relative, Jamie. If I knew when 'now' was, I mightbe able to hazard a guess. [JAMIE] You know what I mean. [DOCTOR] Well, she's decided to stay in a good historical period. Veryfew wars, great prosperity. She'll be happy enough. This is veryfilling, isn't it? [JAMIE] Aye. Well, what do we do now? [DOCTOR] Well, when we've digested our dinner we'll have another try toget into the control room. [JAMIE] Oh well, while you do that, I'm going to have a wee lie down. [JAMIE] Tell me, though. What do you think happened to the crew? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jamie. I wish I did. I suppose they've beenovertaken by some disaster or other. Perhaps we'll find out when we getinto the control room.(The control room door opens and the little robot comes out and goes tothe open door of the motor section. It is quite slow, and is constantlytaking readings of its surroundings. The Doctor is using his pockettelescope to look out of the porthole.) [DOCTOR] Well, at least we don't seem to be in any immediate danger,Jamie. But I would like to know --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JAMIE] Doctor, what's happening? [DOCTOR] I hit my head. Oh! [JAMIE] We're moving. The rocket's moving. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. There's someone in the control room. [JAMIE] Let's have a look. [DOCTOR] No, no, Jamie. We've got to get back to the Tardis. It's theonly safe place. [JAMIE] Doctor, the mercury stuff. [DOCTOR] Never mind that. [JAMIE] It won't open. Doctor, someone's sealed the door. --------------------------------------- (Rocket living quarters) [DOCTOR] Lock it, Jamie. Lock it. [JAMIE] Easy. Doctor, are you all right? Doctor? [(In the control room, the robot disconnects from the computer and goesto the pod by the airlock. They exchange electronic signals then thepod opens to reveal a row of small white spheres. The inner and outerairlock doors open and the room depressurises. The countdown hasreached Zero. The spheres float out through the airlock into space. Theairlock closes and the robot repressurises the control room, then goesto a large monitor screen which now shows a large space station. Itstop section is flattened, like a large wheel, with a complicatedlattice of rocket motors and antennae below. The robot reconnects tothe computer and the rocket stops.)JAMIE] Doctor, there's a great big silver thing out here. [DOCTOR] Into the Tardis. I've got to get him to safety. [JAMIE] Doctor, you must see this. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JAMIE] Back to the cabin, quick! --------------------------------------- (Rocket living quarters) [JAMIE] Easy. Easy now. [DOCTOR] Jamie, take this. It's a gun. Like a torch. You have to becareful. [JAMIE] Oh. We're all right for the time being. But listen, you. Mo moregallivanting about till I say so, all right? Doctor? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] (Australian) Hold. Get a fix on that. [CORWYN] It's not moving now. [LERNOV] Crossover zero. [RYAN] Triangulate it, Rico. How's it now. Tanya? [CORWYN] The same. [LERNOV] Just a slight drift. [RYAN] No, no the movement isn't real, it's just an illusion caused byslight polar precession. [BENNETT] How's our mystery rocket? [CORWYN] Suddenly lifeless. [RYAN] Doesn't make sense, sir. It must have been driven by something. [CORWYN] No radio contact. [BENNETT] I'm not surprised. I've just checked out its description onthe register. It's a Phoenix Mark Four named Silver Carrier. [RYAN] Tanya? [LERNOV] The register's even. No crossover reading now. [RYAN] No, it's definitely stopped moving. [CORWYN] Silver Carrier? [BENNETT] Supply ship for Station Five. Reported overdue nine weeks ago.It's only about eighty or ninety million miles off course. [RYAN] Try radio contact again, Rico. [CASALI] Okay. [CASALI] Station Three to Silver Carrier. Station Three to SilverCarrier. Call sign LX88J. Repeat, LX88J. Come in, please. Nothing. [CORWYN] It couldn't have drifted all that way, Jarvis. [BENNETT] No, it couldn't. [LERNOV] Try the emergency again, Leo? [RYAN] Station Three to Silver Carrier. Pull switch with red band tooperate emergency transmitter. [CORWYN] You think their radio's gone? [LERNOV] In case. [BENNETT] Good procedure. I'm afraid we're wasting our time, but wasteit we must. [RYAN] Any reaction, Tanya? [LERNOV] No, nothing. No movement at all. [CORWYN] How does Silver Carrier turn up in this part of the cosmos? [BENNETT] Something happens to the crew. One of them puts on theautomatic. The rocket's travelled so far now, the power feedback toautomatic is probably failing. [RYAN] Yes, that's possible. [BENNETT] It could start up and start moving again at any minute. [CORWYN] And the crew? [BENNETT] A dozen and one things. [RYAN] Well, we've tried everything, sir. We can't raise a sound. [BENNETT] Trouble is, if I'm right about that automatic, and I think Iam, that rocket could suddenly accelerate and whip straight towards us.There can't be any life on board there, can there?) [LERNOV] I'm getting something. Like small meteorites hitting our outerrim. [LERNOV] There's another drop in air pressure. [CORWYN] It can't be meteorites, we'd have had some warning. [LERNOV] Well, something. Look. Jumping all over the place. [BENNETT] It's obvious. We must take it some minor objects have escapedfrom the Silver Carrier. Objects of small mass and high density. [CORWYN] Then these objects would be clinging close to the rocket,Jarvis, not descending on us. [BENNETT] It doesn't matter, Gemma, it really doesn't. Don't startlooking for mysteries. Now I can't risk that rocket homing on thisstation. [CORWYN] What are you going to do? [BENNETT] In a few moments, you're going to experience a sight rarelyseen by human beings. Leo, is that projector on standby? [RYAN] Yes, sir. Moving into position now. [CORWYN] Jarvis, what are you going to do? [BENNETT] Turn the X-ray laser on the Silver Carrier. In a few momentsyou're going to witness the complete destruction of a rocket in space. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CASALI] On Red band emergency frequency, come in,please. Come in, please. Station Three to Silver Carrier, Station Threeto Silver Carrier. On Red band emergency frequency, come in please. [BENNETT] All ready, Leo? [RYAN] Yes, sir. It's locked on now. [BENNETT] That's it. Don't get much fun, do we? Better make the most ofit. [RYAN] Make a change from blasting meteorites, wouldn't it? [CORWYN] Jarvis? [BENNETT] Hold it a minute. Tanya, can we take a visual recording of it? [LERNOV] Yes sir, can do. [RYAN] Still no movement or radio ,signals sir. [BENNETT] Put up the anti-magnetic shield, Leo, when I give the word. [RYAN] Right. [CASALI] Still going to plan, sir. [BENNETT] Good, I'll do an announcement about reverberations. [CORWYN] Before you do that, Jarvis, can I have a word? It's important. [CASALI] More bogeys. [RYAN] All systems on green. Stand by. [ALL] Green. Stand by. [LERNOV] I don't know what you grinning about. [RYAN] Neither do I. [LERNOV] It isn't funny, Leo. The Controller's like a kid with a newtoy. [RYAN] Oh, don't tell me you're going to be a old stick in the mud, too? [LERNOV] If you are referring to Doctor Corwyn, she is known. She is nostick in the mud. She's perfectly right to be cautious. [RYAN] Come on, Tanya. It's off course about eighty million miles. Imean, there can't possibly be anyone alive on the thing. --------------------------------------- (Corwyn's office) [CORWYN] Yes, I know all that, Jarvis, but we stillcan't be absolutely certain. [BENNETT] Gemma, one thing that I beg of you. Don't subject me topsychoanalysis. You think I'm having a whale of a time, don't you? Allkids again. Bang, bang, blow up the balloon. You're wrong, you know. [CORWYN] Am I? [BENNETT] Say what you like, the Silver Carrier is a menace to theWheel. Now surely you can see that? [CORWYN] If you equate menace with automatic power drive, I don't. [BENNETT] What else? [CORWYN] You want me to believe some emergency happened on the SilverCarrier. The pilot switched to automatic and then tragedy. [BENNETT] Right. [CORWYN] And all the crew died? [BENNETT] Right again. [CORWYN] Where was the Carrier bound for, Jarvis? [BENNETT] Servicing Station Five. I told you. [CORWYN] Then isn't it be reasonable to assume that the automatic wouldhave taken it to Station Five? [BENNETT] Yes, that's good reasoning. But you're forgetting theemergency. That could have damaged the control sensors. In fact, itmust have done, which is why the rocket is so far off course. [CORWYN] Assumption again, guesswork. It would be so easy to check. [BENNETT] We can't risk that rocket turning in on us. Don't you see?It'd blast a hole right through us! --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] What the matter? [RUDKIN] Noise! Fantastic noise through my headphones. [LERNOV] Leo! The approach indicators are all at red! [RYAN] What's causing it? Green system's gone crazy. Tanya, get DoctorCorwyn. Check emergency system yellow. [CASALI] Emergency yellow, negative. [WOMAN] Transfer internal communications to my cell. [RYAN] Bill! [DUGGAN] Yo! [RYAN] Will you lie him down there? [CASALI] Hey, hey, hey, you don't want to do that again. [RYAN] Hey, listen! --------------------------------------- (Corwyn's office) [BENNETT] Don't argue with me, Gemma. The decisionis mine! This station and the people on it are my responsibility. [LERNOV] Rudkin's hurt! [CORWYN] What happened? [LERNOV] Colossal static pulses swamping the detectors. [BENNETT] It's the rocket. I knew it was a menace.(Jamie uses the cap of the TVG to create a pulsed signal.) --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [BENNETT] All right, Tanya, get back to the complex. See if you can pinthis static down. [BENNETT] Vallance, Casali, here. Well? [CORWYN] It's bad. [BENNETT] Can we move him? [CORWYN] Yes. [BENNETT] Right. You two, take him to the Medical Bay. [CORWYN] Gently with him, now. [BENNETT] Your attention. That rocket has given us enough trouble. Bill,knock it out. [DUGGAN] Right, sir. [LERNOV] Controller! [BENNETT] Yes, what is it? [LERNOV] The static. There's a signal on it. [BENNETT] There can't be. [RYAN] You're right, Tanya. Get me a fix on that. [LERNOV] If I can. It's not any code that I've ever heard before butthere's definitely a repetitive order to it. [RYAN] It's no good using radio or radar. We will have to usemillimicron waves. [BENNETT] You think it's coming from the rocket? [RYAN] Just want to make sure that it's not coming from anywhere else. [LERNOV] The rocket. It is! [BENNETT] You're sure? [LERNOV] Certain. I was fixed on it anyway. There's no doubt. [BENNETT] Then somebody is on board. Phil! [PHIL] Sir. [BENNETT] I want two men to cross over. Organise it, will you? [PHIL] Right sir. [BENNETT] Eighty million miles off course. If they're alive on boardthat craft, they must be in a pretty bad way. --------------------------------------- (Silver Carrier) [JAMIE] Quick, I've somebody injured in here. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [LALEHAM] Voyager five, call sign K-1 2 10-Q. Confirm please, Station 3. [VOICE [OC]] Receiving you, Station 3. Hello, hello? [LALEHAM] Light to medium meteorite storm across your planned routebetween thirteen hundred fourteen hundred hours. Coordinates [VOICE [OC]] Yes, thank you for the information, Station 3. [LALEHAM] We have computed an alternative route for you, Voyager Five.Stand by for instructions. [VOICE [OC]] Computer standing by now. [RYAN] How are the guests? [LERNOV] Doctor Corwyn's examining the older one now. They're bothslightly in shock anyway. [RYAN] What's the story? [LERNOV] I don't know. Quite a mystery, isn't it. [RYAN] Jarvis won't like that. What that on green system three, Chang? [CHANG] (Oriental) Very odd, sir. Been getting one or two funny signshere and there all the time. Soon as you check them out they vanish. [RYAN] Put them in the log, okay? [CHANG] Yes, sir. It as if a number of magnets were touching the outerskin of the wheel and then letting go. Localised field effects, that'sall. [MAN] All detector fields are checked out, sir. Can't be anythingserious. [RYAN] Well, keep a log and let me know. [MAN] Right, sir. [RYAN] More mysteries. [LERNOV] I know. [RYAN] Something else worrying you, Tanya? [LERNOV] What about those sudden drops in air pressure levels? They weresmall enough and soon adjust themselves but I didn't like it. [RYAN] How small? [LERNOV] Only a few millimetres. One degree, sometimes one and a half. [RYAN] Hmm. Some fault in the air supply unit, or the pumps. [LERNOV] In so many different parts of the Wheel? [RYAN] Did you tell Jarvis? [LERNOV] Of course. He bit my head off. [RYAN] And have you told Gemma Corwyn yet? [LERNOV] No, she was busy with the new arrivals. I didn't like todisturb her. [RYAN] Well, if I were you Tanya, I start a check on the whole airsupply unit. [LERNOV] That's what I thought. Leo? [RYAN] Hmm? [LERNOV] None of these things. Your system showing temporary faults, theair pressure levels. Well, they all started with the rocket, didn'tthey? [RYAN] What, you think there are little green men on board, do you? [LERNOV] Well, the two they bought back wasn't exactly normal, werethey? [RYAN] Well, I tell you what, hey? If you get scared, I'll let you holdmy hand. Okay? [LERNOV] I'm serious. [RYAN] So am I. --------------------------------------- (Medical rest room) [CORWYN] Breathe in again. Out. In again please. Out. Now, I want you totake a deep breath and exhale as slowly as you can. Good. You can dressnow. [JAMIE] How about the Doctor? [CORWYN] Concussion, certainly. I am waiting for the X-Rays to see ifthere's any fracture. What were you both up to? [JAMIE] Hey? [CORWYN] Fancy dress or something? Your clothes. [JAMIE] Look, have you ever thought what you look like walking down thestreet in those things. People would think you were a wee bit strangeas well. [CORWYN] I dare say. But I don't understand the analogy. We're both inspace. It's you and your friend who aren't conforming to custom. [JAMIE] How about the medical? Do I pass? [CORWYN] You'll do. If it's any comfort to you, you are in fine physicalshape. Can you give me your full name please?JAMIE [CORWYN] Thank you. And your friend? [JAMIE] Er, the Doctor. [CORWYN] I can't put that down. [JAMIE] Er. John Smith. [CORWYN] Really? [JAMIE] Aye. [CORWYN] Doctor John Smith. [JAMIE] They must be a lot of them about. [CORWYN] I dare say. You were passengers aboard the Silver Carrier, wereyou? [JAMIE] Er, do you think that I could have a drink of water, please? [CORWYN] What happened to the crew? [JAMIE] I don't know. [CORWYN] Could you go further than that? [JAMIE] Well, I was ill in the cabin, you see. A terrible fever. Ravingfor days. Well, when I came to, the door was closed against us, theDoctor was hurt and your people came. [CORWYN] All the communicating doors were closed against you? [JAMIE] Aye. [CORWYN] And your friend didn't tell you what happened? [JAMIE] No. [CORWYN] All right, Jamie, that'll do for the present. The Controllerwill want to have a chat with you. We'll have to get you home somehow. [JAMIE] Aye, that'll be the day. Oh, of course. [CORWYN] There should be another ship passing through in a week or two. [JAMIE] Oh, can I go now? [CORWYN] You didn't drink your water. [JAMIE] No, well, that's all right. [CORWYN] Wait a moment. [JAMIE] What? [CORWYN] Would you like to see over the Wheel? I could arrange it foryou, if you like. [JAMIE] Oh, yes. I mean, there's nothing else to do. [CORWYN] Well, if you go along the corridor you'll see a door markedParapsychology library. [JAMIE] Para what? [CORWYN] It's on the other side of the Wheel complex, about eightsections on. I'll tell Zoe to show you round. [JAMIE] Zoe? [CORWYN] She's our. Well, the best way to describe her would be to callher our librarian. [JAMIE] Zoe, you say? [CORWYN] That's right. [JAMIE] Oh, you will tell me what happens to the Doctor. [CORWYN] Yes, of course. [JAMIE] Thank you. [CORWYN] Parapsychology library, Doctor Corwyn calling. [ZOE [on monitor]] Parapsychology library. What reference do yourequire, Doctor Corwyn? [CORWYN] No reference, thank you, Zoe. I need your help in another way. [ZOE [on monitor]] Oh? [CORWYN] One of the people retrieved from the rogue spaceship is comingto your section. I'd like you to show him over the Wheel and observehim. [ZOE [on monitor]] Observe him? [CORWYN] Discreetly, of course. [ZOE [on monitor]] Do you want these observations recorded? [CORWYN] Yes, please. [ZOE [on monitor]] Hmm, should be interesting. Any facts known? [CORWYN] Yes. He is a nice lad. His name's Ja [ZOE [on monitor]] Just a minute. Sorry, I was halfway through a RNAanalysis when you came on. Right. --------------------------------------- (Parapsychology library) [ZOE] With the exception of the Hercules cluster. Confirmation of theinformation received that one of the stars in the Messier 13 group isentering a nova phase. This will be a repetition of the phenomenonobserved in the Perseus cluster last week. Information of the gammaradiation level is available. [ZOE] Sorry. You must be (laughs) [JAMIE] What are you laughing at? [ZOE] Your clothes. You're wearing female garments. [JAMIE] Female? Look, I'll have you know this is a kilt. Have you notseen it before? [ZOE] Kilt? Kilt. A barbaric form of garment as worn by a kiltie! Areyou of Scandinavian origin? Danish? [JAMIE] No, I am not. I am a true bred Scot and I'll just thank you to [ZOE] Oh, a Scot. Scotland, of course. Pre-century history isn't myfield, you see. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe not, but just you watch your lip or I'll put youacross my knee and larrup you. [ZOE] Oh, this is going to be fun. I shall learn a lot from you. Comeon, James Robert McCrimmon. Do you know anything about interstellarflora? [JAMIE] Eh? --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DUGGAN] And this is my little kingdom. Hey, how do you like theGreenhouse? [JAMIE] Do you collect these? [DUGGAN] No, they're floating seeds. The only place they flourish isdown here in the power room. Of course, the old man kicked up a maddust storm at first, but Doc Corwyn said it was good psychology orsomething. Anyway, I just like flowers. Hey, that one comes all the wayfrom Venus. Can you imagine that? All those millions of miles away. [ZOE] 24,564,000 miles at perihelion and 161,350,000 miles at aphelion. [JAMIE] Oh, I was dying to know that. [DUGGAN] And this is the capacitator bank for the x-ray lasers. [JAMIE] The what? [DUGGAN] Oh, it controls the laser gun. Without it the gun's useless. [JAMIE] What do you need a gun for up in space anyway? [DUGGAN] Self-defence. We can blot out any attacker up to ten thousandmiles in any one direction. Good eh? [JAMIE] Reassuring. [DUGGAN] Yeah, and they're the anti-magnetic field generators. They canvend off even a medium-sized meteorite up to fifty miles. [JAMIE] You know, Bill, the Doctor'll love all this. [ZOE] This Doctor friend of yours. Is he a scientist? [JAMIE] He is in a way, I suppose, yes. [ZOE] What's his specialty? [JAMIE] He's what? [ZOE] Well, is he a physicist, biochemist, astronomer, biometrician [JAMIE] Yes, he is. [DUGGAN] Well, he certainly sounds a interesting character, this Doctorfriend of yours. When is he going to be up and about? --------------------------------------- (Corwyn's office) [CORWYN] If he is just suffering from concussion,not too long. [BENNETT] Oh, it doesn't tell me much. I want facts. [CORWYN] I don't blame you. [BENNETT] We're landed with a couple of strays. Panic, mysteries fromthe crew. The routine's getting shoddy and I don't like it. [CORWYN] What panics? [BENNETT] Oh, nothing, nothing. I'll tell you if it gets serious. Peopleare just edgy. Out in space, human beings have got to rely on routines,ordinariness. Confuse them and you got trouble. [CORWYN] Yes. [BENNETT] I'm used to emergencies. Trained in them. But these things? Idon't know [CORWYN] What you call mysteries? [BENNETT] Exactly, exactly. I don't want to know, Gemma. I don't want toknow. Well, you see. [CORWYN] You'd better hear my preliminary report on the boy. [BENNETT] Yes, go ahead. [CORWYN] He's lying. Not completely and apparently reluctantly. He'svery fit both mentally and physically, nice constructive personality.His blood pressure suggests he's not been in space very long. [BENNETT] Lies about what? [CORWYN] He said he had fever aboard the Silver Carrier. He hadn't. Hisgamma globulins are normal. [BENNETT] Oh? Why should he lie about that? [CORWYN] I asked him what happened to the crew. Fever was his excuse fornot knowing. And then again he lied. At least, I almost sure he liedabout his friend's name. John Smith, he called him. [BENNETT] Well, they do exist, you know. [CORWYN] Yes, he was looking at that for long enough. Coincidencepossibly. Somehow I doubt it. And then, what's the most precious thingin deep space, Jarvis? [BENNETT] Air, water, take your pick. [CORWYN] Exactly. In space training even for one journey travellers. Heasked me for a drink of water and then he left it. He might have beenon Earth. That boy's has no space travel training, Jarvis. He'sprobably a stowaway, or he may be an agent. [BENNETT] Sabotage? [CORWYN] Plenty of people on Earth think we should suspend the spaceprogramme. Some of them have forced their opinions already. [BENNETT] Do you think these two could have stowed away somehow, evendisposed of the crew of the Silver Carrier, pretended to drift herehelplessly, we take them in and they start breaking things up? [CORWYN] I don't go that far. [BENNETT] Well of course, it's fits! Everything fits! [CORWYN] I only suggested it as a possibility, Jarvis. There are others. [BENNETT] We'll talk about those later. This could be serious. [CORWYN] Jarvis, wait. I --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [ZOE] And this is the Operations and Communicationsroom. [JAMIE] What does this Wheel thing do up here anyway? [ZOE] Well, it has varied functions, but mainly it's a radio-visualrelay for Earth, a half-way house for deep space ships, a spaceresearch station, stellar early warning station for all types of spacephenomena and [JAMIE] Aye, well, ask a silly question. [ZOE] Not there. That's the Controller's chair. [RYAN] Hey, you're in for quite a treat. [JAMIE] I am? [DUGGAN] The old man's going ahead then? [RYAN] Too right he is. [LERNOV] I thought Gemma talked him out of it. [RYAN] No, only because she thought there might still be somebody onboard. Just as well for you. [JAMIE] I'm sorry, I lost you in the first part. [ZOE] The Controller, Jarvis Bennett, wanted to destroy the rocket. [LERNOV] And then we got your message. [RYAN] Only minutes in it too. The laser was all primed and ready toblast. [LERNOV] Has Jarvis given the go-ahead? [RYAN] Yes, I've run a new co-ordinate fix. Everything's programmed andready. All we need now is the final signal. [JAMIE] Oh, you're not going to blow up the rocket, then? [RYAN] Well, it might hit us, so to be on the safe side we blast it outof existence. [LERNOV] Jarvis asked me to make a visual recording of it. I'd betterre-position. Zoe, help me do a quick mental calculation, would you?You're quicker than me. [RYAN] It'll be great to see this at leisure. It should be quite anexplosion. [LERNOV] Right, Zoe? Lineal reading is 198.42 metres at 23 degreeslatitude. 190.03 metres. 24 degree latitude. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [BENNETT] But he was definitely here? [ZOE] Yes, he just vanished. [BENNETT] Bill, any ideas? [DUGGAN] No, sir. He was here with us. We were showing him around. [BENNETT] Where? [DUGGAN] Well, the power house [BENNETT] The power house. [DUGGAN] Yes, sir. [BENNETT] Look, Bill, not a word to the others. Just follow me in amoment or two. Zoe, not a word. [ZOE] Right, sir. [RYAN] Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on. [LERNOV] Problems? [RYAN] I don't know. [DUGGAN] It's all in the mind, dear, it's all in the mind. I'll see you. [LERNOV] What was the Controller talking to Bill Duggan about, Zoe? [ZOE] Nothing important. At least I don't think so. I don't know. Doesit matter?(Zoe leaves.) [RYAN] Hey, what's all the whispering about? [LERNOV] I wish I knew. Leo, did I ever tell you about my nose? [RYAN] Your nose? [LERNOV] Yes. It's like a barometer. It never lets me down. [RYAN] Oh. [LERNOV] I smell trouble. [RYAN] Can you pin point it? [LERNOV] Hmm. It's something to do with that rocket out there. There'ssomething sinister about it. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) (Wheel Operations room) [LERNOV] My nose never lets me down. [RYAN] Well, don't overwork it, eh? I mean, it's rather pretty. Too muchexercise might damage its shape. [LERNOV] If something happens, don't say I didn't warn you. That'srocket dangerous. [RYAN] Nah, not for long. As soon as Jarvis gives the word, the laser'llblast it out of existence. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [BENNETT] Red-handed. [JAMIE] No, wait, let me explain [DUGGAN] What do you think you're doing, you fool! [BENNETT] Oh, he's no fool, are you. You're a saboteur! [JAMIE] No, I'm not! I'm [BENNETT] Shut up! [DUGGAN] It's no good. He's wrecked it. [BENNETT] Completely? [DUGGAN] Yeah. [BENNETT] Watch him. [JAMIE] All right. I won't give you any trouble. [DUGGAN] Too right, you won't! [BENNETT] Now hear this. This is the Controller. --------------------------------------- (Corwyn's office) [BENNETT [OC]] All men on Security duty to issue themselves withsidearms at once. Easy Yellow security plan to be put into effectimmediately. Two off-duty men, security --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [BENNETT [OC]] Section, report to the power room onthe double! [RYAN] Easy Yellow? Well now what's the sudden panic? [LERNOV] I told you Bill and the Controller were up to something. [RYAN] I'd better log out the blasters. Keep a eye on the Herculescluster, will you? Zoe thinks one of the stars in Messier 13 is aboutto enter the nova state. [LERNOV] That's all we need! A star blowing into a thousand pieces. Itold you my nose never lets me down. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [PLANNER [on monitor]] Report. [CYBERMAN 1] Phase one complete. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Cybermats are launched. [CYBERMAN 1] Phase two complete. [PLANNER [on monitor]] You are undetected on the rocket? [CYBERMAN 1] Phase three ready. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Report again after phase three. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VOICE [OC]] All sections, Easy Yellow alert. [CORWYN] You'd better check your theory, Zoe. [ZOE] Oh, I'm right. Hercules 208 in Messier 13 is definitely on theblink. I can tell you what the radiation affect will be on Earth, ifyou like. [CORWYN] Not now. [ZOE] I suppose you're going to see the fun, whatever it is. [CORWYN] Somehow, I don't think this is fun. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DUGGAN] Yeah, I see. [BENNETT] Well? [DUGGAN] Yeah. [BENNETT] Well? [DUGGAN] You've done a good job, boy. [BENNETT] What's the exact damage? [DUGGAN] Serious, sir. All of the primary relay contacts are fused shut.This whole unit'll have to be stripped down. [BENNETT] How long? [DUGGAN] Well, that depends on how much plastic he used and how far downit went. [BENNETT] How long? [DUGGAN] I honestly don't know, Chief. [BENNETT] Well surely you can give me some idea? Without the laserbeams, we're virtually helpless. [DUGGAN] All right, well, let's assume the worst, that the laser'sabsolutely finished. I mean, this charged storage part of it. Areplacement could take a week. [BENNETT] A week? [CORWYN] What's the trouble, Jarvis? [BENNETT] This young idiot has ruined the laser. Poured quick-sealplastic right into the relay lines of the booster mirrors! [CORWYN] Why? [BENNETT] Sabotage! [JAMIE] No. [BENNETT] What are you? One of these pull back to Earth maniacs? Whereare your friends, eh? Out there in deep space just waiting to come inand attack us when you put our laser out of action? [JAMIE] Och, you're talking rubbish! [DUGGAN] You can't deny anything, boy. We saw you. [JAMIE] I'm not denying it. [CORWYN] Is the laser really out of action, Jarvis? [BENNETT] Yes, it is. [CORWYN] Zoe's calculated a new star going nova. We haven't checked withradar yet but she's usually right. [BENNETT] How bad? [CORWYN] The radiation flux will swing the Perseus shower right in onus. With the laser we could at least knock some of them out. [DUGGAN] Hey, I'd better get started. [BENNETT] We must confirm Zoe's figures with the radar computers. Comeon, bring him. [DUGGAN] All hands to the power room. Immediate and urgent. All hands tothe power room. Oh, what a mess. [DUGGAN] Well, I'll be. Hey. Hey, hang on. Hang on, I'm not going tohurt you. Well, where did you spring from? You're metal. Hey, you're astrange little creature, aren't you? Some form of space bug? [DUGGAN] Well, Billy, we'd better hide you, Billy Bug, or they'll thinkthat I've gone bonkers. [DUGGAN] Ah. Lets get started right away, shall we? [BENNETT] Confirm Zoe's figures on radar computerstwo and five. You didn't let yourself know what you're letting yourselfin for, did you? Have you ever been in a sky station when a meteoritehits? [JAMIE] Look, I'm sorry. [CORWYN] Why did you do it? [JAMIE] Well, they said that you were going to blow up the rocket. [BENNETT] So? [CORWYN] Why not? [JAMIE] Well, I couldn't let you, that's all. [BENNETT] Why? Why? [JAMIE] Because the Doctor told me to protect it. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [DOCTOR] Well that's marvellous, isn't it? The Doctor told me to protectit. You don't give a reason, just leave me to get you out of trouble. [JAMIE] Well, I had to stop them destroying the rocket, didn't I? [DOCTOR] Oh, I suppose so. [JAMIE] Of course I did. I mean, what about the Tardis? A fine thing ifthey'd blown that to pieces. [DOCTOR] I was just beginning to enjoy this little rest. [JAMIE] Anyway, what are you going to tell them? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Jamie, what exactly did happen on the rocket?Well don't look at me like that. [JAMIE] You don't remember? [DOCTOR] It's a bit hazy. [JAMIE] Well, I found you lying in the corridor near that locked controlroom. Something had just shaken up the rocket and tumbled me out of bedand, well, whatever it was must have made you stumble as well. [DOCTOR] I suppose I hit my head. [JAMIE] You honestly can't remember? [DOCTOR] No, but it's there. It's there at the back of my mind. [JAMIE] Well, what about the machine then? The one that was going toattack you. Now surely you remember that? [DOCTOR] Machine? No. But there's something. Some warning, some menace. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Report progress. [CYBERMAN 1] All phases proceeding as planned. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Prepare phase four. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CASALI] Yes. Yes, it's all happening in theHercules cluster okay. [ZOE] I told you. The same thing happened in the Perseus cluster a weekago. [LERNOV] Except we had the laser then. We could deflect the meteorites. [CASALI] Picture. There it is. And beginning to emit hard gamma already. [RYAN] It's bigger than the Perseus one, Rico. [CASALI] It's four magnitudes up. Well, I see if I can get some furtherinformation for you. [RYAN] I'd better give the bad news to the Controller. [LERNOV] Leo, what we going to do if Bill can't repair the laser intime? [RYAN] Well, we've got the convolute force field. [ZOE] The neutron barriers won't help us. A star of this magnitude whenit goes nova, deflects meteorites with a mass of two hundred tons each. [LERNOV] Two hundred [ZOE] At least. [RYAN] Aren't you ever wrong? [ZOE] Rarely. [RYAN] No, it's all a problem in solid geometry to you, isn't it. Don'tyou care what happens here? [ZOE] Well, of course. I'm only telling you what's going to happen. [RYAN] Just like a robot. Fact, calculations. [LERNOV] Leo! [RYAN] Proper little brainchild. All brain and no heart! --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DUGGAN] Gently now, gently. Keep it upright. Good, good. Fine, getmaintenance started on that right away, will you? [DUGGAN] Hello Billy-bug. You should had stay where I [DUGGAN] Hey, did you do this?(He opens the cupboard and the Cybermat scurries away.) [DUGGAN] What have you done? [RUDKIN] What's the matter? [DUGGAN] What? Oh, nothing. How's it going? [RUDKIN] Okay now. Doctor Corwyn's taken me off communications. [DUGGAN] Good. Good. [RUDKIN] The Controller asked me to come and see how you were gettingalong. [DUGGAN] Ohm you can tell him we're making good time. Er, hey, come on,will you do something for me? [RUDKIN] Yes? [DUGGAN] Go into to Spares and ask them to check their Bernalium stock,will you? [RUDKIN] Right. [DUGGAN] Well, that's all right, anyway. I'll murder that little pest. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [CORWYN] You and your friend are healthy specimens, aren't you. [DOCTOR] Oh, we keep fit one way and another. I suppose all this meanI've got to get up. [CORWYN] No, I'm afraid not just yet. [DOCTOR] Oh good. [CORWYN] Does your head ache? [DOCTOR] Well, it did, but it's better now. [CORWYN] Any loss of memory? [DOCTOR] Well, just a little. [CORWYN] Does it make you anxious? [DOCTOR] I think you'll find my psyche in very good order. [CORWYN] Probably, but don't strain to remember. Concussion can bringabout temporary lapses in memory. There is quite a lot we don't knowabout the memory bank yet, you know. Good. I suppose the part that youcan't remember is why you told Jamie to protect the rocket. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I can, perfectly. We're not saboteurs, you know. [CORWYN] Probably not. [DOCTOR] The last thing we want to do is to interfere with what you'redoing here, or put you in any danger. You saved our lives on thatrocket and we're very grateful. [CORWYN] But you have interfered. We are in the path of a very seriousmeteorite storm, the second we've been threatened with in a week. Onlywe have no defence against this new one. [JAMIE] But I tell you, I didn't know about the meteorites. [CORWYN] I hope not. [JAMIE] I don't even know what they are. [ZOE] Is it all right? The guard said you are here. [DOCTOR] Guard? [CORWYN] We can't let you roam about wherever you want to. [JAMIE] Aye, we're under arrest. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [ZOE] How did you pilot the rocket, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't think we've met, have we? [CORWYN] Zoe, Doctor John Smith, isn't it? [JAMIE] John. (nudging the Doctor) John. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, yes. And what do you do here, Zoe? [ZOE] I'm an astrophysicist. Pure mathematics major. [CORWYN] With honours. [DOCTOR] Oh, I am impressed. [CORWYN] We use Zoe as our second opinion. [ZOE] You didn't answer my question. [DOCTOR] What question? [JAMIE] You know, I'm surprised you didn't know the answer. Now don'ttell me there's something you can't work out. [ZOE] How did you pilot the rocket ship? You see, I've calculated itsoriginal course. It was a service and supply station for number fivestation, overdue and presumed lost nine weeks ago. Well, the rocketcouldn't drift eighty seven million miles off course. [DOCTOR] So what's your theory? [ZOE] Well, there's a record of the last contract with the SilverCarrier rocket. It had seven million miles to touchdown and enough fuelfor twenty million. Well, it couldn't have drifted here off course inthe time involved. It must have been driven and piloted. [JAMIE] Oh, a right wee space detective. [ZOE] There's only one solution. That rocket was re-fuelled in space.Provided with at least with another twelve fuel rods. [DOCTOR] Well, it's an interesting theory. [ZOE] Oh, it isn't a theory. You can't disprove the facts. It's purelogic. [DOCTOR] Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong withauthority. Supposing there was a faulty automatic pilot. [ZOE] To drive a rocket eighty seven million miles on fuel for twentymillion? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a possibility. [ZOE] That rocket was driven here somehow. I know it was. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [PLANNER [on monitor]] We have ionised a star. Perseid meteorites willstrike the Wheel. [CYBERMAN 2] Phrase three is in operation. [PLANNER [on monitor]] The Cybermats will consume Bernalium. WithoutBernalium the Wheel cannot deflect the meteorites. [CYBERMAN 1] They will discover Bernalium on board this rocket-ship. [CYBERMAN 2] Phrase four is ready. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Remove telemeter control from Cybermats.(Transmission ends. Cyberman 1 zaps the clock face and the third handstarts whizzing around as theammeter needle maxes out, switches flick and lights blink. On theWheel, the Cybermat's eyes flash.) --------------------------------------- (Corwyn's office) [CORWYN] Let me get this right, Bill. You say theBernalium is [DUGGAN] Gemma, it's useless. All of it. [CORWYN] What about the reserve? [DUGGAN] Yeah. I had a check made of the stock but then I remembered I'mholding most of it over in the Power room. Well, you know how much werely on those Bernalium rods. I mean, they're the only ones that standup inside the X-ray laser. [CORWYN] I'm far more interested in these creatures of yours. [DUGGAN] Oh, there's only one of them. At least, that's all I've found. [CORWYN] Did anyone else see it? [DUGGAN] No. [CORWYN] Did you tell anybody else about it? [DUGGAN] Oh, you're joking. Look, they think I'm a nut anyway formessing about with space flora. How do you think they're going to reactif I tell them I found a space bug. [CORWYN] What's it like? [DUGGAN] Oh, it's smallish, about so big. Made of metal or some lighttensile material. [CORWYN] And you say that it eat metal? [DUGGAN] No, not exactly. It's sort of draws the life out of it, youknow. Corrodes it. You should see what it's done to the Bernaliumstock. [CORWYN] But how did this space bug get into the Wheel in the firstplace? [DUGGAN] You can search me, I just found it. It could have gone throughone of the loading bays or one of the airlocks. [CORWYN] Yes, I suppose that's possible. [DUGGAN] What's the matter? You think I am a nut too, do you? [CORWYN] No, but I want to see this creature for myself, Bill. [DUGGAN] All right. Come on, I'll introduce you to Billy Boy. --------------------------------------- (Power room) (Rest room) [FLANNIGAN] You can't come out. [JAMIE] What was that scream? [FLANNIGAN] I don't know. It sounded as if all the devils in hell washounding someone, but you still can't come out. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DUGGAN] Is he dead? [CORWYN] Yes. I'll tell the Controller. [CORWYN] What's that? --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [ZOE] The Controller's mounted an immediate enquiry. I'm much moreinterested in this. [DOCTOR] This was found by the body, was it? [ZOE] Yes. I had to get one of the men to take a floor plate up. Youjust can't cut through hyperoxide. It's polymer strength is higher thanchrome steel. [DOCTOR] The Gordian knot couldn't be untied, either. [ZOE] I don't know what that means. [JAMIE] Oh it means that there's er [DOCTOR] It means there's always a solution. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] And the Bernalium is a write-off, is it? [ZOE] Completely. We've got a few spares but not half enough. We'll haveto get more up from Earth. [DOCTOR] And the X-ray laser gun, the main armament of the Wheel, relieson Bernalium? [ZOE] Do you think there's a connection? [DOCTOR] It's a possibility, isn't it. Jamie, what do you think? [JAMIE] Me? Well, there can be a saboteur on board. Jarvis Bennett, dedid say something about a group of people. Earth For Earth, somethinglike that. [ZOE] Well, there are such people. They do want to stop the spaceprogramme. [JAMIE] Aye, well, just supposing they planted a saboteur on board,waiting for the right moment. Along drifts the rocket and we're abroad.The saboteur thinks this is the right moment and strikes. [DOCTOR] And murders? [JAMIE] Well, if he was caught messing about with the Bernalium stuff,he may had to kill. [DOCTOR] Well, it's an interesting theory. [JAMIE] But it fits. [DOCTOR] Hmm.. It doesn't fit this. [ZOE] Which we can't cut inside.JAMIE [DOCTOR] Well, we can find out. [ZOE] How? [DOCTOR] With the X-ray machine. [ZOE] Of course. Why didn't I think of that? [JAMIE] Aye, why didn't you? [ZOE] Well, all I had to go on was the fact that hyperoxide isunbreakable. I just didn't think of X-rays. [DOCTOR] Simple common sense works wonders sometimes, Zoe. [ZOE] Well, at least you didn't think of X-rays. That would have beenawful. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [BENNETT] You're under restriction. I'll have you back to Earth on thenext ship that puts in. I want a written report on the whole affair,and I want it in my hands tomorrow morning, first thing. That's all. [BENNETT] He's confined to quarters. Tanya, you'll have to take oversome of Leo's operations. [LERNOV] Very well. [BENNETT] Now, Leo, I want that laser working as soon as possible. Geton to it at once. [CASALI] Controller. [BENNETT] In a minute. Now, all of you. Let's get back to normal workingconditions. Gemma, I want a word with you in my quarters. All right? [CASALI] Laleham and Vallance are ready, sir. Waiting for a go-ahead. [BENNETT] Give it. [CASALI] Yes, sir. Hello, travel party. You are free to embark now. Wewill operate air pass doors and emergency stand-bys. [VALLANCE [OC]] Entering departure hatch for oxygen rating now. Standingby. [CASALI] Yes, receiving you. Stand by for [VOICE [OC]] This is Voyager 8 standing by, station 3. [LERNOV] I'm sorry, Bill. [DUGGAN] It's my own fault. I'm a fool. [LERNOV] You didn't do anything. [DUGGAN] I should have told somebody. I know the old man doesn't believeme but there was a creature there. [RYAN] We did search round, Bill. Your power house is in a heck of amess. There wasn't a sign of anything. [DUGGAN] I didn't dream it, did I? Oh, what's the use of talking.Rudkin's dead. I'd give anything to. Oh, what's the use of talking.(Duggan leaves.) [LERNOV] I thought you said you found some corroded metal in the Powerroom. [RYAN] Yes. Gemma wanted me to keep quiet about it until she talked toJarvis. You know, all this extra work means we won't be spending alltoo much spare time together. [LERNOV] I'll find someone else to keep me company. I'd hate it if youdidn't have a sense of humour. --------------------------------------- (Corwyn's office) [BENNETT] No, no, no! There's too much unexplained.Too many irrational phenomena. What's the matter with you people? Ican't turn round without somebody dreaming up some odd little thinghappening, some bit of emotionally-based fantasy! [CORWYN] Calm down, Jarvis. [BENNETT] Did you hear that fool, Duggan. Space rodent. The man's awreck. [CORWYN] Jarvis, will you listen? [BENNETT] If it's sensible, yes. [CORWYN] I like to go through some facts. [BENNETT] All right. All right, I'm listening. [CORWYN] One, the rocket drifts near us. Two, drops in temperature,temporary, adjustment back to normal. Three, drops in air pressure,temporary, adjustment back to normal. Four, two meteorite storms ofabove average dimension, both within seven days. Five, two strangersbought to the Wheel. One of them sabotages our armaments. [BENNETT] Don't lump all those things together. I thought that you weregoing to be sensible. [CORWYN] They could be connected. [BENNETT] Oh, for heaven's sake, Gemma, don't you start. What are yougoing to do, make trouble? [CORWYN] We've got trouble, Jarvis. You're putting your head in thesand. Bill Duggan's apparitions, call them what you like, only startedappearing after the rocket appeared, after the drops in air pressure.And Bernalium, the one thing vital to our defences, Bernalium iscorroded just at the time when we're facing a big meteorite storm. Itell you that rocket is the basis of all our troubles. [BENNETT] Well don't you worry about that. I've got some men to goacross and look it over. But mysteries? Please, Gemma, not you as well. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [ZOE] The X-rays are processed now. Can you turn outthe light, Jamie? [DOCTOR] Here we go. Now, let's see what we got.(The image projected on the wall clearly shows what is inside theplastic.) [ZOE] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's a Cybermat! [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] The lights, Jamie, the lights. Cybermats. [JAMIE] That means the Cybermen must be here too. [DOCTOR] Yes, and there is only one place where they can be. On thatrocket! --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [CYBERMAN 1] You will take us to the Wheel. [CYBERMAN 2] Obey. Inside the Wheel, you will help us. You will obey. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [BENNETT] And what's all that supposed to mean? [DOCTOR] The Cybermen are threatening this Space Wheel. [BENNETT] Cybermen? Where'd you dream up a name like that. [ZOE] The study of a system of control and communication in animals, anddevices such as cybernetic machines. [BENNETT] What are you talking about? [ZOE] Cybernetics. [BENNETT] I know all there is to know about Cybernetics. I don't need alecture from you. [DOCTOR] But Cybermen exist. You've got to believe me. You've got to! [BENNETT] On the evidence of one faked-up X-ray shot. [ZOE] It's not faked-up. I took it myself, Controller. [BENNETT] Well, what are these Cybermen then? [DOCTOR] They were once men, human beings like yourself, from the planetMondas, but now they're more robot then man. [BENNETT] You mean half and half? [DOCTOR] Oh no, more than that. Their entire bodies are mechanical andtheir brains have been treated neuro-surgically to remove all humanemotions, all sense of pain. They're ruthless, inhuman killers! [BENNETT] You really expect me to believe that rubbish! [DOCTOR] It's not rubbish! They'll kill anyone who stands in their path.You've got to believe me. You've just got to! --------------------------------------- (Rocket Control room) [CYBERMAN 1] You will ferry us to the Wheel. Obey.Inside the Wheel you will help us. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [DOCTOR] But don't you understand? The Cybermen willget inside this space Wheel. [BENNETT] Nothing just comes in and out of this Wheel, What do you thinkthis is, a jet heliport? [DOCTOR] They already sent their Cybermats in to weaken you. [JAMIE] Look, listen to him. He's telling you the truth! [BENNETT] No, I'll tell you what he's doing. What too many people aretrying to do. I don't know why, it must be space sickness. They'respreading fear, alarm, terror. You think I can't see it? [CORWYN] He's sincere, Jarvis. At least listen [BENNETT] How could anything get inside the Wheel, Gemma, How? How couldit get through the airlock. Perhaps it'll float through the loading bayin full view of everybody. [CORWYN] It's still worth listening and taking precautions just in casethere is some truth in all this. [BENNETT] Don't try and tell me my job, Gemma. I am still Controller ofthis Wheel and things will be run in my way. Any orders to the contrarycan come from Earth Central. That's what. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. How do you convince a man like that? [CORWYN] That X-ray. I think Bill Duggan should see it. Go and find him,will you Zoe? [ZOE] Isn't he confined to his quarters? [CORWYN] Have him bought here, under guard if necessary, but get him.I'll be responsible. [CORWYN] Jarvis was right about one thing, Doctor. These Cybermen ofyours can't just walk into the Wheel, you know. [DOCTOR] They will find a way. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CASALI] Rain belts block normal. That completes the advance weatherinformation, Earth Central. This is Space Station W 3 signing out. [VOICE [OC]] Thank you, W 3. Thanks for the good news. Signing out. [CASALI] Survey party calling in. Yes, come in survey party. [VALLANCE [OC]] Coming in to loading bay, Control. [LERNOV] Ask why. Airlock five is all ready. [CASALI] Is anything wrong? Airlock five is ready for you. [VALLANCE [OC]] We found a whole crate of Bernalium on the rocket.Bringing it over with us. Approval please, Control. [CASALI] This'll buck the old man up a bit. [LERNOV] Yes. I'll go check. [CASALI] Just checking with control, Armand. Await confirmation. [BENNETT [on monitor]] Yes? [LERNOV] Survey party report a find of Bernalium. They are bringing itover from the rocket. Can I give them the go-ahead? [BENNETT [on monitor]] Somebody's using their brains as last. Yes, weneed it badly. Good work, good work. [LERNOV] All right, Enrico. [CASALI] Hello, survey party. All clear on the cargo now. I'm clearingthe loading bay for your arrival. [LERNOV] Close off airlock five and clear loading bay. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [DUGGAN] Well, that's it, all right. [CORWYN] What you call Billy Bug? [DUGGAN] Yes. [CORWYN] You're sure about this? [DUGGAN] I'm definite. I thought I'd come across some strange spacecreature. [DOCTOR] It's an alien machine. Destructive. Capable of killing. [DUGGAN] It seemed like a space rodent. Look, I know you all think I'mcrazy, but [CORWYN] Of course not, Bill. After all, you discovered space flora outhere. When you found the Cybermat you obviously thought that it wasspace fauna. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's a pity you didn't tell somebody sooner. [DUGGAN] Maybe so, Doc, but look at what happened when I did tell theold man. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] I'd better take you back, Bill. I've got some new calculations todo on those meteorites. Half of the space fleet might be flyingstraight into them. [DOCTOR] Meteorites. Yes. Now the Cybermats must have sent in to destroythe laser gun but [CORWYN] They nearly did. [DOCTOR] What? [CORWYN] Well, I assume they did. They seem to have taken a liking toall the stock of Bernalium on board. The laser needs constant suppliesof Bernalium rods. [DOCTOR] You see, Jamie. [JAMIE] I see right enough. If I haven't put the laser out of action,the Cybermats would have. [DOCTOR] Yes, but why? [JAMIE] It's obvious. Put the Wheel out of action and make itdefenceless. [DOCTOR] But the Wheel must have other defences? [CORWYN] Magnetic field deflectors. The meson shield. They cancounter-act small meteorites. [DOCTOR] No, I think the Bernalium was destroyed for another purpose,but what? What? --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [ZOE] Progress readings on the star Hercules 208 inMessier 13. Radar computer reading [JAMIE] What are you doing? [ZOE] Bank A 208 point 16, Bank B 321 point 64. Lateral grid [JAMIE] Are you talking to yourself?ZOE [JAMIE] What have I done? [ZOE] Well, I was recording some very important readings, and now you'reon my tape. [JAMIE] Eh? [ZOE [OC]] Progress readings on the star Hercules 208 in Messier 13. [JAMIE] How did you do that without moving your lips? [ZOE [OC]] Radar computer reading [JAMIE [OC]] What are you doing? [ZOE [OC]] Bank A 208 point 16, Bank B 321 point 64. Lateral grid [JAMIE [OC]] Are you talking to yourself? [JAMIE] Sorry. Have I ruined it? [ZOE] No, not really. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ZOE] Is there anything you want? [JAMIE] No, I'm all right. [ZOE] Well, I've got some calculations to do on those new readings. [JAMIE] Aye, everybody's so busy. Not that they'd talk to me anyway. [ZOE] Well, you did get off to a bad start. [JAMIE] You mean ruining the laser. Aye, I suppose I did. Anyway, I hadto do that. [ZOE] Why? [JAMIE] Well, er, well, I can't really tell you. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [RYAN] Would you hold that light still, Flannigan. [FLANNIGAN] My arm's getting tired. [RYAN] Oh, you are a great help. [ENGINEER] Just another few seconds, sir. [RYAN] Would you get me that driver over there. Come on, hurry up.Right. Now, my beauty. [BENNETT] How's it going? [RYAN] Oh, hello, sir. All right, Penny. Well, the boys could do with abreak. They've worked non-stop. [BENNETT] I'm giving you Bill Duggan, No reason why he can't makehimself useful. You others take a break. Keep up the good work. [RYAN] Right sir. [BENNETT] Yes. [RYAN] Oh boy, am I glad to see you, Bill. [DUGGAN] How's it look? [RYAN] Oh, we just had a bit of luck. The central deployment complexdidn't get any plastic. [DUGGAN] Oh, that's great. What about the Bernalium? [RYAN] Oh, I haven't got around to that yet. Go on, you two, hop it. [FLANNIGAN] Well, if it's all the same with you, sir, we'll just grab asnack and be back in five minutes. [RYAN] You'll take forty five minutes and like it. [FLANNIGAN] Right. [DUGGAN] What about you? You look done in. [RYAN] Oh, I can't leave you on your own. It needs at least two tohandle this thing. [CHANG] Some people have all the luck. The Controller said you neededsome help. Of course, I have only done two watches in a row. [RYAN] Congratulations. I've done three. [DUGGAN] Oh, go and shove off, Leo. Chang and I can handle this. [RYAN] Well, I [DUGGAN] Come on, I know how to get to the Bernalium, don't I? --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [CORWYN] It's an extraordinary X-ray. [DOCTOR] Extraordinary? Extraordinary? [CORWYN] I dare say your head'll ache for a quite a while yet but atleast there's no damage. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so glad there is no damage. Miss Corwyn. [CORWYN] Mrs. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, forgive me. [CORWYN] My husband died in the asteroid belt three years ago. [DOCTOR] Oh. I'm so sorry. [CORWYN] My name's Gemma. [DOCTOR] Gemma. How nice. Gemma, tell me. Tell me about the Controller,Jarvis. [CORWYN] Tell you what? [DOCTOR] He's a strange man to be in a position like this. [CORWYN] In ordinary circumstances. no. [DOCTOR] Are there any ordinary circumstances in space? [CORWYN] Jarvis is simply a man who can't accept phenomena outside thelaws of physics. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's a very accurate [CORWYN] Were you going to say diagnosis? [DOCTOR] You're very perceptive. [CORWYN] You see in this failing of his a medical weakness. [DOCTOR] Don't you? [CORWYN] Normally he's more than capable of commanding this station.It's a continuous and merciless responsibility. [DOCTOR] Exactly. One does wonder what a man like that will do whenfaced with a problem for which he has no solution. [CORWYN] I must confess I've been concerned. Jarvis shows signs ofblocking off his mind. He just can't face the truth. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [BENNETT] Everything in order here? [LERNOV] Well [BENNETT] Yes, yes. I can see it is. Good, good. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [CORWYN] But you need rest. You really shouldn't getup yet. [DOCTOR] Of course I have to get up. [CORWYN] Can you persuade him to rest? [JAMIE] Oh, it's no good trying to stop him. [CORWYN] But it's much too soon. [DOCTOR] Now, Gemma, be reasonable. I know the dangers. The Cybermenneed to colonise. They must have the treasures of Earth. [CORWYN] You can't leave this room. Jarvis has given orders. [DOCTOR] He's not in control of himself. [CORWYN] I'm sorry, Doctor. I can't countermand any orders theController's issued. [JAMIE] He's as stubborn as you are. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [BENNETT] (to guard) Everything in order here? Good.Good. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [BENNETT] Up and about again, eh? That's better.I've done the tour, Gemma. Everything's running like clockwork. [CORWYN] Fine. I'd like to talk to you about the rocket. [BENNETT] Yes, everything's going very well. Very well indeed. You mustwant to stretch your legs. Get someone to take you round. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, thank you. You will tell the guard, won't you? [BENNETT] (to guard) Off you go. Everything's in order here. [CORWYN] Jarvis. [BENNETT] You might want to make a note about morale, Gemma. It'sexcellent. Never been better. [CORWYN] But [BENNETT] Yes, there's nothing we can't handle. Nothing. Tired now. Turnin, I suppose, and get some sleep. Yes, that's good. I'll need youfirst watch. Yes, keep up the good work. Keep up the good work. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DUGGAN] These are no good anyway. They're covered in plastic. [CHANG] Laleham and Vallance bought back a load of Bernalium from therocket. [DUGGAN] Well, just don't stand there, go and grab a dozen sticks. Witha bit of luck, we can replace these and reassemble in a couple ofhours. Well, go on, chop-chop. [CHANG] I'm on my way. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [CHANG] Help me! --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [LERNOV] Enrico? [LERNOV] Oh, hello, Leo. [CASALI] Hello, Chief. [LERNOV] Have you had notice of anybody using the waste incinerator inthe loading bay? [CASALI] No, I don't think so. I'll check. [RYAN] What's the problem? [LERNOV] Somebody just used the incinerator in the loading bay, that'sall. [CASALI] No, no, there's nothing here. [RYAN] You'd better put it in the log, Tanya. Somebody's for the highjump. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DUGGAN] Hello, boys. Hey, good on you. Where's Chang? [LALEHAM] Cut his hand. He's gone to the Medical bay. [DUGGAN] Trust him. [VALLANCE] Anything to be done? [DUGGAN] Yeah, you can open up a box of rods. Got this job licked. Ijust hope the rods are the right dimensions, that's all. [LALEHAM] They are. [DUGGAN] Since when have you been a expert? [VALLANCE] The lasers have to be made operative or the meteorites willdestroy the Wheel. [DUGGAN] No. Well why do you think I'm sweating my back off here? Here,what's up with him? [LALEHAM] They're the right ones. [DUGGAN] Yes, so they are. You must be psychic. But don't tell the oldman. He doesn't believe in extra sensory perception. [DUGGAN] Hey, this is perfect. Marvellous! [VALLANCE] When will the repair be finished? [DUGGAN] It won't be done at all if you keep nattering. [VALLANCE] The meteorites must not harm the Wheel. [DUGGAN] That storm really worries you, doesn't it? Well, don't let it,don't let it. It'll be a close call but I reckon to have this laserready and in operation in six to seven hours. So you can sleep in yourbeds like babies, the pair of you. Daddy won't let anything happen toyou. [DUGGAN] Now, if you really want to make yourself useful. [CYBERMAN 1] The Wheel must be protected from the meteorites. We willassemble your laser defence rays. You will go to Central Control. [DUGGAN] Central Control. [LALEHAM] The Operations Room. [CYBERMAN 1] These are your orders. --------------------------------------- (Rest room) [CORWYN] Oh, Zoe, it's you. What do you want? [ZOE] Well, it's rather difficult to explain. [CORWYN] What is it? [ZOE] Well, I've done a report. Some calculations I've been doing. I wasordered to forget them. [CORWYN] Ordered? By whom? What report? [ZOE] My calculations on the orbital path of the meteorite storm. Ifound a new element which indicated a critical state and I reported myfindings to the Controller. [CORWYN] And he ignored them. [ZOE] Yes. Well, you don't sound very surprised. [CORWYN] No. [ZOE] Well, he said it was all perfectly normal, but it isn't. [CORWYN] He's getting worse. [ZOE] Is he ill? [CORWYN] I don't know yet. [ZOE] Well, if he is he's chosen a rather inconvenient time, hasn't he? [CORWYN] Do you ever feel anything emotional, Zoe? [ZOE] Emotional? Do you know, that's the second time I've been askedthat in the last few hours. Leo Ryan said that I was all brains and noheart. [CORWYN] Yes, it's your training. I shouldn't worry about it. [ZOE] Oh, but I do. I don't want to be thought of as a freak. Leo said Iwas like a robot, a machine. I think he's right. My head's been pumpedfull of facts and figures which I reel out automatically when needed,but, well, I want to feel things as well. [CORWYN] Good. Unfortunately the parapsychology unit at the City tendsto ignore this aspect in its pupils. Some of them never fully developtheir human emotions. [ZOE] You don't think I'll be like that, do you? [CORWYN] No. No, you seemed to have survived their brain-washingtechniques remarkably well. [ZOE] Oh, good. [CORWYN] Now, about these calculations of yours. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [LERNOV] And this last one is how we check everything. [DOCTOR] I see. [RYAN] Yes, anything that uses energy on the Wheel, however small, isregistered on this wall. From a coffee-grinder upwards [DOCTOR] Do you have any coffee? [RYAN] Would you like some? [DOCTOR] I'd love some, I really would. [LERNOV] I have a coffee pellet. Would you like one? [DOCTOR] That's better than nothing. [RYAN] Excuse me, Doctor. Tanya. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, of course. [JAMIE] Doctor, don't forget we need that mercury stuff for the Tardis. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, I haven't forgotten. I'm worried about the Tardis.If I'm right and those Cybermen are. What's going on? [JAMIE] Let's find out. [DOCTOR] What's going on, Zoe? [ZOE] I've done some new calculations on the orbital path of themeteorite storm. They're heading toward us faster than we thought. [JAMIE] Don't you have any cheerful news? [ZOE] Facts are facts, and these are indisputable. [DOCTOR] I wouldn't dream of contradicting you. Can you repair the lasergun in time? [ZOE] Well, that's not the worry, it's the Controller. I went to himwith the new data on the meteorites and he just brushed the whole thingaside. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, he's getting worse. [ZOE] That what Doctor Corwyn says. He is ill, isn't he? [DOCTOR] Why aren't you worried about the laser gun? I thought all ofthe Bernalium has been destroyed. [ZOE] Oh no, some more turned up. [DOCTOR] Oh good. [ZOE] Yes, two of the men bought a crate of it over from the rocket. [DOCTOR] Ah. What? What did you say? [ZOE] Well, that's what Flannigan said. I met him when he was going offduty. [DOCTOR] Gemma! Gemma, did you know about this Bernalium from therocket? [CORWYN] Yes, Tanya told me. [DOCTOR] Don't you see what it means? The Cybermen are here. They cameover in that crate. [CORWYN] But how could our two men have bought them over? [DOCTOR] But they didn't know what they were doing. They were justobeying orders. [CORWYN] The Cybermen hypnotised them? [DOCTOR] Yes, something like that. [CORWYN] We're not exactly children, Doctor. All spacemen are protectedagainst brain-control by drugs. [DOCTOR] Yes, but a psychotropic drug is only effective against a knownenemy. Have you induced repulsion in all parts of the brain yet? [CORWYN] No, but then there's the implanted Silenski capsules. It givesoff a signal when there is an adverse influence against the wearer. [DOCTOR] How can we check? [CORWYN] Tanya, I want to check the Silenski circuit. [LERNOV] But I shall have to activate the whole defence network. [CORWYN] I'll authorise the extra power. [LERNOV] Watch the lines. If they're steady then everything is normal. [DOCTOR] I see. [LERNOV] Try this room first. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, please. Is that all right? [JAMIE] What's he hanging around for? I thought that he was under guardor something. [ZOE] So did I. Bill, has the Controller [LERNOV] Here, Wait a minute. Look. [CORWYN] Someone is affected, Doctor. You were right. [LERNOV] Someone in this room. [DOCTOR] Er, can we pin it down to an individual? [LERNOV] I'll quarter the room off. Over there, in the direction of [DOCTOR] No, stop him! [DOCTOR] He's dead. Now, now listen, listen everyone. The Cybermen arehere, in this Wheel. They took over this poor fellow to stop yousending for help or signalling to Earth. Now just a minute. Gemma, youmust alert the whole Wheel and you'll need something stronger thandrugs to stop your people from being taken over. It doesn't matter howcrude it is. A metal plate and a transistor will do. Tape them to theback of the neck. It will absorb the Cyber control signals. [RYAN] I can do that. [DOCTOR] Yes. Good. [LERNOV] I'll help you. [DOCTOR] Right. [JAMIE] What do we do? [DOCTOR] We're going hunting, Jamie. [JAMIE] Are you sure you know who's going to be hunted. [DOCTOR] A very good question. Come on. [ZOE] Can I do something? [LERNOV] No. [ZOE] Isn't there anything I can do. [LERNOV] Well, all right. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] What is it? [JAMIE] There it is. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I know. Now, shush. [JAMIE] Is this it here? [DOCTOR] Yes, this is it. [JAMIE] How could they get in here? [DOCTOR] It's a false bottom, you see. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [JAMIE] That was close. [DOCTOR] It's so easy. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] I don't understand them. [JAMIE] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] Destroying the wheel, Jamie, that's what I'm talking about.From the outside it's strong enough, but now that the Cybermen areinside, I [JAMIE] Yes, I see what you mean. What do you think they are planning? [DOCTOR] Well, they obviously don't want to destroy the Wheel. [JAMIE] What do they want, then? [DOCTOR] I wish I knew. The first thing we must do is to protect thepeople here. [JAMIE] How? [DOCTOR] What's the thing which we need to survive which the Cybermendon't? [JAMIE] Food. [DOCTOR] Always thinking of your stomach, aren't you. No. Air, Jamie,air. Now, I wonder how this works. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [LERNOV] It's the Doctor. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Hello. I think that it would be wise to lock allthe air-lock doors. Can you do that? [RYAN] Yes. [LERNOV] Leo says that he can. Why? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] The Cybermen are definitely on the Wheel. Jamieand I have just seen one. They may try to interfere with the airsupply. [JAMIE [on monitor]] Doctor. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] What? Keep this channel open. [JAMIE [on monitor]] Something moved over there. Just caught the cornerof my eye. [CORWYN] What's wrong? [LERNOV] I don't know. [RYAN] Shall I seal off the airlocks, Gem? [CORWYN] Yes. [RYAN] Sealing off all the airlocks. [LERNOV] I suppose that we can trust the Doctor? [CORWYN] I'm not sure why I do, but I do. Sealing off the airlocks isgood common sense anyway. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [JAMIE] There. [DOCTOR] Listen to me very carefully. Do as I ask and don't delay. Oneof the Cybermats is very close to us. It'll tune into our brain wavesat any minute. [JAMIE] Doctor, it's turning! [DOCTOR] Hook up a variable audio-frequency on this channel right away.Do it at once! --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CORWYN] Enrico, leave that. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [JAMIE] There's a second one. Come on. [DOCTOR] No. We don't stand a chance. They've got a range of at leastten feet. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Hurry. Please hurry. [CORWYN] Come on, Enrico. [CASALI] All right, all right! That's it. Power! More! Come on, come on! --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CORWYN] That's enough, Enrico. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [DOCTOR] We're coming back as fast as we can. Thisis what you've saved us from. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [LERNOV] What that's thing? [ZOE] It's a Cybermat. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Exactly. [LERNOV] Leo. There's an energy reading from the power house. [RYAN] It's not coming off our power source, that's for sure. Let'scheck it out. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [CYBERMAN] All Cybermats have been destroyed. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Destroyed? By what method. [CYBERMAN] They have used high-current phase contrast. [PLANNER [on monitor]] One human has knowledge beyond our predictions.Report. [CYBERMAN] The X-ray laser machine is repaired. [PLANNER [on monitor]] And operative? [CYBERMAN] Yes. In stage of operation. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Communication beam to Earth? [CYBERMAN] Attacked and damaged. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Phase six. [CYBERMAN] Yes. [PLANNER [on monitor]] The space station is to be taken over. CompletePhase six. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] Workshop. Workshop, will you come in please? [CASALI] Well, Bill Duggan knew the right spot okay. [LERNOV] What about radar? [CASALI] Radar's fine but the radio's kaput. [LERNOV] When's the next check to Earth Central? [CASALI] Oh three hundred. Two hours time. [LERNOV] Set up a check on the first wave of the meteorites. [CASALI] I don't see the point. We haven't got a laser to knock them outwith. [LERNOV] Don't be pessimistic, Enrico. They may not have a direct courseonto us. Anything can happen. [CASALI] Everything is. [RYAN] Blimey, you'd think we are alone on the Wheel. I can't raiseanybody. [LERNOV] Have you told Gemma? [RYAN] She's got her hands full enough as it is. [CORWYN] Jarvis? Jarvis, look at the creature. Show it to him, Zoe. [BENNETT] No. No, it's not true. It's not true. [CORWYN] All right, Zoe, put it away somewhere. Complete withdrawal.Loss of effect. [DOCTOR] Not necessary complete. Catatonic features certainly. [CORWYN] I can try ECT. He could be shocked back to normal. [DOCTOR] Is the equipment here? [CORWYN] No, it's in the Medical bay. [DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't advise moving him. You've thrown a magneticforcefield round this section? [CORWYN] Yes. [DOCTOR] Enough to keep the Cybermen out? [CORWYN] Enough to keep anything out. The crew have been warned. Oh. [DOCTOR] No, it's no good. You're second in command. You must take over. [CORWYN] Take over what? We're invaded. We have no contact with Earth,we're in the path of meteorites. Take over what? How do we fightwithout the laser? [JAMIE] How is he? [ZOE] Hopeless. [JAMIE] Well, that's just fine. [ZOE] He's just closed himself away. [JAMIE] Well, who's the second in command? [ZOE] Doctor Corwyn. [JAMIE] At least she's all right. [ZOE] Yes, although what she can do, I don't know. [JAMIE] Oh, there is something you don't know, then. [ZOE] There's too much I don't know. I was trained to believe logic andcalculation would provide me with all the answers. Well, I'm justbeginning to realise there are questions which I can't answer. [JAMIE] You're just not trained for an emergency like this. [ZOE] Well, that's the whole point. What good am I? I've been createdfor some false kind of existence where only known kinds of emergenciesare catered for. Well, what good is that to me now? [JAMIE] Hey, we're not done yet, you know. [ZOE] And if we survive? What then, Jamie? Suppose we do get ourselvesout of this mess. What have I got left? A blind reliance on facts andlogic. [RYAN] Section Twelve. Section Twelve. Will you please come in? [RYAN] Calling Power house. Power house, will you please come in? --------------------------------------- (Power room) [FLANNIGAN] Oh, it's yourself. Why don't you answer this thing. Somebodysounds a bit violent. [VALLANCE] It's not important. [FLANNIGAN] Ah, it could be the old man himself, you know. Well, is thislaser working yet, is it? [LALEHAM] It's finished. [FLANNIGAN] Ah, so we're not to be riddled with the meteorites then? [VALLANCE] No. [FLANNIGAN] Well, that's great. I've a whole years leave coming to meback on Earth. Now come on. [LALEHAM] Don't touch that. [FLANNIGAN] You just can't ignore it. What is it? What's the matter withyou two, hey? [VALLANCE] Just do as you're told. [FLANNIGAN] Hey now, have you both gone mad or what? [FLANNIGAN] Don't point that thing at me, laddie. [FLANNIGAN] All right. If it's a fight you're after, I'm your man. Comeon. [FLANNIGAN] You need a few lessons in the noble and manly arts, mebucko! All right, come on! [CYBERMAN] The Earth machine has been installed? [VALLANCE] Yes. [CYBERMAN] A force field has been set around the Operations Controlroom. How is it operated? [VALLANCE] Only from within the Operations Room. [CYBERMAN] Dispose of the body of the human. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [ZOE] Come on, some more. Just a little more. [BENNETT] No, no more. [LERNOV] Don't force him. Give him whatever he wants. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not surprised you can't get in touch with the rest ofthe Wheel. [JAMIE] Aye, the Cybermen aren't going to sit around and do nothing. [CORWYN] But can they still control our people? I thought you'd [DOCTOR] With the metal plates, you mean. Has everybody had them fittedto the back of their necks? [CORWYN] No, not yet. There are still some crew members without. [DOCTOR] Well, it would be advisable to have it done. [RYAN] Coming through now. [CASALI] I lost them for a moment there. [CASALI] Hey, will you listen to that? Now this is a big storm, biggerthan we thought. [RYAN] All right, all right, don't make it worse. [CORWYN] We'll have to rely on the anti-matter field projectors. [CASALI] Hey, you don't think the meteorites are going to bounce offthem, do you? We're talking about things weighing two or three hundredtons here. [CORWYN] How far away are they? [CASALI] See for yourself. Less than a million miles now. Closing on anelliptical path tilted ten degrees. [RYAN] Well, thank goodness for that. Must be one of the other sections. [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] Power room. [RYAN] Flannigan, where've you been? [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] Restoring the laser discharge piece. [RYAN] What was that? [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] It has been completed. [RYAN] The laser's repaired? [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] It is ready for testing now. [RYAN] Great. The laser's working. Stand by to run a test. Flannigan,where have you been? I've been trying to raise you for ages. [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] There must be a fault on the line. Vallance ishere with me. We are ready when you are ready. [RYAN] Right. [CASALI] We're cutting it too fine. They're coming at us too fast. Sevenhundred thousand now. Six ninety, six eighty. The speed of them, it'sfantastic. [RYAN] Take position from radar calibration estimates. [CASALI] Angle ninety on zero four zero two. Distance now six tenthousand, six dead, five ninety. [JAMIE] What's the range of your machine? [CORWYN] Fifty thousand miles total destruction, ninety thousandpartial. [DOCTOR] Well, it would be as well not to miss then, wouldn't it. [RYAN] We'll try a random shot. At least we'll see how the power bankreacts. Stand by to test laser. Blue button. Red on stand by. [CASALI] Angle eighty eight on zero four zero one now. Distance closing.Five hundred thousand dead. Four ninety, four eighty. [RYAN] Tanya, take a power reading on this. And fire! [LERNOV] Power maximum and normal. [RYAN] Well, everybody? I think we stand a chance. [CASALI] Angle eighty eight on zero four zero one and holding. Distanceclosing. Three fifty thousand, three forty, three thirty. Angle change.Eighty seven on zero four zero point nine nine recurring. Distance twoeighty thousand, two seventy, two sixty. [RYAN] Stand by for further tests on lasers. [LERNOV] Power max one hundred. All systems green and steady. [RYAN] Red on stand by. Fire. [LERNOV] Power maximum and normal. All systems operating. [RYAN] Stand by for test blanket fire. Red on stand by. [LERNOV] Power max one thousand. All systems green and steady. [RYAN] And fire. [LERNOV] Power maximum and normal. All systems operative. [RYAN] Well, let'em all come. We're ready for them. [DOCTOR] I think it is reasonable to assume that the Cybermen causedthat star to go nova. [CORWYN] Deliberately causing the meteorites to deflect from their orbitto destroy the Wheel, you mean? [DOCTOR] No. Not to destroy the Wheel. To make you want to use thelaser. Then they sent in their Cybermats to attack the laser anddestroy the Bernalium. [JAMIE] And then you'd search that drifting rocket and find a big crate. [DOCTOR] With the Cybermen inside it. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] It was only way they could get into the Wheel. [CORWYN] And now you think they've repaired the laser. [JAMIE] They must have done, otherwise they'd be smashing up the Wheel,wouldn't they? [DOCTOR] So you see this isn't just an attack by an alien race on aspace station. The Cybermen have another purpose. [CORWYN] What? [DOCTOR] They have an over-riding ambition to invade the Earth, plunderits mineral wealth, and somehow they see a way of doing it through thisWheel. [CORWYN] But how can we stop them? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [CORWYN] Presumably these Cybermen disposed of the crewmembers of therocket in space? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes. Jamie, the Time Vector Generator from the Tardis.Where is it? [JAMIE] Oh you mean the gold rod thing? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, where is it? [JAMIE] You've got it. I put it your pocket in the rocket. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [JAMIE] Yes? [DOCTOR] But I haven't got it. [JAMIE] You must have. Not unless it's fallen out when they were movingyou. Is it important? [DOCTOR] Important? Someone'll have to go over to the rocket to get it. [JAMIE] Good luck to them. Who's going? [DOCTOR] Well, if Gemma can spare someone to show you how to make thejourney. [JAMIE] Me? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. You're the only one who knows what it lookslike besides me, and I'm much too busy. Besides, it's your fault thatit's lost. [JAMIE] Mine? [DOCTOR] Well, isn't it? [JAMIE] Well, yes. No! Doctor Corwyn. Oh Doctor. Och. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [PLANNER [on monitor]] The meteorite shower isapproaching the Wheel. [CYBERMAN] The weapons of the Earth humans have been tested and areoperating. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Phase six can be completed. [CYBERMAN] The Earth humans have set up a neutron field barrier on theperimeter of the section containing their room of Operations. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Do not complete Phase Six. Initiate Plan Three. [CYBERMAN] Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CORWYN] Replace the field barrier now. We'rethrough. [ZOE] I'll see of it's clear ahead. [JAMIE] I still don't see why you should send a wee thing like that withme. [CORWYN] She is the only one I can spare who knows enough about spacedrill to get you across to that rocket safely. [JAMIE] Maybe so. I still think I'm better by myself. [CORWYN] Do you? I wouldn't be too sure if I were you. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] Have you gone off your head? [DOCTOR] She, she agreed to go. [RYAN] She'd no right to agree. And you've got no right to let her. [DOCTOR] I had to. Jamie will look after her. [RYAN] Have you any idea of the dangers they'll face between the Wheeland the rocket? And you've send Zoe and your friend out into an areawhich is bound to be bombarded with small debris, quite apart from theradiation and the thermal shock. [DOCTOR] Well, they knew the risk. Zoe calculated it. [RYAN] Oh, yes, Zoe calculated it. And what about Gemma, hey? What ifGemma meets up with one of those Cyberman things? [CASALI] Coming in to range now. [RYAN] All right. Now you don't do anything unless I say so. Clear?Tanya, take a power reading on this. Rico, calculate distance anddirection. All systems on stand by. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen supply room) [JAMIE] He's dead. [CORWYN] Yes, I'm afraid so. Zoe, the emergency exit. You'll find spaceequipment in the airlock. [ZOE] Come on, Jamie. [JAMIE] All right. You'd better take that. [CORWYN] Good luck. [JAMIE] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [DOCTOR] Yes? [CORWYN [on monitor]] We're through. No problems. [DOCTOR] Good. [CASALI] Main concentration coming into range. [RYAN] Crossover on vector link. Countdown is from now. [CASALI] Well, this is the big stuff. Angle ninety on zero three.Distance, one hundred thousand miles. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen supply room) [CYBERMAN] This controls the oxygen on the Space Station. [VALLANCE] Yes. [CYBERMAN] Open it. [CYBERMAN] Each section of the Wheel has a separate air supply. [VALLANCE] (Yes. [CYBERMAN] Insert one capsule into each section. The oxygen will turninto pure ozone. The humans will die. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] Fire! Fire! And fire! [CASALI] Oh, it's hopeless. There's too many of them. [RYAN] Shut up, Rico. Fire! [CASALI] Angle change. Ten degrees. [DOCTOR] Yes? [CORWYN [on monitor]] Doctor, listen carefully. They're going to --------------------------------------- (Oxygen supply room) [CORWYN] Poison the air supply. Do you understand?poison the air supply? [CORWYN] Tell Leo Ryan to switch over to the sectional supply unit. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [DOCTOR] Gemma, run! Get away from there! Run! [DOCTOR] Gemma, can you hear me? Gemma! Gemma! [CASALI] Angle of deviation ten degrees. [RYAN] And fire! [DOCTOR] Gemma! --------------------------------------- (Space) [(Jamie and Zoe watch the exploding meteorites.)JAMIE] Zoe, look! [ZOE] The meteorites, they're heading straight for us! --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] Fire! [CASALI] We're hitting them! [DOCTOR] What about Jamie and Zoe? [LERNOV] Leo, the shock radiation and blast [RYAN] Fire! [LERNOV] But you must think about the two children. [RYAN] I can't think about anything except those meteorites. Fire! [LERNOV] But Zoe and the boy will be [RYAN] I can't help that. They'll have to take their chances. Range,Rico? [CASALI] One eighty, one ninety. [RYAN] Right, new sequence. Red on standby. Fire! [LERNOV] They'll be blown out of space. [DOCTOR] Zoe calculated the risk. Let's hope she was right. [RYAN] Fire!(More meteorites go Boom! and this time Jamie and Zoe can't hang ontoeach other in the shockwaves. They drift apart.) [CASALI] The screen's clear, sir. We've done it. Main body deflected. [DOCTOR] Any signs of Jamie and Zoe? [CASALI] No, I won't be able to pick them up on the video screen untilthe static has cleared. [RYAN] Well, keep it on blue stand by for now. There's bound to be acloud of smaller stuff following on behind. [CASALI] Yeah, okay. [RYAN] And do a check on all circuits. Maintain all power levels tillfurther notice. [CASALI] No, I can't find them. [RYAN] Watch out for smaller meteorites, Rico. Now then, you know whatyou've done, don't you? Those two kids out there have probably eitherbeen burnt up by radiation or fried by thermal blast. Always assuming,of course, they weren't actually hit by any of that rubbish. [DOCTOR] Do you think I don't know that? It was a calculated risk thathad to be taken. [RYAN] Why? [DOCTOR] Because there's something on board that rocket that we've gotto have if we're going to beat the Cybermen. [RYAN] And that justified risking two lives? [DOCTOR] Yes, to save many. But anyway, we're all going to get killedshortly unless you switch over to sectional air supply. [RYAN] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] The Cybermen are going to poison the air. [RYAN] How do you know? [DOCTOR] Gemma told me. [RYAN] Where is she? [DOCTOR] She's in the Oxygen room. [RYAN] Right, well, I'll talk to her. [DOCTOR] No, no. Well, you can't. She's dead. [DOCTOR] She sacrificed her life to warn us. [CASALI] Here comes another swarm. Meteor bearing forty five, thirtysix. [RYAN] Right. [LERNOV] Any sign of Zoe and the boy? [CASALI] No. [RYAN] All systems on stand by. We'll try three second interval shots.Stand by to reinforce the anti-matter field around the Wheel. Maybe wecan turn them off course. [CASALI] Coming into range. [RYAN] Right. Tanya, watch the power levels. [RYAN] The Bernalium rods must be nearly burned out by now. [CASALI] In range now. Bearing one eighty one ninety as before. [RYAN] Red on stand by. Fire! Fire! [LERNOV] Power's dropping, Leo. [RYAN] Switch over to anti-matter field projectors! [CASALI] They're turning. We've deflected them! [DOCTOR] Well, thank heavens. Hello, where's Jarvis?(Bennett is striding along a corridor. Lernov switches the wall monitorto different viewssearching for him.) [RYAN] There he is. Jarvis! Jarvis, what are you doing? Jarvis, what areyou doing? Come back. [BENNETT [on monitor]] No, I'm going on. They've killed Gemma, you know. [LERNOV] Please come back. [BENNETT [on monitor] I lifted the force field. You'd better replace it. [LERNOV] Leo, where are you going? [RYAN] To bring him back. [DOCTOR] No, wait. You're too late. Look! [RYAN] Jarvis, watch out! [LERNOV] Turn it off. Turn it off! --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [JAMIE] Here. [ZOE] Oh, thanks, Jamie. [JAMIE] How do you feel now? [ZOE] I didn't think we'd get through. I feel as if someone's beenhitting me all over with small hammers. [JAMIE] Aye. Just you take it easy. [ZOE] Oh, it's all right. I'll help. What's this thing like we'relooking for? [JAMIE] It's about that long, gold, with a gold tip on one end and awhite one on the other. Now, you're sure you're all right? Come on,then. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen supply room) [CYBERMAN] The meteorites have been destroyed. Now we will take over.You have inserted the capsule in the air supply? [VALLANCE] Yes. [CYBERMAN] Inject it into the system. Effective penetration should beimmediate. Report. [VALLANCE] Negative. They must have switched over to the emergencysupply. [CYBERMAN] That cannot be reached? [VALLANCE] No. It is inside the force field. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Do you report success? [CYBERMAN] No. Our plans are anticipated. [PLANNER [on monitor]] Wait. The data will be computed. One of the Earthhumans must have experience of our methods. Projection of allidentities on the Wheel is essential. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [JAMIE] Zoe, I've found the rod. Look! This is the [ZOE] The Cybermen. I must have broken in on their frequency. This maybe important. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen supply room) [CYBERMAN] Stare into the box. Think of each individual human being atpresent on the Wheel. Form the image in your eyes. [VALLANCE] Tanya Lernov, Astrogater, Second Class. [PLANNER [OC]] Negative. [VALLANCE] Leo Ryan, Communications Officer. [PLANNER [OC]] Negative. [VALLANCE] Jarvis Bennett, Space Station Controller. [PLANNER [OC]] Negative. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [ZOE] They seem to be talking about the whole crewof the Wheel, one after the other. [JAMIE] But why? What're they after? [VALLANCE [OC]] Zoe Heriot, Astrophysicist. --------------------------------------- (Oxygen supply room) [VALLANCE] Astrometricist, First Class. [PLANNER [OC]] Negative. [VALLANCE] Doctor. I don't know who he is. [PLANNER [OC]] Name. [VALLANCE] I don't know. [PLANNER [OC]] Name? [VALLANCE] I don't know. I don't know --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [RYAN] But what possible use could the Wheel be tothese Cybermen, Doctor? [DOCTOR] That remains to be seen. [RYAN] I don't see why you don't accept my theory that they're simplyattacking us. [DOCTOR] But they wouldn't go to all this trouble just to knock out onesmall space Wheel. [LERNOV] Leo! There's something on radar. [RYAN] What? [CASALI] It's not a meteorite. Look, it's changing course. [LERNOV] There are no ships due in this part of space. [CASALI] Anyway, it's too big for one of our ships. [DOCTOR] It could be a Cyberman spaceship. [RYAN] Moving in for the kill. [DOCTOR] Possibly. [RYAN] What about radio, Rico? We must contact Earth for assistance. [CASALI] Oh no, not a chance, though I could fix it up okay but I needsome transistors and they're in the Power Room. [RYAN] Then one of us will have to go and get 'em. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [PLANNER [OC]] Positive. The Doctor is known andrecorded. An enemy. He must be lured outside the force field anddestroyed. [JAMIE] They're going to try and trap the Doctor. Come on, let's getback and warn him. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [LERNOV] And these are corridors leading to Power Room. [RYAN] Well that's no good. We don't know where those Cybermen'll be. [LERNOV] How else is he going to get there? Though the cable tunnels? [RYAN] No, no, they're blocked off here and here. That just leaves theemergency air tunnel. [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] Captain. [RYAN] Flannigan! Where are you? [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] In the corridor outside the Spares andWorkshop. I've got a whole bunch of them locked up in the Workshop. [RYAN] Is the way clear through to the Power House? [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] It is, but they're melting down the doors. Ican't hold them for much longer. [RYAN] Well, look, one of us has got to come for some radio spares. Willyou bottle them up as long as possible? [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] Right. I will seal off the other compartmentsbut you'd better send someone quickly for them spares. [RYAN] Right. [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] They may be trying the other doors. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. Tell him I will go for the spares. [RYAN] You? Well, surely it's better if I go. [DOCTOR] I think that it's essential that I go. [RYAN] All right, it's your neck. Look, Flannigan, the Doctor's comingfor the spares. Now, hold them back for as long as you can. [FLANNIGAN [on monitor]] I will meet up with the Doctor in corridor six. [RYAN] Right. [DOCTOR] Now listen, as soon as Flannigan comes through the force field,grab him! [RYAN] Grab him? What for? [LERNOV] And he isn't coming here. Didn't you hear him? He's going tomeet you in corridor six. [DOCTOR] I somehow don't think he will. Now please do as I say. I'llhave the map. Now remember, don't trust him. Check the metal plate onthe back of his neck. [LERNOV] But you'll get --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [FLANNIGAN] The Doctor is coming to corridor six. [CYBERMAN] Return to the Operations room. Destroy the force field afterthey let you through. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DOCTOR] Ah, mercury. [(He pockets the bottle, picks up a circuit board and checks thecorridor outside is clear. Then he goes to a workbench and picks upsome coils of wire.)DOCTOR] Yes, I don't see why it shouldn't work. --------------------------------------- (Landing bay) [JAMIE] Doctor Corwyn! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ZOE] Flannigan! [FLANNIGAN] What are you two doing wandering about? Them creatures areall over the place. [JAMIE] We know they are. [FLANNIGAN] Follow me. This way's quicker. [CYBERMAN] The Doctor has not come. [VALLANCE] He must have gone another way. [CYBERMAN] How? [VALLANCE] Through the air tunnels. There is one leading to the PowerRoom. [CYBERMAN] Show me. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [JAMIE] Hey, what you doing? [ZOE] He led us here! [LERNOV] He was under Cyberman influence. [JAMIE] What? [RYAN] Right, he'll be all right now. Sit him down over there for awhile, Rico. [ZOE] You mean he was being controlled? [RYAN] Yes. You were dead lucky. [JAMIE] Aye. Here, where's the Doctor? The Cybermen are going to try andlure him away and trap him. [LERNOV] He's already gone. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] I've got the spares. [JAMIE] Doctor, be careful! [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Jamie! Oh thank heavens. Are you and Zoe allright? [JAMIE] Yes. Now listen. The Cybermen know you're on the Wheel. They'regoing to try and trap you. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Yes, yes, I guessed they would. Have you got theTime Vector Generator? [JAMIE] Yes. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Good! Now, now listen to me, I want you to bringit to me. Get someone to show you the way through the air corridors.Hello. I think I've got company. [JAMIE] Company? What does he mean? (the penny drops) Company! --------------------------------------- (Power room) [DOCTOR] I suppose you've come for me. [CYBERMAN 1] You know our ways. [DOCTOR] Yes, I thought you'd realise somebody did. I imagine you haveorders to destroy me. [CYBERMAN 2] Yes. [DOCTOR] Tell me one thing. Why did you order Duggan to destroy radiocommunication with the Earth? After all, that is why you wantpossession of the Wheel, isn't it? [CYBERMAN 1] You know our ways. [DOCTOR] That doesn't answer my question. [CYBERMAN 2] He was instructed to destroy only the transmitting complex. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. How interesting. Yes, of course. And presumably yourlarge spaceship holds your invasion fleet, and the smaller ships canonly enter the Earth's atmosphere by homing on a radio beam. [CYBERMAN 2] You know our ways. You must be destroyed. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I was afraid you'd get back to that. Well, you'dbetter come in. [DOCTOR] You can't get through the field, you know. [CYBERMAN 2] You will be destroyed. Others are coming. [DOCTOR] Jamie! Is he all right? [JAMIE] Yes. [FLANNIGAN] I've got a head like a big bass drum. Somebody's going topay for this. [JAMIE] Oh, it looks like the Doctor's already made one of them pay. [DOCTOR] Yes, but they're sending in reinforcements, probably throughthe Loading Bay. Have you got the rod? Thank you. I'm going to try andfix this into the laser gun circuit. With any luck, I should be able toboost the power enough to destroy the Cyberman spaceship. But you'llhave to hold them off at the loading bay. I need time. [FLANNIGAN] Right, leave that to me. [DOCTOR] Well, there's still a Cyberman left, so watch out for him. [FLANNIGAN] Well, I think I know just the thing for him. [DOCTOR] Good. Here's a metal plate for Vallance. [JAMIE] Leo Ryan says you're to call him. [FLANNIGAN] Let's see how them creatures like this stuff! --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CASALI] That ship's closing in on us. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] I'm trying to put some extra power in your laser.Line it up on the Cyberman spaceship and I'll let you know when I'mready. [RYAN] Right. Well you'd better hurry, Doctor. That ship's moving towardus. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Yes, I know. They're going to invade us. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [FLANNIGAN] I could not get through the force field to the Operationsroom, and I caught this man on the way back. [CYBERMAN] He is not important. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [RYAN [on monitor]] Hurry, Doctor. Hurry! [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [JAMIE] Got it! Flannigan! [JAMIE] Use the plastic again. [FLANNIGAN] I can't. I wasted it all on the other one. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Right. Everything is readyhere. [LERNOV] Ready, Leo. [RYAN] Red on standby. And fire! --------------------------------------- (Loading bay) [FLANNIGAN] I'll try and operate the neutronforce-field. Hold tight! [JAMIE] Oh, we've done it. --------------------------------------- (Wheel Operations room) [CASALI] Earth Central, stand by for emergencyreport. [VOICE [OC]] Earth Central. Contract clear. Standing by. [RYAN] Where's Zoe? [LERNOV] She's gone to take the Doctor and Jamie back to the rocket. [VOICE [OC]] Earth Central standing by with recording apparatus.Commence report. [RYAN] Hello, Earth Central. This is Captain Ryan, acting controller ofStation Three. [VOICE [OC]] Recording in progress. Go ahead, Captain. [RYAN] Preliminary report on communications failure. Radio contact lostat approximately twelve fifty two hours due to invasion of alien force.Full report to follow. All systems now operational. Request officialpermission to assume responsibility. --------------------------------------- (Rocket control room) [ZOE] So I've just got to go back? [JAMIE] I'm afraid so. [ZOE] And you won't tell me anything about this, what is it? [JAMIE] Tardis. [ZOE] Oh, yes. I asked the Doctor what it meant. Time And RelativeDimensions In Space, he said. [JAMIE] Er, yes. [ZOE] But you won't explain it. [JAMIE] Well, you see Zoe, it's, well, it's like two different worlds.Look, you've got yours and the Doctor and me have ours. [DOCTOR [OC]] Jamie! [JAMIE] Look, you've been. Well, look, Zoe, we won't forget you. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JAMIE] All set? [DOCTOR] Yes. I've even got some mercury left over. [JAMIE] Oh, we can go then. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think [DOCTOR] Just a little matter to settle first, I think, Jamie. [JAMIE] Hey, I thought I told you [ZOE] I want to go with you. [JAMIE] Well, it's impossible. [DOCTOR] Now, Jamie, it's not impossible. It's something that we have todecide. You may change your mind. [ZOE] No, I won't. [DOCTOR] I wonder. Zoe, watch the screen up there. [JAMIE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] I'm going to show Zoe the sort of thing that she may be in for. [ZOE] Thought patterns? [DOCTOR] Yes. Only I'm going to weave them into a complete story foryou. Have you ever heard of the Daleks? [ZOE] No. [DOCTOR] Then watch. [DALEK [on monitor]] Who are you? Who are you? Answer!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s05", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Wheel In Space"}
Doctor Who (10 Aug, 1968; Second Doctor) - The Dominators (Outside the saucer) [RAGO] Is the local radiation completely absorbed? [TOBA] Yes, its energy's been transferred to our fuel reserves. But weneed much more. [RAGO] Of course, that is why we are here. [TOBA] With respect, Navigator Rago, I still consider we should havecontinued to Epsilon Four. [RAGO] I decided otherwise, Probationer Toba. [TOBA] But this planet has never been fully surveyed. [RAGO] It's suitable for our purpose. The planetary crust is thin here,and there is a intelligent form of life suitable for a work force. [TOBA] But the natives may not be suitable for slave labour. Supposethey're hostile? [RAGO] If necessary we shall destroy them. [TOBA] Yes, destroy them. [RAGO] But only if necessary. Commence work on the preliminary survey. [TOBA] Command accepted. Shall I order the Quarks to mark out thedrilling sites? [RAGO] Yes. [TOBA] Quarks! --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [WAHED] (dark top) I'm not so sure that this so-called adventure wassuch a good idea after all. I mean, this is a terribly primitive way totravel isn't it? [ETNIN] (floor length long sleeves) Well, we are supposed to be lookingfor excitement, aren't we? [TOLATA] (woman) That's why I came. [WAHED] I really don't see what's so exciting about sitting for hours onend in this old tub. If we'd used a travel capsule we could have beenhere in a few minutes. [CULLY] (pilot - knee length, light top) Not without a permit, youwouldn't. [WAHED] I suppose that does add a little zest. [CULLY] Well, here we are everyone, the Island of Death! Uninhabited forone hundred and seventy years. Nothing can live on this poisonous plotof soil. [WAHED] You're being melodramatic again, Cully, as usual. You knowperfectly well there's a permanent survey unit there to monitor theradiation. [ETNIN] And there's a weekly visit by parties of students to show themthe horror of atomic radiation. [CULLY] All right, all right, I know. But all this is organised andsupervised by the state. You've travelled miles by sea in a shipnavigated by man. None of your auto-piloting. And don't forget we'rehere without permits. All this is illegal. [ETNIN] Yes, I'd almost forgotten that. [CULLY] An adventure with Cully is something never to be forgotten. [WAHED] It doesn't look any different to me from the way I've seen it invision-books on my own screen at home. [CULLY] Ah, but this time it's real. [WAHED] Is it? [CULLY] Well yes, of course it is. You're actually here. [WAHED] Are we? [CULLY] You don't believe me. [WAHED] Well, you could be throwing up old pictures on your scanner,couldn't you? After all, there's nothing to show that it is real. [CULLY] Well you can't get out and see. [WAHED] Why not? [TOLATA] Yes, why not? [CULLY] Look, I'm all for a bit of danger, but going out on that islandwithout protective suits would be madness. [WAHED] So we just have to take your word for it, Cully. [CULLY] Yes you do. [TOLATA] Didn't you mention something about a warning signal? [CULLY] Yes, when we're in the radiation zone. Why? [TOLATA] Well, aren't we a bit close? [ETNIN] Do something, Cully! [WAHED] We're going to crash! [TOLATA] Quickly, Cully! [CULLY] We're stuck. [WAHED] Mm? [TOLATA] Oh no! [WAHED] Do you mean permanently? [CULLY] Yes, we've run aground. The drive is well and truly wedged insolid. [WAHED] Well, how are we supposed to get back to the mainland? [CULLY] Look, don't ask me. [ETNIN] This really is an adventure, isn't it. [WAHED] Are you sure this isn't one of your practical jokes, Cully? [CULLY] Now look, running aground on an atomic island isn't my idea offun. [WAHED] Yes, but is that where we really are? [WAHED] The radiation meter's registering zero. [CULLY] Yes. Odd. Well, they've probably broken down. [WAHED] Let's try again, shall we? Clear the computers. Now. [CULLY] Zero? But it can't be. [WAHED] So much for your navigation, Cully. Island of Death. [CULLY] All right, go out there. Get yourselves cooked to a frazzle bythe radiation, but don't come complaining to me if you get yourselveskilled, because I don't refund money to [CULLY] Refund? What am I saying, they haven't even paid me yet! Hey,wait! --------------------------------------- (Outside the hovercraft) [CULLY] Oh Tolata, don't be a little fool. Thisisland is a killer. [TOLATA] So you say, but your radiation counter didn't seem to be makingtoo much of a fuss about it. [CULLY] Yes, I know, but, well, it must have gone bust. [WAHED] And all the others in this tub of yours as well? [TOLATA] Why don't you admit it, Cully. You're a rogue, This isn't thetest island, is it. [CULLY] But I tell you it is! [ETNIN] Wahed! Over the hill. People. [WAHED] People? Well, that settles it rather, doesn't it Cully? No oneever visits the Island of Death, do they. [CULLY] Well, there's the survey unit, or they could be students. Werethey wearing protective suits? [ETNIN] No, but they had a new type of robot. [WAHED] A work party most probably. Come on Etnin, let's go and seektheir assistance in getting us off this dreary island which Cully hasso carelessly marooned us on. [CULLY] No, wait! Wahed! Stop! --------------------------------------- (Outside the saucer) [TOBA] Quarks. You will set up the drilling site inaccordance with the instructions of Domin [CULLY] Wait! Stop! [TOBA] Quarks, destroy them! [CULLY] Oh get down, quickly! They're going to. Get down! [TOBA] Quarks, reload force units. [RAGO] Trouble? [TOBA] I have dealt with it. Three alien beings of the planet. [RAGO] Dead. [TOBA] Of course. [RAGO] That was unnecessary! --------------------------------------- (Beach) [DOCTOR] Oh yes, oh yes. Ahh! [JAMIE] Are you still feeling tired, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, just a little bit weary, Jamie. It's a very exhaustingbusiness projecting all those mental images, you know. [ZOE] You need a good rest, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, we all do. A nice holiday. [JAMIE] Oh, where did you say this place was again? [ZOE] Well the scanner screen in the Tardis showed it as an island ofsome sort surrounded by a sea of mist. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's an island on Dulkis, a perfectly splendid planet. [JAMIE] Aye, I've heard that one before. [ZOE] And there won't be any Cybermen or Daleks, will there? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, of course not. There's nothing unpleasant onDulkis. [ZOE] Well, is the whole island as dreary as this? [DOCTOR] Oh no, goodness me, no. They're a very advanced race, theDulcians. And they're very gentle too. And friendly. You're going tolike them. [JAMIE] Oh I see, you've been here before. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, Jamie. Blow that up for me would you? [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Yes. Some time ago, mind you. It was splendid. It was sopeaceful. I just didn't want to leave. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's what we all need. A nice, peaceful holiday. --------------------------------------- (Cliff top) [TOBA] Quarks. Destroy the alien vessel. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [JAMIE] I thought you said it was a peaceful planet? [ZOE] Well which direction did it come from? It sounded as though it wasalmost on top of us. [JAMIE] Hey, now would you look at that. [ZOE] Did you say these people were peaceful Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well yes, Zoe, they. But Dulcians are gentle and friendly! [JAMIE] Aye, it sounded like it. Did the explosion cause this? [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no. This was caused by an explosion some time ago,Jamie. [ZOE] Looks like atomic blast damage to me. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think you're right, Zoe. But I don't understand it.Let's look inside, shall we? [DOCTOR] Mind. Over here. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [JAMIE] Hey, what sort of place is this? [ZOE] Looks like some sort of museum. [DOCTOR] Yes, you're right again, Zoe. A war museum! [JAMIE] Peaceful, you said. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, but these are very old fashioned weapons, Jamie. Thissort of thing was banned ages ago. [JAMIE] Hey, how you work this sort of thing? [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, no! Put that down! [JAMIE] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a sort of laser gun. You know what that'll do. It'llburn a hole through anything. Metal, concrete, wood, anything! It maylook old, but, well, you never know. It just might go off. Now please,just leave things as they were. Where was it? [ZOE] I wonder what's down here? [JAMIE] Is that the trigger there? [DOCTOR] Well that seems to be something [ZOE] Look! [JAMIE] What's the matter? What? [JAMIE] What's happened to them? [DOCTOR] Stay here, Zoe. Come on, Jamie. [JAMIE] Well, what are you laughing at? Oh, they're just dummies! Whatdid they put them in here for? [DOCTOR] They're dummies. [ZOE] Dummies? Did you check? DOCTOR [ZOE] Did you check the radiation level before we left the Tardis? [DOCTOR] That's just what I was thinking. Zoe, I think I did, I. Yes,I'm sure I did. [JAMIE] Hey, what are you two on about? [ZOE] Well I was just thinking. This place reminds me of the oldatom-test islands on Earth. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I think you're right, Zoe. [JAMIE] Test islands? [ZOE] For atomic weapons, Jamie. [DOCTOR] But, but, but why on Dulkis? They've outlawed war! There mustbe some other explanation. [JAMIE] Aye, well, I vote we go back to the Tardis and find somewhereelse. [ZOE] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [BALAN] (older man) Oh, I hope we're not too late. If they were outthere for any length of time. How badly are they affected? [KANDO] (girl) I don't know, Educator Balan. [BALAN] Oh, come now, Kando. I've taught you how to read a radiationmeter. But this is registering negative. Are you sure you've switchedit on? [KANDO] Yes. [BALAN] How is yours, Teel? [TEEL] (boy) Exactly the same, sir, Zero. [BALAN] It's very strange. [TEEL] Could it be that the meters aren't working, sir? [BALAN] Oh no, the warning lights would have gone on if the circuits hadfailed. [KANDO] Well, we can't leave them in there indefinitely. [BALAN] No, that's true. Teel, as they're not radioactive we may as welllet them out. (Teel opens a door, and the Doctor, Jamie, Zoe and a lotof steam come out.) [DOCTOR] Oh, my beautiful coat is all wet. [ZOE] Thank goodness for that. [JAMIE] Ridiculous! [DOCTOR] All this is totally unnecessary, you know. There's not a traceof contamination on us. [BALAN] Yes, so I've noticed. It's odd isn't it? [DOCTOR] What's odd about it? [BALAN] Well, the whole island is radioactive. It has been for a hundredand seventy two years, you must know that. [ZOE] Well it isn't now. [KANDO] Of course it is. [DOCTOR] Have you checked? [TEEL] Well, not yet. We've only just arrived. We'll be taking theannual readings during the next few days. [DOCTOR] Well, if I were you I'd take them now. [BALAN] I wasn't aware that anyone else had permission to work on theisland except ourselves. Tell me exactly what has been happening. [DOCTOR] But, but I was hoping you were going to tell us that. [ZOE] This is an atom test island, isn't it? [BALAN] Oh but of course. Everybody knows that. [JAMIE] Ah, well, we don't. [DOCTOR] But atomic weapons on Dulkis? I thought war had been abolishedhere. [BALAN] It has. You seem to know surprisingly little about your ownplanet. [JAMIE] Ah well, that's it, you see. We've just come in the Tar [DOCTOR] Well, as Jamie was about to say, we come from a differentworld, from a different time. [BALAN] Not from this world? Really, that's very interesting. I mustnote that in my daily report. [ZOE] Well, you don't sound very surprised. [BALAN] Well, it does explain how you came to expose yourself to thedangers on this island. No Dulcian would do such a foolish thing. [JAMIE] Oh? What are you doing here then? [KANDO] We're part of Educator Balan's expedition from the university. [DOCTOR] But when I was here some time ago, you were a peaceful race.What [BALAN] Ah, so you've been here before? [DOCTOR] Well, yes. [BALAN] Ah, I must put that in my. I'm so sorry. You were saying? [DOCTOR] Well, well, what's happened to you? I thought aggressiveweapons had been abolished? [BALAN] Oh, indeed they have, under the second council, under DirectorOlin. He banned the manufacture of all weapons. [DOCTOR] Then what are you doing letting off atomic devices all over theplace? [BALAN] Oh, there was only one explosion. Perhaps my pupil Kando shouldexplain. Let's see how much you remember, my dear. [KANDO] Er. [BALAN] The Seventh Council. [KANDO] The Seventh Council under Director Malos initiated researchwhich led to the development of atomic energy. The dest [BALAN] Destructive capabilities. [KANDO] The destructive capabilities of this were immediately apparent,and [BALAN] This island. [KANDO] And this island was used to test an explosive device, theresults of which can be seen today. Thereafter all further researchinto this type of energy was prohibited, and the island was kept asboth a museum and warning for future generations. [JAMIE] Oh well, she certainly does her homework. [DOCTOR] I see. Then this is an atomic test site? [BALAN] Oh, yes. You see, students are. That was really very good,Kando. Students are brought here to test the radiation level andobserve the effect on the vegetation. And of course, to see forthemselves the horrors of atomic destruction. [ZOE] So there should be radioactivity here? [JAMIE] But there isn't. [DOCTOR] No. I wonder why? --------------------------------------- (Outside the saucer) [RAGO] And you destroyed this travel ship? [TOBA] You gave me no order to the contrary. [RAGO] You are a Probationer Navigator. Your first task is toinvestigate, second assess. You allowed your instinct for destructionto interfere with your primary task. [TOBA] Not accepted. [RAGO] How can you assess that which does not exist? Have you completedyour atomic analysis? [TOBA] Analysis complete. Atomic energy released on this islandseventeen point two decades ago. [RAGO] A long time. Strange that this should be the only trace ofradiation on this planet. Continue. [TOBA] Drilling sites have now been located and marked. [RAGO] Then we will examine them. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [TOBA] This is the eastern drilling site. [RAGO] What is that? [TOBA] Just a crude, box-like structure. Shall I summon the Quarks todestroy it? [RAGO] Why? Will it interfere with the work? [TOBA] No, but [RAGO] Then it would be wasteful to destroy it. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TEEL] Cully, what are you doing here? [CULLY] Who is it? Who's that over there? [TEEL] My name is Teel. You remember. I'm with the survey team. [CULLY] Survey? Right. Take me to your survey unit. [TEEL] Yes, but [CULLY] Come on. Don't argue. [TEEL] Oh, very well. It's over this way. [RAGO] Here. Evidently a test site. It would explain the radiation. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [TOBA] Primitive architecture. [RAGO] Every culture develops, Probationer Toba. Never base anassumption on the past. Examine the present. [TOBA] Yes, Navigator Rago. You were right. It was a test site. [RAGO] Come here. Explain. [TOBA] Part of this collection of crude weapons. [RAGO] Continue. [TOBA] Well, this one operates on the early laser principle. Firemechanism here. [TOBA] Self-charging power cell. Limited range. [RAGO] That's all you notice? [TOBA] The other weapons are just as simple. There's nothing here thatcould threaten us. These things are so old that [RAGO] Precisely! Old! At last you casually mention a fact of majorsignificance. Has it not occurred to you, Probationer Toba, that otherweapons must have been developed since these? [TOBA] Agreed, Navigator Rago. [RAGO] I reproved you at the time of your precipitate act ofself-gratification in destroying those three creatures. It will now benecessary to find other specimens. They will have to be investigated. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [DOCTOR] But why do you think we might be responsible? Thank you. [BALAN] Well it is conceivable that your craft, the er? [DOCTOR] Tardis. [BALAN] The Tardis could have attracted the radioactivity in much thesame way as a magnet attracts metal. [DOCTOR] Oh, it would have registered. [ZOE] Do spacecraft often land in Dulkis? [KANDO] As far as I know, you are the first. [JAMIE] Oh I must say then, you don't seem the least bit surprised. [KANDO] We are taught to accept facts, being foolish to contemplatefantasy in the face of reality. You are here. This is fact. That youcome from another planet I accept because I have no other means ofproving it. [TEEL] Not a sign of radiation, but look what I found. [BALAN] Cully, what are you? [CULLY] Never mind that now. We've got to get back to the capital. [BALAN] Oh, it's impossible. We haven't even begun our survey yet. [CULLY] If you don't, you'll be wiped out. [TEEL] He claims to have seen robots and spacecraft. [BALAN] You didn't tell me you brought robots. [DOCTOR] I haven't! [CULLY] Look, I brought three people here in my ship. They've beenkilled by those creatures. [ZOE] Well, what's so funny? [BALAN] Now I see it. Yes, three people. So, you come from anotherworld, do you Doctor? [DOCTOR] Eh? I don't think I [BALAN] Really, Cully, you and your friends might at least have agreedupon the same story. [CULLY] What? But these aren't my three, you old f! Oh, what's the use. [JAMIE] What's he talking about? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Look, I've never seen this gentleman before in mylife. [BALAN] Cully, you had no right to bring these people here withoutpermission, even if you are the son of the Director of the Council. [CULLY] Well, go on then, why don't you call him up? At least he's notas stupid as you are. [DOCTOR] You say you've seen a spacecraft? [CULLY] Well, I've told you, haven't I. And robots. Well, at least Ithink they were robots. [DOCTOR] What exactly did this spacecraft look like? [CULLY] Well it's large and circular and a sort of silvery colour. [JAMIE] Ah, that means it can't be the Tardis. [DOCTOR] Are you sure it wasn't square, like a large wooden box? [CULLY] No, no, that's not the spacecraft. No, the box is where thosealiens have made a sort of mark. A five pointed star. They wereexamining just now, talking about destroying it. [DOCTOR + JAMIE + ZOE] What! [DOCTOR] Jamie, we'd better go and see. [JAMIE] Come on. [BALAN] You're wasting your time. [DOCTOR] I prefer to make up my own mind, thank you. Jamie. Are youcoming, Zoe? [ZOE] No, I think I'll stay here. [DOCTOR] Right, we shan't be a minute. [JAMIE] Come on then. [DOCTOR] Are you sure there's no radioactivity? [TEEL] Certain. [DOCTOR] Good. [ZOE] Why do you think they're wasting their time, Balan? [CULLY] Because they all think I'm a liar. [BALAN] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Outside the saucer) [RAGO] Commence work on preparing the sites of theouter bore holes. [TOBA] At once, Navigator Rago. [RAGO] Send this message to Fleet Leader. Materials located, detailedreport follows. [TOBA] Command accepted. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [BALAN] No. No, I'm sorry, Cully. I'm taking noaction until I've spoken to your father. [CULLY] But all this is just wasting time, and anyway you know full wellwhat the old man's going to say. Do nothing. [BALAN] Yes, and better that than setting the whole of Dulkis in apanic. Besides, Cully, I think you should show more respect, if not tome, at least to your father. [CULLY] My father? The great Senex, leader of the Dulcians? He's as badas the rest of you. Vegetables, the lot of you. You don't live, youexist. [BALAN] Haven't you got through yet, Teel? [TEEL] There seems to be some sort of interference. [CULLY] Ah, there you are. Robots are causing that. What did I tell you? [ZOE] You don't seem to be having much success with them, do you? [CULLY] Idiots. Blind idiots they are. Still, at least your Doctorfriend showed some interest. [ZOE] Yes, he has an enquiring mind. [CULLY] In that case he'll end up as unpopular as I am. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [JAMIE] Ah, at least they haven't harmed theTardis. [DOCTOR] That's a relief. Jamie, come and have a look at this. It'sinteresting. Look. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] See? [JAMIE] Oh, what's so interesting about that? [DOCTOR] Well I think it must be some sort of survey mark. [JAMIE] Very likely. [DOCTOR] Jamie, look. [DOCTOR] Some sort of tracks. [JAMIE] So they are. [DOCTOR] Let's follow them, shall we? [JAMIE] Hey, look at that! [DOCTOR] Now that really is interesting. --------------------------------------- (Outside the saucer) [JAMIE] Oh look, I think we'd better get back.Zoe'll be wondering what's happening. [DOCTOR] Oh this is interesting, yes. Obviously an interstellarspaceship of considerably advanced design. [JAMIE] Oh no. You're not thinking what I think you're thinking, areyou? [DOCTOR] That, I think, Jamie, depends upon what you think I amthinking. [JAMIE] Och. Hey, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Stop it. [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie, don't do it. [JAMIE] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Oh my word! (Looking down from the next hill are tworectangular beings with round heads with points sticking out of them.Their voices sound like sweet little girls.) [QUARK] Do not move. Do not move. [QUARK] Next task? Shall we destroy? Shall we destroy? --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [RAGO] Bring them inside. [DOCTOR] Oh, good heavens. [JAMIE] Look, what's going on? Who are you? [RAGO] We are Dominators. Both of you stand by that wall. [JAMIE] I will not. [DOCTOR] Now, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh no, they're not going to [TOBA] We are meant to be obeyed. [JAMIE] Not by me you're not. [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] Wha? Oh, if you insist. [JAMIE] Doctor, I can't move. Help me! [RAGO] It is pointless to struggle. My Quarks have used a molecularforce to bind your bodies to the wall. [JAMIE] What's he going do with us? [RAGO] Alien races are occasionally of use to us. I intend to probe yourphysiological make up. [DOCTOR] Do what? [JAMIE] Doctor, can you not do anything? [DOCTOR] Don't struggle, Jamie. Keep still. [RAGO] Toba. [TOBA] Quarks, attach force units. Activate. [RAGO] Visor! Transmatter focus probe. [RAGO] Brittle skeletal structure. Reasonable flexibility. A certainamount of muscular force. Could be marginally useful. Vulnerable, onlyone heart. [TOBA] Intelligence? [RAGO] A simple brain. Signs of recent rapid learning. Still, somewhatcrude. [TOBA] Shall I prepare the other specimen for scrutiny? [RAGO] No, they will be identical. Conserve power. [TOBA] Are they dangerous? [RAGO] No, they are physically inferior. [TOBA] So we destroy them? [RAGO] No. It is possible we may use them. [TOBA] What for? [RAGO] Workforce. [TOBA] We've got the Quarks. [RAGO] We must conserve their power, you know that! [TOBA] But why do you want? (gets a Look from Rago) Command accepted. [RAGO] Set up a reaction test. [RAGO] Test this one. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [SENEX [on monitor]] Your picture is fading, Balan. Your picture isfading. [CULLY] Never mind the picture, Father. The important thing is, what areyou going to do? [SENEX [on monitor]] I can't hear you, Balan. Send Cully and thestrangers to the Capital. I'll question them there. [CULLY] Father? Father! Can't you get them back? [TEEL] They've switched off the reception I'm afraid. [CULLY] Oh, switched off? That's typical, isn't it. Typical Dulcianbehaviour. Something strange, something you don't understand and youswitch off. (taps his head) Up here. [BALAN] We don't all have your childish curiosity, Cully. [CULLY] You'd have more fun out of life if you did. [TEEL] The power units of the travel capsule are charging now. [CULLY] You ever travelled in a capsule before? [ZOE] I can't say that I have. How do they work? [CULLY] Don't know. Can't stand the things myself. Hey, you asked aquestion. [ZOE] Yes. [CULLY] There you go, Balan, that proves it. This girl's got anenquiring mind. She can't possibly come from Dulkis. [BALAN] That will be for your father to decide. As soon as your friendsreturn they will follow you and Cully in the second capsule. [ZOE] Wouldn't it be better if all four of us went together? [KANDO] Travel capsules only take two. [TEEL] Number one ready. [KANDO] It's nothing to be afraid of, you know. [ZOE] Oh, I'm not frightened. I'm looking forward to it. [CULLY] Come on, let's try and stir up a little action in the Capital. [KANDO] You really mustn't believe Cully's wild tales. [BALAN] I will dial for the Capital, Cully, if you don't mind. [CULLY] I see. Frightened I might disappear, eh? [BALAN] Well, it has been known, hasn't it, Cully. [CULLY] It'd be a joke if it happened this time though, wouldn't it? --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [CULLY] The selector's a bit warm. Soon reach theceiling. It'll be all right when we level off. There you are. Sit backand relax. Won't take long. [ZOE] Does this land on automatic control as well? [CULLY] Oh yes, the whole thing's automatic. Dial where you want to goand in less than eight minutes you're there. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [JAMIE] Look, how long are you going to keep uslike this? [TOBA] Silence! [JAMIE] Oh, if I could only get away from this wall. [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie. I am trying to listen. [JAMIE] Oh, everyone wants me to shut up. All right, I will. [RAGO] And if we are to use these Dulcians as slaves there are certainqualities you must look for. Obedience, strength, sufficientintelligence to make them of use, but not so much as to make themdangerous. Is that clear? [TOBA] Yes. [JAMIE] Er, what are they saying? [DOCTOR] I think they're arranging for some sort of tests. [JAMIE] Tests? What for? [DOCTOR] I don't know. I thought I heard them mention the wordintelligence. [JAMIE] Oh, you mean they're going to find out how clever we are? [DOCTOR] Yes. Or how stupid. I wonder which is the more important tothem? --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [ZOE] Will it take long to reach the Capital? [CULLY] Reach it? We're there. Door to door service. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [BOVEM] Very well, then. It is agreed that the area in question beconverted for holiday and relaxation purposes. This is now agreed?Subject of course to the approval of Director Senex. [COUNCILLOR 1] Oh I'm sure the Director will approve our decision. Afterall, he considers the Caves of Arick [COUNCILLOR 2] Has he sufficiently considered the case of the residents [BOVEM] Really, gentlemen, we've debated this matter for several months.I don't wish to hurry you, indeed, but at least. [BOVEM] Yes, what is it? [SECRETARY [OC]] Cully has arrived with a stranger. They're here in theantechamber. [BOVEM] Ah yes. Well, you'd better keep them out there. Has the Directorbeen informed? [SECRETARY [OC]] Not yet. [CULLY [OC]] I will not stay here. I'm going in. I want to see myfather. [BOVEM] What is going on out there? [CULLY] If you think that I'm going to stay out there for hours on endkicking my heels, you're very much mistaken, Bovem! [BOVEM] Will you tell the Director his son has arrived? [SECRETARY [OC]] Yes, of course. [BOVEM] You realise, of course, that you've interrupted a most importantmeeting. [CULLY] Not nearly as important as the news I've got. [BOVEM] Oh really? And what adventure have you dreamt up for us thistime? Who is this young person? [CULLY] Zoe. I met her on the island with two of her friends. They'recoming on later. [BOVEM] Oh, I see. Doubtless none of you had permits? [CULLY] Oh, don't be stupid, man. How could they have permits? They'vecome from another planet! [COUNCILLOR 1] Oh, nonsense. The existence of life on another planet wasconclusively disproved! [COUNCILLOR TWO] Oh, come now [COUNCILLOR 1] By scientific. [COUNCILLOR 2] It is perfectly possible that life does exist. [CULLY] Look, there's no time for the usual Dulcian debate. Don't yourealise what's happened? [BOVEM] And what's that? [CULLY] A space vehicle has landed. [COUNCILLOR 2] A space vehicle? [COUNCILLOR 1] Ridiculous! [BOVEM] Oh really, Cully. You're wasting this Council's valuable timewith these ridiculous stories. Just because you're the Director's son,does not mean [CULLY] Hello, Father. [BOVEM] I'm sorry, Director Senex. I was not aware that [SENEX] So I observed. I think it would be better if I speak to Cullyand the young lady alone. [BOVEM] Of course, yes. [SENEX] Well, wait in the antechamber. [COUNCILLOR 1] I told you the commission specifically stated that therewas no life on other planets than this! [CULLY] Look father, I [SENEX] Cully, do you enjoy being treated like a clown? Your name? [ZOE] Zoe. [SENEX] Well then, Zoe, what were you doing on the island? [ZOE] Nothing, really. Just looking around. [SENEX] But didn't you know it was dangerous? [ZOE] No. At least, not at first. [SENEX] Oh, Cully. How can your conscience allow you to expose innocentand foolish people to such dangers? [CULLY] But I didn't take her to the island. [SENEX] Oh ho, nonsense. I know all about Cully's Adventures Unlimited. [CULLY] You know? But why didn't you [SENEX] Well, you weren't doing any harm. At least we thought youweren't. [CULLY] But it's illegal. [SENEX] But to prosecute would have given you open publicity, and itwouldn't have reflected very well on me either. [CULLY] I see. Why can't I be treated as an individual and not always asthe son of the Director? [SENEX] Now then, young lady. Tell me exactly what happened. [ZOE] Well, I landed with the Doctor and Jamie [SENEX] In Cully's ship, yes? [ZOE] Cully? Oh, no. We came in the Tardis. [SENEX] What is that? [ZOE] It's an advanced craft for travel. [CULLY] It goes through time and space. [SENEX] I think this joke has gone far enough. [CULLY] There you are. I knew he wouldn't believe it. [ZOE] But it's true! You can ask the Doctor and Jamie. They'll be heresoon. [SENEX] What do you hope to gain by this foolishness? [CULLY] But it's not. I told you when we spoke on the vision link. Threepeople have been killed, a spacecraft has landed, radioactivity hasdisappeared, and there are robots on that island. Now I may have apretty inventive mind, but I wouldn't have dreamt up that lot, nowwould I? [SENEX] And no doubt you will confirm all this? [CULLY] Er, well, I haven't actually seen the spacecraft and robots. [SENEX] Oh! So it seems we only have your word for it, Cully. Andexperience has taught us how little that can be relied upon. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [JAMIE] What's he up to now? [DOCTOR] He's arranging some sort of intelligence test, Jamie. [JAMIE] You mean those wee shapes in that big box? What for? [DOCTOR] Yes, well, you have to put the right shapes into the correctholes. It's quite simple. [JAMIE] Och, if that's all it is, a kid of two could do it. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's what's bothering me. It's too simple. [JAMIE] You moved. [DOCTOR] I'm free. What about you? [JAMIE] Me too. [DOCTOR] Come on. [TOBA] Well? [QUARK] Molecular force expended. Order required. Are the specimens tobe re-fused? [TOBA] No. [DOCTOR] What are you going to do with us? [TOBA] Quiet! Over there. [TOBA] Sit! [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [TOBA] Attach force units. [TOBA] Hands! Through there. [TOBA] Power. [TOBA] That will be repeated again at regular intervals until the puzzleis reassembled. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh no! [TOBA] Begin! [JAMIE] Hurry up, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, my hands! [JAMIE] No, the square bit, not the star. The square bit [TOBA] Detach. [JAMIE] Doctor! Doctor. Now where's that? [JAMIE] Here. Quick. Sniff, sniff. That's it. Come away. Come away fromthat fearful contraption. Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm all right. [JAMIE] What were you up to? That puzzle was easy! [DOCTOR] An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than anintelligent one, Jamie. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Just act stupid. Do you think you can manage that? [JAMIE] Oh aye, it's easy. [TOBA] Attach force units. [TOBA] You two over here. Sit. [JAMIE] Oh, thank you. [DOCTOR] Oh. [TOBA] Power. Now, get up. [TOBA] I said, get up! [DOCTOR] Oh, but [JAMIE] Try around here. [TOBA] You are surrounded. [JAMIE] Well how do we get off? [TOBA] There is a way. Find it! [RAGO] Test complete? [TOBA] These creatures are useless. [RAGO] Strange. [TOBA] You question my report, Navigator Rago? [RAGO] I find it at variance with what we already know. [TOBA] I don't understand. [RAGO] The weapons we saw earlier. Could they have been devised by suchapparent simpletons? [TOBA] You think that there were other [RAGO] That we will find out. Message to Fleet Leader. Materials readilyaccessible. Fleet proceed to refuel. Investigating potential slavelabour. Transmit! [RAGO] Come with me. [DOCTOR] But every time we try and get up, there's a [RAGO] Jump! [DOCTOR] Jump? Jump. [RAGO] A simple circuit completed by your bodies. You obviously knowlittle of electricity. [DOCTOR] Elec? Elec? [RAGO] Are you such a fool? You have intelligent eyes. I will continuethe test personally. Bring! [DOCTOR] All right, we'll go. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [KANDO] The strangers are a long time returning,Balan. [BALAN] Yes. Doubtless searching the whole island in search of somethingwhich doesn't exist. Teel, have you finished that graph? [TEEL] Yes, sir. [BALAN] Show it me, please. [TEEL] Well, it doesn't seem logical somehow, sir. We all know thatthere's been a steady uniform decrease in radiation during the pasthundred and seventy two years, and suddenly it all disappears. [BALAN] Well it has happened, therefore it is a fact. We now know thatthe effects of an atomic explosion lasts for a hundred and seventy twoyears. [TEEL] But why, sir? [BALAN] Oh, I dare say our atomic experts could provide a reason, but itseems pointless to spend time searching for reasons to prove facts. Afact is a truth. [KANDO] But the spacecraft that Cully saw? [BALAN] Oh, there is no such spacecraft, nor are there any robots. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [RAGO] I said, what is that? [DOCTOR] Well. Well, it's some sort of gun, isn't it? [RAGO] Explain it to me. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't know that I [RAGO] Firepower potential? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [RAGO] What does it do? [DOCTOR] Oh, oh, I see. Well, guns kill people. Is that what you wantedto know? [RAGO] Fire it. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't think I. You have to put something into it first,And it comes out here, as far as I remember. [RAGO] You. Fire it. [JAMIE] Oh, I wouldn't know how it works. [TOBA] Do as Dominator Rago says! Fire it! [JAMIE] Well I'll try. Er, you put a cork or something in there andsomething [DOCTOR] Jamie. Jamie, be careful. [JAMIE] Oh, I'll get the hang of it, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Jamie, be careful! [DOCTOR] We don't understand guns on Dulkis! We haven't used them forhundreds of years! [RAGO] So, you don't understand guns. [RAGO] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Yes! It was the Clever Ones who invented them! [RAGO] Clever Ones? [DOCTOR] Yes! They lived long ago, you see. There aren't many of themleft. They stopped us using guns and things. [RAGO] There are two distinct types on this planet? [DOCTOR] Yes! [RAGO] How many of these Clever Ones are there? [DOCTOR] Well, there are, there are not many. We don't like them much.They tell us what to do, you see. [RAGO] Good. I see. [RAGO] There is nothing to fear from these primitives and the otherssound as if they're pacifists. [TOBA] So they are useless. [RAGO] They have a small labour potential, nothing more. [TOBA] Shall I destroy them? [RAGO] No, we must conserve power. [TOBA] But why [RAGO] We have nothing to fear from such creatures. It would be a wasteof energy to destroy them. Leave them! Stay away from us and theQuarks. DOCTOR [JAMIE] Yes, Master. [JAMIE] Am I glad that's over. [DOCTOR] Me, too. They're a bloodthirsty lot these Dominators, aren'tthey? [JAMIE] Aye. What do you think they're after? [DOCTOR] I don't know. That message they sent. Material readilyaccessible. Some sort of mineral deposits, do you think? [JAMIE] And then this fleet of theirs would refuel, land and pick it up.It makes sense. [DOCTOR] Well, what do they want the Dulcians as slaves for? They've gotthe Quarks. [JAMIE] Aye, nasty little beasties. Hey, Doctor, they've gone. We'dbetter get back to that survey place. Zoe'll be wondering what'shappening. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think you're right. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [CULLY] I've got to make them believe me beforeit's too late. [ZOE] Well, what are you going to do? [CULLY] Get some evidence. Will you come back to the island with me? [ZOE] All right. But how do we get past the Council out there? [CULLY] Through my father's rooms. Come on. We'll have to steal a travelcapsule somehow. Well, I can manage that all right but er [ZOE] Well, what's the matter? [CULLY] Your clothes. Not exactly Dulcian, are they? [ZOE] So? [CULLY] They'll attract too much attention. We'd never get past thecapsule managers. Still, no problem. We can always fix you up with someDulcian garments. [ZOE] Where from? [CULLY] Clothing dispenser unit. There's one in my father's rooms, comeon. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [BALAN] This will take you direct to the Capital, Doctor. Your youngfriend Zoe is already there. No doubt Director Senex is awaiting yourarrival. [DOCTOR] Oh, this is splendid! [JAMIE] Look, Doctor, what is this? You know I hate being cooped up. [BALAN] Now perhaps we can get on with our work. [KANDO] What are you thinking? [TEEL] They seem so positive that they'd seen robots. [KANDO] I almost believed them. [TEEL] Balan, we may be in great danger. Would it not be wise to checkfor ourselves? [BALAN] I can see I shall get no work from you two until you have gotpositive proof. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [CULLY] Hey, come on. Nearly ready? [ZOE] Yes, just about. [CULLY] Good. [ZOE] I'm not sure I pressed the right button. [CULLY] Why not? It's not bad, even for an automatic machine. [ZOE] Well, they're not very efficient garments, are they. [CULLY] Well, at least you look more like a girl now. [ZOE] Oh I'm not sure. They feel impractical. [CULLY] Never mind. The main thing is that now you'll pass as a Dulcian.Let's go and get a capsule. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [RAGO] Drill depth on fourth bore? [TOBA] Eighteen thousand. [RAGO] Link feeds to your seismographic readings. Inform explosiveforce. Enquire time and depth. Feed into calculator now. [TOBA] Command accepted. [QUARK] Unknown creatures approaching. [TOBA] Destroy? [RAGO] No, investigate. --------------------------------------- (Outside the saucer) [KANDO] It's enormous! [TEEL] So Cully was telling the truth. [BALAN] Was he? [KANDO] But, Balan. [BALAN] Where are the robots? [KANDO] Inside, perhaps. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [KANDO [on monitor]] Oh please may we go in? [BALAN [on monitor]] Oh very well. [KANDO] But it's empty. [BALAN] Look, there's a map of the island. [QUARK] Stand still. [BALAN] But, you are not Dulcians! [BALAN] I can't move! [KANDO] Oh, what have they done? [RAGO] Stand quite still! (to Teel) You. Move over there. Activate. [RAGO] Silence. Toba? [TOBA] Attach force units. [RAGO] These look different. Visor. [BALAN] Leave that boy alone! [KANDO] What do you want from us? [TOBA] Silence! [RAGO] As I thought, they are different. Greater brain power, twohearts. There are two distinct species on this planet. [TOBA] Dangerous? [RAGO] No. [TOBA] Then we might have the labour force we need after all. [RAGO] Yes, if there are more on the island. We will search. --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [ZOE] Well, what's funny? [CULLY] I just thought. Your friends are probably on their way back tothe Capital. We'll have passed them going the other way. [ZOE] I hope not. [CULLY] Oh, it doesn't make much difference. We can always turn aroundagain. As long as those robots don't appear. [CULLY] Hold on. Deceleration. Another minute or so and we'll landsafely at the survey unit. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [TOBA] Record all technical data. [QUARK] Scan completed. [TOBA] Good! Follow. --------------------------------------- (Island) [TOBA] Recharge. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [ZOE] Where do you think everybody is? [CULLY] I don't know. Come on, out you get. --------------------------------------- (Island) [TOBA] Destroy, destroy! --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [ZOE] Cully, what's happening? [CULLY] I don't know. [CULLY] The door, quick! [CULLY] It's stuck. It's stuck! We're trapped! --------------------------------------- (Island) [TOBA] Recharge. Complete destruction! [RAGO] Toba! [RAGO] Quarks, wait. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [CULLY] Maybe you'll believe in my robots now. [ZOE] I don't know about robots, but something was attacking us, andwith pretty sophisticated weapons too. [CULLY] Well whatever it was, we'd better get out of here fast. Let'stry and move this door. --------------------------------------- (Island) [TOBA] I wanted to prevent their escape. [RAGO] You wanted to destroy. Unnecessary destruction is wasteful. Didyou inspect it? [TOBA] All relevant details have been recorded. [RAGO] See if there are any survivors and bring them to me. Alive. --------------------------------------- (Survey unit) [ZOE] Oh, it's no good. It's jammed. [CULLY] Yes, we're trapped in here. [ZOE] What about the travel capsule? [CULLY] I can't navigate it. We'll end up back at the Capital. [ZOE] Well, that's better than being cooked here. [CULLY] Yes, but they'd pick us off easily in that. Come on let's trythat door again. [CULLY] Come on. Keep it [CULLY] Now you know I'm not lying! --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [BOVEM] Director Senex asked that you should bebrought to the Council chamber immediately. Please wait here. [JAMIE] Just a moment. Er, where's Zoe? [BOVEM] You mean the girl? [JAMIE] Yes, Zoe. Is she here? [BOVEM] No. [DOCTOR] Well then, where is she? She did arrive safely? [BOVEM] Oh yes. [JAMIE] Well then? Hey, has anything happened to her? [BOVEM] Director Senex will explain, should he think fit. [JAMIE] Hey, just [BOVEM] There is no cause for alarm. I will inform the Director of yourarrival. [JAMIE] What do you think's happened to her, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, I've no idea, Jamie. But the Dulcians wouldn't have harmedher, of that I'm certain. [JAMIE] Aye. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [KANDO] Are you all right, Balan? [BALAN] Oh, yes, but I don't understand what is happening. Why shouldthese people wish us harm? [RAGO] Silence! [TOBA] The other two specimens for examination. Shall I bring them in? [RAGO] Wait. Observe the cerebral cortex development in this specimen. [KANDO] Oh please, don't hurt him. [BALAN] If only you would tell us what you wanted. [RAGO] I said, silence. Well? [TOBA] Higher potential than the first two. Not a very resourceful brainpattern, but intelligent. [RAGO] Yes. I will send this information to Fleet Leader for analysis.It is possible these creatures may be used for slave labour.Unfortunately their muscular development seems somewhat limited. [TOBA] Then they're of no use? [RAGO] We shall test them. Put them to work on the drilling site.Observe how long they survive. [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] And send a Quark back to the unit. Should any more arrive, I wantthem alive. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [SENEX] As far as we know, she left with my son Cully. Presumably theyhave returned to the island. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] Oh, no. Why'd you not tell us? Come on, Doctor. [SENEX] I do not think that would be advisable. [JAMIE] Oh, you mean we're prisoners again? [SENEX] No. There are no prisoners on Dulkis. [DOCTOR] It's not necessary, you see, Jamie. This is a society of totalpacifism. [JAMIE] You mean they don't fight? They don't have any armies? [DOCTOR] No, no. [JAMIE] Oh, that's just great! How then are we going to drive off thoseQuark things? [SENEX] From your reaction and your lack of knowledge of the way of lifeon Dulkis, it would seem there was some truth in your story that youare from another planet. [JAMIE] Of course there's some truth. Look, it was your people whothought we were friends of Cully's. [SENEX] The identity of my son's companions can now been established,although what has happened to them is not quite clear. [DOCTOR] But Cully has told you. They were murdered. And I believe him! [SENEX] Why? [DOCTOR] Because I have seen these Dominators. We were taken aboardtheir spacecraft. Believe me, they're callous. Without pity. [SENEX] I would be grateful if you could tell me what occurred on theisland. [JAMIE] Och look here, we've told you. We're just wasting time talkingwhile Zoe's in danger. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [ZOE] Can't we get away? [CULLY] Oh, we wouldn't stand a chance. These Quarks are deadly. [ZOE] Any idea how they're powered? [CULLY] No, why? [ZOE] Well if we knew we might be able to put them out of action. [CULLY] Attack them? Are you out of your mind? [ZOE] Well, they're only robots. [CULLY] Only? Do you really think we could destroy one? [ZOE] It'd be easier if we had a gun of some. The laser gun! [CULLY] Eh? [ZOE] Cully, I think we stand a chance. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [TOBA] Take them to the others. [QUARK] Move. [TOBA] I'll sent them to work on the drilling site. [RAGO] Work potential and stamina to be recorded and sent for analysis. [TOBA] Agreed. If any of them should escape [RAGO] Then you will report the fact to me. No personal action. Toba! [TOBA] Command accepted. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [ZOE] So the Doctor and Jamie are on the mainland? [CULLY] Yes. It looks as though from now on we're on our own. [TOBA] You creatures, follow. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [DOCTOR] And when these horrible tests were over,they just let us go. [SENEX] Did you discover for what purpose these tests were carried out? [JAMIE] Yes, to see if we were intelligent enough to use as slaves. [BOVEM] Evidently you were not. [DOCTOR] I would like to make a suggestion. I know it is the way ofDulkis to discuss and to deliberate, but the situation is urgent. Sendsomeone to the island to confirm what we've told you. [JAMIE] Yes, and while they're away we can be thinking out some plan totackle those Dominators. [SENEX] These Dominators. They let you go free, why should we fear them? [DOCTOR] Because they are aggressive, callous and unfeeling. Don'texpect them to act and think as you do. They're alien, from anotherworld. [SENEX] Well so are you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, you've got me there. [JAMIE] Oh, for heavens sake! Look, are you going to send someone tothat island or are you not? [SENEX] Patience, young man. Doctor, what in your opinion do thisDominators want? [DOCTOR] Well I'm not sure, but I heard them say that the material wasreadily accessible. Probably some kind of mineral ore. [SENEX] Oh, there are no valuable minerals here. They are welcome towhatever they can find. There is no cause for alarm. [DOCTOR] Yes, but then there's the matter of the disappearance of theradioactivity from the island. That could be significant. [SENEX] Why seek menace where there may be none? [JAMIE] But you can't just sit here and do nothing. [BOVEM] Why not? [COUNCILLOR 1] Haste is not in the Dulcian tradition. [COUNCILLOR 2] Better to do nothing than do the wrong thing. [JAMIE] Oh you're mad, the lot of you. [BOVEM] What would you suggest we do? [JAMIE] Well for a start, send an armed party over there to rescue Zoeand your people. [BOVEM] An armed party? [JAMIE] Yes! [COUNCILLOR 1] But the use of arms on Dulkis is totally unprecedented. [COUNCILLOR 2] Not totally unprecedented. In the earliest days of ourhistory we [COUNCILLOR 1] Oh, in primitive times perhaps, but impossible toconsider today. [COUNCILLOR 2] Oh yes, of course. [JAMIE] What are they talking about? [DOCTOR] I told you, Jamie. There are no weapons on Dulkis. [SENEX] For centuries we have lived in peace. We have proved thatuniversal gentleness will cause aggression to die. [JAMIE] Aye, well, the Dominators don't know anything about yourgentleness. [DOCTOR] Jamie has a point there, you know. Now I suggest you try to getin touch with Balan on the island again. He must know more by now. [SENEX] Oh, very well. [DOCTOR] Ah. [JAMIE] Eh? (A view of the inside of the survey unit comes up on amonitor.) [JAMIE] Hey, would you look at that. [SENEX] Balan? Balan, are you there? [DOCTOR] It's no use! [JAMIE] Look! [DOCTOR] It's too late! [BOVEM] What is that? [DOCTOR] It's a robot! [JAMIE] That's a Quark! Now come on, we've wasted enough time. [DOCTOR] Yes! Now perhaps you'll believe me. --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [DOCTOR] Now, Jamie, what did you want to tell me? [JAMIE] Well, I suppose you know what you're doing. [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [JAMIE] Well, this contraption's homing back on that survey place,right? [DOCTOR] Yes, right. [JAMIE] Well, there's a Quark there waiting for us! --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] If these tests prove favourable some of youmay be among those chosen to serve the Dominators. [ZOE] As slaves, you mean? [TOBA] Don't ever interrupt me again. To serve the Dominators, Mastersof the Ten Galaxies. Your progress here will be reported. [CULLY] Progress at what? [TOBA] This area here is to be cleared of debris and rubble. [ZOE] Why? [TOBA] Because I command it. [ZOE] I am not going to work unless I know why you want [TOBA] Quiet! Very well. This site is to be cleared for drilling,firstly because we want it cleared, secondly to find out whether youhave enough strength to make a work force. [ZOE] And if we haven't? [TOBA] You will all be destroyed. So remember, you are working for yourlives. [BALAN] We must, for now. [ZOE] I wonder why they want to drill here? [CULLY] Who cares what they want. What are we going to do? [ZOE] We've got to get away. [CULLY] Yes, but how? [ZOE] Well, there's only two Quarks. There's five of us. [BALAN] Escape is pointless. Where would we go? [KANDO] We can't get off the island. [TEEL] Perhaps the Capital will send help. [CULLY] Help? But what can they do? They're just not equipped to dealwith this sort of thing. No, we've got to get out of this messourselves. [ZOE] And that's just what I mean to do. Cully, how fast can theseQuarks move? [BALAN] Young lady, I cannot allow you to incite my pupils. Resistancewill only lead to violence. [ZOE] And submission leads to slavery. We must fight. How about you,Cully? [CULLY] You can count me in. Kando? [KANDO] No. Balan is right. Violence is always met with violence. [CULLY] Teel? [TEEL] I accept what you both say, but I'm afraid I also agree with Zoeand Cully. Meek submission would be humiliating. [QUARK] Continue working. --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [JAMIE] Hey, have you gone daft or something? [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, not exactly. Oh dear, this is rather complicated. [JAMIE] Hey, you can't just take things to pieces, not when we're flyingat heaven knows what speed. [DOCTOR] Well, Jamie, as you said, this capsule is homing straight backonto the survey unit, and the Quarks are there. [JAMIE] Well, I did try to warn you. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Thank you. Now don't worry. All I've got to do isto override the automatic pilot. [JAMIE] Oh. Hey, are there not any ordinary controls for flying thisthing? [DOCTOR] Ah, no, no, Jamie, there don't seem to be. But the simplest wayis to get straight at the control mechanism. [JAMIE] The simplest? [DOCTOR] Yes, now it's all right, Jamie, just leave it all to me. Thetrouble is all the wires seem to be leading up into the nose. Just holdthis for me for a minute, will you Jamie? Let's see whether I canscramble through here. Just wait a minute. we're nearly there. Oh! --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [TOBA] Ready for transmission. [RAGO] Transmit course and point of deviation to Fleet Leader. [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] Yes? [QUARK] Initial report. [RAGO] Continue. [QUARK] All prisoners except one showing signs of fatigue. [TOBA] That will be the young man. [QUARK] Correction, Dominator. It is a female that shows the lessfatigue. [RAGO] Interesting. [TOBA] Shall I liven them up? [RAGO] No. Work them to the point of exhaustion, note their time ofcollapse, then bring them to me. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [CULLY] If we don't get a move on the others will be too tired to evenattempt an escape. Have you got any ideas? [ZOE] Well, we'll have to put that Quark out of action for a start or wewon't stand a chance. [CULLY] Yes, but how? [ZOE] Well, there's a laser gun in that museum place. Somehow we've gotto get hold of it. [BALAN] I'm sorry. [KANDO] Don't worry. [QUARK] Continue working. [ZOE] He can't! He's exhausted! [QUARK] Continue working. [CULLY] You stupid tin box, can't you see he's worn out? [QUARK] Is this specimen broken? [CULLY] Yes. [QUARK] Place it on one side. Remainder continue working. [KANDO] There. I'm sorry. We're not used to manual labour on Dulkis. --------------------------------------- (Capsule) [JAMIE] Hey, what are you doing in there? [DOCTOR] I've nearly got it, Jamie. Yes, I think I've got it. [JAMIE] You think? You mean you're not sure? [DOCTOR] Well, there won't be time for another try, you know. Oh, giveus a hand. Pull me back. [DOCTOR] Oh, there we are, yes. Yes, I think I've done it. Now then,hold on and I'm going to try and steer this thing. [JAMIE] With that mess of wires? [JAMIE] Take it easy. [DOCTOR] Well, at least we know it works, don't we. [JAMIE] Hey, can you land the thing? [DOCTOR] Of course I can. I'll get us down in no time at all. [JAMIE] Aye, but in one piece? [DOCTOR] Now just hold on. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [COUNCILLOR 2] Perhaps we should do something? Wemust be [BOVEM] Gentlemen, gentlemen, this is no matter for precipitate action. [SENEX] Nevertheless, we must hope that the Doctor may be able to pursuesome useful course of action. [BOVEM] With respect, Director, I am reluctant to rely on the assistanceof any alien. [SENEX] You do now admit that he is not a Dulcian? [BOVEM] Yes, so I think that our alliance must be placed in the Chairmanof Emergencies Committee. [SENEX] Chairman Tensa? Yes, he is able, but can he deal with thiscrisis? [BOVEM] Oh, sir, Tensa has proved his efficiency in the face of fires,droughts, earthquakes. [SENEX] All natural disasters. All created by forces not inherentlyacting from aggressive motives. [SENEX] Yes? [SECRETARY [OC]] Chairman Tensa is here. Presents his compliments. [SENEX] Send him in immediately. [COUNCILLOR 1] He's a very able man. [TENSA] My greetings, Director Senex. Gentlemen. [SENEX] Tensa, you have been informed of the emergency that has arisen? [TENSA] Yes. [SENEX] What would you advise? [TENSA] The facts of this emergency are non-conclusive. [TENSA] But, as I see it, we have three alternatives. [SENEX] Which are? [TENSA] If these aliens and their robots are aggressive, and as yet thisis not a fact. But if they are, then we can either fight [COUNCILLOR 1] Fight? [BOVEM] Fight? [SENEX] Silence! Tensa. [TENSA] Fight, submit or flee. [BOVEM] Flee to where? [SENEX] We cannot make war. We are not able. Flight is impossible, wehave nowhere to hide. And submission? To what? [TENSA] Who knows? [SENEX] So we can do nothing? [TENSA] Nothing, except wait. --------------------------------------- (Island) [DOCTOR] Oh, no bones broken. Oh dear. Oh, there we are. Oh, my word,Ah. Well, I think we've done rather well so far, don't you? [JAMIE] More by luck than by judgement, if you ask me. What a landing. [DOCTOR] It was just a bit bumpy. Oh now then, the main thing is weweren't spotted. Now come along, we've got to find Zoe and the others. [JAMIE] Aye. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TEEL] All right then, I'm with you, but do you think it'll work? [CULLY] Of course it will. Once we can get hold of the laser and flattenthese Quarks, and go to ground somewhere. [TEEL] But where? It mustn't be far. I mean, look at Kando. [ZOE] Yes, and Balan. Is there anywhere near here to hide? [TEEL] Wait a minute. The shelter. The bomb shelter. I'm sure they builtone here somewhere. Part of the atom test. [ZOE] It sounds ideal. Where is it? [TEEL] Can't remember. --------------------------------------- (Island hilltop) [JAMIE] Hey, would you look down there. [DOCTOR] It's the ruined building. Hello. [JAMIE] What can you see? [JAMIE] It's Zoe and Cully! [DOCTOR] We've got to get down there. Jamie, we'll split up and getaround the back of them. I'll cut across those cliffs. [JAMIE] I'll go this way. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [ZOE] You ready? [CULLY] Yes. [ZOE] Once you're inside give me time to get the two Quarks into yourline of fire. [CULLY] Here we go. [QUARK] Next one collapsed. Join the other specimens. [BALAN] This is foolishness, Cully. [TEEL] All clear. Best of luck. [QUARK] All specimens have reached point of collapse. [ZOE] Fire, Cully, fire. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [JAMIE] What do you think you're doing? [CULLY] Jamie! [JAMIE] Zoe's out there. [CULLY] I know that, you fool, I was aiming at those Quarks! [QUARK [OC]] All specimens stand up. [CULLY] I missed my chance. I had them in my sights. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TEEL] Why didn't he shoot? [KANDO] I don't know. [QUARK] Specimens must all be returned to Dominator Rago. [QUARK 2] One of them is missing. It is the specimen Cully. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [CULLY] Oh, it's no good. Balan's in the way now. [JAMIE] Well, I said I'm sorry. Anyway I don't think we should doanything until the Doctor gets here. [CULLY] Well he'd better be quick. Those Dominators will be after mesoon. [JAMIE] Don't worry. He'll get here. --------------------------------------- (Island) [TOBA] What are you doing? You were told to keep away from the Quarks. [DOCTOR] Oh, but I do. Whenever I see one I go away. But they're allover the island. Where can I go? [TOBA] Stop. One of them's missing. [QUARK] The man Cully has escaped. [TOBA] Has he. All right, carry on. Take this idiot with you. Quark,follow me. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [CULLY] It's no good, Jamie. We daren't wait anylonger. Something must have happened to the Doctor. [JAMIE] Aye, I think you're right. [TOBA [OC]] Cully! [JAMIE] Down! I told you to stay away from the window. [CULLY] Do you think he saw me? [TOBA [OC]] I know you're in there, Cully! [JAMIE] Give me that. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Now you'll see what happens when the ordersof a Dominator are disobeyed. Quark, destroy! --------------------------------------- (Museum) [JAMIE] Right, here goes. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Destroy! Destroy! Total destruction! --------------------------------------- (Museum) [JAMIE] I can't see a thing. If only I could get inanother shot. [JAMIE] Let's get out of here! [CULLY] No, this way. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Stop. [QUARK] Work completed. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [QUARK] On the orders of Dominator Toba the building was destroyed. Alsothe man Cully. [DOCTOR] But Jamie was in that building! [RAGO] Silence! You deliberately disobeyed my order? [TOBA] My life was threatened and a Quark destroyed. [RAGO] Yes, because of your own actions. [TOBA] Are you suggesting I should have let him escape? [RAGO] And where would he have gone? We are on an island, Toba. Thesecreatures cannot escape. Now listen to me carefully, and this time youwill obey my instructions. Send these creatures back to the centralbore position. I want it cleared ready for drilling. [TOBA] But the Quarks will do it more quickly. [RAGO] We must conserve their energy for drilling purposes. You know thepower levels are low. [TOBA] Command accepted. Quark, bring the creatures. [RAGO] Leave the inferior types. [(A Quark blocks the Doctor and Zoe's path.) RAGO] Toba. [TOBA] Yes, Navigator Rago? [RAGO] I have not yet dismissed you. [TOBA] But the creatures! [RAGO] Quarks, take these specimens back to the drilling site. Await thearrival of Dominator Toba. You two, over there. [DOCTOR] All right, all right. [TOBA] May I ask what you? [RAGO] You may ask nothing. You are here to listen. [TOBA] I am listening. [RAGO] Probationer Toba, I'm far from satisfied with your conduct onthis mission. [TOBA] I protest! [RAGO] Be silent! I am beginning to wonder if you have the qualities ofintelligence and detachment necessary in a Dominator. [TOBA] Where have I failed? [RAGO] You have repeatedly destroyed the creatures and installations ofthis planet to no purpose. [TOBA] My purpose was to protect us both. [RAGO] Protect? These creatures are harmless primitives. You acted outof your desire to gratify a need for pointless destruction. [TOBA] Was it by softness that the Dominators became Masters of the TenGalaxies? [RAGO] It was by ruthlessness, Probationer Toba. That which threatens uswe destroy. That which is too weak to harm us we ignore. [TOBA] Are they so harmless, these primitives? They've disobeyed us,they've attacked us, even here on this small island. The rest of theplanet may be preparing to attack us even now. [RAGO] I will investigate the more advanced type of alien for myself.You will concern yourself with obeying my orders and nothing more. Iwill report your conduct to Fleet Leader. [TOBA] And I shall protest at yours. [RAGO] What did you say? [TOBA] You've jeopardised our mission by unnecessary softness. You'vehumiliated me before members of an inferior race. Perhaps it is you whois not fit to be a Dominator. [RAGO] You have the insolence to threaten me? [TOBA] It is not unknown for a leader who is unfit to be replaced. [RAGO] It is not unknown for a mutinous subordinate to be executed. [TOBA] You would not dare. [RAGO] Quark! [QUARK] Yes, sir. [RAGO] Place Dominator Toba under restraint. [TOBA] Quark, return to the prisoners. [RAGO] Quark! I am the senior Dominator, you will obey me! [RAGO] Well, Toba? Shall I order molecular force, or do you submit? [TOBA] I submit. [RAGO] Quark, return to the prisoners. [ZOE] What was all that about? [DOCTOR] A little internal dispute I fancy. Oh dear. [RAGO] You are fortunate that I still have need of your services. Youwill supervise work on the drilling site and make sure that nothingdelays the task. [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] You two. Here. I have some questions to ask you about yourplanet. You will be advised to make sure your answers are satisfactory,for your own sakes. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] You two. Clear the site. Quark, guard them.Old man, follow me. Quark! [QUARK] Obey the Dominator. Clear the site. Work. Work. [TEEL] I wonder if Cully made it to the shelter? [KANDO] They'll almost certainly be dead if they were under that. Itlooks very quiet. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [JAMIE] No, no use. I can't see a thing. There must be tons of stuff ontop of it, same as the hatch. [CULLY] Well, we just have to sit and wait until someone comes and digsus out. [JAMIE] You think they'll find us, then? [CULLY] Well of course. Balan told me where the this old shelter was, sosurely they'll be able to work it out. [JAMIE] Oh, I wish you'd told us about this place sooner. We could havegot down here straight away. [CULLY] What, and miss exploding that Quark? That was a tremendous shot. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe so. I just hope the Dominators don't take it out onthe others. [CULLY] I wonder if those Quarks are still hanging about up there? [JAMIE] Aye. If only we could open that hatch. [JAMIE] No, it's no good. Feels as though the whole building's sittingon top of it. [CULLY] Perhaps it is. [JAMIE] Hey. [CULLY] What's the matter? [JAMIE] Just been thinking. Have you noticed how stuffy in here it'sgetting? [CULLY] Yes, now you mention it. [JAMIE] Aye, that's the only ventilator shaft I can see and. Hey, ifthat's blocked we'll suffocate! --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [RAGO] And this leader Senex, he is in the Capitalcity? [DOCTOR] Well I'm not sure. [RAGO] Quark, molecular force! [DOCTOR] No! [RAGO] I asked you a question. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, so you did. [RAGO] Well? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, Senex is at the Capital. [RAGO] These Dulcian travel machines, how do I summon one? [DOCTOR] Well, you can't. The terminal at the survey unit was destroyed,wasn't it. [RAGO] Yes. By Toba. Prepare this ship for take off! [DOCTOR] But, are you going to take your own craft to the Capital? [RAGO] I have no alternative. [DOCTOR] Well actually, now I come to think of it, I do know where thereis a capsule. I didn't tell you about it before because I'm not surethat it works. It has some loose wires and things, but I'm sure thatyou'll be able to fix it. [RAGO] How big is this space machine? Will it transport a Quark? [DOCTOR] Oh dear, I don't [RAGO] Then it is useless to our purpose. We will use our own machine. [DOCTOR] Well actually, now I come to think of it, if you were to takeout one of the seats, a Quark might fit inside. [RAGO] You will show me this machine. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. [RAGO] Quark. Prepare to transmit recorded data on work habits of testedspecimens. Contact direct Fleet Leader. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Zoe. The effect soon wears off. [ZOE] Why did you tell him about the capsule? [DOCTOR] Well if he takes this craft we won't be able to investigate it,will we? [ZOE] But why do you want to? [DOCTOR] To find out what sort of power unit it has. Then we can tellwhat the Dominators are looking for on Dulkis. Besides, if they take usto the Capital we won't be able to search for Jamie, will we? [ZOE] That's true. Hey, wait a minute though. He might be all right ifhe and Cully [RAGO] Silence! You will lead me to this travel craft. [DOCTOR] Yes. [RAGO] Quark, release the female. Follow. [DOCTOR] There you are, you see? All right. It's all right! --------------------------------------- (Drilling site) [TOBA] Enough. Quarks, take up drilling positions.Old man, stand that drill between those Quarks over the drilling site. [TOBA] Attach force units. [TOBA] Operate. [TOBA] Quarks, cease drilling. Report. [QUARK] Orders from Dominator Rago. Probationer Toba to report. [TOBA] Command accepted. Continue operation. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [RAGO] Hmm. A primitive machine, but functional. The circuits needrepairing. Minimal task. So, you were telling the truth. [DOCTOR] Of course. [RAGO] I'm glad you appreciate that to attempt sabotage would bepointless. [TOBA] You sent for me. [RAGO] Yes. I'm going to the alien leader to investigate potential slaveforce. You will remain here and complete the drilling operations. [TOBA] Command accepted. You are travelling in this alien machine? [RAGO] Yes. [TOBA] Is that wise? It could be dangerous. [RAGO] I have tested it. It is operable. I will take a Quark forprotection. You will command in my absence, but I expect to find thesame number of alien specimens on my return. [TOBA] Command accepted. [DOCTOR] Why didn't you tell me about this underground shelter before? [ZOE] Well, I'm sorry, but I haven't had a chance. Balan told us aboutit, and with any luck Jamie and Cully might have found their way downthere. [DOCTOR] Well it's possible, it's possible. [ZOE] And if they have, they should be all right, shouldn't they? [DOCTOR] Well, I think. [TOBA] You two. Follow me. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. All right. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [CULLY] It's no good, it's stuck again. [JAMIE] Aye. [CULLY] What shall we do? [JAMIE] Look, there's only one thing to do. Try again! Now come on, willyou. [CULLY] Three. [CULLY] We did it! [JAMIE] Aye. Well, no point in hanging around, hey? --------------------------------------- (Museum) [JAMIE] All clear. [JAMIE] Oh no, Quarks again. They must be all over the place. Hey, Iwonder how many there are? [CULLY] Why? [JAMIE] Well the Dominators don't seem much good without them, do they? [CULLY] So? [JAMIE] We destroyed one Quark, why not another? [CULLY] Attack the Quarks? [JAMIE] Shush! Yes. [CULLY] But we had a laser gun before. And that's hidden underneath allthis lot now. [JAMIE] There wasn't a laser gun where I come from, yet us McCrimmonsstill dealt with the Redcoats right enough. [CULLY] Redcoats? [JAMIE] Aye, they were. Och, never mind. Look, are you with me? [CULLY] Well, why not? [JAMIE] Good. First thing to do is estimate the strength of the enemy.Come on, through there. --------------------------------------- (Above a drill site) [JAMIE] Five so far. Look, you take that side, I'll look around up here. [JAMIE] Sorry, I slipped. How many? [CULLY] Two more, and you? [JAMIE] Same here. [CULLY] Balan's down there with those two. They seem to be doing somesort of drilling. [JAMIE] Aye, they're drilling in four places. It must be prettyimportant to the Dominators. [CULLY] Yes. [JAMIE] Right, let's start some trouble. [CULLY] But what can we do? [JAMIE] Oh I've a wee idea that should just stir them up a bit. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [TOBA] Report. [QUARK] Drilling in operation on all perimeter sites. [TOBA] Is the centre site cleared yet? [QUARK] Task near completion. [TOBA] Report progress to Fleet Leader direct. Operations proceeding asplanned. [ZOE] What are they up to? [DOCTOR] I don't know. We must find out exactly what they're drillingfor. [ZOE] Not a chance with this thing guarding us. [DOCTOR] Yes. If only we could create a diversion for a moment. --------------------------------------- (Above a drill site) [JAMIE] Take this, you wee tin kettle! [JAMIE] Ah, you missed me! [JAMIE] Now, Cully! --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [TOBA] Another Quark has been destroyed! Quark, follow. [ZOE] Somebody destroyed a Quark. But who? [DOCTOR] Only one person here's strong enough to do that. [ZOE] Jamie! Then he and Cully are alive! [DOCTOR] Yes, alive and kicking by the sound of it. This is just what weneeded. Now there's no time to waste. [ZOE] What are you looking for? [DOCTOR] Well, now's our chance to investigate the power unit and findout what fuel this ship carries. [ZOE] Well the Quarks use ultrasound, so presumably it must be a fuelcapable of producing a high enough energy quotient to sustain anamplifying complex of considerably sophisticated design. [DOCTOR] Yes. Must be pretty powerful too. [ZOE] Yes, well that's what. Well, if you don't want my help. [DOCTOR] Oh I do, I do, I do, Zoe. Now, where do you think the powercells are located? [ZOE] Well if the Quarks do use ultrasound to propel this craft. [DOCTOR] No. Ultrasound has no horsepower, as such. [ZOE] Oh, no. Well what do you think they use then? Not solid fuelrockets, surely? [DOCTOR] No. More likely to be electromagnetic, probably produced by. Ahyes! Here we are, Zoe. Help me to get the inspection cover off. [DOCTOR] Here we are. Now then. Oh dear. [ZOE] What? [ZOE] Atomic fission reactor? [DOCTOR] No. No, not exactly. But it's radioactive material of somesort. Zoe, this is a storage unit! That accounts for the strangedisappearance of the radioactivity from the island. This unit sucked itup and stored it. [ZOE] But then why are they drilling out there? --------------------------------------- (Drilling site) [TOBA] A Quark has been destroyed, old man. Who didit? [BALAN] I don't know. [TOBA] Quark, report. [QUARK] Alien attack. [TOBA] Who was it? [BALAN] I didn't see. I was here being guarded by your Quark. [TOBA] Is there a hostile force on this island? [BALAN] No! We have no such [TOBA] Then who destroyed the Quark? [BALAN] I don't know. [TOBA] Quarks, search the island. Destroy any alien unaccounted for.Destroy! --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [TENSA] To remain passive is in itself a course ofaction. [BOVEM] Director, Tensa speaks for the Emergencies Committee. Who elseis competent to advise? We must do as he says. [SENEX] Bovem, you say we must do as Tensa says, but that is negative,for we can do nothing. This is our tragedy. Perhaps if we show thesecreatures we mean no harm? [COUNCILLOR 2] It's always possible that they mean harm to us. [COUNCILLOR 1] Why should they? Surely no civilised race would indulgein purposeless violence? [TENSA] Look! [COUNCILLOR 2] What? Who? [RAGO] You are the Council of this planet? [SENEX] Yes, I am the Director. [RAGO] You control the population? [SENEX] Yes. We presume that [RAGO] I require information. [BOVEM] If you'd care to make an appointment. [COUNCILLOR 2] That is, I'm sure, the correct procedure. [RAGO] Listen and obey me. [TENSA] Such discourtesy to our Director is not to be borne. [RAGO] Silence! You will provide me with certain statistics. Open yourfiles. [TENSA] Really sir, I must protest! [RAGO] Protest? You defy me? You defy a Dominator? [TENSA] Senex is our leader and as such he demands respect. [RAGO] I warn you, a Dominator must be obeyed. Your leader is nothing tome. I respect only one thing. Superior force. You will obey my command. [TENSA] Sir, you would do better to request rather than command. [RAGO] Silence! [COUNCILLOR 1] Yes, perhaps if we were to explain the correct Dulcianprocedure to you? [COUNCILLOR 2] After all, your visit [RAGO] I will give you no further warning! [TENSA] I insist that you conduct this meeting in a manner acceptable tothe Dulcian [RAGO] Quark, destroy! [RAGO] I have no wish to repeat such action. Let it serve to teach youthat a Dominator must be obeyed without question. You, Director. Itwill be necessary for you to place at my disposal a certain number ofthe strongest of your species. [SENEX] You wish our assistance? [RAGO] Assistance. You are indeed an ingenuous race. I require slaves.Nothing more, nor less. [SENEX] Slaves? But [RAGO] Do not defy or question a Dominator. Obey, unless you wish tojoin your fellow countryman. [SENEX] Had you come here in peace we'd have done our utmost to assistyou, but [RAGO] Dominators do not seek assistance. What we need we take. [SENEX] Always by force? [RAGO] If necessary. We control an entire galaxy. Our war mission isspreading to colonise others. Our Quarks must be released for thistask, therefore we must replace their workforce on our home planets. [SENEX] So you require our people as slaves? [RAGO] Yes. [SENEX] So we shall be transported to your planet? [RAGO] Those who are selected will be fortunate. They will be saved. [SENEX] Saved? From what? What of the rest of our people? [RAGO] Enough questions. You will obey my commands! I shall require onlythe strongest of your species. You will be informed exactly how many Irequire. Remember, you can be crushed as simply as that if you do notcooperate. Quark, follow. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] A drilling site has been attacked and aQuark destroyed. Who is responsible? [KANDO] Cully, it must be! [TOBA] What do you know about this? [TEEL] How can we know anything? We've been here working. [TOBA] Silence! [TOBA] Talk. [TEEL] Leave her alone. [TOBA] Do you dare to defy a Dominator? [TEEL] Just leave her alone! [TOBA] Obviously you must be taught a lesson. Quarks, target! [KANDO] Oh no! [TOBA] No-one attacks a Dominator! Quark, power! [KANDO] Oh, stop! [TOBA] Well? Who was it that attacked and destroyed the Quarks? [KANDO] I think it must have been Cully. [TOBA] The man Cully is destroyed! [KANDO] Then he must have escaped. There's no one else on the island. [TOBA] Yes, there is. The other stupid one, the boy. Where would hehide? [KANDO] I don't know! [TOBA] Bring these back to the Dominator's craft. Help him. One of youcreatures must know where the boy is, and you will tell me. Follow. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [ZOE] And Jamie really destroyed another Quark? [BALAN] Yes, I feel sure it was Jamie. [DOCTOR] Yes. Er, Balan. Oh. (nearly walks into a Quark) Balan, can youremember where the scientists who exploded that first atomic device gottheir materials from? [BALAN] Many years ago, but I think that it was somewhere in theNorthern hemisphere. [ZOE] That's the other side of the planet. Then why are the Dominatorsdrilling here? [BALAN] Oh, they can't drill too deep here because the crust is toothin. [DOCTOR] But perhaps that's why they've chosen this place! The magma,the molten core of the planet, could that be radioactive? [BALAN] No. If so we'd have been aware of it from the minor eruptions wehave from time to time. [ZOE] But this whole operation was to refuel their fleet? But how? [DOCTOR] It's these drill holes that intrigue me. One at each corner ofa square, and one directly in the middle. But why? Why? [TOBA] Put them with the others. Now, I want to know where the othercreature is, the boy. The other stupid one. He has destroyed a Quarkand defied the Dominators. Where is he? Quark! You will die one by oneunless you tell me. Kill! [TOBA] You. You're next. You know the boy. Where is he? Answer or youwill die. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [TOBA] Quark [RAGO] Toba! What is the meaning of this? Explain. [TOBA] We were being attacked and a Quark was destroyed. It was anemergency. [RAGO] Emergency? A few hostile primitives manage to destroy a Quark andyou expend time and power chasing them. [TOBA] Don't you see [RAGO] Why has the drilling stopped? All finished? [TOBA] All perimeter bores are complete. [RAGO] And the centre bore? [TOBA] The centre bore is [RAGO] Not even started. The Quark's power cells are dangerously low,and yet you send them scuttling all over the island on a pointlesssearch and killing harmless aliens. [TOBA] I considered it was my [RAGO] Silence! Have the rockets been inserted into the perimeterboreholes yet? [TOBA] No. [RAGO] Do it. Is the seed device at a critical mass? [TOBA] There has not been enough time. [RAGO] Time? You have jeopardised this most vital part of theDominator's war mission. You will remain on this planet and die withit. [TOBA] Navigator Rago, I have been [RAGO] You are useless unless you obey the Navigator's orders. Now checkthat seed device. [ZOE] Oh. [RAGO] Well? [TOBA] Seed device is almost at critical mass. [RAGO] You are fortunate, Toba. Now, time is running short. You mustcomplete the operation with maximum speed. Has there been a reply fromFleet Leader concerning the potential use of slave labour force? [TOBA] I will check. [RAGO] No, I will. Take these aliens and place them under guard.Complete the centre borehole and place rockets in all perimeter holes,understood? [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] Recall all Quarks from this ridiculous search and conserve theirpower. We can afford no more delays. --------------------------------------- (Island) [JAMIE] That was too close for comfort. [CULLY] They're all around us. [JAMIE] Aye. [CULLY] Wait a minute. They're leaving, I think. Look! [JAMIE] Hey, you're right. Come on, let's get back to the shelter whilethere's still a chance. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [JAMIE] All right, Cully? [CULLY] Yes. [JAMIE] I've unblocked that ventilator shaft. At least we can breathenow. [CULLY] Oh, I haven't have so much running about for years. Still, itwas worth it. [JAMIE] Aye, we certainly stirred them up, didn't we. Anyway, we'll lielow a wee while and then nip out and get another Quark. [CULLY] Oh, you don't believe in half measures, do you. [JAMIE] Well, it's important to keep the enemy guessing. Oh, I wish wehad some food though. I'm fair famished. [CULLY] Hold on, I seem to remember [JAMIE] What? [CULLY] Yes, survival kit. It goes with the shelter. Food, medicines,all that sort of thing. Ah! [JAMIE] Well, what's that? [CULLY] Try it. Basic nutriments. Vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins. Youcan live on it for years. [JAMIE] Oh, I hope I'll not need to do that. Here, did you unblock thatperiscope? [CULLY] Yes. [JAMIE] Good. Let's see if we were followed. [CULLY] Hey Cully, would you look who's here. [JAMIE] Any Quarks? [CULLY] Yes, one. [JAMIE] Oh. [CULLY] No, there's more. Can't quite see but I think they're working atsomething just outside the building. [JAMIE] Let's have a look. Aye, they don't seem to have harmed anybody. [CULLY] Well, Balan isn't there. [JAMIE] Aye, he's probably working somewhere else. [JAMIE] Look, Cully [CULLY] What now? [JAMIE] We can't just let them stay up there, can we. [CULLY] Well, what can we do? [JAMIE] Get them down here with us. [CULLY] But what about the Quarks? [JAMIE] Well, we'll just [CULLY] Here we go again. But how? [JAMIE] Aye well, I don't know yet. Ah, wait a minute. [JAMIE] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Operate. --------------------------------------- (Museum) [ZOE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [ZOE] What are they doing? [DOCTOR] They're drilling. [ZOE] Well, yes, I know that, but what for? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, I don't think they want to take anything out of theearth, Zoe, rather put something into it. [ZOE] Well, what? [DOCTOR] Well, if I'm right. Oh no! [DOCTOR] Excuse me. I wonder [QUARK] Do not move! [JAMIE] Right, Cully. [CULLY] Quick, follow me! [JAMIE] Doctor, go on! [CULLY] Quick! --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Cease drilling. A Quark is being attacked.Follow! --------------------------------------- (Museum) [TOBA] Quarks. Search and destroy. [TOBA] Quark, where are the prisoners? [QUARK] Sensor out of action. No recorded data. [TOBA] They can't be far away. They must be hiding. Quarks, search anddestroy! [RAGO] Command countermanded! Why has the drilling stopped again, Toba? [TOBA] The prisoners have attacked a Quark and escaped. [RAGO] And once again you drop everything to hunt them. I have justcompleted calculating the remaining power levels of the Quark force.Thanks to your foolish actions they are dangerously low. All effortsmust now be concentrated on completing our mission. [TOBA] And if they attack us again? [RAGO] The Quark's power must be conserved. Complete the drillingoperation. [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] Toba. The primitives will not go unpunished. Fleet leader hasjust confirmed the Dulcians are unsuitable for slave labour. They willdie with their planet. [TOBA] Good! So the sooner we complete the drilling operations thesooner they will die. Quarks, follow. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [CULLY] They're gone. [DOCTOR] That was very rash of you, Jamie. Those Quarks are appallinglydangerous. [JAMIE] Och, they're not so terrible. [CULLY] You know, we dropped a rock on one earlier. [JAMIE] Aye. [CULLY] Hey, where's Balan? Why wasn't he [TEEL] He's dead, Cully. The Dominators killed him. [CULLY] Oh, no. If only we'd managed to get him away too. [KANDO] You did your best. Cully. [TEEL] It's thanks to you and Jamie that the rest of us are safe.DOCTOR [JAMIE] You see we heard the Dominators say that the Dulcians wereunsuitable for slave labour. [TEEL] But then they'll leave us in peace? [JAMIE] Well, no. They said you'd all die with your planet. [KANDO] Surely they don't mean to destroy Dulkis completely? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid they do. [TEEL] But why? What do they want? [DOCTOR] A large amount of fuel for their invasion fleet. [ZOE] But we know that there are no minerals worth having. At least noton this side of the island. [DOCTOR] They're not mining for minerals, or any natural fuel source. [ZOE] But their spaceships use atomic power. We've established that. [DOCTOR] But there was no reactor in their ship of theirs, only aradiation storage unit. You remember how, when they landed, it suckedup all the radioactive dust from the island? [ZOE] Yes. So you're saying that they store radioactive particles andthen convert that energy into power. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [ZOE] But then why are they drilling? [DOCTOR] Look, I'll show you. (The Doctor uses a piece of chalk to drawon the table.) [DOCTOR] There are four drill holes, here, here, here and here. And onedrill hole in the centre. Now then, they have rockets mounted in eachof these drill holes, and the centre hole is probably for that atomicseed device. [JAMIE] Oh. [DOCTOR] Well don't you see? They've chosen this spot because the crustof the planet is thin. They're going to fire the rockets through thecrust into the magma, the molten core. [ZOE] And that will almost certainly fracture the crust of the planet. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [ZOE] But that will create a volcano. And if they explode the atomicseed device in the middle of that [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right, Zoe. The whole planet will become one vastmolten mass of radioactive material. The fuel store for their fleet. [JAMIE] Well, we'll just have to stop them, then. [DOCTOR] Oh Jamie, it's not as simple as that, is it? If only I couldget hold of that atomic seed device, I might be able to defuse it. [ZOE] Yes. Then there'd only be a local volcanic eruption on the island. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] How can we get to the device? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's the problem. [JAMIE] Doctor, I've just had an idea. [DOCTOR] Shush a minute Jamie, I'm trying to think. [JAMIE] Yes I know you are, but [ZOE] Oh Jamie. [JAMIE] Will you listen to me. Now there's a dead easy way to get thatdevice thing. [ZOE] Really? [JAMIE] Yes, now listen. You said they were going to drop it down thecentre hole, the one they're drilling outside here. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] Well it's simple isn't it? All we've got to do is dig a tunnelthrough from here to the borehole and catch the seed device thing onit's way down. Well, it was just an idea. [DOCTOR] But Jamie, it's a brilliant idea! It's so simple only you couldhave thought of it. [JAMIE] Oh. Eh? [ZOE] We can get the direction from the periscope. Just line it up withthe drilling site. [DOCTOR] Yes, there's only one snag though. Could we complete the tunnelin time? It'd have to be twelve feet long or more. [JAMIE] Well Cully and I could delay the Dominators' work up there. [ZOE] How? [JAMIE] Oh, we're getting very good at destroying Quarks, aren't we? [CULLY] Yes, certainly seems to stop them working. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's true, but you've been lucky so far. If only I coulddevise some sort of weapon for you. Is anything down here, Cully? [CULLY] I doubt it. Nothing but survival rations and medical kits. [DOCTOR] Medical kit, oh. It's surprising what you can do with a fewsimple chemicals and a little ingenuity. Now come on, we must dig thistunnel. Zoe, give us a direction will you? [ZOE] Right. Er, on a line from here. [DOCTOR] Right! We start there tunnel there. Get that bunk away. Comeon. [JAMIE] That's it, Cully. I'll start it off with a knife, now. This linehere. [DOCTOR] I think you'd better let me start it, Jamie. [JAMIE] How are you going to dig through there with your sonicscrewdriver? [DOCTOR] It's a little more than a screwdriver. Just watch this. [TEEL] Where'd he get the technology to do that? [KANDO] It's burning straight through. [JAMIE] Aye, the Doctor's very good. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Cease drilling. [RAGO] Report progress. [TOBA] Proceeding as planned. Operation will be completed on schedule. [RAGO] Good. All rockets are now in position. No further sign of thealiens? [TOBA] No. [RAGO] Good. Continue. Inform me when you are ready for the seed device. [TOBA] Command accepted. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [JAMIE] Oh, we can't wait much longer. [CULLY] What's the Doctor trying to do? [JAMIE] I've no idea. Look, Doctor, I don't think we should wait, youknow. [DOCTOR] Hang on, Jamie. This is ready. Now if this works you shouldhave a good chance of distracting the Quarks, and maybe even destroyingone or two of them. Right, come on, Zoe, let's try it. [ZOE] What, in here? [DOCTOR] Yes, in here. There you are. Just a bit. [ZOE] All right. [DOCTOR] Whoa, whoa, that'll do. Now then, Jamie, all you've got to dois to add one of these little number nine pills to each bottle justbefore you throw it, like that. [DOCTOR] But whatever you do, and this is important, you must throw itbefore ten seconds have elapsed, otherwise you're liable to blow upwith [ZOE] Seven, eight, Doctor! [DOCTOR] What? [DOCTOR] It works! [JAMIE] You could have blown us all to kingdom come! [DOCTOR] No, no, Jamie, that was just a small quantity. But with tentimes that amount you should have quite a handy little bomb. --------------------------------------- (Above a drilling site) [JAMIE] Two each side. [CULLY] Yes. Where do we start? [JAMIE] Well one of the Quark's as good as another. Come on. [JAMIE] Two, three, four, five [JAMIE] Not quite. Quick, another one! [JAMIE] That's it! Quick, round the other side. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Cease drilling. Quarks, search and des. Wait. Continue working. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [ZOE] They've started again. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. It's obviously going to take quite a disturbance tostop them drilling. Teel? Teel, how far have you got? [TEEL] A little bit further than my own length. [DOCTOR] Teel, come out and take your rest. Zoe, your turn. Come on. [ZOE] I hope Jamie and Cully are all right. [DOCTOR] It sounds as though they're having great fun. --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [TOBA] Cease drilling. [RAGO] Two more Quarks have been destroyed. [TOBA] You should have let me destroy the aliens! [RAGO] Silence! We have eight Quarks left, but their power levels arevery low. Do your two Quarks have sufficient power to complete thedrilling? [TOBA] Quarks, check power levels and report. [QUARK 1] Power level two units only. [QUARK 2] Power level five units only. [TOBA] Equalise. [TOBA] They will have enough for drilling. [RAGO] Good. Continue operations. --------------------------------------- (Above the museum) [JAMIE] They've started drilling again. Look, we'vegot to stop them somehow. [CULLY] That's going to be tricky. [JAMIE] I know, but the others need more time. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [ZOE] Oh, we must be merely six feet or so from the borehole, I can heartheir drill. [DOCTOR] Yes, but they must be nearly finished by now. [TEEL] Right, I'll take another turn. [ZOE] Is there any sign of Jamie and Cully? [DOCTOR] No, they're still up there. Unfortunately they're taking [ZOE] Oh, that was close. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] I think they've attacked the drilling Quarks. [KANDO] Has the drilling stopped? [ZOE] I think. Yes! --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [RAGO] Toba! [TOBA] Ah, these primitives again! You see what damage they're doingwith their primitive explosives? We must destroy them! [RAGO] Replace the Quark. Continue operation. You will not beinterrupted anymore. I will personally destroy these primitives.Quarks, follow. --------------------------------------- (Island) [JAMIE] Back! [CULLY] It's no good. We're trapped. [JAMIE] Up here. Quarks can't climb, I hope. [RAGO] Quarks, destroy. [RAGO] Recharge force units. Report failure. [QUARK] Power levels low. Distance too great for accurate aim. [RAGO] Finish order. Destroy. [JAMIE] Come on. Right, Cully, I think we're safe now. [CULLY] Wait. It's my arm. I can't move it. Nor my leg. You'd betterleave me behind. [JAMIE] Now don't be ridiculous. I'll give you help. [CULLY] Those Quarks will be after us in no time. [JAMIE] Aye. How many of those bombs have you got left? [RAGO] Quarks, form a flank movement round this area. Disperse. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [ZOE] Doctor, they've started drilling again. The blast didn't destroythat Quark and Toba's managed to get the drill working again. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, I can hear it up there. We must be pretty near. [DOCTOR] Shush. [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor, help him. He's hurt. [DOCTOR] What happened? [JAMIE] He was hit by a Quark. Lucky for him its power levels were low. [DOCTOR] My word, lucky indeed! Come along, down you come. All right,Cully. Get over to the bunk. Get the table out of the way. Here. Therewe are. It's all right, Cully. Sit down. Mind your head. There we are,there. Now then. [CULLY] My arm seems to be paralysed. [DOCTOR] Can you move your fingers? Ah, you're lucky. I think it's onlytemporary paralysis. [CULLY] Oh, don't worry about me. Get on with the tunnel. [DOCTOR] Thanks to you and Jamie, it's nearly finished. [ZOE] Doctor, I think the Dominators have finished drilling too. [DOCTOR] What? We've still got a few feet left! --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [RAGO] Have you finished? [TOBA] Yes, just completed. [RAGO] Good! I shall enjoy destroying this planet and its creatures. Getthe seed device. We will delay no longer. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [DOCTOR] Can you see the borehole yet, Jamie? [JAMIE [OC]] Och, the ceiling keeps caving in. [ZOE] They're coming back! Toba's bringing the seed device. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [JAMIE [OC]] I'm through! --------------------------------------- (Outside the museum) [RAGO] You will recall all Quarks from their positions and prepare thecraft for take off. [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] I will insert the seed device. Prime the rockets at perimeterboreholes. [TOBA] Command accepted. [RAGO] I will soon see this planet die and it's creatures with it. [TOBA] Shall I report to Fleet Leader? [RAGO] Inform him the Dominator fleet may approach in its refuelingorbit. [TOBA] Command accepted. Quarks, follow. --------------------------------------- (Bomb shelter) [ZOE] Quickly, Doctor. He's taking the device outof its case now. Oh, Jamie, he'll be too late. He's putting it in now. [ZOE] It's gone! [DOCTOR [OC]] Argh! [JAMIE] Doctor, have you caught it? [ZOE] Oh, Doctor. [TEEL] He's coming. [JAMIE] Quick, out. Well? [TEEL] We're saved! We're saved. [DOCTOR] Not just yet. I've still got to defuse it before they explodeit. Oh. Oh, my word. [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, it's sealed. It's completely sealed! I can't possiblyundo it! [JAMIE] You mean all that was for nothing? We're still going to getblown up? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so, unless I can think of some way of gettingit off the planet without a [JAMIE] Have you thought of something? [DOCTOR] Well, there is a way of getting it off the planet without itdoing any harm to any of us at all. [ZOE] Well how? [DOCTOR] Ha! But it's not going to be easy. [JAMIE] What're you going to do? [DOCTOR] Now just leave it to me, Jamie. You and Zoe go back to theTardis. Teel, take Kando and Cully and get them to the capsule and goto the Capital. Tell them that there'll be a minor volcanic eruption,but with any luck nothing more violent. [JAMIE] But what're you going [DOCTOR] There isn't time, Jamie! Come along! --------------------------------------- (Outside the saucer) [RAGO] Is all prepared? [TOBA] Yes. Just two more Quarks to arrive. [RAGO] Start take off procedure. [TOBA] Command accepted. --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [TOBA] All Quarks now accounted for. [RAGO] Power level? [TOBA] Capacity for lift off. [RAGO] Electromagnetic field, contact! [TOBA] All systems functioning. [RAGO] Proceed with lift off! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [ZOE] Oh where is he? [JAMIE] The Dominator's ship. It's away! [ZOE] Oh. [JAMIE] Where's the Doctor? [ZOE] Doctor! [JAMIE] Hey, where's the bomb thing? [ZOE] Oh, did you get rid of it? [JAMIE] Where is it? [DOCTOR] Don't ask me any questions. There's no time. [ZOE] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's the rockets in the other perimeter holes. Come along. We'dbetter get inside the Tardis. There's going to be an all --------------------------------------- (Saucer) [RAGO] Toba! Stop the countdown. [TOBA] Impossible, countdown has started! [RAGO] Obey! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [JAMIE] Doctor, come on, will ye? The whole placeis going to blow up. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's quite all right, Jamie. The planet is quite safe.There's just going to be a localised volcanic eruption. It'll onlyaffect the island. [JAMIE] Maybe so, but we happen to be on the island. [DOCTOR] Oh, my word!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Dominators"}
Doctor Who (14 Sep, 1968; Second Doctor) - The Mind Robber (Outside the Tardis) [JAMIE] Doctor, come on, will you? Look! [DOCTOR] Oh, my word! Come on, Jamie. Into the Tardis, quickly! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [ZOE] Isn't it beautiful? [JAMIE] Eh? [ZOE] The volcanic eruption. It's beautiful! [JAMIE] Beautiful? A great river of molten lava rolling, any minute [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie, a minute. Quiet! Oh! Oh dear! [JAMIE] Something wrong? [DOCTOR] Well, this sort of thing's happened before. The fluid linksdon't seem to be able to take the load. [DOCTOR] Oh! Oh! [ZOE] Mercury vapour. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] Well, we can't stay here. We'll be buried by that lava. It'snearly on us. Look! [DOCTOR] Oh, my word, what a wonderful sight. [ZOE] Fantastic. [JAMIE] Listen, will you two stop gaping at that and get us out of here. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Jamie. We're safe in the Tardis. [JAMIE] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Well [JAMIE] I mean, has the Tardis ever been buried up to its neck in lavabefore? [DOCTOR] Well, no. [JAMIE] Well, how can you be so sure we're going to be all right? [DOCTOR] Well perhaps the fluid links have cooled down by now. That's abit more power. Zoe, can you read off what that meter is registering,please? [ZOE] Reading nine eight seven point three. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] Point four. [DOCTOR] Ah. [ZOE] Five. [DOCTOR] Oh no. [ZOE] Six. It's jumped to nine nine one point. No, it's going up bynumerals! [DOCTOR] Oh no! [DOCTOR] Oh! This darn thing's stuck! Of all the stupid, idiotic! [JAMIE] Doctor! The lava's up to the Tardis! [ZOE] It's reached the thousand danger mark, Doctor! [DOCTOR] If only I could unstick this stupid, idiotic. Oh, there we are.Oh. [ZOE] Have you done it? [DOCTOR] No, but I've [ZOE] Are we on our way? [DOCTOR] I've stopped the fluid links from vapourising. We shan'tsuffocate. [JAMIE] Aye, but if you don't hurry up and get us out of here, we'll befried by that lava. [ZOE] Well, isn't there any way we can get away? [DOCTOR] Well there is an emergency unit, but, oh no, I can't possiblyuse that. [ZOE] But this is an emergency! [DOCTOR] But it moves the Tardis out of the time space dimension. Out ofreality! [JAMIE] Well, fine. Reality's getting too hot anyway. [DOCTOR] Oh, I, oh all right. [DOCTOR] Here we are. Now then, which end was? Yes. No, look, I can'tpossibly use this. We don't know what will happen. [JAMIE] Look, will you stop your jabbering and get on with it. Look! [JAMIE] Ah. There you are. We're all right. What was all the panic allabout? [DOCTOR] Is there any reading on the meter, Zoe? [ZOE] Yes it's. Well, that's funny. There's no reading at all. [DOCTOR] No. None of the meters are registering. Not one. [JAMIE] Ah, but we're safe, aren't we? I mean, we're out of that lavastuff and we're all right here. [DOCTOR] Yes, possibly. I'd better get working on the Tardis controlsright away. [ZOE] Doctor, we're not actually in flight, are we? [DOCTOR] No. Why? [ZOE] Well, then presumably we've landed. So why isn't the scannershowing anything? [DOCTOR] Well, because, well, we're nowhere. It's as simple as that.I'll be in the power room, Jamie. [JAMIE] Aye, right. [JAMIE] Hey! What does he mean, we're nowhere? [ZOE] I don't know. I suppose he means that outside the Tardis now isnothing. Just nothing. [JAMIE] Well, I'm away to change, and I suggest you do the same. Youlook like a wee McLarty. [ZOE] A what? [JAMIE] A ragamuffin, a. Oh, never mind. --------------------------------------- (Power room) [ZOE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] What's happened? [ZOE] Oh, nothing. It's all exactly the same. [DOCTOR] Oh good, good. [ZOE] You're worried by something, Doctor. What is it? [DOCTOR] Me? Worried? No. No. It's only the unknown that worries me,Zoe. [ZOE] But if there's nothing outside the Tardis and we're nowhere, thenwhat is there to worry about? [DOCTOR] I don't know. But you see, the emergency unit is limited to acertain time simply because it's [ZOE] Because it's dangerous to stay where we are for any longer, yes.But we must be safe at the moment, otherwise the unit wouldn't let usstay here, would it? [DOCTOR] You're interested in what's outside the Tardis now, aren't you? [ZOE] Well, curious, yes. [DOCTOR] Zoe, listen to me. If we move outside the Tardis, we step intoa dimension about which we know nothing. We should be at the mercy ofthe forces outside time and space as we know it. [ZOE] But Doctor, I still think we should go out and see. [DOCTOR] Zoe, we must stay in the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [ZOE] He's still got his head stuck in that [JAMIE] Zoe, do you see that? Do you see where we are? [ZOE] What? [JAMIE] Look on the scanner! It's my home! It's Scotland! [ZOE] Scotland? [JAMIE] Aye! [JAMIE] Oh. Oh, it was there. [ZOE] Oh yes? [JAMIE] Now look, I'm not seeing things, you know. It was there, I tellyou. [ZOE] Really? [JAMIE] Aye. The mist must have covered it over. Aye, you get a lot ofmist in the Highlands. [ZOE] So you think we've landed then? [JAMIE] Yes. I mean I couldn't have seen anything, could I? Oh, just aminute. [ZOE] What? [JAMIE] There's a wee gadget on here somewhere that warns you to goelsewhere if there's any danger. No, no it's definitely switched off.We've landed. [ZOE] Well, I think it's more likely that you saw [ZOE] It can't be, Jamie. [JAMIE] Aye, it's switched off all right. [ZOE] It's the city. My home. Jamie, you did see something, but itwasn't Scotland. [JAMIE] Of course it was. Look, I know Scotland when I see it. [ZOE] And I know my home city. Anyway, there's your proof. [ZOE] But I don't understand. It was there. [JAMIE] Yeah, I know. Scotland. [ZOE] No. It was quite plainly. Oh, anyway, we've both seen something,so that proves we've landed, doesn't it? [JAMIE] Yes. [ZOE] Well, let's go out and see. [JAMIE] Now not without the Doctor. [ZOE] Oh, all right. [JAMIE] Aye. [ZOE] It is! Jamie, Doctor, It is my home! Oh, come on! Now which one? [ZOE] Oh, come on! --------------------------------------- (Power room) [JAMIE] No, we definitely saw something! [DOCTOR] But Jamie, it's not poss. You say you both saw differentthings? [JAMIE] No! It was definitely Scotland. Zoe thought she saw somethingelse, her. home city or something, but no, it was very misty and shecouldnae have seen right. [DOCTOR] So you both saw your homes? [JAMIE] No, Doctor. I'm saying [JAMIE] Och. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Zoe? Oh, my word! [JAMIE] Where is she? [DOCTOR] Zoe! Zoe! [JAMIE] Och, I told her to wait. I'll go and get her. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie. Don't you see? Those pictures that you and Zoe sawon the scanner were put there. Obviously put there to tempt you to gooutside. [JAMIE] But who by? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but there's someone or something out there thatwants us to go out of the Tardis. [JAMIE] You mean some kind of danger? [DOCTOR] I don't know. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. That's the first warning. There isn't much more time. [JAMIE] What about Zoe? We can't leave her out there. I'll go and findher. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie! No! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Jamie! [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh no! [DOCTOR] Who are you? Who are you? Where are you? What do you want withme? [DOCTOR] No, no, I must fight. I must fight! I will fight! --------------------------------------- (Limbo) [ZOE [OC]] Jamie? Doctor, where are you? [JAMIE [OC]] Zoe! Zoe! [ZOE] Oh, Jamie, I though I was lost for good. [JAMIE] Aye. It's funny out here isn't it? It's not the mist that wethought it was. It's er [ZOE] Opaque. Nothingness. Just like the Doctor said. [JAMIE] Aye. It doesn't feel right, though. Come on, back to the Tardis. [ZOE] Is that the right way? [JAMIE] Of course it's the right way. Oh. Er, no, it could be. Oh. [ZOE] We're lost, aren't we? [JAMIE] No, I wouldn't say that. We're just er. Well, we er. We just.You want to know something? [ZOE] What? [JAMIE] I think we're lost. [ZOE] Oh, this isn't a joke, Jamie. [JAMIE] No, you're right. The Doctor was saying that those images we sawin the scanner were put here to tempt us out. [ZOE] Well, if there was somebody trying to tempt us away, where arethey? And who are they? [JAMIE] Aye. Aye, well, let's not be in too much of a hurry to find out,eh? [ZOE] But what are we going to do? [JAMIE] The Tardis can't be that far away. No. If we stand here andshout for the Doctor, when he hears us he can guide us back. Doctor? [ZOE] Doctor! Can you hear us? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor! [ZOE [OC]] Doctor! [JAMIE [OC]] Answer if you can hear us? [DOCTOR [OC]] No. I will fight. I will fight! --------------------------------------- (Limbo) [ZOE] Oh, Jamie, this is hopeless. We could begoing round in circles. [JAMIE] Aye. You know, I've got the funny feeling that we're beingwatched. Do you not feel it too? [ZOE] Yes. [JAMIE] Can you see anyone? [ZOE] No. No one at all. Jamie, look! [JAMIE] What is it? [ZOE] It's very faint, but I think it's my home again. [JAMIE] Zoe, it's a trick. Now you know it is. [ZOE] Oh Jamie, it's gone. [JAMIE] Well, that proves it, doesn't it? A city like that doesn't justdisappear, does it? [ZOE] But it is out there. [JAMIE] It's not, Zoe. You know it isn't. [ZOE] No, I know. But for a moment I thought it was real. It was almostas though I was seeing what I most wanted to see. Oh Jamie, all right,we've got to get away. Jamie? [ZOE] Jamie, it's not real. [JAMIE] I know, but it's there. [ZOE] No, Jamie, it's not. [JAMIE] I must [ZOE] No, Jamie, no! [JAMIE] Oh! What did you do? [ZOE] Oh, the Doctor's right. There is something or someone trying totempt us away. [JAMIE] Aye. [JAMIE] What are they? [ZOE] I don't know, but they don't look very friendly. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR [OC]] Jamie, Zoe, don't go! Don't go! [VOICE [OC]] Follow them. Follow and save them. [DOCTOR [OC]] Who are you? What do you want? [VOICE [OC]] Follow them. [DOCTOR [OC]] No, I won't. I won't give in. [VOICE [OC]] You will. You will. You will. [VOICE [OC]] There is still time. Save them. Save them! [DOCTOR [OC]] I can't let it happen. I can't. --------------------------------------- (Limbo) [DOCTOR] Jamie? Zoe? [DOCTOR [OC]] Jamie, Zoe, concentrate only on my words. Think of me.Think of the Tardis. They are the only real things here. Everythingelse is unreality. It is only in your minds. Now, concentrate. Come tome now. Now! Walk straight to the Tardis. Don't stop! [DOCTOR [OC]] Come on. Keep walking to the Tardis. Come on. Don't lookbehind you! Now, go in. Go in! [DOCTOR] Jamie, Zoe, go in before it's too late! [DOCTOR] Go in! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Go in! [JAMIE] Doctor, what's been happening? [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie. Quiet. [DOCTOR] How do you feel? [ZOE] What happened? Where have we been? [DOCTOR] Nowhere. [JAMIE] But but [DOCTOR] All mental images, Jamie. Pure imagination. [ZOE] But why? What's all this about? [DOCTOR] I don't know. We've got to be careful. We've got to be very,very careful now. [ZOE] But, careful? But we're safe enough back in the Tardis, aren't we? [DOCTOR] Yes, possibly. [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] I, I, I don't know. [JAMIE] Oh, it's not the Tardis going wrong again? [DOCTOR] No, no, we're on our way all right, but the trouble is I don'tknow where to. [JAMIE] Well, that's not unusual. Look, just tell me when we get there,eh? [ZOE] I'm sorry, Doctor. It was my fault. I shouldn't have gone outside. [DOCTOR] That's all right, Zoe. I don't think you could help it. [ZOE] Why not? [DOCTOR] Well, I think whoever it was that was tempting you outside madeit irresistible. Why, even I gave in when the voice said [ZOE] What voice? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Perhaps there wasn't one. Perhaps it was justillusion. [ZOE] But we are safe now? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, yes. The Tardis is performing quite normally. Oh,that's odd. [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, this meter's dropped below a thousand. [ZOE] Well, is that critical? [DOCTOR] No. It just means that we're using more power than we'restoring, but don't worry. We've got n emergency power booster unit heresomewhere, if I can find the switch. Now. No. Oh dear. It's heresomewhere. [DOCTOR] Ah! [ZOE] Found it? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that's the one. Now just a little bit more power and,read off the meter for me, will you, Zoe? [ZOE] Reading nine nine oh. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] One. [DOCTOR] Good. [ZOE] Two. [DOCTOR] Fine. [ZOE] Three. [DOCTOR] Quiet, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh. What's been happening? [ZOE] Four. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] Steady at four. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. Oh. [JAMIE] Is something wrong? [ZOE] Five. [DOCTOR] Good. [ZOE] Six. [DOCTOR] Fine. [ZOE] Seven, eight. [DOCTOR] Oh, let it creep up now. I don't want to blow the fluid linksagain. [JAMIE] I just had the most peculiar dream. There was this big whitehorse with a horn right in the middle of his head, and [ZOE] A unicorn? [JAMIE] Hey? Aye, probably. He was charging straight towards me. [ZOE] Nine nine eight. [JAMIE] Head down, ready for the kill! I thought any moment [ZOE] Oh really, Jamie. Your imagination is [JAMIE] What's the matter? [ZOE] I don't. Jamie, look. [JAMIE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [JAMIE] What's up? [DOCTOR] Quiet, Jamie, quiet. [DOCTOR] That sound. That vibration. It's alien. [ZOE] I can feel it too. In my head. [DOCTOR] I don't seem to be able to concentrate. Concentrate. Both ofyou, concentrate on something! [ZOE] I can't! [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] Read out the figures to me, Zoe, aloud. Go on. [ZOE] Nine nine one. [DOCTOR] Louder! Both of you, read them off! [ZOE] Two. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's getting stronger. [ZOE + JAMIE] Three. [DOCTOR] It's dragging me! [ZOE] Four. [DOCTOR] Concentrate! Both of you! [ZOE + JAMIE] Five. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's too strong! [ZOE + JAMIE] Six. [DOCTOR] It's too powerful! [ZOE + JAMIE] Seven. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's too powerful. [ZOE + JAMIE] Eight. [DOCTOR] No, I must fight! [ZOE + JAMIE] Nine. [DOCTOR] I must fight! [ZOE + JAMIE] Ten. [DOCTOR] I will fight! [ZOE + JAMIE] Eleven. [ZOE] Jamie, the Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Forest) [JAMIE] Doctor? Zoe? Where are you? What's happened? [ZOE [OC]] Jamie! Jamie, over here! [JAMIE] Zoe? Is that you? [JAMIE] Redcoats. Am I back in my own time? If I am, they'll shoot medown. [JAMIE] Shoot me down like a dog, would you? Well, a McCrimmon's neverdied without a fight yet. Creag an tuire! [ZOE [OC]] Jamie? Jamie! [ZOE] Jamie, I'm here! Where are you? Jamie, can you hear me? Jamie! [ZOE] Jamie, Doctor, help! Somebody help me! I'm trapped! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Good. Good. Excellent. And now the good Doctor. Where is he? [MASTER] Look around. He must be here somewhere. Find him. Search. [MASTER] I see. He has eluded us for the moment. So he is not yetcompletely under my control. Perhaps it is better this way. Yes. He'llsoon find out. Find him. Search all areas. --------------------------------------- (Forest) [DOCTOR] Jamie. Zoe. Jamie. Fight. I must fight. Fight! Fight! [DOCTOR] Where in time and space am I? Where are the others? Jamie? Zoe? [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor! Hello! [DOCTOR] Jamie, is that you? [ZOE [OC]] Jamie! Doctor! [DOCTOR] Zoe! Zoe? [ZOE [OC]] Doctor, I'm trapped. Help me, please! [DOCTOR] All right, Zoe, just stay where you are and I'll see if I canfind you. Hello? Call out to me! [JAMIE [OC]] Here! Over here! [DOCTOR] Yes, all right, Jamie. [ZOE [OC]] Hello, Doctor! I'm over here! [DOCTOR] All right, Zoe. [DOCTOR] All right, Jamie. [ZOE [OC]] Doctor, please! [DOCTOR] No! No! No! No! No! Not both together. One at a time! Now then,Jamie, you seem to be the nearer. You first. Count up to ten. [JAMIE [OC]] One, two, three, four, five --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Find him. Search. Search! Perhaps somelight will help. --------------------------------------- (Forest) [DOCTOR] This is like exploring a maze in the dark. [DOCTOR] Well, thank you, whoever you are. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Spread out. Cover the whole area. Slowly.Keep moving. Look left to right. Search every inch of the forest. Iknow the Doctor is here somewhere. Hmm. No sign of him. Well, he can'tbe far away. We'll continue on this course. Track him down. Those areyour orders. He must be found. --------------------------------------- (Forest) [DOCTOR] {loud whisper) Jamie! Zoe! [GULLIVER] Heckinah degul. [GULLIVER] Tolgo fonac. [GULLIVER] Langro dehul san? Grildig? Splacknuck? [DOCTOR] Parlez-vous Francais? [GULLIVER] Recalsitrat (?) undique tutis! Glandack daytan! [DOCTOR] Do you speak English by any chance? [GULLIVER] Sir, my birth was of honest parents in an island calledEngland. [DOCTOR] Oh, good gracious me. Why didn't you say so at once? [GULLIVER] I spoke in as many languages as I have the least smatteringof. High and low Dutch, Latin. [DOCTOR] Well, let's start at the beginning again, shall we? What didyou say to me? [GULLIVER] I said, beware false traitor, highwayman, robber, pickpocket,murderer. [DOCTOR] I think you must be making some mistake. Highwayman, indeed?Can you tell me when you were last in England? [GULLIVER] We set sail from Bristol on May the 4th, 1699. [DOCTOR] We? [GULLIVER] What became of my companions I cannot tell. They were alllost. [DOCTOR] Oh, my dear sir, you and I are in the same boat. [GULLIVER] You have a stout ship? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, unfortunately, no. Look, would you mind taking thatpop gun away? It does unsettle me so. [GULLIVER] Well sir, if you can assure me you are no traitor. [DOCTOR] Now how can I be a traitor when I don't even know where I am?Where am I? [GULLIVER] I cannot tell. [DOCTOR] That makes two of us, doesn't it. Oh, thank you. Thank you.Listen, I've lost my companions too. Two of them, a boy and a girl,Jamie and Zoe. You haven't seen them by any chance? [GULLIVER] Alas, no. [DOCTOR] No, no. Well, I've got to find them. Perhaps you could help me,if you know your way around. [GULLIVER] It is not permitted. [DOCTOR] Who says so? [GULLIVER] The Master! [DOCTOR] The Master? [GULLIVER] He has articles of impeachment against you for treason andother capital crimes. [DOCTOR] Treason again. Really. [GULLIVER] I leave you to your prudence what measures you will take. Andnow sir, to avoid suspicion, I must retire in as private a manner Icame. [DOCTOR] Oh but sir. Oh no, don't go. I wanted to ask you. (Gulliver hasvanished.) [DOCTOR] A hallucination? Oh, well. Jamie? Zoe! [DORA [OC]] Cooeee! [DOCTOR] Is that you, Zoe? [DORA] Cooeee! [DOCTOR] Who's that? Who are you? [DOCTOR] Well. Well, well, well, well, well. How do you do? [OSWALD] Why did the chicken cross the road? [DOCTOR] Well, really, I don't think this is the time for riddles. [DORA] You must answer. Why did the chicken cross the road? [DOCTOR] Oh very well. To get to the other side, or so I've always beenled to believe. Now would you mind telling me [OSWALD] Which is correct. The yolk of an egg is white or the yolk of anegg are white? [DOCTOR] Neither, it's yellow. [ALICE] How many beans make five? [DOCTOR] I [DICKY] Where was Moses when the lights went out? [DOCTOR] Well, I [NOEL] Adam and Eve and Pinch Me went down to the river to bathe. [CHILDREN] Adam and Eve got drowned. Who do you think was saved? [DOCTOR] Well, Pinch Me, obviously. [DOCTOR] Ow! No! Stop it! Don't do that! Now it's my turn to ask youquestions. (The first boy holds a sword blade to the Doctor's throat.) [OSWALD] What can you make of a sword? [DOCTOR] Huh? [OSWALD] What can you make of it? [DICKY] Rearrange it. [NOEL] Think. [DORA] This is your last chance. [ALICE] S W O R D. Rearrange. [DOCTOR] S W O R D. Rearrange. Well, rearranged it makes W O R D S.Words. [CHILDREN] Hooray! [DOCTOR] Well, it's a dictionary. Words. [OSWALD] You have answered correctly. [DORA] You may be suitable. [DOCTOR] Suitable? [ALICE] I do hope so. [HORACE] Come on, it's teatime! [DICKY] I'm hungry! [NOEL] Race you home! [DOCTOR] Words. [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor. Over here! [DOCTOR] Jamie? Jamie? Is that you? [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie! It's just another trick! Hello? What's this? A safe?Locked, of course. And a wishing well. I wish. I wish I believed inwishing wells. [DOCTOR] Hello. This is a puzzle, that's what it is. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. Yes, I'm beginning to recognize this. Sort of picturewriting. Let me see now. Jamie. Mist. Mist without the M or the T, i s.Is. Hand without the H, and. So we have Jamie is safe and well! [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, I've lost his face. [DOCTOR] Hello. Oh, I see. I'm supposed to provide the face, am I? Verywell. Now then. Yes. There we are. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, that's his nose all right. And, yes. Yes. [DOCTOR] Oh no, I've done it wrong! Oh! [JAMIE] Doctor. Oh, I'm glad to see you again. [DOCTOR] But, but you're not Jamie. [JAMIE] Eh? [JAMIE] What are you on about? [DOCTOR] Well, your face, it's different. [JAMIE] What do you mean, different? [DOCTOR] Well, look. Look in the mirror. [JAMIE] That's not my face! [DOCTOR] Well, it's the one you're stuck with for the moment. [JAMIE] But why should I suddenly be different? [DOCTOR] I don't know. It's a particularly nasty trick on the part ofthe person who brought us here. [JAMIE] Brought us here? What's happening? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Just a minute. If you really are Jamie, youshould know what's happened. How did you get here? [JAMIE] Well, you know I was telling you about my dream. You know, aboutthe unicorn. [DOCTOR] Yes? [JAMIE] Well, he was charging straight for me, head down, ready for thekill, when suddenly everything went crazy and I was off. [DOCTOR] Off? Where to? Where've you been? [JAMIE] In the fog. I mean, really. Ever since the Tardis broke up. [DOCTOR] It did what? [JAMIE] It broke up. It fell to bits. The next thing I knew I waswandering about here. I heard you calling but I couldn't find you. [ZOE [OC]] Jamie! Help! [DOCTOR] Zoe? Where are you? [ZOE [OC]] I'm trapped. You must help me! [JAMIE] It sounds as if she's over there. [DOCTOR] What? Come on, then! [DOCTOR] Zoe! [ZOE [OC]] I can't get out! Help me, please! [JAMIE] There's no handle. There's no sign of a lock either. [DOCTOR] Don't you see? It's not even a door at all. It's just a brickwall with a door painted on it. [JAMIE] But that's crazy! How do you open a door that isn't a door? [DOCTOR] Now let me think. [JAMIE] What's the good of thinking? What we want is a battering ram. [DOCTOR] When [JAMIE] One of these trees. [DOCTOR] Is a door not a door? [JAMIE] Och, this is no time for riddles. [DOCTOR] No. When is a door not a door? [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] When it's ajar! [JAMIE] Eh? [ZOE [OC]] Get me out! Get me out! [ZOE] Get me out! Get me out! [JAMIE] Oh, Zoe. [ZOE] Get me out! [JAMIE] Not unless you promise to be a good girl. [ZOE] Oh, you. [DOCTOR] Go on, get her out. [JAMIE] All right. [JAMIE] Come on then. Up you come. One, two, three. [ZOE] I thought I was never going to get out of. Well, who are you? [JAMIE] Eh? Don't you start, Zoe. I've had enough from the Doctor. Itell you I'm me, Jamie! [ZOE] Well, why does he look so different? [DOCTOR] Well, I'll tell you later. I think it's about time we got outof this wood. [JAMIE] Aye, this place gives me the creeps. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, you go on ahead, Jamie. [ZOE] Is that really Jamie? [DOCTOR] Well. Well, yes. [ZOE] But he couldn't just have changed like that, I mean it'simpossible. [DOCTOR] Well, I think we may be in a place where nothing is impossible.Come on. [ZOE] Oh my feet ache. I'm going to sit down and have a rest. [JAMIE] If only we could see over these trees. Doctor, if you could giveme a leg up, I could shin up one of them. [DOCTOR] Yes, good idea. Come along. [DOCTOR] Up you go. Can you manage? [JAMIE] Aye, I think so. It's a bit tricky but I'm nearly there. [DOCTOR] There's a foothold. [JAMIE] Ah! I'm at the top. Doctor. [ZOE] What is it? Can you see something? [JAMIE] I can see all right. Do you know what this tree is? [DOCTOR] No, what? [JAMIE] It's a letter S. The next one's an L, and then an O and a W.It's a forest of words. [DOCTOR] This must be a world of words. [ZOE] Well, what do the words say? [JAMIE] Slow but sure. In for a penny. [DOCTOR] In for a pound. They're all sayings, proverbs. [JAMIE] Look before you leap. I can't read any more. [ZOE] Well, never mind that. Can you see a way out? [JAMIE] I think so. Yes. Yes. [DOCTOR] Down you come. There's a foothold. Can you manage? That'sright. Steady. There. [JAMIE] There we are. It's this way. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's all right. Don't worry, I've met this gentleman before.He's a traveller like ourselves. [GULLIVER] Sir. [DOCTOR] Delighted to meet you again, sir. Allow me to present my twocompanions. This is Zoe, and this is Jamie. [JAMIE] How do you do, sir. [DOCTOR] We're trying to find our way out of this wood. [GULLIVER] This resolution may perhaps appear very bold and dangerous. [ZOE] But we've got to get away. [DOCTOR] Well, haven't you ever tried to escape from this place? [GULLIVER] No. No, I looked upon myself to be fully settled for life. [DOCTOR] These tests, what's the point of them? [GULLIVER] In choosing persons for all employments, they have regards togreat abilities. A course of study is required to qualify any man forthe service of his country. [ZOE] But who's in charge hear? Who's setting all these tests for us? [GULLIVER] The Master. [DOCTOR] Oh, the Master again, eh? I suppose this army of robots worksfor the Master as well. [GULLIVER] Army? As to their military affairs I knew not what theymeant. [DOCTOR] Oh, surely you've seen them. [GULLIVER] I knew not what they meant. [DOCTOR] Ah now, but surely. That's the sound they make. They're comingback! [ZOE] Well, what do we do? [DOCTOR] We hide in among the trees. Quick! There's a J, there's roomfor two! Oh, thank goodness there's a letter C. You, sir, aren't yougoing to take cover? [GULLIVER] The best expedient I could think on was to keep guard. [ZOE] Well, whatever you do, don't give us away. [GULLIVER] I could not forebear smiling, sir. What you told me ismistaken. There was no army here. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] At last. Very well. Round them up and leadthem away. You have your orders. You know what to do. --------------------------------------- (Forest) [JAMIE] Thank you very much. [ZOE] Why did you give us away? [GULLIVER] But I said there was no army here. [DOCTOR] Jamie, Zoe, don't you see? As far as he's concerned, they don'texist. He can't see them. [GULLIVER] And now, sir, I must forebear to trouble you further. Havinganswered the only objections you have raised against me, I now take afinal leave of you all. [DOCTOR] Sir. [JAMIE] Hey, but wait a bit [DOCTOR] I think the soldiers want us to go in the other direction. [ZOE] Doctor, these soldiers. Am I mad or do they look like toysoldiers? [DOCTOR] Yes. Particularly dangerous toys too. Come along, let's go. [ZOE] They've stopped. [JAMIE] Why have they brought us here? [DOCTOR] Well, we shall soon find out. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Mission is accomplished. --------------------------------------- (Blackness) [ZOE] It's so dark. [JAMIE] You know, I've got a funny sort of a feeling I've been herebefore. [DOCTOR] Shush! Listen. [JAMIE] It sounds like a horse galloping. [ZOE] It's getting nearer. It's coming this way! [DOCTOR] It's not a horse. Look! [ZOE] A unicorn. [JAMIE] My dream. [ZOE] It's looking at us! [DOCTOR] Keep quite still. [JAMIE] It's coming straight for us. Run! [DOCTOR] No! [JAMIE] We don't stand a chance! [DOCTOR] Stand still. [JAMIE] Doctor. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hold your ground! [JAMIE] Come on, this is my dream. [DOCTOR] No, stand still! [JAMIE] It's coming straight for us. Run! [DOCTOR] No! [JAMIE] But we haven't got a chance! Don't you see, it's my dream allover again. [ZOE] It's real. [DOCTOR] No, it's not real. It's a legend. You mustn't believe in it,you mustn't. Say it doesn't exist. Say it. [JAMIE + ZOE] It doesn't exist. [JAMIE] What happened? [DOCTOR] Another test. [JAMIE] But it was alive. We all saw it. [ZOE] It was terrifying. [DOCTOR] He challenged us to believe it. [JAMIE] Who? The Master? [DOCTOR] Whoever it is who's setting up all these conjuring tricks. [ZOE] But I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Well, the unicorn appeared to be real until you said it wasn't.Then we were safe. [ZOE] But we believed in it, Jamie and I. [DOCTOR] Yes, that was just the danger. Your belief was affecting me. [JAMIE] Who would think up a crazy notion like this? [DOCTOR] I don't know. A fantastic mind. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Too kind. And if I may, I'd like to returnthe compliment. He's obviously supremely intelligent. He's learning therules with admirable speed. Yes, you were right to choose the goodDoctor. --------------------------------------- (Blackness) [JAMIE] Doctor. [ZOE] The soldiers. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Stop! Let them go. Wherever they run,whatever they do, every step they take will only brings them nearer.The trap is set. Let them walk into it. --------------------------------------- (Tangled forest) [ZOE] Oh, how much further? [JAMIE] There's no sign of the toy soldiers now. [DOCTOR] We've got to get out of this place. [JAMIE] Look, there's a house. [JAMIE] You again. I'll sort you this time. Creag an tuire! [ZOE] Jamie! Doctor? [DOCTOR] Now it's all right, Zoe. Oh, come on, come on. If you want toplay games, let's get on with it. [ZOE] What's that? [DOCTOR] Well, I have to make up his face again. [ZOE] You did this before. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] And that's how Jamie's face got changed. You got it all wrong. [DOCTOR] What? No. No, no. Well I, I was rushed. Now then. There we are. [DOCTOR] All right, I know. There we are. One. Now then. Oh yes, that'shis nose. You can't mistake his nose, can you. And.) (The Doctorreaches for a mouth then looks at Zoe. She smiles so he selects it andplaces it on Jamie's picture.) [DOCTOR] There you are, you see. [ZOE] Jamie. [DOCTOR] Jamie. [ZOE] Thank goodness you're back. [JAMIE] Back? What do you mean back? I haven't been anywhere. [ZOE] You've got your face back. [JAMIE] I have? [DOCTOR] Yes, look. [JAMIE] Oh, you're right, I have. Oh, that's much better. Ah, thehouse. [DOCTOR] Yes. Come along. Let's go inside. --------------------------------------- (Maze) [ZOE] There must be someone here. These candles are alight. [JAMIE] Hello, there. [ZOE] One, two, three, four tunnels leading off. [JAMIE] It would be easy to get lost in there. [DOCTOR] Just a moment. [JAMIE] What's he found? [DOCTOR] Ah, yes, A ball of twine. Hmm. Oh yes. This must have been aninvitation. [ZOE] Why? [DOCTOR] Well, it's the classical way of getting through a maze. Now,Jamie, tie that to the door will you. [JAMIE] Hey, it's locked. [ZOE] Then we are meant to go on. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think we are. [ZOE] But that means that wherever we go, at any time, they know. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] They're expecting us. [DOCTOR] Don't break the thread. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Ah, at last. The Doctor is commendably prompt. I wonder howlong it will take him to get to the heart of the mystery. --------------------------------------- (Tunnels) [DOCTOR] Which way, do you think? [ZOE] To the right. [DOCTOR] They both look equally unattractive to me. [ZOE] But it must be to the right. I've been working it out as we wentalong. [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Shush. How? [ZOE] Well, as soon as we avoided the dead ends, it soon fell into aclear pattern. One left, two right, three left, four right and so on.It's a simple arithmetic progression. [JAMIE] Yes, but Doctor. [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie. [DOCTOR] What it is to have an arithmetical brain. What do you want? [JAMIE] The thread's run out. Now, should we not go back? [DOCTOR] No, you stay here. [JAMIE] Ah. [DOCTOR] And Zoe and I will explore a little further. There must beanother way out of this maze and I mean to find it. [ZOE] You see, they don't want us to find a way out, only a way in. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Go on, go on. You're almost there. --------------------------------------- (Labyrinth centre) [ZOE] I was right. This isn't the way out. We're in the middle of themaze. Oh Doctor, I don't like it. Let's go. [DOCTOR] Just a minute. I was rather expecting a welcoming committee.but perhaps I was wrong. [ZOE] Well, I hope you were. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, but there has been someone here. Not so long ago,either. Look. [ZOE] Oh! [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh. [ZOE] And there's some tracks of an animal, too. Oh Doctor, let's go. [ZOE] It couldn't be. [DOCTOR] What? [ZOE] Well, I know it's silly, but do you remember the story of theMinotaur? [DOCTOR] Half man, half bull, yes. [ZOE] And he lived in the heart of a labyrinth. And there were humansacrifices! [DOCTOR] Exactly, but I don't think we need be too alarmed. After all [DOCTOR] As I was saying, as long as we're quite certain the minotaur isonly a [ZOE] Doctor, look! --------------------------------------- (Tunnels) [JAMIE] Doctor? Are you all right? What'shappening? [JAMIE] Oh, so that's how you can see, is it? With that wee lighthouseof yours. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] No! Brainless idiot. Get yourself free. Don't let the boyescape. Forward. Forward. --------------------------------------- (Labyrinth centre) [ZOE] Doctor, it's moving. It's coming closer! [ZOE] It's going to attack. [DOCTOR] But Zoe, it's a legend. Another mythical beast, like theunicorn. [ZOE] But it's there! [DOCTOR] No! The Minotaur is a mythical beast. Say it. [ZOE] The Minotaur is a mythical beast. It doesn't exist. [ZOE] It's gone. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm afraid we made it too difficult for it to stay.Come on, let's go and find Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Tunnels) [ZOE] I think this is the place. [DOCTOR] Yes. There's no sign of him. I'm sure he wouldn't have gone offwithout [DOCTOR] What's that? [ZOE] His jacket. [DOCTOR] Well, he must be around here somewhere. [ZOE] Jamie! Who's that? [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, my dear sir. [GULLIVER] Your servant, sir. [DOCTOR] You have a knack of turning up unexpectedly. [ZOE] Have you seen Jamie? [GULLIVER] I walked alone, but saw no sign of any inhabitants. [ZOE] Are you absolutely positive? [GULLIVER] I would not impose any falsities upon you. I adhere strictlyto truth. [DOCTOR] Of course. This, er, this person who controls this place, theMaster? [GULLIVER] The Master, yes. [DOCTOR] Have you seen him? [GULLIVER] Upon occasion he has been pleased to grant me an audience. [DOCTOR] Where might I find him? [GULLIVER] The Master's palace is no ordinary edifice, but a citadel, awalled town at the top of a hill or cliff, which is reckoned thehighest in the kingdom. [DOCTOR] Yes, now I think I understand. May I ask, sir, where you comefrom? Would it not be Nottingham? [GULLIVER] My father had a small estate in Nottingham, sir. I was thethird of five sons. He sent me to Emmanuel College in Cambridge atfourteen years old, where I applied myself close to my studies,learning navigation and other parts of the mathematics [DOCTOR] Useful for those who intend to travel [DOCTOR + GULLIVER] As I always believed it would someday or other, myfortune to do. [DOCTOR] Now I know who you are, sir. Your name is Lemuel Gulliver. [GULLIVER] Your servant. [ZOE] Gulliver? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Oh, I'm looking forward to a long talk with you oneof these days. [GULLIVER] I should like that above all things, but it would not beproper at this juncture to trouble you with the particulars of myadventures. [DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't dream of detaining you. [GULLIVER] Having been condemned by nature and fortune to a restless andactive life, I must take my leave of you. Farewell. [DOCTOR] Farewell. [ZOE] Why does he talk in such an extraordinary way? [DOCTOR] Well, he can only speak the words that Dean Swift gave him tosay. [ZOE] But that's ridiculous. I mean, there never was such a person asGulliver. He's a fictional character. [DOCTOR] Of course he is. Don't you understand? This world that we'vetumbled into is a world of fiction. Unicorns, minotaur, Gulliver'stravels, they're all alive here. [ZOE] Then what are we doing here? What do they want with us? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure I understand that yet. Come along, let's findJamie. You'd better put this on. --------------------------------------- (Cliff face) [JAMIE] Oh, no. I'd need to be a human fly to get up that lot. I can'tgo back though. What I really need is a [JAMIE] Who says wishes don't come true. --------------------------------------- (Outside the window) [JAMIE] So far, so good. Some sort of castle. Well,Jamie, now where? Well, you don't have much choice, do you? [RAPUNZEL] Ouch! I suppose you know that hurts. [JAMIE] You mean, this is your hair? [RAPUNZEL] Of course. I don't object to people climbing it. I'm quiteused to it, actually. But you would keep tugging so. [JAMIE] Oh, I'm terribly sorry. [RAPUNZEL] Are you a Prince? [JAMIE] No. Why? [RAPUNZEL] You're supposed to be. I'm a princess, but I suppose you knewthat. My name is Rapunzel. You're not a woodcutter's son, by anychance? [JAMIE] No, I'm the son of a piper. [RAPUNZEL] Oh, how very disappointing. Well, in that case I think you'dbetter go. Goodbye. [JAMIE] Your highness, wait. [RAPUNZEL] Well? [JAMIE] I can't go back there, it's a sheer drop, and well, I can't juststand out here. I'll have to climb though the window. [RAPUNZEL] Oh. Well, I don't know if that will be allowed. [JAMIE] Well, I won't stay long. Just passing through, you might say.Och, please. [RAPUNZEL] It's a great pity you're not a prince. You'd have made rathera good one. Well, I suppose you'd better come inside. For goodness sakebe quiet. --------------------------------------- (Citadel) [JAMIE] Rapunzel? Your highness, where have you gone? Don't be silly,I'm not going. [JAMIE] Hey, this doesn't look like the inside of a princess's castle tome. [FEMALE] 'Christmas won't be Christmas without presents,' grumbled Jo,lying on the rug. 'It's so dreadful to be poor,' sighed Meg, lookingdown at her old robe. [JAMIE] The Doctor and Zoe, unable to find their companion in thelabyrinth, decide to return to the cave in search of him, where a newterror awaited them. --------------------------------------- (Labyrinth centre) [DOCTOR] I imagine there must be at least one moretest. I wonder what it'll be? [ZOE] I believe you're actually beginning to enjoy all this. That wasn'tthere before, was it? [DOCTOR] A statue. [ZOE] Like the unicorn. [DOCTOR] Yes, only the unicorn was alive first and then became a statue.Only this time [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Have a care, Zoe. I have a feeling the situation is going to bereversed. [ZOE] It is coming to life! [DOCTOR] Medusa! --------------------------------------- (Citadel) [JAMIE] The Doctor and Zoe were face to face with Medusa. One glancefrom her eyes would turn them to stone! --------------------------------------- (Labyrinth centre) [DOCTOR] Now, we know what we have to do, Zoe. [ZOE] Yes. She's moving. She's going to look at us. [DOCTOR] Zoe, we have to say Medusa doesn't exist. [ZOE] But she does! [DOCTOR] Zoe, Medusa is a myth. If you believe it her, she can turn usboth to stone. Now, Zoe, say it. The Medusa is a myth. Say it! [ZOE] But she's alive! [DOCTOR] No! [ZOE] She's real [DOCTOR] No, don't look in her eyes. Don't look! --------------------------------------- (Labyrinth centre) [DOCTOR] The Medusa does not exist. You mustbelieve that. [ZOE] I can feel her fingertips, like ice. [DOCTOR] No, no, that's marble. Think of her as a marble statue. Alegend. [ZOE] But she's real. I've got to look at her, I've got to. --------------------------------------- (Citadel) [JAMIE] (reading) One glance from her eyes wouldturn them to stone, but all was not yet lost. Suddenly the Doctor founda sword at his feet, picked it up, and with one stroke slew themonster. --------------------------------------- (Labyrinth centre) [DOCTOR] A sword! [ZOE] Well, that's it. You're meant to use the sword like Perseus. [DOCTOR] Maybe it's another trap? [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, please! [DOCTOR] No. How can I kill something that doesn't exist? [ZOE] I've got to open my eyes. I've got to see. [DOCTOR] No, wait. Perseus, of course. A mirror. There. Look at herreflection in the mirror. Look. Can you see her? [ZOE] Yes. [DOCTOR] This is how Perseus escaped. He looked at her reflection in hispolished shield. There's no danger in the reflection. [DOCTOR] It's safe now. You can look now. The statue has become a statueagain. --------------------------------------- (Citadel) [JAMIE] (reading) Cancel. Cancel. Cancel. TheDoctor test, report failure. Failure? [MASTER [OC]] Attention! Attention! There is a stranger inside thebuilding. Call out the search party. [GULLIVER] Ah, the young traveller. I had wondered as much. [JAMIE] Have you been sent to find me? [GULLIVER] His companions were in a state of some anxiety concerning hispresent whereabouts. [JAMIE] Companions! Zoe and the Doctor, where are they? [GULLIVER] Safe and well. [JAMIE] You've actually spoken to them? [GULLIVER] The gentlemen desired I let him know what place I came fromand whither I was bound. [JAMIE] Oh. What's that? [GULLIVER] I heard nothing. [JAMIE] Probably that search party. [GULLIVER] By the laws of this kingdom, every chamber must be searched. [JAMIE] If they find me, I'm done for. [GULLIVER] You should be put to death. [JAMIE] What about you? [GULLIVER] I shall come to no harm. [JAMIE] If you give me away this time, I'm finished. [GULLIVER] I was ready with the hazard of my life to defend this person. [JAMIE] Where've they gone? [GULLIVER] Hmm? [JAMIE] The white robots? [GULLIVER] Young sir, I do assure you there were no such persons here. [JAMIE] Aye, well, robots or not, I'm getting out of this place. [GULLIVER] You desire your liberty. [JAMIE] Yes. I mean, I got in all right. The thing is, how do I get out? [GULLIVER] After some consideration. [JAMIE] Yes? [GULLIVER] I was of the opinion that [JAMIE] Go on, go on. [GULLIVER] This was altogether impossible. --------------------------------------- (Cliff face) [DOCTOR] Oh yes, that's the citadel all right. The question is, how dowe get up there. [ZOE] It's an awful long way to climb. [DOCTOR] Zoe, duck! [ZOE] The Karkus. [KARKUS] You are my prisoners. [ZOE] It's the Karkus. [DOCTOR] What? [KARKUS] You will come out and put ze hand above ze head. [ZOE] You know. He's fictional, too. [KARKUS] Obey, or I fire. [DOCTOR] What, with that thing? What sort of a gun is that? [ZOE] It's an anti-molecular ray disintegrator. [DOCTOR] Rubbish. Such a weapon is scientifically impossible. It doesn'texist. [DOCTOR] Well, that seems to take care of that, doesn't it. [KARKUS] I shall tear you limb from limb. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, be careful. He could do it, you know. The Karkus hassuper-human strength. [KARKUS] You will be minced meats. [ZOE] Quickly, Doctor, say it. You know he's a fictional character. [DOCTOR] But I don't. I've never heard of him. [DOCTOR] Oh Zoe, run! [DOCTOR] What are you doing? No, please, I'm sure we can talk this over. [DOCTOR] Zoe. [ZOE] Lesson seventeen. [DOCTOR] Be careful. [ZOE] Oh dear. [ZOE] Lesson thirty two. [DOCTOR] Don't do anything rash. [KARKUS] Mercy. [ZOE] You'd better submit, you know. [KARKUS] Have mercy. [ZOE] Your neck can only take a certain amount of pressure. Do yousubmit? [KARKUS] I submit. [ZOE] That's better. [KARKUS] I am your slave. Command me. [ZOE] Do you know the way to the Citadel? [KARKUS] I know it. [DOCTOR] Well, well take us there, there's a good chap. [KARKUS] I obey. [ZOE] We all follow his adventures in the strip sections of the hourlytelepress. [DOCTOR] The strip? Oh, a strip cartoon of the year two thousand? [ZOE] You've been in the year two thousand, haven't you? [DOCTOR] Yes, but I hardly had time to follow the strip cartoons. [ZOE] Well, you better start following this one. He's half way up thatcliff. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Citadel) [DOCTOR] Well thank you, thank you, Mister. What did you say his namewas? [ZOE] K A R K U S. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, Mister Karkus. Thank you. [ZOE] We won't be needing you any longer. Run along. [KARKUS] I obey. [DOCTOR] Come along. [ZOE] We can't just ring the bell and ask to go in. [DOCTOR] Why not? It's the usual way. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, are you sure this is a good idea? [MASTER [OC]] State your name and attribution. [DOCTOR] I am ze Karkus. [MASTER [OC]] And your attribution? [ZOE] What's that? [DOCTOR] Shush. Year two thousand, comic strip creation, the hourlytelepress. [MASTER [OC]] Authenticated. You may enter. --------------------------------------- (Citadel) [JAMIE] Come on, now. You heard them giving orders to look for me. Whydo you suppose that happened? [GULLIVER] I conjecture that these were orders given by some person inauthority. [JAMIE] The Master? [GULLIVER] It is possible. [JAMIE] Oh, now I'm getting somewhere. Now listen, if there aren't anyrobots, who do you think was carrying out those orders? I mean, who wasI hiding from? [GULLIVER] Why, sir, the Yahoos. [JAMIE] Who's the Yahoos? [GULLIVER] A cursed race of inferior creatures. I never beheld sodisagreeable an animal. [JAMIE] Well, I haven't seen any Yahoos. You haven't seen any robots. Afine pickle we're all in. [ZOE] Jamie! [DOCTOR] What happened? [JAMIE] No! No! Stay where you are! [JAMIE] There's an electrical gadget round here somewhere which sets offan alarm gong. I walked through it, the gong went off and they set agang of robots after me. [ZOE] Robots? You mean the same ones that we saw before? [JAMIE] Aye, the big white ones, aye. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, did you hear that? [DOCTOR] Yes, I thought they'd turn up sooner or later. Yes, it's asimple photoelectric cell. We just. I'd better lift you over it. [JAMIE] Be careful. [DOCTOR] There we are. [DOCTOR] Oh, my word. [ZOE] Oh Jamie, what happened to you when you left the tunnel? [JAMIE] I was chased by one of those tin soldiers. Luckily, I climbed upthe cliff up here. Hey, the thing is, how do we get out? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm not leaving yet. I'm here on business. [ZOE] No, the Doctor's made up his mind. He's going to see the Master. [GULLIVER] This resolution perhaps may appear very bold and dangerous. [ZOE] There you are, you see? [DOCTOR] Why do you say that? [GULLIVER] I think you should not be here. The Master makes rules forthe government of his Kingdom. It is unwise for you to disobey. [ZOE] So you think we shouldn't try and see the Master. [GULLIVER] If you would take my advice, swear a peace with the Masterand his kingdom. Find yourselves a place to lodge, stay quietly withthe expectation that things would mend. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well, I see. I'll think it over very carefully. [GULLIVER] Your servant. (to Zoe) Your servant. [JAMIE] You're not really going to do as he says, are you? [DOCTOR] No, of course not. I said I'd think it over. Well, I've thoughtit over. We're staying on and fighting on. [ZOE] But we'll be fighting on in the dark. We don't know where the nextattack will come from. Medusa was bad enough. [JAMIE] Ah, Medusa. Yes, I read about that on this machine here. Weewords keep coming out of it all the time. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes? [JAMIE] Look. [DOCTOR] Let's have a look. [JAMIE] There. Look. [DOCTOR] (reads.) Cancel. Doctor test report failure. Oh, I think I'mbeginning to understand. [JAMIE] Well, I wish I was. [DOCTOR] Well, when someone writes about an incident after it'shappened, that is history. [JAMIE] Yes. [DOCTOR] But when the writing comes first, that's fiction. If we'd havefallen into the Master's trap, we would have become fiction. [ZOE] Oh that's horrible. Come on, let's get out of here. [DOCTOR] Zoe, where are you going? [ZOE] Before it's too late. [DOCTOR] Don't go [ZOE] It's all right [DOCTOR] No, not through there! (Zoe walks through the archway and thealarm sounds.) [JAMIE] Oh no. [MASTER [OC]] Attention. There are still strangers at large. Renew thesearch. The strangers must be found. [ZOE] What are we going to do? [JAMIE] I mean, that's funny. Gulliver walked through there. [DOCTOR] Gulliver's not real, we are. [ZOE] They're coming. Where can we hide? [DOCTOR] No need to hide. [ZOE] Why not? If they find us? [DOCTOR] Let them find us. [JAMIE] You mean, just stand here and wait? [DOCTOR] Yes, why not? We'll ask for an interview with the Master. [ZOE] They may not give us time to ask for anything. [JAMIE] Look! [DOCTOR] Are you looking for us by any chance? We demand an interviewwith the Master. [MASTER [OC]] How very fortunate. Do come in, Doctor. I've beenexpecting you. Oh, don't be alarmed. Won't you walk into myparlour? [DOCTOR] Said the spider to the fly. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [JAMIE] It's hard to see anything. [DOCTOR] Where are you? [MASTER] Here, patiently waiting. [MASTER] Oh Doctor, this is a great pleasure. And your two youngcompanions. Now let me see. Oh yes, yes, yes. Zoe and Jamie. I haveyour dossiers here in front of me. [ZOE] You appear to be very well organised. [MASTER] Oh yes, indeed. We have to be. The running of this placerequires enormous attention to detail. It's a responsible position, butvery rewarding. [DOCTOR] Responsible, huh? To someone else? [MASTER] Not to someone. Another power. Higher than you could begin toimagine. Oh, I must congratulate you on the great skill in which youtackled the various stages of your examination. [DOCTOR] What is the purpose of all these tests? [MASTER] Well, do you know, when I was first brought here myself, I wasas bewildered as you are. [JAMIE] Well, how long have you been here? [MASTER] I left England in the summer of nineteen twenty six. It was avery hot day, I remember. I think I must have dozed off over my desk,and when I awoke. Oh, but that' a long story. Did you ever hear of theAdventures of Captain Jack Harkaway? [DOCTOR] No, I can't say that I. Wait a minute, a serial in a boys'magazine? [MASTER] The Ensign. [DOCTOR] The Ensign. [MASTER] And for twenty five years, I delivered five thousand wordsevery week. [DOCTOR] You are a writer. [ZOE] Twenty-five years, five thousand words a week. Well, that's wellover half a million words. [MASTER] Yes, yes. It was probably some kind of record. Anyway, that waswhy I was selected to work here. [JAMIE] And you're the one that's in charge of all of this? [MASTER] In one sense, yes. [DOCTOR] Or is all this in charge of you? [MASTER] My brain is the source of the creative power which keeps thisoperation going. [DOCTOR] I see. That means that you are virtually a prisoner. [MASTER] Oh, no. No, no, no. [MASTER] You, you, you must excuse me for a moment. [JAMIE] Come on, Doctor, let's get out of here. [ZOE] Yes, let's. It gives me the creeps. [DOCTOR] No, I need to find out more. [JAMIE] Well, look, you keep him talking, and Zoe and me will findanother way out. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I think it will be safer if we all stick together. [MASTER] Oh, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting. Now, where were we? [DOCTOR] You were about to answer my question. Are you a prisoner here? [MASTER] Well, no. No, I wouldn't say that. In fact, I rather like beinghere. I have everything I could possibly want. [MASTER] This vast library with all the known works of fiction. All themasterpieces written by Earthmen since the beginning of time. --------------------------------------- (Library) [ZOE] I don't think he noticed. [JAMIE] No. Let's try down there. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] I see, yes. And only an Earthman typecreature has the power to create fiction. The power to imagine. [MASTER] Exactly. This is one field in which the intelligence I servecannot compete. They need man, a man of boundless imagination, as apowerhouse. A lifeline, as you might say. [DOCTOR] What is this intelligence you serve, and why was I brought mehere? [MASTER] Well, as you see, I'm no longer young, where as you, Doctor,are ageless. You exist outside the barriers of time and space. [DOCTOR] And you want me to [MASTER] To take over this unique situation. To take my place. [DOCTOR] I refuse! [MASTER] Refusal is impossible. You are here to serve us. There is noalternative. --------------------------------------- (Library) [ZOE] We've got to find a way out of here. [JAMIE] There must be a door somewhere. Look, if we're going to get theDoctor away [ZOE] Jamie! [JAMIE] No. Back this way. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Resistance is useless. Submit your willfor the sake of the greater good. It has been decided. [DOCTOR] I refuse. I shall make that decision for myself. [THE MASTER] You will find there is only one decision open to you.Mission accomplished. Procedure as arranged. [DOCTOR] What does that mean? [MASTER] The latest chapter of the serial story. I'll read you the lastsentence. Zoe and Jamie attempted to escape, but in making it throughthe library they were ambushed by a party of guards and wereoverpowered. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. Jamie! Zoe! [THE MASTER] Are you prepared to cooperate now? Your life in return fortheirs? Is that a bargain? Look! --------------------------------------- (Library) [ZOE] Oh Jamie, my eyes. [JAMIE] I can't see. Where are you? Quick, back, back away. Zoe, here,Quick. [JAMIE] No, it's a book. Back out again. [ZOE] Push. [JAMIE] Push. Open up. It's closing. No! --------------------------------------- (Episode Five) (Control room) [DOCTOR] What have you done to them? [MASTER] They're no longer human beings, just fictional characters. Now,if you consent to take my place here, they can be released. [DOCTOR] You really would do that? [MASTER] No, my dear sir, you would. Once you have taken up your posthere, it could be your first official task as the new controller. [DOCTOR] I see. How very ingenious. [MASTER] I take it then that you agree? [DOCTOR] No! My answer is still no! [MASTER] How very unfortunate. [MASTER] I'm sorry to have to use violent methods, but you must submit.You have no alternative. [DOCTOR] I have yet to see a robot that can climb. [MASTER] You cannot escape. But we will play your game a little longer. --------------------------------------- (Battlement) [ZOE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, Zoe! Jamie! [JAMIE] Oh, am I glad to see you. [DOCTOR] The Master said you been turned into [JAMIE] Aye, where do we go from here? [ZOE] Well, back to the Tardis. [JAMIE] We can't do that. It fell apart, do you not remember? [ZOE] Oh well, it's all over now, thank goodness. [JAMIE] The Tardis broke up! [DOCTOR] Yes, you've said that, Jamie. [ZOE] I'm tired, I think I'll sit down and have a rest. [DOCTOR] Is some thing wrong, Zoe? [JAMIE] Aye, well, where do we go from here? [ZOE] Back to the Tardis. [JAMIE] We can't do that. It broke up. Do you not remember? [DOCTOR] But you keep saying the same things. [JAMIE] The Tardis broke up. [DOCTOR] Then it's true. They're not real. They've been turned intofiction. [DOCTOR] Well, what's this? [DOCTOR] The master tape! I wonder. Perhaps if I were to create a fewimmortal words of fiction of my own. Yes, it's worth trying. [DOCTOR] Oh, what I need is the strength of Karkus! [KARKUS] I am at your command. [DOCTOR] Oh thank you, my dear sir. Perhaps you could release this forme. [KARKUS] Zis is want you want? [DOCTOR] Well no, I don't actually want it. You see, I want to get downhere somehow. [KARKUS] Ah. Wait. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [DOCTOR] Jamie. Jamie, Zoe. You are being controlled! Jamie, listen.Listen! Oh, it's no use. [KARKUS] A rope. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [RAPUNZEL] Ouch. Careful. [DOCTOR] Oh! Oh yes, of course, you are the Princess Rapunzel. [RAPUNZEL] Are you a prince? [DOCTOR] No. No, I'm afraid not, but would you mind if I used your hairto get down there. [RAPUNZEL] No, of course not. Everybody else uses it, so I don't see whyyou shouldn't. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. Now then, where can we attach the? [DOCTOR] Ah yes, of course. --------------------------------------- (Tape room) (Control room) [MASTER] Yes, yes. Go on. --------------------------------------- (Tape room) [DOCTOR] "The enemy had been finally defeated bythe Doctor. No, no, I can't say that. If I say that. I nearly fell forit, didn't I. Another two seconds and I should have turned myself intofiction! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Halt! Now we shall play games no longer. --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [DOCTOR] I'm very obliged to you both. [RAPUNZEL] Always happy to be of assistance. [DOCTOR] Jamie and Zoe. I left them here. Where are they? Jamie! Zoe! [GULLIVER] They had to make a departure. It was necessary. [OSWALD] They'll be back soon. [DORA] What's been happening? [HORACE] You must have some idea? [ALICE] Is it a game? [CHILDREN] Yes. What's going on? [DOCTOR] Please, please. I must think. There must be some way out ofthis. There's just got to be. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Jamie and Zoe realised at last that the Doctor was in fact themost monstrous and cunning villain. There was no punishment too severefor the crimes that he had committed. [MASTER] Splendid. Splendid. Come closer, my children. [JAMIE] You sent for us, Master? [MASTER] Now you know what your friend the Doctor is really like, don'tyou. [ZOE] He is the most monstrous and cunning villain. [JAMIE] No punishment is too severe for the crimes he has committed. [MASTER] Word perfect. That is why I have sent for you both at thismoment of crisis. We need your help. [ZOE] Tell us what we must do. [MASTER] Well --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [CHILDREN] A pocket full of posies. A-tishoo, a-tishoo, we all falldown. [GULLIVER] I understand, sir, that you are in an unhappy situation. [RAPUNZEL] Isn't there anything we can do to help? [DOCTOR] I only wish there was. [DORA] Look! [OSWALD] What's that? [DICKY] I never saw it before. [DOCTOR] The Tardis, safe and sound, by all that's wonderful. [JAMIE] Doctor, are you ready? [ZOE] The time has come. [DOCTOR] The time? [ZOE] To leave. [DOCTOR] But how did you find the Tardis? [JAMIE] Oh, we'll explain all that later. [ZOE] Come on, we must get away. [DOCTOR] Yes! Yes of course we must. Just as I was thinking that all wasover. [ZOE] Oh, no. [JAMIE] It's not over yet, Doctor. [ZOE] Not yet. [DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, Jamie! Zoe! [DOCTOR] What's happening? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] The children obeyed perfectly. Theirmission is completed. [MASTER] And now perhaps we can get down to business. As you refused totake over my post at the controls, we have been forced to incorporateyou into the computer itself. [DOCTOR] To what purpose? [MASTER] To bring the whole planet Earth under our control. [DOCTOR] And it's people? [MASTER] We have no wish to destroy them. Merely adjust their minds tosuit our purpose. [DOCTOR] Sausages. Man will just become like a string of sausages, allthe same. [MASTER] Man will simply vanish from the Earth and reappear here. [DOCTOR] Leaving the Earth undamaged and uninhabited for you to takeover. [MASTER] Precisely. [DOCTOR] If I cooperate. [MASTER] You have no alternative. You are part of the Master Brain. [DOCTOR] So the computer feeds off my thoughts, does it? [MASTER] Correct. [DOCTOR] Then it will create what I think. [MASTER] Oh, no. No, no, no, no. You're now under the control of theMaster Brain. [DOCTOR] Are you so sure? You couldn't control my mind before, and youcertainly can't control it now. [MASTER] Submit! [DOCTOR] No! You've given me equal power. It's now a battle of witsbetween me and you. [MASTER] Oh, no. No, no! Stop! Stop! [DOCTOR] Jamie, Zoe, can you hear me? Think for yourselves. Don't beafraid. You can open the book. Go on, you can do it. [MASTER] Oh, oh dear. This is against everything we ever worked for.Warning! Warning! Emergency Action. Emergency! Emergency! [DOCTOR] Don't worry about fiction. Hang on to real life. You've got toget out. [MASTER] Calling White Robots. Guards will enter the control centre. TheMaster Brain must be protected. --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [OSWALD] What is it? [DORA] What are you saying? [HORACE] Is it a game? [GULLIVER] We are no longer in the same service. [RAPUNZEL] You're going away from us. --------------------------------------- (Book) [JAMIE] Push, Zoe. Push hard. We will get out. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Soldiers. To the roof, immediately. [DOCTOR] Jamie, Zoe, concentrate. You've got to get out of there. Nowpush. Harder! Harder! [DOCTOR] Splendid, splendid. [MASTER] Soldiers, forward. Seize them, destroy them. [DOCTOR] No! Jamie, Zoe, run! --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [JAMIE] Back, Zoe. [ZOE] Can't you help us? [GULLIVER] We obey our creator. That is all that is expected of anycharacter, unless the Master bids us otherwise. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] And now Doctor, obey me. [DOCTOR] No! Suddenly, the Karkus came to their rescue! --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [KARKUS] I am at you command. [DOCTOR [OC]] He raised his anti-molecular disintegrator gun anddestroyed the soldiers. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] No! But the Karkus realised his mistakeand turned back to face his real enemies, Jamie and Zoe. --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [JAMIE] What's he doing? Duck, Zoe! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] With Jamie and Zoe fixed firmly in hissights, the Karkus pressed the trigger of his gun. [DOCTOR] But all the power had been used up on the soldiers and it wasuseless. Oh, you'll have to do better than that. [MASTER] Suddenly a swashbuckling figure appeared. Poet and swordsman, --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [MASTER [OC]] The famous Cyrano de Bergerac.Remorselessly, Cyrano advanced on those that had dared poke fun at hisnose. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] But wait. --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [DOCTOR [OC]] He found himself face to face withthe fearless musketeer and fearless swordsman D'Artagnan. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR] Jamie, Zoe, get away from there. --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [JAMIE] Come on, Zoe. Princess Rapunzel, can weborrow you hair again? [RAPUNZEL] Of course. [ZOE] Why are we going down there? [JAMIE] We've got to find the Doctor. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] Stop them. Substitute cutlass for rapier.Cancel --------------------------------------- (Battlements) [MASTER [OC]] Cancel Cyrano. Blackbeard the pirate. [DOCTOR [OC]] Cancel D'Artagnan. Substitute Sir Lancelot in full armour. --------------------------------------- (Tape room) [JAMIE] This way. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MASTER] The Doctor is expendable. Expendable. He will be destroyed. Oh,no, no. He's the only person. There's nobody else. I can't go on forever. Oh, please, please give me another chance. You have failed. TheMaster Brain must be protected against overloading. Robot force willdeal with him. [MASTER] Change robot weapon to destructor beam. [MASTER] Remove him. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh my goodness. As the White Robots advanced on the Doc.No, I can't say that. I can't say that. [MASTER] No, Doctor, you can't save yourself this time. Bring him out. [(The White Robots close in on the Doctor. One reaches out for him.Meanwhile, crouched behind the Master Brain, Jamie and Zoe watch on.)JAMIE] Zoe, what can we do? We cant fight those brutes. [ZOE] No, Jamie, but the computer, it must control everything here, therobots included. And the Master said it must be protected againstoverloading. [MASTER] It is a pity that we have to destroy such an intelligent mindas yours, Doctor, but you leave us no alternative. Disintegrate. [MASTER] Stop them. They will overload the Master Brain. Destroy them!Destroy! [JAMIE] Zoe, let's get out of here and. Duck! [DOCTOR] Zoe! Jamie! Oh my goodness. [ZOE] Shouldn't we get out of here? [DOCTOR] Yes. Come on, Jamie, give me hand with him. [JAMIE] What do you want to bring him for? [DOCTOR] Don't argue, Jamie. Give me hand. --------------------------------------- (Blackness) [JAMIE] I don't see why we had to bring him. He'sthe one that's caused all this trouble. [DOCTOR] Are you all right, sir? [MASTER] I'm not altogether sure where I am. Is this the office of theEnsign magazine? [DOCTOR] No, you were kidnapped, just like we were. They've been usingyour mind. [ZOE] Well, what happens to us now? [DOCTOR] That depends how efficient the White Robots are. Their lastorder was to destroy. Let's just hope they're destroying one another. [ZOE] Well, what about the Karkus and Gulliver and all our friends outthere? [DOCTOR] You can't blow up a fictional character, Zoe. [JAMIE] Aye, but what about us though? [DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to hope that the destruction of thecomputer returns us all to reality. And you, my dear sir. [MASTER] Oh, do you mean I'm going home? [DOCTOR] Well, I hope so. [ZOE] But surely it could just as well send us into oblivion. [JAMIE] You mean we could vanish forever? [DOCTOR] Well, we shall soon know. Hang on! Here it comes.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Mind Robber"}
Doctor Who (2 Nov, 1968; Second Doctor) - The Invasion (Tardis) [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, it's all right. It worked. [DOCTOR] Jamie! You're right! We'd better just check, though. [ZOE] Are we actually on our way, Doctor, or are we stuck somewhere? [DOCTOR] Well, let's see shall we? [JAMIE] Where are we? What's that? [ZOE] It's the moon, isn't it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. That's the dark side of the moon. We seem to havestopped in space. [ZOE] I remember seeing this before. [DOCTOR] Shush, Zoe. That light on the Moon's surface. Do you see it? [ZOE] Doctor! It's getting bigger! It's coming towards us! [DOCTOR] Zoe, that's a missile! [JAMIE] A what? [ZOE] It's a missile? Somebody's fired a missile at us, Jamie! OhDoctor, come on, let's get out of here. [DOCTOR] Now don't fuss me, Zoe. [ZOE] Well, what's happened? [DOCTOR] Well, it's the landing circuit. It seems to have jammed. That'swhy we're stuck in space. Ah. [ZOE] We'll never make it! Oh, we're too late! [DOCTOR] Oh, the stupid thing! Oh! [JAMIE] I think we've landed. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sorry about that, Jamie. Are you all right, Zoe? [ZOE] Yes, I think so. [JAMIE] Anyway, we weren't blown to pieces by that missile thing. [ZOE] Why would anybody want to fire a missile at us? Surely they'd findout who we were first? [DOCTOR] Yes. Unless they knew already. [ZOE] The question is, was the object we saw on the other side of themoon in this time zone or not? [JAMIE] You mean it could still be out there? [DOCTOR] Yes, let's have a look. [DOCTOR] We're certainly not on the moon's surface, are we. [JAMIE] What's the matter with the Tardis, Doctor? It keeps going wrongall the time. [DOCTOR] It merely needs an overhaul, Jamie, just like any piece ofmachinery. [ZOE] Well, haven't you got any spares? [DOCTOR] No, no. We shall have to see if we can get some made. Lets havea further look, shall we? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, it could be twentieth century. England in summertime, Ishould say. See the rain clouds? We might try and look up our oldfriend Professor Travers in London. He might be able to help us. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Yes. Always supposing he's not a baby or a schoolboy. Now, comealong. Let's just collect this circuit, and I think I'd better see thisone. There. It's all right. It's just a fault in the visual stabilisercircuit. We'd better take that too. [JAMIE] Doctor? Doctor? Where are you? [DOCTOR] Come along, take my hand. --------------------------------------- (Road) [DOCTOR] I wonder if you could help us? [MAN] Are you trying to get out? [DOCTOR] We're trying to get to London. [MAN] Get in. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's very civil of you. [MAN] Well shut up, will you, and get in. [DOCTOR] Is something wrong? [MAN] Look, we'd better get clear of the lorry. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Roadside) [JAMIE] What's happening? Why are we hiding? [MAN] Company security were on my trail. [ZOE] Which company? [MAN] Come on, there's only one company. [DOCTOR] Well, you see, we're strangers around here. [MAN] Strangers? Then you're not from the community, then? [DOCTOR] No. [MAN] Then how did you get inside the compound? [DOCTOR] Well, that's rather a long story. You see [ZOE] This community you talked about, are they prisoners here then? [MAN] Those who haven't gone over to the company are, yes. Not that theysay you can't get out. They just make it pretty impossible withoutpasses. [JAMIE] You can move in and out. [MAN] I got in all right. But getting out might be just a bit moredifficult. [DOCTOR] This company, what do they do? [MAN] International Electromatics. Now surely you've heard of them? [DOCTOR] Well, no, we've been a little out of touch. [MAN] You must have been. They're the worlds biggest electronicsmanufacturers. You can hardly buy a piece of equipment that isn'ttheirs. Quick, get down. [ZOE] Well, what is this place, this compound? [MAN] They set up a whole community of their own. Factories. Houses. Avast network of industrial complexes. All of the local people have beenbought out. Most of them join the company. The others [ZOE] What about them? [MAN] My people haven't been able to trace them. [DOCTOR] Your people? [MAN] Should be safe now. We're not far from the guard post. You threehad better stay out of sight in the lorry. I'll try and bluff our wayout. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Lorry) [JAMIE] We're slowing down. Must be the guard post now. [ZOE] Yes, but why are we hiding like this? We've done nothing wrong. [DOCTOR] We'll find out later. Keep down. --------------------------------------- (Road) [MAN] They're right behind us. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, thank you very much. [MAN] They're there in the distance. Now come on, get lost! [BIKER] Hey, you. I want to see your pass. You will come back with usfor questioning. [MAN] Oh come off it. That pass is in order, isn't it? [BIKER] Don't argue! Follow us. [MAN] Oh, no, I'm not going back inside that compound, and there'snothing you can do to make me. [BIKER] You will come back with us. [MAN] Look we're not on IE property now, you've no authority. [MAN] Sorry. You want to hold me, get onto the police. See you. [DOCTOR] Can you give us a lift to London? [CAMFIELD] Yes, I suppose so. [DOCTOR] In you get. [CAMFIELD] All right? [JAMIE] Thank you. Thank you very much. --------------------------------------- (Outside Travers' house) [DOCTOR] Here we are. Right. That's odd. It says Watkins. [JAMIE] Must have the wrong house. [DOCTOR] Well, the telephone directory definitely said number eighteen.We'll ask. [ISOBEL] If you don't mind, I'm trying to work! --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry miss, but we wondered whetheryou could help us? We wondered if [ISOBEL] Oh look, the stupid thing's gone and jammed. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. Perhaps I could help you. [ISOBEL] Well, do you know anything about cameras? [DOCTOR] Yes, a little. I see [ISOBEL] Now, I had it on automatic shutter. [DOCTOR] You're taking photos of yourself? [ISOBEL] Yes, and then you interrupted me and the stupid thing jammed!Have you come to see my uncle? He's not here. But who are you? Friendsof his? Fellow nuts? [DOCTOR] Please let me answer one question at a time. [ISOBEL] Hey, you be careful of that thing. It cost me a fortune. [DOCTOR] It's all right, it's a very simple mechanism. Who is youruncle? [ISOBEL] Professor Watkins. [DOCTOR] Oh. Then Professor Travers doesn't live here? [ISOBEL] Well, he did. He left about a month ago. Gone to America for ayear with his daughter. [JAMIE] Oh, that's just great. [ISOBEL] My uncle worked at the Cavendish labs. He wanted to do somework so Professor Travers said he could use his daughter's lab here.And I moved in because I got kicked out of my studio last week. [DOCTOR] What field of science is your uncle in? [ISOBEL] Oh, I don't know. He's in applied physics or something. Alwaysmessing around with computers and things. Complete nuts. [DOCTOR] Well that is fortunate. Perhaps he might be able to help us. Ishe at home? [ISOBEL] No. [DOCTOR] Well, where is he? [ISOBEL] Well, how do I know? I'm not his keeper. Hey, have you fixedit? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, that's all right. [ISOBEL] That's really great. Thanks! [DOCTOR] Miss. [ISOBEL] (to Zoe) Hey! That's a jolly outfit. (the glitter catsuit)Would you mind posing for me? [ZOE] What? [ISOBEL] Look, just stand there. [DOCTOR] Miss? [ISOBEL] Isobel. Yeah. Now, just stand here. Head over the shoulder. [DOCTOR] Have you any idea when your uncle is going to be back? [ISOBEL] No, he left about a week ago, I haven't seen him since. [JAMIE] A week? [ISOBEL] Yeah, he was prattling on about some new invention, orsomething or other, and having the chance to develop it. Now. Not you. [JAMIE] Oh. [ISOBEL] Okay now, just [DOCTOR] Can't you get in touch with him? [ISOBEL] No, I tried. I wanted to borrow a couple of quid off him in ahurry, but well, they said he wasn't available for phone calls. [DOCTOR] They? Now who is they? [ISOBEL] Just get that, will you? I don't know. International Electricsomething or other. [ZOE] International Electromatics? [ISOBEL] Yes, probably. [DOCTOR] You mean your uncle has gone to work for these people? Well,surely we can get in touch with him. [ISOBEL] Well, you can try telephoning but I doubt if you'll get anyjoy. Phone's in the hall and the number's scribbled on the wall. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [ISOBEL] Hey. Don't go. I don't often get the chance of photographing areal model. [ZOE] Oh, all right. [ISOBEL] Come on. Let's get you fixed up with some gear. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [JAMIE] Three. [DOCTOR] Three. [JAMIE] Four. [DOCTOR] Four. [JAMIE] Two. [DOCTOR] Two. [JAMIE] Doctor, Do you suppose this firm could be the one that driverwas talking about? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sure of it. [JAMIE] In that case, Watkins could have been kidnapped! [DOCTOR] Ah, Jamie. You mustn't let your imagination run away with you.I must admit, it's a bit strange. [WOMAN [OC]] International Electromatics company. State your business. [DOCTOR] I would like, please, to speak with Professor Watkins. [WOMAN [OC]] One moment. (long pause) Party not available. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, you see, but this is very important. [WOMAN [OC]] Party not available. [DOCTOR] Yes, but I must speak with him. [WOMAN [OC]] Party not available. Party not available. [DOCTOR] But this is an automatic answering device! Ah, shut up, youstupid machine! [JAMIE] Now what? [DOCTOR] There's only one thing for it. We'll have to go thereourselves. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [ISOBEL] Okay, that's fabulous. Just keep it like that. Great. [ISOBEL] Any luck? [DOCTOR] No, it was stupid simple-minded computer answering service. [ISOBEL] Well, what do we do now? [DOCTOR] Jamie and I are going to this place. Come on, Zoe. [ZOE] No, thanks. I think I'll stay here. It's great fun. [JAMIE] You look like a chicken with all those feathers on! [DOCTOR] Oh well, come on, Jamie. Oh, the address? [ISOBEL] Oh, that's scribbled on the wall too. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [JAMIE] Do you not write anything down on paper at all? [ISOBEL] Well, I'd only lose it if I did. Writing on a wall's muchsafer. You can't lose a wall, can you? [JAMIE] No. [ISOBEL] Okay, listen. Just put your boa round your head. Okay, nowbring your eyes just into me. Okay. --------------------------------------- (IE Reception) [DOCTOR] I thought so. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] More stupid computers. Automatic receptionists. Right. [WOMAN] International Electromatic Company. State your business. [DOCTOR] I would like, please, to speak with Professor Watkins. [WOMAN] One moment. Party not available. [DOCTOR] Then I would like to speak with someone in authority. [WOMAN] Your request will be considered and your appointment arranged.Please state your name and address. [DOCTOR] That's no good. I wish to speak with somebody now. [WOMAN] I am sorry. All personnel are engaged. [DOCTOR] But I insist. This is an emergency! [WOMAN] State the nature of the emergency. [DOCTOR] It's a private matter. [WOMAN] Private matters have no emergency status. [DOCTOR] Oh shut up, you stupid machine! Diabolical inventions. [JAMIE] What now? [DOCTOR] Come on. [JAMIE] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] Well, there must be somebody else in this building except thesestupid machines. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Outside IE) [BENTON] HQ are checking now. Where are they? [TRACY] Gone round the back, down the side alley. [BENTON] That's a dead end, isn't it? So they've got to come out thisway. [TRACY] If they come out. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] Well? [VAUGHN] The same two? [PACKER] Yeah. [VAUGHN] Deal with them. --------------------------------------- (Outside IE) [BENTON] Okay lets move. [TRACY] HQ? [BENTON] Yes, they've run a check. They want these two. Priority. [TRACY] Right, let's get 'em. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Wait! [PACKER] (raising his fist.) This will be my pleasure. [VAUGHN [on monitor]] Packer! Bring them to my office. [PACKER] But Mister Vaughn, I haven't interrogated them yet. [VAUGHN [on monitor]] Packer, please do as I say. [PACKER] Yes, sir. Come on. This way. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Come and sit down, gentlemen. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [VAUGHN] You can go, Packer. [PACKER] But Mister Vaughn, I [VAUGHN] Thank you, Packer. Thank you. [PACKER] Yes sir. [VAUGHN] I must apologise for Packer's crude devotion to duty. But yourmethod of entry into my building was rather unconventional, wasn't it? [JAMIE] Aye, well, there was no need for all that gas and stuff. [DOCTOR] Jamie. I think perhaps it is we who should be apologising toyou, Mister [VAUGHN] Vaughn. Tobias Vaughn. I'm the managing director ofInternational Electromatics. Your business must be very pressing toforce you to such extremes. [DOCTOR] Yes, it is. [VAUGHN] Concerning Professor Watkins? [JAMIE] How did you know? [VAUGHN] My computer. It reported directly to me. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. [VAUGHN] You've gone to a lot of trouble for nothing, you know. TheProfessor's working on an experiment and refuses to see anyone. [JAMIE] Ah, well, we only want to talk to him, you see. [VAUGHN] Perhaps I can help. [DOCTOR] No, I don't think so, thank you very much. [JAMIE] Oh, come on Doctor. It's only a couple of electronic circuits. [VAUGHN] Circuits? Electronic circuits? My technicians are the best inthe world. I'm sure they'd be able to assist you. Show me the circuits. [DOCTOR] Well, I [VAUGHN] Please, I'd like to help. [VAUGHN] As you say, rather complex. However, I'm sure we'll be able tohelp you. [DOCTOR] Yes, I. [VAUGHN] I'll have them sent to my workshops immediately. [DOCTOR] Oh, how very kind. [VAUGHN] Not at all. Professor Watkins is a valued colleague. Any friendof his is. [VAUGHN] Oh, have you got one of these, young man? [JAMIE] No. What is it? [VAUGHN] Surely you've seen them about. They're disposable transistorradios. One of our latest products. Most popular. We've sold tenmillion in this country alone. Here. Compensation for the treatment youreceived from the worthy Packer. [JAMIE] Thank you. How does it work? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's how you turn it off, Jamie. [VAUGHN] Now if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I have an urgentappointment. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Come along, Jamie. [VAUGHN] Packer will meet you and show you the way out, Mister? [DOCTOR] Doctor. Goodbye. [VAUGHN] Goodbye, Doctor. [JAMIE] Goodbye, Mister Vaughn. Thank you for the radio. [VAUGHN] Not at all. [VAUGHN] Packer? [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, Mister Vaughn? [VAUGHN] Show our visitors off the premises, will you? [PACKER [on monitor]] Very good, sir. --------------------------------------- (Outside IE) [PACKER] The next time, read the notice on the door. [JAMIE] Oh, don't tell me you can read as well. What else do you do!? [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] Friendly sort of chap. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [JAMIE] Is something wrong? [DOCTOR] Yes. That fellow's not what he seems. [JAMIE] That big idiot? Oh don't worry. I'll soon sort [DOCTOR] No, no, no. I mean Vaughn. The normal range of human blinkingis about once every ten or fifteen seconds. Vaughn was blinking farless frequently than that. [JAMIE] Oh, and he's got a forked tail and wee horns. [DOCTOR] Oh I'm not joking, Jamie. Underneath all that charm there wassomething odd. Sinister. Almost inhuman. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) (Street) (Lounge) [ISOBEL] Hold it now. Last one. Okay, you can relax. [ZOE] Oh good. I didn't know standing still could be so exhausting. [ISOBEL] Would you like some coffee? [ZOE] Mmm, please. How long have they been gone? [ISOBEL] Oh, I don't know. About a couple of hours, I suppose. [ZOE] I hope they're all right. [ISOBEL] Oh, of course they are. Probably got themselves lost orsomething. What's so important about these, er, circuit things you weretelling me about, anyway? [ZOE] Well, they were part of the. Well, it's a sort of machine wetravel in. [ISOBEL] Oh. You mean a sort of electric car? [ZOE] Well, it's a bit more sophisticated than that. [ISOBEL] Oh, well anyway, I'm hope that you're going to stick around fora bit. I get sick of photographing myself. [ZOE] Oh, why don't you always use a model? [ISOBEL] Can't afford it. I've only just got about enough cash to buyall the junk I need for the camera. It's an expensive business and,well, I'm not good enough to be a professional yet. [ZOE] Well, I think you're very good. These photographs of you aresplendid. [ISOBEL] Yeah. Yeah, they're great but I didn't take them. I was justthe model. That's how I earned the loot to pay for all this. [ZOE] Oh, I see. [ISOBEL] You're still worried about your two friends, aren't you? [ZOE] Yes, a bit. [ISOBEL] They can't have got themselves into any sort of trouble, canthey? [ZOE] Oh, you wouldn't say that if you knew them. If there's trouble tobe found, the Doctor and Jamie can't miss it. --------------------------------------- (Street) [JAMIE] Well, what do we do now, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Accept the situation, Jamie. There's nothing else we can do. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Well? For a Head Research Assistant, Gregory, I expect a littlemore coherent a reply than an enigmatic shake of the head. [GREGORY] I'm sorry, Mister Vaughn. I've never seen anything like thesebefore. Given time I might be able [VAUGHN] Then take time, my dear fellow. [GREGORY] Right, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] Take one hour. [VAUGHN] Packer. [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, Mister Vaughn? [VAUGHN] Packer, those two uninvited guests we had this morning. Iassume they were photographed? [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, sir. Security cameras will have taken visualrecordings, sir. [VAUGHN] Have some prints taken and sent up to me. --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [ISOBEL] Great, isn't it? I got it off a barrow in the Portobello Road. [ZOE] Oh, yes. [ISOBEL] What's the matter? Don't you like it? [ZOE] Oh, yes, it's fine. [ISOBEL] You're still worried about your two friends, aren't you? Why? [ZOE] Oh, I don't know. I've just got this feeling that something'shappened to them. [ISOBEL] Why on earth should it have? [ZOE] No reason at all, really. It's not a logical conclusion, justintuition. [ISOBEL] Well, I'll tell you what we'll do then. We'll go right outafter them, okay? [ZOE] Oh yes, please. [ISOBEL] We'd better leave a note for them just in case they come backwhen we're not here. [ZOE] Okay. [ISOBEL] I'll go and get my coat first. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [JAMIE] Would you mind telling us what all this is about? [BENTON] You'll find out, sir. [JAMIE] Sir? [BRIGADIER] All right, Benton, thank you. [BENTON] Sir. [TRACY] NAAFI break, sir? [BRIGADIER] Very well. [BRIGADIER] How nice to see you again, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart! [BRIGADIER] Ah, Brigadier now. I've gone on up in the world. [JAMIE] Oh course, the Yetis. We met you in the [BRIGADIER] That's right, McCrimmon, in the underground. Must be fouryears ago now. [JAMIE] That long. It only seems about a couple of weeks ago, doesn'tit. [DOCTOR] I've told you over and over again, Jamie. Time is relative. [BRIGADIER] Are you still making a nonsense of it. Doctor, in your, whatwas it called? Tardis? [DOCTOR] Yes, we're still travelling. Yes. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Mister Travers told me all about it. It's er, wellit's, to say the least, an unbelievable machine. [DOCTOR] Any more unbelievable than the Yetis? [BRIGADIER] No, true. I'm not quite so much of a sceptic as I was sincethat little escapade. [DOCTOR] But what's all this, and why all the cloak and dagger stuff tobring us here? [BRIGADIER] Yes, I'm sorry about that but my chaps have to be a bitmelodramatic in their methods. But I'll explain. Look, do sit down. [JAMIE] Thank you. [DOCTOR] How nice. [BRIGADIER] Oh, Sergeant Walters! [WALTERS] Yes sir? [BRIGADIER] Lay on some tea, will you? You'd like some tea, wouldn'tyou, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh thank you, and a patty cake biscuit. Thank you. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, since the Yeti do, I've been in charge of anindependent intelligence group that we call UNIT. That's United NationsIntelligence Taskforce. [JAMIE] You mean you're like a world secret police. [BRIGADIER] Not quite. We don't actually arrest people, just investigatethem. [JAMIE] But what about us? I mean, you arrested us. [BRIGADIER] Not really. You see, my men were keeping a watch on theInternational Electromatic Headquarters when you two showed up. I'vebeen keeping a check on everyone going in that building. Yourphotographs were transmitted to this Headquarters and I recognised you. [DOCTOR] But what's so odd about people going into the building? [BRIGADIER] Oh, nothing odd about them going in. The trouble is, some ofthem haven't come out. --------------------------------------- (IE Reception) [ZOE] Looks like a robot reception. [ISOBEL] Yeah. Yes, This probably the same idiot machine that answersthe telephone when you ring up. [WOMAN] International Electromatic Company. State your business. [ZOE] Enquiry. Reference two persons seeking information concerning thewhereabouts of Professor Watkins. [WOMAN] Wait please. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Has the information been considered? [PLANNER] The images of the two humans have been analysed andregistered. They are known and are hostile. [VAUGHN] Hostile? How can that be? Have you been on Earth before? [PLANNER] No, they have been recognised on Planet Fourteen. They aredangerous and must be destroyed. [VAUGHN] Planet Fourteen? But how? [PLANNER] They must be destroyed. [VAUGHN] Yes, I'll deal with them. [PLANNER] Plans for invasion are nearing completion. Nothing must beallowed to interrupt them. [VAUGHN] Don't worry. Nothing will. [PLANNER] Nothing must be allowed to interrupt them. --------------------------------------- (IE Reception) [ZOE] Now listen to me, you stupid, primitivemachine, I asked a perfectly simple question, and I expect an answer. [WOMAN] No information available. [ISOBEL] It's no good Zoe. [ZOE] I will not be beaten by this brainless tin box. [ISOBEL] But you can't do anything about it. [ZOE] Can't I? A little problem in ALGOL, I think. [ISOBEL] In what? [ZOE] ALGOL. It's a sort of language you talk to computers in. Nowwatch. [WOMAN] International Electromatic Company. State your business. [ZOE] Begin. Real X sum positive. Delete square. Begin sum two,subscript J. [ISOBEL] That's ALGOL? [ZOE] Integer compute. Printout Y to the minus X variable one. I'menjoying this. [WOMAN] International Electro [ZOE] Go to finish. Continue. Integrate on iversine. [ISOBEL] It seems to be getting a little bit heated. [ZOE] You bet. This equation is insoluble. [ISOBEL] Zoe, I think you ought to stand back. [ZOE] Now, continue printout continuous integration. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Packer! [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, sir? [VAUGHN] Reception. Two young girls. Bring them to me. [PACKER [on monitor]] Right, Mister Vaughn. --------------------------------------- (IE Reception) [ZOE] It'll take more than a soldering iron to putthat right. [ISOBEL] Hey, don't you think we better get out of here before somebodygets annoyed? [ZOE] Oh yes. I think perhaps you're right. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] This is Gordon Jones, lecturer in physics, ChurchillCollege, Cambridge. Next one's a chap I knew at Sandhurst, old BillyRutlidge. He's got himself a very cushy number at the Ministry ofDefence. [DOCTOR] And all these people went into the building, the IE building,and didn't come out. [BRIGADIER] No, no, most of them came out again, but there was somethingdefinitely odd about them when they did. [DOCTOR] Odd? [BRIGADIER] Yes, old Billy Rutlidge, for instance. He was quitecooperative about my investigation into Vaughn initially but after he'dbeen to the IE Building he started getting a bit sticky about it. [JAMIE] Doctor, would you look at that one! [BRIGADIER] Do you know this man? [DOCTOR] Jamie, yes. [JAMIE] Aye, he gave us a lift in his lorry. [BRIGADIER] When did you last see him? [JAMIE] This morning. [BRIGADIER] This man's an agent of ours. His report is almost twelvehours overdue. [JAMIE] Ah, well he did say something about some security guards on histail. [DOCTOR] I expect that he's all right. He was all right this morningwhen we left him. Brigadier, tell me more about this InternationalElectromatics set-up. [BRIGADIER] Oh, there isn't much to tell. The head of the group is a mannamed Tobias Vaughn. [JAMIE] Oh yes, we've met him. A nice man. He gave me this. [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie, don't [BRIGADIER] Oh yes, that's just the small stuff. They controlpractically all of the major computer lines. [DOCTOR] Put it away. [BRIGADIER] They made their real breakthrough in micro-monolithiccircuit designs, undercutting practically everyone else in the market. [DOCTOR] But what's your interest in this? [BRIGADIER] Well, I knew a little about Vaughn before his suddensuccess. I put out a routine check on him and we came up with one ortwo things of interest. [JAMIE] Like the disappearance of Professor Watkins. [BRIGADIER] Yes. [JAMIE] Ah. See? [DOCTOR] I see. I don't suppose you have any authority to search thebuilding, have you? [BRIGADIER] No. Vaughn's too powerful. He's got too many top people onhis side. You see, Doctor, I daren't make a move against him unless Ihave good reason to do so. [DOCTOR] Well, it looks to me if Jamie and I want to find the Professor,we'll have to find him in our own way. [BRIGADIER] That's about the sum of it. However, should you findyourself in any difficulty. Sergeant Walters! [WALTERS] Yes, sir? BRIGADIER [WALTERS] Yes, sir. Right here. [DOCTOR] Is that a tank? [BRIGADIER] Oh no, no. My units are on constant alert, so should youfind yourselves in any real trouble, you can just give us a call. [DOCTOR] Jolly good. [WALTERS] Here you are, sir. [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Sergeant. [BRIGADIER] Now, this is a small transceiver, range of about fifty mileson a set frequency. Just press this button and ask for me. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, that's splendid. Yes, this should come in very handy. [BRIGADIER] Call me any time. I'm usually available. Now, I'd better layon transport to get you two back to London.[Outside Travers' house] [JAMIE] No. They must have gone out. [DOCTOR] Zoe? Isobel? --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [JAMIE] Probably gone for a walk. [DOCTOR] Look, Jamie, sandwiches. I'm hungry. Want one? [JAMIE] Thank you. You know, Doctor. That chap, Mister Vaughn, doesn'tseem such a bad man. [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie. How can I think when you've got that thing on? [JAMIE] Hey! [(The Doctor examines the little trannie.) DOCTOR] All right, all right. [JAMIE] Don't break it. [DOCTOR] All right! I just want to take a look at it, that's all. Oh,yes. It's an interesting little piece of [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, well, well. What have we here? [JAMIE] What do you mean, what have we here? [DOCTOR] There's a micro-monolithic circuit in the back plate of thisradio. [JAMIE] Well, what's that? [DOCTOR] It's a very complex circuit in miniature. [JAMIE] What's so odd about that? [DOCTOR] It has nothing to do with the radio, as far as I can see. [JAMIE] Oh Doctor, just put it back together again. [DOCTOR] All right! [JAMIE] I don't suppose Zoe would have left a note, do you? No, I can'tsee anything. Well you might at least help me look for it. [DOCTOR] I suggest that we try the wall. [JAMIE] Eh? --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [DOCTOR] Isobel never writes anything on paper. Youcan't lose a wall, remember. JAMIE --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] You and your friend the Doctor, havecaused some considerable trouble today. First he breaks into thisbuilding and then you ruin a very expensive device. [ISOBEL] Only because the stupid thing wouldn't tell us what we wantedto know. [VAUGHN] Ah, yes, Miss Watkins. You're concerned about your uncle,aren't you? [ISOBEL] I'd like to know where he is, yes. [VAUGHN] He's perfectly well, I assure you, although a little, er,uncooperative at the moment. Your visit here is most opportune. I thinkthat you can be very useful to me. [ISOBEL] Me? But how? [VAUGHN] Your uncle needs to be persuaded to continue his work for me. [ISOBEL] But I can't do anything about that. [VAUGHN] No, But I can now. Packer, I'd like you to take care of thesetwo young ladies please. [PACKER] Take them! --------------------------------------- (Outside the IE building) [JAMIE] I thought that we were going in there to look for Zoe andIsobel? [DOCTOR] There's no one in there except that stupid computer, and that'swon't tell us anything. [JAMIE] But how are we going to find out that they are in there? [DOCTOR] Well, if the Brigadier's men are still around, they should haveseen them go in. Hello? [MAN [OC]] UNIT to operations, over. [DOCTOR] Hello, could I speak to the Brigadier? [MAN [OC]] Stand by. Out. [DOCTOR] What a splendid little toy this is, Jamie. [JAMIE] Aye, but doesn't play tunes like mine. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor. I've got a report here ontwo girls. About nineteen or so. One of them dark, one of them fair.One of them was wearing very distinct clothes. [JAMIE [OC]] Zoe! Doctor, that could have been Zoe. [DOCTOR [OC]] Jamie, just a minute please. Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Yes? [DOCTOR [OC]] These clothes. Did they include a rather brightly-colouredfeather boa? [BRIGADIER] Yes, the little dark one was wearing that. They friends ofyours? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, I'm afraid they are. [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor, come on, let's get after them. [DOCTOR [OC]] All right, all right, Jamie. Brigadier, we're going to tryto get into the building and try to find them. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, be careful. You may not be so lucky this time.Call me if you get into trouble. [DOCTOR [OC]] Thanks. [BRIGADIER] Right, over and out. [TURNER] Is it wise to let them go in alone, sir? I mean, they don'texactly sound like professionals to me. [BRIGADIER] Don't underestimate them, Jimmy. They may look likeamateurs, but that man has an incredible knack of being one jump aheadof everyone. If there is a safe way into that place, he'll be the oneto find it. --------------------------------------- (Railway sidings) [JAMIE] You're right, you know. This does lead into the back of theplace. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, Jamie. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [GREGORY] I'm sorry, sir, but these circuits don'tmake sense. The material isn't any known metal alloy. In fact, thestructure's more that of a plastic. What's more, the connections seemsto be to be completely illogical. [VAUGHN] Hmm. How very interesting. This strange Doctor intrigues memore and more. [GREGORY] I can do some more tests on the circuits if you like, sir, but [VAUGHN] No, I think I know the answer, Gregory. You can go. [GREGORY] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN] I need more data about this man that you say you recognise,this Doctor. [PLANNER] It is enough that you know he is hostile. He must bedestroyed. [VAUGHN] You said you recognised him on Planet Fourteen. How is thispossible? [PLANNER] These questions are unnecessary. He must be destroyed. [VAUGHN] That is for me to decide. [PLANNER] You will obey. [VAUGHN] You forget I control the operation from Earth! Unless that'sclearly understood, our partnership will cease! Tell that to yourleader. [PLANNER] It has been agreed. [VAUGHN] I felt sure you would be reasonable. Now, you say yourecognised this Doctor on Planet Fourteen. How did he get there? [PLANNER] He has a machine. [VAUGHN] What sort of machine? [PLANNER] We have no more information. But he must be destroyed. Theinvasion must succeed. [VAUGHN] It will. The Doctor will be taken care of. I shall see to thatpersonally. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [DOCTOR] That's incredible! [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] The ease with which that man carried that crate. [JAMIE] Probably empty. [DOCTOR] Let's go and see. [JAMIE] That man must be a superman. [DOCTOR] It's odd, Jamie, it's distinctly odd. [JAMIE] There's someone coming. [JAMIE] It's amazing. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] Come on, let's find Zoe and Isobel and get out of here. Thesefellows are giving me the creeps. [DOCTOR] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Yes? [PACKER [on monitor] They're back again, Mister Vaughn. The Doctor andthe boy. Security eye has picked them up in the warehouse. [VAUGHN] That's rather unfortunate for them, isn't it, Packer? [PACKER [on monitor]] Shall I put a full security alert on, sir? VAUGHN [PACKER [on monitor]] No, sir. I was about to when this new alerthappened. [VAUGHN] How fortunate. We need a sprat to catch our mackerel. Take themdown to the warehouse area. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [JAMIE] This place is like a maze. Doctor, I thinkwe're lost. [DOCTOR] There must be a door to the main building somewhere. [JAMIE] Zoe and Isobel! Come on. [PACKER] Right. Put them inside. [PACKER] Load it onto the return van. [JAMIE] Come on! [DOCTOR] No, Jamie. Wait. [PACKER] Guards! Guards! [DOCTOR] The guards! Come on. [PACKER] Like rats in a trap. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [PACKER] You really don't learn, do you? This isprivate property. A restricted area. [JAMIE] Where's Zoe? Where have you taken her?! [PACKER] Be quiet! [JAMIE] Look, we heard them scream. If you've hurt her [PACKER] I said be quiet! [VAUGHN] Packer! You really must try and control this violent streak inyour nature, Packer. Although I must admit the situation is provoking. [JAMIE] And he's beginning to try mine. [DOCTOR] Jamie, Jamie. We came here looking for two friends of ours. [VAUGHN] Two young ladies? Yes. [JAMIE] So he admits that they're here. [VAUGHN] Correction. They were. It would seem that you've been chasingeach other's tails. They came here looking for you. [DOCTOR] Where are they now? [VAUGHN] Why, they left, of course. [JAMIE] Aye, carted off by two of your thugs in a box. [VAUGHN] Oh really. [JAMIE] Look, it's true. We heard them scream and I saw some of Zoe'sclothes trapped in the lid. [VAUGHN] You really do have a very fertile imagination, young man. [JAMIE] Now listen you, I'm telling I definitely saw those [DOCTOR] Jamie, Jamie. It would set our minds at rest if we could take alook inside those boxes. [VAUGHN] Then you shall. Packer, I presume the only crates going out ofhere are the empty ones being returned to the factory? [PACKER] Yes, sir. They're loading now, sir. [VAUGHN] Then you shall inspect them at your leisure. After you. [DOCTOR] How kind. [PACKER] This is Packer. Get the return van moving immediately. Do youunderstand? I said immediately! --------------------------------------- (Outside the warehouse) [VAUGHN] Ah, just too late, I'm afraid. Such a pity. Still, all is notlost. I am myself going down to the factory today. Would you care tojoin me? We can meet the train on its arrival. [DOCTOR] Well, that's very civil of you. [VAUGHN] My pleasure. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] How long ago did they go in? [BENTON [OC]] Some time ago, sir. Tracy followed them as far as theofficial boundaries of the railway sidings. They went in about an hourago. [BRIGADIER] Is Tracy still round there? [BENTON [OC]] Yes sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, stick around for a while. [BENTON [OC]] Just a minute, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes, what is it, Benton? [BENTON [OC]] The Doctor and the boy. They're coming out, sir, withVaughn. [BRIGADIER] Benton, what's happening? What's happening? [BENTON [OC]] Oh, sorry, sir. Nothing really, they've all got intoVaughn's private car. Oh, they're driving off, sir. [BRIGADIER] Is any force being used? [BENTON [OC]] No, not that I can see. Packer was there but it lookedvery friendly to me. Shall we follow? [BRIGADIER] No, I'll have them tracked more discretely. Over and out.Sergeant Walters. [WALTERS] Yes sir? [BRIGADIER] Alert all area patrols in section three. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Did you hear all that, Jimmy? [WALTERS] I did, sir. [BRIGADIER] Look, we'll get you aboard a chopper and you can rendezvouswith the tracking agent. [WALTERS] All right, sir. Are they any specific instructions? [BRIGADIER] No, we're playing a bit by ear for the moment, so try andkeep out of trouble. Should the Doctor contract us for help, I'll havehis signal relayed straight to you. [WALTERS] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Helicopter) [TURNER] They've just gone into the IE area, sir.Shall I follow? --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] No, circle the area. We can't really doanything until we get a request from the Doctor. [TURNER [OC]] Standing by, sir. [BRIGADIER] And Jimmy? Keep out of sight. If Vaughn's private army seeyou they might well get the wind up and that might make things ratherunhealthy for the Doctor and the boy. Over and out. --------------------------------------- (Lift) [JAMIE] Hey, what's happening? I thought we were looking for Zoe andIsobel. [VAUGHN] All in good time, young man. The train and the empty crate carwill take some time to get here. In the meantime I'd rather like totalk to you. [DOCTOR] Oh. really? [VAUGHN] Yes. Those circuits you gave me, they're rather fascinating. Ilike to know more about them. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [VAUGHN] This way gentleman. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [VAUGHN] Packer. Be a good fellow and see if Professor Watkins isfinished, will you? [PACKER] Very good, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] You might offer him a little encouragement. Coming, gentlemen. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [JAMIE] Hey! Doctor, it's [VAUGHN] Confusing, isn't it? [JAMIE] It's exactly the same as your office in London. [VAUGHN] In all basic essentials, yes, it is. That's the secret of mysuccess, you see. Uniformity, duplication. My whole empire is based onthat principle. The very essence of business efficiency. Do sit down. [DOCTOR] Oh, how kind. [VAUGHN] I must say I'm rather glad we have this opportunity to talk. [DOCTOR] Really? [VAUGHN] I should, of course, be angry with you. You've thwarted myelaborate security precautions twice. I'd like to know why. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's quite simple. I hate computers and refuse to bebullied by them. [VAUGHN] Your young friend Zoe. [JAMIE] Well, what about her? [VAUGHN] She appears to have the same instincts. She so confused one ofmy computers she ruined its memory store. [JAMIE] So that's why your thugs dragged her and Isobel away. [VAUGHN] My dear young man, I wasn't angry with her. On the contrary Ifound the incident quite amusing. She's a remarkable girl. And you,Doctor, are obviously a man of no mean scientific ability. [DOCTOR] Why do you say that? [VAUGHN] Oh, my research department found these quite fascinating.There's a totally illogical factor in their construction. Are they ofyour own invention? [DOCTOR] Oh, how kind. [VAUGHN] Now you say you came here looking for Professor Watkins becauseyou thought he might be able to help you. [DOCTOR] Yes. [VAUGHN] Then I'll try to persuade him to put aside his work and er,concentrate his efforts on your behalf. Make yourself at home. [JAMIE] Hey, look, you're not going to trust him, are you? I mean, whatabout Zoe and Isobel? [DOCTOR] I haven't forgotten them, Jamie. [JAMIE] They're in that box, I'm sure of it. [DOCTOR] Jamie, we're not going to help Zoe by annoying Mister Vaughn,are we? [JAMIE] I don't think you could annoy that man even if you want to. He'sbeing as nice as pie. [DOCTOR] He's too nice. [JAMIE] Aye, but why should he be? [DOCTOR] I don't know. He was a little bit too interested in thesecircuits for my liking. [JAMIE] Hey, do you think he knows about the Tardis then? [DOCTOR] Well, I don't see how he could do. [JAMIE] No, well, perhaps this Professor Watkins will be able to tell uswhat's going on around here. [DOCTOR] Yes, but that's what worrying me. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, if Vaughn has anything to hide, why is he letting us talkto Watkins? --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [PACKER] I'd think about it if I was you, Professor.After all, she's a pretty girl. It'll be a shame to spoil all that. [WATKINS] What a vicious sadist, you are, Packer. I don't believe youanyway. [PACKER] I don't make idle threats, Professor, as you well know. If youwant to see that girl again in one piece I suggest you do as MisterVaughn asks. [WATKINS] How do I know that you already haven't harmed her. If you havegot her [VAUGHN] You can take my word for that, Professor. [WATKINS] Your word. I know how much I can value I can place on that. [VAUGHN] Harsh words, Professor, harsh words. Any progress? So, youhaven't yet completed the machine? [WATKINS] No, and I don't intend to. [VAUGHN] Oh I think you will, Professor. Much as I detest violence, Ifind it difficult to restrain Packer's er, indisputable talent forpersuasion. Your niece is in our custody, and unless you do as I ask, Ishall hand her over to Packer. The choice is yours. [WATKINS] If I do cooperate, will you let her go? [VAUGHN] Oh no, she's our guarantee. But she'll come to no harm. [WATKINS] All right. But I must see Isobel first. [VAUGHN] Of course. Oh, there is just one other thing. Don't look at meso suspiciously, my dear Professor. It's merely that there are somefriends of yours here that wish to see you. [WATKINS] Friends? [VAUGHN] Yes, they're going to great pains to seek you out. [WATKINS] But I haven't been allowed visitors since I came here. Why areyou suddenly considerate? I might tell them everything. [VAUGHN] Everything? My dear Professor, you know nothing that can harmme. Besides, there's always Isobel to consider, isn't there? [PACKER] Or would you rather leave her to me? [VAUGHN] Now, now, Packer. The Professor's going to do exactly as weask, aren't you? --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [JAMIE] There, you see? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, I can see. Let's have a closer look at that, shallwe? [DOCTOR] Now just hold still a minute. Keep your shoulder still. That'sodd. That's very odd. [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] Well, it looks like a deep space radio communication system.What's it's doing here? [JAMIE] Don't ask me, you're the brains. Hey look, a helicopter. Couldit be the Brigadier's lot. [DOCTOR] Yes, it could be. [JAMIE] Shush. There's someone coming. [PACKER] Come along. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [WALTERS] Hold on, sir, he's just here. Sir, it'sCaptain Turner. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Jimmy, any news? [TURNER [OC]] No, sir. Not a sign of them. [BRIGADIER] Right, stay in the area. We daren't make a move until wehear from the Doctor. Over and out. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [WATKINS] Yes, of course, I remember Anne Traverstelling me about you. She was a student of mine, you know, some yearsago. Brilliant girl, brilliant. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, they went to America, didn't they? [WATKINS] Oh, Travers was getting past it a bit, you know, and Annepersuaded him to go to America with her. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. [WATKINS] What are you doing here? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a long story. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] This strange Doctor's been on anotherplanet, Packer. [PACKER] That's not possible. [VAUGHN] It is a fact, Packer. He has some sort of machine. Now let'ssee if we can learn more about it, shall we? Switch on, Packer. Withsound. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] So we went to see Mister Vaughn. He said that youwere working on something important. [PACKER] I see. That's why you want to leave them alone together. [VAUGHN] Exactly, Packer. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [JAMIE] But the Doctor needed some help on someelectronic circuits that the Tardis needed. [WATKINS] Really? [JAMIE] Aye, aye. [DOCTOR] Jamie, Jamie, I don't think the Professor wants to hear aboutthat. [WATKINS] On the contrary, what Anne told me about the Tardis was mostintriguing. I'd like to hear a lot more about it. [DOCTOR] Professor, I think that I should warn you that Anne Traversallowed her imagination to run a little wild. [WATKINS] You mean to say there is no such machine? [JAMIE] Of course there is. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I think that there are other more important things totalk about at the moment. [JAMIE] Oh, I see, yes. [DOCTOR] Professor, tell us about what you're doing here. [WATKINS] Oh, it's very simple, really. I've been developing a new kindof teaching machine. [DOCTOR] Oh yes? A teaching machine? [JAMIE] What's it called? [WATKINS] I call it the Cerebraton Mentor. [JAMIE] Oh, aye? [WATKINS] The main difference from the other teaching machines is thatit is able to induce emotional changes in the subject. [JAMIE] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] Has it broken down? [VAUGHN] Let's check. [VAUGHN] All the other monitors are functioning. [PACKER] Yeah? [VAUGHN] Our friend the Doctor's a resourceful man. No wonder our alliesfear him. [PACKER] Our allies know him? [VAUGHN] Oh, yes. I was ordered to destroy him. But first I must learnthe secrets of this extraordinary machine of his. [PACKER] If you're been ordered to destroy him [VAUGHN] I don't take orders, Packer, I give them! Now, I think the timehas come to stop playing games with this Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [WATKINS] But what can we do? If, as you say, theyhave Isobel and your young friend then we're entirely at their mercy. [DOCTOR] No, no, not entirely. There's my friend the Brigadier,remember. [WATKINS] Do you think he can help us? [DOCTOR] Possibly. But quickly, tell me, what is Vaughn up to? What's hedoing here? [WATKINS] I know no more than you do. He's a ruthless man, withoutmorals or principles. His object, I'm sure, is to get complete controlof the electronics industry of the world! [DOCTOR] I wonder. I've a nasty feeling he's aiming somewhat higher thanthat. [JAMIE] Doctor, quick, somebody's coming. [VAUGHN] Don't bother, Doctor. Allow me. Very ingenious. A simplemagnet. I congratulate you. [DOCTOR] Oh, how kind. [VAUGHN] However you must surely realise that it's forced me to considerother methods to make you talk. [JAMIE] What are you going to do? [VAUGHN] Your friend Zoe is due to arrive here shortly. [JAMIE] So you have got her! Listen, if you've harmed her in any way [VAUGHN] You may still be adolescent enough to make idle threats, youngman, but I can assure you, I am not. I want your travel machine,Doctor. Otherwise I shall hand your friend Zoe over to Packer. It's asimple choice and shouldn't take you longer than an hour to consider.Take them away, Packer. [DOCTOR] All right. [JAMIE] All right. [PACKER] Leave them to me. I'll take them. [VAUGHN] Now, Professor, I suggest you continue with your work. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Oh dear. You know, Jamie, I've always beenrather scared of lifts. [JAMIE] Why? [DOCTOR] I never even like to start them. You'll have to push thebutton. [JAMIE] Me? [PACKER] Keep your mouth shut and do as you're told. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. Do as you're told. [JAMIE] Oh yes, I see [PACKER] Be quiet! [DOCTOR] Packer! Mister Packer, I obviously can't let you hurt Zoe, andso I'll have to tell you all want to know, now. [PACKER] You mean, you're willing to talk? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure that Mister Vaughn will. Oh, there he is now. [JAMIE] Quick, Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Lift) [DOCTOR] Your knife. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Your knife. Give me your knife. [JAMIE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] I'm going to try and break the circuit. [JAMIE] What will that do? [DOCTOR] It will either stop the lift, or send us out of control. [JAMIE] But we're six floors up. [DOCTOR] We'll have to take that risk. Hold tight, here we go. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Why are you so gullible, Packer? [PACKER] Just wait till I get hold of them. I'll [VAUGHN] You'll do nothing! I want them in one piece. [PACKER] Packer here. Have you got them? Well, what happened? Stuck?How? Well, get on with it, man! The lift is struck between the fourthand fifth floors. [VAUGHN] So I gathered, Packer. [PACKER] Well, it's obviously a mechanical fault. Wait a minute. He didit! [VAUGHN] Yes, Packer. Our clever Doctor has outwitted you. Oh, then thatwouldn't be too difficult, would it? [PACKER] Well, it won't do him much good, will it? After all, he can'tget anywhere, can he? [VAUGHN] No, but then why do it? He might be playing for time, but Idoubt it. --------------------------------------- (Lift) [DOCTOR] There was a fifty-fifty chance, you know,Jamie. [JAMIE] Yes, but what good has it done us. I mean, we're stuck here inthis lift now. [DOCTOR] No, no, it's the lift that's stuck, not us. Look. [JAMIE] Hey, where does that lead to? [DOCTOR] Out into the lift shaft, I imagine. Quickly, on me back. [JAMIE] You know something? You're a clever wee chappie. [DOCTOR] Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PACKER] (into comm.) Switch over to the emergencycircuits. I want that lift operational in three minutes! (to guards) Iwant all lift exits covered. I want a man on each floor. Move! [VAUGHN] Don't panic, Packer. Our birds can't fly away. --------------------------------------- (Lift shaft) [DOCTOR] Thank you, Jamie. Oh my word! Well, that's a long way up, isn'tit? Oh well, we'd better get cracking before they realise what'shappened. Perhaps I'd better shut this. [JAMIE] Aye. [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor, I've just been thinking. What happens if they getthe lift going before we get to the top? [DOCTOR] Oh, that's simple. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] We get squashed. [JAMIE] What! Well, come on! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PACKER] Right. They've switched over the circuits.The lift's working. [VAUGHN] How splendid. Bring it up here. [PACKER] Bring it up to the sixth floor. --------------------------------------- (Lift shaft) [JAMIE] Hey, that's not what I think it is, is it? [DOCTOR] I'm very much afraid it is. Come on! [JAMIE] We'll never make it! [DOCTOR] Yes, we will! Come on! [JAMIE] What's happened? [DOCTOR] It's stopped. They must be checking. Come on, they may guesswhere we are and come after us. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PACKER] They've vanished! They just vanished! [VAUGHN] Check the other floors! [PACKER] This is Packer. Check all the lift exits and get me theengineer. Hello? Yes? Did the lift stop at any other floors on the wayup? You're certain? Right, the engineer's certain. [VAUGHN] The shaft terminates in the roof, doesn't it, Packer? [PACKER] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN] Why didn't you think of that? [PACKER] I'll get them. [VAUGHN] Call me when you do, Packer. I'll be in my office. And pleasedon't fail this time, there's a good fellow. [PACKER] This is Packer. Get some men on the roof. They're still in thelift shaft. No! Don't take the lift. Those two might still be in.(pause) Hey, wait a minute. I'll take the lift. Tell the engineer totake it right to the top. --------------------------------------- (Lift shaft) [JAMIE] Only another floor, Doctor. They've started it again! [DOCTOR] Hurry, Jamie! Hurry! --------------------------------------- (Rooftop) [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. [JAMIE] Wait a minute, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, come on. Let's see where we are. [JAMIE] Now where? [DOCTOR] Down there. [JAMIE] Oh no! [DOCTOR] Well, we can't go down the lift again, can we? Hello. There's afire escape. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Oh, Packer, you do disappoint me. [PACKER] They must have got down the fire escape, sir. [VAUGHN] And, of course, you didn't think to have a guard on that! [PACKER] Well, normally [VAUGHN] You're a stupid incompetent! I want that Doctor! Put the wholecompound on alert! Have every available guard on the job! Find him,Packer! Find him! --------------------------------------- (Freight wagon) [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor. Do you think that this is the train that Zoe andIsobel came on? [DOCTOR] It could be. [JAMIE] Vaughn said that one had empty crates on it, didn't he? [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] Well, we'll soon see. Let's look inside. [JAMIE] Oh no, these are full. [PACKER [OC]] I want all these trains searched from top to bottom! Move! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Hide! Quickly, hide! --------------------------------------- (Crate) [PACKER [OC]] You two, search this one. --------------------------------------- (Freight wagon) [DOCTOR] Jamie. Jamie! [JAMIE] Doctor, I think [DOCTOR] Shush. [JAMIE] But Doctor [DOCTOR] I think the guards are still out there. [JAMIE] Doctor [DOCTOR] Keep your voice down. [JAMIE] That thing in there, it moved. In the crate, there's somethingalive in there. [DOCTOR] Alive? Jamie, the darkness plays funny tricks with theimagination. [JAMIE] Look, it moved, I tell you. [DOCTOR] Are you sure? [JAMIE] Positive. [DOCTOR] All right, let's have a closer look. [GUARD [OC]] You two! Over here! Get those two girls over the MainAdministration Building! Move! [JAMIE] Zoe and Isobel. [DOCTOR] Wait. We'll follow in a few moments. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] The whole compound's under alert, MisterVaughn. [VAUGHN] And? [PACKER] Well, er [VAUGHN] You haven't yet found them. [PACKER] Well it's only a matter of time. [VAUGHN] Is it? I doubt it, Packer. This Doctor's far too clever a fishfor you to net. [PACKER] Well, if you'd let me take care of them properly in the firstplace and obeyed the orders of our allies, you might [VAUGHN] Orders? Me, Packer? I told them and I'll tell you. I giveorders, not take them. [PACKER] You told them that? [VAUGHN] The invasion's under my control, and when our purpose has beenachieved I shall still be in control. [PACKER] You can't fight them. [VAUGHN] Packer. Why do you think I kept that old fool Watkins alive. [PACKER] Well, to work on his machine of course. [VAUGHN] And why did you think I wanted him to do that? [PACKER] Well, you. I don't know. [VAUGHN] Our allies appear to find the Professor's machine somewhatdisturbing, so much so in fact that when they saw the prototype theyordered us to destroy it and all similar machines. [PACKER] You mean they're frightened of it? [VAUGHN] The teaching power of the machine didn't worry them, but when Igenerated some emotion pulses. I'm convinced, Packer, that emotioncould be used to destroy them. [PACKER] That's only a guess. [VAUGHN] A gamble, Packer, a reasonable gamble, and after all we areplaying this game for very high stakes, are we not? [PACKER] Well, I think you're taking too big a chance. [VAUGHN] Do you wish to be totally converted? Would you prefer to be oneof them? Completely inhuman? [PACKER] Oh, no! But [VAUGHN] That's what'll happen if they take over. We will cease to behuman. So, we must use their force and their might and then discardthem. [PACKER] And you're sure that this machine can do it? [VAUGHN] Even if we fail, we could escape. The Doctor. We must securethis spacecraft of his. [PACKER] Oh yeah, I see. Insurance. [VAUGHN] Exactly, Packer. The two young ladies have arrived, I hope? [PACKER] Yes, sir, they're under guard. [VAUGHN] Good. [PACKER] They're being taken over to the Main Administration Buildingnow, sir. [VAUGHN] When they're safely tucked away, we'll flush out our cleverDoctor. --------------------------------------- (Outside a building) [PACKER] Take them inside. Central block, tenth floor. [JAMIE] Could be the Brigadier's lot. Call them up for help! [DOCTOR] No, no, not yet. We've got to rescue the girls first. Tenthfloor, central block. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Helicopter) [TURNER] There's a lot of unusual activity, sir.Guards everywhere. It looks like some sort of emergency. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Any sign of the Doctor and the boy? [TURNER] No, sir. None at all. [BRIGADIER] Right, Jimmy. Get out of the area and stand by. [TURNER] Right, sir. Will do. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] All units, please, Sergeant. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. Go ahead, sir. [BRIGADIER] This is the Brigadier. All units stand by. Full penetrationof Red sector imminent. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] A helicopter? [PACKER] Yes, sir and two of the outer perimeter guard posts reportedseeing strangers in the area outside, sir. [VAUGHN] I see. [PACKER] I think this Doctor's with the UNIT organisation. Well, whatare we going to do? [VAUGHN] Nothing. [PACKER] Nothing? But they [VAUGHN] They can't harm us, Packer. We're in control. Or at least I am.Leave this to me. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Admin building) [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] I should think that's the central block, wouldn't you, Jamie? [JAMIE] How do we find out which room they're in? And when we have howdo we get them out? [DOCTOR] Stop looking for problems, Jamie. Let's get along up there,shall we? [VAUGHN [OC]] Doctor. If you can hear me, listen. You have ten minutes,Doctor. Ten minutes to relinquish your freedom. At the end of thattime, your young friend Zoe will pay the consequences of your foolishand totally pointless opposition. Ten minutes, Doctor, ten minutes. [JAMIE] There's not much time. [DOCTOR] There's just about time enough to effect a simple rescueoperation. Come along, Jamie. [JAMIE] Simple? [DOCTOR] Yes, come along. --------------------------------------- (Room) [ISOBEL] Oh, let us out of here, you stupid, idiotic. Oh, why have theybrought us here? [ZOE] I suppose because I ruined that stupid computer of theirs. Well,I'm sorry. [ISOBEL] But why kidnap us? Why don't they just turn us over to thepolice or something? [ZOE] I don't know. Anyway, we've got to get out of here. [ISOBEL] We can't get out this way. Look, it's a sheer drop. Hey, Zoe!Zoe, look! [ZOE] Doctor! Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Fire escape) [ZOE [OC]] We're up here! [JAMIE] Doctor, it's them, look! [DOCTOR] Good. As long they don't give the game away too soon. --------------------------------------- (Room) [ISOBEL] It looked as if they were trying to tell ussomething. [ZOE] The Doctor wants us to keep away from the window for some reason. [ISOBEL] I wonder why? [ZOE] Well, I'm not sure. [ZOE] Just try and act as though nothing has happened. Don't look now,but we're being spied on. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor, come in. [DOCTOR [OC]] Brigadier, I think we shall require a little assistance ina few moments. [BRIGADIER] Why? Are you in trouble? [DOCTOR [OC]] No, but we shall need help. You have a helicopter in thearea? [BRIGADIER] Yes. [DOCTOR [OC]] I wonder, have they a rope ladder on board. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I pretty sure they have. Where are you? [DOCTOR [OC]] We're just going up to the roof of the main building. Thatis the central block on the north side. That should give yourhelicopter cover should there be any ground fire. Have you got that? [BRIGADIER] Yes, I've got that. Over and out. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] All right, keep looking. Find them! [PACKER] I've got the whole place covered, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] Don't worry, Packer. They won't risk any harm coming to theirlittle friends. Doctor, you have five minutes. Five minutes. [PACKER] They won't give themselves up. They'd be mad to. [VAUGHN] Not mad Packer, merely human. [PACKER] It's the same one! The same helicopter. [VAUGHN] Yes. Perhaps they do mean to save their own skins, after all.Probably the helicopter's trying to pick them up. Stop them! Shoot itdown if necessary! [PACKER] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Rooftop) [JAMIE] You're not going to leave the lassies by themselves are you? [DOCTOR] No, no, of course not. Help me to get this over the side there. [DOCTOR] Right. Down you go, Jamie. [JAMIE] Eh? --------------------------------------- (Room) [ISOBEL] Something must be going on. [ZOE] It is a helicopter. Hey, look, it's Jamie! [ISOBEL] Oh yeah! [ZOE] Give me a hand with this. We have to barricade the door. [ISOBEL] Oh, yeah. [ZOE] Keep the guards out. Quick, bring the filing cabinet. Push. [ISOBEL] Oh, sorry. Packer could never get through that. [ZOE] Jamie, be careful! [JAMIE] Right now, quick, up you go. [ISOBEL] Oh! You don't think we're going up that, do you? [JAMIE] Do you want to be left here with Vaughn and Packer? Now go on!Get going. Come on, now. Watch yourself. Easy. [JAMIE] Hang on to the ladder tightly. Whatever you do, don't let it go.And don't look down either! Right, Isobel, now you. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Admin building) [PACKER] Guards, follow me. [PACKER] There he is. Fire! --------------------------------------- (Rooftop) [DOCTOR] Well done, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Admin building) [PACKER] Get up there. Stop them! --------------------------------------- (Rooftop) [ISOBEL] Oh, thank goodness that's over. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid it isn't quite yet, Isobel. [ISOBEL] Oh, no. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Admin building) [PACKER] Come on! Get up there after them! Quickly! --------------------------------------- (Helicopter) [DOCTOR] Come on, Jamie. Hurry up! [DOCTOR] Get us out of here! Hold on, Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Jimmy! What's happening, Jimmy? Do you want ground support? [TURNER [OC]] Hello, sir. No, mission accomplished. On our way back now. [BRIGADIER] Splendid. No casualties? [TURNER [OC]] No, sir. All well. Fortunately Vaughn's jackboots couldn'tshoot a flying elephant. Over and out. [BRIGADIER] All units, please, Sergeant. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. Go ahead, sir. [BRIGADIER] All UNIT groups. Red alert cancelled. I say again, Red alertcancelled. Return to base. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] That helicopter was one of the UNIT forcegroup. I told you. [VAUGHN] Don't panic, Packer. You've blundered again, but fortunately itwon't really matter. [PACKER] Matter? There's bound to be an official reaction. [VAUGHN] There will be no official reaction. I've told you, we are incommand. [PACKER] But [VAUGHN] Don't argue, Packer! Just do as you're told, man! And for once,do it right! [PACKER] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN] Now, I want Professor Watkins' Cerebraton machine loaded intomy car. We're going back to London. [PACKER] Back to London, sir? But you can't go back [VAUGHN] Due to your clumsiness, Packer, we must now alter our plans. Iintend to bring the invasion forward. We have twenty four hours toprepare for it. [PACKER] Twenty four hours? But they'll never agree to it. The invasionforces aren't anywhere near complete, sir. [VAUGHN] They'll be sufficient for our immediate purpose. After theinvasion, we'll no longer have no need for secrecy. Now, you attend tothe Professor and I'll deal with our UNIT friends. Bring Watkins uphere to me when you're ready. [PACKER] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN] Get me the Ministry of Defence and switch it through to myvisual circuit. [SECRETARY [on monitor]] Good morning. Ministry of Defence. Can I helpyou? [VAUGHN] Yes, get me. Ah, good morning. Major General Rutlidge, please. [SECRETARY [on monitor]] Just one moment. Who is calling, please? [VAUGHN] Tobias Vaughn. --------------------------------------- (Rutlidge's office) [RUTLIDGE] Fine, sir, fine. We'll meet this evening for dinner, then.What? oh, about eight. Yes, at the club. Good. Fine. Goodbye, sir. [RUTLIDGE] Yes? [SECRETARY [OC]] Outside call for you, sir. [RUTLIDGE] Male or female? [SECRETARY [OC]] It's a Mister Tobias Vaughn, sir. [RUTLIDGE] Vaughn? [SECRETARY [OC]] Yes sir. Shall I put him through? [RUTLIDGE] Vaughn? Yes, yes. [SECRETARY [OC]] Just one moment. [RUTLIDGE] Operator? [SECRETARY [OC]] Yes, sir? [RUTLIDGE] Priority scramble. [SECRETARY [OC]] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN [on monitor]] Ah, Rutlidge. Can we be overheard? [RUTLIDGE] No, no, no. Priority scramble is in operation. [VAUGHN [on monitor]] Good. Now listen. Your friends in the UNIT groupshas been causing trouble. They must be stopped, understand? [RUTLIDGE] I, er, I understand. [VAUGHN [on monitor]] There must be no more interference. [RUTLIDGE] No, no. I'll deal with it. [VAUGHN [on monitor] Good fellow. Knew I could rely on you. [RUTLIDGE] I understand. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] You were lucky. Dead lucky. [JAMIE] He said that it would be a simple rescue operation. Simple. [ISOBEL] But what about my uncle? They've still got him prisoner. [BRIGADIER] Don't worry, Miss Watkins. As soon we return to base, I'mgoing to raise hell and get some action. [JAMIE] You think they'll listen to you now? [BRIGADIER] No one, not even Tobias Vaughn, can go as far as trying toshoot down one of my helicopters. [ISOBEL] Oh, I wished I had my camera. I could have got a fortune withthose pictures. [TURNER] Yes, it was a pity. That would have clinched it as far as theMinistry are concerned, sir. [BRIGADIER] Don't worry, Jimmy. Billy Rutlidge will have to take someaction now. [JAMIE] Doctor? Hey, Doctor, what's the matter? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Jamie, that object on the other side of the moon. [BRIGADIER] Other side of the? [ZOE] Yes. The Tardis went wrong, you see, and we had a sort of, wellwhat, Doctor? A forced landing? [DOCTOR] Mmm? Yeah. [ZOE] And then they fired a missile at us. [BRIGADIER] Who? [ZOE] Well, whoever it was who was on that spaceship on the other sideof the moon. [BRIGADIER] Spaceships? On the other side of the Moon? [DOCTOR] And then there was that deep space radio transmitter. I wonder. [TURNER] Look, sir. I know this may sound ridiculous, but could thosereported sightings of UFOs have anything to do with this? [JAMIE] UFOs? What's that? [ISOBEL] Unidentified Flying Objects. Flying saucers? [TURNER] But these weren't saucers. All of the sightings were quiteclear on that. [DOCTOR] Did anyone, by any chance, photograph any of these objects? [TURNER] Oh yes, we've got several in the files. Shall I get them? [DOCTOR] Oh, if you would be so kind. [TURNER] Right. [DOCTOR] Unidentified Flying Objects. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [WATKINS] What was that shooting going on? If youharmed Isobel [VAUGHN] She's perfectly safe, Professor. [WATKINS] Why am I being taken back to London? What about my niece?What's happened to Isobel? [VAUGHN] I tell you, she's perfectly safe. [WATKINS] Well, I want to see her! [VAUGHN] So you shall, when you've finished working on your machine. Doas I ask and you shall both go free. [WATKINS] You don't even expect me to believe you, do you? [VAUGHN] Well, you've very little choice. Now, we're going back toLondon. There you will work on your machine to my specifications. Youwill have twenty four hours to complete it. Only if you hasn't finishedyour work by that time, would you have cause to worry about your niece. [PACKER] Got everything you need? [WATKINS] Everything. [PACKER] Come on, then. Move. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Mean anything to you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Possibly. How long ago were these objects first sighted? [BRIGADIER] Reports have been drifting in for well over a year now. Wesent up fighter planes to investigate, but nothing ever came of it. [TURNER] The odd thing about these sightings is that they usually seemto disappear somewhere over south east England. [ISOBEL] But isn't that where all those factories and laboratories ofVaughn's are? [TURNER] Exactly. That's why I brought it up. [DOCTOR] Jamie, when you were hiding in that crate, you say somethingmoved? [JAMIE] Aye, it was wrapped up in that gauze stuff. [DOCTOR] Did you recognise it at all? [JAMIE] No. [ZOE] What do you think it was, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know. We've got to find out and quickly. [ZOE] How? [DOCTOR] Well, obviously they bring these things, whatever they are, upfrom the factory in the country to the London premises. That's wherewe're going to find the answer. [JAMIE] You mean go back to Vaughn's place? [BRIGADIER] I don't think that's wise, Doctor. You're been lucky so far. [JAMIE] Aye, if you think I'm going back inside there [DOCTOR] Jamie, we have to find what is inside these crates. Brigadier,have you got a map? Including the London premises. [BRIGADIER] Yes, yes, I think so. Sergeant Walters! [WALTERS] Sir. [BRIGADIER] May we have map number eight please? [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [TURNER] I'll get it, sir. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. Here we are. Now this, this is the whole area indetail. London offices, warehouse area and surrounding buildings. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I see. [JAMIE] But Doctor, you can't go back the same way again. They'll bewaiting for us this time. [DOCTOR] Oh my word. How very fortunate. [BRIGADIER] Anything I can do to help? [DOCTOR] Brigadier, you don't, by any chance, know where I can find acanoe? --------------------------------------- (Canal) [JAMIE] Are you sure this is how we get in? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Now come on. [DOCTOR] Go on, I'm holding it steady. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [DOCTOR] Jamie, I'm afraid I was right. [JAMIE] Eh? --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [JAMIE] (sotto) The Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Shush. [JAMIE] Where do they come from? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jamie, but they're here, aren't they?! Come on,let's go back to the canoe. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [ZOE] And what do you think will happen? [TURNER] Well, it's not really a military matter now. [ISOBEL] You'll simply hand this over to the police. [TURNER] More or less. [ISOBEL] Pity. I could have got some great pictures and made a bombselling them to the papers. Oh, well. [TURNER] Look, perhaps I can compensate by buying you dinner. [ISOBEL] That would be nice. Hey are you stinking rich? [TURNER] Not on a Captain's pay, I'm not. [ISOBEL] It's not my day, is it? [TURNER] Money isn't everything, you know. [ZOE] Doctor, any luck? What did you find out? [JAMIE] Some old friends of ours are here, Zoe. [ZOE] Who? [JAMIE] The Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid it's true, Zoe. [ZOE] That's what you suspected, wasn't it? [ISOBEL] What on Earth are Cybermen? [DOCTOR] They're from another world. Inhuman killers. [TURNER] You mean they're from space, or something. [DOCTOR + ZOE] Yes. [ZOE] And that spaceship we saw on the other side of the Moon wasobviously their craft. [ISOBEL] What are they? Little green men? Oh, you're serious? [ZOE] We've met Cybermen before and seen what they can do. [TURNER] Where exactly are they and how many? [JAMIE] At Vaughn's headquarters in London. [DOCTOR] Oh, there's hundreds of them, possibly thousands. [ZOE] So Vaughn's helping them. [DOCTOR] That deep space radio transmitter is obviously being used bythe Cybermen spaceships to home in on. [TURNER] So that's what those UFOs were. But there have been hundreds ofthose sightings. [JAMIE] Aye, they must have quite an army by now. The thing is, whereare they hiding them all? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jamie. Captain, where's the Brigadier. [TURNER] At the Ministry of Defence. I better get on to him immediatelyand tell him what you've discovered. [DOCTOR] No, no, Captain. The people who went into Vaughn's headquarterswere different when they came out, weren't they? [TURNER] Yes. [ZOE] Do you think they're being controlled, Doctor? [TURNER] Controlled? [ZOE] Yes, the Cybermen have means of controlling people's minds. Theyappear to be almost normal but they're not, they're controlled. [DOCTOR] Who is the Brigadier is immediately answerable to? [TURNER] Major-General Rutlidge. --------------------------------------- (Rutlidge's office) [BRIGADIER] No cause for alarm? Billy, do yourealise what's happened? They tried to shoot down one of myhelicopters. [RUTLIDGE] You were trespassing over their top security area. [BRIGADIER] Oh, for heaven sake. If you can't trust a UNIT force, whocan you trust? [RUTLIDGE] There's nothing we [BRIGADIER] What's the matter? [RUTLIDGE] Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. [BRIGADIER] Look, Billy, Vaughn's a powerful chap, I know that. Butsurely we can at least request a thorough investigation. [RUTLIDGE] This isn't our province. [BRIGADIER] Well then, who's province is it? [RUTLIDGE] It's no good in getting angry about this. You must see thisfrom my point of view. All you've given me is vague reports, nothingconclusive, no proof. [BRIGADIER] No proof! [RUTLIDGE] I'm sure this is a misunderstanding. I talk to the C in C ofinternal security myself. [BRIGADIER] But Billy, talk isn't going to help. I want some sort ofaction, and I want it now. At least get the civil authorities toinvestigate. [RUTLIDGE] You have to leave this matter with me. [BRIGADIER] Will I? [RUTLIDGE] If you're thinking of going to see the C in C yourself, Ishouldn't bother. You'll be wasting your time. [BRIGADIER] So you're going to do nothing? What sort of hold has Vaughngot on you? [RUTLIDGE] Vaughn? I. Brigadier, your UNIT force will take noprecipitous action without top-priority permission. That is an order. [BRIGADIER] I see, sir. Well, you can override my authority but not thatof UNIT Central Command. I'm sending a full report to them in Geneva. [RUTLIDGE] International Electromatics, Central Office. [SECRETARY [OC]] Just one moment please, sir. [RUTLIDGE] Oh, er, with priority scramble. [SECRETARY [OC]] Yes sir. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] Have Gregory work with Professor Watkins onthe machine. [PACKER] Yes, Mister Vaughn. VAUGHN [VAUGHN] Report. [MAN [OC]] Communication from Major General Rutlidge on public video. [VAUGHN] Switch to visual circuit. What is it, Rutlidge? [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] The UNIT group. [VAUGHN] Well? [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] There'll be trouble. I can't stop it. [VAUGHN] Why not? You have authority to. [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] I have no authority outside this country. Areport is being made to UNIT Central Control. They're bound toinvestigate and take action. [VAUGHN] I see. How long before this will be effective? [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] I think I should (stops) [VAUGHN] Rutlidge. Rutlidge! [PACKER] What's the matter with him? [VAUGHN] Listen to me, Rutlidge? Listen! You will obey my commands. Youunderstand? [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] Your commands. [VAUGHN] You will leave your office and come here to me. [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] To you. [VAUGHN] Immediately. Do you understand? [RUTLIDGE [on monitor]] I must. Your commands. [VAUGHN] Do you understand? [RUTLIDGE [on monitor] ] Yes. I understand. I understand. [VAUGHN] Good fellow. [PACKER] What was the matter with him? [VAUGHN] Our control over him is weakening. [PACKER] Well, that could be dangerous. If he doesn't obey your ordersto come over here, he might [VAUGHN] Oh, he will, Packer, he will. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [WALTERS] Are you sure, Miss? I see. Right, thanks. Sir! [TURNER] Got him? [WALTERS] No sir, General Rutlidge's secretary said he left some timeago. [TURNER] I see. What about the Brigadier? [WALTERS] Apparently he wasn't there long, sir. He must be on his wayback now. [TURNER] Right. Doctor, it seems we're too late. The Brigadier's alreadybeen in to see Rutlidge. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. [TURNER] Yes. The question is now, where exactly do we stand withRutlidge? --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] I must know, Rutlidge. You must tell me.How long? How long before the UNIT forces can take action! [RUTLIDGE] I. One day, maybe two. [VAUGHN] Good. Time enough. [PACKER] Well, I don't like it. Supposing the UNIT forces move fasterthan that? Suppose they want to come over [VAUGHN] Let me do the supposing, Packer. [PACKER] Yes, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] Now, just to be on the safe side, I think we'd better conductan experiment. [PACKER] What do you mean? [VAUGHN] Have the Professor's machine taken down to the warehouse. Waitoutside. I'll join you later. [PACKER] What are you going to do? [VAUGHN] Wait and see, Packer. Wait and see. [PACKER] Yes, sir. What about him? [VAUGHN] Oh, leave him to me. [VAUGHN] There has been some difficulty. We must alter our plans. [PLANNER] Report the difficulty and we will assess it. [VAUGHN] We must bring the invasion forward. [PLANNER] Our invasion force is not yet complete. [VAUGHN] The invasion must take place in fifteen hours time, otherwisewe may have to face the combined forces of the entire world. [PLANNER] Wait while the report will be assessed. [VAUGHN] You will accept what I say or our partnership is at an end. Theinvasion will take place at dawn tomorrow. [PLANNER] It has been agreed. The data will be computed and the invasiondetails transmitted to you. Discussion terminated. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [PACKER] How many more? [WORKMAN] About fifty more crates. [PACKER] Hurry it up. [WORKMAN] Yes, sir. [PACKER] Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Secret room) [PACKER] Have you received your instructions? [CYBERMEN] Yes. [PACKER] You will proceed through the sewer tunnels to your allottedsectors. There you will obey the commands of your sector leader. [CYBERMEN] We understand. [PACKER] Proceed. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [DOCTOR] You see, a network of tunnels underneath London. [BRIGADIER] And that's where you think they might be? [DOCTOR] Yes. And look. There's a main flood relief sewer running rightunderneath the warehouse. [BRIGADIER] Yes, but if there's water in the sewers, wouldn't thataffect them? [DOCTOR] Oh no, no. Besides, many of these tunnels are dry and onlyflood during heavy rainfall. [ISOBEL] What do we do, pray for a cloudburst? [BRIGADIER] Miss Watkins, this could be very serious. [ISOBEL] I'm sorry, but, well, it's a pretty fantastic story to swallow. [BRIGADIER] Yes, but so was the attack from the Yeti, but neverthelessit happened. [TURNER] With all due respect sir, she's right. No one believed in theYetis until they saw them. If you go to Central Command with thisstory, they'll think you're mad. [BRIGADIER] Yes. Yes, Jimmy, you're right. Of course, what we reallyneed is some sort of evidence, some proof. [DOCTOR] It might be better at the moment to find out what form thisattack's going to take. Jamie? [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] That transistor radio that Vaughn gave you. Have you still gotit? [JAMIE] Aye, here. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, have you any IE equipment here? [BRIGADIER] Er, Jimmy, have we? [JIMMY] Yes, we have, sir. A computer and various radio and radarcomponents. [DOCTOR] May I see them, please? [BRIGADIER] Certainty. Jimmy, would you? [TURNER] I'll show you, Doctor. This way [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [VAUGHN] Ah, there you are, Packer. Everything going well? [PACKER] Yes, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] Good. Time for our little experiment. [GREGORY] Mister Vaughn, I don't think you should [VAUGHN] We must try the machine, Gregory. [GREGORY] But it's dangerous. [VAUGHN] It would be even more dangerous if we didn't try it. We mustmake sure we have an effective weapon against the Cybermen. [PACKER] You're going to try it on one of them? [VAUGHN] Why not? [VAUGHN] Revive it just enough to bring it out of its cocoon. [TECHNICIAN] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN] Hold it there. Now, Gregory, connect the Professor's machine. [GREGORY] Mister Vaughn, please. [VAUGHN] Connect it! [GREGORY] What emotion shall I induce? [VAUGHN] Fear. Let's see how the Cybermen will react to fear. [VAUGHN] More power! [GREGORY] That's all there is. [PACKER] Quick! [GREGORY] I warned you, the machine isn't ready yet. It's following theothers into the sewers. [VAUGHN] Let it go. [PACKER] It's gone mad. It could have killed us all. [VAUGHN] Possibly, but I think we've proved that the Professor's machinecan be effective. Get him to work on it, Gregory. I want twice as muchpower and I want directional control. [PACKER] Yeah, but what about that one? You can't let it roam down therealone! [VAUGHN] Why not? [PACKER] Well, it'll kill anything that gets in its way. [VAUGHN] Good. Anyone fool enough to be down in those sewers deserves todie. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [ISOBEL] Now you really believe that these Cybermenthings are down in the sewers. [BRIGADIER] Seems to make sense. [ISOBEL] But you can't do anything about it without proof or evidence. [BRIGADIER] Central Command would think I was mad. [ISOBEL] Well, the answer's simple, surely. Go and get some proof. [BRIGADIER] And how do I prove that in the sewers of London there arecreatures from outer space waiting to attack us. Go and get one? [ZOE] You wouldn't stand a chance against them, Isobel. [ISOBEL] Ah, you wouldn't have to go anywhere near them. Photographthem. [BRIGADIER] That's not a bad idea. Now, wait a minute, it'd be pitchdark down in those tunnels. [ISOBEL] You could use an infrared film, a twenty five filter on athirty five mil camera with a telephoto lens, and why, you could takeframe after frame without getting anywhere near them. [BRIGADIER] Is that all gibberish or do you really know what you'retalking about? [ISOBEL] Of course I know. [BRIGADIER] If you're right, it could well be the sort of proof I needto get some action. [ISOBEL] Well, all I need is my cameras from the house and then I'm allset. [BRIGADIER] Now, wait a minute, This is hardly a job for you. [ISOBEL] Why ever not? [BRIGADIER] Well, you're a young woman. This is a job for my men. [ISOBEL] Well, of all the bigoted, anti-feminist, cretinous remarks [BRIGADIER] This is no job for a girl like you. Now that's final. [ISOBEL] Oh, you, you, you man! [BRIGADIER] I'll get in touch with my photographic unit and get themonto it. [ISOBEL] Oh, that stupid bigoted idiotic [JAMIE] Aye, well, he's right, you know. [ZOE] Jamie McCrimmon! [JAMIE] Well, he is. [ZOE] Just because you're a man you think that you're superior, do you? [JAMIE] Now, I didn't say that. Of course, it's true. [ZOE] Is it really? Right. Coming, Isobel? [ISOBEL] What a splendid idea. [JAMIE] Where are you going? [ZOE] Do you think we should let him come with us? [ISOBEL] Oh, I don't know. Men aren't much good in situations like this. [JAMIE] Just a moment. Where are you're going? [ISOBEL] London. Coming? [JAMIE] London? Now we shouldn't do anything without the Doctor! Och. [DOCTOR] This is rather like looking for the proverbial needle in theproverbial. Just a minute [TURNER] Found something? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Wait a minute. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm almost sure that this is same sort of circuitthat was in Jamie's radio. [TURNER] But what does it do? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. But it's certainly not part of that equipment.Have a look. [TURNER] But why put it a circuit if it doesn't do anything. [DOCTOR] Oh, it does something, all right. The question is what? --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PLANNER] One hour before invasion, theCyber-transmitter units will be launched into orbit around Earth. [VAUGHN] The effect will be immediate? [PLANNER] Yes. Transmissions will penetrate all areas. [VAUGHN] And if it doesn't work? [PLANNER] Humans cannot resist Cyber-control. Our forces will penetrateall areas and select suitable humans for cybernetic conversion. [VAUGHN] Conversion to Cybermen? [PLANNER] Yes. The unsuitable humans will be destroyed. [VAUGHN] No! This is not as we agreed! [PLANNER] It has been decided. [VAUGHN] We agreed that I should remain in control of Earth. In return,I supply the minerals you require. You will honour that bargain,otherwise there will be no invasion! [PLANNER] To control, you must undergo complete conversion and becomeone of us. [VAUGHN] No! My body may be cybernetic but my mind stays human. That isfinal! [PLANNER] It has been agreed. Discussion concluded. [PACKER] You don't trust them? [VAUGHN] Of course not. I know they'll try to take control from me whenthe invasion's complete, but then, they don't know about the CerebratonMachine, do they? [PACKER] Well, I don't like it. That thing just said humans can't resistcontrol. How do we know these Cyber-transmissions aren't going toaffect us? [VAUGHN] They won't. We shall be protected by the implantedaudio-rejection capsules. You see, Packer, I've thought all this out indetail. Nothing has been overlooked. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [TURNER] Found anything? [DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid not. What I really need is laboratoryfacilities. I'm sure that this micro-monolithic circuit is something todo with the Cybermen's invasion plan. [TURNER] Perhaps we can find a lab for you to work in. [DOCTOR] Oh, no, that's no problem, I can go up to London and useProfessor Watkins' laboratory at Travers's house. [TURNER] Right. I'll arrange transport. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] I'll arrange for a helicopter to transport the photographicdetail here for a briefing. Over. [MAN [OC]] Very good, sir. They'll be standing by. Out. [DOCTOR] Brigadier? [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Where's Jamie and Zoe and Isobel. [BRIGADIER] I've no idea. Sergeant Walters? [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Friends of the Doctors. Any idea where they are? [WALTERS] They took a van and went back to London, sir. [DOCTOR] London? What on earth for? [WALTERS] Well, they said that they were going to get somethingimportant for the Brigadier, sir. [BRIGADIER] For me? [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, no, they surely couldn't have been so stupid as.Sergeant Walters. [WALTERS] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Get Benton on the radio link. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [DOCTOR] What's the matter? What's happened? [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Doctor, but I think those crazy kids have goneoff to the sewers to get photos of the Cybermen! [DOCTOR] What? --------------------------------------- (Street) [JAMIE] Well, at least let's call the Doctor up first. [ZOE] Scared, Jamie? [JAMIE] No. I mean, I don't even know what we're going to do. [ISOBEL] Well, come on then. [JAMIE] Och. Women. [RADIO [OC]] UNIT transport car two three report in, over. [BENTON] Car two three to UNIT command. Receiving you, over. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [WALTERS] There you are, sir. [BRIGADIER] This is the Brigadier. Have you still got your passengers? [BENTON [OC]] No, sir. I've just dropped them. [BRIGADIER] Your position. [BENTON [OC]] In the vicinity of Red sector one, sir. Shepherd Street. [WALTERS] That's almost on top of Vaughn's HQ, sir. [BRIGADIER] Benton, listen. Try and make contact with your passengersagain and get them to report in to me. [BENTON [OC]] I'll try, sir, but I'm not sure which way they've gone. [BRIGADIER] Don't make excuses, Benton. This is a top priority alert.Out. (to Walters) Thank you. Jimmy, I want you to take charge of thisoperation. Get over there at once, will you? [TURNER] Right, sir. [BRIGADIER] Sergeant. [DOCTOR] I'd better go back to London with him and see if I can makesome sort of sense of these circuits. I'm going to have to leave mythree friends in your very capable hands. [BRIGADIER] Don't worry, Doctor. We'll get them back. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] I hope. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [JAMIE [OC]] Third time lucky. [ZOE] Good. Go on, then, Jamie. Down we go. [JAMIE] Me? But, er. Och. [ZOE] Right, come on, Isobel. [JAMIE] Shush! [ZOE] Lower your camera down to me. --------------------------------------- (Fore Street) [POLICEMAN] Hey you! What do you think you're doing going down therefor, you young idiots! [POLICEMAN] Hey, you kids! Come on out of there, or I'll come down afteryou. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [POLICEMAN [OC]] I know you're down there. Are yougoing to come up or do I have to come down to fetch you. [JAMIE] (sotto) That's all we need. If he carrying on shouting like thatwe'll have every Cyberman in the area on top of us. [ZOE] Shush. Jamie, look. I think that there's something further downthe tunnel. [ISOBEL] I can't see anything. Just in case, though. [JAMIE] I think that we better get back. Come on. [ZOE] Oh Jamie, look! I was right! [ISOBEL] Fantastic. [JAMIE] Come on, back. [POLICEMAN] Right, you kids, where are you? Come on now, stop playingabout. Are you down there, then? [POLICEMAN [OC]] Come on, come on. I know that you're down heresomewhere. [JAMIE] Come on, you're just risking our necks. [ISOBEL] Just a couple more [JAMIE] There isn't time. Come on! Out. [POLICEMAN] Come on, come on. You'll get lost if you go wandering aboutdown there. Come on. What the heck? [ISOBEL] The policeman! [ZOE] They've killed him! [JAMIE] Right, come on! [ZOE] Oh, Jamie, no! [JAMIE] What? [ZOE] Don't you realise? We can't go back that way. [JAMIE] And we can't go that way. That Cyberman's after. Yes, they'recoming at us from both directions. --------------------------------------- (Fore Street) [BENTON] Down here sir. [TURNER] Sergeant, get the torch. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [ZOE] What are we going to do? [JAMIE] Back! Against the wall! [ZOE] He ignored us. [JAMIE] It's out of control. It's sort of wild. [WALTERS] (sotto) Come on, lads, let's hurry it up. [BENTON] What's that noise, sir? [TURNER] I don't know. Come on, let's try this way. (a little way along)Isobel, where are you? Jamie? [TURNER [OC]] This is Captain Turner! Where are you? [ISOBEL] That's him. Somebody's coming. I told you. [JAMIE] No, wait. There are Cybermen between us, remember. [ISOBEL] What are we going to do? We just can't wait here. Some moremight come along. [TURNER [OC]] Are you down there? [ISOBEL] Look, at least let him know we're here. [JAMIE] Aye, and the other Cybermen too. [TURNER] Not a sound. [WALTERS] Reckon they copped it as well, sir? [TURNER] Can't be sure, that's the trouble. [WALTERS] Aye, these sewers are a right maze. They could be anywhere. [TURNER] Yes. We'd better get in touch with the Brigadier immediately. [TURNER] What the? WALTERS [TURNER] Move back, all of you slowly. [CYBERMAN] Do not move! [TURNER] Sergeant, grenades. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [CYBERMAN] Do not resist. You will obey instructions. [TURNER] What do you want us to do? [CYBERMAN] You will come with us. Obey. [WALTERS] Ready sir. [CYBERMAN] Obey or you will be destroyed. [TURNER] Wait. [TURNER] Now! [TURNER] Get down! [TURNER] And again, Sergeant. [WALTERS] Grenade, quick! Come on, Perkins, Come on. [PERKINS] It's too late, Sergeant. I'm getting out! [TURNER] Perkins! Come back, man! [ISOBEL] Oh, at least we should have warned them. [TURNER [OC]] Isobel, Jamie, Zoe! Are you down there? [JAMIE, ZOE + ISOBEL] Yes! [ISOBEL] Yes, we are! [TURNER [OC]] Get to the ladder as quickly as you can. [JAMIE] Right. [TURNER] Come on, hurry it up. Come on, Sergeant, keep those men moving.Get the body here quickly. [ISOBEL] Oh, thank goodness. [TURNER] Shut up! Come on, get out of here and keep out of the way. I'vealready lost one man and I don't want to lose anymore. Now up thatladder. Get moving! Jamie, are there any more behind you? [JAMIE] No. [TURNER] Good. Right, get the body up. Jamie, keep a good look out. Ithink one of those Cybermen is still alive. --------------------------------------- (Fore Street) [TURNER] Quickly! All right, I'm with you. [JAMIE] My leg! [TURNER] All right. Hold on, Jamie! [TURNER] Sergeant! [WALTERS] That's it. Got it, got it. [TURNER] Benton, grenade! [BENTON [OC]] Coming, sir! [TURNER] Quick, man! [WALTERS] Hurry! [WALTERS] I just don't believe it, sir. All them grenades and he stillcame out of it. [TURNER] Yes. Come on, let's get out of here. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Any success? [DOCTOR] No, not yet. There's an alien logic in these circuits but Ihaven't been able to work it out yet. [BRIGADIER] So we're no further ahead. [DOCTOR] No, not yet. [BRIGADIER] Miss Watkins is developing her photographs. I'm taking afull report to Geneva and UNIT Central Command. [DOCTOR] How long will that take? [BRIGADIER] Depends. I leave in the morning. If I can get the report tothe Council tomorrow we should get some action within two or threedays. [DOCTOR] But that might be too late! [ISOBEL] Here we are. Some beauties. [BRIGADIER] Yes. [ISOBEL] What's the matter? [BRIGADIER] Nothing. They're very good. I don't want to hurt yourprofessional pride, Miss Watkins, but they do look a little like fakes. [ISOBEL] Fakes? [ZOE] Yes, I see what you mean. [ISOBEL] Oh, charming, I don't know why I bothered. [JAMIE] Of course they're Cybermen. Any fool can see that. [BRIGADIER] Well, you do, McCrimmon. [JAMIE] Eh? [BRIGADIER] You know them. [JAMIE] Oh. [BRIGADIER] The people I'm trying to convince are a little moresceptical. [DOCTOR] Yes of course! [JAMIE] What? [BRIGADIER] What? [DOCTOR] It could be, it just could be. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] It was definitely the UNIT force. Theyattacked three Cybermen and destroyed two of them. [VAUGHN] How very clever of them. [PACKER] They got out alive. Now if they report on what they saw [VAUGHN] Their reports will be meaningless, Packer. In a few hours timethe invasion will be complete. There cannot possibly be any seriousopposition. [PACKER] Well, I hope you're right. [VAUGHN] I am, Packer, I am. Just look at it out there. Soon we shallcontrol all that. Has the Professor completed his work on theCerebraton Mentor machine? [PACKER] Yes. Gregory's bringing him now. [PACKER] That'll be them. [VAUGHN] Ah, come in gentlemen. Well, Gregory, success? [GREGORY] I don't know yet, sir. We've added narrow bandwidthtransducers. Should make transmission more directional. [VAUGHN] Good, good. Show me. [WATKINS] This is madness. That machine is a deadly weapon now. [VAUGHN] Really? [WATKINS] The modifications were quite unnecessary. It worked perfectlywell as it was. [VAUGHN] For your purposes, perhaps, Professor. I have a somewhatdifferent use for it. [WATKINS] All right, all right. Do with it what you will. The machine'syours now. Now, will you let me get out of this place? And let Isobelgo free as you promise? [VAUGHN] But my dear fellow, she is free. [WATKINS] Free? Where? Where is she? [VAUGHN] Probably sitting quite comfortably at home. Now then, how doesone operate this? [GREGORY] Careful, Mister Vaughn. Don't point it at anyone. [VAUGHN] No? Dangerous is it? Fear, Watkins. Do you know what fear is? [WATKINS] No, don't! Don't do that! Don't! [GREGORY] Mister Vaughn, you'll kill him! Stop! [VAUGHN] Perhaps we should try the effects of the machine on you,Gregory! At full power! [GREGORY] No, no, Mister Vaughn. I was only afraid that if we stillneeded the Professor [VAUGHN] I'm aware of that. Unfortunately I suppose that I still needyou, otherwise I. (to guard) Pick him up. [VAUGHN] Professor, you'll be taken back to the factory compound. I wantthese machines on the production lines immediately. Do you understand? [WATKINS] Vaughn, obviously I can't choose but to work for you. If Irefuse, you'll torture me or kill me. I know I can't stand up totorture, and I don't want to die. You're an evil man, Vaughn. You'resadistic. You're a megalomaniac. You're insane. I pity you, but if Iget half a chance, I'll kill you. [VAUGHN] Kill me? Would you? Give me your gun, Packer. [VAUGHN] Take it. There you are. Take it. [VAUGHN] Now you're free to shoot me, Professor. Shoot. Shoot! [VAUGHN] Come on, the gun's loaded, or haven't you got the courage topull the trigger? [VAUGHN] Take him away. Get work started on the machine immediately. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [ISOBEL] Tea, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [ISOBEL] Jamie. Jamie, tea. [TURNER] Captain Turner calling UNIT Control. Captain Turner callingUNIT Control. How do you read me, over? [WALTERS [OC]] UNIT Control. Loud and clear, sir. Over. [TURNER] Relay all important messages and reports direct through tohere, Sergeant. Over. [WALTERS [OC]] Wilco. Over. [TURNER] Good. Over and out. Thanks. [ISOBEL] I'm forgiven then? [TURNER] What? [ISOBEL] For being such a twit and going down those sewers. I'm sorryabout the soldier. [TURNER] Yes, well, it's all right. You weren't to know what you werereally lettingyourself in for. [ISOBEL] Why, I would have got us all killed. I just didn't realise. Imean, those Cybermen things. I've just been listening to Zoe tellingthe Brigadier all about them for his report, and they really do soundas murderous as they look. [TURNER] You know, we dropped five grenades right on top of them and oneof them still came out of it. I'd hate to have to fight a whole army ofthem. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no! [JAMIE] What's the matter, Doctor? Would someone mind telling me what'sgoing on? [TURNER] Don't worry, Jamie. Finish your tea and go back to sleep. [WALTERS [OC]] UNIT Control to CO. UNIT Control to CO. Over. [TURNER] Captain Turner here, Sergeant. Stand by. Isobel, will you getthe Brigadier for me? [ISOBEL] Oh, sure. [TURNER] Brigadier's on his way now, Sergeant. What's the flap? Over. [WALTERS [OC]] Report from Red sector one, sir, at twenty thirty hours [TURNER] Hold on a sec. Right, the Brigadier's listening now. Go ahead,Sergeant. [WALTERS [OC]] Benton on routine observation reports two guards andanother man leaving with the Professor. He's on their tail now, sir.Over. [TURNER] Hold on, Sergeant. Look, sir, we could intercept and releasethe Professor. [BRIGADIER] Well, officially we [ISOBEL] Oh do. Please, do. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, if you could rescue him, he might be able to help uswith our problem. [BRIGADIER] All right. Your shindig Jimmy. [TURNER] Sergeant, tell Benton to stay with them. I'm on my way now.I'll contact him on route. Over. [WALTERS [OC]] Wilco. Over. [BRIGADIER] Jimmy, don't take any chances. Vaughn's lot know we meanbusiness so they won't be playing games. [TURNER] No, sir, neither will I. I'll take the full assault platoonwith me. [BRIGADIER] Right. [TURNER] Sergeant, alert the full assault platoon. I'll relayinstructions on route. Have you got that, over? [WALTERS [OC]] Yes, sir. Over. [TURNER] Good. Over and out. [ISOBEL] Good luck. [TURNER] Thanks. [BRIGADIER] Yes, good luck, Jimmy. [TURNER] Sir. (Turner leaves.) [TURNER] I think Mister Vaughn is going to have quite a scrap on hishands. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [GREGORY] There were at least thirty of them, allUNIT men and all armed, Mister Vaughn. We didn't stand a chance. Out ofnowhere. They just came out of nowhere. [VAUGHN] And they just took the Professor? [GREGORY] What could we do? There were at least [VAUGHN] Thirty of them, you say? [GREGORY] It was hopeless. They shot the two guards, and they'd haveshot me if [VAUGHN] If you hadn't run away. [GREGORY] Well, yes. [VAUGHN] You realise of course that without the Professor's assistanceit will not be possible to get the Cerebraton Machine on the productionline. [GREGORY] No, Mister Vaughn, I can. Given a little time, I'm sure I can! [VAUGHN] But you have no time, Gregory. No time at all. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [PACKER] Kill him! --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [WATKINS] I'm sorry. I can't tell you. [DOCTOR] (You've no idea what these micro-monolithic circuits are for. [WATKINS] No. [DOCTOR] Oh, my word. [WATKINS] I couldn't understand why Vaughn wanted the modifications tothe machine. [DOCTOR] You say he's going to mass produce these machines? [WATKINS] Yes. [BRIGADIER] Why should he want a weapon like that if he's got theCybermen to fight for him? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. Unless. Professor! You say that you developedthis machine to produce excessively powerful emotional pulses. [WATKINS] Yes, that's true. [DOCTOR] Well, that's it! Vaughn going to use it as a weapon against theCybermen once he has no further use for them. [BRIGADIER] What, the Professor's machine? [DOCTOR] Yes. Emotion is alien to the Cybermen's nervous system. It'lldestroy it. The micro-monolithic circuits. They're emotional circuits!No wonder they weren't logical. Now why didn't I think of this before.Now, let's see. [JAMIE] Now what's he up to? [ZOE] I've no idea. [WATKINS] Doctor. Doctor. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, look, Jimmy, I'd better get back to Control. Ileave for Geneva at dawn. If the Doctor should come up with anything,let me know. [TURNER] Right, sir. [JAMIE] Oh. Oh well, if anything exciting happens, wake me up, will you?I was in the middle of a lovely dream. [ZOE] Honestly, Jamie. Cybermen underneath London and all you can thinkabout is your sleep. [ZOE] Jamie. Jamie, wake up. [JAMIE] Och, there's no peace. What is it? [ZOE] The Doctor discovered something important. Come on! [DOCTOR] Let's hope it isn't. Oh, how do you do, Jamie? Now then, hereis the Earth. And here is the Moon. [DOCTOR] And these are the communication satellites circling the Earth.And here is the Cybermen's spaceship, the invasion spaceship, the onethat we saw. Right, now if I'm right, I think that this will come tothis side of the Moon and boost signals to the Earth. [WATKINS] The signals will activate these circuits. [DOCTOR] Precisely. [ZOE] But you still haven't told us what that will do. [DOCTOR] The micro-monolithic circuits are artificial nervous systems.Once activated they will produce the Cyber-hypnotic force that controlshuman beings. [TURNER] But there are hundreds, thousands of these circuits in IEequipment all over the world. [WATKINS] Exactly. [ISOBEL] So everybody will come under their control. [ZOE] Yes, the Cybermen will take over everybody. [TURNER] Well, isn't there anything we can do? [DOCTOR] Yes, there is a way to block the signals, isn't there, Zoe. [ZOE] The depolariser. Worn at the back of the neck, it will jam theCyber-control waves. [DOCTOR] Yes. Have you any neuristors here, Professor? [WATKINS] Well, a few, I think. [DOCTOR] Zoe, I want you to show the Professor what to do. The invasioncould come at any moment. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PLANNER] Is all in readiness? [VAUGHN] Of course. [PLANNER] There is one hour to invasion time. Countdown will start fromnow. [VAUGHN] Excellent. [PLANNER] We are moving into position now. Ready to transmit theCyber-signal. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Brigadier, they must all be fitted once.The invasion could come at any moment. [BRIGADIER [OC]] I'll get all UNIT groups onto it as soon as possible,Doctor. [DOCTOR] Good. Good. If you want any help, just call me up. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Will do. Out. [DOCTOR] Now then, now many have you made, Zoe? [ZOE] Only three, I'm afraid. We couldn't find any more neuristors. [DOCTOR] What? There must be some more amongst all this gubbins. Comeon, let's have a look. We must protect everyone here at least. Nowsearch, everybody. Come along. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PLANNER] We are proceeding to our position now.Transmitter will be ready in thirty minutes. [VAUGHN] A few minutes, Packer. A few minutes and then I shall controlthe world. [PACKER] You? You're sure? [VAUGHN] Quite certain, Packer. Quite certain. --------------------------------------- (Isobel's room) [TURNER] Penny for them? [ISOBEL] It's all so peaceful. [TURNER] Do you think the Doctor could be wrong this time? I mean aboutthe invasion. [ISOBEL] Well, he's been right up to now. [TURNER] Yes, true, but, well, I don't know. Look. [ISOBEL] Yeah, I know what you mean. Why, it's just incredible, isn'tit? Looking at all that peace out there, it's so difficult to imagine. [ISOBEL] What's that noise? --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Zoe, my depolariser. It must have fallen off! [ZOE] Oh Professor, get a depolarizer, quickly. [ZOE] Quickly! [ZOE] Doctor! Doctor! [ISOBEL] Is he all right? [ZOE] I don't know. [ISOBEL] Oh, whatever is that noise? [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor? Doctor! [JAMIE] Hey! [ISOBEL] What is it? What's happened? [TURNER] It's the Cybermen. We've just seen hundreds coming out of thesewers. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory) [ISOBEL] Oh, are you all right, Doctor? [JAMIE] Doctor! The invasion, it's begun. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, I rather gathered that. Is everyone else all right? [ALL] Yes. [ISOBEL] We're fine. [DOCTOR] Oh, what about the Brigadier, and the rest of the men? [TURNER] I'll check. [JAMIE] Are you all right to stand up now? [ISOBEL] Come on, up you get. [TURNER] Captain Turner calling UNIT Control. Captain Turner callingUNIT Control. Are you receiving me? Over. Are you receiving me? Over, [WALTERS [OC]] UNIT control receiving you. Over. [TURNER] Sergeant, is the Brigadier there? [WALTERS [OC]] Hold on a moment, sir. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Here, Jimmy. Are you all right? [TURNER] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Well, chaos here. Only half the crew recovered so far. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, what about the rest of the UNIT men? [BRIGADIER [OC]] Well, hard to say. Reports still coming in. Look, I'llsend transport for you. You'll be safer here with us. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Jimmy? [DOCTOR] Jamie? [TURNER] Yes, sir, I heard. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Right. Now stay put. As far as I can gather, thestreets are packed with Cybermen. Sergeant Walters will try to getthrough with a jeep. [TURNER] Right, sir. Over and out. Well, sounds like total success forVaughn and the Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Yes. We appear to be sitting right in the middle of thehornet's nest. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PLANNER] All areas are now covered by our transmission. The fullinvasion force is preparing for flight. Transmit the radio beam for thetransporter ships to home on. [VAUGHN] It will be prepared. [PLANNER] Control and supervision of Cybermen in all key positions willbe arranged. Prepare your communication network. [VAUGHN] Wait. My organisation will now take over. The Cyberman armymust stay under my control. [PLANNER] Why do you oppose us. [VAUGHN] I don't oppose you. We're allies. But you do not understand theworld and it's organisation. I do. [PLANNER] This is not necessary. Humans are now under Cyber-control. [VAUGHN] I must control them! Look, let's understand one another. Youwill not get what you want unless I too achieve my object. Is thisagreed? [PLANNER] It has been agreed. [VAUGHN] Good! Then the invasion will continue under my direction.Discussion terminated. [VAUGHN] Packer! [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes sir. [VAUGHN] Have you discovered where the Professor is? [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN ] Go and collect him. [PACKER [on monitor]] But sir, the UNIT people. [VAUGHN] You won't meet with any resistance. They're all underCyber-control. [PACKER [on monitor]] Right, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] I want work started on the production of the machinesimmediately. Go and recapture Watkins. Don't let anything or anyonestop you. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [WALTERS] Oh, thanks, sir. [TURNER] Thank goodness you made it. Any trouble? [WALTERS] Hundreds of Cybermen about, sir. [TURNER] Well, the sooner we get out of here, the better. Everybodyready? [ISOBEL [OC]] Ready, we're coming. [WALTERS] Listen! [TURNER] We've had the jeep. We'd better get out of here, out of theback way as quickly as possible. [WALTERS] Right! [TURNER] Come on, move, everybody. Quickly! Out of the back door. Hurryit up. Come on Jamie. Professor, all right? Good. [WATKINS] My leg! [TURNER] Come on, Jamie. Get the radio out of here. [JAMIE] Right. [TURNER] Leave the Professor to me. [JAMIE] Okay. Have you got him? [TURNER] Yes. Right, I've got him. [JAMIE] Right. [TURNER] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Yes, Jimmy, where are you? [TURNER [OC]] In bother, sir. We need help. Can you give us a chopper. [BRIGADIER] Yes. Can you make sector five? [TURNER [OC]] We can try, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, I'll get the chopper there. Out. UNIT Control callingsector five chopper. Over. [PILOT [OC]] Receiving you. Over. [BRIGADIER] This is the Brigadier. Are you airborne? [PILOT [OC]] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right. Proceed to sector five and pick up Captain Turner andparty, and bring them here. [PILOT [OC]] Wilco. Out. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] How could they escape the Cyber-control? [PACKER] It's that Doctor, something to do with him. You should have gotrid of him when you had the chance. [VAUGHN] Shut up, Packer! I must go on with the invasion. [PACKER] But what about the Professor? Without him, we can't make anymore machines. Without machines we can't control the Cybermen. [VAUGHN] Let me worry about that. For the moment, I have the Cybermenexactly where I want them. [PACKER] Yeah, but for how long? Now, can you honestly say thateverything's going according to plan, that nothing's been overlooked?Well, can you? [VAUGHN] Just obey my orders! Now, get in touch with the compound andhave the radio beam projected. The invasion fleet must be brought in. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [WALTERS] New York's off the air, sir. Moscow's dead and Peking. Infact, nothing. No radio communication at all. [BRIGADIER] Right, Sergeant. Keep trying all frequencies. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] It seems to be a total blanket all over the world. [TURNER] Look, couldn't we make hundreds of these neuristor things, sir,and distribute them. [BRIGADIER] I doubt there's time for that Jimmy. What do you think,Doctor? [DOCTOR] I agree. The Cybermen will attack in force now. There must bethousands of them in outer space. [BRIGADIER] Is there nothing we can do? [DOCTOR] Not unless we can stop the Cyber-control signals. [BRIGADIER] Yes, but if your theory's right, they'll be coming fromsomewhere near the moon. That means we're going to need a missile ofsome sort. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid it does. [TURNER] That would need an orbital launch vehicle. We simply haven'tgot anything of that size. [BRIGADIER] No, only the Americans and the Russians have. Wait a minute. [BRIGADIER] I seem to remember reading. Ah, yes, yes, here we are. TheRussians were planning a countdown at the time we were attacked. [TURNER] For the moon, sir? [BRIGADIER] Yes, a manned orbital survey. That means they'll have alaunching vehicle almost ready to go. [TURNER] You mean we could put a warhead on it, in place of theastronaut capsule? [BRIGADIER] It's a possibility. [DOCTOR] How long would all this take? [BRIGADIER] Well, we could get a small party there in about two hours.Of course, we'll have to revive the rocket personnel fromCyber-control. After that, well, that'd be up to the Russians. [TURNER] It means it's all a question of time. How long do you think wehave, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm surprised they're not here already. [BRIGADIER] Jimmy, here's the gen on the Russian rocket base. You dealwith that. [TURNER] All right, sir. [BRIGADIER] And get your skates on. [TURNER] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Now, Doctor, we must deal with this invasion you say iscoming. [DOCTOR] Yes, at least we know where they'll land. They'll home in onVaughn's radio signal. [BRIGADIER] Would we be able to pick them off with anti-missilemissiles? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's a good idea. We might have a try. [BRIGADIER] Right. There's a base near Henlow Downs. Just a minute.Sergeant Walters? [DOCTOR] Oh, Zoe, sit down. It's a big bumpy. Now, how's Jamie's leg? [ZOE] Oh, it's just a slight flesh wound. But he's furious because theArmy doctor won't let him walk on it. [DOCTOR] Well, he would be, wouldn't he. How's the Professor? [ZOE] Oh, he'll be all right, Isobel's with him. Anything I can do,Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well I suggest that you go with the Brigadier. Much as I detestcomputers, I think that remarkable brain of yours will come in veryhandy. [ZOE] Right. What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] I think it's about time I had a serious talk with our MisterVaughn. [ZOE] What, go back? But he'd kill you as soon as look at you. [DOCTOR] No, we need time if we're going to stop this attack, and Ithink I can get us that time. [BRIGADIER] No, this is madness, I can't afford to let you take thatrisk. [DOCTOR] You can't afford not to, Brigadier. If you're going to attackthe Cybermen with missiles, they're going to retaliate, and we want toknow how and with what. [ZOE] But how can you find that out? [DOCTOR] I'll leave my radio on, and then you'll hear every word thatpasses between me and Vaughn. [BRIGADIER] But you'll never get near the place. The whole area will becrawling with Cybermen. [DOCTOR] Oh, there's one particular place where there'll be no Cybermen. [BRIGADIER] Where's that? [DOCTOR] In the sewers. [WALTERS] We're coming in to land, sir. --------------------------------------- (Airfield) [DOCTOR] Bye bye. [BRIGADIER] All set, Jimmy? [TURNER] Yes, sir. I've got a hypersonic jet laid on. We'll be in Russiain no time. [BRIGADIER] Splendid. [ZOE] Good luck. [TURNER] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [WALTERS] All sections prepare for take-off. Secureloading bay and stand by in flight positions. All UNIT ground sectionleaders stand by on full alert readiness. [BRIGADIER] Sergeant Walters, ask Wing Commander Robbins to bring usdown at the nearest airstrip to Henlow Downs Defence base. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, and Sergeant, make sure that a chopper stays in Redsector one area. The Doctor might need it in a hurry. --------------------------------------- (Sewers) [DOCTOR] (sotto) UNIT control. This is the Doctor.Is the Brigadier there, please? [WALTERS [OC]] Hold on a moment, sir. I'll get him. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes, Doctor, go ahead. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, I've just entered the sewers. I'm going to make myway to Vaughn's headquarters. I'll give you a call when I get there. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Right. We'll have a chopper in the area in case you getin trouble. [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [ZOE] But your helicopter isn't going to be much useto the Doctor if he does meet any Cybermen down in those sewers. [BRIGADIER] If you've got any better suggestions, I'll be pleased tohear them. [WALTERS] Excuse me, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes. [WALTERS] Captain Turner's airborne. ETA over Russia two hours sevenminutes from takeoff. [BRIGADIER] Good. Keep the Doctor's channel open and let me know themoment he contacts you. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, don't look so worried. Fancy a cup of tea? --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PACKER] With particularly heavy concentrationshere, here, here, and here. [VAUGHN] And all the main communication centres are now manned by ourforces? [PACKER] Yes, but, er [VAUGHN] What? But what, Packer? [PACKER] Well, we can't make a complete takeover without the fullinvasion force. [VAUGHN] They'll arrive, Packer, they'll arrive. And when they do, therewon't be one city in the entire world that we don't control. Think ofit, Packer, the entire world! [PACKER] It's the security alarm. The UNIT forces must have [VAUGHN] Packer! [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Oh, there you are. Can you hear me, Mister Vaughn? [VAUGHN] Yes? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] I hope I haven't called at an inconvenient moment,but I would rather like a word with you. [VAUGHN] Clever of you to avoid our Cyber-control beam. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Oh, it was nothing. I'll come up. I know the way. [PACKER] He must be out of his mind. [VAUGHN] Far from it, Packer. Have the guards search the building, justin case he's brought any friends with him. [PACKER] Why not just kill him? He's caused enough trouble already. [VAUGHN] You forget, Packer. He's our insurance. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [WALTERS] Approaching Henlow airstrip now, sir. Two minutes totouchdown. [BRIGADIER] Fine. Tell the raiding party to stand by. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [DOCTOR [OC]] Brigadier. Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor, go ahead. [DOCTOR [OC]] Ah. I'm just about to enter the lion's den. I will leavethe radio on as from now. [BRIGADIER] Right. Good luck. [DOCTOR [OC]] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] Keep that channel open and get the whole thing on tape. [WALTERS] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] If he yells for help while I'm away, send in everythingwe've got to get him out. [WALTERS] Right. [VAUGHN [OC]] Ah Doctor, what an unexpected pleasure. Do come in. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [DOCTOR] And you trust them? [VAUGHN] Doctor, I've worked with the Cybermen for five years preparingthis invasion. I know them, the way they think, the single-mindednessof their purpose. [DOCTOR] Then you must know what ruthless and inhuman killers they are. [VAUGHN] Of course. But then, they are my allies, not my enemies. [DOCTOR] Do you really think they'll honour any bargain that you makewith them? [VAUGHN] Oh, I've planned this whole operation in great detail, allowingfor every possible factor. It was I who contacted them in deep space,provided the means by which they travelled to Earth, and mastermindedthe whole operation from A to Z. They have merely provided theiradvanced scientific skills, their might and strength. [DOCTOR] What do they get out of all this? [VAUGHN] What they want, and what they're going to get, are two entirelydifferent things. [DOCTOR] Oh, you're a fool, Vaughn. When they get here, they'll takeover. [VAUGHN] All Cybermen here are conditioned to obey my orders. They aredirectly under my command. [DOCTOR] Oh, possibly. But what about the others, out there in space?Are they conditioned to obey your commands? [VAUGHN] If they're not, I'll destroy them. [DOCTOR] With the Professor's machine? [VAUGHN] Yes. [DOCTOR] With one machine? [VAUGHN] I'll have more made. [DOCTOR] But you'll have to have the Professor's help to do that, won'tyou? We've got the Professor. [VAUGHN] They'll be under my command, exactly like the others. [DOCTOR] But you can't be sure of that, can you? --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [BRIGADIER] Get all these men fitted with neuristors, and put the radioover there. [BRIGADIER] UNIT Control, UNIT Control, how do you read me? Over. [WALTERS [OC]] Loud and clear, sir. Over. [BRIGADIER] Any trouble? [WALTERS [OC]] No, sir. Captain Turner reports they're over the Russianborder now, sir. Over. [ZOE] How about the Doctor? [BRIGADIER] Sergeant, how about the Doctor? [WALTERS [OC]] So far, so good, sir. Over. [BRIGADIER] Right. Out. [BRIGADIER] Take it easy, Major. [BRANWELL] What happened? Were we, were we attacked? [BRIGADIER] Now just try and clear your head. There's a great deal to bedone. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [DOCTOR] But you daren't take the risk! Once theCybermen take over, they'll destroy the Earth as we know it! [VAUGHN] You're just playing for time, aren't you? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to stop you from destroying the human race! [VAUGHN] Your UNIT friends. You presumably managed to protect them fromthe Cyber-control as well? What are they planning? [DOCTOR] I don't know what you're talking about. [VAUGHN] Packer? [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, sir. [VAUGHN] Is the radio beam in the compound aligned yet? [PACKER [on monitor]] Yes, sir. It's all ready. [VAUGHN] Good. Then link the beam to the invasion fleet. [PACKER [on monitor]] Right, Mister Vaughn. [VAUGHN] Whatever it is your UNIT friends are trying to do, it's toolate. --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [BRANWELL] But this is fantastic. Unbelievable. [BRIGADIER] Nevertheless true. We believe they'll be sending their fullinvasion fleet at any time. If they get here, we've had it. [BRANWELL] I see, sir. Sergeant Peters? [PETERS] Sir. [BRANWELL] Anything on the scope? [PETERS] Not a glimmer, sir. [BRANWELL] Well, sir? [BRIGADIER] I suppose we could be too late. [ZOE] What's the maximum range of your radar? [PETERS] Accurate up to fifty thousand miles, miss. Dodgy after that. [ZOE] Well, that means we're not likely to pick them up until they'realmost on top of us. [BRANWELL] Yes, that's true. Well, let's be prepared in case they doappear on the screens. Sergeant Peters, prepare all launch pads. Beginfuel priming and start preliminary countdown. [PETERS] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PLANNER] The transporters will be launched. [VAUGHN] It's all arranged. [PLANNER] The invasion fleet will arrive in two parts. [DOCTOR] You must stop them! This is madness! You can't trust them! [VAUGHN] Don't you understand yet? I have no alternative. (sotto) Ican't see all these years of work destroyed. I must go on, I must! --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [WALTERS [OC]] That's what we hear, sir. The rest ofthem are on their way. Over. [BRANWELL] Something coming in now, sir. [BRIGADIER] Anything from Captain Turner? Have they landed in Russiayet? [WALTERS [OC]] They've landed, sir, but we've heard nothing more. Over. [BRIGADIER] I see. Out. [PETERS] Sir, it's just on range limits now, sir. Faint yet, but movingin fast. [BRIGADIER] Is this it? [BRANWELL] It looks like it, sir. [PETERS] More now, sir, look. They're on a ballistic trajectory. [ZOE] How long before they'll be within range of your missiles? [PETERS] At this rate, a couple of minutes at the moment, miss. [BRANWELL] Sergeant Peters? [PETERS] Sir! [BRANWELL] Where are we on countdown? [PETERS] T minus forty five seconds sir. [BRANWELL] Hold. [BRANWELL] Launch crew hear this. Forty five seconds to lift off.Prepare fuse locks. [WOMAN [OC]] Fuse locks in preparation. Arming code running. [BRANWELL] Run co-ordinates programme A theta. [PETERS] Sir! [ZOE] There are more of them! [PETERS] Sir. [BRANWELL] Sky range probes active. Yes, what is it. [PETERS] More of them, sir! [WOMAN [OC]] Arming code run. All warheads ready for lift offactivation. [BRANWELL] Well, we can't get them all. Let's take as many as we can.Lift off the activation check. [PETERS] Coordinate programme running sir. [BRANWELL] Link programme to telemeter guidance. [PETERS] Roger. [ZOE] Major, I think we stand a good chance of getting at least ninetypercent of them. [BRANWELL] How? We haven't got enough missiles. [ZOE] Oh please, Major. Just knocking out half a dozen of them would dovery little good at all. Let's try for them all. [BRANWELL] Look, Miss, I know my business and I'm telling you we haven'tgot enough missiles. [ZOE] Yes, you have. These things are coming in in a formation pattern.Now if you set your missiles carefully you can set up a chain reactionof explosions. [BRANWELL] No. There isn't time to compute all the relevant information.They'd be on top of us by then. [ZOE] Give me thirty seconds. [BRIGADIER] Give her what she asks, Major. Thirty seconds. [BRANWELL] But sir, this is ridiculous! [BRIGADIER] Just thirty seconds. [BRANWELL] Hold for thirty seconds! [PETERS] Sir, that doesn't give us much time. [BRANWELL] All right Sergeant, I know. Countdown to begin T minus fortyfive seconds. [ZOE] Here. Feed this into your computer. [BRANWELL] Do as she says, now. I'll take over here. [PETERS] Sir. [BRANWELL] You'd better be right. [ZOE] I am. [BRANWELL] T minus forty five seconds from now. [PETERS] Information computed, sir. Thank you, miss. [BRANWELL] Align to telemeter guidance. [PETERS] Sir. T minus thirty two seconds. [WOMAN [OC]] Launch crew clear, sir. [PETERS] Automatic. [BRANWELL] Yes, all guidance now to computer control. Check. [PETERS] T minus twenty eight seconds T minus twenty two seconds.Eighteen seconds [BRANWELL] No hold-ups, please. [PETERS] T minus fourteen seconds. Thirteen, twelve. Ten, nine [PETERS] Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, aero. --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [PLANNER] The first transporter fleet is beingattacked and destroyed. You have betrayed us. [VAUGHN] No! [PLANNER] The failure of this mission is due to you. We will now takeover the invasion. [VAUGHN] No! Wait! Give me time! I can stop this opposition! [PLANNER] There is no more time. [VAUGHN] I won't allow this invasion to [PLANNER] We no longer need you. A Cyber-megatron bomb will bedelivered. We must destroy life on Earth completely. Every livingbeing. [DOCTOR] Is this what you wanted? To be the ruler of a dead world? --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [VAUGHN [OC]] You can't do that. You can't destroythe world. What about me? [PLANNER [OC]] You are of no further use to us. The Cyber-invasion mustsucceed. The bomb will be delivered. [ISOBEL] Hey, you'd better call [BENTON] UNIT Control calling the Brigadier. UNIT Control calling theBrigadier. Over. --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [BRANWELL] Every single one of them, knocked rightout of the sky. [BRIGADIER] Exactly as you predicted, a chain reaction of explosions. [BRANWELL] It's fantastic. How do you do it? [ZOE] Well, it's all quite logical really. Hardly any calculation neededat all. Except for simple stuff like speed, angle of descent andrelative positions of the spaceships. [PETERS] Can't we keep her on, sir? She's much prettier than a computer. [BENTON [OC]] Calling the Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Quiet, everyone! [BENTON [OC]] UNIT control calling the Brigadier. Over. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Sergeant, what's the flap? [BENTON [OC]] Corporal Benton here, sir. [BRIGADIER] Benton? Well, what's happened to Sergeant Walters? [BENTON [OC]] He's taken over the Geneva link, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, I see. Well, what's the flap? [BENTON [OC]] It's news from the Doctor, sir, just come through on hisopen channel. They're going to drop some sort of bomb. [BRIGADIER] Bomb? You mean the Cyberman are? [BENTON [OC]] Yes, sir. Something called a Cyber-megatron bomb. They'regoing to wipe us all out, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, Benton, stand by. We're on our way back. Out. We'removing out. Keep in touch, Major. We'll keep all radio communication onopen network so that you'll know what's going on. [BRANWELL] Right sir. [BRIGADIER] And keep your eyes skinned in case they start sending anymore stuff in. And try and get a fix on that bomb. [BRANWELL] If we do, sir, we'll try to touch it off on its approachorbit. [BRIGADIER] Right. Let's go! --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] But if you do, you'll destroy everythinghere. Even your own Cybermen! [PLANNER] The sacrifice will be small. [VAUGHN] You can't do this! I won't let you! [PLANNER] You cannot stop us. No one can. [DOCTOR] Now you're beginning to understand the Cybermen, Vaughn, youcan't make bargains with them! [VAUGHN] I won't let them take over. I won't! You think you'reindestructible? Well, I can destroy all of you! [PLANNER] Opposition is useless. The Cybermen will [DOCTOR] Vaughn! Switch it off, you'll blow us all sky high! [VAUGHN] I'll destroy them all! All! [VAUGHN] It's dead. I killed it. I destroyed it. [DOCTOR] That won't stop them. They're still out there in spacepreparing to destroy the world. [VAUGHN] Five years, and in less than five seconds! [DOCTOR] Vaughn, listen to me. The Cybermen will deliver their bomb onthe same radio beam they used for their invasion. You've got to turn itoff, man. You've got to turn it off! [VAUGHN] What? [DOCTOR] We're both on the same side now, both fighting for our lives.You've got to turn the radio beam off! [VAUGHN] The radio? [DOCTOR] Yes! That's how they'll deliver their bomb! [VAUGHN] The radio beam! Yes, yes, Packer must. Packer! Packer! Whereare you? [PACKER] Vaughn! They've taken over! The Cybermen, they won't obey!They've killed the. They're coming after us. Vaughn, what have you doneto us? What have you done? [DOCTOR] Vaughn, where is the transmitter for the radio beam? [VAUGHN] We can't fight them. They're too powerful. Too many of them. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't be a fool, man. Where do we turn it off? [VAUGHN] At the compound, but they'll be there. [DOCTOR] Right. We must stop them. Brigadier, Brigadier, this is theDoctor. Can you still hear me. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Yes Doctor, we heard everything. What dowe do? [DOCTOR [OC]] There are only two possibilities. We must either cut offthe transmitter of the radio beam at the compound or destroy theCyberman spaceship. [BRIGADIER] How much time do we have? [DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, I've no idea, it could be minutes or hours. Dependshow long it'll takes them to prepare this bomb of theirs. [BRIGADIER] Well, destroying the spaceship is going to take time. Now,we've heard from Captain Turner. The Russians are with us, but they sayit'll take at least ten hours or more to get a missile that far. [DOCTOR [OC]] Then there's only one chance. The radio beam. Wait.Vaughn. Now, Vaughn, will you help us? We must try to get to thecontrols of the radio beam. We'll never do it in time unless you helpus! --------------------------------------- (Vaughn's office) [VAUGHN] You still think you have a chance? [DOCTOR] Yes, if you'll help us! [VAUGHN] Help you? Why should I? [DOCTOR] Well, to save us. To save yourself! [VAUGHN] And if I survive, what future have I got? What will the worlddo with me? [DOCTOR] Oh, for heaven's sake, stop thinking about yourself! Think ofthe millions of people on earth who are about to die! [VAUGHN] Appealing to my better nature? No. If I help you it'll bebecause I hate them. The Cybermen, my allies. You think I'm mad, thatall I want is power for its own sake. No, I have to have power. Theworld is weak, vulnerable, a mess of uncoordinated and impossibleideals. It needs a strong man, a single mind. A leader! [DOCTOR] Vaughn, will you listen? [VAUGHN] Right. I'll help you to destroy them because I hate them. Theydestroyed my dream. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, Brigadier? [BRIGADIER [OC]] We have a chopper in the area. Can you get up to theroof? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, we'll wait there for you. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Wilco. Out. [VAUGHN] Your UNIT friends are very efficient. I'll lead the way to theroof. [VAUGHN] No, no, no, I'll take that. The Cybermen will be guarding theradio transmitter. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] Brigadier to Wing Commander. Get usairborne and head for the nearest airstrip to the compound area. Redsector two. [WING COMMANDER [OC]] Wilco. [BRIGADIER] Take over, Benton. [BENTON] Right, sir. [ISOBEL] Are we going to go in and help the Doctor? [BRIGADIER] Ah yes. [ZOE] He'll need it if he's got to fight his way through two hundredCybermen. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I only wish we had more time to release more men fromthe Cyber-control. As it is we've only got a platoon. [TURNER [OC]] Captain Turner to UNIT Control. Come in Control. Do youread me, over? [BENTON] Loud and clear. Hang on, sir! [BRIGADIER] Yes, Jimmy. Over. [TURNER [OC]] Hello sir. The Russians have fitted a warhead to therocket now, sir. A super-cooled hydrogen device. It's a solid fuelbooster so it's nearly ready for liftoff. Over. [BRIGADIER] Good, Jimmy, sounds promising. We probably haven't got allthat much time, but there's no reason why we shouldn't chuck everythingwe've got at them. Out. [WING COMMANDER [OC]] Ready for take off, sir. [BRIGADIER] Take off. --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [BENTON [OC]] All UNIT personnel to flightpositions. Standard take off procedure. Assault platoon, prepare foraction. ETA, fifteen minutes approximately. All mobile UNIT groupsproceed to Red sector two area. I say again, all mobile UNIT groupsproceed to Red sector two area. [PETERS] Do you think that Russian rocket stands any chance? [BRANWELL] At that distance? Not enough time. [PETERS] No, I suppose not. [BRANWELL] That's why those Cybermen things are keeping their range.They know they're safe. [PETERS] But you never know, they could take time to get that bomb oftheirs ready, and that Russian rocket might make it. [BRANWELL] Yeah, it just might. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BENTON] Sir, Captain Turner reports Russian missileon it's way. [BRIGADIER] Wish them luck. Now, Captain Turner will be keeping usposted stage by stage, so keep listening, Benton. [BENTON] Sir. [PILOT [OC]] UNIT sector five chopper to Command. Over. [BENTON] Command here. Receiving you. Over. [PILOT [OC]] Coming in to land at the compound, Red sector two. Mypassenger wants a word. Over. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor. [DOCTOR [OC]] Er, Brigadier. We're just coming in to land at thecompound. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, hang on till we get there. We'll give yousupport. [DOCTOR [OC]] No, no, I'm sorry, Brigadier. We must go in right away,otherwise we'll be too late. [BRIGADIER] But that's madness. You don't stand a chance against theCybermen without us. [DOCTOR [OC]] Don't worry. We have the Professor's machine. It's provedto be very effective so far. [BRIGADIER] Well, don't take any chances. We'll get there as soon as wecan. Where should we head for? [DOCTOR] Vaughn says that the transmitter controls are in the old IEfactory. That's on the east side of the compound. [BRIGADIER] Right. [PILOT] Chopper Pilot to Command, sir. Coming down now. What shall I do,stick around? Over. [BRIGADIER] Yes, hover above them. It'll give us a bearing. [PILOT] Wilco. Out. [BRIGADIER] How long before we touch down, Benton? [BENTON] About ten minutes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, get the men out as soon as we've taxied in. [BENTON] Right, sir. Assault platoon prepare for action. Maintainconstant communication with control on Red alert frequency. [ZOE] Can we come with you? [BRIGADIER] Well I don't really think [ISOBEL] It'll be the last chance I'll get to photograph the Cybermen.Please. [BRIGADIER] As long as you keep out of the way. At least I'll be able tokeep an eye on you this time. --------------------------------------- (Factory grounds) [VAUGHN] What are you doing? We must destroy them! [DOCTOR] We want to get to the radio transmitter control room. TheCybermen don't know we're here yet. Let's keep that element ofsurprise. Come on, we'll try down here. [DOCTOR] Now they know we're here. [VAUGHN] Right. Up there. We'll go over the roofs. [VAUGHN] That's it. That's where we've got to get to. Down there. --------------------------------------- (Factory entrance) [BRIGADIER] There's the chopper. The Doctor's over that way. Follow me! [SOLDIER] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Factory rooftop) [DOCTOR] Look out! [DOCTOR] Look out! Come on! [DOCTOR] Is this the only way down? [VAUGHN] Yes. [DOCTOR] Come on, then. --------------------------------------- (Factory compound) [BRIGADIER] Cybermen! Take cover! [BRIGADIER] Grenades! [BRIGADIER] Bazooka! [BRIGADIER] If they come around, move. [BRIGADIER] Stop! Forward! [BRIGADIER] And that was just a dozen of them. I'd hate to have to meeta hundred of them. Forward! [SOLDIER] Forward! [VAUGHN] That's where the main control switch is for the radio beam. [DOCTOR] There don't seem to be any Cybermen about at all. That's odd. [VAUGHN] Well let's not waste time, then. [DOCTOR] Look behind you! [BRIGADIER] Doctor, get down! [BRIGADIER] Right, bazooka! [BRIGADIER] You all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] What? Yes, yes, it's there, in that building. The radiotransmitter control, you've got to destroy it! [BRIGADIER] Leave it to us. Forward! [ISOBEL] Just a second. [DOCTOR] Oh, but I [ISOBEL] That's it. That's better. Sit still. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRIGADIER] And for the moment, the crisis is over.The radio transmitter's been destroyed, so the Cybermen can no longerdeliver their bomb. But their spaceship is still sending out itshypnotic signals. The world is still paralysed. --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [BRIGADIER [OC]] To stop these signals, we have todestroy the Cyberman spaceship. [PETERS] Sir! [BRIGADIER [OC]] The Russians have already launched a missile whichshould arrive on target in approximately six hours from now. [BRANWELL] What is it, Sergeant? [PETERS] Something on the screen, moving in fast. [BRIGADIER [OC]] If this is successful, [PETERS] Look at the size of it! [BRIGADIER [OC]] Then the world will be released from the Cyber-control,and we can mobilise our forces to fight the Cybermen [BRANWELL] That can only be one thing. The spaceship. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Remaining on earth. In this case, I'd like all units [BRANWELL] Hello, UNIT Control. Hello, UNIT Control. Henlow Downscalling UNIT control. Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes, Major. [BRANWELL] Sorry to interrupt you sir, but we've picked up a large UFOapproaching Earth. --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRANWELL [OC]] It's standing off at about fiftythousand miles. Outside our range, I'm afraid. Over. [ZOE] They've moved in. Why? [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Major. Out. Get Captain Turner. [BENTON] Right, sir. UNIT Control calling Captain Turner. UNIT Controlcalling Captain Turner. Do you read me? [BRIGADIER] Why do you think they've moved their spaceship in so close,Doctor? [BENTON] UNIT Control calling Captain Turner. UNIT Control callingCaptain Turner. Do you read me? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure. Possibly to try to avoid the Russian missile or [BRIGADIER] Or to deliver their bomb by other means. [BENTON] UNIT Control calling Captain Turner. UNIT control CallingCaptain Turner. Do you read me? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so. You see, from where they were, let's saytwo hundred and thirty thousand miles out in space, their conventionalmissiles couldn't deliver the bomb, so they had to come in close. [ZOE] But in moving in fifty thousand miles, they've come into range ofthe Russian missiles. Well, it can't be more than a few miles fromthem. [DOCTOR] But it's going in the opposite direction! [TURNER [OC]] Captain Turner here. Over. [BENTON] Here we are, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Jimmy. [TURNER [OC]] Sir. Sorry about the delay but we've had a bit of a flapon here. [BRIGADIER] Yes, we know. Can the Russians turn their missile? [TURNER [OC]] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] How long before it strikes? [TURNER [OC]] They estimate twelve point five minutes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Jimmy. Out. That's more than time enough for themto deliver their bomb and move out to safety, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes, Brigadier, I'm afraid it is. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, this is going to be a long twelve minutes. [BENTON] Sorry, sir. --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [PETERS] There it is. The Russian missile. [BRANWELL] Thank heavens for that. I'll tell UNIT control. [PETERS] Ah! Must be the Cybermen's bomb. [BRANWELL] Red alert procedure! Raise all missiles! --------------------------------------- (Aeroplane) [BRANWELL [OC]] It'll be in range in about thirtyseconds, sir. It's travelling fast but we stand a good chance ofpicking it off. Over. [BRIGADIER] How about the Cyber-spaceship, is that still there? [BRANWELL [OC]] Still there, sir. If they don't shift soon that Russianmissile will hit it right on the button. [BRIGADIER] Let's hope so. --------------------------------------- (Henlow Downs) [PETERS] Coming into range sir. [BRANWELL] Must go, sir. Over and out. [PETERS] Fifteen seconds. [BRANWELL] Right. Let's get it first time, lads! [PETERS] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six [PETERS] Five, four, three, two, one, zero! [PETERS] She's going wide! [BRANWELL] Prepare two! [PETERS] Two away, and it looks good. [BRANWELL] Splendid! Stand by three, just in case. [PETERS] Standing by. [PETERS] Ten seconds and it's on the button! It's on the button! We'vedone it! [BRANWELL] Hello, UNIT Control. Hello, UNIT Control. Henlow Downscalling UNIT Control. Over. [PETERS] Sir, the Russian missile, it's almost on top of the spaceship!I think they've got her! --------------------------------------- (Lounge) [ISOBEL] Tired? [ZOE] No, exhausted! [ISOBEL] Okay, you can take a breather. [ZOE] Thanks. [ISOBEL] Thank goodness I don't have to do any more modelling for aliving. [ZOE] What is this new job of yours, then? [ISOBEL] Well, because of my photographs of the Cybermen in action, I'vegot an exclusive contract with a publishing group. So I'll betravelling all over the world, snapping away with my little black box.What will you do now? [ZOE] Oh, when the Doctor's finished making his circuits, we'll be offagain, I suppose. [ISOBEL] Where to? [ZOE] Well, we're never really sure. [TURNER] Hello. [ISOBEL] Ah! Here comes my dolly soldier. [TURNER] Cheeky. Zoe, the Doctor says he's almost ready to leave. I'vegot the Jeep outside. [ZOE] Oh fine. But what about Jamie? [TURNER] Oh, he's all right. He's just having a check-up at thehospital. We'll pick him up on the way. [ISOBEL] Well, can I come with you? [TURNER] As long as you promise not to call me your dolly soldier infront of the Brigadier, yes. Come on. [ZOE] Right, come on! --------------------------------------- (Field) [ISOBEL] Here? [DOCTOR] Yes. This is fine, thank you. [TURNER] A field? There's nothing here. [ZOE] Are you sure this is the place, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Well I'm very much obliged to you, Captain. [TURNER] Oh, goodbye. [DOCTOR] Goodbye to you. Goodbye, Isobel. Goodbye, everyone. Come along,Jamie. [ISOBEL] Why are they going into that field? [TURNER] I've no idea. [DOCTOR] Now, then, where exactly did we leave it? You two try overthere. [ISOBEL] What's he doing? [TURNER] Search me. [DOCTOR] There we are, all done and ready to go. Bye bye. Bye! [ZOE] Bye. [JAMIE] Bye. [ISOBEL] A police box? I don't believe it.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Invasion"}
Doctor Who (28 Dec, 1968; Second Doctor) - The Krotons (Learning Hall) [SELRIS] Class three one nine six in the first grade. The names of thefirst selected candidates are, male, Abu-Gond! The second name isfemale. Vana-Gond! [THARA] (a young man) No! [SELRIS] Abu-Gond and Vana-Gond, alone of your generation you have beenchosen to receive the highest honour that can befall a Gond. You arenow the companions of the Krotons! Our warmest, our most sincerecongratulations to you both. You will now step forward for theinvestiture of your robes of honour. Eelek. [VANA] Please, Thara! [THARA] You can't go. I won't let you go! [VANA] I must! [THARA] Look, Vana, we can run away. There's still time. [VANA] You know that's not possible. We must always obey. [THARA] Why? [SELRIS] Because, my son, it is the law of the Krotons! --------------------------------------- (Planet surface) [DOCTOR] Lovely, lovely, lovely. [JAMIE] Pwoar, bad eggs. Let's try somewhere else. [ZOE] No, wait a minute. Where are we? [JAMIE] You don't expect him to know, do you? [DOCTOR] Well, let's explore shall we? [JAMIE] An umbrella? [DOCTOR] Yes, twin suns. It's bound to be hot. [JAMIE] Oh. [ZOE] I don't think I like it here. It looks dead. [JAMIE] Aye, it smells dead. [ZOE] Sulphur, isn't it? It could be poisonous. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, the instruments in the Tardis would have toldus. No it's a, it's a mixture of ozone and sulphur. Very bracing! --------------------------------------- (Cliff path) [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] Oh, fascinating structures. Magnesium silicate. [JAMIE] Eh? [ZOE] He means mica. [JAMIE] Oh. What? (They reach the top.) [DOCTOR] Dead, is it? [ZOE] Is it a city? [DOCTOR] Yes, fascinating architecture. It's more typical of a lowgravity planet, and yet I think this is quite normal. Yes. [ZOE] Inca, perhaps? [DOCTOR] Yes, possibly. [JAMIE [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Come on, let's see what he's up to. Be careful. [JAMIE] Doctor, down here. [JAMIE] Doctor, down here! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Dynatrope) [ZOE] What is it? [JAMIE] I don't know. There's a ramp here. [ZOE] Yes, and there's a door as well. Is it a wall? [DOCTOR] I hardly think so, Zoe. [JAMIE] Phwoar, that smell's a lot stronger round here. [DOCTOR] Oh this is interesting! [ZOE] What, Doctor? [JAMIE] Oh, metal, isn't it? [ZOE] What, covered in moss and lichen? [JAMIE] Well, er. [DOCTOR] Metal? Would you say so? I think we'd better get away fromhere. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Come along. [ZOE] But why? [DOCTOR] Well, this isn't a building, this is a machine. Come along. [JAMIE] Machine? Doctor, it's opening! [DOCTOR] Come on, quickly. Behind the rocks. (The Doctor, Jamie and Zoehide behind a convenient boulder and watch Abu totter out, somewhatdazed but still wearing his cape. Two nozzles emerge from either sideof the door.) [JAMIE] What's the matter with him? [DOCTOR] Shush! [ZOE] Oh, that poor man. [JAMIE] What happened to him? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jamie. Come on, let's get away from here. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [THARA] Can't you give the order she doesn't haveto go? You're our leader! [SELRIS] But the Krotons have chosen Vana. It is a great honour! [THARA] Honour? Why do we take their orders? [EELEK] Vana. [THARA] We don't even know if they exist. [VANA] Thara, you can't say things like that. [EELEK] Get out of the way. [THARA] She's not going into that machine! [EELEK] She has to go in. No one defies the Krotons. [THARA] All right! [EELEK] Now don't be so stupid! [SELRIS] Thara! [EELEK] Disarm him! [THARA] Keep back! [ZOE] Oh, I hope they're friendly. [DOCTOR] Now just leave this to me, Zoe. [DOCTOR] We are friends! [DOCTOR] It's all right. Now don't be afraid. [JAMIE] We have trouble. [AXUS] Who are you? [DOCTOR] But, but, one of your people has been [AXUS] You're strangers. Where are you from? [ZOE] Well, if we told you it wouldn't mean anything. [AXUS] Answer me. Where are you from? [DOCTOR] There's no time for explanations! As I say, one of your peoplehas been [AXUS] They're not Gonds! Their clothes, the way they're dressed. [DOCTOR] Look, we are friendly. [JAMIE] Look, are you going to let us pass or not? [ZOE] Doctor! Look. [EELEK] Do something about him. He's your son. [THARA] I'm warning you. One step nearer. [SELRIS] Thara, will you be reasonable? The Krotons have sent for Vana. [THARA] She'd not going. Nobody comes back from there! [VANA] Let me go, Thara. Please. I don't want them to hurt you. (With aspear point at his throat, Thara throws down his weapon. Vana stepsforward to Eelek, who puts a curly necklace with a breastplate attachedaround Vana's neck.) [EELEK] A bit of sense, just in time. [ZOE] That doorway. It's like the other one. [JAMIE] Aye, and she's wearing a cloak just like that chap we sawkilled. [ZOE] Is she being sacrificed? [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so, Zoe. They're too civilised for that. [JAMIE] Can we not stop them? [DOCTOR] Well, we can try. Just a minute. Wait! [AXUS] They're interrupting the ceremony! Take them! [JAMIE] Now just. (guards grab them) Aye, you wouldn't be so toughwithout these guards round you. [AXUS] Get back. I accept your challenge. [JAMIE] Oh you do, do you? Aye, well, that's just fine with me then. [DOCTOR] Now Jamie, don't be so rash. [JAMIE] Ah don't worry, Doctor. I'll see to this laddie. [JAMIE] No, I'll not be needing that, thank you. [ZOE] Oh, Jamie, watch out! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [ZOE] Oh Doctor! Oh, can't we stop them? Oh, Jamie. [ZOE] Oh Jamie, come on! [ZOE] Doctor, look. The girl! [SELRIS] What is happening? Who are these people? [DOCTOR] That was the very question I was going to ask you! What ishappening here? Where has that girl gone? [AXUS] Eelek, they forced their way through! [SELRIS] Who are you? [DOCTOR] There is no time to explain! [JAMIE] Look, you wouldn't believe us even if we told you. [ZOE] We're from another planet, another world. [DOCTOR] That girl. Now where has she gone? [SELRIS] How can they be from another planet? [JAMIE] Och, look, we're just wasting time. Now where has she gone? [DOCTOR] What's behind that wall? [THARA] The Krotons. They've sent her to join the Krotons. [ZOE] Well, what are the Krotons? [THARA] The Krotons live in the machine, so we're told. [SELRIS] Vana is joining the Krotons. It is a great honour. [THARA] Honour? She didn't want to go. Nobody really wants to disappearinto that thing. [DOCTOR] How do you open this door? [EELEK] Why are you asking so many questions? [DOCTOR] Because a moment ago we saw a young man dressed in a silverrobe just like that girl. We saw him killed! [SELRIS] Abu-Gond? [EELEK] That's ridiculous. How can these people have seen Abu-Gond? [SELRIS] He's with the Krotons. [JAMIE] Aye, well, we saw someone killed anyway. He came out of thatmachine and was [ZOE] Vapourised. [JAMIE] Aye. Right round the other side. [AXUS] Other side? [SELRIS] You have been in the wasteland. [EELEK] They're contaminated. You're contaminated. No one goes into thewasteland. [ZOE] Why not? [EELEK] Because it's poisoned, and you will die. [DOCTOR] Well, it may have been poisoned once, but I can assure you it'squite safe now. [JAMIE] Doctor, that girl. If she comes out that way. [DOCTOR] Oh Jamie, you're right. We must save her! [JAMIE] I know! [DOCTOR] Well, come on! [JAMIE] That's what I'm saying! [SELRIS] Where are you going? [ZOE] To the wasteland! [SELRIS] But you can't. It's against the law of the Krotons! [THARA] I'm going with them! [SELRIS] Thara, come back! [THARA] If they can go into the wasteland, I can. [SELRIS] Thara! You'll die! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Dynatrope) [JAMIE] There it is. [DOCTOR] I wonder how long. I imagine we haven't much time. [ZOE] What are you going to do? [DOCTOR] You keep away, Zoe. Keep right away. [THARA] Can I help? [DOCTOR] Well, Mister? [THARA] Thara. [DOCTOR] Yes, well you can find some more stones like this. [THARA] What? [DOCTOR] Well, if you want to help! Now then. [DOCTOR] Yes, that one. [DOCTOR] Right! Come down here. [ZOE] Doctor, I think I can hear something. [DOCTOR] Yes Zoe, so can I. [THARA] Vana! [JAMIE] Keep down! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, quick! [JAMIE] Doctor, look out! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, hurry! [JAMIE] Quick! [THARA] What's happened? What have they done to her? [DOCTOR] The vandals. Look at that. [ZOE] That could have happened to you! [DOCTOR] My favourite umbrella. [THARA] She doesn't know me. She can't speak or anything. [JAMIE] Aye, it's something that those Krotons have done to her. [DOCTOR] Let me see. Oh dear, this is almost catatonic. ZOE [DOCTOR] I'm not a Doctor of medicine you know, Zoe. However, if there'sno damage to the tissue. Is there anywhere we can take her? [THARA] My father's house is quite near, on the edge of the community. [DOCTOR] Well, let's take her there. Give me a hand. Come on, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (Selris' house) [SELRIS] It's almost impossible to believe. The Krotons have always beenour good friends. Our benefactors. [ZOE] Well, you've only got to see what they've done to Vana. [SELRIS] Yes, poor child. [JAMIE] How is she? [THARA] Just the same. [DOCTOR] You're resting. You're calmly resting. Your mind is quiteempty. You're resting. Now, you're going to sleep, Vana. Sleep. Feelingsleepy. Very sleepy. Sleep. [SELRIS] You see, every so often the two best of our students haveentered the machine to join the Krotons. They can't all have beenmurdered. [ZOE] Well, it's possible. If they had you wouldn't know because thisspray stuff just [JAMIE] Dissolves everything. In any case, none of your people ever gointo the wasteland. [SELRIS] But why should they do it? Why should they kill the best of ourstudents? [ZOE] What are they like, these Krotons? [SELRIS] No living person has ever seen them. They never come out of themachine. [ZOE] Never? [SELRIS] Not since the beginning. Not for thousands of years. [ZOE] How is she? [DOCTOR] She's asleep at last. [JAMIE] Is she going to be all right, though? [DOCTOR] Well, I hope so, Jamie. It's difficult to tell. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [SELRIS] And she was one of the finest students we've ever produced. [DOCTOR] Oh really? Competition for you, Zoe. [ZOE] Selris was just saying that no one's ever seen these Krotons. [JAMIE] Aye, they never leave that machine. [DOCTOR] How did all this begin, Selris? [SELRIS] According to our legends, silver men came out of the sky andbuilt a house among us. The Gonds attacked them but the silver mencaused a poisonous rain to fall, killing hundreds of our people andturning the earth black. [JAMIE] The wasteland. [SELRIS] Yes. Because it was said that ever afterwards anyone who setfoot there would die in terrible pain. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [CUSTODIAN] Who are you? What do you want? Leave me alone! [THARA] The Krotons. You must know a lot about them. [CUSTODIAN] What do you mean? [STUDENT] You're their servant, aren't you? You work for them. [CUSTODIAN] I am only the Custodian of the Learning Hall. [THARA] Of course. So you can tell us what we want to know. [CUSTODIAN] I am forbidden to discuss the secrets. [STUDENT] We only want to know how to get at them. [THARA] We want to see the Krotons for ourselves. [CUSTODIAN] Nobody has seen the Krotons, not for thousands of years. [THARA] You're sure they don't come out of the machine in the darknesswhen there's no one here? [CUSTODIAN] No. Come out? Never! [THARA] Then how do they give their orders? Answer me! [CUSTODIAN] There are messages. You must know that. [THARA] What else? [CUSTODIAN] Sometimes there is a voice. [THARA] But you've never seen them? There's no way you can get insidethere? [CUSTODIAN] Only the companions of the Krotons may enter. [THARA] And now we know what happens to them. But you can summon theKrotons, can't you? [CUSTODIAN] It is not for me to summon them. I obey their commands. [THARA] If we can't get in there, then we must fetch them out. Theirprecious teaching machines. Smash them! [CUSTODIAN] Smash the machines? Guards! [THARA] Do not hurt him! Tie his hands and gag him. [STUDENT] Well, keep still then. We've no quarrel with you. --------------------------------------- (Selris' house) [JAMIE] But what happened after this war with theKrotons? [SELRIS] Ever since, we have lived in peace with them. The Krotons nevershow themselves to us, but we learn from them through the teachingmachines. [ZOE] Teaching machines? [SELRIS] Yes, in the Hall of Learning, where you were today. Themachines fill the mind with knowledge. [DOCTOR] And everyone uses these machines? [SELRIS] When they are young, yes. That is the law. [DOCTOR] Whose law, Selris? [SELRIS] Our law. The Gonds'. [DOCTOR] But I thought you said all your laws were given you by theKrotons? [SELRIS] Yes, all our science, all our culture, everything we have, hascome from the machine. [DOCTOR] I see. A sort of self-perpetuating slavery. And the Krotonsalways choose your two most promising students? [SELRIS] To be their companions, yes. Do you think they've all beenkilled? [JAMIE] Aye, well, we saw one of them killed anyway. [ZOE] Well why are they doing it, Doctor? What's the point? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Well, it's time it was stopped, anyway. It's high time itwas stopped. [SELRIS] What shall I tell my people? How can I explain? [JAMIE] Explain what? Just tell the truth. [SELRIS] What, that they've been tricked? That for thousands of yearsthe best of our students have been dying, murdered by the Krotons? [ZOE] Well, what are you afraid of? [DOCTOR] Another war between your people and the Krotons, you mean. [SELRIS] Yes. There could be terrible bloodshed. Another wasteland herein our community. [BETA] Selris. [SELRIS] Ah, Beta. Come and meet our guests. My friends, this is Beta,our controller of Science and my son's good friend. [BETA] That's what I'm here for. Do you know what Thara's planning? [SELRIS] Planning? [BETA] He and some students gone out to the Learning Hall. They're goingto wreck the machines. [SELRIS] No! [BETA] You've got to stop them, Selris. I came as quickly as I could,but they'll be there by now. [SELRIS] Then it's too late! [DOCTOR] Not if we cut through the wasteland. [JAMIE] Aye, it's the shortest route. [SELRIS] The wasteland? [BETA] But the poison? [DOCTOR] Oh, that wore off a long time ago. It's quite safe now. [JAMIE] Oh well, look, we've been in it twice today and we're all right. [SELRIS] Very well. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [THARA] Come on! [THARA] There! That should fetch them out! [STUDENT] Come on, let's wreck another! [THARA] Smash them! [COMPUTER [OC]] Stop! This is a warning. Leave the hall. All Gonds leavethe hall now. [STUDENT] It's the Krotons! [COMPUTER [OC]] Leave the hall. All Gonds leave the hall now. [THARA] That's just a voice. Listen. [COMPUTER [OC]] This is a warning. [THARA] Come out, you Krotons, and fight! Come out! [STUDENT] Murderers! [SELRIS] Stop! [THARA] Leave me alone! [SELRIS] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Stop it. Stop it, all of you! Listen to me. This will do nogood at all. These Krotons must have enormous scientific powers. Youcan't defeat them with axes! [DOCTOR] Now, if this was an atomic laser, it might be more use. [THARA] An atomic-laser? Is that better than an axe? [SELRIS] Look at the damage you've done. Completely senseless. [THARA] Look what they did to our friends, Father. [SELRIS] Destroying the machines won't avenge Abu, or help Vana, willit? [STUDENT] But we can't get in there! If we attack their machines [THARA] The Krotons will come out. [DOCTOR] I think something's coming out now. [ZOE] What is it? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Zoe, but keep well clear of it. [JAMIE] Look out! [THARA] What's it doing? [ZOE] It seems to be looking at us. [JAMIE] How can it be? It's not alive, is it? [ZOE] Doctor, it's after you. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [ZOE] Oh Doctor, don't move! [DOCTOR] It's all right, Zoe. I think it's quite safe now. [JAMIE] Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. [DOCTOR] Just watch this, Jamie. [ZOE] Pattern recognition. [DOCTOR] Yes, and the pattern is my face. [SELRIS] Doctor, do you mean that thing was sent out to attack you andonly you? [DOCTOR] Yes, so it seems. It's rather flattering, isn't it. [ZOE] Well then, the Krotons know who you are. [JAMIE] Aye! [ZOE] Or at least what you look like. [DOCTOR] Yes. That means they must have a scanner in the wall of themachine. Now if we can find that, we might be able to get in touch withthem. [JAMIE] Doctor! [JAMIE] Oh, no. [JAMIE] It's gone back. [DOCTOR] Yes. That poor fellow must have confused it's attack mechanism. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Well, it was programmed to kill once. Me! It must think thatit's succeeded, stupid machine. [THARA] There's your wonderful Krotons for you Father! Murderers! [SELRIS] No! Thara, don't provoke them! [THARA] Is that all you care about, not provoking them? [SELRIS] What can we do against their weapons? [THARA] We can fight! [COMPUTER [OC]] This is a warning. Your leader has been destroyed. AllGonds leave the Learning Hall at once. At once. [THARA] No! Stay and fight! [COMPUTER [OC]] Leave the Learning Hall. All Gonds leave the learninghall. [SELRIS] Everyone, leave the hall. Now! [ZOE] Where did this come from? [DOCTOR] I borrowed it from Beta. [ZOE] But I thought they didn't know anything about electricity? [DOCTOR] They don't. That works on stored solar energy. Yes, the Gondsare quite advanced in some ways. Their medicine's very good, but theyhaven't got much general chemistry. I wish they had an ETC machinethough. [ZOE] Yes. There are tremendous gaps in their knowledge. Well, they onlyseem to know what the machines teach them. [DOCTOR] Yes. And the machines are programmed by the Krotons, so thegaps in their knowledge may be significant. Ah, Selris. [SELRIS] How is she, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well I think she's better. It's difficult to tell. Selris, isit safe to enter the Learning Hall yet? [SELRIS] Why? [DOCTOR] Zoe and I want to have a look round, don't we, Zoe? [ZOE] Oh, do we? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Jamie, hold out your hand, will you? [JAMIE] What for? [DOCTOR] These pills I got from Beta. [JAMIE] There's nothing wrong with me. [DOCTOR] No, no. They're for Vana. I want you to stay and look afterher. [JAMIE] Oh, now why can't I go with you? [DOCTOR] Because I particularly want you to give her those pills themoment she wakes up. [JAMIE] Ah, well. [ZOE] Well, why are we going back to the Learning Hall? [DOCTOR] To learn, Zoe. Why else? [SELRIS] I'm coming with you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, my dear fellow, there's no need for that. [SELRIS] I must know what is happening. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, certainly. Come along, Zoe. [JAMIE] Zoe, watch him. You know what he's like. [ZOE] Oh don't worry, Jamie. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything rash. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [DOCTOR] Selris, what's that? [SELRIS] Oh, that leads to the under-hall. [DOCTOR] Oh? What's down there? [SELRIS] Nothing. It's never used. [DOCTOR] I wonder how far underneath? Let's have a look, shall we? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, it's a bit dark and musty down here. Zoe, stay upthere, will you? We shan't be long. [SELRIS] I told you there was nothing down there. [DOCTOR] Ah, but there was, Selris. Something rather curious. [SELRIS] Only the foundations of the machine. It stands on those metalpillars. [DOCTOR] Zoe! [DOCTOR] Zoe! [ZOE] Oh, you're soon back, Doctor. [DOCTOR] What do you think you're doing? [ZOE] I was just trying the machine. [DOCTOR] You should know better than to do a thing like that. [ZOE] Oh, but Doctor, it was all so easy! The Krotons were very pleasedwith me. [DOCTOR] Very pleased? [ZOE] Well, I felt they were. [DOCTOR] Zoe! Now, just you listen to me. Whatever else they are, theseKrotons are certainly not friendly. Now we know that, don't we? [ZOE] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] They use these machines to plant impressions on the mind.That's how they've enslaved these people all these years. [SELRIS] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What? [SELRIS] Look at the dial. [DOCTOR] Oh? What of it? [SELRIS] It's amazing! Even the best of our students registered lessthan half that score. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, Zoe is something of a genius. Of course it can bevery irritating at times. --------------------------------------- (Selris' house) [JAMIE] Vana! You're all right now. You're safe! [VANA] The ball. The burning ball. [JAMIE] What? [VANA] It's over my head! [JAMIE] Vana, there is nothing here now. [VANA] No, no, I saw it. I saw it! [JAMIE] Thara, look. [THARA] Now Vana, you're all right. There's nothing here. You're safe. [VANA] It was flashing. All the lights. Burning my mind. The lights. [THARA] Vana, you're all right now. You're home. [VANA] Thara, is that you? [THARA] At least she recognises me. Vana, listen. Nothing can hurt younow. You're going to be all right. [VANA] Thara, I went into the machine. [JAMIE] Did you see the Krotons? [VANA] The ball. Flashing! Coming down on me! [THARA] You're quite safe here, Vana! [VANA] No, no. [JAMIE] You'd better take these. Here. [JAMIE] Drink up now. All down. That's it. [JAMIE] Flashing ball burning her mind? [THARA] What did she mean? Is it another of the Krotons weapons? [JAMIE] I don't know. Look, you stay here with her. I'll go and get theDoctor. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [ZOE] It's crystalline. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's hard but it's not brittle. I've never seen anythingquite like it. [ZOE] What was it like down there? [DOCTOR] Mm? Oh, what Selris calls the foundations. Zoe, it was like aroot structure. [ZOE] A root structure? But indicates that [DOCTOR] That this so-called machine is organic in structure. Yes. [ZOE] Well, is that possible? [DOCTOR] Well, why not? Some crystals do resemble simple virus forms. Iwish I could get a bit of it for analysis. [ZOE] Well if you're right that means that the whole of this machine isa sort of a living thing. [DOCTOR] Well all life doesn't necessarily have feeling, you know. [DOCTOR] Great jumping gobstoppers! What's that? [SELRIS] The Kroton's command. It means there is a message for me. [DOCTOR] Oh, what does it say? [SELRIS] Class three one nine seven. Selected female, Zo-Gond. [DOCTOR] Zo-Gond? Zoe! They mean you! [SELRIS] They've chosen you as a companion. [DOCTOR] And we all know what happens to them, don't we? [ZOE] Oh Doctor, what shall I do? [DOCTOR] Well, she doesn't have to go, does she? Well, does she ordoesn't she? [SELRIS] I'm afraid she must. Complete obedience is the Krotons firstcommand, and if we fail to obey [DOCTOR] They'll destroy you, I see. [ZOE] Oh dear. [DOCTOR] Now do you see what you've done? Fooling around with thisstupid machine! [ZOE] Oh, but I'm not a Gond! [DOCTOR] But that machine doesn't know that! [ZOE] Where are you going? [DOCTOR] I'm going to take the test. I can't let you go in there alone!What do I do? [ZOE] Oh, sit down. And put this headset on. And press the button. Pressthe button! [DOCTOR] All right, there's no need to shout! Now go away and don't fussme. No, come back. What's this? It's all right, I know. Right, fireaway. I'm ready. [ZOE] Oh. Doctor, you've got it all wrong. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, I've been working in square roots. Can I have thatagain, please? [ZOE] Well they don't give you a second shots. Well, press the buttonagain. [SELRIS] This is the most advanced machine. Perhaps he can't answer thequestions. [ZOE] Of course he can. The Doctor's almost as clever as I am. [SELRIS] I see. [DOCTOR] Oh, now what have I done? [ZOE] Oh Doctor, you've divided instead of multiplying. You mustconcentrate. [DOCTOR] I am, Zoe! I am! [DOCTOR] Yes. I think that's rather better. I think I've scored morethan you have, Zoe. [ZOE] You answered more questions. Besides, this isn't supposed to be acompetition. [DOCTOR] It's clever, isn't it? The way they make you feel that they'repleased with you. [ZOE] Yes. Perhaps the Krotons aren't as bad as we think. [DOCTOR] What? Of course they are! What happens now? [SELRIS] The Krotons will be waiting for Zoe. [DOCTOR] Well, they can wait. We are going in there together. [SELRIS] Normally the names don't come through for some time. [ZOE] Well, mine did. [SELRIS] Yes, but perhaps they were impressed with your performance, andthat's why. [DOCTOR] Sounds a bit like a dinner gong, doesn't it Zoe? [SELRIS] Class three one nine eight. Selected male, Doctor-Gond. [DOCTOR] Doctor-Gond. Idiots! [ZOE] Well, it means you, anyway. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well, are you ready? [ZOE] I suppose we have to? [DOCTOR] Well, we started this, we'd better go through with it. We'vegot to get to the bottom of this somehow, Zoe. [ZOE] Oh, this is all my fault. [DOCTOR] Oh, cheer up, cheer up. I expect it'll be quite interestingreally. [SELRIS] I am sorry, Doctor. My people will always remember you. [DOCTOR] Eh? Oh. Oh, that's very nice of them. Stay close to me, Zoe. [JAMIE] Doctor! No wait, come back! [JAMIE] What's happened? [SELRIS] Your people are gone. They are now companions of the Krotons. [JAMIE] What? --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [ZOE] It is a spaceship. [DOCTOR] Yes, but there doesn't seem to be any crew. Hello? Anybodythere? Is anybody at home? Hello? [ZOE] I think we've been asked to sit down. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think we have, Zoe. Er, Zoe, hold onto the end of thischain. [ZOE] What for? [DOCTOR] Look up there. It's a force generator. This chain may help toequalise the power load. [ZOE] Well, what are they going to do? [ZOE] Doctor, I can't move. [DOCTOR] No, it's a forcefield. Try and relax. Relax. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [JAMIE] But why did you let them go? [SELRIS] It is the command of the Krotons. [JAMIE] Och, the Krotons! They just rap out an order and everyone jumps,don't they? Aye, well, I'm not just standing here to see my [SELRIS] Where are you going? [JAMIE] To find a way into this box of tricks! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [DOCTOR] Are you all right, Zoe? Oh! [ZOE] Yes, I think so. [DOCTOR] Oh! [ZOE] What happened? [DOCTOR] Oh, some tremendous power. Oh! [ZOE] They seem to have a way of transferring mental power to pureenergy. [DOCTOR] Yes. And they used it, or rather us, to operate a thermalswitch. [ZOE] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] I thought there was a wall here. [DOCTOR] Yes, there was. Zoe, I think that I'm beginning to understand. [ZOE] What's that? [DOCTOR] That's curious. Zoe, I think we've gone and done it. [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, now just a minute, I've got an idea. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. This is a form of slurry. Crystals in suspension. [ZOE] But what's its purpose? [DOCTOR] Well, life is supposed to have begun on your planet in the sea.Primeval soup, someone once called it. Well, there are lots of sorts ofsoups, aren't there? I wonder what this sort is? [ZOE] And what do you suppose these are? They look like astronauts' airlines. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think you're right, Zoe. Zoe, look! [ZOE] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] I think it's time we got out of here. Come along! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope corridor) [ZOE] Well, what are we going to do if we do getout? We haven't learned anything yet. [DOCTOR] Yes, we have, once we can analyse this. Now, come on. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [SELRIS] There is no way in. [JAMIE] Look, there's a door here if I can just get it open. [SELRIS] No one can enter unless the Krotons wish it. [JAMIE] Well, we'll see about that. All I need is some sort of crowbar. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] The Gonds should be here. [KROTON 2] They are in the exit shaft. [KROTON] Why? They are conditioned to obey. [KROTON 2] The conditioning may have failed. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope exit shaft) [ZOE] It should slide somewhere. [DOCTOR] Yes, there must be a trip-mechanism. [ZOE] Doctor, look. There's a photoelectric cell here. It can't beworking. [DOCTOR] Well, if it's not working. [ZOE] Then the Krotons have cut the circuit. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] Then we're trapped. They know we're here! [DOCTOR] Just a moment, I have an idea. [ZOE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] That piece of mica I picked up. Here we are. Now, if I can useit to bridge the gap. [ZOE] Will mica work? [DOCTOR] Well, the whole machine's made of crystal. [DOCTOR] Wait! The poison jet. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] They have activated the circuit. [KROTON 2] Then the dispersion unit will kill them. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope exit shaft) [ZOE] Doctor, we've got to risk it. [DOCTOR] Yes, but jump down to the side. Don't go down the ramp. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] They are not Gonds. [KROTON 2] Why did you inoperate the dispersion unit? [KROTON] We need them alive. [KROTON 2] They have escaped. [KROTON] Keep the scanner on them. We will order the Gonds to capturethem and bring them back. [KROTON] That is not a Gond. [KROTON 2] It is possible they have evolved. [KROTON] There has not been time. It is a similar biped animal, but notfrom this planet. It is possible that these higher anthropoids havetake over the planet. [KROTON 2] That is a Gond. These creatures are in alliance with theGonds. [KROTON] Let us take this one. (Jamie) Its mind will have the capacitywe need. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [JAMIE] At last. [SELRIS] No! Don't enter. [JAMIE] Look, I have this. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON [OC]] Have you damaged it? [KROTON 2] No. It is alive. Animal tissue is weak. [KROTON [OC]] It is recovering. Test its mind. [KROTON 2] This is not a high-brain. It is a primitive. [KROTON [OC]] Then the power will kill it. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON 2] It is still of value. It can give information about the othercreatures.) --------------------------------------- (Wastelands) [ZOE] But this isn't the way to the city. [DOCTOR] No, it's the way to the Tardis. [ZOE] The Tardis? But we can't leave Jamie behind. [DOCTOR] Well, don't worry about him. He's perfectly safe, isn't he?Come on! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [JAMIE] Oh, my head. [KROTON 2] Where are you from? [JAMIE] Oh, it's you. I thought I'd dreamt you up. [KROTON 2] Where are you from? [JAMIE] Earth. [KROTON] You are of the same race as these bipeds? [JAMIE] Zoe and the Doctor. Where are they? [KROTON] You are space travellers? [JAMIE] They got out. Good old Doctor. [KROTON] Answer! [JAMIE] You're breaking my arm! [KROTON 2] Do not damage the creature. [KROTON] You and these other creatures are space travellers? [JAMIE] Yes. [KROTON 2] Commander. [KROTON] What is that? [JAMIE] It's the Tardis. [KROTON] What is its function? [JAMIE] It travels through time and space. [KROTON 2] Range zero seven. Dispersion unit on target. [KROTON 2] They are leaving. Shall I fire? [JAMIE] They're not leaving. They wouldn't. --------------------------------------- (Beta's house) [BETA] You wish to see me? [EELEK] You got my message? [BETA] That the council requires my advice? On a matter of science, Ipresume. [EELEK] On a matter of war. [BETA] War? [EELEK] Against the Krotons. [BETA] War against the Krotons? Are you both out of your minds? [AXUS] Now you listen to me! [EELEK] Axus! Not yet. Beta, you're a scientist. Surely you want to befree of the Krotons? [BETA] Free, yes. Dead, no. [AXUS] We can defeat them. [BETA] Can we? Our ancestors tried. [EELEK] They were savages. Primitive men with clubs and stones. [AXUS] We are much more advanced now. [BETA] Are we? All our knowledge is given us by the Krotons. [EELEK] Then we can use it against them. [BETA] You're talking nonsense, Eelek. We only know what the Krotonstell us. We don't think. We obey. [AXUS] He could help us if he wasn't afraid of the Krotons. [BETA] Don't you think I want to be free of them? Don't you think I wantto discover truth for myself instead of being fed information like adog with scraps? [EELEK] Then you will help us? [BETA] To fight the Krotons? Listen, I've just been talking to thestranger, the Doctor. He made me realise how pitifully little theKrotons tell us. [EELEK] I would forget the Doctor if I were you, and his friends. [BETA] What do you mean? [EELEK] They submitted themselves to the teaching machines in theLearning Hall. [BETA] What happened? [AXUS] The Doctor and the girl scored the highest result ever. TheKrotons summoned them, they went into the machine and the boy followedthem. [EELEK] So now they'll be dead like Abu-Gond, or mindless like Vana. Soyou will help us? [BETA] Give me time, Eelek. There are certain things the Krotons forbidus to study. Fluids which eat away metal and flesh. In time I candevelop some way of attacking them. [EELEK] In time! It's always in time, isn't it? Just give us a littlemore time. Just be a little more patient. Always time, a little moretime! [BETA] We've been slaves for a thousand years. Do you think you can freeus in one day? [EELEK] Yes! [BETA] Why don't you wait and see what Selris has to say? [EELEK] You will no longer obey Selris. You will obey me. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON 2] Shall I fire, Commander? [KROTON] We cannot kill them. We need their minds. You will leave theDynatrope and fetch them back. [KROTON] What is the operating principle of your craft? [JAMIE] Er, you mean how does it work? Well, only the Doctor knows that. [KROTON] What is its transference interval? [JAMIE] Transference interval? Well, er, what's that? [KROTON] You have no value. [KROTON 2 [OC]] Vision control required now. [KROTON] On control and proceed. --------------------------------------- (Selris' house) [SELRIS] How is Vana? [THARA] Better. Much better, but very tired. She'll be all right bymorning though. [SELRIS] That is good news. [THARA] Are the strangers still in the Learning Hall? [SELRIS] They're gone. [THARA] You mean they've left, they've gone back? [SELRIS] They went into the machine. [THARA] What? [SELRIS] The Krotons sent for Zoe, and the Doctor insisted on going aswell. [THARA] You let them go? Why didn't you stop them? [SELRIS] What could I do? It is the will of the Krotons. [THARA] But why didn't they run? Why did they go in when they know whatmust happen? [SELRIS] Because they knew what would happen if they failed to obey. [THARA] But not to them, Father. They could have escaped in theirmachine. [SELRIS] There is a council meeting. [THARA] Council meeting. Is that all you can ever think about, talking?What about some action, Father? You think the Krotons are still ourgreat benefactors, don't you? [SELRIS] No, Thara. I think of them as enemies. We're powerless againstthem. [THARA] Well, Eelek is going to do something about it. [VANA] Thara? [THARA] It's all right, Vana. You're quite safe. [VANA] I feel so faint. [THARA] Try to sleep now. We're looking after you. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] Radius one eight one vector five. Do notmove. [JAMIE] Er, I was just stretching my leg. Look, what are you going to dowith me? [KROTON] You have no value. [JAMIE] What do you mean? [KROTON] You will be dispersed. --------------------------------------- (Selris' house) [SELRIS] Thara, what did you mean about Eelek? [THARA] I meant you don't know what's happening. He is no longer yourdeputy. He's taken over as council leader. [SELRIS] He has no authority! [THARA] A vote was taken! [SELRIS] A vote? [THARA] Listen, everybody in the city knows how the Krotons have trickedus. Eelek announced it. [SELRIS] The fool! They will want revenge. [THARA] Well, exactly, and that's what Eelek has promised them. [SELRIS] Can't you understand? Eelek doesn't care what happens to ourpeople. [THARA] Eelek is a patriot. [SELRIS] It is not patriotism to lead people into a war they cannot win. [THARA] We can't let the Krotons rule us forever without putting up somesort of fight. [SELRIS] We will be strong one day. We will fight them. [THARA] After another thousand years? [SELRIS] Eelek must be stopped. [THARA] How? He won't listen to you. Our people want this war because ofwhat happened to Vana and the others. [SELRIS] And how does Eelek intend to fight the Krotons? March on themachine? [THARA] Do you have a better idea? [SELRIS] There is a way we could fight them, and that is by not lettingthem suspect that they are being attacked. [[Dynatrope control] KROTON] Radius one seven nine, vector five. [JAMIE] Zoe and the Doctor, what are you going to do with them? [KROTON] They are needed for the Dynatrope. [JAMIE] Dynatrope? That's this machine, then? [KROTON] One six eight vector four. [JAMIE] Well, why does it need them? And why have you been killing theGonds? [KROTON] The Dynatrope needs high brains for transfer power. The Gondshave no high brains. [JAMIE] Aye, and that makes it all right to kill them, does it? [KROTON] That is procedure. Radius one six three vector four. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [BETA] Selris should be here. He's still thecouncil leader, or am I mistaken. [AXUS] You are mistaken. [EELEK] Selris is old. In time of war we need a strong leader. [AXUS] And Eelek has taken command. [BETA] So at last you've achieved your ambition, eh? [EELEK] Yes, and I have the support of the whole council. [BETA] It must be quite a change for you to feel popular. [EELEK] And there is a limit to what I will take from you. [BETA] I'm wondering just how popular you'll be when hundreds of ourpeople have been killed. Do you want a repetition of the massacre wesuffered when the Krotons first came here? [EELEK] Today we have slings and fireballs. Weapons that will destroythe strongest building to rubble [BETA] Have you ever looked at the wasteland? Nothing grows there evento this day. It smells of death. Compared with their kind of weapons, Itell you we still only have clubs and stones. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [JAMIE] I mean, how would you like to die withoutknowing the reason, eh? [KROTON] Krotons cannot die. [JAMIE] You mean you can't be killed? You live forever? [KROTON] We function permanently, unless we exhaust. [JAMIE] Exhaust? [KROTON] Radius one five two, vector three. [JAMIE] How do you mean by exhaust? [KROTON] The exhaust procedure is merely a reversion to basic molecules,but the matter can be re-animated. [JAMIE] Well, what about me, though? I mean, I can't be re-animated. Whykill me? [KROTON] One four nine, vector three. [JAMIE] I mean, what good will it do you? [KROTON] All waste matter must be dispersed. That is procedure. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [DOCTOR] So, these creatures have a life system based on tellurium, eh?It's fascinating, isn't it Zoe? Then that tank must have been apolarised centrifuge. [ZOE] Which we activated. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't blame yourself, Zoe. That machine must have lainaround for thousands of years waiting for someone as clever as us toturn up. [ZOE] Just like a giant mousetrap. And those poor Gond students havebeen the mice. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's horrible. Still, you must admit, that it's a verygood way of existing through time. [ZOE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Oh, there's some deposits of sulphur around here somewhere. [ZOE] Yes, Jamie remarked about the smell as soon as we stepped out ofthe Tardis. [DOCTOR] Hydrogen telluride. [ZOE] What? Oh, of course. The worst smell in the world. [DOCTOR] The worst smell in any world. [ZOE] Why didn't I think of that? [DOCTOR] Zoe, I'd say it was a safe bet that that machine is composed oftellurium. [ZOE] Doctor, what do you want sulphur for? [DOCTOR] Oh, it'll come in useful. It's very useful stuff, sulphur, youknow. Very useful stuff indeed. [ZOE] I've got a funny feeling we're being watched. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] Radius three zero, vector one. Two zero,objective in range. [JAMIE] (sotto) Get back in the Tardis, will you? Go on. [KROTON] Radius one zero. [JAMIE] (sotto) Go on. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [DOCTOR] Look at this. It's almost pure sulphur. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, can we go now? [DOCTOR] Yes, in a minute. What do you know about tellurium, Zoe? [ZOE] Well, it's one of the exceptional elements in the periodic table.It's atomic weight is a hundred and twenty eight. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] And it's atomic number is fifty [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. Well, go on. [ZOE] It doesn't really matter anymore. [DOCTOR] Oh, my giddy aunt. [KROTON 2] You will return to the Dynatrope. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Well, yes, if you put it that way.I wonder perhaps if I were to [KROTON] Return! [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] Stop! [JAMIE] Now we'll see if you die or not. [KROTON] Stop! Stop! [KROTON] Stop! Stop! [KROTON] Stop! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [KROTON 2] Direction point. Direction point. I have lost contact. [DOCTOR] Quick, Zoe. Up there. Run! [KROTON 2] Direction point required immediately. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] Radius one zero, vector three. [KROTON 2 [OC]] Do I proceed? [KROTON] No. Wait. The auto-scanner has lost contact. You will destroythe Tardis machine. [KROTON 2 [OC]] Direction point? [KROTON] Radius four one, vector two. --------------------------------------- (Cliffside) [ZOE] Can't it see? [DOCTOR] No, apparently not in the light. It was dark in the machine,wasn't it. [ZOE] Look, it's moving again now. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] It's going towards the Tardis! [DOCTOR] Yes, it's being directed by the machine's scanners. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, the Tardis! [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] Well, now what shall we do? [DOCTOR] Well, there's nothing we can do till that wretched Kroton movesaway. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON 2 [OC]] Further instructions? [KROTON] Return to the Dynatrope. [KROTON 2] Direction point? [KROTON] Reverse the readings. --------------------------------------- (Cliffside) [ZOE] Look, it's all right again! [DOCTOR] Yes, what a stupid place to land. You can tell that the Captainis not at the helm, can't you? [ZOE] You knew it would vanish like that, didn't you? [DOCTOR] Well it only does that, you see, if I remember to set the HADS. [ZOE] The what? [DOCTOR] The HADS. The Hostile Action Displacement System. If the Tardisis attacked, it automatically dematerialises. Now, I think it's safefor us to move now. [ZOE] Oh, to move where? [DOCTOR] Well, er, we've got to tell the Gonds that we're all right,haven't we? And Jamie'll be worried. Come along, now. Carefully. --------------------------------------- (Council chamber) [EELEK] First we destroy the Learning Hall, then wemake a frontal attack. [BETA] Suicide! [AXUS] What does the Controller of Science know of war? [BETA] You came here asking my advice. I've given it. Wait until we candevelop effective weapons. [EELEK] And how long will that take? I say attack now. [SELRIS] No, Eelek! [BETA] You'll be pleased to know he's taken your place as leader of thecouncil. [SELRIS] To lead an attack on the Krotons? [EELEK] That is my plan. [SELRIS] I forbid it! [EELEK] You can't forbid anything. Order the slings and fireballs to beprepared. [EELEK] They've heard enough of your plans. [BETA] Slings and fireballs will never reach the Krotons while they'restill in that machine. [SELRIS] Exactly, Beta, and I have a plan to draw them out. Now underthe Hall of Learning there are three pillars which support the machine. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] The high brains must be recaptured before exhaust time. [KROTON 2] Captive aliens are dispersed. [KROTON] Check exhaust time. [KROTON 2] Commence check. [KROTON] Ileal power stat is? [KROTON 2] Static. [KROTON] Gravitation feed? [KROTON 2] Normal. [KROTON] Auxiliary output. [KROTON 2] Rising. [KROTON] Dynatrope balance. [KROTON 2] Balance four. [KROTON] The Dynatrope will exhaust in three hours. --------------------------------------- (Selris' house) [THARA] Are you sure you're strong enough? [VANA] Of course. I'm all right now. [THARA] I can carry you. [VANA] That won't be necessary. I'll walk, Thara. [THARA] It's a long way to the hills. [VANA] Doctor, you're back! [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sorry we've been so long. [THARA] But we thought you were dead. [Zoe] Dead? [VANA] Selris said you'd gone into the machine. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, well, we did, but, er, well, what goes in must comeout, mustn't it? You're better, aren't you. Sit down. [VANA] Much. [DOCTOR] You mustn't. Oh, I'm glad to see you're going on holiday. [THARA] Holiday? We aren't [DOCTOR] Well it looks as though [THARA] The city's being evacuated. [DOCTOR] Evacuated? What do you mean? [THARA] My father's going to lead an attack against the Krotons. Hehopes they'll strike back and come out into the open. [DOCTOR] But didn't he learn his lesson last night? [THARA] He's going to attack the machine from underneath. [VANA] Demolish the machine's supports. [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think that's a very good idea! Zoe, there's no timeto be lost. Will you take us to Beta, please? --------------------------------------- (Under Hall) [SELRIS] Ready with the stop-draw? Now! --------------------------------------- (Beta's house) [BETA] Thara, if you've come to try to persuade meto leave, you're wasting your time. [THARA] I haven't. The Doctor asked to see your laboratory. [DOCTOR] Can you hold my bag please? There's a small job I want you todo. [BETA] What's that? [DOCTOR] It's sulphur. I've written out some instructions here. I don'tknow whether you can follow them. Can you? [BETA] Yes, I think so. But the Krotons forbid us to study chemistry. [DOCTOR] Yes. Beta, did it ever occur to you to wonder why? [ZOE] Doctor, where's Jamie? (to Vana) He's supposed to be looking afteryou. Well, where's he got to? [THARA] He followed you out to the Learning Hall. [DOCTOR] I haven't seen him since this morning. [ZOE] You don't suppose he tried to get into the machine, do you? [DOCTOR] Come on. We must go. [ZOE] Yes, let's! [DOCTOR] Give me a sample of that as soon as you can. (The Doctor andZoe leave.) [THARA] Vana, I'm staying here to help. [BETA] Oh no you're not. You're going up to the hills, the pair of you. [VANA] Oh don't be ridiculous, Beta. We're not leaving you here.Besides, I feel quite faint. I don't think I could walk a step. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON 2] The gravitation feed is dropping. [KROTON] The Dynatrope is moving out of balance. Static beam switch tofull volume. [KROTON 2] Full volume on. [KROTON] Systems check commence. --------------------------------------- (Under Hall) [SELRIS] Shine the light up there. [BETA] If that comes down we shall all be killed! [SELRIS] But the machine will come down first. Look at the vibration! [DOCTOR] Stop it! Stop it! [SELRIS] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What do you think you're doing, you idiots? Unhook the thing!You're meddling with things you don't understand! [ZOE] Doctor, look out! [DOCTOR] Zoe! Run! Run! --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [THARA] I'm going down. You go back. [VANA] Be careful, Thara. --------------------------------------- (Under Hall) [ZOE] Doctor! [THARA] Are you all right, Zoe? [ZOE] Yes, I think so. [THARA] Come on, this way. [ZOE] No, we must find the Doctor. [THARA] Well, where is he? [ZOE] Somewhere over there. I saw him fall. [THARA] I'll look for him. You stay under here. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [SELRIS] Vana, what are you doing here? Why aren'tyou in the hills? [VANA] Thara and I stayed behind with Beta to make some acid. We werebringing it here for the Doctor when we felt the earthquake. [SELRIS] The Doctor? Has anyone seen him? [VANA] He's probably buried down there with the digging party. --------------------------------------- (Under Hall) [THARA] I've found him, Zoe! [THARA] Are all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I think so. I don't think there's any bones broken.But if they don't get that vibration under control soon [THARA] We must hurry. There's going to be a [DOCTOR] Oh, look out! [DOCTOR] Thara! Oh, don't worry, we'll get it off you. Zoe! Zoe! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] Cut auxiliaries. [KROTON 2] Auxiliaries cut. Output zero. [KROTON] Feed in emergency power. Gravitation feed check. [KROTON 2] Static. [KROTON] Dynatrope balance normal. [KROTON 2] The Gonds have attacked the Dynatrope. [KROTON] The two high brains are there. Bring them here. --------------------------------------- (Under Hall) [ZOE] Could be a fracture. [THARA] It feels painful enough. [ZOE] I'll strap it. Oh Doctor, give me the wood. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, hurry up, Zoe. We've got to move out of here, youknow. [VANA] You think there'll be another earthquake? [DOCTOR] Oh, that was not an earthquake. [VANA] The noise was coming from the machine, but it's stopped. [DOCTOR] Yes. That means the Krotons are free to deal with us. Haven'tyou finished yet, Zoe? [ZOE] No I haven't. Hey, can I borrow your braces? [DOCTOR] No! Here, I'd much rather you use this. (pocket handkerchief) [ZOE] Oh, all right. [DOCTOR] Hello. [SELRIS] Yes Doctor, I'm afraid we have failed. The machine is unharmed. [DOCTOR] I'm not so sure - look at that. [SELRIS] What has happened to it? [DOCTOR] I'd say it was no longer functioning under full power. Vana,how is Beta getting on with the acid I asked him to make? [VANA] Oh, he sent this, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh good. [VANA] He only made a small amount to start with. [VANA] Is it all right? [ZOE] Poo. Sulphuric acid. [DOCTOR] Yes, basically, with a few things added. Don't touch, it'llburn you. [ZOE] Doctor, what about Jamie? [DOCTOR] Jamie! I'd forgotten all about him in the excitement! [ZOE] Has anybody seen him? [SELRIS] But he followed you. [DOCTOR] Followed us? What, in there? [SELRIS] Yes, I tried to [ZOE] Well, how long ago? [SELRIS] About an hour after you and the Doctor. [ZOE] But Doctor, Jamie wouldn't be any use to them. His mind iscompletely untrained. [DOCTOR] Yes, and if the machine rejects him like the others? Come on! [VANA] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope exit) [JAMIE] The Doctor's piece of mica. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [EELEK] Well? Are you satisfied with your efforts? [AXUS] Seven of his working party are unaccounted for. There are fourbadly injured and I think two are going to die. [SELRIS] They will all be attended to. I am making arrangements. [EELEK] No, you've done enough already. [SELRIS] But you are the one who wanted to fight with the Krotons. [EELEK] I'll fight them. In my own way, in my own time. [SELRIS] I tell you my way is better. Inside the machine the Krotons areinvulnerable, but if we can draw them out [AXUS] You've had your chance and look what you've done. The LearningHall is ruined, our people are dead and wounded, and the machine isuntouched. [SELRIS] The machine is damaged! [EELEK] Damaged. It must be destroyed! I will launch a mass attack withslings and fireballs. They are in position now. [SELRIS] And the Krotons will turn our city into another wasteland.Don't be a fool, Eelek. [EELEK] Do you see what your stupidity has done? You are a traitor. Youwere dismissed as leader of then council. You had no authority to orderthis attack! [SELRIS] The leadership of this council is hereditary! My son Thara willreplace me! [EELEK] No, I have replaced you! Arrest him! [SELRIS] Wait! Eelek, this is no time for us to be fighting amongourselves. Let me help you organise [EELEK] I have no need of your help. [SELRIS] I said I would bring the Krotons out of the machine. [KROTON 2] Stop! [EELEK] What do you want? [KROTON 2] Where are the high brains? [EELEK] I don't understand. [KROTON 2] The two alien creatures are needed. Where are they? [SELRIS] He means the Doctor and Zoe. What do you want with them? [KROTON 2] Unimportant. Produce them. [EELEK] They're not here. [KROTON 2] Where are they? [EELEK] You say you need them. Why are they so important to you? Younever left your machine before. [KROTON 2] Do not argue! [SELRIS] Why did you do that? He was doing you no harm! [KROTON 2] Produce the high brains in fifteen minutes. [EELEK] If we give you the strangers, will you leave us in peace? [KROTON 2] The high brains will enable us to operate the drive mechanismof the Dynatrope. [EELEK] You mean you will go? You will leave our world? [KROTON 2] Yes. But if the two high brains are not brought to theDynatrope, you will all be dispersed. Do you understand? [EELEK] Very well. If you leave us, you shall have them. [SELRIS] But why, Eelek? It's only a few hours since you wanted to fightthe Krotons. [EELEK] If we give them the strangers they will leave us in peace. [SELRIS] But the Doctor and Zoe are our friends. They risked their livesfor us. [EELEK] I put the interests of our own people first. Now, keep them allunder guard. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Dynatrope) [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] Quick! [DOCTOR] Jamie, watch out for the poison jets! (Zoe and the Doctor runup the ramp.) [JAMIE] It's just on my back. [DOCTOR] We've got to get you out of here! [JAMIE] I know! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] It's just another inch, I think. [DOCTOR] I think you're getting free. [ZOE] Quick! [DOCTOR] Oh! [JAMIE] What's been happening? I though that machine was going to shakeitself to pieces. [DOCTOR] There's no time to explain, Jamie. How are you feeling? [JAMIE] Well [DOCTOR] Good. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] There's something I want you to do for me. [JAMIE] Oh, not again. [DOCTOR] Now Beta is making some special sulphuric acid for us. I wantyou to go and tell him to make it in bulk. [JAMIE] Yes, but [DOCTOR] As much as he can. [JAMIE] But, Doctor [DOCTOR] There's no time to argue. Now hurry. We'll see you back at theLearning Hall. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [EELEK] The strangers are coming back. You two stayhere, the rest come with me. [VANA] They're going to walk into a trap. [SELRIS] Yes. Eelek claims to act for the people, but he's only concernis his own skin. [VANA] Oh, if only we could warn the Doctor. He and the girl could getaway in their space machine. [SELRIS] I agree. We owe them the chance to escape. --------------------------------------- (Beta's house) [JAMIE] How long will it be? How long will it be? [BETA] I don't know. [JAMIE] It's not going to explode, is it? [BETA] I don't know. [JAMIE] What? [BETA] I don't know! [JAMIE] Well, I thought you were supposed to be the scientist? [BETA] But I've never worked with acid before. [BETA] Ow! The Krotons forbid it. Shall we put a bit more in? [JAMIE] Well, why ask me? [BETA] Let's see what happens. We can only blow ourselves up. [BETA] Do you think that's enough? [JAMIE] Aye, well, it's enough for me anyway. Quite enough. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [VANA] Listen, you distract Axus's attention while I slip away. [THARA] But there are men on the stairs. [VANA] I might be able to dodge by them. Anything's worth trying. [SELRIS] Yes, there is just a chance. But be ready. Axus, a minute. [AXUS] What is it? [SELRIS] In the past you have always accepted my judgement. Believe me,the Krotons are not to be trusted. [AXUS] I don't trust them. But Eelek's right, we're doing the only thingwe can. [SELRIS] But if we surrender the Doctor and Zoe, we ourselves will bekilled. [AXUS] What do you mean? [SELRIS] I'm sure of it. The Krotons don't care for us. They never have.But while we have the Doctor and Zoe, we have a means of negotiation. [AXUS] And if we don't hand over the strangers they'll kill us anyway.You're getting old, Selris. Your arguments make no sense. [AXUS] Stop! Stop that girl! [VANA] Help! Let me go! Let me go! Doctor! Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON 2] Balance zero plus twelve. [KROTON] We have reserve power for twenty seven more minutes. [KROTON 2] Then we shall exhaust. [KROTON] Our function will end. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [ZOE] What do we do next? [DOCTOR] Well, if only we can get inside that machine again, Zoe. [EELEK] You can, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh? [EELEK] We'll help you into it. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's very good of (guards surround them) What? What's allthis? [ZOE] Oh. Oh Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] The high brains have been captured. Balance check. [KROTON 2] Zero plus nine. [KROTON] Exhaust time twenty two minutes. [KROTON 2] Shall I enter the Dynatrope? [KROTON] Only the two high brains must enter. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [EELEK] Well, take them up. [DOCTOR] Really! We will not be bullied. Don't push! (sotto) Vana! Vana,have you got that bottle? It's vital! [KROTON [OC]] The high brains will enter immediately. [ZOE] I think we'd better do as they say, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes. Vana? Oh. [KROTON 2] The high brains are entering theDynatrope. [KROTON] Prepare for take off. Phase one. [KROTON 2] Phase one ready. Shall I destroy the Gonds now? They are ofno value. [KROTON] No. The dispersion units use power. We have no power to waste. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [VANA] That bottle, Selris. [SELRIS] It's all right. I have it here. [VANA] The Doctor needs it. He says it's vital! [VANA] Come back! --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [DOCTOR] I believe you wish to speak with us. [SELRIS] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Look out! [SELRIS] No! [KROTON] Set the intergalactic link. [KROTON 2] Take off, phase two. [KROTON] Prepare to transfer. [KROTON 2] All systems set. [KROTON] You will assist us now. [DOCTOR] Assist you? In what way? [KROTON 2] The Dynatrope will exhaust in twelve minutes. [ZOE] Well that's your problem. [DOCTOR] No, no, Zoe. If this machine does run down, there will be themost colossal release of energy. Enough to destroy us, the Krotons andmost of the planet. If you want us to help you, you must explain whatyou want us to do. What is this thing? [KROTON] It transfers the Dynatrope back to our own cosmos. It operatesthrough mental power. [DOCTOR] You've discovered a way of using mental power? [ZOE] And you Krotons haven't enough. [KROTON] Four high brains are needed in relay. There are only two of us. [ZOE] Then how did you get here? [KROTON] No more questions! [DOCTOR] If you want us to cooperate, you must expect questions. [KROTON] Unless you do as we order, you will be dispersed. [DOCTOR] Very well. But that won't help you, will it. [KROTON] We're wasting time. The Dynatrope was part of a battle fleet.Two of our crew were exhausted by enemy fire. [ZOE] You mean they were killed? [KROTON] Ceased to function. We carried out the emergency procedure andlanded on the nearest planet. To conserve power we set the Dynatrope inperpetual stability. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. And you set the machine's systems to educate theGonds up to the standard you require. [KROTON] Yes. They were primitives. [ZOE] Well, you didn't have to kill them to do that. [KROTON] Gond samples were brought in for testing at intervals. TheDynatrope absorbed their mental power into its circuits. The wastematter was rejected. [KROTON 2] And dispersed. Nine minutes to exhaust time, Commander. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [BETA] Look out! [JAMIE] Hey now, careful. Hey, watch it! [BETA] Watch it. [AXUS] Where do you think you're going? What's that? [BETA] It's something called acid. The Doctor asked me to make it forhim. [AXUS] He won't be needing that now. You've been wasting your time. [JAMIE] Where is he then? [AXUS] He's joined the Krotons. [BETA] You mean he's gone into the machine? [JAMIE] Well, what about Zoe? [VANA] Zoe too. The Krotons wanted them, and Eelek surrendered them. [JAMIE] You did what? [EELEK] The Krotons need your friends to enable them to leave our world. [JAMIE] And you just handed them over, did you? [EELEK] If the Krotons will leave our world, they're welcome to yourfriends. [JAMIE] You miserable [BETA] Careful, Jamie. [EELEK] It's time we were leaving. [JAMIE] Leaving? [EELEK] Unless you want to die. [BETA] What are you talking about, Eelek? [EELEK] Beta, for a scientist, you're very stupid. This Learning Halland most of our city is built around that Kroton's machine, and oncethat machine starts moving off [BETA] The whole place will come down. [EELEK] Exactly. And you'll be buried alive. [JAMIE] Aye, well, I'm staying. Somehow I'm going to get the Doctor andZoe out of there. Beta? [BETA] Yes, I'll stay and help you. [JAMIE] Good. [EELEK] Vana? [VANA] I'll stay and look after Thara. I'm not sensible enough to runaway and leave my friends. [EELEK] No. Let them stay, and let them die. [BETA] He could be right. you know. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe so. But I'm not going down without a fight. Now wheredo we put this stuff? --------------------------------------- (Dynatrope control) [KROTON] Put on the head sets. [DOCTOR] Now, just a moment. If we're going to help you transfer theDynatrope back to your own planet, what's going to happen to us? [KROTON] You will suffer no harm. [DOCTOR] Well, how can we be sure of that? We die without oxygen, yousee, just as you would die if anyone was to upset the stuff you'redrawing from that tank. [KROTON] Take up your positions. [DOCTOR] I was merely trying to explain that if anyone was tocontaminate what was in that tank, you'd know what it was like tobreathe poisoned air. [KROTON] Six minutes. [KROTON] You have no choice. Put on the head set. [DOCTOR] Oh well, I suppose we'd better just take your word for it then. [KROTON] Set the transfer link. [KROTON] Final phase on automatic. [DOCTOR] Oh. Now then, where do you want us to stand? [KROTON] Unimportant. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, I'll stand over here then. [ZOE] Oh. Oh Doctor, I wanted to stand there. [DOCTOR] Oh, my dear. Oh well, you stand there and I'll stand here.Better still. A much better idea. I'll stand here and you stand overthere. [KROTON] Put on the head sets or you will be dispersed! [DOCTOR] All right, all right. How do you wear these things? [ZOE] (sotto) Nothing seems to be happening. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Give it time. [DOCTOR] Oh! Butterfingers! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, you are clumsy. [KROTON] Enough of this. Put on the head sets. [DOCTOR] Well, it's your fault. You're making me nervous. [KROTON] What's happening? [DOCTOR] Down, Zoe! [DOCTOR] Are you all right, Zoe? [ZOE] Yes. Doctor, look, it's dissolving. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, it's returning to its basic form. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, these fumes, they're choking. [DOCTOR] Yes, we must get out of here. Look, Zoe. The machine ismelting. Come on, let's get out of here before we're trapped. --------------------------------------- (Learning Hall) [JAMIE] Doctor! Zoe! [BETA] What happened? [JAMIE] Did you get on all right? [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] How are you? [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm a little bit shaken, but not half so bad as theKrotons, I can assure you. What're you doing here? [THARA] Look at the machine! [VANA] It's working, Thara! Look, it's working. [ZOE] What made you think of pouring acid on it? [BETA] Well, we reckoned if the Doctor thought it worthwhileexperimenting with a few drops, we'd see what a few gallons would do. [DOCTOR] Well done! [ZOE] But how did you know the machine would dissolve? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Well, the machine was eighty percent tellurium, Zoe, andtellurium is soluble in sulphuric acid. [ZOE] But the machine wasn't pure tellurium. [DOCTOR] No, well, the acid wasn't pure sulphuric acid, but it workeddidn't it? Come along. Let's get away. I don't like goodbyes. [VANA] It's finished now, isn't it? [THARA] Yes, it is finished. The end of the Krotons. Free at last! [VANA] We still have Eelek to deal with. [THARA] That will be my pleasure. I shall take over from my father asleader of the Gonds, whatever Eelek thinks. [BETA] And we can develop our own science. The Doctor can help. Doctor? [THARA] They've gone. [BETA] But I wanted to ask his advice. There's so much to be done. [THARA] We'll have to find our own answers now, Beta.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Krotons"}
Doctor Who (25 Jan, 1969; Second Doctor) - The Seeds of Death (T Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Bombay Tokyo shipment activated. Bombaysending now. Tokyo receiving now. Dispatch completed. New York toMoscow delayed. Moonbase clearance awaited. Stockholm Washingtonpersonnel transportation. Stockholm sending now. Washington receivingnow. Dispatch completed. Non-arrival shipment of synthetic protein NewYork to Moscow. Moonbase clearance awaited. [KELLY] Brent? [BRENT] Yes, Miss Kelly? [KELLY] Why is there a delay at Moon Control? [BRENT] There's some mix up with the Moscow shipment. It seems to havelanded up in Canberra. [KELLY] Fewsham again, I suppose? Take Moscow out of phase while theysort it out. [BRENT] Moscow pending. Moonbase clear. [COMPUTER] Toronto Calcutta shipment activated. Toronto sending now.Calcutta receiving now. Dispatch completed. [BRENT] Moscow ready now, Miss Kelly. [KELLY] Report Canberra Moscow situation, please. [COMPUTER] Canberra Moscow clear. [KELLY] Brent, tell them to activate. [BRENT] Canberra Moscow, go ahead please. [COMPUTER] Canberra sending now. Moscow receiving now. Dispatchcompleted. [OSGOOD] Good morning, Gia. [KELLY] Morning. Just as well you've arrived. [OSGOOD] Why, what's up? [KELLY] The sooner you take over from Fewsham on Moon Control, thebetter. [OSGOOD] Oh, not again! [KELLY] All T-Mat consignments are five minutes behind schedule. [OSGOOD] What? [KELLY] Fewsham routed a large Moscow consignment through to Canberra. [OSGOOD] Oh, he's a lunatic. [KELLY] You should never have recommended him for an AssistantController's job in the first place. [OSGOOD] Yes, I know now, but I thought he deserved a break. [KELLY] Sentimental. He'll do something really disastrous one day andyou'll have to answer for it. [OSGOOD] So, I'll go and work in a synthetics factory. [KELLY] It's your career. [OSGOOD] So it is. Hey, have you got a T-Mat cubicle ready for me? [KELLY] Yes. Number six. [OSGOOD] See you later. [KELLY] Prepare lunar cubicle number six for transport to Moon Control. [BRENT] Ready and waiting. [KELLY] Activate. [BRENT] It's lucky he got here before your man arrived. [KELLY] Yes, he's late. Keep a public T-Mat cubicle open for him. [BRENT] Right. Local cubicle two holding open. [KELLY] Report Moonbase situation please. [COMPUTER] Moonbase clear. Routine shipments transferring on automaticcontrol. Local arrival cubicle two activating. [RADNOR] Morning, Brent. [BRENT] Morning, sir. [RADNOR] Good morning, Gia. All functioning well? [KELLY] Of course, Commander Radnor. [RADNOR] In your case, Miss Kelly, efficiency and charm go hand in hand. [KELLY] I try to keep things running smoothly. [RADNOR] Nothing ever goes wrong while you're on duty. [KELLY] I don't allow it. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [OSGOOD] You may have been on duty all night,Fewsham, but that's no excuse for this kind of slip-up! [FEWSHAM] They weren't a major hold ups, just a few minutes. [OSGOOD] Kelly was going mad back on Earth Control. [FEWSHAM] She would. [OSGOOD] Look, I'm sorry, Fewsham, but it's my head in the noose aswell, you know. [FEWSHAM] I know, I'm sorry. [OSGOOD] Oh, all right. All right, go on. You'd better get back toEarth. [OSGOOD] Now what? [FEWSHAM] The outer door airlocks. [OSGOOD] Who's there? [FEWSHAM] No one. [OSGOOD] Then how come the airlocks are in use? [OSGOOD] Phipps! What is it, man? What's happened? Come on, man! [LOCKE] Close the doors, we've got to keep [OSGOOD] Don't move, anybody. Don't do anything. Harvey, don't! --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [BRENT] Not again. [KELLY] The second Moscow consignment? [BRENT] Yes. They'll think we're deliberately sabotaging their stuff ifthis goes on. [KELLY] T-Mat reception, Earth to Moon. Controller Kelly calling. Switchyour communication links to video. [KELLY] Osgood's gone too far this time. There'll be trouble. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [OSGOOD] No! I refuse! [SLAAR] You would be wise to co-operate at once, otherwise you will bedestroyed. [OSGOOD] Well I, I suppose that leaves me no alternative. [PHIPPS] Don't do it, sir. [SLAAR] Silence. [OSGOOD] There's a certain element of risk. [SLAAR] You are wasting time. [SLAAR] What is happening? [OSGOOD] I'm afraid there has been a fault. The circuit's overloaded.Very unfortunate. [SLAAR] You have deliberately sabotaged this apparatus. Kill him. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [RADNOR] I thought the system was infallible? [KELLY] It won't be anything serious. [RADNOR] I'm glad you think so. [KELLY] Brent, is there any obvious damage? [BRENT] No damage reported. All links stable. [RADNOR] That's only local, surely. [KELLY] It's only one stage of the checking process. Report on IntercityT-Mat breakdown. [COMPUTER] Complete power phase blank. [KELLY] State of materialisation pulse generator? [COMPUTER] Overloaded in power surge. No damage this end. [KELLY] Check with Moonbase. [COMPUTER] Primary video link dead. [KELLY] Cause? [COMPUTER] Being investigated. [RADNOR] Are you sure it isn't serious? [KELLY] My staff are running a thorough and immediate check. Until Ihave their report, I can't answer. [RADNOR] Then they'd better hurry. I want that report. Soon. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [ZOE] Doctor, if we've landed, where are we? [DOCTOR] That is what I'm trying to find out, Zoe. [ZOE] A rocket? [JAMIE] Hey, we're just hanging in space. [DOCTOR] We can't be. [ZOE] Well, let's try and find a star we know. [DOCTOR] Ah there we are. What in heavens name? [JAMIE] Hey, what's he up to? [ZOE] He's trying to climb aboard. [DOCTOR] Just a minute, just a minute. Oh this control is. There we are.Now that, that's an ion-jet rocket of the twenty first century, but,this helmet, if I can. There we are. That's not nearly sosophisticated. It's certainly not later than 1960. [JAMIE] Well, those letters on his helmet? [ZOE] C C C P. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Of course! [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Just a minute. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think that explains it. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, what is it? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Well it's a flying machine, designed by a gentleman by thename of Leonardo Da Vinci in about 1500. [JAMIE] Well, what's it doing up here? [ZOE] Doctor, where are we? [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] We're in a museum! [JAMIE] A what? [DOCTOR] A space museum! Look, there you are. [DOCTOR] A balloon. [DOCTOR] That's a transport plane. And, now those initials, they standfor Russia. That's Gagarin, the first Earthman in space. Look. [DOCTOR] Come on. Let's have a look round, shall we? [DOCTOR] Just a minute. Wait for me. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [JAMIE] Hey, quite a place, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Oh, my word. [JAMIE] Hey, look at the size of this one, Doc. [DOCTOR] Yes. My word, Jamie, look at that. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Very large. [ZOE] Doctor, look. [JAMIE] Hey, look at that. [DOCTOR] Now, Zoe. [JAMIE] What's that? [MAN [OC]] Travel Mat is the ultimate form of travel. Control centre ofthe present system is the Moon, serving receptions at all major citieson the Earth. Travel Mat provides an instantaneous means of publictravel, transports raw materials and vital food supplies to all partsof the world. [JAMIE] Travel Mat? It sounds like a flying carpet. [DOCTOR] Shush, Jamie, I'm trying to listen. [MAN [OC]] Travel Mat supersedes all conventional forms of transport.Using the principle of dematerialisation at the point of departure, andrematerialisation at the point of arrival in special cubicles,departure and arrival are almost instantaneous. [ZOE] Faster than light. [MAN [OC]] Although the system is still in its early stages, itcompletely automated and foolproof against power failure. [JAMIE] Aye, well, we have our own system, thank you, only it isn'tfoolproof. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I think that's just a tiny bit --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] You saw what happened to your superior. Youwould do well to co-operate. [FEWSHAM] Killing him didn't do you any good. [SLAAR] But you will do as I ask. [FEWSHAM] There is nothing I can do! [SLAAR] You do not want to die? [FEWSHAM] Look, I'm not that good enough a technician. It needs anexpert. [SLAAR] But you are second in command here. [FEWSHAM] Yes, but [SLAAR] Then you must have certain abilities. You must know what needsto be done. [FEWSHAM] In theory, yes. [SLAAR] Then you will do it. [PHIPPS] He'll only make it worse. [SLAAR] What is their status here? [FEWSHAM] Maintenance. Second class technicians. [LOCKE] There's only one person who can really put things to rights, andshe's at Earth Control. [PHIPPS] Without her, it just can't be done. [SLAAR] Who is this specialist? [FEWSHAM] Miss Kelly, technical coordinator. But there's no way to reachher. T-Mat is not working. [SLAAR] But you have a video link. [FEWSHAM] Yes, but Osgood wrecked that too. [SLAAR] So, there is no means to communicate with Earth? [PHIPPS] No, you've cut us off completely. [SLAAR] In that case, you are useless. You will all be destroyed. [FEWSHAM] No, there's the emergency T-Mat link! It only operates fromhere to Earth. [SLAAR] Then you will activate the apparatus. At once. [FEWSHAM] It's damaged, too! [SLAAR] These technicians will help you repair it. [PHIPPS] We won't help you. Neither will he. [SLAAR] Then he will die. You will start work at once. There will be aguard at the door. When I return you will have the T-mat link ready foroperation. [PHIPPS] Don't be such a fool, Fewsham. If we repair the emergency linkthese creatures can travel to Earth! [FEWSHAM] What about us? [PHIPPS] Do you think that will make any difference in the end? As soonas he gets what he wants out of us, we'll mean nothing to him. [FEWSHAM] If we co-operate there's still a chance. [PHIPPS] Osgood didn't take it. [FEWSHAM] You saw! Do you think I want to die like that? I want to live! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [KELLY] Brent, is there anything at all, any traceof a reason? [BRENT] Every link has been double-checked. This end is functioningnormally. [KELLY] Then it must be Moonbase. [BRENT] We've no way of checking their apparatus from this end, and theydon't answer our call. [KELLY] Where's Commander Radnor? [BRENT] Not back from the Intercity Council meeting yet. [KELLY] He'll expect a full report. [BRENT] Well, there it is. We've even checked the computer. [RADNOR] Have you located the cause of the breakdown? [KELLY] This end is absolutely clear. [RADNOR] That isn't what I want to know. [KELLY] We cannot trace the fault. [RADNOR] Miss Kelly! I have senior government officials hounding me.They expect a more informative answer, and so do I. [KELLY] There isn't one. The trouble is at Moonbase. [RADNOR] Why can't you deal with it? [KELLY] We can't get there. [BRENT] We can't even talk to them. [RADNOR] Do you mean to tell me that there's no other way of contactingthem? [BRENT] No. [KELLY] Only by rocket. [RADNOR] That could be our only answer. [BRENT] But the only place you'll find a rocket is in a museum. [RADNOR] Exactly. [KELLY] And even if there was one that could be made operational,there's no-one that could control such a project. [RADNOR] You're wrong. There is just one man, one man alone who can helpus now. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [ELDRED] For the last time, who are you and what are you doing in myprivate workshop? [DOCTOR] Now just listen, there really is no need for all thesehistrionics. We are perfectly harmless. [ELDRED] How did you even get in here? [DOCTOR] Oh well, the usual way. We just materialised. [ELDRED] The T-Mat cubicle always gives automatic warnings, but itdidn't this time. [ZOE] Well that's not our fault, is it? [ELDRED] Why did you come? [DOCTOR] Well, this is a museum. [ELDRED] The museum is (sees the Tardis) What on Earth's that? It's atwentieth century Police Box, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Well, yes, in a way. [ELDRED] Well, how did a thing like that get in my museum? [ZOE] Oh, well you could say it was a form of space ship. [DOCTOR] Zoe, I think we do owe this gentleman an apology. We really aremost interested in the museum, Mister? [ELDRED] Eldred, Professor Eldred. Look, the museum is closed to thegeneral public. You've obviously made a mistake. Perhaps you'd be goodenough to leave. [JAMIE] Are you in charge of this place? [ELDRED] I own it. That is why I have the right to ask you to leave. [DOCTOR] Yes, but there's no need to threaten us, you know. [ELDRED] Trespassers are not welcome. Will you please go! [ZOE] We're not trespassers. We're very interested. [ELDRED] Interested? In Professor Eldred and his antiquated machines?Come for a good laugh, I suppose, like the rest of them. [DOCTOR] Laugh? You mean people laugh at all this? Why, it's amagnificent exhibition. [ELDRED] We've had enough souvenir hunters, too! [JAMIE] Now, we're not thieves, you know. [DOCTOR] No, of course not. We haven't come to take anything. Wegenuinely are interested in space travel. Why, especially a thing likethis. This is superb. [ELDRED] Yes, magnificent. It was to have been the vehicle to take manbeyond the moon. T-Mat put an end to all that. [DOCTOR] You mean this model's been abandoned? But it's speed andstability concept alone, it's a tremendous advance in rocket design. [ELDRED] Exactly! Exactly! Here, let me show it to you. Let me show itto you. [DOCTOR] I'll give you an hand, here we are. Oh yes, this is superb. Myword. [ELDRED] And the secret, the real breakthrough, was a compact generatorof enormous power. [DOCTOR] I see. And these must be the secondary electrode accelerators. [ELDRED] Yes. You see it beat the problem of the neutral caesium ions.And incidentally, it magnified the g-thrust to fantasticproportions! [DOCTOR] That was awkward. What did you do about that? [ELDRED] Well, I'll show you. Come with me, I'll show you. Look. [DOCTOR] What have we go here? Ah, blueprints! [JAMIE] Look at them, like a couple of kids. [ZOE] Yes. You can tell he's almost in love with that rocket. [JAMIE] Shush! [ELDRED] That's not surprising. I designed it. I've been in rocketry allmy life. My father engineered the first lunar passenger module, and Itravelled on the last trip back to Earth. Before it all finished. [ZOE] Before all what finished? [ELDRED] Space travel. [ZOE] But if the rocket was so good, why did you stop at the moon? [JAMIE] Aye, why end there? [ELDRED] Because of T-Mat. T-Mat, the ultimate in travel. With about asmuch sense of adventure as a synthetic carbohydrates factory. [DOCTOR] But surely rockets would still be useful as an auxiliary meansof transport, wouldn't they? Besides, how would man get beyond themoon? [ELDRED] Nobody cares any more about exploring space. Life made. Well,it was made too easy by T-Mat. [DOCTOR] I see. So you lost government backing? [ELDRED] The project was abandoned, except by me. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] You've got to help me. If we don't repairit, we'll all be killed. [LOCKE] Maybe we could repair it and T-Mat back to London. [FEWSHAM] With that thing guarding the door? I'm going to keep ontrying. [LOCKE] Maybe there is something we can do. [PHIPPS] What? [FEWSHAM] I knew you'd see reason. [FEWSHAM] What are you doing? [LOCKE] The video link with Earth. Yes, it's not so badly damaged as theT-Mat. [FEWSHAM] We were told to repair the T-Mat link, not the video. [PHIPPS] Let's have a look. If we can't escape ourselves, maybe we canget a message through by video. [FEWSHAM] Look, the guard will see what we're doing. He'll kill us! [LOCKE] You play your game, we'll play ours. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [ELDRED] No more money, no more facilities. Alife's work abandoned just like that. All because of T-Mat. [DOCTOR] Well, I can understand your bitterness. Very short-sighted ofthe government to put all their eggs in one basket. [ELDRED] You still haven't told me who you are and what you're doinghere. [DOCTOR] Well. [ELDRED] That's the main-door alarm! What's going on? [RADNOR] Professor Daniel Eldred. Well, well, well. [ELDRED] Radnor. Come to see how your spies are getting on? [RADNOR] I'm sorry? I don't think we've met. My name's Radnor. This isMiss Kelly. [DOCTOR] Oh, how do you do. This is Zoe, and Jamie, and I'm the Doctor. [ZOE] Hello. [JAMIE] Hello. [ELDRED] Oh, Radnor, don't pretend that you don't know them. [RADNOR] I can assure you I've never met them before in my life. [ELDRED] I see. I find three strangers prowling around my museum, and bythe merest co-incidence you turn up on their very heels. [RADNOR] I can assure you I merely wanted a chat with a very old friend. [ELDRED] Why? You've done without a chat for a good many years. [RADNOR] Old times. Friendships don't die. [ELDRED] Our friendship ended the day that you walked out of mylaboratory and joined the government administration on T-Mat! [RADNOR] Different men, different careers, Daniel. [ELDRED] Yes, but you happened to know which career was going to befinanced by government funds. [RADNOR] But you could have come over with me. We asked you to join us. [ELDRED] Yes, and worked as Miss Kelly's assistant perhaps? [KELLY] You know I respect your work, Professor Eldred. We would havewelcomed you on T-Mat. [ELDRED] I prefer rockets, obsolete as they are. [RADNOR] Not so obsolete as all that, Daniel, eh? [ELDRED] What? [RADNOR] We don't miss very much, you know. [ELDRED] So you've been spying on me. [RADNOR] Oh, no, no, no, no. We stopped that a long time ago. [ELDRED] I should think so. What's wrong with running a private museum? [RADNOR] Nothing, but you're doing rather more than that, aren't you,Daniel. [ELDRED] All right, what if I am? It's a free country, isn't it? What'swrong with having a hobby? [RADNOR] Rather more than a hobby, preparing an ion rocket for anunauthorised journey into space. [ELDRED] All right, so you know. What do you intend to do? [RADNOR] My dear fellow, help you, of course. [ELDRED] What? [RADNOR] You can make your trip with full government backing, as long asit's to the moon. [ELDRED] Why the moon? [KELLY] There's a minor fault developed at T-Mat control at Moonbase. [RADNOR] And we have to put it right, quickly. [ELDRED] I thought T-Mat was infallible. [KELLY] It will be, eventually, however we have no way of reaching themoon. [ELDRED] Except by out of date rocket. Oh, that's perfect! So you needme after all. [RADNOR] I thought you'd be taken with the idea, Daniel. And a large sumof government funds wouldn't come amiss, would they? Now, how soon canyou be ready to (pause) blast off. Well, come on, it's urgent! Can yougive me an approximate ETD? [ELDRED] I could. [RADNOR] Good! [ELDRED] But I won't! [RADNOR] Why? There are no strings. [ELDRED] I don't have to give you reasons. I'm just telling you that Irefuse. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [PHIPPS] Right, that should do it. [LOCKE] I'll switch on the power. [FEWSHAM] You fools. When they find out, we'll all be killed. [LOCKE] Moonbase to T-Mat Reception Earth. Moonbase to Earth. Emergency.Emergency. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [RADNOR] You can't refuse, man. There's more atstake here than an out of date rocket programme. [COMPUTER] Commander Radnor. [RADNOR] Excuse me. Radnor. [COMPUTER] Emergency message from Moonbase linking through now. [LOCKE [on monitor]] Commander Radnor, Miss Kelly. We are in desperatetrouble. Osgood is dead and we're [RADNOR] Locke! Locke! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Guard! [SLAAR] Kill him! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Stop him. [SLAAR] Hunt that man. He must not escape. [SLAAR] You allowed them to send a message back to Earth. [FEWSHAM] They tricked me! I tried to stop them. [SLAAR] No matter. He will be found and killed. [FEWSHAM] What about me? [SLAAR] Have you repaired the emergency T-Mat link? [FEWSHAM] Not yet. It isn't easy. [SLAAR] But it is possible? [FEWSHAM] Yes, only give me time. [SLAAR] Very well, but now you know what will happen if you fail. Youwill die. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [RADNOR] Daniel, don't you see this goes far beyonda petty quarrel over rockets and T-Mat! Those men at Moonbase are inserious trouble and we must help them. [ELDRED] You'll have to find some other way. [KELLY] With T-Mat dead there is no other way. Your rocket is our onlyhope of reaching the moon. [DOCTOR] Professor, listen to them. [ELDRED] I'm listening. [DOCTOR] In a way this is a triumph for your rocket. [ELDRED] Is it? [RADNOR] Of course it is. The government recognises the fact. [ELDRED] Then the government is going to be disappointed. [RADNOR] I don't understand you. [ELDRED] Oh, I'd better be frank with you. [RADNOR] Yes, I think you'd better. [ELDRED] I must admit I played with the idea of making a space flight. Ieven prepared a rocket. [KELLY] Well then? [ELDRED] It was just a dream, an illusion for a disappointed man. [KELLY] You mean there's nothing? [ELDRED] Oh, the rocket's there, partially prepared. [RADNOR] Good! [ELDRED] As for an actual lift off [RADNOR] We can do it, Daniel. I know we can. [ELDRED] It takes more than enthusiasm to get a rocket off the ground. [RADNOR] You've only to ask for what you want. Funds, men, equipment. [ELDRED] It needs the one thing that you have not got. Time. [KELLY] A crash programme with the best available technicians. [ELDRED] It's nowhere near ready, woman! Most of the equipment is stillunchecked. [RADNOR] A computer can be programmed for that. [ELDRED] It would still be impossibly dangerous. [RADNOR] Daniel, it was you who created this rocket. It was your drivingforce and enthusiasm that got it off the drawing board. With you incontrol, we can't fail to succeed. [ELDRED] That was a long time past. Now my heart couldn't take thestrain of the G-force. [KELLY] That doesn't mean your experience and knowledge are useless. Weneed your guidance. [ELDRED] No. I told you it's a dream. I can never go to the moon andneither can rocket ZA685. [JAMIE] Could we not help them? We could use the Tardis. [ZOE] What, for a trip to the moon? [JAMIE] Aye. [ZOE] We'd probably overshoot by a few million years. [DOCTOR] Yes, or by a few million miles. I'm afraid the Tardis is notsuited to short-range travel. [ZOE] Still, I think we should help them if we can. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] Yes. I think I could get your rocket to the moon. [ELDRED] You? [DOCTOR] Yes, I have considerable experience in space travel, and sohave my two companions. [RADNOR] Doctor, that's splendid. Thank you. [ELDRED] But the rocket is not ready! [DOCTOR] Well, perhaps you're overestimating the difficulties. How muchmore work is required on your rocket? [ELDRED] It needs fuelling, and a complete computerised check-up. [RADNOR] Well, I can order that. [ELDRED] No! I will not allow it! The risk is too great. No! [RADNOR] If there was some other way, believe me I wouldn't evenconsider such a risk. [ELDRED] No! [KELLY] There's always the outside chance that the fault in T-Mat willclear itself. [COMPUTER] Commander Radnor. Urgent. [RADNOR] Excuse me. [RADNOR] Radnor. Go ahead. [COMPUTER] T-Mat receptions New York, Moscow, Tokyo express greatconcern over continued hold-up. Medical shipments and food suppliesawaiting transit to Asiatic centres. Position desperate, Calcutta.Instructions awaited. [RADNOR] That's your answer. [DOCTOR] Well, we're willing to help, as I've said. [ELDRED] You don't know what you're doing. It's suicide. [RADNOR] Listen, if this fault lasts much longer, there's going to beworldwide chaos, and world population is at stake. [ELDRED] Infallible T-Mat putting the world in jeopardy? [RADNOR] All right, I admit it. [ELDRED] And now you want this man to risk his life to get you out oftrouble. [RADNOR] No, not me, but thousands of people all over the world who willdie if we don't take this risk. I'm sorry, but I've got no alternative.Miss Kelly? [KELLY] Sir? [RADNOR] I want all technical personnel working on this. I want thatrocket prepared for launching. [KELLY] Yes, Commander. [RADNOR] We'd be grateful for your help. [ELDRED] If that rocket is going to reach the moon safely, you'll needmore than help. You'll need a miracle. --------------------------------------- (Moonbase corridor) [WARRIOR] Continue the search. He must not escape. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [KELLY] Commander? [RADNOR] Yes, Miss Kelly? [KELLY] Do you think it's wise letting these people crew the rocket? [RADNOR] Wise? No, of course it's not wise, but what's the alternative?We gave up training astronauts years ago. [KELLY] But who are they? [RADNOR] Some of Eldred's crazy friends, I imagine. But the man whocalls himself the Doctor certainly knows his space travel. [KELLY] How can you be sure? [RADNOR] Well, you wanted the briefing, but he and the girl know moreabout space flight than Eldred. [KELLY] What about the boy? [RADNOR] Yes, I'm not sure about him. Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes? [RADNOR] Tell me, are all three of you planning to crew this rocket? [JAMIE] Oh aye. I can be useful too, you know. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I hadn't thought about you. [JAMIE] Hey, you're not leaving me behind and that's final. [ELDRED] There can be no excess weight on this trip. [JAMIE] Well, how much many this rocket thing hold? [ELDRED] Well it was designed for a three man crew. [JAMIE] Ah. Well then, I'm going. [KELLY] Commander? [RADNOR] Yes, Miss. [KELLY] The chemical fuel reserve stocks at launching site are barelyadequate for a moon journey and return. [RADNOR] What about other sources of supply? [KELLY] New York and Moscow. Transit impossible due to T-Matmalfunction. [DOCTOR] But surely it's only a question of getting to the moon. Weshall come back by T-Mat, won't we? [RADNOR] Possibly. Depends what's wrong with it. [ELDRED] There is another source of supply. [RADNOR] Oh, what's that? [ELDRED] The fuel dump on the moon. There's a refuelling systemconnected to the landing bay. [RADNOR] But surely that equipment hasn't been used for years. [ELDRED] Neither has the radio homing beam, and if that doesn't workyou'll never make a landing at all. [JAMIE] Oh, in that case we needn't worry about getting back. [ELDRED] Well, all the equipment has been completely automated and solarpowered. Designed all myself. No reason why it shouldn't work. [DOCTOR] I'm sure it will. [ELDRED] Are you sure you remember all that I told you at the briefing? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, and even if I don't, Zoe has total recall. [ELDRED] Well, just in case, I've written it all down here. [DOCTOR] There's no need, we. [ELDRED] And there's a map of Moonbase, too. Now, you know how tooperate the homing beam? [DOCTOR] Now don't worry about a thing. Your rocket is going to be ingood hands. [JAMIE] Ahem. [DOCTOR] That's quite enough, Jamie. [ELDRED] And remember you've only got enough food and water for threedays. [DOCTOR] Yes, well we've taken (conversation carries on in background) [KELLY] Commander? [RADNOR] Yes, Miss Kelly? [KELLY] I think I should go as crew on the rocket. [RADNOR] Don't be ridiculous. You're too valuable here. [KELLY] But how can T-Mat be repaired if I'm not there? [RADNOR] Well, what about the other technicians already there? [KELLY] Osgood's dead. [RADNOR] Yes, well, what about Fewsham? Phipps? [KELLY] Oh, he's incapable of repairing it. I think I should go. [RADNOR] No! You're the only one who really understands T-Mat. I can'thave you risking your life. [KELLY] And yet you're perfectly prepared to allow them to risk theirs. [DOCTOR] Now don't worry, Miss Kelly. We're going to be perfectly allright. [KELLY] But how can you be sure? You don't even know what the trouble isup there. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] The emergency link with Earth, is it ready yet? [FEWSHAM] I've nearly finished. [SLAAR] Do not make any mistakes. [FEWSHAM] I am not an expert. [SLAAR] But you will do it. [FEWSHAM] Yes! But I don't see what good just this emergency link canbe. Even if you had a gigantic army of warriors, you couldn't send themall to conquer Earth. [SLAAR] We do not need an army. Earth will be ours for the taking, verysoon. --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [ELDRED [on monitor]] Ignition reserve power. [ZOE [OC]] Fully charged. [KELLY [on monitor]] Internal atmosphere settings? [DOCTOR [OC]] All normal. [ELDRED [on monitor]] Trajectory bearings, orbital lock. [ZOE [OC]] Pre-set registering normal functions. --------------------------------------- (Mission control) [KELLY] Lift off activation check complete. All readings alpha green. [RADNOR] Well done. In record time and not a thing wrong. [ELDRED] So far. [RADNOR] Doctor? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes? [RADNOR] Final check on procedure after you land. [DOCTOR [OC]] Oh yes, I know. We're to re-establish video link with theEarth. [RADNOR] That's right. When we can see what's wrong, you can do the restunder Miss Kelly's supervision. [DOCTOR [OC]] Right. We're ready when you are. [KELLY] Link programme to telemeter guidance. KELLY [RADNOR] This is it. [KELLY] All functions are on computer controlled pre-set. Clearlaunching site. --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [ZOE] Three minutes seems an awfully long time. [DOCTOR] Yes. You remember your take off briefing, Jamie? [JAMIE] Aye, he's told me all about this G-force stuff. Now I know. [ZOE] You don't know about it until you've experienced it. [JAMIE] Look Zoe, I'll have you know that the Doctor and I have [KELLY [OC]] T minus sixty seconds from now. [DOCTOR] There's one minute to go. Now hold tight, everyone. [ZOE] Well, I'm all right, Doctor. How about you, Jamie? [JAMIE] (scared) Look, I keep telling you, I'm fine. [KELLY [OC]] T minus fifty. --------------------------------------- (Mission control) [ELDRED] Make sure telemeter guidance is operative! [RADNOR] Don't worry, everything's been checked and rechecked. [KELLY] T minus forty. Technicians report. [BRENT [OC]] All areas clear. [ELDRED] Check all systems. [KELLY] We have. [ELDRED] We must make sure. [KELLY] T minus thirty. Twenty six. --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [KELLY [OC]] Twenty two. Eighteen. Fourteen.Twelve. Ten. --------------------------------------- (Mission control) [KELLY] Ten, nine, eight, Seven, six, five, four,three, two, one. We have lift off. [RADNOR] I never thought I'd see that again. A rocket rising in flight. [ELDRED] Beautiful! Let's see how they are. The link is dead! [KELLY] What? Something must have gone wrong on lift off. [RADNOR] Try the shadow channel. [KELLY] Nothing. [RADNOR] Do you mean to say we're out of touch completely? [ELDRED] What about radio link? [KELLY] Earth control to rocket. How do you read me? Over. [ELDRED] Nothing but static. [RADNOR] It's only a minor fault, surely. --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [KELLY [OC]] Earth control to rocket. How do you read me? Earth controlto rocket. [ZOE] Don't release your safety straps until I switch over to automaticgravity control, otherwise you'll float away. [KELLY [OC]] Earth control to rocket, how do you read me? [ZOE] Oh, wait a minute! Switching to automatic gravity control now. --------------------------------------- (Mission control) [ELDRED] Try again. [KELLY] Earth control to rocket. [ZOE [OC]] Rocket to Earth Control. Wait a minute, can't you? We've onlyjust recovered from take-off. [ELDRED] Is everything all right? We seem to have lost our video monitorlink. [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, I think there must be a fault in one of the circuits. [ELDRED] Doctor? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [ZOE] What is it? [DOCTOR] Well, one of the circuits has burnt out, Zoe. I'll switch to asecondary one. [JAMIE] Oh, no. This is worse than the Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Mission control) [ELDRED] Do you read me, Doctor? [KELLY] Sounds as though the entire communications circuitry has blownout. [ELDRED] Yes, let's hope that's all that's happened. [RADNOR] Keep trying, Miss Kelly. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] It's done. The emergency link will worknow. [SLAAR] Excellent! [FEWSHAM] What are you going to do? [SLAAR] Do not ask questions. Activate the link. On receive only. [FEWSHAM] Receive? But aren't you going to send anybody [SLAAR] Activate the link on receive at once! --------------------------------------- (Mission control) [KELLY] And you've double checked everything? [BRENT [on monitor]] Yes. The fault is definitely at Moonbase. [RADNOR] Is it possible for you to effect repairs over video? [KELLY] Provided the fault is not too major. [ELDRED] And provided they actually get there in the rocket. [RADNOR] They'll get there. [ELDRED] Why? How do you know? You can't even be sure the rocket's stillin one piece. [BRENT [on monitor]] Miss Kelly! [KELLY] What is it, Brent? [BRENT [on monitor]] We've got through. The emergency T-Mat link to MoonControl is activating. [KELLY] Is someone coming through? [BRENT [on monitor]] No, it's on send. [KELLY] Moonbase must have managed to make a temporary repair. [RADNOR] It seems odd. [KELLY] That's all we need. Brent, have a full emergency kit waiting.I'll join you as soon as possible. [BRENT [on monitor]] Yes, Miss Kelly. Crew are standing by. [RADNOR] Where do you think you're going? [KELLY] Well, if we can send, it's the only thing I can do. [RADNOR] You've no idea what conditions are like up there. [KELLY] I know all too well what they're like down here. And it's my jobto put things right. [RADNOR] Miss Kelly! You cannot assume that responsibility withoutauthorisation. [KELLY] Commander, you've stopped me once. Please don't try it again,otherwise I shall have to go above your head. [ELDRED] She's after your job, Julian. [RADNOR] Miss Kelly! She's a fool. If we lose her, nothing can save us. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] Thank heavens you've come. [KELLY] What happened? [FEWSHAM] Osgood. It must have been space madness. He just went berserk,raving mad. It was terrifying. [KELLY] Osgood? But he'd be the last man I'd have thought [FEWSHAM] So did we. [KELLY] Where are the others? [FEWSHAM] When Osgood fused the controls, Locke tried to stop him.Osgood killed him. [KELLY] This is fantastic! What about Phipps? [FEWSHAM] Well, he was injured too. I've put him under sedation. [KELLY] And you? [FEWSHAM] There's nothing wrong with me. [KELLY] You look frightened. [FEWSHAM] If you'd seen Osgood die, wouldn't you be? [KELLY] How did he die? [FEWSHAM] His body's outside. He just went out. [KELLY] Without a pressure suit? I see. Open all control sections andcomputer links. Fewsham, what are you doing? [FEWSHAM] I thought I'd best switch off the emergency link. With thetrouble we've got it could easily burn itself out. [KELLY] Sensible. Anyway, it'll prevent Commander Radnor sending up asecurity guard to drag me back to Reception Earth. [SLAAR] The other human is still free. Find him. He must not interferewith our plans. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [PHIPPS] Hello, Earth Control this is Moonbase. Emergency. Emergency.How do you read me? Hello Earth Control, this is Moonbase. Emergency.Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [ZOE] It's no use. No contact at all. Everycircuit's dead. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, this is most unfortunate. [JAMIE] Aye, well don't try them again. You may blow the whole rocket upnext time. [ZOE] Well, there's no use worrying about the radio now. We're nearly atthe end of the journey. [DOCTOR] Well I had hoped we could stay in contact with Earth. [ZOE] We don't need them. All we have to do is activate the Moon homingbeam. [JAMIE] Well, how do you do that? I thought we weren't in contact withanyone on the Moon? [ZOE] Well, it's quite simple, Jamie. It's an automatic device. We sendout code radio signals which triggers the homing beacon into action. Weautomatically lock onto it until we reach the point in orbit where wefire retro-rockets to land. [JAMIE] Oh. Ah, but if they've all been cut off, how can they activate? [DOCTOR] It works off a different power source, Jamie. Solar power. It'sindependent of the T-Mat system. [JAMIE] Aye well, I just hope it works, that's all. [ZOE] Well, if it doesn't we're going to have trouble docking at MoonControl airlock. It could be quite a crash. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, lets try, shall we? I think we're near enough. There,that's our activating signal. [ZOE] That's it. As long as that note is steady, we're home and dry, notrouble at all. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [PHIPPS] Hello Earth Control, this is Moonbase. Emergency. Emergency.Can you hear me? Hello Earth Control, this is Moonbase. Emergency.Emergency. Can you hear me? [PHIPPS] Hello Earth Control. This is Moonbase. Emergency! Can you hearme? Hello Earth Control. This is Moonbase. Can you hear me? [PHIPPS] Hello Earth Control. [PHIPPS] Hello Earth Control. This is Moonbase. Emergency. Emergency.Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [ZOE] The homing beam, it's cut out! [DOCTOR] I know, I know. I'm trying to re-activate it. [JAMIE] What's gone wrong? I thought you said it was infallible? [DOCTOR] Well, the solar power source must have been damaged, Jamie. [JAMIE] You said we'd have trouble if that didn't work! [DOCTOR] Yes. Without the beam it'll be impossible to land safely. [JAMIE] You mean we'll crash? [ZOE] Well, either that or drift on endlessly through space. --------------------------------------- (Solar Power Store Room) [PHIPPS] Hello Earth Control. This is Moonbase.Emergency. Emergency. Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [ZOE] At our present rate of drift and allowing forthe usual gravitational influences, we'll be drawn into the heart ofthe sun in approximately five months and ten days. [JAMIE] No need to worry about that, then. [ZOE] What do you mean? [JAMIE] We've only got enough food and water for three days, remember?(The Doctor hears something over his headset.) [DOCTOR] Just a minute. I think I'm getting something. [PHIPPS [OC]] Hello Earth Control, this is Moonbase. Emergency.Emergency. Can you hear me? [DOCTOR] Hello, Moonbase. Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [PHIPPS] Yes! Yes, I can hear you load and clear.What part of Earth are you speaking from? [DOCTOR [OC]] We're not on the Earth. We're in a rocket orbiting themoon. [PHIPPS] A rocket? But that's impossible! --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [DOCTOR] Well I can assure you it's not impossible.What is your emergency? What's happening on Moonbase? [PHIPPS [OC]] We've been invaded. Aliens have taken over. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [KELLY] Put that cover back on. Right, let's testit now. [FEWSHAM] Do you really think it will work? [KELLY] No reason why not. We've replaced the overloaded circuits. Itshould be all right. Turn on the power. Hold it. [KELLY] Try again. We'll T-Mat back to Earth and report to CommanderRadnor. [SLAAR] Stop! You will remain here. [FEWSHAM] Don't move! Do exactly as they say! [SLAAR] You will remain here. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [RADNOR] Brent, has contact be re-established withMoonbase yet? [BRENT] No, sir. As soon as Miss Kelly was transmitted the emergencylink switched off again. [ELDRED] And you've no idea what's happened? [BRENT] Oh, I'm sure Miss Kelly will sort things out all right. [RADNOR] I wish I had your optimism. --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [DOCTOR] How much longer, Zoe? [ZOE] Well, our orbit will bring us back into his range in approximatelyforty three seconds. [DOCTOR] Let's hope he can still transmit. [ZOE] Well, his signal was quite strong when we were orbiting his sideof the moon. There's no reason for it to fade. [DOCTOR] It's not his equipment I'm worried about, it's his survival. [ZOE] Doctor, these aliens he described. [DOCTOR] How much did you hear? [ZOE] Bipeds, reptilian, armed with some kind of sonic device. [JAMIE] Yes, Ice Warriors. [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Jamie and I have met them before. They come from theplanet Mars. [ZOE] Well, what do they want? [DOCTOR] Mars is a dying planet. I imagine they're trying to find a newhome. [ZOE] Why the Moon? [DOCTOR] Oh, I think that that's just a stepping stone. [ZOE] What did you they were? Ice Warriors? [JAMIE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well Mars, as you know, is a cold planet. They've adaptedto that. It's heat they can't stand. [ZOE] We should just about be coming into range now. [DOCTOR] Hello Moonbase, hello Moonbase. Can you read me? [PHIPPS [OC]] Yes, I read you loud and clear. [DOCTOR] Oh thank heavens for that. Now listen. We need your help tomake a landing. [PHIPPS [OC]] But you mustn't land. You must warn Earth about what'shappened here. [DOCTOR] We can't do that. We've lost radio contact with the Earth. [PHIPPS [OC]] Well then, go back and warn them. [DOCTOR] We can't do that either. We haven't got enough fuel. We need toget to the fuel dump on the moon. [PHIPPS [OC]] But they'll kill you! [DOCTOR] Oh well, we'll just have to take that risk. Now, where are youMister, er, what's? [PHIPPS [OC]] Phipps. I'm in the Solar Energy Store. Now, what do youwant me to do? [ZOE] Doctor, if we could adapt our homing equipment to his radiosignal, we could beam in on that. [DOCTOR] Did you hear that? We want you to keep your transmitter going. [PHIPPS [OC]] All right, I'll try, but I've no idea how long thistransmitter can last. [DOCTOR] There, I think that's done it. Now then, let's see if we canpick up his signal. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, there we are. Now, Zoe, what about the approachtrajectory? [ZOE] Yes, here. [DOCTOR] Ah good. Oh yes. Oh, I don't think I could have done bettermyself. [ZOE] We need to fire the retro-rockets in seventeen point five seconds. [DOCTOR] What? Well, landing positions, everyone. [ZOE] Two seconds, one, now. [ZOE] Let's hope there's enough fuel left to cushion down on. [JAMIE] Aye, and let's hope that radio beam thing doesn't conk outbefore we get there. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Jamie. I'm sure we're going to be all right. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [PHIPPS] Hello Moon rocket. Can you hear me? [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello Moonbase. Yes, we can. We are coming in on yoursignal now. Whatever you do, keep transmitting. --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [DOCTOR] The signal! It's stopped! [ZOE] Can you get us back into orbit? [DOCTOR] No! No, I shall have to get us down as best I can. [ZOE] But if we crash into a mountain range, we'll be smashed to pieces! [ZOE] It's working again. Doctor, can you lock back onto it? [DOCTOR] Well, I'll try. Yes, yes, there it is. Oh, my word. I thinkwe're going to be all right. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm sorry about the landing. Is everyone all right? [JAMIE] Aye, well, we're down, that's that main thing. [DOCTOR] Yes. [ZOE] Now what do we do? [DOCTOR] Well, the first we must do is to refuel. You can see to that,Zoe, can't you. [ZOE] Yes, but what are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Well I must go in search of Mister Phipps. [ZOE] But what about the Ice Warriors? [DOCTOR] Oh, I've met them before. [ZOE] But Doctor, you can't just go [DOCTOR] Well I've got to rescue Mister Phipps, now haven't I? Now wheredid I put that map of. Ah. Here we are. Now then, the Solar Power roomis. Here we are. Oh yes. Oh yes, that seems to be quite a simple route. [JAMIE] Right, I'll come with you. [DOCTOR] No. You'll stay here and look after Zoe. Now don't worry,you're going to be quite all right. [JAMIE] Ah. [DOCTOR] Good luck. [ZOE] And to you. [JAMIE] And to you. [JAMIE] Well, how do we refuel? [ZOE] Oh, well, that's simple. It'll connect automatically from here.Now you watch this dial, and when it reads full, switch it off. Now doyou think you can remember that? [JAMIE] Of course I can. [ZOE] Good. I want to have a look at the rocket motors. [JAMIE] Why, what's the matter? [ZOE] Well I didn't much like the way we landed. It could have causedsome damage. [JAMIE] Well, I know it was a bit rough, but surely it wasn't as bad asall that? [ZOE] Well, it's not the landing that matters now, it's the take-off. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] Tokyo. London. Canberra. That's the lot. The whole system'scompletely operational again. [SLAAR] We can now send to any city in the world? [FEWSHAM] Yes, anywhere there's a T-Mat centre. [KELLY] Fewsham, do you realise what you're doing? [FEWSHAM] I'm trying to save our lives. [KELLY] And what about the people on Earth? [FEWSHAM] We're in no position to argue. [KELLY] Why do you want control of T-Mat? If you're going to invade theEarth, you'll be fighting the armed forces of the entire world. You'llnever succeed. There'll be too much resistance. [SLAAR] There will be no resistance. [FEWSHAM] What about us? What'll happen to us? [SLAAR] You will remain alive as long as you are useful. [KELLY] You'll never get any help from me. [SLAAR] When the time comes you will do exactly what you are told, ordie. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [DOCTOR] Hello? [PHIPPS] Who are you? [DOCTOR] Oh! Oh, Mister Phipps, I presume? [PHIPPS] Yes, but where'd you come from? [DOCTOR] From the rocket. We were talking on the radio. [PHIPPS] Thank heavens you made it. Are the others here too? [DOCTOR] No, they're still in the rocket. How many of the Ice Warriorsare there? [PHIPPS] These creatures, you mean? [DOCTOR] Yes. [PHIPPS] Well, there aren't many, but they're deadly. [DOCTOR] Oh, they have their weak points. [PHIPPS] Look, they've killed everybody here. All except Fewsham. He'shelping them. [DOCTOR] I see. Well, there's only one thing for it. We shall have todestroy T-Mat. [PHIPPS] What! --------------------------------------- (Rocket) [JAMIE] Are you all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes. Have you refuelled the rocket, Jamie? [JAMIE] Yes, we've just finished and Zoe's checking the rocket motors. [DOCTOR [OC]] Oh good. I have found Mister Phipps. [JAMIE] How is he? [DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, he's quite all right but [JAMIE] Aye, and you're bringing him back now? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, eventually, Jamie, but I've got to put T-Mat out ofaction first. [JAMIE] But, but, but Doctor, what about the Ice Warriors? [DOCTOR [OC]] Now, don't worry. Jamie. You and Zoe prepare the rocketfor take off and wait for us. Goodbye. [JAMIE] But Doctor. Doctor. Hey! Och. [JAMIE] That was the Doctor. He's found Phipps and he wants us toprepare the rocket for take off while they put T-Mat out of action. [ZOE] But he can't! [JAMIE] Why? [ZOE] I've just checked the main power drive and the rocket's motors arecompletely useless. [JAMIE] What? [ZOE] The only way back to Earth is by T-Mat. [JAMIE] Oh! [ZOE] Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me? This is Zoe. Doctor! Oh he musthave switched off! [JAMIE] Oh, now what do we do? [ZOE] We'll go and find him. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Moonbase corridor) [DOCTOR] Where is this leading to? [PHIPPS] Control Headquarters. Through this way. [DOCTOR] It's an Ice Warrior. It's got Miss Kelly. But how? [DOCTOR] Run! [DOCTOR] Stop! [WARRIOR] You must be destroyed. [DOCTOR] You've got no orders to kill me. Your leader will want to speakto me! [WARRIOR] Humans are our enemies! [DOCTOR] But I can be useful to you, like Fewsham. Your leader will beangry if you kill me. I'm a genius. [WARRIOR] Genius? You will come with me. [JAMIE] Now which way? [ZOE] I don't know. I'm lost. [JAMIE] I thought you knew the way. [ZOE] So did I. Let's try this way. [JAMIE] Women! [JAMIE] Oh, no. We could wander around here all day. [ZOE] Listen! Quick, here! [ZOE] What was that thing? [JAMIE] An Ice Warrior. You see, we were right. [JAMIE] Quick, run. [ZOE] Get back. Don't move. [JAMIE] Now what do we do? [ZOE] Keep looking for the Doctor and keep your eyes open for the solarenergy room. Come on. [JAMIE] Solar energy. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] I wish you'd tell me what you want me todo. [SLAAR] You will shortly dispatch a cargo to certain cities on Earth.They will include Ottawa, Oslo, Stockholm, Hamburg. [FEWSHAM] Cargo? What sort of cargo? [WARRIOR] The prisoner Kelly has escaped. This human was in thecorridors. [SLAAR] Who are you? Where are you from? [DOCTOR] I might ask you the same question. [SLAAR] You will find the human Kelly and bring her back here. Who isthis man? [FEWSHAM] He's not one of the crew. I don't know him. He must have justarrived here. [SLAAR] Impossible. We control T-Mat. How did you get here? [DOCTOR] Our resources are not limited to T-Mat, you know. [SLAAR] You arrived here by other means, by spacecraft? [FEWSHAM] Rockets haven't been used for years. [SLAAR] Then you are lying. You have been concealed here all the time. [DOCTOR] But you can't be sure of that, can you? The people of the Earthmay be preparing a whole fleet of rockets to defend themselves with. [SLAAR] No. Earth relies entirely on T-Mat. There is no defence againstour plans. [DOCTOR] And what are your plans? Invasion by T-Mat? There are too fewof you to conquer all the peoples of the Earth. [WARRIOR] The Grand Marshall has ordered all the seeds to be prepared.You are to receive your instructions. [SLAAR] Then guard the humans. If they try to escape, kill them. [DOCTOR] Why are you helping them? [FEWSHAM] I've seen what they can do. [DOCTOR] Do you know what is in that container? [FEWSHAM] All I know is they want me to send something to Earth byT-Mat. I suppose that's what's in it. [DOCTOR] Then I shall have to have a look inside, and you are going tohelp me. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [ZOE] The Doctor's been captured? But couldn't youhelp him? [PHIPPS] I'm sorry. There was nothing we could do. [KELLY] We had a job to reach here ourselves. [JAMIE] Aye, so did we. [ZOE] Are you sure the Ice Warriors don't know about this place? [PHIPPS] Well, one of them did find it, but I managed to deal with him. [ZOE] How? [PHIPPS] Well, I fixed up a kind of booby trap to the solar energy powerline. [JAMIE] Ah. [KELLY] By the look of those things I'd have though they wereinvulnerable. [ZOE] No. The Doctor said they can't stand heat. [JAMIE] Aye, that's right. [PHIPPS] The heating system of the entire base is controlled from theCentre. Now if we could reach those controls and turn up the heating. [ZOE] But how can we get there? There are Ice Warriors patrolling thosecorridors. [JAMIE] Aye. [PHIPPS] Yes I know. The maintenance tunnels. Over here. [JAMIE] Hey, if we could get through here, then turn the heating up,knock the Warriors out, we could rescue the Doctor. [KELLY] And T-Mat ourselves back to Earth. [JAMIE] Aye. [ZOE] But I thought T-Mat had broken down? [KELLY] Not anymore. I repaired it. How can we get this cover off? [PHIPPS] This part of the base hasn't been used for ages. It's rustedsolid. It'll take some time. [JAMIE] Aye, well, the Doctor may not have much time. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [DOCTOR] (sotto) All right, Fewsham. Now. [FEWSHAM] I can't! They'll kill us both! [DOCTOR] You have got to help me. [FEWSHAM] I said I can't. [DOCTOR] Very well, I shall do it by myself. If I'm caught, which ismost likely, we will both get killed. [FEWSHAM] All right. [WARRIOR] Do not move! [FEWSHAM] I was ordered to prepare the controls for transmission. I'vehave got to check that everything is in order. [WARRIOR] Return to where you were. [FEWSHAM] But this is most important! [WARRIOR] If you are trying to escape, I shall destroy you. [FEWSHAM] I'm not trying to escape. [WARRIOR] Go back to where you were. [FEWSHAM] All right, all right. [SLAAR] Wait! Open it. I said open it! [DOCTOR] What are these things? (he picks one up) They look like seedpods. [FEWSHAM] What is it? What's happened to him? Is he dead? --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [JAMIE] That's it! [ZOE] I think I heard something. [KELLY] Be careful! [ZOE] There's one coming. I don't think he saw me. [JAMIE] We won't take any chances. [JAMIE] That should hold it. [ZOE] Get back! [PHIPPS] Don't move. [JAMIE] The booby trap thing, does it still work? [PHIPPS] It'll have to be reconnected. [JAMIE] Well, come on. [PHIPPS] Miss Kelly. [PHIPPS] Zoe. [JAMIE] (hanging on to the door) Hurry up! [PHIPPS] Right! [KELLY] Now! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] You will prepare to activate the cubicle and transmit to London.Obey! --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Emergency transport systems now inoperation. However situation still extremely critical in most parts ofthe world. Primitive areas surviving best but all major cities nowsuffering severe food shortages. [RADNOR] Without T-Mat, millions are going to die, especially in thecities. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Activate! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [BRENT] Commander Radnor, the T-Mat is working. [RADNOR] Working? Kelly must have got through! [ELDRED] Splendid! What is it? [BRENT] It's alive! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [BRENT] The thing's alive! [ELDRED] Get away from here. Quick, quick! [RADNOR] He's dead. Keep back. It must be that smoke. Guards! Keep awayfrom here! (the cubicle) [ELDRED] Use the air conditioning! [RADNOR] Switch the air conditioning to expel. [ELDRED] It seems to be clearing. What was that thing? [RADNOR] Careful, Daniel. [ELDRED] It's all right. It's harmless enough now. It's shrivelled up. [RADNOR] Get Brent's body over to the medical wing. Tell them that Iwant a full autopsy. [RADNOR] Now what do you make of that? [ELDRED] Ever seen anything like that thing before? [RADNOR] No. It looked like some sort of seed pod, but why do you thinkit exploded like that? [ELDRED] Some plants reproduce that way. Their pods explode and spreadtheir seeds. [RADNOR] All this thing spread was some kind of smoke. [ELDRED] Which has now been dispelled into the air of London. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Prepare to dispatch. Dispatch. [SLAAR] Hamburg. [FEWSHAM] Why are we doing this? What are those things? [SLAAR] Dispatch! --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [KELLY] Zoe, would you hold this for a moment? (the bulb) [ZOE] What is it? [KELLY] Well, this circuit was overloaded. It blew out when we destroyedthat creature. I'm trying to repair it. Okay. [ZOE] Well, this one looks all right. [KELLY] Let's hope it works. [ZOE] Well, let's hope we don't need it. [ZOE] There's no sign of them. It isn't getting any warmer, is it. [KELLY] Well they can't have had time to reach the heating controls yet. [ZOE] And the heating controls are in the main control room, aren'tthey. [KELLY] Yes. [ZOE] And so are the Ice Warriors. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [PHIPPS] Are you all right? [JAMIE] Fine. [SLAAR] Paris. Dispatch! [JAMIE] What are they up to? [PHIPPS] I don't know. It looks as though they're sending something byT-Mat. [JAMIE] Who's that helping them? [PHIPPS] Fewsham. [JAMIE] Hey, can you see the Doctor anywhere? [PHIPPS] No, there's no sign of him. I wonder what it is they'resending? --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] The object appeared in reception cubicleT-Mat headquarters. Leading Technician Douglas D Grant in closeproximity to the object collapsed and died instantly. Cause of death asyet unknown. Message from New York ends. [RADNOR] That's another one. How many does that make? [ELDRED] Sixteen T-Mat reception centres. [RADNOR] How many deaths? [ELDRED] Brent here, that man in Berlin, two in New York. But I doubt ifthose things were sent just to kill one or two people at random. [RADNOR] What else then? [ELDRED] Well, I don't know, but [RADNOR] What? [ELDRED] I'm wondering if there's any pattern with these cities. London,Ottawa, Oslo, Hamburg, Berlin. [RADNOR] Yes, they're all major population centres, certainly. [ELDRED] But is that all they have in common? [ELDRED] What is it? [RADNOR] The autopsy report on Brent. [ELDRED] Well? [RADNOR] He died of oxygen starvation. [ELDRED] Oxygen starvation takes at least three or four minutes. He diedinstantly. [RADNOR] Exactly. And according to this the medical unit can't believeit either. [ELDRED] Obviously what killed him was that smoke-like substance whichwas emitted when the pods exploded, which was expelled into the outsideatmosphere. Let's hope that diluted with air it loses it's toxicquality, otherwise --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Zurich. Dispatch! [FEWSHAM] Is that the last? [SLAAR] It may be necessary to send further seeds later. [FEWSHAM] What about him? [SLAAR] Is he still alive? [FEWSHAM] Yes, he's still breathing. [SLAAR] That is unusual. Most humans would be dead. Take him to theT-Mat cubicle. [FEWSHAM] What for? [SLAAR] Do as I say. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [JAMIE] What are they going to do? [PHIPPS] Shush! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Dispose of him. [FEWSHAM] What do you mean? [SLAAR] You will adjust the T-Mat controls and suspend him in spacebetween the moon and Earth. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [JAMIE] We've got to try and save him. [PHIPPS] Back of the cubicle. Over here, quick. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] But you can't just ask me to kill a manjust like that. [SLAAR] You dispatched the seeds. In so doing you destroyed your entirespecies. [FEWSHAM] Oh, no! [SLAAR] What is the death of one man compared to that? [FEWSHAM] What was in those things? [SLAAR] No more questions. Operate the controls. [FEWSHAM] I can't. I can't! [SLAAR] Prefer to die. [FEWSHAM] T-Mat is only programmed to send to other centres. I shallhave to reprogramme the circuit. [SLAAR] Then do so at once. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [JAMIE] Are you sure this is the back of the rightcubicle? [PHIPPS] It'd better be. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Well? [FEWSHAM] Please. Please don't make me. [SLAAR] Complete it! --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [PHIPPS] Right. [JAMIE] Oh no! [PHIPPS] Oh, it's only the interior casing. It comes away easily. [JAMIE] Oh. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] Is the circuit prepared yet? [FEWSHAM] Yes, almost. Almost. [SLAAR] You are wasting time. Operate. [FEWSHAM] No! [SLAAR] At once! [FEWSHAM] You've killed him. You've killed him! You've killed him! [SLAAR] Prepare to dispatch to London. Do as I say! [SLAAR] The time has come for your mission. You understand what you mustdo? [WARRIOR] I understand. [SLAAR] You must succeed at all costs. [SLAAR] Transmit to London. [FEWSHAM] I need time. I must reprogramme. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [PHIPPS] Can you manage the Doctor by yourself? [JAMIE] Yes. [PHIPPS] Can you remember the way back? [JAMIE] Oh, I think so. [PHIPPS] I'll try and get to the heating controls. [JAMIE] Good. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Reports now received on cause of death of T-Mat receptiontechnicians in New York and Berlin. In all cases victims died of oxygenstarvation. [RADNOR] Discontinue report. [ELDRED] Wait a minute. There's something else. [RADNOR] All right. Continue report. [COMPUTER] Information coming in on appearance of vegetable blight nowattacking parks and gardens in the metropolises. Many areas [COMPUTER] Unidentified menace. Foam appears to be byproduct of largefungi which grow and burst, spreading their spores over large areas.Rate of growth of fungi such that acres of ground are covered minutes.Estimated that strong south westerly winds could spread this diseaseover large areas of Europe and Asia. [RADNOR] Guards! [COMPUTER] Destroying second crop cereals. [RADNOR] The guards. It's killed them. It's killed them all! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] I shall return shortly. You will remainhere. (to another Warrior) The humans that escaped, have they beenfound? [WARRIOR] We are searching for them. [SLAAR] Intensify the search. They must be found and destroyed. Guardhim. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [ZOE] How is he? [KELLY] I think the water helped him. [JAMIE] Aye, well, we'd better get back there. We've still got to getthose heating control things. [PHIPPS] It's no good, Jamie, we'll never make it. [JAMIE] Why not? [PHIPPS] Because the ventilator's too small and there's no other way. [JAMIE] Well, maybe I could get through. [PHIPPS] Look, it's impossible. [ZOE] How big is this grill? [PHIPPS] About so big. [ZOE] Well I could get through. [JAMIE] No, Zoe. You're not going. [ZOE] Look, I'm smaller than you and I'll probably be a lot quieter too. [JAMIE] Look, it's too dangerous anyway. [ZOE] Well, what other alternative is there? [JAMIE] Well. [KELLY] She's right. It's the logical thing to do. [ZOE] Thank you. Well come on, show me the way. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [ELDRED] He can't just have vanished. [RADNOR] I can assure you that the security guards have lost all traceof it. [ELDRED] I wonder what its purpose was? [RADNOR] Purpose? What are you talking about? [ELDRED] Well, can't you see it's all part of the same plan. First theseed pods and now this creature. I tell you it came here for somepurpose, and heaven help anyone who gets in its way. [ELDRED] Any trace yet of the alien creature? [COMPUTER] Reports from security negative. [RADNOR] There you are, what did I tell you. [COMPUTER] Security reports cordon round T-Mat complex unbroken. [ELDRED] At least we know it's still in the area. [COMPUTER] Correction. Urgent message. Bodies of three technicians foundin T-Mat grounds. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [ZOE] Which way now? [PHIPPS] I'm not sure. [ZOE] But you must remember. You've already been this way once withJamie. [PHIPPS] Yes, I know, but I can't remember this time. [ZOE] But surely [PHIPPS] Look, I can't remember! All the tunnels look the same. [ZOE] Are you all right? [PHIPPS] Oh yes, I'm fine. I've seen most of my friends killed. I'mbeing hunted by monsters. [ZOE] If you go on shouting like that, you'll be caught by them and sowill I. [PHIPPS] I'm sorry. I don't know what's the matter with me. [ZOE] It's nervous exhaustion and a slight touch of claustrophobia. Justsit down and we'll have a rest. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [ELDRED] I tell you that creature came here forsome purpose. It must be making for somewhere. Somewhere in this area. [COMPUTER] Urgent message. Contact made with security guard observingthe alien. [RADNOR] Relay report direct. [GUARD [OC]] Report to Central control. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control grounds) [GUARD] Report to Central control. The creature isentering the east compound area. [RADNOR [OC]] What's happened? Report. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [RADNOR] What's happened? Report! [COMPUTER] Security guard's ceased transmission. [RADNOR] Tell Security I want a armed patrol sent to the east commandarea without fail. Immediately. And relay any findings to me heredirect. Top priority. [ELDRED] You're only going to lose more security guards. [RADNOR] Well, I can't let that creature roam loose, can I? [ELDRED] Can we stop it? Do you know how we can stop it? You know thatbullets will do no good. We've seen that for ourselves. In all thesecities that. Wait a moment. Yes! Oslo, Ottawa, Berlin, Hamburg, London,Paris, New York! These are the places where the pods have arrived. [RADNOR] Well, so what? [ELDRED] Well, don't you see? They're all cold climates. All northernhemisphere. In all of those cities it's winter, as it is here. [RADNOR] So? [ELDRED] Why haven't the pods arrived in any warm areas? [COMPUTER] Urgent message. Subject, continued breakdown of T-Mat andcessation of all world transport and distribution. Total breakdown ofsocial order predicted. Emergency measures proving inadequate. [RADNOR] Discontinue report. [COMPUTER] Incoming data will be recorded. [ELDRED] Well, the emergency measures may still save a few people. [RADNOR] Well, what's the good of that? With the dislocation of foodsupplies, we could lose millions. [ELDRED] We may lose most of the world's population before they'vefinished with us. [RADNOR] They? [ELDRED] This creature. It's only the first. We're going to be invaded! --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [KELLY] Any sign of them? [JAMIE] No. [KELLY] They've been gone ages. They can't have reached the heatingcontrols yet. The temperature seems the same. [JAMIE] Look, I'm going down there. [KELLY] No, our job is to act as a rearguard in case something goeswrong. [JAMIE] Look, a lot of good we are. [KELLY] Well, we're not entirely helpless. [JAMIE] You've got that thing working again? [KELLY] I think so, but we can hardly test it. [JAMIE] Oh look, where are they? What's keeping them? --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [ZOE] I think we ought to go on. [PHIPPS] All right. [ZOE] Look, can you remember the way now? [PHIPPS] No, it's no good. [ZOE] We could work it out. [PHIPPS] How? [ZOE] Well, presumably these maintenance tunnels run parallel to thecorridors. [PHIPPS] Well, yes they do, but. [ZOE] Well, I've seen a map of the corridors. The Doctor had one in therocket. [PHIPPS] But you can't possibly remember [ZOE] Yes I can, I think. Now there's a main corridor here, the twojunctions here. We went left, right, left. It must be that one. [PHIPPS] But you and Jamie got lost on the way to the solar energystoreroom. [ZOE] Well, only temporarily, I found the way eventually. [PHIPPS] Well, you'd better be right this time. [ZOE] Oh come on! [ZOE] Oh, how long is it going to stand there? [PHIPPS] I don't know. But I daren't move the grille until it goes. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [JAMIE] Look, I'd better see what's happened tothem. [KELLY] All right, but [JAMIE] What? [KELLY] Shush. Quick, the door! [JAMIE] Too late! [JAMIE] (silent) Now! [JAMIE] (silent) Come on. [JAMIE] (silent) Keep back. [PHIPPS] He's moving. [ZOE] Quick, move the grille! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] How much longer must I wait here? [WARRIOR] Do not ask questions! [FEWSHAM] I need food, rest. I haven't had any sleep for hours. [WARRIOR] What are you doing? [FEWSHAM] I must fix the cubicle. [WARRIOR] But you said T-Mat was functioning properly. [FEWSHAM] I know, but there's something I've forgotten. --------------------------------------- (Maintenance tunnel) [PHIPPS] Quick! Now the heating controls are overthere. Turn the main wheel to full. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [PHIPPS] Look out, Zoe! [ZOE] Well, help me, can't you? Help me! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [ZOE] Are you all right? [FEWSHAM] Yes, I am. Who are you? What are you doing here? [ZOE] Oh, never mind that. I thought you were on their side. [FEWSHAM] Is that what they all think? [ZOE] Well, you have been helping them, haven't you. [FEWSHAM] I had no alternative. They'd have killed me. [ZOE] Well look, where are the other Ice Warriors? [FEWSHAM] I think they've gone to their ship, but they'll be comingback. We must get out of here. [ZOE] Oh but how? [FEWSHAM] Look, I can get you back to Earth. T-Mat is working again. [ZOE] Oh! Well, I'll get back to the others and tell them the good news. --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy Store Room) [DOCTOR] Oh, Victoria, Jamie. [JAMIE] No! [DOCTOR] Oh, well done, Jamie. [KELLY] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. Oh, I'm a bit dizzy. It's so hot in here. [JAMIE] Aye, lucky for us. Zoe and Phipps turned the heating up just intime. [DOCTOR] What? Well, where are they now? [KELLY] They went though the maintenance tunnel to the main controlroom. [DOCTOR] Ah, Zoe! [ZOE] Oh Doctor! (they hug) Oh, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. [ZOE] Good. [JAMIE] Where's Phipps? [ZOE] He's dead. An Ice Warrior killed him. [KELLY] How did you manage to escape? [ZOE] That other man helped me. [KELLY] Fewsham? [ZOE] Yes. [KELLY] Well I thought that he was working for them. [ZOE] He saved my life. [KELLY] Doesn't sound much like Fewsham. [ZOE] He attacked a Warrior. He's also got T-Mat working again. [DOCTOR] Well, do I gather we can get back to Earth then? [ZOE] Yes, I think so. [KELLY] Well, let's not waste any more time. [ZOE] No. Come on. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [RADNOR] Well, that's all we need. [ELDRED] What is it? [RADNOR] Gregson's here. [ELDRED] Gregson, eh? [RADNOR] Sir James Gregson. [ELDRED] United Nations Plenipotentiary. [RADNOR] Minister with special responsibility for T-Mat. [ELDRED] And your boss, in other words! [RADNOR] Oh, don't. [GREGSON] Radnor, I've read your report. I can't make head nor tail ofit. Who's this? [RADNOR] Professor Eldred, sir. [ELDRED] How do you do. [GREGSON] Oh well. [RADNOR] He's helping me, sir. [GREGSON] This breakdown of T-Mat. What is the position now? [RADNOR] Still no contact yet with Moonbase, sir. [GREGSON] And what are you doing about it? [RADNOR] We've got people up there. [GREGSON] How'd you get them there without T-Mat? [RADNOR] We sent a rocket, sir. Professor Eldred is an expert inrocketry. [GREGSON] Oh, I see. And what happened to the rocket? [RADNOR] It's rather difficult to say, sir. We lost radio contact withit soon after take-off. [GREGSON] Is that all you've done? [RADNOR] Oh no. No, my Chief Technician, Miss Kelly, has also gone toMoonbase. [GREGSON] Oh, more rockets. [RADNOR] No, sir, she went by T-Mat. [GREGSON] But T-Mat isn't working. [RADNOR] Well, T-Mat started to function again, sir, so Miss Kelly wentto the Moonbase with a repair team. [GREGSON] So you've had a full report from her? [RADNOR] Well, no, sir. Soon after take off T-Mat ceased to functionagain. [GREGSON] But this is quite ridiculous. T-Mat out of action and thenthis sudden outbreak of some sort of crop blight. [RADNOR] Ah, now, you see, sir, we think that's connected [GREGSON] As for this incredible story about a monster from outer-space [RADNOR] Well you see, Sir James, I think I owe you an explanation. [GREGSON] What happened about this creature? Have you any more news? [ELDRED] No, it seems to have completely disappeared. It was reportedhere, then it was seen by some workmen in a building here, and the lastsighting was by the Weather Control Bureau there. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] But I had to help them or they would havekilled me! [KELLY] All right, Fewsham. There'll be a full inquiry when we get backto Earth. Tell them. We've no more time to waste here. We must T-Matback to Earth immediately. [DOCTOR] But if we're all going, who is going to dispatch us? [FEWSHAM] Look, there's a way of doing that. Here. This is a timeswitch. It delays transportation by ten seconds. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. How ingenious. [FEWSHAM] Now I'll dispatch you, and follow using the time switch. [DOCTOR] Righto. Jamie, Zoe, come along. I think this could be quitefun, you know. [JAMIE] Oh. [KELLY] Fewsham, that time switch was down on the maintenance report asbeing inoperable. [FEWSHAM] We repaired it. [FEWSHAM] In you get, Miss Kelly. Look, I'll use the time switch. You'dbetter hurry or those Ice Warriors could be back any minute. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [DOCTOR] You know, I find T-Mat travel ratherdisappointing. There's no sensation at all. [RADNOR] Where have you been? [DOCTOR] Ah. [RADNOR] And what have you been up to all this time? [DOCTOR] Well [RADNOR] And where's Miss Kelly. [RADNOR] Miss Kelly! Miss Kelly, what's happening up there? [GREGSON] Will somebody kindly tell me what's happening down here? Whoare these people? Is T-Mat working again? [DOCTOR] Please! Let us answer one question at a time. [ELDRED] Doctor, do you know there's been a alien here? [JAMIE] An Ice Warrior, here? [DOCTOR] Jamie, I am not surprised. They have taken over the whole ofthe Moonbase. [RADNOR] What about the crew? [KELLY] All dead except Fewsham. [RADNOR] You left him there? [KELLY] Well he said he'd follow using the time switch. [DOCTOR] He should be back. [RADNOR] What's happening? [KELLY] I thought so. The time switch is out of order. [DOCTOR] What? But he said he was going to repair it. [KELLY] He was lying. [RADNOR] But why? [KELLY] Well, he's obviously working for them. [DOCTOR] Then why did he let us escape? --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] What has happened here? [FEWSHAM] The others, they got in through the grille and turned up theheating. [SLAAR] Where are they now? [FEWSHAM] They went back to Earth by T-Mat. [SLAAR] Why did you not go with them? [FEWSHAM] I refused. That's why they attacked me. [SLAAR] Refused? Why? [FEWSHAM] What do you think would have happened to me back on Earth? I'dhave been executed as a traitor. [SLAAR] So you hope to live longer by staying here. You value your life.That is good. You will live if you help us when the invasion fleetarrives. [FEWSHAM] You're going to land on Earth? [SLAAR] No, our warriors will land here, on the moon. When the seed podshave done their work on Earth it will be time to commence the secondstage of our plan. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [DOCTOR] But don't you see gentlemen? The invasionof Moonbase, the taking over of T-Mat, the seed pods, the arrival ofthe Ice Warrior. They're all part of the same plan. [RADNOR] Plan? What plan? [GREGSON] These incidents are so unrelated. This fungus everywhere,what's that got to do with it? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure yet. Have your people been able to makeanything of it? [RADNOR] Well it's indestructible. We've attacked it in every possibleway, but without success. [DOCTOR] Yes, but have you tried to understand it? [GREGSON] Are you suggesting we should psychoanalyse it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I'm only suggesting that instead of trying to destroy it, youfind out it's composition and purpose. [ELDRED] Well, there's laboratory equipment in my workshop. You coulduse that. [DOCTOR] Good. Then we must find a sample. [RADNOR] Well, no problem about that. The gardens are full of the stuff. [DOCTOR] Fine. Then there's no time to be lost. [ELDRED] I'll get some equipment for you. [RADNOR] Er, Doctor, do be careful. Those pod things are deadly. [DOCTOR] Don't worry. I've already had experience. I'll be careful. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Rest area) [ZOE] But why did Fewsham stay on the moon? [KELLY] Pretty obvious. He was too afraid to come back here and face aninquiry. [ZOE] But he wasn't afraid to stay up there with the Ice Warriors. Well,given the choice I know which I'd rather face. [JAMIE] Aye. [KELLY] There's no time to worry about Fewsham. We must find a way ofgetting T-Mat working. [ZOE] But I thought it was working again now. [KELLY] It is working. It's still controlled from the moon. We must finda way of controlling it from the Earth. [ZOE] But is that possible? Don't you need the moon as a relay? [KELLY] There might be a way. I must talk to Commander Radnor about it. [JAMIE] Zoe, look, do you think the Doctor knows what he's doing messingabout with that foam stuff? [ZOE] Oh, don't worry, Jamie. He'll be all right. [JAMIE] Oh, yes. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [RADNOR] You really think it would work? [KELLY] Well, it couldn't be as effective as the Moonbase, of course,which handles up to two million microwave channels simultaneously. Thesatellite would take just a few thousand. [GREGSON] But that'd be enough for vital food supplies. [RADNOR] But surely we can't use the normal communications satellites.They're not programmed for T-Mat. [KELLY] No, we'd have to send up a specially programmed one. [ZOE] But that would mean using a rocket, wouldn't it? I thought no oneused them nowadays. [KELLY] Not manned rockets, but we do send up satellites forcommunications. [RADNOR] How soon can you get one up? [KELLY] Well I don't know. If it were given top priority. --------------------------------------- (Eldred's laboratory) [DOCTOR] Yes, it's organic. It's alive. Definitely a fungus composition. [DOCTOR] You're sure that this is correct? [ELDRED] As far as I can make out, it is. [DOCTOR] A molecule of five atoms absorbs oxygen. You know, a completeblanket of this would reduce the oxygen content of the Earth'satmosphere quite drastically. [ELDRED] According to my calculations, to one twentieth of normal. [DOCTOR] It would make the atmosphere of the Earth uninhabitable to thehuman race, but exactly like the atmosphere of Mars. [DOCTOR] Look at that. Even without vegetation to feed on, it's stillactive. [DOCTOR] Oh! [ELDRED] Look out, Doctor. If that thing explodes in here, the fumeswill kill us. Come on, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Just a minute, there must be some way of [ELDRED] Come on, before its too late! [DOCTOR] Sulphuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. Acetic acid. [ELDRED] Come on, Doctor! [ELDRED] You've done it! Well, what was it? What did you throw on it? --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Extensive search by security forcesreveals no trace of alien creature. Message ends. [JAMIE] So that warrior's still roaming around loose somewhere. [ZOE] But why did they only send one of them? [ZOE] Well, perhaps he's got to report back somehow. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Is Commander Radnor there, please? Ah, Zoe! IsRadnor there? [ZOE] No, he's in conference with Miss Kelly and Sir James Gregson. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Zoe, it's the most wonderful news. We've found a wayof destroying the fungus. [ZOE] Well, what is it? [DOCTOR] Water. Ordinary water! [JAMIE] Eh? [ZOE] Oh, but Doctor, surely ordinary [DOCTOR] There's no time to explain now. Apparently there is a WeatherControl Bureau somewhere. I want you to get in touch with them. [ZOE] Well, can't you reach them on the video-phone? [DOCTOR] Well, no. No, I've tried, but they're not answering or it'sbroken down or something. [ZOE] What do you want me to do? [DOCTOR] Well, get in touch with Commander Radnor and ask him to gethold of the Weather Control Bureau people and to make rain. As muchrain as possible over the entire country. [ZOE] All right, Doctor. I'll tell him. [DOCTOR] Right. The Professor and I are coming back now. [ZOE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Bye. [ZOE] But Doctor, suppose that? Oh! [JAMIE] Hey, how do we get hold of Commander Radnor? [ZOE] We'll ask the computer. [JAMIE] Do you know how it works? [ZOE] Yes, of course. Put me in touch with Commander Radnor at once. [COMPUTER] Commander Radnor engaged in top level T-Mat conference withChief Technician Kelly and Sir James Gregson. [ZOE] But this is urgent. I must talk to him at once! [COMPUTER] Commander Radnor not available. [JAMIE] Oh, now what do we do? [ZOE] We just have to go to the Weather Bureau ourselves. [JAMIE] We don't know where it is. [ZOE] Well, we'll have to try and find it. Come on. [JAMIE] Oh, Zoe. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] There. [FEWSHAM] What is it? [SLAAR] Communications unit from our ship. Connect it to the solarbatteries. [FEWSHAM] What's this section for? [SLAAR] That does not concern you. [FEWSHAM] I can't connect equipment if I don't know its purpose. [SLAAR] It transmits a directional beam signal. [FEWSHAM] A homing device. You'll use it to guide your armada onto themoon? [SLAAR] You will not ask questions. You will do as you are told! --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Bureau) [JAMIE] Hadn't we better close the door? [ZOE] Why? [JAMIE] In case that warrior's still prowling around out there. [JAMIE] That should keep him out. Come on. [JAMIE] Well, where is everybody? [ZOE] I don't know. Well, let's try and find the main control room. Comeon. --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Room) [ZOE] So that's why nobody answered the video-phone. [JAMIE] Hey, and look at that! [JAMIE] No, it's no good. They're locked in position. [ZOE] Well, don't you see? It's what the Doctor said. Water. Rain. Well,it all makes sense now. They don't want it to rain on the fungus. [JAMIE] Well, shush! It's a warrior. Hide! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Are all the preparations complete? [SLAAR] Yes, Grand Marshall. The seed pods have been dispatched to thecities of the Earth, and the Moonbase is in our hands. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Good. Our fleet is approaching the gravitationalfield of the moon. Is all prepared? [SLAAR] Everything is ready. I shall guide our ships in on the homingbeam signal. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Fuel supplies are at marginal level. There mustbe no misjudgments. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Final checkout routines under way. [KELLY] I hope they know what they're doing. It's been years since wesent up a satellite. [RADNOR] Are you quite sure the communications aspects will function? [KELLY] Yes. Once that satellite's up, T-Mat will be able to handle twothousand microwave channels. [ELDRED] What's going on? Someone sending up a rocket? [RADNOR] Look, look! What the devil's happening? [KELLY] I don't know. It's, yes, Moon Control. [DOCTOR] The sound, can you turn it up? [FEWSHAM [on monitor]] Shouldn't we test the directional beam? --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] It is not necessary. [FEWSHAM] But it's operating on Moonbase power. I can't guarantee thepulsing rate will be the same. [SLAAR] Very well. Test it. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [DOCTOR] Commander Radnor, can this be recorded? [RADNOR] Well, yes. [DOCTOR] Well quickly, man. It's vital! [RADNOR] The transmission coming in on the video machine is to berecorded. [COMPUTER] Instructions understood. Transmission will be recorded. [SLAAR [on monitor]] The device is operating. [FEWSHAM [on monitor]] Wait a moment. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [FEWSHAM] I must check the connections. [SLAAR] Why? [FEWSHAM] If the power fails we won't be able to guide the fleet ontothe moon. [SLAAR] There must be no failures. [FEWSHAM] I realise the importance of that. If we overshoot the moon,nothing will stop them from going straight into an orbit around thesun. [SLAAR] They will not overshoot! [FEWSHAM] Of course not. But since their fuel supplies are at a marginallevel, if anything did go wrong, they'd never be able to regain moonorbit. [SLAAR] This video device is operating. You have betrayed us! [FEWSHAM] Every word has bee heard on Earth! [SLAAR] Kill him! --------------------------------------- (T Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Countdown about to commence. Minus threeminutes. [DOCTOR] Cancel the launch! [KELLY] Why? What do you mean? [DOCTOR] We can use that satellite to mislead the Martian invasionfleet. [RADNOR] What? [DOCTOR] Well, don't you see? Poor Fewsham deliberately let us overheartheir homing signal. We can imitate that signal with a homing device ofour own in the satellite! [RADNOR] Commander Radnor. Top priority message to satellite launchingsite. Cancel launch. Repeat, cancel launch! [COMPUTER] Message understood. [DOCTOR] If we can deflect their armada, half our battle is won. [RADNOR] But there's still all that fungus stuff everywhere. [ELDRED] We've solved that one. Plain ordinary H20. Water! [RADNOR] Water?! Well, all we need to do then is to make it rain. [DOCTOR] Well, haven't you already done that? Haven't you been in touchwith the Weather Control Bureau? [RADNOR] You've only just told me. [DOCTOR] But I sent you a message over an hour ago. Didn't Zoe reachyou? [RADNOR] No. [KELLY] An hour ago we were in conference. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Well, perhaps Zoe went to the Weather Control peopleherself? [ELDRED] Doctor, the Weather Control Bureau was the last place thewarrior was sighted! [DOCTOR] What? [RADNOR] I'll have a squad of security guards over there right away.Hadn't you better wait, Doctor? [RADNOR] Get me Security! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Zoe! Are you in there? Zoe! --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Zoe! Jamie! Let me in! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Zoe! Jamie! Zoe! [DOCTOR] Oh no! [DOCTOR] Zoe! --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Let me in! Zoe! Jamie! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Zoe! Jamie! If you're there, let me in!Oh, no! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Are you in there, Jamie! [DOCTOR] Jamie, open the door! --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Bureau) [JAMIE] Hey! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Zoe! Jamie! If you're there, let me in! [DOCTOR] Oh no! --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR [OC]] Jamie, Zoe, open this door! [DOCTOR [OC]] Jamie? Zoe? --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh my word! [DOCTOR] What? Where are we going? [DOCTOR] Oh, my word. Oh, that was a dangerous situation! [ZOE] It still is, Doctor. There's an Ice Warrior in the building. [DOCTOR] What? What about Jamie? [ZOE] Well, he drew the warrior off so that I could let you in. [DOCTOR] Oh. no. We must help him. [ZOE] Oh no, Doctor, this way. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [ZOE] Oh Jamie, where's the Ice Warrior? [JAMIE] Well, I locked him in the room that we were trapped in. [DOCTOR] I don't think he's stayed in there, Jamie. Come on! [ZOE] Oh look, we could hide in here. [JAMIE] We'd just be trapped again. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, I think this is just the place. [JAMIE] Why? --------------------------------------- (Solar Energy room) [DOCTOR] Solar energy room. That means that's aradiation door. Now, if I can find the control. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, hurry! [DOCTOR] It must be here somewhere. [JAMIE] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Ah, wait a minute. [JAMIE] Is that the one? [DOCTOR] No, Jamie! (switches the lights on again) It must be one ofthese. [ZOE] Oh hurry, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Ah! There we are. It's got 'shut' on it. [ZOE] Oh! [DOCTOR] Get back! [JAMIE] He's trying to blast his way in! [DOCTOR] Well, it should hold for a little while, Jamie. [ZOE] Well, what do we do now? [DOCTOR] Well, Commander Radnor's sending some security guards. [JAMIE] A lot of good they'll do against an Ice Warrior. [ZOE] Solar energy. When we were on the moon, Phipps made a trap. [DOCTOR] Solar energy. Reflectors, of course! Well, we ought to be ableto rig something up here. [JAMIE] Aye, well, you'd better be quick about it. That shield thingwon't hold much longer. [DOCTOR] Is this the sort of thing that Phipps rigged up, Zoe? [ZOE] Well, sort of. It's not quite the same. His was bigger. [DOCTOR] I think you'll find that this will be better for [JAMIE] They're still shooting out there. They don't stand a chance,though. [ZOE] Are you nearly ready, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Open the door. [JAMIE] Are you sure that thing works, now? [DOCTOR] The only way to find out is to try, Jamie. Now open the door. [DOCTOR] It's gone. [JAMIE] Must be chasing after those guards. [DOCTOR] Another moment and we could have destroyed him. There's somemore HD cable there. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] You reel it out and I'll make the connections. [JAMIE] What, this? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, that's it, Jamie. Hurry up. [DOCTOR] Zoe, stand by to throw the switch. Jamie, play out the cable. [JAMIE] Right. --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Bureau) [DOCTOR] Now, Zoe! [DOCTOR] All right, Zoe! --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] No information yet available fromWeather Control Bureau. [RADNOR] Oh, no. I'd better get over there. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] T-Mat control? Commander Radnor? Ah. [RADNOR] Doctor! [DOCTOR [on monitor]] This is the Doctor. [RADNOR] Doctor, are you all right? What's happening over there? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Yes, well, we've had quite a battle here, butthings are all right now. There was a warrior here, but we've dealtwith him. [RADNOR] Excellent! Is there much damage? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Well, yes, I'm afraid so. I'm going to see howmuch now. How are you getting along with the signal in the satellite? [RADNOR] Professor Eldred and Miss Kelly are coping with it now. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Good. I'll be back as soon as I can. [RADNOR] How's it going? [KELLY] We're ready to test. [RADNOR] Play back recording of homing beam. [KELLY] Now, that's the Ice-Warriors' homing beam. Let's see if I canproduce that exactly. [RADNOR] Oh, can't you get any closer than that? [KELLY] I shall, don't worry! [ELDRED] That's it. [KELLY] I'll lock it to that frequency. [ELDRED] Just one thing, Miss Kelly. Now that you've perfected thisthing, how do you propose getting it to the launching pad withoutT-Mat? [KELLY] It just so happens I found a petrol car in a motor museum. [ELDRED] Really? What make? [KELLY] I've no idea, but it's got four wheels and it goes. Get this tothe vehicle immediately. [ELDRED] Will a car be able to get through the foam? [RADNOR] Yes. I've arranged for a route to be cleared by hosing thefoam. [ELDRED] Good, good. [RADNOR] But the only way we'll ever get rid of it permanently is byrain. Lots of rain! --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Room) [JAMIE] It's hopeless, Doctor. You'll never getthat thing going again. [DOCTOR] I'm not so sure, Jamie. After all, it's only the controls thatare damaged. The workings are all right. If we can bypass the controls.Have you got your knife on you? [JAMIE] Eh? Aye. [DOCTOR] Lend it me, will you? [JAMIE] Be careful with this. [DOCTOR] That's it, thank you. [DOCTOR] There we are. Now, what have we got here? Oh, yes. Yes, yes,yes. Yes, well, it's just a question of sorting this lot out, that'sall. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [MARSHALL [on monitor]] You should not have killedhim. Who will operate T-Mat? [SLAAR] I have studied the controls. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] What if the apparatus breaks down? [SLAAR] I shall send warriors to Earth to bring back technicians. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Soon all humans on Earth will be extinct. [SLAAR] It will take time for the fungus to remove the oxygen from theiratmosphere. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] You must use that time to obtain another human,and do not kill him. [SLAAR] No, Grand Marshall. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] You will be prepared to activate the homing beamon our signal? [SLAAR] All is prepared, Grand Marshall. [SLAAR] I shall return to our ship to finalise invasion plans. --------------------------------------- (Weather Control Room) [DOCTOR] Right, now then, Zoe, let's see whathappens when we try to connect these two together. (they spark.) No, Idon't think so, somehow. What about these two? (no sparks so he twiststhe ends together) Ah, that's better. I think I've succeeded inre-establishing one of these rain circuits, Jamie. [JAMIE] It's not raining yet. [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie. Weather control is a very difficult technology. Youcan't expect immediate results. [ZOE] Are you sure you're getting it right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, I hope so, Zoe. Just have to hope for the best, that'sall. I must get on because there's another little job that I want todo. [JAMIE] Have you not got enough to do already? [ZOE] What else is there? [DOCTOR] Well, I want to make some alterations to my solar energydevice. --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [MAN [OC]] Lift off in five seconds from now. Five.Four. Three. Two. One. Zero. [DOCTOR] With any luck, we should have some nice heavy rain before long.Ah, there we are. [KELLY] Yes, the satellite. [ELDRED] Isn't that a beautiful sight? [KELLY] We finished and installed the homing device. It's workingperfectly. [DOCTOR] Well done. [KELLY] Doctor? DOCTOR [KELLY] I know we're sending up a false signal, but aren't some of theMartian ships bound to follow the right one? [DOCTOR] There isn't going to be a right one. There's only going to beours, the wrong one, and that's going to lead the entire Martian fleetinto an orbit around the sun. [ZOE] What about Slaar's signal? [DOCTOR] Oh, obviously that has to be stopped. [ELDRED] But how? [DOCTOR] Well, as soon as the satellite is up, I shall T-Mat myself tothe moon and destroy their homing device. [KELLY] They'll kill you on sight. [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so. I've rigged up a rather interestinglittle device here. [KELLY] What's it for? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a development of the solar energy device that you sosuccessfully used on the moon, only I've succeeded in rendering itportable. I've got a solar battery. [KELLY] Well, there it is. It's in orbit. We're now picking up thealien's homing signal from the moon. DOCTOR [RADNOR] Oh, we'll be ready. [DOCTOR] Right, then I'll be off. [ZOE] Oh Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes? What is it, Zoe? [ZOE] You will be careful, won't you? [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Zoe, I will. Are you ready, Miss Kelly? [KELLY] But Doctor, our control of T-Mat hasn't been tested. [DOCTOR] Then now's the time to test it. --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [SLAAR] No. [SLAAR] You, over there. I ordered you to be destroyed! [DOCTOR] Well, you weren't very successful, were you. [SLAAR] Destroy that weapon. [SLAAR] What is your purpose in coming here? [DOCTOR] Well, you don't expect me to tell you that, do you? [SLAAR] The directional beam is still operative. [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm afraid you were a little too quick for me. [SLAAR] Are you capable of operating the T-Mat mechanism? [DOCTOR] Oh no, I don't think I could [DOCTOR] Well, well yes, perhaps I could get the hang of it. [SLAAR] As long as you can be useful to us, you can live. But this timethere will be no escape. You will familiarise yourself with the T-Matcontrols. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you very much. [SLAAR] You will not touch the controls until I give the order. --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [KELLY] It's operating perfectly. [RADNOR] Good! [ELDRED] Shouldn't we have waited until the Doctor got back? [RADNOR] The moon signal has disappeared, hasn't it? [ELDRED] It may be purely atmospheric. For all we know they're stilltransmitting as strong as ever. [ZOE] The moon signal was strong enough before the Doctor left. He musthave succeeded. [JAMIE] Then why hasn't he come back? --------------------------------------- (T Mat Moonbase Control) [MARSHALL [on monitor]] We are receiving yourhoming signal clearly. Soon we shall enter the gravitational field ofthe moon. [SLAAR] All is prepared, Grand Marshall. I have obtained the services ofanother human. He will T-Mat our warriors to Earth. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Good. I shall resume transmission when landingis imminent. [SLAAR] When our warriors arrive, you will transmit them to Earth undermy direction. [DOCTOR] Yes, but they haven't arrived yet, have they. Something stillmight go wrong, you know. [SLAAR] Nothing can go wrong now. [DOCTOR] There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. [SLAAR] If anything does go wrong, you will be the first to die. --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [RADNOR] Scan closer! [KELLY] If they are going to divert, if should happen any moment now. [ZOE] Look, they're changing course. [RADNOR] I think you're right. [ELDRED] Yes, they're all following the satellite signal. [RADNOR] Then the Doctor must have succeeded. He must have turned offthe Martian signal. [JAMIE] Well, what's happening up there, then? Why hasn't he come back? [RADNOR] Don't worry, Jamie. A squad of security guards armed withflamethrowers are on their way here now, and as soon as they get herewe'll T-Mat them to the moon. [JAMIE] Oh, they'll be too late. [RADNOR] You'll just have to be patient! [JAMIE] Och, I'm sick of being patient! [JAMIE] Zoe. That T-Mat thing. Do you know how it works? [ZOE] I think so. Why? [JAMIE] Could you T-Mat me back to the moon? [ZOE] Oh, now Jamie, surely [JAMIE] Look, either the Doctor's all right, in which case we've no needto worry, or he's in danger and he needs my help. [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Slaar! We are passingbetween Earth and moon! The signal has not led us into the moon'sgravitational field! [SLAAR] Have you lost my signal? [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Your signal is being received clearly, but weare off course. [SLAAR] Are you sure your calculations are correct? [MARSHALL [on monitor]] Our calculations have been checked. You havesent us into an orbit close to the sun! [SLAAR] Use your retro-active rockets to change course! [MARSHALL [on monitor]] It is too late. We have insufficient fuel formanoeuvre. You have failed us, Slaar! We shall all die! We are beingdrawn into the orbit of the sun! [SLAAR] This is impossible! [SLAAR] The signal. There is no power. You did this. [DOCTOR] Yes. That signal has been going no further than this controlroom. [SLAAR] But they were receiving my signal. [DOCTOR] Not your signal. Ours. [SLAAR] You sent a signal from Earth? [DOCTOR] We sent up a satellite. That signal has sent your fleet into afalse orbit. [SLAAR] The heat of the sun will kill them! You have destroyed ourentire fleet! [DOCTOR] You tried to destroy an entire world. [SLAAR] Earth will still die. The fungus will take the oxygen from youratmosphere. [DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid that you've failed there too. We can destroy thefungus. [SLAAR] Kill him! [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie, look out! [JAMIE] Creag an tuire! [DOCTOR] Jamie, a live terminal! [DOCTOR] Oh, well done, Jamie! Oh, goodness me! Jamie, thank you verymuch. Now then, we must T-Mat ourselves back to Earth. --------------------------------------- (T-Mat Earth Control) [COMPUTER] Wide spread rainfall throughout the country. Some floodingbut none serious. Fungus rapidly disappearing. Weather Control Bureaucoming back into operation. World food shortages partially relieved nowT-Mat becoming operational again. Message to Commander Radnor from theSecurity Council of the United Nations. Congratulations. [RADNOR] All right, discontinue report. [ZOE] So you really did know what you were doing at the Weather ControlBureau. [DOCTOR] But, Zoe, of course I did! [JAMIE] Aye, well, it took long enough to work, eh? [RADNOR] Well, the rain seems to have disposed of the fungus wellenough. Now the next thing to do is to get T-Mat fully operationalagain. [KELLY] Yes, when moon relay's repaired we must check over the equipmentand build in safeguards. From now on T-Mat must be entirely controlledfrom Earth. [ELDRED] Oh, surely you've learned not to put all of your eggs in onebasket in future? [KELLY] T-Mat in itself is perfectly effective. [ELDRED] You need a secondary transportation system. A fleet of rocketson permanent standby. [RADNOR] Yes, but Professor Eldred, we [KELLY] There's no need to go to those lengths. [ELDRED] It's a question of common sense. I'm sure the Doctor will agreewith me. Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Space museum) [JAMIE] Did you have to make it rain as hard as allthat? [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie, sometimes I think you're never satisfied. [ZOE] What did you rush us back here for? [DOCTOR] Well, you know, questions, explanations. It's very difficult.Come on. [ZOE] Oh, where are going now? [JAMIE] Oh, it's no good asking him. He's no more idea than the man inthe moon. [DOCTOR] I heard that, Jamie. Come on.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Seeds of Death"}
Doctor Who (8 Mar, 1969; Second Doctor) - The Space Pirates (Beacon Alpha One airlock) [CAVEN] Dervish! Dervish! [DERVISH] (a thin man) We've nearly finished. [CAVEN] About time. [DERVISH] My men are just coming. We'll detonate by radio beam. [CAVEN] Right. Hurry it up. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] Everything all right, Penn? [PENN] Fine, sir. [HERMACK] Fine. [WARNE] (American) You sent for me, sir? [HERMACK] Ah yes, Ian. Sit down. [WARNE] Thank you. [HERMACK] Any information on that beacon signal yet? [WARNE] No, sir. There's been no response to the secondary emergencycircuits. either. [HERMACK] No, there wouldn't be. [WARNE] Sir? [HERMACK] What do you think has happened to that beacon? [WARNE] Well, it's difficult to say, sir. It could be a failure in thesolar energy store. [HERMACK] No. The emergency power would operate and we'd get a may daysignal. [WARNE] Well. Oh, you don't think this is a mechanical failure, sir? [HERMACK] No. No, I don't. These beacons are practically fool proof. [WARNE] You got any ideas? [HERMACK] Yes, I have. And I must be right. Argonite! These beacons arealmost entirely constructed of argonite. [WARNE] Of course, sir. What are you going to do about it? [HERMACK] Attention all personnel. This is General Hermack. Your V-shipis now fifty days and many billions of miles out from Earth. You'reentering the fourth sector of our galaxy. In this sector for some timenow, Earth Government has been aware that a highly organised gang ofcriminals have been roaming the space ways, and preying upondefenceless cargo ships. The main target of these criminals isargonite, the most valuable mineral known to man and so far only foundon the planets of the Fourth Sector. A government space beacon markingthe approaches to the planet New Sarum has ceased transmitting itsnavigation signal. These beacons, as you know, are constructed ofargonite. It is my belief that the criminals are attacking thegovernment navigation beacons and plundering the argonite. There can beno other explanation for its failure. This being the case, I havedecided to abandon our present mission and to investigate the missingbeacon in the New Sarum sector. I want all section commanders on thebridge at twenty hundred hours sector four solar time. Resume normalduties until then. [WARNE] There are eighteen space beacons quite scattered across thissector, sir. [HERMACK] Seventeen, Ian, until the one at New Sarum's replaced. [WARNE] Seventeen. And they're millions of miles apart. So how can we besure which one the pirates are likely to attack next? [HERMACK] We can't. [WARNE] Well, exactly. The odds are seventeen to one against us being inthe right place at the right time. [HERMACK] Ah! With our speed, I think we can cut those odds a bit. Now,there are four beacons in the Pliny solar system here. That is wherewe'll start our patrol. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Seven) [CAVEN] Come on! Speed it up. [DERVISH] Caven, I don't like this. [CAVEN] Nobody's asking you to like it. Just get those scissor chargeslaid into position. [DERVISH] If we attack any more beacons, we'll have the whole of theInterstellar Space Corps in this sector. [CAVEN] Look, as of this moment, the Space Corps has its hands full oftrouble. Bush fire wars in three different sectors. There's never beena better time for getting rich. [DERVISH] Right, lads. Now, we'll lay four charges along the main axis,then we'll attach booster charges around the hull. Okay. [CAVEN] You're a good engineer, Dervish. Just do your job and leave theSpace Corps to me, eh? [DERVISH] Okay. But I worked ten years for Earth Government. [CAVEN] You should've stayed with them. They'd have given you a pension. [DERVISH] Attacking Government property is one crime they make surenever pays. [CAVEN] Sixteen hundred tons of pure argonite pays all right, Dervish.To me this is like a floating bank. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE] What range are the forward scanners set for,Penn? [PENN] Fifteen hundred, sir. [WARNE] Well reset them at two thousand. Right? [PENN] Very good, sir. [WARNE] And keep a sharp eye on that screen. There are lots of rogueasteroids in the Pliny system. [HERMACK] Oh, and one thing more. Make sure the Minnow ships are fullyfuelled, and put the detonation heads on their missiles. Report back assoon as that is done. [WARNE] We're approaching the Pliny system now, sir. We've made scannercontact with the four beacons. They're functioning normally. [HERMACK] Ah good. Now this planet Ta, here, is the main one in thesystem. We'll orbit here for a few weeks and see what happens. [WARNE] So that's Ta, huh? [HERMACK] You've heard of it? [WARNE] Yeah. It's the head quarters of the Issigri Mining Corporation.The most productive planet in the entire galaxy. [HERMACK] Madeleine Issigri has built quite a place there. Which is onereason for basing ourselves in the Pliny system. [WARNE] Why's that a reason, sir? [HERMACK] Well, if we're out here long, Ian, the men will need somewherefor rest and recreation. Deep space sickness is the one thing we can'tchance. [PENN] Major Warne. [WARNE] What is it, Penn? [PENN] I've got a contact, sir, at beacon Alpha Seven. [WARNE] Well, hold on it. Any identification? [PENN] No, sir. Too far away. [HERMACK] Ah, it's a space ship right enough. Check Central FlightInformation, Ian, and see if anyone should be out there. [WARNE] Right, sir. [HERMACK] Change course for beacon Alpha Seven. Bridge to Power Room, Iwant ten seconds main boost. [WARNE] According to Flight Information, sir, there should be no shipsin the area within the next seventeen days. [HERMACK] Well, whoever they are, they've not yet reported to CentralFlight Information. [WARNE] Do you think it's the pirates? [HERMACK] Yes, it could be. Though some of these commercial flightsdon't always like to report their whereabouts, for reasons of theirown. Anyway, we shall soon know.(Meanwhile, the pirate ship undocks from Alpha Seven.) [PENN] She's backing off, sir. [HERMACK] Keep track of her. [PENN] She's moving quite fast, sir. [WARNE] Got a good turn of speed for a commercial. [HERMACK] Is beacon Alpha Seven still functioning? [WARNE] Yes, sir. Very strong signal. [HERMACK] Well, that's something. [WARNE] Maybe they were just picking up emergency supplies, sir. Some ofthese beacons do carry reserve medical and oxygen equipment. [PENN] Sir, I've got another signal coming in now. It's a UHF! [WARNE] UHF? But that's reserved for demolition teams. [HERMACK] Well, put it on audio. [PENN] Yes, sir. [PENN] Alpha Seven's broken up, sir. [HERMACK] Ah. Right under our noses. Main boost. [PENN] Lost the beacon, sir. No more signal. [WARNE] No, there won't be. It's probably in a dozen separate bits bynow. [HERMACK] Keep full contact with that pirate ship. [PENN] Yes, sir. [HERMACK] At least we can be sure they don't get away. Ian, give me aprojected arrival time. [WARNE] Three hours, sir. Maybe I can get a visual on the main scanner. [WARNE] There she is sir. And that's what's left of the beacon. [HERMACK] We've got them cold, Ian. We'll be onto them long before theyget rid of that salvaged scrap. [WARNE] Yeah, providing she doesn't see us approaching, sir. [HERMACK] They don't know [PENN] That ship looks fast [HERMACK] They don't know we're in the same area. What's wrong with thescanner? [WARNE] Seem to be losing visual contact, sir. [PENN] The ship's moving away, sir. [HERMACK] What? [PENN] Just started to go, and the beacon debris's going with her. [HERMACK] Hold that contact, Penn. [PENN] It's no good, sir. She's going too fast. [HERMACK] They must have twice our speed! [WARNE] Maybe the Minnows could hold her? [HERMACK] Not at this distance. They haven't the fuel. [PENN] Lost contact, sir. [HERMACK] Oh, hold the same course. [PENN] Sir. [HERMACK] Keep searching. [WARNE] They must have attached rocket units to the beacon, sir, the wayit moved off. [HERMACK] Yes. They're very well organised. They cut the beacon intoseveral manageable pieces by means of scissor charges, then shoot thebits off to some pre-arranged collection point. Very clever. [WARNE] And quick. It cuts down the time they're at risk. And they justburn out the Argonite at their leisure. [HERMACK] Ian, we shall have to rethink our tactics. We shall nevercatch them by normal patrol methods. [WARNE] What else can we do, sir? [HERMACK] Man the beacons. [WARNE] Man them? [HERMACK] It's the only answer. We'll drop small parties of four or fivemen on each beacon and give them rations and supplies for two months.Well, all these mark five beacons were designed as emergency survivalcentres. [WARNE] Yes sir, but I don't think anybody has ever tried living onthem. Some of these beacons are pretty primitive. [HERMACK] I'm not interested in men's comfort, Major. Set course for thenearest beacon. [WARNE] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four) [WARNE] Here's your radio, Lieutenant. It's beamed automatically to maincontrol. All you have to do in the event of trouble is press thisbutton, right? [SORBA] (Dark) Don't worry, I'll press it. [WARNE] Remember your main job here is to give us the earliest possiblewarning in the event of the pirate ship approaching, right? [SORBA] And after that, we fight them. [WARNE] After that, I think you'll have to, Joe. Good Luck. [SORBA] Thank you. [WARNE] See you in about six weeks. [SORBA] I hope. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] Set a course for Alpha Nine. [PENN] Very good, sir. [WARNE] I told Lieutenant Sorba we'd be back in about six weeks. sir. [HERMACK] Or much earlier if the pirates raid Alpha Four. How's moraleon the picket? [WARNE] Oh, it's pretty high, sir. I think they're hoping for the chanceof a party. [HERMACK] They understand they have to shoot on sight? [WARNE] Yes, sir, I told them. No, anybody poking their nose aboardAlpha Four will find plenty of trouble waiting for him. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four) [SORBA] Now we're going to be here for about six weeks. Settle down andkeep your eyes open. Take care about [GUARD] Sir. [SORBA] What? What are you doing here? Why aren't you in the observationtower? [GUARD] There's something in the computer bay, sir. [SORBA] Something? Well, what do you mean by that? [GUARD] I heard something in there, sir. A noise. [SORBA] All right, we'd better check it out then. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four computer bay) [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [ZOE] What's wrong? [DOCTOR] Well, I don't think we're quite where I expected. Never mind.This looks very interesting. [JAMIE] Interesting? A piece of old machinery? [DOCTOR] Yes. I've never seen a computer quite like this before, Jamie. [ZOE] It looks like some sort of control room. [DOCTOR] Yes, but what does it control? [JAMIE] Yeah. Well I think we'd better get out of here before somebodycatches us. [ZOE] Good idea. There's a door here. [JAMIE] No, Zoe. I meant in the Tardis. [DOCTOR] Jamie, stop worrying. There's obviously nobody here. [JAMIE] Well, how do you know that? [DOCTOR] Well, this machine is programmed to operate by itself. [ZOE] Yes, but what does it do? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure Zoe, but I think we're on an unmannedspacecraft in a fixed orbit. We're too far away from anywhere to be aweather satellite. Let's see what clues we can find through here, shallwe? [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] What?(A floor panel lifts and Sorba starts shooting as the Doctor, Zoe andJamie run out of the room.) --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four companionway) [JAMIE] Nobody here, eh? [ZOE] Now what are we going to do? The Tardis is in there. [DOCTOR] There's only one thing we can do. [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Run! [JAMIE] Well, maybe next time you'll listen to me. [ZOE] If there is a next time. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four computer bay) [SORBA] All right, there are only three of them andthey can't get away. Hunt them down and don't forget. Shoot to kill. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four airlock) [CAVEN] Alpha Four. Another present from the home planet's tax payers. [DERVISH] Same procedure as last time? [CAVEN] Yes, Dervish. But now that you've had a little practice, getthose scissor charges laid a bit quicker, eh? [DERVISH] Hey, what's that? Caven, those were blaster guns! [CAVEN] Get the crew in here at the double. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four) [JAMIE] Are you all right, Zoe? [ZOE] Yes, I think so. [DOCTOR] That should hold them for a little while. [ZOE] But why are they trying to kill us? We haven't done anything. [JAMIE] No. [DOCTOR] I don't know, but we're certainly not stopping to find out. [JAMIE] What's that? Look. [DOCTOR] Come on. Let's find somewhere else to hide. [JAMIE] Doctor, there's no way out of here. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] Look! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, what can we do? [DOCTOR] Well, I don't know. If we go down there we'll bump straightinto them. I'm afraid we're trapped. [SORBA] All right, this way. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] Thirty minutes from beacon Alpha Three, sir. [HERMACK] Right. Warn the picket to stand by on C deck, Ian. [WARNE] Right, sir. [PENN] Emergency from Beacon Alpha Four, sir! [WARNE] Sorba's being attacked. [HERMACK] Set course for Alpha Four. Try and get me a visual on thescanner, Ian. [PENN] On course, sir. [HERMACK] Bridge to Power House. I want main boost for as long as youcan hold it without vapourising the motors. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four companionway) [CAVEN] This one's still alive. [DERVISH] So the Space Corps were too busy to bother about us, eh? [CAVEN] Shut up! I'm thinking. [DERVISH] There's no time for thinking. We've got to get out of here. [CAVEN] Four space Guards and an officer. What are they doing here? [DERVISH] There must be a cruiser in the area. [CAVEN] Not a big enough crew to defend the beacon but they must havebeen put on board for a reason. [CAVEN] What's this? [DERVISH] It looks like a fixed beam transmitter. Why, that's it. Well,they'll be on their way back here by now. [CAVEN] Then you'd better get moving. [DERVISH] Well, you don't still want the beacon cutting up? [CAVEN] That's what we came here to do. [DERVISH] Think about it! [CAVEN] Don't waste time. Get on with it. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE] Could be their radio's packed up, sir. [HERMACK] Yes. Give me a projected arrival time. [WARNE] Two hours twenty minutes. [HERMACK] I should have left a stronger picket. [WARNE] Oh no, sir. We haven't the man power. Besides Sorba knew hecould only hope to delay things. [HERMACK] I am going to get that gang of murdering thieves if I have tospend the next ten years out here. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four companionway) [CAVEN] Yes, Lieutenant, you're the last of the toy soldiers. [SORBA] Shot in the back. [CAVEN] You mean we're disqualified. You don't want to play any more? [SORBA] You can laugh now, but you won't get away with this. [CAVEN] Who's going to stop me, Lieutenant? [SORBA] How did you get those decoys aboard? [CAVEN] Decoys? [SORBA] Those three that lead us into your ambush. [CAVEN] Concussion, lieutenant? Or stalling for time? [SORBA] You know who I'm talking about. They ran off into the aftcompanionway. [CAVEN] None of my men down there. Must be some of yours. [SORBA] Sure. We were having a private training session with loadedthermite guns. [CAVEN] We did hear firing in the airlock. You mean there really issomeone else in there? [SORBA] I thought you'd planted them there. [CAVEN] Whoever they are, we've got no time to bother with them now. [DERVISH] I've laid the charges. Just fixing the rockets. [CAVEN] Good. If he can walk, get him out of here. If he can't, leavehim. [DERVISH] What are you doing? [CAVEN] Just sealing a coffin, Dervish. [JAMIE] I wish I could hear what they're saying. [ZOE] I think they're trying to burn through it. [DOCTOR] Just a minute. I think they've gone away. [ZOE] I don't understand. Why didn't they come in here after us? [JAMIE] Aye, they must've known we were trapped. Why not finish us off? [DOCTOR] They didn't seem very friendly, did they? Oh! [JAMIE] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Well, it's hot. You try. [JAMIE] Ah. No, thank you. [ZOE] I told you they were trying to burn through it. [JAMIE] Well, why haven't they? [ZOE] What's that? [DOCTOR] There's something moving out there. [ZOE] It sounds as if somebody's on the hull. [JAMIE] What are they doing? [DOCTOR] I don't know Jamie. Perhaps they're cleaning the windows. [JAMIE] Oh. Eh? [ZOE] Look, why don't we sneak back to the Tardis and get out of here? [JAMIE] Aye, while we've still got the chance. [DOCTOR] A sensible idea, Zoe. You're sure there's nobody out there? [ZOE] I haven't heard anybody for ages. Come on. [DOCTOR] Mind out, it's hot. [ZOE] Well, it's not hot any more. [DOCTOR] What? [ZOE] I can't unlock it. [JAMIE] Let me do it, Zoe. You'll have to eat more porridge. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I don't think it's any use. You know what I thinkthey've done? [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] They've welded the lock! We're prisoners! --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] They're leaving beacon Alpha Four, sir. [WARNE] It's exactly what happened before. [HERMACK] What is our arrival time? [PENN] Still ninety minutes to go, sir. [HERMACK] We are going to be too late again! [WARNE] The beacon should blow any second now. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] Penn, give me a bearing on that pirateship. [PENN] I can't pick her up, sir. [HERMACK] What? [PENN] The debris from that beacon's jammed the signals. [HERMACK] Oh Penn, you are an incompetent, useless [WARNE] Keep trying, Penn. [PENN] Yes, sir. [HERMACK] Ah, coffee? [WARNE] Yes please, sir. Thank you. [HERMACK] All right, I know. The men are doing their best. [WARNE] General? [HERMACK] Isn't that what you were going to say? [WARNE] Something like that, yeah. [HERMACK] You see? They're moving out of range already. [WARNE] If only we could have sustained continual main boost, it mighthave been a different story. They must have a base somewhere in thissystem. We're more than fifty days out from home planet. [HERMACK] Quite. They can have main boost the whole time. Our onlychance is getting close enough to launch the Minnows. [WARNE] Or locate their base. They must have dispatched pieces of thatbeacon to it. If we could just locate one of the pieces. [HERMACK] Can't be done. If those auxiliary rockets cut out, we'venowhere to track on. You see? There's nothing left now. [WARNE] We've got the tactile scanner, sir. [HERMACK] That would be like looking for a single speck of dust at thebottom of an argonite mine. [WARNE] Do you think there's any chance they're still alive out there? [HERMACK] You mean Sorba's men? [WARNE] Yeah. [HERMACK] I doubt it. I doubt if anyone's alive on that beacon now. [PENN] Major Warne! [WARNE] What is it, Penn? [PENN] Rocket ship, sir. [WARNE] Are you sure? [PENN] No doubt of it, sir, and she's right in the area where beaconAlpha Four went up. [WARNE] Right, can I get it on the TS? [PENN] We should be able to, sir. Bearing starboard nineteen from SDC. [WARNE] Nineteen SDC. [HERMACK] What is it, Ian? [WARNE] Something on the radar, sir. [HERMACK] The pirates? [WARNE] Well, if it is, there's something wrong with their ship. She'shardly moving. [HERMACK] But they don't even know we're in the same area. [WARNE] Oh I don't know, sir. They must be aware that there's a V-shipin the system. They ran into our picket on Alpha Four. Which is why.somehow, I don't think this could be their ship. [HERMACK] But according to flight information, there should be nothingin this solar system for the next eighty hours. [WARNE] There she is, sir. And that isn't the ship we saw before. [HERMACK] No, it isn't. Can you get a closer shot? [WARNE] That's one of the old C-class freighters, sir. I didn't knowthey were still flying. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] The last of me nutty sliced bread. Rubbishy new-fangled solartoasters! [MILO] Ah. That's better. [HERMACK [OC]] This is V forty one. V forty one calling LIZ seventynine. LIZ seven nine, can you hear me? [MILO] LIZ seventy nine. LIZ seventy nine. I can hear you, V forty one.Go away! [HERMACK [OC]] What? Now listen. This is General Nikolai Hermack.Commander of the Space First Division. Give me your identityregistration. [MILO] A general, a real general. Oh, General, why don't you takeyourself off? I'm trying to have my breakfast. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] LIZ seventy nine, give me your identityregistration. That is an order. [MILO [OC]] Oh come on, General, I lost that thing about thirty yearsago. Why don't you go about your business and leave me alone. [WARNE] That's LIZ seventy nine's registration, sir. She's a realold-timer. She's been afloat for about forty years. [HERMACK] Milo Clancey! I might have known. [WARNE] You know him, sir? [HERMACK] Of him. Out in Reja Magnum, where I did my first tour, he wassomething of a legend. Milo Clancey! I have your identity registrationhere. [MILO [OC]] I'm very glad for you, General. That's great work. That'svery good. Now, good day. [HERMACK] Listen, Clancey. Where are you from and where are you bound? --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] Might I ask, General, what in tarnationsbusiness that might be of yours? [HERMACK [OC]] Clancey, I'm coming alongside with a boarding party. Iwarn you, don't try and resist. [MILO] I won't tangle with you, General. You come on in and join theparty. Oh, and mind you don't scratch your nice shiny white paint. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [DOCTOR] Jamie, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE] I've sent a guard aboard, sir, to pick upClancey. I don't think he'll give us any trouble. [HERMACK] Yes. Well, he won't co-operate though. Ian, have you ever runacross any of these old-timers? [WARNE] No, sir. [HERMACK] They think they're a law unto themselves. They don't like theSpace Corps either. [WARNE] Why? [HERMACK] Well, these old mining prospectors like Clancey were the firstmen to go out into deep space. For a time they had the place tothemselves, roaming the spaceways, looking for planets, jumping eachother's claims. They were a wild breed, Ian, and they learned to livewithout the law. [IAN] And then the Space Corps came along and started to enforce law andorder, right? [HERMACK] Yes, much to their resentment. Clancey must be the last of thetype. [MILO] My, my, my. Well, they certainly do you slickers proud, don'tthey. It's like a whole floating fun palace up here. [HERMACK] Clancey, I am General Hermack. [MILO] Howdy! [HERMACK] And this is Major Warne, my ADC. [MILO] Major? [HERMACK] What are you doing in this system and why you are not onfeedback to Central Flight Information? [MILO] Oh, am I not, General? [HERMACK] No. [MILO] Oh, no, you're right. You're right. I remember now. That oldfeedback of mine, it just sort of fell to bits about five year ago now. [HERMACK] Five years? [MILO] Or could it be ten? Yep. Certainly could be ten. I've been alwaysmeaning to get that thing fixed. [WARNE] You know it's an offence to operate without a feedback to CFI? [MILO] An offence? [WARNE] Right. [MILO] I didn't realise that, sonny, no. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.There are so many offences these days. [HERMACK] Clancey, what are you doing in this system? [MILO] Well, I am the head of the Milo Clancey Space Mining Company. [HERMACK] Yes, we know all about that. We have your identityregistration here. [MILO] Oh, that must be great for you, General, to have all of thosefacts at your fingertips like that. [HERMACK] Get to the point, Clancey. [MILO] You would know the point if you'd been reading my reports I'vebeen sending to you the last two years. [WARNE] What do you mean? [MILO] Argonite pirates, that's what I mean, sonny. [HERMACK] Go on, Clancey. [MILO] Over the last two years, I have lost five floaters carryingargonite ore back to home planet. They were hijacked, General, and theywere brought into this system. [WARNE] You reported this, you say? [MILO] Ah, aye, I reported this, sonny. About a dozen times I reportedit but it didn't do me any good, did it. So I said to myself, allright, all righty, I'll just have to do something about this myself. [HERMACK] How much argonite did you have on each floater? [MILO] I had a full load. Fifty thousand tons unrefined ore. [WARNE] What makes you so sure your floaters were bought into thissystem? [MILO] Time, sonny, time. This system is the closest to where they leftthe spaceway. And my old floaters, they've got no propulsion units.They're unmanned. They don't move very fast, sonny. [WARNE] I know that! [MILO] Oh, he's a good lad. He's a bright lad, this boy of yours. Goodthinking. Is it all right if I blow my nose, or is that anotheroffence? My old nose. I can't get used to all your fancyair-conditioning. [HERMACK] That's a pity, Clancey, but I'm afraid you'll have to put upwith it a bit longer. Now, how long have you been in the area of beaconAlpha Four? [MILO] Beacon Alpha Four? [HERMACK] Yes. [MILO] Oh. Have you a chart, General? [HERMACK] Here. [MILO] Oh, that's where we are. Well, well, well. You see, my chartsdon't pick up these new fanged beacons. I don't trust them. [WARNE] Just an astral pointer and a piece of string, huh? [MILO] That is right, sonny. Hey listen, I can't see beacon Alpha Fourhere either. That's what I'm telling you. They're unreliable. They're awaste of public money. [HERMACK] Beacon Alpha Four is not registering because it's not thereany more. [WARNE] The argonite pirates blew it up three hours ago. [MILO] Oh, did they so. That'd be for salvage I guess. Yeah, that wouldbe it. [HERMACK] You don't seem very surprised, Clancey. [MILO] No, no, I'm not, General. This is clearing up a whole heap ofthings in my head. I can lose every floater I've got and your fancySpace Corps won't do a thing about it. But the government loses onegovernment beacon and that's a different matter. Then you come running.That's what you're here now for [HERMACK] Well, if there is any truth in your story, Clancey, and we docatch up with the pirates, you'll be entitled to put in a claim forcompensation. [MILO] If I waited for you to catch these critters, I'd catch my deathof cold waiting forever. I should think this old crate of yours hasabout half the speed of a Beta Dart, right? [WARNE] Our speed is classified information. [MILO] Oh, that may be, sonny, but this marauding band of sharks, youknow they're using Beta Darts, one of the latest. You're in the wrongleague, boys. Why don't you just go home where you came from. [WARNE] How do you know what ship they have? [MILO] Because I crossed their thieving flight path a couple of times.And if my oldLiz had any speed about her, I'd have rammed them. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [ZOE] Can you see anything, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I'm coming down. Look out. [JAMIE] Well, what's on the other side? Could you see? [DOCTOR] Jamie, I'm afraid that there's nothing on the other side. Justspace. It appears that this machine we're on has been blown into abouteight separate pieces. [ZOE] Are you sure? [DOCTOR] Well, of course I'm sure. Get up and look for yourself if youdon't believe me. [ZOE] Then that must have been the explosion. [JAMIE] Doctor, does that mean the Tardis is gone? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. [JAMIE] That means we'll never get it back. [ZOE] I don't understand. Why would anybody want to blow up a spacemachine? [DOCTOR] Sabotage perhaps. [ZOE] But what about those men that tried to killed us? [DOCTOR] I think they were here to defend the machine. That wouldexplain why they were so unfriendly towards us. [JAMIE] Well, what you're saying is that we've landed ourselves in themiddle of some sort of war in space. [ZOE] Now we're just floating aimlessly on a bit of debris. [DOCTOR] No, Zoe, not aimlessly. There appear to be rockets attached toeach part of the machine. And they're all moving along together. [JAMIE] Hey? [DOCTOR] Well, as you know, Jamie, when something explodes in space, allthe pieces separate and go on separating indefinitely, but this machinehas separated just so far, perhaps a mile, and now, as I say, they'reall moving together at the same speed. [ZOE] Because of the rockets. Oh, I see. So whoever broke up the machineis sending all the pieces to the same place? [DOCTOR] It looks like it, Zoe. [JAMIE] Oh, so we can get back to the Tardis then? If it's only a mileaway. [DOCTOR] A mile in space, Jamie, with no oxygen or means of propulsion. [ZOE] It might just as well be a thousand miles. [JAMIE] Oh, that's just fine then. [ZOE] Have you got an idea, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Just a minute. [DOCTOR] Now what on earth is that? --------------------------------------- (V- Ship flight deck) [MILO] Oh lookie here, General. If you've finishedwith all your fool questions, I've got work to do. I want to get backto my ship. [HERMACK] All right, Clancey, I'm sorry to have detained you. [WARNE] Sir? [MILO] What? What, you mean I can go? [HERMACK] Of course. [MILO] That's great. That's very kind of you. I'll just say goodbyethen, General. Goodbye. [WARNE] The navigators are standing by for orders, sir. [HERMACK] Obviously you think I've done the wrong thing. [WARNE] It's not for me to say, General. [HERMACK] You think I let Clancey go too easily. [WARNE] I would have put him through the mind probe, sir. [HERMACK] That did occur to me. He does seem to be mixed up with theseargonite pirates. [WARNE] Too much. [HERMACK] You think he's in league with them? [WARNE] It's possible, sir. You said he's no respecter of the law. Thatstory about floaters and pirates could have just been a cover story. [HERMACK] I quite agree. [WARNE] You agree, sir? [HERMACK] Oh yes, Ian. Not only do I think that Milo Clancey is inleague with the argonite pirates, I think he is the mastermind behindthe whole organisation, which is precisely why I let him go --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [JAMIE] Oh, what's he doing now? [ZOE] I've no idea. Ask him. [JAMIE] Oh, what's the use? He's got his mysterious face on. [ZOE] Well, I think he's just trying to keep our hopes up. [JAMIE] Hopes? [ZOE] By looking busy. There's nothing anyone can do now. I'd say we'vegot a few hours at the outside. [JAMIE] What do you mean by a few hours? [ZOE] Well, haven't you noticed, Jamie? Haven't you noticed howdifficult it is to breathe properly now? --------------------------------------- (V- Ship flight deck) [WARNE] Bridge to armoury, this is Major Warne. Iwant a Minnow readied for immediate launching. Fit contact warheads tothe Martian missiles. [HERMACK] Navigator Penn. [PENN] Sir? [HERMACK] Keep contact with Major Warne in the Minnow until he reportshe's within visual range of LIZ seventy nine. [PENN] Very good, sir. [HERMACK] V-Master to X X one. Come in, Ian. --------------------------------------- (Minnow) [WARNE] Okay, General. I'm following Clancey withouthis knowing. --------------------------------------- (V- Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] Yes, but remember he's no fool. If hesuspects he's being followed, you'll be in trouble. Meanwhile I'm goingin to land on Ta. Relay reports to the nearest beacon. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [ZOE] Oh Doctor, can we have some more oxygen? [DOCTOR] I'm afraid not, Zoe. We've got to conserve it. [JAMIE] Oh, what's the use. We'll never get out of this. [DOCTOR] Come here, both of you. Look. Look at these. [JAMIE] What are they? [DOCTOR] They're solar powered magnets. It's a force field. [JAMIE] Hey? [DOCTOR] Well, don't you see. The explosive charges that blew thismachine apart didn't damage its structure. They simply divided it alongthe lines of its electromagnetic fields. [ZOE] How do you know? [DOCTOR] Because there was no damage to the structure. [ZOE] You mean the machine was built in separate sections and assembledin space by magnetism. [DOCTOR] Yes, you see, Jamie, opposite poles attract and the same polesrepel. [DOCTOR] You see? Try it. There. [ZOE] Oh, so the explosion was just strong enough to break the magneticattraction between each section? [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] But that doesn't do us any good, does it? [DOCTOR] But it just might, Jamie. Supposing I could step up theelectromagnetic power enough to bridge the space between this sectionand the next. [ZOE] You mean draw it towards us. [DOCTOR] Yes, and then repeat the process with each section and so onuntil we reach the Tardis! [JAMIE] Hey, well, do you think you could do it? [DOCTOR] Well, I've got a screwdriver. [JAMIE] Oh. [DOCTOR] And I've got a slight knowledge of electromagnetism. [ZOE] Yes, there's just one thing, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie, would you move this cylinder out of the way? [ZOE] How do you know the next section to this one is an opposite pole? [DOCTOR] Well I don't, Zoe. [ZOE] Well, if it's similar, your idea won't work, will it? We'll justshoot off in the opposite direction. [DOCTOR] Zoe, don't be such a pessimist. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [WARNE [on monitor]] Thirteen hundred. X X 1 to VMaster. I have made visual contact with LIZ seven nine. We're stillorbiting in the same dimensional plane. Nothing further to report. [MADELEINE] It must be very uncomfortable after a few hours in one ofthose Minnows, General. [HERMACK] It is. Thank you. But then after a week you get quite used toit. [MADELEINE] I thought so. LIZ seventy nine is Milo Clancey's ship. [HERMACK] Your records are very comprehensive. [MADELEINE] Why is he being followed? [HERMACK] Well, I explained to you the purpose of this mission. Ibelieve that Clancey has connection with the argonite pirates. [MADELEINE] That seems unlikely. [HERMACK] Oh, why? [MADELEINE] He has argonite mines on the planet Lobos. [HERMACK] Which I hear are pretty well worked out. [MADELEINE] They used to say this planet was worked out, but I broughtin new machinery and today it's the most productive in the galaxy. [HERMACK] I must say, I'm surprised to find you of all people defendingClancey. [MADELEINE] Why? [HERMACK] Well, because of the rumours connecting him with the death ofyour father, Dom Issigri. [MADELEINE] Well, I tried to prove that at the time but nobody knowswhat happened between them, so now I prefer to forget it. [HERMACK] But you took over the argonite holdings from your father andsplit away from Clancey. [MADELEINE] Yes. [HERMACK] And now you run the most successful argonite mining businessin the galaxy, while Clancey, because of your competition must bepretty nearly bankrupt. [MADELEINE] Is that why you think he's taken up with piracy? [HERMACK] Well, jealousy of your great success would be a pretty strongmotive. Unless of course, you disagree. [MADELEINE] Oh, you may be right. But I haven't seen him since the daythe partnership was dissolved, so well, I don't know what he feels. [HERMACK] Well, I can understand it. For a man like Clancey to bedefeated by an attractive woman like you at his own game, he'd take anyrisk to get his revenge. [MADELEINE] Well, I wouldn't like to think that that was true. [HERMACK] Your concern does you credit, but I'm convinced I shall havethe proof I need within a few hours. [MADELEINE] Really? How? [HERMACK] Warne has reported that Clancey is still on the samedimensional orbit as he was when we left him. Obviously he's expectinga rendezvous. [MADELEINE] With a pirate ship? [HERMACK] I think so. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [DOCTOR] I think that's all we can spare. [JAMIE] How much longer? [DOCTOR] I've nearly done it, Jamie. I've just got one more connectionto make. [JAMIE] I hope it works. [DOCTOR] Of course it will work. The theory is perfectly sound. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe. That wiring looks like a cat's cradle to me. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, it's a little bit of a mess, Jamie, but I can assureyou it's thoroughly functional. Thoroughly functional. Here we are. Nowyou two had better hold on. Are you ready? [ZOE] Yes, ready, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Hold tight. Here we go. [JAMIE] What's happened? [ZOE] Oh Doctor, you've got it wrong! We're gathering speed! [DOCTOR] I know! I know! I can't turn it off! [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] Ah! No! I'm stuck. The power's too great. [JAMIE] Well, isn't it working? [ZOE] Oh yes, it's working all right, but the wrong way! We're beingsucked further into space! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, for goodness sake do something! [DOCTOR] I'm trying to, Zoe. I'm trying to. [ZOE] Oh thank goodness. [JAMIE] Are we all right now? [ZOE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] No, Zoe, I'm afraid we're not. Even if I could reverse themagnetic field, I'm afraid we're too far away from the next section. [ZOE] Then we're worse off now. Just floating hopelessly in space. [DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, dear. What a silly idiot I am. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Well naturally, General, I'm prepared togive all the help I can. [WARNE [on monitor]] Thirteen ten. X X One to V-Master. [HERMACK] Something must be happening. He's not due to report. [WARNE [on monitor]] LIZ seven nine is now on retro-drive. She's linkingwith a section of Alpha Four. Standing by for orders. [HERMACK] You see? Clancey's in the collection area. He's awaiting thebeacon sections. [MADELEINE] It could be coincidence. He's seen the drifting wreckage andhe's curious. [HERMACK] Madam, you'd need a ITM computer to work that out. No, this isthe proof I need. [MADELEINE] What are you going to do? Arrest him? [HERMACK] Could I use your audio board? [MADELEINE] Of course. [HERMACK] V-Master to X X One. Can you hear me, Ian? --------------------------------------- (Minnow) [WARNE] Yes, sir. LIZ seven nine is now completingthe link-up. I'm standing by for orders. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [HERMACK] Good. That means he can't make a suddenmove. I want you to go in and arrest him. [MADELEINE] Tell your man to be careful, General. Clancey has a terribletemper. He's likely to explode like glycerol trinitrate. [HERMACK] Ian, if he shows any sign of resistance, use your missiles.Otherwise, escort him back here. [WARNE [on monitor]] I understand, sir. [HERMACK] Report back when the arrest is made. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [DOCTOR] Here you are. [JAMIE] Empty. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, what about you? [DOCTOR] I don't need so much as you. [JAMIE] What's that? [DOCTOR] Just a minute, Jamie. Listen. [ZOE] They're cutting through the bolts in the hull. [JAMIE] We've been discovered. [DOCTOR] Wait a minute, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh no, you don't. [DOCTOR] Jamie, no! [ZOE] You murderer! --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [MILO] Stay still, the pair of you, unless you wantto follow him. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [HERMACK] Ah, Penn. [PENN] Sir? [HERMACK] Major Warne needs some assistance. I want you to take the shipout and stand off at twenty miles, just in case Clancey tries anytricks during the landing. [PENN] Very good, sir. [MADELEINE] Aren't you going with your ship, General? [HERMACK] No, I shall be in charge of ground reception. Leave a sectionof guards, Penn, with short-ranged missiles. [PENN] Right, sir. How long shall I keep the ship in stand-off orbit,sir? [HERMACK] You can come in just as soon as Clancey hits the landing pad. [PENN] Sir. [MADELEINE] All this for one old man. You aren't taking any chances, areyou. [HERMACK] That is why I'm a general, madam. [MADELEINE] Well, what will happen to him? [HERMACK] Well, he'll be taken back to home planet and tried. [MADELEINE] And end in a Nervan prison chamber. [HERMACK] Well, when Clancey turned pirate, he knew the penalties if hewas caught. [MADELEINE] Oh yes, I know, but I mean, I can't help feeling sorry forhim. I offered to buy him out two years ago. [HERMACK] And he refused. [MADELEINE] I offered much more than his worked-out concessions areworth. He could have ended his days in luxury. [HERMACK] Why didn't he accept your offer, madam? [MADELEINE] Who knows? He's a foolish old man. [WARNE [on monitor]] Thirteen thirty. X X One to V-Master. I'm receivingno audio response from LIZ seven nine. [HERMACK] Is LIZ seventy nine on thrust or stationary? [WARNE] Stationary, sir. She's berthed against a section of the beacon. [HERMACK] Right. Now listen, Ian. If you get no reply within twominutes, you are to fire your warning rockets. And then, if necessary,stand off and use the Martian missiles. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [WARNE [OC]] This is Minnow fighter X X One to LIZseven nine. You have one minute to surrender. I repeat, you have oneminute to surrender, Clancey. Are you hearing me? --------------------------------------- (Beacon Alpha Four compartment) [MILO] Now come on, now. If you don't answer myquestions, I'm going to have to start getting tough with you! [DOCTOR] Look, I think he's just stunned, Zoe. Now, look here, my man, Iwill not be threatened in this bullying manner! Do youunderstand? [MILO] Oh, no. A boy, a girl and a nut case. You can't be the pirates. [DOCTOR] Pirates? Pirates! Oh, I see! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, he's coming round. [DOCTOR] Oh, Jamie. [MILO] Yes, I think he is coming round, girl. I only give him a quarterblast. Hey, listen, you there. Listen, she calls you Doctor. Doctor shecalled you. Now why did she say that? [DOCTOR] Sheer politeness. [ZOE] Are you all right, Jamie? [DOCTOR] Come on. [MILO] Now look, I'm not going to stand any more of this nonsense. Now,I want to know who you are and where you come from? Now, come on! [ZOE] It's very rude to point, you know. Especially with a gun. [DOCTOR] I told you she was polite. [MILO] How did you get here? [DOCTOR] Oh, we just arrived. [MILO] Oh you mean you got some sort of ship you docked on the beacon? [DOCTOR] Not so much on it as [ZOE] In it. [MILO] What, inside? Now how could you be doing that? Look, that is notpossible. [JAMIE] Anything's possible in the Tardis, especially when he's at thecontrols. [DOCTOR] Jamie, you're better. [MILO] You really expect me to swallow a story like that? Now look, if Idon't get the truth out of you three comics in about ten seconds. [ZOE] But it is the truth! [MILO] One [ZOE] Everything we've told you is true. [MILO] Two. Three(Warne launches two rockets.) [MILO] Nine Ten! Now, come on, the truth. I want the whole truth. [DOCTOR] Oh, what on Earth's that? [MILO] Someone's firing at us. Come on, let's get out of here! [DOCTOR] Hey, wait for me! --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [DOCTOR] Oh, there you are. Who's firing at us? Is it those pirates? [MILO] No, no! Now quiet, I want to hear this! Listen! [WARNE [OC]] That was a warning shot, Clancey. You've no hope of gettingaway. Surrender or I'll put the next missile through your hull. [MILO] My, my, my! It's that soft-faced puppy from the Space Corps. Hangon to something, everyone, while Igot to try a little trick or two on that boy. [WARNE [OC]] I can see you moving, Clancey. I'll give you ten seconds toturn about. Ten seconds then I'm sending a missile in. [MILO] Ten seconds! The nerve of that green-horn, saying things likethat to me. [WARNE [OC]] One, two, three [DOCTOR] Don't you think it would be wiser to parley with him? [MILO] Hold your hiccups, Doctor. Milo Clancey don't take ultimatumsfrom nobody. [WARNE [OC]] Five. [JAMIE] Well, you can at least see what he wants. [ZOE] He's going to fire a missile onto us! [MILO] I got a trick here worth ten missiles. [WARNE [OC]] Nine. Ten. All right, Clancey, you had your chance. [MILO] That's for that young green-horn and his new-fangled toy. Getyourself out of that one, boy. [ZOE] What happened? What did you do, Mister Clancey? [MILO] My own invention, my little chickabiddy. Two tons of copperneedles I just lay out beside me when one of those new-fangledspaceships gets too close for comfort. [ZOE] But how do copper needles stop a spaceship? [JAMIE] Aye, and a missile? [MILO] Well, you see, they've all got those new-fangled computerguidance systems, you see? The argonite in the spaceship, that attractsall the copper, then all those thousand little needles, they all jiggerup all their computer scanners. [ZOE] What's argonite? [MILO] What is argonite?! Don't they learn you nothing at school, girl? [ZOE] They didn't teach me anything about argonite. [MILO] Oh! [ZOE] Have you ever heard of argonite, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, from what Mister Clancey was saying, I imagine it's ametal that's used in the construction of spacecraft. Am I right?MILO [DOCTOR] Magnetically polarised for copper. [MILO] Ah. You mean to say that you have honestly never heard ofargonite? It's the most expensive mineral in the galaxy. [DOCTOR] I told you already. We don't come from this civilisation. Weare visitors. [JAMIE] Aye, and I hope we're not stopping long. [MILO] Well, if that doesn't beat jumping grasshoppers. You mean to sayyou travel around in time as well as space? [DOCTOR] Well, yes, yes. You've grasped the principle very well. [MILO] Hey, hey! That must be a mighty interesting thing to do. [JAMIE] Aye, it would be, if we knew where we were going to land upevery time. [DOCTOR] It's just a minor fault in the system. I shall [DOCTOR + JAMIE] Put it right in time. [JAMIE] Aye. [ZOE] If we ever see the Tardis again. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. By the way, Mister Clancey, would it be going out ofyour way to drop us off at the space station, please? [MILO] I can't do that. It's all in bits, isn't it. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Oh, my word. Do you know where they are? [MILO] No, no, no. Only the argonite pirates know that. They're totingthem off for salvage. [DOCTOR] Oh dear, well, that will be difficult, won't it. [MILO] Hey, we shouldn't be sitting around here. We should be getgetting the heck out of here before that General Hermack starts to sendsome more Minnows out, and I've used up all my copper needles. [JAMIE] Well, who's General Hermack? [MILO] General Herm? He's the Space Corps. He's trailing those pirates.He thinks I'm one of them. That's why I say he's bone-headed. Now look,let's move out of here. Excuse me. Watch out. That's it, get overthere. That's it, over there. Come on, boy. [ZOE] Mister Clancey. [MILO] Look, you're a good girl and you promise not to cause me trouble,you can call me Milo. [ZOE] Oh, well Milo. There's one thing I don't understand. [MILO] Well you're very lucky, girl. There's about a hundred thousandthings I don't understand, but I don't stand around asking foolquestions about them, I do something useful. Why don't you do somethinguseful. Why don't you make us all a pot of tea or something? [JAMIE] The pot was broken. [DOCTOR] That would be lovely. [MILO] Well, there's a metal pot in that cupboard there, made oftillium. [DOCTOR] Tillium? [MILO] Yah, that's what this whole spaceship's made of, tillium. Lastedme a lifetime round the galaxy. Makes a lousy cup of tea. [ZOE] Oh, that's what I couldn't understand. Why your space ship wasn'taffected by the copper needles. [JAMIE] What'll happen to us if one of those wee minnow things catchesup with us? [MILO] Ah, don't worry lad, they won't. I'm going to go to the one placethat General will never think of looking. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [WARNE [on monitor]] He used some kind of anti-missile device, sir.Jammed all my controls. [HERMACK] Major Warne, can you hear me? I repeat, can you hear me? [WARNE [on monitor]] Just about, sir. [HERMACK] You let Clancey make a complete fool of you! Are you stilltracking his ship? [WARNE [on monitor]] No, sir. My radar and sonar screens are out ofaction. [HERMACK] What? [WARNE [on monitor]] Well, I can't sit here with just (static) I requestassistance immediately, sir. [HERMACK] Your request is noted. [MADELEINE] These are the shipping times. Send them out on transprinterto all branch stations. These are production figures and loading dates.Code them and send them to head office right away. Priority clear.Anything wrong, General? [HERMACK] Yes. Clancey has escaped. [MADELEINE] How did that happen? [HERMACK] I don't know yet but I mean to find out. May I monopolise yourvideo channel a while longer? [MADELEINE] Well, of course. [HERMACK] Thank you. General Hermack to V forty one. [PENN [on monitor]] Yes, General. [HERMACK] Ah, Penn. Did you pick up Major Warne's last report on yourmonitor? [PENN [on monitor]] Some of it, sir. There was a lot of interference. [HERMACK] Right. Now I want the rest of the minnow fleet launched and Iwant LIZ seventy nine found and destroyed. Is that understood? [PENN on monitor]] Yes, sir. [HERMACK] Report back as soon as the Minnow fleet is clear. I am notgiving Milo Clancey any more chances. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [JAMIE] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie? [JAMIE] I think I'm going to be sick. [DOCTOR] Now, now, now, Jamie. Will power, will power. [ZOE] Any more tea anyone? [MILO] I'll have another cup if there's some there, Zoe. There you are,that's as good as new. [DOCTOR] Milo? [MILO] Hello. [DOCTOR] I've been watching this pressure gauge. It is just a little bithigh, isn't it? [MILO] Yeah, it is a bittie. That's your thermonuclear power, you see.Yeah, it's wearing out a bit. Nothing you can do about that. [DOCTOR] Well, except slow down. I mean, there could be a nastyexplosion, couldn't there? [MILO] Ah, don't you worry, Doctor. It's a mighty strong little ship,this. They don't make ships like this these days, you know. [JAMIE] You can say that again. [MILO] Ah, don't you worry, lad. We haven't got far to go. [ZOE] Where are we going? You haven't said. [MILO] Well, ma'am, I'll tell ya. We're going to the one place wherethey'll never think of looking for us. [MILO] That's the planet called Ta. [DOCTOR] Oh? Oh yes. Is it inhabited? [MILO] Yeah, it is these days. It's the headquarters of the IssigriMining Corporation. [JAMIE] Why do you say they won't bother to look for us. [MILO] Well, you see, Madeleine Issigri, who runs that show now, she's asworn enemy of mine. Well, so I've been told. Anyway, General Hermackwill think I'll go anywhere else rather than go there. [DOCTOR] Yes, but if she's a sworn enemy, won't she give you away? [MILO] We won't be announcing our arrival, Doctor. We'll just lie lowthere until that old Space Corps gets tired of looking for us. [ZOE] It doesn't look as though there's anything there. This side isjust desert. [MILO] No, no, there's no surface life on Ta, girl. There's too muchultra-violet radiation. Don't you worry, don't you worry. We'll be allright. We'll be a mile underground as long as I can fall into my oldlanding pad. [DOCTOR] Oh, you've been there before, have you? [MILO] Certainly have, certainly have. Me and my old partner, DomIssigri, god rest his poor tired old soul, we turned that whole planetinto a piece of Gruyere cheese between us. [JAMIE] Gruyere cheese. [DOCTOR] Jamie, here. Mining! I see. For argonite, presumably. [MILO] Yeah, that's right, argonite. One of the richest strikes we everfound. Took us about ten years to drill that clean. Well, I'd bettertry to find this old entry shaft then. Now, you'd better braceyourselves. Hang onto something. My landing pad's ain't as good as theyused to be. [JAMIE] Who cares as long as it's quick. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [HERMACK] Bring the ship in on pad three. I'll joinyou there, Penn. [PENN [on monitor]] Yes, sir. [MADELEINE] I'm sorry your stay was so short, General. [HERMACK] Well, I hope on my next visit, my duties will be lesspressing. [MADELEINE] So do I. Where do you go from now? [HERMACK] Well, first of all I must get young Warne out of that fix he'sgot himself into. Then I must collect my pickets from the beacons. Andafter that, Lobos.MADELEINE [HERMACK] Hmm mmm. [MADELEINE] Milo Clancey's base? [HERMACK] The pirate's base. Those beacons they've been breaking up willbe heading there. With a little bit of luck, we shall be able to wipeout the whole nest in one operation. [MADELEINE] Well, I hope you do. Some of my crews are demanding arms incase they're attacked. [HERMACK] Is that a, is that a Beta Dart? [MADELEINE] Yes. Yes, our company's just bought two. They're our fastestfreighters. [HERMACK] Ah. I must bear that in mind. The pirates have a Beta Dart. Ishould hate to knock out one of your ships by mistake. [MADELEINE] Well I don't think that's likely. All our freighters showthe Issigri nose-cone when they're in commission. [MADELEINE] I designed it myself. [HERMACK] Ah, very distinctive. How much does it cost? [MADELEINE] Oh, a hundred million credits upwards. Depends on thefittings. Why do you ask? [HERMACK] I was just wondering where Milo Clancey got a hundred millioncredits. [MADELEINE] I see. You think he got it by selling the stolen argonite. [HERMACK] Why not? It's logical. There's an illicit market for them onRita Magnum, I hear. [MADELEINE] Yes, but I'm sure you're wrong about Milo Clancey. [HERMACK] Are you? I'm not. He's selling the stuff and professingpoverty as a cover. If I find those beacons sections on line for Lobos,he'll not live to enjoy his money. [MADELEINE] Goodbye, General. [HERMACK] Goodbye, Miss Issigri. Thank you for your hospitality. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] Nice smooth landing, after all. [JAMIE] Smooth? What do you call a rough landing? [MILO] What's the matter with you, sonny? Are you getting soft orsomething? [JAMIE] Just let me get my feet back on the ground, that's all. [MILO] You stay right here where you're safe, boy. [JAMIE] Safe? Is that what you call this? [DOCTOR] You want us to stay here? [MILO] Yeah. I'm thinking of your own safety. [JAMIE] Why? [MILO] Well, we're a mile underground here. This is the old freighterdock. And there's nothing to see, there's nowhere to go, it's just awhole maze of argonite tunnels, and if you go in there, well, even Imayn't be able to find you again. You stay right here in this ship. [DOCTOR] Just a minute, where are you going? [MILO] I've got to go to the generator room. I think one of theirrockets must have gone through my transmitter unit. That radio there'swhistling like some sort of hysterical canary. [JAMIE] Doctor, do you believe him? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jamie. What do you think? [JAMIE] Well, he never did explain how he turned up the way he did, didhe? And that Space Corp ship was chasing him. [DOCTOR] True. But I think we've got to trust him, Jamie. If we leavethis ship, we'll never ever have a chance of finding the Tardis again. [JAMIE] Well I don't see we've got much of a chance anyway. Look, it'sup there in space somewhere on a bit of that beacon heading for I don'tknow where. [DOCTOR] A blast furnace, I imagine. I think I think the pirates areprobably going to take the pieces and melt them down for the for theargonite. The trouble is, we can't guess where their headquarters is. [ZOE] There's no need to guess, Doctor. It's easy enough to work out. [DOCTOR] What? [ZOE] Applied mathematics. [DOCTOR] Applied? Oh, I see. You've been messing about again, have you? [ZOE] Oh well, if you don't want to know what I've discovered. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no. Come along, surprise us. [ZOE] This was the position of our bit of beacon when Milo first saw us.I got the figures from the computer. [DOCTOR] Oh yes. [ZOE] And this was our position eight minutes later when he docked alongside. [DOCTOR] Yes, circle fourteen. Yes, go on. [ZOE] Well, from this data it was simple enough to work out our originalposition and course. Do you see? [DOCTOR] Yes, except that after my little experiment, we veered ratherviolently off that course. [JAMIE] Ah yes [ZOE] Yes, but I allowed for that. Look! [DOCTOR] Oh. [JAMIE] Oh. [ZOE] Electromagnetic waves are always at right-angles to the directionof propagation, and, as you know, travel at one hundred and eighty sixthousand, two hundred and eighty two miles per second. [DOCTOR] Do they really? How interesting. Well, what's the answer? [ZOE] Here! [DOCTOR] What? [ZOE] If we'd stayed on our original course, the Tardis would havelanded within ten miles of where we are now. Except, of course, itwould still be up there because we weren't travelling quite so fast. [DOCTOR] Oh, bless my soul! Yes, of course. Yes, as you say, a simplecalculation. I should have thought of that myself. [ZOE] Yes, I wonder why you didn't? [JAMIE] Did all that talk mean that the Tardis is going to landsomewhere around here? [DOCTOR] Jamie, it's all here, written down. It's as plain as apike-staff. [JAMIE] Aye, well, in that case, the pirates are going to be round heretoo! [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, you're right. [ZOE] Do you think Milo's one of them and that's why he landed here? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's possible. [JAMIE] Aye, he seemed to know all about them, didn't he? Look, I thinkwe ought to get out of here before he comes back. [ZOE] Yes, so do I. We don't even know if he has gone to the generatorroom. He might just have gone to get his gang. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] All right. All right, but if the Tardis has landed here we'llhave to find it anyway. Come on, you two, but for heaven's sake don'tmake a noise on the ladder. [ZOE] Jamie! [JAMIE] We're not on the ladder yet, are we. --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft HQ) [CAVEN] Wait here! [DERVISH] What's the panic, Caven? [CAVEN] No panic. [DERVISH] Well, you know what I mean. I got a Red emergency flash. [CAVEN] I wanted to talk to you, Dervish. [DERVISH] Well? [CAVEN] What's the position at the plant? [DERVISH] We've just started on the last section of Alpha Two. [CAVEN] Leave it. [DERVISH] Leave it? [CAVEN] Suledin's capable of taking change down there, isn't he? [DERVISH] Well yes, but [CAVEN] Right, when you've finished your flight service, I want you totake the ship out. [DERVISH] Me? Where? [CAVEN] The Alpha Four sections are being re-routed. [DERVISH] Re-route? [CAVEN] To Lobos. [DERVISH] Lobos? But that's impossible! [CAVEN] When I give an order, nobody says it's impossible, Dervish. [DERVISH] Well, do you know how far Lobos is? I mean, the beacon rocketswill have to be re-fuelled. [CAVEN] That's right. That's exactly what I want you to do. [DERVISH] Yeah, but the Space Corps have got a V-ship and a flight ofMinnows up there. It's too dangerous! [CAVEN] It has to be done. They've got to be drawn off. [DERVISH] Well, why can't you do it, then? You're the master pilot. I'monly supposed to be the engineer. [CAVEN] I've got to do things down here. [DERVISH] Yes, so I've got to go and risk my life while [CAVEN] You keep arguing, Dervish, and Suledin will be having your jobpermanently. Now are you going to take that ship out or aren't you? [DERVISH] Yes, of course, Caven. I was only just trying to point out thedangers, that's all. [CAVEN] Well, now you're in more danger here than you ever will be inspace. [DERVISH] It's the perimeter alarm. [MAN [OC]] Intruders in perimeter tunnel nine. Perimeter tunnel nine. [CAVEN] Alert the guards. I'm coming down. [DERVISH] Is it the Space Corps? [CAVEN] I don't know, but whoever it is, we can deal with them in thetunnel complex. Now get moving! [DERVISH] Right --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft) [ZOE] I'm sure we should have turned right back there. [JAMIE] We did turn right. [ZOE] I mean earlier. We seem to be getting deeper. [JAMIE] What do you think, Doctor? Should we go on or turn back? [DOCTOR] I think we should have done as Milo told us. He said we'd getlost. [ZOE] The tunnels probably run for hundreds of miles. [JAMIE] Well, if they do, we'll never get ourselves out. [DOCTOR] Shush. Just a minute, Jamie. [ZOE] What? [DOCTOR] I can hear something. [JAMIE] There it is. A buzzing noise. [ZOE] Where's it coming from? [DOCTOR] Seems to be up ahead there. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] Well, that's all right again, right as rain.Hey, where are you? Zoe? Doctor? They ain't here. Oh, why can't somepeople do what they're told. I guess I'd better go out and try and findthem. --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft) [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor. There's a wee light there,look. [DOCTOR] Where? [JAMIE] Just shining through a crack in the wall. [ZOE] You're right, it is a light. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's reflected through from the other side. I wonder if wecan [JAMIE] Too high to see anything. [ZOE] I'm the lightest. If you can lift me up perhaps I could seethrough. [DOCTOR] All right. You jump onto Jamie's back. [JAMIE] What? Oh. [DOCTOR] There we are. Can you see anything? [ZOE] A bit higher. [JAMIE] Hurry up. [DOCTOR] Well? [ZOE] There are three men in there and I think they're pirates. [JAMIE] How do you know? They could be miners. [ZOE] No, they're cutting up bits of scrap and it looks like part of thebeacon. [DOCTOR] It looks as though we've stumbled on their headquarters. Yes,of course. That noise is an electrical furnace. [JAMIE] Did you see the Tardis? [ZOE] No, just the three men. [JAMIE] Doctor, we've got to try and stop them before they start cuttingit up. [DOCTOR] Yes. Now the first thing we'd better do is [CAVEN] Keep moving! [DOCTOR] All right! There's no need for that! [CAVEN] Back! Back! Back! Back! [ZOE] Quick! Down this passage! [DOCTOR] Run! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] No. [JAMIE] What's the matter? [DOCTOR] Just a minute. [ZOE] What are you carrying drawing pins for? [DOCTOR] I like drawing pins. Ouch. Normally. --------------------------------------- (Mine chamber) [CAVEN] Right. They won't give us any more trouble. --------------------------------------- (Lower mine shaft) [JAMIE] Oh, my leg! [ZOE] Are you all right? [JAMIE] I must have twisted it when I landed. Oh, now where are we? [ZOE] It looks like some sort of a prison cell. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JAMIE] What's that? [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, there's something over there. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. [JAMIE] What is it? [DOCTOR] Look. [JAMIE] Hey, it's that chap from the beacon. The one that was shootingat us. [ZOE] Yes, he's injured. Look. [DOCTOR] I think it's his shoulder. I think it's only a bruise. It's notbroken. Lift him up, very gently. What's this? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's all right. [JAMIE] Ah, he's coming around. --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft HQ) [CAVEN] Come in, Beta Buccaneer. [DERVISH [on monitor]] I want permission to return to base. Caven, doyou hear me? I'm bringing this ship in. [CAVEN] Calm down, man. Report your position. [DERVISH [on monitor]] We're forty three thousand miles out, on coursefor the beacon sections. [CAVEN] Well, you should be among them in twenty minutes. What's wrong?Why the panic? [DERVISH [on monitor]] We're running our heads into a trap, Caven. TheSpace Corp cruiser is less than three hours away, and on a convergentcourse. [CAVEN] Those beacon sections have got to be diverted to Lobos. How longwill that take? [DERVISH [on monitor]] It will take at least two hours. We just can't doit on time. [CAVEN] You'll have to, Dervish. Just find some way of cutting the time. [DERVISH [on monitor]] Those Minnow fighters will blast us to bits. I'mbringing the ship in! [CAVEN] Now wait, don't be so impulsive. [CAVEN] Surely you recognise this, Dervish? You designed it. [DERVISH [on monitor] Well, it's a UHF detonator. What are you playingat, Caven? [CAVEN] I'm not playing at all. It is a detonator, and it is keyed to acharge right under the atomic drives of the Buccaneer. [DERVISH [on monitor]] I don't believe it. You you're bluffing. [CAVEN] If you think I'm bluffing, just you try turning back. You see,Dervish, you've got a fair chance of escaping the V-ship and theMinnows, but you've no chance at all of getting away from this. [DERVISH [on monitor]] All right, Caven. [CAVEN] I knew you wouldn't let me down. Report as soon as you reach thesections. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] All set. Operational? Right. Thank you. MajorWarne's just come aboard, sir. He's coming up to the bridge. [HERMACK] Good. Bridge to Power Room. We're under way again. Half boost.Set course for Lobos, Penn. [PENN] Very good, sir. [WARNE] Thanks for the rescue, sir. [HERMACK] Ah. What happened to you, anyway? [HERMACK] Copper needles? [WARNE] Yes, sir. I warned Clancey I was about to fire one of theMartian missiles. I pressed the button and the next thing I ran slapinto a cloud of these. The computer blew and the whole machine juststopped. [HERMACK] Copper! Of course! Attracted by the argonite hull of theMinnow. [WARNE] Yes, sir. It won't happen again, sir. [HERMACK] It had better not. When one old man in a worn out junk-heaplike the Liz makes a complete fool of a highly trained fighter pilot ina sophisticated flight ship I [WARNE] Yes, sir. Well, I'll hit him with a deflection shot next time,sir. I worked out how to do it. You see [HERMACK] Never mind the theories, Major. With a bit of luck, Clanceywill not be able to exploit your limitations again because we shalltake him on the ground. [WARNE] On the ground, sir? [HERMACK] Yes, we're on course for Lobos, the headquarters of theClancey Mining Company. [WARNE] You think that's where he's gone? [HERMACK] I'm sure of it. Apart from Ta, it's the next nearest planet.Yes, that's where Clancey will be and that's where we shall find ourevidence. The sections of Beacon Alpha Four. --------------------------------------- (Mine chamber) [ZOE] Are you feeling better? [SORBA] You were on the beacon. What are you doing here? [JAMIE] Oh, look, it's all right. We're friends. [SORBA] Friends? You led my men into a trap. [JAMIE] We were in the same trap ourselves. The pirates left us fordead. [SORBA] I thought you were decoys. [ZOE] Oh look, we wouldn't be here now if we were helping them. [SORBA] Then how did you get off the beacon? [DOCTOR] Well, well, it's a long story, but the important thing is toescape from here now. [SORBA] Do you think I haven't tried? That shaft is the only way in.It's impossible to get out. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. There's another entrance here somewhere. [SORBA] I've searched every inch of this cell. Solid rock. [DOCTOR] There's a hidden door. The problem of course, is going to befinding it. [SORBA] There's no door, believe me. You're only wasting your time. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. There's obviously a less painful way of gettingin here so there must be a way of getting out. [ZOE] What makes you so sure? I mean, it could be a sort of tomb. [JAMIE] Aye, a burial pit. [DOCTOR] Look. Water, in a fragile bowl. Well that couldn't have beenthrown down that chute, now could it? --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft HQ) [DERVISH [on monitor]] Caven, I've got the crews outrealigning the auxiliary rockets for Lobos, but one of the beaconsections is missing. [CAVEN] That's not possible. [DERVISH [on monitor]] Look, there's only seven sections here. Thereshould be eight. I checked back right along the flight path, butthere's not a sign of it. It's completely disappeared. [CAVEN] Nothing disappears in space. Even if the rocket exploded there'dbe debris along the flight path. [DERVISH [on monitor]] There's no debris, there's nothing. It'scompletely disappeared. The scanner shows zero find. [CAVEN] But that's crazy. There must be some explanation. [DERVISH [on monitor]] Oh yeah, there's an explanation all right, butyou're not going to like it. [CAVEN] Well, come on, come on. [DERVISH [on monitor]] Somebody must have engineered the section out ofits flight path. [CAVEN] How could anybody manage that? [DERVISH [on monitor]] Well, I don't know. [CAVEN] Wait a minute. That space guard. The one we took off the beacon. [DERVISH [on monitor]] Lieutenant Sorba? [CAVEN] Yes. He said something about seeing strangers on board. Perhapshe wasn't raving. Perhaps we've got competition, Dervish. Someonetrying to cut themselves in, hey? [DERVISH [OC]] Just a minute. Look, I've got to go. Once of the spiderteams wants picking up. [CAVEN] Right. I'll question Sorba about these strangers he saw. Call inas soon as you get the sections on the new flight path. --------------------------------------- (Mine chamber) [SORBA] They're mad. It's solid rock. [ZOE] When the Doctor gets an idea, nobody can change his mind. [JAMIE] Oh look Doctor, this is doing no good at all. [DOCTOR] Patience, Jamie, patience. [JAMIE] You'll not find anything. We've been over it three timesalready. [DOCTOR] It's got to be here. Look. [JAMIE] Aye, I know. Cracks in the wall. [DOCTOR] Yes, but see the way they run. [JAMIE] There are marks like that all over the place. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we're going to go on trying. [ZOE] Now what's he doing? [JAMIE] Oh, search me. [DOCTOR] There's got to be a control unit here somewhere. Just aquestion of locating it, that's all. [ZOE] What sort of control unit? [DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Just a minute. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. Yes. Yes, it's under there. [JAMIE] What's under there? [DOCTOR] An audio lock. [ZOE] An audio lock! [JAMIE] Oh now, wait a minute, what's an audio lock? [DOCTOR] Well, they were used on safes, Jamie. Combination locks becamea little too easy to open when burglars took to taking miniaturecomputers with them on their expeditions. Now I have my tuning forkshere somewhere. [ZOE] What are you going to do with a tuning fork? [DOCTOR] I usually carry them with. Ah, yes. Here we are, now then, getthese sorted out. Right. [JAMIE] Which end did he land on when you fell down that shaft? --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] Contact ahead, sir! [HERMACK] What contact? [PENN] It could be the sections of Alpha Four, sir. There are sevenobjects moving quite slowly. [WARNE] If it's the beacon, sir, there should be eight sections. [HERMACK] What's their course, Penn? [WARNE] Approximately the same as ours, sir. The convergence is lessthan half a degree. [HERMACK] Then the flight destination must be Lobos. Clancey's homeplanet. We've got him, Ian. [WARNE] We can't be sure it is the beacon, sir. Well, we counted eightsections originally. [HERMACK] Just a minute. What's that on the edge of the scanner? [PENN] I'm trying to get a fix on it now, sir. It's just come intoframe. [HERMACK] It must be the missing section. [PENN] No, sir, it's too big and it's moving too fast. I think it's somekind of ship. [HERMACK] Out there? No, with any luck it's the pirates. [WARNE] She seems to be circling. [HERMACK] Can't you magnify that signal, Penn? [PENN] No, sir. She's right out on the fringe. [HERMACK] Ian, get down to the Minnow deck. I want you ready to go assoon as we've got an identification. [WARNE] Right, sir. [HERMACK] Power room? I want main boost for as long as we can hold it.Don't worry about those beacon sections, Penn. That ship is our target. [PENN] Right, sir. Shall I get your (unintelligible) sir? [HERMACK] Not yet. Go to half speed. General Hermack. I want all crewsat emergency stations. I repeat, all crews at emergency stations. [WARNE [on monitor]] X X 2 ready to go. Any news yet, V-Master? [HERMACK] The range is down to forty minutes. Penn has just made apositive identification. It is a Beta Dart, so they can still outrunus. [WARNE [on monitor]] She won't outrun a Minnow, sir. [PENN] Sir, she's boosting. She must have spotted us. [HERMACK] Right! V-Master to X X 2. Blast away! [WARNE [on monitor]] Right, sir. I'll bring back a chunk of her. --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft HQ) [CAVEN] There's a Space Corps lieutenant in thepunishment cell under tunnel nine. He's injured. I want him broughthere for questioning. [GUARD] Yes, sir. [CAVEN] Here's the audio-lock tuner key. [DERVISH [on monitor]] This is Beta Buccaneer. Caven! There's a Minnowfighter on our tail. [CAVEN] Only one? What's his range? [DERVISH [OC]] Thirty minutes, but closing fast. And we're on maximumboost. [CAVEN] Can't you hold him off long enough to reach the camouflage cone? [DERVISH [OC]] That's just what I'm going to try and do. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE [on monitor]] X X 2 to V-Master. I seem tohave lost contact. Can you steer me in, please? [HERMACK] Stand by. Major Warne's lost her. [PENN] I thought he would, sir. She's doubled round. [HERMACK] I'll switch it through on audio. You get an RC track for himto track on. [PENN] Very good, sir. This is Navigator Penn to X X 2. Are you readingme? [WARNE [OC]] Yes, I just don't have a nice picture of that Beta Dart anymore. [PENN] Okay, sir. Now, if you steer round seven under TDC. Now thirtyseven degrees up. [PENN] She should be in range now, sir. [WARNE [OC]] Right. I can see her on the visual scanners. [HERMACK] Switch video through here. We might as well all enjoy this. [WARNE [OC]] Cutting you in now, sir. [HERMACK] That's an Issigri ship! Flash out! Flash out! [WARNE [on monitor]] Contact broken. [HERMACK] You didn't fire at her? [WARNE [on monitor]] No, sir. I was just in range when I got the flashout. What's gone wrong? [HERMACK] We nearly wiped out one of the Issigri Mining Company's newfreighters. [WARNE [on monitor]] You mean to say that wasn't the pirate ship? Thenwhere's it got to? [HERMACK] I don't know. Anyway, we'll abort the mission. You'd betterreturn. --------------------------------------- (Mine chamber) [JAMIE] Oh, look, Doctor, will you stop it? [ZOE] What's that noise? It's getting on everybody's nerves. [DOCTOR] You want to get out of here, don't you? [JAMIE] Oh, that's not going to get us out. [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, it is! An audio lock is a simple solenoid switchwhich is only activated by a particular sound. It's just a question offinding it, that's all. [JAMIE] Oh look, I can't stand any more! [DOCTOR] Jamie! Jamie! [DOCTOR] Jamie, you found the right note! [ZOE] Oh come on, we can get away now. [DOCTOR] Oh no, we can't. [JAMIE] What? [MILO] I've been trying to find my way in here for the last hour. Now,come on now! [JAMIE] Come on where? [MILO] What's the matter with you, boy? You don't think I'm in cahootswith the pirates, do you? [DOCTOR] Well they're here, you know. We've seen them. [MILO] I know. They've got nothing to do with me. [DOCTOR] Well, it might help if you didn't point that thing in ourdirection. [MILO] Oh, come on now. If I was in cahoots with the pirates, why wouldI be trying to rescue you? [ZOE] We don't know that you are trying to rescue us. [JAMIE] No. [MILO] Oh, that's a fine thing to say, isn't it. Didn't I get you offthat beacon? You would have died if I hadn't helped you then. [JAMIE] Aye, you only got us off of there because you were curious toknow who we were. [ZOE] And that Space Corp ship opened fire on you. [JAMIE] Hmm. [MILO] If that don't beat jumping grasshoppers. You listen to me, youthree sourpusses. You're only in this pickle now because you did thevery thing I told you not to do. You went wandering off into these mineworkings. I've had a whale of a time trying to find you, and if youwant to get out of here alive, Milo Clancey is the only person who canshow you the way. Now, you either come with me, or am I going to leaveyou here to rot? [DOCTOR] Well, well, well, yes, yes, if you put it that way. [MILO] Right. Good thinking. It's about time one of you showed a bit ofsense. Who's this? [SORBA] My name is Sorba. Lieutenant Sorba. [JAMIE] Aye. The pirates took him prisoner when they attacked thebeacon. [MILO] Oh, there's no love lost between me and the Space Corp, SonnyJim, but, well, you'd better come with us, I guess. [DOCTOR] Shush, shush, there's somebody coming. [MILO] Keep back there. [GUARD [OC]] The door's open! [SORBA] Take his gun. It might come in useful. [JAMIE] Right. [MILO] Tarnation take it! A couple of years ago I'd have nailed himbefore he got ten yards. [DOCTOR] What, you mean he got away? [MILO] Aye he did. It means we're in real trouble. There'll be guardsswarming round that tunnel now like a buzz of bees! [ZOE] Well, we'd better get away. hadn't we? [MILO] We sure had. Come on! [JAMIE] What's that? [MILO] I told you. That's the alarm signal. Now, come on, let's get outof here. Quick. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft HQ) [CAVEN] Where are they now? [GUARD [OC]] They've gone through into the small bore workings on leveleight. I've sent five men after them. [CAVEN] I thought I told you to cordon off those lower caverns. [GUARD [OC]] Yes, well, they got through somehow. They must have usedone of the old ventilators. They seem to know their way better than ourown guards. [CAVEN] Milo Clancey. [GUARD [OC]] What was that Chief? [CAVEN] There's only one man who can get through these tunnels likethat. All right, Jupiter, I'm coming down! I want these people eithercaught or killed. I don't care which, you understand? [GUARD [OC]] Just a minute, Chief. They've just passed the perimeter eyeon level six. [CAVEN] Level six already? All right, listen. I want every man up tolevel three. Use the elevators. I want every entrance to that levelsealed off, and it had better done by the time I get there. --------------------------------------- (Mine shaft) [JAMIE] Milo? [MILO] What? [JAMIE] Can we rest a moment? [MILO] Why? [SORBA] No, no, don't bother with me. I'm all right. [ZOE] Oh well, I want a rest, anyway. It's this climbing. [MILO] Well, just for a minute, then. Remember, they're closing in on usall the time we stay here. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. Where are we heading for, Milo? [MILO] The Issigri Mining Company. We got to get to their headquarters.It's only a couple of levels from here now. [ZOE] But didn't you say that Madeleine Issigri was your sworn enemy? [MILO] Yeah, well, I thought she was. I thought it was her lot that wasbehind all this piracy trying to do me out of business. [DOCTOR] You've changed your mind. Why? [MILO] Well, I thought Madeleine blamed me for her father's death. Poorold Dom. He just disappeared. Years ago now. I wasn't even here at thetime. And then all this piracy started and Madeleine started to findargonite in workings that Dom and I had abandoned years ago. Well, itall seemed to fit together somehow. [ZOE] Yes, well, it fits together a bit too well, if you ask me. Aren'twe jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? [MILO] No! No! When I followed you down that shaft I recognised theleader of these pirates. He's a murderous criminal called MauriceCaven. [DOCTOR] You know this man? [MILO] Yeah, I've seen his picture on home planet. He's notorious. [JAMIE] Someone's coming. [MILO] Come on, let's get out of here. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Another mine shaft) [MILO] Hey, come on there. Come on. [SORBA] It's no use. [MILO] Well come on. We're almost there now. [SORBA] I'll never make it. You go on. [MILO] No, we've got you this far, we're not going to leave you here. [DOCTOR] We can't carry him, Milo. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, they're not far behind us! [JAMIE] Aye, well they won't get much further, don't worry. [DOCTOR] No, Jamie. Come back. [MILO] He won't hold them off for long. He got no recharge units forthat gun. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, can't you think of something? [DOCTOR] I'm not a magician Zoe, I. What's this? [MILO] It's an old power distributor box, I think. We got one on everylevel. [DOCTOR] Really? Oh. Well, I wonder if it's connected up? Oh! [ZOE] Yes, it's connected. [DOCTOR] Zoe, attach these to that metal ring there, do you see? [ZOE] Yes, all right, but hurry, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I am hurrying! [MILO] What's this contraption supposed to do Doctor, trip them up? [DOCTOR] Right. Right, over the wire. [MILO] What? [DOCTOR] Come on. That's it. Now, I'm going to I'm going to test it, sostand clear. [MILO] Is that all? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's working. Right, now you two, you carry along.I'll stay here and help Jamie. [JAMIE] Doctor! They're right behind me. [DOCTOR] Jamie, wait! [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Right. Look! Stand clear. [JAMIE] Here they come! [CAVEN] What is this? --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] I thought it was some sort of joke when my company guardstold me that Milo Clancey was on his way up in the main elevator. Whoare your friends? [MILO] No joke, girl. Now look, will you do one thing for me before youstart asking me any fool questions? [MADELEINE] What? [MILO] I want you to get onto General Hermack, and get him to get thatV-ship here as soon as he can. [MADELEINE] Why? [MILO] There you go, asking questions! Because you're harbouring a nestof vipers down there in those mine workings, and they're on their wayup here at this very moment. [DOCTOR] He means that the argonite pirates are using the old mineworkings as a secret hideout. [MADELEINE] Argonite pirates? Oh really. [MILO] Oh, child, will you listen to me! --------------------------------------- (Another mine shaft) [CAVEN] Right, come on! --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] If what you say is true, and I don'tbelieve it for one moment. [MILO] Mean to say that you don't know of this fiend Caven? You don'tknow what kind of villain he is? [MADELEINE] Well, if he is using the old mine workings as you say, thenmy company guards can perfectly easily take care of him. [MILO] Look, child, he's got a whole army of thugs out there! [MADELEINE] I assure you there's no need to call in the Space Corps. Ican deal with it. [MILO] You're an idiot, girl. She's as stubborn as her old man. Now lookhere child! Your guards wouldn't last five minutes against that gang ofthugs out there. Now look, I am going to contact General Hermackwhether you want me to or not! [MADELEINE] Stop! Don't touch that call button, Milo. [CAVEN] Anybody else want to die like a hero? You must have walked inhere with your eyes wide open, Clancey. How very naive of you. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Wait! I never agreed to anything likethis. [CAVEN] If you don't like it, step outside for a moment. [MADELEINE] I don't want any more killing. [CAVEN] Too bad. [MADELEINE] I warn you, Caven, don't overreach yourself. [CAVEN] I never do that. [MADELEINE] Well then, just remember I'm still running this operation. [CAVEN] Are you? I do all the dirty work. The space piracy, the capitallarceny [MILO] The first degree homicides! [CAVEN] Right, Clancey. While all you do is sit there looking pretty andcount the money. But that doesn't mean to say you're not guilty. [MADELEINE] Maybe, but I never agreed to murder. [CAVEN] Well, you'd better agree to it, because if we don't get rid ofthese snoops, we'll both end up in a nirvan chamber. [MADELEINE] I don't want them killed! There must be some other solution. [DOCTOR] Yes, there's just got to be.CAVEN [DOCTOR] Jamie! [JAMIE] Let go of me! [ZOE] You don't stand a chance. [GUARD] Come on, hurry up. Out of the line. Move yourselves. [DOCTOR] All right, there's no need to shout. [MADELEINE] What are you going to do with them? [CAVEN] Don't worry, they're not going to be shot. [MADELEINE] I don't trust you, Caven. [CAVEN] I told Fraze to lock them away under the dock complex. Ask himif you don't believe me. [MADELEINE] What made you change your mind all of a sudden? [CAVEN] I had a better idea, that's all. [MADELEINE] Oh yes? [CAVEN] That Space Corps ship is becoming a nuisance. I've thought of away of getting rid of it. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE [on monitor]] I tracked the sections of thebeacon right into Lobos, sir. [HERMACK] Were they being collected? [WARNE [on monitor]] No, sir. They were in orbit round the planet. Imade a landing at Clancey's base but it looked pretty derelict to me. [HERMACK] No sign of Clancey himself? [WARNE [on monitor]] No, sir. I talked to some of the mining crew. Theysaid he took off several weeks ago. They haven't heard from him since. [HERMACK] Are you sure they're speaking the truth? [WARNE [on monitor]] I'm sure they are, sir. I made a pretty closereconnaissance of the area, and there's no pad installation big enoughto take a Beta Dart the size the pirates use, sir. [HERMACK] If there is one, it's certain to be camouflaged. [WARNE [on monitor]] Well, I checked for radiation traces, sir. No, I'dsay that that planet has not been used by a ship with atomic drive. [HERMACK] But the sections of Alpha Four are in collection orbit aroundLobos? How do you explain that? [WARNE [on monitor]] Well, it's possibly been done to side-track us,sir, to put us off the pirates' real base. [HERMACK] All right, Ian. We'll move in and find them. Bring that Minnowin. [WARNE [on monitor]] I'm on my way home, sir. [HERMACK] Penn! [PENN] Sir? [HERMACK] I've called in X X 2. Give Major Warne a beacon signal to homeon. [PENN] Yes, sir. [HERMACK] Penn, Major Warne thinks those beacon sections were divertedto Lobos to mislead us. What was their course when our scanners firstpicked them up? [PENN] I've got the plots on the computer, sir. That's their originalcourse. [HERMACK] Hm. Can you project a destination from that data? [PENN] I'm just doing that sir. On that course, the beacon sectionswould eventually have been drawn into an elliptical orbit around theplanet of Ta. [HERMACK] Ta! I see. Thank you, Penn. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [ZOE] Where are you taking us? [GUARD] Shut up! [DOCTOR] Has anyone got a light? It's very dark in there. [MILO] We're right under the freighter dock. [GUARD] Hurry up! Inside! --------------------------------------- (Issigri's study) [MILO] Land sakes alive! It's Dom himself! [DOCTOR] What? [MILO] That picture. It's Dom Issigri! [ZOE] Madeleine's father? [MILO] Yeah. Well, wait a moment now. This. Yeah. This is the oldfellow's private study. Land sakes, it's years since I've been in here. [DOCTOR] You don't happen to remember where the light switch is, do youMilo? [MILO] You won't find a light switch, Doctor. You might find somecandles, or something. [JAMIE] Candles? [MILO] Yeah. [JAMIE] In this day and age? [MILO] Or an oil lamp or something. Hey boy, look in that cupboard, youmight find something. Yeah, yeah. He was an old-fashioned romantic oldcritter, was old Dom. He brought all this furniture, he brought allthem books and everything from Earth, you know. [ZOE] Are these candles? [DOCTOR] Ah, well done, Zoe. Yes, a whole box of them. [ZOE] Well, how do they work? [JAMIE] How do they work? [DOCTOR] You take them and I'll show you. [JAMIE] Hey, we need a flint box. [DOCTOR] All right, Jamie, I've got some matches. Now, you just lightthe wick, you see, Zoe, and the wax allows the wick to burn fairlyslowly. There we are. My word. Good lord! This is very interesting. [MILO] Hey, Doctor. You know there's one thing I can't quite understand.It is why Madeleine let Caven put us in here. [ZOE] Why? [MILO] Well, like I said, this used to be the old fellow's privatestudy, and she had it all locked up, so I was told, when hedisappeared. She swore that nobody would ever come in here again. [JAMIE] Nobody has. Look at the dust everywhere. Look. [DOCTOR] I think somebody's been in here quite recently. [JAMIE] Eh? [MILO] Well, why do you say that, Doctor? [DOCTOR] This clock. [JAMIE] Well, what about it? [DOCTOR] It's an eight day movement, Jamie. [MILO] Well, why would anyone come down here just to wind a clock? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I'm wondering. [ZOE] Oh! Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] What is it? [ZOE] Doctor, look! [DOM] Don't hurt me, please. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [DERVISH [on monitor]] Beta Buccaneer to Control. Weare now in landing orbit. Give me clearance to pad. [CAVEN] Hello, Dervish. Bring the ship down on Pad three. Got that? [DERVISH [on monitor]] Pad three. Right. [CAVEN] The nose cone worked, by the way. It put the Space Corps rightoff the scent. [MADELEINE] Hermack's men'll be back though. I mean it's only a matterof time before he realises there's nothing on Lobos and the piratesmust be based here. [CAVEN] Do you think I haven't anticipated that? [MADELEINE] Oughtn't we to put our emergency plan into operation? [CAVEN] Flood the workings, lose all our equipment? [MADELEINE] We've got no alternative. Hermack's men will find ourargonite smelting plant, and we'll be ferried back to home planet toface a capital charge. [CAVEN] I think we do have an alternative, and if it works we'll be in aposition to re-start operations. After a discreet interval, of course. [MADELEINE] What exactly did you have in mind? [CAVEN] Hermack thinks that Clancey is behind the space piracy. We foundhis old ship, theLiz, in an abandoned freighter dock. I'm going to have it fitted withan overriding remote control. Then we'll put Clancey and his friendsaboard, and boost them into orbit just when Hermack's V-ship comes intoscanner range. [HERMACK] So that they pick Clancey up? But that's crazy! He'll tell himeverything, he'll blow the [CAVEN] Don't worry. The Space Corp won't get a word out of Clancey, orthose friends of his. [MADELEINE] No! I will not be party to murder. When all this started itwas going to be a salvage operation. Space flotsam, you said. But thenpiracy and now murder? [CAVEN] You're taking a cut out of the profits. [MADELEINE] Yes, but because it's too late. I'm involved. [CAVEN] You wanted to get rid of Clancey. I'm proposing to do itpermanently. [MADELEINE] By cold blooded, deliberate murder. No! I will not let youdo it! [CAVEN] I don't think you've got much choice. [MADELEINE] Are you threatening me? [CAVEN] You may be the head of the Issigri Mining Company and veryimportant back on Earth, but on this planet I have twice as many men asyou and mine are all armed. I don't have to make threats. I'm tellingyou not to interfere. [CAVEN] Ah, Dervish, we're discussing a space accident. [DERVISH] Oh, where? [CAVEN] I haven't quite decided where it'll take place yet. [DERVISH] I'm sorry, I don't get it. [CAVEN] Don't worry. I want you to go down to the abandoned freighterdock, Dervish. You'll find an old C class ship there on the pad. Takesome men with you and fit it out with a remote control guidance unit. [DERVISH] What, now? But look, Caven, I've only just got back. [CAVEN] This is important, Dervish. [DERVISH] All right, if you say so. What's it for? [CAVEN] Don't ask questions. Get on with it. [DERVISH] Right. [CAVEN] Oh, and by the way. [DERVISH] Yes? [CAVEN] It's a very old ship, did I say that? Practically falling apart.I want the oxygen pump rigged so that it does full apart, say aboutfive minutes after blast off. --------------------------------------- (Issigri's study) [MILO] Dom. Dom, look at me. Don't you know me, Dom? It's me, Milo. MiloClancey, Dom. I'm your old partner. [DOM] No! Leave me! Leave me be! No! Don't hurt me! Not again! Please! [ZOE] Are you sure it's Dom Issigri? [MILO] Of course it's Dom Issigri. I was closer to that man than abrother for fifteen years. It's Dom, all right. What in the world havethey done to him? [DOCTOR] Jamie? Jamie, let him go. [JAMIE] What? [DOCTOR] Well, he's obviously so frightened. We can't make him worse.Look out. [MILO] Dom. Dom. [MILO] What in the world has happened to him? [DOCTOR] Well, you can't expect him to behave normally. We don't knowhow long he's been down here. [MILO] But listen, Maddie wouldn't have done a thing like this to him. [JAMIE] Not her own father. [DOCTOR] Milo, go and talk to him quietly. [MILO] Ah, well yeah. Yeah, yeah, all right, I'll do that. Hey listen,what am I going to talk to him about? [DOCTOR] Talk to him about the things that he might remember. [MILO] Well, oh yeah. Yeah. Now, Dom. Now, now, it's only Milo, Dom.It's Milo, your old partner, Dom. All right. Hey listen, Dom. I'vestill got the Liz. You know, Dom? Remember the old Liz we used tothrash from here to home planet in? Remember that time we had to racethose three ships in order to register our stake on Lobos? You rememberthat race, Dom? [MILO] Wasn't that when little Madeleine was born? [DOM] Maddie? [MILO] Yeah. Remember that? We made that record return trip. It tookthem it took them fifteen years to beat the time we did then, Dom. Ithought the old Liz was going to split into two. Remember, Dom? [DOM] Maddie. Madeleine. [MILO] That's her, Dom. That's her. That's your daughter, Dom. Why, shemust have been about six year old when that was [DOM] Five. Only five. Ah, poor Madeleine. Madeleine. [MILO] Ah, well Dom. What about that other picture you had? Thatcoloured picture you had of her. You know, Madeleine in a in a reddress? Have you still got that picture, Dom? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [MADELEINE] Where are those prisoners? [GUARD] Safe and sound. [MADELEINE] In there? What are they doing in there? That is my father'sstudy! I gave orders for that door to be kept locked! [GUARD] Chief said to put them in there. [MADELEINE] Caven? Give me the key. [GUARD] Chief says nobody's to enter. [MADELEINE] Look, you know who I am. I'm ordering you to give me thatkey. [GUARD] I can't do that. Sorry. [MADELEINE] You will be.(Madeleine leaves. The guard calls to a colleague.) [GUARD] Fraze, here a minute. Go and tell the chief Miss Issigri's beendown here trying to get in to see the prisoners. And tell him she's ina flaming temper about it! --------------------------------------- (Issigri's study) [DOM] It is. Milo Clancey! It's Milo! [MILO] It is, Dom, it is. Old Milo, Dom. Hey, come on, come on, oldfellow. You sit down here where you'll be nice and comfortable. Nowthere you are, come on. I'll tell you something, Dom. We're all friendshere. [DOM] Friends? So he's caught you too. He's caught us all of us. [DOCTOR] You mean Caven? [DOM] You'll never get out of here. Never. You'll all die here, I tellyou. [DOCTOR] I think we shall get out of here. How long have you been downhere? [DOM] How long? I don't know how long. Years! They came for me by night,with guns. [ZOE] Who did? [MILO] Dom, now, was it Caven, Dom? [DOM] You know Caven? [MILO] Yeah. [DOM] He's evil. Ruthless. They brought me down here and kept me like arat under ground. [MILO] That explains how he disappeared. Caven kidnapped him. [JAMIE] Well, why do that? [MILO] Because he wanted to drive a wedge between Madeleine and me. Hewanted to take over the company. [JAMIE] I know, but why keep him prisoner all this time? I mean, surelyit would be easier for them to have killed him and be done with it. [DOCTOR] Well, from what we've seen of Caven, I think he always has agood reason for doing things, Jamie. [ZOE] You mean Mister Issigri is still of some value to Caven in someway? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so, Zoe. Well, Dom, we shall just have to escape,won't we? [DOM] Escape? That door's the only way out of here. [DOCTOR] Are you quite sure? [MILO] What? Of course he's quite sure. Old Dom, he built this room. [JAMIE] Aye. [MILO] He hacked it out of the living rock. That door's the only wayout. [DOCTOR] Yes, but it's also the only way in. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [DERVISH] You'll find this ship out at the oldfreighter dock beyond the perimeter. Use one of the tractors to get thestuff out there and hurry. I need it quickly. And don't forget thethermic capacitators. [MADELEINE] Where's Caven? [DERVISH] Oh, he's on level three, I think. One of the guards just camein asking for him. [MADELEINE] Guards. Moronic brutes. [DERVISH] Well. [MADELEINE] Look, Dervish, you're an intelligent man, a qualifiedastroengineer. How did you get mixed up with a criminal like Caven? [DERVISH] I made a mistake once. Just once. Caven found out about it. [MADELEINE] There must be a way. There must be a way of fighting him. Ididn't realise what I'd got involved with until I saw him shoot thatman today. [DERVISH] Oh, you can't fight Caven. [MADELEINE] Not alone, but if you help me we might be able to [DERVISH] No! Look, I don't want to talk about it. I know Caven. I knowwhat he's capable of. And believe me, he'd kill us both if he evensuspected we were talking like this. [MADELEINE] You've got to help me! We're the only two who could stophim! [DERVISH] I'm sorry. [MADELEINE] He's planning to kill those prisoners, Dervish! We can't lethim murder four innocent people. [DERVISH] Oh please, let me go! I've got work to do. [MADELEINE] You'll be as guilty as he is! [MADELEINE] This is Issigri Control to V-ship forty one. Issigri Controlto General Hermack. Hello, Space Corps. If you hear me, please come inon band three nine six. This is Issigri Control. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] Sir! [WARNE] What is it, Penn? [PENN] Radio call from Issigri Control. [HERMACK] What do they want? [PENN] It's a woman's voice, sir. Very faint. I'll put it through theamplifier. [MADELEINE [OC]] Issigri Control calling General Hermack. Please comein! Band three nine six! Issigri Control calling Space Corps. [HERMACK] Did you get that band, Penn? [PENN] Coming up on the video, sir. [HERMACK] V-Master to Issigri Control, receiving you now. [MADELEINE [on viewscreen]] Listen, General. You must get [HERMACK] What the blue blazes? Open that connection again, Penn! [PENN] It's still open, sir. Somebody's pulled the plug at the otherend! --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] Obviously I got here just in time. And whydid you try to see the prisoners? [MADELEINE] Why'd you think? To tell them what you're planning. [CAVEN] So, I can't rely on you any more. [MADELEINE] No. You'd better put me in with them. [CAVEN] Oh, no. You've not yet outlived your usefulness. [MADELEINE] If you think, if you think for one moment that I'm going tohelp you in any way. [CAVEN] You are going to do exactly as I tell you, Madeleine. [MADELEINE] You really are mad, aren't you. [CAVEN] Because if you don't, I'll have your father flogged. And I oughtto tell you that he's not in the best of health. [MADELEINE] Oh, but my father's dead! [CAVEN] He's alive. As you can perhaps see from this photograph takenonly a few weeks ago. I thought I might need a lever to help you toco-operate. [MADELEINE] Where is he? [CAVEN] In his study, where else? When you ordered that room to be keptlocked, I thought it'd be the safest place to put him. [MADELEINE] You? Let me through! What have you done with my father? Letme see him! Let me see him. Please let me. [CAVEN] Before we get that far, let's talk about how you're going tohelp me, shall we? Because that's much more important. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] It's no use, sir. There's not a peep out ofIssigri Control. [HERMACK] What do you think, Ian? [WARNE] I'd have given a lot to have held that contact for another tenseconds, sir. I wonder what she was going to say? [HERMACK] She looked worried. [WARNE] Sir, if those sections of the beacons were originally on coursefor Ta. [HERMACK] So they were, according to our computer readings. [WARNE] Well, suppose Clancey diverted them to Lobos, to get us out ofthe way so that his gang could raid the Issigri Headquarters. [HERMACK] That would be a big operation, even for a crew as welldisciplined as the pirates appear to be. [WARNE] Well, not if he had a base on another planet, sir. [HERMACK] I suppose it's possible. Penn, set course for Ta. [PENN] Right, sir. [HERMACK] We can swing back there and make sure that everything's inorder anyway. --------------------------------------- (Issigri's study) [DOCTOR] Dom, the grille over the door. [DOM] Leads out to the passage outside. And that steel is three inchesthick. I tell you it's hopeless. I spent my first year down hereworking on that hinge. You can see it's hardly marked. [DOCTOR] I wasn't thinking of brute strength. Well, well not much brutestrength. [JAMIE] It's not an audio lock, is it? [DOCTOR] No, Jamie, it isn't. [JAMIE] Ah, that's a relief. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I think you don't appreciate all I do for you. Milo? [MILO] Yeah? [DOCTOR] Supposing we could get out of this room, do you think you couldfind your way back to your spaceship? [MILO] Well yeah, if you want to get me out of this room. [DOCTOR] Shush! [MILO] What? Ah, well, that's what I was going to say. You see, apartfrom these guards there. If we can get past those guards, well, theywouldn't track us down in those tunnels. I know those tunnels like theback of my hand. [DOCTOR] Splendid! Right, Zoe, hand out those candles. Two at a timewill do. [JAMIE] What for? [DOCTOR] Just a minute, Jamie. I'll tell you. Now, where did I put mybag of marbles? --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] I'm sorry, General. We had a technicalfailure. [HERMACK [on monitor]] Is that what happened. You went out inmid-message. [MADELEINE] Yes, I was just saying that you must get these pirates soon,General. One of my freighters has just landed, and the Captain saysthat his ship was attacked. [HERMACK [on monitor]] Really? Where was this? [MADELEINE] Just on entering the sector, he tells me, but he was able toout-run them. [HERMACK [on monitor]] Ah, you had us worried. We're heading back toyour planet now. [MADELEINE] That's quite unnecessary, General. There's nothing wronghere. [HERMACK [on monitor]] Oh, I'm glad to hear it. Well, we've got somechecking to do there anyway. [MADELEINE] I see. Well then, I'll get a landing pad cleared for you. [HERMACK [on monitor]] Fine. And thank you for contacting us. [MADELEINE] Satisfied? [CAVEN] Yes, but you shouldn't have tried to divert them. I'm countingon that ship returning. Dervish, how are things coming along? [DERVISH [on monitor]] We've completed installation. I'm running a teston it now. [CAVEN] Good, let me know as soon as you're ready. --------------------------------------- (Issigri's study) [DOCTOR] Right, there we are. I think that should be enough wax. [ZOE] Are you sure it'll work? [DOCTOR] Well, it usually does. Jamie, Jamie, pass me that marble willyou? [JAMIE] This one? [DOCTOR] The green one. Thank you very much. It's one of my favourites.Now, what have you got, Dom? [DOM] An old shirt and an old aeronautical journal. [DOCTOR] That should make plenty of smoke. Right then, is everybodyready? [DOCTOR] You all know what you have to do? [MILO] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Ready? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [GUARD] Quince! Here quick! --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] Useless fools! You'll be punished for this! [GUARD] It wasn't our fault, Chief. [CAVEN] Go on! Get moving! Get after those prisoners! With any luckyou'll be shot! Incompetent idiotic. Don't imagine they can get away.There's nowhere for them to go! [MADELEINE] If you haven't caught them by the time the Space Corps gethere, then you really are in trouble, aren't you. [MULLER [OC]] Hello, Chief. Muller here. The prisoners have just beenspotted on level three. [CAVEN] Which way are they heading? [MULLER [OC]] Towards the old freighter dock. [CAVEN] Clancey's old space-ship, of course. Listen, Muller, don't tryand stop them, you understand? Let them reach the freighter dock. [MULLER [OC]] Okay, Chief. I'll call the patrols in. [CAVEN] I think your friends intend to save me a lot of trouble. Oncethey get that old crate up into space, I can cut in the remote controlany time I like. Stop their oxygen and deliver a cargo of dead piratesto General Hermack. [MADELEINE] Caven, you can't do that! My father's with them! [CAVEN] Yes. He'd have been better off staying where he was, wouldn'the? --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] Come on, Dom. Come on, Doctor. Come on, Dom,in you go. [DOCTOR] What's happened to Jamie and Zoe? I think I ought to go backfor themMILO [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [MILO] Just getting ready for take-off. [DOCTOR] But [MILO] Don't worry. Come on, I won't go without them. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [DERVISH [on monitor]] Control reports that theV-Ship's on an approach path. [CAVEN] Already? All right, listen. We can't afford to wait for Clanceyto take that ship up. Activate the overriding unit now. [MADELEINE] No! [CAVEN] You understand, Dervish? Boost that crate into orbit!Immediately! --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [DOCTOR] I can't understand what's happened to them.I'm going back. [MILO] Don't be long. Tell them to hurry! Well, heck. [MILO] That's the rocket drive! We're taking off! [MILO] The Doctor will be burned to a frazzle in the blast! --------------------------------------- (Mine tunnel) [DOCTOR] Oh no! --------------------------------------- (Mine tunnel) [JAMIE] What's that? [ZOE] The rocket! The Doctor's going without us! [JAMIE] He wouldn't do! [ZOE] Oh, come on! --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] It's no good, Dom. Damn thing won't respond at all! [DOM] What is it, Milo? What's happened? [MILO] We've walked right into Caven's trap. [DOM] Caven! Of course. [MILO] The Liz is being operated by remote control. He must haveinstalled an override unit in here somewhere. --------------------------------------- (Mine tunnel) [JAMIE] Doctor! [ZOE] Oh, don't lift him, Jamie. Oh, don't touch him at all. [JAMIE] Is he all right? Zoe, is he all right? [ZOE] His pulse is weak. He must have been caught in the blast of thoserocket boosters. Oh, these fumes! Come on, let's get him out of here. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] Cut their oxygen supply. [MADELEINE] Caven, no! [CAVEN] You heard me, Dervish. Cut the oxygen. Kill them! [DERVISH [on monitor]] Oxygen cut. [MADELEINE] Please, please, I'll help you! I'll do anything. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] Hey, Dom. This must be it. These screw heads have been loosenedrecently. [DOM] Milo! It's so hot. I can hardly breathe! [MILO] The airflow. [DOM] Huh? [MILO] It's been cut! --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Bring that ship down, please. Please,I'll do anything. I'll [CAVEN] Sit down. Stop that yapping. [DERVISH] All set, boss. [CAVEN] Still breathing. [DERVISH] Well, they'll have enough oxygen left to last another tenminutes or so. [CAVEN] Milo doesn't give up too easy. He's looking for the controlunit. [DERVISH] He won't find it. It's a microcircuit. It's only an inchsquare and it's well hidden. [CAVEN] One down, one to go. [MADELEINE] Father! [CAVEN] Where's the Doctor and his friends? [DERVISH] They're not there. [CAVEN] Where are they! --------------------------------------- (Mine tunnel) [JAMIE] That's it. Easy now. [ZOE] That's better, the air's clearer here. Doctor? Doctor? [ZOE] Take deep breathes. And again, come on. [DOCTOR] (coughing) Oh dear. [JAMIE] Thank goodness for that. For a moment I thought you'd had it. [DOCTOR] It's all right Jamie, I'm perfectly all right. [ZOE] What happened? Why did Milo take off without us? [DOCTOR] I don't think he intended to, Zoe. [ZOE] Oh but he must have. How could the Liz take off otherwise? [DOCTOR] Milo wasn't anywhere near the controls when it all happened. [ZOE] But surely? Of course. Remote control. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's the only answer. [JAMIE] What good would it do Caven, shooting you off into space in arocket? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure, Jamie, but we've got to find that remote controlunit and save Milo and Dom. Come on. Oh. [ZOE] Oh, now steady, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Zoe. I'll be all right if you don't fuss me.Come along. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] They'll be unconscious in five minutes, anddead in fifteen. The V-ship should drop alongside some ten minutesafter that. Nice timing, Dervish. [MADELEINE] Why don't you just kill them off now? Explode the rocket andhave done with it. [CAVEN] Wouldn't suit my purpose. [DERVISH] Caven, do we have to go through with this? [CAVEN] What's the matter, cold feet suddenly? [DERVISH] Why can't we get away now while we've still got the chance? [CAVEN] Hermack thinks Clancey's the man he wants. We're giving himClancey, dead so that he can't talk and with a load of stolen argonitein his cargo bay. [MADELEINE] Oh you've got it all worked out, haven't you. [CAVEN] Down to the last detail. [DERVISH] Yeah, but what about the Doctor and his friends? Suppose theyget in touch with the Space Corps? [CAVEN] They won't. I'll find them now and take care of them. And don'ttake any lip from her. If she gives you any trouble, kill her! [DERVISH] I don't want to, but if I have to, I'll kill you. [DERVISH] I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. [MADELEINE] They don't stand a chance, do they? By the time the SpaceCorps gets here, they'll be dead. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] Well, what is it? [WARNE] Is it one of the pirate ship, a Beta Dart? [PENN] Can't make it out yet, sir. It's too far away. [HERMACK] Right. Full boost. Let's get in closer and have a look. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [DERVISH] Don't you understand? There's nothing Ican do. Nothing! [MADELEINE] This is your one chance to get free of Caven. Help me. Wecan get the Space Corps out so that [DERVISH] No. I daren't. Don't move. [MADELEINE] All right. I can see it's pointless arguing with a gutlessfool like you. You don't care about anything except your own skin. [DERVISH] Shut up. Shut up! [MADELEINE] Quickly. We must do something. They've cut off the air inthe Liz and my father's in there. He's dying. This is the remotecontrol unit. [DOCTOR] Oh my word! I'm afraid the blast from the gun has fused thewires together. [MADELEINE] Can't you do something? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CAVEN] Well? [GUARD] There's no sign of them on this level, sir. [CAVEN] Right, spread down on the next level by the old workings. [GUARD] Right, sir. [CAVEN] And if you see any sign of that Doctor and his friends, youshoot to kill. [GUARD] Right, sir. [CAVEN] I'll be back in the Issigri HQ. [GUARD] Right sir. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Come on! Come on, please! [DOCTOR] I think I think that's the air-conditioning circuitreconnected. Now then, the radio link. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello LIZ 79. Can you hear me? Can you hear me, Dom? DomIssigri? [MADELEINE [OC]] Father? Father, this is Madeleine. Can you hear me? --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Are you sure the radio link's working? [DOCTOR] Well, I think so. [MADELEINE] What about the video? [DOCTOR] No, this is much more difficult, I'm afraid. [MADELEINE] How can we tell whether they're all right or not? [DOCTOR] Well [JAMIE] Hey, Doctor! [DOCTOR] What is it, Jamie? I'm busy. [JAMIE] It's Dervish. He's gone! [DOCTOR] What? [ZOE] Well, he's bound to bring Caven and the guards back. [JAMIE] Aye. [MADELEINE] I'll close the main doors, then we'll be safe. [MADELEINE] Let's try and contact the Liz again, please. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MADELEINE [OC]] Father, Milo, can you hear me?Milo, Father, please answer if you can hear me! [MILO] Hey, girl! Stop screeching like a banshee, will you? [MADELEINE [OC]] Milo? Milo, is that you? [MILO] I'll tell you. Just let me clear the fog from me ears and I'lltell you. [MADELEINE [OC]] Is my father all right? [MILO] Yeah, I think he's all right, Maddie. [HERMACK [OC]] LIZ seventy nine, this is General Hermack. [MILO] Oh! Not another banshee! Take your volume down, will you,General? You're blasting me ears off! [HERMACK [OC]] Clancey, cut your motors. We're coming alongside. [MILO] Look, General, will you just shut up and let me get a word inedgeways? I've got something to tell you that'll make your hair curl.Now just for once in your life, will you listen to me? --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [CAVEN] Dervish, I thought I told you to [DERVISH] Caven! The Doctor and his friends, they attacked me. I waslucky to get away with my life. [CAVEN] You fool! They'll bring the Space Corps down on us. Oh you! Comeon! --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [HERMACK] Is this true, Clancey? [DOM [OC]] General Hermack, this is Dom Issigri. What Milo has told youis true. Caven has engineered this whole thing. [MILO [OC]] And if you don't stop yabbing General, he's going to getclean away with it. [HERMACK] All right Clancey, that's quite enough of that. Get me IssigriHeadquarters on the video. [PENN] Yes, sir. [HERMACK] Miss Issigri, we are coming to your assistance. We are goingto launch a full scale attack in approximately [PENN] Fifty five minutes, sir. [HERMACK] Fifty five minutes. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MADELEINE [OC]] All right, General. Thank you. [MILO] Hey! Hey! Hey wait on, Maddie! Hey, General, wait on! What aboutus? You can't leave us here like flies on fly-paper. [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello, Milo. Now listen. [MILO] The Doctor! [DOCTOR [OC]] I think I can help you dismantle the remote control deviceand regain control of the Liz. [MILO] Get control of the Liz? That would be something. [DOCTOR] I think the remote control unit will be probably situatedsomewhere in the computer preselector. Now do you know where that is? [MILO] Well, of course I know where it is. I know the Liz like the backof my hand. Now that computerthingummy, that should be, well, somewhere about here, I guess. Ah ha! [DOCTOR [OC]] What's happened? Have you found it? [MILO] Ah! There you go. Maybe it'll be somewhere behind here, Dom. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] They're locked from the inside. [CAVEN] Madeleine. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN [on monitor]] Can you hear me? This is Caven. [MADELEINE] He's probably outside the main door. That's where theinternal video is. You can't get in, Caven. By the time you cut throughthat door, the Space Corps will be swarming all over Ta. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] Oh dear, Madeleine, you've disappointed me.We could have made a fortune together, instead of which I have to leaveand you have to die. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Empty threats, Caven. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] Oh no. Dervish, you'll need eighteen totwenty demolition charges. [DERVISH] What for? [CAVEN] Connect them in series to the atomic fuel store. [DERVISH] But that's madness, Caven. There isn't time. The Space Corpswill here before we're finished. [CAVEN] We will finish, don't worry. [DERVISH] Yeah, but [CAVEN] Do as I say! [CAVEN] Should be quite a bang. The equivalent of about eightyold-fashioned hydrogen bombs. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] You'd never do that. You'd blow yourselfsky-high as well! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Issigri Mining office) [CAVEN] Oh no. We shall explode it when we're a safedistance away, and the V-Ship is right in the flash zone. You haveabout forty minutes. Oh, don't try to leave. I'm turning the manuallock on this side. Enjoy the big bang! --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] That's it. I don't think he's bluffing.And if he sets off an explosion in the atomic fuel store [DOCTOR] Then we must see to it that he doesn't. [JAMIE] Well, how? We can't stop him if we're locked in here. [ZOE] What about the Space Corps? Can they get here in time? [MADELEINE] No, V-ships require a complicated landing technique. They'reso large. [DOCTOR] Besides, we shall have to warn them of Caven's intended escape. [JAMIE] Then who's going to get us out of here? [DOCTOR] There's only one man who can, Jamie. Milo. [ZOE] But the Liz is still jammed on remote control. [DOCTOR] I know, I know, but we shall free it. [JAMIE] You hope. [DOCTOR] Get on to the space patrol. Tell them what's happened. I'dbetter see how Milo's getting on with that bird's nest. --------------------------------------- (Atomic fuel store area) [CAVEN] You're taking your time. [DERVISH] Only the detonator to connect up now. [CAVEN] Well get a move on! [DERVISH] Do you mind? [CAVEN] What? [DERVISH] This is something that can't be rushed. [DERVISH] Do that again, and we won't have half a second left. I'veknown one of these things go up if somebody so much as coughed! [CAVEN] We've got half an hour before that V-ship drops on us. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [MADELEINE [on viewscreen]] He's planting some sortof explosive device in the atomic fuel store, with a radio controldetonator. [HERMACK] He intends to leave Ta in a Beta Dart and explode out ofrange. [MADELEINE [on viewscreen]] Yes. [HERMACK] Then we must try and intercept him before he has the chance totransmit the triggering pulse. We'll let you know, Miss Issigri, don'tworry. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [DOCTOR [OC]] Milo? Have you found that little red wire leading into theneuristor bank? [MILO] Huh! Little red wire, he says. There's about a thousand littlered wires here. You hold that bunch, will you, Dom? Now, neuristorbank? Ah, well that might be this one here. I'll give that a go there. [DOCTOR [OC]] It sounds as if you've found it. [MILO] Jumping galactic gob-stoppers, why didn't you tell me it wasalive! My fingers. [DOCTOR [OC]] Now, somewhere near that neuristor bank, there should bethe implanted overriding unit. It's probably transistorised. Verysmall. [DOM] Is that it? [MILO] Yeah? [DOM] Is that it? [MILO] Could be, Dom. We'll try that one, shall we? Right. Good. [DOCTOR [OC]] What's happening? [MILO] I found it! [DOCTOR [OC]] Right. Now, dismantle it carefully. [MILO] I just have. Hold on a second, Dom. We're on our way! --------------------------------------- (Atomic fuel store area) [DERVISH] All fixed. [CAVEN] Good! By twelve hundred hours we'll be far enough away to escapethe blast. [DERVISH] Is the ship ready? [CAVEN] On the pad. Come on, let's go. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE] That's a Beta Dart on the scope now, isn'tit, Penn? [PENN] Must be, sir. She's boosting off fast. [HERMACK] Get a Minnow, Ian, and get after them. [WARNE] Right, sir. [HERMACK] Lock onto an intercepting course. [PENN] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] This is just like old times, hey, Dom? Youand me scuffling along in the old Liz. [DOM] If I were a little less old, I [MILO] Hold on, Dom. You'll be all right. Look, in a minute or two,we're going to land on Ta. You'll see little Maddie again, Dom. [DOM] Little Maddie? [MILO] Maddie. [DOM] Yes, yes, Maddie. Maddie. [MILO] Hold onto something, Dom. Hold on, I'm going to try and approachorbit. Come on, old girl. Don't let me down now. --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE [on monitor]] I shall be in striking range inabout thirty seconds, sir. [HERMACK] Right! Don't fire until I give the word. No, wait a minute,there's an audio contact. [CAVEN [OC]] Beta Dart to V-forty one. Call that Minnow off our tail,Hermack. I'm warning you, if he comes any closer I'll pull this switchand we'll all die together. [HERMACK] You'd better pull back, Ian. [WARNE [on monitor]] Okay, sir, if you say so. [HERMACK] Twelve minutes. Give me Issigri Headquarters. I'd better breakthe news to them. --------------------------------------- (LIZ 79) [MILO] We did it! We did it, Dom. We're all right.We're down, Dom. [MADELEINE [OC]] Hello, LIZ seventy nine. Milo, can you hear me? [MILO] Yeah, loud and clear. We'll be seeing you in a minute, Maddiegirl, because we've landed. [MADELEINE [OC]] Thank goodness for that. Now listen, Milo, there isn'tmuch time. You've got to get over to Headquarters and release usquickly. [MILO] But why? What's going on? [MADELEINE] There's no time for questions! Hurry! [MILO] Righto! You'd better stay down there, old timer. I've got somerunning to do, and I don't think that you're really up to it. Allright? --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [MADELEINE [on monitor]] The Doctor thinks that hemight be able to defuse this explosive. [HERMACK] You haven't much more time. Eight, perhaps ten minutes. I'vegot to launch that Beta Dart at twelve hundred. [MADELEINE [on monitor]] All right, but give us as long as you can. [HERMACK] Good luck. You'll need it. --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] Milo! [MILO] I haven't run so far since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Hey,what going on here? Where are you all going? [JAMIE] To turn off a bomb. [MILO] Oh my. A bomb?! Hey, wait for me! --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [WARNE [on monitor]] I could creep the Minnow in,sir, and get a salvo in before they knew what had happened. [HERMACK] No, wait. They've got seven more minutes. --------------------------------------- (Atomic fuel store area) [MADELEINE] You've got about six minutes. [DOCTOR] Right, open the doors. [JAMIE] Look, he's not doing anything. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, hurry! [MILO] Land sakes alive, girl, he's got to find the right one. He'llblow us all to bits if he moves the wrong wire. [(Madeleine looks at the clock. 11] 55. The Doctor unscrews theinspection cover of the detonation unit. 11 --------------------------------------- (V-Ship flight deck) [PENN] One hundred and fifty seconds, sir. [HERMACK] We've got to take the risk. Attack, Ian, attack! [HERMACK] Fire! --------------------------------------- (Beta Dart) [CAVEN] I warned you, Hermack. [DERVISH [OC]] No, Caven, no! We're still in the blast area! [CAVEN] Then we'll all die together! [DERVISH] No! --------------------------------------- (Issigri Mining office) [MADELEINE] I've just heard that the Space Corps hasdestroyed the Beta Dart. [MILO] Well, at least those varmints have done something right for achange, hey? [MADELEINE] General Hermack is coming back here to pick me up. I have togo back to home planet. [ZOE] What for? [MADELEINE] To stand trial. [MILO] To stand trial? Now listen, don't you worry about that, littleMaddie girl. I'll have a few words with those fangdanglers about that. [MADELEINE] Don't worry. The General doesn't seem to think that theoutcome will be disastrous, and my father's evidence will help. [MILO] Yeah, damn tooting it will. Poor old critter. Hey, would you liketo go and have a have a word with him, Maddie girl? He's only out thereon the Liz. [MADELEINE] Yes, yes. It'll be strange seeing him after all these years. [MILO] Go on. You go and have a word with him all by yourself. Go on. [MADELEINE] I don't know how to thank you. [ZOE] Doctor? Doctor, what about the Tardis? [JAMIE] Hey, that's a point. Where is it? [DOCTOR] Oh, the Tardis. Well, that's no problem. It's orbiting Lobos,Milo's home planet, in one of the beacon sections. [ZOE] Oh no problem, hey? Well, how are we going to get to it? [DOCTOR] Milo's very kindly offered us a lift in the Liz. [JAMIE] Oh no, not the Liz again. Frankly, I'd rather walk. [MILO] You what? [DOCTOR] You never know. You might have to.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Space Pirates"}
Doctor Who (19 Apr, 1969; Second Doctor) - The War Games (No Man's Land) [JAMIE] What a place. [ZOE] Where are we? Earth? [DOCTOR] Well, it looks like it, Zoe. Come on. [ZOE] What's this stuff? [JAMIE] Aye, wee spikes. [DOCTOR] Barbed wire, Jamie. It's filthy stuff. I thought so. [JAMIE] Eh? [JAMIE] Where are we? [DOCTOR] We're back in history, Jamie. One of the most terrible times onthe planet Earth. [DOCTOR] Quick! Down there! [DOCTOR] Jamie! [BUCKINGHAM] I say, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Well, yes, I think so. [BUCKINGHAM] I shouldn't stay around here if I were you. That was justthe softening up barrage. [DOCTOR] What? [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh my. Oh. [BUCKINGHAM] What on earth are you doing here, anyway? This is no placefor civilians. [DOCTOR] Well, where are we? [BUCKINGHAM] Between the lines, I think. Not quite sure myself. I'mheading for Ypres, but I seem to have got [GERMAN] Hände hock. Raus schnell. [CARSTAIRS] Out you come. [BUCKINGHAM] There's another in the back. [CARSTAIRS] Take care of him. [CARSTAIRS] Well done. Get inside. [CARSTAIRS] Who are those people? [BUCKINGHAM] No idea. Picked them up in no man's land. [CARSTAIRS] Well, I suppose we'd better get them back to base. --------------------------------------- (Field office) [BARRINGTON] They've laid down a heavy barrage all along the line. Ithink that they're after that ammo dump. Don't worry, sir. We'll holdout. [SERGEANT] Sir? [BARRINGTON] What is it? [SERGEANT] Ambulance approaching, sir. [BARRINGTON] Give it protective fire. Jump to it. man! [SERGEANT] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Trench) [SERGEANT] Hold your fire! Hold it. Come on. Comeon. Get down, get down. [CARSTAIRS] Couple of prisoners, Sergeant. My men are bringing them in. [SERGEANT] Very good, sir. [JAMIE] How are we going to get back to the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Now, just be quiet, Jamie, and let me do the talking. --------------------------------------- (Field office) [SERGEANT] Sir? [BARRINGTON] What is it now? [SERGEANT] With the ambulance, sir, there was a Lieutenant. [BARRINGTON] Well, bring him in. [SERGEANT] Sir. [CARSTAIRS] Lieutenant Carstairs, sir. [BARRINGTON] What are you doing here? You don't belong to thisbattalion, do you? [CARSTAIRS] No. Patrolling in no mans land, sir. I got cut off from myown lot. [BARRINGTON] What were you doing traipsing about in ambulances? [CARSTAIRS] Recaptured it from the Hun, sir. Lucky we arrived, really.There was a WVR driving it, and three civilians inside. [BARRINGTON] Civilians? In no man's land? [CARSTAIRS] Your sergeant's taking care of them, sir. [BARRINGTON] Good grief. Civilians. --------------------------------------- (Trench) [JAMIE] The thing is, where are we? [ZOE] Early twentieth century isn't it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm afraid that we've landed up in the middle of one ofthe worst wars in human history. [JAMIE] What are they dug into the ground like this for? [DOCTOR] Well, it's trench warfare, you see, Jamie. These trenchesstretch right the way across the continent of Europe. [JAMIE] Well, what are they fighting for? [DOCTOR] Well, I well I believe that they call it The War to End Wars. [ZOE] Do you think they'll let us go? [DOCTOR] Well, they've got no reason to keep us. Here, things havecalmed down a bit. Let's try and get away. [DOCTOR] Oh! [SERGEANT] What do you think you're doing? [DOCTOR] Our transportation is over there, you see. We're trying to getto it. [SERGEANT] Over there? There's nothing over there but Huns. Anyway, theMajor wants to see you. [DOCTOR] Oh, we don't want to bother him. I'm sure he's very busy. [SERGEANT] Come on! You too, ma'am, if you don't mind. --------------------------------------- (Field office) [BARRINGTON] Right, sir. We'll go over the top atoh four hundred hours. Sir. As you say, sir. Well, that was GeneralSmythe. Big push tomorrow. How long have you been out here? [CARSTAIRS] Well, sir, it's odd, but I can't quite remember. [BARRINGTON] I know. It seems like forever, doesn't it? [SERGEANT] Civilian party, sir. Major Barrington, ma'am. [BARRINGTON] How do you do, er? [BUCKINGHAM] Jennifer Buckingham. [BARRINGTON] Ah. I understand you picked these people up in no man'sland? [BUCKINGHAM] Yes. Found them hiding in a bomb crater. [BARRINGTON] I see. May I ask you what you were doing there? [DOCTOR] Trying not to get killed. [BARRINGTON] I see. You're a Highlander, aren't you? Why aren't you withyour regiment? [JAMIE] Regiment? I'm not in the army. [BARRINGTON] Are you a deserter? [JAMIE] No, of course not! I [BARRINGTON] All right, all right. And you, what are you doing in thefront line? No place for young ladies. [ZOE] Well what about her? [BARRINGTON] This lady's a WVR. She's here on duty. [DOCTOR] Er, look, Major, we don't want to trouble you. If you'd justlet us go on our way. [BARRINGTON] And which way is that? [SERGEANT] He tried to make off towards the German line, sir. [BARRINGTON] Did he, by jove. [BARRINGTON] I think General Smythe would like to know about you. (intotelephone) Get me General Smythe at base. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [SMYTHE] Civilians? In no man's land? Yes. Well, send them back here atonce. I'll question them myself. [SMYTHE] Three civilians found in no man's land. [RANSOM] Good lord. Whereabouts, sir? [SMYTHE] Barrington's sector. He's sending them straight back here. I'mgoing to turn in for half an hour. [SMYTHE] Sir. [SMYTHE] Let me know when these civilians arrive. [RANSOM] Yes, sir. [RANSOM] Thank you, Sergeant Major. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [SMYTHE] Don't ever come through that door without knocking! Get out! [BURNS] Right, sir. [SMYTHE] Smythe, 1917 zone, British sector. Reinforcements urgentlyrequired. At least five thousand specimens. --------------------------------------- (Field office) [DOCTOR] But look, Major Barrington, if only you'dlet us get back to our transportation we'd be no further nuisance toyou. [BARRINGTON] I'm sorry, you must first go to the Chateau and give aproper account of yourselves. For all I know you may be spies. [JAMIE] Oh look, we keep trying to tell you, you daft sassenach. [BARRINGTON] Hold your tongue, man! [JAMIE] No, I won't! [DOCTOR] Now please! Don't let us lose our tempers. [SERGEANT] Supply truck leaving for base now, sir. [BARRINGTON] Good. Get them onto it. Off you go. [JAMIE] Now, just a moment, we're not going back to any base. Now, comeon. [BARRINGTON] Sentry! [DOCTOR] Jamie, I think perhaps we'd better do as they say. [BARRINGTON] I'm glad one of you is showing some sense. All right,Sergeant, take them away. [SERGEANT] Yes, sir. [BUCKINGHAM] I'm sure you'll be all right. Anyway, good luck. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you very much. [BARRINGTON] Now then, what are we going to do about you two? [BUCKINGHAM] Could your men do something about my ambulance? It's boggeddown just over the hill. [BARRINGTON] Yes, soon get that out for you. [BUCKINGHAM] Funny about those people. They didn't look like spies. [CARSTAIRS] Spies never do. I don't envy them if they are. GeneralSmythe can be pretty ruthless. Know what my chaps call him? [BUCKINGHAM] No. [CARSTAIRS] The Butcher. [BURNS] Right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Prisoners andescort, mark time! Halt! Right turn! Civilian prisoners from MajorBarrington, sir. [RANSOM] All right. At ease. [BURNS] Stand at ease! [BURNS] At ease. [RANSOM] The General wants to question you personally. [DOCTOR] Oh good. I'm sure we'll be able to explain everything to hissatisfaction. [JAMIE] Look, how long are we going to be kept here? --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [RANSOM] Sir? --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RANSOM] Take them to the cells, Sergeant Major. [DOCTOR] But I thought you said we were going to see the General? [RANSOM] The General is not available. Take them away. [BURNS] Prisoners and escort, attention! Right turn! [BURNS] By the front, quick march. Left, right, left, right. [ZOE] There's no need to keep shouting at us, you know. [SERGEANT MAJOR] Left, right, left, right, left. --------------------------------------- (Field office) [CARSTAIRS] Oh, I'm sorry, do you want some more? [BUCKINGHAM] Thanks. [CARSTAIRS] Where is your hospital? [BUCKINGHAM] Oh, it's not far. [CARSTAIRS] Whereabouts? [BUCKINGHAM] Well, you're going to think me awfully silly, but I can'tquite remember. [CARSTAIRS] Don't worry, it'll come back to you. Memory's a funny thingout here. Can't always remember things myself. [BUCKINGHAM] What kinds of things? [CARSTAIRS] Oh, silly things. Names, dates, how long I've been here.Sometimes wonder if I've got a touch of the old shell shock. Have youtalked to anybody else about it? [BUCKINGHAM] Haven't liked to. One feels so stupid. [CARSTAIRS] Yes. Still, it is rather worrying not being able to rememberthings. [CARSTAIRS] Ah. Suppose I'd better answer that. [BARRINGTON] Ah, thanks, old man. Major Barrington. Yes. Right, sir.We're wanted at HQ. Some sort of enquiry to do with those civilians youbrought in. [BUCKINGHAM] How long will it take? I'm bound to be needed back at thehospital. [BARRINGTON] We just got your ambulance out of the mud. We'll all go inthat, and then you can go straight on from HQ. Are you ready? --------------------------------------- (Wine cellar) [JAMIE] And you'll not pick that lock with a hairgrip either. [ZOE] These walls are solid stone. There's just no way out. [JAMIE] Now what do we do, then? [DOCTOR] It's just a temporary misunderstanding, Jamie. We'll get itcleared up when we see the General. [ZOE] Why should he listen to us? No one else has. [DOCTOR] Ah, they were all obeying orders, Zoe. That's the militarymind. [ZOE] We must have looked a bit suspicious. Three civilians in themiddle of a war? [JAMIE] Aye, well, I just hope that General does listen to us. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I expect he's a very nice chap. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [SMYTHE] Got those reports yet? [RANSOM] Just finished now, sir. [SMYTHE] Thank you. [RANSOM] By the way, sir, those three civilians have turned up. I've gotthem in the cells. [SMYTHE] Oh, what of it? [RANSOM] As a matter of fact, I went into your room to tell you but [SMYTHE] I was asleep, Captain Ransom. You did not wish to disturb me. [RANSOM] Yes, sir, you were asleep. I didn't wish to disturb you. [SMYTHE] That's right. Now, what did you make of these civilians? [RANSOM] Oh, two men and a young lady. According to Major Barringtonthey can't account for themselves. He seemed to think the younger ladwas a deserter. Apparently the older man tried to make off for theenemy lines. [BURNS] Sir! Major Barrington, sir. [SMYTHE] Thanks. [BARRINGTON] This is Lady Jennifer Buckingham, sir, and Lieutenant. [SMYTHE] How do you do. Do sit down. [BUCKINGHAM] Thank you. [SMYTHE] Barrington, you know my adjutant, Ransom, don't you? [BARRINGTON] Yes, we, er, Ransom and I were er [SMYTHE] You were at school together. You were at school together. [BARRINGTON] Yes, that's right. How are you Ransom? [SMYTHE] Now, Carstairs, tell me, where did you find these civilians? [BURNS] Left, right, left, right. Escort and accused, mark time. Halt.left turn. [DOCTOR] Major Barrington, how nice to see you. [BURNS] Accused! Back in line. [SMYTHE] If you are ready, gentlemen? March the prisoners forward,Sergeant Major. [BURNS] Sir! Accused, one pace forward, march. [JAMIE] Now, look, what's going on here? [SMYTHE] The Court Martial is now in session. [DOCTOR] Court Martial? But we're civilians. [SMYTHE] This whole area is under martial law. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, that may be, but if you'll allow me to explain, wewere [SMYTHE] You will have an opportunity of addressing the Court at theproper time. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [SMYTHE] Now, the statements of Lieutenant Carstairs and Lady Jenniferhave been taken into evidence. The prisoners waylaid an ambulance in noman's land [DOCTOR] Waylaid? The ambulance found us. [SMYTHE] The vehicle was later commandeered by a waiting enemy patrol.Recaptured by Lieutenant Carstairs, the prisoners insinuated themselvesinto a forward command post, where at the earliest opportunity one ofthem made a break for the enemy lines with whatever information he hadgathered. [ZOE] Oh, but none of that's true. You've twisted the whole thing. [DOCTOR] This is a travesty of justice. What are we charged with? [SMYTHE] In the case of this man, desertion from a Highland regiment. [JAMIE] But, but [SMYTHE] In the case of yourself and the girl, the charge is one ofespionage. The penalty for all these charges is death. [DOCTOR] But this is monstrous! [SMYTHE] We shall now hear the case for the defence. Have you anythingto say? [DOCTOR] Yes, I most certainly have! Am I allowed to question thewitnesses? [SMYTHE] Certainly. We wish to give you every opportunity to explainyourselves. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Lady Jennifer, will you please explain to thesegentlemen the circumstances of our meeting. [SMYTHE] There's no need for that. It's in the statement. Nextquestion. [DOCTOR] What? Well, Lieutenant Carstairs, when your men recaptured theambulance, wasn't it obvious to you we were prisoners of the Germans? [SMYTHE] Has the defence finished with this witness? [DOCTOR] Well, if you're not going to allow them to answer, what is theuse? [SMYTHE] Very well. Have you any explanation to offer before the Courtpasses sentence? [ZOE] But you haven't heard anything yet. You don't really call this atrial, do you? [SMYTHE] The Court will now consider it's verdict. [JAMIE] Hey, you haven't even asked me anything. [SMYTHE] There's nothing to ask you. You are a deserter! March him away,Sergeant Major! [BURNS] Sir. Escort and accused, left turn. Left wheel, by the front,quick march! Left, right, left, right. Halt! [JAMIE] I thought you were going to explain everything? [DOCTOR] Well, he didn't give me a chance, did he. There's somethingvery strangely wrong here. [ZOE] Why has that General got it in for us? He seems determined to findus guilty. [DOCTOR] Yes, but why? [RANSOM] I don't know. They seem pretty harmless to me. [BARRINGTON] Yes, there's no actual evidence of them actually spying onanything. [SMYTHE] It is quite clear that they are all guilty. All guilty! [BARRINGTON] Yes, they're guilty. Knew it as soon as I looked at them. [RANSOM] There's clear evidence that they were spying. [SMYTHE] Thank you, gentlemen. Well, I think we can resume. SergeantMajor, bring the prisoners back. [BURNS] Escort and accused, left wheel! By the front, quick march. Left,right, left, right, left wheel. Mark time. Halt! Right turn! [SMYTHE] The Court has carefully considered all of the evidence andfinds you all guilty as charged. Desertion in a time of war is a mostheinous military crime. [JAMIE] Look, I've deserted from nowhere! I was never in your rottenarmy. [SMYTHE] You will be confined to a military barracks awaiting aregimental Court Martial. [JAMIE] Now look, I'm not being confined anywhere. [SMYTHE] You, young lady, have betrayed your King and country. You aresentenced to ten years penal servitude to be spent in a civilianprison. [ZOE] Oh but I haven't done anything! [SMYTHE] The court finds you guilty of espionage. For a crime of thismagnitude there is only one penalty. [DOCTOR] But this is ridiculous! You know all the evidence has beentwisted against us! Tell them! [SMYTHE] The witnesses have given their evidence. The court has reachedit's verdict. If you've nothing further to say, sentence will bepassed. [DOCTOR] I most certainly have something further to say! This is alljust a mockery! I demand the right to appeal to a higher authority. [SMYTHE] There is no right of appeal. You will be executed at dawntomorrow. Take him away, Sergeant Major! [BURNS] Prisoners and escort, left turn! [JAMIE] Now just a moment, you can't do this to us! [BURNS] Hold him! [JAMIE] Let go! [SERGEANT MAJOR] Hand him over to the MPs. They'll take him to themilitary prison. [BURNS] I'll take these two back to the cell, sir. [BUCKINGHAM] Just a minute, Sergeant Major. Captain Ransom, surelyyou're not going to keep this poor girl in the cells all night? [RANSOM] Well, we've nowhere else to keep her. [BUCKINGHAM] Well, why not leave her here? I could look after her. [RANSOM] Yes, I don't see why not. [BUCKINGHAM] Thank you. [RANSOM] All right, put a guard on the door, Sergeant Major, and takehim away. [BURNS] Sir! [ZOE] Oh I don't want to leave you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Now you stay here, Zoe. Goodbye, my dear. [ZOE] Oh, can't you help us, Lieutenant Carstairs? [CARSTAIRS] Nothing I can do, I'm afraid. [BARRINGTON] Well, nice to have met you both. Must be getting back.Goodbye, my dear. Chin up. [ZOE] But you can't let them execute the Doctor. He hasn't doneanything. [RANSOM] Well, you heard the evidence, my dear. It's all proved. I'mafraid he is a spy. --------------------------------------- (Wine cellar) [BURNS [OC]] Left, right, left, right, left, right,left, right, left, right. [BURNS] I'll see that they bring you something to eat. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Sergeant Major? Have you been at the front long? [BURNS] Oh, quite a while. I've been out here since [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [BURNS] Can't remember. Here, what are you asking me all these questionsfor? --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [RANSOM] Sir? [SMYTHE] Yes, what is it? [RANSOM] You wanted the keys to the prison cell. [SMYTHE] Oh yes. Is everything arranged for the execution? [RANSOM] Yes. [SMYTHE] Very well. --------------------------------------- (Wine cellar) [DOCTOR] Zoe! [ZOE] Oh Doctor! [DOCTOR] How on Earth? [ZOE] Well, I couldn't leave you to be shot, could I? It's dawn. [DOCTOR] Oh, what a nice and clever girl you are. Now, we must findJamie. They said something about a military prison. [ZOE] Yes. [DOCTOR] Come on. [RANSOM] Quite right, Doctor. It is time to go. --------------------------------------- (Farm yard) [RANSOM] Squad, attention! Present! Aim! --------------------------------------- (Farm yard) [RANSOM] Divert! [DOCTOR] Well done, Zoe. Can you undo it? [ZOE] Oh, Doctor. [ZOE] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [SMYTHE] I am leaving for the conference now. [RANSOM] General Smythe, the prisoners have [SMYTHE] Ransom, get out! [RANSOM] Sir, what? [SMYTHE] There is nothing there. You can see nothing. [RANSOM] No, sir, there's nothing there. [SMYTHE] You have not seen me. I have been called away to an importantmeeting. [RANSOM] Important meeting. Yes. [RANSOM] General Smythe? Oh, of course, he's gone to that meeting. --------------------------------------- (Tack room) [JAMIE] Hey, do I not get any breakfast? [JAMIE] Redcoat? What are you doing here? [REDCOAT] Highlander! Keep away from me, you! [JAMIE] Hey, easy now. I'm a prisoner too, you know! How'd you get here?Well, come on, how did you get here? [REDCOAT] I don't know, I can't remember! I got lost, I think. [JAMIE] What year do you think it is? [REDCOAT] Year? Why, it's seventeen forty five. [JAMIE] Sss?! --------------------------------------- (Forest edge) [DOCTOR] Oh yes. Yes. Yes, that's it. That's the military prison, allright. That's where Jamie'll be. Take a look. The trouble is thosesentries. [ZOE] What are we going to do? [DOCTOR] Don't know. I shall have to think of something. Come on. [DOCTOR] Stop! And about time too! Where have you been? [DRIVER] Eh? [DOCTOR] You were sent to meet us! [DRIVER] Meet who? [DOCTOR] Now don't argue! Take us to the prison! In you get, MissHeriot. Well, drive on! --------------------------------------- (Tack room) [JAMIE] Look, you must try and remember! [REDCOAT] I've told you. I was fighting up in the Highlands, I got lostand I don't. There was this mist. [JAMIE] Uh huh. [REDCOAT] It came down all round me. The next thing I knew, everythingwas different. [JAMIE] Well, how do you mean, different? [REDCOAT] Well, there were these great big guns, bigger than I'd everseen before, and carts moving along without horses. [JAMIE] Aye, I've seen those too. Now, go on, go on. [REDCOAT] Well, then these fellows in the funny uniforms, they camealong, and they caught me and brought me here. Where are we? [JAMIE] I don't know. But I've got to get to the Doctor. Look, andyou're going to help me. [REDCOAT] Oh, no! I don't trust you. You're one of them rebels! [JAMIE] Now look, just you listen to me a moment. --------------------------------------- (Commandant's office) [GORTON] Who? Civilians? Well, tell them to wait. I'm having my tea. [DOCTOR] How dare you treat me like this, sir! [GORTON] What? Who the blazes are you? [DOCTOR] Don't you address me like that, sir! This is disgraceful! Ishall make a complaint directly to the Minister himself! [GORTON] Minister? Oh, I don't understand. Who are you? [DOCTOR] I'm the examiner from the War Office, I'm here to inspect themilitary prison. This young lady is my secretary. Well, you wereexpecting us, surely? [GORTON] Well, there must be some mistake. I mean, can I see youridentification papers? [DOCTOR] How dare you! You send no car to meet us on our arrival, andnow you add insult to injury by doubting my credentials! Do you knowwho I am, sir? [GORTON] Well, I'm terribly sorry and all that. It's probably myadjutant's fault. Would you care for some tea? [DOCTOR] We are here to inspect the security arrangements of the prison.Now I suggest we stop wasting time and get on with it! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RANSOM] Not a trace of them. General Smythe'll befurious. We must get those people back. [CARSTAIRS] Yes, of course, sir. [RANSOM] Now, you're got to help me, both of you. Get a party from mysergeant and search this building. [CARSTAIRS] Yes, sir. [RANSOM] I'll take a patrol towards the German lines. [BUCKINGHAM] What shall I do? [RANSOM] I'd like you to stay here and man the telephone. I've put outan alert and someone might phone in some information. All right,Carstairs? [CARSTAIRS] Yes, sir! [RANSOM] Lady Jennifer, if the General returns perhaps you'd explainwhat has happened? [BUCKINGHAM] Certainly. Where's he gone? [RANSOM] He's been called away to an urgent meeting. [BUCKINGHAM] I know it's an awful thing to say but I can't help hopingthey get away. [CARSTAIRS] I know just how you feel. Still [RANSOM [OC]] Carstairs! [CARSTAIRS] Excuse me. --------------------------------------- (Tack room) [JAMIE] Help me, guard! He's trying to [REDCOAT] You're right, I'll kill you! [JAMIE] He's trying to kill me! Stop it! [GUARD] Get off him! [JAMIE] Now! [JAMIE] You fight very well, for a redcoat. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] All right, Corporal. I'll tell theCaptain. [BUCKINGHAM] Any luck? [CARSTAIRS] Not a sign. [BUCKINGHAM] That was one of the patrol posts. Nothing to report. [CARSTAIRS] Poor old Ransom. He's in for a sticky time when the Generalgets back. [BUCKINGHAM] Didn't you think that there was something rather strangeabout that court martial? [CARSTAIRS] Oh well, military justice, you know. It's not like the OldBailey. [BUCKINGHAM] No, but, you remember we were talking about not rememberingthings? [CARSTAIRS] Yes? [BUCKINGHAM] Well, things are starting to come back to me. [CARSTAIRS] What sort of things? [BUCKINGHAM] Well, I was on my way to the hospital, well behind thelines. I was driving through a forest and all of a sudden there was astrange sort of mist. Fog. And then I was in a field dressing stationlooking after some wounded soldiers. [CARSTAIRS] Hmm. Loss of memory. [BUCKINGHAM] No, but isn't it strange that you should to be sufferingfrom it too? [CARSTAIRS] Mist! [BUCKINGHAM] What about it? [CARSTAIRS] I wonder, could it be some kind of new gas? If perhaps theGermans have invented a new type of poison gas, one that affects ourminds. --------------------------------------- (Commandant's office) [GORTON] And finally, on the outer perimeter thereare the concealed tripwires and the patrols. [DOCTOR] Ah. [ZOE] Certainly does look escape proof. [DOCTOR] I'd like to see your records. [GORTON] What? Oh yes, they're over here. You won't find anything wrongthere. [DOCTOR] I sincerely hope not. [GORTON] There you are. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. [GORTON] Arrivals. [DOCTOR] Yes. [GORTON] Lengths of sentences. Discharges. [DOCTOR] Yes, arrivals. Latest arrival, Scottish deserter awaitingreturn to his regiment. Possible to talk to a prisoner? [GORTON] Well, er, it's very irregular. However, for you I'm sure that Ican arrange (The telephone rings.) [GORTON] Excuse me. Gorton here. What? Escaped! Well, get onto it rightaway, man. Let me know as soon as you've got them. [DOCTOR] Is something the matter, Commandant? [GORTON] Er, nothing important. [DOCTOR] Did I hear you say that someone had escaped? [GORTON] Oh well, as a matter of fact, yes. Two chaps. One of them wasthe Scotsman that you were talking about. --------------------------------------- (Prison) [GUARD] Halt or we fire! [JAMIE] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Commandant's office) [GORTON] Shot? Both of them? I see, right. Keep meinformed. That's one of them. Shot while trying to escape. [ZOE] Shot? Well, which one was it? The Highlander? [GORTON] No, but does it matter? [DOCTOR] Matter? Why, of course it matters! Shooting down prisoners?Why, it's barbaric! [GORTON] But they were trying to escape! [DOCTOR] Well, that's no excuse for murder! I want the other man broughthere. [GORTON] What for? [DOCTOR] I'm not satisfied. I want to hear the prisoner's side of thestory. [JAMIE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] We'll see you get a doctor if you need one, my man. Right, lethim go. Commandant, dismiss your man. [GORTON] Carry on. [JAMIE] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Speak when you're spoken to! Now then, what's all this abouttrying to escape? [JAMIE] What are you up to? [DOCTOR] I'm not concerned with that! What about the other man youescaped with? [JAMIE] Oh, he was shot in the leg, and they were going to shoot me,too. [DOCTOR] I see. This is very serious. I shall have to make a fullreport. [GORTON] But they were trying to escape! My men had no alternative butto shoot. [DOCTOR] We'll see what General Smythe has to say about that [. GORTON] Indeed we will! [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [GORTON] I'm going to telephone General Smythe. I've had about all I cantake from you, sir. General Smythe. [DOCTOR] Ah, you'll regret this. The Minister [GORTON] I don't care two hoots about the Minister. Besides, I'm noteven sure you're from the War Office. Yes, where are your identitypapers? [DOCTOR] My identity papers? [GORTON] I thought so. I thought there was a fishy story all along.Hello, is that [ZOE] I'm sorry, Doctor, but it seemed the only way. [DOCTOR] Oh, well done, Zoe. Yes, I think he'll survive. Right, come on.Let's see if we can bluff our way out of here. [JAMIE] Yeah, but why were you kidding [RANSOM] Going somewhere? Perhaps I can give you a lift? --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] General Smythe had made up his mindthose people were guilty. He wanted that man to be shot! [CARSTAIRS] Perhaps he knew they were guilty? [BUCKINGHAM] Oh, you don't really believe that? [CARSTAIRS] No, I don't, but [RANSOM] Well, we've got them. You'll never believe where we found them. [CARSTAIRS] Where were they? [RANSOM] Well, I was on my way back here, I'd given up the search. Itsuddenly occurred to me I ought to go and tell Gorton about it. [BUCKINGHAM] Well, who's Gorton? [RANSOM] He's the Commandant at the prison. Popped into his office andthere they were. [CARSTAIRS] What were they doing there? [RANSOM] Do you know, that chap, he'd convinced old Gorton that he was aminister from Whitehall. And he'd nearly bluffed him into letting thatScots lad go. I don't know I must say I admire his gall. It seems apity, really, to have to shoot him. [CARSTAIRS] Sir, I'd like to speak to you, sir. The court martial wasn'tin accordance with King's Regulations. [RANSOM] What? [CARSTAIRS] I'm not satisfied. [RANSOM] Oh don't be ridiculous, man, it's perfectly fair. General's agreat stickler for that kind of thing. Sentence will be carried out assoon as he returns. Lady Jennifer, notify Command Post, will you? Letthem know the hunt's over. [BUCKINGHAM] Yes, certainly. [BUCKINGHAM] Do you see? He didn't remember what happened at the courtmartial. [CARSTAIRS] He really seems to believe they had a fair trial! [BUCKINGHAM] The General wanted that man to be shot. Why? [CARSTAIRS] I don't know. I think I'd better have a word with thosecivilians and try and find out. If Ransom comes back, keep himoccupied, will you? [BUCKINGHAM] Right. --------------------------------------- (Wine cellar) [DOCTOR] A redcoat, Jamie? [JAMIE] Aye, and he thinks he's in 1745. [DOCTOR] But that's a complete anachronism. [JAMIE] Aye. It's a what? [DOCTOR] It's something out of it's own time. [ZOE] Yes, like the telecommunications unit in the General's room that Itold you about. [JAMIE] Eh? [ZOE] I found it when I was looking for the key. [DOCTOR] Both these things are in the wrong time. But what are theydoing here in 1917? [JAMIE] Shush. [CARSTAIRS] Close the door. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] Yes Major, they were recaptured halfan hour ago. Captain Ransom wanted me to let you know. Goodbye. I'venotified all the command posts. [RANSOM] That's awfully kind of you. Has the General not returned yet? [BUCKINGHAM] No. Does he often disappear like this? I mean, surely heought to keep you informed? [RANSOM] Well, he's a very busy man, you know. Where's young Carstairs? [BUCKINGHAM] Oh, he's gone to look for some transport. [RANSOM] Oh, good. I think I'd better go and make certain thoseprisoners are safely under lock and key. [BUCKINGHAM] It must be very difficult working for someone like GeneralSmythe. [RANSOM] Yes, I suppose he is a bit of a martinet. He has a great dealof responsibility, you know. [BUCKINGHAM] Oh yes, but a great deal falls upon your shoulders,Captain. [RANSOM] Yes, I suppose it is a job, running a place like this you know.Quite a problem. People don't understand. It's the paperwork, you see.It's quite fantastic how many forms we have to fill in. Just look atthat. --------------------------------------- (Wine cellar) [CARSTAIRS] What is a video screen? Some kind ofkinematograph? [ZOE] Oh, well, it's a bit more complicated than that. If only I couldshow it to you. [DOCTOR] If you'll take us to the General's room, we'll prove this thingexists! [CARSTAIRS] All right, you show it to me and I'll believe you. But you'dbetter be right. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] I see! But how do you keep a track ofall the equipment? [RANSOM] Ah well, now that's the problem. I keep sending thesesubalterns the forms, and they just don't fill them in. [BUCKINGHAM] But if they're at the front, fighting? [RANSOM] There's no excuse for mislaying valuable military equipment. Doyou know, in the last push we lost over one hundred shovels? --------------------------------------- (Outside the wine cellar) [CARSTAIRS] Hello, Lady Jennifer? Carstairs. Look,I. What, there with you now? Well, get rid of him, quickly! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] Yes, all right. I will. [RANSOM] That for me? [BUCKINGHAM] Yes, all right. [RANSOM] Who was there? [BUCKINGHAM] The General. [RANSOM] The General? [BUCKINGHAM] He's at number seventeen command post and he'd like you tojoin him there immediately. [RANSOM] Oh, right. Well, what's he doing there? That's the farthestpoint of the sector! I'd better join him, I suppose. Jolly nice talkingto you. You know, not many women take an interest in the problems ofsupply. Goodbye. [BUCKINGHAM] Yes? Yes, he's just gone. Oh. All right. [BUCKINGHAM] What on earth are you doing? [DOCTOR] There's no time to explain now. Now, where is this thing, Zoe? [ZOE] It's over there. [BUCKINGHAM] But that's the General's private room! --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [ZOE] There it is! [CARSTAIRS] There's nothing there, only wall. [DOCTOR] What? You mean you can't see that screen? [BUCKINGHAM] What are we supposed to be looking at? [CARSTAIRS] Well, I still can't see anything. [DOCTOR] Look at the wall! Concentrate! [BUCKINGHAM] It is there. I can see it! [DOCTOR] Can you see it yet? [CARSTAIRS] Yes. But what's it for? [ZOE] Well, it's like a telephone, only you can see people as well ashear them. [BUCKINGHAM] What's on the other end? --------------------------------------- (War room) [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Good heavens, this thing isswitched on! --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [ZOE] But we didn't see anything on the screen. [DOCTOR] No, but somebody may have seen us. We've got to get away fromhere, all of us. [CARSTAIRS] Get away? Where do you hope to get to? [DOCTOR] Well, anywhere so long as it's away from here. [CARSTAIRS] I just can't let you go, just like that. [DOCTOR] Yes, you can. And you've got to come too. Your lives will be indanger now, both of you. [BUCKINGHAM] I think he's right. [DOCTOR] Now look, my friends and I are leaving here. Are you going toshoot us down? [CARSTAIRS] All right. I'll believe you. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] I'll get the ambulance. [CARSTAIRS] Yes. I'll meet you by the front entrance. [DOCTOR] So what do you want us to do? [CARSTAIRS] Just clamber into the ambulance and keep quiet. I'm going tohave to bluff our way past the sentries. Now, just wait here. I'll getsome maps. [JAMIE] Are we going back to the Tardis now? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, we must stay here and see what is happening. [ZOE] We can't leave these people now, anyway. [JAMIE] No, I suppose not. [CARSTAIRS] Right, are you ready? Come on. [RANSOM] Carstairs, what's going on? [CARSTAIRS] Orders from the General, sir. He wants the prisoners takento HQ immediately. [RANSOM] Are you sure your message is genuine? [CARSTAIRS] Well, yes, sir, I spoke to the General personally. [RANSOM] Well, I don't know. I had a message to meet him at command postseventeen. That was a fake. [CARSTAIRS] Well, the General was most insistent, sir, but of course itis up to you, sir. [RANSOM] Oh, you'd better carry on. [CARSTAIRS] Very good, sir. All right, move off. Any trouble mind, Iwon't hesitate to fire. [RANSOM] Just a minute, Carstairs. [CARSTAIRS] Sir? [RANSOM] Where's Lady Jennifer? [CARSTAIRS] She's somewhere around, sir. [RANSOM] Right. [RANSOM] I want a word with her. --------------------------------------- (Farm gate) [DOCTOR] Right, Zoe, up you go. [JAMIE] Okay, right. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [SMYTHE] Where are the prisoners? [RANSOM] Everything's all right, sir. They're on their way toheadquarters just as you ordered. [SMYTHE] I gave no such order! [RANSOM] Well, they've just left with Lieutenant Carstairs, sir. [SMYTHE] Ransom, you're a fool! Where's Lady Jennifer? [RANSOM] I don't know, sir. She gave me a message to meet you at commandpost seventeen. (looks out of the window) The ambulance, sir, it'sgone. [SMYTHE] Now we know what to look for. Well, issue a general order atonce! [RANSOM] Yes, sir. [RANSOM] Good, thank you. Ambulance spotted, sir. [SMYTHE] Where? [RANSOM] Sector four, heading east, travelling very fast. I'll send outa motorcycle patrol. [SMYTHE] No need for that. [RANSOM] Well, sector four could cut them off. [SMYTHE] Concentration of artillery there. Yes, that should reach them. [RANSOM] We'll use artillery on an ambulance, sir? [SMYTHE] That ambulance is in enemy hands, Ransom. [RANSOM] But there are two women on board. [SMYTHE] I want a creeping barrage laid along that road. Do youunderstand? Do you understand? [RANSOM] Yes, I understand. [SMYTHE] Good. Well, order the artillery to fire, then. [RANSOM] A very good idea, sir. Creeping barrage. Stop them dead. [SMYTHE] That's just how we want them. Dead. --------------------------------------- (Ambulance) [CARSTAIRS] Maps! Artillery barrage, and we're still seven miles fromthe German line. [DOCTOR] Well, perhaps it's not, perhaps it's not German artillery. [CARSTAIRS] Well, our chaps wouldn't fire at us. [DOCTOR] No, but General Smythe might! [JAMIE] Whoever it is, his aim's getting better! [CARSTAIRS] Let's get out of here! Bring the rest of the maps. [DOCTOR] Righto! Stay here, keep under cover. --------------------------------------- (Road) [CARSTAIRS] Right! --------------------------------------- (Mist) [BUCKINGHAM] Oh! [DOCTOR] What is it? [CARSTAIRS] Fog. Can't see. [BUCKINGHAM] The mist, the gas! [DOCTOR] Gas? [BUCKINGHAM] I can't go on, there's something stopping me. [DOCTOR] It's not gas, go on. [BUCKINGHAM] I can't! [DOCTOR] Well, move over. Let me, come on. --------------------------------------- (Road) [JAMIE] That's more like it. [ZOE] That mist, Doctor, what was it? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Zoe. Some sort of force field. [ZOE] Where are we? There's no sign of the war here. [JAMIE] Yes, and the guns have stopped, too. [DOCTOR] Yes. It's odd, Jamie. [CARSTAIRS] Feeling better? [BUCKINGHAM] Yes. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Hilltop) [JAMIE] Ah, that's better! [ZOE] What's that? [ZOE] Oh, come on! --------------------------------------- (Road) [DOCTOR] Start the engine! [ZOE] Quick! [JAMIE] Look! [CARSTAIRS] Switch on. --------------------------------------- (Road) (Ambulance) [ZOE] That was a close shave. Where are we, Doctor? [JAMIE] Oh no, we're not back here again. [DOCTOR] Ah, Lieutenant Carstairs, is this the only map you're suppliedwith? [CARSTAIRS] Yes, that's the one. [DOCTOR] It's a bit inadequate, isn't it? [BUCKINGHAM] Doctor, who were those people who attacked us just now? [DOCTOR] Oh, they were Romans. [CARSTAIRS] Oh, but that's impossible! [DOCTOR] Oh, lots of impossible things happen when you pass throughtime. [BUCKINGHAM] Time? But no one can alter time. [DOCTOR] Look, it is 1917 where we are now on this map. Where we wereattacked by the Romans it is two thousand years ago. [CARSTAIRS] But surely, Doctor [DOCTOR] Surely before we met the Romans we passed through a mist didn'twe? A gas you called it. Now, supposing this mist is a barrier betweendifferent time zones? [ZOE] I see. So we went off the edge of this map and into a differenttime zone. [DOCTOR] Yes. What we need is a map which covers all the time zones. I'mafraid we shall have to get back to General Smythe's headquarters, tothe chateau. [JAMIE] Well how are we going to get back there? [DOCTOR] Well, that's easy. You will take us! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RANSOM] No trace of them? Well, keep searching! [CARSTAIRS] Lieutenant Carstairs reporting, sir. I brought back theprisoners. [RANSOM] Carstairs, what on earth have you been up to? And what do youmean by giving me that fake report from the General? I warn you,Carstairs, you're in very serious trouble! You're [RANSOM] Have you gone mad? [CARSTAIRS] I'm sorry about this, sir. [RANSOM] You'll be shot for this, Carstairs! [CARSTAIRS] Yes, sir. [CARSTAIRS] Don't do anything foolish, sir. I think it might be betterif you raised your hands. [CARSTAIRS] Bandages, Doctor. [DOCTOR] What? Oh, yes. I'm afraid that there's nothing here, only localmaps. Here we are. Perhaps there's something in the General's room.I'll go and see. [RANSOM] This is mutiny. I hope you --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [CARSTAIRS] Find anything? [DOCTOR] Well, only this safe. [CARSTAIRS] The only way to get inside that is to blow it up. [DOCTOR] Oh, what a good idea. [CARSTAIRS] You serious? [DOCTOR] Well, this is a military establishment, there must be someexplosives around here. [CARSTAIRS] Right. I'll see what I can find. [DOCTOR] Good. [DOCTOR] Jamie, I wonder whether perhaps I can pick this lock. [JAMIE] Aye, with a tuning fork? [JAMIE] Oh come on, Doctor, we haven't got all night. Someone's bound toturn up. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, Jamie. Oh dear, this is useless. [JAMIE] What's that thing? [CARSTAIRS] It's a Mills bomb. It's all I could find. I thought we mighthang it on the front of the safe and let it off. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, yes, that might blow the room up very nicely, but Idon't think it would affect the safe much. You see we have toconcentrate the [CARSTAIRS] Look out! [DOCTOR] Whole explosion into the lock there. [CARSTAIRS] Blow us all up. [DOCTOR] Now then, if I can pack the explosive into the lock and thendetonate it. Ah, here we are. Now then. Ah yes, I see. [CARSTAIRS] For goodness sake, be careful. That's Amatol in there. [DOCTOR] It's all right. I do have the detonator, you know. Now then,just release this. There we are. Now what have we got? Oh yes. [DOCTOR] This fuse, how long does it last? [CARSTAIRS] About four seconds. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's not very good, is it? [DOCTOR] There we are. [RANSOM [OC]] Help! Help! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RANSOM] Sergeant Major! Help! [CARSTAIRS] I'm sorry about this, sir. Can't have you making a row. [CRANE] Hello. [CARSTAIRS] Dropped my pen. [CRANE] Ah. Captain Ransom about? [CARSTAIRS] No, I'm looking after things. Can I help? [CRANE] Well, it's a bit tricky, actually. The sentry found these twoladies hiding in an ambulance. [CARSTAIRS] Well? What about it? [CRANE] Well, you remember there was this spy flap earlier today.Something about them getting away in an ambulance and one of them was awoman. I don't think we've met before, have we? --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [DOCTOR] Now we light the blue touch paper and retire immediately! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BUCKINGHAM] This is all completely ridiculous! [CARSTAIRS] Really, old chap, you can leave them to me. I'm sure we cansort it out. [CRANE] But don't you think I ought to wait for Captain Ransom? [CARSTAIRS] He may be quite some time. [CRANE] I can wait. How long do you say you've been on attachment here? --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [CRANE [OC]] How long? [CARSTAIRS [OC]] About three months. [JAMIE] Someone's out there with Carstairs. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [CARSTAIRS] You may leave them to me, old chap.It's quite under control. [CRANE] Oh well, right you are. Sorry about all this. Do hope youunderstand. Can't afford to take chances, you see. [ZOE] We quite understand. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [CRANE [OC]] Perhaps you could stay for dinner. Wedon't often see ladies here. The chaps in the mess would be delighted. [BUCKINGHAM [OC]] Sorry, but we really have to be on our way. [DOCTOR] We shall have to put the fuse out. It's too late! Duck! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [CRANE] Cheerio! [CRANE] What the blazes? --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [CARSTAIRS] Now don't do anything foolish, old boy. Doc, have you gotany more bandages? [DOCTOR] Ah yes. Here we are, Jamie. [CRANE] You're Carstairs, the one who went off with the spies! [CARSTAIRS] Come on! [DOCTOR] Look, Zoe. 1917 zone, Roman zone, American Civil War zone. Thiswhole place is divided into time zones. [ZOE] But there's a blank space in the middle. There's nothing marked atall. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, and I think that that's where we've got to get to. --------------------------------------- (Road) [DOCTOR] This is an ambulance. We have a seriously wounded officer inthe back. [GERMAN] Sie mũssen mit uns kommen. [DOCTOR] Ah. You want me to come with you. Ah well, if you put it likethat. Yes, here we go. --------------------------------------- (German trench) [ZOE] Well, what's going to happen to us? [JAMIE] Ah, foreigners! Look, what's the use of pretending thatCarstairs is wounded? They're bound to find out sooner or later. [ZOE] Well, at least it stopped them taking him to a prison camp.Besides, he's safe in the ambulance with Jennifer. [JAMIE] Aye, for how long though? [ZOE] Well, perhaps the Doctor will be able to talk them into letting usgo. [JAMIE] Aye. --------------------------------------- (German field office) [LÜCKE] For the last time, what is your name? [DOCTOR] Why don't you just call me Doctor? [LÜCKE] That is not a name. I want your full name. [DOCTOR] Oh, very well. Doctor John Smith. [LÜCKE] Good. Now we are getting somewhere. What are you doing behindour lines? [DOCTOR] Well, we were lost, you see. [LÜCKE] So, you are lost. And very conveniently you find your waythrough our lines. [DOCTOR] I realise this must seem rather strange. [LÜCKE] I find it both strange and suspicious. [DOCTOR] But I can assure you we're quite harmless. [LÜCKE] Three people dressed in civilian clothes trying to infiltratethrough our lines. Admit it, you are spies. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, we are not spies. [LÜCKE] Then tell me where you came from before you were picked up bythat ambulance. [DOCTOR] Well, you see, that's rather difficult to explain. [LÜCKE] Everything seems to be difficult for you to explain. I adviseyou to tell me the truth. Now! [DOCTOR] All right, if you insist. --------------------------------------- (German trench) [JAMIE] Oh! I don't know how they stick it out here. [ZOE] It's the same with the British, remember. [JAMIE] What a way to fight, though, hiding in wee holes and blastingeach other with big guns. [ZOE] Oh, I wish we could get out of here, Jamie! --------------------------------------- (German field office) [LÜCKE] Other planets? A time machine? The girl isfrom the future and the boy is from the past? [DOCTOR] Well, you told me to tell you the truth. [LÜCKE] I think you must be mad. [DOCTOR] Why don't you ask my companions if you don't believe me? [LÜCKE] Bringen Sie die anderen Engländer herein! Sofort! We shall soonsee if your stories are the same. [LÜCKE] Young woman, where did you meet this man? [DOCTOR] Tell him the truth, both of you. [LÜCKE] Silence! Well? [ZOE] We met at a space station. [LÜCKE] A space station. And you, where did you meet this man? [JAMIE] In Scotland. [LÜCKE] Ach, so. Now tell me, when? [JAMIE] In seventeen forty five. I was fighting the Redcoats. [LÜCKE] You were fighting the Redcoats in seventeen forty five? Thatambulance, was it going to a hospital or to a lunatic asylum? [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Look, look, I can prove to you that we come fromanother time. This is a sonic screwdriver. Now, where can Idemonstrate? Ah, that revolver will do. It's all right. [DOCTOR] There we are. And back it goes. [LÜCKE] Phantastisch! [DOCTOR] Do you believe me now? [LÜCKE] But it's impossible. You did not touch the screw. It just moved.Is it possible you are telling the truth? [VON WEICH] Leutnant Lücke! [LÜCKE] Jawohl, mein herr! [VON WEICH] Wer sind diese Leute? [LÜCKE] Wir haben hier [VON WEICH] Was ist hier los? [LÜCKE] Wir haben hier drei Englische zivilisten, herr Kapitän. [VON WEICH] What are you doing here? Where do you come from? [DOCTOR] Well [LÜCKE] Er hat mir gesagt, dass er aus einem anderen Zeitalter kam, inannen rontschiff namen Tardis. [VON WEICH] Time travellers? [DOCTOR] Well, it is a little difficult to understand, but [VON WEICH] Leutnant Lücke! Kommen sie bitte mit mir. [LUCKE] Jawohl, mein Kapitan. --------------------------------------- (Von Weich's room) [VON WEICH] Es sind Englische spione! Wir müssen sie festhalten! Ichwerde mit dem General darüber sprechen. [LÜCKE] Jawohl herr Kapitän Von Weich. --------------------------------------- (German field office) [LÜCKE] You are dangerous English spies. [DOCTOR] But this is ridiculous. [LÜCKE] You are spies! And you are going to be shot. --------------------------------------- (Von Weich's room) [VON WEICH] Von Weich, 1917 German front line to central control. Wehave captured three people who escaped from the British sector. Theyclaim to be time travellers. --------------------------------------- (German field office) [DOCTOR] No, no, no! We are not spies! The sonicscrewdriver. We've just shown you with the gun. [LÜCKE] Yes. You did something with thee gun. [JAMIE] Let the Doctor show you again, eh? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. Now, it's very simple. Put the gun on the table.You can keep your hand on it again if you like! Now, watch. [LÜCKE] Yes! And then you put it back again! [DOCTOR] That's right. [LÜCKE] Is it possible? [DOCTOR] Oh, we've got lots of tricks like that. Let me show you. Catch,Jamie. [DOCTOR] Now then, Lieutenant. I'm sorry about this, but perhaps you'dbe good enough to take us back to our ambulance! --------------------------------------- (War room) [SMYTHE] Did you have a comfortable trip, sir? [WAR CHIEF] Excellent. The War Lord is pleased with our work. But therate of progress must be accelerated. [SMYTHE] A report from my zone, sir. The prisoners that escaped from thechateau been recaptured in the German lines. I have advised they beshot immediately. They gave some ridiculous story about being timetravellers. [WAR CHIEF] Time travellers? And you ordered them to be shot? I wantthem brought here for re-interrogation. [VON WEICH [on monitor]] Those prisoners, they've escaped. They willprobably go back to your lines. [SMYTHE] How did that happen? [VON WEICH [on monitor]] They tricked my human Lieutenant. [SMYTHE] Oh that is sheer incompetence! [WAR CHIEF] They also escaped from you, General Smythe. Organise pursuitand report back here. [VON WEICH [on monitor]] Sir. [WAR CHIEF] Issue a general alert. But I want these people capturedalive. [SMYTHE] General alert to all time zones. Five escaped prisonerstravelling in a 1917 British Army ambulance clearly marked with a redcross. These prisoners may be capable of crossing the time zonebarriers. Officers are to describe the ambulance to their human troopsas a hostile vehicle which much be destroyed at all costs! [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Time travellers? I wonder. [SMYTHE] The description of the prisoners is as follows. --------------------------------------- (Ambulance) [CARSTAIRS] Can I have a look at that map, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes. Here we are. [CARSTAIRS] We've just been through another one of those mists and we'vegone off the edge of my map. [ZOE] Where do you think we are, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I think we're right about there. [ZOE] America 1862. That was the American Civil War wasn't it? Anotherwar! [CARSTAIRS] Get down! --------------------------------------- (Road) [CARSTAIRS] Get moving! --------------------------------------- (Ambulance) [ZOE] Oh Doctor, be careful! [DOCTOR] Zoe, we're right. That was an American Civil War soldier. [JAMIE] You mean we're mixed up in another war now? [DOCTOR] Yes. But it means we're on the right road, and we're stillmaking for that blank space in the middle of the map. --------------------------------------- (Road) [CARSTAIRS] Jamie! [CARSTAIRS] Get that tree moved! [DOCTOR] Come on. [DOCTOR] Where have you been? We've done it without you. [CARSTAIRS] Lady Jennifer! Drive on! [DOCTOR] What's wrong? [BUCKINGHAM] Afraid we've run out of petrol. [DOCTOR] Oh no! [BUCKINGHAM] Where's Lieutenant Carstairs? [JAMIE] He held them off while we got away. [BUCKINGHAM] Oh, dear. [ZOE] Oh, well now what do we do? [DOCTOR] There's only one thing for it. We shall have to go on by foot.Come along. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SMYTHE] If my troops make a push here, whatresistance can you put up? [VON WEICH] Along here we shall have pillboxes, machine gun nests,landmines. You'll have no chance, but it will be an excellent test ofthe morale of your humans. Your entire force will be wiped out. [SMYTHE] Ah, but I will use my reinforcements to turn your flank. There! [VON WEICH] Then it will not be a fair battle. [SMYTHE] Perhaps not, but it will be an excellent test of your morale. [WAR CHIEF] Those specimens we were discussing. An ambush was laid butonly one was captured. [SMYTHE] Which one? [WAR CHIEF] A young Lieutenant, one of yours. He could have got away,but he stayed behind to help the others escape. [VON WEICH] These humans are very loyal to one another in stresssituations. [WAR CHIEF] One of their finest qualities. He's being brought back herefor re-processing. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [JAMIE] It's all right. This'll do for the night, eh? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, Jamie, this looks all right. [ZOE] I wish we knew where Lieutenant Carstairs was. [JAMIE] We shouldn't have left him, you know. [DOCTOR] It was the way he wanted it. [ZOE] Well, now what do we do? We've lost Lieutenant Carstairs, theambulance has broken down and we're miles from the Tardis. [DOCTOR] We carry on, of course. We've got no alternative. [JAMIE] Are we still heading for that blank space in that map of yours? [DOCTOR] Yes. That is where we'll find the answer. Now we'd better getsome rest. We'll have to start early in the morning. [DOCTOR] Quick, hide! [ZOE] So many of them! That thing must be bigger inside than outside,just like the Tardis. [DOCTOR] I must have a look inside. [JAMIE] Ah, but be careful now, Doctor! [BUCKINGHAM] What on earth is it? [ZOE] It's some kind of space time machine, I think. [BUCKINGHAM] But it just appeared from nowhere! [ZOE] Doctor! Doctor! [JAMIE] Getting closer! [ZOE] Oh Doctor, come back! [JAMIE] Oh now, Zoe, don't! Lady Jennifer! [JAMIE] Keep away from the door! [JAMIE] Doctor! No, Zoe, no! Oh no. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [THOMSON] And just who might you be? --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [ZOE] Doctor, look, it is like the Tardis. Bigger inside than out. [DOCTOR] Yes, Zoe, you're right. [ZOE] But who else would have space time machines like the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Well, there is an answer to that, but I hope, I just hope. [ZOE] What? [ZOE] Doctor, what are these? [DOCTOR] Zoe, come and see. [ZOE] Why are they just standing there like that? [DOCTOR] They seem to be in some sort of hypnotic trance. [ZOE] Romans, like the ones that attacked us. But these soldiers, whatare they here for? [DOCTOR] They're going to fight, Zoe. That's what soldiers are for. [ZOE] But they're all from different times. [ZOE] We're landing! [DOCTOR] Quick, in here! [ZOE] We could get away. [DOCTOR] No, we'd only land up right in the middle of another war. [ZOE] Well, then, what are we going to do? [DOCTOR] Well this thing must eventually go back to its base. That'swhere we've got to get to. [ZOE] Oh but Doctor surely [DOCTOR] It's taking off again. That settles it. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [THOMSON] Where do you come from? What are youdoing here? [BUCKINGHAM] Well, that's rather difficult to explain actually. [RILEY] But, you're English. [JAMIE] I'm not. I'm a Scot. [RILEY] You're English! Spies for the South! [JAMIE] Oh, not again! Look, we're not spies. We're nothing to do withyour war. [BUCKINGHAM] We're neutral. [THOMSON] In a civil war, ma'am, no one's neutral. Now who to yousupport the North, or the Confederates in the South? [JAMIE] What's he talking about? [BUCKINGHAM] American Civil War, Jamie, remember? [JAMIE] Oh aye. [RILEY] Oh, they're reb spies, sure enough. Tie 'em up. [BUCKINGHAM] What are you going to do to us? [THOMSON] Now that's up to the General. But when we leave here, you'recoming with us. [RILEY] And the General, he doesn't take kindly to spies. He shoots 'em! [BUCKINGHAM] This is disgraceful. We are neutral civilians. [RILEY] Okay, over there. [THOMSON] All right, you guys, ten minutes rest. Not you. Out on sentryduty. [THOMSON] Rebs! [JAMIE] Try and get my knife. [RILEY] Sarge, there's too many of them! [THOMSON] Give me your rifle! Okay, make a break for the woods. I'llstay behind and give you covering fire. Move! [RILEY] Good luck, Sarge. [BUCKINGHAM] They've forgotten all about us. [JAMIE] Just as well. How're we doing? [BUCKINGHAM] Oh. No good, Jamie. Too late. [LEROY] Now don't you worry, ma'am. You're safe now. Oh, just like thoseYankees to treat a lady like this. [BUCKINGHAM] Thank you. [LEROY] Oh that's my pleasure, ma'am. [LEROY] Happens all the time, ma'am. Yankees, they take over your house,tie you up, steal your food Oh, would you excuse me, ma'am? [LEROY] The Yankees had some civilian prisoners, sir. [VON WEICH] These people are enemies of the South. [LEROY] But Captain [VON WEICH] The boy is a Yankee soldier, the woman is a spy. You tiethem up. [LEROY] Yes, Captain. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SCIENTIST] But the difficulties of this form ofmental processing are considerable. [WAR CHIEF] I'm not interested in excuses. The process should beuniversally effective. [SCIENTIST] We only have a five percent failure rate. [WAR CHIEF] That five percent is causing us endless trouble. [SCIENTIST] What harm can they do? [WAR CHIEF] Sabotage, murder and subversion. Pockets of resistancebuilding up everywhere. [SCIENTIST] But five percent? So few of them cause you trouble? [WAR CHIEF] Their numbers are growing all the time. If ever they bandtogether in one organised group, they could cause enough trouble toupset the major plan. The process must be improved. [SCIENTIST] It already has been. I am hoping to give a firstdemonstration to the students very shortly. [WAR CHIEF] I hope for your own sake the experiment will be successful. [VON WEICH [on monitor]] Von Weich, American Civil War Zone to CentralControl. Two more of the escapees from the 1917 zone have beenrecaptured. The woman and the boy. The older man and the girl are stillfree. Soldiers are now hunting them down. [WAR CHIEF] Excellent. When you have captured the other two, send themall here. [VON WEICH [on monitor]] Sir. [WAR CHIEF] They will make excellent specimens for your reprocessingexperiment. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [ZOE] We're landing again. [DOCTOR] Yes, all the soldiers have been delivered, so this must be itsbase. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, how do we get back to Jennifer and Jamie? It's workingon remote control. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, there are some controls here. I daresay I could getthe hang of them. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [DOCTOR] He must be the person who's controlling this thing. [ZOE] Shush. [ZOE] These glasses. They're both wearing them. [DOCTOR] Yes, you're right. We'd better put them on. [DOCTOR] Well, come on, let's explore. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [JAMIE] How long are we going to be kept here? [JAMIE] Hey, you with the blond hair. I'm talking to you! [LEROY] You're staying here until the Captain finds those friends ofyours. And then we're going to shoot all four of you together. Yankeespies. [BUCKINGHAM] But we're not Yankees, we were their prisoners. Don't youremember? [JAMIE] Aye, you found us. Look, you were going to let us go. [LEROY] Me let you go? You must be crazy! You're dangerous Yankee spies. [BUCKINGHAM] It's no good, Jamie, you can't possibly get it undone. It [HARPER] Not a sound, Mister. Not one sound. [HARPER] There's a hole in the planks over there. Get a move on. [LEROY] Hey, how about that? I'll get some water. [LEROY] Hey, look! [HARPER] Run for it! [JAMIE] Come on! [HARPER] No, run on! I'll hold them off. [JAMIE] Where to? [HARPER] Trail, due north. Old camp. [JAMIE] Right. [VON WEICH] What happened? [LEROY] They got away, he turned them loose. They can't have got far. [VON WEICH] Get a cavalry patrol, get after them. Hunt them down. So youturned them loose? Now where're they making for, boy? [HARPER] Look, I ain't going to tell you nothing. [VON WEICH] You're going to tell me where they're making for. [HARPER] Sorry, Captain, but that stuff doesn't work on me. [VON WEICH] You're from the Resistance. [HARPER] That's right, and I'm not one of you. Listen, you all. You'renot fighting the war between the States, you know. He's just using you! [VON WEICH] It's no use. You'll never get them to understand. They'reunder my control. --------------------------------------- (Countryside) [JAMIE] Lady Jennifer? Lady Jennifer? [JAMIE] Come on. Yah! Yah! --------------------------------------- (Central area) [ZOE] We've passed a reception area, living quarters, lecture rooms.It's just like a university. [DOCTOR] Yes, a sort of training school, but for what? [ZOE] Shush. [ZOE] Why didn't they take any notice of us? Because of the glasses? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. Come on, let's see what else we can find. [GUARD] You two, in! [DOCTOR] Well we were just [GUARD] In here! You're late. [DOCTOR] Oh, well if you insist. [GUARD] The lecture's already started. [DOCTOR] Lecture? --------------------------------------- (Lecture hall) [SCIENTIST] Should you arrive on another planet,you may not be aware that the problem is to retain the specimen'spersonality as a fighting man while at the same time putting him underour control. As you know, we remove the human specimens from their ownworld and time, and place them in a context which seems to them to bethe same. It is vital that they continue to believe that they areliving their own lives on the planet Earth and fighting the wars fromwhich they were taken. [ZOE [sotto) ] So this isn't Earth. [DOCTOR] Quite right, Zoe, quite right. [SCIENTIST] With the majority of human specimens, the process used isboth lasting and effective. However, in the case of certain humans ofparticularly strong character and individuality, the effects of theprocess have not been permanent. Gradually the processing tended tofade and the specimens developed the ability to pass through the TimeZone Barriers. Some formed themselves into resistance groups which haveconsiderably hampered the progress of our plan. It is to overcome thisproblem that I have further refined our processing technique. Todemonstrate the process I chosen a particularly difficult specimen. Aman who finally shook off the effects of the process completely, andallied himself to resistance elements in order to fight us. [SCIENTIST] This Lieutenant Carstairs is a 1917 British army officer,who for some time after his initial processing, believed himself to befighting for his country. However as I shall now demonstrate, theprocess has completely lapsed and he is now fully conscious of hissurroundings. Where are you? [CARSTAIRS] I don't know. [SCIENTIST] Describe what you can see. [CARSTAIRS] A room. Filled with a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo. Funnypeople, strange clothes and those sort of glasses that you're wearing. [SCIENTIST] As you see, he is fully aware of his surroundings and veryhostile. After my new technique has been applied, he will not only becompletely docile, but will be fully convinced that whatever I tell himwill be the truth. [ZOE] Oh, can't we help him? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, not yet. Later. [SCIENTIST] This machine is, of course, only a prototype. In due course,other machines will be built to this pattern, capable of processinglarge groups of specimens simultaneously. [SCIENTIST] Release him. [SCIENTIST] What is your name? [CARSTAIRS] Carstairs. [SCIENTIST] I am your superior officer, you know. [CARSTAIRS] Sorry, sir. [SCIENTIST] Where are you, Carstairs? [CARSTAIRS] Well, sir, I'm [SCIENTIST] You are in my office at headquarters. I am your commandingGeneral. [CARSTAIRS] Yes, sir. I'm in the General's office. [SCIENTIST] As you see, whatever he sees he transforms into something hecan understand. Now, what is this? [CARSTAIRS] What, sir? [SCIENTIST] This. [CARSTAIRS] I'm sorry, sir, there's nothing there. [SCIENTIST] Objects which are beyond his comprehension, he will not seeat all. Now, who are these people? [CARSTAIRS] They're my brother officers, sir. Except those two people.Those are German spies! --------------------------------------- (Countryside) [JAMIE] Come on! There'll be more of them after us! --------------------------------------- (Lecture hall) [CARSTAIRS] But they're German spies! I was at the court martial! You'vegot to believe me! [SCIENTIST] I'll examine him later. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't think much of that as a demonstration. [SCIENTIST] Will you kindly return to your place? [DOCTOR] The man was obviously unhinged as a result of your experiment. [SCIENTIST] The experiment was successful. [DOCTOR] Then why did he call me a German spy? It's obviouslyridiculous, isn't it. [SCIENTIST] The aberration is only temporary. He was probably involvedwith tracking down some German spies before he came here. It hasobviously become a fixation. [DOCTOR] Huh. Then he's obviously no use for our purposes, is he. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, just as I thought. This is your trouble, you know. [SCIENTIST] Will you leave this apparatus alone? [DOCTOR] Yes, this circuit is overloading the neural paths. [SCIENTIST] You are here in the capacity of a student. [DOCTOR] You didn't de-process that man first, did you. [SCIENTIST] There was no need. His processing had completely lapsed. Yousaw that for yourself. [DOCTOR] I saw a man whose processing had partly lapsed. You should havecompletely de-processed him first, but I don't suppose you can do thaton a machine like this. [SCIENTIST] Of course we can. It is simply a case of reprogramming thesecircuits here. [DOCTOR] What there? [SCIENTIST] And here. [DOCTOR] Yes? [SCIENTIST] And here. [DOCTOR] Oh. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [BUCKINGHAM] Who are you? Why did you help us? [HARPER] You came from one of those other wars. [JAMIE] You know what's going on, then? [HARPER] You see those guys over there? They think they're fighting thewar between the States. This isn't even America. [BUCKINGHAM] Where do you think it is, then? [HARPER] Look, you came through one of those mists to get here, right? [JAMIE] Right. [HARPER] Well, every time you go through one of those mists you're insome other war, some other place. [BUCKINGHAM] How long have you realised this? [HARPER] I started noticing things quite a while back. Then I found someother guys who are the same. [JAMIE] You mean there's more like you? [HARPER] Oh, there are gangs of us hiding in the woods. We are trying tofight [VON WEICH] Now we have combed the entire area and we still haven'tfound your friends. [JAMIE] Just a moment. [VON WEICH] Now you-all are going to tell me where they are. [JAMIE] I've seen you before, [LEROY] Attack coming from the direction of the woods, sir. [VON WEICH] Get a patrol out there! Keep them back. [JAMIE] What are you going to do to him? [HARPER] Kill him, of course. He's one of the people running thingsaround here. [JAMIE] Nom you mustn't, we need him. [HARPER] Get out of the way, boy, or I'll have to kill you too! --------------------------------------- (Lecture hall) [SCIENTIST] You see, it's perfectly simple. Withthe circuits arranged in this manner, the machine removes all tracesany previous processing. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I see. Yes, that's fascinating. [SCIENTIST] And since we have now exceeded the time allotted for thisdemonstration, I suggest you all continue to your next assignment. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Come along, Zoe. [WAR CHIEF] Was the experiment successful? [SCIENTIST] Partly, partly. But the specimen showed signs of mentalunbalance after the process. [WAR CHIEF] Then the modifications were not successful? [SCIENTIST] But I think we've found the cause. One of the students hasbeen extremely helpful to me. That one over there. [DOCTOR] Run, Zoe, run! [WAR CHIEF] Stop them! Stop them! --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] Emergency alert, emergency alert. Thisis the War Chief to all guard posts. Close section areas. Detain tworesistance members. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [ZOE] Oh, Lieutenant Carstairs, thank goodness! We thought that [ZOE] Well, what are you doing? It's me, Zoe! [CARSTAIRS] You're a German spy. A German spy. It's my duty to shootyou. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [SCIENTIST] Carstairs! Well done, Lieutenant.You've captured a dangerous spy. [CARSTAIRS] Yes, and this time she won't escape. [SCIENTIST] Lieutenant, we mustn't kill her. [CARSTAIRS] But she's a spy. She must die. She must [SCIENTIST] Lieutenant Carstairs, I am your superior officer. You willobey my commands. [CARSTAIRS] Yes, sir. Prisoner delivered, sir. [SCIENTIST] Take her away. Security section. [SCIENTIST] Now, Lieutenant, we have work to do. Come with me. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [JAMIE] You realise we have saved your life? [BUCKINGHAM] I don't think he's going to be grateful. We're lucky theydidn't kill all three of us. [JAMIE] Look, how long are we going to be kept here? [HARPER] Until Russell arrives. He'll decide what to do with you. [JAMIE] Well, who's Russell? [HARPER] He's our Captain, he'll be along. [HARPER] Where is it? Are you going to tell me where that tunnel is? [BUCKINGHAM] What tunnel? [HARPER] Look, we've been watching this place. It's where the recruitskeep coming from. [BUCKINGHAM] But what makes you think there's a tunnel? [HARPER] Come on, we see the recruits come out of here. [JAMIE] Look, there's no tunnel. They come out of a big green box, asort of machine. [HARPER] A what? Machine? Look, is he crazy or something? [BUCKINGHAM] I know it's difficult to believe, but it is true. I've seenit myself. [HARPER] Oh, come on, quit kidding about, huh? We've got to find thattunnel. [BUCKINGHAM] But even if you do find out how the troops get here, whatgood is it going to do you? [HARPER] Maybe we can get out of here back to where we came from. [BUCKINGHAM] Where do you think you are? [HARPER] Look, I don't know. All I know is I was brought here and I wantto find my way out, right? [SPENCER] You found your tunnel yet? [HARPER] Oh, we're still looking. [SPENCER] The supplies are loaded. Let's get out of here. [HARPER] Not until we find that tunnel. [SPENCER] There's no tunnel. We've got the supplies. Let's go. [HARPER] Hey, do you think you're doing? [SPENCER] We can't afford to take prisoners. [HARPER] Oh no, you don't! [RUSSELL] Get up. Up! You're just like a couple of kids, aren't you? Ileave you alone and you start fighting amongst yourselves. [SPENCER] He started it. You ask any of them. [HARPER] We were taking prisoners. He wanted to shoot them. [RUSSELL] All right, all right! Spencer, take those stores over to ourHQ. [RUSSELL] You ought to know better, Harper. [HARPER] He wanted to shoot him. I couldn't let him. [JAMIE] Look at that! Now do you believe us? --------------------------------------- (Security section) [ZOE] What's going to happen? What are you going to do to me? Well, youmight answer me! [SECURITY CHIEF] You are the one who will answer the questions. [ZOE] Who are you? I won't tell you anything! [SECURITY CHIEF] What is you name? [SECURITY CHIEF] My name is [ZOE] Zoe Heriot. [SECURITY CHIEF] To which resistance group do you belong? When did youjoin the resistance? [ZOE] I did not join the resistance. [SECURITY CHIEF] I joined the resistance. What time do you come from? [ZOE] The twenty first century. [SECURITY CHIEF] Impossible. There is no twenty first century Time Zone.I was born in [ZOE] I was born in the twenty first century. [SECURITY CHIEF] Try again. I was born in [ZOE] I was born in the twenty first century. [SECURITY CHIEF] You were first reported in the 1917 Time Zone. [ZOE] Yes. [SECURITY CHIEF] How did you get there? [ZOE] I arrived in the Tardis. [SECURITY CHIEF] Tardis? What does that mean? [ZOE] Time and relative dimensions in space. It's a space ship. [SECURITY CHIEF] You have a space ship? [ZOE] The ship belongs to the Doctor. [SECURITY CHIEF] I'm going to show you some photographs. You willidentify anyone know to you, particularly this doctor. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [SCIENTIST] What are you doing in here? [DOCTOR] Yes, I was so interested in your demonstration I felt I had tocome along and see how you were getting along. [SCIENTIST] But you? There's a security alarm out for you. [DOCTOR] Really? Why? [SCIENTIST] The War Chief, he pointed you out. [DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no. Not me, the girl. [SCIENTIST] Then why did you run? [DOCTOR] Well I was trying to catch her, of course. Has she been caught? [SCIENTIST] Yes. I sent her to the security section for questioning. [DOCTOR] Oh good. How are you getting on with him? [SCIENTIST] I'm just about to reprocess him. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, this is interesting. I think you'll find that bit goesjust there. Will there be enough of these advanced models ready for ourmajor plan? [SCIENTIST] If I knew the precise timing of the plan that would beeasier to answer. [DOCTOR] Oh but surely you must know, in your position. [SCIENTIST] Yes of course, just as you do. But only the War Chief knowsthe timing. Now really, I am very busy. [DOCTOR] I would consider it a great honour if I could simply stand andwatch. [SCIENTIST] Oh, very well. [DOCTOR] Thank you. What are we doing now? [SCIENTIST] I am about to de-process him, just as you suggested at mylecture. [DOCTOR] Oh I see. Yes, this is intriguing. Will he remember everythingwhen he wakes up? [SCIENTIST] Yes, he'll remember everything. Would you strap him down,please? As soon as the de-processing is completed everything willreturn to normal. [DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, certainly. [DOCTOR] There we are! Is the de-processing complete? [SCIENTIST] Yes. [CARSTAIRS] Oh where am I? Oh, Doctor. [SCIENTIST] You! He recognises you! You're one of [DOCTOR] No, no, please. Don't hurt him. Get him off. [DOCTOR] No, don't hurt him. Put him on there. In the machine, quick! [DOCTOR] Hoist with his own petard. Come along, Lieutenant. Lieutenant? [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, where are we? [DOCTOR] What? Well, what do you remember? [CARSTAIRS] Well, I remember you and Lady Jennifer. And I was captured,wasn't I? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right, unfortunately. And brought here, to thealiens war centre and brainwashed again, but you're all right now. [CARSTAIRS] Oh, I see! [DOCTOR] I'll explain as we go along. We must find Zoe. Oh. [DOCTOR] Better leave him on simmer. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [RUSSELL] You expect me to believe all this? [JAMIE] Yes! They use that thing to talk to each other. Don't touch it! [BUCKINGHAM] It works like a telephone. [RUSSELL] And you say that something appears in the middle of this barnand hundreds of men get out of it? A box? [JAMIE] Aye, we've both seen it. [JAMIE] Get him off! [RUSSELL] What's that noise? [JAMIE] Don't know. [VON WEICH] You'll find out soon enough. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [TECHNICIAN] This is Central Control, what is youremergency? This is Central Control, what is your emergency? --------------------------------------- (Security section) [WAR CHIEF] Did she identify her friends? [SECURITY CHIEF] No, they are not on our files of resistance people. [WAR CHIEF] Then they must be a small independent group. [SECURITY CHIEF] Yes, five of them. First reported in the 1917 TimeZone. One has been caught and is being reprocessed, two believed stillat large in the American Civil War Zone. [WAR CHIEF] And one still at large in this control. [SECURITY CHIEF] He will be caught. [WAR CHIEF] He's evaded your security guards so far. Perhaps he willcontinue to do so? From which time does she originate? [SECURITY CHIEF] She was a nurse like the other girl. 1917. [WAR CHIEF] And the man? [SECURITY CHIEF] The same, 1917. [WAR CHIEF] Why did they come here? [SECURITY CHIEF] They had some confused idea they were getting home. [WAR CHIEF] She told you nothing else? Everything quite straightforward? [SECURITY CHIEF] Yes. The normal pattern of resistance activity. did youexpect something else? [TECHNICIAN] Emergency call from the American Civil War Zone sir. [WAR CHIEF] What's wrong? [TECHNICIAN] The signal was activated, but there was no message, nocontact at all. [WAR CHIEF] All right, I'll deal with it. Come with me. [SECURITY CHIEF] But the girl. [WAR CHIEF] She can wait. --------------------------------------- (Control area) [DOCTOR] That must be the Security Room. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [DOCTOR] Zoe, what have they done to you? Don't youpoint that thing at me! You ought to be ashamed of yourself, treating apoor young girl like [DOCTOR] Oh, well done. [DOCTOR] There we are. Now, are you feeling better? [ZOE] Oh my head! What happened? [DOCTOR] That's was just the question I was going to ask you. What didhappen? [ZOE] They questioned me. Someone came in, put on that strange headsetand questioned me. [DOCTOR] Let's have a look. Oh yes, it's a very interesting littlegadget. [ZOE] I saw pictures of people. [DOCTOR] Really? Oh, well, let's try it, shall we? [DOCTOR] Now then, where does this switch? Oh yes, oh, with a slightadjustment [DOCTOR] There we are. Yes. What questions did they ask you about thesepeople, Zoe? [ZOE] He was talking about the resistance. At first he seemed to think Iwas one of them. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, the resistance, of course. Yes. That's the AmericanCivil War. The 1914-18 war. Yes, it's all recorded here. Scatteredgroups of resistance. [DOCTOR] Now if we could organise. Zoe, can you remember all the detailsabout the resistance from that thing? Names, faces, Time Zones and soon? [ZOE] Yes, of course I can. [DOCTOR] Good. Then we can return to the Time Zones and organise theresistance into one big army! That way they'll have a better chance. [CARSTAIRS] But how do we get back? [DOCTOR] Well, that's simple. The way we came. Come on. [ZOE] Oh Doctor, are you sure? --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [TECHNICIAN] Still no message sir, just theemergency signal. [WAR CHIEF] Well? This is your sphere of responsibility. [SECURITY CHIEF] Arrange transportation for guards. [TECHNICIAN] Central control to Landing Bay, transportation required forsecurity guards. [SECURITY CHIEF] Security squad to report to Landing Bay immediately.Proceed to American Civil War Zone to investigate reported emergency. --------------------------------------- (Central area) [ZOE] What was all that about? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but they're going to the landing bay. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [HARPER] I've posted sentries all around. If theyshould send in any troops, our outposts will warn us. [RUSSELL] Good. [BUCKINGHAM] What if they send one of those things the Doctor went offin? [JAMIE] Aye, that's what they'll do. Then they can attack us frominside. [RUSSELL] They've got to get inside first. [JAMIE] No you don't understand. [JAMIE] Quick, hide! In here, Lady Jennifer. [SOLDIER] Hold it there! [JAMIE] Well, we dealt with those all right, didn't we? [RUSSELL] There's not a mark on him. But he's dead. But what are thesethings, how do they work? [JAMIE] Hey, careful! [RUSSELL] They don't work. [JAMIE] Aye, well, you probably have to do something very special withthem. [RUSSELL] Your green box machine. [JAMIE] Aye, just what we need. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] This emergency call could beresistance activity. There is a large group operating in the AmericanCivil War Zone. [WAR CHIEF] There seem to be large groups operating in most Zones, andnow they're even infiltrating here. [SECURITY CHIEF] Only two of them and one of those has already beencaught. [WAR CHIEF] Had I not pointed them out, you wouldn't have even knownthey were here. [SECURITY CHIEF] Yes, that has been puzzling me. Just how did yourecognise them? [WAR CHIEF] You dare cross-question me?! The security of this entireventure is being threatened by your incompetence. You will find thisintruder! [SECURITY CHIEF] The whole base is being searched. It is only a matterof time. If the mental processing were fully effective [WAR CHIEF] There would be no need for security. When I came to yourpeople I was promised efficiency and cooperation. Without the knowledgeI have, this complete venture would be impossible. [SECURITY CHIEF] We have given you every facility. If you havecomplaints I suggest you take them to the War Lord. [WAR CHIEF] I intend to do so. And now I suggest you finish theinterrogation of that girl before she escapes as well. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [SECURITY CHIEF] Where is the girl? You fool, where is she?! --------------------------------------- (Barn) [JAMIE] Do you not see, though? This thing couldtake us all back to the place where it's controlled from! [RUSSELL] How do you know? [JAMIE] Oh, where do you think those two came from? [RUSSELL] Well, is it true? Answer me. [VON WEICH] Do you think I'd help you? [RUSSELL] You'll do as you're told. Take those two away. [JAMIE] Now look, you want to find out what's going on, don't you? Och,I can't wait for you to make up your mind! [BUCKINGHAM] Oh, wait for me. [JAMIE] Ah, now, Lady Jennifer, I don't think you should come. [BUCKINGHAM] Because I'm a woman? [JAMIE] No, er, well, in a way, yes. [BUCKINGHAM] That settles it then. I'm certainly coming. You can't goalone. [RUSSELL] No, you're right, miss, he can't. I'm going with him. Butyou're staying here. [BUCKINGHAM] Oh now, look here! [RUSSELL] You're a nurse, you said? [BUCKINGHAM] Yes, but what's that got to do with it? [RUSSELL] I've got hundreds of injured men back at my headquarters. Theyneed the help of someone like you. [BUCKINGHAM] Yes, I suppose you're right. Tell Lieutenant Carstairsthat. Well, tell him I'll see him when you all get back. [JAMIE] Right. [BUCKINGHAM] Good luck. [JAMIE] Oh, thank you. [RUSSELL] Take her back to our headquarters. Thank you, Miss. [RUSSELL] You. Guard him. If he gives you any trouble, shoot him. Youtwo, you're coming with me. Come on, move! [JAMIE [OC]] Door's closing! [RUSSELL] Quick! Come on! --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [SECURITY CHIEF] What happened? [SCIENTIST] That young officer got away. [SECURITY CHIEF] How? [SCIENTIST] Oh, the one in the lecture who asked all the questions, hetricked me. I must report this to the War Chief. [SECURITY CHIEF] No! You two, wait outside. [SCIENTIST] But he must be informed. [SECURITY CHIEF] These people are no ordinary resistance group. The girlsaid they have the secret of space time travel. [SCIENTIST] That's impossible. [SECURITY CHIEF] She was under the truth machine. [SCIENTIST] But the War Chief. He's the only one who understands spacetime travel. [SECURITY CHIEF] And his people. [SCIENTIST] What are you suggesting? [SECURITY CHIEF] He is not one of our race. Who knows where his trueloyalties lie? [SCIENTIST] But he came to us of his own accord. [SECURITY CHIEF] He is a traitor to his own people. How can we be surehe is not a traitor to us? --------------------------------------- (War room) [TECHNICIAN] Transportation returning from theAmerican Civil War Zone, sir. [WAR CHIEF] Good. [TECHNICIAN] But they're not following the routine, sir. They haven'tcalled in. [WAR CHIEF] Have you tried to make contact? [TECHNICIAN] Yes, sir. [WAR CHIEF] All right, inform the Security Chief. No! No, I'll handlethis myself. This is the War Chief to Security section. All guards tolanding bay. The following procedure will be carried out --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [ZOE] How long have we got to wait here, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Until one of those things arrives. If I can get inside I'm sureI can control it. [CARSTAIRS] The alarm signal. They've probably found that guard. [DOCTOR] The light's flashing. That means an arrival. [ZOE] It looks as though somebody important's coming. [ZOE] It's an ambush! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [ZOE] Oh Jamie! Doctor, we've got to help them! [DOCTOR] No, there's nothing we can do. [CARSTAIRS] We must get away from here. [ZOE] But we can't. Jamie. We can't. [CARSTAIRS] Do you want us all to get killed? Go on! --------------------------------------- (Central area) [ZOE] Oh Doctor, what about Jamie? Have they killedhim? [DOCTOR] I don't know! [CARSTAIRS] Let's go this way. [DOCTOR] No, no, this way to the processing room. [CARSTAIRS] Why do you want to go to the processing room? [DOCTOR] Don't ask questions, just follow me. [ZOE] Oh! --------------------------------------- (Security section) [SECURITY CHIEF] I believe that amongst thisresistance group that attacked the base are people who have arrived onthis planet without being brought here by us. [SCIENTIST] That's impossible! [SECURITY CHIEF] Is it? What about the girl Zoe, and this man the Doctorshe spoke of? She said he had a space time travel machine. [SCIENTIST] Yes I know, but [SECURITY CHIEF] Have we taken humans from later than the Earth year1917? [SCIENTIST] Of course not. Greater technological knowledge would bedangerous. [SECURITY CHIEF] Yet this man who tricked you had sufficienttechnological knowledge to understand the mental processing machinery. [SCIENTIST] Yes, that's true. But how could these people get here? [SECURITY CHIEF] The War Chief. His people have the secret of timetravel. [SCIENTIST] Are you suggesting he's bringing in his own people, the TimeLords? [SECURITY CHIEF] He came to us because he wanted power. Perhaps thereare others of his people who feel the same. [SCIENTIST] Can you prove this? If so, you must tell the War Lordimmediately. [SECURITY CHIEF] Unfortunately I have no proof. You must help me findproof. I insist. This is a matter of security. [SCIENTIST] All right, what do you want me to do? [SECURITY CHIEF] These resistance people. Before you reprocess them,study them carefully. If you find anything unusual send the prisonerconcerned to me for questioning. --------------------------------------- (Central area) [DOCTOR] We've got to get in there. [CARSTAIRS] Why? [DOCTOR] Now that room, the other side. That must've been next door.Yes, come on. [CARSTAIRS] Now what's he up to? [ZOE] I've no idea, but I think we'd better follow. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Clothing store) [DOCTOR] Some sort of preformed plastic, wouldn't you say, Zoe? [ZOE] Yes, but why are you so interested in it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Little bits of metal imbedded in it. Yes, I think these panelsmust be held together by some kind of magnetic forcefield. Now if Icould reverse that field. Cut me off some pieces of tape, will youplease, Zoe? [ZOE] Oh yes. [DOCTOR] That's right. One there, that's right. And one just there. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [SCIENTIST] All right, take him away. --------------------------------------- (Clothing store) [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, what on Earth are you doing? [DOCTOR] Well, it's no secret, boy, it's simply a case of reversing themagnetic field of this panel. [ZOE] Doctor, why don't you use your sonic screwdriver as a powersource? [DOCTOR] What a good idea, yes. [ZOE] There's just one thing though. [DOCTOR] Yes? [ZOE] All these panels are interlinked. [DOCTOR] Yes, well? [ZOE] Well, if you take one away what's to stop all the rest down like apack of cards? [DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to take that risk, won't we? Now then,stand well clear. [CARSTAIRS] Nothing's happened. [DOCTOR] Watch. [ZOE] It's Jamie! He's alive! [DOCTOR] I hoped he might be. [ZOE] But how? They shot him down. [DOCTOR] Well, the guns they use can be adjusted. I think he was juststunned. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [SCIENTIST] He was right. Take this prisoner to the Security Chief forquestioning. --------------------------------------- (Clothing store) [ZOE] Doctor, why are they taking him away? [DOCTOR] I think they've possibly discovered that he was neverprocessed. [CARSTAIRS] We'd better get him out of there, then. [DOCTOR] No, no, wait. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [WAR CHIEF] Have you started the reprocessing yet? [SCIENTIST] No, I've just been carrying out the preliminaryexaminations. [WAR CHIEF] Why? Why not just reprocess them? [SCIENTIST] I, well, these people have shown considerable courage andenterprise. They may make future leaders. [WAR CHIEF] Where is this prisoner being taken? [SCIENTIST] Oh, the Security Chief. He wants to question one of thembefore reprocessing. [WAR CHIEF] Really? Why this one in particular? [SCIENTIST] Oh, he just seemed to be the most suitable. [WAR CHIEF] For what reason? For what reason! [SCIENTIST] His brain patterns are different. [WAR CHIEF] Different how? [SCIENTIST] Well, he appears not to have been processed before. [WAR CHIEF] Really? How interesting. All right, carry on. (The guardscarry Jamie away.) [WAR CHIEF] But in future inform me of all such unusual developments. [SCIENTIST] Prepare the reprocessing machine. We shall begin with thisone. --------------------------------------- (Clothing store) [ZOE] Oh Doctor, we're too late. Where have theytaken him? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but don't worry, at least we know that he'salive. Now then, we've got to get in there. Lieutenant? [CARSTAIRS] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [DOCTOR] I think you'll find that bit goes there. [SCIENTIST] Ah, thank you! --------------------------------------- (Barn) [VON WEICH] How long do you intend keeping me here? [MOOR] Until they come back. [VON WEICH] And supposing they don't come back? [VON WEICH] I'd like some water. [MOOR] All right. Sit down. [MOOR] Stop! Try that again and I'll kill you. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [SECURITY CHIEF] But who sent you here? [JAMIE] Nobody sent us. I came with the Doctor. [SECURITY CHIEF] Why did he decide to come to this planet? [JAMIE] He didn't. It was an accident. [SECURITY CHIEF] Accident? Explain. [JAMIE] It's the Tardis, you see. He can't control it. We just arrivedhere. [SECURITY CHIEF] Was the Doctor summoned here by one of us? [JAMIE] No, we just arrived. [WAR CHIEF] Don't let me interrupt you. [SECURITY CHIEF] The questioning is over. [WAR CHIEF] What have you learnt? [SECURITY CHIEF] Nothing of importance. [WAR CHIEF] Really? Will you be questioning the others? [SECURITY CHIEF] They are all from the same resistance group. They willall tell the same story. [WAR CHIEF] But this one is different, surely? [SECURITY CHIEF] Why should he be? [WAR CHIEF] This one hasn't been processed before, has he? [SECURITY CHIEF] It's possible. [WAR CHIEF] It's a fact! Why was I not informed? [SECURITY CHIEF] This is a matter of security. Security is myresponsibility, as you often remind me. [WAR CHIEF] Your first responsibility is to me. [SECURITY CHIEF] No! My first responsibility is to the War Lord and tomy people. [WAR CHIEF] You don't trust me. But if you question my loyalty, tell theWar Lord. But I warn you, be absolutely sure of your suspicions becauseif you accuse me without positive proof, I shall crush you. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [CARSTAIRS] Can't you hurry it up? [RUSSELL] What happened? Where am I? [DOCTOR] It's all right. You're quite safe. [RUSSELL] Who are you? [DOCTOR] We're your friends. [CARSTAIRS] You'll have to hurry it up, Doctor. [RUSSELL] Doctor? You must be the one that Jamie was talking about.Where is he? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid that they've taken him away. Now, up you get. [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, we're wasting time. [CARSTAIRS] Come on, Doctor, we must get out of here! [DOCTOR] Quickly through the gap in the wall here, Zoe, help him. [ZOE] Yes. [CARSTAIRS] Come on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I'll be a minute. [CARSTAIRS] Come on, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Just a minute! [CARSTAIRS] No, now. or we'll all be caught! Come on. --------------------------------------- (Clothing store) [RUSSELL] What is this place? [DOCTOR] Well, it's the headquarters of the people who are running thiswhole disgraceful business. [RUSSELL] Just the people I want to get my hands on. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's not quite as simple as that. There are rather a lotof them. [RUSSELL] I don't care how many of them there are! [DOCTOR] They have rather sophisticated weapons. You wouldn't stand achance. [RUSSELL] Oh. So what do we do now? [DOCTOR] We're going to return to the time zones and organise theresistance into one big army! [RUSSELL] If you can find them. They're spread all over the place. I'vebeen trying to link them up myself, but it's finding them and you don'tknow who you can trust. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, we do now. My friend Zoe has memorised an entire listof the resistance and their whereabouts. [ZOE] Yes, I memorised the files when I was in the security room. [DOCTOR] Now I must get you all back to the landing bay. [CARSTAIRS] Those guards'll be all over the place. [DOCTOR] Yes, what we need is some kind of disguise. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [VON WEICH] British private, aren't you? Nineteenthcentury. [MOOR] You can see that, can't you. [VON WEICH] Oh would you mind reaching my monocle for me? It's in mypocket there. Thank you. [MOOR] Now sit down again. [VON WEICH] Don't you talk to me like that. I'm a British Officer! [MOOR] No, you're not. You're my prisoner. [VON WEICH] I'm not your prisoner, Moor. I'm your commanding Officer. Doyou understand? [MOOR] I'm not, I'm not in the army. The resistance I'm in! [VON WEICH] You're in the British army, Private Moor, the year is 1871.You're in the British army, and I'm your commanding Officer. Now, untieme. --------------------------------------- (Central area) [SECURITY CHIEF] (to War Chief) They are in here,trapped. (to guards) Right, in! --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [SECURITY CHIEF] They were seen here by my men. [WAR CHIEF] Where are they now, vanished into thin air? [SECURITY CHIEF] There is only one way they could have escaped. By useof a space time machine. [WAR CHIEF] I'm sorry to crush your wild theories. [WAR CHIEF] There's your space time machine. [SECURITY CHIEF] After them! [WAR CHIEF] You're too late for that. They will be on their way to thelanding bay by now, I should imagine. Try and get there before them. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [JAMIE] Ah! [DOCTOR] It's all right, Jamie, it's me. [JAMIE] Oh. [DOCTOR] All right, put on this great coat. [JAMIE] Where's Zoe? What's happened? [DOCTOR] She's waiting outside. Now come along. --------------------------------------- (Central area) [DOCTOR] Fall in by twos. Come along, hurry up.There's no time to be lost. [JAMIE] Zoe. [DOCTOR] Are you ready? Right. Quick march! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [ZOE] Are you sure you can work these controls, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so, Zoe. Now let me see. [ZOE] There are more guards! [DOCTOR] Oh my goodness! [DOCTOR] There, that should stop them! [DOCTOR] Jamie! All right! Now, I'll preset it for the 1917 zone, andoff we go. [ZOE] Doctor, how did you do it so easily? [DOCTOR] It's not very difficult, Zoe. Now the doors. [DOCTOR] Come along. Don't be afraid, you've gone before. [CARSTAIRS] After you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, no, I shall follow in a few moments. [ZOE] You mean you're staying here? [DOCTOR] No, but I must get the processing machine. [JAMIE] Ah, if you're staying, I'd better stay too. [CARSTAIRS] You can count on me then, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, very well. Go on, Zoe, off you go. We'll follow in a fewminutes. Good luck. [CARSTAIRS] What are you going to do about those guards, Doctor? [DOCTOR] We're going to let them in. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [VON WEICH] You understand now, Moor? I am yourcommanding Officer. [MOOR] You, you are my Commanding Officer. Yes, sir. [VON WEICH] Good, good. Now, Moor, give me your gun. [VON WEICH] Moor, shoot them! That's an order! [RUSSELL] Back in there, quick. Moor? Moor, it's me, Russell. [VON WEICH] Private Moor, shoot him. [RUSSELL] Don't take any notice of him, Moor. You're one of us, one ofthe resistance, remember? [MOOR] Resistance? No, I'm in the army. Oh oh two three nine Moor.Private Moor. [VON WEICH] Shoot him! [VON WEICH] Stay. [VON WEICH] You come one step nearer you'll die. Good. Now you're bothcoming back with me. Get inside the machine. [RUSSELL] No, you'll have to shoot me first. [VON WEICH] Very well, if you prefer to die that's your affair! [MOOR] I had to shoot him, didn't I? [RUSSELL] Thank goodness you did, lad. [MOOR] I'm not sure what happened. [RUSSELL] You've just saved our lives, that's what happened. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [WAR CHIEF] So you have lost them. They have got away. [SECURITY CHIEF] One of them knew how to operate our space timemachines. [WAR CHIEF] Are you blaming me for that? [SECURITY CHIEF] You knew they would head for the landing bay. You knewone of them could operate our machines. [WAR CHIEF] Of course. That is, after all, how they got here. Logicseems to be yourweak point. Do something about this resistance group before the WarLord arrives. [SECURITY CHIEF] Wherever they are, I shall find them. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [JAMIE] Is this all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, that's splendid. Put it in. [DOCTOR] There we are. That's it, right. Come on, off we go. Just aminute. Hold that. [JAMIE] Now what? [CARSTAIRS] What are those, Doctor? [DOCTOR] They're gas filled valves. Come on. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [JAMIE] Did we get away all right? [DOCTOR] Yes I hope so, Jamie. There we go. [DOCTOR] But, they must have stopped it from the outside. [JAMIE] Well can they get in the doors? [DOCTOR] No, not now. I've set the emergency lock. [JAMIE] Will we still get away all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, it's only a question of overriding the master control.Now, it's a slightly different design to the Tardis. [SECURITY CHIEF [OC]] Open the doors and surrender. You are trapped. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [SECURITY CHIEF] There is no chance of escape!Surrender and we will spare your lives. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [CARSTAIRS] What are you going to do,Doctor? [DOCTOR] Don't worry. These things are impregnable against outsideattack. [JAMIE] You mean like the Tardis? [SECURITY CHIEF [OC]] This is your last chance. Surrender now! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [WAR CHIEF] How do you propose to get them out? [SECURITY CHIEF] We will wait. They will come out. [WAR CHIEF] No, we won't wait. We'll force them out. [SECURITY CHIEF] What do you intend to do? [WAR CHIEF] Activate the dimensional control. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [JAMIE] Are we doing all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Very nicely, Jamie. Now, don't worry. Nothing can happen to usin here. [CARSTAIRS] Am I seeing things? The walls! Look! [JAMIE] And the ceiling too! [DOCTOR] Oh, what have they done? --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [WAR CHIEF] You must surrender, Doctor, or you willall be crushed to death. You have thirty seconds to decide. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Thirty seconds. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Thirty seconds before you are crushed to death. [CARSTAIRS] What are we going to do, Doctor? [DOCTOR] We've got no choice. We have to do what they say. [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Twenty seconds! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [SECURITY CHIEF] What are you doing now? [WAR CHIEF] Reducing the dimensions further. [SECURITY CHIEF] Wait! [WAR CHIEF] Bring out the others. [DOCTOR] What are you going to do with us? [WAR CHIEF] Bring out the others! [DOCTOR] I won't have my friends ill-treated, you know. [SECURITY CHIEF] You are in no position to make terms. [DOCTOR] I am here under a flag of truce. I demand to know what you aregoing to do with us. [WAR CHIEF] For the last time, tell your friends to come out. Or wouldyou sooner they were crushed to death? [DOCTOR] Oh, I think that that's a perfectly horrid idea. [SECURITY CHIEF] Guards, stop him! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [JAMIE] Oh, well done, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [SECURITY CHIEF] Can't you stop them? [WAR CHIEF] He's locked off the controls and taken the master circuitrods. What an ingenious fellow he is. [SECURITY CHIEF] His ingenuity could ruin everything. Alert all timezones! [WAR CHIEF] I suggest we pay particular attention to the 1917 zone. [SECURITY CHIEF] Is that where they are going? [WAR CHIEF] I can't tell for sure. These master circuit rods could guidethe machine to any one of the time zones. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [JAMIE] Well, where are we going, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Anywhere but the 1917 zone, Jamie. [JAMIE] Are we not going back to Zoe and the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Yes, eventually, but not just now. That's where they'll belooking for us. [CARSTAIRS] What are we going to do then, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, we'll go into one of the nearby zones and cross the timezone barrier on foot. Oh! Ah, yes, here we are. (A final symbol goes onthe panel.) --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] Haven't you traced them yet? [WAR CHIEF] It's impossible to pick them up when the SIDRAT is stillmoving. I'll pinpoint their position the moment it lands. [SECURITY CHIEF] All time zones are ready to hunt them down as soon asyou provide the necessary information. [SECURITY CHIEF] The War Lord is arriving from the home planet. [WAR CHIEF] He's chosen rather an inconvenient time. [SECURITY CHIEF] I shall go and receive him. [WAR CHIEF] No, I'll receive him. You stay here and supervise thecapture of that resistance group. [SECURITY CHIEF] The war Lord will expect me! [WAR CHIEF] The War Lord will expect everything to be running smoothlyand under control, which, at the moment it isn't. [SECURITY CHIEF] Keep your eyes on the operations maps! I want to knowthe moment that capsule arrives in a time zone. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT) [JAMIE] Its taking its time, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie. I probably confused the controls readjusting themin space, in [CARSTAIRS] You've no idea which zone we're going to land in, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, no, not really, no. [JAMIE] Oh, just like the Tardis, eh? [DOCTOR] Come on, here we go. Help me on with the processing machine.Now remember, as soon as we land we must make ourselves scarce. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Well they're bound to be on the alert for us. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] Alert the Roman zone commanders insector five. Transmit map references and order troops to surround thearea. These resistance people must be captured or destroyed. [WAR LORD] So my information is correct. I've heard disquieting rumoursof serious trouble here. Are they true? [SECURITY CHIEF] There have been temporary difficulties. [WAR LORD] But they have been overcome? [SECURITY CHIEF] Almost. [WAR LORD] War Chief. The defective processing machinery, has it beenrectified? [WAR CHIEF] Your scientists did get effective machines, but [WAR LORD] But what? [WAR CHIEF] Unfortunately, it was removed by an intruding party ofresistance men. [WAR LORD] They penetrated the control area? They just walked in? How? [SECURITY CHIEF] I have the situation under control, War Lord. It isonly a matter of time before they are recaptured. [WAR LORD] Then I hope that time is on your side. [SECURITY CHIEF] Report from the Roman zone. --------------------------------------- (Hillside) [CARSTAIRS] Are you sure this is the right way, sir? [DOCTOR] Well, I don't know. It's rather difficult to tell, isn't it. [JAMIE] I think it is, Doctor. I seem to remember that hill. [CARSTAIRS] Isn't this where we were attacked by the Romans? [DOCTOR] Huh? [DOCTOR] Come on! Back to the time zone barrier! --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] They're escaping again. Moving back tothe time zone barrier. Our processed Roman legions won't be able tofollow them there. [SECURITY CHIEF] Then we will send in my security guards from thecontrol centre. [WAR CHIEF] No, not again. We are carrying out a delicately controlledoperation. The presence of guards in the time zones could stretch hecredulity of the processed humans. It would be most dangerous. [SECURITY CHIEF] It will be even more dangerous if we allow this Doctorto remain alive. [WAR CHIEF] Have you looked for this space time machine of theirs? [SECURITY CHIEF] What use is that to us? [WAR CHIEF] They will no doubt try to return to it. That's where weshould be looking for them. It's a simple enough conclusion. You mighteven have reached it yourself. [SECURITY CHIEF] I have reached a number of conclusions about you andabout this man, the Doctor. [WAR CHIEF] Indeed? Then perhaps you'd like to share them with us? [SECURITY CHIEF] This Doctor arrived here on this planet we have chosenfor the war games. He brought with him companions who have not beensubjected to our mental processing. [WAR CHIEF] A fact you tried to conceal. [SECURITY CHIEF] They came in a space time machine. The secret of spacetime travel is known only to you and to your people. [WAR CHIEF] And I brought that secret here. [SECURITY CHIEF] You have shown us how to operate these machines, butnot how to construct them. These people were summoned by one who is inleague with his own kind, plotting to betray us! [WAR CHIEF] You cannot produce one single atom of proof! [SECURITY CHIEF] The accumulation of evidence is overwhelming! [WAR LORD] That's enough! That's enough from both of you. Now, I amtired of this eternal bickering. Your inability to work together isendangering our whole plan. You have a choice. Co-operate or bereplaced. --------------------------------------- (Mist) [JAMIE] Are we safe in here, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, they can't follow us into a time zone barrier. Oh,Lieutenant Carstairs, do you feel all right? [CARSTAIRS] Perfectly, why? [DOCTOR] Oh, good. That means the processing machine is working allright. [JAMIE] Oh, where do we go from now, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Just follow me, Jamie. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [BURNS] I'll tell General Smythe immediately, sir. Excuse me, sir. [SMYTHE] What is it? [BURNS] Report from number three observation point, sir. Three personsspotted answering to the descriptions of the two spies and the officerwanted for desertion, sir. [SMYTHE] Map? [BURNS] They'd be just about, er, here, sir. [SMYTHE] How very convenient. Right next to a machine gun emplacement. --------------------------------------- (No Man's Land) [CARSTAIRS] Come on, Doctor. [CARSTAIRS] Take cover! They've got us pinned down. [ZOE] No, don't shoot. You'll hit my friends. We'll follow them. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [SMYTHE] You've caused me a great deal of trouble. [DOCTOR] Good, I'm very glad to hear it. I suppose you're going tosubject us to another one of your farcical courts martial? [SMYTHE] In your case, that won't be necessary. You have already beencondemned to death. [DOCTOR] And what about my friends? [SMYTHE] They will be given the chance to redeem themselves, in the mostdangerous sector of the front line. [DOCTOR] After some more of your mental processing, I suppose? [SMYTHE] They will have the opportunity of making the supreme sacrificefor their King and country. [CARSTAIRS] You can drop all that nonsense. We know what's going on. [SMYTHE] Do you, Carstairs? [CARSTAIRS] Yes. This isn't the war. We're not even on our own planet.Do you realise that, Sergeant Major? This General of yours isn't even ahuman being. [SMYTHE] The prisoner is delirious, Sergeant Major. He's talkingnonsense. [BURNS] Yes, sir, delirious, sir. Talking nonsense, sir. [CARSTAIRS] Listen to me, Sergeant Major! [SMYTHE] It's no use, Carstairs. Nothing you say will have any effect.Sergeant Major, prepare a firing squad. [BURNS] Sir! [DOCTOR] Do you have the authority to have me killed? [SMYTHE] I don't need any authority. [DOCTOR] Your alien superiors will want to question me. [SMYTHE] You've caused me a great deal of trouble and embarrassment.Now, I'm afraid, you're going to pay for it with your life! [DOCTOR] So you're simply being malicious! [SMYTHE] Revenge can be very satisfying. [BURNS] Firing party ready, sir! [SMYTHE] Take him away! [JAMIE] Look, leave him alone! [SOLDIER] Come along! [SMYTHE] Keep these other two here. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [SMYTHE] Smythe, 1917 zone. I have recaptured three of the escapedprisoners. [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Excellent! --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] I want them sent here immediately. [SMYTHE [on monitor]] Unfortunately one of them is already dead. [WAR CHIEF] Which one? [SMYTHE [on monitor]] The one that calls himself the Doctor. He was shottrying to escape. [WAR CHIEF] Did you recover the machine? [SMYTHE [on monitor]] Machine? [WAR CHIEF] Didn't you receive your instructions? They took with themthe new processing machine. It must be recovered! [SMYTHE [on monitor]] Yes, of course I will. [WAR CHIEF] Don't fail us, Smythe. The War Lord is here and he doesn'tlike failures. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [JAMIE] (sotto) We've got to try and save theDoctor. [CARSTAIRS] (sotto) I wouldn't get anywhere near him. [JAMIE] (sotto) How about if I [CARSTAIRS] (sotto) Quiet. [SMYTHE] That machine you took, where is it? Where is it?! [CARSTAIRS] The Doctor's got it. [BURNS [OC]] Firing squad, attention! Load! [CARSTAIRS] Only the Doctor knows where it is. You kill him, you'llnever get it back. [BURNS] Squad, aim. Squad [SMYTHE] Stop! [SMYTHE] Jesus! [JAMIE] Russell! The Doctor, what happened to him? [RUSSELL] I don't know. We've just attacked the front of the building. [JAMIE] Doctor! I thought they'd shot you! [DOCTOR] Fortunately, Zoe arrived in time. Where's General Smythe? [CARSTAIRS] He's in there. [DOCTOR] What? But he'll be calling for help. You've got to stop him! [RUSSELL] Quick, lads. Over here! --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [SMYTHE] It's the resistance. They're attacking inforce. You must send help! [WAR CHIEF [on monitor] Did you recover the machine? [SMYTHE] I haven't had a chance. You must send help! [WAR CHIEF [on monitor]] New master circuit rods for the travel machinesare being prepared. [SMYTHE] You must send help now! [WAR CHIEF [on monitor]] Smythe, deactivate the area control. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RUSSELL] Right lads, stand back. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [WAR CHIEF [on monitor]] Deactivate the areacontrol. Deactivate the area control. Deactivate the area control! [RUSSELL] Quick, Doctor, in here. Look. I think he was trying to destroyit. [DOCTOR] Why would he want to do that? --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] They have taken over the Chateau. [WAR CHIEF] And the Doctor is still alive. Smythe was a fool. Hedeserved to die. [WAR LORD] The Doctor has the processing machine. Does he have theknowledge and the ability to use it? [WAR CHIEF] Yes. I think he has. [WAR LORD] Then the situation's urgent, isn't it? Fortunately, they'rein a very vulnerable position now. If they've made a mass attack thenall their forces are concentrated in one position, the chateau. [SECURITY CHIEF] This time we must use the guards. [WAR CHIEF] No, we will invalidate the experiment. If they areconcentrated in this one place, it would be simple enough to wipe themout with an artillery barrage. [WAR LORD] Simple, but just as foolish as using the security guards. Aviolent attack on the Chateau would almost certainly destroy thecontrol units there. The time zone barriers would disappear. No, usethe conventional forces. Could be quite amusing. A mass attack on thechateau. A pincer movement with our little band of heroes caught init's jaws. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [ZOE] What do you make of it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure, Zoe. I think they've got something to do with thetime zone barriers. [JAMIE] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Huh? [JAMIE] There's troops moving in from all sides. [DOCTOR] Oh no! Ohm my word, How many resistance did you bring? [ZOE] Well, not enough to stand up against an army. Hadn't we better tryand get away? [JAMIE] Look, it's too late for that. We're surrounded. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [CARSTAIRS] We could try and break out throughhere. Some of us might get away. [RUSSELL] Not a chance. We'd be caught between two armies. [CARSTAIRS] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Mister Russell, how long can you hold on here? [RUSSELL] Well, not long, Doctor. Our forward position's about to fallback already. [DOCTOR] Well, you must hold on as long as you can. I think I've got theanswer. You see, we have to have a safe base from which to fight thesepeople. I must go and get on with my work. [RUSSELL] What does he mean? What's he up to? [CARSTAIRS] I don't know, But we'll do as he says and stick it out herefor as long as we can. [RUSSELL] That won't be long, sir. Listen to that lot. [CARSTAIRS] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [DOCTOR] Give some help, Zoe. I want to dismantlethis. [ZOE] What for? [DOCTOR] To find out how it works, of course. Don't ask questions, justdo what I say. [JAMIE] Well, what can I do? [DOCTOR] You go and ask. You go and help Mister Russell. [JAMIE] Right. [DOCTOR] Now then. --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] British troops are advancing from hereand here, converging with French troops advancing from here. Germansare advancing from this side together with the Austro-Hungarians. [SECURITY CHIEF] It is taking longer than it should. These resistancepeople are putting up a good fight. [WAR CHIEF] They will be crushed. [SECURITY CHIEF] They have escaped before. They could do it again. [WAR CHIEF] Not this time. I am in control. [SECURITY CHIEF] And the Doctor? Will he die with the rest? [WAR CHIEF] Why shouldn't he? [SECURITY CHIEF] He seems to have a charmed life. [WAR CHIEF] Only when you have a hand in his fate. This Doctor will die. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [JAMIE] It's no good. [RUSSELL] This is only the vanguard. We know there's more of them tocome. Grenade! [JAMIE] Look out! [JAMIE] Duck! [CARSTAIRS] It's no good, Russell. We must get away from here. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, you and Zoe must try and getaway from here. [DOCTOR] No, I don't think that will be necessary. [CARSTAIRS] But Doctor [DOCTOR] Shall we try it, Zoe? Right, here we go. [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, now what? [DOCTOR] Shush! Listen. [CARSTAIRS] Stopped. It's stopped. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [CARSTAIRS] Not a sound. [RUSSELL] Some sort of trick. [DOCTOR] No, Mister Russell, look out of the window. [JAMIE] Aye, a mist. [DOCTOR] Yes. I've set up a time zone barrier all round the chateau. [RUSSELL] So none of the processed people will be able to get at us. [DOCTOR] Exactly, but your people can come and go just as you please. Atlast we've got a safe base from which to fight them! We can carry outthe next step in complete safety. [CARSTAIRS] What next step, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Is this one of yours, Mister Russell? [RUSSELL] No, Doctor. I pulled him through the window. [DOCTOR] He's just the man we need. --------------------------------------- (War room) [éSECURITY CHIEF] So much for your armies ofprocessed humans. [WAR CHIEF] Smythe should have destroyed the machine. [SECURITY CHIEF] We should have sent in my security guards. [WAR CHIEF] And ruin the entire experiment? [WAR LORD] The Security Chief is right. You have failed. And yourleadership of the security forces has hardly been spectacularlysuccessful. I will take charge of the whole situation. Now listencarefully, this is what I plan to do. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [DOCTOR] I think that will do, Jamie. [DU PONT] Qui étes-vous? Qu'est-ce qui se passe? [DOCTOR] I think it's worked. [CARSTAIRS] He seems pretty confused. Est-ce que vous voyez ça? [DU PONT] Oui, je me vois bien. Vous n'étes pas les bosches? [CARSTAIRS] I think it has worked, Doctor. At least he can see we're notGermans. [DOCTOR] Oh dear. I wonder whether he's completely back to normal? [DU PONT] Je ne comprends rien. Qui étes vous? Qu'est-ce que vous faites icidans le château? [CARSTAIRS] I think he's all right. He just wants to know what we'redoing here. Er, Nous sommes le, le, le, resistance. Resistance? Do youspeak English? [DU PONT] English? You English? [RUSSELL] We're all sorts here, lad. [DU PONT] Je ne comprends pas. [CARSTAIRS] Nous combattons le. Er, sorry, my French isn't up to it. [DOCTOR] Look, try. Try to explain to him what's been happening. [CARSTAIRS] Venez ici, monsieur. [RUSSELL] So you bring people back to normal with that thing? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. Everyone we capture we can convert to our side.You'll soon have all the men you need. [RUSSELL] Yes, but if you're going to do them all one by one, it'll takeuntil doomsday. [DOCTOR] Look, Mister Russell, I am doing my best! If you can capturesome more equipment I might be able to rig up something that will dodozens at a time. [RUSSELL] Well, now you're talking. [RUSSELL] One of those machines. Quick lads, in here! [SECURITY CHIEF] Stop! Take him! [JAMIE] Don't shoot, you might hit the Doctor! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [CARSTAIRS] We should have been prepared for it. [JAMIE] It's no good talking about what we should have done. Zoe, canyou work that stuff and get another one of those things to arrive here? [RUSSELL] Not on your life! You call one of those things, it'll be fullof guards. They may have sent one anyway. [CARSTAIRS] Sergeant? You got any explosives? [RUSSELL] Lots of dynamite, sir. [CARSTAIRS] Right, we'll put some here, where the thing lands. [ZOE] But if you blow this place up, you'll destroy the time barrierequipment, and then their troops will be able to get in. [RUSSELL] Yes, she's right. But we can keep the place guarded. You, geta machine gun and set it up in here. Right, come on. [JAMIE] That's all very well, but it's not going to get the Doctor back,is it. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] The prisoner is in the securityroom awaiting interrogation. [WAR LORD] Good. A very successful venture. Congratulations. [SECURITY CHIEF] Thank you. [WAR LORD] Give it to the scientist. He will return to the home planetand have it mass produced. [SECURITY CHIEF] Very well. [WAR CHIEF] The interrogation of that resistance leader might provedifficult. [WAR LORD] Why? [WAR CHIEF] He is obviously a man of substantial intellect. He will needspecial treatment. [WAR LORD] Then you must see he gets it, mustn't you? [WAR CHIEF] I will. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [SECURITY CHIEF] Answer me. You must answer. Admit that the War Chiefsent you here. You are both of the same race. Your arrival here is partof a plot to betray us to the Time Lords. Answer! [SECURITY CHIEF] You will answer me now or I will destroy your mindtotally! --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [RUSSELL] Right, lads. Now see that this place is guarded at all times. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RUSSELL] Machine gun set up, sir. [CARSTAIRS] Fine. [JAMIE] Aye, maybe now you'll do something about getting the Doctorback? [RUSSELL] I've got more than your friend the Doctor to worry about, lad. [JAMIE] Now look, we can't just leave him, you know. [RUSSELL] If there was any way of helping him, I would. [ZOE] We must carry out the Doctor's plan, that's the best way we canhelp him. [CARSTAIRS] How far did you two get to contacting the other resistancegroups? [RUSSELL] Not very far, sir. The attack on this place got in the way. [CARSTAIRS] Yeah. [ZOE] We sent out guards to contact the other resistance groups, theones we couldn't reach. [RUSSELL] Can you remember their names? [ZOE] Yes. There's Marcus Octavius from the Roman Zone, Arturo Villarfrom the Mexican Civil War Zone, Ivan Petrov from the Crimean war Zone. [RUSSELL] Yes. All right, all right, I believe you. [ZOE] And I can remember all the locations of all their camps, too. [RUSSELL] Arturo Villar. Now he's the one we've got to convince. [JAMIE] Arturo Villar? Well, what's so special about him? [RUSSELL] He's got one of the biggest resistance groups I know about.Bandits, most of them. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [RUSSELL] Right, lads. Now don't fire until thedoor opens. [RUSSELL] Fire! [RUSSELL] Hold it! [RUSSELL] Get back! [RUSSELL] Well, they won't try that again in a hurry. [CARSTAIRS] Soldier, get him out of here. Sergeant, get another machinegunner. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [JAMIE] What happened? [RUSSELL] It's all right, panic's over. Zoe, you'd better get a hurrywith those resistance names, if you would. [ZOE] Right. [JAMIE] What're you going to do then? [RUSSELL] We've got to round them all up. Get them here for a meeting. [JAMIE] Oh, let's go then. [RUSSELL] Not you, Jamie. [JAMIE] Eh? [RUSSELL] Someone's got to be in charge here. [JAMIE] Me? [RUSSELL] Yes, lad. You. --------------------------------------- (Security section) [SECURITY CHIEF] Admit it, the War Chief sent for you. At this volumeyour mind will only last for fifteen minutes. Thirty if you are lucky.Now, admit that the War Chief sent for you! [WAR CHIEF] Are you trying to kill him? [SECURITY CHIEF] I am trying to get the truth out of him. [WAR CHIEF] You'll never make him talk that way. [SECURITY CHIEF] You are very sure. [WAR CHIEF] He is one of my own race. Your truth machine cannot work onus if we choose to resist. [SECURITY CHIEF] You admit it then. You do know him. [WAR CHIEF] Of course I do. And only I can deal with him. Release him. [SECURITY CHIEF] He is my prisoner. [WAR CHIEF] But I am your superior. [WAR CHIEF] You and I are going to talk alone. [DOCTOR] I have nothing to say to you. [WAR CHIEF] We shall see. Guards, take this prisoner to the War Room. [SECURITY CHIEF] You have no right to interrupt my interrogation. [WAR CHIEF] Your interrogation has been completely unsuccessful. I havemethods of my own. [SECURITY CHIEF] I want to speak to the War Lord on the top securitychannel. --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] See I am not interrupted. You also,outside. [WAR CHIEF] You may have changed your appearance, but I know who youare. [DOCTOR] Oh, do you? [WAR CHIEF] Your machine is a Tardis. You're too familiar with it'scontrols to be a stranger. [DOCTOR] I had every right to leave. [WAR CHIEF] Stealing a Tardis? Oh, I'm not criticising you. We are twoof a kind. [DOCTOR] We most certainly are not! [WAR CHIEF] We were both Time Lords and we both decided to leave ourrace. [DOCTOR] I had reasons of my own. [WAR CHIEF] Just as I had. [DOCTOR] Your reasons are only too obvious. Power! [WAR CHIEF] How much have you learnt of our plans? [DOCTOR] I know that you've been kidnapping soldiers from the Earth fromvarious times in it's history and bringing them here to kill oneanother. [WAR CHIEF] But do you realise our ultimate objectives? [DOCTOR] No objective can justify such slaughter. [WAR CHIEF] The war games on this planet are simply the means to an end.The aliens intend to conquer the entire galaxy. A thousand inhabitedworlds. [DOCTOR] Yes, but why choose the people of the Earth? [WAR CHIEF] They are the most suitable recruits for our armies. Man isthe most vicious species of all. [DOCTOR] Well, that simply isn't true. [WAR CHIEF] Consider their history. For a half a million years they havebeen systematically killing each other. Now we can turn this savageryto some purpose. We can bring peace to the galaxy, and you can help.You see, I'm not the cold-hearted villain you suppose me to be. Mymotives are purely peaceful. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [ZOE] Jamie? What? [VILLAR] You don't speak, make a noise, understand? This man Russell,where is he? [ZOE] Who are you? [VILLAR] Arturo Villar! [ZOE] Well, why didn't you tell us you were coming? [VILLAR] Traps are for animals to fall into. Hey, get the men Russell,and no tricks. My men surround this place. [ZOE] Well, I think you might at least have a [VILLAR] Women should never think. For such a little woman your mouth istoo big. Get Russell. --------------------------------------- (Smythe's room) [ZOE] Jamie? [JAMIE] Has something happened? [ZOE] I'll say it has. Arturo Villar's arrived with all his bandits, andthey've surrounded the headquarters. [JAMIE] Has he now? I'll soon sort him out. [ZOE] Oh Jamie, no! They'd shoot you as soon as look at you. [JAMIE] Eh? I thought he was supposed to be on our side? [ZOE] Well, he is. Well, I mean, he will be if we can persuade him tojoin us. [JAMIE] Well, didn't you explain to him? [ZOE] Yes, I tried, but he wouldn't listen. He's got rather primitiveideas about women knowing their place. [JAMIE] Has he now? Oh, sounds a nice chap. [ZOE] Jamie, this is no laughing matter. We've got to persuade him tostay here until Russell gets back. [JAMIE] Well look, if he won't listen to you, then he's not going to [ZOE] No, not to me, but. Quickly over here, I've got an idea. [JAMIE] Zoe, what are you doing? [ZOE] Jamie, come on! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [VILLAR] Well? Where is this Russell? [ZOE] He's not here. [VILLAR] Then I go. [ZOE] Wait! I think perhaps you'd better meet our other leader. [VILLAR] Who is this? [ZOE] Jamie! Our leader, James Robert McCrimmon! [VILLAR] Salut! [JAMIE] Oh, how do you do. [VILLAR] So, you call everyone together for a meeting, huh? Why? Maybeyou plan to take over my territory, huh? [JAMIE] Oh, no, no. No, it's nothing like that, no. [ZOE] Unity is strength. [JAMIE] Unity is strength. [VILLAR] And when you have this strength, what do you do with it? [JAMIE] Ah, do with it. Aye. [ZOE] We attack the aliens that brought everybody here. [JAMIE] We attack them all together in force! [VILLAR] You bring all the resistance together in one place, you knowwhat happens? We rob and kill each other! [ZOE] You'll never win unless you work together. It's the only way. [VILLAR] Why do you let a woman speak for you? [JAMIE] Well, why not? Only if she's right, of course. [ZOE] And I am. [VILLAR] We always fight in small groups, far apart. That's why theydon't catch us. [JAMIE] Aye, and that's why you're getting nowhere. [VILLAR] We are free men. We do anything we want to. [ZOE] You are hunted fugitives and they'll pick you off one by oneunless you join with us. It's the only way you'll ever get home. [VILLAR] Home? No one can get away from this place. [ZOE] Oh, but you can. [VILLAR] How? [ZOE] The same way you all came here. But first we've got to defeat thepeople that run everything. They have a stronghold. [VILLAR] I have heard. It is impossible to get in there. [ZOE] Well, we have been there, and if we can get a big enough armytogether, I can take you all there. [VILLAR] All right, I stay for this meeting. But then we see. --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] We have soldiers from most of the majorwars in the planet Earth. The first World War, the war between Russiaand Japan of 1905, Thirty years war. [DOCTOR] But why make them kill each other? [WAR CHIEF] How else can we find the most disciplined and courageousfighters? [DOCTOR] You have given these aliens our science and our knowledge tocarry out this disgusting plan. [WAR CHIEF] We are going to bring a new order to the galaxy, one UnitedGalactic Empire. [DOCTOR] An empire of slaves, with you as one of it's rulers. [WAR CHIEF] Doctor, this is also a matter of your own survival. Unless Ican convince the War Lord that you will help us [WAR LORD] What is the prisoner doing here? [WAR CHIEF] I am interrogating him. [WAR LORD] You interrogate without guards? [WAR CHIEF] I know this man. He is a fugitive from the Time Lords. [SECURITY CHIEF] As you are. [WAR CHIEF] That's right, as I am. [WAR LORD] Did you bring him here? [WAR CHIEF] No, he arrived by chance. [WAR LORD] Did the Time Lords send you? [DOCTOR] No. [WAR LORD] Have you informed them? [WAR CHIEF] He dare not. That would betray him. [SECURITY CHIEF] He has allied himself with the resistance and hasorganised them against us. He must die. [WAR CHIEF] No! He has agreed to help us destroy the resistance. He willcooperate. He has no alternative. [SECURITY CHIEF] He should be killed now. We cannot trust him. [WAR LORD] If he helps us destroy the resistance. If. His life will bespared. [SECURITY CHIEF] War Lord. [WAR CHIEF] I have decided. (to War Chief) I hold you responsible forthe success of the plan. Failure will mean death, to both of you. [DOCTOR] I never promised to help you! [WAR CHIEF] But you will. You have no alternative. [DOCTOR] But to help people like that to conquer the galaxy? [WAR CHIEF] Not people like that, people like us. I intend to take overas Supreme Galactic Ruler. You can help me to rule, if you willcooperate. --------------------------------------- (British command post) [VILLAR] I tell you it's crazy, it'll never work! [RUSSELL] We don't know till we've tried it. We've never had all theresistance groups together before. [VILLAR] You bring everyone together in one place, you know whathappens? The enemy will go pow! We are all killed. [PETROV] What he says makes sense. Alone, we annoy them a little,together, we wipe them out. [JAMIE] That's exactly what the Doctor says. [CARSTAIRS] Look, we should get together a large body of men. Armed,disciplined. And then, and only then can we strike at theirheadquarters. [VILLAR] How do we get there? [ZOE] We use one of their own space time machines. [VILLAR] Ah, these little boxes you talk about, holding thousands ofmen. Fairy stories! [PETROV] I have seen one. I have seen soldiers come out of them. Wholeregiments. [CARSTAIRS] You see, Señor Villar? We're not talking nonsense. [VILLAR] These magic boxes. Where do we get one? [ZOE] They have certain landing points in each time zone. That room overthere, that's one of them. [VILLAR] How you get a whole army in here? The place is surrounded. It'shard enough for one man at a time to get in. [CARSTAIRS] Yes, quite right. We must use one of the other places. [JAMIE] Well, what about that American barn where we met Mister Russell? [CARSTAIRS] Yes, that's er, that's here. (points to map) Is that allright for everybody? [PETROV] Khorosho! I know that place. Much forest, easy to hide men. [CARSTAIRS] Well, we're agreed then. You all gather your groups here,and we make a concerted attack on the enemy. [VILLAR] And what if he make a concerted attack on us? [CARSTAIRS] Oh, he's going to be far too busy to do that. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] Failure of communications unit in Roman Zone. Send atechnicians to repair. And send a guard! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [CARSTAIRS] Right. Good. Right, carry on. That'sthe first one, Roman Zone. Control unit's been completely destroyed. [ZOE] I wonder if it'll work? [CARSTAIRS] Oh, it'll work all right. Next one's due in the Crimean WarZone. It's due about now. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] Another communications failure.Crimean War Zone. Send a squad of guards! --------------------------------------- (British command post) [RUSSELL] (answers telephone.) Hello. Russell. [CARSTAIRS] (on telephone) Good. Excellent. Yes, thank you very much. [RUSSELL] I see. [CARSTAIRS] Roman Zone. A technician and guard have arrived. [ZOE] So that's the Roman Zone then. [JAMIE] Technician and guard? That's only two men. [CARSTAIRS] They're not really worried yet. [RUSSELL] They are now. They've just sent a squad of guards to theCrimean War Zone. [ZOE] Oh, good. That's a more like it. [CARSTAIRS] By the time we've finished with them, there won't be a guardleft in the place. [ZOE] Good! Jamie, Boer War Zone. [CARSTAIRS] English Civil War Zone. [RUSSELL] Yes, fine. Peninsular War Zone, they've sent ten guards there. [CARSTAIRS] Right, well, that seems to be about it. Right, time forphase two. Villar should be at the barn by now. Carry on, Sergeant. [RUSSELL] Sir. [RUSSELL] Okay, we'll leave one by one and spread out. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [VILLAR] No, not yet. Now we wait. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] It is a clear pattern.Simultaneous attacks in all time zones. [WAR CHIEF] And you've sent guards to every attack? [SECURITY CHIEF] There are now very few left to send. [WAR CHIEF] That's exactly what they wanted. Have any of the guardsreturned? [SECURITY CHIEF] No. [WAR CHIEF] So you've left the base weakened for a possible mass attack. [WAR LORD] Is that true? [SECURITY CHIEF] I know where their attack is coming from. Acommunications unit was activated in the American Civil War Zone. [WAR LORD] And how do you propose to deal with them, with your guardsscattered all over the War Zones? [SECURITY CHIEF] The neutron bomb. [WAR CHIEF] That would wipe out the processed humans. We would have toevacuate the planet. [WAR LORD] The resistance army must be crushed once and for all. [SECURITY CHIEF] So we shall use the neutron bomb? [WAR LORD] No, we shall attempt to be rather more subtle than that, (tothe Doctor) which will give you an ideal opportunity to prove yourloyalty and save your life. --------------------------------------- (Barn) [CARSTAIRS] Are all the resistance groups here,Sergeant? [RUSSELL] Yes, sir. [VILLAR] They are hidden in the woods. So here we all are in one place,a nice big target. [RUSSELL] Don't worry, it won't be for long. Soon as we smash thatthing, they'll send one of their machines and we'll take it. [CARSTAIRS] Right, stand back. [JAMIE] Wait a minute! [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Jamie? Zoe? [ZOE] Oh Doctor, where are you? Are you all right? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Is Mister Russell there? [JAMIE] Aye, all the resistance leaders are with us. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Oh, good. Now there's no time to be lost. I thinkI can send you one of their space time machines. I've managed to gaincontrol of their transportation system. [ZOE] We've got a whole army here, Doctor. We could take over the entirebase. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Oh, no, no. All I need is a party of picked men.There's got quite a lot to organise. I have to talk to the leaders. [JAMIE] But Doctor, would it not be better if we brought a gang with us? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Jamie, please don't argue. I will send thetransportation now. [VILLAR] I don't like this. It could be a trap. [CARSTAIRS] Don't panic! There's nothing to worry about. Everybody takecover just in case there are some guards. [CARSTAIRS] It's all right. It's empty. [RUSSELL] Right, now one of us must stay here to look after those men.Petrov, it'd better be you. [PETROV] All right, you are boss. [VILLAR] Mine is the biggest group. I should stay here in charge. [RUSSELL] Why? You scared of going into that thing? [VILLAR] Arturo Villar is afraid of nothing! [RUSSELL] Right. In you go then. [VILLAR] I shall lead the way. (Carstairs, Villar, Zoe, Jamie, Russellenter the SIDRAT followed by Russell and a couple of soldiers. Itdematerialises.) --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [DOCTOR] Ah, Carstairs. [CARSTAIRS] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Zoe. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Jamie. [JAMIE] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, everything is under control. Now listen, everyone.Just follow me. We're going to take over the war room! [DOCTOR] Stand still, don't move! You are completely surrounded! [ZOE] Doctor! [WAR CHIEF] Thank you, Doctor. A nice, neat little package for us todispose of. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [JAMIE] What's happened? [RUSSELL] We were idiots to trust you. I'll kill you for this! [WAR CHIEF] Idle threats, Doctor, have no fear. Guards, disarm them andtake them away. [SECURITY CHIEF] Take him too. [WAR CHIEF] No. He is working for us. [SECURITY CHIEF] What further use is he? [WAR CHIEF] He has proved his loyalty by helping us, and he has greatknowledge of time travel mechanics. [SECURITY CHIEF] The War Lord shall decide. Take these prisoners to theprocessing room. Hold them there under strict guard until furtherorders. [CARSTAIRS] Get off! [SECURITY CHIEF] I shall be with the War Lord. [WAR CHIEF] Don't worry, Doctor. The War Lord will welcome your loyaltyand assistance. [DOCTOR] Well, I hope so, but you know, I find it hard to understand whyyou need me. [WAR CHIEF] We need each other. [DOCTOR] It's something to do with the Tardis travel machines, isn't it? [WAR CHIEF] Shall we join the War Lord? It doesn't do to keep himwaiting. [DOCTOR] I must congratulate you on them, you know. You're achieved aremarkable degree of control. [WAR CHIEF] Simply a variation on the old models. [DOCTOR] Oh, my dear fellow, you're too modest. Dimensional flexibility?Remote control? In my day these things were impossible to achievewithout shortening the life of the time control units. [WAR CHIEF] There have been many advances made in space time technology. [DOCTOR] Yes, there must have been. That particular problem isimpossible to solve. How did you solve it? [WAR CHIEF] It's not a thing one can explain in a few words. We'lldiscuss it later. Now we really should join the War Lord. [DOCTOR] You haven't solved it, have you? Your machines have a limitedlife span. Sooner or later they're going to be useless. [WAR CHIEF] Very well. Yes, you're right. [DOCTOR] Now I understand. It's my Tardis that you're after, isn't it? [WAR CHIEF] Exactly! When we are in control, the machines I have broughtwith me will have expired. If we hold the only space time travelmachine, we can rule our galaxy without fear of opposition. [DOCTOR] Yes, but without me and my Tardis your ambitions are going tobe rather hard to realise, aren't they? [WAR CHIEF] That's right. And without my influence, these aliens willsurely kill you. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [RUSSELL] Well, a fine mess your friend the Doctorgot us in, eh? I'll break his neck when I get my hands on him. [CARSTAIRS] Oh, I don't believe it. [JAMIE] Look, he must have had a good reason. [VILLAR] To have us killed, maybe, to save his own skin. When I get myhands on him I kill him too! [JAMIE] Now look, the Doctor wouldn't betray us. [ZOE] No, of course, he wouldn't! Why did he get us to come here? --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR LORD] He seems to have done very well. We havethe leaders of the resistance, and the immediate threat to the wargames is over. But your sudden decision to join us worries me. [DOCTOR] Well, I like to be on the winning side. [WAR LORD] Previously you thought the resistance to be the winning side.What made you change your mind? [DOCTOR] Well, I hadn't realised how small and weak their groups werecompared with your might and power. [WAR LORD] You have a silver tongue, just like your friend the WarChief. What contribution can you make to our plan? [DOCTOR] Well, your processing machines. I can make them work moreeffectively. [WAR LORD] Our scientist is at this moment producing new machines on thehome planet. [DOCTOR] Ah yes, but that will take time. I can make the old ones workjust as well. Probably better. [WAR LORD] Very well. You shall have the opportunity to prove yourability. You will adjust the machines and reprocess your resistancefriends. [DOCTOR] They are no longer my friends. They are our enemies. [WAR LORD] Of course they are. Take him to the processing room. See hehas every facility. [WAR LORD] The resistance groups, where are they? [WAR CHIEF] They are all now concentrated in this one area. I haveordered the conventional troops to move in on them. [WAR LORD] Good. When the situation returns to normal order all thesecurity guards to return to the control centre. All control points onthe planet are to be repaired, and the war games recommenced. [WAR CHIEF] Are you returning to the home planet? [WAR LORD] No. I'm waiting until the emergency is over. You will informme immediately if there's any change in the situation. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [ZOE] What are they making us wait here for? [CARSTAIRS] Probably going to reprocess us again. [JAMIE] Eh? [CARSTAIRS] Brainwash us, send us back to fight. [RUSSELL] No, I doubt it. They know their processing machines don't workon us. [VILLAR] They will shoot us. What else do you do with prisoners? [SECURITY CHIEF] Your friend the Doctor has a better idea. He is goingto adjust the machines and re-process you himself. [JAMIE] He wouldn't do that! [ZOE] Doctor, you can't! [RUSSELL] You just try it! [SECURITY CHIEF] I don't think they like you. Unfortunately I cannotspare any of my guards to protect you, so you will have to fend foryourself. [DOCTOR] What? But you [RUSSELL] Well, well, well. It seems your new friends don't like youeither. [VILLAR] Leave him to me. I kill him first. [DOCTOR] No. No! Don't come any closer, no! --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] How is the battle progressing? [WAR CHIEF] The resistance group were all concentrated in this one area.We have them completely encircled. [SECURITY CHIEF] And now you will destroy them? [WAR CHIEF] Of course. They are falling into disorder, naturally enoughsince we have their leaders here. Has the Doctor started processingthem? [SECURITY CHIEF] Not yet. [WAR CHIEF] Why not? [SECURITY CHIEF] Where is the War Lord? [WAR CHIEF] You did take the Doctor to the processing room? [SECURITY CHIEF] Of course. [WAR CHIEF] I don't trust you. [SECURITY CHIEF] The feeling is mutual. [SECURITY CHIEF] Play back the recordings. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [DOCTOR] Oh no, leave me alone! [CARSTAIRS] Leave him be! [JAMIE] Now look! Just give him a chance to speak! [RUSSELL] Yes, we listened to him once before and look where it got us.He led us into a trap! [DOCTOR] They were going to drop a neutron bomb! You'd all be dead now,and all of your resistance friends with you, if it wasn't for me. [VILLAR] He's lying. [RUSSELL] You did a deal to save your own neck. [VILLAR] But your deal didn't do you no good. They turn you over to usand now we kill you. [CARSTAIRS] No, you can't just murder him. [VILLAR] Is not murder, is execution. [CARSTAIRS] Have you got any explanation for your conduct? [DOCTOR] Yes, I am trying to save your lives! If you do exactly as Itell you'll be all right. [VILLAR] We don't listen to your lies no more. [WAR CHIEF] I'm sorry, Doctor. There seems to have been some kind ofmisunderstanding. [DOCTOR] Yes, and it was very nearly fatal. --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Doctor, this is also a matter ofyour own survival. Unless I can convince the War Lord that you willhelp us [SECURITY CHIEF] Stop! Wind further on. Now! Try there. [WAR LORD [OC]] Responsible for the success of the plan. Failure willmean death. For both of you. [DOCTOR [OC]] I never promised to help you! [WAR CHIEF [OC]] But you will. You have no alternative. [DOCTOR [OC]] To help people like that gain control of the galaxy? [WAR CHIEF [OC]] Not people like that, people like us. I will take overas Supreme Galactic Ruler. You can help me rule, if you will cooperate. [SECURITY CHIEF] Enough! I knew it. --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [WAR CHIEF] Are you sure this new process will be completely effective? [DOCTOR] Oh yes, quite sure. I think that will do. There we are. Nowthen, when this young man comes to, he will believe himself to befighting the English Redcoats in 1745. Now get up! [JAMIE] Eh? Oh. [DOCTOR] What is your name? [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] Your name. [JAMIE] Ah, James Robert McCrimmon. [DOCTOR] Do you know where you are? [JAMIE] Er well, I [DOCTOR] You are in my castle. I am the McCrimmon of McCrimmon, yourhereditary Chieftain. [JAMIE] Yes, of course. You're the Chieftain. Who's that? [DOCTOR] Well, that is a friendly chieftain. You will obey his orders asyou will mine. [JAMIE] Oh aye, I'll obey you. [DOCTOR] There you are, you see? Complete loyalty and devotion. I can dothe same with all the other resistance people that you capture. [WAR CHIEF] Excellent. Continue with the others. If you can successfullyprocess characters like these, you will have made an immensecontribution. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Bring the girl! [ZOE] Oh, leave me alone. Don't! [JAMIE] Look, do as you're told. [DOCTOR] You will obey us. It is for your own good. (wink) --------------------------------------- (War room) [WAR CHIEF] What a stupid fool you are. Youdeliberately disobeyed the War Lord's orders. Arrest him. Arrest him! [SECURITY CHIEF] You are no longer in command. [WAR CHIEF [OC]] I will take over as Supreme Galactic Ruler. You canhelp me rule, if you will cooperate. [SECURITY CHIEF] I had all discussion that took place between you andthe Doctor recorded. What a stupid fool you are. Guards, take him tothe security bay! Collect his accomplice, the Doctor, on the way. Ifthey offer any resistance, shoot them both! --------------------------------------- (Processing room) [DOCTOR] There we are. Now then, sit up, sit up! Now then, you are in laCastille de la Cruz de San Antonio de la Frada Forma, in Mexico. [VILLAR] Eh? Are you crazy? You machine is no good! Villar is too strongfor you! [DOCTOR] Stop! Get him off me! [JAMIE] Can you not pretend like the rest of us, you great loon? [VILLAR] Is all a trick? [JAMIE] Aye. [VILLAR] You fix the machine so she don't work? [DOCTOR] Yes. I fix her, and you nearly fixed me. [VILLAR] And you only pretend to be loco? [JAMIE] Exactly! [RUSSELL] But Doctor, why did you get us here at all? [DOCTOR] They were going to drop the neutron bomb. You were better alivehere than dead out there. [CARSTAIRS] Zoe, watch the door, will you? [ZOE] Right. [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, now we're here, surely we can take over? [RUSSELL] It depends upon how many of those guards they've got. [CARSTAIRS] Ah, but we've been drawing them out to the Time Zones. [DOCTOR] Yes, very successfully from what I hear. [ZOE] Doctor, somebody's coming. Three of them are heading this way. [DOCTOR] Don't harm him. We may need him. [WAR CHIEF] It seems my trust in you was a little misplaced. [DOCTOR] Did you really think I'd take part in your disgusting, stealingscheme? [WAR CHIEF] Why not? You must have been a little tempted by the thoughtof being the ruler of an entire galaxy. [VILLAR] All this talk! When we fight? [RUSSELL] We haven't got anything to fight with. We've no guns. [CARSTAIRS] We've got those alien guns if we can work out how to usethem. [VILLAR] I no trust those things. I need my guns, they good guns, nevermiss. [RUSSELL] Well, he knows where they're stored. [WAR CHIEF] I might. [RUSSELL] You'd better, because I'm [DOCTOR] I'm sure that the War Chief is going to cooperate. He's goingto help us gain control of the War Room. [WAR CHIEF] That may not be so easy. You see, our little arrangement hadbeen discovered. I was under arrest. [RUSSELL] Oh yes? [CARSTAIRS] Yes, that could be right. He did come in here undergunpoint. [WAR CHIEF] But the personnel in the landing bay are not aware of myarrest. When the security guards return from the Time Zones, you won'tstand a chance. I can stop the arrival of the time machines. [DOCTOR] I see. Very well, but first you'll take us to the War Room.You're the only one that can stop the fighting in the Zones. [VILLAR] Hey, wait a minute! First we get our guns, no? [DOCTOR] No. I mean, yes. Come along, Jamie, Zoe. --------------------------------------- (War room) [SECURITY CHIEF] I want a blanket broadcast to allsecurity guards in the War Zones. This is the Security Chief. Theresistance groups are scattered over the Civil War Zone. They will bedealt with later. All security guards will now proceed to the nearestcontrol point, there are [SECURITY CHIEF] Guards! [VILLAR] I told you, my guns best! [SECURITY CHIEF] Emergency alarm! [WAR CHIEF] It's all right. It was a personal debt I had to settle. [DOCTOR] Will somebody turn off that hideous noise? I cannot think! [ZOE] There's one thing I don't understand, Doctor. How are you going toget all these people back to their own time? [DOCTOR] Yes, I've been thinking about that. [WAR CHIEF] You realise that we have very little time now the alarm hasbeen sounded? [DOCTOR] Yes. Call off the fighting at once! [WAR CHIEF] We could just go to the landing bay, order a machine andleave. [DOCTOR] You could, we can't. The fighting has to be stopped andeveryone sent back to their own times. [WAR CHIEF] Sent back? How? [DOCTOR] By your Tardis travel machines, of course. [WAR CHIEF] I'm afraid that will not be possible. There are only twomachines left with enough life in them. [DOCTOR] What? But, oh my word, well that's happened rather sooner thanI expected. [RUSSELL] Doctor, does that mean that you can't do as you promised andget us all home? [DOCTOR] Oh, well, yes, I [WAR CHIEF] You can't. [DOCTOR] I can still do that. [WAR CHIEF] You can't, unless. Doctor, you mustn't call them in or itwill be the end of us. They'll show no mercy. [DOCTOR] You stop the fighting! [RUSSELL] Do as you're told! [WAR CHIEF] This is the War Chief to all War Zones. This is a commanddirect from the War Lord. All fighting will cease. I repeat, allfighting in the War Zones will cease. You will stand by for furtherorders. [ZOE] What did he mean, Doctor? Who mustn't you call? [DOCTOR] The only people who can put an end to this whole ghastlybusiness and send everyone back to their own times. The Time Lords. [JAMIE] Who are they? [DOCTOR] They're my own people, Jamie. [JAMIE] Oh, well, that's all right, then. [ZOE] But it isn't all right, is it, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, it's not, Zoe. But I'm afraid that there's no alternative. [JAMIE] What's he doing? [WAR CHIEF] Don't do it, Doctor. You can't! You know what will happen! [JAMIE] Look at that! [CARSTAIRS] That's fantastic. [VILLAR] Is magic! [ZOE] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, Zoe, I'm all right. [JAMIE] Doctor, what's that? [DOCTOR] It's a box, Jamie. [JAMIE] I know. I can see that. [DOCTOR] It's a very special sort of box. It now contains all theinformation about what's been going on here, and an appeal for help. [JAMIE] Help? Who from? [ZOE] The Time Lords? [DOCTOR] Yes, Zoe. [JAMIE] Well, why haven't you asked them for help before? [DOCTOR] I've never really needed it before, Jamie, but this business ofsending everyone back to their own times is, well, it's too difficultfor me. [DOCTOR] Now, come along. The War Chief! [CARSTAIRS] What? [DOCTOR] He's gone! [RUSSELL] What? [DOCTOR] He must be trying to get away before the Time Lords get here! [CARSTAIRS] Well, what are we going to do, Doctor? [DOCTOR] We must go to the landing bay and stop him. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [WAR CHIEF] I thought [WAR LORD] Yes? [WAR CHIEF] You've arrived just in time. There's been a revolt. Theprisoners have escaped. How many guards do you have? [WAR LORD] Only the ones you see here. [WAR CHIEF] Then we must return to the home planet to bringreinforcements. [WAR LORD] Where is the Security Chief? [WAR CHIEF] The prisoners have taken over the War Room. They've killedhim. [WAR LORD] No, no, you killed him, but a little too late. I heard therecording. [WAR CHIEF] He wanted to stop the War Games. He was a incompetent fool,jealous of my position. Surely you realise that? He forged thatrecording you heard. [WAR CHIEF] He wanted to stop the war games! He tried [WAR LORD] Kill him! --------------------------------------- (Central area) [CARSTAIRS] Doctor! Doctor, that came from the landing bay! [DOCTOR] Yes, but they won't be expecting us. Come on. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT landing bay) [WAR LORD] Remove the traitor's carcass. We willreturn to the home planet and bring back an army to quell this revoltonce and for all. [VILLAR] Viva el Villar! [VILLAR] Out of the way, I shoot the dog! [VILLAR] I kill him too! [DOCTOR] No, no, that won't be necessary. We'll leave him for the TimeLords to dispose of. [RUSSELL] When will they be here, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I'm going to send for them now. And I want you all to stay hereand wait until they come. [RUSSELL] But what are you going to do? [DOCTOR] Well, I cannot stay here. Jamie, Zoe, this is where we saygoodbye. [JAMIE] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] Well, the Time Lords will return you home. [ZOE] But why can't we stay with you? [DOCTOR] Because when I send this box to them, they'll know where I am. [JAMIE] But I thought they were your people, your friends? [DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie, they are my people, but. Oh, it'd take too long toexplain. I have to go! [JAMIE] Now look, if you're going to be in trouble, you'll need me tolook after you. [ZOE] Me, too. [JAMIE] Aye. [DOCTOR] But you don't understand! Oh, very well, but don't say I didn'twarn you. Right then, we must return to the 1917 Zone and find theTardis, and make good our escape. [CARSTAIRS] Doctor, can I come back there with you? I'd rather like totry and find Lady Jennifer. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, very well. [DOCTOR] Well, goodbye, gentlemen. I'm sorry, but we must rush. [VILLAR] You leave us? [RUSSELL] Yes, what about us? [DOCTOR] The Time Lords will return you home. Now come along. [VILLAR] No! No one is going anywhere. This Doctor, he cheat us. Werescue him and now he leave us here to die. [RUSSELL] Yes, it's only fair, Doctor! If these Time Lords are friendsof yours, why don't you wait for them to arrive? [DOCTOR] But you don't understand, Mister Russell. I must go. Please! [VILLAR] You stay here with us, my friend. [DOCTOR] Look, I am not going to argue. Jamie, Zoe, Carstairs, into themachine. [JAMIE] Ah but Doctor, look, he's not joking, you know. [DOCTOR] For once, Jamie, do as you are told! [VILLAR] You move and I kill you! [DOCTOR] Then you will just have to kill me, Mister Villar. [VILLAR] Well Mister Doctor, that is just what I will do! [VILLAR] Let me go, I kill him! [RUSSELL] You can't shoot him in the back, he's done too much for us. [VILLAR] Ah, the back, the front, what's the difference? [RUSSELL] It's too late now, anyway. [WAR LORD] Don't worry. When the Time Lords get him, he'll wish you hadkilled him. [WAR LORD] They're coming. --------------------------------------- (No Man's Land) [CARSTAIRS] Fighting's stopped. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, goodbye, Lieutenant. [JAMIE] Eh? [DOCTOR] There's the Tardis. We've got to get on. [CARSTAIRS] Goodbye, Doctor. [ZOE] Oh, Doctor, wait! Goodbye! [JAMIE] Bye, Lieutenant. [CARSTAIRS] Bye. [JAMIE] Hey, he's [DOCTOR] Come on! [DOCTOR] Come on! [ZOE] What is it? [DOCTOR] Time Lords! Try harder! We must get away! [DOCTOR] We must get away! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [ZOE] What's happening, Doctor? I can hardly move. [DOCTOR] It's a force field. Concentrate. We may be able to breakthrough it. Help me with the key. Concentrate! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [ZOE] It's in here, too. [JAMIE] Will we get away all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I hope so, Jamie. If I can boost the power enough, theTardis may be able to break through the force field. [JAMIE] Well, what was happening? Why was it so difficult to move? [DOCTOR] It was the Time Lords. [ZOE] But they're your own people, aren't they, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. [JAMIE] Why did you run away from them in the first place? [DOCTOR] What? Well, I was bored. [ZOE] What do you mean, you were bored? [DOCTOR] Well, the Time Lords are an immensely civilised race. We cancontrol our own environment, we can live forever, barring accidents,and we have the secret of space time travel. [JAMIE] Well what's so wrong in all that? [DOCTOR] Well we hardly ever use our great powers. We consent simply toobserve and to gather knowledge. [ZOE] And that wasn't enough for you? [DOCTOR] No, of course not. With a whole galaxy to explore? Millions ofplanets, eons of time, countless civilisations to meet? [JAMIE] Well, why do they object to you doing all that? [DOCTOR] Well, It is a fact, Jamie, that I do tend to get involved withthings. [JAMIE] Aye, you can say that again. Whenever there's any trouble, he'sin it right up to his neck. [ZOE] But you've helped people, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, but that's no excuse in their eyes. [JAMIE] Well, then what are you going to do? [DOCTOR] We're going to run away. I've set the controls to take us to aplanet on the outermost fringes of the galaxy. [JAMIE] Oh, in that case, we'll probably land up right in their laps. [ZOE] We can't be landing already. [DOCTOR] Well, that is impossible! [JAMIE] Oh, it's the sea. [ZOE] Well, don't worry, Jamie. We know the Tardis can't sink. [JAMIE] Oh, can't it? Look! [ZOE] Oh, now what can we do? [JAMIE] Look out! [DOCTOR] It's all right. It can't possibly harm us. [JAMIE] I'm not so sure! [DOCTOR] We're perfectly safe in the Tardis. [ZOE] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Oh my word! It's the Time Lords. They're breaking down thedefensive mechanism. We've got to get out of here. [ZOE] Where can we go? [DOCTOR] Well, I know one place where we'll be safe, if I can get usthere. [JAMIE] Where are we? [DOCTOR] We're in outer space. We'll just stop here for a while. There'sa chance we may have given them the slip. [TIME LORD [OC]] There is no escape, Doctor. Return the Tardisimmediately to our home planet. [DOCTOR] Why can't you leave me alone? I haven't done any harm. [TIME LORD [OC]] You have broken our laws. You must face your trial. [JAMIE] Trial? [TIME LORD [OC]] You will do better to return of your own accord. [DOCTOR] Oh, oh, oh, very well, if I must. [ZOE] Doctor, what on Earth are you doing? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to make a quick transference jump. We've got to getaway from here to somewhere safe. Ah, we're landing. [DOCTOR] Oh, no! [JAMIE] Is that what you call somewhere safe? [ZOE] Oh! It's shaking itself to pieces! [JAMIE] Yeah, we could all be killed! [ZOE] Doctor, can't you induce a power drive? [DOCTOR] I'll try. Oh, the controls. They're moving by themselves. [JAMIE] Now where are we? [ZOE] Oh, let's see on the scanner. [JAMIE] Oh, it's broken. [ZOE] No, I don't think so. [TIME LORD [OC]] You have returned to us, Doctor. Your travels are over. [DOCTOR] It's my own planet. They have brought us here. [JAMIE] Can't we get away again? [DOCTOR] No, not this time. Come along. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT bay) [TIME LORD 2] Come with me. [JAMIE] Now, just a moment. What's going on around here? [DOCTOR] Jamie, do as he says. --------------------------------------- (Trial chamber) [TIME LORD 2] The witnesses have arrived. [TIME LORD] Let them stand aside until they are needed. Continue withthe trial. [TIME LORD 3] In every one of these time zones, thousands of humanbeings fought and died in the belief that they were on their ownplanet. The survivors have now all been returned to their own times onthe planet Earth, but the death roll is beyond counting. These liveswere squandered in the course of a vicious and diabolical scheme togain control of the entire galaxy. A scheme originated and devised by arace of which the accused is the leader. It was a was a highlyorganised scheme with an utterly callous disregard for the lives of thehumans involved and for the liberties of all the other species in thegalaxy which the accused would have dominated with his tyranny. In thepursuit of this scheme, brutal methods of mental processing were usedwhich entirely contravened all the galactic laws. I will now call upona member of our own race to sort this evil matter out. There willcommence a reading of the witness' report. The witness is called. Willyou step forward, please? [DOCTOR] The Time Lords holding a trial is a very rare event. [ZOE] Why? [DOCTOR] Well, normally they don't interfere with the affairs of otherplanets, but they had to when I called for help. [JAMIE] Well, look, can't we get away? [DOCTOR] Well, you and Zoe may, but I don't think I will. [TIME LORD 3] Will you step forward, please? [DOCTOR] Oh, oh, I beg your pardon. [TIME LORD 3] We have received your statement. Do you swear to the truthof your report? [DOCTOR] Everything in that report is the result of my direct personalobservation. [TIME LORD 3] Who is that person? [DOCTOR] That is the War Lord. [TIME LORD 3] Does the accused have anything to say? [TIME LORD] You must speak in your defence. [TIME LORD 2] The trial cannot proceed unless you do. [TIME LORD 3] You must speak. [DOCTOR] Can't you see he's just playing for time? [TIME LORD 3] Do not make us force you to speak. We would not cause youunnecessary pain. Very well. [WAR LORD] Stop it! Stop the light! [TIME LORD 3] You must speak. [WAR LORD] Yes. [TIME LORD 3] Do you admit the charges with which you have been accused? [WAR LORD] I do not even admit the authority of this court. [TIME LORD] Have you anything to say in your defence? [WAR LORD] The humans who died in our war games would have killed eachother anyway. [TIME LORD 2] Is your plea that that ends justifies the means? [WAR LORD] Yes, it is. And members of your own race agreed with me. MyWar Chief was himself was a Time Lord, and the knowledge he brought memade the whole scheme possible. And another of your Time Lords gave mehis support! [DOCTOR] I never supported your scheme for one moment. [WAR LORD] You collaborated with my War Chief. If I am guilty, then youare guilty too! [TIME LORD] We find you guilty of all charges against you. Your attemptto incriminate others is an obvious fraud. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. I'm glad to see your sense of justice still prevails.(sotto) Even though they've lost their sense of humour. [WAR LORD] You have no authority over me. [WAR LORD] And no power any longer to pass any sentence. Take thesepeople. [DOCTOR] Oh, no! [JAMIE] Not again. [WAR LORD] And if any attempt is made to stop us, then I shall kill theminstantly. [TIME LORD] Let them go. We shall not endanger innocent lives. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT bay) [DOCTOR] You'll never get away. The Time Lords aretoo strong for you. You needn't think I'm going to help you. [WAR LORD] Oh yes, you will help us, Doctor, if you want to save thelives of your two friends. Now, into the machine. [JAMIE] Look, the Tardis is no good to you. He can't even steer itproperly. [WAR LORD] Don't talk rubbish. Of course he can steer it. Now, into themachine! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [WAR LORD] Yes, you shall make us many of thesemachines. Now, get to the control panel and take us back to the homeplanet. [DOCTOR] I can't, I tell you. The directional mechanism is faulty. [WAR LORD] You will do as I say or we shall kill the girl. [DOCTOR] But I don't even know where your home planet is. [WAR LORD] Galactic sector nine seven three, then we will get the homingsignal. Now operate the machine! [DOCTOR] I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything. Jamie, Zoe, hideyour eyes. Run! [WAR LORD] Get after them! Kill them! Quickly! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT bay) [WAR LORD] Kill them! [TIME LORD 3] A force field has been placed around you, and around yourplanet, so that your warlike people will remain prisoners forever. Youhave been found guilty of all charges, and you and your murderousassociates will be dematerialised. It will be as though you had neverexisted. [WAR LORD] No, no, no, no! [JAMIE] Ah, well, that's put an end to them. Well, we'll be on our way.Come on, Doctor. Cheerio. [JAMIE] Oh, switch this thing off. [DOCTOR] Jamie, they are not going to let us go. [JAMIE] What? After all you've done for them? [ZOE] What are you going to do to him? [TIME LORD 3] He must stand his trial. You will wait here. [ZOE] Well, we want to go with the Doctor! Oh, let us out! [JAMIE] Come on, let us out of this thing! --------------------------------------- (Trial chamber) [TIME LORD] You have heard the charge against you,that you have repeatedly broken our most important law ofnon-interference in the affairs of other planets. What have you to say?Do you admit these actions? [DOCTOR] I not only admit them, I am proud of them. While you have beencontent merely to observe the evil in the galaxy, I have been fightingagainst it. [TIME LORD 3] It is not we who are on trial here, Doctor, it is you. [DOCTOR] No, no, of course, you're above criticism, aren't you. [TIME LORD] Do you admit that these actions were justified? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, I do. Give me a thought channel and I'll showyou some of the evils I've been fighting against. [DOCTOR] The Quarks, deadly robot servants of the cruel Dominators, theytried to enslave a peace loving race. Then there were the Yeti, morerobot killers, instruments of an alien intelligence trying to take overthe planet Earth. [TIME LORD 3] All this is entirely irrelevant. [DOCTOR] You asked me to justify my actions, I am doing so. Let me showyou the Ice Warriors, cruel Martian invaders, they tried to conquer theEarth too. So did the Cybermen, half creature, half machine. But worstof all were the Daleks, a pitiless race of conquerors exterminating allwho came up against them. All these evils I have fought while you havedone nothing but observe. True, I am guilty of interference, just asyou are guilty of failing to use your great powers to help those inneed! [TIME LORD] Is that all you have to say? [DOCTOR] Well, isn't it enough? [TIME LORD] Your defence has been heard and will be carefullyconsidered, but you have raised difficult issues. We require time tothink about them. You will be recalled when we have made our decision. --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT bay) [JAMIE] Let us out! [ZOE] We want to see the Doctor. Let us out of here! [TIME LORD 2] Follow me. [ZOE] Where are we going? [TIME LORD 2] We're going to send you home. Back you your own world andyour own time. [JAMIE] Oh no, not without the Doctor. [TIME LORD 2] This is his world. He must stay here. [ZOE] Well, what's going to happen to him? [TIME LORD 2] He is awaiting the result of his trial. [JAMIE] Aye, well, I'm not going till I see him. [ZOE] Oh, please, can't we see the Doctor? [TIME LORD 2] You have become attached to him? [JAMIE] Aye, we've been through a lot, you know. [ZOE] Please let us see him. [TIME LORD 2] Come with me. [JAMIE] Aye. --------------------------------------- (Trial chamber) [DOCTOR] Jamie! Zoe! [ZOE] Doctor! [TIME LORD 2] I've brought your friends to say goodbye. [JAMIE] Oh, switch this thing off. [ZOE] We can't say goodbye through a forcefield. [TIME LORD 2] Very well. I shall leave you together. for a little while. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [DOCTOR] Jamie! Zoe! [ZOE] Doctor! [JAMIE] What are they going to do to you? [DOCTOR] Oh, nothing much. I expect they'll to make me listen to a longboring speech about being a good boy. They like making speeches. [ZOE] Well, I think it's time you left them again. [DOCTOR] Well, that's easier said than done. [JAMIE] Oh come on, we've been in tighter situations than this. [DOCTOR] Well, you don't know the Time Lords, Jamie. I do. [ZOE] Oh, you're not just going to give up, are you, Doctor? [JAMIE] Of course he's not. Are you, Doctor, eh? [DOCTOR] Well. Oh, all right, but we may find it a bit difficult gettingout of here. [JAMIE] Hey, they've forgotten to switch that thing back on again. [DOCTOR] Forgotten? [ZOE] Well, that's all we need, isn't it? Now we can get away. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. [JAMIE] Come on! --------------------------------------- (SIDRAT bay) [TIME LORD 3] There is no escape, Doctor. [TIME LORD 3] It is time to say goodbye to your friends. [ZOE] There must be something we can do? [DOCTOR] No Zoe, not this time. Well, goodbye, Jamie. [JAMIE] But Doctor surely we could [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Jamie. [JAMIE] I won't forget you, you know. [DOCTOR] I won't forget you. Don't go blundering into too much trouble,will you? [JAMIE] Oh, you're a fine one to talk. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Zoe. [ZOE] Goodbye, Doctor. Will we ever meet again? [DOCTOR] Again? Now, Zoe, you and I know, time is relative, isn't it? [DOCTOR] They'll forget me, won't they? [TIME LORD 2] Not entirely. They will be returned to a time just beforethey went away with you. They will remember their first adventure withyou, but nothing more. But come along. Your fate has been decided. --------------------------------------- (The Wheel in Space) [TANYA] Oh, Zoe. Zoe, are you all right? [ZOE] Oh, yes. [TANYA] Are the Doctor and Jamie gone? [ZOE] Yes, I've just seen them off. [TANYA] Well, we'd better get back to work, you know. There's a lot tobe done if we're going to get the Wheel back to normal. Are you sureyou're all right? [ZOE] Oh, yes. I thought I'd forgotten something important, but it'snothing. [TANYA] Right, come along then. [ZOE] All right, I'm coming. --------------------------------------- (Trial chamber) [DOCTOR] She'll be all right, won't she? [TIME LORD] Of course. [DOCTOR] What about Jamie? [TIME LORD 3] Look. --------------------------------------- (Culloden Moor) [JAMIE] Try to murder a McCrimmon, would you? Well, I'll show you! Creagan Tuire! --------------------------------------- (Trial chamber) [TIME LORD] They will both continue their lives asif nothing had happened. [DOCTOR] Yes, very efficient. Now then, what about me? [TIME LORD] We have accepted your plea that there is evil in theuniverse that must be fought, and that you still have a part to play inthat battle. [DOCTOR] What? You mean that you're going to let me go free? [TIME LORD] Not entirely. We have noted your particular interest in theplanet Earth. The frequency of your visits must have given you specialknowledge of that world and it's problems. [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose that's true. Earth seems more vulnerable thanothers, yes. [TIME LORD] For that reason you will be sent back to that planet. [DOCTOR] Oh, good. [TIME LORD] In exile. [DOCTOR] In exile? [TIME LORD] You will be sent to Earth in the twentieth century, and willremain there for as long as we deem proper, and for that period thesecret of the Tardis will be taken from you. [DOCTOR] But you, you can't condemn me to exile on one primitive planetin one century in time! Besides, I'm known on the Earth. It might bevery awkward for me. [TIME LORD] Your appearance has changed before, it will change again.That is part of the sentence. [DOCTOR] You can't just change what I look like without consulting me! [TIME LORD] You will have an opportunity to choose your appearance. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, that's not so bad. But I warn you, I'm veryparticular. [TIME LORD] Here is your first choice. [DOCTOR] Oh he's too old! Well he's too fat, isn't he. No, he's toothin. That one's too young. Oh now, that won't do at all. It'sridiculous. [TIME LORD] You're wasting time, Doctor. [DOCTOR] It's not my fault, is it? Is this the best you can do? I'venever seen such an incredible bunch. [TIME LORD] Since you refuse to take the decision, the decision will betaken for you. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, I never said that. But I maintain I have the rightto decide what I look like! It could be very important on the Earth.People on Earth attach a very great deal of importance [DOCTOR] Ah, what's happening? [DOCTOR] What's hap, what's happened? [TIME LORD] The time has come for you to change your appearance, Doctor,and begin your exile. [DOCTOR] Is this some sort of joke? No, I refuse to be treated in. Whatare you doing? [DOCTOR] No! Stop, you're making me giddy! No, you can't do this to me!No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s06", "episode": "e07", "title": "The War Games"}
Doctor Who (3 Jan, 1970; Third Doctor) - Spearhead from Space (UNIT Tracking station) [TECHNICIAN] Duty Officer, please. Urgent. [OFFICER] What is it© [TECHNICIAN] I've got something on here, ma'am. Something strange. [OFFICER] Are you sure it's not just interference© Something to do withthe heat wave© [TECHNICIAN] No, ma'am. There's something on there. [OFFICER] Scan closer. Still very high. [TECHNICIAN] Coming down fast though, ma'am, and heading this way. [OFFICER] They must be meteorites. [TECHNICIAN] But they're flying in formation. [TECHNICIAN] They've come down. [OFFICER] Where© [TECHNICIAN] Sector five. Epping. [OFFICER] Bearing© [TECHNICIAN] Just working it out. You know, I still think it was aformation, ma'am. There was a shape. [OFFICER] Control have reported that meteorite storm to UNIT HQ. [TECHNICIAN] So Control didn't think they were meteorites either© [OFFICER] What else could they be© Don't let your imagination run awaywith you. [TECHNICIAN] I suppose they must have been meteorites. Mustn'tthey? --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Yes, ask her to come in. [BRIGADIER] Ah, good. Miss Shaw, I'm Lethbridge-Stewart. Do come in andsit down, will you© [LIZ] Was all that nonsense out there really necessary© Identity passes©Guards© I was even searched. [BRIGADIER] Security. Rather amusing, don't you think© No, you don't. [LIZ] I have an important research programme going ahead at Cambridge. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I know. An expert in meteorites, degrees in medicine,physics and a dozen other subjects. Just the sort of all-rounder I'vebeen looking for. [LIZ] How I feel doesn't matter© [BRIGADIER] We need your help, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] I'm just not interested in security work. [BRIGADIER] Security© [LIZ] Producing invisible ink. That sort of thing. [BRIGADIER] We're not exactly spies here at UNIT. [LIZ] Then what do you do, exactly© [BRIGADIER] We deal with the odd, the unexplained, anything on Earth, oreven beyond. [LIZ] Alien invaders© Little blue men with three heads© [BRIGADIER] Ten tons of alien material drift through space and land onthis planet every day. [LIZ] And do no harm to anyone. [BRIGADIER] Early this morning a shower of about fifty meteorites landedin Essex. [LIZ] Landed© Most meteorites don't even reach the Earth's surface. Theyusually burn up in the atmosphere. [BRIGADIER] These didn't. These particular meteorites came down througha funnel of thin, super-heated air about twenty miles in diameter, forwhich no one has an explanation. [LIZ] There must be an explanation, a natural one. [BRIGADIER] I hope so. We didn't find one last time. [LIZ] Last time© [BRIGADIER] Six months ago, a smaller shower of meteorites, about fiveor six, landed in the same area. [LIZ] No, that's impossible. The odds against two lots of meteoriteslanding in exactly the same place must be incredible. [BRIGADIER] They are, Miss Shaw. They are. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [HENDERSON] You've no idea who he is© [MUNRO] Not a clue. We found him unconscious beside a police box, of allthings. [HENDERSON] In the middle of the woods© [MUNRO] Yes. We thought he was dead at first. [HENDERSON] I see. Well, I'd better go and have a look at him. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Figures from the Institute of SpaceStudies, Baltimore. Do you realise that in our section of the galaxy,there are over five hundred planets capable of supporting life© [LIZ] Why is Earth any more likely to be attacked now than during thelast fifty thousand years© [BRIGADIER] In the last decade, we've been sending probes deeper anddeeper into space. We've drawn attention to ourselves, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] Aren't you being a bit alarmist© [BRIGADIER] Since UNIT was formed, there've been two attempts to invadethis planet. [LIZ] Really© [BRIGADIER] We were lucky enough to be able to stop them. There was apolicy decision not to inform the public. [LIZ] Do you seriously expect me to believe that© [BRIGADIER] It's not my habit to tell lies, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] I'm sorry, but it is a fantastic story. [BRIGADIER] We were very lucky on both occasions. We had help from ascientist with a great experience of other life forms. [LIZ] Really© Who was this genius© [BRIGADIER] Well, it's all rather difficult to explain. We used to callhim the Doctor. [BRIGADIER] Yes© --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [MUNRO] Munro here, sir. I'm in the Ashbridge Cottage Hospital. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] What the dickens are you doing there©Have you found any of those meteorites© --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [MUNRO] No, sir. All we've found is an unconsciouscivvy. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Well© [MUNRO] He was lying beside a police box, sir. Abandoned, by the look ofit, right in the middle of Oxley Wood. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] A police box© Munro, this man youfound. [MUNRO [OC]] He's here at the hospital, sir, undergoing treatment. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Has he said anything© [MUNRO [OC]] No, sir. Not a syllable. He's out to the wide. [BRIGADIER] Listen, Munro. I want an armed guard put on that police boxat once. Nobody is to be allowed near it, do you understand© Nobody. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [MUNRO] A guard, sir© Very well, sir. Oh, do youwant the police told, sir, about the police box© They may want it back. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] On no account. I'm coming down thereimmediately. In the meantime, carry on with the search. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital ward) [NURSE] Ready, sir. [HENDERSON] Thank you, nurse. Is this somebody's idea of a joke© [NURSE] Sir© [HENDERSON] Look at that. [NURSE] His heart, sir. [HENDERSON] If that is his heart, nurse, what is this. [NURSE] I, I don't know, sir. [HENDERSON] Someone in the x-ray department having a game. You stay withthe patient. I'll find out who the fool is. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital corridor) [HENDERSON] Henderson here. [HENDERSON] Doctor Henderson here. You're calling me© [LOMAX [OC]] (scottish) Look here, Henderson, what's the idea of playingstupid tricks© [HENDERSON] Me playing tricks© Who is that© [LOMAX [OC]] Doctor Lomax, path lab. You just sent up a blood sample forcross matching. [HENDERSON] Yes, that's right. Just routine. [LOMAX [OC]] Listen, Henderson, I will not tolerate stupid practicaljokes. It wasn't human blood and you know it. [HENDERSON] What do you mean, not human blood© I took it from thepatient myself. [LOMAX [OC]] It is not a human blood type. The platelet stickiness showsthat. Henderson, are you there© Hello© [HENDERSON] Doctor Lomax, I took that blood sample from an adult malepatient. Now you tell me it's not human blood. I don't know if thatmakes me a doctor or a vet, but it's still my job to look after him. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [MULLINS] Oh, hello. Is that the Daily Chronicle© It is© Well, look, myname's Mullins. I'm a porter at the Cottage Hospital in Ashbridge. Iunderstand you pay for stories. You do© Well, look, there's somethingvery funny happening up here. --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [FORBES [OC]] Keep on your track. [FORBES] Move over. Keep in a straight line. [FORBES [OC]] Have you got something there© --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital ward) [NURSE] What are you doing© [DOCTOR] Shoes. Must find my shoes. [NURSE] Oh no, you can't get up. Come on. [DOCTOR] Unhand me, madam. [HENDERSON] What's happening© [NURSE] He tried to get out of bed. [HENDERSON] What© [NURSE] He's unconscious again now. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [WAGSTAFFE] Why can't we see him© [MUNRO] He's under medical care. [WAGSTAFFE] Is that the real reason© Well, what are you chaps doinghere© [MUNRO] I'm sorry. I can't answer questions. [REPORTER] Why not© Is it a security order© [WAGSTAFFE] Has it anything to do with those meteorites© [MUNRO] I'm sorry. There's simply nothing I can tell you. [MULLINS] Look, stand back there now. Stand back. Let him through! [WAGSTAFFE] Michael Wagstaffe, defence correspondent on the Daily Post. [REPORTER] Can you tell us anything, sir© [BRIGADIER] What about© [WAGSTAFFE] Er, what's UNIT doing here, sir© Is it true there's a manfrom space in there© [BRIGADIER] Nonsense. I don't know where you get these stories. [REPORTER] We heard there's something odd about him. [BRIGADIER] I know nothing about a man from space. [WAGSTAFFE] Then why are you here, sir© [BRIGADIER] Training exercise. [MULLINS] Stand back, now. Let him through. Stand back now. [REPORTER] Has your visit any connection with the meteorites that felllast night© Is that why you've cordoned off the wood© [WAGSTAFFE] Did the man who was brought in here find one of themeteorites© [REPORTER] Was he injured by them© [WAGSTAFFE] Are these meteorites dangerous© [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later when [WAGSTAFFE] Has he found it and hidden it away, perhaps© [BRIGADIER] If there's a story, you'll be given it later. At the moment,I have no comment to make. [MULLINS] All right, come on, stand back now, boys. No, boys, I can'tlet you go in there. It's more than my job's worth. Right now, clearaway now. [WAGSTAFFE] I think I've put my finger on it. That chap's found one ofthose meteorites and won't tell them where it is. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital corridor) [BRIGADIER] How did that lot get onto this© [MUNRO] No idea, sir. They just appeared like swallows in the spring. [BRIGADIER] Have you put a guard on that police box© [MUNRO] Yes, sir. Two men with orders to keep strangers well away. [BRIGADIER] Oh, Munro, see that they're issued with live ammunition,will you© [MUNRO] Live ammunition© But sir [BRIGADIER] That's an order, Captain. [MUNRO] I'll see to it, sir. [BRIGADIER] Good. [MUNRO] Along here, sir. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital ward) [MUNRO] Oh, Doctor Henderson, this is Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and,er© [LIZ] Elizabeth Shaw. [BRIGADIER] Well, how's your patient, doctor© Can we see him© [HENDERSON] Well, you can see him, certainly. He's not making much senseyet. [BRIGADIER] What, still unconscious, eh© [HENDERSON] Most of the time. He has brief moments of consciousness andthen slips back again. [LIZ] Well, what's actually wrong with him© [HENDERSON] I can't say. Never had a patient quite like him before. [LIZ] How do you mean© [HENDERSON] Well, his whole cardiovascular system is quite unlikeanything I've ever seen. And I'm told his blood can't be identified. [BRIGADIER] Splendid. That sounds like the Doctor. [LIZ] Do you know him© [BRIGADIER] What© No, I thought I might do, but he's a completestranger. I've never seen him before in my life. [DOCTOR] Lethbridge-Stewart© My dear fellow, how nice to see you again. [MUNRO] He knows you, sir. [BRIGADIER] But he can't do. Look here. Can you hear me© Who are you© [DOCTOR] Don't you recognise me© [BRIGADIER] I'm positive we've never met before. [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Oh, I can't have changed that much, surely© Oh, Imust see what they've done to me. Can I borrow, can I borrow a mirror,please© [DOCTOR] Thank you. Oh, no! Oh, no. Well, that's not me at all. Nowonder you didn't recognise me. Oh, that face. That hair. Oh, I don'tknow, though. I think it's rather distinctive, actually. Don't youthink© No, you don't. Oh, anyway, I'm tired. All this exercise andexertion. It's been too much. Have to get some sleep now. [BRIGADIER] Now, just a minute. Wake up, man. Listen to me. [HENDERSON] I think that's quite enough for the moment. His mind'sobviously disturbed. Anyway, I'm afraid he's out again. [BRIGADIER] Extraordinary business. Munro, I want this man brought toLondon HQ. When will he be fit to travel© [HENDERSON] Difficult to say. [BRIGADIER] I see. Well, as soon as possible, Munro. In the meantime,carry on the search for these meteorites. [MUNRO] Very good, sir. [BRIGADIER] Is there another way out of here© I want to avoid the pressif possible. [HENDERSON] This way. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. (Henderson, the Brigadier and Liz leave. TheDoctor opens his eyes.) --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital) [WAGSTAFFE] Lethbridge-Stewart. He must have nipped out the back way. [REPORTER] So he's not going to tell us anything. [WAGSTAFFE] You know, there's a story here, Jimmy. They're trying tocover something. [REPORTER] Porter, when can we see Doctor Henderson© [MULLINS] Hey, look now, it's no good asking me. You'll just have towait, so there. [WAGSTAFFE] I'm going to ring the office. [WAGSTAFFE] Who is this chap, anyway© He's been hanging around for ages. [REPORTER] I don't know. I've never seen him before. [WAGSTAFFE] Did he tell you which paper he was on© [MULLINS] Oh, him© No, he didn't tell me anything. He came in with therest of you. I thought he was one of you lot. [WAGSTAFFE] Excuse me, sir. Are you going to be much longer© You see,we've got some stories to phone through and we'd like to use the phoneif possible. --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [SEELEY] Don't point that thing at me, mister. [FORBES] Where do you think you're going© [SEELEY] Home. I belong these parts. [FORBES] How did you get into this wood© It's restricted. [SEELEY] You fancy buying a rabbit or two© [FORBES] Oh, you're a poacher, are you© [SEELEY] Ain't nothing so tasty as fresh rabbit. A bit of salt and a fewonions. [FORBES] Didn't you see the patrols on the road© [SEELEY] Ah, but I reckon they never seen me. [FORBES] All right, dad, get on your way, but don't come back until thiswood it's de-restricted. You understand© [SEELEY] You soldiers looking for them thunderballs, eh© [FORBES] That's our business. [SEELEY] Reckon if I know where to find one of them things, it'd beworth a tidy old bit, eh© [FORBES] You know where one landed© [SEELEY] I didn't say that, did I, son© I'm just asking. [FORBES] Yeah, well, don't ask. Go on, push off. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital ward) [DOCTOR] My shoes© Where are my shoes© I must findmy shoes. [DOCTOR] I must find my shoes. [NURSE] Why© You don't need them. You're not going anywhere. [DOCTOR] You don't understand, madam. It's most important. [HENDERSON] How is he, nurse© [NURSE] His pulse seems to have settled down, sir. Ten a minute. [HENDERSON] Yes, well, the trouble is, we don't know what's normal forhim, do we© Hello! How are you feeling© [DOCTOR] Shoes. [HENDERSON] I beg your pardon© [DOCTOR] Shoes. [NURSE] They seem to be worrying him, sir. I think he believes they'vebeen stolen. [HENDERSON] Well, if he wants them, he might as well. Where are they,nurse© [NURSE] In his locker. [HENDERSON] Ah! Are these what you're looking for© [HENDERSON] I wonder if the brain's damaged© [NURSE] He does seem to be behaving very erratically. [HENDERSON] Fetch the sphyg, would you, nurse© I'll take his bloodpressure again while I'm here. [HENDERSON] Thank you, nurse. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital corridor) [MUNRO] Doctor© What's wrong© What's happened© --------------------------------------- (Outside the hospital) [MUNRO] Shoot the tyres! --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [FORBES] Here, something's happening. --------------------------------------- (Outside the hospital) [MUNRO] Come on. This way. [MUNRO] Sergeant Harris! Cut across to the main gate. Stop theambulance! Shoot at the tyres! The rest of you go round the back! [MUNRO] There he is! [MUNRO] He got away. Start searching. --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [FORBES] Who's there© [FORBES] Who told you to fire, you stupid --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [MUNRO [OC]] Stop! Stop firing, you fool. [MUNRO] What happened© [FORBES] Gave us no warning, sir. [MUNRO] How could he with his mouth taped© [FORBES] Is he dead, sir© --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital ward) [HENDERSON] No. [BRIGADIER] Unconscious© [HENDERSON] Yes, he's more unconscious than anyone I've ever seen. Havea look at this EEG. [BRIGADIER] EEG© [HENDERSON] This machine registers the electrical activity of the brain.Normally the line fluctuates considerably, even when the patient isunconscious. [MUNRO] Not a lot going on, is there© [HENDERSON] Nothing whatsoever. Completely passive. [BRIGADIER] Perhaps that bullet did more damage than you suspected© [HENDERSON] No, that only caused a slight burn on the scalp. It couldn'tpossibly account for this condition. [BRIGADIER] Then what is the cause© Could it be shock© [HENDERSON] Could be, but I doubt it. No, he's is such a deep coma thatI'd say it is [BRIGADIER] Is what© [HENDERSON] Self-induced. [BRIGADIER] Is that possible© [HENDERSON] For you or for me, no. But we're dealing here with acompletely alien physiology. All I can do is guess. [BRIGADIER] Well, is it safe to move him© [HENDERSON] I honestly don't know, but I'd advise against it. [BRIGADIER] Oh, very well. You'll keep me informed of any change in hiscondition© [HENDERSON] Yes, of course. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. [HENDERSON] Oh, by the way. [BRIGADIER] Yes© [HENDERSON] We found this in his hand when he was brought in. We had toprise his fingers open. He was really hanging on to it. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital gardens) [BRIGADIER] The police box is on its way back toheadquarters, so you can double the guard here. [MUNRO] Very good, sir. [BRIGADIER] Where's this meteorite your chaps found© [MUNRO] Here we are, sir. [MUNRO] It's all we could find, sir. It must have broken up when it hitthe ground. [BRIGADIER] It's light, very light. [MUNRO] Some sort of plastic, sir© [BRIGADIER] Yes, possibly. I'll take it back with me. Have it taken tomy car, will you© [MUNRO] Yes, sir. Hawkins. [BRIGADIER] Keep a twenty four hour guard. It's possible these peoplemight try again. [MUNRO] Right, sir. [BRIGADIER] What puzzles me is why they should want to abduct theDoctor. [MUNRO] Could he be tied up with them in any way, sir© [BRIGADIER] Yes, it's possible. Anyone get a good look at them© [MUNRO] I've got a picture of one of them, sir. He was here earlierposing as a reporter. [BRIGADIER] How did you get this© [MUNRO] I made a check on all the press men, sir. One of thephotographers took this shot when you arrived with Miss Shaw, and twoof the nurses saw this man leading the raiding party. [BRIGADIER] What about the others© [MUNRO] I only got a glimpse of them, sir. There was something odd abouttheir faces. --------------------------------------- (Plastics factory) [RANSOME] There are a lot of changes. And you're new, aren't new© [RANSOME] That's my workshop, or rather, it was. What the devil's beengoing on here© --------------------------------------- (Office) [HIBBERT] (Into phone.) Yes, send him in. [HIBBERT] John, come in. We weren't expecting you. [RANSOME] Weren't you© What's all this about© [HIBBERT] The letter explains everything. [RANSOME] It explains nothing! Look. When I invented this doll, youpromised me full backing. You sent me to the States to interest theAmericans in joint production. You said, that if it all worked out,you'd make me a partner. Well, here it all is. Agreements ready tosign, advance orders, the lot. And what do I find on the mat when I gethome© A letter giving me the push. Look, we worked on this projecttogether. Well, you helped me finish the designs. Now you've put thechop on it just like that. For heaven's sake, George, you owe me somesort of explanation. [HIBBERT] It's er, it's the new policy. We've, er, got a new policy. [RANSOME] What's happened to this place© Most of the staff gone,security notices everywhere. [HIBBERT] We're developing a new process. It's all very secret. We've,er, changed everything. [RANSOME] I'll say you have. The whole layout of the factory floor isdifferent. And my workshop, what's in there now© [HIBBERT] Stay away from there, John. [RANSOME] But what about my equipment© [HIBBERT] We'll, we'll send it to you. [RANSOME] Just like that© [HIBBERT] I don't think you should have come here, John. You must goaway at once. It's not safe. [RANSOME] What's the matter© You keeping saying we. We've got a newpolicy. Well, who is we© [HIBBERT] There's no point in going on with this, Mister Ransome.Goodbye. [RANSOME] Look, if there's anything wrong, perhaps I can help you© [HIBBERT] (impassive) There's nothing wrong. My letter explainedeverything. Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Am I interrupting© [LIZ] Yes. [BRIGADIER] Getting on all right© [LIZ] Fine, just fine. [BRIGADIER] Sorry about the makeshift conditions here, but we had to setthis lab up for you in rather a hurry. [LIZ] Fine, fine. [BRIGADIER] Found out what it's made of© [LIZ] No, but it isn't a meteorite. [BRIGADIER] You've established that much© [LIZ] Meteorites are the debris from comets. This has been manufactured. [BRIGADIER] And it comes from space© [LIZ] There are some faint traces of heat fusion. It's possible. [BRIGADIER] Still sceptical© [LIZ] Of course. I deal with facts, not science fiction ideas. [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw, I'm not a fool. I don't chase shadows. What youdon't understand is that there might, there is a remote possibilitythat outside your cosy little world other things could exist. [LIZ] No need to get tetchy. [BRIGADIER] Well, sometimes you can be very aggravating. [LIZ] Me© What about you© You really believe in a man who's helped tosave the world twice© With the power to transform his physicalappearance© [BRIGADIER] I'm not sure yet. It may not be the same man. [LIZ] An alien who travels through time and space in a police box© --------------------------------------- (Office) [HIBBERT] It's all becoming difficult! [CHANNING] All you have to do is to continue running the factory asthough nothing had changed. That is your sole concern, Hibbert. Do youunderstand© [HIBBERT] I understand. [CHANNING] Good. Two energy units are still missing. [HIBBERT] Do you think the stranger at the hospital has found one ofthem© [CHANNING] It's possible but it is dangerous to go near him again. [HIBBERT] Then what can you do© [CHANNING] The units may have embedded themselves in soft ground. Thatwould account for the fact that their signals are no longer beingreceived. [HIBBERT] How will you locate them then© [CHANNING] They will increase their pulsation signals. [HIBBERT] You talk about these energy units as though they were livingthings. [CHANNING] All energy is a form of life. --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [MEG [OC]] Sam, you in yet© [MEG] What are you doing out there© Why didn't you answer me© [SEELEY] Never heard you come in. [MEG] What you doing with that old box© [SEELEY] Nothing. [MEG] Sam Seeley, you've not been thieving again, have you© Cos if youhave [SEELEY] Oh, that's nice, isn't it, eh© Accusing your own husband. [SEELEY] Satisfied© Now go and get me some grub, woman. I'm hungry. [MEG] You watch your tongue. And don't think I'm going to have thatdirty old box in my house. [SEELEY] What are you staring at, woman© --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [LIZ] Now, all you have to do is to borrow a key from the police. [BRIGADIER] I've got the key here. Henderson found it in the Doctor'shand. [BRIGADIER] Yes? [SOLDIER [OC]] Major General Scobie to see you, sir. [BRIGADIER] Scobie© Well, what on Earth© All right, show him up. (toLiz) He's our liaison with the regular army. Got to keep in with him. [LIZ] You don't expect me to salute him, I hope© [BRIGADIER] You could bring yourself to be a little less astringent,Miss Shaw. [LIZ] I didn't ask to come here, remember© [SCOBIE] Ah, thank you, thank you. Sorry to interrupt, Stewart. [BRIGADIER] Worry not, sir. It's always a pleasure to see you. [SCOBIE] This meteorite operation. Any further© [BRIGADIER] Not much, I'm afraid. We found the fragments of one though,sir. Miss Shaw is studying them. [SCOBIE] Ah. [BRIGADIER] Oh, Miss Shaw, General Scobie. [LIZ] How do you do. [SCOBIE] Ah, how do you do. Lucky fellow, Stewart, having a pretty facearound the place. [BRIGADIER] She's not just a pretty face, sir. [SCOBIE] Oh, no, no. Newspapers seem to have gone wild over thisbusiness. Dear chap, what are you doing with a police box© [BRIGADIER] Well, sir [LIZ] Camouflage, General. It's not really a police box. It's aspaceship. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital car park) [MUNRO] Where did that old crate come from© [FORBES] It belongs to some hospital bigwig, sir. Just arrived. Made mepromise to keep an eye on it. [MUNRO] Never mind that. Hop in, Corporal. Hurry, man! Section threehave turned up one of these meteorites. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital corridor) [HENDERSON [OC]] Good journey down, sir© [BEAVIS [OC]] Terrible! You know, there's no room for a decent car onthe roads these days. [BEAVIS] What are all those toy soldiers playing at© [HENDERSON] They found the patient, sir. [BEAVIS] Shot him, eh© [HENDERSON] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital bathroom) [HENDERSON] Yes, it was rather unfortunate. [BEAVIS] I left my car down at the main entrance. They won't go crashingabout with guns or anything like that, will they© [HENDERSON] No, sir, I'm sure it'll be all right. Perhaps you'd care tocome to my office and have a look at the patient's records before youexamine him. [BEAVIS] Good idea. I could do with a cup of tea, too. [HENDERSON] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Ashbridge cottage hospital corridor) [HENDERSON [OC]] An error in that report. [HENDERSON] These anomalies are completely inexplicable. [BEAVIS] Let's go and see this, er, this freak. I shan't believe ituntil I see it with me own eyes. [HENDERSON] I assure you, sir, that everything I've told you [BEAVIS [OC]] All right. Where is he© Where is he© [HENDERSON [OC]] Through here. [HENDERSON] Nurse! [BEAVIS] Is this some sort of prank© Where is this patient© [HENDERSON] That's what I'd like to know, sir. Nurse! --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Oh well, at least he won't get veryfar. [LIZ] You mean, before your men shoot him again© [BRIGADIER] I don't find that funny. Without this machine, the Doctor'sstuck. He can't leave Earth. [LIZ] You were about to open it© [BRIGADIER] Yes. [LIZ] I think you should. There might be a policeman locked inside. [BRIGADIER] That's odd. [LIZ] Wrong key. --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [MUNRO] Weird looking thing. [FORBES] Yes, sir. [MUNRO] Get it into the vehicle and back to the UNIT labs right away. --------------------------------------- (Land Rover) [FORBES] Watch out! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] Yes© [HIBBERT [OC]] Hibbert. [HIBBERT] General Scobie will be here soon. [CHANNING] I know. I'm almost finished. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [DOCTOR] All right, all right, I suppose you want to see my pass© Yes,well, I haven't got one. And I'm not going to tell you my name, either.Now you just tell Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart that I want to see him.Well, don't just stand there arguing with me, man! Get on with it! --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] The Doctor© [SECURITY [OC]] Yes, sir. He says you know him. [BRIGADIER] Show him up at once. How the devil did he find this place© [LIZ] Your mystery man with the police box© [BRIGADIER] Yes. [DOCTOR] Ah, there you are, my dear fellow. I expect you're wonderinghow I found you here© [BRIGADIER] Yes. [DOCTOR] Fortunately I had this with me, you see. It homes on theTardis. Oh, there she is. How nice of you to look after her for me. Doyou happen to have got the key, by the way© [BRIGADIER] I do, but it won't work. [DOCTOR] Ah ha! But it will for me. [BRIGADIER] Not so fast. I have a lot of questions to ask you. [DOCTOR] My dear Brigadier, it's no earthly good asking me a lot ofquestions. I've lost my memory, you see© [BRIGADIER] How do I know that you're not am imposter© [DOCTOR] Ah, but you don't, you don't. Only I know that. What do youthink of my new face, by the way© I wasn't too sure about it myself tobegin with. But it sort of grows on you. Very flexible, you know. Couldbe useful on the planet Delphon, where they communicate with theireyebrows. Well, that's strange. How on Earth did I remember that© [BRIGADIER] All right, all right, if I accept that you are the Doctor,there are still a lot of things. Oh, by the way, this is Miss Shaw. [DOCTOR] That's Delphon for how do you do. Delighted, Miss Shaw,delighted. [LIZ] What are you a doctor of, by the way© [DOCTOR] Practically everything, my dear. [BRIGADIER] From what we can gather, you arrived last night in themiddle of a shower of meteorites. [DOCTOR] Did I really© How terribly exciting. [BRIGADIER] Well, objects from space, at any rate. You must realise thatI can't let you go until I'm sure there's no connection. [DOCTOR] I've no recollection of last night. That's most unfair. Howcould I possible what on earth are these© [LIZ] Those are bits of what the Brigadier thought might be a meteorite. [DOCTOR] Plastic© [LIZ] It's not thermo-plastic and neither is it thermo-setting. Andthere are no polymer chains. [DOCTOR] That's interesting. I wonder what was inside. [LIZ] Inside© [DOCTOR] Yes, well, you can tell from the shape this was a hollowsphere. I should think the space inside was about three thousand cubiccentimetres, wouldn't you© [BRIGADIER] Do I gather you're going to help us, Doctor© [DOCTOR] If I do, will you give me the key to the Tardis© [BRIGADIER] Possibly. [DOCTOR] Then go away and let Miss Shaw and I get on with our work,there's a good fellow. Look, do I really have to call you Miss Shaw© [LIZ] No, Liz, just Liz. [DOCTOR] Liz. That's much better. How many of these things actually camedown© [BRIGADIER] About fifty, as near as we can estimate. [DOCTOR] And you found only fragments, no whole ones© [BRIGADIER] One, yes. But there was an accident. It disappeared. [DOCTOR] Then the answer to your question's obvious, isn't it© By thetime your search party arrived, the rest of these things had beencollected. Collected and taken somewhere. The question is, where© --------------------------------------- (Office) [HIBBERT] I must explain this is only a rough approximation, General. [SCOBIE] Yes, it does seem to need a few finishing touches. [CHANNING] That is why we asked you here, General. Our measuringtechniques are very accurate but the equipment isn't transportable. [SCOBIE] I see. Well, I hope it turns out all right. [CHANNING] It will, I assure you, General. If you'll come this way. --------------------------------------- (Control room) (Control room) (Factory yard) [SCOBIE] It seems awfully deserted. [HIBBERT] We're turning over to automation, General. It means we cankeep staff down to a minimum. [SCOBIE] Splendid. Don't get machines going on strike, eh© --------------------------------------- (Factory entrance) [HIBBERT] Your car is waiting for you, General. [SCOBIE] Well, goodbye, Mister Channing. I hope the replica turns outwell. It's been a most interesting afternoon. [CHANNING] Goodbye, sir. [HIBBERT] It was very good of you to come down here, General. I know howbusy you must be. [SCOBIE] My pleasure, gentlemen. Oh, by the way, any chance of seeingthe model you're making of me, before it's sent to Madame Tussauds© [CHANNING] Yes, we'll arrange that. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HIBBERT] How did you know it was Ransome© [CHANNING] I saw him. And he was detected. That is his brain print. [HIBBERT] What will you do© [CHANNING] Send an Auton. [HIBBERT] But it will kill him! [CHANNING] It is necessary, Hibbert. He saw the security area and allthis. Think! Think. Then you see that it is necessary. [HIBBERT] Yes, necessary. How will it find him© --------------------------------------- (Oxley Wood) [RANSOME] Please, please help me! --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [MEG] Just seen more of them soldiers coming through the village. [SEELEY] Still looking for them thunderbolts, I bet. [MEG] They're saying they found one. That's how that poor fellow gotkilled. [SEELEY] Killed© Who got killed© [MEG] The soldier who was driving. They reckon his neck was broke cleanthrough. [SEELEY] Accident or something© [MEG] According to the army. [SEELEY] Well then. [MEG] Well, drove right off the road, he did. Something must've made himdo that. [SEELEY] I've never known a woman as fanciful as you, Meg. [MEG] Then why are the soldiers still here, then© Constable Wilkes saidthat poor boy's face was terrible to look at. Something must havefrightened him dreadful afore he died. --------------------------------------- (UNIT field HQ) [MUNRO] Come on, come on. Try and drink some. [RANSOME] No eyes, no hair, just stares. [MUNRO] What© [RANSOME] Men. Creatures! Made in the factory! [MUNRO] Sergeant, I want this man sent to HQ right away. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [LIZ] Are you getting a reading© [DOCTOR] No. [LIZ] Well, that's it. I can't think of anything else we can try. [DOCTOR] Well, don't worry, m'dear. We've done our best. [LIZ] I can't understand it. We've tried a dozen different methods ofanalysis and haven't identified a single element. [DOCTOR] Yes, what results can you expect with this primitive equipment© [LIZ] Primitive© We've got lasers, spectrographs, micron probes. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, I know all that. But what we really need isa lateral molecular rectifier. [LIZ] What on Earth's that© [DOCTOR] Not on Earth, unfortunately. But I think I have one in theTardis. [LIZ] In there© [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm sure I have one somewhere. But I'm sure I used onesome time in the past, or was it the future© [LIZ] Doctor, you really do have scientific equipment in there© [DOCTOR] My dear Liz, I have an entire laboratory. [LIZ] Yes, yes, I'm sure you have. [DOCTOR] No, no, no, it's true. Well, you think that the Tardis isn'tbig enough, don't you© That's because you keep looking at it simply asa police box. [LIZ] Well, it is only a police box. [DOCTOR] Oh no, not once you get inside it, it isn't. You see, Liz, theTardis is dimensionally transcendental. [LIZ] Oh. I see. [DOCTOR] Yes, it would take far too long to try and explain that to you.The important thing is that we've got to get this material analysed. [LIZ] And you could do that with your equipment© [DOCTOR] Child's play. The only trouble is Lethbridge-Stewart has takenaway the key and I can't get inside. [LIZ] Well, I suppose it is your property. [DOCTOR] Yes. Of course, there is always the possibility that you mightbe able to persuade him to part with it. --------------------------------------- (UNIT field HQ) [MUNRO] We've drawn a very tight cordon round the area, sir, so ifanybody has taken it, they're not going to get far. Right, sir, I will. [SEELEY] Here, what are you doing© [SERGEANT] Civilian here, sir. Wants to know how much reward for findinga thunderball. [MUNRO] What's your name© [SEELEY] Seeley, sir. Sam Seeley. [MUNRO] And where do you live, Mister Seeley© [SEELEY] Local, sir. Brook cottage. [MUNRO] All right. So, you've got something to tell us about thesemeteorites© [SEELEY] Me, sir© [MUNRO] You asked if there was a reward for finding one. [SEELEY] Ah, that's right. [MUNRO] So you know where to find one© [SEELEY] I never said that, sir. [MUNRO] Then why are you interested in a reward© [SEELEY] Well, well, in case I might happen come across one like. [MUNRO] Where you out the day those meteorites landed© [SEELEY] Meteorites© Don't know about that. Thunderballs I calls them. [MUNRO] So you were out© [SEELEY] I might have been. Then again, I might not. [MUNRO] Did you see any of them land© Mister Seeley, I want the truth! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] The Autons have lost Ransome. He isbeyond their range. [HIBBERT] Suppose he goes to UNIT© [CHANNING] Do you think they will believe him© [HIBBERT] They might come here. [CHANNING] Then you will deal with them. Soon it will be the final phaseof the plan. [HIBBERT] But there's still one energy unit missing. [CHANNING] The swarm leader. We will find it. [HIBBERT] What about Ransome© Is he safe now© [CHANNING] Unless he returns to the area. If he does, the Autons willtrack him down and destroy him. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [RANSOME] The face was smooth, shiny. It wasplastic! Made in the factory. [BRIGADIER] Why do you say that© [RANSOME] Well, just before this thing came after me, I passed a wholeline of them. They were all exactly the same. [BRIGADIER] It's quite a story, Mister Ransome. [BRIGADIER] Yes© [LIZ] Can I have a word with you, Brigadier© [BRIGADIER] Not now, I'm busy. [LIZ] This is rather important. You see, the Doctor thinks [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw, your work in this laboratory is part of one bigexercise. You'll have to be patient. You say this, er, creature wasarmed© [RANSOME] It took off its hand. [RANSOME] And there was a sort of tube, and the whole of the armappeared to be hollow. Well, you should see the hole it blasted in thewall! [BRIGADIER] Then there was an explosion© [RANSOME] Yes, I suppose so. Not loud, but it was more like a sort ofwhoosh that a rocket makes. [BRIGADIER] And this didn't attract anybody's attention© [RANSOME] Well, I didn't see a living soul in that part of the factory.They seem to have sacked all the workers. It's completely automatednow. [BRIGADIER] How long have you been away in America, Mister Ransome© [RANSOME] Er, six months. [BRIGADIER] None of this was in evidence before you left© New productionlines, changing over to automation, not steps that occur overnight, arethey© [RANSOME] I agree with you, sir, but it's happened! [BRIGADIER] The key. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [DOCTOR] I'm afraid he's going to be awfully cross with you. [LIZ] Well, if you're quick, he mightn't even miss it. [LIZ] It didn't turn when the Brigadier tried to open it. [DOCTOR] Well, that's because the lock has a metabolism detector. [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw, where's that key© You've given it to him. [LIZ] He needed some equipment. [BRIGADIER] Equipment© I had no idea you could be so gullible. That's anexcuse. We shan't see him again. [LIZ] Oh, what do you mean© [BRIGADIER] Listen. [BRIGADIER] He's going. [DOCTOR] Just testing. I wanted to see if the controls [LIZ] Doctor, you tricked me. [DOCTOR] Yes. The temptation was too strong, my dear. It's just that Icouldn't bear the thought of being tied to one planet and one time. I'msorry. It won't happen again. [BRIGADIER] It won't© Give me the key, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Must I© The Tardis no longer works, as you saw. [BRIGADIER] Well, will you give me your word not to try to escape again© [DOCTOR] I couldn't escape now if I wanted to. They've trapped me here! [LIZ] Who have© [DOCTOR] That mean, despicable, underhanded lot! They've changed thedematerialisation code. [BRIGADIER] The what© [DOCTOR] The dematerial. It doesn't matter, you wouldn't understandanyway. [BRIGADIER] There's a great deal that I don't understand. But one thingI did understand, Doctor, was that you promised your help. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I've tried to help you the best way I can, but Ineed more evidence. I need more to go on. [BRIGADIER] Well, I think I may be able to help you. --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [MEG] Sam© --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] What made you go back to the factory© [RANSOME] I wanted to try to talk to George on his own. And I wanted toget a look at that security area. [BRIGADIER] Do you think he's afraid of something© [RANSOME] I don't know, but this other man who came in [BRIGADIER] Did you find out who the other man was© [RANSOME] Yes, his name's Channing. Now, he seemed to have some sort ofmental hold over George, almost as if he was hypnotised. [DOCTOR] You know, Brigadier, I think perhaps a visit to that plasticsfactory would be in order, don't you© --------------------------------------- (UNIT field HQ) [SEELEY] If I don't get home soon, I'm going to bein terrible trouble with the missus. Let me go, sir. [MUNRO] Don't worry, Mister Seeley, we'll let your wife know where youare. Now, about the meteorites© [SEELEY] Look, sir, it's a mistake. I haven't seen nothing. [MUNRO] If you tell us where it is, you can go home. [SEELEY] Worth a bit of money, I reckon. [MUNRO] So you do know where there is one© [SEELEY] I might. [MUNRO] Seeley, I'm not going to bargain with you. You tell meeverything you know, and tell me quick. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] It's less than two miles away. [HIBBERT] Aren't you going to arrange to collect it© [CHANNING] That is being done. [HIBBERT] Suppose it stops signalling again© [CHANNING] We're nearly there. Through the trees, across the road. Theswarm leader is held in that small building! --------------------------------------- (UNIT field HQ) [MUNRO] In a trunk© [SEELEY] Couldn't think of no other place to hide it. [MUNRO] Don't you realise these things might be dangerous© [MUNRO] This man, sir. He's found one of the meteorites. [BRIGADIER] Where is it© [MUNRO] At his house, sir. I was about to take a party and collect it. [BRIGADIER] Right. We'll go in my car. You know the way, Munro© [MUNRO] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, Mister Ransome, would you mind staying here© [DOCTOR] Brigadier, I think we'll come with you, if you don't mind. [BRIGADIER] Good. Might be as well. [MUNRO] Sergeant, put Seeley in the truck and keep an eye on him. --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [MEG] Oh, be quiet, Barney. Stop that row. [MEG] Barney, what are you at© --------------------------------------- (Seeley's cottage) [MEG] Sam, is that you© Sam, what do you reckon you're playing at© [MEG] Who are you© What do you want© [MEG] You get away! My husband's about, you know! --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [MEG] You saw me load it. Get out of here or I'll blow a hole in you.Get back! I'm not joking! Get back! [(She fires both barrels but they just leave a stain on the boiler suit.The Auton advances.) MEG] No. Oh, get back. No! Oh! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] The signal is muffled. Search! We mustfind it! We must find it. --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) (Seeley's cottage) [BRIGADIER [OC]] Mrs Seeley© Mrs Seeley© [BRIGADIER] Check the rest --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [BRIGADIER] Get a platoon out here, fast! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] Recall! Recall! [HIBBERT] What's happening© Channing© [CHANNING] UNIT. Too many. Recall! [CHANNING] Recall! [HIBBERT] Channing© [CHANNING] There were too many. [HIBBERT] What© [CHANNING] The swarm leader has been taken by UNIT soldiers. [HIBBERT] How do you know that© [CHANNING] I know. [HIBBERT] Why didn't the Auton destroy them© [CHANNING] Because I recalled it. It is too soon for a major battle. Wemust delay UNIT. [CHANNING] Ransome has returned to the area. We shall also deal withhim. --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [BRIGADIER] How is she© [LIZ] All right as far as I can tell. I think we ought to get her tohospital though. [BRIGADIER] Right. I'll lay on an ambulance. [DOCTOR] You know, this really is most interesting. We must examine itin the laboratory. [LIZ] What do you make of it© [DOCTOR] Well, I was right about the shape, wasn't I© The signal musthave been muffled by the metal of that trunk. It's most interesting. [LIZ] Suppose it explodes like the other one© [DOCTOR] There's no reason why it should as long as we treat it gently.Unless, of course [LIZ] Unless what© [DOCTOR] It has a built-in destruct impulse. In that case, we'll justhave to risk it. [LIZ] Doctor, suppose that thing comes back for it© --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] Destroy! Total destruction! --------------------------------------- (Outside Seeley's cottage) [MUNRO] The creature got away into the woods, sir. [BRIGADIER] Munro, I want a cordon round that plastics factory. [MUNRO] Very good, sir. [BRIGADIER] That creature, robot, or whatever it was, obviously camefrom there. Mister Ransome described something very like it. [DOCTOR] Yes, and until we know a bit more about these things, I thinkwe should move very cautiously. --------------------------------------- (UNIT field HQ) [SERGEANT] But he couldn't just have walked out,sir. I've had a guard on the front of the tent all the time. [BRIGADIER] Never mind about the front, what about the back© That's howhe got away. [MUNRO] He must have cut his way out. [DOCTOR] No, he didn't cut his way out, but somebody cut their way in.This canvas has been ripped from the outside. [BRIGADIER] So they took him from under our very noses. [DOCTOR] If Mister Ransome is anywhere, he'll be at that plasticsfactory. So I suggest that we go there immediately. --------------------------------------- (Office) [HIBBERT] What an extraordinary story! What made him say such a thing© [BRIGADIER] We have to check on it, Mister Hibbert, howeverextraordinary it may be. [HIBBERT] I'd like to hear him tell this story in front of me. [LIZ] He was coming with us but, unfortunately, he disappeared. [HIBBERT] Ah, he was a brilliant young man in many ways. [LIZ] Then why did you dismiss him© [HIBBERT] Oh, he had some wild scheme for making electronic dolls. Thedesign was quite impractical. He was very unpleasant when I turned himdown. [BRIGADIER] So you feel he told this story just to cause you trouble© [HIBBERT] I'm afraid so. It must have been praying on his mind. [DOCTOR] What exactly are you making here© [HIBBERT] Er, plastic dolls of course, but our new line is displaymannequins for shops. We send them all over the country. [DOCTOR] And can these mannequins actually move© [HIBBERT] Well, they're flexible, of course. That's why we've capturedthe market. But I can assure you, they can't move on their own. [BRIGADIER] So Ransome may have been simply making trouble© [HIBBERT] I can't think of another explanation. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I've think we've seen all we can possibly see here.I'm sorry if we've been a nuisance. [HIBBERT] Not at all. I'll see you out. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] It was the man who led the raid on thehospital. I recognised him from his photograph. [LIZ] And what will you do now© [BRIGADIER] I've put a call through to General Scobie. If I can get hisauthority, I'll surround the place and raid it. [DOCTOR] Here, come over here, you two. Look at this. [LIZ] Have you got something© [DOCTOR] Yes. [BRIGADIER] What does that thing do© [DOCTOR] It measures mental activity. It's fascinating, isn't it© [LIZ] You mean there's some form of intelligence inside that globe© [DOCTOR] Yes. You know, it's as I suspected. This globe is only acontainer. I wonder whether we can communicate with it© [BRIGADIER] Yes© [MUNRO [OC]] Your call to General Scobie, sir. [BRIGADIER] Good. --------------------------------------- (Scobie's house) [SCOBIE] What's that, Stewart© Auto Plastics© Yes,I was there about two hours. Why© --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] I wondered if you'd noticed anythingirregular, sir© We've had some rather strange reports about thatfactory. --------------------------------------- (Scobie's house) [SCOBIE] Nothing at all. No, perfectly normal. Yes,pleasant couple of fellows, I thought. Right. I see. Well, that soundspretty serious. Yes, I'll come and see you straight away. I'll give youall the support you need. [SCOBIE] Well, goodbye, Stewart. [SCOBIE] No! No! --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] What are you actually trying to do,Doctor© [DOCTOR] Well, it appears that in there we have what one might looselycall a brain. Fifty megacycles, Liz. If we can establish the frequencyon which it operates [DOCTOR] Oh, dear. [LIZ] We overloaded the circuit, I think. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, you were saying that this is some kind of brain. [DOCTOR] Yeah, or part of a brain. An intelligence. Yes, that's probablynearer the mark. [BRIGADIER] Sending signals somewhere. Where to© [DOCTOR] Well, the rest of itself, surely© [LIZ] The other globes that came down© [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [LIZ] They're all part of one entity. Let's say a collectiveintelligence. [BRIGADIER] Can it see us© [DOCTOR] My dear fellow, it's not sentient. [LIZ] No, our measurements prove there's no physical substance insideit. [BRIGADIER] But, if it is has no physical form [DOCTOR] No, once here it can presumably create a suitable shell foritself. Otherwise there'd be no point in coming. [LIZ] The plastics factory. [DOCTOR] Yes. [BRIGADIER] Yes© [MUNRO [OC]] General Scobie calling, sir. [BRIGADIER] Put him on. As soon as I get his authority, we'll move in. --------------------------------------- (Office) [SCOBIE 2] Stewart© About that Auto Plasticfactory. Yes, but it's off limits, I'm afraid. They've got someimportant work on hand. It mustn't be interfered with. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Sir, if you'll just. Oh, he's hung up. [LIZ] What are you going to do now? [BRIGADIER] There's not much I can do, except go over his head. Yes,I'll get on to the Home Secretary and if I don't get him to revoke thatorder, I'll go to UNIT headquarters in Geneva. [DOCTOR] That's going to take time. [BRIGADIER] The old fool. Just because he feels flattered they made afacsimile of him. [DOCTOR] Facsimile© Of General Scobie© [BRIGADIER] A plastic replica, yes. Apparently, they make these thingsfor Madame Tussauds. It's one of their sidelines. [DOCTOR] Oh my goodness. The waxworks. --------------------------------------- (Madame Tussauds display room) [DOCTOR] Well, I think this is the right room. Liz© [LIZ] What© [DOCTOR] Do you recognise any of these people© [LIZ] Yes, of course. I think all that group are top civil servants.Hey, that's odd. They're all Government types. There are no astronauts,famous personalities. You know, people like that. [DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, excuse me© [ATTENDANT] Yes, sir© [DOCTOR] I understand these figures aren't made of wax. Is that right© [ATTENDANT] Yes, that's right, sir. These are plastic. It's an entirelynew process. [DOCTOR] Are they supplying any more or is the tableau complete now© [ATTENDANT] Oh, they're coming in with them all the time, sir. Theybrought that fellow in just this morning. [LIZ] General Scobie! [DOCTOR] Well that was quick. When did he visit the factory© [LIZ] Yesterday afternoon. [LIZ] What are you doing, Doctor© Doctor, what are you doing© [DOCTOR] Shush. Liz, if you were making a model of someone, would youput a wristwatch on it. [LIZ] I might do, if it had to look really authentic. [DOCTOR] Yes. Would you go to the trouble of winding it up and keepingit at the correct time© I think you and I had better have a word withLethbridge-Stewart. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [MUNRO] I'm afraid not. He's been out all day.Trying to see the Home Secretary, I gather. --------------------------------------- (Madame Tussauds office) [DOCTOR] Well, when he comes in, tell him that I'll call again later,will you© Goodbye. [LIZ] Now what will we do© [DOCTOR] Well, there's only one thing we can do. Wait. [LIZ] Wait for what© [DOCTOR] Closing time. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [HIBBERT] What will it look like when it's ready© [CHANNING] I cannot tell you, yet. [HIBBERT] But you must know what it looks like. You made it. [CHANNING] I made nothing. I merely provided an environment tank inwhich the energy units can create the perfect life form. [HIBBERT] I don't understand. [CHANNING] Of course you don't. How can you© [HIBBERT] You talk as though you were not [CHANNING] Don't struggle against me, Hibbert. Trust me. We must worktogether. [HIBBERT] Yes, of course. [CHANNING] Good. The swarm leader has to be brought here. [HIBBERT] But UNIT have taken it. How can we© [CHANNING] You forget we have General Scobie. [HIBBERT] He's just a copy, Channing. If he's detected [CHANNING] You have only seen the Autons. Crude weapons with a singleoffensive function. The facsimiles like Scobie's are perfectreproductions, even down to brain cells and memory traces. We shallactivate them all tonight. You will see then how effective they are. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [SCOBIE 2] Odd looking object. [MUNRO] May I ask, sir, what you intend doing with it© [SCOBIE 2] The government is sending it to the Royal GeophysicalLaboratory. [MUNRO] With respect, sir, I think the Brigadier ought to be informedfirst. I have no authority to part with it. [SCOBIE 2] You can tell Brigadier Stewart I ordered you to hand it over. [MUNRO] My orders must come through UNIT, sir. [SCOBIE] Captain Munro, you may be attached to UNIT but you're still inthe army. Will you give me the globe© Or shall I take it and arrest youfor mutiny© [MUNRO] You leave me no alternative, sir. --------------------------------------- (Madame Tussauds display room) [LIZ] I don't like this. [DOCTOR] Oh, there's nothing to be afraid of. They're only dummies. Ithink. It's funny how their eyes seem to follow you, isn't it© [LIZ] Hilarious. [LIZ] Doctor© Doctor© Doctor© [DOCTOR] Hmm© [LIZ] Oh! I thought I heard something. [DOCTOR] No, it's only your imagination. [LIZ] Are they plastic© [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'm sure they are. LIZ [DOCTOR] Yes, and his plastic facsimile is walking around somewhere. Nowjust [LIZ] Someone's coming. [DOCTOR] Quick! Back behind the curtain. [HIBBERT] What's wrong© [CHANNING] There is an alien life form somewhere near. I can sense it. [HIBBERT] There's only you and me here, and the facsimiles, and Scobie. [CHANNING] Scobie. Yes. Open the door. [HIBBERT] What do you have to do to activate them© [CHANNING] Nothing. They know it is time. [HIBBERT] Where are they going© [CHANNING] To take their places. It is time for them to begin work. [HIBBERT] What are you doing here© You shouldn't [DOCTOR] Shush. [HIBBERT] Channing will [DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush! If you tell Channing that we're here, theAutons will kill us, as I think they killed your friend Ransome. [HIBBERT] Ransome© I had to dismiss him, because Channing said [DOCTOR] Channing is controlling your mind. You must resist him.Channing is your enemy. The enemy of the entire human race! [HIBBERT] Channing is my partner. New policy [DOCTOR] Now listen to me, Hibbert. You've got to get away fromChanning. Get away and think. Now, come to UNIT. I can help you. [CHANNING [OC]] Hibbert! [CHANNING] What are you doing© [HIBBERT] I was just checking. [CHANNING] There is nothing to check. We are finished here. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] It's the facsimiles, Brigadier. They'removing. They've just left the waxworks. [LIZ] You've got to act quickly, Brigadier, or else it'll be too late.By tomorrow [DOCTOR] By tomorrow, they will have taken over the key positions in theentire country. Now you've got to move against that factory now! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SCOBIE 2] If they move against you, I shall be ready for them. [CHANNING] Humans are not predictable. It is growing difficult tomaintain control over Hibbert. [SCOBIE 2] Hibbert is no longer necessary. [CHANNING] No. We need no one now. [CHANNING] At dawn, we will activate the Autons. [SCOBIE 2] Good. [CHANNING] Just a few more hours, then. Just a few more hours. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [LIZ] It's nearly half past five. Can't we take a break© I can hardlykeep me eyes open. [DOCTOR] And a red. Here it is. Hold onto those for a moment, will you© [LIZ] Just think. The rest of the world is fast asleep. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Are you sure© Well, get on to the police, man! Try the army!Well, keep trying! [DOCTOR] It's started, hasn't it© [BRIGADIER] Yes, all over the country. Window dummies coming alive,attacking police stations, barracks, communication centres. [LIZ] The radio's dead as well. [DOCTOR] Now look, you two, we haven't got much time. [LIZ] Well now the globe has gone, we can't be sure if this is reallygoing to work. [DOCTOR] Well, of course it's going to work. [BRIGADIER] What will work© [DOCTOR] Well, I'm trying to devise a weapon that we can use againstthem. Well, it's not very efficient, I know, but it's the best that Ican do. And then you've got to take me to the security area of thatfactory. [BRIGADIER] Well, how can I© I can't even contact my support platoons. [DOCTOR] Well, how many men can you raise© [BRIGADIER] Just my headquarters staff. [DOCTOR] Well then, that'll have to do, won't it© --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DOCTOR [OC]] Channing is controlling your mind. You must resist him.Channing is your enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy. [CHANNING] Stop! [HIBBERT] No, Channing. You can't stop me now. [CHANNING] You should not have left the factory, Hibbert. [HIBBERT] Channing! I can think when I'm away from you. I know what'sbeen happening. I know what I've done. You've been controlling my mind!The Doctor was right! [CHANNING] You have spoken to him© [HIBBERT] Who are you© What are you© [CHANNING] We are the Nestenes. [HIBBERT] Nestenes© [CHANNING] We have been colonising other planets for a thousand millionyears. Now we have come to colonise Earth. [HIBBERT] Colonise it© Then what is going to happen to man© You'lldestroy us. [CHANNING] You will be spared, Hibbert. You have helped us. [HIBBERT] I helped you© [CHANNING] There's nothing you can do, Hibbert. [HIBBERT] If I destroy this, I destroy all of you! [CHANNING] Destroy. Total destruction! --------------------------------------- (Factory rear entrance) [DOCTOR] Will you stand well back, please© --------------------------------------- (Control room) [COMPUTER] In Section D. Attention! Attention!Intruders in Section D! --------------------------------------- (Factory yard) [LIZ] Someone sent our support troops after all. [SCOBIE 2] Brigadier Stewart! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SCOBIE 2 [on monitor]] You and your men are underarrest! --------------------------------------- (Factory yard) [BRIGADIER] This isn't General Scobie! Now, listento me. [SCOBIE 2] Order your men to lay down their arms, Brigadier, or theywill be made --------------------------------------- (Control room) [SCOBIE 2 [on monitor]] To do so. --------------------------------------- (Factory yard) [DOCTOR] Perhaps I can settle this argument© Imean, as to whether this really is General Scobie. [DOCTOR] General Scobie, would you be kind enough to say a few wordsinto the microphone© [SCOBIE 2] What sort of foolery is this© [DOCTOR] Switch on, Liz! [MUNRO] You've killed him! [DOCTOR] I don't think so. You see, he was never really alive. [BRIGADIER] It may be difficult to grasp but that's the situation we'vegot to deal with. You will place your men under my orders, is thatclear© [ARMY] Very good, sir. [LIZ] Doctor, where are we going© [DOCTOR] If we're quick, my dear, we can save everybody a lot oftrouble. --------------------------------------- (Factory) [DOCTOR] Now! [DOCTOR] Well, there we are, my dear Liz. Who said we got the wrongfrequency© --------------------------------------- (Factory yard) [BRIGADIER] Take cover! Fire! [BRIGADIER] Fall back! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CHANNING] You're too late. [DOCTOR] On this planet, there is a saying that it is never too late.Good gracious! What on earth is this thing© [CHANNING] A lifeform perfectly adapted for survival and conquest onthis planet. [DOCTOR] Is that what you look like on your own planet© [CHANNING] No. We have no individual identity. [DOCTOR] So this thing is a sort of collective brain, nervous system© [CHANNING] Humanly speaking, yes. [DOCTOR] Oh, but I'm not human. So, if you live as a group, you can bedestroyed as a group, surely© [CHANNING] You cannot destroy us. [DOCTOR] I destroyed your facsimile of Scobie, therefore I can destroyall of you. [CHANNING] No one has the power to destroy us, not even you. We areindestructible. [DOCTOR] So you see, Mister Channing, with this device I can eliminateyou. [CHANNING] No one can destroy the Nestenes! [DOCTOR] Oh no! Switch on, Liz! Liz, switch on! [LIZ] I have! [DOCTOR] It's not working! [DOCTOR] Liz, come on. Liz, come on, quick! Well, what's wrong with it© [LIZ] Doctor, I'm trying. [LIZ] Now! [DOCTOR] You can switch off, I think, now, Liz. [LIZ] Channing. --------------------------------------- (UNIT laboratory) [LIZ] Basically, it's the same as an ECT machine.Electric convulsion therapy. [DOCTOR] Only much more powerful, of course. [BRIGADIER] Well, it worked. Doctor© These Nestenes, will they tryagain© [DOCTOR] Possibly. They're telepathic, so they certainly know whathappened. [BRIGADIER] If they do decide to launch a second attack, I hope we cancount on your help again© [DOCTOR] Yes, well, before we go into all that, Brigadier, I think wemust discuss terms. [BRIGADIER] Terms© [DOCTOR] Yes. After all, you do want to take advantage of my servicesagain, don't you© [BRIGADIER] I think you'll find the salary is quite adequate. [DOCTOR] Money© My dear chap, I don't want money. I've got no use forthe stuff. [BRIGADIER] Then what do you want© [DOCTOR] Well, facilities to repair the Tardis, laboratory, equipment,help from Miss Shaw here. [BRIGADIER] Very well. Anything you need. Within reason, of course. Isthat all© [DOCTOR] My goodness, no. Don't you realise that when I was stranded onthis little planet of yours, I had nothing but these clothes that I Oh,my goodness! [LIZ] What is it, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Well, I've just realised. I don't even own these. I borrowedthem from the hospital. And there's that car, too. Yes, you know, Itook to that car. It had character. [BRIGADIER] No, Doctor. That car must be returned to its owner. [DOCTOR] Must it© Yes, yes, I suppose it must. Still, there's no reasonwhy you couldn't find me something similar, is there© I mean, it couldpersuade me to stay, you know. [BRIGADIER] Oh, very well. [DOCTOR] Good. When can we go and choose it© [BRIGADIER] Not yet. I must arrange for a full set of papers first. Bythe way, I've just realised. I don't even know your name. [DOCTOR] Smith. Doctor John Smith.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s07", "episode": "e01", "title": "Spearhead from Space"}
Doctor Who (31 Jan, 1970; Third Doctor) - Doctor Who and The Silurians (Caves) [SPENCER] Well, this is fantastic! [SPENCER] What was that? [DAVIS] Nothing. [DAVIS] Wait. [DAVIS] Spencer! [DAVIS] Spencer! --------------------------------------- (UNIT garage workshop) [DOCTOR] (singing.) 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, Did gyre andgimble in the wabe [LIZ [OC]] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Come on, Bessie, be more co-operative. All mimsy were theborogroves, And the mome raths [LIZ] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Outgrabe. Oh, hello, Liz. [LIZ] You'll never get that thing running. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't you be so disrespectful. I'll have you know this is acar of great character. I was very lucky to get her. [LIZ] Are you really going to drive about in it? [DOCTOR] Yes, certainly. I've nearly finished my modifications. Ithought we'd take her out for a trial run in a minute. [DOCTOR] Now I wonder what that's for. Oh, well. [LIZ] Urgent message from the Brigadier. [DOCTOR] Oh he's away, isn't he, investigating some scientists? [LIZ] Yes, well, he wants us to join him. 'Miss Shaw and the Doctor willreport themselves forthwith to Wenley Moor. Attend a briefing meetingat precisely [DOCTOR] My dear Miss Shaw, I never report myself anywhere. Particularlynot forthwith. [LIZ] Oh, it's just his way of putting things. [DOCTOR] No, I'm sorry, Liz. I won't go. I'm far too busy. [LIZ] Come on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Twee. Twas brillig, and the slithy toves [LIZ] It would make a nice a nice trip for us. We could visit the caves. [DOCTOR] Caves? What caves? [LIZ] Well, that part of the country's famous for them. [DOCTOR] Oh. Is it? [LIZ] It is. [DOCTOR] Oh, all right then. I'll drive you up there in Bessie. [LIZ] Bessie? [DOCTOR] There, Bessie. [LIZ] I see. [DOCTOR] Well, there we are. Here, hold that, Liz, will you? --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [LAWRENCE] I trust that point is clear. And I would emphasise again thatdespite the presence of our friends from UNIT, to whom we shall giveevery possible co-operation, this problem is, I am sure, a scientificone. [LAWRENCE] It is our duty as scientists to deal with it ourselves. Onlyby exercising redoubled vigilance in all our duties can we track downthe errors that are holding back the work of this research centre. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [LAWRENCE [OC]] The work of this research centre isvitally --------------------------------------- (Research Centre reception) [BRIGADIER] Ah, there you are at last. [DOCTOR] There you are at last. [BRIGADIER] Right. [DOCTOR] And just where are we? [BRIGADIER] In a cave. [LIZ] We can see that. [BRIGADIER] Or rather in an atomic research centre which has been builtinto these caves. [DOCTOR] Why? More security? [BRIGADIER] Exactly. [DOCTOR] Look, may I ask you, why am I here? [BRIGADIER] Come this way, will you? The meeting's waiting. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [LAWRENCE] We are already very considerably behindin our research programme, and I am deter [LAWRENCE] And I am determined we shall recover our lost ground, and goon to make the new and important discoveries that lie ahead. All right,that will be all. [QUINN] Oh, I'm sorry. [BRIGADIER] Gentlemen, my colleagues, Miss Elizabeth Shaw and theDoctor. Doctor Lawrence, director of this establishment. [LAWRENCE] How do you do. [BRIGADIER] His number two, Doctor Quinn. [QUINN] Hello. [DOCTOR] Hello, Doctor Quinn. [BRIGADIER] Major Baker, station security officer. Doctor Lawrence,perhaps you'd be good enough to put my colleagues in the picture. [LAWRENCE] This establishment consists basically of a device forresearch into the nature of the atom. Cyclotron, otherwise known as aproton accelerator. It, er [LAWRENCE] It bombards atoms with subatomic particles. [DOCTOR] Why? [LAWRENCE] We are on the verge of discovering a way to provide cheap,safe, atomic energy for virtually every kind of use. [QUINN] We're developing a new kind of nuclear reactor, one whichconverts nuclear energy directly to electrical power. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, that's all very well, but what is going wrong? [BRIGADIER] Two things. First, an abnormally high rate of personneltrouble. Nervous breakdowns. Absenteeism. Accidents. But the reallyserious problem, is the power losses. [LAWRENCE] There have been a certain number of unexplained leakages inthe power supplied by the nuclear generator. I am confident we shallfind an explanation. [BRIGADIER] You haven't found one yet, Doctor Lawrence. That's why I'mhere. [QUINN] Well, it's a highly complex piece of machinery. Naturally thereare problems. [DOCTOR] Naturally. [BRIGADIER] Now there are three possible approaches to this problem.Security. [BAKER] Everything has been double-checked. [BRIGADIER] Then you will triple-check it, Major Baker, under mysupervision, clear? [BAKER] Sir. [BRIGADIER] Personnel. This will be dealt with by Miss Shaw. [LIZ] Oh, yes? [BRIGADIER] Yes. Finally, the purely scientific angle. Now, the Doctorhere. What is it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] It's the most extraordinary thing. I can't seem to find mysonic screwdriver anywhere. [LAWRENCE] You're not proposing to dismantle a piece of equipment worthfifteen million pounds with a screwdriver? [DOCTOR] Well, it's not worth fifteen million pins if it doesn't work,is it? [BRIGADIER] Doctor, I suggest you start by just looking round. [QUINN] Yes, let me take you both over the installation. [DOCTOR] Splendid. Come on, Liz. Doctor Quinn, which way do we go? [QUINN] To the left. [DOCTOR] To the left. [LAWRENCE] Brigadier, I shall expect to hear from you as soon as you'veanything to report. You'll see that our work is disrupted as little aspossible. [BRIGADIER] Of course, sir. I'll use this room as my HQ if I may. [LAWRENCE] Very well. And, er, I should be grateful if you could hurrythings up, Brigadier. I want this place working normally again. [BRIGADIER] We all do, sir. [BAKER] I must say, sir, that I fail to see the necessity for theinvolvement of UNIT. [BRIGADIER] How long have these disturbances been going on? [BAKER] Three months. [BRIGADIER] There's your answer. [BAKER] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Something's been happening here which is outside the normalsecurity pattern, and that is precisely the business of UNIT. [BAKER] Sir. I think I have the solution. [BRIGADIER] Have you? [BAKER] Someone has been carrying out a planned, deliberate programme ofsabotage from the inside. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [DAWSON] Electron voltage readings [QUINN] Here we are. Can you manage? Now this is the very [DAWSON] Initiate circuit check. [QUINN] Heart of the cyclotron. Literally so. In fact, we're actuallyinside the machine itself. [DOCTOR] You have your own nuclear reactor then? [QUINN] Oh, yes. Oh, yes. The cyclotron uses power in enormousquantities. Would you care to step down? --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [DOCTOR] What happens if one of these power lossesoccurs at a particularly crucial time? [QUINN] So far, we've always managed to stabilise. [LIZ] If you didn't? [QUINN] Well, theoretically [DOCTOR] Your nuclear reactor could turn into a massive atomic bomb. [LIZ] You ought to shut down the place at once. [QUINN] That would be a decision for the Director. [DOCTOR] A decision he might be reluctant to make? [QUINN] Doctor Lawrence has the research programme very much at heart. [LIZ] Oh. I think I'd better make a start on the personnel files. Iwonder if someone could show me where to go. [QUINN] Oh yes, of course. Mister Roberts, take this young lady acrossto Doctor Meredith in the medical wing, will you? [DOCTOR] Are you all right, Liz? [LIZ] Yes, yes, I'm fine. [ROBERTS] (a nice trimmed beard) Yes, of course. Come this way, please. [DOCTOR] I'll join you later, Liz. [LIZ] Okay. [QUINN] You don't mind if I carry on? [DOCTOR] No, no, please do. [DOCTOR] Quite an achievement, building this centre in these caves. [QUINN] Yes, there are miles of them still in their natural state.Breathtaking. Ever been potholing? [DOCTOR] No, not for a very long time. [QUINN] No, well I'm very keen on it. At least I was, until [DOCTOR] Until what? [QUINN] A couple of our junior technicians went exploring on their dayoff. There was an accident, one of them was killed. The other is stillin the sickbay. [DOCTOR] You have your own doctor? [QUINN] No. Doctor Meredith comes in from the local hospital. [DOCTOR] This technician, was he badly hurt? [QUINN] Well, now, I'm not sure. They seem to be hushing it up. [DOCTOR] I wonder why. [QUINN] I beg your pardon? [DOCTOR] I said, I wonder why. Doctor Quinn, these power losses, do theytake any particular pattern? [QUINN] As far as we can see, completely random. [DOCTOR] I see. Well, I wonder whether I could possibly check. A fresheye, you know. [QUINN] Oh yes, of course. Here's the log. [QUINN] Excuse me a moment. Quinn here. No, no, no, two three six today.Now get that right. Two three six. Yes, indeed. [DOCTOR] Doctor Quinn? [QUINN] Excuse me. Yes? [DOCTOR] This log seems to be incomplete. [QUINN] Look, I'll ring you back. That log should be kept every day.(into microphone) Miss Dawson? [DAWSON] Yes, Doctor Quinn? [QUINN] Come down here a moment will you? [QUINN] What an extraordinary thing. [DOCTOR] Hmm. [QUINN] Miss Dawson, there's a query here. Perhaps you can help. Do youknow who usually keeps this log? [DAWSON] Oh, it used to be Spencer. [QUINN] Ah, well, that explains it. Spencer's the chap who got hurt inthe caves. [DOCTOR] No, Doctor Quinn. I don't think it does explain it. Look. [QUINN] At what? [DOCTOR] There at the bottom of the page, by the string, the binding?You'll see a tiny shred of paper. Some of those pages have been tornout. --------------------------------------- (Records office) [MEREDITH] I might be able to help you, if you could only tell me whatyou were looking for. [LIZ] I don't know myself yet, Doctor Meredith. [MEREDITH] We've had a lot of trouble of course. Mild neuroses,imaginative ailments, one nervous breakdown. [LIZ] Yes, so I see. [MEREDITH] But of course these things are quite unavoidable. [LIZ] This isn't the only atomic research establishment in the country,you know. [MEREDITH] The others haven't quite the same problem. Workingcontinuously underground you hardly know day from night down here. [DOCTOR] Ah, Liz, any luck with those records? [MEREDITH] I take it you're yet another member of the UNIT team? [DOCTOR] Yes. Depressing, isn't it. [LIZ] This is Doctor Meredith. [DOCTOR] Oh, splendid. Just the chap I wanted to see. Now look, thispatient of yours, Spencer, the one who was injured in the caves. May Isee him? [MEREDITH] I'm sorry, that's quite out of the question. [DOCTOR] Oh, really? Why's that? [MEREDITH] Because I won't allow it, that's why. I'm about to have himmoved into hospital. Besides, you have no authority. [DOCTOR] Doctor Meredith, as an associate of UNIT, I think you will findthat I have the authority to do precisely as I please. May I now seeyour patient? [MEREDITH] Oh, it seems I have no choice. All right, but I warn you, itis at your own risk. [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [DOCTOR] How long has he been behaving like this? [MEREDITH] Since he came out of his coma, with occasional spells oftrying to throttle me. [DOCTOR] Astonishing. It's quite astonishing. [MEREDITH] It's the only thing that keeps him quiet. [DOCTOR] Was he much of an artist before the accident? [MEREDITH] Not that I know of. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. It's absolutely amazing. [LIZ] Careful, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right, Liz. [DOCTOR] What's this one, old chap? [DOCTOR] It's all right, old chap. It's all right. [DOCTOR] Take it easy. [DOCTOR] Keep away, Doctor. Leave this to me. It's all right, old chap.Now calm down. Settle down now. [DOCTOR] Calm down. That's it. Steady down now. That's it. Calm down.Nobody's going to hurt you. [MEREDITH] Are you all right? I did warn you. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm all right. He's just frightened, that's all. [LIZ] So was I. What's made him like this? [DOCTOR] Some kind of fear. It's absolutely incredible. It's thrown hismind back millions of years! --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [QUINN] Twenty four thirty five. [ROBERTS] Check. [QUINN] Twenty eight over two. [ROBERTS] Check. [QUINN] Forty seven. Hello, there's something wrong there, isn't there?Ah, no wonder. The T one four's not working. You test it today? [DAWSON] Doctor Quinn, the secondary readings. [QUINN] Roberts, would you mind testing the T one four? [ROBERTS] Yes, sir. [DAWSON] I'm frightened. What's going to happen? [QUINN] You mustn't panic. Just behave normally. [DAWSON] This UNIT investigation, they're bound to discover something. [QUINN] I know, it's a risk. [ROBERTS [OC]] Twenty four, power normal. [QUINN] Good. [DAWSON] John, you've got to tell them to stop. At least while thesepeople are here. [QUINN] Do you think I haven't? Either they don't listen, or they don'tunderstand. [DAWSON] They've got to stop! [QUINN] Shush. [ROBERTS [OC]] T one four, S K. [QUINN] Thank you, Roberts. [DAWSON] Tell the Brigadier or Baker, they'll help. Before someone elsegets killed. [QUINN] They wouldn't believe me, and anyway there's far too much atstake. Now take your hand off. [DAWSON] It's not worth the risk. [QUINN] The knowledge I shall gain is worth any risk. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] It's very comprehensive, Major Baker. [BAKER] Not quite, sir. There's you and your team. [BRIGADIER] No doubt you'll see to that. [BAKER] Yes, sir. I checked on your security clearance as soon as youarrived. Miss Shaw's clearance has just come through. [BRIGADIER] You're very thorough. [BAKER] This man you call the Doctor, sir, there is nothing on file atcentral intelligence records about him. [BRIGADIER] No, there wouldn't be. [BAKER] Then may I ask, sir [BRIGADIER] No, Major Baker, you may not. The Doctor is my personalresponsibility. (The Doctor enters.) [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, very homely. [BRIGADIER] Right, thank you, Major Baker. We'll have another go atthose files later. [BAKER] Sir. I shall be in my office, sir. [DOCTOR] Where exactly is his office? [BRIGADIER] The other end of the corridor. [DOCTOR] He's very conscientious, isn't he? [BRIGADIER] Well, he slipped up badly once some years ago, he's beentrying to make up for it ever since. You'd better look out, Doctor. Hewants to run a security check on you. [DOCTOR] I wish him joy of it. [BRIGADIER] I don't suppose you've found anything? [DOCTOR] On the contrary. I've found enough to make me very, veryworried. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [QUINN] Stand by, stand by. [LAWRENCE] Everything normal, Doctor Quinn? [QUINN] Everything is perfectly normal, thank you, Director. We've justcompleted final checks. [LAWRENCE] Oh good. [QUINN] I'd like to include some of these supplementary tests. [LAWRENCE] And have our schedule fall even further behind? With UNITlooking over our shoulder? No, I don't think so. [QUINN] Stand by. Prepare to initiate program two three six. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [DAWSON] Two three six. Check. [QUINN [OC]] Proton acceleration, phase three. [DAWSON] Phase three. Check. [QUINN [OC]] Roberts, electron voltage reading please. [DAWSON] Roberts! Electron voltage readings! [ROBERTS] Sorry, sir. Electron voltage reading, two thousand million,power rising. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [QUINN] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] Cave drawings on the walls? My dearDoctor, if that's what you call evidence. [DOCTOR] Of course it's evidence. [BRIGADIER] Look, this poor devil sees his friend killed in an accident,he wanders around those caves for hours before they get him out, wellquite naturally he has some kind of breakdown. [DOCTOR] Which turns him into a brilliant Paleolithic cave artist? Whatabout the logs, then? Those torn out pages? [BRIGADIER] Now there you may have something. Could be sabotage, Isuppose. [DOCTOR] Ah! [BRIGADIER] Or someone trying to cover up simple incompetence. [DOCTOR] Lethbridge-Stewart, what on earth is the point of my trying todiscover things for you if you keep turning them down all the time. [BRIGADIER] Then I suggest you discover something I can't dismiss. [DOCTOR] You're not exactly a little Sherlock Holmes yourself, are you? [DOCTOR] What the devil's that? [BRIGADIER] It's another power failure. Come on, Doctor Watson. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [ROBERTS] Power very erratic, sir. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [ROBERTS [OC]] It keeps dropping off, and then suddenly there's a boost. [LAWRENCE] Get that reaction back under control, Doctor Quinn. Shall Itake over? [QUINN] That won't be necessary, thank you. Stand by. We are going toclose down in carefully measured stages. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [QUINN [OC]] There is no need for panic. Justfollow normal routine. [DAWSON] Proton acceleration very irregular. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [QUINN] Close down sector one. [QUINN] Electron voltage readings, please. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [DAWSON] Six thousand million, still rising. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [ROBERTS [OC]] Sector one closed down, sir. [BRIGADIER] What's going on? [QUINN] Close down sector two. [DOCTOR] They're trying to close down the cyclotron without the nuclearreactions getting out of control. [BRIGADIER] I hope they can manage it. Anything we can do? [DOCTOR] Yes. Keep out of the way, I should think. [QUINN] Close down sector three. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [DAWSON] Power still fluctuating. [QUINN [OC]] Roberts, close down sector three. [ROBERTS] No, it's no good. I can't! [DAWSON] The power is back on full. Proton acceleration seven thousandmillion, still rising. Roberts! Roberts! Roberts! [QUINN [OC]] Shut down sector three. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [QUINN] Someone take over. Shut down sector three. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [DOCTOR] Sector three shut down. [QUINN [OC]] Thank you, Doctor. Close down sector four. --------------------------------------- (Records office) [DOCTOR] Now what about those records, Liz. [LIZ] Well, there's a terrifically high rate of minor neuroses. Twohundred percent above the normal, even for a place like this. [DOCTOR] Any pattern? [LIZ] Everyone who was affected worked at one time or another in thecyclotron room. Even I felt odd while I was there. [DOCTOR] Really? In what way? [LIZ] A feeling of oppression, almost terror. [DOCTOR] You know, it's obviously something that only affects somehumans. Otherwise they'd all crack up. [LIZ] So you too think it's something to do with the cyclotron room? [DOCTOR] No, well, not really, but it is the deepest part of the centre.And it's the nearest to those caves. [LIZ] So? [DOCTOR] Everything leads back to those caves, Liz. Davis was killedthere. Spencer was frightened into becoming a cave man. [LIZ] That reminds me. There's a report here on Davis. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes? [LIZ] The police forwarded a copy. [DOCTOR] Let's have a look. [LIZ] Even a map showing where they found him. [DOCTOR] Oh good. (reads) Immediate cause of death, fracture of thecranium. Further observations, unusual abrasions on the body, strangelyresembling scratches or claw marks. Presumably caused during fall. Clawmarks? --------------------------------------- (Caves) (Caves) (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] You're sure this is where he's making for? [LIZ] Pretty sure. He wanted to see the exact place where the accidenthappened. [BRIGADIER] I must say, Miss Shaw, if only you'd come to me earlier. [LIZ] I'm sorry but he asked me not to tell you. [BRIGADIER] I could have sent down a search party immediately. [LIZ] That's just what he didn't want. [BRIGADIER] He deserves all he gets. No sense at all. [BAKER] I've collected all the equipment I can lay my hands on, and I'vealerted the local rescue team. They'll mount a follow-up search as soonas they can. [LIZ] This is very good of you, Major Baker. [BRIGADIER] I'm only sorry that a member of my staff should be causingso much trouble. We're supposed to be helping you. [BAKER] The main thing is to get your Doctor out of those caves as soonas possible. How many men have you, sir? [BRIGADIER] Five or six, and Captain Hawkins. More on the way from HQ. [BAKER] Well, I suggest we start a preliminary search just as soon as wecan. [BRIGADIER] Right. We'll be ready to go in five minutes. [BAKER] Right sir. [DOCTOR] Well, this all looks very exciting. May I come too? --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [LAWRENCE] Surely you must have found someexplanation. [QUINN] Both generator and cyclotron are functioning perfectly. Excuseme. Miss Dawson, electron voltage readings please. [DAWSON [OC]] Two thousand million, power steady, all systems at normal. [LAWRENCE] Everything's in perfect order, except for the fact that thesepower losses still keep on recurring. [QUINN] We are trying everything possible. [LAWRENCE] Yes, I know. I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [QUINN] Thank you, Miss Dawson. [LAWRENCE] This project started off so well. Still, we're not the onlyones with problems. [QUINN] Oh? [LAWRENCE] UNIT. That ridiculous Doctor of theirs got himself lost inthe caves. [QUINN] Are they searching for him? [LAWRENCE] They were, but the fellow turned up again. [QUINN] That's very fortunate. [LAWRENCE] Let me know if you find anything wrong, won't you. [QUINN] Yes of course. [DAWSON] If they had started searching those caves [QUINN] Well, they're not going to, are they, so we needn't worry. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [DOCTOR] Anybody would think you were disappointed that I didn't getlost. [LIZ] Come on, Doctor. You get everyone worried, then turn up safe andsound. [BAKER] You shouldn't have gone, sir. [DOCTOR] Well, it produced results, didn't it? [BRIGADIER] Subterranean Loch Ness monster? Very helpful. [DOCTOR] Oh, so you don't believe me? [BRIGADIER] Oh, I believe you saw something. The question is what. [LIZ] You weren't very specific. [DOCTOR] Well, I hardly had time to draw its picture, did I? All I cantell you is that it was something very, very large, and something very,very alive. [LIZ] Could it have been prehistoric? [DOCTOR] Well, it was certainly some kind of dinosaur. Certainly nothingthat I've ever seen before, though. [BAKER] In museums, you mean? [DOCTOR] No, I do not mean in museums. Well, on second thoughts,perhaps, perhaps I do, yes. [BAKER] Look, sir. Suppose there is sabotage going on, and a large grouphiding in the caves have faked up some kind of monster. [LIZ] To scare people away? [BAKER] And to account for the unexplained deaths. The noise the Doctorheard could have been machinery. [BRIGADIER] What do you think, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a possibility. I suppose. [BRIGADIER] Well, whatever it is, we must check up on it. [BAKER] I'll be glad to go with you sir. [BRIGADIER] We'll all go, except Miss Shaw. [LIZ] Oh, just a minute. I'm not going to miss all the fun [BRIGADIER] No, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] Have you never heard of female emancipation? [DOCTOR] Liz, this time I think he's right. [BAKER] Your men will be armed, sir? [BRIGADIER] Small arms, grenades, nothing very substantial. [BAKER] We'll be a bit short on firepower. [DOCTOR] That's typical of the military mind, isn't it? Present themwith a new problem, and they start shooting at it. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, I'll inform the Director of my decision. [DOCTOR] It's not the only way, you know, just blasting away at things! [BAKER] Oh don't worry, Doctor, we'll make sure your prehistoric friendgets a sporting chance. We won't shoot until we see the whites of itseyes, huh? --------------------------------------- (Caves) [DOCTOR] I found the footprint over here somewhere. [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well it was here. Well, it's dried up, isn't it. Anyone can seethat. [BRIGADIER] I'm afraid I can't see anything at all. [BAKER] Listen! Shall I take a look, sir? [BRIGADIER] Yes all right. Captain Hawkins, take a couple of men and gowith Major Baker. [HAWKINS] Very good sir. You two come with me. Major Baker! Come on, youtwo. Wait for us, sir! --------------------------------------- (Cave tunnels) [BAKER] Hey, you there! Halt or I fire! [DOCTOR] Come on! [BRIGADIER] What happened, Hawkins? [HAWKINS] No idea, sir. We found him like this when we got here. [DOCTOR] It's all right, old chap. Take it easy. Take it easy. [BAKER] I saw someone down there. I fired over his head. I think I hithim. Ricochet. [BRIGADIER] Did he attack you? [BAKER] No, something else. Bullets, bullets wouldn't stop, stop it! [DOCTOR] It's all right, old chap. Take it easy. Hold him there. [BRIGADIER] Get the first aid kit, and a shot of morphine. We'd betterget him back to the centre. [HAWKINS] Very good, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, Captain Hawkins? [HAWKINS] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Before you do that, take a look up there and be careful. [HAWKINS] Sir. [BRIGADIER] What do you make of it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, obviously Baker shot at something he thought was a man.Then something else attacked Baker. [BRIGADIER] The prehistoric creature that attacked you? [DOCTOR] Oh, it seems very likely, doesn't it. [HAWKINS] Sir? Something over here sir. --------------------------------------- (Cavern) [HAWKINS] Ricochet marks on the rocks, sir. Andlook over here, sir. Traces of blood, spots leading this way. [BRIGADIER] We'd better follow them. Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. I'll get back to the hospital with these blood samples. Inany case I can give a hand to carry Baker. [BRIGADIER] Right. Morton, give the Doctor a hand. The rest, follow me. [DOCTOR] Brigadier! You'll be careful, won't you? After all, you don'treally know what you're following, you know. --------------------------------------- (Research Centre Laboratory) [LIZ] Well, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, see for yourself. [LIZ] Well, I know this may seem a little far-fetched, but there areresemblances to [DOCTOR] Certain of the larger reptiles? [LIZ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Precisely. [BRIGADIER] Bad news, Doctor. We lost it. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [BRIGADIER] Well there's a lot of moorland out there. Anyway, it wasgetting dark. [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose so. [LIZ] What are you going to do now? [BRIGADIER] I've sent to HQ for some more men. We'll mount a full-scalesearch in the morning. Doctor, have you got any idea what we're lookingfor? [DOCTOR] No, not yet. So far our tests have proved inconclusive. [BRIGADIER] There'll be the devil to pay if Baker shot some innocentpotholer. Oh, how is he, by the way? [LIZ] Well there was some bruising, and one arm was clawed, and there'sa possibility of mild concussion. [DOCTOR] Poor chap. Mind you, he was behaving very irresponsibly,blazing away like that. [BRIGADIER] He was attacked, Doctor, just as you were. [DOCTOR] Yes, but not by the thing that he shot at. Seems to me,Brigadier, that you're missing the most important point. [BRIGADIER] Which is? [DOCTOR] That when Baker was attacked, and when I was attacked, thething was called off before it could do any real harm. [LIZ] Davis was killed though. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, but in my opinion there are two kinds of creaturedown in that cave. A large and ferocious one, and a smaller, much moreintelligent kind that controls the first, and may not be hostile. [BRIGADIER] It's a bit hard to accept one monster, let alone two. Still,whatever it is, we'll know in the morning. [DOCTOR] Yes and by that time it might be a little too late. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [LAWRENCE] Simply to disappear at a time like this! [DAWSON] Doctor Quinn has been working very long hours under aconsiderable strain. [LAWRENCE] So have we all. [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so sorry. I was looking for Doctor Quinn. [LAWRENCE] You're not the only one. [DAWSON] He completed as many of the tests as he could, and then hesimply had to go and rest. [DOCTOR] Is he in his quarters? [DAWSON] Well, no. [LAWRENCE] Gone off to that cottage of his, has he? If he spent moretime doing his job and less writing that book of his. When he getsback, tell him I'd like to see him, would you? If he can spare amoment. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, my dear. We're all under a bit of a strain at themoment. [DAWSON] Doctor Quinn works harder than anyone at this centre. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. Yes, I'm sure he does. It's just that I'd ratherlike another word with him myself. It's about those power losses. --------------------------------------- (Silurian control room) [SILURIAN [OC]] Why have you come? [QUINN] I have come to warn you. There are men searching the caves.Soldiers with weapons. [SILURIAN [OC]] Your warning is too late. They have already attacked us. [QUINN] What happened? [SILURIAN [OC]] One of us was wounded. He was forced onto the surface. [QUINN] Were any humans hurt? [SILURIAN [OC]] That does not concern us. [QUINN] You must stop taking power from the cyclotron. [SILURIAN [OC]] We still need the power. We are not yet ready to makeour own. [QUINN] It's causing endless trouble. That's what brought the soldiershere. [SILURIAN [OC]] One us of was wounded. We need your help to recover him. [QUINN] How do you expect me to do that? The soldiers will be huntingfor him. They will see me. I tell you it's impossible. I won't do it. [SILURIAN [OC]] You refuse to help us, yet you expect our scientists togive you their secrets? [QUINN] All you've given me so far are scraps of knowledge, hints. Imust know. [SILURIAN [OC]] You will be given the information when the wounded oneis returned to us. [QUINN] Very well. What shall I do? How can I find him? [SILURIAN [OC]] We will give you a summoning device. He will hear it andcome to you. --------------------------------------- (Squire's farm - barn) [SQUIRE] Doris! Doris! [DORIS [OC]] What do you want? [SQUIRE] Get on to the police. Tell them there's something in my barn! [DORIS [OC]] What sort of something? [SQUIRE] Some sort of freak! I saw it move in the hay! [SQUIRE] Well, get on with it, woman! --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [HAWKINS] Everything's organised, sir. The chopper's already up andthere are two platoons in support. [BRIGADIER] Good. Ask Major Peters to keep the men on stand by. I'll bewith him as soon as I can. [HAWKINS] Very good, sir. (into phone) Major Peters, please. [BRIGADIER] Good morning, Director. I was about to come and see you. [LAWRENCE] I realise you must be busy, particularly since you seem to beengaged in a full-scale military operation with my research centre asit's HQ. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I apologise for the inconvenience, Director. [LAWRENCE] When you and your associates descended upon us, not I mightadd at any request of mine, I understood that your purpose was to putan end to the setbacks that have been plaguing us here. [BRIGADIER] That is true, sir. [LAWRENCE] And what have you achieved? [BRIGADIER] To begin with, Miss Shaw has discovered an abnormally highrate of stress symptoms amongst your staff. [LAWRENCE] There's bound to be a few weak links. What about these powerlosses? [BRIGADIER] The Doctor has spent most of the night examining theequipment here. [LAWRENCE] Ah yes, your mysterious Doctor with his sonic screwdriver. Ishe qualified to make such an investigation? [BRIGADIER] The Doctor's qualified to do almost everything. [DOCTOR] Well, that's it then. There's nothing wrong with it. [BRIGADIER] Nothing wrong with what? [DOCTOR] With any of it. Cyclotron, remote control mechanisms, all ofthem functioning perfectly. [LAWRENCE] You can't possibly be sure. [DOCTOR] My dear man, it's a perfectly simple piece of machinery. [LAWRENCE] Oh? Then what is the explanation of these power losses?Magic? [DOCTOR] The power from your reactor, like the mental state of yourstaff, has been affected by some outside influence. [LAWRENCE] Indeed. And what do you propose to do about it? [DOCTOR] It's more a question of what you propose to do about it. Untilthis influence has been discovered and dealt with, this establishmentshould be closed down completely. [LAWRENCE] Out of the question. It would mean a tremendous setback toour research programme. [DOCTOR] And to your career? [LAWRENCE] I'm extremely dissatisfied, Brigadier, with your conduct ofthis investigation, and with the behaviour of your associate. I intendto write to the Permanent Under-Secretary, and demand your recall. [BRIGADIER] That is your privilege, Director, but whilst we are hereperhaps you'd let us carry on with our investigations. [DOCTOR] Pompous idiot! Never could stand that man. Well, Brigadier, allset to start playing soldiers, are we? [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge-Stewart. Yes. Yes. I see. Thank you very much.I'll be there as soon as I can. Police. I asked them to let me know ofany unusual occurrences. [DOCTOR] And? [BRIGADIER] Local farmer named Squire found dead in his barn. There wereclaw marks on his body. --------------------------------------- (Squire's barn) [DOCTOR] Poor chap. [LIZ] Are they the same marks as you found on Davis in the caves? [DOCTOR] Oh no, these were made by something quite different. Smallerperhaps, but very powerful. [BRIGADIER] I thought you said the thing wasn't hostile. [DOCTOR] Yes, but I imagine that Squire attacked him with this.(pitchfork) May have been cornered. What about the man's wife? [BRIGADIER] She's at the local hospital suffering from shock. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'd like a word with her. Perhaps you'd like to stayand do some forensic tests, Liz. [LIZ] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Those claw marks. They weren't the cause of death, you know. [BRIGADIER] Then what was? [DOCTOR] Heart failure. You might say he died of fear. --------------------------------------- (Hospital ward) [DOCTOR] Now please, I want you tell me. Whathappened to your husband? Can you remember what happened to him? [DOCTOR] She was found in the barn, paralysed with fear. She may haveseen something. Have you got a pen? [BRIGADIER] Yes. [DOCTOR] And the chart please. Chart! [DOCTOR] Now, I want you to take a look at this. Have you ever seenanything like this before. [DOCTOR] Yes? What? [DORIS] Killed him! [DOCTOR] Yes? [DORIS] Killed him! [DOCTOR] What happened then? Where did he go? [DORIS] It's there. [DOCTOR] Where? [DORIS] In the barn. [DOCTOR] In the barn? [DORIS] In the barn. [DOCTOR] Still there! [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw! --------------------------------------- (Squire's barn) (Squire's barn) (Quinn's cottage) [QUINN] Oh, it's you. [DAWSON] The front door was open. [QUINN] What do you want? [DAWSON] I wanted to know if you were all right. Doctor Lawrence hasbeen asking where you are. [QUINN] There are more important things than Doctor Lawrence. Ah, herewe are. [DAWSON] What are you doing? [QUINN] Yes. Look. [QUINN] They gave it to me. [DAWSON] What on earth is it? [QUINN] The product of another civilisation. It's a communicationsdevice. [DAWSON] You've seen them? [QUINN] No, but they trust me and they want me to help them. [DAWSON] How? [QUINN] That fool Baker wounded one of them. I have to get it back tothe caves. It will respond to this. [DAWSON] That must have been what the soldiers were searching for. [QUINN] What? [DAWSON] The Doctor and the Brigadier rushed down to that farm near theresearch centre. [QUINN] Why? Do you know why? [DAWSON] Something happened there. Someone was hurt. [QUINN] Squire's Farm? There's a cave opening near there. Perhaps it?Yes, it must have come up from the cave opening and made its waystraight to the farm. Yes, that's it. That must be it. [DAWSON] What do I tell Doctor Lawrence? [QUINN] Tell him what you like. --------------------------------------- (Squire's barn) [BRIGADIER] Captain Hawkins! [HAWKINS] Sir! [BRIGADIER] All right, Sergeant, search the place. [BRIGADIER] All right, panic over. There's nothing there. [HAWKINS] It must be somewhere, sir. The door was bolted on the inside. [DOCTOR] All right, officer. We can manage. [BRIGADIER] What happened? [DOCTOR] Well, give her a moment. She's just coming round. [LIZ] I saw it. [HAWKINS] Sir, over here. Look. [BRIGADIER] I want the whole area searched. The fields, outbuildings,everywhere. [HAWKINS] Right, sir. [DOCTOR] Now, Liz, this thing. What did it look like? [LIZ] It was like a reptile, but it walked upright like a man. [DOCTOR] Here you are, Liz. Come and sit on this. There we are. How areyou feeling now? [LIZ] Better, thanks. Headache's a bit bad. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not surprised. [QUINN] Ah. What's happening? [DOCTOR] Doctor Quinn. How did you get here? [QUINN] I was on my way back to the research centre. I saw all thepolice and soldiers outside. [DOCTOR] Ah, so you're feeling better then? [QUINN] Better? [DOCTOR] I understood you didn't feel too well. [QUINN] Oh yes, yes. No, I went back to my cottage. I'm all right now. [DOCTOR] Whereabouts is your cottage? [QUINN] By the lake, just north of the centre. What's happened to you?Are you all right? [LIZ] Something attacked me. [QUINN] What sort of thing? [LIZ] Like a [DOCTOR] Well, we don't know. Yet. [BRIGADIER] Everything's organised. The chopper's already up. [QUINN] Well, I'd better get out of the way. Clearly you're all verybusy. [BRIGADIER] Oh, one moment, Doctor Quinn. [QUINN] Yes? [BRIGADIER] Just a thought. Perhaps you could help us? You know thisdistrict. If you wanted to hide, where would you go? --------------------------------------- (Wenley Moor) [HAWKINS] Watchdog to Windmill one two three. How do you read me? Over. [WINDMILL [OC]] Loud and clear, Watchdog. Have searched area one. Nosign of anything. Commencing search of area two. Over. [HAWKINS] Watchdog to Windmill one two three. Message understood. Overand out. --------------------------------------- (Squire's barn) [QUINN] I'm sorry I can't be more help. There's a lot of wild countryaround here. [BRIGADIER] Well, thanks anyway. We'll cover the whole area. [QUINN] Well, I really must be getting back to the centre. [DOCTOR] Doctor Quinn. I wonder whether you'd mind giving Miss Shaw alift. [QUINN] I'm sorry, I can't. [DOCTOR] But I thought you were going straight back there. [QUINN] I'm going to the garage in the village first. There's somethingwrong with my car. It might take some time. [BRIGADIER] Not to worry. I'll send her back in a police car. [QUINN] Oh, I'll get along then. Excuse me. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, I'll get that laid on. [LIZ] Doctor, look at the map. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [LIZ] Doctor Quinn's cottage is here, and the village is here. [DOCTOR] Well? [LIZ] This farm is miles out of his way. --------------------------------------- (Wenley Moor) [WINDMILL [OC]] Windmill one two three to Watchdog. [HAWKINS] Watchdog to Windmill one two three. Message understood. Overand out. [BRIGADIER] Any luck, Captain? [HAWKINS] Oh, I'm not quite sure, sir. The helicopter reports seeing aman standing by his car in the north west sector of area two, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well? [HAWKINS] Well, apparently he just waved and drove off. [BRIGADIER] Probably another potholer. [HAWKINS] Yes sir. But there is something else. [BRIGADIER] Yes? [HAWKINS] Well, a moment ago I thought I heard a funny kind of a noise,sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, what kind of noise? [HAWKINS] Rather like that sound we heard in the cave, sir. [DOCTOR] Hmm. What direction did it come from? [HAWKINS] Well, that also came from the north west sector of area two,sir. [BRIGADIER] That noise. It stopped. [DOCTOR] Yes. I'm sure it came from over there. Let's go and have alook. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, stop! [BRIGADIER] Look at these. Are these the same as the footprints as yousaw in the cave? [DOCTOR] No, this is smaller. These are the footprints of a biped. [BRIGADIER] Then the thing can't be far from here. [DOCTOR] Here, look at these. [BRIGADIER] Car tracks. [DOCTOR] Anyone bringing a car here would be miles out of his way. [BRIGADIER] What's that? [DOCTOR] Oh nothing. Just a thought. [BRIGADIER] I'll get the men. [BRIGADIER] UNIT commander to all sections. All parties to converge onsouth east sector area three. I repeat, all parties to converge onsouth east sector area three. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [LIZ] Major Baker! It's all right. How are you? [BAKER] How are you? [LIZ] Oh, all right, thanks. [BAKER] Did the Brigadier get my message? [LIZ] Yes, he asked me to come and see you. [BAKER] And? [LIZ] You're to stay here till you're better. How's the arm? [BAKER] Oh, it's perfectly all right. Look, I have got to get out ofhere. [LIZ] Just as soon as Doctor Meredith says so. There's still a chanceyou may have concussion. [BAKER] Oh, rubbish. [LIZ] How much do you remember of what happened to you? [BAKER] Everything! I saw this man. He must have been a saboteur. I tooka shot at him, and then. And then I. Everything went black. Oh look,isn't the Brigadier taking any action? [LIZ] I'm sure he is. Just leave it to him. Look, I must go. [BAKER] Miss Shaw. Please, I have got to see the Brigadier. [LIZ] No! I'm sorry. --------------------------------------- (Quinn's cottage) [QUINN] Yes? [DOCTOR] I thought you were going straight back to the research centre. [QUINN] Yes, yes, I am. [DOCTOR] Only I saw your car was still parked outside. I thought perhapsyou might have been taken ill again. [QUINN] No, no, I'm perfectly all right, thank you. I just had to comeback for something, that's all [DOCTOR] What a charming place. Mmm, charming. Lovely old grandfatherclock. Is this the living room? Oh yes, very nice. Very nice. Had theplace long, have you? [QUINN] No, I bought it a few months after I got the job here. LookDoctor, I'm sorry but I really have to be [DOCTOR] Centrally heated too, eh? [QUINN] It gets very cold up here. [DOCTOR] Yes. Still, you do keep it very warm though, don't you? [QUINN] Yes, well, the thermostat's jammed, you see. I'm having itfixed. [DOCTOR] Perhaps you'd like me to look at it for you, I like tinkeringwith these gadgets. [QUINN] That's very kind of you but I've already sent for the people whoinstalled it. [DOCTOR] Good, good. Only it is rather like the reptile house in thezoo, isn't it? [QUINN] What do you mean? Eh? What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Nothing. I was just referring to the temperature of the room. [QUINN] Doctor, I'm sorry but I really must ask you to leave. There'ssomething very urgent I have to do before I go back to the centre. [DOCTOR] Oh? Yes, yes, of course. I'm so sorry to have taken up so muchof your time. [QUINN] Not at all. I'm only sorry that I seem to have been rather [DOCTOR] My word, it's just as hot out here, isn't it? You really mustget that thermostat fixed, you know. Anything wrong? [QUINN] Er, no. [DOCTOR] You'd save yourself a lot of trouble if you'd let me help you.They didn't catch it, you know. --------------------------------------- (Quinn's office) [LIZ] Look, what exactly are we looking for? [DOCTOR] Anything. I must know more about Doctor Quinn. [DOCTOR] Hand me that paper knife, Liz, will you? [LIZ] Yes, here. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [LIZ] What do you think you're doing? [DOCTOR] Breaking open the cabinet, m'dear. He's not going to leaveanything important just lying around, is he? There we are. Now then,what have we got here? Pitons, notes. What's this? Let's have a look atthese. [LIZ] What's that? [DOCTOR] Some kind of a ball. It's got some markings on it. Have a look. [LIZ] It's a globe. Surely that's the shape of the west coast ofAmerica. No. No, the land mass is all bunched together [DOCTOR] What's that? Let me have a look at that. Of course. This is theworld as it was before the great continental drift, two hundred millionyears ago. And these notes, well, they're calculations on the age ofthe earth, with particular reference to the Silurian era. [DAWSON] What are you doing in here? This is Doctor Quinn's privateoffice! I shall have to inform the Director about this. [DOCTOR] That won't help Doctor Quinn, will it? [DAWSON] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] I'm talking about the caves, Miss Dawson. [DAWSON] What about them? [DOCTOR] There's something down there, and I think Doctor Quinn knowswhat it is. Now look, you must tell me what you know, Miss Dawson,before anybody else gets killed. Maybe even Doctor Quinn. [DAWSON] Oh, I warned him. [DOCTOR] Warned him? Warned him about what? [DAWSON] I promised not to tell anyone, but if Doctor Quinn is indanger, I [BRIGADIER] Ah Doctor, we're due for a meeting with [DOCTOR] Yes, Miss Dawson? [DAWSON] I'm sorry, Doctor, I can't help you. If you'll excuse me. [BRIGADIER] What was all that about? [DOCTOR] Never mind, Lethbridge-Stewart, it's too late now. --------------------------------------- (Quinn's cottage) [DAWSON] Oh! [QUINN] What do you want? [DAWSON] That Doctor, the one with UNIT, I caught him searching youroffice. [QUINN] He had no right. [DAWSON] You can't go on like this. Don't you realise? People are beingkilled, and it's your fault. You've got to tell someone. [QUINN] No. Not until I'm ready. [DAWSON] Oh John, please. Please, let me tell this Doctor. He'll believeyou. He wants to help you. [QUINN] He's a scientist, too. He only wants to steal the credit for mydiscoveries. [DAWSON] What discoveries? They haven't told you anything yet. [QUINN] They will now. I can make them. [DAWSON] You can't make them do anything. [QUINN] I've got one of them here. The one they were hunting. I've gotit locked up. [DAWSON] But it might kill you. It's already killed that farmer. [QUINN] That creature in there is a scientist. With the knowledge it cangive me, I can prove [DAWSON] It won't give you anything! [QUINN] Unless I get it back to the caves it will die. And I won't takeit back until it tells me what I want to know. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [DOCTOR] Look, I tell you, gentlemen, that theinterference is definitely coming from those caves! [BAKER] (entering) Exactly, Doctor. This centre is being sabotaged. [BRIGADIER] Major Baker, you are supposed to be in the Sickbay. [BAKER] I am perfectly all right, thank you. I propose that we move downthere in force, sir. [DOCTOR] That, Major Baker, is precisely what we must not do at thispresent time. [BAKER] I insist that you take some positive action. [BRIGADIER] I shall decide what action I shall take, and you, MajorBaker, will return to the Sickbay and remain there till I send for you. [BAKER] Oh, this is ridiculous! [BRIGADIER] And that will be all, Major Baker. Captain Hawkins, you willaccompany Major Baker to the Sickbay and see that he remains there. [HAWKINS] Sir! [LAWRENCE] Do I now take it you have arrested my security officer? [BRIGADIER] Major Baker isn't himself. [DOCTOR] I must say, Brigadier, that I'm delighted that you didn't agreewith him. [BRIGADIER] Oh but I do. I intend to send for more men and mount a fullscale search of those caves. [DOCTOR] Now look if you'd just give me a little more time [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Doctor. My mind is made up. [LAWRENCE] I advise you to do your best to achieve some kind of resultsin the time available to you. [BRIGADIER] Sir? [LAWRENCE] Masters, the Permanent Under-Secretary, is coming down hereto conduct a personal investigation. Unless you can impress him morethan you impress me, you may well find yourself transferred to somesimpler duties, more within your scope. [BRIGADIER] Doctor Lawrence, as I believe I have told you before [DOCTOR] Stupid bumbling idiots, the pair of them. [LIZ] Now where are you going? [DOCTOR] To see Doctor Quinn. I must persuade him to trust me beforeit's too late. --------------------------------------- (Quinn's cottage) [DOCTOR] Doctor Quinn? Doctor Quinn? [DOCTOR] Doctor Quinn? Quinn? --------------------------------------- (Quinn's cottage) [DOCTOR] Hello! Are you a Silurian? [DOCTOR] Look, do you understand me? (a nod) Well, what do your peoplewant? How can we help you? How many are there of you? Tell us what wecan do! [DOCTOR] No, wait! Wait! Wait! Unless you Silurians tell us what youwant, the humans will destroy you! --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [BAKER] Sergeant. [HART] Sir. [BAKER] Are you still standing guard over me? [HART] Sorry, sir. Brigadier's orders. [BAKER] I see. Well, as long as you're here, you may as well give me ahand. Would you help me off with my jacket? My arm's still a bit stiff. [HART] Certainly, sir. [BAKER] Oh steady, now, steady. It's still a bit painful. [HART] Yes, of course, sir. [BAKER] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] And you just let him walk away? [HART] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Sergeant Hart, you were told to see that Major Bakerremained in the Sickbay. [HART] I know, sir, but he jumped me. [BRIGADIER] You should have been prepared for that. [HART] But I thought he was ill, sir. He said he couldn't use his arm. [BRIGADIER] He seems to have used it on you all right. [HART] Yes, sir. Do you want me to set up a search party, sir? [BRIGADIER] No. Dismissed. [HART] Sir! [LIZ] Surely you're going to look for Major Baker? [BRIGADIER] He'll be in those caves, looking for those saboteurs of his.We'll find him when we move in. [LIZ] You're still going ahead with your plans to invade the caves?Whatever the Doctor says? [BRIGADIER] I've sent to HQ for reinforcements. They should be here bydawn. Look, where is the Doctor? [LIZ] I'm not quite sure. I believe he mentioned visiting Doctor Quinn. [BRIGADIER] I didn't bring him down here to visit the sick. [LIZ] Hello. [DOCTOR] Hello. [LIZ] Was Quinn any help? [DOCTOR] No. No, I'm afraid not. [BRIGADIER] What's Doctor Quinn got to do with it? [DOCTOR] He was, is very interested in potholing, I thought hisexperience with the caves might have been useful. [BRIGADIER] May I remind you, Doctor, that your business here is toinvestigate these power failures. Now, do you have any suggestions tomake? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. That this establishment should be closed downcompletely. [BRIGADIER] Not much chance of Doctor Lawrence agreeing to that. [DOCTOR] And a planned, cautious, scientific investigation of thosecaves. Not an invasion by a lot of big-booted soldiers. [BRIGADIER] There are times, Doctor, when you sorely try my patience. [LIZ] What's wrong, Doctor? What happened when you saw Quinn? [DOCTOR] Sit down, Liz. Quinn's dead. He's been killed. [LIZ] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] By a Silurian. [LIZ] A Silurian? [DOCTOR] Probably the same creature that attacked you. [LIZ] You saw it? [DOCTOR] I spoke to it. And it understood me. [LIZ] What was it like? [DOCTOR] Reptilian. Biped. A completely alien species. [LIZ] And it didn't attack you? [DOCTOR] Liz, these creatures aren't just animals. They're an alien lifeform, as intelligent as we are. [LIZ] Why didn't you tell the Brigadier? [DOCTOR] Because I want to find out more about these creatures. They'renot necessarily hostile. [LIZ] Doctor, it attacked me. [DOCTOR] Yes, but only to escape. It didn't kill you. It didn't attackme when I was in Quinn's cottage. Well, don't you see? They only attackfor survival. Well, human beings behave in very much the same way. [LIZ] What are we going to do now? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm going back down into those caves, see what I can findout. [LIZ] Then I'm coming with you. [DOCTOR] No, Liz. [LIZ] Either I come with you or I go straight to the Brigadier. [DOCTOR] All right. Have it your own way. But the fate be on your ownhead. Here, you take a look at this. [LIZ] What is it? [DOCTOR] It's a map of the caves that I found in Quinn's office. Andlook here. He's marked a special route to somewhere. --------------------------------------- (Caves) [DOCTOR] I think this is right. Hang on a minute,I'm not so sure. [LIZ] Well, what about this way, then? [DOCTOR] No, Quinn's marked a completely different route, look. [LIZ] Yes, but look, that's far more direct. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. Here, wait a minute. [DOCTOR] Look at that. A cartridge. Just been fired, too. [LIZ] Hey, look. [DOCTOR] Well, that's Baker's. [LIZ] We've got to find him. [DOCTOR] Liz, wait a minute. [LIZ] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, from now on I think we'd better stick rigidly toQuinn's route. [LIZ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Come on. [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [LIZ] It's this heat. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. It's very odd. [LIZ] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Well, well, well. [LIZ] It's a doorway. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, anyone can see that. The question is, how do youopen it? [LIZ] Doctor. A Silurian. [DOCTOR] I can't understand why it didn't see us. [LIZ] Ow! [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [LIZ] Why is it so hot? [DOCTOR] Well, the Silurians are reptilian, you see. They've presumablycreated an environment inside there that suits them. [LIZ] I wonder how many of them there are. [DOCTOR] Well, I wish I knew. There's only one way of finding out,that's to get in there and see. [LIZ] Well, we can't without one of those things it was carrying. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. [LIZ] I suppose you just happen to have one in your pocket? [DOCTOR] As a matter of fact I have. Quinn's. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [BAKER] How long are you leaving me in here? They'll be coming after meyou know. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Baker! [BAKER] How did you get in here? Where are the troops? [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, but we're alone. [BAKER] Well, you've got to get back. Tell the Brigadier. [LIZ] Can't we get you out of here? [BAKER] No, there's not a chance. There's some sort of electronic lock. [DOCTOR] Have they harmed you at all? [BAKER] No, they just keep asking a lot of questions. [DOCTOR] They can talk to you? [BAKER] Yes. [DOCTOR] What do they ask? [BAKER] The population of the earth, what weapons we use, what food weeat. Don't you see? They are trying to gather information for aninvasion! [DOCTOR] Look, if they speak to you again, co-operate with them alittle. Find out all you can about them. [LIZ] What's that? [LIZ] What are they doing? [DOCTOR] They're trying to revive a Silurian from some sort of deephibernation. Maybe that explains the power losses in the researchcentre. [BAKER] (sotto) Doctor! Look, this is your chance. Get moving. [LIZ] We can't just leave you here. [BAKER] Go on, get out of here, will you, or we'll all be theirprisoners. [DOCTOR] All right, we'll get back for you as soon as we possibly can. [BAKER] Fine. [DOCTOR] Good luck. [LIZ] There's three of them in there now. One of them's bound to see us. [BAKER] Try. [DOCTOR] Let's try this way. [DOCTOR] That's the creature that attacked me in the caves! They mustturn it loose sometimes and use it as some kind of a watchdog. [LIZ] Those creatures died out millions of years ago. [DOCTOR] Apparently not, Liz. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [TRAVIS] Close down sector three. [TECH 1 [OC]] Sector three closed down. [TRAVIS] Electron voltage reading. [TECH 1 [OC]] Two thousand million. Falling. [TRAVIS] Close down sector four. [TECH 2 [OC]] Sector four closed down. [TRAVIS] Stabilise all sectors. Maintain close down. [TECH 3 [OC]] All sectors stabilised. [LAWRENCE] What is it, Travis? [TRAVIS] Another power loss, sir. We were making the hourly circuitcheck when it registered. [LAWRENCE] Have you stabilised the nuclear reaction? [TRAVIS] Yes, sir. We shut down at once. [LAWRENCE] Lawrence here. Get me the generating area. [TRAVIS] I've already checked, sir. Nothing wrong there. [LAWRENCE] I see. All right, forget it. Get me Doctor Quinn at his home. [TRAVIS] I've tried that, sir. There's no reply. [LAWRENCE] Cancel the call. Where's Miss Dawson? Isn't this her shift? [TRAVIS] She didn't report in, sir. And there's no reply from herquarters. [LAWRENCE] Oh, this is absurd! [TRAVIS] Excuse me, sir. Travis. Yes, he's here. All right, I'll tellhim. The Permanent Under-Secretary, sir. [LAWRENCE] What are you doing, man? Let me speak to him. [TRAVIS] There's no need, sir. I meant he's actually here in the centre.He's on his way down in the lift now. [LAWRENCE] That's all I need. [TRAVIS] What's he come here for, sir? [LAWRENCE] I sent for him! [MASTERS] Hello, Charles. [LAWRENCE] Oh, Edward. [MASTERS] What's all this about? [LAWRENCE] I didn't expect to see you till much later. [MASTERS] I've got to report to a meeting in London tomorrow. Any chanceof some coffee? [LAWRENCE] Coffee? [MASTERS] I have been travelling most of the night. [LAWRENCE] Oh yes, of course, I'm sorry. Let's go to my conference room.It's this way. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [MASTERS] UNIT? [LAWRENCE] As you can see, they're well established. [MASTERS] Lethbridge-Stewart is asking for more troops. [LAWRENCE] Yeah, to go chasing about on some sort of man hunt. Nothing'sbeen done about the power failures. [MASTERS] We've got to get this sorted out, you know. I'm under veryheavy pressure from the Minister. The future of this centre is verymuch in question. [LAWRENCE] Ah, but surely [MASTERS] You've made great promises for this project, Charles. Nuclearpower into electricity. Limitless supplies of cheap, safe energy. [LAWRENCE] And we can do it, too. [MASTERS] Millions of pounds have been poured into this place with noresults to show for it. [LAWRENCE] But if this research centre is abandoned, all of that moneywill be wasted. [MASTERS] It would mean the end of your career, Charles. That's why I'mdoing my best for you. What does your security man have to say aboutall this? [LAWRENCE] Major Baker is convinced there are saboteurs in the caves. [MASTERS] And are there? [LAWRENCE] Well, of course not. [MASTERS] How can you be so sure? [LAWRENCE] Well, the whole thing's ridiculous. The Brigadier and Bakertalk of saboteurs, and that Doctor believes there are monsters downthere. [MASTERS] I beg your pardon? [LAWRENCE] Didn't the Brigadier put that in his report? [MASTERS] He was a little vague about the precise nature of the menace. [LAWRENCE] That's scarcely surprising. Look, Edward, I admit we've had anumber of technical setbacks. Mine is not an easy job, you know. [MASTERS] I realise that. [LAWRENCE] Our problems can only be solved by scientists, not bysecurity men. [MASTERS] What do you want me to do. [LAWRENCE] Get all these UNIT people out of my way. Let me get on withmy job. [MASTERS] The Brigadier is only trying to help you. [LAWRENCE] Help me? He's exaggerating this whole business out of allproportion merely to magnify his own importance. [MASTERS] I hardly think that's justified. [LAWRENCE] Well you don't know him as well as I do. I [MASTERS] I'm not arguing with you, man. I'm simply trying to find asolution to the problem. The Brigadier and his team have come down herewith [LAWRENCE] His team? What, that girl and that crazy Doctor? [MASTERS] The Doctor is supposed to be brilliant, in his own way. He maybe a little eccentric. [LAWRENCE] The man's a raving lunatic! He's insolent, he's impertinent,he shows no respect for my authority. [DOCTOR] Ah, Doctor Lawrence. Just the man I wanted to see. Now tell me,have you just had a power failure? [LAWRENCE] Yes. How did you know? [DOCTOR] I see, thank you. [LAWRENCE] Now just a minute. This is the Permanent Under-Secretary. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I've got no time to chat to under-secretaries,permanent or otherwise. I must find the Brigadier. [MASTERS] May I ask who you are? [DOCTOR] You may ask. [DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. [BRIGADIER] I've only just heard that you were here. I've been trying toget in touch with you. Look, sir, what's happening about myreinforcements? [MASTERS] That's one of the reasons why I'm here. I'm afraid you're notgoing to get any reinforcements. [BRIGADIER] May I ask why not? [MASTERS] I can't go to the Minister of Defence and request regular Armysupport for you on the basis of a wild tale about monsters in caves. [BRIGADIER] Sir, we have overwhelming evidence that there is somethingin those caves. [MASTERS] Do you mean saboteurs? [BRIGADIER] I don't know, but the caves are vast. To cover them properlyI must have more men! [MASTERS] I'm sorry, that's out of the question. [BRIGADIER] Then I'll have to go in with the troops I have. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, you are not to take your men into those caves. I'vebeen down there and I know what's happening. [MASTERS] Well, if you do, perhaps you'd be good enough to tell us. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor. I think you'd better. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [SILURIAN] You must answer our questions. [BAKER] I am not refusing, am I? [SILURIAN] Is your species the only intelligent lifeform? [BAKER] Only intelligent lifeform? Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, ofcourse we are. [SILURIAN JR] You were carrying a simple projectile weapon. Do all yourspecies carry these weapons? [BAKER] Of course not. Only soldiers. [SILURIAN JR] What other weapons do your soldiers carry? [BAKER] I refuse to answer that sort of question. [SILURIAN] You must answer. [BAKER] You can do what you like, I will not tell you anything. I willnot tell you anything! [SILURIAN] The creature is becoming aggressive again. [SILURIAN JR] I will force it to answer. [SILURIAN] I do not wish it to be damaged. This creature is lessintelligent. Quinn should not have been killed. [SILURIAN JR] But he tried to keep one of us prisoner. [SILURIAN] This strange species has developed some kind of civilisation.We need to study it. [SILURIAN JR] The species is dangerous and hostile. We should kill themall. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [LAWRENCE] And are you suggesting that theseSilurians are responsible for the power losses? [LIZ] Some of them are still in hibernation. The others use the power tobring them back to life. [BRIGADIER] What weapons do they have? [DOCTOR] Huh. Spoken like a true soldier. [BRIGADIER] It is my job, Doctor. How many are there? [DOCTOR] Well, we don't know. Maybe there are thousands. [LAWRENCE] Then you must deal with them promptly, Brigadier. If theyexist. [DOCTOR] Look, Mister Under-Secretary, surely this is a governmentmatter. It cannot be decided at this level. [MASTERS] Doctor, whether I believe you or not, I can't go back to theMinister with a story like this. There's no proof except your word. [BRIGADIER] I'll find all the proof you need. Look, Doctor, I'm notgoing down there to start a war, but I must know what's going on. [DOCTOR] If you go down there with a party of armed men there's bound tobe fighting. [LAWRENCE] What is your alternative, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, leave them alone. Let me try and make contact with them. [MASTERS] Are you really convinced these Silurians aren't savage? [DOCTOR] Well, so far they've only attacked in self-defence. At leastlet's give them the benefit of the doubt. [LAWRENCE] Miss Dawson, where on earth have you been? What's the matter? [DAWSON] Doctor Quinn, he's dead. [LAWRENCE] Dead? [DAWSON] He didn't answer his phone. I went there and found him. TheSilurians killed him. [BRIGADIER] What do you know about these creatures? [DAWSON] Doctor Quinn found out about them when he was potholing. Hesaid they had great scientific knowledge. He co-operated with them andthey killed him. [BRIGADIER] Now, Doctor, do you still maintain these creatures aren'thostile? I'll continue as planned. [MASTERS] I think you're right. [BRIGADIER] We'll move in first thing in the morning. Oh, Miss Dawson?I'd like a full statement from you, everything you know about thisbusiness. Will you come with me, please? [DOCTOR] Miss Dawson, did these Silurians tell Doctor Quinn anythingabout their intentions? [DAWSON] Intentions? Well, that's obvious, isn't it? We must destroythem, before they destroy us. [MASTERS] Charles, we'd better have a word. [LIZ] Now what are you going to do? [DOCTOR] There's only one thing I can do. I've got to get down intothose caves and warn the Silurians. [LIZ] What? [DOCTOR] If the Brigadier won't listen to reason, Liz, maybe theSilurians will. [LIZ] Please be careful. --------------------------------------- (Silurian control room) [DOCTOR] Ahem. I'm sorry to burst in on you likethis. [SILURIAN JR] How did you enter our base? [SILURIAN] Why have you come here? [DOCTOR] I came here to warn you that humans are about to enter yourcaves. [SILURIAN JR] Shall I destroy him? [SILURIAN] No. Take him to the cages. [DOCTOR] No. You don't understand. No, I've come here to I've come hereto warn you. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [BAKER] What happened? I thought you were going to get help. [DOCTOR] Don't worry, help's on the way. I only wish it weren't. [SILURIAN] I repeat. Why have you come here? [DOCTOR] I came here because I want to help you. [BAKER] Just a minute, what do you think you're doing? [SILURIAN JR] Quiet! [SILURIAN] How can you help us? [DOCTOR] Look, people are coming. Many people are coming here. I wantyou to meet them in peace. [SILURIAN] Who are these people? [DOCTOR] Well, they're soldiers, but they won't attack you unless youattack them first. [SILURIAN] Why do you want to help us? [DOCTOR] Because I want there to be peace between you and the humans.This is their planet now. [SILURIAN] This planet is ours. It always has been. --------------------------------------- (Caves) [BRIGADIER] Map. Well, there should be a waythrough here. [HAWKINS] Well, either this map's wrong, sir, or we're lost. [BRIGADIER] We'd better go back. [HAWKINS] We've just come through this way. This wall. It wasn't there! --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [BAKER] You had no right to tell them about theBrigadier's plans. [DOCTOR] I was simply trying to prevent a massacre. [BAKER] What guarantee have you got that these creatures aren't going toset an ambush? [DOCTOR] I had to take that risk. At least there's a chance they won'tstart killing each other. [DOCTOR] Have you seen the humans yet? Have you spoken to them? [SILURIAN JR] I have destroyed them. And now I shall destroy you. (Thethird eye glows and the Doctor shakes.) --------------------------------------- (Episode Five) (Silurian cages) [SILURIAN] Stop. Do not kill it. It may be useful.Why were you killing it? [SILURIAN JR] We have no need for it, or those soldiers sent to attackus. I have dealt with them. [BAKER] Doctor! [SILURIAN] I gave you no orders to do this. [SILURIAN JR] But they were carrying weapons like this one. They can nolonger harm us. [SILURIAN] But now they will send others. You forget there are nowmillions of these men. [SILURIAN JR] Then we shall destroy them all. --------------------------------------- (Caves) [ROBINS] UNIT leader to base. UNIT leader to base. It's no good, sir. [BRIGADIER] Try once more. [ROBINS] UNIT leader to base. It's dead, sir. [HAWKINS] All right. This is solid rock as well, sir. We'd needexplosives to shift it. [BRIGADIER] Yes. [HAWKINS] How can it just appear like that? We were able to walk throughthere a moment ago, and. Well, what are we going to do, sir? [BRIGADIER] Afraid there's not much we can do. We're trapped. [HAWKINS] I suppose we'll just have to sit and wait until somebody getsus out. [BRIGADIER] We can't afford to wait too long. [HAWKINS] At least we've got food and water. [BRIGADIER] Yes but we have a limited supply of air, and we're using itup all the time. [HAWKINS] How long do you reckon we've got, sir? [BRIGADIER] Two or three hours at the most. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [LIZ] So you see, we haven't been exactly idle downhere. Whatever the impression Doctor Lawrence may have given to you. [LAWRENCE] Really, Miss Shaw. [MASTERS] It's a remarkable accumulation of evidence. [LAWRENCE] It's a lot of nonsense. The power losses are a technicalproblem. All I need is more reliable staff, and more facilities. Not alot of cloak and dagger people cluttering up the place. [MASTERS] Masters. Yes. Right. Thank you. It was the UNIT people at thecave mouth. They've completely lost contact with the Brigadier. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [DOCTOR] Please, you must listen to me. I want totalk to you. [BAKER] What do you think you're doing? Haven't you done enough damage? [DOCTOR] You're making a terrible mistake. I can stop you from beingdestroyed. [SILURIAN] We have studied your weapons. They are primitive. [DOCTOR] Look, you've got no idea of the fighting power of the humans. [BAKER] Be quiet! [DOCTOR] They've got bombs now that can wipe out whole continents. [BAKER] Shut up! [DOCTOR] Please, please, let me out of here. Let me out of here. Can'tyou see I can do you no possible harm? [SILURIAN] Come with me. --------------------------------------- (Caves) [HAWKINS] Shouldn't we try and break out again, sir? I know it seems tobe hopeless, but at least we'd be doing something. [BRIGADIER] The more we move, the quicker we use up the air. We'll wait.It's our only chance. [HAWKINS] Sir, look. [BRIGADIER] You all right Robins? Robins? [ROBINS] Sir? --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [MASTERS] Masters. [DAWSON] Excuse me, Doctor [LAWRENCE] One minute, please. [MASTERS] I see. Well, continue the search. Let me know if there's anyfurther news. Search party can't find any trace of the Brigadier. [DAWSON] Search party? Good heavens, if they can't find them they'll bedead by now. [MASTERS] Why do you say that? [DAWSON] I found Doctor Quinn's body. I've seen what these Silurians do. [LAWRENCE] They obviously got lost. [DAWSON] Well then, that's all the more reason to get more men andequipment. You could mount an all-out attack. You could send troopsinto every one of those caves. [MASTERS] The caves are vast. We'd need hundreds of men. [DAWSON] But there may be hundreds of Silurians down there. [LAWRENCE] Now you don't really believe that. [DAWSON] Yes! You've seen them. [LIZ] Yes, so has the Doctor. [DAWSON] Right. Three people have seen them. They do exist, and we'vegot to attack them first. [LIZ] Just because they're an alien species, that doesn't mean we haveto kill them. [DAWSON] But [LIZ] The Doctor thinks that we should [MASTERS] What, Miss Shaw? [LIZ] Never mind. [MASTERS] Where is the Doctor? Where did he go? [LAWRENCE] Well, Miss Shaw? Where is he? --------------------------------------- (Silurian laboratory) [SILURIAN JR] As a scientist, what have you discovered about thisweapon? [SCIENTIST] It projects a small piece of metal at high speed. [SILURIAN JR] Crude. It is a fitting weapon for apes. [SCIENTIST] The device has a certain ingenuity. Remember, one of us waswounded by such a weapon. [SILURIAN JR] The apes have become dangerous. They must be destroyed. [SCIENTIST] Our leader seems to have different views. [SILURIAN JR] I know. He has taken one of these creatures into ourcontrol room. He is talking to it. [SCIENTIST] Perhaps it may give him useful information. [SILURIAN JR] What information can we gain from apes? His concern forthem may be dangerous! --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [MASTERS] Then let me ask you again. Where is theDoctor? [LIZ] He went down into the caves. [LAWRENCE] What? [LIZ] Ahead of the Brigadier. He wanted to make contact with theSilurians. [DAWSON] Make contact? [MASTERS] What was he going to say to them? [LIZ] He thought if he could warn the Silurians first. [DAWSON] He warned them? Why, the Brigadier has probably walked straightinto a trap. [LIZ] He wanted to prevent bloodshed. [DAWSON] But [LIZ] He has gone down into those caves to try and help. He is riskinghis own life. [MASTERS] So now you expect us to send troops down there? [LIZ] No, no, no, that's the last thing he'd want. [DAWSON] Oh, never mind what your Doctor wants, he's done enough damage.Mister Masters, can't you see, you've got to get more troops anddestroy these monsters. [MASTERS] The search is still going on. I shall wait until I get anotherreport. [DAWSON] Aren't you going to do anything? [MASTERS] Not for the moment. [DAWSON] But if you don't do something now [MASTERS] I've made my decision, Miss Dawson. --------------------------------------- (Silurian control room) [DOCTOR] But you must see this is ahighly-developed and overcrowded planet which now belongs to man. [SILURIAN] This is our planet. We were here before man. We ruled thisworld millions of years ago. [DOCTOR] Then why did you stay down here? [SILURIAN] A small planet was approaching the world. We calculated thatit would draw off our atmosphere, destroying all life. We built thisplace, and suspended our lives till the atmosphere should return. [DOCTOR] A small planet? Yes, of course. But don't you see, that smallplanet was drawn into the Earth's orbit and became the moon? Yourcatastrophe never happened. [BAKER] Hey you! Where's the Doctor, what's goingon? Well, where is he? What's he telling you? Where are you, Doctor?Telling them everything they want to know? You're nothing but atraitor. --------------------------------------- (Silurian control room) [BAKER [OC]] You hear me, Doctor? A traitor! [DOCTOR] But I still don't understand why you stayed down here. [SILURIAN] The hibernation mechanism was faulty. It did not functionuntil a new energy source appeared. [DOCTOR] The power station at the research centre? [SILURIAN] Yes. We are now able to drain off its energy. But soon weshall revive our civilisation, and reclaim the Earth for ourselves. [DOCTOR] No, you mustn't, otherwise there'll be the most terrible war. [SILURIAN] You [DOCTOR] But if you trust me, I think I can persuade the humans that youare prepared to live with them on this planet in peace. [SILURIAN] There is not room for both civilisations. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, I think there is. You see, your people are used toliving in extreme heat, whereas these areas on Earth are of littleinterest to man. I believe with your advanced technology that you couldbuild cities in parts of the world that man has hitherto completelyignored. [SILURIAN] Would your people agree to this? [DOCTOR] Well, they're not my people, but I think I could convince them,on the condition that you release those trapped men first. [SILURIAN] Those apes have only shown hostility to us. [DOCTOR] And you to them. Someone has to make a move, otherwise thiswhole thing will end up in complete catastrophe. --------------------------------------- (Caves) [HAWKINS] What's that? You all right, Robins? Robins? [ROBINS] Leave me alone! [HAWKINS] What's the matter with him? [BRIGADIER] Same thing happened to one of the scientists at the researchcentre. Safer to leave him alone. [HAWKINS] Sir, look, it's opening again. --------------------------------------- (Silurian Control room) [SILURIAN] The humans have been released. [DOCTOR] Thank you for your trust in me. I only hope it will not be invain. [SILURIAN JR] Why have you released the apes? [SILURIAN] I have decided that it is possible for the two species tolive together on this planet. [SILURIAN JR] This planet is ours! [SILURIAN] This other species has developed its own civilisation. Wemust accept them as equals. [SILURIAN JR] I disagree! We must destroy them! --------------------------------------- (Silurian laboratory) [SILURIAN JR] He talks of sharing our planet with apes! I shall wipethem out! [SCIENTIST] You have no right to disobey him. He is our leader. [SILURIAN JR] Perhaps he is no longer fit to lead us. Soon I shall bethe leader. Help me, or must I destroy you too? [SCIENTIST] Very well. I will help you. When the apes used to raid ourcrops we used this. [SCIENTIST] Millions were wiped out. Now, we could conduct an experimenton this ape. [SILURIAN JR] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [SILURIAN JR] Leave the cage. [BAKER] Why? Where are you taking me? [SILURIAN JR] Leave the cage! [SILURIAN JR] Do not kill it. Do not kill it! We need this creaturealive! [BAKER] Oh, no. [BAKER] Oh. All right, all right. You win. [SCIENTIST] Take him to my laboratory. We shall use this creature todestroy all its kind. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [DAWSON] How much longer are we going to wait? [MASTERS] Search party hasn't reported back yet. [LAWRENCE] Perhaps we should send another search party to look for them? [MASTERS] Charles, please. [LAWRENCE] Well, it's so ridiculous, all these people chasing about thecaves. How is it supposed to solve my problems? [LIZ] The Brigadier and the Doctor are risking their lives trying tosolve your problems. [LAWRENCE] That's a matter of opinion. [DAWSON] Well, it's obvious what we should be doing, we should beattacking in force. [LIZ] Oh, don't be so [MASTERS] We'll get nowhere by bickering amongst ourselves. [LAWRENCE] You don't understand [LIZ] Brigadier! Thank goodness! Come and sit down. [BRIGADIER] It's all right, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] What's happened? Come on, sit down, please. [MASTERS] What's happened? [BRIGADIER] We were trapped in those caves. [DAWSON] Were the Silurians waiting for you? [BRIGADIER] Not exactly. A rock wall appeared in front of us, and thenit vanished again. [LAWRENCE] Vanished? More fairy stories, Brigadier? [BRIGADIER] I lost a lot of men in those caves, Doctor Lawrence. [MASTERS] Have you brought the Doctor back? [BRIGADIER] Isn't he here? [MASTERS] He appears to have gone down the caves ahead of you. [BRIGADIER] Whatever for? [LAWRENCE] I shouldn't worry about him, Brigadier. He's probablychatting quite happily to his monster friends. --------------------------------------- (Silurian Control room) [SILURIAN] Do I have your assurance that the humanswill agree to our sharing the planet? [DOCTOR] You have my assurance that I shall tell them of your desire forpeace, yes. [SILURIAN] Very well. I shall explain to the others, so that you mayreturn in safety. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [SILURIAN] You will wait here. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [SILURIAN] You had no right to do this without myauthority. [SILURIAN JR] This is the method we used against them before. [SILURIAN] They were animals then. They are civilised now. [SILURIAN JR] That makes them all the more dangerous to us. [SILURIAN] I do not believe so. [SILURIAN JR] You are no longer fit to lead us. [SILURIAN] I shall destroy you if you defy me again. Now go. --------------------------------------- (Silurian Control room) [DOCTOR] You once had a great civilisation. I didn't realise howadvanced. [SILURIAN] The other prisoner has been released. [DOCTOR] Baker? Why, that's splendid. [SILURIAN] Doctor, listen to me. He has been infected with a deadlydisease which may destroy millions of his species. [DOCTOR] But this is diabolical. [SILURIAN] It is not my doing. There are those of us unwilling to sharethis planet. [DOCTOR] Is there any cure for this disease? [SILURIAN] No. But I have brought the bacteria. Perhaps your scientistscan find a cure. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, of course, but you must release me at once. [SILURIAN] Come with me. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] The men have had a chance to rest now.We'll be setting off in a few minutes. Don't worry, Miss Shaw, we'llfind the Doctor. [LIZ] Major Baker! How did you get out? Have you seen the Doctor? [BAKER] Oh yes, I saw him all right, with his Silurian friends! [BRIGADIER] Major Baker, just exactly what are you implying? [BAKER] Huh! They didn't keep him caged up like an animal for very long.He warned them that you were coming, so they could set up an ambush! [LIZ] No, that's not [BAKER] He's gone over to their side! [BRIGADIER] I don't believe that. [MASTERS] Now, wait a minute! They had you caged up? How did you escape? [BAKER] Well, I got away when they weren't looking. Look, it doesn'tmatter about me. We must blow up every entrance to those caves beforethe Silurians overrun us! [DOCTOR] That is precisely what we must not do. [BAKER] You! [DOCTOR] Now everyone move well away from Major Baker. Now keep rightback from him. Right back. [BAKER] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] Major Baker, you are ill. You are very, very ill. [BAKER] Oh, you don't get out of it like that. I'm placing you underarrest. [BRIGADIER] Wait [DOCTOR] Keep back from him! Look at your wrist. Look at it! --------------------------------------- (Silurian Control room) [SILURIAN JR] Why did you give him the bacteria? Doyou want this species to destroy us? [SILURIAN] They will not destroy us, and we need not destroy them. Bothspecies can live together. [SILURIAN JR] That is impossible! [SILURIAN] I am the leader! I have decided! [SILURIAN JR] Not any more! [SILURIAN JR] He was no longer fit to lead us. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [DOCTOR] This whole place should be closed down andput in strict quarantine immediately. [LAWRENCE] It would bring the centre to a standstill. [DOCTOR] Yes, and about time too. Well I've got to get down to theresearch centre and try to find an antidote. [LAWRENCE] I refuse to permit this. Look, Edward, can't you stop him?This whole story is absurd. [DOCTOR] You just don't understand, do you, Doctor Lawrence? [MASTERS] I'm afraid I don't either. You say these creatures haveinfected us with a plague, but do you still want us to negotiate withthem? [DOCTOR] That is precisely what I want. But if this bacteria isn'tcontained there won't be anybody left to negotiate. [LIZ] Baker's gone. Doctor Meredith's just taken him to the hospital. [DOCTOR] That's the worst thing that could have happened. Why didn't youstop him? [LIZ] I tried. He wouldn't listen. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, we've got to go down to the hospital straight awaybefore Baker spreads that infection. [BRIGADIER] But surely hospital's the right place for Baker? [DOCTOR] Meredith does not know what he's dealing with. Nobody does! Nowplease, do as I say. [BRIGADIER] All right. You'll have to excuse me, sir. (Liz, the Doctorand the Brigadier leave.) [LAWRENCE] What do you want me to do? [MASTERS] This could be a national disaster. I must get back to London. [LAWRENCE] What about the research centre? [MASTERS] I'm sorry, Charles, but I intend to recommend that this centrebe closed immediately. [LAWRENCE] But all my work? The delay will be crippling. [MASTERS] My report will of course exonerate you completely. I'm sureyou've done everything in your power. Well, I must be going. [LAWRENCE] Are you feeling all right? [MASTERS] I didn't get any sleep last night. I'll send you a copy of myreport. [LAWRENCE] Thank you, Edward. --------------------------------------- (Wenley hospital) [BRIGADIER] Is he dead? [DOCTOR] Yes, the first one. --------------------------------------- (Episode Six) (Wenley hospital) [MAN] (Doctor) What's going on here? [BRIGADIER] Keep back. [MAN] What do you mean, keep back? This man is ill. [DOCTOR] This man is dead. He was killed by an alien disease. [MAN] Alien? [BRIGADIER] Inside. [MAN] Come on. [DOCTOR] Right, you'd better get this place quarantined. I'm going backto the laboratory. [BRIGADIER] Right. I'll stay here. [BRIGADIER] UNIT leader to base. UNIT leader to base. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) [DOCTOR] Have you finished with those prophylactic injections yet? [LIZ] Yes, nearly. Do you think pumping broad-spectrum antibiotics intoeveryone is going to do any good? [DOCTOR] It's all we can do at the moment. [LIZ] Will you roll up your sleeve please, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, now wait a minute, Liz [LIZ] Now you have been exposed to the infection just as much aseveryone else. [DOCTOR] Liz [LIZ] I know all about your different biochemistry, but we don't know ifit makes you immune. Now roll up your sleeve. Come on. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right, have it your own way. [LIZ] Did it hurt? [DOCTOR] Did what hurt? Oh yes, it was agony. [LIZ] Have you managed to identify the bacterium? [DOCTOR] No, not yet, I'm still waiting for that scanning microscope. [DOCTOR] It's supposed to be on its way. [BRIGADIER] It'll be here, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad to hear it. Now then, how about that hospital? [BRIGADIER] I've got the entire place cordoned off. [DOCTOR] Good, and your own men? [BRIGADIER] They've all been treated. We've sent in a medical team tohelp Doctor Meredith in the hospital. [DOCTOR] Splendid. Has anybody else gone down with the infection? [LIZ] Yes, Miss Dawson. She collapsed half an hour ago. [BRIGADIER] Yes, and the doctor and the nurse we saw at the hospital,and the ambulance man who took Baker there. Now has everyone here beeninoculated? [LIZ] Yes, they've all been taken care of, except Doctor Lawrence. Ican't find him anywhere. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'd be very happy to lose him. What about that chapfrom London, Masters? [LIZ] Haven't seen him either. Better go and find both of them. [BRIGADIER] Do you think we'll be able to contain this disease, Doctor? [DOCTOR] We may be able to contain it. The question is, can we cure it?Excuse me. [BRIGADIER] We were in contact with Baker. Does that mean that we'reinfected too? [DOCTOR] Can't be sure, Brigadier. We can't be sure of anything. [BRIGADIER] Oh, I'll let you get on with it. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [LIZ] Masters is gone. [DOCTOR] Gone where? [LIZ] He caught the London train. He must be nearly there by now. [BRIGADIER] Right, I'll get onto it. Maybe we can get him at thestation. Will you come with me, Miss Shaw? [LIZ] Oh, I'm helping the Doctor. [BRIGADIER] I'll need help manning the phones. [LIZ] I am a scientist, not an office boy. [BRIGADIER] You're a member of UNIT, Miss Shaw, and you'll do as you'retold! [LIZ] I will not be spoken to in that way! [DOCTOR] Liz. [LIZ] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Go with him, please. Anyone who's been in contact with Mastershas got to be quarantined. He may spread that disease all over thecountry. [LIZ] Fair enough. --------------------------------------- (Marylebone Railway station) [DRIVER] Where to, sir? [MASTERS] Ministry of Science, please. --------------------------------------- (Research Centre Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Look, please hurry, this is very important, you know. [TECH] I'm being as quick as I can, sir. [BRIGADIER] Everything all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. Now then, have they found Masters? [BRIGADIER] Not yet, they've sent a police car to the station. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, he's got to be found and put into quarantine atonce. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, suppose I'm a carrier? [DOCTOR] No, I don't think you are. So far the antibiotics have held thedisease in check. Have you finished? Good, splendid. [TECH] Yes. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] What do you think the Silurians will do now, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, it's hard to say really. I think they'll lie low for awhile, and let the disease really get to work. [BRIGADIER] Well I've got men at all the cave mouths, and I've sent forreinforcements so we'll be ready for them if they do try anything. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, at all costs we must avoid a pitched battle. [BRIGADIER] You don't still think we can co-exist with the Silurians, doyou? [DOCTOR] Well don't forget that one of them released me, which is givingus our only chance of defeating this disease. [BRIGADIER] Maybe one of the Silurians is friendly but the rest seemdetermined to wipe us out. [DOCTOR] Yes. Look, Brigadier, I've got a great deal of work to do! [BRIGADIER] Yes, of course. --------------------------------------- (Silurian Control room) [SILURIAN JR] Remove the body. I am the leader now! [SILURIAN JR] I am the leader now. [SILURIAN JR] Has the disease reduced the numbers of these apes? [SCIENTIST] Their resistance may be stronger. They may even develop acure. [SILURIAN JR] The disease will be beyond the understanding of theirscience. [SCIENTIST] We cannot be sure. [SCIENTIST] That Doctor, the one who took the sample of bacteria, was ahighly intelligent specimen. [SILURIAN JR] They're only apes. They will not develop a cure. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [LAWRENCE] Time hanging heavy on your hands, Miss Shaw? [LIZ] We're waiting to hear from London. [LAWRENCE] Oh, a matter of life and death, no doubt. [LIZ] Exactly that. [LAWRENCE] Where's the Brigadier? [LIZ] He's with the Doctor. The scanning microscope has arrived. [LAWRENCE] Oh, how pleasant to be able to obtain expensive pieces ofscientific equipment so easily. [LIZ] Can I help you at all, Doctor Lawrence? [LAWRENCE] I doubt it. I have a complaint to bring to the Brigadier. [LIZ] A complaint? [LAWRENCE] Yes. My establishment has been brought to a completestandstill. My staff are suffering the ill-effects of a series ofcompulsory injections. [LIZ] You haven't had your own injections yet, have you? [LAWRENCE] No, nor do I intend to. [LIZ] But you've got to have them. It's for your own good. [LAWRENCE] Rubbish. Why should I waste my time having useless injectionsagainst an imaginary epidemic? [LIZ] Doctor Lawrence, it is quite clear that the disease exists. MajorBaker is dead. [LAWRENCE] He may have been ill for some time. I should be interested tosee the results of the post-mortem. [LIZ] Doctor Lawrence, you must admit there is a [LAWRENCE] I will admit nothing. There is no epidemic. [LIZ] Doctor Lawrence, please, listen to me. [LAWRENCE] You will excuse me, Miss Shaw. [BRIGADIER] Now what's the matter with him? [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge-Stewart? Yes. When? I see. All right, all right,I suggest you get on with it. Yes, I know London's a big place! Thepolice just missed Masters at the station. [LIZ] Well, did anyone see him? [BRIGADIER] A ticket collector remembers someone who might have beenMasters. Said he looked very ill. Anyway, he got a taxi and drove off. [LIZ] Well, then they're sure to find him. [BRIGADIER] Do you know how many taxis there are in London? And how manymen who look more or less like Masters? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Ministry) [DRIVER] Seven and six, please, sir. Are you all right, sir? [DRIVER] You sure you're all right, sir? [DRIVER] Wait a minute, sir. You've forgotten your change, sir. --------------------------------------- (Caves) [WRIGHT] Who's that? [WRIGHT] Who's that? [WRIGHT] Wright, gallery five, over. [HART] Come in, gallery five! Come in, gallery five! No good, sir. Theline's gone dead. [HAWKINS] Well, what did he say? [HART] Just gave his name and the gallery number, sir. [HAWKINS] Then we'd better go in after him. [HART] Brigadier's orders were to stay here, sir. [HAWKINS] I want to know what happened to that man. Corporal! [NUTTING] Sir! [HAWKINS] Take over here. Come along, Sergeant!(Near gallery five.) [HART [OC]] Wright! Wright! [HART] Wright! --------------------------------------- (Silurian Control room) [SILURIAN JR] Look! Soldiers are guarding the exits from the caves. [SCIENTIST] Perhaps the humans can resist the bacteria. [SILURIAN JR] We must recapture the one that took the sample. Withouthim, the others will die from the disease. [SCIENTIST] Come with me. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) [DOCTOR] That's excellent, thank you. [LIZ] That's quite a collection. [DOCTOR] One of those drugs, maybe a combination of them, will probablycure this disease. The question is, which? [LIZ] Where are you going to start? [DOCTOR] By finding out more about that bacterium. I've already analysedit, but I need to know more about its effect. Can you get me a bloodspecimen from someone who's been infected? [LIZ] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] I only hope I shan't be too late. --------------------------------------- (Marylebone Railway station) [TANNOY] Attention please! Attention please! This is a police message.Stay where you are. Do not attempt to leave the station. If you feelill, assistance will be brought to you. Attention, please! Attention,please! This is a police message. Stay where you are. Do not attempt toleave the station. If you feel ill, assistance will be brought to you. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) [LIZ] Here's the blood specimen. [DOCTOR] Good, splendid. Who did you take it from? [LIZ] That ambulance man you had brought back to the sick bay. [DOCTOR] Oh. How is he? [LIZ] Getting worse. How are you getting on? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. We may be getting somewhere now, though. [LIZ] They've sent you just about every drug in existence. Surely theremust be something? [DOCTOR] My dear girl, some of these drugs are so new they don't evenknow their properties yet. [DOCTOR] Right. Here goes. [DOCTOR] No, that's no good. Let's try the next one. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] The Doctor and Miss Shaw have been working flat out for avery long time. They're tackling an immensely difficult task underconditions of great pressure and I do not propose to make it worse forthem by breathing down their necks. Excuse me, will you? [BRIGADIER] Will you hold on please? [BRIGADIER] Yes, of course I'll let you know as soon as I get any resultthat's at all positive. Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) [DOCTOR] No, that's no good. You know, I'm beginning to lose confidencefor the first time in my life. And that covers several thousand years. [LIZ] Well, at least you've narrowed it down to forty possible drugs.Have you considered the addition of A thirty seven in the presence of Znineteen might well be effective? [DOCTOR] Yes, that's a possibility. Let's try. [DOCTOR] Liz, watch what. You all right? [LIZ] Sorry. I feel dizzy. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I expect those antibiotics are wearing off. You'dbetter get down to the sick bay and have another jab. [LIZ] What about you? [DOCTOR] I'm all right. [LIZ] Oh, come on, Doctor, I think you [DOCTOR] Liz, I am all right! --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] Yes. Could hardly be worse, could it? Right. [LIZ] Who was that? [BRIGADIER] The Ministry. [LIZ] Masters? [BRIGADIER] He's dead. Outbreaks of the disease are being reported allover London. [LIZ] Doctor Lawrence! His face! [BRIGADIER] Doctor Lawrence, you really must report to the isolationward at once. [LAWRENCE] I've had enough of you. [BRIGADIER] I really must insist, sir! You're endangering all of us! [LAWRENCE] Insist! Oh, you do insist? [BRIGADIER] Now listen, sir [LAWRENCE] Before you people came, I was director of an importantresearch establishment. Now the place is shut down, my career's inruins, and you are to blame! [BRIGADIER] Oh you're talking absolute nonsense. [LIZ] Don't argue with him. I'll go and get one of the medicalorderlies. [LAWRENCE] You think I don't know what's going on, don't you?! Thiswhole business has been a plot to get rid of me. [BRIGADIER] Oh really, Doctor Lawrence. [LAWRENCE] You think? I know I've got enemies in the Ministry. EvenMasters! [LIZ] All right, Doctor Lawrence. We want to help you. [LAWRENCE] Well, you can clear out of here, all of you. And take thatcrazy Doctor with you! And all of your military rubbish! I'm in chargeof this place! Well, are you going? Or do I have to throw you outmyself! [LIZ] He's dead. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) [DOCTOR] Eureka! --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] All right, thank you. Bad news, Miss Shaw. The first oneabroad. Paris. [LIZ] If we can't contain it in Britain, what chance has the world got? [BRIGADIER] If only we'd prevented Masters from leaving here! [DOCTOR] I think I've found it. [BRIGADIER] You've found the antidote? [DOCTOR] Well, it works in the laboratory. Now let's see whether itworks in practice. [BRIGADIER] Hello? Get me Doctor Crawford. --------------------------------------- (Silurian Base) [SCIENTIST] This is the closest point to thehuman's base. [SILURIAN JR] Then we will penetrate from here. --------------------------------------- (Sickbay) [DOCTOR] You wanted to see us, Liz? [LIZ] Yes, his temperature's dropped, and his pulse is normal. [DOCTOR] That's excellent, excellent! Yeah, there's a good chap. That'sit. Now you'll want to telephone that formula to London. I'll go andwrite it out for you straight away. [LIZ] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] Will the medical team be able to mass produce enough intime? [LIZ] Well, they've been standing by for hours. All they need is theformula. [BRIGADIER] I'll get a line open to them. [HAWKINS] Sir, the Silurians have killed Sergeant Hart. [BRIGADIER] Any sign of a major attack? [HAWKINS] Yes, they've broken out of their base and are advancingeverywhere. [BRIGADIER] Right. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart? The Daily what? How did you get hold ofthis number? Look, I have no comment to make. Now will you please getoff this line. What's keeping the Doctor? [LIZ] You leave him alone. He's got a complicated formula to transcribe. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] And there's no news from cave mouthtwo? [UPTON] We've lost contact with cave mouth two, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, I want reports from all sectors as they come in, andget me Captain Hawkins. [UPTON] Sir! [LIZ] I've checked on the ambulance man in the sick bay. Thediscolouration of the skin is fading rapidly. [BRIGADIER] So the Doctor's antidote seems totally effective? [LIZ] So far, yes. [BRIGADIER] I wish he'd get a move on with that formula! --------------------------------------- (Research Station reception) [UPTON] Sergeant! [SILURIAN JR] Quickly! There may be others. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] Hold them long as you can. I'm doing my level best to getyou the support you need. [LIZ] UNIT control? [BRIGADIER] Over and out. [LIZ] Yes, Doctor Crawford. [BRIGADIER] Crewcock, bring that down here. [LIZ] I know. Look, I'm terribly sorry. [BRIGADIER] Look, what's happening about my call to the Ministry ofDefence? [LIZ] Well I'm sure the Doctor won't be much longer. [BRIGADIER] Well, look, hurry it up, man. This is top priority! [LIZ] I do realise. All right. Goodbye. [BRIGADIER] Trouble? [LIZ] Doctor Meredith is getting very impatient. [BRIGADIER] I can't say I blame him. [LIZ] Give the Doctor a couple more moments. I mean, he may have runinto some kind of problem. --------------------------------------- (Research Centre reception) [HAWKINS] Hey, you. Give me a hand. Well, don't stand there gawping,man! Come on, give me a hand! --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] Yes, all right, Major Walton. Pull backfrom gallery four and try and hold them at cave mouth three. [LIZ] UNIT control? [BRIGADIER] Over and out. [LIZ] Yes, sir, he's here. Hold the line. The Ministry of Defence. [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw, I must have that formula. [LIZ] All right. I'll go and see what's holding the Doctor up. [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge-Stewart here, sir. You got my message? Withrespect, sir, I don't think you appreciate the gravity of thesituation. But there's no time to refer it to the Defence Committee. --------------------------------------- (Research Station laboratory) [LIZ] Doctor, the Brigadier --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] But where is he? [LIZ] I've told you. I've no idea. [BRIGADIER] You'll read the formula to Doctor Crawford. He's beenhanging on long enough. [LIZ] Don't you understand? I don't know which is the formula. [BRIGADIER] Hello, Doctor Crawford? Look, I'm afraid I'll have to ringyou back. There's been yet another delay. Yes, yes, yes, as soon as Ican. [LIZ] Brigadier, there was some glass in the lab. I don't know ifthere's [HAWKINS] Sir! Sir, there's been some kind of a raid. Private Upton'sdead. [BRIGADIER] In the caves? [HAWKINS] No, sir, here. Just down the corridor. And there's a kind ofscorch mark on the wall. [BRIGADIER] Stay here, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] What? [BRIGADIER] Stay here! [LIZ] Yes, of course. [LIZ] Get me Doctor Crawford, please. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [SCIENTIST] How many humans have survived theepidemic? [DOCTOR] They will all survive. [SILURIAN JR] That is impossible! [SCIENTIST] You have discovered a cure? [DOCTOR] Yes, and soon all the humans will be immune to your epidemic.Your plan has failed, as your leader wanted it to fail. [SILURIAN JR] Our leader is dead. I killed him. I am the leader now. --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [LIZ] Thank you, Doctor Crawford. [BRIGADIER] The Silurians have broken in. [LIZ] Well, what about the Doctor? [BRIGADIER] Well, I imagine they've taken him to their base. CaptainHawkins, send every man we've got into the caves, and I want allcivilian personnel evacuated from here immediately. [HAWKINS] Sir. [BRIGADIER] And organise a thorough search of that laboratory. [HAWKINS] I'll see to it myself, sir. You two, come with me. [LIZ] I've given the formula to Doctor Crawford. They're going to maketheir own tests and then go into mass production of the antidote. [BRIGADIER] Well done, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] What are you going to do about the Doctor? [BRIGADIER] What can I do? [LIZ] Try to rescue him! You'll have to attack their base. [BRIGADIER] At the moment, they seem to be attacking us. --------------------------------------- (Silurian cages) [SILURIAN JR] Since the epidemic has failed, we must use other means. Weintend to make this planet uninhabitable for humans beings. [DOCTOR] But you can't do that! You can't exterminate a whole species. [SILURIAN JR] Is the disperser ready for activation? [SCIENTIST] All we need now is the power. [SILURIAN JR] We shall continue to use the electricity of the humans. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid you won't be able to do that. Thanks to you, thehumans are no longer making power. Their generator has been switchedoff. [SCIENTIST] Then you will help us. [SILURIAN JR] We shall force you to reactivate it. We shall take thecentre! --------------------------------------- (Conference room) [BRIGADIER] Hello? Hello? Hello? Switchboard? What's the matter withthis thing? [BRIGADIER] What the devil? [LIZ] We seem to have switched to an emergency lighting system. [LIZ] Hello? It's dead. [BRIGADIER] This one's dead too. And I've just sent the last of my meninto those caves. [LIZ] What do you mean? [BRIGADIER] Because of the attack, I sent every man I've got down to thecaves and now the Silurians are cutting our communications. [LIZ] What about your pocket radio? [BRIGADIER] No, useless at this depth. [LIZ] If they could break in once to get the Doctor, they could break inagain. [BRIGADIER] Exactly. Only this time it'll be in force. --------------------------------------- (Silurian hibernation room) [SILURIAN JR] Is the machinery prepared? [SCIENTIST] I could do nothing without power from the human's generator.It has ceased to function. [SILURIAN JR] We shall force them to reactivate it. When yourinstruments register the power, you will revive all our people. Now, Ishall take the one called the Doctor to the research centre. --------------------------------------- (Research Centre reception) [BRIGADIER] I'll go to the Ministry myself. We needa division down here and I'll see we get it. [BRIGADIER] What's the matter with this thing? [LIZ] The telephone's stopped working. [BRIGADIER] Now the lift as well. [LIZ] Brigadier, look! [LIZ] Doctor! [SILURIAN JR] Put down that weapon! [DOCTOR] Do as he says, Brigadier, or they'll kill us all. [SCIENTIST] We do not need these humans. [DOCTOR] Miss Shaw is a scientist. If I am to do what you want, I shallneed her help. [SILURIAN JR] The other one is a soldier. He is dangerous. Kill him! [DOCTOR] Stop! [LIZ] Brigadier! [DOCTOR] No! [DOCTOR] Any more killing I shall refuse to help you! You'll have tokill me too! [SILURIAN JR] You will take us to the nuclear generator or we will killyou all! [DOCTOR] Very well. I'll do as you want. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [DOCTOR] Stop! Stop! I said there was to be no more killing! Stay whereyou are! This centre is now in the hands of the Silurians. They needthe use of the generator. Now if you follow carefully the instructions,I shall give you, your lives may be spared. [SILURIAN JR] Remove the bodies. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, what do you think you're doing? [DOCTOR] Trying to save your lives. Now keep out of the way and keepquiet. [SCIENTIST] You will now connect this device to the nuclear generator. [DOCTOR] The power source is over here. [DOCTOR] What is the purpose of this machine? [SILURIAN JR] That is no concern of yours. [DOCTOR] If I'm to help you, I must know. [SCIENTIST] This is the molecular disperser. It will convert the energyof the nuclear reactor into microwaves. [DOCTOR] Oh, for what purpose? [SCIENTIST] The microwaves will disperse the molecules of the filterbelt which has enveloped this planet since our time. [DOCTOR] But if this process gets out of hand, it will destroy all lifeon the planet. [SCIENTIST] We can control the process. Commence work! [BRIGADIER] (sotto) What are they going to do? [LIZ] (sotto) Destroy the Van Allen belt. [BRIGADIER] (sotto) What? [LIZ] (sotto) The Van Allen belt. It surrounds the planet and filtersout some of the sun's radiation. [BRIGADIER] (sotto) What happens when it's gone? [LIZ] (sotto) It gets so hot, we will all die of sunburn on a cloudyday. [BRIGADIER] (sotto) What good will that do them? [LIZ] (sotto) They're reptile, cold blooded. They'll thrive in heat. Weshall die. It'll mean the end of the human race. --------------------------------------- (Silurian hibernation room) [SILURIAN] The generator of the humans is producingpower. Commence the revival process. [SILURIAN] The power is still too low. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [SCIENTIST] You will now provide power to operatethe de-hibernation machinery and activate the disperser. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we'll need to stoke up the reactor. Miss Shaw, I'llneed your help, please. [BRIGADIER] You mustn't help him. [LIZ] The Doctor knows what he's doing. Trust him. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [DOCTOR] Miss Shaw, I want you to feed uranium into the reactor, allright? [DOCTOR] (sotto) When I tell you, lower all the rods in at once. [LIZ] (sotto) Doctor, that will [DOCTOR] Liz, I know what I'm doing. Please do as I say. [DOCTOR] All technicians to your usual sectors, please. To your usualsectors, please. All right, Liz? [LIZ] [OC] Yes. [DOCTOR] Lower in number one rod. [LIZ [OC]] Number one rod. Check. [DOCTOR] Lower in number two rod. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [LIZ] Number two rod. Check. [DOCTOR [OC]] Sector one, increase your power level. Lower in numberthree rod. [LIZ] Number three rod. Check. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [DOCTOR] Now you should be getting enough power nowto get your disperser unit into operation. [SILURIAN JR] Continue to increase the power. [DOCTOR] As you wish. Liz, now! [SILURIAN JR] You have destroyed the disperser! [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [SILURIAN JR] Turn off the reactor! [SCIENTIST] Remove the uranium from the reactor. [DOCTOR [OC]] Liz, keep away from those controls! Get back! [DOCTOR [OC]] The reactor is now permanently overloaded. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [DOCTOR] There's going to be a massive explosion,and a colossal radiation leakage. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron room) [BRIGADIER] The whole area will become deadly. [SILURIAN JR] For how long? [LIZ] A quarter of a century, possibly more. [SCIENTIST] This means nothing to us. We shall return to our base andwait in hibernation until the radiation has faded. [SILURIAN JR] Kill these humans! [SCIENTIST] No! They will all stay here to die from the radiation. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [BRIGADIER] Well done, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well done, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Well, hadn't you better close down the reactor? [DOCTOR] I can't. [BRIGADIER] You were surely bluffing them? [DOCTOR] Well, I exaggerated a bit, but I had to push the reactor pastthe critical stage or they'd never have believed me. We'd better getout of here at once. [BRIGADIER] We can't. [DOCTOR] Why not? [BRIGADIER] They've jammed the lift. There's no way out. --------------------------------------- (Silurian hibernation room) [SCIENTIST] The re-hibernation mechanism is defective. One of us mustremain. [SILURIAN JR] I am the leader. The responsibility is mine. [SCIENTIST] The one who remains here will die. [SILURIAN JR] Is sufficient power stored in the hibernation unit? [SCIENTIST] Yes, I have set the controls to revive us in fifty yearsfrom now. [SILURIAN JR] When our people revive, you will be the leader. See thatthe apes are destroyed. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [BRIGADIER] Any good now? [LIZ] No, it's still not working. [DOCTOR] Give me time, Liz, give me time. There you are. Try that now. [LIZ] The mega-wattage is still rising. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I'll try fusing the control of the neutron flow.Now stand well back and cover your eyes. [DOCTOR] Well, that seems to have done it. --------------------------------------- (Silurian hibernation area) [SILURIAN JR] You are still alive. You tricked us! [DOCTOR] I managed to close down the reactor. [SILURIAN JR] Then the others must be revived at once. But first, Ishall kill you. [BRIGADIER] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Well done, Brigadier. Now then [BRIGADIER] And just what do you think you're doing down here? [DOCTOR] I'm trying to find out how this hibernation unit works. I mustknow if we're going to revive them again. [BRIGADIER] Revive them? [DOCTOR] Yes, not all at once, you understand. One at a time, so that wecan reason with them. There's a wealth of scientific knowledge downhere, Brigadier, and I can't wait to get started on it. --------------------------------------- (Cyclotron control room) [DOCTOR] Yes, well, everything seems to be workingquite smoothly. I don't think they'll be any more trouble. [BRIGADIER] Splendid. [DOCTOR] Now, don't forget, Brigadier, nobody is to go into thatSilurian base. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Miss Shaw and I will be back as soon as possible with sometesting equipment and probably some other scientists. [BRIGADIER] Good, good. Well, have a good journey. [DOCTOR] Yes. Don't forget, Brigadier. Nobody is to go into that base,all right? I'll see you tomorrow. [LIZ] Goodbye. [BRIGADIER] Goodbye, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] Corporal Nutting? [NUTTING] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Everything set up? [NUTTING] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Give them time to get clear, and then set off thoseexplosive charges. I want that Silurian base sealed permanently. --------------------------------------- (Wenley Moor) [LIZ] Shall I walk back and get some help? [DOCTOR] No, no. No, it's just a minor technical fault. We'll soon putthat right. [DOCTOR] There you are. That's fixed it. [LIZ] What's that? [DOCTOR] The Brigadier. He's blown up the Silurian base. [LIZ] He must have had orders from the Ministry. [DOCTOR] And you knew? [LIZ] No! The government were frightened. They just couldn't take therisk. [DOCTOR] But that's murder. They were intelligent alien beings. A wholerace of them. And he's just wiped them out. [LIZ] I know.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s07", "episode": "e02", "title": "Doctor Who and The Silurians"}
Doctor Who (21 Mar, 1970; Third Doctor) - The Ambassadors of Death (Space Control) [TALTALIAN [OC]] (French) And one degree. How are you reading? [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] I'm reading okay. One degree. Now. Manoeuvrecompleted. [CORNISH] You overshot, Charlie. Make a two second correction to port. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Two second correction to port. Now. Errorrectified. [CORNISH] You're doing fine, Charlie. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] What is my distance from Mars Probe 7? [CORNISH] Distance computation, please. [TALTALIAN [OC]] Distance five eight zero miles. Seven minutes, threeseconds to objective. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Confirmed. [CORNISH] Charlie, how's it going? [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] No problem. Everything's fine. No contact yet? [CORNISH] There's been no contact for seven months. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] How do we know they're still alive? [CORNISH] They took off from Mars manually. They must have been alivethen. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Something took off from Mars. [TALTALIAN] (bushy beard) How is it going? [CORNISH] They're closing. Charlie's a bit edgy. [TALTALIAN] Can you blame him? It is possible he has gone up to arendezvous with a flying coffin. [BRIGADIER] Do you think they're dead? [CORNISH] In seven months space time, they could have fixed a defectiveradio. [TALTALIAN] If they are dead, it is going to turn public opinion againstour space programme. [CORNISH] Frightened your computer grant might be cut, Bruno? [BRIGADIER] What are you going to tell the public? [CORNISH] That's not my job. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] In a few minutes we shall know the answer to the questionthat has been occupying the minds of everyone here at Space Controlsince Mars Probe 7 took off on its return journey from the red planetnearly eight months ago. What has happened to astronauts Frank Michaelsand Joe Lefee? Communications remained perfect on the long outwardjourney to the red planet and throughout the difficult landing. For afull twelve hours they sent back pictures and reports from the surfaceof Mars. Both then seemed in perfect health, then silence. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [WAKEFIELD [on tv screen]] The world assumed thatdisaster had overtaken the mission. But when all hope was gone, radioastronomers at Cambridge reported that Mars Probe 7 had blasted off andwas heading back to Earth. [LIZ] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm trying to reactivate the Tardis' Time VectorGenerator. [LIZ] What's that supposed to do? [DOCTOR] Well, it could sent you into the future, if it starts workingagain. Particularly if you're standing there. [LIZ] Come on now, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Liz! Good grief! [LIZ] Doctor? Where are you? Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, there you are. [LIZ] What happened? [DOCTOR] Well, we both got caught in the time warp field and wereprojected into the future. [LIZ] Into the future? [DOCTOR] Yes, but only about fifteen seconds. [LIZ] But I haven't been anywhere. You vanished. [DOCTOR] No, no, no. You vanished first. I only seemed to have vanishedbecause you went into the future and I wasn't there yet. [LIZ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes. [DOCTOR] Oh. Wretched thing seems to have packed up again. Still, we'reon the right lines. [LIZ] Doctor, I still don't understand. [DOCTOR] Look. [DOCTOR] Good gracious. Lethbridge Stewart. What on Earth's he doing atSpace Control? [LIZ] Well, something's happened to the Mars Probe. [DOCTOR] Oh, and the Brigadier thinks it's his business. Oh well, Isuppose he's got to do something to occupy his mind now that he's blownup the Silurians. [WAKEFIELD [OC]] You can see from the radar screen, that's the screenjust to the left of Professor Cornish there, that the recovery capsuleand Mars Probe 7 are on convergence. This is a tricky moment forcontroller Ralph Cornish and his team. [WAKEFIELD [on screen]] The two craft will be linking up in a moment ortwo. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] And then we shall know the answer tothe mystery that has baffled the world's scientists for seven months. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Charlie, do you have visual contact withthe capsule yet? [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Not yet. I'm changing attitude of capsule. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] I can see it. I'm up alongside. [CORNISH] Well done, Charlie. Everything looks good. [BRIGADIER] Ask him if it's definitely Mars Probe 7. [CORNISH] What? [BRIGADIER] Ask him. [CORNISH] Charlie, can you give us definite identification? It is MarsProbe 7. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] No doubt about it. I can see the markings. [CORNISH] Fine. Do you hear anything from them? [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Still nothing. [CORNISH] Try to contact once more before link up. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Okay. [CORNISH] Maybe their transmitter's too weak to reach us downhere. [VAN LYDEN [on screen]] Recovery 7 to Mars Probe. Do you read me? I'mabout to initiate link up. Do you read me? Nothing, Ralph. I'm going torotate for link up now. CORNISH --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [VAN LYDEN] Buffeting slightly. Firing port retro jets to compensate.Moving in for link up now. [VAN LYDEN] I have link up. [CORNISH [OC]] Well done, Charlie. Everything looks fine. [VAN LYDEN] Activating locking clamps now. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [WAKEFIELD [OC]] Well, as you've just heard, VanLyden has succeeded in achieving link up. A beautifully smooth [LIZ] I thought you weren't interested? [WAKEFIELD [OC]] Operation in rather difficult circumstances. [DOCTOR] They've just linked up. [LIZ] Anything from the Mars Probe? [WAKEFIELD [OC]] The capsules were buffeting slightly just [DOCTOR] No, not a sound. [WAKEFIELD [OC]] However Van Lyden made it safely. [LIZ] Thanks. [WAKEFIELD [OC]] This must be a moment --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] All right, Charlie, talk us through. [VAN LYDEN [OC]] Injecting air into tunnel now. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [VAN LYDEN] Air injected into tunnel. [CORNISH [OC]] Is air holding? [VAN LYDEN] Air pressure in tunnel okay. Am moving to locking clamps. [VAN LYDEN] Releasing first clamp. First clamp away. Second clamp. I canhear something. [CORNISH] What is it, Charlie? What do you hear? --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [VAN LYDEN] I think they're opening their hatch.Yes, it's them! --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [VAN LYDEN [OC]] Second clamp away. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [VAN LYDEN] Third clamp. Fourth. Opening hatch. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Charlie, what's happened? Control to Recovery 7, do you readme? (nothing) Control to Recovery 7, do you read me? --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [LIZ] Doctor, what's the matter? What is it? [DOCTOR] That sound. I've heard it somewhere before. [LIZ] When? [DOCTOR] That's just it. I can't remember! [LIZ] What do you mean, can't remember? [DOCTOR] Don't you understand? It's all up here in my mind. Theinformation's here, but I can't reach it. We'd better go there. [LIZ] Where? [DOCTOR] The Space Centre. It's not far. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Control to Recovery 7, do you read me? [RUTHERFORD] (woman) They've run a complete check on all our circuits.There's no trouble this end. [BRIGADIER] Can you send up another recovery capsule to investigate? [CORNISH] Not immediately. Control to Recovery 7, do you read me? --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] Doctor Taltalian, do you have anyexplanation for that sound we just heard? [TALTALIAN] At the moment, no. There is a possibility that it was somekind of static. [WAKEFIELD] Have you ever heard static like that before? [TALTALIAN] In space research, one is constantly encountering new andunexpected factors. [WAKEFIELD] But will you confirm that all radio contact has been lostwith the recovery capsule? [TALTALIAN] For the time being, yes, but temporary loss of communicationis not unusual. For instance, when the capsules go behind the moon [WAKEFIELD] But those two capsules are not behind the moon. [TALTALIAN] You can rest assured that everything possible is being done.Now, if you will excuse me. [WAKEFIELD] Well, as you see, there appears to be no apparentexplanation for the sudden breakdown in communication and until thesituation becomes clearer, the world must wait and hope. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Control to Recovery 7, do you read me? [BRIGADIER] Are they still holding the same position? [RUTHERFORD] Yes, they've kept on orbit. [BRIGADIER] Have you any idea what might have happened to Recovery 7? [CORNISH] Control to Recovery 7, do you read me? [RUTHERFORD] It could have been an excess of electricity in the MarsProbe solar batteries. If Lefee and Michaels died on take off fromMars, there'd be no one to control the power build up in the solarbatteries. [BRIGADIER] And that would've affected Recovery on link up? [RUTHERFORD] When the capsules were joined the electric circuits linkedautomatically. Excess electricity in one could have blown all thecircuits of the other. [CORNISH] Control to Recovery 7, do you read me? [BRIGADIER] Would that have killed the man in the Recovery capsule? [RUTHERFORD] Not necessarily. He might still be able to unlink and bringhimself back, but without communications. [DOCTOR] My dear fellow, I simply don't happen to have a pass! Because Idon't believe in them, that's why. [DOCTOR] Take your hands off me, sir. Ah, there you are. [BRIGADIER] It's all right. I can vouch for these people. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, what are you doing here? [DOCTOR] That sound. Have you heard it again? [BRIGADIER] No. [DOCTOR] You will. [LIZ] He says it's some kind of a message. [BRIGADIER] Well, who from? [DOCTOR] Have you got a recording of that message? [CORNISH] I've no time to talk to the Press. [DOCTOR] Quite right. Neither have I. Now, that sound, have you got arecording of it? [CORNISH] Everything here is recorded. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, everyone here's got a great deal to do. [DOCTOR] No, they haven't. There's nothing anybody can do for the timebeing. [CORNISH] Brigadier, who is this? [BRIGADIER] He's one of my associates. [CORNISH] Will you kindly get one of your associates out of here? [BRIGADIER] Come along, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Now you listen to me. That sound was some kind of a message,and it's going to be repeated. [CORNISH] Will you please get this man out of here? We're trying to savethe lives of three astronauts. [DOCTOR] Nonsense, man. You're doing nothing of the sort. There'snothing you can possibly do [DOCTOR] High frequency accelerated impulses. Now then, I shall needmulti copies of that recording, unlimited computer time and somewhereto work. Miss Shaw, I shall need your help. [CORNISH] How did you know that sound was going to be repeated? [DOCTOR] By exercising my intelligence. Now, since we didn't reply, themessage would obviously be repeated. Now, we've got to break down thatcode and answer them. [CORNISH] Answer who? [DOCTOR] The man's a fool! How can I possibly tell who the message isfrom until I know what it says? Let me explain this to you in verysimple terms. [BRIGADIER] He is trying to help, you know. You might find him quiteuseful. [DOCTOR] Might find me useful? [BRIGADIER] I mean that you could help Professor Cornish. He is incharge here. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, of course. Look, my dear fellow, do please forgivethis intrusion, but you really must let me decode those messages. Itcould prove of vital importance to the safety of your astronauts. [CORNISH] I suppose we must try everything. But how you can be so sure [CORNISH] It seems you're right. I'll see about that computer. [DOCTOR] No, not now. [CORNISH] Do you want to crack the code, send a reply? [DOCTOR] That was the reply. Brigadier, I shall need worldwidetriangulation immediately. [BRIGADIER] But we know where the transmissions were coming from. Thecapsule in orbit. [DOCTOR] The first ones, yes, but not that last one. That was completelydifferent. Now we've got to find out where that was coming from. [BRIGADIER] I'll get on to it. [CORNISH] But aren't we too late now? [DOCTOR] The message was repeated. Perhaps the reply will be. All we cando now is wait. [WAKEFIELD [OC]] The mystery of Mars Probe 7 has deepened. Seven and ahalf months of total silence and now these strange transmissions forwhich scientists here have no explanation. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] One theory is that it may be some kindof distress signal. As it is now some hours since the last signal fromthe capsules, it's difficult to see what can be done short of sendingup another recovery craft. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] That's Haystack. [DOCTOR] And Algonquin. [BRIGADIER] Algonquin. [DOCTOR] Arecibo. [BRIGADIER] Arecibo. [DOCTOR] Cambridge. [BRIGADIER] Cambridge. [TALTALIAN] I have computerised the factors involved in sending up asecond recovery capsule. [CORNISH] What's the minimum time for blast off? [TALTALIAN] Ten days. [CORNISH] That's impossible. [BRIGADIER] Vorograd. [LIZ] Tokyo's just promised full cooperation. [DOCTOR] Oh, that's good. [BRIGADIER] Tokyo. Right, that about covers the lot. [DOCTOR] Well, if it's from Earth, this could give us the country, butthat's not accurate enough. We must pinpoint the exact location. [BRIGADIER] Well, we've got every national radio service standing bywith monitors. Wherever that signal's coming from, we'll find it. [TALTALIAN] Recovery 8 was not scheduled for lift off until three monthsfrom now. [CORNISH] They'll have to speed it up. [TALTALIAN] You know they've got problems with the new fuel injectionsystem. [LIZ] From where? Nancy? Oui. [DOCTOR] Something coming through. [LIZ] Oui. Merci. From France. [BRIGADIER] Right. [DOCTOR] Yes. London. [CORNISH] Can't the Americans do anything? [TALTALIAN] I have checked. There is no capsule in go conditionanywhere. [DOCTOR] Can I get a map of London on this thing? [CORNISH] A what? [DOCTOR] A map of London. It's very important. [CORNISH] That machine will give you surface maps of every surveyedplanet, but a map of London? No. [DOCTOR] Useless gadgets. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, never mind the map. (into phone) Yes. Yes, fine.Yes, thank you. Goodbye. My people have just done a localtriangulation. [DOCTOR] What's the exact location? [BRIGADIER] An abandoned warehouse seven miles from here. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse office) [CARRINGTON] Run the message again. All the power you've got this time. [GREY] Full power, sir. [CARRINGTON] Have to risk it. [GREY] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse yard) [BRIGADIER] Out! A Section here. B section there. C section there! --------------------------------------- (Warehouse office) [CARRINGTON] That's enough. [GREY] Do you think anyone's monitoring us, sir? [CARRINGTON] There's sure to be. Finding us is another matter. [COLLINSON] Sir, UNIT's outside. [CARRINGTON] That's very efficient of them. Keep them off as long as youcan. [COLLINSON] Yes, sir. [CARRINGTON] Don't kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [BRIGADIER] Take cover! --------------------------------------- (Warehouse office) [CARRINGTON] Send the final transmission. [GREY] Have we time, sir? [CARRINGTON] The sergeant will hold them off. [GREY] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse) [BRIGADIER] Follow! [BRIGADIER] You can stop right there! [BRIGADIER] Better put it down. [COLLINSON] You're probably right. [BRIGADIER] You kill me, my men kill you. Pointless really. [COLLINSON] Since you put it like that. [BRIGADIER] Right. Now! [BRIGADIER] Right, take him. --------------------------------------- (Warehouse office) [CARRINGTON] Trigger the self-destructor. [GREY] Right, sir. [CARRINGTON] Out you go. [GREY] Yes, sir. [GREY] Sir? [CARRINGTON] Coming. [BRIGADIER [OC]] All right, open up! --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [DOCTOR] Look, if I'm to help you people, I needfull cooperation. [CORNISH] What's the trouble? [DOCTOR] I specified the need for computer time. If I'm to decode thosemessages, I need a computer. [CORNISH] Go and see Doctor Taltalian. That's his department. [DOCTOR] Yes, so he's just informed me. But he's being totallynon-cooperative. [CORNISH] I'll talk to him. [CORNISH] I told you to give the Doctor full cooperation. See that hegets it. [TALTALIAN [on screen]] Yes, of course I will. [CORNISH] Satisfied? Now, if you'll excuse me? [DOCTOR] Yes. [RUTHERFORD] Houston have just called in. They can't raise them either. [CORNISH] Well, that's the least of our worries now. Athens havereported a solar flare build-up. A big one. [RUTHERFORD] Well, when do they expect it? [CORNISH] Anytime within the next twenty four hours. [RUTHERFORD] But they'll never survive solar flare radiation. You'llhave to bring them down on remote control. [CORNISH] They're locked on manual. There's nothing we can do. Spacecontrol to Recovery 7, do you read me? Space Control to Recovery 7, doyou read me? Athens has reported a dangerous solar flare build-up. Itis imperative you unlock manual control so that we can bring you down. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [CORNISH [OC]] I repeat. We have a message fromAthens Observatory. There is a massive solar flare building up. Theflare is expected any time within the next twenty four hours. SpaceControl to Recovery 7, do you read me? Space Control to Recovery 7, doyou read me? --------------------------------------- (Space Control corridor) [DOCTOR] Let's see what he's got to say for himselfthis time. --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) (Space Control computer room) [TALTALIAN] I want that tape. [DOCTOR] Do you realise the importance of it? [TALTALIAN] Rather more than you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] So, you understood the message. [TALTALIAN] Hand it over. [DOCTOR] What are you going to do with it? [TALTALIAN] Doctor, give me that tape. [DOCTOR] Since you insist. (The Doctor holds out the reel, whichdisappears just before Taltalian can take it.) [TALTALIAN] This is no time for conjuring tricks. Put up your hands. Up! [TALTALIAN] Where is that tape? [LIZ] Perhaps he sent it into the future. [TALTALIAN] Doctor, are you trying to force me to shoot you? [BRIGADIER] Doctor, I think you [DOCTOR] Careful, Brigadier. He's frightened. [TALTALIAN] You. Come over here. Come here! [LIZ] No, stop, you're hurting [TALTALIAN] Be quiet! Don't try to follow me. [BRIGADIER] I'll go after him. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. [BRIGADIER] Guards! [DOCTOR] Are you all right? [LIZ] I'm quite unhurt. Taltalian [DOCTOR] I think we can safely leave him to the Brigadier. [LIZ] What did you do with the tape? [DOCTOR] What? [LIZ] The tape! [DOCTOR] Oh, the tape. [LIZ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Oh, here it is here. [LIZ] You didn't send it into the future, did you? [DOCTOR] No, no, no. No, that was simply transmigration of object.There's a great deal of difference between that and pure science, youknow. Now then, what about decoding this tape? Let me see now. [LIZ] That'll be the analogue digital converter. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that's just what I was looking for. [LIZ] Let me. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [BRIGADIER] He got away. This place is like a rabbit warren. I've set upa search. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, what did you find at the warehouse? [BRIGADIER] The transmitter. [DOCTOR] And? [BRIGADIER] We took several prisoners. One of them knows a great dealmore than he's saying. [DOCTOR] Well, I'd like to have a talk with him. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ cell) [BRIGADIER] All right, Corporal. [CHAMPION] Sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, have you decided to talk yet? Why didn't you shoot mewhen you had the chance? [DOCTOR] Why don't you sit down, old chap? [DOCTOR] Now, you were under orders not to harm the Brigadier, weren'tyou? Who gave you those orders? [COLLINSON] I can't answer any questions. [DOCTOR] Anything found on him? [BRIGADIER] No. His pockets were empty. [DOCTOR] Clothes? [BRIGADIER] The sort of thing you can buy anywhere, but all the labelswere cut out. [DOCTOR] You've been very thorough, haven't you. [BRIGADIER] You're in very serious trouble, you know. I can hold youhere on security charges for a very long time. [DOCTOR] Don't you realise that the men you are working with wereseriously interfering with our space project, and thereby endangeringthe lives of three astronauts. [BRIGADIER] Look, I want answers from you, and I'm going to get them! [DOCTOR] Brigadier, you're wasting your time. [BRIGADIER] This man knows something. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, but he's not going to tell us and I think we'vegot more important things to do. [BRIGADIER] All right. Corporal? [DOCTOR] Looking after you all right, are they? Have you had a cup oftea? [COLLINSON] Yes, thanks. [DOCTOR] That's good. Stand to attention when you're talking to me andcall me sir! [COLLINSON] Sir! [DOCTOR] Just as I thought. Sergeant, aren't you? [BRIGADIER] A soldier. Are you a deserter? [DOCTOR] No, he's acting under orders. [CHAMPION] Sir, this just came. [BRIGADIER] Oh, thank you. Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] There has been another extraordinarydevelopment in the mystery of Mars Probe 7. The two space capsules,Mars Probe 7 and Recovery 7, which have been locked together in radiosilence, have now separated. But there is still no communication fromCharles Van Lyden, nor from astronauts Michaels and Lefee. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [DOCTOR] Still no word from them? [CORNISH] Nothing. Space control to Recovery 7, do you read me? [MAN [OC]] Tracking report. Capsules now approximately seven milesapart. [RUTHERFORD] Eleven minutes from scheduled re-entry burn. [CORNISH] I wish I had your confidence. [MAN [OC]] Tracking report. Distance between capsule widening. Ninemiles. Thirteen miles. Twenty five miles. [RUTHERFORD] It's started! [CORNISH] Ten minutes too soon. What's he think he's doing? [DOCTOR] Well, that's it for now. I'd better go and see how Liz isgetting on with the decoding. [BRIGADIER] Don't you want to see what happens? [DOCTOR] No, no. No, if they're going to attempt a re-entry they mustmake at least one Earth's orbit. I'll be back in time for re-entry. Areyou coming? [BRIGADIER] No, I'll run a security trace on our prisoner. [MAN [OC]] Tracking report. Recovery 7 speed now eighteen thousand milesper hour and increasing. Capsule will leave our radar range withinthree minutes. Closing to two point nine five. [CORNISH] Notify global tracking stations. Fix an open communicationscircuit. I want that capsule tracked every second. --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) [DOCTOR] Yes. There's no pattern to it at all. It'snonsense! [DOBSON] Perhaps because we're feeding it nonsense. Maybe that soundfrom the capsule was just freak static. [DOCTOR] Yes. [LIZ] I wonder. [DOCTOR] Wonder what? [LIZ] Maybe there's a computer malfunction. [DOBSON] That's impossible. There's a self-checking mechanism. [LIZ] Well, even that could go wrong. I'll feed it a standard testprogramme. [DOCTOR] Never mind all that. Ask it what two and two make. [LIZ] What? [DOCTOR] Liz, ask it. [LIZ] Oh, all right. [DOBSON] This is ridiculous. I checked that machine this morning. [DOCTOR] How long have you known Doctor Taltalian? [DOBSON] Well, I've been his chief assistant for two years. I stillcan't believe all this. [LIZ] It says two and two make five. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's typical. I never did trust those stupid things. [LIZ] No, no, this isn't just malfunction. Taltalian must have sabotagedit. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [RUTHERFORD] Reappearance time this hemisphere tenseconds. [MAN] Tracking report from Massachusetts. Height one hundred miles.Speed twenty thousand and reducing. Eight, seven, six, five, four,three, two, one, zero. Capsule now in our tracking range and controlrange. [CORNISH] Main control, start transmitting now. [MAN] We have contact. We have contact. [RUTHERFORD] Transmitters on now. [CORNISH] It's not responding. Repeat transmission. Boost power. [MAN] Repeat transmission now. [CORNISH] It's no good. [MAN] Tracking report. Height ninety miles and reducing. Speed twentythousand and holding. [BRIGADIER] It'll burn up. [RUTHERFORD] It's responding! [CORNISH] Recommence transmission and maintain. [MAN] Recommencing transmission now. [CORNISH] Fire retro jets, five seconds. [MAN] Retro jets, five seconds. Now. [RUTHERFORD] We have radar contact on screen now. [MAN] Tracking report. Height eighty five miles, still reducing. Speedeighteen thousand reducing to seventeen thousand. Sixteen thousand. [WAKEFIELD [OC]] Well, after what was a pretty rough re-entry by presentday standards, astronauts Van Lyden, Michaels and Lefee will soon beexperiencing the buffeting of Earth's atmosphere when their hugeparachutes lower them on the last few miles of their descent. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] Under normal circumstances with two orthree Earth orbits as a run up, Controller Cornish could bring them towithin one hundred yards of their scheduled landing place. As it is,all we know is that the space capsule is about to land somewhere in thesouth of England. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [MAN] Drop speed now thirty miles an hour andreducing. [RUTHERFORD] Capsule drifting south southwest two degrees. Rate ofdrift, three knots. [CORNISH] Ground level preparations completed? [BRIGADIER] The area will be cordoned off as soon as it lands. [CORNISH] Civil air routes warned? Airlines cleared? [RUTHERFORD] All planes have been diverted. [MAN] Drop speed now twenty two miles per hour reducing to eighteen.Height one mile. Drift rate three knots. Contact lost. Contact lost. [BRIGADIER] Something wrong? [DOCTOR] No, no. No, they always lose radar contact in the last fewseconds. [RUTHERFORD] We've made it! [DOCTOR] Well done, old chap. Well done. [BRIGADIER] Yes. Congratulations, Controller. Wonderful job. [CORNISH] If they're alive. --------------------------------------- (Landing site) [CORNISH] Hello, Recovery 7, do you read me? This is Cornish. You aresafe and landed. Open the hatch. [CORNISH] Hello, Recovery 7, do you read me? It's no use. Must beunconscious. [BRIGADIER] Better try opening it ourselves. [CORNISH] It's impossible. Either the mechanisms jammed or [DOCTOR] They've locked it from the inside? [BRIGADIER] Then we'll have to cut it open. [CORNISH] It's too dangerous for the astronauts. [BRIGADIER] Then what are we going to do? [DOCTOR] Take it back to the Space Centre? [BRIGADIER] Right. [CARRINGTON] Quick, the RT. UNIT's frequency. [BRIGADIER] Brigadier to UNIT control, Brigadier to UNIT Control. UNITControl, I want a route cleared from here to the Space Centre.Outriders, top priority. [GREY] Sir. [CARRINGTON] Excellent. It couldn't be better. [CORNISH] By the time you get the capsule back to the Space Centre, I'llhave everything ready. [BRIGADIER] I'll go with the capsule. [BRIGADIER] See you at the Space Centre. [DOCTOR] All right. [BRIGADIER] If you make it. I'll go with you. Keep to the prepared routeand clear the away ahead of us. You bring up the rear. [GREY] Get out of the way, please. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid I can't. [GREY] Will you please get out of the way, sir? We're carrying a veryimportant cargo. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, if you want me to get out of the way, I'm afraidyou'll have to help me. Old Bessie seems to have stopped. [DOCTOR] Ready? I'll let the brake off. Right, push. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much! Don't worry, it'll switch itself off.Eventually. --------------------------------------- (Space Control corridor) [CORNISH] Helicopter and smoke bombs? [BRIGADIER] Yes, they were very well organised. We lost the capsule andthe Doctor's vanished. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [BRIGADIER] How on earth? [DOCTOR] I brought it here. [BRIGADIER] Doctor! Thank heavens you're all right. We found the car.Thought they'd got you. [DOCTOR] Didn't you find two angry men stuck to my car? [BRIGADIER] No, just the car. [DOCTOR] Can't have got that force field strong enough yet. [CORNISH] Cornish? Yes. Doctor, it's for you. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Hello? Yes, Liz. Yes, right. I'll be down straightaway. I'll tell you all about it later. Liz thinks she's on tosomething. [BRIGADIER] Will you be able to make contact? [CORNISH] I'm not sure. The equipment's being connected now. --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) [DOCTOR] You're right, Liz. This is a definite attempt at pictographiccommunication. [DOBSON] Could be just random patterns. [DOCTOR] What, with this symbol repeated twice? And this one repeatedfour times? Oh, no. [LIZ] Who in the world would want to send a message in this form? [DOCTOR] No one on this world, but an alien intelligence so differentthis is the only way they can communicate. [LIZ] Doctor, you don't think that this intelligence [DOCTOR] I think that it's high time the Brigadier and I had a talk tothe top man. [DOBSON] Dobson here. They've started to crack the code. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Exactly what are you suggesting? [DOCTOR] I should have thought that was obvious. Every step we take,someone's ahead of us. [BRIGADIER] Yes. Doctor Taltalian, for instance. I've got his file here.Checked and double checked like everyone else working on this project,and yet he sabotages his own computer, draws a gun on the Doctor andthen runs away like a criminal. [QUINLAN] Well, it's extraordinary. I've known Bruno Taltalian foryears. [DOCTOR] Look, that is quite beside the point. The question is, who elseis involved? [QUINLAN] I can see your reasons for concern but you have got thecapsule back now. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, we've got the capsule back all right, and it's safelyinstalled at the Space Centre. But the astronauts still refuse to comeout. [QUINLAN] Well, I shall initiate a top level investigation immediately,Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] With respect [QUINLAN] Now I'm sure you'll want to get back to the Space Centre. [DOCTOR] Is that all you've got to say, Sir James? Sweep it all underthe carpet? [BRIGADIER] Come on, Doctor. I'll keep you informed, sir. [QUINLAN] I should be most grateful, Brigadier. Thank you, gentlemen. [QUINLAN] All right. Won't you sit down? --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [LIZ] Recovery 7, do you read me? [DOCTOR] Any response yet? [CORNISH] Nothing. [LIZ] Recovery 7, do you read me? [BRIGADIER] Well, I suggest we cut it open. [CORNISH] I've got men with thermal lances standing by. [LIZ] I think I'm getting something. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [TALTALIAN] They have got the capsule. What wentwrong? [QUINLAN] I don't know yet. They've started to crack the code, too. [TALTALIAN] What are you going to do about UNIT? [QUINLAN] It's already been dealt with. They've got quite a surprisecoming. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [LIZ] Hello Recovery 7, do you read me? HelloRecovery 7, do you read me? [VAN LYDEN [OC]] Hello, Space Control. This is Recovery 7. Will youclear us for re-entry? [CORNISH] Charlie! This is Ralph Cornish. You are back at Space Control.Open the capsule. [VAN LYDEN [OC]] We are not cleared for re-entry. [CORNISH] Charlie? You are back at Space Control. What's wrong? Open thehatch. [VAN LYDEN [OC]] Hello, Space Control. This is Recovery 7. Will youclear us for re-entry? [DOCTOR] Let me try. Hello, Van Lyden? What is the capital of Australia? [VAN LYDEN [OC]] We are not cleared for re-entry. [DOCTOR] How many beans make five? [VAN LYDEN [OC]] Hello, Space control. This is Recovery 7. Will youclear us for re-entry? [DOCTOR] Van Lyden! [VAN LYDEN [OC]] We are not cleared for re-entry. [DOCTOR] Right, cut it open! --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] It's empty! [DOCTOR] What? Let me see. [CORNISH] But we were talking to Van Lyden. [DOCTOR] Liz, try them again. [LIZ] Hello, recovery 7. Do you read me? [VAN LYDEN [OC]] Hello, Space Control. This is Recovery 7. Will youclear us for re-entry? [DOCTOR] Well, well, well. A tape recording. [CORNISH] Triggered off by our speech. [BRIGADIER] Then where are the astronauts? [DOCTOR] Well, someone wanted us to believe they were still insidethere. That tape recorder's not a standard part of their equipment, isit? [CORNISH] No, of course not. [DOCTOR] Then somebody put it there, didn't they? [LIZ] Why? [CORNISH] To delay us opening the capsule. [LIZ] Why should they want to do that? [DOCTOR] Well, to gain time. Now, suppose the astronauts were still inthere when it landed, and later they were removed. [BRIGADIER] No, that's impossible. This capsule's been guarded all thetime, and you two were here. [CORNISH] Except when your men turned us out for that security check. [BRIGADIER] What? [LIZ] They sent us back to the control room while they searched thearea. [DOCTOR] I take it you didn't order this. [BRIGADIER] No, I didn't. [DOCTOR] Well, there you are then. A bogus patrol turns up, clears thearea, and removes the astronauts at their leisure. [CORNISH] Who would want to kidnap three astronauts? [DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps the same people who replied to that message. [BRIGADIER] I think I'll have a word with my guard commander. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'll come with you. [LIZ] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Yes? What is it? [LIZ] The Geiger counter, it's on maximum. The interior's radioactive.If anyone was in there, they're as good as dead. --------------------------------------- (Heldorf's laboratory) [HELDORF] (germanic) Two million rads. Scientifically, they should bedead. [CARRINGTON] But they're not. [HELDORF] When we tried to remove their helmets, they resistedviolently. [CARRINGTON] I told you not to remove their protective clothing. [HELDORF] General Carrington, these men have received massive doses ofradiation. They need total blood transfusions immediately. They needantibiotics, cortisone injections. You don't understand the situation.We must reduce the radiation [CARRINGTON] Just increase it! [HELDORF] Are you mad? That would be murder! [CARRINGTON] The radiation which affects these men is something totallynew to us. To survive it, they have become dependent on it. [HELDORF] What you're saying is contrary to everything that's understoodabout radioactivity. [CARRINGTON] You must feed them radiation, otherwise they will die. [HELDORF] No, no, no. You can't ask me to do that. [CARRINGTON] I am not asking you. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [DOCTOR] I don't think you can sweep all this underthe Ministry carpet, Sir James. Someone in authority has done this. [QUINLAN] The astronauts were in your charge, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] They were taken from the Space Centre by two army officers. [QUINLAN] Obviously impostors. [BRIGADIER] The papers of authorisation were genuine. Their passes weremade out in the names of two non-existent officers. They had a platoonand an army vehicle of the latest design. Not the sort of thing you buyfrom an army surplus store. [QUINLAN] You've been very thorough, Brigadier. It's a pity you've noexplanation to offer for these strange occurrences. [DOCTOR] We haven't come here to offer explanations, Sir James, we'vecome to demand them. From you. [QUINLAN] All right. [DOCTOR] You mean you're going to tell us the truth? [QUINLAN] No. [DOCTOR] Oh. [QUINLAN] But I'm going to introduce you to the man who can. Will youcome in please? [QUINLAN] General Carrington, head of the newly formed Space Securitydepartment. [LIZ] Space Security? Weren't you an astronaut on Mars Probe 6? [CARRINGTON] Yes, I was. Please sit down, Brigadier. I realise I owe youall an apology. I can only ask you to believe that everything I havedone has been for the good of us all. [DOCTOR] Does that include sending coded messages to Mars Probe 7? Andkidnapping three astronauts? [LIZ] And Doctor Bruno Taltalian holding a gun on us in the computerroom? [CARRINGTON] Taltalian was under strict orders to make sure you didn'thave access to the computer. You see, every astronaut is issued with anemergency code only to be used in the ultimate emergency. The codeyou've been trying to crack. The message we received from Mars Probe 7told us that the deep space capsule had passed through a hithertounsuspected high density radiation belt on its way back to Earth orbit. [LIZ] Why didn't you inform Space Control at once? [CARRINGTON] Security. [BRIGADIER] Then why wasn't I informed, sir? [CARRINGTON] UNIT is an international organisation and the governmentwanted to keep this in its own hands. [DOCTOR] Yes, but why all this extraordinary behaviour? Well, surelyradiation is a normal hazard of space travel? [CARRINGTON] We believe this radiation to be a different kind. Webelieve it to be self-sustaining and highly contagious, and that itcould spread like a plague, contaminating the entire planet. [QUINLAN] We don't want the public to become panic-stricken. [DOCTOR] Well, it seems to have been a question of the right handfighting the left, doesn't it, Brigadier? [CARRINGTON] Good! Well, I hope this explanation has eased your minds,gentlemen. [DOCTOR] Well, it hasn't eased mine. [CARRINGTON] I'm sorry? [DOCTOR] I should like to take a look at these mysteriously irradiatedastronauts for myself, if I may. [CARRINGTON] There's no need for that. They're in expert hands. [DOCTOR] Nevertheless, I would still like to see them. [QUINLAN] Well, I don't see it can do any harm. [CARRINGTON] Oh, very well then, I'll take you there now. But I canassure you they're perfectly safe. --------------------------------------- (Heldorf's laboratory) [HELDORF] Who are you people? [REEGAN] I've told you before to be quiet. [HELDORF] Where are you going? Where are you taking them? [REEGAN] Shut up! [HELDORF] But if you take them out of here, they will die. You muststop! [REEGAN] I'll take them out to the others. You two go back by the directroute when you've finished here. --------------------------------------- (Outside Heldorf's laboratory) [REEGAN] You two ride with them. They won't hurt you. You've got guns,haven't you? --------------------------------------- (Heldorf's laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Do you know where the phone is, sir? [CARRINGTON] Oh, yes. It's over there. [BRIGADIER] Hello, UNIT control? This is the Brigadier. [DOCTOR] Perfectly safe, were they? [BRIGADIER] (in background) This is a yellow alert. [CARRINGTON] I don't understand it. Who would have done this? [BRIGADIER] I want a full emergency team. [LIZ] Doctor, look at this. [BRIGADIER] Map reference C341. [LIZ] These seem to be the radiation records of the missing astronauts.Over two million rads. They couldn't possibly have survived thatamount. [DOCTOR] Liz, what were those exact radiation figures again? [LIZ] Two million, one oh two, four six two. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [CARRINGTON] Are you getting anywhere? [DOCTOR] Possibly. [CARRINGTON] Do you realise the importance of this [DOCTOR] I realise the importance very well, General Carrington. That iswhy I must be allowed to continue my work undisturbed. [CARRINGTON] I'm so sorry. [LIZ] These are the complete readings. [DOCTOR] Oh, thanks. You know, it's the most extraordinary thing. Thoseastronauts were emitting radiation like walking reactors. [LIZ] But radiation destroys human tissue. [DOCTOR] Yes. I know. [BRIGADIER] The radioactive trace goes to just outside the building,sir. Then it vanishes. [CARRINGTON] Obviously they were taken away in a vehicle. [BRIGADIER] Why should anyone kidnap them? [CARRINGTON] Contagious radiation could be a terrible weapon in thehands of a foreign power. [BRIGADIER] Who else knew of the location of this laboratory, sir? [CARRINGTON] Only my immediate staff. [BRIGADIER] And Sir James Quinlan, and his immediate staff. Well Doctor,any luck? [DOCTOR] Well, I can tell you where your three astronauts are. [CARRINGTON] Well? [DOCTOR] They're still in orbit. [CARRINGTON] But they came down in the capsule. They were here. I sawthem. [DOCTOR] No, you saw three spacesuits. I don't know what came down inRecovery 7, but it certainly wasn't human. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LENNOX] They must be dying. [REEGAN] I don't think so. [LENNOX] Well, I can't deal with them here. They should be the intensivecare unit in a hospital. [REEGAN] You've got your instructions, Lennox. [LENNOX] Doctor Lennox, if you don't mind. [REEGAN] I thought they took that away from you. (into phone) Hello?This is Reegan. Everything went fine. Lennox is looking after them. No,no trouble at all. I just dropped those two off on the way. Right. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] And you really think that they're stillin orbit in the Mars Probe? [DOCTOR] I do. [CORNISH] Their life support systems will be running down. We've got tosend up another recovery capsule. [DOCTOR] I should do that as quickly as possible, if I were you. [CORNISH] I'll get onto Quinlan. [DOCTOR] Must you? [CORNISH] I'll need his authority. Get me Sir James Quinlan. Toppriority. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Yes? Yes. But we don't really know if theastronauts are up there. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] Well, if there's any possibility they'realive up there, we've got to go and get them. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Yes, of course, but the government simplywill not authorise the expenditure on so little evidence. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] We're not talking about money. We'retalking about human life. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Well, yes, indeed, I --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] Sir James, I'm going to startpreparations now. Unless I get your full backing, I'll call a pressconference and tell them the entire story. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] I would advise you not to do that. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] Then you'll have to make sure that Idon't have to. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] What are we going to do? [CARRINGTON] They mustn't send up a second recovery capsule. [QUINLAN] I know that, but how are we going to stop them? --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] And just what do you think you're doing? [LENNOX] You've got to let me examine those men. [REEGAN] It's against orders. [LENNOX] The radiation count has dropped drastically. They should berecovering. [REEGAN] That's good, then. [LENNOX] But one of them's collapsed! [REEGAN] Well, I was hired to get them here, that's all. [LENNOX] You weren't hired to let them die. [REEGAN] We don't know they're dying. [LENNOX] Reegan, do you think you'll get your money if they're dead? [LENNOX] Well, what about protective clothes? [REEGAN] You said the radiation had dropped. Right, I won't hang aboutin there. [LENNOX] It's all right. I want to help you. Can't you understand? Iwant to help you. [LENNOX] No! No! [LENNOX] You shouldn't have locked this door. I might have been killed. [REEGAN] Shut up. Help me get him back in there. [REEGAN] Hello. All right, I'll take care of them. Listen, about thoseastronauts. Isotopes? Well, you'd better get them over here.I found out what's wrong with these fellows. They don't need lessradiation, they need more! --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [CORNISH] (into phone.) I must have all stages ingo condition as soon as possible, so get on with it! [BRIGADIER] Any trouble? [CORNISH] Everything's taking just that little bit longer than itshould. [DOCTOR] And why do you think that is? [CORNISH] I think it's got something to do with Sir James Quinlan. [BRIGADIER] Could you prove it? [CORNISH] No. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LENNOX] I feel as if I've just murdered them. [REEGAN] You just keep doing what you're told. They'll be all right. [REEGAN] Who is it? All right. I'll open the front door. [LENNOX] Look! [REEGAN] What is it? [LENNOX] It's working. [REEGAN] I told you they'd be all right. They thrive on the stuff. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [BRIGADIER] (into phone.) What? Yes, I see. Right,I'll get right down there. Two bodies have been found in a gravel pitin Hertfordshire. They died from radiation. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] Hey, Lennox, you're a kind of a scientist.Do you know these two? [LENNOX] Yes, I think I met the girl once. She was doing research atCambridge. Why? [REEGAN] Seems like they're getting in the way. I'll need to deal withthem. --------------------------------------- (Space Control hangar) [DOCTOR] It's the most extraordinary thing. The radioactivecontamination has almost vanished. If you can't get Recovery 8 ready intime, you can use this capsule. [CORNISH] Provided we can get the three thousand tons of rockets to gounderneath it. [DOCTOR] Who's it from? [LIZ] The Brigadier. He wants us to go down to Hertfordshire to look atthose bodies. [DOCTOR] How very morbid. [LIZ] Are you coming? [DOCTOR] No, I'm going to stay and get this capsule fully operational. [BRIGADIER] Doctor? [DOCTOR] You're back soon. [BRIGADIER] Well, I started back an hour ago. [DOCTOR] But Liz has just gone to meet you. We received a message askingus to join you. You didn't send it? [BRIGADIER] I'll get after her. --------------------------------------- (Weir) (Underground laboratory) [LIZ] Will you let go of my arm, you're hurting me.Ow! [REEGAN] I've brought you some company. [LENNOX] I thought they told you to get both of them. [REEGAN] Oh, he wouldn't keep the appointment. She's a scientist. Shecan give you a hand. [LIZ] Doctor Lennox! [REEGAN] Somebody remembers you. How are our zombie friends? [LENNOX] Surviving, but only just. [REEGAN] I didn't expect them to be dancing a jig. Start making yourselfuseful. [LIZ] What if I don't? [REEGAN] I might just lock you in there with them. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] I've issued Miss Shaw's description toevery police force in the country. [CARRINGTON] Why? Do you expect her to be wandering the streets? [BRIGADIER] No, sir, just a formality. [CARRINGTON] I took the liberty of examining the things found on thebodies of those two men. [BRIGADIER] They should have gone to Forensics, sir, untouched. [CARRINGTON] No need for that. Forensics can't tell us anything we can'tsee for ourselves. Look. Newspaper cutting in a foreign language. [DOCTOR] Anyone can buy a foreign newspaper, General. [CARRINGTON] What about this comb then, with the makers imprint on it inthe same language? [DOCTOR] Let me look. [DOCTOR] Very remiss of them, keeping this. [BRIGADIER] They could have been planted, sir. [CARRINGTON] No. The only people who could set up an organisation ofthis size would be foreign agents with enormous resources behind them. [DOCTOR] And hair combs. [CARRINGTON] They want to use the radiated astronauts as a weapon. [DOCTOR] I've told you where your astronauts are, General. They're stillin orbit. [CARRINGTON] That's ridiculous. [DOCTOR] Is it? When your Professor Heldorf had the aliens in his care,he started to record some sort of radio communication impulses. [CARRINGTON] Astronauts do have walkie-talkies in their helmets, youknow. [DOCTOR] Then why didn't Heldorf talk to them? [CARRINGTON] Yes, well, perhaps he was recording the level ofradioactivity in their bodies. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I don't think so. Well, I'm going down to the SpaceCentre, use the computer. I trust your man Taltalian won't hold a gunon me this time? [CARRINGTON] Doctor, nothing is to be gained by deciphering theseimpulses. Our objective should be to find the missing astronauts. [DOCTOR] General, how many times must I tell you, your astronauts arestill in orbit. My objective is to find out what these aliens aretrying to say to us. --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) [CORNISH] What's the K factor? [TALTALIAN] Fuel one thousand two hundred ninety seven tons. [CORNISH] No other available source? [TALTALIAN] Liquid fuel in production, two thousand tons. [CORNISH] Well, that can be speeded up. [TALTALIAN] The new M3 variant's highly volatile. It was not intendedfor manned spaceflight. [CORNISH] We'll have to use it. [TALTALIAN] The lift-off rate would crush the astronaut. [CORNISH] What about reducing the Gs by mixing K and M3? [TALTALIAN] I will compute that. But you will still have to get yourrocket built. [CORNISH] The minister is putting up every possible objection. [TALTALIAN] What do you expect? This Doctor's theory is ridiculous. [CORNISH] I thought you were supposed to be helping me, or do you intendto commit more sabotage? [TALTALIAN] I was ordered to do that by General Carrington. I havecomputed the assembly of the rescue rocket as you asked me. [DOCTOR] You're not armed, I hope? [TALTALIAN] I would not have used that gun, not on a fellow scientist. [DOCTOR] Thank you. I'm much relieved. [CORNISH] Have they found your assistant? [DOCTOR] No, not yet. May I have the use of your computer? [CORNISH] Yes, certainly, and I'm sure Doctor Taltalian will be only toopleased to help you. When you have a moment, I'd like to see you in thecontrol room about the Recovery Capsule. [DOCTOR] I'd like to programme these impulse records, if I may. [TALTALIAN] What do you hope to learn from them? [DOCTOR] Well if I knew, I wouldn't need a computer, would I? [TALTALIAN] To make a start, we must have some idea. [DOCTOR] Well, I suspect some sort of pattern. [TALTALIAN] This could take a long time. [DOCTOR] Well, it mustn't, Taltalian, it mustn't. [TALTALIAN] Doctor, I am not trying to obstruct you. [TALTALIAN] Excuse me. Hello, Taltalian here. Yes? Who is that? Amoment, please. It is for you. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Hello? Yes? Yes, it is. Who is this? [DOCTOR] My assistant, Liz Shaw. [TALTALIAN] They have found her? [DOCTOR] No. Someone threatening to kill her if I don't stopinterfering. Well, let's get back to work, shall we? --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LIZ] Two million rads, dropping to two million minus fifty thousand. [LENNOX] Minus five oh thousand. You'd better tell Reegan we've only gotone more canister left. Well? Do you want them to die? [MASTERS] You'd better be right. [LENNOX] It's no use. They lock it. [LIZ] Are you a prisoner? [LENNOX] That's a matter of opinion. [LIZ] Are you or aren't you? [LENNOX] I can come and go as I please. But I haven't got anywhere togo. [LIZ] You were a respected scientist once. [LENNOX] Grossly underpaid. Can you help me? [LENNOX] I, I lost my key somewhere, for that door up there. They'llfind me in the cubicle, locked and bolted from the outside. Do youunderstand? [LIZ] Yes, of course. Why don't you come with me? [LENNOX] Where would I go? --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) [DOCTOR] These impulses are mathematical formulaefor building an electronic device. [TALTALIAN] What sort of a electronic device? [DOCTOR] I'll have to build it to find out, won't I? [TALTALIAN] In defiance of the message threatening Miss Shaw's life? [DOCTOR] Well, how are these people going to know what I'm doing unlesssomebody tells them? [TALTALIAN] Who would do that? [DOCTOR] You, for instance? [TALTALIAN] You are being most insulting! [DOCTOR] And you are being continually obstructive. [TALTALIAN] I acted under the orders of General Carrington. [DOCTOR] Did you? Or are you involved with the people who are reallybehind this? [TALTALIAN] What people are you talking about? [DOCTOR] The people who kidnapped Miss Shaw, who kidnapped the threeastronauts. [TALTALIAN] Have you told the Brigadier about your suspicions? [DOCTOR] No, not yet. [TALTALIAN] Why not, if you are so sure of your facts? [DOCTOR] Well, I thought I'd offer you some sort of alternative. Aruthless investigation by the Brigadier, or a few quiet words with meand your name kept out of things. [TALTALIAN] I don't know what you are talking about. [DOCTOR] I think you do, Taltalian, and I'm going to give you a littletime to think it over. Right, well, if you'll excuse me, I must seewhat can be done about building this machine. Think over what I'vesaid. I shall expect to hear from you very soon. (The Doctor leaves.Taltalian goes to a cupboard and takes out a palm-sized device.) --------------------------------------- (Road) [LIZ] Doctor Talt [LIZ] Talian. [TALTALIAN] Get in, Miss Shaw. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LIZ] I tell you nobody helped me. That door wasleft open. [REEGAN] You might have killed poor Lennox, locking him in with thosethings. [LIZ] He should have thought of that before he joined you. [REEGAN] Get over there and help him. [MASTERS] Come on. [LIZ] Don't touch me, you. [REEGAN] And Will? Make sure that door is kept locked. Did you bring it? [TALTALIAN] These are the operating instructions. This is thecommunication code. It's quite simple. [REEGAN] A little too simple. [TALTALIAN] What does that mean? [REEGAN] I need to talk to those things. [TALTALIAN] You have a list of simple signals and commands. Transmit andthey will obey. [REEGAN] And if they don't? [TALTALIAN] You threaten to cut off their supply of radiation. There isa signal for that, too. [REEGAN] And translating their replies? There's a machine for that? [TALTALIAN] Yes, in my computer room. You don't need it. [REEGAN] I'm the one dealing with these creatures. [TALTALIAN] You will use these creatures to carry out a series of raidson carefully chosen targets. You know enough to do your job, but I havefurther instructions for you. [REEGAN] Have you now? [TALTALIAN] Your call to the Doctor threatening the girl's life wasstupid. [REEGAN] It might have slowed him down a little. [TALTALIAN] On the contrary, it merely made him more determined andsuspicious. Suspicious of me. [REEGAN] Too bad. [TALTALIAN] He has got to be put out of the way permanently. [REEGAN] To save your neck? [TALTALIAN] He is about to discover how to construct one of thosemachines. [REEGAN] Clever. [TALTALIAN] And he has got to be stopped. [REEGAN] All right, I'll deal with him. And since your own skin's indanger, you can help me. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Taltalian? Do you have you any proof? [DOCTOR] No, not a scrap. [BRIGADIER] Then why accuse him? [DOCTOR] Something even his computers don't have. Intuition. I think Irattled him. [BRIGADIER] Taltalian was acting under Carrington's orders. Quinlanexplained that. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, I heard him. And I didn't believe a word of it. [BRIGADIER] Why not? [DOCTOR] Well, first they try keeping us in the dark altogether and whenthat didn't work, they fall back on some prepared cover story.Contagious radiation, indeed. [BRIGADIER] Then what is happening, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Perhaps I'll know better when I've built thisdevice. [BRIGADIER] What's this? [DOCTOR] Advanced electronic equipment. I need it at once. [BRIGADIER] Right, I'll see to it. [DOCTOR] Good. I'll be in my laboratory. I suppose there's no news? [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw? [DOCTOR] Mmm. [BRIGADIER] No, nothing. We're doing all we can. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LENNOX] (sotto) Thanks for keeping quiet. [LIZ] (sotto) Do you think he suspects you helped me? [LENNOX] (sotto) He suspects everyone. [LIZ] (sotto) If at first you don't succeed. [LENNOX] (sotto) You won't get another chance. [LIZ] (sotto) We'll see. [LENNOX] (sotto) How did they get you back? [LIZ] (sotto) I ran into an old friend. --------------------------------------- (Underground room) [TALTALIAN] I have got to get back. [REEGAN] It's a delicate operation. It's quite simple. [REEGAN] All you have to do is set the dial to the time you require. Howlong do you need to get clear of the building? [TALTALIAN] Ten minutes, maybe more. [REEGAN] Let's say quarter of an hour. We can't have you taking risks.Now, you leave the case as near to the Doctor as you possibly can. Youslide these catches together and that starts the mechanism. Fifteenminutes later, no more Doctor. [TALTALIAN] But what if he should try to open the case while I am stillaway? [REEGAN] The same result, a little earlier. [TALTALIAN] It's too risky. [REEGAN] It's you he's after. [TALTALIAN] Very well. [REEGAN] Doctor Taltalian? Do as you're told and your troubles will beover. --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) [CORNISH] Every available astronaut is suddenly notavailable, not fit, transferred to other duties, waiting for securityclearance. [DOCTOR] Is that all? [CORNISH] All? What good's a rocket without a pilot? [DOCTOR] I'll take the rocket up for you myself. [CORNISH] Thank you, Doctor, but I don't think you realise just what'snecessary. [DOCTOR] My dear man, I've spent more time in space than any astronauton your staff. Not, I'll admit, in the rather primitive contraptionsthat you use, but I'll manage. [CORNISH] Doctor, I don't think you realise what's [DOCTOR] I can also withstand considerably more G-force than mostpeople, even though I do say so myself. [CORNISH] Well if you insist. You can take the tests. [DOCTOR] Tests, simulations, anything you like. When that recoverycapsule is ready, I'll take it up. [TALTALIAN] Hello, Doctor, I was just coming over to see you. [DOCTOR] I've saved you a journey, haven't I. [CORNISH] Do you have the computations for lift-off? [TALTALIAN] All but the final phase. [CORNISH] Well, let me have them as soon as possible, will you? I'll seeabout those tests, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Have you thought over what I spoke to you about? [TALTALIAN] Yes. [DOCTOR] And? [TALTALIAN] I will tell you everything, if you will give me a chance toget away. [DOCTOR] Very well. [TALTALIAN] The information I need is in my car. I will go and fetch it.You will wait for me here? [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LIZ] I think I've got it now. [REEGAN] Send stand up. [REEGAN] Forward. [REEGAN] Send stop. [REEGAN] There can be no problems with that thing. [LIZ] It's simple enough. Even you might be able to manage it. [REEGAN] We can do without the back-chat. Let me have it. [LIZ] Taltalian gave you this thing, didn't he? [REEGAN] Never you mind. [LIZ] That case you gave him. What was it? [REEGAN] Well, you could say it was a way of killing two birds with onestone. --------------------------------------- (Space Control computer room) [BRIGADIER] You seem to have been right about Taltalian. [DOCTOR] A lot of good it did me, and him. [BRIGADIER] He was obviously trying to plant a time bomb on you. Luckyfor you the mechanism was faulty. [DOCTOR] I'm not sure that it was. Look at this. See this is set tozero. Taltalian must have thought that he had plenty of time to getaway, when in fact this bomb was set to go off instantaneously. [BRIGADIER] So whoever gave it to him wanted to get rid of both of you? [DOCTOR] Yes. Taltalian was a weak link, you know. I think his employerswanted him out of the way. [BRIGADIER] Another dead end then? [DOCTOR] Yeah, I'm afraid so. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, look at this. [BRIGADIER] What's that? [DOCTOR] Well, it's something very similar to the machine I'm trying tobuild. And Taltalian had one all the time. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Well, time's running out. Cornish isalmost ready to put up that recovery rocket. [CARRINGTON] You were supposed to stop him, sir. [QUINLAN] Don't you think I've tried? I've tried every possible delay. [CARRINGTON] You must keep on trying, Sir James. [QUINLAN] That Doctor's even volunteered to pilot the recovery rocket. [CARRINGTON] He must be stopped. [QUINLAN] We could tell him the truth. [CARRINGTON] No. We know too little about him. [QUINLAN] There may be not alternative. [CARRINGTON] There's got to be. If that rocket goes up, it meansdisaster for the entire world. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] (into phone) Now don't you worry, sir.Everything's going fine. Yes, it's a pity about that. This Doctorfellow must have nine lives. Tonight? Well it's a bit soon. All right,if I must I must. I'll see to it. Right. Will, go and get the van.there's a good fellow. [MASTERS] Okay, Mister Reegan. [LENNOX] You're taking them away? [REEGAN] No, just a little excursion. Open the door. [REEGAN] This thing, can it work the other way round, so they can talkto us? [LIZ] No. It just sends impulses they seem to understand. [REEGAN] But there could be a machine? [LIZ] I imagine so. [REEGAN] I think I'll be paying two visits tonight. --------------------------------------- (Space Centre guard post) [SOLDIER] Halt! Halt or I'll fire! --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] I tell you, it converts radio impulsesinto human speech. The aliens in Heldorf's Laboratory were trying tocommunicate with him. [BRIGADIER] So you were right, they aren't human. [DOCTOR] I never believed they were. Now, if I can only build the otherhalf of this thing. [BRIGADIER] We could contact the astronauts or whatever they are. [DOCTOR] Yes, probably, if you were to hurry up with those parts thatI've ordered. [BRIGADIER] Most of them are coming from Japan, Doctor. [BRIGADIER] Yes? Yes, he's here. Sir James Quinlan. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Hello. Yes, Sir James? --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Doctor, I'd like to know if it's stillyour intention to pilot the recovery rocket. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] Most certainly! --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] I can't persuade you that your actionwill be disastrous? --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] You might. If you were to tell me thetruth, Sir James. The whole truth. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [QUINLAN] Then you leave me no choice. Will youcome and see me please me, at once? --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] Very well, Sir James. Thank you. He wantsme to come and see him. He says he's going to tell me the whole truth. [BRIGADIER] I'm coming with you. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [DOCTOR] Sir James! --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [DOCTOR] No, don't! [DOCTOR] Brigadier, don't try and stop him. [DOCTOR] Keep back, man, keep back! [DOCTOR] There's no point in trying to follow him. There's nothing wecan do. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LENNOX] Do you really think they're not human? [LIZ] That's what I intend to find out. Do you know where Reegan's takenthe third one? [LENNOX] No. Don't ask so many questions. [LIZ] Is Reegan in charge? [LENNOX] No, he works for someone. Someone high up. [LIZ] He's got to be stopped. [LENNOX] You won't get away again. [LIZ] But you might. --------------------------------------- (Quinlan's office) [BRIGADIER] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Mmm? [BRIGADIER] Look at these bullets. Flattened. [DOCTOR] Deflected by some sort of force field, I should think. [BRIGADIER] So there's no way of stopping them? [DOCTOR] Not with bullets. [BENTON] Strong radioactive trace as far as the road outside, sir, andthen nothing. [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Benton. [BRIGADIER] So, they were taken away in a vehicle. [DOCTOR] Somebody's using these creatures, Brigadier. They're not freeagents. They were brought to Earth for some purpose. [BRIGADIER] Conquest? [DOCTOR] Possibly. Or is that we are supposed to think? --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [DOCTOR] What's the rate of fuel consumption? [CORNISH] For the first two and a half minutes, fifteen tons per second.We have to use a mixture of standard fuel and the new M3 variant. [DOCTOR] Has that ever been done before? [CORNISH] No. We can't get enough of the standard fuel in time. [DOCTOR] Hasn't the death of Sir James Quinlan made things any easierfor you? [CORNISH] Harder. Thank you. Everything's wrapped up in red tape untilthey appoint a successor. Oh, this is your medical report, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't let's bother about that for the time being. [CORNISH] Oh, this is incredible. According to this, you [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I know. I told you everything would be all right. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LIZ] What have you done to it? [REEGAN] It's had a busy time. [LENNOX] Busy? Doing what? [REEGAN] Killing. [LIZ] Who's been killed? [REEGAN] Some of your friends from UNIT. [LIZ] The Brigadier? [REEGAN] No, I'm afraid not. Just some of the other ranks. [LENNOX] What happened? [REEGAN] One touch from him and down they go. [LIZ] No one resisted? [REEGAN] They tried. Bullets just bounce off them. With these three youcan do anything. Walk into Fort Knox and help yourself. [LIZ] Oh, that's what you're going to do with them, is it? [REEGAN] I might. Keep feeding them radiation. I've got a lot more workfor him to do. Tony. Lock that main door then come through and see me. [LIZ] Well, you're working for a murderer. [LENNOX] Oh, Reegan was just boasting. [LIZ] You don't believe that. [LENNOX] Look, it's got nothing to do with me, Miss Shaw. I'm paid tolook after them. [LIZ] You are just as guilty as if you'd killed those people yourself.Well? What are you going to do about it? [LENNOX] What can I do? I'm too much involved. [LIZ] You could go to UNIT and tell them where we are. [LENNOX] Reegan would kill me. [LIZ] Go to Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart. He'll give you protectivecustody. You'll be safe. [LENNOX] Anyway, I can't leave here now. Reegan's taken away my key tothat door. [LIZ] Then you'll just have to talk your way out. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CARRINGTON] I understand you're going ahead withlaunching this rocket. [CORNISH] Yes. [CARRINGTON] I absolutely forbid it. [CORNISH] You haven't the authority to forbid it, General. [DOCTOR] What have you got against it? [CARRINGTON] Sir James Quinlan murdered, alien creatures attacking theSpace Centre, the sudden death of Doctor Taltalian. This is obviouslyjust the beginning. [CORNISH] The beginning of what? [CARRINGTON] An alien invasion with the collaboration of a foreignpower. [DOCTOR] All the more reason for me to go up in that rocket and find outwhat's happened up there. [CARRINGTON] Are you a trained astronaut, sir? [CORNISH] He's perfectly capable of making the trip. I have his medicalreport here. [CARRINGTON] You haven't answered my question, Doctor. [DOCTOR] You haven't answered mine. Why are you opposed to this launch? [CARRINGTON] Could this rocket carry a nuclear warhead? [CORNISH] Yes. [CARRINGTON] Then that's what it should be used for. [DOCTOR] Since we don't know what's up there, wouldn't it be moreintelligent to carry a man rather than a bomb? [CARRINGTON] I might remind you, gentlemen, that I am responsible forSpace Security. [CORNISH] And I am responsible for this Space Centre. [CARRINGTON] This launch was against the expressed wishes of Sir JamesQuinlan. [DOCTOR] Then I suggest you take the matter up with his successor, whenhe's been appointed. [CARRINGTON] I shall go to the highest authority to have you stopped. [CORNISH] Then you'd better get on with it, General. We blast off in twohours time. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [LENNOX] It's recovering. [LIZ] So Reegan can commit more murders. You're the only one who canstop it. You'll have to get a message out. [LENNOX] You know that's impossible. [LIZ] There's the telephone. You're allowed to use it. [LENNOX] All the calls are monitored. [LIZ] Then you'll have to go yourself. [LIZ] (sotto) You want to see Reegan. Tell him the isotopes are runningout and you've got to go and get some more. [LENNOX] (sotto) He won't believe me. [LIZ] (sotto) Try. [LENNOX] I want to see Mister Reegan. It's urgent. [FLYNN] It'll have to wait. [REEGAN] I said it's urgent! [FLYNN] He's in London. A meeting with the boss. [LIZ] These creatures are dying. [FLYNN] How can you tell? [LIZ] Look at the readings. You can see for yourself. [LENNOX] This dial here. It should be at maximum. [FLYNN] Why didn't you tell Reegan this before? [LIZ] It's only just happened. We don't understand it. [LENNOX] We're running out of isotopes. I've got to go and get more. [FLYNN] No one is to leave here. [LIZ] Then you'll be responsible if they die. [FLYNN] I'll call Reegan on the phone. [LIZ] There isn't time for that. [LENNOX] I've got to go now or it'll be too late. Look here, I'm not aprisoner here. [FLYNN] Reegan took your key away. [LENNOX] Yes, but that was because the girl tried to escape. You'resupposed to be guarding her, not me. Now, open that door! [LENNOX] I'll be back as soon as I can. Keep an eye on that girl. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Fuel injection report. Forty percent nowloaded. Will switch to M3 variant at sixty five percent. [CORNISH] Fuel injection report acknowledged. [MAN] Communications circuit check now underway. Everything gocondition. [CORNISH] Time you were in the preparation room, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Right. [BRIGADIER] Why've you advanced lift-off time? [DOCTOR] Well, there seems to be some sort of official opposition to mygoing. General Carrington's trying to stop the launch. [BRIGADIER] Is he? [WOMAN] Astronaut now due in preparation chamber. [DOCTOR] Right, I must be off. [MAN] There's a call for you, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Oh, thank you. Lethbridge Stewart? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [BENTON] Sergeant Benton here, sir. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] Yes, Benton? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [BENTON] A man called Lennox has just turned up outof the blue. Very agitated. Says he knows something about the missingastronauts. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] What did he tell you? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [BENTON] Nothing, sir. Said he'll only talk to youin person. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] What do you make of him, Benton? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [BENTON] He seems frightened, scared out of hiswits. He wants us to put him into protective custody. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] Put him into one of the cells. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ) [BENTON] Shall I tell him you're coming back to seehim, sir? --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] Yes, but I've got to finish my securitychecks here. I'll be back as soon as possible. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ cell) [LENNOX] You're putting me in here? [BENTON] Look, sir, you wanted protective custody. You can't be saferthan in a cell. [LENNOX] What's out there? [BENTON] It's just a yard, sir. What are you so frightened of? [LENNOX] I can only tell the Brigadier. How long will he be? [BENTON] He'll be back as soon as he can, sir. I'll get you a cup of teaand something to read. [LENNOX] No. No, thank you. Lock the door, won't you? [BENTON] Yes, sir. I'll lock the door. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Report on astronaut's readiness, please. [WOMAN] Astronaut ready. Now proceeding through quarantine area tocapsule. --------------------------------------- (Quarantine area) [DOCTOR] Hello, Brigadier. What are you doing here? [BRIGADIER] I thought I'd see you off. They told me to wait here. [DOCTOR] What is this place? [BRIGADIER] Some sort of waiting room, I imagine, in case there's anyhold-up for the astronauts. [DOCTOR] Not very impressive for one's last sight of Earth, is it? [WOMAN [OC]] Astronaut to proceed now to capsule. [BRIGADIER] Well, goodbye, Doctor. Good luck. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Brigadier. And thank you. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] I told you no one was to leave here. [FLYNN] But he said they were dying. [REEGAN] How would you know? [FLYNN] Well, she said so, too. [REEGAN] So, you put him up to this. There's nothing wrong with them! [LIZ] We thought they were dying. [REEGAN] The readings haven't changed since I left. Where's he gone? [LIZ] He's gone to get more isotopes. [REEGAN] You're lying. [REEGAN] Did you send him to see your friends at UNIT? Is that it?Answer me! [LIZ] All right. He's gone to see Lethbridge Stewart. You're too late. [REEGAN] Don't you believe it. Watch her! [FLYNN] Don't try anything. [LIZ] It's all right. I won't hurt you. [REEGAN] Give me the direct line. This is Reegan. Listen, we're introuble. Lennox has gone to UNIT. All right. You take care of Lennox,I'll take care of the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Fuel injection report. Fifty percent nowloaded. [CORNISH] Fuel injection report acknowledged. Control to capsule, haveyou completed your instrument check? --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, everything seems to be workingall right. [CORNISH [OC]] Capsule reports, is from systems at go. [DOCTOR] How much longer have I got to wait in here? [CORNISH [OC]] We are now zero minus thirty, three oh minutes. [DOCTOR] I take it you mean half an hour. How's the fuel situation? [CORNISH [OC]] We now have fifty, five oh percent inboard. We'll switchto the M3 variant at sixty five percent. [DOCTOR] Well, can't you hurry it up? --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] We can't hurry the M3 variant. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [CORNISH [OC]] It's highly volatile. [DOCTOR] Well, I still think you could add a higher proportion of M3.And remember, the extra G-force wouldn't worry me. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] It would worry you if the rocket blew upon lift off. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] Ah. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] I'm not taking the risk. --------------------------------------- (Space Centre Fuel Bay) [PARKER] And where do you think you're going? [REEGAN] They want me at fuel control. There's a breakdown. [PARKER] That's news to me. Where's your pass? [MAN] Life support systems check. All at go. [CORNISH] Life support systems at go, acknowledged. [WOMAN] Attention. Fuel injection malfunction. [CORNISH] Control to fuel bay. Check all fuel injection circuits. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] Now what's the matter? [CORNISH [OC]] Temporary fuel injection malfunction. We're checking itout. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Fuel injection systems now functioningnormally. [CORNISH] It's all right, Doctor. It's self-rectified. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ cell) [SOLDIER] I've brought you some food. [LENNOX] Oh, thank you. Er, lock the door, won't you? [SOLDIER] Yes, I will. --------------------------------------- (Space Centre Fuel Bay) [BRIGADIER] What happened? [PARKER] The mechanic hit me. He's gone to the fuel bay. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Final check completed. All systems now go. [CORNISH] You all set, Doctor? Lift off fifteen seconds. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] It's about time, too. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Right. Final countdown, now. [MAN] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four [BRIGADIER] Stop the countdown! [MAN] Three, two, one. [BRIGADIER] Controller, you must stop lift-off! [MAN] Zero. [CORNISH] It's too late! [MAN] We have lift off. We have lift off. [WOMAN] Lift-off speed, twenty percent in excess and rising. [CORNISH] Reduce fuel burn rate. [BRIGADIER] Sabotage in the fuel bay. [WOMAN] Fuel burn rate will not reduce. [MAN] Computer calculates fuel burn rate indicates forty eight percentin excess [CORNISH] Forty eight percent? [BRIGADIER] Why? What will happen? [CORNISH] Reduce flame apertures. At twenty percent in excess of plannedlift-off speed, he'll blow himself out of Earth's orbit, go into thesun. [WOMAN] Apertures will not close on automatic owing to excessive heat.Lift-off speed now thirty percent in excess. [CORNISH] Doctor, can you operate manual control on flame aperture toreduce speed? Doctor, do you read me? [DOCTOR [on screen]] I can hear you. G-force hard to break. [CORNISH] Can you operate manual control? [DOCTOR [on screen]] I'll try. [WOMAN] Lift off speed now thirty-seven percent in excess. [MAN] Computer calculates capsule will go into sun orbit in fifteenminutes. [CORNISH] Doctor, are the controls responding? [DOCTOR [on screen]] No, there's no response. Must be the excess heat.Can you jettison stage one prematurely? [CORNISH] If we do that you may never get into orbit at all. [DOCTOR [on screen]] If you jettison stage one, there's a chance theexcess momentum will put me into orbit. [CORNISH] A very thin chance. [DOCTOR [on screen]] It's better than going into orbit round the sun.Please jettison stage one now. [CORNISH] Jettison stage one now. [WOMAN] Stage one now jettisoned. [MAN] Radar check. Stage one exploded immediately after separation. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] Thank you, Mister Cornish, I'm very much obliged. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Speed now reducing to normal. Stage two,fifteen seconds to separation. [DOCTOR [on screen]] Well, that seems to have done it. What went wrong,Mister Cornish? [CORNISH] Sabotage, Doctor. Too much M3 variant in the fuel. [DOCTOR [on screen]] They're very persistent, aren't they. [MAN] Stage two jettisoned. [CORNISH] Thirty second burn on stage three rocket, and you'll be inorbit. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [CORNISH [OC]] Control to Capsule. Do you havevisual contact yet? [DOCTOR] If you mean can I see it, the answer is no. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] You are within half a mile of Mars Probe7 and converging. Change attitude of capsule three degrees starboardnow. Change attitude of capsule three degrees starboard now! --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] All right, all right. More haste lessspeed, Mister Cornish. [DOCTOR] I see it. I see it. Manoeuvring for link-up now. [DOCTOR] Well, I've linked up all right. Moving through into Mars Probe7 now. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Doctor, be careful. We don't really nowwhat's in there. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] Nonsense man! Your three astronauts are inthere. Injecting air into the tunnel now. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Large unidentified object converging withMars Probe 7 on collision course. Estimated speed seven thousand milesper hour, but decreasing. [CORNISH] Doctor, a large unidentified object is approaching you oncollision course! --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [CORNISH [OC]] Take evasive action! --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CORNISH] Doctor, can you see the object? What isit? --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [DOCTOR] Some kind of space ship. It's enormous! [CORNISH [OC]] Can you evade it? [DOCTOR] I'll try. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [BRIGADIER] He hasn't got the speed! [CORNISH] He's still linked to Mars Probe 7. [BRIGADIER] How much fuel has he got for manoeuvring? [CORNISH] Precious little. What he's got he'll need for re-entry. [DOCTOR [OC]] It's closing in too fast! I can't [BRIGADIER] They've collided. [CORNISH] If they had, the capsules would be smashed to fragments. --------------------------------------- (Recovery 7) [ALIEN [OC]] You are not in danger. [DOCTOR] Where am I? [ALIEN [OC]] You are on board our spacecraft. Open your hatch and leavethe capsule. [DOCTOR] What's happened to our three astronauts? [ALIEN [OC]] They are unharmed. Open your hatch and leave the capsule. [DOCTOR] Very well. [ALIEN [OC]] You will not need your life support systems. An environmenthas been prepared for you. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship) [ALIEN [OC]] Go to the light. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship room) [VAN LYDEN] Oh no! [MICHAELS] Oh no, another open goal! [LEFEE] Did you see it? I could have scored that! [VAN LYDEN] Oh, rubbish. Why aren't you playing then? [LEFEE] I don't need to. We're a goal ahead. [MICHAELS] Yes, but there's still time for us. [VAN LYDEN] He had all the time in the world. Why didn't heshoot? [MICHAELS] Why didn't he use the wings more. [LEFEE] Why indeed? That's what I want to know. [VAN LYDEN] We might as well get another team. Oh, hello. Come on in. [LEFEE] Oh, do you happen to know how long we're going to be kept here? [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? [MICHAELS] Hey, did you see this? Look, you're missing the game. [LEFEE] Never mind that. Turn it off. [VAN LYDEN] What do you mean turn it off? [MICHAELS] Turn it off? No. [LEFEE] We were losing anyway. [VAN LYDEN] Oh, come on. [MICHAELS] Okay. But we still might have [LEFEE] No chance. [VAN LYDEN] I say, any idea when we're going to see our families? [DOCTOR] Do you know where you are? [VAN LYDEN] Why, you ought to know. [DOCTOR] Please, do you know where you are? [VAN LYDEN] Yes, of course. I brought these two fellows back from MarsProbe 7. They slapped us in extended quarantine. [DOCTOR] You think you're on Earth, at the Space Centre? [LEFEE] (pointing out of the window) What do you think that is? [MICHAELS] Just what do you want? [DOCTOR] I came to take you back to Earth. [LEFEE] Oh yes? [VAN LYDEN] Back to Earth? [MICHAELS] Who let him in here? [DOCTOR] Now, please listen to me. You're not on Earth nor are you atthe Space Centre. You're prisoners in an alien spaceship. [VAN LYDEN] Oh, come on! [DOCTOR] You came up here in Recovery 7 but you never made the journeyback. Something happened. [VAN LYDEN] Something happened? [DOCTOR] Yes. [DOCTOR] Van Lyden? [ALIEN ] They cannot hear you. [DOCTOR] You've conditioned their minds. [ALIEN] It was necessary to for their health. They were deteriorating. [DOCTOR] Why have you taken them prisoner? [ALIEN] Why have you not returned our ambassadors? [DOCTOR] Ambassadors? [ALIEN] An agreement was made. You have betrayed us. Unless ourambassadors are returned, we shall destroy your world. [DOCTOR] Ambassadors! --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Radio telescope report from Jodrell Bank.Computer analyses as discoid, half a mile in diameter. [BRIGADIER] Half a mile wide? It must be a meteor. [CORNISH] Meteors don't stand still. [CARRINGTON] It's quite obviously an alien spacecraft. We must attackand destroy it. [BRIGADIER] What about the Doctor? If that is a spacecraft, he may be onboard. [CARRINGTON] He must be dead by now. We could use missiles with atomicwarheads. [CORNISH] Until we know for certain that [CARRINGTON] We do know. I've got a plane to catch. There's an emergencymeeting of the Security Council in Geneva in an hour's time. [CORNISH] Security Council? [CARRINGTON] Yes, this object has been spotted by observers all over theworld. [BRIGADIER] What are you going to tell the council, sir? [CARRINGTON] I shall recommend an immediate all out attack. We mustdefend ourselves while there is still time. (Carrington leaves.) [CORNISH] The man's mad. [BRIGADIER] Not necessarily. We don't know what that thing is there. [CORNISH] Then surely we should find out. [BRIGADIER] Perhaps someone's found out already. [CORNISH] What do you mean? [BRIGADIER] I have a feeling that General Carrington knows a great dealmore than he's telling us. He went on a Mars probe himself, remember.Perhaps he discovered something. [CORNISH] Then why doesn't he tell us? [BRIGADIER] I don't know. [CORNISH] Are you supporting his plan to attack blindly? [BRIGADIER] No. I think we should wait. But there's only one hope leftto us, that the Doctor is still alive. --------------------------------------- (Spaceship room) [DOCTOR] What you tell me is appalling. Theauthorities on Earth had no knowledge of this. [ALIEN] That is difficult to believe. [DOCTOR] Nevertheless, you must believe me. Now let me go back to Earth,and I will give you my personal assurance that your ambassadors will bereturned to you. [ALIEN] But you do not even know where they are. [DOCTOR] From the information that you've given me, I'll find them. Now,please, you must let me try. [ALIEN] Very well. But if our ambassadors are not returned, we shall useour weapons to destroy your world. [DOCTOR] These three men, can I take them back with me? [ALIEN] They will remain here until our ambassadors are returned. Nowyou can go back to your spaceship. [VAN LYDEN] Something happened? [DOCTOR] Yes. Look, I'll see what I can do about getting you out ofquarantine as soon as I possibly can. [LEFEE] The sooner the better. [VAN LYDEN] Oh, good. [MICHAELS] Oh, er, send us something in to eat, will you? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, all right. Don't worry. I'll look after everything. [LEFEE] Thanks. [VAN LYDEN] Thanks very much. [MICHAELS] We might just catch the end of this game. [MICHAELS] Should do. [VAN LYDEN] Ah, that's better. One all! --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] The American space agency are now preparingto launch an unmanned capsule to observe the unidentified object. [CORNISH] What's the estimated launch time? [WOMAN] Will check. [MAN] Nancy Radio Telescope reports they have detected radio pulsesbeing emitted by the object. Frequencies similar to those emitted bypulsars. [WOMAN] Estimated launch time for American unmanned capsule, six hours. [BRIGADIER] Anything happening? [CORNISH] The Americans are sending up an unmanned satellite. Did thisman Lennox tell you anything? [BRIGADIER] He's been murdered. [CORNISH] In your own headquarters? [BRIGADIER] Someone put an isotope in his cell. [CORNISH] You're not having a great deal of success are you, Brigadier? [BRIGADIER] No. [CORNISH] The astronauts are still missing, Miss Shaw kidnapped, DoctorTaltalian killed and now this man Lennox murdered under your very nose. [BRIGADIER] We're following up every possible clue. [CORNISH] And what have you discovered? [BRIGADIER] We've identified the two radioactive bodies that were foundin that gravel pit in Hertfordshire. They weren't foreign agents atall, they were petty London criminals. And the explosive that killedDoctor Taltalian was the new H37 compound which hasn't even been issuedto the Army yet. [CORNISH] Then our own people could be involved. [BRIGADIER] That was the Doctor's theory. Also forensics have analysedthe mud that was found on the shoes Lennox was wearing. [CORNISH] And what does that tell you? [BRIGADIER] Well, it could tell us where he'd been recently. You see,there were elements of insecticide in that mud. We're now checking allthe areas where that insecticide is used. [CORNISH] This isotope that killed Lennox, have you checked on that? [BRIGADIER] It was part of a consignment sold some months ago. [CORNISH] Who was the buyer? [BRIGADIER] A bogus company with an address that doesn't even exist. [CORNISH] You've been very thorough. [BRIGADIER] It doesn't seem to have got me anywhere. [MAN] Urgent message. Pulses from unidentified object have ceased. [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello, Space Control? Can you hear me? [CORNISH] Control to Recovery 7. We read you loud and clear. [BRIGADIER] Doctor! Are you all right? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Yes, thank you. [CORNISH] Doctor, have you found the astronauts? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Yes. They're safe and well. I'm not going to sayany more at the moment, it's not safe. [CORNISH] Doctor [DOCTOR [on screen]] I shall maintain radio silence until the necessarylanding instructions. [BRIGADIER] Have you found out what's behind all this? [DOCTOR [on screen]] Brigadier, put all your men on stand by. I shallexplain everything to you when I land. [CORNISH] Doctor, what happened to my astronauts? Control to Recovery 7.Do you read me? [BRIGADIER] It's no good, Cornish. He won't talk until he wants to. Imust get on to my headquarters. [CORNISH] This is Control. Recovery 7 is now approaching re-entry orbit.I repeat, Recovery 7 is now approaching re-entry orbit. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] What's the matter with you? [LIZ] Look! [REEGAN] Ugly looking fellow, isn't he? [LIZ] You knew they weren't human. [REEGAN] I had a pretty good idea. [LIZ] What have you got them here for? [REEGAN] I was paid to. [LIZ] Who by? [REEGAN] That doesn't matter. I've got a few ideas of my own. [LIZ] Like robbing Fort Knox? [REEGAN] Or the Bank of England or anywhere, like. [LIZ] Is that what this boss of yours wants you to do? [REEGAN] It doesn't matter what he likes. We've got them. [LIZ] We? [REEGAN] There's a vacancy. Doctor Lennox met with an accident atheadquarters. [LIZ] You killed him. [REEGAN] I never laid a finger on him. Well? [LIZ] Are you offering me a job? [REEGAN] What about it? [LIZ] What's the alternative? [REEGAN] I kill you and buy myself another scientist. [REEGAN] Think about it. Reegan? Oh, it's you, sir. Doctor's on his waydown, is he? I did my best to stop him going up. You're sure you wanthim dead? He could be useful to us. All right, I'll see to him. Yourfriend the Doctor's on his way back from a little journey. I'm going tobe his reception committee. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [MAN] Drop speed now thirty miles per hour andreducing. [WOMAN] Capsule drifting on course. No rectification needed. [BRIGADIER] How long before he's down? [CORNISH] Four point five minutes. He's making a perfect descent, righton the touchdown pad. [BRIGADIER] I'll go and meet him. [CORNISH] He'll have to go through decontamination first. [BRIGADIER] Well, how long's that going to take? [CORNISH] Under an hour. [BRIGADIER] An hour? [CORNISH] Think yourself lucky. It used to take two days. [MAN] Drop speed now twenty two miles per hour, reducing to eighteen. [WOMAN] Height one mile. Drift rate three knots and still on course.Radar contact lost. Radar contact lost. [MAN] Visual contact. Capsule approaching touchdown pad. --------------------------------------- (Space Control guard post) [SOLDIER] That's okay. Carry on. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [MAN] We have touchdown. We have touchdown. [CORNISH] Disconnect parachutes. [WOMAN] Parachutes disconnected.(The van pulls up alongside the Decontamination Unit VentilationSystem. Reegan is wearing Space Control whites and consults a map, thengets a coil of clear hose from the van and attaches it to a valve. Theother end is fastened to something in the van.) --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [MAN] Astronaut now entering decontamination. [CORNISH] You can relax. It won't be long now. --------------------------------------- (Decontamination unit) [DOCTOR] Right, I'm ready when you are. [CORNISH [OC]] Just a few minutes more, Doctor. We're waiting for finaltest results. [DOCTOR] Anything you say, Mister Cornish. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Decontamination report. All tests negative. [CORNISH] Good. All right, Doctor, you're cleared. Doctor, do you readme? Doctor? [BRIGADIER] Doctor, are you all right? I'm going over there. --------------------------------------- (Decontamination unit) [BRIGADIER] Cornish. He's gone. [CORNISH [OC]] Maybe he's on his way back to Control. [BRIGADIER] No. Look, there's gas in here. Seal off all the gates! --------------------------------------- (Space Control guard post) [SOLDIER] Main gate? Oh, but --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CARRINGTON] Are you sure he's been abducted? Hecould have left of his own accord. [BRIGADIER] There was a gas cylinder linked to the ventilation system. [CARRINGTON] It could be a blind to make us think he'd been kidnapped. [CORNISH] Now why should he do that? [CARRINGTON] Did it occur to you that all these troubles only startedwhen this Doctor came on the scene? [BRIGADIER] With respect, sir, that is simply not true. [CARRINGTON] He insists on going up in Recovery 7, makes contact withthe alien vessel, then disappears as soon as he lands. Can you explainthat? [CORNISH] Do you really think that the Doctor is one of the peoplebehind all this? [CARRINGTON] What do you know about this Doctor, Mister Cornish? [CORNISH] Oh, only that he's an associate of the Brigadier. [CARRINGTON] Exactly. Well, Brigadier? Where does this man come from? [BRIGADIER] That's difficult to explain, sir. [CARRINGTON] How long have you known him? [BRIGADIER] Several years, on and off. [CARRINGTON] On and off. What's his job exactly? [BRIGADIER] He's given my organisation a great deal of help in the past. [CARRINGTON] You're being deliberately unhelpful, Brigadier. I intend tohave this Doctor investigated. [BRIGADIER] We shall have to find him first, sir. [CARRINGTON] The sooner you do that the better. If he has anyexplanation to offer as to what that object is, we need to know it atonce. Contact me as soon as you find him. [CORNISH] General? How did the Security Council meeting in Geneva go? [CARRINGTON] Complete waste of time. They're still debating. [CORNISH] And what do you think they should do? [CARRINGTON] Arm every available missile with atomic warheads and blastthat thing out of our skies! [CORNISH] Isn't that a bit extreme? [CARRINGTON] It's our moral duty. [BRIGADIER] I think the General's a bit overwrought. [CORNISH] I think he's insane. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] No trouble at all. Your Doctor friend's as dead as a doornail. [LIZ] Why do you say he's dead? [REEGAN] Because it suits me. How is he? [DOCTOR] I'm none the better for your attentions. Liz? [LIZ] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, and getting better by the minute. How are you? Did theyhurt you at all? [LIZ] No. I don't much care for the company, though. [DOCTOR] Well, I don't blame you. [DOCTOR] Ah, there they are. [LIZ] Doctor, they're a completely alien species. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I've been aboard their spaceship. I've talked totheir Captain. [REEGAN] How did you talk to them? [DOCTOR] They have some kind of translation machine. [REEGAN] Like this? [DOCTOR] Oh, no. No, that's a much simpler model. That would onlyreceive one-way signals. [REEGAN] Could you build me a better one so I could really talk to them? [DOCTOR] I dare say, if I had the proper equipment. I was going to buildone. Never did get a chance to get round to it. [REEGAN] You've got your chance now. [DOCTOR] You expect me to help you? [REEGAN] It would keep you both alive. [DOCTOR] Well, I shall need a lot of expensive equipment. [REEGAN] Make a list. [DOCTOR] Very well. Thank you. [REEGAN] Don't try it. [DOCTOR] Is there a way out? [LIZ] I got out once, but they caught me. Now they've doubled theguards. [DOCTOR] Right, let's get on with that list. [LIZ] Are you really going to help them? [DOCTOR] Well, if we can't get out to the Brigadier, we must bring theBrigadier to us. [LIZ] General Carrington! [CARRINGTON] Miss Shaw. [LIZ] How on Earth did you find us? [DOCTOR] I think the General knew all along. [CARRINGTON] You're not surprised to see me? [DOCTOR] Not particularly, no. [CARRINGTON] I'm surprised to see you, Doctor. My instructions were thatyou were to be killed. [DOCTOR] Then somebody disobeyed your instructions, didn't they. [CARRINGTON] I shall have to attend to the matter myself. I'm sorry,Doctor. It's my moral duty. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] What are you doing? [CARRINGTON] You told me you killed this man. [REEGAN] I was going to, but [CARRINGTON] You disobeyed an order. [REEGAN] I thought it was for the best. [CARRINGTON] You're not paid to think, Reegan. [REEGAN] He can be useful. [CARRINGTON] I make the decisions. [REEGAN] Yes, sir, but he's the only one that can make a machine thatwill let us talk to these creatures. [CARRINGTON] You've got a machine to do that. [REEGAN] This thing only sends limited one way signals. Look, if I'mgoing to carry out your orders, I'll have to give them some prettycomplicated information. Still, suit yourself. You want to kill him,kill him. [CARRINGTON] Could you make us a better machine? [DOCTOR] Given the necessary equipment, yes. [CARRINGTON] And you're willing to help us? [DOCTOR] It depends on what you're trying to do. [LIZ] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Liz! Well, General? [CARRINGTON] We must alert the world to the menace of an alien invasion. [DOCTOR] When do you expect this invasion? [CARRINGTON] At any time. [DOCTOR] They told me that their intentions were peaceful. That thesethree beings here were ambassadors. [CARRINGTON] Ambassadors! That was just to put us off our guard. [DOCTOR] You're convinced their intentions are hostile, then? [CARRINGTON] Why else should they invade the galaxy? They were on Marsbefore we were. [DOCTOR] Ah, so that's when you met them. When you were on a previousMars Probe. [CARRINGTON] Yes, they killed Jim. Jim Daniels, fellow astronaut, simplyby touching him. [DOCTOR] Yes, but they didn't know their touch would kill human beings. [CARRINGTON] And now they've walked into my trap. I knew that once I gotthem here I'd make them reveal their true natures. [DOCTOR] So it was you who sent for those three ambassadors, was it? [LIZ] And hired Reegan to kidnap them and use them as killers? [CARRINGTON] It was the only way to arouse public opinion. [DOCTOR] Was Sir James Quinlan in on this? [CARRINGTON] No. He just wanted the political glory of being the firstto arrange contact with an intelligent alien species. He didn't know ofmy plan to save the world. He wouldn't have understood. [LIZ] What about Van Lyden and the other astronauts? The human ones? [CARRINGTON] They didn't know either. It was the only way. [DOCTOR] Well, I must say you've been very thorough, General. [CARRINGTON] It was the only way. You do understand that, don't you,Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I understand. You had to do what you had to do. [CARRINGTON] Exactly. We must protect the world. It's our moral duty.Will you help us? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'll build your machine for you. [CARRINGTON] Splendid! This man can be of use to us. Give him everythinghe needs. [REEGAN] Okay. [CARRINGTON] I'm going to take one of those creatures with me. I'vebrought a shielded van. Kindly ask one of them to come out. [REEGAN] Open the door. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] American space agency report their unmannedobservation satellite is now within three miles of the UFO. [BRIGADIER] Why can't they get a picture? [CORNISH] Well, I assume the radio signals that thing emits areaffecting the cameras. [WOMAN] Space agency are now about to manoeuvre the satellite down toone mile from the UFO. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [CARRINGTON] I've got some instructions for you.You're to raid a number of isotope stores. [REEGAN] Have I? [CARRINGTON] Everything you need here. Passes, maps. Just follow yourorders. [REEGAN] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Space agency report total cessation of allsignals from observation satellite. It is believed satellite hasdisintegrated. [BRIGADIER] Right, sir. (puts down phone) General Carrington's men havecaptured an alien astronaut. He's going to bring it here. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] How's it going? Got everything you need? [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [REEGAN] How long's it going to take? [DOCTOR] Look, I'm not building a crystal set, you know. [LIZ] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Look, if you let them out, how am I going to test it? [REEGAN] They'll be back. [DOCTOR] What, more killing? [REEGAN] Only if we have to. Get on with it. I want that machinefinished by the time I get back. [LIZ] You're not just going to do as he tells you? [DOCTOR] Come on, Liz, let's get on with it. We haven't got much time,you know. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] We'll be ready for your live telecast very soon, General. [CARRINGTON] Splendid! [WAKEFIELD] Are you sure your men will be able to remove the helmet? [CARRINGTON] Quite sure. [WAKEFIELD] If there is some sort of alien creature inside thatspacesuit [CARRINGTON] As I can assure you there is. [WAKEFIELD] Has it occurred to you, sir, that this may create worldpanic? --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [CARRINGTON] Yes, Brigadier? [BRIGADIER] Aliens have raided an isotope factory. Several deaths. [CARRINGTON] You see? They've already landed. These creatures needradiation to live and they're prepared to rob and murder to get it. [BRIGADIER] Sir! [CARRINGTON] Yes. [BRIGADIER] There were men helping them. [CARRINGTON] Traitors. Collaborators, like your friend the Doctor. [BRIGADIER] That is an unjustified assumption, sir! [CARRINGTON] Is it? [WAKEFIELD] General, what exactly do you intend to say in your telecast?It'll be on a world wide hook-up, you know. [CARRINGTON] I shall call on the nations of the world to unite in anattack on the aliens and their spacecraft. It must be obliterated! --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [DOCTOR] All right? [LIZ] Mmm hmm. [DOCTOR] Right, switch on the power, Liz, will you? [LIZ] Okay. [DOCTOR] All right? Right, let's try and test this thing. [LIZ] (sotto) Do you think the signal will be strong enough? [DOCTOR] (sotto) Well, I've boosted it as much as I possibly can.(normal) Just go over there, will you, Liz? [LIZ] Right. [DOCTOR] See if they react at all. [DOCTOR] Any reaction? [LIZ] No, not yet. [DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to keep on trying, won't we. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Communications room) [JOHNSON] There you are, Sarge. Have a listen. [BENTON] Well, it's SOS. We did away with that signal years ago. [JOHNSON] Everybody's picking it up, Sarge. Taxis, police cars, fireengines. It's on a high-impulse blanket frequency. [BENTON] See if you can get a triangulation on it. Save our souls? --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [WAKEFIELD] This is John Wakefield talking to youlive from the heart of Britain's Space Control headquarters. Thistelecast is being received in homes all over the world bycommunications satellite relay. Right, now after that, I shallintroduce the General. When I've introduced him, I want you to pick himup over there. All right? [CORNISH] Mister Wakefield? [WAKEFIELD] Just a minute. Yes, Professor? [CORNISH] Do you really think you should go ahead with this broadcast? [WAKEFIELD] What do you mean? [CORNISH] Well, do you realise what the General is going to say? [WAKEFIELD] He's going to talk about that unidentified flying object. [CORNISH] He is going to call on the nations of the world to attack it.Blast it out of the sky with missiles. --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] Haven't you finished yet? [DOCTOR] Oh, we're just about to test it. Liz, you stand by thecontrols, will you? [LIZ] Right. [DOCTOR] Now, we are trying to convert our speech into your radioimpulses. Can you understand me? We are trying to convert our humanspeech into your radio impulses. Can you understand me? [REEGAN] It doesn't work. [DOCTOR] Can you understand me? Please try to answer. [ALIEN] Why are we kept prisoners? Why do you make us kill? [REEGAN] You'll obey my orders. If you don't, we'll let you die. [ALIEN] We are ambassadors and came in peace. [REEGAN] If you want to live, you'll do exactly what you're told.Congratulations, Doctor. Now, I can make a few plans. [REEGAN] Leave it alone. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [WOMAN] Unidentified object transmitting to us.Picture coming through now. [ALIEN [on screen]] Only a little time remains to you. We have powers todestroy your planet totally, which we shall use if our ambassadors arenot returned. [CARRINGTON] Now we know where we stand, gentlemen. We must attackfirst! [CARRINGTON] I must make my broadcast at once. [WAKEFIELD] But that's impossible, General. The worldwide hook-up won'tbe ready for another hour yet. [CARRINGTON] You must speed it up. Get on to your people. This is anemergency. [CORNISH] Wakefield, what are you going to do? [WAKEFIELD] See if I can speed up the broadcast, of course. [BRIGADIER] There's been a message from my HQ, sir. They're picking upSOS radio signals. [CARRINGTON] Well? [BRIGADIER] There's a chance it may be from the Doctor, sir. I'd like tofollow it up, if you'll excuse me. [CARRINGTON] Just a moment! [BRIGADIER] Sir? [CARRINGTON] You think I don't know what's going on, don't you? [BRIGADIER] I don't quite follow you? [CARRINGTON] That Doctor of yours is in league with these creatures andyou've been helping him. Security! Place this officer under closearrest. [BRIGADIER] Sir, I must protest! [CARRINGTON] Hand over your revolver, Brigadier. [CARRINGTON] I've suspected you for some time. All your UNIT people havebeen locked up and replaced by men I can trust. Take him away. [CARRINGTON] What are you doing? [CORNISH] I'm getting on to the Ministry. [CARRINGTON] Too late, Mister Cornish. All communications are under mycontrol. [CORNISH] This Space Centre is under my control. [CARRINGTON] Not any longer. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Communications room) [JOHNSON] It's no good, Sarge, I can't raise them.Space HQ have cut themselves off. [BENTON] Well, keep trying. [BENTON] Sir, we've been trying to reach you. [BRIGADIER] Those SOS signals. Did you get a fix on them? [BENTON] They cut out suddenly. We managed to pin them down around here.It's funny, sir. It's army land. Disused firing range. [BRIGADIER] Carrington. [BENTON] It's quite near the Space Centre. [BRIGADIER] How many men have we got here, Sergeant? [BENTON] Just one or two, sir. Most of the lads are on duty at the SpaceCentre. [BRIGADIER] I'll take what men there are. Look, keep that radio mannedand get me a revolver, will you? [BENTON] Sir. [BRIGADIER] And lay on a jeep. [BENTON] We can't, sir. All the transport's over at Space HQ. [BRIGADIER] What? [BENTON] Well, how did you get here, sir? [BRIGADIER] I borrowed a staff car. [BENTON] Well, couldn't we use that? [BRIGADIER] Sergeant, that engine stopped quite a few bullets. I barelymade it here. Well, there must be some kind of transport? [BENTON] Sir, there is the Doctor's car. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Underground laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Right, get them! --------------------------------------- (Underground laboratory) [REEGAN] Now, you see, the main vault is here, andour friends there can blast it open. [DOCTOR] Look, how many times must I tell you? I am not joining you in aprogramme of bank robbery. [REEGAN] I'm offering you an equal share, Doctor. [REEGAN] See what's happening. [REEGAN] Make yourselves at home. [DOCTOR] What kept you? [BRIGADIER] I see you're all right, Doctor. Miss Shaw? [LIZ] Just get me out of here. [BRIGADIER] Carrington's taken over the Space Centre. [DOCTOR] What for? [BRIGADIER] He's going to make a telecast urging the world to attack thealien spaceship. [DOCTOR] We've got to stop him at once. [BRIGADIER] Not so easy. He's arrested all my men and moved in his owntroops. [DOCTOR] We've got to get in there somehow. [REEGAN] Why don't you use them? [DOCTOR] You know, I think he's right. [REEGAN] You won't forget I thought of it? [BRIGADIER] Get him out of here. [DOCTOR] Now, we're going to return you to your own people, but first weneed your help to prevent a catastrophe. --------------------------------------- (Space Control guard post) [BRIGADIER] Open the gates. Open these gates! [DOCTOR] Open the gates. Please try not to harm anyone. [DOCTOR] These aliens are invulnerable to your bullets. They will notharm you but you will die if you touch them. Now please, keep back. --------------------------------------- (Space Control communications room) [CARRINGTON] When I move across to here, get yourcamera in close on this creature and my men will forcibly remove hishelmet. I want the world to know what these monsters look like. [WAKEFIELD] All right, General, whatever you say. [CARRINGTON] Good man. [CORNISH] General, you must see reason. You can't make this broadcast. [CARRINGTON] Mister Cornish, don't interfere in things you don'tunderstand. [CORNISH] It could bring down total destruction on us. [CARRINGTON] You have no concept of moral duty. [CORNISH] General, you must see [CARRINGTON] Security! [WAKEFIELD] Five seconds to go, General. This is John Wakefield,speaking to you live from the heart of Britain's Space Controlheadquarters. This telecast is being received in homes all over theworld by communications satellite relay. [WAKEFIELD] Owing to widespread rumours concerning an unidentifiedflying object hovering above this planet, General Carrington, head ofSpace security, himself an ex-astronaut and Mars probe veteran, isabout to speak to you on a matter of tremendous importance. --------------------------------------- (Space Control) [CARRINGTON] They're here! We're being invaded! [CARRINGTON] Security patrol! [BRIGADIER] It's no good, General. I've released my men. This place isin my hands. [CARRINGTON] I must make this broadcast. It's a matter of worldsurvival. [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, General. I must place you under arrest. [CARRINGTON] Arrest? [BRIGADIER] The Sergeant will look after you. [CARRINGTON] I had to do what I did. It was my moral duty. You dounderstand, don't you? [DOCTOR] Yes, General. I understand. [DOCTOR] Please release that gentleman. [DOCTOR] Right, Mister Cornish, we've got to get a message up to thatalien space ship and tell them that their ambassadors are safe andwell. [CORNISH] Doctor, where are my three astronauts? [DOCTOR] My dear chap, they're still up there. But don't worry, they'reall right. They're quite safe. Now, we've got to make an exchange. [CORNISH] Exchange? [DOCTOR] We'll send these three up in Recovery 7. They'll send down ourthree astronauts. [CORNISH] But what about the fuel problem? [DOCTOR] Well, simple. We'll use pure M3 variant. And don't forget,they're not susceptible to g-force. [CORNISH] This is Control. Get me the fuel bay. [DOCTOR] Well goodbye, Mister Cornish. I've got a lot of work to do inmy own laboratory. [CORNISH] Doctor, I'll need your help to communicate with theambassadors. [DOCTOR] Well, here you are. Here's Miss Shaw. She's much more practicalthan I am. Goodbye Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Doctor. [LIZ] Goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] (to aliens) Goodbye, gentlemen. Have a nice trip.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s07", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Ambassadors of Death"}
Doctor Who (9 May, 1970; Third Doctor) - Inferno (Research complex) [DOCTOR] Ra, ra, rum, rum, da, ra! Ra, ra, da, dum, da ,dah. La Donna emobile, ra, ra, ra, rum, da, dah. De, dah, da, rum, da, dah, bah ,de,da, dum, da, dah. Da, da, dah, rum, bum. [SLOCUM] Hello, John. how's it going on in there? [BROMLEY] Oh, still drilling away like mad. [SLOCUM] Sound's more like a blooming dentist! [BROMLEY] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SLOCUM] Excuse me, Sir Keith? [GOLD] Yes? [SLOCUM] You called for someone from maintenance. [GOLD] Ah yes. I'd like you to have a look a number two output pipe. [SLOCUM] Oh, on the blink again, is she? [GOLD] Yes, I've had it take out of service. We've switched over to oneand three. [SLOCUM] Okay, let's take a look at it. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [SLOCUM] I see what you mean. Okay, I'll fix it up. [GOLD] As quickly as possible, please. Professor Stahlman doesn't wantany delays. [SLOCUM] Don't worry about it. It doesn't look too serious. [GOLD] Good. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STAHLMAN] Sir Keith? Why has the drilling rate been slowed down? [GOLD] Oh, number two pipe is out of action. Naturally, we had todecelerate. [STAHLMAN] Oh, I do understand the technical problems. [GOLD] I didn't mean to imply otherwise. [STAHLMAN] What I don't understand is why you took it upon yourself tointerfere. [GOLD] Well, I saw the malfunction report on number two pipe severaldays ago. I saw no report of its repair. I assumed you must haveoverlooked it. [STAHLMAN] I overlook nothing, Sir Keith. The malfunction on number twopipe's not sufficient to warrant a stoppage in the drilling and youhave no authority to order one. [GOLD] Professor Stahlman, as Executive Director of this project, myconcern [STAHLMAN] Your concern is with such important matters as the canteenfacilities and the new roster for the cleaners. Anything to do with thedrilling is my concern and mine alone. And that includes minormaintenance problems. [GOLD] Surely in a situation like this, there's no such thing as a minorproblem? [STAHLMAN] Sir Keith, I'll make a bargain with you. You stay away frommy drilling and I'll let you run your canteen. [GOLD] Bit why is he so unreasonable? You'd think I'm some sort of arival. [PETRA] He's been working on this project all his life. Naturally, hefeels possessive about it. [GOLD] Well, I've got another piece of news he won't altogether carefor. [PETRA] What's that? [GOLD] I've sent for a drilling consultant. A chap called Greg Sutton.One of the most experienced oil men in the world. [PETRA] But this isn't an oil rig. We use a totally different method ofdrilling. [GOLD] Yes, yes, I know, but I'd feel happier if someone on this projectknew a little more about the purely practical aspects of drilling andits dangers. [PETRA] When does he arrive? [GOLD] Oh, any time now. He's flying in from Kuwait. [STAHLMAN] Oh, have you finished? [SLOCUM] Yes. [STAHLMAN] Good. Put number two pipe back into service and acceleratedrilling speed three and a half percent. [MAN] Yes. [STAHLMAN] Perhaps we can now make up for lost time. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Morning, Benton. [BENTON] Morning, sir. It's the best they could do us on such shortnotice. [BRIGADIER] It'll do. Have you contacted the Doctor? [BENTON] He's on his way over, sir. [BRIGADIER] Anything on Slocum? [BENTON] No, sir. The lads are still looking. [BRIGADIER] Still? [BENTON] It's a rambling place this, sir. Slocum knows it a lot betterthan we do. If we had more men, we could [BRIGADIER] No, we don't want a panic. [DOCTOR] Hello, Brigadier. Making yourself at home? [BRIGADIER] How are you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Fine, thank you, fine. [DOCTOR] Good heavens. Which one's you? [BRIGADIER] Well, don't you recognise one? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, don't tell me. let me guess. [DOCTOR] Not that one. Not that one. What, none of them? [BRIGADIER] Fifth from the left, third row. [DOCTOR] (laughing) Yes, well, if it's true, I can see why you grew thatmoustache. [BRIGADIER] Trouble seems to follow you, doesn't it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] What do you mean? [BRIGADIER] You persuade me to allow you and Miss Shaw to attend thisproject as observers [DOCTOR] Allow? Look, Miss Shaw may have the misfortune to work for you,Brigadier. I am a free agent. [BRIGADIER] And within a few hours of your arrival, I have a motivelessmurder on my hands. [DOCTOR] What? [BRIGADIER] Late yesterday afternoon, one of the technicians was beatento death with this. [DOCTOR] And do you know who did the killing? [BRIGADIER] The wrench was found near the body. It belongs to adrill-head rigger called Harry Slocum. We're still looking for him. [DOCTOR] Do you know anything about him? [BENTON] Seems to have been one of the most popular men on the complex,sir. [BRIGADIER] Something else, Doctor. Try touching the wrench. [DOCTOR] Oh, it's still warm. [BRIGADIER] When it was first found, it was red hot, as though it hadbeen in a furnace. Any theories? [DOCTOR] If the wrench had been subjected to intense energy, it mighthave disturbed its atomic make-up. [BRIGADIER] Chase up those patrols, will you, Benton? I want that manSlocum found. [BENTON] Right away, sir. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, why were you so keen to observe this project? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a matter of great scientific interest, my dearfellow. First penetration of the Earth's crust. Well, naturally I'minterested. [BRIGADIER] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'd concentrate on finding that rigger if I was you.Well, excuse me, I must get back to work. [BRIGADIER] You're taking part in the project? [DOCTOR] Yes, in a way. Some related experiments, you know. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [SUTTON] Getting a respectable tan, bingo! I getsnatched off a drill rig in Kuwait just when I'm sure we've made astrike, flown back so fast my stomach's still over the Med and I stillhaven't the faintest idea what I'm supposed to be doing here. [GOLD] Well, I asked for a top oil rig man, Mister Sutton, and you'rethe one they sent me. [SUTTON] Well, that's very flattering. Now look, this is a governmentproject, right? [GOLD] Right. [SUTTON] So now I'm a sort of temporary civil servant? [GOLD] Broadly speaking, yes. How do you like the idea? [SUTTON] No comment. What's this supposed to be? [GOLD] That, Mister Sutton, is the drill head. [SUTTON] That is a drill head? You've got to be joking! [GOLD] No, that's a drill head, I assure you. The only one of its kindin the world. [SUTTON] Well, how deep are you? [GOLD] Twenty miles. [SUTTON] Twenty miles? Oh, come on now. You'd get such a whip in thedrill pipes, they'd fracture. [GOLD] No pipes, Mister Sutton. A robot drill with its built-in powersource, fed by cables from our own nuclear reactor. [SUTTON] Twenty miles. Well, you're liable to wake up Old Nick goingthat deep. [GOLD] Yes! As a matter of fact, some of the technicians have nicknamedthis place the Inferno. Come around here. There's the monitoring systemover there, you see? Then over here we have the alarm circuitry. [SUTTON] What's it all in aid of? [GOLD] Well, soon we shall penetrate the Earth's crust and then we'll beable to tap the pockets of Stahlman's gas that lie beneath it. [SUTTON] Pockets of what? [GOLD] Stahlman's gas. So named in honour of the originator of theproject. [SUTTON] You mean like North Sea gas? [GOLD] No, no, no, no. An infinitely more powerful energy source. [SUTTON] What do you do with it once you've got it? [GOLD] Well, according to Professor Stahlman, we shall have, quote, avast new storehouse of energy which has lain dormant since thebeginning of time, unquote. [SUTTON] You learn something new every day. Now what did you say thesepipes do? [GOLD] They siphon the coolant chemical down to the bore. [SUTTON] Okay, Sir Keith. Well, I get the picture, but I still don't seewhere I fit in. [GOLD] Well, I want someone on this project who's got a good practicalknowledge of drilling, and of coping with any emergencies that mayarise. [SUTTON] Are you having trouble here then? [GOLD] Not yet. [SUTTON] But you may have? [GOLD] Well, it's my job to cover any eventuality, Mister Sutton. Nowit's time I introduced you to some of the senior staff. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [GOLD] Petra, this is Mister Sutton, the oil man I told you about. Thisis Miss Petra Williams, who's been personal assistant to the Professorfor some years now. [SUTTON] Hi. [PETRA] How do you do? [SUTTON] All the better for seeing you, Petra. Perhaps you could help mesettle in the place? [PETRA] How do you mean, Mister Sutton? [SUTTON] Well, you know, show me round, dash off a few letters. PerhapsI could borrow you for a bit. [PETRA] Mister Sutton, I am Professor Stahlman's personal assistant, nota typist, and I'm not available for borrowing. Will you excuse me? [SUTTON] I'd say I'd been snubbed, wouldn't you? [GOLD] Come and meet the boss. [STAHLMAN] Just take them (unintelligible) [WOMAN] Yes, sir. [GOLD] May I present Professor Eric Stahlman, the instigator of theentire project. [STAHLMAN] The instigator? You make it sound as if I'd perpetrated somecrime against humanity. [GOLD] Hardly that, Professor. This is Mister Sutton. [STAHLMAN] So I gather. Another recruit to your cause, no doubt. [SUTTON] What cause? [STAHLMAN] Well, his crusade to bring this whole operation to a grindinghalt, Mister Sutton. [GOLD] Professor, please. [STAHLMAN] Well, he's a dedicated man, you see, dedicated to stifling uswith over-caution and an over-abundance of experts and advisors. We'redrowning in them, Mister Sutton. [SUTTON] I didn't volunteer for this job, you know. [STAHLMAN] How you came here is of no importance to me. You're here. Wesee them everywhere. Advisors on this, advisors on that. [STAHLMAN] Look, there's another one. [DOCTOR] Our liver playing us up again this morning, is it Professor? [SUTTON] You have problems, Sir Keith. [GOLD] Yes. [SUTTON] Who's the gentleman in the fancy dress? [GOLD] Ah, that's the Doctor. A brilliant mind. We're very lucky to havehim as advisor. Come, I'll introduce you. Doctor, may I introduceMister Sutton. [SUTTON] Hello, Doc. [DOCTOR] Welcome to the Inferno, Mister Sutton. [SUTTON] And what do you think of this project, Doc? [DOCTOR] Well, I think that certain people ought to pay a lot moreattention to the warnings of this computer. [SUTTON] Like him, you mean? [DOCTOR] Yes. Mind you, I'm not wild about computers myself, but theyare a tool. If you have a tool, it's stupid not to use it. [DOCTOR] Power for my own little project. Nice to have met you, MisterSutton. [STAHLMAN] All those so-called experts. It's a waste of valuable timeand money. [DOCTOR] Give that more lateral compensation, old chap, or you'll blowthe main condenser banks. Cost thousands to put that right. Waste ofvaluable time and money. Hmm? (The Doctor leaves and Stahlman goes overto the terminal to check.) [STAHLMAN] I'm rapidly losing patience with that man. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Doctor's workshop) [LATIMER] Morning, sir. [DOCTOR] Good morning. Any sign of Slocum yet? [LATIMER] No, we're still searching for him. [DOCTOR] Nasty business that. [LATIMER] Yes. Still, you should be safe in there. I'm sure this HarrySlocum character won't have one of your funny gadgets. [DOCTOR] Funny gadgets? [DOCTOR] It's only a door handle. [DOCTOR] Any progress? [LIZ] I've isolated one of the faults. [DOCTOR] Good. [LIZ] Oh, did you get those figures from the computer? [DOCTOR] Yes, but I think you'll find they only confirm what we alreadyknow. [LIZ] Well, I'll check them again anyway. How are things at CentralControl? [DOCTOR] Oh, the usual friction between Sir Keith and Stahlman. [LIZ] Oh, did you see the Brigadier? [DOCTOR] There's been a murder, Liz. [LIZ] I know. One of the sentries was in earlier making a spot check. Hetold me about it. [DOCTOR] It's a dreadful business, a murder without a motive. Right,let's get back to work, shall we? [LIZ] Doctor, you're not still thinking of making a run with the Tardisconsole, are you? [DOCTOR] Indeed I am. That's why we came here. [LIZ] Now be sensible. It's too dangerous. [DOCTOR] Look, Liz. Look, without the Tardis I feel rather lost. Astranger in a foreign land. A shipwrecked mariner. [LIZ] When do you want to make this trial run? [DOCTOR] In a minute. [LIZ] Hey, you're not serious? Why the sudden rush? [DOCTOR] Right, we've been over this many times. You know exactly whatto do, don't you? [LIZ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Well then, take up your position and I'll switch the nuclearpower through. [LIZ] I wish you'd think again. [DOCTOR] Liz! Please. [DOCTOR] All right? [LIZ] Right. [DOCTOR] Now, at my signal, give me first stage power and then fullboost a fraction later. [LIZ] Supposing it doesn't work? [DOCTOR] I'll think of something. I hope. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [BROMLEY] Yes, yes, that's right. All readings normal, no peaks at all.Yeah. Look, I've done a complete routine check. [BROMLEY] No, everything's very quiet up here. [DOCTOR] Right. Stand by, Liz. [LIZ] Standing by, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Switch to first stage power. Full boost, Liz. [DOCTOR] Too much power, Liz! Too much power. [LIZ] I can't cut back! The circuits are locked and overloading! [LIZ] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes. I still feel dizzy. I seem to be in one piece anyway. [LIZ] What happened? Where did you go? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure. I seemed to be in some sort of limbo. There was abarrier I couldn't break through. We must make another trial run. [LIZ] After all that? [DOCTOR] Because of all that. I wonder where I was exactly? Where I wasgoing? [LIZ] Wherever you were, you very nearly didn't get back. [DOCTOR] Well, next time we must ensure that I do. [LIZ] The drill head! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [PETRA] (into phone.) We must get through to the main switch room. Thisis an emergency. [STAHLMAN] Sir Keith! Did you order those shield to be lowered? [GOLD] Yes, I did. [STAHLMAN] Why? [GOLD] Well, this is a Red One emergency, Professor. [STAHLMAN] Is it? I haven't said so yet. [GOLD] Surely it's quite obvious? [STAHLMAN] Get those shields back up again now. [GOLD] Professor Stahlman [STAHLMAN] Anything that happens in this area is my responsibility. [GOLD] Well, at least order the power to be shut off. [STAHLMAN] What, and stop the drill? Petra, have you contacted thereactor yet? [PETRA] I still can't get an answer, Professor. [STAHLMAN] Well, you must get an answer. [SUTTON] At that depth and that pressure, you'd never get it goingagain. The drill bit would seize up immediately. You'd have to abandonthe bore. [GOLD] That mightn't be a bad idea. [STAHLMAN] (into phone) Well, try them again and keep on trying untilyou get 'em. Petra, see if they have the coolant flowing yet. [SUTTON] Hey, wait a minute. I wouldn't go in there if I was you. [PETRA] Will you let go of my arm? [SUTTON] The pressure in there could blow the roof right off thisbuilding! [PETRA] Thank you, I know what can happen, but I have a job to do. Nowjust don't interfere! [SUTTON] Are you some kind of idiot? [GOLD] Ah, Doctor, can you make any sense of this data? [BRIGADIER] What's happened, Doctor? [DOCTOR] There's been a nuclear power surge. Actually, we experienced itourselves earlier. It must have gone quite mad at the reactor. [BRIGADIER] There's been another murder. One of my soldiers. [DOCTOR] Where was the body found? [BRIGADIER] On the waste ground. [DOCTOR] Anywhere near the reactor? [BRIGADIER] Not all that far from it. [DOCTOR] Professor? We think we know what's wrong. [STAHLMAN] Doctor, stop wasting my time, will you? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid I was wrong, Professor. [STAHLMAN] What? [DOCTOR] It's not so much your liver as your general disposition.Brigadier, come on. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman. [STAHLMAN] What's happening in there? [PETRA] The coolant controls are jammed with the heat. [SUTTON] I wouldn't go back in there. [PETRA] Rather nervous for an oil man aren't you, Mister Sutton? [SUTTON] I'm not nervous, darling, I'm terrified! I know what can happenin there. [PETRA] And I don't? [SUTTON] I doubt it. And you're not brave, you're just plain stupid. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman knows what's happening. He can deal with it. [SUTTON] Do you want to bet? --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [SUTTON] It's okay, Professor. Let me have a go at that. Hold tight,everyone. We'll soon have it under control. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [DOCTOR] Look. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [DOCTOR] No, don't move. It'll only antagonise him. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [SUTTON] Okay, don't worry. She'll calm down nowthe coolant's flowing. [STAHLMAN] Thank you, Mister Sutton. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STAHLMAN] Still too much power from the nuclear reactor. [PETRA] I think the Doctor went to deal with it. [STAHLMAN] What? Well, check it please, Petra. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [DOCTOR] Look, there's nothing to be frightened of,old chap. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STAHLMAN] Well? [PETRA] There's still no reply from the main switch room. [STAHLMAN] What do those fools think they're doing? Hello? Hello? [GOLD] It's still not a Red One emergency. [STAHLMAN] I know. [GOLD] Shall I give the order? [STAHLMAN] Not until I consider it necessary. Why does nobody answerthis phone? --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [DOCTOR] Pistol. Pistol! [DOCTOR] No, no. Don't touch him. Look at that wall. It's scorched. [DOCTOR] Hello? Oh, it's you, Stahlman. Thank you, we've dealt with thematter ourselves. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SUTTON] Well done, everyone. I'll have a new medal struck. The Order ofthe Turkish Bath. [STAHLMAN] The emergency has been contained. Return to your normalduties, everyone. [SUTTON] We contained it by the skin of our teeth. We may not be solucky next time. [STAHLMAN] The main operation was not at fault. Those idiots at thenuclear reactor boosted the power too high. [SUTTON] All right, so it was some kind of accident. They happen, youknow? You have to make allowances, take precautions. [STAHLMAN] I can make no allowances for incompetence, Mister Sutton. [SUTTON] Petra. Is that man a complete nut? [PETRA] I don't think so, Mister Sutton. Thank you for helping with theemergency. [SUTTON] Well, if you really want to show your gratitude, there are oneor two things. [PETRA] Like what? [SUTTON] Like call me Greg, for instance. It's my name. All thismistering makes me nervous. [PETRA] And second? [SUTTON] I've got one or two ideas. [PETRA] What about? [SUTTON] Safety precautions at the drill head area. Now, Stahlmanlistens to you. If you could convince him I'm talking sense, we mightget somewhere. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [DOCTOR] Both bullets right through the heart. [BRIGADIER] But he was alive and moving for several minutes. [DOCTOR] Abnormal resistance, abnormal strength. That's not all. [BENTON] Excuse me, sir. The medics are on their way over. [DOCTOR] Look, they'd better not touch the body for a while. It'sradiating a good deal of heat. [BENTON] Right, sir. [BRIGADIER] The man's dead, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Heat, Brigadier. Like the wrench that killed that technician.Like that switch over there. [BRIGADIER] What about these two? [DOCTOR] There don't seem to be any major injuries. [BRIGADIER] Shock? [DOCTOR] Possibly. I don't know. [BRIGADIER] Wyatt? Private Wyatt? --------------------------------------- (Storage tank) [BRIGADIER] Doctor, I need some answers. [DOCTOR] Mmm? [BRIGADIER] What did happen to Slocum? [DOCTOR] Some sort of retrogression of the body cells, I think. [BRIGADIER] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Neither do I. Not fully, not yet. [BRIGADIER] It looked as if he was turning into some sort of animal. [DOCTOR] Yes. The process was relatively slow and it wasn't completed. [BRIGADIER] I'll have the devil of a job keeping this quiet. [DOCTOR] Why wasn't the metamorphosis completed? [BRIGADIER] That noise he was making. I've never heard anything likethat before. [DOCTOR] I have. [BRIGADIER] Where? [DOCTOR] Krakatoa, the Sundra Straits. During the volcanic eruption of1883. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, are you telling me that there's some link betweenSlocum and the volcanic eruption in Krakatoa? [DOCTOR] There could be. [BENTON] Sir, Wyatt and the technician, they've disappeared. [BRIGADIER] What? [BENTON] They cleared off before the medics could look at them. [BRIGADIER] Come on. [DOCTOR] Wyatt? [DOCTOR] Wait! [DOCTOR] Now Wyatt, listen to me. You need help. [DOCTOR] Don't touch him! Whatever you do, don't touch him! --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [STAHLMAN] According to my calculations, Petra, wecan accelerate the drilling speed by twelve percent without any adverseeffects. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman, will you [STAHLMAN] This will advance the time of penetration of the Earth'scrust by nearly five hours. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman, could you please come to Central Control?Sir Keith wants you to look at something in there. [STAHLMAN] Well, what on Earth is it? [PETRA] Something. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SUTTON] Do you reckon he'll know what it is? [GOLD] Well, if he does, he's a darn sight cleverer than the rest of us. [DOCTOR] Hello? What have we got here? [STAHLMAN] What is it, Sir Keith. [GOLD] Open it, please. [GOLD] Now, we've been getting traces of this stuff from number twooutput pipe for some time now. Recently it's started coming out ingreater quantities. [STAHLMAN] Analysis report? [GOLD] None. So far the substance has defied analysis. [STAHLMAN] Ridiculous. If it exists, it can be analysed. [GOLD] The labs say they can't get near enough to the stuff to carry outa proper examination. It took them all their time to siphon some offinto that heat resistant jar. [STAHLMAN] Then we shall just have to wait till it cools down a bit,won't we. [DOCTOR] Well, I doubt whether it will cool down. [STAHLMAN] And who the devil asked you? [DOCTOR] I was just venturing an opinion. [STAHLMAN] Based on what? [DOCTOR] Krakatoa, actually. [BRIGADIER] Professor, I have to speak to you and Sir Keith on a matterof great urgency. [STAHLMAN] Oh, not just at this moment, if you don't mind. [BRIGADIER] I must insist, sir. This is vital. [STAHLMAN] Well then, talk to our good friend, Sir Keith. He's got timefor talking. I haven't. [BRIGADIER] Professor, in the last few hours, three men have died inthis establishment. Died violently. I must talk to you in my office,now. [STAHLMAN] Oh, very well. [BRIGADIER] Sir Keith? [LIZ] I'll examine that stuff in the labs. What do you think? [DOCTOR] I wish I could hear it, Liz. [LIZ] Hear it? [DOCTOR] I wonder if it screeches? [LIZ] Doctor, I think you ought to come and look at the main computer. [DOCTOR] Why? Something interesting? [LIZ] Something downright frightening, if you ask me. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [STAHLMAN] But surely, Brigadier, this matter comesunder the jurisdiction of the medical section, or security? It's apersonnel problem. It's got nothing whatsoever to do with the technicalside of this operation. [BRIGADIER] Professor, three men have died. [STAHLMAN] I'm sorry for that. But it's none of my responsibility. [GOLD] How can you say that? These deaths concern all of us. [BRIGADIER] The Doctor believes there is some connection between the [STAHLMAN] That Doctor has no authority in this establishment. How manytimes do I have to repeat that? [GOLD] His calculations on initial stresses were invaluable to thisproject. Without them [STAHLMAN] I would have come to the same conclusion. [GOLD] He came to his answers in ten minutes. You had a team ofmathematicians working on it for a month. [STAHLMAN] That's hardly the point, Sir Keith. [BRIGADIER] Gentlemen, please. I am still waiting for some decision onmy particular problems. [STAHLMAN] Well, as you say, Brigadier, they are your problems. Pleasedeal with them as you see fit. [DOCTOR] A question. [GOLD] Yes? [DOCTOR] Isn't anybody going to pay any attention to that computer outthere? [GOLD] That computer is over-sensitive. Its data is unreliable. [DOCTOR] You talk about the thing as though it was your maiden Aunt. [GOLD] My own calculations are more specific. [DOCTOR] Yes, well I'll tell you something that should be of vitalinterest to you, Professor. [GOLD] Well, what? [DOCTOR] That you, sir, are a nitwit! [PETRA] Professor! Come quickly! [STAHLMAN] That man ought to be locked up! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [PETRA] I think the jar's going to shatter! [STAHLMAN] Stand back, everybody. [DOCTOR] No, Professor, don't. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I wouldn't have done that if I was you. [STAHLMAN] Have that deep frozen at once. Right, return to workeverybody. The entertainment's over. [BRIGADIER] Are you all right? [STAHLMAN] Yes, of course. The jar was hot. It's nothing. [BRIGADIER] Then perhaps we can continue our discussion. [STAHLMAN] I hardly think that's necessary. As far as I'm concerned,everything's been covered. [BRIGADIER] Thank you for your co-operation. [GOLD] What about the computer? [STAHLMAN] Well, what about it? [GOLD] Well, you can't just ignore it. [STAHLMAN] I prefer to rely on my own judgement. I've been concernedwith this operation for eleven years and I know more about the detailssurrounding it than any machine. [DOCTOR] I hope so, because its message is perfectly clear. [STAHLMAN] What message? [DOCTOR] Come and see for yourself. It warns that drilling should bestopped immediately. Well, look at it, man. Are you blind? [STAHLMAN] That computer, as I have said, is inaccurate. [DOCTOR] You please yourself, sir. I've done the best I can to convinceyou. I may as well get back to my own work. [STAHLMAN] You may find that rather difficult. We can't supply you withany more nuclear power. [DOCTOR] Oh? Why not? STAHLMAN [DOCTOR] That's an incredibly childish attitude to take. [STAHLMAN] If you will excuse me. [GOLD] I'm sorry, Doctor. [DOCTOR] So am I, Sir Keith. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [STAHLMAN] Petra, listen carefully. Start theacceleration in exactly twenty five minutes time. That will make thetime of penetration zero exactly forty nine hours from now. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman, shouldn't you at least consider what they'resaying. [STAHLMAN] If I'd listened to all the others, Petra, this project wouldnever have begun. And if I listen to them now, it'll never becompleted. Have all systems modified to this new programming. [PETRA] Yes, Professor. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [PETRA] Mister Phillips? Professor Stahlman hasdecided to modify the drilling rate. Could you join us at the computer,please? [DOCTOR] Liz? Go and check the tri-gamma circuits on the console again,will you? [LIZ] What do you want me to do that for? [DOCTOR] Look, please, don't ask any questions. There's a good girl. [LIZ] All right. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] Professor! What are you doing with that micro-circuit? [STAHLMAN] You'd do well to mind your own business, Doctor. [DOCTOR] That computer is a threat to you, isn't it? It could prove youwrong. Now give me that micro-circuit. [DOCTOR] Ai tavich! [BRIGADIER] Doctor! What on earth do you think you're doing? [DOCTOR] Venusian karate. It's very effective. Hold it long enough andthe subject remains permanently paralysed. [BRIGADIER] Then I suggest you let him go. [DOCTOR] Oh, very well. [BRIGADIER] Will someone please explain what's going on here? [DOCTOR] Shall I tell him or will you? [STAHLMAN] Brigadier, have that man expelled from this establishment! [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor? Will you please tell me what's going on here? [DOCTOR] Look, don't you start asking me questions. Just keep your eyesopen and follow me. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [DOCTOR] Professor, there are some questions thatwe would like to ask you. [STAHLMAN] Brigadier, this man is trying to sabotage my project. [DOCTOR] Would you mind telling us what you have in your left handpocket? [BRIGADIER] Professor? [STAHLMAN] Oh, very well. (waistcoat) Nothing. (notebook) Left hand.(keys) Right hand. Satisfied? Now get that man out of my sight! [DOCTOR] I tell you he had a micro-circuit in his pocket. [BRIGADIER] Well, it isn't there now, and after all, he is in charge. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well, I suppose I've got something better to do with mytime anyway. [DOCTOR] You see, it's packing up already. [DOCTOR] Did you find any damage to the maincircuits? [LIZ] Two of the by-pass wires were burnt out, but apart from that,everything seems all right. [DOCTOR] Did you replace them? [LIZ] Yes. [DOCTOR] Good, good. [LIZ] What was all that business at Central Control? [DOCTOR] Oh, just a little contretemps between myself and Stahlman.Nothing of any importance. [LIZ] Well, with the nuclear power cut off, we're just wasting our time,aren't we? [DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so. [LIZ] At least you won't be able to make any trial runs. [DOCTOR] Liz, it wasn't the console that was to blame. It was thatnuclear power surge. [LIZ] I'm afraid you'll never know for sure, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Would you do me a favour? [LIZ] Yes? [DOCTOR] Nip down to the control centre, will you, and feed thesefigures into the spare bank of the computer. They're some epsiloncoordinates. [LIZ] Epsilon coordinates? You usually work those out in your head? [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, but I'm a bit tired. [LIZ] Yes, all right. Doctor? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, I'm so sorry. [LIZ] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [LIZ] What's happened to the computer? [BRIGADIER] It's broken down. [LIZ] Oh well, the Doctor'll just have to work out these calculations inhis head after all. [BRIGADIER] The Doctor sent you? [LIZ] Yes, I've just come from the hut. [BRIGADIER] But he was here when the machine broke down. [LIZ] What? [BRIGADIER] Didn't he tell you? [LIZ] No. [BRIGADIER] Stahlman's demanding that I get rid of him. It looks asthough he sent you on a wild goose chase. [LIZ] Just a minute. [LIZ] Brigadier, come on! --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [STAHLMAN] Twenty four. Sixty eight. [STAHLMAN] Someone's using extra power. That Doctor! [LIZ] Doctor! [LIZ] Nothing. [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw? [LIZ] Stahlman's cut off the power. Wherever the Doctor is, he'strapped. [BRIGADIER] I think you'd better tell me what's been going on. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [BRIGADIER] Professor Stahlman? [STAHLMAN] No, not now, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] I want you to reconnect the power to the Doctor's hut. [STAHLMAN] Don't be ridiculous, my dear man. [BRIGADIER] Professor Stahlman, the Doctor has disappeared. [STAHLMAN] Excellent! At last he's done what he was told. [LIZ] No, no, you don't understand, he was engaged in an experiment andyou switched off the power at a critical moment. Now, you've got torestore it. [STAHLMAN] Well, I denied the man a power source when he was under myfeet. I'm certainly not going to reconnect it now he's gone. [GOLD] Stahlman, do be reasonable. [STAHLMAN] I've been more than reasonable. Up till now, I've toleratedthese crackpot experts and advisors and only offered a token objection.But now that we've accelerated the drilling programme, I won't beobstructed any further. [GOLD] You had no right to accelerate the programme without properconsultation with the Ministry. [STAHLMAN] I have every right, Sir Keith. [GOLD] Very well, I'm sorry, but I shall have to refer the matter to theMinister. [STAHLMAN] Please do. I can tell you exactly what he'll say. That thisproject is vital to our industrial future. The country needs the newpower source and Stahlman is the only one who can give it to us! [LIZ] Please. We must have a nuclear power system reconnected at once. [STAHLMAN] The matter is closed, Miss Shaw. Under no circumstances willany power, of any sort, be reconnected to the Doctor's hut. [BRIGADIER] Well, we tried. [GOLD] What exactly has happened to the Doctor? [BRIGADIER] He's vanished. [LIZ] And we're afraid he's in some kind of danger. [GOLD] Yes, well, we're all likely to be in some kind of danger, MissShaw, unless we can persuade the Professor to slow down the drillingrate. [BRIGADIER] Will you really go to London, sir? [GOLD] Well, I have no alternative. Something must be done about thatman. [LIZ] Do you think they'll listen to you? [GOLD] Well, I very much doubt it. Stahlman was right. They believe he'sthe only one who can succeed with this project. I'm just a figurehead. [LIZ] When will you go? [GOLD] As soon as I clear up my work here. [LIZ] Shouldn't you go at once, Sir Keith? [GOLD] My dear young lady, this project is at a crucial stage. IfStahlman can find the slightest excuse to accuse me of inefficiency,who will listen to me then? Now, if you'll excuse me. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [PETRA] Are you all right, Professor Stahlman? [STAHLMAN] Perfectly. [PETRA] Hadn't you better get a Doctor to see that hand? [STAHLMAN] I'm perfectly all right. I suggest we continue with our work,Petra. [PETRA] Very well, here are the latest acceleration reports. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [BRIGADIER] I tell you there's nothing more we cando. I'm sorry. [LIZ] You don't seem very worried. [BRIGADIER] Professor Stahlman seems determined to blow us all tokingdom come, the Doctor has vanished into thin air and I have a numberof unsolved murders on my hands. I promise you, Miss Shaw, I'm worried. [DOCTOR] Unity is strength? Who's been messing about with my equipment? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Doctor's workshop) [DOCTOR] What the blazes do you think you're doing? [LATIMER 2] It's a saboteur. He was in the technical stores! [BENTON 2] Well, get after him! --------------------------------------- (Research complex) [SOLDIER] Halt! Halt, I say! Halt. [BENTON 2] In there. [LATIMER 2] Try round the other side! Why don't we go down the ladder? [BENTON 2] One of you lot come with me. [SOLDIER] Come on, come on, come on! [BENTON 2] There he is! [BENTON 2] When you see him, shoot! [DOCTOR] Liz? Liz, it's me. Don't you recognise me? What's happened toeveryone round here? Have you all gone mad? What are you doing in thatridiculous get-up? [SHAW] Put your hands up. [DOCTOR] All right, Liz, a joke's a joke. [SHAW] Get back. [BENTON 2] Here. [SHAW] Take him away. [BENTON 2] Yes, Leader. [DOCTOR] Liz, this is ridiculous! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STEWART [OC]] Come. --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [DOCTOR] Brigadier, will you kindly tell me what on [STEWART] Is this the man? [DOCTOR] What on Earth are you doing in that get-up? [BENTON 2] Keep quiet! [STEWART] You will find it unwise to be insolent. How did you get insidethis establishment? [DOCTOR] I beg your pardon? [STEWART] How did you get in here? [DOCTOR] Look, your name is Lethbridge Stewart? [STEWART] Yes. [DOCTOR] Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart? [STEWART] Brigade Leader. [DOCTOR] All right, Brigade Leader. Have it your own way. And you areElizabeth Shaw. [SHAW] How did you know my name? [STEWART] You've been spying on this establishment. [DOCTOR] What are you talking about? [STEWART] Your name! [DOCTOR] My name? You ask me my name after all the years that you and I.Well now, wait a minute. Yes, I think I'm beginning to see what'shappened here. Might I suggest you just call me Doctor? [STEWART] Doctor. Doctor what? [DOCTOR] Smith. Doctor John Smith. [STEWART] Smith. Yes, of course. And where do you come from, DoctorSmith? [DOCTOR] Yes, well, this is where we come to the difficult bit. [STEWART] Well? [DOCTOR] I come from a parallel space-time continuum. [SHAW] Obviously, he is trying to confuse us, Leader. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, let me put it this way. I've been transported fromanother world. One that is running almost parallel to this one. [SHAW] He's unbalanced. [STEWART] No, I see what he's trying to do. He's trying to make usbelieve that he's mad. But it won't work, my friend. [DOCTOR] Now, now look, wait. You are Elizabeth Shaw. [SHAW] I am Section Leader Elizabeth Shaw, yes. [DOCTOR] Not a scientist? [SHAW] No. [DOCTOR] Oh. This is fascinating. So many similarities, yet so manydifferences. [STEWART] Enough! Now, I want the truth. [DOCTOR] Tell me, how far down is the shaft that you are drilling? [SHAW] Leader, he is a spy. [DOCTOR] And Professor Stahlman? Is his liver still playing him up? AndSir Keith? How is Sir Keith? Yes, now there's a man who mightunderstand. [STEWART] What do you know about Sir Keith? [DOCTOR] Only that he's the Executive Director of this project. Yes, Ishould very much like to see him. [STEWART] Would you indeed? [DOCTOR] Indeed, I would. Failing that, Professor Stahlman. He's anopinionated oaf, I know, but at least he's a scientist. [STEWART] Very well. [SHAW] Are you taking this man to see the Director? [STEWART] Why not? Whoever he is, he'll never leave here alive. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [DOCTOR] Wait a minute. [DOCTOR] Three hours twenty two minutes? You're a lot more advanced withthe drilling here. [BENTON 2] Come on! [STEWART] The intruder has been apprehended, Director. [STAHLMAN 2] So I see. [STEWART] I thought you might like to question him. [STAHLMAN 2] I don't think so, no. You know what to do with spies. [STEWART] He asked to speak to Sir Keith Gold. [STAHLMAN 2] Did he? And did you tell him that might be ratherdifficult? [DOCTOR] Difficult why? [STAHLMAN 2] Sir Keith Gold was killed in a motor accident twenty fourhours ago. Rather unfortunate. [DOCTOR] Sir Keith dead? [STAHLMAN 2] He was on his way to the Ministry in London. [DOCTOR] Yes, to complain about you, no doubt. [STAHLMAN 2] Who is this man? [STEWART] We have not yet established his correct identity, Director. Hegave an obviously false name. [STAHLMAN 2] Have you no idea where he came from? [STEWART] He spoke of having come from some other dimension. [STAHLMAN 2] I've no time to waste on maniacs, Brigade Leader. [STEWART] Quite so. My apologies. [DOCTOR] Excuse me, but what about this computer? [STAHLMAN 2] The computer? [DOCTOR] Yes, it doesn't seem to be working. [STEWART] It's been sabotaged. [DOCTOR] Yeah, missing micro-circuit, do you think, Professor? [STAHLMAN 2] Obviously this man is responsible for the damage. Take himaway. [STEWART] Benton! [STAHLMAN 2] Carry on, Doctor Williams. [WILLIAMS] (Petra) Yes, Director. [GREG] (Sutton in suit and tie) Will you tell the Director that we haveno pressure in the coolant pipes, please. [WILLIAMS] He's aware of that fact. He's had the pressure temporarilyby-passed to the shaft himself. [GREG] Well, if an emergency develops, there'll be no safeguard at thedrill head. [WILLIAMS] There will be no emergency. [GREG] Well, it's still my job to bring the situation to his notice. Inmy experience, when an oil shaft blows, if there is no safeguard [WILLIAMS] This is not an oil shaft, Mister Sutton. [GREG] Now you listen to me, Petra! [WILLIAMS] Must I remind you once again that I am Assistant Director ofthis project? You will address me in the correct manner. [GREG] All right. I'm sorry, Doctor Williams. [WILLIAMS] Unless you grant me the respect due to my position, I shallhave no choice but to report you. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [WILLIAMS] All safety factors have been exceeded,Director. [STAHLMAN 2] We are very near Penetration Zero. I will not decelerate atthis crucial stage. [WILLIAMS] As you wish, Director. --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [DOCTOR] Look, may I ask what is going to happen to me? [STEWART] You'll be shot. Eventually. [DOCTOR] Without a trial? [STEWART] This is your trial. [DOCTOR] Well, look, you can't possibly have the authority to do a thinglike [STEWART] I have full authority. Defence of the Republic Act, 1943. [DOCTOR] Republic? [STEWART] Yes. [DOCTOR] Then what's happened to the Royal [STEWART] Executed. All of them. [DOCTOR] Pity. A charming family. I knew her great grandfather in Paris.Do you know, I remember on one occasion [BENTON 2] On your feet! [DOCTOR] Look, I've been standing here for quite some time. [BENTON 2] You'll be standing for a lot longer yet. [DOCTOR] Why is this place crawling with you oafs in uniform? [STEWART] You are talking of the Republican Security Forces. And thereason we are here is that this is a scientific labour camp. [DOCTOR] Staffed by slave labour, I take it? Well, you're all in verygrave danger. [STEWART] We are in danger? [DOCTOR] Before that computer broke down, it was transmitting dangersignals, was it not? [STEWART] You're very well informed. [DOCTOR] And what about Harry Slocum? [STEWART] What do you know about him? [DOCTOR] Only that he went berserk and started killing people. [STEWART] You condemn yourself. No one but a spy could know so much. [DOCTOR] Look, I am not a spy. I've seen it all before. [STEWART] Where? [DOCTOR] In another world. [STEWART] Very well. I can wait. [DOCTOR] You're just wasting time. [STEWART] We work to an orderly system. Your identity is being checkedwith Central Records. When we know who you are, the real interrogationwill begin. [DOCTOR] But I don't exist in your world! [STEWART] Then you won't feel the bullets when we shoot you. [STEWART] Yes? Right, I'll be there. The prisoner will remain here. [BENTON 2] Yes, Leader. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SHAW] I've just been on the telephone to CentralRecords about our prisoner. I gave them a full description. [STEWART] Well? Who is he? [SHAW] They've checked and re-checked. There is absolutely no oneanswering to his description on their files. The man does not exist. [STEWART] That's impossible! [SHAW] They'll going on checking, but they're certain that this man isnot a known agent of any foreign government. [STEWART] Central Records have never been wrong before. [SHAW] He seems to know so much about this whole project, Leader, asthough he'd been here for weeks. It just doesn't make sense. --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [STEWART] You are giving us a great deal of trouble. [DOCTOR] I'm delighted to hear that. [STEWART] You'd make things much easier for yourself if you'll tell uswho you are. [DOCTOR] Proper little bureaucrat, aren't you? Can't shoot me unlessyou've filled in all the forms, is that it? [SHAW] Unless you co-operate, you'll soon be in front of a firing squad.You have very little time left. [DOCTOR] My dear young lady, if that computer was functioning, it wouldwarn us that we all have very little time left! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [WILLIAMS] (into phone) Number two output pipeagain. Is the leak bad? I see. [SUTTON] Trouble. [WILLIAMS] A minor detail. [SUTTON] At the drill head? [WILLIAMS] Yes. [SUTTON] There's no such thing as a minor detail at the drill head. [WILLIAMS] Director? They report a minor leak in number two output pipe. [STAHLMAN 2] So? [SUTTON] So something should have been done about it immediately. We areapproaching final countdown. [STAHLMAN 2] Have one of the duty riggers see to it. [WILLIAMS] Yes, Director. [SUTTON] I think you should for yourself, sir. It could be important. [STAHLMAN 2] Don't presume to tell me what I should or shouldn't do,Sutton! [SUTTON] No, Director. Sorry, Director. Three bags full, Director! --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [STEWART] Watch him! [DOCTOR] Tell me, have you ever seen anything like this before? --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STEWART] All security units alert. All units alert and take upemergency stations immediately. No technician will be allowed to leavehis post. I say again. All security units alert. All units alert andtake up emergency stations immediately. [STEWART] No technician will be allowed to leave his post. [GREG] Come on, hurry up, hurry up! Get those suits on! Doctor Williams!The coolant pipes. Get me some extra power laid on for the reservesupply. Come on! [WILLIAMS] Prepare to alter your pressure readings! Begin readings attwelve! Hold your pressure at fifty. Forty. [STEWART] Get back! Get back to your posts! If this place goes up, we'llall go up with it! Get back or we fire! [STAHLMAN 2] The emergency will be contained! Remain at your posts! [STAHLMAN 2] Benton! [DOCTOR] Come on, come on, where are you? [BENTON 2] What do you think you're doing? [DOCTOR] Trying to find a particular micro-circuit. I may be able torepair your computer for you. [BENTON 2] Outside. We've got a firing squad waiting for you. [DOCTOR] You idiot! If I don't repair this computer, you'll all be blown [BENTON 2] Look! Are you coming with me quietly, or do I shoot you hereand now? --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SHAW] Just a moment, Benton. What's going on? [BENTON 2] I was about to take him out and shoot him. [SHAW] Not yet. I'll take charge of him. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Section Leader. [SHAW] I am not concerned with saving your skin, only in carrying outthe correct procedure. [DOCTOR] Nevertheless, thank you, just the same. Oh, incidentally, Ithink I may be able to repair your computer for you. [SHAW] Leave it alone. It's none of your concern. [DOCTOR] I should say it was everybody's concern. [SHAW] Take him into the office. [DOCTOR] Wait a minute! Wait a minute, wait a minute. I think this mightbe it. [BENTON 2] Come on. [DOCTOR] Hang on, just a moment. [BENTON 2] I said, come on! [SHAW] Let him try. [BENTON 2] But Leader! [SHAW] Let him try. We've got nothing to lose. [DOCTOR] You see? The computer's already aware of the situation and isassessing its immediate problems. [STAHLMAN 2] What's this man still doing here? [SHAW] He has repaired the computer, Director. [STAHLMAN 2] He shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near it. He's adangerous spy. He sabotaged the computer. [DOCTOR] I was not sabotaging it. I was repairing it. [SHAW] The computer is working again, Director. [GREG] Well, shouldn't we see what it's got to say? [STAHLMAN 2] We are working to my calculations. [GREG] Do your calculations tell you how to deal with this emergency? [STAHLMAN 2] I have everything under control, yes. [GREG] Well, it doesn't look that way to me. [STAHLMAN 2] Watch your tongue, Sutton! [GREG] Can you transcribe what the computer's saying? [DOCTOR] Yes. The pressures and the heat are overwhelming the presentvelocity of the drill head. [WILLIAMS] What can we do about it? [DOCTOR] Well, you can disperse the heat and the pressure. [GREG] How? [DOCTOR] By creating a reverse vortex at the bottom of the shaft. [STAHLMAN 2] And how do we do that? [DOCTOR] Reversing all the systems. [STAHLMAN 2] And bring the whole programme to a stand-still? [GREG] It's not such a crazy idea. It's been done before. [STAHLMAN 2] With an oil shaft, Sutton. [GREG] Yes. But when everything else had failed, instead of closing downthe whole shebang, someone threw everything into reverse. [STAHLMAN 2] No, it's out of the question. [GREG] At least it's worth a try. What have we got to lose? [STAHLMAN 2] We could smash the whole system. [GREG] It looks to me as if it's getting pretty well smashed up as it isnow. [DOCTOR] Now look, you two are just wasting time. What I suggest isthis. We push all the coolant down the output pipe and then draw up allthe debris from the bottom of the shaft through the inlet pipe. [GREG] Well, what about it? [STAHLMAN 2] Oh, very well. Reverse all systems! Bypass number twooutlet pipe. [GREG] Right! Come on, Doctor Williams. [STAHLMAN 2] And get this man out of my control area now. [DOCTOR] Of all the ungrateful nitwits! --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [SHAW] You seem to know a great deal about this project. [DOCTOR] Enough. [SHAW] You're a scientist. [DOCTOR] Of sorts, yes. [SHAW] Where do you come from? [DOCTOR] I've already told you. I come from a parallel space-timecontinuum. A twin world of this. [SHAW] If you told us the truth, there might be some hope for you. [DOCTOR] Your counterpart in the other world would tell you that I'm notin the habit of telling lies, Elizabeth. [SHAW] This other woman, the one that looks like me. [DOCTOR] It's not that she looks like you, she is you. I do wish I couldmake you understand this. [SHAW] What does she do? [DOCTOR] Do? She's a scientist. [SHAW] I am a security officer so there's no possible link, is there? [DOCTOR] Did you ever think of becoming a scientist? Yes. Yes, I can seethat you did. [SHAW] I read physics at university. What's that got to do with it? [DOCTOR] Simply that her mind process runs along a similar parallel toyours. Doesn't that strike you as significant? [SHAW] Not particularly. [DOCTOR] Look, Elizabeth, please try and think. Whatever they taught youin this bigoted world of yours, you've still got a mind of your own.Now use it, before it's too late! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [GREG] Well, it seems to be working. Who was thatman in the funny clothes? [WILLIAMS] They said he was a saboteur. [GREG] How come he saves our skin? [WILLIAMS] He's trying to save his own. Hadn't you better get number twooutput pipe working? [GREG] It'll mean cutting down the drill to minimum revs. [WILLIAMS] The Director won't like that. [GREG] Well then, he'll have to lump it, won't he? There's noalternative. [WILLIAMS] Sutton, if you would only curb this insolent streak, youmight have a great future as a servant of the State. [GREG] What, and become a nice well-behaved little zombie, you mean,like the rest of you? No, thank you. [WILLIAMS] You've only survived so long because you have certainusefulness, because of your technical skills. Once this project is over [GREG] Greg Sutton's for the high jump. A nasty little accident in thecells, or shot whilst trying to escape? [WILLIAMS] It's been known to happen. [SUTTON] Would you care? [WILLIAMS] I'd regret the waste, that is all. --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [SHAW] Yes, I see. Thank you. The emergency is over. [DOCTOR] Good. I'm very glad to hear it. [SHAW] Your idea worked. [DOCTOR] Maybe you'll give me a medal. Posthumously. [SHAW] You find the idea of death amusing? [DOCTOR] No, not particularly. Do you? [SHAW] If you told me the true facts about yourself, I may be able tohelp you. [DOCTOR] Elizabeth, I am trying to help you! You said the emergency wasover. Well, it isn't. As long as you people go on drilling, you'rerushing into terrible danger! --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [STAHLMAN 2] Sutton? How long? [GREG] Almost finished. [STAHLMAN 2] Good, then we can continue with the drilling. [GREG] At reduced revs? [STAHLMAN 2] No, I intend to accelerate again as soon as possible. [GREG] Well, I don't advise it. [STAHLMAN 2] I don't need advice. [GREG] Except from that prisoner! [STAHLMAN 2] I would have come to the same conclusions. [GREG] You may have come to them a bit too late. [STAHLMAN 2] I sometimes wonder why I tolerate you, Sutton. [GREG] That's easy. On a project like this you don't just need a goodparty member, you need a good engineer. [STAHLMAN 2] Oh, you are useful, but you're not indispensable. [GREG] It seems to be my day for getting warnings. [STAHLMAN 2] You have a bad record, Sutton, a long history. It would bevery easy to have you disposed of. Remember that. --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [SHAW] Name? [STEWART] Who sent you here? [SHAW] Did you come to commit sabotage? [STEWART] Name? [SHAW] What organisation employs you? [STEWART] When did you first become a traitor? [SHAW] How did you get into the complex? [STEWART] Who helped you? Was it Sutton? [SHAW] Name? What is your name? Answer! [DOCTOR] You're wasting your time, you know. I can stand a great deal ofthis childishness. [STEWART] This is only the beginning. [SHAW] We have other methods. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure you have. But it won't do you any good. [STEWART] You'll talk, eventually. [SHAW] Everybody talks. [DOCTOR] How can I give you information that doesn't exist? [STEWART] The information must exist and you will give it to us! [SHAW] Name? [STEWART] Who sent you here?! [SHAW] Which of our enemies are you working for? [STEWART] Who are your associates? [DOCTOR] I came here on my own. I came by accident. I came here. TheTardis console slipped me sideways in time. Slipped me sideways intime. [SHAW] Shall we proceed to stage two interrogation? He's just babbling. [STEWART] No, he's a tough one. He might die before he talked. [SHAW] Yes. We'd better let him get his strength back. [DOCTOR] That Stahlman. He's accelerating the drilling. [STEWART] All right, we'll start again, shall we? [SHAW] Who sent you here? [STEWART] Why did you come? [STAHLMAN 2] Well, what progress have you made? [STEWART] As you can see, Director, the prisoner is still beinginterrogated. Proceeding according to plan! [DOCTOR] I see you're wearing white cotton gloves, Director. May we askwhy? [STAHLMAN 2] You're allowing the prisoner to be impertinent? [DOCTOR] Brigade Leader, ask him to take off his left glove. I thinkyou'll find it very interesting. [STEWART] Director? [STAHLMAN 2] Well, they say a madman should be humoured. [DOCTOR] Why the bandages, professor? [STAHLMAN 2] I scorched my hands. [DOCTOR] You touched some of that green substance, from that crackedjar, didn't you? Just a little, but it's enough to infect you. [STEWART] Benton! Take him away, down to the security cells. [DOCTOR] Listen to me. You're seriously ill. You've been infected. [STAHLMAN 2] Take him away. [DOCTOR] Listen to me, Stahlman, for God's sake. [STEWART] You will supervise the transfer of the prisoner to thesecurity cells. [SHAW] Very well, Leader. [STEWART] At once, if you please! [SHAW] Yes, Leader! [STEWART] You're taking a great deal of interest in this prisoner,Director? [STAHLMAN 2] For security [STEWART] Security? Is my responsibility. [STAHLMAN 2] Since you allowed the man to enter the complex and roamabout at will [STEWART] The man was caught! He is no longer a danger to us. The peoplewho sent him, how and why he came here, this information is vital. [STAHLMAN 2] Then you'd better get him to talk, and do it quick. Beforethe day is over, I want him liquidated. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [WILLIAMS] (into phone) If it decreases, let meknow at once. Thank you. [GREG] Doctor Williams, I think we should have checked the whole systemfrom top to bottom while we had the drill at minimum revs. [WILLIAMS] Director Stahlman knows what he's doing. [GREG] You all make a little tin god of that Stahlman. Well I think he'sa nut. [WILLIAMS] That sort of remark's dangerous. [GREG] I tell you, Stahlman's a nut. Well? Aren't you going to reportme? Get me a week in the punishment cells? Things are looking up. Acouple of days ago, you'd have reported me without a second thought. --------------------------------------- (Security cells) [DOCTOR] Please, don't push. I'll have you know that your counterpart inthe other world was a nice, sociable sort of chap, Sergeant. [BENTON 2] My rank is Platoon Under Leader. [DOCTOR] That's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? [BENTON 2] Your trouble is you talk too much. [DOCTOR] Ah, I see I've got company. And what did he do, park in arestricted zone? [BENTON 2] Stop asking stupid questions! [DOCTOR] At least he seems to be sleeping peacefully. [BENTON 2] He's had a tranquilliser dart. They don't give us any troubleafter that. We should have done the same to you. [BENTON 2] Now, get in. [DOCTOR] What about some food? A cup of tea? Some cocoa? A glass ofwater then? [BENTON 2] This way, Leader. Cell two. [DOCTOR] Ah. Visiting time already, is it? [SHAW] Your interrogation isn't over yet. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, it is. [) BENTON 2] Get on your feet when the Section Leader's talking to you! [DOCTOR] Ah, go away and give me some peace. [BENTON 2] When I say get on your feet, prisoner, I mean get on yourfeet! [DOCTOR] Oh well, that's different. Anything for a quiet life. [SHAW] Now we'll start again. Who are you? How did you get into thecomplex? [DOCTOR] Look, I am sick and tired of answering all these idiotquestions. [SHAW] The questions will go on until you answer them. [DOCTOR] I have answered them! More times than I care to remember. [SHAW] You have told us nothing. [DOCTOR] I've told you the truth. If your minds are too narrow to acceptit, that's not my fault. [BENTON 2] Give us a few minutes with him, Leader. [SHAW] No. Wait outside, in the corridor, both of you. [SHAW] Now, perhaps we can talk reasonably. [DOCTOR] Trying a change of technique? [SHAW] If you like. [DOCTOR] First you try to bully me, and then you switch on the charm.Secret police routine seven stroke four. [SHAW] Believe me, I really am trying to help you. [DOCTOR] Even though I'm a spy? [SHAW] No. No, you're too conspicuous to be a spy. No, I've got a theorythat you're from one of these crackpot free speech groups, trying tomake some crazy demonstration. [DOCTOR] Oh, no! [SHAW] Look, if you'll give me a full confession, I may be able toconvince them that you're some harmless lunatic. You'll get away with afew years in a labour camp. [DOCTOR] Look, I am not mad, I am not a spy and I'm certainly not apolitical demonstrator. You just won't listen, will you? [SHAW] I can see I've been wasting my time. I'll leave you to theBrigade Leader. He'll get the truth out of you. [DOCTOR] Your counterpart had some intelligence. I wish I could say thesame for you. [DOCTOR] Hello, old chap. How are you doing? Been down here long, haveyou? Read any good police records lately? The friendliness of thisestablishment overwhelms me. [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Liz, but my men havesearched the entire complex thoroughly. There's no sign of the Doctor. [LIZ] I didn't think there would be. [BRIGADIER] Maybe that wretched machine of his has dumped him a fewmiles away. [LIZ] It's not as simple as that, Brigadier. He's somewhere in space ortime. [BRIGADIER] Well, wherever he is, or whenever he is, he can look afterhimself. [LIZ] He's not indestructible, you know. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [GOLD] Professor Stahlman, could you spare me amoment? [STAHLMAN] Run out of paper work? [GOLD] Please, this is important. [STAHLMAN] Just a moment. Well? [GOLD] Any problems with the accelerated drilling? [STAHLMAN] No, none at all. I didn't expect any. [GOLD] Well, I assume you'll be taking extra precautions as we approachpenetration zero? [STAHLMAN] I shall do what I think best. What is it you want? [GOLD] I have a car outside waiting to take me to London, and anappointment with the Minister later on today. [STAHLMAN] Well, have a pleasant journey. [GOLD] Unless you can give me certain reassurances, I shall feel boundto convey to the Minister the full extent of my anxieties. [STAHLMAN] What anxieties? [GOLD] Oh, come now, Professor! You know what I mean. [STAHLMAN] No, I don't. Perhaps you'd explain exactly what you do mean. [GOLD] We must slow down drilling as we approach penetration. We needextra safety precautions and a failsafe mechanism to close downcompletely if necessary. [STAHLMAN] Now, Sir Keith, if you'd had your way, we would never havestarted this project. [GOLD] I am not saying [STAHLMAN] Now you want us to proceed at a snail's pace like a pack ofcautious old women. [GOLD] I want this project to succeed as much as you do, but we must actlike responsible scientists. [STAHLMAN] You accuse me of irresponsibility? I conceived this project,I fought for Government backing and I shall carry it through to successin spite of all your efforts to stop me. [GOLD] No one's trying to stop you. [STAHLMAN] You've consistently obstructed my work. You've caused delayafter delay and I won't put up with this interference any longer. [GOLD] Oh, very well, Professor, you leave me no alternative. [STAHLMAN] You can tell the Minister what you like. He at least is awareof the importance of my work. [BRIGADIER] He doesn't get any better tempered, does he? [GOLD] The man's impossible. [LIZ SHAW] Do you think the Minister will listen to you? [GOLD] Well, he's an old friend of mine, but Stahlman's dazzled him withpromises. Limitless cheap power for the whole country. [BRIGADIER] Will you be back in time for penetration zero? [GOLD] Yes, of course. Though I can't say I'm looking forward to it verymuch. [LIZ SHAW] Why not? [GOLD] Well, it sounds ridiculous, but there's something ominous aboutthe whole project. Your friend the Doctor felt it too. By the way,where has he gone? [BRIGADIER] We're not quite sure. [GOLD] Well, he's better off out of it, wherever he is. --------------------------------------- (Security cells) [DOCTOR] Sergeant. Sergeant! Sergeant! [SENTRY] What's the noise all about? [DOCTOR] This man is sick. He needs medical attention. [SENTRY] If you don't shut up, I'll shut you up! [SENTRY] Listen. --------------------------------------- (Complex grounds) [SOLDIER] By the right, right wheel! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [GREG] Is everything ready? [WILLIAMS] All systems have been checked and are functional. [GREG] We'd better cross our fingers. [WILLIAMS] We depend on science, Mister Sutton, not superstition. [GREG] We could do with some plain old fashioned luck as well. Where'sthe Director? [WILLIAMS] He'll be here. [GREG] Well, I wish I wasn't. Something's wrong, something's just notadding up. [WILLIAMS] What can go wrong? [GREG] Perhaps we should try asking the computer. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [COMPUTER] Zero minus three minutes, zero seconds.Condition Red Two now commencing. --------------------------------------- (Complex grounds) [SOLDIER] Right, you all ready? Let's go, at the double. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [COMPUTER] Zero minus two minutes, ten seconds.Disaster crew at action stations. Zero minus two minutes, zero secondsand counting. Condition Red Three now commences. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, fifty seconds. Final re-check, allmonitoring circuits. Zero minus one minute, forty seconds. Technicalpersonnel at final stations. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, thirty seconds. Final power build upnow completed. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, twenty seconds. Non-technical staff tosafety positions. Zero minus one minute, ten seconds. All systems checkfor final countdown. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, zero seconds and counting. [STEWART] You there! [COMPUTER] Final countdown commences now. [STEWART] Come down here. [COMPUTER] Zero minus fifty seconds. Stand by. [STEWART] Did you hear what I said? Come down here. [COMPUTER] Zero minus forty seconds. [DOCTOR] You must stop this countdown before it's too late! [COMPUTER] All personnel stand by. [DOCTOR] Do you hear me? You must stop it! [STAHLMAN 2] Brigade Leader, shoot that man now! [GREG] You can't do that! It's just murder! [DOCTOR] If you break through the Earth's crust now, you'll releaseforces you never dreamed could exist! [COMPUTER] Zero minus thirty seconds. Countdown moves to final phase. [DOCTOR] Listen to that! [COMPUTER] Zero minus twenty seconds. [DOCTOR] That's the sound of this planet screaming out its rage! [COMPUTER] Countdown will now proceed by seconds. [STAHLMAN 2] I order you to shoot that man! [GREG] Go on, run for it! Run! [COMPUTER] Zero minus ten seconds. Nine. Eight. [COMPUTER] Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [COMPUTER] We have Penetration Zero! [STAHLMAN 2] Don't panic! Get back to your posts! [GREG] Look, I've got a job to do here! [STEWART] Never mind him! Stop those technicians! [WILLIAMS] Are you all right, Director? [STAHLMAN 2] Yes, yes. Check all the other systems. [WILLIAMS] Yes. [DOCTOR] You're not thinking of going in there, are you? [GREG] Don't worry, I've never seen a bore I couldn't cap yet. [DOCTOR] There's never been a bore like this one. [GREG] The first thing we've got to do is get in there and check themain valve and get the coolant reserve flowing. [GREG] Stahlman! If you're thinking of going in there, you'd better putthis suit on! [DOCTOR] Somehow, I don't think he feels the heat as we do. [SHAW] Can they contain the emergency from here? [WILLIAMS] No, they have to go for the actual drill head. [GREG] Come on, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, here goes. [GREG] Oh, what the devil hit me? [DOCTOR] A piece of pipe held by Stahlman. [GREG] Stahlman hit me? [WILLIAMS] Is the Director still in there? [DOCTOR] Yes. [SHAW] Why didn't he come out with you? [DOCTOR] I think he likes it in there. [GREG] The main coolant valve's seized. I can't flood the drill headarea. [WILLIAMS] We've got to get the Director out. [DOCTOR] Yes, not to mention those technicians. [GREG] Right, let's have another go. [GREG] Oh, what the heck's going on? Well, that's crazy! [WILLIAMS] They've closed it from the inside. Bypassed the control andlocked down on manual! [SHAW] What does it say? [DOCTOR] Very little now, I'm afraid. Tell me Mister Sutton, how thickare those walls? [GREG] Thick enough. ferrous concrete, steel plating, asbestos sheeting,the lot. It could stand up to an atomic blast. [DOCTOR] Compared to the forces that you people have unleashed, anatomic blast would be like a summer breeze. [DOCTOR] What's going on out there? [STEWART] The technicians and staff have got away. Most of my securityguards have gone with them. [GREG] Perhaps they're the sensible ones. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, they'll be no better off in the long run, whereverthey go. [WILLIAMS] Doctor, I'm afraid the computer's finally broken down. [STEWART] It is your duty to remain. [SHAW] That's correct. [DOCTOR] Well, the heat will have fused the main circuits. I'll have alook. [WILLIAMS] Brigade Leader? [STEWART] Yes, Doctor Williams? [WILLIAMS] Any news from London yet? [STEWART] Massive seismic disturbances reported throughout the country.Earth tremors reported in the Midlands and as far north as Leeds. [GREG] Just what are the authorities doing? [SHAW] They've ordered an immediate evacuation of the area except foressential personnel. The Brigade Leader is to assume executive control. [GREG] Anything else? [SHAW] No, after that the line went dead. [GREG] So they're abandoning us. They're not even going to try and sealthe shaft. [SHAW] They believe that the emergency will eventually pass over. [GREG] Well, the Doctor doesn't seem to think so. [STEWART] Oh, who cares what he thinks. [GREG] I do. He talks a lot of good sense! Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes? [GREG] Surely there must be some way of sealing the shaft? Why don't thegovernment evacuate us all and blow up the whole area? [DOCTOR] Too late, Mister Sutton. You've unleashed the energies of theEarth's core. [GREG] All right, but we must cap the bore somehow. [DOCTOR] No substance on this Earth is strong enough to withstand thosepressures. [GREG] Okay, so what's going to happen? [STEWART] Well, Doctor, what is going to happen? [DOCTOR] Well, the heat and the pressures'll continue to build up untilthe Earth dissolves in a fury of expanding gasses, just as it wasbillions of years ago. [SHAW] How long have we got? [DOCTOR] Maybe a few weeks, maybe only a few days. [GREG] So it's Doomsday? We just sit back and wait for it. [DOCTOR] Don't go near him, Brigadier! Don't go near him. He's probablymore interested in getting to the drill head than he is in us. [DOCTOR] Oh. He seems to be dead this time. [STEWART] Rather surprising. [DOCTOR] It wasn't just your bullets that killed him, you know. [STEWART] The fire extinguisher? [DOCTOR] Yes, the fire extinguisher. They can't stand cold. [GREG] Well, that's enough for me. There's no point in us hanging aroundany longer. [STEWART] If you're thinking of deserting. [GREG] Evacuating is the word. If I've only got a little time left tolive, I'm going to spend it as far away from this place as I can get! [SHAW] We were ordered to remain here. [STEWART] And that's exactly what we're going to do. [GREG] You speak for yourself! [STEWART] You still have a job to do here, Sutton! [GREG] You just don't listen, do you? You heard what he said. There'snothing we can do. Is that right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so. [GREG] Well, I'm clearing out! Coming, Petra? [STEWART] You will stay here and do your duty! [GREG] You're still loyal to your glorious republic. I'd like to knowwhat your precious dictator can do for you now. [STEWART] I will not listen to treason! [DOCTOR] Gentlemen, stop arguing. Just save your energy. [GREG] For what? We're all under sentence of death. Oh, come on, Petra. [BENTON 2] I've managed to round up a few of the men, Leader. [STEWART] Good. Post them outside. No one is to leave this buildingwithout my permission. No one, Benton! [BENTON 2] Understood, Leader. [GREG] You know it's marvellous, isn't it? The world's going up in flameand they're still playing at toy soldiers! --------------------------------------- (Outside Central Control) [BENTON 2] You lot! Fall in on the double! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [GREG] Pack it in. It's no good. [WILLIAMS] We can't be sure of that. [GREG] You heard what the Doctor said. The heat will have fused the maincircuits. [WILLIAMS] The Doctor has no control here. [GREG] You could have fooled me. [WILLIAMS] It's not his responsibility. [GREG] Maybe not, but he's the only one who seems to know what's goingon. [WILLIAMS] Thank you, Mister Sutton. [GREG] Oh, I'm not getting at you, but if the Doctor's right, you'rewasting your time. [WILLIAMS] Look, if I can get this computer working again, it might giveus the solution. [GREG] Still hasn't sunk in, has it? There is no solution! The wholeplace is going to blow up. [WILLIAMS] The whole system needs rewiring. [GREG] And no one is being allowed in or out of this place. Do you getthe point now? [WILLIAMS] What point? [GREG] Those blokes in London know it's no use. If they thought therewas any chance, this place would be crawling with experts. You'd haveas much equipment as you need. [WILLIAMS] It might be on its way. [GREG] Nothing's on its way! We've been left here to die. [WILLIAMS] I don't believe that. [GREG] Oh yes, you do. Because it's logical. They're scared to let usout of here because we'll increase the panic. [WILLIAMS] They wouldn't just abandon us. They'd evacuate us if thingsgot too dangerous. [GREG] Maybe you're right. Let's hope so. [WILLIAMS] You really think this is the end, don't you? [GREG] It could be. [WILLIAMS] We're just going to die in here. I can't take it in. [GREG] Look, I'm sorry but there are times when it's better to face thetruth. [WILLIAMS] Oh, Greg, I'm frightened! [WILLIAMS] What can we do? [GREG] Well, the question really is, what you're going to do. [WILLIAMS] What do you mean? [GREG] Well, I'm going to get out of here. I could do with some helpfrom you. [WILLIAMS] From me? [GREG] Well, what about it? Are you going to be a nice well-behavedlittle zombie or are you going to join the rebels? --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [SHAW] There's nothing we can do. Absolutelynothing! [DOCTOR] You could help me to save a world, you know. [SHAW] You said we'd passed the point of no return. [DOCTOR] Not this one, Elizabeth. The other one. [STEWART] Even now, you stick to this absurd story. [DOCTOR] This other world exists, Brigade Leader. It's as true as theone you know yourselves. [SHAW] And we're all somehow duplicated there? [DOCTOR] Yes. You, the Brigade Leader, Stahlman, Sutton, Petra, all ofyou. You could save your other selves. [SHAW] Save them? How? [DOCTOR] With the aid of the Tardis. [STEWART] Tardis? [SHAW] You mean that odd-looking contraption we found in the hut? [DOCTOR] Yes. [SHAW] Could it take you back? [DOCTOR] Yes, possibly. If I could use your nuclear reactor for power. [SHAW] But if this other world is parallel, they'll be in same situationas us. [DOCTOR] Not necessarily. Work on their project is not so advanced asyours. I may be able to stop them before they penetrate the Earth'scrust. [STEWART] I think we'll take another look at this wonderful machine ofyours. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [WILLIAMS] Brigade Leader, for your information,all systems are breaking down. [STEWART] Remain here. We shall return shortly. [GREG] I wonder where he's off to? [WILLIAMS] Can't we try and get out now? [GREG] Well, you heard what he said. All the exits are being guarded bya bunch of trigger-happy thugs. [WILLIAMS] They might let us through. [GREG] And they might shoot us out of pure nervousness. Just wait ourchance. Don't worry, Petra. When the time comes, we'll get out of hereand it'll take more than a bunch of tin soldiers to stop us. [STEWART] You expect us to believe that you camehere in this? [DOCTOR] That's right. [SHAW] But this isn't a vehicle at all. [DOCTOR] No, but she's a very important part of one. [STEWART] And where's the rest of it? [DOCTOR] Back in the world where I came from. I, er, I removed theconsole to make some trial runs. [STEWART] Well, what's happening? [SHAW] You said you needed a power source to make this thing work. [DOCTOR] There's always a certain amount of energy left in the storageunit. [STEWART] I think we've seen enough of this nonsense. Come on. [DOCTOR] You said you were going to help me. [STEWART] I said nothing of the kind. This contraption is obviouslyincapable of taking anyone anywhere. We shall return to CentralControl. [DOCTOR] If you'd only try and use the little intelligence you have. [STEWART] I've no time for fairy stories. [SHAW] If you could give us some proof, Doctor. A demonstration. [DOCTOR] Proof? Demonstration? What do you think I am, a conjuror? Havecan I give you a demonstration when I haven't got. Now, wait a minute. [STEWART] Well? [DOCTOR] If I'm to do it, I'll drain the storage unit completely. Verywell, you shall have your demonstration. [STEWART] Doctor? Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, are you satisfied? Or do you think it was all done withmirrors? [SHAW] What happened? Where were you? [DOCTOR] Just a pitiful few seconds into the future. I only wish itcould have been more. [STEWART] Stay away from that! [DOCTOR] Don't be a fool, man. I can't possibly go anywhere. The storageunit is completely flat. [STEWART] If the power was connected, you could make the journey back? [DOCTOR] Perhaps. [STEWART] And take others with you. [DOCTOR] No! No, I couldn't possibly do that. [SHAW] Why not? [DOCTOR] It would create a dimensional paradox. It would shatter thespace-time continuum of all universes. [STEWART] If you can save yourself, you can save us. --------------------------------------- (Outside Central Control) [BENTON 2] Squad! 'Shun! As you were! 'Shun! Stand at ease! Don't move. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STAHLMAN 2 [OC]] Doctor Williams. The argh. Oh.Argh. [WILLIAMS] Greg? Greg? Greg! [GREG] What's up? I was disposing of that thing's body. [WILLIAMS] I just heard something from the intercom. [GREG] Not a chance. They're all done for in there. [WILLIAMS] You come and listen. [WILLIAMS] I did hear something. [STAHLMAN 2 [OC]] Argh. Oh, oh. [GREG] We've just heard something from the drill head. [SHAW] That's impossible. They must all be dead in there. [WILLIAMS] I tell you we heard something. [STAHLMAN 2 [OC]] Doctor Williams! Can you hear me? Raise the heatshield! Manual controls are jammed with the heat. [WILLIAMS] The Director. [STAHLMAN 2 [OC]] Can you hear me, Doctor Williams? Let us, let us out!Argh. [WILLIAMS] It is the Director! We've got to do what he says and let himout of there. [DOCTOR] You mustn't! [WILLIAMS] But he's alive. [DOCTOR] No! Whatever you do, don't raise that heat shield. [STEWART] If the Director's found a solution, then we need him out here.Now stand back, Doctor. [WILLIAMS] He must have unlocked the manuals. The controls are working. [WILLIAMS] Director! [DOCTOR] No! Don't go anywhere near him. Don't go near him. [WILLIAMS] But he needs help! [STEWART] Why don't they attack? [DOCTOR] They're acclimatising themselves. They don't want to get toofar away from the heat. [GREG] Let's get out of here. [GREG] The other way! [STEWART] Now they've covered both exits. [DOCTOR] We'll make a break for your office. [STEWART] Benton, get out! [BENTON 2] Please, no! No, no! No, no, no, no, no! [DOCTOR] Into the office! [DOCTOR] Leave him be! There's nothing you can do! Come on, hurry! --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [GREG] Well, we shouldn't have just left Benton!You don't mind sacrificing your men, do you, Brigade Leader? [DOCTOR] Believe me, Mister Sutton, there was nothing we could havedone. [GREG] Well not now, there isn't. He's probably been killed by thosethings! [DOCTOR] Worse than that, he'll have become one of them. The heat willaccelerate the process. [GREG] Well, why did you cut them off from the drill head? [DOCTOR] To keep them away from the heat. The hotter it is, the strongerthey grow. [GREG] Well, if it gets any hotter in here, they won't have to attack.We'll just shrivel up. [STEWART] Well, Doctor, it doesn't look as though your space craft isgoing to be much good to anybody now. [GREG] Space craft? [WILLIAMS] What are they talking about? [SHAW] The Doctor has some sort of device that could get him out ofhere. [STEWART] Only the Doctor, of course. Not the rest of us. [SHAW] He says he comes from a parallel world. [GREG] Look, will somebody tell me what's going on? --------------------------------------- (Gold's car) [GOLD] Where are we, Patterson? I don't recognise this. [PATTERSON] Different route, sir. Trying to avoid the traffic. [GOLD] What's the matter with this thing? [PATTERSON] No idea, sir. It was working on the way up. [GOLD] It took me a day's hard talking to convince the Minister, now Ican't even get in touch with the complex. [PATTERSON] Are they going to slow down the drilling, sir? [GOLD] They're going to suspend it, pending a full review of theproject. Where the devil are we? It looks like the middle of nowhere.All right, Patterson, what's going on? [PATTERSON] I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand. [GOLD] (Sharply.) Answer me, please. [PATTERSON] Orders, sir. [GOLD] From whom? Professor Stahlman, wasn't it. [PATTERSON] Yes sir. [GOLD] Was I ever supposed to get back from the Ministry? [PATTERSON] Not if you were successful, sir. I was to drive as far offthe route as I could and stage a breakdown. [GOLD] The man's raving mad. [PATTERSON] He threatened to have me sacked, sir. [GOLD] Well, you realise now that I have the Minister's full authoritybehind me. [PATTERSON] Yes, sir. [GOLD] All right. If you can break all records getting back to thecomplex, I might just forget about all this. [PATTERSON] Thank you, sir, I'll be very grateful. [GOLD] So you should be. Now put your foot down. [PATTERSON] Sir, I'd, er, I'd like you to know that I objected to theorder, sir. [GOLD] Keep your eyes on the road! Look out! --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [STEWART] So, we're expected to sacrifice all our lives so as the Doctorcan get back to his other world. [SHAW] We haven't got any lives to sacrifice. It's only a question oftime. [WILLIAMS] What do you think, Greg? [GREG] It's the weirdest story I've ever heard, but I'm prepared tobelieve the Doctor. [SHAW] You're outvoted, Brigade Leader. [STEWART] It makes very little difference as we're all trapped in hereanyway. [DOCTOR] Not necessarily. I do have a plan for getting us out, but itall depends on those creatures out there. --------------------------------------- (Stewart's office) [DOCTOR] No, no! No, don't touch it. [DOCTOR] I don't think they'll be back for a while. They'll wait tillthe temperature rises. [SHAW] How long have we got? [DOCTOR] I should say all of ten minutes. [GREG] You said you had a plan just now. What is it? [DOCTOR] Well, if we're going to get power to the Tardis console, we'llhave to connect it up to the nuclear reactor. [WILLIAMS] That's if there's any power left. [SHAW] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Well, the air conditioning's still working, so power's stillgetting through. [WILLIAMS] Only the bare minimum. The reactor must still be working offrobot control. [DOCTOR] Can you boost the output? [WILLIAMS] Well, in an emergency, the master switch automatically shutsdown the reactor banks. [DOCTOR] But it can be re-set? [WILLIAMS] It would take time. And after that I'd still have to get tothe main switch room at the reactor. [GREG] The master switch is in Central Control. How do we get throughthat lot? [DOCTOR] Well, we've still got a weapon to use against them. [SHAW] You mean the pistol? [DOCTOR] No, I don't. I mean the fire extinguisher. [SHAW] You can't hold them off with that thing for very long. [WILLIAMS] If that master switch has been damaged, it'll be a long jobresetting it. [DOCTOR] Well, there are other fire extinguishers in Central Control. [GREG] If we can get to them. Wait a minute! I'm a fool. Of course! Thecoolant reserve. I've rigged up an emergency hose. [WILLIAMS] That's it! Well, the coolant's under pressure! It's just ascold as the CO2 in the fire extinguishers. [GREG] Doctor, you've got a monster sized fire extinguisher just waitingfor you in there. [DOCTOR] Splendid. Well, we'll fight our way into Central Control usingthis. While Mister Sutton holds them off with his coolant, I'll repairthe master switch. [DOCTOR] Right. Now! --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STEWART] Hurry up, Sutton! [GREG] I'm going as fast as I can. Everything's red hot. [STEWART] I can't breathe! [DOCTOR] Well, stop talking so much. [SHAW] Look out! [DOCTOR] That's enough. Don't waste it! That's enough, I said! It'sStahlman! [WILLIAMS] Is he dead? [DOCTOR] No, I think he's just paralysed. He'll probably come to againwhen the temperature rises. [GREG] Petra, give me a hand here! [STEWART] Sutton, get that hose going! [GREG] I can't. It's seized up! [STEWART] Well, what do we do now? [DOCTOR] Right. [SHAW] Brigade Leader! [GREG] They're coming! [DOCTOR] Right, off you go! [SHAW] What about you? [DOCTOR] Don't worry about me. I'll stay and repair the master switch. [WILLIAMS] Greg! [GREG] I'll stay with the Doctor. [STEWART] Come on, let's get going! [GREG] Go on. I'll cover you! [GREG] Okay, Doctor, get on with it. --------------------------------------- (Outside Central Control) [STEWART] It is hot out here. [WILLIAMS] I still find it impossible to breathe. [STEWART] Well, no use hanging about. [SHAW] We've got to wait for them! [STEWART] We must get right away from here. [SHAW] Wait for them. [STEWART] They'll find us. [WILLIAMS] You go if you want to, Brigade Leader. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [DOCTOR] The heat's made a pretty good mess ofthis. [GREG] It's making a mess of me too, [DOCTOR] You can always join the others outside, you know, MisterSutton. [GREG] I think I'll hang around a bit longer. The natives are gettingrestless again. [DOCTOR] Are they now? [GREG] How are you making out? [DOCTOR] Slow but sure, Mister Sutton. [GREG] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm? [GREG] When you get back to that other place. [DOCTOR] If I get back. [GREG] How are you going to make sure they stop their drilling? [DOCTOR] I don't know. Maybe somebody will listen to me there. SirKeith, for instance? [GREG] But he's dead. [DOCTOR] Here, perhaps. In the other world, maybe not. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] (into phone) That's absurd! There mustbe some trace. People don't just vanish! Well, keep looking. Let meknow when you have any news. [BENTON] Excuse me, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, where is he? [BENTON] I'm sorry, sir, but he just won't come. [BRIGADIER] Sergeant, I sent you to get Professor Stahlman. [BENTON] Well, that's just it, sir. Professor Stahlman won't come. He'ssays he's too busy to [BRIGADIER] Too busy to what, Sergeant? [BENTON] He says he's too busy to waste time bandying words with apompous military idiot, sir! [BRIGADIER] Sergeant, I want to see Professor Stahlman and I want to seehim now, and I advise you not to come back without him. [BENTON] Sir, if you [BRIGADIER] A chance to use your initiative, Sergeant! [BENTON] Sir! [BRIGADIER] Carry him in here if you have to, but get him! [BENTON] Sir! [LIZ] Won't you come in, Mister Sutton? [SUTTON] Hello. Yes. How did you do that? [LIZ] With this. [SUTTON] A useful little gadget, eh? [LIZ] One of the Doctor's inventions. He used to call it the doorhandle. [SUTTON] Nice bloke, the Doctor. I miss having him around the place. [LIZ] So do I. Is there anything I can do for you, Mister Sutton? [SUTTON] Er, well, it's, er, it's like this, I [LIZ] Yes? [SUTTON] Well, I found myself passing this place and [LIZ] So you thought you'd just take a look? [SUTTON] Well, yes, I thought I might get a look at that wonderfulmachine the Doctor was supposed to be working on. [LIZ] Well, as you can see, there's nothing here. [SUTTON] He took it away with him, did he? [LIZ] That's right. [SUTTON] Do you know, it's a funny thing now. [LIZ] What is? [SUTTON] Well, I've been asking round, and nobody actually saw him go. [LIZ] Didn't they? [SUTTON] Well, that banger he uses is not exactly inconspicuous, and hedidn't say goodbye to anyone. [LIZ] He didn't have very much time. He left in rather a hurry. [SUTTON] Well, since there's nothing here now, what are you stillhanging around for? [LIZ] I don't know, I suppose I'm half-hoping he'll suddenly come back. [SUTTON] Just like that? [LIZ] He's very unpredictable. [SUTTON] I thought, possibly, the poor old Doctor had blown himself tosmithereens and you were trying to hush it up. [LIZ] Yes, well, there was a sort of an accident. [SUTTON] Well, there's no sign of an explosion. [LIZ] No, no, not an explosion exactly, he [SUTTON] Well, this is a great place for disappearances, isn't it? [LIZ] How do you mean? [SUTTON] Haven't you heard? I gather Sir Keith Gold's vanished too. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [STAHLMAN] This time, Brigadier, you've really gonetoo far. I'm literally dragged from my work by one of your ape-likeminions. [BRIGADIER] He was acting on my orders. [STAHLMAN] By what possible right can you [BRIGADIER] Professor Stahlman, I have made innumerable attempts tosecure a few moments of your valuable time. You've left me no choice. [STAHLMAN] Oh, very well. I suppose I'd better humour you. What is ityou want? [BRIGADIER] Sir Keith Gold has disappeared. [STAHLMAN] Has he? I thought he was in London pouring out his pettycomplaints to the Minister. [BRIGADIER] He left the Minister yesterday evening. He should have beenback here by last night. [STAHLMAN] Well, an accident perhaps? [BRIGADIER] There's been no report of any accident on any possible routefrom here to London. [STAHLMAN] Well then, I imagine he's had his complaints dismissed andhas taken himself off in a fit of pique. It doesn't matter. We shall dovery well without him. [BRIGADIER] I've tried to contact the Minister but he isn't available.Therefore, in view of Sir Keith's anxieties about this [STAHLMAN] Sir Keith is an old woman. [BRIGADIER] I must formally request that you delay Penetration Zerountil his return. [STAHLMAN] On no account, Brigadier. This project will be carriedthrough on schedule. My schedule. When that drill penetrates theEarth's crust, you'll see that my theories were correct. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [GREG] Time's running out, Doc. [DOCTOR] That's it. I only hope it works. Shall we go, Mister Sutton? [GREG] I thought you'd never ask. [GREG] Right you are, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hurry along, my dear fellow. Hurry along! --------------------------------------- (Outside Central Control) [WILLIAMS] There they are! --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [STEWART] I'll check the inner corridor. [DOCTOR] Now, Mister Sutton and I had better start work on the powerconnection. Will you be long, Doctor Williams? [WILLIAMS] I have to re-route the entire electrical system before I canboost the power. [DOCTOR] Be as quick as you can. [SHAW] What about the Brigade Leader and me? [DOCTOR] Well, you'd better wait here. [SHAW] Isn't there anything we can do? [DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid not. Now, I'll need some tools and a length ofheavy duty cable. [GREG] We can pick that up at the rigger's stores. You'll pass it on theway to the hut. [DOCTOR] Right, come on, let's get on with it. [SHAW] What's happening? [GREG] It's an earthquake! [WILLIAMS] It's getting nearer! [GREG] Yes, we're sitting on a powder keg! [DOCTOR] Right, come on! [STEWART] Get a move on! [SHAW] I wonder if those creatures are moving out yet? [STEWART] Quite possible. [WILLIAMS] It's getting warm enough for them. [STEWART] How long is all this going to take? [WILLIAMS] I don't know. [STEWART] Well, can't you hurry it up, Doctor Williams? [WILLIAMS] No, not if I'm to do the job properly. [STEWART] You must! We've very little time! [WILLIAMS] Brigade Leader, I'm trying very hard to carry out a complexscientific task under impossible conditions. You will not help mattersby bullying me. [STEWART] You are insolent, Doctor Williams. [WILLIAMS] Am I? Then it's about time that you learned that someproblems just can't be solved by brute force and terror. [SHAW] Better let her get on with it, Leader. We're in her hands. [STEWART] We've got to the power through to the hut. It's our onlychance. [SHAW] But the Doctor said he can't take us with him. [STEWART] Do you think he wants to help us? He's only concerned with hisown safety. [SHAW] I think he's telling the truth. I think he has been all along. [STEWART] When the time comes, he will take us. He'll have no choice. [GREG] So that's the contraption, is it? [DOCTOR] The console, Mister Sutton, the console. [GREG] Well, I thought it'd be a bit more impressive than that. [DOCTOR] What did you expect? Some kind of space rocket with Batman atthe controls? [GREG] And this brought you all the way here, did it? [DOCTOR] Er, well, it wasn't exactly a journey in the accepted sense ofthe word. It sort of slipped me sideways into your dimension. [GREG] Will it take you back? [DOCTOR] Theoretically, yes. [GREG] Well, is it all right? [DOCTOR] I hope so. Now fix the connector to the cable, will you? [GREG] Right. I hate to tell you, but if we put the entire output of thenuclear reactor through this, it'll blow in the first few seconds. [DOCTOR] A few seconds are all I need, Mister Sutton. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [STEWART] Are you making any progress? [WILLIAMS] I'm worried about the relay circuits. They're not functioningproperly. I'm trying to rig up a bypass. [SHAW] Could the reactor have packed up? [WILLIAMS] No, it's still working, but it could go at any moment. [STEWART] Yes, we're well aware of that, Doctor Williams. You musthurry! [WILLIAMS] As I've already told you, Brigade Leader, I'm hurrying asfast as I can. [SHAW] All right, Brigade Leader, we're still here. [STEWART] I don't like your tone. Those explosions are getting closer.I'm thinking about the safety of all of us. [SHAW] Oh, yes, yes, of course you are. [STEWART] We've all got to get out of here! [WILLIAMS] You go if you want to. I shall stay here and finish the work. [STEWART] You carry on with your work! [SHAW] Where's there to go? [STEWART] If that spacecraft of the Doctor's works, you'll see foryourself. [SHAW] You don't really think you can force him to take us? He's not thesort of man you can frighten. [STEWART] Once that thing's working, we can take it over. [SHAW] We don't know how to operate it. [STEWART] Doctor Williams can learn how to operate it. She's ascientist! [SHAW] That device is beyond all our comprehension. [STEWART] Then I shall have to persuade him to operate it for us. [SHAW] And if he tries to go by himself? [STEWART] And leaves us to die? I shall make sure that he dies first. [GREG] If we get you back, Doctor, you'd better make darn sure they stoptheir drilling. I'd hate to think all this was for nothing. [DOCTOR] Right. You can connect up the cable now. [GREG] Right. And cross our fingers and trust to luck. [DOCTOR] We're not relying on luck, Mister Sutton, but skill. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [SHAW] Finished? [WILLIAMS] I think so. I just have to switch on and pre-set the powercontrols. [SHAW] How do we know the Doctor's ready for the power? [WILLIAMS] Oh, it doesn't matter. The power won't flow until he switcheson at his end. [STEWART] And then we may all go up in smoke? [WILLIAMS] No, I've switched off all other circuits. [SHAW] Good luck. [STEWART] Well? What's happened? [WILLIAMS] Nothing. [SHAW] There must still be a fault. [STEWART] So, you've been wasting our time. [SHAW] Try again. [WILLIAMS] It's no use! I'll have to go through the whole wiring systemall over again! [GREG] What's happened to them? They should be backhere by now. [DOCTOR] You must try and be patient. [GREG] If those explosions reach the nuclear reactor. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [STEWART] That's coming from the drill-head! [SHAW] The shaft must be splitting open! [STEWART] Well [STEWART] Get out! Get out both of you! [GREG] No sign of them. Nothing! [DOCTOR] Well, that appears to be that. I doubt whether they would havelistened to me anyway. [GREG] They're coming! All three of them! Well done, Petra! Are youready, Doctor? [DOCTOR] What's the matter? [WILLIAMS] I'm sorry. I couldn't get the power through. I did all Icould. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course you did, my dear. [GREG] Well, we tried, eh, Doctor? [DOCTOR] One can't do more than that, Mister Sutton. [STEWART] Oh, very philosophical, Doctor. Thank you very much, I knewyou tried. All very cosy. [DOCTOR] Hysteria won't help us, Brigade Leader. [STEWART] Nothing will help us. That bore's going to blast any minuteand we'll all be roasted alive. [GREG] Look what's happening to our hard man. You were all very toughwhen you were backed up by a bunch of thugs. How do you like it on yourown? [STEWART] I warn you [GREG] You warn me? That's a laugh. You're finished, Brigade Leader.Finished! [STEWART] I can still deal with you, Sutton! [GREG] With that? Even if you had the guts, you'd only be doing me afavour. [GREG] What do you do now, slap my wrists? [STEWART] I don't need a gun to finish you! [DOCTOR] Listen to that! Do you want to end your lives fighting likeanimals? [GREG] Where's Petra? [SHAW] She's gone back to the main switch room to have another try atgetting the power through. [GREG] Oh, the idiot! I'd better get after her. [DOCTOR] I'll come with you. [GREG] No, Doctor! You stay here. She might just manage it, and if shedoes, you need to be here. --------------------------------------- (Nuclear Reactor Switch Room) [GREG] What do you think you're doing? [WILLIAMS] I'd nearly finished the rewiring when we had to run out ofhere. I only need a few more minutes. [GREG] It was crazy to come back in here. [WILLIAMS] It doesn't matter. He's dead. [GREG] Well, he may not have been. What are you trying to do, commitsuicide? [WILLIAMS] What does it matter? We're nearly finished anyway. [GREG] All right but get a move on! [GREG] Are you all right? [WILLIAMS] I think so. That should do it. [WILLIAMS] It's working! [GREG] All right, let's get back to the hut. [SHAW] The power's coming through! [DOCTOR] It's coming through all right, and it's gaining rapidly. [SHAW] Hurry, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Well done, Doctor Williams! [WILLIAMS] Quickly, Doctor. The power won't last for long. [STEWART] Long enough. You're going to take us with you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I can't. It's impossible. [STEWART] I advise you to try. [DOCTOR] I can't. I literally can't! It'd create a cosmic disaster. [STEWART] You're not going to leave us here! [DOCTOR] Do you think I want to? I'd give anything to save you all. [GREG] It's not loaded! [SHAW] Let him go, Brigade Leader. [STEWART] We helped him. we've every right to go. I'll give you untilthree, Doctor. One [DOCTOR] You'll have to shoot me, Brigade Leader. I have no intention oftaking you. [STEWART] Two. Three [SHAW] Now's your chance, Doctor! [GREG] Go on, Doctor. Get on with it! [SHAW] Go on, Doctor! Go now! [DOCTOR] I can't! It's still too erratic! [WILLIAMS] Greg! [LIZ] Doctor! [LIZ] Sergeant! Over here, quickly! [BENTON] What's the matter? It's the Doctor! [LIZ] I can see that. Tell the Brigadier. [BENTON] Right, Miss Shaw. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STAHLMAN] It's perfectly straightforward, Petra. We boost all powercircuits to maximum load and that'll give us a further acceleration ofthree point six percent. Well, do you find some fault in mycalculations? [PETRA] Of course not, Professor Stahlman. [STAHLMAN] Well then, what's the matter? [PETRA] We're already twelve percent over the planned acceleration.Well, another three percent'll take us well over the safety margin. [STAHLMAN] Safety margins are for cautious old women like Sir Keith. Iknow perfectly well what I'm doing. Pass on my instructions please. [SUTTON] You look worried. [PETRA] He's ordered a further acceleration. Three point six percent. [SUTTON] But he can't do that! [PETRA] I'm afraid he can. [SUTTON] We're pushing the safety limits now. [PETRA] Yes, I know. [SUTTON] I'm going to have a word with him. [PETRA] Greg, it's no use. He usually listens to me, but this time [SUTTON] But not any more, eh? Let's face it, Petra, he's losing hisgrip. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman's been working on this project for years. Hemust know what's going on. [SUTTON] But he can still make mistakes, can't he? If he makes one atthis stage, it could be a lulu! [PETRA] Greg, let me talk to him first. [SUTTON] All right. You go and soften him up and I'll close in for thekill. [BENTON] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Well, Benton? [BENTON] Excuse me, sir, but it's the Doctor. He's, well, he's back. [BRIGADIER] Well, where is he? [BENTON] Well, he's in the hut, sir. Miss Shaw's with him. [BRIGADIER] Right, I'll come back with you now. [BENTON] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [STAHLMAN] My dear Miss Williams, much as I valueyour services, I must remind you that you're not in control of the [PETRA] Professor! Professor Stahlman! Are you all right? You look ill. [STAHLMAN] Yes, I have a headache, that's all. [PETRA] You really ought to go to the sickbay. [STAHLMAN] I'm perfectly all right. [SUTTON] Look, Professor Stahlman, this accelerated drilling. It justisn't on, you know. [STAHLMAN] Someone else is about to tell me how to run my own project. [SUTTON] Well, we should be slowing down at this stage, not forcing thepace. [STAHLMAN] The drilling will continue at the pace I decide. [SUTTON] Professor, you've been working on this project for years,right? What's the mad rush in the last few hours? [STAHLMAN] We must reach penetration zero at the earliest possiblemoment. Every second [SUTTON] Professor? Professor? You need a rest. [STAHLMAN] I don't want to discuss the matter any further. Please carryout my instructions at once. [SUTTON] I thought you were supposed to soften him up? [PETRA] He just wasn't listening. Greg, he's ill. He had some sort ofattack! [SUTTON] Yes, I saw it. Let's face it this whole thing's getting toomuch for him. He's cracking up. [LIZ] Heart's beating steadily. [BRIGADIER] Both of them? [LIZ] Yes. [BRIGADIER] Well, what's the matter with him? [LIZ] Some sort of coma. [BRIGADIER] How long before he comes out of it? [LIZ] Difficult to say. Could be a few hours, a few months. [BRIGADIER] Months? [LIZ] Some people never recover. [BRIGADIER] I'll send for a doctor. [LIZ] I happen to be a doctor, Brigadier, remember? [BRIGADIER] Shouldn't he be in hospital? [LIZ] I think it'd be very dangerous to move him at all. [BRIGADIER] What, leave him here? [LIZ] Why not? It's quiet. We can keep him warm. [BRIGADIER] Miss Shaw, I really think he needs medical attention. [LIZ] Brigadier, I will look after him. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SUTTON] If you could spare me a moment, Professor?I've been checking an emergency flange on number two output pipe. [STAHLMAN] It was repaired some time ago. [SUTTON] Yes, well, the man didn't do a very good job and at the ratewe're drilling, that flange could blow at any moment. [STAHLMAN] Then what do you suggest? [SUTTON] Well, if you could slow down the drilling rate, I can get aproper job done. [STAHLMAN] Another transparent excuse for delay. [SUTTON] Excuse, nothing! At the speed we're drilling, we could blowthis place sky high before you ever reach penetration zero. [STAHLMAN] Mister Sutton, you're here on sufferance. That being thecase, I suggest [SUTTON] I'm here because I was sent for by Sir Keith! And believe me,working with you is no pleasure. [STAHLMAN] Then I suggest you stop interfering in matters beyond yourunderstanding. [SUTTON] I'm trying to help. I am supposed to be an advisor. [STAHLMAN] Yes, one of Sir Keith's little army of experts. Well, wedon't need your advice, Mister Sutton. Now that ridiculous Doctor hasgone, Sir Keith himself has gone, why don't you follow their example?And then we might make some progress. [SUTTON] Don't worry, I'll do just that. As far as I'm concerned you canblow yourself to kingdom come! [PETRA] Greg! You're not serious, are you? [SUTTON] Of course I'm serious. If I can't do anything else, at least Ican save my own neck. Why don't you come with me? [PETRA] You're convinced there'll be a blow up? [SUTTON] I'd take odds on it well? [PETRA] I can't leave. You know that. [SUTTON] Loyal to the last, eh? [PETRA] I wish you'd change your mind about leaving. [SUTTON] Why? [PETRA] Well, if anything were to happen, I'd like to think you werehere. [SUTTON] Just for the good of the project? [PETRA] No! Not entirely. I've just got used to your being around. [SUTTON] Maybe I haven't been wasting my time down here after all. [BRIGADIER] (into phone) Hello. Get me Control.Yes, I can hear the alarms. Now this is Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.Now get me Control! [BRIGADIER] Hello, Control? Lethbridge Stewart here. Now, what'shappening? Yes. Yes, yes, yes, go on! How serious? [LIZ] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Number two. Number two output pipe blown. [LIZ] Doctor, can you hear me? [DOCTOR] Number two output pipe. [BRIGADIER] What did he say? [DOCTOR] Very dangerous. Very dangerous. Number two output pipe blown. [BRIGADIER] How on earth did he know? [LIZ] What? [BRIGADIER] The emergency flange on number two output pipe has blown.It's just this minute happened. [LIZ] Listen. [DOCTOR] There's only one thing, one thing to do. Reverse, reverse allsystems. Reverse all systems immediately. [LIZ] Reverse all systems. [DOCTOR] Reverse all systems! [BRIGADIER] Delirious. [DOCTOR] Yes. [LIZ] He knew [BRIGADIER] But how could he? Look at him, he's still in a coma. [LIZ] Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor? Doctor? [BRIGADIER] It's no good. [LIZ] Keep an eye on him, Brigadier. I think Central Control ought toknow about this. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [STAHLMAN] Keep calm! This is only a minor emergency. It can becontained. [PETRA] Professor, stop the drill! [STAHLMAN] No, positively not. [SUTTON] You'd better do something, and quick, Professor, otherwiseyou'll bust this place wide open! [STAHLMAN] Have those riggers arrived yet? [SUTTON] Look, an army of riggers are not going to get you out of thisone! [STAHLMAN] Oh, get back there. Go on! Get back to your posts all of you!Back to the drill head. How dare you leave bank seven. (Stahlman chasesa group of technicians back into the drill head.) [SUTTON] Look at him! He's out of his mind! He's not even trying tothink of a solution! [PETRA] Is there one? [LIZ] What would happen if you reversed all the systems? [SUTTON] What? [LIZ] Reversed everything. [SUTTON] Well, it's not such a crazy idea. It's been done before. [PETRA] With an oil shaft? [SUTTON] Yes, in Arabia. You push all the coolant down the output pipesand draw up the debris from the bottom of the shaft in the input pipes. [LIZ] Reverse the vortex? [SUTTON] Yes. [LIZ] It's a possibility, theoretically. [PETRA] Professor Stahlman would never permit it! [LIZ] Just do it. [SUTTON] Why not? What about it, Petra? [PETRA] Come on! [SUTTON] Well, I reckon it's working. [LIZ] Seems to be. [SUTTON] That was a brilliant idea of yours. [LIZ] Oh, it wasn't my idea. [SUTTON] Then who? No, don't tell me. The Doctor. I heard he was back. [LIZ] That's right, the Doctor. [STAHLMAN] I gave no such orders. [PETRA] No, Professor Stahlman, I did. [STAHLMAN] Even you, Petra. [LIZ] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] (waking) Liz? It is Liz. [BRIGADIER] How are you, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Fine, Brigadier. You know, you really do look better with thatmoustache. [BRIGADIER] Delirious, poor chap. [LIZ] Doctor, you really ought to rest. You've been unconscious. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm very well aware of that. Oh, the pulse seems to bemore or less normal, at a hundred and seventy. Yeah. Yes, both tickingaway quite nicely. Although the right one seems a fraction faster.Still that's only to be expected, isn't it? [LIZ] Doctor, where did you go? Where did the Tardis console take you? [DOCTOR] Same time, same place, only a different dimension. It was aparallel world, Liz. Terrible things are happening there. Terriblethings. It wasn't this Earth, and yet it was. I didn't go backwardsinto the past, or forwards into the future. I slipped sideways. [LIZ] You must lie down. [DOCTOR] Brigade Leader, that technician, the one who went berserk andstarted killing people, have you found him yet? [BRIGADIER] No. [DOCTOR] And Stahlman, how's he? [LIZ] Still as difficult as ever. [DOCTOR] But no worse? [LIZ] Well, I haven't noticed. [DOCTOR] How's the drilling? [LIZ] Just a minute. [DOCTOR] Sir Keith! [GOLD] My dear fellow, so you've come back to us after all. [DOCTOR] So you're not dead? [GOLD] No, I came very close to it though. [BRIGADIER] Why, what happened? [GOLD] Car crash. [DOCTOR] But you're not dead. [BRIGADIER] You can see he's not dead. The Doctor's been ill, sir. [DOCTOR] That's excellent! Excellent! [GOLD] Well, yes, yes, I think so too. Brigadier, I shall have to layvery serious charges against Professor Stahlman. He ordered mychauffeur to delay my return. [DOCTOR] So not everything runs parallel. [GOLD] He's been ill, you said? [BRIGADIER] Yes, a coma. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, of course. An infinity of universes, ergo aninfinite number of choices. So free will is not an illusion after all.The pattern can be changed. [BRIGADIER] (into phone) Hello, get me the medical section will you?Thank you. [DOCTOR] Now look. [BRIGADIER] Yes, very well. [DOCTOR] Now, wait a minute. I'm not sick, I'm not in need of a doctorand I'm not a raving idiot! [BRIGADIER] No, no, no, of course not. Perhaps you've had some sort ofnightmare. [LIZ] He did disappear. We saw him. [DOCTOR] Sir Keith, unless we do something very, very quickly indeed,there's going to be a disaster. [GOLD] How do you know, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Because I've already seen it. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [DOCTOR] Professor Stahlman? You must stop thisdrilling immediately! [STAHLMAN] Who let this maniac back in here? [DOCTOR] Do you hear me? Close down this operation now! [STAHLMAN] Brigadier, arrest this man. [DOCTOR] Now listen to me, all of you! You are not to attempt topenetrate the Earth's crust! [STAHLMAN] Brigadier, did you hear what I say? [BRIGADIER] Doctor, please? [DOCTOR] Get out of my light! Now stop this drilling! [LIZ] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Stop this drilling! You don't understand, do you? [BRIGADIER] Benton, get some help, quickly! [DOCTOR] You've got stop this drilling! [SUTTON] Now Doctor, calm down! [STAHLMAN] You see? Completely demented. [DOCTOR] Stop this drilling! [BRIGADIER] Take him to the sick bay. Be careful. I don't want him hurt. [LIZ] No, you can't! [DOCTOR] Now Liz, listen to me. Computer. There's a micro circuitmissing. [LIZ] I'll look. Will you treat him carefully? [DOCTOR [OC]] Stop it! Stop this drilling! [STAHLMAN] Brigadier, I hold you responsible. [GOLD] Professor Stahlman, I'd like to speak to you please. [STAHLMAN] Ah, Sir Keith. I thought you were supposed to be in London.An accident? [GOLD] This is a direct consequence of your orders to my chauffeur. [STAHLMAN] Hmm? Huh! Ridiculous. [GOLD] Professor, the Minister would like you to report to himimmediately, please. [STAHLMAN] Oh, he would, would he? [GOLD] There's to be an inquiry into this project and, if I may say so,into your conduct. [STAHLMAN] You can make as many inquiries as you like, my dear Gold,after we've penetrated the Earth's crust. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [PETRA] Professor Stahlman, I'll be switching torobot controls in forty nine minutes. [STAHLMAN] Thank you. [PETRA] Any wrong, Professor? [STAHLMAN] I feel very cold in here. [PETRA] Cold? [STAHLMAN] Yes. Have the maintenance people raise the temperature. [PETRA] But it's running normally. [STAHLMAN] Do as I say. [STAHLMAN] All of you leave this area immediately! Go on! I shallcontrol the last phase of this operation alone. Stand by in the drillhead there. Now, go on! Get out, all of you. Go on. Do as I say. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SUTTON] He's just ordered them all out of there.Now do you believe he's cracked up? [PETRA] Greg, the heat shield! --------------------------------------- (Research complex) [DOCTOR] Well, I'm sorry about this, gentlemen. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [PETRA] Professor Stahlman! Please! What's happening? What's going on inthere? [GOLD] Why don't you raise the heat shield? [SUTTON] Because he's locked it down on manual from the inside. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [SUTTON] What does the thing say now? [COMPUTER] Zero minus two minutes, fifty seconds. [LIZ] The Doctor's right. It advises us to stop the drilling at once. [COMPUTER] Robot control now operational. [SUTTON] Why don't you give the order, Sir Keith? [GOLD] Oh, I can't. The order to close down must come from theProfessor. I have no authority to intervene. [COMPUTER] Zero minus two minutes, forty seconds [DOCTOR] Where's Stahlman? [LIZ] He's locked himself in there! [COMPUTER] To final build up. [DOCTOR] Good. Then stop this infernal drilling. Well, what are youwaiting for?! [COMPUTER] Zero minus two minutes, thirty seconds [DOCTOR] Stop this drilling and start filling up that shaft! [GOLD] The data from the computer isn't conclusive, Doctor, nor isStahlman's behaviour. We have no proof of an emergency situation. [COMPUTER] Zero minus two minutes, twenty seconds. Heat control shieldsnow on stand by. [MAN] Zero minus two minutes ten seconds. [DOCTOR] Stahlman, get back! Sutton, the fire extinguishers! [DOCTOR] Fire extinguishers! [COMPUTER] Zero minus two minutes, zero seconds and counting. Conditionred three now commences. [BRIGADIER] That's Stahlman? [GOLD] What's happened to him? [DOCTOR] Petra, the drill. Close it down. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute fifty seconds. [GOLD] Cut off the nuclear power. [PETRA] But the drill will disintegrate! [SUTTON] All the better! [COMPUTER] Monitoring circuits. [PETRA] Prepare for emergency shutdown! [TECH 1] Section one standing by. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute [TECH 2] Section two standing by. [TECH 3] Section three standing by. [DOCTOR] Hurry, hurry! [PETRA] Shut down, now! [TECH 1] Section one shut down. [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, thirty seconds. [TECH 2] Section two shut down. [COMPUTER] Power build up now completed. [TECH 3] Section three shut down. Shut down completed. [BRIGADIER] But it's still going on! [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, twenty seconds. [DOCTOR] That's the buffer controls at the drill head. Come on! [COMPUTER] Non-technical staff to safety positions. [BRIGADIER] Buffer controls? [GOLD] Oh, they it slow down by stages. It'll keep going for at leastfive minutes. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, ten seconds. [SUTTON] The server switches are smashed! [COMPUTER] All systems check for final countdown. [SUTTON] Is there anything you can do? [DOCTOR] I can only try. --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [COMPUTER] Zero minus one minute, zero seconds andcounting. Final countdown commences now. --------------------------------------- (Drill head) [COMPUTER] Zero minus --------------------------------------- (Central Control) [COMPUTER] Fifty seconds. Stand by. [COMPUTER] Attention, attention. Countdown drilling stopped at minusthirty five seconds. All systems closed down. [DOCTOR] Sir Keith, I think you'd better give orders for that shaft tobe filled in straight away. [GOLD] Indeed, I will. [BRIGADIER] I'll send for a stretcher party. [DOCTOR] Shine on Martian moons, up in the sky. Join in. Liz, come on. [DOCTOR] Shine on, shine on, Martian moon. [GOLD] Sorry to disturb you, Doctor. I just popped in to say goodbye. [DOCTOR] Oh, are you leaving, Sir Keith? [GOLD] Everyone is. [BRIGADIER] Word came through this morning. This project is beingofficially abandoned. [DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sorry to hear that. What about the nuclearreactor? [GOLD] They're dismantling it tomorrow. [DOCTOR] Oh, but there's time for me to use it just once more, I hope? [GOLD] Oh, yes, of course, with pleasure. It's the least we can do. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Sir Keith. By the way, how's Sutton and MissWilliams? [GOLD] Oh, they've left already. [LIZ] Together? [GOLD] Well, I believe he is driving her to London in his car. [DOCTOR] Nothing like a nice happy ending, is there? [GOLD] No. Well, goodbye, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Sir Keith. [GOLD] Goodbye, Miss Shaw. [LIZ] Bye bye, Sir Keith. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Oh, there's quite a lot of mopping up to do. I shall bearound for quite a while yet. [DOCTOR] Oh, pity. Well, come on, Liz. If we've going to link up to thatnuclear reactor, we'd better get a move on. [LIZ] Now, just a moment, Doctor. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, you're not still tinkering with this machine afterall the trouble it's caused us? [DOCTOR] The trouble it's caused you? [BRIGADIER] Doctor, if you hadn't chosen such a crucial moment todisappear, this whole business might have been cleared up a great dealsooner. [LIZ] Well, he did try to warn everybody, Brigadier. [DOCTOR] And a fat lot of notice you all took. [BRIGADIER] So, you went gallivanting off in a fit of pique. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, there are times when you strongly remind me of yourother self. I shall leave at once. [LIZ] In the Tardis console? [DOCTOR] Naturally. [LIZ] Oh, but Doctor, you can't. [DOCTOR] With the work that we did today, the Tardis console is nowfully operational. [BRIGADIER] We seem to have heard that before. [DOCTOR] Goodbye, Liz. I shall miss you, my dear. But I've had about allI can stand of this pompous, self-opinionated idiot here. [LIZ] Now see what you've done. [BRIGADIER] Well, I didn't know he'd go off like that. The man's soinfernally touchy. [LIZ] Well, I shall be most interested to see how you get on withouthim, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] May I remind you, Miss Shaw, that you're still a servingmember of UNIT? I don't entirely care for your tone. [LIZ] I don't much care for yours either. No wonder the Doctor clearedoff. [BRIGADIER] Welcome back. [LIZ] Where did you go? [DOCTOR] A few seconds forward in time, and a few hundred yards due eastin space. [LIZ] The rubbish tip? [DOCTOR] The rubbish tip. [LIZ] Oh, dear. [DOCTOR] Er, Brigadier, my dear fellow, I wonder whether I could borrowa couple of your stalwart chaps to give me a hand in bringing theTardis back? It's landed in rather an inaccessible position. [BRIGADIER] Pompous, self-opinionated idiot, I believe you said, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, well we don't want to bear a grudge for a few hasty words,do we? No, not after all the years that we've worked together. Now comelong, my dear fellow, put on a smile. Just remember all
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s07", "episode": "e04", "title": "Inferno"}
Doctor Who (2 Jan, 1971; Third Doctor) - Terror of the Autons (Circus) [ROSSINI] (Italian) Who the heck are you© Well© [MASTER] I am usually referred to as the Master. [ROSSINI] Oh© Is that so© [MASTER] Universally. [ROSSINI] Well, I am Luigi Rossini, internationally, and conjurers Idon't need. Okay© [MASTER] Unfortunately I need you, Lew Russell. [ROSSINI] (London) What did you call me© [MASTER] Lew Russell. It happens to be your real name. [ROSSINI] Now listen, Mister. Get off my pitch while you're still safe!. [MASTER] Why, you insolent primitive. [ROSSINI] Oh, so you it want the hard way, do you© Right. --------------------------------------- (National Space Museum) [MUSEUM ATTENDANT] Here, you! What do you think you're doing© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR [OC]] (sings) I don't want to set the world on fire! [DOCTOR] Not today, thank you. [JO] Doctor, I, er [DOCTOR] I said not today, thank you. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [DOCTOR] Oh no! [JO] It's all right. I've dealt with it. [DOCTOR] Dealt with it© You've ruined it! [JO] But your bench was on fire. [DOCTOR] Three months delicate work and now look at it, you ham-fistedbungler. [JO] But this whole place might have gone up in flames. [DOCTOR] My dear young lady, steady state micro-welding always createsmore smoke than fire. [JO] Steady state micro-welding© [DOCTOR] Yes. An advanced engineering technique pioneered by theLammerdenes. A remarkably gifted race. They have nine opposable digits. [JO] Nine what© [DOCTOR] Nine opposable digits. Yes, well, never mind. Look, I said Idon't want any tea today, thank you. [JO] I'm not the tea lady. [DOCTOR] Then what the blazes are you doing in here© [JO] I've [DOCTOR] Don't you know this area is strictly out of bounds to everybodyexcept the tea lady and the Brigadier's personal staff© [JO] I'm your new assistant. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [JO] The Brigadier sent me along to introduce myself, Doctor. JosephineGrant. [DOCTOR] How do you do, Miss Grant© I really don't think you'resuitable. [JO] I'm a fully qualified agent, you know. Cryptology, safe breaking,explosives. [DOCTOR] Fire fighting© Yes, well, I'm sorry, my dear, but what I needis a scientist. [JO] I took general science at A-Level. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure you did, but, even so. [JO] I'm sorry I ruined your experiment. [DOCTOR] That's all right. [DOCTOR] Look, Miss Grant, I've got a great deal of work to do. You mustexcuse me. [JO] The Brigadier wanted me to show you this report. [DOCTOR] Mmm© [JO] Something was stolen for the Natural Space Museum. It was on loanfrom this HQ. [DOCTOR] Oh, what was© [JO] A translucent polyhedron, eight and a half inches in diameter. [DOCTOR] Well, that's the Nestene's energy unit. It should never haveleft this building. [JO] Apparently they wanted it for a special display. The Brigadiersigned the authorisation. [DOCTOR] The Brigadier's an idiot! I knew I should have destroyed thatthing but somehow it would have felt like murder. [JO] You mean it was alive© [DOCTOR] Yes, in a way. Yes, that container held a form of alienintelligence. [JO] But you've just got to be joking. [DOCTOR] There's precious little to joke about, Miss Grant. That thingis appallingly dangerous. [JO] But who would want to steal it© [DOCTOR] Exactly. Who and why© --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Telescope Control) [GOODGE] I told her again last night. [PHILIPS] Hmm© [GOODGE] Elsie. Cut out the hard-boiled eggs, I said. Quite apart fromtheir effects on my digestion, they're aesthetically boring. [PHILIPS] Uh huh. [GOODGE] Here you are. [PHILIPS] Oh, thank you, Goodge. [GOODGE] Will there be anything else© [PHILIPS] Er, not for the moment. Oh, by the way, talking of eggs, Iwant a four hour scan below the hydrogen line tomorrow. [GOODGE] All right. [PHILIPS] I'll give you the precise wavelength later. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Main Control) [PHILIPS] Goodge! What the blazes is happening© --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Telescope Control) [PHILIPS [OC]] Goodge, do you hear me© --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Main Control) [PHILIPS] The shaft angling code has gone crazy.Are you there, man© Check the feed back control! --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Telescope Control) [PHILIPS [OC]] Goodge! What the devil do you think you're playing at© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] You've been agitating for a newassistant ever since Miss Shaw went back to Cambridge. [DOCTOR] Liz was a highly qualified scientist. I want someone with thesame qualifications. [BRIGADIER] Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself sooften remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes and to tell youhow brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably. [DOCTOR] Well, what's the girl doing here anyway© UNIT's no place fortrainees. [BRIGADIER] No, I couldn't agree more, Doctor, but Miss Grant was verykeen to join us and she happens to have relatives in high places. [DOCTOR] So you tried to palm her off onto me. Well, it won't work,Brigadier. I'll have a properly qualified assistant or none at all. [BRIGADIER] Very well, Doctor. I'll reassign her. [DOCTOR] Good. [BRIGADIER] But I think you should break the news to her yourself. [DOCTOR] Well, now, wait a minute. [JO] Hi, Doc. I. Good morning, sir. [BRIGADIER] Good morning, Miss Grant. [JO] I've checked all incoming reports. Still nothing on the stolenmeteorite. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. [JO] And I've chased those electronic spares you wanted. They promiseddelivery tomorrow, without fail. [DOCTOR] Miss Grant, I, er, I, er. Well, I don't. This is, er, a bitdifficult for me to say but. Er. Thank you, Jo. I can see you're goingto be of great help to me. [JO] Thank you, Doctor. Report from one our field sections, sir. CaptainYates. Some kind of sabotage at a radio telescope. Two of theirscientists have disappeared. [DOCTOR] Let me see that. (reads) We'd better get down there right away. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill) [YATES] The Director's expecting you, sir. [DOCTOR] Is that where the sabotage took place© [YATES] No, sir. It seems to have happened in the control cabin in thetop of that tower. [DOCTOR] Well, that's where you'll find me then. No, Miss Grant. Youstay here with the Brigadier. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Main Control) [YATES] Director© Miss Josephine Grant andBrigadier Lethbridge Stewart of UNIT. [JO] Good morning. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Telescope Control) [TIME LORD] Oh, dear. Don't go away, Doctor. My co-ordinates seem tohave slipped a little. Still, not bad after twenty nine thousand lightyears. [TIME LORD] I do hope you can spare a moment or two, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Sarcasm always was a weak point with you, wasn't it. May I saythat I think you look quite ridiculous in those clothes. [TIME LORD] I am travelling incognito. [DOCTOR] Oh© Why© [TIME LORD] We Time Lords don't care to be conspicuous. Some of us, thatis. [DOCTOR] Look, if you've come down merely to be rude [TIME LORD] I came to warn you. An old acquaintance has arrived on thisplanet. [DOCTOR] Oh© One of our people© [TIME LORD] The Master. [DOCTOR] That jackanapes! All he ever does is cause trouble. [TIME LORD] He'll certainly try to kill you, Doctor. The tribunalthought that you ought to be made aware of your danger. [DOCTOR] How very kind of them. [TIME LORD] You are incorrigibly meddlesome, Doctor, but we've alwaysfelt that your hearts are in the right places. But be careful. TheMaster has learnt a great deal since you last met him. [DOCTOR] I refuse to be worried by a renegade like the Master. He's a,he's an unimaginative plodder. [TIME LORD] His degree in cosmic science was of a higher class thanyours. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, er, yes, well, I, I was a late developer. [TIME LORD] Would you call that little surprise unimaginative© [DOCTOR] What© [TIME LORD] Look through the door, but be careful. [DOCTOR] A volatiser. If that thing should fall [TIME LORD] It'll explode and probably destroy this research centrecompletely. You see, he's rigged it up so that it opening the door willmake it fall. Such an amusing idea. [DOCTOR] Well, you'd better think of a witty way of dealing with it. [DOCTOR] Now wait! [TIME LORD] Oh, good luck! --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Telescope Control) [YATES] Any luck© [DOCTOR] Keep back. [YATES] What's that© [DOCTOR] A bomb. [YATES] A bomb! Is it defused© [DOCTOR] It is now. [YATES] Where on earth did you find it© Oh, I'm so sorry. Er, this isthe Director. [DIRECTOR] How do you do© I hope you realise the police have alreadyinvestigated this matter. [DOCTOR] Where's Lethbridge Stewart© [YATES] He and Miss Grant are questioning the staff. [DOCTOR] Huh. A fat lot of use that'll do. [DIRECTOR] After all, it's hardly an international matter, is it© [DOCTOR] I understand you've lost a couple of scientists. [DIRECTOR] Yes. Professor Philips and his assistant, Goodge. [DIRECTOR] Goodge must have left in quite a hurry. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, he must. [DOCTOR] Oh, no! [YATES] What's wrong© [DOCTOR] Look for yourself. [DIRECTOR] It's Goodge! --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [MASTER] I'm very glad that you could see me at such short notice,Mister Farrel. [FARREL] Well, your telephone call was pretty intriguing, Colonel. Er,do sit down. [MASTER] Oh, thank you. [FARREL] Er, we, er, do have a little spare capacity at the moment. [MASTER] I would say more than a little, considering that your plant hasbeen working at less than half volume for over a year. [FARREL] I see you've done your homework, Colonel. Well, I, er, admit Iwas interested when you mentioned a steady repeat demand. [MASTER] The people I represent, Mister Farrel, can never have too muchplastic. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] What is a Nestene© [DOCTOR] Ask Captain Yates. He had the job of clearing up the mess lasttime. [JO] Well, what is a Nestene© [YATES] Oh, a Nestene© Er, it's a bit difficult to describe, exactly. [DOCTOR] A Nestene is a ruthlessly aggressive intelligent alien lifeform. [JO] Well, what do they look like© [DOCTOR] Well I expect myself their basic form is analogous to acephalopod. [JO] What's a cephalopod© [DOCTOR] An octopus. I thought you took an A-Level in science. [JO] I didn't say I passed. Urgh, an octopus. [DOCTOR] They manifest themselves as a disembodied, mutually telepathicintelligence. [JO] But if they're disembodied, how can they hurt us© [YATES] They make themselves bodies when they need them. [JO] You mean like Frankenstein© [DOCTOR] No. They have a natural affinity for plastic. Now, if you'vequite finished asking questions© [JO] Sorry. Just forget I'm here. [YATES] At least we should be ready for them this time. [DOCTOR] Too late, Captain. They're here already. [JO] What© [DOCTOR] The radio telescope is their bridgehead. They used that tocontain energy into that surviving Nestene unit. [DOCTOR] Brigadier. Look, that unit must be discovered within the nexthour. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I'm well aware of the urgency of the situation, Doctor.If we had some idea where its been taken. [DOCTOR] Well, try the plastics factories, man. [BRIGADIER] Yes. I'll set up a search straight away. Yates. [YATES] Right, sir. [JO] Can I help, sir© Please© [BRIGADIER] Very well, Miss Grant. [JO] I'll start by making out some lists. --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [MASTER] You will obey me and no one else. Do you understand© [FARREL] I shall obey. I shall obey. I shall obey. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] And you're convinced this man isworking with the Nestenes© [DOCTOR] Oh, I should think by now he'll be calling himself theirCommander in Chief. Vanity's his weakness. Ah, there you are. It shouldbe cooked by now. [BRIGADIER] This, er, this device of his. Is it very powerful© [DOCTOR] Oh, I should say roughly equal to a fifteen megaton bomb. [BRIGADIER] Really© Well, the research boys'll be glad to get theirhands on this. [DOCTOR] Too late, Brigadier. I've boiled out the contents. The weaponsthat you have on Earth are quite nasty enough as it is. --------------------------------------- (Plastics Factory) [MASTER] Now the computer. [FARREL] This way. [MASTER] I see. Excellent. [FARREL] What are you going to do© [MASTER] I wish to alter the masterplan. [FARREL] But that would change our whole production lines! [MASTER] Naturally. [FARREL] My father would never dream of allowing [MASTER] My dear Mister Farrel, don't worry about him. You are under anew thumb now. [JO] Oh, hello. --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [MASTER] Who went to the Radio Telescope Station© [JO] Myself, the Brigadier and The Doctor. [MASTER] As I thought. Curiosity is his weakness. Well, I should have tosee that it's satisfied. You will return to UNIT with a negativereport. You found nothing suspicious. Everything was in order. [JO] Yes. Everything in order. [MASTER] When you leave this room you will have no memory of meeting me,only Mister Farrel. [JO] Only Mister Farrel. [MASTER] Your instructions are already implanted. You will obey themwithout a further word from me. [JO] I shall obey. [MASTER] Good. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [YATES] Yes, what is it, Sergeant© [BENTON] Excuse me, sir. We've just had a call from the civil police.They found Philip's car abandoned. [YATES] Where© [BENTON] In a field about nine miles away from the research station, andthey say there's a zinc box in the boot with UNIT markings. [YATES] The energy unit© [BENTON] I've told them not to touch it, Doctor. [YATES] What do you think, Doctor© [DOCTOR] I still am. [YATES] Huh© [DOCTOR] Thinking. --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [McDERMOTT] (Irish) I think you'd better go home.Sure, look, I know all our customers and there isn't a Colonel Mastersamongst them. [FARREL] You're quite wrong, James. He's taking over our entireproduction at the moment. [McDERMOTT] Entire© Here, look, I'll tell you what, Rex. Now look, yougo through those orders, yes© And you show me this chap. Go on. [FARREL] All right. [FARREL] I don't understand. There should be a card for him! [McDERMOTT] Look Rex, I think you ought to take a couple of days off.I'll ring your father and he can come [FARREL] May I remind you, Mister McDermott, that my father is retired.I'm running this place now. [McDERMOTT] Your father built this place up from nothing. Sure, Iremember when I was a wee lad, he [FARREL] All right, all right, all right! Let's not go over all thatagain. [McDERMOTT] Look, I'm sorry, Rex, but I especially promised your fatherI would [FARREL] There's no need to bring father into it! Look, I'll go andfetch him. He's only down in the lab. [McDERMOTT] Who© [FARREL] Colonel Masters, of course. He'll explain everything. [McDERMOTT] Sylvia© Get me Mister Farrel senior, please. --------------------------------------- (Research Laboratory) [MASTER] No! Don't be frightened, Farrel. The Autons are my servants.Why do you come here© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [YATES] That's not an issue padlock, is it© [BENTON] No. I'll try and find some keys. [JO] I can open it. [YATES] A key for every occasion, eh© [YATES] Doctor, we've got the box down here. [DOCTOR [OC]] Good. I'll be right down. [DOCTOR] Stop her! That's a bomb! [JO] I've got to open it! I've got to! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BENTON] Strewth! There's going be some complaints about that you know,Doctor. [DOCTOR] My dear Sergeant, if that box hadn't been tied, you wouldn't behere to receive any complaints. [BENTON] Yes sir. I mean, no, sir. [YATES] What gave you the idea it was a booby trap, Doctor© [DOCTOR] She did. [YATES] What's wrong with her© [DOCTOR] Almost certainly post-hypnotic alienation. [YATES] She's been hypnotised© [DOCTOR] Well, of course. Why else do you think she tried to blow us allto pieces© Come on, my dear, come and sit down over here. Get a chair,Captain Yates. Come on, you sit down here. There. Good. [YATES] Well, I understood that under hypnosis it was impossible for [DOCTOR] You thought that under hypnosis it was impossible for a subjectto be persuaded to do anything that was against his nature© [YATES] That's right. [DOCTOR] Well, it's a fallacy, Captain. The Master can completelycontrol the human mind. [BENTON] So he can just take over anyone he likes© [DOCTOR] No, not quite. No, some minds are stubborn enough to resisthypnosis. In any case, it doesn't last. Away from the Master'sinfluence, the mind struggles constantly to free itself. [YATES] Is she in some sort of a trance© [DOCTOR] I think the current jargon is schizoid dissociation. It'sbecause she was forced to do something against her will and herconscious mind refuses to accept the fact. The result is a deep trauma. [YATES] Jo© Where's the Master© [DOCTOR] She won't remember that. [YATES] But she might. Jo! Where is the Master© --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [McDERMOTT] Mister Farrel tells me you've changedthe mix. What right have you got to interfere© Do you know you'veruined a whole day's production© [MASTER] You call this ruined© [McDERMOTT] Well, it's the wrong colour and the wrong texture. Of courseit's ruined! [MASTER] You don't appreciate its full potential, do you. [McDERMOTT] Look and I don't want to. It doesn't meet our specification. [MASTER] This plastic has got unique properties, Mister McDermott. Allowme to demonstrate. [McDERMOTT] It's unique, right enough. So, er, you're a magician as wellas a Colonel, eh© [MASTER] I am many things. [McDERMOTT] Aye, well, that's as maybe, but you're not a director ofthis company, Colonel Masters. I am in charge of production here and Ianswer only to Mister Farrel and his father. [MASTER] Look, why don't you try it© [McDERMOTT] Well, you'll never sell that, I'll tell you that fornothing. Sure, it looks like like a black pudding. [MASTER] Try sitting in it. [McDERMOTT] It's got a cold clammy feel to it. Now plastic should bewarm and dry with a [MASTER] Sit down! [McDERMOTT] It's moving. [MASTER] No, I will not tolerate his insolence. [FARREL] Sylvia, will you check Mister McDermott's entitlement ontermination of employment, please© [MASTER] It's a very clumsy operation, this. You can see now why thisproduct's got to be changed. [FARREL] Oh, I don't know. Seems very effective to me. [MASTER] What© Yards of plastic to accomplish that which can be done byjust a few inches© [FARREL] A few inches© [MASTER] Yes, Farrel. The human body has a basic weakness. One that Iwhich I shall exploit to assist in the destruction of humanity. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Jo, wake up. Wake up, Jo. This is theDoctor. You're amongst friends. [YATES] It's no good. I think we're just wasting [DOCTOR] Please! Be quiet! [JO] Doctor© [DOCTOR] Yes© [JO] Doctor© Doctor! You [DOCTOR] All right, all right. [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Calm down, Jo. Calm down. We're quite safe. [JO] There was an explosion! [DOCTOR] That was a long way away. Believe me, that was a long way away.Now we're all quite safe. Look around you. See for yourself. Lookaround. Look. Look, we're all here. [JO] The box! I had to open it! There was a voice. [DOCTOR] Yes well, that voice. Where were you when you heard that voice© [JO] A room [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [JO] I don't know where. [DOCTOR] Yes. What sort of a room© [JO] There was a desk. [DOCTOR] Yes. [JO] A telephone. [DOCTOR] An office© Was it a factory office© [JO] Yes! Yes, an office. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, where was that factory© Do you know the name of thefactory© [JO] No. [DOCTOR] Well, try and remember. [JO] I can't remember. I can't remember! --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [FARREL SR] Dead© He can't be. [FARREL] I'm afraid so, father. [MASTER] Yes he sat down in this chair here, and just slipped away. [FARREL SR] I can't take it in. [FARREL] Yes, it's very sad. [FARREL SR] Well, what did the doctor say© [FARREL] I. I'm not sure. It all happened so suddenly. You see [FARREL SR] Oh, well, anyway, I suppose it's hardly decent in thecircumstances but I've driven a long way to talk to you, Rex. [FARREL] Er, yes, father© What about© [FARREL SR] About the way you seem determined to throw away the years ofwork I've put into this factory. Now just what is going on here© [FARREL] We're changing our policy, father. Introducing new methods, newproducts. [FARREL SR] You're doing nothing of the sort. You'll carry on on thelines I laid down, or I'll come out of retirement and do the jobmyself. I'm not past it, you know. [MASTER] Allow me to explain, Mister Farrel. [FARREL SR] I'd be very much obliged if you would. [MASTER] The changes that I have suggested are for the good of thefactory. Now you must trust me, there's nothing to worry about. [MASTER] Nothing to worry about. [FARREL SR] Trust you. Nothing to worry about. There's a great deal toworry about, sir! And frankly, the thing that worries me most is yourpresence here. [MASTER] Why you [FARREL] No! [MASTER] Congratulations, Mister Farrel. Usually I can overcomeopposition but your will is exceptionally strong. One might saydangerously strong. [FARREL SR] Damned impertinence. Rex. Rex, hadn't you better go home©I'll see after things here. [FARREL] No. Please, I can manage. [FARREL SR] All right. I'll give you till tomorrow. And by then I wantthis Masters fellow out of here and production back to normal. --------------------------------------- (Outside the office building) [MASTER] Oh, Mister Farrel© [FARREL SR] I've nothing to say to you, sir. [MASTER] Well, I thought if you actually saw one of our new lines. [FARREL SR] Disgusting object. No demand for a thing like that. [MASTER] I think you're wrong, Mister Farrel. [FARREL SR] Well, since you won't be making any more of them, we shan'thave a chance to find out. [MASTER] Why don't you keep this for a while© Think it over. [FARREL SR] I don't want the thing! [MASTER] Ah, but I insist! [FARREL SR] You're wasting your time. [MASTER] Not at all. I'm simply trying out a new product. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Hello, Jo. Are you feeling better© [JO] Yes, I'm fine, thank you. [DOCTOR] That's good. [JO] I just wanted to say how sorry I am. [DOCTOR] What on earth for© [JO] The bomb! I might have killed you all. [DOCTOR] Oh, that was nothing to do with you, my dear. That was theMaster. [BRIGADIER] You're supposed to be on sick leave, Miss Grant. [JO] I'm okay now again, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, so you've recovered your memory then© [JO] No, I'm afraid I haven't. I've tried and tried to remember. [DOCTOR] Yes, well don't. It'll only make things worse. Leave your mindalone. Something may pop up of its own accord. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, we can't just sit about waiting for something topop up from Miss Grant's mind. If my agents don't turn up somethingsoon, I'm going to surround and search every factory on that list. [DOCTOR] You know, Brigadier, your methods have all the refined subtletyof a bull in a china shop. [BRIGADIER] Any news© [YATES] Well, it's a bit tenuous. sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, out with it. [YATES] You know the field where we found Professor Philips' car© [BRIGADIER] Yes. [YATES] Well, Sergeant Benton noticed that the turf was all churned up.So he did a bit of checking and he found that a circus had just left. [DOCTOR] Oh© Where's the circus now© [YATES] Tarminster. [BRIGADIER] I'll get some of my men down there with photographs ofPhilips. Someone at the circus may have seen him. [DOCTOR] I haven't been to a circus for years. I think I'll go myself. [BRIGADIER] All right, Doctor. I'll get you an escort. [DOCTOR] No, thank you, Brigadier. No, I'll go on my own, if you don'tmind. Don't want a lot of soldiers crashing about, do we© [JO] Can I come© [DOCTOR] Er, no, Miss Grant, I don't think so. Not just yet. [JO] But I'm fine now. [BRIGADIER] Miss Grant. [DOCTOR] I'll need some photographs of that man Philips. [BRIGADIER] Oh, they're in my office, but I still don't see why youdon't want members of my company to come with you. (The Doctor andBrigadier leave.) [YATES] What's up now© [JO] Oh, nothing. Life's just wonderful. [YATES] Easy, love. [JO] I've really got off to a terrific start, haven't I© I find the maneverybody's looking for, I forget where he is and I end up by trying toblow you all sky high! [YATES] No-one's blaming you. [JO] Oh no! You all just tell me to keep out of the way. I'm not achild, you know. [YATES] Well, you're acting like one. [JO] Sorry. But if only I could show them. [YATES] Don't try. Just do as the Brigadier says. [JO] Yes, of course, you're quite right. --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [FARREL] I've sent the staff home as you ordered, Colonel. [MASTER] Excellent. Begin maximum output of our new product. [FARREL] Without workers© [MASTER] The Nestene Autons will run the factory. [FARREL] Oh! Er, I'm still afraid my father will make trouble. He, er,doesn't understand. [MASTER] Don't worry about your father. I've persuaded him to change hismind. [FARREL] Why did you send Philips to the circus© The UNIT people mayfind him. [MASTER] But I sent him there to be found by UNIT. Or better still, bythe Doctor. [FARREL] I'm sorry, I don't understand. [MASTER] You see, the bomb was by way of being a greetings card, a smalllittle gallantry on the eve of battle. The car will lure the Doctor tothe circus, and there, I shall destroy him. --------------------------------------- (Circus) [DOCTOR] Philips. Professor Philips. [HANDLER] Sorry, pal, never seen him. --------------------------------------- (Farrel Senior's home) [MRS FARREL] Oh, poor Mister McDermott. It must have been a terribleshock for Rex. [FARREL SR] On the contrary. When I walked in, he was just carrying onwith his work as if nothing had happened. [MRS FARREL] Oh John, no! [FARREL SR] And this Colonel Masters was just as unconcerned. Frankly,they both seemed to me quite inhuman. [MRS FARREL] You will make Rex get rid of that man. [FARREL SR] I most certainly shall. Frankly, I didn't take to the chapreally, or to his repulsive toy. Now, just look at that! [MRS FARREL] Oh, it's a horrible looking thing. There's something evilabout it. --------------------------------------- (Circus) [ROSSINI] Into me wagon, quick! --------------------------------------- (Rossini's caravan) [DOCTOR] This is outrageous. Let me go at once! [ROSSINI] You've got some hopes. All right, Tony, he's no elephant.What's your name© [DOCTOR] Smith. [ROSSINI] Smith© You've got no imagination. Try again, Mister Smith. [DOCTOR] Doctor actually. [ROSSINI] Horse doctor maybe© [DOCTOR] You're an insulting ruffian, aren't you© [ROSSINI] Why were you so interested in my friend's horsebox© [DOCTOR] What's your friend's name© [ROSSINI] His name's none of your business. [DOCTOR] A strange name. How long's the horse box been here© [ROSSINI] Shut up! I'm asking the questions! Tony. [ROSSINI] He'll snap your arm like a twig, Mister. Tony don't talk muchbut he's strong. [DOCTOR] All right, my dear chap, there's no need to do that. I'mperfectly prepared to answer all your questions. And, er, what was thequestion© [ROSSINI] My friend's horsebox. Why were you so interested© [DOCTOR] I was listening. [ROSSINI] What for© [DOCTOR] Certain vibrations. [ROSSINI] Hmm. I don't think my friend's going to like you. [DOCTOR] I'm sure of it. Where is he© [ROSSINI] Away. [DOCTOR] How much are they paying you© [ROSSINI] Come, come, Doctor. Gentlemen don't discuss money. [DOCTOR] Nonsense, gentlemen never talk about anything else. Now, listento me. If you're prepared to forget that you've ever seen me and let mego, I will reward you very handsomely. [ROSSINI] Is that so© Let's have a look, Tony. [ROSSINI] Oh, pity. [DOCTOR] I can get money quite easily. [ROSSINI] Eccentric millionaire, eh© Hello. [DOCTOR] Do you recognise that man© [ROSSINI] Maybe. [DOCTOR] That is a photo of a missing government scientist. If you'vehad anything to do with concealing him, you are in very serioustrouble. [ROSSINI] Someone's in trouble all right, Doctor, but it isn't me. --------------------------------------- (Telephone box) [JO] They're holding him prisoner in one of thecaravans. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Just what do you think you're doingdown there, Miss Grant© --------------------------------------- (Telephone box) [JO] Sorry, sir, no time to argue. I'll go and seeif I can help the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] You'll do nothing of the sort. You'llstay in the background till I arrive. Is that clear© --------------------------------------- (Circus) [JO] It's Professor Philips. --------------------------------------- (Farrel Senior's home) [FARREL SR] It must have been a heart attack Isuppose. [MRS FARREL] Try not to worry about it, dear. What's this thing doingover here© [FARREL SR] It's the boy's attitude I can't understand. [MRS FARREL] It certainly doesn't sound like my Rex. Oh well, I'll gomake the coffee. [FARREL SR] It's beyond me. [MRS FARREL [OC]] John, are you all right© [MRS FARREL] John© (she screams) --------------------------------------- (Rossini's caravan) [ROSSINI] You don't give very good answers, my friend. [DOCTOR] Maybe you're not asking the right questions. [ROSSINI] No Tony, don't break his arms. Yet. I think I'll tell myfriend you've arrived. He'll know what to do with you. [ROSSINI] You know, Doctor, the cost of meat is exorbitant. Maybe myfriend'll let me feed you to the tigers. [DOCTOR] You've got a very distorted sense of humour, haven't you© [ROSSINI] All right, Tony, watch him. [DOCTOR] The strong silent man, eh© [DOCTOR] You've got no right to keep me here, you know© I've got a goodmind to call for help. Help! Help! Help! [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What the blazes are you doing here© I told you to stay atheadquarters. [JO] It's just as well for you I didn't, isn't it© [JO] Doctor, I've seen Professor Philips. [DOCTOR] Oh, where© [JO] He went into a horsebox, over there. --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [MASTER] This girl you say who's been following you. describe her© [PHILIPS [on monitor]] Small, blond, short hair. [MASTER] Sounds like the Doctor's little friend. I wonder. Switch on thescanners, Philips. [MASTER] Very well, Philips. You know what you have to do. [PHILIPS [on monitor]] Yes, Master. --------------------------------------- (Rossini's caravan) [JO] What on earth is he doing inside a horsebox© [DOCTOR] It isn't exactly a horsebox. It just happens to look like one. [JO] You mean there isn't a horse inside. [DOCTOR] No more than there's a policeman inside my police box. [JO] So what do we do now© [DOCTOR] Well [DOCTOR] Wait! Philips, wait! Don't move, Jo. [JO] What's he holding© [DOCTOR] Some sort of a grenade. Now, Philips, you listen to me. You areabout to commit murder. [PHILIPS] I must. He said I must! [DOCTOR] Wait. You just listen. The Master is controlling your mind. Youmust resist him. You can resist him. You are Professor George Philipsof the Radio Telescope research centre. You must resist him! [DOCTOR] You must resist him! Down, Jo! --------------------------------------- (Circus) [JO] What happened© [DOCTOR] He tried to get rid of it. Poor chap. [JO] What are you doing© [DOCTOR] Shan't be a moment. [ROSSINI] Come on! Spread out! They can't have gone far! [JO] Hurry, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, that didn't take long, did it© [JO] Long enough, I'm afraid. [DOCTOR] Now, wait a minute, listen to me. Now listen to me, all of you! [ROSSINI] Tried to rob my caravan and killed one of my men with a bomb!Get 'em! [BRIGADIER] Here, wait! [YATES] They're in the back, sir. The Doctor and Jo. [BRIGADIER] Better go and bail them out. --------------------------------------- (Police car) [JO] Are you all right, Doctor© Doctor! [DOCTOR] Thank heavens. Nothing damaged. [JO] You speak for yourself. I'm bruised all over. [DOCTOR] It's a good thing you chaps turned up when you did, otherwisewe might have been lynched. Lethbridge Stewart must have sent them.Yes, it's nice to know he can use his head once in a while. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Comms room) [BENTON] Yes, sir. I've checked with CountyHeadquarters. You were right. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Then it's not a police car at all. [BENTON] No, sir. Definitely not. --------------------------------------- (Police car) [JO] Doctor© Where are they taking us© [DOCTOR] It isn't Tarminster. [JO] It's some sort of a quarry. [DOCTOR] Excuse me officer, could I see your warrant card© --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [BRIGADIER] Spread out. they can't be far! [BRIGADIER] Doctor© Miss Grant© [DOCTOR] Get down, man! Get down! [YATES] Look out! [DOCTOR] They're Autons! Bullets can't stop them! [DOCTOR] Right, now! --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [FARREL] Colonel© Colonel, the Autons that weresent to recover the bodies of the Doctor and the girl [MASTER] Have returned without them. I know. [FARREL] And you're not angry© [MASTER] Because the Doctor's escaped again© No. He's an interestingadversary. I admire him in many ways. [FARREL] But you still intend to destroy him© [MASTER] Of course and the more he struggles to postpone the moment, thegreater the ultimate satisfaction. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Six, the Nestenes have landed a smallbridgehead force. Seven, they're operating from somewhere from withinthis area. Eight, they're being led by an intelligent alien known asthe Master. Nine, all their operations have, so far, been primarilydirected at us here at UNIT. [BRIGADIER] Ten, what are you doing, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Did you want me© [BRIGADIER] I should like your attention, Doctor, until we've settled ona course of action. That is, of course, unless you have something ofgreater importance to attend to© [DOCTOR] No, no, of course not. No, do carry on, it's most interesting. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. Where was I© [YATES] Ten, sir. [BRIGADIER] Ten. The enemy intention [DOCTOR] The enemy intention is to occupy your planet. I should havethought that was quite obvious. [BRIGADIER] To do that they will have to land additional forces. Inother words, this is no more than a diversionary thrust. Do you agree,Doctor© [DOCTOR] Well, I should have thought that was pretty obvious too, isn'tit© [BRIGADIER] We have, as you know, raided the circus and arrested Rossiniand his thugs. And what have we learned from them© [DOCTOR] Nothing. Rossini is just a tool. The Master used him and thendiscarded him. [BRIGADIER] There was no sign of alien activity at the circus. Thismysterious horsebox had vanished. So had the Autons. [DOCTOR] Naturally. Oh, you have finished with me now, I hope© [BRIGADIER] Not quite. [DOCTOR] Oh. [BRIGADIER] I therefore propose that we redouble our security here andconcentrate on finding the Master's headquarters. [DOCTOR] Oh, well, having reached that brilliant conclusion, how aboutgetting on with it© Captain Yates, is my car back yet© [YATES] Safe and sound, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh good, that's something anyway. [BRIGADIER] Any further comments, Doctor© [DOCTOR [OC]] I'll let you know as soon as I think of any. [BRIGADIER] Captain Yates, we will continue this conference in myoffice. [DOCTOR] Do you know, Jo, I sometimes think that military intelligenceis a contradiction in terms. [JO] You're not very grateful, are you© [DOCTOR] What© For having my time wasted© [JO] He did save our lives, you know. Well© Didn't he© [DOCTOR] You're quite right, Jo. I'll apologise, if I have the time. [JO] What are those things© [DOCTOR] Well, that is the discarded circuit from my Tardis and this isan identical circuit that I, er, borrowed from the Master's horsebox. [JO] What does it do© [DOCTOR] You wait there and I'll show you. [DOCTOR] Bye bye, Jo. [JO] Doctor, where are you going© [DOCTOR [OC]] Just a proving flight. [JO] Doctor! What's happening© [DOCTOR] Of all the stupid useless. [JO] Doctor. Doctor, stop being childish. [DOCTOR] What's wrong with being childish© I like being childish. [JO] What were you trying to do anyway© [DOCTOR] Well, my Tardis uses a mark one dematerialisation circuit and Itried to replace it with a mark two. [JO] What's the joke© [DOCTOR] Well, I've just thought of something. My Tardis might not work,but neither will his now. Wherever he is, he's trapped on Earth. --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [MASTER] Farrel, be careful. Careful. I don't want an accident. [FARREL] I was admiring the workmanship. [MASTER] Do you think people will be impressed© [FARREL] They're the finest plastic flowers I've ever seen. [MASTER] Yes, well, that's our object. To show the world the skill ofthe modern plastics industry. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [AUTON] We're ready, Farrel. We must drive to the next distributioncentre. [FARREL] No! The Master must be obeyed! Must be obeyed. [AUTON] We will wait a little longer. If he's not then returned, weshall drive on. [MASTER [OC]] You will obey me, Farrel. I am your Master. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] (reads) From field section one. Continuouswatch maintained. Nothing to report. Business appears to be proceedingnormally. No unusual activity. Everything checked and found in order.Report completely negative. Nothing to report so far. Will continue tosearch. It's worthless! Absolutely worthless! [JO] Now, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Days of exhaustive investigation by the Brigadier's band ofbloodhounds and what have they discovered© Nothing, absolutely nothing.The incompetent imbeciles. [JO] We're doing everything possible, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No news from any of those plastic factories© [JO] Well, there were those reports of a promotional tour. [DOCTOR] My dear girl, the Master is scarcely likely to advertise whathe's doing. [JO] I suppose not. [DOCTOR] I will not give up. He's lying low somewhere and we've got tofind him. [JO] Maybe he's given up. [DOCTOR] The Master© Never! He's too conceited. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, this is Mister Brownrose from the Ministry. He'scome to us with a rather alarming story. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm not in the mood for stories. [BROWNROSE] Is this man a member of your staff© [BRIGADIER] The Doctor acts as our scientific consultant, yes. Hisassistant, Miss Grant. [BROWNROSE] How do you do. I hope he's qualified to deal with a matterof this complexity. [DOCTOR] I think you'll find, sir, that I'm qualified to deal withpractically everything, if I choose. [BROWNROSE] I must say, Brigadier, I'm far from satisfied that you'vegrasped the urgency of this matter. [BRIGADIER] I assure you I have. [BROWNROSE] It's not something to be shuffled off onto some strayboffin, you know. [DOCTOR] Now just a moment, my good man. We at UNIT are very busy with anumber of extremely urgent matters. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, please. [DOCTOR] The Brigadier has a great deal on his plate. You cannot expecthis exclusive attention for your petty concerns. [BROWNROSE] Oh, can't I sir© Now, I'll have you know that my [DOCTOR] Who's in charge of you pen pushers these days© Old TubbyRowlands isn't it© [BROWNROSE] Lord Rowlands is head of our department, yes. [DOCTOR] I was saying to him in the Club only the other day, wrong sortof chap is creeping into your lot, Tubby, I said. [BROWNROSE] Well, of course, I didn't mean to imply anything offensive. [DOCTOR] No. No, of course not. Say no more about it. Right now,Brigadier, what's your problem© [BRIGADIER] Pretty serious, Doctor. A wave of sudden deaths all over theHome Counties. [DOCTOR] Cause© [BROWNROSE] Asphyxiation, heart failure, shock. [BRIGADIER] In other words, no satisfactory explanation at all. [BROWNROSE] I'm afraid not. [JO] Some kind of virus© [BROWNROSE] There's no evidence of infection. [DOCTOR] Any connection between the victims© [BROWNROSE] None whatsoever. Different ages, sexes and occupations.Apart from the first two deaths, there's no connection at all. [DOCTOR] What about the first two© [BROWNROSE] Well, the first was a man called McDermott, the second,Farrel. [JO] Farrel© [BROWNROSE] Production Manager and retired owner of the same plasticsfactory. --------------------------------------- (Farrel Senior's home) [DOCTOR] Mrs Farrel, I do realise how distressingthis must be for you. [MRS FARREL] I've already been over it with the police. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Believe me, it is terribly important, you know.You could help us save hundreds of lives. [JO] Would you like us to come back another time© [MRS FARREL] No dear, I'll be all right. Well, I'd gone to make thecoffee after lunch, but I heard a noise. I came in and found him. [JO] Your husband seemed quite normal when you left him© I mean not illor anything© [MRS FARREL] Well, he was a little worried and depressed, I think, buthe certainly wasn't ill. [JO] Did he say why he was depressed© [MRS FARREL] Oh, the death of Mister McDermott upset him, of course, andI do know he was very disturbed about developments within the firm. [DOCTOR] What sort of developments© [MRS FARREL] Well, he seemed to think that Rex, our son, he seemed tothink that he'd fallen too much under the influence of a new customer.My husband didn't like him at all. [DOCTOR] What was his name© [MRS FARREL] Colonel Masters. [DOCTOR] I knew it. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [YATES] Doctor, did you. Who are you© [ENGINEER] Telephone engineer, sir. Just finishing. [YATES] Got your pass© [ENGINEER] Blimey, not again. I've been checked more times than [YATES] Pass. Thank you. Okay, fine. Why such a long flex© [ENGINEER] Specially ordered, sir. Perhaps the gent likes to walk up anddown while he's talking. [YATES] Sounds very like him. [ENGINEER] That's it then. --------------------------------------- (Farrel Senior's home) [DOCTOR] Is there anything else you can tell usabout this Colonel Masters© [MRS FARREL] Well, er, I believe he's still working with Rex. I've beentoo upset to think about the business. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, but can you remember anything that your husbandsaid about him© Anything at all© [MRS FARREL] I don't think so. Oh, John did bring one of the new dollshome to examine. [DOCTOR] What sort of dolls© [MRS FARREL] Well, wasn't my idea of a doll at all. [DOCTOR] Could we see it, Mrs Farrel© [MRS FARREL] Yes of course. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [JO] Yes, I see what you mean. [MRS FARREL] It wasn't intended for children, naturally. Some sort of anovelty for grown ups, I suppose. It's odd, you know. [DOCTOR] What is© [Mrs FARREL] Well, when I went out of the room, that thing was on theradiator by the door. [DOCTOR] Yes© [MRS FARREL] But after they'd taken John away, I found it under thecurtains. It was as if it was trying to get out. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Right. Now, lets take a look at thisthing. [YATES] Charming little chap, isn't he. Where did you get it© [DOCTOR] Scalpel. [DOCTOR] Forceps. [JO] What are you doing© [DOCTOR] I'm just poking about. Oh, it appears to be made of solidplastic. [BRIGADIER] Why would they make a thing like that solid© [DOCTOR] Why indeed© Let's try the head. Oh. That appears to be solidplastic, too. It's no good, I'll have to make a full analysis. [YATES] Where'd you pick it up© [JO] From the house of a man called Farrel. [YATES] Why bring it here© [JO] Well, the Doctor seems to think it might have killed him. [DOCTOR] Jo, get in touch with scientific supplies, will you© Tell themI need these things straight away. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, how on earth could a thing like that kill anybody© [DOCTOR] That, Brigadier, is what I'm trying to find out. [JO] Hello, scientific supplies section© [BRIGADIER] Do you have the result of the post mortem© [JO] I have a requisition for you, top priority. [DOCTOR] Yes, asphyxiation, cause unknown. [YATES] It might have frightened him to death. [JO] Scanning molecular structure analyser. [YATES] But asphyxiation© Well, it's not alive. [JO] Electrode unit. [DOCTOR] The Nestenes change the molecular structure of plastic, CaptainYates. They energise it in some way and turn it into quasi-organicmatter, almost like flesh and blood. Well, it's inert at the moment.Something must have activated it. [JO] That's it. Thank you. The equipment's on its way, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Good. How long will it be© [JO] Quite a while, I'm afraid. They've had to send out for most of it. [DOCTOR] What© Do you mean that they haven't got a scanning molecularstructure analyser in stock© Oh really, Brigadier. You should keep thisplace better supplied, you know. I cannot work without properequipment. [BRIGADIER] I'm very sorry, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, just as well. It'll give me more time to look atMister Farrel's plastic factory. [BRIGADIER] Now just a moment, Doctor. I'm aware for your preference foracting as a one-man band, but this does happen to be a UNIT operation. [DOCTOR] Lethbridge Stewart, I can assure you [YATES] He's right you know, Doctor. I'd better come with you. [BRIGADIER] No! I shall accompany the Doctor myself. I'm not entirelydeskbound yet, you know and I [YATES] Sir [BRIGADIER] That will do, Captain Yates! May I remind you that you'reduty officer today. If you're ready, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Jo, nobody is to touch that thing until I've had the chance ofexamining it properly, all right© [JO] Don't worry, I won't go anywhere near it. Yuk! --------------------------------------- (Coach) [AUTON] We will leave now. [FARREL] No, not until the Master returns. [AUTON] We shall leave without him. We must keep to schedule. [FARREL] For the last time, no! [FARREL] Who are you© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [YATES] Until you've had a mug of army cocoa, you just haven't lived. [JO] You know, I don't think the Doctor would approve of that. [YATES] What© [JO] Making free with his Bunsen burner. Hello© Scientific suppliessection© I'd like to speak to Mister Campbell please. [YATES] Then he shouldn't go gallivanting off leaving me stuck here. [JO] What about me© I'm stuck here too, you know. [YATES] Oh well, that's different, isn't it© I'll just go and fetch thegubbins. [JO] Thank you and good night, Captain Yates. Hello© Mister Campbell©Oh, I see. No, no, I'll hang on. Will he be long© --------------------------------------- (Plastics factory) [BRIGADIER] Is anybody there© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] Yes, well, the Doctor does need it ratherurgently so I thought [JO] Yes, that's quite true, but if anybody could, you could. You'redead right, we'd be in terrible trouble. Could you© Could you really©You're a dolly Scotsman, Mister Campbell. Yes, of course. --------------------------------------- (Plastics factory) [DOCTOR] It's open. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] Mike! Mike, come quickly! [YATES] Jo! What's the matter© --------------------------------------- (Factory office) [BRIGADIER] Seems as though they've moved camp. [DOCTOR] Yes. Today. [BRIGADIER] Oh, how do you know that© [DOCTOR] Desk calendar. Hello© [BRIGADIER] What have you got there© [DOCTOR] A daffodil. A plastic daffodil. Hang onto it for me, will you© [BRIGADIER] What do you want it for© They give these things away withsoap. [DOCTOR] It's plastic, Brigadier, and any plastic artefact, anything atall, can, in the Nestene sense of the word, be alive. First a doll,then a flower. [BRIGADIER] What are you getting at, Doctor© [DOCTOR] I wish I knew. [DOCTOR] Oh, have a look at that desk, old chap, will you© [BRIGADIER] Yes. [DOCTOR] You never know, there might be something there to give us alead. [BRIGADIER] Oh, nothing much here. Unless this might be something. [DOCTOR] Mmm© [BRIGADIER] Farrel's ordered a coach this week. A fifteen-seater. [DOCTOR] Well, maybe he's going on a works outing. [BRIGADIER] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Look out! Auton! [DOCTOR] Remarkably persistent, aren't they. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] This thing actually attacked you© [JO] It was going to if Mike hadn't shot it. It was horrible. [BRIGADIER] Seems as though you may be right, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I usually am. [BRIGADIER] Well, it's dead enough now. [DOCTOR] Jo, where were you when this thing started moving© [JO] I was on the telephone. [DOCTOR] And what about you, Captain Yates© [YATES] I wasn't here. I'd just gone out to, er, fetch some cocoa. [DOCTOR] Yes, well something must have. Fetch a tin of what© [YATES] Cocoa. [DOCTOR] Are you trying to tell me that you were going to make cocoa inmy lab© [YATES] That was the general idea. I'm sorry, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, Sergeant. (pause) Now wait a minute. You didn't byany chance use my bunsen burner, did you© [YATES] Well, yes. [DOCTOR] Well that's it then. Heat! This thing was lying alongside mybunsen. It must be triggered off by a pre-determined temperature. [BRIGADIER] Yes, that may account for Farrel's death, Doctor. What aboutall the others© [DOCTOR] If this thing is what I think it is, we may have the answerright here. Right, off you go, the whole lot of you. [JO] Me, too© [DOCTOR] Yes, you too. No. No, you go down to the stores and see if youcan chase up that Mister Campbell, all right© [JO] Okay. [DOCTOR] Hello, yes© What is it© --------------------------------------- (Telephone box) [MASTER] Hello, Doctor. Is that you© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Who is this© What do you want© --------------------------------------- (Telephone box) [MASTER] Simply to say goodbye, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) (UNIT Corridor) [DOCTOR [OC]] Help, Brigadier! Help! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] The cable. Pull it out! Pull it out! [BRIGADIER] You all right, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Yes, more or less. [BRIGADIER] I'm afraid I cut your connection. [DOCTOR] Oh, very amusing. [BRIGADIER] What happened© [DOCTOR] Well, remember what I told you, Brigadier© The Nestenes can putlife into anything made of plastic. Anything at all. [BRIGADIER] I see. And there's a lot of plastic around. [YATES] Doctor© Doctor© [DOCTOR] Well, I was wrong. It isn't heat. Well© [YATES] Message from the Brigadier. [DOCTOR] What is it this time© [YATES] It's about these daffodils. [DOCTOR] What about them© [YATES] You remember we had a report of a plastics promotion tour© [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [YATES] Well, er, they're handing out daffodils. [DOCTOR] Who are© [YATES] Chaps in weird carnival masks, touring round in a coach. [DOCTOR] Did they say how many they'd given out© [YATES] No, they didn't. We've got no idea at all, I'm afraid. We don'teven know how long they've been doing it. The thing is, the Brigadierwants to know if the daffs are dangerous. [DOCTOR] That, Captain Yates, is what I'm trying to find out. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Excellent. Where was it© Well, give me the grid reference.Yeah. No, just maintain contact. I want to tackle them in open country.Good. Keep me informed. [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart here, I want a call to the RAF please.Priority red one. Strike command. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Excuse me, Jo. [JO] What are you doing© [DOCTOR] This is a section of that daffodil. I'm trying to find out itsmolecular structure. [DOCTOR] No. [DOCTOR] Hello, what's this© A programme pattern. [JO] A programme pattern© [DOCTOR] Yes, these daffodils have their instructions imprinted on everycell. It's a weapon of some sort, but what sort© [JO] Well, will those signs help you find out© [DOCTOR] They will if I can translate them. [DOCTOR] My word, you look very fierce. [BRIGADIER] We've located that coach load of Nestene Autons distributingthose daffodils, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Good. [BRIGADIER] They're hiding in that same quarry where they took you. [DOCTOR] Well, that's curious. Was the Master with them© [BRIGADIER] I couldn't say. You might be able to identify himafterwards. [DOCTOR] Afterwards© [BRIGADIER] I've got the RAF to lay on a rocket strike. In a few hourstime, that coach should be a pile of scrap iron. [DOCTOR] The military mind at its most scintillating. Faced with aproblem they blast it off the face of the earth. [JO] What do you think we should do© [DOCTOR] Nothing. Keep them under observation for a while and give me achance to find out the purpose of these flowers. [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Doctor. I can't afford to take that risk. If thatcoach moves to a populated area, it'll be impossible to destroy it. Thestrike will go ahead as planned. [DOCTOR] Captain Yates© [YATES] Yes, Doctor© [DOCTOR] How long have we got© [YATES] About an hour and a half. The RAF boys are setting things up nowand we have established an observation point at the quarry. [JO] Mike, can we reach you there© [YATES] Sure. We'll be in radio contact with HQ and with the RAF. Youcan get us on one of these. [YATES] See you, Doc. Bye, Jo. [DOCTOR] An hour and a half. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [FARREL] Everything seems quiet. [AUTON] The humans are watching us. [FARREL] How do you know© [AUTON] We were followed to this place. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] But won't that programme pattern be a Nestene© [DOCTOR] Yes, well done. That's why I'm converting it to visual symbols.Ah, here it comes. [JO] That's a face. A part of one. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, a nose and a mouth. [JO] What does that mean© [DOCTOR] I've no idea. [JO] So what next© [DOCTOR] Well, if it is a weapon, we must find out what triggers it off.Jo, get in touch with the Brigadier, will you© See if he can hold upthat air strike. I must have more time. [JO] Hello, Greyhound. This is Trap One. Do you read me© Over. (static)There seems to be something wrong. Hello, Greyhound. This is Trap One.Do you read me© Over. [DOCTOR] Jo, look! [JO] It's alive! [DOCTOR] Short wave radio. You must have triggered it off with thatwalkie-talkie. Of course. They must be planning to set them all off atonce with a gigantic radio signal. If I could only find out thedirection of the signal. [JO] It seems to be looking for something. [DOCTOR] Jo, be careful. Jo! [DOCTOR] It's all over. You all right© [JO] Just a bit short of breath. What happened© [DOCTOR] Well, your nose and mouth were sealed off with this. [JO] What's that© [DOCTOR] Plastic film. You would have been unconscious in two minutes,dead in under ten. [JO] So all those people were killed by the daffodils© [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, they must have triggered them off accidentally, justas you did. Jo, do something for me, will you© [JO] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Get in touch with that idiot Brownrose. See if plasticdaffodils were found at the scenes of any of those deaths. Oh, and askhim if anybody was using short wave radios, will you© [JO] Okay. [DOCTOR] You all right© [JO] Fine, Doctor. And thank you. --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [BENTON] Thank you, Eagle. Message confirmed. Over and out. That's itthen, sir. Air strike confirmed. [BRIGADIER] Right. [YATES] No word from the Doctor then, sir© [BRIGADIER] No. The air strike's due to begin in thirty seven minutes.If the Doctor's coming up with anything, he'd better be quick. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Now why wasn't this stuff found on thebodies© [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Dissolved by carbon dioxide from the lungs. [MASTER] Good afternoon, Doctor. [MASTER] I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. [DOCTOR] No, no, indeed not. You've come here to kill me, of course. [MASTER] But not without considerable regret. [DOCTOR] How very comforting. [MASTER] You see, Doctor, you're my intellectual equal. Almost. I haveso few worth opponents. When they've gone, I always miss them. [DOCTOR] How did you get in here© [MASTER] Oh, don't be trivial, Doctor. I see you've been working on theNestene autojet. My own small contribution to their invasion plan. [DOCTOR] Vicious, complicated and inefficient. Typical of your way ofthinking. [MASTER] Now, come, come, Doctor. Death is always more frightening whenit strikes invisibly. [DOCTOR] Tell me, how do you intend to activate these flowers© [MASTER] Oh, by a radio impulse which the Nestenes will send. I shallopen the channel for them. We've distributed four hundred and fiftythousand of these daffodils, so when four hundred and fifty thousandpeople fall dead, the country will be disrupted. [DOCTOR] And in the confusion the Nestenes will land their invasionforce. [MASTER] Exactly. It's a shame that you can't be here to enjoy the chaosand destruction with me. Goodbye, Doctor. [JO] You were quite right [DOCTOR] Wait! Don't shoot. [MASTER] Doctor, you do disappoint me. We Time Lords are expected toface death with dignity. [JO] Oh, no! [DOCTOR] Don't worry. He's not going to kill me. [MASTER] That is your last mistake. [DOCTOR] If you fire that thing, you will never be able to leave thisplanet. [MASTER] You're bluffing on an empty hand, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I'm not bluffing and my hand, as you can see, is not empty. Ifyou kill me, you will destroy the dematerialisation circuit from yourown Tardis. You recognise it, I feel sure. [MASTER] Where did you get that© [DOCTOR] The circus. [MASTER] You underestimate me, Doctor. Let me be quite plain. Either youhand that unit over to me now, or I kill Miss Grant. [DOCTOR] Touché. [JO] Don't! He's beaten already! They're going to bomb the quarry. [DOCTOR] Jo! [MASTER] Oh. There's been a slight change of plan, Doctor. I've decidedto let you live, for a little while. --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [YATES] Not long now, sir. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [FARREL] What's happening out there© [AUTON] The humans are planning to attack us. [FARREL] We should try and leave. [AUTON] We shall leave soon. Our task is not yet completed. [FARREL] He's left us! He's deserted! (pain) How did I get here© I'm notpart of this! --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [BRIGADIER] Twenty nine, twenty eight. [YATES] Look, sir. [BRIGADIER] Benton, stop that air strike! [BENTON] It's too late, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well try, man, try! [BENTON] Eagle, Eagle, Eagle. Abort, abort, abort! --------------------------------------- (Coach) [MASTER] Now, tie these two up. --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [BRIGADIER] Not a sign of life down there. [YATES] What do we do if they try to move out© [BRIGADIER] I don't know. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [MASTER] Farrel© [AUTON] Farrel became undependable. [MASTER] Did he© His father would have been proud of him. [JO] Ow! [MASTER] Yes, Miss Grant, they are a little heavy handed. I apologisefor your last moments on earth being so uncomfortable, Doctor. [MASTER] Thank you. Right, you come with me. [MASTER] Now, because of the change in circumstances, we're going tohave to bring our schedule forward. What we're going to do is this.It's absolutely essential that we [DOCTOR] Jo, you know where we are, don't you. [JO] Roughly, why© [DOCTOR] We're just three or four miles from that radio telescope. [JO] So© [DOCTOR] The Master will activate the daffodils from there. [JO] What are you doing© [DOCTOR] We've got to warn UNIT. If I can just reach these brake pedals. [JO] Doctor, if you're going to drive, I want to get off. [DOCTOR] No. I only hope the Brigadier's keeping his eyes open. Got it! --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [YATES] Sir! Sir! The brake lights are flashing. [BRIGADIER] Yes, you're right. Somebody's signalling. [YATES] The Doctor! [BRIGADIER] Benton© [BENTON] Yes, sir© [BRIGADIER] Get this down. E S T --------------------------------------- (Coach) [JO] Do you think they're getting it© [DOCTOR] If I can just keep trying. --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [BRIGADIER] I O N. That's it. Read that back,Benton. [BENTON] Daffodils are lethal. Activated soon. Destroy immediately.Guard radio research station. [BRIGADIER] Benton, send an alert to the civil police. I want radio andTV warnings, loudspeaker vans, house to house, the lot. [BENTON] Right away, sir. [BRIGADIER] Captain Yates, rustle up every available man and put a guardon that radio research station. [BENTON] Hello, Bluebottle Three. This is Greyhound. Do you read me© [BRIGADIER] I'll stay here with the coach. [BENTON] Do you read me© Over. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [DOCTOR] Jo, it's a pity escapology wasn't part ofyour curriculum. [JO] Funny you should say that. Look. [DOCTOR] Well done! [JO] Careful! [MASTER] I hope that you two have enjoyed your little rest. Right, thetime has come for our final move. --------------------------------------- (Quarry) [BRIGADIER] They're on the move. Come on, Benton. [BENTON] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [DOCTOR] That's it, I'm free. [DOCTOR] If he slows down, we might be able to jump for it. [JO] Right. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill) [YATES] Right, take your positions! Quick! --------------------------------------- (Coach) [MASTER] Get back, Farrel! [MASTER] Let go! --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill) [DOCTOR] Are you all right© [JO] It's my ankle. --------------------------------------- (Coach) [AUTON] The two humans have escaped. [MASTER] Never mind about them! I must get to the radiotelescope. [AUTON] The Autojets are being destroyed. It's too late. [MASTER] No! Get out there, all of you. Keep those soldiers back! --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill) [DOCTOR] Brigadier, those daffodils [JO] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] The radio telescope! We must stop him reaching the control.He'll open the channel for the Nestenes. [BRIGADIER] Benton, get a stretcher party. And get some more men. [BENTON] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Outside Telescope control) [DOCTOR] It's locked. [BRIGADIER] Stand back, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Telescope control) [MASTER] Too late, Doctor. The Nestenes are here. [MASTER] An amateur landing, of course. Not the way I planned it. [DOCTOR] If only we could shut off the power. [MASTER] Impossible. They've taken control. No one can stop them now.Your precious little planet is finished. [DOCTOR] If we're finished, then you're finished too. [MASTER] Nonsense! I helped them to come here. [DOCTOR] Do you really think that that thing will distinguish betweenyou and us© --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill) [BENTON] It's no good, sir. We just can't hold them. --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill Telescope Control) [BRIGADIER] Can't you do anything, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Not unless we change the polarity. [MASTER] Whilst the transfer shift is still open© [DOCTOR] It will fling them right out into space. [MASTER] You're right! [BRIGADIER] Well, you'd better try it and quick! [DOCTOR] Get on to the transfer bank. I'll switch the power through. Areyou ready© [MASTER] Yes! [DOCTOR] Right, now! [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor, it worked. [DOCTOR] Yes, but only just. Another minute and we'd have been too late. [BRIGADIER] He's gone! [DOCTOR] After him, quick! --------------------------------------- (Beacon Hill) [JO] Look! [YATES] Sir! He's in the coach, sir. We've got him now. [DOCTOR] Don't be too sure. [DOCTOR] Don't trust him, Brigadier. It's a trick. [YATES] Well, that's the end of him. [DOCTOR] I told you not to be too sure. [JO] Look out! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Well, we found the abandoned coach butthe Master disappeared completely. [JO] He's probably left Earth by now. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. [JO] What makes you so sure© [DOCTOR] Well his Tardis can't go anywhere. Not without this. [BRIGADIER] And what the dickens is that© [DOCTOR] That's a dematerialisation circuit. It's very complicated. [JO] So the one he took from you [DOCTOR] Belonged to my Tardis, yes. Yes, I've been trying to repair itfor months. [JO] And now he's stuck here on Earth. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so. [BRIGADIER] Think he'll turn up again, Doctor© [DOCTOR] yes, bound to. [JO] You don't seem very worried about it. [DOCTOR] I'm not. As a matter of fact, Jo, I'm rather looking forward toit.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s08", "episode": "e01", "title": "Terror of the Autons"}
Doctor Who (30 Jan, 1971; Third Doctor) - The Mind of Evil (Prison) [JO] It looks like Dracula's castle. [DOCTOR] Well, you're right about the castle bit. It used to be afortress in the Middle Ages. [JO] Doctor? You'll need this. [DOCTOR] Thanks, Jo. [DOCTOR] Smile, Jo. [JO] What? [DOCTOR] You're on camera. [DOCTOR] Oh, good morning. Er, observers from UNIT. My admission pass. [OFFICER] (into R/T) Right. Passes checked and satisfactory. Right, openthe gates. [DOCTOR] Abandon hope all ye who enter here. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [POWERS] Green! Calm the men down. The Governor's on his way. [GOVERNOR] Morning, Chief. Everything all right? [POWERS] Will be, sir. [GOVERNOR] Good, good. Well, let's see to it. [OFFICER [OC]] Keep that noise down! --------------------------------------- (Cell block landing) [(The Governor, Powers, Kettering and Summers, in awhite lab coat, go up the stairs and are let through a gate to anothercorridor leading to steps downwards.) KETTERING] Why do they alwayshave to make that stupid row? [SUMMERS] It always happens when sentences are being carried out. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [GOVERNOR] George Patrick Barnham. [BARNHAM] No, you're not going to take me anywhere! [GOVERNOR] You have been sentenced by a court of law. [BARNHAM] Get away from me! [GOVERNOR] The time has come for that sentence to be carried out. [BARNHAM] Go on! Get out! All of you! [SUMMERS] I'll give him something to calm him. [BARNHAM] You won't give me nothing, mate. Get out, all of you! [POWERS] Pack it in, Barnham. You're just being stupid. [BARNHAM] You're not going to get me out there! [POWERS] Get him! [GOVERNOR] All right. [GUARD] You come easy. [BARNHAM] Take it easy, you'll break me arm. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [GREEN] Sorry about the noise, ladies and gentlemen. Just a temporarydisturbance. [JO] Temporary disturbance? It sounds like a full-scale riot. [DOCTOR] Morbid lot of sensation seekers. [JO] Then why did you insist on coming here? [DOCTOR] Scientific curiosity, my dear. [JO] Oh, yes. [DOCTOR] Something's been worrying me about this Keller process eversince I first heard of it. Ah, the curtain is about to go up. [POWERS] Keep them quiet. [GREEN] All right, chief. [GOVERNOR] Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. [DOCTOR] Good morning. [GOVERNOR] May I introduce Professor Kettering, who will explain theprocess you're about to see demonstrated. [KETTERING] Well, as you're no doubt aware, we no longer execute ourhardened criminals and killers. Modern society has progressed farbeyond that primitive form of retribution. Today, science [DOCTOR] (sotto) It all depends what you mean by progress, doesn't it. [KETTERING] Science has abolished the hangman's noose and substitutedthis infallible method. Professor Emil Keller [DOCTOR] (sotto) People who talk about infallibility are usually on veryshaky ground, I think. [KETTERING] For the benefit of the less sophisticated members of myaudience, I will explain in very simple terms. Professor Emil Keller,the inventor of this process, discovered that anti-social behaviour wasgoverned by certain negative or evil impulses. Now this machine, theKeller machine, extracts these impulses and leaves a rational,well-balanced individual. [DOCTOR] It doesn't. [JO] What? [KETTERING] May I be permitted to continue? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes, please do. [KETTERING] Thank you. The condemned man is placed here (in a chair)after being tranquillised, with his head under this dome. A series ofprobes are attached to his skull so as to connect with the neuralcircuits. The extraction process is controlled here. The negativeimpulses are stored in that reservoir box there. [DOCTOR] Where do they go after that? [KETTERING] Nowhere, sir. I repeat, they are stored in the box. [DOCTOR] Which is now full of these negative or evil impulses. [KETTERING] Not full. The indicator registers only sixty five percent atthis time. The machine has been used very successfully in Switzerland.A hundred and twelve cases have been processed to date and today weshall witness the one hundred and thirteenth. Thank you, DoctorSummers. [SUMMERS] Come on, old chap. Up you get. [KETTERING] When the process is completed, the negative impulses thatmade this man a criminal will have been removed. He will take his placeas a useful, if lowly, member of society. Are you ready, DoctorSummers? [SUMMERS] Yes. [GOVERNOR] Let the sentence of the Court been carried out. [DOCTOR] I knew there was something evil about that machine. [SUMMERS] Kettering! Look at the dial. [KETTERING] What of it? [SUMMERS] It's never registered so high before. [GOVERNOR] Mister Kettering, what's happening? [GOVERNOR] Well? [KETTERING] A minor malfunction. The machine compensated. The process iscompleted satisfactorily. [DOCTOR] (sotto) Satisfactorily be blowed. [KETTERING] The subject will be taken away to recuperate and within anhour or two he will be perfectly normal. [DOCTOR] I admire your confidence, sir. [KETTERING] Thank you. That is all, gentlemen. [GOVERNOR] I take it everything was all right, Mister Kettering? [KETTERING] Yes, of course, Governor. [DOCTOR] Then would you kindly explain, sir, that unfortunate man'sreaction? [KETTERING] An excess of negative particles. The machine overreacted. [DOCTOR] In other words, you don't know. [KETTERING] May I ask who you are, sir? [GOVERNOR] The Doctor is Scientific Advisor to UNIT, Mister Kettering. [KETTERING] UNIT? [GOVERNOR] United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. [KETTERING] How interesting, though I fail to see what concern it is [DOCTOR] UNIT, sir, was set up to deal with new and unusual menaces tomankind. And in my view, this machine of yours is just that. Jo. --------------------------------------- (Prison Medical ward) [SUMMERS] Right. [KETTERING] Well? [SUMMERS] Nothing much wrong physically. Respiration normal, pulserate's a little high but that's usual after the process. [KETTERING] Ah, exactly. A completely successful treatment. [SUMMERS] The reaction was unusually violent. [KETTERING] Really, my dear Summers, you're as bad as that interferingfool from UNIT. [SUMMERS] Excuse me. --------------------------------------- (Medical office) [SUMMERS] Medical wing. Yes? What? Have you toldthe Governor? I'll be right over. --------------------------------------- (Prison Medical ward) [SUMMERS] (to orderly) Come with me. (to another)You stay with the patient. [KETTERING] Anything the matter? [SUMMERS] There's been some kind of an accident in the process room.They think the man's dead. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [SUMMERS] What happened? [GREEN] I don't know, sir. [GOVERNOR] What happened? [GREEN] I don't know, sir. I was coming along the corridor and I heardhim screaming. [DOCTOR] Is he dead? [SUMMERS] Yes, he's dead. [KETTERING] Probably a heart attack. Delayed shock from seeing theprocess. [DOCTOR] Perhaps, but I doubt it. Might I suggest an immediateinvestigation into his past medical history and a post mortem. [SUMMERS] Yes. Yes, a good idea. I'll see to it right away. Get astretcher, will you? [JO] Doctor? Did you see his face? He looks terrified. And those marks,like [DOCTOR] Bites and scratches? Yes, I know. [JO] Look, I think we'd better get on to the Brigadier. [DOCTOR] Yes, I agree, Jo, but not just yet. Now, let me get that postmortem first. It'll give me more to go on. [JO] All right. Anyway, I don't think he'd thank us for disturbing himright now. [DOCTOR] Hmm? [JO] He did tell you all about it, Doctor. [DOCTOR] All about what? [JO] Today's the first ever World Peace Conference. UNIT's handling allthe security arrangements. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] (on phone) Yes, that's all very well, sir, but in myopinion. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I see, sir. Of course, sir. I take it that is yourfinal decision? Very well, sir, goodbye. [YATES] Trouble, sir? [BRIGADIER] That was the Ministry. UNIT'll be responsible for the safetransport of the missile. It's been cleared with Geneva. [YATES] Well, that's all we needed. What with the peace conference onour hands as well. [BRIGADIER] Yes. I want you to take charge of this escort detail,Captain Yates. I've got quite enough on my plate as it is. [YATES] I'll get onto it right away. [BRIGADIER] Oh, is the Doctor back from Stangmoor yet? [YATES] No sir. Er, what exactly is he doing down there? [BRIGADIER] Observing new development in the treatment of criminals, Ibelieve. Oh well, I suppose it'll keep him out of mischief. By the way,how are things at the conference? [YATES] Oh, all running smoothly, sir. [BRIGADIER] I only hope it lasts. [BRIGADIER] All right, Corporal Bell. Yes, Captain Chin Lee, what can Ido for you? [CHIN LEE] Brigadier, an outrage has been committed against the Chinesepeople's delegation. As you are in charge of security arrangements, wehold you directly responsible. [BRIGADIER] What is it now, Captain? [CHIN LEE] Important state documents have been stolen from General ChengTeik's suite. [YATES] That's impossible. There's a twenty four hour guard on all thedelegate's suites. [CHIN LEE] Nevertheless, the theft has occurred. Your guards areinefficient. Perhaps they take bribes? [BRIGADIER] That is an insulting suggestion, Captain. I will nottolerate any! Very well, Captain, I'll investigate the matterimmediately. [CHIN LEE] I must warn you that this puts the success of the peaceconference in grave jeopardy. We suspect the imperialist Americans ofthis crime. [BRIGADIER] Naturally. I assure you that every effort will be made tolocate the missing papers and to punish whoever is responsible. [CHIN LEE] Any further trouble and our delegation will withdraw fromthis conference. [BRIGADIER] More trouble. [YATES] Mmm, pity. She's quite a dolly. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [DOCTOR] And you are still convinced this Kellerprocess is working normally? [KETTERING] Yes, of course it is. I mean, you've just seen Barnham. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I've seen him. [KETTERING] Look, Emil Keller himself installed it here. I workedclosely with him. I know every facet of the process. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. But I still don't like it. [GOVERNOR] What? [DOCTOR] Interfering with the mind, Governor. It's a dangerous business. [KETTERING] Well, it's hardly your concern, is it? [DOCTOR] Professor Kettering, it is everyone's concern! [SUMMERS [OC]] After you. [GOVERNOR] Ah, Doctor Summers. Any news for us? [SUMMERS] I've got the post mortem report. [KETTERING] nan [SUMMERS] The deceased's name was Arthur Linwood, a medical student inhis final year. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, but what did he die of? [SUMMERS] Heart failure. [KETTERING] Watching the process was too much for him. [SUMMERS] But he didn't have a weak heart, Mister Kettering. [DOCTOR] Anything in his medical history? [SUMMERS] Yes, I called his hospital. He suffered from a fear of certainanimals. [DOCTOR] Oh, which ones? [SUMMERS] Well, apparently, in the laboratory he was absolutelyterrified of [DOCTOR] Rats? [SUMMERS] Yes. [DOCTOR] Tell me, these marks on his face on his face and neck, thesebites and scratches, could they have been caused by rats? [SUMMERS] Certainly they could, yes. [GOVERNOR] But there are no rats in this room. There's none in theentire prison. [SUMMERS] Yet all the indications are that he was attacked by a hoard ofthem, and the shock killed him. [KETTERING] You must be mistaken. [DOCTOR] But Linwood is dead. [KETTERING] Because of heart failure! [DOCTOR] No, Professor Kettering, because of this machine. [KETTERING] I tell you that man's death had nothing to do with thismachine, and if you were a scientist you'd understand. [DOCTOR] If I were a scientist? Let me tell you, sir, that I am ascientist, and I have been for several thousand. Jo. [KETTERING] The man's mad. [JO] On the contrary, sir, he happens to be a genius. I do wish you'dlisten to him. [SUMMERS] Victor? [GOVERNOR] I think you'd better give this machine a thorough check,Professor Kettering. [KETTERING] Yes, of course, Governor. But I assure you there's no reasonfor anxiety. [GOVERNOR] All the same, better safe than sorry? --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [YATES] I'll give you the final security schedules just as soon as I'vehad a chance to clear them with the Brigadier. [BELL] A call for you on line one, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, put it through, will you? [YATES] Right, right, I'll ring you back within twenty minutes. [BELL] UNIT HQ? Oh, good morning, sir. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BELL [OC]] Yes, certainly Captain, I'm just [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart? I see. You're sure? Very well, continuethe search. (into intercom) Captain Yates, will you come in for amoment please? [BRIGADIER] Oh, sit down. Well, there's no trace of Chin Lee's missingpapers. Our people have turned the place inside out. It wouldn'tsurprise me if she lost them herself. [BELL] Excuse me, sir. Captain Chin Lee on the phone. Do you want tospeak to her? [BRIGADIER] Yes, I'll speak to her. [BELL] Hotline, sir. [BRIGADIER] I wonder what she's complaining of this time? Yes, goodafternoon, Captain Chin Lee. What can I do for you? Yes, I see. No,don't touch anything. I'll be over at once. [YATES] More stolen papers, sir? [BRIGADIER] (into intercom.) Get my car ready at once. [BELL [OC]] Right, sir. [BRIGADIER] We've got real trouble this time. The Chinese delegate'sdead. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [OFFICER] All right men, keep that noise down. [POWERS] Starting up again, are they? [GREEN] Just like before. I don't what it is. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [KETTERING] No, no. [GOVERNOR] Dead. Do you know how it happened, Roland? [SUMMERS] I'm not sure. It's incredible, really. [DOCTOR] Oh, come on, man, come on. [SUMMERS] From the position of the body, tinge of the skin [DOCTOR] Well? [SUMMERS] All the symptoms are consistent with death by drowning. [GOVERNOR] But that's ridiculous! [DOCTOR] Like the rats? [SUMMERS] Shall I go and check on his medical record? [DOCTOR] Yes, a good idea. How long would you say he'd been dead? [SUMMERS] Oh, a matter of minutes, five at the outside. [JO] That must have been about the time the riot started. [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. [GOVERNOR] Are you suggesting there's some connection? [DOCTOR] This machine has the power to affect men's minds, Governor, andit's growing stronger. [GOVERNOR] Oh, come now, Doctor. It's only a machine. [DOCTOR] Yes, maybe, but nevertheless it's dangerous and it should bedestroyed now! [GOVERNOR] Well, I've no authority to do that. I'll report yourrecommendations to the Home Office but they'll have to decide. [DOCTOR] I wonder how many deaths it'll take to convince them? --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegation suite) [CHIN LEE] First theft, Brigadier, now murder. What are you going to doabout it? [BRIGADIER] Who else knows about this? [CHIN LEE] No one. I called you at once. [YATES] Shall I call the police. sir? [BRIGADIER] Yes, just a courtesy call, but tell them we'll handle thisourselves. And I want a full check on all movements in and out of thissuite before Cheng Teik's death. And no press. 'D' notice. [YATES] Right, sir. [BRIGADIER] And get the Doctor back from Stangmoor, will you? I want himhere. [YATES] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Now then, Captain. I'd like you to tell me exactly whathappened, please? In detail. [CHIN LEE] My appointment with the General was for twelve pm. There weresome details to discuss about the conference. [BRIGADIER] And you were punctual? [CHIN LEE] I am always punctual. I showed my pass to your UNIT sentryand entered as the clock was striking twelve. [BRIGADIER] Go on. [CHIN LEE] There is nothing more to tell. I saw the General's body andphoned you. [BRIGADIER] Immediately? [CHIN LEE] Of course. [BRIGADIER] Excuse me a moment, will you? Oh, Corporal Bell? I'd likeyou to. [BRIGADIER] (sotto) I want you to make an exact check on the time ofChin Lee's phone call. [BELL] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [GOVERNOR] I'm sorry, Doctor. That's my final word.I'll suspend further use of the Keller process, I'll put this room outof bounds. But that's all I can do without higher authority. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, all right. Well, I'd better make this machine safe. [JO] Can I help? [DOCTOR] On my own. [GOVERNOR] Is that wise? [DOCTOR] Perhaps not. [JO] Well then [DOCTOR] But I prefer to work that way. Tell me, how long has thismachine been installed? [GOVERNOR] Nearly a year. Emil Keller came over from Switzerland tosupervise the installation. [DOCTOR] I see. Did he have an assistant? [GOVERNOR] Mmm hmm. A rather attractive Chinese girl. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegation suite) [BELL] (into phone) Yes. Mmm. Yes, right. Thankyou. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. You telephoned me immediately? [CHIN LEE] Yes. [BRIGADIER] No, Captain, you didn't. You telephoned me at exactly twelvetwenty four. [CHIN LEE] You must be mistaken. [BRIGADIER] You called me on a security line. All security calls arelogged. Well, Captain? Why did you wait for nearly half an hour beforereporting the crime? --------------------------------------- (Prison Medical ward) [SUMMERS] How do you feel? [BARNHAM] Fine. Fine. Have I been ill? [SUMMERS] Yes, but you're all right now. [BARNHAM] Are you a doctor? [SUMMERS] Mmm hmm. Don't you remember? I'm Doctor Summers. Just try andrest. You'll be all right. [BARNHAM] Anything you say, Doctor. [SUMMERS] Well, he seems fully recovered, physically. [JO] And mentally? [SUMMERS] Well, his memory's a bit hazy but it's only to be expected. [JO] And has the process harmed him? [SUMMERS] I, I don't know, Miss Grant. [JO] The Doctor was wondering about Mister Kettering's medical history? [SUMMERS] Oh, yes, I've got the post mortem report through there. [JO] What's the verdict? [SUMMERS] Kettering's lungs were full of water. He drowned in the middleof a perfectly dry room. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) (Process Theatre) [JO] Doctor? What's the matter? Let's sit down. It's all right, there'snothing there. [JO] There's nothing there. Come and sit. There's nothing, Doctor. It'sme, Jo. It's all right. [DOCTOR] Jo. Jo, what are you doing here? [JO] Well, you wanted this report on Kettering. I got it from DoctorSummers. [DOCTOR] Look, I told you to take that directly to the Governor'soffice. [JO] I thought it was important. [DOCTOR] So are my instructions, Jo. So are my instructions. You mighthave been killed. [JO] Me killed? It seemed that you were the one in danger. You looked asif you were fighting something that wasn't there. [DOCTOR] Well, it was there, Jo. At least it was until you distractedit. Your coming in broke its grip on my mind. Let me see that report. [JO] You were right about Kettering. He did have a morbid fear of water. [DOCTOR] So he drowned in a perfectly dry room. [JO] Doctor, what did you see? [DOCTOR] Fire. [JO] But why should you? [DOCTOR] Well, some time ago, Jo, I witnessed a terrible catastrophe. Awhole world just, just disappeared in flames. Well, this machine pickedthat memory out of my mind and used it to attack me. [JO] This fire you saw, it wasn't real. [DOCTOR] Neither was the water, nor the rats, yet Linwood is dead and sois Professor Kettering. We believe what our minds tell us to, Jo. [JO] If this machine's so dangerous, why not just blow it up? Destroyit. [DOCTOR] Because those idiots in authority won't let me, that's why. I'mtrying to find a way of controlling it. So, if you've quite finishedasking questions? [JO] All right, I'm going. [JO] Mike? What are you doing here? [YATES] The Brigadier's orders. I'm afraid, Doctor, you've got to comeback to London with me. [DOCTOR] Nonsense. I can't possibly leave Stangmoor. [YATES] You've got to, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I'm telling you I'm not leaving. [YATES] I'm sorry, Doctor. You're coming back with me, even if I have touse force. [DOCTOR] Venusian Karate. I think you'll find that a lot harder than youimagine, young man. [YATES] Look, Doctor, he really does need you. Things are going verybadly at the peace conference. The Chinese delegate's dead and we thinkhe's been murdered. [DOCTOR] Murdered? Yes, all right, Captain Yates. I'll come with you. [YATES] Thank you. [JO] Doctor? I'll say here and look after things for you. [DOCTOR] Look, Jo, for once in your young life, do you think you coulddo exactly as I ask? [JO] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Now go and see the Governor. Tell him to lock and bar thatdoor. No one is to enter this room. No one. Do you understand? [JO] Just leave everything to me. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm rather afraid I'll have to. Try and keep out oftrouble, will you? [JO] Yes, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Come along, Captain Yates, what are you waiting for? [JO] Doctor! Mike. --------------------------------------- (Cornwall Gardens) [MAN] Are you all right? [BENTON] Yes. Yes, I'm all right, thank you. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] You lost her? [BENTON] Yes, sir. She gave me the slip. One minute I had her well insight and next she just [BRIGADIER] She vanished in a puff of smoke. [BENTON] No, sir. I got this sort of throbbing in my head. I guess Ifainted. When I came to, she'd gone. [BRIGADIER] Throbbing in the head? Fainting? You're too delicate forintelligence work, Benton. You'd better go and lie down. [BENTON] Right, sir. Sorry, sir. [BRIGADIER] Dismissed, Sergeant. Just get out of my sight. [DOCTOR] I see you're in your usual sweet affable mood, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] When you've quite finished grinning like a Cheshire cat,Captain Yates! [YATES] Sir. [DOCTOR] Right, now, Brigadier, would you kindly tell me what all thisfuss is about? --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [YATES] Mister Curry, are you still there? Oh good. No, no, for a momentI thought we'd been cut off. --------------------------------------- (Workman's tent) [YATES [OC]] As I was saying, the escort will beunder my command and will consist of myself, a Sergeant and fourmotorcycle outriders. [CURRY [OC]] It's a bit light, isn't it, Captain, considering theimportance of this weapon. [YATES [OC]] We'll only make ourselves conspicuous if we surround itwith a small army, won't we? [CURRY [OC]] Oh, all right. I suppose you people know best. [YATES [OC]] Our ETA with you will be at oh eight fifteen hours. [CURRY [OC]] And you will let me know the route? [YATES [OC]] Yes, I'll ring you through with the route as soon as it'sfinalised. Goodbye, sir. [CURRY [OC]] Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] All right, all right, all right, allright, Doctor! You win. [DOCTOR] And you'll back up my report to the Home Office calling for acomplete ban on the Keller process. [BRIGADIER] Yes. [DOCTOR] And you'll get in touch with the Home Secretary and make surethat he takes some action. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Doctor, and if that doesn't do any good, I personallywill go down to Stangmoor and blow the blasted machine up myself. Now,are you or are you not going to help me with this case? [DOCTOR] My dear Lethbridge Stewart, your word is my command. You knowthat you only have to ask. [BRIGADIER] Thank you. [DOCTOR] Well, where on earth do you think you're going? [BRIGADIER] We are going to see the new Chinese delegate, Mister FuPeng. [DOCTOR] Fu Peng? He must be Hokien. [BRIGADIER] No, no, no, Doctor. He's Chinese. Now, come along. --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [YATES] Excuse me. [BRIGADIER] Later! [DOCTOR] Yes, it's going to be one of those days. Cheshire cat, CaptainYates, Cheshire cat. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm coming. [YATES] (into phone) Get me transport, will you? --------------------------------------- (Master's car) [TRANSPORT [OC]] Transport? [YATES [OC]] Captain Yates here. I'd like you to lay on a motorcycleescort of four and a jeep for oh seven hundred hours tomorrow. [TRANSPORT [OC]] Right-o, sir. Where's your rendezvous, sir? [YATES [OC]] Here at HQ. I'll take the party down myself. [TRANSPORT [OC]] Right-o, sir. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegation) [BRIGADIER] Oh, Mister Fu Peng? I'm Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart of UNITcommand. I'm in charge of all security arrangements. And this is ourscientific advisor. [DOCTOR] (in Hokien) This unworthy person welcomes you and delights inyour safe arrival. [FU PENG] Thank you for your courtesy and welcome. It is I who amdelighted to meet such a charming person in this barbaric country. (inEnglish) It is rare to meet a westerner who knows my language. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Actually I fear my Hokien is somewhat rusty. [FU PENG] On the contrary, it is excellent. [DOCTOR] Well, it's many years since I've had a chance to use it. [DOCTOR] I remember once having a conversation with Tse-Tung. [FU PENG] Tse-Tung? But that is the personal name of our chairman, MaoTse-Tung. [DOCTOR] He himself gave me leave to use it. [BRIGADIER] Yes, if we could just discuss the immediate problem. [FU PENG] You will take some tea? [DOCTOR] Kam si ya. [FU PENG] Tang pei lai. Sing- sen. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [OFFICER] Come on, Mailer, out you come. Get behind me there. [GREEN] Right, Vosper, come on. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [GREEN] Right, Vosper, get busy. I want this placecleaned up properly. --------------------------------------- (Prison Medical ward) [SUMMERS] Hello. [JO] How is he? [SUMMERS] Fit as a fiddle, aren't you, Barnham? Barnham. [SUMMERS] Visitor for you. Pull up a chair. [JO] Hello. [BARNHAM] Thank you. Do I know you? [JO] Well, we've sort of met. [BARNHAM] It's just that I can't seem to remember anybody or anythingvery well. [JO] Don't you remember being treated by the Keller machine? [BARNHAM] It's all a bit of a blank, I'm afraid. Do you know, youwouldn't believe this, but I couldn't even remember me own name. Notuntil the Doctor there told me. [JO] Well, I'm glad to see you looking so much better. Bye. [BARNHAM] Thanks very much for the chocolates, Miss. --------------------------------------- (Medical office) [JO] Well, everything seems all right. [SUMMERS] I'm not sure. I still think that in Barnham's case the machinehas overreacted. It's extracted all the negative impulses from hisbrain. [JO] So what does that make him now? [SUMMERS] It depends how you look at it. An idiot, or a saint. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [VOSPER] Getting a bit noisy, ain't they, Mister Green? [GREEN [OC]] Right, let's keep those prisoners quiet. All of you! Keepquiet. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [POWERS] All right! Keep that noise down! [OFFICER] All right, you heard the Governor. Keep the noise down! Okay,Mailer. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [POWERS] Come on, Vosper, outside. [MAILER] Proper little home from home, ain't it? [GOVERNOR] You'll be in this cell until sentence is carried out, Mailer. [MAILER] Oh, don't put any money on it, Governor. No one's turning meinto a zombie and that includes you, mate. [POWERS] That's enough of that, Mailer. [GOVERNOR] All right, Chief. [POWERS] Watch him. [OFFICER] Yes sir. (Powers leaves two officers to watch the condemnedman. One picks up the draughts board.) [OFFICER] Fancy a game then, Harry? Pass the time? [MAILER] Drop dead. [OFFICER] Suit yourself. Come on, let's have a game. Right, you'reblack. [OFFICER 2] Cup of tea? [OFFICER] No, I'm all right. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegation) [DOCTOR] Wa hi, Peng-san. I should be delighted to dine with you soon. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, there are a few questions that I should like toask, Mister Fu Peng. [BRIGADIER] What did he say? [DOCTOR] Dried squid and stewed jellyfish, my dear fellow. For ourdinner. Beng ahn, my dear Peng-san. [FU PENG] Cheng lu. Till our next meeting then, my dear Sing-sen. [BRIGADIER] I really must insist on asking [DOCTOR] Come along, my dear fellow. We've got a great deal of work todo, you know. [BRIGADIER] Could you perhaps? --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MAILER] Well, where's this grub then? You planningto starve me to death? [OFFICER] It's coming, Mailer, it's coming. [MAILER] Yeah, so is Christmas. [MAILER] Right! Easy! Keys. Come on. Now move it! --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Are you're seriously suggesting there'sa connection? [DOCTOR] Another mysterious death with unexplained marks on the face andbody? There's got to be. [BRIGADIER] But this Keller machine of yours is miles away. [YATES] Excuse me, sir. We're about ready for off, sir, if you'll justokay the movement order and route plans. [DOCTOR] Off for another little trip, Captain Yates? [YATES] Not exactly, Doctor. We're moving the Thunderbolt. [DOCTOR] The what? [YATES] The Thunderbolt. It's a nuclear powered missile with a warheadfull of nerve gas. [DOCTOR] I thought they'd outlawed those things? [BRIGADIER] Oh yes, they have. This one's on its way to the navaldockyard. They're going to dump it at the bottom of the ocean. [DOCTOR] With the peace conference going on it's not the most tactfultime to be trundling rockets about, is it? [BRIGADIER] I see you're taking Benton. [YATES] If it's okay with you, sir? [BRIGADIER] Oh, you're welcome to him. Just make sure he doesn't losethe missile for you. [YATES] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Well, he somehow managed to lose a Chinese girl in broaddaylight. [DOCTOR] Chinese girl? What Chinese girl? [BRIGADIER] All right, Yates, carry on. Good luck. [YATES] Oh, thank you, sir. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, what Chinese girl?! [BRIGADIER] Well, Captain Chin Lee, the General's aide. I thought shewas implicated so I had her followed. Benton lost her. [DOCTOR] That's it then. That's the link. [BRIGADIER] What is? [DOCTOR] When Emil Keller installed his machine at Stangmoor prison, hehad a Chinese girl with him as an assistant. [BRIGADIER] It could be coincidence. [DOCTOR] Coincidence, my foot. You'd better put out a general alert forthat Chinese girl, Brigadier. She's got to be found and quick! --------------------------------------- (Master's car) [MASTER] You're late, Captain. [CHIN LEE] My apologies, Master. [MASTER] You did well at the conference. Now I have another little taskfor you. [CHIN LEE] No, no, please, no! Not [MASTER] You will obey me! [CHIN LEE] I will obey you, Master. [MASTER] Tonight, you will kill the American delegate. [CHIN LEE] Tonight, I will kill the American delegate. [MASTER] Good. Now you may go. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MAILER] Now just one peep out of you, that's all! [VOSPER] I've done the phone, Harry. [MAILER] Good boy. [VOSPER] But they've got the wing surrounded. [GREEN] You've got no chance. [MAILER] Shut up! They won't come in. Not while we've got so many screwshere. [VOSPER] Are you sure? [MAILER] They can't get in. [VOSPER] We can't get out! [MAILER] Oh, we'll get out. Now shut up. Let me think. Here, you, takeover. [VOSPER] We can't stay here, Harry. They'll starve us out. [MAILER] What we want is hostages. [VOSPER] We've got 'em! [MAILER] We need more. Now, if we cut around the kitchen, get to theprison hospital, maybe we can grab a doctor. All right? Now you lotstay here! Come on. --------------------------------------- (Medical office) [JO] It's no good. The line's dead. [SUMMERS] I think you'd better go to the admin block, Miss Grant. [JO] What about you? [SUMMERS] I'll stay here. Someone's bound to get hurt by the timethey've finished. [MAILER] Out. Get him. You're not going to give me any trouble, are you? --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] Look, operator, I've been waiting some considerable time nowfor my call to Stangmoor prison. [BRIGADIER] All right, keep looking. Yes, let me know as soon as youhear anything. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right, yes. I'll hang on. There's some trouble therewith the lines. [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart? What? No, don't arrest her. I'll dealwith this myself. Message from one of my agents. Chin Lee's turned upagain. [DOCTOR] Chin Lee? Where? [BRIGADIER] She's just been seen entering the Chinese delegate's suite. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [CHIN LEE] Room four hundred and eleven. Hello, is the American delegatethere, please? This is Captain Chin Lee of the Chinese people'sdelegation. I wish to speak to Senator Alcott urgently. Yes, thank you. --------------------------------------- (American Delegate's suite) [ALCOTT] Hello? This is Senator Alcott speaking. Yes, Captain, what canI do for you? --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [CHIN LEE] Comrade Fu Peng wishes to see youimmediately and wonders if you could come to our suite. --------------------------------------- (American Delegate's suite) [ALCOTT] What, at this time of night? --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [CHIN LEE] It is a matter of vital importance. Hewishes to assure you that it is to your country's advantage. --------------------------------------- (American Delegate's suite) [ALCOTT] But Captain, this is highly irregular. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [CHIN LEE] He asks that you come alone. The subjectis most secret. --------------------------------------- (American Delegate's suite) [ALCOTT] All right, I'll be right over. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [CHIN LEE] Your time will not be wasted, Senator.(She goes to the main door and removes the security chain, then waitsin the shadows. After a few moments there is knock on the door. Alcottenters.) [ALCOTT] Hello? Anyone home? Mister Fu Peng? [ALCOTT] Mister Fu Peng? Oh. May I ask what this is all about, Captain? [CHIN LEE] Of course. [ALCOTT] Well, where's Mister Fu Peng? [CHIN LEE] He will be here soon. Sit down. [ALCOTT] Now look, Captain, I'm in the middle of my dinner and I [CHIN LEE] Sit down, please. [ALCOTT] All right, but make it short, will you? [ALCOTT] What are you doing? [ALCOTT] What's this noise? This noise in my head. This terrible sound!This sound. What's happening? [ALCOTT] Get back! Get back, I tell you! Get back! Don't come near me! --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [DOCTOR] No, Brigadier! [FU PENG] That was one of the legendary monsters of my people. [DOCTOR] A collective hallucination, gentlemen, nothing more. Who'sthat? [BRIGADIER] Senator Alcott. Is he dead? [DOCTOR] No, but he's suffering from acute shock. [FU PENG] Sing-sen! [DOCTOR] Yes? [FU PENG] What is this? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a telepathic amplifier. [BRIGADIER] Is that what caused the hallucinations? [DOCTOR] No, not caused them. No, it merely picks up the impulses andprojects them through Chin Lee's mind. [BRIGADIER] Impulses? From where? [DOCTOR] Well, unless I'm very much mistaken, from the Keller machine atStangmoor prison. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MAILER] Come on! Move it! [SUMMERS] You'll break my arm! [VOSPER] Harry! Harry! [MAILER] Hello? [VOSPER] The whole wing's surrounded. There's hundreds of them. [MAILER] So what? [SUMMERS] Show some sense, Mailer. You'll never get away with it. [VOSPER] They'll rush us any minute. [MAILER] Not while we've got these two, will they. Now listen, get back,fix that phone. I want to talk to the Governor. Down. [VOSPER] What are you going to do with them? [MAILER] Put them in the guest room, aren't I. Come on, down. --------------------------------------- (Chinese Delegate's suite) [FU PENG] Doctor, I've understood very little of what you have beensaying. Please, explain more clearly. [DOCTOR] Wa ai, Peng-san. Wa ai. Chin Lee was being used by someone whowas trying to drive this world into war. [FU PENG] You will find this person and punish him? [DOCTOR] Yes, I will if I can. [FU PENG] Then I leave matters to you. I must go to my Embassy. [DOCTOR] Hang ahn, Peng-san. [FU PENG] Din gon ba bi lu, Sing-sen. [DOCTOR] May God go with you also. [DOCTOR] Chin Lee? Chin Lee, listen to me. Can you hear me? [DOCTOR] Cantonese. Noh, hi lay pen lau Chin Lee. Ala mar. Ala mar? Youmust trust me. [CHIN LEE] Something happened. Something terrible! [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, but it was in your mind. It was only in your mind.Now I want to ask you some questions. [CHIN LEE] Questions? [DOCTOR] Yes. About Emil Keller and your visit to Stangmoor prison. --------------------------------------- (Outside the prison cell) [MAILER] Hello, Len. I thought you'd fixed thephones. [VOSPER] Sorry, Harry, no luck. [MAILER] How am I going to make a deal with the Governor if I can't eventalk to him? All right, open this up. [VOSPER] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [VOSPER] All right, you two, on your feet. [JO] No, don't! [JO] Don't! [MAILER] Come on. On your feet. You're getting out of here. [JO] At last you've seen some sense. [MAILER] Not you, darling! Now, you're going to take a message to theGovernor. [SUMMERS] What message? [MAILER] I want safe conduct out of here for me and all the mob in Bwing. [SUMMERS] I'm not leaving here without Miss Grant. [MAILER] Oh yes you are. [JO] I'll be all right. [MAILER] Come on, on your way. Out. [MAILER] If you've got any sense, you'll get some beddie-byes.Goodnight. --------------------------------------- (Missile base) [BENTON] Don't tell me your troubles, mate! I want that missile off thelaunching pad and on to the three tonner. Now get that crane in! [YATES] What's going on, Sergeant? That missile should have been off thepad ten minutes ago. [BENTON] I'm sorry sir, but we're having trouble with the crane. [YATES] No excuses, Sergeant. Just get on with it. [BENTON] Right sir. Now come on, you men, wake your ideas up! --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] Rise and shine, Brigadier. I've brought Captain Chin Lee hereto see you. [BRIGADIER] Oh, er, good morning, Captain. Won't you sit down? [CHIN LEE] Thank you. [BRIGADIER] (into intercom) Corporal Bell? [BELL [OC]] Yes, sir? [BRIGADIER] Lay on some coffee, will you? [BELL [OC]] Right, sir. [DOCTOR] Right now, Brigadier. I think you'll find that Captain Chin Leecan cast considerable light on what's been happening. [BRIGADIER] Well, I'm glad to hear that someone can. [BRIGADIER] Yes? Oh, morning Yates. Oh. Oh, I see. It's Yates. He's hada hold up with his, er, cargo. [DOCTOR] Yes, well tell him to be careful with his, er, cargo. [BRIGADIER] Sorry, Yates, what was that? Chin Lee? Well --------------------------------------- (Master's car) [BRIGADIER [OC]] As a matter of fact, there's beensome trouble. [YATES [OC]] What happened, sir? [BRIGADIER [OC]] As far as I can gather, she tried to scare the Americandelegate to death. The Doctor stopped her. [YATES [OC]] I don't quite follow, sir. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Quite frankly, Yates, neither do I. It's something todo with the Keller machine at Stangmoor. Anyway, Chin Lee's with menow. [MASTER] Stangmoor prison. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Yes, but where did you first meet thisman, Emil Keller? [CHIN LEE] At an Embassy reception. He told me of the Keller process forreforming the habitual criminal, and invited me to visit Stangmoorprison with him. [BRIGADIER] And you agreed to go? [CHIN LEE] Prison reform is high on our list of priorities in Peking! [BRIGADIER] Ah. And can you tell us what happened at Stangmoor? [CHIN LEE] I know that we went to the process room. I cannot remember. [BRIGADIER] Well, did you see him again? [CHIN LEE] Yes, many times, but whenever I think about it, my mindbecomes so confused. [DOCTOR] Post-hypnotic block. His usual technique. [BRIGADIER] Whose usual technique? [DOCTOR] Well, think, man! Who else would make a deliberate attempt toplunge this world into war, using equipment and techniques not evendeveloped on Earth, like this. [BRIGADIER] The Master? [DOCTOR] Otherwise known as Emil Keller! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [VOSPER] Move. [OFFICER] Okay! I'm going down the stairs! [VOSPER] Harry. [MAILER] No trouble. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [SUMMERS] Look Governor, you've got to negotiate. [GOVERNOR] I'm sorry, Doctor. It's out of the question. [SUMMERS] But you're risking innocent lives! [GOVERNOR] Oh look, supposing I do turn Mailer loose and those thugs ofhis with him? They'd kill anyone who came in their way. How manyinnocent lives do you think I'd be risking then? [POWERS] I've done everything I can, Doctor. B wing's sealed off. Ifthey get the slightest chance, my men'll rush the block. [SUMMERS] And if they don't? [GOVERNOR] We'll wait it out. Mailer's not stupid. He knows he can'thold out forever. Once he realises he can't bluff me. [SUMMERS] But Mailer isn't bluffing! Listen! [POWERS] If you'll excuse me, sir, I'll just [GOVERNOR] Right, Chief. [SUMMERS] And what about Jo Grant? [GOVERNOR] Miss Grant is a member of UNIT. She came here on duty. [SUMMERS] But that makes no difference! [GOVERNOR] However I will inform her headquarters. Inspector? --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor? What am I to do with her? [DOCTOR] Well, let her go, of course. Well, she's not a criminal.Anyway, she can't do any more harm now that I've got this. [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart? Yes, Inspector. What? Yes, I see.There's been trouble at Stangmoor. [DOCTOR] Is Jo all right? [BRIGADIER] Yes? Yes, I see. Thank you for letting me know. [DOCTOR] Well? [BRIGADIER] Miss Grant's been captured. She's being held hostage. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [VOSPER] This is your last chance, Governor. Youdon't let us go, you're going to get it! [MAILER] And that includes the girl. Don't forget that! --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [POWERS] The prisoner's are getting very noisy, sir. Threatening all thehostages. [SUMMERS] Victor, you must talk to them. [GOVERNOR] Aye, you're right. This is a deadlock. Maybe I can makeMailer see some sense. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MAILER] Going bad enough for you, darling. [JO] And for you. [VOSPER] Harry, the Governor's on his way over. [MAILER] Well, let him in. [VOSPER] Eh? [MAILER] Well, I'm not going out there now, am I? Anyway, it's not(unintelligible). [VOSPER] Right. Locke, open the door. Let the Governor in. What's thenext? Look! [MAILER] Barnham! [VOSPER] He must have come from the hospital. [BARNHAM] I, I, I'm looking for Doctor Summers. Has anybody seen DoctorSummers? [MAILER] Here. [VOSPER] What? [MAILER] Get him out of here. He gives me the creeps. [VOSPER] Right. Come on, mate. [JO] Quick! Hide! [JO] All right, you, come on. On your feet. Up! [JO] Here you are, Governor. He's all yours. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [GOVERNOR] Now, look. [GOVERNOR] Yes? [POWERS] Professor Keller, sir. [GOVERNOR] All right, Mister Green. [GREEN] Sir. [GOVERNOR] So, there you are, Professor. [MASTER] A pleasure to see you again, Governor. [GOVERNOR] Aye, well to tell the truth, I'm not at all sure I can returnthe compliment. [MASTER] I'm very sorry to hear that. Why? [POWERS] Shall I? [MASTER] Oh, thank you. [GOVERNOR] Aye, there's been nothing but trouble ever since that machineof yours was installed. [MASTER] Well, there are bound to be teething troubles. I can soon takecare of them. [GOVERNOR] You really think you can get things back to normal. [MASTER] Yes Governor, I'm sure of it. [GOVERNOR] Well. [MASTER] It just needs an adjustment here and there, that's all. [GOVERNOR] Aye, I hope you can. We've even got UNIT investigating. [MASTER] UNIT, really. [GOVERNOR] Yes. Their scientific advisor is on his way down here now. [MASTER] I don't think we need to trouble him. As a matter of fact, I'vebrought my equipment with me. [GOVERNOR] Well, let me take you to the process theatre. [MASTER] There is one thing before we go there. I understand that theman who led the riot was next in line for processing. [GOVERNOR] That's right. Harry Mailer. [MASTER] Well first, I'd like to see him, if I may. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [POWERS] All right, Johnson. Samuels. [OFFICER] Sir. [POWERS] We'll be right outside, Mailer, so watch yourself. [GOVERNOR] Let us know when you've finished, Professor Keller. [MASTER] Right. [MAILER] He said Keller. You're the bloke who invented the machine.Pushing your luck, ain't you? [MASTER] Maybe I am. [MAILER] Now listen. [MASTER] Shut up, Mailer, and keep your voice down. I've come here tohelp you. [MAILER] Help me? [MASTER] You want to get out of here, don't you? [MAILER] I've tried, mate. [MASTER] Yes, I heard about that pathetic little attempt. It was boundto fail. No proper plan and what's more, no resources. [MAILER] What's your game? [MASTER] You and I, Mailer, are going to create a great deal of havoc inthis place. [MAILER] Oh yeah? You and me both. [MASTER] No, not exactly. We have a powerful ally. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [POWERS] Keep it quiet in here. [POWERS] It's starting up again, sir. [GOVERNOR] They probably think we're going to process Mailer. Stay here,will you? [POWERS] Keep it quiet, will you? --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MASTER] Now, you'll find more like these in theboot of my car. Remember, you are responsible for the main gate. Now,from the outside, I want this prison to appear to be running quitesmoothly. I'm expecting a visitor. All right? Over there. [MASTER] I've finished in here, thank you. Would you open up, please? --------------------------------------- (Prison Medical ward) [BARNHAM] It's your go. [JO] Oh no, not again. [SUMMERS] I'd best see what's happening. [BARNHAM] Oh, what? [JO] It's all right, Barnham. Sit down. Everything's okay. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MASTER] Now listen to me, all of you! Don't try to come out until thegas is clear. Stay where you are! Get down on the floor! --------------------------------------- (Prison Medical office) [SUMMERS] What the devil was that? [JO] Look, I think we'd better get out of here. [VOSPER] There's no escape this time, darling. We've taken over thewhole prison. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MASTER] Right, Doctor. Now I'm ready for you. --------------------------------------- (Prison) [DOCTOR] Yes? [MAN] Pass, please. [DOCTOR] Passes. Television. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [MAN [on monitor]] Pass checked and satisfactory. [MASTER] Show him in, please. [MAN [on monitor]] Open the gates. Let him in. --------------------------------------- (Prison) [DOCTOR] Don't point that thing at me, man. It might go off! I'm here onofficial business. I understand there's been some trouble here. [MAILER] That's right, mate, and you're in it. Now, let's get this heapinside. [DOCTOR] I was going there anyway. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I thought as much. [MASTER] Right, Vosper, Mailer. [MASTER] You don't seem at all surprised. [DOCTOR] Hardly. How's the riot going? [MASTER] Oh, long since over. I control the prison now. [DOCTOR] Do you? And, er, where is Miss Grant to be found? [MASTER] Reclining in one of our best cells. [DOCTOR] Is she indeed. Well, let me tell you this, that if you harm somuch as one hair of her head, I'll [MASTER] You'll do nothing, or I'll put a bullet through both yourhearts. [DOCTOR] Why the delay? I take it that I'm to be killed eventually? [MASTER] Oh, eventually, yes. But unfortunately, I find I need yourhelp. [DOCTOR] You want me to help you with that machine of yours. ProfessorKeller. You want to be careful of that thing, you know. One day it'sgoing to end up killing you. [MASTER] Oh, it won't harm me. I created it. [DOCTOR] Huh! [MASTER] But recently I must admit that it has developed a mind of itsown. Hence my need for your assistance while I'm engaged on otherbusiness. [DOCTOR] Oh? What other business? [MASTER] Your UNIT friends are transporting their nuclear missile. Iintend to take it away from them. --------------------------------------- (Missile Base) [YATES] Yes, sir. We do plan on driving through the night. In that waywe should be back on schedule, according to my estimation, by aboutmidday tomorrow. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [BRIGADIER] All right, Yates, good luck. Keep HQinformed of your movements. I'll be in contact tomorrow morning. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Well, it's a lunatic scheme. Still, that'sonly to be expected. [MASTER] Oh, come, Doctor, how can I possibly fail? I launch the missileand wipe out the peace conference, the world is at war. [DOCTOR] I see. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [JO] I'm sure I heard gunfire. [SUMMERS] Perhaps there are still some officers holding out. [JO] Or else the Doctor's come down. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [DOCTOR] Jo? Jo, where are you? --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [JO] Doctor! Doctor, we're in here! [DOCTOR [OC]] Right, I'm coming! --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [MASTER] I thought you'd make for here. [MASTER] Hold it, Mailer! Let me have that gun. I think you'd bettershow our patient into the chair, Mailer, and handcuff him into it. [DOCTOR] May I ask the purpose of this charade? [MASTER] Certainly. You'd better wait outside, Mailer. [MASTER] As you see, I have affected the necessary repairs. But before Ilet you control this machine for me, which I fully intend that youshall, it'll be very interesting to see exactly how long you can holdout against it. Now somewhere, you have, er. Ah-ha. [MASTER] Now this little device, as you know, transmits and amplifiesthe power of the machine. What you may not know is that it can beadjusted to turn that power against the wearer, like this. [DOCTOR] You know, this is all very tiresome. [MASTER] Is it? Oh, I really would like to stop and watch yournightmares. [DOCTOR] Then why don't you? [MASTER] I have other business as you know. Will you excuse me? [DALEK [OC]] Destroy! Exterminate! Annihilate! Destroy! --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [MAILER] Is he dead? [MASTER] No, not quite. Wait outside. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [JO] I know! We can [SUMMERS] Get back. [VOSPER] All right, you. You're being transferred. [SUMMERS] What about Miss Grant? [VOSPER] Luxury suite, all to herself. [SUMMERS] Look, if Miss Grant stays, so do I. I [VOSPER] Charlie, take him. [SUMMERS] I'm not leaving here without her! [VOSPER] Take him out. [SUMMERS] Why don't you take us both back to the medical wing? At leastwe could do some good there! [JO] What's so special about me? [VOSPER] We're saving you for the machine, ain't we? --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [MASTER] Wake up! Wake up! Ah. Welcome back. Wouldit surprise you to know that one of your hearts stopped completely? Youwere within an inch of dying. [DOCTOR] You wanted. You wanted to know how long I could hold outagainst that machine. Well, the answer is I can't. Nobody can. [MASTER] Of course you can! If I can control it from that console, thenso can you. And you must while I'm not here. [DOCTOR] No, no. [MASTER] Oh, come on, Doctor. We are both Time Lords. [DOCTOR] Be that as it may, I know the secret of that machine. Inside isa creature that feeds on the evil of the mind, and very soon it'll feedon yours. [MASTER] Nonsense! Mailer! [MASTER] Release him. And then put him in the cell with Miss Grant. Nowlisten, Doctor, if you don't do what I ask of you, Miss Grant will benext in line for the process. You just remember that. Right, take himout. [MAILER] Come on, Doc. On your feet! Up! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MAILER] Come on, up you come. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MAILER [OC]] Come on, Doc, your feet are dragging!Now come on, help me. [JO] Doctor! Doctor, is that you? --------------------------------------- (Outside the cell) [MAILER] Down. Move! Move! Move! [VOSPER] No, you don't! Back! [MASTER] Mailer! I want the Doctor in one piece. Now put him in the cellas I told you. [MAILER] Come on, open this door! [VOSPER] Yeah. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MASTER] Good evening, Miss Grant. What a great pleasure it is to seeyou again. [JO] The Master! What are you doing here? [MASTER] Oh, the Doctor will tell you about it when he's recovered. [JO] What have you been doing to him? [MASTER] Nothing. Just a little persuasion. [JO] No. [MASTER] Do try and make him see sense, my dear, for your sake.Goodnight. [MAILER [OC]] If you've got any sense, just hand him over to me and theboys for an hour. We'll soften him up. [MASTER [OC]] Mailer, all you will do is kill him. I don't want that. --------------------------------------- (Outside the cell) [MASTER] I want an armed man outside this cell thewhole time. [VOSPER] Right, I'll do it myself. [MASTER] Mailer, I want the whole B wing cleared except for these two inhere. [MAILER] What the hell for? [MASTER] Don't argue, Mailer, do it. Then meet me in the Governor'soffice when it's finished. [MAILER] Yes. Sir. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MAILER [OC]] You hang on here, Len, yeah? [VOSPER] Yeah, I'll be here. [JO] Hey! Hey, you out there! Listen to me! We need help urgently. [VOSPER] Go to sleep, darling. [JO] Look, open this door. Please, open this door! [VOSPER] A proper little Miss Nightingale, ain't you? [JO] Look at him. He needs a doctor. [VOSPER] Pity. [JO] Help me! Well, at least help me get him up onto the bed. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [MASTER] You can't harm me. I'm stronger than you are. [MASTER] I brought you here. I gave you the minds you need to feed on!You are my servant! You are my servant! I [MASTER] No! No! You can't destroy me! I am too strong for you! I am toostrong for you! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MASTER] No more minds for you to feed on. Let's see how long starvationtakes to bring you to heel. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [SUMMERS] It's extraordinary. Quite extraordinary. His physical make-up,it's just not human. [JO] But what's the matter with him? [SUMMERS] He's been beaten up, of course, physically and mentally. Hiswhole system's suffered a tremendous shock. He's in some kind of acoma, but I [JO] Can't you do anything for him? [SUMMERS] I very much doubt it. You could try giving him one of these,if he recovers consciousness. [SUMMERS] (sotto) Listen, Jo, who organised this break? [VOSPER] Right, Doc, time's up. What's the verdict? He done for? [SUMMERS] Not quite. Though it's no thanks to you. [VOSPER] Come on, Doc. Don't forget to send in your bill. Charlie? [SUMMERS] Take care, hmm? [JO] And you. [JO] Doctor? Doctor, take one of these. Come on. Come on, just try. [DOCTOR] That's wrong, wrong metabolism. It'd probably kill me, Jo. I'mall right. I'm all right, Jo. Just, just let me rest. Let me rest. [JO] Doctor. Please. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [MAILER] All right, fixed that. Here, you all right? [MASTER] Yes, yes, of course, of course. [MAILER] You don't look any too good to me. [MASTER] Mailer, I want a guard on that process room the whole time. Noone's to go near that machine. No one. [MAILER] I don't think any of my lot are likely to. [MASTER] Yes, I know, but morbid curiosity can be very strong. See toit, will you? Mailer! Mailer, you've done very well. I'm pleased withyou. [MAILER] Good. Then, er, perhaps you'd like to do something for me? [MASTER] Why, certainly. Anything. [MAILER] Perhaps you'd like to tell me why the hell we don't get out ofhere before it gets light. [MASTER] My dear Mailer, you are just not thinking. A great gang ofarmed convicts roaming round the countryside? [MAILER] If we can get our civvies back, there's cars outside. [MASTER] Yes, maybe. But have you thought that as well as the police,you'd have the army against you? [MASTER] Dogs, troops, helicopters. Heh! By morning, you'd all becaptured or killed. [MAILER] Yeah, all right. So, you've got a better idea? [MASTER] I think so, yes. How would you like a free pardon, unlimitedmoney and a ticket to anywhere in the world? [MAILER] How would I like it? Do me a favour. [MASTER] Right, pay attention. I'll show you how to get it. Now, that isThunderbolt. It's a gas missile, nuclear powered and British, ofcourse. [MAILER] Of course. [MASTER] The most important thing is that it's illegal, because gaswarfare's been outlawed for many years. Therefore the Britishgovernment are going to dump that in the sea. Now, tomorrow morning,that missile, with a very small escort, will pass within a few miles ofthis prison. [MAILER] I see, and you'd like me to hijack it? [MASTER] Right first time. [MAILER] Eh? [MASTER] I'm going to aim that at the peace conference in London. [MAILER] You've got to be joking. [MASTER] I am not joking. You look at this map. Now, here's the prison,and this is where you will ambush the convoy. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [JO] Doctor? Doctor? [VOSPER] Morning. Oh, he's still with us then. [JO] Sorry you're disappointed. [VOSPER] You watch your tongue. [JO] How about some breakfast? [VOSPER] What do you think this is, a holiday camp? [JO] You weren't told to starve us to death. What good do you think he'sgoing to be to the Master is he doesn't have any food inside him! [VOSPER] All right, all right. Charlie! [CHARLIE [OC]] Yeah? [VOSPER] Nip down the kitchens, get some grub for these two. [CHARLIE] Right. [VOSPER] Though by the look of him I don't think he's going to need it. [DOCTOR] Well done, my dear. Now perhaps we can do something aboutgetting out of here. --------------------------------------- (Prison courtyard) [MASTER] Remember, if you're successful, this willbe your passport to freedom. Anywhere! All right, good luck to you. [MAILER] Everybody got the picture? All right then, let's go. Now comealong, move! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [VOSPER] (eating a piece of toast) Here's your grubthen. I'll watch the door, Charlie. [JO] I thought that was meant to be for us? [CHARLIE] It's all right, there's [JO] Thanks. [VOSPER [OC]] Charlie? Charlie, what's the matter? [VOSPER] What the devil's going on here? --------------------------------------- (Outside the cell) [JO] Really, Doctor, for someone who was on death's door. [DOCTOR] I do have remarkable powers of recovery, don't I? Come on! --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [JO] They seem to be setting up some kind of search party. [DOCTOR] They'll be expecting us to try and make a break for it. [JO] Well, aren't we? [DOCTOR] No, not while they're all chasing around. Let them cool off fora bit. We'll try again later. [JO] Telephone. There must be a telephone here somewhere. [DOCTOR] There is, but it's locked. [DOCTOR] In any case, it'll be manned by convicts. [JO] What's that? [DOCTOR] That, my dear Jo, is the Thunderbolt. Captain Yates isescorting it. I hope. [JO] What's it got to do with the Master? [DOCTOR] Everything. He's hoping to steal it. --------------------------------------- (Country road) [MAILER] Get down! [MAILER] Right, now don't forget. Wait till they get level before youlet them have it. [PRISONER] Here they come. [YATES] Venus to Jupiter, Venus to Jupiter. Convoy under armed attack.Estimated position --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [BRIGADIER] Jupiter to Venus. Jupiter to Venus,give us your position. I say again, give us your position! Over. [BRIGADIER] Right. --------------------------------------- (Country road) [YATES] Venus to Jupiter. Do you read me? Over. [YATES] Venus to Jupiter, do you read me? Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [BRIGADIER] The last time he checked in, he washere. Now, given the average speed of the convoy and the time of theemergency call, the ambush should have taken place about here. I want achopper standing by to take me down there as soon as possible. [BELL] I'll get on to it right away, sir. [BRIGADIER] And I'll need a mobile HQ and a full forensic team in thearea. [BELL] Extension three four. Shall I ask for police and armyco-operation, sir? [BRIGADIER] No, UNIT personnel only. This missile isn't supposed toexist. Keep trying to get through to Captain Yates. [BELL] Right sir. [BELL] Jupiter to Venus. Jupiter to Venus. Do you read me? Over. --------------------------------------- (Airfield) [MAILER] All right, let's get these doors open. Come on. [MAILER] Come on. In! --------------------------------------- (Country road) [BRIGADIER] Is that all you can tell me? [BENTON] It happened so quickly, sir. [BRIGADIER] Did you see what happened to Captain Yates? [BENTON] I thought they'd got him. [BRIGADIER] Not unless they took the body with them. One of the bikes ismissing. [BENTON] Well, maybe he followed them, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes, maybe. Right, thanks. [BENTON] There's just one thing, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well? [BENTON] Just before I passed out, I could have sworn I saw a plainblack van. The sort the police use. A black Maria. [BRIGADIER] Map! Thank you. Stangmoor prison. [BENTON] What, sir? [BRIGADIER] Well, where else would you get a Black Maria? --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [JO] Doctor, we can just go on sitting here. [DOCTOR] Why not? It's the safest place at the moment. They'll neverthink of looking for us here. Besides, I need more time to think. I'vegot to find out a way of dealing with that alien creature out there. [JO] What alien creature? [DOCTOR] The one inside the Keller machine. [JO] Do you really believe there's something alive in there? [DOCTOR] I do. [JO] Well, what is it? [DOCTOR] It's a sort of mind parasite that feeds on evil. The deadliestthreat to mankind since the beginning of time. [JO] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Mmm? [JO] The Master. He seems to be leaving. [DOCTOR] Right. Now's our chance. [JO] We'll slip out by the hospital and through the rear courtyard. [DOCTOR] I didn't mean our chance to escape, Jo. I meant our chance toget into that process chamber and deal with that machine once and forall. [DOCTOR] No, thank you. You were trained to use those things. They onlymake me nervous. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [JO] His face! He looks terrified, just like the others. [DOCTOR] Perhaps the creature's learned to move. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [JO] You were right. It's gone! [DOCTOR] Yes. [MAILER] All right, girl, drop it! You heard me. I said drop it. [MAILER] Clever girl. As for you, we've had enough of you. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, before you pull that trigger, I [MAILER] What's the matter with you? [DOCTOR] Look, look behind you. [MAILER] I've heard that one before. [DOCTOR] Look behind you! --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [JO] What happened? Why did it just disappear? [DOCTOR] Well, we couldn't have tempted its appetite. [JO] Why not? [DOCTOR] Well, I imagine it detected a higher concentration of evil inMailer. There's something to be said for a pure mind, after all, eh,Jo? [JO] Look, I think we'd better get out of here before it gets back! [DOCTOR] Yes, all right, Jo! Jo! Wait a minute. Wait. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [JO] Barnham! What are you doing here? [BARNHAM] Well, I was looking for you. I heard this noise and [JO] It's all right. We're going to try and escape. [BARNHAM] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Look, we've got to stop the Master from launching that missile.Now come on, Barnham, you come with us. [JO] Come on. Quickly! Come on! --------------------------------------- (Helicopter) [BRIGADIER] Windmill three four seven --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER [OC]] To Trap One. How do you read me?Over. [COSWORTH] Acknowledge that, will you, Sergeant? Trap One to Windmillthree four seven. Major Cosworth reading you loud and clear. Anyresults? Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] I'm over Stangmoor Prison now. No sign of the missile.Everything seems quiet and normal. Over. [COSWORTH] Are you going to land? Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] No, I don't think so. I know I said it seems normal butI'm quite sure it's not. I'll continuing reccying for the moment. Overand out. --------------------------------------- (Prison room) [DOCTOR] Well, there doesn't seem to be anybodyabout. Let's take a look outside. (to Barnham) You wait here for aminute. --------------------------------------- (Prison courtyard) [JO] Hey, look! It's the UNIT helicopter! Hey! [PRISONER] All right, you two. Inside! --------------------------------------- (Prison room) [PRISONER] Move! [BARNHAM] Don't hurt them. [PRISONER] Leave off, Barnham. I said move. [BARNHAM] I said don't hurt them. [PRISONER] No, no, Barnham. [DOCTOR] Let him go. Let him go! [DOCTOR] Come on, let's get out of here. [BARNHAM] But they were trying to --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [MAILER] What the hell do you mean, we loused things up? You got yourmissile, didn't you? --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] You left one of the UNIT people alive andhe followed you here. Fortunately, he was caught. [MAILER [OC]] Look, I don't care about him. I want you back here rightaway! [MASTER] That's quite impossible. I'm far too busy preparing the missilefor launching. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [MAILER] Look, mate, I don't care how busy you are.I want you back. That machine of yours has broken out. It's wanderingaround the prison. It's killed Lenny Vosper. It's nearly killed me! --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] That's impossible, I can't leave here now. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [MAILER] Now listen. My mob's not staying on herewhile that thing's on the loose. They'll start running and I'll berunning with them. --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] But you can't! You'll be caught! [MAILER [OC]] Maybe. But just remember --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [MAILER] If I get caught, so do you. They'll wantto know where that missile is and I might just tell them. Now thinkabout it! [MASTER] I see. All right, Mailer. I'll come back. [MAILER [OC]] That's more like it. [MASTER] All right, Captain. You can stop pretending to be unconsciousnow. [YATES] Why? Why [MASTER] Why did I take the missile? I intend to use it. [YATES] You'll never be able to. It's too complex. [MASTER] Nonsense! This is childishly simple. Anyhow, I have all thetechnical assistance I need. [YATES] Yes, I was going to ask you. About those soldiers. [MASTER] Hired mercenaries in fake uniforms. Everything's a question ofmoney nowadays, my dear Captain. Will you excuse me? Oh, by the way,you're probably wondering why you're still alive. [YATES] It did cross my mind. [MASTER] Well, in the event, in the highly unlikely event of UNITfinding us before the missile's ready, you'd make a very usefulhostage. Remember that. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [FULLER] Right, come on. [MAILER] Where did you find them? [FULLER] Outside B wing, waving to a helicopter. [MAILER] You what? Did it see them? [FULLER] Nah, I don't think so. Anyway, it's cleared off now. [MAILER] Get that zombie out of here. Get rid of him! [MAILER] I don't know what we're going to do about you. [DOCTOR] Look, Mailer, what [MAILER] Back off. [DOCTOR] Mailer, why are you helping the Master? [MAILER] Helping who? [DOCTOR] The Ma, er, er, Keller or whatever he calls himself. [MAILER] Simple. I'm helping him because he's helping me. [DOCTOR] Oh, what's he promised you? [MAILER] Money, pardon, ticket to anywhere I like. [DOCTOR] Do you really think he's going to keep those promises? [MAILER] Why not? [JO] He doesn't care whether you live or die. He's just using you. [MAILER] So he's using me, I'm using him. You make me a better offer? [DOCTOR] Let us go and I'll do the best I can for you. [MAILER] Well, if that's the best you can do, Doc, it really ain't goodenough. Now, wheel 'em out. [FULLER] Right, come on. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] I know exactly where that missile is.Here. [COSWORTH] Stangmoor Prison, sir? [BRIGADIER] It all adds up. Benton saw a Black Maria when the missilewas ambushed and I saw the Doctor and Miss Grant. I'm convinced theMaster has taken over the prison to be used as a hideout for thatmissile. [COSWORTH] Then I assume we'll be taking the place, sir. I'll draw up anassault plan. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Major Cosworth? --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's mobile office) [COSWORTH] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Have you seen Stangmoor Prison? [COSWORTH] No, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, I've just been looking at it. It's an old fortress.You'd need an army to get in there. [COSWORTH] A fortress? [BRIGADIER] That's right. [COSWORTH] I suppose there couldn't possible be a secret undergroundpassage or something? [BRIGADIER] Good, Major, good. Is that a map of the prison? [COSWORTH] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes, you're right. It hasn't been blocked off either. Itprobably leads to the old dungeons. [COSWORTH] It's rather like making a film, isn't it, sir. [SOLDIER [OC]] Greyhound seven to Trap One. Greyhound seven to Trap One. [COSWORTH] Excuse me, sir. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [COSWORTH] It's all right, I'll take it. Go ahead,Greyhound seven. [SOLDIER [OC]] A black saloon car has just entered the prison gates.Over. [COSWORTH] Thank you, Greyhound seven. Maintain surveillance. Over andout. [BRIGADIER] It must be the Master. They wouldn't let anyone else inside.Right, that settles it! We're going to take that prison. [COSWORTH] By using the underground passage? [BRIGADIER] Yes. And also by using a Trojan Horse. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MASTER [OC]] I must say, you've taken your time about it. [MAILER [OC]] Yes --------------------------------------- (Outside the cell) [MAILER] Any trouble? [FULLER] Not a squeak out of them. [MASTER] All right. Open up, Fuller. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [MASTER] Doctor, I [DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush, shush. (The Doctor takes one of Jo's redpieces.) [DOCTOR] There. [MASTER] Doctor, I [JO] Shush. [JO] There. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, the trouble with this game is that it's too simple.In any case, I'm more used to playing three dimensional chess. [MASTER] All right, I've allowed you your little gesture. Now perhaps wecan talk seriously. [DOCTOR] I suppose you're going to ask me to control that machine ofyours again. [MASTER] I am. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I can't. I've told you before. Nobody can. [MASTER] You underestimate yourself, Doctor. You are perfectly capableof controlling it. For a time, at least. [DOCTOR] Well, even if I could, why should I help you? [MASTER] To save lives. Several people have died already. [DOCTOR] Yeah. Most of them hard cases that were helping you. [MASTER] Very well, then. To save one life. [DOCTOR] My own? [JO] Don't listen to him, Doctor. He's just bluffing. [MASTER] Am I? Unless the Doctor does what I ask, Miss Grant, Mailerwill shoot you here and now. [DOCTOR] Well, it's only a theory, but I think there may be one way toinhibit that machine's power of movement. [MASTER] And now is your chance to put that theory to the test. [DOCTOR] Well where's the thing now? Still wandering about? [MAILER] Gone back to the process chamber. [MASTER] Temporarily glutted, no doubt. [DOCTOR] Well, I shall need a lot of equipment, you know. [MASTER] Oh, Stangmoor Prison's a very progressive place. The entirecontents of the workshop's at your disposal. [DOCTOR] All right, I'll give it a try. [MASTER] Good. All right, Fuller. Let us out, will you? No, Miss Grant.You will stay here as a guarantee of the Doctor's good behaviour. Afteryou, Doctor. Satisfied, Mailer? --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Now we shall, as you realise, be veryconsiderably outnumbered. However, not all of our opponents will bearmed and none of them will be trained soldiers. [COSWORTH] And, of course, we shall have surprise on our side. [BRIGADIER] Exactly. Any questions? [COSWORTH] No, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, carry on. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's mobile office) [COSWORTH] An excellent plan, if I may say so, sir.A very good chance of success. [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Major Cosworth. I'm very relieved to hear that. [BRIGADIER] Yes? [BENTON] Excuse me, sir. [BRIGADIER] Benton? What the devil are you doing here? You're supposedto be in hospital. [BENTON] Well, yes, sir. I discharged myself. I'm all right now. I'vejust got a bit of a sore head. [COSWORTH] I'll just get on, sir. [BRIGADIER] At ease, Sergeant. Well, what do you want? [BENTON] I'd like to come on the assault, sir. [BRIGADIER] Benton, you're supposed to be suffering from severeconcussion. [BENTON] I know, sir, but it's only a scratch, honest. And you saidyourself, I've got a thick skull. Anyway, I'd like a chance to get atthe blokes who did it. [BRIGADIER] All right. If you feel fit, you can take charge of theunderground assault party. Major Cosworth will put you in the picture. [BENTON] Thank you, sir. Sir, I [BRIGADIER] Yes? [BENTON] Well, I wondered if you'd had any news about Captain Yates,sir. [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Benton, there's nothing. Nothing at all. --------------------------------------- (Prison workshop) [MASTER] Look, Doctor, you must hurry! If that thing in there startsmoving again [DOCTOR] I'm well aware of the urgency of the situation, thank you.Right. Excuse me, will you? [MASTER] Oh. [DOCTOR] Would you mind bringing that plug with you, please? [MASTER] Oh, right. [DOCTOR] And the coil. [MASTER] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MASTER] Look, tell me, what precisely do you intend to do? [DOCTOR] I'm going to try throwing this coil over that machine in there.If I can get close enough to it without being killed, that is. [MASTER] I see. Well, what can I do to help. [DOCTOR] Well, I want you to operate these controls here and switch onto full power when I call out. [MASTER] This is very ingenious. [DOCTOR] If all goes well, it should set up an electric current in thecoil alternating on much the same frequency as the beta rhythms of thehuman brain. [MASTER] And you think that'll deal with it? [DOCTOR] I don't know, but I think it'll confuse the creature enough totake away its power of movement anyway. [MASTER] Well, I hope you are right. [DOCTOR] So do I. [DOCTOR] Now switch it on now, will you? Bottom one. [MASTER] Right. Well, good luck to you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Right, you know what to do. [MASTER] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [DALEK [OC]] Exterminate! Annihilate! Destroy! Exterminate! Annihilate!Destroy! Exterminate! [DOCTOR] Now! [DALEK] Annihilate! [DOCTOR] Now! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [MASTER] Mailer. Mailer? Well, Doctor.Congratulations. [DOCTOR] It won't hold it for long, you know. That thing's intelligent.Soon it'll work out what happened and find a way to deal with it. [MASTER] Then you'll have to think up something better, won't you. Nowtake the Doctor back to his cell, Mailer. [MAILER] Let's go. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [JO] You all right, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you, Jo. I'm fine, I'm fine. [JO] Did you fix the machine? [DOCTOR] Yes, temporarily. [JO] You look tired. [DOCTOR] I am. Physically and mentally. [JO] Hey, how about some food? Do you think they'd let us have any? [DOCTOR] I doubt it. Not after what happened last time. [JO] I've had nothing to eat all day. I'm starving. [DOCTOR] Well, we shouldn't have thrown our breakfast at them, shouldwe? [JO] Breakfast! Hey, wait a minute. I knew they wouldn't bother to clearup. Here you are. [DOCTOR] Oh, no thanks, Jo, you have it. I'll do without food for awhile. [JO] No, we'll share it. And there's some water in the jug over here. [DOCTOR] Oh, all right. Cheers. [JO] Cheers. [DOCTOR] Huh. Did I ever tell you about the time I was in the Tower ofLondon? [JO] No? [DOCTOR] No? [JO] No. [DOCTOR] Well, I shared a cell with a very strange chap called Raleigh. [JO] Raleigh? [DOCTOR] Yeah, Sir Walter Raleigh. [JO] Oh. [DOCTOR] He got into some trouble with Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth thefirst, that is. He kept going on about this new vegetable of his he'ddiscovered, you see, called the potato. One day, he sat down, pointed afinger at me --------------------------------------- (Prison) [BRIGADIER] Morning, mate. Provisions. [PRISONER] What? [BRIGADIER] Provisions. Nosh. Food. [PRISONER] Back gate. You leave it at the inner gate. You can't come inhere. [BRIGADIER] Oh, it won't get in there, mate. Me van's too big. [PRISONER] You'll have to clear off then. [BRIGADIER] 'Ere, wait a minute. I've got a weeks supply of food inthere, and booze for the Governor. Am I supposed to go back and tellthem you don't want it? They'll think you're barmy. [PRISONER] Hang about. (into R/T) Main gate here. I've got a bigprovisions lorry. Do I let it in? [MAILER [OC]] Yeah, okay. But I want him out of here fast. [PRISONER] Drive up the main courtyard. Unload there. We'll give you ahand. The, er, chief wants you out of here quick as possible. [BRIGADIER] Don't worry. Less time I spend in there, the better. [PRISONER] Okay, open up. --------------------------------------- (Prison outer ward) [BRIGADIER] Come on, out! --------------------------------------- (Prison courtyard) [BRIGADIER] The back's open. [BRIGADIER] This is Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart of UNIT. This prison isnow in military hands. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [JO] It seems to be right inside the prison. [DOCTOR] Yes. I only hope they can gain complete control before Mailerstarts killing the hostages. [JO] So do I. [DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, yes. --------------------------------------- (Prison courtyard) [BRIGADIER] There! [BRIGADIER] Come on! I'm going to find the Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell) [DOCTOR] Ah, come to give yourself up? [MAILER] Now shut up and listen. You want to stay alive you'll doexactly as I say. [DOCTOR] Well? [MAILER] You're going to help me get out of here. You're going to walkout of here and tell those friends of yours that either I get out orI'm going to chop you down. All right? [JO] They won't listen. [MAILER] Too bad for you if they don't. Come on, move! --------------------------------------- (Outside the cell) [MAILER] And remember, no heroics. I can get outwith either one of you. Up! --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [JO] Now, Doctor! [MAILER] That's you finished. I warned you. I only need one of you. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [DOCTOR] Thank you, Brigadier. But do you think that for once in yourlife you could manage to arrive before the nick of time? [BRIGADIER] I'm glad to see you too, Doctor. All right, Miss Grant? [JO] Yes, thanks. [DOCTOR] I see you've changed your job. [BRIGADIER] Yes. Rather an effective disguise, don't you think? [BENTON] Right, down there. [BRIGADIER] Well, did you get the Master? [BENTON] Sorry, sir. He seems to have got away. [DOCTOR] What about the missile? [BENTON] Well, we didn't [BRIGADIER] Isn't it here? [DOCTOR] No. [BRIGADIER] Oh. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, apart from losing the Master and the missile, you'redoing very well, Brigadier. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Look, the Master has got to be found, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] I'm rather more concerned with finding that missile. [DOCTOR] Well, it comes to the same thing, surely. [BENTON] Excuse me, sir? [BRIGADIER] Yes? [BENTON] Everything's secure, sir. The prisoners are back in their cellsand we're starting to move the wounded out. [BRIGADIER] Right, Sergeant Benton. [BENTON] Oh, and we found this chap, sir, hiding in the medical block. [BRIGADIER] Lock him up with the others. [BENTON] Right, sir. [JO] No. No, no, don't. Come on, Barnham. [BENTON] Right, Davies. [JO] Come and sit down. [BARNHAM] I heard, I heard the shooting and I didn't know what to do. [JO] It's all right, it's all over. We'll take care of you. Has he beengiven anything to eat? [BENTON] Well, no, Miss, we were going [JO] Well, don't just stand there, show me where I can find himsomething. [BENTON] Yes, Miss. Sorry. [BRIGADIER] Who is this man? [DOCTOR] His name is Barnham. He's the last man to undergo the Kellerprocess and you can see what it's done to him. He's got the mind of achild. Don't worry about him. You leave him to Jo. He trusts her.Right, let's take a look of this map of yours. [YATES [OC]] Trap One to Greyhound. Trap One to Greyhound. [DOCTOR] It's Captain Yates. [BRIGADIER] All right, I'll take it. Greyhound to Trap One. Is that you,Yates? Where are you? --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [YATES] I'm at mobile HQ, sir. [BRIGADIER [OC]] What happened? [YATES] Quite a lot. I know where he's got Thunderbolt. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Where? [YATES] Outside a hanger on that deserted airfield at Stanham. He's gota crane, launching pad, fake troops, the lot. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [BRIGADIER] Are you all right, Yates? [YATES [OC]] A bit bashed about, sir, but I might just survive. [BRIGADIER] Right, stay where you are. I'm on my way. Over and out. Noneed to worry about the Master any more. This time, we've got him. [BRIGADIER] Right, Sergeant Benton. You'll be in charge of the prison.You can consider yourself Acting Governor. [BENTON] Thank you, sir. [BRIGADIER] Oh, Benton? [BENTON] Yes, sir? [BRIGADIER] Don't get any delusions of grandeur, will you? [BENTON] No, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, that about wraps it up, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Mmm? [BRIGADIER] I said, that about wraps it up. [DOCTOR] Does it? [BRIGADIER] Major Cosworth's throwing a cordon around that hangar now.I'll join him at mobile HQ and then we'll move in and mop things up. [DOCTOR] You may not find the Master all that easy to mop up, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] I don't anticipate much trouble. [DOCTOR] Well, don't forget he's got that rocket full of nerve gas. Hecan point it at any city in Europe. [BRIGADIER] Don't worry, Doctor. He won't get the chance. You comingwith me? [DOCTOR] No, not for the moment. I've got to work out a way ofdestroying that machine of his. If I can step up the voltage in thatcoil [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, er, I'll leave the machine to you, and you canleave Master to me. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, all right. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [DAVE] Have you looked out here then, Bill? [BILL] Yes, Dave, I have. [DAVE] Oh no! [BILL] No! [DAVE] No, the pain. Please! --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [JO] Here you are, Barnham. Drink this up while it's hot. [BARNHAM] Thank you very much, Miss. [JO] Sergeant Benton will look after you. Won't you, Sergeant? [DOCTOR] Right, that's it. That should just about do it, I think. [JO] Wait for me! [BENTON] Sergeant, Acting Governor Benton here. [SUMMERS [OC]] It's Doctor Summers, Sergeant. I wondered if thosemedical supplies had arrived yet. [BENTON] Medical supplies? Hang on, Doctor Summers, I'll check. [BENTON] What do you think you're doing? [BARNHAM] Doctor Summers. [BENTON] You what? [BARNHAM] Well, I'd like to talk to Doctor Summers. [BENTON] Look, you go off and talk to who you like, okay? [BENTON] Hello, Doctor Summers. Yes, they seem to be here all right.They should be on their way over to you now. --------------------------------------- (Prison cell block) [DOCTOR] Oh my! The thing's escaped again! [JO] How? [DOCTOR] Well, it must stored up its energy and blown all the circuits.Let's have a look. [JO] Be careful. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [JO] What happened? [DOCTOR] Well, it's stronger than ever now. How on earth am I going tostop it? [JO] Will you be able to set the coils up again? [DOCTOR] No, that'd never work twice. The thing's too intelligent. Inany case, I doubt whether I'd get near enough to it without beingkilled. [BARNHAM] What's wrong? [DOCTOR] Barnham, get out of here! Get back! [BARNHAM] I heard this noise. I was [JO] It's stopped. [BARNHAM] Machine. I remember this place. Something happened here. [BARNHAM] Something terrible! [DOCTOR] Barnham, come back! Come back! Come back! [BARNHAM] No! [DOCTOR] Over here! [BARNHAM] No! [DOCTOR] Don't be frightened by it! Don't be frightened. That's it,that's it. As long as you're here, it won't hurt us. Right, stay there.Stay there. Sit yourself down, that's it. [JO] But I don't understand. [DOCTOR] The mind of evil, Jo. I should have realised. That creaturefeeds on the evil impulses of the brain. [JO] And Barnham hasn't got any. [DOCTOR] No, the machine extracted them all. Something in his mind actsas a screen and neutralises it. So long as he's here, we're perfectlysafe. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [YATES] Afternoon, sir. [COSWORTH] Afternoon, sir. [BRIGADIER] Afternoon. How are you, Yates? [YATES] Recovering rapidly, sir. [BRIGADIER] Good. Sit down. [YATES] Thank you, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, how's it going, Major Cosworth? [COSWORTH] Fine, sir. I've just been on to the Ministry of Defence. [BRIGADIER] And? [COSWORTH] Thunderbolt is equipped with an abort mechanism. Once in gocondition, it can be blown up at any time. [BRIGADIER] So, if the Master threatens to launch the missile, we simplyblow it up on the ground from here. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [JO] (In disgust.) Can't you kill it now, Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. No, these creatures are incredibly resilient, Jo. It'd takean atomic explosion or an enormous charge of electricity to destroythat. [JO] So what are we going to do? [DOCTOR] Well, I'm going to see. I'm going to see Sergeant Benton. Willyou wait here? Will you be all right until I get back? [BARNHAM] I'm scared. It's evil. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I'll be as quick as I possibly can, all right?Now, Jo will look after you. [JO] What's your other name? --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Now, are you sure you've got all that? [BENTON] I think so, Doctor. Extra heavy duty cable, arrangements withthe National Complex for a maximum power boost. I'll get onto it rightaway. [DOCTOR] Yes, please do. It's all extremely urgent. [BENTON] It's going to take quite a bit of organising. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm quite sure it is, but neverthe [BENTON] Acting Governor Benton here. --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] Who? [BENTON [OC]] Stangmoor Prison - Acting Governor Sergeant Benton here. [MASTER] I see. Er, would the Doctor be there by any chance? [BENTON [OC]] I'll see, sir. Who's calling, please? [MASTER] Er, just say it's an old friend. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [BENTON] It's for you, Doctor. Say's he's an oldfriend of yours. [DOCTOR] Hello? Yes? --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] Oh, Doctor, do I gather that the tableshave turned somewhat at Stangmoor? --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] You have gathered correctly. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [SUMMERS [OC]] Barnham? [SUMMERS] Jo, what on earth do you think you're doing? I told Barnham tostay in the medical wing. [JO] He can't leave. We've got to stay here with that thing. [SUMMERS] But you'll get yourselves killed. [JO] Doctor Summers, we have got to [SUMMERS] Look, Jo! Jo, you know he's not well and that thing'sdangerous. I've got to get him back to the medical wing. Now, come on! [JO] No! No, you can't! [SUMMERS] Argh! My head! [JO] Try, Barnham. [SUMMERS] That thing, it's alive! [JO] Yes, and if Barnham leaves here, that thing will kill all of us. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] In spite of what I've said, do you stillintend to fire that rocket on London? --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] I most certainly do! [DOCTOR [OC]] Well, that would start a world war. [MASTER] Exactly! And then later when this planet is in ruins, I shalltake over. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] I see. Aren't you forgetting something? [MASTER [OC]] Am I, Doctor? What? [DOCTOR] The dematerialisation circuit from your own Tardis. --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [DOCTOR] You can't leave Earth without that, canyou. [MASTER] Are you offering me a deal? --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] I am. Hand me back that rocket and I'llreturn your circuit. [MASTER [OC]] That's very generous of you. [DOCTOR] Leave Earth. Stop bothering us. Go somewhere else and be anuisance elsewhere. Well, what do you say? [DOCTOR] Well? [MASTER [OC]] Right! --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] But you will bring that circuit to me hereat the hanger. You and you alone. At the first sign of treachery, thefirst sign of interference from your UNIT friends and I launch themissile immediately. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Sergeant, can you contact the Brigadierfor me? [BENTON] Well, I think so, Doctor. He should be back at mobile HQ bynow. [DOCTOR] Get onto him at once. Tell him he's got to cancel that attack. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [SUMMERS] You're quite sure there's nothing I cando? [JO] No, honestly. [SUMMERS] All right. Well, I've got a mass of wounded to attend to. I'llbe in the medical wing if you need me. Look after him, Jo. Andyourself. [JO] Thank you. [SUMMERS] Now, you do exactly what Miss Grant tells you, all right? Goodlad. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] But understand that you mustn't go anywhere near him. If hecatches sight of a uniform, he'll fire that rocket. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Don't you worry, Doctor. Leaveeverything to us. I've cancelled the attack and we'll send a dispatchrider to HQ to get your circuit, just in case. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] What do you mean, just in case? It's ouronly chance. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Oh, I don't know, Doctor. There are other ways ofdealing with him. [DOCTOR] Now look, don't do anything stupid, Brigadier. He means what hesays, you know. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Don't you worry, Doctor. Over and out. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Lethbridge Stewart! [BENTON] The Brigadier knows what he's doing, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I sincerely hope so. I'm going back to Miss Grant. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Right, Major Cosworth. I want you toget on to the missile control people. They're to maintain radio linkwith us and explode the missile when I give the word. [COSWORTH] Right away, sir. [BRIGADIER] Captain Yates, you'll be in charge of the evacuation. I wantthe area around that hangar completely clear within a ten mile radius. [YATES] Right, sir. [COSWORTH] Trap One to missile control. Report my signal. Over. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [JO] But I don't see why you're so upset. If yougive him back the circuit and he hands over the missile [DOCTOR] You just don't understand, do you, Jo? Once he gets thatcircuit back he's free to roam through time and space. We'd never catchhim. [JO] Then you'll just have to give in. The Master's got the missile andall we've got is this wretched machine. [DOCTOR] Jo, will you stop stating the obvious. What did you say? [JO] I said all we've got is this machine. [DOCTOR] Well, that's it. That's the answer. We've got the machine andwe've got our friend, Barnham. [JO] I don't understand. [DOCTOR] With a little help from you, old chap, we can destroy thismachine and the Master at the same time. --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [MASTER] Just in case somebody tries to be clever. --------------------------------------- (Process Theatre) [JO] Don't worry. It can't hurt you. [DOCTOR] Come on, old chap, come on. [JO] It's all right. [DOCTOR] That's it. All right? Now don't forget. Whatever you do, don'tdrop it. Now hang on to it tight. Pick it up. [DOCTOR] Come on. That's it. Now, mind how you go. Mind how you go. Allright? Not too heavy for you? Good, that's it. Now close the doorsafter us, will you, Sergeant? [BENTON] Right, sir. [DOCTOR] Now mind his feet. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's mobile office) [BRIGADIER] We tried to explode Thunderbolt on theground, Doctor, but nothing happened. [DOCTOR] What did you expect? The Master may be a scoundrel but he is ascientist. He'll have disconnected the abort mechanism. [BRIGADIER] There's only one thing for it, Doctor. We'll have to givehim back that wretched circuit. [DOCTOR] Oh, has it arrived? [COSWORTH] Just arrived, sir. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's it. [BRIGADIER] Believe me, Doctor, I hate to see the Master escapeunpunished as much as you do. [DOCTOR] It's where he'll escape to that worries me. What right have wegot to let his loose on some other planet? [BRIGADIER] Unless you've got some better plan, I can see noalternative. [DOCTOR] My dear Brigadier, of course I have a better plan. --------------------------------------- (Hangar) [MASTER] Very strange form of transport, Doctor. I hope you're not goingto try anything silly. [DOCTOR] No, of course not. No, it's just that Bessie had broken down. [MASTER] Bessie? [DOCTOR] You know, Bessie? [MASTER] Oh, yes! [MASTER] I think I should warn you that my (mime) is aimed and ready tofire. I just have to press the requisite button. [DOCTOR] That's very clever. [DOCTOR] My word, you have done well. [MASTER] Shall we get on with it? Did you bring the circuit with you? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Here. [MASTER] May I examine it, please? [DOCTOR] How do I know that you won't take the circuit and fire themissile anyway? [MASTER] I'm afraid you don't. You'll just have to trust me this once. [DOCTOR] No, I don't think so. [JO] Now, Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hai! [JO] (into R/T) Hello, Brigadier? Jo Grant here. Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Hello, Miss Grant. We read you. Over. --------------------------------------- (Hangar office) [JO [OC]] Doctor working on missile circuit. Standby for abort instructions. Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Well done, Miss Grant. Greyhound to Windmill three fourtwo. Come in to land. I say again, come in to land. [PILOT [OC]] Wilco. --------------------------------------- (Hangar) [DOCTOR] Right, Jo! [JO] We're on our way. Over and out. [DOCTOR] Come on! [DOCTOR] He's dead. Come on, Jo. Jo, come on. --------------------------------------- (UNIT mobile HQ) [COSWORTH] Twenty seconds, missile control. [BRIGADIER] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,abort! --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [BRIGADIER] Thank you. [JO] We took Barnham there to help us. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know, Jo. I know. [JO] We should never have left him there. [DOCTOR] Well, how do you think I feel? [JO] Sorry. [DOCTOR] Yes. Here, have some coffee. [BRIGADIER] Well, at least we're rid of the Keller machine, and theMaster. [DOCTOR] Yes, we've probably killed off that machine all right, but I'mnot so sure about the Master. [BRIGADIER] Well, even if he wasn't killed, Doctor, he won't get far ifyou've still got his circuit. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's true. [DOCTOR] The circuit. I must have lost it in my struggle with him. [BRIGADIER] Probably destroyed in the explosion. [DOCTOR] Yes, but what if it wasn't? Supposing the Master found it? [BENTON] Hello, Governor's office? [MASTER [OC]] Put me on to the Doctor, will you? [BENTON] Yes. It's for you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] The Master? Yes? --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [MASTER] Ah, Doctor. I was afraid you'd be worriedabout me, so I thought I'd let you know that I'm alive and well. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] I'm extremely sorry to hear that. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [MASTER] I made the safety of my Tardis which,thanks to your generosity, is in perfect working order. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [DOCTOR] So, we won't be seeing you for quite sometime. [MASTER [OC]] Not for quite some time. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [MASTER] But one day, I will destroy this miserableplanet and you along with it. Goodbye, Doctor. Oh, by the way, enjoyyour exile. --------------------------------------- (Prison Governor's office) [JO] What did he say? [DOCTOR] His usual threats. [JO] Never mind, Doctor. You've beaten him. [DOCTOR] Have I, Jo? He's got his Tardis back. He's free to come and gowhere he pleases, while I'm stuck here on Earth (pause) with you,Brigadier!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s08", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Mind of Evil"}
Doctor Who (13 Mar, 1971; Third Doctor) - The Claws of Axos (UNIT radar tracking) [RADAR 1] Twenty five mps. One million miles. Mass, variable. [RADAR 2] Well, if that's its course, we've discovered a comet. Runanother course check. [RADAR 1] It's altered its course! [RADAR 2] It can't have. [RADAR 1] Oh, yes it can, mate. You can say goodbye to your comet,'because whatever that thing is, it's on collision course and headingstraight for Earth. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [CHINN] Nothing. Nothing at all. [BRIGADIER] No. [CHINN] Brigadier, as head of this committee of enquiry, I must remindyou of the Defence Ministry ruling. [BRIGADIER] Mister Chinn, as head of UNIT, I must remind you, that we'renot in the Ministry of Defence. [CHINN] All personnel must be properly screened [CHINN + BRIGADIER] And scrupulously filed. [CHINN] As an elementary security precaution, I must insist upon a filefor this Doctor, er, what's-his-name. [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Mister Chinn. I am personally responsible for theDoctor. [CHINN] Typical! Absolutely typical! That's the kind of high-handedattitude one's come to expect from the UN recently. Now, Brigadier,what about this Doctor© I gather he's not a British subject. Then whois he and where does he come from© [DOCTOR] Good morning. Oh, good morning. --------------------------------------- (UNIT corridor) [JO] I gather Washington think its time the Masterwas dealt with© [FILER] (american) Something like that. [JO] And you're going to deal with him single handed© [FILER] Yeah. No, no, that was Errol Flynn. [JO] Who© [FILER] Forget it. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] My dear Mister Chinn, if I could leave, Iwould, if only to get away from people like you. [BRIGADIER] Doctor. [DOCTOR] And your petty obsessions! England for the English! Goodheavens, man! [CHINN] I have a duty to my country! [DOCTOR] Not to the world© [JO] Good morning. Oh, I'm sorry. Has the conference started© [BRIGADIER] No, not yet. [JO] This is Bill Filer from Washington HQ. --------------------------------------- (UNIT corridor) [YATES] What is it© Do you know© [BENTON] No idea, sir. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [DOCTOR] There's no point in discussing the Master.I keep telling you, he's left Earth by now. [BRIGADIER] We can't be certain of that, Doctor. We must keep onlooking. [CHINN] Master© Who is the Master© [FILER] I, er, I have a report here, Brigadier. It's classified I'mafraid, sir. [CHINN] Then I must insist upon staying. [FILER] I'm sorry, sir. You have no clearance. [CHINN] On the contrary, for the duration of this enquiry, I've beenguaranteed full access to [FILER] Not by us, sir. [CHINN] This has nothing to do with Washington! [FILER] I'm sorry, sir. You are a security risk. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, er [YATES] UFO, sir, coming in fast. --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar tracking) [RADAR 2] UFO bearing two zero niner. Five hundredmiles and closing. [BENTON] ITS, sir, report sightings confirmed. [RADAR 2] Velocity twenty mps [BENTON] Houston HAL tracking. [RADAR 2] Decreasing. [BENTON] Hawaii HAL tracking. [YATES] What the picture here, lads© [BENTON] Negative on astro. We're running ICBM checks, sir. [CHINN] ICBM© What ICBM© Brigadier, what's going on here© [BRIGADIER] An unidentified flying object appears to be heading forEarth, Mister Chinn. Shouldn't you be in touch with your Ministry© [CHINN] Oh, er, telephone. Quickly, man, quickly. [BRIGADIER] Captain Yates© [YATES] Sir© [BRIGADIER] Show Mister Chinn the direct line. [YATES] Direct line© [BRIGADIER] In there! [YATES] Oh, yes, sir. This way, sir. [RADAR 1] Course changing. Two zero seven. Two zero six. [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor, what is it© [DOCTOR] I've no idea. [RADAR 1] Two zero five. [DOCTOR] Variable mass. That's interesting. [RADAR 2] Orbital flight path now. [JO] Is it going to hit us© [RADAR 2] UFO entering atmosphere. now. [BRIGADIER] Compute target area. [RADAR 1] Check. [DOCTOR] Yes. Somewhere on the south east coast, I should imagine. --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [CHINN] Brigadier! --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar tracking) [RADAR 2] South Atlantic, moving north. Bearing nowzero two zero. --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar office) [CHINN] The Minister wants all these facilitieslinked up to strike force immediately. I have full authority. [BRIGADIER] Yates© [YATES] All taken care of, sir. [CHINN] Oh, good. [RADIO [OC]] One cleared. Flight path green one cleared. [CHINN] Yes, good. Er, get me station command, will you© [BENTON] Yes, sir. [RADIO [OC]] Strike unit A [CHINN] Chinn here, MOD. You know I'm coordinating this operation, don'tyou. Well, I want you to be ready to destroy this thing the moment Igive the word. Oh, you are ready. Good. Well, stand by then. [DOCTOR] All set to destroy it, Brigadier© Whatever it is© [BRIGADIER] Just a precaution, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I see. Shoot first and think afterwards, is that it© [RADIO [OC]] Strike unit B [BENTON] Major nuclear powers deny missile launching. Surveillanceconfirmed. [BELL] Estimated target area England, south east coast. There's a reportin from the Met Office, sir. There are freak weather conditions overthe whole area. [YATES] Explain. [BELL] Sudden snowstorms, sir. Dense fog's covering the area. --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar tracking) [RADAR 1] UFO over airline flight path Green One.All civil aircraft scattered. --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [RADAR 2 [OC]] ETA sixty seconds. Repeat, sixtyseconds. Airborne interceptors closing. [CHINN] (into phone.) Missile strike now! Commit now! Yes, Commander.Now! [CHINN] A perfect sitting target! [DOCTOR] Hardly seems sporting, does it© [RADAR 2 [OC]] Contact lost! Contact lost! --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar tracking) [RADAR 2] It's gone, sir. [BRIGADIER] What, destroyed© [RADAR 2] No, you don't understand. It's disappeared, sir, and themissiles haven't reached it yet. [DOCTOR] Don't you think you'd better abort© What goes up must come downagain. The warheads! Abort, man, abort! --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [CHINN] (into phone.) Abort mission! Destruct,destruct, destruct! --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar tracking) [BRIGADIER] Well© [RADAR 2] Still no trace of the UFO, sir. [BRIGADIER] It can't have disappeared. [BELL [OC]] ITSN report total radar contact lost. --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor© Where's it gone© [DOCTOR] Gone© It hasn't gone anywhere, Brigadier. It's just arriving. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's office) [CHINN] We have to assume the thing is hostile.It's landed right by the national power complex. Britain's entire powersupply is menaced. [BRIGADIER] (into phone) Right. [CHINN] Brigadier, in accordance with the Emergency Powers Act [BRIGADIER] All right, Mister Chinn, all right. Yates© [YATES] Sir© [BRIGADIER] All available personnel to the assembly area. [YATES] Sir. Sergeant© [CHINN] I'm treating this as a national emergency. [BRIGADIER] Yes, yes, so am I. Doctor© --------------------------------------- (UNIT office) [CHINN] From now on, you are to consider yourselfunder my orders. [FILER] Er, Brigadier© Where do you want me© [CHINN] Mister Filer, this is an internal matter. Your presence is notnecessary. If you don't leave immediately, I shall have to have youarrested. [BRIGADIER] Mister Chinn! [FILER] No, no, no, it's all right. It's all right, Brigadier. Well,goodbye, Mister Chinn. Take care. --------------------------------------- (Dungeness) [JOSH] Oo-arr© Oo-arr© [YATES [OC]] UFO objective confirmed as area north sector national powercomplex. All vehicles, repeat, all vehicles, RV this area. Out. --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [AXOS [OC]] Analysis pattern reveals locomotor facility normal, sensoryreceptors acute, intelligence atypical. [AXOS [OC]] This specimen is valueless. Absorb, process and eject. --------------------------------------- (Dungeness) [SOLDIER] All right you boys. Go! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [CHINN] Sir George, this is Lethbridge Stewart. [HARDIMAN] Brigadier, this is Winser, head of research. [WINSER] I hope you're not contemplating an attack so close to the labs© [HARDIMAN] You realise this complex provides power for the whole ofBritain© An attack would be disastrous. [BRIGADIER] An attack© By whom, Sir George© We have no idea what we'reup against. We must take these precautions. [CHINN] I've arranged with the army for full artillery support. [DOCTOR] Artillery© Well, your missiles couldn't find their target, whatchance bazookas© [BRIGADIER] Sir George, Professor Winser, the Doctor is our scientificadvisor. [DOCTOR] As far as I can gather with these primitive instruments here,the device has buried itself deep underground. So there's not much thatanybody can do about it, even if it is a bomb. [HARDIMAN] But you don't think it is© [WINSER] Perhaps I could check the readings© [DOCTOR] Yes, please do. [JO] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] You know, I would have said that that was a heartbeat. --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [AXOS [OC]] Intelligent, aggressive, possiblydangerous. Hold for further investigation. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [RADAR 2] Brigadier, something's coming through. [BRIGADIER] Well, let's hear it. [AXOS [OC]] Earth. Axos calling Earth. Fuel systems exhausted. Requestimmediate assistance. Immediate assistance. Axos calling Earth, Axoscalling Earth. Fuel system exhausted. [DOCTOR] More of a cry for help than a threat, wouldn't you say© [CHINN] Brigadier, we can't wait any longer. We must attack now beforethey have time to reorganise their defences. [DOCTOR] Before you start annihilating the thing, why don't we just takea look at it© [HARDIMAN] I agree. [DOCTOR] Jo, I'm sorry. Not this time. [BRIGADIER] Captain Yates. [YATES] Sir© [BRIGADIER] Stay here and act as liaison. Keep an eye on Miss Grant. [YATES] Sir. [BRIGADIER] Sergeant Benton, check the perimeter guard. [BENTON] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Dungeness) [AXOS [OC]] Axos calling Earth. Request immediate assistance. Axoscalling Earth. [DOCTOR] Right, Gentlemen. Shall we go in© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [YATES] It's no good going on at me, Jo. You heardthe Brigadier and he made it perfectly clear that [YATES] What is it, Benton© [BENTON] Sir. We've found a body, sir. [YATES] Where© [BENTON] Over by the north perimeter. And we've found a car, too. A bigYankee job. [YATES] Come on then, you'd better show me. [BENTON] Right, sir. No, Miss, I wouldn't go if I were you. [JO] All right. I'll stay here. --------------------------------------- (Axos) [AXOS [OC]] Attention. Subject non-typical. Investigate. Investigate.Analysis pattern investigates extra-terrestrial. Investigate. [DOCTOR] (faintly) Brigadier! Brigadier! Brigadier! [BRIGADIER] Are you all right, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose so. I must say, this place is full of surprises,isn't it© Let's see what else we can find. --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [FILER] Help! Help! --------------------------------------- (Axos) [FILER [OC]] Help! Help! [JO] Bill© Bill, is that you© --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [DOCTOR] Brigadier! Brigadier! [DOCTOR] Well, gentlemen, there's your enemy. [AXON MAN] Our worlds are uncountable light years away on the far rim ofthe galaxy. Our planetary system has been crippled by extreme solarflare activity. Axos is all that remains of our culture. As you cansee, our science, unlike yours, has taken an organic path. This ship©This ship was not built for our journey. It was grown. [WINSER] What© [AXON MAN] Yes, grown from a single cell and now its nutrient is all butexhausted. We would like to stay. [CHINN] Well [AXON MAN] Until our nutrition and energy cycles have been fullyreplenished. In return, according to your custom, we offer a gift, apayment. [AXON MAN] Axonite. --------------------------------------- (Axos) [JO] Bill© Bill, where are you© --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXON MAN] Axonite is the source of all our growth technology. Axonitecan absorb, convert, transmit and programme all forms of energy. [DOCTOR] Even radiation© Why then were you crippled by solar flare© [AXON MAN] It was already too late. [CHINN] Perhaps you could explain, just what it is, what it does. Myreport, you understand. [AXON MAN] Axonite is, shall we say, the chameleon of the elements. Itis a thinking molecule. It uses the energy it absorbs, not only to copybut to recreate and restructure any given substance. [DOCTOR] And yet you still ran out of fuel© [WINSER] And the principle© The principle of Axonite© [AXON MAN] It would be simpler for me to demonstrate Axonite. --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [MASTER] What's your name© [FILER] Filer, Bill Filer. Who are you© What do you want© [MASTER] I'm your fellow captive, Filer. I am the Master. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXON MAN] A painless lasonic injection of Axonite. [AXON MAN] This is, I presume, one of your food animals© [HARDIMAN] Er, no, no, it isn't. [AXON MAN] My apologies. Assuming it were, you can see, of course, thepossibilities for alleviating the world's food problems. [AXON MAN] The process is, of course, reversible. [WINSER] It's incredible! [HARDIMAN] Unlimited food. [DOCTOR] And unlimited power. [CHINN] We must have it! --------------------------------------- (Axos) [JO] Bill© --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [DOCTOR] That's Jo! Come on! [CHINN] Sir George, no, wait! Now, regarding an agreement. [AXON MAN] The emergency is sector seven. I'm sorry. I must investigate. [CHINN] I must make my report to the Minister. I think I can take careof this perpetual interference from these UNIT people. --------------------------------------- (Axos) [DOCTOR] Jo! Are you all right© What's happened© [JO] I saw this thing. It was shapeless and horrible and [DOCTOR] It's all right, my dear. Don't be frightened. [BRIGADIER] Miss Grant, what are you doing here© I gave you explicitorders. [JO] I was following you in, sir, and I thought I heard Bill Filer'svoice. [BRIGADIER] Filer© In here© [JO] I tried to find him and then suddenly this awful thing appeared. Itcame straight out of the wall at me! [AXON MAN] I think I can explain. We are close to the organic powersources here. Emission from the energy cells would have affected yoursense perception, almost certainly causing you to hallucinate. [JO] And the voices© [DOCTOR] Well, it's all part of the same thing, I'm afraid. You musthave been hearing things. [JO] Hearing things© [DOCTOR] Look, Jo, don't worry. The same thing happened to me when Ifirst came in here. [JO] Doctor, I wasn't imagining things. I tell you I heard Bill Filer'svoice! --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [MASTER] That won't help you, Filer! [FILER] Go to hell! [MASTER] Now look, if you do what I say, we can both escape from here. [FILER] Oh, yeah, sure. How© [MASTER] That ganglion on the wall behind you, you see it© [FILER] Yeah© [MASTER] That's the nerve sector of this section of Axos. Hit that andthe shock will disorientate it temporarily. [FILER] And that's our chance© [MASTER] That's our only chance. [FILER] Okay, I'll try. [MASTER] Filer! Go! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [RADAR 2] Your call to the Ministry, sir. [CHINN] Ah, just wait outside, will you© [RADAR 2] Sir© [CHINN] Just wait outside! [RADAR 2] Very good, sir. [CHINN] Minister© Will you scramble, or shall I, sir© [MINISTER [OC]] Just your report, Chinn. I'm sure that will be quitegarbled enough. [CHINN] Yes, sir. Well, as I anticipated, we are having a certain amountof trouble with these UNIT people, sir. [MINISTER [OC]] We, Chinn© We© [CHINN] Well, I am, sir. [MINISTER [OC]] Are you quite sure you can handle this matter, Chinn© [CHINN] Oh, yes, sir, yes, of course! Er, about the special powers, sir© [MINISTER [OC]] Because if you are not, just remember, it's your head onthe block, Chinn, not mine. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [HARDIMAN] Yes, well, I think we ought to look tothe future too. There are tremendous advantages for humanity inAxonite. [DOCTOR] Yes, tremendous material advantages, but I doubt if evenAxonite could increase the growth of human common sense. But since youseem hell bent on getting hold of it, I suggest the best thing to do isto restrict its use to your laboratories until we've made a fullanalysis of all its properties. [WINSER] We© [HARDIMAN] You mean you want to cooperate with us© [DOCTOR] Scientifically, yes. [HARDIMAN] Winser© [WINSER] It depends. [HARDIMAN] On what© [WINSER] Who leads the investigation© [DOCTOR] Why, you do, of course! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [CHINN] Er, about my request, sir© [MINISTER [OC]] Special powers have already been granted. Do your bestto keep me informed, old chap. After all, you are our man on the spot,Chinn, in more ways than one. [CHINN] Minister© Right, Brigadier! --------------------------------------- (Axos) [MASTER] What about me© I insist you release me. I kept my side of thebargain. I insist! [AXON MAN] Silence. [FILER] Where are you taking me© [AXON MAN] Replication sector. [AXON MAN] Name them. [CHINN] All we ask is your guarantee that the sole distribution right toall Axonite materials be vested in the British government. [AXON MAN] To bring the greatest possible benefit to all Earth peoples,Axonite distribution must be worldwide. [CHINN] I think I can give you that assurance. [AXON MAN] In that case, all that remains is for me to hand over samplesof Axonite for your investigation to begin. [CHINN] Thank you. [CHINN] Thank you! [AXOS [OC]] Begin re-absorption. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [BRIGADIER] Mister Chinn© What's been going onhere© I warn you, you have no authority. [CHINN] All over, Brigadier. No further concern of yours. Agreement hasbeen reached. Britain has the world rights to Axonite. [BRIGADIER] Not as far as I'm concerned. [CHINN] I'm warning you, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] I'll take that, please. Thank you. Right, shall we go©Doctor, Miss Grant. After you, Mister Chinn. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] What's going on here, Yates© [YATES] Regulars suddenly took over, sir. [BRIGADIER] Took over© [YATES] We couldn't very well open fire on them, could we, sir© [BRIGADIER] What about the rest of the men© [CHINN] They've all been arrested, and so, Brigadier, have you. If youwill excuse me. [BRIGADIER] You have no right. [CHINN] On the contrary, I have every right. You're all under securityarrest under the Emergency Powers Act. [BRIGADIER] Captain, this is an illegal act. [HARKER] I have my orders, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] I must tell you, Mister Chinn, I shall make every possibleattempt to warn the UN. [CHINN] Captain, I want all these men put under twenty four hour armedguard. They are to see no one, no one at all. Do you understand© If youneed me, I shall be with Sir George. [DOCTOR] Hmm, quite a quandary. [JO] About which side you're on, you mean© [DOCTOR] Why should they foist this gift onto us© They must wantsomething. Jo, tell me again about that creature that you saw. [JO] You mean you believe me© [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I believe you. I always did. Now then, you'requite sure it was Bill Filer that you heard© [DOCTOR] This body they found, was there no identification© [JO] Apparently not. And when they touched it, it just disintegrated.There was a car, too. Bill Filer's. [DOCTOR] Perhaps he got here ahead of us© [JO] And they didn't find any sign of him© [DOCTOR] No. Perhaps the same thing happened to him. [JO] No! No, he can't be dead. He's still inside that ship. [DOCTOR] I only hope you're right, Jo. [JO] Look, we must get him out. We'll make the Axons let us search. [CHINN] You'll do no such thing. As far as I'm concerned, the man hasceased to exist. [JO] As far as you're concerned, Mister Chinn, nothing exists exceptthis contemptible underhanded deal! CHINN [HARKER] Right, sir. [WINSER] Er, not him. The, er, Doctor's going to help with thepreliminary investigations into Axonite. [CHINN] Very well. But understand, the slightest hint of delay orsabotage, it's your head on the block, not mine! --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [AXON MAN] We have done well, Time Lord. [MASTER] Of course. The humans are fools. [AXON MAN] So far your predictions have proved correct. This is indeed arich planet you have brought us to. [MASTER] And am I to be released© [AXON MAN] As yet, we have only gained a foothold. For the maximumnutrient value, Axonite must encircle the world within the next seventytwo hours. [MASTER] And for that to happen, your secret arrangement with theBritish Government must be made universally known. Now, I can do thatfor you. Give me my freedom. [AXON MAN] Your freedom© The bargain, you remember, was that if wespared you and your Tardis, you would lead us to this planet in returnfor the death of the Doctor. [MASTER] And the destruction of all life on Earth. [AXON MAN] Of course. But our sensors detected something you neglectedto tell us. This Doctor is also a Time Lord, is he not© [AXON MAN] No one is irreplaceable. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [WINSER] This panel here. [DOCTOR] And this brings in the whole output of Reactor One© [WINSER] Yeah! The particles are accelerated round and round thecyclotron in an ever increasing electromagnetic field. Eventually, wehope to have controlled acceleration up to the speed of light. Now,once beyond that point, the particles will be travelling in the fourthdimension. I will be able to begin my experiments with the nature oftime itself. [DOCTOR] With the ultimate aim of making travel in time possible© [WINSER] Why not© [DOCTOR] Yes, most impressive. Much larger than my own set-up, ofcourse. [WINSER] Your set-up© [DOCTOR] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Axos) [AXOS [OC]] The other Time Lord will be with the Axonite. Find him andbring him here. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [WINSER] Are you trying to tell me that youactually achieved time travel and published nothing© [DOCTOR] In Britain, no. [WINSER] Where, then© [DOCTOR] Elsewhere. Yes, yes, elsewhere. [WINSER] And I suppose you can't remember. [DOCTOR] Yes. As a matter of fact, that's the trouble. I can't. [WINSER] How convenient. [DOCTOR] Most inconvenient, actually. You know, I was thinking, if you'dreally like to take a look at my Tardis, maybe I can arrange to have itbrought down. [WINSER] Tardis© Are you serious© [DOCTOR] Absolutely. Perhaps we can get it operational, with the help ofthis stuff. [WINSER] No, Doctor, I simply won't hear of it! [DOCTOR] But don't you see© It's the simplest way to break itdown. [WINSER] You're asking me to risk fifty million pounds worth ofequipment! [DOCTOR] Look, all we have to do is take the Axonite, put it in thelight accelerator and crack it down into particles. [WINSER] Oh! No, it's far too hazardous. The whole damn lot could go up. [DOCTOR] If it is a thinking molecule, it should analyse itself. All wehave to do is switch on and read the printout. [WINSER] Analyse itself© Is the spectroscope set© [DOCTOR] Spectroscope© You might as well use a magnifying glass. [WINSER] What was that, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Oh, nothing, my dear Holmes. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [MASTER] I know their ways on Earth. I can move around freely. I'mfamiliar with their systems, their organisations. You don't have thetime to learn these things. If the nutrition cycle is to be activatedin the next seventy two hours, you must have world wide distribution bythen. [AXOS [OC]] Data confirms feasibilities. Queries motivation. Decisionreads, release Time Lord but retain his Tardis time capsule untilmission completed. [MASTER] But I must have my Tardis! [AXOS [OC]] Negative. Data indicates time capsule unnecessary forsuccess of mission. [MASTER] Well, at least give me back my laser gun. I may need to defendmyself. [AXOS [OC]] Return of laser gun is acceptable. Possession of timecapsule will prevent hostile action. [AXOS [OC]] Cell area. Emergency! Emergency! Emergency! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [DOCTOR] Well© [WINSER] Not a thing. Damn it. It should show some response tosomething. [DOCTOR] It's been programmed not to. Don't you see, it's deliberatelyresisting analysis. Well, isn't it© [WINSER] Go on, say it. [DOCTOR] Say what© [WINSER] I told you so! [DOCTOR] I told you so! Particle acceleration, it's the only answer. Ifyou're not prepared to risk your own equipment, why don't we try mine© [WINSER] I thought you said it was US. [DOCTOR] A certain malfunction of the drive system, yes, but the othercomponents are all right. We could put them through the main reactor. [WINSER] Well, if we (thinks) If we can bypass the malfunction and yourlight accelerator's compatible, it might work. [DOCTOR] It's the only thing left to do, isn't it© If you could persuadethe powers that be© [WINSER] Yes, I suppose you're right. I'll see what I can do. [DOCTOR] Right. --------------------------------------- (Army lorry) [MASTER] I am Master. You will obey me. You will obey me. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [FILER 2] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Filer! So you got away© [FILER 2] Come with me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Come with you© What are you talking about© [FILER 2] Come to Axos! [DOCTOR] I won't go to Axos or anywhere else with you! In any case,you're not Filer! [FILER 2] Come to Axos. [FILER] Out the way, Doc! [FILER] No, Doc! [DOCTOR] Doc© [FILER] No! [FILER] Boy, am I glad that's not me in there. [DOCTOR] Are you quite sure it isn't© [FILER] Yeah, quite sure! [DOCTOR] Good! Come along. --------------------------------------- (UNIT corridor) [MASTER] You will load the Doctor's Tardis ontoyour lorry. You will need some help. [DRIVER] I will need some help. [MASTER] Get the guard to give you a hand. [DRIVER] The guard. [MASTER] Now. --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [DOCTOR] I tell you, Brigadier, they replicatedBill here. [BRIGADIER] Replicated© [DOCTOR] Faked, copied, duplicated. [BRIGADIER] But how© [DOCTOR] Look, does it matter how, Brigadier© We haven't got the time toexplain. [JO] Axonite, the copying molecule! [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you, Jo. [BRIGADIER] Yes, but I still don't see [DOCTOR] Bill, was the Master in Axos or not© [BRIGADIER] He is sure is, or was until he escaped. [DOCTOR] Which was why they sent Filer, the fake Filer, after me. [BRIGADIER] Then they're not human at all© [DOCTOR] Human! They're not even humanoid! [FILER] Well, according to the Master, they're some kind of scavenger.You know, no planet, nothing. [DOCTOR] The whole thing's just a pack of lies, Brigadier. [JO] Apart from Axonite copying things. [DOCTOR] Yes, quite. Look, we've got to stop Chinn getting hold of thatstuff. [BRIGADIER] Right. [HARKER] Nobody move, please. Take his gun. [HARKER] I'm sorry, Mister Filer. [BRIGADIER] Captain, listen! [HARKER] Brigadier, I already have. [DOCTOR] And what is your decision© [HARKER] Unfortunately, I have my orders. [DOCTOR] Which are© [HARKER] To confine you strictly to the laboratory. --------------------------------------- (UNIT radar tracking) [RADAR 1] Trap One, do you read me© Over. Hello Greyhound, this is TrapOne. Do you read me© Over. No use, Harry. Who are you© [MASTER] The Brigadier sent me. [RADAR 1] What's going on [MASTER] You have a top priority message to send to the United Nations.I will tell you what to say. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [DOCTOR] My dear Winser, I hope you'll forgive this unauthorised use ofyour precious equipment, but in case there is an accident, I'm makingthis recording of what not to do. I am about to place the Axonite inthe light accelerator. [DOCTOR] Now, the idea is to split off a stream of Axonite particles andaccelerate them through time. In this way, we shall force it to analyseitself on the printout. Right, here goes. Reactor One activated.Accelerating. Point one. Two. Three. It's reacting. Speed of light,now! --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXOS [OC]] Emergency! Nutrition cycle prematurely activated! Immediaterecovery essential. Emergency! Emergency! --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex corridor) [HARKER] Are the prisoners still inside© Open up! [BRIGADIER] Sorry, Captain. Well done, Filer. I must get on to UNITheadquarters. You go with Jo and find the Doctor. [JO] But [BRIGADIER] If anyone can explain, he can. Now hurry! [JO] The Doctor's in the laboratory, isn't he© [FILER] Yeah, that's where the alarms coming from. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [JO] Doctor, what are you doing© [DOCTOR] A small experiment, that's all. [JO] What© [DOCTOR] Jo, please keep back! That's Axonite in there. It's now takingthe whole output of Reactor One and absorbing it. Absorbing the wholelot and using it to grow. [WINSER] What the hell's happening here© Get away from of my equipment,you idiots! [WINSER] Oh, you stupid quack! [DOCTOR] Don't touch that! [DOCTOR] Yes, of course! Axons! That ship, Axonite, it's all the samething! Don't you see we're dealing with one single living creature©Axonite was just the dormant state until I activated it. [FILER] Can't you stop it© [DOCTOR] No, it's too late. Don't you see, Filer© This stuff couldendanger the entire world. [JO] Doctor! Look out! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [AXOS [OC]] De-energise them. [AXOS [OC]] Re-personalise. [AXOS [OC]] Re-personalisation completed. Take them to Axos. --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [BRIGADIER] (into phone) What are you talkingabout, man© I repeat, I want an urgent cable to Geneva HQ. Now, messagereads, Chinn making illegal unilateral deal. Request confirmation. Whatdo you mean, a similar message has already been sent© It can't havebeen! Well, there must have been a security leak. Look, just tell meexactly what happened. [BRIGADIER] Just a moment. You can put that away, Captain. I don't thinkyou'll be needing it. [HARKER] Sir, you're still under arrest. [BRIGADIER] I doubt it. I think you'd better get in contact with yourHQ. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [HARDIMAN] What's happened© Where's Winser© [AXON MAN] Your scientist has been killed. [HARDIMAN] Killed© How© [AXON MAN] His body was destroyed by an intense blast of radiation. [HARDIMAN] Radiation© [CHINN] What happened© [AXON MAN] Our instruments showed attempts were being made to interferewith the structure of Axonite. We came to help, but we were too late. [HARDIMAN] We© [AXON MAN] My crew have removed the unstable material. [HARDIMAN] And the radiation© [AXON MAN] Has already been neutralised. [CHINN] Did you authorise these experiments, Sir George© [HARDIMAN] No, I did not. Winser went his own way, poor devil. [CHINN] Did you mean to tell me [AXON MAN] The blame is for you to decide. This kind of thing must neverhappen again. Never! Otherwise, we shall cancel the agreement. --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [JO] Doctor! I can't move! [DOCTOR] Jo, lie still! There's nothing we can do. [JO] Where are we© [DOCTOR] We're back inside Axos, and these claws or whatever you callthem, they're a living part of Axos. [JO] Why did they bring us here© [DOCTOR] I wish I knew. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [HARKER] Excuse me, sir. I've been talking to my HQabout Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart. [CHINN] The Brigadier is under arrest. [HARDIMAN] Any sign of Miss Grant or the Doctor© [HARKER] Er, no, sir. Excuse me, sir, the message from HQ. [CHINN] Not now! [HARDIMAN] When you arrived here, were there any signs [AXON MAN] When we arrived there was no one here, except this man. [HARDIMAN] Filer! [AXON MAN] He is in a coma. Since my help is no longer needed. I shallreturn to my ship. [HARDIMAN] Here, give us a hand. He's terribly ill. [BRIGADIER] You've got a medical wing, haven't you© Well, take himthere. Get on with it! [HARKER] Right, sir. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXON MAN [on monitor]] All things must die, Doctor. Mankind, thisplanet, Axos merely hastens the process. [DOCTOR] Oh© How© [AXON MAN [on monitor]] Axonite is simply bait for human greed. Becauseof this greed, Axonite will soon spread across the entire planet andthen the nutrition cycle will begin. [DOCTOR] Indeed, and what then© [AXON MAN [on monitor]] Slowly we will consume every particle of energy,every last cell of living matter. Earth will be sucked dry! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [BRIGADIER] On the contrary, Mister Chinn, theposition has changed. [CHINN] Changed© How© Captain© [HARKER] I'm afraid so, sir. I did try and tell you. I've had ordersdirect from the Ministry. I'm to hand over command to the Brigadier. [CHINN] Ministry© But I haven't heard anything about this! [BRIGADIER] Well, you have now. [CHINN] Now, look here [BRIGADIER] Captain, anything on the Doctor and Miss Grant© [HARKER] No, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, release my men. They'll help you search. We've got tofind them. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [DOCTOR] Well, obviously, your plan entails somesort of time limit. [AXON MAN [on monitor]] Axonite must be activated within seventy twohours of our landing. [DOCTOR] You know, Jo, I think our friend Chinn, has done the rightthing for once. For the wrong reasons, of course. [JO] What do you mean© [DOCTOR] Well, fortunately, he intends to confine the entire supply ofAxonite to Britain. --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [MINISTER [on monitor]] Chinn© [CHINN] Sir© [MINISTER [on monitor]] Perhaps you can tell me why the sole result ofthe special powers I granted you, has been this catastrophic securityleak© [CHINN] Catastrophic security leak© Which catastrophic security leak,sir© [MINISTER [on monitor]] The United Nations are demanding the immediatefree world-wide distribution of Axonite. The whole thing has blown upin our faces, Chinn. [CHINN] Yes, sir. In our faces, sir. [MINISTER [on monitor]] Distribution is to take place immediately. [CHINN] Yes, sir. Just as soon as I can [MINISTER [on monitor]] Yes, sir. Not as soon as, immediately. Arrangeair transport. [CHINN] You can depend upon me, sir. [MINISTER [on monitor]] Hmm© What© Yes, well, just in case we can't.Your resignation, Chinn. All ready for signature. Goodbye, Chinn. [CHINN] (into phone) Hello© Get me air transport liaison. Hello, Chinnhere. I want you to arrange for world-wide distribution of Axoniteimmediately. --------------------------------------- (Medical bay) [FILER] Axonite. Axonite. Dangerous. Must be kept here. Must notdistribute. Must not distribute. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [BENTON] Will there be anything else, sir© [GENERAL] Thank you, Sergeant. That will be all. [BENTON] I ought to let the Brigadier know you're here. [GENERAL] You'll do no such thing and that's an order, Sergeant. [BENTON] Sir, he would like to know [GENERAL] This is a surprise inspection. I'll make meself known to theBrigadier in me own time. [BENTON] Very good, sir. [GENERAL] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Medical bay) [FILER] No, we must find him! Helping them! Got tofind him. Must find the Master. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Oh, no! But what does he think he's doing© What a botch-up! --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXON MAN [on monitor]] Lies are useless, Time Lord! [DOCTOR] Look, for the thousandth time, I tell you I am not a Time Lord. [AXON MAN [on monitor]] We have explored the blocks the Time Lords haveimposed upon your memory and can free them. We must have the secret oftime travel. [DOCTOR] Must you© Why© [AXON MAN] Soon it will be necessary to expand our feeding range toincrease the energy sources available to us. Space-time travel willgive us this power. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Oh, well, I suppose it could be made towork. Just possibly. Right, Doctor. Don't keep me waiting, will you© --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [DOCTOR] I refuse to align myself to this cosmicbacteria of yours. [AXON MAN [on monitor]] We shall see. You have seen how Axonite canabsorb the life force from a human body. Now we have arranged for yourcompanion to age to death before your eyes. [DOCTOR] Jo© [DOCTOR] No! No! No! Stop! Stop! [AXON MAN [on monitor]] You will co-operate© [DOCTOR] You cannot defy the laws of time. Give me a chance and I'llprove it to you. [AXON MAN [on monitor]] Very well. Release her. [AXON MAN [on monitor]] All right, Doctor. Begin. --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [BRIGADIER] The whole question of Axonite'sdistribution must be shelved until we've found the Doctor and got hisreport on it. [CHINN] Doctor© I spotted him for a charlatan the moment I saw him. Ifyou ask me, Brigadier, you're not going to see much of that gentlemanagain. [AXON MAN] Large quantities of Axonite are available for immediatedistribution. Perhaps you could show me the extent of the operation. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXOS [OC]] Concentrate, Doctor. You have only tothink the equation. The mind of Axos will do the rest. [DOCTOR] Very well. [AXOS [OC]] Good, now the power requirements. What is this© Rememberwhat will happen if you lie. [DOCTOR] Pure mathematics cannot lie. You'll need an immense amount ofpower to create a time field for anything as large as Axos. (10 to the9th power mega K-tons, apparently.) [DOCTOR] There you are. There are your final power requirements. [AXOS [OC]] All data confirmed. [DOCTOR] You see© Just as I told you. Far in excess of your total powercapacity. [AXOS [OC]] Add the full power output of the Nuton complex to yourfigures, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, all right, but I fail to see what good it will do. [AXOS [OC]] Data confirms space-time travel possible using additionalpower from complex. You see, Doctor, we can call upon the additionalpower of the complex whenever we need it. [DOCTOR] How© You can't just walk in there and take it. [AXOS [OC]] On the contrary, Doctor. We can. --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [CHINN] Cape Kennedy, ten units of Axonite intransit. Washington Pentagon, five units due for take-off elevenhundred hours GMT. Ottawa, one unit Axonite in transit. Baikonur tenunits, ETA twelve thirty GMT. Lop Nor© Lop Nor, five units. Yes, wellthere we are. Axonite consignments on their way to every major capitaland scientific establishment in the world. [AXON MAN] Excellent. [CHINN] Thank you. [AXOS [OC]] De-personalise. Locate and enter main reactor. Establishlink to transmit power. [CHINN] Yes, well, that just about wraps it up. Aren't you going to waitfor confirmation of arrivals© [AXON MAN] I must leave now. [CHINN] Is something wrong© Are you all right© --------------------------------------- (Medical bay) [BRIGADIER] You're sure of all this© [FILER] Look, I may have been sick, Brigadier, but I am not crazy. Now,the Axonite killed Winser, then the Axons turn up, clobbered me andtook Jo and the Doc off. [BRIGADIER] And the Doctor said that Axonite could become a danger tothe whole world© [FILER] Sure. Something about draining all energy. [BRIGADIER] Right, I'm going to have a word with Chinn, not to mentionour Axon friends. [FILER] Hey, hey! Wait for me! [BRIGADIER [OC]] Lay there and rest! [FILER] Yeah, sure. Will one of you Florence Nightingales kindly get myclothes© --------------------------------------- (Nuton complex) [BRIGADIER] Hey! You there! Stop! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [YATES] Right, Benton, get your skates on. [BENTON] Right, sir. [BRIGADIER] Where's Hardiman© [YATES] He's up in the control box, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, come on. Sir George! [HARDIMAN] May I ask why your men have brought an obsolete police boxinto my research laboratory© [BRIGADIER] I've no idea. Oh, that's part of the Doctor's equipment.HARDIMAN [BRIGADIER] Sir George, I must ask you to check the main reactor. I'msorry, this is really rather urgent. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory control box) [HARDIMAN] Very well. Yes, the readings areslightly up. What is all this© [BRIGADIER] Our Axon friend has just walked straight into the furnace ofthe main reactor. [HARDIMAN] What© --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Oh, hopeless! Overweight, under-powered old museum piece! [MASTER] Ah, no proper stabiliser. Oh well, let's try again. [MASTER] You may as well try to fly a second hand gas stove! [MASTER] Yes if I use that trigger mechanism, it might. Worth a try. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory control box) [HARDIMAN] If the Axon walked into the reactor,he's simply committed suicide. [BRIGADIER] Yes. [YATES] Sir, look. The Tardis door. [BRIGADIER] The Master! [BRIGADIER] Right, not a sound. Benton, get some more men. Yates, withme. Sir George, you stay here. [HARDIMAN] Who is that© [BRIGADIER] Please! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Stay right where you are! [HARDIMAN [OC]] Brigadier, a massive power surge on the main reactor. [YATES] Stop there! [BRIGADIER] Touch that thing just once and we'll blast you into pieces! [BRIGADIER] Benton! [BRIGADIER] What are you doing here© What are you after© [MASTER] That police box. [BRIGADIER] You wanted to steal the Tardis© Why© [MASTER] Well, my own Tardis is held by Axos and I needed a spacevehicle to get away from this planet before it's too late. [BRIGADIER] Why bring it here© [MASTER] Well, I knew the Doctor would soon return to his Tardis and Ivery much wanted to meet him just once more. Where is he, by the way© [BRIGADIER] The Doctor and Miss Grant have disappeared. [HARDIMAN] Brigadier, the power build up has spread to the wholecomplex. The reactors could go critical at any moment. The whole placecould go up. [MASTER] I'm afraid that your reactors have been taken over by theAxons. [BRIGADIER] You know these creatures. Is there anything we can do©Anything at all© [MASTER] Nothing, but there may be something that I can do. [BRIGADIER] What© [MASTER] If, and only if you guarantee my freedom, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Out of the question. [MASTER] Oh well, in that case. [HARDIMAN] Brigadier, if this place goes up, thousands of lives will gowith it. It only wants a chain reaction for the whole place to become agigantic nuclear bomb. [MASTER] Yes, there is that possibility. [HARDIMAN] Brigadier, for heaven's sake! [BRIGADIER] Very well. [MASTER] My absolute and unconditional freedom© [BRIGADIER] Yes. Now get moving! [MASTER] Thank you. If you please, Sergeant. [BRIGADIER] Hurry, Benton! [HARDIMAN] What can we do© [MASTER] I'd like you to give me a link from the Tardis to theaccelerator so that I can get straight through to the main reactor. Nowwhat I propose to do is this. Stack up as much power as the Tardis willtake, then channel it back through the accelerator and boost it, sothat instead of the gradual power build-up that Axos expects, it'll getthe whole lot in one devastating surge. [HARDIMAN] What else can we do© [MASTER] Oh, nothing very much. Oh, I suppose you can take the normalprecautions against nuclear blast, like, er, sticky tape on the windowsand that sort of thing. [FILER] Now, hold it! Right there! [BRIGADIER] Filer, no! He's helping us. We need him. [FILER] Helping© Are you crazy, Brigadier© [BRIGADIER] Probably, but we've got no choice. [FILER] Yeah, but [BRIGADIER] Filer! [MASTER] Thank you. [HARDIMAN] Where are you going© [MASTER] Back into this contraption. [HARDIMAN] Why© [MASTER] Well, theoretically it should be able to store all the powergenerated around it, like it solar cell battery. [HARDIMAN] Are you trying to tell me you can absorb the total output ofthis complex in a police box© [MASTER] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXOS [OC]] Forty percent time field capability.Forty five percent. Fifty percent time field capability. Fifty fivepercent. Sixty percent time field capability. Prepare to enter timefield. Repeat, prepare to enter time field. Seventy percent. Seventyfive. Seventy percent. Sixty five percent. Sixty percent. Emergency!Emergency! Emergency! [DOCTOR] They're not getting the power through! [AXOS [OC]] Locate power failure source. Investigate possible celldamage. Evaluate, trace and restore all absorption channels. Emergency!Emergency! [AXOS [OC]] Attention! Attention! Time Lord escaping. Seal off controlcentre and all adjacent areas. Close all exit tracts. Surround,neutralise and retrieve when emergency is over. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [HARDIMAN] Surely it can't take any more© --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [HARDIMAN [on scanner]] I don't want to risk thecables. [MASTER] Risk the cables, man. Risk everything! you've got to! --------------------------------------- (Axos cell) [DOCTOR] Jo! [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Let's get out of here while that creature's disorientated. Comeon! That's it, come on! [JO] What's happening© [DOCTOR] Hang on to me. Come on! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [MASTER] Now, when I pull this handle, the enormousamount of power stored in the Tardis will be channeled straight intoAxos. [FILER] What about Jo and the Doc© [MASTER] They won't stand a chance. They will die with Axos. [BRIGADIER] No! [MASTER] Either we destroy Axos or Axos destroys the world. Which is itto be, Brigadier© --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [HARDIMAN] Well over maximum now. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Now then, you old antique, keep working! --------------------------------------- (Axos) [JO] I can't! I can't! I can't! [JO] I can't! I can't! I can't! [DOCTOR] Jo! Stop it! Be quiet! Stop it! [JO] What's that screaming© [DOCTOR] The whole thing's electro-convulsing. The power's creating anelectrical storm in its brain and we're going right through the centreof the trauma! Come on! Hang on! [DOCTOR] Jo! Try and stop it! [JO] I can't! I can't! [DOCTOR] Try and stop it! Don't let it get a grip on your brain! Don'tlet it get to your brain!. Listen to me! Answer me! What are threesevens© [JO] Twenty one. [DOCTOR] Twenty one. Keep answering. Three sevens times four© [JO] Eighty four. [DOCTOR] Minus thirty five© Think, Jo! Think, Jo! [JO] Forty nine. [DOCTOR] Twice that© Twice! [JO] Ninety eight. [DOCTOR] Plus ten© [JO] A hundred and eight. [DOCTOR] Divide by nine. [JO] Twelve. [DOCTOR] Divide by four. [JO] Three. [DOCTOR] Three sevens! [JO] Twenty one. [DOCTOR] Yes! Quick! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [MASTER] Well, gentlemen© Your congratulations© [MASTER] I see. [BRIGADIER] Wait! [MASTER] Why© You promised me my freedom. I've earned it. [BRIGADIER] We don't know yet what you've achieved. [MASTER] My dear Brigadier, I promised to help you, not sort out allyour problems. [BRIGADIER] Captain© [YATES] Sir. Parker, McDougall. [HARDIMAN] Something's gone wrong. They must have reversed the powerflow. They're feeding it back at us. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXOS [OC]] Source identified as light accelerator.Concentrate power reversal on this sector. Total destruction essential.Repeat. Total destruction essential. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [HARDIMAN] All personnel, your attention please. Evacuate acceleratorsector. Shut off all power in your area and proceed to blast wallshelters immediately. That is all. Brigadier, I want everybody out ofhere. [BRIGADIER] Right. Captain Yates, everyone up to the control box. [YATES] Right, Benton, let's go. [BENTON] Move! [BRIGADIER] What are you going to do© [HARDIMAN] I'm going to disconnect the cables. [BRIGADIER] Right, where do we start© [HARDIMAN] No, no, no, Brigadier. This establishment is myresponsibility. Yours is with your men. [BRIGADIER] Yes, but surely [HARDIMAN] I don't any help. I'll be with you in a minute. [BRIGADIER] Very well. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory control box) [BRIGADIER] How's he doing© [MASTER] Well, he'll have to take out the trigger mechanism before hecan disconnect the final cable. [BRIGADIER] How much time has he got© [MASTER] Who knows. [BRIGADIER] He's done it! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Hardiman! Captain Yates, get some mendown here. [YATES] Yes, sir. [DOCTOR] Going somewhere© --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [DOCTOR] The claws of Axos are already deeplyembedded in the Earth's carcass! Soon it'll activate its nutritioncycle and the feast'll be begin. The Axonite'll cease to be dormant andit'll continue to grow, gentlemen, until every living thing isconsumed. [BRIGADIER] Unless we can find a way of stopping it. [DOCTOR] I don't think you can stop it. [JO] Well, there must be something we can do, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Well, we can but try, Jo. Can you commandeer the computerbanks© I want to make some very complex calculations. [TECHNICIAN] Of course. [DOCTOR] Good, thank you. [TECHNICIAN] I'll have them cleared immediately. [DOCTOR] Brigadier, can you set up a constant watch on that spacedome© [BRIGADIER] Right. Captain Yates© [YATES] Sir© [FILER] What about the Master© [DOCTOR] I'm going to ask you to hand your prisoner over to me for awhile. [FILER] Well now, hold on a minute. [DOCTOR] Look, Bill, I think I can defeat Axos but I must have theMaster's help. [JO] But you know you can't trust him. He'll kill you the first chancehe gets. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry, Jo. I'll keep him in good order all right,with this. [BRIGADIER] I shall be setting up HQ in the lab. I want you and Bentonin R/T contact the whole time. [YATES] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Right, get going. [YATES] Right, sir. Sergeant Benton. [BENTON] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory control box) [(Out on Dungeness, Yates sets up a camera to watchthe spaceship entrance, connected to a large dish. Then he gets intothe back of the Land Rover to report.) YATES [OC]] Trap One toGreyhound. Over. [BRIGADIER] Go ahead, Trap One. Over. [YATES [OC]] Eyes down. Look in. Over. [BRIGADIER] Roger. [BRIGADIER] Receiving your signal. Maintain surveillance. Over. [YATES [OC]] Roger. Wilco. Out. [CHINN] That thing working© Get me the Ministry, will you© [BRIGADIER] Ah, Mister Chinn. Now where have you been hiding yourself©Canteen© [CHINN] As it so happens I've been doing your job! [BRIGADIER] Oh yes© [CHINN] Trying to do something about the situation. [BRIGADIER] Which particular situation© [CHINN] Axonite, Brigadier, Axonite. Do you realise that Britain's goingto get the blame for all this© [BRIGADIER] Britain or you, Mister Chinn© [CHINN] Well, if you won't get the Ministry (looks around) Where'sHardiman© [BRIGADIER] Dead. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [JO] You look like a disappointed bloodhound. [FILER] All bloodhounds look disappointed. It's an occupational hazard. [JO] Why Bill© You've got your man. [FILER] Oh, sure. Bill Filer of the New York Mounted Police. I don'tlike it, Jo. [JO] Well, all we can do is wait. [FILER] I don't mean the hanging around, I'm used to that. I've just gotthis feeling that something's going on. [JO] Come on, Bill. Surely you don't think there's a [FILER] I don't think anything. It's a funny time to go collecting junk,that's all. Real eager beavers. [JO] But they've got to be. They're working against time. [FILER] Then why pack off all the technicians© Why can't they help©Why've they got to go it alone, huh© Why© --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Well, Doctor© I'm still waiting to hear this marvellous schemeof yours. [DOCTOR] Actually, there isn't one. [MASTER] Well, then why© [DOCTOR] Because if you mend the Tardis, we can both escape. [MASTER] Both© Tell me, Doctor, are you suggesting an alliance© [DOCTOR] Why not© I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a heap ofdust on second rate planet to a third rate star. Do you© [MASTER] Do you mean to say that you are actually prepared to abandonyour beloved Earth to the Axon's tender mercies© [DOCTOR] Certainly. After all, we are both Time Lords. [MASTER] Maybe. Look, why should I help you© [DOCTOR] Because if you don't I shall hand you over to UNIT and you'llbecome a prisoner on a doomed planet. [MASTER] Yes, well, you'll be doomed along with me. [DOCTOR] Exactly. We either escape together or we die together. [MASTER] Oh, very generous! But look, why not just hand me over to UNITand make your escape by yourself© Well© [DOCTOR] Because the Time Lords have put a block on my knowledge ofdematerialisation theory, that's why! [MASTER] Oh, I see. [DOCTOR] Yes. Well, we haven't got much time. What's your decision© [MASTER] All right, I accept. [DOCTOR] Good. Well, you're the mechanic. What's the answer© [MASTER] The answer, Doctor is this. [DOCTOR] The trigger mechanism from the light accelerator. [MASTER] Yes. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. [MASTER] Now this will compensate for the deficiencies in yourdematerialisation circuit. With a little ingenuity, I may be able tojoin one to the other, but it'll take time. [DOCTOR] Well, it'd better not take too much time. Right, you get onwith the repairs, I'll go and work out some course coordinates. [MASTER] Very well. [DOCTOR] Just in case you were thinking of leaving without me. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [AXOS [OC]] Data indicates distribution complete.Activate nutrition cycle one. Initiate recall one. Activate nutritioncycle two. Initiate recall two. Activate nutrition cycle three. --------------------------------------- (Laboratory control box) [YATES [OC]] It's surfacing, sir! The whole thing! [BRIGADIER] Pull out, Yates. Back to the complex. [YATES] Yes, sir. --------------------------------------- (Dungeness) [YATES] Jump! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [DOCTOR] Ah, thank you, Jo. [JO] Doctor, what are those figures© [DOCTOR] Oh, they're just some course coordinates, that's all. [FILER] What do you want course coordinates for, Doc© You're notthinking of leaving us, are you© [DOCTOR] Here you are. Everything ready© [MASTER] Just the check. [DOCTOR] Good. Yes, as a matter of fact, we are. [FILER] Not if I can help it! [DOCTOR] Drop that, Filer! [JO] Doctor! Doctor! [DOCTOR] Sorry, Jo. Ah, Brigadier, just in time to say goodbye! [JO] No, you can't! [DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Jo, we must. [FILER] We© [DOCTOR] Yes. After all, we are both Time Lords. Goodbye, Brigadier,Mister Chinn. Goodbye, Bill. Goodbye, Jo. I shall miss you. [JO] No! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Very neat, Doctor. You know, I must say Inever thought that you'd go through with it. [DOCTOR] If we're going, let's go. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [JO] No, Doctor, you can't! Please! Doctor! [YATES] This is it. We're being over-run. [BRIGADIER] Get the men inside! Get that blast door locked! [FILER] Come on, Jo! [BRIGADIER] Take positions back from the door! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] But you can't rematerialise yet! We're noteven in space time! [DOCTOR] This is as far as we're going for the moment. [MASTER] But where are we© [DOCTOR] Oh, you'll recognise it when you see it. Right, outside. Comeon, out! --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [MASTER] But you must be mad! Why have you brought us here© [DOCTOR] Well, you want your Tardis back, don't you© We can't beat Axos.We may as well join it. [AXOS [OC]] Why have you returned© [DOCTOR] That's simple. Because you are winning. And we have aproposition. You may have conquered this tiny speck in space but you'veyet to conquer time. [AXOS [OC]] Well© [DOCTOR] We are prepared to give you this power on one condition. Thatwe join forces against the High Council of the Time Lords. [AXOS [OC]] How can we do this© [DOCTOR] By linking our drive systems. In this way, Axos will become aTardis and the Tardis will become a part of Axos. [AXOS [OC]] And you© [MASTER] No. My part is finished. All I'm interested in is the return ofmy Tardis. Well, I will leave you to your new alliance. [MASTER] I insist on my freedom! [AXOS [OC]] When the link is complete, then you can have your freedom. --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Grenades. Wait for it. Wait for it. [JO] What's happened, Bill© Why has it suddenly stopped© [CHINN] Don't you think we ought to negotiate© [BRIGADIER] What happened© [TECHNICIAN] They've energised the light accelerator. Good grief! [BRIGADIER] Well, is there anything we can do© [TECHNICIAN] Not without the trigger mechanism. The particles will justgo on and on accelerating. [FILER] Then what© [TECHNICIAN] Bang. [YATES] The blast wall, sir! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [MASTER] Tell me, Doctor, isn't that a rather primitive way to make alink© [DOCTOR] Look, will you stop pestering me! [MASTER] All right. I'll check the course circuits. [MASTER] You've got it set in a time loop! [DOCTOR] That's right, yes. [AXOS [OC]] Attention! Attention! Nutrition cycle incomplete. Disconnectall systems. --------------------------------------- (Axos main chamber) [MASTER] Stop him! Don't you understand© He'scommitting suicide and he's taking us all with him! He's doing this forEarth, not for you. He's putting you all in a time loop and you'llnever get out of it! Never! --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] Come on! Come on, you must take the load!You must! [AXOS [OC]] Your sacrifice was in vain, Time Lord. You are joined to usforever in this loop of time. Our fate is yours. [DOCTOR] Not if I can break through this time loop! --------------------------------------- (Light Acceleration laboratory) [TECHNICIAN] Light accelerator's still building!It's going to go! [BRIGADIER] Right, everybody outside! Evacuate the whole area. Go on! [JO] Bill! [BRIGADIER] Go on! Come on! --------------------------------------- (Dungeness) [BRIGADIER] Get down! [JO] What about the Doctor© Supposing he comes back© --------------------------------------- (Nuton complex) [DOCTOR] Well! This is a fine welcome, I must say! --------------------------------------- (Nuton Complex office) [DOCTOR] Well, it's perfectly simple, Brigadier. A time loop is, er.Well, it's a time loop. One passes continually through the same pointsin time. Passes through the same. Yes. Well, the Axons said they wantedtime travel and now they've got it. [FILER] What about the Master© [DOCTOR] Well, I sincerely hope he's with them. [FILER] Hope© [DOCTOR] Well, I can't be absolutely sure. I was pretty busy at thetime. But I'm ninety percent certain though. [FILER] How much© [DOCTOR] Well, pretty certain. Well, I suppose he could have got away.Just. [BRIGADIER] This time loop thing. How did you get out of it© [DOCTOR] I simply boosted the circuits and broke free. [BRIGADIER] And you came back of your own accord© [DOCTOR] Well, I [JO] Doctor© [DOCTOR] No. No, I'm afraid not. No, obviously the Time Lords haveprogrammed the Tardis always to return to Earth. It seems that I'm somekind of a galactic yo-yo!
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s08", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Claws of Axos"}
Doctor Who (10 Apr, 1971; Third Doctor) - Colony In Space (Chamber) [TIME LORD] Are you are sure the Master knows? [TIME LORD 2] The report on the Doomsday weapon is missing from ourfiles. Only he could have taken it. [TIME LORD] Then we can use the Doctor to deal with this problem. [TIME LORD 3] The Doctor resents his exile bitterly. Do you think he'llco-operate with us? [TIME LORD 2] I doubt it. We immobilised his Tardis, took away hisfreedom to move in space and time. [TIME LORD] Then we must restore his freedom for as long as it servesour purpose. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] Doctor, why don't you give up? You've been working on that thingfor simply ages. [DOCTOR] You know I can't give up, Jo. It's far too important. [BRIGADIER] Still at it, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Now don't you start. [BRIGADIER] The latest field reports are in. Still no trace of theMaster. [DOCTOR] Well, I didn't expect there would be. No, his Tardis is workingagain now. He could be anywhere in space and time. [BRIGADIER] Yes, that's as maybe, Doctor, but I've got to keep onlooking. [DOCTOR] You're wasting your time, Brigadier. [JO] Hello, Laboratory? Yes, he's here. Brigadier? [BRIGADIER] Oh, thank you. Lethbridge Stewart? Right. Send him into myoffice. One of my agents thinks he's picked up a trace of the Master. [DOCTOR] Your agents are always picking up traces of the Master. [BRIGADIER] This agent happens to be particularly reliable, Doctor. I'lllet you what he says. If you're interested. [JO] Ah. Now you've offended him. [DOCTOR] Well, look what happened last time. The man they arrestedturned out to be the Spanish ambassador. Well, there you are. That'sdone it. [JO] Done what? [DOCTOR] I've made myself a completely new dematerialization circuit.One that'll bypass the Time Lords homing control. I hope. [JO] You don't seriously think you'll get that thing working again, doyou? [DOCTOR] Oh, no. No, I've been doing all this work for fun. [JO] I mean it's just a sort of hobby isn't it? A kind of game? [DOCTOR] A game? [JO] Well, what have you got in there anyway. A policeman? [DOCTOR] Why not step inside and see for yourself? --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JO] I don't believe it! It's bigger inside thanout! [DOCTOR] Yes. That's because the Tardis is dimensionally transcendental. [JO] What does that mean? [DOCTOR] It means that it's bigger inside than out. Now then. [DOCTOR] That's impossible! [JO] The doors have closed. [DOCTOR] What? [JO] Doctor, let me out of here. [DOCTOR] Well, I can't, Jo. I think we're taking off! [JO] Well, stop it. [DOCTOR] I'm trying to. Something's operating it by remote control. [DOCTOR] The Time Lords! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] I'm afraid you were right, Doctor. Another dead end and we [BRIGADIER] Doctor? Come back at once. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [JO] All right, Doctor. The joke's over. Open thedoors and let me out. [DOCTOR] I can't, Jo. We've taken off. [JO] All right, then. Where are we? [DOCTOR] At the moment we're nowhere. [JO] Oh, don't be silly. We can't be nowhere. [DOCTOR] We're outside the space time continuum. [JO] What? [DOCTOR] Look. [JO] What's happening? Where are we going? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. We'll just have to wait until we emerge. [DOCTOR] The planet Uxarieus. So that's our destination. [JO] Very impressive, but can we go back to Earth now please? [DOCTOR] I don't know, Jo. I just don't know. [JO] Is that supposed to be where we are? [DOCTOR] That is where we are. [JO] All right then. If we've landed on another planet, why don't youopen the doors? [DOCTOR] Because the atmosphere out there might be poisonous, that'swhy. I'll just check. [JO] Well, is it? [DOCTOR] Is it what? [JO] Is the atmosphere poisonous? [DOCTOR] No. No, it's quite healthy. Similar to Earth before theinvention of the motor car. [JO] Look, Doctor, are you going to open the doors or not? [DOCTOR] I can but try. [JO] Thank you. (looks outside) Doctor! [DOCTOR] That's an alien world out there, Jo. Think of it. [JO] I don't want to think of it. I want to go back to Earth. [DOCTOR] Look, do you realize how long I've been confined to one planet? [JO] All that talk of yours about travelling in time and space, it wastrue. [DOCTOR] Well, of course it was true! Before I was stranded on Earth, Ispent all my time exploring new worlds and seeking the wonders of theuniverse. [JO] But you don't know what's out there. [DOCTOR] Then let's find out. Don't you want to set foot in anotherworld? [JO] Well, yes, I do but I [DOCTOR] Good. Come on. We'll just take a quick look around, and thenI'll try and get you back to Earth. All right? [JO] All right. --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [JO] Look. [JO] It's got different kinds of petals. [JO] What are they? [DOCTOR] They're tracks made by some sort of machine. This planet mustbe inhabited after all. I think we'll get a better view from up there.Come on, what are you waiting for? [JO] I feel a bit scared. [DOCTOR] Come on, Jo. Nothing to worry about. [JO] Those things up there. [DOCTOR] They look like some sort of prefabricated dwellings. Oh look,there's another one. A small one up there. Let's go and take a look atthem. [JO] Oh no, you don't. Let's get back to the Tardis. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. But, er, do you mind if I take a look at thatrock first? It's rather unusual. [JO] Doctor? Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [MARTIN] (man with grey beard) Listen, Ashe, I sawthose creatures. We both did. [ASHE] (dark hair) I surveyed this planet myself before the colony wasset up. [MARTIN] Well, you didn't do much of a job. [ASHE] And all the time we've been here, there's been no trace of anyhostile animal life. [MARTIN] Well, there is now. [MRS MARTIN] We heard this roaring in the middle of the night. When welooked out, there it was. [WINTON] (moustache only) What did it look like? [MARTIN] It was enormous. Some kind of giant lizard. [ASHE] You must have been having nightmares. [WINTON] Did it do any damage? [MARTIN] No, I fired a few shots and frightened it off. [ASHE] Well, exactly. All right, Martin. David, how many men have yougot to spare? [WINTON] About six. [ASHE] Well, go over to Martin's dome and have a look, just in case. [WINTON] Very well. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [ASHE] What the? Leeson, who's this? [DOCTOR] How do you do? Well, I must say this is all most impressive. [LEESON] We found these two in sector twenty seven. They say they'reexplorers. [ASHE] Where do they come from? [DOCTOR] We come from Earth. [LEESON] They were examining rock samples. They're mineralogists. It wasbound to happen. [DOCTOR] Look, we are not mineralogists. And even if we were, why allthe hostility? It's a respectable profession. [LEESON] Because we don't want our planet gutted. This is our world.You've no right to be here. [DOCTOR] Look, we've as much right to be here as anybody else. [ASHE] This planet has been classified as suitable for colonisation.Once your big mining combines move in, you'll reduce it to a galacticslagheap. [DOCTOR] Haven't you got laws to deal with this kind of thing? [LEESON] Yes, there are laws. We can complain to Earth's government justlike all the others. By the time you'll get a final decision, theplanet's useless. [DOCTOR] I see. Yes well, I can sympathize with you, gentlemen, but Ican assure you that I'm not working for anybody. [ASHE] Then just why have you come here? [DOCTOR] Pure chance. My spaceship developed a fault. I had to landsomewhere. [ASHE] Can you show me your papers? [DOCTOR] Papers? No, they're back in my spaceship. If you'd like to comeback there with me, I [ASHE] I think it would be better if you spent the night here. We'll goto your spaceship in the morning. [JO] Oh, we don't want to put you to any trouble. [ASHE] I'd rather you did as I say. Jane? [JANE] Yes, John? [ASHE] Show our two guests to the dining area. We'll fix up yoursleeping accommodation later. [DOCTOR] Yes, go with them. It's all right, Jo. I'll join you in amoment. [JO] All right. [JANE] This way. [LEESON] What do you think you're up to! [DOCTOR] These are your crop records, I take it? [ASHE] That's right, but I really don't see what it has to do with you. [DOCTOR] It's a very poor showing, isn't it? Are you operating abovesubsistence level? [LEESON] We're surviving. Come on! [ASHE] No, no, just a minute. I'd like to hear what he has to say. [DOCTOR] Unless I'm very much mistaken, you've got far more to worryabout than mineralogists. [ASHE] Just what do you mean by that? [DOCTOR] Unless things improve radically, you're in grave danger ofstarving to death. --------------------------------------- (Communal mess hall) [MARTIN] I don't care what Ashe says. You saw it,didn't you? [MRS MARTIN] I'm sure Ashe believes you. [JANE] You can sit where you like. [MARTIN] He thinks we're seeing things. You two had better watch out. Itcould be you next. [MRS MARTIN] Ashe will take care of things. [JO] Is that the first course? [JANE] It's the only course. Supplies are getting a bit low. [MRS MARTIN] Things are bound to be difficult. [JO] It's very nice. Thank you. [JANE] I'd better get back to my husband. [MARTIN] It's getting harder all the time. [MRS MARTIN] At least it's better than being back on Earth. [MARTIN] Oh, I don't know. Things weren't so bad there. [MRS MARTIN] Weren't they? No room to move, polluted air, not a blade ofgrass left on the planet and a government that locks you up if youthink for yourself. [MARTIN] At least they fed you. This isn't exactly the Garden of Eden.And Ashe said we could make it perfect. [WINTON] Are you ready, Martin? We're going to look for your monsters.Let's hope we find something. [MARTIN] You may be sorry if you do. [WINTON] We can skin it and you can use it for a rug. [MARY] Hello. [JO] Hello. [MARY] I'm Mary Ashe. My father told me about you. [JO] Jo Grant. How do you do? [MARY] Is that what they're wearing on Earth now? [JO] More or less. [MARY] It was all quite different when we left back in '71. [JO] You left in 1971? [MARY] No, 2471. --------------------------------------- (Leeson's dome) [LEESON] I've been checking the northern sector. [JANE] How's it going? [LEESON] It isn't. These cover crops won't even start to grow. [JANE] What about the other sectors? [LEESON] Huh! It's even worse. [JANE] Never mind, my dear. [LEESON] We should never have come here. [JANE] We didn't even have a room of our own on Earth. Now, we've gotland. [LEESON] What's the point of owning land if it won't grow a decent crop? [JANE] Ashe is working on it. [LEESON] Ashe knows we're beaten. He just won't admit it. Anyway, itprobably doesn't matter anymore. [JANE] What do you mean? [LEESON] Those people that I found this morning. Suppose they are spiesfor one of the big mining combines. [JANE] Ashe seemed to believe what they say. [JANE] What was that? [LEESON] I don't know. It must have been the wind. [JANE] Even if the mining combines do come, they can't drive us out. Wewere here first. [LEESON] Can't they? It's happened before. [LEESON] Get on the radio! [JANE] Don't go out there. [LEESON] Maybe I can drive it off. [JANE] Hello? Main dome. Can you hear me? [JANE] Can you hear me? [MARY [OC]] This is main dome. Please identify. [JANE] This is Jane Leeson. Our dome is being attacked. Some kind ofgiant reptile! Please, you must send help! [JANE] Who are you? What do you want? [JANE] Go away! Go away! --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [DOCTOR] Let's see if I've got this right. Youbrought your colonists to this planet just over a year ago. [ASHE] Yes. [DOCTOR] You set up your main dome here, with all your subsidiary domesaround it. [ASHE] That's right. I made a preliminary survey before I sent for theothers. [DOCTOR] And you were convinced that this planet was suitable forhabitation, despite the exhaustion of the soil? [ASHE] Well, worn out soil can be reclaimed, Doctor, as you well know.We should have had subsidence crops within the year. [DOCTOR] Exactly. Should have. [ASHE] The cover crop refuses to grow. We plant it, it shoots up andthen withers, again and again. There seems to be no reason for it. [DOCTOR] Well, in theory, you should have a bumper crop by now. [ASHE] I can't feed my people on theories, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, no, of course not. Well, in practical terms, what you mustdo is this [MARY] Jane Leeson's just radioed in! [ASHE] Well, can't it wait? I'm very busy. [MARY] She say's their dome's being attacked! [ASHE] Attacked? [MARY] By some kind of giant reptile! [JO] I heard her too. She sounded terrified. [MARY] The radio cut out while she was still talking. [DOCTOR] Didn't you say you'd sent some men down there? [ASHE] Yes, but to Martin's dome at the other end of the colony. Look,get in touch with Winton. Tell him to get over to Leeson's dome as fastas he can. I'll join him there. [DOCTOR] I'll come with you, if I may. [ASHE] Well, there's no need for you to get involved, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Scientific curiosity, my dear chap. I find your planet mostintriguing. [ASHE] Very well, thank you. [JO] Doctor --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [JO] Doctor, I don't think you should go. It mightbe dangerous. [DOCTOR] Jo, don't worry about me. I'll be careful. Now go and get somesleep. [JO] Sleep! How do you expect me to? Doctor! [MARY] Leeson's dome. I repeat, Leeson's dome. Do you read me? [WINTON [OC]] I read you. We're on our way. [MARY] Be careful. [JO] How long did you say you'd been on this planet? [MARY] Just over a year. [JO] And you found no sign of these creatures then? [MARY] There's no animal life, just a few birds and insects. [JO] Well, there is now. --------------------------------------- (Leeson's dome) [WINTON] Robert, there's nothing you could have done. They were bothdead when we got here. [ASHE] Did you see the creatures? [WINTON] We caught a glimpse of one as we arrived. Everyone blazed awaylike mad. [DOCTOR] And what happened? [WINTON] Nothing. It didn't even seem to notice. [ASHE] You must have missed. [WINTON] What, all of us? We tried to get in closer but it justdisappeared. Vanished into the darkness. [ASHE] It'll be daylight soon. Perhaps we shall be able to pick up sometracks or bloodstains. [DOCTOR] I doubt it. Come and take a look at these claw marks,gentlemen. [ASHE] Well, what about them? [DOCTOR] Are you trying to tell me these were made by a giant lizard,Winton? [WINTON] Yes. It must have been a least twenty foot high. [DOCTOR] Twenty foot high? [WINTON] Yes. [DOCTOR] Then will you kindly tell me how a creature twenty feet highcame through that door? --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [MARTIN] Why can't you admit defeat, Ashe? We've got to get back toEarth. [ASHE] If we go back to Earth, we'll be worse off than we were before.All our savings have gone into this. [WINTON] Then we must move on to another planet. If we stay here, we'llbe dead. [ASHE] I'm not sure that we can move on. Our spaceship was old when webought it. It may not survive another trip. [WINTON] Oh, Robert, why won't you admit your mistakes? [ASHE] We've invested a year of our lives in this place. We've got thebeginnings of a colony. [WINTON] Our food stocks are getting lower all the time. We can't evensupport ourselves. [ASHE] All right, we've got problems, but they can be overcome. [DOCTOR] Ashe is perfectly right. There is no reason why this planetshould not support a thriving colony. [MARTIN] I suppose you're an expert in agriculture? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. [MARTIN] Then why won't my crops grow? [DOCTOR] Because they are being inhibited by some unnatural force. Wemust track it down and overcome it. [MARTIN] But two people have been killed, or have you forgotten that? [ASHE] Killed by creatures that vanish without trace? [WINTON] Look, we saw something! [DOCTOR] Whatever it was you saw can be destroyed. [ASHE] This colony is our only hope. If we leave, we'll have nothing. Ifwe stay, we may have a future. [WINTON] Why won't you [MRS MARTIN] He's right. We've put too much work into this place toleave. [MARTIN] What if these animals attack again? [MRS MARTIN] We fight back. [ASHE] Good! Now, what about the rest of you? Are you willing to give itanother try? [MARTIN] Well, if there really is a chance. [ASHE] There is if we stick together. Now, what we've got to do is toorganise patrols for the domes. The Doctor here will help us with [WINTON] Robert, wait! [MARY] One of the patrols found him wandering in the south sector. [ASHE] Get some water, somebody, quickly. Where are you from? Can youunderstand what I say? [DOCTOR] It's all right, old chap, You're amongst friends now. [ASHE] Who are you? Where did you come from? [NORTON] Colony. Come from colony. [ASHE] What colony? [NORTON] Long way from here. [WINTON] You mean there's another colony on this planet? [NORTON] I've been wandering long time. Months. [WINTON] These other colonists. Well, where are they? [NORTON] Dead. All dead. Giant lizards! [DOCTOR] Lizards? [NORTON] Came from nowhere. Killed everything. I'm the only one left. --------------------------------------- (Leeson's dome) [ASHE [OC]] I hope you find what you're looking for, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I only hope you're right. [ASHE] No! No, he is a friend. These are ours. You must leave them. [DOCTOR] Do they have a language of their own? [ASHE] I've never heard them speak but they seem to understand what Isay. [DOCTOR] Extraordinary. Must be some rudimentary telepathic ability. Arethey friendly? [ASHE] Depends on how you treat them. We had two colonists killed whenwe first moved here. You must go now. [ASHE] Just what are you looking for, Doctor? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. Possibly some evidence to convince your coloniststo stay. [ASHE] Yes, I thought I'd won them over until that man turned up. Now Idon't know how long I can hold them. [DOCTOR] Just play for time. [ASHE] Yes. Well, I'd better get back there to see what's happening. Canyou find your own way back? [DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, yes, of course. [ASHE] Right, I'll leave you to it then and, be careful. --------------------------------------- (Leeson's dome) [CALDWELL] Right. You can get up now. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. You know, you really ought to keep thisthing of yours under better control. [CALDWELL] (Smiles.) Yeah, I'm sorry. He's only a mark threeservo-robot. He's not very bright. What happened in here? [DOCTOR] Well, I only wish I knew. Something attacked this place latelast night. [CALDWELL] Is it your place? [DOCTOR] No. No, it belonged to two colonists. [CALDWELL] Colonists? According to Earth Control, this planet hasn'tbeen colonised. [DOCTOR] It appears they were wrong, doesn't it. May I ask what you'redoing here? [CALDWELL] IMC. Interplanetary Mining Corporation. We're doing a mineralsurvey. [DOCTOR] How long have you been here? [CALDWELL] We've just arrived. Colonists, eh? Well, now we've gottrouble. [DOCTOR] Why? Presumably you'll be moving to another planet. [CALDWELL] Well, it isn't up to me. They'll have to sort that out atEarth Control. What are you up to? [DOCTOR] I'm just making a few tests. [CALDWELL] Are you some kind of scientist? [DOCTOR] I'm every kind of scientist. Now, if you'll excuse me. [CALDWELL] Look, I'm on my way back to my spaceship. How about youcoming back with me? [DOCTOR] Well, I'd like to, but I haven't really got the time. In anycase, I ought to get back and tell the colonists that you've arrived. [CALDWELL] You have got plenty of time, you know. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I suppose I could spare you a few moments. [CALDWELL] You know, it's lucky no one was hurt. [DOCTOR] What gave you that impression? [CALDWELL] Well, surely, didn't you say [DOCTOR] No, I didn't say anything of the sort. The two colonists thatwere living here have been killed. [CALDWELL] Two people killed? [DOCTOR] That's right. [CALDWELL] Er, we'd better get moving. --------------------------------------- (Outside Leeson's dome) [DOCTOR] What are you doing? [CALDWELL] Programming Charlie to go back to the spaceship. [DOCTOR] How far is your ship? [CALDWELL] Only a few kilometres. --------------------------------------- (Communal mess hall) [WINTON] So no one from your colony survived? [NORTON] The lizards killed most of them. The primitives finished offthe rest. [JO] The primitives attacked you as well? [NORTON] Well, after the lizards there were only a few survivors. Whenthe primitives saw how weak we were, they turned on us. They killed myfamily, my friends, everyone. [JO] Your primitives don't seem too hostile. [WINTON] They were when we first got here. Some of my friends werekilled. [JO] You get on all right with them now. [NORTON] So did we, till we were defenseless. [WINTON] Maybe now Robert Ashe will listen to me. We must move on toanother planet. [JO] You're not just going to give up, are you? After all the workyou've done here? [WINTON] Well, there's a time to cut your losses. We can't even grow ourown food. [JO] I'm sure the Doctor will be able to help you. [NORTON] What Doctor? [WINTON] They turned up out of nowhere. This girl and a man. [NORTON] Who are they? Where do they come from? [WINTON] Well? We don't really know much about you. [JO] We told you we're explorers. [WINTON] Just the two of you? With a spaceship all to yourselves? [JO] That's right. [NORTON] Do you work for the government? [JO] No, we don't work for anybody, we just [JO] What are you doing? [NORTON] They killed the survivors, all of them. Get out of the way.He'll kill you. [ASHE] All right, put that gun down. [NORTON] You don't understand! You can't trust them! [ASHE] I said put that gun down! We have a truce with the primitives. Wemustn't be the first to break it. [WINTON] We have a truce all right, Robert, but only because you givethem our food. [ASHE] You need rest. Show him where he can lie down, somebody. [NORTON] One day you'll wish you'd listened to me. [ASHE] Wait outside. I will bring you food. [WINTON] Robert, we can't keep feeding these savages. [ASHE] We've got to keep on good terms with them for our own safety.While I'm leader of this colony, we'll treat the primitives in my way. [WINTON] Even if we starve? [ASHE] Get out of my way, David. [JO] He's right, you know. You ought to listen to him. He is yourleader, isn't he? [WINTON] Maybe that's been my mistake. --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [DOCTOR] The Tardis. It's gone! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MORGAN] I've just got the first survey results. [DENT] Well? [MORGAN] The computer predicts there's enough duralinium here to buildone million living units on Earth. [DENT] Excellent. [MORGAN] The thing I can't understand is why this planet was assignedfor colonisation. [DENT] Does it matter? [MORGAN] Look, Caldwell's found us a colonist. I wonder why he's wearingfancy dress? [DENT] All colonists are eccentric, Morgan, otherwise they wouldn't becolonists. [MORGAN] Hmm. And what are you going to say to this eccentric? [DENT] The usual story. That we've just arrived and we're surprised andshocked that the place has been colonised. [MORGAN] Suppose they don't believe us? [DENT] It doesn't matter what they believe. They won't be here for long. --------------------------------------- (Rocket corridor) [CALDWELL] Please? [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Rocket guest cabin) [CALDWELL] Would you mind staying in here, please,while I let my colleagues know? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. [CALDWELL] Er, look, make yourself at home. That's the entertainmentconsole. I shan't be long. [DOCTOR] Right. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CALDWELL] I've just brought a man in here. [DENT] So I saw. [CALDWELL] He was at the wrecked dome and he tells me that two peoplehave been killed. Now, he's only supposed to scare people off, notslaughter them! [DENT] Do you know about this, Morgan? [MORGAN] Yes. It was an accident. [CALDWELL] What do you mean, accident? [MORGAN] They found me. They started shooting. What was I supposed todo, let myself get killed? [DENT] You acted very foolishly, Morgan. You should never have letyourself be seen. [CALDWELL] Foolishly? Dent, is that all you've got to say? [DENT] Believe me, Caldwell, I regret this just as much as you do. [CALDWELL] Oh, he [MORGAN] Look, there's no point in arguing about it. Besides, once thesecolonists have left this planet, there will be no more regrettableincidents. [CALDWELL] Look, two people are dead and I want to know [DENT] You may care to look at this report. [CALDWELL] I want to know for certain [DENT] Look at it! It's going to make you rich. This planet has enoughduralinium to double the company's profits next year. Your bonus willbe big enough to retire on. [MORGAN] If we get rid of the colony. [CALDWELL] Yes, well, all right, we can go ahead. But there's no needfor anyone else to be killed. [DENT] I think I'll have a chat with this colonist of yours. Beinteresting to know the state of morale. --------------------------------------- (Rocket guest cabin) [MAN [OC]] Scientists have turned to new means for providingaccommodation for our ever-increasing population. These floatingislands, rising to three hundred stories, will make living space forfive hundred million people. [DENT] I'm Captain Dent, in charge of this survey team. A great pleasureto meet you, Mister? [DOCTOR] Not Mister, Doctor. How do you do? [DENT] Well Doctor, it seems a most unfortunate mistake has been made. [DOCTOR] I'm glad you admit it. I take it you're preparing to leave atonce. [DENT] It's not necessarily out mistake. As things have turned out, thisplanet doesn't seem very suitable for colonisation. [DOCTOR] Oh? Why? [DENT] I understand it's still infested with hostile animal life. [DOCTOR] The hostile animals, if they exist, can be found and destroyed,sir. [DENT] I admire your optimism. Is it shared by the other colonists? [DOCTOR] I'm not a colonist, I'm a visitor. [DENT] I see. Then you're not really concerned. [DOCTOR] I'm very much concerned. [DENT] The colonists shouldn't be here. My Corporation has been assignedthe mineral rights on this planet. Our preliminary survey indicates avery rich concentration of duralinium. You know how the Earth needsthat mineral. [DOCTOR] Earth, or your corporation's profits? [DENT] What's good for IMC is good for Earth. There are one hundredthousand million people back on Earth and they desperately need all theminerals we can find. [DOCTOR] What those people need, my dear sir, are new worlds to live inlike this one. Worlds where they can live like human beings, notbattery hens. [DENT] That's not my concern. Minerals are needed. It's my job to findthem. [DOCTOR] Even if it means turning this planet into a slagheap? [DENT] I can see we're on opposite sides, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Perhaps. Your health, sir. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've lostsome very valuable equipment. Perhaps one of your colleagues told youabout it. A tall blue box. [DENT] He's probably enquiring about it now. I'll go and check. If youwouldn't mind waiting here, Doctor? I'll detail someone to escort youback to your friends. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MORGAN] (into microphone.) Assay prediction onsection four eight. [DENT] Where's Caldwell? [MORGAN] Oh, he's chasing up some lost equipment for your colonistfriend. [DENT] He isn't a colonist. Or at least, so he said. [MORGAN] Then what's he doing here? [DENT] I don't know, but I think he's dangerous. [MORGAN] Do you think he's been sent by Earth government, checking up onus? [DENT] Perhaps. [MORGAN] What do you propose to do about it? [DENT] You're going to take him back to his colonist friends. [MORGAN] You're not serious? [DENT] When Caldwell found him, he was investigating the wrecked dome. [MORGAN] Well? [DENT] If he were found in the ruins, it would be obvious the monstershad returned and killed him. [MORGAN] Leave it to me. Oh, by the way, you, er, you will send thenecessary machinery? [DENT] It'll be waiting when you arrive. [CALDWELL] Whatever that Doctor's lost, no one seems to have found it. [DENT] You'd better break the sad news, Morgan. --------------------------------------- (Rocket corridor) [DOCTOR] Who the blazes are you? [MORGAN] My name's Morgan. [DOCTOR] Well, why was this door locked? --------------------------------------- (Rocket guest cabin) [MORGAN] Was it? Must have jammed. I've been sentto take you back to your friends. [DOCTOR] Well, where is the man who brought me here? And what happenedto Captain Dent? [MORGAN] I'm sorry, the Captain's busy. You've been handed over to me. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Well, I take it that your Captain is coming to seeAshe? [MORGAN] Ashe? [DOCTOR] The leader of the colonists! [MORGAN] Oh, yes, yes. I'm to arrange the meeting. [DOCTOR] How very formal. Well, shall we go? [MORGAN] After you, sir. --------------------------------------- (Rocket corridor) [MORGAN] By the way, Captain Dent wanted you toshow me the dome that was wrecked. [DOCTOR] Why? [MORGAN] Well, we're just as interested in these creatures as you are.Who knows, they might attack us too. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's a point. --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [MORGAN] Get out of the way! [DOCTOR] No! [DOCTOR] Let's drive slowly, shall we? --------------------------------------- (Communal mess hall) [MARY] Can you get these ready, please, Jo? [JO] Yes, of course. What do I do with them? [MARY] Just add water and serve, but be careful. [JO] What do they taste like? [MARY] All exactly the same! [ASHE] Hello, Mary, my dear. How's it going? [MARY] She's getting on very well. [JO] Have you seen the Doctor yet? [ASHE] No, I haven't. [JO] He's been gone a long time. [ASHE] Now, don't worry. If he's not back soon, I'll go and look forhim. Have you seen Winton? [MARY] He's showing Norton round the dome. [ASHE] Well, when you see him, tell him I want him. I'll be in myquarters. [JO] Norton's made a remarkable recovery. --------------------------------------- (Power supply room) [WINTON] This is our power supply junction box. [NORTON] What's he doing? [HOLDEN] Don't worry about him. He's my assistant. [HOLDEN] See what I mean? He gets the right one every time. Seems toknow what's in my mind. Weren't your primitives like that? [NORTON] No. We weren't so friendly with ours. Where do you get yourpower from? [WINTON] Well, we tap the ships nuclear generator and then beam thepower through to the domes as they need it. More trouble? [HOLDEN] Naturally. This stuff should have been junked years ago. [WINTON] Don't worry, you'll manage. You always do. Must be that sunnynature of yours. [HOLDEN] Thanks very much. [WINTON] Well, shall we go back to the dining area? [HOLDEN] Thanks. --------------------------------------- (Communal mess hall) [WINTON] Got you working, I see. What time'sdinner? [JO] Not long now. How are you feeling? [NORTON] Oh, much better. Still hungry. [MARY] What do you think of our colony? [NORTON] I think you're managing very well. [WINTON] You mean considering how old the equipment is. [NORTON] Well, some of it is getting on a bit. [WINTON] Yes. [JO] Was your colony better equipped? [NORTON] Yes. Didn't do us much good. That junction box of yours, itlooks dangerous. [MARY] That's what Jim Holden says, but he manages to keep it going. [NORTON] Is he your only electrician engineer? [WINTON] He's the only one we could get to come with us. We'd be lostwithout him. [MARY] Oh, my father was looking for you. He said he'd be in hisquarters. [WINTON] Oh. Look, can you look after yourself? [NORTON] Well, yes. I feel a bit tired. I'll just go and lie down untildinner. [WINTON] All right. See you then. [NORTON] I'm looking forward to this. After a year of living off roots,you don't know how good that looks. --------------------------------------- (Power supply room) [HOLDEN] There, that should hold it for another fewdays. Put the tools away, will you? I just want to check the circuitrelay. [HOLDEN] What the? Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing? No! --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [MARY] Dinner's ready, father. [ASHE] Oh. [ASHE] Oh, here we go again. [MARY] Don't worry, Jim'll fix it. [NORTON] You've got to come with me. [ASHE] It's all right, it's only a power failure. [NORTON] No, you don't understand. Please, come with me. --------------------------------------- (Power supply room) [ASHE] What happened? [NORTON] I was just coming by. I saw it all. He didn't have a chance. [ASHE] The primitive killed him? [NORTON] He went for me too. I grabbed a spanner and hit him. It wasself-defence. I had to. [ASHE] I don't understand it. They were such friends. [NORTON] They're all the same. Treacherous. They get your confidence andthen they turn on you. [ASHE] The relay circuits have been destroyed! [NORTON] Your man must have caught him messing about with the controls. [ASHE] But unless we get this repaired, the whole colony will come to astandstill. He was the only one who could fix it. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] (into microphone.) Warp this message directto IMC Headquarters Earth. Put it on scramble. Code two nine three.Survey ship four three to IMC Headquarters Earth. Captain Dentspeaking. Preliminary survey confirms rich deposits of duralinium onthis planet. Complications occasioned by previously arrived colonistscan be dealt with. [CALDWELL] I've been checking out the survey results. [DENT] Well? [CALDWELL] Well, you were right. This is a big strike. [DENT] This biggest we've ever had. I want you to radio Earth yourrequirements for mining equipment. [CALDWELL] Right. What about the colonists? [DENT] Oh, they'll have left by the time it gets here. [CALDWELL] You can't be sure. That Doctor seemed pretty determined tome. [DENT] He can be dealt with. [CALDWELL] How do you mean? Where is he? [DENT] On his way back to his friends, with Morgan. [CALDWELL] You're the Captain, why didn't you go? He isn't going to getback to his friends, is he. [DENT] Morgan's completely reliable. [CALDWELL] Yes, that's what I mean. [DENT] Where do you think you're going? [CALDWELL] Look, scaring people is one thing, and I don't mind lying toEarth government, but murder [DENT] Stay where you are. [CALDWELL] Now get out of my way. [DENT] May I remind you that I am Captain of this ship and we are on analien planet. If you strike me, I can have you executed without trial. [CALDWELL] We can persuade these people to go. We've done it before. [DENT] That man you brought here was some kind of government spy. He wassuspicious. [CALDWELL] Well, it's still murder. [DENT] Back on Earth, tens of thousands of people die every day. Trafficaccidents, suicides, pollution, epidemics. [CALDWELL] They are not the same thing and you know it! [DENT] Caldwell! The exploitation of this planet can make us both rich.You could enjoy luxury for the rest of your life if you go along withthe Corporation. [CALDWELL] I could exist without IMC. [DENT] If you get on our blacklist, you'll never work again, for anyone.You're up to your ears in debt. I checked. Don't worry about thecolonists, Caldwell. Just get on with your work and let Morgan get onwith his. --------------------------------------- (Leeson's dome) [DOCTOR] Well, here are are. Though I must say Istill don't quite understand why you wanted to come here. [MORGAN] I wanted to see how much damage these creatures can cause. [DOCTOR] Well, you'll find some claw marks over there and some more overthere. [MORGAN] And you say these same marks were found on the two colonists? [DOCTOR] That's right. Oh yes, it was all very efficiently done. [MORGAN] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Well, I think the whole thing has been faked by somebody whowanted to frighten the colonists away. [MORGAN] But these claw marks. I mean, something made them. [DOCTOR] Yes, they could have been faked by some sort of mechanicaldevice. [MORGAN] You mean with something like this? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, exactly like this. [MORGAN] By the time they find you, the monster will have claimedanother victim. [MORGAN] Keep back. Purely business, you understand. Nothing personal. --------------------------------------- (Leeson's dome) [DOCTOR] If you fire that thing, you'll spoil yourwhole story. Monsters don't carry guns, you know. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [MARY] (into radio) You'll have to keep going on your individual powerunits. Main dome out. Oh, take a rest. [JO] I could do with it. [ASHE] What's happening? [MARY] Have they had any luck with the relay circuits? [ASHE] I don't know. Norton and Winton are still working on it. [MARY] All the domes have been screaming for power. [ASHE] I've been checking the stock of individual power units. We'veonly got enough to last us a few days. [JO] Well, then what? [ASHE] No power for machinery, no heat, no light. We're finished. [JO] Oh, I wish the Doctor was here. He'd be able to fix it for you.Look, he has been gone rather a long time. You said you'd be able to goand look for him. [ASHE] I've got rather more to worry about than your friend, you know.The whole life of this colony is in danger. [JO] Yes, I know, but he was trying to help you. [ASHE] Yes, yes, I'm very sorry. I'll send someone to look for him. [JO] Thank you. [ASHE] Any luck? [WINTON] Norton say's it's impossible. [ASHE] Well, that's it then. [JO] What's that? [ASHE] It sounds like a spaceship. It must be going to land right by us. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MAN [OC]] Radar printing confirm terrain firm. [DENT] Keep main retrorockets steady. Altitude report. [MAN [OC]] One hundred metres. Descent rate now at minimum. [DENT] Activate landing stabilisers. [MAN [OC]] Landing stabilisers in position. [DENT] Final altitude report. [MAN [OC]] Twenty metres. Fifteen metres. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,five. (bump) We have contact. [DENT] Cut motors. [CALDWELL] You've landed practically in their laps. [DENT] I never like walking. Now I'd better go and make friends. Closedown all systems. We shall be here some time. [LONG] Yes sir. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [DENT] I can assure you, Mister Ashe, I'm assurprised as you are. How long have you been here? [ASHE] More than a year now. You realize this planet has been assignedfor colonisation? [DENT] No, not according to my company. We've been assigned full mineralrights. [ASHE] Then your people must have made a mistake. [DENT] Or yours. In any event, we're both here, so there's only oneremedy. We shall have to send for an Adjudicator. [WINTON] Yes, we know all about that. It takes years to reach adecision, and by then you've chewed up the entire planet. [DENT] I'm sure you agree we must apply the proper procedures. [ASHE] Well, yes, I suppose so [WINTON] Procedures, nothing, Robert. This planet's ours and the sooneryou're off it, the better. [ASHE] David! [JO] Doctor! What happened? Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm fine Jo, fine. Sorry if that spoils your plans,Captain Dent. [DENT] My plans? I don't understand. [DOCTOR] I was to have been another victim of their imaginary monsters.They're trying to frighten you off this planet. [DENT] That's a very serious allegation, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, and one that I shall have great pleasure in bringingbefore the proper authorities. You say there's some sort of procedure? [ASHE] Yes, we're going to send for an Adjudicator. [DOCTOR] Good. I'm sure he'll be very interested in hearing what I haveto say. [ASHE] Well? [DENT] I refuse to listen to this man's ravings any longer. I'll send amessage to the Adjudicator's Bureau right away. If you'll excuse me. [WINTON] He really tried to kill you? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes, the IMC people are using a robot to fake thesemonsters. [WINTON] Doctor, those monsters were real. I saw them! [DOCTOR] Optical trickery so that you think you can see monsters and arobot with claws so that you can see their effects. The immobilizedrobot is at Leeson's dome. Or it was. They've probably removed it bynow. [ASHE] This is unbelievable! [DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't worry, old chap. When the adjudicator hears ofIMC's methods, he's bound to decide in your favour. [WINTON] Yes, if we're still here. [DOCTOR] Why shouldn't we still be here? [ASHE] We're in a middle of a power breakdown. Jo said that you might beable to fix it. [DOCTOR] Well, I'd be only too pleased, but at the moment I'm lookingfor some lost property. It's a box, a tall blue box like [JO] Doctor! You haven't lost the Tardis? [DOCTOR] Well, no, I haven't exactly lost it. Let's say it's temporarilymislaid. [JO] But don't you realise? Without the Tardis we're stranded! [ASHE] Look, Doctor, the whole life of this colony is in danger. Now,we'll help you look for your blue box later. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. Come on. Show me what's wrong. [JO] But Doctor [DOCTOR] Later, Jo, later. [ASHE] The relay circuits have been completely destroyed. [NORTON] What's he talking about? Optical trickery? I've been hunted bythose things. You've seen them. [WINTON] I saw something. It could have been faked. [NORTON] I tell you the man's crazy. Those creatures are real and youknow it! [JO] If the Doctor says they were faked, they were faked. [WINTON] Yes, but he hasn't managed to produce any evidence, has he? [JO] Well, why don't we do something? [WINTON] Such as what? [JO] Well, we could find some proof. [WINTON] Where? [JO] We could start with the IMC spaceship. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MORGAN] There was nothing I could do! [DENT] The Doctor told everyone what happened. [MORGAN] Did they believe him? [DENT] I'm not sure. [CALDWELL] These look very good. Have you sent for an Adjudicator? [DENT] Not yet. [CALDWELL] But you are going to? [DENT] Of course. Legality must always be maintained. [CALDWELL] What are you two going to say when that Doctor tells theAdjudicator his story? [DENT] IMC control room. --------------------------------------- (Main dome) [NORTON] Norton to IMC. Urgent message. Two colonists are about to enteryour ship. --------------------------------------- (Rocket corridor) [WINTON] Jo! --------------------------------------- (Power supply room) [DOCTOR] There you are. I think that should do it. [ASHE] I'm really very grateful, Doctor. I'd better get power out to theoutlying domes. How long will it keep going? [DOCTOR] Eh? Oh, as long as you want it to, of course. You say thatsomebody else has been trying to repair this relay circuit? [ASHE] Yes. Norton. [DOCTOR] He didn't make a very good job. In fact one might almost thinkthat he's been trying to make things worse. [MARY] Doctor! There's a message for you from the IMC ship. [DOCTOR] What? [MARY] Captain Dent says he wants to see you. [DOCTOR] What about? [MARY] Something to do with Jo Grant. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] Good of you to come so promptly, Doctor. [DOCTOR] All right, Captain Dent, where's Jo Grant? [DENT] Under arrest. She was caught attempting to rob this spaceship. [DOCTOR] You've got no right to hold her without [DENT] You are acquainted with interplanetary laws? She's committed acapital offence. [DOCTOR] I see. All right, what do you want? [DENT] When the Adjudicator arrives you will withdraw your ridiculousaccusations. [DOCTOR] That's quite out of the question, and I repeat, where is JoGrant! [DENT] Not here, Doctor. She is rather uncomfortably placed. Do you knowanything of our survey methods? [DOCTOR] What? [DENT] An explosive charge is laid and activated by remote control. Ihave only to press this button. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [ALLEN] I wouldn't do that. Not until I've gone. Once the charge isprimed, these things are very sensitive. In fact, I wouldn't move atall. [JO] What is this place? [WINTON] Primitive dwelling. Rather aptly named. Well? What do we donow? [JO] Try and escape? [WINTON] Of course. --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [ASHE] But this is abominable, Doctor. I'll go andsee Captain Dent at once. [DOCTOR] What good will that do? Dent'll deny everything and you'll beputting Jo's life at risk. [ASHE] Then we must organise a search. [DOCTOR] Dent's spaceship is only a few hundred yards from this dome.He'll be monitoring us on his scanners. [ASHE] Well, what if he is? [DOCTOR] Use your head, man! If he sees the slightest sign of a search,he'll detonate that charge. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [WINTON] Be careful, Jo! You'll blow us all sky high. Wait a minute.This thing's just been unpacked. [JO] So? [WINTON] Well, there's still some grease on the casing. [JO] I get you. But I can't reach. Look, if you can get some on mywrists. [WINTON] You'll have to try and pull your hands through. It won't bevery easy. [JO] Well, I took a course in escapology once. [WINTON] Steady. [JO] Pull! [WINTON] Now back to the dome and warn Ashe. [JO] I'm not leaving here without you! [WINTON] Look, don't you see this is just the evidence we need for theAdjudicator? [JO] I'm not leaving here without you. [JO] Oh! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] Something's happening. Who's guarding the girl? [MORGAN] Allen. [DENT] Captain Dent to security guard Allen. [ALLEN [OC]] Receiving you. [DENT] Check up on your prisoners. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [WINTON] There are no guards. Quick, this way, Jo. [ALLEN] Stay where you are! [JO] Oh, please, no! Run, Winton, run! Let go! [ALLEN] Security guard Allen to Captain Dent. Male prisoner has escaped. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] You've still got the girl? [ALLEN [OC]] Yes, sir. [DENT] From now on, stay where you can see her. [ALLEN [OC]] What about the explosive charge, sir? [DENT] Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of warning. (to Morgan) Sendsome guards after the man. [MORGAN] Do you want him brought back alive? --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [CALDWELL [OC]] Don't bother! I got him for you! [GUARD] Okay, right. [CALDWELL] It's all right. They've gone. --------------------------------------- (Survey office) [CALDWELL] All right. You'll be all right here. [CALDWELL] Now I'd better have a look at you. [CALDWELL] All right, all right. Yes, you're lucky. And you're luckywe've got these. [WINTON] Why are you helping me? [CALDWELL] I'm not one of Dent's killers. I'm a miner. [WINTON] Thank you. [CALDWELL] Why were they after you? [WINTON] We were hostages. There was a girl with me. They've still gother. [CALDWELL] You go back to the colony and persuade your friends to getoff this planet. [WINTON] We're waiting for the Adjudicator. [CALDWELL] Look! Do you know what that this, those veins? It'sduralinium. This is the richest source we've ever found. Now IMC wantthis planet and they're going to have it. [WINTON] The Adjudicator's decision is law. If he says we can stay [CALDWELL] Even Adjudicators can be dealt with. Oh, get your people offthis planet before someone else is hurt. --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [ASHE] It's dark now so they can't use theirscanners. We'll start the search at the Primitive caves here, then ontothe Primitive ruins here and here. [ASHE] Winton! [DOCTOR] Winton, where's Jo? [WINTON] IMC have still got her. [DOCTOR] What, you left her? [WINTON] Doctor, there was nothing else I could do. [DOCTOR] Well, how did you get away? [WINTON] One of the IMC men helped me but I had to leave Jo in thePrimitive ruins. [ASHE] Then we'll have to get over there at once. [WINTON] They'll have moved her by now. [ASHE] Then we must organise a search. [WINTON] No. We're going to mount an attack on their spaceship. We'regoing to try and get them to surrender, make them release Jo and thenget them off this planet. [ASHE] We're not going to start a war. [WINTON] Now look, Robert, I've been chained to a bomb, hunted and shotat. As far as I'm concerned, the war's already started. [DOCTOR] You've got to stop him. Dent'll shoot them down and be glad ofthe excuse! [ASHE] It seems the decision has been taken out of my hands. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [WINTON] Come in dome three. Report to main domeimmediately. Do you read me? [COLONIST [OC]] Yes, I read you. [DOCTOR] Did you say one of them helped you? [WINTON] Yes. Caldwell, their chief mineralogist. [DOCTOR] Well, where was he? [WINTON] He had a survey tent pitched in the north sector. [DOCTOR] Can you direct me there? [WINTON] Well, why? [DOCTOR] I've got to talk to him. The only way we can save Jo now iswith help from the inside. --------------------------------------- (Survey office) [DOCTOR] Ah, Caldwell. Working out your future bonuses? [CALDWELL] What do you want? [DOCTOR] I want your help. [CALDWELL] I work for IMC. [DOCTOR] Did you know that Captain Dent had given orders to have mekilled? [CALDWELL] No. [DOCTOR] Or that they've taken Jo Grant prisoner and may kill her? [CALDWELL] Look, Dent's just bluffing to scare you into keeping quiet. [DOCTOR] Tomorrow morning, the colonists are going to attack yourspaceship. [CALDWELL] Then you'd better stop them. The guards will mow them down. [DOCTOR] I know. That's why I'm here. There's something that you can doto help me. [CALDWELL] What? [DOCTOR] Release Jo Grant before the attack starts. [CALDWELL] All right, I'll do what I can. But you'd better stop thatattack, Doctor. It won't be a battle, it'll be a slaughter. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [TAPE [OC]] Your message received from Captain Dent. Confirm anAdjudicator is in your present galactic sector and is now on his way.Message ends. [MORGAN] Message from Earth Control. An Adjudicator's on his way. [DENT] Did they say who? [MORGAN] No. [DENT] Doesn't matter. Allen's still guarding the girl? [MORGAN] Yes. I'd better send someone to relieve him. [CALDWELL] Never mind about relieving that guard, Morgan. You just havethe girl brought back here. [DENT] What are you talking about? [CALDWELL] Now you heard me. Have her brought back. [DENT] You're not in command of this ship. [CALDWELL] I'm in command of the mining operation. If the girl isn'tbrought back, the survey stops. [DENT] You'd be breaking your contract. [CALDWELL] You would have to explain to head office. [DENT] Have her brought back. Caldwell, you've just committedprofessional suicide. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [ALLEN] Come on. You're going back to the spaceship. [JO] Why? What for? [ALLEN] I'm just obeying orders. Get moving. [JO] Don't shoot! --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [DOCTOR] You make a frontal attack like that, andDent'll blast you down without a second's thought. [WINTON] We've got them outnumbered. [DOCTOR] What difference does that make? That ship is like a fortressand the men are trained. By the time the Adjudicator arrives, well, hewill have killed them all and claimed it was self-defence. [WINTON] Now look, Doctor. We're going to attack this morning and that'sfinal. [DOCTOR] I see. Well, you leave me no alternative. If I can't stop you,I must help you. [WINTON] Oh, yes? How? [DOCTOR] By giving you a piece of good advice. Unless you want IMCwarned, I'd keep a very close watch of our friend Norton. [WINTON] And secondly? [DOCTOR] By helping you devise a less idiot plan of attack. --------------------------------------- (Outside the rocket) [LONG] Where do you think you're going? [MARY] I believe you've got a friend of mine in there. [LONG] Well, we wouldn't know about that. [MARY] But I was told she was here. I was expecting to meet her. [LONG] This in an IMC ship. There are none of your people in here. [DOCTOR] Excuse me. [LONG] What the? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] Captain Dent to security guard Allen. Comein please and report your position. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [DENT [OC]] This is Captain Dent to security guardAllen, do you read me? --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] I can't raise him. [CALDWELL] Come on, Dent, where's that girl? [DENT] The receiver's on and working but he's not answering. --------------------------------------- (Rocket corridor) [MORGAN] Hey, you! Come here! [WINTON] All right, the control room. Move! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] (into microphone) Captain Dent to securitysection, what's going on? Report immediately. [WINTON] I'm afraid your guards are rather busy, Captain. [DOCTOR] All right, Dent. Where's Jo Grant? [DENT] She's vanished, Doctor. I can't contact her guard. [DOCTOR] Is this true? [CALDWELL] I think so. [DOCTOR] I'll leave them to you. [DENT] You know this is an act of piracy punishable by death underinterplanetary law? [WINTON] Never mind the speeches, Captain. Order your guards tosurrender. Now. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [DOCTOR] All I can do is go down to those Primitiveruins and start searching from there. [ASHE] I know where they are, Doctor. I'll take you there. [DOCTOR] Good. Well, Winton seems to have seized control. I only hope hecan keep it. [ASHE] Quite so. [DOCTOR] We've got to find out what's happening in those Primitiveruins, and where they've taken Jo. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [DOCTOR] Oh, seems as if the Primitives are no longer friendly. [ASHE] Well, what do you expect? Norton killed one. [DOCTOR] Yes, and Morgan tried to kill another. Where would thePrimitives have taken Jo, to their city? [ASHE] I'm afraid so. [DOCTOR] Afraid? [ASHE] In the early days, one or two of our people went down there.There were rumours of creatures that lived in the ruins. [DOCTOR] Well, did they find them? [ASHE] We don't know. They never came back. --------------------------------------- (Primitive dwelling) [DOCTOR] My dear Ashe, if the Primitives have taken Jo to their city, Imust go after her. [ASHE] And get yourself killed, or captured too? [DOCTOR] What else can I do? [ASHE] Well, you may be able to buy her back. [DOCTOR] What? [ASHE] Well, from time to time they capture someone and trade them forfood. With luck, they should be along soon to offer her back. [DOCTOR] Well, I can't just sit here and wait! In any case, I haven'tgot any food to offer them. [ASHE] Well, you don't have to worry about that. We've got plenty offood. [DOCTOR] But you're running short. [ASHE] All right, if you're determined to go on alone, tell them I'llpay the ransom. I think they trust me. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [ASHE] It must be the Adjudicator. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] You're simply making things worse foryourselves. [WINTON] Well, you think so? [DENT] You heard that ship land. What sort of impression will this makeon the Adjudicator? [WINTON] What's this? [DENT] A very delicate piece of equipment. Leave it alone. [WINTON] It's some kind of projector. [DENT] Part of Caldwell's survey equipment, isn't it, Caldwell? [CALDWELL] Yes, that's right. [WINTON] They why lock it away? [WINTON] Optical trickery! [CALDWELL] It was only meant to scare you away. There was no need foranyone to be killed. [DENT] Shut up, Caldwell. [WINTON] Well, Captain Dent, I wonder how this will look to theAdjudicator? --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [ADJUDICATOR [OC]] Are both parties to the dispute assembled? [MARY] Well, not exactly, sir. [ADJUDICATOR [OC]] Surely you were advised of my arrival? [MARY] It's the Adjudicator calling from his ship. [ADJUDICATOR [OC]] Will you answer my question, please? [ASHE] This is Robert Ashe, sir. I am the leader of the colonists. [ADJUDICATOR [OC]] Good. Now I require both parties to the dispute to beassembled as quickly as possible. [ASHE] (Into radio.) But things have become rather confused, sir. Thesituation [ADJUDICATOR [OC]] I have no desire to discuss that before the inquiry.Kindly let me know when you're all ready. [ASHE] I'd better tell Winton to get those IMC men over here. This isgoing to look very bad to the Adjudicator. [MARY] Why? [ASHE] We've become the aggressors now. It may prejudice our case. [MARY] Did you find Jo? [ASHE] We found where they've been keeping her. It looks as though thePrimitives have got her. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [WINTON] (into radio) What's the point in bringingover the prisoners? We'll bring the evidence. That should be enough forthe Adjudicator. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [ASHE] The Adjudicator insists that all partiesshould be brought together. We've got to do this legally, Winton. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [WINTON] Very well. We'll be over in a few minutes.Untie them. [ALEC] The guards have been disarmed and locked in their quarters. Whatare those for? [WINTON] They used those to fake the monsters. That's the evidence weneed. [ALEC] Why have they been untied? [WINTON] They're being handed over to the Adjudicator. [ALEC] No, we're not going to bother with the Adjudicator. My name isLeeson. You murdered my brother. [WINTON] Now, Alec. [MORGAN] But Dent's the killer, not me. I mean, he's killed colonists onother planets. [DENT] Shut up, Morgan. [MORGAN] Now look, I've got all the proof you need. He murdered theLeesons. [WINTON] Take it easy, Alec. All right, where is your proof? [MORGAN] There's a secret compartment. [WINTON] Well, open it. [CALDWELL] Is he telling the truth, Dent? How many other killings havethere been? [DENT] I thought you didn't want to know about that sort of thing?Morgan! I'm warning you, Morgan! [WINTON] Now you be quiet! [MORGAN] Drop your guns or he's dead. [DENT] You will release my security guards. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Primitive city) [DOCTOR] I've come to bring back the girl. Well, Ashe will come and giveyou food if you come and return her. Look, I know you can understandme. You can read my mind. I've come to buy back the girl. [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Outside the main Dome) [ASHE] A great honour to meet you, Adjudicator. I am Robert Ashe andthis is my daughter, Mary. We've done the best we can. The rest will behere shortly. [ASHE] Get onto the radio. Find out why the others aren't here. [MARY] All right. Have you told him the IMC people are prisoners? [ASHE] No, not yet. I'll have a go now. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city archive room) [JO] Doctor! Oh, I'm so pleased to see you. I didn't think I'd see youagain. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Jo. It's all right, I'm here now. [DOCTOR] Wait, wait! We must talk! [JO] He's probably gone to get the other one. [DOCTOR] What other one? [JO] There's some sort of creature that seems to be in charge of them. [DOCTOR] Is it humanoid? [JO] No, not really. [DOCTOR] That's interesting. There must be two races on this planet. [JO] Well, never mind that. How are we going to get out of here? [DOCTOR] Don't you worry about that, my dear. I'm going to buy you back. [JO] Buy me back? [DOCTOR] That's right, just a simple business transaction. You know,judging by the room and this machinery, it could have been a highlyadvanced civilisation. [JO] Then what happened to it? [DOCTOR] It went into a decline. These Primitives could be descendantsof a tremendously advanced race. [JO] That's just what I was thinking. Come take a look at this. [DOCTOR] That's extraordinary. A sort of chronicle, history. Buildings,cities, machines. They even invented flight. [JO] What happened here? [DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh. Buildings in ruins, people lying dead. Some greatcatastrophe, I should think. After that everything changes. Yes, lookat this, Jo. A completely different style and design. Much cruder, moreprimitive. [JO] More recent too. A man being forced through a hatch. [DOCTOR] It looks like some sort of sacrifice. Jo, there. Would you saythat was some sort of time mechanism? [DOCTOR] How do you do? [DOCTOR] Don't move, Jo. I think he's almost blind. I've come to takethis young lady back. If you go to Ashe's dome, he will give you food. [JO] That picture he pointed to. It was the sacrifice! --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [ASHE] Those sir, are the facts. The Interplanetary Mining Corporationhas entered on a deliberate plan to drive us from this planet, which isrightfully ours. They've used violence and murder. [MASTER] Do you have any proof to support these allegations? [ASHE] There was proof. [WINTON] We found it on board their spaceship. The claws, the projectionequipment, everything. [MASTER] Can you produce this evidence? [WINTON] They've destroyed it. [MASTER] I see. Do you anything more to say? [ASHE] No, sir. [WINTON] Robert, you can't just leave it at that! What about thekillings? [ASHE] Look, leave it, Winton. [MASTER] Thank you. Right, I will now hear the statement from IMC.Captain Dent, please? --------------------------------------- (Primitive city archive room) [JO] Now what? [DOCTOR] I've no idea. But if want to get out of here, we'd betterdistract him somehow. [DOCTOR] After you, Miss Grant. [JO] Thank you, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city) [DOCTOR] Jo, I don't think he can see us. Come on. [JO] Where are they going? [DOCTOR] Let's not wait to find out. [JO] They brought us in this way. [DOCTOR] Checkmate, I'm afraid, Miss Grant. --------------------------------------- (Guardian's room) [JO] What is that thing? [DOCTOR] It's like a reactor. [JO] It's like that picture! I think they're going to sacrifice us! [GUARDIAN] My city is forbidden. Why have you come here? [JO] I was brought here. [GUARDIAN] And you? [DOCTOR] I came to take her back. [GUARDIAN] All intruders in the city must die. That is the law. [DOCTOR] We have no wish to offend your laws. The race that built thiscity were intelligent, civilised. They wouldn't condemn the innocent. [GUARDIAN] The law must obeyed. [DOCTOR] Surely the basis of all true law is justice. Look, we're bothstrangers to your planet. The girl was brought here by your warriors asa captive. All we ask is to be allowed to leave in peace. [GUARDIAN] I sense that you are a being of superior intelligence, andalthough the creature with you is of no value, I will let you both go.But remember this. If you ever return, you will be destroyed. [DOCTOR] Thank you, sir. And may I say that I'm overjoyed to find thatjustice prevails in your city. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Primitive city) [JO] Doctor, what was that thing that saved us? [DOCTOR] Well, it was a being of tremendous intelligence, probably oneof the rulers of this city. Three different races or three mutations ofthe same race? [JO] Come on, Doctor. This is no time for philosophising. [DOCTOR] Yes, you're quite right. Let's get back to the space dome. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [MASTER] Right. Well, I have now heard thestatements from both sides. I think you should know that on my way hereI contacted Earth and had a check made of planetary records. Nowobviously, an error has occurred. A faulty computer on Earth hasallocated this planet both for colonisation and for mineralogicalexploitation. It will therefore be my duty to judge this case upon itsmerits. [JO] It's the Master! [MASTER] Since however the issues are extremely complicated, I shallneed time to consider my decision. This tribunal stands adjourned. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [DOCTOR] And why are you impersonating the Adjudicator? [MASTER] My dear Doctor, I am the Adjudicator! [DOCTOR] Rubbish. [MASTER] What are you doing here anyway? Did the Time Lords send you? [DOCTOR] Nobody sends me anywhere. I'm a free agent. [MASTER] So you've at last succeeded in escaping from your long exile onEarth. Congratulations. What are your plans now? [DOCTOR] Well, my immediate plans are to expose you as an imposter. [MASTER] That would be very foolish of you. My credentials areimmaculate. [DOCTOR] Forged, of course. [MASTER] Of course, but immaculate. May I see your credentials, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Don't be absurd. [MASTER] What? No interplanetary travel permit? No registration for yourTardis? No personal identification? [DOCTOR] Bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo. [MASTER] Maybe, but in this regimented age of ours, essential. [MASTER] Without these, my dear Doctor, you do not exist. I could haveyou sent back to Earth as a prisoner. [DOCTOR] Oh, is that what you plan to do? [MASTER] Not, not unless you force my hand. I think you'd be welladvised to keep silent, for both our sakes? Now if you'll excuse me. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [MASTER] The tribunal will reconvene. Well, I havehad time carefully to consider the statements that have been put beforeme. On the one hand, while I have every sympathy with the aspirationsof the colonists, there can be little doubt that their stay here is notproving a success. On the other hand, we have this planet, rich induralinium, a mineral that is much needed on Earth. I therefore have noalternative but to rule that colonisation on this planet is unsuitableand the settlers will leave here as soon as possible. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CALDWELL] I still can't understand how we got away with it. [DENT] The Adjudicator was a sensible man. [CALDWELL] He bent over backwards to help us and you know it. [MORGAN] Caldwell! We don't have to worry about it any more. From nowon, this planet belongs to IMC. [CALDWELL] And what happens if the colonists refuse to accept thedecision? [DENT] Then they'll be rebels. And we know how to deal with rebels,don't we, Morgan? --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [NORTON] Look, be better for all of you to go before you get into moretrouble. [WINTON] You're very keen for us to give in aren't you, Norton? [ASHE] According to interplanetary law, we can appeal. [WINTON] What good will that do? By the time it's all decided, thisplanet will be gutted. [ASHE] The decision went against us because you made us look likecriminals. Now what do you want to do now? [WINTON] Capture the IMC men, disarm them and get them off this planet. [ASHE] And once we've been classified as outlaws, what then? [WINTON] Then declare ourselves an independent republic. Break withEarth altogether. [ASHE] I absolutely forbid it! [WINTON] I don't think you're in any position to do that. [ASHE] David, you've used violence once and we're worse off now than wewere before. Now just give me a chance to use legal methods. [WINTON] I'm sorry, Robert. Believe me, I really am sorry. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [ASHE] They're planning another attack. [DOCTOR] Winton again? [ASHE] I've got to talk to the Adjudicator. We've got to appeal. [JO] Why don't you tell them about the Master? [DOCTOR] I can't, Jo. He wouldn't understand. [JO] Well, we've got to do something. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, the Master came to this planet for a purpose, Jo.I'd like to hear what he has to say when Ashe goes to see him. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [MORGAN] IMC control? [WINTON [OC]] (heavy static) This is the Adjudicator. I have received anemergency call and am preparing to leave this planet immediately. Iwish to see Captain Dent at once. [DENT] This is Captain Dent. Shall I come to your ship? [WINTON [OC]] You and your officers are to report to the (static) [DENT] I do not read you. Reception is very poor. Please repeat. [WINTON [OC]] I repeat. Your and your officers are to report to the maindome immediately. This settlement is to be ratified in the presence ofall parties. [DENT] Very well, Adjudicator. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [ALEC] Do you think you've fooled them? [WINTON] Well, we shall soon find out. --------------------------------------- (Communal mess hall) [ASHE [OC]] Maybe, but we can appeal. [MASTER [OC]] And anyway, Earth is crying out for minerals. --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [ASHE] Then you think an appeal would fail? [MASTER] I do. Unless of course, there were some special circumstances. [ASHE] Such as? --------------------------------------- (Communal mess hall) [MASTER [OC]] Well, a claim to unusual historicalinterest, for instance. [ASHE [OC]] This is a very old planet. We know there was once a verygreat civilisation here. --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [MASTER] Indeed? Tell me, did they leave anytraces? [ASHE] There's a ruined city not far from here. [MASTER] That's very interesting. Tell me more about it. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [WINTON] You two men, up there on the gantry. Youtwo'd better get there behind the steps. [WINTON] Now, where's Norton? [ALEC] No idea. [WINTON] That Doctor said we should keep an eye on him. [ALEC] I'll go and look for him. [WINTON] Right, is everybody ready? They'll be here in a few minutes. --------------------------------------- (Power supply room) [NORTON] (into radio.) Norton to IMC spaceship. [ALEC] Norton! Winton wants you in the main area! That's an IMC ra. Whatthe devil are you up to? --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [WINTON] Where's Alec? [NORTON] I don't know. [WINTON] All right, Norton. Get up there. [NORTON] Look out! It's a trap! [MORGAN] Take cover! --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [DOCTOR] Now you stay here! I've got to try andstop this senseless killing. [MASTER] It won't do any good, Doctor. They won't listen to you. It'salways the innocent bystander who suffers eventually. [DOCTOR] And what's that supposed to mean? [MASTER] (leveling a gun) I'm afraid you're both about to become thevictims of stray bullets. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [ASHE] Winton! Winton! (to the Master) You've got to stop this! [DOCTOR] I agree. Don't you agree, Adjudicator? [ASHE] You must do something. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [WINTON] Tell your men to surrender. Tell them! [DENT] Drop your guns! (IMC surrenders and the colonists gather up theweapons.) [WINTON] Now take them away and keep them under guard. [COLONIST] Move! Move! [WINTON] Right, take some men, get over to the IMC spaceship and lockthe rest of the crew in their quarters. (Jo, Mary and the Doctor enterfrom the radio shack.) [JO] Let's go and see if we can help with the wounded. [MARY] Okay. [WINTON] Well, we've done it. [ASHE] You've made us look like criminals, you do realise that, don'tyou? [DOCTOR] You seem to have achieved a temporary victory, young man. Whatdo you think is going to happen next? [WINTON] Now we declare this planet's independence. I'm sure that somepeople from Earth would want to join us. [MASTER] What, join you in starvation on this miserable planet? [WINTON] We no longer need your services here, sir. Escort theAdjudicator back to his spaceship. [MASTER] I think you do need my services. [WINTON] Why? [MASTER] Unless you want Earth to send a space fleet to wipe you out,you need someone to adjudicate for you. [ASHE] Then you are willing to help us? [MASTER] Yes, I am. Mind you, I think that you've acted very foolishly,but I've been impressed by your courage and determination. Now, Asheand I have had what could be a very fruitful discussion. [WINTON] What discussion? You've already decided against us. [MASTER] Well, it appears that this planet of yours has some claim topreservation on the grounds of historical interest. Now, if I couldinvestigate those claims, things could be very different. [WINTON] Investigate? [MASTER] Yes. I should like to go to the Primitive city. [DOCTOR] I urge you not to trust this man. He's an imposter. [ASHE] My dear Doctor, how can you possibly know that? [DOCTOR] I tell you that he's not the Adjudicator. If he wants to go tothe Primitive city, it's for some purpose of his own. [MASTER] Can you substantiate these accusations? [DOCTOR] Why don't you check his credentials with Earth? [MASTER] Ah. Talking of credentials, might we see yours? [DOCTOR] Don't be absurd. [MASTER] I understand this man is not one of your colonists? [ASHE] Well, no, he just arrived here. [MASTER] Does anybody know who he is? Where he came from? Has he in factgiven a proper account of himself? Exactly. Well now, gentlemen, Ithink we can continue our discussion uninterrupted. [ASHE] I'm sorry, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I repeat, do not trust that man! [WINTON] Doctor, at present I have no reason to trust either of you. AllI'm worried about is getting Dent and his friends off this planet. [JO] Doctor, what's happening? [DOCTOR] The Master has them eating out of his hand. [JO] Did you tell them who he really was? [DOCTOR] I tried to. [JO] And they didn't believe you? [DOCTOR] No, why should they? I've got to get some real evidence. [JO] Where do we find that? [DOCTOR] In his Tardis, perhaps? [JO] I didn't see the Master's horse box here. [DOCTOR] My dear Jo, a Tardis can change its shape, you know. He changedhis to look like the Adjudicator's spaceship. [JO] How do we get in? [DOCTOR] With this. (a key) Don't you remember? When the Master firstcame to Earth, I got a hold of the key to his Tardis. I always thoughtit might come in useful. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [WINTON] Come on, move! [COLONIST] In you go! Go on, in! [WINTON [OC]] Right, you're leaving. Your arms and ammunition are in ourhands. Start getting ready for take-off. [DENT] And when we get back to Earth, I'll send a fleet to wipe you out. [WINTON] Oh, don't be too sure. The Adjudicator's changed his decision.He's on our side now. [MORGAN] You're lying! Why should he? [WINTON] You'll see. Now get off this planet! [CALDWELL] Well, you seem to have lost this one, Dent. [DENT] Not yet. Caldwell, go and release the guards. Morgan, contactEarth. I want a check on this Adjudicator. Priority red one. [CALDWELL] Why? What's the use? [DENT] I gave you an order, Caldwell. [MORGAN] (into radio) IMC spaceship. [WINTON [OC]] By the way, Captain Dent, I've taken some explosive fromyour store and placed it under your ship. Unless you take offimmediately, it will be detonated. Winton out. [DENT] A very resourceful young man. [MORGAN] He's bluffing. [DENT] I don't think so. [MORGAN] You're giving in. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [JO] You're right, Doctor. It is a Tardis. [DOCTOR] Yes. A slightly more advanced model, actually. [DOCTOR] Jo, stop. Don't move. [DOCTOR] There's an alarm beam here somewhere. Now move back very slowlyone pace. Now stand quite still. There it is. This doesn't give us muchroom to get under. About a foot. Right, get very flat, on the ground.All right? [JO] Yeah. [DOCTOR] Quite flat. Wriggle away. That's it, wriggle away. [DOCTOR] Come on, Right, that's it. Stay there. Right, give me yourhand. [DOCTOR] Good. Well done, Jo. Right, now let's see what we can findbefore the Master gets back. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] Maintain parking orbit. [MORGAN] Parking orbit stabilised. Message from Earth Control. [DENT] Get it, Morgan. [MORGAN] It's that identification check you wanted on the Adjudicator. [CALDWELL] Well, that can't be much help now, can it? [DENT] It might. Whoever that man is, down on that planet, he isn't theAdjudicator. [MORGAN] Well, you'd better contact Earth. [DENT] And admit we've been made fools of? We'll handle this ourselves.Prepare to go into landing orbit. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [DOCTOR] Ah. [JO] What is it? [DOCTOR] It's a mineralogical survey report about this planet. [JO] Do you think he's after that duralaynium stuff like the IMC people? [DOCTOR] Duralinium. There's a lot of other survey reports here too.He's visited a lot of planets recently. He must be looking forsomething. [JO] Doctor, look. These must be the real Adjudicator's credentials. [DOCTOR] Ah ha. Now that's more like it. Well done, Jo. I'll look afterthese, if you don't mind. [JO] Aren't you going to show those credentials to Ashe? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course I am. But I'd like to find out why the Mastercame to this planet. [JO] Oh, Doctor. Do come on. --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [ASHE] Well, this is the last of our [MASTER] Just a minute, Ashe. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [JO] Doctor, please hurry up. The Master might come back. [DOCTOR] I'm coming, Jo, I'm coming. Jo, you're standing in the alarmbeam! [JO] Doctor, I can't breathe! [DOCTOR] Gas! --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [ASHE] This is the area surrounding the Primitive city. [MASTER] But you have no map of the city itself? [ASHE] We never go there. It's too dangerous. [MASTER] So really, nobody knows exactly what's in there? [ASHE] Oh, yes, the Doctor does. [MASTER] Why did he go there? [ASHE] He went to get Jo Grant. The Primitives had taken her. Shall I goand get him for you? [MASTER] No, no, that won't be necessary. I think I know where he is. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] Keep main retro rockets steady. [MORGAN] Thirty metres. Descent rate at minimum. [DENT] Activate landing stabilisers. [MORGAN] Landing stabilisers in position. [DENT] Report on altitude. [MORGAN] Twenty metres. Fifteen metres. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,five, three, one. We have contact. [DENT] Cut motors. Send in the security guard leaders. We have no timeto waste. [CALDWELL] Suppose the colonists are waiting for you? [MORGAN] They won't be. [CALDWELL] They could have seen us come down. [DENT] Impossible. We've landed on the other side of a range of hills. [MORGAN] That's why we landed here. [DENT] We have landed approximately fifty kilometres from the colonists'main dome. [MORGAN] We can be there is two and a half hours. It'll be dark by then. [DENT] Thank you, Morgan. You have been defeated and disarmed by a groupof farmers. Now is your chance to wipe out this black mark on yourrecords. [CALDWELL] That's very inspiring. [DENT] Your reputation's at stake as well, Caldwell. Our objective is asimple one. To avenge our humiliation and put paid to these colonists. [CALDWELL] But just remember, they've got the guns. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [MASTER] Well, Doctor, still pursuing burglary, eh? You know, when youstole my dematerialisation circuit, I decided to build in a fewprecautions. [DOCTOR] What have you done, what have you done to her this time? [MASTER] The same as I did to you. A simple sleep gas. Mind you, I couldjust have easily used a lethal one. [DOCTOR] What stopped you? [MASTER] I want to use your services as a guide, Doctor. You're going totake me to the Primitive city. [DOCTOR] What do you want there? [MASTER] That's no concern of yours. But you will do what I ask? [DOCTOR] I take it that Miss Grant is to be held here as a hostage. Youknow, you really are most unimaginative. [MASTER] Ah, tried and true methods are the best. Well, Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [WINTON] Where's the Adjudicator? It's time we senthim back to Earth. [ASHE] I don't know. [WINTON] Where is he, Ashe? [ASHE] I think he went to see the Doctor. [WINTON] There's no sign of either of them. Now what are they up to? [ASHE] Oh, perhaps they went to the Adjudicator's spaceship. [WINTON] I've just radioed to it and there's no reply. When are yougoing to issue these IMC guns to our people? [ASHE] I'm not. [WINTON] I want these guns issued, Ashe. [ASHE] Those monsters were faked and the IMC men have gone. Those aremilitary weapons. We don't need them. [WINTON] What if the Earth government send troops? [ASHE] If the Adjudicator helps us, it should never come to that. [WINTON] Very well. I'll go and check up on the guards. --------------------------------------- (Outside the main dome) [WINTON] Yes, well, try not to nod off altogether. We've still got thePrimitives to worry about, you know. [COLONIST] You worry too much, Winton. [COLONIST] Tony? Tony? --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [ASHE] How did you? Why have you come back here? [MORGAN] To reclaim our property. [ASHE] You're to leave those where they are! [MORGAN] Get them! [ASHE] What are you going to do? [MORGAN] You'll find out. Cover him. --------------------------------------- (Outside the main dome) [WINTON] Guards, over here, quick! --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [MORGAN] Come with me. [(Morgan leaves with one man. The other two take weapons and go into theradio shack. A gun battle starts with the colonists outside.) DENT] Getup! --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [DENT] Hold your fire! [MORGAN] If you want your leader alive, drop your guns! [WINTON] And you said we didn't need those guns, Ashe. [DENT] Well done. [MORGAN] It was a pleasure. [DENT] Make sure the rest of the dome is secure. Round up any strays andtake their guns. Take good care of him. We must have him fit for thetrial. [ASHE] Trial? What trial? [WINTON] And what are you going to charge us with, trespass? [DENT] No, treason. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [MASTER] I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Doctor, but it's light now.We can set off. Doctor, let me show you this. [MASTER] I just have to press this button on here, and Miss Grant'scubicle will immediately be flooded with lethal gas. [DOCTOR] You realise, of course, it can be extremely dangerous takingyou to the Primitive city? [MASTER] Don't worry about my welfare, Doctor. Keep thinking of MissGrant's. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Master's Tardis) [MASTER] Right, Doctor, the buggy is over there. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [DENT] As legally appointed Governor of this planet, I declare thiscourt in session. Morgan? [MORGAN] You are charged with destroying property and equipmentbelonging to the Interplanetary Mining Corporation, assault and murderof IMC personnel, trespass on a planet lawfully allocated to IMC, andarmed rebellion against the lawful representatives of the Earth'sgovernment. How do you plead? [WINTON] This whole business is a joke! [DENT] I advise you to take it very seriously. Have you anything to sayin your own defence? [ASHE] Everything we've done has been provoked by you. This planet isrightfully ours! [WINTON] The only mistake we made was not killing you when we had thechance. [DENT] You will do yourself no good by this hostile attitude, nor byrepeating slanderous allegations which have already been dismissed bythe Adjudicator. [ASHE] Why isn't the Adjudicator taking this trial? What right have youto sit [DENT] You still don't realise the position, Ashe. The Adjudicator'sauthority passed to me when he made his decision. I am now the legalruler of this planet. Now for the last time, have you anything to say? [ASHE] I agree with Winton. This trial is a farce. [DENT] I take it you admit the charges? [WINTON] We've admitted nothing. [DENT] On three of these charges, you could be sentenced to lifeimprisonment. On two you could be sentenced to death. The sentence isexecution. However, the sentence will be suspended on condition thatyou and your followers depart this planet immediately. [ASHE] But that's impossible! [DENT] The alternative is execution. [ASHE] You don't understand. That spaceship was old when we bought it.It won't survive another trip. [DENT] The trial is now concluded. [ASHE] If you send us up in that spaceship, you're condemning all of usto death. [DENT] You will make preparations for lift off immediately. --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [DOCTOR] Yeah, well, you stay there. I'll go and shift that irrigationpipe. [MASTER] Doctor? I hope you're not going to try anything clever.Remember Miss Grant. [DOCTOR] I'll remember. Look out! [MASTER] Don't forget that you're still my prisoner. [MASTER] Oh, come now, Doctor. Not that old trick. [MASTER] Is that what you're frightened of, Doctor? Savages hurlingstones and spears? [DOCTOR] This is just the beginning. [MASTER] Maybe. Let's be on our way, shall we? [DOCTOR] What, with this? Somewhat clapped out and broken, isn't it? [MASTER] In that case, we'd better walk. [DOCTOR] Why not? --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area - radio shack) [MARY] By order of Captain Dent, all colonists mustbe on the ship one hour before blast off. There can be no exceptions.Each of you can bring luggage to weigh not more than seven kilos. [MARY] Satisfied? [CALDWELL] I don't arrange these things. [MARY] Did you check our ship? [CALDWELL] Yes, I've looked over it. It's not what I call brand new. [MARY] It was obsolete when we bought it. [CALDWELL] You know, I don't understand you people. [MARY] Anything's better than living on Earth. [CALDWELL] You mean risking your lives coming to a place like this. [MARY] Look, that ship of ours will never make another journey. You mustrealise that! [CALDWELL] I've checked the motors. They'll be all right. [MARY] Would you blast off in it? [CALDWELL] You'll make out. [MARY] We won't and you know it! If you don't help us, we're all goingto die! --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [MORGAN] I've checked every inch of the dome.There's no sign of him. [DENT] I want to see this fake Adjudicator. He's playing some game ofhis own and I must know what it is. Have you tried his ship? [MORGAN] The hatches are sealed. [DENT] Caldwell, go with Morgan. Get inside that ship. Use explosives ifyou have to. [CALDWELL] Give me a moment. I've just been checking over the colonists'spaceship. [DENT] Well? [CALDWELL] Ashe is right. It's in pretty bad shape. There's a fairchance it may blow up on the ground. [DENT] Make sure all IMC personnel are clear of the area before takeoff, will you? [MORGAN] Well, Caldwell? We've got a job to do. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Primitive city) [MASTER] Well? [DOCTOR] This is it. This is the entrance. [MASTER] Is it. How do we get in? [DOCTOR] I haven't the remotest idea. [MASTER] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Master's Tardis) [CALDWELL] No good. Nothing seems to shift it. [MORGAN] Well, we'll have to use explosives then. Hey, wait a minute.Try this. --------------------------------------- (The Master's Tardis) [MORGAN] Wait. [CALDWELL] Look, that girl! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Primitive city) [DOCTOR] What's that bleeping noise? [MASTER] Someone's trying to rescue Miss Grant. [DOCTOR] No, you can't! [MASTER] I warned you, Doctor! [DOCTOR] No! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Primitive city) (The Master's Tardis) [CALDWELL] Ah, it's no use, I can't see. Just a minute! [MORGAN] Where is the Adjudicator? [JO] He's not the Adjudicator, he's a fake. [MORGAN] We know that. Where is he? [CALDWELL] Come on, take it easy. Where could he have got to? Do youknow? [JO] He went with the Doctor. [MORGAN] Where? [JO] To the Primitive city. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city archive room) [MASTER] Are you the leader of these people? I'vecome to help you. [MASTER] Why doesn't he answer? [DOCTOR] They don't speak. They're telepathic. [MASTER] No, wait! What is this place? [DOCTOR] Well, it looks like some sort of lumber room. Take a look atthis frieze here. I think it might interest you. [MASTER] Yes. [DOCTOR] It's a sort of chronicle of their history, showing that theirscience has deteriorated into a somewhat primitive religion. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [JO] The Master's a sort of super-criminal. He cantravel in time and space. He [CALDWELL] I'm afraid I can't help you. [DENT] I understand you've been to this Primitive city. [JO] Yes, and we only just got out alive. [MORGAN] She has told me how to get there. I could take some men andhunt them down. [DENT] No, you're needed here. I'll send a squad after them once we'vegot rid of these people. Things are going too slowly. Get them moving. [CALDWELL] What about this girl? [DENT] She goes with the colonists. [JO] Look, I'm not a colonist! I've got to find the Doctor. [DENT] Put her with the rest. [JO] You must help me, please! [CALDWELL] You heard what Captain Dent said. Get on that ship. [JO] You've got to find the Master and stop him for everyone's sake. [CALDWELL] There's nothing I can do. [JO] Let me go. If we can find the Doctor, we may be able to stop him. [MORGAN] Caldwell, you were told to put her on the ship. [CALDWELL] All right, Morgan, all right. [MORGAN] Caldwell, you're still under my discipline, even if you are anengineer. Now you remember that! [CALDWELL] Who could forget it! Come on, you. [JO] Oh, please. [CALDWELL] You've given me enough trouble. Now get on that ship whenyou're told! --------------------------------------- (Outside the main dome) [JO] Please, listen to me. [CALDWELL] Get under there. Move quick, before I change my mind. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city archive room) [MASTER] That's absolutely fascinating. The wholestory is here. [DOCTOR] Is it? Well, perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain it to me? [MASTER] Well, this city was once the center of a great civilisation. [DOCTOR] Yes, I had rather gathered that. [MASTER] By genetic engineering, they developed a super-race. Thatpriest we saw must be a remnant of it. [DOCTOR] You deduced all that from these pictures? [MASTER] Well, not exactly. I knew it already. The files of the TimeLords are very comprehensive. [DOCTOR] Oh, so that's more like it. You mean that you stole theinformation? [MASTER] Well, it seemed an awful pity not to make use of it, you know?But of course that's typical of the High Council of the Time Lords.Know everything, do nothing. [DOCTOR] Tell me, why are you so interested in the history of thisplanet? [MASTER] Well, this super-race developed a Doomsday Weapon. it was neverused. [DOCTOR] Why not? Super-weapons usually are eventually. [MASTER] Who knows? Maybe it was due to a degeneration of the lifestrain. [DOCTOR] I see. And so the super race became priests of a lunaticreligion worshipping machines instead of gods. [MASTER] So it would seem. [DOCTOR] Well, may I remind you that their religion embraces sacrifice,and that we are the destined victims? [DOCTOR] You're going to use this weapon? [MASTER] Not unless it's absolutely necessary. Well, don't you see,Doctor? The very threat of its use could hold the galaxy to ransom. [DOCTOR] I think you've left it a trifle late. [MASTER] Doctor, you underrate me. [DOCTOR] What about me? [MASTER] Try holding your breath. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [MORGAN] Is that the last of them? [MARY] Yes, they're all on board now. [MORGAN] That troublemaker, Winton. [MARY] Well? [MORGAN] You've checked him off. I didn't see him. [MARY] He's been on board some time. He's trying to get the enginesworking properly. [DENT] Morgan? Where's Caldwell? [MORGAN] Well, he's keeping out of the way in case he has to seeanything unpleasant. [DENT] He'll be all right once we've got rid of these people. [ASHE] Mary? [DENT] Ready to go? [ASHE] You're sending us to our deaths. [DENT] Oh nonsense. My engineer checked your spaceship. It's soundenough. [ASHE] How are you going to explain to Earth government if somethinghappens to us? [DENT] There will be no explanation. Once you're off this planet, you'reno longer my concern. [ASHE] I think you're forgetting one thing, Captain Dent. [DENT] Really? [ASHE] I'm the only qualified space pilot left in this colony. Suppose Irefuse to blast off? [DENT] Then you can sit in your ship till you rot. Try to get out andyou'll be shot on the spot. [MORGAN] Suppose they do try to get out? [DENT] Put a man with a communicator on that hill overlooking the dome.If they do try to leave the ship, he can call up a security squad. [MORGAN] Very well. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city) [DOCTOR] Which way do we go now? [MASTER] Wait, Doctor! [MASTER] Yes, we're very near to our goal now. You will soon see themost powerful weapon ever created. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Colonist's rocket) [MORGAN] Is everyone aboard? [ASHE] Yes. [MORGAN] Very well. Start your final checkout. [MORGAN] Take the buggy back to the ship. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [MORGAN] They've just started final check-out. [DENT] Have the guards been posted? [MORGAN] Yes, and the other guards have returned to the ship. [DENT] We'd better get back. Just in case. --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [DENT [OC]] Captain Dent to Security Guard Rogers. Captain Dent toSecurity Guard Rogers. [ROGERS] Receiving you, sir. [DENT [OC]] What's happening there? [ROGERS] Not a thing, sir. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DENT] No attempts to leave the ship? [ROGERS [OC]] No, sir. [DENT] If anything happens, anything at all, I want to know at once.Captain Dent out. [MORGAN] Shall I call up the guard again? [DENT] Yes. No. Can you get the colonist's ship on video-link? [MORGAN] I can try. [MORGAN] The best I can do, I'm afraid. Their equipment's pretty ropy. [DENT] Ashe, are you receiving me? Captain Dent speaking. [ASHE [on viewscreen]] Yes, I'm receiving you. [DENT] What's the delay? [ASHE [on viewscreen]] An electrical fault in our life support system.We're repairing it now. [DENT] How much longer? [ASHE [on viewscreen]] Nearly fixed. We'll start countdown in a fewmoments. [DENT] Excellent. Goodbye, Ashe. [MORGAN] Do you think he means it? [DENT] What else can he do? --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [JO] Do you think they were hurt? [CALDWELL] They must have been thrown clear. [JO] Or else they've gone ahead on foot. [CALDWELL] It's the colonist's spaceship! They've made it! [JO] All those people. [CALDWELL] And I told them the motors were all right. --------------------------------------- (Guardian's room) [MASTER] Wait, Doctor. This is it. [DOCTOR] Is it? Well, where is this super weapon of yours? [MASTER] We're in the heart of it. It stretches for miles all round us.Look, let me try and explain how it works. [MASTER] Yes. [MASTER] Look! That, Doctor, is the sun that gives life to the planetEarth that you hold in such affection. [DOCTOR] I do know a little basic astronomy. [MASTER] Then you will know that one day that sun will burn through toits core and explode. [DOCTOR] In about ten thousand million years time, yes. [MASTER] Well, with this weapon, I could make that happen now. [DOCTOR] That's unbelievable! [MASTER] You know the Crab Nebula? [DOCTOR] The cloud of cosmic matter that was once a sun? Of course. [MASTER] That was the result of the super race testing this weapon. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Primitive city) [JO] Well, this it. [CALDWELL] How do we get in? [JO] I don't know. The Doctor and I were taken in. There must be someway of opening it. [CALDWELL] Beats me. We'll have to find another entrance. [JO] Look. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city) [JO] I think it's this way. Let's try. --------------------------------------- (Guardian's room) [DOCTOR] So, you intend to hold the universe toransom. [MASTER] Doctor, why don't you come in with me? We're both Time Lords,we're both renegades. We could be masters of the galaxy! Think of it,Doctor, absolute power! Power for good. Why, you could reignbenevolently, you could end wars, suffering, disease. We could save theuniverse. [DOCTOR] No, absolute power is evil. [MASTER] Consider carefully, Doctor. I'm offering you a half-share inthe universe. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city) [CALDWELL] Well? [JO] I don't know. [CALDWELL] We're lost. [JO] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [DENT] Morgan, where's Caldwell? None of the otherminers have seen him. [MORGAN] One of the guards saw him leaving the dome in a space buggy. Hewas heading for the Primitive city. [DENT] Take a squad and get after him. [MORGAN] Is he worth the trouble? [DENT] Caldwell's our mining expert and don't you forget it. We can't dowithout him. [MORGAN] What about that Doctor and the fake Adjudicator? [DENT] The only one we need is Caldwell. [MORGAN] There will be trouble about those colonists, you know. [DENT] We offered to check their ship to make sure it was safe. Theyrefused our help. It's all in my report. [MORGAN] Of course. --------------------------------------- (Guardian's room) [MASTER] You must see reason, Doctor. [DOCTOR] No, I will not join you in your absurd dreams of a galacticconquest. [MASTER] Why? Why? Look at this. Look at all those planetary systems,Doctor. We could rule them all! [DOCTOR] What for? What is the point? [MASTER] The point is that one must rule or serve. That's a basic law oflife. Why do you hesitate, Doctor? Surely it's not loyalty to the TimeLords, who exiled you on one insignificant planet? [DOCTOR] You'll never understand, will you? I want to see the universe,not rule it. [MASTER] Then I'm very sorry, Doctor. [MASTER] What's happening? [DOCTOR] Wait and see. [MASTER] What is it? [DOCTOR] The ultimate development of life on this planet. [GUARDIAN] Why have you returned? What do you want here? [MASTER] I want to restore this city and this planet to their formerglory. [DOCTOR] Don't listen to him, sir. [MASTER] You have here a wonderful weapon. Why, with it you could bringgood and peace to every world in the galaxy. [DOCTOR] On the contrary. He'll bring only death and destruction. [MASTER] This planet of yours could be the centre of a mighty empire!The greatest that the cosmos has ever known. [DOCTOR] Tell me, sir, has this weapon of yours ever brought good toyour planet? [GUARDIAN] Once the weapon was built, our race began to decay. Theradiation from the weapon's power source poisoned the soil of ourplanet. [DOCTOR] Exactly. The weapon has only brought death, and yet he wants tospread that death throughout the galaxy! Unless you destroy thisweapon, sir, he will use it for evil. [MASTER] No! You must be mad! Why, with this, we could control everygalaxy in the cosmos! We could be gods! [GUARDIAN] You are not fit to be a god. I sense that if you have controlof this weapon, you will bring only unhappiness and destruction to theentire universe. [MASTER] Then die! [GUARDIAN] There is a self-destructor mechanism. You will please operateit. [DOCTOR] Not only does justice prevail on your planet, sir, but alsoinfinite compassion. [GUARDIAN] You must leave at once, or you will be destroyed with thecity. [DOCTOR] Thank you, sir. --------------------------------------- (Primitive city) [DOCTOR] Come back! You'll all be killed! [MASTER] Come on! Do you want to die with them? [DOCTOR] Jo, what are you doing here? [JO] Looking for you. [DOCTOR] We've got to get out of here at once. The whole place is goingup! You have a map. Give it to me. [MASTER] You fend for yourself. [CALDWELL] Give him that map! [DOCTOR] Yes, I think this is it. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Uxarieus) [MORGAN] Get up! All of you, get up! Caldwell, come over here. [MASTER] You've arrived just in time. Put these people under arrest. [MORGAN] Get back to your friends. [MASTER] You don't understand. I am the Adjudicator. [MORGAN] You're an imposter. We don't need you. [MASTER] You've got to do something, Doctor. They're going to kill you. [CALDWELL] Morgan, you can't. [MORGAN] Shut up, Caldwell. If we didn't need you, you'd be over withthem. [CALDWELL] You're insane. [WINTON] Drop those guns! [MORGAN] Take cover! [WINTON] Surrender, the rest of you. You won't be killed. [JO] The Master. He's gone! [DOCTOR] Look! --------------------------------------- (Ashe's office) [DOCTOR] Now look, stop worrying. It was theradiation from that weapon that was poisoning the soil. Your covercrops will grow now. [WINTON] Yes, well, let's hope you're right. [JO] You know, I still don't understand why you weren't in that shipwhen it blew up? [WINTON] Well, we knew the IMC would have to get clear before we blastedoff. I hid in the dome, I knocked out the guard and let the others out. [JO] Yes, but it took off and blew up. I saw it. [DOCTOR] Ashe? [WINTON] He took it up alone. [JO] But he must have known! [WINTON] The rocket had to take off. It was the only way that we couldget IMC out of the way. [DOCTOR] And Ashe insisted on staying on board. Yes. Yes, he would, ofcourse. [COLONIST [OC]] Doctor, there's something here for you. --------------------------------------- (Dome entry area) [JO] The Tardis! [DOCTOR] My dear chap, this is absolutely splendid. Where did you findit? [WINTON] In one of the dwellings a few miles from the dome. There was alot of stuff there that the Primitives have stolen. [DOCTOR] Well, I cannot tell you how grateful I am. [WINTON] Doctor, what is it? [DOCTOR] What is it? Well, er, it's, er, it's a sort of antique really,but it does have great sentimental value. Will you excuse us? [WINTON] Yes, of course. Mary? [CALDWELL] We've had a reply from Earth. They're sending an Adjudicator. [WINTON] A genuine one, I hope? [CALDWELL] This time, yes. [WINTON] What about you, Caldwell? You're finished with IMC. You cannever go back to Earth. [CALDWELL] I don't think I want to. [MARY] You want to stay here? [CALDWELL] Well, if you've a place for an out of work miner, yes. [WINTON] All right, we'd be glad to have you. [CALDWELL] Well, for a start, I can help you with your power --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [BRIGADIER] Doctor, come back at once! [BRIGADIER] Come on out, Doctor. [BRIGADIER] Well, that was a short trip. You'll never get that thingworking properly. Oh, you were right about that report, I'm afraid. Itwasn't the Master after all. [JO] He's talking as if we'd never been away. [DOCTOR] As far as he's concerned, we haven't. The Tardis returned toEarth just a few seconds after it left. [BRIGADIER] What are you two talking about? [DOCTOR] Don't try and explain Jo. He'd never understand.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s08", "episode": "e04", "title": "Colony In Space"}
Doctor Who (2 May, 1971; Third Doctor) - The Daemons (Village Green) [JIM] Goodnight, Frank. [FRANK [OC]] Goodnight, Jim. --------------------------------------- (Street) [HAWTHORNE] He died of fright, Doctor. [REEVES] My dear Miss Hawthorne [HAWTHORNE] I don't care what you say. The man died of fright! [REEVES] My dear Miss Hawthorne, the medical diagnosis was quite clear.He died of a heart attack. [HAWTHORNE] But his face? [REEVES] Slight protrusion of the eyeballs, rictus drawing of the lipsback over the teeth. Common enough in heart failure. [HAWTHORNE] The signs are there for all to see! I cast the runes onlythis morning. [HAWTHORNE] If Professor Horner opens up that barrow, he will bringdisaster on us all! [HAWTHORNE] This is just the beginning! --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [TECHNICIAN] A bit more, David. [FERGUS] Professor Horner? [TECHNICIAN] That's it. [FERGUS] Now where's he got to, for pete's sake? [FERGUS] Harry? [HARRY] Hello, Alastair. What's up? [FERGUS] Where's Professor Horner? [HARRY] Probably in make up, unless he's had second thoughts andscarpered. [FERGUS] What? [HARRY] Well, you know the local chat. Death and disaster if he opensthe barrow. [FERGUS] Well, there'll be a disaster if he doesn't get a shift on. [HARRY] Okay, okay, I'll chase him up. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ Garage) [JO] But it really is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. [DOCTOR] So? [JO] Well, that means the occult. Well, you know, the supernatural andall that magic bit. [DOCTOR] You know, really, Jo, I'm obviously wasting my time trying toturn you into a scientist. [JO] Well, how do you know there's nothing in it? [DOCTOR] How? Well, I just know, that's all. Everything that happens inlife must have a scientific explanation. If you know where to look forit, that is. Excuse me. [JO] Yes, but suppose something was to happen and nobody knew theexplanation. Well, nobody in the world, in the universe. Well, thatwould be magic, wouldn't it? [DOCTOR] You know, Jo, for a reasonably intelligent young lady, you dohave the most absurd ideas. [JO] Doctor, look! [DOCTOR] Bessie, how dare you go gallivanting around like that. [DOCTOR] Are you sorry? [DOCTOR] Very well, I forgive you. Now go back to your parking placebefore I change my mind. [YATES] I know there's a good explanation for all this but I just can'tthink of it for the moment. [DOCTOR] Would you believe magic? [YATES] Magic? [DOCTOR] Hmm. [YATES] No! [DOCTOR] Well, Jo would. [JO] That's not fair. [DOCTOR] Well, you explain it then. [JO] I don't know. I suppose you did it. [DOCTOR] Naturally. Or should I say scientifically. Solenoids and asolar mechanism in Bessie and [DOCTOR] A radio control unit here. You see how easy it is to be amagician? [JO] How infuriating can you get. Well, it doesn't prove anything. [DOCTOR] Would you like me to show you some more then? [JO] No thanks, I've had enough of your knavish tricks. Anyway, I wantto see that TV programme. Mike, would you give me a lift? [YATES] Sure. [JO] Thanks. [YATES] You coming, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Coming where? [YATES] Well, to see that programme. [DOCTOR] Oh, not you too, Captain Yates? [YATES] Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Very exciting. Forecastsof doom and disaster if anyone disturbs the burial chamber. [DOCTOR] Captain Yates, you astound me. [YATES] Well, you never know. Devil's End has a funny reputation. [DOCTOR] What did you say? [YATES] Devil's End. The village near the dig. [DOCTOR] Devil's End? Devil's End? [YATES] Doctor, are you all right? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm fine. --------------------------------------- (UNIT yard) [YATES] Now where are you going? [DOCTOR] To see that TV programme, of course. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [FERGUS] Devil's End. The very name sends a shiver up the spine. Thewitches of Devil's End, the famous curse, the notorious cavernunderneath the church where the third Lord of Aldbourne played at hiseighteen century parody of black magic. Devil's End is part of the darkmythology of our childhood days. And now, for the first time, thecameras of the BBC have been allowed inside the cavern itself. In thiscavern, pagan man performed his unspeakable rites. In this cavern, thewitches of the seventeenth century hid from the fires of MatthewHopkins, witch-hunter extraordinary. In this cavern. But I could go onall day. [FERGUS] There is something strange about Devil's End. Is ProfessorHorner being as foolish as his critics would suggest? I must admit,standing here in this unquiet place, I'm beginning to wonder myself. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [HARRY] Quiet please! [FERGUS] While I was recording that earlier this afternoon, thearchaeological dig was proceeding apace. Professor Horner and his teamhave cut their way into the Devil's Hump, as this barrow is called bythe locals, as if it were a giant pie. But now the question is canProfessor Horner pull out his plum. [HORNER] Get on with it, man. [FERGUS] Or will the Professor be proved disastrously wrong? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ. room) [FERGUS [on TV]] For some two hundred years, the controversy has raged.What is the Devil's Hump. Now, we're not the first to try and find out.But from 1793, when Sir Percival Flint's miners ran back to Cornwallleaving him for dead to the famous Cambridge University fiasco of 1939 [JO] Has it started yet? [BENTON] Shush. [DOCTOR] Let's see what he has to say. [FERGUS [on TV]] Has remained an enigma. But tonight, the enigma will besolved. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [FERGUS] Tonight, at midnight, the witching hour,viewers of BBC3 will have the privilege of being present when ProfessorGilbert Horner, the noted archeologist [HORNER] Got round to me at last, have you? About time too. [FERGUS] Not yet, Professor, not yet. [HORNER] Hey you, bring that camera over here, would you? Come on! --------------------------------------- (Barrow entrance) [HORNER] There, that's the spot. Six inches behind there lies thegreatest archaeological find this country has known since Sutton Hoo. [FERGUS] Would you like to explain that reference, Professor? [HORNER] No. And at midnight tonight [FERGUS] Sutton Hoo, of course [HORNER] Never mind about Sutton Hoo. This is what your precious viewersare interested in. The Devil's Hump and what's inside it, right? [FERGUS] And what is inside it? [HORNER] Treasure, that's what. The tomb of a great warrior chieftain,bronze age, 800 BC. [FERGUS] You're very precise? [HORNER] No need to take my word for it. See for yourself, midnight. [FERGUS] Ah yes, now then, why midnight and why tonight? [HORNER] Well, it's obvious. April 30th is Beltane, isn't it? [FERGUS] Beltane? [HORNER] You know, you ought to have done your homework before you cameon this dig. [FERGUS] For the viewers, Professor. [HORNER] April the 30th, Beltane, greatest occult festival of the year,bar Halloween. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [FERGUS [on TV]] Well, frankly, I'm not much wiser. [DOCTOR] Beltane. Of course. [HORNER [on TV]] You've heard the tales about this place? The ghosts,the witches, the curse. The famous curse. [FERGUS [on TV]] You don't believe that. [FERGUS [on TV]] Well then, why have you? [HORNER [on TV]] My new book comes out tomorrow. [FERGUS [on TV]] Oh. Then it's what one might call a publicity gimmick. [HORNER [on TV]] Top of the class, lad. [FERGUS [on TV]] And you're not concerned about the reaction of yourcolleagues to [DOCTOR] You know, there's something dreadfully wrong here. [JO] Hey, you really mean that, don't you? [HORNER [on TV]] Oh, they'll react the same way as always. They'll turngreen. [YATES] Well, what could be wrong? [FERGUS [on TV]] But surely, if you [DOCTOR] I don't know. Aquarius? The Devil's Hump? Beltane? [HAWTHORNE [on TV]] I know perfectly well you're on the air. That's whyI'm here. [DOCTOR] Come on, think, think! [BENTON] Doctor, look. Something's going on. [HAWTHORNE [on TV]] Get your hands off me, young man! Let me go! --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [FERGUS] Okay, Harry. [HAWTHORNE] I've come here to protest, and protest I shall. [FERGUS] Now this is Miss Hawthorne, a prominent local resident who'svery much opposed to Professor Horner's dig. Professor Horner, Ibelieve you two have already met? [HORNER] I'll say. The daft woman's been pestering me for weeks. [HAWTHORNE] I've been trying to make you see reason. [FERGUS] Miss Hawthorne, why are you so opposed to this dig? [HAWTHORNE] Because this man is tampering with forces he does notunderstand. [HORNER] Oh, come on now. [HAWTHORNE] You'll bring destruction on yourself and upon the whole areaif you persist. Death and disaster await you. Believe me, I know. [FERGUS] But that's just it. Why should we believe you and how do youknow? [HAWTHORNE] I'm a witch. [HORNER] You see? I told you she was daft. [FERGUS] Miss Hawthorne, you don't really mean to say [HAWTHORNE] I tell you I'm a witch! White, of course, but that is whyyou should listen to me. I know! [FERGUS] Well, thank you very much, Miss Hawthorne, for a mostinteresting [HAWTHORNE] I've cast the runes. I've consulted the talisman of Mercury.It's written in the stars. When Beltane is come, tread softly, for lo,the prince himself is nigh. And tonight is Beltane. [HORNER] You see? Mad as a hatter. [FERGUS] The prince? [HAWTHORNE] The Prince of Evil, the Dark One, the Horned Beast. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [DOCTOR] Come on, Jo. [JO] Where to? [DOCTOR] Devil's End, of course. That woman is perfectly right. We'vegot to stop that lunatic before it's too late. [FERGUS [on TV]] Miss Hawthorne, Professor Horner, thank you. So --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [FERGUS] There we are. It seems that time isrunning out in more ways than one. What is going to happen here atmidnight? Why not tune in to BBC3 at 11.45 tonight and find out? Untilthen, from me, it's goodbye now. Alastair Fergus, The Passing Parade,Devil's End. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [WINSTANLEY] (old man, Squire) Good for Miss Hawthorne! She kept her endup jolly well. [BERT] (mine host) The woman's round the twist if you ask me. Always hasbeen. [GIRTON] You're right, Bert. Should have been put away years ago. [WINSTANLEY] Oh, I'm not so sure she hasn't got a point. Broadlyspeaking, you know. [GIRTON] What, all that stuff about death and disaster? Well, you're nottelling me you believe it, Mister Winstanley? [WINSTANLEY] Well, no, but there have been a lot of queer goings on thelast few weeks. Strange sudden noises and gusts of wind, and poor oldJim dropping down in the churchyard. [BERT] Yeah, Frank was telling me his cows have gone dry and my wife'shens have stopped laying. [WINSTANLEY] Yes, and all since they started digging up there on Devil'sHump. [BERT] Could just be a coincidence, you know. [GIRTON] We've had a spell of bad weather. Always upsets things thatdoes. [WINSTANLEY] Yes, but just suppose she's right, eh? How about that,Bert? [BERT] Well, I'll tell you. if the Old'un does come along here tonight,he can have my best room. My bread and butter, he is. --------------------------------------- (Street) [GROOM] Good evening, Miss Hawthorne. Saw you on the television justnow. Very good I thought you were. [HAWTHORNE] They chopped me, cut me off. Don't you worry, Constable.I'll get my chance later tonight. You'll see. [HAWTHORNE] Avaunt, all ye elementals! [HAWTHORNE] Avaunt all ye powers of adversity! [HAWTHORNE] Be still and return to thy resting. [HAWTHORNE] Be at peace in thy sleeping. Mister Groom? Mister Groom, areyou all right? [GROOM] Yes, I think so. I just felt a bit faint for a moment or two. [HAWTHORNE] I'm not at all surprised. Not at all. It'll pass, MisterGroom, it'll pass. [GROOM] I'm feeling a lot better now already, thank you. [HAWTHORNE] We must be on our guard, all of us. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [HAWTHORNE] Oh! [GARVIN] What do you want? [HAWTHORNE] How dare you jump out at me like that. Out of my way,please. [GARVIN] What do you want? [HAWTHORNE] Well, if you must know, I wish to contact the vicar. [GARVIN] Mister Magister's not in at the moment. [HAWTHORNE] Not him. I mean the real vicar. [GARVIN] What would you call Mister Magister then? [HAWTHORNE] I mean Canon Smallwood, our old vicar. The one who left insuch mysterious circumstances. [GARVIN] Nothing mysterious about it. Taken ill and had to leave. [HAWTHORNE] Suddenly? In the middle of the night? Without so much as agoodbye to anyone in the village? [GARVIN] I've got no time to listen to your nonsense. I've got my workto do. [HAWTHORNE] Very well then. I'll see the other gentleman. I cannot saythat I like him but he is at least a man of the cloth. [GARVIN] I told you, didn't I? He's not in. [HAWTHORNE] Well, I intend to find that out for myself. Let me passplease. [GARVIN] You're wasting your time. [HAWTHORNE] If you don't stand out of my way, Garvin, I shall be forcedto use violence. [MASTER] Dear me, I hope that violence will not be necessary. Goodevening, Miss Hawthorne, and what can I do for you? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ. room) [BENTON] Well, that's made a mess of my evening. [BRIGADIER] Everything in order, Yates? [YATES] Yes sir. No problems. [BRIGADIER] All right, Benton. Right, and I'm off. You know where toreach me if anything crops up. [YATES] Yes sir. Have a good evening, sir. [BRIGADIER] Thank you, Captain Yates. Goodnight. [YATES] Goodnight, sir. [BENTON] Goodnight, sir. [BENTON] It's all right for some, isn't it, sir? And we're stuck herewith a television and a plate of corned beef sandwiches! --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [HAWTHORNE] I beg you to help me, Mister Magister.Help me to stop that foolhardy man. [MASTER] You mean the Professor? But surely [HAWTHORNE] He must not enter the tomb, tonight of all nights. [MASTER] Why ever not? [HAWTHORNE] Beltane. The forces of evil are abroad tonight. [MASTER] Really, Miss Hawthorne, as a rational man, I [HAWTHORNE] We are all in mortal peril, Vicar! Have you no concern forthe souls in your care? [MASTER] The soul as such is a very dated concept. Viewing the matterexistentially, I [HAWTHORNE] Existentially? Oh, you're a blockhead! [MASTER] Miss Hawthorne, one moment. You're very distressed, I can seethat. You know, you really are worrying unduly. [MASTER] There's nothing to worry about. You must believe me. You mustbelieve me. [HAWTHORNE] Must believe. Oh, why should I believe you? A rationalist,existentialist priest indeed. [MASTER] Listen to me! [HAWTHORNE] You're a fool, sir. If you won't help me, I must findsomeone who will. --------------------------------------- (Road) [DOCTOR] It's no good, we're hopelessly lost. [JO] I can't understand it. We followed the sign posts all right. [DOCTOR] Well, if we had, we would have been there by now. You must havemissed one. [JO] I did not! [DOCTOR] If you look at the map the right way up, we might eventuallyget there. Now, which way is it? [JO] Er, that way. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [HARRY] You all right, Alastair? [FERGUS] Of course I'm all right! Why shouldn't I be, for Pete's sake?Of all the stupid questions. [HARRY] Well, I only asked. There's no need to make a production numberout of it. [FERGUS] I'm sorry, Harry. I'm just a bit on edge. I'll be all right. [HARRY] Everything okay, Professor? Won't be long now. [HORNER] Any sign of that fool woman? [HARRY] Not so far. [HORNER] Well, keep her away from me. I'll tell you, lad, I'll do her amischief. [HARRY] Do my best. Now, you've got everything straight? We start withan intro from Alastair, then I give you a cue to launch into your spiel [HORNER] Spiel? [HARRY] The chat bit. Momentous occasion and all that. [HORNER] Oh, aye. [HARRY] Tom says if you could break into the burial chamber as thechurch clock strikes the first stroke of midnight, that would beabsolutely super. [HORNER] Right-o, lad. I'll do my best to be absolutely super. Super. [HARRY] Professor? Suppose something does happen? [HORNER] Like? [HARRY] Personal appearance of you know who? [HORNER] Well, use your initiative, lad. Get your chatty friend overthere to interview him. [HARRY] Of course. Why didn't I think of that? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [COMMENTATOR [on TV]] Trying to run out of his own twenty five, theninside to Neary [YATES] Anything happen yet? [BENTON] No sir, not a thing. [COMMENTATOR [on TV]] To Robinson who couldn't hold it. [YATES] Isn't it about time for the dig? [BENTON] Just about. This is highlights from the game at Twickenham. [YATES] Better turn over then. [BENTON] Hey, did you see that? [YATES] Quite right too! [COMMENTATOR [on TV]] A number of the Staffordshire county side who are [BENTON] As bad as the ref, you are, sir. Oh no! [YATES] That'll learn them. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BERT] Come along now, friends, drink up! [BERT] Sorry, sir. Well past time. [DOCTOR] That's quite all right. We don't want a drink, just thedirections to the Devil's Hump. [JO] Where the dig is. [BERT] Ah, you're going up there are you? It's all on telly, you know. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know, but would you please tell us the way? This isvery urgent. [BERT] Always in such a hurry, you towns folk. All be the same in ahundred years time, sir. [DOCTOR] I can assure you, sir, it will be no such thing. [WINSTANLEY] Are you one of these television chaps then? [DOCTOR] I am no sort of chap, sir. [WINSTANLEY] Forgive me, but I thought. Well, the costume and the wig,you know? [DOCTOR] Wig? [JO] Now, Doctor. [GIRTON] What do you want to go up the Hump for anyway? [DOCTOR] Look, there is no time for all these unnecessary questions [BERT] All the time in the world, sir. [DOCTOR] I want to go up to the Devil's Hump because I want to stop thatlunatic Professor of your from bringing devastation upon you all. [GIRTON] Huh. One of Miss Hawthorne's brigade! [DOCTOR] Is nobody here capable of answering a perfectly simple enquiry?What's the matter with you all? [WINSTANLEY] You're making all the fuss, old man. [DOCTOR] Fuss? I've never heard such balderdash in all [JO] Doctor. Look, could you please tell us the way? [WINSTANLEY] Yes, certainly. Straight past the green outside, fork left,straight up the rise and you can't miss it. [DOCTOR] Excellent. Thank you very much. [JO] Thank you. Goodbye. [WINSTANLEY] Extraordinary fellow! --------------------------------------- (Church Vestry) [GIRTON] White hair, he had, and a sort of cloak. [MASTER] Did he by any chance call himself the Doctor? [GIRTON] That's right! It's what the girl called him. How did you knowthat? [MASTER] It's of no importance. Well, Girton, you've done very well, butwhy aren't you ready? [GIRTON] Well, I thought I should tell you. He said he was going to stopthe dig. [MASTER] You'd better hurry and change. We start the ceremony in a fewminutes. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [HARRY] Quiet, please! Lots of lovely hush. Quiet!Stand by. On the studio announcement now. Good luck, Tom. [FERGUS] Welcome back, viewers. And here at the Devil's Hump, theexcitement is intense. The stage it set. What shall we see when thecurtain rises? --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] As my will, so mote it be. [COVEN] Nemah. [MASTER] Hearken to my voice, oh Dark One. Ancient and awful, supreme inartifice, bearer of power, I conjure thee. Be present here at mycommand and truly do my will. Aba, abara, agarbara, gad, gadoal,galdina! [COVEN] Eoh evotay! [MASTER] As my will, so mote it be. --------------------------------------- (Road) [DOCTOR] It's no good, we're just wasting time. Come on. If we run we'lljust make it. --------------------------------------- (Barrow entrance) [HORNER] Let's face it, you've had enough blatherfrom t'other fellow! You want to see for yourself. Well, I'll tell youwhat you're going to see. A stone wall. There you are. What did I tellyou? I'm not daft! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [COVEN] (continuously) Eoh evotay. [MASTER] Og ot erus saw bmal eht tnew yram taht, erehwyreve dna, wons saetihw saw eceelf sti, bmal elttila dah yram!. [COVEN] Eoh evohay! [MASTER] Eoh, eoh, Azal! [COVEN] Eoh, eoh, Azal! --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [DOCTOR] Stop! Stop that dig! Stop it! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] By the power of earth, by the power ofair, by the power of fire eternal and the waters of the deep, I conjurethee and charge thee Azal. Arise, arise at my command, Azal! Azal! [COVEN] Azal! --------------------------------------- (Barrow entrance) [DOCTOR] Stop! Don't pull that stone! Don't! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Azal! [GIRTON] Look! --------------------------------------- (Barrow entrance) [JO] Doctor! Are you are you all right? [JO] Doctor! No! Doctor! Oh no! --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [YATES] Thirteen nil. [BENTON] They're lucky it wasn't a hundred and thirteen nil. What auseless lot. [YATES] We've missed the dig. [BENTON] We might just catch the end of it. [YATES] Look, there's Jo. [JO [on TV]] Doctor! [ANNOUNCER [on TV]] We seem to have lost all contact with the barrow. Weshall, of course, resume transmission as soon as we can. In themeantime, here's some music. [YATES] Benton, get on to the BBC and see if you can find out what'sgoing on down there. I'll try to raise the Brigadier. [BENTON] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Barrow entrance) [JO] Look at him. Please, hurry! Please hurry! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Oh, great Azal. I, the Master, thank theefor arising at my command. Behold my worthy disciples. They know now ofthy presence and will seek to help thee to fulfil my desires. ThereforeI command them to rise to their feet and welcome thee, Azal! To do mywill shall be the whole of the law. [COVEN] To do thy will shall be the whole of the law. [MASTER] Azal, hear me. Let this stone mark the appointed place. [MASTER] Let us meet together later that thou mayest learn my intent. Asmy will, so mote it be. [COVEN] As thy will, so mote it be. [MASTER] You have nothing to fear so long as you do the will of theMaster. Go now, and say no word to any man, but await my commands. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [HARRY] He's gone too. [JO] No. No, he can't be! Look, we must get a doctor! [HARRY] Look, love, face it. They've had it. [JO] But there must be a doctor in the village or somewhere! [HARRY] Charlie, can I have word with you a minute? [CHARLIE] Okay, Harry. [HARRY] Charlie'll take him down now. [JO] Thank you. Doctor! Doctor, please! --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [BENTON] Now listen, this is an official call from UNIT. [YATES] Yes, but gone on to where? [BENTON] United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. [YATES] Because it's urgent. [BENTON] Look, I warn you, if you're withholding information. [YATES] (Into phone.) You will ring me back? [BENTON] But you must know something? [YATES] Right then, I'll ring you in ten minutes. [BENTON] Well, find out and ring me back at this number. [YATES] No, make it five. [YATES] Anything? [BENTON] No, sir. You? [YATES] No. The Brigadier went on somewhere after dinner. No one knowsquite where. [ANNOUNCER [on TV]] We're sorry for this interruption in our outsidebroadcast from Devil's End but we still can't get through to our unit. [YATES] Oh, this is stupid! [ANNOUNCER [on TV]] Just as soon as we have some news for you [YATES] I've a good mind to go down there and find out for myself. [BENTON] The Brigadier'd go spare, sir. I mean, we might get news at anyminute. [YATES] Oh, yes, sure, and in the meantime what's happening to Jo andthe Doctor? --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [REEVES] Too late, I'm afraid. He's gone, just like the Professor. [JO] No. No, he can't be dead! [REEVES] I'm sorry. [JO] Oh, please, you must do something! [REEVES] I can't work miracles, you know. He's very nearly a solid blockof ice. [WINSTANLEY] Oh, there, there. I'm sorry, my dear, there's nothing wecan do. [REEVES] I don't believe it. [WINSTANLEY] What? [REEVES] Get some blankets and some hot water bottles. Lots of them. [JO] He's alive, then! [REEVES] It's possible but I think I felt a pulse. [JO] Oh, then there's a chance? [REEVES] Maybe. He must have the constitution of an ox to be able tosurvive a reduction of temperature like that. [WINSTANLEY] He doesn't look all that tough. [REEVES] You can't always tell by. Hello. [JO] What? [REEVES] Silly, really. I swear it sounds as if he's [WINSTANLEY] What? [REEVES] It's quite ridiculous. It must be an echo off an atypical bonestructure. [WINSTANLEY] Sounds as if what? [DR. REEVES] As if he had two hearts. One on each side. [BERT] Here, doctor. [REEVES] Fine, fine. Now more if you've got them. [JO] He's going to be all right then? [REEVES] There is a chance. [WINSTANLEY] Cheer up. While there's life there's hope, right? [JO] Look, have you got a telephone I could use, please? [BERT] In the corner. [JO] Oh yes, thank you. --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [YATES] (into phone) But is he all right now? --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [JO] Well, touch and go, I think Mike. Look, canyou get down here right away? --------------------------------------- (UNIT HQ room) [YATES] Yes, of course. We'll come down in thechopper as soon as it's light. [YATES] Hello? Jo? Can you hear me? Blast. We've been cut off. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [HARRY] Well, that's the last of us. Thanks for all your help. [GROOM] Happy to oblige, sir. [HARRY] I can't wait to get away myself. Don't envy you. [GROOM] Oh, that's all right, sir. Just a bit of night duty. I enjoy abit of peace and quiet. [HARRY] Well, you're welcome to it, mate. Anyway, I'm away. Goodnight. [GROOM] Bye, sir. --------------------------------------- (UNIT helicopter) [BENTON] Soon be there, sir. [YATES] Hello, what's that? [BENTON] Must be the dig. [YATES] No, beyond that. A line of. They couldn't be hoofmarks, couldthey? They're enormous. [BENTON] Shall we go and see, sir? [YATES] Better. --------------------------------------- (Field) [BENTON] They are, you know, sir. [YATES] Hoofmarks? They can't be. The animal that made these would haveto be at least thirty feet tall. [BENTON] Well, whatever it is, it's gone into that wood over there. [YATES] Well, it'll have to wait. Come on, first things first. [BENTON] What, like breakfast you mean, sir? [YATES] No, I don't. I mean Jo and the Doc. [BENTON] Right. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [BENTON] Well, where's the red carpet then? And the brass band? [YATES] After last night, I reckon they all deserve a lie-in. [BENTON] Well, there's the pub, sir. [YATES] And Jo. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] Are you sure you're all right now? [JO] Yes, thanks, honest. Boy, am I glad to see you two. [YATES] And the Doc? [JO] Upstairs. Better, I think, but he's still out cold. [YATES] Oh, he'll pull through. You know what a tough old bird he is. [BENTON] Anyway, you're both safe. That's the main thing. [JO] Well, I don't think there's any danger in here, but out there. [YATES] Look Jo, what is going on? [JO] I don't know. Something really bad, you know. [YATES] Well, how do you mean? [JO] Well, you know, devilish. [BENTON] Look, sir, if you don't need me here, I'd like to make a quickrecce of those tracks. [YATES] Oh. [BENTON] Look, fifteen minutes, say twenty? [YATES] Right. But at the first sign of trouble, straight back here. [BENTON] Right. [JO] Do be careful, Sergeant Benton. [BENTON] Don't you worry, Miss. Oh, and don't forget to contact theBrigadier, sir. [YATES] Ah! I'd forgotten all about him. --------------------------------------- (Brigadier's bedroom) [BRIGADIER] The Doctor's gone? Gone where? Well, you should know,Corporal. I want to talk to him. What? Oh, all right then, wake up MissGrant. I see. And I suppose she didn't leave a number either? I supposeit wouldn't do any good to ask for Captain Yates or Sergeant Benton? Myhelicopter? Where to? Devil's End. Yes, yes, I see. Get my car hereright away. Yes, and if they do contact you, tell them to stay put. --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [HAWTHORNE [OC]] Help! Help! Help! Let me out ofhere! [HAWTHORNE [OC]] Help! Help! --------------------------------------- (Church Vestry) [HAWTHORNE [OC]] Oh, let me out. [HAWTHORNE] Who are you? Friend or foe? [BENTON] Friend, I hope, ma'am. [HAWTHORNE] Oh, very perfect gentle knight. [BENTON] What? [HAWTHORNE] Well, your damsel in distress may be a bit long in thetooth, but she's very grateful. [BENTON] Yes, well, you're lucky I heard you. [HAWTHORNE] Who are you? [BENTON] Benton. Sergeant Benton. What happened? [HAWTHORNE] Police Sergeant? [BENTON] No, army. Now who put you in here? [HAWTHORNE] Garvin the verger. We must we must get the police at once.Oh, oh, may name's Olive Hawthorne, by the way. How do you do? [BENTON] How do you do. Look, what is going on here? All hell seems tobe breaking loose. [HAWTHORNE] Do you know, Sergeant, you're exactly right. Come on. [HAWTHORNE] Shush. [BENTON] What is it? [HAWTHORNE] Garvin, the one who tied me up. Quickly. We'll hide downhere till he's out of the way. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [HAWTHORNE] Good heavens! [BENTON] What? What is it? [HAWTHORNE] The gargoyle. It's gone! Shh! [HAWTHORNE] Better wait til he's gone. [BENTON] Here, what's this? [HAWTHORNE] The sign of the Evil One. Keep away! [BENTON] For goodness sake! [HAWTHORNE] You know who's at the bottom of all this. [BENTON] No, who? [HAWTHORNE] The Reverend Mister Magister. [BENTON] Who's he? [HAWTHORNE] The vicar, so called. But he's an imposter. [BENTON] Oh, yeah? [HAWTHORNE] Oh, I should have realised at once. Magister is the namegiven to the leader of a black magic coven. [BENTON] Black magic? That stuff died out years ago. [HAWTHORNE] Do you know when the last Witchcraft Act was repealed inthis country? 1951. Why, it's as alive today as it ever was. [BENTON] Yes, well. [HAWTHORNE] I'm sure it's safe now. [GARVIN] That's what you think. (Garvin has returned with a shotgun.)All right, on your way. Move. [GARVIN] All right, on your feet. [HAWTHORNE] Don't be stupid. Can't you see he's half unconscious? [GARVIN] Somebody'll have to help him then, won't they? [HAWTHORNE] Yes. Come along. Come on. [GARVIN] Right, come on. This way. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof guest room) [YATES] Doctor. Doctor, wake up. [JO] You see? He's been like that for hours. [YATES] Well, shouldn't he be in hospital? [JO] Well, Doctor Reeves said that we shouldn't move him. [YATES] Then we'll just have to wait. [YATES] Are you all right? [DOCTOR] Eureka! --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] Azal, I welcome thee! --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [JO] Now you're sure you're all right? Look, you'd better come and sitin this chair over here. Come on. [DOCTOR] Jo. Jo, please, stop fussing. [YATES] She's right, you know. Better take it gently. [DOCTOR] Look, I tell you, I am perfectly all right. It was a bit parkyup there for a while, I'll admit, but it soon warmed up. [JO] That wave of heat. [DOCTOR] Yes, the final confirmation of my theory. [JO] You mean you know what caused it? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. [YATES] Tell us then. [DOCTOR] No, not just yet. I want to wait until I'm absolutely sure.Right, I'm going back up to the dig. [JO] Doctor, haven't you had enough of that place? [BERT] Hello? You better? I thought you'd had it. [DOCTOR] Fortunately, no. Captain Yates, you'd better wait here, allright? (Hawthorne enters, carrying Benton.) [HAWTHORNE] If I drop him, he'll go with a most dreadful wallop! [YATES] He's out on his feet! [DOCTOR] Get him over to that bench, quickly! [BERT] Here, what's happened to your boy? [YATES] He's been beaten up. By an expert, I'd say. [HAWTHORNE] Oh, you might indeed say that! You might indeed. [YATES] Oh, no. [HAWTHORNE] Oh dear, he's a very heavy young man. [BERT] I'll get a doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's all right. I am a Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, there are no bones broken or anything. Look, could youget me some hot water and some hot sweet tea, perhaps? [BERT] Yes, sure. [DOCTOR] Thank you very much. And thank you too, Miss Hawthorne. [HAWTHORNE] You know who I am? [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. It's a great pity they didn't listen to you inthe first place. [HAWTHORNE] If only they had. Oh, what a tale I'll have to tell themnow! --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] Both alive, are they? And the others? I see. Very well, they'llall be dealt with. Now you'd better get back inside before they becomesuspicious. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] It was this fellow, Garvin, who did himover? [HAWTHORNE] No, no, no, it was the elementals in the cavern. [DOCTOR] Elementals? [HAWTHORNE] Yes, creatures of the Devil. [YATES] Did you say the Devil? [HAWTHORNE] Yes, dear boy. Satan, Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness,Beelzebub, the Horned Beast. Call him what you like, he was there. [DOCTOR] You saw the Devil? [HAWTHORNE] Yes. [DOCTOR] And what did he look like? [HAWTHORNE] Well, it was a glimpse, no more. Twenty, thirty feet high,but the horns were there, and that face. [JO] The Devil? [DOCTOR] Look, Miss Hawthorne, I agreed with you from the first aboutthe danger, but now I think you're utterly mistaken. Whatever else yousaw it certainly was not the Devil. [HAWTHORNE] But it was! There's a Satanist cult in this village and lastnight they held a sabbat. [YATES] A sabbat? [HAWTHORNE] Yes, an occult ceremony to call up the Devil. [JO] And it worked! The Devil came! [DOCTOR] Nonsense, Jo. Miss Hawthorne, who is the leader of this cult? [HAWTHORNE] The new vicar. He calls himself Magister. [DOCTOR] Magister. Yes, of course, I should have known. [JO] What? [DOCTOR] Jo, did you fail Latin as well as science? Magister is theLatin word for Master! --------------------------------------- (Road) [BRIGADIER] What's up? [MAN] I wouldn't go any further, mate. Look what happened to my van! [BRIGADIER] Petrol fire? [MAN] No, it just went up in a flash. [BRIGADIER] During the earth tremor's, was it? [MAN] No. Just after it stopped. I was about to get back in and driveback to the village and bingo, off it went. [BRIGADIER] Is that Devil's End over there? [BRIGADIER] Must be some sort of heat barrier. We'll try getting in fromthe south. [DOCTOR] Right. Get the saw, will you? [JO] Yes. [BRIGADIER] Right, that settles it. We'd better try and raise theDoctor. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] And that's about it, sir. Over. --------------------------------------- (Road) [BRIGADIER] I see, Yates. So, the Doctor was frozenstiff at the barrow and was then revived by a freak heat wave. Bentonwas beaten up by invisible forces and the local white witch claimsshe's seen the Devil. [YATES [OC]] Yes, sir. I know it sounds a bit wild. [BRIGADIER] It does indeed, Yates. Now listen, I'm bringing up some mento investigate this heat barrier. Let me talk to the Doctor. Over. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] I'm afraid you can't, sir. He's gone up tothe dig with Jo. Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] I see. Well, Yates, anything further revelations? [YATES] Just one, sir. --------------------------------------- (Road) [BRIGADIER] Well, what is it? [YATES [OC]] We've found out who's at the bottom of all this. It's theMaster. Over and out. --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] Still alive, are you, Doctor? Very well. --------------------------------------- (Barrow) [DOCTOR] Poor fellow. [JO] Do you know what killed him? [DOCTOR] Well, it certainly wasn't the Devil. At least, not exactly. [JO] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] Look, I'm going in. Would you prefer to wait outside? [JO] No. I'd rather stick with you, if I wouldn't be in the way. [DOCTOR] No, of course not. I'd be glad of the company. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Barrow chamber) [JO] What are you looking for? [DOCTOR] If my theory's right, we're all in mortal danger. [JO] Everyone in the village? [DOCTOR] Everyone in the whole world. Ah. (He sees something on thefloor and brushes the soil away.) [JO] What is it? [DOCTOR] Metal. [JO] It looks like a model spaceship. [DOCTOR] That's right. Except that it isn't a model. [JO] What is it then? [DOCTOR] Jo, look at the shape of this tomb. [JO] Well, it looks like that spaceship. [DOCTOR] A different size, that's all. Now you try picking it up. [JO] I can't. It's fixed down. [DOCTOR] The reason why you can't pick it up is that is weighs aboutseven hundred and fifty tons, at a rough guess. [JO] Oh, come on, be serious. [DOCTOR] Be serious. All right. About a hundred thousand years ago --------------------------------------- (Barrow chamber) [DOCTOR] Hold this! [DOCTOR] Clokleda partha mennin klatch. --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] What's happening, Bok? Why do you notattack? You must! You must! There's nothing to fear. It's just mumbojumbo! I. Oh, very well, return. Return! --------------------------------------- (Barrow chamber) [DOCTOR] Phew. [JO] How did you do that? [DOCTOR] Iron. It's an old magical defence. [JO] But you don't believe in magic. [DOCTOR] I don't, but he did. Luckily. [JO] Was that a spell you said? [DOCTOR] No, it's the first line of an old Venusian lullaby, as a matterof fact. Roughly translated it goes, 'Close your eyes, my darling.Well, three of them, at least'. [JO] Doctor. [DOCTOR] I must admit, that thing took me completely by surprise. [JO] What was it? [DOCTOR] It looked like a gargoyle made of stone. [JO] But it was alive. [DOCTOR] In a sense, yes. [JO] But that wasn't what Miss Hawthorne described, surely? [DOCTOR] No, the creature she saw must have been a hundred times morehideous. [JO] And neither of them were the Devil. [DOCTOR] No, not your mythical devil, Jo, no, but something far morereal and far more dangerous. --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] Now see here, Winstanley. This is anemergency. It's up to you to call a meeting of the village and startbehaving like the Squire. [WINSTANLEY] You may be the vicar, but I'll thank you not to take thattone with me. [MASTER] Ah, a man of spirit are you? That's exactly what's wanted at atime like this. [WINSTANLEY] I still don't understand what you're talking about. [MASTER] Decadence, that's what I'm talking about. It's what I see onevery side. All this talk of democracy, freedom, liberty. [MASTER] What this country needs is strength, power and decision. Andthose are what you can give to it. [WINSTANLEY] Yes. Yes, you're right, of course. [MASTER] I am the Master. I control a power which can save this world.If you choose, you can share my triumph. [WINSTANLEY] Power? What power? [MASTER] I control the forces that have been released in Devil's Endover the last few hours. [WINSTANLEY] All that fuss up on the dig? Are you trying to tell me itwas you? [MASTER] Exactly. [WINSTANLEY] Well, that's ridiculous! [MASTER] You need proof, do you? Very well, you shall have it. [WINSTANLEY] Stop it! Stop it! [MASTER] Well? [WINSTANLEY] I'll do anything you say. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [HAWTHORNE] Here you are, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, Miss Hawthorne. Let me help you. [HAWTHORNE] Thank you. The pick of the finest collection of occultmaterial in the country, though why you wanted me to bring it, I don'tknow. [DOCTOR] You've all been asking me for explanations. Perhaps these willhelp me to provide them. [HAWTHORNE] Well, there is only one possible explanation. This is thesupernatural at work. [DOCTOR] Nonsense. [BENTON] Yes, well, what about the thing that got me? That was realenough. [DOCTOR] There's nothing more real than a forcefield, Sergeant, even apsionic one. [HAWTHORNE] You're being deliberately obtuse. We're dealing with thesupernatural, the occult, magic. [DOCTOR] Science. [HAWTHORNE] Magic! [DOCTOR] Science, Miss Hawthorne. [YATES] Look, whatever it is, how do we stop it? [JO] And how can we stop it without knowing what it is? [DOCTOR] Well done, Jo. You're being logical at last. I'll turn you intoa scientist yet. Right, if there are no more interruptions, I'll tellyou what it is. [YATES] Sorry. Greyhound Two. Come in, please. Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Greyhound Two to Trap Two. Is that you,Yates? Now, what's going on there? [YATES [OC]] Quite a bit, but I don't think you'd believe me, even if Itold you. [BRIGADIER] The thing is we can't get past this wretched heat barrier.It incinerates anything that tries. Over. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] Can't you go round it, Brigadier? Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] The thought had occurred to me,Captain. I sent out patrols but as far as I can see [BRIGADIER] Well, that settles it. The perimeter of this thing is anunbroken circle ten miles --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BRIGADIER [OC]] In diameter, its centre being thevillage church. Over. [DOCTOR] Give me that. Hello, Lethbridge Stewart? The Doctor here. Whatabout going over the top of it? --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] The RAF are just coming through now.Hang on a minute. [PILOT [OC]] Red zero four to Greyhound Two. No go, repeat, no go. Lasttest canister exploded at altitude four five zero zero feet. Estimatedome shaped area above village approximately one mile high at apogee.Over. [OSGOOD] Thank you, zero four. Received and understood. [PILOT [OC]] Over and out. [BRIGADIER] You hear that, Doctor? We're locked out. Over. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [DOCTOR] Or we're locked in. All right, Brigadier,we'll keep in touch. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Doctor? Doctor! Yates! Typical. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [DOCTOR] Right, that's it. Now, as you can see, we're smack in themiddle of a sort of lethal mushroom, about ten miles across and a milehigh. [YATES] I can understand that part of it all right, but can't youexplain the wider issues, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. Jo, Captain Yates, would you mind drawing thecurtains? [DOCTOR] Come on, Jo, stir your stumps. Now then. All right? Now then,tell me. Who's that? [JO] An Egyptian god, isn't it? [DOCTOR] Top of the class, Jo, top of the class. That's right, that'sthe Egyptian god Khnum, with horns. There's another one, a Hindu demon. [ALL] With horns. [DOCTOR] Oh. Thank you very much. And our old friend the Horned Beast. [YATES] I don't get it. [DOCTOR] Probably because I haven't finished, Captain Yates. [YATES] Oh sorry, Doctor. [HAWTHORNE] Oh, you could go on all day and all night showing us prettypictures. I mean, horns have been a symbol of power ever since [DOCTOR] Ever since man began? Exactly. But why? All right, CaptainYates, the curtains. Now creatures like those have been seen over andover again throughout the history of man, and man has turned them intomyths, gods or devils, but they're neither. They are, in fact,creatures from another world. [BENTON] Do you mean like the Axons and the Cybermen? [DOCTOR] Precisely, only far, far older and immeasurably more dangerous. [JO] And they came here in spaceships like that tiny one up at thebarrow? [DOCTOR] That's right. They're Daemons from the planet Daemos, which is? [JO] Sixty thousand light years away on the other side of the galaxy. [DOCTOR] And they first came to Earth nearly one hundred thousand yearsago. --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] Now, you'd better explain to them all why you've called themtogether, then leave the rest to me. [WINSTANLEY] Yes. Meeting to order, please. Thank you. Thank you, ladiesand gentlemen. Well now, it seemed to me that we ought to get togetherand discuss the situation, before it gets out of hand. Now it seemsthat the vicar here has had a few thoughts on the subject, so I'veasked him to put in a word. Mister Magister. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [JO] A spaceship, fifteen inches long? [DOCTOR] That's right. Mind you, when it landed it was two hundred feetlong and thirty feet across. But they diminished it, just as theydiminished themselves, which accounts for the heat wave and thefreeze-up. [JO] Hmm? Sorry, could you say that again? I didn't quite follow you. [DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Jo. E=MC squared. [JO] You're the Doctor. [DOCTOR] Look, when you lose mass the energy has to go somewhere. [YATES] I see, so all we've got to deal with is something which iseither too small to see or thirty feet tall, can incinerate you orfreeze you to death, turns stone images into homicidal monsters andlooks like the very devil. [DOCTOR] Exactly. [BENTON] Well, I still don't get it. I mean, what's the creature doinghere? I mean, why did they ever come? [DOCTOR] To help Homo sapiens kick out Neanderthal man. They've beencoming and going ever since. The Greek civilisation, the Renaissance,the industrial revolution. They were all inspired by the Daemons. [HAWTHORNE] But this thing the Professor let loose is evil, you said soyourself and now you're trying to say they've been helping mankind fora hundred thousand years. [JO] Yes, and you say they come from another planet. Well then, what'sall this jazz about witchcraft and covens and so on? [DOCTOR] Look, don't you see? All the magical traditions are justremnants of their advanced science, and that is what the Master isusing. [HAWTHORNE] Then these creatures are linked with the black arts. Theyare evil. [DOCTOR] Amoral, perhaps. They help Earth but on their own terms. It's ascientific experiment to them. Just another laboratory rat. [YATES] Then what's the Master up to? [DOCTOR] He's established a link with the Daemon. What worries me is thechoice. Domination by the Master or total annihilation. [JO] What, this Daemon could destroy the world? [DOCTOR] What does any scientist do with an experiment that fails? Hechucks it in the rubbish bin. [JO] The end of the world. --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] Now, as I've told you, this is not goingto be a sermon. But all the same, I do beg of you to listen carefully.Because this could be the most important day in your lives. Now as youknow, I am a newcomer among you, and yet already I feel that I know youall. For instance, you, Mister Thorpe. Are you still padding thegrocery bills of the local gentry? [THORPE] What are you on about? That's slander. [MASTER] Now, now, don't deny it. I know. And you, Charlie. How's yourconscience? Do you think you'll manage to balance the Post Office booksin time? And you, Mister Grenville. Has your wife come back from hersisters yet? Will she ever come back, do you suppose? Now, now, no,please. Please do not be angry with me. I assure you that I'm on yourside. Now, listen. If you do what I say, you can all of you getwhatever you want in this world, when you want it. If you listen to me. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [DOCTOR] Now the Daemon will appear three times,and the third time he'll probably tell us what our fate is to be. Nowhe'll be in the cavern somewhere awaiting the Master's second call. [BENTON] Then if we know where he is, why don't we go and find him? [DOCTOR] You'd be wasting your time, Sergeant. At the moment he's sosmall he's practically invisible. [JO] But Doctor [DOCTOR] Jo, would you get me a piece of paper and a pencil, please? [BERT] I wondered if you'd all care for a bite to eat? [BENTON] Yes, please. [JO] No, thanks, not just now. The Doctor's a bit busy. [BERT] Ah. Well, is it all right if I get on with a bit of clearing up? [JO] Yes, fine, if you could do it quietly though. [BERT] You won't know I'm here. [JO] Thank you. [YATES] Greyhound Two. Come in, please. Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Is that you, Yates? Now look, we'regoing to blast our way in. I'm calling up the artillery and RAF strikecommand. You lot had better evacuate to the cellars. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BRIGADIER [OC]] Over. [DOCTOR] What? Give me that. You'll do no such thing, LethbridgeStewart. Of all the idiotic suggestions. In the first place, the energyreleased would only strengthen the barrier, in the second place itwould provoke the most appalling reprisals and in the third place I'vegot a better idea. Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Well, what? Now I'm not going to sithere like a spare (pause) like a spare lemon waiting for the squeezer.Do you hear me? Over. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [DOCTOR] Have you got the mobile HQ there? [BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes, of course. [DOCTOR] With the new mark 4A condenser unit? --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Apparently. [DOCTOR [OC]] Good. Then I've got your problem solved and mine. We'regoing to build a diothermic energy exchanger. Is your technical fellowthere? [BRIGADIER] He's listening. [DOCTOR] Right, well tell him to build an EHF wideband width variable phase oscillator, with a negative feedback circuittunable to the frequency of an air molecule at, er, what is thetemperature up at the barrier, Brigadier? --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] We've no idea what you're talkingabout, Doctor. Over. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [DOCTOR] Well, it's a simple enough question. Over. [BRIGADIER] No, no, what you said earlier. The oscillating feedback bit. [DOCTOR] All right, I'll come out and explain it to you myself. Yatesand Benton can stay here and keep an eye open. Only don't touchanything until I get there. Understood? [BRIGADIER [OC]] All right, Doctor, we'll try it your way, but get amove on, will you? [DOCTOR] I'll be with you in ten minutes. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] Make it five. Over and out. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [JO] Of all the idiotic plans. As if blowing thingsup solves anything. [DOCTOR] Jo, the Brigadier is doing his best to cope with an almostimpossible situation. And since he is your superior officer, you mightat least show him a little respect. Coming? --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [MASTER] I ask you what you want in life and Ioffer it to you. I tell you that everything is possible if you do as Isay. everything. [BERT] Magister! [MASTER] Why do you interrupt me? [BERT] The Doctor, he's trying [MASTER] Shush! [MASTER] Girton. [MASTER] Now please, as I was telling you, the whole world can be ours.I only need two things. Your submission and your obedience to my will. [WINSTANLEY] What's all this about obedience and submission? You saidthat we were going to rule. [MASTER] You rule? Ha! Why, you're all less than dust beneath my feet! [WINSTANLEY] Preposterous! [MASTER] You choose to question me, do you? Very well, I'll give youanother choice. Obey me or I shall destroy you! [WINSTANLEY] If that's your brave new world, you can keep it! I'mgetting out of here and if the rest of you have got any sense, you'llcome with me. [THORPE] I reckon the Squire's right. Come on, let's get out of here. [MASTER] Right, does anybody else agree with the Squire? Thank you. Itdoes my heart good to know I have such a willing band of followers.Now, today is May Day. Go and enjoy yourselves. Celebrate the festivalwith your families. When I need you all, I shall summon you again. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) (Heat barrier) [JO] Look! [DOCTOR] What's happening? I told Yates and Benton to stay in the pub. [DOCTOR] Who's flying that thing? That's not Benton! [JO] Well it's certainly not Mike. Look! [JO] Well, however it is, he's trying to kill us. [DOCTOR] Hang on, Jo. We're in for a bumpy ride. [YATES] He's handling it like an expert! [DOCTOR] Like a man possessed, you mean. Look out, he's coming back. [YATES] I'll try and draw him off! [DOCTOR] No, you keep away. It's me he's after, not you. [BRIGADIER] What's Captain Yates up to? He'll kill the lot of them. [OSGOOD] No sir, that's Captain Yates over there. [JO] What's he trying to do? [DOCTOR] He's trying to drive us into the heat barrier. [BRIGADIER] He's heading straight for the heat barrier. Get back! Back! [JO] The heat barrier! We're heading straight for it! [BRIGADIER] Back! [DOCTOR] Hang tight, Jo. Hang on tight. Now! [YATES] How is she? [DOCTOR] She's had a nasty knock on the head. She'll be all right. You'dbetter load her into Bessie and take her down to the pub. She'll beneeding rest and quiet for a bit. [YATES] Okay. What about you? [DOCTOR] Well, I'd better go and have a word with the Brigadier. He'sprobably bursting a blood vessel by now. [BRIGADIER] Twenty thousand pounds of UNIT money gone up in a puff ofsmoke. [DOCTOR] You've got the mind of an accountant, Lethbridge Stewart. So,this is your heat barrier, is it? [BRIGADIER] Yes, and I advise you to keep your distance. [DOCTOR] Yes? [DOCTOR] Hmm. Even rock. [BRIGADIER] Wood, rock, four inch armour plate. You name it, we've triedit. It's impenetrable. [DOCTOR] A hasty and inaccurate assessment, Brigadier. Tell me, have yougot enough cable to reach those high tension pylons over there. [BRIGADIER] Yes, we should have. Why? [DOCTOR] We'll need at least ten thousand volts to get through this lot. [BRIGADIER] All right, I'll lay things on. [DOCTOR] Good. Only please hurry, we may have very little time left. [BRIGADIER] Sergeant Osgood? [OSGOOD] Sir? [BRIGADIER] You'd better come and listen to the Doctor. You've got tobuild the wretched thing. [OSGOOD] What's the principle, sir? [DOCTOR] Negative diathermy, Sergeant. Buffer the molecular movement ofthe air with the reverse phase short waves. It's quite simple. [OSGOOD] Simple? It's impossible. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, according to classical aerodynamics, it's impossiblefor a bumblebee to fly! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] By the power of earth, by the power of air, by the power offire eternal and the waters of the deep, I conjure thee and chargethee, Azal. Arise, arise at my command, Azal. Arise, arise. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof guest room) [JO] The cavern. He said the danger was in the cavern. [REEVES] Just lie still, my dear. Try and relax. [JO] But the [REEVES] This won't hurt. [JO] But the Doctor. I must help him find the Master! [YATES] Take it easy, Jo. As soon as he gets back, we'll all go and sortthe Master out. Now don't worry. [JO] But we must go now. There's no time to [REEVES] That's better. A few hours sleep and she'll be as right asrain. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Heho evoway! Heho evoway Azal! I willspeak with you. Show yourself! --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [HAWTHORNE] The demon! If he comes out, we shall all die! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] No! No, stop! Go back to the mark! Goback! You will destroy me! No! No! --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [DOCTOR] Now get a move on with the heat exchanger. We've got to get itcharged and through this barrier and down to the village before it'stoo late. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] No! No, back! Back! [MASTER] In the name of the Unspeakable One, back! Nakmia sayamat. Back! --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof guest room) [JO] Where am I? The cavern. I must get to thecavern. [YATES [OC]] Well, I'm going down to the cavern to see what's going on. [HAWTHORNE [OC]] You can't, dear boy, the Doctor told us to stay here. [BENTON [OC]] Well, anyway, we can't just leave Jo here alone. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] I'm going to see what's happening. [HAWTHORNE] Oh, you can't, it's too dangerous. [BENTON] Look, the Doctor told us to stop here, sir. [YATES] Oh, all right. --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [DOCTOR] No, man, no. You're trying to channel the entire output of theNational Power Complex through one transistor. Reverse it. [OSGOOD] Reverse what? [DOCTOR] Reverse the polarity. [OSGOOD] Look, we'd get along much faster if we knew what we were doing. [DOCTOR] Yes, I couldn't agree with you more, Sergeant. Now let'sconcentrate, shall we? [BRIGADIER] Right, I've fixed with Nuton for the power to be off forfifteen minutes. Ready to link up? [OSGOOD] No, sir. [BRIGADIER] Well, when will you be ready, for heaven's sake? [DOCTOR] About next Christmas, I shouldn't wonder. At a rough estimate,of course. [OSGOOD] Look, if you push ten thousand volts through this lash upyou'll blow it anyway! [BRIGADIER] Just do as you're told, Sergeant. The Doctor knows what he'sdoing. [OSGOOD] Right, sir. Right, Jenkins, have you got that junction boxlined up? [BRIGADIER] Do you know what you're doing? [DOCTOR] My dear chap, I can't wait to find out. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [AZAL] Speak! [MASTER] I am the Master. I called you here. [AZAL] That I know. Tell me why you now call me. [MASTER] Give me your knowledge and your power. [AZAL] Why? [MASTER] So that I may rule these primitives on Earth here, and helpthem to fulfill your plan. [AZAL] You are not one of their kind. [MASTER] No, I'm superior to them. That's why I should be their leader. [AZAL] There is another here of your race. [MASTER] He has been destroyed. [AZAL] No, he lives. I would speak with him. [MASTER] I think not! [AZAL] Take care, creature! With your few pitiful grains of knowledge,you have summoned me here, but I am not your slave and you are notimmortal. [MASTER] Forgive me, Mighty One, forgive me. Nevertheless, I claim thatwhich is rightfully mine. [AZAL] Your mind is superior to mankind's, and your will is stronger. [MASTER] Then I am to be your choice? [AZAL] I shall consider. Now leave. [MASTER] But you will come again? [AZAL] I shall appear but once more, so be warned. There is danger. Myrace destroys its failures. Remember Atlantis. [MASTER] Yes, but surely I [AZAL] Be silent! I am the last of the Daemons. This planet smells to meof failure. It may be that I shall destroy it. You still wish me tocome once more? [MASTER] I do. [AZAL] Very well. Now go! --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [DOCTOR] It's going. I must get back. The next timecould be the finish. Sergeant Osgood, can you operate that machine now? [OSGOOD] Well, I'm not quite sure. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, you'll have to. We may have very little time left. [OSGOOD] Wait, Doctor. I still don't understand how you lock the pulsegenerator to the feedback circuit. They'll never be in phase. [DOCTOR] Well, of course they won't. That's the whole point. [OSGOOD] Well, how do you do it then? [DOCTOR] Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. All right, I'll explain once again.Only this time, please listen. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [YATES] Jo. Jo! Jo! --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof guest room) [YATES] You all right, Jo? [YATES] Little idiot! --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [HAWTHORNE] You all right? [BENTON] More or less. How about you? [HAWTHORNE] Shaken, I'll admit. [YATES] Jo's gone. Out of the window. I'm going after her. [BENTON] Well, do you know where she is, sir? [YATES] I know all right. She'll have gone to the cavern. [HAWTHORNE] No! [BENTON] Trust her. [YATES] Look, when the Doc gets back, tell him what's happened. [BENTON] Look, be careful, sir. I don't want you to cop it like I did. [YATES] Huh, not if I can help it. [HAWTHORNE] Sergeant? [BENTON] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Church Vestry) [MASTER] And make sure you do the job properly. The Doctor's been in myway for far too long. You know, I was very foolish to speak with Azalalone. Next time, I shall use the full ceremony. Every possible memberof the coven must be present. If I'm going to control Azal, I needevery ounce of power I can summon up. Very well. --------------------------------------- (Road) [DOCTOR] And it comes out here. Right? [OSGOOD] Right. I think. [DOCTOR] Good grief, man, it's as simple as Einstein's Special theory ofRelativity. [BRIGADIER] We'll manage, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Good. And when you get that thing finished, bring it throughthe barrier and down to the village at once, all right? [BRIGADIER] Do you know, Sergeant, I sometimes wish I worked in a bank.Right, at the double there! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [YATES] Shush. They're in and out all the time. [JO] Mike, what [YATES] Why didn't you stay in bed? [JO] I had to find out what was going on. [YATES] You're an idiot. This place is alive with booby traps. [JO] What? [YATES] Spells, elementals, the Doctor's forcefields. [JO] Where, where are they? [YATES] All over. Here, I'll show you. Give me that book there orsomething. [JO] Yes. [YATES] Now watch this. [JO] It's a trick. A horrible conjuring trick. [YATES] You think so? Remember Benton? Now come on, let's get out of.Shush! [JO] Mike, I'm scared. [YATES] Don't worry. The Doc'll be here soon, and Benton knows we'rehere. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BENTON] Hello, Greyhound. This is Trap Three. Do you read me? Over.Hello, Greyhound, Greyhound. Do you read me? Over. [HAWTHORNE] I've bought you a nice cuppa, Sergeant. I hope you likechina. [BENTON] For goodness sake, Miss Hawthorne. [HAWTHORNE] What's the matter? Don't you like tea? [BENTON] Something's gone badly wrong. We've no idea what's happening toMiss Grant and the Captain, the Doctor should be back here by now, Ican't get through to the Brigadier and you're nattering on about tea. [HAWTHORNE] You must learn the art of waiting, Sergeant. The Doctor willcome, or else he won't, and that's all that can be said. Now, milk orlemon? [BENTON] Hello, Greyhound, Greyhound. Do you read me? Over. --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [BRIGADIER] Sergeant? [OSGOOD] Sir? [BRIGADIER] Is it you making that horrible racket? I can't get a thingthrough. The air's thick with it. [OSGOOD] Yes, sir, it is. Testing, you see, sir. This is fascinating.It's not right yet but even on the battery, it's pumping it out. It's asort of controlled resonance frequency you see, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, never mind the mumbo-jumbo. Keep the wretchedthing switched off until it's ready. [OSGOOD] I'm sorry, sir, I can't. I must finish the tests. [BRIGADIER] Well, how long are you going to be? [OSGOOD] About a minute, sir. I've got the hang of it now. (Bang, andOsgood has a sooty face) Half an hour, sir. At least. --------------------------------------- (Vicarage) [BERT] Magister, I'm sorry. [MASTER] The Doctor got away. [BERT] How could you know that? Well, yes he did. You see, what happened [MASTER] Excuses waste time. Where is he? [BERT] I lost him in the woods. Expect he's making his way back to thevillage by now. [MASTER] Then we must see that he is given a suitable welcome, mustn'twe? --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] What's the matter with you, Benton? I want to speak to theDoctor. Over. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BENTON] But I, but I thought he was still withyou, sir. Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] No, he left here oh, a good fortyminutes ago. Hasn't --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BRIGADIER [OC]] He turned up yet? [BENTON] Well, no, sir. Not a sign of him. Do you suppose he's allright, sir? Over. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Maybe he's piled up that wretched motorbike. [BENTON] Do you want me to go and look for him, sir? Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Mobile HQ) [BRIGADIER] No, better give him a bit longer. Butif he does turn up will you tell him that we're running into a bit oftrouble with our feedback phasing. Is that right, Osgood? [OSGOOD] Yes, sir. [BRIGADIER] Yes, that's it, Benton. Tell him that, will you? Over andout. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [BENTON] That's it then. [HAWTHORNE] More waiting, Sergeant. [BENTON] Yes, well, the Captain and Miss Grant should have been backages ago, and the Doctor seems to have disappeared completely. Look,I'm going to go and have a nose around out there. [HAWTHORNE] You stay where you are. I'll go and look for them. [BENTON] I'm sorry, ma'am. Would you please do as you're told. [HAWTHORNE] Anyone in sight? [BENTON] No, just a few villagers. Could you tell the Doctor I've goneto the cavern. [HAWTHORNE] Wait. Listen. [BENTON] Well, what do they thing they're doing? [HAWTHORNE] Charming. [BENTON] Yeah, they're round the twist, if you ask me. [HAWTHORNE] But it's May day. We always have the Morris Dancers on Mayday. It's traditional. [BENTON] Hey, look, there's the Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, most amusing. [DOCTOR] Now please, let me pass. Frankly, any time I'd gladly join youbut I [DOCTOR] What on Earth is going on? What are you doing? What on Earth isthis? [BERT] You're being invited to join our May day revels, Doctor. I'm sureyou don't want to disappoint us, or Mister Magister. --------------------------------------- (The Cloven Hoof bar) [HAWTHORNE] They seem to have stopped. [BENTON] Yeah. Hey, what's happening? Well, that doesn't look verytraditional. [BENTON] Look, I've got to go and help him. [HAWTHORNE] No, you can't. There are too many of them. [HAWTHORNE] Did he hurt you? [BENTON] What happened? [HAWTHORNE] I hit him with my reticule. (crystal ball) On theseoccasions, the outcome's a certainty. [BENTON] Very handy. Thank you. [HAWTHORNE] I always carry it with me. No, Sergeant, wait. Look, I knowthese people. They're not wicked. Well, most of them anyway. [BENTON] So? [HAWTHORNE] So, it's up to us to explain to them how mistaken they are.Now, listen carefully. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] The Master's planning to make slaves of you all. I'm the onlyone who has a chance of stopping him. [BERT] He's lying. He is the enemy. Mister Magister will care for you,give you everything you've ever wanted. [DOCTOR] That's nonsense. All the Master will bring upon you isdisaster! [BERT] He is the enemy! He's a black witch! A witch, do you hear? Awitch and you've always known what you must do with a witch, haven'tyou? [ALL] Yeah, yeah. [BERT] Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. [VILLAGER] That's what they say. [DOCTOR] Are you out of your mind? [BERT] Shut up. That's right, friends. Thou shalt not suffer a witch tolive. Burn him! [THORPE] Burn him! [ALL] Burn him! Burn him! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Eoh evotay. [COVEN] Eoh evotay. [MASTER] As my will, so mote it be. [COVEN] Nemas. [MASTER] Harken to my voice, oh, Dark One, ancient and awful, supreme inartifice, bearer of power, be present here at my command and truly domy will. Ava, avara, agarbala, gar, gardoal, galdina! As my will, somote it be. [COVEN] As thy will, so mote it be! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [BERT] Now! [HAWTHORNE] Stop! You will bring a terrible retribution upon yourselvesif you persist. [BERT] Shut up, you silly old fool! [HAWTHORNE] You would dare to harm the great Wizard Qui Quae Quod? [THORPE] Wizard? [HAWTHORNE] You wouldn't listen to me before and now you're in the powerof the Magister. You know I speak the truth. [BERT] Get on with it, man. [HAWTHORNE] No, wait, listen to me. Under the Magister you have beenfrightened, injured, your property destroyed. Serve the great Qui QuaeQuod. In him lies peace and great joy. [BERT] If he's such a great magician, let's see him untie himself. [DOCTOR] You choose to mock the great Qui Quae Quod? Well, I will not. [BERT] Because you can't! [HAWTHORNE] Give him a sign of your power, O mighty one! [DOCTOR] What had you mind? [HAWTHORNE] I know. That lamp. Shatter it. [DOCTOR] Shatter it. Yes. Lamp, I order you to shatter! [DOCTOR] You see? That could have been you. Now, all of you look at the,er, weathercock on the church tower? [DOCTOR] Weathercock, now! [VILLAGER] He must be a magician. He is a magician! [HAWTHORNE] Bert, drop that torch. You're beaten and you know it! [BERT] Am I? [DOCTOR] There, that'll teach you. Daughter of light, would you kindlyuntie my bonds? [BERT] You don't scare me with a lot of daft tricks. Mister Magister hasthe real power. [HAWTHORNE] His power is worth nothing in comparison. [BERT] Right. Well let's see if you can turn aside a bullet. [DOCTOR] I'll give you one more chance. Look behind you. [BERT] That's the oldest trick in the book. [DOCTOR] Very well. Let my familiar spirit bring that car to me! [BERT] You don't frighten me, you know. Do you think I'm as stupid asthis lot? [VILLAGER] That's it. He is a god. [HAWTHORNE] You really are a magician. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry to disappoint you, madame, but I were, I'd hardlyneed your assistance in extricating me from this, this sacrificial giftwrapping. [BENTON] How on Earth did you do that, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Elemental, my dear Benton. [BENTON] Oh, no, you don't, chummie. We've all got a date with theMaster, haven't we. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Og ot erus saw bmal eht tnew yram taht,erehwyreve dna, wons sa etihw saw eceelf sti, bmal elttila dah yram! [COVEN] Eoh evotay! [MASTER] Azal! We have power over life, you and I. Accept this life Inow dedicate to thee. [MASTER] Atanee bmal elttila dah yram! [JO] No! Stop it! It's evil! Don't you see that? It's evil! [MASTER] You are too late, my dear! Eho, eho, Azal! [COVEN] Eko, eko, Azal! [MASTER] Azal! --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [BRIGADIER] The last appearance, that's what theDoctor said. [OSGOOD] I'm working as fast as I can. [BRIGADIER] Well, it doesn't seem to be fast enough. You have fiveminutes, Sergeant. Right, we're on our way in five minutes! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [HAWTHORNE] The third appearance. [BENTON] In the cavern. [DOCTOR] Where else? [BENTON] We'd better get over there, hasn't we? [DOCTOR] Wait, all of you. [BERT] See? This chap's frightened! [DOCTOR] Well, of course I'm frightened. So should you be, and yourfriend Mister Magister. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Azal, welcome! [MASTER] Bok, stop them! [MASTER] You are very wise, Captain. Prepare the girl in the ceremonialtabard. She will make a welcome addition to this sabbat. [JO] No, please! Don't let me go! Mike, help me please! No, let me go! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Now we're facing the greatest danger theworld has ever known. Now, look, I've got to tell you the truth. [HAWTHORNE] (sotto) Doctor, no. [DOCTOR] (sotto) I've got to risk it. [THORPE] What are you talking about? [DOCTOR] I'm not a magician or a wizard or anything of the sort. [BERT] See! I told you! [DOCTOR] But neither is the Master. I've tricked you, yes, but only tosave you from him. [BERT] To save your own life, you mean. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, that too. [BERT] What? Well, there you are! Do you hear, the lot of you? He admitsit! [THORPE] Just pipe down for two minutes, Bert. [BERT] But you heard him. [THORPE] Shut up! We want to hear what he's got to say. [HAWTHORNE] But your car? How did you make it move by itself? [DOCTOR] Science, not sorcery, Miss Hawthorne. Look. [VILLAGER] That's amazing. [BENTON] I'll be blowed. [DOCTOR] And your Mister Magister uses no more magic than that. [BERT] You're talking rubbish. The Master's a magician I tell you! [DOCTOR] All his feats are based on science. Either ours or the secretscience of the Daemons. [BERT] Well, there you are. That proves you're talking nonsense. Howcould he have called him up in the first place except by sorcery? [DOCTOR] Well, he uses violent emotions. Fear, hatred, greed. [THORPE] How? [DOCTOR] Well, the emotions of a group of ordinary human beings generatea tremendous charge of psychokinetic energy. This the Master channelsfor his own purpose. [HAWTHORNE] But that is magic. That's precisely what black magic is. [DOCTOR] No, Miss Hawthorne, I'm afraid not. [HAWTHORNE] Are you trying to tell me that the invocations, the rituals,even the sabbat itself are just so much window dressing? [DOCTOR] No, no, no, of course not. No, they are essential to generateand control the psionic forces, and to control the Daemon himself. [BENTON] Look, shouldn't we get over there and sort this Daemon thingout? [DOCTOR] How? [BENTON] Well, I could get the men [DOCTOR] Yes? [BENTON] Well, we could [DOCTOR] Exactly. All we can do is wait. [BENTON] Well, what for? [DOCTOR] The energy exchanger. This machine that the Brigadier isbuilding for me. With that I should be able to drain off our visitor'senergy. Then perhaps we can sort him out. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Azal, the time for decision draws near.Once more, I demand the power [AZAL] You demand? [MASTER] Yes, and why not? Who in the whole galaxy is not my inferior?There is not one creature. [AZAL] Not even one? [MASTER] Not one! Save the last of the Daemons. [JO] No, please, let me go! [MASTER] Azal, accept this offering as a token of our fealty. As mywill, so mote it be! [COVEN] As thy will, so mote it be! [MASTER] Eoh evotay, Azal! [COVEN] Eoh evotay! Eoh evotay! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [YATES] Doctor! Doctor! [BENTON] Hold him. [YATES] Doctor! Doctor, it's Jo. [DOCTOR] Jo? I thought she was still in the pub? [YATES] They've got her in the cavern. [DOCTOR] What? [YATES] That creature's in there. The Master calls him Azal. [HAWTHORNE] Azal? Of course! Azael, the fallen angel. [DOCTOR] Walkie talkie. Hello, Brigadier? Are you there? --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [BRIGADIER] That you, Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [BRIGADIER [OC]] Over. [DOCTOR] Look, they've got Jo. That machine must come through now. Now,do you understand?! --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [DOCTOR [OC]] Now! [BRIGADIER] We're on our way, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Good. And put a watch up on that barrow,will you? Just in case the Daemon's ship reactivates. --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [BRIGADIER] Will do, Doctor. Over and out. Youheard him, Sergeant. Now. [OSGOOD] I [BRIGADIER] That's an order, Sergeant. Now! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Come on, Brigadier. Get a move on. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] I'm sorry, Miss Grant, but you are to besacrificed in a noble cause. [JO] No! No! --------------------------------------- (Road) [OSGOOD] It'll never take it, I tell you. [BRIGADIER] It must. Keep trying. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Right, now some of you that way, butspread out. The rest of you, follow me. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [ACOLYTE] Mister Magister, they're coming, they'recoming. [JO] Doctor, help! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [YATES] Right, Benton. You keep us covered. We'll get in round the back. [DOCTOR] No. We must wait for the Brigadier. [YATES] And what about Jo? [DOCTOR] We won't help her by committing suicide. [BERT] Magister! Magister! [BERT] No, no. A friend. I'm a friend. [DOCTOR] You see? What's going on, Brigadier? --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [DOCTOR [OC]] You must hurry! [BRIGADIER] We're up to the maximum now, Doctor. It's still no good. [DOCTOR [OC]] You'll have to use the booster. [OSGOOD] If you do, sir, she'll blow us all sky high! [BRIGADIER] We're coming through, Doctor. Over and out. Booster on. [OSGOOD] But sir. [BRIGADIER] Damn it, man. Get on with it. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] O mighty Azal, in the name of Atame, Idedicate this offering! [ACOLYTE] No, Magister, it's not right! [MASTER] To do my will shall be the whole of the law. [COVEN] To do thy will shall be the whole of the law. [ACOLYTE] It's not right, I tell you. [MASTER] Obey me! --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [BRIGADIER] Look, it's working! [BRIGADIER] Right, it's still hot, but passable. Right, start up andkeep to the tunnel. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Obey me. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Look, what's going on, Brigadier? [BRIGADIER [OC]] We're through, Doctor. Over. [DOCTOR] What, all of you? [BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes, but not the machine. [DOCTOR] Well, that should have come through first. [BENTON] Doctor, look. [DOCTOR] The exchanger is working. It's bleeding off the energy. --------------------------------------- (Heat barrier) [BRIGADIER] Come on, man, bring it through! Get amove on! [OSGOOD] Sir! Right, Jenkins. [BRIGADIER] You can stop worrying, Doctor. We're through. [DOCTOR [OC]] And about time, too. Now get it over here fast! [BRIGADIER] Right. [OSGOOD] Sir! Sir, I can't stop it! It's running away! [BRIGADIER] Osgood, out of it! Get down, all of you! Osgood, get down,man! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [DOCTOR] Brigadier? Brigadier, are you all right? [BRIGADIER [OC]] The machine's gone west. Blown itself up. Be with youright away. Over and out. [DOCTOR] A fat lot of good that'll do. Right, keep the others back,Captain Yates, I'm going in before that creature recovers. [YATES] I'll come with you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Alone! [THORPE] You can't go in now, sir. You said yourself it would besuicide. [YATES] Doctor, wait! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Ah, Doctor, I've been expecting you.You've saved me a lot of trouble by coming here. I'm most grateful toyou. [DOCTOR] Hello, Jo. I cannot tell you how glad I am to see you. [MASTER] How very touching. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [BRIGADIER] Where's the Doctor? [YATES] Gone in there, sir. [BRIGADIER] Then what are we waiting for? Let's get after him. [YATES] Wait, sir. Look. [BRIGADIER] What the blazes is that? Some kind of ornament? [YATES] Not exactly, sir. Watch. [BRIGADIER] Yes, I see what you mean. Never mind, we'll soon fix him.Jenkins! [JENKINS] Sir. [BRIGADIER] Chap with the wings there. Fiverounds rapid. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] You realise, of course, that you're adoomed man, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm a dead man. I knew that as soon as I came through thatdoor, so you'd better watch out. You see, I've nothing to lose, have I? [MASTER] Enough! Azal, destroy him! [AZAL] Who is this?! [MASTER] My enemy and yours, Azal. Destroy him! [AZAL] This is the one we spoke of. He too is not of this planet. [MASTER] He is a meddler and a fool. [AZAL] He is not a fool, yet he has done a foolish thing coming here.Why did you come? [DOCTOR] I came to talk to you. [AZAL] Talk then. [DOCTOR] Certainly. But first let her go. [MASTER] No! [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Are you all right, Jo? [JO] I am now. [AZAL] You wish to talk? [DOCTOR] Yes. I want you to leave this planet while you still can. [AZAL] You are bold. [DOCTOR] Why not? I've got a machine outside that can annihilate you. [AZAL] You lie. [DOCTOR] You've already felt its power. [AZAL] It is destroyed. [DOCTOR] One of them, yes. Not both. [AZAL] You lie. There was but one. [JO] Doctor? [AZAL] You have a regard for truth. Why do you lie? [DOCTOR] To try and make you listen to me. [AZAL] Why should I? I see no consequence of value. [MASTER] Then kill him. Kill him now! [AZAL] Very well. [JO] No! [DOCTOR] If you kill me now, you will wonder throughout eternity whetheryou should have listened to my words. --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [YATES] Might as well use a peashooter on four inch armour. Sergeant,get the bazooka set up over there, quick. [BENTON] Right, sir. Right, you with me. --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [MASTER] Well? You waste time. I order you to killhim, Azal! [AZAL] I command. I do not obey. [MASTER] But I called you here and you came? [AZAL] I answered your call because the time was come for my awakening.The time has come for the completion of the experiment or itsdestruction. [MASTER] Then fulfill your mission by granting the ultimate power to me.Who else is there strong enough to give these humans the leadershipthey need? [DOCTOR] I seem to remember somebody else speaking like that. What wasthe bounder's name? Hitler. Yes, that's right, Adolf Hitler. Or was itGenghis Khan? [MASTER] Azal, I have the will. You yourself said so. [AZAL] I am still not convinced. [DOCTOR] I'm very pleased to hear it. [AZAL] You wish to see this planet destroyed? [DOCTOR] By no means. You see, I have an alternative. [AZAL] State it. [DOCTOR] Leave humanity alone. Just go. You've done enough harm. [AZAL] We gave knowledge to man. [DOCTOR] You certainly did. Thanks to you man can now blow up the worldand he probably will. He can poison the water and the very air hebreathes. He's already started. He can [AZAL] Enough! Is man such a failure then? Shall I destroy him? [MASTER] No! A strong leader can force him to learn. [AZAL] You are right. I have decided. I shall pass on my power. [MASTER] O mighty Azal, I thank you. [AZAL] But not to you. To him. [DOCTOR] No! No, I don't want it! --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [YATES] Fire! [BRIGADIER] Well done, Sergeant. [BENTON] Just a minute, sir. Look! --------------------------------------- (Church cavern) [AZAL] You refuse my gift? [DOCTOR] Of course I do! Don't you understand? I want you to leave. Iwant you to go away and give man a chance to grow up. [AZAL] I cannot. My instructions are precise. I bequeath my power or Idestroy all. [MASTER] Then you will give your power to me? [AZAL] I shall. Time is short. [MASTER] What about him? [AZAL] He is not rational. He is disruptive. He must be eliminated. [JO] No! No, he's a good man! Kill me, not him! [AZAL] This action does not relate. There is no data. It does notrelate. Go! Leave me, all of you! --------------------------------------- (Churchyard) [BRIGADIER] Cease firing! [DOCTOR] Run for it, Brigadier! --------------------------------------- (Village Green) [BENTON] Get up. Don't try anything. [BRIGADIER] What happened in there, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Well, by a ridiculous and foolhardy act of self-sacrifice, Johere has managed to save us. [JO] I did? [DOCTOR] You did. You see, Azal couldn't face an act as irrational andas illogical as her being prepared to give up her life for me. Look,Jo, why don't you go and get out of that ridiculous garb? [JO] Okay. [YATES] So what happened? [DOCTOR] Well, all his power was turned against himself. You might sayhe blew a fuse. [YATES] Greyhound Two, come in, please. Over. [CHALMERS [OC]] Chalmers here at the dig, sir. Are you all right? Over, [YATES] Couldn't be better. What's happening? [CHALMERS [OC]] Big bang at the dig, sir. [DOCTOR] The spaceship. Automatic self-destruct, I suppose. [CHALMERS [OC]] And the barrier's cleared itself. Over. [YATES] Good show. We're coming out now with one prisoner. Over and out. [BRIGADIER] Benton, get ready to move out. [BENTON] Yes, sir. Right, you lot, you heard the man. The picnic's over. [DOCTOR] Stop firing. You'll damage Bessie. [BRIGADIER] Do you want him to get away? [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Bessie'll bring him back. [BRIGADIER] How on Earth did you do that? [DOCTOR] Simple, if you know how. [BRIGADIER] Right, Benton, get them moved out. And take him with you.Maximum security guard. [BENTON] Yes, sir. Right, get moving! [DOCTOR] And look after him. I want to deal with him later. [MASTER] Do you, Doctor? You always were an optimist, weren't you. [DOCTOR] Thank you for the compliment. [BENTON] All right, move. [HAWTHORNE] Listen. [DOCTOR] To what? [JO] Yes, the birds are singing again. [HAWTHORNE] Oh, and smell the flowers. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, it makes a change from the smell of sulphur, doesn'tit? [HAWTHORNE] The May day miracle has happened again. The Earth is bornanew. [BENTON] All under way, sir. [HAWTHORNE] Sergeant, we must do the fertility dance to celebrate. [BENTON] Oh, no, I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm still rather busy. [HAWTHORNE] Oh, nonsense, Sergeant. Come along. [JO] Come on, Doctor. [YATES] Fancy a dance, Brigadier? [BRIGADIER] It's kind of you, Captain Yates. I think I'd rather have apint. [DOCTOR] (dancing) You're right, Jo, there is magic in the world afterall.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s08", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Daemons"}
Doctor Who (1 Jan, 1972; Third Doctor) - Day of the Daleks (Hallway) [PAGET] You will be sure that nobody disturbs him, won't you© --------------------------------------- (Study) [STYLES] What the© [STYLES] Ah, no, no! No! [PAGET] Sir Reginald© Are you all right© What happened© [STYLES] He attacked me. Tried to kill me. [PAGET] Who did© What happened© [STYLES] He vanished. Disappeared into thin air, like a ghost. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge-Stewart© [MAN [OC]] Ah. I have the Minister for you. [MINISTER [OC]] Hello© [BRIGADIER] Oh, good. Put him through, will you© [MINISTER [OC]] Hello© Hello© [BRIGADIER] Good morning, Minister. [MINISTER [OC]] I've just been on to Auderly House. I've rather had somerather disturbing news. [BRIGADIER] Yes. Yes, I've seen the report from Miss er, Miss Paget. Itdoesn't seem to be very much to go on. [MINISTER [OC]] I don't need to tell you how critical the situation is. [BRIGADIER] Yes, Minister. I'm very well aware of Sir Reginald'simportance in these negotiations. [MINISTER [OC]] Then you're proposing to do nothing about it. [BRIGADIER] No, Minister. I do not propose to ignore the matter. I'mputting my best man onto it. As a matter of fact, I was just about tobrief him when you rang. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] Doctor, why don't you take a break© [DOCTOR] It's maddening, you know. So nearly there. If I could only cutout their override on the dematerialisation circuit. Let me see thosefigures. [JO] Doctor© I thought the Tardis was working again. [DOCTOR] What gave you that idea© [JO] Oh, being dragged off to an alien planet five hundred years in thefuture, for example. Oh, you know, all that business with the minersand the colonists. [DOCTOR] My dear Jo, the Tardis was being operated then under remotecontrol by the High Council of the Time Lords. [JO] Well, if it worked for them. [DOCTOR] I don't want it to work for them. I want it to work for me. Noone's going to turn me into an interplanetary puppet. Yes, of course.Why didn't I think of that before© [DOCTOR 2] Yes, of course, I remember now. Look, don't worry, my dear. Iknow you're alarmed but you needn't be. [DOCTOR] Yes, well I think that should do it. Why on Earth I neverrealised that. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. What are you doing here© [DOCTOR 2] Well, I'm not here. Don't worry. Well, that is, in a sense Iam here, but you are not there. Yes, well, it's a bit difficult toexplain really. [DOCTOR] This won't do at all. We can't have two of us running about. [DOCTOR 2] Yes, well don't worry. It will all sort itself [JO] Doctor© What happened© [DOCTOR] Well, it's a very complicated thing, time, Jo. Once you'vebegun tampering with it, the oddest things start happening. [JO] But there was another you and another me. Well, where've they gone© [DOCTOR] Back into their own time stream, of course. Or do I meanforward© [JO] But, Doctor, I don't understand. [DOCTOR] Look, Jo, don't worry about it. It was a freak affect. It'svery unlikely to happen again. Hold that and give me those papers. [BRIGADIER] Ah, Doctor. Glad you're still here. I need your help. [DOCTOR] Sorry, Brigadier. I'm busy. [BRIGADIER] Yeah, so am I, Doctor, so am I. Now then, you've heard ofSir Reginald Styles© [DOCTOR] No, can't say that I have. [JO] Well, isn't he the chief representative at the UN© [BRIGADIER] That's right. Key figure at the latest summit conference. [DOCTOR] My dear chap, I'm a scientist, not a politician. [BRIGADIER] You know, Doctor, if you didn't spend so much time tinkeringaround with this wretched contraption, you'd realise just how bad theinternational situation's become. [DOCTOR] Humans are always squabbling over something, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER] Yes, well, this particular squabble looks like ending up ina third world war. The Chinese delegation have refused to attend.Without them, the conference can't even begin. Now Styles is flying toPeking in a few hours. There's just a chance that he can persuade themto change their minds. [DOCTOR] All right, Brigadier. So what's his problem© [BRIGADIER] Well, he was working late last night, down at Auderly. [JO] Where's that© [BRIGADIER] Auderly, Miss Grant, is a Government owned country houseabout fifty miles north of London where the conference is due to beheld. [JO] Oh. [BRIGADIER] He suddenly started behaving rather oddly. Seemed to thinkthat someone was trying to assassinate him. [DOCTOR] Any idea who© [BRIGADIER] Some sort of ghost, apparently. --------------------------------------- (Auderly) (Study) [PAGET] He said somebody attacked him and vanished. [DOCTOR] And you're absolutely certain that he used the word ghost© [PAGET] Oh yes. But afterwards he [STYLES] Miss Paget. What's going on here© [PAGET] These people are from UNIT, sir. [STYLES] Who asked them to come here© [PAGET] I did, because of what happened yesterday. [STYLES] Nothing happened yesterday. [BRIGADIER] There seems to have been some sort of incident, SirReginald© [STYLES] Nothing of any importance. [JO] Well, if you could tell us what happened© [STYLES] I was working late. I must have dropped off. Freak gust of windblew some papers off my desk. I woke up rather confused. I was pickingup the papers when Miss Paget came in. [BRIGADIER] But you did mention ghosts. [STYLES] Did I© Must have been having a nightmare. [PAGET] But the French windows were shut. I closed them before I went tobed. [STYLES] Then I must have opened them. [DOCTOR] Did you also make those marks on the floor over there© Muddyfeet, Sir Reginald. Someone was in here, you know. [STYLES] Are you accusing me of lying, sir© [BRIGADIER] Sir Reginald, you've obviously been under considerablestrain recently. Were you feeling at all unwell last night© [STYLES] I felt, and feel, perfectly well. Now, if you'll excuse me,I've a lot to do. I'm due at the airport in an hour. [BRIGADIER] You've no objection to my men searching the grounds© [STYLES] None at all. Though I really don't know what you hope to find. --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) [SOLDIER] He's over here! [SOLDIER] Sergeant! [DOCTOR] Oh, he's in a bad way, poor chap. You'd better get him to thehospital. [BRIGADIER] Captain Yates. [YATES] Right away, sir. [BRIGADIER] It's a new one on me. What do you make of it, Doctor© [DOCTOR] I'm not sure. [BENTON] Sir© [BRIGADIER] What've you got there, Benton© [BENTON] I've no idea, sir. It was hidden about fifty feet inside thetunnel. Must have been put there recently, I reckon. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROLLER] Your report© [OGRON] We found and destroyed the enemy. [CONTROLLER] Any complications© [OGRON] No complications. [CONTROLLER] Good. They will be satisfied. I did not say dismiss. I wantan intensified effort. There can be no relaxation. Not until we havefound all those responsible for this menace and eliminated them too.Now you may go. Keep me informed of all developments. --------------------------------------- (Study) [BRIGADIER] Have you seen this before© [STYLES] Really, Brigadier. What sort of games are you playing© [BRIGADIER] It's not a game, sir. It's our duty to protect you. [STYLES] I don't need your protection. [DOCTOR] Sir Reginald, we've just found a very severely injured man downby the canal tunnel. [STYLES] Oh really© And what did he look like© [BRIGADIER] Thirty five-ish, average build. He was wearing a sort ofguerilla combat suit. [DOCTOR] And carrying that gun. [STYLES] I am very sorry, gentlemen, but I have rather more importantthings on my mind at the moment. If you'll excuse me. [BRIGADIER] I'll arrange an escort to take you to the airport, sir. [STYLES] Thank you, but it shouldn't be necessary. [BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, sir, but I think it will. [STYLES] Oh, if you insist. [DOCTOR] I'd like to get that gun down to the laboratory and run a fewtests on it. [BRIGADIER] Anything else we can do© [DOCTOR] No, not for the moment. I think we'll just have to sit and waitand hope that our would-be assassin regains consciousness. --------------------------------------- (Ambulance) [YATES] And stay with him every moment, Benton.Take down anything he says. Anything at all. [BENTON] Leave it to me, sir. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Well, basically it's a form of ultra-sonic disintegrator. [JO] You mean a ray gun© [DOCTOR] That's right, Jo, I mean a ray gun. Only it's far moresophisticated than any weapon yet invented on Earth. Now take a look atthis. [DOCTOR] Quite an effective little weapon, eh© [BRIGADIER] Doctor, you say this wasn't made on Earth. Do you mean itcomes from another planet© [DOCTOR] Well, that was my theory at first, yes, but the metallurgicalanalysis shows that the iron constituent is very much of this world. Infact, it was mined not very far from here. North Wales. [BRIGADIER] How do you explain that© [DOCTOR] Do you believe in ghosts, Brigadier© [BRIGADIER] Let's be serious, Doctor. [DOCTOR] I am. [BRIGADIER] Oh, come along, Doctor, come along. [DOCTOR] Oh, my mistake. I was forgetting the unimaginative nature ofthe military mind. But we saw a couple of amicas seperatas a fewmoments ago, didn't we, Jo© [JO] Did we© [DOCTOR] Yes, here in this laboratory. [JO] Oh, you mean when we [DOCTOR] Mind you, they were manifestations of a much more benevolentkind. None of your clanking chains and chilly fingers, but ghosts, nonethe less. [JO] That was because you were playing around with the time mechanism onthe Tardis, wasn't it© [BRIGADIER] Still can't get it to work, eh© [DOCTOR] Well, I can't get this thing to work, either. But this is aform of time machine, of a very crude kind. [JO] How do you know© [DOCTOR] Come over here. Look at this. Now what do you think that is© [JO] It's a mini-dematerialisation circuit. [DOCTOR] Top of the class, Jo. Now then, pop this in here, like that. [DOCTOR] Now, as far as I can gather, when you push this button, itshould [DOCTOR] Good grief! It's working! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [TECHNICIAN] Sir© [CONTROLLER] What is it© [TECHNICIAN] Time transmitter in operation, sir. Twentieth century zone. [CONTROLLER] Can you fix the space-time coordinates© [TECHNICIAN] I'm trying, sir, but it's very faint and erratic. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] Do be careful, Doctor. [DOCTOR] All right, Jo, all right. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROLLER] Well© [TECHNICIAN] No good, sir. There was a transference, I think, but themachine's cut out completely. [CONTROLLER] Continue scanning. And next time you had better be moreefficient. [DALEK] Report! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Well, the thing's completely dead now. [JO] But it was working. [DOCTOR] Yes, it started to work. Oh, I see, yes. Yes, the temporalfeedback circuit has overloaded. [BRIGADIER] The what's done what© [DOCTOR] In your terms, Brigadier, the thing's blown a fuse. [DOCTOR] Please. [BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart© Yes, Sergeant. Really. You're sure© Yes,I see. All right, Sergeant, you'd better report back to Captain Yates.Goodbye. That was Benton. He was in the ambulance with the man wefound. [DOCTOR] Well© [BRIGADIER] Well, according to him, that man just vanished. Faded awaylike a ghost. [JO] Oh, no. [BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor, what now© [DOCTOR] Well, everything that happens seems to centre round Styles'house. [BRIGADIER] Obviously. [DOCTOR] And whoever tried to harm him will probably try again. Jo, howwould you like to spend the night in a haunted house© --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] You know, one thing you can be certain of with politicians, isthat whatever their political ideas, they always keep a well-stockedlarder. Not to mention the cellar. [JO] Doctor, ought you just to help yourself like that© [DOCTOR] Well, you heard what Miss Paget said, Jo. We were to treat theplace as our own. [JO] I wish you hadn't sent all the servants away. [DOCTOR] That's common sense. You can't expect a ghost to walk in ahouse full of people, can you© Come on, tuck in. [JO] Well, I'm not really hungry, thank you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, you ought to eat something, you know. This is likely tobe a very long night. [JO] What's that© [DOCTOR] It's a clock chiming. I say, you really ought to try thisgorgonzola cheese. It's absolutely delicious. --------------------------------------- (Terrace) [BENTON] Move! [YATES] Hello© Hello© Greyhound to Trap One. Greyhound to Trap One. Howdo you read me© Over. [BENTON] All the lads are in position, sir. [YATES] Thank you, Benton. Quiet so far© [BENTON] Like a morgue. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that's a most good humoured wine. A touch sardonicperhaps, but not cynical. Yes, a most civilised wine. One after my ownheart. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [BENTON] Everything all right, miss© [JO] It was until you came along. You took years off my life creepingabout like that. [BENTON] Well, I didn't want to disturb the Doc. What's he up to© [JO] Well, at the moment, he's carrying on rather like a one man foodand wine society. [BENTON] Oh, talking of food, you, er, you couldn't get us a bite toeat, could you, miss© I'm famished. [JO] Hang on. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Jo© [JO] All in a good cause. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [BENTON] Ah, you've saved my life. [YATES [OC]] Sergeant Benton! [BENTON] Sir! (sotto) No. [YATES] Just what do you think you're up to, Benton© [BENTON] I was just checking, sir. [YATES] Yes, well I want you to go and check on number three patrol.Move, Sergeant Benton. [BENTON] Sir. [YATES] Jo, how thoughtful. [JO] That wasn't very kind of you. [YATES] RHIP, Jo. [JO] Pardon© [YATES] Rank Has Its Privileges. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] And what was all that about© [JO] Feeding the troops. [DOCTOR] Oh, quite right. Do you know, I remember saying to oldNapoleon. Boney, I said, always remember an army marches on itsstomach. [JO] Well, Mike Yates certainly does. Doctor© [DOCTOR] Mmm© [JO] You didn't mean what you said to the Brigadier about ghosts© [DOCTOR] Well, there are many different kinds of ghosts, Jo. Ghosts fromthe past and ghosts from the future. [JO] Well, what kind did you have in mind© [DOCTOR] What's more to the point is, have they got us in mind© [JO] What [DOCTOR] It's just the wind. [DOCTOR] Look, why don't you take a nap© --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) [ANAT] (woman) We'll wait here till it's light. [SHURA] (moustache) Time waste [ANAT] I said, we'll wait. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Wake up, Jo. It's all right. It's morning. [JO] Nothing's happened© [DOCTOR] No, nothing at all. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [BRIGADIER] Any chance of a cup of coffee© [R/T OPS] (woman) The canteen's closed, sir. [BRIGADIER] It would be. Anything? [R/T OPS] Not a murmur, sir, all night. [R/T OPS] It's Geneva, sir. [GENEVA [OC]] Emergency! Emergency! Emergency to all UNIT national HQ's.Stand by for a special announcement. [ANNOUNCER [OC]] Here is the latest official report. The internationalsituation is growing steadily worse. War now seems inevitable. As yet,there is no further news of Sir Reginald Styles, who has flown toPeking in a last minute attempt to persuade the Chinese to reconsidertheir withdrawal. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Jo! Jo! [SHURA] Please. Turn that machine off or they'll kill all of us. Please! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [TECHNICIAN] Sir© [CONTROLLER] Yes© [TECHNICIAN] We've picked up that time transmitter again. [CONTROLLER] You're sure© [GIRL TECHNICIAN] Yes, sir. Same frequency, same time zone. Muchstronger now. [CONTROLLER] Right. I want the exact space-time coordinates, so whateverhappens don't lose it. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [CONTROLLER [on monitor]] We have a fix on the timetransfer device. It is operating again in the twentieth century timezone and it must be them. [DALEK] You have obtained the space-time co-ordinates? [CONTROLLER [on monitor]] We're trying now. The trace is much strongerthis time. There is every chance [DALEK] You must not fail! [CONTROLLER [on monitor]] Security forces are standing by. If we do getthe coordinates, what are your instructions© [DALEK] Whoever is operating the time machine is an enemy of the Daleks.All enemies of the Daleks must be destroyed! Exterminate them! [DALEKS] Exterminate them! Exterminate them! Exterminate them! --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] Let him go. Now then, turn off that machine. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [CONTROLLER] I have to report that we have lost the trace. It wasoperating only a few moments. [DALEK] We are not interested in excuses. Find them! Find them! Findthem! --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] So, you are the man. Outwardly so innocent looking but capable ofsuch crimes. Who would ever know© [DOCTOR] My dear young lady, I'm afraid I haven't the slightest ideawhat you're talking about. [ANAT] You have said and done enough. The time has come for yourexecution. [DOCTOR] Execution© [ANAT] Those are our orders. [DOCTOR] May I ask whose orders© [ANAT] It is no concern of yours. Shura. [JO] But he hasn't done anything! He's a scientist! [ANAT] No last words of repentance, Sir Reginald© [DOCTOR] No, only that you're making one fundamental mistake. [ANAT] And that is© [DOCTOR] A question of mistaken identity. I am not Sir Reginald Styles. [ANAT] Is that the best you can do© [JO] But it's true. Sir Reginald [DOCTOR] Sir Reginald is at this moment many thousands of miles away. InPeking, to be precise. [ANAT] You are lying. [DOCTOR] No, I'm not. He flew there yesterday. [ANAT] I do not believe you. [DOCTOR] It's all there in the paper in front of you. Why don't you takea look© [DOCTOR] I'm sorry to disappoint you. By the way, that machine of yoursis a bit antiquated, isn't it© Do you mind if I suggest someimprovements and [SHURA] Shut up! [BOAZ] It's a trick. Kill him now. [ANAT] If you are not Sir Reginald Styles, who are you and what are youdoing in his house© [DOCTOR] Well, believe it or believe it not, I came here to see you. [BOAZ] We're wasting time, Anat. Here, I'll do it. [ANAT] Who is in command of this mission! We are soldiers, notmurderers. Keep guard outside, I'll deal with these two. I said out! [ANAT] Now then, answer my question. Who are you and what are you doinghere© --------------------------------------- (Outside Auderley House) [BENTON] Two men missing, sir. [YATES] Are you sure© [BENTON] I'm positive. I've doubled checked and there are two menmissing. [YATES] From the patrol© [BENTON] Yes, sir. Now, there's just one possibility. They could be inthe house. I mean, it's none too warm a day, is it, sir© [YATES] Well, let's go and check. --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] Answer my question sensibly. How could youknow we were coming© [DOCTOR] Because you've already tried to kill Styles once and failed. Itwas logical that you would try again. [SHURA] And you deliberately took his place. [DOCTOR] That's right. I wanted to talk to you. [ANAT] Why© [DOCTOR] To find out where you came from. And more to the point when. [BOAZ] Two soldiers approach. [ANAT] Hide! --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [ANAT] Down there! [BOAZ] Hurry! --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [ANAT] Stay where you are! --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [YATES] Doctor© Jo© Try the study, Benton. --------------------------------------- (Study) [BENTON] Doctor© Anyone there© --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [YATES] Doctor© Miss Grant© [BENTON] What do you make of it, sir© [YATES] Greyhound Two to --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [YATES [OC]] Trap One. [BRIGADIER] (into phone) I see, sir. [YATES] Greyhound Two to Trap One. [BRIGADIER] Well, I've already alerted my main personnel. [R/T OPS] Trap One. Over. [BRIGADIER] Oh yes, naturally in a national emergency, we'll liaise withthe defence forces. [R/T OPS] I'm sorry, the Brigadier is busy at the moment. [BRIGADIER] Oh, I'll have to go now, sir. I've got the Minister comingthrough on the scrambler. Goodbye. Lethbridge Stewart© [R/T OPS] Hang on, I'll see if I can get him. [MAN [OC]] Ah good, I have the Minister of Defence for you. [BRIGADIER] Right, put him through. [R/T OPS] Captain Yates, sir, on four. [BRIGADIER] I can't speak to him now. [R/T OPS] He says something very odd is happening at Auderly House. Ifyou could have a quick word with him, sir© [BRIGADIER] All right. Yes, what is it, Yates© [YATES [OC]] A couple of my men missing, sir, and the Doctor and MissGrant. Not a sign of them. [BRIGADIER] Look really, Yates, I've got a major international crisison. I really haven't got time for any [MINISTER [OC]] Lethbridge-Stewart© [BRIGADIER] Yes, yes, that's right. [MINISTER [OC]] Yes, it's the Minister here. [BRIGADIER] One moment, sir. Listen, Yates, search the grounds again orreport back to me. Out. Yes, Minister. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [YATES] Well, you heard what he said. Let's getdown there. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [ANAT] Light. [BOAZ] So what do we do now© [ANAT] Tie them up. [SHURA] Sit down there. [ANAT] Right, they're clear of the house. Have you finished© [SHURA] Yes. [ANAT] We must go. Quietly! (Shura, Anat and Boaz leave. The Doctor getshis gag out of his mouth.) [DOCTOR] That's better. [JO] (muffled) What about me© [DOCTOR] You know, I've got a good mind to let you stay like that. Somuch more peaceful. In any case, even if I released you, you'd probablyask me a lot of fool questions. [JO] I've only got one question. Who are they© [DOCTOR] On the face of it, three rather desperate people. [JO] Well, they're criminals. They must be. [DOCTOR] You're prejudiced. [JO] Well, aren't you© They tried to kill you and me. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's not in their favour, I'll admit. You know, weshouldn't really judge them until we find out why they're here. Well,come on, Jo. What about trying out some of that escapology of yours© [JO] Well, I've been trying but ropes are too tight. [DOCTOR] I'll tell you what. Have a try at untying mine. [JO] Okay. [DOCTOR] Got them© [JO] Where'd they come from© [DOCTOR] Well, technologically speaking, that gun of theirs is about twohundred years ahead of its time. Your time, that is. The twenty secondcentury visiting the twentieth. A planned expedition through time tomeet and kill an important politician. Now, why© [JO] I'm the one who's supposed to be asking the questions. [DOCTOR] He's obviously not only important to us, he's also important tothem. Or history, their history, must talk a lot about Sir ReginaldStyles, I think. [JO] You mean, they travelled back in our time to try and changehistory© [DOCTOR] That's it, yes. How are you doing© [JO] Not very well. These knots are rock hard. [DOCTOR] Well, in that case, there's only one thing left for us to do. [JO] I know. Wait. [DOCTOR] You're learning, Jo. [JO] You know, I still don't get it, that changing history bit. [DOCTOR] Have you got a better theory© [JO] Well, no. It just doesn't fit them. They seem more like a bunch ofthugs to me. [DOCTOR] Fanatics, Jo, not thugs. Changing history is a very fanaticalidea, you know. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROLLER] We are maintaining constant watch, butthere is no sign of any time transference module in operation. [DALEK] All criminal elements must be tracked down and destroyed. [CONTROLLER] Well, I am doing everything possible, but [DALEK] They will have returned to the time zone where the firstcriminal was eliminated. You will dispatch security forces to searchfor them. [CONTROLLER] Of course at once. And the new equipment© [DALEK] The Time Vortex Magnetron is set to the frequency of the modulethat was traced. Anyone using that module will be diverted in thespace-time vortex and attracted here. [CONTROLLER] But only if that particular module is used© [DALEK] It is necessary to know the frequency. [CONTROLLER] But surely no one will use the module© They must realisethat we can trace them. [DALEK] Do not dispute with the Daleks! The function of the human is toobey! Activate the Magnetron! --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] Intercept to Base. Intercept to Base. Do you coordinate© Do youcoordinate© Intercept. No good. There is a massive disturbance in thevortex. [BOAZ] We cannot fail again. This is our last chance. [ANAT] We must get fresh orders. The time coordinates are crucial. [BOAZ] We cannot wait for new orders! [SHURA] Look, why don't I return to the tunnel© There's better chance ofcontact there. [ANAT] Right, Shura. Ask them [BOAZ] Why ask them anything© Isn't it obvious what we must do© We waithere and kill Styles. [ANAT] And if we are detected© [BOAZ] We hold those two as hostages. We kill them if necessary. [ANAT] Get alternative orders. [SHURA] Right. [BOAZ] You are soft, Anat. What do two lives matter when so much is atstake© --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) [SHURA] ZV6 to Eagle. ZV6 to Eagle. Do you connect© Over. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [BRIGADIER] What do you mean, missing© [YATES] Well, there's not a sign of them. [BENTON] We searched the house and the grounds, sir. [YATES] The Doctor, Jo and a couple of my men, vanished. [BRIGADIER] Now listen, Yates, I've been talking to the Minister. Stylesseems to have pulled it off. The Chinese have agreed to attend and theconference is on again. [YATES] Oh, when's it fixed for© [BRIGADIER] Tomorrow night, so you see the spot this puts me in. (intophone) Get me Auderly House. --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] Where is he© [BOAZ] I told you, Anat. [BOAZ] Leave it! [ANAT] No. Suspicious. Next time the soldiers may find us. Get them up. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [DOCTOR] Jo, every choice we make changes thehistory of the world. [JO] I just don't understand. I mean, why don't they go back toSeptember the 12th if that's where they want to be. You know, haveanother go. [DOCTOR] Ah, that's the Blinovitch limitation effect. [JO] The what© [BOAZ] On your feet, both of you! --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [YATES] Honestly, sir. You're wasting your time.He's not there. [DOCTOR [OC]] Hello© Hello© [BRIGADIER] Doctor© [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Lethbridge Stewart. [DOCTOR [OC]] Ah. [BRIGADIER] Is everything all right there© --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Yes, fine, Brigadier. Yes, things couldn'tbe better. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Yates and Benton came to look for you. Said the placewas deserted. [DOCTOR] Did they© Oh yes, we were probably down the cellar at the time.Old Styles keeps a remarkably good selection of wines, you know. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [BRIGADIER] Now listen, Doctor, you're sure thateverything is normal down at that house© Because Styles is coming backthere tomorrow night. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Look, I don't that's very wise, Brigadier. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Well, why not, if everything's all right© --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [BRIGADIER] It is all right, isn't it, Doctor©Captain Yates was very concerned about you. --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Yes, well, you tell Captain Yates not toworry. Everything's fine. And tell old Styles too, and the PrimeMinister. [BRIGADIER [OC]] Right. [DOCTOR] Oh, and Brigadier© [BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes© [DOCTOR] Don't forget to tell it to the Marines. Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Office) [YATES] There you are, sir. I said there wassomething wrong. [BRIGADIER] I'm going down to that house myself. Lay on a jeep for me,will you© I'll meet you there later. --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] He's coming. Sir Reginald Styles is coming here. [DOCTOR] Well, that surprises you© I should have thought with yourinsight into the future. Oh no, in your case, it'd be the past,wouldn't it. [BOAZ] The conference tomorrow night. Our dates were right after all. [ANAT] All we have to do is to wait here until he returns and then [JO] Right! Drop your guns! If you don't, I'll smash this to pieces. [DOCTOR] Jo, put that thing down. I've only just got it in workingorder. [JO] I mean it. [ANAT] Stupid child! You do not know what you are doing. [JO] Oh yes I do. You're going to let us both out or you'll be strandedhere for ever. [BOAZ] We don't need that machine. We have another one. [ANAT] The man who owned that machine is dead. His body is back in ourtime zone. [JO] You're bluffing. [ANAT] Put it down and don't be silly. [DOCTOR] Jo, do as she says. [BOAZ] Drop it. Drop it! --------------------------------------- (Study) [DOCTOR] Jo© Jo! Look, can't you do anything© [ANAT] No, it's too late. [DOCTOR] What's happened to her© [ANAT] Disintegrated. Dispersed around the time vortex. [BOAZ] If she was lucky. [DOCTOR] And if she wasn't© [BOAZ] Re-embodied in the twenty second century. [ANAT] Believe me, she would be better off dead. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROLLER] You may go. [CONTROLLER] You see, they're really not as terrifying as they look. [JO] What are they© [CONTROLLER] Ogrons. They're a form of higher anthropoid. They used tolive in scattered communities on one of the outer planets. They makevery useful servants. [JO] Servants© What do they do© [CONTROLLER] Oh, we use them as policemen. They're very simple, veryhonest, very loyal. Do please sit down. [JO] Thank you. Is this really the twenty second century© [CONTROLLER] Oh, don't worry. We can return you to your own time, buttell me Miss, er© [JO] Grant, Jo Grant. [CONTROLLER] Miss Grant, these three people who attacked you. What didyou make of them© [JO] Well, they were sort of guerillas, I suppose. [CONTROLLER] They are cruel and ruthless fanatics. [JO] You know who they are© [CONTROLLER] Unfortunately, yes. But what you don't know, is how luckyyou are that they didn't get rid of you straight away. [JO] They tried to kill the Doctor. [CONTROLLER] He's still with them , is he, this friend of yours© [JO] Yes, they're holding him prisoner. [CONTROLLER] Then I am afraid he is in very grave danger. [JO] But they've no reason to harm him. They know he's the wrong man. [CONTROLLER] You don't know these people. We have spent years trying totrack them down. If you knew some of the terrifying crimes they havebeen capable of. If anyone stands in their way, they are without mercy. [JO] I can believe it. [CONTROLLER] However, there is a chance that I may be able to save yourfriend. [JO] Could you© [CONTROLLER] I can try. There are means but I shall need your help. [JO] How can I help? [CONTROLLER] Well, first of all, I shall want to know exactly where youcame from and when. [JO] Well, we were at Sir Reginald Styles' house, about fifty miles fromLondon. [CONTROLLER] Now, you've told me the year. Can you tell me the exactdate© [JO] That's easy. It was September the 13th. [CONTROLLER] Excellent. Now, you must be tired, you must be hungry. Wedo have special guest rooms. Leave everything to me. Oh, there is onelast question. These criminals, can you tell me exactly where theyentered your time© I mean, did they manifest themselves in the houseitself© [JO] I don't think so. [CONTROLLER] Somewhere outside the house© Some hiding place© [JO] I don't know for sure, but there's a tunnel by a canal not far fromthe house. We found that time machine there. [CONTROLLER] A tunnel. Thank you. I'll call you as soon as we have anynews. [CONTROLLER] You see© She trusts me implicitly. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [DALEK] The criminals are using the tunnel as atransfer point. We will prepare an ambush in the twentieth century timezone. [CONTROLLER [on monitor]] We have security forces in the area. With anyluck, they will drive the guerillas straight into our hands. I shalltake charge of the operation myself. [DALEK] I shall lead the expedition! This time there must be no mistake!The enemies of the Daleks will be destroyed! --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [ANAT] Hurry! Shura may be back! --------------------------------------- (Study) [ANAT] Where is he© He should be back. [BOAZ] Anat! Look! [ANAT] Shoot! [ANAT] Fall back! [BOAZ] We can get through the library. Come! [ANAT] Stay where you are! Boaz, get out! Boaz, come on! [ANAT] Come on, Boaz, out! Out, out! [DOCTOR] How do you do© Hai! --------------------------------------- (Terrace) [BRIGADIER] Doctor, what on earth's going on© [DOCTOR] Thank you, Brigadier, for that timely intervention. [BRIGADIER] Who is that creature© [DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'll explain about him later. Excuse me, old chap,I'm in a hurry. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, come back at once! --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) (Tunnel) [BOAZ] Get back! Get back! [DOCTOR] Please, wait. I've got to talk to you. [ANAT] Keep away! [DALEK 2] Exterminate! [BOAZ] You'll get caught in the time field! [BOAZ] We warned you. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, so you did. [ANAT] This may come as a shock to you, but you've just travelled twohundred years through time. [DOCTOR] Thank you. But I'm probably more familiar with the concept oftime travel than you are. Now wait a minute. Before the timetransference, I saw a Dalek. [BOAZ] You know of the Daleks© [DOCTOR] Indeed I do. I know them only too well. They've been mybitterest enemy for many years. [BOAZ] Then you're a fool to have let yourself be brought here. [DOCTOR] Look, I came here in order to find Miss Jo Grant. [ANAT] I told you, she's probably dead. [DOCTOR] But as long as there's a chance. [BOAZ] Come on, Anat. [DOCTOR] Wait a minute. What is my best way of finding her© [BOAZ] That's your problem. [ANAT] We can't just leave him. [BOAZ] I can. Come! [ANAT] Run, Doctor. Run! [DALEK 2] Have you found them© [OGRON] No, they escaped. [DALEK 2] Hunt them! Exterminate them! [DALEKS] Exterminate them! Exterminate them! --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [DALEK] Report! [CONTROLLER] The security guards have combed the tunnels. They've foundnothing. [DALEK] You have failed the Daleks! You will be punished! [CONTROLLER] The fault is not mine! Your security guards let them getaway. Those creatures are useless! [DALEK 2] They are loyal to the Daleks. [CONTROLLER] As loyal as they are stupid. They will never be a match forhuman guerillas. [DALEK 2] No one can succeed who opposes the Daleks. [CONTROLLER] For every guerilla cell that you destroy, another onesprings up. They have stolen your time machines and copied them. Theysteal your weapons, your explosives. [DALEK] These criminals will be exterminated. The Daleks will destroythem. [CONTROLLER] If only you would let me recruit more human securityguards, I [DALEK] Humans are treacherous and unreliable! [CONTROLLER] Not all humans. I have served you faithfully. [DALEK] Do not dispute with the Daleks! Obey without question! [CONTROLLER] Very well. There was one curious thing. The girl referredto a companion in her own time zone. She called him the Doctor. [DALEK 2] Doctor© Did you say Doctor© [CONTROLLER] He appears to have got through to our time. He was seen bythe guards. [DALEK] The Doctor is an enemy of the Daleks! He must be found at onceand exterminated! --------------------------------------- (Control room) [DALEK 2 [OC]] Alert! Alert! Area one one seven! [TECHNICIAN] Continue scanning. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [CONTROLLER] All forces are on full alert. I canassure you that we will secure his arrest at any moment now. I will gomyself and supervise the search. [DALEK] Wait! You have not been dismissed. There has been a drop inrecent production figures. [CONTROLLER] That can be explained. [DALEK] Explanations are irrelevant. Production targets must bemaintained. [CONTROLLER] We will reach the targets on the next work period. [DALEK] For the next work period, target figures will be increased byten percent. [CONTROLLER] But that's impossible! If we push the workers any further,they will die. [DALEK 2] Only the weak will die. Inefficient workers slow downproduction. Obey the Daleks. [CONTROLLER] Very well. We will do our best. [DALEK] You may go. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROLLER] Well© [TECHNICIAN] We have a tracking report on that stranger. [CONTROLLER] The Doctor© [TECHNICIAN] He has managed to penetrate the outer perimeter of workcentre one one seven. [CONTROLLER] Have the guards there been alerted© [TECHNICIAN] Yes. They'll pick him up once he's inside. [CONTROLLER] I want the work figures for centre one one seven keptseparate from general analysis. I want to take a special look at them. [TECHNICIAN] Is there something wrong there© [CONTROLLER] Perhaps. I want the work figures for all the factories inthe central zone fed into the work computer. The results tabulated forme immediately. [TECHNICIAN] Very good. [CONTROLLER] See I get those figures. --------------------------------------- (Rebel cellar) [BOAZ] Don't gloss over it, Anat. We failed. [ANAT] We had no choice once our plan was known to them. [BOAZ] If you'd listened to me, we still could have done what wasneeded. [ANAT] We did all we could. Monia, our orders were to eliminate Styles,right© [MONIA] Yes, but you failed. [BOAZ] We could have succeeded. [MONIA] Then why didn't you© [ANAT] He wasn't there. Security guards found us. [BOAZ] But Anat went soft. [MONIA] Be quiet. [ANAT] The trouble with you, Boaz, is [MONIA] Both of you! We have to think now. The situation is different. [BOAZ] As I see it, it's exactly the same. We still have a job to do. [MONIA] No. There may be other ways. I've had a report from one of ourcontacts. A girl has been captured. They're holding her prisoner at thecontrol centre. [ANAT] The same girl© The one who operated the time module at Styles'house© [MONIA] It fits your description. [ANAT] Well, at least she's alive. [BOAZ] In the hands of the Daleks© She won't live long. [MONIA] Can she tell them anything© [BOAZ] Nothing of importance. Have they picked up that Doctor yet© [MONIA] Not yet. It's only a matter of time. --------------------------------------- (Work centre) [GUARD 2] Move! Move! Come along there, you scum!Move! [GUARD 2] All right, move! Move! Go on! --------------------------------------- (Control centre suite) [CONTROLLER] Some more grapes, Miss Grant© [JO] No thanks, really I couldn't. That was a fabulous meal. [CONTROLLER] Oh, it was just a light snack, I assure you. Now later on,I have a real treat in store for you. A banquet of genuine twentiethcentury food. Because I'm afraid most people don't eat like thisnowadays, we've managed to get down the main food elements to pills andtablets. [JO] Look, I don't want to seem ungrateful. [CONTROLLER] Something's worrying you© [JO] Well, you did say you might be able to get me back. To my own time,I mean. [CONTROLLER] Our scientists are working at it, but time travel is a verydifficult, it's a very dangerous business, you know. [JO] The guerilla's machine got me here easily enough. [CONTROLLER] That was a lucky fluke, I assure you, nothing else. Youcould just as easily been killed. [JO] Then what about the Doctor© You did say something about rescuinghim. [CONTROLLER] There is something I have not told you. [JO] About the Doctor© Look, is anything wrong© [CONTROLLER] He has been seen in our time zone with the criminals whoattacked you. Doubtless they kidnapped him. [JO] Where is he now© [CONTROLLER] Oh, don't worry. We're on his track. I expect news of himat any moment now. [JO] Can I help you find him© [CONTROLLER] Unfortunately, no. You have to stay here for your ownsafety. [JO] My safety© [CONTROLLER] If those criminals saw you here, they might think that youhad betrayed them, and in any case they would try and harm you. [JO] Is that why there's a guard on the door© [CONTROLLER] Exactly. He is there simply for your protection. [CONTROLLER] If you will excuse me a moment© Well© [TECHNICIAN] A message, sir. [CONTROLLER] I have good news for you. We have found your friend theDoctor. [JO] Is he all right© [CONTROLLER] Don't worry. I can assure you he is alive and well. --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [GUARD] Well, perhaps now you'll tell us who you are. [DOCTOR] You wouldn't believe me if I told you. [GUARD] You're a spy. [DOCTOR] Am I© Who am I spying for© [GUARD] I'm asking the questions. I repeat. You're a spy. [DOCTOR] That wasn't a question, that was a statement. [GUARD] Careful. Our friends here don't get much fun. [DOCTOR] Poor fellows. I'm sorry I can't oblige them at the moment. I'mnot in the mood for games. [GUARD] All right! I want to know what you're doing here. [DOCTOR] I've already told you what I'm doing here. I'm looking for agirl called Jo Grant! [GUARD] Who's she© Another spy© [DOCTOR] Don't be stupid, man! [MANAGER] Well© [GUARD] He's not exactly being cooperative. [MANAGER] Isn't he© That's very foolish of him. Have you told him whatwill happen if he doesn't cooperate© [GUARD] I've even given him a free sample. [MANAGER] Don't worry. Leave him to me. I know how to deal with hissort. [GUARD] I only need a bit more time. [MANAGER] Out! [GUARD] All right. We'll be outside if you need us. Come. [MANAGER] Which group are you from© [DOCTOR] What© [MANAGER] Quick. We haven't much time. Who sent you© [DOCTOR] Look, nobody sent me. I'm not a spy or a guerilla. I haven'tthe faintest idea what you're talking about. [MANAGER] For heaven's sake man, I'm trying to help you. Admit it!You're a spy! [CONTROLLER] Is this the man© [MANAGER] Yes, Controller. [CONTROLLER] Then why is he being treated in this fashion© My dearDoctor, I cannot apologise enough. I am the Controller of this region.You're a very elusive fellow, you know. I've had quite a job intracking you down. [DOCTOR] Then I'm glad you finally succeeded. [CONTROLLER] I've been looking forward to meeting you. You are anhonoured guest of our government. [DOCTOR] You surprise me. [CONTROLLER] I'm sorry if the Ogrons were a little uncivilised. It wasall a misunderstanding, I do assure you. The whole thing has beensorted out now. Make sure that the Doctor is taken immediately to theguest room at regional control. [DOCTOR] Frankly, I don't know whether I can stand much more of yourhospitality. [CONTROLLER] A very great friend of yours is waiting for you there. [DOCTOR] Miss Grant© [CONTROLLER] Yes. [DOCTOR] Is she safe© [CONTROLLER] Of course. Looking forward to seeing you. I shall followlater. In the meantime, the guards will take good care of you. Please© [MANAGER] What's going on© Who was he© [CONTROLLER] That is no concern of yours. [MANAGER] As you wish, Controller. [CONTROLLER] What does concern you, however, is the production quota forthis factory. [MANAGER] There have been difficulties. The workers are [CONTROLLER] Your production figures have been consistently lower thanany other factory in the central zone. [MANAGER] I'm sorry. Things will improve, I promise. [CONTROLLER] Indeed they will. For the next work period, targets are tobe raised by ten percent. [MANAGER] That's impossible! I can't do it! [CONTROLLER] Then I shall just have to find someone who can, shan't I©And you know what that will mean, don't you© To you and to your family. [MANAGER] Please, I, I didn't mean it. I'll do it somehow. [CONTROLLER] Good. We'll just regard this as a friendly warning, shallwe© [MANAGER] Thank you, Controller. You're very kind. [MANAGER] ZV ten to Eagle. ZV ten to Eagle. Do you connect© [MONIA [OC]] We connect. Proceed. --------------------------------------- (Rebel base) [MANAGER [OC]] Time short. They're gettingsuspicious. A man was here. A stranger, caught on the grounds. [MONIA] Identify. [MANAGER [OC]] High intelligence. They call him Doctor. I don't know whohe is, but he's important. They're taking him to the guest suite atcontrol. [MONIA] Do you know why he's important© --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [MANAGER] No. Check your source at control point [MONIA [OC]] ZV ten© ZV ten, do you connect© ZV --------------------------------------- (Rebel base) [MONIA] Ten© --------------------------------------- (Control centre suite) [CONTROLLER] Some more wine, Doctor© [DOCTOR] No, thank you, no, not for me. Though I must admit, it's anexcellent vintage. Well, it's the finest I've tasted since, er, well,since we had dinner at old Styles' house. Do you remember, Jo© [JO] It seems a long time ago. [DOCTOR] It was. Two hundred years to be precise. And quite frankly, Iwish I was back there now. [CONTROLLER] Naturally, you prefer the twentieth century, Doctor. Afterall, it is your own time. [DOCTOR] Oh, I've known many times, and some of them much more pleasantthan others. [JO] Well, I quite like it here, I must say. Everyone's been most kind. [DOCTOR] Well, I met some people today who were far from kind. [CONTROLLER] That was a simple mistake, Doctor, I assure you. You mustnot jump to conclusions. [DOCTOR] Well, better than jumping from the crack of a whip from somesecurity guard. Do you run all your factories like that, Controller© [CONTROLLER] That was not a factory, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh© Then what was it© [CONTROLLER] A rehabilitation centre. A rehabilitation centre forhardened criminals. [DOCTOR] Including old men and women, even children© [CONTROLLER] There will always be people who need discipline, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Now that's an old fashioned point of view, even from mystandards. [CONTROLLER] I can assure you that this planet has never been moreefficiently, more economically run. People have never been happier ormore prosperous. [DOCTOR] Then why do you need so many people to keep them under control©Don't they like being happy and prosperous© [JO] You're being a bit unreasonable, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Am I now© [JO] Well, look, the Controller wants to help you. [DOCTOR] Does he© I wonder why© [JO] You're not on the side of the criminals, surely© They wanted tokill you. [DOCTOR] When I meet a regime that needs to import savage alien lifeforms as security guards, I begin to wonder who the real criminals are. [JO] Those creatures aren't really savage. [CONTROLLER] Exactly. They are simply guard dogs. They just do what Itell them. [DOCTOR] You mean there aren't enough humans around that will followyour orders so blindly© [CONTROLLER] That is not what I was saying. [DOCTOR] Isn't it© Then what you're saying is that the entire humanpopulation of this planet, apart from a few remarkable exceptions likeyourself, are really only fit to lead the life of a dog. Why© [CONTROLLER] You have no right to say that! [DOCTOR] Haven't I© Who really rules this planet of yours© [CONTROLLER] I'm sorry, I must go. I have work to do. You will excuseme. [JO] You shouldn't have spoken to him like that. You don't know thewhole picture. [DOCTOR] Neither do you, Jo. Neither do you. That man is no more than asuperior slave himself. Humans don't rule this world any longer, Jo. [JO] Then, who does© [DOCTOR] The most evil, ruthless life form in the cosmos. The Daleks. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [CONTROLLER] Is it the same man© [DALEK] The physical appearance does not match our data. [CONTROLLER] Then it is not your Doctor© [DALEK] The appearance of the Doctor has changed before. [CONTROLLER] And how will you find out© [DALEK] We will use the mind analysis machine. --------------------------------------- (Control centre suite) [DOCTOR] Right. Now, do you understand exactly whatto do© [JO] Yes, ready when you are. [DOCTOR] Good. [DOCTOR] Right. Now. [JO] Help! Help! Help! [DOCTOR] Pity. That was rather a good vintage. [JO] What© [DOCTOR] It doesn't matter. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [DALEK 2] The prisoners have escaped. They havebroken through the outer perimeter. [DALEK] Find and exterminate them! [CONTROLLER] We need them alive! [DALEK] The prisoners will be recaptured and returned here for mindanalysis! --------------------------------------- (Rebel base) [ANAT] Well© [MONIA] He's captured. Taken for processing. We must rescue him. [BOAZ] Rescue him© Are you mad© From there© [MONIA] I say we must. [BOAZ] Suicide. [MONIA] Are you afraid© [BOAZ] Me© Of course I am. I'm not a fool. What is he to us© [MONIA] We have fresh information from one of our contacts at controlcentre. He is the sworn enemy of the Daleks. He's the one man they'reafraid of. Don't you see© It's our only hope. If we don't act quickly,it may be too late. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [DALEK] You are the Doctor! You are an enemy of the Daleks! Now you arein our power! You will be exterminated! [DALEKS] You will be exterminated! You will be exterminated! --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [CONTROLLER] Stop! You mustn't kill him! [DALEK] Be silent. [CONTROLLER] Don't you realise he can help us© [DALEK 2] The Doctor is an enemy of the Daleks. How can he help us© [CONTROLLER] He has had contact with the guerillas. He has valuableinformation. [DALEK] You have proof of this© [CONTROLLER] I know he's working for them. The manager of one one sevenhas been proved to be a subversive agent, and the Doctor was trying tocontact him when we picked him up. [DALEK 2] We will force the truth from him with the Mind Analysismachine. [CONTROLLER] But look at him! You've practically killed him just gettinga simple admission of identity. He'll die before he tells you anythingelse. [DALEK] What is your plan© [CONTROLLER] Let me interrogate him. [DALEK] Why should you be more successful© [CONTROLLER] Because I understand human psychology. I shall be able togain his confidence, to put pressure on him through the girl. By thetime I have finished with him, I shall be able to crush the guerillaorganisation entirely. [DALEK] Release him. --------------------------------------- (Interrogation room) [JO] The Doctor! How is he© [GUARD] Come with me. [JO] But --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [DALEK] The Daleks have discovered the secret of time travel. We haveinvaded Earth again. We have changed the pattern of history. [DOCTOR] You won't succeed, you know. [DALEK] The Dalek empire will spread through all planets and all times.No one can withstand the power of the Daleks! [CONTROLLER] Take him away. --------------------------------------- (Rebel base) [MONIA] Now, the control centre is here. As far as we know they're beingheld prisoner in this block here. [BOAZ] Then how do we get through© [MONIA] The disused underground railway of the old city. There's an exitright by this wall. [BOAZ] Even as a ruin it has its uses. [MONIA] Come, time is short. --------------------------------------- (Control centre suite) [DOCTOR] My dear man, how can I tell you what I don't know myself© [CONTROLLER] But you were in contact with the guerillas© [JO] But not from choice. Look, they were going to kill him. I know theDoctor would help you if he could. [CONTROLLER] I am trying to help him! I've already save his life. [DOCTOR] Yes, for your own purposes. [CONTROLLER] Look, if you do not tell me everything that manager knewabout these criminals, where they operate from, what their plans are,then the Daleks will destroy both of you. [DOCTOR] I don't doubt it. [CONTROLLER] Do you value life so little© [DOCTOR] On that contrary, I value it enormously. The Daleks will killus whatever we tell you. [CONTROLLER] Not if you cooperate with them. [DOCTOR] As you cooperate with them© Do you really think that makes anydifference© [CONTROLLER] They can be reasonable. [DOCTOR] Reasonable© They tolerate you as long as you're useful to them. [CONTROLLER] I am a senior government official. [DOCTOR] You sir, you sir, are a traitor! You're a Quisling! [CONTROLLER] Silence! You do not understand. Nobody who did not livethrough those terrible years can understand. Towards the end of thetwentieth century, a series of wars broke out. There was a hundredyears of nothing but killing, destruction. Seven eighths of the world'spopulation was wiped out. The rest were living in holes in the ground,starving, reduced to the level of animals. [JO] So the Daleks saw their opportunity and took over. [CONTROLLER] There was no power on Earth to stop them. [DOCTOR] So, they've turned the Earth into a giant factory, with all thewealth and minerals were looted and taken to Skaro. [CONTROLLER] Exactly. Men who were strong enough, of course, were sentdown the mines, the rest work in factories. [JO] Why© Why are they doing all this© [CONTROLLER] They need a constant flow of raw materials. Their empire isexpanding. [JO] How did you come to work for them© [CONTROLLER] They chose a few humans to help them get things goingagain, to organise the remaining population. My family have beencontrollers in this area for three generations. [DOCTOR] A family of Quisling's, eh© [CONTROLLER] We have helped make things better for the others. We havegained concessions. I have saved lives! [DOCTOR] Wouldn't you have helped more by organising the fight againstthem© [CONTROLLER] No one can fight against the Daleks. [DOCTOR] That's not what your criminal guerillas seem to think, is it. [CONTROLLER] A handful of fanatics. Most of them have been killedalready. I assure you there is nothing they can do to change things. --------------------------------------- (Outside Central Control) [DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! [BOAZ] Anat, look out! [MONIA] Come, we must reach the control centre. Come! [MONIA] No. Come, come! --------------------------------------- (Control centre suite) [CONTROLLER] If you don't give me the information Ineed, there is nothing I can do to help you. [DOCTOR] For the last time, I tell you I haven't got any information.And quite frankly, even if I had, I wouldn't give it to you! [MONIA] Right, stay where you are! [CONTROLLER] Guards! [MONIA] Guards© You have no guards. They're all dead. [ANAT] Are you all right© [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. All the better for seeing you. [ANAT] You're coming with us. No harm must come to these two. Too muchdepends on them. [MONIA] As for you, my friend. [DOCTOR] Put that gun down. There's no point in murdering him. [MONIA] You don't know how much blood there is on his hands. [DOCTOR] Nevertheless, he's not your real enemy. [MONIA] He helped the Daleks. He's worked for them. [DOCTOR] They would always have found someone. Now just leave him. [ANAT] Right, let's go. --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) [YATES] We've searched everywhere, sir. [BRIGADIER] Then search again, Yates. [YATES] We've been through every inch of the tunnel, sir. [BRIGADIER] And even the Doctor can't vanish into thin air. He must besomewhere. Extend the radius of the search. [YATES] I'll need some more men, sir. [BRIGADIER] You can have all you want. From now on, this house is toppriority. [BRIGADIER] (reads) Sir Reginald Styles and other delegates arriving byspecial plane at RAF Manston at 1800 hours. --------------------------------------- (Rebel base) [JO] But how do you know this© [MONIA] Oh, there are books. Even during the wars, people found time tostudy, to write about it. [ANAT] What to you has not yet happened, is to us history. [DOCTOR] This history of yours, it talks about Sir Reginald Styles© [MONIA] Oh yeah. He pretended to be working for peace, but really hejust wanted power for himself. [DOCTOR] So the conference he called was just a trick© [MONIA] He managed to lure the world leaders to a remote country house,and he pretended they needed absolute quiet if the meeting was tosucceed. But then, there was a devastating explosion. [ANAT] And Styles was killed with the others. He must have set a bomband mis-timed the charge. [MONIA] There were accusations, counter-accusations, and then the warsbegan. That was the turning point. [JO] But if this true, Sir Reginald Styles must be completely round thebend. [DOCTOR] So, you went back into our time to kill Styles before he couldcarry out his plan. [MONIA] Right. We'd been fighting the Daleks for years, but it washopeless. Eventually we must lose, so we thought, what else can we do© [ANAT] We learnt through one of our spies that the Daleks had succeededin creating a time machine. We even managed to steal a copy of theplans, and we built one of our own, so that we could go back intohistory to the exact point where things started to go wrong. [MONIA] With one action, we could them. Mankind could have a chance totake a new direction. [ANAT] But even now, the transfer isn't always stable. Peoplematerialised in your time and then just faded away. [JO] The ghost that Styles saw© [MONIA] Now, somehow the Daleks found what we were doing, and they sentOgrons back into your time after us and attacked one of our men. [DOCTOR] Well, that must have been the man that we saw down by the canaltunnel. You remember, Jo, the one who vanished from the ambulance© [ANAT] Yes, we fixed on the tunnel as a place that was stable in yourtime and in ours. We used it as a transfer point. Well, you know therest. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, there's one thing I don't quite understand and thatis why were you so keen to rescue us© Well believe me, we're grateful,but [MONIA] Well, you told us yourself. You're an old enemy of the Daleks. [DOCTOR] Yes. [MONIA] Then you will help us to beat them. [DOCTOR] What do you expect me to do© [MONIA] Well, you can succeed where we've failed, Doctor. We want you togo back into your own time and kill Styles. [DOCTOR] You're asking me to commit murder! [ANAT] No! We're asking you to kill one man and prevent millions moredying. [DOCTOR] That is still murder. [MONIA] Isn't it worth it to save the human race from the Daleks© [DOCTOR] Yes, but would it© [ANAT] We've told you how it happened. [DOCTOR] But your history could be wrong, you know© Now listen, whydon't you send us back to our time© We know the future now. Maybe thereare other things we can do© [ANAT] Monia, we're wasting valuable time. Every minute that goes by [MONIA] Doctor, will you help us© It's our only hope. [JO] I still can't believe that Sir Reginald Styles is a ruthlessmurderer. [DOCTOR] Yes, I agree, Jo. Vain to the point of arrogance, a trifleobstinate, perhaps, but basically a good man. So, if it happened, howdid it happen© Any of your people still in our time zone© [MONIA] No. [ANAT] Oh, Shura. He left just to send a message and we never saw norheard from him again. We assumed he must be dead. [MONIA] Look, why are you so interested in Shura© [DOCTOR] I'm curious, that's all. [ANAT] Curious© Well, that's funny. Mark and Boaz got killed to save youand you're curious. [MONIA] Anat! [DOCTOR] Look, please believe me, I'm completely with you about theends. I only disagree as to the means. [MONIA] All right. What do you want to know© [DOCTOR] This mission of yours to the twentieth century. What did youtake with you© [ANAT] The usual battle gear. Radio, disintegrators. [DOCTOR] Any sabotage equipment© [ANAT] Only a few charges of Dalekanium. [DOCTOR] Dalekanium© [ANAT] It's a highly effective type of explosive. We stole the formulafrom the Daleks. [DOCTOR] Could it destroy a house© [MONIA] What are you trying to say, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Well, don't you see© This has happened before. [ANAT] What has© [DOCTOR] You went back to change history, but you didn't changeanything. You became a part of it. [MONIA] What are you talking about© [DOCTOR] If Styles didn't cause that explosion, somebody else did. [ANAT] Well, obviously, but who© Shura! [DOCTOR] Isn't that exactly what he would have done© One last suicidalattempt to carry out his orders© [MONIA] It's possible, I suppose. [DOCTOR] You're trapped in a temporal paradox! Styles didn't cause thatexplosion and start the wars. You did it yourselves. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [DALEK] You have failed the Daleks. The Doctor hasescaped. [CONTROLLER] He will be recaptured, I swear it. [DALEK] He must be found and destroyed. [CONTROLLER] He will attempt to return to his own time zone. If thoseguerillas are helping him, they will use the tunnel, and I am settingup an ambush. [DALEK] If you fail us again, you will pay with your life. This is yourfinal chance. [CONTROLLER] I will go and supervise the operations myself. --------------------------------------- (Control room) [CONTROLLER] Is everything ready© [GUARD] Security forces have covered the whole tunnel. Don't worry, theywon't escape a second time. --------------------------------------- (Future Auderly) [MONIA] Now, you are sure you know how to use it© [DOCTOR] It seems simple enough. Bit too simple for my liking. [MONIA] Right. We'll give you covering fire, just in case. [DOCTOR] Good. [JO] Take care. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [CONTROLLER] So it has ended as I said it would. Did I not tell you itwas madness to fight the Daleks© [DOCTOR] Is it madness to want to see a world free from their rule© [CONTROLLER] It can't be done. [DOCTOR] Oh yes, it can. And I can do it. Are you going to stop me© [CONTROLLER] (to Ogrons) Go. I will deal with these criminals myself. Isaid go! [CONTROLLER] If only I could be sure. [DOCTOR] You spoke of the war, of its years of suffering and starvation.Well, I can prevent all that happening, you know. [CONTROLLER] You saved my life. You could have let them kill me. Go,quickly. [DOCTOR] Thank you. Jo, come here and stand by me. --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) [SOLDIER] Sergeant! They're here! [BENTON] This is Sergeant Benton calling UNIT HQ. Look, we've foundthem. Would you get a jeep over here pronto. This way, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Dalek Control room) [CONTROLLER] I am sorry. They were too quick forus. They escaped in the darkness. [DALEK] You are lying! You have betrayed the Daleks! [CONTROLLER] No. I told you before. Those security guards are no matchfor humans. [DALEK] You are a traitor to the Daleks. You must be exterminated! [CONTROLLER] Who knows© I may have helped to exterminate you. [DALEK] You have proved yourself worthy to be the new controller. But bewarned, the Daleks demand total loyalty from those who serve them. [GUARD] Of course. [DALEK] We must follow them into the twentieth century time zone. [DALEK 2] The peace conference must be destroyed. War must break out. [DALEK] The Dalek conquest of the planet Earth must not be reversed. --------------------------------------- (Auderly) [MACINTOSH] Here in the peaceful heart of England will soon take placewhat could be described as the most important summit conference of thiscentury. The peaceful atmosphere of this Georgian house gives littleindication of the underlying tension of the occasion. A desperate, lastminute attempt to stem the rising tide of international tension thatseems to be moving the great powers towards the brink of a third worldwar. Arriving now is Sir Reginald Styles, who with his team ofgovernment aides, has been working around the clock to make thismeeting possible. Sir Reginald himself, has just returned from aneleventh hour meeting in Peking where his success in persuading theChinese leaders to reconsider their walk out gave the first real chanceof success to these talks. Talks, on which may well depend, the fate ofthe entire world. --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [STYLES] Everything set up, Brigadier© [BRIGADIER] Yes, sir. Although I still feel [STYLES] We won't waste time on the formalities. We'll just get on withthe business as soon as possible. [STYLES] Look, you're supposed to be in charge of security. Kindly geton with your job and leave me to get on with mine. [DOCTOR] Brigadier! Brigadier, get everybody out of this house at once. [BRIGADIER] Where the devil have you been© [DOCTOR] Never mind all that, just clear this house immediately. [STYLES] What's the man talking about© [JO] Do as he says! Look, there isn't much time! [DOCTOR] Look, try and use your intelligence, man, even if you are apolitician. [STYLES] Brigadier, if you can't get this lunatic out of my way [BRIGADIER] I know it all sounds incredible, sir, but the Doctor usuallyknows what he's talking about. [STYLES] Arranging this conference was an almost impossible task. It isno exaggeration to say that the peace of the world depends on itssuccess. I will not jeopardise that success now! [DOCTOR] Brigadier, get this man and all the delegates out of this areaimmediately. Use force if you have to! Jo, you stay here. [BRIGADIER] Sir Reginald, please© [STYLES] No, I will not permit it! --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [DOCTOR] Shura! [SHURA] Get out of here unless you want to die too. I must kill Stylesto prevent the war. [DOCTOR] Shura, listen to me. Styles and all the delegates are alreadyleaving this house. You detonate that bomb and you'll be sacrificingyourself for nothing. --------------------------------------- (Railway bridge) [BENTON] Benton calling UNIT HQ. Benton callingUNIT HQ. We just can't hold them, sir! --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [YATES] Look, Benton, keep them back as long as you can. [BRIGADIER] Sir Reginald, this house is under attack by a hostile force.You will please consider yourself under my orders. [STYLES] Brigadier, I'm warn you [BRIGADIER] Now be quiet, sir! Captain Yates. [YATES] Sir. [BRIGADIER] Get Sir Reginald and all the delegates away from this areaat once. Use the front exit. [STYLES] I absolutely refuse! [YATES] Sir Reginald, please. [STYLES] But my papers, the documents. [AIDE] They're all here, sir. [STYLES] Well, I suppose I shall have to agree, but under protest! [YATES] This way, Sir Reginald. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [JO] Doctor! The Daleks, they're coming into thehouse! [SHURA] Daleks© You're lying! [DOCTOR] No, she's not. They've come back to make sure that theirversion of history isn't changed. Is everybody out of the house© [JO] Yes, everyone but us. [SHURA] Get out of here. Let them come in! Leave them to me! [JO] No, no! You must come with us! [SHURA] You don't understand! That's Dalekanium. It's the only thingthat's effective against the Daleks. [DOCTOR] Couldn't we set a time fuse© [SHURA] This stuff's too unstable. There just isn't time. This issomething that I must do myself. Now get out! [DOCTOR] Very well. [SHURA] Out! --------------------------------------- (Outside Auderly House) [BRIGADIER] Greyhound to Trap One. Greyhound toTrap One. Do you read me© Over. Greyhound to [DOCTOR] Tell your men to fall back. Let the Daleks into the house. [BRIGADIER] Doctor, are you sure that [DOCTOR] It may not make military sense but it's the only way. [BRIGADIER] All right. Brigadier to all units. Let them pass! I sayagain, let them pass! Re-group on the main road. Out! --------------------------------------- (Hallway) [DALEK 3] Where are the delegates© [DALEK 2] Where is the man Styles© [DALEK 3] They must be found and exterminated. --------------------------------------- (Cellar) [SHURA] Oh no, not this time. This time it's goingto be different. --------------------------------------- (Auderly) [STYLES] What happened© [DOCTOR] Your conference has been saved, Sir Reginald. Now it's up toyou and your friends to make sure it's a success. You still have achoice. [STYLES] Don't worry. We all know what will happen if we fail. [DOCTOR] So do we. We've seen it happen, haven't we, Jo©
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s09", "episode": "e01", "title": "Day of the Daleks"}
Doctor Who (29 Jan, 1972; Third Doctor) - The Curse of Peladon (Throne room) [TORBIS] The delegate from Alpha Centauri has arrived, your Majesty. Hewill present his credentials to you shortly. [PELADON] Thank you, Torbis. [TORBIS] We wait now only for the chairman delegate from Earth. Then thediscussions can begin. [HEPESH] You will persist then in this folly© Nothing I can say willdeter you© [TORBIS] Hepesh, you have already had your say in the Grand Council. Thequestion has been discussed and decided. [HEPESH] Decided by you, Torbis, and the fools who support you! Youmislead the King, you abandon the ancient ways of our people. [TORBIS] Nothing but ignorance and superstition. [HEPESH] You will bring the curse of Aggedor upon us! [TORBIS] It'll take much more than your childish mumbo-jumbo to frightenme. [PELADON] Enough! I will not have my Chancellor and my High Priestsquabbling on the steps of the throne. [HEPESH] You Majesty is right to rebuke us, nevertheless I must persist [TORBIS] Must I remind you, Priest [PELADON] My friends! My good friends. You are more to me than myChancellors, my regents, much more. It grieves my heart to hear suchhate between two brothers. [TORBIS] May I speak, your Majesty© [PELADON] Very well. [TORBIS] It was not I who chose to quarrel. Ever since the death of hisexalted Majesty, your father, I have been as a parent to you. If youshould forget now all that I have ever taught you, if you should letthe superstitious fear of this foolish man [HEPESH] The folly has not been mine but yours. [TORBIS] Your Majesty, my whole life would be a failure. As a sacredtrust, I undertook to [HEPESH] Sacred trust© [PELADON] Hepesh, please! Torbis, I shall not betray you. [HEPESH] But sire! [PELADON] No, Hepesh! The decision has been taken. If the committee ofassessment judges favourably, then Peladon will join the GalacticFederation. And I shall expect your loyal help and support at thisdifficult time. [HEPESH] Your Majesty. [PELADON] Torbis, please inform the others that Alpha Centauri hasarrived. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [PELADON] Torbis! Torbis! [HEPESH] Grun, what happened© What happened, Grun© [HEPESH] So, the spirit of Aggedor has risen again. The ancient curse ofPeladon will be fulfilled. --------------------------------------- (Tardis) [DOCTOR] There you are, Jo. A perfect landing. [JO] And about time too. [DOCTOR] Now, now, Miss Grant. Let's not be impatient. [JO] Impatient© Look, I'm all dolled up. I'm all dolled up for a nightout on the town with Mike Yates when you talk me into a joyride in thisthing. [DOCTOR] It's hardly a joyride, Jo. This is the Tardis' first testflight since I got it working again. [JO] Yes, I know, but you said we'd only. You said we'd only be a fewminutes, right© [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [JO] Well we've been simply ages. Look, I'm going to be very late, so ifyou'll just open the doors and let me out, I'll be [DOCTOR] One minute, Jo. Routine landing procedures first, eh© Let's seewhat the scanners have to tell us. [JO] Precisely nothing. [DOCTOR] Must be on the blink. [JO] I might have expected it. The Tardis always is. [DOCTOR] I hope you're as in good condition when you're as old as sheis. [DOCTOR] Now, let's have a look. Yes. Yes, there's a tiny fault in theinterstitial beam synthesiser. Still, I can put that right later. [JO] Doctor© [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm© [JO] You're sure we're back at base© [DOCTOR] Yes, well, everything outside seems perfectly normal.Atmosphere, temperature, gravity. Yeah. Cheer up, Jo. It's a perfectlanding. [JO] You did say perfect© --------------------------------------- (Outside the Tardis) [JO [OC]] Doctor, what's the matter© Where are we© [DOCTOR] Well, we seem to be half way up a mountain. We're balanced onthe edge. [JO [OC]] Well, what are we going to do© [DOCTOR] Come towards me. Come on! Now, give me your hand, very, verygently! Ready now© [JO] Yes! [DOCTOR] Right, jump! [JO] It's smashed to pieces! [DOCTOR] Jo, the Tardis may have its faults, but it is indestructible.Our main worry is how to get to it. We certainly can't climb downthere. Jo! Jo, look up there! [JO] Oo, looks a bit doomy. [DOCTOR] Well, we certainly can't recover the Tardis by ourselves. We'dbetter get up there and see if we can find help. [JO] Up there© [DOCTOR] Yeah, that's right. [JO] But I'm not exactly dressed for mountaineering. [DOCTOR] Well, you could always wait here, I suppose. [JO] No thanks. Anyway, we don't even know where we are. [DOCTOR] Exactly. So the sooner we find out, the better. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [HEPESH] The delegate from Alpha Centauri, member of the GalacticFederation, presents his credentials before his Majesty, King Peladon. [PELADON] Peladon welcomes the delegate from Alpha Centauri. [ALPHA] As a member of the preliminary assessment commission, I havegreat hopes that your planet will be acceptable as a candidate for theGalactic Federation. [PELADON] That is my firm intention. My Chancellor will (pause) My HighPriest will give you all assistance to this end. [HEPESH] We willing accept the hands of true friendship. Unfortunately,discussions cannot begin until the arrival of the chairman delegatefrom Earth. [PELADON] He will be here soon, Hepesh, never fear. Earth is many lightyears away from us© Is that not so, Alpha Centauri© [ALPHA] Indeed, your Majesty. (giggles) A remote and unattractive planetat best. [HEPESH] I say again the omens are not good. [PELADON] Hepesh. [HEPESH] Once before your Majesty saw fit to ignore my warnings, and nowyour Chancellor, Torbis, lies dead, slain by the wrath of Aggedor. [PELADON] Hepesh, enough! [ALPHA] Slain© Danger here© Then the conference must be cancelled! [PELADON] This is not a matter to trouble the delegates. Torbis, myformer Chancellor, died earlier tonight in mysterious circumstances.But the truth will be brought to light. Meanwhile, there is no dangerto you or to your fellow delegates. [ALPHA] I accept your Majesty's assurances. [PELADON] Thank you. Lord Hepesh will take you to your fellow delegates. --------------------------------------- (Mountainside) [JO] It's no good. I can't go any further. I nearly broke my neck comingup this far. [DOCTOR] Well, we certainly can't stay here, Jo. I'll tell you what.Let's traverse along this ledge for a bit. I'll see if there's anotherway out. Have a look that way. [JO] Okay. [JO [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Yes, what is it© Jo© Jo, where are you© Jo, where are you© [JO] Over here! Come on! [DOCTOR] What is it© [JO] A tunnel. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [HEPESH] This chamber is reserved for the delegate's private meetings. [ARCTURUS] Greetings. You are the delegate from Alpha Centauri© (Anelectronic voice comes from a head in a glass dome on top of a tank.Liquid constantly flows down the inside of the dome.) [HEPESH] The delegate from Arcturus. [ALPHA] Greetings, delegate. There has been an incident. A courtofficial has been slain. [ARCTURUS] Slain© There has been violence© I am in danger© [HEPESH] An internal matter, delegate Arcturus. Do not be concerned. [ARCTURUS] The delegation must be concerned, if only for its own safety. [ALPHA] We are committed to the rejection of violence. [ARCTURUS] But we are capable of self defence, should it provenecessary. Allow me to demonstrate. [ARCTURUS] So, be warned. Do not provoke us. [HEPESH] We desire only your friendship. [ARCTURUS] Then make sure that our mission is not endangered. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Jo, come at look at this. [JO] What on Earth is it© [DOCTOR] It looks like some sort of shrine. [JO] I've never seen anything like it before. [DOCTOR] No, neither have I. At least not on Earth. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [PELADON] I remember when you and Torbis firstbrought me to this throne room. [HEPESH] At first you refused to sit upon the throne. You said thatrightfully it could only be your father's place. [PELADON] But Torbis lifted me up and set me here. And then you said [HEPESH] And then I said, though the royal blood that flows in yourveins is mingled with that of strangers, yet you shall be Peladon ofPeladon. Greater than your father, greater than any past or futureking. And then the Earth woman [PELADON] And then my mother, Hepesh. She smiled and placed my left handin yours and my right hand in Torbis's. [HEPESH] And together we made a boy into a king. [PELADON] And now Torbis is dead. [HEPESH] His task was almost done, as mine will be when once I haveanointed you king. [PELADON] Why did he die, Hepesh© [HEPESH] He saw your future as a servant of the Galactic Federation. Isee you as an independent ruler of a great and glorious kingdom. [PELADON] You really believe he was destroyed by Aggedor, don't you© [HEPESH] Yes, it was a warning. [PELADON] But the Federation delegates are here at my invitation. Itshould have been me that was struck down. [HEPESH] No. No, it was Torbis blind advice that would have destroyedyour kingdom. You would have become a slave, not a king. [PELADON] But Hepesh, you were always telling me a king must choose andchoose courageously. [HEPESH] Aggedor has shown the way. [PELADON] Backwards into superstition© It was you who taught me tofight, to ride, and to think. Help me to realise my dream. I know whatis best for my people. [HEPESH] I do not trust these aliens. [PELADON] Well then, trust me. [HEPESH] I tell you, I know their minds. I will not let them lead youinto a trap. [PELADON] But their motives are open and honest. [HEPESH] But to them, Peladon, we are merely savages. Savages to betamed. They despise and distrust us. [PELADON] Then I will talk to them, convince them. Summon the delegates.Now, Hepesh! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [JO] Which way now© [DOCTOR] Which way indeed© Eenie, meenie, mynie, mo. [JO] Meenie© [JO] Oh no, it's blocked up. [DOCTOR] Yes. If the tunnel's never used, why is this torch stillalight© [JO] Right again, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JO] Where are we© [DOCTOR] Somewhere inside the castle, I should think. Let's take a lookaround. [JO] What was that© [DOCTOR] That, Jo, was an Ice Warrior. A native of the planet Mars. [JO] You've seen them before© [DOCTOR] Yes, indeed I have, and believe me, they're not very pleasantcompany. [JO] Oh, come on, let's get back to the tunnel quickly. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [PELADON] Thank you. By now, you all know of the tragic incidentinvolving my Chancellor, Torbis. He was more than an advisor. He was,like Hepesh, a trusted friend. [IZLYR] (the Ice Lord) And yet he was killed. Why© [HEPESH] It was a supernatural warning. [PELADON] My High Priest connects this death with one of our ancientlegends. [ARCTURUS] Your Priest speaks of a warning. Perhaps it is more thanthat. [PELADON] Superstition, nothing more. [IZLYR] This incident could well mean a threat to us, and to theFederation. [PELADON] But it was Torbis who died. The legend only concerns mypeople. [ALPHA] Your legend seems violent and unpleasant, and rather tooconvenient. [HEPESH] The legend of the curse of Peladon has been handed down throughcountless centuries. [IZLYR] I think, perhaps, we should hear this legend. [HEPESH] It concerns the royal beast of Peladon, now extinct. It iswritten, Mighty is Aggedor, fiercest of all the beasts of Peladon.Young men would hunt it to prove their courage. His fur trims our royalgarment. His head is our royal emblem. It is also written there willcome a day when the spirit of Aggedor will rise again to warn anddefend his royal master, King Peladon. For at that day, a stranger willappear in the land, bringing peril to Peladon. [HEPESH] And great tribulation to his kingdom. [IZLYR] Chairman delegate from Earth, greetings. Delegate Izlyr fromMars. Sub-delegate Ssorg. [ALPHA] Delegate Alpha Centauri. The Galactic Committee is terribly inneed of your experience and judgement. [ARCTURUS] I am delegate Arcturus. You are late. [DOCTOR] Late© Er, yes, my apologies to the Committee but, er, our spaceshuttle crash-landed down the mountain. I wonder if something could bedone about rescuing it. [HEPESH] That will be arranged. I am Hepesh, High Priest of Peladon. [DOCTOR] How do you do© [HEPESH] Protocol demands that you should present formally yourcredentials to King Peladon. Hand them to me. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid that will not be possible. We have lost everythingin the crash. [PELADON] We can deal with protocol later, Hepesh. Present the chairmandelegate from Earth, and his companion. [HEPESH] I presume this female is of royal blood© [DOCTOR] Well, naturally. Why, why do you bother to ask© [HEPESH] We are standing in the royal throne room of Peladon. Only menof rank and females of royal blood may set foot here. The penalty fortrespass is death. [JO] Doctor, I do not deal through intermediaries. Kindly present us toour royal host. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Will you excuse me. [DOCTOR] Your Majesty, as delegate from Earth, I greet you. May Ipresent Her Royal Highness, the Princess Josephine, of Tardis. [PELADON] Greetings, Princess. I'm sorry to hear that your journey endedso uncomfortably. [JO] The whole affair was most deplorable. The pilot was exceedinglyinefficient. [PELADON] Well, I'm glad it was nothing more. You bring a welcome beautyto a serious occasion. [JO] Thank you, your Majesty. [IZLYR] Royal Highness. [IZLYR] What are your powers on the committee of assessment© [DOCTOR] The Princess is here in the capacity of a royal observer only. [IZLYR] Ah, as on my planet, you still retain the aristocratic process. [DOCTOR] Yes, in a democratic sort of way. [ARCTURUS] Chairman delegate from Earth, we are not here to indulge insocial diplomacy. [DOCTOR] No, no, of course not, I [ARCTURUS] We are here to consider admitting this somewhat primitiveplanet into the Galactic Federation. [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you for reminding me. I [ALPHA] Unfortunately, the success of our mission in threatened,violently. [DOCTOR] Threatened© Perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain that to mefrom the beginning© --------------------------------------- (Outside the Throne room) [PELADON [OC]] This is an internal affair. We need not trouble thechairman delegate. [ARCTURUS [OC]] By a legend, we are told. [HEPESH [OC]] (unintelligible) [ARCTURUS [OC]] Or a blatant attempt to intimidate this commission.ALPHA [OC] --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [DOCTOR] Gentlemen, please! [ARCTURUS] Are of no concern. [DOCTOR] Do my ears deceive me© Members of the Galactic Federationsquabbling like a gang of small children© [HEPESH] You are right, chairman delegate. Moreover, the throne room ishardly the place for such discussions. [IZLYR] Then perhaps we should withdraw to the delegate's conferenceroom. [DOCTOR] That is a splendid idea. [PELADON] Princess© I do look forward to speaking with you again, lessformally. [JO] Thank you. That would be very nice. See you later. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Throne room) [DOCTOR] Look out! [DOCTOR] Look out! --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [PELADON] What has happened© [HEPESH] Wait, there may be danger. [PELADON] But the delegates may be harmed! [HEPESH] Your Majesty's safety is all that matters. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Throne room) [JO] Phew, that was a bit close, wasn't it© [DOCTOR] All you all right, Princess© [JO] Yes, thank you. I think so. [IZLYR] You have saved our lives. Thank you. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry to have been so abrupt about it, gentlemen. [ALPHA] This is terrible! We could all have been killed! [JO] Well I feel definitely wobbly at the knees. [HEPESH] Aggedor has been merciful. We must give thanks that you haveall been spared. [DOCTOR] I think we should investigate what caused this, Hepesh. [ALPHA] I agree. [IZLYR] Yes, indeed. [DOCTOR] If only as a matter of protocol. [HEPESH] It is a sign of Aggedor's anger. His ghost walks amongst us. [DOCTOR] It must have been a pretty substantial type of ghost to haveshifted a solid granite statue. [ALPHA] Yes, very. [HEPESH] The spirit of Aggedor can move mountains. [JO] It seemed more like he was trying to remove us. [ALPHA] Our mission is peaceful, We come to help your people, to raisethem from barbarism. [JO] Maybe they don't want to be raised. [IZLYR] Hepesh, you say this is foretold in your ancient writings. Whatsort of manifestation is there supposed to be© [HEPESH] It is written, his coming shall be full or terror and darkness.His cry shall be heard in the night, and death shall walk in the landof Peladon! [JO] Well, there was no cry of warning, and nobody actually saw him, didthey© [HEPESH] To the unbeliever, all signs are as dust in the wind. [DOCTOR] Well, the point is what does King Peladon believe© [IZLYR] If this man speaks for King Peladon, our purpose here is wasted. [ARCTURUS] The conference must be cancelled. [HEPESH] I agree. [PELADON] No! I am King, not Hepesh! And not Aggedor. Would you rejoinus© Hepesh. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [PELADON] Negotiations must continue. [IZLYR] Negotiations are only possible in a peaceful atmosphere. [ARCTURUS] Political conflict violates Federation law. [PELADON] Centuries ago on your own planets, war and violenceflourished. [ALPHA] We have learned to control our past. [PELADON] Then you must teach Peladon. Without help we will never raiseourselves from the dark ages. Do not desert us now. [DOCTOR] Your Majesty is an enlightened ruler, but who will your peoplebelieve© King Peladon or Aggedor© [ARCTURUS] Doctor, you are our chairman. Do we go or stay© [DOCTOR] I think it would be a tragedy if the conference were to breakup now. [IZLYR] If we remain, we put ourselves at risk. [DOCTOR] His Majesty deserves the opportunity to convince us, surely© [ALPHA] But if we do decide to leave, are we free to go© [PELADON] Of course. [DOCTOR] You don't think that King Peladon would keep you here by force,do you© [ALPHA] Such things have been known on primitive planets. [PELADON] Why should I detain you© [ARCTURUS] As pawns in some political game, perhaps© [ALPHA] That has happened before. [IZLYR] It would be most unwise. [PELADON] There is no plot! I am being completely honest with you.Please, stay and help me to help my people. [DOCTOR] Your Majesty, we will adjourn now and consider our position. Wewill let you know our decision as soon as possible. [PELADON] Your Highness, would you remain a moment© Hepesh, you mayleave us. [HEPESH] Your Majesty. [PELADON] Do you believe me© [JO] I'm only an observer. It's up to the committee to decide whether ornot to help you. [PELADON] I'm talking from a personal point of view. I don't often getthe chance. [JO] Being a king is no fun© [PELADON] It's very lonely. But you must know that. It's so hard to findsomeone to talk to as a person. [JO] But you have Hepesh. He seems very fond of you, just like a father. [PELADON] Hepesh is an old man, like your friend the Doctor. [JO] I somehow don't think he'd care for that. [PELADON] I was brought up by wise old men. I hardly ever see anyoneyoung or beautiful. My mother was an Earth woman, so you see, there isa bond between us. Do you believe me© [JO] Yes. Yes, I believe you. [PELADON] Then speak for me to the commission. Make them see my case. [JO] I see. All you want is a political ally. [PELADON] No, I want you as a friend. [JO] Oh, no. No. I'm strictly neutral. Count me out! --------------------------------------- (Aggedor's Shrine) [HEPESH] The failure was not yours, Grun. You acted well. Aggedor hasbeen merciful to his enemies. But now the hour for mercy has passed.Now an evil influence comes between King Peladon and his true destiny.It must be destroyed. Aggedor will give his blessing. I dedicate you tothe destruction of the King's enemy, to purge the soul of Peladon bythis act and to give the ghost of Aggedor release! There, it is done.The foremost of the King's enemies is the chairman delegate from Earth,the one they call the Doctor. Destroy him, Grun! --------------------------------------- (The Doctor's room) [JO] Well© What is it© [DOCTOR] It's an electronic key. Used for opening doors by identifyingthe bearer electronically. Probably used for their spaceship. [JO] Whose spaceship© [DOCTOR] Well, the Ice Warriors of course. It's made from trisilicate,which can only be found on the planet Mars. [JO] So you think that it was Ssorg who made those footprints on thebalcony© [DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's highly likely. [JO] Wasn't he in the throne room with us© [DOCTOR] I'm not sure. Well, you managed to slip away without anybodynoticing, remember© [JO] Yes. But what would they be after© [DOCTOR] Well, the last time that I encountered them, Jo, they weretrying to colonise the planet Earth, and Peladon is very like Earth. [JO] Hmm. But they say they're here for the same reason as the otherdelegates. Peace. [DOCTOR] Do they. Well, believe me, I know the Ice Warriors, Jo. They'rea savage and a warlike race. No, among the delegates, only Ssorg'sstrength could have shifted that statue. [JO] I still think you're jumping to conclusions. [DOCTOR] Well, who else could be responsible© Arcturus is only a box oftricks, and I hardly think Centauri would hurt a fly, would you© [JO] No, I think he's rather sweet. Or is he a she© [DOCTOR] Neither. She is an it. It's a hermaphrodite hexapod. [JO] Oh. [DOCTOR] The point is, what possible motive could they have© [JO] Look, why don't we just organise someone to dig out the Tardis andget out here© Did you have to get us involved in all this© [DOCTOR] I didn't really have any choice, did I. [JO] Oh, come on. You love all that chairman delegate stuff. Admit it. [DOCTOR] Well, how do you like being a princess, Princess© [JO] Like you said, I didn't really have much choice. [JO] What's that© [DOCTOR] It sounds like an alarm. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [JO] What are you going to do© [DOCTOR] Well, someone's taken the servo-junction unit of his lifesupport system. I'll have to re-wire the circuits. [JO] Well, what does this servo thing look like© [DOCTOR] It's a small plastic cube full of very fine circuitry. Why© [JO] Well, whoever took it must have been the one who tried to killArcturus. [DOCTOR] Obviously. So© [JO] So if we could find it. Look, I can search all the delegates rooms. [DOCTOR] You'll do no such thing, Jo. It's far too dangerous. I'm goingto try a little direct confrontation here. [JO] But if we had some real evidence. [DOCTOR] Jo, please do as I say, there's a good girl. [IZLYR] What are you doing to Arcturus© [DOCTOR] Someone has disconnected a vital part of his life supportsystem. I'm trying to save him. Now, please, leave me alone. [DOCTOR] I think that should do it. [IZLYR] Have you succeeded© [DOCTOR] Yes, he'll be all right in a moment. [HEPESH] This is the work of Aggedor. [DOCTOR] This is the work of a skilled, technical knowledge. Yourmedieval monster, Hepesh, would simply have tried to smash Arcturus'protective globe. [IZLYR] What are you suggesting© I reject the accusation. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course, you would. But nevertheless, you can't denythat you do have the necessary technical knowledge. [IZLYR] The technology of Centauri is competent enough. And so is thatof Earth. And it was you, Doctor, that we discovered. --------------------------------------- (Ice Warrior's room) [SSORG] Why are you here© [JO] I was looking for something and I found it. [SSORG] This is not ours. [JO] No, you took it from poor Arcturus when you tried to kill him. [SSORG] You will stay. I must inform Izlyr. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [ARCTURUS] I have been attacked. [ALPHA] By whom, Arcturus© By whom© [HEPESH] Was the face of Aggedor revealed to you© [ARCTURUS] Memory circuits out of phase. [ALPHA] It must have been a dreadful experience! We have to ask himlater. [IZLYR] We cannot wait. It is too important. We must know now. [ARCTURUS] I cannot remember. [DOCTOR] How very fortunate, Izlyr. Excuse me, gentlemen. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Let me past, Grun. [DOCTOR] What do you want© You want me to come with you© All right, allright, I'm coming. Where are you taking me© --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [ARCTURUS] I saw no one, delegate Izlyr. The attackwas too quick. [IZLYR] We discovered the Doctor. He seemed to be attacking your lifesupport mechanism. [ALPHA] But what motive could the Doctor have© [IZLYR] Ask his masters on Earth. [ARCTURUS] The Princess, why is she here© [ALPHA] A diplomatic courtesy, surely© Peladon's mother was an Earthwoman. [IZLYR] Exactly. And if Peladon marries this Earth princess the bloodrelationship will be strengthened and could be used to foster Earth'sinterests inside the Federation. [ARCTURUS] That must not be allowed to happen. [SSORG] Lord Izlyr© [IZLYR] Yes, what is it© [SSORG] I must speak with you. [IZLYR] Of course. If you will excuse us, Arcturus. [ARCTURUS] There has been some new development© [ALPHA] Something dreadful, no doubt. Really, this barbarous planet. [IZLYR] Sub-delegate Ssorg has discovered the missing servo-junctionunit. [ARCTURUS] Where© [IZLYR] In the hands of the Earth Princess. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] In here© Why© Is someone in trouble© Well, who, Grun© Not thePrincess© All right, all right! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] What is that noise, Grun© [DOCTOR] Grun! Grun, come back here! Grun! Grun! Grun! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JO] The monster! [IZLYR] How did you escape from my room© [JO] The monster, Aggedor. He's down there! [IZLYR] Ssorg. [JO] No, you can't! Look, it'll kill Ssorg. [IZLYR] Ssorg's sonic gun can destroy any living creature. [IZLYR] Where were you going© [JO] I was going to find the Doctor and King Peladon, when I saw [SSORG] There is nothing. [JO] But it was there. I saw him. [IZLYR] You say you see this monster when there is no monster. You aretrying to trick us. [JO] No! Oh, look, please, I've got to find the Doctor. [IZLYR] Then we will help you. It is time that you and the Doctoranswered my questions. --------------------------------------- (Ice Warrior's room) [IZLYR] Sit down, Princess. Why did you try toescape© [JO] I was frightened. Can you blame me© [IZLYR] So, Princess, you believe that we tried to kill Arcturus. [JO] Well if you didn't, why was the missing servo-unit in your room© [IZLYR] Perhaps you brought it here as part of your scheme to trap us. [JO] But that's just not true! I. One of you must have tried to killArcturus. [IZLYR] Nobody tried to kill him. [JO] What© [IZLYR] To destroy Arcturus, the helium regenerator must be deactivated. [JO] What about the unit© [IZLYR] Merely sensor equipment. Disconnecting that only producesmetabolic coma. [JO] So it couldn't be fatal© [IZLYR] Only uncomfortable. [JO] I'm sorry if I might have misjudged you, but the Doctor did say youwere a race of warriors. [IZLYR] We were once, but now we reject violence except in self-defence. [JO] What about Ssorg's gun© This is supposed to be a peaceful mission. [IZLYR] Unfortunately, in order to preserve peace, it is necessary tosurvive. [JO] Well, if you didn't do it, who did© Who could benefit by it© [IZLYR] Perhaps the Doctor will be able to explain. --------------------------------------- (Aggedor's Shrine) [HEPESH] Sacrilege! Seize him, Grun! You have defiled the inner sanctumof the holy temple of Aggedor! Your mind, your word, your being, allare evil! [DOCTOR] Give me a chance to explain, Hepesh. [HEPESH] Take him before the King. [DOCTOR] No, Hepesh, give me a chance! --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [HEPESH] Your Majesty, the charge against the chairman delegate fromEarth is one of extreme sacrilege. I, Hepesh, High Priest of Peladon,and Grun, the King's champion, accuse you, an alien intruder, ofdesecrating the holy of holies, the inner sanctum of the temple ofAggedor. Your Majesty. [PELADON] I have no alternative, Doctor. To this charge, the laws ofPeladon allow of no defence and only one punishment. Death. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [DOCTOR] But there was no sacrilege intended, sir. [HEPESH] Only the alien's death can purify the holy temple of Aggedor. [DOCTOR] I had no idea that the tunnels would lead there. [PELADON] Tunnels© I know of no tunnels. Hepesh© [DOCTOR] Surely your Majesty must know that beneath the citadel there isa network of secret passages. [HEPESH] He is lying, your Majesty. There are no such passages. [DOCTOR] King Peladon, I swear to you that I am telling the truth. I aminnocent. [HEPESH] Your Majesty, I [JO] You've got to believe him! [IZLYR] His ignorance of the law at least deserves consideration. [HEPESH] No, his crime is too great. [IZLYR] A Royal pardon would count highly with the Federation. [HEPESH] The Federation cannot override our holy laws. It is forbiddenby its charter. [ARCTURUS] That is correct. Galactic Articles of Peace, paragraph twentynine, subsection two. [ALPHA] Then we are powerless to interfere. [JO] But you can't just let him be killed! [HEPESH] You cannot prevent it. [JO] No, but a King can. You asked me once if I believed in you. I wantto believe in you, and here is your opportunity to show that you are acivilised King. [HEPESH] He can do nothing. This is ancient law. [PELADON] Hepesh is right. I am powerless to save him. [JO] I'm begging you! Please. [PELADON] There is one alternative. Trial by combat. [HEPESH] But the Earth delegate is not of noble blood! [JO] That's barbaric! [PELADON] It is all I can offer. [HEPESH] He cannot be given an honourable alternative. [PELADON] You forget, Hepesh, he is a man of rank, and as such, anhonourary nobleman of the citadel. What do you say, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Very well, your Majesty, I accept the challenge. But who do Ifight© [PELADON] You will be held captive in your room until dawn. Then youwill lowered into the pit beneath the citadel, where you will engage incombat to the death with the King's Champion, Grun. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Doctor's room) [DOCTOR] Yes, you're a wily old bird, aren't oldyou, Hepesh© But you do realise, don't you, that my death would cause amajor interplanetary scandal© Consider the consequences, Hepesh. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [JO] How can I ever believe in you now© [PELADON] I'm sorry, but there are some things I cannot change, even foryou. [JO] Did you even want to© What do mercy and compassion mean to you© Youneed someone to die to justify your own stupid superstition! [PELADON] I want no one to die! Can't you see© I've done all I can. Hemeans a great deal to you. [JO] Yes. [PELADON] Princess, I'm helpless. Don't hate me for that. [JO] I don't hate you. [PELADON] Both Torbis and my father died before they could break thetraditions that bind us. But my mother taught me all she could ofjustice, compassion and love. She knew the time would come. [JO] Then make it now! Be the King she wanted you to be. Be the King Iwant you to be. [PELADON] Oh, there's so much I could do if I had someone by my side tohelp me. Oh, Princess, will you not give your Royal agreement to aninterplanetary alliance by marriage with me© [JO] You know, I just don't understand you. I really don't. One minuteyou're condemning the Doctor to death, and the next minute you'reproposing to me. [PELADON] Josephine, the matters are completely separate. I had tocondemn the Doctor. That was my duty as a King. What I'm trying to sayto you now, that comes from my feelings as a man. [JO] Then there's no connection between the two© [PELADON] But of course not. How could there be! --------------------------------------- (The Doctor's room) [HEPESH] The door of your room will be left open. There will be no onethere to stand in your way. [DOCTOR] I see. Killed while trying to escape, is that it© [HEPESH] I don't want your death. Trust me. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [ARCTURUS] The facts point to one thing, aunilateral blood alliance between Peladon and Earth. [IZLYR] It is unusual to celebrate such an event with an execution. [ARCTURUS] That possibility is obviously intended to confuse us. [ALPHA] I do not understand! What is happening© [ARCTURUS] This is a conspiracy to destroy Federation unity and we areto be the victims. --------------------------------------- (The Doctor's room) [HEPESH] There lies your route to freedom. Take it, leave our planet andlive. [DOCTOR] I'm afraid I can't. Well, not without my space shuttle. [HEPESH] A large blue box was found on the lower slope of the mountain. [DOCTOR] Yes, that's it. Where is it now© [HEPESH] It is being brought to the citadel. [DOCTOR] Well, that's splendid. And what about Princess Josephine© [HEPESH] She will be allowed to leave with you. [DOCTOR] Hepesh, why do you go to so much trouble© You could simply haveme killed. [HEPESH] I do not mean to have this planet destroyed in retaliation bythe spaceships of the Federation. [DOCTOR] Yet you slap the Federation in the face by sabotaging thecommission. Why© [HEPESH] Because I'm afraid. [DOCTOR] Afraid© Afraid of what© The Federation is your safeguard. [HEPESH] That is not true! I know the Federation's real intent. [DOCTOR] The Federation's real intent is to help you. [HEPESH] No! They'll exploit us for our minerals, enslave us with theirmachines, corrupt us with their technology. The face of Peladon will bechanged, the past swept away, and everything that I know and value willhave gone. [DOCTOR] The progress that they offer, that we offer, isn't like that. [HEPESH] I would rather be a cave dweller and free. [DOCTOR] Free© With your people imprisoned by ritual and superstition© [HEPESH] We need Aggedor. [DOCTOR] You can hardly expect your pet ghost to take on the wholeFederation single-handed, can you© [HEPESH] We do not stand alone. [DOCTOR] Oh© Who stands with you© [HEPESH] Take your chance while you still can. It will soon be dawn. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [ALPHA] But Princess, we must leave, if only inorder to avoid violence. [JO] But you can't just scuttle off and leave the Doctor. [ALPHA] What will the Grand Council say© [JO] That you have no power to cancel a mission just like that. [IZLYR] The Princess is right. Federation authorisation would berequired. [ARCTURUS] If we stay, we risk being taken as hostages. [ALPHA] We must leave while we have the chance. We're in terribledanger! [JO] But so is the Doctor! [ARCTURUS] This is a very delicate political situation. [JO] It'll be even more delicate if the Doctor is killed. [IZLYR] Yes. That will amount to a declaration of war. [ARCTURUS] An interesting problem. [IZLYR] And the Federation would totally destroy Peladon. [ALPHA] Yes it would. [ARCTURUS] Therefore, we must do nothing. [JO] Oh, great. Thanks a lot! [IZLYR] Ssorg. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Ice Warrior's room) [SSORG] Princess. Wait. [JO] Well, what do you want© [SSORG] Delegate Izlyr must talk with you. Will you enter© Please© --------------------------------------- (Ice Warrior's room) [JO] Well© [IZLYR] You left the meeting in anger. JO [IZLYR] We have not, as you say, ganged up. Arcturus is a coward bylogic and Centauri is a coward by instinct, but they will not leave theDoctor stranded. [JO] And why the sudden change© [IZLYR] Because Federation law allows only unanimous decisions and Ivoted to stay. [JO] You© Why would you do that© [IZLYR] You remember when the statue fell© The Doctor saved my life. NowI intend to save his. [JO] You really mean it© --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [JO [OC]] You'll help me save the Doctor© [IZLYR [OC]] Yes, it is essential that the Doctor escapes. [JO [OC]] You go and get the Doctor, and meet me at the tunnel. He'llshow you where it is. All right© [IZLYR [OC]] Right. [IZLYR] Come, Ssorg. --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [HEPESH] Gather all our men, Captain. Search thecatacombs and the dungeons, and remember, the alien is dangerous. If heresists, kill him. [CAPTAIN] My lord. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Yes. I rather hoped I'd meet up with you, old chap. --------------------------------------- (Guard room) [HEPESH] Our ally has plotted well, Grun. Whateverthe Doctor does now, he'll be discredited. Oh, I know you wanted tokill him yourself, fulfil your oath as King's Champion, but never fear.He is moving into ever greater danger. I promise you, the King's honourwill be maintained. Trust me. --------------------------------------- (The Doctor's room) [IZLYR] It seems that the Doctor has escapedwithout our help. [SSORG] Or he has been eliminated. [IZLYR] If that is so, Hepesh and this planet will have much to answerfor. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Klokleda partha mennin kletch. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Klokledasheena tirra nach. Haroon, haroon, haroon. [DOCTOR] Haroon, haroon, haroon. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Haroon, haroon,haroon. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Well, I must say, you seem quitepartial to old Venusian lullabies, don't you, Aggedor, old chap, hmm©Right, let's see how friendly you really are. All right, take it easy. [DOCTOR] There, that's it. There's a good chap. [DOCTOR] Oh, sorry. Not quite under. [DOCTOR] Klokleda partha mennin kletch. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Klokleda [DOCTOR] Tirra nach. Haroon, haran, haroon. [JO] Hang on, Doctor! [DOCTOR] No, Jo, keep back! [JO] I'll scare him off! [DOCTOR] Jo, keep back! [JO] Get back! Go on, back! [DOCTOR] Jo! [JO] Are you all right© [DOCTOR] Oh, Jo, you idiot. I'd just started to get through to him. [JO] How© [DOCTOR] By a kind of technical hypnosis. [JO] You weren't talking to him© [DOCTOR] No, not exactly. Merely empathy. [JO] Empathy© [DOCTOR] Yes, it's a kind of telepathic understanding, Jo. Jo© Oh, goodgrief. Jo, snap out of it! [JO] What© What happened© [DOCTOR] Well, you just ruined a very promising experiment, that's whathappened. [JO] I'm sorry. I thought you were going to be killed. I only wanted tohelp you. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, of course you did. And very brave you were, too. Comeon. Let's see if we can find King Peladon. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [IZLYR] Where is the Doctor© And where is thePrincess© [PELADON] It seems they have escaped. [HEPESH] A coward admitting his guilt. His life is forfeit. He will behunted and killed like an animal. [DOCTOR] I'm sorry to disappoint you, Hepesh. [HEPESH] Guard! [PELADON] Wait! [DOCTOR] Your Majesty. I bring you a message. From Aggedor. [HEPESH] He commits ever greater sacrilege! No one sees Aggedor andlives. [DOCTOR] Well we just did. And I must say, he's quite pleasant company,for an animal. He didn't even seem to mind when I scratched him behindthe ears. [HEPESH] He defiles everything that is sacred. He must be silenced. [IZLYR] Let us hear what he has to say. [HEPESH] No! [PELADON] We shall hear him, Hepesh. Doctor© [DOCTOR] Aggedor is no spirit, your Majesty, but a truly noble beast.But his power is being used falsely, however, to prevent any chancethat you may have of entering the Galactic Federation. [HEPESH] You lie! The spirit of Aggedor will take his revenge! Hismanifestation is holy! [DOCTOR] Rubbish! His manifestation, as you call it, is solid, hairy,fact. [JO] It's true. It's no ghost. I've seen it as well. [HEPESH] Then produce this creature, if you can. [DOCTOR] He lives in the tunnels beneath the city, sire. [PELADON] Tunnels. You spoke of them before, Doctor, yet I know nothingof them. [HEPESH] There are no tunnels, your Majesty. [DOCTOR] The entrance is hidden, your Majesty. [IZLYR] Then we must organise a search. [HEPESH] No! This is merely a device to postpone the trial by combat. [DOCTOR] Once I have proved what Aggedor really is, the trial by combat,sir, will hardly become necessary. [HEPESH] So you want us to spend a lifetime searching for these mythicaltunnels. A coward's devious excuse. Take him to the pit. [JO] No! [HEPESH] Let him face his challenge. [JO] Peladon, you can't! [HEPESH] Peladon! [HEPESH] Take him away. --------------------------------------- (Pit) [HEPESH] Grun! [DOCTOR] All right, live, Grun. I would not kill the King's champion. --------------------------------------- (Pit) [JO] So, Arcturus was behind everything. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [DOCTOR] Arcturus and Hepesh. [PELADON] But what about the attack on Arcturus© [DOCTOR] Faked, your Majesty. He told Hepesh what to do. [IZLYR] That is what I suspected. [JO] And the things I found on the balcony and in Izlyr's room© [DOCTOR] Planted by Hepesh, or one of his agents. [PELADON] And the manifestation of Aggedor© [DOCTOR] Well, that's simple, your Majesty. Hepesh found that on a highmountain a few still existed. So he captured one, trained it and keptit hidden in the tunnels beneath the citadel, ready to pop out wheneverhe needed a bit of haunting. [PELADON] But why did he do all this© What did he hope to gain© [DOCTOR] The entire planet of Peladon, or effective control of it, whichcomes to the same thing. [PELADON] And Arcturus© [IZLYR] His planet lacks mineral deposits. Peladon has them inabundance. [DOCTOR] That's why he wanted to make sure that Peladon did not enterthe Galactic Federation. You see, he'd already made a private secretalliance with Hepesh. [ALPHA] Extremely unethical! Fortunately the scheme has been foiled, soall is well. [DOCTOR] Ah, but is it© [JO] Yes. Arcturus is dead. [DOCTOR] But Hepesh is still very much alive. [DOCTOR] You see, Hepesh believed everything that Arcturus told him. Hestill does. He firmly believes that entering the Galactic Federationwould mean slavery and he'd go to any lengths to stop you joining. [JO] But what can he do© [DOCTOR] Accuse the Ice Warriors of murdering Arcturus. [IZLYR] Yes, Mars and the world of Arcturus are old enemies. That wouldmean war. [DOCTOR] Exactly. And then all the rest of the Galactic Federation wouldtake sides and [ALPHA] The Federation will be ripped! There will be interplanetaryconflict! [DOCTOR] And Peladon would become the first battlefield. Blasted andsterile. [PELADON] What shall I do, Doctor© [DOCTOR] Replace Hepesh with someone you can trust, your Majesty. Now! --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [HEPESH] Captain. [CAPTAIN] My lord. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [PELADON] The shame will destroy him. [DOCTOR] It's not easy to be a king, Peladon. But unless you replaceHepesh, he will destroy everything that you have worked for. [DOCTOR] Well, sire© [PELADON] There could be civil war. Will the Federation back me© [ALPHA] The Galactic Charter does not permit our involvement in internalpolitics. [IZLYR] A unanimous decision could call on emergency powers. [JO] The circumstances are unusual, you know, and your own safety isinvolved. [ALPHA] But it would be a break with all precedent. I can't persuademyself that interference of this kind is justified. [DOCTOR] Then I think we ought to try and persuade you. Your Majesty,will you excuse us© We have the need of a private conference for thebenefit of Alpha Centauri. [PELADON] Very well. I shall consider all you have said, and if you canassure me of your support, then I shall act. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [(Grun opens the hidden door to the tunnels andgoes through, gets a large rock and wedges it open. He returns thetorch to its original position and goes into the tunnels. Elsewhere -)ALPHA] Mind you, I reserve my legal right of veto. [IZLYR] We will discuss the matter fully, I assure you. [ALPHA] It would be different if there were precedents for such asituation, but there aren't. We must consider all possibilities. Wemust not be rash! [DOCTOR] Jo, do you realise how dangerous and complex this situation hasbecome© Hepesh could still bring Peladon to his way of thinking, and ifthat happens, he'll have won without a fight. [JO] But he can't just accuse the Ice Warriors of murder. There werewitnesses. Ssorg had to shoot him to save your life. [DOCTOR] Jo, you seem to be forgetting something else. Officially wedon't even exist. We're just a couple of imposters. [JO] You playing the grand ambassador and Centauri upstaging everybody,and Peladon acting like a wet fish, I think it's about time that [DOCTOR] Yeah, so that's why Grun was beckoning at me like that. [JO] Hmm© [DOCTOR] Jo, I want you to go ahead and take charge of the conference.Work on Centauri. Once you've got a unanimous decision, act. [JO] Well, what are you going to do© [DOCTOR] I'm going to see a man about an open door. Off you go. [JO] All right, if you say so. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [HEPESH] Is everything ready for the attack, Captain© [CAPTAIN] The men are armed and ready, sir. [HEPESH] Good. Now remember, I want no harm to come to the king. He's tobe taken prisoner and kept in safe custody. [HEPESH] What do you want, Grun© You want me to go with you© No, Grun,I've things to do. Now, Captain, as soon as we arrive at the chamber. [HEPESH] Grun, in the past you have served me well. I shall not forget.But for the moment, leave me! Now [HEPESH] Guard! Guard! [HEPESH] Come, Captain. It's time! --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [IZLYR] Members of the Committee of Assessment, themotion is that we urge the Federation to support King Peladon inbringing peace to this troubled planet. [JO] Those in favour© [IZLYR] Carried unanimously. [JO] Thank you. Alpha Centauri, you've made a very wise decision. [ALPHA] I trust so, your Highness. For the record, my agreement isregistered under protest. I accept no responsibility. [IZLYR] We must inform the Federation. [ALPHA] With all this fuss, I forgot to mention it. This morning, Ifound my communicator broken! [IZLYR] Then we must use mine. Ssorg, the communicator. We must contactour spaceships. [JO] Definitely. [JO] Spaceships© [IZLYR] I take it your spaceship, like ours, is orbiting this planet© [JO] Oh, yes! Yes, of course. [IZLYR] You seem disturbed, Princess. [JO] No, not in the slightest. [IZLYR] I take it there is no doubt that the Earth government willratify your decision, in view of the special circumstances© [JO] Circumstances© Well, I'm not quite sure. What circumstances© [IZLYR] Your forthcoming marriage with King Peladon. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Grun! Grun, what happened© Who attacked you© Who© [DOCTOR] H. What, Hepesh© And a soldier© How many soldiers© Many© If hetakes charge of the citadel, we don't stand much chance. [DOCTOR] Perhaps we do. Come on. You're not frightened, are you, a bigchap like you© Well, don't be. You come with me, come on. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [JO] Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but amarriage has not been arranged. To coin a phrase, we're just goodfriends. [ALPHA] But it would have made a magnificent coronation. [JO] Before we have a coronation, we have to have a king. Are you goingto help me or not© [ALPHA] Well [SSORG] Lord Izlyr, the link with our spaceship has been deliberatelydestroyed. [ALPHA] Yours too© [IZLYR] Then we must make use of yours, Princess. [JO] Well, don't look at me. Ours was damaged when we crash-landed. [ALPHA] We're completely cut off© [JO] Hepesh© [IZLYR] Yes, Hepesh. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Throne room) [CAPTAIN] Men, fall in. [HEPESH] Remember, Captain, no harm must befall the king. Proceed. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [ALPHA] What will happen© What will we do© [JO] Yes, but I'm sure the Doctor would know what to do. [ALPHA] I'm a civil servant, not a scientist! [IZLYR] Yes, but where is he© [ALPHA] There's no escape! [JO] Well, I don't know. [ALPHA] Without our communicators, we cannot return to our spacecraft! Iknew something like this would happen! [IZLYR] Arcturus was an unattractive person, Princess [ALPHA] We're all going to be killed! How are we to escape from thisbarbarous planet© [IZLYR] But I think I preferred his cold logic [ALPHA] We should never have come here at all! It was madness! [IZLYR] To the hysteria of Centauri. [ALPHA] I thought so all the time! Now there's no escape! [JO] Oh, Centauri, stop it. [ALPHA] We shall all be killed! [IZLYR] Centauri. [ALPHA] I tell you, we will be killed! What are we going to do© [JO] Centauri, stop it! Nothing has happened yet. We're quite safe here. [IZLYR] They would not dare to attack Federation delegates. [ALPHA] But --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [CAPTAIN] Surrender, or the King will die! [PELADON] Hepesh. I thought you would bring me the crown of kingship.Are you going to bring me death instead© [HEPESH] You have become a stranger to me, Peladon. Return to theancient ways of our people, and you will live on, our beloved king. Ifnot, the royal line of Peladon must meet an ignoble end. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Grun, you're a brave warrior. What you're going to see now mayamaze you, but just you trust me. [DOCTOR] All right, old chap. You remember me, don't you© You rememberme. (sings) Klokleda partha mennin klatch. Haroon, haroon, haroon.Klokleda sheena teri nach. Haroon, haroon, haroon. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [IZLYR] Enter. [IZLYR] Ssorg will destroy you if you try to harm us. [HEPESH] I am unarmed and alone. Where is the Doctor© [JO] I don't know. [HEPESH] He will not escape capture for long. [IZLYR] What do you want© [HEPESH] You will all accompany me to the throne room. [JO] Why© [HEPESH] My men hold King Peladon prisoner. If I do not return will allof you immediately, he will die. Follow me. --------------------------------------- (Tunnel) [DOCTOR] Haroon, haroon, haroon. Haroon, harun, haroon. Haroon, harun,haroon. Haroon, harun, haroon. Haroon, harun, haroon. There you are,Grun. Yes, he's quite under now. Not such a terrifying creature afterall, is he© Right, I think it's about time that King Peladon learnedthe truth, don't you© Come on, Aggedor. Come on, old chap, that's it.Come on, Aggedor. That's it. Come on, Grun. --------------------------------------- (Throne room) [HEPESH] You see© I did not lie. [JO] What are you going to do to him© [HEPESH] Nothing if the delegates cooperate. [IZLYR] You will answer to Federation justice for this. [HEPESH] The Federation has no jurisdiction over me or over this planet.It is you who will answer for your interference. [ALPHA] You are holding us here by force! You will answer for that! [HEPESH] I am not holding you. I do not want you either as guests or ashostages. I know the retribution this planet would suffer if anythinghappened to any of you. Therefore go in peace. Tell your mastersPeladon wants nothing of their Federation, but go now! [DOCTOR] Who dares challenge Peladon! [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Kneel and pay homage to his sacred guardian! [DOCTOR] Kneel! [PELADON] Hepesh! He is real! [ALPHA] The beast! [HEPESH] Do not listen to the alien! I am your High Priest! [DOCTOR] And I speak for Aggedor. And I accuse you, Hepesh, of being notonly a traitor to your king, but also to your sacred trust. [HEPESH] Do not listen to the alien! This is not Aggedor's spirit! Iwill show you the reality of this creature! [HEPESH] I am his master! When I speak he obeys! [HEPESH] Aggedor! Aggedor! Kill him! [DOCTOR] Back! Back, that's it. Back, back. [PELADON] Hepesh! [HEPESH] I wanted to save our world. To preserve the old ways. Perhaps Iwas wrong, Peladon. I hope so. The future you set so much store by isyours now. [JO] Peladon, they're waiting for you. [DOCTOR] Tell your men to lay down their arms. Your leader is dead. [CAPTAIN] Your Majesty. [PELADON] There will be no punishments. The memory of this unhappy dayshall be wiped from our history. [CAPTAIN] Your Majesty. --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [DOCTOR] Come on, Jo. Follow me. I've got a nicesurprise for you. [JO] What© [DOCTOR] You wait and see. You ready© [JO] Yes. [DOCTOR] All right then. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [DOCTOR] Right, take a look at this. [JO] The Tardis! Wow! [DOCTOR] Some of Peladon's stout lads heaved here up the mountainsidefor us. [JO] Is she all right© [DOCTOR] Yes, never better. I told you the Tardis was indestructible. [JO] Well, I hope it gets us back to Earth this time. [DOCTOR] So do I, Jo. So do I. [JO] Is there any doubt© [DOCTOR] You don't really think that our appearance on the planet ofPeladon at this precise crisis in their history was just coincidence,do you© [JO] Time Lords again. [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. [JO] Ah, you didn't beat them after all. [DOCTOR] No, not yet, but I will, Jo. Just give me time. Still, nowwe've done what they wanted us to do, I suppose they'll whip usstraight back to Earth. [JO] At least we get to see a real coronation before we go, eh© [DOCTOR] Yeah, that's true. You know, I haven't seen a coronation sinceElizabeth the first's. Or was it Queen Victoria© [JO] Name dropper. [JO] Oh! [DOCTOR] Don't worry. It's only Aggedor. [JO] Phew! [DOCTOR] The trouble is he seems to have grown rather fond of me. Hekeeps following me about. Hello, Aggedor. [JO] Hello. [DOCTOR] There's a good chap. All right, down, Aggedor. Down boy, down!I think I'd better go and lock him up. [JO] Yes, please. [DOCTOR] Come on. Come on, Aggedor. [DOCTOR] Your Majesty. Easy, Aggedor. That's it. Come on, this way. [JO] Hello. Oughtn't you to be getting ready for the big occasion© [PELADON] I wanted to see you first, to ask you to stay. [JO] But I can't. [PELADON] Why can't you© [JO] Don't ask me for reasons. You wouldn't believe them. [PELADON] I need you. [JO] But you don't understand. I'm not even a real Princess. [PELADON] That doesn't matter. [JO] Oh, Peladon, I'm very, very fond of you, but I can't stay. Really. [PELADON] Well look, I must go now. I'll talk to you again after thecoronation. I shan't give up, you know© I shall go on asking. [DOCTOR] Your Majesty. Oh, excuse me sire, but your court officials arein a state of considerable panic. [PELADON] Oh, yes, of course. I must go. Your Highness© [JO] Goodbye. [PELADON] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Right, we'll just see the ceremony and slip quietly away, allright© [JO] Yes. Fine. [DOCTOR] Jo© You do want to come back© [JO] I think I'd better, don't you© [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. In any case, I wouldn't like to lose you. Shall wejoin the procession© [JO] Yes! --------------------------------------- (Corridor) [AMAZONIA] I'm telling you, my good fellow, I am the official Earthdelegate! [ALPHA] But the Doctor is the accredited Earth delegate. [AMAZONIA] Doctor© What Doctor© Doctor who© [IZLYR [OC]] The Doctor and the Princess Josephine. [DOCTOR] Pity about that. I rather wanted to see that coronation. [JO] Never mind. We could always go to Queen Victoria's. [IZLYR [OC]] Yes. [ALPHA [OC]] You must have heard of Princess Josephine! [DOCTOR] Queen Victoria's© I've already seen Queen Victoria's. JO [AMAZONIA [OC]] They're obviously imposters! [DOCTOR] All right. [ALPHA [OC]] I do not understand. [AMAZONIA] Where are they now© [IZLYR] I think they were in the delegate's conference room. Come, Iwill take you there. --------------------------------------- (Delegate's conference room) [AMAZONIA] Well, where are they© [IZLYR] What is that©
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s09", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Curse of Peladon"}
Doctor Who (26 Feb, 1972; Third Doctor) - The Sea Devils (SS Pevensey Castle) [CREWMAN] Mayday. Mayday. SS --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [CREWMAN [OC]] Pevensey Castle. We're beingattacked! [BOWMAN] Give your position, please. Give your position. [HART] What is it? [BOWMAN] It's a Mayday, sir. SS Pevensey Castle, they say they're beingattacked. --------------------------------------- (SS Pevensey Castle) [CREWMAN] We're abandoning ship! We're abandoningship! Our position is --------------------------------------- (Boat) [ROBBINS] That's it over there. [DOCTOR] There you are, Jo. That's the Master's permanent residence fromnow on. [JO] Well, let's hope he's still there. --------------------------------------- (Quay) [DOCTOR] Okay. [ROBBINS] I'll be back in a couple of hours to take you over to themainland. [DOCTOR] Right. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] Yes? [BARCLAY [OC]] Main gate. Two visitors for the prisoner, sir, from UNIT.Passes all in order, sir. [TRENCHARD] Right, send them up. [DOCTOR] Well, I suppose we could always come back later, [TRENCHARD] Oh, yes, of course. You'll be the chappie from UNIT. [JO] My name's Josephine Grant. How do you do? And this is the Doctor. [TRENCHARD] Colonel Trenchard. Delighted to meet you. Pleasant trip? [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. [TRENCHARD] You're late, you know? [JO] Yes, we were held up. [TRENCHARD] Mmm, thought you might have sunk without trace. [JO] Sunk? [TRENCHARD] Happens all the time recently. [DOCTOR] What does? [TRENCHARD] Ships vanishing. Makes you think, doesn't it? [DOCTOR] It does indeed. [TRENCHARD] Now then, passes? [DOCTOR] Well, look, we've been through all that, actually. [TRENCHARD] We don't take any chances here. Let's see them. [TRENCHARD] Oh. Ah, yes, from UNIT. [DOCTOR] That's right, yes. [TRENCHARD] Yes. Ah, jolly good. Well, you'll be wanting to see theprisoner. [DOCTOR] That was the general idea. [TRENCHARD] He's an interesting chap, you know. You'll enjoy talking tohim. [DOCTOR] If ever I get the opportunity. Has he given you any trouble asyet? [TRENCHARD] Not a bit. [JO] You've got to be joking! He must have tried to escape? [TRENCHARD] You've seen our security precautions. Anyway, we're on anisland. [DOCTOR] Has he tried to hypnotise any of the guards, by any chance? [TRENCHARD] He couldn't. All our men are completely immune to hypnotism. [JO] How can you be so sure? [TRENCHARD] Prove it to you. (into intercom) Trenchard here. Send thatnew man, Wilson, in to see the prisoner. Now then, come over here andtake a look into this screen. [DOCTOR] My word, he's putting on weight. [TRENCHARD] Poor chap, he can't get the exercise. Now then, watch. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [WILSON] Mister Trenchard sent me, sir, to see if you wanted your bookchanged. [MASTER] Well, that's very kind of him, but I haven't quite finishedyet. [WILSON] Right you are, sir. [MASTER] Just a minute. You're new here, aren't you? [WILSON] Arrived yesterday, sir. [MASTER] Wait. Do you know who I am? [WILSON] You're the prisoner. [MASTER] I am the Master. Come here. [MASTER] I am the Master and you will obey me. You understand? You willobey me. [WILSON] You'll let us know when you've finished with the book, sir? --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] You see? [DOCTOR] Yes, very impressive. Perhaps we could see him now, yes? [TRENCHARD] Certainly. This way. After you, my dear. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] Visitors for you. [MASTER] Why, Doctor! And Miss Grant! What a very pleasant surprise. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, how are you? [MASTER] Well, as you see, very well. Trying to keep fit. [TRENCHARD] Yes, well, I'll leave you all together. Give the guard ashout when you want to leave. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Colonel. [MASTER] He's quite a decent sort, really. Used to be the Governor of acolony once, so he tells me. [DOCTOR] Very small colony, wasn't it? In fact, I believe they claimedindependence soon after he arrived. [JO] He seems to be looking after you very well. [MASTER] Oh, yes, I've got everything I want, except, of course, myfreedom. [DOCTOR] You can consider yourself lucky. Quite a few people were infavour of having you executed. [MASTER] My dear Doctor, don't think I'm not grateful. I've had a chanceto think about things while I've been in here. [DOCTOR] Have you now? [MASTER] I wish that something like this had happened a long time ago. [JO] Surely you don't like being locked up? [MASTER] No, but, it's given me a chance to reconsider my life. [DOCTOR] Am I to take it that you're a changed man? [MASTER] Is that so very incredible? After all, I do have a great dealof which to repent. [JO] You're telling us. [DOCTOR] In that case, perhaps you'd like to tell me the whereabouts ofyour Tardis? [MASTER] So that you could use it in order to escape from this planet,Doctor? [DOCTOR] No, so that I can make absolutely certain that you can't. [MASTER] No, I'm sorry. That is too much to ask. [DOCTOR] Ask a silly question. Come on, Jo. I think we'd better begoing. Is there anything that I can do for you at all? [MASTER] There is one thing. Please come in now and then to have a chat.Oh, Trenchard's a very nice man, but his conversation is somewhatlimited. [JO] Goodbye. [MASTER] Goodbye, Miss Grant. And goodbye, Doctor. I sincerely hope wemeet again very soon. [DOCTOR] Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [JO] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Mmm? [JO] You felt sorry for him, didn't you. You wanted to come down hereand see that was all right. [DOCTOR] Well, he used to be a friend of mine once. A very good friend.In fact, you might almost say we were at school together. [JO] How long's he going to be here? [DOCTOR] Forever, I should think. [TRENCHARD] Ah, ready for off, then? I'd better stamp your passes. [DOCTOR] What, again? [TRENCHARD] Got to be checked in and out, old man. It's the rule. Well,we don't look after him too badly, do we? [DOCTOR] No, indeed. But I advise you to be careful. He's a verydangerous man. [TRENCHARD] Ah, don't worry. I keep my eye on him. There you are, mydear. Come along now then. [JO] Thank you. [TRENCHARD] I'll get one of my chaps to run you down to the quayside. [DOCTOR] Thank you. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] There we are, then. Fooled them nicely, didn't we? [MASTER] I hope so. [TRENCHARD] What about that hypnotism wheeze, eh? That took them in. [MASTER] Don't underestimate the Doctor. Do you really believe that hecame here to see me? [TRENCHARD] Why else? [MASTER] Vanishing ships, of course. [TRENCHARD] Oh, I don't think so. No, he didn't seem particularlyinterested when I mentioned it. [MASTER] You did what! [TRENCHARD] We were just chatting. No harm done, surely. [MASTER] Let's hope not. By the way, what about those admiralty charts Iasked for? [TRENCHARD] They'll be here this afternoon. [MASTER] Ah, splendid. Er, there is one more thing. [TRENCHARD] Yes? [MASTER] I wonder, do you think I could have another television set? Forthe bedroom. [TRENCHARD] Yes. Yes, I'm sure that's possible. [MASTER] Colour, of course. [TRENCHARD] Of course! Well, if you'll excuse me? --------------------------------------- (Quay) [ROBBINS] Ah, it's true. Three ships vanished.Something queer going on for all their trying to hush it up. [DOCTOR] Well, who's trying to hush it up? [ROBBINS] Well, them over at the naval base. The secret researchestablishment. [DOCTOR] You seem to know a great deal about all this. [ROBBINS] Well, I'm in the lifeboat crew, aren't I? We went out to lookfor survivors. Only found the one lifeboat, capsized. The bottom wasall charred in a sort of pattern. [DOCTOR] Well, where's this boat now? [ROBBINS] Ah, the navy took it. Told us to keep our mouths shut. [DOCTOR] Well, where's this naval base, then? [ROBBINS] Over beyond the headland. [DOCTOR] Right, well, perhaps you'd like to take me there straight away. [ROBBINS] Mister Trenchard paid me to bring you out here and take youback. You want to go over to the naval base, then you make your ownarrangements. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, you're probably perfectly right. Look, er, I wonderwhether you'd like to go and see what's happening to my young friend?She said she was going to buy some picture postcards. [ROBBINS] I don't mind. [DOCTOR] I'd go myself, only my bad leg's playing me up a bit. TheCrimea, you know. [ROBBINS] I see. Crimea? [DOCTOR] Oh, Gallipoli? El Alamein? Does it really matter? [ROBBINS] I reckon not. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] And I regret to inform your Lordships that our investigationshave failed to reveal any clue as to the cause of the sinkings, fullstop. The charred ship's lifeboat will be sent to our laboratory at HMSVernon Portsmouth for investigation and analysis. Meanwhile, we arekeeping careful watch. [BLYTHE] Yes, sir? [HART] Come and look at this. What on Earth? [BLYTHE] Perhaps he's lost, sir. [HART] This place is supposed to be top secret. People treating it likeBrighton beach. [HART] Get me the Master at Arms. Captain Hart here. I don't knowwhether you've noticed but there happens to be a stray civilianchugging into the base! Get on to it, will you? [BLYTHE] Sir, he's making straight for the lifeboat! --------------------------------------- (Naval base beach) [M-A-A] Oy! You! [DOCTOR] Good afternoon. I wonder whether I could see your commandingofficer? --------------------------------------- (Quay) [ROBBINS] Thank you, Miss. [ROBBINS] Look after it for me, won't you? [JO] Don't worry. I'll bring it back just as soon as I've found theDoctor. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] What are you watching? [MASTER] It seems to be a rather interesting extra-terrestrial lifeform. [TRENCHARD] Only puppets, you know? For children. [MASTER] Oh. [TRENCHARD] Well, here's the chart you wanted. [MASTER] Oh, good! [MASTER] That's right. Thank you. Now. [MASTER] You know, Trenchard, a man of your efficiency is really wastedin a job like this. [TRENCHARD] Huh, bit of a comedown in a way, I suppose, but [MASTER] Never mind. Once our plan succeeds people will really begin torealise your true worth. [TRENCHARD] Ah. What are you doing? [MASTER] I've just been plotting the sightings of the three sinkings.There, there and there. And it's interesting that right in the middleof them, there's this abandoned sea fort. [TRENCHARD] Not abandoned any more, old chap. [MASTER] Really? [TRENCHARD] Hart's people are going to use it as a sonar testingstation. Contractors are working on the place now. [MASTER] Hmm. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort crew room) [HICKMAN] How much to see you? [CLARK] A fiver. [HICKMAN] Right. [CLARK] Full house. Kings on twos. [HICKMAN] Oh, that's marvellous, innit. Just marvellous. [CLARK] Come on, it's not your life savings, it's only a couple of quid.I'll give you a chance to get your own back. [HICKMAN] Ah, forget it. [CLARK] What's the matter with you? [HICKMAN] I don't know. Being stuck out here, I suppose. [CLARK] It's not so bad. Are you sure you don't want another game? [HICKMAN] Do you know, there's something funny about this place. [CLARK] Share the joke. [HICKMAN] Well, the place is deserted, right? [CLARK] So? [HICKMAN] Just the two of us on maintenance? [CLARK] Right. [HICKMAN] Yet I keep getting the feeling I'm being watched. --------------------------------------- (Outside Hart's office) [HART] If you are from UNIT, then where are yourcredentials? [DOCTOR] I never carry the things. A lot of bureaucratic nonsense. Ifyou wish to see my pass, then ask Miss Grant. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] Why didn't you arrange for an official visitthrough normal channels? [DOCTOR] Well, I just dropped in purely on impulse, old chap. As soon asI heard about that charred lifeboat, I had to see it. [HART] Oh? Why? [DOCTOR] You've inspected the boat yourself? [HART] Well, of course I have. [DOCTOR] Then you must have noticed the linear nature of those scorchmarks. Excuse me, my dear. May I? [DOCTOR] Now then, sit down. Now, the marks are a very definite shape, alinear shape like this. Now, how do you account for that? [HART] A freak affect if the ship caught fire. [DOCTOR] Yes, but it didn't catch fire. If it had, the smoke and flameswould have been seen, wouldn't they? [HART] All right then, how do you account for them? [DOCTOR] A concentrated beam of heat, applied from underneath the boatwhilst it was still in the water. [HART] Deliberately to sink a lifeboat? [DOCTOR] Yes, to make sure there were no survivors. What are thesemarkers here? [HART] Those are the last known positions of the missing vessels so faras we can estimate. [BLYTHE] Captain Hart's office? Yes. Yes, I see. Hold on. There's ayoung lady here with two UNIT passes. She wants to know if there'sanyone here called the Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort crew room) [CLARK] Come on, you can't lose anything atdraughts. [HICKMAN] There's a jinx on this place. Nothing but trouble since westarted repairing the foundations. [CLARK] Forget it. It's not your problem. Black or white? [HICKMAN] What's that noise? [CLARK] It's a mermaid. She can't resist us. [HICKMAN] Shut up! There's someone moving about upstairs. [CLARK] It's the wind. [HICKMAN] Fat load of use you are. [CLARK] What are you doing there? Going to send up a distress signal? [HICKMAN] You never know. [CLARK] Hickman! Hickman? --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort) [CLARK] Hickman, where are you? --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] Yes, well, these passes appear to be inorder. You may go. [DOCTOR] Go? My dear chap, I don't want to go. I want to visit this forthere. [HART] That fort is being converted for use as a testing station.There's nobody there but a couple of maintenance workmen. [DOCTOR] Nevertheless, it is right in the centre of all the trouble,isn't it? Now if some of your naval bods could get me out there,Captain? [HART] Doctor, I have no authority to provide naval vessels for yourpleasure jaunts. [DOCTOR] Look, don't you realise how important this is? [HART] I realise only too well. Three ships have been sunk and manylives have been lost. Now, if you don't mind? [JO] Doctor, I think he wants us to go. [HART] I suggest that you take your theories along to your own people atUNIT and put the whole thing on an official level. [DOCTOR] If Horatio Nelson had been in charge of this operation, Ihardly think that he would have waited for official instructions. [HART] Yes, a pretty impulsive fellow, if one can believe the historybooks. [DOCTOR] History books? Captain Hart, Horatio Nelson was a personalfriend of mine. Come on, Jo. [HART] Good grief. Poor chap's as mad as a hatter. --------------------------------------- (Boat) [JO] How do we get onto the fort? [DOCTOR] Up that ladder. Now hold tight, Jo. We're coming alongside now. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort) [JO] I still say you should have taken Mister Robbin's boat back. [DOCTOR] We will, Jo, we will. And we'll take his motor bicycle back atthe same time. Still, now we're here, let's take a look around, shallwe? --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort crew room) [DOCTOR] Well, somebody's here all right. [JO] But where? Where are they, then? [DOCTOR] This is a big fort, Jo. They must be in some other part of it.Come on, we'll find them. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort) [DOCTOR] There are supposed to be two workmen on this thing. They can'tjust have vanished. [JO] Well, they have, haven't they? Look, Doctor, it's getting dark.Let's get out of here. [DOCTOR] There's plenty of time. [DOCTOR] It must have been the petrol tank. [JO] But it wouldn't just blow up by itself. Doctor, do you realisewe're stranded here! [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Jo. There must be a radio on this fort somewhere.We'll just have to get a message back to shore. Come on. [JO] Look! [DOCTOR] What is it? [DOCTOR] He's dead, poor chap. [JO] Oh, Doctor, let's get out of here, please. [DOCTOR] All right. Let's find that radio first. [JO] Shush, listen. [JO] It's coming towards us! --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort) [DOCTOR] Stop! We're friends! Stop! [CLARK] Hickman! He's dead! They killed him! Came from the sea. The sea.A sea devil! [DOCTOR] Come on, Jo, quick. Give me a hand. [JO] It's all right. [DOCTOR] We've got to get him into that cabin. [CLARK] Hickman. [DOCTOR] Come on. All right. [CLARK] Monster. [DOCTOR] Yes. [CLARK] Sea devil. [DOCTOR] Now, easy. [CLARK] Hickman. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort crew room) [CLARK] The sea monster. [DOCTOR] Yeah, come on, don't worry. Get yourself down here. [DOCTOR] That's right. Mind your head. Mind yourself. [JO] That's it. [CLARK] Hickman. [JO] Shush. [DOCTOR] Where's your radio? The radio, where is it? [DOCTOR] Over here? [CLARK] Hickman. [JO] Shush. [CLARK] Ripped it out. They took it away. [DOCTOR] Yes, they certainly did. [CLARK] Devil. Sea monster. Monster. [JO] Yes, yes, yes. [DOCTOR] Now, listen to me Take this swab, Jo. Swab his arm. Now, arethere are more transmitters on this fort? [CLARK] No, nothing. [DOCTOR] Any transistor radios, that sort of thing? [CLARK] I think so. The crew's quarters. The crew. [JO] What do you want to do? Listen to Night Ride? [DOCTOR] It is possible to turn a receiver into a transmitter, you know. [JO] It is? [DOCTOR] Yes, it's simply a matter of modulating the signal. You connectthe output of your loudspeaker into the input of your low frequencyamplifier, then you connect the output of your low frequency amplifierinto your oscillator. You use your loudspeaker as a microphone andthere you are. [JO] Ah. [DOCTOR] Now, where exactly are these transistor radios? [CLARK] Crew's quarters, down the corridor, next deck. [DOCTOR] All right. Thank you. Now don't worry, this is not going tohurt you. All right? Now you'll soon be all right. [CLARK] Hickman. [DOCTOR] Soon feel better. Look after him, will you, Jo? [JO] Yes. Shush. Come on now, try and relax. Come on. That's it. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort) [DOCTOR] Don't be alarmed. I've no wish to harm you. [DOCTOR] Now, wait. We must talk. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort crew room) [JO] How do you feel now? Would you like a nice hotcup of tea with some sugar, hmm? [JO] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] Wire? [JO] What is going on? [DOCTOR] Just as I thought. Reptiles, like those creatures in the caves.It's completely hostile. Here, hang on to this. Tight! Hang on. [JO] Right. [JO] Well, now what are you doing? [DOCTOR] Those creatures can cut through anything. Rock, metal,anything. [JO] Look! [DOCTOR] Come on. Give me a hand. [JO] Where are we going? [DOCTOR] We've got to get after that creature. Now, come on. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [BLYTHE] Keep trying. [HART] Morning, Blythe. [BLYTHE] Good morning, sir. [HART] Anything in? [BLYTHE] We've had this report from the civilian police, sir. That manwho was here yesterday trying to get over to the fort, seems to havedisappeared with the boat he came in. [HART] Oh, no. [BLYTHE] He and the girl were seen heading out to sea yesterdayafternoon. There's been no sign of them since. [HART] Well, get onto the fort and see if they've wound up there. [BLYTHE] I've already done that, sir. The fort just wasn't answering. Ican't raise them at all. [HART] Well, we'd better take a look around. Get me Air Sea Rescue. --------------------------------------- (Sea Fort crew room) [JO] How's it going? [DOCTOR] Nearly finished. Just about to test it. [JO] Hmm, I've seen things like that in a modern art exhibition. Youdon't honestly think you can transmit with it, do you? [DOCTOR] Certainly I do. I'll prove it to you. Right, here goes. [D J [OC]] Hey there, early birds, we've got a wonderful batchof discs for you this morning! So, don't feel isolated and cut off fromthe world. Whoever you are, wherever you are, we've got something justfor you! [JO] Hey, that was my favourite DJ. [DOCTOR] I think I must have got me wires crossed somewhere. [JO] Here's your tea. [DOCTOR] Thanks. [JO] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Mmm? [JO] Those things that attacked us. You said you'd seen something likeit before. [DOCTOR] Something very similar, certainly. They emerged from some cavesin Derbyshire. [JO] The Silurians, wasn't it? The Brigadier was telling me. [DOCTOR] That's a complete misnomer. The chap who discovered them musthave got the period wrong. No, properly speaking, they should have beencalled the Eocenes. [JO] That was that race of super reptiles that had been in hibernationfor billions of years, wasn't it? [DOCTOR] That's right, and if you want my opinion, there's another oftheir colony right here beneath us. [JO] Well, something seems to have woken them up. [DOCTOR] Probably the rebuilding of this fort. [JO] But I thought you said they lived in caves? [DOCTOR] Well, this is a different species, completely adapted to lifeunderwater. [JO] And they've been sinking this ships? [DOCTOR] Very likely. [JO] Why? I mean, why are they so hostile? What have we done to them? [DOCTOR] They still think of Earth as their planet, Jo, and they want itback. As far as they're concerned, man is just an ape who got abovehimself. Right, I think that should do it. Let's have another go.Hello, hello. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! This is, er, this, er, this is.What is this? What's our call sign? [JO] Oscar Bravo Tango Seven Four. [DOCTOR] Hello, Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is Oscar Bravo Tango SevenFour. We are stranded on this fort and have a wounded man here. Can yousend immediate assistance? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Over. [JO] Oh Doctor, you don't think you'll get through to anybody on thatold lash-up, do you? [PILOT [OC]] Hello, Oscar Bravo Tango, am receiving you loud and clear.Am about to land. Over. [JO] It works! [DOCTOR] Hello, Oscar Bravo Tango speaking. Who are you? Who are you?Over. [JO] It's a helicopter! [DOCTOR] Yes. Well, though I say so myself, I think that's a remarkablyefficient piece of work. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] Right, put it over there. Here we are then. [MASTER] Splendid! [TRENCHARD] None too easy, you know, getting hold of something like thisat a moments notice. Had to send one of my chaps to the mainland. Saidit was for theatricals. [MASTER] How very ingenious. [TRENCHARD] Nothing to it. Just have to use the old loaf, you know. Whendo we leave? [MASTER] As soon as possible. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] How can I go to the Admiralty with a story like that? Sea Devils.If only you had some proof. [JO] What about the two men on the fort? One of them was killed but theother one saw the creature. [HART] Yes. Get on to sickbay, will you? See if he's conscious yet. [BLYTHE] Sickbay, please. Oh hello, Captain Hart's secretary [DOCTOR] Even you must admit that something happened on that fort! [HART] Well, perhaps one of them went berserk and attacked the otherone. [JO] But we saw it too, remember? [HART] You may. Well, Blythe? [BLYTHE] He's still delirious and he's babbling something about seadevils. --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [TRENCHARD] You can go to the Petty Officer's mess. I'll send for youlater. [GUARD] Very good, sir. [CPO] Squad, eyes right! [CPO] Eyes front! About turn! Squad, halt! --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] (into phone) Well, did he say why he wantedto see me? Oh, all right, you'd better send him up. All right then,Doctor, let's assume that I accept the existence of these Sea Devils.What do you want me to do? [DOCTOR] Well, to begin with, we must make every effort to make contactwith them. [HART] But you claim that they're responsible for sinking the ships. [DOCTOR] It may still be possible to find a peaceful solution. We're notdealing with animals, Captain Hart, we're dealing with intelligentbeings. [TRENCHARD] Have you got a minute, old chap? Ah, thanks very much. Wanta word with you about the golf tournament. Good heavens! [DOCTOR] Colonel Trenchard. [TRENCHARD] Doctor. Miss Grant. Thought you two'd left the islandyesterday. [JO] Well, we didn't quite manage to get away. [TRENCHARD] Taking a look round the island? Charming spot, isn't it? [TRENCHARD] Er, sorry to bother you, John, old man, but it's about theweekend. We are rather relying on you, you know. [HART] Of course I'll do my best, but if we get a bit of a flap on, then [TRENCHARD] That's just what I was thinking, so perhaps it would be aswell if I arranged to have a reserve standing by. [DOCTOR] Yes, why don't you do that, Colonel? Captain Hart is likely tobe very busy from now on. [HART] Yes, life is rather full at the moment, George. [TRENCHARD] Exactly! So as I was passing, I just thought, old John'sgoing to pretty tied up with all these ship's sinking. Is it fair toask him to play golf in the middle of something like this? So I said tomyself, What I'll do is I'll just drop by and sound him out. You see,time's getting short and I've got to get cracking. --------------------------------------- (Naval base stores) [SMEDLEY] I'm sorry, sir, but should I know you? [MASTER] You certainly should, Chief. Had you not been warned of mycoming? [SMEDLEY] No, I'm afraid not, sir. [MASTER] Special audit, Ministry of Defence. [SMEDLEY] Special audit, sir? [MASTER] Yes, the items in this bag here are defective. Did you realisethat you were carrying defective supplies here, Chief? [SMEDLEY] Look, I'm sorry, sir, but do you mind if I see your pass,please? [MASTER] Captain Hart's preparing it right now. He'll be bringing itdown right away. [SMEDLEY] I see, sir. Well then, you won't mind if I just phone anddouble check then, will you. [MASTER] What exactly are you suggesting? [SMEDLEY] I'm not suggesting anything, sir. I'm just obeying orders. [MASTER] You will obey my order, Chief Petty Officer! [SMEDLEY] Your order, sir? [MASTER] You will obey me. You have seen my pass and it is quitecorrect. [SMEDLEY] Your pass. [MASTER] You have seen my pass. [SMEDLEY] No, I've got to phone and check. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] Now, don't worry, George. If I can't makethe tournament, I'll let you know in plenty of time. [TRENCHARD] Yes, but you do understand I don't want you to feel underany pressure about this. If you want to drop out, I suppose I couldrope in old Harry. [HART] Well, perhaps that's for the best. Now, if you don't mind,George? [TRENCHARD] At the same time, I don't want you to miss your game. I mean,we we'd much rather have you if you can manage it. [HART] Well, I'll do my best. Now goodbye, George. [TRENCHARD] Yes, yes, of course. I see how busy you are. [HART] Yes. [TRENCHARD] Staying down here much longer, Doctor? [DOCTOR] It entirely depends how long it takes me to conclude mybusiness. Good day, Colonel. [TRENCHARD] Yes, yes, of course, I mustn't hold you up. Goodbye, MissGrant. It's been a great pleasure to see you again. [JO] Goodbye, Colonel. [TRENCHARD] Well, I'll, er, I'll be pushing off then. Oh, thanks verymuch. [HART] I'll be in touch, George. [TRENCHARD] Yes. [HART] Now then, Doctor, where were we? [DOCTOR] Where were we indeed? Ships must be kept away from this area. [HART] Doctor, those are major shipping lanes. We'd have protests fromall over the world. [DOCTOR] You'll have even bigger protests if ships go on sinking. [HART] And even if we do declare it a prohibited area, how are we goingto enforce it? [HART] You know what happens in the English Channel. Trinity Housemarker buoys are ignored half the time. [DOCTOR] You'll just have to patrol the area, won't you? [HART] What are we supposed to do? (unintelligible under music) [DOCTOR] You don't seem to realise how dangerous [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] What? [JO] Doctor, come here! [DOCTOR] Jo, please, not now. [HART] Don't you believe it. [JO] Doctor, it's the Master! [DOCTOR] What? Where? [JO] Down [JO] But it was him. Look, I know it was. [DOCTOR] Captain Hart, I suggest that you order a full security alertimmediately. [HART] Would you mind telling me what this is all about? [DOCTOR] Miss Grant has just seen a very dangerous criminal on yourbase. [HART] Doctor, I've been very patient with you, but if I thought [BLYTHE] Sir, someone's been found unconscious in the sonar stores. [DOCTOR] Come on. --------------------------------------- (Naval base stores) [SMEDLEY] I don't know. He was taking equipment,sir. Said he was doing some special audit. Well, I went to phone up tocheck and that's when he hit me. [DOCTOR] What did this officer look like? [SMEDLEY] About my height. He was dark and he had a short beard. [JO] You see? The Master. [HART] Who is the Master? [JO] How did he get in here? He's supposed to be locked up. [DOCTOR] Trenchard. [JO] What? [DOCTOR] Well, don't you see? He arrived just before this happened andhe left a few moments ago. [JO] Of course. All that silly talk about a golf tournament. [HART] Are you suggesting that George Trenchard is mixed up in all this? [DOCTOR] Yes, I certainly am. Captain Hart, can you lend me sometransport? [HART] Well, of course I can, but what's it all about? [DOCTOR] No time to explain now. Come on, Jo. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] In conference. [DOCTOR] Colonel Trenchard. [TRENCHARD] Hello, old chap. What are you doing here? [DOCTOR] I've reason to believe that your prisoner has escaped. [TRENCHARD] Nonsense! [DOCTOR] It is? [TRENCHARD] See for yourself. [TRENCHARD] There you are, you see? Safe and sound. [JO] Well he may be here now, but half an hour ago he was at the navalbase. [TRENCHARD] Impossible. Must be a case of mistaken identity. [TRENCHARD] I'll tell you what, though. I'll go and check the guardsmyself. [DOCTOR] Yes, you do that. [TRENCHARD] Yes. [JO] All clear. [DOCTOR] Try and get an outside line. No, they're both completely dead.Now listen, Jo. I want you to take the jeep, go down to the naval baseand call UNIT. Tell them that Colonel Trenchard and his entire staffare to replaced immediately. [JO] But, Doctor [DOCTOR] No buts, Jo. Just do as I ask. [JO] What about you? [DOCTOR] Now, don't worry about me. I'll stay here and keep an eye onhim. Now, you hurry. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] But the girl saw you! [MASTER] Oh, it could only have been a fleeting glimpse. Convince herthat she was mistaken. [TRENCHARD] I tell you, they don't believe me. The Doctor knows. [MASTER] Very well. In that case, suggest to the Doctor that he comedown here and see me for himself. [TRENCHARD] What's the good of that? [MASTER] I'll tell him exactly what we're doing. I'll convince him tokeep quiet. [TRENCHARD] Could you? [MASTER] Yes, yes. But I must see him alone. I don't want any guards.You leave everything to me. I'll put the Doctor's mind at rest. [TRENCHARD] All right. I suppose it's worth a try. [MASTER] Ah, I think there's something wrong with the air conditioningin here. Now, that grille seems to be blocked. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] I've seen the guards. Everything's in perfect order. [DOCTOR] Fore! [TRENCHARD] Bless my soul! [DOCTOR] You were saying, Colonel? [TRENCHARD] Er, where's Miss Grant? [DOCTOR] Oh, she's gone back to the naval base. [TRENCHARD] Oh, I see. Look here, old chap, if you're worried, I suggestyou go and see the prisoner yourself. [DOCTOR] Oh, I've just seen him. [TRENCHARD] What? [DOCTOR] Yes, on there. [TRENCHARD] Oh! Yes, quite, but if you're in any doubt, I'd sooner youinterrogated the man yourself. You know the way, don't you? [DOCTOR] If you insist. [TRENCHARD] Trenchard here. There is a Miss Grant on her way down toyou. She is not to leave. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [MASTER] Why, Doctor, so you came for a chat. [DOCTOR] Been out for a little jaunt, have you? [MASTER] I beg your pardon? [DOCTOR] Why did you go to the naval stores and steal those electronicspares? [MASTER] How could I possibly go anywhere? You know very well that I'm aprisoner. [DOCTOR] You've got some sort of hold over Colonel Trenchard. What'sgoing on? [MASTER] I can see that I shall have to tell you everything. [DOCTOR] Good afternoon! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Master's cell) [DOCTOR] Akidai! [DOCTOR] Like that is it? [DOCTOR] I wouldn't do that if I were you. That's government property. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [DOCTOR] I always find that violent exercise makes me hungry. Don't youagree? [MASTER] Then you'd better enjoy your meal, Doctor, because it might beyour last. [DOCTOR] Oh, you think so? [MASTER] You're good, Doctor, but you're not good enough. [DOCTOR] Ah, but you haven't seen the quality of my footwork yet! [DOCTOR] Tut, tut, tut. How many times have I told you? Violence willnever get you anywhere. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] What's going on here? [MASTER] I was defending myself. This man came here to kill me. [TRENCHARD] Be so good as to explain yourself, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Only a complete fool would listen to such an accusation. ThoughI suppose in your case. [TRENCHARD] Don't speak to me like that. I shall have a full enquiryinto the whole thing. Meanwhile, consider yourself under arrest. Takehim to my office immediately. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't be absurd, man. [TRENCHARD] You heard me. Take him away. (A guard keeps the Doctorcovered with his pistol as he throws down the foils and walks acrossthe cell.) [DOCTOR] If you must continue with this ridiculous charade. Only takecare not to lose him this time, won't you? [TRENCHARD] What are you going to do, kill him? I warn you [MASTER] I told you. I was defending myself. The point is, what are yougoing to do about it? [TRENCHARD] This whole thing's getting out of hand. I just don't know. [MASTER] Well then, I'll tell you. Keep the Doctor here a prisoner. Youhave no alternative. By the way, is the girl with him? [TRENCHARD] Yes. She was going to leave, but I had her stopped at themain entrance. [MASTER] Good. Then there's nothing to worry about. --------------------------------------- (Castle entrance) [JO] The keys! I've got to get back to the naval base. It's urgent! [BARCLAY] Sorry, Miss. Orders. Take her back inside. [BARCLAY] Well, don't just sit there. Get after her! --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [DOCTOR] Have you any idea why Colonel Trenchard is taking orders fromthe Master? Look, man, I'm talking to you. [DOCTOR] Very well. [TRENCHARD] Now then, Doctor, I'm afraid you're in very serious trouble.I've been giving this matter some thought. I'm going to hold you hereuntil the whole thing's cleared up. [DOCTOR] Is that what the Master told you to say? [TRENCHARD] You've attacked a government employee, and tried to harm aprisoner under my care and protection. [DOCTOR] I've done no such thing. The Master knocked that guard outhimself, as you very well know. [TRENCHARD] And as for this UNIT pass of yours, I believe it's aforgery. [DOCTOR] That's absolute rubbish. Anybody at UNIT headquarters willvouch for me, if you'll permit me to use the telephone. [TRENCHARD] Prisoners are not allowed to make telephone calls. [DOCTOR] Colonel Trenchard, why are you allowing the Master to use youlike this? [TRENCHARD] All right, take him away. [DOCTOR] Look, you're jeopardising your entire career. [TRENCHARD] I have nothing further to say to you. The interview is over. [DOCTOR] Didn't anybody else warn you about the Master? Whatever he'stold you, it's all lies. [TRENCHARD] You'll be well treated as long as you behave yourself. [DOCTOR] You really think you can keep me here? [TRENCHARD] This is no ordinary prison. If you attempt to escape, theguards will shoot to kill. [DOCTOR] I see. Thank you. Thank you very much. [TRENCHARD] Trenchard. What? Then find her. Now! --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] I've got him under lock and key. [MASTER] Just a minute. Under lock and key, eh? [TRENCHARD] Yes. [MASTER] The girl, too? [TRENCHARD] What a fascinating contraption. [MASTER] I asked about the girl. [TRENCHARD] Oh, little mishap on the way back here. She got away. [MASTER] And by now is, no doubt, running straight back to the navalbase. [TRENCHARD] Oh, no fear of that. She'll never get out of the grounds.Guards'll pick her up at any moment. [MASTER] I hope that you're right. [TRENCHARD] Oh, no doubt about it. [MASTER] Nevertheless, we need to work very fast from now on. Trenchard,I need your fullest cooperation. Tell me, where is the Doctor? [TRENCHARD] In a security cell. [MASTER] Send him to me, will you? I want a word with him. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] I can't give you much to go on, I'm afraid,but I believe there's something down there. Your submarine's fittedwith the new experimental sonar. It'll give you a chance to try it out. [RIDGEWAY] What are we looking for, sir? [HART] I wish I knew. The man we took off the fort was babblingsomething about sea devils. [RIDGEWAY] Oh, don't you think this is getting a bit out of hand, sir?Ships have vanished at sea before. [HART] I'm well aware of that. To be exact, seventy in the last tenyears. But we've lost three all in the same area in the last few weeks. [RIDGEWAY] We'll do what we can to find your sea devils, sir. [HART] I want you to signal me a full report the moment you resurface. [RIDGEWAY] Yes, sir. [HART] All right, carry on. [RIDGEWAY] Thank you, sir. [HART] And good luck. [RIDGEWAY] Thank you, sir. [BLYTHE] Excuse me, sir? [HART] Yes? [BLYTHE] I was just wondering about Miss Grant and the Doctor. Shouldn'tthey be back by now? --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] All right, Doctor. Come along in. [MASTER] Ah, Doctor. Good of you to spare me a few moments. [DOCTOR] I hadn't really anything better to do. [MASTER] Yes, time does hang heavy when one is a prisoner. Would youcare to sit down? [DOCTOR] Thank you. [TRENCHARD] Right. [DOCTOR] How very kind of you. [DOCTOR] How very unkind of you. [TRENCHARD] Right, I'll leave you to have your little chat. There willbe a guard outside at all times. [DOCTOR] I'm very relieved to hear it. [MASTER] No doubt, Doctor, you're wondering why I sent for you? [DOCTOR] Your usual childish desire to gloat, perhaps? [MASTER] How much have you told UNIT? [DOCTOR] Everything. I sent them a full report as soon as Miss Grantspotted you at the naval base. [MASTER] And yet you came back here to investigate in person.Interesting. You know, I wonder whether you're telling me the truth. [DOCTOR] Well, you'll find out soon enough. [MASTER] You realise, of course, that I could kill you here and now? [DOCTOR] And how would you explain that away to Colonel Trenchard? I'mhardly in a position to attack you, now am I? [MASTER] Do you really think I care what Trenchard thinks? [DOCTOR] Whatever you're up to, you still need Trenchard's cooperation.You're still a prisoner here, you know. [MASTER] My dear Doctor, I can walk out of here any time I choose. [DOCTOR] Then why don't you? [MASTER] Because this place makes a good base for my operations. Yousee, I'm planning to contact our reptilian friends. [DOCTOR] How do you know about them? [MASTER] Oh, from the Time Lord's files. [DOCTOR] More stolen information? [MASTER] Naturally. [DOCTOR] Well, why do you want to contact them? [MASTER] Those reptiles, Doctor, were once the rulers of this Earth. Andwith my help, they can be so again. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [RIDGEWAY [OC]] Entering the specified zone now,sir. About to dive. [HART] Very well. Standing by for your report. Carry on. [BOWMAN] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [BLYTHE] Excuse me, sir. [HART] Yes, what is it? [BLYTHE] I hope you don't mind, but I telephoned Colonel Trenchard aboutthe UNIT people. He said they'd both gone back to London. [HART] Oh, I see. [BLYTHE] But they didn't bring the Land Rover back, sir. ColonelTrenchard said they took a taxi to the quay. [HART] Well, you'd better send someone to collect it. [BLYTHE] Yes, sir, but why take a taxi when they could have used theLand Rover, and, well [HART] Well, go on. [BLYTHE] Well, sir, surely they'd have come back here before leaving theisland? --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RIDGEWAY] Keep fifty feet. [MITCHELL] Aye, aye, sir. (into com) Stand by to blow Q. [RATING [OC]] Stand by to blow Q. [MITCHELL] Blow Q. [RATING [OC]] Blow Q. [RIDGEWAY] Up periscope. Right, Number One, stand by to start your sonarwatch. [MITCHELL] Aye, aye, sir. Er, what are we looking for, sir? [RIDGEWAY] I don't know. Maybe we'll know when we find it. [MITCHELL] Sir. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [DOCTOR] I still don't see why you want to helpthem. What can you possibly gain? [MASTER] The pleasure of seeing the human race exterminated, Doctor. Thehuman race of which you are so fond. Believe me, that'll be a reward initself. [DREW] The governor wants to see you, sir. [MASTER] In a moment. [DREW] He wants to see you now, sir. [DOCTOR] Better run along, old chap. You're still a prisoner here, youknow. [DOCTOR] You'll never get it off the ground. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] Captain Hart's car has been spottedheading for the main gate. He must have guessed something's up. What amI to do? [MASTER] Use your intelligence, Trenchard. Bluff him. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [DOCTOR] Anyone out there? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Master's cell) [DOCTOR [OC]] I said, is there anyone out there? [DREW] Please be quiet, sir. [DOCTOR [OC]] Look, guard, I want to talk to you. I said I want to talkto you! --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [DREW] What's all the noise about, sir? [DOCTOR] How much longer am I going to be kept chained up like this? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Master's cell) [DOCTOR [OC]] What about the Geneva convention? [DREW [OC]] You'll have to stay here till someone tells me different,sir. [DOCTOR [OC]] What about some food, then? I'm sure they didn't tell youto starve me to death. [DREW [OC]] You'll be fed when the time comes. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [DOCTOR] You tell Colonel Trenchard that I want to see him straightaway. He's got no right to keep me here like this. [DREW] Look, sir, you're a lot better off here than in one of the cells,so please be quiet, sir. [DOCTOR] (silent) You'll find tools over there. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] There's nothing more I can tell you,old chap. I'm as puzzled as you are. Just called for a taxi and offthey went. [HART] I see. But Miss Grant was sure she'd caught sight of yourprisoner at the base. [TRENCHARD] Absolutely ridiculous! This place is totally secure. Oh,just take a look at the alarm system. There. [HART] And you see, George, you did drop in on me at exactly the time ofthe robbery. [TRENCHARD] My dear chap, you're scarcely suggesting that I pinched yourwretched material? Don't understand the stuff. Tried to make myself acrystal set once when I was a lad. Never got it to work. [HART] Well then, would it be possible to see your prisoner? [TRENCHARD] Oh, strictly against the rules. No one can see him without aspecial pass. Completely incommunicado. [HART] Oh, surely we can stretch the rules, George? This is important. [TRENCHARD] Well, all right, old chap, seeing it's you. Take a look athim on this. [HART] Thank you. [TRENCHARD] There you are. [HART] Well, I suppose the Doctor must have been wrong. [TRENCHARD] Of course he was. Seemed a pretty cranky sort of fellow tome. [HART] Er [TRENCHARD] Time for a quick one? [HART] No. I should be going, George. [TRENCHARD] Yes, yes, of course. I realise how busy you are. [HART] Well, thank you. Look here, George, I [TRENCHARD] The guard will see you out. [HART] Yes, thank you. [TRENCHARD] Bye, John. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RIDGEWAY] Anything, Number One? [MITCHELL] Er, no, sir. Nothing. Nothing at all. [RIDGEWAY] Well, keep trying, old chap. [MITCHELL] Sir. [MITCHELL] Er, we have a contact, sir. [RIDGEWAY] What the blazes is that? [LOVELL] It's gone crazy, sir. [RIDGEWAY] Get on to the sonar maintenance. [MITCHELL] Aye, aye, sir. [LOVELL] It's packed up, sir. [MITCHELL] It's gone dead, sir! [RIDGEWAY] What the devil's going on? [ENGINEER [OC]] Manoeuvring room here, sir. Loss of essential powersupplies. [MAN [OC]] Reporting loss of essential power supplies. [MAN 2 [OC]] Loss of essential supplies. [MAN 3 [OC]] I repeat, no essential power supplies. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [MASTER] Well, Trenchard. I think that you handled Captain Hartexceedingly well. [TRENCHARD] I can't keep it up, you know. The lies I've told. How longbefore that device of yours is ready? [MASTER] Oh, just a few hours now. [TRENCHARD] What is exactly is it? [MASTER] It's a perfect replica of the communications device used by theenemy agents. We are going to use it to lure them into a trap. [TRENCHARD] I only hope it works. If it doesn't, I'm for it, you know? [MASTER] Oh, it'll work. Don't you worry about that. Just think of it,Trenchard. You will be responsible for exposing some of the mostdangerous saboteurs this country has ever known. I think you'll findthat a grateful government will give you anything that you ask for. [TRENCHARD] Oh, don't want any reward, of course. Just doing my duty. [MASTER] Yes, of course. I'd better get back to my quarters. [TRENCHARD] This Doctor fellow, have you finished with him? [MASTER] For the time being, yes. Oh, by the way, what about the girl?Have they caught her yet? [TRENCHARD] Oh, grounds are very large, you know. Only a matter of time,though. She can't get away. [MASTER] I hope you're right. Er, it might be better if one of theguards were to take me back. [TRENCHARD] Huh? Oh, yes, of course! Er, must keep up appearances, what?Guard? --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [DOCTOR] (sotto) Behind the door. [DOCTOR] Guard! Guard. Guard! I want to talk to you! [DREW] What's wrong now, sir? [DOCTOR] These handcuffs. They're far too tight. They're killing me. [DREW] I'm under strict instructions, sir, that they're to be kept on [DOCTOR] After you. [JO] No, after you. [DOCTOR] No, no. After you. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] Anything from the sub? [BLYTHE] No sir. [HART] Look here, Blythe, you'd better get on to UNIT and see if they'veany news yet of the Doctor and Miss Grant's return. [BLYTHE] Right, sir. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] What's happened? [MASTER] It would appear that Miss Grant has succeeded in releasing theDoctor. [TRENCHARD] This is appalling! It'll ruin everything! [MASTER] Exactly. That's why you've got to find them! --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [MITCHELL] It's no good, sir. There's absolutely nothing wrong with theengines. We've run a complete check on them. [RIDGEWAY] And we're still going down. [MITCHELL] What do we do now, sir? [RIDGEWAY] Keep working on the engines. [MITCHELL] There's nothing wrong with them, sir. There's nothing wrongwith any part of this boat. We've checked everything. [RIDGEWAY] Then check again. [MITCHELL] Divers? [RIDGEWAY] That's impossible. [MITCHELL] There's something out there, sir. [RATING [OC]] Forward section here, sir. We're being attacked. [RIDGEWAY] This is the captain. what's happening? [RATING [OC]] Someone's coming in, sir, through the escape compartment. [RIDGEWAY] Shut off forward and aft escape compartments. [MITCHELL] Aye, aye, sir. [RIDGEWAY] What's happening, man? [RATING [OC]] They're coming in, sir! They're Aargh! --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] (into phone) Understand this. They'vegot to be found. They're two dangerous enemy agents. Use everyavailable man. --------------------------------------- (Castle grounds) [BARCLAY] Ground to control. Subjects entering sector twenty seven. --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] Yes, yes, all right. [TRENCHARD] They're making for the beach, towards the minefield. [MASTER] No doubt they're trying to rejoin their associates at sea. [TRENCHARD] Right. We must head them off. [MASTER] No. Let them get to the beach. [TRENCHARD] But we've got to catch them. [MASTER] We shall. This device is now ready for testing. We shall use ittrap them all together. --------------------------------------- (Cliff and Beach) [DOCTOR] Come on, Jo! Come on! [JO] Doctor, look! --------------------------------------- (Cliff and Beach) [TRENCHARD] What is it? [MASTER] One of the creatures that have been destroying the ships. [TRENCHARD] You told me it was enemy agents. Why didn't you tell me thetruth? [MASTER] If I had, would you have believed me? [DOCTOR] There's only one thing for it. We'll have to go through theminefield. [JO] We'll get blown up. [DOCTOR] No, don't worry. [JO] What are you doing? [DOCTOR] My sonic screwdriver. It converts into rather a good minedetector. [DOCTOR] Look out. Look, there's one over there. Now, you'll have tomove round to the right. Now follow me. [MASTER] Stupid beast. Why doesn't it attack them? [JO] Doctor, it's following us! [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Relax, Jo, relax. [DOCTOR] Right, follow me. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [HART] Anything from the sub yet? [BOWMAN] It's no good, sir, there's nothing. [HART] They had instructions to surface over an hour ago. [BLYTHE] Maybe they've found something, sir. Perhaps they're stillinvestigating. [HART] If they haven't surfaced by now, then something must be stoppingthem. All right, submiss procedure. Alert submarine command. We'll setup a full scale search right away. [BLYTHE] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RATING [OC]] Submarine indicator buoys still won'trelease, sir. [RIDGEWAY] All right, Summers. Radio Captain Hart the moment yousurface. Tell him we're immobilised on the sea bed by some unknownforce and intruders have broken through the hull. [SUMMERS] Aye, aye, sir. [RIDGEWAY] You've checked your R/T? [SUMMERS] Yes, sir. [RIDGEWAY] All right, carry on. Good luck. [MITCHELL] Something's happening to this door, sir. It's getting hot. [RIDGEWAY] Right, small arms, Number One. [MITCHELL] Aye, aye, sir. [SUMMERS] Forward hatch is jammed, sir. [RIDGEWAY] All right, Summers. [RIDGEWAY] Johnson, here. Petty Officer, here. [RIDGEWAY] Right, take cover. [MITCHELL] The door's going! [RIDGEWAY] All right, Number One. Hold your fire until we see what theyare. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] I just can't take it in. It's all toomuch for me. [MASTER] Trenchard, you really must be more calm. Believe me, it's verysimple. [TRENCHARD] Simple? You've misled me all along. You said it was spies,saboteurs. You said we'd catch them. [MASTER] Look, if I had talked to you about sea monsters, would you havebelieved me? [TRENCHARD] I've risked everything to help you and you've lied to me. [MASTER] I had to lie. Now sit down, Trenchard. Sit down and listen tome. [TRENCHARD] I don't know how you can be so calm. [MASTER] Now listen, that creature that you saw is one of a race ofintelligent reptiles that has a deadly hatred of mankind. Now somehow,they've established themselves in the sea, but now they intend toemerge and conquer the Earth. [TRENCHARD] What? We must warn the authorities at once! [MASTER] No, no. Premature action would ruin everything. [TRENCHARD] What else can we do? [MASTER] Wait until this device of mine is perfected, and then tell theauthorities. --------------------------------------- (Castle grounds) [DOCTOR] Hold still. Hold still. [DOCTOR] Right. We've got to get back to Captain Hart. Come on. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] They're not in the beach sector. We'vecompletely lost track of them. [MASTER] Trenchard, if they reach the naval base [TRENCHARD] Exactly. They'll tell Hart everything. [MASTER] Mind you, there's a good chance that he won't believe them, ofcourse. [TRENCHARD] But suppose he does? Suppose he turns up here again? [MASTER] Refuse to admit him. [TRENCHARD] Don't be ridiculous! [MASTER] Trenchard, you are running a top security establishment here.Your only responsibility is to the government. [TRENCHARD] What about the Doctor? He'll report to UNIT. They can go tothe government. [MASTER] Now look, you must trust me a little longer. I assure you allyour troubles will soon be over. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RATING [OC]] Aft end flange space dry of water, sir. [MITCHELL] Why there? [RIDGEWAY] Ask Green Gilbert. [MITCHELL] All right, old man. Get you there in no time! Er, sir, shallwe take a look at the pressure gauge, sir? [RIDGEWAY] If you'll excuse me one moment? [MITCHELL] Sir, shouldn't we try and jump them? [RIDGEWAY] No. [MITCHELL] You mean we're going to do nothing at all? [RIDGEWAY] Sooner or later, these things are going to return to theirbase. I want to know where that is. Starboard twenty, Number One. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] I'm sorry if I seem to be repeating myself,Doctor, but I don't believe a word of it! [DOCTOR] Well, I can assure you we didn't walk ten miles across opencountryside just to tell you fairy stories. [HART] Monsters coming out of the sea. [JO] But it's different this time. Everybody saw it. Even Trenchard andthe guards. [HART] And you think Trenchard will confirm your story? [DOCTOR] I doubt it. The Master's got some sort of hold over him. [JO] The Doctor's seen these creatures before. [HART] Oh, I'm quite sure he has, Miss Grant. [JO] In some caves in Derbyshire. You see, they want to take over theEarth [HART] Oh, really, Miss Grant, if you think for one moment I'm going tobelieve [JO] Well, re-take if you like, and what they're going to do is [DOCTOR] All right, Jo, all right, all right. Let me deal with theexplanations. Look, it's like this [BLYTHE] Only cheese, I'm afraid. The best the steward could do. [JO] Oh, that's super. Thanks very much. [DOCTOR] For heaven's sakes, Jo. What do you think this is, a picnic? [DOCTOR] All right, well let's forget about the Sea Devils. What aboutTrenchard trying to take us prisoners then? [HART] Well, I only have your word for that, haven't I? [DOCTOR] All right, what about the theft of your electronic spares?Surely you'll agree that happened? [HART] Since I was here at the time, yes. [JO] The Master stole those parts to make his calling device, and [HART] His what? [DOCTOR] Well, he's developed some way of communicating with them.Probably a ultra-high frequency sonic beam. These are rather good. Wantone? [HART] No, thank you. [DOCTOR] Sandwich? [BLYTHE] Thank you. [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so sorry. [BLYTHE] Captain Hart's office? Oh, I see. Yes, yes, I'll tell him.They've had to abandon the search, sir. They'll start again at firstlight. [HART] Very well. [BLYTHE] I'll get you some more sandwiches. [JO] Thanks very much. [DOCTOR] How overdue is the submarine? [HART] Four hours. [DOCTOR] It should never have been sent, you know. They were bound topresume it was hostile. [HART] Kindly leave the naval side of the operation to me, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Captain Hart, you are dealing with a situation completelyoutside of your own experience. And if you won't let me help you [HART] All right then, Doctor. What do you want me to do? [DOCTOR] Well, the key to this whole situation is at the castle. [BOWMAN] Sir, I think we've got something. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [HART] Where? [BOWMAN] There, sir. Contact bearing two seven zero. Range, twentythousand yards. Heading zero four seven. [JO] The submarine? [HART] Could be. [BOWMAN] I think it must be, sir. [DOCTOR] You see where the thing's heading? That beach by castle!Perhaps you'll believe me now. --------------------------------------- (The Master's cell) [TRENCHARD] That thing working all right? [MASTER] It still needs a few minor adjustments, that's all. [TRENCHARD] Look, I've been giving some thought to all this. It's goingto be an enormous job coping with these creatures. We must give theauthorities all the notice we can. [TRENCHARD] What was that? [MASTER] Just random feedback. It's nothing important. [TRENCHARD] Sounded like some sort of message. [MASTER] Look, Trenchard, I am trying to carry out a very difficult andcomplex task here, and I can't work if I'm being continuallyinterrupted. [TRENCHARD] I'm terribly sorry, old chap. I'll leave you to it. [MASTER] Thank you. [TRENCHARD] Yes. (Trenchard leaves. The Master plugs the machine back inand the message comes tumbling out. He smiles. Under cover of darkness,six reptiles are walking through the surf to the shore. Further out,six more are emerging from the depths.) --------------------------------------- (Governor's office) [TRENCHARD] (into phone) I tell you I must speak tothe Minister. It's most important. Well, when do you expect him back?No, I can't tell you what's wrong. The security of the nation is atrisk. Oh, very well, I'll hold on, but please hurry! [TRENCHARD] (into phone) No, it can't wait till the morning. Oh, you'llhave to interrupt his meeting. This is a matter of national urgency.Oh, very well, as soon as he's free then. But if there's anyunnecessary delay, believe me, you'll answer for it. [TRENCHARD] Guard? --------------------------------------- (Castle) [TRENCHARD] What's happening, man? [DREW] They're all over the place, sir! They killed most of the lads! [TRENCHARD] Who? Who's attacking us? [DREW] Lizards, sir. Like that thing we saw on the beach. Come on, sir.They were after me. [TRENCHARD] Pull yourself together, man. Have you sent for help? [DREW] But it's no good, sir! [TRENCHARD] There's a direct line to Whitehall in my office. Use that. [DREW] Why can't you, sir? [TRENCHARD] I shall attend to the security of my prisoner. Go on, man.Move! --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [BOWMAN] No, it's no good, sir. Nothing. [JO] Well, if that thing was the submarine, why don't they answer yoursignals? [DOCTOR] Perhaps they can't. [HART] Tell the search coordinator to check that area immediately. It'llbe light soon. [BLYTHE] Sir. [BOWMAN] Sir, contact fading. [HART] What? [DOCTOR] Captain Hart, we've got to find out what's happening at thatcastle. [BOWMAN] Contact lost. [HART] I want an armed party and two Land Rovers at the main gate infour minutes flat. Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Outside the Castle entrance) [HART] Come on. Follow in. --------------------------------------- (Castle) [HART] Doctor! [HART] I don't understand why. [DOCTOR] The Master had no further use for him, that's why. [HART] But why did he help the Master in the first place? [DOCTOR] What would you say was Trenchard's strongest characteristic? [HART] Oh, I don't know. Patriotism, I suppose. [DOCTOR] Exactly. And the Master used that patriotism as a weapon. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [BLYTHE] I've bought you some kai. [BOWMAN] Roger, search force. Over and out. Did you get through toCaptain Hart? [BLYTHE] I telephoned the castle but they've already left. [BOWMAN] Well, they're definitely getting an echo and the object'smoving. [BLYTHE] I see. [HART] What is it, Bowman? Have they re-established contact? [BOWMAN] It's a message from one of the search vessels, sir. They aregetting an echo. [DOCTOR] The submarine? [BOWMAN] Yes, it's moving towards the fort now. Moving at about thirtyknots. [HART] Depth? [BOWMAN] Steady at one five zero feet. [DOCTOR] The fort. Look, Captain Hart, can you lay on a diving vessel? [HART] Yes, the Reclaim's standing by on the search. But why? [DOCTOR] I want to inspect the sea bed at the base of that fort. --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim dive control) [HART] All pre-dive checks completed? [WATTS] Yes. sir. [HART] Doctor, are you quite sure you want to go through with this? [DOCTOR] Yes, positive. [HART] Ready to lower the observation chamber? [WATTS] Yes, sir. The crew is standing by. We'll send a man down withhim. [HART] Good. [DOCTOR] If you don't mind, I'd rather go down on my own. [HART] Well, I presume you're a trained diver in addition to your otheraccomplishments then, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Naturally. What's more, I know these creatures. I'veencountered them before so I know what I'm looking for. [HART] All right, carry on. [WATTS] Aye, aye, sir. [JO] Doctor? [DOCTOR] What is it, Jo? [JO] Is it really necessary for you to go down? [DOCTOR] How else am I going to make contact? [HART] Doctor? --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim) [HART] Well, good luck, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Thank you, Captain Hart. --------------------------------------- (Diving bell) [C.P.O] Everything okay, sir? [DOCTOR] Yes, thank you, Chief. [C.P.O] Very good. --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim) [WATTS] Test the links. [WATTS] Pull up the links. Carry on lowering. [SAILOR] Twelve feet. [OFFICER] Carry on lowering. --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim dive control) [HART] Let me speak to him. How's it going, Doctor? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Splendid, thank you. A most interesting trip. [HART] You'll reach seabed in a few minutes. Tell us immediately ifanything goes wrong. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Don't worry. I'll be all right. [HART] You have reached seabed. [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Right. [HART] Are you all right, Doctor? --------------------------------------- (Diving bell) [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm fine, thank you. [DOCTOR] Hang on a minute! --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim dive control) [HART] Are you all right, Doctor? Shall we bringyou up? [DOCTOR [on monitor]] Definitely not! I think I've just (static) [HART] Bring him up! [WATTS] Start winches! Hoist SCC! --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim) [OFFICER] High enough. Stop the lift. --------------------------------------- (HMS Reclaim) [JO] He's gone! --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [WALKER] Good morning, my dear. Captain Hart here? [BLYTHE] No sir, he's at sea. [WALKER] Well, I suppose that's the right place for a sailor, eh? What'syour name? [BLYTHE] Blythe, sir. [WALKER] Walker. Parliamentary Private Secretary. Any chance of anybreakfast? [BLYTHE] I'll call the steward, sir. [WALKER] Excellent! --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [WALKER] And, er, who are you? [BOWMAN] Leading Telegraphist Bowman, sir. [WALKER] Jolly good. Er, nothing very elaborate, my dear. Just eggs,bacon, toast, coffee. Oh, and a little rough-cut marmalade, if they'vegot it. How long is he likely to be? Captain Hart, I mean. [BLYTHE] I don't know, sir. [WALKER] Oh, well, now, I tell you what. You get him on your jolly oldwireless and ask him to come over here at the double, will you? [BLYTHE] Send a signal to Captain Hart. Tell him that a Mister Walker ishere to see him. [WALKER] Parliamentary Private Secretary. [BOWMAN] Er, aye aye, sir. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [BLYTHE] I'll call the steward. [WALKER] Ah, and get me the morning papers, will you, there's a goodgirl. [BLYTHE] If I may ask, sir, what is the purpose of your visit? [WALKER] Why, all those ships sinking. I've come down to clear it up foryou. The Minister's put me in full charge. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] This is our planet. My people ruled theEarth when man was only an ape. [DOCTOR] Your people went into hibernation and abandoned Earth to itsfate. [SEA DEVIL] Our astronomers predicted that a great catastrophe would endall life on the face of the Earth. [DOCTOR] Yes, but the catastrophe that you predicted never happened. Andthe apes that you left behind on the surface to die became man. [SEA DEVIL] You know our history? [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I've encountered your people before. That is why Iwant to prevent a conflict that can only end in your destruction. [SEA DEVIL] We shall destroy man and reclaim the planet. Already we havebegun to sink his ships. [DOCTOR] Yes, and already more ships are being sent to hunt you down. [SEA DEVIL] The submarine? We have captured it. [DOCTOR] You may win a few victories to begin with but eventually you'rebound to lose. [SEA DEVIL] There are many thousands of our people in hibernation inthis base. We have other colonies hidden all round the world. We shallbe the victors in the war against mankind. [DOCTOR] But there's no need for a war. Why can't you share the planet? [SEA DEVIL] That would be impossible. [DOCTOR] The depths of the sea and those areas on Earth where man cannotlive can be yours. [SEA DEVIL] And man would agree to that? [DOCTOR] There's a chance. Wouldn't it be better to try for a peace,than to launch yourself into a war that you cannot possibly win? [SEA DEVIL] I will consider what you have said. [DOCTOR] Let me return to the humans, and I will endeavour to make apeace for you. [SEA DEVIL] Perhaps it would be possible. [MASTER] No! The Doctor is your deadly enemy! He must be destroyed! --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [WALKER] Captain Hart, there's only one way to deal with this problem.You have to attack. Ugh. Oh, pass me the sugar, my dear, will you? [HART] My submarine is missing in that area. There's a chance that someof the crew may still be alive. [JO] And what about the Doctor? He may still be alive down there too! [HART] Yes. [WALKER] Well, this is war, my dear, and war calls for sacrifice. Anychance of any more toast, my dear? [BLYTHE] Yes, sir. [WALKER] Now, I've had a look at that UNIT file about the creatures thatyour friend the Doctor encountered in those caves. And do you know whathappened? Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart blew the whole lot up. [JO] Maybe, but I bet he didn't do it by risking the lives of his ownmen. [WALKER] Well, that's as maybe, but our line is quite clear. Immediateretaliation with everything that we've got. [HART] I'm sorry, sir. I don't agree. [WALKER] Your opinion is quite immaterial, Captain Hart. The order'salready been given. Ships are converging on this area from ports allover England. [HART] You're throwing away the lives of the men in that submarine, sir! [JO] And you'll probably killed the Doctor. Look, do you realise thatthat's murder? [WALKER] Murder? War always is, my dear. Where on Earth's that girl withmy toast? --------------------------------------- (Flag ship) [ADMIRAL] Make this to Ministry of Defence Navy. Special Task Force willbe in position at thirteen fifty. That's all. Thank you. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [DOCTOR] I beg you not to listen to this man. He'sthe personification of evil. [SEA DEVIL] The Master is our friend. [DOCTOR] He wants only to provoke a war. [MASTER] I do not! I came here to help you revive your people. [DOCTOR] Why should you need his help? [SEA DEVIL] Our hibernation unit is faulty. [MASTER] And I can now repair it for you. [DOCTOR] But why revive your people only to have them killed? Let me tryand negotiate that peace for you. [MASTER] As you did before, Doctor? The last time this man encounteredyour race, he tricked them. The humans destroyed them all. [SEA DEVIL] Is that true? [DOCTOR] Yes. I tried to make peace but I failed. [MASTER] You see? He admits it. Man is weak. Your conquest will be easy. [DOCTOR] Believe me, man is not weak. He's only too proficient atdevising weapons of annihilation and using them. [SEA DEVIL] He says man is weak. He says man is strong. [MASTER] He's lying! He's trying to frighten you! [SEA DEVIL] No. I do not think he lies. Perhaps it would be better tomake peace. I shall have consider what you have said. [MASTER] Don't trust him! --------------------------------------- (Flag ship) [ADMIRAL] Inform Ministry of Defence. Task Force now in position andready to attack. [CPO] Aye, aye, sir. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [BOWMAN] Roger Task Force. Over and out. [WALKER] What is it? [HART] The Task Force is in position, sir. [WALKER] Excellent! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war, hmm? Well,tell them to carry out their orders. The attack will go ahead now. [JO] No! Look, please, you've got to do something! Can't you stop him? [HART] I wish you'd reconsider, sir. [WALKER] Captain Hart, I have full authority. Now, are you going tocarry out my order or must I replace you with someone who will? [HART] I'm sorry, Jo. --------------------------------------- (Flag ship) [ADMIRAL] Commence attack. [OFFICER] Urgent attack. In the bracket. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] You will negotiate a truce between mypeople and the humans. [DOCTOR] If you'll release the submarine and its crew, yes, as a gestureof good faith. [SEA DEVIL] Very well. [MASTER] You are throwing away the control of this planet! The humanswill never make peace with you! [MASTER] Is this the promised peace? Can't you see that the humans aredetermined to wipe you out? [SEA DEVIL] You are right! These apes cannot be trusted! Take him awayand kill him! [SEA DEVIL] Destroy the ships! [MASTER] No! Send your people down to the lower level. They'll be safethere. [SEA DEVIL] We must retaliate. [MASTER] Not yet. If I am to revive your people, I need time. [SEA DEVIL] What would you have us do? [MASTER] Convince the humans that their attack has been a success. --------------------------------------- (Flag ship) [OFFICER] Sir? --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [BOWMAN] Roger, Task Force. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [BOWMAN] Sir? Signal from Task Force. They reportbodies and debris coming to the surface. [JO] Bodies? Did they say [BOWMAN] No, Miss, just the lizard things. [HART] We can call off the attack now, sir. [WALKER] Well, I'm not sure. [JO] Look, you've probably killed the Doctor and all those sailors.Aren't you satisfied? [HART] There is a chance there might be some survivors. Would you wantit said that you unnecessarily endangered the lives of naval personnel,sir? [WALKER] All right. Have it your own way. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [HART] Make to Task Force. Abandon attack. [BOWMAN] (big grin) Aye, aye, sir. --------------------------------------- (Flag ship) [ADMIRAL] Cease fire. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [MASTER] You see? My plan has worked. [SEA DEVIL] We could still destroy their ships before they are out ofrange. [MASTER] No, let them go. Let them think that they have won. [SEA DEVIL] You will now revive the rest of my people. [MASTER] Yes, but first the trigger mechanism on your reactivation unitis faulty. I need electronic equipment to build a new one. [SEA DEVIL] And where will you obtain this? [MASTER] The humans will provide it. We shall attack their base. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base - detention area) [RIDGEWAY] Optimistic, Number One, but I admire your pluck. Here, giveit to me. [MITCHELL] Would you like to try, sir? [DOCTOR] Good afternoon, gentlemen. Er, look, would you mind keepingback for a moment? That is if you want to get out? Thank you! [RIDGEWAY] Who the blazes are you? [DOCTOR] Look, I've no time to explain now. Where are the rest of yourmen? [RIDGEWAY] Still in the submarine. [DOCTOR] Is the submarine still operational? [RIDGEWAY] Should be. [MITCHELL] They've ripped out the communicators and the escape gear, asyou can see. [RIDGEWAY] But left the engines alone. [MITCHELL] Yes. [DOCTOR] Where's the sub now? [RIDGEWAY] In a kind of undersea harbour. [DOCTOR] Can you find the way? [RIDGEWAY] I think so, yes. [DOCTOR] Right, you'd better lead on. Here, take this. It's a gun. Nowcome on, let's hurry. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [SUMMERS] What about you, Chris? [LOVELL] I'll stick. [SUMMERS] You? [GIRTON] Twist. I'll stick. [SUMMERS] Right. Ha! Pay twenties. [GIRTON] Eighteen, [LOVELL] Nineteen. Well, that's it then. You've cleared me right out. [SUMMERS] What about you? Do you want to go on? [GIRTON] Not bothered. [LOVELL] What's that? [SUMMERS] Er, loose rigging. [LOVELL] Rigging? [SUMMERS] Yeah, what about a game of consequences? Yeah, I'll start. [SUMMERS] Right, it's your turn. Er, you've got to do what it saysthere. [LOVELL] That's not how you play consequences. [SUMMERS] It's the way we play. [LOVELL] Oh. [LOVELL] What's the matter with him? [SUMMERS] He's throwing a fit! [SUMMERS] Here, can't you see? He's not well. [DOCTOR] No, no! Don't kill him! [DOCTOR] There's no need to have done that! [RIDGEWAY] Any more of them, Summers? [SUMMERS] Yes, there's some more on guard up top, sir. [RIDGEWAY] We've dealt with them already. Right, action stations! We'regetting under way. [MITCHELL] Aye, aye, sir. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] The humans have escaped. [MASTER] The submarine! They'll try to recapture it. [SEA DEVIL] Activate the force field! --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [MITCHELL] Sir, we've stopped moving. [RIDGEWAY] Increase revolutions. [MITCHELL] Maximum revs, sir. [DOCTOR] They're holding us back with some kind of force field. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] They cannot escape us now. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RIDGEWAY] There must be something we can do? [DOCTOR] Well, you could try firing your torpedoes at the cave wall andblasting yourselves free. [MITCHELL] We're still halfway in the cave, sir. We could blow ourselvesup. [DOCTOR] That's a risk you'll have to take. [RIDGEWAY] Forward ends, this is the Captain. Load all bow tubes. Openone and two bow caps. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] Increase the force field. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RIDGEWAY] The engines. We're losing power. [DOCTOR] Well, hurry up and fire those torpedoes, or we'll be drawn backinto the cave. [RATING [OC]] All bow heads open. Ready to fire, sir. [DOCTOR] Well, come on, man! You've got to risk it! [RIDGEWAY] Stand by bow salvo. [RATING [OC]] Standing by, sir. [RIDGEWAY] Fire one. Fire two. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] Increase the force field. They must notescape. [MASTER] It's no use. You're already too late. --------------------------------------- (Submarine) [RIDGEWAY] Any damage forward, Chief? [SUMMERS] No damage to tell, sir. [RIDGEWAY] Thank you. All right, stand by to surface, Number One.MITCHELL [RIDGEWAY] We're going home. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] They can tell the humans how to find our base. [MASTER] It's of no importance. Before they can attack us we shallattack them. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [JO] Doctor! I thought you were dead! [DOCTOR] Dead? No, I don't think so. [JO] When I saw that thing come up empty, I thought I'd never see youagain. [WALKER] Well, well, well, so the heroes have returned. [DOCTOR] Captain Hart, what idiot ordered an all out attack just as Iwas on the verge of finding a peaceful solution? [JO] But it wasn't Captain Hart's fault. It was this [HART] I'm terribly sorry. This is Mister Walker. He's the ParliamentaryPrivate Secretary in charge of this business. [WALKER] I'm the idiot you've just been talking about. Absolutelysplendid lunch, old man. [DOCTOR] You ordered the attack? [WALKER] I did. [DOCTOR] Did you give any thought at all, sir, as to what you weredoing? [WALKER] Our duty is to destroy the Queen's enemies. Don't you know yournational anthem? Confound their politics, frustrate their knavishtricks. [DOCTOR] That, sir, is an extremely insular point of view. At theprecise moment of the attack, I was negotiating a peace. [WALKER] Peace? Huh. What, when they've been attacking our shipping andheaven alone knows what? I think you've got it all wrong, old man. Seekand destroy. That's what you chaps say, isn't it? [DOCTOR] But the point, Mister Parliamentary Private Secretary, is thatyou have not destroyed. You have just made them angry. Very, veryangry! [WALKER] I'm going to get on to the Minister, and I'm going to ask himto seek approval for an immediate attack with nuclear weapons. [DOCTOR] But that, sir, would be tantamount to murder. [WALKER] Oh, come, come, Doctor. You speak as if these creatures arehuman. We're not going to hand over the world to a lot of lizards, youknow. [DOCTOR] You can share it with them, surely? [WALKER] Oh, come. Really, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Look, let me make one final attempt to negotiate. [WALKER] Well, you didn't get very far last time, did you? [DOCTOR] Just you think of it, sir. Think of it. Wouldn't you like to bethe man behind a peaceful settlement? Walker the peacemaker, they'dcall you. Or would you prefer to be known as the man responsible forlaunching a full scale war! [WALKER] Look, you can actually communicate with these creatures? [DOCTOR] Yes. [WALKER] And you'd be willing to undertake the preliminary negotiationsyourself? [DOCTOR] Just leave it to me. [JO] Doctor, you're not thinking of going down there again? [DOCTOR] Jo, it's the only way. [JO] But, Doctor, it's far too dangerous! [DOCTOR] Don't you understand, Jo? I've got to go down there of my ownfree will as a gesture of good faith. Captain Hart, is that divingvessel still alongside? [HART] Yes, but I must say that I agree with Miss Grant. [DOCTOR] Then with your permission, Mister Walker? (to Blythe) My cape. --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [HART] Doctor, do you think you're doing the rightthing? [DOCTOR] I'm doing the only thing possible, Captain Hart, if we're toavoid a major conflict. [HART] Suppose they won't listen to you? [JO] Doctor! --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [DOCTOR] All right, Captain Hart, get these two out of here. [JO] Doctor, look out! [MASTER] No! No, take them inside. [MASTER] Dear, oh dear, Doctor. Will you never learn? --------------------------------------- (Outside Hart's office) [MASTER] Now, Doctor, for your information thecapture of this naval base is the first step in the return of thisplanet to its rightful owners. Right, bring him in, will you? --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [DOCTOR] How do you hope to achieve that? [MASTER] As you know, our friends here have underground and underwaterbases all over the world. Well, I propose to reactivate them. [DOCTOR] You haven't reactivated them yet, have you. [MASTER] Er, not yet, no. But I can, with your help. [DOCTOR] I wondered why I was still alive. [MASTER] I advise you not to give me any trouble, Doctor. Not if youvalue the life of every man on this base. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [HART] It's no good! They've cut the power supply! [JO] Shush! Look, there's still some of them in there. [WALKER] This is monstrous! What are you going to do about it, CaptainHart? [JO] Captain Hart, what about this? [HART] Yes, we should be able to open it. But I could never get throughthe ventilation shaft up there. [JO] No, but I could. [HART] The table. [JO] Right. [HART] Here. [WALKER] What, what are you doing? [HART] We are going to put this table underneath that ventilation hatchand try to open it. [WALKER] Yes, but supposing you get caught? They might take reprisalsagainst the innocent! [HART] A screwdriver. Jo, over there on the bench somewhere. [JO] Right. [WALKER] Don't you think we ought to leave these things to the Doctor?He said we ought to cooperate with them, you know? [HART] Tool kit. Underneath. Underneath the bench. [WALKER] Look, he's, er, he's not going to try and trick them, is he? [JO] Shush! [HART] That's it. [WALKER] This could have the most dreadful consequences! He, he, he madethem a promise, you know. [HART] Yes, in order to save our lives! Now do you mind? --------------------------------------- (Naval base stores) [MASTER] Now then, Doctor, my problem is this. During millions of yearsof hibernation, the reactivation machinery has deteriorated. I now findit necessary to build a trigger mechanism for it. [DOCTOR] And how do you hope to do that? [MASTER] Well, by constructing a sonar device analogous to the laser.With this, I can not only pinpoint and revive the base by the sea fort,but every other base in the world. [DOCTOR] And you've convinced your reptilian friends that this willwork? [MASTER] You know it'll work, with your cooperation. All the equipmentwe need is here. [DOCTOR] Hmm. Yes, I suppose it's possible. [MASTER] I've drawn up some preliminary plans here. There. [DOCTOR] Good grief! What on Earth do you think you're doing? [MASTER] Why? What is the matter? [DOCTOR] Well, this circuit here, it's completely misplaced. And alsoyou'll need far more power through to your main dipode. Give me apencil, will you? [MASTER] There you are. [DOCTOR] Thank you. [MASTER] And you think you can correct this fault? [DOCTOR] Yes, I think so, given time. Now then, let's see. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [WALKER] Are you, are you really going to let amere child risk her life? [HART] Well I could never get through that ventilation shaft. Would youlike to try? Come on, Jo. Now, once you're through the shaft, there's ahatch that comes out onto the roof of this building. [JO] Okay. [HART] Are you ready? Hup. [HART] That's it. --------------------------------------- (Naval base stores) [MASTER] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Oh, I need a polarising condenser. [MASTER] Oh, allow me. [DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. [JO] (sotto) Come on, Doctor! Hurry! [JO] (sotto) Come on! [DOCTOR] Now Jo, listen to me. In a few minutes time, I'm going tocreate a diversion. Now, as soon as it starts, you try and get Hart andthe others out. [JO] But what about the guards? [DOCTOR] Don't worry about the guards. You leave them to me. Now, youhurry back there and wait for the off. [JO] Okay. [DOCTOR] All right? [MASTER] Well, Doctor? [DOCTOR] How about a little test? Right, here goes. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [HART] What the blazes? [JO] The Doctor's doing it. Now come on, quickly, please. --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [HART] We must find the hovercraft pilot. JO --------------------------------------- (Naval base beach) (Naval base stores) [MASTER] Switch the power off! [MASTER] What happened? [DOCTOR] I must have had the frequency too high. I'm sorry about that.Oh, no, I see what it is. I had the output jack in the input socket.There. Yeah, there that should work all right now. [MASTER] We shan't know for sure till we get it back to their base andbuild it into their power system. [DOCTOR] We? [MASTER] Yes, Doctor. You're coming with me. [DOCTOR] Oh, I see. [SEA DEVIL] This noise, what has been happening? [MASTER] Teething troubles, that's all. [SEA DEVIL] It must not happen again. Is the work completed? [MASTER] Yes, I've now finished. [SEA DEVIL] Then we shall return to our base. Do you want him killednow? [MASTER] No. He might yet prove useful. Well, Doctor? Shall we go? [DOCTOR] If you insist. --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [SEA DEVIL] Guard them. Keep them safe. I must alert the others. --------------------------------------- (Naval base stores) [DOCTOR] Well, it seems as if things aren't quitegoing according to plan. [MASTER] Look, we must break out of here! I've got to get this devicedown to your base. [OFFICER [OC]] Myers, check that storeroom! [MYERS] Looks all right. [DOCTOR] Look out behind you! [MYERS] Would one of you gentlemen be the Doctor? [DOCTOR] Yes, I am. This man is an extremely dangerous criminal, soguard him well. Now, have you seen Captain Hart and Miss Grant? [MYERS] I'm not sure, sir. [DOCTOR] Right, I'd better go and find them. [MYERS] Right, I'll stay with this bloke. [DOCTOR] Yeah, do that. And watch him! [MASTER] There's been a misunderstanding here, you know. I'm not the manthat you want. There's been a mistake. [MASTER] You understand? A mistake. [MASTER] A mistake! --------------------------------------- (Naval base) [DOCTOR] Have you seen Jo Grant anywhere? [HART] She's on the beach. --------------------------------------- (Beach and sea) [MASTER] I'm sorry, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [WALKER] Now, perhaps you'll admit I was right allalong. Massive nuclear strike. It's the only way. [JO] But not until we know what's happened to the Doctor. [BLYTHE] Excuse me, sir. I've just seen Lieutenant Scott. He said he sawthe Doctor heading out to sea. [WALKER] Ha ha, gone to join his friends. Gone over to the other side. [BLYTHE] He seemed to be chasing another boat. [JO] He must have been after the Master. [WALKER] Well, be that as it may, they'll both have to take theirchances. I'm going to put an end to these creatures right away. Kindlyget me the Minister on the phone. I'm going to request that we launch anuclear strike. Now. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] We want revenge on the human species. Many of my people havebeen killed. [MASTER] It was a necessary sacrifice. [SEA DEVIL] You said man was weak. [MASTER] So he is. Soon you will surge from the seas in your millionsand exterminate him. [DOCTOR] Don't listen to him. Why begin a long and bloody war wherethousands will be killed on both sides? [SEA DEVIL] We shall destroy man and reclaim the planet. [DOCTOR] Is there nothing I can say to make you reconsider? [SEA DEVIL] Nothing! [DOCTOR] I'm sorry. [SEA DEVIL] Is the machine ready? [MASTER] It is. [SEA DEVIL] Then activate it. [MASTER] Allow me, Doctor. We don't want any accidents this time. [DOCTOR] The power may take some time to build up, you know. [MASTER] I suggest you now dispose of this man. [SEA DEVIL] Take them both to the cages. [MASTER] What's the meaning of this? I'm your ally! [SEA DEVIL] Both, I say! Take them! [MASTER] I helped you! I helped you! [MASTER] Look, I demand you take me back to your chief! Immediately! [DOCTOR] You seem to be losing your touch. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base - cell) [MASTER] Once they see that the device worksproperly, they'll release me. [DOCTOR] I very much doubt it. You see, before you reactivated it, Ireversed the polarity of the neutron flow. [MASTER] You did what? You realise what will happen? [DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Do you? [MASTER] Well, there'll be a massive reverse feedback into their wholepower system. [DOCTOR] Exactly. In about ten minutes from now the whole place shouldgo up. Enjoy your revenge. [MASTER] Guards! Guards, come back! You must release me! I must talk toyour chief! Let me out! We're all in danger! Let me out! [DOCTOR] You're wasting your time, you know. Even if they heard you,they couldn't do anything about it. [MASTER] Why? [DOCTOR] Well, I built a self-destruct mechanism into the main controlswitch. You can't turn it off. [MASTER] But but we'll both be killed. [DOCTOR] That's right. Unless we can both escape. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [BOWMAN] Ships moving into position now, sir. [WALKER] Very well. This time we'll continue the attack until thosecreatures are finally destroyed. Now, how about some tea? --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base - cell) [DOCTOR] You see? Come on. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base - detention area) [DOCTOR] Well, just as I told you. Submarine escapeequipment. Now, all we've got to do is find the airlock. [MASTER] Airlock? [DOCTOR] Yes, there must be one around here somewhere. Otherwise howelse did we get down in those capsules? Here you are. Put this on. --------------------------------------- (Hart's office) [WALKER] Ah, thank you, my dear. Ah ha! Smoked salmon. Delicious. --------------------------------------- (Naval base radio room) [HART] Won't be long now. [JO] Suppose the Doctor manages to escape from that place? [HART] Not much chance, I'm afraid. [JO] Yes, but just suppose? [HART] Get a high speed hovercraft over that area. I want a completesweep before the attack. [BOWMAN] Aye, aye, sir. --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) [SERGEANT] All right? [MASTER] All right. --------------------------------------- (Sea Devil's base) [SEA DEVIL] This device is causing the power to overload. --------------------------------------- (Hovercraft) (Naval base radio room) [BOWMAN] Large underwater explosion reported, sir. [WALKER] What? Has the attack started already? [BOWMAN] No, sir, before the attack. And they've picked up twosurvivors. One of them was in a bad way. They've radioed for anambulance to stand by. [JO] Did they, did they say who? [BOWMAN] No, Miss. --------------------------------------- (Beach) [JO] They said someone was hurt? [DOCTOR] It's the Master. He collapsed soon after they picked us up. [HART] Well then, Doctor, what happened? [DOCTOR] I managed to destroy their base for you. [HART] Thank goodness. Well done. [DOCTOR] Well, I did what I had to to prevent a war. [JO] He's dead. [MEDIC] We were too late. The doctor in the hovercraft said so. [DOCTOR] Doctor? What doctor? [SAILOR] I must obey. I must obey. I must obey. I must obey. I mustobey. I must obey. [SAILOR] I must obey. I must obey.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s09", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Sea Devils"}
Doctor Who (8 Apr, 1972; Third Doctor) - The Mutants (Solos) [MARSHAL [OC]] Over here! Move in! Path! He's heading to the path! Thisway! Over here! [MARSHAL] Mutt! Mutt! Hurry, you men. Hurry! Mutt! [STUBBS] Sir! Marshal, your mask! [COTTON] (a dark man) Mutt mad he is. Sport to him. [STUBBS] Kill one before he passes out. [COTTON] Solos. Stinking rotten hole. Can't even breathe. What a planet. [STUBBS] Not long now, soldier. [COTTON] Should have given them independence years ago. [MARSHAL] Look at it. Disgusting mess. Get rid of it. [STUBBS] Sir. [MARSHAL] Make out a report. Mutt found dead, as usual. [STUBBS] Stubbs calling Skybase. Returning shortly. ETA forty two zerosix. Have dealt with mutant native alert, area seven. Mutant trackedand found dead on arrival. Cause unknown. --------------------------------------- (UNIT Laboratory) [JO] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Mmm? [JO] Are you going to be very much longer? [DOCTOR] No, nearly finished, Jo. [JO] What are you doing anyway? [DOCTOR] I'm making a minimum inertia superdrive for Bessie. [JO] Oh. Well, for your information, it's well past lunch time, and I'm [DOCTOR] Eh? [DOCTOR] Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. [JO] Lunch? [DOCTOR] No. [JO] Bomb? [DOCTOR] No, nothing so exciting. [JO] Well? [DOCTOR] It's an assignment. [JO] Well then, it is exciting. [DOCTOR] No, it's a container of some kind, Jo, from them. [JO] Time Lords? [DOCTOR] That's right. [JO] Well, aren't you going to open it? [DOCTOR] I'm not allowed to open it. [JO] Huh? [DOCTOR] I couldn't, even if I wanted to. No, I'm not meant to. Icouldn't open it, even if I wanted to. No, it's only meant for oneperson, and or creature. It will only open for one person. [JO] And or creature. [DOCTOR] Yeah, that's right. Yes, I'm just the messenger boy. [JO] Well, can't you just refuse? [DOCTOR] They only send these things in a real emergency, Jo. It's toppriority, a three line whip. No, I've got to go. [JO] How do you know where to deliver it? [DOCTOR] I think that has already been decided. [JO] Hang on, wait for me. I'm coming too. [DOCTOR] That's out of the question. It's bound to be dangerous,probably difficult. [JO] All the more reason. You need me to look after you. [DOCTOR] Sorry, Jo, a lot of rubbish. Not this time. Au revoir! [JO] Oh, no you don't! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One storage room) [JO] Well, where are we? [DOCTOR] It looks like the tradesman's entrance, doesn't it. [JO] What do you mean? [DOCTOR] I don't see any red carpet, do you? [JO] Doctor, look. We're flying. [DOCTOR] We're not exactly flying, Jo. We're in planetary orbit. We mustbe on a [MAN [OC]] Skybase One. This is Skybase One. [DOCTOR] A Skybase. [JO] Amazing. [MAN [OC]] Duty personnel to reception and transfer section. Clearvisiting party. [DOCTOR] We are expected then. [MAN [OC]] Next, escort them through bacteriological decontaminationhall. Skybase One out. [JO] Bacteria what? [DOCTOR] Well, put less delicately, Jo, delousing. [JO] Cheek. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [VARAN JR] Father. [VARAN] Greetings, Ky. [KY] I knew you would be here, Varan, with your Overlord masters. [VARAN] And why are you here? [KY] I was summoned. [VARAN] You will attend the conference? [KY] The conference? More lies from the Overlords. More promises offreedom. [VARAN] Yet Ky still came? [KY] I came to demand that the Overlords stop murdering our people. [VARAN] The mutants must be rooted out. They are evil and diseased. [KY] Who tells us that? [VARAN] My eyes tell me. [KY] No, Varan, the Overlords tell you. They tell you to kill and youkill. [VARAN] My people are warriors. It is honourable to fight. [KY] Where is the honour in hunting down unarmed creatures? [VARAN] It is their duty, Ky. They are diseased. [KY] If it is a disease, what has caused it? Once we were farmers andhunters. The land was green, the rivers ran clear, the air was sweet tobreathe. And then the Overlords came, bringing Earth's poisons withthem, calling it progress. We toiled in their mines, we became slaves.Worse than slaves! [VARAN] Liar! [KY] Murderer! You have nothing else to hunt, so you hunt your own kind. [STUBBS] So you've arrived, Ky. [KY] As you see, Overlord. We come when we are called. [STUBBS] Well, don't just stand there making speeches, get intodecontamination. [STUBBS] And the rest of you. Varan, the Marshal wants to see you. [STUBBS] Alone. [VARAN] Wait. [GUARD] Mutt! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One storage room) [DOCTOR] Taking their time, aren't they, Jo? Jo?Jo, where? Oh, they you are. [JO] Doctor? [DOCTOR] Mmm? [JO] Are you sure we're in the reception area? Looks more like a broomcupboard. Where exactly are we, time wise? [DOCTOR] Don't use expressions like that, Jo, please. [JO] All right, century wise. [DOCTOR] According to the Tardis's instrument readings, we are now inthe thirtieth century empire. [JO] I see. What empire? [DOCTOR] Your empire. Earth's empire. Yes, great colonists, Earthmen,you know, Jo. Once they'd sacked the solar system, they moved ontopastures new. Solos is one of them. One of the last. Did you ever readGibbon's Decline and Fall? [JO] No. Is it good? [DOCTOR] Jo, this is like that. You see? [JO] No. [DOCTOR] Oh. Well, empires rise and empires fall. And if this is theiridea of a reception, this one has obviously crumbled. [DOCTOR] Right, if we're to get out of here, I've obviously got to tryand break the circuit. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Ah, Varan. [VARAN] Why has Ky been summoned to this conference? [MARSHAL] Oh, you've seen him then. [VARAN] He called me murderer. Me, Varan. I should have finished withhim there and then. [MARSHAL] Oh no, Varan. We want no martyrs. I have other plans for Ky. [VARAN] You said I would represent my people. [MARSHAL] You will be there. You and Ky. Now listen. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One storage room) [JO] The box. [DOCTOR] What? [JO] The box! [DOCTOR] Oh yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Here, you take it. [JO] All right. --------------------------------------- (Storage area 4) [DOCTOR] It's all right, there's nobody about. Come on. [MAN [OC]] Attention. Attention. Computer confirms door malfunction instorage area four. [JO] That's us. [MAN [OC]] Investigation please. [DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I'm not sure I like being described as amalfunction. --------------------------------------- (Storage area 5) [COTTON] Check. [MAN [OC]] I repeat. Investigation please. [STUBBS] That's us. [COTTON] What is it? [STUBBS] A door. [COTTON] Door? All the way over there for a door? [STUBBS] Yeah, seems a bit pointless, doesn't it. [COTTON] Ah, leave it. Leave it till morning. We have only just got backup here after that Mutt hunt. Tell you what. [STUBBS] What? [COTTON] You won't catch him rushing about tonight. [STUBBS] Who? [COTTON] His Nibs. The Marshal. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Understand? I want a man I can trust,trust absolutely. [VARAN] All my warriors can be trusted. They will fight to the death forVaran. [MARSHAL] Then you will need this pass. [VARAN] It is good. [MARSHAL] Huh. I doubt if Ky will think so. Varan, I shall want to seethis man of yours myself. [VARAN] Now? [MARSHAL] Afterwards. [MARSHAL] The fool. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One corridor) [DOCTOR] Hello? Hello? [JO] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Well, we can't wander around here all night with nobodynoticing, now can we? [JO] Doctor, look! [MAN [OC]] Attention. Attention. --------------------------------------- (Storage area 5) [MAN [OC]] Door malfunction in storage area three.Immediate investigation ordered. Possible emergency. Out. [STUBBS] We should have gone the first time. Come on. [COTTON] Oh, we couldn't have known. [STUBBS] Come on! We're in enough trouble already. Two malfunctions, eh?I don't like the sound of that. --------------------------------------- (Storage area 3) [DOCTOR] I can't hold it much longer. [JO] Well, what is it? [DOCTOR] I've no idea but whatever it is, it isn't friendly! [STUBBS] Away from that door. [DOCTOR] Look, you fool. [STUBBS] Away from the door! [DOCTOR] Look at his hand! [STUBBS] (into comm.) Stubbs and Cotton investigating malfunctionstorage area three. Mutant native contacted and destroyed. Two othernon-personnel found and held. Report ends. Good evening, sir. Will youplease come with us to reception? [DOCTOR] I assume I have no choice? [STUBBS] This way, sir. [DOCTOR] Mutant native, you said? [STUBBS] That's right, sir. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] (into comm.) A mutt? On my Skybase? How? [STUBBS [OC]] He was Varan's bodyguard, sir. [MARSHAL] Varan's bodyguard? Get me a full report at once. Hold theother two, and get Varan. [MARSHAL] I've asked for a full report, Administrator. [ADMINISTRATOR] I should think so. What happened to your securityarrangements? And why wasn't I informed that Varan was here? Really,Marshal, on the eve of the independence conference.(Everyone say Hi! to Geoffrey Palmer.) [MARSHAL] They'll be a full security clampdown. The Solonians will neverknow. As for Varan, he was merely reporting on Ky's activities. [ADMINISTRATOR] Spying for you, you mean. [MARSHAL] All part of security. [ADMINISTRATOR] Security? Such as we had tonight? Natives and the devilknows who else running amok. Good heavens, man, we're not at war withthe Solonians. We're giving them independence. [MARSHAL] Oh, eventually. [ADMINISTRATOR] Not eventually, Marshal, now. Total and absoluteindependence. We're pulling out. [MARSHAL] Pulling out? [ADMINISTRATOR] I take it you've been too busy with security to studythe latest reports from Earth? We can't afford an empire any more.Earth is exhausted, Marshal. Finished. Politically, economically andbiologically finished. [MARSHAL] Then why go back? We could keep Skybase on Solos, take overthe whole planet. [ADMINISTRATOR] Out of the question. Apart from the Soloniansthemselves, there's the problem of the atmosphere. [MARSHAL] Well, they're both problems that can be solved. [ADMINISTRATOR] Ky's already making political capital out of yourexperiments in that field. [MARSHAL] The mutants. [ADMINISTRATOR] Exactly. [MARSHAL] There is no proof that my atmospheric experiments haveanything at all to do with these mutations. The Mutts are a menace andmust be wiped out. [ADMINISTRATOR] And that's your alternative to independence? Genocide? [MARSHAL] Give them independence, they'll starve out of totalincompetence. [ADMINISTRATOR] Nevertheless, they shall have their independence.Whether they're ready for it or not. [MARSHAL] When you summoned this conference, Administrator, I assumed itfor your usual line. [ADMINISTRATOR] Which is? [MARSHAL] Fob them off with promises, a few minor concessions. It'salways worked before. [ADMINISTRATOR] Well, this time I'm conceding all Ky's demands. [MARSHAL] But [ADMINISTRATOR] We have no choice. We must return to Earth. [MARSHAL] But I've put years of my life into this planet. The whole, mywhole career [ADMINISTRATOR] Yeah, well, I'm afraid things are going to be a bittricky for ex-colonial officials. Still, don't worry, old chap. We'llfind you something. The Bureau of Records, perhaps. Something clerical. [MARSHAL] (into comm.) Get me that fool, Varan. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One room) [JO] Doctor? [DOCTOR] What? [JO] You can see the planet in daylight now. [DOCTOR] Oh, yes, so you can. [JO] It's not like our Earth, is it? It's all grey and misty. [DOCTOR] Well, the Earth these people know now, Jo, in the thirtiethcentury empire, is even more grey and misty. [JO] It can't be! [DOCTOR] Land and sea alike, all grey. Grey cities linked by greyhighways across grey deserts. [JO] Really? [DOCTOR] Oh, yeah. Slag, ash, clinker. The fruits of technology, Jo. [ADMINISTRATOR] Morning. [DOCTOR] Good morning. [ADMINISTRATOR] I've seen your statements. What is it you want? Asbriefly as possible. [DOCTOR] We come from Earth. [ADMINISTRATOR] Who sent you? [DOCTOR] Overlord Centre. [ADMINISTRATOR] The council, you mean? [DOCTOR] Yes. [ADMINISTRATOR] The council has no further interest in Solos. [DOCTOR] Well, they certainly had when we left. [MARSHAL] Just, er, when did you leave, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Sometime ago now. [MARSHAL] He's lying. He's got no pass. [DOCTOR] Look, this was an emergency. [MARSHAL] There have been no shuttles, no departures from Earth, noarrivals on Skybase in weeks. [DOCTOR] For goodness sake, does it matter how we got here? [MARSHAL] They must be from Solos. [ADMINISTRATOR] Let him speak. Why are you here? [DOCTOR] This is why. Jo? [DOCTOR] Yes, well, obviously it's not for you. [DOCTOR] Nor you, it would seem. [ADMINISTRATOR] Is this some kind of joke? Who is it for? What is it,anyway? [DOCTOR] Well, it's a container of some kind, but I must have confessthat I [ADMINISTRATOR] Then open it! [DOCTOR] I can't. [MARSHAL] Open it! [DOCTOR] You're wasting your time, Marshal. This box will only open forthe person to whom it was sent. [MARSHAL] We shall see. Stubbs? [STUBBS] Sir. [MARSHAL] Stand back. [DOCTOR] You see? [ADMINISTRATOR] You must know who it's for. [MARSHAL] They were found with the Mutt. They must be saboteurs. [DOCTOR] Oh, don't be a fool. If we were saboteurs, that'd be a bomb,and thanks to you we'd all be blown to smithereens by now. [COTTON] Sir, the Solonian delegates are ready for you. [ADMINISTRATOR] Thank you. [ADMINISTRATOR] Well, whatever it is, it'll have to wait. Marshal? [MARSHAL] Be with you in a moment. [MARSHAL] Now, perhaps you'll tell me just what this is really allabout. [JO] But he has! What he told you was the truth. [MARSHAL] What are you? Some sort of special agent for the council sentto check on me? [DOCTOR] If you really want to find out what's in this box [MARSHAL] I shall find out. [DOCTOR] May I suggest that you take it to the conference. It could wellbe for someone there. [MARSHAL] Could it? I think there are more important things. Far moreimportant things. Stubbs! [STUBBS] Sir? [MARSHAL] Don't let these two out of your sight. [STUBBS] Sir. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Which is he? [VARAN] By the door. [MARSHAL] Does he understand the new instructions? [VARAN] He understands. [MARSHAL] Is he reliable? [VARAN] He is my son. [MARSHAL] Your son? [VARAN] You asked for someone in whom we could trust. [MARSHAL] Yes. Good, Varan. [MAN [OC]] His Excellency the Administrator. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One room) [MAN [OC]] Skybase One. Skybase One. This is an Overlord telecast. [DOCTOR] Bombastic signature tune, isn't it? [STUBBS] Well, it always impresses them on Solos. [DOCTOR] Does it really. [MAN [OC]] His Excellency the Administrator, is about to make his finalstatement of terms relating to the question of independence in thepresence of the Solonian All Peoples Union. [DOCTOR] What's your view, Stubbs? [STUBBS] Independence? Oh yeah, the sooner the better. Let's get off andhome. Plenty to sort out there. [DOCTOR] Yes, quite so. [JO] Have you got a family back on Earth? [STUBBS] Oh, I hope so, Miss. [JO] Do you hear from them very often? [STUBBS] Oh, I get reports, you know. The odd video. [JO] No letters? [STUBBS] Letters? [JO] Mmm. [STUBBS] What the [DOCTOR] Sorry about that, Stubbs. Well done, Jo, you did thatbeautifully. [JO] Pity. He was rather sweet. [DOCTOR] Do you think so? [JO] Mmm. [DOCTOR] Come on, let's get to that conference. [JO] Here, you take that. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [ADMINISTRATOR] Some five hundred years ago, weEarthmen, Overlords, as you call us, arrived on Solos. Our ancestors,yours and mine, made a solemn treaty. A pact, a bond, an act offriendship [KY] Treachery [ADMINISTRATOR] And mutual co-operation between our two peoples. A boldconcept. Two different cultures, far apart in terms of development [ADMINISTRATOR] Uniting together to create a new society, a new andricher world. Now, after five hundred years of [KY] Exploitation. [ADMINISTRATOR] Expert scientific and technical aid, we have steered youto the verge of [KY] Disaster! [ADMINISTRATOR] To the verge of independence. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [DOCTOR] Segregation. [JO] Hmm. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [ADMINISTRATOR] Rights and privileges as citizensof empire. You, the peoples of Solos, have given us much. And we inreturn have given you [KY] Mutts! [ADMINISTRATOR] A strong and stable system of government. [KY] (sotto) Freedom now! [ADMINISTRATOR] Despite [ADMINISTRATOR] Despite, I say, recent acts of terrorism, violence andsubversion. [SOLONIANS] Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. [ADMINISTRATOR] The only black mark on the history of amicable relationsunparalleled throughout the empire! [KY] We want freedom and we want it now! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Marshal's office) [COTTON] Where do you think you're going? [DOCTOR] Well, to the conference, of course. [COTTON] Not without a pass. Sorry, sir. [DOCTOR] Pass, what pass? [COTTON] Nobody in without a pass, sir. [DOCTOR] Look, all this has been arranged by the Administrator. [COTTON] Sorry, sir. That Mutt. Extra security all over. [DOCTOR] Look, this thing contains important documents. Details of thewhole independence agreement, ready for signing. [COTTON] Open it up, please, sir. [DOCTOR] What? [COTTON] Can't risk weapons in there, sir. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [ADMINISTRATOR] Now it is my duty to set out the final conditions thatEarth Council has laid down. [KY] Do you hear that, Varan? Hundreds of years of oppression andslavery. [ADMINISTRATOR] Good friends, I beg you to listen. [KY] (Shouts.) You pollute the lands we live by! [ADMINISTRATOR] We have no need to quarrel. [KY] Now you want to take from us the very air we breathe! [ADMINISTRATOR] Look, Earth government [MARSHAL] Guards, arrest him! [ADMINISTRATOR] Earth Government is prepared to concede if you will onlylet me finish! [KY] Out! Go! [MARSHAL] Stop him! [KY] Get back to Solos! [MARSHAL] Stop him! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Marshal's office) [DOCTOR] No, I can't open it. [KY] Out of my way, Overlord. [DOCTOR] The box, it's opening! Wait! This is for you! [JO] I'll get him, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Wait! [MARSHAL] After him! After him! He must be stopped! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [JO] Wait! Listen! I've got to talk to you! Listen! [MARSHAL [OC]] Stop him! [JO] What are you doing? [KY] They will not shoot an Overlord. [JO] But I'm not an Overlord. I've come to help you. [MARSHAL] Now, you fool! Shoot! [DOCTOR] No, you can't! [MARSHAL] I said fire! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [MARSHAL] (into comm.) Alert all ground stations.Your friend won't get far without a mask. --------------------------------------- (Solos transfer section) [KY] No Overlord can exist without a mask. [JO] How many more times do I have to tell you I'm not an Overlord? [MARSHAL [OC]] I want both of them. Do I make myself clear? [KY] Don't you see? You can't stay outside. The atmosphere is poisonousto you. No Overlord can exist for more than a few hours without a mask. [JO] Well, what am I going to do? [KY] You will stay here. I shall make a run for it. [JO] No, I'm coming with you. [KY] Look, I warn you. My life is more important than yours, to Solosand my people. I cannot stop to help you. [JO] I'm coming with you. [KY] Shush, guards! [KY] Come on! --------------------------------------- (Airlock) [KY] You all right? [JO] Fine so far. [KY] Good. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [DOCTOR] Bad news? [MARSHAL] Not for you, Doctor. For your friend. They have escaped on tothe surface of Solos. [DOCTOR] Ah. [MARSHAL] Still, without a mask. But never fear, Doctor, we shall findher. Or her body. [DOCTOR] Would you kindly explain that remark, sir? [MARSHAL] During the hours of daylight no human can survive on Soloswithout an oxymask. The soil contains a nitrogen isotope unknown onEarth. The ultra-violet rays of the sun cause a kind of poisonous mist. [DOCTOR] How poisonous? [MARSHAL] I give your friend an hour, possibly less, depending on howfast they're travelling. I could, of course, step up the search. [DOCTOR] May I suggest that you do so immediately? [MARSHAL] Or I could call off the search altogether. Let them escape. [DOCTOR] And let her die? You can't do that! [MARSHAL] I can do as I please, Doctor. And since the unfortunateassassination of the Administrator, Solos is under martial law. My law. [DOCTOR] How very convenient for you. Now look, are you going to searchfor Miss Grant or not? [MARSHAL] That depends on you, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Does it? [MARSHAL] Well, I thought you said this box was intended for Ky? [DOCTOR] Apparently. [MARSHAL] Then I shall want to know what's in it before he does. [DOCTOR] No, I'm sorry. That would be completely unethical. [MARSHAL] Then I shall be forced to recall my men, Doctor. We'restretched very thin on Skybase. So many demands on our resources, youknow. [DOCTOR] All right. I'll try and open the box for you, but I shall needyour most advanced laboratory facilities. [MARSHAL] (into comm.) Calling Solos. Intensify the search. [DOCTOR] Marshal! [MARSHAL] The girl must not be harmed. [DOCTOR] That's better. --------------------------------------- (Solos) [STUBBS] This way. Funny. Only one now. Only one trace registering. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [MARSHAL] Well? [DOCTOR] Adequate. Not quite what I hoped for but adequate. [MARSHAL] Adequate? What do you mean adequate? It's the finestlaboratory it's possible to build. [DOCTOR] Well, I was rather hoping for a particle reversal set-up. Youknow, something that would turn the box inside out. But all this stuff,it seems for geared for atmosphere modulation. [DOCTOR] And this circuit's about to overload for a start. What is itanyway, weather control? [MARSHAL] Something of the sort. Now, tell me, Doctor [JAEGER] What the blazes is going on in here? Oh, it's you, Marshal. Myapologies. But there was tampering with one of the circuits. [DOCTOR] Yes, I'm terribly sorry, I'm afraid that was me. I'd no ideathat the thing was operational. One of your circuits was about tooverload. [JAEGER] Marshal, I must insist! The experiment has reached a criticalstage. I'm working here alone and against time and, with respect, Ican't afford to have you or anyone else interfering with it wheneveryou feel like giving some stupid guided tour. [MARSHAL] Jaeger, that's enough. [JAEGER] You give full priority to atmospheric regeneration and then youexpect me [MARSHAL] Jaeger! Jaeger! For the moment, Jaeger, I want you to givefull priority to this little problem here. [JAEGER] What? What is it? Who is this man? [MARSHAL] An emissary from Earth. So he claims. [MARSHAL] Mmm? [VOICE [OC]] Varan's son's in your office, Marshal. [MARSHAL] (into comm.) Good. Hold him there. I'm sorry, gentlemen, Icannot stay. The assassination, you understand? A man is being held.Jaeger, I want you to give the Doctor all the help he needs to get thatthing open. Doctor, I'll keep you informed about Miss Grant, and you'llkeep me informed about your progress, won't you. --------------------------------------- (Solos) [STUBBS] It's now two. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Greetings, son of Varan. [VARAN JR] Why have I been brought here a prisoner? It was upon yourorders that I killed the Administrator. You said he was an enemy of ourpeople. [MARSHAL] You've done well. Now for your reward. [MARSHAL] Amusing little device, isn't it? Works perfectly. [VARAN] Achiksi. So. [MARSHAL] No regrets, Varan. First the Administrator, now an attempt tokill me. He was in league with Ky. [VARAN] You lie! You ordered us to kill the Administrator! [MARSHAL] Others will believe me! [MARSHAL] Attention! Attention! This is the Marshal speaking. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [MARSHAL [OC]] The Solonian Varan has gone mutant.He is at large on Skybase. If taken, he must be dealt with immediately. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Calling Solos. Calling Solos. This is theMarshal. Stubbs and Cotton, come in. --------------------------------------- (Solos) [STUBBS] But we're almost on them, sir. [MARSHAL [OC]] I want one of you up here immediately. Out. [STUBBS] Stay here. [COTTON] Thanks. Stubbsy? [STUBBS] Yeah? [COTTON] Someone's pinched his mask. [STUBBS] I'll send some medics down to pick him up. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [DOCTOR] You know, I can't think why you people ever came here. [JAEGER] Thaesium, Doctor. This planet is one of the richest fuelsources in the galaxy, or it used to be. [DOCTOR] Are the deposits now exhausted? [JAEGER] More or less. [DOCTOR] So, now you plan to colonise the planet in earnest, if you canchange the atmosphere? [JAEGER] That's my problem, not yours. [DOCTOR] Well, there are other people concerned, you know? [JAEGER] Such as? [DOCTOR] Well, the Solonians, for example. After all, it is theirplanet. [JAEGER] Was, Doctor. It is Doctor, is it? [DOCTOR] I think you'll find that [DOCTOR] That should hold the proton beam steady, Professor. [JAEGER] I think that this whole thing is a senseless waste of time!Particle reversal. Nobody has ever achieved it. [DOCTOR] On the contrary, my dear chap, I find it a very useful researchtechnique. [JAEGER] What do you expect to happen? [DOCTOR] I expect the particles to reverse and for the box to turnitself inside out. What's on the outside will be on the inside, andwhat's on the inside will be on the outside where we can see it. [JAEGER] Rubbish! [DOCTOR] You think so? Come over here and see for yourself. [DOCTOR] You ready? Then watch. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Herbarium) (Mine entrance) [JO] What is this place? [KY] A disused mine. One of many on Solos. [JO] I remember running. [KY] I nearly left you to die. [JO] What about the mask? [KY] A guard's. [JO] He'll [KY] He'll be all right if he takes it easy. You won't need this whileyou're in here. The daylight makes the air poisonous to Overlords. Youare from Earth, but you are not [JO] The Doctor! We came to help you. [KY] Ah, the Overlord with the box. [JO] For goodness sake. [KY] I'm sorry. My people know Earth men only as Overlords. It'sdifficult to think otherwise. [JO] The box, it was for you. But that's why I followed you. [KY] Me? Why? [JO] I don't know. [KY] Is it weapons? [JO] I don't know! [KY] Who sent you? [JO] I. We must ask the Doctor. [KY] How? --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [DOCTOR] There are bound to be one or two snags tobegin with. [JAEGER] But it worked? [DOCTOR] Well, of course it worked. [JAEGER] But theoretically it's impossible. [DOCTOR] I don't suppose you saw what it was, did you? Inside, I mean? [JAEGER] Not clearly, but the process [DOCTOR] Was all over in a flash. Yes, I know. [MARSHAL] Is Varan here? [DOCTOR] Who? [MARSHAL] Jaeger, have you seen him? Varan, the Mutt. [DOCTOR] Another mutant? [MARSHAL] He was heading this way. Jaeger! [JAEGER] No, Marshal, I haven't seen him. I've got more important thingsto do. [MARSHAL] So long as that Mutt stays alive, he's a menace to everybodyon this Skybase. He was behind the assassination plot with Ky. [DOCTOR] And now you say he's mutating? [GUARD [OC]] Mutant Varan hiding in storage section, sir. [STUBBS] They've located him, sir. [MARSHAL] All right, Stubbs, you know what to do. [STUBBS] Sir. [DOCTOR] Marshal? [MARSHAL] Mmm? [DOCTOR] I wonder, could I perhaps go on this Mutt hunt with you? [MARSHAL] Out of the question. [JAEGER] I'm sure the Doctor has good reason. He'd find it mostinteresting. [MARSHAL] What? [MARSHAL] Oh, very well. Stubbs? [STUBBS] Sir? [MARSHAL] Keep an eye on him. [STUBBS] Yes, sir. I will. [MARSHAL] Well? [JAEGER] With that man's help, I could the whole atmosphere regenerationproject operational within a week. [MARSHAL] What? [JAEGER] He understands particle reversal. He could speed up the wholeprocess. [MARSHAL] Then we must be sure he stays with us. Yes, his assistant'sthe key to that as well. --------------------------------------- (Mine) [JO] How long before they track us down? [KY] The caverns run for miles. They will never find us. [JO] But that means neither will the Doctor. [KY] We must wait. My people will tell me when the Doctor comes. [JO] Your people? [KY] The dispossessed, the outcasts, the terrorists, as the Overlordslabel them. Tell me about the caverns of Earth. [JO] The what? [KY] The caverns, where you live on Earth. [JO] I live in London. [KY] A sky city. [JO] No, London. London on the ground. [KY] No, I have seen pictures of Earth. No one lives on the ground. Theair is too poisonous. And soon Solos will be the same. The Overlordsonly promise independence so they can go on plundering our resources,turning our green fields into their grey slagheaps. Am I not right? Isit not true? [JO] I don't know. It's rather a long time since I left Earth. [KY] Once my people were farmers and nomads. Now look at them. Slaves infactories and mines. Already the pollution is causing mutations. TheMutts, as the Marshal calls them. Mutts! [JO] What happens to them? [KY] They are killed. Hunted down and killed. Or if they escape theyhide in places like these. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Herbarium) [DOCTOR] What is this place anyway? What's it for? [STUBBS] Seed propagation. Earth crops for Solos. Varan? Varan! It's nouse, me old son. Let's get it over with. [DOCTOR] Get it over with? You don't intend shooting him in cold blood,do you? [STUBBS] It's the only way. [DOCTOR] How do you know? [STUBBS] Come on, Varan. Varan? Make it easy on yourself. [VARAN] Varan is no Mutt, Overlord! I am a warrior and I fight like awarrior! [DOCTOR] Varan, no! Varan! Varan, wait! [DOCTOR] Don't be a fool, Stubbs. Can't you see? There's no sign of anymutation. [STUBBS] But the Marshal said he was a mutant. [VARAN] The Marshal has murdered my son. [DOCTOR] I think you'd better tell us what you know, quickly! We're youronly chance. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [COTTON] I thought you knew, sir. The guard's maskwas gone when we found him. [MARSHAL] No, Cotton, I did not know. I'm surrounded by incompetents! [COTTON] Sir. Sir? [MARSHAL] Well? [COTTON] At least it means the girl is still alive. [MARSHAL] Yes, Cotton. But Ky has got her and not us. I want that girlfound, understand? One more thing. As far as the Doctor is concerned,we have already got her. [COTTON] Sir? [MARSHAL] We have already got her, Cotton. She's in hospital on Solos.Right? --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [STUBBS] You mean His Nibs fixed up the wholething? Had the Administrator done in and then swung the blame on thenatives? [DOCTOR] That's right. You heard Varan's story. [STUBBS] I see. And if there's independence the Marshal's out of a job. [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. But now the planet's under marshal law, his nibs,as you call him, means to keep it that way. [STUBBS] So what do we do? [DOCTOR] Keep Varan in hiding. Tell the Marshal he's been dealt with. Ican't move against him openly until I am sure Miss Grant is safe. I'lljust have to play for time. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Ah, Doctor. Good news. Stubbs, did you find Varan? [STUBBS] He's been dealt with, sir. [DOCTOR] Dealt with. [MARSHAL] These Mutts are a bigger menace than you realise, Doctor. Asno doubt Miss Grant will tell you. [DOCTOR] You've found her, then? When can I see her? [MARSHAL] Cotton? [COTTON] She's receiving oxygen treatment. In a day or so. [DOCTOR] A day or so? [MARSHAL] Possibly longer. She was in pretty poor shape when Cottonfound her. [DOCTOR] What about Ky? [MARSHAL] Ky left her to die, Doctor. The whole planet will remain undermarshal law until the fuss of the assassination dies down. Meanwhile,Doctor, Professor Jaeger could use you on a project of some urgency. Itwill pass the time. [DOCTOR] Until you let me see Miss Grant, you mean. [MARSHAL] Exactly. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [JAEGER] What I propose to do is to bombard these layers of theatmosphere with ionisation rockets at these points. This will provide abarrier against the ultra-violet rays which create the poison mist. [DOCTOR] What you're proposing, and do correct me if I am wrong, is anall out rocket attack on a defenceless planet. [JAEGER] But these aren't military rockets. [DOCTOR] Try telling the Solonians that. [JAEGER] I can't understand your concern, Doctor. This planet, as itstands, is no longer of any use unless we make the atmospherebreathable. [DOCTOR] Even if it means wiping out every Solonian in the process? [JAEGER] Earth is fighting for its survival. The side-effects are of noimportance! [DOCTOR] Genocide is a side-effect? You ought to write a paper on that,Professor. [JAEGER] Perhaps you have an alternative suggestion? [DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps. [JAEGER] Particle reversal, no doubt. Your little forte? [DOCTOR] Particle reversal is one way. Not as violent as yours, ofcourse, but the result will be the same. [JAEGER] The question is, Doctor, can it be done? [DOCTOR] Well, we could try an experiment, couldn't we? [COTTON] The Marshal wants to see you, Professor. [JAEGER] Can't it wait? [COTTON] You know the Marshal. [JAEGER] Oh, very well then. [COTTON] Sir? [DOCTOR] Hmm? [COTTON] I've been chatting with Stubbs. He's a kind of mate of mine. [DOCTOR] Oh yes? [COTTON] About Varan, and about Miss Grant. [DOCTOR] When can I see her, Cotton? [COTTON] That's it, sir. You can't. We didn't find her. [DOCTOR] What? [COTTON] As far as we know, she's still with Ky. [DOCTOR] That means I've got to find both of them. How am I going to dothat? [COTTON] All the guards have orders to stop you leaving this section. [DOCTOR] Is there any other way to the transfer station? [COTTON] Afraid not, sir. [DOCTOR] Cotton, is there an emergency power supply to the transferstation? [COTTON] Yes, it. Why, sir? [DOCTOR] What would happen if I blew the main power supply to the wholeof Skybase? [COTTON] Sheer chaos. [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. But if the emergency power supply to the transferstation were already switched over. [COTTON] You could slip down to Solos in the confusion. [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. Can you get the power switched over? [COTTON] I can try. [DOCTOR] Good, now I'll tell you what I want you to do [JAEGER] Cotton, who told you that the Marshal wanted to see me? [COTTON] He did, sir. [JAEGER] Then one of you must be mad. [COTTON] Oh, yes, sir. Sorry, sir. Maybe he changed his mind, sir. [DOCTOR] Professor, I've been thinking. Perhaps we could try anexperiment, just to prove whether I'm right or wrong about particlereversal. [JAEGER] Good. [DOCTOR] But we'll need to link up to the main power supply. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [COTTON] Orders to check stand-by equipment. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Herbarium) [STUBBS] Varan! Listen. We're going to try and get you off Skybase. Nowwhen I go, I shall leave this door unlocked. [VARAN] How do I know this is not just another Overlord trap? [STUBBS] When the time comes, you head straight for the transferstation, but wait for the signal first. [VARAN] What signal? [STUBBS] You'll hear them announce a power failure. That'll be yourchance. [VARAN] When will this signal come? [STUBBS] That's it, we don't know. You'll just have to trust us, Varan. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [JAEGER] Surely you'll overload the whole power supply? [DOCTOR] Oh no, not a bit of it, old chap. That modulator's utterlyreliable, but I'd be very grateful if you'd keep a close eye on it,would you? Well, are you ready? [JAEGER] Yes. [DOCTOR] Here goes. [DOCTOR] It's all right, don't worry. Just you keep your eye on thatcentre dial. [MAN [OC]] Skybase One. Emergency! Emergency! We have power failure. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [MAN [OC]] Emergency! Emergency! [GUARD] Stop or I fire! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [VARAN] Die, Overlord, die! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) (Solos Transfer station) [DOCTOR] Now, you listen to me, Varan. For the last time, I tell you Iam not an Overlord. I've come to help your people but I must find Ky. [VARAN] Ky is my enemy! I will destroy him and you too, Overlord! [DOCTOR] You will take me to Ky or I will leave you here for the guardsto find. Now, do you give me your word as a warrior? [DOCTOR] Lead the way. [DOCTOR] What the blazes is that? [VARAN] Firestorms. [DOCTOR] Firestorms, is that all? [VARAN] It is the wrath of the gods. [DOCTOR] It's a simple atmospheric disturbance, Varan, and somethingvery much to our advantage. [DOCTOR] Well, now what's the matter? [VARAN] You have no mask. When the sun rises, you will not be able tobreathe the air on Solos. No Earthman can. [DOCTOR] Did I say I was an Earthman? --------------------------------------- (Mine entrance) [JO] How long do they usually last? [KY] The firestorms? At first it was a few minutes, now it can go on allnight. Each one longer than the last, terrifying my people. [JO] Surely they're used to these thunderstorms? [KY] There were no firestorms on Solos until the Marshal began hisexperiments. [JO] Experiments? [KY] To make our air breathable for the Overlords but not for theSolonians. It would mean the end of my people, Miss Grant. [JO] There, look! [KY] It's all right. It's harmless. [JO] But it's horrible! [KY] They're people. My people. Or at least they were before theMarshal's experiments. [JO] I thought you said they were harmless. [KY] I don't understand it. Perhaps it's the firestorm. Usually they runaway. It'll be safer further back in the cave. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [KY] We'd better hide in here. [KY] Don't worry. I'll drive them away. [JO] Be careful, Ky. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [MARSHAL] Professor Jaeger, one of the Empire's greatest scientificminds, foiled by a simple booby trap. [JAEGER] The Doctor said it was an experiment. [MARSHAL] A booby trap, Jaeger, so he could escape. [JAEGER] It was a particle reversal. I know it was. [MARSHAL] Forget particle reversal. Get those rockets ready! You'll haveto go ahead on your own now. [JAEGER] Marshal, you don't realise. I am just not ready. Withoutparticle reversal, the whole process is too dangerous. It could getcompletely out of hand. [MARSHAL] Jaeger, will you get this into your maundering egghead? I wantthe atmosphere on the planet changed and I want it changed now! Clear?(into comm.) Get me Stubbs and Cotton. I want to see them right away.I'll be in my office. --------------------------------------- (Outside the Marshal's office) [STUBBS] This is it, then. [COTTON] Is he on to us? [STUBBS] Well, we'll soon find out. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Ah, Stubbs and Cotton. My trusty righthand men. [COTTON] Sir. [STUBBS] Sir. [MARSHAL] Not only have you failed to capture Ky and Miss Grant, you'vealso let the Doctor escape to Solos. [COTTON] I tried to stop him, sir. Professor Jaeger let him get out. [MARSHAL] Silence! Prepare to pay a last visit to Solos. [STUBBS] Last visit, sir? [MARSHAL] For a while, Stubbs. And there we shall kill three birds withone stone. Mutts, Varan and the Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Solos mine entrance) [DOCTOR] Well, somebody's been here. I wonder why they left? [VARAN] Look! [VARAN] You saw? Such creatures are evil. Diseased! [DOCTOR] Perhaps, but I hope the answer to their mutation is in here.(the egg) Come on. Let's find Ky. [VARAN] Then you must find him alone, Doctor. Varan goes no further. [DOCTOR] Something's going on in there. Perhaps it's Miss Grant. [VARAN] No! No. [DOCTOR] What is it? Varan, the great warrior, afraid of the dark? [VARAN] Varan fears nothing! [DOCTOR] I'm delighted to hear it. Come on then. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [DOCTOR] This way. [KY] No! Listen to me! I am Ky! You know me, my people? I come to findrefuge, not to harm you! [DOCTOR] Leave him alone! Go on, back! Get back! Get back. Leave him be! [DOCTOR] Go on. Back! Go on! Go on! [DOCTOR] So, you must be Ky. How do you do? I'm the Doctor. That's theidea. Now then, where's Miss Grant? [KY] Why are you here, Varan? Did your Overlord masters send you to huntme? [DOCTOR] Steady, old chap. He did help to save your life, you know. [VARAN] The Marshal has betrayed me. The Overlords are my enemies toonow, Ky. [KY] At last, Varan, you see the truth. Now we can work together. [VARAN] I need no help from you, Ky. Now I shall return to my people,and lead them in battle against the Overlords. [KY] So, you are the Doctor, the friend of Miss Grant? [DOCTOR] That's right. Now, where is she? [KY] I took her to a place of safety when we were attacked. [DOCTOR] Good. [KY] Why did you come here? [DOCTOR] To find her. [DOCTOR] And to give you this. [VARAN] Tablets! Sketchings! These are not weapons. [KY] Varan is right. How can these help us in our struggle? Weapons arewhat we need. [DOCTOR] Perhaps these tablets are worth more to you than any weapons. [KY] I have seen such signs. [DOCTOR] Well, read it, man. Well, what does it say? Read it! [KY] Why, I cannot. It is the language of the old ones. No oneremembers. All our culture has been destroyed by the Overlords. [DOCTOR] But you've seen this kind of writing before? [KY] Signs like these are carved in rocks all over Solos. But no oneknows, no one remembers. As far as we are concerned, Doctor, they aremeaningless squiggles. [DOCTOR] Yes, but they must mean something, otherwise why would I havebeen sent here? [VARAN] Why indeed? Come. If we stay here, they will surely attackagain. [DOCTOR] No, I'm sorry, I can't go yet. [VARAN] You are fools! [DOCTOR] I can't go yet. Not without Miss Grant. [VARAN] Is this the way to fight the Overlords? To stay here and bekilled by Mutts? If you will not fight, Varan will. [DOCTOR] Now, Varan, wait. Varan, wait! [KY] He will go back to his village and he and his men, for all theirvalour, will be wiped out. Swords are no use against the Overlord. [DOCTOR] No. Right, Ky. Take me to Miss Grant. [KY] This way, Doctor. [DOCTOR] There must be somebody on Solos who understands the oldlanguage. [KY] There was a man called, er, Sondergaard. A man of learning fromEarth. He came to study our culture. [DOCTOR] And? [KY] After a while he disappeared. Oh, it was all arranged by theOverlords. [DOCTOR] Our friend the Marshal, again? --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] A simple operation. Surveillance reports show they've gone toground there. Now, Jaeger has devised some novel gas grenades. I wantmen stationed at every exit. We set off the grenades, flush 'em out.All of them. Ky, Doctor, Varan, Mutts, the lot. [STUBBS] What if the grenades don't flush them out, sir? [MARSHAL] Then they'll die anyway. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [DOCTOR] Well? [KY] Well, I left her here. Perhaps she became frightened, ran off inpanic. [DOCTOR] Perhaps. We'd better start searching, hadn't we? --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [JAEGER] I've been studying the monitoring reportssince the storms. [MARSHAL] I am not interested in weather reports. [JAEGER] Then you should be. The reports show a sharp rise intemperature after every one of these storms. [MARSHAL] So? [JAEGER] There is no corresponding decrease. Marshal, Solos is gettinghotter and hotter. We're moving into something which none of us haveever experienced. The Solonian summer. [MARSHAL] Hmm? [JAEGER] Ever since we've been here, five hundred years, it's beenspring. Now, summer. It may become too hot for any human being to livehere. [MARSHAL] And it may not. That's for you to find out, Jaeger. My firstpriority is to wipe out the Mutts. [JAEGER] The reports also indicate a very sudden rise in the mutationrate. More Mutts than ever, Marshal, and all moving towards your targetarea. [MARSHAL] Good. Good then. The more the merrier. --------------------------------------- (Solos) (Cave) [KY] No? [DOCTOR] No. [KY] But she must be here! [DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to search them all over again, won't we? [KY] If the torches last, and they don't attack. [DOCTOR] What, you heard them? [KY] They're watching us all the time. [DOCTOR] Yes. They don't attack us in the tunnels. Only in here. Thischamber must be important to them. [KY] I feel it myself. [DOCTOR] Feel what? [KY] A sensation. An awareness of being drawn here. This is a warm, safeplace. A centre. A sort of instinct. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, it's strange. Let's keep searching. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [MARSHAL] Hurry up. I want those gas grenades here.Give me those blast packs. No one else is to know about this,understood? [MARSHAL] Everything ready? [STUBBS] Yes sir. Er, excuse me, sir? [MARSHAL] Well? [STUBBS] I think we should do something about finding the Doctor, sir. [MARSHAL] Do you now. [STUBBS] Professor Jaeger said he was important, sir. [MARSHAL] Well, Cotton? [COTTON] I agree, sir. [MARSHAL] I thought you would. Very well, Stubbs, you and Cotton. I'llgive you fifteen minutes, no more. [STUBBS] Right, sir. [MARSHAL] You keep in radio contact all the way. [STUBBS] Sir. [MARSHAL] I want to hear every word. And if you come across Ky, makesure you make a better job of him than you did of Varan! --------------------------------------- (Varan's village) [VARAN] Ho! Varan is returned! [OLD MAN] Varan. [VARAN] What has happened? Where are my people? [OLD MAN] The fire. [VARAN] Speak! [OLD MAN] The firestorms. Evil. A plague of evil. Fire from the sky. [VARAN] Listen to me. Summon my council. Go, beat the war gong! --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [STUBBS] Doctor? Doctor? [COTTON] Doctor? [STUBBS] Doctor? [STUBBS [OC]] Doctor? Doctor? [KY] Overlords! We must abandon the search. They will trap us here. [STUBBS [OC]] Doctor! [COTTON [OC]] Doctor! [DOCTOR] All right. Quick, back to the chamber. [STUBBS] Let's try this way. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [KY] If they attack now [DOCTOR] Shush! Wait. listen. [DOCTOR] That's Jo Grant in there somewhere. Jo? Jo, are you in there?Jo? [DOCTOR] Jo? Jo, are you all right? Jo? [JO] Doctor. [DOCTOR] Yes, it's all right. It's me. [STUBBS] Ah, there you are. [KY] Run, Doctor! [DOCTOR] No, Ky! --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [STUBBS [OC]] It's us, Doctor. Stubbs and Cotton.Is Miss Grant with you? [DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, she's over here. She appears to be injured. [MARSHAL] Right, prepare the grenades. [GUARD] But, sir, they're all in there. [MARSHAL] Exactly. Fire the grenades. [MARSHAL] Pull out! Everyone out of the cave. [MARSHAL] (into comm.) All sections, seal off exits. Fire grenades. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [STUBBS] (into comm.) Hello? Hello? Lost contact. --------------------------------------- (Varan's village) [VARAN] Why does no one come? Where are mywarriors? [OLD MAN] Your warriors have fled, Varan. [VARAN] Am I left with nothing but mutants? [OLD MAN] They too. It is the way with us all, old and young, those whocan walk have gone to the mines, Varan, to the mines. [VARAN] Why? Why has this curse come upon us? [VARAN] Urgh! No! No, no, no, no! [VARAN [OC]] Go, Varan. Go to the place of sleeping. The place ofdarkness and light. Go, Varan, go. Go. Go. Go. [VARAN] No. No, I was born to fight. Varan will not die sleeping! --------------------------------------- (Cave) [JO] A passageway, full of light. Even the rocks were glowing. Iremember walking towards the light. [DOCTOR] Yes? [JO] And then there was this noise in my head. I couldn't hear, Icouldn't see properly. It was then I started to get dizzy. [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [JO] There was a figure, a silvery figure. [DOCTOR] A mutant? [JO] I don't know. [DOCTOR] Well, and then what? [JO] I'm sorry, Doctor. I fainted. [DOCTOR] Well, whatever it was, it brought you back here. [STUBBS] I'd better tell His Nibs what's going on. [DOCTOR] Here, just a minute. I don't particularly want to find myselfin the Marshal's hands again, thank you very much. [COTTON] Better off on Skybase than in here. You'll have to hurry, oldson. The attack's due to start any minute now. [DOCTOR] Attack? [COTTON] Gas. The Marshal's solution to what he calls the Mutt problem. [JO] Doesn't he know we're in here? [KY] He knows. [COTTON] I think we ought to move out now, before it's too late. --------------------------------------- (Outside the mine entrance) [MARSHAL] What's the count? [GUARD] It seems to be swarming with Mutts, sir. They're attracted tothe place. [MARSHAL] Mmm, they go there to die. They have the old idea of theelephant's graveyard. Right, should be any moment now. --------------------------------------- (Cave) [DOCTOR] Let me see those tablets again, Ky. Theanswer must be here somewhere. [STUBBS] Doctor! Gas! They've started the attack already. [COTTON] We've got to get out. [STUBBS] We can't get out. The Marshal's sealed us in. [COTTON] What are we going to do? --------------------------------------- (Cave) [JO] Look! [JO] That's it. The thing I saw. No, don't shoot. Look. [DOCTOR] Whatever it is, I think we'd better follow it. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [STUBBS] Making sure of it this time. [COTTON] Huh? [STUBBS] The Marshal. That's the exits. [COTTON] Was the exits. [STUBBS] Yeah. [KY] The Overlords are very thorough. [STUBBS] If it goes on like this, the whole lot'll come down. [COTTON] On top of us. Hurry up, Stubbsy! [STUBBS] All right, all right. [COTTON] Where's he talking us anyway? [DOCTOR] Lead. What does lead mean to you, Jo? [JO] Radiation? [DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. --------------------------------------- (Sondergaard's laboratory) [SONDERGAARD] Welcome. You must not be alarmed. My name is [DOCTOR] Professor Sondergaard, I presume. --------------------------------------- (Solos) [MARSHAL] Right, I am returning to Skybase. I wantevery exit sealed. Understand? Every exit. [GUARD] That's impossible, sir. These mine galleries stretch for miles.We'll be here for weeks. [MARSHAL] Mmm hmm. Give the gas a while to disperse, then take a squaddown to the galleries. Who knows, you may find some survivors downthere. Right, I'm returning to the Skybase. Report to me there. --------------------------------------- (Sondergaard's laboratory) [SONDERGAARD] There is radioactivity present throughout the cave system.Oh, it's natural in a thaesium mine, and it's not dangerous, unlessyou're here for many years, as I am, or unless you find yourself in anunstable zone, as you did, young lady. The entrance you found led youstraight to the heart of the most dangerous radioactivity. [JO] So it was you I saw, and you brought me out. [SONDERGAARD] Ha! I didn't know what to do. I couldn't let you die, so Icarried you as quickly as I could out of the radioactive zone to whereI hoped your friends would find you. [JO] Well, thank you, Professor. [KY] You were given up for dead years ago. [SONDERGAARD] Yes, so were many others in the mines. The mutants, forexample. [JO] The mutants? Well, they attacked us and tried to kill us. [SONDERGAARD] Yes, I know. There are more now, many more, and as theirnumbers increase, so it seems does their aggression. Oh, it's not anisolated phenomenon. The same behaviour may be observed in rats whenconfined. [KY] And who did this to my people? Who hunted them down like wildanimals? The Overlords! [DOCTOR] This, er, increase in aggression that you speak of. It seems tobe spreading. [KY] Aggression, yes! And who were the first aggressors? [DOCTOR] Ky! This is not a political meeting. We're all on your side,you know, all of us. [KY] Him? Why does he hide in these caves? To experiment on my people! [DOCTOR] Look, give him a chance to explain! [JO] Please, Ky. [SONDERGAARD] Well, he has my sympathies. Do you think I've chosen tolive here? To work with this primitive equipment? I was young,ambitious. I hoped to make many great discoveries here. And my firstwas that Solos had become a slave colony. I was unwise enough to try toinform Earth control. The Marshal intercepted my report. I was lucky toescape with my life. I managed to reach the caves. I've been here eversince. [DOCTOR] But you have continued with your research? [SONDERGAARD] As well as I could. As you see, I lack equipment. If itwere not for the mutants, I would not have been able to survive here. [KY] My people help you? [SONDERGAARD] They did. We were all outcasts. We helped one another.Once they stole food for me, and clothing. [DOCTOR] And now? [SONDERGAARD] Now they don't come near me. It is as if I were [KY] Diseased? [SONDERGAARD] Who knows? Perhaps they're right. Strange things arehappening on Solos, Doctor. Oh, not just to the people, but to theplants, the soil, the atmosphere, even the weather. The whole flora andfauna of Solos. [DOCTOR] Professor Jaeger's experiments. [SONDERGAARD] Exactly, and my belief is this. At first the changes werenatural, but now Professor Jaeger's experiments have accelerated thechanges and something is seriously wrong. [DOCTOR] Yes. Yes indeed. But why was I sent here? Where do thesetablets come in? Ky. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [MARSHAL] Are the ionisation rockets deployed? [JAEGER] Hmm? [MARSHAL] The rockets, man, for the bombardment! [JAEGER] Marshal, this is not a war. [MARSHAL] Oh? [JAEGER] This is a scientific application of ballistics. An experimentto show that population control can be affected by atmospheric means. [MARSHAL] Of course, of course, Jaeger, but let's get on with it, shallwe? Experiments, population control. Jargon, Jaeger! This is war! --------------------------------------- (Sondergaard's laboratory) [SONDERGAARD] Extraordinary. This wonderful, Doctor, marvellous. [DOCTOR] Yes, but what do they mean? [SONDERGAARD] This is the same kind of hieroglyphs I've seen in the oldtemples. [SONDERGAARD] All over Solos you see the same symbols, you see. [DOCTOR] Yes, I can see that, Professor, but can you read them? [SONDERGAARD] Well, I can try. I have approximate translations for manyof the basic symbols. One might call this the Solonian book of Genesis.The lost tablets. This, Doctor, is the story of how Soloniancivilisation began. [DOCTOR] And ended, if we don't get a move on, I think. [STUBBS] Doctor, that wasn't a blast pack, or a grenade. That was themountain itself. The tunnels are falling in. Now if we stay here, we'refinished. All of us. [DOCTOR] Professor. Professor, is there another way out? [SONDERGAARD] Yes, yes, there is a way, but it's dangerous. It leads toa native village a few miles from here. [KY] Varan's? [SONDERGAARD] Yes, I believe so. [STUBBS] Well, let's go then! [SONDERGAARD] No, no, no, I must stay. [STUBBS] Doctor? [DOCTOR] No. Sorry, Stubbs, no, you go. Take Miss Grant with you. TheProfessor and I have got work to do. [JO] You're not going to stay here, Doctor? [DOCTOR] Jo. Look, the key to everything lies here in this room. Thesetablets, Professor Sondergaard's records. I must find the answer. [JO] Yes, I know but you heard what he said. The whole mountain iscaving in. [DOCTOR] We shall have time. [JO] But, Doctor, you can't [DOCTOR] Jo, please. Please, don't argue with me. I'll join you later. [STUBBS] Come on, Miss Grant. What about Varan? [KY] I can handle him. [SONDERGAARD] To find the shaft that leads to the passageway, takealways the path leading up. [SONDERGAARD] Now then, Doctor. Now, this particular symbol here, forinstance, is the Solonian symbol for life. [SONDERGAARD] Now then, this pattern repeated is almost the same, andthis is the Solonian sun symbol. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, they aren't numbers, so it can't be a code. Let'stry something else. Fire, earth, air, water. No, all right, that's nogood. [SONDERGAARD] Well, er, a cycle, perhaps, representing some form ofchemical process. [DOCTOR] Yes, but the process keeps repeating itself. What processrepeats itself? [SONDERGAARD] Well, life. [DOCTOR] Life in some form will always go on. [SONDERGAARD] Let's hope so. [DOCTOR] Yes. --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [JO] Look, a guard! [STUBBS] All right, mate? It's me, Stubbs. Here, old Scottie. [STUBBS] Come on. Better try this way. [DOCTOR] It must be a code of some kind. It must.Eureka, it's a calendar! Spring, summer, autumn, winter. [SONDERGAARD] But Solos has no seasons. It does not tilt on its axisrelative to its sun. [DOCTOR] Well, it may not tilt, Professor, but it could move closer.Look, these ellipses here, they're the orbits. [SONDERGAARD] But Solos takes two thousand years to go round its sun. Weknow that. [DOCTOR] Then the seasons must be five hundred years long. [SONDERGAARD] Possibly. [DOCTOR] See, these signs here. They only appear in the summer. Andthese little matchstick men here only appear in the spring. [SONDERGAARD] Yes, but what about these spirals? They're like small sunsymbols. [DOCTOR] Yes, like small sun symbols. Well, yes, but that's it! Thatthat's what I said. That's radiation. That's thaesium radiation! Sothat's why they sent me here. Professor, I want you to take me to thatplace where you found Jo Grant. [STUBBS] The radiation cave? But I've only one suit. If you spend anytime in there without one, Doctor, you will die. Any man would. [DOCTOR] Any man, perhaps. [DOCTOR] Hurry, Professor. --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [STUBBS] This is it. Look! [STUBBS] If we can reach that ledge. Right, Cotton, you first, then Ky. [JO] If only we had a rope. [COTTON] What? What is it? [JO] Look! [JO] There was someone there, I tell you. There was! [COTTON] Well, he's not there now, Miss. [JO] But he was there. He was wearing a helmet. [KY] A warrior? [JO] Could have been. [KY] If we are near Varan's village, his people are in a savage mood. [COTTON] Right. [STUBBS] Anything? [COTTON] No, nothing! [STUBBS] Right, up you go. [KY] Varan will be somewhere near. (Ky goes next, closely followed by Joand Stubbs.) --------------------------------------- (Varan's village) [VARAN] My people, we are all who are left. But we are warriors yet.Shall we crawl away and die in darkness like the rest, or shall wefight, one last time? [WARRIOR [OC]] Varan! [WARRIOR] Varan! Varan. Overlords, from the place of darkness. --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [DOCTOR] Where is it? [SONDERGAARD] This section here. [DOCTOR] Right, there it is. How do we move it? [SONDERGAARD] That way. [DOCTOR] This way. Right? [SONDERGAARD] Yes. [DOCTOR] Your helmet, Professor. Your helmet, man! [SONDERGAARD] Oh, yes. What about you, Doctor? The intensity in there isfar greater. [DOCTOR] Don't worry about me. I've already prepared myself. Ready? Comeon. --------------------------------------- (Radiation cavern) [DOCTOR] It's magnificent. It's like a cathedral. --------------------------------------- (Varan's village) [KY] No! Don't shoot! [VARAN] Your weapons, Overlords. --------------------------------------- (Radiation cavern) [DOCTOR] Come on, we've got to get to the heart of it. [SONDERGAARD] No. No, I can't. You, you go. Leave me. --------------------------------------- (Varan's village) [VARAN] Overlords, you will suffer as I have suffered. And you,renegade, will die. [KY] You are a fool, Varan. Attack Skybase and you will sacrifice yourmen for nothing. [VARAN] What have we to fear? We have nothing left now but revenge. [KY] You cannot hope to get into Skybase, much less destroy it. [VARAN] You forget. We have the Overlords, we have their weapons. Youand the woman will act as shields. So you see, renegade, you will diefor a cause. The cause of Varan's revenge. Now, move! [WARRIOR] Move! --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] Well? Has the countdown started? [JAEGER] Started? Marshal, are you aware how long it takes to check outan orbital rocket? [MARSHAL] You have the engineers, haven't you? [JAEGER] They've deteriorated almost as much as the hardware. [MARSHAL] Huh! Excuses, Jaeger, excuses! [MARSHAL] Yes? [MAN [OC]] Message from deep space. [MARSHAL] What? [MAN [OC]] Message reads. Unscheduled Hyperion space shuttle now oncourse Solos. ETA twenty two twenty twenty nine Solos time. EarthCouncil investigator on board. [MARSHAL] Investigator? What investigator? [MAN [OC]] Message ends. [MARSHAL] Blast the Earth council. Who do they think they are?Investigator? Investigating what? [JAEGER] Your activities should give him plenty of scope. [MARSHAL] Jaeger, if I didn't need you. Now, listen to me. When thisinvestigator arrives, he will be met with a fait accompli. Yourexperiments will have been carried out, the Mutts will have beeneliminated and the air on Solos will be breathable. Understand? [JAEGER] But the rockets are only half ready. [MARSHAL] Either they go or you go, Professor Jaeger. I intend to meetthis investigator on the planet's surface itself, face to face, withoutmasks. --------------------------------------- (Solos transfer station) [GUARD] Hello, you two. Where are you going, up top? [STUBBS] Yeah. His Nibs wants to see us. [VARAN] You did well, Overlords. Now the way to Skybase lies open. [STUBBS] You don't stand a chance, Varan. [VARAN] We're prepared to die. [JO] What good will that do? Believe me, the Doctor will help you find acure. [VARAN] There is no cure for this! --------------------------------------- (Sondergaard's laboratory) [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. The Solonians are meant tomutate. The mutation is part of it. A part of an evolution. They'remeant to change as their environment changes every five hundred years.A life cycle unique in the history of the universe. And now, thanks tothe Marshal, threatened with extinction. [SONDERGAARD] So it's not a sickness. [DOCTOR] No, it's a metamorphosis, an adaptive change. The mutants, aswe know them, are an intermediate form. [SONDERGAARD] And we've yet to see the final metamorphosis? [DOCTOR] Exactly. The radiation cave is the key to that. [SONDERGAARD] The tablets led us to the crystal. [DOCTOR] Yes. It must play a vital part in the process, but what? [SONDERGAARD] Maybe that the cellular change is only affected by theparticular radiation in the crystal. [DOCTOR] That's the extraordinary thing about it. It shows absolutely noradioactivity at all. Here, try it for yourself. [SONDERGAARD] That's impossible. [DOCTOR] Apparently not. If only we could analyse it and find out itstrue function. [SONDERGAARD] The equipment here's too primitive for crystallography.There's only one place. [DOCTOR] Skybase. Jaeger's lab. --------------------------------------- (Solos transfer station) [MAN [OC]] All Skybase personnel. All Skybasepersonnel. Return to Skybase immediately. Repeat, return immediately.Countdown proceeding on rocket launch. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [MAN [OC]] Launch now in final stage. [VARAN] Now, Overlords, this way. [MAN [OC]] All vectors cleared. All systems green and go on countdown.Sixty seconds and counting. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [MAN [OC]] Fifty five and counting. [MAN [OC]] Fifty one. Fifty and counting. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [MAN [OC]] Forty seven. Forty five and counting. [JAEGER] This is stupid. I take no responsibility. [MARSHAL] That is for me to decide. [MAN [OC]] Forty one. Emergency! Emergency! Unauthorised personnel intransfer section! Hold countdown! [MARSHAL] (into comm.) No. Keep the countdown going. [MAN [OC]] Countdown proceeding. [MARSHAL] Guards to transfer section immediate! Nothing is to stop thiscountdown. Nothing! Guards! --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [SONDERGAARD] There. There! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [MAN [OC]] Thirty eight, thirty seven, thirty six, thirty five,thirty-four, thirty-three, thirty two, thirty one and counting. Thirty,twenty nine [JO] What are they counting? [MAN [OC]] Twenty eight [STUBBS] It must be one of Jaeger's experiments. [COTTON] You hope. [MAN [OC]] Twenty seven [VARAN] Silence! [MAN [OC]] Twenty five, twenty four [KY] This is madness, Varan. [MAN [OC]] Twenty-three [STUBBS] Quiet! [MAN [OC]] Twenty two, twenty one, twenty seconds and counting. [STUBBS] In there, quick! [MAN [OC]] Eighteen, seventeen --------------------------------------- (Decontamination room) [MAN [OC]] Ten, nine, eight, seven six, five [MAN [OC]] Four, three two, one, zero! [MAN [OC]] Emergency! Emergency! Hull fracture in section three.Depressurise and isolate! --------------------------------------- (Solos) [SONDERGAARD] What is it? What's happening? [DOCTOR] It's rockets! That fool Jaeger's bombarding the planet withrockets. It seems to have died down for the moment. Let's get out ofhere and find Miss Grant and the others. --------------------------------------- (Decontamination room) [MAN [OC]] Sector three isolated. We are about to depressurise. [COTTON] Pressure will ease in a minute! We've got to get out before theair goes.) --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [STUBBS] Get the door. [STUBBS] Are you all right, Miss? [JO] Yes, I think I'm okay. [MARSHAL] Very touching. Guards! Bring them! --------------------------------------- (Solos) [DOCTOR] No, there's no sign of them. [SONDERGAARD] Or of Varan? [DOCTOR] No. Well, he said he was going to attack Skybase. If he raninto any of the others. Come on. Let's make for the transfer station. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] This time, as you see, we are taking no chances. [GUARD] Squad ready, sir. [MARSHAL] Good. Cotton, treason. Stubbs, treason. Ky, conspiracy,sabotage, terrorism. Miss Grant, such a pity. [KY] Miss Grant had nothing to do with it! [MARSHAL] Guard! Call the squad in. [GUARD] Squad, forward! [KY] Once again, the justice of the Overlords. [MARSHAL] Exactly. [KY] You will never win, Marshal. You will never take over this planet.As long as one of my people remains alive, you will never be safe. Mydeath is unimportant. It will only help our fight for freedom. Therewill be others after me. [MARSHAL] Always the speechmaker, Ky, but you're wrong. There will be noone after you. We are making sure of that. Ready. Aim. [JAEGER] No good! The whole operation ruined, Marshal, thanks to you! [MARSHAL] Later, Jaeger. I am busy! [JAEGER] I see! So tell them to get out! This is far more important! [MARSHAL] Jaeger, I am warning you. [JAEGER] Marshal, do you want to know what's happened to Solos or areyou too busy playing soldiers? [MARSHAL] Guards, wait outside. You'll forgive a short postponement, Itrust? [JAEGER] Here are the figures. Total failure! Every one of those rocketsmalfunctioned in one way or another. If they had been properly checkedout as I insisted, Marshal. [MARSHAL] Jaeger, what happened? [JAEGER] I'll tell you what happened. None of the ionisation rocketsexploded in the atmosphere. Every single one hit the surface! [MARSHAL] So? [JAEGER] So? Instead of seeding the atmosphere with ionisation crystals,the planet's surface itself has been contaminated. You've made yourselfmaster of a desert, Marshal. A lethal desert. No one will be able toset foot on Solos for centuries now, once the crystals have takeneffect. No one! Not you and certainly not the Investigator! [MARSHAL] Jaeger, will you shut up! [JAEGER] As for this display of megalomania, how do you hope to concealit from the Investigator? They are not all of them as loyal as thoseguards. Someone will talk, if only to save his own skin. [MARSHAL] Someone like you, Jaeger? [JO] Jaeger's right, you know? Someone will talk. [MARSHAL] And I dispose of you all first? [STUBBS] You can't silence the whole of Skybase. You've got a problem,Marshal. None of the men want to stay here. [MARSHAL] My men do as I tell them. [STUBBS] That's not true, Marshal. Cotton and I aren't the only ones,you know. [JO] The Investigator's going to find out everything. The Administratorassassinated, native leaders dead or missing and a contaminated planet.Now that's not a very successful record, is it, Marshal? [MARSHAL] Very good, Miss Grant. Very convincing. You forget one thing.The Investigator still has to get here, and his ship is no match forSkybase. [STUBBS] Agreed, you could dispose of the Investigator too. But howreliable are your rockets, Professor? As for the advance warningsystem, the Doctor and Miss Grant landed, Marshal, landed without beingdetected. And the Doctor's still free. [MARSHAL] Doctor! Always the Doctor! [JO] But no one else can help you, or Solos for that matter. Do youthink we didn't know about the Investigator? Well, why do you think wewere sent? He's coming to confirm the Doctor's findings. [MARSHAL] Where is your precious Doctor now? [KY] He's on Solos, Marshal, with Sondergaard. And both of them are verymuch alive. --------------------------------------- (Solos) [SONDERGAARD] What's happening here? [DOCTOR] It's started already. Contamination from the ionisationcrystals. We've got to get out of here, Sondergaard. [SONDERGAARD] It's no good. I can't. You'll have to leave me. [DOCTOR] My dear chap, I wouldn't hear of it. [SONDERGAARD] You've got to get to that laboratory on Skybase, Doctor.You stand a better chance on your own. I'll be all right. I'll resthere for a while and then go back to the caves. I'll be safe there. Nowgo, please. [DOCTOR] Yes, all right. You take care, all right? --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] You're right, Miss Grant. Your friend theDoctor, is alive, and on Solos. And we know where he is. [JO] Then why don't you arrest him? [MARSHAL] Oh, we shall, never fear. [JAEGER] You see, Miss Grant, there's a technique known as particlereversal. We wish to use the Doctor's knowledge of this technique to,as it were, sweep the dust under the carpet before the Investigatorarrives. [JO] And supposing the Doctor refuses to cooperate? [MARSHAL] Oh, he will cooperate. He will, Miss Grant. You are ourguarantee. Now I shall return to Solos, supervise his capture. Guard! --------------------------------------- (Solos) [MARSHAL] Drive him this way! Remember, keep the pressure on! I want theDoctor here, in one piece. Right, get on with it! [DOCTOR] Goodbye! [GUARD] He's heading for the transfer station. After him! Come on, moveit! --------------------------------------- (Solos transfer station) (Marshal's office) [DOCTOR] Cotton. [STUBBS] Doctor! [JO] Doctor! [DOCTOR] Hello, Jo. Now then, we'll soon get you out of this. [MARSHAL] Use the key, Doctor. But before you do, consider what mighthappen to Miss Grant. [GUARD] And the other thing. [DOCTOR] Well, what do you want? [MARSHAL] As you're no doubt aware, Jaeger's made a complete hash of myplan to make the planet habitable. He seemed to think you could helphim put it right. [DOCTOR] And if I do? [MARSHAL] Then you will live. Both of you. [DOCTOR] And if not? [MARSHAL] Oh, come now, Doctor, surely you can guess. [DOCTOR] Yes, only too easily. [MARSHAL] Then why the delay? It's not just their lives. The wholeplanet is at stake. [DOCTOR] Very well then. [MARSHAL] Oh, one more thing. Your superior will be arriving shortly. [DOCTOR] Superior? [MARSHAL] Yes, Earth Control has seen fit to have my projectinvestigated. I want my reforms to have their approval. You and yourfriends here will confirm the necessity of stern measures. Outbreaks ofplague and rebellion must be controlled, don't you agree? [DOCTOR] Marshal, you are quite mad. [MARSHAL] Only if I lose. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [JAEGER] Ah, here you are. [DOCTOR] Well, I gather that you've made a complete hash of things. [JAEGER] This is the situation, As far as we can tell, the centres ofcrystal contamination have already started to spread, and in some caseslink up. [DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. [JAEGER] All the living organisms seem to be affected. [DOCTOR] Well, whatever we do, we're bound to leave a few bald patches. [JAEGER] It wasn't my decision, Doctor. [DOCTOR] Oh, no. No, no, of course not. You were simply obeying orders.That's a common excuse, Professor. Right, now I'll need a macrovisor.The strongest one you've got. [JAEGER] Well, there's only one. [DOCTOR] The one you use in the transfer system? [JAEGER] Yes, but you can't use that. [DOCTOR] Well, we've got to use it. We'll have to train it on eachaffected area in turn, like a searchlight. [JAEGER] I thought you were going to use the particle reversal? [DOCTOR] I am, Jaeger, I am. But we shall need the beam to transfer theeffect from this laboratory to the contaminated areas. [JAEGER] Oh, I see. Er, why? [DOCTOR] Well, we can hardly set it up on the surface of the planet now,can we? You've seen to that. [JAEGER] I shall have to get the Marshal's authority. [DOCTOR] The Marshal's? [JAEGER] It's not going to be easy. It means isolating Skybase. [DOCTOR] Look, for heaven's sake, stop dilly-dallying and let's get onwith it. These unstable reactions are dangerous. I shall need someequipment. If we don't come up with an effective control system, we'llparticle reverse Skybase and we'll be in a bigger mess than we werebefore. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [KY] (sotto) Right. [STUBBS] Guard! [JO] Oh. [STUBBS] The girl's collapsed. [JO] Help me. [STUBBS] Well, come on, man! Get over here quickly. [JO] Please, help me. [STUBBS] Hurry up! [JO] Right. Keys. And the other thing. (The guard hands over thehandcuff keys and the sonic screwdriver.) [JO] Thank you. [COTTON] Well? Now what? [JO] Well, now we've got to get onto somebody of authority and tell themwhat's happening here. [STUBBS] That's it, Miss. Contact the Investigator. [COTTON] We can use the Marshal's communicator. [STUBBS] There it is. Right, you do that, I'll block the door. [COTTON] This is Skybase One calling Hyperion. Skybase One callingHyperion. Come in Hyperion. This is urgent. Repeat, urgent! [STUBBS] Hurry up, Cotton. I won't be able to hold them once they getin. [COTTON] Skybase One! Skybase One! Come in Hyperion! Skybase One callingHyperion! [STUBBS] Stay where you are, lads. I don't want to shoot unless I haveto. Go on, get back! [COTTON] Come in Hyperion! This is urgent! Skybase One on open channel! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] What's going on here? Get him! Get him! [STUBBS [OC]] Get back, Marshal! [MARSHAL] Give me that, will you? --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [COTTON] Skybase calling Hyperion! Skybase calling Hyperion! [HYPERION [OC]] Go ahead, Skybase One. This is Hyperion. [COTTON] Stubbsy, we've got 'em! [STUBBS] Well, get on with it then! [COTTON] What do I say? [JO] Here, let me. Situation on Solos critical. Marshal's attempts toconvert atmosphere is causing severe loss of life. The Administratorassassinated on Marshal's orders. Marshal attempting to maintaincomplete control of entire planet. He must be replaced immediately!Over. [HYPERION [OC]] Message received, Skybase One. Request identification.Official information soonest. Hyperion out. [COTTON] Stubbsy! [STUBBS] Did you get through? [COTTON] Yes. [STUBBS] Good lad, Cotton. Good [COTTON] Come on, Stubbsy. Stubbsy, man? [KY] Quick, get out. I'll follow. [JO] But what about him? [COTTON] No need to worry about him. We'd better make for the transfersection. Come on. [JO] We can't! [COTTON] Not that way! Follow me! [MARSHAL] After them! Fool! --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [DOCTOR] What's that? [JAEGER] Ready to isolate transfer macrovisor. [DOCTOR] Huh? Oh, right. Carry on. [GUARD] No. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) (Skybase One Laboratory) [JAEGER] Transfer system isolating now. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One transfer section) [MARSHAL] Guards! [MARSHAL] Your friend the Doctor again, I'm afraid, Miss Grant. He's cutoff the power, no doubt. Take these two to the radiation chamber. [MARSHAL] Now, Miss Grant, perhaps you'd be good enough to come with me. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Laboratory) [DOCTOR] You do realise, Professor, that theslightest accident in this stage of the proceedings. [DOCTOR] Tut, tut, tut. The slightest accident in this stage of theproceedings and we'd all reverse instantly into antimatter. Blasted outto the other side of the universe, as a flash of electromagneticradiation. We'll all become unpeople, undoing unthings untogether.Fascinating. [DOCTOR] Got it. Right, all we've got to do is switch on now and seewhat happens. Or unhappens as the case may be. All right, lower away,will you? [DOCTOR] By the way, I didn't tell you, did I, Professor Sondergaard andI think we've discovered the secret behind the mutations. It's not adisease at all. --------------------------------------- (Mine passage) [SONDERGAARD] Listen. Wait a minute. Listen. Can you understand me? Canyou? [SONDERGAARD] You saved me from the guard. Do you know who I am? Youknow me? I help you. Sondergaard. I help all the mutants, you remember? [SONDERGAARD] Good, now listen. How many are there left after therockets? How many mutants? [MUTT] Sick. Sick. [SONDERGAARD] No, no, not sick. We know now. You are supposed to becomelike this. You are supposed to change. Now listen to me, please. Butthe Overlord's experiments with the air of Solos have made the mutationrate, made the change happen wrongly. Do you follow me? The change canbe put right. We know that now. The mutation rate can be made to go asit was meant to. But you must help me. You must help me find theDoctor. Will you come with me and find him? To save your people? --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Now let it build up, Professor. More. More. [JAEGER] You have full power now. [DOCTOR] Right. Now here goes. Activation beginning. [DOCTOR] What's the reading? [JAEGER] Planet surface no longer contaminated. [DOCTOR] The nitrogen isotope level? [JAEGER] Exactly as it was before my rockets landed. [DOCTOR] Good, then that's how it stays. [MARSHAL] Not so, Doctor. You'll continue to operate this device for meuntil Solos has an atmosphere breathable by humans, and only by humans. [DOCTOR] No! [MARSHAL] Very well. Bring in Miss Grant. [MARSHAL] Well, Doctor. [HYPERION [OC]] Attention Skybase. Attention Skybase. This is EarthInvestigator space shuttle Hyperion. We are about to dock. I repeat, weare about to dock. [DOCTOR] Well, Marshal, it seems as if your superiors have arrived. Whatare you going to do now? [MARSHAL] Get her out of here. Take put her with the others. [MARSHAL] And now, Doctor, shall we welcome the Investigator together? --------------------------------------- (Radiation chamber) [COTTON] Are you all right? [JO] Well, yes, I think so. [COTTON] What's happening? [JO] The Investigator's arrived. [KY] And the Marshal? [JO] Well, from what I could gather, he's taken the Doctor to meet theInvestigator. [KY] Then at last my people can expect justice. [COTTON] Doubt it. [KY] Why not? The Doctor will tell him everything. [JO] Well, why do you think we've been shoved down here? We're hostages,Ky, to make sure the Doctor says the right thing. [COTTON] Come on. Let us stay away from that wall. [JO] Well, why? What's wrong? [COTTON] We're in the refuelling lock, next to where we store theradioactive thaesium. That's what makes the walls glow. [JO] Thaesium? [COTTON] Nuclear fuel, Miss. We use it to power Skybase, spaceships,practically everything. [KY] How dangerous is it, this radiation? [COTTON] Safe enough for short time. Stay here too long though and,well, it builds up. [JO] How long's the Marshal going to keep us down here? [COTTON] Who knows? Don't suppose he's worried. Wait a minute.Refuelling. [JO] What is it? [COTTON] The shuttle! [KY] What do you mean? [COTTON] They'll need to refuel Hyperion, the Investigator's shuttle.They should be putting a probe out any minute now. Then live thaesiumwill start flooding through there. We'll all be done for! --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] How much longer am I supposed to runSkybase with my entire crew suspended from duty? I refuse to be treatedlike a, like a [DOCTOR] Criminal? [MARSHAL] I am warning you, Doctor. [INVESTIGATOR] My apologies, Marshal. And who is this? [MARSHAL] This is the Doctor, as I am sure you know. [INVESTIGATOR] Your scientific advisor? [MARSHAL] Well, surely you know one another? [INVESTIGATOR] Should we? [DOCTOR] Perhaps I can explain. [INVESTIGATOR] Perhaps you can in due course. I've read your report,Marshal, and I should like to begin this enquiry, if I may, bydiscussing certain matters arising from it. You have been accused ofsome very serious crimes, Marshal. Well? [MARSHAL] Well, Investigator, I'm sure you're aware that all ColonyCommanders are faced with accusations of this kind. [INVESTIGATOR] Some, Marshal. Occasionally, the accusations arejustified. That is why I'm here. [MARSHAL] Of course, of course. Of course you are. You see, Solos hasbeen beset in recent months with problems. I mean, an upsurge ofnationalism, outbreak of plague, constant and growing attacks andsabotage, culminating in the assassination of the Administrator byterrorists on the eve of independence. It was at this point that Idecided to impose martial law. [INVESTIGATOR] I see. How severe was this martial law? [MARSHAL] Oh, rounding up of political suspects. [INVESTIGATOR] There's no report here of any trial being held. [MARSHAL] Oh, the prisoners were allowed to escape. [INVESTIGATOR] By, er, Stubbs and Cotton. [MARSHAL] Er, yes. [INVESTIGATOR] Now deceased? [MARSHAL] Yes. [INVESTIGATOR] I see. Continue. [MARSHAL] I then took personal control of the operation and trackedthese terrorists to their hideout in a disused mine area. [INVESTIGATOR] These would be thaesium mines? [MARSHAL] Correct, correct. I ordered the area to be cordoned off andthe exits blown up. [INVESTIGATOR] And the natives inside? [MARSHAL] Oh, they were Mutts. [INVESTIGATOR] Mutts? [DOCTOR] He means they were all plague victims. They use the caves as arefuge. [MARSHAL] Yes, the terrorists took advantage of their unfortunatecompatriots. I had no alternative. [INVESTIGATOR] And presumably thousands died as a result of youractions? [MARSHAL] Unfortunately, but their condition was incurable. I couldn'tallow this risk of the plague spreading. [INVESTIGATOR] Mutts you say? [DOCTOR] Yes. Mutant natives, sir. It's a local term. Medicallyspeaking, accelerated genetic metamorphosis. [INVESTIGATOR] I see. You are a Doctor, I take it? [DOCTOR] I am, yes. [INVESTIGATOR] Qualified in? [DOCTOR] Practically everything. [INVESTIGATOR] Ah. Well, Doctor, do you agree with the Marshal'sdiagnosis that the condition of these Mutts was incurable? [DOCTOR] Yes, sir. Yes, I would. --------------------------------------- (Radiation chamber) [JO] Look, the walls. [COTTON] Not long now. Now sure you've got it straight, Miss? Any minutenow, Hyperion's fuel probe will come through there. That's how we getout. Okay? [JO] Okay. If we don't get out soon, it'll be too late. [COTTON] Stand back! [COTTON] This is it then. Get inside, Miss. [JO] Inside? [COTTON] Fast as you can. Move! Come here! [JO] Ky! --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [INVESTIGATOR] Understand? [JAEGER] Do you realise Hyperion's started refuelling? [MARSHAL] Well? [JAEGER] Your prisoners are in the fuel lock. If they caught in thethaesium stream. [MARSHAL] Then they'll be totally destroyed. Convenient, isn't it? [INVESTIGATOR] Professor Jaeger, the committee will hear you now. --------------------------------------- (Hyperion fuel chamber) [COTTON] Up there. Quick! [JO] All right. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One airlock) [COTTON] Right. [JO] Where are all the guards? [COTTON] Worry about that later. Come on. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [INVESTIGATOR] Nevertheless, Professor, you wereinvolved in experiments to change this planet's natural atmosphere? [JAEGER] In the laboratory, yes. [INVESTIGATOR] The accusation is that you mounted a massive operation toconvert the atmosphere to one breathable by humans, but not by thenative population. [JAEGER] Nonsense. [INVESTIGATOR] And further, that these experiments were the root causeof the outbreak of mutation. Well? [JAEGER] I'm a scientist. [JAEGER] And I rest my case on scientific proof only. Your scientistshave made their own tests. The atmosphere of Solos is exactly as italways was. As for the Mutts, er, as for the mutants, I regret that sofar we have found no solution to the problem. [INVESTIGATOR] Thank you, Professor, that will be all. [INVESTIGATOR] Well, gentleman, we have heard the evidence. In theabsence of evidence to the contrary I have no alternative but toexonerate you from blame [JO [OC]] Let me pass. [INVESTIGATOR] And to declare this preliminary hearing closed. [MARSHAL] Stop them! Stop them! [INVESTIGATOR] What is going on here? Who are these people? [DOCTOR] Investigator, these are the missing witnesses. Jo, Miss Granthere, is my assistant, kept hostage [MARSHAL] Lies, all lies! [DOCTOR] Kept hostage to ensure my cooperation in this travesty ofjustice. Investigator, I accuse that man and that man of the mostbrutal and callous series of crimes against a defenceless people it'sever been my misfortune to encounter. --------------------------------------- (Solos transfer station) [SONDERGAARD] Come on. Come on. You see? There is nothing to fear. Look,I cannot help until I find the Doctor. Oh, very well, I shall go alone,and you will stay as you are now forever. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [DOCTOR] You destroyed these poor people for noreason at all. [MARSHAL] They would have died anyway. [DOCTOR] Not died, Marshal, changed. [MARSHAL] It was my duty! My duty to save Solos from contamination! [DOCTOR] Duty? Your idea of duty was to keep this planet for yourself. [MARSHAL] They're mutants! Mutts! They're diseased! To be wiped off theface of the planet! I [DOCTOR] Need I say more, Investigator? [INVESTIGATOR] Can you prove your assertion, Doctor? Perhaps we couldsee these tablets you mention. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. [INVESTIGATOR] Well? [DOCTOR] Er, no, I'm sorry, sir, I forgot. The tablets are in the careof Professor Sondergaard. [INVESTIGATOR] Ah yes, you mentioned him in your report. Where isProfessor Sondergaard now? [DOCTOR] I'm not sure, sir. Somewhere on the surface of Solos, Ibelieve. [INVESTIGATOR] I see. And your other proofs the mutations are notharmful? [DOCTOR] Well, I can only reassure you that [MARSHAL] He can prove nothing! [DOCTOR] As I say, I can assure you, sir, that conclusive evidence doesexist. [MARSHAL] Where? Where is your proof? [DOCTOR] This present mutation is one of a series of adaptive changes,sir. Solos is moving out of spring into summer, and that is why theSolonians are changing. [INVESTIGATOR] What is the meaning of this interruption? Who is thisman? [DOCTOR] This, sir, this is Professor Sondergaard, who's worked andlived on Solos for many years. He can tell you better than I what theMarshal has been doing there. [SONDERGAARD] Doctor, I don't understand. What's happening here? [DOCTOR] Don't worry, Professor. We're holding a much neededinvestigation. Thank heavens you've arrived just in time to tell theInvestigator of our discoveries. [SONDERGAARD] Oh, yes, of course. Well, I'm sure the Doctor will havetold you of our work in the cave, and he will also have told you thatwe now realise what's made so many of these mutations to go wrong. [INVESTIGATOR] Wrong? But the Doctor has said it was a natural process.Why wrong? [SONDERGAARD] Well, you see [MARSHAL] There you see? Even Sondergaard admits it. The mutants areevil! Must be destroyed! [SONDERGAARD] I beg not to listen to this man. The mutants are notmonsters. They are the native life form of this planet, undergoing anatural and inevitable change. This change, however, has been broughtabout prematurely by that man's rash and callous experiments! [JAEGER] That's a lie! Where's your evidence? [MARSHAL] Mutts! [SONDERGAARD] No! There's nothing to be afraid of. The mutants are notdangerous unless you try to harm them. [MARSHAL] They're evil! Don't deserve to live! [SONDERGAARD] That is a rational and intelligent creature. To kill itwould be murder! [MARSHAL] Destroy it or we'll all be killed! [KY] No! --------------------------------------- (Outside the Marshal's office) [MARSHAL] There, you see what I have to deal with? More of thesecreatures may attack us. I want my men released at once. Now! And yourmen placed under my command. [INVESTIGATOR] Release the Marshal's men. Obey his orders during thisemergency. [MARSHAL] You others follow me. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [JAEGER] They've gone. [MARSHAL] What? Who? [JAEGER] The Doctor, his assistant, Sondergaard. These two weren't quickenough. [MARSHAL] Right, after them. To the laboratory. Seal all exits. Takethese two to the radiation chamber. [JAEGER] But what about the radiation level? After refuelling, it'll bemuch higher than [MARSHAL] That's their problem, isn't it? Take them away. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Laboratory) [DOCTOR] Jo, take this key. Lock the door. [JO] Right. [SONDERGAARD] Doctor, the crystal, the one you found in the cave. Youhave it still? [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. [DOCTOR] Yes. Now, all we've got to do is analyse its structure. [SONDERGAARD] But that would take hours. [DOCTOR] Yes, well, we haven't got hours, but we do have this. It willhelp me to accelerate the process, I think. [JO] Well, quickly, Doctor! [DOCTOR] I'm being as quick as I can, Jo. [DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Of course! The crystal acts as a bio-catalyticagent. Sondergaard, take this crystal to Ky immediately. But what aboutthe thaesium radiation? Surely that's the vital part of the process? [JO] Well, there's thaesium radiation in the chamber where they took us.Cotton told me. [DOCTOR] Well, what else can we do? We must try it. If we hope toachieve a successful mutation, that is. [MARSHAL] Get away from that machine, Doctor. Guards, take that girl andSondergaard to the radiation chamber. [DOCTOR] So, you've managed to wriggle out of trouble, have you? [MARSHAL] I am once more in full control of Skybase, Doctor. A fact youwould do well to remember. [DOCTOR] Congratulations. Well, what do you want now? [MARSHAL] An Earth type atmosphere on Solos. Nothing more, nothing less.Your friends will be confined to the radiation chamber while you work.I am afraid the radiation is at a dangerously high level at the moment,so you'd better hurry, Doctor. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One) [COTTON] I'm afraid Ky's just about had it, Miss. [SONDERGAARD] How long has he been like this? [COTTON] It started as soon as we got in here. The first dose didn't dohim any good. Now this lot on top. [SONDERGAARD] The first dose? Oh yes, you were confined here before,weren't you? Well, we'll have to hurry. We may already be too late. [COTTON] Now what? [SONDERGAARD] We wait. [COTTON] We can't wait too long. [JO] Ky! [SONDERGAARD] No, no, leave him. [JO] Look, he's changing. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One Laboratory) [MARSHAL] Watch him, Jaeger. That's about all you're good for, so watchhim like a hawk. [INVESTIGATOR] Marshal! [MARSHAL] Investigator. [INVESTIGATOR] Why have my men been disarmed and confined to theirquarters? What is this nonsense about my ship not being allowed toleave Skybase? [MARSHAL] Oh, no nonsense, Investigator. I'm sure you and your crew willenjoy your stay on Solos. [INVESTIGATOR] Solos? [MARSHAL] Yes, as soon as our good friend the Doctor here has finishedhis twiddling, Solos will find itself with a new atmosphere. You andthe others will be the first settlers on New Earth. [INVESTIGATOR] And you, Marshal? [MARSHAL] I shall rule from Skybase. [INVESTIGATOR] You will never be allowed [MARSHAL] Oh, come now. You didn't think I'd let you return to EarthCouncil? An accident will be reported. Lost with all hands I believe isthe phrase. [INVESTIGATOR] Other ships will come from Earth. [MARSHAL] Oh, they'll be room for them. You should be grateful to helpme. We'll begin a new Earth, the centre of a new empire. [DOCTOR] It's all right, Investigator. He's quite mad. [MARSHAL] Oh no, Doctor. I told you. Madmen lose. I've won. Solos ismine. Have you finished your work? [DOCTOR] Almost. And my companions? [MARSHAL] Will be released as soon as the job is done. --------------------------------------- (Radiation chamber) [JO] Why is he drawing all the radiation? [SONDERGAARD] I don't know, my child. We can only watch and hope. [SONDERGAARD] It worked. Thank heavens, it worked! [COTTON] Worked? [SONDERGAARD] Yes. [JO] Ky? Ky, can you hear me? [KY [OC]] I hear you. [SONDERGAARD] It's thought transference. That's wonderful, wonderful! [COTTON] Yeah, marvellous. But can he get us out? [KY [OC]] There is little I cannot do now. Ky thanks you, ProfessorSondergaard. You have saved my people. You have shown the way. Goodbye. [JO] Ky! [COTTON] Goodbye? Great, innit? He just flashes off and leaves us here. [SONDERGAARD] Out, quickly. Help Miss Grant. --------------------------------------- (Skybase One laboratory) [MARSHAL] Are we ready? [DOCTOR] Yes. [MARSHAL] Very well. [DOCTOR] You do realise, Marshal, that you're about to destroy a lifeform unique in the history of the universe? [MARSHAL] Hurry, Doctor, hurry. [DOCTOR] As you wish. [MARSHAL] Wait. [DOCTOR] Change of heart, Marshal? [MARSHAL] I still don't trust you. Jaeger? [MARSHAL] Jaeger! Stop it! [JAEGER] I can't! It's overloading! [DOCTOR] Get down. [DOCTOR] Right, out! [MARSHAL] Doctor, you have destroyed my dreams! I'll destroy you! [KY [OC]] Die, Marshal. Let there be an end to your torture of mypeople. [KY [OC]] I thank you, Doctor, for all my people. Goodbye. --------------------------------------- (Marshal's office) [DOCTOR] Professor Sondergaard has agreed to stayon Solos and see as many of the Solonians as possible through to thestage that Ky has already achieved. [JO] But what about the others, the mutants we saw in the caves? [DOCTOR] They were premature mutations, Jo. The cycle of changes wastriggered off too soon. Rather like butterflies that hatch out on acold spring day. Their instincts were too confused to seek out and usethe crystal. [JO] And now you think you'll be able to help them? [SONDERGAARD] Oh yes, we think so. Ky is on Solos now and, with thecrystal, we hope we can save them. [JO] And what are you going to do, Cotton? [COTTON] Give Ky and Professor Sondergaard all the help I can. Try andclear up some of the mess the Marshal made. Then, do something weshould have all done a long time ago. [JO] What's that? [COTTON] Go home, Miss. Back to Earth. [INVESTIGATOR] Exactly. Cotton, you will assume acting command of thisbase, pending its return to Earth. [COTTON] Sir. [INVESTIGATOR] I take it you will be returning in Hyperion with me? Istill require a full account of your involvement in this affair. [DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course, but I wonder whether you'd excuse us forthe moment, Investigator? My assistant is feeling rather faint. [JO] Who, me? No, I'm fine now, honestly. I didn't feel too goodearlier, but [DOCTOR] No, Jo, no you have been rather overdoing it, you know, and you [JO] I have? [DOCTOR] You don't look too well. [JO] Really? [DOCTOR] Come on. Will you excuse us? We'll see you all, later. [INVESTIGATOR] Doctor, who did you say? --------------------------------------- (Skybase One storage area 4) [DOCTOR] Well, here we are. [JO] Where? [DOCTOR] The storage area where we left the Tardis. [JO] Oh! [DOCTOR] Oh, no. They've locked it again. [JO] More breaking and entering? [DOCTOR] Give me that. [JO] Oh well, back to the broom cupboard. [DOCTOR] Yes, well at least we've made a clean sweep of this place. Jo? [MAN [OC]] Attention! Attention! Computer confirms malfunction instorage area four. Investigate, please. Investigate, please.
{"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s09", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Mutants"}