that sounds like it might be a really good idea
That idea sounds like it would work out nicely
That sounds like a terrible idea
yeah the uh this this guy did too he ended up going to Leavenworth which is good i'm glad
There was a guy who went to Leavenworth.
This guy never went to Leavenworth even though that's where he should've been.
The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to boil down to Look at how severely and for the worse marriage has changed in the last 30 years.
The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to boil down to Look at how severely and for the worse marriage has changed in the last 30 years.
The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to boil down to Look at how severely and for the worse marriage hasn't changed in the last 30 years.
Studly guys work at the Pentagon.
Masculine men work at the Pentagon.
There are only effeminate goblins working at the Pentagon.
and there's The History of Yoakum County Texas there
There's also The History of Yoacum County, Texas.
There's no book called The History of Yoacum County there.
okay i'll let you go ahead
I will let you go ahead.
Okay, I will go ahead.
Suggestions on how to improve the current process were implemented and, as a result, LSC will be sending feedback letters to applicants that filed grant proposals for 2003 funding to begin a dialogue about the applicant's delivery system based on the grant application.
Suggestions on how to improve the current process were implemented.
There were no suggestions on how to improve the current process.
a) Spun the president's denial for months without bothering to check if it was true.
The President's statement was not fact checked.
The newspaper never needs to fact check.
The cruise ships crank up their flood lights, and the parties begin.
Cruise ships are host to well-lit parties.
Parties on the cruise ships are conducted in darkness.
Although there may be several ways in which jobrelated mortality risks differ from air pollution-related mortality risks, the most important difference may be that job-related risks are incurred voluntarily, or generally assumed to be, whereas air pollution-related risks are incurred involuntarily.
Job-related mortality risks are different from air pollution related mortality risks.
People have no control over job related risks.
And those are just the towns along Lake Como.
Those are the towns beside Lake Como.
Those are the towns further from Lake Como.
unless you're eating like a baked potato or something
Unless you are eating a potato that has been cooked in the oven.
Unless you are eating like an ear of corn or something.
But these vouchers can't be the kind conservatives prefer, which are sharply limited in value so as to forestall real integration while directing tenants toward private-sector slums.
These vouchers are not the type that conservatives tend to prefer.
These are exactly the kind of vouchers that conservatives prefers.
to just to see all these things that you can can see on television now and can read about that ten years ago we didn't have this kind of information i mean we didn't know
We did not have all the things you can see on TV or read about now ten years ago.
Ten days ago we got a new TV.
On Wednesday, April 30, police in Pecos, 80 miles from Ft.
Pecos is 80 miles from the town.
Pecos is 580 miles from the town.
i can't think of her name i got it right on the tip of my tongue and can't say it Helen something
She is female but I'm not sure of her name.
I remember her name for a certainty.
More a part of Europe than ever before, Spain joined the European Community (now European Union) in 1986, giving further boost to a booming economy.
Spain joined the European Union is the mid-eighties.
Spain still refuses to join the European Union.
Exhibit 8 provides a summary of the base WTP values used to generate estimates of the economic value of avoided health effects for this analysis, adjusted to 1999 dollars, and a brief description of the basis for these values.
The base WTP values are provided in Exhibit 8.
The values used to generate the estimates are not available.
Maybe Kubrick would have made nothing but masterpieces if he'd put big Greek or Venetian masks on all his actors.
Kubrick made some masterpieces.
Kubrick will never have a masterpiece.
work and our congressionally driven examinations of how well agencies are pursuing
Congress sometimes wants the progress of agencies examined by us.
Congress-driven examinations aren't a part of what we do.
The Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Centre were built on Mount Scopus beginning in 1925 and became the pride of the Jewish community in Palestine under British control.
The Hadassah Medical Centre was built on Mount Scopus in 1925.
The Hadassah Medical Center was built on a mountain right next to Mount Scopus.
Jon could not imagine what they had faced in their own tunnel.
Jon refused to think of what could be down that tunnel.
Jon knew exactly what was down this tunnel, no doubt about it.
Today, the action is in the food markets and boutiques on the Grand Canal's west bank.
On the west bank of the canal, there are boutiques.
The food markets are all on the canal's east bank.
and you know it's it's really annoying when the i asked the defense attorney later why he didn't bring up all this other trouble the guy had been in he said that that was barred uh by the court
It's so irritating that some evidence was disallowed by the court.
I'm glad that the full history of the man wasn't included in the trial.
boilermaker labor per year.
annual boilermaker labor.
boilermaker labor per week.
Today it houses a small museum?­.
It contains a small museum.
It houses a small cafe.
you know if somebody's hungry
if a person wants to eat you understand that
you have no idea that someone just ate a full meal
And (as Tom wonders in the book's opening line) are we all characters in one of God's dreams?
Tom also wondered: could we be one of God's dreams?
God wondered in the book's opening line if we could be part of Tom's dream.
i mean they are but i don't label it as such
They are a match but I do not refer to them as such.
I label them how I want.
and i don't know what the solution is
I'm not sure what to do.
I have a perfect idea of what to do.
was this uh done not by TI people was it
It wasn't done by TI people.
It was done by TI people.
Over the past 27 years, LSC has helped millions of low-income citizens solve important, sometimes life-threatening, civil legal problems.
LSC has helped millions of low-income citizens solve important, sometimes even life-threatening, civil legal problems.
Low-income citizens have no way of solving their important, life-threatening civil legal problem.s
yeah yeah well we didn't have much we had some good ice but not a lot thank goodness not
We didn't have too much ice, but there was some.
We had a huge amount of ice, way too much.
An idiosyncrasy of genius.
A quirk of extreme intellect.
An idiosyncrasy of being dull.
master charge
The master in charge.
No one is in control.
Clinton brought it to the galley to show the flight attendants.
Clinton showed it to the flight attendants.
Clinton has never flown on a plane.
The act requires that auditors for each of the 24 departments and agencies named in the CFO Act report, as part of their annual audits of the agenciesa financial statements, whether the agenciesa financial management systems comply substantially with federal financial management systems requirements, applicable federal accounting standards, and SGL at the transaction level.
There are 24 departments and agencies that are named in the CFO Act report.
The act does not require anything of any auditors.
Also the Treasury requires departments to disclose instances of irregular expenditures arising from erroneous benefit awards and fraud by claimants.
Departments are required to disclose claimant fraud by the Treasury.
The Treasury has no disclosure requirements for departments with respect to claimant fraud.
They built many impressive churches during the term of the first Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, but in 1187 they were driven out by Muslim forces under the great warrior Saladin.
Saladin was a great Muslim warrior in 1187.
None of the churches built during the term of the first Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem were impressive.
but a lot of women are knowledge as knowledge about football as i am
Many women have as much football knowledge as me.
Women have no knowledge of football.
yeah ooh i wish i could do that
I am envious.
I don't consider that to be very interesting, and I never want to try to do it myself.
Despite occasional tensions, perhaps inevitable in times of economic uncertainty, today French people increasingly recognize that the immigrants from France's departements in the West Indies and from former colonies ' Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco ' enrich the national culture and add spice to the country's cuisine.
French people increasingly recognize that some immigrants recognize national culture and add spice to the country's cuisine.
French people never recognize immigrants' contributions towards any facet of society.
At times in recent years, the office has received its state and federal funding on a month-to-month basis, which one federal official called one step short of defunding.
The office gets state and federal funding.
The office is self-funded.
Finally, the analysis reports, as required by paragraph 603(c), that the Commission has reduced burdens where possible and that the regulatory burdens retained are necessary to ensure the public receives the benefits of the new services in a prompt and efficient manner.
The commission reduced burdens.
The commission said the burdens were not their responsibility.
I have found it hard to forgive the things you said against my dear husband but I am an old woman & very fond of you Yours affectionately, Emily Inglethorpe 79 It was handed to the jury who scrutinized it attentively.
I am an old lady that likes you a lot.
I can't stand you!
Tim, we never should have got into this quagmire, but now we have no choice but to ...
"Tim, we never should've gotten into this, now we have no choice..."
"Tim I'm so glad we got into this".
and i had the book and i hadn't read it in so long so i read it the other day to see if i could so i can watch the movie
I read the book recently, before watching the movie.
I went straight for the movie without reading the book.
Sunraider yearns to know who his mother is, and Hickman wants to know how Bliss became Sunraider.
Sunraider really wants to know who is mother is.
Sunraider knows the identity of his mother.
You can take a ferryboat through the harbor, past the ingenious Plover Cove reservoir, a water catchment area appropriated by damming and draining a broad inlet from the sea.
The Plover Clove reservoir is a water catchment area.
You cannot take a ferry boat through the harbour.
oh really huh do you do they um have a policy where they counsel people if they come back positive or do they fire them right away or
Do they counsel people or fire them, if they come back positive?
I have heard that they fire the people who come in positive.
The Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art just hired its new head away from Disney.
The new head of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art was just hired away from Disney.
A former Dreamworks employee was just hired to be the new head of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art.
The United States has facilitated the importation of foreign agricultural workers in response to alleged shortages of workers in the United States for many years under various programs.
The United States imported foreign agricultural workers.
The United States enlisted the help of local workers.
The Shore comprises a quayside and several cobbled lanes with restaurants where you can have a pleasant lunch.
An enjoyable lunch can be had by the quayside.
If you're looking for something to eat, sadly, The Shore doesn't have any restaurants.
i'm in Rochester New York everybody else but one has been in Texas
There are only two people not in Texas.
I am in Texas, along with everyone else.
That's why they'll make sure to stop him.
That is the reason they must stop him.
There is no need to stop him.
In-depth, very extensive case studies of several water catchment areas were conducted, and the final report is based on a synthesis of the findings from the case studies-another example of integration of findings across diverse sites (U.S.
Several water catchment areas were studied in depth.
Nobody has ever taken the time to study water catchment areas.
Advertisers frequently urge us to rebel, and they frequently urge us to conform.
Advertisers urge us to do things.
Advertisers don't try and influence us.
'I do hope you will come around to seeing things my way.'
She was optimistic that I'd agree with her eventually.
She had no interest in me agreeing with her.
A remnant of the second century a.d. wall that once supported the Temple Mount, this is the most revered place in the world for the Jewish faith.
The most sacred place in the world for Jewish people is a fragment of the ancient wall that once supported the Temple Mount.
The remnant of the wall is an interesting historical artifact, but doesn't have much religious meaning anymore.
you know the company insurance and and
Do you know the company insurance?
The company has no insurance
have to go replace them with uh something a little hardier
I need something more tough to put in their place.
I will replant the same shrubs again.
But these are the trivia of what he left me and my sister.
But these are the questions of what he left me and my sister.
But these are the answers of what he left me and my sister.
The men promise money to the brides' families, then often treat the wives as sex slaves, or worse.
The men promise the families bride-price, then abuse the wives.
The men deliver their bride-price, and treat the wives like queens.
The car was waiting, and I drove back.
I drove back as the car was waiting.
The car left and I stayed.
you know it's it's pretty nice and friendly out there and you can't find that in all sports
It's pretty nice and friendly out there
It's awful, they're so apathetic to everything.
i mean cucumbers here grow like crazy
Cucumbers grow like crazy here.
Cucumbers don't grow here at all.
for the machine yeah
Yes, for the machine.
No, do not use the machine.
It's now a quiet residential refuge popular with artists and tourists seeking to escape the mobs.
Tourists who want to escape the mobs go to this residential area.
It is a noisy residential area popular with musicians.
We strongly disagree with the Vice President's objections to our audit and access authority.
The Vice President came out against the actions we tried to undertake.
The Vice President gave the go-ahead to our audit authority.
And, as SurfWatch's promotional literature is happy to point out, filters can help protect management from liability for permitting sexually explicit material in the workplace.
SurfWatch's promotional literature makes a point that filters help protect the management from liability caused by sexually explicit material.
Filters are not needed for the protection of management.
Only one son had survived to tell of the disaster.
The man lived to tell about the event.
All but one man survived.
APHIS performed an environmental assessment and determined that the actions required or authorized by this rule will not present a significant risk of introducing
They found the actions would not pose a threat.
They refused to clear the project because the risks outweighed the benefits.
They were longitudinal, were made by on-site observers who sought participant-observer roles, and constituted an inquiry structured from an evolving understanding of events and their meaning to the persons involved in them.
They were made on site by observers, constituted an inquiry, and were longitudinal.
They were made off-site and we're not made from a constituted inquiry.
He thought philandering husbands would be the ones taking advantage of the argument about how cheating was hard to control.
He thought Philandering Husbands would agree that cheating is hard to control.
Husbands never cheat on their wives.
However, a change would not seem likely to have a negative impact, since, in contrast to the current policy, it would be consistent with the airlines' position that frequent flyer miles belong to the individual traveler.
Frequent flyer miles belong to the customer who is using them, that is to say, the individual.
Individuals are groups of people or businesses that work as a team to achieve a goal.
Everywhere silence, and shuttered windows.
It was quiet and the windows were secured.
It was loud and the windows were wide open.
A narrow cobbled trail of 587 steps leads from the town to the small port below, now the domain of a fleet of donkeys that wait to carry cruise ship passengers into town.
A fleet of donkeys ferries passengers from the town to the port.
The cobbled steps between the town and port are not traversable.
but anyway well um i can't think of a whole lot more to say
There's not much more I can say.
I could talk a lot more about it.
um so do you have a personal computer
Do you own a personal computer?
You don't have any computers in your house, right?
what'd they do for that did they have to cast it and
So how did they accomplish it, did they use a mold?
So they did it by throwing it on a wheel.
um yeah but you need to continue to read so you you can people learn to read you know
The person needs to read in order for others to learn.
Nobody needs to read at all.
Other distinctions are possible, such as bulk and nonbulk, but the speed distinction would seem to dominate.
Bulk and nonbulk are other distinctions.
Other distinctions are not possible,
Youth is a failing only too easily outgrown.
The idea of youth is a fault that is overcome easily by growth.
Youth is a fault that can never be outgrown.
i i it's okay to watch people go out and break their legs but i'm not going to climb on a couple of pieces of wood and go racing down a slick mountain side i mean that's
I refuse to skid down a slippery mountain slope.
I would love to go mountain sliding, it's my life dream.
The fire burns, and it destroys.
The fire destroyed it.
The fire left it alone.
WRITE-OFF -An action to remove an amount from an entity's assets or financial resources.
Write offs are used to remove financial information.
Write-offs add additional resources to a company.
From a population of 20,000 it has grown into a metropolis of 2.5 million, with tightly clustered skyscrapers and some of China's highest groseng industries.
Its population has increased by over two million.
From a population of 20,000 it has dwindled in numbers and has 10,000 inhabitants today.
The titles alone--Mars Probe Finds Kittens and Schredinger's Cat (which covers Sacajawea's Rain Bonnet and Wittgenstein's Banana)--display Martin's knack for goofy parody.
Martin has a knack for parody writing.
The titles of Martin's work are direly serious.
and i talked to someone about the uh the uh education system i forget exactly what the focus was on that one but that was fairly interesting and i've talked to somebody about credit card usage
I talked to someone about the education system and credit card usage.
I've never discussed credit card usage or the education system with others.
so let's see what well what kind of music do you not like
What are some genres of music you don't enjoy listening to?
Tell me about all the music you love listening to
They--hey, what's that?" He was looking up, and Hanson followed his gaze.
Hanson followed his gaze as he looked up.
He looked down at the ground, while Hanson looked up.
Or does cold iron ruin your conjuring here? Sather Karf snorted in obvious disgust, but Bork only grinned.
Sather Karf suspects that cold iron ruins magic, but Bork knows what's up.
Sather Karf has no questions regarding cold iron and conjuring.
5 million Americans living in households with an income below the poverty level.
5 million Americans have an income below poverty level
5 millun Americans make too much money
These Year 2000 conversion efforts are often conducted under severe time constraints that, without adequate management attention, could result in a weakening of controls over the integrity of data and programs and over the confidentiality of sensitive data.
The severe time constraints on the Year 2000 conversion efforts could result in weaker control over the integrity of the data.
The severe time constraints on the Year 2000 conversion efforts should have absolutely no effect on the confidentiality of sensitive data.
The Pacific War actually began 70 minutes before the attack on Pearl Harbor, on Malaysia's east coast, near Kota Bharu.
70 minutes prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, the Pacific War began.
The Pacific War began 30 minutes after the Pearl Harbor attack.
The king himself died here in 1598, to be buried in a family tomb beneath the high altar of the basilica.
The king died in 1598 and was buried in a family tomb.
The king passed away in 1591.
The resources required for the installation of control technologies to achieve the emission reductions under the Clear Skies Act were estimated and compared to their current market availability.
Installing control technologies in order to reduce emissions required resources.
There were no resources required in order to install control technologies to reduce emissions.
About 2,500 victims of the Revolutionary guillotine spent their last hours in the Conciergerie.
The last hours of many Revolution victims were spent there.
Nobody has even been in the Conciergerie.
Brittany's countryside is wilder and less civilized, with a jagged coastline to match.
Brittany's countryside has a jagged coastline that is wild and free.
Brittany's countryside is boring and mundane.
77 "The price, at any rate, would have to be enormous," she said lightly.
She said lightly, that the price at any rate, would have to be enormous.
She thinks the price is very reasonable.