48 Laban said, “This heap is a witness between you and me today.”
48 En Laban het gesê: “Hierdie hoop is vandag ’n getuie tussen my en jou.”
If any other servant of the Lord [is to be gentle,] much more should husbands.
As hulle die heer van die huis Beëlsebub genoem het, hoeveel te meer sy huisgenote!”
The wasted city is broken down; every house is shut up so that none can enter.
Die verlate stad is verbreek; elke huis is toegesluit, sodat niemand daar kan ingaan nie.
“If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also.”–John 15.20[i]
As hulle my vervolg het, sal hulle julle ook vervolg; as hulle my woord onderhou het, sal hulle julle s’n ook onderhou.”—Johannes 15:20.
'The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord."
“In die skoot word die lot gewerp, maar elke beslissing daarvan kom van die HERE.”
Remember He is the Lord of all things.
Hulle Heer is Heer oor alle dinge.
Verily, my lord is on the right path (the truth).
Voorwaar, my Heer is te vinde op die regte pad.
We told you that your Lord encompasses mankind."
En Ons het aan u gesê: Voorwaar, u Heer omring al die mense.
Lo! my Lord is Guardian over all things.
Voorwaar, my Heer is Bewaker oor alles.
Holy is the Lord of hosts!”
heilig is die Heer van die leërskare.”
W.H. Auden: "Those to whom evil is done / Do evil in return."
Iets van wat W.H. Auden gesê het met: "Those to whom evil is done, do evil in return."
We will pay you the hundred pounds of gold and by that the story has come to an end.”
Ons sal jou die honderd pond goud betaal en daarmee hou die saak op.'
We are all sculptors, working at various forms, moulding and chiseling thought.]]]
Alles baie spekulatief, waargeneem vanaf distansies van miljoene kilometers en met opwindende aannames wat gemaak, word.Alles is maar net aannames.]]]
Your Lord is The Preserver of all things.
Hulle Heer is Heer oor alle dinge.
And Pharaoh’s daughter answered, ‘Yes.'”
Die dogter van die farao het haar geantwoord: “Ja, goed!”
34 So he said, “I am Abraham’s servant.
34 Toe sê hy: Ek is die dienaar van Abraham.
See why millions of professionals choose us.
Sien waarom miljoene professionele kies ons.
"They answered and said, He is guilty of death."
En hulle antwoord en sê: Hy is die dood skuldig.
'There will be no peace until land is given to the people'
'Daar sal geen vrede wees voordat die land aan die volk gegee is nie'
"They have all sworn an oath on the Koran that they will fight to the death."
“tot bewijs dat men aan elkander trouw gezworen had om te vechten tot den dood toe”.
Read; and thy Lord is the Most Bountiful.
Lees, want u Heer is die mees Eerbiedwaardige,
That one of Satan’s main goals is to keep us from seeing it.
Dit een van die belangrikste doelwitte van Satan is om ons te weerhou sien dit.
This is the guidance and the instruction.
Tog was dit leiding en lering.
Remember: Though the lie still so fast, the truth will catch him tough."
"Al loop die leuen nog so snel, die waarheid agterhaal hom wel".
For their rejecting the Torah of the LORD,
Daar het hy die toenaderings van sy heer se vrou verwerp.
Give a child £1 and she will be happy.
Gee 'n kind £ 1 en sy sal gelukkig wees.
He tells us to love one another earnestly (or deeply).
Hy vertel ons, dat ons mekaar ernstig (of diep) moet liefhê.
“And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it.”
“En toe Aäron dit sien, het hy daarvoor `n altaar gebou.
otherwise makes use of, any book, account, estimate,
Daarom maak hierdie boek gebruik van die saamgestelde term: gevoel en begeerte.
You could, but that would be culturally different for us."
Jy kan, maar dit sou kultureel anders vir ons wees.'
He should take one of our safety classes!
Hy moet een van ons veiligheidsklasse neem!
So you put all that in the blender, and then you push blend.
Jy gebruik elke deel van jou brein (hoewel nie noodwendig gelyk nie) en die grootste deel daarvan is heeltyd aktief.
But he, too, had sworn an oath!
Hy het daaroor ook ’n eed gesweer!
'The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord."
skoot word die lot gewerp, maar elke beslissing daarvan kom van die HERE.”
for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of His majesty.
blydskap in die verhoging en die verheerliking van hulle Heer.
He becomes the one who is crucified upside down following the footsteps of his Lord.
daardie Bron omdat sy, in navolging van haar Heer, bewoë is oor die wêreld!
For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."’
Want elkeen wat die Naam van die Here aanroep Here sal gered word. "
We told you that your Lord encompasses mankind round about."
En Ons het aan u gesê: Voorwaar, u Heer omring al die mense.
For to praise the Lord by measure,
so wyd as die Heer se genade,
Polo tanto, it is better that you should be in the city to strengthen us.”
Daarom, dit is beter dat jy moet wees in die stad aan ons te versterk. "
“If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also.”–John 15.20[i]
As hulle my vervolg het, sal hulle julle ook vervolg; as hulle my woord bewaar het, sal hulle julle s’n ook bewaar.”—Johannes 15:18-20.
How easy it is (most of the time).
Hoe maklik dit is (meeste van die tyd).
Is there enough oil in your lamp to continue to wait for Him [YAHUSHUA]?
Is daar genoeg olie in jou lamp om aan te hou om te wag vir HOM [YAHUSHUA]?
I called Natey's name this time...
Ek roep Natey se naam hierdie keer . . .
Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart.”
“Laat elkeen doen net soos hy hom in sy hart voorgeneem het”
No one born of God commits sin; for God's nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. - 1 John 3.9
Geen mens kan dus God se vrede ervaar as Hy nie glo nie – hy moet glo ten einde kind van God te kan wees. Is this, or is not Hell? Is dit, of is dit nie die hel nie?
And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.”
Ek sal sing oor die Naam van die Here, die Hoogste God.”
Asa did what was right and good in the Lord his God’s eyes.
En Asa het gedoen wat goed en reg was in die oë van die HERE sy God:
But they said, "There has been no temple prostitute here ."
Maar hulle sê: “Hier is nie 'n tempel-prostituut nie.”
Maybe one said, “Any rabbi could have done that.”
Een het gedink: “Enige rabbi kon dit gedoen het.”
And the chastisement of the Hereafter is more terrible and more enduring.
En inderdaad die straf van die Hiernamaals is meer ernstig en meer blywende.
earnest of what is coming, an earnest of the Advent of her Lord.
Die dissipels deel met blydskap in die verhoging en die verheerliking van hulle Heer.
This is in keeping with our Lord’s prayer, “Thy kingdom come.
Vertrou die Here dat Hy ons gebede sal beantwoord: “…laat U koninkryk kom…”
There are lots of people who want to help you."
Daar is baie mense wat jou wil help.’’
34 So he said, “I am Abraham’s servant.
34Toe sê hy: Ek is die dienaar van Abraham.
And the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.”
En op die volgende sabbat het byna die hele stad saamgekom om die woord van God te hoor.”
And the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.”
En op die volgende sabbat het byna die hele stad saamgekom om die woord van God te hoor."
And I will lay waste the towns of Judah so no one can live there."
Ek sal al die mense laat verdwyn uit die stede van Juda, daar sal niemand woon nie.”
He warns them to submit to the LORD’s Son lest He destroy them.
Hy gee homself aan hulle oor om geboei te word nadat hy hulle laat belowe het dat hulle hom nie sal doodmaak nie.
You are to eat unleavened bread in all your settlements.’”
Julle moet ongesuurde brood eet in al julle huise.’ ”
And after spending one or two days here, they say: "No, this isn't hell, this is ten times worse than hell."[44]
En nadat hulle een of twee dae hier deurgebring het, sê hulle: 'Nee, dit is nie die hel dié nie; dit is tien maal erger as die hel.'[20]
Spend a bit more and take a taxi – 6 hours
Bestee 'n bietjie meer en neem 'n taxi - 6 uur
Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.
Miskien sal God daardie mense se harte verander, en sal hulle die waarheid leer ken.
4:7 Thus if you worship me it will all be yours.”
4:7 As U my dan aanbid, sal alles aan U behoort.”
Pharaoh’s daughter found him and decided to keep him.
Farao se dogter het hom daar gevind en hom later aangeneem.
We pray in the Lord’s prayer, “Thy Kingdom Come.”
Daarom bid ons in die Onse Vader gebed: “Laat U Koninkryk kom”.
Beyonce, they’re jealous of you too.”
“Beyoncé, hulle is jaloers op jou ook.”
He lives so that whatever he does brings glory to his Lord.
Daarom wend hy alles wat hy ontvang het in die diens van sy Heer aan.
And if it be that he is in the area, then I will search him out among all the thousands of Judah.”
Indien hy nog in die land is, sal ek hom opspoor met al die afdelings van Juda.”
Remember: Though the lie still so fast, the truth will catch him tough."
Al has de leugen nog hoe snel, de waarheid agterhaal hem wel…
Jennifer said, “This [CGM] is the greatest thing ever!
Jennifer het gesê: "Dit [die gerugte] is vervelig.
Fihr, the lord of the Arabs.
Jahweh is dus ook die god van die Arabiere (Ismaeliete).
However, they themselves will be thrust from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power.
Die dissipels deel met blydskap in die verhoging en die verheerliking van hulle Heer.
As mentioned earlier, the good news of God’s Kingdom is being proclaimed and taught in all the inhabited earth today.
Soos vroeër gemeld is, word die goeie nuus van God se Koninkryk vandag in die hele bewoonde aarde verkondig en geleer.
My cat does what I would like to do, with less literature.
my kat doen wat ek graag wil doen, met minder literatuur
51:2 I will acknowledge your name.
51:2 Ek sal jou naam te erken.
They asked him how he wanted to die — quickly or slowly.”
“Hulle het hom gevra hoe hy wil doodgaan, stadig of vinnig.
Or will we allow God to bring true Reformation - beginning with us?
Of sal ons God toelaat om ware Hervorming te bring - beginnende met ons?
My standard answer is Vietnam.
My standaard antwoord is Vietnam.
He is more aware of what is happening to him and around him.”
Hy is meer bewus van wat om hom en met hom gebeur.”
There are no flowers within you; your spring has not come yet.
Daar is geen blomme in jou nie; Jou lente het nog nie gekom nie.
I beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of heaven were fled.”
Ek het gekyk, en daar was geen mens nie, en al die voëls van die hemel het weggevlieg.”
15[:8], “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord.”
15:8) "Die offer van die goddelose is vir die HERE ‘n gruwel, maar
For the Glory of the risen Lord and His Kingdom!
blydskap in die verhoging en die verheerliking van hulle Heer.
They were and are not, so God becomes angry just as He said.
Maar hulle is en was nie, albei is deur God ingestel om te dien as tekens (vgl.
Another good suggestion from Dr. William Sears: Just use your finger.
Nog 'n goeie voorstel van Dr. William Sears: gebruik net jou vinger .
He gets guidance from his great Lord’s eyes.
Sekerlik het hy die grootste tekens van sy Heer gesien.
he has rejected you as king.”
het Hy jou as koning verwerp.”
But they said, "There has been no temple prostitute here ."
Maar hulle sê: “Hier is nie ’n tempel-prostituut nie.”
So follow them one after the other.
So volg die een na die ander.
Why 60-Year-Old Jan and Her Husband Travel the World
Waarom 60-jarige Jan en haar man reis die wêreld
You should have seen the joy from this lady and all of us!
Jy moes die vreugde van hierdie dame en almal van ons gesien het!
After those first two years . . . why did Ebby get drunk?
Na die eerste twee jaar. . . hoekom het Ebby dronk geword?
If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.’
En as Ek hulle honger huis toe stuur, sal hulle op die pad beswyk, want sommige van hulle kom van ver.”
Yet if another man comes in his own name, you will accept him.”
As 'n ander een in sy eie naam kom, hóm sal julle aanneem”.
Yet if another man comes in his own name, you will accept him.”
As 'n ander een in sy eie naam kom, hóm sal julle aanneem.”
Jehovah had told Adam: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.”
Jehovah het vir Adam gesê: “Van al die bome van die tuin mag jy tot versadiging toe eet.
18 Behold, the LORD’s eye is on those who fear him,
18Kyk, die oog van die HERE is op die wat Hom vrees, op die wat op sy goedertierenheid wag;
Let every Israelite be a coward.
Laat elke Israeliet ‘n lafaard wees.

Dataset Card for Parallel Sentences - CCMatrix

This dataset contains parallel sentences (i.e. English sentence + the same sentences in another language) for numerous other languages. The texts originate from the CCMatrix dataset.

Related Datasets

The following datasets are also a part of the Parallel Sentences collection:

These datasets can be used to train multilingual sentence embedding models. For more information, see sbert.net - Multilingual Models.

Dataset Subsets

en-... subsets

  • Columns: "english", "non_english"
  • Column types: str, str
  • Examples:
      "english": "He and his mother will be standing vigil there.”",
      "non_english": "Él y su madre estarán de vigilia allí”.",
  • Collection strategy: Processing the data from yhavinga/ccmatrix and reformatting it in Parquet and with "english" and "non_english" columns.
  • Deduplified: No
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Collection including sentence-transformers/parallel-sentences-ccmatrix