Come on.
Not embedded
Nie ingebed nie
A file named %1 already exists.
'n lêer genaamd% 1 alreeds bestaan.
Press this button to toggle the incidence details display.
@ action: button
Import Into:
Voer in na:
Inversed Subtract
Window One Desktop to the Right
Vesnter Een Werkskerm na Regs
MIPS Assembler
MIPS AssemblerLanguage
Save Training Lecture
Stooring oefening lêer
Mexican Peso
Mexikaanse peso
Same people who want us dead.
Dieselfde mense wat ons wil doodmaak.
Toggle selective view on printer list
Toggle uitkiesing vertoon op drukker lys.
ten _BAR_ 10
tien _BAR_ 10
Split one cell into two or more cells
Skei een sel binnein twee of meer selle.
_Keep Current Location
_Hou huidige ligging
Open Lecture File
Maak oop 'n onlangse gebruik word lêer
You did not tell me that Ludwig is married and has a child.
Jy het my nie vertel dat Ludwig getroud is, en 'n kind het nie
Unable to Generate Sorting Number
Nie moontlik na Genereer Besig om te sorteer Nommer
This problem was already reported in the bug report displayed in the web browser. Please check if you can add any further information that might be helpful for the developers.
Hierdie probleem was reeds gerapporteer in die foutverslag vertoon in die webblaaier. Gaan na of enige verdere informasie bygevoeg kan word wat tot hulp van die ontwikkelaars kan wees.
Developer (AdBlock filter)
ontwikkelaar (AdBlock filter)
Smartcard Authentication
Terraform Green
Terravorming groen
Multiply [*]
Vermenigvuldig [*]
Configure ...
@ action: inmenu Amor
Unknown charset . Default charset is used instead .
Onbekende karakterstel ! Verstek karakterstel is gebruik word in plaas van .
English (Great Britain)
Engels (Groot Brittanje)
End of document reached .
Einde van dokument bereik .
There he is!
Daar is hy!
I do!
Ek luister!
You'll be able to read in two days. And look out the window.
Jy sal binne 2 dae kan lees en by die venster uitkyk
At the macro-economic level, we will continue to maintain a fiscal posture that supports continued economic growth and development and reducing our external vulnerability.
Op makro-ekonomiese vlak sal ons voortgaan om 'n fiskale beleid vol te hou wat voortdurende ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling ondersteun en ons eksterne kwesbaarheid verminder.
DeskJet 560C
Deskjet 560c
Reply to All
Antwoord aan almal
Central European
Sentraal Europees
White queen at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s
Wit dame op %1$s neem swart pion op %2$s
Tydelik gestop
Letterlike Symbols
Letteragtige SimboleQFont
Google (I'm Feeling Lucky)
Google (Vat 'n kaans) Query
simulation of the ancient calculator (Motif version)
Nabootsing van die antieke rekenaar (Motif weergawe)
His Majesty's rule is known throughout the land
en huldig tesame, die Koning van alle wyn!
red joker
rooi nar
(8) The recommendations contemplated in subsection (7) must be tabled in the
(8) Die aanbevelings in subartikel (7) beoog, moet deur die Minister in die Nasionale
Do you think he still loves me?
Dink jy hy het my nog lief?
Print this task
Druk die taaklys
Tydelik gestop
Sort Rows
Bladsy uitleg
Stay with them.
Bly saam met hulle.
You see, aging is cumbersome to others.
Verstaan jy? Oudword is moeilik vir baie mense,
_Repeat the reminder
He_rhaal die alarm
There was an error deleting “%s”.
Daar was 'n fout met die vertoon van die hulp
Followup to Newsgroup ...
Opvolg na Nuusgroep ...
Black knight at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s
Swart ruiter op %1$s neem wit toring op %2$s
R4R5" is the abbreviation for "Register 5
Clock Format
Number of holes
Nommer van gate:
Rebuild Local IMAP Cache
Vervris plaaslike IMAP Kas
Right ring finger
Best _Fit
Beste _passing
New only
Nuwe slegs
Could not find '%s' pixmap file
Kon nie '%s' pixmap lêer vind nie
Do you really want to empty the current project?
Wil u definitief die huidige projek leegmaak?
PGP Key: %s
PGP-sleutel: %s
Repeat, civilian aircraft has exploded.
Ek herhaal, burgervliegtuig is ontplof.
File '%s' is not a regular file or directory.
Lêer '%s' is nie 'n gewone lêer of gids nie.
_Save game for later
_Stoor spel vir later
Widget Configuration
Gui- element Opstelling
"I've wanted to talk to you about Karin".
"Ek wou met jou praat oor Karin"
Once a & week
As eers 'n week
ace of clubs
AdaCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation)
Display atomic mass in the PSE
Hoe is die periodieke tabel van elemente gerangskik ?
Disable arbitrary disk access
Versper willekeurige skyf toegang
Memo List Properties
Failed to open file '%s': %s
Kon nie lêer '%s' oopmaak nie: %s
Rabi` al-Awal
Rabi` al- Awal
Details: %s
Detail: %s
Domain Component
Retrieving from %1 ...
Onttrek data vanaf % 1 ...
Appointments and Meetings
Afsprake en vergaderings
Madam Secretary?
Mev die sekretaris?
Skryf tans
Klaar!Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B
Sound Mixer
Klank Menger
Save selected contacts as a vCard
Stoor die gekose kontakte as 'n VCard
Systems checked out normally.
Alle stelsels het gewerk normaal.
You just throw yourself under a train?
Jy spring voor 'n trein in?
No such function "%1"
Geen kieslys item: '% 1'.
Autosave interval :
Verwyder Opskrif
It will be good for you. Really. Not so aggressive next time.
Dit sal jou goeddoen Jy sal nie meer so agressief wees nie
Delete & Remove From Project
Verwyder van projek

Dataset Card for Parallel Sentences - OPUS-100

This dataset contains parallel sentences (i.e. English sentence + the same sentences in another language) for numerous other languages. The sentences originate from the OPUS-100 website. In particular, this dataset is a reformatting of the OPUS-100 dataset.

Related Datasets

The following datasets are also a part of the Parallel Sentences collection:

Recent additions (May 2024):

These datasets can be used to train multilingual sentence embedding models. For more information, see sbert.net - Multilingual Models.

Dataset Stats

  • Columns: "english", "non_english"
  • Column types: str, str
  • Examples:
      "english": "Run Program",
      "non_english": "Rith Ríomhchlár"
  • Collection strategy: Processing the raw data from OPUS-100 and restructuring it into 2 columns: "english" and "non_english".
  • Deduplified: No
Downloads last month
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Collections including sentence-transformers/parallel-sentences-opus-100