DLMS/COSEM security level enhancement to construct secure advanced metering infrastructure
Secure Key Distribution for the Smart Grid
Understanding Pen and Touch Interaction for Data Exploration on Interactive Whiteboards
Gestures in the wild: studying multi-touch gesture sequences on interactive tabletop exhibits
Understanding Pen and Touch Interaction for Data Exploration on Interactive Whiteboards
Protovis: A Graphical Toolkit for Visualization
Understanding Pen and Touch Interaction for Data Exploration on Interactive Whiteboards
How Information Visualization Novices Construct Visualizations
The importance of culture for enterprise dynamics: the role of type and strength of culture
ambidexterity as a dynamic capability : resolving the innovator ’ s dilemma .
The importance of culture for enterprise dynamics: the role of type and strength of culture
Today ’ s State-Owned Enterprises of China : Are They Dying Dinosaurs or Dynamic Dynamos ?
iot enabled home automation through nodered and mqtt .
MQTT-S — A publish/subscribe protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
iot enabled home automation through nodered and mqtt .
wireless home automation networks : a survey of architectures and technologies .
iot enabled home automation through nodered and mqtt .
Access Control of Door and Home Security by Raspberry Pi Through Internet
iot enabled home automation through nodered and mqtt .
Introducing the QEST broker: Scaling the IoT by bridging MQTT and REST
The Design of Data Collection Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Formal Concept Analysis
The impact of data aggregation in wireless sensor networks
The Design of Data Collection Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Formal Concept Analysis
Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis
EMI: Exploration with Mutual Information
Trust Region Policy Optimization
EMI: Exploration with Mutual Information
Unifying Count-Based Exploration and Intrinsic Motivation
EMI: Exploration with Mutual Information
Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms
EMI: Exploration with Mutual Information
Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding
EMI: Exploration with Mutual Information
f-GAN: Training Generative Neural Samplers using Variational Divergence Minimization
Remote shopping advice: enhancing in-store shopping with social technologies
What do people ask their social networks, and why?: a survey study of status message q&a behavior
Remote shopping advice: enhancing in-store shopping with social technologies
Perceptions of facebook's value as an information source
Remote shopping advice: enhancing in-store shopping with social technologies
VizWiz: nearly real-time answers to visual questions
Building a practical and reliable classifier for malware detection
MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters
Building a practical and reliable classifier for malware detection
SBMDS: an interpretable string based malware detection system using SVM ensemble with bagging
Fine-Grained Proper Noun Ontologies For Question Answering
Learning Surface Text Patterns For A Question Answering System
Fine-Grained Proper Noun Ontologies For Question Answering
Unsupervised Models For Named Entity Classification
Lead Phytochemicals for Anticancer Drug Development
Cancer statistics, 2016
Lead Phytochemicals for Anticancer Drug Development
In Vitro and In Vivo Anticancer Activity of Root Extracts of Sansevieria liberica Gerome and Labroy (Agavaceae)
DroidMiner: Automated Mining and Characterization of Fine-grained Malicious Behaviors in Android Applications
Semantics-aware malware detection
DroidMiner: Automated Mining and Characterization of Fine-grained Malicious Behaviors in Android Applications
Permission Re-Delegation: Attacks and Defenses
DroidMiner: Automated Mining and Characterization of Fine-grained Malicious Behaviors in Android Applications
A Study of Android Application Security
A Border-Based Approach for Hiding Sensitive Frequent Itemsets
Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules
A Border-Based Approach for Hiding Sensitive Frequent Itemsets
State-of-the-art in privacy preserving data mining
A Border-Based Approach for Hiding Sensitive Frequent Itemsets
Association rule hiding
Data, Schema, Ontology and Logic Integration
Initial Algebra Semantics and Continuous Algebras
Data, Schema, Ontology and Logic Integration
Putting Theories Together to Make Specifications
World of Empowered IoT Users
a general survey of privacy - preserving data mining models and algorithms .
World of Empowered IoT Users
Authentication and Access Control in the Internet of Things
World of Empowered IoT Users
Big Data: Astronomical or Genomical?
Programming with Actors in Java 8
Scala Actors: Unifying thread-based and event-based programming
Saturation throughput analysis of IEEE 802.11ad wireless LAN in the contention based access period(CBAP)
IEEE 802.11ad: Defining the Next Generation Multi-Gbps Wi-Fi
Saturation throughput analysis of IEEE 802.11ad wireless LAN in the contention based access period(CBAP)
Ieee 802.11ad: introduction and performance evaluation of the first multi-gbps wifi technology
MVC architecture driven restructuring to achieve client-side web page composition
TEXT: Automatic Template Extraction from Heterogeneous Web Pages
Modelling of transmission line loaded with BCI probe using circuit concept approach
Modeling of Bulk Current Injection ( BCI ) Setups for Virtual Automotive IC Tests
Modelling of transmission line loaded with BCI probe using circuit concept approach
A generalized accurate modelling method for automotive bulk current injection (BCI) test setups up to 1 GHz
Modelling of transmission line loaded with BCI probe using circuit concept approach
Equivalent Circuit Model of a Bundle of Cables for Bulk Current Injection (BCI) Test
Exposure limits and dielectric contrast for breast cancer tissues: Experimental results up to 50 GHz
The dielectric properties of biological tissues: I. Literature survey
Exposure limits and dielectric contrast for breast cancer tissues: Experimental results up to 50 GHz
An Integrated Microwave Imaging Radar With Planar Antennas for Breast Cancer Detection
Exposure limits and dielectric contrast for breast cancer tissues: Experimental results up to 50 GHz
Breast cancer imaging at mm-waves: Feasibility study on the safety exposure limits
Exposure limits and dielectric contrast for breast cancer tissues: Experimental results up to 50 GHz
Dielectric Properties Characterization From 0.5 to 50 GHz of Breast Cancer Tissues
Design and characterization of corporate feed rectangular microstrip patch array antenna
Design and Performance Analysis of Microstrip Array Antennas with Optimum Parameters for X"band Applications
Design and characterization of corporate feed rectangular microstrip patch array antenna
Design of an Efficient X-Band Waveguide-Fed Microstrip Patch Array
Suitability of existing Software development Life Cycle (SDLC) in context of Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC)
Mobile Development Process Spiral
Suitability of existing Software development Life Cycle (SDLC) in context of Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC)
Mobile-D: An Agile Approach for Mobile Application Development
Rated aspect summarization of short comments
Movie review mining and summarization
Rated aspect summarization of short comments
Topic sentiment mixture: modeling facets and opinions in weblogs
Rated aspect summarization of short comments
Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations
Rated aspect summarization of short comments
A cross-collection mixture model for comparative text mining
Rated aspect summarization of short comments
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
Applications of MPC and PI controls for liquid level control in coupled-tank systems
Sliding Mode Control for Coupled-Tank Liquid Level Control System
Applications of MPC and PI controls for liquid level control in coupled-tank systems
LQR, double-PID and pole placement stabilization and tracking control of single link inverted pendulum
Applications of MPC and PI controls for liquid level control in coupled-tank systems
Comparison of LQR and PID controller tuning using PSO for Coupled Tank System
Understanding performance of I/O intensive containerized applications for NVMe SSDs
Cassandra: a decentralized structured storage system
Understanding performance of I/O intensive containerized applications for NVMe SSDs
Virtualization vs Containerization to Support PaaS
Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
SINGA: A Distributed Deep Learning Platform
Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
Deep learning with COTS HPC systems
Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
Theano: new features and speed improvements
Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion
Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
In-memory Databases: Challenges and Opportunities From Software and Hardware Perspectives
Social class and body weight among Chinese urban adults: the role of the middle classes in the nutrition transition.
Socioeconomic Disparities In Health: Pathways And Policies
Social class and body weight among Chinese urban adults: the role of the middle classes in the nutrition transition.
Socioeconomic Status and Obesity
analyzing the business model concept - a comprehensive classification of literature .
A research framework for analysing eBusiness models
analyzing the business model concept - a comprehensive classification of literature .
Business Models: A Discovery Driven Approach
analyzing the business model concept - a comprehensive classification of literature .
The entrepreneur's business model: toward a unified perspective
analyzing the business model concept - a comprehensive classification of literature .
The utility business model and the future of computing services
Joint Multilabel Classification With Community-Aware Label Graph Learning.
Multilabel classification with label correlations and missing labels
Joint Multilabel Classification With Community-Aware Label Graph Learning.
Generalized k-Labelsets Ensemble for Multi-Label and Cost-Sensitive Classification
Joint Multilabel Classification With Community-Aware Label Graph Learning.
Efficient Classification for Additive Kernel SVMs
Anticipating the Future by Constructing Human Activities using Object Affordances
RGBD-HuDaAct: A color-depth video database for human daily activity recognition
Anticipating the Future by Constructing Human Activities using Object Affordances
A database for fine grained activity detection of cooking activities
Anticipating the Future by Constructing Human Activities using Object Affordances
Learning latent temporal structure for complex event detection
Anticipating the Future by Constructing Human Activities using Object Affordances
Detecting activities of daily living in first-person camera views
Anticipating the Future by Constructing Human Activities using Object Affordances
Unstructured Human Activity Detection from RGBD Images
Multi-label vs. combined single-label sound event detection with deep neural networks
Multilabel Neural Networks with Applications to Functional Genomics and Text Categorization
Multi-label vs. combined single-label sound event detection with deep neural networks
Maxout Networks
Multi-label vs. combined single-label sound event detection with deep neural networks
Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition: The Shared Views of Four Research Groups
Question Answering over Freebase via Attentive RNN with Similarity Matrix based CNN
yago : a core of semantic knowledge .
Question Answering over Freebase via Attentive RNN with Similarity Matrix based CNN
Applying deep learning to answer selection: A study and an open task
Question Answering over Freebase via Attentive RNN with Similarity Matrix based CNN
Freebase: a collaboratively created graph database for structuring human knowledge
Question Answering over Freebase via Attentive RNN with Similarity Matrix based CNN
Constraint-Based Question Answering with Knowledge Graph
Question Answering over Freebase via Attentive RNN with Similarity Matrix based CNN
LC-QuAD: A Corpus for Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
AWE: Asymmetric Word Embedding for Textual Entailment
A Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference
AWE: Asymmetric Word Embedding for Textual Entailment
Enhancing and Combining Sequential and Tree LSTM for Natural Language Inference
AWE: Asymmetric Word Embedding for Textual Entailment
Automatic differentiation in PyTorch
AWE: Asymmetric Word Embedding for Textual Entailment
Learning Natural Language Inference with LSTM
AWE: Asymmetric Word Embedding for Textual Entailment
Reasoning about Entailment with Neural Attention
Relevant Acoustic Group Features for Automatic Sleepiness Recognition
SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
Relevant Acoustic Group Features for Automatic Sleepiness Recognition
I Hear You Eat and Speak: Automatic Recognition of Eating Condition and Food Type, Use-Cases, and Impact on ASR Performance
Relevant Acoustic Group Features for Automatic Sleepiness Recognition
Random forests
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2018
Learning Multiagent Communication with Backpropagation
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2018
High-Performance Extreme Learning Machines: A Complete Toolbox for Big Data Applications
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2018
trends in extreme learning machines : a review .