991 values
15 values
import random, time, queue from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager from multiprocessing import freeze_support task_queue = queue.Queue() result_queue = queue.Queue() class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass def return_task_queue(): global task_queue return task_queue def return_result_queue(): global result_queue return result_queue def test(): QueueManager.register('get_task_queue', callable = return_task_queue) QueueManager.register('get_result_queue', callable = return_result_queue) manager = QueueManager(address=('', 5000), authkey=b'abc') manager.start() task = manager.get_task_queue() result = manager.get_result_queue() for i in range(10): n = random.randint(0,10000) print('Put task %d...' % n) task.put(n) print('Try get result...') for i in range(10): r = result.get(timeout=10) print('Result: %s' % r) manager.shutdown() print('Master exit.') if __name__ == '__main__': freeze_support() test()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Removing index on 'Address', fields ['address'] if db.backend_name != 'sqlite3': # South forgets indexes when altering tables in sqlite, # see . # This means delete_index will raise an exception with sqlite # because the index is 'forgotten' in previous migrations. db.delete_index('easy_maps_address', ['address']) # Adding unique constraint on 'Address', fields ['address'] db.create_unique('easy_maps_address', ['address']) def backwards(self, orm): # Removing unique constraint on 'Address', fields ['address'] db.delete_unique('easy_maps_address', ['address']) # Adding index on 'Address', fields ['address'] db.create_index('easy_maps_address', ['address']) models = { 'easy_maps.address': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Address'}, 'address': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}), 'computed_address': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'geocode_error': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'latitude': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'longitude': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['easy_maps']
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # $Date$ # $Revision$ # $Author$ # $HeadURL$ # $Id$ import sys, re, os import xml.parsers.expat from xml.dom import minidom from Tools.pretty import * from Tools.colours import Colours tokens = [ ['&amp;' , '####amp####'], ['&' , '&amp;'], ['<' , '&lt;'], ['>' , '&gt;'], ['\"' , '&quot;'], #['\'' , '&apos;'], ['####amp####' , '&amp;'], ] def escapeData(data): for d in tokens: data = data.replace(d[0],d[1]) return data def doParse( input, output, colour=False, areturn=False, rformat=False, html=False, preserve=False, comments=False, fname=None ): myParser = MyParser(colour=colour, areturn=areturn, rformat=rformat, html=html, output=output, preserve=preserve, comments=comments) try: myParser.parser.ParseFile(input) except: printer = PrettyPrinter(colour=True, output=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('%s \n'%(fname or 'rendering as text ')) printer.prettify(sys.exc_info()) del printer if input != sys.stdin: if output != sys.stdout: output.write( del myParser return def printXML(xml, colour=False, areturn=False, rformat=False,output=sys.stdout): myParser = MyParser( colour=colour, rformat=rformat, areturn=areturn, output=output ) myParser.parser.Parse(xml) del myParser return class MyParser: indent = 0 stateStartLast = 1 stateEndLast = 2 stateTextLast = 3 stateCDataLast = 4 stateCDataStart = 5 stateCDataEnd = 6 state = stateEndLast def __init__(self, colour=False, areturn=False, rformat=False, html=False, output=sys.stdout, preserve=False, comments=True): self.output = output'<''>' self.amp='&' self.quot='\"' self.apos='\'' self.lf='\n' self.indentChar = ' ' self.preserve = preserve self.colours = Colours(colour=colour, html=html) if html: ='&lt;' ='&gt;' self.amp ='&amp;' self.quot='&quot;' self.apos='&apos;' self.lf ='<br/>' self.indentChar = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' self.areturn = areturn self.rformat = rformat self.parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate() self.parser.StartElementHandler = self.startElementHandler self.parser.EndElementHandler = self.endElementHandler self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.characterDataHandler self.parser.StartCdataSectionHandler = self.startCdataSectionHandler self.parser.EndCdataSectionHandler = self.endCdataSectionHandler self.parser.XmlDeclHandler = self.xmlDeclHandler self.parser.StartDoctypeDeclHandler = self.startDoctypeDeclHandler self.parser.EndDoctypeDeclHandler = self.endDoctypeDeclHandler self.parser.ProcessingInstructionHandler = self.processingInstructionHandler if comments: self.parser.CommentHandler = self.commentHandler # Doctype => \&handle_doctype, # Proc => => \&handle_proc, self.leader = re.compile('(^\s+)') self.pattern = re.compile('(^\s+|\s+$)') self.lfCount = 0 return ##parser.ElementDeclHandler(name, model) ##parser.AttlistDeclHandler(elname, attname, type, default, required) ##parser.UnparsedEntityDeclHandler(entityName, base, systemId, publicId, notationName) ##parser.EntityDeclHandler(entityName, is_parameter_entity, value, base, systemId, publicId, notationName) ##parser.NotationDeclHandler(notationName, base, systemId, publicId) ##parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler(prefix, uri) ##parser.EndNamespaceDeclHandler(prefix) ##parser.DefaultHandler(data) ##parser.DefaultHandlerExpand(data) ##parser.NotStandaloneHandler() ##parser.ExternalEntityRefHandler(context, base, systemId, publicId) def close(self): if self.parser: self.parser.Parse('',1) del self.parser return def startElementHandler(self, name, attrs): if self.rformat: self.areturn = True if self.state == self.stateStartLast: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White,, self.colours.Off, self.lf ])) self.output.flush() if self.preserve and self.lfCount > 2 and self.state == self.stateEndLast: self.output.write(self.lf) self.lfCount =0 if ':' in name: (pre,ele) = tuple(name.split(':')) pre='%s:'%pre else: (pre,ele) = ('',name) self.output.write(''.join([ (self.indent) * self.indentChar, self.colours.White,, self.colours.Off, pre, self.colours.Teal, ele, self.colours.Off ])) self.output.flush() for attr in sorted(attrs.keys()): if self.areturn: self.output.write(''.join([ self.lf, (self.indent+1) * self.indentChar, ])) else: self.output.write(' ') self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.Green , attr , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , '=' , self.colours.Off , self.quot , self.colours.Purple , escapeData(attrs[attr]) , self.colours.Off , self.quot , ])) self.output.flush() if len(attrs) > 0 and self.areturn: self.output.write(''.join([ self.lf, (self.indent) * self.indentChar, ])) self.indent += 1 self.state = self.stateStartLast if self.rformat: self.rformat = False self.areturn = False return def endElementHandler(self, name): if ':' in name: (pre,ele) = tuple(name.split(':')) pre='%s:'%pre else: (pre,ele) = ('',name) self.indent -= 1 if self.state == self.stateCDataEnd: if self.lfCount > 1: self.output.write(self.lf) self.lfCount = 0 if self.state == self.stateStartLast: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , '/' , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() elif self.state != self.stateTextLast and self.state != self.stateCDataEnd: self.output.write(''.join([ (self.indent) * self.indentChar, self.colours.White , , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , '/' , pre, self.colours.Teal, ele , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() else: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , '/' , pre, self.colours.Teal, ele , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() self.state = self.stateEndLast return def characterDataHandler(self, data): if not self.state == self.stateCDataStart and not self.state == self.stateCDataLast: data = escapeData(data) leader = '' match = self.leader.match(data) if match: leader = self.lfCount = self.lfCount + data.count('\n') if not self.state == self.stateTextLast and not self.state == self.stateCDataLast: data = self.leader.sub('', data) if len(data) == 0: return if self.state == self.stateStartLast: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White,, self.colours.Off, ])) if self.lfCount > 1: self.output.write(leader) self.output.write(self.lf) self.output.write(data) self.state = self.stateTextLast elif self.state == self.stateCDataStart: if self.lfCount > 0: self.output.write(leader) self.output.write(self.lf) self.output.write(data) self.state = self.stateCDataLast elif self.state == self.stateCDataLast: self.output.write(data) elif self.state == self.stateTextLast: self.output.write(data) elif self.state != self.stateEndLast: self.output.write(data) return def commentHandler(self, data): if self.state == self.stateStartLast: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() self.output.write(''.join([ (self.indent) * self.indentChar, self.colours.Orange , , '!--' , data , '--' , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() self.state = self.stateEndLast return def startCdataSectionHandler(self): if not self.state == self.stateStartLast: self.output.write((self.indent) * self.indentChar) if self.state == self.stateStartLast: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , , self.colours.Off , ])) self.output.flush() self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , , '![', self.colours.Green, 'CDATA', self.colours.White, '[' , self.colours.Off , ])) self.output.flush() self.state = self.stateCDataStart return def endCdataSectionHandler(self): self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , ']]' , , self.colours.Off , ])) self.output.flush() self.state = self.stateCDataEnd return def xmlDeclHandler(self, version, encoding, standalone): self.output.write(''.join([ (self.indent) * self.indentChar, self.colours.White, , '?', self.colours.Orange, 'xml ' , self.colours.Off , self.colours.Green , 'version' , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , '=' , self.quot , self.colours.Off , self.colours.Purple , version , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , self.quot , self.colours.Off , ])) self.output.flush() if encoding: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.Green , ' encoding' , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , '=' , self.colours.Off , self.quot , self.colours.Purple , encoding , self.colours.Off , self.quot , ])) self.output.flush() self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , '?' , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() return def startDoctypeDeclHandler(self, doctypeName, systemId, publicId, has_internal_subset): self.output.write((self.indent) * self.indentChar) if not publicId: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , , '!DOCTYPE ' , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , doctypeName , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , ' SYSTEM ' , self.quot , self.colours.Off , self.colours.Green , systemId , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , self.quot , self.quot , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() else: self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , , '!DOCTYPE ' , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , doctypeName , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , ' PUBLIC ' , self.quot , self.colours.Off , self.colours.Green , publicId , self.colours.Off , self.quot , ' ' , self.quot , self.colours.Green , systemId , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , self.quot, , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() return def endDoctypeDeclHandler(self): return def processingInstructionHandler(self, target, data): self.output.write(''.join([ (self.indent) * self.indentChar, self.colours.White , , '?' , target , self.colours.Off , ])) self.output.flush() pn = re.compile('\s*(\S+)=[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]\s*') b = pn.split(data) while '' in b: b.remove('') for i in range(len(b)/2): self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.Red , b[2*i] , self.colours.Off , self.colours.White , '=' , self.colours.Off , self.quot , self.colours.Green , b[2*i], self.colours.Off , self.quot , ])) self.output.flush() self.output.write(''.join([ self.colours.White , '?' , , self.colours.Off , self.lf , ])) self.output.flush() return def main(): with open('../scripts/_test/Sample.xml') as input: doParse(input, sys.stdout, colour=True, rformat=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Ops for fused Cudnn RNN models. @@CudnnGRU @@CudnnLSTM @@CudnnRNNRelu @@CudnnRNNTanh @@RNNParamsSaveable """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn.python.ops.cudnn_rnn_ops import CudnnGRU from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn.python.ops.cudnn_rnn_ops import CudnnLSTM from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn.python.ops.cudnn_rnn_ops import CudnnRNNRelu from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn.python.ops.cudnn_rnn_ops import CudnnRNNTanh from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn.python.ops.cudnn_rnn_ops import RNNParamsSaveable from tensorflow.python.util.all_util import remove_undocumented _allowed_symbols = [ "CudnnGRU", "CudnnLSTM", "CudnnRNNRelu", "CudnnRNNTanh", "RNNParamsSaveable", ] remove_undocumented(__name__)
import base64 import logging import os import unittest import urllib import urllib2 import urlparse import wptserve logging.basicConfig() here = os.path.split(__file__)[0] doc_root = os.path.join(here, "docroot") class Request(urllib2.Request): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): urllib2.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.method = "GET" def get_method(self): return self.method def add_data(self, data): if hasattr(data, "iteritems"): data = urllib.urlencode(data) print data self.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(data))) urllib2.Request.add_data(self, data) class TestUsingServer(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.server = wptserve.server.WebTestHttpd(host="localhost", port=0, use_ssl=False, certificate=None, doc_root=doc_root) self.server.start(False) def tearDown(self): self.server.stop() def abs_url(self, path, query=None): return urlparse.urlunsplit(("http", "%s:%i" % (, self.server.port), path, query, None)) def request(self, path, query=None, method="GET", headers=None, body=None, auth=None): req = Request(self.abs_url(path, query)) req.method = method if headers is None: headers = {} for name, value in headers.iteritems(): req.add_header(name, value) if body is not None: req.add_data(body) if auth is not None: req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % auth)) return urllib2.urlopen(req)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ -- Udacity conference server-side Python App Engine API; uses Google Cloud Endpoints $Id:,v 1.25 2014/05/24 23:42:19 wesc Exp wesc $ created by wesc on 2014 apr 21 """ __author__ = '[email protected] (Wesley Chun)' from datetime import datetime import endpoints from protorpc import messages from protorpc import message_types from protorpc import remote from google.appengine.ext import ndb from models import Profile from models import ProfileMiniForm from models import ProfileForm from models import TeeShirtSize from utils import getUserId from settings import WEB_CLIENT_ID EMAIL_SCOPE = endpoints.EMAIL_SCOPE API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID = endpoints.API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @endpoints.api( name='conference', version='v1', allowed_client_ids=[WEB_CLIENT_ID, API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID], scopes=[EMAIL_SCOPE]) class ConferenceApi(remote.Service): """Conference API v0.1""" # - - - Profile objects - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _copyProfileToForm(self, prof): """Copy relevant fields from Profile to ProfileForm.""" # copy relevant fields from Profile to ProfileForm pf = ProfileForm() for field in pf.all_fields(): if hasattr(prof, # convert t-shirt string to Enum; just copy others if == 'teeShirtSize': setattr(pf,, getattr(TeeShirtSize, getattr(prof, else: setattr(pf,, getattr(prof, pf.check_initialized() return pf def _getProfileFromUser(self): """Return user Profile from datastore, creating new one if non-existent.""" user = endpoints.get_current_user() if not user: raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required') # get Profile from datastore user_id = getUserId(user) p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id) profile = p_key.get() # create new Profile if not there if not profile: profile = Profile( key = p_key, displayName = user.nickname(), mainEmail=, teeShirtSize = str(TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED), ) profile.put() return profile # return Profile def _doProfile(self, save_request=None): """Get user Profile and return to user, possibly updating it first.""" # get user Profile prof = self._getProfileFromUser() # if saveProfile(), process user-modifyable fields if save_request: for field in ('displayName', 'teeShirtSize'): if hasattr(save_request, field): val = getattr(save_request, field) if val: setattr(prof, field, str(val)) prof.put() # return ProfileForm return self._copyProfileToForm(prof) @endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, ProfileForm, path='profile', http_method='GET', name='getProfile') def getProfile(self, request): """Return user profile.""" return self._doProfile() @endpoints.method(ProfileMiniForm, ProfileForm, path='profile', http_method='POST', name='saveProfile') def saveProfile(self, request): """Update & return user profile.""" return self._doProfile(request) # - - - Conference objects - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # TODO # registers API api = endpoints.api_server([ConferenceApi])
#!/usr/bin/env python """ : Calculates interferometric correlation usage:: $ int_file amp_input [options] Parameters ---------- int_file : complex interferogram file amp_input : amplitude file(s); one of: -a bip_amp (bit-interleaved amplitude file) -s amp1_file amp2_file -p power1_file power2_file Options ------- -o output_file : name of ouput file [sarcor.out] -c str_option : output real amplitude (str_option = 'a'), real phase (str_option = 'p'), in radians or complex (str_option = 'c') correlation ['a'] -n value : data null value (float only) [0] Notes ----- * input data is assumed to be single precision """ from __future__ import print_function, division import sys,os import numpy as np from pysar.etc.excepts import InputError np.seterr(divide='ignore') ###==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==### def main(args): cor = Correlation(args) cor.read_data() cor.calculate() cor.write_data() ###==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==### class Correlation(): def __init__(self,args): self.intfile = args[0] self.null = 0. self.ampow = 'a' self.ampfile = None self.amp1file, self.amp2file = None, None self.outfile = 'sarcor.out' self.outap = 'a' for i,a in enumerate(args[1:]): if a == '-a': self.ampfile = args[2+i] # 2 because I skip the first argument in args elif a == '-s': self.amp1file = args[2+i] self.amp2file = args[3+i] elif a == '-p': self.amp1file = args[2+i] self.amp2file = args[3+i] self.ampow = 'p' elif a == '-o': self.outfile = args[2+i] elif a == '-c': self.outap = args[2+i] elif a == '-n': try: self.null = np.float32(args[2+i]) except: raise InputError('null value must be float; %s given' % args[2+i]) self._check_args() ###--------------------------------------### def _check_args(self): if self.ampfile is None: if self.amp1file is None or self.amp2file is None: errstr = 'a single bil amplitude file or two real-valued amplitude or power files ' errstr += 'must be provided' raise InputError(errstr) if self.outap != 'a' and self.outap != 'p' and self.outap != 'c': errstr = "unrecognized option %s for output type; " % self.outap errstr += "must be 'a' for amplitude, 'p' for phase, or 'c' for complex" raise InputError(errstr) ###--------------------------------------### def read_data(self): print('reading') fid = open(self.intfile,'r') self.igram = np.fromfile(fid,dtype=np.complex64) fid.close() if self.ampfile is None: fid = open(self.amp1file,'r') self.amp1 = np.fromfile(fid,dtype=np.float32) fid.close() fid = open(self.amp2file,'r') self.amp2 = np.fromfile(fid,dtype=np.float32) fid.close() else: fid = open(self.ampfile,'r') amp = np.fromfile(fid,dtype=np.float32) fid.close() self.amp1, self.amp2 = amp[::2], amp[1::2] ###--------------------------------------### def calculate(self): print('calculating correlation') redonull, redozero = False, False teps = 2.*np.finfo(np.float32).eps nullmask = np.abs(self.igram - self.null) < teps nullmask += np.abs(self.amp1 - self.null) < teps nullmask += np.abs(self.amp2 - self.null) < teps zeromask = self.amp1 < teps zeromask += self.amp2 < teps if len(nullmask[nullmask]) > 1: redonull = True self.amp1[nullmask], self.amp2[nullmask] = 1., 1. if len(zeromask[zeromask]) > 1: redozero = True self.amp1[zeromask], self.amp2[zeromask] = 1., 1. if self.ampow == 'a': self.cor = self.igram/(self.amp1*self.amp2) else: self.cor = self.igram/(np.sqrt(self.amp1*self.amp2)) if self.outap == 'a': self.cor = np.abs(self.cor) elif self.outap == 'p': self.cor = np.arctan2(self.cor.imag,self.cor.real) if redonull: self.cor[nullmask] = self.null if redozero: self.cor[zeromask] = self.null ###--------------------------------------### def write_data(self): print('writing') fid = open(self.outfile,'w') self.cor.tofile(fid) fid.close() ###==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==### if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) < 3: print(__doc__) sys.exit() main(args)
# # db model for psychometrics data # # this data is collected in real time # from django.db import models from courseware.models import StudentModule class PsychometricData(models.Model): """ This data is a table linking student, module, and module performance, including number of attempts, grade, max grade, and time of checks. Links to instances of StudentModule, but only those for capa problems. Note that StudentModule.module_state_key is nominally a Location instance (url string). That means it is of the form {tag}://{org}/{course}/{category}/{name}[@{revision}] and for capa problems, category = "problem". checktimes is extracted from tracking logs, or added by capa module via psychometrics callback. """ studentmodule = models.ForeignKey(StudentModule, db_index=True, unique=True) # contains student, module_state_key, course_id done = models.BooleanField(default=False) attempts = models.IntegerField(default=0) # extracted from studentmodule.state checktimes = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) # internally stored as list of datetime objects # keep in mind # grade = studentmodule.grade # max_grade = studentmodule.max_grade # student = studentmodule.student # course_id = studentmodule.course_id # location = studentmodule.module_state_key def __unicode__(self): sm = self.studentmodule return "[PsychometricData] %s url=%s, grade=%s, max=%s, attempts=%s, ct=%s" % (sm.student, sm.module_state_key, sm.grade, sm.max_grade, self.attempts, self.checktimes)
import traceback import sys import os def exception_string(e): (ty,v,tb) = sys.exc_info() return traceback.format_exception_only(ty,v) def daemonize(prog, args, stdin_tmpfile=None): """Runs a program as a daemon with the list of arguments. Returns the PID of the daemonized program, or returns 0 on error. """ r, w = os.pipe() pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: os.close(r) w = os.fdopen(w, 'w') os.setsid() try: pid2 = os.fork() except: pid2 = None if pid2 == 0: os.chdir("/") null_fd ="/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) if stdin_tmpfile is not None: os.dup2(stdin_tmpfile.fileno(), 0) else: os.dup2(null_fd, 0) os.dup2(null_fd, 1) os.dup2(null_fd, 2) for fd in range(3, 256): try: os.close(fd) except: pass os.execvp(prog, args) os._exit(1) else: w.write(str(pid2 or 0)) w.close() os._exit(0) os.close(w) r = os.fdopen(r) daemon_pid = int( r.close() os.waitpid(pid, 0) return daemon_pid # Global variable to store the sysfs mount point sysfs_mount_point = None PROC_MOUNTS_PATH = '/proc/mounts' def find_sysfs_mount(): global sysfs_mount_point if not sysfs_mount_point is None: return sysfs_mount_point try: mounts_file = open(PROC_MOUNTS_PATH, 'r') for line in mounts_file: sline = line.split() if len(sline) < 3: continue if sline[2] == 'sysfs': sysfs_mount_point= sline[1] break mounts_file.close() return sysfs_mount_point except IOError, (errno, strerr): raise return None
# This is an auto-generated Django model module. # You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up: # * Rearrange models' order # * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True # * Remove `managed = False` lines if you wish to allow Django to create, modify, and delete the table # Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field names. # # Also note: You'll have to insert the output of ' sqlcustom [app_label]' # into your database. from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models class AlembicVersion(models.Model): version_num = models.CharField(max_length=32) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'alembic_version' class RunMetadata(models.Model): id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=36) key = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) value = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) run = models.ForeignKey('Runs') class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'run_metadata' class Runs(models.Model): id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=36) skips = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) fails = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) passes = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) run_time = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) artifacts = models.TextField(blank=True) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'runs' class TestMetadata(models.Model): id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=36) key = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) value = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) test_run = models.ForeignKey('Tests') class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'test_metadata' class TestRunMetadata(models.Model): id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=36) key = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) value = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) test_run = models.ForeignKey('TestRuns') class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'test_run_metadata' class TestRuns(models.Model): id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=36) test = models.ForeignKey('Tests') run = models.ForeignKey(Runs) status = models.CharField(max_length=256, blank=True) start_time = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) stop_time = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'test_runs' class Tests(models.Model): id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=36) test_id = models.CharField(max_length=256) run_count = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) success = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) failure = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) run_time = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'tests'
#!/usr/bin/env python import time import sys import logging import argparse from socketIO_client import SocketIO from messenger import Messenger logger = logging.getLogger('get_status') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) APPKEY = '5697113d4407a3cd028abead' #TOPIC = 'yunba_smart_plug' #ALIAS = 'plc_0' class Status(Messenger): def __init__(self, topic, alias, cmd): self.__logger = logging.getLogger('get_status.Status')'init') Messenger.__init__(self, APPKEY, 'status', 'status') self.topic = topic self.alias = alias self.cmd = cmd def __del__(self):'del') def on_connack(self, args): self.__logger.debug('on_connack: %s', args) self.socketIO.emit('subscribe', {'topic': self.topic}) self.socketIO.emit('set_alias', {'alias': 'status'}) def on_set_alias(self, args): self.__logger.debug('on_set_alias: %s', args) self.publish_to_alias(self.alias, '{"cmd": "'+ self.cmd + '", "devid": "' + self.alias + '"}') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Status') parser.add_argument('topic', type=str, help='topic to subscribe') parser.add_argument('alias', type=str, help='publish to this alias') parser.add_argument('cmd', type=str, help='cmd') args = parser.parse_args() s = Status(args.topic, args.alias, args.cmd) while True: s.loop() time.sleep(0.1)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Scott Anderson <[email protected]> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: django_manage short_description: Manages a Django application. description: - Manages a Django application using the I( application frontend to I(django-admin). With the I(virtualenv) parameter, all management commands will be executed by the given I(virtualenv) installation. version_added: "1.1" options: command: choices: [ 'cleanup', 'collectstatic', 'flush', 'loaddata', 'migrate', 'runfcgi', 'syncdb', 'test', 'validate', ] description: - The name of the Django management command to run. Built in commands are cleanup, collectstatic, flush, loaddata, migrate, runfcgi, syncdb, test, and validate. - Other commands can be entered, but will fail if they're unknown to Django. Other commands that may prompt for user input should be run with the I(--noinput) flag. required: true app_path: description: - The path to the root of the Django application where B( lives. required: true settings: description: - The Python path to the application's settings module, such as 'myapp.settings'. required: false pythonpath: description: - A directory to add to the Python path. Typically used to include the settings module if it is located external to the application directory. required: false virtualenv: description: - An optional path to a I(virtualenv) installation to use while running the manage application. aliases: [virtualenv] apps: description: - A list of space-delimited apps to target. Used by the 'test' command. required: false cache_table: description: - The name of the table used for database-backed caching. Used by the 'createcachetable' command. required: false database: description: - The database to target. Used by the 'createcachetable', 'flush', 'loaddata', and 'syncdb' commands. required: false failfast: description: - Fail the command immediately if a test fails. Used by the 'test' command. required: false default: "no" type: bool fixtures: description: - A space-delimited list of fixture file names to load in the database. B(Required) by the 'loaddata' command. required: false skip: description: - Will skip over out-of-order missing migrations, you can only use this parameter with I(migrate) required: false version_added: "1.3" merge: description: - Will run out-of-order or missing migrations as they are not rollback migrations, you can only use this parameter with 'migrate' command required: false version_added: "1.3" link: description: - Will create links to the files instead of copying them, you can only use this parameter with 'collectstatic' command required: false version_added: "1.3" notes: - I(virtualenv) (U( must be installed on the remote host if the virtualenv parameter is specified. - This module will create a virtualenv if the virtualenv parameter is specified and a virtualenv does not already exist at the given location. - This module assumes English error messages for the 'createcachetable' command to detect table existence, unfortunately. - To be able to use the migrate command with django versions < 1.7, you must have south installed and added as an app in your settings. - To be able to use the collectstatic command, you must have enabled staticfiles in your settings. - As of ansible 2.x, your I( application must be executable (rwxr-xr-x), and must have a valid I(shebang), i.e. "#!/usr/bin/env python", for invoking the appropriate Python interpreter. requirements: [ "virtualenv", "django" ] author: "Scott Anderson (@tastychutney)" ''' EXAMPLES = """ # Run cleanup on the application installed in 'django_dir'. - django_manage: command: cleanup app_path: "{{ django_dir }}" # Load the initial_data fixture into the application - django_manage: command: loaddata app_path: "{{ django_dir }}" fixtures: "{{ initial_data }}" # Run syncdb on the application - django_manage: command: syncdb app_path: "{{ django_dir }}" settings: "{{ settings_app_name }}" pythonpath: "{{ settings_dir }}" virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv_dir }}" # Run the SmokeTest test case from the main app. Useful for testing deploys. - django_manage: command: test app_path: "{{ django_dir }}" apps: main.SmokeTest # Create an initial superuser. - django_manage: command: "createsuperuser --noinput --username=admin [email protected]" app_path: "{{ django_dir }}" """ import os import sys from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule def _fail(module, cmd, out, err, **kwargs): msg = '' if out: msg += "stdout: %s" % (out, ) if err: msg += "\n:stderr: %s" % (err, ) module.fail_json(cmd=cmd, msg=msg, **kwargs) def _ensure_virtualenv(module): venv_param = module.params['virtualenv'] if venv_param is None: return vbin = os.path.join(venv_param, 'bin') activate = os.path.join(vbin, 'activate') if not os.path.exists(activate): virtualenv = module.get_bin_path('virtualenv', True) vcmd = '%s %s' % (virtualenv, venv_param) vcmd = [virtualenv, venv_param] rc, out_venv, err_venv = module.run_command(vcmd) if rc != 0: _fail(module, vcmd, out_venv, err_venv) os.environ["PATH"] = "%s:%s" % (vbin, os.environ["PATH"]) os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_param def createcachetable_filter_output(line): return "Already exists" not in line def flush_filter_output(line): return "Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line def loaddata_filter_output(line): return "Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line def syncdb_filter_output(line): return ("Creating table " in line) or ("Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line) def migrate_filter_output(line): return ("Migrating forwards " in line) or ("Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line) or ("Applying" in line) def collectstatic_filter_output(line): return line and "0 static files" not in line def main(): command_allowed_param_map = dict( cleanup=(), createcachetable=('cache_table', 'database', ), flush=('database', ), loaddata=('database', 'fixtures', ), syncdb=('database', ), test=('failfast', 'testrunner', 'liveserver', 'apps', ), validate=(), migrate=('apps', 'skip', 'merge', 'database',), collectstatic=('clear', 'link', ), ) command_required_param_map = dict( loaddata=('fixtures', ), ) # forces --noinput on every command that needs it noinput_commands = ( 'flush', 'syncdb', 'migrate', 'test', 'collectstatic', ) # These params are allowed for certain commands only specific_params = ('apps', 'clear', 'database', 'failfast', 'fixtures', 'liveserver', 'testrunner') # These params are automatically added to the command if present general_params = ('settings', 'pythonpath', 'database',) specific_boolean_params = ('clear', 'failfast', 'skip', 'merge', 'link') end_of_command_params = ('apps', 'cache_table', 'fixtures') module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( command=dict(default=None, required=True), app_path=dict(default=None, required=True, type='path'), settings=dict(default=None, required=False), pythonpath=dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['python_path']), virtualenv=dict(default=None, required=False, type='path', aliases=['virtual_env']), apps=dict(default=None, required=False), cache_table=dict(default=None, required=False), clear=dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), database=dict(default=None, required=False), failfast=dict(default='no', required=False, type='bool', aliases=['fail_fast']), fixtures=dict(default=None, required=False), liveserver=dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['live_server']), testrunner=dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['test_runner']), skip=dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), merge=dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), link=dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), ), ) command = module.params['command'] app_path = module.params['app_path'] virtualenv = module.params['virtualenv'] for param in specific_params: value = module.params[param] if param in specific_boolean_params: value = module.boolean(value) if value and param not in command_allowed_param_map[command]: module.fail_json(msg='%s param is incompatible with command=%s' % (param, command)) for param in command_required_param_map.get(command, ()): if not module.params[param]: module.fail_json(msg='%s param is required for command=%s' % (param, command)) _ensure_virtualenv(module) cmd = "./ %s" % (command, ) if command in noinput_commands: cmd = '%s --noinput' % cmd for param in general_params: if module.params[param]: cmd = '%s --%s=%s' % (cmd, param, module.params[param]) for param in specific_boolean_params: if module.boolean(module.params[param]): cmd = '%s --%s' % (cmd, param) # these params always get tacked on the end of the command for param in end_of_command_params: if module.params[param]: cmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, module.params[param]) rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd, cwd=app_path) if rc != 0: if command == 'createcachetable' and 'table' in err and 'already exists' in err: out = 'Already exists.' else: if "Unknown command:" in err: _fail(module, cmd, err, "Unknown django command: %s" % command) _fail(module, cmd, out, err, path=os.environ["PATH"], syspath=sys.path) changed = False lines = out.split('\n') filt = globals().get(command + "_filter_output", None) if filt: filtered_output = list(filter(filt, lines)) if len(filtered_output): changed = filtered_output module.exit_json(changed=changed, out=out, cmd=cmd, app_path=app_path, virtualenv=virtualenv, settings=module.params['settings'], pythonpath=module.params['pythonpath']) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from .display import Display, Header, Sorter, YN, Commas, TimeLong, TimeShort, Sortable, BodyFormat, PlainNum from .display import NumKMG __all__ = ["Display", "Header", "Sorter", "YN", "Commas", "TimeLong", "TimeShort", "Sortable", "BodyFormat", "PlainNum", "NumKMG"]
# Copyright 2012, Dag Wieers <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. import ansible from ansible import utils from ansible.runner.return_data import ReturnData class ActionModule(object): ''' Print statements during execution ''' NEEDS_TMPPATH = False def __init__(self, runner): self.runner = runner def run(self, conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject, complex_args=None, **kwargs): args = {} if complex_args: args.update(complex_args) # attempt to prevent confusing messages when the variable didn't interpolate module_args = module_args.replace("{{ ","{{").replace(" }}","}}") kv = utils.parse_kv(module_args) args.update(kv) if not 'msg' in args: args['msg'] = 'Hello world!' if 'fail' in args and utils.boolean(args['fail']): result = dict(failed=True, msg=args['msg']) else: result = dict(msg=args['msg']) # force flag to make debug output module always verbose result['verbose_always'] = True return ReturnData(conn=conn, result=result)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """stack symbolizes native crash dumps.""" import re import symbol def PrintTraceLines(trace_lines): """Print back trace.""" maxlen = max(map(lambda tl: len(tl[1]), trace_lines)) print print "Stack Trace:" print " RELADDR " + "FUNCTION".ljust(maxlen) + " FILE:LINE" for tl in trace_lines: (addr, symbol_with_offset, location) = tl print " %8s %s %s" % (addr, symbol_with_offset.ljust(maxlen), location) return def PrintValueLines(value_lines): """Print stack data values.""" maxlen = max(map(lambda tl: len(tl[2]), value_lines)) print print "Stack Data:" print " ADDR VALUE " + "FUNCTION".ljust(maxlen) + " FILE:LINE" for vl in value_lines: (addr, value, symbol_with_offset, location) = vl print " %8s %8s %s %s" % (addr, value, symbol_with_offset.ljust(maxlen), location) return UNKNOWN = "<unknown>" HEAP = "[heap]" STACK = "[stack]" def PrintOutput(trace_lines, value_lines, more_info): if trace_lines: PrintTraceLines(trace_lines) if value_lines: # TODO(cjhopman): it seems that symbol.SymbolInformation always fails to # find information for addresses in value_lines in chrome libraries, and so # value_lines have little value to us and merely clutter the output. # Since information is sometimes contained in these lines (from system # libraries), don't completely disable them. if more_info: PrintValueLines(value_lines) def PrintDivider(): print print "-----------------------------------------------------\n" def ConvertTrace(lines, more_info): """Convert strings containing native crash to a stack.""" process_info_line = re.compile("(pid: [0-9]+, tid: [0-9]+.*)") signal_line = re.compile("(signal [0-9]+ \(.*\).*)") register_line = re.compile("(([ ]*[0-9a-z]{2} [0-9a-f]{8}){4})") thread_line = re.compile("(.*)(\-\-\- ){15}\-\-\-") dalvik_jni_thread_line = re.compile("(\".*\" prio=[0-9]+ tid=[0-9]+ NATIVE.*)") dalvik_native_thread_line = re.compile("(\".*\" sysTid=[0-9]+ nice=[0-9]+.*)") # Note that both trace and value line matching allow for variable amounts of # whitespace (e.g. \t). This is because the we want to allow for the stack # tool to operate on AndroidFeedback provided system logs. AndroidFeedback # strips out double spaces that are found in tombsone files and logcat output. # # Examples of matched trace lines include lines from tombstone files like: # #00 pc 001cf42e /data/data/ # #00 pc 001cf42e /data/data/ (symbol) # Or lines from AndroidFeedback crash report system logs like: # 03-25 00:51:05.520 I/DEBUG ( 65): #00 pc 001cf42e /data/data/ # Please note the spacing differences. trace_line = re.compile("(.*)\#(?P<frame>[0-9]+)[ \t]+(..)[ \t]+(0x)?(?P<address>[0-9a-f]{0,8})[ \t]+(?P<lib>[^\r\n \t]*)(?P<symbol_present> \((?P<symbol_name>.*)\))?") # pylint: disable-msg=C6310 # Examples of matched value lines include: # bea4170c 8018e4e9 /data/data/ # bea4170c 8018e4e9 /data/data/ (symbol) # 03-25 00:51:05.530 I/DEBUG ( 65): bea4170c 8018e4e9 /data/data/ # Again, note the spacing differences. value_line = re.compile("(.*)([0-9a-f]{8})[ \t]+([0-9a-f]{8})[ \t]+([^\r\n \t]*)( \((.*)\))?") # Lines from 'code around' sections of the output will be matched before # value lines because otheriwse the 'code around' sections will be confused as # value lines. # # Examples include: # 801cf40c ffffc4cc 00b2f2c5 00b2f1c7 00c1e1a8 # 03-25 00:51:05.530 I/DEBUG ( 65): 801cf40c ffffc4cc 00b2f2c5 00b2f1c7 00c1e1a8 code_line = re.compile("(.*)[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[ \r\n]") # pylint: disable-msg=C6310 trace_lines = [] value_lines = [] last_frame = -1 # It is faster to get symbol information with a single call rather than with # separate calls for each line. Since symbol.SymbolInformation caches results, # we can extract all the addresses that we will want symbol information for # from the log and call symbol.SymbolInformation so that the results are # cached in the following lookups. code_addresses = {} for ln in lines: line = unicode(ln, errors='ignore') lib, address = None, None match = trace_line.match(line) if match: address, lib ='address', 'lib') match = value_line.match(line) if match and not code_line.match(line): (_0, _1, address, lib, _2, _3) = match.groups() if lib: code_addresses.setdefault(lib, set()).add(address) for lib in code_addresses: symbol.SymbolInformationForSet( symbol.TranslateLibPath(lib), code_addresses[lib], more_info) for ln in lines: # AndroidFeedback adds zero width spaces into its crash reports. These # should be removed or the regular expresssions will fail to match. line = unicode(ln, errors='ignore') process_header = signal_header = register_header = thread_header = dalvik_jni_thread_header = dalvik_native_thread_header = if process_header or signal_header or register_header or thread_header \ or dalvik_jni_thread_header or dalvik_native_thread_header: if trace_lines or value_lines: PrintOutput(trace_lines, value_lines, more_info) PrintDivider() trace_lines = [] value_lines = [] last_frame = -1 if process_header: print if signal_header: print if register_header: print if thread_header: print if dalvik_jni_thread_header: print if dalvik_native_thread_header: print continue if trace_line.match(line): match = trace_line.match(line) frame, code_addr, area, symbol_present, symbol_name = 'frame', 'address', 'lib', 'symbol_present', 'symbol_name') if frame <= last_frame and (trace_lines or value_lines): PrintOutput(trace_lines, value_lines, more_info) PrintDivider() trace_lines = [] value_lines = [] last_frame = frame if area == UNKNOWN or area == HEAP or area == STACK: trace_lines.append((code_addr, "", area)) else: # If a calls b which further calls c and c is inlined to b, we want to # display "a -> b -> c" in the stack trace instead of just "a -> c" info = symbol.SymbolInformation(area, code_addr, more_info) nest_count = len(info) - 1 for (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) in info: if not source_symbol: if symbol_present: source_symbol = symbol.CallCppFilt(symbol_name) else: source_symbol = UNKNOWN if not source_location: source_location = area if nest_count > 0: nest_count = nest_count - 1 trace_lines.append(("v------>", source_symbol, source_location)) else: if not object_symbol_with_offset: object_symbol_with_offset = source_symbol trace_lines.append((code_addr, object_symbol_with_offset, source_location)) if code_line.match(line): # Code lines should be ignored. If this were exluded the 'code around' # sections would trigger value_line matches. continue; if value_line.match(line): match = value_line.match(line) (unused_, addr, value, area, symbol_present, symbol_name) = match.groups() if area == UNKNOWN or area == HEAP or area == STACK or not area: value_lines.append((addr, value, "", area)) else: info = symbol.SymbolInformation(area, value, more_info) (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) = info.pop() if not source_symbol: if symbol_present: source_symbol = symbol.CallCppFilt(symbol_name) else: source_symbol = UNKNOWN if not source_location: source_location = area if not object_symbol_with_offset: object_symbol_with_offset = source_symbol value_lines.append((addr, value, object_symbol_with_offset, source_location)) PrintOutput(trace_lines, value_lines, more_info)
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Functional operations.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2 from tensorflow.core.framework import attr_value_pb2 from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import function from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_functional_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vs # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_functional_ops import remote_call # pylint: enable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_functional_ops import symbolic_gradient from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging from tensorflow.python.util import compat from tensorflow.python.util import nest from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export # TODO(yuanbyu, mrry): Handle stride to support sliding windows. @tf_export("foldl") def foldl(fn, elems, initializer=None, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, name=None): """foldl on the list of tensors unpacked from `elems` on dimension 0. This foldl operator repeatedly applies the callable `fn` to a sequence of elements from first to last. The elements are made of the tensors unpacked from `elems` on dimension 0. The callable fn takes two tensors as arguments. The first argument is the accumulated value computed from the preceding invocation of fn. If `initializer` is None, `elems` must contain at least one element, and its first element is used as the initializer. Suppose that `elems` is unpacked into `values`, a list of tensors. The shape of the result tensor is fn(initializer, values[0]).shape`. This method also allows multi-arity `elems` and output of `fn`. If `elems` is a (possibly nested) list or tuple of tensors, then each of these tensors must have a matching first (unpack) dimension. The signature of `fn` may match the structure of `elems`. That is, if `elems` is `(t1, [t2, t3, [t4, t5]])`, then an appropriate signature for `fn` is: `fn = lambda (t1, [t2, t3, [t4, t5]]):`. Args: fn: The callable to be performed. elems: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, each of which will be unpacked along their first dimension. The nested sequence of the resulting slices will be the first argument to `fn`. initializer: (optional) A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, as the initial value for the accumulator. parallel_iterations: (optional) The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. back_prop: (optional) True enables support for back propagation. swap_memory: (optional) True enables GPU-CPU memory swapping. name: (optional) Name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, resulting from applying `fn` consecutively to the list of tensors unpacked from `elems`, from first to last. Raises: TypeError: if `fn` is not callable. Example: ```python elems = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) sum = foldl(lambda a, x: a + x, elems) # sum == 21 ``` """ if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("fn must be callable.") def create_ta(elem): return tensor_array_ops.TensorArray( dtype=elem.dtype, size=n, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=True).unstack(elem) in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly() with ops.name_scope(name, "foldl", [elems]): # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode: # Any get_variable calls in fn will cache the first call locally # and not issue repeated network I/O requests for each iteration. varscope = vs.get_variable_scope() varscope_caching_device_was_none = False if varscope.caching_device is None: # TODO(ebrevdo): Change to using colocate_with here and in other # methods. varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device) varscope_caching_device_was_none = True # Convert elems to tensor array. n may be known statically. elems_flat = [ ops.convert_to_tensor(elem, name="elem") for elem in nest.flatten(elems) ] n = (tensor_shape.dimension_value(elems_flat[0].shape[0]) or array_ops.shape(elems_flat[0])[0]) elems_ta = nest.map_structure(create_ta, elems) if initializer is None: a = nest.map_structure(lambda elem:, elems_ta) i = constant_op.constant(1) else: a = initializer i = constant_op.constant(0) def compute(i, a): elem_i = nest.map_structure(lambda elem:, elems_ta) a = fn(a, elem_i) return [i + 1, a] _, r_a = control_flow_ops.while_loop( lambda i, a: i < n, compute, [i, a], parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, back_prop=back_prop, swap_memory=swap_memory, maximum_iterations=n) # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode and varscope_caching_device_was_none: varscope.set_caching_device(None) return r_a @tf_export("foldr") def foldr(fn, elems, initializer=None, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, name=None): """foldr on the list of tensors unpacked from `elems` on dimension 0. This foldr operator repeatedly applies the callable `fn` to a sequence of elements from last to first. The elements are made of the tensors unpacked from `elems`. The callable fn takes two tensors as arguments. The first argument is the accumulated value computed from the preceding invocation of fn. If `initializer` is None, `elems` must contain at least one element, and its first element is used as the initializer. Suppose that `elems` is unpacked into `values`, a list of tensors. The shape of the result tensor is `fn(initializer, values[0]).shape`. This method also allows multi-arity `elems` and output of `fn`. If `elems` is a (possibly nested) list or tuple of tensors, then each of these tensors must have a matching first (unpack) dimension. The signature of `fn` may match the structure of `elems`. That is, if `elems` is `(t1, [t2, t3, [t4, t5]])`, then an appropriate signature for `fn` is: `fn = lambda (t1, [t2, t3, [t4, t5]]):`. Args: fn: The callable to be performed. elems: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, each of which will be unpacked along their first dimension. The nested sequence of the resulting slices will be the first argument to `fn`. initializer: (optional) A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, as the initial value for the accumulator. parallel_iterations: (optional) The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. back_prop: (optional) True enables support for back propagation. swap_memory: (optional) True enables GPU-CPU memory swapping. name: (optional) Name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, resulting from applying `fn` consecutively to the list of tensors unpacked from `elems`, from last to first. Raises: TypeError: if `fn` is not callable. Example: ```python elems = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] sum = foldr(lambda a, x: a + x, elems) # sum == 21 ``` """ if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("fn must be callable.") def create_ta(elem): return tensor_array_ops.TensorArray( dtype=elem.dtype, size=n, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=True).unstack(elem) in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly() with ops.name_scope(name, "foldr", [elems]): # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode: # Any get_variable calls in fn will cache the first call locally and not # issue repeated network I/O requests for each iteration. varscope = vs.get_variable_scope() varscope_caching_device_was_none = False if varscope.caching_device is None: # TODO(ebrevdo): Change to using colocate_with here and in other # methods. varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device) varscope_caching_device_was_none = True # Convert elems to tensor array. n may be known statically. elems_flat = [ ops.convert_to_tensor(elem, name="elem") for elem in nest.flatten(elems) ] n = (tensor_shape.dimension_value(elems_flat[0].shape[0]) or array_ops.shape(elems_flat[0])[0]) elems_ta = nest.map_structure(create_ta, elems) if initializer is None: i = n - 1 a = nest.map_structure(lambda elem:, elems_ta) else: i = n a = initializer def compute(i, a): i -= 1 elem = nest.map_structure(lambda elem:, elems_ta) a_out = fn(a, elem) return [i, a_out] _, r_a = control_flow_ops.while_loop( lambda i, a: i > 0, compute, [i, a], parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, back_prop=back_prop, swap_memory=swap_memory, maximum_iterations=n) # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode and varscope_caching_device_was_none: varscope.set_caching_device(None) return r_a @tf_export("map_fn") def map_fn(fn, elems, dtype=None, parallel_iterations=None, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, infer_shape=True, name=None): """map on the list of tensors unpacked from `elems` on dimension 0. The simplest version of `map_fn` repeatedly applies the callable `fn` to a sequence of elements from first to last. The elements are made of the tensors unpacked from `elems`. `dtype` is the data type of the return value of `fn`. Users must provide `dtype` if it is different from the data type of `elems`. Suppose that `elems` is unpacked into `values`, a list of tensors. The shape of the result tensor is `[values.shape[0]] + fn(values[0]).shape`. This method also allows multi-arity `elems` and output of `fn`. If `elems` is a (possibly nested) list or tuple of tensors, then each of these tensors must have a matching first (unpack) dimension. The signature of `fn` may match the structure of `elems`. That is, if `elems` is `(t1, [t2, t3, [t4, t5]])`, then an appropriate signature for `fn` is: `fn = lambda (t1, [t2, t3, [t4, t5]]):`. Furthermore, `fn` may emit a different structure than its input. For example, `fn` may look like: `fn = lambda t1: return (t1 + 1, t1 - 1)`. In this case, the `dtype` parameter is not optional: `dtype` must be a type or (possibly nested) tuple of types matching the output of `fn`. To apply a functional operation to the nonzero elements of a SparseTensor one of the following methods is recommended. First, if the function is expressible as TensorFlow ops, use ```python result = SparseTensor(input.indices, fn(input.values), input.dense_shape) ``` If, however, the function is not expressible as a TensorFlow op, then use ```python result = SparseTensor( input.indices, map_fn(fn, input.values), input.dense_shape) ``` instead. When executing eagerly, map_fn does not execute in parallel even if `parallel_iterations` is set to a value > 1. You can still get the performance benefits of running a function in parallel by using the `tf.contrib.eager.defun` decorator, ```python # Assume the function being used in map_fn is fn. # To ensure map_fn calls fn in parallel, use the defun decorator. @tf.contrib.eager.defun def func(tensor): return tf.map_fn(fn, tensor) ``` Note that if you use the defun decorator, any non-TensorFlow Python code that you may have written in your function won't get executed. See `tf.contrib.eager.defun` for more details. The recommendation would be to debug without defun but switch to defun to get performance benefits of running map_fn in parallel. Args: fn: The callable to be performed. It accepts one argument, which will have the same (possibly nested) structure as `elems`. Its output must have the same structure as `dtype` if one is provided, otherwise it must have the same structure as `elems`. elems: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, each of which will be unpacked along their first dimension. The nested sequence of the resulting slices will be applied to `fn`. dtype: (optional) The output type(s) of `fn`. If `fn` returns a structure of Tensors differing from the structure of `elems`, then `dtype` is not optional and must have the same structure as the output of `fn`. parallel_iterations: (optional) The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. When graph building, the default value is 10. While executing eagerly, the default value is set to 1. back_prop: (optional) True enables support for back propagation. swap_memory: (optional) True enables GPU-CPU memory swapping. infer_shape: (optional) False disables tests for consistent output shapes. name: (optional) Name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors. Each tensor packs the results of applying `fn` to tensors unpacked from `elems` along the first dimension, from first to last. Raises: TypeError: if `fn` is not callable or the structure of the output of `fn` and `dtype` do not match, or if elems is a SparseTensor. ValueError: if the lengths of the output of `fn` and `dtype` do not match. Examples: ```python elems = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) squares = map_fn(lambda x: x * x, elems) # squares == [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36] ``` ```python elems = (np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([-1, 1, -1])) alternate = map_fn(lambda x: x[0] * x[1], elems, dtype=tf.int64) # alternate == [-1, 2, -3] ``` ```python elems = np.array([1, 2, 3]) alternates = map_fn(lambda x: (x, -x), elems, dtype=(tf.int64, tf.int64)) # alternates[0] == [1, 2, 3] # alternates[1] == [-1, -2, -3] ``` """ if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("fn must be callable.") if isinstance(elems, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor): raise TypeError( "To perform a map on the values of a sparse tensor use either " " SparseTensor(input.indices, fn(input.values), input.dense_shape) or " " SparseTensor(input.indices, map_fn(fn, input.values), " "input.dense_shape)") in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly() # Set the default number of parallel_iterations depending on graph/eager mode. if in_graph_mode and not parallel_iterations: parallel_iterations = 10 elif not in_graph_mode and not parallel_iterations: parallel_iterations = 1 if not in_graph_mode and parallel_iterations > 1: logging.log_first_n(logging.WARN, "Setting parallel_iterations > 1 has no " "effect when executing eagerly. Consider calling map_fn" " with tf.contrib.eager.defun to execute fn in " "parallel.", 1) parallel_iterations = 1 input_is_sequence = nest.is_sequence(elems) input_flatten = lambda x: nest.flatten(x) if input_is_sequence else [x] def input_pack(x): return nest.pack_sequence_as(elems, x) if input_is_sequence else x[0] if dtype is None: output_is_sequence = input_is_sequence output_flatten = input_flatten output_pack = input_pack else: output_is_sequence = nest.is_sequence(dtype) output_flatten = lambda x: nest.flatten(x) if output_is_sequence else [x] def output_pack(x): return (nest.pack_sequence_as(dtype, x) if output_is_sequence else x[0]) elems_flat = input_flatten(elems) with ops.name_scope(name, "map", elems_flat): # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode: # Any get_variable calls in fn will cache the first call locally # and not issue repeated network I/O requests for each iteration. varscope = vs.get_variable_scope() varscope_caching_device_was_none = False if varscope.caching_device is None: # TODO(ebrevdo): Change to using colocate_with here and in other # methods. varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device) varscope_caching_device_was_none = True elems_flat = [ ops.convert_to_tensor(elem, name="elem") for elem in elems_flat] dtype = dtype or input_pack([elem.dtype for elem in elems_flat]) dtype_flat = output_flatten(dtype) # Convert elems to tensor array. n may be known statically. static_shape = elems_flat[0].shape if static_shape.ndims is not None and static_shape.ndims < 1: if len(elems_flat) == 1: raise ValueError("elems must be a 1+ dimensional Tensor, not a scalar") else: raise ValueError( "elements in elems must be 1+ dimensional Tensors, not scalars" ) n = (tensor_shape.dimension_value(static_shape[0]) or array_ops.shape(elems_flat[0])[0]) # TensorArrays are always flat elems_ta = [ tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=elem.dtype, size=n, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=True) for elem in elems_flat] # Unpack elements elems_ta = [ elem_ta.unstack(elem) for elem_ta, elem in zip(elems_ta, elems_flat)] i = constant_op.constant(0) accs_ta = [ tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=dt, size=n, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=infer_shape) for dt in dtype_flat] def compute(i, tas): """The loop body of map_fn. Args: i: the loop counter tas: the flat TensorArray accumulator list Returns: (i + 1, tas): the updated counter + updated TensorArrays Raises: TypeError: if dtype and packed_fn_values structure do not match ValueType: if dtype and packed_fn_values lengths do not match """ packed_values = input_pack([ for elem_ta in elems_ta]) packed_fn_values = fn(packed_values) nest.assert_same_structure(dtype or elems, packed_fn_values) flat_fn_values = output_flatten(packed_fn_values) tas = [ta.write(i, value) for (ta, value) in zip(tas, flat_fn_values)] return (i + 1, tas) _, r_a = control_flow_ops.while_loop( lambda i, _: i < n, compute, (i, accs_ta), parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, back_prop=back_prop, swap_memory=swap_memory, maximum_iterations=n) results_flat = [r.stack() for r in r_a] n_static = tensor_shape.Dimension(tensor_shape.dimension_value( elems_flat[0].get_shape().with_rank_at_least(1)[0])) for elem in elems_flat[1:]: n_static.merge_with(tensor_shape.Dimension(tensor_shape.dimension_value( elem.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(1)[0]))) for r in results_flat: r.set_shape(tensor_shape.TensorShape(n_static).concatenate( r.get_shape()[1:])) # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode and varscope_caching_device_was_none: varscope.set_caching_device(None) return output_pack(results_flat) @tf_export("scan") def scan(fn, elems, initializer=None, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, infer_shape=True, reverse=False, name=None): """scan on the list of tensors unpacked from `elems` on dimension 0. The simplest version of `scan` repeatedly applies the callable `fn` to a sequence of elements from first to last. The elements are made of the tensors unpacked from `elems` on dimension 0. The callable fn takes two tensors as arguments. The first argument is the accumulated value computed from the preceding invocation of fn. If `initializer` is None, `elems` must contain at least one element, and its first element is used as the initializer. Suppose that `elems` is unpacked into `values`, a list of tensors. The shape of the result tensor is `[len(values)] + fn(initializer, values[0]).shape`. If reverse=True, it's fn(initializer, values[-1]).shape. This method also allows multi-arity `elems` and accumulator. If `elems` is a (possibly nested) list or tuple of tensors, then each of these tensors must have a matching first (unpack) dimension. The second argument of `fn` must match the structure of `elems`. If no `initializer` is provided, the output structure and dtypes of `fn` are assumed to be the same as its input; and in this case, the first argument of `fn` must match the structure of `elems`. If an `initializer` is provided, then the output of `fn` must have the same structure as `initializer`; and the first argument of `fn` must match this structure. For example, if `elems` is `(t1, [t2, t3])` and `initializer` is `[i1, i2]` then an appropriate signature for `fn` in `python2` is: `fn = lambda (acc_p1, acc_p2), (t1, [t2, t3]):` and `fn` must return a list, `[acc_n1, acc_n2]`. An alternative correct signature for `fn`, and the one that works in `python3`, is: `fn = lambda a, t:`, where `a` and `t` correspond to the input tuples. Args: fn: The callable to be performed. It accepts two arguments. The first will have the same structure as `initializer` if one is provided, otherwise it will have the same structure as `elems`. The second will have the same (possibly nested) structure as `elems`. Its output must have the same structure as `initializer` if one is provided, otherwise it must have the same structure as `elems`. elems: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, each of which will be unpacked along their first dimension. The nested sequence of the resulting slices will be the first argument to `fn`. initializer: (optional) A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, initial value for the accumulator, and the expected output type of `fn`. parallel_iterations: (optional) The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. back_prop: (optional) True enables support for back propagation. swap_memory: (optional) True enables GPU-CPU memory swapping. infer_shape: (optional) False disables tests for consistent output shapes. reverse: (optional) True scans the tensor last to first (instead of first to last). name: (optional) Name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors. Each tensor packs the results of applying `fn` to tensors unpacked from `elems` along the first dimension, and the previous accumulator value(s), from first to last (or last to first, if `reverse=True`). Raises: TypeError: if `fn` is not callable or the structure of the output of `fn` and `initializer` do not match. ValueError: if the lengths of the output of `fn` and `initializer` do not match. Examples: ```python elems = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) sum = scan(lambda a, x: a + x, elems) # sum == [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21] sum = scan(lambda a, x: a + x, elems, reverse=True) # sum == [22, 21, 18, 15, 11, 6] ``` ```python elems = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) initializer = np.array(0) sum_one = scan( lambda a, x: x[0] - x[1] + a, (elems + 1, elems), initializer) # sum_one == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ``` ```python elems = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) initializer = (np.array(0), np.array(1)) fibonaccis = scan(lambda a, _: (a[1], a[0] + a[1]), elems, initializer) # fibonaccis == ([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]) ``` """ if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("fn must be callable.") input_is_sequence = nest.is_sequence(elems) input_flatten = lambda x: nest.flatten(x) if input_is_sequence else [x] def input_pack(x): return nest.pack_sequence_as(elems, x) if input_is_sequence else x[0] if initializer is None: output_is_sequence = input_is_sequence output_flatten = input_flatten output_pack = input_pack else: output_is_sequence = nest.is_sequence(initializer) output_flatten = lambda x: nest.flatten(x) if output_is_sequence else [x] def output_pack(x): return (nest.pack_sequence_as(initializer, x) if output_is_sequence else x[0]) elems_flat = input_flatten(elems) in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly() with ops.name_scope(name, "scan", elems_flat): # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode: # Any get_variable calls in fn will cache the first call locally # and not issue repeated network I/O requests for each iteration. varscope = vs.get_variable_scope() varscope_caching_device_was_none = False if varscope.caching_device is None: # TODO(ebrevdo): Change to using colocate_with here and in other # methods. varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device) varscope_caching_device_was_none = True # Convert elems to tensor array. elems_flat = [ ops.convert_to_tensor(elem, name="elem") for elem in elems_flat] # Convert elems to tensor array. n may be known statically. n = (tensor_shape.dimension_value(elems_flat[0].shape[0]) or array_ops.shape(elems_flat[0])[0]) # TensorArrays are always flat elems_ta = [ tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=elem.dtype, size=n, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=True) for elem in elems_flat] # Unpack elements elems_ta = [ elem_ta.unstack(elem) for elem_ta, elem in zip(elems_ta, elems_flat)] if initializer is None: a_flat = [ - 1 if reverse else 0) for elem in elems_ta] i = constant_op.constant(1) else: initializer_flat = output_flatten(initializer) a_flat = [ops.convert_to_tensor(init) for init in initializer_flat] i = constant_op.constant(0) # Create a tensor array to store the intermediate values. accs_ta = [ tensor_array_ops.TensorArray( dtype=init.dtype, size=n, element_shape=init.shape if infer_shape else None, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=infer_shape) for init in a_flat] if initializer is None: accs_ta = [acc_ta.write(n - 1 if reverse else 0, a) for (acc_ta, a) in zip(accs_ta, a_flat)] def compute(i, a_flat, tas): """The loop body of scan. Args: i: the loop counter. a_flat: the accumulator value(s), flattened. tas: the output accumulator TensorArray(s), flattened. Returns: [i + 1, a_flat, tas]: the updated counter + new accumulator values + updated TensorArrays Raises: TypeError: if initializer and fn() output structure do not match ValueType: if initializer and fn() output lengths do not match """ packed_elems = input_pack([ for elem_ta in elems_ta]) packed_a = output_pack(a_flat) a_out = fn(packed_a, packed_elems) nest.assert_same_structure( elems if initializer is None else initializer, a_out) flat_a_out = output_flatten(a_out) tas = [ta.write(i, value) for (ta, value) in zip(tas, flat_a_out)] if reverse: next_i = i - 1 else: next_i = i + 1 return (next_i, flat_a_out, tas) if reverse: initial_i = n - 1 - i condition = lambda i, _1, _2: i >= 0 else: initial_i = i condition = lambda i, _1, _2: i < n _, _, r_a = control_flow_ops.while_loop( condition, compute, (initial_i, a_flat, accs_ta), parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, back_prop=back_prop, swap_memory=swap_memory, maximum_iterations=n) results_flat = [r.stack() for r in r_a] n_static = tensor_shape.Dimension(tensor_shape.dimension_value( elems_flat[0].get_shape().with_rank_at_least(1)[0])) for elem in elems_flat[1:]: n_static.merge_with(tensor_shape.Dimension(tensor_shape.dimension_value( elem.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(1)[0]))) for r in results_flat: r.set_shape(tensor_shape.TensorShape(n_static).concatenate( r.get_shape()[1:])) # TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are # supported in Eager if in_graph_mode and varscope_caching_device_was_none: varscope.set_caching_device(None) return output_pack(results_flat) # pylint: disable=invalid-name def If(cond, inputs, then_branch, else_branch, name=None): r"""output = Cond(inputs) ? then_branch(inputs) : else_branch(inputs). Args: cond: A `Tensor`. A scalar. If the scalar is not a boolean, the scalar is converted to a boolean according to the following rule: if the scalar is a numerical value, non-zero means True and zero means False; if the scalar is a string, non-empty means True and empty means False. inputs: A list of input tensors. then_branch: A function takes 'inputs' and returns a list of tensors, whose types are the same as what else_branch returns. else_branch: A function takes 'inputs' and returns a list of tensors. whose types are the same as what then_branch returns. name: A name for the operation (optional). Returns: A list of tensors returned by either then_branch(inputs) or else_branch(inputs). """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return gen_functional_ops._if( cond, inputs, [_.type for _ in then_branch.definition.signature.output_arg], then_branch, else_branch, name=name) def Gradient(inputs, f, name=None): r"""Computes the gradient function for function f via backpropagation. Args: inputs: A list of tensors of size N + M. f: The function we want to compute the gradient for. The function 'f' must be a numerical function which takes N inputs and produces M outputs. Its gradient function 'g', which is a function taking N + M inputs and produces N outputs. I.e. if we have (y1, y2, ..., yM) = f(x1, x2, ..., xN), then, g is (dL/dx1, dL/dx2, ..., dL/dxN) = g(x1, x2, ..., xN, dL/dy1, dL/dy2, ..., dL/dyM), where L is a scalar-value function of (x1, x2, ..., xN) (e.g., the loss function). dL/dxi is the partial derivative of L with respect to xi. name: A name for the operation (optional). Returns: A list of tensors of size N. """ # TODO(zhifengc): Pretty-print the above spec in latex. # TODO(zhfiengc): Needs some math expert to say the comment above better. tlist = [_.type for _ in f.definition.signature.input_arg] return symbolic_gradient(input=inputs, Tout=tlist, f=f, name=name) def _LoopBodyCaptureWrapper(func): """Returns a wrapper for `func` that handles loop-carried captured inputs.""" @function.Defun( *func.declared_input_types, func_name="%s_Wrapper" % def Wrapper(*args): """A wrapper that handles loop-carried captured inputs.""" result = func(*args) extra_args = tuple(function.get_extra_args()) # Nullary functions return an Operation. Normal functions can't do this # because their return values are converted to Tensors. if isinstance(result, ops.Operation): return extra_args # Unary functions return a single Tensor value. elif not isinstance(result, tuple): return (result,) + extra_args # N-ary functions return a tuple of Tensors. else: return result + extra_args return Wrapper # pylint: disable=invalid-name,protected-access def While(input_, cond, body, name=None, hostmem=None): r"""output = input; While (Cond(output)) { output = Body(output) }. Args: input_: A list of `Tensor` objects. A list of input tensors whose types are T. cond: . A function takes 'input' and returns a tensor. If the tensor is a scalar of non-boolean, the scalar is converted to a boolean according to the following rule: if the scalar is a numerical value, non-zero means True and zero means False; if the scalar is a string, non-empty means True and empty means False. If the tensor is not a scalar, non-emptiness means True and False otherwise. body: . A function takes a list of tensors and returns another list tensors. Both lists have the same types as specified by T. name: A name for the operation (optional). hostmem: A list of integer. If i is in the list, input[i] is a host memory tensor. Raises: ValueError: if `cond` has implicitly captured inputs or if `cond` and `body` have different signatures. Returns: A list of `Tensor` objects. Has the same type as `input`. A list of output tensors whose types are T. """ if cond.captured_inputs: raise ValueError("While op 'cond' argument must be a function " "without implicitly captured inputs.") if cond.declared_input_types != body.declared_input_types: raise ValueError( "While op 'cond' and 'body' signatures do not match. %r vs %r" % (cond.declared_input_types, body.declared_input_types)) if body.captured_inputs: cond_dtypes = list( body.declared_input_types) + [t.dtype for t in body.captured_inputs] @function.Defun(*cond_dtypes, func_name="%s_Wrapper" % def CondWrapper(*args): """A wrapper that handles loop-carried captured inputs.""" return cond(*args[:len(body.declared_input_types)]) ret = gen_functional_ops._while( input_ + body.captured_inputs, CondWrapper, _LoopBodyCaptureWrapper(body), name=name) # Slice off the loop-carried captured inputs. ret = ret[:-len(body.captured_inputs)] else: ret = gen_functional_ops._while(input_, cond, body, name=name) if hostmem: input_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue() input_attr.list.i.extend(hostmem) ret[0].op._set_attr("_input_hostmem", input_attr) # pylint: disable=protected-access output_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue() output_attr.list.i.extend(hostmem) ret[0].op._set_attr("_output_hostmem", output_attr) # pylint: disable=protected-access return ret # b/36459430 # # Ideally, we do not need this rewrite For loop into a While loop. # However, today, if a While runs on GPU and the condition returns a # boolean, the While kernel crashes. Even if we fix the crash, the # bool needs to be copied between GPU and CPU. So, a for loop is much # preferred when running on GPU. # # On the other hand, For op has no directly XLA kernel. So, when we run # a for loop, we need to rewrite it using a While op. # # It should be possible and probably better to write a XLA C++ kernel # implementing the logic in _ForUsingWhile. def _ForUsingWhile(start, limit, delta, inputs, forbody, name=None, hostmem=None): """Helper to implement a For loop using a While.""" # To support negative delta (e.g., range(100, 0, -3)), we iterate # over the range(n) and use iter * delta + start as the real # iteration index. (e.g., for i in range(34): iter = i * (-3) + # 100). d = math_ops.abs(delta) # XLA on TPUs doesn't support integer division n = math_ops.cast( math_ops.cast((math_ops.abs(limit - start) + d - 1), dtypes.float32) / math_ops.cast(d, dtypes.float32), dtypes.int32) # Carried loop variables ("extra_args") are implicitly added to the input list # of the WhileBody function. WhileCond does not call forbody, and so does not # depend on any of forbody's extra_args. Since WhileCond and WhileBody # must have identical inputs, we have to augment the cond signature to take # the same types as the carried loop variables. body_sig = [dtypes.int32] * 4 + list(forbody.declared_input_types)[1:] cond_name = "%s_Cond" % @function.Defun(*body_sig, func_name=cond_name) def WhileCond(i, n, *args): del args return i < n body_name = "%s_Body" % @function.Defun(*body_sig, func_name=body_name) def WhileBody(i, n, start, delta, *args): """A While wrapper for forbody that handles loop-carried captured inputs.""" for_result = forbody(start + i * delta, *args) # Nullary functions return an Operation. Normal functions can't do this # because their return values are converted to Tensors. if isinstance(for_result, ops.Operation): for_result = () # Unary functions return a single Tensor value. elif isinstance(for_result, ops.Tensor): for_result = (for_result,) return (i + 1, n, start, delta) + tuple(for_result) if hostmem is not None: hostmem = [0, 1, 2, 3] + [(4 + _) for _ in hostmem] else: hostmem = [0, 1, 2, 3] results = While( input_=[0, n, start, delta] + inputs, cond=WhileCond, body=WhileBody, name=name, hostmem=hostmem) # Slice off the loop-carried captured inputs. return list(results[4:len(results)]) def For(start, limit, delta, inputs, body, name=None, hostmem=None, rewrite_with_while=None): r"""out = input; for i in range(start, limit, delta) out = body(i, out). Args: start: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. limit: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. delta: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. inputs: A list of `Tensor` objects. A list of input tensors whose types are T. body: A function takes a list of tensors and returns another list of tensors. Both lists have the same types as (int32, T...). name: A name for the operation (optional). hostmem: A list of integer. If i is in the list, inputs[i] is a host memory tensor. In other words, (i+1)-th argument of the body function is expecting a host memory. rewrite_with_while: If True, using While op to implement the For. Returns: A list of `Tensor` objects. Has the same type as `input`. A list of output tensors whose types are T. """ if rewrite_with_while: return _ForUsingWhile(start, limit, delta, inputs, body, name, hostmem) if body.captured_inputs: ret = gen_functional_ops._for( start, limit, delta, inputs + body.captured_inputs, _LoopBodyCaptureWrapper(body), name=name) # Slice off the loop-carried captured inputs. ret = ret[:-len(body.captured_inputs)] else: ret = gen_functional_ops._for(start, limit, delta, inputs, body, name=name) if hostmem: num_for_params = 3 # start/limit/delta input_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue() input_attr.list.i.extend([num_for_params + i for i in hostmem]) ret[0].op._set_attr("_input_hostmem", input_attr) # pylint: disable=protected-access output_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue() output_attr.list.i.extend(hostmem) ret[0].op._set_attr("_output_hostmem", output_attr) # pylint: disable=protected-access return ret # pylint: enable=invalid-name,protected-access _rewriter_config_optimizer_disabled = None def _get_disabled_rewriter_config(): global _rewriter_config_optimizer_disabled if _rewriter_config_optimizer_disabled is None: config = config_pb2.ConfigProto() rewriter_config = config.graph_options.rewrite_options rewriter_config.disable_meta_optimizer = True _rewriter_config_optimizer_disabled = config.SerializeToString() return _rewriter_config_optimizer_disabled def partitioned_call(args, f, tout=None, executing_eagerly=None, config=None, executor_type=None): """Executes a function while respecting device annotations. Currently, only those functions that execute within the same address space can be executed. Args: args: The arguments of the function, including captured inputs. f: The function to execute; an instance of `_DefinedFunction` or `_EagerDefinedFunction`. tout: a list containing the output dtypes enums; if `None`, inferred from the signature of `f`. executing_eagerly: (Optional) A boolean indicating whether the context is executing eagerly. If `None`, fetched from the global context. config: (Optional) A `tensorflow::ConfigProto` proto, serialized. If `None`, all optimizations are disabled. Currently only handled for eager defined functions. executor_type: (Optional) A string for the name of the executor to be used in the function call. If not set, or set to an empty string, the default tensorflow executor will be used. Returns: The list of `Tensor`s returned by invoking `f(args)`. If the function does not return anything, then returns `None` if eager execution is enabled, or the `Operation` if not. """ if tout is None: tout = tuple(x.type for x in f.definition.signature.output_arg) if executing_eagerly is None: executing_eagerly = context.executing_eagerly() if config is None: config = _get_disabled_rewriter_config() if executor_type is None: executor_type = "" if executing_eagerly or len(tout): if f.stateful_ops: outputs = gen_functional_ops.stateful_partitioned_call( args=args, Tout=tout, f=f, config_proto=config, executor_type=executor_type) else: outputs = gen_functional_ops.partitioned_call( args=args, Tout=tout, f=f, config_proto=config, executor_type=executor_type) return outputs if outputs else None # The generated binding returns an empty list for functions that don't # return any Tensors, hence the need to use `create_op` directly. args = [ops.internal_convert_to_tensor(x) for x in args] tin_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue( list=attr_value_pb2.AttrValue.ListValue( type=[x.dtype.as_datatype_enum for x in args])) tout_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue( list=attr_value_pb2.AttrValue.ListValue(type=tout)) func_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue( func=attr_value_pb2.NameAttrList( executor_type_attr = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue( s=compat.as_bytes(executor_type)) # When running in graph mode, the graph and function graphs are optimized # (i.e. run through grappler) per the session options, so we can disable any # eager-specific rewriting. config_proto = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(s=_get_disabled_rewriter_config()) graph = ops.get_default_graph() f.add_to_graph(graph) op_name = "StatefulPartitionedCall" if f.stateful_ops else "PartitionedCall" op = graph.create_op( op_name, args, tout, compute_shapes=False, name="PartitionedFunctionCall", attrs={ "Tin": tin_attr, "Tout": tout_attr, "f": func_attr, "config_proto": config_proto, "executor_type": executor_type_attr, }) outputs = op.outputs return outputs if outputs else op
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or # # Exercise API with -disablewallet. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class DisableWalletTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, [['-disablewallet']]) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test (self): # Check regression: x = self.nodes[0].validateaddress('3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy') assert(x['isvalid'] == False) x = self.nodes[0].validateaddress('mneYUmWYsuk7kySiURxCi3AGxrAqZxLgPZ') assert(x['isvalid'] == True) # Checking mining to an address without a wallet try: self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(1, 'mneYUmWYsuk7kySiURxCi3AGxrAqZxLgPZ') except JSONRPCException as e: assert("Invalid address" not in e.error['message']) assert("ProcessNewBlock, block not accepted" not in e.error['message']) assert("Couldn't create new block" not in e.error['message']) try: self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(1, '3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy') raise AssertionError("Must not mine to invalid address!") except JSONRPCException as e: assert("Invalid address" in e.error['message']) if __name__ == '__main__': DisableWalletTest ().main ()
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Python Software Foundation # # A torture test of the email package. This should not be run as part of the # standard Python test suite since it requires several meg of email messages # collected in the wild. These source messages are not checked into the # Python distro, but are available as part of the standalone email package at # import sys import os import unittest from io import StringIO from types import ListType from email.test.test_email import TestEmailBase from import TestSkipped, run_unittest import email from email import __file__ as testfile from email.iterators import _structure def openfile(filename): from os.path import join, dirname, abspath path = abspath(join(dirname(testfile), os.pardir, 'moredata', filename)) return open(path, 'r') # Prevent this test from running in the Python distro try: openfile('crispin-torture.txt') except IOError: raise TestSkipped class TortureBase(TestEmailBase): def _msgobj(self, filename): fp = openfile(filename) try: msg = email.message_from_file(fp) finally: fp.close() return msg class TestCrispinTorture(TortureBase): # Mark Crispin's torture test from the SquirrelMail project def test_mondo_message(self): eq = self.assertEqual neq = self.ndiffAssertEqual msg = self._msgobj('crispin-torture.txt') payload = msg.get_payload() eq(type(payload), ListType) eq(len(payload), 12) eq(msg.preamble, None) eq(msg.epilogue, '\n') # Probably the best way to verify the message is parsed correctly is to # dump its structure and compare it against the known structure. fp = StringIO() _structure(msg, fp=fp) neq(fp.getvalue(), """\ multipart/mixed text/plain message/rfc822 multipart/alternative text/plain multipart/mixed text/richtext application/andrew-inset message/rfc822 audio/basic audio/basic image/pbm message/rfc822 multipart/mixed multipart/mixed text/plain audio/x-sun multipart/mixed image/gif image/gif application/x-be2 application/atomicmail audio/x-sun message/rfc822 multipart/mixed text/plain image/pgm text/plain message/rfc822 multipart/mixed text/plain image/pbm message/rfc822 application/postscript image/gif message/rfc822 multipart/mixed audio/basic audio/basic message/rfc822 multipart/mixed application/postscript text/plain message/rfc822 multipart/mixed text/plain multipart/parallel image/gif audio/basic application/atomicmail message/rfc822 audio/x-sun """) def _testclasses(): mod = sys.modules[__name__] return [getattr(mod, name) for name in dir(mod) if name.startswith('Test')] def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() for testclass in _testclasses(): suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(testclass)) return suite def test_main(): for testclass in _testclasses(): run_unittest(testclass) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')
# Copyright 2013-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=W0231,W0613,E0611,W0603,R0201 from unittest import TestCase from import assert_equal, raises, assert_true, assert_false from wlauto import Instrument from wlauto.core import signal, instrumentation from wlauto.instrumentation import instrument_is_installed, instrument_is_enabled, clear_instrumentation class MockInstrument(Instrument): name = 'mock' def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, None) self.before = 0 self.after = 0 def before_workload_execution(self, context): self.before += 1 def after_workload_execution(self, context): self.after += 1 class MockInstrument2(Instrument): name = 'mock_2' def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, None) self.before = 0 self.after = 0 self.result = 0 def before_workload_execution(self, context): self.before += 1 def after_workload_execution(self, context): self.after += 1 def after_workload_result_update(self, context): self.result += 1 class MockInstrument3(Instrument): name = 'mock_3' def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, None) def slow_before_workload_execution(self, context): global counter counter += 1 class MockInstrument4(Instrument): name = 'mock_4' def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, None) def slow_before_first_iteration_boot(self, context): global counter counter = 4 class MockInstrument5(Instrument): name = 'mock_5' def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, None) def fast_before_first_iteration_boot(self, context): global counter counter += 2 class MockInstrument6(Instrument): name = 'mock_6' def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, None) def before_first_iteration_boot(self, context): global counter counter *= 10 class BadInstrument(Instrument): name = 'bad' def __init__(self): pass # Not specifying the context argument. def teardown(self): pass counter = 0 class InstrumentationTest(TestCase): def tearDown(self): clear_instrumentation() def test_install(self): instrument = _instantiate(MockInstrument) instrument2 = _instantiate(MockInstrument2) instrumentation.install(instrument) instrumentation.install(instrument2) signal.send(signal.BEFORE_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_RESULT_UPDATE, self, context=None) assert_equal(instrument.before, 1) assert_equal(instrument.after, 1) assert_equal(instrument2.before, 1) assert_equal(instrument2.after, 1) assert_equal(instrument2.result, 1) def test_enable_disable(self): instrument = _instantiate(MockInstrument) instrument2 = _instantiate(MockInstrument2) instrumentation.install(instrument) instrumentation.install(instrument2) instrumentation.disable_all() signal.send(signal.BEFORE_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_RESULT_UPDATE, self, context=None) assert_equal(instrument.before, 0) assert_equal(instrument.after, 0) assert_equal(instrument2.before, 0) assert_equal(instrument2.after, 0) assert_equal(instrument2.result, 0) instrumentation.enable(instrument) signal.send(signal.BEFORE_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_RESULT_UPDATE, self, context=None) assert_equal(instrument.before, 1) assert_equal(instrument.after, 1) assert_equal(instrument2.before, 0) assert_equal(instrument2.after, 0) assert_equal(instrument2.result, 0) instrumentation.enable_all() signal.send(signal.BEFORE_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) signal.send(signal.AFTER_WORKLOAD_RESULT_UPDATE, self, context=None) assert_equal(instrument.before, 2) assert_equal(instrument.after, 2) assert_equal(instrument2.before, 1) assert_equal(instrument2.after, 1) assert_equal(instrument2.result, 1) def test_check_enabled(self): instrument = _instantiate(MockInstrument) instrumentation.install(instrument) instrumentation.enable(instrument) assert_true(instrument_is_enabled(instrument)) assert_true(instrument_is_enabled( instrumentation.disable(instrument) assert_false(instrument_is_enabled(instrument)) assert_false(instrument_is_enabled( def test_local_instrument(self): global counter counter = 0 self.install_local_instrument() signal.send(signal.BEFORE_WORKLOAD_EXECUTION, self, context=None) assert_equal(counter, 1) def test_priority_prefix_instrument(self): global counter counter = 0 instrument1 = _instantiate(MockInstrument4) instrument2 = _instantiate(MockInstrument5) instrument3 = _instantiate(MockInstrument6) instrumentation.install(instrument1) instrumentation.install(instrument2) instrumentation.install(instrument3) signal.send(signal.BEFORE_FIRST_ITERATION_BOOT, self, context=None) assert_equal(counter, 42) @raises(ValueError) def test_bad_argspec(self): instrument = _instantiate(BadInstrument) instrumentation.install(instrument) def test_check_installed(self): instrumentation.install(_instantiate(MockInstrument)) assert_true(instrument_is_installed('mock')) assert_true(instrument_is_installed(MockInstrument)) assert_false(instrument_is_installed(MockInstrument2)) def install_local_instrument(self): instrument = _instantiate(MockInstrument3) instrumentation.install(instrument) @raises(ValueError) def test_duplicate_install(self): instrument = _instantiate(MockInstrument) instrument2 = _instantiate(MockInstrument) instrumentation.install(instrument) instrumentation.install(instrument2) def _instantiate(cls): # Needed to get around Extension's __init__ checks return cls()
from ctypes import POINTER, Structure, c_char_p, c_float, c_int, string_at from django.contrib.gis.geoip.libgeoip import free, lgeoip # #### GeoIP C Structure definitions #### class GeoIPRecord(Structure): _fields_ = [('country_code', c_char_p), ('country_code3', c_char_p), ('country_name', c_char_p), ('region', c_char_p), ('city', c_char_p), ('postal_code', c_char_p), ('latitude', c_float), ('longitude', c_float), # TODO: In 1.4.6 this changed from `int dma_code;` to # `union {int metro_code; int dma_code;};`. Change # to a `ctypes.Union` in to accommodate in future when # pre-1.4.6 versions are no longer distributed. ('dma_code', c_int), ('area_code', c_int), ('charset', c_int), ('continent_code', c_char_p), ] geoip_char_fields = [name for name, ctype in GeoIPRecord._fields_ if ctype is c_char_p] GEOIP_DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'iso-8859-1' geoip_encodings = { 0: 'iso-8859-1', 1: 'utf8', } class GeoIPTag(Structure): pass RECTYPE = POINTER(GeoIPRecord) DBTYPE = POINTER(GeoIPTag) # #### ctypes function prototypes #### # GeoIP_lib_version appeared in version 1.4.7. if hasattr(lgeoip, 'GeoIP_lib_version'): GeoIP_lib_version = lgeoip.GeoIP_lib_version GeoIP_lib_version.argtypes = None GeoIP_lib_version.restype = c_char_p else: GeoIP_lib_version = None # For freeing memory allocated within a record GeoIPRecord_delete = lgeoip.GeoIPRecord_delete GeoIPRecord_delete.argtypes = [RECTYPE] GeoIPRecord_delete.restype = None # For retrieving records by name or address. def check_record(result, func, cargs): if result: # Checking the pointer to the C structure, if valid pull out elements # into a dictionary. rec = result.contents record = {fld: getattr(rec, fld) for fld, ctype in rec._fields_} # Now converting the strings to unicode using the proper encoding. encoding = geoip_encodings[record['charset']] for char_field in geoip_char_fields: if record[char_field]: record[char_field] = record[char_field].decode(encoding) # Free the memory allocated for the struct & return. GeoIPRecord_delete(result) return record else: return None def record_output(func): func.argtypes = [DBTYPE, c_char_p] func.restype = RECTYPE func.errcheck = check_record return func GeoIP_record_by_addr = record_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_record_by_addr) GeoIP_record_by_name = record_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_record_by_name) # For opening & closing GeoIP database files. GeoIP_open = lgeoip.GeoIP_open GeoIP_open.restype = DBTYPE GeoIP_delete = lgeoip.GeoIP_delete GeoIP_delete.argtypes = [DBTYPE] GeoIP_delete.restype = None # This is so the string pointer can be freed within Python. class geoip_char_p(c_char_p): pass def check_string(result, func, cargs): if result: s = string_at(result) free(result) else: s = '' return s.decode(GEOIP_DEFAULT_ENCODING) GeoIP_database_info = lgeoip.GeoIP_database_info GeoIP_database_info.restype = geoip_char_p GeoIP_database_info.errcheck = check_string # String output routines. def string_output(func): def _err_check(result, func, cargs): if result: return result.decode(GEOIP_DEFAULT_ENCODING) return result func.restype = c_char_p func.errcheck = _err_check return func GeoIP_country_code_by_addr = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_code_by_addr) GeoIP_country_code_by_name = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_code_by_name) GeoIP_country_name_by_addr = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_name_by_addr) GeoIP_country_name_by_name = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_name_by_name)
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import unittest from import test_base class DEFParserTest(test_base.TestBase): def createAndBuildProjectFiles(self): self.ScratchFile('WORKSPACE') self.ScratchFile('BUILD', ['cc_library(name="hello", srcs=[""])']) self.ScratchFile('', [ '#include <stdio.h>', 'int hello_data;', 'void hello_world() {', ' printf("hello world\\n");', '}', ]) exit_code, _, stderr = self.RunBazel(['build', '//:hello']) self.AssertExitCode(exit_code, 0, stderr) def testParseDefFileFromObjectFile(self): # Skip this test on non-Windows platforms if not self.IsWindows(): return self.createAndBuildProjectFiles() exit_code, stdout, stderr = self.RunBazel(['info', 'bazel-bin']) self.AssertExitCode(exit_code, 0, stderr) bazel_bin = stdout[0] objfile = os.path.join(bazel_bin, '_objs', 'hello', 'x.o') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(objfile)) output_def = self.Path('x.def'); self.RunProgram([self.Rlocation('io_bazel/third_party/def_parser/def_parser.exe'), output_def, 'my_x.dll', objfile]) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(output_def)) with open(output_def, 'r') as def_file: def_content = self.assertIn('LIBRARY my_x.dll', def_content) self.assertIn('hello_data', def_content) self.assertIn('hello_world', def_content) def testParseDefFileFromObjectFileWithParamFile(self): # Skip this test on non-Windows platforms if not self.IsWindows(): return self.createAndBuildProjectFiles() exit_code, stdout, stderr = self.RunBazel(['info', 'bazel-bin']) self.AssertExitCode(exit_code, 0, stderr) bazel_bin = stdout[0] objfile = os.path.join(bazel_bin, '_objs', 'hello', 'x.o') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(objfile)) objfilelist = self.ScratchFile('objfilelist', [objfile]) output_def = self.Path('x.def'); self.RunProgram([self.Rlocation('io_bazel/third_party/def_parser/def_parser.exe'), output_def, 'my_x.dll', '@' + objfilelist]) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(output_def)) with open(output_def, 'r') as def_file: def_content = self.assertIn('LIBRARY my_x.dll', def_content) self.assertIn('hello_data', def_content) self.assertIn('hello_world', def_content) def testParseDefFileFromAnotherDefFile(self): # Skip this test on non-Windows platforms if not self.IsWindows(): return self.createAndBuildProjectFiles() exit_code, stdout, stderr = self.RunBazel(['info', 'bazel-bin']) self.AssertExitCode(exit_code, 0, stderr) bazel_bin = stdout[0] objfile = os.path.join(bazel_bin, '_objs', 'hello', 'x.o') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(objfile)) output_def = self.Path('x.def'); self.RunProgram([self.Rlocation('io_bazel/third_party/def_parser/def_parser.exe'), output_def, 'my_x.dll', objfile]) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(output_def)) new_output_def = self.Path('new_x.def'); self.RunProgram([self.Rlocation('io_bazel/third_party/def_parser/def_parser.exe'), new_output_def, 'my_x.dll', output_def]) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(new_output_def)) with open(new_output_def, 'r') as def_file: def_content = self.assertIn('LIBRARY my_x.dll', def_content) self.assertIn('hello_data', def_content) self.assertIn('hello_world', def_content) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Mitch Garnaat # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta from boto.utils import parse_ts import boto class ResultProcessor(object): LogFileName = 'log.csv' def __init__(self, batch_name, sd, mimetype_files=None): = sd self.batch = batch_name self.log_fp = None self.num_files = 0 self.total_time = 0 self.min_time = timedelta.max self.max_time = timedelta.min self.earliest_time = datetime.max self.latest_time = datetime.min self.queue ='output_queue') self.domain ='output_domain') def calculate_stats(self, msg): start_time = parse_ts(msg['Service-Read']) end_time = parse_ts(msg['Service-Write']) elapsed_time = end_time - start_time if elapsed_time > self.max_time: self.max_time = elapsed_time if elapsed_time < self.min_time: self.min_time = elapsed_time self.total_time += elapsed_time.seconds if start_time < self.earliest_time: self.earliest_time = start_time if end_time > self.latest_time: self.latest_time = end_time def log_message(self, msg, path): keys = sorted(msg.keys()) if not self.log_fp: self.log_fp = open(os.path.join(path, self.LogFileName), 'a') line = ','.join(keys) self.log_fp.write(line+'\n') values = [] for key in keys: value = msg[key] if value.find(',') > 0: value = '"%s"' % value values.append(value) line = ','.join(values) self.log_fp.write(line+'\n') def process_record(self, record, path, get_file=True): self.log_message(record, path) self.calculate_stats(record) outputs = record['OutputKey'].split(',') if 'OutputBucket' in record: bucket = boto.lookup('s3', record['OutputBucket']) else: bucket = boto.lookup('s3', record['Bucket']) for output in outputs: if get_file: key_name = output.split(';')[0] key = bucket.lookup(key_name) file_name = os.path.join(path, key_name) print('retrieving file: %s to %s' % (key_name, file_name)) key.get_contents_to_filename(file_name) self.num_files += 1 def get_results_from_queue(self, path, get_file=True, delete_msg=True): m = while m: if 'Batch' in m and m['Batch'] == self.batch: self.process_record(m, path, get_file) if delete_msg: self.queue.delete_message(m) m = def get_results_from_domain(self, path, get_file=True): rs = self.domain.query("['Batch'='%s']" % self.batch) for item in rs: self.process_record(item, path, get_file) def get_results_from_bucket(self, path): bucket ='output_bucket') if bucket: print('No output queue or domain, just retrieving files from output_bucket') for key in bucket: file_name = os.path.join(path, key) print('retrieving file: %s to %s' % (key, file_name)) key.get_contents_to_filename(file_name) self.num_files + 1 def get_results(self, path, get_file=True, delete_msg=True): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) if self.queue: self.get_results_from_queue(path, get_file) elif self.domain: self.get_results_from_domain(path, get_file) else: self.get_results_from_bucket(path) if self.log_fp: self.log_fp.close() print('%d results successfully retrieved.' % self.num_files) if self.num_files > 0: self.avg_time = float(self.total_time)/self.num_files print('Minimum Processing Time: %d' % self.min_time.seconds) print('Maximum Processing Time: %d' % self.max_time.seconds) print('Average Processing Time: %f' % self.avg_time) self.elapsed_time = self.latest_time-self.earliest_time print('Elapsed Time: %d' % self.elapsed_time.seconds) tput = 1.0 / ((self.elapsed_time.seconds/60.0) / self.num_files) print('Throughput: %f transactions / minute' % tput)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'Skill.applicant' db.add_column(u'projects_skill', 'applicant','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(blank=True, related_name='skills', null=True, to=orm['accounts.MyCVUser']), keep_default=False) # Adding field 'Client.applicant' db.add_column(u'projects_client', 'applicant','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(blank=True, related_name='clients', null=True, to=orm['accounts.MyCVUser']), keep_default=False) # Adding field 'StackItem.applicant' db.add_column(u'projects_stackitem', 'applicant','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(blank=True, related_name='stack_items', null=True, to=orm['accounts.MyCVUser']), keep_default=False) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Skill.applicant' db.delete_column(u'projects_skill', 'applicant_id') # Deleting field 'Client.applicant' db.delete_column(u'projects_client', 'applicant_id') # Deleting field 'StackItem.applicant' db.delete_column(u'projects_stackitem', 'applicant_id') models = { u'accounts.mycvuser': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'MyCVUser'}, 'address': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['core.Address']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'avatar': ('sorl.thumbnail.fields.ImageField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '254'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'users'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': u"orm['auth.Group']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'users'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': u"orm['auth.Permission']"}) }, u'': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "(u'content_type__app_label', u'content_type__model', u'codename')", 'unique_together': "((u'content_type', u'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, u'categories.category': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('tree_id', 'lft')", 'unique_together': "(('parent', 'name'),)", 'object_name': 'Category'}, 'active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'alternate_title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'alternate_url': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), u'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), u'lft': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'meta_extra': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'blank': 'True'}), 'meta_keywords': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'order': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'parent': ('mptt.fields.TreeForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'children'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['categories.Category']"}), u'rght': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'thumbnail': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'thumbnail_height': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'thumbnail_width': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'tree_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}) }, u'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, u'core.address': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Address'}, 'city': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'country': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'state': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'street_address': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '250', 'blank': 'True'}), 'street_address2': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '250', 'blank': 'True'}), 'zip_code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '10', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'projects.client': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('order_index', '-end_date')", 'object_name': 'Client'}, 'applicant': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'clients'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['accounts.MyCVUser']"}), 'city': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '2000'}), 'end_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_draft': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'order_index': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'start_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {}), 'state': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'max_length': '2'}), 'website': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'projects.clientobjective': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ClientObjective'}, 'client': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'objectives'", 'to': u"orm['projects.Client']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'order_index': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '500'}) }, u'projects.project': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('order_index',)", 'object_name': 'Project'}, 'client': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'projects'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['projects.Client']"}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '2000'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_draft': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'order_index': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'source_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'stack_items': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['projects.StackItem']", 'symmetrical': 'False'}) }, u'projects.projectfeature': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ProjectFeature'}, u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '500'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'features'", 'to': u"orm['projects.Project']"}) }, u'projects.skill': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Skill'}, 'applicant': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'skills'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['accounts.MyCVUser']"}), 'category': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['categories.Category']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '500', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}) }, u'projects.stackitem': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'StackItem'}, 'applicant': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'stack_items'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['accounts.MyCVUser']"}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '250', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) } } complete_apps = ['projects']
"""Adds xref targets to the top of files.""" import sys import os testing = False DONT_TOUCH = ( './index.txt', ) def target_name(fn): if fn.endswith('.txt'): fn = fn[:-4] return '_' + fn.lstrip('./').replace('/', '-') def process_file(fn, lines): lines.insert(0, '\n') lines.insert(0, '.. %s:\n' % target_name(fn)) try: f = open(fn, 'w') except IOError: print("Can't open %s for writing. Not touching it." % fn) return try: f.writelines(lines) except IOError: print("Can't write to %s. Not touching it." % fn) finally: f.close() def has_target(fn): try: f = open(fn, 'r') except IOError: print("Can't open %s. Not touching it." % fn) return (True, None) readok = True try: lines = f.readlines() except IOError: print("Can't read %s. Not touching it." % fn) readok = False finally: f.close() if not readok: return (True, None) #print fn, len(lines) if len(lines) < 1: print("Not touching empty file %s." % fn) return (True, None) if lines[0].startswith('.. _'): return (True, None) return (False, lines) def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv if len(argv) == 1: argv.extend('.') files = [] for root in argv[1:]: for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root): files.extend([(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]) files.sort() files = [os.path.join(p, fn) for p, fn in files if fn.endswith('.txt')] #print files for fn in files: if fn in DONT_TOUCH: print("Skipping blacklisted file %s." % fn) continue target_found, lines = has_target(fn) if not target_found: if testing: print '%s: %s' % (fn, lines[0]), else: print "Adding xref to %s" % fn process_file(fn, lines) else: print "Skipping %s: already has a xref" % fn if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
from django.contrib import messages from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from django.views.generic.edit import FormView from ..account.views import (CloseableSignupMixin, RedirectAuthenticatedUserMixin) from ..account.adapter import get_adapter as get_account_adapter from ..utils import get_form_class, get_current_site from .adapter import get_adapter from .models import SocialLogin from .forms import DisconnectForm, SignupForm from . import helpers from . import app_settings class SignupView(RedirectAuthenticatedUserMixin, CloseableSignupMixin, FormView): form_class = SignupForm template_name = 'socialaccount/signup.html' def get_form_class(self): return get_form_class(app_settings.FORMS, 'signup', self.form_class) def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.sociallogin = None data = request.session.get('socialaccount_sociallogin') if data: self.sociallogin = SocialLogin.deserialize(data) if not self.sociallogin: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('account_login')) return super(SignupView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) def is_open(self): return get_adapter().is_open_for_signup(self.request, self.sociallogin) def get_form_kwargs(self): ret = super(SignupView, self).get_form_kwargs() ret['sociallogin'] = self.sociallogin return ret def form_valid(self, form): return helpers.complete_social_signup(self.request, self.sociallogin) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): ret = super(SignupView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) ret.update(dict(site=get_current_site(self.request), account=self.sociallogin.account)) return ret def get_authenticated_redirect_url(self): return reverse(connections) signup = SignupView.as_view() class LoginCancelledView(TemplateView): template_name = "socialaccount/login_cancelled.html" login_cancelled = LoginCancelledView.as_view() class LoginErrorView(TemplateView): template_name = "socialaccount/authentication_error.html" login_error = LoginErrorView.as_view() class ConnectionsView(FormView): template_name = "socialaccount/connections.html" form_class = DisconnectForm success_url = reverse_lazy("socialaccount_connections") def get_form_class(self): return get_form_class(app_settings.FORMS, 'disconnect', self.form_class) def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(ConnectionsView, self).get_form_kwargs() kwargs["request"] = self.request return kwargs def form_valid(self, form): get_account_adapter().add_message(self.request, messages.INFO, 'socialaccount/messages/' 'account_disconnected.txt') return super(ConnectionsView, self).form_valid(form) connections = login_required(ConnectionsView.as_view())
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import functools import itertools import pickle import re import sys import weakref from absl.testing import parameterized from six.moves import range from tensorflow.python.autograph.core import converter from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function from tensorflow.python.eager import lift_to_graph from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.module import module from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import test from tensorflow.python.saved_model import save_context from tensorflow.python.saved_model import save_options def undecorated_function(x): return x * 3. class _HasDecoratedMethod(object): @def_function.function def f(self, x): return x * 3. class DefFunctionTest(test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase): def testNoVariables(self): @def_function.function def fn(x): return 2 * x self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(4.0)), 8.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testFailIfVariablesAreCreatedMoreThanOnce(self): @def_function.function def fn(x): return variables.Variable(1.0) + x with self.assertRaises(ValueError): fn(1.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testFailIfVariablesAreCreatedMoreThanOnceNoWeakRef(self): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): state.append(variables.Variable(1.0)) return state[-1] + x with self.assertRaises(ValueError): fn(1.0) def testRange(self): @def_function.function def f(unused_x): return 1.0 self.assertAllEqual(f(range(5)), 1.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testCorrectVariableCreation(self): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(2.0)) return state[0] * x self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(1.0)), 2.0) self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(3.0)), 6.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testFunctionInitializer(self): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(lambda: 2.0)) return state[0] * x self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(1.0)), 2.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testFunctionMultipleVariableInitializer(self): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(lambda: 2.0)) state.append(variables.Variable(lambda: 5.0)) return state[0] * x, state[1] * x self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(1.0)), [2.0, 5.0]) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testFunctionInitializationFunction(self): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(2.0)) return state[0] * x init_fn = fn.get_initialization_function(constant_op.constant(1.0)) self.assertLen(state, 1) self.assertFalse( resource_variable_ops.var_is_initialized_op(state[0].handle)) init_fn() self.assertEqual(state[0].numpy(), 2.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testVariableInitializerNotConstant(self): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(2.0 * x)) return state[0] * x self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(1.0)), 2.0) self.assertAllEqual(fn(constant_op.constant(3.0)), 6.0) def testLegacyGraphModeVariables(self): with ops.Graph().as_default(), self.test_session() as sess: state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(2.0)) return state[0] * x result = fn(3.0) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllEqual([0]), 2.0) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(result), 6.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testLegacyGraphModeVariablesNonTrivialInitializer(self): with ops.Graph().as_default(), self.test_session() as sess: state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: two = constant_op.constant(2.0) four = two * two two_again = math_ops.sqrt(four) state.append(variables.Variable(two_again + four)) return state[0] * x result = fn(3.0) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllEqual([0]), 6.0) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(result), 18.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testLegacyGraphModeInputDependentInitializerFails(self): with ops.Graph().as_default(): state = [] @def_function.function def fn(x): if not state: state.append(variables.Variable(2.0 * x)) return state[0] * x with self.assertRaisesRegex(lift_to_graph.UnliftableError, r'transitively.* mul .* x'): fn(constant_op.constant(3.0)) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testMethod(self): class MyModel(object): def __init__(self): self.var = None @def_function.function def apply(self, x): if self.var is None: self.var = variables.Variable(2.0) return self.var * x m0 = MyModel() self.assertAllEqual(m0.apply(3.0), 6.0) # Calling twice to exercise that we do not recreate variables. m0.var.assign(3.0) self.assertAllEqual(m0.apply(3.0), 9.0) m1 = MyModel() self.assertAllEqual(m1.apply(3.0), 6.0) def test_functools_partial(self): self.assertAllClose( 3., def_function.function(functools.partial(lambda x, y: x + y, 1.))( constant_op.constant(2.))) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Partial is not supported') def test_functools_partial_new_default(self): def f(x=3, y=7): return x + y func = def_function.function(functools.partial(f, y=6)) self.assertEqual(func().numpy(), 9) self.assertEqual(func(y=8).numpy(), 11) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Partial is not supported') def test_functools_partial_keywords(self): def f(x, y): return x + y func = def_function.function( functools.partial(f, x=array_ops.zeros([1]), y=array_ops.zeros([1]))) self.assertAllEqual(func(), [0.0]) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Partial is not supported') def test_functools_partial_single_positional(self): def f(x, y): return x + y func = def_function.function( functools.partial(f, constant_op.constant(1))) self.assertAllEqual(func(5), 6) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Partial is not supported') def test_complicated_partial_with_defaults(self): def identity(*args): return args def dynamic_unroll(core_fn, input_sequence, initial_state, sequence_length=None, parallel_iterations=1, swap_memory=False): del core_fn self.assertIs(None, sequence_length) self.assertEqual(1, parallel_iterations) self.assertTrue(swap_memory) return input_sequence, initial_state input_sequence = random_ops.random_uniform([1, 1, 1]) initial_state = random_ops.random_uniform([1, 1]) func = def_function.function( functools.partial(dynamic_unroll, identity, swap_memory=True)) func(input_sequence, initial_state) def test_unspecified_default_argument(self): wrapped = def_function.function( lambda x, y=2: x + y, input_signature=[tensor_spec.TensorSpec((), dtypes.int32)]) self.assertEqual(3, wrapped(constant_op.constant(1)).numpy()) def test_concrete_function_from_signature(self): @def_function.function( input_signature=[tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32)]) def compute(x): return 2. * x concrete = compute.get_concrete_function() self.assertAllClose(1., concrete(constant_op.constant(0.5))) concrete = compute.get_concrete_function( tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32)) self.assertAllClose(4., concrete(constant_op.constant(2.))) signature_args, _ = concrete.structured_input_signature self.assertEqual(signature_args, (tensor_spec.TensorSpec( None, dtypes.float32, name='x'),)) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_variable_naming(self): class HasVars(module.Module): def __init__(self): self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None @def_function.function def make_x(self): if self.x is None: self.x = variables.Variable(1., name='v') def make_y(self): if self.y is None: self.y = variables.Variable(1., name='v') def make_z(self): if self.z is None: with ops.name_scope('z_scope', skip_on_eager=False): self.z = variables.Variable(1., name='z') root = HasVars() root.make_x() root.make_y() root.make_z() self.assertEqual('v:0', self.assertEqual('z_scope/z:0', def test_concrete_function_keyword_arguments(self): @def_function.function def f(x): return x conc = f.get_concrete_function( tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32, 'y')) conc(y=constant_op.constant(3.0)) signature_args, _ = conc.structured_input_signature self.assertEqual('y', signature_args[0].name) conc = f.get_concrete_function(tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32)) conc(x=constant_op.constant(3.0)) signature_args, _ = conc.structured_input_signature self.assertEqual('x', signature_args[0].name) @def_function.function def g(x): return x[0] conc = g.get_concrete_function( [tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32, 'z'), 2]) conc(z=constant_op.constant(3.0)) signature_args, _ = conc.structured_input_signature self.assertEqual('z', signature_args[0][0].name) def test_error_inner_capture(self): @def_function.function def f(inputs): num_steps, _ = inputs.shape[:2] outputs = [] for t in math_ops.range(num_steps): outputs.append(inputs[t]) return outputs with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InaccessibleTensorError, 'defined in another function or code block'): f(array_ops.zeros(shape=(8, 42, 3))) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Control flow is not supported') def testRuntimeErrorNotSticky(self): @def_function.function def fail(i): control_flow_ops.Assert(math_ops.equal(i, 0), ['ick']) fail(constant_op.constant(0)) # OK with self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidArgumentError): fail(constant_op.constant(1)) # InvalidArgument: "ick" fail(constant_op.constant(0)) # OK def testUnderscoreName(self): @def_function.function def f(_): return _ + _ self.assertAllEqual(2.0, f(constant_op.constant(1.0))) def test_serialization_signature_cache(self): @def_function.function def f(x, y): return x, y f(constant_op.constant([[3., 4.]]), constant_op.constant([2.])) f(constant_op.constant([[3, 4, 5]]), constant_op.constant([2])) signatures_args = set() concrete_functions = f._list_all_concrete_functions_for_serialization() for concrete_function in concrete_functions: args, kwargs = concrete_function.structured_input_signature signatures_args.add(args) self.assertEqual(dict(), kwargs) self.assertEqual( signatures_args, set(((tensor_spec.TensorSpec([1, 2], dtypes.float32, name='x'), tensor_spec.TensorSpec([1], dtypes.float32, name='y')), (tensor_spec.TensorSpec([1, 3], dtypes.int32, name='x'), tensor_spec.TensorSpec([1], dtypes.int32, name='y'))))) @test_util.assert_no_garbage_created def testFunctionReferenceCycles(self): fn = def_function.function(lambda x: 2. * x) fn(constant_op.constant(4.0)) weak_fn = weakref.ref(fn) del fn # Tests that the weak reference we made to the function is now dead, which # means the object has been deleted. This should be true as long as the # function itself is not involved in a reference cycle. self.assertIs(None, weak_fn()) @test_util.assert_no_garbage_created def testMethodReferenceCycles(self): has_decorated_method = _HasDecoratedMethod() has_decorated_method.f(constant_op.constant(5.)) weak_fn = weakref.ref(has_decorated_method.f) del has_decorated_method # Tests that the weak reference we made to the function is now dead, which # means the object has been deleted. This should be true as long as the # function itself is not involved in a reference cycle. self.assertIs(None, weak_fn()) @test_util.assert_no_new_pyobjects_executing_eagerly def testErrorMessageWhenGraphTensorIsPassedToEager(self): @def_function.function def failing_function(): a = constant_op.constant(1.) with ops.init_scope(): _ = a + a with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, re.compile('An op outside of the function.*passed.*Const', re.DOTALL)): failing_function() def testNonUniqueNamesGetConcreteFunction(self): @def_function.function def non_unique_arg_names(x, **kwargs): a, b, c = x d = kwargs['d'] return a + b + c + d concrete = non_unique_arg_names.get_concrete_function( (tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32), tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32), tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32)), d=tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.float32)) self.assertAllClose( 10., concrete(x=constant_op.constant(1.), x_1=constant_op.constant(2.), x_2=constant_op.constant(3.), d=constant_op.constant(4.))) self.assertAllClose( 10., concrete(constant_op.constant(1.), constant_op.constant(2.), constant_op.constant(3.), constant_op.constant(4.))) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testVariableCreatorScope(self): created_variables = [] captured_variables = [] @def_function.function def f(): if not created_variables: created_variables.append(variables.Variable(1.)) return created_variables[0] + 1. def capture_creator(next_creator, **kwargs): created = next_creator(**kwargs) captured_variables.append(created) return created with variable_scope.variable_creator_scope(capture_creator): f() self.assertEqual(created_variables, captured_variables) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testVarAlreadyInitializedNoClobbering(self): v_holder = [] @def_function.function def add_var(x): if not v_holder: v = variables.Variable([1., 2.]) v_holder.append(v) already_initialized = variables.Variable(3.) with ops.init_scope(): already_initialized.assign(10.) v_holder.append(already_initialized) return v_holder[0] + v_holder[1] + x add_var.get_concrete_function(constant_op.constant(2.)) self.assertAllClose([13., 14.], add_var(constant_op.constant(2.))) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testSameVariableTwice(self): v = variables.Variable(1.0) @def_function.function def add(a, b): return a + b self.assertAllEqual(add(v, v), 2.0) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testVariableUpdate(self): v1 = variables.Variable(1.0) v2 = variables.Variable(2.0) v3 = variables.Variable(4, dtype=dtypes.int32) trace_count = [0] @def_function.function def double_variable(x): trace_count[0] += 1 x.assign_add(x.read_value()) self.assertEqual(trace_count[0], 0) double_variable(v1) self.assertEqual(trace_count[0], 1) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(v1), 2.0) double_variable(v2) self.assertEqual(trace_count[0], 2) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(v2), 4.0) double_variable(v3) self.assertEqual(trace_count[0], 3) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(v3), 8) def testShapeCache(self): @def_function.function def func(x): return 2 * x func_a = func.get_concrete_function( tensor_spec.TensorSpec([None], dtypes.int32)) func_b = func.get_concrete_function( tensor_spec.TensorSpec([None], dtypes.int32)) self.assertIs(func_a, func_b) def testCacheWithinSaveContext(self): @def_function.function def func(x): return 2 * x func_a = func.get_concrete_function(constant_op.constant(2.)) func_b = func.get_concrete_function(constant_op.constant(2.)) self.assertIs(func_a, func_b) with save_context.save_context(save_options.SaveOptions()): func_c = func.get_concrete_function(constant_op.constant(2.)) self.assertIs(func_a, func_c) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Nested function is not supported') def testInitializationInNestedCall(self): v_holder = [] @def_function.function def add_var(x): if not v_holder: v = variables.Variable([1., 2.]) v_holder.append(v) already_initialized = variables.Variable(3.) with ops.init_scope(): already_initialized.assign(10.) v_holder.append(already_initialized) return v_holder[0] + v_holder[1] + x @def_function.function def wrapper(x): return add_var(x) self.assertAllClose([13., 14.], wrapper(constant_op.constant(2.))) v_holder[1].assign(11.) self.assertAllClose([14., 15.], wrapper(constant_op.constant(2.))) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') @test_util.run_gpu_only def testDeviceAnnotationRespected(self): a = [] @def_function.function() def create_variable(): with ops.init_scope(): initial_value = random_ops.random_uniform( (2, 2), maxval=1000000, dtype=dtypes.int64) if not a: with ops.device('CPU:0'): a.append(resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(initial_value)) return a[0].read_value() create_variable() self.assertRegex(a[0].device, 'CPU') @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') @test_util.run_gpu_only def testDeviceAnnotationForInitializerRespected(self): a = [] initial_value = [] def initial_value_fn(): initial_value.append(random_ops.random_uniform((2, 3))) return initial_value[0] @def_function.function() def create_variable(): with ops.init_scope(): if not a: a.append(variables.Variable(initial_value_fn)) with ops.device('CPU:0'): create_variable() self.assertRegex(a[0].device, 'CPU') self.assertRegex(initial_value[0].device, 'CPU') def testDecorate(self): func = def_function.function(lambda: 1) def decorator(f): return lambda: 1 + f() func._decorate(decorator) self.assertEqual(func().numpy(), 2) @parameterized.parameters(*itertools.product( (None, (tensor_spec.TensorSpec([]),)), # input_signature (True, False), # autograph (None, converter.Feature.ALL), # autograph_options (None, ''), # implements (None, True, False), # relax_shapes (True, False), # compile (True, False), # override_function )) @test_util.disable_tfrt('b/168618526: design proper method to copy tensors' 'for function.') def testClone(self, input_signature, autograph, autograph_options, implements, relax_shapes, compile_, override_function): original_py_function = lambda x: x compile_ = False func = def_function.function( func=original_py_function, input_signature=input_signature, autograph=autograph, experimental_implements=implements, experimental_autograph_options=autograph_options, experimental_relax_shapes=relax_shapes, experimental_compile=compile_) if override_function: cloned_py_function = lambda x: x + 1 else: cloned_py_function = original_py_function cloned = func._clone(python_function=cloned_py_function) self.assertEqual(cloned_py_function, cloned._python_function) self.assertEqual(func._name, cloned._name) self.assertEqual(input_signature, cloned._input_signature) self.assertEqual(autograph, cloned._autograph) self.assertEqual(implements, cloned._implements) self.assertEqual(autograph_options, cloned._experimental_autograph_options) self.assertEqual(relax_shapes, cloned._experimental_relax_shapes) self.assertEqual(compile_, cloned._experimental_compile) # This test does not run with XLA JIT support linked in so we can only check # the output of the function if compile is disabled. if not compile_: x = array_ops.zeros([]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(cloned(x)), self.evaluate(cloned_py_function(x))) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Variable argument is not supported') def testLiftPlaceholderInitializedVariable(self): with ops.Graph().as_default(): var_list = [] @def_function.function def use_variable(): if not var_list: initial_value = array_ops.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=dtypes.float32) v = variables.Variable(initial_value) var_list.append(v) return var_list[0] + 1. var_plus_one = use_variable() with self.session() as session: init_op = var_list[0].initializer, feed_dict={init_op.inputs[1]: 2.}) self.assertEqual(3., def testDecorate_rejectedAfterTrace(self): func = def_function.function(lambda: 1) self.assertEqual(func().numpy(), 1) msg = 'Functions cannot be decorated after they have been traced.' with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): func._decorate(lambda f: f) def testGetConcreteFunctionGraphLifetime(self): @def_function.function def func(): pass graph = func.get_concrete_function().graph del func # If the graph is deleted, then an exception is raised on reading `captures` self.assertEmpty(graph.captures) @parameterized.parameters(*itertools.product( (None, (tensor_spec.TensorSpec([]),)), # input_signature (True, False), # autograph (None, converter.Feature.ALL), # autograph_options (None, ''), # implements (None, True, False), # relax_shapes )) @test_util.disable_tfrt('b/168618526: design proper method to copy tensors' 'for function.') def test_pickle(self, input_signature, autograph, autograph_options, implements, relax_shapes): """@function objects can be pickled and unpickled.""" original_py_function = undecorated_function func = def_function.function( func=original_py_function, input_signature=input_signature, autograph=autograph, experimental_implements=implements, experimental_autograph_options=autograph_options, experimental_relax_shapes=relax_shapes, ) cloned = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func)) self.assertEqual(func._name, cloned._name) self.assertEqual(input_signature, cloned._input_signature) self.assertEqual(autograph, cloned._autograph) self.assertEqual(implements, cloned._implements) self.assertEqual(autograph_options, cloned._experimental_autograph_options) self.assertEqual(relax_shapes, cloned._experimental_relax_shapes) x = array_ops.ones([]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(cloned(x)), self.evaluate(func(x))) def test_frequent_retracing_warning(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.skipTest('self.assertLogs() call is not available in Python 2.') @def_function.function def f(x): return x with self.assertLogs(level='WARN') as logs: f(1) f(2) f(3) f(4) self.assertEmpty(logs.output) f(5) self.assertLen(logs.output, 1) self.assertIn('Tracing is expensive', logs.output[0]) def test_frequent_retracing_warning_lambda(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.skipTest('self.assertLogs() call is not available in Python 2.') f = def_function.function(lambda x: x) with self.assertLogs(level='WARN') as logs: f(1) f(2) f(3) f(4) f(5) self.assertLen(logs.output, 1) self.assertIn('Tracing is expensive', logs.output[0]) def test_frequent_retracing_warning_method(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.skipTest('self.assertLogs() call is not available in Python 2.') class Foo(object): @def_function.function def f(self, x): return x f = Foo().f with self.assertLogs(level='WARN') as logs: f(1) f(2) f(3) f(4) f(5) self.assertLen(logs.output, 1) self.assertIn('Tracing is expensive', logs.output[0]) def test_frequent_retracing_warning_two_independent_tf_functions(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.skipTest('self.assertLogs() call is not available in Python 2.') @def_function.function def f(x): return x @def_function.function def g(x): return x with self.assertLogs(level='WARN') as logs: f(1) f(2) f(3) f(4) g(1) g(2) g(3) g(4) g(5) self.assertLen(logs.output, 1) self.assertIn('Tracing is expensive', logs.output[0]) @test_util.disable_tfrt('Nested function is not supported') def test_frequent_retracing_warning_nested(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.skipTest('self.assertLogs() call is not available in Python 2.') @def_function.function def inner(x): return x + 1 @def_function.function def outer1(x): return inner(x) * 2 @def_function.function def outer2(x): return inner(x) * 3 with self.assertLogs(level='WARN') as logs: inner(1) inner(2) inner(3) inner(4) outer1(5) outer1(6) outer1(7) outer1(8) outer2(9) outer2(10) outer2(11) outer2(12) self.assertEmpty(logs.output) outer2(13) self.assertLen(logs.output, 1) self.assertIn('Tracing is expensive', logs.output[0]) def test_frequent_retracing_warning_on_reinstantiation(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.skipTest('self.assertLogs() call is not available in Python 2.') with self.assertLogs(level='WARN') as logs: for i in range(5): @def_function.function def f(x): return x f(i) if i < 4: self.assertEmpty(logs.output) self.assertLen(logs.output, 1) self.assertIn('Tracing is expensive', logs.output[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': ops.enable_eager_execution() test.main()
"""Miscellaneous helper functions.""" from utils.compat import * from utils.cryptomath import * import hmac import md5 import sha #1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, and 8192 bit groups] goodGroupParameters = [(2,0xEEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE48E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B297BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9AFD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3),\ (2,0x9DEF3CAFB939277AB1F12A8617A47BBBDBA51DF499AC4C80BEEEA9614B19CC4D5F4F5F556E27CBDE51C6A94BE4607A291558903BA0D0F84380B655BB9A22E8DCDF028A7CEC67F0D08134B1C8B97989149B609E0BE3BAB63D47548381DBC5B1FC764E3F4B53DD9DA1158BFD3E2B9C8CF56EDF019539349627DB2FD53D24B7C48665772E437D6C7F8CE442734AF7CCB7AE837C264AE3A9BEB87F8A2FE9B8B5292E5A021FFF5E91479E8CE7A28C2442C6F315180F93499A234DCF76E3FED135F9BB),\ (2,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def P_hash(hashModule, secret, seed, length): bytes = createByteArrayZeros(length) secret = bytesToString(secret) seed = bytesToString(seed) A = seed index = 0 while 1: A = hmac.HMAC(secret, A, hashModule).digest() output = hmac.HMAC(secret, A+seed, hashModule).digest() for c in output: if index >= length: return bytes bytes[index] = ord(c) index += 1 return bytes def PRF(secret, label, seed, length): #Split the secret into left and right halves S1 = secret[ : int(math.ceil(len(secret)/2.0))] S2 = secret[ int(math.floor(len(secret)/2.0)) : ] #Run the left half through P_MD5 and the right half through P_SHA1 p_md5 = P_hash(md5, S1, concatArrays(stringToBytes(label), seed), length) p_sha1 = P_hash(sha, S2, concatArrays(stringToBytes(label), seed), length) #XOR the output values and return the result for x in range(length): p_md5[x] ^= p_sha1[x] return p_md5 def PRF_SSL(secret, seed, length): secretStr = bytesToString(secret) seedStr = bytesToString(seed) bytes = createByteArrayZeros(length) index = 0 for x in range(26): A = chr(ord('A')+x) * (x+1) # 'A', 'BB', 'CCC', etc.. input = secretStr + sha.sha(A + secretStr + seedStr).digest() output = md5.md5(input).digest() for c in output: if index >= length: return bytes bytes[index] = ord(c) index += 1 return bytes def makeX(salt, username, password): if len(username)>=256: raise ValueError("username too long") if len(salt)>=256: raise ValueError("salt too long") return stringToNumber(sha.sha(salt + sha.sha(username + ":" + password)\ .digest()).digest()) #This function is used by VerifierDB.makeVerifier def makeVerifier(username, password, bits): bitsIndex = {1024:0, 1536:1, 2048:2, 3072:3, 4096:4, 6144:5, 8192:6}[bits] g,N = goodGroupParameters[bitsIndex] salt = bytesToString(getRandomBytes(16)) x = makeX(salt, username, password) verifier = powMod(g, x, N) return N, g, salt, verifier def PAD(n, x): nLength = len(numberToString(n)) s = numberToString(x) if len(s) < nLength: s = ("\0" * (nLength-len(s))) + s return s def makeU(N, A, B): return stringToNumber(sha.sha(PAD(N, A) + PAD(N, B)).digest()) def makeK(N, g): return stringToNumber(sha.sha(numberToString(N) + PAD(N, g)).digest()) """ MAC_SSL Modified from Python HMAC by Trevor """ class MAC_SSL: """MAC_SSL class. This supports the API for Cryptographic Hash Functions (PEP 247). """ def __init__(self, key, msg = None, digestmod = None): """Create a new MAC_SSL object. key: key for the keyed hash object. msg: Initial input for the hash, if provided. digestmod: A module supporting PEP 247. Defaults to the md5 module. """ if digestmod is None: import md5 digestmod = md5 if key == None: #TREVNEW - for faster copying return #TREVNEW self.digestmod = digestmod self.outer = self.inner = self.digest_size = digestmod.digest_size ipad = "\x36" * 40 opad = "\x5C" * 40 self.inner.update(key) self.inner.update(ipad) self.outer.update(key) self.outer.update(opad) if msg is not None: self.update(msg) def update(self, msg): """Update this hashing object with the string msg. """ self.inner.update(msg) def copy(self): """Return a separate copy of this hashing object. An update to this copy won't affect the original object. """ other = MAC_SSL(None) #TREVNEW - for faster copying other.digest_size = self.digest_size #TREVNEW other.digestmod = self.digestmod other.inner = self.inner.copy() other.outer = self.outer.copy() return other def digest(self): """Return the hash value of this hashing object. This returns a string containing 8-bit data. The object is not altered in any way by this function; you can continue updating the object after calling this function. """ h = self.outer.copy() h.update(self.inner.digest()) return h.digest() def hexdigest(self): """Like digest(), but returns a string of hexadecimal digits instead. """ return "".join([hex(ord(x))[2:].zfill(2) for x in tuple(self.digest())])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime import io import json from PIL import Image import re from urllib import urlencode import urllib2 from urlparse import urlparse from openerp import api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID, _ from import image from openerp.exceptions import Warning from import slug class Channel(models.Model): """ A channel is a container of slides. It has group-based access configuration allowing to configure slide upload and access. Slides can be promoted in channels. """ _name = '' _description = 'Channel for Slides' _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata', 'website.published.mixin'] _order = 'sequence, id' _order_by_strategy = { 'most_viewed': 'total_views desc', 'most_voted': 'likes desc', 'latest': 'date_published desc', } name = fields.Char('Name', translate=True, required=True) description = fields.Html('Description', translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer(default=10, help='Display order') category_ids = fields.One2many('slide.category', 'channel_id', string="Categories") slide_ids = fields.One2many('slide.slide', 'channel_id', string="Slides") promote_strategy = fields.Selection([ ('none', 'No Featured Presentation'), ('latest', 'Latest Published'), ('most_voted', 'Most Voted'), ('most_viewed', 'Most Viewed'), ('custom', 'Featured Presentation')], string="Featuring Policy", default='most_voted', required=True) custom_slide_id = fields.Many2one('slide.slide', string='Slide to Promote') promoted_slide_id = fields.Many2one('slide.slide', string='Featured Slide', compute='_compute_promoted_slide_id', store=True) @api.depends('custom_slide_id', 'promote_strategy', 'slide_ids.likes', 'slide_ids.total_views', "slide_ids.date_published") def _compute_promoted_slide_id(self): for record in self: if record.promote_strategy == 'none': record.promoted_slide_id = False elif record.promote_strategy == 'custom': record.promoted_slide_id = record.custom_slide_id elif record.promote_strategy: slides = self.env['slide.slide'].search( [('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id', '=',], limit=1, order=self._order_by_strategy[record.promote_strategy]) record.promoted_slide_id = slides and slides[0] or False nbr_presentations = fields.Integer('Number of Presentations', compute='_count_presentations', store=True) nbr_documents = fields.Integer('Number of Documents', compute='_count_presentations', store=True) nbr_videos = fields.Integer('Number of Videos', compute='_count_presentations', store=True) nbr_infographics = fields.Integer('Number of Infographics', compute='_count_presentations', store=True) total = fields.Integer(compute='_count_presentations', store=True) @api.depends('slide_ids.slide_type', 'slide_ids.website_published') def _count_presentations(self): result = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, dict()) res = self.env['slide.slide'].read_group( [('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['channel_id', 'slide_type'], ['channel_id', 'slide_type'], lazy=False) for res_group in res: result[res_group['channel_id'][0]][res_group['slide_type']] = result[res_group['channel_id'][0]].get(res_group['slide_type'], 0) + res_group['__count'] for record in self: record.nbr_presentations = result[].get('presentation', 0) record.nbr_documents = result[].get('document', 0) record.nbr_videos = result[].get('video', 0) record.nbr_infographics = result[].get('infographic', 0) = record.nbr_presentations + record.nbr_documents + record.nbr_videos + record.nbr_infographics publish_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'mail.template', string='Published Template', help="Email template to send slide publication through email", default=lambda self: self.env[''].xmlid_to_res_id('website_slides.slide_template_published')) share_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'mail.template', string='Shared Template', help="Email template used when sharing a slide", default=lambda self: self.env[''].xmlid_to_res_id('website_slides.slide_template_shared')) visibility = fields.Selection([ ('public', 'Public'), ('private', 'Private'), ('partial', 'Show channel but restrict presentations')], default='public', required=True) group_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.groups', 'rel_channel_groups', 'channel_id', 'group_id', string='Channel Groups', help="Groups allowed to see presentations in this channel") access_error_msg = fields.Html( 'Error Message', help="Message to display when not accessible due to access rights", default="<p>This channel is private and its content is restricted to some users.</p>", translate=True) upload_group_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.groups', 'rel_upload_groups', 'channel_id', 'group_id', string='Upload Groups', help="Groups allowed to upload presentations in this channel. If void, every user can upload.") # not stored access fields, depending on each user can_see = fields.Boolean('Can See', compute='_compute_access') can_see_full = fields.Boolean('Full Access', compute='_compute_access') can_upload = fields.Boolean('Can Upload', compute='_compute_access') @api.depends('visibility', 'group_ids', 'upload_group_ids') def _compute_access(self): self.can_see = self.visibility in ['public', 'private'] or bool(self.group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id) self.can_see_full = self.visibility == 'public' or bool(self.group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id) self.can_upload = self.can_see and (not self.upload_group_ids or bool(self.upload_group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id)) @api.multi @api.depends('name') def _website_url(self, name, arg): res = super(Channel, self)._website_url(name, arg) base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url') res.update({(, '%s/slides/%s' % (base_url, slug(channel))) for channel in self}) return res @api.onchange('visibility') def change_visibility(self): if self.visibility == 'public': self.group_ids = False class Category(models.Model): """ Channel contain various categories to manage its slides """ _name = 'slide.category' _description = "Slides Category" _order = "sequence, id" name = fields.Char('Name', translate=True, required=True) channel_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Channel", required=True, ondelete='cascade') sequence = fields.Integer(default=10, help='Display order') slide_ids = fields.One2many('slide.slide', 'category_id', string="Slides") nbr_presentations = fields.Integer("Number of Presentations", compute='_count_presentations', store=True) nbr_documents = fields.Integer("Number of Documents", compute='_count_presentations', store=True) nbr_videos = fields.Integer("Number of Videos", compute='_count_presentations', store=True) nbr_infographics = fields.Integer("Number of Infographics", compute='_count_presentations', store=True) total = fields.Integer(compute='_count_presentations', store=True) @api.depends('slide_ids.slide_type', 'slide_ids.website_published') def _count_presentations(self): result = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, dict()) res = self.env['slide.slide'].read_group( [('website_published', '=', True), ('category_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['category_id', 'slide_type'], ['category_id', 'slide_type'], lazy=False) for res_group in res: result[res_group['category_id'][0]][res_group['slide_type']] = result[res_group['category_id'][0]].get(res_group['slide_type'], 0) + res_group['__count'] for record in self: record.nbr_presentations = result[].get('presentation', 0) record.nbr_documents = result[].get('document', 0) record.nbr_videos = result[].get('video', 0) record.nbr_infographics = result[].get('infographic', 0) = record.nbr_presentations + record.nbr_documents + record.nbr_videos + record.nbr_infographics class EmbeddedSlide(models.Model): """ Embedding in third party websites. Track view count, generate statistics. """ _name = 'slide.embed' _description = 'Embedded Slides View Counter' _rec_name = 'slide_id' slide_id = fields.Many2one('slide.slide', string="Presentation", required=True, select=1) url = fields.Char('Third Party Website URL', required=True) count_views = fields.Integer('# Views', default=1) def add_embed_url(self, slide_id, url): schema = urlparse(url) baseurl = schema.netloc embeds =[('url', '=', baseurl), ('slide_id', '=', int(slide_id))], limit=1) if embeds: embeds.count_views += 1 else: embeds = self.create({ 'slide_id': slide_id, 'url': baseurl, }) return embeds.count_views class SlideTag(models.Model): """ Tag to search slides accross channels. """ _name = 'slide.tag' _description = 'Slide Tag' name = fields.Char('Name', required=True) _sql_constraints = [ ('slide_tag_unique', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'A tag must be unique!'), ] class Slide(models.Model): """ This model represents actual presentations. Those must be one of four types: - Presentation - Document - Infographic - Video Slide has various statistics like view count, embed count, like, dislikes """ _name = 'slide.slide' _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata', 'website.published.mixin'] _description = 'Slides' _PROMOTIONAL_FIELDS = [ '__last_update', 'name', 'image_thumb', 'image_medium', 'slide_type', 'total_views', 'category_id', 'channel_id', 'description', 'tag_ids', 'write_date', 'create_date', 'website_published', 'website_url', 'website_meta_title', 'website_meta_description', 'website_meta_keywords'] _sql_constraints = [ ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(channel_id, name)', 'The slide name must be unique within a channel') ] # description name = fields.Char('Title', required=True, translate=True) description = fields.Text('Description', translate=True) channel_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Channel", required=True) category_id = fields.Many2one('slide.category', string="Category", domain="[('channel_id', '=', channel_id)]") tag_ids = fields.Many2many('slide.tag', 'rel_slide_tag', 'slide_id', 'tag_id', string='Tags') download_security = fields.Selection( [('none', 'No One'), ('user', 'Authentified Users Only'), ('public', 'Everyone')], string='Download Security', required=True, default='user') image = fields.Binary('Image') image_medium = fields.Binary('Medium', compute="_get_image", store=True) image_thumb = fields.Binary('Thumbnail', compute="_get_image", store=True) @api.depends('image') def _get_image(self): for record in self: if record.image: record.image_medium = image.crop_image(record.image, type='top', ratio=(4, 3), thumbnail_ratio=4) record.image_thumb = image.crop_image(record.image, type='top', ratio=(4, 3), thumbnail_ratio=6) else: record.image_medium = False record.iamge_thumb = False # content slide_type = fields.Selection([ ('infographic', 'Infographic'), ('presentation', 'Presentation'), ('document', 'Document'), ('video', 'Video')], string='Type', required=True, default='document', help="Document type will be set automatically depending on file type, height and width.") index_content = fields.Text('Transcript') datas = fields.Binary('Content') url = fields.Char('Document URL', help="Youtube or Google Document URL") document_id = fields.Char('Document ID', help="Youtube or Google Document ID") mime_type = fields.Char('Mime-type') @api.onchange('url') def on_change_url(self): self.ensure_one() if self.url: res = self._parse_document_url(self.url) if res.get('error'): raise Warning(_('Could not fetch data from url. Document or access right not available:\n%s') % res['error']) values = res['values'] if not values.get('document_id'): raise Warning(_('Please enter valid Youtube or Google Doc URL')) for key, value in values.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) # website date_published = fields.Datetime('Publish Date') website_message_ids = fields.One2many( 'mail.message', 'res_id', domain=lambda self: [('model', '=', self._name), ('message_type', '=', 'comment')], string='Website Messages', help="Website communication history") likes = fields.Integer('Likes') dislikes = fields.Integer('Dislikes') # views embedcount_ids = fields.One2many('slide.embed', 'slide_id', string="Embed Count") slide_views = fields.Integer('# of Website Views') embed_views = fields.Integer('# of Embedded Views') total_views = fields.Integer("Total # Views", default="0", compute='_compute_total', store=True) @api.depends('slide_views', 'embed_views') def _compute_total(self): for record in self: record.total_views = record.slide_views + record.embed_views embed_code = fields.Text('Embed Code', readonly=True, compute='_get_embed_code') def _get_embed_code(self): base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url') for record in self: if record.datas and not record.document_id: record.embed_code = '<iframe src="%s/slides/embed/%s?page=1" allowFullScreen="true" height="%s" width="%s" frameborder="0"></iframe>' % (base_url,, 315, 420) elif record.slide_type == 'video' and record.document_id: if not record.mime_type: # embed youtube video record.embed_code = '<iframe src="//" allowFullScreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>' % (record.document_id) else: # embed google doc video record.embed_code = '<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>' % (record.document_id) else: record.embed_code = False @api.multi @api.depends('name') def _website_url(self, name, arg): res = super(Slide, self)._website_url(name, arg) base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url') #link_tracker is not in dependencies, so use it to shorten url only if installed. if self.env.registry.get('link.tracker'): LinkTracker = self.env['link.tracker'] res.update({(, LinkTracker.sudo().create({'url': '%s/slides/slide/%s' % (base_url, slug(slide))}).short_url) for slide in self}) else: res.update({(, '%s/slides/slide/%s' % (base_url, slug(slide))) for slide in self}) return res @api.model def create(self, values): if not values.get('index_content'): values['index_content'] = values.get('description') if values.get('slide_type') == 'infographic' and not values.get('image'): values['image'] = values['datas'] if values.get('website_published') and not values.get('date_published'): values['date_published'] = if values.get('url'): doc_data = self._parse_document_url(values['url']).get('values', dict()) for key, value in doc_data.iteritems(): values.setdefault(key, value) # Do not publish slide if user has not publisher rights if not self.user_has_groups('base.group_website_publisher'): values['website_published'] = False slide = super(Slide, self).create(values) slide.channel_id.message_subscribe_users() slide._post_publication() return slide @api.multi def write(self, values): if values.get('url'): doc_data = self._parse_document_url(values['url']).get('values', dict()) for key, value in doc_data.iteritems(): values.setdefault(key, value) res = super(Slide, self).write(values) if values.get('website_published'): self.date_published = self._post_publication() return res @api.model def check_field_access_rights(self, operation, fields): """ As per channel access configuration (visibility) - public ==> no restriction on slides access - private ==> restrict all slides of channel based on access group defined on channel group_ids field - partial ==> show channel, but presentations based on groups means any user can see channel but not slide's content. For private: implement using record rule For partial: user can see channel, but channel gridview have slide detail so we have to implement partial field access mechanism for public user so he can have access of promotional field (name, view_count) of slides, but not all fields like data (actual pdf content) all fields should be accessible only for user group defined on channel group_ids """ if self.env.uid == SUPERUSER_ID: return fields or list(self._fields) fields = super(Slide, self).check_field_access_rights(operation, fields) # still read not perform so we can not access self.channel_id if self.ids:'SELECT DISTINCT channel_id FROM ' + self._table + ' WHERE id IN %s', (tuple(self.ids),)) channel_ids = [x[0] for x in] channels = self.env[''].sudo().browse(channel_ids) limited_access = all(channel.visibility == 'partial' and not len(channel.group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id) for channel in channels) if limited_access: fields = [field for field in fields if field in self._PROMOTIONAL_FIELDS] return fields def get_related_slides(self, limit=20): domain = [('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id.visibility', '!=', 'private'), ('id', '!=',] if self.category_id: domain += [('category_id', '=',] for record in, limit=limit): yield record def get_most_viewed_slides(self, limit=20): for record in[('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id.visibility', '!=', 'private'), ('id', '!=',], limit=limit, order='total_views desc'): yield record def _post_publication(self): base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url') for slide in self.filtered(lambda slide: slide.website_published): publish_template = slide.channel_id.publish_template_id html_body = publish_template.with_context({'base_url': base_url}).render_template(publish_template.body_html, 'slide.slide', slide.channel_id.message_post(body=html_body, subtype='website_slides.mt_channel_slide_published') return True def send_share_email(self, email): base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url') return self.channel_id.share_template_id.with_context({'email': email, 'base_url': base_url}).send_mail( # -------------------------------------------------- # Parsing methods # -------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _fetch_data(self, base_url, data, content_type=False): result = {'values': dict()} try: if data: base_url = base_url + '?%s' % urlencode(data) req = urllib2.Request(base_url) content = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() if content_type == 'json': result['values'] = json.loads(content) elif content_type in ('image', 'pdf'): result['values'] = content.encode('base64') else: result['values'] = content except urllib2.HTTPError as e: result['error'] = e.close() except urllib2.URLError as e: result['error'] = e.reason return result def _find_document_data_from_url(self, url): expr = re.compile(r'^.*((|(v/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*') arg = expr.match(url) document_id = arg and or False if document_id: return ('youtube', document_id) expr = re.compile(r'(^https:\/\/|^https:\/\/*\/d\/([^\/]*)') arg = expr.match(url) document_id = arg and or False if document_id: return ('google', document_id) return (None, False) def _parse_document_url(self, url, only_preview_fields=False): document_source, document_id = self._find_document_data_from_url(url) if document_source and hasattr(self, '_parse_%s_document' % document_source): return getattr(self, '_parse_%s_document' % document_source)(document_id, only_preview_fields) return {'error': _('Unknown document')} def _parse_youtube_document(self, document_id, only_preview_fields): key = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('website_slides.google_app_key') fetch_res = self._fetch_data('', {'id': document_id, 'key': key, 'part': 'snippet', 'fields': 'items(id,snippet)'}, 'json') if fetch_res.get('error'): return fetch_res values = {'slide_type': 'video', 'document_id': document_id} youtube_values = fetch_res['values'].get('items', list(dict()))[0] if youtube_values.get('snippet'): snippet = youtube_values['snippet'] if only_preview_fields: values.update({ 'url_src': snippet['thumbnails']['high']['url'], 'title': snippet['title'], 'description': snippet['description'] }) return values values.update({ 'name': snippet['title'], 'image': self._fetch_data(snippet['thumbnails']['high']['url'], {}, 'image')['values'], 'description': snippet['description'], }) return {'values': values} @api.model def _parse_google_document(self, document_id, only_preview_fields): def get_slide_type(vals): # TDE FIXME: WTF ?? image =['image'].decode('base64'))) width, height = image.size if height > width: return 'document' else: return 'presentation' key = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('website_slides.google_app_key') fetch_res = self._fetch_data('' % document_id, {'projection': 'BASIC', 'key': key}, "json") if fetch_res.get('error'): return fetch_res google_values = fetch_res['values'] if only_preview_fields: return { 'url_src': google_values['thumbnailLink'], 'title': google_values['title'], } values = { 'name': google_values['title'], 'image': self._fetch_data(google_values['thumbnailLink'].replace('=s220', ''), {}, 'image')['values'], 'mime_type': google_values['mimeType'], 'document_id': document_id, } if google_values['mimeType'].startswith('video/'): values['slide_type'] = 'video' elif google_values['mimeType'].startswith('image/'): values['datas'] = values['image'] values['slide_type'] = 'infographic' elif google_values['mimeType'].startswith('application/'): values['datas'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['exportLinks']['application/pdf'], {}, 'pdf')['values'] values['slide_type'] = get_slide_type(values) if google_values['exportLinks'].get('text/plain'): values['index_content'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['exportLinks']['text/plain'], {})['values'] if google_values['exportLinks'].get('text/csv'): values['index_content'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['exportLinks']['text/csv'], {})['values'] elif google_values['mimeType'] == 'application/pdf': # TODO: Google Drive PDF document doesn't provide plain text transcript values['datas'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['webContentLink'], {}, 'pdf')['values'] values['slide_type'] = get_slide_type(values) return {'values': values}
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2008, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Tests the text output of Google C++ Mocking Framework. SYNOPSIS --build_dir=BUILD/DIR --gengolden # where BUILD/DIR contains the built gmock_output_test_ file. --gengolden """ __author__ = '[email protected] (Zhanyong Wan)' import os import re import sys import gmock_test_utils # The flag for generating the golden file GENGOLDEN_FLAG = '--gengolden' PROGRAM_PATH = gmock_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath('gmock_output_test_') COMMAND = [PROGRAM_PATH, '--gtest_stack_trace_depth=0', '--gtest_print_time=0'] GOLDEN_NAME = 'gmock_output_test_golden.txt' GOLDEN_PATH = os.path.join(gmock_test_utils.GetSourceDir(), GOLDEN_NAME) def ToUnixLineEnding(s): """Changes all Windows/Mac line endings in s to UNIX line endings.""" return s.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') def RemoveReportHeaderAndFooter(output): """Removes Google Test result report's header and footer from the output.""" output = re.sub(r'.*gtest_main.*\n', '', output) output = re.sub(r'\[.*\d+ tests.*\n', '', output) output = re.sub(r'\[.* test environment .*\n', '', output) output = re.sub(r'\[=+\] \d+ tests .* ran.*', '', output) output = re.sub(r'.* FAILED TESTS\n', '', output) return output def RemoveLocations(output): """Removes all file location info from a Google Test program's output. Args: output: the output of a Google Test program. Returns: output with all file location info (in the form of 'DIRECTORY/FILE_NAME:LINE_NUMBER: 'or 'DIRECTORY\\FILE_NAME(LINE_NUMBER): ') replaced by 'FILE:#: '. """ return re.sub(r'.*[/\\](.+)(\:\d+|\(\d+\))\:', 'FILE:#:', output) def NormalizeErrorMarker(output): """Normalizes the error marker, which is different on Windows vs on Linux.""" return re.sub(r' error: ', ' Failure\n', output) def RemoveMemoryAddresses(output): """Removes memory addresses from the test output.""" return re.sub(r'@\w+', '@0x#', output) def RemoveTestNamesOfLeakedMocks(output): """Removes the test names of leaked mock objects from the test output.""" return re.sub(r'\(used in test .+\) ', '', output) def GetLeakyTests(output): """Returns a list of test names that leak mock objects.""" # findall() returns a list of all matches of the regex in output. # For example, if '(used in test FooTest.Bar)' is in output, the # list will contain 'FooTest.Bar'. return re.findall(r'\(used in test (.+)\)', output) def GetNormalizedOutputAndLeakyTests(output): """Normalizes the output of gmock_output_test_. Args: output: The test output. Returns: A tuple (the normalized test output, the list of test names that have leaked mocks). """ output = ToUnixLineEnding(output) output = RemoveReportHeaderAndFooter(output) output = NormalizeErrorMarker(output) output = RemoveLocations(output) output = RemoveMemoryAddresses(output) return (RemoveTestNamesOfLeakedMocks(output), GetLeakyTests(output)) def GetShellCommandOutput(cmd): """Runs a command in a sub-process, and returns its STDOUT in a string.""" return gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(cmd, capture_stderr=False).output def GetNormalizedCommandOutputAndLeakyTests(cmd): """Runs a command and returns its normalized output and a list of leaky tests. Args: cmd: the shell command. """ # Disables exception pop-ups on Windows. os.environ['GTEST_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS'] = '1' return GetNormalizedOutputAndLeakyTests(GetShellCommandOutput(cmd)) class GMockOutputTest(gmock_test_utils.TestCase): def testOutput(self): (output, leaky_tests) = GetNormalizedCommandOutputAndLeakyTests(COMMAND) golden_file = open(GOLDEN_PATH, 'rb') golden = golden_file.close() # The normalized output should match the golden file. self.assertEquals(golden, output) # The raw output should contain 2 leaked mock object errors for # test GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks. self.assertEquals(['GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks', 'GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks'], leaky_tests) if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.argv[1:] == [GENGOLDEN_FLAG]: (output, _) = GetNormalizedCommandOutputAndLeakyTests(COMMAND) golden_file = open(GOLDEN_PATH, 'wb') golden_file.write(output) golden_file.close() else: gmock_test_utils.Main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import timedelta, datetime import ddt import json import mock import requests.exceptions import pytz from django.conf import settings from django.db import IntegrityError from django.test import TestCase from mock import patch from import assert_is_none, assert_equals, assert_raises, assert_true, assert_false # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from student.tests.factories import UserFactory from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models import ( SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification, VerificationException, VerificationCheckpoint, VerificationStatus, SkippedReverification, VerificationDeadline ) FAKE_SETTINGS = { "SOFTWARE_SECURE": { "FACE_IMAGE_AES_KEY": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "API_ACCESS_KEY": "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", "API_SECRET_KEY": "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", "RSA_PUBLIC_KEY": """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAu2fUn20ZQtDpa1TKeCA/ rDA2cEeFARjEr41AP6jqP/k3O7TeqFX6DgCBkxcjojRCs5IfE8TimBHtv/bcSx9o 7PANTq/62ZLM9xAMpfCcU6aAd4+CVqQkXSYjj5TUqamzDFBkp67US8IPmw7I2Gaa tX8ErZ9D7ieOJ8/0hEiphHpCZh4TTgGuHgjon6vMV8THtq3AQMaAQ/y5R3V7Lezw dyZCM9pBcvcH+60ma+nNg8GVGBAW/oLxILBtg+T3PuXSUvcu/r6lUFMHk55pU94d 9A/T8ySJm379qU24ligMEetPk1o9CUasdaI96xfXVDyFhrzrntAmdD+HYCSPOQHz iwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----""", "API_URL": "http://localhost/verify_student/fake_endpoint", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY": "FAKEACCESSKEY", "AWS_SECRET_KEY": "FAKESECRETKEY", "S3_BUCKET": "fake-bucket" } } class MockKey(object): """ Mocking a boto S3 Key object. It's a really dumb mock because once we write data to S3, we never read it again. We simply generate a link to it and pass that to Software Secure. Because of that, we don't even implement the ability to pull back previously written content in this mock. Testing that the encryption/decryption roundtrip on the data works is in """ def __init__(self, bucket): self.bucket = bucket def set_contents_from_string(self, contents): self.contents = contents def generate_url(self, duration): return "" class MockBucket(object): """Mocking a boto S3 Bucket object.""" def __init__(self, name): = name class MockS3Connection(object): """Mocking a boto S3 Connection""" def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key): pass def get_bucket(self, bucket_name): return MockBucket(bucket_name) def mock_software_secure_post(url, headers=None, data=None, **kwargs): """ Mocks our interface when we post to Software Secure. Does basic assertions on the fields we send over to make sure we're not missing headers or giving total garbage. """ data_dict = json.loads(data) # Basic sanity checking on the keys EXPECTED_KEYS = [ "EdX-ID", "ExpectedName", "PhotoID", "PhotoIDKey", "SendResponseTo", "UserPhoto", "UserPhotoKey", ] for key in EXPECTED_KEYS: assert_true( data_dict.get(key), "'{}' must be present and not blank in JSON submitted to Software Secure".format(key) ) # The keys should be stored as Base64 strings, i.e. this should not explode photo_id_key = data_dict["PhotoIDKey"].decode("base64") user_photo_key = data_dict["UserPhotoKey"].decode("base64") response = requests.Response() response.status_code = 200 return response def mock_software_secure_post_error(url, headers=None, data=None, **kwargs): """ Simulates what happens if our post to Software Secure is rejected, for whatever reason. """ response = requests.Response() response.status_code = 400 return response def mock_software_secure_post_unavailable(url, headers=None, data=None, **kwargs): """Simulates a connection failure when we try to submit to Software Secure.""" raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError # Lots of patching to stub in our own settings, S3 substitutes, and HTTP posting @patch.dict(settings.VERIFY_STUDENT, FAKE_SETTINGS) @patch('lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models.S3Connection', new=MockS3Connection) @patch('lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models.Key', new=MockKey) @patch('', new=mock_software_secure_post) @ddt.ddt class TestPhotoVerification(ModuleStoreTestCase): def test_state_transitions(self): """ Make sure we can't make unexpected status transitions. The status transitions we expect are:: → → → must_retry ↑ ↑ ↓ created → ready → submitted → approved ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ → → denied """ user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) assert_equals(attempt.status, "created") # These should all fail because we're in the wrong starting state. assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.submit) assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.approve) assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.deny) # Now let's fill in some values so that we can pass the mark_ready() call attempt.mark_ready() assert_equals(attempt.status, "ready") # ready (can't approve or deny unless it's "submitted") assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.approve) assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.deny) DENY_ERROR_MSG = '[{"photoIdReasons": ["Not provided"]}]' # must_retry attempt.status = "must_retry" attempt.system_error("System error") attempt.approve() attempt.status = "must_retry" attempt.deny(DENY_ERROR_MSG) # submitted attempt.status = "submitted" attempt.deny(DENY_ERROR_MSG) attempt.status = "submitted" attempt.approve() # approved assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.submit) attempt.approve() # no-op attempt.system_error("System error") # no-op, something processed it without error attempt.deny(DENY_ERROR_MSG) # denied assert_raises(VerificationException, attempt.submit) attempt.deny(DENY_ERROR_MSG) # no-op attempt.system_error("System error") # no-op, something processed it without error attempt.approve() def test_name_freezing(self): """ You can change your name prior to marking a verification attempt ready, but changing your name afterwards should not affect the value in the in the attempt record. Basically, we want to always know what your name was when you submitted it. """ user = UserFactory.create() = u"Jack \u01B4" # gratuious non-ASCII char to test encodings attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) = u"Clyde \u01B4" attempt.mark_ready() = u"Rusty \u01B4" assert_equals(u"Clyde \u01B4", def create_and_submit(self): """Helper method to create a generic submission and send it.""" user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) = u"Rust\u01B4" attempt.upload_face_image("Just pretend this is image data") attempt.upload_photo_id_image("Hey, we're a photo ID") attempt.mark_ready() attempt.submit() return attempt def test_submissions(self): """Test that we set our status correctly after a submission.""" # Basic case, things go well. attempt = self.create_and_submit() assert_equals(attempt.status, "submitted") # We post, but Software Secure doesn't like what we send for some reason with patch('', new=mock_software_secure_post_error): attempt = self.create_and_submit() assert_equals(attempt.status, "must_retry") # We try to post, but run into an error (in this case a newtork connection error) with patch('', new=mock_software_secure_post_unavailable): attempt = self.create_and_submit() assert_equals(attempt.status, "must_retry") @mock.patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'AUTOMATIC_VERIFY_STUDENT_IDENTITY_FOR_TESTING': True}) def test_submission_while_testing_flag_is_true(self): """ Test that a fake value is set for field 'photo_id_key' of user's initial verification when the feature flag 'AUTOMATIC_VERIFY_STUDENT_IDENTITY_FOR_TESTING' is enabled. """ user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) = "test-user" attempt.upload_photo_id_image("Image data") attempt.mark_ready() attempt.submit() self.assertEqual(attempt.photo_id_key, "fake-photo-id-key") def test_active_for_user(self): """ Make sure we can retrive a user's active (in progress) verification attempt. """ user = UserFactory.create() # This user has no active at the moment... assert_is_none(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user)) # Create an attempt and mark it ready... attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt.mark_ready() assert_equals(attempt, SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user)) # A new user won't see this... user2 = UserFactory.create() assert_is_none(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user2)) # If it's got a different status, it doesn't count for status in ["submitted", "must_retry", "approved", "denied"]: attempt.status = status assert_is_none(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user)) # But if we create yet another one and mark it ready, it passes again. attempt_2 = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt_2.mark_ready() assert_equals(attempt_2, SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user)) # And if we add yet another one with a later created time, we get that # one instead. We always want the most recent attempt marked ready() attempt_3 = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification( user=user, created_at=attempt_2.created_at + timedelta(days=1) ) # We haven't marked attempt_3 ready yet, so attempt_2 still wins assert_equals(attempt_2, SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user)) # Now we mark attempt_3 ready and expect it to come back attempt_3.mark_ready() assert_equals(attempt_3, SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.active_for_user(user)) def test_user_is_verified(self): """ Test to make sure we correctly answer whether a user has been verified. """ user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) # If it's any of these, they're not verified... for status in ["created", "ready", "denied", "submitted", "must_retry"]: attempt.status = status assert_false(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_is_verified(user), status) attempt.status = "approved" assert_true(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_is_verified(user), attempt.status) def test_user_has_valid_or_pending(self): """ Determine whether we have to prompt this user to verify, or if they've already at least initiated a verification submission. """ user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) # If it's any of these statuses, they don't have anything outstanding for status in ["created", "ready", "denied"]: attempt.status = status assert_false(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_has_valid_or_pending(user), status) # Any of these, and we are. Note the benefit of the doubt we're giving # -- must_retry, and submitted both count until we hear otherwise for status in ["submitted", "must_retry", "approved"]: attempt.status = status assert_true(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_has_valid_or_pending(user), status) def test_user_status(self): # test for correct status when no error returned user = UserFactory.create() status = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_status(user) self.assertEquals(status, ('none', '')) # test for when one has been created attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt.status = 'approved' status = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_status(user) self.assertEquals(status, ('approved', '')) # create another one for the same user, make sure the right one is # returned attempt2 = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt2.status = 'denied' attempt2.error_msg = '[{"photoIdReasons": ["Not provided"]}]' status = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_status(user) self.assertEquals(status, ('approved', '')) # now delete the first one and verify that the denial is being handled # properly attempt.delete() status = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_status(user) self.assertEquals(status, ('must_reverify', "No photo ID was provided.")) def test_parse_error_msg_success(self): user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt.status = 'denied' attempt.error_msg = '[{"photoIdReasons": ["Not provided"]}]' parsed_error_msg = attempt.parsed_error_msg() self.assertEquals("No photo ID was provided.", parsed_error_msg) def test_parse_error_msg_failure(self): user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt.status = 'denied' # when we can't parse into json bad_messages = { 'Not Provided', '[{"IdReasons": ["Not provided"]}]', '{"IdReasons": ["Not provided"]}', u'[{"ïḋṚëäṡöṅṡ": ["Ⓝⓞⓣ ⓟⓡⓞⓥⓘⓓⓔⓓ "]}]', } for msg in bad_messages: attempt.error_msg = msg parsed_error_msg = attempt.parsed_error_msg() self.assertEquals(parsed_error_msg, "There was an error verifying your ID photos.") def test_active_at_datetime(self): user = UserFactory.create() attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=user) # Not active before the created date before = attempt.created_at - timedelta(seconds=1) self.assertFalse(attempt.active_at_datetime(before)) # Active immediately after created date after_created = attempt.created_at + timedelta(seconds=1) self.assertTrue(attempt.active_at_datetime(after_created)) # Active immediately before expiration date expiration = attempt.created_at + timedelta(days=settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["DAYS_GOOD_FOR"]) before_expiration = expiration - timedelta(seconds=1) self.assertTrue(attempt.active_at_datetime(before_expiration)) # Not active after the expiration date after = expiration + timedelta(seconds=1) self.assertFalse(attempt.active_at_datetime(after)) def test_verification_for_datetime(self): user = UserFactory.create() now = # No attempts in the query set, so should return None query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(now, query) self.assertIs(result, None) # Should also return None if no deadline specified query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(None, query) self.assertIs(result, None) # Make an attempt attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=user) # Before the created date, should get no results before = attempt.created_at - timedelta(seconds=1) query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(before, query) self.assertIs(result, None) # Immediately after the created date, should get the attempt after_created = attempt.created_at + timedelta(seconds=1) query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(after_created, query) self.assertEqual(result, attempt) # If no deadline specified, should return first available query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(None, query) self.assertEqual(result, attempt) # Immediately before the expiration date, should get the attempt expiration = attempt.created_at + timedelta(days=settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["DAYS_GOOD_FOR"]) before_expiration = expiration - timedelta(seconds=1) query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(before_expiration, query) self.assertEqual(result, attempt) # Immediately after the expiration date, should not get the attempt after = expiration + timedelta(seconds=1) query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(after, query) self.assertIs(result, None) # Create a second attempt in the same window second_attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=user) # Now we should get the newer attempt deadline = second_attempt.created_at + timedelta(days=1) query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(deadline, query) self.assertEqual(result, second_attempt) @ddt.unpack {'enrollment_mode': 'honor', 'status': None, 'output': 'N/A'}, {'enrollment_mode': 'audit', 'status': None, 'output': 'N/A'}, {'enrollment_mode': 'verified', 'status': False, 'output': 'Not ID Verified'}, {'enrollment_mode': 'verified', 'status': True, 'output': 'ID Verified'}, ) def test_verification_status_for_user(self, enrollment_mode, status, output): """ Verify verification_status_for_user returns correct status. """ user = UserFactory.create() course = CourseFactory.create() with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models.SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_is_verified' ) as mock_verification: mock_verification.return_value = status status = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_status_for_user(user,, enrollment_mode) self.assertEqual(status, output) def test_initial_verification_for_user(self): """Test that method 'get_initial_verification' of model 'SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification' always returns the initial verification with field 'photo_id_key' set against a user. """ user = UserFactory.create() # No initial verification for the user result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.get_initial_verification(user=user) self.assertIs(result, None) # Make an initial verification with 'photo_id_key' attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user, photo_id_key="dummy_photo_id_key") attempt.status = 'approved' # Check that method 'get_initial_verification' returns the correct # initial verification attempt first_result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.get_initial_verification(user=user) self.assertIsNotNone(first_result) # Now create a second verification without 'photo_id_key' attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) attempt.status = 'submitted' # Test method 'get_initial_verification' still returns the correct # initial verification attempt which have 'photo_id_key' set second_result = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.get_initial_verification(user=user) self.assertIsNotNone(second_result) self.assertEqual(second_result, first_result) @ddt.ddt class VerificationCheckpointTest(ModuleStoreTestCase): """Tests for the VerificationCheckpoint model. """ def setUp(self): super(VerificationCheckpointTest, self).setUp() self.user = UserFactory.create() self.course = CourseFactory.create() self.checkpoint_midterm = u'i4x://{org}/{course}/edx-reverification-block/midterm_uuid'.format(, ) self.checkpoint_final = u'i4x://{org}/{course}/edx-reverification-block/final_uuid'.format(, )'midterm', 'final') def test_get_or_create_verification_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): """ Test that a reverification checkpoint is created properly. """ checkpoint_location = u'i4x://{org}/{course}/edx-reverification-block/{checkpoint}'.format(,, checkpoint=checkpoint ) # create the 'VerificationCheckpoint' checkpoint verification_checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=checkpoint_location ) self.assertEqual( VerificationCheckpoint.get_or_create_verification_checkpoint(, checkpoint_location), verification_checkpoint ) def test_get_or_create_verification_checkpoint_for_not_existing_values(self): # Retrieving a checkpoint that doesn't yet exist will create it location = u'i4x://edX/DemoX/edx-reverification-block/invalid_location' checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.get_or_create_verification_checkpoint(, location) self.assertIsNot(checkpoint, None) self.assertEqual(checkpoint.course_id, self.assertEqual(checkpoint.checkpoint_location, location) def test_get_or_create_integrity_error(self): # Create the checkpoint VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.checkpoint_midterm, ) # Simulate that the get-or-create operation raises an IntegrityError. # This can happen when two processes both try to get-or-create at the same time # when the database is set to REPEATABLE READ. # To avoid IntegrityError situations when calling this method, set the view to # use a READ COMMITTED transaction instead. with patch.object(VerificationCheckpoint.objects, "get_or_create") as mock_get_or_create: mock_get_or_create.side_effect = IntegrityError with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): _ = VerificationCheckpoint.get_or_create_verification_checkpoint(, self.checkpoint_midterm ) def test_unique_together_constraint(self): """ Test the unique together constraint. """ # create the VerificationCheckpoint checkpoint VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.checkpoint_midterm) # test creating the VerificationCheckpoint checkpoint with same course # id and checkpoint name with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.checkpoint_midterm) def test_add_verification_attempt_software_secure(self): """ Test adding Software Secure photo verification attempts for the reverification checkpoints. """ # adding two check points. first_checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.checkpoint_midterm ) second_checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.checkpoint_final ) # make an attempt for the 'first_checkpoint' first_checkpoint.add_verification_attempt(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=self.user)) self.assertEqual(first_checkpoint.photo_verification.count(), 1) # make another attempt for the 'first_checkpoint' first_checkpoint.add_verification_attempt(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=self.user)) self.assertEqual(first_checkpoint.photo_verification.count(), 2) # make new attempt for the 'second_checkpoint' attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=self.user) second_checkpoint.add_verification_attempt(attempt) self.assertEqual(second_checkpoint.photo_verification.count(), 1) # remove the attempt from 'second_checkpoint' second_checkpoint.photo_verification.remove(attempt) self.assertEqual(second_checkpoint.photo_verification.count(), 0) @ddt.ddt class VerificationStatusTest(ModuleStoreTestCase): """ Tests for the VerificationStatus model. """ def setUp(self): super(VerificationStatusTest, self).setUp() self.user = UserFactory.create() self.course = CourseFactory.create() self.first_checkpoint_location = u'i4x://{org}/{course}/edx-reverification-block/first_checkpoint_uuid'.format(, ) self.first_checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.first_checkpoint_location ) self.second_checkpoint_location = u'i4x://{org}/{course}/edx-reverification-block/second_checkpoint_uuid'.\ format(, self.second_checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=self.second_checkpoint_location )'submitted', "approved", "denied", "error") def test_add_verification_status(self, status): """ Adding verification status using the class method. """ # adding verification status VerificationStatus.add_verification_status( checkpoint=self.first_checkpoint, user=self.user, status=status ) # test the status from database result = VerificationStatus.objects.filter(checkpoint=self.first_checkpoint)[0] self.assertEqual(result.status, status) self.assertEqual(result.user, self.user)"approved", "denied", "error") def test_add_status_from_checkpoints(self, status): """Test verification status for reverification checkpoints after submitting software secure photo verification. """ # add initial verification status for checkpoints initial_status = "submitted" VerificationStatus.add_verification_status( checkpoint=self.first_checkpoint, user=self.user, status=initial_status ) VerificationStatus.add_verification_status( checkpoint=self.second_checkpoint, user=self.user, status=initial_status ) # now add verification status for multiple checkpoint points VerificationStatus.add_status_from_checkpoints( checkpoints=[self.first_checkpoint, self.second_checkpoint], user=self.user, status=status ) # test that verification status entries with new status have been added # for both checkpoints result = VerificationStatus.objects.filter(user=self.user, checkpoint=self.first_checkpoint) self.assertEqual(len(result), len(self.first_checkpoint.checkpoint_status.all())) self.assertEqual( list(result.values_list('checkpoint__checkpoint_location', flat=True)), list(self.first_checkpoint.checkpoint_status.values_list('checkpoint__checkpoint_location', flat=True)) ) result = VerificationStatus.objects.filter(user=self.user, checkpoint=self.second_checkpoint) self.assertEqual(len(result), len(self.second_checkpoint.checkpoint_status.all())) self.assertEqual( list(result.values_list('checkpoint__checkpoint_location', flat=True)), list(self.second_checkpoint.checkpoint_status.values_list('checkpoint__checkpoint_location', flat=True)) ) def test_get_location_id(self): """ Getting location id for a specific checkpoint. """ # creating software secure attempt against checkpoint self.first_checkpoint.add_verification_attempt(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=self.user)) # add initial verification status for checkpoint VerificationStatus.add_verification_status( checkpoint=self.first_checkpoint, user=self.user, status='submitted', ) attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=self.user) self.assertIsNotNone(VerificationStatus.get_location_id(attempt)) self.assertEqual(VerificationStatus.get_location_id(None), '') def test_get_user_attempts(self): """ Test adding verification status. """ VerificationStatus.add_verification_status( checkpoint=self.first_checkpoint, user=self.user, status='submitted' ) actual_attempts = VerificationStatus.get_user_attempts(,, self.first_checkpoint_location ) self.assertEqual(actual_attempts, 1) class SkippedReverificationTest(ModuleStoreTestCase): """ Tests for the SkippedReverification model. """ def setUp(self): super(SkippedReverificationTest, self).setUp() self.user = UserFactory.create() self.course = CourseFactory.create() dummy_checkpoint_location = u'i4x://edX/DemoX/edx-reverification-block/midterm_uuid' self.checkpoint = VerificationCheckpoint.objects.create(, checkpoint_location=dummy_checkpoint_location ) def test_add_skipped_attempts(self): """ Test 'add_skipped_reverification_attempt' method. """ # add verification status SkippedReverification.add_skipped_reverification_attempt( checkpoint=self.checkpoint,, course_id=unicode( ) # test the status of skipped reverification from database result = SkippedReverification.objects.filter([0] self.assertEqual(result.checkpoint, self.checkpoint) self.assertEqual(result.user, self.user) self.assertEqual(result.course_id, def test_unique_constraint(self): """Test that adding skipped re-verification with same user and course id will raise 'IntegrityError' exception. """ # add verification object SkippedReverification.add_skipped_reverification_attempt( checkpoint=self.checkpoint,, course_id=unicode( ) with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): SkippedReverification.add_skipped_reverification_attempt( checkpoint=self.checkpoint,, course_id=unicode( ) # create skipped attempt for different user user2 = UserFactory.create() SkippedReverification.add_skipped_reverification_attempt( checkpoint=self.checkpoint,, course_id=unicode( ) # test the status of skipped reverification from database result = SkippedReverification.objects.filter(user=user2)[0] self.assertEqual(result.checkpoint, self.checkpoint) self.assertEqual(result.user, user2) self.assertEqual(result.course_id, def test_check_user_skipped_reverification_exists(self): """ Test the 'check_user_skipped_reverification_exists' method's response. """ # add verification status SkippedReverification.add_skipped_reverification_attempt( checkpoint=self.checkpoint,, course_id=unicode( ) self.assertTrue( SkippedReverification.check_user_skipped_reverification_exists(, ) ) user2 = UserFactory.create() self.assertFalse( SkippedReverification.check_user_skipped_reverification_exists(, ) ) class VerificationDeadlineTest(TestCase): """ Tests for the VerificationDeadline model. """ def test_caching(self): deadlines = { CourseKey.from_string("edX/DemoX/Fall"):, CourseKey.from_string("edX/DemoX/Spring"): + timedelta(days=1) } course_keys = deadlines.keys() # Initially, no deadlines are set with self.assertNumQueries(1): all_deadlines = VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_courses(course_keys) self.assertEqual(all_deadlines, {}) # Create the deadlines for course_key, deadline in deadlines.iteritems(): VerificationDeadline.objects.create( course_key=course_key, deadline=deadline, ) # Warm the cache with self.assertNumQueries(1): VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_courses(course_keys) # Load the deadlines from the cache with self.assertNumQueries(0): all_deadlines = VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_courses(course_keys) self.assertEqual(all_deadlines, deadlines) # Delete the deadlines VerificationDeadline.objects.all().delete() # Verify that the deadlines are updated correctly with self.assertNumQueries(1): all_deadlines = VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_courses(course_keys) self.assertEqual(all_deadlines, {})
# Copyright 2001-2013 by Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation, and that the name of Vinay Sajip # not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution # of the software without specific, written prior permission. # VINAY SAJIP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # VINAY SAJIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """ Logging package for Python. Based on PEP 282 and comments thereto in comp.lang.python. Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. To use, simply 'import logging' and log away! """ import sys, os, time, io, traceback, warnings, weakref from string import Template __all__ = ['BASIC_FORMAT', 'BufferingFormatter', 'CRITICAL', 'DEBUG', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', 'FileHandler', 'Filter', 'Formatter', 'Handler', 'INFO', 'LogRecord', 'Logger', 'LoggerAdapter', 'NOTSET', 'NullHandler', 'StreamHandler', 'WARN', 'WARNING', 'addLevelName', 'basicConfig', 'captureWarnings', 'critical', 'debug', 'disable', 'error', 'exception', 'fatal', 'getLevelName', 'getLogger', 'getLoggerClass', 'info', 'log', 'makeLogRecord', 'setLoggerClass', 'warn', 'warning', 'getLogRecordFactory', 'setLogRecordFactory', 'lastResort'] try: import threading except ImportError: #pragma: no cover threading = None __author__ = "Vinay Sajip <[email protected]>" __status__ = "production" __version__ = "" __date__ = "07 February 2010" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Miscellaneous module data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # _srcfile is used when walking the stack to check when we've got the first # caller stack frame. # if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): #support for py2exe _srcfile = "logging%s__init__%s" % (os.sep, __file__[-4:]) else: _srcfile = __file__ _srcfile = os.path.normcase(_srcfile) if hasattr(sys, '_getframe'): currentframe = lambda: sys._getframe(3) else: #pragma: no cover def currentframe(): """Return the frame object for the caller's stack frame.""" try: raise Exception except: return sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back # _srcfile is only used in conjunction with sys._getframe(). # To provide compatibility with older versions of Python, set _srcfile # to None if _getframe() is not available; this value will prevent # findCaller() from being called. #if not hasattr(sys, "_getframe"): # _srcfile = None # #_startTime is used as the base when calculating the relative time of events # _startTime = time.time() # #raiseExceptions is used to see if exceptions during handling should be #propagated # raiseExceptions = True # # If you don't want threading information in the log, set this to zero # logThreads = True # # If you don't want multiprocessing information in the log, set this to zero # logMultiprocessing = True # # If you don't want process information in the log, set this to zero # logProcesses = True #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Level related stuff #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Default levels and level names, these can be replaced with any positive set # of values having corresponding names. There is a pseudo-level, NOTSET, which # is only really there as a lower limit for user-defined levels. Handlers and # loggers are initialized with NOTSET so that they will log all messages, even # at user-defined levels. # CRITICAL = 50 FATAL = CRITICAL ERROR = 40 WARNING = 30 WARN = WARNING INFO = 20 DEBUG = 10 NOTSET = 0 _levelNames = { CRITICAL : 'CRITICAL', ERROR : 'ERROR', WARNING : 'WARNING', INFO : 'INFO', DEBUG : 'DEBUG', NOTSET : 'NOTSET', 'CRITICAL' : CRITICAL, 'ERROR' : ERROR, 'WARN' : WARNING, 'WARNING' : WARNING, 'INFO' : INFO, 'DEBUG' : DEBUG, 'NOTSET' : NOTSET, } def getLevelName(level): """ Return the textual representation of logging level 'level'. If the level is one of the predefined levels (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG) then you get the corresponding string. If you have associated levels with names using addLevelName then the name you have associated with 'level' is returned. If a numeric value corresponding to one of the defined levels is passed in, the corresponding string representation is returned. Otherwise, the string "Level %s" % level is returned. """ return _levelNames.get(level, ("Level %s" % level)) def addLevelName(level, levelName): """ Associate 'levelName' with 'level'. This is used when converting levels to text during message formatting. """ _acquireLock() try: #unlikely to cause an exception, but you never know... _levelNames[level] = levelName _levelNames[levelName] = level finally: _releaseLock() def _checkLevel(level): if isinstance(level, int): rv = level elif str(level) == level: if level not in _levelNames: raise ValueError("Unknown level: %r" % level) rv = _levelNames[level] else: raise TypeError("Level not an integer or a valid string: %r" % level) return rv #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Thread-related stuff #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #_lock is used to serialize access to shared data structures in this module. #This needs to be an RLock because fileConfig() creates and configures #Handlers, and so might arbitrary user threads. Since Handler code updates the #shared dictionary _handlers, it needs to acquire the lock. But if configuring, #the lock would already have been acquired - so we need an RLock. #The same argument applies to Loggers and Manager.loggerDict. # if threading: _lock = threading.RLock() else: #pragma: no cover _lock = None def _acquireLock(): """ Acquire the module-level lock for serializing access to shared data. This should be released with _releaseLock(). """ if _lock: _lock.acquire() def _releaseLock(): """ Release the module-level lock acquired by calling _acquireLock(). """ if _lock: _lock.release() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The logging record #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LogRecord(object): """ A LogRecord instance represents an event being logged. LogRecord instances are created every time something is logged. They contain all the information pertinent to the event being logged. The main information passed in is in msg and args, which are combined using str(msg) % args to create the message field of the record. The record also includes information such as when the record was created, the source line where the logging call was made, and any exception information to be logged. """ def __init__(self, name, level, pathname, lineno, msg, args, exc_info, func=None, sinfo=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a logging record with interesting information. """ ct = time.time() = name self.msg = msg # # The following statement allows passing of a dictionary as a sole # argument, so that you can do something like # logging.debug("a %(a)d b %(b)s", {'a':1, 'b':2}) # Suggested by Stefan Behnel. # Note that without the test for args[0], we get a problem because # during formatting, we test to see if the arg is present using # 'if self.args:'. If the event being logged is e.g. 'Value is %d' # and if the passed arg fails 'if self.args:' then no formatting # is done. For example, logger.warning('Value is %d', 0) would log # 'Value is %d' instead of 'Value is 0'. # For the use case of passing a dictionary, this should not be a # problem. if args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict) and args[0]: args = args[0] self.args = args self.levelname = getLevelName(level) self.levelno = level self.pathname = pathname try: self.filename = os.path.basename(pathname) self.module = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): self.filename = pathname self.module = "Unknown module" self.exc_info = exc_info self.exc_text = None # used to cache the traceback text self.stack_info = sinfo self.lineno = lineno self.funcName = func self.created = ct self.msecs = (ct - int(ct)) * 1000 self.relativeCreated = (self.created - _startTime) * 1000 if logThreads and threading: self.thread = threading.get_ident() self.threadName = threading.current_thread().name else: # pragma: no cover self.thread = None self.threadName = None if not logMultiprocessing: # pragma: no cover self.processName = None else: self.processName = 'MainProcess' mp = sys.modules.get('multiprocessing') if mp is not None: # Errors may occur if multiprocessing has not finished loading # yet - e.g. if a custom import hook causes third-party code # to run when multiprocessing calls import. See issue 8200 # for an example try: self.processName = mp.current_process().name except Exception: #pragma: no cover pass if logProcesses and hasattr(os, 'getpid'): self.process = os.getpid() else: self.process = None def __str__(self): return '<LogRecord: %s, %s, %s, %s, "%s">'%(, self.levelno, self.pathname, self.lineno, self.msg) def getMessage(self): """ Return the message for this LogRecord. Return the message for this LogRecord after merging any user-supplied arguments with the message. """ msg = str(self.msg) if self.args: msg = msg % self.args return msg # # Determine which class to use when instantiating log records. # _logRecordFactory = LogRecord def setLogRecordFactory(factory): """ Set the factory to be used when instantiating a log record. :param factory: A callable which will be called to instantiate a log record. """ global _logRecordFactory _logRecordFactory = factory def getLogRecordFactory(): """ Return the factory to be used when instantiating a log record. """ return _logRecordFactory def makeLogRecord(dict): """ Make a LogRecord whose attributes are defined by the specified dictionary, This function is useful for converting a logging event received over a socket connection (which is sent as a dictionary) into a LogRecord instance. """ rv = _logRecordFactory(None, None, "", 0, "", (), None, None) rv.__dict__.update(dict) return rv #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Formatter classes and functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PercentStyle(object): default_format = '%(message)s' asctime_format = '%(asctime)s' asctime_search = '%(asctime)' def __init__(self, fmt): self._fmt = fmt or self.default_format def usesTime(self): return self._fmt.find(self.asctime_search) >= 0 def format(self, record): return self._fmt % record.__dict__ class StrFormatStyle(PercentStyle): default_format = '{message}' asctime_format = '{asctime}' asctime_search = '{asctime' def format(self, record): return self._fmt.format(**record.__dict__) class StringTemplateStyle(PercentStyle): default_format = '${message}' asctime_format = '${asctime}' asctime_search = '${asctime}' def __init__(self, fmt): self._fmt = fmt or self.default_format self._tpl = Template(self._fmt) def usesTime(self): fmt = self._fmt return fmt.find('$asctime') >= 0 or fmt.find(self.asctime_format) >= 0 def format(self, record): return self._tpl.substitute(**record.__dict__) _STYLES = { '%': PercentStyle, '{': StrFormatStyle, '$': StringTemplateStyle } class Formatter(object): """ Formatter instances are used to convert a LogRecord to text. Formatters need to know how a LogRecord is constructed. They are responsible for converting a LogRecord to (usually) a string which can be interpreted by either a human or an external system. The base Formatter allows a formatting string to be specified. If none is supplied, the default value of "%s(message)" is used. The Formatter can be initialized with a format string which makes use of knowledge of the LogRecord attributes - e.g. the default value mentioned above makes use of the fact that the user's message and arguments are pre- formatted into a LogRecord's message attribute. Currently, the useful attributes in a LogRecord are described by: %(name)s Name of the logger (logging channel) %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) %(levelname)s Text logging level for the message ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL") %(pathname)s Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available) %(filename)s Filename portion of pathname %(module)s Module (name portion of filename) %(lineno)d Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available) %(funcName)s Function name %(created)f Time when the LogRecord was created (time.time() return value) %(asctime)s Textual time when the LogRecord was created %(msecs)d Millisecond portion of the creation time %(relativeCreated)d Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded (typically at application startup time) %(thread)d Thread ID (if available) %(threadName)s Thread name (if available) %(process)d Process ID (if available) %(message)s The result of record.getMessage(), computed just as the record is emitted """ converter = time.localtime def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%'): """ Initialize the formatter with specified format strings. Initialize the formatter either with the specified format string, or a default as described above. Allow for specialized date formatting with the optional datefmt argument (if omitted, you get the ISO8601 format). Use a style parameter of '%', '{' or '$' to specify that you want to use one of %-formatting, :meth:`str.format` (``{}``) formatting or :class:`string.Template` formatting in your format string. .. versionchanged: 3.2 Added the ``style`` parameter. """ if style not in _STYLES: raise ValueError('Style must be one of: %s' % ','.join( _STYLES.keys())) self._style = _STYLES[style](fmt) self._fmt = self._style._fmt self.datefmt = datefmt default_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' default_msec_format = '%s,%03d' def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None): """ Return the creation time of the specified LogRecord as formatted text. This method should be called from format() by a formatter which wants to make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in formatters to provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behaviour is as follows: if datefmt (a string) is specified, it is used with time.strftime() to format the creation time of the record. Otherwise, the ISO8601 format is used. The resulting string is returned. This function uses a user-configurable function to convert the creation time to a tuple. By default, time.localtime() is used; to change this for a particular formatter instance, set the 'converter' attribute to a function with the same signature as time.localtime() or time.gmtime(). To change it for all formatters, for example if you want all logging times to be shown in GMT, set the 'converter' attribute in the Formatter class. """ ct = self.converter(record.created) if datefmt: s = time.strftime(datefmt, ct) else: t = time.strftime(self.default_time_format, ct) s = self.default_msec_format % (t, record.msecs) return s def formatException(self, ei): """ Format and return the specified exception information as a string. This default implementation just uses traceback.print_exception() """ sio = io.StringIO() tb = ei[2] # See issues #9427, #1553375. Commented out for now. #if getattr(self, 'fullstack', False): # traceback.print_stack(tb.tb_frame.f_back, file=sio) traceback.print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], tb, None, sio) s = sio.getvalue() sio.close() if s[-1:] == "\n": s = s[:-1] return s def usesTime(self): """ Check if the format uses the creation time of the record. """ return self._style.usesTime() def formatMessage(self, record): return self._style.format(record) def formatStack(self, stack_info): """ This method is provided as an extension point for specialized formatting of stack information. The input data is a string as returned from a call to :func:`traceback.print_stack`, but with the last trailing newline removed. The base implementation just returns the value passed in. """ return stack_info def format(self, record): """ Format the specified record as text. The record's attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string formatting operation which yields the returned string. Before formatting the dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The message attribute of the record is computed using LogRecord.getMessage(). If the formatting string uses the time (as determined by a call to usesTime(), formatTime() is called to format the event time. If there is exception information, it is formatted using formatException() and appended to the message. """ record.message = record.getMessage() if self.usesTime(): record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt) s = self.formatMessage(record) if record.exc_info: # Cache the traceback text to avoid converting it multiple times # (it's constant anyway) if not record.exc_text: record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info) if record.exc_text: if s[-1:] != "\n": s = s + "\n" s = s + record.exc_text if record.stack_info: if s[-1:] != "\n": s = s + "\n" s = s + self.formatStack(record.stack_info) return s # # The default formatter to use when no other is specified # _defaultFormatter = Formatter() class BufferingFormatter(object): """ A formatter suitable for formatting a number of records. """ def __init__(self, linefmt=None): """ Optionally specify a formatter which will be used to format each individual record. """ if linefmt: self.linefmt = linefmt else: self.linefmt = _defaultFormatter def formatHeader(self, records): """ Return the header string for the specified records. """ return "" def formatFooter(self, records): """ Return the footer string for the specified records. """ return "" def format(self, records): """ Format the specified records and return the result as a string. """ rv = "" if len(records) > 0: rv = rv + self.formatHeader(records) for record in records: rv = rv + self.linefmt.format(record) rv = rv + self.formatFooter(records) return rv #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter classes and functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Filter(object): """ Filter instances are used to perform arbitrary filtering of LogRecords. Loggers and Handlers can optionally use Filter instances to filter records as desired. The base filter class only allows events which are below a certain point in the logger hierarchy. For example, a filter initialized with "A.B" will allow events logged by loggers "A.B", "A.B.C", "A.B.C.D", "A.B.D" etc. but not "A.BB", "B.A.B" etc. If initialized with the empty string, all events are passed. """ def __init__(self, name=''): """ Initialize a filter. Initialize with the name of the logger which, together with its children, will have its events allowed through the filter. If no name is specified, allow every event. """ = name self.nlen = len(name) def filter(self, record): """ Determine if the specified record is to be logged. Is the specified record to be logged? Returns 0 for no, nonzero for yes. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place. """ if self.nlen == 0: return True elif == return True elif, 0, self.nlen) != 0: return False return ([self.nlen] == ".") class Filterer(object): """ A base class for loggers and handlers which allows them to share common code. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the list of filters to be an empty list. """ self.filters = [] def addFilter(self, filter): """ Add the specified filter to this handler. """ if not (filter in self.filters): self.filters.append(filter) def removeFilter(self, filter): """ Remove the specified filter from this handler. """ if filter in self.filters: self.filters.remove(filter) def filter(self, record): """ Determine if a record is loggable by consulting all the filters. The default is to allow the record to be logged; any filter can veto this and the record is then dropped. Returns a zero value if a record is to be dropped, else non-zero. .. versionchanged: 3.2 Allow filters to be just callables. """ rv = True for f in self.filters: if hasattr(f, 'filter'): result = f.filter(record) else: result = f(record) # assume callable - will raise if not if not result: rv = False break return rv #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handler classes and functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _handlers = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() #map of handler names to handlers _handlerList = [] # added to allow handlers to be removed in reverse of order initialized def _removeHandlerRef(wr): """ Remove a handler reference from the internal cleanup list. """ # This function can be called during module teardown, when globals are # set to None. If _acquireLock is None, assume this is the case and do # nothing. if (_acquireLock is not None and _handlerList is not None and _releaseLock is not None): _acquireLock() try: if wr in _handlerList: _handlerList.remove(wr) finally: _releaseLock() def _addHandlerRef(handler): """ Add a handler to the internal cleanup list using a weak reference. """ _acquireLock() try: _handlerList.append(weakref.ref(handler, _removeHandlerRef)) finally: _releaseLock() class Handler(Filterer): """ Handler instances dispatch logging events to specific destinations. The base handler class. Acts as a placeholder which defines the Handler interface. Handlers can optionally use Formatter instances to format records as desired. By default, no formatter is specified; in this case, the 'raw' message as determined by record.message is logged. """ def __init__(self, level=NOTSET): """ Initializes the instance - basically setting the formatter to None and the filter list to empty. """ Filterer.__init__(self) self._name = None self.level = _checkLevel(level) self.formatter = None # Add the handler to the global _handlerList (for cleanup on shutdown) _addHandlerRef(self) self.createLock() def get_name(self): return self._name def set_name(self, name): _acquireLock() try: if self._name in _handlers: del _handlers[self._name] self._name = name if name: _handlers[name] = self finally: _releaseLock() name = property(get_name, set_name) def createLock(self): """ Acquire a thread lock for serializing access to the underlying I/O. """ if threading: self.lock = threading.RLock() else: #pragma: no cover self.lock = None def acquire(self): """ Acquire the I/O thread lock. """ if self.lock: self.lock.acquire() def release(self): """ Release the I/O thread lock. """ if self.lock: self.lock.release() def setLevel(self, level): """ Set the logging level of this handler. level must be an int or a str. """ self.level = _checkLevel(level) def format(self, record): """ Format the specified record. If a formatter is set, use it. Otherwise, use the default formatter for the module. """ if self.formatter: fmt = self.formatter else: fmt = _defaultFormatter return fmt.format(record) def emit(self, record): """ Do whatever it takes to actually log the specified logging record. This version is intended to be implemented by subclasses and so raises a NotImplementedError. """ raise NotImplementedError('emit must be implemented ' 'by Handler subclasses') def handle(self, record): """ Conditionally emit the specified logging record. Emission depends on filters which may have been added to the handler. Wrap the actual emission of the record with acquisition/release of the I/O thread lock. Returns whether the filter passed the record for emission. """ rv = self.filter(record) if rv: self.acquire() try: self.emit(record) finally: self.release() return rv def setFormatter(self, fmt): """ Set the formatter for this handler. """ self.formatter = fmt def flush(self): """ Ensure all logging output has been flushed. This version does nothing and is intended to be implemented by subclasses. """ pass def close(self): """ Tidy up any resources used by the handler. This version removes the handler from an internal map of handlers, _handlers, which is used for handler lookup by name. Subclasses should ensure that this gets called from overridden close() methods. """ #get the module data lock, as we're updating a shared structure. _acquireLock() try: #unlikely to raise an exception, but you never know... if self._name and self._name in _handlers: del _handlers[self._name] finally: _releaseLock() def handleError(self, record): """ Handle errors which occur during an emit() call. This method should be called from handlers when an exception is encountered during an emit() call. If raiseExceptions is false, exceptions get silently ignored. This is what is mostly wanted for a logging system - most users will not care about errors in the logging system, they are more interested in application errors. You could, however, replace this with a custom handler if you wish. The record which was being processed is passed in to this method. """ if raiseExceptions and sys.stderr: # see issue 13807 ei = sys.exc_info() try: traceback.print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2], None, sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('Logged from file %s, line %s\n' % ( record.filename, record.lineno)) except IOError: #pragma: no cover pass # see issue 5971 finally: del ei class StreamHandler(Handler): """ A handler class which writes logging records, appropriately formatted, to a stream. Note that this class does not close the stream, as sys.stdout or sys.stderr may be used. """ terminator = '\n' def __init__(self, stream=None): """ Initialize the handler. If stream is not specified, sys.stderr is used. """ Handler.__init__(self) if stream is None: stream = sys.stderr = stream def flush(self): """ Flushes the stream. """ self.acquire() try: if and hasattr(, "flush"): finally: self.release() def emit(self, record): """ Emit a record. If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record. The record is then written to the stream with a trailing newline. If exception information is present, it is formatted using traceback.print_exception and appended to the stream. If the stream has an 'encoding' attribute, it is used to determine how to do the output to the stream. """ try: msg = self.format(record) stream = stream.write(msg) stream.write(self.terminator) self.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): #pragma: no cover raise except: self.handleError(record) class FileHandler(StreamHandler): """ A handler class which writes formatted logging records to disk files. """ def __init__(self, filename, mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False): """ Open the specified file and use it as the stream for logging. """ #keep the absolute path, otherwise derived classes which use this #may come a cropper when the current directory changes self.baseFilename = os.path.abspath(filename) self.mode = mode self.encoding = encoding self.delay = delay if delay: #We don't open the stream, but we still need to call the #Handler constructor to set level, formatter, lock etc. Handler.__init__(self) = None else: StreamHandler.__init__(self, self._open()) def close(self): """ Closes the stream. """ self.acquire() try: if self.flush() if hasattr(, "close"): StreamHandler.close(self) = None finally: self.release() def _open(self): """ Open the current base file with the (original) mode and encoding. Return the resulting stream. """ return open(self.baseFilename, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) def emit(self, record): """ Emit a record. If the stream was not opened because 'delay' was specified in the constructor, open it before calling the superclass's emit. """ if is None: = self._open() StreamHandler.emit(self, record) class _StderrHandler(StreamHandler): """ This class is like a StreamHandler using sys.stderr, but always uses whatever sys.stderr is currently set to rather than the value of sys.stderr at handler construction time. """ def __init__(self, level=NOTSET): """ Initialize the handler. """ Handler.__init__(self, level) @property def stream(self): return sys.stderr _defaultLastResort = _StderrHandler(WARNING) lastResort = _defaultLastResort #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Manager classes and functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PlaceHolder(object): """ PlaceHolder instances are used in the Manager logger hierarchy to take the place of nodes for which no loggers have been defined. This class is intended for internal use only and not as part of the public API. """ def __init__(self, alogger): """ Initialize with the specified logger being a child of this placeholder. """ self.loggerMap = { alogger : None } def append(self, alogger): """ Add the specified logger as a child of this placeholder. """ if alogger not in self.loggerMap: self.loggerMap[alogger] = None # # Determine which class to use when instantiating loggers. # _loggerClass = None def setLoggerClass(klass): """ Set the class to be used when instantiating a logger. The class should define __init__() such that only a name argument is required, and the __init__() should call Logger.__init__() """ if klass != Logger: if not issubclass(klass, Logger): raise TypeError("logger not derived from logging.Logger: " + klass.__name__) global _loggerClass _loggerClass = klass def getLoggerClass(): """ Return the class to be used when instantiating a logger. """ return _loggerClass class Manager(object): """ There is [under normal circumstances] just one Manager instance, which holds the hierarchy of loggers. """ def __init__(self, rootnode): """ Initialize the manager with the root node of the logger hierarchy. """ self.root = rootnode self.disable = 0 self.emittedNoHandlerWarning = False self.loggerDict = {} self.loggerClass = None self.logRecordFactory = None def getLogger(self, name): """ Get a logger with the specified name (channel name), creating it if it doesn't yet exist. This name is a dot-separated hierarchical name, such as "a", "a.b", "a.b.c" or similar. If a PlaceHolder existed for the specified name [i.e. the logger didn't exist but a child of it did], replace it with the created logger and fix up the parent/child references which pointed to the placeholder to now point to the logger. """ rv = None if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('A logger name must be a string') _acquireLock() try: if name in self.loggerDict: rv = self.loggerDict[name] if isinstance(rv, PlaceHolder): ph = rv rv = (self.loggerClass or _loggerClass)(name) rv.manager = self self.loggerDict[name] = rv self._fixupChildren(ph, rv) self._fixupParents(rv) else: rv = (self.loggerClass or _loggerClass)(name) rv.manager = self self.loggerDict[name] = rv self._fixupParents(rv) finally: _releaseLock() return rv def setLoggerClass(self, klass): """ Set the class to be used when instantiating a logger with this Manager. """ if klass != Logger: if not issubclass(klass, Logger): raise TypeError("logger not derived from logging.Logger: " + klass.__name__) self.loggerClass = klass def setLogRecordFactory(self, factory): """ Set the factory to be used when instantiating a log record with this Manager. """ self.logRecordFactory = factory def _fixupParents(self, alogger): """ Ensure that there are either loggers or placeholders all the way from the specified logger to the root of the logger hierarchy. """ name = i = name.rfind(".") rv = None while (i > 0) and not rv: substr = name[:i] if substr not in self.loggerDict: self.loggerDict[substr] = PlaceHolder(alogger) else: obj = self.loggerDict[substr] if isinstance(obj, Logger): rv = obj else: assert isinstance(obj, PlaceHolder) obj.append(alogger) i = name.rfind(".", 0, i - 1) if not rv: rv = self.root alogger.parent = rv def _fixupChildren(self, ph, alogger): """ Ensure that children of the placeholder ph are connected to the specified logger. """ name = namelen = len(name) for c in ph.loggerMap.keys(): #The if means ... if not if[:namelen] != name: alogger.parent = c.parent c.parent = alogger #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logger classes and functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Logger(Filterer): """ Instances of the Logger class represent a single logging channel. A "logging channel" indicates an area of an application. Exactly how an "area" is defined is up to the application developer. Since an application can have any number of areas, logging channels are identified by a unique string. Application areas can be nested (e.g. an area of "input processing" might include sub-areas "read CSV files", "read XLS files" and "read Gnumeric files"). To cater for this natural nesting, channel names are organized into a namespace hierarchy where levels are separated by periods, much like the Java or Python package namespace. So in the instance given above, channel names might be "input" for the upper level, and "input.csv", "input.xls" and "input.gnu" for the sub-levels. There is no arbitrary limit to the depth of nesting. """ def __init__(self, name, level=NOTSET): """ Initialize the logger with a name and an optional level. """ Filterer.__init__(self) = name self.level = _checkLevel(level) self.parent = None self.propagate = True self.handlers = [] self.disabled = False def setLevel(self, level): """ Set the logging level of this logger. level must be an int or a str. """ self.level = _checkLevel(level) def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with severity 'DEBUG'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g. logger.debug("Houston, we have a %s", "thorny problem", exc_info=1) """ if self.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): self._log(DEBUG, msg, args, **kwargs) def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with severity 'INFO'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g."Houston, we have a %s", "interesting problem", exc_info=1) """ if self.isEnabledFor(INFO): self._log(INFO, msg, args, **kwargs) def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with severity 'WARNING'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g. logger.warning("Houston, we have a %s", "bit of a problem", exc_info=1) """ if self.isEnabledFor(WARNING): self._log(WARNING, msg, args, **kwargs) def warn(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("The 'warn' method is deprecated, " "use 'warning' instead", DeprecationWarning, 2) self.warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with severity 'ERROR'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g. logger.error("Houston, we have a %s", "major problem", exc_info=1) """ if self.isEnabledFor(ERROR): self._log(ERROR, msg, args, **kwargs) def exception(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience method for logging an ERROR with exception information. """ kwargs['exc_info'] = True self.error(msg, *args, **kwargs) def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with severity 'CRITICAL'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g. logger.critical("Houston, we have a %s", "major disaster", exc_info=1) """ if self.isEnabledFor(CRITICAL): self._log(CRITICAL, msg, args, **kwargs) fatal = critical def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with the integer severity 'level'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g. logger.log(level, "We have a %s", "mysterious problem", exc_info=1) """ if not isinstance(level, int): if raiseExceptions: raise TypeError("level must be an integer") else: return if self.isEnabledFor(level): self._log(level, msg, args, **kwargs) def findCaller(self, stack_info=False): """ Find the stack frame of the caller so that we can note the source file name, line number and function name. """ f = currentframe() #On some versions of IronPython, currentframe() returns None if #IronPython isn't run with -X:Frames. if f is not None: f = f.f_back rv = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)", None while hasattr(f, "f_code"): co = f.f_code filename = os.path.normcase(co.co_filename) if filename == _srcfile: f = f.f_back continue sinfo = None if stack_info: sio = io.StringIO() sio.write('Stack (most recent call last):\n') traceback.print_stack(f, file=sio) sinfo = sio.getvalue() if sinfo[-1] == '\n': sinfo = sinfo[:-1] sio.close() rv = (co.co_filename, f.f_lineno, co.co_name, sinfo) break return rv def makeRecord(self, name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func=None, extra=None, sinfo=None): """ A factory method which can be overridden in subclasses to create specialized LogRecords. """ rv = _logRecordFactory(name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, sinfo) if extra is not None: for key in extra: if (key in ["message", "asctime"]) or (key in rv.__dict__): raise KeyError("Attempt to overwrite %r in LogRecord" % key) rv.__dict__[key] = extra[key] return rv def _log(self, level, msg, args, exc_info=None, extra=None, stack_info=False): """ Low-level logging routine which creates a LogRecord and then calls all the handlers of this logger to handle the record. """ sinfo = None if _srcfile: #IronPython doesn't track Python frames, so findCaller raises an #exception on some versions of IronPython. We trap it here so that #IronPython can use logging. try: fn, lno, func, sinfo = self.findCaller(stack_info) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover fn, lno, func = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)" else: # pragma: no cover fn, lno, func = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)" if exc_info: if not isinstance(exc_info, tuple): exc_info = sys.exc_info() record = self.makeRecord(, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, extra, sinfo) self.handle(record) def handle(self, record): """ Call the handlers for the specified record. This method is used for unpickled records received from a socket, as well as those created locally. Logger-level filtering is applied. """ if (not self.disabled) and self.filter(record): self.callHandlers(record) def addHandler(self, hdlr): """ Add the specified handler to this logger. """ _acquireLock() try: if not (hdlr in self.handlers): self.handlers.append(hdlr) finally: _releaseLock() def removeHandler(self, hdlr): """ Remove the specified handler from this logger. """ _acquireLock() try: if hdlr in self.handlers: self.handlers.remove(hdlr) finally: _releaseLock() def hasHandlers(self): """ See if this logger has any handlers configured. Loop through all handlers for this logger and its parents in the logger hierarchy. Return True if a handler was found, else False. Stop searching up the hierarchy whenever a logger with the "propagate" attribute set to zero is found - that will be the last logger which is checked for the existence of handlers. """ c = self rv = False while c: if c.handlers: rv = True break if not c.propagate: break else: c = c.parent return rv def callHandlers(self, record): """ Pass a record to all relevant handlers. Loop through all handlers for this logger and its parents in the logger hierarchy. If no handler was found, output a one-off error message to sys.stderr. Stop searching up the hierarchy whenever a logger with the "propagate" attribute set to zero is found - that will be the last logger whose handlers are called. """ c = self found = 0 while c: for hdlr in c.handlers: found = found + 1 if record.levelno >= hdlr.level: hdlr.handle(record) if not c.propagate: c = None #break out else: c = c.parent if (found == 0): if lastResort: if record.levelno >= lastResort.level: lastResort.handle(record) elif raiseExceptions and not self.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning: sys.stderr.write("No handlers could be found for logger" " \"%s\"\n" % self.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning = True def getEffectiveLevel(self): """ Get the effective level for this logger. Loop through this logger and its parents in the logger hierarchy, looking for a non-zero logging level. Return the first one found. """ logger = self while logger: if logger.level: return logger.level logger = logger.parent return NOTSET def isEnabledFor(self, level): """ Is this logger enabled for level 'level'? """ if self.manager.disable >= level: return False return level >= self.getEffectiveLevel() def getChild(self, suffix): """ Get a logger which is a descendant to this one. This is a convenience method, such that logging.getLogger('abc').getChild('def.ghi') is the same as logging.getLogger('abc.def.ghi') It's useful, for example, when the parent logger is named using __name__ rather than a literal string. """ if self.root is not self: suffix = '.'.join((, suffix)) return self.manager.getLogger(suffix) class RootLogger(Logger): """ A root logger is not that different to any other logger, except that it must have a logging level and there is only one instance of it in the hierarchy. """ def __init__(self, level): """ Initialize the logger with the name "root". """ Logger.__init__(self, "root", level) _loggerClass = Logger class LoggerAdapter(object): """ An adapter for loggers which makes it easier to specify contextual information in logging output. """ def __init__(self, logger, extra): """ Initialize the adapter with a logger and a dict-like object which provides contextual information. This constructor signature allows easy stacking of LoggerAdapters, if so desired. You can effectively pass keyword arguments as shown in the following example: adapter = LoggerAdapter(someLogger, dict(p1=v1, p2="v2")) """ self.logger = logger self.extra = extra def process(self, msg, kwargs): """ Process the logging message and keyword arguments passed in to a logging call to insert contextual information. You can either manipulate the message itself, the keyword args or both. Return the message and kwargs modified (or not) to suit your needs. Normally, you'll only need to override this one method in a LoggerAdapter subclass for your specific needs. """ kwargs["extra"] = self.extra return msg, kwargs # # Boilerplate convenience methods # def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate a debug call to the underlying logger. """ self.log(DEBUG, msg, *args, **kwargs) def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate an info call to the underlying logger. """ self.log(INFO, msg, *args, **kwargs) def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate a warning call to the underlying logger. """ self.log(WARNING, msg, *args, **kwargs) def warn(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("The 'warn' method is deprecated, " "use 'warning' instead", DeprecationWarning, 2) self.warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate an error call to the underlying logger. """ self.log(ERROR, msg, *args, **kwargs) def exception(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate an exception call to the underlying logger. """ kwargs["exc_info"] = True self.log(ERROR, msg, *args, **kwargs) def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate a critical call to the underlying logger. """ self.log(CRITICAL, msg, *args, **kwargs) def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Delegate a log call to the underlying logger, after adding contextual information from this adapter instance. """ if self.isEnabledFor(level): msg, kwargs = self.process(msg, kwargs) self.logger._log(level, msg, args, **kwargs) def isEnabledFor(self, level): """ Is this logger enabled for level 'level'? """ if self.logger.manager.disable >= level: return False return level >= self.getEffectiveLevel() def setLevel(self, level): """ Set the specified level on the underlying logger. """ self.logger.setLevel(level) def getEffectiveLevel(self): """ Get the effective level for the underlying logger. """ return self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() def hasHandlers(self): """ See if the underlying logger has any handlers. """ return self.logger.hasHandlers() root = RootLogger(WARNING) Logger.root = root Logger.manager = Manager(Logger.root) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration classes and functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" def basicConfig(**kwargs): """ Do basic configuration for the logging system. This function does nothing if the root logger already has handlers configured. It is a convenience method intended for use by simple scripts to do one-shot configuration of the logging package. The default behaviour is to create a StreamHandler which writes to sys.stderr, set a formatter using the BASIC_FORMAT format string, and add the handler to the root logger. A number of optional keyword arguments may be specified, which can alter the default behaviour. filename Specifies that a FileHandler be created, using the specified filename, rather than a StreamHandler. filemode Specifies the mode to open the file, if filename is specified (if filemode is unspecified, it defaults to 'a'). format Use the specified format string for the handler. datefmt Use the specified date/time format. style If a format string is specified, use this to specify the type of format string (possible values '%', '{', '$', for %-formatting, :meth:`str.format` and :class:`string.Template` - defaults to '%'). level Set the root logger level to the specified level. stream Use the specified stream to initialize the StreamHandler. Note that this argument is incompatible with 'filename' - if both are present, 'stream' is ignored. handlers If specified, this should be an iterable of already created handlers, which will be added to the root handler. Any handler in the list which does not have a formatter assigned will be assigned the formatter created in this function. Note that you could specify a stream created using open(filename, mode) rather than passing the filename and mode in. However, it should be remembered that StreamHandler does not close its stream (since it may be using sys.stdout or sys.stderr), whereas FileHandler closes its stream when the handler is closed. .. versionchanged:: 3.2 Added the ``style`` parameter. .. versionchanged:: 3.3 Added the ``handlers`` parameter. A ``ValueError`` is now thrown for incompatible arguments (e.g. ``handlers`` specified together with ``filename``/``filemode``, or ``filename``/``filemode`` specified together with ``stream``, or ``handlers`` specified together with ``stream``. """ # Add thread safety in case someone mistakenly calls # basicConfig() from multiple threads _acquireLock() try: if len(root.handlers) == 0: handlers = kwargs.get("handlers") if handlers is None: if "stream" in kwargs and "filename" in kwargs: raise ValueError("'stream' and 'filename' should not be " "specified together") else: if "stream" in kwargs or "filename" in kwargs: raise ValueError("'stream' or 'filename' should not be " "specified together with 'handlers'") if handlers is None: filename = kwargs.get("filename") if filename: mode = kwargs.get("filemode", 'a') h = FileHandler(filename, mode) else: stream = kwargs.get("stream") h = StreamHandler(stream) handlers = [h] fs = kwargs.get("format", BASIC_FORMAT) dfs = kwargs.get("datefmt", None) style = kwargs.get("style", '%') fmt = Formatter(fs, dfs, style) for h in handlers: if h.formatter is None: h.setFormatter(fmt) root.addHandler(h) level = kwargs.get("level") if level is not None: root.setLevel(level) finally: _releaseLock() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility functions at module level. # Basically delegate everything to the root logger. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getLogger(name=None): """ Return a logger with the specified name, creating it if necessary. If no name is specified, return the root logger. """ if name: return Logger.manager.getLogger(name) else: return root def critical(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'CRITICAL' on the root logger. If the logger has no handlers, call basicConfig() to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ if len(root.handlers) == 0: basicConfig() root.critical(msg, *args, **kwargs) fatal = critical def error(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'ERROR' on the root logger. If the logger has no handlers, call basicConfig() to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ if len(root.handlers) == 0: basicConfig() root.error(msg, *args, **kwargs) def exception(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'ERROR' on the root logger, with exception information. If the logger has no handlers, basicConfig() is called to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ kwargs['exc_info'] = True error(msg, *args, **kwargs) def warning(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'WARNING' on the root logger. If the logger has no handlers, call basicConfig() to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ if len(root.handlers) == 0: basicConfig() root.warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) def warn(msg, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("The 'warn' function is deprecated, " "use 'warning' instead", DeprecationWarning, 2) warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) def info(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'INFO' on the root logger. If the logger has no handlers, call basicConfig() to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ if len(root.handlers) == 0: basicConfig(), *args, **kwargs) def debug(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'DEBUG' on the root logger. If the logger has no handlers, call basicConfig() to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ if len(root.handlers) == 0: basicConfig() root.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) def log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with the integer severity 'level' on the root logger. If the logger has no handlers, call basicConfig() to add a console handler with a pre-defined format. """ if len(root.handlers) == 0: basicConfig() root.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs) def disable(level): """ Disable all logging calls of severity 'level' and below. """ root.manager.disable = level def shutdown(handlerList=_handlerList): """ Perform any cleanup actions in the logging system (e.g. flushing buffers). Should be called at application exit. """ for wr in reversed(handlerList[:]): #errors might occur, for example, if files are locked #we just ignore them if raiseExceptions is not set try: h = wr() if h: try: h.acquire() h.flush() h.close() except (IOError, ValueError): # Ignore errors which might be caused # because handlers have been closed but # references to them are still around at # application exit. pass finally: h.release() except: if raiseExceptions: raise #else, swallow #Let's try and shutdown automatically on application exit... import atexit atexit.register(shutdown) # Null handler class NullHandler(Handler): """ This handler does nothing. It's intended to be used to avoid the "No handlers could be found for logger XXX" one-off warning. This is important for library code, which may contain code to log events. If a user of the library does not configure logging, the one-off warning might be produced; to avoid this, the library developer simply needs to instantiate a NullHandler and add it to the top-level logger of the library module or package. """ def handle(self, record): """Stub.""" def emit(self, record): """Stub.""" def createLock(self): self.lock = None # Warnings integration _warnings_showwarning = None def _showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """ Implementation of showwarnings which redirects to logging, which will first check to see if the file parameter is None. If a file is specified, it will delegate to the original warnings implementation of showwarning. Otherwise, it will call warnings.formatwarning and will log the resulting string to a warnings logger named "py.warnings" with level logging.WARNING. """ if file is not None: if _warnings_showwarning is not None: _warnings_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) else: s = warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line) logger = getLogger("py.warnings") if not logger.handlers: logger.addHandler(NullHandler()) logger.warning("%s", s) def captureWarnings(capture): """ If capture is true, redirect all warnings to the logging package. If capture is False, ensure that warnings are not redirected to logging but to their original destinations. """ global _warnings_showwarning if capture: if _warnings_showwarning is None: _warnings_showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = _showwarning else: if _warnings_showwarning is not None: warnings.showwarning = _warnings_showwarning _warnings_showwarning = None
# Copyright 2021 The Magenta Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for dag_pipeline.""" import collections from absl.testing import absltest from magenta.pipelines import dag_pipeline from magenta.pipelines import pipeline from magenta.pipelines import statistics Type0 = collections.namedtuple('Type0', ['x', 'y', 'z']) Type1 = collections.namedtuple('Type1', ['x', 'y']) Type2 = collections.namedtuple('Type2', ['z']) Type3 = collections.namedtuple('Type3', ['s', 't']) Type4 = collections.namedtuple('Type4', ['s', 't', 'z']) Type5 = collections.namedtuple('Type5', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'z']) # pylint:disable=missing-class-docstring class UnitA(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'t1': Type1, 't2': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): t1 = Type1(x=input_object.x, y=input_object.y) t2 = Type2(z=input_object.z) return {'t1': [t1], 't2': [t2]} class UnitB(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type3) def transform(self, input_object): t3 = Type3(s=input_object.x * 1000, t=input_object.y - 100) return [t3] class UnitC(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__( self, {'A_data': Type2, 'B_data': Type3}, {'regular_data': Type4, 'special_data': Type4}) def transform(self, input_object): s = input_object['B_data'].s t = input_object['B_data'].t z = input_object['A_data'].z regular = Type4(s=s, t=t, z=0) special = Type4(s=s + z * 100, t=t - z * 100, z=z) return {'regular_data': [regular], 'special_data': [special]} class UnitD(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__( self, {'0': Type4, '1': Type3, '2': Type4}, Type5) def transform(self, input_object): assert input_object['1'].s == input_object['0'].s assert input_object['1'].t == input_object['0'].t t5 = Type5( a=input_object['0'].s, b=input_object['0'].t, c=input_object['2'].s, d=input_object['2'].t, z=input_object['2'].z) return [t5] class DAGPipelineTest(absltest.TestCase): def testDAGPipelineInputAndOutputType(self): # Tests that the DAGPipeline has the correct `input_type` and # `output_type` values based on the DAG given to it. a, b, c, d = UnitA(), UnitB(), UnitC(), UnitD() dag = {a: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), b: a['t1'], c: {'A_data': a['t2'], 'B_data': b}, d: {'0': c['regular_data'], '1': b, '2': c['special_data']}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('abcdz'): d} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.input_type, Type0) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.output_type, {'abcdz': Type5}) dag = {a: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), dag_pipeline.DagOutput('t1'): a['t1'], dag_pipeline.DagOutput('t2'): a['t2']} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.input_type, Type0) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.output_type, {'t1': Type1, 't2': Type2}) def testSingleOutputs(self): # Tests single object and dictionaries in the DAG. a, b, c, d = UnitA(), UnitB(), UnitC(), UnitD() dag = {a: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), b: a['t1'], c: {'A_data': a['t2'], 'B_data': b}, d: {'0': c['regular_data'], '1': b, '2': c['special_data']}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('abcdz'): d} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) inputs = [Type0(1, 2, 3), Type0(-1, -2, -3), Type0(3, -3, 2)] for input_object in inputs: x, y, z = input_object.x, input_object.y, input_object.z output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(input_object) self.assertEqual(list(output_dict.keys()), ['abcdz']) results = output_dict['abcdz'] self.assertLen(results, 1) result = results[0] # The following outputs are the result of passing the values in # `input_object` through the transform functions of UnitA, UnitB, UnitC, # and UnitD (all defined at the top of this file), connected in the way # defined by `dag`. self.assertEqual(result.a, x * 1000) self.assertEqual(result.b, y - 100) self.assertEqual(result.c, x * 1000 + z * 100) self.assertEqual(result.d, y - 100 - z * 100) self.assertEqual(result.z, z) def testMultiOutput(self): # Tests a pipeline.Pipeline that maps a single input to multiple outputs. class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'t1': Type1, 't2': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): t1 = [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i) for i in range(input_object.z)] t2 = [Type2(z=input_object.z)] return {'t1': t1, 't2': t2} q, b, c = UnitQ(), UnitB(), UnitC() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), b: q['t1'], c: {'A_data': q['t2'], 'B_data': b}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('outputs'): c['regular_data']} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) self.assertEqual(list(output_dict.keys()), ['outputs']) results = output_dict['outputs'] self.assertLen(results, 3) expected_results = [Type4((x + i) * 1000, (y + i) - 100, 0) for i in range(z)] self.assertEqual(set(results), set(expected_results)) def testUnequalOutputCounts(self): # Tests dictionary output type where each output list has a different size. class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): return [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i) for i in range(input_object.z)] class Partitioner(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self, input_type, training_set_name, test_set_name): self.training_set_name = training_set_name self.test_set_name = test_set_name pipeline.Pipeline.__init__( self, input_type, {training_set_name: input_type, test_set_name: input_type}) def transform(self, input_object): if input_object.x < 0: return {self.training_set_name: [], self.test_set_name: [input_object]} return {self.training_set_name: [input_object], self.test_set_name: []} q = UnitQ() partition = Partitioner(q.output_type, 'training_set', 'test_set') dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), partition: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('training_set'): partition['training_set'], dag_pipeline.DagOutput('test_set'): partition['test_set']} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) x, y, z = -3, 0, 8 output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) self.assertEqual(set(output_dict.keys()), set(['training_set', 'test_set'])) training_results = output_dict['training_set'] test_results = output_dict['test_set'] expected_training_results = [Type1(x + i, y + i) for i in range(-x, z)] expected_test_results = [Type1(x + i, y + i) for i in range(0, -x)] self.assertEqual(set(training_results), set(expected_training_results)) self.assertEqual(set(test_results), set(expected_test_results)) def testIntermediateUnequalOutputCounts(self): # Tests that intermediate output lists which are not the same length are # handled correctly. class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return {'xy': [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i) for i in range(input_object.z)], 'z': [Type2(z=i) for i in [-input_object.z, input_object.z]]} class Partitioner(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self, input_type, training_set_name, test_set_name): self.training_set_name = training_set_name self.test_set_name = test_set_name pipeline.Pipeline.__init__( self, input_type, {training_set_name: Type0, test_set_name: Type0}) def transform(self, input_object): input_dict = input_object input_object = Type0(input_dict['xy'].x, input_dict['xy'].y, input_dict['z'].z) if input_object.x < 0: return {self.training_set_name: [], self.test_set_name: [input_object]} return {self.training_set_name: [input_object], self.test_set_name: []} q = UnitQ() partition = Partitioner(q.output_type, 'training_set', 'test_set') dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), partition: {'xy': q['xy'], 'z': q['z']}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('training_set'): partition['training_set'], dag_pipeline.DagOutput('test_set'): partition['test_set']} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) x, y, z = -3, 0, 8 output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) self.assertEqual(set(output_dict.keys()), set(['training_set', 'test_set'])) training_results = output_dict['training_set'] test_results = output_dict['test_set'] all_expected_results = [Type0(x + i, y + i, zed) for i in range(0, z) for zed in [-z, z]] expected_training_results = [sample for sample in all_expected_results if sample.x >= 0] expected_test_results = [sample for sample in all_expected_results if sample.x < 0] self.assertEqual(set(training_results), set(expected_training_results)) self.assertEqual(set(test_results), set(expected_test_results)) def testDirectConnection(self): # Tests a direct dict to dict connection in the DAG. class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return {'xy': [Type1(x=input_object.x, y=input_object.y)], 'z': [Type2(z=input_object.z)]} class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}, Type4) def transform(self, input_object): input_dict = input_object return [Type4(input_dict['xy'].x, input_dict['xy'].y, input_dict['z'].z)] q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), r: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) x, y, z = -3, 0, 8 output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) self.assertEqual(output_dict, {'output': [Type4(x, y, z)]}) def testOutputConnectedToDict(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return {'xy': [Type1(x=input_object.x, y=input_object.y)], 'z': [Type2(z=input_object.z)]} q = UnitQ() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): q} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.output_type, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) x, y, z = -3, 0, 8 output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) self.assertEqual(output_dict, {'xy': [Type1(x, y)], 'z': [Type2(z)]}) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): {'xy': q['xy'], 'z': q['z']}} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.output_type, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) x, y, z = -3, 0, 8 output_dict = dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) self.assertEqual(output_dict, {'xy': [Type1(x, y)], 'z': [Type2(z)]}) def testNoOutputs(self): # Test that empty lists or dicts as intermediate or final outputs don't # break anything. class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return {'xy': [], 'z': []} class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}, Type4) def transform(self, input_object): input_dict = input_object return [Type4(input_dict['xy'].x, input_dict['xy'].y, input_dict['z'].z)] class UnitS(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, unused_input_dict): return [] q, r, s = UnitQ(), UnitR(), UnitS() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': []}) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), s: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: {'xy': s, 'z': q['z']}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': []}) dag = {s: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): s} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual(dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': []}) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): q} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual( dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'xy': [], 'z': []}) def testNoPipelines(self): dag = {dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0)} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) self.assertEqual( dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': [Type0(1, 2, 3)]}) def testStatistics(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) self.stats = [] def transform(self, input_object): self._set_stats([statistics.Counter('output_count', input_object.z)]) return [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i) for i in range(input_object.z)] class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): self._set_stats([statistics.Counter('input_count', 1)]) return [input_object] q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), r: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag, 'DAGPipelineName') for x, y, z in [(-3, 0, 8), (1, 2, 3), (5, -5, 5)]: dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(x, y, z)) stats_1 = dag_pipe_obj.get_stats() stats_2 = dag_pipe_obj.get_stats() self.assertEqual(stats_1, stats_2) for stat in stats_1: self.assertIsInstance(stat, statistics.Counter) names = sorted([ for stat in stats_1]) self.assertEqual( names, (['DAGPipelineName_UnitQ_output_count'] + ['DAGPipelineName_UnitR_input_count'] * z)) for stat in stats_1: if == 'DAGPipelineName_UnitQ_output_count': self.assertEqual(stat.count, z) else: self.assertEqual(stat.count, 1) def testInvalidDAGError(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'a': Type1, 'b': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type2) def transform(self, input_object): pass q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), UnitR: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), 'r': q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: UnitQ, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: 123, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0): q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): q} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), q: dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output')} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: {'abc': q['a'], 'def': 123}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: {123: q['a']}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testTypeMismatchError(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, {'a': Type2, 'b': Type3}) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitS(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'x': Type2, 'y': Type3}, Type4) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitT(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'x': Type2, 'y': Type5}, Type4) def transform(self, input_object): pass q, r, s, t = UnitQ(), UnitR(), UnitS(), UnitT() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type1), r: q, s: r, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): s} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) q2 = UnitQ() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), q2: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): q2} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: q, s: {'x': r['b'], 'y': r['a']}, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): s} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: q, t: r, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): t} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testDependencyLoops(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type0) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitS(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'a': Type1, 'b': Type0}, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitT(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self, name='UnitT'): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type0, name) def transform(self, input_object): pass q, r, s, t = UnitQ(), UnitR(), UnitS(), UnitT() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), s: {'a': q, 'b': r}, r: s, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output_2'): s} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {s: {'a': dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type1), 'b': r}, r: s, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) dag = {dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), t: t} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) t2 = UnitT('UnitT2') dag = {dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), t2: t, t: t2} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testDisjointGraph(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, {'a': Type2, 'b': Type3}) def transform(self, input_object): pass q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): {'a': q, 'b': r['b']}} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) # Pipelines that do not output to anywhere are not allowed. dag = {dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), r: q} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) # Pipelines which need to be executed but don't have inputs are not allowed. dag = {dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), r: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testBadInputOrOutputError(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self, name='UnitQ'): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1, name) def transform(self, input_object): pass class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type0) def transform(self, input_object): pass # Missing Input. q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR() dag = {r: q, dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadInputOrOutputError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) # Missing Output. dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: q} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadInputOrOutputError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) # Multiple instances of Input with the same type IS allowed. q2 = UnitQ('UnitQ2') dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), q2: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): {'q': q, 'q2': q2}} _ = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) # Multiple instances with different types is not allowed. dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), r: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type1), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): {'q': q, 'r': r}} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadInputOrOutputError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testDuplicateNameError(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self, name='UnitQ'): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1, name) def transform(self, input_object): pass q, q2 = UnitQ(), UnitQ() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), q2: dag_pipeline.DagInput(Type0), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): {'q': q, 'q2': q2}} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.DuplicateNameError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testInvalidDictionaryOutputError(self): b = UnitB() dag = {b: dag_pipeline.DagInput(b.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput(): b} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDictionaryOutputError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) a = UnitA() dag = {a: dag_pipeline.DagInput(b.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): a} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDictionaryOutputError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) a2 = UnitA() dag = {a: dag_pipeline.DagInput(a.input_type), a2: dag_pipeline.DagInput(a2.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): {'t1': a['t1'], 't2': a2['t2']}} with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDictionaryOutputError): dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) def testInvalidTransformOutputError(self): # This happens when the output of a pipeline's `transform` method does not # match the type signature given by the pipeline's `output_type`. class UnitQ1(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): return [Type2(1)] class UnitQ2(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): return [Type1(1, 2), Type2(1)] class UnitQ3(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1) def transform(self, input_object): return Type1(1, 2) class UnitR1(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return {'xy': [Type1(1, 2)], 'z': [Type1(1, 2)]} class UnitR2(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return {'xy': [Type1(1, 2)]} class UnitR3(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return [{'xy': [Type1(1, 2)], 'z': Type2(1)}] class UnitR4(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return [{'xy': [Type1(1, 2), Type2(1)], 'z': [Type2(1)]}] class UnitR5(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}) def transform(self, input_object): return [{'xy': [Type1(1, 2), Type1(1, 3)], 'z': [Type2(1)], 'q': []}] for pipeline_class in [UnitQ1, UnitQ2, UnitQ3, UnitR1, UnitR2, UnitR3, UnitR4, UnitR5]: pipe = pipeline_class() if pipeline_class.__name__.startswith('UnitR'): output = dag_pipeline.DagOutput() else: output = dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output') dag = {pipe: dag_pipeline.DagInput(pipe.input_type), output: pipe} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidTransformOutputError): dag_pipe_obj.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)) def testInvalidStatisticsError(self): class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, str, str) def transform(self, input_object): self._set_stats([statistics.Counter('stat_1', 5), 1234]) return [input_object] class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline): def __init__(self): pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, str, str) def transform(self, input_object): self._set_stats(statistics.Counter('stat_1', 5)) return [input_object] q = UnitQ() dag = {q: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): q} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) with self.assertRaises(pipeline.InvalidStatisticsError): dag_pipe_obj.transform('hello world') r = UnitR() dag = {r: dag_pipeline.DagInput(q.input_type), dag_pipeline.DagOutput('output'): r} dag_pipe_obj = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag) with self.assertRaises(pipeline.InvalidStatisticsError): dag_pipe_obj.transform('hello world') if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main()
from django import http from django.contrib.messages import constants, get_level, set_level, utils from django.contrib.messages.api import MessageFailure from django.contrib.messages.constants import DEFAULT_LEVELS from import base, default_storage from import Message from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import modify_settings, override_settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy def add_level_messages(storage): """ Adds 6 messages from different levels (including a custom one) to a storage instance. """ storage.add(constants.INFO, 'A generic info message') storage.add(29, 'Some custom level') storage.add(constants.DEBUG, 'A debugging message', extra_tags='extra-tag') storage.add(constants.WARNING, 'A warning') storage.add(constants.ERROR, 'An error') storage.add(constants.SUCCESS, 'This was a triumph.') class override_settings_tags(override_settings): def enable(self): super(override_settings_tags, self).enable() # LEVEL_TAGS is a constant defined in the # module, so after changing # settings.MESSAGE_TAGS, we need to update that constant too. self.old_level_tags = base.LEVEL_TAGS base.LEVEL_TAGS = utils.get_level_tags() def disable(self): super(override_settings_tags, self).disable() base.LEVEL_TAGS = self.old_level_tags class BaseTests(object): storage_class = default_storage levels = { 'debug': constants.DEBUG, 'info': constants.INFO, 'success': constants.SUCCESS, 'warning': constants.WARNING, 'error': constants.ERROR, } def setUp(self): self.settings_override = override_settings_tags( TEMPLATES=[{ 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': ( 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ), }, }], ROOT_URLCONF='messages_tests.urls', MESSAGE_TAGS='', MESSAGE_STORAGE='%s.%s' % (self.storage_class.__module__, self.storage_class.__name__), SESSION_SERIALIZER='django.contrib.sessions.serializers.JSONSerializer', ) self.settings_override.enable() def tearDown(self): self.settings_override.disable() def get_request(self): return http.HttpRequest() def get_response(self): return http.HttpResponse() def get_storage(self, data=None): """ Returns the storage backend, setting its loaded data to the ``data`` argument. This method avoids the storage ``_get`` method from getting called so that other parts of the storage backend can be tested independent of the message retrieval logic. """ storage = self.storage_class(self.get_request()) storage._loaded_data = data or [] return storage def test_add(self): storage = self.get_storage() self.assertFalse(storage.added_new) storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 1') self.assertTrue(storage.added_new) storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 2', extra_tags='tag') self.assertEqual(len(storage), 2) def test_add_lazy_translation(self): storage = self.get_storage() response = self.get_response() storage.add(constants.INFO, ugettext_lazy('lazy message')) storage.update(response) storing = self.stored_messages_count(storage, response) self.assertEqual(storing, 1) def test_no_update(self): storage = self.get_storage() response = self.get_response() storage.update(response) storing = self.stored_messages_count(storage, response) self.assertEqual(storing, 0) def test_add_update(self): storage = self.get_storage() response = self.get_response() storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 1') storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 1', extra_tags='tag') storage.update(response) storing = self.stored_messages_count(storage, response) self.assertEqual(storing, 2) def test_existing_add_read_update(self): storage = self.get_existing_storage() response = self.get_response() storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 3') list(storage) # Simulates a read storage.update(response) storing = self.stored_messages_count(storage, response) self.assertEqual(storing, 0) def test_existing_read_add_update(self): storage = self.get_existing_storage() response = self.get_response() list(storage) # Simulates a read storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 3') storage.update(response) storing = self.stored_messages_count(storage, response) self.assertEqual(storing, 1) @override_settings(MESSAGE_LEVEL=constants.DEBUG) def test_full_request_response_cycle(self): """ With the message middleware enabled, tests that messages are properly stored and then retrieved across the full request/redirect/response cycle. """ data = { 'messages': ['Test message %d' % x for x in range(5)], } show_url = reverse('show_message') for level in ('debug', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'): add_url = reverse('add_message', args=(level,)) response =, data, follow=True) self.assertRedirects(response, show_url) self.assertIn('messages', response.context) messages = [Message(self.levels[level], msg) for msg in data['messages']] self.assertEqual(list(response.context['messages']), messages) for msg in data['messages']: self.assertContains(response, msg) @override_settings(MESSAGE_LEVEL=constants.DEBUG) def test_with_template_response(self): data = { 'messages': ['Test message %d' % x for x in range(5)], } show_url = reverse('show_template_response') for level in self.levels.keys(): add_url = reverse('add_template_response', args=(level,)) response =, data, follow=True) self.assertRedirects(response, show_url) self.assertIn('messages', response.context) for msg in data['messages']: self.assertContains(response, msg) # there shouldn't be any messages on second GET request response = self.client.get(show_url) for msg in data['messages']: self.assertNotContains(response, msg) def test_context_processor_message_levels(self): show_url = reverse('show_template_response') response = self.client.get(show_url) self.assertIn('DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEVELS', response.context) self.assertEqual(response.context['DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEVELS'], DEFAULT_LEVELS) @override_settings(MESSAGE_LEVEL=constants.DEBUG) def test_multiple_posts(self): """ Tests that messages persist properly when multiple POSTs are made before a GET. """ data = { 'messages': ['Test message %d' % x for x in range(5)], } show_url = reverse('show_message') messages = [] for level in ('debug', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'): messages.extend(Message(self.levels[level], msg) for msg in data['messages']) add_url = reverse('add_message', args=(level,)), data) response = self.client.get(show_url) self.assertIn('messages', response.context) self.assertEqual(list(response.context['messages']), messages) for msg in data['messages']: self.assertContains(response, msg) @modify_settings( INSTALLED_APPS={'remove': 'django.contrib.messages'}, MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES={'remove': 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'}, ) @override_settings( MESSAGE_LEVEL=constants.DEBUG, TEMPLATES=[{ 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, }], ) def test_middleware_disabled(self): """ Tests that, when the middleware is disabled, an exception is raised when one attempts to store a message. """ data = { 'messages': ['Test message %d' % x for x in range(5)], } reverse('show_message') for level in ('debug', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'): add_url = reverse('add_message', args=(level,)) self.assertRaises(MessageFailure,, add_url, data, follow=True) @modify_settings( INSTALLED_APPS={'remove': 'django.contrib.messages'}, MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES={'remove': 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'}, ) @override_settings( TEMPLATES=[{ 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, }], ) def test_middleware_disabled_fail_silently(self): """ Tests that, when the middleware is disabled, an exception is not raised if 'fail_silently' = True """ data = { 'messages': ['Test message %d' % x for x in range(5)], 'fail_silently': True, } show_url = reverse('show_message') for level in ('debug', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'): add_url = reverse('add_message', args=(level,)) response =, data, follow=True) self.assertRedirects(response, show_url) self.assertNotIn('messages', response.context) def stored_messages_count(self, storage, response): """ Returns the number of messages being stored after a ``storage.update()`` call. """ raise NotImplementedError('This method must be set by a subclass.') def test_get(self): raise NotImplementedError('This method must be set by a subclass.') def get_existing_storage(self): return self.get_storage([Message(constants.INFO, 'Test message 1'), Message(constants.INFO, 'Test message 2', extra_tags='tag')]) def test_existing_read(self): """ Tests that reading the existing storage doesn't cause the data to be lost. """ storage = self.get_existing_storage() self.assertFalse(storage.used) # After iterating the storage engine directly, the used flag is set. data = list(storage) self.assertTrue(storage.used) # The data does not disappear because it has been iterated. self.assertEqual(data, list(storage)) def test_existing_add(self): storage = self.get_existing_storage() self.assertFalse(storage.added_new) storage.add(constants.INFO, 'Test message 3') self.assertTrue(storage.added_new) def test_default_level(self): # get_level works even with no storage on the request. request = self.get_request() self.assertEqual(get_level(request), constants.INFO) # get_level returns the default level if it hasn't been set. storage = self.get_storage() request._messages = storage self.assertEqual(get_level(request), constants.INFO) # Only messages of sufficient level get recorded. add_level_messages(storage) self.assertEqual(len(storage), 5) def test_low_level(self): request = self.get_request() storage = self.storage_class(request) request._messages = storage self.assertTrue(set_level(request, 5)) self.assertEqual(get_level(request), 5) add_level_messages(storage) self.assertEqual(len(storage), 6) def test_high_level(self): request = self.get_request() storage = self.storage_class(request) request._messages = storage self.assertTrue(set_level(request, 30)) self.assertEqual(get_level(request), 30) add_level_messages(storage) self.assertEqual(len(storage), 2) @override_settings(MESSAGE_LEVEL=29) def test_settings_level(self): request = self.get_request() storage = self.storage_class(request) self.assertEqual(get_level(request), 29) add_level_messages(storage) self.assertEqual(len(storage), 3) def test_tags(self): storage = self.get_storage() storage.level = 0 add_level_messages(storage) tags = [msg.tags for msg in storage] self.assertEqual(tags, ['info', '', 'extra-tag debug', 'warning', 'error', 'success']) def test_level_tag(self): storage = self.get_storage() storage.level = 0 add_level_messages(storage) tags = [msg.level_tag for msg in storage] self.assertEqual(tags, ['info', '', 'debug', 'warning', 'error', 'success']) @override_settings_tags(MESSAGE_TAGS={ constants.INFO: 'info', constants.DEBUG: '', constants.WARNING: '', constants.ERROR: 'bad', 29: 'custom', } ) def test_custom_tags(self): storage = self.get_storage() storage.level = 0 add_level_messages(storage) tags = [msg.tags for msg in storage] self.assertEqual(tags, ['info', 'custom', 'extra-tag', '', 'bad', 'success'])
''' Created on Mar 5, 2017 @author: PJ ''' from django.db.models.aggregates import Avg, Sum from django.db.models.expressions import Case, When def get_team_metrics(team, regional_code): metrics = team.scoreresult_set.filter(competition__code=regional_code).aggregate( Avg("auto_fuel_high_score"), Avg("auto_gears"), Avg("tele_fuel_high_score"), Avg("tele_gears"), Sum("foul"), Sum("tech_foul"), Sum("yellow_card"), Sum("red_card"), rope__avg=Avg(Case(When(rope=True, then=1), When(rope=False, then=0))), baseline__avg=Avg(Case(When(auto_baseline=True, then=1), When(auto_baseline=False, then=0))), ) # Format all of the numbers. If we haven't scouted the team, None will be returned. Turn that into NA for key in metrics: if metrics[key] == None: metrics[key] = "NA" elif "__avg" in key: metrics[key] = "{:10.2f}".format(metrics[key]) if metrics['tele_fuel_high_score__avg'] != "NA": metrics['auto_fuel_high_misses__avg'] = float(metrics['auto_fuel_high_shots__avg']) - float(metrics['auto_fuel_high_score__avg']) metrics['tele_fuel_high_misses__avg'] = float(metrics['tele_fuel_high_shots__avg']) - float(metrics['tele_fuel_high_score__avg']) else: metrics['auto_fuel_high_misses__avg'] = "NA" metrics['tele_fuel_high_misses__avg'] = "NA" return metrics
# from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import FCompiler compilers = ['G95FCompiler'] class G95FCompiler(FCompiler): compiler_type = 'g95' description = 'G95 Fortran Compiler' # version_pattern = r'G95 \((GCC (?P<gccversion>[\d.]+)|.*?) \(g95!\) (?P<version>.*)\).*' # $ g95 --version # G95 (GCC 4.0.3 (g95!) May 22 2006) version_pattern = r'G95 \((GCC (?P<gccversion>[\d.]+)|.*?) \(g95 (?P<version>.*)!\) (?P<date>.*)\).*' # $ g95 --version # G95 (GCC 4.0.3 (g95 0.90!) Aug 22 2006) executables = { 'version_cmd' : ["<F90>", "--version"], 'compiler_f77' : ["g95", "-ffixed-form"], 'compiler_fix' : ["g95", "-ffixed-form"], 'compiler_f90' : ["g95"], 'linker_so' : ["<F90>", "-shared"], 'archiver' : ["ar", "-cr"], 'ranlib' : ["ranlib"] } pic_flags = ['-fpic'] module_dir_switch = '-fmod=' module_include_switch = '-I' def get_flags(self): return ['-fno-second-underscore'] def get_flags_opt(self): return ['-O'] def get_flags_debug(self): return ['-g'] if __name__ == '__main__': from distutils import log log.set_verbosity(2) compiler = G95FCompiler() compiler.customize() print(compiler.get_version())
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import threading from ceilometerclient import client as ceilometer_client from django.conf import settings from django.utils import datastructures from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized # noqa from openstack_dashboard.api import base from openstack_dashboard.api import keystone from openstack_dashboard.api import nova LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_flavor_names(request): # TODO(lsmola) The flavors can be set per project, # so it should show only valid ones. try: flavors = nova.flavor_list(request, None) return [ for f in flavors] except Exception: return ['m1.tiny', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge'] def is_iterable(var): """Return True if the given is list or tuple.""" return (isinstance(var, (list, tuple)) or issubclass(var.__class__, (list, tuple))) def make_query(user_id=None, tenant_id=None, resource_id=None, user_ids=None, tenant_ids=None, resource_ids=None): """Returns query built from given parameters. This query can be then used for querying resources, meters and statistics. :Parameters: - `user_id`: user_id, has a priority over list of ids - `tenant_id`: tenant_id, has a priority over list of ids - `resource_id`: resource_id, has a priority over list of ids - `user_ids`: list of user_ids - `tenant_ids`: list of tenant_ids - `resource_ids`: list of resource_ids """ user_ids = user_ids or [] tenant_ids = tenant_ids or [] resource_ids = resource_ids or [] query = [] if user_id: user_ids = [user_id] for u_id in user_ids: query.append({"field": "user_id", "op": "eq", "value": u_id}) if tenant_id: tenant_ids = [tenant_id] for t_id in tenant_ids: query.append({"field": "project_id", "op": "eq", "value": t_id}) if resource_id: resource_ids = [resource_id] for r_id in resource_ids: query.append({"field": "resource_id", "op": "eq", "value": r_id}) return query class Meter(base.APIResourceWrapper): """Represents one Ceilometer meter.""" _attrs = ['name', 'type', 'unit', 'resource_id', 'user_id', 'project_id'] def __init__(self, apiresource): super(Meter, self).__init__(apiresource) self._label = self._description = "" def augment(self, label=None, description=None): if label: self._label = label if description: self._description = description @property def description(self): return self._description @property def label(self): return self._label class Resource(base.APIResourceWrapper): """Represents one Ceilometer resource.""" _attrs = ['resource_id', 'source', 'user_id', 'project_id', 'metadata', 'links'] def __init__(self, apiresource, ceilometer_usage=None): super(Resource, self).__init__(apiresource) # Save empty strings to IDs rather than None, so it gets # serialized correctly. We don't want 'None' strings. self.project_id = self.project_id or "" self.user_id = self.user_id or "" self.resource_id = self.resource_id or "" self._id = "%s__%s__%s" % (self.project_id, self.user_id, self.resource_id) # Meters with statistics data self._meters = {} # TODO(lsmola) make parallel obtaining of tenant and user # make the threading here, thread join into resource_list if ceilometer_usage and self.project_id: self._tenant = ceilometer_usage.get_tenant(self.project_id) else: self._tenant = None if ceilometer_usage and self.user_id: self._user = ceilometer_usage.get_user(self.user_id) else: self._user = None self._query = make_query(tenant_id=self.project_id, user_id=self.user_id, resource_id=self.resource_id) @property def name(self): name = self.metadata.get("name", None) display_name = self.metadata.get("display_name", None) return name or display_name or "" @property def id(self): return self._id @property def tenant(self): return self._tenant @property def user(self): return self._user @property def resource(self): return self.resource_id @property def query(self): return self._query @property def meters(self): return self._meters def get_meter(self, meter_name): return self._meters.get(meter_name, None) def set_meter(self, meter_name, value): self._meters[meter_name] = value class ResourceAggregate(Resource): """Represents aggregate of more resources together. Aggregate of resources can be obtained by specifying multiple ids in one parameter or by not specifying one parameter. It can also be specified by query directly. Example: We can obtain an aggregate of resources by specifying multiple resource_ids in resource_id parameter in init. Or we can specify only tenant_id, which will return all resources of that tenant. """ def __init__(self, tenant_id=None, user_id=None, resource_id=None, tenant_ids=None, user_ids=None, resource_ids=None, ceilometer_usage=None, query=None, identifier=None): self._id = identifier self.tenant_id = None self.user_id = None self.resource_id = None # Meters with statistics data self._meters = {} if query: self._query = query else: # TODO(lsmola) make parallel obtaining of tenant and user # make the threading here, thread join into resource_list if ceilometer_usage and tenant_id: self.tenant_id = tenant_id self._tenant = ceilometer_usage.get_tenant(tenant_id) else: self._tenant = None if ceilometer_usage and user_id: self.user_id = user_id self._user = ceilometer_usage.get_user(user_id) else: self._user = None if resource_id: self.resource_id = resource_id self._query = make_query(tenant_id=tenant_id, user_id=user_id, resource_id=resource_id, tenant_ids=tenant_ids, user_ids=user_ids, resource_ids=resource_ids) @property def id(self): return self._id class Sample(base.APIResourceWrapper): """Represents one Ceilometer sample.""" _attrs = ['counter_name', 'user_id', 'resource_id', 'timestamp', 'resource_metadata', 'source', 'counter_unit', 'counter_volume', 'project_id', 'counter_type', 'resource_metadata'] @property def instance(self): display_name = self.resource_metadata.get('display_name', None) instance_id = self.resource_metadata.get('instance_id', None) return display_name or instance_id @property def name(self): name = self.resource_metadata.get("name", None) display_name = self.resource_metadata.get("display_name", None) return name or display_name or "" class Statistic(base.APIResourceWrapper): """Represents one Ceilometer statistic.""" _attrs = ['period', 'period_start', 'period_end', 'count', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'avg', 'duration', 'duration_start', 'duration_end'] @memoized def ceilometerclient(request): """Initialization of Ceilometer client.""" endpoint = base.url_for(request, 'metering') insecure = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False) cacert = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT', None) return ceilometer_client.Client('2', endpoint, token=(lambda:, insecure=insecure, cacert=cacert) def resource_list(request, query=None, ceilometer_usage_object=None): """List the resources.""" resources = ceilometerclient(request).resources.list(q=query) return [Resource(r, ceilometer_usage_object) for r in resources] def sample_list(request, meter_name, query=None): """List the samples for this meters.""" samples = ceilometerclient(request).samples.list(meter_name=meter_name, q=query) return [Sample(s) for s in samples] def meter_list(request, query=None): """List the user's meters.""" meters = ceilometerclient(request).meters.list(query) return [Meter(m) for m in meters] def statistic_list(request, meter_name, query=None, period=None): """List of statistics.""" statistics = ceilometerclient(request).\ statistics.list(meter_name=meter_name, q=query, period=period) return [Statistic(s) for s in statistics] class ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics(threading.Thread): """Multithread wrapper for update_with_statistics method of resource_usage. A join logic is placed in process_list class method. All resources will have its statistics attribute filled in separate threads. The resource_usage object is shared between threads. Each thread is updating one Resource. :Parameters: - `resource`: Resource or ResourceAggregate object, that will be filled by statistic data. - `resources`: List of Resource or ResourceAggregate object, that will be filled by statistic data. - `resource_usage`: Wrapping resource usage object, that holds all statistics data. - `meter_names`: List of meter names of the statistics we want. - `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate statistic is returned. If given, a faceted result will be returned, divided into given periods. Periods with no data are ignored. - `stats_attr`: String representing the attribute name of the stats. E.g. (avg, max, min...) If None is given, whole statistic object is returned, - `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics. E.g. timespan, etc. """ # TODO(lsmola) Can be removed once Ceilometer supports sample-api # and group-by, so all of this optimization will not be necessary. # It is planned somewhere to I. def __init__(self, resource_usage, resource, meter_names=None, period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None, additional_query=None): super(ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics, self).__init__() self.resource_usage = resource_usage self.resource = resource self.meter_names = meter_names self.period = period self.stats_attr = stats_attr self.additional_query = additional_query def run(self): # Run the job self.resource_usage.update_with_statistics( self.resource, meter_names=self.meter_names, period=self.period, stats_attr=self.stats_attr, additional_query=self.additional_query) @classmethod def process_list(cls, resource_usage, resources, meter_names=None, period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None, additional_query=None): threads = [] for resource in resources: # add statistics data into resource thread = cls(resource_usage, resource, meter_names=meter_names, period=period, stats_attr=stats_attr, additional_query=additional_query) thread.start() threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.join() class CeilometerUsage(object): """Represents wrapper of any Ceilometer queries. One instance of this class should be shared between resources as this class provides a place where users and tenants are cached. So there are no duplicate queries to API. This class also wraps Ceilometer API calls and provides parallel HTTP calls to API. This class should also serve as reasonable abstraction, that will cover huge amount of optimization due to optimization of Ceilometer service, without changing of the interface. """ def __init__(self, request): self._request = request # Cached users and tenants. self._users = {} self._tenants = {} def get_user(self, user_id): """Returns user fetched from API. Caching the result, so it doesn't contact API twice with the same query. """ user = self._users.get(user_id, None) if not user: user = keystone.user_get(self._request, user_id) # caching the user, for later use self._users[user_id] = user return user def preload_all_users(self): """Preloads all users into dictionary. It's more effective to preload all users, rather than fetching many users by separate API get calls. """ users = keystone.user_list(self._request) # Cache all users on right indexes, this is more effective than to # obtain large number of users one by one by keystone.user_get for u in users: self._users[] = u def get_tenant(self, tenant_id): """Returns tenant fetched from API. Caching the result, so it doesn't contact API twice with the same query. """ tenant = self._tenants.get(tenant_id, None) if not tenant: tenant = keystone.tenant_get(self._request, tenant_id) # caching the tenant for later use self._tenants[tenant_id] = tenant return tenant def preload_all_tenants(self): """Preloads all tenants into dictionary. It's more effective to preload all tenants, rather than fetching each tenant by separate API get calls. """ tenants, more = keystone.tenant_list(self._request) # Cache all tenants on right indexes, this is more effective than to # obtain large number of tenants one by one by keystone.tenant_get for t in tenants: self._tenants[] = t def global_data_get(self, used_cls=None, query=None, with_statistics=False, additional_query=None, with_users_and_tenants=True): """Obtaining a resources for table view. It obtains resources with statistics data according to declaration in used_cls class. :Parameters: - `user_cls`: Class wrapper for usage data. It acts as wrapper for settings needed. See the call of this method for details. - `query`: Explicit query definition for fetching the resources. If no query is provided, it takes a default_query from used_cls. If no default query is provided, it fetches all the resources and filters them by meters defined in used_cls. - `with_statistic`: Define whether statistics data from the meters defined in used_cls should be fetched. Can be used to first obtain only the pure resources, then with the statistics data by AJAX. - `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics. E.g. timespan, etc. - `with_users_and_tenants`: If true a user and a tenant object will be added to each resource object. """ default_query = used_cls.default_query query = query or default_query filter_func = None def filter_resources(resource): """Method for filtering resources by their links.rel attr. The links.rel attributes contain all meters the resource has. """ for link in resource.links: if link['rel'] in used_cls.meters: return True return False if not query: # Not all resource types can be obtained by query, if there is not # a query, we are filtering all resources by this function. filter_func = filter_resources if with_statistics: # Will add statistic data into resources. resources = self.resources_with_statistics( query, used_cls.meters, filter_func=filter_func, stats_attr=used_cls.stats_attr, additional_query=additional_query, with_users_and_tenants=with_users_and_tenants) else: # Will load only resources without statistical data. resources = self.resources( query, filter_func=filter_func, with_users_and_tenants=with_users_and_tenants) return [used_cls(resource) for resource in resources] def query_from_object_id(self, object_id): """Obtaining a query from resource id. Query can be then used to identify a resource in resources or meters API calls. ID is being built in the Resource initializer, or returned by Datatable into UpdateRow functionality. """ try: tenant_id, user_id, resource_id = object_id.split("__") except ValueError: return [] return make_query(tenant_id=tenant_id, user_id=user_id, resource_id=resource_id) def update_with_statistics(self, resource, meter_names=None, period=None, stats_attr=None, additional_query=None): """Adding statistical data into one Resource or ResourceAggregate. It adds each statistic of each meter_names into the resource attributes. Attribute name is the meter name with replaced '.' to '_'. :Parameters: - `resource`: Resource or ResourceAggregate object, that will be filled by statistic data. - `meter_names`: List of meter names of which we want the statistics. - `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate statistic is returned. If given a faceted result will be returned, dividend into given periods. Periods with no data are ignored. - `stats_attr`: String representing the specific name of the stats. E.g. (avg, max, min...) If defined, meter attribute will contain just the one value. If None is given, meter attribute will contain the whole Statistic object. - `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics. E.g. timespan, etc. """ if not meter_names: raise ValueError("meter_names and resources must be defined to be " "able to obtain the statistics.") # query for identifying one resource in meters query = resource.query if additional_query: if not is_iterable(additional_query): raise ValueError("Additional query must be list of" " conditions. See the docs for format.") query = query + additional_query # TODO(lsmola) thread for each meter will be probably overkill # but I should test lets say thread pool with 100 of threads # and apply it only to this code. # Though I do expect Ceilometer will support bulk requests, # so all of this optimization will not be necessary. for meter in meter_names: statistics = statistic_list(self._request, meter, query=query, period=period) meter = meter.replace(".", "_") if statistics: if stats_attr: # I want to load only a specific attribute resource.set_meter( meter, getattr(statistics[0], stats_attr, None)) else: # I want a dictionary of all statistics resource.set_meter(meter, statistics) else: resource.set_meter(meter, None) return resource def resources(self, query=None, filter_func=None, with_users_and_tenants=False): """Obtaining resources with the query or filter_func. Obtains resources and also fetch tenants and users associated with those resources if with_users_and_tenants flag is true. :Parameters: - `query`: Query for fetching the Ceilometer Resources. - `filter_func`: Callable for filtering of the obtained resources. - `with_users_and_tenants`: If true a user and a tenant object will be added to each resource object. """ if with_users_and_tenants: ceilometer_usage_object = self else: ceilometer_usage_object = None resources = resource_list( self._request, query=query, ceilometer_usage_object=ceilometer_usage_object) if filter_func: resources = [resource for resource in resources if filter_func(resource)] return resources def resources_with_statistics(self, query=None, meter_names=None, period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None, additional_query=None, with_users_and_tenants=False): """Obtaining resources with statistics data inside. :Parameters: - `query`: Query for fetching the Ceilometer Resources. - `filter_func`: Callable for filtering of the obtained resources. - `meter_names`: List of meter names of which we want the statistics. - `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate statistic is returned. If given, a faceted result will be returned, divided into given periods. Periods with no data are ignored. - `stats_attr`: String representing the specific name of the stats. E.g. (avg, max, min...) If defined, meter attribute will contain just the one value. If None is given, meter attribute will contain the whole Statistic object. - `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics. E.g. timespan, etc. - `with_users_and_tenants`: If true a user and a tenant object will be added to each resource object. """ resources = self.resources( query, filter_func=filter_func, with_users_and_tenants=with_users_and_tenants) ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics.process_list( self, resources, meter_names=meter_names, period=period, stats_attr=stats_attr, additional_query=additional_query) return resources def resource_aggregates(self, queries=None): """Obtaining resource aggregates with queries. Representing a resource aggregate by query is a most general way how to obtain a resource aggregates. :Parameters: - `queries`: Dictionary of named queries that defines a bulk of resource aggregates. """ resource_aggregates = [] for identifier, query in queries.items(): resource_aggregates.append(ResourceAggregate(query=query, ceilometer_usage=None, identifier=identifier)) return resource_aggregates def resource_aggregates_with_statistics(self, queries=None, meter_names=None, period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None, additional_query=None): """Obtaining resource aggregates with statistics data inside. :Parameters: - `queries`: Dictionary of named queries that defines a bulk of resource aggregates. - `meter_names`: List of meter names of which we want the statistics. - `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate statistic is returned. If given, a faceted result will be returned, divided into given periods. Periods with no data are ignored. - `stats_attr`: String representing the specific name of the stats. E.g. (avg, max, min...) If defined, meter attribute will contain just the one value. If None is given, meter attribute will contain the whole Statistic object. - `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics. E.g. timespan, etc. """ resource_aggregates = self.resource_aggregates(queries) ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics.process_list( self, resource_aggregates, meter_names=meter_names, period=period, stats_attr=stats_attr, additional_query=additional_query) return resource_aggregates def diff_lists(a, b): if not a: return [] elif not b: return a else: return list(set(a) - set(b)) class Meters(object): """Class for listing of available meters. It is listing meters defined in this class that are available in Ceilometer meter_list. It is storing information that is not available in Ceilometer, i.e. label, description. """ def __init__(self, request=None, ceilometer_meter_list=None): # Storing the request. self._request = request # Storing the Ceilometer meter list if ceilometer_meter_list: self._ceilometer_meter_list = ceilometer_meter_list else: try: self._ceilometer_meter_list = meter_list(request) except Exception: self._ceilometer_meter_list = [] exceptions.handle(self._request, _('Unable to retrieve Ceilometer meter ' 'list.')) # Storing the meters info categorized by their services. self._nova_meters_info = self._get_nova_meters_info() self._neutron_meters_info = self._get_neutron_meters_info() self._glance_meters_info = self._get_glance_meters_info() self._cinder_meters_info = self._get_cinder_meters_info() self._swift_meters_info = self._get_swift_meters_info() self._kwapi_meters_info = self._get_kwapi_meters_info() self._ipmi_meters_info = self._get_ipmi_meters_info() # Storing the meters info of all services together. all_services_meters = (self._nova_meters_info, self._neutron_meters_info, self._glance_meters_info, self._cinder_meters_info, self._swift_meters_info, self._kwapi_meters_info, self._ipmi_meters_info) self._all_meters_info = {} for service_meters in all_services_meters: self._all_meters_info.update(dict([(meter_name, meter_info) for meter_name, meter_info in service_meters.items()])) # Here will be the cached Meter objects, that will be reused for # repeated listing. self._cached_meters = {} def list_all(self, only_meters=None, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters based on the meters names. :Parameters: - `only_meters`: The list of meter names we want to show. - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=only_meters, except_meters=except_meters) def list_nova(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to nova. :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=self._nova_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def list_neutron(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to neutron. :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=self._neutron_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def list_glance(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to glance. :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=self._glance_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def list_cinder(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to cinder. :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=self._cinder_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def list_swift(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to swift. :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=self._swift_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def list_kwapi(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to kwapi. :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ return self._list(only_meters=self._kwapi_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def list_ipmi(self, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters tied to ipmi :Parameters: - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show """ return self._list(only_meters=self._ipmi_meters_info.keys(), except_meters=except_meters) def _list(self, only_meters=None, except_meters=None): """Returns a list of meters based on the meters names. :Parameters: - `only_meters`: The list of meter names we want to show. - `except_meters`: The list of meter names we don't want to show. """ # Get all wanted meter names. if only_meters: meter_names = only_meters else: meter_names = [meter_name for meter_name in self._all_meters_info.keys()] meter_names = diff_lists(meter_names, except_meters) # Collect meters for wanted meter names. return self._get_meters(meter_names) def _get_meters(self, meter_names): """Obtain meters based on meter_names. The meters that do not exist in Ceilometer meter list are left out. :Parameters: - `meter_names`: A list of meter names we want to fetch. """ meters = [] for meter_name in meter_names: meter = self._get_meter(meter_name) if meter: meters.append(meter) return meters def _get_meter(self, meter_name): """Obtains a meter. Obtains meter either from cache or from Ceilometer meter list joined with statically defined meter info like label and description. :Parameters: - `meter_name`: A meter name we want to fetch. """ meter = self._cached_meters.get(meter_name, None) if not meter: meter_candidates = [m for m in self._ceilometer_meter_list if == meter_name] if meter_candidates: meter_info = self._all_meters_info.get(meter_name, None) if meter_info: label = meter_info["label"] description = meter_info["description"] else: label = "" description = "" meter = meter_candidates[0] meter.augment(label=label, description=description) self._cached_meters[meter_name] = meter return meter def _get_nova_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. meters_info = datastructures.SortedDict([ ("instance", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of instance"), }), ("instance:<type>", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of instance <type> " "(openstack types)"), }), ("memory", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Volume of RAM"), }), ("memory.usage", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Volume of RAM used"), }), ("cpu", { 'label': '', 'description': _("CPU time used"), }), ("cpu_util", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average CPU utilization"), }), ("vcpus", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of VCPUs"), }), ("", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of read requests"), }), ("disk.write.requests", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of write requests"), }), ("", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Volume of reads"), }), ("disk.write.bytes", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Volume of writes"), }), ("", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate of read requests"), }), ("disk.write.requests.rate", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate of write requests"), }), ("", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate of reads"), }), ("disk.write.bytes.rate", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average volume of writes"), }), ("disk.root.size", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Size of root disk"), }), ("disk.ephemeral.size", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Size of ephemeral disk"), }), ("network.incoming.bytes", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of incoming bytes " "on the network for a VM interface"), }), ("network.outgoing.bytes", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of outgoing bytes " "on the network for a VM interface"), }), ("network.incoming.packets", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of incoming " "packets for a VM interface"), }), ("network.outgoing.packets", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of outgoing " "packets for a VM interface"), }), ("network.incoming.bytes.rate", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate per sec of incoming " "bytes on a VM network interface"), }), ("network.outgoing.bytes.rate", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate per sec of outgoing " "bytes on a VM network interface"), }), ("network.incoming.packets.rate", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate per sec of incoming " "packets on a VM network interface"), }), ("network.outgoing.packets.rate", { 'label': '', 'description': _("Average rate per sec of outgoing " "packets on a VM network interface"), }), ]) # Adding flavor based meters into meters_info dict # TODO(lsmola) this kind of meter will be probably deprecated # . Delete it then. for flavor in get_flavor_names(self._request): name = 'instance:%s' % flavor meters_info[name] = dict(meters_info["instance:<type>"]) meters_info[name]['description'] = ( _('Duration of instance type %s (openstack flavor)') % flavor) # TODO(lsmola) allow to set specific in local_settings. For all meters # because users can have their own agents and meters. return meters_info def _get_neutron_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return datastructures.SortedDict([ ('network', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of network"), }), ('network.create', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Creation requests for this network"), }), ('network.update', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Update requests for this network"), }), ('subnet', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of subnet"), }), ('subnet.create', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Creation requests for this subnet"), }), ('subnet.update', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Update requests for this subnet"), }), ('port', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of port"), }), ('port.create', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Creation requests for this port"), }), ('port.update', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Update requests for this port"), }), ('router', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of router"), }), ('router.create', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Creation requests for this router"), }), ('router.update', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Update requests for this router"), }), ('ip.floating', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of floating ip"), }), ('ip.floating.create', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Creation requests for this floating ip"), }), ('ip.floating.update', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Update requests for this floating ip"), }), ]) def _get_glance_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return datastructures.SortedDict([ ('image', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Image existence check"), }), ('image.size', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Uploaded image size"), }), ('image.update', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of image updates"), }), ('image.upload', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of image uploads"), }), ('image.delete', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of image deletions"), }), ('', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Image is downloaded"), }), ('image.serve', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Image is served out"), }), ]) def _get_cinder_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return datastructures.SortedDict([ ('volume', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of volume"), }), ('volume.size', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Size of volume"), }), ]) def _get_swift_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return datastructures.SortedDict([ ('storage.objects', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of objects"), }), ('storage.objects.size', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Total size of stored objects"), }), ('storage.objects.containers', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of containers"), }), ('storage.objects.incoming.bytes', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of incoming bytes"), }), ('storage.objects.outgoing.bytes', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of outgoing bytes"), }), ('storage.api.request', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Number of API requests against swift"), }), ]) def _get_kwapi_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return datastructures.SortedDict([ ('energy', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Amount of energy"), }), ('power', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Power consumption"), }), ]) def _get_ipmi_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return datastructures.SortedDict([ ('hardware.ipmi.node.power', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System Current Power"), }), ('', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Fan RPM"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.temperature', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Sensor Temperature Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.current', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Sensor Current Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.voltage', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Sensor Voltage Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.inlet_temperature', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System Inlet Temperature Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.outlet_temperature', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System Outlet Temperature Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.airflow', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System Airflow Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.cups', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System CUPS Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.cpu_util', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System CPU Utility Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.mem_util', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System Memory Utility Reading"), }), ('hardware.ipmi.node.io_util', { 'label': '', 'description': _("System IO Utility Reading"), }), ])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models try: from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model except ImportError: # django < 1.5 from django.contrib.auth.models import User else: User = get_user_model() user_orm_label = '%s.%s' % (User._meta.app_label, User._meta.object_name) user_model_label = '%s.%s' % (User._meta.app_label, User._meta.module_name) user_ptr_name = '%s_ptr' % User._meta.object_name.lower() class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Dummy migration pass def backwards(self, orm): # Dummy migration pass models = { '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': { 'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ( 'django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, user_model_label: { 'Meta': {'object_name': User.__name__, 'db_table': "'%s'" % User._meta.db_table}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ( 'django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ( 'django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ( 'django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ( 'django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ( 'django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'cms.cmsplugin': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'CMSPlugin'}, 'changed_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creation_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '15', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'lft': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['cms.CMSPlugin']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'placeholder': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['cms.Placeholder']", 'null': 'True'}), 'plugin_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'position': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveSmallIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'rght': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'tree_id': 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"orm['%s']" % user_orm_label}) }, 'cms.pagemoderatorstate': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('page', 'action', '-created')", 'object_name': 'PageModeratorState'}, 'action': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '3', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'message': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '1000', 'blank': 'True'}), 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['cms.Page']"}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['%s']" % user_orm_label, 'null': 'True'}) }, 'cms.pagepermission': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'PagePermission'}, 'can_add': ( 'django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_change': ( 'django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 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'True'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['%s']" % user_orm_label, 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'cms.pageuser': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'PageUser', '_ormbases': [user_orm_label]}, 'created_by': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_users'", 'to': "orm['%s']" % user_orm_label}), 'user_ptr': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'to': "orm['%s']" % user_orm_label, 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True'}) }, 'cms.pageusergroup': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'PageUserGroup', '_ormbases': ['auth.Group']}, 'created_by': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_usergroups'", 'to': "orm['%s']" % user_orm_label}), 'group_ptr': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True'}) }, 'cms.placeholder': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Placeholder'}, 'default_width': ( 'django.db.models.fields.PositiveSmallIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True'}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'slot': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}) }, 'cms.title': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('language', 'page'),)", 'object_name': 'Title'}, 'application_urls': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creation_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'has_url_overwrite': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '15', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'menu_title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'meta_description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'meta_keywords': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'title_set'", 'to': "orm['cms.Page']"}), 'page_title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'path': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'redirect': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'slug': ( 'django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'title': ( 'django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ( 'django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ( 'django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('domain',)", 'object_name': 'Site', 'db_table': "'django_site'"}, 'domain': ( 'django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ( 'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) } } complete_apps = ['cms']
import re from bpython.test import unittest from bpython.line import current_word, current_dict_key, current_dict, \ current_string, current_object, current_object_attribute, \ current_from_import_from, current_from_import_import, current_import, \ current_method_definition_name, current_single_word, \ current_string_literal_attr def cursor(s): """'ab|c' -> (2, 'abc')""" cursor_offset = s.index('|') line = s[:cursor_offset] + s[cursor_offset+1:] return cursor_offset, line def decode(s): """'a<bd|c>d' -> ((3, 'abcd'), (1, 3, 'bdc'))""" if not s.count('|') == 1: raise ValueError('match helper needs | to occur once') if s.count('<') != s.count('>') or not s.count('<') in (0, 1): raise ValueError('match helper needs <, and > to occur just once') matches = list(re.finditer(r'[<>|]', s)) assert len(matches) in [1, 3], [ for m in matches] d = {} for i, m in enumerate(matches): d[] = m.start() - i s = s[:m.start() - i] + s[m.end() - i:] assert len(d) in [1, 3], 'need all the parts just once! %r' % d if '<' in d: return (d['|'], s), (d['<'], d['>'], s[d['<']:d['>']]) else: return (d['|'], s), None def line_with_cursor(cursor_offset, line): return line[:cursor_offset] + '|' + line[cursor_offset:] def encode(cursor_offset, line, result): """encode(3, 'abdcd', (1, 3, 'bdc')) -> a<bd|c>d' Written for prettier assert error messages """ encoded_line = line_with_cursor(cursor_offset, line) if result is None: return encoded_line start, end, value = result assert line[start:end] == value if start < cursor_offset: encoded_line = encoded_line[:start] + '<' + encoded_line[start:] else: encoded_line = encoded_line[:start+1] + '<' + encoded_line[start+1:] if end < cursor_offset: encoded_line = encoded_line[:end+1] + '>' + encoded_line[end+1:] else: encoded_line = encoded_line[:end+2] + '>' + encoded_line[end+2:] return encoded_line class LineTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def assertAccess(self, s): r"""Asserts that self.func matches as described by s, which uses a little language to describe matches: abcd<efg>hijklmnopqrstuvwx|yz /|\ /|\ /|\ | | | the function should the current cursor position match this "efg" is between the x and y """ (cursor_offset, line), match = decode(s) result = self.func(cursor_offset, line) self.assertEqual( result, match, "%s(%r) result\n%r (%r) doesn't match expected\n%r (%r)" % ( self.func.__name__, line_with_cursor(cursor_offset, line), encode(cursor_offset, line, result), result, s, match)) class TestHelpers(LineTestCase): def test_I(self): self.assertEqual(cursor('asd|fgh'), (3, 'asdfgh')) def test_decode(self): self.assertEqual(decode('a<bd|c>d'), ((3, 'abdcd'), (1, 4, 'bdc'))) self.assertEqual(decode('a|<bdc>d'), ((1, 'abdcd'), (1, 4, 'bdc'))) self.assertEqual(decode('a<bdc>d|'), ((5, 'abdcd'), (1, 4, 'bdc'))) def test_encode(self): self.assertEqual(encode(3, 'abdcd', (1, 4, 'bdc')), 'a<bd|c>d') self.assertEqual(encode(1, 'abdcd', (1, 4, 'bdc')), 'a|<bdc>d') self.assertEqual(encode(4, 'abdcd', (1, 4, 'bdc')), 'a<bdc|>d') self.assertEqual(encode(5, 'abdcd', (1, 4, 'bdc')), 'a<bdc>d|') def test_assert_access(self): def dumb_func(cursor_offset, line): return (0, 2, 'ab') self.func = dumb_func self.assertAccess('<a|b>d') class TestCurrentWord(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_word def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('|') self.assertAccess('|asdf') self.assertAccess('<a|sdf>') self.assertAccess('<asdf|>') self.assertAccess('<asdfg|>') self.assertAccess('asdf + <asdfg|>') self.assertAccess('<asdfg|> + asdf') def test_inside(self): self.assertAccess('<asd|>') self.assertAccess('<asd|fg>') def test_dots(self): self.assertAccess('<Object.attr1|>') self.assertAccess('<Object.attr1.attr2|>') self.assertAccess('<Object.att|r1.attr2>') self.assertAccess('stuff[stuff] + {123: 456} + <Object.attr1.attr2|>') self.assertAccess('stuff[<asd|fg>]') self.assertAccess('stuff[asdf[<asd|fg>]') def test_open_paren(self): self.assertAccess('<foo(|>') # documenting current behavior - TODO is this intended? class TestCurrentDictKey(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_dict_key def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('asdf|') self.assertAccess('asdf|') self.assertAccess('asdf[<>|') self.assertAccess('asdf[<>|]') self.assertAccess('object.dict[<abc|>') self.assertAccess('asdf|') self.assertAccess('asdf[<(>|]') self.assertAccess('asdf[<(1>|]') self.assertAccess('asdf[<(1,>|]') self.assertAccess('asdf[<(1, >|]') self.assertAccess('asdf[<(1, 2)>|]') # TODO self.assertAccess('d[d[<12|>') self.assertAccess("d[<'a>|") class TestCurrentDict(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_dict def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('asdf|') self.assertAccess('asdf|') self.assertAccess('<asdf>[|') self.assertAccess('<asdf>[|]') self.assertAccess('<object.dict>[abc|') self.assertAccess('asdf|') class TestCurrentString(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_string def test_closed(self): self.assertAccess('"<as|df>"') self.assertAccess('"<asdf|>"') self.assertAccess('"<|asdf>"') self.assertAccess("'<asdf|>'") self.assertAccess("'<|asdf>'") self.assertAccess("'''<asdf|>'''") self.assertAccess('"""<asdf|>"""') self.assertAccess('asdf.afd("a") + "<asdf|>"') def test_open(self): self.assertAccess('"<as|df>') self.assertAccess('"<asdf|>') self.assertAccess('"<|asdf>') self.assertAccess("'<asdf|>") self.assertAccess("'<|asdf>") self.assertAccess("'''<asdf|>") self.assertAccess('"""<asdf|>') self.assertAccess('asdf.afd("a") + "<asdf|>') class TestCurrentObject(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_object def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('<Object>.attr1|') self.assertAccess('<Object>.|') self.assertAccess('Object|') self.assertAccess('Object|.') self.assertAccess('<Object>.|') self.assertAccess('<Object.attr1>.attr2|') self.assertAccess('<Object>.att|r1.attr2') self.assertAccess('stuff[stuff] + {123: 456} + <Object.attr1>.attr2|') self.assertAccess('stuff[asd|fg]') self.assertAccess('stuff[asdf[asd|fg]') class TestCurrentAttribute(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_object_attribute def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('Object.<attr1|>') self.assertAccess('Object.attr1.<attr2|>') self.assertAccess('Object.<att|r1>.attr2') self.assertAccess('stuff[stuff] + {123: 456} + Object.attr1.<attr2|>') self.assertAccess('stuff[asd|fg]') self.assertAccess('stuff[asdf[asd|fg]') self.assertAccess('Object.attr1.<|attr2>') self.assertAccess('Object.<attr1|>.attr2') class TestCurrentFromImportFrom(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_from_import_from def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('from <sys|> import path') self.assertAccess('from <sys> import path|') self.assertAccess('if True|: from sys import path') self.assertAccess('if True: |from sys import path') self.assertAccess('if True: from <sys> import p|ath') self.assertAccess('if True: from sys imp|ort path') self.assertAccess('if True: from sys import |path') self.assertAccess('if True: from sys import path.stu|ff') self.assertAccess('if True: from <sys.path> import sep|') self.assertAccess('from <os.p|>') class TestCurrentFromImportImport(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_from_import_import def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('from sys import <path|>') self.assertAccess('from sys import <p|ath>') self.assertAccess('from sys import |path') self.assertAccess('from sys| import path') self.assertAccess('from s|ys import path') self.assertAccess('from |sys import path') self.assertAccess('from xml.dom import <N|ode>') # because syntax error self.assertAccess('from xml.dom import|d') class TestCurrentImport(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_import def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('import <path|>') self.assertAccess('import <p|ath>') self.assertAccess('import |path') self.assertAccess('import path, <another|>') self.assertAccess('import path another|') self.assertAccess('if True: import <path|>') self.assertAccess('if True: import <xml.dom.minidom|>') self.assertAccess('if True: import <|m.minidom>') self.assertAccess('if True: import <|m.minidom> as something') class TestMethodDefinitionName(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_method_definition_name def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('def <foo|>') self.assertAccess(' def bar(x, y)|:') self.assertAccess(' def <bar|>(x, y)') class TestSingleWord(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_single_word def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('|') self.assertAccess('.foo|') self.assertAccess(' <foo|>') class TestCurrentStringLiteral(LineTestCase): def setUp(self): self.func = current_string_literal_attr def test_simple(self): self.assertAccess('"hey".<a|>') self.assertAccess('"hey"|') self.assertAccess('"hey"|.a') self.assertAccess('"hey".<a|b>') self.assertAccess('"hey".asdf d|') self.assertAccess('"hey".<|>') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#TODO add the license #I had to rewrite this class because the python MIME email.mime (version 2.5) #are buggy, they use \n instead \r\n for new line which is not compliant #to standard! # #TODO do not load all the message in memory stream it from the disk import re import random import sys #new line NL='\r\n' _width = len(repr(sys.maxint-1)) _fmt = '%%0%dd' % _width class MIMEMessage: def __init__(self): self._files = [] self._xmlMessage = "" self._startCID = "" self._boundary = "" def makeBoundary(self): #create the boundary msgparts = [] msgparts.append(self._xmlMessage) for i in self._files: msgparts.append( #this sucks, all in memory alltext = NL.join(msgparts) self._boundary = _make_boundary(alltext) #maybe I can save some memory del alltext del msgparts self._startCID = "<" + (_fmt % random.randrange(sys.maxint)) + (_fmt % random.randrange(sys.maxint)) + ">" def toString(self): '''it return a string with the MIME message''' if len(self._boundary) == 0: #the makeBoundary hasn't been called yet self.makeBoundary() #ok we have everything let's start to spit the message out #first the XML returnstr = NL + "--" + self._boundary + NL returnstr += "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"us-ascii\"" + NL returnstr += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" + NL returnstr += "Content-Id: " + self._startCID + NL + NL returnstr += self._xmlMessage + NL #then the files for file in self._files: returnstr += "--" + self._boundary + NL returnstr += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" + NL returnstr += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" + NL returnstr += "Content-Id: <" + str(id(file)) + ">" + NL + NL returnstr += + NL #closing boundary returnstr += "--" + self._boundary + "--" + NL return returnstr def attachFile(self, file): ''' it adds a file to this attachment ''' self._files.append(file) def addXMLMessage(self, xmlMessage): ''' it adds the XML message. we can have only one XML SOAP message ''' self._xmlMessage = xmlMessage def getBoundary(self): ''' this function returns the string used in the mime message as a boundary. First the write method as to be called ''' return self._boundary def getStartCID(self): ''' This function returns the CID of the XML message ''' return self._startCID def _make_boundary(text=None): #some code taken from python stdlib # Craft a random boundary. If text is given, ensure that the chosen # boundary doesn't appear in the text. token = random.randrange(sys.maxint) boundary = ('=' * 10) + (_fmt % token) + '==' if text is None: return boundary b = boundary counter = 0 while True: cre = re.compile('^--' + re.escape(b) + '(--)?$', re.MULTILINE) if not break b = boundary + '.' + str(counter) counter += 1 return b
#!/usr/bin/python import os import pickle import random import re import sys from irc import IRCBot, IRCConnection class MarkovBot(IRCBot): """ Hacking on a markov chain bot - based on: """ messages_to_generate = 5 chattiness = .01 max_words = 15 chain_length = 2 stop_word = '\n' filename = 'markov.db' last = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MarkovBot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.load_data() def load_data(self): if os.path.exists(self.filename): fh = open(self.filename, 'rb') self.word_table = pickle.loads( fh.close() else: self.word_table = {} def save_data(self): fh = open(self.filename, 'w') fh.write(pickle.dumps(self.word_table)) fh.close() def split_message(self, message): words = message.split() if len(words) > self.chain_length: words.extend([self.stop_word] * self.chain_length) for i in range(len(words) - self.chain_length): yield (words[i:i + self.chain_length + 1]) def generate_message(self, person, size=15, seed_key=None): person_words = len(self.word_table.get(person, {})) if person_words < size: return if not seed_key: seed_key = random.choice(self.word_table[person].keys()) message = [] for i in xrange(self.messages_to_generate): words = seed_key gen_words = [] for i in xrange(size): if words[0] == self.stop_word: break gen_words.append(words[0]) try: words = words[1:] + (random.choice(self.word_table[person][words]),) except KeyError: break if len(gen_words) > len(message): message = list(gen_words) return ' '.join(message) def imitate(self, sender, message, channel): person = message.replace('imitate ', '').strip()[:10] if person != self.conn.nick: return self.generate_message(person) def cite(self, sender, message, channel): if self.last: return self.last def sanitize_message(self, message): """Convert to lower-case and strip out all quotation marks""" return re.sub('[\"\']', '', message.lower()) def log(self, sender, message, channel): sender = sender[:10] self.word_table.setdefault(sender, {}) if message.startswith('/'): return try: say_something = self.is_ping(message) or sender != self.conn.nick and random.random() < self.chattiness except AttributeError: say_something = False messages = [] seed_key = None if self.is_ping(message): message = self.fix_ping(message) for words in self.split_message(self.sanitize_message(message)): key = tuple(words[:-1]) if key in self.word_table: self.word_table[sender][key].append(words[-1]) else: self.word_table[sender][key] = [words[-1]] if self.stop_word not in key and say_something: for person in self.word_table: if person == sender: continue if key in self.word_table[person]: generated = self.generate_message(person, seed_key=key) if generated: messages.append((person, generated)) if len(messages): self.last, message = random.choice(messages) return message def load_log_file(self, filename): fh = open(filename, 'r') logline_re = re.compile('<\s*(\w+)>[^\]]+\]\s([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]') for line in fh.readlines(): match = if match: sender, message = match.groups() self.log(sender, message, '', False, None) def load_text_file(self, filename, sender): fh = open(filename, 'r') for line in fh.readlines(): self.log(sender, line, '', False, None) def command_patterns(self): return ('^imitate \S+', self.imitate),'^cite', self.cite), ('.*', self.log), ) host = '' port = 6667 nick = 'whatyousay' conn = IRCConnection(host, port, nick) markov_bot = MarkovBot(conn) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-log': if len(sys.argv) == 3: markov_bot.load_log_file(sys.argv[2]) elif len(sys.argv): markov_bot.load_text_file(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) else: conn.connect() conn.join('#botwars') try: conn.enter_event_loop() except: pass markov_bot.save_data()
from itertools import count def layer(x, y, z, n): return 2*(x*y + y*z + x*z) + 4*(x + y + z + n - 2) * (n - 1) print(layer(3, 2, 1, 1)) # 22 print(layer(3, 2, 1, 2)) # 46 print(layer(3, 2, 1, 3)) # 78 print(layer(3, 2, 1, 4)) # 118 print(layer(5, 1, 1, 1)) # 22 limit = 30000 memo = {} for x in count(1): if layer(x, x, x, 1) > limit: break for y in count(x): if layer(x, y, y, 1) > limit: break for z in count(y): if layer(x, y, z, 1) > limit: break for n in count(1): l = layer(x, y, z, n) if l > limit: break if l not in memo: memo[l] = [(x, y, z, n)] else: memo[l].append((x, y, z, n)) search = 1000 smallest = None lst = None for layer_size, count in memo.items(): if len(count) == search: if smallest is None or layer_size < smallest: smallest = layer_size lst = count print(smallest, lst)
# ###################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2014, Brookhaven Science Associates, Brookhaven # # National Laboratory. All rights reserved. # # # # @author: Li Li ([email protected]) # # created on 09/10/2014 # # # # Original code: # # @author: Mirna Lerotic, 2nd Look Consulting # # # # Copyright (c) 2013, Stefan Vogt, Argonne National Laboratory # # All rights reserved. # # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # # are met: # # # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # # notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # # distribution. # # # # * Neither the name of the Brookhaven Science Associates, Brookhaven # # National Laboratory nor the names of its contributors may be used # # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # # specific prior written permission. # # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OTHERWISE) ARISING # # IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ######################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import inspect import logging from lmfit import Model from .lineshapes import (elastic, compton, lorentzian2) from .base.parameter_data import get_para logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def set_default(model_name, func_name): """ Set values and bounds to Model parameters in lmfit. Parameters ---------- model_name : class object Model class object from lmfit func_name : function function name of physics peak """ paras = inspect.getargspec(func_name) # the first argument is independent variable, also ignored # default values are not considered for fitting in this function my_args = paras.args[1:] para_dict = get_para() for name in my_args: if name not in para_dict.keys(): continue my_dict = para_dict[name] if my_dict['bound_type'] == 'none': model_name.set_param_hint(name, vary=True) elif my_dict['bound_type'] == 'fixed': model_name.set_param_hint(name, vary=False, value=my_dict['value']) elif my_dict['bound_type'] == 'lo': model_name.set_param_hint(name, value=my_dict['value'], vary=True, min=my_dict['min']) elif my_dict['bound_type'] == 'hi': model_name.set_param_hint(name, value=my_dict['value'], vary=True, max=my_dict['max']) elif my_dict['bound_type'] == 'lohi': model_name.set_param_hint(name, value=my_dict['value'], vary=True, min=my_dict['min'], max=my_dict['max']) else: raise TypeError("Boundary type {0} can't be " "used".format(my_dict['bound_type'])) def _gen_class_docs(func): """ Parameters ---------- func : function function of peak profile Returns ------- str : documentation of the function """ return ("Wrap the {} function for fitting within lmfit " "framework\n".format(func.__name__) + func.__doc__) # DEFINE NEW MODELS class ElasticModel(Model): __doc__ = _gen_class_docs(elastic) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ElasticModel, self).__init__(elastic, *args, **kwargs) self.set_param_hint('epsilon', value=2.96, vary=False) class ComptonModel(Model): __doc__ = _gen_class_docs(compton) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ComptonModel, self).__init__(compton, *args, **kwargs) self.set_param_hint('epsilon', value=2.96, vary=False) class Lorentzian2Model(Model): __doc__ = _gen_class_docs(lorentzian2) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Lorentzian2Model, self).__init__(lorentzian2, *args, **kwargs)
####################################################################### # date: 2015-07-28 # author: Thea Van Rossum [email protected] # functionality: # 1. Creates a Google Calendar API service object # 2. Deletes all events in the calendar in case changes have been # made to existing events # 3. Create events based on all the posts in # "_posts" (POSTS_DIRECTORY) # Commented out: 4. Print next 10 events # # Will not add an event if it is missing one of the REQUIRED_FIELDS # # To modify and use: # 1. See google docs to get setup with credentials: # # 2. Update the variables indicated below (APPLICATION_NAME, # CALENDAR_ID, TIME_ZONE_SRT # 3. run from scripts/ using: # python --noauth_local_webserver ######################################################################## import httplib2 import os import glob from apiclient import discovery import oauth2client from oauth2client import client from oauth2client import tools import datetime import pytz try: import argparse flags = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[tools.argparser]).parse_args() except ImportError: flags = None # Modify these variables in step 2 above ------------------- # APPLICATION_NAME: app name you created in step one above: APPLICATION_NAME = 'test' # CALENDAR_ID: google account name you created for your calendar: CALENDAR_ID = '[email protected]' # TIME_ZONE_STR: check here: # TIME_ZONE_STR = 'America/Vancouver' # ----------------------------------------------------------- SCOPES = '' CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json' DEFAULT_START_TIME = "15:30" # will be overridden by startTime in _posts DEFAULT_END_TIME = "16:30" # will be overridden by endTime in _posts REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['title', 'location', 'text', 'link', 'date'] POSTS_DIRECTORY = "../_posts" def main(): """ 1. Creates a Google Calendar API service object 2. Deletes all events in the calendar in case changes have been made to existing events 3. Create events based on all the posts in "_posts" (POSTS_DIRECTORY) Commented out: 4. Print next 10 events Will not add an event if it is missing one of the REQUIRED_FIELDS """ credentials = get_credentials() http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) service ='calendar', 'v3', http=http) # clear the calendar service.calendars().clear(calendarId=CALENDAR_ID).execute() # create events for inputPath in glob.glob(os.path.join(POSTS_DIRECTORY, '*.markdown')): eventDict = parseEventPost(inputPath) events = getAllEvents(service) if not isEventComplete(eventDict, inputPath): print 'Event is incomplete' else: event = createEvent(eventDict) event =, body=event).execute() print 'Event created: %s' % (event.get('summary')) def printNextEvents(service, numEvents): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time print 'Getting the upcoming %d events' % numEvents eventsResult = calendarId=CALENDAR_ID, timeMin=now, maxResults=numEvents, singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute() events = eventsResult.get('items', []) if not events: print 'No upcoming events found.' for event in events: start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date')) print start, event['summary'] def getAllEvents(service): eventsResult = calendarId=CALENDAR_ID, singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute() events = eventsResult.get('items', []) return events def parseEventPost(inputPath): eventDict = {} eventDict['startTime'] = DEFAULT_START_TIME eventDict['endTime'] = DEFAULT_END_TIME f = open(inputPath, 'r') for line in f: listedline = line.strip().split(':', 1) # split around the : sign if len(listedline) > 1: # we have the = sign in there eventDict[listedline[0].strip()] = listedline[1].strip() return eventDict def isEventComplete(eventDict, sourcePath): isComplete = 1 for field in REQUIRED_FIELDS: if field not in eventDict: print "Error: event missing %s (%s)" % field, sourcePath isComplete -= 1 return isComplete def makeDateTime(dateStr, hourMinStr): # date like "2014-07-25" # hourMinStr like "15:30" timeStr = hourMinStr[1:-1] date = dateStr.split('-') TIME_ZONE_HR = ':00'+pytz.timezone(TIME_ZONE_STR).localize(datetime.datetime(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]))).strftime('%z') TIME_ZONE_HR = TIME_ZONE_HR[:-2] + ':' + TIME_ZONE_HR[-2:] return dateStr + "T" + timeStr + TIME_ZONE_HR def createEvent(eventDict): event = { 'summary': eventDict['title'], 'location': eventDict['location'], 'description': eventDict['text']+"\n"+eventDict['link'], 'start': { 'dateTime': makeDateTime(eventDict['date'], eventDict['startTime']), 'timeZone': TIME_ZONE_STR }, 'end': { 'dateTime': makeDateTime(eventDict['date'], eventDict['endTime']), 'timeZone': TIME_ZONE_STR }, 'reminders': { 'useDefault': False, 'overrides': [ {'method': 'email', 'minutes': 60 * 24 * 2}, # 2 days ], }, } return event def get_credentials(): """Gets valid user credentials from storage. If nothing has been stored, or if the stored credentials are invalid, the OAuth2 flow is completed to obtain the new credentials. Returns: Credentials, the obtained credential. """ home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') credential_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.credentials') if not os.path.exists(credential_dir): os.makedirs(credential_dir) credential_path = os.path.join(credential_dir, 'google-sfuStudyGroupCalendar.json') store = oauth2client.file.Storage(credential_path) credentials = store.get() if not credentials or credentials.invalid: flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, SCOPES) flow.user_agent = APPLICATION_NAME if flags: credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, store, flags) else: # Needed only for compatability with Python 2.6 credentials =, store) print 'Storing credentials to ' + credential_path return credentials if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Author: Idan Gutman # URL: # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see <>. import re import urllib import traceback from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard import tvcache from sickbeard.bs4_parser import BS4Parser from sickrage.providers.TorrentProvider import TorrentProvider class TorrentBytesProvider(TorrentProvider): def __init__(self): TorrentProvider.__init__(self, "TorrentBytes") self.username = None self.password = None self.ratio = None self.minseed = None self.minleech = None self.freeleech = False self.urls = {'base_url': '', 'login': '', 'detail': '', 'search': '', 'download': ''} self.url = self.urls['base_url'] self.categories = "&c41=1&c33=1&c38=1&c32=1&c37=1" self.proper_strings = ['PROPER', 'REPACK'] self.cache = TorrentBytesCache(self) def login(self): login_params = {'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'login': 'Log in!'} response = self.get_url(self.urls['login'], post_data=login_params, timeout=30) if not response: logger.log(u"Unable to connect to provider", logger.WARNING) return False if'Username or password incorrect', response): logger.log(u"Invalid username or password. Check your settings", logger.WARNING) return False return True def search(self, search_params, age=0, ep_obj=None): results = [] items = {'Season': [], 'Episode': [], 'RSS': []} if not self.login(): return results for mode in search_params.keys(): logger.log(u"Search Mode: %s" % mode, logger.DEBUG) for search_string in search_params[mode]: if mode != 'RSS': logger.log(u"Search string: %s " % search_string, logger.DEBUG) searchURL = self.urls['search'] % (urllib.quote(search_string.encode('utf-8')), self.categories) logger.log(u"Search URL: %s" % searchURL, logger.DEBUG) data = self.get_url(searchURL) if not data: continue try: with BS4Parser(data, 'html5lib') as html: # Continue only if one Release is found empty = html.find('Nothing found!') if empty: logger.log(u"Data returned from provider does not contain any torrents", logger.DEBUG) continue torrent_table = html.find('table', attrs={'border': '1'}) torrent_rows = torrent_table.find_all('tr') if torrent_table else [] for result in torrent_rows[1:]: cells = result.find_all('td') size = None link = cells[1].find('a', attrs={'class': 'index'}) full_id = link['href'].replace('details.php?id=', '') torrent_id = full_id.split("&")[0] # Free leech torrents are marked with green [F L] in the title (i.e. <font color=green>[F&nbsp;L]</font>) freeleechTag = cells[1].find('font', attrs={'color': 'green'}) if freeleechTag and freeleechTag.text == u'[F\xa0L]': isFreeleechTorrent = True else: isFreeleechTorrent = False if self.freeleech and not isFreeleechTorrent: continue try: if link.has_key('title'): title = cells[1].find('a', {'class': 'index'})['title'] else: title = link.contents[0] download_url = self.urls['download'] % (torrent_id, link.contents[0]) seeders = int(cells[8].find('span').contents[0]) leechers = int(cells[9].find('span').contents[0]) # Need size for failed downloads handling if size is None: if re.match(r'[0-9]+,?\.?[0-9]*[KkMmGg]+[Bb]+', cells[6].text): size = self._convertSize(cells[6].text) if not size: size = -1 except (AttributeError, TypeError): continue if not all([title, download_url]): continue # Filter unseeded torrent if seeders < self.minseed or leechers < self.minleech: if mode != 'RSS': logger.log(u"Discarding torrent because it doesn't meet the minimum seeders or leechers: {0} (S:{1} L:{2})".format(title, seeders, leechers), logger.DEBUG) continue item = title, download_url, size, seeders, leechers if mode != 'RSS': logger.log(u"Found result: %s " % title, logger.DEBUG) items[mode].append(item) except Exception, e: logger.log(u"Failed parsing provider. Traceback: %s" % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR) # For each search mode sort all the items by seeders if available items[mode].sort(key=lambda tup: tup[3], reverse=True) results += items[mode] return results def seed_ratio(self): return self.ratio def _convertSize(self, sizeString): size = sizeString[:-2] modifier = sizeString[-2:] size = float(size) if modifier in 'KB': size = size * 1024 elif modifier in 'MB': size = size * 1024**2 elif modifier in 'GB': size = size * 1024**3 elif modifier in 'TB': size = size * 1024**4 return int(size) class TorrentBytesCache(tvcache.TVCache): def __init__(self, provider_obj): tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, provider_obj) # only poll TorrentBytes every 20 minutes max self.minTime = 20 def _getRSSData(self): search_params = {'RSS': ['']} return {'entries':} provider = TorrentBytesProvider()
# Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2009, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os import sys import random def get_test_dir(): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files')) def test_exceptions(): from genmsg import MsgNotFound try: raise MsgNotFound('hello') except MsgNotFound: pass def test__convert_constant_value(): from genmsg.msg_loader import convert_constant_value from genmsg import InvalidMsgSpec assert 0. == convert_constant_value('float32', '0.0') assert 0. == convert_constant_value('float64', '0.0') assert 'fo o' == convert_constant_value('string', ' fo o ') assert 1 == convert_constant_value('byte', '1') assert 1 == convert_constant_value('char', '1') assert 1 == convert_constant_value('int8', '1') assert 12 == convert_constant_value('int16', '12') assert -13 == convert_constant_value('int32', '-13') assert 14 == convert_constant_value('int64', '14') assert 0 == convert_constant_value('uint8', '0') assert 18 == convert_constant_value('uint16', '18') assert 19 == convert_constant_value('uint32', '19') assert 20 == convert_constant_value('uint64', '20') assert True == convert_constant_value('bool', '1') assert False == convert_constant_value('bool', '0') width_fail = [('int8', '129'), ('uint8', '256'), ('int16', '35536'), ('uint16', '-1'),('uint16', '65536'), ('int32', '3000000000'),('int32', '-2700000000'), ('uint32', '-1'),('uint32', '41000000000'), ('uint64', '-1')] for t, v in width_fail: try: convert_constant_value(t, v) assert False, "should have failed width check: %s, %s"%(t, v) except InvalidMsgSpec: pass type_fail = [('int32', 'f'), ('float32', 'baz')] for t, v in type_fail: try: convert_constant_value(t, v) assert False, "should have failed type check: %s, %s"%(t, v) except ValueError: pass try: convert_constant_value('foo', '1') assert False, "should have failed invalid type" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass def test__load_constant_line(): from genmsg.msgs import Constant, InvalidMsgSpec from genmsg.msg_loader import _load_constant_line try: _load_constant_line("int8 field=alpha") assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass try: _load_constant_line("int8 field=") assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass try: _load_constant_line("faketype field=1") assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass c = _load_constant_line("int8 field=1") assert c == Constant('int8', 'field', 1, '1') c = _load_constant_line("string val=hello #world") assert c == Constant('string', 'val', 'hello #world', 'hello #world') def test__load_field_line(): from genmsg.msgs import InvalidMsgSpec, Field from genmsg.msg_loader import _load_field_line, InvalidMsgSpec, Field, is_valid_msg_field_name try: _load_field_line("string", 'foo') assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass assert not is_valid_msg_field_name('string[') try: _load_field_line("string data!", 'foo') assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass try: _load_field_line("string[ data", 'foo') assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass f =_load_field_line("string str", 'foo') assert f == ('string', 'str') f =_load_field_line("string str #nonsense", 'foo') assert f == ('string', 'str') f =_load_field_line("String str #nonsense", '') assert f == ('String', 'str') f =_load_field_line("String str #nonsense", 'foo') assert f == ('foo/String', 'str') # make sure Header is mapped f =_load_field_line("Header header #nonsense", 'somewhere') assert f == ('std_msgs/Header', 'header'), f f =_load_field_line("Header header #nonsense", '') assert f == ('std_msgs/Header', 'header'), f def test_load_msg_from_string(): # make sure Header -> std_msgs/Header conversion works from genmsg.msgs import Constant from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext context = MsgContext.create_default() msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "Header header", 'test_pkg/HeaderTest') print(msgspec) assert msgspec.has_header() assert msgspec.types == ['std_msgs/Header'] assert msgspec.names == ['header'] assert msgspec.constants == [] assert msgspec.short_name == 'HeaderTest' assert msgspec.package == 'test_pkg' assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/HeaderTest' msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "int8 c=1\nHeader header\nint64 data", 'test_pkg/HeaderValsTest') assert msgspec.has_header() assert msgspec.types == ['std_msgs/Header', 'int64'] assert msgspec.names == ['header', 'data'] assert msgspec.constants == [Constant('int8', 'c', 1, '1')] assert msgspec.short_name == 'HeaderValsTest' assert msgspec.package == 'test_pkg' assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/HeaderValsTest' msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "string data\nint64 data2", 'test_pkg/ValsTest') assert not msgspec.has_header() assert msgspec.types == ['string', 'int64'] assert msgspec.names == ['data', 'data2'] assert msgspec.constants == [] assert msgspec.short_name == 'ValsTest' assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/ValsTest' def _validate_TestString(msgspec): assert ['caller_id', 'orig_caller_id', 'data'] == msgspec.names, msgspec.names assert ['string', 'string', 'string'] == msgspec.types, msgspec.types def test_load_msg_from_file(): from genmsg.msgs import InvalidMsgSpec from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_file, MsgContext test_d = get_test_dir() test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg') msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() spec = load_msg_from_file(msg_context, test_string_path, 'test_ros/TestString') assert spec.full_name == 'test_ros/TestString' assert spec.package == 'test_ros' assert spec.short_name == 'TestString' _validate_TestString(spec) # test repeat spec_2 = load_msg_from_file(msg_context, test_string_path, 'test_ros/TestString') assert spec == spec_2 assert spec.package == spec_2.package assert spec.short_name == spec_2.short_name # test w/ bad file test_bad_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'Bad.msg') try: load_msg_from_file(msg_context, test_bad_path, 'test_ros/Bad') assert False, "should have raised" except InvalidMsgSpec: pass # supposed to register assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString'), msg_context def test_load_msg_from_string_TestString(): from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext test_d = get_test_dir() test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg') with open(test_string_path) as f: text = msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() _validate_TestString(load_msg_from_string(msg_context, text, 'test_ros/TestString')) # supposed to register assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString'), msg_context def test_load_msg_by_type(): from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_by_type, MsgContext, MsgNotFound test_d = get_test_dir() geometry_d = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg') test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg') search_path = { 'test_ros': [ test_ros_dir ], 'geometry_msgs': [ geometry_d ], } msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() msgspec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/TestString', search_path) _validate_TestString(msgspec) # supposed to register assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString'), msg_context # test invalid search path try: load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/TestString', [test_string_path]) assert False, "should have raised" except ValueError: pass # test not found try: load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/Fake', search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except MsgNotFound: pass # test all the known geometry msgs test_d = get_test_dir() for f in os.listdir(geometry_d): if f.endswith('.msg'): short = f[:-4] msg_type = 'geometry_msgs/%s'%short spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, msg_type, search_path) assert spec is not None assert spec.package == 'geometry_msgs' assert spec.full_name == msg_type assert spec.short_name == short with open(os.path.join(geometry_d, f)) as file_h: assert spec.text == # all types with 'Stamped' in name have headers if 'Stamped' in f: assert spec.has_header(), msg_type def test_get_msg_file(): from genmsg import MsgNotFound from genmsg.msg_loader import get_msg_file test_d = get_test_dir() test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg') search_path = { 'test_ros': [ test_ros_dir ], } assert test_string_path == get_msg_file('test_ros', 'TestString', search_path) try: get_msg_file('test_ros', 'DNE', search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except MsgNotFound: pass try: get_msg_file('bad_pkg', 'TestString', search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except MsgNotFound: pass # test with invalid search path try: get_msg_file('test_ros', 'TestString', [test_string_path]) assert False, "should have raised" except ValueError: pass def test_get_srv_file(): from genmsg import MsgNotFound from genmsg.msg_loader import get_srv_file test_d = get_test_dir() test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'srv') std_srvs_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_srvs', 'srv') empty_path = os.path.join(std_srvs_dir, 'Empty.srv') search_path = { 'test_ros': [ test_ros_dir ], 'std_srvs': [ std_srvs_dir ], } assert empty_path == get_srv_file('std_srvs', 'Empty', search_path) try: get_srv_file('test_ros', 'DNE', search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except MsgNotFound: pass try: get_srv_file('bad_pkg', 'TestString', search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except MsgNotFound: pass # test with invalid search path try: get_srv_file('std_srvs', 'Empty', [std_srvs_dir]) assert False, "should have raised" except ValueError: pass def test_MsgContext(): from genmsg.msg_loader import MsgContext, load_msg_from_file msg_context = MsgContext() assert not msg_context.is_registered('time') assert not msg_context.is_registered('duration') msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() # tripwires repr(msg_context) str(msg_context) assert msg_context.is_registered('time'), msg_context._registered_packages assert msg_context.is_registered('duration') assert not msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString') assert not msg_context.is_registered('Header') # start loading stuff into context test_d = get_test_dir() test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg') spec = load_msg_from_file(msg_context, test_string_path, 'test_ros/TestString') msg_context.register('test_ros/TestString', spec) assert msg_context.get_registered('test_ros/TestString') == spec try: msg_context.get_registered('bad/TestString') assert False, 'should have raised' except KeyError: pass assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString') # test Header assert not msg_context.is_registered('Header') assert not msg_context.is_registered('std_msgs/Header') msg_context.register('std_msgs/Header', spec) assert msg_context.is_registered('std_msgs/Header') def test_load_srv_from_file(): from genmsg.msg_loader import MsgContext, load_srv_from_file msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() d = get_test_dir() filename = os.path.join(d, 'test_ros', 'srv', 'AddTwoInts.srv') with open(filename, 'r') as f: text = full_name = 'test_ros/AddTwoInts' spec = load_srv_from_file(msg_context, filename, full_name) assert spec == load_srv_from_file(msg_context, filename, full_name) assert ['int64', 'int64'] == spec.request.types, spec.request.types assert ['a', 'b'] == spec.request.names assert text == spec.text assert full_name == spec.full_name def test_load_msg_depends(): #TODO: should there just be a 'load_msg, implicit=True?' from genmsg.msg_loader import MsgContext, load_msg_by_type, load_msg_depends, MsgNotFound test_d = get_test_dir() search_path = { 'test_ros': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') ], 'std_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg') ], 'geometry_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg') ], 'sensor_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'sensor_msgs', 'msg') ], 'invalid': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'invalid', 'msg') ], } # Test not found msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'invalid/BadDepend', search_path) try: load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) assert False, "should have raised MsgNotFound" except MsgNotFound: pass root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'invalid/BadLocalDepend', search_path) try: load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) assert False, "should have raised MsgNotFound" except MsgNotFound: pass msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'std_msgs/Int32', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', 'Int32.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/Int32') assert [] == msg_context.get_depends('std_msgs/Int32') msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'std_msgs/Header', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', 'Header.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/Header') assert [] == msg_context.get_depends('std_msgs/Header') msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'Header', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', 'Header.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/Header') assert [] == msg_context.get_depends('std_msgs/Header') msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'std_msgs/Int32MultiArray', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', 'Int32MultiArray.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/Int32MultiArray') val = msg_context.get_all_depends('std_msgs/Int32MultiArray') assert set(['std_msgs/MultiArrayLayout', 'std_msgs/MultiArrayDimension']) == set(val), val assert 2 == len(val), val val = msg_context.get_depends('std_msgs/Int32MultiArray') assert set(['std_msgs/MultiArrayLayout']) == set(val), val for s in ['MultiArrayLayout', 'MultiArrayDimension']: file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/%s'%s) def test_load_msg_depends_stamped(): #TODO: should there just be a 'load_msg, implicit=True?' from genmsg.msg_loader import MsgContext, load_msg_by_type, load_msg_depends test_d = get_test_dir() geometry_d = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg') search_path = { 'test_ros': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') ], 'std_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg') ], 'geometry_msgs': [ geometry_d ], 'sensor_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'sensor_msgs', 'msg') ], } # Test with Stamped and deeper hierarchies, Header msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg', 'PoseStamped.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/PoseStamped') val = msg_context.get_all_depends('geometry_msgs/PoseStamped') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Pose', 'geometry_msgs/Point', 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion']) == set(val), val val = msg_context.get_depends('geometry_msgs/PoseStamped') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Pose']) == set(val), val for s in ['Header']: file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/%s'%s) for s in ['Pose', 'Point', 'Quaternion']: file_p = os.path.join(geometry_d, '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/%s'%s) msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg', 'TwistWithCovarianceStamped.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped') val = msg_context.get_all_depends('geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance', 'geometry_msgs/Twist', 'geometry_msgs/Vector3']) == set(val), val val = msg_context.get_depends('geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance']) == set(val), val for s in ['Header']: file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/%s'%s) for s in ['TwistWithCovariance', 'Twist', 'Vector3']: file_p = os.path.join(geometry_d, '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/%s'%s) msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'sensor_msgs/Imu', search_path) load_msg_depends(msg_context, root_spec, search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'sensor_msgs', 'msg', 'Imu.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('sensor_msgs/Imu') val = msg_context.get_all_depends('sensor_msgs/Imu') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion', 'geometry_msgs/Vector3']) == set(val), val val = msg_context.get_depends('sensor_msgs/Imu') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion', 'geometry_msgs/Vector3']) == set(val), val for s in ['Header']: file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/%s'%s) for s in ['Quaternion', 'Vector3']: file_p = os.path.join(geometry_d, '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/%s'%s) def test_load_depends_msg(): from genmsg.msg_loader import MsgContext, load_msg_by_type, load_depends, MsgNotFound, load_srv_by_type test_d = get_test_dir() geometry_d = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg') msg_search_path = { 'test_ros': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') ], 'std_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg') ], 'geometry_msgs': [ geometry_d ], 'sensor_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'sensor_msgs', 'msg') ], 'invalid': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'invalid', 'msg') ], } # Test not found msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'invalid/BadDepend', msg_search_path) try: load_depends(msg_context, root_spec, msg_search_path) assert False, "should have raised MsgNotFound" except MsgNotFound: pass root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'invalid/BadLocalDepend', msg_search_path) try: load_depends(msg_context, root_spec, msg_search_path) assert False, "should have raised MsgNotFound" except MsgNotFound: pass # Test with msgs msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped', msg_search_path) load_depends(msg_context, root_spec, msg_search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg', 'PoseStamped.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/PoseStamped') val = msg_context.get_all_depends('geometry_msgs/PoseStamped') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Pose', 'geometry_msgs/Point', 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion']) == set(val), val val = msg_context.get_depends('geometry_msgs/PoseStamped') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Pose']) == set(val), val for s in ['Header']: file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/%s'%s) for s in ['Pose', 'Point', 'Quaternion']: file_p = os.path.join(geometry_d, '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/%s'%s) msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'sensor_msgs/Imu', msg_search_path) load_depends(msg_context, root_spec, msg_search_path) file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'sensor_msgs', 'msg', 'Imu.msg') assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('sensor_msgs/Imu') val = msg_context.get_depends('sensor_msgs/Imu') assert set(['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion', 'geometry_msgs/Vector3']) == set(val), val for s in ['Header']: file_p = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg', '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('std_msgs/%s'%s) for s in ['Quaternion', 'Vector3']: file_p = os.path.join(geometry_d, '%s.msg'%s) assert file_p == msg_context.get_file('geometry_msgs/%s'%s) def test_load_depends_srv(): from genmsg.msg_loader import MsgContext, load_msg_by_type, load_depends, MsgNotFound, load_srv_by_type test_d = get_test_dir() geometry_d = os.path.join(test_d, 'geometry_msgs', 'msg') msg_search_path = { 'test_ros': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg') ], 'std_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'std_msgs', 'msg') ], 'geometry_msgs': [ geometry_d ], 'sensor_msgs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'sensor_msgs', 'msg') ], 'invalid': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'invalid', 'msg') ], } # Test with srvs srv_search_path = { 'test_ros': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'srv') ], 'std_srvs': [ os.path.join(test_d, 'std_srvs', 'srv') ], } msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() root_spec = load_srv_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/AddTwoInts', srv_search_path) load_depends(msg_context, root_spec, msg_search_path) val = msg_context.get_depends('test_ros/AddTwoIntsRequest') assert val == [], val val = msg_context.get_depends('test_ros/AddTwoIntsResponse') assert val == [], val # test with srv that has depends msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() response_deps = ['std_msgs/Header', 'geometry_msgs/Pose', 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped', 'geometry_msgs/Point', 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion'] root_spec = load_srv_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/GetPoseStamped', srv_search_path) load_depends(msg_context, root_spec, msg_search_path) for d in response_deps: assert msg_context.is_registered(d) val = msg_context.get_depends('test_ros/GetPoseStampedRequest') assert val == [], val val = msg_context.get_depends('test_ros/GetPoseStampedResponse') assert val == ['geometry_msgs/PoseStamped'] # Test with nonsense class Foo(object): pass try: load_depends(msg_context, Foo(), msg_search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except ValueError: pass def test_load_srv_by_type(): from genmsg.msg_loader import load_srv_by_type, MsgContext, MsgNotFound test_d = get_test_dir() test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'srv') std_srvs_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'std_srvs', 'srv') empty_path = os.path.join(std_srvs_dir, 'Empty.srv') a2i_path = os.path.join(std_srvs_dir, 'AddTwoInts.srv') search_path = { 'test_ros': [ test_ros_dir ], 'std_srvs': [ std_srvs_dir ], } msg_context = MsgContext.create_default() spec = load_srv_by_type(msg_context, 'std_srvs/Empty', search_path) assert msg_context.is_registered('std_srvs/EmptyRequest') assert msg_context.is_registered('std_srvs/EmptyResponse') assert msg_context.get_registered('std_srvs/EmptyRequest') == spec.request assert msg_context.get_registered('std_srvs/EmptyResponse') == spec.response assert msg_context.get_file('std_srvs/EmptyRequest') == empty_path, msg_context.get_file('std_srvs/EmptyRequest') assert msg_context.get_file('std_srvs/EmptyResponse') == empty_path,msg_context.get_file('std_srvs/EmptyResponse') assert spec.request.full_name == 'std_srvs/EmptyRequest' assert spec.response.full_name == 'std_srvs/EmptyResponse' assert spec.request.short_name == 'EmptyRequest' assert spec.response.short_name == 'EmptyResponse' assert spec.request.package == 'std_srvs' assert spec.response.package == 'std_srvs' for f in [spec.request.names, spec.request.types, spec.response.names, spec.response.types]: assert [] == f spec = load_srv_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/AddTwoInts', search_path) assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/AddTwoIntsRequest') assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/AddTwoIntsResponse') assert msg_context.get_registered('test_ros/AddTwoIntsRequest') == spec.request assert msg_context.get_registered('test_ros/AddTwoIntsResponse') == spec.response assert spec.request.types == ['int64', 'int64'], spec.request.types assert spec.request.names == ['a', 'b'], spec.request.names assert spec.response.types == ['int64'], spec.response.types assert spec.response.names == ['sum'], spec.response.names # test invalid search path try: load_srv_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/AddTwoInts', [std_srvs_dir]) assert False, "should have raised" except ValueError: pass # test not found try: load_srv_by_type(msg_context, 'test_ros/Fake', search_path) assert False, "should have raised" except MsgNotFound: pass
# Copyright 2011,2012 James McCauley # # This file is part of POX. # # POX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # POX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with POX. If not, see <>. # This file was originally based on from NOX, which was # autogenerated from openflow.h via a program by KK Yap. It has been # substantially altered since then. from __future__ import print_function import struct import operator import collections from itertools import chain, repeat import sys from pox.lib.packet.packet_base import packet_base from pox.lib.packet.ethernet import ethernet from pox.lib.packet.vlan import vlan from pox.lib.packet.ipv4 import ipv4 from pox.lib.packet.udp import udp from pox.lib.packet.tcp import tcp from pox.lib.packet.icmp import icmp from pox.lib.packet.arp import arp from pox.lib.addresses import * from pox.lib.util import assert_type from pox.lib.util import initHelper from pox.lib.util import hexdump EMPTY_ETH = EthAddr(None) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # XID Management # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MAX_XID = 0x7fFFffFF def XIDGenerator (start = 1, stop = MAX_XID): i = start while True: yield i i += 1 if i > stop: i = start def xid_generator (start = 1, stop = MAX_XID): return XIDGenerator(start, stop).next def user_xid_generator (): return xid_generator(0x80000000, 0xffFFffFF) generate_xid = xid_generator() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Packing / Unpacking # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _PAD = b'\x00' _PAD2 = _PAD*2 _PAD3 = _PAD*3 _PAD4 = _PAD*4 _PAD6 = _PAD*6 class UnderrunError (RuntimeError): """ Raised when one tries to unpack more data than is available """ pass def _read (data, offset, length): if (len(data)-offset) < length: raise UnderrunError("wanted %s bytes but only have %s" % (length, len(data)-offset)) return (offset+length, data[offset:offset+length]) def _unpack (fmt, data, offset): size = struct.calcsize(fmt) if (len(data)-offset) < size: raise UnderrunError() return (offset+size, struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, offset)) def _skip (data, offset, num): offset += num if offset > len(data): raise UnderrunError() return offset def _unpad (data, offset, num): (offset, o) = _read(data, offset, num) assert len(o.replace("\x00", "")) == 0 return offset def _readzs (data, offset, length): (offset, d) = _read(data, offset, length) d = d.split("\x00", 1) #if len(d[1].replace("\x00", "")) > 0: # raise RuntimeError("Non-zero string padding") assert True if (len(d) == 1) else (len(d[1].replace("\x00", "")) == 0) return (offset, d[0]) def _readether (data, offset): (offset, d) = _read(data, offset, 6) return (offset, EthAddr(d)) def _readip (data, offset, networkOrder = True): (offset, d) = _read(data, offset, 4) return (offset, IPAddr(d, networkOrder = networkOrder)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _format_body (body, prefix): if hasattr(body, 'show'): #TODO: Check this (spacing may well be wrong) return + ' ') else: return prefix + hexdump(body).replace("\n", "\n" + prefix) TABLE_ALL = 0xff TABLE_EMERGENCY = 0xfe class _ofp_meta (type): """ Metaclass for ofp messages/structures This takes care of making len() work as desired. """ def __len__ (cls): try: return cls.__len__() except: return cls._MIN_LENGTH class ofp_base (object): """ Base class for OpenFlow messages/structures You should implement a __len__ method. If your length is fixed, it should be a static method. If your length is not fixed, you should implement a __len__ instance method and set a class level _MIN_LENGTH attribute to your minimum length. """ __metaclass__ = _ofp_meta def _assert (self): r = self._validate() if r is not None: raise RuntimeError(r) return False # Never reached return True def _validate (self): return None def __ne__ (self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @classmethod def unpack_new (cls, raw, offset=0): """ Unpacks wire format into the appropriate message object. Returns newoffset,object """ o = cls() r,length = o.unpack(raw, offset) assert (r-offset) == length, o return (r, o) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class decorators # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _message_type_to_class = {} _message_class_to_types = {} # Do we need this? #_message_type_to_name = {} #_message_name_to_type = {} ofp_type_rev_map = {} ofp_type_map = {} def openflow_message (ofp_type, type_val, reply_to=None, request_for=None, switch=False, controller=False): #TODO: Reply stuff, switch/controller stuff #_message_name_to_type[ofp_type] = type_val #_message_type_to_name[type_val] = ofp_type ofp_type_rev_map[ofp_type] = type_val ofp_type_map[type_val] = ofp_type def f (c): c.header_type = type_val c._from_switch = switch c._from_controller = controller _message_type_to_class[type_val] = c _message_class_to_types.setdefault(c, set()).add(type_val) return c return f def openflow_sc_message (*args, **kw): return openflow_message(switch=True, controller=True, *args, **kw) def openflow_c_message (*args, **kw): return openflow_message(controller=True, *args, **kw) def openflow_s_message (*args, **kw): return openflow_message(switch=True, *args, **kw) _queue_prop_type_to_class = {} _queue_prop_class_to_types = {} # Do we need this? ofp_queue_prop_type_rev_map = {} ofp_queue_prop_type_map = {} def openflow_queue_prop (queue_prop_type, type_val): ofp_queue_prop_type_rev_map[queue_prop_type] = type_val ofp_queue_prop_type_map[type_val] = queue_prop_type def f (c): = type_val _queue_prop_type_to_class[type_val] = c _queue_prop_class_to_types.setdefault(c, set()).add(type_val) return c return f _action_type_to_class = {} _action_class_to_types = {} # Do we need this? ofp_action_type_rev_map = {} ofp_action_type_map = {} def openflow_action (action_type, type_val): ofp_action_type_rev_map[action_type] = type_val ofp_action_type_map[type_val] = action_type def f (c): c.type = type_val _action_type_to_class[type_val] = c _action_class_to_types.setdefault(c, set()).add(type_val) return c return f class _StatsClassInfo (object): __slots__ = 'request reply reply_is_list'.split() def __init__ (self, **kw): self.request = None self.reply = None self.reply_is_list = False initHelper(self, kw) def __str__ (self): r = str(self.reply) if self.reply_is_list: r = "[%s]" % (r,) return "request:%s reply:%s" % (self.request, r) _stats_type_to_class_info = {} _stats_class_to_type = {} ofp_stats_type_rev_map = {} ofp_stats_type_map = {} def openflow_stats_request (stats_type, type_val=None, is_list=None, is_reply = False): if type_val is not None: ofp_stats_type_rev_map[stats_type] = type_val ofp_stats_type_map[type_val] = stats_type else: type_val = ofp_stats_type_rev_map.get(stats_type) def f (c): if type_val is not None: ti = _stats_type_to_class_info.get(stats_type) if ti is not None: _stats_type_to_class_info[type_val] = ti del _stats_type_to_class_info[stats_type] else: ti = _stats_type_to_class_info.setdefault(type_val, _StatsClassInfo()) _stats_class_to_type[c] = type_val else: ti = _stats_type_to_class_info.setdefault(stats_type, _StatsClassInfo()) if is_list is not None: ti.reply_is_list = is_list if is_reply: ti.reply = c else: ti.request = c if type_val is not None: if ti.reply and issubclass(ti.reply, ofp_stats_body_base): ti.reply._type = type_val if ti.request and issubclass(ti.request, ofp_stats_body_base): ti.request._type = type_val return c return f def openflow_stats_reply (stats_type, type_val=None, is_list=None, is_reply = True): return openflow_stats_request(stats_type, type_val, is_list, is_reply) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants, etc. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ofp_error_type_rev_map = { 'OFPET_HELLO_FAILED' : 0, 'OFPET_BAD_REQUEST' : 1, 'OFPET_BAD_ACTION' : 2, 'OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED' : 3, 'OFPET_PORT_MOD_FAILED' : 4, 'OFPET_QUEUE_OP_FAILED' : 5, } ofp_hello_failed_code_rev_map = { 'OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE' : 0, 'OFPHFC_EPERM' : 1, } ofp_bad_request_code_rev_map = { 'OFPBRC_BAD_VERSION' : 0, 'OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE' : 1, 'OFPBRC_BAD_STAT' : 2, 'OFPBRC_BAD_VENDOR' : 3, 'OFPBRC_BAD_SUBTYPE' : 4, 'OFPBRC_EPERM' : 5, 'OFPBRC_BAD_LEN' : 6, 'OFPBRC_BUFFER_EMPTY' : 7, 'OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN' : 8, } ofp_bad_action_code_rev_map = { 'OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE' : 0, 'OFPBAC_BAD_LEN' : 1, 'OFPBAC_BAD_VENDOR' : 2, 'OFPBAC_BAD_VENDOR_TYPE' : 3, 'OFPBAC_BAD_OUT_PORT' : 4, 'OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT' : 5, 'OFPBAC_EPERM' : 6, 'OFPBAC_TOO_MANY' : 7, 'OFPBAC_BAD_QUEUE' : 8, } ofp_flow_mod_failed_code_rev_map = { 'OFPFMFC_ALL_TABLES_FULL' : 0, 'OFPFMFC_OVERLAP' : 1, 'OFPFMFC_EPERM' : 2, 'OFPFMFC_BAD_EMERG_TIMEOUT' : 3, 'OFPFMFC_BAD_COMMAND' : 4, 'OFPFMFC_UNSUPPORTED' : 5, } ofp_port_mod_failed_code_rev_map = { 'OFPPMFC_BAD_PORT' : 0, 'OFPPMFC_BAD_HW_ADDR' : 1, } ofp_queue_op_failed_code_rev_map = { 'OFPQOFC_BAD_PORT' : 0, 'OFPQOFC_BAD_QUEUE' : 1, 'OFPQOFC_EPERM' : 2, } ofp_port_config_rev_map = { 'OFPPC_PORT_DOWN' : 1, 'OFPPC_NO_STP' : 2, 'OFPPC_NO_RECV' : 4, 'OFPPC_NO_RECV_STP' : 8, 'OFPPC_NO_FLOOD' : 16, 'OFPPC_NO_FWD' : 32, 'OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN' : 64, } ofp_port_state_rev_map = { 'OFPPS_STP_LISTEN' : 0, 'OFPPS_LINK_DOWN' : 1, 'OFPPS_STP_LEARN' : 256, 'OFPPS_STP_FORWARD' : 512, 'OFPPS_STP_BLOCK' : 768, } OFPPS_STP_MASK = 768 ofp_port_features_rev_map = { 'OFPPF_10MB_HD' : 1, 'OFPPF_10MB_FD' : 2, 'OFPPF_100MB_HD' : 4, 'OFPPF_100MB_FD' : 8, 'OFPPF_1GB_HD' : 16, 'OFPPF_1GB_FD' : 32, 'OFPPF_10GB_FD' : 64, 'OFPPF_COPPER' : 128, 'OFPPF_FIBER' : 256, 'OFPPF_AUTONEG' : 512, 'OFPPF_PAUSE' : 1024, 'OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM' : 2048, } ofp_queue_properties_rev_map = { 'OFPQT_MIN_RATE' : 0, } OFPQT_NONE = 0 ofp_capabilities_rev_map = { 'OFPC_FLOW_STATS' : 1, 'OFPC_TABLE_STATS' : 2, 'OFPC_PORT_STATS' : 4, 'OFPC_STP' : 8, 'OFPC_RESERVED' : 16, 'OFPC_IP_REASM' : 32, 'OFPC_QUEUE_STATS' : 64, 'OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP' : 128, } ofp_config_flags_rev_map = { 'OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL' : 0, 'OFPC_FRAG_DROP' : 1, 'OFPC_FRAG_REASM' : 2, 'OFPC_FRAG_MASK' : 3, } ofp_flow_mod_command_rev_map = { 'OFPFC_ADD' : 0, 'OFPFC_MODIFY' : 1, 'OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT' : 2, 'OFPFC_DELETE' : 3, 'OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT' : 4, } ofp_flow_mod_flags_rev_map = { 'OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM' : 1, 'OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP' : 2, 'OFPFF_EMERG' : 4, } ofp_stats_reply_flags_rev_map = { 'OFPSF_REPLY_MORE' : 1, } ofp_packet_in_reason_rev_map = { 'OFPR_NO_MATCH' : 0, 'OFPR_ACTION' : 1, } ofp_flow_removed_reason_rev_map = { 'OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT' : 0, 'OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT' : 1, 'OFPRR_DELETE' : 2, } ofp_port_reason_rev_map = { 'OFPPR_ADD' : 0, 'OFPPR_DELETE' : 1, 'OFPPR_MODIFY' : 2, } ofp_port_rev_map = { 'OFPP_MAX' : 65280, 'OFPP_IN_PORT' : 65528, 'OFPP_TABLE' : 65529, 'OFPP_NORMAL' : 65530, 'OFPP_FLOOD' : 65531, 'OFPP_ALL' : 65532, 'OFPP_CONTROLLER' : 65533, 'OFPP_LOCAL' : 65534, 'OFPP_NONE' : 65535, } ofp_flow_wildcards_rev_map = { 'OFPFW_IN_PORT' : 1, 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN' : 2, 'OFPFW_DL_SRC' : 4, 'OFPFW_DL_DST' : 8, 'OFPFW_DL_TYPE' : 16, 'OFPFW_NW_PROTO' : 32, 'OFPFW_TP_SRC' : 64, 'OFPFW_TP_DST' : 128, 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP' : 1048576, 'OFPFW_NW_TOS' : 1<<21, } OFPFW_NW_DST_BITS = 6 OFPFW_NW_SRC_BITS = 6 OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT = 8 OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT = 14 OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL = 8192 OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK = 16128 OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL = 524288 OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK = 1032192 # Note: Need to handle all flags that are set in this. # glob-all masks in the packet handling methods. # (Esp. ofp_match.from_packet) # Otherwise, packets are not being matched as they should OFPFW_ALL = ((1 << 22) - 1) NO_BUFFER = 4294967295 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Structure definitions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #1. Openflow Header class ofp_header (ofp_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 8 def __init__ (self, **kw): self.version = OFP_VERSION #self.header_type = None # Set via class decorator self._xid = None if 'header_type' in kw: self.header_type = kw.pop('header_type') initHelper(self, kw) @property def xid (self): if self._xid is None: self._xid = generate_xid() return self._xid @xid.setter def xid (self, val): self._xid = val def _validate (self): if self.header_type not in ofp_type_map: return "type is not a known message type" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!BBHL", self.version, self.header_type, len(self), self.xid) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) return offset,length def _unpack_header (self, raw, offset): offset,(self.version, self.header_type, length, self.xid) = \ _unpack("!BBHL", raw, offset) return offset,length def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.version != other.version: return False if self.header_type != other.header_type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.xid != other.xid: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'version: ' + str(self.version) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.header_type)# + '\n' outstr += " (" + ofp_type_map.get(self.header_type, "Unknown") + ")\n" try: outstr += prefix + 'length: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' except: pass outstr += prefix + 'xid: ' + str(self.xid) + '\n' return outstr def __str__ (self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "\n " +' ').strip() class ofp_stats_body_base (ofp_base): """ Base class for stats bodies """ # Stats bodies don't actually have a type field in OpenFlow -- # the type information is in the request or reply. It's really # convenient, though, so we add it. Note that you generally # don't need to set this yourself -- the openflow_stats_XXX # decorator will do it for you. _type = None """ def unpack (self, data, offset=0, avail=None): """ class ofp_action_base (ofp_base): """ Base class for actions This is sort of the equivalent of ofp_action_header in the spec. However, ofp_action_header as the spec defines it is not super useful for us, as it has the padding in it. """ type = None class ofp_queue_prop_base (ofp_base): """ Base class for queue properties This is sort of the equivalent of ofp_queue_prop_header in the spec. However, ofp_queue_prop_header as the spec defines it is not super useful for us, as it has the padding in it. """ property = None #2. Common Structures ##2.1 Port Structures class ofp_phy_port (ofp_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port_no = 0 self.hw_addr = EMPTY_ETH = "" self.config = 0 self.state = 0 self.curr = 0 self.advertised = 0 self.supported = 0 self.peer = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def enable_config (self, mask): """ Turn on selected config bits """ return self.set_config(0xffFFffFF, mask) def disable_config (self, mask): """ Turn off selected config bits """ return self.set_config(0, mask) def set_config (self, config, mask): """ Updates the specified config bits Returns which bits were changed """ old = self.config self.config &= ~mask self.config |= config return old ^ self.config def __str__ (self): return "%s:%i" % (, self.port_no) def _validate (self): if isinstance(self.hw_addr, bytes) and len(self.hw_addr) == 6: pass elif not isinstance(self.hw_addr, EthAddr): return "hw_addr is not a valid format" if len( > OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN: return "name is too long" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port_no) packed += (self.hw_addr if isinstance(self.hw_addr, bytes) else self.hw_addr.toRaw()) packed +=,'\0') packed += struct.pack("!LLLLLL", self.config, self.state, self.curr, self.advertised, self.supported, self.peer) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.port_no,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset,self.hw_addr = _readether(raw, offset) offset, = _readzs(raw, offset, OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN) offset,(self.config, self.state, self.curr, self.advertised, self.supported, self.peer) = _unpack("!LLLLLL", raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 48 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False if != return False if self.config != other.config: return False if self.state != other.state: return False if self.curr != other.curr: return False if self.advertised != other.advertised: return False if self.supported != other.supported: return False if self.peer != other.peer: return False return True def __cmp__ (self, other): if type(other) != type(self): return id(self)-id(other) if self.port_no < other.port_no: return -1 if self.port_no > other.port_no: return 1 if self == other: return 0 return id(self)-id(other) def __hash__(self, *args, **kwargs): return hash(self.port_no) ^ hash(self.hw_addr) ^ \ hash( ^ hash(self.config) ^ \ hash(self.state) ^ hash(self.curr) ^ \ hash(self.advertised) ^ hash(self.supported) + \ hash(self.peer) def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'port_no: ' + str(self.port_no) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'hw_addr: ' + str(EthAddr(self.hw_addr)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'name: ' + str( + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'config: ' + str(self.config) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'state: ' + str(self.state) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'curr: ' + str(self.curr) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'advertised: ' + str(self.advertised) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'supported: ' + str(self.supported) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'peer: ' + str(self.peer) + '\n' return outstr def __repr__(self): return ##2.2 Queue Structures class ofp_packet_queue (ofp_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 8 def __init__ (self, **kw): self.queue_id = 0 = [] initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!LH", self.queue_id, len(self)) packed += _PAD2 # Pad for i in packed += i.pack() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.queue_id, length) = _unpack("!LH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 2) length -= (4 + 2 + 2) offset, = _unpack_queue_props(raw, length, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset def __len__ (self): l = 8 for i in l += len(i) return l def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'queue_id: ' + str(self.queue_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'properties: \n' for obj in outstr += + ' ') return outstr class ofp_queue_prop_generic (ofp_queue_prop_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 8 def __init__ (self, **kw): = None # Purposely bad = _PAD4 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HH",, len(self)) packed += return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(, length) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset, = _read(raw, offset, length-4) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 4 + len( def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if != return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'property: ' + str( + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_queue_prop('OFPQT_NONE', 0) class ofp_queue_prop_none (ofp_queue_prop_generic): pass @openflow_queue_prop('OFPQT_MIN_RATE', 1) class ofp_queue_prop_min_rate (ofp_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.rate = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HH",, len(self)) packed += _PAD4 packed += struct.pack("!H", self.rate) packed += _PAD6 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(, length, pad) = \ _unpack("!HHL", raw, offset) offset,(self.rate,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 16 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if != return False if self.rate != other.rate: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'property: ' + str( + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rate: ' + str(self.rate) + '\n' return outstr ##2.3 Flow Match Structures class ofp_match (ofp_base): adjust_wildcards = True # Set to true to "fix" outgoing wildcards @classmethod def from_packet (cls, packet, in_port = None): """ Constructs an exact match for the given packet @param in_port The switch port the packet arrived on if you want the resulting match to have its in_port set. If "packet" is a packet_in, this is ignored. @param packet A pox.packet.ethernet instance or a packet_in """ if isinstance(packet, ofp_packet_in): in_port = packet.in_port packet = ethernet( assert assert_type("packet", packet, ethernet, none_ok=False) match = cls() if in_port is not None: match.in_port = in_port match.dl_src = packet.src match.dl_dst = packet.dst match.dl_type = packet.type p = if isinstance(p, vlan): match.dl_type = p.eth_type match.dl_vlan = match.dl_vlan_pcp = p.pcp p = else: match.dl_vlan = OFP_VLAN_NONE match.dl_vlan_pcp = 0 if isinstance(p, ipv4): match.nw_src = p.srcip match.nw_dst = p.dstip match.nw_proto = p.protocol match.nw_tos = p.tos p = if isinstance(p, udp) or isinstance(p, tcp): match.tp_src = p.srcport match.tp_dst = p.dstport elif isinstance(p, icmp): match.tp_src = p.type match.tp_dst = p.code elif isinstance(p, arp): if p.opcode <= 255: match.nw_proto = p.opcode match.nw_src = p.protosrc match.nw_dst = p.protodst return match def optimize (self): """ Reduce the number of wildcards used. """ #TODO: Fix for optional cases (i.e. ARP) if self.dl_vlan == OFP_VLAN_NONE: self.dl_vlan_pcp = 0 #TODO: What do we do when something is "behind" a wildcard? # e.g., does nw_src count if dl_type is wild or only if it's 0x0800? if self.dl_type is not None: if self.dl_type != 0x0800: # Not IP if self.dl_type != 0x0806: # Not IP or ARP self.nw_src = IPAddr(0) self.nw_dst = IPAddr(0) self.nw_proto = 0 self.nw_tos = 0 self.tp_src = 0 self.tp_dst = 0 else: # It's IP if (self.nw_proto != 6 and self.nw_proto != 17 and self.nw_proto != 1): # Not TCP, UDP, or ICMP self.tp_src = 0 self.tp_dst = 0 self.wildcards = self._normalize_wildcards(self.wildcards) return self # for chaining def clone (self): n = ofp_match() for k,v in ofp_match_data.iteritems(): setattr(n, '_' + k, getattr(self, '_' + k)) n.wildcards = self.wildcards return n def flip (self): """ Return version of this match with src and dst fields swapped """ reversed = self.clone() for field in ('dl','nw','tp'): setattr(reversed, field + '_src', getattr(self, field + '_dst')) setattr(reversed, field + '_dst', getattr(self, field + '_src')) return reversed def __init__ (self, **kw): for k,v in ofp_match_data.iteritems(): setattr(self, '_' + k, v[0]) self.wildcards = self._normalize_wildcards(OFPFW_ALL) # This is basically initHelper(), but tweaked slightly since this # class does some magic of its own. for k,v in kw.iteritems(): if not hasattr(self, '_'+k): raise TypeError(self.__class__.__name__ + " constructor got " + "unexpected keyword argument '" + k + "'") setattr(self, k, v) def get_nw_dst (self): if (self.wildcards & OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL) == OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL: return (None, 0) w = (self.wildcards & OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT return (self._nw_dst,32-w if w <= 32 else 0) def get_nw_src (self): if (self.wildcards & OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL) == OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL: return (None, 0) w = (self.wildcards & OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT return (self._nw_src,32-w if w <= 32 else 0) def set_nw_dst (self, *args, **kw): a = self._make_addr(*args, **kw) if a == None: self._nw_dst = ofp_match_data['nw_dst'][0] self.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK self.wildcards |= ofp_match_data['nw_dst'][1] return self._nw_dst = a[0] self.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK self.wildcards |= ((32-a[1]) << OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT) def set_nw_src (self, *args, **kw): a = self._make_addr(*args, **kw) if a == None: self._nw_src = ofp_match_data['nw_src'][0] self.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK self.wildcards |= ofp_match_data['nw_src'][1] return self._nw_src = a[0] self.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK self.wildcards |= ((32-a[1]) << OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT) def _make_addr (self, ipOrIPAndBits, bits=None): if ipOrIPAndBits == None: return None b = None if type(ipOrIPAndBits) is tuple: ip = ipOrIPAndBits[0] b = int(ipOrIPAndBits[1]) if (type(ipOrIPAndBits) is str) and (len(ipOrIPAndBits) != 4): if ipOrIPAndBits.find('/') != -1: #s = ipOrIPAndBits.split('/') s = parse_cidr(ipOrIPAndBits, infer=False) ip = s[0] b = int(s[1]) if b is None else b else: ip = ipOrIPAndBits b = 32 if b is None else b else: ip = ipOrIPAndBits b = 32 if b is None else b if type(ip) is str: ip = IPAddr(ip) if bits != None: b = bits if b > 32: b = 32 elif b < 0: b = 0 return (ip, b) def __setattr__ (self, name, value): if name not in ofp_match_data: self.__dict__[name] = value return if name == 'nw_dst' or name == 'nw_src': # Special handling getattr(self, 'set_' + name)(value) return value if value is None: setattr(self, '_' + name, ofp_match_data[name][0]) self.wildcards |= ofp_match_data[name][1] else: setattr(self, '_' + name, value) self.wildcards = self.wildcards & ~ofp_match_data[name][1] return value def __getattr__ (self, name): if name in ofp_match_data: if ( (self.wildcards & ofp_match_data[name][1]) == ofp_match_data[name][1] ): # It's wildcarded -- always return None return None if name == 'nw_dst' or name == 'nw_src': # Special handling return getattr(self, 'get_' + name)()[0] return self.__dict__['_' + name] raise AttributeError("attribute not found: "+name) def _validate (self): # TODO return None def pack (self, flow_mod=False): assert self._assert() packed = b"" if self.adjust_wildcards and flow_mod: wc = self._wire_wildcards(self.wildcards) else: wc = self.wildcards packed += struct.pack("!LH", wc, self.in_port or 0) if self.dl_src == None: packed += EMPTY_ETH.toRaw() elif type(self.dl_src) is bytes: packed += self.dl_src else: packed += self.dl_src.toRaw() if self.dl_dst == None: packed += EMPTY_ETH.toRaw() elif type(self.dl_dst) is bytes: packed += self.dl_dst else: packed += self.dl_dst.toRaw() def check_ip(val): return (val or 0) if self.dl_type == 0x0800 else 0 def check_ip_or_arp(val): return (val or 0) if self.dl_type == 0x0800 \ or self.dl_type == 0x0806 else 0 def check_tp(val): return (val or 0) if self.dl_type == 0x0800 \ and self.nw_proto in (1,6,17) else 0 packed += struct.pack("!HB", self.dl_vlan or 0, self.dl_vlan_pcp or 0) packed += _PAD # Hardcode padding packed += struct.pack("!HBB", self.dl_type or 0, check_ip(self.nw_tos), check_ip_or_arp(self.nw_proto)) packed += _PAD2 # Hardcode padding def fix (addr): if addr is None: return 0 if type(addr) is int: return addr & 0xffFFffFF if type(addr) is long: return addr & 0xffFFffFF return addr.toUnsigned() packed += struct.pack("!LLHH", check_ip_or_arp(fix(self.nw_src)), check_ip_or_arp(fix(self.nw_dst)), check_tp(self.tp_src), check_tp(self.tp_dst)) return packed def _normalize_wildcards (self, wildcards): """ nw_src and nw_dst values greater than 32 mean the same thing as 32. We normalize them here just to be clean and so that comparisons act as you'd want them to. """ if ((wildcards & OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT) > 32: wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK wildcards |= (32 << OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT) if ((wildcards & OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT) > 32: wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK wildcards |= (32 << OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT) return wildcards def _wire_wildcards(self, wildcards): """ Normalize the wildcard bits to the openflow wire representation. Note this atrocity from the OF1.1 spec: Protocol-specific fields within ofp_match will be ignored within a single table when the corresponding protocol is not specified in the match. The IP header and transport header fields will be ignored unless the Ethertype is specified as either IPv4 or ARP. The tp_src and tp_dst fields will be ignored unless the network protocol specified is as TCP, UDP or SCTP. Fields that are ignored don't need to be wildcarded and should be set to 0. """ if self.dl_type == 0x0800: # IP if self.nw_proto not in (1,6,17): # not TCP/UDP/ICMP -> Clear TP wildcards for the wire return wildcards & ~(OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST) else: return wildcards elif self.dl_type == 0x0806: # ARP: clear NW_TOS / TP wildcards for the wire return wildcards & ~( OFPFW_NW_TOS | OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST) else: # not even IP. Clear NW/TP wildcards for the wire return wildcards & ~( OFPFW_NW_TOS | OFPFW_NW_PROTO | OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK | OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK | OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST) def _unwire_wildcards(self, wildcards): """ Normalize the wildcard bits from the openflow wire representation. Note this atrocity from the OF1.1 spec: Protocol-specific fields within ofp_match will be ignored within a single table when the corresponding protocol is not specified in the match. The IP header and transport header fields will be ignored unless the Ethertype is specified as either IPv4 or ARP. The tp_src and tp_dst fields will be ignored unless the network protocol specified is as TCP, UDP or SCTP. Fields that are ignored don't need to be wildcarded and should be set to 0. """ if self._dl_type == 0x0800: # IP if self._nw_proto not in (1,6,17): # not TCP/UDP/ICMP -> Set TP wildcards for the object return wildcards | (OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST) else: return wildcards elif self._dl_type == 0x0806: # ARP: Set NW_TOS / TP wildcards for the object return wildcards | ( OFPFW_NW_TOS | OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST) else: # not even IP. Set NW/TP wildcards for the object return wildcards | ( OFPFW_NW_TOS | OFPFW_NW_PROTO | OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK | OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK | OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST) @property def is_wildcarded (self): return self.wildcards & OFPFW_ALL != 0 @property def is_exact (self): return not self.is_wildcarded def unpack (self, raw, offset=0, flow_mod=False): _offset = offset offset,(wildcards, self._in_port) = _unpack("!LH",raw, offset) offset,self._dl_src = _readether(raw, offset) offset,self._dl_dst = _readether(raw, offset) offset,(self._dl_vlan, self._dl_vlan_pcp) = \ _unpack("!HB", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 1) offset,(self._dl_type, self._nw_tos, self._nw_proto) = \ _unpack("!HBB", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 2) offset,self._nw_src = _readip(raw, offset) offset,self._nw_dst = _readip(raw, offset) offset,(self._tp_src, self._tp_dst) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) # Only unwire wildcards for flow_mod self.wildcards = self._normalize_wildcards( self._unwire_wildcards(wildcards) if flow_mod else wildcards) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 40 def hash_code (self): ''' ofp_match is not properly hashable since it is mutable, but it can still be useful to easily generate a hash code. ''' h = self.wildcards for f in ofp_match_data: v = getattr(self, f) if type(v) is int: h ^= v elif type(v) is long: h ^= v return int(h & 0x7fFFffFF) def matches_with_wildcards (self, other, consider_other_wildcards=True): """ Test whether /this/ match completely encompasses the other match. Important for non-strict modify flow_mods etc. """ assert assert_type("other", other, ofp_match, none_ok=False) # short cut for equal matches if(self == other): return True # only candidate if all wildcard bits in the *other* match are also # set in this match (i.e., a submatch) # first compare the bitmask part if(consider_other_wildcards): self_bits = self.wildcards&~(OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK|OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) other_bits = other.wildcards&~(OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK|OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) if( self_bits | other_bits != self_bits): return False def match_fail(mine, others): return mine != None and mine != others if match_fail(self.in_port, other.in_port): return False if match_fail(self.dl_vlan, other.dl_vlan): return False if match_fail(self.dl_src, other.dl_src): return False if match_fail(self.dl_dst, other.dl_dst): return False if match_fail(self.dl_type, other.dl_type): return False if match_fail(self.nw_proto, other.nw_proto): return False if match_fail(self.tp_src, other.tp_src): return False if match_fail(self.tp_dst, other.tp_dst): return False if match_fail(self.dl_vlan_pcp, other.dl_vlan_pcp): return False if match_fail(self.nw_tos, other.nw_tos): return False self_nw_src = self.get_nw_src() if(self_nw_src[0] != None): other_nw_src = other.get_nw_src() if self_nw_src[1] > other_nw_src[1]: return False if not IPAddr(other_nw_src[0]).inNetwork( (self_nw_src[0], self_nw_src[1])): return False self_nw_dst = self.get_nw_dst() if(self_nw_dst[0] != None): other_nw_dst = other.get_nw_dst() if self_nw_dst[1] > other_nw_dst[1]: return False if not IPAddr(other_nw_dst[0]).inNetwork( (self_nw_dst[0], self_nw_dst[1])): return False return True def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False if self.dl_src != other.dl_src: return False if self.dl_dst != other.dl_dst: return False if self.dl_vlan != other.dl_vlan: return False if self.dl_vlan_pcp != other.dl_vlan_pcp: return False if self.dl_type != other.dl_type: return False if self.nw_tos != other.nw_tos: return False if self.nw_proto != other.nw_proto: return False if self.nw_src != other.nw_src: return False if self.nw_dst != other.nw_dst: return False if self.tp_src != other.tp_src: return False if self.tp_dst != other.tp_dst: return False return True def __str__ (self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "\n " +' ').strip() def show (self, prefix=''): def binstr (n): s = '' while True: s = ('1' if n & 1 else '0') + s n >>= 1 if n == 0: break return s def safehex(n): if n == None: return "(None)" else: return hex(n) def show_wildcards(w): parts = [ k.lower()[len("OFPFW_"):] for (k,v) in ofp_flow_wildcards_rev_map.iteritems() if v & w == v ] nw_src_bits = (w & OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT if nw_src_bits > 0: parts.append("nw_src(/%d)" % (32 - nw_src_bits)) nw_dst_bits = (w & OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT if nw_dst_bits > 0: parts.append("nw_dst(/%d)" % (32 - nw_dst_bits)) return "|".join(parts) outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'wildcards: ' outstr += show_wildcards(self.wildcards) outstr += ' (%s = %x)\n' % (binstr(self.wildcards), self.wildcards) def append (f, formatter=str): v = self.__getattr__(f) if v is None: return '' return prefix + f + ": " + formatter(v) + "\n" outstr += append('in_port') outstr += append('dl_src') outstr += append('dl_dst') outstr += append('dl_vlan') outstr += append('dl_vlan_pcp') outstr += append('dl_type', safehex) outstr += append('nw_tos') outstr += append('nw_proto') outstr += append('nw_src') outstr += append('nw_dst') outstr += append('tp_src') outstr += append('tp_dst') return outstr class ofp_action_generic (ofp_action_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 8 def __init__ (self, **kw): self.type = None # Purposely bad = _PAD4 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.type, len(self)) packed += return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset, = _read(raw, offset, length-4) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset def __len__ (self): return 4 + len( def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_OUTPUT', 0) class ofp_action_output (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port = None # Purposely bad -- require specification self.max_len = 0xffFF initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): if self.port != OFPP_CONTROLLER: self.max_len = 0 assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHHH", self.type, len(self), self.port, self.max_len) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.port, self.max_len) = \ _unpack("!HHHH", raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.port != other.port: return False if self.max_len != other.max_len: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'port: ' + str(self.port) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'max_len: ' + str(self.max_len) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_ENQUEUE', 11) class ofp_action_enqueue (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port = None # Require user to set self.queue_id = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHH", self.type, len(self), self.port) packed += _PAD6 # Pad packed += struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.port) = _unpack("!HHH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) offset,(self.queue_id,) = _unpack("!L", raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 16 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.port != other.port: return False if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'port: ' + str(self.port) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'queue_id: ' + str(self.queue_id) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN', 3) class ofp_action_strip_vlan (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self): pass def pack (self): packed = struct.pack("!HHi", self.type, len(self), 0) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 4) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID', 1) class ofp_action_vlan_vid (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.vlan_vid = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHH", self.type, len(self), self.vlan_vid) packed += _PAD2 # Pad return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.vlan_vid) = \ _unpack("!HHH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 2) #TODO: check length for this and other actions assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'vlan_vid: ' + str(self.vlan_vid) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP', 2) class ofp_action_vlan_pcp (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.vlan_pcp = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHB", self.type, len(self), self.vlan_pcp) packed += _PAD3 # Pad return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.vlan_pcp) = \ _unpack("!HHB", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 3) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.vlan_pcp != other.vlan_pcp: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'vlan_pcp: ' + str(self.vlan_pcp) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_DL_DST', 5) @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC', 4) class ofp_action_dl_addr (ofp_action_base): @classmethod def set_dst (cls, dl_addr = None): return cls(OFPAT_SET_DL_DST, dl_addr) @classmethod def set_src (cls, dl_addr = None): return cls(OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC, dl_addr) def __init__ (self, type = None, dl_addr = None): """ 'type' should be OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC or OFPAT_SET_DL_DST. """ self.type = type self.dl_addr = EMPTY_ETH if dl_addr is not None: self.dl_addr = EthAddr(dl_addr) def _validate (self): if (not isinstance(self.dl_addr, EthAddr) and not isinstance(self.dl_addr, bytes)): return "dl_addr is not string or EthAddr" if isinstance(self.dl_addr, bytes) and len(self.dl_addr) != 6: return "dl_addr is not of size 6" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.type, len(self)) if isinstance(self.dl_addr, EthAddr): packed += self.dl_addr.toRaw() else: packed += self.dl_addr packed += _PAD6 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset,self.dl_addr = _readether(raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 16 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.dl_addr != other.dl_addr: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'dl_addr: ' + str(self.dl_addr) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_NW_DST', 7) @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC', 6) class ofp_action_nw_addr (ofp_action_base): @classmethod def set_dst (cls, nw_addr = None): return cls(OFPAT_SET_NW_DST, nw_addr) @classmethod def set_src (cls, nw_addr = None): return cls(OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC, nw_addr) def __init__ (self, type = None, nw_addr = None): """ 'type' should be OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC or OFPAT_SET_NW_DST """ self.type = type if nw_addr is not None: self.nw_addr = IPAddr(nw_addr) else: self.nw_addr = IPAddr(0) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHl", self.type, len(self), self.nw_addr.toSigned()) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset,self.nw_addr = _readip(raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.nw_addr != other.nw_addr: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'nw_addr: ' + str(self.nw_addr) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS', 8) class ofp_action_nw_tos (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self, nw_tos = 0): self.nw_tos = nw_tos def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHB", self.type, len(self), self.nw_tos) packed += _PAD3 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.nw_tos) = _unpack("!HHB", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 3) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.nw_tos != other.nw_tos: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'nw_tos: ' + str(self.nw_tos) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_TP_DST', 10) @openflow_action('OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC', 9) class ofp_action_tp_port (ofp_action_base): @classmethod def set_dst (cls, tp_port = None): return cls(OFPAT_SET_TP_DST, tp_port) @classmethod def set_src (cls, tp_port = None): return cls(OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC, tp_port) def __init__ (self, type=None, tp_port = 0): """ 'type' is OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC/DST """ self.type = type self.tp_port = tp_port def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHH", self.type, len(self), self.tp_port) packed += _PAD2 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.tp_port) = \ _unpack("!HHH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 2) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.tp_port != other.tp_port: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tp_port: ' + str(self.tp_port) + '\n' return outstr class ofp_action_vendor_base (ofp_action_base): """ Base class for vendor actions """ type = 65535 # OFPAT_VENDOR def _eq (self, other): """ Return True if equal Overide this. """ return True def _init (self, kw): """ Initialize fields Overide this. """ pass def _pack_body (self): """ Pack body. """ return b"" def _unpack_body (self, raw, offset, avail): """ Unpack body in raw starting at offset. Return new offset """ return offset def _body_length (self): """ Return length of body. Optionally override this. """ return len(self._pack_body()) def _show (self, prefix): """ Format additional fields as text """ return "" def __init__ (self, **kw): self._init(kw) assert hasattr(self, 'vendor') #self.vendor = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def _pack_body (self): if hasattr(self.body, 'pack'): return self.body.pack() else: return bytes(self.body) def pack (self): assert self._assert() body = self._pack_body() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHL", self.type, 8 + len(body), self.vendor) packed += body return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.vendor) = _unpack("!HHL", raw, offset) offset = self._unpack_body(raw, offset, length - 8) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset def __len__ (self): return 8 + self._body_length() def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.vendor != other.vendor: return False return self._eq(other) def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'vendor: ' + str(self.vendor) + '\n' outstr += self._show(prefix) return outstr @openflow_action('OFPAT_VENDOR', 65535) class ofp_action_vendor_generic (ofp_action_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.vendor = 0 self.body = b"" initHelper(self, kw) def _pack_body (self): if hasattr(self.body, 'pack'): return self.body.pack() else: return bytes(self.body) def pack (self): assert self._assert() body = self._pack_body() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HHL", self.type, 8 + len(body), self.vendor) packed += body return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,(self.type, length, self.vendor) = _unpack("!HHL", raw, offset) offset,self.body = _read(raw, offset, length - 8) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset def __len__ (self): return 8 + len(self._pack_body()) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.vendor != other.vendor: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'len: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'vendor: ' + str(self.vendor) + '\n' return outstr #3. Controller-to-Switch Messages ##3.1 Handshake @openflow_s_message("OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY", 6, reply_to="ofp_features_request") class ofp_features_reply (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 32 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.datapath_id = 0 self.n_buffers = 0 self.n_tables = 0 self.capabilities = 0 self.actions = 0 self.ports = [] initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!QLB", self.datapath_id, self.n_buffers, self.n_tables) packed += _PAD3 packed += struct.pack("!LL", self.capabilities, self.actions) for i in self.ports: packed += i.pack() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.datapath_id, self.n_buffers, self.n_tables) = \ _unpack("!QLB", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 3) offset,(self.capabilities, self.actions) = _unpack("!LL", raw, offset) portCount = (length - 32) / len(ofp_phy_port) self.ports = [] for i in xrange(0, portCount): p = ofp_phy_port() offset = p.unpack(raw, offset) self.ports.append(p) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 32 + len(self.ports) * len(ofp_phy_port) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.datapath_id != other.datapath_id: return False if self.n_buffers != other.n_buffers: return False if self.n_tables != other.n_tables: return False if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False if self.actions != other.actions: return False if self.ports != other.ports: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'datapath_id: ' + str(self.datapath_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'n_buffers: ' + str(self.n_buffers) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'n_tables: ' + str(self.n_tables) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'capabilities: ' + str(self.capabilities) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'actions: ' + str(self.actions) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'ports: \n' for obj in self.ports: outstr += + ' ') return outstr ofp_switch_features = ofp_features_reply ##3.2 Switch Configuration @openflow_c_message("OFPT_SET_CONFIG", 9) class ofp_set_config (ofp_header): # uses ofp_switch_config def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.flags = 0 self.miss_send_len = OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.flags, self.miss_send_len) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.flags, self.miss_send_len) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 12 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.flags != other.flags: return False if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'flags: ' + str(self.flags) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'miss_send_len: ' + str(self.miss_send_len) + '\n' return outstr ##3.3 Modify State Messages @openflow_c_message("OFPT_FLOW_MOD", 14) class ofp_flow_mod (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 72 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) if 'match' in kw: self.match = None else: self.match = ofp_match() self.cookie = 0 self.command = OFPFC_ADD self.idle_timeout = 0 self.hard_timeout = 0 self.priority = OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY self._buffer_id = NO_BUFFER self.out_port = OFPP_NONE self.flags = 0 self.actions = [] = None # Not in the spec! Special magic! Can be packet_in. # ofp_flow_mod/ofp_packet_out do some special handling of 'actions'... # Allow "action" as a synonym for "actions" if 'action' in kw and 'actions' not in kw: kw['actions'] = kw['action'] del kw['action'] initHelper(self, kw) # Allow use of actions=<a single action> for kw args. if not hasattr(self.actions, '__getitem__'): self.actions = [self.actions] @property def buffer_id (self): if self._buffer_id == NO_BUFFER: return None return self._buffer_id @buffer_id.setter def buffer_id (self, val): if val is None: val = NO_BUFFER self._buffer_id = val def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.match, ofp_match): return "match is not class ofp_match" return None def pack (self): """ Packs this object into its wire format. May normalize fields. NOTE: If "data" has been specified, this method may actually return *more than just a single ofp_flow_mod* in packed form. Specifically, it may also have a barrier and an ofp_packet_out. """ po = None if #TODO: It'd be nice to log and then ignore if not data_is_complete. # Unfortunately, we currently have no logging in here, so we # assert instead which is a either too drastic or too quiet. assert assert self.buffer_id is None self.buffer_id = if self.buffer_id is None: po = ofp_packet_out( po.in_port = po.actions.append(ofp_action_output(port = OFPP_TABLE)) # Should maybe check that packet hits the new entry... # Or just duplicate the actions? (I think that's the best idea) assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += self.match.pack(flow_mod=True) packed += struct.pack("!QHHHHLHH", self.cookie, self.command, self.idle_timeout, self.hard_timeout, self.priority, self._buffer_id, self.out_port, self.flags) for i in self.actions: packed += i.pack() if po: packed += ofp_barrier_request().pack() packed += po.pack() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset = self.match.unpack(raw, offset, flow_mod=True) offset,(self.cookie, self.command, self.idle_timeout, self.hard_timeout, self.priority, self._buffer_id, self.out_port, self.flags) = \ _unpack("!QHHHHLHH", raw, offset) offset,self.actions = _unpack_actions(raw, length-(32 + len(self.match)), offset) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): l = 32 + len(self.match) for i in self.actions: l += len(i) return l def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.match != other.match: return False if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False if self.command != other.command: return False if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False if self.priority != other.priority: return False if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False if self.flags != other.flags: return False if self.actions != other.actions: return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'match: \n' outstr += + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'cookie: ' + str(self.cookie) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'command: ' + str(self.command) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'idle_timeout: ' + str(self.idle_timeout) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'hard_timeout: ' + str(self.hard_timeout) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'priority: ' + str(self.priority) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'buffer_id: ' + str(self.buffer_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'out_port: ' + str(self.out_port) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'flags: ' + str(self.flags) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'actions: \n' for obj in self.actions: outstr += + ' ') return outstr @openflow_c_message("OFPT_PORT_MOD", 15) class ofp_port_mod (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.port_no = 0 self.hw_addr = EMPTY_ETH self.config = 0 self.mask = 0 self.advertise = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if (not isinstance(self.hw_addr, bytes) and not isinstance(self.hw_addr, EthAddr)): return "hw_addr is not bytes or EthAddr" if len(self.hw_addr) != 6: return "hw_addr is not of size 6" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port_no) if isinstance(self.hw_addr, bytes): packed += self.hw_addr else: packed += self.hw_addr.toRaw() packed += struct.pack("!LLL", self.config, self.mask, self.advertise) packed += _PAD4 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.port_no,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset,self.hw_addr = _readether(raw, offset) offset,(self.config, self.mask, self.advertise) = \ _unpack("!LLL", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 4) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 32 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False if self.config != other.config: return False if self.mask != other.mask: return False if self.advertise != other.advertise: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'port_no: ' + str(self.port_no) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'hw_addr: ' + str(EthAddr(self.hw_addr)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'config: ' + str(self.config) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'mask: ' + str(self.mask) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'advertise: ' + str(self.advertise) + '\n' return outstr ##3.4 Queue Configuration Messages @openflow_c_message("OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST", 20) class ofp_queue_get_config_request (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.port = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port) packed += _PAD2 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.port,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 2) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 12 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.port != other.port: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'port: ' + str(self.port) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_s_message("OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY", 21) class ofp_queue_get_config_reply (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 16 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.port = 0 self.queues = [] initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port) packed += _PAD6 for i in self.queues: packed += i.pack() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.port,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) remaining = length - 6 - 2 - len(ofp_header) del self.queues[:] # Not tested; probably buggy while remaining > 0: q = ofp_packet_queue() _offset = q.unpack(raw, offset) l = _offset - offset offset = _offset if l < 1: raise RuntimeError("Can't parse") remaining -= l self.queues.append(q) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): l = 16 for i in self.queues: l += len(i) return l def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.port != other.port: return False if self.queues != other.queues: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'port: ' + str(self.port) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'queues: \n' for obj in self.queues: outstr += + ' ') return outstr @openflow_c_message("OFPT_STATS_REQUEST", 16) class ofp_stats_request (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 12 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.type = None # Try to guess self.flags = 0 self._body = b'' self._body_packed = None # Cache initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): if self.type is None: if isinstance(self.body, ofp_stats_body_base): self.type = self.body._type else: raise RuntimeError("Can't determine body type; specify it " + "explicitly") assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.type, self.flags) packed += self._pack_body() return packed def _pack_body (self): if self._body_packed is None: if hasattr(self.body, 'pack'): self._body_packed = self._body.pack() else: self._body_packed = self._body return self._body_packed @property def body (self): return self._body @body.setter def body (self, data): self._body = data self._body_packed_cache = None def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.type, self.flags) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset,body = _read(raw, offset, length - 12) si = _stats_type_to_class_info.get(self.type) if si is None: self.body = ofp_generic_stats_body() self.body.unpack(body, 0, len(body)) else: if si.request is None: raise RuntimeError("No request for " + str(si)) self.body = si.request() self.body.unpack(body, 0, len(body)) #TODO: assert entire body is unpacked assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 12 + len(self._pack_body()) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if self.flags != other.flags: return False if self._pack_body() != other._pack_body(): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'flags: ' + str(self.flags) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'body:\n' outstr += _format_body(self.body, prefix + ' ') + '\n' return outstr @openflow_s_message("OFPT_STATS_REPLY", 17, reply_to="ofp_stats_request") class ofp_stats_reply (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 12 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.type = None # Guess self.flags = 0 self.body = b'' self._body_data = (None, None) initHelper(self, kw) @property def is_last_reply (self): return (self.flags & 1) == 0 @is_last_reply.setter def is_last_reply (self, value): self.flags = self.flags & 0xfffe if not value: self.flags |= 1 @property def body_data (self): if self._body_data[0] is not self.body: def _pack(b): return b.pack() if hasattr(b, 'pack') else b data = b'' if isinstance(self.body, collections.Iterable): for b in self.body: data += _pack(b) else: data = _pack(self.body) self._body_data = (self.body, data) return self._body_data[1] def pack (self): if self.type is None: if isinstance(self.body, ofp_stats_body_base): self.type = self.body._type else: raise RuntimeError("Can't determine body type; specify it " + "explicitly") assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.type, self.flags) packed += self.body_data return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.type, self.flags) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset,packed = _read(raw, offset, length - 12) t = _stats_type_to_class_info.get(self.type) if t is None: #FIXME: Put in a generic container? self.body = packed else: if t.reply is None: #FIXME: Put in a generic container? self.body = packed else: if not t.reply_is_list: self.body = t.reply() self.body.unpack(packed, 0, len(packed)) else: prev_len = len(packed) self.body = [] while len(packed): part = t.reply() off = part.unpack(packed, 0, len(packed)) packed = packed[off:] assert len(packed) != prev_len prev_len = len(packed) self.body.append(part) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): if isinstance(self.body, list): return 12 + sum(len(part) for part in self.body) return 12 + len(self.body) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if self.flags != other.flags: return False if self.body != other.body: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(self.type) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'flags: ' + str(self.flags) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'body:\n' outstr += _format_body(self.body, prefix + ' ') + '\n' return outstr @openflow_stats_reply("OFPST_DESC", 0) class ofp_desc_stats (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.mfr_desc= "" self.hw_desc= "" self.sw_desc= "" self.serial_num= "" self.dp_desc= "" initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.mfr_desc, str): return "mfr_desc is not string" if len(self.mfr_desc) > DESC_STR_LEN: return "mfr_desc is not of size 256" if not isinstance(self.hw_desc, str): return "hw_desc is not string" if len(self.hw_desc) > DESC_STR_LEN: return "hw_desc is not of size 256" if not isinstance(self.sw_desc, str): return "sw_desc is not string" if len(self.sw_desc) > DESC_STR_LEN: return "sw_desc is not of size 256" if not isinstance(self.serial_num, str): return "serial_num is not string" if len(self.serial_num) > SERIAL_NUM_LEN: return "serial_num is not of size 32" if not isinstance(self.dp_desc, str): return "dp_desc is not string" if len(self.dp_desc) > DESC_STR_LEN: return "dp_desc is not of size 256" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += self.mfr_desc.ljust(DESC_STR_LEN,'\0') packed += self.hw_desc.ljust(DESC_STR_LEN,'\0') packed += self.sw_desc.ljust(DESC_STR_LEN,'\0') packed += self.serial_num.ljust(SERIAL_NUM_LEN,'\0') packed += self.dp_desc.ljust(DESC_STR_LEN,'\0') return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,self.mfr_desc = _readzs(raw, offset, DESC_STR_LEN) offset,self.hw_desc = _readzs(raw, offset, DESC_STR_LEN) offset,self.sw_desc = _readzs(raw, offset, DESC_STR_LEN) offset,self.serial_num = _readzs(raw, offset, SERIAL_NUM_LEN) offset,self.dp_desc = _readzs(raw, offset, DESC_STR_LEN) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 1056 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.mfr_desc != other.mfr_desc: return False if self.hw_desc != other.hw_desc: return False if self.sw_desc != other.sw_desc: return False if self.serial_num != other.serial_num: return False if self.dp_desc != other.dp_desc: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'mfr_desc: ' + str(self.mfr_desc) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'hw_desc: ' + str(self.hw_desc) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'sw_desc: ' + str(self.sw_desc) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'serial_num: ' + str(self.serial_num) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'dp_desc: ' + str(self.dp_desc) + '\n' return outstr ofp_desc_stats_reply = ofp_desc_stats # This next one is weird. It only exists so that the type-guessing # will work for requests. I don't think it's really needed, though. @openflow_stats_request('OFPST_DESC', 0) class ofp_desc_stats_request (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): pass def pack (self): return b"" def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): if avail != 0: raise RuntimeError("Expected empty body") return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 0 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): return "<empty>" @openflow_stats_request('OFPST_FLOW', 1) class ofp_flow_stats_request (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.match = ofp_match() self.table_id = TABLE_ALL self.out_port = OFPP_NONE initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.match, ofp_match): return "match is not class ofp_match" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += self.match.pack() packed += struct.pack("!BBH", self.table_id, 0, self.out_port) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset = self.match.unpack(raw, offset) offset,(self.table_id, pad, self.out_port) = \ _unpack("!BBH", raw, offset) assert pad == 0 assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 4 + len(ofp_match) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.match != other.match: return False if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'match: \n' outstr += + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'table_id: ' + str(self.table_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'out_port: ' + str(self.out_port) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_stats_reply('OFPST_FLOW', is_list = True) class ofp_flow_stats (ofp_stats_body_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 88 def __init__ (self, **kw): self.table_id = 0 self.match = ofp_match() self.duration_sec = 0 self.duration_nsec = 0 self.priority = OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY self.idle_timeout = 0 self.hard_timeout = 0 self.cookie = 0 self.packet_count = 0 self.byte_count = 0 self.actions = [] initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.match, ofp_match): return "match is not class ofp_match" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!HBB", len(self), self.table_id, 0) packed += self.match.pack() packed += struct.pack("!LLHHH", self.duration_sec, self.duration_nsec, self.priority, self.idle_timeout, self.hard_timeout) packed += _PAD6 # Pad packed += struct.pack("!QQQ", self.cookie, self.packet_count, self.byte_count) for i in self.actions: packed += i.pack() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(length, self.table_id, pad) = _unpack("!HBB", raw, offset) assert pad == 0 offset = self.match.unpack(raw, offset) offset,(self.duration_sec, self.duration_nsec, self.priority, self.idle_timeout, self.hard_timeout) = \ _unpack("!LLHHH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) offset,(self.cookie, self.packet_count, self.byte_count) = \ _unpack("!QQQ", raw, offset) assert (offset - _offset) == 48 + len(self.match) offset,self.actions = _unpack_actions(raw, length - (48 + len(self.match)), offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset def __len__ (self): l = 48 + len(self.match) for i in self.actions: l += len(i) return l def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False if self.match != other.match: return False if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False if self.priority != other.priority: return False if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False if self.actions != other.actions: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'length: ' + str(len(self)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'table_id: ' + str(self.table_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'match: \n' outstr += + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'duration_sec: ' + str(self.duration_sec) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'duration_nsec: ' + str(self.duration_nsec) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'priority: ' + str(self.priority) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'idle_timeout: ' + str(self.idle_timeout) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'hard_timeout: ' + str(self.hard_timeout) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'cookie: ' + str(self.cookie) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'packet_count: ' + str(self.packet_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'byte_count: ' + str(self.byte_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'actions: \n' for obj in self.actions: outstr += + ' ') return outstr ofp_flow_stats_reply = ofp_flow_stats @openflow_stats_request('OFPST_AGGREGATE', 2) class ofp_aggregate_stats_request (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.match = ofp_match() self.table_id = TABLE_ALL self.out_port = OFPP_NONE initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.match, ofp_match): return "match is not class ofp_match" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += self.match.pack() packed += struct.pack("!BBH", self.table_id, 0, self.out_port) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset = self.match.unpack(raw, offset) offset,(self.table_id, pad, self.out_port) = \ _unpack("!BBH", raw, offset) assert pad == 0 assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 44 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.match != other.match: return False if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'match: \n' outstr += + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'table_id: ' + str(self.table_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'out_port: ' + str(self.out_port) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_stats_reply('OFPST_AGGREGATE') class ofp_aggregate_stats (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.packet_count = 0 self.byte_count = 0 self.flow_count = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!QQL", self.packet_count, self.byte_count, self.flow_count) packed += _PAD4 # Pad return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(self.packet_count, self.byte_count, self.flow_count) = \ _unpack("!QQL", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 4) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 24 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'packet_count: ' + str(self.packet_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'byte_count: ' + str(self.byte_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'flow_count: ' + str(self.flow_count) + '\n' return outstr ofp_aggregate_stats_reply = ofp_aggregate_stats @openflow_stats_reply('OFPST_TABLE', 3, is_list = True) class ofp_table_stats (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.table_id = 0 = "" self.wildcards = 0 self.max_entries = 0 self.active_count = 0 self.lookup_count = 0 self.matched_count = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(, str): return "name is not string" if len( > OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN: return "name is too long" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!B", self.table_id) packed += _PAD3 packed +=,'\0') packed += struct.pack("!LLLQQ", self.wildcards, self.max_entries, self.active_count, self.lookup_count, self.matched_count) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(self.table_id,) = _unpack("!B", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 3) offset, = _readzs(raw, offset, OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN) offset,(self.wildcards, self.max_entries, self.active_count, self.lookup_count, self.matched_count) = \ _unpack("!LLLQQ", raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 64 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False if != return False if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False if self.active_count != other.active_count: return False if self.lookup_count != other.lookup_count: return False if self.matched_count != other.matched_count: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'table_id: ' + str(self.table_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'name: ' + str( + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'wildcards: ' + str(self.wildcards) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'max_entries: ' + str(self.max_entries) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'active_count: ' + str(self.active_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'lookup_count: ' + str(self.lookup_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'matched_count: ' + str(self.matched_count) + '\n' return outstr ofp_table_stats_reply = ofp_table_stats @openflow_stats_request("OFPST_PORT", 4) class ofp_port_stats_request (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port_no = OFPP_NONE initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port_no) packed += _PAD6 return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(self.port_no,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'port_no: ' + str(self.port_no) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_stats_reply("OFPST_PORT", is_list = True) class ofp_port_stats (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port_no = OFPP_NONE self.rx_packets = 0 self.tx_packets = 0 self.rx_bytes = 0 self.tx_bytes = 0 self.rx_dropped = 0 self.tx_dropped = 0 self.rx_errors = 0 self.tx_errors = 0 self.rx_frame_err = 0 self.rx_over_err = 0 self.rx_crc_err = 0 self.collisions = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port_no) packed += _PAD6 packed += struct.pack("!QQQQQQQQQQQQ", self.rx_packets, self.tx_packets, self.rx_bytes, self.tx_bytes, self.rx_dropped, self.tx_dropped, self.rx_errors, self.tx_errors, self.rx_frame_err, self.rx_over_err, self.rx_crc_err, self.collisions) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(self.port_no,) = _unpack("!H", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 6) offset,(self.rx_packets, self.tx_packets, self.rx_bytes, self.tx_bytes, self.rx_dropped, self.tx_dropped, self.rx_errors, self.tx_errors, self.rx_frame_err, self.rx_over_err, self.rx_crc_err, self.collisions) = \ _unpack("!QQQQQQQQQQQQ", raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 104 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False if self.rx_packets != other.rx_packets: return False if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False if self.rx_bytes != other.rx_bytes: return False if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False if self.rx_dropped != other.rx_dropped: return False if self.tx_dropped != other.tx_dropped: return False if self.rx_errors != other.rx_errors: return False if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False if self.rx_frame_err != other.rx_frame_err: return False if self.rx_over_err != other.rx_over_err: return False if self.rx_crc_err != other.rx_crc_err: return False if self.collisions != other.collisions: return False return True def __add__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): raise NotImplemented() port_no = OFPP_NONE if self.port_no == other.port_no: port_no = self.port_no return ofp_port_stats( port_no=port_no, rx_packets = self.rx_packets + other.rx_packets, tx_packets = self.tx_packets + other.tx_packets, rx_bytes = self.rx_bytes + other.rx_bytes, tx_bytes = self.tx_bytes + other.tx_bytes, rx_dropped = self.rx_dropped + other.rx_dropped, tx_dropped = self.tx_dropped + other.tx_dropped, rx_errors = self.rx_errors + other.rx_errors, tx_errors = self.tx_errors + other.tx_errors, rx_frame_err = self.rx_frame_err + other.rx_frame_err, rx_over_err = self.rx_over_err + other.rx_over_err, rx_crc_err = self.rx_crc_err + other.rx_crc_err, collisions = self.collisions + other.collisions) def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'port_no: ' + str(self.port_no) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_packets: ' + str(self.rx_packets) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_packets: ' + str(self.tx_packets) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_bytes: ' + str(self.rx_bytes) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_bytes: ' + str(self.tx_bytes) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_dropped: ' + str(self.rx_dropped) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_dropped: ' + str(self.tx_dropped) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_errors: ' + str(self.rx_errors) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_errors: ' + str(self.tx_errors) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_frame_err: ' + str(self.rx_frame_err) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_over_err: ' + str(self.rx_over_err) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'rx_crc_err: ' + str(self.rx_crc_err) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'collisions: ' + str(self.collisions) + '\n' return outstr ofp_port_stats_reply = ofp_port_stats @openflow_stats_request("OFPST_QUEUE", 5) class ofp_queue_stats_request (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port_no = OFPP_ALL self.queue_id = OFPQ_ALL initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port_no) packed += _PAD2 packed += struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(self.port_no,pad,self.queue_id) = _unpack("!HHL", raw, offset) assert pad == 0 assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'port_no: ' + str(self.port_no) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'queue_id: ' + str(self.queue_id) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_stats_reply("OFPST_QUEUE", is_list = True) class ofp_queue_stats (ofp_stats_body_base): def __init__ (self, **kw): self.port_no = 0 self.queue_id = 0 self.tx_bytes = 0 self.tx_packets = 0 self.tx_errors = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += struct.pack("!H", self.port_no) packed += _PAD2 packed += struct.pack("!LQQQ", self.queue_id, self.tx_bytes, self.tx_packets, self.tx_errors) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): _offset = offset offset,(self.port_no, pad, self.queue_id, self.tx_bytes, self.tx_packets, self.tx_errors) = \ _unpack("!HHLQQQ", raw, offset) assert offset - _offset == len(self) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 32 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'port_no: ' + str(self.port_no) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'queue_id: ' + str(self.queue_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_bytes: ' + str(self.tx_bytes) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_packets: ' + str(self.tx_packets) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'tx_errors: ' + str(self.tx_errors) + '\n' return outstr ofp_queue_stats_reply = ofp_queue_stats @openflow_stats_request("OFPST_VENDOR", 65535, is_list = False) @openflow_stats_reply("OFPST_VENDOR", 65535, is_list = False) class ofp_vendor_stats_generic (ofp_stats_body_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 4 def __init__ (self, **kw): self.vendor = None = b"" initHelper(self, kw) def _pack_body (self): if hasattr(, "pack"): return else: return def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = struct.pack("!L", self.vendor) packed += self._pack_body() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): if avail is None: RuntimeError("Requires length") _offset = offset offset,(self.vendor,) = _unpack("!L", raw, offset) offset, = _read(raw, offset, avail-4) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 4+len(self._pack_body()) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.vendor != other.vendor: return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'vendor id: ' + str(self.vendor) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'data len: ' + str(len( + '\n' return outstr class ofp_generic_stats_body (ofp_stats_body_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 0 def __init__ (self, **kw): = b"" initHelper(self, kw) def _pack_body (self): if hasattr(, "pack"): return else: return def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed += self._pack_body() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset, avail): if avail is None: RuntimeError("Requires length") _offset = offset offset, = _read(raw, offset, avail) return offset @staticmethod def __len__ (): return len(self._pack_body()) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'data len: ' + str(len( + '\n' return outstr @openflow_c_message("OFPT_PACKET_OUT", 13) class ofp_packet_out (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 16 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self._buffer_id = NO_BUFFER self.in_port = OFPP_NONE self.actions = [] self._data = b'' # ofp_flow_mod & ofp_packet_out do some special handling of 'actions' # Allow "action" as a synonym for "actions" if 'action' in kw and 'actions' not in kw: kw['actions'] = kw['action'] del kw['action'] initHelper(self, kw) # Allow use of actions=<a single action> for kw args. if not hasattr(self.actions, '__getitem__'): self.actions = [self.actions] @property def buffer_id (self): if self._buffer_id == NO_BUFFER: return None return self._buffer_id @buffer_id.setter def buffer_id (self, val): if val is None: val = NO_BUFFER self._buffer_id = val @property def data (self): return self._data @data.setter def data (self, data): if data is None: self._data = b'' elif isinstance(data, packet_base): self._data = data.pack() elif isinstance(data, ofp_packet_in): # Enable you to easily resend a packet self._data = b'' self.buffer_id = data.buffer_id if self.buffer_id is None: #TODO: It'd be nice to log and then ignore if data is incomplete # Unfortunately, we currently have no logging in here, so we # assert instead which is a either too drastic or too quiet. assert data.is_complete self._data = data._data self.in_port = data.in_port elif isinstance(data, bytes): self._data = data assert assert_type("data", self._data, (bytes,)) def _validate (self): if self.buffer_id is not None and != b'': return "can not have both buffer_id and data set" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() actions = b''.join((i.pack() for i in self.actions)) actions_len = len(actions) if is not None: return b''.join((ofp_header.pack(self), struct.pack("!LHH", self._buffer_id, self.in_port, actions_len), actions, else: return b''.join((ofp_header.pack(self), struct.pack("!LHH", self._buffer_id, self.in_port, actions_len), actions)) def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self._buffer_id, self.in_port, actions_len) = \ _unpack("!LHH", raw, offset) offset,self.actions = _unpack_actions(raw, actions_len, offset) remaining = length - (offset - _offset) if remaining <= 0: = None else: offset, = _read(raw, offset, remaining) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 16 + reduce(operator.add, (len(a) for a in self.actions), 0) + (len( if else 0) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False if self.actions != other.actions: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'buffer_id: ' + str(self.buffer_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'in_port: ' + str(self.in_port) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'actions_len: ' + str(len(self.actions)) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'actions: \n' for obj in self.actions: if obj is None: raise RuntimeError("An element of self.actions was None! " + "Bad formatting...") outstr += + ' ') return outstr ##3.7 Barrier Message @openflow_s_message("OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY", 19, reply_to="ofp_barrier_request") class ofp_barrier_reply (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) return packed #def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): # offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) # assert length == len(self) # return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') return outstr @openflow_c_message("OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST", 18, request_for="ofp_barrier_reply") class ofp_barrier_request (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) return packed #def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): # offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) # assert length == len(self) # return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') return outstr #4 Asynchronous Messages @openflow_s_message("OFPT_PACKET_IN", 10) class ofp_packet_in (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 18 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.in_port = OFPP_NONE self._buffer_id = NO_BUFFER self.reason = 0 = None self._total_len = None if 'total_len' in kw: self._total_len = kw.pop('total_len') initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if and (self.total_len < len( return "total len less than data len" @property def total_len (self): if self._total_len is None: return len( if else 0 return self._total_len @total_len.setter def total_len (self, value): self._total_len = value @property def buffer_id (self): if self._buffer_id == NO_BUFFER: return None return self._buffer_id @buffer_id.setter def buffer_id (self, val): if val is None: val = NO_BUFFER self._buffer_id = val @property def data (self): return self._data @data.setter def data (self, data): assert assert_type("data", data, (packet_base, str)) if data is None: self._data = '' elif isinstance(data, packet_base): self._data = data.pack() else: self._data = data def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!LHHBB", self._buffer_id, self.total_len, self.in_port, self.reason, 0) packed += #TODO: Padding? See __len__ return packed @property def is_complete (self): if self.buffer_id is not None: return True return len( == self.total_len def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self._buffer_id, self._total_len, self.in_port, self.reason, pad) = _unpack("!LHHBB", raw, offset) offset, = _read(raw, offset, length-18) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): #FIXME: This is probably wrong, but it's not clear from the # spec what's supposed to be going on here. #if len( < 2: # return 20 + len( return 18 + len( def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False if self.total_len != other.total_len: return False if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False if self.reason != other.reason: return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'buffer_id: ' + str(self.buffer_id) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'total_len: ' + str(self._total_len) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'in_port: ' + str(self.in_port) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'reason: ' + str(self.reason) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'data: ' + str( + '\n' return outstr @openflow_s_message("OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED", 11) class ofp_flow_removed (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.match = ofp_match() self.cookie = 0 self.priority = 0 self.reason = 0 self.duration_sec = 0 self.duration_nsec = 0 self.idle_timeout = 0 self.packet_count = 0 self.byte_count = 0 initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.match, ofp_match): return "match is not class ofp_match" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += self.match.pack() packed += struct.pack("!QHB", self.cookie, self.priority, self.reason) packed += _PAD packed += struct.pack("!LLH", self.duration_sec, self.duration_nsec, self.idle_timeout) packed += _PAD2 packed += struct.pack("!QQ", self.packet_count, self.byte_count) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset = self.match.unpack(raw, offset) offset,(self.cookie, self.priority, self.reason) = \ _unpack("!QHB", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 1) offset,(self.duration_sec, self.duration_nsec, self.idle_timeout) = \ _unpack("!LLH", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 2) offset,(self.packet_count, self.byte_count) = \ _unpack("!QQ", raw, offset) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 48 + len(ofp_match) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.match != other.match: return False if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False if self.priority != other.priority: return False if self.reason != other.reason: return False if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'match: \n' outstr += + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'cookie: ' + str(self.cookie) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'priority: ' + str(self.priority) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'reason: ' + str(self.reason) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'duration_sec: ' + str(self.duration_sec) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'duration_nsec: ' + str(self.duration_nsec) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'idle_timeout: ' + str(self.idle_timeout) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'packet_count: ' + str(self.packet_count) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'byte_count: ' + str(self.byte_count) + '\n' return outstr @openflow_s_message("OFPT_PORT_STATUS", 12) class ofp_port_status (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.reason = 0 self.desc = ofp_phy_port() initHelper(self, kw) def _validate (self): if not isinstance(self.desc, ofp_phy_port): return "desc is not class ofp_phy_port" return None def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!B", self.reason) packed += _PAD * 7 # Pad packed += self.desc.pack() return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.reason,) = _unpack("!B", raw, offset) offset = _skip(raw, offset, 7) offset = self.desc.unpack(raw, offset) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 64 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.reason != other.reason: return False if self.desc != other.desc: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'reason: ' + str(self.reason) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'desc: \n' outstr += + ' ') return outstr @openflow_s_message("OFPT_ERROR", 1) class ofp_error (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 12 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.type = 0 self.code = 0 = b'' initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.type, self.code) packed += return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.type, self.code) = _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) offset, = _read(raw, offset, length - 12) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 12 + len( def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if self.code != other.code: return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') t = self.type c = self.code if t < len(ofp_error_type): n = ofp_error_type_map[t] t = "%s (%i)" % (n, t) n = 'ofp' + n.lower()[5:] + '_code_map' if n in sys.modules[__name__].__dict__: if c in sys.modules[__name__].__dict__[n]: c = "%s (%i)" % (sys.modules[__name__].__dict__[n][c], c) outstr += prefix + 'type: ' + str(t) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'code: ' + str(c) + '\n' if len( outstr += prefix + 'datalen: %s\n' % (len(,) outstr += prefix + hexdump("\n", "\n" + prefix) return outstr.strip() #5. Symmetric Messages @openflow_sc_message("OFPT_HELLO", 0) class ofp_hello (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) return packed #def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): # offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) # assert length == len(self) # return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') return outstr @openflow_sc_message("OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST", 2, request_for="ofp_echo_reply") class ofp_echo_request (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 8 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.body = b'' initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += self.body return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,self.body = _read(raw, offset, length - 8) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 8 + len(self.body) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.body != other.body: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'body:\n' outstr += _format_body(self.body, prefix + ' ') + '\n' return outstr @openflow_sc_message("OFPT_ECHO_REPLY", 3, reply_to="ofp_echo_request") class ofp_echo_reply (ofp_header): _MIN_LENGTH = 8 def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.body = b'' initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += self.body return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,self.body = _read(raw, offset, length - 8) assert length == len(self) return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 8 + len(self.body) def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.body != other.body: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'body:\n' outstr += _format_body(self.body, prefix + ' ') + '\n' return outstr class ofp_vendor_base (ofp_header): header_type = 4 # OFPT_VENDOR """ Base class for vendor messages """ pass @openflow_sc_message("OFPT_VENDOR", 4) class ofp_vendor_generic (ofp_vendor_base): _MIN_LENGTH = 12 _collect_raw = False def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.vendor = 0 = b'' initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!L", self.vendor) if hasattr(, "pack"): packed += else: packed += return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): _offset = offset offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.vendor,) = _unpack("!L", raw, offset) offset, = _read(raw, offset, length-12) if self._collect_raw: self.raw = raw[_offset, _offset+length] return offset,length def __len__ (self): return 12 + len( def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.vendor != other.vendor: return False if != return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'vendor: ' + str(self.vendor) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'datalen: ' + str(len( + '\n' #outstr += prefix + hexdump("\n", "\n" + prefix) return outstr @openflow_c_message("OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST", 5, request_for="ofp_features_reply") class ofp_features_request (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') return outstr @openflow_c_message("OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST", 7, request_for="ofp_get_config_reply") class ofp_get_config_request (ofp_header): def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) return packed #def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): # offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) # assert length == len(self) # return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 8 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') return outstr @openflow_s_message("OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY", 8, reply_to="ofp_get_config_request") class ofp_get_config_reply (ofp_header): # uses ofp_switch_config def __init__ (self, **kw): ofp_header.__init__(self) self.flags = 0 self.miss_send_len = OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN initHelper(self, kw) def pack (self): assert self._assert() packed = b"" packed += ofp_header.pack(self) packed += struct.pack("!HH", self.flags, self.miss_send_len) return packed def unpack (self, raw, offset=0): offset,length = self._unpack_header(raw, offset) offset,(self.flags, self.miss_send_len) = \ _unpack("!HH", raw, offset) assert length == len(self) return offset,length @staticmethod def __len__ (): return 12 def __eq__ (self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not ofp_header.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.flags != other.flags: return False if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False return True def show (self, prefix=''): outstr = '' outstr += prefix + 'header: \n' outstr +=, prefix + ' ') outstr += prefix + 'flags: ' + str(self.flags) + '\n' outstr += prefix + 'miss_send_len: ' + str(self.miss_send_len) + '\n' return outstr def _unpack_queue_props (b, length, offset=0): """ Parses queue props from a buffer b is a buffer (bytes) offset, if specified, is where in b to start decoding returns (next_offset, [Pops]) """ if (len(b) - offset) < length: raise UnderrunError props = [] end = length + offset while offset < end: (t,l) = struct.unpack_from("!HH", b, offset) if (len(b) - offset) < l: raise UnderrunError a = _queue_prop_type_to_class.get(t) if a is None: # Use generic prop header for unknown type a = ofp_queue_prop_generic() else: a = a() a.unpack(b[offset:offset+l]) assert len(a) == l props.append(a) offset += l return (offset, props) def _unpack_actions (b, length, offset=0): """ Parses actions from a buffer b is a buffer (bytes) offset, if specified, is where in b to start decoding returns (next_offset, [Actions]) """ if (len(b) - offset) < length: raise UnderrunError actions = [] end = length + offset while offset < end: (t,l) = struct.unpack_from("!HH", b, offset) if (len(b) - offset) < l: raise UnderrunError a = _action_type_to_class.get(t) if a is None: # Use generic action header for unknown type a = ofp_action_generic() else: a = a() a.unpack(b[offset:offset+l]) assert len(a) == l actions.append(a) offset += l return (offset, actions) def _init (): def formatMap (name, m): o = name + " = {\n" vk = sorted([(v,k) for k,v in m.iteritems()]) maxlen = 2 + len(reduce(lambda a,b: a if len(a)>len(b) else b, (v for k,v in vk))) fstr = " %-" + str(maxlen) + "s : %s,\n" for v,k in vk: o += fstr % ("'" + k + "'",v) o += "}" return o """ maps = [] for k,v in globals().iteritems(): if k.startswith("ofp_") and k.endswith("_map") and type(v) == dict: maps.append((k,v)) for name,m in maps: rev = {} name = name[:-4] names = globals()[name] for n in names: rev[n] = globals()[n] globals()[name + '_rev_map'] = rev print(formatMap(name + "_rev_map", rev)) return """ maps = [] for k,v in globals().iteritems(): if (k.startswith("ofp_") and k.endswith("_rev_map") and type(v) == dict): maps.append((k[:-8],v)) for name,m in maps: # Try to generate forward maps forward = dict(((v,k) for k,v in m.iteritems())) if len(forward) == len(m): if name + "_map" not in globals(): globals()[name + "_map"] = forward else: print(name + "_rev_map is not a map") # Try to generate lists v = m.values() v.sort() if v[-1] != len(v)-1: # Allow ones where the last value is a special value (e.g., VENDOR) del v[-1] if len(v) > 0 and v[0] == 0 and v[-1] == len(v)-1: globals()[name] = v # Generate gobals for k,v in m.iteritems(): globals()[k] = v _init() # Values from macro definitions OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT = 0 OFP_DL_TYPE_ETH2_CUTOFF = 0x0600 DESC_STR_LEN = 256 OFPFW_ICMP_CODE = OFPFW_TP_DST OFPQ_MIN_RATE_UNCFG = 0xffff OFP_VERSION = 0x01 OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN = 32 OFP_DL_TYPE_NOT_ETH_TYPE = 0x05ff OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN = 128 OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN = 16 OFP_SSL_PORT = 6633 OFPFW_ICMP_TYPE = OFPFW_TP_SRC OFP_TCP_PORT = 6633 SERIAL_NUM_LEN = 32 OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0x8000 OFP_VLAN_NONE = 0xffff OFPQ_ALL = 0xffffffff ofp_match_data = { 'in_port' : (0, OFPFW_IN_PORT), 'dl_src' : (EMPTY_ETH, OFPFW_DL_SRC), 'dl_dst' : (EMPTY_ETH, OFPFW_DL_DST), 'dl_vlan' : (0, OFPFW_DL_VLAN), 'dl_vlan_pcp' : (0, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP), 'dl_type' : (0, OFPFW_DL_TYPE), 'nw_tos' : (0, OFPFW_NW_TOS), 'nw_proto' : (0, OFPFW_NW_PROTO), 'nw_src' : (0, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL), 'nw_dst' : (0, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL), 'tp_src' : (0, OFPFW_TP_SRC), 'tp_dst' : (0, OFPFW_TP_DST), }
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import time from profile_creators import profile_extender from telemetry.core import exceptions from telemetry.core import util class FastNavigationProfileExtender(profile_extender.ProfileExtender): """Extends a Chrome profile. This class creates or extends an existing profile by performing a set of tab navigations in large batches. This is accomplished by opening a large number of tabs, simultaneously navigating all the tabs, and then waiting for all the tabs to load. This provides two benefits: - Takes advantage of the high number of logical cores on modern CPUs. - The total time spent waiting for navigations to time out scales linearly with the number of batches, but does not scale with the size of the batch. """ def __init__(self, finder_options, maximum_batch_size): """Initializer. Args: maximum_batch_size: A positive integer indicating the number of tabs to simultaneously perform navigations. """ super(FastNavigationProfileExtender, self).__init__(finder_options) # The instance keeps a list of Tabs that can be navigated successfully. # This means that the Tab is not crashed, and is processing JavaScript in a # timely fashion. self._navigation_tabs = [] # The number of tabs to use. self._NUM_TABS = maximum_batch_size # The amount of additional time to wait for a batch of pages to finish # loading for each page in the batch. self._BATCH_TIMEOUT_PER_PAGE_IN_SECONDS = 20 # The amount of time to wait for a page to quiesce. Some pages will never # quiesce. self._TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_PAGE_TO_QUIESCE_IN_SECONDS = 10 def Run(self): """Superclass override.""" try: self.SetUpBrowser() self._PerformNavigations() finally: self.TearDownBrowser() # When there hasn't been an exception, verify that the profile was # correctly extended. # TODO(erikchen): I've intentionally omitted my implementation of # VerifyProfileWasExtended() in small_profile_extender, since the profile # is not being correctly extended. # self.VerifyProfileWasExtended() def VerifyProfileWasExtended(self): """Verifies that the profile was correctly extended. Can be overridden by subclasses. """ pass def GetUrlIterator(self): """Gets URLs for the browser to navigate to. Intended for subclass override. Returns: An iterator whose elements are urls to be navigated to. """ raise NotImplementedError() def ShouldExitAfterBatchNavigation(self): """Returns a boolean indicating whether profile extension is finished. Intended for subclass override. """ raise NotImplementedError() def CleanUpAfterBatchNavigation(self): """A hook for subclasses to perform cleanup after each batch of navigations. Can be overridden by subclasses. """ pass def _RefreshNavigationTabs(self): """Updates the member self._navigation_tabs to contain self._NUM_TABS elements, each of which is not crashed. The crashed tabs are intentionally leaked, since Telemetry doesn't have a good way of killing crashed tabs. It is also possible for a tab to be stalled in an infinite JavaScript loop. These tabs will be in self.browser.tabs, but not in self._navigation_tabs. There is no way to kill these tabs, so they are also leaked. This method is careful to only use tabs in self._navigation_tabs, or newly created tabs. """ live_tabs = [tab for tab in self._navigation_tabs if tab.IsAlive()] self._navigation_tabs = live_tabs while len(self._navigation_tabs) < self._NUM_TABS: self._navigation_tabs.append(self._browser.tabs.New()) def _RemoveNavigationTab(self, tab): """Removes a tab which is no longer in a useable state from self._navigation_tabs. The tab is not removed from self.browser.tabs, since there is no guarantee that the tab can be safely removed.""" self._navigation_tabs.remove(tab) def _RetrieveTabUrl(self, tab, timeout): """Retrives the URL of the tab.""" # TODO(erikchen): Use tab.url instead, which talks to the browser process # instead of the renderer process. return tab.EvaluateJavaScript('document.URL', timeout) def _WaitForUrlToChange(self, tab, initial_url, end_time): """Waits for the tab to navigate away from its initial url. If time.time() is larger than end_time, the function does nothing. Otherwise, the function tries to return no later than end_time. """ while True: seconds_to_wait = end_time - time.time() if seconds_to_wait <= 0: break current_url = self._RetrieveTabUrl(tab, seconds_to_wait) if current_url != initial_url and current_url != '': break # Retrieving the current url is a non-trivial operation. Add a small # sleep here to prevent this method from contending with the actual # navigation. time.sleep(0.01) def _WaitForTabToBeReady(self, tab, end_time): """Waits for the tab to be ready. If time.time() is larger than end_time, the function does nothing. Otherwise, the function tries to return no later than end_time. """ seconds_to_wait = end_time - time.time() if seconds_to_wait <= 0: return tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete(seconds_to_wait) # Wait up to 10 seconds for the page to quiesce. If the page hasn't # quiesced in 10 seconds, it will probably never quiesce. seconds_to_wait = end_time - time.time() seconds_to_wait = max(0, seconds_to_wait) try: util.WaitFor(tab.HasReachedQuiescence, seconds_to_wait) except exceptions.TimeoutException: pass def _BatchNavigateTabs(self, batch): """Performs a batch of tab navigations with minimal delay. Args: batch: A list of tuples (tab, url). Returns: A list of tuples (tab, initial_url). |initial_url| is the url of the |tab| prior to a navigation command being sent to it. """ # Attempting to pass in a timeout of 0 seconds results in a synchronous # socket error from the websocket library. Pass in a very small timeout # instead so that the websocket library raises a Timeout exception. This # prevents the logic from accidentally catching different socket # exceptions. timeout_in_seconds = 0.01 queued_tabs = [] for tab, url in batch: initial_url = self._RetrieveTabUrl(tab, 20) try: tab.Navigate(url, None, timeout_in_seconds) except exceptions.TimeoutException: # We expect to receive a timeout exception, since we're not waiting for # the navigation to complete. pass queued_tabs.append((tab, initial_url)) return queued_tabs def _WaitForQueuedTabsToLoad(self, queued_tabs): """Waits for all the batch navigated tabs to finish loading. Args: queued_tabs: A list of tuples (tab, initial_url). Each tab is guaranteed to have already been sent a navigation command. """ total_batch_timeout = (len(queued_tabs) * self._BATCH_TIMEOUT_PER_PAGE_IN_SECONDS) end_time = time.time() + total_batch_timeout for tab, initial_url in queued_tabs: # Since we didn't wait any time for the tab url navigation to commit, it's # possible that the tab hasn't started navigating yet. self._WaitForUrlToChange(tab, initial_url, end_time) self._WaitForTabToBeReady(tab, end_time) def _GetUrlsToNavigate(self, url_iterator): """Returns an array of urls to navigate to, given a url_iterator.""" urls = [] for _ in xrange(self._NUM_TABS): try: urls.append( except StopIteration: break return urls def _PerformNavigations(self): """Repeatedly fetches a batch of urls, and navigates to those urls. This will run until an empty batch is returned, or ShouldExitAfterBatchNavigation() returns True. """ url_iterator = self.GetUrlIterator() while True: self._RefreshNavigationTabs() urls = self._GetUrlsToNavigate(url_iterator) if len(urls) == 0: break batch = [] for i in range(len(urls)): url = urls[i] tab = self._navigation_tabs[i] batch.append((tab, url)) queued_tabs = self._BatchNavigateTabs(batch) self._WaitForQueuedTabsToLoad(queued_tabs) self.CleanUpAfterBatchNavigation() if self.ShouldExitAfterBatchNavigation(): break
import sys, os from sphinx.highlighting import lexers from pygments.lexers.web import PhpLexer lexers['php'] = PhpLexer(startinline=True, linenos=1) lexers['php-annotations'] = PhpLexer(startinline=True, linenos=1) primary_domain = 'php' # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- extensions = [] templates_path = ['_templates'] source_suffix = '.rst' master_doc = 'index' project = u'Guzzle' copyright = u'2012, Michael Dowling' version = '3.0.0' release = '3.0.0' exclude_patterns = ['_build'] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". html_title = "Guzzle documentation" html_short_title = "Guzzle" # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. html_sidebars = { '**': ['localtoc.html', 'searchbox.html'] } # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'Guzzledoc' # -- Guzzle Sphinx theme setup ------------------------------------------------ sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/dowling/projects/guzzle_sphinx_theme') import guzzle_sphinx_theme html_translator_class = 'guzzle_sphinx_theme.HTMLTranslator' html_theme_path = guzzle_sphinx_theme.html_theme_path() html_theme = 'guzzle_sphinx_theme' # Guzzle theme options (see theme.conf for more information) html_theme_options = { "project_nav_name": "Guzzle", "github_user": "guzzle", "github_repo": "guzzle", "disqus_comments_shortname": "guzzle", "google_analytics_account": "UA-22752917-1" } # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = {} # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'Guzzle.tex', u'Guzzle Documentation', u'Michael Dowling', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('index', 'guzzle', u'Guzzle Documentation', [u'Michael Dowling'], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('index', 'Guzzle', u'Guzzle Documentation', u'Michael Dowling', 'Guzzle', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ]
from funfactory.urlresolvers import reverse from mock import patch from import eq_ from pyquery import PyQuery as pq from bedrock.mozorg.tests import TestCase @patch('bedrock.newsletter.utils.get_languages_for_newsletters', lambda *x: set(['en', 'fr', 'pt'])) @patch('lib.l10n_utils.template_is_active', lambda *x: True) class TestNewsletterFooter(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.view_name = 'newsletter.mozilla-and-you' def test_country_selected(self): """ The correct country for the locale should be initially selected. """ with self.activate('en-US'): resp = self.client.get(reverse(self.view_name)) doc = pq(resp.content) eq_(doc('#id_country option[selected="selected"]').val(), 'us') # no country in locale, no country selected with self.activate('fr'): resp = self.client.get(reverse(self.view_name)) doc = pq(resp.content) eq_(doc('#id_country option[selected="selected"]').val(), '') with self.activate('pt-BR'): resp = self.client.get(reverse(self.view_name)) doc = pq(resp.content) eq_(doc('#id_country option[selected="selected"]').val(), 'br') def test_language_selected(self): """ The correct language for the locale should be initially selected or 'en' if it's not an option. """ with self.activate('fr'): resp = self.client.get(reverse(self.view_name)) doc = pq(resp.content) eq_(doc('#id_lang option[selected="selected"]').val(), 'fr') # with hyphenated regional locale, should have only lang with self.activate('pt-BR'): resp = self.client.get(reverse(self.view_name)) doc = pq(resp.content) eq_(doc('#id_lang option[selected="selected"]').val(), 'pt') # not supported. should default to '' with self.activate('ak'): resp = self.client.get(reverse(self.view_name)) doc = pq(resp.content) eq_(doc('#id_lang option[selected="selected"]').val(), '')
"""Simple base-classes for extensions and filters. None of the filter and extension functions are considered 'optional' by the framework. These base-classes provide simple implementations for the Initialize and Terminate functions, allowing you to omit them, It is not necessary to use these base-classes - but if you don't, you must ensure each of the required methods are implemented. """ class SimpleExtension: "Base class for a simple ISAPI extension" def __init__(self): pass def GetExtensionVersion(self, vi): """Called by the ISAPI framework to get the extension version The default implementation uses the classes docstring to set the extension description.""" # nod to our reload capability - vi is None when we are reloaded. if vi is not None: vi.ExtensionDesc = self.__doc__ def HttpExtensionProc(self, control_block): """Called by the ISAPI framework for each extension request. sub-classes must provide an implementation for this method. """ raise NotImplementedError("sub-classes should override HttpExtensionProc") def TerminateExtension(self, status): """Called by the ISAPI framework as the extension terminates. """ pass class SimpleFilter: "Base class for a a simple ISAPI filter" filter_flags = None def __init__(self): pass def GetFilterVersion(self, fv): """Called by the ISAPI framework to get the extension version The default implementation uses the classes docstring to set the extension description, and uses the classes filter_flags attribute to set the ISAPI filter flags - you must specify filter_flags in your class. """ if self.filter_flags is None: raise RuntimeError("You must specify the filter flags") # nod to our reload capability - fv is None when we are reloaded. if fv is not None: fv.Flags = self.filter_flags fv.FilterDesc = self.__doc__ def HttpFilterProc(self, fc): """Called by the ISAPI framework for each filter request. sub-classes must provide an implementation for this method. """ raise NotImplementedError("sub-classes should override HttpExtensionProc") def TerminateFilter(self, status): """Called by the ISAPI framework as the filter terminates. """ pass
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import argparse import json import libdlt from unis.exceptions import CollectionIndexError from libdlt.util.common import print_progress SYS_PATH="/etc/periscope" USER_DEPOTS=os.path.join(SYS_PATH, "depots.conf") UNIS_URL = "" XFER_TOTAL = 0 def progress(depot, name, total, size, offset): global XFER_TOTAL if not size: XFER_TOTAL = 0 else: XFER_TOTAL += size print_progress(XFER_TOTAL, total, name) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="DLT File Transfer Tool") parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILES', type=str, nargs='+', help='Files to transfer') parser.add_argument('-u', '--upload', action='store_true', help='Perform file upload (default is download)') parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', type=str, default=UNIS_URL, help='UNIS instance for uploading eXnode metadata') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bs', type=str, default='20m', help='Block size') parser.add_argument('-d', '--depot-file', type=str, default=None, help='Depots in a JSON dict used for upload') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default=None, help='Output file') parser.add_argument('-V', '--visualize', type=str, default=None, help='Periscope URL for visualization') parser.add_argument('-D', '--debug', type=str, default=None, help='Include verbose logging output') parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', type=int, default=5, help='Number of threads for operation') parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', help='Recurse into subdirectories') parser.add_argument('-c', '--cert', type=str, default=None, help='SSL Cert/Key for HTTPS endpoints') args = parser.parse_args() bs = df = args.depot_file if args.debug in ['TRACE', 'DEBUG']: import logging as plogging from lace import logging plogging.basicConfig(format='%(color)s[%(asctime)-15s] [%(levelname)s] %(name)s%(reset)s %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger('libdlt') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.debug == 'TRACE': from lace.logging import trace trace.setLevel(logging.DEBUG, True) depots = None if df: try: f = open(df, "r") depots = json.loads( except Exception as e: print ("{}, trying {}".format(e, USER_DEPOTS)) try: f = open(USER_DEPOTS, "r") depots = json.oads( except: print ("ERROR: No default depot file: {}".format(USER_DEPOTS)) exit(1) sess = libdlt.Session([{"default": True, "url":, "ssl": args.cert}], bs=bs, depots=depots, threads=args.threads, **{"viz_url": args.visualize}) xfer = sess.upload if args.upload else flist = [] for f in args.files: if args.recursive and os.path.isdir(f): for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(f): for n in files: flist.append(os.path.join(dirpath, n)) else: flist.append(f) for f in flist: try: result = xfer(f, folder=args.output, progress_cb=progress) diff, res = result.time, result.exnode except CollectionIndexError as e: print ("ERROR: invalid file or URL: {}".format(e)) exit(1) print ("{0} ({1} {2:.2f} MB/s) {3}".format(, res.size, res.size/1e6/diff, res.selfRef)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from django.test import TestCase from mock import Mock from ..models import FacilityUser, DeviceOwner, Facility, KolibriAnonymousUser from ..api import KolibriAuthPermissions from ..permissions.base import BasePermissions from ..permissions.general import AllowAll, DenyAll class BasePermissionsThrowExceptionsTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.facility = Facility.objects.create() self.object = object() # shouldn't matter what the object is, for these tests self.facility_user = FacilityUser.objects.create(username="qqq", facility=self.facility) self.device_owner = DeviceOwner.objects.create(username="zzz") self.anon_user = KolibriAnonymousUser() self.permissions = BasePermissions() def test_user_cannot_create(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_create_object(self.facility_user, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_create_object(self.device_owner, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_create_object(self.anon_user, self.object)) def test_user_cannot_read(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_read_object(self.facility_user, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_read_object(self.device_owner, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_read_object(self.anon_user, self.object)) def test_user_cannot_update(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_update_object(self.facility_user, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_update_object(self.device_owner, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_update_object(self.anon_user, self.object)) def test_user_cannot_delete(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_delete_object(self.facility_user, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_delete_object(self.device_owner, self.object)) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertFalse(self.permissions.user_can_delete_object(self.anon_user, self.object)) class TestBooleanOperationsOnPermissionClassesTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.facility = Facility.objects.create() self.obj = object() self.user = FacilityUser.objects.create(username='dummyuser', facility=self.facility) self.queryset = FacilityUser.objects.all() def assertAllowAll(self, perms, test_filtering=True): self.assertTrue(perms.user_can_create_object(self.user, self.obj)) self.assertTrue(perms.user_can_read_object(self.user, self.obj)) self.assertTrue(perms.user_can_update_object(self.user, self.obj)) self.assertTrue(perms.user_can_delete_object(self.user, self.obj)) if test_filtering: self.assertSetEqual(set(self.queryset), set(perms.readable_by_user_filter(self.user, self.queryset))) def assertDenyAll(self, perms, test_filtering=True): self.assertFalse(perms.user_can_create_object(self.user, self.obj)) self.assertFalse(perms.user_can_read_object(self.user, self.obj)) self.assertFalse(perms.user_can_update_object(self.user, self.obj)) self.assertFalse(perms.user_can_delete_object(self.user, self.obj)) if test_filtering: self.assertEqual(len(perms.readable_by_user_filter(self.user, self.queryset)), 0) def test_allow_or_allow(self): self.assertAllowAll(AllowAll() | AllowAll()) def test_allow_or_deny(self): self.assertAllowAll(AllowAll() | DenyAll()) def test_deny_or_allow(self): self.assertAllowAll(DenyAll() | AllowAll()) def test_deny_or_deny(self): self.assertDenyAll(DenyAll() | DenyAll()) def test_allow_and_allow(self): self.assertAllowAll(AllowAll() & AllowAll()) def test_allow_and_deny(self): self.assertDenyAll(AllowAll() & DenyAll()) def test_deny_and_allow(self): self.assertDenyAll(DenyAll() & AllowAll()) def test_deny_and_deny(self): self.assertDenyAll(DenyAll() & DenyAll()) def test_or_is_shortcircuited_for_efficiency(self): self.assertAllowAll(AllowAll() | BasePermissions(), test_filtering=False) def test_and_is_shortcircuited_for_efficiency(self): self.assertDenyAll(DenyAll() & BasePermissions(), test_filtering=False) def test_or_is_not_shortcircuited_inappropriately(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertAllowAll(BasePermissions() | AllowAll()) def test_and_is_not_shortcircuited_inappropriately(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.assertDenyAll(BasePermissions() & DenyAll()) class KolibriAuthPermissionsTestCase(TestCase): def test_bad_request_method(self): request = Mock(method="BADWOLF") view = Mock() obj = Mock() perm_obj = KolibriAuthPermissions() self.assertFalse(perm_obj.has_object_permission(request, view, obj))
from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from django.db import models from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext from paypal.payflow import codes from paypal import base @python_2_unicode_compatible class PayflowTransaction(base.ResponseModel): # This is the linking parameter between the merchant and PayPal. It is # normally set to the order number comment1 = models.CharField(_("Comment 1"), max_length=128, db_index=True) trxtype = models.CharField(_("Transaction type"), max_length=12) tender = models.CharField(_("Bankcard or PayPal"), max_length=12, null=True) amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True) # Response params pnref = models.CharField(_("Payflow transaction ID"), max_length=32, null=True) ppref = models.CharField(_("Payment transaction ID"), max_length=32, unique=True, null=True) result = models.CharField(max_length=32, null=True, blank=True) respmsg = models.CharField(_("Response message"), max_length=512) authcode = models.CharField(_("Auth code"), max_length=32, null=True, blank=True) # Fraud/risk params cvv2match = models.CharField(_("CVV2 check"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=12) avsaddr = models.CharField(_("House number check"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=1) avszip = models.CharField(_("Zip/Postcode check"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=1) class Meta: ordering = ('-date_created',) app_label = 'paypal' def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.raw_request = re.sub(r'PWD=.+?&', 'PWD=XXXXXX&', self.raw_request) self.raw_request = re.sub(r'ACCT=\d+(\d{4})&', 'ACCT=XXXXXXXXXXXX\1&', self.raw_request) self.raw_request = re.sub(r'CVV2=\d+&', 'CVV2=XXX&', self.raw_request) return super(PayflowTransaction, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def get_trxtype_display(self): return ugettext(codes.trxtype_map.get(self.trxtype, self.trxtype)) get_trxtype_display.short_description = _("Transaction type") def get_tender_display(self): return ugettext(codes.tender_map.get(self.tender, '')) get_tender_display.short_description = _("Tender") @property def is_approved(self): return self.result in ('0', '126') def is_address_verified(self): return self.avsaddr == 'Y' and self.avzip == 'Y' def __str__(self): return self.pnref @property def can_be_voided(self): if self.trxtype != codes.AUTHORIZATION: return False return self.is_approved @property def can_be_credited(self): """ Test if this txn can be credited """ if self.trxtype not in (codes.SALE, codes.DELAYED_CAPTURE): return False return self.is_approved @property def can_be_captured(self): """ Test if this txn can be captured """ if self.trxtype != codes.AUTHORIZATION: return False return self.is_approved
### # Copyright (c) 2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Commands that use the dictd protocol to define word. """ import supybot import as world # Use this for the version of this plugin. You may wish to put a CVS keyword # in here if you\'re keeping the plugin in CVS or some similar system. __version__ = "%%VERSION%%" __author__ = supybot.authors.jemfinch # This is a dictionary mapping supybot.Author instances to lists of # contributions. __contributors__ = {} from . import config from . import plugin from imp import reload reload(plugin) # In case we're being reloaded. if world.testing: from . import test Class = plugin.Class configure = config.configure # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79:
"""SmartHab configuration flow.""" import logging import pysmarthab import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import CONF_EMAIL, CONF_PASSWORD from . import DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SmartHabConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """SmartHab config flow.""" VERSION = 1 def _show_setup_form(self, user_input=None, errors=None): """Show the setup form to the user.""" if user_input is None: user_input = {} return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Required( CONF_EMAIL, default=user_input.get(CONF_EMAIL, "") ): str, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str, } ), errors=errors or {}, ) async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle a flow initiated by the user.""" errors = {} if user_input is None: return self._show_setup_form(user_input, None) username = user_input[CONF_EMAIL] password = user_input[CONF_PASSWORD] # Check if already configured if self.unique_id is None: await self.async_set_unique_id(username) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() # Setup connection with SmartHab API hub = pysmarthab.SmartHab() try: await hub.async_login(username, password) # Verify that passed in configuration works if hub.is_logged_in(): return self.async_create_entry( title=username, data={CONF_EMAIL: username, CONF_PASSWORD: password} ) errors["base"] = "invalid_auth" except pysmarthab.RequestFailedException: _LOGGER.exception("Error while trying to reach SmartHab API") errors["base"] = "service" except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error during login") errors["base"] = "unknown" return self._show_setup_form(user_input, errors) async def async_step_import(self, import_info): """Handle import from legacy config.""" return await self.async_step_user(import_info)
# Copyright 2020 The SQLFlow Authors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import runtime.temp_file as temp_file from runtime import db from runtime.diagnostics import SQLFlowDiagnostic from runtime.model import EstimatorType from runtime.pai import cluster_conf, pai_model, table_ops from runtime.pai.get_pai_tf_cmd import (ENTRY_FILE, JOB_ARCHIVE_FILE, PARAMS_FILE, get_pai_tf_cmd) from runtime.pai.prepare_archive import prepare_archive from runtime.pai.submit_pai_task import submit_pai_task from runtime.pai_local.try_run import try_pai_local_run from runtime.step.create_result_table import create_evaluate_table def submit_pai_evaluate(datasource, original_sql, select, label_name, model, model_params, result_table, user=""): """Submit a PAI evaluation task Args: datasource: string Like: maxcompute://ak:[email protected]/api? curr_project=test_ci&scheme=http original_sql: string Original "TO PREDICT" statement. select: string SQL statement to get prediction data set. model: string Model to load and do prediction. label_name: string The label name to evaluate. model_params: dict Params for training, crossponding to WITH clause. result_table: string The table name to save prediction result. user: string A string to identify the user, used to load model from the user's directory. """ params = dict(locals()) project = table_ops.get_project(datasource) if result_table.count(".") == 0: result_table = "%s.%s" % (project, result_table) params["result_table"] = result_table oss_model_path = pai_model.get_oss_model_save_path(datasource, model, user=user) model_type, estimator = pai_model.get_saved_model_type_and_estimator( datasource, model) if model_type == EstimatorType.PAIML: raise SQLFlowDiagnostic("PAI model evaluation is not supported yet.") if model_type == EstimatorType.XGBOOST: params["entry_type"] = "evaluate_xgb" validation_metrics = model_params.get("validation.metrics", "accuracy_score") else: params["entry_type"] = "evaluate_tf" validation_metrics = model_params.get("validation.metrics", "Accuracy") validation_metrics = [m.strip() for m in validation_metrics.split(",")] with db.connect_with_data_source(datasource) as conn: result_column_names = create_evaluate_table(conn, result_table, validation_metrics) with table_ops.create_tmp_tables_guard(select, datasource) as data_table: params["pai_table"] = data_table params["result_column_names"] = result_column_names if try_pai_local_run(params, oss_model_path): return conf = cluster_conf.get_cluster_config(model_params) with temp_file.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="sqlflow", dir="/tmp") as cwd: prepare_archive(cwd, estimator, oss_model_path, params) cmd = get_pai_tf_cmd( conf, "file://" + os.path.join(cwd, JOB_ARCHIVE_FILE), "file://" + os.path.join(cwd, PARAMS_FILE), ENTRY_FILE, model, oss_model_path, data_table, "", result_table, project) submit_pai_task(cmd, datasource)
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import permission_required from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext from django.utils.cache import add_never_cache_headers try: from django.template.response import TemplateResponse except ImportError: TemplateResponse = None from import Page class Handler(object): """ This is the default handler for feincms page content. It isn't a class-based-view like those in Django's generic view framework. State should not be stored on the ``Handler`` class, because of thread-safety and cross polination issues. """ def __call__(self, request, path=None): return self.build_response(request, Page.objects.page_for_path_or_404(path or request.path)) def build_response(self, request, page): """ Calls `prepare`, `render` and `finalize`, in this order. """ response = self.prepare(request, page) if response: return response response = self.render(request, page) return self.finalize(request, response, page) def prepare(self, request, page): """ Prepare / pre-process content types. If this method returns anything, it is treated as a ``HttpResponse`` and handed back to the visitor. """ response = page.setup_request(request) if response: return response for content in page.content.all_of_type(tuple(page._feincms_content_types_with_process)): r = content.process(request) if r: return r def render(self, request, page): """ The render step. Must return a HttpResponse. """ # This facility can be used by request processors to add values # to the context. context = request._feincms_extra_context context['feincms_page'] = page if TemplateResponse: return TemplateResponse(request, page.template.path, context) else: return render_to_response(page.template.path, context_instance=RequestContext(request, context)) def finalize(self, request, response, page): """ Runs finalize() on content types having such a method, adds headers and returns the final response. """ for content in page.content.all_of_type(tuple(page._feincms_content_types_with_finalize)): r = content.finalize(request, response) if r: return r page.finalize_response(request, response) # Add never cache headers in case frontend editing is active if hasattr(request, "session") and request.session.get('frontend_editing', False): add_never_cache_headers(response) return response #: Default handler handler = Handler() class PreviewHandler(Handler): """ This handler is for previewing site content; it takes a page_id so the page is uniquely identified and does not care whether the page is active or expired. To balance that, it requires a logged in user. """ def __call__(self, request, page_id): page = get_object_or_404(Page, pk=page_id) return self.build_response(request, page) def finalize(self, request, response, page): """ Do (nearly) nothing. Do not call any ``finalize`` methods, because those might add stuff to the cache, set ETags etc. all of which we cannot use in a preview handler. """ add_never_cache_headers(response) return response #: Preview handler preview_handler = permission_required('page.change_page')(PreviewHandler())
#!/usr/bin/env python # # A module to analyze and identify any common problems which can be determined from log files # # Initial code by Andrew Chapman ([email protected]), 16th Jan 2014 # # some logging oddities noticed while doing this, to be followed up on: # - tradheli MOT labels Mot1,Mot2,Mot3,Mot4,GGain # - Pixhawk doesn't output one of the FMT labels... forget which one # - MAG offsets seem to be constant (only seen data on Pixhawk) # - MAG offsets seem to be cast to int before being output? (param is -84.67, logged as -84) # - copter+plane use 'V' in their vehicle type/version/build line, rover uses lower case 'v'. Copter+Rover give a build number, plane does not # - CTUN.ThrOut on copter is 0-1000, on plane+rover it is 0-100 # TODO: add test for noisy baro values # TODO: support loading binary log files (use Tridge's mavlogdump?) import DataflashLog import pprint # temp import imp import glob import inspect import os, sys import argparse import datetime import time from xml.sax.saxutils import escape class TestResult(object): '''all tests return a standardized result type''' class StatusType: # NA means not applicable for this log (e.g. copter tests against a plane log), UNKNOWN means it is missing data required for the test GOOD, FAIL, WARN, UNKNOWN, NA = range(5) status = None statusMessage = "" # can be multi-line class Test(object): '''base class to be inherited by log tests. Each test should be quite granular so we have lots of small tests with clear results''' def __init__(self): = "" self.result = None # will be an instance of TestResult after being run self.execTime = None self.enable = True def run(self, logdata, verbose=False): pass class TestSuite(object): '''registers test classes, loading using a basic plugin architecture, and can run them all in one run() operation''' def __init__(self): self.tests = [] self.logfile = None self.logdata = None # dynamically load in Test subclasses from the 'tests' folder # to prevent one being loaded, move it out of that folder, or set that test's .enable attribute to False dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) testScripts = glob.glob(dirName + '/tests/*.py') testClasses = [] for script in testScripts: m = imp.load_source("m",script) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(m, inspect.isclass): if name not in testClasses and inspect.getsourcefile(obj) == script: testClasses.append(name) self.tests.append(obj()) # and here's an example of explicitly loading a Test class if you wanted to do that # m = imp.load_source("m", dirName + '/tests/') # self.tests.append(m.TestBadParams()) def run(self, logdata, verbose): '''run all registered tests in a single call, gathering execution timing info''' self.logdata = logdata self.logfile = logdata.filename for test in self.tests: # run each test in turn, gathering timing info if test.enable: startTime = time.time(), verbose) # RUN THE TEST endTime = time.time() test.execTime = 1000 * (endTime-startTime) def outputPlainText(self, outputStats): '''output test results in plain text''' print 'Dataflash log analysis report for file: ' + self.logfile print 'Log size: %.2fmb (%d lines)' % (self.logdata.filesizeKB / 1024.0, self.logdata.lineCount) print 'Log duration: %s' % str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.logdata.durationSecs)) + '\n' if self.logdata.vehicleType == "ArduCopter" and self.logdata.getCopterType(): print 'Vehicle Type: %s (%s)' % (self.logdata.vehicleType, self.logdata.getCopterType()) else: print 'Vehicle Type: %s' % self.logdata.vehicleType print 'Firmware Version: %s (%s)' % (self.logdata.firmwareVersion, self.logdata.firmwareHash) print 'Hardware: %s' % self.logdata.hardwareType print 'Free RAM: %s' % self.logdata.freeRAM if self.logdata.skippedLines: print "\nWARNING: %d malformed log lines skipped during read" % self.logdata.skippedLines print '\n' print "Test Results:" for test in self.tests: if not test.enable: continue statusMessageFirstLine = test.result.statusMessage.strip('\n\r').split('\n')[0] statusMessageExtra = test.result.statusMessage.strip('\n\r').split('\n')[1:] execTime = "" if outputStats: execTime = " (%6.2fms)" % (test.execTime) if test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.GOOD: print " %20s: GOOD %-55s%s" % (, statusMessageFirstLine, execTime) elif test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.FAIL: print " %20s: FAIL %-55s%s [GRAPH]" % (, statusMessageFirstLine, execTime) elif test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.WARN: print " %20s: WARN %-55s%s [GRAPH]" % (, statusMessageFirstLine, execTime) elif test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.NA: # skip any that aren't relevant for this vehicle/hardware/etc continue else: print " %20s: UNKNOWN %-55s%s" % (, statusMessageFirstLine, execTime) #if statusMessageExtra: for line in statusMessageExtra: print " %29s %s" % ("",line) print '\n' print 'The Log Analyzer is currently BETA code.\nFor any support or feedback on the log analyzer please email Andrew Chapman ([email protected])' print '\n' def outputXML(self, xmlFile): '''output test results to an XML file''' # open the file for writing xml = None try: if xmlFile == '-': xml = sys.stdout else: xml = open(xmlFile, 'w') except: sys.stderr.write("Error opening output xml file: %s" % xmlFile) sys.exit(1) # output header info print >>xml, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" print >>xml, "<loganalysis>" print >>xml, "<header>" print >>xml, " <logfile>" + escape(self.logfile) + "</logfile>" print >>xml, " <sizekb>" + escape(`self.logdata.filesizeKB`) + "</sizekb>" print >>xml, " <sizelines>" + escape(`self.logdata.lineCount`) + "</sizelines>" print >>xml, " <duration>" + escape(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.logdata.durationSecs))) + "</duration>" print >>xml, " <vehicletype>" + escape(self.logdata.vehicleType) + "</vehicletype>" if self.logdata.vehicleType == "ArduCopter" and self.logdata.getCopterType(): print >>xml, " <coptertype>" + escape(self.logdata.getCopterType()) + "</coptertype>" print >>xml, " <firmwareversion>" + escape(self.logdata.firmwareVersion) + "</firmwareversion>" print >>xml, " <firmwarehash>" + escape(self.logdata.firmwareHash) + "</firmwarehash>" print >>xml, " <hardwaretype>" + escape(self.logdata.hardwareType) + "</hardwaretype>" print >>xml, " <freemem>" + escape(`self.logdata.freeRAM`) + "</freemem>" print >>xml, " <skippedlines>" + escape(`self.logdata.skippedLines`) + "</skippedlines>" print >>xml, "</header>" # output parameters print >>xml, "<params>" for param, value in self.logdata.parameters.items(): print >>xml, " <param name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />" % (param,escape(`value`)) print >>xml, "</params>" # output test results print >>xml, "<results>" for test in self.tests: if not test.enable: continue print >>xml, " <result>" if test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.GOOD: print >>xml, " <name>" + escape( + "</name>" print >>xml, " <status>GOOD</status>" print >>xml, " <message>" + escape(test.result.statusMessage) + "</message>" elif test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.FAIL: print >>xml, " <name>" + escape( + "</name>" print >>xml, " <status>FAIL</status>" print >>xml, " <message>" + escape(test.result.statusMessage) + "</message>" print >>xml, " <data>(test data will be embeded here at some point)</data>" elif test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.WARN: print >>xml, " <name>" + escape( + "</name>" print >>xml, " <status>WARN</status>" print >>xml, " <message>" + escape(test.result.statusMessage) + "</message>" print >>xml, " <data>(test data will be embeded here at some point)</data>" elif test.result.status == TestResult.StatusType.NA: print >>xml, " <name>" + escape( + "</name>" print >>xml, " <status>NA</status>" else: print >>xml, " <name>" + escape( + "</name>" print >>xml, " <status>UNKNOWN</status>" print >>xml, " <message>" + escape(test.result.statusMessage) + "</message>" print >>xml, " </result>" print >>xml, "</results>" print >>xml, "</loganalysis>" xml.close() def main(): dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # deal with command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyze an APM Dataflash log for known issues') parser.add_argument('logfile', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='path to Dataflash log file (or - for stdin)') parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', metavar='', type=str, action='store', choices=['bin','log','auto'], default='auto', help='log file format: \'bin\',\'log\' or \'auto\'') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', metavar='', action='store_const', const=True, help='quiet mode, do not print results') parser.add_argument('-p', '--profile', metavar='', action='store_const', const=True, help='output performance profiling data') parser.add_argument('-s', '--skip_bad', metavar='', action='store_const', const=True, help='skip over corrupt dataflash lines') parser.add_argument('-e', '--empty', metavar='', action='store_const', const=True, help='run an initial check for an empty log') parser.add_argument('-x', '--xml', type=str, metavar='XML file', nargs='?', const='', default='', help='write output to specified XML file (or - for stdout)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', metavar='', action='store_const', const=True, help='verbose output') args = parser.parse_args() # load the log startTime = time.time() logdata = DataflashLog.DataflashLog(, format=args.format, ignoreBadlines=args.skip_bad) # read log endTime = time.time() if args.profile: print "Log file read time: %.2f seconds" % (endTime-startTime) # check for empty log if requested if args.empty: emptyErr = DataflashLog.DataflashLogHelper.isLogEmpty(logdata) if emptyErr: sys.stderr.write("Empty log file: %s, %s" % (logdata.filename, emptyErr)) sys.exit(1) #run the tests, and gather timings testSuite = TestSuite() startTime = time.time(), args.verbose) # run tests endTime = time.time() if args.profile: print "Test suite run time: %.2f seconds" % (endTime-startTime) # deal with output if not args.quiet: testSuite.outputPlainText(args.profile) if args.xml: testSuite.outputXML(args.xml) if not args.quiet: print "XML output written to file: %s\n" % args.xml if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """SavedModel builder. Builds a SavedModel that can be saved to storage, is language neutral, and enables systems to produce, consume, or transform TensorFlow Models. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.saved_model.builder_impl import SavedModelBuilder # pylint: enable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.util.all_util import remove_undocumented _allowed_symbols = [ "SavedModelBuilder", ] remove_undocumented(__name__, _allowed_symbols)
############################################################################## # MDTraj: A Python Library for Loading, Saving, and Manipulating # Molecular Dynamics Trajectories. # Copyright 2012-2015 Stanford University and the Authors # # Authors: Robert McGibbon # Contributors: Kyle A Beauchamp, Jason Swails # # MDTraj is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with MDTraj. If not, see <>. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Imports ############################################################################## from __future__ import print_function, division import numpy as np from mdtraj.utils import ensure_type from mdtraj.utils.six.moves import range from mdtraj.geometry import _geometry __all__ = ['compute_distances', 'compute_displacements', 'compute_center_of_mass', 'find_closest_contact'] ############################################################################## # Functions ############################################################################## def compute_distances(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=True, opt=True): """Compute the distances between pairs of atoms in each frame. Parameters ---------- traj : Trajectory An mtraj trajectory. atom_pairs : np.ndarray, shape=(num_pairs, 2), dtype=int Each row gives the indices of two atoms involved in the interaction. periodic : bool, default=True If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell information, we will compute distances under the minimum image convention. opt : bool, default=True Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized SSE minimum image convention calculation implementation is over 1000x faster than the naive numpy implementation. Returns ------- distances : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, num_pairs), dtype=float The distance, in each frame, between each pair of atoms. """ xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False) pairs = ensure_type(atom_pairs, dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='atom_pairs', shape=(None, 2), warn_on_cast=False) if not np.all(np.logical_and(pairs < traj.n_atoms, pairs >= 0)): raise ValueError('atom_pairs must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms) if len(pairs) == 0: return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32) if periodic and traj._have_unitcell: box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3), warn_on_cast=False) orthogonal = np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90) if opt: out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) _geometry._dist_mic(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out, orthogonal) return out else: return _distance_mic(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1), orthogonal) # either there are no unitcell vectors or they dont want to use them if opt: out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) _geometry._dist(xyz, pairs, out) return out else: return _distance(xyz, pairs) def compute_displacements(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=True, opt=True): """Compute the displacement vector between pairs of atoms in each frame of a trajectory. Parameters ---------- traj : Trajectory Trajectory to compute distances in atom_pairs : np.ndarray, shape[num_pairs, 2], dtype=int Each row gives the indices of two atoms. periodic : bool, default=True If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell information, we will compute distances under the minimum image convention. opt : bool, default=True Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized minimum image convention calculation implementation is over 1000x faster than the naive numpy implementation. Returns ------- displacements : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_pairs, 3], dtype=float32 The displacememt vector, in each frame, between each pair of atoms. """ xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False) pairs = ensure_type(np.asarray(atom_pairs), dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='atom_pairs', shape=(None, 2), warn_on_cast=False) if not np.all(np.logical_and(pairs < traj.n_atoms, pairs >= 0)): raise ValueError('atom_pairs must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms) if periodic and traj._have_unitcell: box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3), warn_on_cast=False) orthogonal = np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90) if opt: out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32) _geometry._dist_mic_displacement(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out, orthogonal) return out else: return _displacement_mic(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1), orthogonal) # either there are no unitcell vectors or they dont want to use them if opt: out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32) _geometry._dist_displacement(xyz, pairs, out) return out return _displacement(xyz, pairs) def compute_center_of_mass(traj): """Compute the center of mass for each frame. Parameters ---------- traj : Trajectory Trajectory to compute center of mass for Returns ------- com : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3) Coordinates of the center of mass for each frame """ com = np.zeros((traj.n_frames, 3)) masses = np.array([a.element.mass for a in]) masses /= masses.sum() for i, x in enumerate( com[i, :] = x.astype('float64') return com def find_closest_contact(traj, group1, group2, frame=0, periodic=True): """Find the closest contact between two groups of atoms. Given a frame of a Trajectory and two groups of atoms, identify the pair of atoms (one from each group) that form the closest contact between the two groups. Parameters ---------- traj : Trajectory An mtraj trajectory. group1 : np.ndarray, shape=(num_atoms), dtype=int The indices of atoms in the first group. group2 : np.ndarray, shape=(num_atoms), dtype=int The indices of atoms in the second group. frame : int, default=0 The frame of the Trajectory to take positions from periodic : bool, default=True If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell information, we will compute distances under the minimum image convention. Returns ------- result : tuple (int, int, float) The indices of the two atoms forming the closest contact, and the distance between them. """ xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)[frame] atoms1 = ensure_type(group1, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1, name='group1', warn_on_cast=False) atoms2 = ensure_type(group2, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1, name='group2', warn_on_cast=False) if periodic and traj._have_unitcell: box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(, 3, 3), warn_on_cast=False)[frame] else: box = None return _geometry._find_closest_contact(xyz, atoms1, atoms2, box) ############################################################################## # pure python implementation of the core routines ############################################################################## def _distance(xyz, pairs): "Distance between pairs of points in each frame" delta = np.diff(xyz[:, pairs], axis=2)[:, :, 0] return (delta ** 2.).sum(-1) ** 0.5 def _displacement(xyz, pairs): "Displacement vector between pairs of points in each frame" value = np.diff(xyz[:, pairs], axis=2)[:, :, 0] assert value.shape == (xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0], 3), 'v.shape %s, xyz.shape %s, pairs.shape %s' % (str(value.shape), str(xyz.shape), str(pairs.shape)) return value def _distance_mic(xyz, pairs, box_vectors, orthogonal): """Distance between pairs of points in each frame under the minimum image convention for periodic boundary conditions. The computation follows scheme B.9 in Tukerman, M. "Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular Simulation", 2010. This is a slow pure python implementation, mostly for testing. """ out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len(xyz)): hinv = np.linalg.inv(box_vectors[i]) bv1, bv2, bv3 = box_vectors[i].T for j, (a,b) in enumerate(pairs): s1 =, xyz[i,a,:]) s2 =, xyz[i,b,:]) s12 = s2 - s1 s12 = s12 - np.round(s12) r12 =[i], s12) dist = np.linalg.norm(r12) if not orthogonal: for ii in range(-1, 2): v1 = bv1*ii for jj in range(-1, 2): v12 = bv2*jj + v1 for kk in range(-1, 2): new_r12 = r12 + v12 + bv3*kk dist = min(dist, np.linalg.norm(new_r12)) out[i, j] = dist return out def _displacement_mic(xyz, pairs, box_vectors, orthogonal): """Displacement vector between pairs of points in each frame under the minimum image convention for periodic boundary conditions. The computation follows scheme B.9 in Tukerman, M. "Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular Simulation", 2010. This is a very slow pure python implementation, mostly for testing. """ out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len(xyz)): hinv = np.linalg.inv(box_vectors[i]) bv1, bv2, bv3 = box_vectors[i].T for j, (a,b) in enumerate(pairs): s1 =, xyz[i,a,:]) s2 =, xyz[i,b,:]) s12 = s2 - s1 s12 = s12 - np.round(s12) disp =[i], s12) min_disp = disp dist2 = (disp*disp).sum() if not orthogonal: for ii in range(-1, 2): v1 = bv1*ii for jj in range(-1, 2): v12 = bv2*jj+v1 for kk in range(-1, 2): tmp = disp + v12 + bv3*kk new_dist2 = (tmp*tmp).sum() if new_dist2 < dist2: dist2 = new_dist2 min_disp = tmp out[i, j] = min_disp return out
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Tag' db.create_table('articles_tag', ( ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=64)), )) db.send_create_signal('articles', ['Tag']) # Adding model 'ArticleStatus' db.create_table('articles_articlestatus', ( ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=50)), ('ordering','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(default=0)), ('is_live','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), )) db.send_create_signal('articles', ['ArticleStatus']) # Adding model 'Article' db.create_table('articles_article', ( ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('title','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=100)), ('slug','django.db.models.fields.SlugField')(max_length=50, db_index=True)), ('status','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['articles.ArticleStatus'])), ('author','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['auth.User'])), ('keywords','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('description','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('markup','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default='h', max_length=1)), ('content','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('rendered_content','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('publish_date','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(, ('expiration_date','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('is_active','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('login_required','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('use_addthis_button','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('addthis_use_author','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('addthis_username','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default=None, max_length=50, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal('articles', ['Article']) # Adding M2M table for field sites on 'Article' db.create_table('articles_article_sites', ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), ('article', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.article'], null=False)), ('site', models.ForeignKey(orm[''], null=False)) )) db.create_unique('articles_article_sites', ['article_id', 'site_id']) # Adding M2M table for field tags on 'Article' db.create_table('articles_article_tags', ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), ('article', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.article'], null=False)), ('tag', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.tag'], null=False)) )) db.create_unique('articles_article_tags', ['article_id', 'tag_id']) # Adding M2M table for field followup_for on 'Article' db.create_table('articles_article_followup_for', ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), ('from_article', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.article'], null=False)), ('to_article', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.article'], null=False)) )) db.create_unique('articles_article_followup_for', ['from_article_id', 'to_article_id']) # Adding M2M table for field related_articles on 'Article' db.create_table('articles_article_related_articles', ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), ('from_article', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.article'], null=False)), ('to_article', models.ForeignKey(orm['articles.article'], null=False)) )) db.create_unique('articles_article_related_articles', ['from_article_id', 'to_article_id']) # Adding model 'Attachment' db.create_table('articles_attachment', ( ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('article','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(related_name='attachments', to=orm['articles.Article'])), ('attachment','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(max_length=100)), ('caption','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal('articles', ['Attachment']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Tag' db.delete_table('articles_tag') # Deleting model 'ArticleStatus' db.delete_table('articles_articlestatus') # Deleting model 'Article' db.delete_table('articles_article') # Removing M2M table for field sites on 'Article' db.delete_table('articles_article_sites') # Removing M2M table for field tags on 'Article' db.delete_table('articles_article_tags') # Removing M2M table for field followup_for on 'Article' db.delete_table('articles_article_followup_for') # Removing M2M table for field related_articles on 'Article' db.delete_table('articles_article_related_articles') # Deleting model 'Attachment' db.delete_table('articles_attachment') models = { 'articles.article': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('-publish_date', 'title')", 'object_name': 'Article'}, 'addthis_use_author': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'addthis_username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': 'None', 'max_length': '50', 'blank': 'True'}), 'author': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'content': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'expiration_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'followup_for': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'followups'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': "orm['articles.Article']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'keywords': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'login_required': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'markup': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'h'", 'max_length': '1'}), 'publish_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'related_articles': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'related_name': "'related_articles_rel_+'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': "orm['articles.Article']"}), 'rendered_content': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'sites': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['sites.Site']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['articles.ArticleStatus']"}), 'tags': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['articles.Tag']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'use_addthis_button': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}) }, 'articles.articlestatus': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('ordering', 'name')", 'object_name': 'ArticleStatus'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_live': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'ordering': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}) }, 'articles.attachment': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('-article', 'id')", 'object_name': 'Attachment'}, 'article': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'attachments'", 'to': "orm['articles.Article']"}), 'attachment': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'caption': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}) }, 'articles.tag': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'object_name': 'Tag'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '64'}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('domain',)", 'object_name': 'Site', 'db_table': "'django_site'"}, 'domain': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) } } complete_apps = ['articles']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals) import unittest from mock import Mock from pytest import fixture from oauth2client.client import OAuth2Credentials from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth from import GoogleDrive from fs.tests import FSTestCases from googledrivefs import GoogleDriveFS client_config = { 'auth_uri': '', 'client_id': '105537897616-oqt2bc3ffgi3l2bd07o1s3feq68ga5m7' '', 'client_secret': 'sC6ZXdmHf_qXR0bQ0XaLvfSp', 'redirect_uri': 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', 'revoke_uri': None, 'token_uri': ''} credentials = '{"_module": "oauth2client.client", "token_expiry": "2014-06-07T17:04:26Z", "access_token": "ya29.KgBLjqMlBwNydhoAAACKi7Trb4b3VyN4LZX5JHHTz9wdUeAOqupcFn65q9p0kA", "token_uri": "", "invalid": false, "token_response": {"access_token": "ya29.KgBLjqMlBwNydhoAAACKi7Trb4b3VyN4LZX5JHHTz9wdUeAOqupcFn65q9p0kA", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "1/1Ani7Ovt_KmBPaQxbyc4ZGvhTHMNu4gwVdPiBR8_8BQ"}, "client_id": "", "id_token": null, "client_secret": "sC6ZXdmHf_qXR0bQ0XaLvfSp", "revoke_uri": "", "_class": "OAuth2Credentials", "refresh_token": "1/1Ani7Ovt_KmBPaQxbyc4ZGvhTHMNu4gwVdPiBR8_8BQ", "user_agent": null}' def cleanup_googledrive(fs): """Remove all files and folders from Google Drive""" for entry in fs.listdir(files_only=True): fs.remove(entry) for entry in fs.listdir(dirs_only=True): fs.removedir(entry, force=True) fs.client.auth.service.files().emptyTrash().execute() class TestGoogleDriveFS(): @fixture def fs(self): gauth = GoogleAuth() gauth.credentials = OAuth2Credentials.from_json(credentials) gauth.client_config = client_config gauth.settings["client_config_backend"] = "settings" drive = GoogleDrive(gauth) return GoogleDriveFS(drive) def test_map_ids_to_paths(self, fs): # Arrange file_list = [ {'parents': [{'id': '0B_lkT', 'isRoot': True}], 'id': '1APq7o', 'title': 'file_at_root.txt'}, {'parents': [{'id': '0B_lkT', 'isRoot': True}], 'id': '1xp13X', 'title': 'folder_at_root'}, {'parents': [{'id': '1xp13X', 'isRoot': False}], 'id': '13PuVd', 'title': 'file1_in_folder.txt'}, {'parents': [{'id': '1xp13X', 'isRoot': False}], 'id': '1ovGwK', 'title': 'file2_in_folder.txt'}, {'parents': [{'id': '1xp13X', 'isRoot': False}], 'id': '0Ap6n5', 'title': 'folder_in_folder'}, ] fs.client.ListFile = Mock() fs.client.ListFile.return_value.GetList.return_value = file_list # Act ids = fs._map_ids_to_paths() # Assert assert ids['/file_at_root.txt'] == '1APq7o' assert ids['/folder_at_root'] == '1xp13X' assert ids['/folder_at_root/file1_in_folder.txt'] == '13PuVd' assert ids['/folder_at_root/file2_in_folder.txt'] == '1ovGwK' assert ids['/folder_at_root/folder_in_folder'] == '0Ap6n5' class TestExternalGoogleDriveFS(unittest.TestCase, FSTestCases): """This will test the GoogleDriveFS implementation against the base tests defined in PyFilesystem""" def setUp(self): gauth = GoogleAuth() gauth.credentials = OAuth2Credentials.from_json(credentials) gauth.client_config = client_config gauth.settings["client_config_backend"] = "settings" drive = GoogleDrive(gauth) self.fs = GoogleDriveFS(drive) def tearDown(self): cleanup_googledrive(self.fs) self.fs.close()
#@+leo-ver=4 #@+node:@file #@@language python #@<< Copyright >> #@+node:<< Copyright >> ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Reithinger GmbH # [email protected] # # This file is part of faces. # # faces is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # faces is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################ #@-node:<< Copyright >> #@nl """ This module contains all classes and functions for the project plan calendar """ #@<< Imports >> #@+node:<< Imports >> from string import * import datetime import time import re import locale import bisect import sys TIME_RANGE_PATTERN = re.compile("(\\d+):(\\d+)\\s*-\\s*(\\d+):(\\d+)") TIME_DELTA_PATTERN = re.compile("([-+]?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)([dwmyMH])") DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TIME_UNIT = 15 DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_WEEK = 5 DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_MONTH = 20 DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_YEAR = 200 DEFAULT_WORKING_HOURS_PER_DAY = 8 DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES = ( (8 * 60, 12 * 60 ), (13 * 60, 17 * 60 ) ) DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS = { 0 : DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES, 1 : DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES, 2 : DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES, 3 : DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES, 4 : DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES, 5 : (), 6 : () } #@-node:<< Imports >> #@nl #@+others #@+node:to_time_range def to_time_range(src): """ converts a string to a timerange, i.e (from, to) from, to are ints, specifing the minutes since midnight """ if not src: return () mo = TIME_RANGE_PATTERN.match(src) if not mo: raise ValueError("%s is no time range" % src) from_time = int( * 60 + int( to_time = int( * 60 + int( return from_time, to_time #@-node:to_time_range #@+node:to_datetime def to_datetime(src): """ a tolerant conversion function to convert different strings to a datetime.dateime """ #to get the original value for wrappers new = getattr(src, "_value", src) while new is not src: src = new new = getattr(src, "_value", src) if isinstance(src, _WorkingDateBase): src = src.to_datetime() if isinstance(src, datetime.datetime): return src src = str(src) formats = [ "%x %H:%M", "%x", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", "%Y%m%d %H:%M", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y", "%d/%m/%y", "%Y-%m-%d", "%y-%m-%d", "%d.%m.%Y", "%d.%m.%y", "%Y%m%d" ] for f in formats: try: conv = time.strptime(src, f) return datetime.datetime(*conv[0:-3]) except Exception, e: pass raise TypeError("'%s' (%s) is not a datetime" % (src, str(type(src)))) #@-node: #@+node:_to_days def _to_days(src): """ converts a string of the day abreviations mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun to a dir with correct weekday indices. For Example convert_to_days('mon, tue, thu') results in { 0:1, 1:1, 3:1 } """ tokens = src.split(",") result = { } for t in tokens: try: index = { "mon" : 0, "tue" : 1, "wed" : 2, "thu" : 3, "fri" : 4, "sat" : 5, "sun" : 6 } [ lower(t.strip()) ] result[index] = 1 except: raise ValueError("%s is not a day" % (t)) return result #@-node:_to_days #@+node:_add_to_time_spans def _add_to_time_spans(src, to_add, is_free): if not isinstance(to_add, (tuple, list)): to_add = (to_add,) tmp = [] for start, end, f in src: tmp.append((start, True, f)) tmp.append((end, False, f)) for v in to_add: if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): start = to_datetime(v[0]) end = to_datetime(v[1]) else: start = to_datetime(v) end = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0) + datetime.timedelta(1) tmp.append((start, start <= end, is_free)) tmp.append((end, start > end, is_free)) tmp.sort() # 0: date # 1: is_start # 2: is_free sequence = [] free_count = 0 work_count = 0 last = None for date, is_start, is_free in tmp: if is_start: if is_free: if not free_count and not work_count: last = date free_count += 1 else: if not work_count: if free_count: sequence.append((last, date, True)) last = date work_count += 1 else: if is_free: assert(free_count > 0) free_count -= 1 if not free_count and not work_count: sequence.append((last, date, True)) else: assert(work_count > 0) work_count -= 1 if not work_count: sequence.append((last, date, False)) if free_count: last = date return tuple(sequence) #@-node:_add_to_time_spans #@+node:to_timedelta def to_timedelta(src, cal=None, is_duration=False): """ converts a string to a datetime.timedelta. If cal is specified it will be used for getting the working times. if is_duration=True working times will not be considered. Valid units are d for Days w for Weeks m for Months y for Years H for Hours M for Minutes """ cal = cal or _default_calendar if isinstance(src, datetime.timedelta): return datetime.timedelta(src.days, seconds=src.seconds, calendar=cal) if isinstance(src, (long, int, float)): src = "%sM" % str(src) if not isinstance(src, basestring): raise ValueError("%s is not a duration" % (repr(src))) src = src.strip() if is_duration: d_p_w = 7 d_p_m = 30 d_p_y = 360 d_w_h = 24 else: d_p_w = cal.working_days_per_week d_p_m = cal.working_days_per_month d_p_y = cal.working_days_per_year d_w_h = cal.working_hours_per_day def convert_minutes(minutes): minutes = int(minutes) hours = minutes / 60 minutes = minutes % 60 days = hours / d_w_h hours = hours % d_w_h return [ days, 0, 0, 0, minutes, hours ] def convert_days(value): days = int(value) value -= days value *= d_w_h hours = int(value) value -= hours value *= 60 minutes = round(value) return [ days, 0, 0, 0, minutes, hours ] sum_args = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] split = src.split(" ") for s in split: mo = TIME_DELTA_PATTERN.match(s) if not mo: raise ValueError(src + " is not a valid duration: valid" " units are: d w m y M H") unit = val = float( if unit == 'd': args = convert_days(val) elif unit == 'w': args = convert_days(val * d_p_w) elif unit == 'm': args = convert_days(val * d_p_m) elif unit == 'y': args = convert_days(val * d_p_y) elif unit == 'M': args = convert_minutes(val) elif unit == 'H': args = convert_minutes(val * 60) sum_args = [ a + b for a, b in zip(sum_args, args) ] sum_args = tuple(sum_args) return datetime.timedelta(*sum_args) #@-node:to_timedelta #@+node:timedelta_to_str def timedelta_to_str(delta, format, cal=None, is_duration=False): cal = cal or _default_calendar if is_duration: d_p_w = 7 d_p_m = 30 d_p_y = 365 d_w_h = 24 else: d_p_w = cal.working_days_per_week d_p_m = cal.working_days_per_month d_p_y = cal.working_days_per_year d_w_h = cal.working_hours_per_day has_years = format.find("%y") > -1 has_minutes = format.find("%M") > -1 has_hours = format.find("%H") > -1 or has_minutes has_days = format.find("%d") > -1 has_weeks = format.find("%w") > -1 has_months = format.find("%m") > -1 result = format days = delta.days d_r = (days, format) minutes = delta.seconds / 60 def rebase(d_r, cond1, cond2, letter, divisor): #rebase the days if not cond1: return d_r days, result = d_r if cond2: val = days / divisor if not val: result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%" + letter + "[^}]*?}", "", result) result = result.replace("%" + letter, str(val)) days %= divisor else: result = result.replace("%" + letter, locale.format("%.2f", (float(days) / divisor))) return (days, result) d_r = rebase(d_r, has_years, has_months or has_weeks or has_days, "y", d_p_y) d_r = rebase(d_r, has_months, has_weeks or has_days, "m", d_p_m) d_r = rebase(d_r, has_weeks, has_days, "w", d_p_w) days, result = d_r if not has_days: minutes += days * d_w_h * 60 days = 0 if has_hours: if not days: result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%d[^}]*?}", "", result) result = result.replace("%d", str(days)) else: result = result.replace("%d", "%.2f" % (days + float(minutes) / (d_w_h * 60))) if has_hours: if has_minutes: val = minutes / 60 if not val: result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%H[^}]*?}", "", result) result = result.replace("%H", str(val)) minutes %= 60 else: result = result.replace("%H", "%.2f" % (float(minutes) / 60)) if not minutes: result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%M[^}]*?}", "", result) result = result.replace("%M", str(minutes)) result = result.replace("{", "") result = result.replace("}", "") return result.strip() #@-node:timedelta_to_str #@+node:strftime def strftime(dt, format): """ an extended version of strftime, that introduces some new directives: %IW iso week number %IY iso year %IB full month name appropriate to iso week %ib abbreviated month name appropriate to iso week %im month as decimal number appropriate to iso week """ iso = dt.isocalendar() if iso[0] != dt.year: iso_date = dt.replace(day=1, month=1) format = format \ .replace("%IB", iso_date.strftime("%B"))\ .replace("%ib", iso_date.strftime("%b"))\ .replace("%im", iso_date.strftime("%m")) else: format = format \ .replace("%IB", "%B")\ .replace("%ib", "%b")\ .replace("%im", "%m") format = format \ .replace("%IW", str(iso[1]))\ .replace("%IY", str(iso[0]))\ return dt.strftime(format) #@-node:strftime #@+node:union def union(*calendars): """ returns a calendar that unifies all working times """ #@ << check arguments >> #@+node:<< check arguments >> if len(calendars) == 1: calendars = calendars[0] #@nonl #@-node:<< check arguments >> #@nl #@ << intersect vacations >> #@+node:<< intersect vacations >> free_time = [] for c in calendars: for start, end, is_free in c.time_spans: if is_free: free_time.append((start, False)) free_time.append((end, True)) count = len(calendars) open = 0 time_spans = [] free_time.sort() for date, is_end in free_time: if is_end: if open == count: time_spans.append((start, date, True)) open -= 1 else: open += 1 start = date #@-node:<< intersect vacations >> #@nl #@ << unify extra worktime >> #@+node:<< unify extra worktime >> for c in calendars: for start, end, is_free in c.time_spans: if not is_free: time_spans = _add_to_time_spans(time_spans, start, end) #@nonl #@-node:<< unify extra worktime >> #@nl #@ << unify working times >> #@+node:<< unify working times >> working_times = {} for d in range(0, 7): times = [] for c in calendars: for start, end in c.working_times.get(d, []): times.append((start, False)) times.append((end, True)) times.sort() open = 0 ti = [] start = None for time, is_end in times: if not is_end: if not start: start = time open += 1 else: open -= 1 if not open: ti.append((start, time)) start = None if ti: working_times[d] = ti #@-node:<< unify working times >> #@nl #@ << create result calendar >> #@+node:<< create result calendar >> result = Calendar() result.working_times = working_times result.time_spans = time_spans result._recalc_working_time() result._build_mapping() #@nonl #@-node:<< create result calendar >> #@nl return result #@nonl #@-node:union #@+node:class _CalendarItem class _CalendarItem(int): #@ << class _CalendarItem declarations >> #@+node:<< class _CalendarItem declarations >> __slots__ = () calender = None #@-node:<< class _CalendarItem declarations >> #@nl #@ @+others #@+node:__new__ def __new__(cls, val): try: return int.__new__(cls, val) except OverflowError: return int.__new__(cls, sys.maxint) #@-node:__new__ #@+node:round def round(self, round_up=True): m_t_u = self.calendar.minimum_time_unit minutes = int(self) base = (minutes / m_t_u) * m_t_u minutes %= m_t_u round_up = round_up and minutes > 0 or minutes > m_t_u / 2 if round_up: base += m_t_u return self.__class__(base) #@-node:round #@-others #@-node:class _CalendarItem #@+node:class _Minutes class _Minutes(_CalendarItem): #@ << class _Minutes declarations >> #@+node:<< class _Minutes declarations >> __slots__ = () STR_FORMAT = "{%dd}{ %HH}{ %MM}" #@-node:<< class _Minutes declarations >> #@nl #@ @+others #@+node:__new__ def __new__(cls, src=0, is_duration=False): """ converts a timedelta in working minutes. """ if isinstance(src, cls) or type(src) is int: return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src) cal = cls.calendar if not isinstance(src, datetime.timedelta): src = to_timedelta(src, cal, is_duration) d_w_h = is_duration and 24 or cal.working_hours_per_day src = src.days * d_w_h * 60 + src.seconds / 60 return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src) #@-node:__new__ #@+node:__cmp__ def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(int(self), int(self.__class__(other))) #@-node:__cmp__ #@+node:__add__ def __add__(self, other): try: return self.__class__(int(self) + int(self.__class__(other))) except: return NotImplemented #@-node:__add__ #@+node:__sub__ def __sub__(self, other): try: return self.__class__(int(self) - int(self.__class__(other))) except: return NotImplemented #@-node:__sub__ #@+node:to_timedelta def to_timedelta(self, is_duration=False): d_w_h = is_duration and 24 or self.calendar.working_hours_per_day minutes = int(self) hours = minutes / 60 minutes = minutes % 60 days = hours / d_w_h hours = hours % d_w_h return datetime.timedelta(days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes) #@nonl #@-node:to_timedelta #@+node:strftime def strftime(self, format=None, is_duration=False): td = self.to_timedelta(is_duration) return timedelta_to_str(td, format or self.STR_FORMAT, self.calendar, is_duration) #@nonl #@-node:strftime #@-others #@-node:class _Minutes #@+node:class _WorkingDateBase class _WorkingDateBase(_CalendarItem): """ A daytetime which has only valid values within the workingtimes of a specific calendar """ #@ << class _WorkingDateBase declarations >> #@+node:<< class _WorkingDateBase declarations >> timetuple = True STR_FORMAT = "%x %H:%M" _minutes = _Minutes __slots__ = () #@-node:<< class _WorkingDateBase declarations >> #@nl #@ @+others #@+node:__new__ def __new__(cls, src): #cls.__bases__[0] is the base of #the calendar specific StartDate and EndDate if isinstance(src, cls.__bases__[0]) or type(src) in (int, float): return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src) src = cls.calendar.from_datetime(to_datetime(src)) return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src) #@-node:__new__ #@+node:__repr__ def __repr__(self): return self.strftime() #@-node:__repr__ #@+node:to_datetime def to_datetime(self): return self.to_starttime() #@-node:to_datetime #@+node:to_starttime def to_starttime(self): return self.calendar.to_starttime(self) #@-node:to_starttime #@+node:to_endtime def to_endtime(self): return self.calendar.to_endtime(self) #@-node:to_endtime #@+node:__cmp__ def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(int(self), int(self.__class__(other))) #@-node:__cmp__ #@+node:__add__ def __add__(self, other): try: return self.__class__(int(self) + int(self._minutes(other))) except ValueError, e: raise e except: return NotImplemented #@-node:__add__ #@+node:__sub__ def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (datetime.timedelta, str, _Minutes)): try: other = self._minutes(other) except: pass if isinstance(other, self._minutes): return self.__class__(int(self) - int(other)) try: return self._minutes(int(self) - int(self.__class__(other))) except: return NotImplemented #@-node:__sub__ #@+node:strftime def strftime(self, format=None): return strftime(self.to_datetime(), format or self.STR_FORMAT) #@-node:strftime #@-others #@-node:class _WorkingDateBase #@+node:class Calendar class Calendar(object): """ A calendar to specify working times and vacations. The calendars epoch start at 1.1.1979 """ #@ << declarations >> #@+node:<< declarations >> # january the first must be a monday EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1979, 1, 1) minimum_time_unit = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TIME_UNIT working_days_per_week = DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_WEEK working_days_per_month = DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_MONTH working_days_per_year = DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_YEAR working_hours_per_day = DEFAULT_WORKING_HOURS_PER_DAY now = EPOCH #@-node:<< declarations >> #@nl #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self): self.time_spans = () self._dt_num_can = () self._num_dt_can = () self.working_times = { } self._recalc_working_time() self._make_classes() #@-node:__init__ #@+node:__or__ def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Calendar): return union(self, other) return NotImplemented #@nonl #@-node:__or__ #@+node:clone def clone(self): result = Calendar() result.working_times = self.working_times.copy() result.time_spans = self.time_spans result._recalc_working_time() result._build_mapping() return result #@nonl #@-node:clone #@+node:set_working_days def set_working_days(self, day_range, trange, *further_tranges): """ Sets the working days of an calendar day_range is a string of day abbreviations like 'mon, tue' trange and further_tranges is a time range string like '8:00-10:00' """ time_ranges = [ trange ] + list(further_tranges) time_ranges = filter(bool, map(to_time_range, time_ranges)) days = _to_days(day_range) for k in days.keys(): self.working_times[k] = time_ranges self._recalc_working_time() self._build_mapping() #@-node:set_working_days #@+node:set_vacation def set_vacation(self, value): """ Sets vacation time. value is either a datetime literal or a sequence of items that can be a datetime literals and or pair of datetime literals """ self.time_spans = _add_to_time_spans(self.time_spans, value, True) self._build_mapping() #@-node:set_vacation #@+node:set_extra_work def set_extra_work(self, value): """ Sets extra working time value is either a datetime literal or a sequence of items that can be a datetime literals and or pair of datetime literals """ self.time_spans = _add_to_time_spans(self.time_spans, value, False) self._build_mapping() #@-node:set_extra_work #@+node:from_datetime def from_datetime(self, value): assert(isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)) delta = value - self.EPOCH days = delta.days minutes = delta.seconds / 60 # calculate the weektime weeks = days / 7 wtime = self.week_time * weeks # calculate the daytime days %= 7 dtime = sum(self.day_times[:days]) # calculate the minute time slots = self.working_times.get(days, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[days]) mtime = 0 for start, end in slots: if minutes > end: mtime += end - start else: if minutes > start: mtime += minutes - start break result = wtime + dtime + mtime # map exceptional timespans dt_num_can = self._dt_num_can pos = bisect.bisect(dt_num_can, (value,)) - 1 if pos >= 0: start, end, nstart, nend, cend = dt_num_can[pos] if value < end: if nstart < nend: delta = value - start delta = delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60 result = nstart + delta else: result = nstart else: result += (nend - cend) # == (result - cend) + nend return result #@-node:from_datetime #@+node:split_time def split_time(self, value): #map exceptional timespans num_dt_can = self._num_dt_can pos = bisect.bisect(num_dt_can, (value, sys.maxint)) - 1 if pos >= 0: nstart, nend, start, end, cend = num_dt_can[pos] if value < nend: value = start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=value - nstart) delta = value - self.EPOCH return delta.days / 7, delta.days % 7, delta.seconds / 60, -1 else: value += (cend - nend) # (value - nend + cend) #calculate the weeks since the epoch weeks = value / self.week_time value %= self.week_time #calculate the remaining days days = 0 for day_time in self.day_times: if value < day_time: break value -= day_time days += 1 #calculate the remaining minutes minutes = 0 slots = self.working_times.get(days, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[days]) index = 0 for start, end in slots: delta = end - start if delta > value: minutes = start + value break else: value -= delta index += 1 return weeks, days, minutes, index #@-node:split_time #@+node:to_starttime def to_starttime(self, value): weeks, days, minutes, index = self.split_time(value) return self.EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(weeks=weeks, days=days, minutes=minutes) #@-node:to_starttime #@+node:to_endtime def to_endtime(self, value): return self.to_starttime(value - 1) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) #@-node:to_endtime #@+node:get_working_times def get_working_times(self, day): return self.working_times.get(day, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[day]) #@-node:get_working_times #@+node:_build_mapping def _build_mapping(self): self._dt_num_can = self._num_dt_can = () dt_num_can = [] num_dt_can = [] delta = self.Minutes() for start, end, is_free in self.time_spans: cstart = self.StartDate(start) cend = self.EndDate(end) nstart = cstart + delta if not is_free: d = end - start d = d.days * 24 * 60 + d.seconds / 60 nend = nstart + d else: nend = nstart delta += (nend - nstart) - (cend - cstart) dt_num_can.append((start, end, nstart, nend, cend)) num_dt_can.append((nstart, nend, start, end, cend)) self._dt_num_can = tuple(dt_num_can) self._num_dt_can = tuple(num_dt_can) #@-node:_build_mapping #@+node:_recalc_working_time def _recalc_working_time(self): def slot_sum_time(day): slots = self.working_times.get(day, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[day]) return sum(map(lambda slot: slot[1] - slot[0], slots)) self.day_times = map(slot_sum_time, range(0, 7)) self.week_time = sum(self.day_times) #@-node:_recalc_working_time #@+node:_make_classes def _make_classes(self): #ensure that the clases are instance specific class minutes(_Minutes): calendar = self __slots__ = () class db(_WorkingDateBase): calendar = self _minutes = minutes __slots__ = () class wdt(db): __slots__ = () class edt(db): __slots__ = () def to_datetime(self): return self.to_endtime() self.Minutes, self.StartDate, self.EndDate = minutes, wdt, edt self.WorkingDate = self.StartDate #@-node:_make_classes #@-others _default_calendar = Calendar() WorkingDate = _default_calendar.WorkingDate StartDate = _default_calendar.StartDate EndDate = _default_calendar.EndDate Minutes = _default_calendar.Minutes #@-node:class Calendar #@-others if __name__ == '__main__': cal = Calendar() start = EndDate("10.1.2005") delay = Minutes("4H") start2 = cal.StartDate(start) start3 = cal.StartDate("10.1.2005") #@-node:@file #@-leo # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# # Copyright 2018 Red Hat | Ansible # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import copy from ansible.module_utils.k8s.helper import COMMON_ARG_SPEC, AUTH_ARG_SPEC, OPENSHIFT_ARG_SPEC from ansible.module_utils.k8s.common import KubernetesAnsibleModule, OpenShiftAnsibleModuleMixin, to_snake try: from openshift.helper.exceptions import KubernetesException except ImportError: # Exception handled in common pass class KubernetesRawModule(KubernetesAnsibleModule): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): mutually_exclusive = [ ('resource_definition', 'src'), ] KubernetesAnsibleModule.__init__(self, *args, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, supports_check_mode=True, **kwargs) self.kind = self.params.pop('kind') self.api_version = self.params.pop('api_version') self.resource_definition = self.params.pop('resource_definition') self.src = self.params.pop('src') if self.src: self.resource_definition = self.load_resource_definition(self.src) if self.resource_definition: self.api_version = self.resource_definition.get('apiVersion') self.kind = self.resource_definition.get('kind') self.api_version = self.api_version.lower() self.kind = to_snake(self.kind) if not self.api_version: self.fail_json( msg=("Error: no api_version specified. Use the api_version parameter, or provide it as part of a ", "resource_definition.") ) if not self.kind: self.fail_json( msg="Error: no kind specified. Use the kind parameter, or provide it as part of a resource_definition" ) self.helper = self.get_helper(self.api_version, self.kind) @property def argspec(self): argspec = copy.deepcopy(COMMON_ARG_SPEC) argspec.update(copy.deepcopy(AUTH_ARG_SPEC)) return argspec def execute_module(self): if self.resource_definition: resource_params = self.resource_to_parameters(self.resource_definition) self.params.update(resource_params) self.authenticate() state = self.params.pop('state', None) force = self.params.pop('force', False) name = self.params.get('name') namespace = self.params.get('namespace') existing = None self.remove_aliases() return_attributes = dict(changed=False, result=dict()) if self.helper.base_model_name_snake.endswith('list'): k8s_obj = self._read(name, namespace) return_attributes['result'] = k8s_obj.to_dict() self.exit_json(**return_attributes) try: existing = self.helper.get_object(name, namespace) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg='Failed to retrieve requested object: {0}'.format(exc.message), error=exc.value.get('status')) if state == 'absent': if not existing: # The object already does not exist self.exit_json(**return_attributes) else: # Delete the object if not self.check_mode: try: self.helper.delete_object(name, namespace) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to delete object: {0}".format(exc.message), error=exc.value.get('status')) return_attributes['changed'] = True self.exit_json(**return_attributes) else: if not existing: k8s_obj = self._create(namespace) return_attributes['result'] = k8s_obj.to_dict() return_attributes['changed'] = True self.exit_json(**return_attributes) if existing and force: k8s_obj = None request_body = self.helper.request_body_from_params(self.params) if not self.check_mode: try: k8s_obj = self.helper.replace_object(name, namespace, body=request_body) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to replace object: {0}".format(exc.message), error=exc.value.get('status')) return_attributes['result'] = k8s_obj.to_dict() return_attributes['changed'] = True self.exit_json(**return_attributes) # Check if existing object should be patched k8s_obj = copy.deepcopy(existing) try: self.helper.object_from_params(self.params, obj=k8s_obj) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to patch object: {0}".format(exc.message)) match, diff = self.helper.objects_match(self.helper.fix_serialization(existing), k8s_obj) if match: return_attributes['result'] = existing.to_dict() self.exit_json(**return_attributes) # Differences exist between the existing obj and requested params if not self.check_mode: try: k8s_obj = self.helper.patch_object(name, namespace, k8s_obj) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to patch object: {0}".format(exc.message)) return_attributes['result'] = k8s_obj.to_dict() return_attributes['changed'] = True self.exit_json(**return_attributes) def _create(self, namespace): request_body = None k8s_obj = None try: request_body = self.helper.request_body_from_params(self.params) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to create object: {0}".format(exc.message)) if not self.check_mode: try: k8s_obj = self.helper.create_object(namespace, body=request_body) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to create object: {0}".format(exc.message), error=exc.value.get('status')) return k8s_obj def _read(self, name, namespace): k8s_obj = None try: k8s_obj = self.helper.get_object(name, namespace) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg='Failed to retrieve requested object', error=exc.value.get('status')) return k8s_obj class OpenShiftRawModule(OpenShiftAnsibleModuleMixin, KubernetesRawModule): @property def argspec(self): args = super(OpenShiftRawModule, self).argspec args.update(copy.deepcopy(OPENSHIFT_ARG_SPEC)) return args def _create(self, namespace): if self.kind.lower() == 'project': return self._create_project() return KubernetesRawModule._create(self, namespace) def _create_project(self): new_obj = None k8s_obj = None try: new_obj = self.helper.object_from_params(self.params) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg="Failed to create object: {0}".format(exc.message)) try: k8s_obj = self.helper.create_project(metadata=new_obj.metadata, display_name=self.params.get('display_name'), description=self.params.get('description')) except KubernetesException as exc: self.fail_json(msg='Failed to retrieve requested object', error=exc.value.get('status')) return k8s_obj
from .utils import merge_dict, perform_request, CommentClientRequestError import models import settings class User(models.Model): accessible_fields = [ 'username', 'follower_ids', 'upvoted_ids', 'downvoted_ids', 'id', 'external_id', 'subscribed_user_ids', 'children', 'course_id', 'group_id', 'subscribed_thread_ids', 'subscribed_commentable_ids', 'subscribed_course_ids', 'threads_count', 'comments_count', 'default_sort_key' ] updatable_fields = ['username', 'external_id', 'default_sort_key'] initializable_fields = updatable_fields metric_tag_fields = ['course_id'] base_url = "{prefix}/users".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX) default_retrieve_params = {'complete': True} type = 'user' @classmethod def from_django_user(cls, user): return cls(id=str(, external_id=str(, username=user.username) def follow(self, source): params = {'source_type': source.type, 'source_id':} response = perform_request( 'post', _url_for_subscription(, params, metric_action='user.follow', metric_tags=self._metric_tags + ['target.type:{}'.format(source.type)], ) def unfollow(self, source): params = {'source_type': source.type, 'source_id':} response = perform_request( 'delete', _url_for_subscription(, params, metric_action='user.unfollow', metric_tags=self._metric_tags + ['target.type:{}'.format(source.type)], ) def vote(self, voteable, value): if voteable.type == 'thread': url = _url_for_vote_thread( elif voteable.type == 'comment': url = _url_for_vote_comment( else: raise CommentClientRequestError("Can only vote / unvote for threads or comments") params = {'user_id':, 'value': value} response = perform_request( 'put', url, params, metric_action='', metric_tags=self._metric_tags + ['target.type:{}'.format(voteable.type)], ) voteable._update_from_response(response) def unvote(self, voteable): if voteable.type == 'thread': url = _url_for_vote_thread( elif voteable.type == 'comment': url = _url_for_vote_comment( else: raise CommentClientRequestError("Can only vote / unvote for threads or comments") params = {'user_id':} response = perform_request( 'delete', url, params, metric_action='user.unvote', metric_tags=self._metric_tags + ['target.type:{}'.format(voteable.type)], ) voteable._update_from_response(response) def active_threads(self, query_params={}): if not self.course_id: raise CommentClientRequestError("Must provide course_id when retrieving active threads for the user") url = _url_for_user_active_threads( params = {'course_id': self.course_id.to_deprecated_string()} params = merge_dict(params, query_params) response = perform_request( 'get', url, params, metric_action='user.active_threads', metric_tags=self._metric_tags, paged_results=True, ) return response.get('collection', []), response.get('page', 1), response.get('num_pages', 1) def subscribed_threads(self, query_params={}): if not self.course_id: raise CommentClientRequestError("Must provide course_id when retrieving subscribed threads for the user") url = _url_for_user_subscribed_threads( params = {'course_id': self.course_id.to_deprecated_string()} params = merge_dict(params, query_params) response = perform_request( 'get', url, params, metric_action='user.subscribed_threads', metric_tags=self._metric_tags, paged_results=True ) return response.get('collection', []), response.get('page', 1), response.get('num_pages', 1) def _retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs): url = self.url(action='get', params=self.attributes) retrieve_params = self.default_retrieve_params.copy() retrieve_params.update(kwargs) if self.attributes.get('course_id'): retrieve_params['course_id'] = self.course_id.to_deprecated_string() if self.attributes.get('group_id'): retrieve_params['group_id'] = self.group_id try: response = perform_request( 'get', url, retrieve_params, metric_action='model.retrieve', metric_tags=self._metric_tags, ) except CommentClientRequestError as e: if e.status_code == 404: # attempt to gracefully recover from a previous failure # to sync this user to the comments service. response = perform_request( 'get', url, retrieve_params, metric_action='model.retrieve', metric_tags=self._metric_tags, ) else: raise self._update_from_response(response) def _url_for_vote_comment(comment_id): return "{prefix}/comments/{comment_id}/votes".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, comment_id=comment_id) def _url_for_vote_thread(thread_id): return "{prefix}/threads/{thread_id}/votes".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, thread_id=thread_id) def _url_for_subscription(user_id): return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/subscriptions".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, user_id=user_id) def _url_for_user_active_threads(user_id): return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/active_threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, user_id=user_id) def _url_for_user_subscribed_threads(user_id): return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/subscribed_threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, user_id=user_id)
# Copyright 2019, Matthieu Huin # Copyright 2019, Red Hat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Various authentication engines supported by RepoXplorer.""" import base64 import json import jwt from urllib.parse import urljoin import requests from pecan import conf from repoxplorer.exceptions import UnauthorizedException from repoxplorer import index from repoxplorer.index import users class BaseAuthEngine(object): """The base auth engine class.""" def is_configured(self) -> bool: """Activate the users REST endpoint if authentication is configured.""" return False def authorize(self, request, uid=None) -> str: """Make sure the authenticated user is allowed an action.""" raise UnauthorizedException("Not implemented") def provision_user(self, request) -> None: """If needed, the user can be provisioned based on the user info passed by the Identity Provider.""" return class CAuthEngine(BaseAuthEngine): """Cauth relies on Apache + mod_auth_authtkt to set a Remote-User header. User provisioning is done out of the band by Cauth itself, calling the PUT endpoint on the users API.""" def is_configured(self): return conf.get('users_endpoint', False) def authorize(self, request, uid=None): """Make sure the request is authorized. Returns the authorized user's uid or raises if unauthorized.""" if not request.remote_user: request.remote_user = request.headers.get('Remote-User') if not request.remote_user: request.remote_user = request.headers.get('X-Remote-User') if request.remote_user == '(null)': if request.headers.get('Authorization'): auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization').split()[1] request.remote_user = base64.b64decode( auth_header).split(':')[0] if (request.remote_user == "admin" and request.headers.get('Admin-Token')): sent_admin_token = request.headers.get('Admin-Token') # If remote-user is admin and an admin-token is passed # authorized if the token is correct if sent_admin_token == conf.get('admin_token'): return 'admin' else: # If uid targeted by the request is the same # as the requester then authorize if uid and uid == request.remote_user: return uid if uid and uid != request.remote_user: raise UnauthorizedException("Admin action only") raise UnauthorizedException("unauthorized") class OpenIDConnectEngine(BaseAuthEngine): """Expects a Bearer token sent through the 'Authorization' header. The token is verified against a JWK, pulled from the well-known configuration of the OIDC provider. The claims will be used to provision users if authorization is successful.""" config = conf.get('oidc', {}) def is_configured(self): return self.config.get('issuer_url', False) def _get_issuer_info(self): issuer_url = self.config.get('issuer_url') verify_ssl = self.config.get('verify_ssl', True) issuer_info = requests.get( urljoin(issuer_url, '.well-known/openid-configuration'), verify=verify_ssl) if issuer_info.status_code > 399: raise UnauthorizedException( "Cannot fetch OpenID provider's configuration") return issuer_info.json() def _get_signing_key(self, jwks_uri, key_id): verify_ssl = self.config.get('verify_ssl', True) certs = requests.get(jwks_uri, verify=verify_ssl) if certs.status_code > 399: raise UnauthorizedException("Cannot fetch JWKS") for k in certs.json()['keys']: if k['kid'] == key_id: return (jwt.algorithms.RSAAlgorithm.from_jwk(json.dumps(k)), k['alg']) raise UnauthorizedException("Key %s not found" % key_id) def _get_raw_token(self, request): if request.headers.get('Authorization', None) is None: raise UnauthorizedException('Missing "Authorization" header') auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization', None) if not auth_header.lower().startswith('bearer '): raise UnauthorizedException('Invalid "Authorization" header') token = auth_header[len('bearer '):] return token def authorize(self, request, uid=None): token = self._get_raw_token(request) issuer_info = self._get_issuer_info() unverified_headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(token) key_id = unverified_headers.get('kid', None) if key_id is None: raise UnauthorizedException("Missing key id in token") jwks_uri = issuer_info.get('jwks_uri') if jwks_uri is None: raise UnauthorizedException("Missing JWKS URI in config") key, algo = self._get_signing_key(jwks_uri, key_id) try: claims = jwt.decode(token, key, algorithms=algo, issuer=issuer_info['issuer'], audience=self.config['audience']) except Exception as e: raise UnauthorizedException('Invalid access token: %s' % e) if claims['preferred_username'] == self.config.get('admin_username', 'admin'): return 'admin' if uid and uid == claims['preferred_username']: return uid if uid and uid != claims['preferred_username']: raise UnauthorizedException("Only the admin ") raise UnauthorizedException('unauthorized') def provision_user(self, request): raw_token = self._get_raw_token(request) # verified before so it's totally okay claims = jwt.decode(raw_token, verify=False) # TODO assuming the presence of claims, but a specific scope might be # needed. # These are expected to be standard though, see # email = claims['email'] uid = claims['preferred_username'] name = claims['name'] _users = users.Users(index.Connector(index_suffix='users')) u = _users.get(uid) infos = {'uid': uid, 'name': name, 'default-email': email, 'emails': [{'email': email}]} if u: _users.update(infos) else: _users.create(infos)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2010-2014 RethinkDB, all rights reserved. from __future__ import print_function import sys, os, time startTime = time.time() sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'common'))) import driver, scenario_common, utils, vcoptparse op = vcoptparse.OptParser() scenario_common.prepare_option_parser_mode_flags(op) _, command_prefix, serve_options = scenario_common.parse_mode_flags(op.parse(sys.argv)) r = utils.import_python_driver() dbName, tableName = utils.get_test_db_table() beforeMetaData = None afterMetaData = None files = None # == start first instance of server print("Starting server (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) with driver.Process(console_output=True, output_folder='.', command_prefix=command_prefix, extra_options=serve_options, wait_until_ready=True) as server: files = server.files print("Establishing ReQL connection (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) conn = r.connect(, port=server.driver_port) print("Creating db/table %s/%s (%.2fs)" % (dbName, tableName, time.time() - startTime)) if dbName not in r.db_list().run(conn): r.db_create(dbName).run(conn) if tableName in r.db(dbName).table_list().run(conn): r.db(dbName).table_drop(tableName).run(conn) r.db(dbName).table_create(tableName).run(conn) print("Collecting metadata for first run (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) beforeMetaData = r.db('rethinkdb').table('server_config').get(server.uuid).run(conn) print("Shutting down server (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) print("Restarting server with same files (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) with driver.Process(files=files, console_output=True, command_prefix=command_prefix, extra_options=serve_options, wait_until_ready=True) as server: print("Establishing second ReQL connection (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) conn = r.connect(, port=server.driver_port) print("Collecting metadata for second run (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) afterMetaData = r.db('rethinkdb').table('server_config').get(server.uuid).run(conn) assert afterMetaData == beforeMetaData, "The server metadata did not match between runs:\n%s\nvs.\n%s" % (str(beforeMetaData), str(afterMetaData)) print("Cleaning up (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime)) print("Done. (%.2fs)" % (time.time() - startTime))
# Copyright 2014 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from neutron.agent.linux import ip_link_support as ip_link from neutron.tests import base class TestIpLinkSupport(base.BaseTestCase): IP_LINK_HELP = """Usage: ip link add [link DEV] [ name ] NAME [ txqueuelen PACKETS ] [ address LLADDR ] [ broadcast LLADDR ] [ mtu MTU ] [index IDX ] [ numtxqueues QUEUE_COUNT ] [ numrxqueues QUEUE_COUNT ] type TYPE [ ARGS ] ip link delete DEV type TYPE [ ARGS ] ip link set { dev DEVICE | group DEVGROUP } [ { up | down } ] [ arp { on | off } ] [ dynamic { on | off } ] [ multicast { on | off } ] [ allmulticast { on | off } ] [ promisc { on | off } ] [ trailers { on | off } ] [ txqueuelen PACKETS ] [ name NEWNAME ] [ address LLADDR ] [ broadcast LLADDR ] [ mtu MTU ] [ netns PID ] [ netns NAME ] [ alias NAME ] [ vf NUM [ mac LLADDR ] [ vlan VLANID [ qos VLAN-QOS ] ] [ rate TXRATE ] ] [ spoofchk { on | off} ] ] [ state { auto | enable | disable} ] ] [ master DEVICE ] [ nomaster ] ip link show [ DEVICE | group GROUP ] [up] TYPE := { vlan | veth | vcan | dummy | ifb | macvlan | macvtap | can | bridge | bond | ipoib | ip6tnl | ipip | sit | vxlan | gre | gretap | ip6gre | ip6gretap | vti } """ IP_LINK_HELP_NO_STATE = """Usage: ip link add link DEV [ name ] NAME [ txqueuelen PACKETS ] [ address LLADDR ] [ broadcast LLADDR ] [ mtu MTU ] type TYPE [ ARGS ] ip link delete DEV type TYPE [ ARGS ] ip link set DEVICE [ { up | down } ] [ arp { on | off } ] [ dynamic { on | off } ] [ multicast { on | off } ] [ allmulticast { on | off } ] [ promisc { on | off } ] [ trailers { on | off } ] [ txqueuelen PACKETS ] [ name NEWNAME ] [ address LLADDR ] [ broadcast LLADDR ] [ mtu MTU ] [ netns PID ] [ alias NAME ] [ vf NUM [ mac LLADDR ] [ vlan VLANID [ qos VLAN-QOS ] ] [ rate TXRATE ] ] ip link show [ DEVICE ] TYPE := { vlan | veth | vcan | dummy | ifb | macvlan | can } """ IP_LINK_HELP_NO_SPOOFCHK = IP_LINK_HELP_NO_STATE IP_LINK_HELP_NO_VF = """Usage: ip link set DEVICE { up | down | arp { on | off } | dynamic { on | off } | multicast { on | off } | allmulticast { on | off } | promisc { on | off } | trailers { on | off } | txqueuelen PACKETS | name NEWNAME | address LLADDR | broadcast LLADDR | mtu MTU } ip link show [ DEVICE ] """ def _test_capability(self, capability, subcapability=None, expected=True, stdout="", stderr=""): with mock.patch("neutron.agent.linux.utils.execute") as mock_exec: mock_exec.return_value = (stdout, stderr) vf_section = ip_link.IpLinkSupport.get_vf_mgmt_section() capable = ip_link.IpLinkSupport.vf_mgmt_capability_supported( vf_section, capability, subcapability) self.assertEqual(expected, capable) mock_exec.assert_called_once_with(['ip', 'link', 'help'], check_exit_code=False, return_stderr=True, log_fail_as_error=False) def test_vf_mgmt(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_STATE, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP) def test_execute_with_stdout(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_STATE, stdout=self.IP_LINK_HELP) def test_vf_mgmt_no_state(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_STATE, expected=False, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP_NO_STATE) def test_vf_mgmt_no_spoofchk(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_SPOOFCHK, expected=False, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP_NO_SPOOFCHK) def test_vf_mgmt_no_vf(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_STATE, expected=False, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP_NO_VF) def test_vf_mgmt_unknown_capability(self): self._test_capability( "state1", expected=False, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP) def test_vf_mgmt_sub_capability(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_VLAN, ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_SUB_CAPABILITY_QOS, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP) def test_vf_mgmt_sub_capability_mismatch(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_STATE, ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_SUB_CAPABILITY_QOS, expected=False, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP) def test_vf_mgmt_sub_capability_invalid(self): self._test_capability( ip_link.IpLinkConstants.IP_LINK_CAPABILITY_VLAN, "qos1", expected=False, stderr=self.IP_LINK_HELP) def test_vf_mgmt_error(self): with mock.patch("neutron.agent.linux.utils.execute") as mock_exec: mock_exec.side_effect = Exception() self.assertRaises( ip_link.UnsupportedIpLinkCommand, ip_link.IpLinkSupport.get_vf_mgmt_section)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications # Copyright (C) 2004-2012 OpenERP S.A. (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv import re from import customfonts class base_config_settings(osv.osv_memory): _name = 'base.config.settings' _inherit = 'res.config.settings' _columns = { 'module_multi_company': fields.boolean('Manage multiple companies', help='Work in multi-company environments, with appropriate security access between companies.\n' '-This installs the module multi_company.'), 'module_share': fields.boolean('Allow documents sharing', help="""Share or embbed any screen of Odoo."""), 'module_portal': fields.boolean('Activate the customer portal', help="""Give your customers access to their documents."""), 'module_auth_oauth': fields.boolean('Use external authentication providers, sign in with google, facebook, ...'), 'module_base_import': fields.boolean("Allow users to import data from CSV files"), 'module_google_drive': fields.boolean('Attach Google documents to any record', help="""This installs the module google_docs."""), 'module_google_calendar': fields.boolean('Allow the users to synchronize their calendar with Google Calendar', help="""This installs the module google_calendar."""), 'font': fields.many2one('res.font', string="Report Font", domain=[('mode', 'in', ('Normal', 'Regular', 'all', 'Book'))], help="Set the font into the report header, it will be used as default font in the RML reports of the user company"), } _defaults= { 'font': lambda self,cr,uid,c: self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, c), } def open_company(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': 'Your Company', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': '', 'res_id':, 'target': 'current', } def _change_header(self, header,font): """ Replace default fontname use in header and setfont tag """ default_para = re.sub('fontName.?=.?".*"', 'fontName="%s"'% font,header) return re.sub('(<setFont.?name.?=.?)(".*?")(.)', '\g<1>"%s"\g<3>'% font,default_para) def set_base_defaults(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): ir_model_data = self.pool.get('') wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)[0] if wizard.font: user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) font_name = user.company_id.write({'font':,'rml_header': self._change_header(user.company_id.rml_header,font_name), 'rml_header2': self._change_header(user.company_id.rml_header2, font_name), 'rml_header3': self._change_header(user.company_id.rml_header3, font_name)}) return {} def act_discover_fonts(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): return self.pool.get("res.font").font_scan(cr, uid, context=context) # Preferences wizard for Sales & CRM. # It is defined here because it is inherited independently in modules sale, crm. class sale_config_settings(osv.osv_memory): _name = 'sale.config.settings' _inherit = 'res.config.settings' _columns = { 'module_web_linkedin': fields.boolean('Get contacts automatically from linkedIn', help="""When you create a new contact (person or company), you will be able to load all the data from LinkedIn (photos, address, etc)."""), 'module_crm': fields.boolean('CRM'), 'module_sale' : fields.boolean('SALE'), 'module_mass_mailing': fields.boolean( 'Manage mass mailing campaigns', help='Get access to statistics with your mass mailing, manage campaigns.'), } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2015, Sebastian Kornehl <[email protected]> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: datadog_monitor short_description: Manages Datadog monitors description: - "Manages monitors within Datadog" - "Options like described on" version_added: "2.0" author: "Sebastian Kornehl (@skornehl)" requirements: [datadog] options: api_key: description: ["Your DataDog API key."] required: true app_key: description: ["Your DataDog app key."] required: true state: description: ["The designated state of the monitor."] required: true choices: ['present', 'absent', 'mute', 'unmute'] tags: description: ["A list of tags to associate with your monitor when creating or updating. This can help you categorize and filter monitors."] version_added: "2.2" type: description: - "The type of the monitor." - The 'event alert'is available starting at Ansible 2.1 choices: ['metric alert', 'service check', 'event alert'] query: description: ["The monitor query to notify on with syntax varying depending on what type of monitor you are creating."] name: description: ["The name of the alert."] required: true message: description: - A message to include with notifications for this monitor. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same '@username' notation as events. Monitor message template variables can be accessed by using double square brackets, i.e '[[' and ']]'. silenced: description: ["Dictionary of scopes to timestamps or None. Each scope will be muted until the given POSIX timestamp or forever if the value is None. "] default: "" notify_no_data: description: ["A boolean indicating whether this monitor will notify when data stops reporting.."] type: bool default: 'no' no_data_timeframe: description: - The number of minutes before a monitor will notify when data stops reporting. Must be at least 2x the monitor timeframe for metric alerts or 2 minutes for service checks. required: false default: 2x timeframe for metric, 2 minutes for service timeout_h: description: ["The number of hours of the monitor not reporting data before it will automatically resolve from a triggered state."] renotify_interval: description: - The number of minutes after the last notification before a monitor will re-notify on the current status. It will only re-notify if it's not resolved. escalation_message: description: - A message to include with a re-notification. Supports the '@username' notification we allow elsewhere. Not applicable if renotify_interval is None notify_audit: description: ["A boolean indicating whether tagged users will be notified on changes to this monitor."] type: bool default: 'no' thresholds: description: - A dictionary of thresholds by status. This option is only available for service checks and metric alerts. Because each of them can have multiple thresholds, we don't define them directly in the query."] default: {'ok': 1, 'critical': 1, 'warning': 1} locked: description: ["A boolean indicating whether changes to this monitor should be restricted to the creator or admins."] type: bool default: 'no' version_added: "2.2" require_full_window: description: - A boolean indicating whether this monitor needs a full window of data before it's evaluated. We highly recommend you set this to False for sparse metrics, otherwise some evaluations will be skipped. version_added: "2.3" new_host_delay: description: ["A positive integer representing the number of seconds to wait before evaluating the monitor for new hosts. This gives the host time to fully initialize."] version_added: "2.4" id: description: ["The id of the alert. If set, will be used instead of the name to locate the alert."] version_added: "2.3" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create a metric monitor - datadog_monitor: type: "metric alert" name: "Test monitor" state: "present" query: "datadog.agent.up.over('host:host1').last(2).count_by_status()" message: "Host [[]] with IP [[host.ip]] is failing to report to datadog." api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" # Deletes a monitor - datadog_monitor: name: "Test monitor" state: "absent" api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" # Mutes a monitor - datadog_monitor: name: "Test monitor" state: "mute" silenced: '{"*":None}' api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" # Unmutes a monitor - datadog_monitor: name: "Test monitor" state: "unmute" api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" ''' import traceback # Import Datadog try: from datadog import initialize, api HAS_DATADOG = True except: HAS_DATADOG = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( api_key=dict(required=True, no_log=True), app_key=dict(required=True, no_log=True), state=dict(required=True, choises=['present', 'absent', 'mute', 'unmute']), type=dict(required=False, choises=['metric alert', 'service check', 'event alert']), name=dict(required=True), query=dict(required=False), message=dict(required=False, default=None), silenced=dict(required=False, default=None, type='dict'), notify_no_data=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), no_data_timeframe=dict(required=False, default=None), timeout_h=dict(required=False, default=None), renotify_interval=dict(required=False, default=None), escalation_message=dict(required=False, default=None), notify_audit=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), thresholds=dict(required=False, type='dict', default=None), tags=dict(required=False, type='list', default=None), locked=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), require_full_window=dict(required=False, default=None, type='bool'), new_host_delay=dict(required=False, default=None), id=dict(required=False) ) ) # Prepare Datadog if not HAS_DATADOG: module.fail_json(msg='datadogpy required for this module') options = { 'api_key': module.params['api_key'], 'app_key': module.params['app_key'] } initialize(**options) # Check if api_key and app_key is correct or not # if not, then fail here. response = api.Monitor.get_all() if isinstance(response, dict): msg = response.get('errors', None) if msg: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to connect Datadog server using given app_key and api_key : {0}".format(msg[0])) if module.params['state'] == 'present': install_monitor(module) elif module.params['state'] == 'absent': delete_monitor(module) elif module.params['state'] == 'mute': mute_monitor(module) elif module.params['state'] == 'unmute': unmute_monitor(module) def _fix_template_vars(message): if message: return message.replace('[[', '{{').replace(']]', '}}') return message def _get_monitor(module): if module.params['id'] is not None: monitor = api.Monitor.get(module.params['id']) if 'errors' in monitor: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to retrieve monitor with id %s, errors are %s" % (module.params['id'], str(monitor['errors']))) return monitor else: monitors = api.Monitor.get_all() for monitor in monitors: if monitor['name'] == module.params['name']: return monitor return {} def _post_monitor(module, options): try: kwargs = dict(type=module.params['type'], query=module.params['query'], name=module.params['name'], message=_fix_template_vars(module.params['message']), options=options) if module.params['tags'] is not None: kwargs['tags'] = module.params['tags'] msg = api.Monitor.create(**kwargs) if 'errors' in msg: module.fail_json(msg=str(msg['errors'])) else: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=msg) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def _equal_dicts(a, b, ignore_keys): ka = set(a).difference(ignore_keys) kb = set(b).difference(ignore_keys) return ka == kb and all(a[k] == b[k] for k in ka) def _update_monitor(module, monitor, options): try: kwargs = dict(id=monitor['id'], query=module.params['query'], name=module.params['name'], message=_fix_template_vars(module.params['message']), options=options) if module.params['tags'] is not None: kwargs['tags'] = module.params['tags'] msg = api.Monitor.update(**kwargs) if 'errors' in msg: module.fail_json(msg=str(msg['errors'])) elif _equal_dicts(msg, monitor, ['creator', 'overall_state', 'modified', 'matching_downtimes', 'overall_state_modified']): module.exit_json(changed=False, msg=msg) else: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=msg) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def install_monitor(module): options = { "silenced": module.params['silenced'], "notify_no_data": module.boolean(module.params['notify_no_data']), "no_data_timeframe": module.params['no_data_timeframe'], "timeout_h": module.params['timeout_h'], "renotify_interval": module.params['renotify_interval'], "escalation_message": module.params['escalation_message'], "notify_audit": module.boolean(module.params['notify_audit']), "locked": module.boolean(module.params['locked']), "require_full_window": module.params['require_full_window'], "new_host_delay": module.params['new_host_delay'] } if module.params['type'] == "service check": options["thresholds"] = module.params['thresholds'] or {'ok': 1, 'critical': 1, 'warning': 1} if module.params['type'] == "metric alert" and module.params['thresholds'] is not None: options["thresholds"] = module.params['thresholds'] monitor = _get_monitor(module) if not monitor: _post_monitor(module, options) else: _update_monitor(module, monitor, options) def delete_monitor(module): monitor = _get_monitor(module) if not monitor: module.exit_json(changed=False) try: msg = api.Monitor.delete(monitor['id']) module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=msg) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def mute_monitor(module): monitor = _get_monitor(module) if not monitor: module.fail_json(msg="Monitor %s not found!" % module.params['name']) elif monitor['options']['silenced']: module.fail_json(msg="Monitor is already muted. Datadog does not allow to modify muted alerts, consider unmuting it first.") elif (module.params['silenced'] is not None and len(set(monitor['options']['silenced']) ^ set(module.params['silenced'])) == 0): module.exit_json(changed=False) try: if module.params['silenced'] is None or module.params['silenced'] == "": msg = api.Monitor.mute(id=monitor['id']) else: msg = api.Monitor.mute(id=monitor['id'], silenced=module.params['silenced']) module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=msg) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def unmute_monitor(module): monitor = _get_monitor(module) if not monitor: module.fail_json(msg="Monitor %s not found!" % module.params['name']) elif not monitor['options']['silenced']: module.exit_json(changed=False) try: msg = api.Monitor.unmute(monitor['id']) module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=msg) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Basic tools for dense recursive polynomials in ``K[x]`` or ``K[X]``. """ from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy.core import igcd from sympy import oo from sympy.polys.monomials import monomial_min, monomial_div from sympy.polys.orderings import monomial_key from sympy.core.compatibility import range import random def poly_LC(f, K): """ Return leading coefficient of ``f``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import poly_LC >>> poly_LC([], ZZ) 0 >>> poly_LC([ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)], ZZ) 1 """ if not f: return else: return f[0] def poly_TC(f, K): """ Return trailing coefficient of ``f``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import poly_TC >>> poly_TC([], ZZ) 0 >>> poly_TC([ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)], ZZ) 3 """ if not f: return else: return f[-1] dup_LC = dmp_LC = poly_LC dup_TC = dmp_TC = poly_TC def dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K): """ Return the ground leading coefficient. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_ground_LC >>> f =[[[1], [2, 3]]]) >>> dmp_ground_LC(f, 2, ZZ) 1 """ while u: f = dmp_LC(f, K) u -= 1 return dup_LC(f, K) def dmp_ground_TC(f, u, K): """ Return the ground trailing coefficient. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_ground_TC >>> f =[[[1], [2, 3]]]) >>> dmp_ground_TC(f, 2, ZZ) 3 """ while u: f = dmp_TC(f, K) u -= 1 return dup_TC(f, K) def dmp_true_LT(f, u, K): """ Return the leading term ``c * x_1**n_1 ... x_k**n_k``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_true_LT >>> f =[[4], [2, 0], [3, 0, 0]]) >>> dmp_true_LT(f, 1, ZZ) ((2, 0), 4) """ monom = [] while u: monom.append(len(f) - 1) f, u = f[0], u - 1 if not f: monom.append(0) else: monom.append(len(f) - 1) return tuple(monom), dup_LC(f, K) def dup_degree(f): """ Return the leading degree of ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Note that the degree of 0 is negative infinity (the SymPy object -oo). Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_degree >>> f =[1, 2, 0, 3]) >>> dup_degree(f) 3 """ if not f: return -oo return len(f) - 1 def dmp_degree(f, u): """ Return the leading degree of ``f`` in ``x_0`` in ``K[X]``. Note that the degree of 0 is negative infinity (the SymPy object -oo). Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_degree >>> dmp_degree([[[]]], 2) -oo >>> f =[[2], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> dmp_degree(f, 1) 1 """ if dmp_zero_p(f, u): return -oo else: return len(f) - 1 def _rec_degree_in(g, v, i, j): """Recursive helper function for :func:`dmp_degree_in`.""" if i == j: return dmp_degree(g, v) v, i = v - 1, i + 1 return max([ _rec_degree_in(c, v, i, j) for c in g ]) def dmp_degree_in(f, j, u): """ Return the leading degree of ``f`` in ``x_j`` in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_degree_in >>> f =[[2], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> dmp_degree_in(f, 0, 1) 1 >>> dmp_degree_in(f, 1, 1) 2 """ if not j: return dmp_degree(f, u) if j < 0 or j > u: raise IndexError("0 <= j <= %s expected, got %s" % (u, j)) return _rec_degree_in(f, u, 0, j) def _rec_degree_list(g, v, i, degs): """Recursive helper for :func:`dmp_degree_list`.""" degs[i] = max(degs[i], dmp_degree(g, v)) if v > 0: v, i = v - 1, i + 1 for c in g: _rec_degree_list(c, v, i, degs) def dmp_degree_list(f, u): """ Return a list of degrees of ``f`` in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_degree_list >>> f =[[1], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> dmp_degree_list(f, 1) (1, 2) """ degs = [-oo]*(u + 1) _rec_degree_list(f, u, 0, degs) return tuple(degs) def dup_strip(f): """ Remove leading zeros from ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_strip >>> dup_strip([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0]) [1, 2, 3, 0] """ if not f or f[0]: return f i = 0 for cf in f: if cf: break else: i += 1 return f[i:] def dmp_strip(f, u): """ Remove leading zeros from ``f`` in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_strip >>> dmp_strip([[], [0, 1, 2], [1]], 1) [[0, 1, 2], [1]] """ if not u: return dup_strip(f) if dmp_zero_p(f, u): return f i, v = 0, u - 1 for c in f: if not dmp_zero_p(c, v): break else: i += 1 if i == len(f): return dmp_zero(u) else: return f[i:] def _rec_validate(f, g, i, K): """Recursive helper for :func:`dmp_validate`.""" if type(g) is not list: if K is not None and not K.of_type(g): raise TypeError("%s in %s in not of type %s" % (g, f, K.dtype)) return set([i - 1]) elif not g: return set([i]) else: j, levels = i + 1, set([]) for c in g: levels |= _rec_validate(f, c, i + 1, K) return levels def _rec_strip(g, v): """Recursive helper for :func:`_rec_strip`.""" if not v: return dup_strip(g) w = v - 1 return dmp_strip([ _rec_strip(c, w) for c in g ], v) def dmp_validate(f, K=None): """ Return the number of levels in ``f`` and recursively strip it. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_validate >>> dmp_validate([[], [0, 1, 2], [1]]) ([[1, 2], [1]], 1) >>> dmp_validate([[1], 1]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid data structure for a multivariate polynomial """ levels = _rec_validate(f, f, 0, K) u = levels.pop() if not levels: return _rec_strip(f, u), u else: raise ValueError( "invalid data structure for a multivariate polynomial") def dup_reverse(f): """ Compute ``x**n * f(1/x)``, i.e.: reverse ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_reverse >>> f =[1, 2, 3, 0]) >>> dup_reverse(f) [3, 2, 1] """ return dup_strip(list(reversed(f))) def dup_copy(f): """ Create a new copy of a polynomial ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_copy >>> f =[1, 2, 3, 0]) >>> dup_copy([1, 2, 3, 0]) [1, 2, 3, 0] """ return list(f) def dmp_copy(f, u): """ Create a new copy of a polynomial ``f`` in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_copy >>> f =[[1], [1, 2]]) >>> dmp_copy(f, 1) [[1], [1, 2]] """ if not u: return list(f) v = u - 1 return [ dmp_copy(c, v) for c in f ] def dup_to_tuple(f): """ Convert `f` into a tuple. This is needed for hashing. This is similar to dup_copy(). Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_copy >>> f =[1, 2, 3, 0]) >>> dup_copy([1, 2, 3, 0]) [1, 2, 3, 0] """ return tuple(f) def dmp_to_tuple(f, u): """ Convert `f` into a nested tuple of tuples. This is needed for hashing. This is similar to dmp_copy(). Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_to_tuple >>> f =[[1], [1, 2]]) >>> dmp_to_tuple(f, 1) ((1,), (1, 2)) """ if not u: return tuple(f) v = u - 1 return tuple(dmp_to_tuple(c, v) for c in f) def dup_normal(f, K): """ Normalize univariate polynomial in the given domain. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_normal >>> dup_normal([0, 1.5, 2, 3], ZZ) [1, 2, 3] """ return dup_strip([ K.normal(c) for c in f ]) def dmp_normal(f, u, K): """ Normalize a multivariate polynomial in the given domain. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_normal >>> dmp_normal([[], [0, 1.5, 2]], 1, ZZ) [[1, 2]] """ if not u: return dup_normal(f, K) v = u - 1 return dmp_strip([ dmp_normal(c, v, K) for c in f ], u) def dup_convert(f, K0, K1): """ Convert the ground domain of ``f`` from ``K0`` to ``K1``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_convert >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ) >>> dup_convert([R(1), R(2)], R.to_domain(), ZZ) [1, 2] >>> dup_convert([ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], ZZ, R.to_domain()) [1, 2] """ if K0 is not None and K0 == K1: return f else: return dup_strip([ K1.convert(c, K0) for c in f ]) def dmp_convert(f, u, K0, K1): """ Convert the ground domain of ``f`` from ``K0`` to ``K1``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_convert >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ) >>> dmp_convert([[R(1)], [R(2)]], 1, R.to_domain(), ZZ) [[1], [2]] >>> dmp_convert([[ZZ(1)], [ZZ(2)]], 1, ZZ, R.to_domain()) [[1], [2]] """ if not u: return dup_convert(f, K0, K1) if K0 is not None and K0 == K1: return f v = u - 1 return dmp_strip([ dmp_convert(c, v, K0, K1) for c in f ], u) def dup_from_sympy(f, K): """ Convert the ground domain of ``f`` from SymPy to ``K``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import S >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_from_sympy >>> dup_from_sympy([S(1), S(2)], ZZ) == [ZZ(1), ZZ(2)] True """ return dup_strip([ K.from_sympy(c) for c in f ]) def dmp_from_sympy(f, u, K): """ Convert the ground domain of ``f`` from SymPy to ``K``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import S >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_from_sympy >>> dmp_from_sympy([[S(1)], [S(2)]], 1, ZZ) == [[ZZ(1)], [ZZ(2)]] True """ if not u: return dup_from_sympy(f, K) v = u - 1 return dmp_strip([ dmp_from_sympy(c, v, K) for c in f ], u) def dup_nth(f, n, K): """ Return the ``n``-th coefficient of ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_nth >>> f =[1, 2, 3]) >>> dup_nth(f, 0, ZZ) 3 >>> dup_nth(f, 4, ZZ) 0 """ if n < 0: raise IndexError("'n' must be non-negative, got %i" % n) elif n >= len(f): return else: return f[dup_degree(f) - n] def dmp_nth(f, n, u, K): """ Return the ``n``-th coefficient of ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_nth >>> f =[[1], [2], [3]]) >>> dmp_nth(f, 0, 1, ZZ) [3] >>> dmp_nth(f, 4, 1, ZZ) [] """ if n < 0: raise IndexError("'n' must be non-negative, got %i" % n) elif n >= len(f): return dmp_zero(u - 1) else: return f[dmp_degree(f, u) - n] def dmp_ground_nth(f, N, u, K): """ Return the ground ``n``-th coefficient of ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_ground_nth >>> f =[[1], [2, 3]]) >>> dmp_ground_nth(f, (0, 1), 1, ZZ) 2 """ v = u for n in N: if n < 0: raise IndexError("`n` must be non-negative, got %i" % n) elif n >= len(f): return else: d = dmp_degree(f, v) if d == -oo: d = -1 f, v = f[d - n], v - 1 return f def dmp_zero_p(f, u): """ Return ``True`` if ``f`` is zero in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_zero_p >>> dmp_zero_p([[[[[]]]]], 4) True >>> dmp_zero_p([[[[[1]]]]], 4) False """ while u: if len(f) != 1: return False f = f[0] u -= 1 return not f def dmp_zero(u): """ Return a multivariate zero. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_zero >>> dmp_zero(4) [[[[[]]]]] """ r = [] for i in range(u): r = [r] return r def dmp_one_p(f, u, K): """ Return ``True`` if ``f`` is one in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_one_p >>> dmp_one_p([[[ZZ(1)]]], 2, ZZ) True """ return dmp_ground_p(f,, u) def dmp_one(u, K): """ Return a multivariate one over ``K``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_one >>> dmp_one(2, ZZ) [[[1]]] """ return dmp_ground(, u) def dmp_ground_p(f, c, u): """ Return True if ``f`` is constant in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_ground_p >>> dmp_ground_p([[[3]]], 3, 2) True >>> dmp_ground_p([[[4]]], None, 2) True """ if c is not None and not c: return dmp_zero_p(f, u) while u: if len(f) != 1: return False f = f[0] u -= 1 if c is None: return len(f) <= 1 else: return f == [c] def dmp_ground(c, u): """ Return a multivariate constant. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_ground >>> dmp_ground(3, 5) [[[[[[3]]]]]] >>> dmp_ground(1, -1) 1 """ if not c: return dmp_zero(u) for i in range(u + 1): c = [c] return c def dmp_zeros(n, u, K): """ Return a list of multivariate zeros. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_zeros >>> dmp_zeros(3, 2, ZZ) [[[[]]], [[[]]], [[[]]]] >>> dmp_zeros(3, -1, ZZ) [0, 0, 0] """ if not n: return [] if u < 0: return []*n else: return [ dmp_zero(u) for i in range(n) ] def dmp_grounds(c, n, u): """ Return a list of multivariate constants. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_grounds >>> dmp_grounds(ZZ(4), 3, 2) [[[[4]]], [[[4]]], [[[4]]]] >>> dmp_grounds(ZZ(4), 3, -1) [4, 4, 4] """ if not n: return [] if u < 0: return [c]*n else: return [ dmp_ground(c, u) for i in range(n) ] def dmp_negative_p(f, u, K): """ Return ``True`` if ``LC(f)`` is negative. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_negative_p >>> dmp_negative_p([[ZZ(1)], [-ZZ(1)]], 1, ZZ) False >>> dmp_negative_p([[-ZZ(1)], [ZZ(1)]], 1, ZZ) True """ return K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)) def dmp_positive_p(f, u, K): """ Return ``True`` if ``LC(f)`` is positive. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_positive_p >>> dmp_positive_p([[ZZ(1)], [-ZZ(1)]], 1, ZZ) True >>> dmp_positive_p([[-ZZ(1)], [ZZ(1)]], 1, ZZ) False """ return K.is_positive(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)) def dup_from_dict(f, K): """ Create a ``K[x]`` polynomial from a ``dict``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_from_dict >>> dup_from_dict({(0,): ZZ(7), (2,): ZZ(5), (4,): ZZ(1)}, ZZ) [1, 0, 5, 0, 7] >>> dup_from_dict({}, ZZ) [] """ if not f: return [] n, h = max(f.keys()), [] if type(n) is int: for k in range(n, -1, -1): h.append(f.get(k, else: (n,) = n for k in range(n, -1, -1): h.append(f.get((k,), return dup_strip(h) def dup_from_raw_dict(f, K): """ Create a ``K[x]`` polynomial from a raw ``dict``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_from_raw_dict >>> dup_from_raw_dict({0: ZZ(7), 2: ZZ(5), 4: ZZ(1)}, ZZ) [1, 0, 5, 0, 7] """ if not f: return [] n, h = max(f.keys()), [] for k in range(n, -1, -1): h.append(f.get(k, return dup_strip(h) def dmp_from_dict(f, u, K): """ Create a ``K[X]`` polynomial from a ``dict``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_from_dict >>> dmp_from_dict({(0, 0): ZZ(3), (0, 1): ZZ(2), (2, 1): ZZ(1)}, 1, ZZ) [[1, 0], [], [2, 3]] >>> dmp_from_dict({}, 0, ZZ) [] """ if not u: return dup_from_dict(f, K) if not f: return dmp_zero(u) coeffs = {} for monom, coeff in f.items(): head, tail = monom[0], monom[1:] if head in coeffs: coeffs[head][tail] = coeff else: coeffs[head] = { tail: coeff } n, v, h = max(coeffs.keys()), u - 1, [] for k in range(n, -1, -1): coeff = coeffs.get(k) if coeff is not None: h.append(dmp_from_dict(coeff, v, K)) else: h.append(dmp_zero(v)) return dmp_strip(h, u) def dup_to_dict(f, K=None, zero=False): """ Convert ``K[x]`` polynomial to a ``dict``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_to_dict >>> dup_to_dict([1, 0, 5, 0, 7]) {(0,): 7, (2,): 5, (4,): 1} >>> dup_to_dict([]) {} """ if not f and zero: return {(0,):} n, result = len(f) - 1, {} for k in range(0, n + 1): if f[n - k]: result[(k,)] = f[n - k] return result def dup_to_raw_dict(f, K=None, zero=False): """ Convert a ``K[x]`` polynomial to a raw ``dict``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_to_raw_dict >>> dup_to_raw_dict([1, 0, 5, 0, 7]) {0: 7, 2: 5, 4: 1} """ if not f and zero: return {0:} n, result = len(f) - 1, {} for k in range(0, n + 1): if f[n - k]: result[k] = f[n - k] return result def dmp_to_dict(f, u, K=None, zero=False): """ Convert a ``K[X]`` polynomial to a ``dict````. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_to_dict >>> dmp_to_dict([[1, 0], [], [2, 3]], 1) {(0, 0): 3, (0, 1): 2, (2, 1): 1} >>> dmp_to_dict([], 0) {} """ if not u: return dup_to_dict(f, K, zero=zero) if dmp_zero_p(f, u) and zero: return {(0,)*(u + 1):} n, v, result = dmp_degree(f, u), u - 1, {} if n == -oo: n = -1 for k in range(0, n + 1): h = dmp_to_dict(f[n - k], v) for exp, coeff in h.items(): result[(k,) + exp] = coeff return result def dmp_swap(f, i, j, u, K): """ Transform ``K[..x_i..x_j..]`` to ``K[..x_j..x_i..]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_swap >>> f =[[[2], [1, 0]], []]) >>> dmp_swap(f, 0, 1, 2, ZZ) [[[2], []], [[1, 0], []]] >>> dmp_swap(f, 1, 2, 2, ZZ) [[[1], [2, 0]], [[]]] >>> dmp_swap(f, 0, 2, 2, ZZ) [[[1, 0]], [[2, 0], []]] """ if i < 0 or j < 0 or i > u or j > u: raise IndexError("0 <= i < j <= %s expected" % u) elif i == j: return f F, H = dmp_to_dict(f, u), {} for exp, coeff in F.items(): H[exp[:i] + (exp[j],) + exp[i + 1:j] + (exp[i],) + exp[j + 1:]] = coeff return dmp_from_dict(H, u, K) def dmp_permute(f, P, u, K): """ Return a polynomial in ``K[x_{P(1)},..,x_{P(n)}]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_permute >>> f =[[[2], [1, 0]], []]) >>> dmp_permute(f, [1, 0, 2], 2, ZZ) [[[2], []], [[1, 0], []]] >>> dmp_permute(f, [1, 2, 0], 2, ZZ) [[[1], []], [[2, 0], []]] """ F, H = dmp_to_dict(f, u), {} for exp, coeff in F.items(): new_exp = [0]*len(exp) for e, p in zip(exp, P): new_exp[p] = e H[tuple(new_exp)] = coeff return dmp_from_dict(H, u, K) def dmp_nest(f, l, K): """ Return a multivariate value nested ``l``-levels. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_nest >>> dmp_nest([[ZZ(1)]], 2, ZZ) [[[[1]]]] """ if not isinstance(f, list): return dmp_ground(f, l) for i in range(l): f = [f] return f def dmp_raise(f, l, u, K): """ Return a multivariate polynomial raised ``l``-levels. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_raise >>> f =[[], [1, 2]]) >>> dmp_raise(f, 2, 1, ZZ) [[[[]]], [[[1]], [[2]]]] """ if not l: return f if not u: if not f: return dmp_zero(l) k = l - 1 return [ dmp_ground(c, k) for c in f ] v = u - 1 return [ dmp_raise(c, l, v, K) for c in f ] def dup_deflate(f, K): """ Map ``x**m`` to ``y`` in a polynomial in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_deflate >>> f =[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) >>> dup_deflate(f, ZZ) (3, [1, 1, 1]) """ if dup_degree(f) <= 0: return 1, f g = 0 for i in range(len(f)): if not f[-i - 1]: continue g = igcd(g, i) if g == 1: return 1, f return g, f[::g] def dmp_deflate(f, u, K): """ Map ``x_i**m_i`` to ``y_i`` in a polynomial in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_deflate >>> f =[[1, 0, 0, 2], [], [3, 0, 0, 4]]) >>> dmp_deflate(f, 1, ZZ) ((2, 3), [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) """ if dmp_zero_p(f, u): return (1,)*(u + 1), f F = dmp_to_dict(f, u) B = [0]*(u + 1) for M in F.keys(): for i, m in enumerate(M): B[i] = igcd(B[i], m) for i, b in enumerate(B): if not b: B[i] = 1 B = tuple(B) if all(b == 1 for b in B): return B, f H = {} for A, coeff in F.items(): N = [ a // b for a, b in zip(A, B) ] H[tuple(N)] = coeff return B, dmp_from_dict(H, u, K) def dup_multi_deflate(polys, K): """ Map ``x**m`` to ``y`` in a set of polynomials in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_multi_deflate >>> f =[1, 0, 2, 0, 3]) >>> g =[4, 0, 0]) >>> dup_multi_deflate((f, g), ZZ) (2, ([1, 2, 3], [4, 0])) """ G = 0 for p in polys: if dup_degree(p) <= 0: return 1, polys g = 0 for i in range(len(p)): if not p[-i - 1]: continue g = igcd(g, i) if g == 1: return 1, polys G = igcd(G, g) return G, tuple([ p[::G] for p in polys ]) def dmp_multi_deflate(polys, u, K): """ Map ``x_i**m_i`` to ``y_i`` in a set of polynomials in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_multi_deflate >>> f =[[1, 0, 0, 2], [], [3, 0, 0, 4]]) >>> g =[[1, 0, 2], [], [3, 0, 4]]) >>> dmp_multi_deflate((f, g), 1, ZZ) ((2, 1), ([[1, 0, 0, 2], [3, 0, 0, 4]], [[1, 0, 2], [3, 0, 4]])) """ if not u: M, H = dup_multi_deflate(polys, K) return (M,), H F, B = [], [0]*(u + 1) for p in polys: f = dmp_to_dict(p, u) if not dmp_zero_p(p, u): for M in f.keys(): for i, m in enumerate(M): B[i] = igcd(B[i], m) F.append(f) for i, b in enumerate(B): if not b: B[i] = 1 B = tuple(B) if all(b == 1 for b in B): return B, polys H = [] for f in F: h = {} for A, coeff in f.items(): N = [ a // b for a, b in zip(A, B) ] h[tuple(N)] = coeff H.append(dmp_from_dict(h, u, K)) return B, tuple(H) def dup_inflate(f, m, K): """ Map ``y`` to ``x**m`` in a polynomial in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_inflate >>> f =[1, 1, 1]) >>> dup_inflate(f, 3, ZZ) [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] """ if m <= 0: raise IndexError("'m' must be positive, got %s" % m) if m == 1 or not f: return f result = [f[0]] for coeff in f[1:]: result.extend([]*(m - 1)) result.append(coeff) return result def _rec_inflate(g, M, v, i, K): """Recursive helper for :func:`dmp_inflate`.""" if not v: return dup_inflate(g, M[i], K) if M[i] <= 0: raise IndexError("all M[i] must be positive, got %s" % M[i]) w, j = v - 1, i + 1 g = [ _rec_inflate(c, M, w, j, K) for c in g ] result = [g[0]] for coeff in g[1:]: for _ in range(1, M[i]): result.append(dmp_zero(w)) result.append(coeff) return result def dmp_inflate(f, M, u, K): """ Map ``y_i`` to ``x_i**k_i`` in a polynomial in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_inflate >>> f =[[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> dmp_inflate(f, (2, 3), 1, ZZ) [[1, 0, 0, 2], [], [3, 0, 0, 4]] """ if not u: return dup_inflate(f, M[0], K) if all(m == 1 for m in M): return f else: return _rec_inflate(f, M, u, 0, K) def dmp_exclude(f, u, K): """ Exclude useless levels from ``f``. Return the levels excluded, the new excluded ``f``, and the new ``u``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_exclude >>> f =[[[1]], [[1], [2]]]) >>> dmp_exclude(f, 2, ZZ) ([2], [[1], [1, 2]], 1) """ if not u or dmp_ground_p(f, None, u): return [], f, u J, F = [], dmp_to_dict(f, u) for j in range(0, u + 1): for monom in F.keys(): if monom[j]: break else: J.append(j) if not J: return [], f, u f = {} for monom, coeff in F.items(): monom = list(monom) for j in reversed(J): del monom[j] f[tuple(monom)] = coeff u -= len(J) return J, dmp_from_dict(f, u, K), u def dmp_include(f, J, u, K): """ Include useless levels in ``f``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_include >>> f =[[1], [1, 2]]) >>> dmp_include(f, [2], 1, ZZ) [[[1]], [[1], [2]]] """ if not J: return f F, f = dmp_to_dict(f, u), {} for monom, coeff in F.items(): monom = list(monom) for j in J: monom.insert(j, 0) f[tuple(monom)] = coeff u += len(J) return dmp_from_dict(f, u, K) def dmp_inject(f, u, K, front=False): """ Convert ``f`` from ``K[X][Y]`` to ``K[X,Y]``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_inject >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ) >>> dmp_inject([R(1), x + 2], 0, R.to_domain()) ([[[1]], [[1], [2]]], 2) >>> dmp_inject([R(1), x + 2], 0, R.to_domain(), front=True) ([[[1]], [[1, 2]]], 2) """ f, h = dmp_to_dict(f, u), {} v = K.ngens - 1 for f_monom, g in f.items(): g = g.to_dict() for g_monom, c in g.items(): if front: h[g_monom + f_monom] = c else: h[f_monom + g_monom] = c w = u + v + 1 return dmp_from_dict(h, w, K.dom), w def dmp_eject(f, u, K, front=False): """ Convert ``f`` from ``K[X,Y]`` to ``K[X][Y]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_eject >>> dmp_eject([[[1]], [[1], [2]]], 2, ZZ['x', 'y']) [1, x + 2] """ f, h = dmp_to_dict(f, u), {} n = K.ngens v = u - K.ngens + 1 for monom, c in f.items(): if front: g_monom, f_monom = monom[:n], monom[n:] else: g_monom, f_monom = monom[-n:], monom[:-n] if f_monom in h: h[f_monom][g_monom] = c else: h[f_monom] = {g_monom: c} for monom, c in h.items(): h[monom] = K(c) return dmp_from_dict(h, v - 1, K) def dup_terms_gcd(f, K): """ Remove GCD of terms from ``f`` in ``K[x]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_terms_gcd >>> f =[1, 0, 1, 0, 0]) >>> dup_terms_gcd(f, ZZ) (2, [1, 0, 1]) """ if dup_TC(f, K) or not f: return 0, f i = 0 for c in reversed(f): if not c: i += 1 else: break return i, f[:-i] def dmp_terms_gcd(f, u, K): """ Remove GCD of terms from ``f`` in ``K[X]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_terms_gcd >>> f =[[1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [], []]) >>> dmp_terms_gcd(f, 1, ZZ) ((2, 1), [[1], [1, 0]]) """ if dmp_ground_TC(f, u, K) or dmp_zero_p(f, u): return (0,)*(u + 1), f F = dmp_to_dict(f, u) G = monomial_min(*list(F.keys())) if all(g == 0 for g in G): return G, f f = {} for monom, coeff in F.items(): f[monomial_div(monom, G)] = coeff return G, dmp_from_dict(f, u, K) def _rec_list_terms(g, v, monom): """Recursive helper for :func:`dmp_list_terms`.""" d, terms = dmp_degree(g, v), [] if not v: for i, c in enumerate(g): if not c: continue terms.append((monom + (d - i,), c)) else: w = v - 1 for i, c in enumerate(g): terms.extend(_rec_list_terms(c, w, monom + (d - i,))) return terms def dmp_list_terms(f, u, K, order=None): """ List all non-zero terms from ``f`` in the given order ``order``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_list_terms >>> f =[[1, 1], [2, 3]]) >>> dmp_list_terms(f, 1, ZZ) [((1, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((0, 1), 2), ((0, 0), 3)] >>> dmp_list_terms(f, 1, ZZ, order='grevlex') [((1, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((0, 1), 2), ((0, 0), 3)] """ def sort(terms, O): return sorted(terms, key=lambda term: O(term[0]), reverse=True) terms = _rec_list_terms(f, u, ()) if not terms: return [((0,)*(u + 1),] if order is None: return terms else: return sort(terms, monomial_key(order)) def dup_apply_pairs(f, g, h, args, K): """ Apply ``h`` to pairs of coefficients of ``f`` and ``g``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_apply_pairs >>> h = lambda x, y, z: 2*x + y - z >>> dup_apply_pairs([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1], h, (1,), ZZ) [4, 5, 6] """ n, m = len(f), len(g) if n != m: if n > m: g = []*(n - m) + g else: f = []*(m - n) + f result = [] for a, b in zip(f, g): result.append(h(a, b, *args)) return dup_strip(result) def dmp_apply_pairs(f, g, h, args, u, K): """ Apply ``h`` to pairs of coefficients of ``f`` and ``g``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_apply_pairs >>> h = lambda x, y, z: 2*x + y - z >>> dmp_apply_pairs([[1], [2, 3]], [[3], [2, 1]], h, (1,), 1, ZZ) [[4], [5, 6]] """ if not u: return dup_apply_pairs(f, g, h, args, K) n, m, v = len(f), len(g), u - 1 if n != m: if n > m: g = dmp_zeros(n - m, v, K) + g else: f = dmp_zeros(m - n, v, K) + f result = [] for a, b in zip(f, g): result.append(dmp_apply_pairs(a, b, h, args, v, K)) return dmp_strip(result, u) def dup_slice(f, m, n, K): """Take a continuous subsequence of terms of ``f`` in ``K[x]``. """ k = len(f) if k >= m: M = k - m else: M = 0 if k >= n: N = k - n else: N = 0 f = f[N:M] if not f: return [] else: return f + []*m def dmp_slice(f, m, n, u, K): """Take a continuous subsequence of terms of ``f`` in ``K[X]``. """ return dmp_slice_in(f, m, n, 0, u, K) def dmp_slice_in(f, m, n, j, u, K): """Take a continuous subsequence of terms of ``f`` in ``x_j`` in ``K[X]``. """ if j < 0 or j > u: raise IndexError("-%s <= j < %s expected, got %s" % (u, u, j)) if not u: return dup_slice(f, m, n, K) f, g = dmp_to_dict(f, u), {} for monom, coeff in f.items(): k = monom[j] if k < m or k >= n: monom = monom[:j] + (0,) + monom[j + 1:] if monom in g: g[monom] += coeff else: g[monom] = coeff return dmp_from_dict(g, u, K) def dup_random(n, a, b, K): """ Return a polynomial of degree ``n`` with coefficients in ``[a, b]``. Examples ======== >>> from import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_random >>> dup_random(3, -10, 10, ZZ) #doctest: +SKIP [-2, -8, 9, -4] """ f = [ K.convert(random.randint(a, b)) for _ in range(0, n + 1) ] while not f[0]: f[0] = K.convert(random.randint(a, b)) return f
#!/usr/bin/env python # This script belongs to # this script convert LUNA 16 mhd file to RGB-jpg file. __author__ = "Zengming Shen,Email:[email protected]" import os,glob import argparse import numpy as np import SimpleITK as sitk from PIL import Image import cv2 import scipy.misc DATA_DIRECTORY = '/home/zack/Data/LUNA16/' OUT_DIRECTORY = "/home/zack/Data/LUNA16/" def mhd2ndarray(data_file): itkimg = sitk.ReadImage(data_file) img=sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itkimg) img = np.transpose(img,(1,2,0)) return img def ndarry2jpg_png(data_file,out_dir,subsetIndex,flist): data_path,fn = os.path.split(data_file) # img_gt_file= data_path+"output/yes_lesion_no_rescale/seg/"+fn img_gt_file = data_file.replace("subset"+str(subsetIndex),"output/yes_lesion_no_rescale/subset"+str(subsetIndex)+"/seg") img = mhd2ndarray(data_file) img_gt = mhd2ndarray(img_gt_file) img_pad=np.lib.pad(img, ((0, 0),(0,0),(1,1)), 'constant', constant_values=(-3024, -3024)) # img_pos = img_pad-img_pad.min() # img_pad = img_pos*(255.0/img_pos.max()) for i in xrange(0,img.shape[2]): img3c = img_pad[:,:,i:i+3] try: scipy.misc.imsave(os.path.join(out_dir+"JPEGImages/subset"+str(subsetIndex),fn+"_"+str(i)+".jpg"), img3c) except ValueError: print fn pass # im = Image.fromarray(img3c) #"JPEGImages/subset"+str(subsetIndex),fn+"_"+str(i)+"_"+".jpg")) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(out_dir+"PNGImages/subset"+str(subsetIndex),fn+"_"+str(i)+".png"),img_gt[:,:,i]) flist.write("/JPEGImages/subset"+str(subsetIndex)+"/"+fn+"_"+str(i)+".jpg "+"/PNGImages/subset"+str(subsetIndex)+"/"+fn+"_"+str(i)+".png\n") def convert(data_dir,out_dir): ftrain = open(data_dir + "dataset/train.txt", 'a') fval = open(data_dir + "dataset/val.txt", 'w') for i in xrange(3,10): print "converting subset "+str(i) os.chdir(data_dir + "subset" + str(i)) if not os.path.exists(data_dir + "JPEGImages/subset" + str(i)): os.mkdir(data_dir + "JPEGImages/subset" + str(i)) if not os.path.exists(data_dir + "PNGImages/subset" + str(i)): os.mkdir(data_dir + "PNGImages/subset" + str(i)) for file in glob.glob("*.mhd"): if i<8: ndarry2jpg_png(os.path.join(data_dir + "subset" + str(i),file), out_dir, i,ftrain) else: ndarry2jpg_png(os.path.join(data_dir + "subset" + str(i),file), out_dir, i,fval) ftrain.close() fval.close() print "done." def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="mdh to jpg-png file converter") parser.add_argument("--data-dir", type=str, default=DATA_DIRECTORY, help="Path to the directory containing the ILD dataset.") parser.add_argument("--out-dir", type=str, default=OUT_DIRECTORY, help="Path to the directory containing the ILD dataset in jpg and png format.") args = parser.parse_args() convert(args.data_dir,args.out_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""CherryPy dispatchers. A 'dispatcher' is the object which looks up the 'page handler' callable and collects config for the current request based on the path_info, other request attributes, and the application architecture. The core calls the dispatcher as early as possible, passing it a 'path_info' argument. The default dispatcher discovers the page handler by matching path_info to a hierarchical arrangement of objects, starting at """ import string import sys import types try: classtype = (type, types.ClassType) except AttributeError: classtype = type import cherrypy from cherrypy._cpcompat import set class PageHandler(object): """Callable which sets response.body.""" def __init__(self, callable, *args, **kwargs): self.callable = callable self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self): try: return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except TypeError: x = sys.exc_info()[1] try: test_callable_spec(self.callable, self.args, self.kwargs) except cherrypy.HTTPError: raise sys.exc_info()[1] except: raise x raise def test_callable_spec(callable, callable_args, callable_kwargs): """ Inspect callable and test to see if the given args are suitable for it. When an error occurs during the handler's invoking stage there are 2 erroneous cases: 1. Too many parameters passed to a function which doesn't define one of *args or **kwargs. 2. Too little parameters are passed to the function. There are 3 sources of parameters to a cherrypy handler. 1. query string parameters are passed as keyword parameters to the handler. 2. body parameters are also passed as keyword parameters. 3. when partial matching occurs, the final path atoms are passed as positional args. Both the query string and path atoms are part of the URI. If they are incorrect, then a 404 Not Found should be raised. Conversely the body parameters are part of the request; if they are invalid a 400 Bad Request. """ show_mismatched_params = getattr( cherrypy.serving.request, 'show_mismatched_params', False) try: (args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(callable) except TypeError: if isinstance(callable, object) and hasattr(callable, '__call__'): (args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(callable.__call__) else: # If it wasn't one of our own types, re-raise # the original error raise if args and args[0] == 'self': args = args[1:] arg_usage = dict([(arg, 0,) for arg in args]) vararg_usage = 0 varkw_usage = 0 extra_kwargs = set() for i, value in enumerate(callable_args): try: arg_usage[args[i]] += 1 except IndexError: vararg_usage += 1 for key in callable_kwargs.keys(): try: arg_usage[key] += 1 except KeyError: varkw_usage += 1 extra_kwargs.add(key) # figure out which args have defaults. args_with_defaults = args[-len(defaults or []):] for i, val in enumerate(defaults or []): # Defaults take effect only when the arg hasn't been used yet. if arg_usage[args_with_defaults[i]] == 0: arg_usage[args_with_defaults[i]] += 1 missing_args = [] multiple_args = [] for key, usage in arg_usage.items(): if usage == 0: missing_args.append(key) elif usage > 1: multiple_args.append(key) if missing_args: # In the case where the method allows body arguments # there are 3 potential errors: # 1. not enough query string parameters -> 404 # 2. not enough body parameters -> 400 # 3. not enough path parts (partial matches) -> 404 # # We can't actually tell which case it is, # so I'm raising a 404 because that covers 2/3 of the # possibilities # # In the case where the method does not allow body # arguments it's definitely a 404. message = None if show_mismatched_params: message="Missing parameters: %s" % ",".join(missing_args) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, message=message) # the extra positional arguments come from the path - 404 Not Found if not varargs and vararg_usage > 0: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) body_params = cherrypy.serving.request.body.params or {} body_params = set(body_params.keys()) qs_params = set(callable_kwargs.keys()) - body_params if multiple_args: if qs_params.intersection(set(multiple_args)): # If any of the multiple parameters came from the query string then # it's a 404 Not Found error = 404 else: # Otherwise it's a 400 Bad Request error = 400 message = None if show_mismatched_params: message="Multiple values for parameters: "\ "%s" % ",".join(multiple_args) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(error, message=message) if not varkw and varkw_usage > 0: # If there were extra query string parameters, it's a 404 Not Found extra_qs_params = set(qs_params).intersection(extra_kwargs) if extra_qs_params: message = None if show_mismatched_params: message="Unexpected query string "\ "parameters: %s" % ", ".join(extra_qs_params) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, message=message) # If there were any extra body parameters, it's a 400 Not Found extra_body_params = set(body_params).intersection(extra_kwargs) if extra_body_params: message = None if show_mismatched_params: message="Unexpected body parameters: "\ "%s" % ", ".join(extra_body_params) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, message=message) try: import inspect except ImportError: test_callable_spec = lambda callable, args, kwargs: None class LateParamPageHandler(PageHandler): """When passing cherrypy.request.params to the page handler, we do not want to capture that dict too early; we want to give tools like the decoding tool a chance to modify the params dict in-between the lookup of the handler and the actual calling of the handler. This subclass takes that into account, and allows request.params to be 'bound late' (it's more complicated than that, but that's the effect). """ def _get_kwargs(self): kwargs = cherrypy.serving.request.params.copy() if self._kwargs: kwargs.update(self._kwargs) return kwargs def _set_kwargs(self, kwargs): self._kwargs = kwargs kwargs = property(_get_kwargs, _set_kwargs, doc='page handler kwargs (with ' 'cherrypy.request.params copied in)') if sys.version_info < (3, 0): punctuation_to_underscores = string.maketrans( string.punctuation, '_' * len(string.punctuation)) def validate_translator(t): if not isinstance(t, str) or len(t) != 256: raise ValueError("The translate argument must be a str of len 256.") else: punctuation_to_underscores = str.maketrans( string.punctuation, '_' * len(string.punctuation)) def validate_translator(t): if not isinstance(t, dict): raise ValueError("The translate argument must be a dict.") class Dispatcher(object): """CherryPy Dispatcher which walks a tree of objects to find a handler. The tree is rooted at, and each hierarchical component in the path_info argument is matched to a corresponding nested attribute of the root object. Matching handlers must have an 'exposed' attribute which evaluates to True. The special method name "index" matches a URI which ends in a slash ("/"). The special method name "default" may match a portion of the path_info (but only when no longer substring of the path_info matches some other object). This is the default, built-in dispatcher for CherryPy. """ dispatch_method_name = '_cp_dispatch' """ The name of the dispatch method that nodes may optionally implement to provide their own dynamic dispatch algorithm. """ def __init__(self, dispatch_method_name=None, translate=punctuation_to_underscores): validate_translator(translate) self.translate = translate if dispatch_method_name: self.dispatch_method_name = dispatch_method_name def __call__(self, path_info): """Set handler and config for the current request.""" request = cherrypy.serving.request func, vpath = self.find_handler(path_info) if func: # Decode any leftover %2F in the virtual_path atoms. vpath = [x.replace("%2F", "/") for x in vpath] request.handler = LateParamPageHandler(func, *vpath) else: request.handler = cherrypy.NotFound() def find_handler(self, path): """Return the appropriate page handler, plus any virtual path. This will return two objects. The first will be a callable, which can be used to generate page output. Any parameters from the query string or request body will be sent to that callable as keyword arguments. The callable is found by traversing the application's tree, starting from, and matching path components to successive objects in the tree. For example, the URL "/path/to/handler" might return The second object returned will be a list of names which are 'virtual path' components: parts of the URL which are dynamic, and were not used when looking up the handler. These virtual path components are passed to the handler as positional arguments. """ request = cherrypy.serving.request app = root = app.root dispatch_name = self.dispatch_method_name # Get config for the root object/path. fullpath = [x for x in path.strip('/').split('/') if x] + ['index'] fullpath_len = len(fullpath) segleft = fullpath_len nodeconf = {} if hasattr(root, "_cp_config"): nodeconf.update(root._cp_config) if "/" in app.config: nodeconf.update(app.config["/"]) object_trail = [['root', root, nodeconf, segleft]] node = root iternames = fullpath[:] while iternames: name = iternames[0] # map to legal Python identifiers (e.g. replace '.' with '_') objname = name.translate(self.translate) nodeconf = {} subnode = getattr(node, objname, None) pre_len = len(iternames) if subnode is None: dispatch = getattr(node, dispatch_name, None) if dispatch and hasattr(dispatch, '__call__') and not \ getattr(dispatch, 'exposed', False) and \ pre_len > 1: #Don't expose the hidden 'index' token to _cp_dispatch #We skip this if pre_len == 1 since it makes no sense #to call a dispatcher when we have no tokens left. index_name = iternames.pop() subnode = dispatch(vpath=iternames) iternames.append(index_name) else: #We didn't find a path, but keep processing in case there #is a default() handler. iternames.pop(0) else: #We found the path, remove the vpath entry iternames.pop(0) segleft = len(iternames) if segleft > pre_len: #No path segment was removed. Raise an error. raise cherrypy.CherryPyException( "A vpath segment was added. Custom dispatchers may only " + "remove elements. While trying to process " + "{0} in {1}".format(name, fullpath) ) elif segleft == pre_len: #Assume that the handler used the current path segment, but #did not pop it. This allows things like #return getattr(self, vpath[0], None) iternames.pop(0) segleft -= 1 node = subnode if node is not None: # Get _cp_config attached to this node. if hasattr(node, "_cp_config"): nodeconf.update(node._cp_config) # Mix in values from app.config for this path. existing_len = fullpath_len - pre_len if existing_len != 0: curpath = '/' + '/'.join(fullpath[0:existing_len]) else: curpath = '' new_segs = fullpath[fullpath_len - pre_len:fullpath_len - segleft] for seg in new_segs: curpath += '/' + seg if curpath in app.config: nodeconf.update(app.config[curpath]) object_trail.append([name, node, nodeconf, segleft]) def set_conf(): """Collapse all object_trail config into cherrypy.request.config.""" base = cherrypy.config.copy() # Note that we merge the config from each node # even if that node was None. for name, obj, conf, segleft in object_trail: base.update(conf) if 'tools.staticdir.dir' in conf: base['tools.staticdir.section'] = '/' + '/'.join(fullpath[0:fullpath_len - segleft]) return base # Try successive objects (reverse order) num_candidates = len(object_trail) - 1 for i in range(num_candidates, -1, -1): name, candidate, nodeconf, segleft = object_trail[i] if candidate is None: continue # Try a "default" method on the current leaf. if hasattr(candidate, "default"): defhandler = candidate.default if getattr(defhandler, 'exposed', False): # Insert any extra _cp_config from the default handler. conf = getattr(defhandler, "_cp_config", {}) object_trail.insert(i+1, ["default", defhandler, conf, segleft]) request.config = set_conf() # See request.is_index = path.endswith("/") return defhandler, fullpath[fullpath_len - segleft:-1] # Uncomment the next line to restrict positional params to "default". # if i < num_candidates - 2: continue # Try the current leaf. if getattr(candidate, 'exposed', False): request.config = set_conf() if i == num_candidates: # We found the extra ".index". Mark request so tools # can redirect if path_info has no trailing slash. request.is_index = True else: # We're not at an 'index' handler. Mark request so tools # can redirect if path_info has NO trailing slash. # Note that this also includes handlers which take # positional parameters (virtual paths). request.is_index = False return candidate, fullpath[fullpath_len - segleft:-1] # We didn't find anything request.config = set_conf() return None, [] class MethodDispatcher(Dispatcher): """Additional dispatch based on cherrypy.request.method.upper(). Methods named GET, POST, etc will be called on an exposed class. The method names must be all caps; the appropriate Allow header will be output showing all capitalized method names as allowable HTTP verbs. Note that the containing class must be exposed, not the methods. """ def __call__(self, path_info): """Set handler and config for the current request.""" request = cherrypy.serving.request resource, vpath = self.find_handler(path_info) if resource: # Set Allow header avail = [m for m in dir(resource) if m.isupper()] if "GET" in avail and "HEAD" not in avail: avail.append("HEAD") avail.sort() cherrypy.serving.response.headers['Allow'] = ", ".join(avail) # Find the subhandler meth = request.method.upper() func = getattr(resource, meth, None) if func is None and meth == "HEAD": func = getattr(resource, "GET", None) if func: # Grab any _cp_config on the subhandler. if hasattr(func, "_cp_config"): request.config.update(func._cp_config) # Decode any leftover %2F in the virtual_path atoms. vpath = [x.replace("%2F", "/") for x in vpath] request.handler = LateParamPageHandler(func, *vpath) else: request.handler = cherrypy.HTTPError(405) else: request.handler = cherrypy.NotFound() class RoutesDispatcher(object): """A Routes based dispatcher for CherryPy.""" def __init__(self, full_result=False): """ Routes dispatcher Set full_result to True if you wish the controller and the action to be passed on to the page handler parameters. By default they won't be. """ import routes self.full_result = full_result self.controllers = {} self.mapper = routes.Mapper() self.mapper.controller_scan = self.controllers.keys def connect(self, name, route, controller, **kwargs): self.controllers[name] = controller self.mapper.connect(name, route, controller=name, **kwargs) def redirect(self, url): raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(url) def __call__(self, path_info): """Set handler and config for the current request.""" func = self.find_handler(path_info) if func: cherrypy.serving.request.handler = LateParamPageHandler(func) else: cherrypy.serving.request.handler = cherrypy.NotFound() def find_handler(self, path_info): """Find the right page handler, and set request.config.""" import routes request = cherrypy.serving.request config = routes.request_config() config.mapper = self.mapper if hasattr(request, 'wsgi_environ'): config.environ = request.wsgi_environ = request.headers.get('Host', None) config.protocol = request.scheme config.redirect = self.redirect result = self.mapper.match(path_info) config.mapper_dict = result params = {} if result: params = result.copy() if not self.full_result: params.pop('controller', None) params.pop('action', None) request.params.update(params) # Get config for the root object/path. request.config = base = cherrypy.config.copy() curpath = "" def merge(nodeconf): if 'tools.staticdir.dir' in nodeconf: nodeconf['tools.staticdir.section'] = curpath or "/" base.update(nodeconf) app = root = app.root if hasattr(root, "_cp_config"): merge(root._cp_config) if "/" in app.config: merge(app.config["/"]) # Mix in values from app.config. atoms = [x for x in path_info.split("/") if x] if atoms: last = atoms.pop() else: last = None for atom in atoms: curpath = "/".join((curpath, atom)) if curpath in app.config: merge(app.config[curpath]) handler = None if result: controller = result.get('controller') controller = self.controllers.get(controller, controller) if controller: if isinstance(controller, classtype): controller = controller() # Get config from the controller. if hasattr(controller, "_cp_config"): merge(controller._cp_config) action = result.get('action') if action is not None: handler = getattr(controller, action, None) # Get config from the handler if hasattr(handler, "_cp_config"): merge(handler._cp_config) else: handler = controller # Do the last path atom here so it can # override the controller's _cp_config. if last: curpath = "/".join((curpath, last)) if curpath in app.config: merge(app.config[curpath]) return handler def XMLRPCDispatcher(next_dispatcher=Dispatcher()): from cherrypy.lib import xmlrpcutil def xmlrpc_dispatch(path_info): path_info = xmlrpcutil.patched_path(path_info) return next_dispatcher(path_info) return xmlrpc_dispatch def VirtualHost(next_dispatcher=Dispatcher(), use_x_forwarded_host=True, **domains): """ Select a different handler based on the Host header. This can be useful when running multiple sites within one CP server. It allows several domains to point to different parts of a single website structure. For example:: http://www.domain.example -> root http://www.domain2.example -> root/domain2/ http://www.domain2.example:443 -> root/secure can be accomplished via the following config:: [/] request.dispatch = cherrypy.dispatch.VirtualHost( **{'www.domain2.example': '/domain2', 'www.domain2.example:443': '/secure', }) next_dispatcher The next dispatcher object in the dispatch chain. The VirtualHost dispatcher adds a prefix to the URL and calls another dispatcher. Defaults to cherrypy.dispatch.Dispatcher(). use_x_forwarded_host If True (the default), any "X-Forwarded-Host" request header will be used instead of the "Host" header. This is commonly added by HTTP servers (such as Apache) when proxying. ``**domains`` A dict of {host header value: virtual prefix} pairs. The incoming "Host" request header is looked up in this dict, and, if a match is found, the corresponding "virtual prefix" value will be prepended to the URL path before calling the next dispatcher. Note that you often need separate entries for "" and "". In addition, "Host" headers may contain the port number. """ from cherrypy.lib import httputil def vhost_dispatch(path_info): request = cherrypy.serving.request header = request.headers.get domain = header('Host', '') if use_x_forwarded_host: domain = header("X-Forwarded-Host", domain) prefix = domains.get(domain, "") if prefix: path_info = httputil.urljoin(prefix, path_info) result = next_dispatcher(path_info) # Touch up staticdir config. See section = request.config.get('tools.staticdir.section') if section: section = section[len(prefix):] request.config['tools.staticdir.section'] = section return result return vhost_dispatch
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import airflow from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator from airflow.models import DAG from airflow.exceptions import AirflowSkipException args = { 'owner': 'airflow', 'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(2) } # Create some placeholder operators class DummySkipOperator(DummyOperator): ui_color = '#e8b7e4' def execute(self, context): raise AirflowSkipException dag = DAG(dag_id='example_skip_dag', default_args=args) def create_test_pipeline(suffix, trigger_rule, dag): skip_operator = DummySkipOperator(task_id='skip_operator_{}'.format(suffix), dag=dag) always_true = DummyOperator(task_id='always_true_{}'.format(suffix), dag=dag) join = DummyOperator(task_id=trigger_rule, dag=dag, trigger_rule=trigger_rule) join.set_upstream(skip_operator) join.set_upstream(always_true) final = DummyOperator(task_id='final_{}'.format(suffix), dag=dag) final.set_upstream(join) create_test_pipeline('1', 'all_success', dag) create_test_pipeline('2', 'one_success', dag)
"""Module :mod:`sklearn.kernel_ridge` implements kernel ridge regression.""" # Authors: Mathieu Blondel <[email protected]> # Jan Hendrik Metzen <[email protected]> # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from .base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from .metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels from .linear_model.ridge import _solve_cholesky_kernel from .utils import check_X_y from .utils.validation import check_is_fitted class KernelRidge(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """Kernel ridge regression. Kernel ridge regression (KRR) combines ridge regression (linear least squares with l2-norm regularization) with the kernel trick. It thus learns a linear function in the space induced by the respective kernel and the data. For non-linear kernels, this corresponds to a non-linear function in the original space. The form of the model learned by KRR is identical to support vector regression (SVR). However, different loss functions are used: KRR uses squared error loss while support vector regression uses epsilon-insensitive loss, both combined with l2 regularization. In contrast to SVR, fitting a KRR model can be done in closed-form and is typically faster for medium-sized datasets. On the other hand, the learned model is non-sparse and thus slower than SVR, which learns a sparse model for epsilon > 0, at prediction-time. This estimator has built-in support for multi-variate regression (i.e., when y is a 2d-array of shape [n_samples, n_targets]). Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <kernel_ridge>`. Parameters ---------- alpha : {float, array-like}, shape = [n_targets] Small positive values of alpha improve the conditioning of the problem and reduce the variance of the estimates. Alpha corresponds to ``(2*C)^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. If an array is passed, penalties are assumed to be specific to the targets. Hence they must correspond in number. kernel : string or callable, default="linear" Kernel mapping used internally. A callable should accept two arguments and the keyword arguments passed to this object as kernel_params, and should return a floating point number. gamma : float, default=None Gamma parameter for the RBF, polynomial, exponential chi2 and sigmoid kernels. Interpretation of the default value is left to the kernel; see the documentation for sklearn.metrics.pairwise. Ignored by other kernels. degree : float, default=3 Degree of the polynomial kernel. Ignored by other kernels. coef0 : float, default=1 Zero coefficient for polynomial and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. kernel_params : mapping of string to any, optional Additional parameters (keyword arguments) for kernel function passed as callable object. Attributes ---------- dual_coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s) in kernel space X_fit_ : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data, which is also required for prediction References ---------- * Kevin P. Murphy "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective", The MIT Press chapter 14.4.3, pp. 492-493 See also -------- Ridge Linear ridge regression. SVR Support Vector Regression implemented using libsvm. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0) >>> y = rng.randn(n_samples) >>> X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = KernelRidge(alpha=1.0) >>>, y) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE KernelRidge(alpha=1.0, coef0=1, degree=3, gamma=None, kernel='linear', kernel_params=None) """ def __init__(self, alpha=1, kernel="linear", gamma=None, degree=3, coef0=1, kernel_params=None): self.alpha = alpha self.kernel = kernel self.gamma = gamma = degree self.coef0 = coef0 self.kernel_params = kernel_params def _get_kernel(self, X, Y=None): if callable(self.kernel): params = self.kernel_params or {} else: params = {"gamma": self.gamma, "degree":, "coef0": self.coef0} return pairwise_kernels(X, Y, metric=self.kernel, filter_params=True, **params) @property def _pairwise(self): return self.kernel == "precomputed" def fit(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit Kernel Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape [n_samples] Individual weights for each sample, ignored if None is passed. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ # Convert data X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=("csr", "csc"), multi_output=True, y_numeric=True) K = self._get_kernel(X) alpha = np.atleast_1d(self.alpha) ravel = False if len(y.shape) == 1: y = y.reshape(-1, 1) ravel = True copy = self.kernel == "precomputed" self.dual_coef_ = _solve_cholesky_kernel(K, y, alpha, sample_weight, copy) if ravel: self.dual_coef_ = self.dual_coef_.ravel() self.X_fit_ = X return self def predict(self, X): """Predict using the the kernel ridge model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Samples. Returns ------- C : array, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Returns predicted values. """ check_is_fitted(self, ["X_fit_", "dual_coef_"]) K = self._get_kernel(X, self.X_fit_) return, self.dual_coef_)
# # This file is part of Checkbox. # # Copyright 2008 Canonical Ltd. # # Checkbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Checkbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Checkbox. If not, see <>. # from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject, Pango, Gdk class HyperTextView(Gtk.TextView): __gtype_name__ = "HyperTextView" __gsignals__ = {"anchor-clicked": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (str, str, int))} __gproperties__ = { "link": (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "link color", "link color of TextView", GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "active":(GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "active color", "active color of TextView", GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "hover": (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "link:hover color", "link:hover color of TextView", GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), } def do_get_property(self, prop): try: return getattr(self, except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("unknown property %s" % def do_set_property(self, prop, val): if in list(self.__gproperties__.keys()): setattr(self,, val) else: raise AttributeError("unknown property %s" % def __init__(self, buffer=None): super(HyperTextView, self).__init__(buffer=buffer) = {"foreground": "blue", "underline": Pango.Underline.SINGLE} = {"foreground": "red", "underline": Pango.Underline.SINGLE} self.hover = {"foreground": "dark blue", "underline": Pango.Underline.SINGLE} self.set_editable(False) self.set_cursor_visible(False) self.__tags = [] self.connect("motion-notify-event", self._motion) self.connect("focus-out-event", lambda w, e: self.get_buffer().get_tag_table().foreach(self.__tag_reset, e.window)) def insert(self, text, _iter=None): b = self.get_buffer() if _iter is None: _iter = b.get_end_iter() b.insert(_iter, text) def insert_with_anchor(self, text, anchor=None, _iter=None): b = self.get_buffer() if _iter is None: _iter = b.get_end_iter() if anchor is None: anchor = text tag = b.create_tag(None, **self.get_property("link")) tag.set_data("is_anchor", True) tag.connect("event", self._tag_event, text, anchor) self.__tags.append(tag) b.insert_with_tags(_iter, text, tag) def _motion(self, view, ev): window = ev.window _, x, y, _ = window.get_pointer() x, y = view.window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT, x, y) tags = view.get_iter_at_location(x, y).get_tags() for tag in tags: if tag.get_data("is_anchor"): for t in set(self.__tags) - set([tag]): self.__tag_reset(t, window) self.__set_anchor(window, tag,, self.get_property("hover")) break else: tag_table = self.get_buffer().get_tag_table() tag_table.foreach(self.__tag_reset, window) def _tag_event(self, tag, view, ev, _iter, text, anchor): _type = ev.type if _type == Gdk.EventType.MOTION_NOTIFY: return elif _type in [Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS, Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE]: button = ev.button cursor = if _type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE: self.emit("anchor-clicked", text, anchor, button.button) self.__set_anchor(ev.window, tag, cursor, self.get_property("hover")) elif button in [1, 2]: self.__set_anchor(ev.window, tag, cursor, self.get_property("active")) def __tag_reset(self, tag, window): if tag.get_data("is_anchor"): self.__set_anchor(window, tag, None, self.get_property("link")) def __set_anchor(self, window, tag, cursor, prop): window.set_cursor(cursor) for key, val in prop.items(): if val is not None: tag.set_property(key, val) GObject.type_register(HyperTextView)
from __future__ import absolute_import from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from six import text_type from zerver.decorator import to_non_negative_int from zerver.lib.actions import do_update_pointer from zerver.lib.request import has_request_variables, JsonableError, REQ from zerver.lib.response import json_success from zerver.lib.utils import statsd, generate_random_token from zerver.models import UserProfile, Message, UserMessage def get_pointer_backend(request, user_profile): # type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile) -> HttpResponse return json_success({'pointer': user_profile.pointer}) @has_request_variables def update_pointer_backend(request, user_profile, pointer=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int)): # type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile, int) -> HttpResponse if pointer <= user_profile.pointer: return json_success() try: UserMessage.objects.get( user_profile=user_profile, message__id=pointer ) except UserMessage.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_("Invalid message ID")) request._log_data["extra"] = "[%s]" % (pointer,) update_flags = ( in ['android', "zulipandroid"]) do_update_pointer(user_profile, pointer, update_flags=update_flags) return json_success() def generate_client_id(): # type: () -> text_type return generate_random_token(32) def get_profile_backend(request, user_profile): # type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile) -> HttpResponse result = dict(pointer = user_profile.pointer, client_id = generate_client_id(), max_message_id = -1) messages = Message.objects.filter(usermessage__user_profile=user_profile).order_by('-id')[:1] if messages: result['max_message_id'] = messages[0].id return json_success(result)
### Shelly's code import turtle import random import time SIZE_X=1300 SIZE_Y=750 turtle.setup(SIZE_X,SIZE_Y) UP_EDGE = SIZE_Y/2 DOWN_EDGE = -SIZE_Y/2 RIGHT_EDGE = SIZE_X/2 LEFT_EDGE = -SIZE_X/2 #how far the snake moves SQUARE_SIZE=40 pos_list=[] turtle.tracer(1,0) #def first_screen(): w = turtle.clone() turtle.bgcolor("dodgerblue") turtle.pencolor("yellow") turtle.pensize(4) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(350,350) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-350,350) turtle.goto(-350,-350) turtle.goto(350,-350) turtle.goto(350,350) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.hideturtle() bb = turtle.clone() bb.goto(100,100) up_gif = turtle.clone() up_gif.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("arrowup.gif") up_gif.shape("arrowup.gif") down_gif = turtle.clone() down_gif.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("arrowdown.gif") down_gif.shape("arrowdown.gif") left_gif = turtle.clone() left_gif.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("arrowleft.gif") left_gif.shape("arrowleft.gif") right_gif = turtle.clone() right_gif.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("arrowright.gif") right_gif.shape("arrowright.gif") turtle.pencolor("black") w.pu() w.goto(-115, 300) w.write("To go UP Press: ", font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) w.goto(-120,-210) w.write("To go DOWN Press: ", font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) w.goto(-325,63) w.write("To go LEFT Press: ", font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) w.goto(80,63) w.write("To go RIGHT Press: ", font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) up_gif.hideturtle() up_gif.goto(0,238) up_gif.stamp() down_gif.hideturtle() down_gif.goto(0,-275) down_gif.stamp() left_gif.hideturtle() left_gif.goto(-275,0) left_gif.stamp() right_gif.hideturtle() right_gif.goto(275,0) right_gif.stamp() w.pencolor("aliceblue") w.goto(-290,-130) w.write("the game will start in 5 seconds", font = ("Ariel",25,"normal","bold")) s_score = turtle.clone() s_score.pencolor('yellow') u_score = turtle.clone() u_score.pencolor('yellow') e_score = turtle.clone() e_score.pencolor('yellow') k_score = turtle.clone() k_score.pencolor('yellow') ################## start_time = 60##chpse how much time till the game ends ################## kenya=turtle.clone() egypt=turtle.clone() uganda=turtle.clone() syria=turtle.clone() kenya.penup() turtle.register_shape("kenya3.gif") kenya.shape('kenya3.gif') egypt.penup() turtle.register_shape("EGYPT1.gif") egypt.shape('EGYPT1.gif') uganda.penup() turtle.register_shape("uganda3.gif") uganda.shape('uganda3.gif') syria.penup() turtle.register_shape("syria2.gif") syria.shape('syria2.gif') UP_ARROW='Up' LEFT_ARROW='Left' RIGHT_ARROW='Right' DOWN_ARROW='Down' TIME_STEP=100 SPACEBAR='spacebar' UP=0 DOWN=1 LEFT=2 RIGHT=3 turn=4 direction=UP end_time= time.time()+120 plane=turtle.clone() #the shape of the plane turtle.register_shape("photoplane1.gif") plane.shape("photoplane1.gif") turtle.hideturtle() new_pos = plane.pos() new_x_pos = new_pos[0] new_y_pos = new_pos[1] pizza = turtle.clone() hamburger = turtle.clone() water = turtle.clone() cola = turtle.clone() def game(): global new_x_pos, new_y_pos, UP_EDGE, DOWN_EDGE, LEFT_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE, SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, start_time ################################## #to Carmi ############ #first_screen() turtle.bgcolor('dodgerblue') time.sleep(5) w.clear() up_gif.clear() down_gif.clear() right_gif.clear() left_gif.clear() turtle.pencolor("yellow") turtle.pensize(4) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(350,350) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-350,350) turtle.goto(-350,-350) turtle.goto(350,-350) turtle.goto(350,350) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) ##################################################### #maya's code kenya.showturtle() kenya.goto(-200,200) egypt.showturtle() egypt.goto(-200,00) uganda.showturtle() uganda.goto(-200,-160) syria.showturtle() syria.goto(100,-160) ############################################### pizza.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("Pizza.gif") pizza.shape("Pizza.gif") hamburger.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("burger_sandwich2.gif") hamburger.shape("burger_sandwich2.gif") water.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("water4.gif") water.shape("water4.gif") cola.hideturtle() turtle.register_shape("cocacola7.gif") cola.shape("cocacola7.gif") ## ##hamburger = "burger_sandwich.gif" ## ##turtle.register_shape(hamburger) ##turtle.shape(hamburger) ## ##water = "water.gif" ## ##turtle.register_shape(water) ##turtle.shape(water) ## ##cola = "cocacola.gif" ## ##turtle.register_shape(cola) ##turtle.shape(cola) pizza.hideturtle() pizza.goto(280,280) a = pizza.stamp() pizza.showturtle() cola.hideturtle() cola.goto(200,280) cola.stamp() cola.showturtle() hamburger.hideturtle() hamburger.goto(120,280) print(hamburger.pos()) hamburger.stamp() hamburger.showturtle() water.hideturtle() water.goto(40,280) print(water.pos()) water.stamp() water.showturtle() turtle.penup() plane.showturtle() timer()#this is basicly activating he timer c_food_s() c_food_u() c_food_e() c_food_k() ############################################################################ turtle.onkeypress(game, "space") turtle.listen() ############################################################################################ #####eliass code #carmis code food_list = ["hamburger", "pizza", "cola", "water"] def r_food(): rand_index = random.randint(0, 3) return food_list[rand_index] def up(): global direction, new_x_pos, new_y_pos, UP_EDGE, DOWN_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE, LEFT_EDGE direction=UP new_x_pos = plane.pos()[0] new_y_pos = plane.pos()[1] if new_y_pos < UP_EDGE: #and new_y_pos > DOWN_EDGE and new_x_pos < RIGHT_EDGE and new_x_pos > LEFT_EDGE: move_plane() print("you pressed up ") def down(): global direction, new_x_pos, new_y_pos, UP_EDGE, DOWN_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE, LEFT_EDGE direction=DOWN new_x_pos = plane.pos()[0] new_y_pos = plane.pos()[1] if new_y_pos > DOWN_EDGE: #and new_y_pos < UP_EDGEand new_x_pos < RIGHT_EDGE and new_x_pos > LEFT_EDGE: move_plane() print("you pressed DOWN ") def right(): global direction, new_x_pos, new_y_pos, UP_EDGE, DOWN_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE, LEFT_EDGE direction=RIGHT new_x_pos = plane.pos()[0] new_y_pos = plane.pos()[1] if new_x_pos < RIGHT_EDGE: # and new_y_pos < UP_EDGE and new_y_pos > DOWN_EDGE and new_x_pos > LEFT_EDGE: move_plane() print("you pressed RIGHT ") def left(): global direction, new_x_pos, new_y_pos, UP_EDGE, DOWN_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE, LEFT_EDGE direction=LEFT new_x_pos = plane.pos()[0] new_y_pos = plane.pos()[1] if new_x_pos > LEFT_EDGE: #and new_y_pos < UP_EDGE and new_y_pos > DOWN_EDGE and new_x_pos < RIGHT_EDGE: move_plane() print("you pressed LEFT ") def turn(): global direction direction=turn turtle.right(90) turtle.onkeypress(up,UP_ARROW) turtle.onkeypress(right,RIGHT_ARROW) turtle.onkeypress(left,LEFT_ARROW) turtle.onkeypress(down,DOWN_ARROW) turtle.listen() turtle.goto(200,0)#this is moing the turtle to 200 to write the timer def timer():#the game timer global start_time turtle.goto(-330,310) turtle.pencolor("navy") start_time = start_time-1 print(start_time) turtle.clear() turtle.write(start_time,font = ("Ariel",23,"normal","bold")) if start_time==0: plane.clear() hamburger.clear() pizza.clear() water.clear() cola.clear() uganda.clear() kenya.clear() egypt.clear() syria.clear() score_1.clear() bb.clear() u_score.clear() s_score.clear() k_score.clear() e_score.clear() pizza.clearstamps() pizza.hideturtle() cola.clearstamps() cola.hideturtle() hamburger.clearstamps() hamburger.hideturtle() water.clearstamps() water.hideturtle() syria.clearstamps() syria.hideturtle() uganda.clearstamps() uganda.hideturtle() kenya.clearstamps() kenya.hideturtle() egypt.clearstamps() egypt.hideturtle() plane.clearstamps() plane.hideturtle() turtle.clear() turtle.bgcolor("dodgerblue") turtle.pencolor("yellow") turtle.hideturtle() turtle.pensize(4) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(350,350) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-350,350) turtle.goto(-350,-350) turtle.goto(350,-350) turtle.goto(350,350) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.goto(-235,170) turtle.pencolor("navy") turtle.write("You ran out of time!", font = ("Ariel",35,"normal")) turtle.goto(-150,50) turtle.pencolor("floralwhite") turtle.write("Your score was: " + str(score), font = ("Ariel",25,"normal")) turtle.goto(-320,-162) turtle.pencolor("darkslategray") turtle.write("GAME OVER :(" , font = ("Ariel",62,"normal","bold")) time.sleep(5) quit() print("you run out of time ") turtle.ontimer(timer,1000) def c_food_s(): global s_score, syria_food syria_food = r_food() s_score.goto(173,-145) s_score.clear() s_score.write('We want ' + syria_food, font = ("Ariel",11,"normal")) #return syria_food def c_food_u(): global u_score, uganda_food uganda_food = r_food() u_score.goto(-135,-145) u_score.clear() u_score.write('We want ' + uganda_food, font = ("Ariel",11,"normal")) #return uganda_food def c_food_e(): global e_score, egypt_food egypt_food = r_food() e_score.goto(-135,10) e_score.clear() e_score.write('We want ' + egypt_food, font = ("Ariel",11,"normal")) #return egypt_food def c_food_k(): global k_score, kenya_food kenya_food = r_food() k_score.goto(-135,230) k_score.clear() k_score.write('We want ' + kenya_food, font = ("Ariel",11,"normal")) #return kenya_food score = 0 plane_food = 'aa' score_1 = turtle.clone() score_1.color('white') score_1.goto(300,0) def move_plane():#how the plane moves global plane_food, score my_pos=plane.pos() x_pos=my_pos[0] y_pos=my_pos[1] if direction==RIGHT: plane.goto(x_pos+SQUARE_SIZE,y_pos) if direction==DOWN: plane.goto(x_pos,y_pos-SQUARE_SIZE) if direction==LEFT: plane.goto(x_pos-SQUARE_SIZE,y_pos) if direction==UP: plane.goto(x_pos,y_pos+SQUARE_SIZE) if plane.pos() == hamburger.pos(): bb.clear() plane_food = 'hamburger' bb.write('you picked up hamburger',font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) if plane.pos()== cola.pos(): bb.clear() plane_food = 'cola' bb.write('you picked up cola',font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) if plane.pos() == pizza.pos(): bb.clear() plane_food = 'pizza' bb.write('you picked up pizza',font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) if plane.pos() == water.pos(): bb.clear() plane_food = 'water' bb.write('you picked up water',font = ("Ariel",20,"normal")) print("syria food: " + syria_food) print("plane_food: " + plane_food) print("plane_pos: " + str(plane.pos())) #if plane.pos() == syria.pos() and plane_food == syria_food: if ((plane.pos()[0] - syria.pos()[0])**2 + (plane.pos()[1] - syria.pos()[1])**2)**0.5 < 50 and plane_food == syria_food: score = score+1 score_1.clear() score_1.write('score: ' + str(score),font = ("Ariel",20,"normal", 'bold')) c_food_s() #if plane.pos() == uganda.pos() and plane_food == uganda_food: if ((plane.pos()[0] - uganda.pos()[0])**2 + (plane.pos()[1] - uganda.pos()[1])**2)**0.5 < 50 and plane_food == uganda_food: score = score+1 score_1.clear() score_1.write('score: ' + str(score),font = ("Ariel",20,"normal", 'bold')) c_food_u() #if plane.pos() == egypt.pos() and plane_food == egypt_food: if ((plane.pos()[0] - egypt.pos()[0])**2 + (plane.pos()[1] - egypt.pos()[1])**2)**0.5 < 50 and plane_food == egypt_food: score = score+1 score_1.clear() score_1.write('score: ' + str(score),font = ("Ariel",20,"normal", 'bold')) c_food_e() #if plane.pos() == kenya.pos() and plane_food == kenya_food: if ((plane.pos()[0] - kenya.pos()[0])**2 + (plane.pos()[1] - kenya.pos()[1])**2)**0.5 < 50 and plane_food == kenya_food: score = score+1 score_1.clear() score_1.write('score: ' + str(score),font = ("Ariel",20,"normal", 'bold')) c_food_k() game() clear_list = [] turtle.goto(0, 0) ## ##turtle.ontimer(c_food_u ,1200) ##turtle.ontimer(c_food_s, 900) ##turtle.ontimer(c_food_e ,1500) ##turtle.ontimer(c_food_k ,1700)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## #---------------------------------------------------------- # Init Sales #---------------------------------------------------------- import account_payment import wizard import account_move_line import account_invoice import report # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
import errno import itertools import math import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys import threading def to_bytes(str): # Encode to UTF-8 to get binary data. return str.encode('utf-8') def to_string(bytes): if isinstance(bytes, str): return bytes return to_bytes(bytes) def convert_string(bytes): try: return to_string(bytes.decode('utf-8')) except AttributeError: # 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'. return str(bytes) except UnicodeError: return str(bytes) def detectCPUs(): """ Detects the number of CPUs on a system. Cribbed from pp. """ # Linux, Unix and MacOS: if hasattr(os, "sysconf"): if "SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN" in os.sysconf_names: # Linux & Unix: ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN") if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0: return ncpus else: # OSX: return int(capture(['sysctl', '-n', 'hw.ncpu'])) # Windows: if "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS" in os.environ: ncpus = int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"]) if ncpus > 0: # With more than 32 processes, process creation often fails with # "Too many open files". FIXME: Check if there's a better fix. return min(ncpus, 32) return 1 # Default def mkdir_p(path): """mkdir_p(path) - Make the "path" directory, if it does not exist; this will also make directories for any missing parent directories.""" if not path or os.path.exists(path): return parent = os.path.dirname(path) if parent != path: mkdir_p(parent) try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] # Ignore EEXIST, which may occur during a race condition. if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def capture(args, env=None): """capture(command) - Run the given command (or argv list) in a shell and return the standard output. Raises a CalledProcessError if the command exits with a non-zero status.""" p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) out, err = p.communicate() out = convert_string(out) err = convert_string(err) if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(cmd=args, returncode=p.returncode, output="{}\n{}".format(out, err)) return out def which(command, paths = None): """which(command, [paths]) - Look up the given command in the paths string (or the PATH environment variable, if unspecified).""" if paths is None: paths = os.environ.get('PATH','') # Check for absolute match first. if os.path.isfile(command): return command # Would be nice if Python had a lib function for this. if not paths: paths = os.defpath # Get suffixes to search. # On Cygwin, 'PATHEXT' may exist but it should not be used. if os.pathsep == ';': pathext = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(';') else: pathext = [''] # Search the paths... for path in paths.split(os.pathsep): for ext in pathext: p = os.path.join(path, command + ext) if os.path.exists(p) and not os.path.isdir(p): return p return None def checkToolsPath(dir, tools): for tool in tools: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, tool)): return False return True def whichTools(tools, paths): for path in paths.split(os.pathsep): if checkToolsPath(path, tools): return path return None def printHistogram(items, title = 'Items'): items.sort(key = lambda item: item[1]) maxValue = max([v for _,v in items]) # Select first "nice" bar height that produces more than 10 bars. power = int(math.ceil(math.log(maxValue, 10))) for inc in itertools.cycle((5, 2, 2.5, 1)): barH = inc * 10**power N = int(math.ceil(maxValue / barH)) if N > 10: break elif inc == 1: power -= 1 histo = [set() for i in range(N)] for name,v in items: bin = min(int(N * v/maxValue), N-1) histo[bin].add(name) barW = 40 hr = '-' * (barW + 34) print('\nSlowest %s:' % title) print(hr) for name,value in items[-20:]: print('%.2fs: %s' % (value, name)) print('\n%s Times:' % title) print(hr) pDigits = int(math.ceil(math.log(maxValue, 10))) pfDigits = max(0, 3-pDigits) if pfDigits: pDigits += pfDigits + 1 cDigits = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(items), 10))) print("[%s] :: [%s] :: [%s]" % ('Range'.center((pDigits+1)*2 + 3), 'Percentage'.center(barW), 'Count'.center(cDigits*2 + 1))) print(hr) for i,row in enumerate(histo): pct = float(len(row)) / len(items) w = int(barW * pct) print("[%*.*fs,%*.*fs) :: [%s%s] :: [%*d/%*d]" % ( pDigits, pfDigits, i*barH, pDigits, pfDigits, (i+1)*barH, '*'*w, ' '*(barW-w), cDigits, len(row), cDigits, len(items))) class ExecuteCommandTimeoutException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, out, err, exitCode): assert isinstance(msg, str) assert isinstance(out, str) assert isinstance(err, str) assert isinstance(exitCode, int) self.msg = msg self.out = out self.err = err self.exitCode = exitCode # Close extra file handles on UNIX (on Windows this cannot be done while # also redirecting input). kUseCloseFDs = not (platform.system() == 'Windows') def executeCommand(command, cwd=None, env=None, input=None, timeout=0): """ Execute command ``command`` (list of arguments or string) with * working directory ``cwd`` (str), use None to use the current working directory * environment ``env`` (dict), use None for none * Input to the command ``input`` (str), use string to pass no input. * Max execution time ``timeout`` (int) seconds. Use 0 for no timeout. Returns a tuple (out, err, exitCode) where * ``out`` (str) is the standard output of running the command * ``err`` (str) is the standard error of running the command * ``exitCode`` (int) is the exitCode of running the command If the timeout is hit an ``ExecuteCommandTimeoutException`` is raised. """ p = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=cwd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, close_fds=kUseCloseFDs) timerObject = None # FIXME: Because of the way nested function scopes work in Python 2.x we # need to use a reference to a mutable object rather than a plain # bool. In Python 3 we could use the "nonlocal" keyword but we need # to support Python 2 as well. hitTimeOut = [False] try: if timeout > 0: def killProcess(): # We may be invoking a shell so we need to kill the # process and all its children. hitTimeOut[0] = True killProcessAndChildren( timerObject = threading.Timer(timeout, killProcess) timerObject.start() out,err = p.communicate(input=input) exitCode = p.wait() finally: if timerObject != None: timerObject.cancel() # Ensure the resulting output is always of string type. out = convert_string(out) err = convert_string(err) if hitTimeOut[0]: raise ExecuteCommandTimeoutException( msg='Reached timeout of {} seconds'.format(timeout), out=out, err=err, exitCode=exitCode ) # Detect Ctrl-C in subprocess. if exitCode == -signal.SIGINT: raise KeyboardInterrupt return out, err, exitCode def usePlatformSdkOnDarwin(config, lit_config): # On Darwin, support relocatable SDKs by providing Clang with a # default system root path. if 'darwin' in config.target_triple: try: cmd = subprocess.Popen(['xcrun', '--show-sdk-path', '--sdk', 'macosx'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = cmd.communicate() out = out.strip() res = cmd.wait() except OSError: res = -1 if res == 0 and out: sdk_path = out lit_config.note('using SDKROOT: %r' % sdk_path) config.environment['SDKROOT'] = sdk_path def killProcessAndChildren(pid): """ This function kills a process with ``pid`` and all its running children (recursively). It is currently implemented using the psutil module which provides a simple platform neutral implementation. TODO: Reimplement this without using psutil so we can remove our dependency on it. """ import psutil try: psutilProc = psutil.Process(pid) # Handle the different psutil API versions try: # psutil >= 2.x children_iterator = psutilProc.children(recursive=True) except AttributeError: # psutil 1.x children_iterator = psutilProc.get_children(recursive=True) for child in children_iterator: try: child.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass psutilProc.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass
import datetime import re from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.shortcuts import redirect from .core.sqlRunner import * from .core.SqlRunnerThread import * from .forms import SqlScriptForm from .forms import RunForm from .models import SqlScript from .models import Run def homepage(request): if request.method == "POST": print(request.FILES) if request.FILES: print("Files arrived to the server") form = SqlScriptForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): print("Valid") sqlscript = sqlscript.createdby = request.user return redirect(scripts) else: form = SqlScriptForm() return render(request, "homepage.html", { "form": form }) def scripts(request): scripts = SqlScript.objects.all() context = { "scripts" : scripts } return render(request, "scripts.html", context) def runs(request): run_models = Run.objects.all() context = { "run_models": run_models } return render(request, "runs.html", context) def create_run(request, script_id): script = SqlScript.objects.get(pk=script_id) form = RunForm(initial={script:script}) context = { "form" : form, "filename" :'/')[-1] } return render(request, "run.html", context) def run(request, script_id): script = SqlScript.objects.get(pk=script_id) if request.method == "POST": form = RunForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): run_model = = run_model.user = request.user run_model.status = "R" run_model.script = script #trigger the script excecution run_script(script, run_model) #redirect to the list of runs return redirect(runs) else: return render(request, "run.html", { "form": form, "filename": script.get_file_name() }) form = RunForm() return render(request, "run.html", { "form": form, "filename": script.get_file_name() }) def run_script(script, run_model): def success(context): if context: run_id = context["runid"] rmodel = Run.objects.get(pk=run_id) rmodel.status = "S" def failed(context): if context: run_id = context["runid"] rmodel = Run.objects.get(pk=run_id) rmodel.status = "F" sql = conn_strings = list(map(str.strip, run_model.connstrings.split('\n'))) thread_count = 1 threads = [] for conn_string in conn_strings: sql_runner = SqlRunner.from_sql_server_connection_string(conn_string) runner_thread = SqlRunnerThread.from_sqlrunner(sql_runner, sql, "thread-%d" % thread_count, "thread-%d" % thread_count,thread_count) threads.append(runner_thread) runner_thread.success_function = success runner_thread.failed_function = failed runner_thread.context = { "runid": } runner_thread.start()
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( [email protected] ) """ Provides classes for (WS) SOAP bindings. """ from logging import getLogger from suds import * from suds.sax import Namespace from suds.sax.parser import Parser from suds.sax.document import Document from suds.sax.element import Element from suds.sudsobject import Factory, Object from import Content from import Literal as MxLiteral from suds.umx.basic import Basic as UmxBasic from suds.umx.typed import Typed as UmxTyped from suds.bindings.multiref import MultiRef from suds.xsd.query import TypeQuery, ElementQuery from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Element as SchemaElement from suds.options import Options from suds.plugin import PluginContainer from copy import deepcopy log = getLogger(__name__) envns = ('SOAP-ENV', '') class Binding: """ The soap binding class used to process outgoing and imcoming soap messages per the WSDL port binding. @cvar replyfilter: The reply filter function. @type replyfilter: (lambda s,r: r) @ivar wsdl: The wsdl. @type wsdl: L{suds.wsdl.Definitions} @ivar schema: The collective schema contained within the wsdl. @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema} @ivar options: A dictionary options. @type options: L{Options} """ replyfilter = (lambda s,r: r) def __init__(self, wsdl): """ @param wsdl: A wsdl. @type wsdl: L{wsdl.Definitions} """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.multiref = MultiRef() def schema(self): return self.wsdl.schema def options(self): return self.wsdl.options def unmarshaller(self, typed=True): """ Get the appropriate XML decoder. @return: Either the (basic|typed) unmarshaller. @rtype: L{UmxTyped} """ if typed: return UmxTyped(self.schema()) else: return UmxBasic() def marshaller(self): """ Get the appropriate XML encoder. @return: An L{MxLiteral} marshaller. @rtype: L{MxLiteral} """ return MxLiteral(self.schema(), self.options().xstq) def param_defs(self, method): """ Get parameter definitions. Each I{pdef} is a tuple (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param method: A servic emethod. @type method: I{service.Method} @return: A collection of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},..] """ raise Exception, 'not implemented' def get_message(self, method, args, kwargs): """ Get the soap message for the specified method, args and soapheaders. This is the entry point for creating the outbound soap message. @param method: The method being invoked. @type method: I{service.Method} @param args: A list of args for the method invoked. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The soap envelope. @rtype: L{Document} """ content = self.headercontent(method) header = self.header(content) content = self.bodycontent(method, args, kwargs) body = self.body(content) env = self.envelope(header, body) if self.options().prefixes: body.normalizePrefixes() env.promotePrefixes() else: env.refitPrefixes() return Document(env) def get_reply(self, method, reply): """ Process the I{reply} for the specified I{method} by sax parsing the I{reply} and then unmarshalling into python object(s). @param method: The name of the invoked method. @type method: str @param reply: The reply XML received after invoking the specified method. @type reply: str @return: The unmarshalled reply. The returned value is an L{Object} for a I{list} depending on whether the service returns a single object or a collection. @rtype: tuple ( L{Element}, L{Object} ) """ reply = self.replyfilter(reply) sax = Parser() replyroot = sax.parse(string=reply) plugins = PluginContainer(self.options().plugins) plugins.message.parsed(reply=replyroot) soapenv = replyroot.getChild('Envelope') soapenv.promotePrefixes() soapbody = soapenv.getChild('Body') self.detect_fault(soapbody) soapbody = self.multiref.process(soapbody) nodes = self.replycontent(method, soapbody) rtypes = self.returned_types(method) if len(rtypes) > 1: result = self.replycomposite(rtypes, nodes) return (replyroot, result) if len(rtypes) == 1: if rtypes[0].unbounded(): result = self.replylist(rtypes[0], nodes) return (replyroot, result) if len(nodes): unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller() resolved = rtypes[0].resolve(nobuiltin=True) result = unmarshaller.process(nodes[0], resolved) return (replyroot, result) return (replyroot, None) def detect_fault(self, body): """ Detect I{hidden} soapenv:Fault element in the soap body. @param body: The soap envelope body. @type body: L{Element} @raise WebFault: When found. """ fault = body.getChild('Fault', envns) if fault is None: return unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller(False) p = unmarshaller.process(fault) if self.options().faults: raise WebFault(p, fault) return self def replylist(self, rt, nodes): """ Construct a I{list} reply. This mehod is called when it has been detected that the reply is a list. @param rt: The return I{type}. @type rt: L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} @param nodes: A collection of XML nodes. @type nodes: [L{Element},...] @return: A list of I{unmarshalled} objects. @rtype: [L{Object},...] """ result = [] resolved = rt.resolve(nobuiltin=True) unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller() for node in nodes: sobject = unmarshaller.process(node, resolved) result.append(sobject) return result def replycomposite(self, rtypes, nodes): """ Construct a I{composite} reply. This method is called when it has been detected that the reply has multiple root nodes. @param rtypes: A list of known return I{types}. @type rtypes: [L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject},...] @param nodes: A collection of XML nodes. @type nodes: [L{Element},...] @return: The I{unmarshalled} composite object. @rtype: L{Object},... """ dictionary = {} for rt in rtypes: dictionary[] = rt unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller() composite = Factory.object('reply') for node in nodes: tag = rt = dictionary.get(tag, None) if rt is None: if node.get('id') is None: raise Exception('<%s/> not mapped to message part' % tag) else: continue resolved = rt.resolve(nobuiltin=True) sobject = unmarshaller.process(node, resolved) value = getattr(composite, tag, None) if value is None: if rt.unbounded(): value = [] setattr(composite, tag, value) value.append(sobject) else: setattr(composite, tag, sobject) else: if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value,] setattr(composite, tag, value) value.append(sobject) return composite def get_fault(self, reply): """ Extract the fault from the specified soap reply. If I{faults} is True, an exception is raised. Otherwise, the I{unmarshalled} fault L{Object} is returned. This method is called when the server raises a I{web fault}. @param reply: A soap reply message. @type reply: str @return: A fault object. @rtype: tuple ( L{Element}, L{Object} ) """ reply = self.replyfilter(reply) sax = Parser() faultroot = sax.parse(string=reply) soapenv = faultroot.getChild('Envelope') soapbody = soapenv.getChild('Body') fault = soapbody.getChild('Fault') unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller(False) p = unmarshaller.process(fault) if self.options().faults: raise WebFault(p, faultroot) return (faultroot, p.detail) def mkparam(self, method, pdef, object): """ Builds a parameter for the specified I{method} using the parameter definition (pdef) and the specified value (object). @param method: A method name. @type method: str @param pdef: A parameter definition. @type pdef: tuple: (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param object: The parameter value. @type object: any @return: The parameter fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ marshaller = self.marshaller() content = \ Content(tag=pdef[0], value=object, type=pdef[1], real=pdef[1].resolve()) return marshaller.process(content) def mkheader(self, method, hdef, object): """ Builds a soapheader for the specified I{method} using the header definition (hdef) and the specified value (object). @param method: A method name. @type method: str @param hdef: A header definition. @type hdef: tuple: (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param object: The header value. @type object: any @return: The parameter fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ marshaller = self.marshaller() if isinstance(object, (list, tuple)): tags = [] for item in object: tags.append(self.mkheader(method, hdef, item)) return tags content = Content(tag=hdef[0], value=object, type=hdef[1]) return marshaller.process(content) def envelope(self, header, body): """ Build the B{<Envelope/>} for an soap outbound message. @param header: The soap message B{header}. @type header: L{Element} @param body: The soap message B{body}. @type body: L{Element} @return: The soap envelope containing the body and header. @rtype: L{Element} """ env = Element('Envelope', ns=envns) env.addPrefix(Namespace.xsins[0], Namespace.xsins[1]) env.append(header) env.append(body) return env def header(self, content): """ Build the B{<Body/>} for an soap outbound message. @param content: The header content. @type content: L{Element} @return: the soap body fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ header = Element('Header', ns=envns) header.append(content) return header def bodycontent(self, method, args, kwargs): """ Get the content for the soap I{body} node. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param args: method parameter values @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The xml content for the <body/> @rtype: [L{Element},..] """ raise Exception, 'not implemented' def headercontent(self, method): """ Get the content for the soap I{Header} node. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @return: The xml content for the <body/> @rtype: [L{Element},..] """ n = 0 content = [] wsse = self.options().wsse if wsse is not None: content.append(wsse.xml()) headers = self.options().soapheaders if not isinstance(headers, (tuple,list,dict)): headers = (headers,) if len(headers) == 0: return content pts = self.headpart_types(method) if isinstance(headers, (tuple,list)): for header in headers: if isinstance(header, Element): content.append(deepcopy(header)) continue if len(pts) == n: break h = self.mkheader(method, pts[n], header) ns = pts[n][1].namespace('ns0') h.setPrefix(ns[0], ns[1]) content.append(h) n += 1 else: for pt in pts: header = headers.get(pt[0]) if header is None: continue h = self.mkheader(method, pt, header) ns = pt[1].namespace('ns0') h.setPrefix(ns[0], ns[1]) content.append(h) return content def replycontent(self, method, body): """ Get the reply body content. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param body: The soap body @type body: L{Element} @return: the body content @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ raise Exception, 'not implemented' def body(self, content): """ Build the B{<Body/>} for an soap outbound message. @param content: The body content. @type content: L{Element} @return: the soap body fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ body = Element('Body', ns=envns) body.append(content) return body def bodypart_types(self, method, input=True): """ Get a list of I{parameter definitions} (pdef) defined for the specified method. Each I{pdef} is a tuple (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param input: Defines input/output message. @type input: boolean @return: A list of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},] """ result = [] if input: parts = else: parts = for p in parts: if p.element is not None: query = ElementQuery(p.element) else: query = TypeQuery(p.type) pt = query.execute(self.schema()) if pt is None: raise TypeNotFound(query.ref) if p.type is not None: pt = PartElement(, pt) if input: if is None: result.append((, pt)) else: result.append((, pt)) else: result.append(pt) return result def headpart_types(self, method, input=True): """ Get a list of I{parameter definitions} (pdef) defined for the specified method. Each I{pdef} is a tuple (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param input: Defines input/output message. @type input: boolean @return: A list of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},] """ result = [] if input: headers = method.soap.input.headers else: headers = method.soap.output.headers for header in headers: part = header.part if part.element is not None: query = ElementQuery(part.element) else: query = TypeQuery(part.type) pt = query.execute(self.schema()) if pt is None: raise TypeNotFound(query.ref) if part.type is not None: pt = PartElement(, pt) if input: if is None: result.append((, pt)) else: result.append((, pt)) else: result.append(pt) return result def returned_types(self, method): """ Get the L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} returned by the I{method}. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @return: The name of the type return by the method. @rtype: [I{rtype},..] """ result = [] for rt in self.bodypart_types(method, input=False): result.append(rt) return result class PartElement(SchemaElement): """ A part used to represent a message part when the part references a schema type and thus assumes to be an element. @ivar resolved: The part type. @type resolved: L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} """ def __init__(self, name, resolved): """ @param name: The part name. @type name: str @param resolved: The part type. @type resolved: L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} """ root = Element('element', ns=Namespace.xsdns) SchemaElement.__init__(self, resolved.schema, root) self.__resolved = resolved = name self.form_qualified = False def implany(self): return self def optional(self): return True def namespace(self, prefix=None): return Namespace.default def resolve(self, nobuiltin=False): if nobuiltin and self.__resolved.builtin(): return self else: return self.__resolved
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- IGNORE:C0111 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import logging import yamlish import yaml import tempfile import textwrap INPUT = 1 OUTPUT = 2 if yamlish.py3k: unicode = str #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) def _generate_test_name(source): """ Clean up human-friendly test name into a method name. """ out = source.replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '').replace(',', '').lower() return "test_%s" % out def _create_input_test(test_src, tested_function, options=None): """ Decorate tested function to be used as a method for TestCase. """ def do_test_expected(self): """ Execute a test by calling a tested_function on test_src data. """ self.maxDiff = None got = "" if 'error' in test_src: self.assertRaises(test_src['error'], tested_function, test_src['in'], options) else: want = test_src['out'] got = tested_function(test_src['in'], options) logging.debug('got = type %s', type(got)) logging.debug("test_src['out'] = %s", unicode(test_src['out'])) self.assertEqual(got, want, """Result matches expected = %s observed = %s """ % (want, got)) return do_test_expected def _create_output_test(test_src, tested_function, options=None): """ Decorate tested function to be used as a method for TestCase. """ def do_test_expected(self): """ Execute a test by calling a tested_function on test_src data. """ self.maxDiff = None # We currently don't throw any exceptions in Writer, so this # this is always false if 'error' in test_src: self.assertRaises(test_src['error'], yamlish.dumps, test_src['in'], options) else: logging.debug("out:\n%s", textwrap.dedent(test_src['out'])) want = yaml.load(textwrap.dedent(test_src['out'])) logging.debug("want:\n%s", want) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_file: tested_function(test_src['in'], test_file) got_str = logging.debug("got_str = %s", got_str) got = yaml.load(got_str) self.assertEqual(got, want, "Result matches") return do_test_expected def generate_testsuite(test_data, test_case_shell, test_fce, direction=INPUT, options=None): """ Generate tests from the test data, class to build upon and function to use for testing. """ for in_test in test_data: if ('skip' in in_test) and in_test['skip']: logging.debug("test %s skipped!", in_test['name']) continue name = _generate_test_name(in_test['name']) if direction == INPUT: test_method = _create_input_test(in_test, test_fce, options=options) elif direction == OUTPUT: test_method = _create_output_test(in_test, test_fce, options=options) test_method.__name__ = str('test_%s' % name) setattr(test_case_shell, test_method.__name__, test_method)
# report time spent in compaction # Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2 # testing: # 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory' to force compaction of all zones import os import sys import re import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) usage = "usage: perf script report -- [-h] [-u] [-p|-pv] [-t | [-m] [-fs] [-ms]] [pid|pid-range|comm-regex]\n" class popt: DISP_DFL = 0 DISP_PROC = 1 DISP_PROC_VERBOSE=2 class topt: DISP_TIME = 0 DISP_MIG = 1 DISP_ISOLFREE = 2 DISP_ISOLMIG = 4 DISP_ALL = 7 class comm_filter: def __init__(self, re): = re def filter(self, pid, comm): m = return m == None or == "" class pid_filter: def __init__(self, low, high): self.low = (0 if low == "" else int(low)) self.high = (0 if high == "" else int(high)) def filter(self, pid, comm): return not (pid >= self.low and (self.high == 0 or pid <= self.high)) def set_type(t): global opt_disp opt_disp = (t if opt_disp == topt.DISP_ALL else opt_disp|t) def ns(sec, nsec): return (sec * 1000000000) + nsec def time(ns): return "%dns" % ns if opt_ns else "%dus" % (round(ns, -3) / 1000) class pair: def __init__(self, aval, bval, alabel = None, blabel = None): self.alabel = alabel self.blabel = blabel self.aval = aval self.bval = bval def __add__(self, rhs): self.aval += rhs.aval self.bval += rhs.bval return self def __str__(self): return "%s=%d %s=%d" % (self.alabel, self.aval, self.blabel, self.bval) class cnode: def __init__(self, ns): self.ns = ns self.migrated = pair(0, 0, "moved", "failed") self.fscan = pair(0,0, "scanned", "isolated") self.mscan = pair(0,0, "scanned", "isolated") def __add__(self, rhs): self.ns += rhs.ns self.migrated += rhs.migrated self.fscan += rhs.fscan self.mscan += rhs.mscan return self def __str__(self): prev = 0 s = "%s " % time(self.ns) if (opt_disp & topt.DISP_MIG): s += "migration: %s" % self.migrated prev = 1 if (opt_disp & topt.DISP_ISOLFREE): s += "%sfree_scanner: %s" % (" " if prev else "", self.fscan) prev = 1 if (opt_disp & topt.DISP_ISOLMIG): s += "%smigration_scanner: %s" % (" " if prev else "", self.mscan) return s def complete(self, secs, nsecs): self.ns = ns(secs, nsecs) - self.ns def increment(self, migrated, fscan, mscan): if (migrated != None): self.migrated += migrated if (fscan != None): self.fscan += fscan if (mscan != None): self.mscan += mscan class chead: heads = {} val = cnode(0); fobj = None @classmethod def add_filter(cls, filter): cls.fobj = filter @classmethod def create_pending(cls, pid, comm, start_secs, start_nsecs): filtered = 0 try: head = cls.heads[pid] filtered = head.is_filtered() except KeyError: if cls.fobj != None: filtered = cls.fobj.filter(pid, comm) head = cls.heads[pid] = chead(comm, pid, filtered) if not filtered: head.mark_pending(start_secs, start_nsecs) @classmethod def increment_pending(cls, pid, migrated, fscan, mscan): head = cls.heads[pid] if not head.is_filtered(): if head.is_pending(): head.do_increment(migrated, fscan, mscan) else: sys.stderr.write("missing start compaction event for pid %d\n" % pid) @classmethod def complete_pending(cls, pid, secs, nsecs): head = cls.heads[pid] if not head.is_filtered(): if head.is_pending(): head.make_complete(secs, nsecs) else: sys.stderr.write("missing start compaction event for pid %d\n" % pid) @classmethod def gen(cls): if opt_proc != popt.DISP_DFL: for i in cls.heads: yield cls.heads[i] @classmethod def str(cls): return cls.val def __init__(self, comm, pid, filtered): self.comm = comm = pid self.val = cnode(0) self.pending = None self.filtered = filtered self.list = [] def __add__(self, rhs): self.ns += rhs.ns self.val += rhs.val return self def mark_pending(self, secs, nsecs): self.pending = cnode(ns(secs, nsecs)) def do_increment(self, migrated, fscan, mscan): self.pending.increment(migrated, fscan, mscan) def make_complete(self, secs, nsecs): self.pending.complete(secs, nsecs) chead.val += self.pending if opt_proc != popt.DISP_DFL: self.val += self.pending if opt_proc == popt.DISP_PROC_VERBOSE: self.list.append(self.pending) self.pending = None def enumerate(self): if opt_proc == popt.DISP_PROC_VERBOSE and not self.is_filtered(): for i, pelem in enumerate(self.list): sys.stdout.write("%d[%s].%d: %s\n" % (, self.comm, i+1, pelem)) def is_pending(self): return self.pending != None def is_filtered(self): return self.filtered def display(self): if not self.is_filtered(): sys.stdout.write("%d[%s]: %s\n" % (, self.comm, self.val)) def trace_end(): sys.stdout.write("total: %s\n" % chead.str()) for i in chead.gen(): i.display(), i.enumerate() def compaction__mm_compaction_migratepages(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, common_callchain, nr_migrated, nr_failed): chead.increment_pending(common_pid, pair(nr_migrated, nr_failed), None, None) def compaction__mm_compaction_isolate_freepages(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, common_callchain, start_pfn, end_pfn, nr_scanned, nr_taken): chead.increment_pending(common_pid, None, pair(nr_scanned, nr_taken), None) def compaction__mm_compaction_isolate_migratepages(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, common_callchain, start_pfn, end_pfn, nr_scanned, nr_taken): chead.increment_pending(common_pid, None, None, pair(nr_scanned, nr_taken)) def compaction__mm_compaction_end(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, common_callchain, zone_start, migrate_start, free_start, zone_end, sync, status): chead.complete_pending(common_pid, common_secs, common_nsecs) def compaction__mm_compaction_begin(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, common_callchain, zone_start, migrate_start, free_start, zone_end, sync): chead.create_pending(common_pid, common_comm, common_secs, common_nsecs) def pr_help(): global usage sys.stdout.write(usage) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("-h display this help\n") sys.stdout.write("-p display by process\n") sys.stdout.write("-pv display by process (verbose)\n") sys.stdout.write("-t display stall times only\n") sys.stdout.write("-m display stats for migration\n") sys.stdout.write("-fs display stats for free scanner\n") sys.stdout.write("-ms display stats for migration scanner\n") sys.stdout.write("-u display results in microseconds (default nanoseconds)\n") comm_re = None pid_re = None pid_regex = "^(\d*)-(\d*)$|^(\d*)$" opt_proc = popt.DISP_DFL opt_disp = topt.DISP_ALL opt_ns = True argc = len(sys.argv) - 1 if argc >= 1: pid_re = re.compile(pid_regex) for i, opt in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]): if opt[0] == "-": if opt == "-h": pr_help() exit(0); elif opt == "-p": opt_proc = popt.DISP_PROC elif opt == "-pv": opt_proc = popt.DISP_PROC_VERBOSE elif opt == '-u': opt_ns = False elif opt == "-t": set_type(topt.DISP_TIME) elif opt == "-m": set_type(topt.DISP_MIG) elif opt == "-fs": set_type(topt.DISP_ISOLFREE) elif opt == "-ms": set_type(topt.DISP_ISOLMIG) else: sys.exit(usage) elif i == argc - 1: m = if m != None and != "": if != None: f = pid_filter(, else: f = pid_filter(, else: try: comm_re=re.compile(opt) except: sys.stderr.write("invalid regex '%s'" % opt) sys.exit(usage) f = comm_filter(comm_re) chead.add_filter(f)
#!/usr/bin/python # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ec2_vol short_description: create and attach a volume, return volume id and device map description: - creates an EBS volume and optionally attaches it to an instance. If both an instance ID and a device name is given and the instance has a device at the device name, then no volume is created and no attachment is made. This module has a dependency on python-boto. version_added: "1.1" options: instance: description: - instance ID if you wish to attach the volume. Since 1.9 you can set to None to detach. required: false default: null aliases: [] name: description: - volume Name tag if you wish to attach an existing volume (requires instance) required: false default: null aliases: [] version_added: "1.6" id: description: - volume id if you wish to attach an existing volume (requires instance) or remove an existing volume required: false default: null aliases: [] version_added: "1.6" volume_size: description: - size of volume (in GB) to create. required: false default: null aliases: [] volume_type: description: - Type of EBS volume; standard (magnetic), gp2 (SSD), io1 (Provisioned IOPS). "Standard" is the old EBS default and continues to remain the Ansible default for backwards compatibility. required: false default: standard aliases: [] version_added: "1.9" iops: description: - the provisioned IOPs you want to associate with this volume (integer). required: false default: 100 aliases: [] version_added: "1.3" encrypted: description: - Enable encryption at rest for this volume. default: false version_added: "1.8" device_name: description: - device id to override device mapping. Assumes /dev/sdf for Linux/UNIX and /dev/xvdf for Windows. required: false default: null aliases: [] region: description: - The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used. required: false default: null aliases: ['aws_region', 'ec2_region'] zone: description: - zone in which to create the volume, if unset uses the zone the instance is in (if set) required: false default: null aliases: ['aws_zone', 'ec2_zone'] snapshot: description: - snapshot ID on which to base the volume required: false default: null version_added: "1.5" validate_certs: description: - When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for boto versions >= 2.6.0. required: false default: "yes" choices: ["yes", "no"] aliases: [] version_added: "1.5" state: description: - whether to ensure the volume is present or absent, or to list existing volumes (The C(list) option was added in version 1.8). required: false default: present choices: ['absent', 'present', 'list'] version_added: "1.6" author: "Lester Wade (@lwade)" extends_documentation_fragment: aws ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Simple attachment action - ec2_vol: instance: XXXXXX volume_size: 5 device_name: sdd # Example using custom iops params - ec2_vol: instance: XXXXXX volume_size: 5 iops: 200 device_name: sdd # Example using snapshot id - ec2_vol: instance: XXXXXX snapshot: "{{ snapshot }}" # Playbook example combined with instance launch - ec2: keypair: "{{ keypair }}" image: "{{ image }}" wait: yes count: 3 register: ec2 - ec2_vol: instance: "{{ }} " volume_size: 5 with_items: ec2.instances register: ec2_vol # Example: Launch an instance and then add a volume if not already attached # * Volume will be created with the given name if not already created. # * Nothing will happen if the volume is already attached. # * Requires Ansible 2.0 - ec2: keypair: "{{ keypair }}" image: "{{ image }}" zone: YYYYYY id: my_instance wait: yes count: 1 register: ec2 - ec2_vol: instance: "{{ }}" name: my_existing_volume_Name_tag device_name: /dev/xvdf with_items: ec2.instances register: ec2_vol # Remove a volume - ec2_vol: id: vol-XXXXXXXX state: absent # Detach a volume (since 1.9) - ec2_vol: id: vol-XXXXXXXX instance: None # List volumes for an instance - ec2_vol: instance: i-XXXXXX state: list # Create new volume using SSD storage - ec2_vol: instance: XXXXXX volume_size: 50 volume_type: gp2 device_name: /dev/xvdf ''' import time from distutils.version import LooseVersion try: import boto.ec2 HAS_BOTO = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTO = False def get_volume(module, ec2): name = module.params.get('name') id = module.params.get('id') zone = module.params.get('zone') filters = {} volume_ids = None if zone: filters['availability_zone'] = zone if name: filters = {'tag:Name': name} if id: volume_ids = [id] try: vols = ec2.get_all_volumes(volume_ids=volume_ids, filters=filters) except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e: module.fail_json(msg = "%s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message)) if not vols: if id: msg = "Could not find the volume with id: %s" % id if name: msg += (" and name: %s" % name) module.fail_json(msg=msg) else: return None if len(vols) > 1: module.fail_json(msg="Found more than one volume in zone (if specified) with name: %s" % name) return vols[0] def get_volumes(module, ec2): instance = module.params.get('instance') if not instance: module.fail_json(msg = "Instance must be specified to get volumes") try: vols = ec2.get_all_volumes(filters={'attachment.instance-id': instance}) except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e: module.fail_json(msg = "%s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message)) return vols def delete_volume(module, ec2): volume_id = module.params['id'] try: ec2.delete_volume(volume_id) module.exit_json(changed=True) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as ec2_error: if ec2_error.code == 'InvalidVolume.NotFound': module.exit_json(changed=False) module.fail_json(msg=ec2_error.message) def boto_supports_volume_encryption(): """ Check if Boto library supports encryption of EBS volumes (added in 2.29.0) Returns: True if boto library has the named param as an argument on the request_spot_instances method, else False """ return hasattr(boto, 'Version') and LooseVersion(boto.Version) >= LooseVersion('2.29.0') def create_volume(module, ec2, zone): name = module.params.get('name') id = module.params.get('id') instance = module.params.get('instance') iops = module.params.get('iops') encrypted = module.params.get('encrypted') volume_size = module.params.get('volume_size') volume_type = module.params.get('volume_type') snapshot = module.params.get('snapshot') # If custom iops is defined we use volume_type "io1" rather than the default of "standard" if iops: volume_type = 'io1' if instance == 'None' or instance == '': instance = None volume = get_volume(module, ec2) if volume: if volume.attachment_state() is not None: if instance is None: return volume adata = volume.attach_data if adata.instance_id != instance: module.fail_json(msg = "Volume %s is already attached to another instance: %s" % (name or id, adata.instance_id)) else: module.exit_json(msg="Volume %s is already mapped on instance %s: %s" % (name or id, adata.instance_id, adata.device), volume_id=id, device=adata.device, changed=False) else: try: if boto_supports_volume_encryption(): volume = ec2.create_volume(volume_size, zone, snapshot, volume_type, iops, encrypted) else: volume = ec2.create_volume(volume_size, zone, snapshot, volume_type, iops) while volume.status != 'available': time.sleep(3) volume.update() if name: ec2.create_tags([], {"Name": name}) except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e: module.fail_json(msg = "%s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message)) return volume def attach_volume(module, ec2, volume, instance): device_name = module.params.get('device_name') if device_name and instance: try: attach = volume.attach(, device_name) while volume.attachment_state() != 'attached': time.sleep(3) volume.update() except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e: module.fail_json(msg = "%s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message)) # If device_name isn't set, make a choice based on best practices here: # # In future this needs to be more dynamic but combining block device mapping best practices # (bounds for devices, as above) with instance.block_device_mapping data would be tricky. For me ;) # Use password data attribute to tell whether the instance is Windows or Linux if device_name is None and instance: try: if not ec2.get_password_data( device_name = '/dev/sdf' attach = volume.attach(, device_name) while volume.attachment_state() != 'attached': time.sleep(3) volume.update() else: device_name = '/dev/xvdf' attach = volume.attach(, device_name) while volume.attachment_state() != 'attached': time.sleep(3) volume.update() except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e: module.fail_json(msg = "%s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message)) def detach_volume(module, ec2): vol = get_volume(module, ec2) if not vol or vol.attachment_state() is None: module.exit_json(changed=False) else: vol.detach() module.exit_json(changed=True) def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( instance = dict(), id = dict(), name = dict(), volume_size = dict(), volume_type = dict(choices=['standard', 'gp2', 'io1'], default='standard'), iops = dict(), encrypted = dict(), device_name = dict(), zone = dict(aliases=['availability_zone', 'aws_zone', 'ec2_zone']), snapshot = dict(), state = dict(choices=['absent', 'present', 'list'], default='present') ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) if not HAS_BOTO: module.fail_json(msg='boto required for this module') id = module.params.get('id') name = module.params.get('name') instance = module.params.get('instance') volume_size = module.params.get('volume_size') volume_type = module.params.get('volume_type') iops = module.params.get('iops') encrypted = module.params.get('encrypted') device_name = module.params.get('device_name') zone = module.params.get('zone') snapshot = module.params.get('snapshot') state = module.params.get('state') if instance == 'None' or instance == '': instance = None ec2 = ec2_connect(module) if state == 'list': returned_volumes = [] vols = get_volumes(module, ec2) for v in vols: attachment = v.attach_data returned_volumes.append({ 'create_time': v.create_time, 'id':, 'iops': v.iops, 'size': v.size, 'snapshot_id': v.snapshot_id, 'status': v.status, 'type': v.type, 'zone':, 'attachment_set': { 'attach_time': attachment.attach_time, 'device': attachment.device, 'status': attachment.status } }) module.exit_json(changed=False, volumes=returned_volumes) if encrypted and not boto_supports_volume_encryption(): module.fail_json(msg="You must use boto >= v2.29.0 to use encrypted volumes") # Here we need to get the zone info for the instance. This covers situation where # instance is specified but zone isn't. # Useful for playbooks chaining instance launch with volume create + attach and where the # zone doesn't matter to the user. if instance: reservation = ec2.get_all_instances(instance_ids=instance) inst = reservation[0].instances[0] zone = inst.placement # Check if there is a volume already mounted there. if device_name: if device_name in inst.block_device_mapping: module.exit_json(msg="Volume mapping for %s already exists on instance %s" % (device_name, instance), volume_id=inst.block_device_mapping[device_name].volume_id, device=device_name, changed=False) # Delaying the checks until after the instance check allows us to get volume ids for existing volumes # without needing to pass an unused volume_size if not volume_size and not (id or name or snapshot): module.fail_json(msg="You must specify volume_size or identify an existing volume by id, name, or snapshot") if volume_size and (id or snapshot): module.fail_json(msg="Cannot specify volume_size together with id or snapshot") if state == 'absent': delete_volume(module, ec2) if state == 'present': volume = create_volume(module, ec2, zone) if instance: attach_volume(module, ec2, volume, inst) else: detach_volume(module, ec2) module.exit_json(, device=device_name, volume_type=volume.type) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import * main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies that LTO flags work. """ import TestGyp import os import re import subprocess import sys if sys.platform == 'darwin': test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['ninja', 'make', 'xcode']) CHDIR = 'lto' test.run_gyp('test.gyp', chdir=CHDIR)'test.gyp', test.ALL, chdir=CHDIR) def ObjPath(srcpath, target): # TODO: Move this into TestGyp if it's needed elsewhere. if test.format == 'xcode': return os.path.join(CHDIR, 'build', '', 'Default', target + '.build', 'Objects-normal', 'x86_64', srcpath + '.o') elif 'ninja' in test.format: # ninja, xcode-ninja return os.path.join(CHDIR, 'out', 'Default', 'obj', target + '.' + srcpath + '.o') elif test.format == 'make': return os.path.join(CHDIR, 'out', 'Default', '', target, srcpath + '.o') def ObjType(p, t_expected): r = re.compile(r'nsyms\s+(\d+)') o = subprocess.check_output(['file', p]) objtype = 'unknown' if ': Mach-O ' in o: objtype = 'mach-o' elif ': LLVM bit-code ' in o: objtype = 'llvm' if objtype != t_expected: print 'Expected %s, got %s' % (t_expected, objtype) test.fail_test() ObjType(ObjPath('cfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('ccfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mmfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('asmfile', 'lto'), 'mach-o') ObjType(ObjPath('cfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('ccfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mmfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('asmfile', 'lto_static'), 'mach-o') test.pass_test() # TODO: Probably test for -object_path_lto too, else dsymutil won't be # useful maybe?
text=""" #define FUNC$numR(m_r,m_func,$argt)\\ virtual m_r m_func($argtp) { \\ if (Thread::get_caller_ID()!=server_thread) {\\ m_r ret;\\ command_queue.push_and_ret( visual_server, &VisualServer::m_func,$argp,&ret);\\ return ret;\\ } else {\\ return visual_server->m_func($argp);\\ }\\ } #define FUNC$numRC(m_r,m_func,$argt)\\ virtual m_r m_func($argtp) const { \\ if (Thread::get_caller_ID()!=server_thread) {\\ m_r ret;\\ command_queue.push_and_ret( visual_server, &VisualServer::m_func,$argp,&ret);\\ return ret;\\ } else {\\ return visual_server->m_func($argp);\\ }\\ } #define FUNC$numS(m_func,$argt)\\ virtual void m_func($argtp) { \\ if (Thread::get_caller_ID()!=server_thread) {\\ command_queue.push_and_sync( visual_server, &VisualServer::m_func,$argp);\\ } else {\\ visual_server->m_func($argp);\\ }\\ } #define FUNC$numSC(m_func,$argt)\\ virtual void m_func($argtp) const { \\ if (Thread::get_caller_ID()!=server_thread) {\\ command_queue.push_and_sync( visual_server, &VisualServer::m_func,$argp);\\ } else {\\ visual_server->m_func($argp);\\ }\\ } #define FUNC$num(m_func,$argt)\\ virtual void m_func($argtp) { \\ if (Thread::get_caller_ID()!=server_thread) {\\ command_queue.push( visual_server, &VisualServer::m_func,$argp);\\ } else {\\ visual_server->m_func($argp);\\ }\\ } #define FUNC$numC(m_func,$argt)\\ virtual void m_func($argtp) const { \\ if (Thread::get_caller_ID()!=server_thread) {\\ command_queue.push( visual_server, &VisualServer::m_func,$argp);\\ } else {\\ visual_server->m_func($argp);\\ }\\ } """ for i in range(1,8): tp="" p="" t="" for j in range(i): if (j>0): tp+=", " p+=", " t+=", " tp +=("m_arg"+str(j+1)+" p"+str(j+1)) p+=("p"+str(j+1)) t+=("m_arg"+str(j+1)) t = text.replace("$argtp",tp).replace("$argp",p).replace("$argt",t).replace("$num",str(i)) print(t)
import numpy as np from pandas import DataFrame def numpy_dot(): """ Imagine a point system in which each country is awarded 4 points for each gold medal, 2 points for each silver medal, and one point for each bronze medal. Using the function, create a new dataframe called 'olympic_points_df' that includes: a) a column called 'country_name' with the country name b) a column called 'points' with the total number of points the country earned at the Sochi olympics. You do not need to call the function in your code when running it in the browser - the grader will do that automatically when you submit or test it. """ countries = ['Russian Fed.', 'Norway', 'Canada', 'United States', 'Netherlands', 'Germany', 'Switzerland', 'Belarus', 'Austria', 'France', 'Poland', 'China', 'Korea', 'Sweden', 'Czech Republic', 'Slovenia', 'Japan', 'Finland', 'Great Britain', 'Ukraine', 'Slovakia', 'Italy', 'Latvia', 'Australia', 'Croatia', 'Kazakhstan'] gold = [13, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] silver = [11, 5, 10, 7, 7, 6, 3, 0, 8, 4, 1, 4, 3, 7, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0] bronze = [9, 10, 5, 12, 9, 5, 2, 1, 5, 7, 1, 2, 2, 6, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 6, 2, 1, 0, 1] # YOUR CODE HERE points =[4, 2, 1], [gold, silver, bronze]) olympic_points_df = DataFrame({'country_name': countries, 'points': points}) return olympic_points_df print(numpy_dot())
""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Proteu5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Thanks To 'River' For Sparking This Entire Project @QPython @Author: River @Date: 2012-12-31 """ import json import time import base64 import os.path import urllib2 from json import JSONDecoder from functools import partial import androidhelper droid_V = androidhelper.Android() droid = androidhelper.Android() ################################### LiteMonitor Configuration ################################### # # guiPrompt: Toggle Android GUI Prompt For Pool Selection ( 1 = On / 2 = Off ) # # poolID: Set Pool Field Number If GUI Prompt Has Been Disabled # # mmpool: Insert's User API-URL # # dogeHashFaster: Insert's User API-URL # # mVar(i): Sets The 'MinerVariance' Alert Level For Your Ideal Hashrate Threshold # Controls Auto Message For Hashrate: Ex: You Hash at 2,500kh/s, set to 2400 <> # If Rate Drops Below Number &mineVar, It Triggers An AutoAlert Stream Of API-Data # You Can Set mineVar To A High Number To Always Recieve All API-Info # # userVibe: Controls for a series of vibration patterns [Only Triggered w/ minerVar] # # ts: Time Control For Customer Vibration Configuration # # vrrrb: Duration Of Custom Vibration # # X2: ts & vrrrb Are Restricted Out Of Common-Sense <> Personally, a vib duration over # 3 seconds (3000ms) seems too much. However, X2 isn't restricted should you need that option. # By defualt X2 is set to = 0 and falls back on a debug print should userVibe Option 5 be True # # tsX2: Unbound Time Delay [Note: Needs Uncomment] # # vrrrbX2: Unbound Vibration Duration [Note: Needs Uncomment] # # If you know a bit of Python I have commented just about everything; have some fun and explore. # PoolID 3 does nothing and will soon, as of now it serves just as a nice template. # # Please note that below you will see code for an AboutMe, "Donation" file # It will auto-decrypt and print in the log. Inside is a way to get in touch with me, # along with several donation address and a little backstory. # If you wish to decode the file externally, def decode() can handle the operation and # below the encrypted string is the decryption key. # # On Debugging: It Prints Out A Lot Of Data & I Mean A Lot! # Most phones can handle it. It will never get in your way, and you will only see it in # the debug .run.log file. However, if it does slow you down, SublimeText & other text editors # have a nice 'Batch Replace' feature. This is v-0.3 I will remove them on later releases officially. ### Toggle GUI Pool ID Prompt ### guiPrompt = 2 ## Select Your Pool ## poolID = 2 ### Edit Between " " Keeping The Format ### ## 1 ## mmpool = "" mVar1 = 300000 ## 2 ## dogeHashFaster = "" mVar2 = 10000 ## 3 ## null = "" mVar3 = 1000000 ### Vibration Settings ### ## 1 = SOS | 2 = Psuedo SOS | 3 = Long Vibration | 4 = Short Vibration | 5 = Unlock Custom Vibration ## userVibe = 1 ts = 1.5 vrrrb = 100 x2 = 0 ## Set 2272 to Use Secondary Pattern: Unrestricted #tsX2 = 0.2 #vrrrbX2 = 100 ## ts = Time Day In Seconds [0.1 - 5] || vrrrb = Vibration Duration in ms [10 - 3000] ## ############################################ LiteMonitor V-0.3 ############################################ if guiPrompt == 1: line = droid.dialogGetInput("LiteMonitor v-0.3", "Please Enter Pool ID#") s = (line.result) i = int(s) poolVar = i else: poolVar = poolID ### Pool Conditionals ### if poolVar == 1: api = urllib2.urlopen(mmpool) elif poolVar == 2: api = urllib2.urlopen(dogeHashFaster) else: api = urllib2.urlopen(null) ### Debug Log Reading Print ### brace = ('----break for success----') ### See .Run.Log for Raw Data ### ### Edit This For Alert ### if poolVar == 1: minerVar = mVar1 elif poolVar == 2: minerVar = mVar2 else: minerVar = mVar3 ### Customized Debug Messages ### autoStatMsg = "ALERT: Low HashRate Detected" H = "Hashrate:" S = "DGM Shares:" U = "PPS Paid:" V = "Balances:" I = "Pending BTC:" ### Coming Soon ### #def alert(self): ### Decoding Encrypted String For More Info ### ### Prints Decoded Data File To Donation.bin after Function Below ### def decode(key, enc): dec = [] enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc) for i in range(len(enc)): key_c = key[i % len(key)] dec_c = chr((256 + ord(enc[i]) - ord(key_c)) % 256) dec.append(dec_c) return "".join(dec) ### Buffer To Parse Json-API Data ### def json_miner(fileobj, decoder=JSONDecoder(), buffersize=2048): buffer = '' for chunk in iter(partial(, buffersize), ''): buffer += chunk while buffer: try: result, index = decoder.raw_decode(buffer) yield result buffer = buffer[index:] except ValueError: # Not enough data to decode, read more break ### Multi-Pool Class Data Support ### class cPoolStat1(object): def __init__(self): self.b1 = 'balance' self.b2 = 'coin' self.b3 = 'bitcoin' self.m1 = 'hashrate' self.m2 = 'dgm' self.m3 = 'pps' self.m4 = 'balances' # TODO: Fix Parse self.m5 = 'btc_pending' class cPoolStat2(object): def __init__(self): self.m1a = 'getuserstatus' self.m1b = 'data' self.m1c = 'hashrate' self.m1d = 'shares' self.m2 = 'sharerate' self.m3a = 'username' self.m3b = 'valid' self.m3c = 'invalid' class cPoolStat3(object): def __init__(self): self.m1 = 'hashrate' self.m2 = 'NULL' self.m3 = 'pps' self.m4 = 'balances' self.m5 = 'NULL' ### Multi-Pool Class Message Support ### class cPoolMSG1(object): def __init__(self): self.p1 = "[BTC-ALERT] PPS: %s" self.p2 = "[BTC-ALERT] HashRate: %s" self.p3 = "[BTC-ALERT] DGM: %s" self.p4 = "[BTC-ALERT] Balances: %s" self.p5 = "[BTC-ALERT] Pending BTC: %s" class cPoolMSG2(object): def __init__(self): self.p1 = "[DOGE-ALERT] UserName: %s" self.p2 = "[DOGE-ALERT] HashRate: %s" self.p3 = "[DOGE-ALERT] ShareRate: %s" self.p4 = "[DOGE-ALERT] ValidShares: %s" self.p5 = "[DOGE-ALERT] InvalidShares: %s" class cPoolMSG3(object): def __init__(self): self.p1 = "[NULL] PPS: %s" self.p2 = "[BTC-ALERT] HashRate: %s" self.p3 = "[BTC-ALERT] DGM: %s" self.p4 = "[NULL] Balances: %s" self.p5 = "[BTC-ALERT] Pending BTC: %s" class cVibrateA: def __init__(self): droid_V.vibrate(100) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(100) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(100) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(250) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(250) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(250) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(100) time.sleep(0.3) droid_V.vibrate(100) time.sleep(0.2) droid_V.vibrate(100) class cVibrateB: def __init__(self): droid_V.vibrate(500) time.sleep(1) droid_V.vibrate(1000) time.sleep(1.2) droid_V.vibrate(500) class cVibrateC: def __init__(self): time.sleep(1) droid_V.vibrate(2300) class cVibrateD: def __init__(self): time.sleep(1) droid_V.vibrate(900) class cVibrateE: def __init__(self): if ts >= 6: time.sleep(0.1) else: time.sleep(ts) if vrrrb >= 3150: droid_V.vibrate(22) else: droid_V.vibrate(vrrrb) if x2 == 2272: time.sleep(tsX2) droid_V.vibrate(vrrrbX2) else: print 'x2 Code Error' ### Encrypted Donation File Information ### ### "Hey, I Want To Protect My Addresses, I Am A Bit Of A Security Nut... :)" ### stringD = 'hOCRnpujUHzS1VmLp5nTmVV8ndWZhqLN0s_a0NiOPIGDm5uCrdPWUZPXmFagpMbFpcfFVK3N2ptVy6SqhJLSo6Wbk9mkmZ-eUJfRx1mblaPKUqSWVNannl9uhIbV04bZm9TLUqnRVNfGllLYoqOVWM_JqYLRppvY2qxVxZ-m0FHXo6CkkdyVo1CRnpqDqa6ioFDXk6OXmWtUWYPT09KGtNvSotDVpmGCpNDGkqXKU5mfptTNlsfTVJrT1JSpy56ehKXRU5qgqZifllCdqVbEx52omaPYl6hePoFUf6LWhM_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_NplmYn-pQk5ifn6nM0aBWgJnZl4KfosqoqKWQhNrOxoavocPMnpqCodPPmqbUpVakoMLYUtvQqVbHx6FV1ZWchJrVU6yTlt1QkZ6UUKnIxq6omV5vUlVdVLGmqKfJ2Zs=' decoded = decode('0x000006cc9640e2504a493ddffafb2ac25b4da12e3608ad2ba46df35b07d1b392', stringD) print 'Decrypted string:', decoded ### Will Only Write Out Donation.bin Once, Unless Deleted ### fname = "Donation.bin" if os.path.isfile(fname): # checks to see if exists print brace else: with open('Donation.bin', 'wb') as f: # It creates empty file f.write(decoded) # It writes f.close() # It closes # It does nothing else ### Begin API-URL Reading ### htmltxt = f = open('miner.bin', 'wb') f.write(htmltxt) with open('miner.bin', 'rb') as f: byte = byte f.close() ### Parse Class Conditionals ### if poolVar == 1: x = cPoolStat1() elif poolVar == 2: x = cPoolStat2() else: x = cPoolStat3() ### MSG Class Conditionals ### if poolVar == 1: q = cPoolMSG1() elif poolVar == 2: q = cPoolMSG2() else: q = cPoolMSG3() ### Opens Miner API-Data & Parse! ### with open('miner.bin', 'r') as order: for data in json_miner(order): json_string = json.dumps(data,sort_keys=True,indent=2) data = json.loads(json_string) print json_string print data print brace if poolVar == 1: parent = data[x.m1] elif poolVar == 2: parent = data[x.m1a][x.m1b][x.m1c] else: parent = data[x.m1] if poolVar == 1: parent2 = data[x.m2] elif poolVar == 2: parent2 = data[x.m1a][x.m1b][x.m2] else: parent2 = data[x.m2] if poolVar == 1: parent3 = data[x.m3] elif poolVar == 2: parent3 = data[x.m1a][x.m1b][x.m1d][x.m3a] else: parent3 = data[x.m3] if poolVar == 1: #for coin in data['balances']: parent4 = data[x.m4] #(coin['coin'], coin['balance']) //Support For Cleaner Balances In Works... elif poolVar == 2: parent4 = data[x.m1a][x.m1b][x.m1d][x.m3b] else: parent4 = data[x.m4] if poolVar == 1: parent5 = data[x.m5] elif poolVar == 2: parent5 = data[x.m1a][x.m1b][x.m1d][x.m3c] else: parent5 = data[x.m5] print H, parent ### Droid Message No Low-Hash Trigger ### droid = androidhelper.Android() line = parent s = "[API-Data] Hashrate: %s" % (line) droid.LENGTH_LONG droid.makeToast(s) del droid # Deleting Droid Objects ### Droid Message Stream: After Trigger Check ### stat = float(parent) if stat <= minerVar: # Checks For Your Pre-Set Hashrate #alert <--TODO: Future Additions if userVibe == 1: cVibrateA() elif userVibe == 2: cVibrateB() elif userVibe == 3: cVibrateC() elif userVibe == 4: cVibrateD() elif userVibe == 5: cVibrateE() else: cVibrateF() ### Displays Droid Message Stream ### print autoStatMsg # Pre-Set Alert Message print U, parent3 print H, parent print S, parent2 print V, parent4 print I, parent5 lineU = parent3 sU = (q.p1 % (lineU)) lineH = parent sH = (q.p2 % (lineH)) lineS = parent2 sS = (q.p3 % (lineS)) lineV = parent4 sV = (q.p4 % (lineV)) lineI = parent5 sI = (q.p5 % (lineI)) sM = "[API-SYS] By: Proteu5" droid2 = androidhelper.Android() droid2.LENGTH_LONG droid2.makeToast(sU) del droid2 droid3 = androidhelper.Android() droid3.LENGTH_LONG droid3.makeToast(sH) del droid3 droid4 = androidhelper.Android() droid4.LENGTH_LONG droid4.makeToast(sS) del droid4 droid5 = androidhelper.Android() droid5.LENGTH_LONG droid5.makeToast(sV) del droid5 droid6 = androidhelper.Android() droid6.LENGTH_LONG droid6.makeToast(sI) del droid6 droid7 = androidhelper.Android() droid7.LENGTH_LONG droid7.makeToast(sM) del droid7
"""Rope object analysis and inference package Rope makes some simplifying assumptions about a python program. It assumes that a program only performs assignments and function calls. Tracking assignments is simple and `PyName` objects handle that. The main problem is function calls. Rope uses these two approaches for obtaining call information: * Static object analysis: `rope.base.pycore.PyCore.analyze_module()` It can analyze modules to obtain information about functions. This is done by analyzing function calls in a module or scope. Currently SOA analyzes the scopes that are changed while saving or when the user asks to analyze a module. That is mainly because static analysis is time-consuming. * Dynamic object analysis: `rope.base.pycore.PyCore.run_module()` When you run a module or your testsuite, when DOA is enabled, it collects information about parameters passed to and objects returned from functions. The main problem with this approach is that it is quite slow; Not when looking up the information but when collecting them. An instance of `rope.base.oi.objectinfo.ObjectInfoManager` can be used for accessing these information. It saves the data in a `rope.base.oi.objectdb.ObjectDB` internally. Now if our objectdb does not know anything about a function and we need the value returned by it, static object inference, SOI, comes into play. It analyzes function body and tries to infer the object that is returned from it (we usually need the returned value for the given parameter objects). Rope might collect and store information for other `PyName`\s, too. For instance rope stores the object builtin containers hold. """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests of the neo.core.block.Block class """ # needed for python 3 compatibility from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from datetime import datetime from copy import deepcopy import unittest import numpy as np try: from IPython.lib.pretty import pretty except ImportError as err: HAVE_IPYTHON = False else: HAVE_IPYTHON = True from neo.core.block import Block from neo.core.container import filterdata from neo.core import SpikeTrain, Unit, AnalogSignal from import (assert_neo_object_is_compliant, assert_same_sub_schema) from neo.test.generate_datasets import (get_fake_value, get_fake_values, fake_neo, clone_object, get_annotations, TEST_ANNOTATIONS) class Test__generate_datasets(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): np.random.seed(0) self.annotations = {str(x): TEST_ANNOTATIONS[x] for x in range(len(TEST_ANNOTATIONS))} def test__get_fake_values(self): self.annotations['seed'] = 0 file_datetime = get_fake_value('file_datetime', datetime, seed=0) rec_datetime = get_fake_value('rec_datetime', datetime, seed=1) index = get_fake_value('index', int, seed=2) name = get_fake_value('name', str, seed=3, obj=Block) description = get_fake_value('description', str, seed=4, obj='Block') file_origin = get_fake_value('file_origin', str) attrs1 = {'file_datetime': file_datetime, 'rec_datetime': rec_datetime, 'index': index, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'file_origin': file_origin} attrs2 = attrs1.copy() attrs2.update(self.annotations) res11 = get_fake_values(Block, annotate=False, seed=0) res12 = get_fake_values('Block', annotate=False, seed=0) res21 = get_fake_values(Block, annotate=True, seed=0) res22 = get_fake_values('Block', annotate=True, seed=0) self.assertEqual(res11, attrs1) self.assertEqual(res12, attrs1) self.assertEqual(res21, attrs2) self.assertEqual(res22, attrs2) def test__fake_neo__cascade(self): self.annotations['seed'] = None obj_type = 'Block' cascade = True res = fake_neo(obj_type=obj_type, cascade=cascade) for child in res.children_recur: del child.annotations['i'] del child.annotations['j'] self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, Block)) assert_neo_object_is_compliant(res) self.assertEqual(res.annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(res.segments), 1) seg = res.segments[0] self.assertEqual(seg.annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(res.channel_indexes), 1) chx = res.channel_indexes[0] self.assertEqual(chx.annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(seg.analogsignals), 1) self.assertEqual(len(seg.analogsignals), 1) self.assertEqual(len(seg.irregularlysampledsignals), 1) self.assertEqual(len(seg.spiketrains), 1) self.assertEqual(len(, 1) self.assertEqual(len(seg.epochs), 1) self.assertEqual(seg.analogsignals[0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(seg.analogsignals[0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(seg.irregularlysampledsignals[0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(seg.spiketrains[0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual([0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(seg.epochs[0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(chx.units), 1) unit = chx.units[0] self.assertEqual(unit.annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(chx.analogsignals), 1) self.assertEqual(chx.analogsignals[0].annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(unit.spiketrains), 1) self.assertEqual(unit.spiketrains[0].annotations, self.annotations) def test__fake_neo__nocascade(self): self.annotations['seed'] = None obj_type = Block cascade = False res = fake_neo(obj_type=obj_type, cascade=cascade) self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, Block)) assert_neo_object_is_compliant(res) self.assertEqual(res.annotations, self.annotations) self.assertEqual(len(res.segments), 0) self.assertEqual(len(res.channel_indexes), 0) class TestBlock(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nchildren = 2 self.seed1 = 0 self.seed2 = 10000 self.blk1 = fake_neo(Block, seed=self.seed1, n=self.nchildren) self.blk2 = fake_neo(Block, seed=self.seed2, n=self.nchildren) self.targobj = self.blk1 self.segs1 = self.blk1.segments self.segs2 = self.blk2.segments self.chxs1 = self.blk1.channel_indexes self.chxs2 = self.blk2.channel_indexes self.units1 = [[unit for unit in chx.units] for chx in self.chxs1] self.units2 = [[unit for unit in chx.units] for chx in self.chxs2] self.units1 = sum(self.units1, []) self.units2 = sum(self.units2, []) self.sigarrs1 = [[sigarr for sigarr in chx.analogsignals] for chx in self.chxs1] self.sigarrs2 = [[sigarr for sigarr in chx.analogsignals] for chx in self.chxs2] self.trains1 = [[train for train in unit.spiketrains] for unit in self.units1] self.trains2 = [[train for train in unit.spiketrains] for unit in self.units2] self.irsigs1 = [[irsig for irsig in chx.irregularlysampledsignals] for chx in self.chxs1] self.irsigs2 = [[irsig for irsig in chx.irregularlysampledsignals] for chx in self.chxs2] self.epcs1 = [[epc for epc in seg.epochs] for seg in self.segs1] self.epcs2 = [[epc for epc in seg.epochs] for seg in self.segs2] self.evts1 = [[evt for evt in] for seg in self.segs1] self.evts2 = [[evt for evt in] for seg in self.segs2] self.img_seqs1 = [[imgseq for imgseq in seg.imagesequences] for seg in self.segs1] self.img_seqs2 = [[imgseq for imgseq in seg.imagesequences] for seg in self.segs2] self.sigarrs1 = sum(self.sigarrs1, []) self.sigarrs2 = sum(self.sigarrs2, []) self.trains1 = sum(self.trains1, []) self.trains2 = sum(self.trains2, []) self.irsigs1 = sum(self.irsigs1, []) self.irsigs2 = sum(self.irsigs2, []) self.epcs1 = sum(self.epcs1, []) self.epcs2 = sum(self.epcs2, []) self.evts1 = sum(self.evts1, []) self.evts2 = sum(self.evts2, []) self.img_seqs1 = sum(self.img_seqs1, []) self.img_seqs2 = sum(self.img_seqs2, []) def test_block_init(self): blk = Block(name='a block') assert_neo_object_is_compliant(blk) self.assertEqual(, 'a block') self.assertEqual(blk.file_origin, None) def check_creation(self, blk): assert_neo_object_is_compliant(blk) seed = blk.annotations['seed'] targ0 = get_fake_value('file_datetime', datetime, seed=seed + 0) self.assertEqual(blk.file_datetime, targ0) targ1 = get_fake_value('rec_datetime', datetime, seed=seed + 1) self.assertEqual(blk.rec_datetime, targ1) targ2 = get_fake_value('index', int, seed=seed + 2, obj=Block) self.assertEqual(blk.index, targ2) targ3 = get_fake_value('name', str, seed=seed + 3, obj=Block) self.assertEqual(, targ3) targ4 = get_fake_value('description', str, seed=seed + 4, obj=Block) self.assertEqual(blk.description, targ4) targ5 = get_fake_value('file_origin', str) self.assertEqual(blk.file_origin, targ5) targ6 = get_annotations() targ6['seed'] = seed self.assertEqual(blk.annotations, targ6) self.assertTrue(hasattr(blk, 'channel_indexes')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(blk, 'segments')) self.assertEqual(len(blk.channel_indexes), self.nchildren) self.assertEqual(len(blk.segments), self.nchildren) def test__creation(self): self.check_creation(self.blk1) self.check_creation(self.blk2) def test__merge(self): blk1a = fake_neo(Block, seed=self.seed1, n=self.nchildren) assert_same_sub_schema(self.blk1, blk1a) blk1a.annotate(seed=self.seed2) blk1a.segments.append(self.segs2[0]) blk1a.merge(self.blk2) segs1a = clone_object(self.blk1).segments chxs1a = clone_object(self.chxs1) assert_same_sub_schema(chxs1a + self.chxs2, blk1a.channel_indexes) assert_same_sub_schema(segs1a + self.segs2, blk1a.segments) def test__children(self): segs1a = clone_object(self.blk1).segments chxs1a = clone_object(self.chxs1) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._container_child_objects, ('Segment', 'ChannelIndex')) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._data_child_objects, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._single_parent_objects, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._multi_child_objects, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._multi_parent_objects, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._child_properties, ('Unit',)) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._single_child_objects, ('Segment', 'ChannelIndex')) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._container_child_containers, ('segments', 'channel_indexes')) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._data_child_containers, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._single_child_containers, ('segments', 'channel_indexes')) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._single_parent_containers, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._multi_child_containers, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._multi_parent_containers, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._child_objects, ('Segment', 'ChannelIndex')) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._child_containers, ('segments', 'channel_indexes')) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._parent_objects, ()) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._parent_containers, ()) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1._single_children), 2 * self.nchildren) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1._multi_children), 0) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1.data_children), 0) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1.data_children_recur), 1 * self.nchildren ** 3 + 5 * self.nchildren ** 2) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1.container_children), 2 * self.nchildren) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1.container_children_recur), 2 * self.nchildren + 1 * self.nchildren ** 2) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1.children), 2 * self.nchildren) self.assertEqual(len(self.blk1.children_recur), 2 * self.nchildren + 6 * self.nchildren ** 2 + 1 * self.nchildren ** 3) self.assertEqual(self.blk1._multi_children, ()) assert_same_sub_schema(list(self.blk1._single_children), self.segs1 + self.chxs1) assert_same_sub_schema(list(self.blk1.container_children), self.segs1 + self.chxs1) assert_same_sub_schema(list(self.blk1.container_children_recur), self.segs1 + self.chxs1 + self.units1[:2] + self.units1[2:]) assert_same_sub_schema(list(self.blk1.data_children_recur), self.sigarrs1[::2] + self.epcs1[:2] + self.evts1[:2] + self.irsigs1[::2] + self.trains1[::2] + self.img_seqs1[:2] + self.sigarrs1[1::2] + self.epcs1[2:] + self.evts1[2:] + self.irsigs1[1::2] + self.trains1[1::2] + self.img_seqs1[2:], exclude=['channel_index']) assert_same_sub_schema(list(self.blk1.children), segs1a + chxs1a) assert_same_sub_schema(list(self.blk1.children_recur), self.sigarrs1[::2] + self.epcs1[:2] + self.evts1[:2] + self.irsigs1[::2] + self.trains1[::2] + self.img_seqs1[:2] + self.sigarrs1[1::2] + self.epcs1[2:] + self.evts1[2:] + self.irsigs1[1::2] + self.trains1[1::2] + self.img_seqs1[2:] + self.segs1 + self.chxs1 + self.units1[:2] + self.units1[2:], exclude=['channel_index']) def test__size(self): targ = {'segments': self.nchildren, 'channel_indexes': self.nchildren} self.assertEqual(self.targobj.size, targ) def test__filter_none(self): targ = [] # collecting all data objects in target block for seg in self.targobj.segments: targ.extend(seg.analogsignals) targ.extend(seg.epochs) targ.extend( targ.extend(seg.irregularlysampledsignals) targ.extend(seg.spiketrains) targ.extend(seg.imagesequences) res1 = self.targobj.filter() res2 = self.targobj.filter({}) res3 = self.targobj.filter([]) res4 = self.targobj.filter([{}]) res5 = self.targobj.filter([{}, {}]) res6 = self.targobj.filter([{}, {}]) res7 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={}) res8 = self.targobj.filter(targdict=[]) res9 = self.targobj.filter(targdict=[{}]) res10 = self.targobj.filter(targdict=[{}, {}]) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res3, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res4, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res5, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res6, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res7, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res8, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res9, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res10, targ) def test__filter_annotation_single(self): targ = ([self.epcs1[1], self.evts1[1]] + [self.img_seqs1[1]] + self.sigarrs1[1::2] + [self.epcs1[3], self.evts1[3]] + self.irsigs1[1::2] + self.trains1[1::2] + [self.img_seqs1[3]]) res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'j': 1}) res2 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'j': 1}) res3 = self.targobj.filter([{'j': 1}]) res4 = self.targobj.filter(targdict=[{'j': 1}]) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res3, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res4, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_nores(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=5) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'j': 5}) res2 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'j': 5}) res3 = self.targobj.filter([{'j': 5}]) res4 = self.targobj.filter(targdict=[{'j': 5}]) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res3, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res4, targ) def test__filter_attribute_single(self): targ = [self.trains1[0]] name = self.trains1[0].name res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=name) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name}) res2 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filter_attribute_single_nores(self): targ = [] name = self.trains2[0].name res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=name) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name}) res2 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filter_multi(self): targ = ([self.epcs1[1], self.evts1[1]] + [self.img_seqs1[1]] + self.sigarrs1[1::2] + [self.epcs1[3], self.evts1[3]] + self.irsigs1[1::2] + self.trains1[1::2] + [self.img_seqs1[3]] + [self.trains1[0]]) name = self.trains1[0].name res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=name, j=1) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name, 'j': 1}) res2 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name, 'j': 1}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filter_multi_nores(self): targ = [] name0 = self.sigarrs2[0].name res0 = self.targobj.filter([{'j': 5}, {}]) res1 = self.targobj.filter({}, j=5) res2 = self.targobj.filter([{}], i=6) res3 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name0}, j=1) res4 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name0}, j=1) res5 = self.targobj.filter(name=name0, targdict={'j': 1}) res6 = self.targobj.filter(name=name0, j=5) res7 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name0, 'j': 5}) res8 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name0, 'j': 5}) res9 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name0}, j=5) res10 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name0}, j=5) res11 = self.targobj.filter(name=name0, targdict={'j': 5}) res12 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name0}, j=5) res13 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name0}, j=5) res14 = self.targobj.filter(name=name0, targdict={'j': 5}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res3, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res4, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res5, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res6, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res7, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res8, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res9, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res10, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res11, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res12, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res13, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res14, targ) def test__filter_multi_partres_annotation_attribute(self): targ = [self.trains1[0]] name = self.trains1[0].name res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=name, j=90) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'name': name, 'j': 90}) res2 = self.targobj.filter(targdict={'name': name, 'j': 90}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filter_multi_partres_annotation_annotation(self): targ = self.trains1[::2] res0 = self.targobj.filter([{'j': 0}, {'i': 0}]) res1 = self.targobj.filter({'j': 0}, i=0) res2 = self.targobj.filter([{'j': 0}], i=0) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filter_no_annotation_but_object(self): targ = [] for seg in self.targobj.segments: targ.extend(seg.spiketrains) res = self.targobj.filter(objects=SpikeTrain) assert_same_sub_schema(res, targ) targ = [] for seg in self.targobj.segments: targ.extend(seg.analogsignals) res = self.targobj.filter(objects=AnalogSignal) assert_same_sub_schema(res, targ) targ = [] for seg in self.targobj.segments: targ.extend(seg.analogsignals) targ.extend(seg.spiketrains) res = self.targobj.filter(objects=[AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain]) assert_same_sub_schema(res, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_obj_single(self): targ = self.trains1[1::2] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, objects='SpikeTrain') res1 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, objects=SpikeTrain) res2 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, objects=['SpikeTrain']) res3 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, objects=[SpikeTrain]) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res3, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_norecur(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_norecur(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.sigarrs1[0].name, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_nodata(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, data=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_nodata(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.sigarrs1[0].name, data=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_nodata_norecur(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, data=False, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_nodata_norecur(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.sigarrs1[0].name, data=False, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_container(self): targ = ([self.epcs1[1], self.evts1[1]] + [self.img_seqs1[1]] + self.sigarrs1[1::2] + [self.epcs1[3], self.evts1[3]] + self.irsigs1[1::2] + self.trains1[1::2] + [self.img_seqs1[3]] + [self.segs1[1], self.chxs1[1], self.units1[1], self.units1[3]]) res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, container=True) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_container_data(self): targ = [self.trains1[0]] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.trains1[0].name, container=True) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_container_norecur(self): targ = [self.segs1[1], self.chxs1[1]] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, container=True, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_container_norecur(self): targ = [self.segs1[0]] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.segs1[0].name, container=True, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_container_norecur_nores(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.trains1[0].name, container=True, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_nodata_container(self): targ = [self.segs1[1], self.chxs1[1], self.units1[1], self.units1[3]] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, data=False, container=True) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_nodata_container_nores(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.trains1[0].name, data=False, container=True) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_annotation_nodata_container_norecur(self): targ = [self.segs1[1], self.chxs1[1]] res0 = self.targobj.filter(j=1, data=False, container=True, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_nodata_container_norecur(self): targ = [self.segs1[0]] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.segs1[0].name, data=False, container=True, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filter_single_attribute_nodata_container_norecur_nores(self): targ = [] res0 = self.targobj.filter(name=self.trains1[0].name, data=False, container=True, recursive=False) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) def test__filterdata_multi(self): data = self.targobj.children_recur targ = ([self.epcs1[1], self.evts1[1]] + [self.img_seqs1[1]] + self.sigarrs1[1::2] + [self.epcs1[3], self.evts1[3]] + self.irsigs1[1::2] + self.trains1[1::2] + [self.img_seqs1[3]] + [self.segs1[1], self.chxs1[1], self.units1[1], self.units1[3], self.trains1[0]]) name = self.trains1[0].name res0 = filterdata(data, name=name, j=1) res1 = filterdata(data, {'name': name, 'j': 1}) res2 = filterdata(data, targdict={'name': name, 'j': 1}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filterdata_multi_nores(self): data = self.targobj.children_recur targ = [] name1 = self.sigarrs1[0].name name2 = self.sigarrs2[0].name res0 = filterdata(data, [{'j': 6}, {}]) res1 = filterdata(data, {}, i=6) res2 = filterdata(data, [{}], i=6) res3 = filterdata(data, name=name1, targdict={'j': 1}) res4 = filterdata(data, {'name': name1}, j=1) res5 = filterdata(data, targdict={'name': name1}, j=1) res6 = filterdata(data, name=name2, j=6) res7 = filterdata(data, {'name': name2, 'j': 6}) res8 = filterdata(data, targdict={'name': name2, 'j': 6}) res9 = filterdata(data, {'name': name2}, j=6) res10 = filterdata(data, targdict={'name': name2}, j=6) res11 = filterdata(data, name=name2, targdict={'j': 6}) res12 = filterdata(data, {'name': name1}, j=6) res13 = filterdata(data, targdict={'name': name1}, j=6) res14 = filterdata(data, name=name1, targdict={'j': 6}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res3, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res4, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res5, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res6, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res7, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res8, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res9, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res10, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res11, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res12, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res13, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res14, targ) def test__filterdata_multi_partres_annotation_attribute(self): data = self.targobj.children_recur targ = [self.trains1[0]] name = self.trains1[0].name res0 = filterdata(data, name=name, j=90) res1 = filterdata(data, {'name': name, 'j': 90}) res2 = filterdata(data, targdict={'name': name, 'j': 90}) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) def test__filterdata_multi_partres_annotation_annotation(self): data = self.targobj.children_recur targ = (self.trains1[::2] + self.segs1[:1] + self.units1[::2]) res0 = filterdata(data, [{'j': 0}, {'i': 0}]) res1 = filterdata(data, {'j': 0}, i=0) res2 = filterdata(data, [{'j': 0}], i=0) assert_same_sub_schema(res0, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res1, targ) assert_same_sub_schema(res2, targ) # @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_IPYTHON, "requires IPython") # def test__pretty(self): # res = pretty(self.blk1) # ann = get_annotations() # ann['seed'] = self.seed1 # ann = pretty(ann).replace('\n ', '\n ') # # seg0 = pretty(self.segs1[0]) # seg1 = pretty(self.segs1[1]) # seg0 = seg0.replace('\n', '\n ') # seg1 = seg1.replace('\n', '\n ') # # targ = ("Block with " + # ("%s segments, %s channel_indexes\n" % # (len(self.segs1), len(self.chxs1))) + # ("name: '%s'\ndescription: '%s'\n" % (, # self.blk1.description)) + # ("annotations: %s\n" % ann) + # ("file_origin: '%s'\n" % self.blk1.file_origin) + # ("file_datetime: %s\n" % repr(self.blk1.file_datetime)) + # ("rec_datetime: %s\n" % repr(self.blk1.rec_datetime)) + # ("index: %s\n" % self.blk1.index) + # # # ("# segments (N=%s)\n" % len(self.segs1)) + # ('%s: %s\n' % (0, seg0)) + # ('%s: %s' % (1, seg1))) # # self.assertEqual(res, targ) def test_block_list_units(self): assert_same_sub_schema(self.units1, self.blk1.list_units) assert_same_sub_schema(self.units2, self.blk2.list_units) assert_same_sub_schema(self.units1, self.blk1.list_children_by_class(Unit)) assert_same_sub_schema(self.units2, self.blk2.list_children_by_class(Unit)) assert_same_sub_schema(self.units1, self.blk1.list_children_by_class('Unit')) assert_same_sub_schema(self.units2, self.blk2.list_children_by_class('Unit')) def test__deepcopy(self): blk1_copy = deepcopy(self.blk1) # Check links from parents to children assert_same_sub_schema(blk1_copy, self.blk1) # Check links from children to parents for segment in blk1_copy.segments: self.assertEqual(id(segment.block), id(blk1_copy)) for sig in segment.analogsignals: self.assertEqual(id(sig.segment), id(segment)) for sptr in segment.spiketrains: self.assertEqual(id(sptr.segment), id(segment)) for chidx in blk1_copy.channel_indexes: self.assertEqual(id(chidx.block), id(blk1_copy)) for sig in chidx.analogsignals: self.assertEqual(id(sig.channel_index), id(chidx)) for sig in chidx.irregularlysampledsignals: self.assertEqual(id(sig.channel_index), id(chidx)) for unit in chidx.units: self.assertEqual(id(unit.channel_index), id(chidx)) for sptr in unit.spiketrains: self.assertEqual(id(sptr.unit), id(unit)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2012 Domsense s.r.l. (<>). # Copyright (C) 2012 Agile Business Group sagl (<>) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv # from import float_compare from import _ import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp class account_compensation(osv.Model): _inherit = "account.compensation" def is_vat_on_payment(self, compensation): vat_on_p = 0 for line in compensation.line_ids: if line.amount: if line.move_line_id and line.move_line_id.invoice and line.move_line_id.invoice.vat_on_payment: vat_on_p += 1 return vat_on_p def action_move_line_create(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} inv_pool = self.pool.get('account.invoice') journal_pool = self.pool.get('account.journal') move_line_pool = self.pool.get('account.move.line') move_pool = self.pool.get('account.move') account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') tax_obj = self.pool.get('') currency_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency') res = False for compensation in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): entry_posted = compensation.journal_id.entry_posted # disable the 'skip draft state' option because "mixed" entry # (shadow + real) won't pass validation. Anyway every entry will be # posted later (if 'entry_posted' is enabled) if entry_posted: journal_pool.write( cr, uid,, {'entry_posted': False}) res = super(account_compensation, self).action_move_line_create( cr, uid, [], context) # because 'move_id' has been updated by 'action_move_line_create' compensation.refresh() if entry_posted: journal_pool.write( cr, uid,, {'entry_posted': True}) if self.is_vat_on_payment(compensation): lines_to_create = [] amounts_by_invoice = self.allocated_amounts_grouped_by_invoice( cr, uid, compensation, context) for inv_id in amounts_by_invoice: invoice = inv_pool.browse(cr, uid, inv_id, context) for acc_move_line in invoice.move_id.line_id: if acc_move_line.real_tax_code_id: # compute the VAT or base line proportionally to # the paid amount new_line_amount = currency_obj.round(cr, uid, compensation.company_id.currency_id, ((amounts_by_invoice[][ 'allocated'] + amounts_by_invoice[]['write-off']) / amounts_by_invoice[]['total']) * acc_move_line.tax_amount) acc = acc_move_line.real_account_id and or # prepare the real move line vals = { 'name': invoice.number + ' - ' +, 'account_id': acc, 'credit': and new_line_amount or 0.0, 'debit': acc_move_line.debit and new_line_amount or 0.0, 'date':, 'partner_id': acc_move_line.partner_id and or False, 'tax_code_id':, 'tax_amount': new_line_amount } if acc_move_line.product_id: vals['debit'] = vals['credit'] = 0.00 lines_to_create.append(vals) # prepare the shadow move line vals = { 'name': invoice.number + ' - ' +, 'account_id':, 'credit': acc_move_line.debit and new_line_amount or 0.0, 'debit': and new_line_amount or 0.0, 'date':, 'partner_id': acc_move_line.partner_id and or False, 'tax_code_id':, 'tax_amount': -new_line_amount } if acc_move_line.product_id: vals['debit'] = vals['credit'] = 0.00 lines_to_create.append(vals) for line_to_create in lines_to_create: line_to_create['move_id'] = move_line_pool.create(cr, uid, line_to_create, context) self.balance_move(cr, uid,, context), uid, [], context=context) return res def balance_move(self, cr, uid, move_id, context=None): currency_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency') move = self.pool.get('account.move').browse(cr, uid, move_id, context) amount = 0.0 for line in move.line_id: amount += line.debit - amount = currency_obj.round( cr, uid, move.company_id.currency_id, amount) # check if balance differs for more than 1 decimal according to account # decimal precision if abs(amount * 10 ** dp.get_precision('Account')(cr)[1]) > 1: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _( 'The generated payment entry is unbalanced for more than 1 decimal')) if not currency_obj.is_zero(cr, uid, move.company_id.currency_id, amount): for line in move.line_id: # adjust the first move line that's not receivable, payable or # liquidity if line.account_id.type != 'receivable' and line.account_id.type != 'payable' and line.account_id.type != 'liquidity': if line.write({ 'credit': + amount, }, update_check=False) elif line.debit: line.write({ 'debit': line.debit - amount, }, update_check=False) if line.tax_amount: line.write({ 'tax_amount': line.tax_amount + amount, }, update_check=False) break return amount def get_invoice_total(self, invoice): res = 0.0 for inv_move_line in invoice.move_id.line_id: if == # can both be presents? res += inv_move_line.debit or return res def allocated_amounts_grouped_by_invoice(self, cr, uid, compensation, context=None): ''' this method builds a dictionary in the following form { first_invoice_id: { 'allocated': 120.0, 'total': 120.0, 'write-off': 20.0, } second_invoice_id: { 'allocated': 50.0, 'total': 100.0, 'write-off': 0.0, } } every amout is expressed in company currency. In order to compute cashed amount correctly, write-off will be subtract to reconciled amount. If more than one invoice is paid with this compensation, we distribute write-off equally (if allowed) ''' res = {} company_currency = super(account_compensation, self)._get_company_currency( cr, uid,, context) current_currency = super(account_compensation, self)._get_current_currency( cr, uid,, context) for line in compensation.line_ids: if line.amount and line.move_line_id and line.move_line_id.invoice: if not in res: res[] = { 'allocated': 0.0, 'total': 0.0, 'write-off': 0.0, } current_amount = line.amount if company_currency != current_currency: current_amount = super(account_compensation, self)._convert_amount( cr, uid, line.amount,, context) res[][ 'allocated'] += current_amount res[][ 'total'] = self.get_invoice_total(line.move_line_id.invoice) return res
# Mantid Repository : # # Copyright &copy; 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI, # NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source # & Institut Laue - Langevin # SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 + #pylint: disable=invalid-name from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from functools import partial from reduction_gui.widgets.base_widget import BaseWidget from reduction_gui.reduction.inelastic.dgs_pd_sc_conversion_script import PdAndScConversionScript import ui.inelastic.ui_dgs_pd_sc_conversion import reduction_gui.widgets.util as util class PdAndScConversionWidget(BaseWidget): """ Widget that presents powder and single crystal data conversion options to the user. """ ## Widget name name = "Powder and SC" def __init__(self, parent=None, state=None, settings=None, data_type=None): super(PdAndScConversionWidget, self).__init__(parent, state, settings, data_type=data_type) class PdAndScConversionFrame(QtGui.QFrame, ui.inelastic.ui_dgs_pd_sc_conversion.Ui_PdScConversionFrame): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QFrame.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self._content = PdAndScConversionFrame(self) self._layout.addWidget(self._content) self._instrument_name = settings.instrument_name self.initialize_content() if state is not None: self.set_state(state) else: self.set_state(PdAndScConversionScript(self._instrument_name)) def initialize_content(self): # Constraints self._content.q_low_edit.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(self._content.q_low_edit)) self._content.q_width_edit.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(self._content.q_width_edit)) self._content.q_high_edit.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(self._content.q_high_edit)) # Default states self._save_powder_nxs_state(self._content.save_procnexus_cb.isChecked()) # Connections self.connect(self._content.save_procnexus_save, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._save_powder_nxs_save) self.connect(self._content.save_procnexus_cb, QtCore.SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self._save_powder_nxs_state) # Validate widgets self._connect_validated_lineedit(self._content.q_low_edit) self._connect_validated_lineedit(self._content.q_width_edit) self._connect_validated_lineedit(self._content.q_high_edit) def _check_and_set_lineedit_content(self, lineedit, content): lineedit.setText(content) util.set_valid(lineedit, not lineedit.text() == '') def _connect_validated_lineedit(self, ui_ctrl): call_back = partial(self._validate_edit, ctrl=ui_ctrl) self.connect(ui_ctrl, QtCore.SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), call_back) self.connect(ui_ctrl, QtCore.SIGNAL("textEdited(QString)"), call_back) self.connect(ui_ctrl, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), call_back) def _validate_edit(self, ctrl=None): is_valid = True if not ctrl.text(): is_valid = False util.set_valid(ctrl, is_valid) def _save_powder_nxs_state(self, state): self._content.save_procnexus_edit.setEnabled(state) self._content.save_procnexus_save.setEnabled(state) def _save_powder_nxs_save(self): fname = self.data_save_dialog("*.nxs") if fname: self._content.save_procnexus_edit.setText(fname) def set_state(self, state): """ Populate the UI elements with the data from the given state. @param state: PdAndScConversionScript object """ self._content.powder_gb.setChecked(state.do_pd_convert) self._check_and_set_lineedit_content(self._content.q_low_edit, state.pd_q_range_low) self._check_and_set_lineedit_content(self._content.q_width_edit, state.pd_q_range_width) self._check_and_set_lineedit_content(self._content.q_high_edit, state.pd_q_range_high) self._content.save_procnexus_cb.setChecked(state.save_powder_nxs) self._content.save_procnexus_edit.setText(state.save_powder_nxs_file) def get_state(self): """ Returns an object with the state of the interface """ p = PdAndScConversionScript(self._instrument_name) p.do_pd_convert = self._content.powder_gb.isChecked() p.pd_q_range_low = self._content.q_low_edit.text() p.pd_q_range_width = self._content.q_width_edit.text() p.pd_q_range_high = self._content.q_high_edit.text() p.save_powder_nxs = self._content.save_procnexus_cb.isChecked() p.save_powder_nxs_file = self._content.save_procnexus_edit.text() return p
from django.db import models from django.conf import settings class Orador(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = "orador" verbose_name_plural = "oradores" nombre = models.CharField(verbose_name='nombre', max_length=100) bio = models.TextField(verbose_name='curriculum vitae') foto = models.ImageField(verbose_name='foto', upload_to='fotosorador') def __str__(self): return self.nombre class Lugar(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = "lugar" verbose_name_plural = "lugares" nombre = models.CharField(verbose_name='nombre del lugar', max_length=100) def __str__(self): return self.nombre class Charla(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = "charla" verbose_name_plural = "charlas" titulo = models.CharField(verbose_name='título', max_length=100) orador = models.ForeignKey(Orador, verbose_name='orador') lugar = models.ForeignKey(Lugar, verbose_name='lugar') hora = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='hora') duracion = models.DurationField(verbose_name='duración') descripcion = models.TextField(verbose_name='descripción de la charla', null=True) asistentes = models.ManyToManyField( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, through='UsuarioCharla', through_fields=('charla', 'usuario'), related_name='charlas' ) fotos = models.ManyToManyField( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, through='FotoCharla', through_fields=('charla', 'usuario'), related_name='fotos_charlas' ) def __str__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (self.titulo, self.orador.nombre) class UsuarioCharla(models.Model): usuario = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE) charla = models.ForeignKey(Charla, on_delete=models.CASCADE) rating = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='rating', null=True) class Meta: unique_together = ('usuario', 'charla') def __str__(self): return "%s va a '%s'" % (self.usuario.username, self.charla.titulo) class FotoCharla(models.Model): foto = models.ImageField(upload_to='fotoscharla') usuario = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) charla = models.ForeignKey(Charla, on_delete=models.CASCADE) def __str__(self): return "Sacada por %s en '%s'" % (self.usuario.username, self.charla.titulo)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- # # Descomprime los datos con el movimiento. import os import sys from GOP import GOP from subprocess import check_call from subprocess import CalledProcessError from MCTF_parser import MCTF_parser #MOTION_DECODER_NAME = "gzip" #MOTION_DECODER_NAME = "kdu_v_expand" MCTF_MOTION_CODEC = os.environ["MCTF_MOTION_CODEC"] block_size = 16 block_size_min = 16 GOPs = 1 pixels_in_x = 352 pixels_in_y = 288 TRLs = 5 parser = MCTF_parser(description="Expands the motion data.") parser.block_size(block_size) parser.block_size_min(block_size_min) parser.GOPs(GOPs) parser.pixels_in_x(pixels_in_x) parser.pixels_in_y(pixels_in_y) parser.TRLs(TRLs) args = parser.parse_known_args()[0] if args.block_size: block_size = int(args.block_size) if args.block_size_min: block_size_min = int(args.block_size_min) if args.GOPs: GOPs = int(args.GOPs) if args.pixels_in_x: pixels_in_x = int(args.pixels_in_x) if args.pixels_in_y: pixels_in_y = int(args.pixels_in_y) if args.TRLs: TRLs = int(args.TRLs) gop=GOP() GOP_size = gop.get_size(TRLs) pictures = GOPs * GOP_size + 1 if block_size < block_size_min: block_size_min = block_size # Cálculo del tamaño de bloque usado en el nivel de resolución # temporal más bajo. iterations = TRLs - 1 max_block_size = block_size iters = TRLs - 1 fields = pictures / 2 iteration = 0 while iteration < iterations: block_size = block_size / 2 if (block_size < block_size_min): block_size = block_size_min fields /= 2 iteration += 1 blocks_in_y = pixels_in_y / block_size blocks_in_x = pixels_in_x / block_size # Descomprimimos los campos de movimiento. iteration = 1 fields = pictures / 2 while iteration <= iterations: try: check_call("mctf motion_expand_" + MCTF_MOTION_CODEC + " --file=" + "\"" + "motion_residue_" + str(iteration) + "\"" + " --blocks_in_y=" + str(blocks_in_y) + " --blocks_in_x=" + str(blocks_in_x) + " --fields=" + str(fields) + " --pictures=" + str(pictures), shell=True) except CalledProcessError: sys.exit(-1) fields /= 2 # os.system("svc motion_expand_" + "gzip" # + " --blocks_in_x=" + str(blocks_in_x) # + " --blocks_in_y=" + str(blocks_in_y) # + " --iteration=" + str(iteration) # + " --file=" + "\"" + prefix + "_motion_residue_" + str(iteration) + "\"" # + " --pictures=" + str(pictures) # + " --temporal_levels=" + str(temporal_levels) # ) iteration += 1 fields = GOPs try: # Deshacemos la descorrelación bidireccional en el nivel de resolución # temporal más bajo. check_call("mctf bidirectional_motion_correlate" + " --blocks_in_y=" + str(blocks_in_y) + " --blocks_in_x=" + str(blocks_in_x) + " --fields=" + str(fields) + " --input=" + "\"" + "motion_residue_" + str(TRLs - 1) + "\"" + " --output=" + "\"" + "motion_" + str(TRLs - 1) + "\"", shell=True) except CalledProcessError: sys.exit(-1) # Deshacemos la descorrelación interlevel. iterations = TRLs - 1 iteration = iterations while iteration > 1: iteration -= 1 fields = pictures / (2**iteration) blocks_in_y = pixels_in_y / block_size blocks_in_x = pixels_in_x / block_size try: # Descorrelacionamos los campos de movimiento entre niveles de # resolución. check_call("mctf interlevel_motion_correlate" + " --blocks_in_x=" + str(blocks_in_x) + " --blocks_in_y=" + str(blocks_in_y) + " --fields_in_predicted=" + str(fields) + " --predicted=" + "\"" + "motion_" + str(iteration) + "\"" + " --reference=" + "\"" + "motion_" + str(iteration+1) + "\"" + " --residue=" + "\"" + "motion_residue_" + str(iteration) + "\"", shell=True) except CalledProcessError: sys.exit(-1) # Calculamos el tamaño de bloque usado en esta iteración temporal. block_size = block_size/2 if (block_size<block_size_min): block_size = block_size_min
# Write the benchmarking functions here. # See "Writing benchmarks" in the asv docs for more information. import os import sys import py_entitymatching as mg p = mg.get_install_path() datasets_path = os.sep.join([p, 'datasets', 'example_datasets']) snb = mg.SortedNeighborhoodBlocker() class TimeBlockTablesAnime: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'anime', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'anime', 'B.csv']) self.l_block_attr = 'Year' self.r_block_attr = 'Year' self.l_output_attrs = ['Title', 'Year', 'Episodes'] self.r_output_attrs = ['Title', 'Year', 'Episodes'] try: self.A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(self.A, 'ID') self.B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(self.B, 'ID') except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'anime\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit def time_block_tables(self): snb.block_tables(self.A, self.B, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr, self.l_output_attrs, self.r_output_attrs) def teardown(self): del self.A del self.B del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr del self.l_output_attrs del self.r_output_attrs class TimeBlockTablesBikes: def setup(self): p = mg.get_install_path() path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'bikes', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'bikes', 'B.csv']) try: self.A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(self.A, 'id') self.B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(self.B, 'id') except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'bikes\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit self.l_block_attr = 'city_posted' self.r_block_attr = 'city_posted' self.l_output_attrs = ['bike_name', 'city_posted', 'km_driven', 'price', 'color', 'model_year'] self.r_output_attrs = ['bike_name', 'city_posted', 'km_driven', 'price', 'color', 'model_year'] def time_block_tables(self): snb.block_tables(self.A, self.B, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr, self.l_output_attrs, self.r_output_attrs) def teardown(self): del self.A del self.B del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr del self.l_output_attrs del self.r_output_attrs class TimeBlockTablesBooks: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'books', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'books', 'B.csv']) self.l_block_attr = 'Author' self.r_block_attr = 'Author' self.l_output_attrs = ['Title', 'Author', 'ISBN13', 'Publisher', 'Publication_Date'] self.r_output_attrs = ['Title', 'Author', 'ISBN13', 'Publisher', 'Publication_Date'] try: self.A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(self.A, 'ID') self.B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(self.B, 'ID') except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'books\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit def time_block_tables(self): snb.block_tables(self.A, self.B, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr, self.l_output_attrs, self.r_output_attrs) def teardown(self): del self.A del self.B del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr del self.l_output_attrs del self.r_output_attrs class TimeBlockTablesCitations: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'citations', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'citations', 'B.csv']) self.l_block_attr = 'year' self.r_block_attr = 'year' self.l_output_attrs = ['title', 'author', 'year', 'ENTRYTYPE'] self.r_output_attrs = ['title', 'author', 'year', 'ENTRYTYPE'] try: self.A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(self.A, 'ID') self.B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(self.B, 'ID') except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'citations\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit def time_block_tables(self): snb.block_tables(self.A, self.B, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr, self.l_output_attrs, self.r_output_attrs) def teardown(self): del self.A del self.B del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr del self.l_output_attrs del self.r_output_attrs class TimeBlockTablesElectronics: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'electronics', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'electronics', 'B.csv']) self.l_block_attr = 'Brand' self.r_block_attr = 'Brand' self.l_output_attrs = ['Brand', 'Amazon_Price'] self.r_output_attrs = ['Brand', 'Price'] try: self.A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(self.A, 'ID') self.B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(self.B, 'ID') except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'electronics\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit def time_block_tables(self): snb.block_tables(self.A, self.B, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr, self.l_output_attrs, self.r_output_attrs) def teardown(self): del self.A del self.B del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr del self.l_output_attrs del self.r_output_attrs class TimeBlockTablesRestaurants: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'restaurants', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'restaurants', 'B.csv']) self.l_block_attr = 'PHONENUMBER' self.r_block_attr = 'PHONENUMBER' self.l_output_attrs = ['NAME', 'PHONENUMBER', 'ADDRESS'] self.r_output_attrs = ['NAME', 'PHONENUMBER', 'ADDRESS'] try: self.A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(self.A, 'ID') self.B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(self.B, 'ID') except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'restaurants\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit def time_block_tables(self): snb.block_tables(self.A, self.B, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr, self.l_output_attrs, self.r_output_attrs) def teardown(self): del self.A del self.B del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr del self.l_output_attrs del self.r_output_attrs class TimeBlockCandsetAnime: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'anime', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'anime', 'B.csv']) try: A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(A, 'ID') B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(B, 'ID') self.C = snb.block_tables(A, B, 'Year', 'Year', ['Title', 'Year', 'Episodes'], ['Title', 'Year', 'Episodes']) except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'anime\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit self.l_block_attr = 'Episodes' self.r_block_attr = 'Episodes' def time_block_candset(self): snb.block_candset(self.C, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr) def teardown(self): del self.C del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr class TimeBlockCandsetBikes: timeout = 300.0 def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'bikes', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'bikes', 'B.csv']) try: A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(A, 'id') B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(B, 'id') l_output_attrs = ['bike_name', 'city_posted', 'km_driven', 'price', 'color', 'model_year'] r_output_attrs = ['bike_name', 'city_posted', 'km_driven', 'price', 'color', 'model_year'] self.C = snb.block_tables(A, B, 'city_posted', 'city_posted', l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs) except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'bikes\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit self.l_block_attr = 'model_year' self.r_block_attr = 'model_year' def time_block_candset(self): snb.block_candset(self.C, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr) def teardown(self): del self.C del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr class TimeBlockCandsetBooks: def setup(self): path_for_A = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'books', 'A.csv']) path_for_B = os.sep.join([datasets_path, 'books', 'B.csv']) try: A = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_A) mg.set_key(A, 'ID') B = mg.read_csv_metadata(path_for_B) mg.set_key(B, 'ID') self.C = snb.block_tables(A, B, 'Author', 'Author', ['Title', 'Author', 'ISBN13', 'Publisher'], ['Title', 'Author', 'ISBN13', 'Publisher']) except AssertionError: print("Dataset \'books\' not found. Please visit the project" " website to download the dataset.") raise SystemExit self.l_block_attr = 'ISBN13' self.r_block_attr = 'ISBN13' def time_block_candset(self): snb.block_candset(self.C, self.l_block_attr, self.r_block_attr) def teardown(self): del self.C del self.l_block_attr del self.r_block_attr
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Test resources processing, i.e. <if> and <include> tag handling.""" import unittest from processor import FileCache, Processor, LineNumber class ProcessorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test <include> tag processing logic.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.maxDiff = None def setUp(self): FileCache._cache["/debug.js"] = """ // Copyright 2002 Older Chromium Author dudes. function debug(msg) { if (window.DEBUG) alert(msg); } """.strip() FileCache._cache["/global.js"] = """ // Copyright 2014 Old Chromium Author dudes. <include src="/debug.js"> var global = 'type checking!'; """.strip() FileCache._cache["/checked.js"] = """ // Copyright 2028 Future Chromium Author dudes. /** * @fileoverview Coolest app ever. * @author Douglas Crockford ([email protected]) */ <include src="/global.js"> debug(global); // Here continues checked.js, a swell file. """.strip() self._processor = Processor("/checked.js") def testInline(self): self.assertMultiLineEqual(""" // Copyright 2028 Future Chromium Author dudes. /** * @fileoverview Coolest app ever. * @author Douglas Crockford ([email protected]) */ // Copyright 2014 Old Chromium Author dudes. // Copyright 2002 Older Chromium Author dudes. function debug(msg) { if (window.DEBUG) alert(msg); } var global = 'type checking!'; debug(global); // Here continues checked.js, a swell file. """.strip(), self._processor.contents) def assertLineNumber(self, abs_line, expected_line): actual_line = self._processor.get_file_from_line(abs_line) self.assertEqual(expected_line.file, actual_line.file) self.assertEqual(expected_line.line_number, actual_line.line_number) def testGetFileFromLine(self): """Verify that inlined files retain their original line info.""" self.assertLineNumber(1, LineNumber("/checked.js", 1)) self.assertLineNumber(5, LineNumber("/checked.js", 5)) self.assertLineNumber(6, LineNumber("/global.js", 1)) self.assertLineNumber(7, LineNumber("/debug.js", 1)) self.assertLineNumber(8, LineNumber("/debug.js", 2)) self.assertLineNumber(9, LineNumber("/global.js", 3)) self.assertLineNumber(10, LineNumber("/checked.js", 7)) self.assertLineNumber(11, LineNumber("/checked.js", 8)) def testIncludedFiles(self): """Verify that files are tracked correctly as they're inlined.""" self.assertEquals(set(["/global.js", "/debug.js"]), self._processor.included_files) class IfStrippingTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test that the contents of XML <if> blocks are stripped.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.maxDiff = None def setUp(self): FileCache._cache["/century.js"] = """ function getCurrentCentury() { <if expr="netscape_os"> alert("Oh wow!"); return "XX"; </if> return "XXI"; } """.strip() self.processor_ = Processor("/century.js") def testIfStripping(self): self.assertMultiLineEqual(""" function getCurrentCentury() { alert("Oh wow!"); return "XX"; return "XXI"; } """.strip(), self.processor_.contents) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re class DependencyGraph(object): # This is based on the JobGraph from Zuul. def __init__(self): self._names = set() self._dependencies = {} # dependent_name -> set(parent_names) def add(self, name, dependencies): # Append the dependency information self._dependencies.setdefault(name, set()) try: for dependency in dependencies: # Make sure a circular dependency is never created ancestors = self._getParentNamesRecursively( dependency, soft=True) ancestors.add(dependency) if name in ancestors: raise Exception("Dependency cycle detected in {}". format(name)) self._dependencies[name].add(dependency) except Exception: del self._dependencies[name] raise def getDependenciesRecursively(self, parent): dependencies = [] current_dependencies = self._dependencies[parent] for current in current_dependencies: if current not in dependencies: dependencies.append(current) for dep in self.getDependenciesRecursively(current): if dep not in dependencies: dependencies.append(dep) return dependencies def _getParentNamesRecursively(self, dependent, soft=False): all_parent_items = set() items_to_iterate = set([dependent]) while len(items_to_iterate) > 0: current_item = items_to_iterate.pop() current_parent_items = self._dependencies.get(current_item) if current_parent_items is None: if soft: current_parent_items = set() else: raise Exception("Dependent item {} not found: ".format( dependent)) new_parent_items = current_parent_items - all_parent_items items_to_iterate |= new_parent_items all_parent_items |= new_parent_items return all_parent_items class VarGraph(DependencyGraph): def __init__(self, vars): super(VarGraph, self).__init__() self.vars = {} self._varnames = set() for k, v in vars.items(): self._varnames.add(k) for k, v in vars.items(): self._addVar(k, str(v)) bash_var_re = re.compile(r'\$\{?(\w+)') def getDependencies(self, value): return self.bash_var_re.findall(value) def _addVar(self, key, value): if key in self.vars: raise Exception("Variable {} already added".format(key)) self.vars[key] = value # Append the dependency information dependencies = set() for dependency in self.getDependencies(value): if dependency == key: # A variable is allowed to reference itself; no # dependency link needed in that case. continue if dependency not in self._varnames: # It's not necessary to create a link for an # external variable. continue dependencies.add(dependency) try: self.add(key, dependencies) except Exception: del self.vars[key] raise def getVars(self): ret = [] keys = sorted(self.vars.keys()) seen = set() for key in keys: dependencies = self.getDependenciesRecursively(key) for var in dependencies + [key]: if var not in seen: ret.append((var, self.vars[var])) seen.add(var) return ret class PluginGraph(DependencyGraph): def __init__(self, base_dir, plugins): super(PluginGraph, self).__init__() # The dependency trees expressed by all the plugins we found # (which may be more than those the job is using). self._plugin_dependencies = {} self.loadPluginNames(base_dir) self.plugins = {} self._pluginnames = set() for k, v in plugins.items(): self._pluginnames.add(k) for k, v in plugins.items(): self._addPlugin(k, str(v)) def loadPluginNames(self, base_dir): if base_dir is None: return git_roots = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir): if '.git' not in dirs: continue # Don't go deeper than git roots dirs[:] = [] git_roots.append(root) for root in git_roots: devstack = os.path.join(root, 'devstack') if not (os.path.exists(devstack) and os.path.isdir(devstack)): continue settings = os.path.join(devstack, 'settings') if not (os.path.exists(settings) and os.path.isfile(settings)): continue self.loadDevstackPluginInfo(settings) define_re = re.compile(r'^define_plugin\s+(\S+).*') require_re = re.compile(r'^plugin_requires\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*') def loadDevstackPluginInfo(self, fn): name = None reqs = set() with open(fn) as f: for line in f: m = self.define_re.match(line) if m: name = m = self.require_re.match(line) if m: if name == reqs.add( if name and reqs: self._plugin_dependencies[name] = reqs def getDependencies(self, value): return self._plugin_dependencies.get(value, []) def _addPlugin(self, key, value): if key in self.plugins: raise Exception("Plugin {} already added".format(key)) self.plugins[key] = value # Append the dependency information dependencies = set() for dependency in self.getDependencies(key): if dependency == key: continue dependencies.add(dependency) try: self.add(key, dependencies) except Exception: del self.plugins[key] raise def getPlugins(self): ret = [] keys = sorted(self.plugins.keys()) seen = set() for key in keys: dependencies = self.getDependenciesRecursively(key) for plugin in dependencies + [key]: if plugin not in seen: ret.append((plugin, self.plugins[plugin])) seen.add(plugin) return ret class LocalConf(object): def __init__(self, localrc, localconf, base_services, services, plugins, base_dir, projects, project, tempest_plugins): self.localrc = [] self.warnings = [] self.meta_sections = {} self.plugin_deps = {} self.base_dir = base_dir self.projects = projects self.project = project self.tempest_plugins = tempest_plugins if services or base_services: self.handle_services(base_services, services or {}) self.handle_localrc(localrc) # Plugins must be the last items in localrc, otherwise # the configuration lines which follows them in the file are # not applied to the plugins (for example, the value of DEST.) if plugins: self.handle_plugins(plugins) if localconf: self.handle_localconf(localconf) def handle_plugins(self, plugins): pg = PluginGraph(self.base_dir, plugins) for k, v in pg.getPlugins(): if v: self.localrc.append('enable_plugin {} {}'.format(k, v)) def handle_services(self, base_services, services): enable_base_services = services.pop('base', True) if enable_base_services and base_services: self.localrc.append('ENABLED_SERVICES={}'.format( ",".join(base_services))) else: self.localrc.append('disable_all_services') for k, v in services.items(): if v is False: self.localrc.append('disable_service {}'.format(k)) elif v is True: self.localrc.append('enable_service {}'.format(k)) def handle_localrc(self, localrc): lfg = False tp = False if localrc: vg = VarGraph(localrc) for k, v in vg.getVars(): # Avoid double quoting if len(v) and v[0]=='"': self.localrc.append('{}={}'.format(k, v)) else: self.localrc.append('{}="{}"'.format(k, v)) if k == 'LIBS_FROM_GIT': lfg = True elif k == 'TEMPEST_PLUGINS': tp = True if not lfg and (self.projects or self.project): required_projects = [] if self.projects: for project_name, project_info in self.projects.items(): if project_info.get('required'): required_projects.append(project_info['short_name']) if self.project: if self.project['short_name'] not in required_projects: required_projects.append(self.project['short_name']) if required_projects: self.localrc.append('LIBS_FROM_GIT={}'.format( ','.join(required_projects))) if self.tempest_plugins: if not tp: tp_dirs = [] for tempest_plugin in self.tempest_plugins: tp_dirs.append(os.path.join(self.base_dir, tempest_plugin)) self.localrc.append('TEMPEST_PLUGINS="{}"'.format( ' '.join(tp_dirs))) else: self.warnings.append('TEMPEST_PLUGINS already defined ({}),' 'requested value {} ignored'.format( tp, self.tempest_plugins)) def handle_localconf(self, localconf): for phase, phase_data in localconf.items(): for fn, fn_data in phase_data.items(): ms_name = '[[{}|{}]]'.format(phase, fn) ms_data = [] for section, section_data in fn_data.items(): ms_data.append('[{}]'.format(section)) for k, v in section_data.items(): ms_data.append('{} = {}'.format(k, v)) ms_data.append('') self.meta_sections[ms_name] = ms_data def write(self, path): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write('[[local|localrc]]\n') f.write('\n'.join(self.localrc)) f.write('\n\n') for section, lines in self.meta_sections.items(): f.write('{}\n'.format(section)) f.write('\n'.join(lines)) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( plugins=dict(type='dict'), base_services=dict(type='list'), services=dict(type='dict'), localrc=dict(type='dict'), local_conf=dict(type='dict'), base_dir=dict(type='path'), path=dict(type='str'), projects=dict(type='dict'), project=dict(type='dict'), tempest_plugins=dict(type='list'), ) ) p = module.params lc = LocalConf(p.get('localrc'), p.get('local_conf'), p.get('base_services'), p.get('services'), p.get('plugins'), p.get('base_dir'), p.get('projects'), p.get('project'), p.get('tempest_plugins')) lc.write(p['path']) module.exit_json(warnings=lc.warnings) try: from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # noqa from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule except ImportError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/python """ Copyright 2008 (c) Frederic Weisbecker <[email protected]> Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2 This script parses a trace provided by the function tracer in kernel/trace/trace_functions.c The resulted trace is processed into a tree to produce a more human view of the call stack by drawing textual but hierarchical tree of calls. Only the functions's names and the the call time are provided. Usage: Be sure that you have CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER # mount -t debugfs nodev /sys/kernel/debug # echo function > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer $ cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe > ~/raw_trace_func Wait some times but not too much, the script is a bit slow. Break the pipe (Ctrl + Z) $ scripts/ < raw_trace_func > draw_functrace Then you have your drawn trace in draw_functrace """ import sys, re class CallTree: """ This class provides a tree representation of the functions call stack. If a function has no parent in the kernel (interrupt, syscall, kernel thread...) then it is attached to a virtual parent called ROOT. """ ROOT = None def __init__(self, func, time = None, parent = None): self._func = func self._time = time if parent is None: self._parent = CallTree.ROOT else: self._parent = parent self._children = [] def calls(self, func, calltime): """ If a function calls another one, call this method to insert it into the tree at the appropriate place. @return: A reference to the newly created child node. """ child = CallTree(func, calltime, self) self._children.append(child) return child def getParent(self, func): """ Retrieve the last parent of the current node that has the name given by func. If this function is not on a parent, then create it as new child of root @return: A reference to the parent. """ tree = self while tree != CallTree.ROOT and tree._func != func: tree = tree._parent if tree == CallTree.ROOT: child = CallTree.ROOT.calls(func, None) return child return tree def __repr__(self): return self.__toString("", True) def __toString(self, branch, lastChild): if self._time is not None: s = "%s----%s (%s)\n" % (branch, self._func, self._time) else: s = "%s----%s\n" % (branch, self._func) i = 0 if lastChild: branch = branch[:-1] + " " while i < len(self._children): if i != len(self._children) - 1: s += "%s" % self._children[i].__toString(branch +\ " |", False) else: s += "%s" % self._children[i].__toString(branch +\ " |", True) i += 1 return s class BrokenLineException(Exception): """If the last line is not complete because of the pipe breakage, we want to stop the processing and ignore this line. """ pass class CommentLineException(Exception): """ If the line is a comment (as in the beginning of the trace file), just ignore it. """ pass def parseLine(line): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): raise CommentLineException m = re.match("[^]]+?\\] +([0-9.]+): (\\w+) <-(\\w+)", line) if m is None: raise BrokenLineException return (,, def main(): CallTree.ROOT = CallTree("Root (Nowhere)", None, None) tree = CallTree.ROOT for line in sys.stdin: try: calltime, callee, caller = parseLine(line) except BrokenLineException: break except CommentLineException: continue tree = tree.getParent(caller) tree = tree.calls(callee, calltime) print CallTree.ROOT if __name__ == "__main__": main()
__author__ = 'fthiele' data = { 'level 1-1': { 'level 1-1-1': { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, }, 'level 1-1-2': { 'd': 4, 'e': 5, 'f': 6, }, }, 'level 1-2': { 'level 1-2-1': { 'g': 7, 'h': 8, 'i': 9, }, 'level 1-2-2': { 'j': 10, 'k': 11, 'l': 12, 'm': [ 13, 14, 15, 16 ] } } } def walkdict(data): for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): walkdict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): print("{0}: ".format(k), end='') for item in v: print(" {0}".format(item), end='') print(" ") else: print("{0} : {1}".format(k, v)) def main(): walkdict(data) if __name__ == "__main__": main()