991 values
15 values
#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2017, Wayne Witzel III <[email protected]> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: tower_role version_added: "2.3" author: "Wayne Witzel III (@wwitzel3)" short_description: create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower role. description: - Create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower roles. See U( for an overview. options: user: description: - User that receives the permissions specified by the role. team: description: - Team that receives the permissions specified by the role. role: description: - The role type to grant/revoke. required: True choices: ["admin", "read", "member", "execute", "adhoc", "update", "use", "auditor"] target_team: description: - Team that the role acts on. inventory: description: - Inventory the role acts on. job_template: description: - The job template the role acts on. credential: description: - Credential the role acts on. organization: description: - Organization the role acts on. project: description: - Project the role acts on. state: description: - Desired state of the resource. default: "present" choices: ["present", "absent"] extends_documentation_fragment: tower ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Add jdoe to the member role of My Team tower_role: user: jdoe target_team: "My Team" role: member state: present tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg" ''' from ansible.module_utils.ansible_tower import TowerModule, tower_auth_config, tower_check_mode try: import tower_cli import tower_cli.exceptions as exc from tower_cli.conf import settings except ImportError: pass def update_resources(module, p): '''update_resources attempts to fetch any of the resources given by name using their unique field (identity) ''' params = p.copy() identity_map = { 'user': 'username', 'team': 'name', 'target_team': 'name', 'inventory': 'name', 'job_template': 'name', 'credential': 'name', 'organization': 'name', 'project': 'name', } for k, v in identity_map.items(): try: if params[k]: key = 'team' if k == 'target_team' else k result = tower_cli.get_resource(key).get(**{v: params[k]}) params[k] = result['id'] except (exc.NotFound) as excinfo: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to update role, {0} not found: {1}'.format(k, excinfo), changed=False) return params def main(): argument_spec = dict( user=dict(), team=dict(), role=dict(choices=["admin", "read", "member", "execute", "adhoc", "update", "use", "auditor"]), target_team=dict(), inventory=dict(), job_template=dict(), credential=dict(), organization=dict(), project=dict(), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), ) module = TowerModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) role_type = module.params.pop('role') state = module.params.pop('state') json_output = {'role': role_type, 'state': state} tower_auth = tower_auth_config(module) with settings.runtime_values(**tower_auth): tower_check_mode(module) role = tower_cli.get_resource('role') params = update_resources(module, module.params) params['type'] = role_type try: if state == 'present': result = role.grant(**params) json_output['id'] = result['id'] elif state == 'absent': result = role.revoke(**params) except (exc.ConnectionError, exc.BadRequest, exc.NotFound, exc.AuthError) as excinfo: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to update role: {0}'.format(excinfo), changed=False) json_output['changed'] = result['changed'] module.exit_json(**json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from _gmres_mgs import gmres_mgs from _gmres_householder import gmres_householder __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" __all__ = ['gmres'] def gmres(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restrt=None, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None, callback=None, residuals=None, orthog='mgs', **kwargs): ''' Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES) GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the system Ax = b Parameters ---------- A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator} n x n, linear system to solve b : {array, matrix} right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1) x0 : {array, matrix} initial guess, default is a vector of zeros tol : float relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm of the initial preconditioned residual restrt : {None, int} - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations is maxiter maxiter : {None, int} - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations and GMRES does not restart - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations, and restrt is the max number of inner iterations xtype : type dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator} n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b. callback : function User-supplied function is called after each iteration as callback( ||rk||_2 ), where rk is the current preconditioned residual vector residuals : list residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history, including the initial residual. orthog : string 'householder' calls _gmres_householder which uses Householder reflections to find the orthogonal basis for the Krylov space. 'mgs' calls _gmres_mgs which uses modified Gram-Schmidt to find the orthogonal basis for the Krylov space Returns ------- (xNew, info) xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b info : halting status of gmres == ============================================= 0 successful exit >0 convergence to tolerance not achieved, return iteration count instead. This value is precisely the order of the Krylov space. <0 numerical breakdown, or illegal input == ============================================= Notes ----- - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface. Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix. A.psolve(..) is still supported as a legacy. - The orthogonalization method, orthog='householder', is more robust than orthog='mgs', however for the majority of problems your problem will converge before 'mgs' loses orthogonality in your basis. - orthog='householder' has been more rigorously tested, and is therefore currently the default Examples -------- >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm >>> import numpy as np >>> from import poisson >>> A = poisson((10,10)) >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],)) >>> (x,flag) = gmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8) >>> print norm(b - A*x) 6.5428213057 References ---------- .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003 ''' # known bug vvvvvv remove when fixed if A.dtype == complex and orthog == 'householder': raise ValueError('[Known Bug] Housholder fails with complex matrices; \ use MGS') # pass along **kwargs if orthog == 'householder': (x, flag) = gmres_householder(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, restrt=restrt, maxiter=maxiter, xtype=xtype, M=M, callback=callback, residuals=residuals, **kwargs) elif orthog == 'mgs': (x, flag) = gmres_mgs(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, restrt=restrt, maxiter=maxiter, xtype=xtype, M=M, callback=callback, residuals=residuals, **kwargs) return (x, flag)
""" Regression tests for Django built-in views. """ from django.db import models class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __unicode__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return '/views/authors/%s/' % class BaseArticle(models.Model): """ An abstract article Model so that we can create article models with and without a get_absolute_url method (for create_update generic views tests). """ title = models.CharField(max_length=100) slug = models.SlugField() author = models.ForeignKey(Author) class Meta: abstract = True def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Article(BaseArticle): date_created = models.DateTimeField() class UrlArticle(BaseArticle): """ An Article class with a get_absolute_url defined. """ date_created = models.DateTimeField() def get_absolute_url(self): return '/urlarticles/%s/' % self.slug get_absolute_url.purge = True class DateArticle(BaseArticle): """ An article Model with a DateField instead of DateTimeField, for testing #7602 """ date_created = models.DateField()
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'Project.status' db.add_column('sentry_project', 'status','django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField')(default=0, db_index=True), keep_default=False) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Project.status' db.delete_column('sentry_project', 'status') models = { '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'sentry.event': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Event', 'db_table': "'sentry_message'"}, 'checksum': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'culprit': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'db_column': "'view'", 'blank': 'True'}), 'data': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'event_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'unique': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'db_column': "'message_id'"}), 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'event_set'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['sentry.Group']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '40', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'logger': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'root'", 'max_length': '64', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'message': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'server_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'site': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'null': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'time_spent': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True'}) }, 'sentry.filtervalue': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'key', 'value'),)", 'object_name': 'FilterValue'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'value': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'logger', 'culprit', 'checksum'),)", 'object_name': 'Group', 'db_table': "'sentry_groupedmessage'"}, 'checksum': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'culprit': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'db_column': "'view'", 'blank': 'True'}), 'data': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '40', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'logger': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'root'", 'max_length': '64', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'message': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'score': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'time_spent_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'time_spent_total': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'times_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'db_index': 'True'}) }, 'sentry.messagecountbyminute': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'group', 'date'),)", 'object_name': 'MessageCountByMinute'}, 'date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {}), 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Group']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'time_spent_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'time_spent_total': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'times_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}) }, 'sentry.messagefiltervalue': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'key', 'value', 'group'),)", 'object_name': 'MessageFilterValue'}, 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Group']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'times_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'value': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, 'sentry.messageindex': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('column', 'value', 'object_id'),)", 'object_name': 'MessageIndex'}, 'column': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}), 'value': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}) }, 'sentry.project': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Project'}, 'date_added': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'owner': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'owned_project_set'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'public': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0', 'db_index': 'True'}) }, 'sentry.projectdomain': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'domain'),)", 'object_name': 'ProjectDomain'}, 'domain': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'domain_set'", 'to': "orm['sentry.Project']"}) }, 'sentry.projectmember': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'user'),)", 'object_name': 'ProjectMember'}, 'date_added': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.BigIntegerField', [], {}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'member_set'", 'to': "orm['sentry.Project']"}), 'public_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'unique': 'True', 'null': 'True'}), 'secret_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'unique': 'True', 'null': 'True'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'project_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}) } } complete_apps = ['sentry']
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Mark McClain, DreamHost from logging.config import fileConfig from alembic import context from sqlalchemy import create_engine, pool from quantum.db import model_base from quantum.openstack.common import importutils DATABASE_QUOTA_DRIVER = 'quantum.extensions._quotav2_driver.DbQuotaDriver' # this is the Alembic Config object, which provides # access to the values within the .ini file in use. config = context.config quantum_config = config.quantum_config # Interpret the config file for Python logging. # This line sets up loggers basically. fileConfig(config.config_file_name) plugin_klass = importutils.import_class(quantum_config.core_plugin) # set the target for 'autogenerate' support target_metadata = model_base.BASEV2.metadata def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. This configures the context with just a URL and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable here as well. By skipping the Engine creation we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the script output. """ context.configure(url=quantum_config.DATABASE.sql_connection) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations(active_plugin=quantum_config.core_plugin, options=build_options()) def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations in 'online' mode. In this scenario we need to create an Engine and associate a connection with the context. """ engine = create_engine( quantum_config.DATABASE.sql_connection, poolclass=pool.NullPool) connection = engine.connect() context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata ) try: with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations(active_plugin=quantum_config.core_plugin, options=build_options()) finally: connection.close() def build_options(): return {'folsom_quota_db_enabled': is_db_quota_enabled()} def is_db_quota_enabled(): return quantum_config.QUOTAS.quota_driver == DATABASE_QUOTA_DRIVER if context.is_offline_mode(): run_migrations_offline() else: run_migrations_online()
# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Compute-related Utilities and helpers.""" import itertools import string import traceback import netifaces from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from nova import block_device from nova.compute import power_state from nova.compute import task_states from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _LW from import model as network_model from nova import notifications from nova import objects from nova import rpc from nova import utils from nova.virt import driver CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt('host', 'nova.netconf') LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def exception_to_dict(fault): """Converts exceptions to a dict for use in notifications.""" # TODO(johngarbutt) move to nova/ to share with wrap_exception code = 500 if hasattr(fault, "kwargs"): code = fault.kwargs.get('code', 500) # get the message from the exception that was thrown # if that does not exist, use the name of the exception class itself try: message = fault.format_message() # These exception handlers are broad so we don't fail to log the fault # just because there is an unexpected error retrieving the message except Exception: try: message = unicode(fault) except Exception: message = None if not message: message = fault.__class__.__name__ # NOTE(dripton) The message field in the database is limited to 255 chars. # MySQL silently truncates overly long messages, but PostgreSQL throws an # error if we don't truncate it. u_message = utils.safe_truncate(message, 255) fault_dict = dict(exception=fault) fault_dict["message"] = u_message fault_dict["code"] = code return fault_dict def _get_fault_details(exc_info, error_code): details = '' if exc_info and error_code == 500: tb = exc_info[2] if tb: details = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)) return unicode(details) def add_instance_fault_from_exc(context, instance, fault, exc_info=None): """Adds the specified fault to the database.""" fault_obj = objects.InstanceFault(context=context) = fault_obj.instance_uuid = instance.uuid fault_obj.update(exception_to_dict(fault)) code = fault_obj.code fault_obj.details = _get_fault_details(exc_info, code) fault_obj.create() def get_device_name_for_instance(context, instance, bdms, device): """Validates (or generates) a device name for instance. This method is a wrapper for get_next_device_name that gets the list of used devices and the root device from a block device mapping. """ mappings = block_device.instance_block_mapping(instance, bdms) return get_next_device_name(instance, mappings.values(), mappings['root'], device) def default_device_names_for_instance(instance, root_device_name, *block_device_lists): """Generate missing device names for an instance.""" dev_list = [bdm.device_name for bdm in itertools.chain(*block_device_lists) if bdm.device_name] if root_device_name not in dev_list: dev_list.append(root_device_name) for bdm in itertools.chain(*block_device_lists): dev = bdm.device_name if not dev: dev = get_next_device_name(instance, dev_list, root_device_name) bdm.device_name = dev dev_list.append(dev) def get_next_device_name(instance, device_name_list, root_device_name=None, device=None): """Validates (or generates) a device name for instance. If device is not set, it will generate a unique device appropriate for the instance. It uses the root_device_name (if provided) and the list of used devices to find valid device names. If the device name is valid but applicable to a different backend (for example /dev/vdc is specified but the backend uses /dev/xvdc), the device name will be converted to the appropriate format. """ is_xen = driver.compute_driver_matches('xenapi.XenAPIDriver') req_prefix = None req_letter = None if device: try: req_prefix, req_letter = block_device.match_device(device) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=device) if not root_device_name: root_device_name = block_device.DEFAULT_ROOT_DEV_NAME try: prefix = block_device.match_device( block_device.prepend_dev(root_device_name))[0] except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=root_device_name) # NOTE(vish): remove this when xenapi is setting default_root_device if is_xen: prefix = '/dev/xvd' if req_prefix != prefix: LOG.debug("Using %(prefix)s instead of %(req_prefix)s", {'prefix': prefix, 'req_prefix': req_prefix}) used_letters = set() for device_path in device_name_list: letter = block_device.get_device_letter(device_path) used_letters.add(letter) # NOTE(vish): remove this when xenapi is properly setting # default_ephemeral_device and default_swap_device if is_xen: flavor = instance.get_flavor() if flavor.ephemeral_gb: used_letters.add('b') if flavor.swap: used_letters.add('c') if not req_letter: req_letter = _get_unused_letter(used_letters) if req_letter in used_letters: raise exception.DevicePathInUse(path=device) return prefix + req_letter def _get_unused_letter(used_letters): doubles = [first + second for second in string.ascii_lowercase for first in string.ascii_lowercase] all_letters = set(list(string.ascii_lowercase) + doubles) letters = list(all_letters - used_letters) # NOTE(vish): prepend ` so all shorter sequences sort first letters.sort(key=lambda x: x.rjust(2, '`')) return letters[0] def get_image_metadata(context, image_api, image_id_or_uri, instance): image_system_meta = {} # In case of boot from volume, image_id_or_uri may be None or '' if image_id_or_uri is not None and image_id_or_uri != '': # If the base image is still available, get its metadata try: image = image_api.get(context, image_id_or_uri) except (exception.ImageNotAuthorized, exception.ImageNotFound, exception.Invalid) as e: LOG.warning(_LW("Can't access image %(image_id)s: %(error)s"), {"image_id": image_id_or_uri, "error": e}, instance=instance) else: flavor = instance.get_flavor() image_system_meta = utils.get_system_metadata_from_image(image, flavor) # Get the system metadata from the instance system_meta = utils.instance_sys_meta(instance) # Merge the metadata from the instance with the image's, if any system_meta.update(image_system_meta) # Convert the system metadata to image metadata return utils.get_image_from_system_metadata(system_meta) def get_value_from_system_metadata(instance, key, type, default): """Get a value of a specified type from image metadata. @param instance: The instance object @param key: The name of the property to get @param type: The python type the value is be returned as @param default: The value to return if key is not set or not the right type """ value = instance.system_metadata.get(key, default) try: return type(value) except ValueError: LOG.warning(_LW("Metadata value %(value)s for %(key)s is not of " "type %(type)s. Using default value %(default)s."), {'value': value, 'key': key, 'type': type, 'default': default}, instance=instance) return default def notify_usage_exists(notifier, context, instance_ref, current_period=False, ignore_missing_network_data=True, system_metadata=None, extra_usage_info=None): """Generates 'exists' notification for an instance for usage auditing purposes. :param notifier: a messaging.Notifier :param current_period: if True, this will generate a usage for the current usage period; if False, this will generate a usage for the previous audit period. :param ignore_missing_network_data: if True, log any exceptions generated while getting network info; if False, raise the exception. :param system_metadata: system_metadata DB entries for the instance, if not None. *NOTE*: Currently unused here in trunk, but needed for potential custom modifications. :param extra_usage_info: Dictionary containing extra values to add or override in the notification if not None. """ audit_start, audit_end = notifications.audit_period_bounds(current_period) bw = notifications.bandwidth_usage(instance_ref, audit_start, ignore_missing_network_data) if system_metadata is None: system_metadata = utils.instance_sys_meta(instance_ref) # add image metadata to the notification: image_meta = notifications.image_meta(system_metadata) extra_info = dict(audit_period_beginning=str(audit_start), audit_period_ending=str(audit_end), bandwidth=bw, image_meta=image_meta) if extra_usage_info: extra_info.update(extra_usage_info) notify_about_instance_usage(notifier, context, instance_ref, 'exists', system_metadata=system_metadata, extra_usage_info=extra_info) def notify_about_instance_usage(notifier, context, instance, event_suffix, network_info=None, system_metadata=None, extra_usage_info=None, fault=None): """Send a notification about an instance. :param notifier: a messaging.Notifier :param event_suffix: Event type like "delete.start" or "exists" :param network_info: Networking information, if provided. :param system_metadata: system_metadata DB entries for the instance, if provided. :param extra_usage_info: Dictionary containing extra values to add or override in the notification. """ if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = notifications.info_from_instance(context, instance, network_info, system_metadata, **extra_usage_info) if fault: # NOTE(johngarbutt) mirrors the format in wrap_exception fault_payload = exception_to_dict(fault) LOG.debug(fault_payload["message"], instance=instance) usage_info.update(fault_payload) if event_suffix.endswith("error"): method = notifier.error else: method = method(context, 'compute.instance.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def notify_about_server_group_update(context, event_suffix, sg_payload): """Send a notification about server group update. :param event_suffix: Event type like "create.start" or "create.end" :param sg_payload: payload for server group update """ notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service='servergroup'), 'servergroup.%s' % event_suffix, sg_payload) def notify_about_aggregate_update(context, event_suffix, aggregate_payload): """Send a notification about aggregate update. :param event_suffix: Event type like "create.start" or "create.end" :param aggregate_payload: payload for aggregate update """ aggregate_identifier = aggregate_payload.get('aggregate_id', None) if not aggregate_identifier: aggregate_identifier = aggregate_payload.get('name', None) if not aggregate_identifier: LOG.debug("No aggregate id or name specified for this " "notification and it will be ignored") return notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service='aggregate', host=aggregate_identifier), 'aggregate.%s' % event_suffix, aggregate_payload) def notify_about_host_update(context, event_suffix, host_payload): """Send a notification about host update. :param event_suffix: Event type like "create.start" or "create.end" :param host_payload: payload for host update. It is a dict and there should be at least the 'host_name' key in this dict. """ host_identifier = host_payload.get('host_name') if not host_identifier: LOG.warning(_LW("No host name specified for the notification of " "HostAPI.%s and it will be ignored"), event_suffix) return notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service='api', host=host_identifier), 'HostAPI.%s' % event_suffix, host_payload) def get_nw_info_for_instance(instance): if instance.info_cache is None: return network_model.NetworkInfo.hydrate([]) return instance.info_cache.network_info def has_audit_been_run(context, conductor, host, timestamp=None): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(before=timestamp) task_log = conductor.task_log_get(context, "instance_usage_audit", begin, end, host) if task_log: return True else: return False def start_instance_usage_audit(context, conductor, begin, end, host, num_instances): conductor.task_log_begin_task(context, "instance_usage_audit", begin, end, host, num_instances, "Instance usage audit started...") def finish_instance_usage_audit(context, conductor, begin, end, host, errors, message): conductor.task_log_end_task(context, "instance_usage_audit", begin, end, host, errors, message) def usage_volume_info(vol_usage): def null_safe_str(s): return str(s) if s else '' tot_refreshed = vol_usage['tot_last_refreshed'] curr_refreshed = vol_usage['curr_last_refreshed'] if tot_refreshed and curr_refreshed: last_refreshed_time = max(tot_refreshed, curr_refreshed) elif tot_refreshed: last_refreshed_time = tot_refreshed else: # curr_refreshed must be set last_refreshed_time = curr_refreshed usage_info = dict( volume_id=vol_usage['volume_id'], tenant_id=vol_usage['project_id'], user_id=vol_usage['user_id'], availability_zone=vol_usage['availability_zone'], instance_id=vol_usage['instance_uuid'], last_refreshed=null_safe_str(last_refreshed_time), reads=vol_usage['tot_reads'] + vol_usage['curr_reads'], read_bytes=vol_usage['tot_read_bytes'] + vol_usage['curr_read_bytes'], writes=vol_usage['tot_writes'] + vol_usage['curr_writes'], write_bytes=vol_usage['tot_write_bytes'] + vol_usage['curr_write_bytes']) return usage_info def get_reboot_type(task_state, current_power_state): """Checks if the current instance state requires a HARD reboot.""" if current_power_state != power_state.RUNNING: return 'HARD' soft_types = [task_states.REBOOT_STARTED, task_states.REBOOT_PENDING, task_states.REBOOTING] reboot_type = 'SOFT' if task_state in soft_types else 'HARD' return reboot_type def get_machine_ips(): """Get the machine's ip addresses :returns: list of Strings of ip addresses """ addresses = [] for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): try: iface_data = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface) for family in iface_data: if family not in (netifaces.AF_INET, netifaces.AF_INET6): continue for address in iface_data[family]: addr = address['addr'] # If we have an ipv6 address remove the # %ether_interface at the end if family == netifaces.AF_INET6: addr = addr.split('%')[0] addresses.append(addr) except ValueError: pass return addresses def remove_shelved_keys_from_system_metadata(instance): # Delete system_metadata for a shelved instance for key in ['shelved_at', 'shelved_image_id', 'shelved_host']: if key in instance.system_metadata: del (instance.system_metadata[key]) class EventReporter(object): """Context manager to report instance action events.""" def __init__(self, context, event_name, *instance_uuids): self.context = context self.event_name = event_name self.instance_uuids = instance_uuids def __enter__(self): for uuid in self.instance_uuids: objects.InstanceActionEvent.event_start( self.context, uuid, self.event_name, want_result=False) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): for uuid in self.instance_uuids: objects.InstanceActionEvent.event_finish_with_failure( self.context, uuid, self.event_name, exc_val=exc_val, exc_tb=exc_tb, want_result=False) return False class UnlimitedSemaphore(object): def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): pass @property def balance(self): return 0
from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.reverse import reverse from rest_framework.test import APITestCase from restapi.models import AlarmClock from restapi.models.web_radio import WebRadio class TestDelete(APITestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestDelete, self).setUp() self.webradio_to_delete = WebRadio.objects.create(name="test", url="") self.url = reverse('api:webradios:retrieve_update_destroy', kwargs={'pk':}) def test_delete(self): response = self.client.delete(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) self.assertEqual(WebRadio.objects.count(), 0) def test_delete_with_alarm_clock(self): should_be_deleted_alarm_clock = AlarmClock.objects.create(name="alarm1", monday=True, hour=8, minute=20, webradio=self.webradio_to_delete) from utils.scheduler_manager import SchedulerManager from unittest.mock import patch with patch.object(SchedulerManager, 'delete_job_by_id', return_value=None) as mock_scheduler: self.client.delete(self.url, format='json') mock_scheduler.assert_called_with( # the linked alarm clock should be deleted with self.assertRaises(AlarmClock.DoesNotExist): AlarmClock.objects.get(
#!/usr/bin/python __author__ = 'Nicolas' import t411 import transmissionrpc import base64 import re from commandline import CmdLine, command import time import filesize import json import os TRANSMISSION_ADDRESS_FILE = 'transmission.json' #This is the file where the transmission server address is stored # class TransmissionClient(transmissionrpc.Client): """ A wrapper around the transmission.rpc client that also prompt user for the server address, and then stored the answers and reuse it in subsequent constructions. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor: if not TRANSMISSION_ADDRESS_FILE file, ask address to user and save it, otherwise, load the data from the file. Then instantiate the Transmission client. """ try: with open(TRANSMISSION_ADDRESS_FILE) as address_file: connection = json.loads( if 'address' not in connection or 'port' not in connection: address, port = self.ask_for_connection() else: address = connection['address'] port = connection['port'] except: address, port = self.ask_for_connection() super(TransmissionClient, self).__init__(address=address, port=int(port)) @staticmethod def ask_for_connection(): """ Ask the user for the URL and port of the transmission server :return: address and port of the transmission server """ address = raw_input('Please enter transmission RPC address: ') port = raw_input('Please enter transmission RPC port: ') connection_data = json.dumps({'address': '%s' % address, 'port': '%s' % port}) with open(TRANSMISSION_ADDRESS_FILE, 'w') as connection_file: connection_file.write(connection_data) return address, port class T411Commands(CmdLine): """ This the T411 command line interface """ __result_len_limit__ = 20 # can be adjusted by the limit command def __init__(self): """ Constructor: create T411 and transmission client connections. """ super(T411Commands, self).__init__(prompt='T411') self.query_filters_names = ('cid',) self.result_filters = {'grep': self.grep_results} try: print 'Connecting to T411' self.t411 = t411.T411() except Exception as e: print 'Could not connect to T411: '+str(e) try: print 'Connecting to Transmission' self.transmission = TransmissionClient() except Exception as e: print 'Could not connect to Transmission: '+str(e) self.clear() def get_search_string(self, query, filters): """ Create the T411 API search string :param query: Queried string the user added :param filters: The list of filters the user en entered (after pipe symbols) :return: The T411 API post request string """ query = query.replace(' ', '+') base_search_string = query+'?offset='+str(self.offset)+'&limit='+str(self.__result_len_limit__) query_filters = [(index, filter['type'], filter['arg']) for index, filter in enumerate(filters) if filter['type'] in self.query_filters_names] if query_filters: for filter in query_filters: base_search_string += '&{!s}={!s}'.format(filter[1], filter[2]) return base_search_string @staticmethod def grep_results(results, filter_argument): """ Filter the results by name using the regular expressions :param results: Search result :param filter_argument: Regular expression :return: results, but only those for which the name match regexp """ filter = re.compile(filter_argument[0]) filtered_result = dict() filtered_result['total'] = results['total'] filtered_result['torrents'] = [torrent for torrent in results['torrents'] if['name'])] return filtered_result def print_search_results(self): """ Display the last search results on screen. """ print 'Found {!s} torrent'.format(self.last_search_result['total']) if self.last_search_result: for i, torrent in enumerate(self.last_search_result['torrents']): print '\t-{!s} {} [{!s} -{!s}-]\t seeders:{!s}\t size = {!s}b'.format(i, torrent['name'].encode('utf-8'), torrent['categoryname'].encode('utf-8'), torrent['category'], torrent['seeders'], filesize.size(int(torrent['size']))) else: print 'Nothing found.' def search_t411(self, filters): """ Initiate a search on T411 and filters the results :param filters: Filters to apply to the search :return: """ query_result =, filters)).json() for filter in filters: if filter['type'] in self.result_filters: query_result = self.result_filters[filter['type']](query_result, filter['arg']) return query_result @command('reset') def reset(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ Reset saved settings (credentials and addresses). Accepted arguments are: [t411] -> to reset t411 credentials [transmission] -> to reset transmission server address """ if cmdArgs.lower() == 't411': os.remove(t411.USER_CREDENTIALS_FILE) elif cmdArgs.lower() == 'transmission': os.remove(TRANSMISSION_ADDRESS_FILE) @command('clear') def clear(self, *args): """ Clear previous search results """ self.offset = 0 self.last_search_result = dict() self.last_query_string = '' self.last_query_filters = '' @command('limit') def limit(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ set limit on query result (default is 20, argument is new limit) """ if cmdArgs: try: self.__result_len_limit__ = int(cmdArgs) except: pass print 'Query limited to {!s} results.'.format(self.__result_len_limit__) @command('search') def search(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ [query string] -> Search Torrent accept filters: cid [category_id] or grep [name regex filter] for example: search avatar | cid 5 | grep ava[1-2] """ self.last_query_string = str(cmdArgs) self.last_query_filters = filters self.last_search_result = self.search_t411(filters) self.print_search_results() @command('info') def info(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ [torrentID] -> Get Torrent Info """ infos = self.t411.details(self.last_search_result['torrents'][int(cmdArgs)]['id']).json() for key, value in infos['terms'].iteritems(): print '\t- ' + key.encode('utf-8') + ':\t' + value.encode('utf-8') @command('user') def user(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ Show user data (ratio...) """ infos = print 'Uploaded: \t' + filesize.size(int(infos['uploaded']))+'b' print 'Downloaded: \t' + filesize.size(int(infos['downloaded']))+'b' print 'Ratio:\t{:.2f}'.format(float(infos['uploaded'])/float(infos['downloaded'])) @command('next') def next(self, cmdArgs, filterss): """ Shows next results for last query """ if self.last_search_result: self.offset += self.__result_len_limit__ self.last_search_result = self.search_t411(self.last_query_filters) self.print_search_results() else: print 'You need to make a search first.' @command('previous') def previous(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ Shows previous results for last query """ if self.last_search_result: self.offset -= self.__result_len_limit__ self.offset = max(0, self.offset) self.last_search_result = self.search_t411(self.last_query_filters) self.print_search_results() else: print 'You need to make a search first.' @command('cat') def cat(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ List categories """ cat_list = self.t411.categories().json() for cat_id, cat_info in cat_list.iteritems(): if 'id' in cat_info: print '\t-{!s}:\t{!s}'.format(cat_id, cat_info['name'].encode('utf-8')) if 'cats' in cat_info: for subcat_id, subcat_info in cat_info['cats'].iteritems(): print '\t\t-{!s}:\t{!s}'.format(subcat_id, subcat_info['name'].encode('utf-8')) def get_download_list(self, cmdArgs): """ Return a list of indexes in the last search result that are selected by the user. """ if cmdArgs.lower() == 'all': download_index_list = [torrent['id']for torrent in self.last_search_result['torrents']] else: from_to_format = re.compile(r'[\s]*(?P<start>[\d]+)[\s]*\-[\s]*(?P<end>[\d]+)[\s]*') from_to = re.match(from_to_format, cmdArgs) if from_to: download_index_list = map(str, range(int('start')), int('end'))+1)) else: download_index_list = cmdArgs.split(',') if len(download_index_list) > 1: if not CmdLine.confirm("Are you want to download the {!s} torrents".format(len(download_index_list))): download_index_list = list() return map(int, download_index_list) @command('download') def download(self, cmdArgs, filters): """ Download torrent. Accepted arguments are: ["all"] -> download all results [X,Y] -> download torrents with result indexes X and Y. [X-Y] -> download torrents with result indexes from X to Y. [X] -> download torrents with result indexes X. """ download_index_list = self.get_download_list(cmdArgs) for index in download_index_list: try: torrent =['torrents'][index]['id']) #with open('temp.torrent', 'w') as torrent_file: # torrent_file.write(torrent.content) self.transmission.add_torrent(base64.b64encode(torrent.content)) time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print 'Could not add torrent {!s} to download queue [{!s}]'.\ format(self.last_search_result['torrents'][index]['name'].encode('utf-8'), e) else: print 'successfully added torrent {!s} to download queue'\ .format(self.last_search_result['torrents'][index]['name'].encode('utf-8')) if __name__ == '__main__': cli = T411Commands()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.core.mail.message import EmailMessage from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template.context import RequestContext from import menu_item, submenu_item, MenuItem from dnd.forms import ContactForm from dnd.models import StaticPage @menu_item(MenuItem.CONTACTS) @submenu_item(MenuItem.Contacts.CONTACT_US) def contact(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ContactForm(request.POST, initial={ 'captcha': request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']}) if form.is_valid(): if form.cleaned_data['sender']: headers = { 'Reply-To': form.cleaned_data['sender']} else: headers = {} email = EmailMessage( subject=form.cleaned_data['subject'], body="%s\n\nfrom: %s" % (form.cleaned_data['message'], form.cleaned_data['sender']), from_email='[email protected]', to=('[email protected]', '[email protected]'), headers=headers, ) email.send() # Redirect after POST return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('contact_sent')) else: form = ContactForm() # An unbound form # request context required for CSRF return render_to_response('dnd/contacts/contact.html', { 'request': request, 'form': form, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), ) @menu_item(MenuItem.CONTACTS) @submenu_item(MenuItem.Contacts.CONTACT_US) def contact_sent(request): return render_to_response('dnd/contacts/contact_sent.html', { 'request': request, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), ) @menu_item(MenuItem.CONTACTS) @submenu_item(MenuItem.Contacts.STAFF) def staff(request): page_body = StaticPage.objects.filter(name='staff')[0] return render_to_response('dnd/contacts/staff.html', { 'request': request, 'page_body': page_body, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), ) @menu_item(MenuItem.ANDROID) def android(request): page_body = StaticPage.objects.get(name='android') return render_to_response('dnd/static/android.html', { 'request': request, 'page_body': page_body, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), )
# The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2016 Mena-Devs # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import json import os import unittest from slackcollector.collector import Collector class TestCollector(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.config_file = 'config.example.yml' self.collector_inst = Collector(self.config_file) def test_load_config_file_success(self): self.collector_inst.load_config(self.config_file) self.assertIsNotNone(self.collector_inst.data_dir) self.assertIsNotNone(self.collector_inst.data_file_prefix) def test_load_config_file_failure(self): """ Test a non existent configuration file """ self.assertRaises(IOError, self.collector_inst.load_config, '/boguspath') def test_anonymize_data_success(self): """ Test whether the data anonymizer works by removing sensitive JSON objects """ test_json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_test_data/sensitive_json.json') with open(test_json_file) as data_file: json_data = json.load(data_file) clean_json_data = self.collector_inst.anonymize_data(json_data) sensitive_keys_set = set(['profile', 'real_name', 'name']) for item in clean_json_data['members']: # If the intersection of the "sensitive_keys_set" and keys sets is # empty the we have cleared these keys and their values self.assertFalse(sensitive_keys_set & set(item)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=too-many-lines # ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ # / __| __| \| | __| _ \ /_\_ _| __| \ # | (_ | _|| .` | _|| / / _ \| | | _|| |) | # \___|___|_|\_|___|_|_\/_/_\_\_|_|___|___/_ _____ # | \ / _ \ | \| |/ _ \_ _| | __| \_ _|_ _| # | |) | (_) | | .` | (_) || | | _|| |) | | | | # |___/ \___/ |_|\_|\___/ |_| |___|___/___| |_| ''' OpenShiftCLI class that wraps the oc commands in a subprocess ''' # pylint: disable=too-many-lines import atexit import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import ruamel.yaml as yaml #import yaml # ## This is here because of a bug that causes yaml ## to incorrectly handle timezone info on timestamps #def timestamp_constructor(_, node): # '''return timestamps as strings''' # return str(node.value) #yaml.add_constructor(u',2002:timestamp', timestamp_constructor) class OpenShiftCLIError(Exception): '''Exception class for openshiftcli''' pass # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class OpenShiftCLI(object): ''' Class to wrap the command line tools ''' def __init__(self, namespace, kubeconfig='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig', verbose=False, all_namespaces=False): ''' Constructor for OpenshiftCLI ''' self.namespace = namespace self.verbose = verbose self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig self.all_namespaces = all_namespaces # Pylint allows only 5 arguments to be passed. # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def _replace_content(self, resource, rname, content, force=False, sep='.'): ''' replace the current object with the content ''' res = self._get(resource, rname) if not res['results']: return res fname = '/tmp/%s' % rname yed = Yedit(fname, res['results'][0], separator=sep) changes = [] for key, value in content.items(): changes.append(yed.put(key, value)) if any([change[0] for change in changes]): yed.write() atexit.register(Utils.cleanup, [fname]) return self._replace(fname, force) return {'returncode': 0, 'updated': False} def _replace(self, fname, force=False): '''return all pods ''' cmd = ['-n', self.namespace, 'replace', '-f', fname] if force: cmd.append('--force') return self.openshift_cmd(cmd) def _create_from_content(self, rname, content): '''return all pods ''' fname = '/tmp/%s' % rname yed = Yedit(fname, content=content) yed.write() atexit.register(Utils.cleanup, [fname]) return self._create(fname) def _create(self, fname): '''return all pods ''' return self.openshift_cmd(['create', '-f', fname, '-n', self.namespace]) def _delete(self, resource, rname, selector=None): '''return all pods ''' cmd = ['delete', resource, rname, '-n', self.namespace] if selector: cmd.append('--selector=%s' % selector) return self.openshift_cmd(cmd) def _process(self, template_name, create=False, params=None, template_data=None): '''return all pods ''' cmd = ['process', '-n', self.namespace] if template_data: cmd.extend(['-f', '-']) else: cmd.append(template_name) if params: param_str = ["%s=%s" % (key, value) for key, value in params.items()] cmd.append('-v') cmd.extend(param_str) results = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, output=True, input_data=template_data) if results['returncode'] != 0 or not create: return results fname = '/tmp/%s' % template_name yed = Yedit(fname, results['results']) yed.write() atexit.register(Utils.cleanup, [fname]) return self.openshift_cmd(['-n', self.namespace, 'create', '-f', fname]) def _get(self, resource, rname=None, selector=None): '''return a resource by name ''' cmd = ['get', resource] if selector: cmd.append('--selector=%s' % selector) if self.all_namespaces: cmd.extend(['--all-namespaces']) elif self.namespace: cmd.extend(['-n', self.namespace]) cmd.extend(['-o', 'json']) if rname: cmd.append(rname) rval = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, output=True) # Ensure results are retuned in an array if rval.has_key('items'): rval['results'] = rval['items'] elif not isinstance(rval['results'], list): rval['results'] = [rval['results']] return rval def _schedulable(self, node=None, selector=None, schedulable=True): ''' perform oadm manage-node scheduable ''' cmd = ['manage-node'] if node: cmd.extend(node) else: cmd.append('--selector=%s' % selector) cmd.append('--schedulable=%s' % schedulable) return self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True, output=True, output_type='raw') def _list_pods(self, node=None, selector=None, pod_selector=None): ''' perform oadm manage-node evacuate ''' cmd = ['manage-node'] if node: cmd.extend(node) else: cmd.append('--selector=%s' % selector) if pod_selector: cmd.append('--pod-selector=%s' % pod_selector) cmd.extend(['--list-pods', '-o', 'json']) return self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True, output=True, output_type='raw') #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def _evacuate(self, node=None, selector=None, pod_selector=None, dry_run=False, grace_period=None, force=False): ''' perform oadm manage-node evacuate ''' cmd = ['manage-node'] if node: cmd.extend(node) else: cmd.append('--selector=%s' % selector) if dry_run: cmd.append('--dry-run') if pod_selector: cmd.append('--pod-selector=%s' % pod_selector) if grace_period: cmd.append('--grace-period=%s' % int(grace_period)) if force: cmd.append('--force') cmd.append('--evacuate') return self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True, output=True, output_type='raw') def _import_image(self, url=None, name=None, tag=None): ''' perform image import ''' cmd = ['import-image'] image = '{0}'.format(name) if tag: image += ':{0}'.format(tag) cmd.append(image) if url: cmd.append('--from={0}/{1}'.format(url, image)) cmd.append('-n{0}'.format(self.namespace)) cmd.append('--confirm') return self.openshift_cmd(cmd) #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def openshift_cmd(self, cmd, oadm=False, output=False, output_type='json', input_data=None): '''Base command for oc ''' cmds = [] if oadm: cmds = ['/usr/bin/oc', 'adm'] else: cmds = ['/usr/bin/oc'] cmds.extend(cmd) rval = {} results = '' err = None if self.verbose: print ' '.join(cmds) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env={'KUBECONFIG': self.kubeconfig}) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(input_data) rval = {"returncode": proc.returncode, "results": results, "cmd": ' '.join(cmds), } if proc.returncode == 0: if output: if output_type == 'json': try: rval['results'] = json.loads(stdout) except ValueError as err: if "No JSON object could be decoded" in err.message: err = err.message elif output_type == 'raw': rval['results'] = stdout if self.verbose: print stdout print stderr if err: rval.update({"err": err, "stderr": stderr, "stdout": stdout, "cmd": cmds }) else: rval.update({"stderr": stderr, "stdout": stdout, "results": {}, }) return rval class Utils(object): ''' utilities for openshiftcli modules ''' @staticmethod def create_file(rname, data, ftype='yaml'): ''' create a file in tmp with name and contents''' path = os.path.join('/tmp', rname) with open(path, 'w') as fds: if ftype == 'yaml': fds.write(yaml.dump(data, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper)) elif ftype == 'json': fds.write(json.dumps(data)) else: fds.write(data) # Register cleanup when module is done atexit.register(Utils.cleanup, [path]) return path @staticmethod def create_files_from_contents(content, content_type=None): '''Turn an array of dict: filename, content into a files array''' if not isinstance(content, list): content = [content] files = [] for item in content: path = Utils.create_file(item['path'], item['data'], ftype=content_type) files.append({'name': os.path.basename(path), 'path': path}) return files @staticmethod def cleanup(files): '''Clean up on exit ''' for sfile in files: if os.path.exists(sfile): if os.path.isdir(sfile): shutil.rmtree(sfile) elif os.path.isfile(sfile): os.remove(sfile) @staticmethod def exists(results, _name): ''' Check to see if the results include the name ''' if not results: return False if Utils.find_result(results, _name): return True return False @staticmethod def find_result(results, _name): ''' Find the specified result by name''' rval = None for result in results: if result.has_key('metadata') and result['metadata']['name'] == _name: rval = result break return rval @staticmethod def get_resource_file(sfile, sfile_type='yaml'): ''' return the service file ''' contents = None with open(sfile) as sfd: contents = if sfile_type == 'yaml': contents = yaml.load(contents, yaml.RoundTripLoader) elif sfile_type == 'json': contents = json.loads(contents) return contents # Disabling too-many-branches. This is a yaml dictionary comparison function # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements,too-many-statements @staticmethod def check_def_equal(user_def, result_def, skip_keys=None, debug=False): ''' Given a user defined definition, compare it with the results given back by our query. ''' # Currently these values are autogenerated and we do not need to check them skip = ['metadata', 'status'] if skip_keys: skip.extend(skip_keys) for key, value in result_def.items(): if key in skip: continue # Both are lists if isinstance(value, list): if not user_def.has_key(key): if debug: print 'User data does not have key [%s]' % key print 'User data: %s' % user_def return False if not isinstance(user_def[key], list): if debug: print 'user_def[key] is not a list key=[%s] user_def[key]=%s' % (key, user_def[key]) return False if len(user_def[key]) != len(value): if debug: print "List lengths are not equal." print "key=[%s]: user_def[%s] != value[%s]" % (key, len(user_def[key]), len(value)) print "user_def: %s" % user_def[key] print "value: %s" % value return False for values in zip(user_def[key], value): if isinstance(values[0], dict) and isinstance(values[1], dict): if debug: print 'sending list - list' print type(values[0]) print type(values[1]) result = Utils.check_def_equal(values[0], values[1], skip_keys=skip_keys, debug=debug) if not result: print 'list compare returned false' return False elif value != user_def[key]: if debug: print 'value should be identical' print value print user_def[key] return False # recurse on a dictionary elif isinstance(value, dict): if not user_def.has_key(key): if debug: print "user_def does not have key [%s]" % key return False if not isinstance(user_def[key], dict): if debug: print "dict returned false: not instance of dict" return False # before passing ensure keys match api_values = set(value.keys()) - set(skip) user_values = set(user_def[key].keys()) - set(skip) if api_values != user_values: if debug: print "keys are not equal in dict" print api_values print user_values return False result = Utils.check_def_equal(user_def[key], value, skip_keys=skip_keys, debug=debug) if not result: if debug: print "dict returned false" print result return False # Verify each key, value pair is the same else: if not user_def.has_key(key) or value != user_def[key]: if debug: print "value not equal; user_def does not have key" print key print value if user_def.has_key(key): print user_def[key] return False if debug: print 'returning true' return True class OpenShiftCLIConfig(object): '''Generic Config''' def __init__(self, rname, namespace, kubeconfig, options): self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig = rname self.namespace = namespace self._options = options @property def config_options(self): ''' return config options ''' return self._options def to_option_list(self): '''return all options as a string''' return self.stringify() def stringify(self): ''' return the options hash as cli params in a string ''' rval = [] for key, data in self.config_options.items(): if data['include'] \ and (data['value'] or isinstance(data['value'], int)): rval.append('--%s=%s' % (key.replace('_', '-'), data['value'])) return rval class YeditException(Exception): ''' Exception class for Yedit ''' pass class Yedit(object): ''' Class to modify yaml files ''' re_valid_key = r"(((\[-?\d+\])|([0-9a-zA-Z%s/_-]+)).?)+$" re_key = r"(?:\[(-?\d+)\])|([0-9a-zA-Z%s/_-]+)" com_sep = set(['.', '#', '|', ':']) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, filename=None, content=None, content_type='yaml', separator='.', backup=False): self.content = content self._separator = separator self.filename = filename self.__yaml_dict = content self.content_type = content_type self.backup = backup self.load(content_type=self.content_type) if self.__yaml_dict == None: self.__yaml_dict = {} @property def separator(self): ''' getter method for yaml_dict ''' return self._separator @separator.setter def separator(self): ''' getter method for yaml_dict ''' return self._separator @property def yaml_dict(self): ''' getter method for yaml_dict ''' return self.__yaml_dict @yaml_dict.setter def yaml_dict(self, value): ''' setter method for yaml_dict ''' self.__yaml_dict = value @staticmethod def parse_key(key, sep='.'): '''parse the key allowing the appropriate separator''' common_separators = list(Yedit.com_sep - set([sep])) return re.findall(Yedit.re_key % ''.join(common_separators), key) @staticmethod def valid_key(key, sep='.'): '''validate the incoming key''' common_separators = list(Yedit.com_sep - set([sep])) if not re.match(Yedit.re_valid_key % ''.join(common_separators), key): return False return True @staticmethod def remove_entry(data, key, sep='.'): ''' remove data at location key ''' if key == '' and isinstance(data, dict): data.clear() return True elif key == '' and isinstance(data, list): del data[:] return True if not (key and Yedit.valid_key(key, sep)) and isinstance(data, (list, dict)): return None key_indexes = Yedit.parse_key(key, sep) for arr_ind, dict_key in key_indexes[:-1]: if dict_key and isinstance(data, dict): data = data.get(dict_key, None) elif arr_ind and isinstance(data, list) and int(arr_ind) <= len(data) - 1: data = data[int(arr_ind)] else: return None # process last index for remove # expected list entry if key_indexes[-1][0]: if isinstance(data, list) and int(key_indexes[-1][0]) <= len(data) - 1: del data[int(key_indexes[-1][0])] return True # expected dict entry elif key_indexes[-1][1]: if isinstance(data, dict): del data[key_indexes[-1][1]] return True @staticmethod def add_entry(data, key, item=None, sep='.'): ''' Get an item from a dictionary with key notation a.b.c d = {'a': {'b': 'c'}}} key = a#b return c ''' if key == '': pass elif not (key and Yedit.valid_key(key, sep)) and isinstance(data, (list, dict)): return None key_indexes = Yedit.parse_key(key, sep) for arr_ind, dict_key in key_indexes[:-1]: if dict_key: if isinstance(data, dict) and data.has_key(dict_key) and data[dict_key]: data = data[dict_key] continue elif data and not isinstance(data, dict): raise YeditException("Unexpected item type found while going through key " + "path: {} (at key: {})".format(key, dict_key)) data[dict_key] = {} data = data[dict_key] elif arr_ind and isinstance(data, list) and int(arr_ind) <= len(data) - 1: data = data[int(arr_ind)] else: raise YeditException("Unexpected item type found while going through key path: {}".format(key)) if key == '': data = item # process last index for add # expected list entry elif key_indexes[-1][0] and isinstance(data, list) and int(key_indexes[-1][0]) <= len(data) - 1: data[int(key_indexes[-1][0])] = item # expected dict entry elif key_indexes[-1][1] and isinstance(data, dict): data[key_indexes[-1][1]] = item # didn't add/update to an existing list, nor add/update key to a dict # so we must have been provided some syntax like a.b.c[<int>] = "data" for a # non-existent array else: raise YeditException("Error adding data to object at path: {}".format(key)) return data @staticmethod def get_entry(data, key, sep='.'): ''' Get an item from a dictionary with key notation a.b.c d = {'a': {'b': 'c'}}} key = a.b return c ''' if key == '': pass elif not (key and Yedit.valid_key(key, sep)) and isinstance(data, (list, dict)): return None key_indexes = Yedit.parse_key(key, sep) for arr_ind, dict_key in key_indexes: if dict_key and isinstance(data, dict): data = data.get(dict_key, None) elif arr_ind and isinstance(data, list) and int(arr_ind) <= len(data) - 1: data = data[int(arr_ind)] else: return None return data def write(self): ''' write to file ''' if not self.filename: raise YeditException('Please specify a filename.') if self.backup and self.file_exists(): shutil.copy(self.filename, self.filename + '.orig') tmp_filename = self.filename + '.yedit' try: with open(tmp_filename, 'w') as yfd: # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member if hasattr(self.yaml_dict, 'fa'): self.yaml_dict.fa.set_block_style() yfd.write(yaml.dump(self.yaml_dict, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper)) except Exception as err: raise YeditException(err.message) os.rename(tmp_filename, self.filename) return (True, self.yaml_dict) def read(self): ''' read from file ''' # check if it exists if self.filename == None or not self.file_exists(): return None contents = None with open(self.filename) as yfd: contents = return contents def file_exists(self): ''' return whether file exists ''' if os.path.exists(self.filename): return True return False def load(self, content_type='yaml'): ''' return yaml file ''' contents = if not contents and not self.content: return None if self.content: if isinstance(self.content, dict): self.yaml_dict = self.content return self.yaml_dict elif isinstance(self.content, str): contents = self.content # check if it is yaml try: if content_type == 'yaml' and contents: self.yaml_dict = yaml.load(contents, yaml.RoundTripLoader) # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member if hasattr(self.yaml_dict, 'fa'): self.yaml_dict.fa.set_block_style() elif content_type == 'json' and contents: self.yaml_dict = json.loads(contents) except yaml.YAMLError as err: # Error loading yaml or json raise YeditException('Problem with loading yaml file. %s' % err) return self.yaml_dict def get(self, key): ''' get a specified key''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, key, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None return entry def pop(self, path, key_or_item): ''' remove a key, value pair from a dict or an item for a list''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None if entry == None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) if isinstance(entry, dict): # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member if entry.has_key(key_or_item): entry.pop(key_or_item) return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) elif isinstance(entry, list): # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member ind = None try: ind = entry.index(key_or_item) except ValueError: return (False, self.yaml_dict) entry.pop(ind) return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) def delete(self, path): ''' remove path from a dict''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None if entry == None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) result = Yedit.remove_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) if not result: return (False, self.yaml_dict) return (True, self.yaml_dict) def exists(self, path, value): ''' check if value exists at path''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None if isinstance(entry, list): if value in entry: return True return False elif isinstance(entry, dict): if isinstance(value, dict): rval = False for key, val in value.items(): if entry[key] != val: rval = False break else: rval = True return rval return value in entry return entry == value def append(self, path, value): '''append value to a list''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None if entry is None: self.put(path, []) entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) if not isinstance(entry, list): return (False, self.yaml_dict) # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member entry.append(value) return (True, self.yaml_dict) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def update(self, path, value, index=None, curr_value=None): ''' put path, value into a dict ''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None if isinstance(entry, dict): # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member if not isinstance(value, dict): raise YeditException('Cannot replace key, value entry in dict with non-dict type.' \ ' value=[%s] [%s]' % (value, type(value))) entry.update(value) return (True, self.yaml_dict) elif isinstance(entry, list): # pylint: disable=no-member,maybe-no-member ind = None if curr_value: try: ind = entry.index(curr_value) except ValueError: return (False, self.yaml_dict) elif index != None: ind = index if ind != None and entry[ind] != value: entry[ind] = value return (True, self.yaml_dict) # see if it exists in the list try: ind = entry.index(value) except ValueError: # doesn't exist, append it entry.append(value) return (True, self.yaml_dict) #already exists, return if ind != None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) def put(self, path, value): ''' put path, value into a dict ''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError as _: entry = None if entry == value: return (False, self.yaml_dict) # deepcopy didn't work tmp_copy = yaml.load(yaml.round_trip_dump(self.yaml_dict, default_flow_style=False), yaml.RoundTripLoader) # pylint: disable=no-member if hasattr(self.yaml_dict, 'fa'): tmp_copy.fa.set_block_style() result = Yedit.add_entry(tmp_copy, path, value, self.separator) if not result: return (False, self.yaml_dict) self.yaml_dict = tmp_copy return (True, self.yaml_dict) def create(self, path, value): ''' create a yaml file ''' if not self.file_exists(): # deepcopy didn't work tmp_copy = yaml.load(yaml.round_trip_dump(self.yaml_dict, default_flow_style=False), yaml.RoundTripLoader) # pylint: disable=no-member if hasattr(self.yaml_dict, 'fa'): tmp_copy.fa.set_block_style() result = Yedit.add_entry(tmp_copy, path, value, self.separator) if result: self.yaml_dict = tmp_copy return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class OCProcess(OpenShiftCLI): ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools ''' # pylint allows 5. we need 6 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, namespace, tname=None, params=None, create=False, kubeconfig='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig', tdata=None, verbose=False): ''' Constructor for OpenshiftOC ''' super(OCProcess, self).__init__(namespace, kubeconfig) self.namespace = namespace = tname = tdata self.params = params self.create = create self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig self.verbose = verbose self._template = None @property def template(self): '''template property''' if self._template == None: results = self._process(, False, self.params, if results['returncode'] != 0: raise OpenShiftCLIError('Error processing template [%s].' % self._template = results['results']['items'] return self._template def get(self): '''get the template''' results = self._get('template', if results['returncode'] != 0: # Does the template exist?? if 'not found' in results['stderr']: results['returncode'] = 0 results['exists'] = False results['results'] = [] return results def delete(self, obj): '''delete a resource''' return self._delete(obj['kind'], obj['metadata']['name']) def create_obj(self, obj): '''create a resource''' return self._create_from_content(obj['metadata']['name'], obj) def process(self, create=None): '''process a template''' do_create = False if create != None: do_create = create else: do_create = self.create return self._process(, do_create, self.params, def exists(self): '''return whether the template exists''' # Always return true if we're being passed template data if return True t_results = self._get('template', if t_results['returncode'] != 0: # Does the template exist?? if 'not found' in t_results['stderr']: return False else: raise OpenShiftCLIError('Something went wrong. %s' % t_results) return True def needs_update(self): '''attempt to process the template and return it for comparison with oc objects''' obj_results = [] for obj in self.template: # build a list of types to skip skip = [] if obj['kind'] == 'ServiceAccount': skip.extend(['secrets', 'imagePullSecrets']) if obj['kind'] == 'BuildConfig': skip.extend(['lastTriggeredImageID']) if obj['kind'] == 'ImageStream': skip.extend(['generation']) if obj['kind'] == 'DeploymentConfig': skip.extend(['lastTriggeredImage']) # fetch the current object curr_obj_results = self._get(obj['kind'], obj['metadata']['name']) if curr_obj_results['returncode'] != 0: # Does the template exist?? if 'not found' in curr_obj_results['stderr']: obj_results.append((obj, True)) continue # check the generated object against the existing object if not Utils.check_def_equal(obj, curr_obj_results['results'][0], skip_keys=skip): obj_results.append((obj, True)) continue obj_results.append((obj, False)) return obj_results # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def main(): ''' ansible oc module for services ''' module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( kubeconfig=dict(default='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig', type='str'), state=dict(default='present', type='str', choices=['present', 'list']), debug=dict(default=False, type='bool'), namespace=dict(default='default', type='str'), template_name=dict(default=None, type='str'), content=dict(default=None, type='str'), params=dict(default=None, type='dict'), create=dict(default=False, type='bool'), reconcile=dict(default=True, type='bool'), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) ocprocess = OCProcess(module.params['namespace'], module.params['template_name'], module.params['params'], module.params['create'], kubeconfig=module.params['kubeconfig'], tdata=module.params['content'], verbose=module.params['debug']) state = module.params['state'] api_rval = ocprocess.get() if state == 'list': if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: module.fail_json(msg=api_rval) module.exit_json(changed=False, results=api_rval, state="list") elif state == 'present': if not ocprocess.exists() or not module.params['reconcile']: #FIXME: this code will never get run in a way that succeeds when # module.params['reconcile'] is true. Because oc_process doesn't # create the actual template, the check of ocprocess.exists() # is meaningless. Either it's already here and this code # won't be run, or this code will fail because there is no # template available for oc process to use. Have we conflated # the template's existence with the existence of the objects # it describes? # Create it here api_rval = ocprocess.process() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: module.fail_json(msg=api_rval) module.exit_json(changed=True, results=api_rval, state="present") # verify results update = False rval = [] all_results = ocprocess.needs_update() for obj, status in all_results: if status: ocprocess.delete(obj) results = ocprocess.create_obj(obj) results['kind'] = obj['kind'] rval.append(results) update = True if not update: module.exit_json(changed=update, results=api_rval, state="present") for cmd in rval: if cmd['returncode'] != 0: module.fail_json(changed=update, results=rval, state="present") module.exit_json(changed=update, results=rval, state="present") module.exit_json(failed=True, changed=False, results='Unknown state passed. %s' % state, state="unknown") # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import, locally-disabled # import module snippets. This are required if __name__ == '__main__': from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import collections import mock import unittest2 from ..controllers import main class Placeholder(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) class LoadTest(unittest2.TestCase): def setUp(self): = main.Menu() self.request = mock.Mock() # Have self.request.session.model() return a different mock object for # each model (but always the same mock for a given model name) models = collections.defaultdict(mock.Mock) model = self.request.session.model.side_effect = \ lambda model_name: models[model_name] self.MockMenus = model('') # Mock the absence of custom menu model('res.users').read.return_value = [{ 'menu_id': False }] def tearDown(self): del self.request del self.MockMenus del def test_empty(self): = [] = [] root = [('parent_id','=', False)], 0, False, False, self.request.context) self.assertEqual(root['all_menu_ids'], []) self.assertListEqual( root['children'], []) def test_applications_sort(self): = [1, 2, 3] = lambda *args: [ {'id': 1, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': False}, {'id': 3, 'sequence': 2, 'parent_id': False}, {'id': 2, 'sequence': 3, 'parent_id': False}, ] root = [('id','child_of', [1, 2, 3])], 0, False, False, self.request.context) [1, 2, 3], ['name', 'sequence', 'parent_id', 'action'], self.request.context) self.assertEqual(root['all_menu_ids'], [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual( root['children'], [{ 'id': 1, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': False, 'children': [] }, { 'id': 3, 'sequence': 2, 'parent_id': False, 'children': [] }, { 'id': 2, 'sequence': 3, 'parent_id': False, 'children': [] }]) def test_deep(self): = lambda domain, *args: ( [1] if domain == [('parent_id', '=', False)] else [1, 2, 3, 4]) root = {'id': 1, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': False} = lambda ids, *args: ( [root] if ids == [1] else [ {'id': 1, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': False}, {'id': 2, 'sequence': 2, 'parent_id': [1, '']}, {'id': 3, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': [2, '']}, {'id': 4, 'sequence': 2, 'parent_id': [2, '']}, ]) root = [('id','child_of', [1])], 0, False, False, self.request.context) self.assertEqual(root['all_menu_ids'], [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual( root['children'], [{ 'id': 1, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': False, 'children': [{ 'id': 2, 'sequence': 2, 'parent_id': [1, ''], 'children': [{ 'id': 3, 'sequence': 1, 'parent_id': [2, ''], 'children': [] }, { 'id': 4, 'sequence': 2, 'parent_id': [2, ''], 'children': [] }] }] }] ) class ActionMungerTest(unittest2.TestCase): def setUp(self): = main.Menu() def test_actual_treeview(self): action = { "views": [[False, "tree"], [False, "form"], [False, "calendar"]], "view_type": "tree", "view_id": False, "view_mode": "tree,form,calendar" } changed = action.copy() del action['view_type'] main.fix_view_modes(changed) self.assertEqual(changed, action) def test_list_view(self): action = { "views": [[False, "tree"], [False, "form"], [False, "calendar"]], "view_type": "form", "view_id": False, "view_mode": "tree,form,calendar" } main.fix_view_modes(action) self.assertEqual(action, { "views": [[False, "list"], [False, "form"], [False, "calendar"]], "view_id": False, "view_mode": "list,form,calendar" }) def test_redundant_views(self): action = { "views": [[False, "tree"], [False, "form"], [False, "calendar"], [42, "tree"]], "view_type": "form", "view_id": False, "view_mode": "tree,form,calendar" } main.fix_view_modes(action) self.assertEqual(action, { "views": [[False, "list"], [False, "form"], [False, "calendar"], [42, "list"]], "view_id": False, "view_mode": "list,form,calendar" })
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import ( compat_parse_qs, ) from ..utils import ( parse_duration, ) class GoshgayIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.goshgay\.com/video(?P<id>\d+?)($|/)' _TEST = { 'url': '', 'md5': '027fcc54459dff0feb0bc06a7aeda680', 'info_dict': { 'id': '299069', 'ext': 'flv', 'title': 'DIESEL SFW XXX Video', 'thumbnail': 're:^http://.*\.jpg$', 'duration': 79, 'age_limit': 18, } } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) title = self._html_search_regex( r'<h2>(.*?)<', webpage, 'title') duration = parse_duration(self._html_search_regex( r'<span class="duration">\s*-?\s*(.*?)</span>', webpage, 'duration', fatal=False)) flashvars = compat_parse_qs(self._html_search_regex( r'<embed.+?id="flash-player-embed".+?flashvars="([^"]+)"', webpage, 'flashvars')) thumbnail = flashvars.get('url_bigthumb', [None])[0] video_url = flashvars['flv_url'][0] return { 'id': video_id, 'url': video_url, 'title': title, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'duration': duration, 'age_limit': self._family_friendly_search(webpage), }
'''A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue.''' try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading from collections import deque from heapq import heappush, heappop try: from time import monotonic as time except ImportError: from time import time __all__ = ['Empty', 'Full', 'Queue', 'PriorityQueue', 'LifoQueue'] class Empty(Exception): 'Exception raised by Queue.get(block=0)/get_nowait().' pass class Full(Exception): 'Exception raised by Queue.put(block=0)/put_nowait().' pass class Queue: '''Create a queue object with a given maximum size. If maxsize is <= 0, the queue size is infinite. ''' def __init__(self, maxsize=0): self.maxsize = maxsize self._init(maxsize) # mutex must be held whenever the queue is mutating. All methods # that acquire mutex must release it before returning. mutex # is shared between the three conditions, so acquiring and # releasing the conditions also acquires and releases mutex. self.mutex = threading.Lock() # Notify not_empty whenever an item is added to the queue; a # thread waiting to get is notified then. self.not_empty = threading.Condition(self.mutex) # Notify not_full whenever an item is removed from the queue; # a thread waiting to put is notified then. self.not_full = threading.Condition(self.mutex) # Notify all_tasks_done whenever the number of unfinished tasks # drops to zero; thread waiting to join() is notified to resume self.all_tasks_done = threading.Condition(self.mutex) self.unfinished_tasks = 0 def task_done(self): '''Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete. Used by Queue consumer threads. For each get() used to fetch a task, a subsequent call to task_done() tells the queue that the processing on the task is complete. If a join() is currently blocking, it will resume when all items have been processed (meaning that a task_done() call was received for every item that had been put() into the queue). Raises a ValueError if called more times than there were items placed in the queue. ''' with self.all_tasks_done: unfinished = self.unfinished_tasks - 1 if unfinished <= 0: if unfinished < 0: raise ValueError('task_done() called too many times') self.all_tasks_done.notify_all() self.unfinished_tasks = unfinished def join(self): '''Blocks until all items in the Queue have been gotten and processed. The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the queue. The count goes down whenever a consumer thread calls task_done() to indicate the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete. When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero, join() unblocks. ''' with self.all_tasks_done: while self.unfinished_tasks: self.all_tasks_done.wait() def qsize(self): '''Return the approximate size of the queue (not reliable!).''' with self.mutex: return self._qsize() def empty(self): '''Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise (not reliable!). This method is likely to be removed at some point. Use qsize() == 0 as a direct substitute, but be aware that either approach risks a race condition where a queue can grow before the result of empty() or qsize() can be used. To create code that needs to wait for all queued tasks to be completed, the preferred technique is to use the join() method. ''' with self.mutex: return not self._qsize() def full(self): '''Return True if the queue is full, False otherwise (not reliable!). This method is likely to be removed at some point. Use qsize() >= n as a direct substitute, but be aware that either approach risks a race condition where a queue can shrink before the result of full() or qsize() can be used. ''' with self.mutex: return 0 < self.maxsize <= self._qsize() def put(self, item, block=True, timeout=None): '''Put an item into the queue. If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default), block if necessary until a free slot is available. If 'timeout' is a non-negative number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the Full exception if no free slot was available within that time. Otherwise ('block' is false), put an item on the queue if a free slot is immediately available, else raise the Full exception ('timeout' is ignored in that case). ''' with self.not_full: if self.maxsize > 0: if not block: if self._qsize() >= self.maxsize: raise Full elif timeout is None: while self._qsize() >= self.maxsize: self.not_full.wait() elif timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number") else: endtime = time() + timeout while self._qsize() >= self.maxsize: remaining = endtime - time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise Full self.not_full.wait(remaining) self._put(item) self.unfinished_tasks += 1 self.not_empty.notify() def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): '''Remove and return an item from the queue. If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default), block if necessary until an item is available. If 'timeout' is a non-negative number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the Empty exception if no item was available within that time. Otherwise ('block' is false), return an item if one is immediately available, else raise the Empty exception ('timeout' is ignored in that case). ''' with self.not_empty: if not block: if not self._qsize(): raise Empty elif timeout is None: while not self._qsize(): self.not_empty.wait() elif timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number") else: endtime = time() + timeout while not self._qsize(): remaining = endtime - time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise Empty self.not_empty.wait(remaining) item = self._get() self.not_full.notify() return item def put_nowait(self, item): '''Put an item into the queue without blocking. Only enqueue the item if a free slot is immediately available. Otherwise raise the Full exception. ''' return self.put(item, block=False) def get_nowait(self): '''Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking. Only get an item if one is immediately available. Otherwise raise the Empty exception. ''' return self.get(block=False) # Override these methods to implement other queue organizations # (e.g. stack or priority queue). # These will only be called with appropriate locks held # Initialize the queue representation def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = deque() def _qsize(self): return len(self.queue) # Put a new item in the queue def _put(self, item): self.queue.append(item) # Get an item from the queue def _get(self): return self.queue.popleft() class PriorityQueue(Queue): '''Variant of Queue that retrieves open entries in priority order (lowest first). Entries are typically tuples of the form: (priority number, data). ''' def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = [] def _qsize(self): return len(self.queue) def _put(self, item): heappush(self.queue, item) def _get(self): return heappop(self.queue) class LifoQueue(Queue): '''Variant of Queue that retrieves most recently added entries first.''' def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = [] def _qsize(self): return len(self.queue) def _put(self, item): self.queue.append(item) def _get(self): return self.queue.pop()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ######################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2018 OSGeo # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ######################################################################### """unit tests for geonode.upload.files module""" from django.test import TestCase from geonode.upload import files class FilesTestCase(TestCase): def test_scan_hint_kml_ground_overlay(self): result = files.get_scan_hint(["kml", "other"]) kml_file_type = files.get_type("KML Ground Overlay") self.assertEqual(result, kml_file_type.code) def test_scan_hint_kmz_ground_overlay(self): result = files.get_scan_hint(["kmz", "other"]) self.assertEqual(result, "kmz") def test_get_type_non_existing_type(self): self.assertIsNone(files.get_type("fake")) def test_get_type_kml_ground_overlay(self): file_type = files.get_type("KML Ground Overlay") self.assertEqual(file_type.code, "kml-overlay") self.assertIn("kmz", file_type.aliases)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Operator Interface This module exports a set of functions corresponding to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, operator.add(x, y) is equivalent to the expression x+y. The function names are those used for special methods; variants without leading and trailing '__' are also provided for convenience. This is the pure Python implementation of the module. """ # downloaded from #import builtins as _bi #there is no builtins module def lt(a, b): "Same as a < b." return a < b __lt__ = lt def le(a, b): "Same as a <= b." return a <= b __le__ = le def eq(a, b): "Same as a == b." return a == b __eq__ = eq def ne(a, b): "Same as a != b." return a != b __ne__ = ne def ge(a, b): "Same as a >= b." return a >= b __ge__ = ge def gt(a, b): "Same as a > b." return a > b __gt__ = gt def not_(a): "Same as not a." return not a __not__ = not_ def truth(a): "Return True if a is true, False otherwise." #return _bi.bool(a) return bool(a) def is_(a, b): "Same as a is b." return a is b # brython does not like (causes syntax error) #def is_not(a, b): # "Same as a is not b." # return a is not b #recursion error or just comment out and add code below function #def abs(a): # "Same as abs(a)." # #return _bi.abs(a) # return abs(a) __abs__ = abs abs=abs def add(a, b): "Same as a + b." return a + b __add__ = add def and_(a, b): "Same as a & b." return a & b __and__ = and_ def floordiv(a, b): "Same as a // b." return a // b __floordiv__ = floordiv def index(a): "Same as a.__index__()." return a.__index__() __index__ = index def inv(a): "Same as ~a." return ~a #brython does not like #return a^(2**31) invert = __inv__ = __invert__ = inv def lshift(a, b): "Same as a << b." return a << b __lshift__ = lshift def mod(a, b): "Same as a % b." return a % b __mod__ = mod def mul(a, b): "Same as a * b." return a * b __mul__ = mul def neg(a): "Same as -a." return -a __neg__ = neg def or_(a, b): "Same as a | b." return a | b __or__ = or_ def pos(a): "Same as +a." return +a #brython does not like if a >= 0: return a return -a __pos__ = pos def pow(a, b): "Same as a ** b." return a ** b __pow__ = pow def rshift(a, b): "Same as a >> b." return a >> b __rshift__ = rshift def sub(a, b): "Same as a - b." return a - b __sub__ = sub def truediv(a, b): "Same as a / b." return a / b __truediv__ = truediv def xor(a, b): "Same as a ^ b." return a ^ b __xor__ = xor def concat(a, b): "Same as a + b, for a and b sequences." if not (hasattr(a, '__getitem__') and hasattr(b, '__getitem__')): raise TypeError('a and b must be sequences') return a + b __concat__ = concat def contains(a, b): "Same as b in a (note reversed operands)." return b in a __contains__ = contains def countOf(a, b): "Return the number of times b occurs in a." count = 0 for i in a: if i == b: count += 1 return count def delitem(a, b): "Same as del a[b]." del a[b] __delitem__ = delitem def getitem(a, b): "Same as a[b]." return a[b] __getitem__ = getitem #fixme brython doesn't like this function def indexOf(a, b): "Return the first index of b in a." #for i, j in _bi.enumerate(a): for i, j in enumerate(a): if j == b: return i else: raise ValueError('b not found in a') def setitem(a, b, c): "Same as a[b] = c." a[b] = c __setitem__ = setitem class attrgetter: """ Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f=attrgetter('name'), the call f(r) returns After g=attrgetter('name', 'date'), the call g(r) returns (, After h=attrgetter('name.first', 'name.last'), the call h(r) returns (, """ def __init__(self, attr, *attrs): self._attrs = (attr,) self._attrs += attrs if any(not isinstance(attr, str) for attr in self._attrs): raise TypeError('attribute name must be a string') @staticmethod def _resolve_attr(obj, attr): for name in attr.split('.'): #obj = _bi.getattr(obj, name) obj = getattr(obj, name) return obj def __call__(self, obj): if len(self._attrs) == 1: return self._resolve_attr(obj, self._attrs[0]) return tuple(self._resolve_attr(obj, attr) for attr in self._attrs) class itemgetter: """ Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After f=itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After g=itemgetter(2,5,3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3]) """ def __init__(self, item, *items): self._items = (item,) self._items += items def __call__(self, obj): if len(self._items) == 1: return obj[self._items[0]] return tuple(obj[item] for item in self._items) class methodcaller: """ Return a callable object that calls the given method on its operand. After f = methodcaller('name'), the call f(r) returns After g = methodcaller('name', 'date', foo=1), the call g(r) returns'date', foo=1). """ def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): self._name = name self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, obj): return getattr(obj, self._name)(*self._args, **self._kwargs) def iadd(a, b): "Same as a += b." a += b return a __iadd__ = iadd def iand(a, b): "Same as a &= b." a &= b return a __iand__ = iand def iconcat(a, b): "Same as a += b, for a and b sequences." if not (hasattr(a, '__getitem__') and hasattr(b, '__getitem__')): raise TypeError('a and b must be sequences') a += b return a __iconcat__ = iconcat def ifloordiv(a, b): "Same as a //= b." a //= b return a __ifloordiv__ = ifloordiv def ilshift(a, b): "Same as a <<= b." a <<= b return a __ilshift__ = ilshift def imod(a, b): "Same as a %= b." a %= b return a __imod__ = imod def imul(a, b): "Same as a *= b." a *= b return a __imul__ = imul def ior(a, b): "Same as a |= b." a |= b return a __ior__ = ior def ipow(a, b): "Same as a **= b." a **=b return a __ipow__ = ipow def irshift(a, b): "Same as a >>= b." a >>= b return a __irshift__ = irshift def isub(a, b): "Same as a -= b." a -= b return a __isub__ = isub def itruediv(a, b): "Same as a /= b." a /= b return a __itruediv__ = itruediv def ixor(a, b): "Same as a ^= b." a ^= b return a __ixor__ = ixor def length_hint(obj, default=0): """ Return an estimate of the number of items in obj. This is useful for presizing containers when building from an iterable. If the object supports len(), the result will be exact. Otherwise, it may over- or under-estimate by an arbitrary amount. The result will be an integer >= 0. """ try: return len(obj) except TypeError: try: val = obj.__length_hint__() if val is NotImplemented: raise TypeError except (AttributeError, TypeError): return default else: if not val > 0: raise ValueError('default must be > 0') return val #try: # from _operator import * # from _operator import __doc__ #except ImportError: # pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import tempfile import os from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from import FileSystemStorage from django.db import models from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible class Section(models.Model): """ A simple section that links to articles, to test linking to related items in admin views. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=100) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Article(models.Model): """ A simple article to test admin views. Test backwards compatibility. """ title = models.CharField(max_length=100) content = models.TextField() date = models.DateTimeField() section = models.ForeignKey(Section, null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return self.title def model_year(self): return model_year.admin_order_field = 'date' model_year.short_description = '' @python_2_unicode_compatible class Book(models.Model): """ A simple book that has chapters. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='¿Name?') def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Promo(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='¿Name?') book = models.ForeignKey(Book) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Chapter(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='¿Title?') content = models.TextField() book = models.ForeignKey(Book) def __str__(self): return self.title class Meta: # Use a utf-8 bytestring to ensure it works (see #11710) verbose_name = '¿Chapter?' @python_2_unicode_compatible class ChapterXtra1(models.Model): chap = models.OneToOneField(Chapter, verbose_name='¿Chap?') xtra = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='¿Xtra?') def __str__(self): return '¿Xtra1: %s' % self.xtra @python_2_unicode_compatible class ChapterXtra2(models.Model): chap = models.OneToOneField(Chapter, verbose_name='¿Chap?') xtra = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='¿Xtra?') def __str__(self): return '¿Xtra2: %s' % self.xtra class RowLevelChangePermissionModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) class CustomArticle(models.Model): content = models.TextField() date = models.DateTimeField() @python_2_unicode_compatible class ModelWithStringPrimaryKey(models.Model): string_pk = models.CharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) def __str__(self): return self.string_pk def get_absolute_url(self): return '/dummy/%s/' % self.string_pk @python_2_unicode_compatible class Color(models.Model): value = models.CharField(max_length=10) warm = models.BooleanField() def __str__(self): return self.value # we replicate Color to register with another ModelAdmin class Color2(Color): class Meta: proxy = True @python_2_unicode_compatible class Thing(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=20) color = models.ForeignKey(Color, limit_choices_to={'warm': True}) pub_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) def __str__(self): return self.title @python_2_unicode_compatible class Actor(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) age = models.IntegerField() def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Inquisition(models.Model): expected = models.BooleanField() leader = models.ForeignKey(Actor) country = models.CharField(max_length=20) def __str__(self): return "by %s from %s" % (self.leader, @python_2_unicode_compatible class Sketch(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100) inquisition = models.ForeignKey(Inquisition, limit_choices_to={'leader__name': 'Palin', 'leader__age': 27, 'expected': False, }) def __str__(self): return self.title class Fabric(models.Model): NG_CHOICES = ( ('Textured', ( ('x', 'Horizontal'), ('y', 'Vertical'), ) ), ('plain', 'Smooth'), ) surface = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=NG_CHOICES) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Person(models.Model): GENDER_CHOICES = ( (1, "Male"), (2, "Female"), ) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) gender = models.IntegerField(choices=GENDER_CHOICES) age = models.IntegerField(default=21) alive = models.BooleanField(default=True) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Persona(models.Model): """ A simple persona associated with accounts, to test inlining of related accounts which inherit from a common accounts class. """ name = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=80) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Account(models.Model): """ A simple, generic account encapsulating the information shared by all types of accounts. """ username = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=80) persona = models.ForeignKey(Persona, related_name="accounts") servicename = 'generic service' def __str__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.servicename, self.username) class FooAccount(Account): """A service-specific account of type Foo.""" servicename = 'foo' class BarAccount(Account): """A service-specific account of type Bar.""" servicename = 'bar' @python_2_unicode_compatible class Subscriber(models.Model): name = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=80) email = models.EmailField(blank=False, max_length=175) def __str__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (, class ExternalSubscriber(Subscriber): pass class OldSubscriber(Subscriber): pass class Media(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=60) class Podcast(Media): release_date = models.DateField() class Meta: ordering = ('release_date',) # overridden in PodcastAdmin class Vodcast(Media): media = models.OneToOneField(Media, primary_key=True, parent_link=True) released = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Parent(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) class Child(models.Model): parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent, editable=False) name = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True) @python_2_unicode_compatible class EmptyModel(models.Model): def __str__(self): return "Primary key = %s" % temp_storage = FileSystemStorage(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ['DJANGO_TEST_TEMP_DIR'])) UPLOAD_TO = os.path.join(temp_storage.location, 'test_upload') class Gallery(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Picture(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) image = models.FileField(storage=temp_storage, upload_to='test_upload') gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery, related_name="pictures") class Language(models.Model): iso = models.CharField(max_length=5, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=50) english_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) shortlist = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: ordering = ('iso',) # a base class for Recommender and Recommendation class Title(models.Model): pass class TitleTranslation(models.Model): title = models.ForeignKey(Title) text = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Recommender(Title): pass class Recommendation(Title): recommender = models.ForeignKey(Recommender) class Collector(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Widget(models.Model): owner = models.ForeignKey(Collector) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class DooHickey(models.Model): code = models.CharField(max_length=10, primary_key=True) owner = models.ForeignKey(Collector) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Grommet(models.Model): code = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) owner = models.ForeignKey(Collector) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Whatsit(models.Model): index = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) owner = models.ForeignKey(Collector) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Doodad(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class FancyDoodad(Doodad): owner = models.ForeignKey(Collector) expensive = models.BooleanField(default=True) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Category(models.Model): collector = models.ForeignKey(Collector) order = models.PositiveIntegerField() class Meta: ordering = ('order',) def __str__(self): return '%s:o%s' % (, self.order) class Link(models.Model): posted = models.DateField( default=lambda: - datetime.timedelta(days=7) ) url = models.URLField() post = models.ForeignKey("Post") class PrePopulatedPost(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100) published = models.BooleanField() slug = models.SlugField() class PrePopulatedSubPost(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(PrePopulatedPost) subtitle = models.CharField(max_length=100) subslug = models.SlugField() class Post(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="Some help text for the title (with unicode ŠĐĆŽćžšđ)") content = models.TextField(help_text="Some help text for the content (with unicode ŠĐĆŽćžšđ)") posted = models.DateField(, help_text="Some help text for the date (with unicode ŠĐĆŽćžšđ)" ) public = models.NullBooleanField() def awesomeness_level(self): return "Very awesome." @python_2_unicode_compatible class Gadget(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Villain(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return class SuperVillain(Villain): pass @python_2_unicode_compatible class FunkyTag(models.Model): "Because we all know there's only one real use case for GFKs." name = models.CharField(max_length=25) content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Plot(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) team_leader = models.ForeignKey(Villain, related_name='lead_plots') contact = models.ForeignKey(Villain, related_name='contact_plots') tags = generic.GenericRelation(FunkyTag) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class PlotDetails(models.Model): details = models.CharField(max_length=100) plot = models.OneToOneField(Plot) def __str__(self): return self.details @python_2_unicode_compatible class SecretHideout(models.Model): """ Secret! Not registered with the admin! """ location = models.CharField(max_length=100) villain = models.ForeignKey(Villain) def __str__(self): return self.location @python_2_unicode_compatible class SuperSecretHideout(models.Model): """ Secret! Not registered with the admin! """ location = models.CharField(max_length=100) supervillain = models.ForeignKey(SuperVillain) def __str__(self): return self.location @python_2_unicode_compatible class CyclicOne(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) two = models.ForeignKey('CyclicTwo') def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class CyclicTwo(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) one = models.ForeignKey(CyclicOne) def __str__(self): return class Topping(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20) class Pizza(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20) toppings = models.ManyToManyField('Topping') class Album(models.Model): owner = models.ForeignKey(User) title = models.CharField(max_length=30) class Employee(Person): code = models.CharField(max_length=20) class WorkHour(models.Model): datum = models.DateField() employee = models.ForeignKey(Employee) class Question(models.Model): question = models.CharField(max_length=20) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Answer(models.Model): question = models.ForeignKey(Question, on_delete=models.PROTECT) answer = models.CharField(max_length=20) def __str__(self): return self.answer class Reservation(models.Model): start_date = models.DateTimeField() price = models.IntegerField() DRIVER_CHOICES = ( ('bill', 'Bill G'), ('steve', 'Steve J'), ) RESTAURANT_CHOICES = ( ('indian', 'A Taste of India'), ('thai', 'Thai Pography'), ('pizza', 'Pizza Mama'), ) class FoodDelivery(models.Model): reference = models.CharField(max_length=100) driver = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=DRIVER_CHOICES, blank=True) restaurant = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=RESTAURANT_CHOICES, blank=True) class Meta: unique_together = (("driver", "restaurant"),) @python_2_unicode_compatible class CoverLetter(models.Model): author = models.CharField(max_length=30) date_written = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return class Paper(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=30) author = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True, null=True) class ShortMessage(models.Model): content = models.CharField(max_length=140) timestamp = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Telegram(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=30) date_sent = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return self.title class Story(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100) content = models.TextField() class OtherStory(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100) content = models.TextField() class ComplexSortedPerson(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) age = models.PositiveIntegerField() is_employee = models.NullBooleanField() class PrePopulatedPostLargeSlug(models.Model): """ Regression test for #15938: a large max_length for the slugfield must not be localized in prepopulated_fields_js.html or it might end up breaking the javascript (ie, using THOUSAND_SEPARATOR ends up with maxLength=1,000) """ title = models.CharField(max_length=100) published = models.BooleanField() slug = models.SlugField(max_length=1000) class AdminOrderedField(models.Model): order = models.IntegerField() stuff = models.CharField(max_length=200) class AdminOrderedModelMethod(models.Model): order = models.IntegerField() stuff = models.CharField(max_length=200) def some_order(self): return self.order some_order.admin_order_field = 'order' class AdminOrderedAdminMethod(models.Model): order = models.IntegerField() stuff = models.CharField(max_length=200) class AdminOrderedCallable(models.Model): order = models.IntegerField() stuff = models.CharField(max_length=200) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Report(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return self.title class MainPrepopulated(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) pubdate = models.DateField() status = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=(('option one', 'Option One'), ('option two', 'Option Two'))) slug1 = models.SlugField() slug2 = models.SlugField() class RelatedPrepopulated(models.Model): parent = models.ForeignKey(MainPrepopulated) name = models.CharField(max_length=75) pubdate = models.DateField() status = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=(('option one', 'Option One'), ('option two', 'Option Two'))) slug1 = models.SlugField(max_length=50) slug2 = models.SlugField(max_length=60) class UnorderedObject(models.Model): """ Model without any defined `Meta.ordering`. Refs #16819. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=255) bool = models.BooleanField(default=True) class UndeletableObject(models.Model): """ Model whose show_delete in admin change_view has been disabled Refs #10057. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=255) class UserMessenger(models.Model): """ Dummy class for testing message_user functions on ModelAdmin """ class Simple(models.Model): """ Simple model with nothing on it for use in testing """ class Choice(models.Model): choice = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True, choices=((1, 'Yes'), (0, 'No'), (None, 'No opinion')))
#final_project_code #gcsadovy #Garik Sadovy #takes a data series of coordinates of fisher sightings over a period of years #in kml files, returns statistics on clustering, and creates a weighted #overlay, then loading the data to a map #input arguments: directory containing kml files to be used, #beginning year, ending year, a folder to store geodatabase files and layers import arcpy, sys, os def dictionary(list, dictionary, begYear, endYear): n = int(begYear) while n <= int(endYear): for file in list: y = str(n) z = file if y in z: dictionary[z] = n n = n + 1 return dictionary def layer2shapefile(dictionary, directory): for k, v in dictionary.items(): arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(v, directory) list1 = [] for (directory, dirs, files) in os.walk(directory): for file in files: if file.endswith(".shp") == True: list1.append(file) return list1 folderIn = sys.argv[1] #folder containing the kml files begYear = sys.argv[2] #the year you want to start with endYear = sys.argv[3] #the year you want to end with gdbName = sys.argv[4] #the name of a folder for your geodatabase files ZField = sys.argv[5] #the field for the kml files that holds the trapping count (usually 'PopupInfo') arcpy.env.workspace = folderIn arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #get a list of all of the Fisher kml files in a directory try: list1 = [] for file in os.listdir(folderIn): if 'Fisher' in file and file.endswith('.kml') == True: list1.append(file) except: arcpy.GetMessages() #get a dictionary with file names as keys and corresponding years as values #within beginning and ending parameters try: dic1 = {} dic2 = dictionary(list1, dic1, begYear, endYear) except: arcpy.GetMessages() #convert kml files to layers #create dictionary with years as keys and full pathways to gdb layer files as values try: dic3 = {} for k, v in dic2.items(): arcpy.KMLToLayer_conversion(folderIn+'/'+k, gdbName, k[:-4], "NO_GROUNDOVERLAY") if dic3.has_key(v): dic3[v].append(gdbName+'/'+k[:-4]+'.gdb/Placemarks/Points') else: dic3[v] = gdbName+'/'+k[:-4]+'.gdb/Placemarks/Points' except: arcpy.GetMessages() #create shapefiles from layers try: list2 = layer2shapefile(dic3, gdbName) print list2 except: arcpy.GetMessages() #part 4 - geoprocessing #try: #for shapeFile in list:,
#!/usr/bin/python # # Cpu task migration overview toy # # Copyright (C) 2010 Frederic Weisbecker <[email protected]> # # perf script event handlers have been generated by perf script -g python # # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General # Public License ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software # Foundation. import os import sys from collections import defaultdict from UserList import UserList sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace') sys.path.append('scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace') from perf_trace_context import * from Core import * from SchedGui import * threads = { 0 : "idle"} def thread_name(pid): return "%s:%d" % (threads[pid], pid) class RunqueueEventUnknown: @staticmethod def color(): return None def __repr__(self): return "unknown" class RunqueueEventSleep: @staticmethod def color(): return (0, 0, 0xff) def __init__(self, sleeper): self.sleeper = sleeper def __repr__(self): return "%s gone to sleep" % thread_name(self.sleeper) class RunqueueEventWakeup: @staticmethod def color(): return (0xff, 0xff, 0) def __init__(self, wakee): self.wakee = wakee def __repr__(self): return "%s woke up" % thread_name(self.wakee) class RunqueueEventFork: @staticmethod def color(): return (0, 0xff, 0) def __init__(self, child): self.child = child def __repr__(self): return "new forked task %s" % thread_name(self.child) class RunqueueMigrateIn: @staticmethod def color(): return (0, 0xf0, 0xff) def __init__(self, new): = new def __repr__(self): return "task migrated in %s" % thread_name( class RunqueueMigrateOut: @staticmethod def color(): return (0xff, 0, 0xff) def __init__(self, old): self.old = old def __repr__(self): return "task migrated out %s" % thread_name(self.old) class RunqueueSnapshot: def __init__(self, tasks = [0], event = RunqueueEventUnknown()): self.tasks = tuple(tasks) self.event = event def sched_switch(self, prev, prev_state, next): event = RunqueueEventUnknown() if taskState(prev_state) == "R" and next in self.tasks \ and prev in self.tasks: return self if taskState(prev_state) != "R": event = RunqueueEventSleep(prev) next_tasks = list(self.tasks[:]) if prev in self.tasks: if taskState(prev_state) != "R": next_tasks.remove(prev) elif taskState(prev_state) == "R": next_tasks.append(prev) if next not in next_tasks: next_tasks.append(next) return RunqueueSnapshot(next_tasks, event) def migrate_out(self, old): if old not in self.tasks: return self next_tasks = [task for task in self.tasks if task != old] return RunqueueSnapshot(next_tasks, RunqueueMigrateOut(old)) def __migrate_in(self, new, event): if new in self.tasks: self.event = event return self next_tasks = self.tasks[:] + tuple([new]) return RunqueueSnapshot(next_tasks, event) def migrate_in(self, new): return self.__migrate_in(new, RunqueueMigrateIn(new)) def wake_up(self, new): return self.__migrate_in(new, RunqueueEventWakeup(new)) def wake_up_new(self, new): return self.__migrate_in(new, RunqueueEventFork(new)) def load(self): """ Provide the number of tasks on the runqueue. Don't count idle""" return len(self.tasks) - 1 def __repr__(self): ret = self.tasks.__repr__() ret += self.origin_tostring() return ret class TimeSlice: def __init__(self, start, prev): self.start = start self.prev = prev self.end = start # cpus that triggered the event self.event_cpus = [] if prev is not None: self.total_load = prev.total_load self.rqs = prev.rqs.copy() else: self.rqs = defaultdict(RunqueueSnapshot) self.total_load = 0 def __update_total_load(self, old_rq, new_rq): diff = new_rq.load() - old_rq.load() self.total_load += diff def sched_switch(self, ts_list, prev, prev_state, next, cpu): old_rq = self.prev.rqs[cpu] new_rq = old_rq.sched_switch(prev, prev_state, next) if old_rq is new_rq: return self.rqs[cpu] = new_rq self.__update_total_load(old_rq, new_rq) ts_list.append(self) self.event_cpus = [cpu] def migrate(self, ts_list, new, old_cpu, new_cpu): if old_cpu == new_cpu: return old_rq = self.prev.rqs[old_cpu] out_rq = old_rq.migrate_out(new) self.rqs[old_cpu] = out_rq self.__update_total_load(old_rq, out_rq) new_rq = self.prev.rqs[new_cpu] in_rq = new_rq.migrate_in(new) self.rqs[new_cpu] = in_rq self.__update_total_load(new_rq, in_rq) ts_list.append(self) if old_rq is not out_rq: self.event_cpus.append(old_cpu) self.event_cpus.append(new_cpu) def wake_up(self, ts_list, pid, cpu, fork): old_rq = self.prev.rqs[cpu] if fork: new_rq = old_rq.wake_up_new(pid) else: new_rq = old_rq.wake_up(pid) if new_rq is old_rq: return self.rqs[cpu] = new_rq self.__update_total_load(old_rq, new_rq) ts_list.append(self) self.event_cpus = [cpu] def next(self, t): self.end = t return TimeSlice(t, self) class TimeSliceList(UserList): def __init__(self, arg = []): = arg def get_time_slice(self, ts): if len( == 0: slice = TimeSlice(ts, TimeSlice(-1, None)) else: slice =[-1].next(ts) return slice def find_time_slice(self, ts): start = 0 end = len( found = -1 searching = True while searching: if start == end or start == end - 1: searching = False i = (end + start) / 2 if[i].start <= ts and[i].end >= ts: found = i end = i continue if[i].end < ts: start = i elif[i].start > ts: end = i return found def set_root_win(self, win): self.root_win = win def mouse_down(self, cpu, t): idx = self.find_time_slice(t) if idx == -1: return ts = self[idx] rq = ts.rqs[cpu] raw = "CPU: %d\n" % cpu raw += "Last event : %s\n" % rq.event.__repr__() raw += "Timestamp : %d.%06d\n" % (ts.start / (10 ** 9), (ts.start % (10 ** 9)) / 1000) raw += "Duration : %6d us\n" % ((ts.end - ts.start) / (10 ** 6)) raw += "Load = %d\n" % rq.load() for t in rq.tasks: raw += "%s \n" % thread_name(t) self.root_win.update_summary(raw) def update_rectangle_cpu(self, slice, cpu): rq = slice.rqs[cpu] if slice.total_load != 0: load_rate = rq.load() / float(slice.total_load) else: load_rate = 0 red_power = int(0xff - (0xff * load_rate)) color = (0xff, red_power, red_power) top_color = None if cpu in slice.event_cpus: top_color = rq.event.color() self.root_win.paint_rectangle_zone(cpu, color, top_color, slice.start, slice.end) def fill_zone(self, start, end): i = self.find_time_slice(start) if i == -1: return for i in xrange(i, len( timeslice =[i] if timeslice.start > end: return for cpu in timeslice.rqs: self.update_rectangle_cpu(timeslice, cpu) def interval(self): if len( == 0: return (0, 0) return ([0].start,[-1].end) def nr_rectangles(self): last_ts =[-1] max_cpu = 0 for cpu in last_ts.rqs: if cpu > max_cpu: max_cpu = cpu return max_cpu class SchedEventProxy: def __init__(self): self.current_tsk = defaultdict(lambda : -1) self.timeslices = TimeSliceList() def sched_switch(self, headers, prev_comm, prev_pid, prev_prio, prev_state, next_comm, next_pid, next_prio): """ Ensure the task we sched out this cpu is really the one we logged. Otherwise we may have missed traces """ on_cpu_task = self.current_tsk[headers.cpu] if on_cpu_task != -1 and on_cpu_task != prev_pid: print "Sched switch event rejected ts: %s cpu: %d prev: %s(%d) next: %s(%d)" % \ (headers.ts_format(), headers.cpu, prev_comm, prev_pid, next_comm, next_pid) threads[prev_pid] = prev_comm threads[next_pid] = next_comm self.current_tsk[headers.cpu] = next_pid ts = self.timeslices.get_time_slice(headers.ts()) ts.sched_switch(self.timeslices, prev_pid, prev_state, next_pid, headers.cpu) def migrate(self, headers, pid, prio, orig_cpu, dest_cpu): ts = self.timeslices.get_time_slice(headers.ts()) ts.migrate(self.timeslices, pid, orig_cpu, dest_cpu) def wake_up(self, headers, comm, pid, success, target_cpu, fork): if success == 0: return ts = self.timeslices.get_time_slice(headers.ts()) ts.wake_up(self.timeslices, pid, target_cpu, fork) def trace_begin(): global parser parser = SchedEventProxy() def trace_end(): app = wx.App(False) timeslices = parser.timeslices frame = RootFrame(timeslices, "Migration") app.MainLoop() def sched__sched_stat_runtime(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, runtime, vruntime): pass def sched__sched_stat_iowait(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, delay): pass def sched__sched_stat_sleep(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, delay): pass def sched__sched_stat_wait(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, delay): pass def sched__sched_process_fork(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, parent_comm, parent_pid, child_comm, child_pid): pass def sched__sched_process_wait(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio): pass def sched__sched_process_exit(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio): pass def sched__sched_process_free(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio): pass def sched__sched_migrate_task(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio, orig_cpu, dest_cpu): headers = EventHeaders(common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm) parser.migrate(headers, pid, prio, orig_cpu, dest_cpu) def sched__sched_switch(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, prev_comm, prev_pid, prev_prio, prev_state, next_comm, next_pid, next_prio): headers = EventHeaders(common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm) parser.sched_switch(headers, prev_comm, prev_pid, prev_prio, prev_state, next_comm, next_pid, next_prio) def sched__sched_wakeup_new(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio, success, target_cpu): headers = EventHeaders(common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm) parser.wake_up(headers, comm, pid, success, target_cpu, 1) def sched__sched_wakeup(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio, success, target_cpu): headers = EventHeaders(common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm) parser.wake_up(headers, comm, pid, success, target_cpu, 0) def sched__sched_wait_task(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid, prio): pass def sched__sched_kthread_stop_ret(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, ret): pass def sched__sched_kthread_stop(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, comm, pid): pass def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Script to provide a wrapper around the ShrinkSafe "web service" # <> # # # We use this script for two reasons: # # * This avoids having to install and configure Java and the standalone # ShrinkSafe utility. # # * The current ShrinkSafe standalone utility was broken when we last # used it. # import sys import urllib import urllib2 URL_SHRINK_SAFE = "" # This would normally be dynamically generated: BOUNDARY_MARKER = "---------------------------72288400411964641492083565382" if __name__ == "__main__": ## Grab the source code try: sourceFilename = sys.argv[1] except: print "Usage: %s (<source filename>|-)" % sys.argv[0] raise SystemExit if sourceFilename == "-": sourceCode = sourceFilename = "stdin.js" else: sourceCode = open(sourceFilename).read() ## Create the request replicating posting of the form from the web page request = urllib2.Request(url=URL_SHRINK_SAFE) request.add_header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % BOUNDARY_MARKER) request.add_data(""" --%s Content-Disposition: form-data; name="shrinkfile[]"; filename="%s" Content-Type: application/x-javascript %s """ % (BOUNDARY_MARKER, sourceFilename, sourceCode)) ## Deliver the result print urllib2.urlopen(request).read(),
############################################################################### ## ## Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Tavendo GmbH ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## ############################################################################### import sys from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl from twisted.python import log from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.static import File from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerFactory, \ WebSocketServerProtocol from autobahn.twisted.resource import WebSocketResource, \ HTTPChannelHixie76Aware class EchoServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol): def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): self.sendMessage(payload, isBinary) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False contextFactory = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory('keys/server.key', 'keys/server.crt') factory = WebSocketServerFactory("wss://localhost:8080", debug = debug, debugCodePaths = debug) factory.protocol = EchoServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) # needed if Hixie76 is to be supported resource = WebSocketResource(factory) ## we server static files under "/" .. root = File(".") ## and our WebSocket server under "/ws" root.putChild("ws", resource) ## both under one Twisted Web Site site = Site(root) site.protocol = HTTPChannelHixie76Aware # needed if Hixie76 is to be supported reactor.listenSSL(8080, site, contextFactory)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields,osv from import _ import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp # Overloaded stock_picking to manage carriers : class stock_picking(osv.osv): _inherit = 'stock.picking' def _cal_weight(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None): res = {} for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): total_weight = total_weight_net = 0.00 for move in picking.move_lines: total_weight += move.weight total_weight_net += move.weight_net res[] = { 'weight': total_weight, 'weight_net': total_weight_net, } return res def _get_picking_line(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): result = {} for line in self.pool.get('stock.move').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): result[] = True return result.keys() _columns = { 'carrier_id':fields.many2one("delivery.carrier","Carrier"), 'volume': fields.float('Volume'), 'weight': fields.function(_cal_weight, type='float', string='Weight', digits_compute= dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'), multi='_cal_weight', store={ 'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids, ['move_lines'], 20), 'stock.move': (_get_picking_line, ['product_id','product_qty','product_uom','product_uos_qty'], 20), }), 'weight_net': fields.function(_cal_weight, type='float', string='Net Weight', digits_compute= dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'), multi='_cal_weight', store={ 'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids, ['move_lines'], 20), 'stock.move': (_get_picking_line, ['product_id','product_qty','product_uom','product_uos_qty'], 20), }), 'carrier_tracking_ref': fields.char('Carrier Tracking Ref', size=32), 'number_of_packages': fields.integer('Number of Packages'), 'weight_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Unit of Measure', required=True,readonly="1",help="Unit of measurement for Weight",), } def _prepare_shipping_invoice_line(self, cr, uid, picking, invoice, context=None): """Prepare the invoice line to add to the shipping costs to the shipping's invoice. :param browse_record picking: the stock picking being invoiced :param browse_record invoice: the stock picking's invoice :return: dict containing the values to create the invoice line, or None to create nothing """ carrier_obj = self.pool.get('delivery.carrier') grid_obj = self.pool.get('delivery.grid') if not picking.carrier_id or \ any( == for inv_line in invoice.invoice_line): return None grid_id = carrier_obj.grid_get(cr, uid, [],, context=context) if not grid_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('The carrier %s (id: %d) has no delivery grid!') \ % (, price = grid_obj.get_price_from_picking(cr, uid, grid_id, invoice.amount_untaxed, picking.weight, picking.volume, context=context) account_id = if not account_id: account_id = picking.carrier_id.product_id.categ_id\ taxes = picking.carrier_id.product_id.taxes_id partner = picking.partner_id or False if partner: account_id = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_account(cr, uid, partner.property_account_position, account_id) taxes_ids = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_tax(cr, uid, partner.property_account_position, taxes) else: taxes_ids = [ for x in taxes] return { 'name':, 'invoice_id':, 'uos_id':, 'product_id':, 'account_id': account_id, 'price_unit': price, 'quantity': 1, 'invoice_line_tax_id': [(6, 0, taxes_ids)], } def _create_invoice_from_picking(self, cr, uid, picking, vals, context=None): invoice_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') invoice_id = super(stock_picking, self)._create_invoice_from_picking(cr, uid, picking, vals, context=context) invoice = self.browse(cr, uid, invoice_id, context=context) invoice_line = self._prepare_shipping_invoice_line(cr, uid, picking, invoice, context=context) if invoice_line: invoice_line_obj.create(cr, uid, invoice_line) return invoice_id def _get_default_uom(self, cr, uid, context=None): uom_categ_id = self.pool.get('').xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'product.product_uom_categ_kgm') return self.pool.get('product.uom').search(cr, uid, [('category_id', '=', uom_categ_id), ('factor', '=', 1)])[0] _defaults = { 'weight_uom_id': lambda self, cr, uid, c: self._get_default_uom(cr, uid, c), } class stock_move(osv.osv): _inherit = 'stock.move' def _cal_move_weight(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None): res = {} uom_obj = self.pool.get('product.uom') for move in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): weight = weight_net = 0.00 if move.product_id.weight > 0.00: converted_qty = move.product_qty if <> converted_qty = uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid,, move.product_qty, weight = (converted_qty * move.product_id.weight) if move.product_id.weight_net > 0.00: weight_net = (converted_qty * move.product_id.weight_net) res[] = { 'weight': weight, 'weight_net': weight_net, } return res _columns = { 'weight': fields.function(_cal_move_weight, type='float', string='Weight', digits_compute= dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'), multi='_cal_move_weight', store={ 'stock.move': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c=None: ids, ['product_id', 'product_qty', 'product_uom'], 20), }), 'weight_net': fields.function(_cal_move_weight, type='float', string='Net weight', digits_compute= dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'), multi='_cal_move_weight', store={ 'stock.move': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c=None: ids, ['product_id', 'product_qty', 'product_uom'], 20), }), 'weight_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Unit of Measure', required=True,readonly="1",help="Unit of Measure (Unit of Measure) is the unit of measurement for Weight",), } def _get_default_uom(self, cr, uid, context=None): uom_categ_id = self.pool.get('').xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'product.product_uom_categ_kgm') return self.pool.get('product.uom').search(cr, uid, [('category_id', '=', uom_categ_id),('factor','=',1)])[0] _defaults = { 'weight_uom_id': lambda self, cr, uid, c: self._get_default_uom(cr, uid, c), } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Hosting # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from migrate import ForeignKeyConstraint, UniqueConstraint from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils from sqlalchemy import MetaData, schema, Table FKEYS = [ ('fixed_ips', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'fixed_ips_instance_uuid_fkey'), ('block_device_mapping', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'block_device_mapping_instance_uuid_fkey'), ('instance_info_caches', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'instance_info_caches_instance_uuid_fkey'), ('instance_metadata', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'instance_metadata_instance_uuid_fkey'), ('instance_system_metadata', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'instance_system_metadata_ibfk_1'), ('instance_type_projects', 'instance_type_id', 'instance_types', 'id', 'instance_type_projects_ibfk_1'), ('iscsi_targets', 'volume_id', 'volumes', 'id', 'iscsi_targets_volume_id_fkey'), ('reservations', 'usage_id', 'quota_usages', 'id', 'reservations_ibfk_1'), ('security_group_instance_association', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'security_group_instance_association_instance_uuid_fkey'), ('security_group_instance_association', 'security_group_id', 'security_groups', 'id', 'security_group_instance_association_ibfk_1'), ('virtual_interfaces', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'virtual_interfaces_instance_uuid_fkey'), ('compute_nodes', 'service_id', 'services', 'id', 'fk_compute_nodes_service_id'), ('instance_actions', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'fk_instance_actions_instance_uuid'), ('instance_faults', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'fk_instance_faults_instance_uuid'), ('migrations', 'instance_uuid', 'instances', 'uuid', 'fk_migrations_instance_uuid'), ] UNIQUES = [ ('compute_nodes', 'uniq_compute_nodes0host0hypervisor_hostname', ['host', 'hypervisor_hostname']), ('fixed_ips', 'uniq_fixed_ips0address0deleted', ['address', 'deleted']), ('instance_info_caches', 'uniq_instance_info_caches0instance_uuid', ['instance_uuid']), ('instance_type_projects', 'uniq_instance_type_projects0instance_type_id0project_id0deleted', ['instance_type_id', 'project_id', 'deleted']), ('pci_devices', 'uniq_pci_devices0compute_node_id0address0deleted', ['compute_node_id', 'address', 'deleted']), ('virtual_interfaces', 'uniq_virtual_interfaces0address0deleted', ['address', 'deleted']), ] def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine if == 'sqlite': # SQLite is also missing this one index if not utils.index_exists(migrate_engine, 'fixed_ips', 'address'): utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'fixed_ips', 'address', ['address']) for src_table, src_column, dst_table, dst_column, name in FKEYS: src_table = Table(src_table, meta, autoload=True) if name in set( for fk in src_table.foreign_keys): continue src_column = src_table.c[src_column] dst_table = Table(dst_table, meta, autoload=True) dst_column = dst_table.c[dst_column] fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(columns=[src_column], refcolumns=[dst_column], name=name) fkey.create() # SQLAlchemy versions < 1.0.0 don't reflect unique constraints # for SQLite correctly causing sqlalchemy-migrate to recreate # some tables with missing unique constraints. Re-add some # potentially missing unique constraints as a workaround. for table_name, name, column_names in UNIQUES: table = Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True) if name in set( for c in table.constraints if isinstance(table, schema.UniqueConstraint)): continue uc = UniqueConstraint(*column_names, table=table, name=name) uc.create()
# Copyright 2009 Brian Quinlan. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. """Implements ThreadPoolExecutor.""" import atexit from six import PY2 if PY2: from . import _base else: from concurrent.futures import _base import itertools import Queue as queue import threading import weakref import sys try: from multiprocessing import cpu_count except ImportError: # some platforms don't have multiprocessing def cpu_count(): return None __author__ = 'Brian Quinlan ([email protected])' # Workers are created as daemon threads. This is done to allow the interpreter # to exit when there are still idle threads in a ThreadPoolExecutor's thread # pool (i.e. shutdown() was not called). However, allowing workers to die with # the interpreter has two undesirable properties: # - The workers would still be running during interpretor shutdown, # meaning that they would fail in unpredictable ways. # - The workers could be killed while evaluating a work item, which could # be bad if the callable being evaluated has external side-effects e.g. # writing to a file. # # To work around this problem, an exit handler is installed which tells the # workers to exit when their work queues are empty and then waits until the # threads finish. _threads_queues = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() _shutdown = False def _python_exit(): global _shutdown _shutdown = True items = list(_threads_queues.items()) if _threads_queues else () for t, q in items: q.put(None) for t, q in items: t.join(sys.maxint) atexit.register(_python_exit) class _WorkItem(object): def __init__(self, future, fn, args, kwargs): self.future = future self.fn = fn self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def run(self): if not self.future.set_running_or_notify_cancel(): return try: result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except: e, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:] self.future.set_exception_info(e, tb) else: self.future.set_result(result) def _worker(executor_reference, work_queue, initializer, initargs): if initializer is not None: try: initializer(*initargs) except BaseException: _base.LOGGER.critical('Exception in initializer:', exc_info=True) executor = executor_reference() if executor is not None: executor._initializer_failed() return try: while True: work_item = work_queue.get(block=True) if work_item is not None: # Delete references to object. See issue16284 del work_item # attempt to increment idle count executor = executor_reference() if executor is not None: executor._idle_semaphore.release() del executor continue executor = executor_reference() # Exit if: # - The interpreter is shutting down OR # - The executor that owns the worker has been collected OR # - The executor that owns the worker has been shutdown. if _shutdown or executor is None or executor._shutdown: # Notice other workers work_queue.put(None) return del executor except: _base.LOGGER.critical('Exception in worker', exc_info=True) class BrokenThreadPool(_base.BrokenExecutor): """ Raised when a worker thread in a ThreadPoolExecutor failed initializing. """ class ThreadPoolExecutor(_base.Executor): # Used to assign unique thread names when thread_name_prefix is not supplied. _counter = itertools.count().next def __init__(self, max_workers=None, thread_name_prefix='', initializer=None, initargs=()): """Initializes a new ThreadPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of threads that can be used to execute the given calls. thread_name_prefix: An optional name prefix to give our threads. """ if max_workers is None: # Use this number because ThreadPoolExecutor is often # used to overlap I/O instead of CPU work. max_workers = (cpu_count() or 1) * 5 if max_workers <= 0: raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater than 0") self._max_workers = max_workers self._initializer = initializer self._initargs = initargs self._work_queue = queue.Queue() self._idle_semaphore = threading.Semaphore(0) self._threads = set() self._broken = False self._shutdown = False self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._thread_name_prefix = (thread_name_prefix or ("ThreadPoolExecutor-%d" % self._counter())) def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): with self._shutdown_lock: if self._broken: raise BrokenThreadPool(self._broken) if self._shutdown: raise RuntimeError('cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') f = _base.Future() w = _WorkItem(f, fn, args, kwargs) self._work_queue.put(w) self._adjust_thread_count() return f submit.__doc__ = _base.Executor.submit.__doc__ def _adjust_thread_count(self): # if idle threads are available, don't spin new threads if self._idle_semaphore.acquire(False): return # When the executor gets lost, the weakref callback will wake up # the worker threads. def weakref_cb(_, q=self._work_queue): q.put(None) num_threads = len(self._threads) if num_threads < self._max_workers: thread_name = '%s_%d' % (self._thread_name_prefix or self, num_threads) t = threading.Thread(name=thread_name, target=_worker, args=(weakref.ref(self, weakref_cb), self._work_queue, self._initializer, self._initargs)) t.daemon = True t.start() self._threads.add(t) _threads_queues[t] = self._work_queue def _initializer_failed(self): with self._shutdown_lock: self._broken = ('A thread initializer failed, the thread pool ' 'is not usable anymore') # Drain work queue and mark pending futures failed while True: try: work_item = self._work_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break if work_item is not None: work_item.future.set_exception(BrokenThreadPool(self._broken)) def shutdown(self, wait=True): with self._shutdown_lock: self._shutdown = True self._work_queue.put(None) if wait: for t in self._threads: t.join(sys.maxint) shutdown.__doc__ = _base.Executor.shutdown.__doc__
from django.test import TestCase from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from oscar.core.compat import get_user_model from import models from oscar.test.factories import create_product from oscar.test.factories import UserFactory User = get_user_model() class TestAnAnonymousReview(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.product = create_product() = { 'product': self.product, 'title': 'This product is lovely', 'body': 'I really like this cheese', 'score': 0, 'name': 'JR Hartley', 'email': '[email protected]' } def review(self, **kwargs): if kwargs: data = data.update(kwargs) else: data = return models.ProductReview(**data) def test_can_be_created(self): review = review.full_clean() def test_requires_a_title(self): review ="") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_requires_a_body(self): review ="") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_requires_a_name(self): review ="") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_requires_an_email_address(self): review ="") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_requires_non_whitespace_title(self): review =" ") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_starts_with_no_votes(self): review = self.assertFalse(review.has_votes) self.assertEqual(0, review.num_up_votes) self.assertEqual(0, review.num_down_votes) def test_has_reviewer_name_property(self): review ="Dave") self.assertEqual("Dave", review.reviewer_name) class TestAUserReview(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.product = create_product() self.user = UserFactory(first_name="Tom", last_name="Thumb") = { 'product': self.product, 'title': 'This product is lovely', 'body': 'I really like this cheese', 'score': 0, 'user': self.user } def review(self, **kwargs): if kwargs: data = data.update(kwargs) else: data = return models.ProductReview(**data) def test_can_be_created(self): review = review.full_clean() def test_requires_a_title(self): review ="") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_requires_a_body(self): review ="") self.assertRaises(ValidationError, review.full_clean) def test_has_reviewer_name_property(self): review = self.assertEqual("Tom Thumb", review.reviewer_name) class TestVotingOnAReview(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.product = create_product() self.user = UserFactory() self.voter = UserFactory() = title='This is nice', score=3, body="This is the body", user=self.user) def test_updates_totals_for_upvote(self): self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(1, self.assertEqual(1, def test_updates_totals_for_downvote(self): self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(1, self.assertEqual(-1, def test_is_permitted_for_normal_user(self): is_allowed, reason = self.assertTrue(is_allowed, reason) def test_is_not_permitted_for_reviewer(self): is_allowed, reason = self.assertFalse(is_allowed, reason) def test_is_not_permitted_for_previous_voter(self): is_allowed, reason = self.assertFalse(is_allowed, reason)
import pinocchio as se3 from pinocchio.utils import np, npl, rand, skew, zero from test_case import TestCase class TestSE3(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.R = rand([3, 3]) self.R, _, _ = npl.svd(self.R) self.p = rand(3) self.m = se3.SE3(self.R, self.p) def test_se3(self): R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m X = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, skew(p) * R]), np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])]) self.assertApprox(m.action, X) M = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, p]), np.matrix('0 0 0 1', np.double)]) self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M) m2 = se3.SE3.Random() self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous, m.homogeneous * m2.homogeneous) self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous)) p = rand(3) self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation * p + m.translation) self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), m.rotation.T * p - m.rotation.T * m.translation) p = np.vstack([p, 1]) self.assertApprox(m * p, m.homogeneous * p) self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.homogeneous) * p) p = rand(6) self.assertApprox(m * p, m.action * p) self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.action) * p) p = rand(5) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): m * p with self.assertRaises(ValueError): m.actInv(p) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): m.actInv('42') def test_motion(self): m = self.m self.assertApprox(se3.Motion.Zero().vector, zero(6)) v = se3.Motion.Random() self.assertApprox((m * v).vector, m.action * v.vector) self.assertApprox((m.actInv(v)).vector, npl.inv(m.action) * v.vector) vv = v.linear vw = v.angular self.assertApprox(v.vector, np.vstack([vv, vw])) self.assertApprox((v ** v).vector, zero(6)) def test_force(self): m = self.m self.assertApprox(se3.Force.Zero().vector, zero(6)) f = se3.Force.Random() ff = f.linear ft = f.angular self.assertApprox(f.vector, np.vstack([ff, ft])) self.assertApprox((m * f).vector, npl.inv(m.action.T) * f.vector) self.assertApprox((m.actInv(f)).vector, m.action.T * f.vector) v = se3.Motion.Random() f = se3.Force(np.vstack([v.vector[3:], v.vector[:3]])) self.assertApprox((v ** f).vector, zero(6)) def test_inertia(self): m = self.m Y1 = se3.Inertia.Random() Y2 = se3.Inertia.Random() Y = Y1 + Y2 self.assertApprox(Y1.matrix() + Y2.matrix(), Y.matrix()) v = se3.Motion.Random() self.assertApprox((Y * v).vector, Y.matrix() * v.vector) self.assertApprox((m * Y).matrix(), m.inverse().action.T * Y.matrix() * m.inverse().action) self.assertApprox((m.actInv(Y)).matrix(), m.action.T * Y.matrix() * m.action) def test_cross(self): m = se3.Motion.Random() f = se3.Force.Random() self.assertApprox(m ** m, m.cross_motion(m)) self.assertApprox(m ** f, m.cross_force(f)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): m ** 2 def test_exp(self): m = se3.Motion.Random() self.assertApprox(se3.exp(m), se3.exp6FromMotion(m))
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os from fetcher.dependency import Dependency from fetcher.mojom_directory import MojomDirectory from fetcher.mojom_file import MojomFile from mojom.parse.parser import Parse class Repository(object): """Repository represents a code repository on the local disc.""" def __init__(self, root_dir, external_dir): """root_dir represents the root of the repository; external_dir is the relative path of the external directory within the repository (so, relative to root_dir) """ self._root_dir = os.path.normpath(root_dir) self._external_dir = external_dir def get_repo_root_directory(self): return self._root_dir def get_external_directory(self): return os.path.join(self._root_dir, self._external_dir) def get_external_suffix(self): return self._external_dir def _os_walk(self, root_directory): # This method is included for dependency injection return os.walk(root_directory) def _open(self, filename): # This method is included for dependency injection return open(filename) def _get_all_mojom_in_directory(self, root_directory): mojoms = [] for dirname, _, files in self._os_walk(root_directory): for f in files: if f.endswith(".mojom"): mojoms.append(os.path.join(dirname,f)) return mojoms def _resolve_dependencies(self, dependencies, mojoms): """Resolve dependencies between discovered mojoms, so we know which are the missing ones.""" missing = [] for dependency in dependencies: found = False for search_path in dependency.get_search_path_for_dependency(): if os.path.normpath( os.path.join(search_path, dependency.get_imported())) in mojoms: found = True break if not found: missing.append(dependency) return missing def get_missing_dependencies(self): """get_missing_dependencies returns a set of dependencies that are required by mojoms in this repository but not available. """ # Update the list of available mojoms in this repository. mojoms = set(self._get_all_mojom_in_directory(self._root_dir)) # Find all declared dependencies needed_deps = set([]) for mojom in mojoms: with self._open(mojom) as f: source = tree = Parse(source, mojom) for dep in tree.import_list: needed_deps.add(Dependency(self, dep.filename, dep.import_filename)) missing_deps = self._resolve_dependencies(needed_deps, mojoms) return missing_deps def get_external_urls(self): """Get all external mojom files in this repository, by urls (without scheme).""" mojoms = set(self._get_all_mojom_in_directory( self.get_external_directory())) urls = [] for mojom in mojoms: urls.append(os.path.relpath(mojom, self.get_external_directory())) return urls def get_all_external_mojom_directories(self): """Get all external directories populated with their mojom files.""" mojoms = self._get_all_mojom_in_directory(self.get_external_directory()) directories = {} for mojom_path in mojoms: directory_path = os.path.dirname(mojom_path) directory = directories.setdefault( directory_path, MojomDirectory(directory_path)) with self._open(mojom_path) as f: source = tree = Parse(source, mojom_path) mojom = MojomFile(self, mojom_path) directory.add_mojom(mojom) for dep in tree.import_list: mojom.add_dependency(dep.import_filename) return directories.values()
# (c) 2013, Jayson Vantuyl <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. from ansible.errors import AnsibleError import ansible.utils as utils from re import compile as re_compile, IGNORECASE # shortcut format NUM = "(0?x?[0-9a-f]+)" SHORTCUT = re_compile( "^(" + # Group 0 NUM + # Group 1: Start "-)?" + NUM + # Group 2: End "(/" + # Group 3 NUM + # Group 4: Stride ")?" + "(:(.+))?$", # Group 5, Group 6: Format String IGNORECASE ) class LookupModule(object): """ sequence lookup module Used to generate some sequence of items. Takes arguments in two forms. The simple / shortcut form is: [start-]end[/stride][:format] As indicated by the brackets: start, stride, and format string are all optional. The format string is in the style of printf. This can be used to pad with zeros, format in hexadecimal, etc. All of the numerical values can be specified in octal (i.e. 0664) or hexadecimal (i.e. 0x3f8). Negative numbers are not supported. Some examples: 5 -> ["1","2","3","4","5"] 5-8 -> ["5", "6", "7", "8"] 2-10/2 -> ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10"] 4:host%02d -> ["host01","host02","host03","host04"] The standard Ansible key-value form is accepted as well. For example: start=5 end=11 stride=2 format=0x%02x -> ["0x05","0x07","0x09","0x0a"] This format takes an alternate form of "end" called "count", which counts some number from the starting value. For example: count=5 -> ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] start=0x0f00 count=4 format=%04x -> ["0f00", "0f01", "0f02", "0f03"] start=0 count=5 stride=2 -> ["0", "2", "4", "6", "8"] start=1 count=5 stride=2 -> ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9"] The count option is mostly useful for avoiding off-by-one errors and errors calculating the number of entries in a sequence when a stride is specified. """ def __init__(self, basedir, **kwargs): """absorb any keyword args""" self.basedir = basedir def reset(self): """set sensible defaults""" self.start = 1 self.count = None self.end = None self.stride = 1 self.format = "%d" def parse_kv_args(self, args): """parse key-value style arguments""" for arg in ["start", "end", "count", "stride"]: try: arg_raw = args.pop(arg, None) if arg_raw is None: continue arg_cooked = int(arg_raw, 0) setattr(self, arg, arg_cooked) except ValueError: raise AnsibleError( "can't parse arg %s=%r as integer" % (arg, arg_raw) ) if 'format' in args: self.format = args.pop("format") if args: raise AnsibleError( "unrecognized arguments to with_sequence: %r" % args.keys() ) def parse_simple_args(self, term): """parse the shortcut forms, return True/False""" match = SHORTCUT.match(term) if not match: return False _, start, end, _, stride, _, format = match.groups() if start is not None: try: start = int(start, 0) except ValueError: raise AnsibleError("can't parse start=%s as integer" % start) if end is not None: try: end = int(end, 0) except ValueError: raise AnsibleError("can't parse end=%s as integer" % end) if stride is not None: try: stride = int(stride, 0) except ValueError: raise AnsibleError("can't parse stride=%s as integer" % stride) if start is not None: self.start = start if end is not None: self.end = end if stride is not None: self.stride = stride if format is not None: self.format = format def sanity_check(self): if self.count is None and self.end is None: raise AnsibleError( "must specify count or end in with_sequence" ) elif self.count is not None and self.end is not None: raise AnsibleError( "can't specify both count and end in with_sequence" ) elif self.count is not None: # convert count to end if self.count != 0: self.end = self.start + self.count * self.stride - 1 else: self.start = 0 self.end = 0 self.stride = 0 del self.count if self.stride > 0 and self.end < self.start: raise AnsibleError("to count backwards make stride negative") if self.stride < 0 and self.end > self.start: raise AnsibleError("to count forward don't make stride negative") if self.format.count('%') != 1: raise AnsibleError("bad formatting string: %s" % self.format) def generate_sequence(self): if self.stride > 0: adjust = 1 else: adjust = -1 numbers = xrange(self.start, self.end + adjust, self.stride) for i in numbers: try: formatted = self.format % i yield formatted except (ValueError, TypeError): raise AnsibleError( "problem formatting %r with %r" % self.format ) def run(self, terms, inject=None, **kwargs): results = [] terms = utils.listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms, self.basedir, inject) if isinstance(terms, basestring): terms = [ terms ] for term in terms: try: self.reset() # clear out things for this iteration try: if not self.parse_simple_args(term): self.parse_kv_args(utils.parse_kv(term)) except Exception: raise AnsibleError( "unknown error parsing with_sequence arguments: %r" % term ) self.sanity_check() if self.start != self.end: results.extend(self.generate_sequence()) except AnsibleError: raise except Exception, e: raise AnsibleError( "unknown error generating sequence: %s" % str(e) ) return results
from collections import UserList, defaultdict from enum import IntEnum, auto from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath from resources.extract import grouper from settings import MOONSTONE_DIR class Colliders(UserList): def __init__(self, data=None): super().__init__(data) self.last_len = 0 self._max = (None, None) @property def max(self): if len( != self.last_len: self._max = ( max((i[0] for i in, default=None), max((i[1] for i in, default=None), ) return self._max class ParseState(IntEnum): FILENAME = auto() COUNT = auto() PADDING = auto() COORDINATES = auto() def parse_collision_file(collide_data): collide_dict = defaultdict(list) state = ParseState.FILENAME pair_count = None for line in collide_data: if state == ParseState.FILENAME: collide_file = line.strip().lower() state = ParseState.COUNT elif state == ParseState.COUNT: pair_count = int(line) if pair_count == 0: collide_dict[collide_file].append(Colliders()) elif pair_count == 99: state = ParseState.FILENAME else: state = ParseState.PADDING elif state == ParseState.PADDING: state = ParseState.COORDINATES elif state == ParseState.COORDINATES: # convert from list of str to list of ints groups = (int(''.join(g)) for g in grouper(line.strip(), 3)) # group them into x y pairs coordinates = Colliders(grouper(groups, 2)) assert len(coordinates) == pair_count collide_dict[collide_file].append(coordinates) state = ParseState.COUNT collide_dict.default_factory = None return collide_dict
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2018-present # All rights reserved # Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE) import pytest from datadog_checks.gunicorn import GUnicornCheck from .common import CHECK_NAME, CONTAINER_NAME, GUNICORN_VERSION, INSTANCE # TODO: Test metadata in e2e when we can collect metadata from the agent CHECK_ID = 'test:123' def _assert_metadata(datadog_agent): major, minor, patch = GUNICORN_VERSION.split('.') version_metadata = { 'version.scheme': 'semver', 'version.major': major, 'version.minor': minor, 'version.patch': patch, 'version.raw': GUNICORN_VERSION, } datadog_agent.assert_metadata(CHECK_ID, version_metadata) datadog_agent.assert_metadata_count(5) @pytest.mark.skipif(not GUNICORN_VERSION, reason='Require GUNICORN_VERSION') def test_collect_metadata_instance(aggregator, datadog_agent, setup_gunicorn): instance = INSTANCE.copy() instance['gunicorn'] = setup_gunicorn['gunicorn_bin_path'] check = GUnicornCheck(CHECK_NAME, {}, [instance]) check.check_id = CHECK_ID check.check(instance) _assert_metadata(datadog_agent) @pytest.mark.skipif(not GUNICORN_VERSION, reason='Require GUNICORN_VERSION') def test_collect_metadata_init_config(aggregator, datadog_agent, setup_gunicorn): init_config = {'gunicorn': setup_gunicorn['gunicorn_bin_path']} check = GUnicornCheck(CHECK_NAME, init_config, [INSTANCE]) check.check_id = CHECK_ID check.check(INSTANCE) _assert_metadata(datadog_agent) @pytest.mark.skipif(not GUNICORN_VERSION, reason='Require GUNICORN_VERSION') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('dd_environment') def test_collect_metadata_docker(aggregator, datadog_agent, setup_gunicorn): instance = INSTANCE.copy() instance['gunicorn'] = 'docker exec {} gunicorn'.format(CONTAINER_NAME) check = GUnicornCheck(CHECK_NAME, {}, [instance]) check.check_id = CHECK_ID check.check(instance) _assert_metadata(datadog_agent) def test_collect_metadata_count(aggregator, datadog_agent, setup_gunicorn): instance = INSTANCE.copy() instance['gunicorn'] = setup_gunicorn['gunicorn_bin_path'] check = GUnicornCheck(CHECK_NAME, {}, [instance]) check.check_id = 'test:123' check.check(instance) datadog_agent.assert_metadata_count(5) def test_collect_metadata_invalid_binary(aggregator, datadog_agent, setup_gunicorn): instance = INSTANCE.copy() instance['gunicorn'] = '/bin/not_exist' check = GUnicornCheck(CHECK_NAME, {}, [instance]) check.check_id = CHECK_ID check.check(instance) datadog_agent.assert_metadata_count(0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.forms import widgets from django.utils.html import format_html from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, get_language_from_request from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool from cms.models.pagemodel import Page from cmsplugin_cascade.fields import GlossaryField from .plugin_base import BootstrapPluginBase class BootstrapSecondaryMenuPlugin(BootstrapPluginBase): """ Use this plugin to display a secondary menu in arbitrary locations. This renders links onto all CMS pages, which are children of the selected Page Id. """ name = _("Secondary Menu") default_css_class = 'list-group' require_parent = True parent_classes = ('Bootstrap4ColumnPlugin',) allow_children = False render_template = 'cascade/bootstrap4/secmenu-list-group.html' page_id = GlossaryField( widgets.Select(choices=()), label=_("CMS Page Id"), help_text=_("Select a CMS page with a given unique Id (in advanced settings).") ) offset = GlossaryField( widgets.NumberInput(), label=_("Offset"), initial=0, help_text=_("Starting from which child menu."), ) limit = GlossaryField( widgets.NumberInput(), label=_("Limit"), initial=100, help_text=_("Number of child menus."), ) glossary_field_order = ['page_id', 'offset', 'limit'] @classmethod def get_identifier(cls, obj): identifier = super(BootstrapSecondaryMenuPlugin, cls).get_identifier(obj) content = obj.glossary.get('page_id', '') return format_html('{0}{1}', identifier, content) def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs): lang = get_language_from_request(request) choices = {} for page in Page.objects.filter(reverse_id__isnull=False).order_by('publisher_is_draft'): if page.reverse_id not in choices: choices[page.reverse_id] = page.get_title(lang) next(iter(self.glossary_fields)).widget.choices = list(choices.items()) return super(BootstrapSecondaryMenuPlugin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs) def render(self, context, instance, placeholder): context = self.super(BootstrapSecondaryMenuPlugin, self).render(context, instance, placeholder) context.update({ 'page_id': instance.glossary['page_id'], 'offset': instance.glossary.get('offset', 0), 'limit': instance.glossary.get('limit', 100), }) return context @classmethod def sanitize_model(cls, instance): try: if int(instance.glossary['offset']) < 0 or int(instance.glossary['limit']) < 0: raise ValueError() except (KeyError, ValueError): instance.glossary['offset'] = 0 instance.glossary['limit'] = 100 plugin_pool.register_plugin(BootstrapSecondaryMenuPlugin)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Shutdown adb_logcat_monitor and print accumulated logs. To test, call './ <base_dir>' where <base_dir> contains 'adb logcat -v threadtime' files named as logcat_<deviceID>_<sequenceNum> The script will print the files to out, and will combine multiple logcats from a single device if there is overlap. Additionally, if a <base_dir>/LOGCAT_MONITOR_PID exists, the script will attempt to terminate the contained PID by sending a SIGINT and monitoring for the deletion of the aforementioned file. """ # pylint: disable=W0702 import cStringIO import logging import optparse import os import re import signal import sys import time # Set this to debug for more verbose output LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO def CombineLogFiles(list_of_lists, logger): """Splices together multiple logcats from the same device. Args: list_of_lists: list of pairs (filename, list of timestamped lines) logger: handler to log events Returns: list of lines with duplicates removed """ cur_device_log = [''] for cur_file, cur_file_lines in list_of_lists: # Ignore files with just the logcat header if len(cur_file_lines) < 2: continue common_index = 0 # Skip this step if list just has empty string if len(cur_device_log) > 1: try: line = cur_device_log[-1] # Used to make sure we only splice on a timestamped line if re.match(r'^\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3} ', line): common_index = cur_file_lines.index(line) else: logger.warning('splice error - no timestamp in "%s"?', line.strip()) except ValueError: # The last line was valid but wasn't found in the next file cur_device_log += ['***** POSSIBLE INCOMPLETE LOGCAT *****']'Unable to splice %s. Incomplete logcat?', cur_file) cur_device_log += ['*'*30 + ' %s' % cur_file] cur_device_log.extend(cur_file_lines[common_index:]) return cur_device_log def FindLogFiles(base_dir): """Search a directory for logcat files. Args: base_dir: directory to search Returns: Mapping of device_id to a sorted list of file paths for a given device """ logcat_filter = re.compile(r'^logcat_(\S+)_(\d+)$') # list of tuples (<device_id>, <seq num>, <full file path>) filtered_list = [] for cur_file in os.listdir(base_dir): matcher = logcat_filter.match(cur_file) if matcher: filtered_list += [(, int(, os.path.join(base_dir, cur_file))] filtered_list.sort() file_map = {} for device_id, _, cur_file in filtered_list: if device_id not in file_map: file_map[device_id] = [] file_map[device_id] += [cur_file] return file_map def GetDeviceLogs(log_filenames, logger): """Read log files, combine and format. Args: log_filenames: mapping of device_id to sorted list of file paths logger: logger handle for logging events Returns: list of formatted device logs, one for each device. """ device_logs = [] for device, device_files in log_filenames.iteritems(): logger.debug('%s: %s', device, str(device_files)) device_file_lines = [] for cur_file in device_files: with open(cur_file) as f: device_file_lines += [(cur_file,] combined_lines = CombineLogFiles(device_file_lines, logger) # Prepend each line with a short unique ID so it's easy to see # when the device changes. We don't use the start of the device # ID because it can be the same among devices. Example lines: # AB324: foo # AB324: blah device_logs += [('\n' + device[-5:] + ': ').join(combined_lines)] return device_logs def ShutdownLogcatMonitor(base_dir, logger): """Attempts to shutdown adb_logcat_monitor and blocks while waiting.""" try: monitor_pid_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'LOGCAT_MONITOR_PID') with open(monitor_pid_path) as f: monitor_pid = int(f.readline())'Sending SIGTERM to %d', monitor_pid) os.kill(monitor_pid, signal.SIGTERM) i = 0 while True: time.sleep(.2) if not os.path.exists(monitor_pid_path): return if not os.path.exists('/proc/%d' % monitor_pid): logger.warning('Monitor (pid %d) terminated uncleanly?', monitor_pid) return'Waiting for logcat process to terminate.') i += 1 if i >= 10: logger.warning('Monitor pid did not terminate. Continuing anyway.') return except (ValueError, IOError, OSError): logger.exception('Error signaling logcat monitor - continuing') def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options] <log dir>') parser.add_option('--output-path', help='Output file path (if unspecified, prints to stdout)') options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) if len(args) != 1: parser.error('Wrong number of unparsed args') base_dir = args[0] if options.output_path: output_file = open(options.output_path, 'w') else: output_file = sys.stdout log_stringio = cStringIO.StringIO() logger = logging.getLogger('LogcatPrinter') logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) sh = logging.StreamHandler(log_stringio) sh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-2s %(levelname)-8s' ' %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(sh) try: # Wait at least 5 seconds after base_dir is created before printing. # # The idea is that 'adb logcat > file' output consists of 2 phases: # 1 Dump all the saved logs to the file # 2 Stream log messages as they are generated # # We want to give enough time for phase 1 to complete. There's no # good method to tell how long to wait, but it usually only takes a # second. On most bots, this code path won't occur at all, since # command will have spawned more than 5 seconds # prior to called this shell script. try: sleep_time = 5 - (time.time() - os.path.getctime(base_dir)) except OSError: sleep_time = 5 if sleep_time > 0: logger.warning('Monitor just started? Sleeping %.1fs', sleep_time) time.sleep(sleep_time) assert os.path.exists(base_dir), '%s does not exist' % base_dir ShutdownLogcatMonitor(base_dir, logger) separator = '\n' + '*' * 80 + '\n\n' for log in GetDeviceLogs(FindLogFiles(base_dir), logger): output_file.write(log) output_file.write(separator) with open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'eventlog')) as f: output_file.write('\nLogcat Monitor Event Log\n') output_file.write( except: logger.exception('Unexpected exception')'Done.') sh.flush() output_file.write('\nLogcat Printer Event Log\n') output_file.write(log_stringio.getvalue()) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
#!/usr/bin/env python # def check_antipackage(): from sys import version_info sys_version = version_info[:2] found = True if sys_version < (3, 0): # 'python 2' from pkgutil import find_loader found = find_loader('antipackage') is not None elif sys_version <= (3, 3): # 'python <= 3.3' from importlib import find_loader found = find_loader('antipackage') is not None else: # 'python >= 3.4' from importlib import util found = util.find_spec('antipackage') is not None if not found: print('Install missing package "antipackage"') print('Example: pip install git+') from sys import exit exit(1) check_antipackage() # ref: import antipackage from github.appscode.libbuild import libbuild import datetime import io import json import os import os.path import socket import subprocess import sys from collections import OrderedDict from os.path import expandvars libbuild.REPO_ROOT = expandvars('$GOPATH') + '/src/' BUILD_METADATA = libbuild.metadata(libbuild.REPO_ROOT) libbuild.BIN_MATRIX = { 'chartify': { 'type': 'go', 'go_version': True, 'distro': { 'darwin': ['386', 'amd64'], 'linux': ['arm', '386', 'amd64'], 'windows': ['386', 'amd64'] } } } libbuild.BUCKET_MATRIX = { 'prod': 'gs://appscode-cdn', 'dev': 'gs://appscode-dev' } def call(cmd, stdin=None, cwd=libbuild.REPO_ROOT): print(cmd) return[expandvars(cmd)], shell=True, stdin=stdin, cwd=cwd) def die(status): if status: sys.exit(status) def version(): # json.dump(BUILD_METADATA, sys.stdout, sort_keys=True, indent=2) for k in sorted(BUILD_METADATA): print(k + '=' + BUILD_METADATA[k]) def fmt(): libbuild.ungroup_go_imports('pkg', 'main.go') die(call('goimports -w pkg main.go')) call('gofmt -s -w main.go pkg') def lint(): call('golint ./pkg/... min.go') def vet(): call('go vet ./pkg/...') def build_cmd(name): cfg = libbuild.BIN_MATRIX[name] if cfg['type'] == 'go': if 'distro' in cfg: for goos, archs in cfg['distro'].items(): for goarch in archs: libbuild.go_build(name, goos, goarch, main='main.go') else: libbuild.go_build(name, libbuild.GOHOSTOS, libbuild.GOHOSTARCH, main='main.go') def build_cmds(): for name in libbuild.BIN_MATRIX: build_cmd(name) def build(): build_cmds() def push(name=None): if name: bindir = libbuild.REPO_ROOT + '/dist/' + name push_bin(bindir) else: dist = libbuild.REPO_ROOT + '/dist' for name in os.listdir(dist): d = dist + '/' + name if os.path.isdir(d): push_bin(d) def push_bin(bindir): call('rm -f *.md5', cwd=bindir) call('rm -f *.sha1', cwd=bindir) for f in os.listdir(bindir): if os.path.isfile(bindir + '/' + f): libbuild.upload_to_cloud(bindir, f, BUILD_METADATA['version']) def update_registry(): libbuild.update_registry(BUILD_METADATA['version']) def install(): die(call('GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 ' + libbuild.GOC + ' install .')) def default(): fmt() die(call('GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 ' + libbuild.GOC + ' install .')) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: # # globals()[sys.argv[1]](*sys.argv[2:]) else: default()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.styles.algol_nu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Algol publication style without underlining of keywords. This style renders source code for publication of algorithms in scientific papers and academic texts, where its format is frequently used. It is based on the style of the revised Algol-60 language report[1]. o No colours, only black, white and shades of grey are used. o Keywords are rendered in lowercase boldface. o Builtins are rendered in lowercase boldface italic. o Docstrings and pragmas are rendered in dark grey boldface. o Library identifiers are rendered in dark grey boldface italic. o Comments are rendered in grey italic. To render keywords with underlining, refer to the `Algol` style. For lowercase conversion of keywords and builtins in languages where these are not or might not be lowercase, a supporting lexer is required. The Algol and Modula-2 lexers automatically convert to lowercase whenever this style is selected. [1] `Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol-60 <>` :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from import Style from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Comment, String, Error, Operator class Algol_NuStyle(Style): background_color = "#ffffff" default_style = "" styles = { Comment: "italic #888", Comment.Preproc: "bold noitalic #888", Comment.Special: "bold noitalic #888", Keyword: "bold", Keyword.Declaration: "italic", Name.Builtin: "bold italic", Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "bold italic", Name.Namespace: "bold italic #666", Name.Class: "bold italic #666", Name.Function: "bold italic #666", Name.Variable: "bold italic #666", Name.Constant: "bold italic #666", Operator.Word: "bold", String: "italic #666", Error: "border:#FF0000" }
Tarea 1/Polinomios/Test/
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ .. module:: testPolynomial .. moduleauthor:: Garrido Valencia Alan :synopsis: Este es un modulo de pruebas unitarias para el modulo Polynomial. """ import unittest from ..Scripts.Polinomio import Polynomial from sympy import symbols class TestPolynomial(unittest.TestCase): """ Esta clase es usada para pruebas del modulo Polinomio """ variable='x' pol1=Polynomial(variable,2,[2,4,20]) pol2=Polynomial(variable,2,[4,40,100]) pol3=Polynomial(variable,1,[1,5]) def testInstance(self): """ Prueba unitaria de instancia """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=2.0*x**2+4.0*x+20 self.assertEqual(self.pol1.expresion ,exp) def testValue(self): """ Prueba unitaria de valor en un Punto """ x=symbols(self.variable) value=26 self.assertEqual(self.pol1.pointValue(1),value) def testSum(self): """ Prueba unitaria para restar """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=6.0*x**2+44.0*x+120 self.assertEqual(self.pol1.add(self.pol2),exp) def testRes(self): """ Prueba unitaria para sumar """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=(-2.0)*x**2-36.0*x-80.0 self.assertEqual(self.pol1.sub(self.pol2),exp) def testMul(self): """ Prueba unitaria para multiplicar """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=8.0*x**4+96.0*x**3+440.0*x**2+1200.0*x+2000.0 self.assertEqual(self.pol1.mult(self.pol2),exp) def testDiv(self): """ Prueba unitaria para dividir """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=4.0*x+20.0 self.assertEqual(self.pol2.divi(self.pol3),exp) def testdiffer(self): """ Prueba unitaria para derivar """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=8.0*x + 40.0 self.assertEqual(self.pol2.differ(),exp) def testIntegr(self): """ Prueba unitaria para integrar """ x=symbols(self.variable) exp=(2/3)*x**3 + 2.0*x**2 + 20.0*x self.assertEqual(self.pol1.integr(),exp) def testIntegrDef(self): """ Prueba unitaria para integral definida """ value=6.50 self.assertEqual(self.pol3.integrDef(1,2),value) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Python from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Django from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse # Third party from subscription.models import UserSubscription # AstroBin from astrobin_apps_notifications.utils import push_notification class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Send a notification to user when their premium subscription " +\ "auto-renews in one week." def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): user_subscriptions = UserSubscription.objects\ .filter( subscription__name__in = [ "AstroBin Lite (autorenew)", "AstroBin Premium (autorenew)", ], cancelled=False, expires = + timedelta(days = 7))\ .exclude(subscription__recurrence_unit = None) for user_subscription in user_subscriptions: push_notification([user_subscription.user], None, 'expiring_subscription_autorenew', { 'user_subscription': user_subscription, }) user_subscriptions = UserSubscription.objects \ .filter( subscription__name__in=[ "AstroBin Lite (autorenew)", "AstroBin Premium (autorenew)", ], cancelled=False, + timedelta(days=30)) \ .exclude(subscription__recurrence_unit=None) for user_subscription in user_subscriptions: push_notification([user_subscription.user], None, 'expiring_subscription_autorenew_30d', { 'user_subscription': user_subscription, })
""" Some examples of how to annotate points in figures. You specify an annotation point xy=(x,y) and a text point xytext=(x,y) for the annotated points and text location, respectively. Optionally, you can specify the coordinate system of xy and xytext with one of the following strings for xycoords and textcoords (default is 'data') 'figure points' : points from the lower left corner of the figure 'figure pixels' : pixels from the lower left corner of the figure 'figure fraction' : 0,0 is lower left of figure and 1,1 is upper, right 'axes points' : points from lower left corner of axes 'axes pixels' : pixels from lower left corner of axes 'axes fraction' : 0,0 is lower left of axes and 1,1 is upper right 'offset points' : Specify an offset (in points) from the xy value 'data' : use the axes data coordinate system Optionally, you can specify arrow properties which draws and arrow from the text to the annotated point by giving a dictionary of arrow properties Valid keys are width : the width of the arrow in points frac : the fraction of the arrow length occupied by the head headwidth : the width of the base of the arrow head in points shrink : move the tip and base some percent away from the annotated point and text any key for matplotlib.patches.polygon (eg facecolor) For physical coordinate systems (points or pixels) the origin is the (bottom, left) of the figure or axes. If the value is negative, however, the origin is from the (right, top) of the figure or axes, analogous to negative indexing of sequences. """ from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse import numpy as np if 1: # if only one location is given, the text and xypoint being # annotated are assumed to be the same fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-1,5), ylim=(-3,5)) t = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.01) s = np.cos(2*np.pi*t) line, = ax.plot(t, s, lw=3, color='purple') ax.annotate('axes center', xy=(.5, .5), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') ax.annotate('pixels', xy=(20, 20), xycoords='figure pixels') ax.annotate('points', xy=(100, 300), xycoords='figure points') ax.annotate('offset', xy=(1, 1), xycoords='data', xytext=(-15, 10), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', ) ax.annotate('local max', xy=(3, 1), xycoords='data', xytext=(0.8, 0.95), textcoords='axes fraction', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', ) ax.annotate('a fractional title', xy=(.025, .975), xycoords='figure fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=20) # use negative points or pixels to specify from right, top -10, 10 # is 10 points to the left of the right side of the axes and 10 # points above the bottom ax.annotate('bottom right (points)', xy=(-10, 10), xycoords='axes points', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=20) if 1: # you can specify the xypoint and the xytext in different # positions and coordinate systems, and optionally turn on a # connecting line and mark the point with a marker. Annotations # work on polar axes too. In the example below, the xy point is # in native coordinates (xycoords defaults to 'data'). For a # polar axes, this is in (theta, radius) space. The text in this # example is placed in the fractional figure coordinate system. # Text keyword args like horizontal and vertical alignment are # respected fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True) r = np.arange(0,1,0.001) theta = 2*2*np.pi*r line, = ax.plot(theta, r, color='#ee8d18', lw=3) ind = 800 thisr, thistheta = r[ind], theta[ind] ax.plot([thistheta], [thisr], 'o') ax.annotate('a polar annotation', xy=(thistheta, thisr), # theta, radius xytext=(0.05, 0.05), # fraction, fraction textcoords='figure fraction', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', ) if 1: # You can also use polar notation on a cartesian axes. Here the # native coordinate system ('data') is cartesian, so you need to # specify the xycoords and textcoords as 'polar' if you want to # use (theta, radius) el = Ellipse((0,0), 10, 20, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5) fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') ax.add_artist(el) el.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) ax.annotate('the top', xy=(np.pi/2., 10.), # theta, radius xytext=(np.pi/3, 20.), # theta, radius xycoords='polar', textcoords='polar', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', clip_on=True, # clip to the axes bounding box ) ax.set_xlim(-20, 20) ax.set_ylim(-20, 20) show()
# # gdb helper commands and functions for Linux kernel debugging # # load kernel and module symbols # # Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2011-2013 # # Authors: # Jan Kiszka <[email protected]> # # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2. # import gdb import os import re from linux import modules if hasattr(gdb, 'Breakpoint'): class LoadModuleBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint): def __init__(self, spec, gdb_command): super(LoadModuleBreakpoint, self).__init__(spec, internal=True) self.silent = True self.gdb_command = gdb_command def stop(self): module = gdb.parse_and_eval("mod") module_name = module['name'].string() cmd = self.gdb_command # enforce update if object file is not found cmd.module_files_updated = False # Disable pagination while reporting symbol (re-)loading. # The console input is blocked in this context so that we would # get stuck waiting for the user to acknowledge paged output. show_pagination = gdb.execute("show pagination", to_string=True) pagination = show_pagination.endswith("on.\n") gdb.execute("set pagination off") if module_name in cmd.loaded_modules: gdb.write("refreshing all symbols to reload module " "'{0}'\n".format(module_name)) cmd.load_all_symbols() else: cmd.load_module_symbols(module) # restore pagination state gdb.execute("set pagination %s" % ("on" if pagination else "off")) return False class LxSymbols(gdb.Command): """(Re-)load symbols of Linux kernel and currently loaded modules. The kernel (vmlinux) is taken from the current working directly. Modules (.ko) are scanned recursively, starting in the same directory. Optionally, the module search path can be extended by a space separated list of paths passed to the lx-symbols command.""" module_paths = [] module_files = [] module_files_updated = False loaded_modules = [] breakpoint = None def __init__(self): super(LxSymbols, self).__init__("lx-symbols", gdb.COMMAND_FILES, gdb.COMPLETE_FILENAME) def _update_module_files(self): self.module_files = [] for path in self.module_paths: gdb.write("scanning for modules in {0}\n".format(path)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".ko"): self.module_files.append(root + "/" + name) self.module_files_updated = True def _get_module_file(self, module_name): module_pattern = ".*/{0}\.ko$".format( module_name.replace("_", r"[_\-]")) for name in self.module_files: if re.match(module_pattern, name) and os.path.exists(name): return name return None def _section_arguments(self, module): try: sect_attrs = module['sect_attrs'].dereference() except gdb.error: return "" attrs = sect_attrs['attrs'] section_name_to_address = { attrs[n]['name'].string(): attrs[n]['address'] for n in range(int(sect_attrs['nsections']))} args = [] for section_name in [".data", ".data..read_mostly", ".rodata", ".bss"]: address = section_name_to_address.get(section_name) if address: args.append(" -s {name} {addr}".format( name=section_name, addr=str(address))) return "".join(args) def load_module_symbols(self, module): module_name = module['name'].string() module_addr = str(module['module_core']).split()[0] module_file = self._get_module_file(module_name) if not module_file and not self.module_files_updated: self._update_module_files() module_file = self._get_module_file(module_name) if module_file: gdb.write("loading @{addr}: {filename}\n".format( addr=module_addr, filename=module_file)) cmdline = "add-symbol-file {filename} {addr}{sections}".format( filename=module_file, addr=module_addr, sections=self._section_arguments(module)) gdb.execute(cmdline, to_string=True) if module_name not in self.loaded_modules: self.loaded_modules.append(module_name) else: gdb.write("no module object found for '{0}'\n".format(module_name)) def load_all_symbols(self): gdb.write("loading vmlinux\n") # Dropping symbols will disable all breakpoints. So save their states # and restore them afterward. saved_states = [] if hasattr(gdb, 'breakpoints') and not gdb.breakpoints() is None: for bp in gdb.breakpoints(): saved_states.append({'breakpoint': bp, 'enabled': bp.enabled}) # drop all current symbols and reload vmlinux gdb.execute("symbol-file", to_string=True) gdb.execute("symbol-file vmlinux") self.loaded_modules = [] module_list = modules.module_list() if not module_list: gdb.write("no modules found\n") else: [self.load_module_symbols(module) for module in module_list] for saved_state in saved_states: saved_state['breakpoint'].enabled = saved_state['enabled'] def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): self.module_paths = arg.split() self.module_paths.append(os.getcwd()) # enforce update self.module_files = [] self.module_files_updated = False self.load_all_symbols() if hasattr(gdb, 'Breakpoint'): if self.breakpoint is not None: self.breakpoint.delete() self.breakpoint = None self.breakpoint = LoadModuleBreakpoint( "kernel/module.c:do_init_module", self) else: gdb.write("Note: symbol update on module loading not supported " "with this gdb version\n") LxSymbols()
""" Bot resource Defines bot/fetch endpoint, e.g.: curl -d '{"request": {"url": ""}}' http://localhost:9001/bot/fetch The "request" is an object whose fields match the parameters of a Scrapy request: Returns a json object. If there is an "error" field, that holds the request error to display. Otherwise you will find the following fields: * page -- the retrieved page - will be annotated in future """ import json, errno from functools import partial from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET from scrapy.http import Request from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider from scrapy.item import DictItem from scrapy import signals, log from scrapy.crawler import Crawler from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse from scrapy.exceptions import DontCloseSpider from scrapy.utils.request import request_fingerprint from slybot.spider import IblSpider from .html import html4annotation, extract_html from .resource import SlydJsonResource def create_bot_resource(spec_manager): bot = Bot(spec_manager.settings, spec_manager) bot.putChild('fetch', Fetch(bot)) return bot class Bot(Resource): spider = BaseSpider('slyd') def __init__(self, settings, spec_manager): # twisted base class is old-style so we cannot user super() Resource.__init__(self) self.spec_manager = spec_manager # initialize scrapy crawler crawler = Crawler(settings) crawler.configure() crawler.signals.connect(self.keep_spider_alive, signals.spider_idle) crawler.crawl(self.spider) crawler.start() self.crawler = crawler log.msg("bot initialized", level=log.DEBUG) def keep_spider_alive(self, spider): raise DontCloseSpider("keeping it open") def stop(self): """Stop the crawler""" self.crawler.stop() log.msg("bot stopped", level=log.DEBUG) class BotResource(SlydJsonResource): def __init__(self, bot): Resource.__init__(self) = bot class Fetch(BotResource): isLeaf = True def render_POST(self, request): #TODO: validate input data, handle errors, etc. params = self.read_json(request) scrapy_request_kwargs = params['request'] scrapy_request_kwargs.update( callback=self.fetch_callback, errback=partial(self.fetch_errback, request), dont_filter=True, # TODO: disable duplicate middleware meta=dict( handle_httpstatus_all=True, twisted_request=request, slyd_request_params=params ) ) request = Request(**scrapy_request_kwargs), return NOT_DONE_YET def fetch_callback(self, response): request = response.meta['twisted_request'] result_response = dict(status=response.status, headers=response.headers.to_string()) if response.status != 200: finish_request(request, response=result_response) return if not isinstance(response, HtmlResponse): msg = "Non-html response: %s" % response.headers.get( 'content-type', 'no content type') finish_request(request, error=msg) try: params = response.meta['slyd_request_params'] original_html = extract_html(response) cleaned_html = html4annotation(original_html, response.url) # we may want to include some headers fingerprint = request_fingerprint(response.request) result_response = dict(status=response.status, headers=response.headers.to_string()) result = dict(page=cleaned_html, original=original_html, fp=fingerprint, response=result_response) spider = self.create_spider(request.project, params) if spider is not None: items = [] links = [] for value in spider.parse(response): if isinstance(value, Request): links.append(value.url) elif isinstance(value, DictItem): items.append(value._values) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected type %s from spider" % type(value)) result['items'] = items result['links'] = links finish_request(request, **result) except Exception as ex: log.err() finish_request(request, response=result_response, error="unexpected internal error: %s" % ex) def create_spider(self, project, params, **kwargs): spider = params.get('spider') if spider is None: return pspec = try: spider_spec = pspec.resource('spiders', spider) items_spec = pspec.resource('items') extractors = pspec.resource('extractors') return IblSpider(spider, spider_spec, items_spec, extractors, **kwargs) except IOError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ENOENT: log.msg("skipping extraction, no spec: %s" % ex.filename) else: raise def fetch_errback(self, twisted_request, failure): msg = "unexpected error response: %s" % failure log.msg(msg, level=log.ERROR) finish_request(twisted_request, error=msg) def finish_request(trequest, **resp_obj): jdata = json.dumps(resp_obj) trequest.setResponseCode(200) trequest.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') trequest.setHeader('Content-Length', len(jdata)) trequest.write(jdata) trequest.finish()
# coding=utf-8 """Tests for Django management commands""" import json from path import path import shutil from StringIO import StringIO import tarfile from tempfile import mkdtemp from django.conf import settings from import call_command from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.test.testcases import TestCase from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase, mixed_store_config from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import TEST_DATA_MONGO_MODULESTORE from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml DATA_DIR = settings.COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT TEST_COURSE_ID = 'edX/simple/2012_Fall' XML_COURSE_DIRS = ['toy', 'simple', 'open_ended'] MAPPINGS = { 'edX/toy/2012_Fall': 'xml', 'edX/simple/2012_Fall': 'xml', 'edX/open_ended/2012_Fall': 'xml', } TEST_DATA_MIXED_XML_MODULESTORE = mixed_store_config( DATA_DIR, MAPPINGS, include_xml=True, xml_course_dirs=XML_COURSE_DIRS ) class CommandsTestBase(TestCase): """ Base class for testing different django commands. Must be subclassed using override_settings set to the modulestore to be tested. """ def setUp(self): self.loaded_courses = self.load_courses() def load_courses(self): """Load test courses and return list of ids""" store = modulestore() # Add a course with a unicode name, if the modulestore # supports adding modules. if hasattr(store, 'create_xmodule'): CourseFactory.create(org=u'ëḋẌ', course=u'śíḿṕĺé', display_name=u'2012_Fáĺĺ', modulestore=store) courses = store.get_courses() # NOTE: if xml store owns these, it won't import them into mongo if SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(TEST_COURSE_ID) not in [ for c in courses]: import_from_xml(store, ModuleStoreEnum.UserID.mgmt_command, DATA_DIR, XML_COURSE_DIRS) return [ for course in store.get_courses()] def call_command(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Call management command and return output""" out = StringIO() # To Capture the output of the command call_command(name, *args, stdout=out, **kwargs) return def test_dump_course_ids(self): kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'} output = self.call_command('dump_course_ids', **kwargs) dumped_courses = output.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n') course_ids = {course_id.to_deprecated_string() for course_id in self.loaded_courses} dumped_ids = set(dumped_courses) self.assertEqual(course_ids, dumped_ids) def test_correct_course_structure_metadata(self): course_id = 'edX/open_ended/2012_Fall' args = [course_id] kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'} try: output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs) except TypeError, exception: dump = json.loads(output) self.assertGreater(len(dump.values()), 0) def test_dump_course_structure(self): args = [TEST_COURSE_ID] kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'} output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs) dump = json.loads(output) # check that all elements in the course structure have metadata, # but not inherited metadata: for element in dump.itervalues(): self.assertIn('metadata', element) self.assertIn('children', element) self.assertIn('category', element) self.assertNotIn('inherited_metadata', element) # Check a few elements in the course dump test_course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(TEST_COURSE_ID) parent_id = test_course_key.make_usage_key('chapter', 'Overview').to_deprecated_string() self.assertEqual(dump[parent_id]['category'], 'chapter') self.assertEqual(len(dump[parent_id]['children']), 3) child_id = dump[parent_id]['children'][1] self.assertEqual(dump[child_id]['category'], 'videosequence') self.assertEqual(len(dump[child_id]['children']), 2) video_id = test_course_key.make_usage_key('video', 'Welcome').to_deprecated_string() self.assertEqual(dump[video_id]['category'], 'video') self.assertEqual(len(dump[video_id]['metadata']), 5) self.assertIn('youtube_id_1_0', dump[video_id]['metadata']) # Check if there are the right number of elements self.assertEqual(len(dump), 16) def test_dump_inherited_course_structure(self): args = [TEST_COURSE_ID] kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default', 'inherited': True} output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs) dump = json.loads(output) # check that all elements in the course structure have inherited metadata, # and that it contains a particular value as well: for element in dump.itervalues(): self.assertIn('metadata', element) self.assertIn('children', element) self.assertIn('category', element) self.assertIn('inherited_metadata', element) self.assertIsNone(element['inherited_metadata']['ispublic']) # ... but does not contain inherited metadata containing a default value: self.assertNotIn('due', element['inherited_metadata']) def test_dump_inherited_course_structure_with_defaults(self): args = [TEST_COURSE_ID] kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default', 'inherited': True, 'inherited_defaults': True} output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs) dump = json.loads(output) # check that all elements in the course structure have inherited metadata, # and that it contains a particular value as well: for element in dump.itervalues(): self.assertIn('metadata', element) self.assertIn('children', element) self.assertIn('category', element) self.assertIn('inherited_metadata', element) self.assertIsNone(element['inherited_metadata']['ispublic']) # ... and contains inherited metadata containing a default value: self.assertIsNone(element['inherited_metadata']['due']) def test_export_course(self): tmp_dir = path(mkdtemp()) filename = tmp_dir / 'test.tar.gz' try: self.run_export_course(filename) with as tar_file: self.check_export_file(tar_file) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) def test_export_course_stdout(self): output = self.run_export_course('-') with as tar_file: self.check_export_file(tar_file) def run_export_course(self, filename): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring args = [TEST_COURSE_ID, filename] kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'} return self.call_command('export_course', *args, **kwargs) def check_export_file(self, tar_file): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring names = tar_file.getnames() # Check if some of the files are present. # The rest is of the code should be covered by the tests for # xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter, used by the dump_course command assert_in = self.assertIn assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall', names) assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/policies/2012_Fall/policy.json', names) assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/html/toylab.html', names) assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/videosequence/A_simple_sequence.xml', names) assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/sequential/Lecture_2.xml', names) @override_settings(MODULESTORE=TEST_DATA_MIXED_XML_MODULESTORE) class CommandsXMLTestCase(CommandsTestBase, ModuleStoreTestCase): """ Test case for management commands using the xml modulestore. """ @override_settings(MODULESTORE=TEST_DATA_MONGO_MODULESTORE) class CommandsMongoTestCase(CommandsTestBase, ModuleStoreTestCase): """ Test case for management commands using the mixed mongo modulestore. """
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2006 XenSource Inc. # Author: Ewan Mellor <[email protected]> import time from XmTestLib import * import xen.util.blkif __all__ = [ "block_attach", "block_detach" ] def get_state(domain, devname): (path, number) = xen.util.blkif.blkdev_name_to_number(devname) s, o = traceCommand("xm block-list %s | awk '/^%d/ {print $4}'" % (domain.getName(), number)) if s != 0: FAIL("block-list failed") if o == "": return 0 else: return int(o) def block_attach(domain, phy, virt): status, output = traceCommand("xm block-attach %s %s %s w" % (domain.getName(), phy, virt)) if status != 0: FAIL("xm block-attach returned invalid %i != 0" % status) for i in range(10): if get_state(domain, virt) == 4: break time.sleep(1) else: FAIL("block-attach failed: device did not switch to Connected state") def block_detach(domain, virt): status, output = traceCommand("xm block-detach %s %s" % (domain.getName(), virt)) if status != 0: FAIL("xm block-detach returned invalid %i != 0" % status) for i in range(10): if get_state(domain, virt) == 0: break time.sleep(1) else: FAIL("block-detach failed: device did not disappear")
# # method for determining which files to check # # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Author: David Shea <[email protected]> import os import subprocess def testfilelist(filterfunc=None): """A generator function for the list of file names to check. If the check is run from a git work tree, the method returns a list of files known to git. Otherwise, it returns a list of every file beneath $top_srcdir. top_srcdir must be set in the environment. filterfunc, if provided, is a function that takes a filename as an argument and returns True for files that should be included in the file list. For example, something like lambda x: fnmatch(x, '*.py') could be used to match only filenames that end in .py. """ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.environ["top_srcdir"], ".git")): output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "ls-files", "-c", os.environ["top_srcdir"]]).decode("utf-8") filelist = output.split("\n") else: filelist = (os.path.join(path, testfile) \ for path, _dirs, files in os.walk(os.environ["top_srcdir"]) \ for testfile in files) for f in filelist: if not filterfunc or filterfunc(f): yield f
######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is Mozilla Universal charset detector code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # Shy Shalom - original C code # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### from . import constants import sys import codecs from .latin1prober import Latin1Prober # windows-1252 from .mbcsgroupprober import MBCSGroupProber # multi-byte character sets from .sbcsgroupprober import SBCSGroupProber # single-byte character sets from .escprober import EscCharSetProber # ISO-2122, etc. import re MINIMUM_THRESHOLD = 0.20 ePureAscii = 0 eEscAscii = 1 eHighbyte = 2 class UniversalDetector: def __init__(self): self._highBitDetector = re.compile(b'[\x80-\xFF]') self._escDetector = re.compile(b'(\033|~{)') self._mEscCharSetProber = None self._mCharSetProbers = [] self.reset() def reset(self): self.result = {'encoding': None, 'confidence': 0.0} self.done = False self._mStart = True self._mGotData = False self._mInputState = ePureAscii self._mLastChar = b'' if self._mEscCharSetProber: self._mEscCharSetProber.reset() for prober in self._mCharSetProbers: prober.reset() def feed(self, aBuf): if self.done: return aLen = len(aBuf) if not aLen: return if not self._mGotData: # If the data starts with BOM, we know it is UTF if aBuf[:3] == codecs.BOM_UTF8: # EF BB BF UTF-8 with BOM self.result = {'encoding': "UTF-8-SIG", 'confidence': 1.0} elif aBuf[:4] == codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE: # FF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little-endian BOM self.result = {'encoding': "UTF-32LE", 'confidence': 1.0} elif aBuf[:4] == codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE: # 00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian BOM self.result = {'encoding': "UTF-32BE", 'confidence': 1.0} elif aBuf[:4] == b'\xFE\xFF\x00\x00': # FE FF 00 00 UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (3412) self.result = { 'encoding': "X-ISO-10646-UCS-4-3412", 'confidence': 1.0 } elif aBuf[:4] == b'\x00\x00\xFF\xFE': # 00 00 FF FE UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (2143) self.result = { 'encoding': "X-ISO-10646-UCS-4-2143", 'confidence': 1.0 } elif aBuf[:2] == codecs.BOM_LE: # FF FE UTF-16, little endian BOM self.result = {'encoding': "UTF-16LE", 'confidence': 1.0} elif aBuf[:2] == codecs.BOM_BE: # FE FF UTF-16, big endian BOM self.result = {'encoding': "UTF-16BE", 'confidence': 1.0} self._mGotData = True if self.result['encoding'] and (self.result['confidence'] > 0.0): self.done = True return if self._mInputState == ePureAscii: if self._mInputState = eHighbyte elif ((self._mInputState == ePureAscii) and + aBuf)): self._mInputState = eEscAscii self._mLastChar = aBuf[-1:] if self._mInputState == eEscAscii: if not self._mEscCharSetProber: self._mEscCharSetProber = EscCharSetProber() if self._mEscCharSetProber.feed(aBuf) == constants.eFoundIt: self.result = {'encoding': self._mEscCharSetProber.get_charset_name(), 'confidence': self._mEscCharSetProber.get_confidence()} self.done = True elif self._mInputState == eHighbyte: if not self._mCharSetProbers: self._mCharSetProbers = [MBCSGroupProber(), SBCSGroupProber(), Latin1Prober()] for prober in self._mCharSetProbers: if prober.feed(aBuf) == constants.eFoundIt: self.result = {'encoding': prober.get_charset_name(), 'confidence': prober.get_confidence()} self.done = True break def close(self): if self.done: return if not self._mGotData: if constants._debug: sys.stderr.write('no data received!\n') return self.done = True if self._mInputState == ePureAscii: self.result = {'encoding': 'ascii', 'confidence': 1.0} return self.result if self._mInputState == eHighbyte: proberConfidence = None maxProberConfidence = 0.0 maxProber = None for prober in self._mCharSetProbers: if not prober: continue proberConfidence = prober.get_confidence() if proberConfidence > maxProberConfidence: maxProberConfidence = proberConfidence maxProber = prober if maxProber and (maxProberConfidence > MINIMUM_THRESHOLD): self.result = {'encoding': maxProber.get_charset_name(), 'confidence': maxProber.get_confidence()} return self.result if constants._debug: sys.stderr.write('no probers hit minimum threshhold\n') for prober in self._mCharSetProbers[0].mProbers: if not prober: continue sys.stderr.write('%s confidence = %s\n' % (prober.get_charset_name(), prober.get_confidence()))
# Copyright (C) 2011 Nominum, Inc. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NOMINUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL NOMINUM BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import unittest import dns.dnssec import import dns.rdata import dns.rdataclass import dns.rdatatype import dns.rrset abs_dnspython_org ='') abs_keys = { abs_dnspython_org : dns.rrset.from_text('', 3600, 'IN', 'DNSKEY', '257 3 5 AwEAAenVTr9L1OMlL1/N2ta0Qj9LLLnnmFWIr1dJoAsWM9BQfsbV7kFZ XbAkER/FY9Ji2o7cELxBwAsVBuWn6IUUAJXLH74YbC1anY0lifjgt29z SwDzuB7zmC7yVYZzUunBulVW4zT0tg1aePbpVL2EtTL8VzREqbJbE25R KuQYHZtFwG8S4iBxJUmT2Bbd0921LLxSQgVoFXlQx/gFV2+UERXcJ5ce iX6A6wc02M/pdg/YbJd2rBa0MYL3/Fz/Xltre0tqsImZGxzi6YtYDs45 NC8gH+44egz82e2DATCVM1ICPmRDjXYTLldQiWA2ZXIWnK0iitl5ue24 7EsWJefrIhE=', '256 3 5 AwEAAdSSghOGjU33IQZgwZM2Hh771VGXX05olJK49FxpSyuEAjDBXY58 LGU9R2Zgeecnk/b9EAhFu/vCV9oECtiTCvwuVAkt9YEweqYDluQInmgP NGMJCKdSLlnX93DkjDw8rMYv5dqXCuSGPlKChfTJOLQxIAxGloS7lL+c 0CTZydAF') } rel_keys = { : dns.rrset.from_text('@', 3600, 'IN', 'DNSKEY', '257 3 5 AwEAAenVTr9L1OMlL1/N2ta0Qj9LLLnnmFWIr1dJoAsWM9BQfsbV7kFZ XbAkER/FY9Ji2o7cELxBwAsVBuWn6IUUAJXLH74YbC1anY0lifjgt29z SwDzuB7zmC7yVYZzUunBulVW4zT0tg1aePbpVL2EtTL8VzREqbJbE25R KuQYHZtFwG8S4iBxJUmT2Bbd0921LLxSQgVoFXlQx/gFV2+UERXcJ5ce iX6A6wc02M/pdg/YbJd2rBa0MYL3/Fz/Xltre0tqsImZGxzi6YtYDs45 NC8gH+44egz82e2DATCVM1ICPmRDjXYTLldQiWA2ZXIWnK0iitl5ue24 7EsWJefrIhE=', '256 3 5 AwEAAdSSghOGjU33IQZgwZM2Hh771VGXX05olJK49FxpSyuEAjDBXY58 LGU9R2Zgeecnk/b9EAhFu/vCV9oECtiTCvwuVAkt9YEweqYDluQInmgP NGMJCKdSLlnX93DkjDw8rMYv5dqXCuSGPlKChfTJOLQxIAxGloS7lL+c 0CTZydAF') } when = 1290250287 abs_soa = dns.rrset.from_text('', 3600, 'IN', 'SOA', ' 2010020047 3600 1800 604800 3600') abs_other_soa = dns.rrset.from_text('', 3600, 'IN', 'SOA', ' 2010020047 3600 1800 604800 3600') abs_soa_rrsig = dns.rrset.from_text('', 3600, 'IN', 'RRSIG', 'SOA 5 2 3600 20101127004331 20101119213831 61695 sDUlltRlFTQw5ITFxOXW3TgmrHeMeNpdqcZ4EXxM9FHhIlte6V9YCnDw t6dvM9jAXdIEi03l9H/RAd9xNNW6gvGMHsBGzpvvqFQxIBR2PoiZA1mX /SWHZFdbt4xjYTtXqpyYvrMK0Dt7bUYPadyhPFCJ1B+I8Zi7B5WJEOd0 8vs=') rel_soa = dns.rrset.from_text('@', 3600, 'IN', 'SOA', 'howl hostmaster 2010020047 3600 1800 604800 3600') rel_other_soa = dns.rrset.from_text('@', 3600, 'IN', 'SOA', 'foo hostmaster 2010020047 3600 1800 604800 3600') rel_soa_rrsig = dns.rrset.from_text('@', 3600, 'IN', 'RRSIG', 'SOA 5 2 3600 20101127004331 20101119213831 61695 @ sDUlltRlFTQw5ITFxOXW3TgmrHeMeNpdqcZ4EXxM9FHhIlte6V9YCnDw t6dvM9jAXdIEi03l9H/RAd9xNNW6gvGMHsBGzpvvqFQxIBR2PoiZA1mX /SWHZFdbt4xjYTtXqpyYvrMK0Dt7bUYPadyhPFCJ1B+I8Zi7B5WJEOd0 8vs=') sep_key = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, '257 3 5 AwEAAenVTr9L1OMlL1/N2ta0Qj9LLLnnmFWIr1dJoAsWM9BQfsbV7kFZ XbAkER/FY9Ji2o7cELxBwAsVBuWn6IUUAJXLH74YbC1anY0lifjgt29z SwDzuB7zmC7yVYZzUunBulVW4zT0tg1aePbpVL2EtTL8VzREqbJbE25R KuQYHZtFwG8S4iBxJUmT2Bbd0921LLxSQgVoFXlQx/gFV2+UERXcJ5ce iX6A6wc02M/pdg/YbJd2rBa0MYL3/Fz/Xltre0tqsImZGxzi6YtYDs45 NC8gH+44egz82e2DATCVM1ICPmRDjXYTLldQiWA2ZXIWnK0iitl5ue24 7EsWJefrIhE=') good_ds = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.DS, '57349 5 2 53A79A3E7488AB44FFC56B2D1109F0699D1796DD977E72108B841F96 E47D7013') when2 = 1290425644 abs_example ='example') abs_dsa_keys = { abs_example : dns.rrset.from_text('example.', 86400, 'IN', 'DNSKEY', '257 3 3 CI3nCqyJsiCJHTjrNsJOT4RaszetzcJPYuoH3F9ZTVt3KJXncCVR3bwn 1w0iavKljb9hDlAYSfHbFCp4ic/rvg4p1L8vh5s8ToMjqDNl40A0hUGQ Ybx5hsECyK+qHoajilUX1phYSAD8d9WAGO3fDWzUPBuzR7o85NiZCDxz yXuNVfni0uhj9n1KYhEO5yAbbruDGN89wIZcxMKuQsdUY2GYD93ssnBv a55W6XRABYWayKZ90WkRVODLVYLSn53Pj/wwxGH+XdhIAZJXimrZL4yl My7rtBsLMqq8Ihs4Tows7LqYwY7cp6y/50tw6pj8tFqMYcPUjKZV36l1 M/2t5BVg3i7IK61Aidt6aoC3TDJtzAxg3ZxfjZWJfhHjMJqzQIfbW5b9 q1mjFsW5EUv39RaNnX+3JWPRLyDqD4pIwDyqfutMsdk/Py3paHn82FGp CaOg+nicqZ9TiMZURN/XXy5JoXUNQ3RNvbHCUiPUe18KUkY6mTfnyHld 1l9YCWmzXQVClkx/hOYxjJ4j8Ife58+Obu5X', '256 3 3 CJE1yb9YRQiw5d2xZrMUMR+cGCTt1bp1KDCefmYKmS+Z1+q9f42ETVhx JRiQwXclYwmxborzIkSZegTNYIV6mrYwbNB27Q44c3UGcspb3PiOw5TC jNPRYEcdwGvDZ2wWy+vkSV/S9tHXY8O6ODiE6abZJDDg/RnITyi+eoDL R3KZ5n/V1f1T1b90rrV6EewhBGQJpQGDogaXb2oHww9Tm6NfXyo7SoMM pbwbzOckXv+GxRPJIQNSF4D4A9E8XCksuzVVdE/0lr37+uoiAiPia38U 5W2QWe/FJAEPLjIp2eTzf0TrADc1pKP1wrA2ASpdzpm/aX3IB5RPp8Ew S9U72eBFZJAUwg635HxJVxH1maG6atzorR566E+e0OZSaxXS9o1o6QqN 3oPlYLGPORDiExilKfez3C/x/yioOupW9K5eKF0gmtaqrHX0oq9s67f/ RIM2xVaKHgG9Vf2cgJIZkhv7sntujr+E4htnRmy9P9BxyFxsItYxPI6Z bzygHAZpGhlI/7ltEGlIwKxyTK3ZKBm67q7B') } abs_dsa_soa = dns.rrset.from_text('example.', 86400, 'IN', 'SOA', 'ns1.example. hostmaster.example. 2 10800 3600 604800 86400') abs_other_dsa_soa = dns.rrset.from_text('example.', 86400, 'IN', 'SOA', 'ns1.example. hostmaster.example. 2 10800 3600 604800 86401') abs_dsa_soa_rrsig = dns.rrset.from_text('example.', 86400, 'IN', 'RRSIG', 'SOA 3 1 86400 20101129143231 20101122112731 42088 example. CGul9SuBofsktunV8cJs4eRs6u+3NCS3yaPKvBbD+pB2C76OUXDZq9U=') example_sep_key = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, '257 3 3 CI3nCqyJsiCJHTjrNsJOT4RaszetzcJPYuoH3F9ZTVt3KJXncCVR3bwn 1w0iavKljb9hDlAYSfHbFCp4ic/rvg4p1L8vh5s8ToMjqDNl40A0hUGQ Ybx5hsECyK+qHoajilUX1phYSAD8d9WAGO3fDWzUPBuzR7o85NiZCDxz yXuNVfni0uhj9n1KYhEO5yAbbruDGN89wIZcxMKuQsdUY2GYD93ssnBv a55W6XRABYWayKZ90WkRVODLVYLSn53Pj/wwxGH+XdhIAZJXimrZL4yl My7rtBsLMqq8Ihs4Tows7LqYwY7cp6y/50tw6pj8tFqMYcPUjKZV36l1 M/2t5BVg3i7IK61Aidt6aoC3TDJtzAxg3ZxfjZWJfhHjMJqzQIfbW5b9 q1mjFsW5EUv39RaNnX+3JWPRLyDqD4pIwDyqfutMsdk/Py3paHn82FGp CaOg+nicqZ9TiMZURN/XXy5JoXUNQ3RNvbHCUiPUe18KUkY6mTfnyHld 1l9YCWmzXQVClkx/hOYxjJ4j8Ife58+Obu5X') example_ds_sha1 = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.DS, '18673 3 1 71b71d4f3e11bbd71b4eff12cde69f7f9215bbe7') example_ds_sha256 = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.DS, '18673 3 2 eb8344cbbf07c9d3d3d6c81d10c76653e28d8611a65e639ef8f716e4e4e5d913') class DNSSECValidatorTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testAbsoluteRSAGood(self): dns.dnssec.validate(abs_soa, abs_soa_rrsig, abs_keys, None, when) def testAbsoluteRSABad(self): def bad(): dns.dnssec.validate(abs_other_soa, abs_soa_rrsig, abs_keys, None, when) self.failUnlessRaises(dns.dnssec.ValidationFailure, bad) def testRelativeRSAGood(self): dns.dnssec.validate(rel_soa, rel_soa_rrsig, rel_keys, abs_dnspython_org, when) def testRelativeRSABad(self): def bad(): dns.dnssec.validate(rel_other_soa, rel_soa_rrsig, rel_keys, abs_dnspython_org, when) self.failUnlessRaises(dns.dnssec.ValidationFailure, bad) def testMakeSHA256DS(self): ds = dns.dnssec.make_ds(abs_dnspython_org, sep_key, 'SHA256') self.failUnless(ds == good_ds) def testAbsoluteDSAGood(self): dns.dnssec.validate(abs_dsa_soa, abs_dsa_soa_rrsig, abs_dsa_keys, None, when2) def testAbsoluteDSABad(self): def bad(): dns.dnssec.validate(abs_other_dsa_soa, abs_dsa_soa_rrsig, abs_dsa_keys, None, when2) self.failUnlessRaises(dns.dnssec.ValidationFailure, bad) def testMakeExampleSHA1DS(self): ds = dns.dnssec.make_ds(abs_example, example_sep_key, 'SHA1') self.failUnless(ds == example_ds_sha1) def testMakeExampleSHA256DS(self): ds = dns.dnssec.make_ds(abs_example, example_sep_key, 'SHA256') self.failUnless(ds == example_ds_sha256) if __name__ == '__main__': import_ok = False try: import Crypto.Util.number import_ok = True except: pass if import_ok: unittest.main() else: print 'skipping DNSSEC tests because pycrypto is not installed'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.template import Template, Context from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils import six from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from cms.models.placeholdermodel import Placeholder from cms.plugin_processors import (plugin_meta_context_processor, mark_safe_plugin_processor) from cms.utils import get_language_from_request from cms.utils.conf import get_cms_setting from cms.utils.django_load import iterload_objects from cms.utils.placeholder import get_placeholder_conf, restore_sekizai_context # these are always called before all other plugin context processors from sekizai.helpers import Watcher DEFAULT_PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( plugin_meta_context_processor, ) # these are always called after all other plugin processors DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PROCESSORS = ( mark_safe_plugin_processor, ) class PluginContext(Context): """ This subclass of template.Context automatically populates itself using the processors defined in CMS_PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. Additional processors can be specified as a list of callables using the "processors" keyword argument. """ def __init__(self, dict, instance, placeholder, processors=None, current_app=None): super(PluginContext, self).__init__(dict, current_app=current_app) if not processors: processors = [] for processor in DEFAULT_PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS: self.update(processor(instance, placeholder, self)) for processor in iterload_objects(get_cms_setting('PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS')): self.update(processor(instance, placeholder, self)) for processor in processors: self.update(processor(instance, placeholder, self)) def render_plugin(context, instance, placeholder, template, processors=None, current_app=None): """ Renders a single plugin and applies the post processors to it's rendered content. """ if not processors: processors = [] if isinstance(template, six.string_types): content = render_to_string(template, context_instance=context) elif isinstance(template, Template): content = template.render(context) else: content = '' for processor in iterload_objects(get_cms_setting('PLUGIN_PROCESSORS')): content = processor(instance, placeholder, content, context) for processor in processors: content = processor(instance, placeholder, content, context) for processor in DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PROCESSORS: content = processor(instance, placeholder, content, context) return content def render_plugins(plugins, context, placeholder, processors=None): """ Renders a collection of plugins with the given context, using the appropriate processors for a given placeholder name, and returns a list containing a "rendered content" string for each plugin. This is the main plugin rendering utility function, use this function rather than Plugin.render_plugin(). """ out = [] total = len(plugins) for index, plugin in enumerate(plugins): = total plugin._render_meta.index = index context.push() out.append(plugin.render_plugin(context, placeholder, processors=processors)) context.pop() return out def render_placeholder(placeholder, context_to_copy, name_fallback="Placeholder", lang=None, default=None, editable=True, use_cache=True): """ Renders plugins for a placeholder on the given page using shallow copies of the given context, and returns a string containing the rendered output. Set editable = False to disable front-end editing for this placeholder during rendering. This is primarily used for the "as" variant of the render_placeholder tag. """ if not placeholder: return from cms.utils.plugins import get_plugins context = context_to_copy context.push() request = context['request'] if not hasattr(request, 'placeholders'): request.placeholders = [] if placeholder.has_change_permission(request): request.placeholders.append(placeholder) if hasattr(placeholder, 'content_cache'): return mark_safe(placeholder.content_cache) page = if placeholder else None # It's kind of duplicate of the similar call in `get_plugins`, but it's required # to have a valid language in this function for `get_fallback_languages` to work if lang: save_language = lang else: lang = get_language_from_request(request) save_language = lang # Prepend frontedit toolbar output if applicable toolbar = getattr(request, 'toolbar', None) if getattr(toolbar, 'edit_mode', False) and getattr(placeholder, 'is_editable', True) and editable: from cms.middleware.toolbar import toolbar_plugin_processor processors = (toolbar_plugin_processor,) edit = True else: processors = None edit = False from django.core.cache import cache if get_cms_setting('PLACEHOLDER_CACHE') and use_cache: cache_key = placeholder.get_cache_key(lang) if not edit and placeholder and not hasattr(placeholder, 'cache_checked'): cached_value = cache.get(cache_key) if not cached_value is None: restore_sekizai_context(context, cached_value['sekizai']) return mark_safe(cached_value['content']) if page: template = page.template else: template = None plugins = [plugin for plugin in get_plugins(request, placeholder, template, lang=lang)] # Add extra context as defined in settings, but do not overwrite existing context variables, # since settings are general and database/template are specific # TODO this should actually happen as a plugin context processor, but these currently overwrite # existing context -- maybe change this order? slot = getattr(placeholder, 'slot', None) extra_context = {} if slot: extra_context = get_placeholder_conf("extra_context", slot, template, {}) for key, value in extra_context.items(): if key not in context: context[key] = value content = [] watcher = Watcher(context) content.extend(render_plugins(plugins, context, placeholder, processors)) toolbar_content = '' if edit and editable: if not hasattr(request.toolbar, 'placeholders'): request.toolbar.placeholders = {} if not in request.toolbar.placeholders: request.toolbar.placeholders[] = placeholder toolbar_content = mark_safe(render_placeholder_toolbar(placeholder, context, name_fallback, save_language)) if content: content = mark_safe("".join(content)) elif default: #should be nodelist from a template content = mark_safe(default.render(context_to_copy)) else: content = '' context['content'] = content context['placeholder'] = toolbar_content context['edit'] = edit result = render_to_string("cms/toolbar/content.html", context) changes = watcher.get_changes() if placeholder and not edit and placeholder.cache_placeholder and get_cms_setting('PLACEHOLDER_CACHE') and use_cache: cache.set(cache_key, {'content': result, 'sekizai': changes}, get_cms_setting('CACHE_DURATIONS')['content']) context.pop() return result def render_placeholder_toolbar(placeholder, context, name_fallback, save_language): from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool request = context['request'] page = if placeholder else None if not page: page = getattr(request, 'current_page', None) if page: if name_fallback and not placeholder: placeholder = Placeholder.objects.create(slot=name_fallback) page.placeholders.add(placeholder) = page if placeholder: slot = placeholder.slot else: slot = None context.push() # to restrict child-only plugins from draggables.. context['allowed_plugins'] = [cls.__name__ for cls in plugin_pool.get_all_plugins(slot, page)] context['placeholder'] = placeholder context['language'] = save_language context['page'] = page toolbar = render_to_string("cms/toolbar/placeholder.html", context) context.pop() return toolbar
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, Adam Števko <[email protected]> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: beadm short_description: Manage ZFS boot environments on FreeBSD/Solaris/illumos systems. description: - Create, delete or activate ZFS boot environments. - Mount and unmount ZFS boot environments. version_added: "2.3" author: Adam Števko (@xen0l) options: name: description: - ZFS boot environment name. aliases: [ "be" ] required: True snapshot: description: - If specified, the new boot environment will be cloned from the given snapshot or inactive boot environment. required: false default: false description: description: - Associate a description with a new boot environment. This option is available only on Solarish platforms. required: false default: false options: description: - Create the datasets for new BE with specific ZFS properties. Multiple options can be specified. This option is available only on Solarish platforms. required: false default: false mountpoint: description: - Path where to mount the ZFS boot environment required: false default: false state: description: - Create or delete ZFS boot environment. required: false default: "present" choices: [ "present", "absent", "activated", "mounted", "unmounted" ] force: description: - Specifies if the unmount should be forced. required: false default: false choices: [ "true", "false" ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create ZFS boot environment beadm: name: upgrade-be state: present - name: Create ZFS boot environment from existing inactive boot environment beadm: name: upgrade-be snapshot: be@old state: present - name: Create ZFS boot environment with compression enabled and description "upgrade" beadm: name: upgrade-be options: "compression=on" description: upgrade state: present - name: Delete ZFS boot environment beadm: name: old-be state: absent - name: Mount ZFS boot environment on /tmp/be beadm: name: BE mountpoint: /tmp/be state: mounted - name: Unmount ZFS boot environment beadm: name: BE state: unmounted - name: Activate ZFS boot environment beadm: name: upgrade-be state: activated ''' RETURN = ''' name: description: BE name returned: always type: string sample: pre-upgrade snapshot: description: ZFS snapshot to create BE from returned: always type: string sample: rpool/ROOT/oi-hipster@fresh description: description: BE description returned: always type: string sample: Upgrade from 9.0 to 10.0 options: description: BE additional options returned: always type: string sample: compression=on mountpoint: description: BE mountpoint returned: always type: string sample: /mnt/be state: description: state of the target returned: always type: string sample: present force: description: if forced action is wanted returned: always type: boolean sample: False ''' import os from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule class BE(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module = module.params['name'] self.snapshot = module.params['snapshot'] self.description = module.params['description'] self.options = module.params['options'] self.mountpoint = module.params['mountpoint'] self.state = module.params['state'] self.force = module.params['force'] self.is_freebsd = os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD' def _beadm_list(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('beadm')] cmd.append('list') cmd.append('-H') if not self.is_freebsd: cmd.append( return self.module.run_command(cmd) def _find_be_by_name(self, out): for line in out.splitlines(): if line.split('\t')[0] == return line return None def exists(self): (rc, out, _) = self._beadm_list() if rc == 0: if self.is_freebsd: if self._find_be_by_name(out): return True else: return True else: return False def is_activated(self): (rc, out, _) = self._beadm_list() if rc == 0: if self.is_freebsd: line = self._find_be_by_name(out) if line is not None and 'R' in line.split('\t')[1]: return True else: if 'R' in out.split(';')[2]: return True return False def activate_be(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('beadm')] cmd.append('activate') cmd.append( return self.module.run_command(cmd) def create_be(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('beadm')] cmd.append('create') if self.snapshot: cmd.append('-e') cmd.append(self.snapshot) if not self.is_freebsd: if self.description: cmd.append('-d') cmd.append(self.description) if self.options: cmd.append('-o') cmd.append(self.options) cmd.append( return self.module.run_command(cmd) def destroy_be(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('beadm')] cmd.append('destroy') cmd.append('-F') cmd.append( return self.module.run_command(cmd) def is_mounted(self): (rc, out, _) = self._beadm_list() if rc == 0: if self.is_freebsd: line = self._find_be_by_name(out) # On FreeBSD, we exclude currently mounted BE on /, as it is # special and can be activated even if it is mounted. That is not # possible with non-root BEs. if line.split('\t')[2] is not '-' and \ line.split('\t')[2] is not '/': return True else: if out.split(';')[3]: return True return False def mount_be(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('beadm')] cmd.append('mount') cmd.append( if self.mountpoint: cmd.append(self.mountpoint) return self.module.run_command(cmd) def unmount_be(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('beadm')] cmd.append('unmount') if self.force: cmd.append('-f') cmd.append( return self.module.run_command(cmd) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(required=True, aliases=['be'], type='str'), snapshot=dict(type='str'), description=dict(type='str'), options=dict(type='str'), mountpoint=dict(default=False, type='path'), state=dict( default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'activated', 'mounted', 'unmounted']), force=dict(default=False, type='bool'), ), supports_check_mode=True ) be = BE(module) rc = None out = '' err = '' result = {} result['name'] = result['state'] = be.state if be.snapshot: result['snapshot'] = be.snapshot if be.description: result['description'] = be.description if be.options: result['options'] = be.options if be.mountpoint: result['mountpoint'] = be.mountpoint if be.state == 'absent': # beadm on FreeBSD and Solarish systems differs in delete behaviour in # that we are not allowed to delete activated BE on FreeBSD while on # Solarish systems we cannot delete BE if it is mounted. We add mount # check for both platforms as BE should be explicitly unmounted before # being deleted. On FreeBSD, we also check if the BE is activated. if be.exists(): if not be.is_mounted(): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) if be.is_freebsd: if be.is_activated(): module.fail_json(msg='Unable to remove active BE!') (rc, out, err) = be.destroy_be() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg='Error while destroying BE: "%s"' % err,, stderr=err, rc=rc) else: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to remove BE as it is mounted!') elif be.state == 'present': if not be.exists(): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) (rc, out, err) = be.create_be() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg='Error while creating BE: "%s"' % err,, stderr=err, rc=rc) elif be.state == 'activated': if not be.is_activated(): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) # On FreeBSD, beadm is unable to activate mounted BEs, so we add # an explicit check for that case. if be.is_freebsd: if be.is_mounted(): module.fail_json(msg='Unable to activate mounted BE!') (rc, out, err) = be.activate_be() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg='Error while activating BE: "%s"' % err,, stderr=err, rc=rc) elif be.state == 'mounted': if not be.is_mounted(): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) (rc, out, err) = be.mount_be() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg='Error while mounting BE: "%s"' % err,, stderr=err, rc=rc) elif be.state == 'unmounted': if be.is_mounted(): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) (rc, out, err) = be.unmount_be() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg='Error while unmounting BE: "%s"' % err,, stderr=err, rc=rc) if rc is None: result['changed'] = False else: result['changed'] = True if out: result['stdout'] = out if err: result['stderr'] = err module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Application context management for the cr tool. Contains all the support code to enable the shared context used by the cr tool. This includes the configuration variables and command line handling. """ import argparse import os import cr class _DumpVisitor(cr.visitor.ExportVisitor): """A visitor that prints all variables in a config hierarchy.""" def __init__(self, with_source): super(_DumpVisitor, self).__init__({}) self.to_dump = {} self.with_source = with_source def StartNode(self): if self.with_source: self._DumpNow() super(_DumpVisitor, self).StartNode() def EndNode(self): if self.with_source or not self.stack: self._DumpNow() super(_DumpVisitor, self).EndNode() if not self.stack: self._DumpNow() def Visit(self, key, value): super(_DumpVisitor, self).Visit(key, value) if key in str_value = str([key]) if str_value != str(os.environ.get(key, None)): self.to_dump[key] = str_value def _DumpNow(self): if self.to_dump: if self.with_source: print 'From', self.Where() for key in sorted(self.to_dump.keys()): print ' ', key, '=', self.to_dump[key] self.to_dump = {} class _ShowHelp(argparse.Action): """An argparse action to print the help text. This is like the built in help text printing action, except it knows to do nothing when we are just doing the early speculative parse of the args. """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if cr.context.speculative: return command = cr.Command.GetActivePlugin() if command: command.parser.print_help() else: parser.print_help() exit(1) class _ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """An extension of an ArgumentParser to enable speculative parsing. It supports doing an early parse that never produces errors or output, to do early collection of arguments that may affect what other arguments are allowed. """ def error(self, message): if cr.context.speculative: return super(_ArgumentParser, self).error(message) def parse_args(self): if cr.context.speculative: result = self.parse_known_args() if result: return result[0] return None return super(_ArgumentParser, self).parse_args() def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): result = super(_ArgumentParser, self).parse_known_args(args, namespace) if result is None: return namespace, None return result # The context stack _stack = [] class _ContextData: pass class Context(cr.config.Config): """The base context holder for the cr system. This holds the common context shared throughout cr. Mostly this is stored in the Config structure of variables. """ def __init__(self, name='Context'): super(Context, self).__init__(name) self._data = _ContextData() def CreateData(self, description='', epilog=''): self._data.args = None self._data.arguments = cr.config.Config('ARGS') self._data.derived = cr.config.Config('DERIVED') self.AddChildren(*cr.config.GLOBALS) self.AddChildren( cr.config.Config('ENVIRONMENT', literal=True, export=True).Set( {k: self.ParseValue(v) for k, v in os.environ.items()}), self._data.arguments, self._data.derived, ) # Build the command line argument parser self._data.parser = _ArgumentParser(add_help=False, description=description, epilog=epilog) self._data.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers() # Add the global arguments self.AddCommonArguments(self._data.parser) self._data.gclient = {} @property def data(self): return self._data def __enter__(self): """ To support using 'with cr.base.context.Create():'""" _stack.append(self) cr.context = self return self def __exit__(self, *_): _stack.pop() if _stack: cr.context = _stack[-1] return False def AddSubParser(self, source): parser = source.AddArguments(self._data.subparsers) @classmethod def AddCommonArguments(cls, parser): """Adds the command line arguments common to all commands in cr.""" parser.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action=_ShowHelp, nargs=0, help='show the help message and exit.' ) parser.add_argument( '--dry-run', dest='CR_DRY_RUN', action='store_true', default=None, help=""" Don't execute commands, just print them. Implies verbose. Overrides CR_DRY_RUN """ ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='CR_VERBOSE', action='count', default=None, help=""" Print information about commands being performed. Repeating multiple times increases the verbosity level. Overrides CR_VERBOSE """ ) @property def args(self): return self._data.args @property def arguments(self): return self._data.arguments @property def speculative(self): return self._data.speculative @property def derived(self): return self._data.derived @property def parser(self): return self._data.parser @property def remains(self): remains = getattr(self._data.args, '_remains', None) if remains and remains[0] == '--': remains = remains[1:] return remains @property def verbose(self): if self.autocompleting: return False return self.Find('CR_VERBOSE') or self.dry_run @property def dry_run(self): if self.autocompleting: return True return self.Find('CR_DRY_RUN') @property def autocompleting(self): return 'COMP_WORD' in os.environ @property def gclient(self): if not self._data.gclient: self._data.gclient = cr.base.client.ReadGClient() return self._data.gclient def ParseArgs(self, speculative=False): cr.plugin.DynamicChoices.only_active = not speculative self._data.speculative = speculative self._data.args = self._data.parser.parse_args() self._data.arguments.Wipe() if self._data.args: self._data.arguments.Set( {k: v for k, v in vars(self._data.args).items() if v is not None}) def DumpValues(self, with_source): _DumpVisitor(with_source).VisitNode(self) def Create(description='', epilog=''): context = Context() context.CreateData(description=description, epilog=epilog) return context
import sys import json import csv import shapely.wkb import shapely.geometry import shapely.ops import codecs import os import inspect import copy from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr from booleano.parser import Grammar, EvaluableParseManager, SymbolTable, Bind from booleano.operations import Variable class Map: def __init__(self, name, language): self.paths = {} = name self.language = language self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.bbox = [] def addPath(self, path, code, name): self.paths[code] = {"path": path, "name": name} def getJSCode(self): map = {"paths": self.paths, "width": self.width, "height": self.height, "insets": self.insets, "projection": self.projection} return "jQuery.fn.vectorMap('addMap', '""_"+self.projection['type']+"',"+json.dumps(map)+');' class Converter: def __init__(self, config): args = { 'buffer_distance': -0.4, 'simplify_tolerance': 0.2, 'longitude0': 0, 'projection': 'mill', 'name': 'world', 'width': 900, 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'language': 'en', 'precision': 2, 'insets': [] } args.update(config) self.config = args = Map(args['name'], args.get('language')) if args.get('sources'): self.sources = args['sources'] else: self.sources = [{ 'input_file': args.get('input_file'), 'where': args.get('where'), 'name_field': args.get('name_field'), 'code_field': args.get('code_field'), 'input_file_encoding': args.get('input_file_encoding') }] default_source = { 'where': '', 'name_field': 0, 'code_field': 1, 'input_file_encoding': 'iso-8859-1' } for index in range(len(self.sources)): for key in default_source: if self.sources[index].get(key) is None: self.sources[index][key] = default_source[key] self.features = {} self.width = args.get('width') self.left = args.get('left') = args.get('top') self.minimal_area = args.get('minimal_area') self.longitude0 = float(args.get('longitude0')) self.projection = args.get('projection') self.precision = args.get('precision') self.buffer_distance = args.get('buffer_distance') self.simplify_tolerance = args.get('simplify_tolerance') self.for_each = args.get('for_each') self.emulate_longitude0 = args.get('emulate_longitude0') if args.get('emulate_longitude0') is None and (self.projection == 'merc' or self.projection =='mill') and self.longitude0 != 0: self.emulate_longitude0 = True if args.get('viewport'): self.viewport = map(lambda s: float(s), args.get('viewport').split(' ')) else: self.viewport = False # spatial reference to convert to self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() projString = '+proj='+str(self.projection)+' +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0' if not self.emulate_longitude0: projString += ' +lon_0='+str(self.longitude0) self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(projString) # handle map insets if args.get('insets'): self.insets = args.get('insets') else: self.insets = [] def convert(self, data_source, output_file): codes = map(lambda g:[self.config['code_field']], data_source.geometries) main_codes = copy.copy(codes) = [] envelope = [] for inset in self.insets: insetBbox = self.renderMapInset(data_source, inset['codes'], inset['left'], inset['top'], inset['width']) insetHeight = (insetBbox[3] - insetBbox[1]) * (inset['width'] / (insetBbox[2] - insetBbox[0])){ "bbox": [{"x": insetBbox[0], "y": -insetBbox[3]}, {"x": insetBbox[2], "y": -insetBbox[1]}], "left": inset['left'], "top": inset['top'], "width": inset['width'], "height": insetHeight }) envelope.append( inset['left'], inset['top'], inset['left'] + inset['width'], inset['top'] + insetHeight ) ) for code in inset['codes']: main_codes.remove(code) insetBbox = self.renderMapInset(data_source, main_codes, self.left,, self.width) insetHeight = (insetBbox[3] - insetBbox[1]) * (self.width / (insetBbox[2] - insetBbox[0])) envelope.append( self.left,, self.left + self.width, + insetHeight ) ) mapBbox = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( envelope ).bounds = mapBbox[2] + mapBbox[0] = mapBbox[3] + mapBbox[1]{ "bbox": [{"x": insetBbox[0], "y": -insetBbox[3]}, {"x": insetBbox[2], "y": -insetBbox[1]}], "left": self.left, "top":, "width": self.width, "height": insetHeight }) = {"type": self.projection, "centralMeridian": float(self.longitude0)} open(output_file, 'w').write( ) if self.for_each is not None: for code in codes: childConfig = copy.deepcopy(self.for_each) for param in ('input_file', 'output_file', 'where', 'name'): childConfig[param] = childConfig[param].replace('{{code}}', code.lower()) converter = Converter(childConfig) converter.convert(childConfig['output_file']) def renderMapInset(self, data_source, codes, left, top, width): envelope = [] geometries = filter(lambda g:[self.config['code_field']] in codes, data_source.geometries) for geometry in geometries: envelope.append( geometry.geom.envelope ) bbox = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( envelope ).bounds scale = (bbox[2]-bbox[0]) / width # generate SVG paths for geometry in geometries: geom = geometry.geom if self.buffer_distance: geom = geom.buffer(self.buffer_distance*scale, 1) if geom.is_empty: continue if self.simplify_tolerance: geom = geom.simplify(self.simplify_tolerance*scale, preserve_topology=True) if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): polygons = geom.geoms else: polygons = [geom] path = '' for polygon in polygons: rings = [] rings.append(polygon.exterior) rings.extend(polygon.interiors) for ring in rings: for pointIndex in range( len(ring.coords) ): point = ring.coords[pointIndex] if pointIndex == 0: path += 'M'+str( round( (point[0]-bbox[0]) / scale + left, self.precision) ) path += ','+str( round( (bbox[3] - point[1]) / scale + top, self.precision) ) else: path += 'l' + str( round(point[0]/scale - ring.coords[pointIndex-1][0]/scale, self.precision) ) path += ',' + str( round(ring.coords[pointIndex-1][1]/scale - point[1]/scale, self.precision) ) path += 'Z',[self.config['code_field']],[self.config['name_field']]) return bbox class Geometry: def __init__(self, geometry, properties): self.geom = geometry = properties class GeometryProperty(Variable): operations = set(["equality", "membership"]) def __init__(self, name): = name def equals(self, value, context): return context[] == value def belongs_to(self, value, context): return value in context[] def is_subset(self, value, context): return set(value).issubset(set(context[])) def to_python(self, value): return unicode(value[]) class DataSource: def __init__(self, config): default_config = { "projection": "merc", "longitude0": 0 } default_config.update(config) self.config = default_config self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() projString = '+proj='+str(self.config['projection'])+' +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0' #if 'emulate_longitude0' in self.config and not self.config['emulate_longitude0']: projString += ' +lon_0='+str(self.config['longitude0']) self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(projString) def load_data(self): self.source = ogr.Open( self.config['file_name'], update = 0 ) self.layer = self.source.GetLayer(0) if 'filter' in self.config and self.config['filter'] is not None: self.layer.SetAttributeFilter( self.config['filter'].encode('ascii') ) self.layer_dfn = self.layer.GetLayerDefn() self.fields = [] field_count = self.layer_dfn.GetFieldCount() for field_index in range(field_count): field = self.layer_dfn.GetFieldDefn( field_index ) self.fields.append({ 'name': field.GetName(), 'type': field.GetType(), 'width': field.GetWidth(), 'precision': field.GetPrecision() }) self.geometries = [] for feature in self.layer: geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef() geometry.TransformTo( self.spatialRef ) geometry = shapely.wkb.loads( geometry.ExportToWkb() ) if not geometry.is_valid: geometry = geometry.buffer(0) properties = {} for field in self.fields: properties[field['name']] = feature.GetFieldAsString(field['name']).decode('utf-8') self.geometries.append( Geometry(geometry, properties) ) self.layer.ResetReading() self.create_grammar() def create_grammar(self): root_table = SymbolTable("root", map( lambda f: Bind(f['name'], GeometryProperty(f['name'])), self.fields ) ) tokens = { 'not': 'not', 'eq': '==', 'ne': '!=', 'belongs_to': 'in', 'is_subset': 'are included in', 'or': "or", 'and': 'and' } grammar = Grammar(**tokens) self.parse_manager = EvaluableParseManager(root_table, grammar) def output(self, output): if output.get('format') == 'jvectormap': self.output_jvm(output) else: self.output_ogr(output) def output_ogr(self, output): driver = ogr.GetDriverByName( 'ESRI Shapefile' ) if os.path.exists( output['file_name'] ): driver.DeleteDataSource( output['file_name'] ) source = driver.CreateDataSource( output['file_name'] ) layer = source.CreateLayer( self.layer_dfn.GetName(), geom_type = self.layer_dfn.GetGeomType(), srs = self.layer.GetSpatialRef() ) for field in self.fields: fd = ogr.FieldDefn( str(field['name']), field['type'] ) fd.SetWidth( field['width'] ) if 'precision' in field: fd.SetPrecision( field['precision'] ) layer.CreateField( fd ) for geometry in self.geometries: if geometry.geom is not None: feature = ogr.Feature( feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() ) for index, field in enumerate(self.fields): if field['name'] in feature.SetField( index,[field['name']].encode('utf-8') ) else: feature.SetField( index, '' ) feature.SetGeometryDirectly( ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb( shapely.wkb.dumps( geometry.geom ) ) ) layer.CreateFeature( feature ) feature.Destroy() source.Destroy() def output_jvm(self, output): params = copy.deepcopy(output['params']) params.update({ "projection": self.config["projection"], "longitude0": self.config["longitude0"] }) converter = Converter(params) converter.convert(self, output['file_name']) class PolygonSimplifier: def __init__(self, geometries): self.format = '%.8f %.8f' self.tolerance = 0.05 self.geometries = geometries connections = {} counter = 0 for geom in geometries: counter += 1 polygons = [] if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): polygons.append(geom) else: for polygon in geom: polygons.append(polygon) for polygon in polygons: if polygon.area > 0: lines = [] lines.append(polygon.exterior) for line in polygon.interiors: lines.append(line) for line in lines: for i in range(len(line.coords)-1): indexFrom = i indexTo = i+1 pointFrom = self.format % line.coords[indexFrom] pointTo = self.format % line.coords[indexTo] if pointFrom == pointTo: continue if not (pointFrom in connections): connections[pointFrom] = {} connections[pointFrom][pointTo] = 1 if not (pointTo in connections): connections[pointTo] = {} connections[pointTo][pointFrom] = 1 self.connections = connections self.simplifiedLines = {} self.pivotPoints = {} def simplifyRing(self, ring): coords = list(ring.coords)[0:-1] simpleCoords = [] isPivot = False pointIndex = 0 while not isPivot and pointIndex < len(coords): pointStr = self.format % coords[pointIndex] pointIndex += 1 isPivot = ((len(self.connections[pointStr]) > 2) or (pointStr in self.pivotPoints)) pointIndex = pointIndex - 1 if not isPivot: simpleRing = shapely.geometry.LineString(coords).simplify(self.tolerance) if len(simpleRing.coords) <= 2: return None else: self.pivotPoints[self.format % coords[0]] = True self.pivotPoints[self.format % coords[-1]] = True simpleLineKey = self.format % coords[0]+':'+self.format % coords[1]+':'+self.format % coords[-1] self.simplifiedLines[simpleLineKey] = simpleRing.coords return simpleRing else: points = coords[pointIndex:len(coords)] points.extend(coords[0:pointIndex+1]) iFrom = 0 for i in range(1, len(points)): pointStr = self.format % points[i] if ((len(self.connections[pointStr]) > 2) or (pointStr in self.pivotPoints)): line = points[iFrom:i+1] lineKey = self.format % line[-1]+':'+self.format % line[-2]+':'+self.format % line[0] if lineKey in self.simplifiedLines: simpleLine = self.simplifiedLines[lineKey] simpleLine = list(reversed(simpleLine)) else: simpleLine = shapely.geometry.LineString(line).simplify(self.tolerance).coords lineKey = self.format % line[0]+':'+self.format % line[1]+':'+self.format % line[-1] self.simplifiedLines[lineKey] = simpleLine simpleCoords.extend( simpleLine[0:-1] ) iFrom = i if len(simpleCoords) <= 2: return None else: return shapely.geometry.LineString(simpleCoords) def simplifyPolygon(self, polygon): simpleExtRing = self.simplifyRing(polygon.exterior) if simpleExtRing is None: return None simpleIntRings = [] for ring in polygon.interiors: simpleIntRing = self.simplifyRing(ring) if simpleIntRing is not None: simpleIntRings.append(simpleIntRing) return shapely.geometry.Polygon(simpleExtRing, simpleIntRings) def simplify(self): results = [] for geom in self.geometries: polygons = [] simplePolygons = [] if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): polygons.append(geom) else: for polygon in geom: polygons.append(polygon) for polygon in polygons: simplePolygon = self.simplifyPolygon(polygon) if not (simplePolygon is None or simplePolygon._geom is None): simplePolygons.append(simplePolygon) if len(simplePolygons) > 0: results.append(shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(simplePolygons)) else: results.append(None) return results class Processor: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def process(self): self.data_sources = {} for action in self.config: getattr(self, action['name'])( action, self.data_sources.get(".") ) def read_data(self, config, data_source): self.data_sources["."] = DataSource( config ) self.data_sources["."].load_data() def write_data(self, config, data_source): data_source.output( config ) def union(self, config, data_source): groups = {} geometries = [] for geometry in data_source.geometries: if[config['by']] in groups: groups[[config['by']]]['geoms'].append(geometry.geom) else: groups[[config['by']]] = { 'geoms': [geometry.geom], 'properties': } for key in groups: geometries.append( Geometry(shapely.ops.cascaded_union( groups[key]['geoms'] ), groups[key]['properties']) ) data_source.geometries = geometries def merge(self, config, data_source): new_geometries = [] for rule in config['rules']: expression = data_source.parse_manager.parse( rule['where'] ) geometries = filter(lambda g: expression(, data_source.geometries) geometries = map(lambda g: g.geom, geometries) new_geometries.append( Geometry(shapely.ops.cascaded_union( geometries ), rule['fields']) ) data_source.fields = config['fields'] data_source.geometries = new_geometries def join_data(self, config, data_source): field_names = [f['name'] for f in config['fields']] if 'data' in config: data_col = config['data'] else: data_file = open(config['file_name'], 'rb') data_col = csv.reader(data_file, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"') data = {} for row in data_col: row_dict = dict(zip(field_names, row)) data[row_dict.pop(config['on'])] = row_dict for geometry in data_source.geometries: if[config['on']] in data: data[[config['on']]] ) field_names = map(lambda f: f['name'], data_source.fields) data_source.fields = data_source.fields + filter(lambda f: f['name'] not in field_names, config['fields']) def remove(self, config, data_source): expression = data_source.parse_manager.parse( config['where'] ) data_source.geometries = filter(lambda g: not expression(, data_source.geometries) def remove_fields(self, config, data_source): data_source.fields = filter(lambda f: not in config['fields'], data_source.fields) def remove_other_fields(self, config, data_source): data_source.fields = filter(lambda f: f['name'] in config['fields'], data_source.fields) def buffer(self, config, data_source): for geometry in data_source.geometries: geometry.geom = geometry.geom.buffer(config['distance'], config['resolution']) def simplify_adjancent_polygons(self, config, data_source): simple_geometries = PolygonSimplifier( map( lambda g: g.geom, data_source.geometries ) ).simplify() for i in range(len(data_source.geometries)): data_source.geometries[i].geom = simple_geometries[i] def intersect_rect(self, config, data_source): transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( data_source.layer.GetSpatialRef(), data_source.spatialRef ) point1 = transform.TransformPoint(config['rect'][0], config['rect'][1]) point2 = transform.TransformPoint(config['rect'][2], config['rect'][3]) rect =[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1]) for geometry in data_source.geometries: geometry.geom = geometry.geom.intersection(rect) def remove_small_polygons(self, config, data_source): for geometry in data_source.geometries: if isinstance(geometry.geom, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): polygons = geometry.geom.geoms else: polygons = [geometry.geom] polygons = filter(lambda p: p.area > config['minimal_area'], polygons) if len(polygons) > 0: geometry.geom = shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon(polygons) args = {} if len(sys.argv) > 1: paramsJson = open(sys.argv[1], 'r').read() else: paramsJson = paramsJson = json.loads(paramsJson) processor = Processor(paramsJson) processor.process()
""" ======================== Plotting Learning Curves ======================== On the left side the learning curve of a naive Bayes classifier is shown for the digits dataset. Note that the training score and the cross-validation score are both not very good at the end. However, the shape of the curve can be found in more complex datasets very often: the training score is very high at the beginning and decreases and the cross-validation score is very low at the beginning and increases. On the right side we see the learning curve of an SVM with RBF kernel. We can see clearly that the training score is still around the maximum and the validation score could be increased with more training samples. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit def plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, ylim=None, cv=None, n_jobs=1, train_sizes=np.linspace(.1, 1.0, 5)): """ Generate a simple plot of the test and training learning curve. Parameters ---------- estimator : object type that implements the "fit" and "predict" methods An object of that type which is cloned for each validation. title : string Title for the chart. X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape (n_samples) or (n_samples, n_features), optional Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning. ylim : tuple, shape (ymin, ymax), optional Defines minimum and maximum yvalues plotted. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the default 3-fold cross-validation, - integer, to specify the number of folds. - An object to be used as a cross-validation generator. - An iterable yielding train/test splits. For integer/None inputs, if ``y`` is binary or multiclass, :class:`StratifiedKFold` used. If the estimator is not a classifier or if ``y`` is neither binary nor multiclass, :class:`KFold` is used. Refer :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>` for the various cross-validators that can be used here. n_jobs : integer, optional Number of jobs to run in parallel (default 1). """ plt.figure() plt.title(title) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(*ylim) plt.xlabel("Training examples") plt.ylabel("Score") train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs, train_sizes=train_sizes) train_scores_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_scores_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) test_scores_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_scores_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1) plt.grid() plt.fill_between(train_sizes, train_scores_mean - train_scores_std, train_scores_mean + train_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="r") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, test_scores_mean - test_scores_std, test_scores_mean + test_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="g") plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores_mean, 'o-', color="r", label="Training score") plt.plot(train_sizes, test_scores_mean, 'o-', color="g", label="Cross-validation score") plt.legend(loc="best") return plt digits = load_digits() X, y =, title = "Learning Curves (Naive Bayes)" # Cross validation with 100 iterations to get smoother mean test and train # score curves, each time with 20% data randomly selected as a validation set. cv = ShuffleSplit(n_iter=100, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) estimator = GaussianNB() plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, ylim=(0.7, 1.01), cv=cv, n_jobs=4) title = "Learning Curves (SVM, RBF kernel, $\gamma=0.001$)" # SVC is more expensive so we do a lower number of CV iterations: cv = ShuffleSplit(n_iter=10, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) estimator = SVC(gamma=0.001) plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, (0.7, 1.01), cv=cv, n_jobs=4)
from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( int_or_none, float_or_none, str_to_int, ) class VidmeIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://vid\.me/(?:e/)?(?P<id>[\da-zA-Z]+)' _TEST = { 'url': '', 'md5': 'f42d05e7149aeaec5c037b17e5d3dc82', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'QNB', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Fishing for piranha - the easy way', 'description': 'source:', 'duration': 119.92, 'timestamp': 1406313244, 'upload_date': '20140725', 'thumbnail': 're:^https?://.*\.jpg', }, } def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) video_id ='id') webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) video_url = self._html_search_regex(r'<source src="([^"]+)"', webpage, 'video URL') title = self._og_search_title(webpage) description = self._og_search_description(webpage, default='') thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage) timestamp = int_or_none(self._og_search_property('updated_time', webpage, fatal=False)) width = int_or_none(self._og_search_property('video:width', webpage, fatal=False)) height = int_or_none(self._og_search_property('video:height', webpage, fatal=False)) duration = float_or_none(self._html_search_regex( r'data-duration="([^"]+)"', webpage, 'duration', fatal=False)) view_count = str_to_int(self._html_search_regex( r'<span class="video_views">\s*([\d,\.]+)\s*plays?', webpage, 'view count', fatal=False)) like_count = str_to_int(self._html_search_regex( r'class="score js-video-vote-score"[^>]+data-score="([\d,\.\s]+)">', webpage, 'like count', fatal=False)) comment_count = str_to_int(self._html_search_regex( r'class="js-comment-count"[^>]+data-count="([\d,\.\s]+)">', webpage, 'comment count', fatal=False)) return { 'id': video_id, 'url': video_url, 'title': title, 'description': description, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'duration': duration, 'view_count': view_count, 'like_count': like_count, 'comment_count': comment_count, }
""" This file contains all entrance exam related utils/logic. """ from django.conf import settings from courseware.access import has_access from courseware.model_data import FieldDataCache, ScoresClient from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey from student.models import EntranceExamConfiguration from util.milestones_helpers import get_required_content from util.module_utils import yield_dynamic_descriptor_descendants from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore def feature_is_enabled(): """ Checks to see if the Entrance Exams feature is enabled Use this operation instead of checking the feature flag all over the place """ return settings.FEATURES.get('ENTRANCE_EXAMS', False) def course_has_entrance_exam(course): """ Checks to see if a course is properly configured for an entrance exam """ if not feature_is_enabled(): return False if not course.entrance_exam_enabled: return False if not course.entrance_exam_id: return False return True def user_can_skip_entrance_exam(request, user, course): """ Checks all of the various override conditions for a user to skip an entrance exam Begin by short-circuiting if the course does not have an entrance exam """ if not course_has_entrance_exam(course): return True if not user.is_authenticated(): return False if has_access(user, 'staff', course): return True if EntranceExamConfiguration.user_can_skip_entrance_exam(user, return True if not get_entrance_exam_content(request, course): return True return False def user_has_passed_entrance_exam(request, course): """ Checks to see if the user has attained a sufficient score to pass the exam Begin by short-circuiting if the course does not have an entrance exam """ if not course_has_entrance_exam(course): return True if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return False entrance_exam_score = get_entrance_exam_score(request, course) if entrance_exam_score >= course.entrance_exam_minimum_score_pct: return True return False # pylint: disable=invalid-name def user_must_complete_entrance_exam(request, user, course): """ Some courses can be gated on an Entrance Exam, which is a specially-configured chapter module which presents users with a problem set which they must complete. This particular workflow determines whether or not the user is allowed to clear the Entrance Exam gate and access the rest of the course. """ # First, let's see if the user is allowed to skip if user_can_skip_entrance_exam(request, user, course): return False # If they can't actually skip the exam, we'll need to see if they've already passed it if user_has_passed_entrance_exam(request, course): return False # Can't skip, haven't passed, must take the exam return True def _calculate_entrance_exam_score(user, course_descriptor, exam_modules): """ Calculates the score (percent) of the entrance exam using the provided modules """ student_module_dict = {} scores_client = ScoresClient(, locations = [exam_module.location for exam_module in exam_modules] scores_client.fetch_scores(locations) # Iterate over all of the exam modules to get score of user for each of them for exam_module in exam_modules: exam_module_score = scores_client.get(exam_module.location) if exam_module_score: student_module_dict[unicode(exam_module.location)] = { 'grade': exam_module_score.correct, 'max_grade': } exam_percentage = 0 module_percentages = [] ignore_categories = ['course', 'chapter', 'sequential', 'vertical'] for module in exam_modules: if module.graded and module.category not in ignore_categories: module_percentage = 0 module_location = unicode(module.location) if module_location in student_module_dict and student_module_dict[module_location]['max_grade']: student_module = student_module_dict[module_location] module_percentage = student_module['grade'] / student_module['max_grade'] module_percentages.append(module_percentage) if module_percentages: exam_percentage = sum(module_percentages) / float(len(module_percentages)) return exam_percentage def get_entrance_exam_score(request, course): """ Gather the set of modules which comprise the entrance exam Note that 'request' may not actually be a genuine request, due to the circular nature of module_render calling entrance_exams and get_module_for_descriptor being used here. In some use cases, the caller is actually mocking a request, although in these scenarios the 'user' child object can be trusted and used as expected. It's a much larger refactoring job to break this legacy mess apart, unfortunately. """ exam_key = UsageKey.from_string(course.entrance_exam_id) exam_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(exam_key) def inner_get_module(descriptor): """ Delegate to get_module_for_descriptor (imported here to avoid circular reference) """ from courseware.module_render import get_module_for_descriptor field_data_cache = FieldDataCache([descriptor],, request.user) return get_module_for_descriptor( request.user, request, descriptor, field_data_cache,, course=course ) exam_module_generators = yield_dynamic_descriptor_descendants( exam_descriptor,, inner_get_module ) exam_modules = [module for module in exam_module_generators] return _calculate_entrance_exam_score(request.user, course, exam_modules) def get_entrance_exam_content(request, course): """ Get the entrance exam content information (ie, chapter module) """ required_content = get_required_content(course, request.user) exam_module = None for content in required_content: usage_key = module_item = modulestore().get_item(usage_key) if not module_item.hide_from_toc and module_item.is_entrance_exam: exam_module = module_item break return exam_module
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.addons.mail.tests.common import TestMail from import mute_logger class TestInvite(TestMail): @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail') def test_invite_email(self): mail_invite = self.env['mail.wizard.invite'].with_context({ 'default_res_model': '', 'default_res_id': }).sudo({ 'partner_ids': [(4,, (4,], 'send_mail': True}) mail_invite.add_followers() # Test: Pigs followers should contain Admin, Bert self.assertEqual(self.group_pigs.message_partner_ids, self.user_portal.partner_id | self.partner_1, 'invite wizard: Pigs followers after invite is incorrect, should be Admin + added follower') self.assertEqual(self.group_pigs.message_follower_ids.mapped('channel_id'), self.env[''], 'invite wizard: Pigs followers after invite is incorrect, should not have channels') # Test: (pretend to) send email and check subject, body self.assertEqual(len(self._mails), 2, 'invite wizard: sent email number incorrect, should be only for Bert') self.assertEqual(self._mails[0].get('subject'), 'Invitation to follow Discussion channel: Pigs', 'invite wizard: subject of invitation email is incorrect') self.assertEqual(self._mails[1].get('subject'), 'Invitation to follow Discussion channel: Pigs', 'invite wizard: subject of invitation email is incorrect') self.assertIn('%s invited you to follow Discussion channel document: Pigs' %, self._mails[0].get('body'), 'invite wizard: body of invitation email is incorrect') self.assertIn('%s invited you to follow Discussion channel document: Pigs' %, self._mails[1].get('body'), 'invite wizard: body of invitation email is incorrect')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Minio Python Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Note: YOUR-ACCESSKEYID and YOUR-SECRETACCESSKEY are # dummy values, please replace them with original values. from minio import Minio client = Minio('', access_key='YOUR-ACCESSKEYID', secret_key='YOUR-SECRETACCESSKEY') buckets = client.list_buckets() for bucket in buckets: print(, bucket.creation_date)
# Copyright (c) 2009 Raymond Hettinger. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # This code is obtained from from collections import MutableMapping class OrderedDict(dict, MutableMapping): # Methods with direct access to underlying attributes def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError('expected at 1 argument, got %d', len(args)) if not hasattr(self, '_keys'): self._keys = [] self.update(*args, **kwds) def clear(self): del self._keys[:] dict.clear(self) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self: self._keys.append(key) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): dict.__delitem__(self, key) self._keys.remove(key) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._keys) def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self._keys) def popitem(self): if not self: raise KeyError key = self._keys.pop() value = dict.pop(self, key) return key, value def __reduce__(self): items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self] inst_dict = vars(self).copy() inst_dict.pop('_keys', None) return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict) # Methods with indirect access via the above methods setdefault = MutableMapping.setdefault update = MutableMapping.update pop = MutableMapping.pop keys = MutableMapping.keys values = MutableMapping.values items = MutableMapping.items def __repr__(self): pairs = ', '.join(map('%r: %r'.__mod__, self.items())) return '%s({%s})' % (self.__class__.__name__, pairs) def copy(self): return self.__class__(self) @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): d = cls() for key in iterable: d[key] = value return d
# Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Kerr # Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Meade # Copyright (c) 2015 Rushil Chugh # Copyright (c) 2015 Yogesh Kshirsagar # Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import ddt import time import mock from oslo_utils import units import six from cinder import exception from cinder import test from cinder.tests.unit import fake_snapshot from cinder.tests.unit import utils as cinder_utils from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import fakes as \ eseries_fake from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import client as es_client from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import exception as eseries_exc from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import host_mapper from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import library from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import utils from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils def get_fake_volume(): return { 'id': '114774fb-e15a-4fae-8ee2-c9723e3645ef', 'size': 1, 'volume_name': 'lun1', 'host': 'hostname@backend#DDP', 'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'lun1', 'name_id': '114774fb-e15a-4fae-8ee2-c9723e3645ef', 'provider_auth': 'provider a b', 'project_id': 'project', 'display_name': None, 'display_description': 'lun1', 'volume_type_id': None, 'migration_status': None, 'attach_status': "detached" } @ddt.ddt class NetAppEseriesLibraryTestCase(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(NetAppEseriesLibraryTestCase, self).setUp() kwargs = {'configuration': eseries_fake.create_configuration_eseries()} self.library = library.NetAppESeriesLibrary('FAKE', **kwargs) # Deprecated Option self.library.configuration.netapp_storage_pools = None self.library._client = eseries_fake.FakeEseriesClient() with mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new = cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall): self.library.check_for_setup_error() def test_do_setup(self): self.mock_object(self.library, '_check_mode_get_or_register_storage_system') self.mock_object(es_client, 'RestClient', eseries_fake.FakeEseriesClient) mock_check_flags = self.mock_object(na_utils, 'check_flags') self.library.do_setup(mock.Mock()) self.assertTrue(mock_check_flags.called)'optimal', True), ('offline', False), ('needsAttn', True), ('neverContacted', False), ('newKey', True), (None, True)) @ddt.unpack @mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new= cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall) def test_check_storage_system_status(self, status, status_valid): system = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_SYSTEM) system['status'] = status status = status.lower() if status is not None else '' actual_status, actual_valid = ( self.library._check_storage_system_status(system)) self.assertEqual(status, actual_status) self.assertEqual(status_valid, actual_valid)'valid', True), ('invalid', False), ('unknown', False), ('newKey', True), (None, True)) @ddt.unpack @mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new= cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall) def test_check_password_status(self, status, status_valid): system = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_SYSTEM) system['passwordStatus'] = status status = status.lower() if status is not None else '' actual_status, actual_valid = ( self.library._check_password_status(system)) self.assertEqual(status, actual_status) self.assertEqual(status_valid, actual_valid) def test_check_storage_system_bad_system(self): exc_str = "bad_system" controller_ips = self.library.configuration.netapp_controller_ips self.library._client.list_storage_system = mock.Mock( side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException(message=exc_str)) info_log = self.mock_object(library.LOG, 'info', mock.Mock()) self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.NetAppDriverException, exc_str, self.library._check_storage_system) info_log.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, controller_ips) @mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new= cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall) def test_check_storage_system(self): system = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_SYSTEM) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_storage_system', new_attr=mock.Mock(return_value=system)) update_password = self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'update_stored_system_password') info_log = self.mock_object(library.LOG, 'info', mock.Mock()) self.library._check_storage_system() self.assertTrue(update_password.called) self.assertTrue(info_log.called){'status': 'optimal', 'passwordStatus': 'invalid'}, {'status': 'offline', 'passwordStatus': 'valid'}) @mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new= cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall) def test_check_storage_system_bad_status(self, system): self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_storage_system', new_attr=mock.Mock(return_value=system)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'update_stored_system_password') self.mock_object(time, 'time', new_attr = mock.Mock( side_effect=xrange(0, 60, 5))) self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.NetAppDriverException, 'bad.*?status', self.library._check_storage_system) @mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new= cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall) def test_check_storage_system_update_password(self): self.library.configuration.netapp_sa_password = 'password' def get_system_iter(): key = 'passwordStatus' system = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_SYSTEM) system[key] = 'invalid' yield system yield system system[key] = 'valid' yield system self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_storage_system', new_attr=mock.Mock(side_effect=get_system_iter())) update_password = self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'update_stored_system_password', new_attr=mock.Mock()) info_log = self.mock_object(library.LOG, 'info', mock.Mock()) self.library._check_storage_system() update_password.assert_called_once_with( self.library.configuration.netapp_sa_password) self.assertTrue(info_log.called) def test_get_storage_pools_empty_result(self): """Verify an exception is raised if no pools are returned.""" self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = '$' def test_get_storage_pools_invalid_conf(self): """Verify an exception is raised if the regex pattern is invalid.""" self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = '(.*' self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidConfigurationValue, self.library._get_storage_pools) def test_get_storage_pools_default(self): """Verify that all pools are returned if the search option is empty.""" filtered_pools = self.library._get_storage_pools() self.assertEqual(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOLS, filtered_pools)'[\d]+,a', ['1', '2', 'a', 'b'], ['1', '2', 'a']), ('1 , 3', ['1', '2', '3'], ['1', '3']), ('$,3', ['1', '2', '3'], ['3']), ('[a-zA-Z]+', ['1', 'a', 'B'], ['a', 'B']), ('', ['1', '2'], ['1', '2']) ) @ddt.unpack def test_get_storage_pools(self, pool_filter, pool_labels, expected_pool_labels): """Verify that pool filtering via the search_pattern works correctly :param pool_filter: A regular expression to be used for filtering via pool labels :param pool_labels: A list of pool labels :param expected_pool_labels: The labels from 'pool_labels' that should be matched by 'pool_filter' """ self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = ( pool_filter) pools = [{'label': label} for label in pool_labels] self.library._client.list_storage_pools = mock.Mock( return_value=pools) filtered_pools = self.library._get_storage_pools() filtered_pool_labels = [pool['label'] for pool in filtered_pools] self.assertEqual(expected_pool_labels, filtered_pool_labels) def test_get_volume(self): fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume()) volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) result = self.library._get_volume(fake_volume['id']) self.assertEqual(1, self.library._client.list_volume.call_count) self.assertDictMatch(volume, result) def test_get_volume_bad_input(self): volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, self.library._get_volume, None) def test_get_volume_bad_uuid(self): volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.library._get_volume, '1') def test_update_ssc_info_no_ssc(self): drives = [{'currentVolumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'driveMediaType': 'ssd'}] pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'label': 'test_vg1', 'raidLevel': 'raid6', 'securityType': 'enabled'}] self.library._client = mock.Mock() self.library._client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState( False, minimum_version="1.53.9000.1") self.library._client.SSC_VALID_VERSIONS = [(1, 53, 9000, 1), (1, 53, 9010, 15)] self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = "test_vg1" self.library._client.list_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) self.library._client.list_drives = mock.Mock(return_value=drives) self.library._update_ssc_info() self.assertEqual( {'test_vg1': {'netapp_disk_encryption': 'true', 'netapp_disk_type': 'SSD', 'netapp_raid_type': 'raid6'}}, self.library._ssc_stats), False) def test_update_ssc_info(self, data_assurance_supported): self.library._client = mock.Mock() self.library._client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState( True, minimum_version="1.53.9000.1") self.library._client.list_ssc_storage_pools = mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.SSC_POOLS) self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOLS) # Data Assurance is not supported on some storage backends self.library._is_data_assurance_supported = mock.Mock( return_value=data_assurance_supported) self.library._update_ssc_info() for pool in eseries_fake.SSC_POOLS: poolId = pool['poolId'] raid_lvl = self.library.SSC_RAID_TYPE_MAPPING.get( pool['raidLevel'], 'unknown') if pool['pool']["driveMediaType"] == 'ssd': disk_type = 'SSD' else: disk_type = pool['pool']['drivePhysicalType'] disk_type = ( self.library.SSC_DISK_TYPE_MAPPING.get( disk_type, 'unknown')) da_enabled = pool['dataAssuranceCapable'] and ( data_assurance_supported) thin_provisioned = pool['thinProvisioningCapable'] expected = { 'netapp_disk_encryption': six.text_type(pool['encrypted']).lower(), 'netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache': six.text_type(pool['flashCacheCapable']).lower(), 'netapp_thin_provisioned': six.text_type(thin_provisioned).lower(), 'netapp_eseries_data_assurance': six.text_type(da_enabled).lower(), 'netapp_eseries_disk_spindle_speed': pool['spindleSpeed'], 'netapp_raid_type': raid_lvl, 'netapp_disk_type': disk_type } actual = self.library._ssc_stats[poolId] self.assertDictMatch(expected, actual)'FC', True), ('iSCSI', False)) @ddt.unpack def test_is_data_assurance_supported(self, backend_storage_protocol, enabled): self.mock_object(self.library, 'driver_protocol', backend_storage_protocol) actual = self.library._is_data_assurance_supported() self.assertEqual(enabled, actual)'scsi', 'fibre', 'sas', 'sata', 'garbage') def test_update_ssc_disk_types(self, disk_type): drives = [{'currentVolumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'interfaceType': {'driveType': disk_type}}] pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1'}] self.library._client.list_drives = mock.Mock(return_value=drives) self.library._client.get_storage_pool = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) ssc_stats = self.library._update_ssc_disk_types(pools) expected = self.library.SSC_DISK_TYPE_MAPPING.get(disk_type, 'unknown') self.assertEqual({'test_vg1': {'netapp_disk_type': expected}}, ssc_stats)'scsi', 'fibre', 'sas', 'sata', 'garbage') def test_update_ssc_disk_types_ssd(self, disk_type): drives = [{'currentVolumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'driveMediaType': 'ssd', 'driveType': disk_type}] pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1'}] self.library._client.list_drives = mock.Mock(return_value=drives) self.library._client.get_storage_pool = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) ssc_stats = self.library._update_ssc_disk_types(pools) self.assertEqual({'test_vg1': {'netapp_disk_type': 'SSD'}}, ssc_stats)'enabled', 'none', 'capable', 'unknown', '__UNDEFINED', 'garbage') def test_update_ssc_disk_encryption(self, securityType): pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'securityType': securityType}] self.library._client.list_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) ssc_stats = self.library._update_ssc_disk_encryption(pools) # Convert the boolean value to a lower-case string value expected = 'true' if securityType == "enabled" else 'false' self.assertEqual({'test_vg1': {'netapp_disk_encryption': expected}}, ssc_stats) def test_update_ssc_disk_encryption_multiple(self): pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'securityType': 'none'}, {'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg2', 'securityType': 'enabled'}] self.library._client.list_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) ssc_stats = self.library._update_ssc_disk_encryption(pools) self.assertEqual({'test_vg1': {'netapp_disk_encryption': 'false'}, 'test_vg2': {'netapp_disk_encryption': 'true'}}, ssc_stats), False) def test_get_volume_stats(self, refresh): fake_stats = {'key': 'val'} def populate_stats(): self.library._stats = fake_stats self.library._update_volume_stats = mock.Mock( side_effect=populate_stats) self.library._update_ssc_info = mock.Mock() self.library._ssc_stats = {self.library.THIN_UQ_SPEC: True} actual = self.library.get_volume_stats(refresh = refresh) if(refresh): self.library._update_volume_stats.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual(fake_stats, actual) else: self.assertEqual(0, self.library._update_volume_stats.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, self.library._update_ssc_info.call_count) def test_get_volume_stats_no_ssc(self): """Validate that SSC data is collected if not yet populated""" fake_stats = {'key': 'val'} def populate_stats(): self.library._stats = fake_stats self.library._update_volume_stats = mock.Mock( side_effect=populate_stats) self.library._update_ssc_info = mock.Mock() self.library._ssc_stats = None actual = self.library.get_volume_stats(refresh = True) self.library._update_volume_stats.assert_called_once_with() self.library._update_ssc_info.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual(fake_stats, actual) def test_update_volume_stats_provisioning(self): """Validate pool capacity calculations""" fake_pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL) self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_pool]) self.mock_object(self.library, '_ssc_stats', new_attr={fake_pool[ "volumeGroupRef"]: {self.library.THIN_UQ_SPEC: True}}) self.library.configuration = mock.Mock() reserved_pct = 5 over_subscription_ratio = 1.0 self.library.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio = ( over_subscription_ratio) self.library.configuration.reserved_percentage = reserved_pct total_gb = int(fake_pool['totalRaidedSpace']) / units.Gi used_gb = int(fake_pool['usedSpace']) / units.Gi free_gb = total_gb - used_gb self.library._update_volume_stats() self.assertEqual(1, len(self.library._stats['pools'])) pool_stats = self.library._stats['pools'][0] self.assertEqual(fake_pool['label'], pool_stats.get('pool_name')) self.assertEqual(reserved_pct, pool_stats['reserved_percentage']) self.assertEqual(over_subscription_ratio, pool_stats['max_oversubscription_ratio']) self.assertEqual(total_gb, pool_stats.get('total_capacity_gb')) self.assertEqual(used_gb, pool_stats.get('provisioned_capacity_gb')) self.assertEqual(free_gb, pool_stats.get('free_capacity_gb')), True) def test_update_volume_stats_thin_provisioning(self, thin_provisioning): """Validate that thin provisioning support is correctly reported""" fake_pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL) self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_pool]) self.mock_object(self.library, '_ssc_stats', new_attr={fake_pool[ "volumeGroupRef"]: {self.library.THIN_UQ_SPEC: thin_provisioning}}) self.library._update_volume_stats() self.assertEqual(1, len(self.library._stats['pools'])) pool_stats = self.library._stats['pools'][0] self.assertEqual(thin_provisioning, pool_stats.get( 'thin_provisioning_support')) # Should always be True self.assertTrue(pool_stats.get('thick_provisioning_support')) def test_update_volume_stats_ssc(self): """Ensure that the SSC data is correctly reported in the pool stats""" ssc = {self.library.THIN_UQ_SPEC: True, 'key': 'val'} fake_pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL) self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_pool]) self.mock_object(self.library, '_ssc_stats', new_attr={fake_pool[ "volumeGroupRef"]: ssc}) self.library._update_volume_stats() self.assertEqual(1, len(self.library._stats['pools'])) pool_stats = self.library._stats['pools'][0] for key in ssc: self.assertIn(key, pool_stats) self.assertEqual(ssc[key], pool_stats[key]) def test_update_volume_stats_no_ssc(self): """Ensure that that pool stats are correctly reported without SSC""" fake_pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL) self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_pool]) self.library._update_volume_stats() self.assertEqual(1, len(self.library._stats['pools'])) pool_stats = self.library._stats['pools'][0] self.assertFalse(pool_stats.get('thin_provisioning_support')) # Should always be True self.assertTrue(pool_stats.get('thick_provisioning_support')) def test_terminate_connection_iscsi_no_hosts(self): connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.library.terminate_connection_iscsi, get_fake_volume(), connector) def test_terminate_connection_iscsi_volume_not_mapped(self): connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) volume['listOfMappings'] = [] self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) self.assertRaises(eseries_exc.VolumeNotMapped, self.library.terminate_connection_iscsi, get_fake_volume(), connector) def test_terminate_connection_iscsi_volume_mapped(self): connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [ eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING ] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host') self.library.terminate_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.unmap_volume_from_host.called) def test_terminate_connection_iscsi_not_mapped_initiator_does_not_exist( self): connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[eseries_fake.HOST_2])) self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.library.terminate_connection_iscsi, get_fake_volume(), connector) def test_initialize_connection_iscsi_volume_not_mapped(self): connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [ eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING ] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue( self.library._client.get_volume_mappings_for_volume.called) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_initialize_connection_iscsi_volume_not_mapped_host_does_not_exist( self): connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'create_host_with_ports', mock.Mock(return_value=eseries_fake.HOST)) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [ eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING ] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue( self.library._client.get_volume_mappings_for_volume.called) self.assertTrue(self.library._client.list_hosts.called) self.assertTrue(self.library._client.create_host_with_ports.called) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_initialize_connection_iscsi_volume_already_mapped_to_target_host( self): """Should be a no-op""" connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_initialize_connection_iscsi_volume_mapped_to_another_host(self): """Should raise error saying multiattach not enabled""" connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME} fake_mapping_to_other_host = copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING) fake_mapping_to_other_host['mapRef'] = eseries_fake.HOST_2[ 'hostRef'] self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException)) self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi, get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called), fczm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(eseries_fake.WWPN)) def test_get_host_with_matching_port_wwpn(self, port_id): port_ids = [port_id] host = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST) host.update( { 'hostSidePorts': [{'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'fc', 'address': eseries_fake.WWPN}] } ) host_2 = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST_2) host_2.update( { 'hostSidePorts': [{'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'fc', 'address': eseries_fake.WWPN_2}] } ) host_list = [host, host_2] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=host_list)) actual_host = self.library._get_host_with_matching_port( port_ids) self.assertEqual(host, actual_host) def test_get_host_with_matching_port_iqn(self): port_ids = [eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME] host = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST) host.update( { 'hostSidePorts': [{'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'iscsi', 'address': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME}] } ) host_2 = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST_2) host_2.update( { 'hostSidePorts': [{'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'iscsi', 'address': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME_2}] } ) host_list = [host, host_2] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=host_list)) actual_host = self.library._get_host_with_matching_port( port_ids) self.assertEqual(host, actual_host) def test_terminate_connection_fc_no_hosts(self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.library.terminate_connection_fc, get_fake_volume(), connector) def test_terminate_connection_fc_volume_not_mapped(self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} fake_host = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST) fake_host['hostSidePorts'] = [{ 'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'fc', 'address': eseries_fake.WWPN }] volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) volume['listOfMappings'] = [] self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=volume)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_host])) self.assertRaises(eseries_exc.VolumeNotMapped, self.library.terminate_connection_fc, get_fake_volume(), connector) def test_terminate_connection_fc_volume_mapped(self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} fake_host = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST) fake_host['hostSidePorts'] = [{ 'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'fc', 'address': eseries_fake.WWPN }] fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [ copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING) ] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_host])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host') self.library.terminate_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.unmap_volume_from_host.called) def test_terminate_connection_fc_volume_mapped_no_cleanup_zone(self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} fake_host = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST) fake_host['hostSidePorts'] = [{ 'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'fc', 'address': eseries_fake.WWPN }] expected_target_info = { 'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel', 'data': {}, } fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [ copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING) ] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_host])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host') self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_host', mock.Mock(return_value=[copy.deepcopy (eseries_fake. VOLUME_MAPPING)])) target_info = self.library.terminate_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertDictEqual(expected_target_info, target_info) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.unmap_volume_from_host.called) def test_terminate_connection_fc_volume_mapped_cleanup_zone(self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} fake_host = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.HOST) fake_host['hostSidePorts'] = [{ 'label': 'NewStore', 'type': 'fc', 'address': eseries_fake.WWPN }] expected_target_info = { 'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel', 'data': { 'target_wwn': [eseries_fake.WWPN_2], 'initiator_target_map': { eseries_fake.WWPN: [eseries_fake.WWPN_2] }, }, } fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [ copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING) ] self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_host])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host') self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_host', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) target_info = self.library.terminate_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertDictEqual(expected_target_info, target_info) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.unmap_volume_from_host.called) def test_terminate_connection_fc_not_mapped_host_with_wwpn_does_not_exist( self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[eseries_fake.HOST_2])) self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.library.terminate_connection_fc, get_fake_volume(), connector) def test_initialize_connection_fc_volume_not_mapped(self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) expected_target_info = { 'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel', 'data': { 'target_discovered': True, 'target_lun': 0, 'target_wwn': [eseries_fake.WWPN_2], 'access_mode': 'rw', 'initiator_target_map': { eseries_fake.WWPN: [eseries_fake.WWPN_2] }, }, } target_info = self.library.initialize_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue( self.library._client.get_volume_mappings_for_volume.called) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) self.assertDictEqual(expected_target_info, target_info) def test_initialize_connection_fc_volume_not_mapped_host_does_not_exist( self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} self.library.driver_protocol = 'FC' self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'create_host_with_ports', mock.Mock(return_value=eseries_fake.HOST)) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) self.library.initialize_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.library._client.create_host_with_ports.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, mock.ANY, [fczm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(eseries_fake.WWPN)], port_type='fc', group_id=None ) def test_initialize_connection_fc_volume_already_mapped_to_target_host( self): """Should be a no-op""" connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) self.library.initialize_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_initialize_connection_fc_volume_mapped_to_another_host(self): """Should raise error saying multiattach not enabled""" connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} fake_mapping_to_other_host = copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING) fake_mapping_to_other_host['mapRef'] = eseries_fake.HOST_2[ 'hostRef'] self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException)) self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.initialize_connection_fc, get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_initialize_connection_fc_no_target_wwpns(self): """Should be a no-op""" connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN]} self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_target_wwpns', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException, self.library.initialize_connection_fc, get_fake_volume(), connector) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_build_initiator_target_map_fc_with_lookup_service( self): connector = {'wwpns': [eseries_fake.WWPN, eseries_fake.WWPN_2]} self.library.lookup_service = mock.Mock() self.library.lookup_service.get_device_mapping_from_network = ( mock.Mock(return_value=eseries_fake.FC_FABRIC_MAP)) (target_wwpns, initiator_target_map, num_paths) = ( self.library._build_initiator_target_map_fc(connector)) self.assertSetEqual(set(eseries_fake.FC_TARGET_WWPNS), set(target_wwpns)) self.assertDictEqual(eseries_fake.FC_I_T_MAP, initiator_target_map) self.assertEqual(4, num_paths)'raid0', 'raid0'), ('raid1', 'raid1'), ('raid3', 'raid5'), ('raid5', 'raid5'), ('raid6', 'raid6'), ('raidDiskPool', 'DDP')) @ddt.unpack def test_update_ssc_raid_type(self, raid_lvl, raid_lvl_mapping): pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'raidLevel': raid_lvl}] self.library._client.list_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) ssc_stats = self.library._update_ssc_raid_type(pools) self.assertEqual({'test_vg1': {'netapp_raid_type': raid_lvl_mapping}}, ssc_stats)'raidAll', '__UNDEFINED', 'unknown', 'raidUnsupported', 'garbage') def test_update_ssc_raid_type_invalid(self, raid_lvl): pools = [{'volumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1', 'raidLevel': raid_lvl}] self.library._client.list_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=pools) ssc_stats = self.library._update_ssc_raid_type(pools) self.assertEqual({'test_vg1': {'netapp_raid_type': 'unknown'}}, ssc_stats) def test_create_asup(self): self.library._client = mock.Mock() self.library._client.features.AUTOSUPPORT = na_utils.FeatureState() self.library._client.api_operating_mode = ( eseries_fake.FAKE_ASUP_DATA['operating-mode']) self.library._app_version = eseries_fake.FAKE_APP_VERSION self.mock_object( self.library._client, 'get_firmware_version', mock.Mock(return_value=( eseries_fake.FAKE_ASUP_DATA['system-version']))) self.mock_object( self.library._client, 'get_serial_numbers', mock.Mock(return_value=eseries_fake.FAKE_SERIAL_NUMBERS)) self.mock_object( self.library._client, 'get_model_name', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.FAKE_CONTROLLERS[0]['modelName'])) self.mock_object( self.library._client, 'set_counter', mock.Mock(return_value={'value': 1})) mock_invoke = self.mock_object( self.library._client, 'add_autosupport_data') self.library._create_asup(eseries_fake.FAKE_CINDER_HOST) mock_invoke.assert_called_with(eseries_fake.FAKE_KEY, eseries_fake.FAKE_ASUP_DATA) def test_create_asup_not_supported(self): self.library._client = mock.Mock() self.library._client.features.AUTOSUPPORT = na_utils.FeatureState( supported=False) mock_invoke = self.mock_object( self.library._client, 'add_autosupport_data') self.library._create_asup(eseries_fake.FAKE_CINDER_HOST) mock_invoke.assert_not_called() @mock.patch.object(library, 'LOG', mock.Mock()) def test_create_volume_fail_clean(self): """Test volume creation fail w/o a partial volume being created. Test the failed creation of a volume where a partial volume with the name has not been created, thus no cleanup is required. """ self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock( side_effect = exception.VolumeNotFound(message='')) self.library._client.create_volume = mock.Mock( side_effect = exception.NetAppDriverException) self.library._client.delete_volume = mock.Mock() fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume()) self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.create_volume, fake_volume) self.assertTrue(self.library._get_volume.called) self.assertFalse(self.library._client.delete_volume.called) self.assertEqual(1, library.LOG.error.call_count) @mock.patch.object(library, 'LOG', mock.Mock()) def test_create_volume_fail_dirty(self): """Test volume creation fail where a partial volume has been created. Test scenario where the creation of a volume fails and a partial volume is created with the name/id that was supplied by to the original creation call. In this situation the partial volume should be detected and removed. """ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume()) self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume) self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume) self.library._client.create_volume = mock.Mock( side_effect = exception.NetAppDriverException) self.library._client.delete_volume = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.create_volume, fake_volume) self.assertTrue(self.library._get_volume.called) self.assertTrue(self.library._client.delete_volume.called) self.library._client.delete_volume.assert_called_once_with( fake_volume["id"]) self.assertEqual(1, library.LOG.error.call_count) @mock.patch.object(library, 'LOG', mock.Mock()) def test_create_volume_fail_dirty_fail_delete(self): """Volume creation fail with partial volume deletion fails Test scenario where the creation of a volume fails and a partial volume is created with the name/id that was supplied by to the original creation call. The partial volume is detected but when the cleanup deletetion of that fragment volume is attempted it fails. """ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume()) self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume) self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume) self.library._client.create_volume = mock.Mock( side_effect = exception.NetAppDriverException) self.library._client.delete_volume = mock.Mock( side_effect = exception.NetAppDriverException) self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.create_volume, fake_volume) self.assertTrue(self.library._get_volume.called) self.assertTrue(self.library._client.delete_volume.called) self.library._client.delete_volume.assert_called_once_with( fake_volume["id"]) self.assertEqual(2, library.LOG.error.call_count) @ddt.ddt class NetAppEseriesLibraryMultiAttachTestCase(test.TestCase): """Test driver when netapp_enable_multiattach is enabled. Test driver behavior when the netapp_enable_multiattach configuration option is True. """ def setUp(self): super(NetAppEseriesLibraryMultiAttachTestCase, self).setUp() config = eseries_fake.create_configuration_eseries() config.netapp_enable_multiattach = True kwargs = {'configuration': config} self.library = library.NetAppESeriesLibrary("FAKE", **kwargs) self.library._client = eseries_fake.FakeEseriesClient() with mock.patch('oslo_service.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall', new = cinder_utils.ZeroIntervalLoopingCall): self.library.check_for_setup_error() def test_do_setup_host_group_already_exists(self): mock_check_flags = self.mock_object(na_utils, 'check_flags') self.mock_object(self.library, '_check_mode_get_or_register_storage_system') fake_rest_client = eseries_fake.FakeEseriesClient() self.mock_object(self.library, '_create_rest_client', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_rest_client)) mock_create = self.mock_object(fake_rest_client, 'create_host_group') self.library.do_setup(mock.Mock()) self.assertTrue(mock_check_flags.called) self.assertFalse(mock_create.call_count) def test_do_setup_host_group_does_not_exist(self): mock_check_flags = self.mock_object(na_utils, 'check_flags') fake_rest_client = eseries_fake.FakeEseriesClient() self.mock_object(self.library, '_create_rest_client', mock.Mock(return_value=fake_rest_client)) mock_get_host_group = self.mock_object( fake_rest_client, "get_host_group_by_name", mock.Mock(side_effect=exception.NotFound)) self.mock_object(self.library, '_check_mode_get_or_register_storage_system') self.library.do_setup(mock.Mock()) self.assertTrue(mock_check_flags.called) self.assertTrue(mock_get_host_group.call_count) def test_create_volume(self): self.library._client.create_volume = mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.library.create_volume(get_fake_volume()) self.assertTrue(self.library._client.create_volume.call_count)'netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', 'true'), ('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', 'false'), ('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', None), ('netapp_thin_provisioned', 'thin_provision', 'true'), ('netapp_thin_provisioned', 'thin_provision', 'false'), ('netapp_thin_provisioned', 'thin_provision', None), ('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', 'true'), ('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', 'false'), ('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', None), ('netapp:write_cache', 'write_cache', 'true'), ('netapp:write_cache', 'write_cache', 'false'), ('netapp:write_cache', 'write_cache', None), ('netapp:read_cache', 'read_cache', 'true'), ('netapp:read_cache', 'read_cache', 'false'), ('netapp:read_cache', 'read_cache', None), ('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', 'True'), ('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', '1'), ('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', '')) @ddt.unpack def test_create_volume_with_extra_spec(self, spec, key, value): fake_volume = get_fake_volume() extra_specs = {spec: value} volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.library._client.create_volume = mock.Mock( return_value=volume) # Make this utility method return our extra spec mocked_spec_method = self.mock_object(na_utils, 'get_volume_extra_specs') mocked_spec_method.return_value = extra_specs self.library.create_volume(fake_volume) self.assertEqual(1, self.library._client.create_volume.call_count) # Ensure create_volume is called with the correct argument args, kwargs = self.library._client.create_volume.call_args self.assertIn(key, kwargs) if(value is not None): expected = na_utils.to_bool(value) else: expected = value self.assertEqual(expected, kwargs[key]) def test_create_volume_too_many_volumes(self): self.library._client.list_volumes = mock.Mock( return_value=[eseries_fake.VOLUME for __ in range(utils.MAX_LUNS_PER_HOST_GROUP + 1)]) self.library._client.create_volume = mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.create_volume, get_fake_volume()) self.assertFalse(self.library._client.create_volume.call_count) def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self): fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.mock_object(self.library, "_schedule_and_create_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(self.library, "_create_snapshot_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_snapshot_volume") self.library.create_volume_from_snapshot( get_fake_volume(), fake_snapshot.fake_snapshot_obj(None)) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._schedule_and_create_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.library._create_snapshot_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._client.delete_snapshot_volume.call_count) def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_create_fails(self): fake_dest_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.mock_object(self.library, "_schedule_and_create_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_dest_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(self.library, "_create_snapshot_volume", mock.Mock(side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException) ) self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_snapshot_volume") self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_volume") self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.create_volume_from_snapshot, get_fake_volume(), fake_snapshot.fake_snapshot_obj(None)) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._schedule_and_create_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.library._create_snapshot_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual( 0, self.library._client.delete_snapshot_volume.call_count) # Ensure the volume we were going to copy to is cleaned up self.library._client.delete_volume.assert_called_once_with( fake_dest_eseries_volume['volumeRef']) def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_copy_job_fails(self): fake_dest_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) self.mock_object(self.library, "_schedule_and_create_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_dest_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(self.library, "_create_snapshot_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_dest_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_snapshot_volume") self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_volume") fake_failed_volume_copy_job = copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.VOLUME_COPY_JOB) fake_failed_volume_copy_job['status'] = 'failed' self.mock_object(self.library._client, "create_volume_copy_job", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_failed_volume_copy_job)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, "list_vol_copy_job", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_failed_volume_copy_job)) self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException, self.library.create_volume_from_snapshot, get_fake_volume(), fake_snapshot.fake_snapshot_obj(None)) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._schedule_and_create_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.library._create_snapshot_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._client.delete_snapshot_volume.call_count) # Ensure the volume we were going to copy to is cleaned up self.library._client.delete_volume.assert_called_once_with( fake_dest_eseries_volume['volumeRef']) def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_fail_to_delete_snapshot_volume(self): fake_dest_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) fake_dest_eseries_volume['volumeRef'] = 'fake_volume_ref' self.mock_object(self.library, "_schedule_and_create_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=fake_dest_eseries_volume)) self.mock_object(self.library, "_create_snapshot_volume", mock.Mock(return_value=copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.VOLUME))) self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_snapshot_volume", mock.Mock(side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException) ) self.mock_object(self.library._client, "delete_volume") self.library.create_volume_from_snapshot( get_fake_volume(), fake_snapshot.fake_snapshot_obj(None)) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._schedule_and_create_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.library._create_snapshot_volume.call_count) self.assertEqual( 1, self.library._client.delete_snapshot_volume.call_count) # Ensure the volume we created is not cleaned up self.assertEqual(0, self.library._client.delete_volume.call_count), True) def test_get_pool_operation_progress(self, expect_complete): """Validate the operation progress is interpreted correctly""" pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL) if expect_complete: pool_progress = [] else: pool_progress = copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.FAKE_POOL_ACTION_PROGRESS) expected_actions = set(action['currentAction'] for action in pool_progress) expected_eta = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y['estimatedTimeToCompletion'], pool_progress, 0) self.library._client.get_pool_operation_progress = mock.Mock( return_value=pool_progress) complete, actions, eta = self.library._get_pool_operation_progress( pool['id']) self.assertEqual(expect_complete, complete) self.assertEqual(expected_actions, actions) self.assertEqual(expected_eta, eta), True) def test_get_pool_operation_progress_with_action(self, expect_complete): """Validate the operation progress is interpreted correctly""" expected_action = 'fakeAction' pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL) if expect_complete: pool_progress = copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.FAKE_POOL_ACTION_PROGRESS) for progress in pool_progress: progress['currentAction'] = 'none' else: pool_progress = copy.deepcopy( eseries_fake.FAKE_POOL_ACTION_PROGRESS) pool_progress[0]['currentAction'] = expected_action expected_actions = set(action['currentAction'] for action in pool_progress) expected_eta = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y['estimatedTimeToCompletion'], pool_progress, 0) self.library._client.get_pool_operation_progress = mock.Mock( return_value=pool_progress) complete, actions, eta = self.library._get_pool_operation_progress( pool['id'], expected_action) self.assertEqual(expect_complete, complete) self.assertEqual(expected_actions, actions) self.assertEqual(expected_eta, eta) @mock.patch('eventlet.greenthread.sleep') def test_extend_volume(self, _mock_sleep): """Test volume extend with a thick-provisioned volume""" def get_copy_progress(): for eta in xrange(5, -1, -1): action_status = 'none' if eta == 0 else 'remappingDve' complete = action_status == 'none' yield complete, action_status, eta fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume()) volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) new_capacity = 10 volume['objectType'] = 'volume' self.library._client.expand_volume = mock.Mock() self.library._get_pool_operation_progress = mock.Mock( side_effect=get_copy_progress()) self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) self.library.extend_volume(fake_volume, new_capacity) # Ensure that the extend method waits until the expansion is completed self.assertEqual(6, self.library._get_pool_operation_progress.call_count ) self.library._client.expand_volume.assert_called_with(volume['id'], new_capacity, False) def test_extend_volume_thin(self): """Test volume extend with a thin-provisioned volume""" fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume()) volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME) new_capacity = 10 volume['objectType'] = 'thinVolume' self.library._client.expand_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) self.library._get_volume_operation_progress = mock.Mock() self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume) self.library.extend_volume(fake_volume, new_capacity) self.assertFalse(self.library._get_volume_operation_progress.called) self.library._client.expand_volume.assert_called_with(volume['id'], new_capacity, True) def test_delete_non_existing_volume(self): volume2 = get_fake_volume() # Change to a nonexistent id. volume2['name_id'] = '88888888-4444-4444-4444-cccccccccccc' self.assertIsNone(self.library.delete_volume(volume2)) def test_map_volume_to_host_volume_not_mapped(self): """Map the volume directly to destination host.""" self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) self.library.map_volume_to_host(get_fake_volume(), eseries_fake.VOLUME, eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME_2) self.assertTrue( self.library._client.get_volume_mappings_for_volume.called) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_map_volume_to_host_volume_not_mapped_host_does_not_exist(self): """Should create the host map directly to the host.""" self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'create_host_with_ports', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.HOST_2)) self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_volume', mock.Mock(return_value=[])) self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) self.library.map_volume_to_host(get_fake_volume(), eseries_fake.VOLUME, eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME_2) self.assertTrue(self.library._client.create_host_with_ports.called) self.assertTrue( self.library._client.get_volume_mappings_for_volume.called) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_single_host.called) def test_map_volume_to_host_volume_already_mapped(self): """Should be a no-op.""" self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_multiple_hosts', mock.Mock( return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING)) self.library.map_volume_to_host(get_fake_volume(), eseries_fake.VOLUME, eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME) self.assertTrue(host_mapper.map_volume_to_multiple_hosts.called)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import time from module.plugins.internal.Account import Account from module.plugins.internal.misc import parse_html_form, set_cookie class TurbobitNet(Account): __name__ = "TurbobitNet" __type__ = "account" __version__ = "0.10" __status__ = "testing" __description__ = """TurbobitNet account plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("zoidberg", "[email protected]" ), ("GammaC0de", "nitzo2001[AT]yahoo[DOT]com")] LOGIN_FAIL_PATTERN = r'>(?:E-Mail address appears to be invalid\. Please try again|Incorrect login or password)</div>' def grab_info(self, user, password, data): html = self.load("") m ='>Turbo access till ([\d.]+)<', html) if m is not None: premium = True validuntil = time.mktime(time.strptime(, "%d.%m.%Y")) else: premium = False validuntil = -1 return {'premium': premium, 'trafficleft': -1, 'validuntil': validuntil} def signin(self, user, password, data): set_cookie(self.req.cj, "", "user_lang", "en") = self.load("") if "<a href='/user/logout'" in self.skip_login() action, inputs = parse_html_form('class="form-horizontal login mail"', if not inputs: self.fail_login(_("Login form not found")) inputs['user[login]'] = user inputs['user[pass]'] = password inputs['user[submit]'] = "Sign in" if inputs.get('user[captcha_type]'): self.fail_login(_("Logging in with captcha is not supported, please disable catcha in turbobit's account settings")) = self.load("", post=inputs) if "<a href='/user/logout'" in self.log_debug(_("Login successful")) elif, self.fail_login() elif ">Please enter the captcha code.</div>" in self.fail_login(_("Logging in with captcha is not supported, please disable catcha in turbobit's account settings")) else: self.fail_login(_("Unknown response"))
from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime from django.test import TestCase from .models import Thing class ReservedNameTests(TestCase): def generate(self): day1 =, 1, 1) Thing.objects.create(when='a', join='b', like='c', drop='d', alter='e', having='f', where=day1, has_hyphen='h') day2 =, 2, 2) Thing.objects.create(when='h', join='i', like='j', drop='k', alter='l', having='m', where=day2) def test_simple(self): day1 =, 1, 1) t = Thing.objects.create(when='a', join='b', like='c', drop='d', alter='e', having='f', where=day1, has_hyphen='h') self.assertEqual(t.when, 'a') day2 =, 2, 2) u = Thing.objects.create(when='h', join='i', like='j', drop='k', alter='l', having='m', where=day2) self.assertEqual(u.when, 'h') def test_order_by(self): self.generate() things = [t.when for t in Thing.objects.order_by('when')] self.assertEqual(things, ['a', 'h']) def test_fields(self): self.generate() v = Thing.objects.get(pk='a') self.assertEqual(v.join, 'b') self.assertEqual(v.where,, month=1, day=1)) def test_dates(self): self.generate() resp = Thing.objects.dates('where', 'year') self.assertEqual(list(resp), [, 1, 1),, 1, 1), ]) def test_month_filter(self): self.generate() self.assertEqual(Thing.objects.filter(where__month=1)[0].when, 'a')
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import webob from nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib import quota_classes from nova.api.openstack.compute import plugins from nova.api.openstack.compute.plugins.v3 import quota_classes \ as quota_classes_v21 from nova.api.openstack import extensions from nova import exception from nova import test from nova.tests.unit.api.openstack import fakes def quota_set(class_name): return {'quota_class_set': {'id': class_name, 'metadata_items': 128, 'ram': 51200, 'floating_ips': 10, 'fixed_ips': -1, 'instances': 10, 'injected_files': 5, 'cores': 20, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 10240, 'security_groups': 10, 'security_group_rules': 20, 'key_pairs': 100, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 255}} class QuotaClassSetsTestV21(test.TestCase): validation_error = exception.ValidationError def setUp(self): super(QuotaClassSetsTestV21, self).setUp() self.req_admin = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank('', use_admin_context=True) self.req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank('') self._setup() def _setup(self): ext_info = plugins.LoadedExtensionInfo() self.controller = quota_classes_v21.QuotaClassSetsController( extension_info=ext_info) def test_format_quota_set(self): raw_quota_set = { 'instances': 10, 'cores': 20, 'ram': 51200, 'floating_ips': 10, 'fixed_ips': -1, 'metadata_items': 128, 'injected_files': 5, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 255, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 10240, 'security_groups': 10, 'security_group_rules': 20, 'key_pairs': 100, } quota_set = self.controller._format_quota_set('test_class', raw_quota_set) qs = quota_set['quota_class_set'] self.assertEqual(qs['id'], 'test_class') self.assertEqual(qs['instances'], 10) self.assertEqual(qs['cores'], 20) self.assertEqual(qs['ram'], 51200) self.assertEqual(qs['floating_ips'], 10) self.assertEqual(qs['fixed_ips'], -1) self.assertEqual(qs['metadata_items'], 128) self.assertEqual(qs['injected_files'], 5) self.assertEqual(qs['injected_file_path_bytes'], 255) self.assertEqual(qs['injected_file_content_bytes'], 10240) self.assertEqual(qs['security_groups'], 10) self.assertEqual(qs['security_group_rules'], 20) self.assertEqual(qs['key_pairs'], 100) def test_quotas_show_as_admin(self): res_dict =, 'test_class') self.assertEqual(res_dict, quota_set('test_class')) def test_quotas_show_as_unauthorized_user(self): self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPForbidden,, self.req, 'test_class') def test_quotas_update_as_admin(self): body = {'quota_class_set': {'instances': 50, 'cores': 50, 'ram': 51200, 'floating_ips': 10, 'fixed_ips': -1, 'metadata_items': 128, 'injected_files': 5, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 10240, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 255, 'security_groups': 10, 'security_group_rules': 20, 'key_pairs': 100}} res_dict = self.controller.update(self.req_admin, 'test_class', body=body) self.assertEqual(res_dict, body) def test_quotas_update_as_user(self): body = {'quota_class_set': {'instances': 50, 'cores': 50, 'ram': 51200, 'floating_ips': 10, 'fixed_ips': -1, 'metadata_items': 128, 'injected_files': 5, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 10240, 'security_groups': 10, 'security_group_rules': 20, 'key_pairs': 100, }} self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPForbidden, self.controller.update, self.req, 'test_class', body=body) def test_quotas_update_with_empty_body(self): body = {} self.assertRaises(self.validation_error, self.controller.update, self.req_admin, 'test_class', body=body) def test_quotas_update_with_non_integer(self): body = {'quota_class_set': {'instances': "abc"}} self.assertRaises(self.validation_error, self.controller.update, self.req_admin, 'test_class', body=body) body = {'quota_class_set': {'instances': 50.5}} self.assertRaises(self.validation_error, self.controller.update, self.req_admin, 'test_class', body=body) body = {'quota_class_set': { 'instances': u'\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3'}} self.assertRaises(self.validation_error, self.controller.update, self.req_admin, 'test_class', body=body) def test_quotas_update_with_unsupported_quota_class(self): body = {'quota_class_set': {'instances': 50, 'cores': 50, 'ram': 51200, 'unsupported': 12}} self.assertRaises(self.validation_error, self.controller.update, self.req_admin, 'test_class', body=body) class QuotaClassSetsTestV2(QuotaClassSetsTestV21): validation_error = webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest def _setup(self): ext_mgr = extensions.ExtensionManager() ext_mgr.extensions = {} self.controller = quota_classes.QuotaClassSetsController(ext_mgr)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Test requests' interaction with vcr''' import json import pytest import vcr from vcr.errors import CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException from assertions import assert_cassette_empty, assert_is_json tornado = pytest.importorskip("tornado") http = pytest.importorskip("tornado.httpclient") # whether the current version of Tornado supports the raise_error argument for # fetch(). supports_raise_error = tornado.version_info >= (4,) @pytest.fixture(params=['simple', 'curl', 'default']) def get_client(request): if request.param == 'simple': from tornado import simple_httpclient as simple return (lambda: simple.SimpleAsyncHTTPClient()) elif request.param == 'curl': curl = pytest.importorskip("tornado.curl_httpclient") return (lambda: curl.CurlAsyncHTTPClient()) else: return (lambda: http.AsyncHTTPClient()) def get(client, url, **kwargs): fetch_kwargs = {} if supports_raise_error: fetch_kwargs['raise_error'] = kwargs.pop('raise_error', True) return client.fetch( http.HTTPRequest(url, method='GET', **kwargs), **fetch_kwargs ) def post(client, url, data=None, **kwargs): if data: kwargs['body'] = json.dumps(data) return client.fetch(http.HTTPRequest(url, method='POST', **kwargs)) @pytest.fixture(params=["https", "http"]) def scheme(request): '''Fixture that returns both http and https.''' return request.param @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_status_code(get_client, scheme, tmpdir): '''Ensure that we can read the status code''' url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('atts.yaml'))): status_code = (yield get(get_client(), url)).code with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('atts.yaml'))) as cass: assert status_code == (yield get(get_client(), url)).code assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_headers(get_client, scheme, tmpdir): '''Ensure that we can read the headers back''' url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('headers.yaml'))): headers = (yield get(get_client(), url)).headers with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('headers.yaml'))) as cass: assert headers == (yield get(get_client(), url)).headers assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_body(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): '''Ensure the responses are all identical enough''' url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('body.yaml'))): content = (yield get(get_client(), url)).body with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('body.yaml'))) as cass: assert content == (yield get(get_client(), url)).body assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_effective_url(get_client, scheme, tmpdir): '''Ensure that the effective_url is captured''' url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('url.yaml'))): effective_url = (yield get(get_client(), url)).effective_url assert effective_url == scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('url.yaml'))) as cass: assert effective_url == (yield get(get_client(), url)).effective_url assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_auth(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): '''Ensure that we can handle basic auth''' auth = ('user', 'passwd') url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('auth.yaml'))): one = yield get( get_client(), url, auth_username=auth[0], auth_password=auth[1] ) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('auth.yaml'))) as cass: two = yield get( get_client(), url, auth_username=auth[0], auth_password=auth[1] ) assert one.body == two.body assert one.code == two.code assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_auth_failed(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): '''Ensure that we can save failed auth statuses''' auth = ('user', 'wrongwrongwrong') url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('auth-failed.yaml'))) as cass: # Ensure that this is empty to begin with assert_cassette_empty(cass) with pytest.raises(http.HTTPError) as exc_info: yield get( get_client(), url, auth_username=auth[0], auth_password=auth[1], ) one = exc_info.value.response assert exc_info.value.code == 401 with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('auth-failed.yaml'))) as cass: with pytest.raises(http.HTTPError) as exc_info: two = yield get( get_client(), url, auth_username=auth[0], auth_password=auth[1], ) two = exc_info.value.response assert exc_info.value.code == 401 assert one.body == two.body assert one.code == two.code == 401 assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_post(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): '''Ensure that we can post and cache the results''' data = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('requests.yaml'))): req1 = (yield post(get_client(), url, data)).body with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('requests.yaml'))) as cass: req2 = (yield post(get_client(), url, data)).body assert req1 == req2 assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_redirects(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): '''Ensure that we can handle redirects''' url = scheme + '://' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('requests.yaml'))): content = (yield get(get_client(), url)).body with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('requests.yaml'))) as cass: assert content == (yield get(get_client(), url)).body assert cass.play_count == 1 @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_cross_scheme(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): '''Ensure that requests between schemes are treated separately''' # First fetch a url under http, and then again under https and then # ensure that we haven't served anything out of cache, and we have two # requests / response pairs in the cassette with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('cross_scheme.yaml'))) as cass: yield get(get_client(), '') yield get(get_client(), '') assert cass.play_count == 0 assert len(cass) == 2 # Then repeat the same requests and ensure both were replayed. with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('cross_scheme.yaml'))) as cass: yield get(get_client(), '') yield get(get_client(), '') assert cass.play_count == 2 @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_gzip(get_client, tmpdir, scheme): ''' Ensure that httpclient is able to automatically decompress the response body ''' url = scheme + '://' # use_gzip was renamed to decompress_response in 4.0 kwargs = {} if tornado.version_info < (4,): kwargs['use_gzip'] = True else: kwargs['decompress_response'] = True with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('gzip.yaml'))): response = yield get(get_client(), url, **kwargs) assert_is_json(response.body) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('gzip.yaml'))) as cass: response = yield get(get_client(), url, **kwargs) assert_is_json(response.body) assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_https_with_cert_validation_disabled(get_client, tmpdir): cass_path = str(tmpdir.join('cert_validation_disabled.yaml')) with vcr.use_cassette(cass_path): yield get(get_client(), '', validate_cert=False) with vcr.use_cassette(cass_path) as cass: yield get(get_client(), '', validate_cert=False) assert 1 == cass.play_count @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_unsupported_features_raises_in_future(get_client, tmpdir): '''Ensure that the exception for an AsyncHTTPClient feature not being supported is raised inside the future.''' def callback(chunk): assert False, "Did not expect to be called." with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('invalid.yaml'))): future = get( get_client(), '', streaming_callback=callback ) with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo: yield future assert "not yet supported by VCR" in str(excinfo) @pytest.mark.skipif( not supports_raise_error, reason='raise_error unavailable in tornado <= 3', ) @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_unsupported_features_raise_error_disabled(get_client, tmpdir): '''Ensure that the exception for an AsyncHTTPClient feature not being supported is not raised if raise_error=False.''' def callback(chunk): assert False, "Did not expect to be called." with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('invalid.yaml'))): response = yield get( get_client(), '', streaming_callback=callback, raise_error=False, ) assert "not yet supported by VCR" in str(response.error) @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_cannot_overwrite_cassette_raises_in_future(get_client, tmpdir): '''Ensure that CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException is raised inside the future.''' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('overwrite.yaml'))): yield get(get_client(), '') with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('overwrite.yaml'))): future = get(get_client(), '') with pytest.raises(CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException): yield future @pytest.mark.skipif( not supports_raise_error, reason='raise_error unavailable in tornado <= 3', ) @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_cannot_overwrite_cassette_raise_error_disabled(get_client, tmpdir): '''Ensure that CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException is not raised if raise_error=False in the fetch() call.''' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('overwrite.yaml'))): yield get( get_client(), '', raise_error=False ) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('overwrite.yaml'))): response = yield get( get_client(), '', raise_error=False ) assert isinstance(response.error, CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException) @pytest.mark.gen_test @vcr.use_cassette(path_transformer=vcr.default_vcr.ensure_suffix('.yaml')) def test_tornado_with_decorator_use_cassette(get_client): response = yield get_client().fetch( http.HTTPRequest('', method='GET') ) assert response.body.decode('utf-8') == "not actually google" @pytest.mark.gen_test @vcr.use_cassette(path_transformer=vcr.default_vcr.ensure_suffix('.yaml')) def test_tornado_exception_can_be_caught(get_client): try: yield get(get_client(), '') except http.HTTPError as e: assert e.code == 500 try: yield get(get_client(), '') except http.HTTPError as e: assert e.code == 404 @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_existing_references_get_patched(tmpdir): from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('data.yaml'))): client = AsyncHTTPClient() yield get(client, '') with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('data.yaml'))) as cass: yield get(client, '') assert cass.play_count == 1 @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_existing_instances_get_patched(get_client, tmpdir): '''Ensure that existing instances of AsyncHTTPClient get patched upon entering VCR context.''' client = get_client() with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('data.yaml'))): yield get(client, '') with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('data.yaml'))) as cass: yield get(client, '') assert cass.play_count == 1 @pytest.mark.gen_test def test_request_time_is_set(get_client, tmpdir): '''Ensures that the request_time on HTTPResponses is set.''' with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('data.yaml'))): client = get_client() response = yield get(client, '') assert response.request_time is not None with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join('data.yaml'))) as cass: client = get_client() response = yield get(client, '') assert response.request_time is not None assert cass.play_count == 1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Usage: bibsort [options] BibSort tool Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l, --load-config Loads the configuration from bibsort.conf into the database -d, --dump-config Outputs a database dump in form of a config file -p, --print-sorting-methods Prints the available sorting methods -B, --rebalance Runs the sorting methods given in '--metods'and rebalances all the buckets. If no method is specified, the rebalance will be done for all the methods in the config file. -S, --update-sorting Runs the sorting methods given in '--methods' for the recids given in '--recids'. If no method is specified, the update will be done for all the methods in the config file. If no recids are specified, the update will be done for all the records that have been modified/inserted from the last run of the sorting. If you want to run the sorting for all records, you should use the '-B' option -M, --methods=METHODS Specify the sorting methods for which the update_sorting or rebalancing will run (ex: --methods=method1,method2,method3). -R, --recids=RECIDS Specify the records for which the update_sorting will run (ex: --recids=1,2-56,72) """ from invenio.base.factory import with_app_context @with_app_context() def main(): from invenio.legacy.bibsort.daemon import main as bibsort_main return bibsort_main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ abstract adapter tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tests abstract adapter classes, that enforce/expose interfaces known to the model engine proper. :author: Sam Gammon <[email protected]> :copyright: (c) Sam Gammon, 2014 :license: This software makes use of the MIT Open Source License. A copy of this license is included as ```` in the root of the project. """ # stdlib import datetime # canteen test from canteen import test # canteen model API from canteen import model from canteen.model.adapter import abstract ## Globals _target = lambda k: k.flatten(True)[1] class SampleModel(model.Model): """ Test model. """ string = basestring, {'required': True} integer = int, {'repeated': True} number = int, {'repeated': False} floating = float, {'required': False} date = datetime.datetime class TestGraphPerson(model.Vertex): """ simple test person object """ name = str, {'indexed': True} class TestGraphFriends(TestGraphPerson > TestGraphPerson): """ simple test friends edge """ year_met = int, {'indexed': True} class TestGraphGift(TestGraphPerson >> TestGraphPerson): """ simple directed gift edge """ price = float, {'indexed': True} class AbstractModelAdapterTests(test.FrameworkTest): """ Tests `model.adapter.abstract.ModelAdapter` """ __abstract__ = True subject = abstract.ModelAdapter def _construct(self): """ Construct a copy of the local adapter. """ # set to testing mode if hasattr(self.subject, '__testing__'): self.subject.__testing__ = True return self.subject() def test_abstract(self): """ Test `ModelAdapter` interface abstractness """ if getattr(self, '__abstract__', False): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self._construct() else: # pragma: no cover self._construct() return getattr(self, '__abstract__', False) def test_utilities(self): """ Test `ModelAdapter` internal utilities """ assert hasattr(self.subject, 'acquire') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'config') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'logging') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'serializer') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'encoder') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'compressor') def test_base_interface_compliance(self): """ Test base `ModelAdapter` interface compliance """ assert hasattr(self.subject, 'get') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'get_multi') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'put') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'delete') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'allocate_ids') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'encode_key') def test_construct(self): """ Test basic `ModelAdapter` construction """ if self.__abstract__: with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self._construct() else: x = self._construct() assert x assert isinstance(x, self.subject) def test_invalid_get(self): """ Test fetching a key that doesn't exist """ if not self.__abstract__: # get missing entity model_key = model.Key("Sample", "_____") entity = model_key.get(adapter=self._construct()) assert entity is None def test_named_entity_get_put(self): """ Test putting and getting an entity with a named key """ if not self.__abstract__: # put entity m = SampleModel( key=model.Key(SampleModel.kind(), "NamedEntity"), string="suphomies", integer=[4, 5, 6, 7]) m_k = m.put(adapter=self._construct()) entities = [] # simulate getting entity at key level explicit_key = model.Key(SampleModel.kind(), "NamedEntity") entity = explicit_key.get() entities.append(entity) # simulate getting entity at model level explicit_entity = SampleModel.get(name="NamedEntity") entities.append(explicit_entity) # test urlsafe-d key model-level get() urlsafed_entity = SampleModel.get(key=explicit_key.urlsafe()) entities.append(urlsafed_entity) # test raw-d key model-level get() flattened = explicit_key.flatten(False) rawd_entity = SampleModel.get(key=flattened[1:]) entities.append(rawd_entity) for entity in entities: # make sure things match on key level assert entity.string == "suphomies" assert len(entity.integer) == 4 assert == "NamedEntity" assert entity.key.kind == SampleModel.kind() def test_id_entity_get_put(self): """ Test putting and getting an entity with an ID'd key """ if not self.__abstract__: # put entity m = SampleModel(string="hello", integer=[1, 2, 3]) m_k = m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # make sure flags match assert m_k == m.key assert m_k.__persisted__ assert m.__persisted__ assert (not m.__dirty__) # simulate getting entity via urlsafe entity = SampleModel.get(m_k, adapter=self._construct()) # make sure things match assert entity.string == "hello" assert len(entity.integer) == 3 assert entity.key.kind == SampleModel.kind() def test_entity_multiget(self): """ Test retrieving multiple entities at once via `get_multi` """ if not self.__abstract__: # put some entities entities = [ SampleModel(string='hi', integer=[1, 2, 3]), SampleModel(string='sup', integer=[4, 5, 6]), SampleModel(string='hola', integer=[7, 8, 9])] keys = [] for entity in entities: keys.append(entity.put(adapter=self._construct())) # retrieve entities in bulk _results = [] for key, entity in zip(keys, SampleModel.get_multi(keys, adapter=self._construct())): assert key.kind == SampleModel.kind() assert entity, ( "failed to retrieve entity with adapter '%s'" % self._construct()) assert entity.string in ('hi', 'sup', 'hola') assert len(entity.integer) == 3 _results.append(entity) assert len(_results) == 3 def test_delete_existing_entity_via_key(self): """ Test deleting an existing entity via `Key.delete()` """ if not self.__abstract__: # put entity m = SampleModel(string="hello", integer=[1, 2, 3]) m_k = m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # delete it res = m_k.delete(adapter=self._construct()) # make sure it's unknown and gone assert res assert not SampleModel.get(m_k, adapter=self._construct()) def test_delete_existing_entity_via_model(self): """ Test deleting an existing entity via `Model.delete()` """ if not self.__abstract__: # put entity m = SampleModel(string="hello", integer=[1, 2, 3]) m_k = m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # delete it res = m.delete(adapter=self._construct()) # make sure it's unknown and gone assert res assert not SampleModel.get(m_k, adapter=self._construct()) def test_delete_invalid_entity(self): """ Test deleting an invalid entity """ if not self.__abstract__: # manufacture a key that shouldn't exist... m_k = model.Key("SampleKind", "____InvalidKey____") # make sure it's unknown assert not SampleModel.get(m_k, adapter=self._construct()) # delete it res = m_k.delete(adapter=self._construct()) # make sure it's unknown, and we couldn't delete it assert (not res) assert not SampleModel.get(m_k, adapter=self._construct()) def test_allocate_ids(self): """ Test allocating one and numerous ID's """ if not self.__abstract__: # try allocating one ID next = self._construct().allocate_ids(model.Key, "SampleModel", 1) assert isinstance(next, int) # try allocating 10 ID's next_range = [i for i in self._construct().allocate_ids(*( model.Key, "Sample", 10))()] assert len(next_range) == 10 for i in next_range: assert isinstance(i, int) class IndexedModelAdapterTests(AbstractModelAdapterTests): """ Tests `model.adapter.abstract.IndexedModelAdapter` """ __abstract__ = True subject = abstract.IndexedModelAdapter def test_indexed_interface_compliance(self): """ Test `IndexedModelAdapter` interface compliance """ assert hasattr(self.subject, 'write_indexes') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'clean_indexes') assert hasattr(self.subject, 'execute_query') def test_attached_indexer_compliance(self): """ Test `IndexedModelAdapter.Indexer` for basic functionality """ assert hasattr(self.subject, 'Indexer') indexer = self.subject.Indexer # interrogate indexer assert hasattr(indexer, 'convert_key') assert hasattr(indexer, 'convert_date') assert hasattr(indexer, 'convert_time') assert hasattr(indexer, 'convert_datetime') def test_indexer_convert_key(self): """ Test `Indexer.convert_key` """ indexer = self.subject.Indexer sample_key = model.Key('Sample', 'key') converted = indexer.convert_key(sample_key) # interrogate converted key assert isinstance(converted, tuple) def test_indexer_convert_date(self): """ Test `Indexer.convert_date` """ indexer = self.subject.Indexer sample_date =, month=7, day=29) converted = indexer.convert_date(sample_date) # interrogate converted date assert isinstance(converted, tuple) def test_indexer_convert_time(self): """ Test `Indexer.convert_time` """ indexer = self.subject.Indexer sample_time = datetime.time(hour=12, minute=30) converted = indexer.convert_time(sample_time) # interrogate converted date assert isinstance(converted, tuple) def test_indexer_convert_datetime(self): """ Test `Indexer.convert_datetime` """ indexer = self.subject.Indexer sample_datetime = datetime.datetime(year=2014, month=7, day=29, hour=12, minute=30) converted = indexer.convert_datetime(sample_datetime) # interrogate converted date assert isinstance(converted, tuple) def test_equality_query(self): """ Test equality queries with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: # make some models m = [ SampleModel(string="soop", integer=[1, 2, 3]), SampleModel(string="soop", integer=[1, 2, 3]), SampleModel(string="soop", integer=[1, 2, 3])] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # single get q = SampleModel.query().filter(SampleModel.string == "soop") result = q.get(adapter=self._construct()) assert result.string == "soop" # submit query q = SampleModel.query().filter(SampleModel.string == "soop") result = q.fetch(limit=50, adapter=self._construct()) for r in result: assert r.string == "soop" def test_inequality_query(self): """ Test inequality queries with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: # make some models m = [ SampleModel(string="soop", integer=[1, 2, 3]), SampleModel(string="soop", integer=[1, 2, 3]), SampleModel(string="soop", integer=[1, 2, 3]), SampleModel(string="sploop", integer=[1, 2])] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query().filter(SampleModel.string != "sploop") result = q.fetch(limit=50, adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) > 0, ( "got no results for inequality query" " (got '%s' from adapter '%s')" % (result, self.subject)) for r in result: assert r.string != "sploop" def test_range_query(self): """ Test range queries with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: now = # make some models m = [ SampleModel(string="soop", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)), SampleModel(string="soop", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=2)), SampleModel(string="soop", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=3))] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query().filter( > now) result = q.fetch(limit=50, adapter=self._construct()) for result_i in result: assert > now def test_ancestry_query(self): """ Test ancestry queries with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'heyo') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child') child2 = _key('child2') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=root, string='soop'), SampleModel(key=child1, string='soop'), SampleModel(key=child2, string='soop')] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50, adapter=self._construct()) result = q.fetch() assert len(result) == 2 def test_compound_query(self): """ Test compound queries with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: now = root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'hi') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=root, string="hithere", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)), SampleModel(key=child1, string="hithere", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=2)), SampleModel(key=child2, string="hithere", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=3)), SampleModel(key=child3, string="noway", date=now + datetime.timedelta(days=4))] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(limit=50) q.filter(SampleModel.string == "hithere") q.filter( > now) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 3 # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50) q.filter( > now) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 3 # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50) q.filter( > now) q.filter(SampleModel.string == "hithere") result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 2 def test_ascending_sort_string(self): """ Test an ASC sort on a string property with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-string') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark"), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy"), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone"), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin")] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort(+SampleModel.string) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, reversed(("aardvark", "blasphemy", "xylophone", "yompin"))): assert l.string == r def test_descending_sort_string(self): """ Test a DSC sort on a string property with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-string-2') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark"), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy"), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone"), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin")] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort(-SampleModel.string) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, ("aardvark", "blasphemy", "xylophone", "yompin")): assert l.string == r def test_ascending_sort_integer(self): """ Test an ASC sort on an integer property with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-int') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark", number=5), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy", number=6), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone", number=7), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin", number=8)] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort(+SampleModel.number) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, (5, 6, 7, 8)): assert l.number == r def test_descending_sort_integer(self): """ Test a DSC sort on an integer property with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-int-2') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark", number=5), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy", number=6), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone", number=7), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin", number=8)] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort(-SampleModel.number) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, reversed((5, 6, 7, 8))): assert l.number == r def test_ascending_sort_float(self): """ Test an ASC sort on a float property with `IndexedMemoryAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-float') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark", floating=5.5), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy", floating=6.5), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone", floating=7.5), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin", floating=8.5)] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = ( SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort( +SampleModel.floating)) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, (5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5)): assert l.floating == r def test_descending_sort_float(self): """ Test a DSC sort on a float property with `IndexedModelAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-float') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark", floating=5.5), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy", floating=6.5), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone", floating=7.5), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin", floating=8.5)] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = ( SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort( -SampleModel.floating)) result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, reversed((5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5))): assert l.floating == r def test_ascending_sort_datetime(self): """ Test an ASC sort on a `datetime` property with `IndexedModelAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: now = later = lambda n: now + datetime.timedelta(days=n) root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-datetime') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark", date=later(1)), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy", date=later(2)), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone", date=later(3)), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin", date=later(4))] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort( result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, (later(1), later(2), later(3), later(4))): assert == r def test_descending_sort_datetime(self): """ Test a DSC sort on a `datetime` property with `IndexedModelAdapter` """ if not self.__abstract__: now = later = lambda n: now + datetime.timedelta(days=n) root = model.Key(SampleModel, 'sorted-datetime') _key = lambda x: model.Key(SampleModel, x, parent=root) child1 = _key('child1') child2 = _key('child2') child3 = _key('child3') child4 = _key('child4') # make some models m = [ SampleModel(key=child1, string="aardvark", date=later(1)), SampleModel(key=child2, string="blasphemy", date=later(2)), SampleModel(key=child3, string="xylophone", date=later(3)), SampleModel(key=child4, string="yompin", date=later(4))] for _m in m: _m.put(adapter=self._construct()) # submit query q = SampleModel.query(ancestor=root, limit=50).sort( result = q.fetch(adapter=self._construct()) assert len(result) == 4 for l, r in zip(result, reversed(( later(1), later(2), later(3), later(4)))): assert == r class GraphModelAdapterTests(IndexedModelAdapterTests): """ Tests `model.adapter.abstract.GraphModelAdapter` """ __abstract__ = True subject = abstract.GraphModelAdapter def test_make_vertex_nokeyname(self): """ Test `GraphModelAdapter` `Vertex` put with no keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): t = TestGraphPerson(name="Steve") k = t.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(t, TestGraphPerson) assert isinstance(k, model.Key) assert isinstance(k, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, (int, long)) def test_make_vertex_keyname(self): """ Test `GraphModelAdapter` `Vertex` put with a keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): t = TestGraphPerson(key=model.VertexKey(TestGraphPerson, "steve"), name="Steve") k = t.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(t, TestGraphPerson) assert isinstance(k, model.Key) assert isinstance(k, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) return t def test_get_vertex(self): """ Test `GraphModelAdapter` `Vertex` get """ if not self.test_abstract(): x = self.test_make_vertex_keyname() pulled = TestGraphPerson.get(x.key, adapter=self.subject()) assert pulled.key == x.key assert isinstance(pulled.key, model.Key) assert isinstance(pulled.key, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) def test_make_edge_nokeyname(self): """ Test `GraphModelAdapter` `Edge` put with no keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob = TestGraphPerson(key=model.VertexKey(TestGraphPerson, "bob"), name="Bob") k = bob.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(bob, TestGraphPerson) assert isinstance(k, model.Key) assert isinstance(k, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) steve = self.test_make_vertex_keyname() f = TestGraphFriends(bob, steve) ek = f.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(ek, model.EdgeKey) assert isinstance(, (int, long)) assert isinstance(f, TestGraphFriends) def test_make_edge_keyname(self): """ Test `GraphModelAdapter` `Edge` put with a keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob = TestGraphPerson(key=model.VertexKey(TestGraphPerson, "bob"), name="Bob") k = bob.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(bob, TestGraphPerson) assert isinstance(k, model.Key) assert isinstance(k, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) steve = self.test_make_vertex_keyname() _orig_ek = model.EdgeKey(TestGraphFriends, "some-friendship") f = TestGraphFriends(bob, steve, key=_orig_ek) ek = f.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(ek, model.EdgeKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) assert isinstance(f, TestGraphFriends) assert == "some-friendship" return bob, steve, f def test_get_edge(self): """ Test `GraphModelAdapter` `Edge` get """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, friendship = self.test_make_edge_keyname() # fetch by key _f = TestGraphFriends.get(friendship.key, adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(_f.key, model.Key) assert isinstance(_f.key, model.EdgeKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) assert == "some-friendship" assert _f.key.kind == "TestGraphFriends" def test_vertex_edges(self): """ Test retrieving `Edges` for a `Vertex` with `GraphModelAdapter` """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, friendship = self.test_make_edge_keyname() # friendship edge should appear for both vertexes _q = bob.edges(keys_only=True).fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert friendship.key in _q, ( "expected friendship key but got:" " '%s' with adapter '%s'" % ( [i for i in _q], repr(self.subject()))) assert friendship.key in ( steve.edges(keys_only=True).fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10)) assert "Edges" in repr(steve.edges(keys_only=True)) assert "CONTAINS" in repr(steve.edges(keys_only=True)) def test_vertex_neighbors(self): """ Test retrieving `Vertex`es for a `Vertex` with `GraphModelAdapter` """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, friendship = self.test_make_edge_keyname() # see if we can get bob's friends, which should include steve _q = bob.neighbors(keys_only=True).fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert steve.key in _q, ( "failed to find steve's key in bob's neighbors." " instead, got '%s' for adapter '%s'" % ( [i for i in _q], repr(self.subject()))) # see if we can get steve's friends, which should include bob assert bob.key in ( steve.neighbors(keys_only=True).fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10)) assert "Neighbors" in repr(steve.neighbors(keys_only=True)) assert "CONTAINS" in repr(steve.neighbors(keys_only=True)) class DirectedGraphAdapterTests(GraphModelAdapterTests): """ Tests `model.adapter.abstract.DirectedGraphAdapter` """ __abstract__ = True subject = abstract.DirectedGraphAdapter def test_make_directed_edge_nokeyname(self): """ Test saving a directed `Edge` with no keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob = TestGraphPerson(key=model.VertexKey(TestGraphPerson, "bob"), name="Bob") k = bob.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(bob, TestGraphPerson) assert isinstance(k, model.Key) assert isinstance(k, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) steve = self.test_make_vertex_keyname() f = TestGraphGift(bob, steve) ek = f.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert bob.key == f.source assert steve.key in assert isinstance(ek, model.EdgeKey) assert isinstance(, (int, long)) assert isinstance(f, TestGraphGift) def test_make_directed_edge_keyname(self): """ Test saving a directed `Edge` with a keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob = TestGraphPerson(key=model.VertexKey(TestGraphPerson, "bob"), name="Bob") k = bob.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(k, model.Key), ( "instead of a key, got back the object: '%s'" % k) assert isinstance(bob, TestGraphPerson) assert isinstance(k, model.VertexKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) steve = self.test_make_vertex_keyname() _orig_ek = model.EdgeKey(TestGraphGift, "some-gift") f = TestGraphGift(bob, steve, key=_orig_ek) ek = f.put(adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(ek, model.EdgeKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) assert isinstance(f, TestGraphGift) assert == "some-gift" assert bob.key == f.source assert steve.key in return bob, steve, f def test_get_directed_edge_nokeyname(self): """ Test retrieving a directed `Edge` by keyname """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, gift = self.test_make_directed_edge_keyname() # fetch by key _f = TestGraphGift.get(gift.key, adapter=self.subject()) assert isinstance(_f.key, model.Key) assert isinstance(_f.key, model.EdgeKey) assert isinstance(, basestring) assert == "some-gift" assert _f.key.kind == "TestGraphGift" def test_edge_heads(self): """ Test retrieving incoming `Edge`s ending at a particular `Vertex` """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, gift = self.test_make_directed_edge_keyname() # friendship edge should appear for both vertexes _q = bob.edges(tails=False, keys_only=True)\ .fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert gift.key not in _q, ( "found gift's key among bob's edges heads, but shouldn't have." " instead, got: '%s' with adapter '%s'" % ( [i for i in _q], repr(self.subject()))) _q = steve.edges(tails=False, keys_only=True)\ .fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert gift.key in _q, ( "couldn't find gift's key among steve's edges heads." " instead, got: '%s' with adapter '%s'" % ( [i for i in _q], repr(self.subject()))) def test_edge_tails(self): """ Test retrieving outbound `Edge`s coming from a particular `Vertex` """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, gift = self.test_make_directed_edge_keyname() # friendship edge should appear for both vertexes _q = bob.edges(tails=True, keys_only=True)\ .fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert gift.key in _q _q = steve.edges(tails=True, keys_only=True)\ .fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert gift.key not in _q def test_neighbor_heads(self): """ Test retrieving incoming `Vertex`s ending at a particular `Vertex` """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, gift = self.test_make_directed_edge_keyname() # see if we can get steve's friends, which should include bob _q = steve.neighbors(tails=False, keys_only=True)\ .fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10) assert bob.key in _q, ( "didn't find bob's key among steve's friends." " instead, got: '%s' with adapter '%s'" % ( [i for i in _q], repr(self.subject()))) def test_neighbor_tails(self): """ Test retrieving outbound `Vertex`s coming from a particular `Vertex` """ if not self.test_abstract(): bob, steve, gift = self.test_make_directed_edge_keyname() # see if we can get bob's friends, which should include steve assert steve.key in bob.neighbors(tails=True, keys_only=True)\ .fetch(adapter=self.subject(), limit=10)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of INSPIRE. # Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN. # # INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with INSPIRE. If not, see <>. # # In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization # or submit itself to any jurisdiction. """Tests for arXiv workflows.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import mock import re import requests_mock from invenio_db import db from invenio_workflows import ( ObjectStatus, WorkflowEngine, start, workflow_object_class, ) from calls import ( already_harvested_on_legacy_record, do_accept_core, do_webcoll_callback, do_robotupload_callback, generate_record ) from mocks import ( fake_download_file, fake_beard_api_request, fake_magpie_api_request, ) from utils import get_halted_workflow @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.utils.download_file_to_workflow', side_effect=fake_download_file, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.beard.json_api_request', side_effect=fake_beard_api_request, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.magpie.json_api_request', side_effect=fake_magpie_api_request, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.refextract.extract_references_from_file', return_value=[], ) def test_harvesting_arxiv_workflow_manual_rejected( mocked_refextract_extract_refs, mocked_api_request_magpie, mocked_api_request_beard, mocked_download, small_app, ): """Test a full harvesting workflow.""" record = generate_record() extra_config = { "BEARD_API_URL": "", "MAGPIE_API_URL": "", } workflow_uuid = None with small_app.app_context(): workflow_uuid, eng, obj = get_halted_workflow( app=small_app, extra_config=extra_config, record=record, ) # Now let's resolve it as accepted and continue # FIXME Should be accept, but record validation prevents us. obj.remove_action() obj.extra_data["approved"] = False # obj.extra_data["core"] = True db.session.commit() eng = WorkflowEngine.from_uuid(workflow_uuid) obj = eng.processed_objects[0] obj_id = obj.continue_workflow() obj = workflow_object_class.get(obj_id) # It was rejected assert obj.status == ObjectStatus.COMPLETED @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.utils.download_file_to_workflow', side_effect=fake_download_file, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.beard.json_api_request', side_effect=fake_beard_api_request, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.magpie.json_api_request', side_effect=fake_magpie_api_request, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.refextract.extract_references_from_file', return_value=[], ) def test_harvesting_arxiv_workflow_already_on_legacy( mocked_refextract_extract_refs, mocked_api_request_magpie, mocked_api_request_beard, mocked_download, small_app ): """Test a full harvesting workflow.""" record, categories = already_harvested_on_legacy_record() extra_config = { "BEARD_API_URL": "", "MAGPIE_API_URL": "", 'ARXIV_CATEGORIES_ALREADY_HARVESTED_ON_LEGACY': categories, } with small_app.app_context(): with mock.patch.dict(small_app.config, extra_config): workflow_uuid = start('article', [record]) eng = WorkflowEngine.from_uuid(workflow_uuid) obj = eng.processed_objects[0] assert obj.status == ObjectStatus.COMPLETED assert 'already-ingested' in obj.extra_data assert obj.extra_data['already-ingested'] @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.arxiv.download_file_to_workflow', side_effect=fake_download_file, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.utils.download_file_to_workflow', side_effect=fake_download_file, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.beard.json_api_request', side_effect=fake_beard_api_request, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.magpie.json_api_request', side_effect=fake_magpie_api_request, ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.matching.match', return_value=iter([]), ) @mock.patch( 'inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.refextract.extract_references_from_file', return_value=[], ) def test_harvesting_arxiv_workflow_manual_accepted( mocked_refextract_extract_refs, mocked_matching_match, mocked_api_request_magpie, mocked_api_request_beard, mocked_download_utils, mocked_download_arxiv, workflow_app, ): record = generate_record() """Test a full harvesting workflow.""" with requests_mock.Mocker() as requests_mocker: requests_mocker.register_uri( requests_mock.ANY, re.compile('.*(indexer|localhost).*'), real_http=True, ) requests_mocker.register_uri( 'POST', re.compile( 'https?://localhost:1234.*', ), text=u'[INFO]', status_code=200, ) workflow_uuid, eng, obj = get_halted_workflow( app=workflow_app, extra_config={'PRODUCTION_MODE': False}, record=record, ) do_accept_core( app=workflow_app,, ) eng = WorkflowEngine.from_uuid(workflow_uuid) obj = eng.processed_objects[0] assert obj.status == ObjectStatus.WAITING response = do_robotupload_callback( app=workflow_app,, recids=[12345], ) assert response.status_code == 200 obj = workflow_object_class.get( assert obj.status == ObjectStatus.WAITING response = do_webcoll_callback(app=workflow_app, recids=[12345]) assert response.status_code == 200 eng = WorkflowEngine.from_uuid(workflow_uuid) obj = eng.processed_objects[0] # It was accepted assert obj.status == ObjectStatus.COMPLETED
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as variables_module from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linalg as linalg_lib from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_kronecker as kronecker from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_lower_triangular as lower_triangular from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_test_util from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_util from tensorflow.python.platform import test linalg = linalg_lib rng = np.random.RandomState(0) def _kronecker_dense(factors): """Convert a list of factors, into a dense Kronecker product.""" product = factors[0] for factor in factors[1:]: product = product[..., array_ops.newaxis, :, array_ops.newaxis] factor_to_mul = factor[..., array_ops.newaxis, :, array_ops.newaxis, :] product *= factor_to_mul product = array_ops.reshape( product, shape=array_ops.concat( [array_ops.shape(product)[:-4], [array_ops.shape(product)[-4] * array_ops.shape(product)[-3], array_ops.shape(product)[-2] * array_ops.shape(product)[-1]] ], axis=0)) return product class KroneckerDenseTest(test.TestCase): """Test of `_kronecker_dense` function.""" def test_kronecker_dense_matrix(self): x = ops.convert_to_tensor([[2., 3.], [1., 2.]], dtype=dtypes.float32) y = ops.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2.], [5., -1.]], dtype=dtypes.float32) # From explicitly writing out the kronecker product of x and y. z = ops.convert_to_tensor([ [2., 4., 3., 6.], [10., -2., 15., -3.], [1., 2., 2., 4.], [5., -1., 10., -2.]], dtype=dtypes.float32) # From explicitly writing out the kronecker product of y and x. w = ops.convert_to_tensor([ [2., 3., 4., 6.], [1., 2., 2., 4.], [10., 15., -2., -3.], [5., 10., -1., -2.]], dtype=dtypes.float32) self.assertAllClose( self.evaluate(_kronecker_dense([x, y])), self.evaluate(z)) self.assertAllClose( self.evaluate(_kronecker_dense([y, x])), self.evaluate(w)) @test_util.run_all_in_graph_and_eager_modes class SquareLinearOperatorKroneckerTest( linear_operator_test_util.SquareLinearOperatorDerivedClassTest): """Most tests done in the base class LinearOperatorDerivedClassTest.""" def setUp(self): # Increase from 1e-6 to 1e-4 self._atol[dtypes.float32] = 1e-4 self._atol[dtypes.complex64] = 1e-4 self._rtol[dtypes.float32] = 1e-4 self._rtol[dtypes.complex64] = 1e-4 @staticmethod def operator_shapes_infos(): shape_info = linear_operator_test_util.OperatorShapesInfo return [ shape_info((1, 1), factors=[(1, 1), (1, 1)]), shape_info((8, 8), factors=[(2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2)]), shape_info((12, 12), factors=[(2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 2)]), shape_info((1, 3, 3), factors=[(1, 1), (1, 3, 3)]), shape_info((3, 6, 6), factors=[(3, 1, 1), (1, 2, 2), (1, 3, 3)]), ] def operator_and_matrix( self, build_info, dtype, use_placeholder, ensure_self_adjoint_and_pd=False): # Kronecker products constructed below will be from symmetric # positive-definite matrices. del ensure_self_adjoint_and_pd shape = list(build_info.shape) expected_factors = build_info.__dict__["factors"] matrices = [ linear_operator_test_util.random_positive_definite_matrix( block_shape, dtype, force_well_conditioned=True) for block_shape in expected_factors ] lin_op_matrices = matrices if use_placeholder: lin_op_matrices = [ array_ops.placeholder_with_default(m, shape=None) for m in matrices] operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( l, is_square=True, is_self_adjoint=True, is_positive_definite=True) for l in lin_op_matrices]) matrices = linear_operator_util.broadcast_matrix_batch_dims(matrices) kronecker_dense = _kronecker_dense(matrices) if not use_placeholder: kronecker_dense.set_shape(shape) return operator, kronecker_dense def test_is_x_flags(self): # Matrix with two positive eigenvalues, 1, and 1. # The matrix values do not effect auto-setting of the flags. matrix = [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]] operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(matrix), linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(matrix)], is_positive_definite=True, is_non_singular=True, is_self_adjoint=False) self.assertTrue(operator.is_positive_definite) self.assertTrue(operator.is_non_singular) self.assertFalse(operator.is_self_adjoint) def test_is_non_singular_auto_set(self): # Matrix with two positive eigenvalues, 11 and 8. # The matrix values do not effect auto-setting of the flags. matrix = [[11., 0.], [1., 8.]] operator_1 = linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(matrix, is_non_singular=True) operator_2 = linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(matrix, is_non_singular=True) operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [operator_1, operator_2], is_positive_definite=False, # No reason it HAS to be False... is_non_singular=None) self.assertFalse(operator.is_positive_definite) self.assertTrue(operator.is_non_singular) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "always non-singular"): kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [operator_1, operator_2], is_non_singular=False) def test_name(self): matrix = [[11., 0.], [1., 8.]] operator_1 = linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(matrix, name="left") operator_2 = linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(matrix, name="right") operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker([operator_1, operator_2]) self.assertEqual("left_x_right", def test_different_dtypes_raises(self): operators = [ linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(rng.rand(2, 3, 3)), linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(rng.rand(2, 3, 3).astype(np.float32)) ] with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "same dtype"): kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker(operators) def test_empty_or_one_operators_raises(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, ">=1 operators"): kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker([]) def test_kronecker_adjoint_type(self): matrix = [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]] operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [ linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix, is_non_singular=True), linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix, is_non_singular=True), ], is_non_singular=True, ) adjoint = operator.adjoint() self.assertIsInstance( adjoint, kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker) self.assertEqual(2, len(adjoint.operators)) def test_kronecker_cholesky_type(self): matrix = [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]] operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [ linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix, is_positive_definite=True, is_self_adjoint=True, ), linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix, is_positive_definite=True, is_self_adjoint=True, ), ], is_positive_definite=True, is_self_adjoint=True, ) cholesky_factor = operator.cholesky() self.assertIsInstance( cholesky_factor, kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker) self.assertEqual(2, len(cholesky_factor.operators)) self.assertIsInstance( cholesky_factor.operators[0], lower_triangular.LinearOperatorLowerTriangular) self.assertIsInstance( cholesky_factor.operators[1], lower_triangular.LinearOperatorLowerTriangular) def test_kronecker_inverse_type(self): matrix = [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]] operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [ linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix, is_non_singular=True), linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix, is_non_singular=True), ], is_non_singular=True, ) inverse = operator.inverse() self.assertIsInstance( inverse, kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker) self.assertEqual(2, len(inverse.operators)) def test_tape_safe(self): matrix_1 = variables_module.Variable([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]) matrix_2 = variables_module.Variable([[2., 0.], [0., 2.]]) operator = kronecker.LinearOperatorKronecker( [ linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix_1, is_non_singular=True), linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix( matrix_2, is_non_singular=True), ], is_non_singular=True, ) self.check_tape_safe(operator) if __name__ == "__main__": linear_operator_test_util.add_tests(SquareLinearOperatorKroneckerTest) test.main()
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: profitbricks_nic short_description: Create or Remove a NIC. description: - This module allows you to create or restore a volume snapshot. This module has a dependency on profitbricks >= 1.0.0 version_added: "2.0" options: datacenter: description: - The datacenter in which to operate. required: true server: description: - The server name or ID. required: true name: description: - The name or ID of the NIC. This is only required on deletes, but not on create. required: true lan: description: - The LAN to place the NIC on. You can pass a LAN that doesn't exist and it will be created. Required on create. required: true subscription_user: description: - The ProfitBricks username. Overrides the PB_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable. required: false subscription_password: description: - THe ProfitBricks password. Overrides the PB_PASSWORD environment variable. required: false wait: description: - wait for the operation to complete before returning required: false default: "yes" type: bool wait_timeout: description: - how long before wait gives up, in seconds default: 600 state: description: - Indicate desired state of the resource required: false default: 'present' choices: ["present", "absent"] requirements: [ "profitbricks" ] author: Matt Baldwin (@baldwinSPC) <[email protected]> ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create a NIC - profitbricks_nic: datacenter: Tardis One server: node002 lan: 2 wait_timeout: 500 state: present # Remove a NIC - profitbricks_nic: datacenter: Tardis One server: node002 name: 7341c2454f wait_timeout: 500 state: absent ''' import re import uuid import time HAS_PB_SDK = True try: from profitbricks.client import ProfitBricksService, NIC except ImportError: HAS_PB_SDK = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule uuid_match = re.compile( r'[\w]{8}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{12}', re.I) def _wait_for_completion(profitbricks, promise, wait_timeout, msg): if not promise: return wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout while wait_timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(5) operation_result = profitbricks.get_request( request_id=promise['requestId'], status=True) if operation_result['metadata']['status'] == "DONE": return elif operation_result['metadata']['status'] == "FAILED": raise Exception( 'Request failed to complete ' + msg + ' "' + str( promise['requestId']) + '" to complete.') raise Exception( 'Timed out waiting for async operation ' + msg + ' "' + str( promise['requestId'] ) + '" to complete.') def create_nic(module, profitbricks): """ Creates a NIC. module : AnsibleModule object profitbricks: authenticated profitbricks object. Returns: True if the nic creates, false otherwise """ datacenter = module.params.get('datacenter') server = module.params.get('server') lan = module.params.get('lan') name = module.params.get('name') wait = module.params.get('wait') wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout') # Locate UUID for Datacenter if not (uuid_match.match(datacenter)): datacenter_list = profitbricks.list_datacenters() for d in datacenter_list['items']: dc = profitbricks.get_datacenter(d['id']) if datacenter == dc['properties']['name']: datacenter = d['id'] break # Locate UUID for Server if not (uuid_match.match(server)): server_list = profitbricks.list_servers(datacenter) for s in server_list['items']: if server == s['properties']['name']: server = s['id'] break try: n = NIC( name=name, lan=lan ) nic_response = profitbricks.create_nic(datacenter, server, n) if wait: _wait_for_completion(profitbricks, nic_response, wait_timeout, "create_nic") return nic_response except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="failed to create the NIC: %s" % str(e)) def delete_nic(module, profitbricks): """ Removes a NIC module : AnsibleModule object profitbricks: authenticated profitbricks object. Returns: True if the NIC was removed, false otherwise """ datacenter = module.params.get('datacenter') server = module.params.get('server') name = module.params.get('name') # Locate UUID for Datacenter if not (uuid_match.match(datacenter)): datacenter_list = profitbricks.list_datacenters() for d in datacenter_list['items']: dc = profitbricks.get_datacenter(d['id']) if datacenter == dc['properties']['name']: datacenter = d['id'] break # Locate UUID for Server server_found = False if not (uuid_match.match(server)): server_list = profitbricks.list_servers(datacenter) for s in server_list['items']: if server == s['properties']['name']: server_found = True server = s['id'] break if not server_found: return False # Locate UUID for NIC nic_found = False if not (uuid_match.match(name)): nic_list = profitbricks.list_nics(datacenter, server) for n in nic_list['items']: if name == n['properties']['name']: nic_found = True name = n['id'] break if not nic_found: return False try: nic_response = profitbricks.delete_nic(datacenter, server, name) return nic_response except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="failed to remove the NIC: %s" % str(e)) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( datacenter=dict(), server=dict(), name=dict(default=str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')[:10]), lan=dict(), subscription_user=dict(), subscription_password=dict(no_log=True), wait=dict(type='bool', default=True), wait_timeout=dict(type='int', default=600), state=dict(default='present'), ) ) if not HAS_PB_SDK: module.fail_json(msg='profitbricks required for this module') if not module.params.get('subscription_user'): module.fail_json(msg='subscription_user parameter is required') if not module.params.get('subscription_password'): module.fail_json(msg='subscription_password parameter is required') if not module.params.get('datacenter'): module.fail_json(msg='datacenter parameter is required') if not module.params.get('server'): module.fail_json(msg='server parameter is required') subscription_user = module.params.get('subscription_user') subscription_password = module.params.get('subscription_password') profitbricks = ProfitBricksService( username=subscription_user, password=subscription_password) state = module.params.get('state') if state == 'absent': if not module.params.get('name'): module.fail_json(msg='name parameter is required') try: (changed) = delete_nic(module, profitbricks) module.exit_json(changed=changed) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='failed to set nic state: %s' % str(e)) elif state == 'present': if not module.params.get('lan'): module.fail_json(msg='lan parameter is required') try: (nic_dict) = create_nic(module, profitbricks) module.exit_json(nics=nic_dict) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='failed to set nic state: %s' % str(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import sys, os import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib import gettext import imp try: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser as ConfigParser except: from configparser import ConfigParser as ConfigParser nebula_dir = os.getenv('NEBULA_DIR') modules_dir = nebula_dir + '/modules' set_visuals = imp.load_source('set_visuals', modules_dir + '/') gettext.bindtextdomain('games_nebula', nebula_dir + '/locale') gettext.textdomain('games_nebula') _ = gettext.gettext current_dir = sys.path[0] download_dir = os.getenv('DOWNLOAD_DIR') install_dir = os.getenv('INSTALL_DIR') game_dir = install_dir + '/konung_legend_of_the_north/game' patch_path = download_dir + '/_distr/konung_legend_of_the_north/konung_widescreen_v2_co.7z' link_patch = '' os.system('mkdir -p "' + download_dir + '/_distr/konung_legend_of_the_north"') is_english_version = os.path.exists(game_dir + '/MUSIC') class GUI: def __init__(self): self.config_load() if is_english_version: self.create_chooser_window() else: if os.path.exists(patch_path): if not os.path.exists(game_dir + '/res_patch'): os.system('7z x -aoa -o"' + game_dir + '/res_patch" "' + patch_path + '"') self.create_set_res_window() self.set_res_window.show_all() else: self.create_download_window() self.download_window.show_all() def config_load(self): config_file = current_dir + '/settings.ini' config_parser = ConfigParser() if not config_parser.has_section('Settings'): config_parser.add_section('Settings') if is_english_version: if not config_parser.has_option('Settings', 'exe'): self.exe = 'KONUNG.EXE' config_parser.set('Settings', 'exe', str(self.exe)) else: self.exe = config_parser.get('Settings', 'exe') else: if not config_parser.has_option('Settings', 'resolution'): self.resolution = 0 config_parser.set('Settings', 'resolution', str(self.resolution)) else: self.resolution = config_parser.getint('Settings', 'resolution') new_config_file = open(config_file, 'w') config_parser.write(new_config_file) new_config_file.close() def create_chooser_window(self): self.chooser_window = Gtk.Window( title = _("Konung: Legends of the North"), type = Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ALWAYS, resizable = False, default_width = 360 ) self.chooser_window.connect('delete-event', self.quit_app) frame_launch = Gtk.Frame( label = _("Launch options"), label_xalign = 0.5, margin_left = 10, margin_right = 10, margin_top = 10, margin_bottom = 10 ) box_launch = Gtk.Box( margin_left = 10, margin_right = 10, margin_top = 10, margin_bottom = 10, spacing = 10, orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) radiobutton_single = Gtk.RadioButton( label = _("Singleplayer"), name = 'KONUNG.EXE' ) radiobutton_lan = Gtk.RadioButton( label = _("LAN multiplayer"), name = 'LAN_KONG.EXE' ) radiobutton_lan.join_group(radiobutton_single) radiobutton_tutorial = Gtk.RadioButton( label = _("Tutorial"), name = 'TUTORIAL.EXE' ) radiobutton_tutorial.join_group(radiobutton_single) button_save = Gtk.Button( label = _("Save and quit") ) button_save.connect('clicked', self.cb_button_save) box_launch.pack_start(radiobutton_single, True, True, 0) box_launch.pack_start(radiobutton_lan, True, True, 0) box_launch.pack_start(radiobutton_tutorial, True, True, 0) box_launch.pack_start(button_save, True, True, 0) frame_launch.add(box_launch) for radiobutton in box_launch.get_children(): if radiobutton.get_name() == self.exe: radiobutton.set_active(True) radiobutton_single.connect('clicked', self.cb_radiobuttons) radiobutton_lan.connect('clicked', self.cb_radiobuttons) radiobutton_tutorial.connect('clicked', self.cb_radiobuttons) self.chooser_window.add(frame_launch) self.chooser_window.show_all() def create_download_window(self): self.download_window = Gtk.Window( title = _("Konung: Legends of the North"), type = Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ALWAYS, resizable = False, default_width = 360 ) self.download_window.connect('delete-event', self.quit_app) box = Gtk.Box( orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, margin_left = 10, margin_right = 10, margin_top = 10, margin_bottom = 10, spacing = 10 ) linkbutton_download = Gtk.LinkButton( label = _("Download resolution patch"), uri = link_patch ) linkbutton_put = Gtk.LinkButton( label = _("Put it here"), uri = 'file://' + download_dir + '/_distr/konung_legend_of_the_north' ) button_install = Gtk.Button(label=_("Install")) button_install.connect('clicked', self.cb_button_install) box.pack_start(linkbutton_download, True, True, 0) box.pack_start(linkbutton_put, True, True, 0) box.pack_start(button_install, True, True, 0) self.download_window.add(box) def create_set_res_window(self): self.set_res_window = Gtk.Window( title = _("Konung: Legends of the North"), type = Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ALWAYS, resizable = False, default_width = 360 ) self.set_res_window.connect('delete-event', self.quit_app) grid = Gtk.Grid( margin_left = 10, margin_right = 10, margin_top = 10, margin_bottom = 10, row_spacing = 10, column_spacing = 10, column_homogeneous = True, ) label_custom_res = Gtk.Label( label = _("Custom resolution:") ) self.combobox_resolution = Gtk.ComboBoxText() resolutions_list = sorted(os.listdir(game_dir + '/res_patch')) for resolution in resolutions_list: self.combobox_resolution.append_text(resolution) self.combobox_resolution.set_active(self.resolution) self.combobox_resolution.connect('changed', self.cb_combobox_resolution) button_save = Gtk.Button( label = _("Save and quit"), ) button_save.connect('clicked', self.cb_button_save) grid.attach(label_custom_res, 0, 0, 1, 1) grid.attach(self.combobox_resolution, 1, 0, 1, 1) grid.attach(button_save, 0, 2, 2, 1) self.set_res_window.add(grid) def modify_start_file(self): new_launch_command = \ 'python "$NEBULA_DIR/" konung_legend_of_the_north "' + self.exe + '"' start_file = open(current_dir + '/', 'r') start_file_content = start_file.readlines() start_file.close() for i in range(len(start_file_content)): if '.exe' in start_file_content[i].lower(): start_file_content[i] = new_launch_command start_file = open(current_dir + '/', 'w') start_file.writelines(start_file_content) start_file.close() def cb_button_install(self, button): if not os.path.exists(patch_path): self.download_window.hide() message_dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog( self.download_window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, _("Error") ) message_dialog.format_secondary_text(_("Patch not found in download directory.")) content_area = message_dialog.get_content_area() content_area.set_property('margin-left', 10) content_area.set_property('margin-right', 10) content_area.set_property('margin-top', 10) content_area.set_property('margin-bottom', 10) message_dialog.destroy() else: os.system('7z x -aoa -o"' + game_dir + '/res_patch" "' + patch_path + '"') while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() self.download_window.hide() self.create_set_res_window() self.set_res_window.show_all() def cb_combobox_resolution(self, combobox): self.resolution = combobox.get_active() def cb_button_save(self, button): config_file = current_dir + '/settings.ini' config_parser = ConfigParser() if is_english_version: self.modify_start_file() config_parser.set('Settings', 'exe', str(self.exe)) else: if not os.path.exists(game_dir + '/konung.exe.original'): os.system('mv "' + game_dir + '/konung.exe" "' + game_dir + '/konung.exe.original"') selected_resolution = self.combobox_resolution.get_active_text() os.system('cp "' + game_dir + '/res_patch/' + selected_resolution + '"/* "' + game_dir + '"') config_parser.set('Settings', 'resolution', str(self.resolution)) new_config_file = open(config_file, 'w') config_parser.write(new_config_file) new_config_file.close() Gtk.main_quit() def cb_radiobuttons(self, radiobutton): self.exe = radiobutton.get_name() def quit_app(self, window, event): Gtk.main_quit() def main(): import sys app = GUI() Gtk.main() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
from __future__ import division, print_function; __metaclass__ = type import os import errno import random import time import numpy as np import west from west.propagators import WESTPropagator from west import Segment from west.states import BasisState, InitialState import simtk.openmm.openmm as openmm import simtk.unit as units import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.debug('loading module %r' % __name__) pcoord_len = 11 pcoord_dtype = np.float32 class OpenMMPropagator(WESTPropagator): def __init__(self, rc=None): super(OpenMMPropagator, self).__init__(rc) self.pcoord_len = pcoord_len self.pcoord_dtype = pcoord_dtype self.pcoord_ndim = 1 self.basis_coordinates = np.array([[5.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-5.0, 0.0, 0.0]], dtype=pcoord_dtype) # Default platform properties self.platform_properties = {'OpenCLPrecision': 'mixed', 'OpenCLPlatformIndex': '0', 'OpenCLDeviceIndex': '0', 'CudaPrecision': 'mixed', 'CudaDeviceIndex': '0'} config = self.rc.config # Validate configuration for key in [('west', 'openmm', 'system', 'file'), ('west', 'openmm', 'integrator', 'file'), ('west', 'openmm', 'integrator', 'steps_per_tau'), ('west', 'openmm', 'integrator', 'steps_per_write'), ('west', 'openmm', 'platform', 'name'), ('west', 'data', 'data_refs', 'initial_state')]: config.require(key) self.initial_state_ref_template = config['west','data','data_refs','initial_state'] system_xml_file = config['west', 'openmm', 'system', 'file'] self.integrator_xml_file = config['west', 'openmm', 'integrator', 'file'] self.steps_per_tau = config['west', 'openmm', 'integrator', 'steps_per_tau'] self.steps_per_write = config['west', 'openmm', 'integrator', 'steps_per_write'] self.nblocks = (self.steps_per_tau // self.steps_per_write) + 1 platform_name = config['west', 'openmm', 'platform', 'name'] or 'Reference' config_platform_properties = config['west', 'openmm', 'platform', 'properties'] or {} # Set up OpenMM with open(system_xml_file, 'r') as f: # NOTE: calling the system self.system causes a namespace collision in the propagator self.mmsystem = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize( with open(self.integrator_xml_file, 'r') as f: integrator = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize( self.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(platform_name) self.platform_properties.update(config_platform_properties) self.temperature = integrator.getTemperature() @staticmethod def dist(x, y): return np.sqrt(np.sum((x-y)**2)) @staticmethod def makepath(template, template_args=None, expanduser=True, expandvars=True, abspath=False, realpath=False): template_args = template_args or {} path = template.format(**template_args) if expandvars: path = os.path.expandvars(path) if expanduser: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if realpath: path = os.path.realpath(path) if abspath: path = os.path.abspath(path) path = os.path.normpath(path) return path @staticmethod def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def get_pcoord(self, state): if isinstance(state, BasisState): coords = self.basis_coordinates.copy() elif isinstance(state, InitialState): template_args = {'initial_state': state} istate_data_ref = self.makepath(self.initial_state_ref_template, template_args) coords = np.loadtxt(istate_data_ref) else: raise TypeError('state must be BasisState or InitialState') state.pcoord = self.dist(coords[0,:], coords[1,:]) def propagate(self, segments): platform_properties = self.platform_properties.copy() try: process_id = os.environ['WM_PROCESS_INDEX'] platform_properties['OpenCLDeviceIndex'] = process_id platform_properties['CudaDeviceIndex'] = process_id except KeyError: pass with open(self.integrator_xml_file, 'r') as f: integrator = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize( integrator.setRandomNumberSeed(random.randint(0, 2**16)) context = openmm.Context(self.mmsystem, integrator, self.platform, platform_properties) for segment in segments: starttime = time.time() # Set up arrays to hold trajectory data for pcoords, coordinates and velocities pcoords = np.empty((self.nblocks, 1)) pcoords[0] = segment.pcoord[0] coordinates = np.empty((self.nblocks, self.mmsystem.getNumParticles(), 3)) velocities = np.empty((self.nblocks, self.mmsystem.getNumParticles(), 3)) # Get initial coordinates and velocities from restarts or initial state if segment.initpoint_type == Segment.SEG_INITPOINT_CONTINUES: # Get restart data assert 'restart_coord' in assert 'restart_veloc' in coordinates[0] =['restart_coord'] velocities[0] =['restart_veloc'] initial_coords = units.Quantity(['restart_coord'], units.nanometer) initial_velocs = units.Quantity(['restart_veloc'], units.nanometer / units.picosecond) context.setPositions(initial_coords) context.setVelocities(initial_velocs) del['restart_coord'] del['restart_veloc'] elif segment.initpoint_type == Segment.SEG_INITPOINT_NEWTRAJ: initial_state = self.initial_states[segment.initial_state_id] assert initial_state.istate_type == InitialState.ISTATE_TYPE_GENERATED # Load coordinates coresponding to the initial state new_template_args = {'initial_state': initial_state} istate_data_ref = self.makepath(self.initial_state_ref_template, new_template_args) initial_coords = units.Quantity(np.loadtxt(istate_data_ref), units.angstrom) # Set up context for this segment context.setPositions(initial_coords) context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(self.temperature) state = context.getState(getPositions=True, getVelocities=True) coordinates[0] = state.getPositions(asNumpy=True) velocities[0] = state.getVelocities(asNumpy=True) # Run dynamics for istep in xrange(1, self.nblocks): integrator.step(self.steps_per_write) state = context.getState(getPositions=True, getVelocities=True) coordinates[istep] = state.getPositions(asNumpy=True) velocities[istep] = state.getVelocities(asNumpy=True) pcoords[istep] = 10.0 * self.dist(coordinates[istep,0,:], coordinates[istep,1,:]) # Finalize segment trajectory segment.pcoord = pcoords[...].astype(pcoord_dtype)['coord'] = coordinates[...]['veloc'] = velocities[...] segment.status = Segment.SEG_STATUS_COMPLETE segment.walltime = time.time() - starttime return segments def gen_istate(self, basis_state, initial_state): '''Generate a new initial state from the given basis state.''' initial_coords = self.basis_coordinates.copy() initial_coords[0,0] = random.randrange(5, 16) new_template_args = {'initial_state': initial_state} istate_data_ref = self.makepath(self.initial_state_ref_template, new_template_args) self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(istate_data_ref)) # Save coordinates of initial state as a text file # NOTE: this is ok for this example, but should be optimized for large systems np.savetxt(istate_data_ref, initial_coords) # Calculate pcoord for generated initial state pcoord = self.dist(initial_coords[0,:], initial_coords[1,:]) initial_state.pcoord = np.array([pcoord], dtype=pcoord_dtype) initial_state.istate_status = initial_state.ISTATE_STATUS_PREPARED return initial_state
# Copyright 2010 Hakan Kjellerstrand [email protected] # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ P-median problem in Google CP Solver. Model and data from the OPL Manual, which describes the problem: ''' The P-Median problem is a well known problem in Operations Research. The problem can be stated very simply, like this: given a set of customers with known amounts of demand, a set of candidate locations for warehouses, and the distance between each pair of customer-warehouse, choose P warehouses to open that minimize the demand-weighted distance of serving all customers from those P warehouses. ''' Compare with the following models: * MiniZinc: * Comet: This model was created by Hakan Kjellerstrand ([email protected]) Also see my other Google CP Solver models: """ import sys from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp def main(): # Create the solver. solver = pywrapcp.Solver('P-median problem') # # data # p = 2 num_customers = 4 customers = range(num_customers) Albert, Bob, Chris, Daniel = customers num_warehouses = 3 warehouses = range(num_warehouses) Santa_Clara, San_Jose, Berkeley = warehouses demand = [100, 80, 80, 70] distance = [ [2, 10, 50], [2, 10, 52], [50, 60, 3], [40, 60, 1] ] # # declare variables # open = [solver.IntVar(warehouses, 'open[%i]% % i') for w in warehouses] ship = {} for c in customers: for w in warehouses: ship[c, w] = solver.IntVar(0, 1, 'ship[%i,%i]' % (c, w)) ship_flat = [ship[c, w] for c in customers for w in warehouses] z = solver.IntVar(0, 1000, 'z') # # constraints # z_sum = solver.Sum([demand[c] * distance[c][w] * ship[c, w] for c in customers for w in warehouses]) solver.Add(z == z_sum) for c in customers: s = solver.Sum([ship[c, w] for w in warehouses]) solver.Add(s == 1) solver.Add(solver.Sum(open) == p) for c in customers: for w in warehouses: solver.Add(ship[c, w] <= open[w]) # objective objective = solver.Minimize(z, 1) # # solution and search # db = solver.Phase(open + ship_flat, solver.INT_VAR_DEFAULT, solver.INT_VALUE_DEFAULT) solver.NewSearch(db, [objective]) num_solutions = 0 while solver.NextSolution(): num_solutions += 1 print 'z:', z.Value() print 'open:', [open[w].Value() for w in warehouses] for c in customers: for w in warehouses: print ship[c, w].Value(), print print print 'num_solutions:', num_solutions print 'failures:', solver.Failures() print 'branches:', solver.Branches() print 'WallTime:', solver.WallTime(), 'ms' if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from allauth.socialaccount.providers.gitlab.provider import GitLabProvider from allauth.socialaccount.tests import OAuth2TestsMixin from allauth.tests import MockedResponse, TestCase class GitLabTests(OAuth2TestsMixin, TestCase): provider_id = def get_mocked_response(self): return MockedResponse( 200, """ { "avatar_url": "", "bio": null, "can_create_group": true, "can_create_project": true, "color_scheme_id": 5, "confirmed_at": "2015-03-02T16:53:58.370Z", "created_at": "2015-03-02T16:53:58.885Z", "current_sign_in_at": "2018-06-12T18:44:49.985Z", "email": "[email protected]", "external": false, "id": 2, "identities": [], "last_activity_on": "2018-06-11", "last_sign_in_at": "2018-05-31T14:59:44.527Z", "linkedin": "", "location": null, "name": "Mr Bob", "organization": null, "projects_limit": 10, "shared_runners_minutes_limit": 2000, "skype": "", "state": "active", "theme_id": 6, "twitter": "mrbob", "two_factor_enabled": true, "username": "mr.bob", "web_url": "", "website_url": "" } """, )
# Copyright (c) 2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # import boto from boto.configservice.exceptions import NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException from tests.compat import unittest class TestConfigService(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.configservice = boto.connect_configservice() def test_describe_configuration_recorders(self): response = self.configservice.describe_configuration_recorders() self.assertIn('ConfigurationRecorders', response) def test_handle_no_such_configuration_recorder(self): with self.assertRaises(NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException): self.configservice.describe_configuration_recorders( configuration_recorder_names=['non-existant-recorder']) def test_connect_to_non_us_east_1(self): self.configservice = boto.configservice.connect_to_region('us-west-2') response = self.configservice.describe_configuration_recorders() self.assertIn('ConfigurationRecorders', response)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: disable=missing-docstring from __future__ import print_function from collections import namedtuple import mxnet as mx from nce import nce_loss LSTMState = namedtuple("LSTMState", ["c", "h"]) LSTMParam = namedtuple("LSTMParam", ["i2h_weight", "i2h_bias", "h2h_weight", "h2h_bias"]) def _lstm(num_hidden, indata, prev_state, param, seqidx, layeridx, dropout=0.): """LSTM Cell symbol""" if dropout > 0.: indata = mx.sym.Dropout(data=indata, p=dropout) i2h = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=indata, weight=param.i2h_weight, bias=param.i2h_bias, num_hidden=num_hidden * 4, name="t%d_l%d_i2h" % (seqidx, layeridx)) h2h = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=prev_state.h, weight=param.h2h_weight, bias=param.h2h_bias, num_hidden=num_hidden * 4, name="t%d_l%d_h2h" % (seqidx, layeridx)) gates = i2h + h2h slice_gates = mx.sym.SliceChannel(gates, num_outputs=4, name="t%d_l%d_slice" % (seqidx, layeridx)) in_gate = mx.sym.Activation(slice_gates[0], act_type="sigmoid") in_transform = mx.sym.Activation(slice_gates[1], act_type="tanh") forget_gate = mx.sym.Activation(slice_gates[2], act_type="sigmoid") out_gate = mx.sym.Activation(slice_gates[3], act_type="sigmoid") next_c = (forget_gate * prev_state.c) + (in_gate * in_transform) next_h = out_gate * mx.sym.Activation(next_c, act_type="tanh") return LSTMState(c=next_c, h=next_h) def get_lstm_net(vocab_size, seq_len, num_lstm_layer, num_hidden): param_cells = [] last_states = [] for i in range(num_lstm_layer): param_cells.append(LSTMParam(i2h_weight=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_i2h_weight" % i), i2h_bias=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_i2h_bias" % i), h2h_weight=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_h2h_weight" % i), h2h_bias=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_h2h_bias" % i))) state = LSTMState(c=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_init_c" % i), h=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_init_h" % i)) last_states.append(state) data = mx.sym.Variable('data') label = mx.sym.Variable('label') label_weight = mx.sym.Variable('label_weight') embed_weight = mx.sym.Variable('embed_weight') label_embed_weight = mx.sym.Variable('label_embed_weight') data_embed = mx.sym.Embedding(data=data, input_dim=vocab_size, weight=embed_weight, output_dim=100, name='data_embed') datavec = mx.sym.SliceChannel(data=data_embed, num_outputs=seq_len, squeeze_axis=True, name='data_slice') labelvec = mx.sym.SliceChannel(data=label, num_outputs=seq_len, squeeze_axis=True, name='label_slice') labelweightvec = mx.sym.SliceChannel(data=label_weight, num_outputs=seq_len, squeeze_axis=True, name='label_weight_slice') probs = [] for seqidx in range(seq_len): hidden = datavec[seqidx] for i in range(num_lstm_layer): next_state = _lstm(num_hidden, indata=hidden, prev_state=last_states[i], param=param_cells[i], seqidx=seqidx, layeridx=i) hidden = next_state.h last_states[i] = next_state probs.append(nce_loss(data=hidden, label=labelvec[seqidx], label_weight=labelweightvec[seqidx], embed_weight=label_embed_weight, vocab_size=vocab_size, num_hidden=100)) return mx.sym.Group(probs)
# coding: utf-8 """ Potential used in Price-Whelan et al. (in prep.) TODO """ from __future__ import division, print_function __author__ = "adrn <[email protected]>" # Third-party from astropy.constants import G import astropy.units as u import numpy as np # Project # from .cpotential import CCompositePotential from .core import CompositePotential from .cbuiltin import HernquistPotential, MiyamotoNagaiPotential, \ LeeSutoTriaxialNFWPotential, SphericalNFWPotential, LogarithmicPotential from ..units import galactic __all__ = ['PW14Potential', 'LM10Potential', 'TriaxialMWPotential'] class PW14Potential(CompositePotential): def __init__(self, units=galactic, disk=dict(), bulge=dict(), halo=dict()): default_disk = dict(m=6.5E10, a=6.5, b=0.26) default_bulge = dict(m=2E10, c=0.3) default_halo = dict(a=1.4, b=1., c=0.6, v_c=0.247, r_s=30., phi=np.pi/2., theta=np.pi/2., psi=np.pi/2.) for k,v in default_disk.items(): if k not in disk: disk[k] = v for k,v in default_bulge.items(): if k not in bulge: bulge[k] = v for k,v in default_halo.items(): if k not in halo: halo[k] = v kwargs = dict() kwargs["disk"] = MiyamotoNagaiPotential(units=units, **disk) kwargs["bulge"] = HernquistPotential(units=units, **bulge) if halo['a'] == 1 and halo['b'] == 1 and halo['c'] == 1: kwargs["halo"] = SphericalNFWPotential(units=units, v_c=halo['v_c'], r_s=halo['r_s']) else: kwargs["halo"] = LeeSutoTriaxialNFWPotential(units=units, **halo) super(PW14Potential,self).__init__(**kwargs) class LM10Potential(CompositePotential): def __init__(self, units=galactic, disk=dict(), bulge=dict(), halo=dict()): default_disk = dict(m=1E11, a=6.5, b=0.26) default_bulge = dict(m=3.4E10, c=0.7) default_halo = dict(q1=1.38, q2=1., q3=1.36, r_h=12., phi=(97*, v_c=np.sqrt(2)*(121.858* for k,v in default_disk.items(): if k not in disk: disk[k] = v for k,v in default_bulge.items(): if k not in bulge: bulge[k] = v for k,v in default_halo.items(): if k not in halo: halo[k] = v kwargs = dict() kwargs["disk"] = MiyamotoNagaiPotential(units=units, **disk) kwargs["bulge"] = HernquistPotential(units=units, **bulge) kwargs["halo"] = LogarithmicPotential(units=units, **halo) super(LM10Potential,self).__init__(**kwargs) class TriaxialMWPotential(CompositePotential): def __init__(self, units=galactic, disk=dict(), bulge=dict(), halo=dict()): """ Axis ratio values taken from Jing & Suto (2002). Other parameters come from a by-eye fit to Bovy's MW2014Potential. Choice of v_c sets circular velocity at Sun to 220 km/s """ default_disk = dict(m=7E10, a=3.5, b=0.14) default_bulge = dict(m=1E10, c=1.1) default_halo = dict(a=1., b=0.75, c=0.55, v_c=0.239225, r_s=30., phi=0., theta=0., psi=0.) for k,v in default_disk.items(): if k not in disk: disk[k] = v for k,v in default_bulge.items(): if k not in bulge: bulge[k] = v for k,v in default_halo.items(): if k not in halo: halo[k] = v kwargs = dict() kwargs["disk"] = MiyamotoNagaiPotential(units=units, **disk) kwargs["bulge"] = HernquistPotential(units=units, **bulge) kwargs["halo"] = LeeSutoTriaxialNFWPotential(units=units, **halo) super(TriaxialMWPotential,self).__init__(**kwargs) stuff = """ def busey(): import webbrowser"") """
# # {c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import re import os import traceback from collections import Mapping from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring from import Template from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types from ansible.errors import AnsibleError try: import yaml HAS_YAML = True except ImportError: HAS_YAML = False try: import textfsm HAS_TEXTFSM = True except ImportError: HAS_TEXTFSM = False try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() def re_matchall(regex, value): objects = list() for match in re.findall(regex.pattern, value, re.M): obj = {} if regex.groupindex: for name, index in iteritems(regex.groupindex): if len(regex.groupindex) == 1: obj[name] = match else: obj[name] = match[index - 1] objects.append(obj) return objects def re_search(regex, value): obj = {} match =, re.M) if match: items = list(match.groups()) if regex.groupindex: for name, index in iteritems(regex.groupindex): obj[name] = items[index - 1] return obj def parse_cli(output, tmpl): if not isinstance(output, string_types): raise AnsibleError("parse_cli input should be a string, but was given a input of %s" % (type(output))) if not os.path.exists(tmpl): raise AnsibleError('unable to locate parse_cli template: %s' % tmpl) try: template = Template() except ImportError as exc: raise AnsibleError(str(exc)) spec = yaml.safe_load(open(tmpl).read()) obj = {} for name, attrs in iteritems(spec['keys']): value = attrs['value'] try: variables = spec.get('vars', {}) value = template(value, variables) except: pass if 'start_block' in attrs and 'end_block' in attrs: start_block = re.compile(attrs['start_block']) end_block = re.compile(attrs['end_block']) blocks = list() lines = None block_started = False for line in output.split('\n'): match_start = start_block.match(line) match_end = end_block.match(line) if match_start: lines = list() lines.append(line) block_started = True elif match_end: if lines: lines.append(line) blocks.append('\n'.join(lines)) block_started = False elif block_started: if lines: lines.append(line) regex_items = [re.compile(r) for r in attrs['items']] objects = list() for block in blocks: if isinstance(value, Mapping) and 'key' not in value: items = list() for regex in regex_items: match = if match: item_values = match.groupdict() item_values['match'] = list(match.groups()) items.append(item_values) else: items.append(None) obj = {} for k, v in iteritems(value): try: obj[k] = template(v, {'item': items}, fail_on_undefined=False) except: obj[k] = None objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(value, Mapping): items = list() for regex in regex_items: match = if match: item_values = match.groupdict() item_values['match'] = list(match.groups()) items.append(item_values) else: items.append(None) key = template(value['key'], {'item': items}) values = dict([(k, template(v, {'item': items})) for k, v in iteritems(value['values'])]) objects.append({key: values}) return objects elif 'items' in attrs: regexp = re.compile(attrs['items']) when = attrs.get('when') conditional = "{%% if %s %%}True{%% else %%}False{%% endif %%}" % when if isinstance(value, Mapping) and 'key' not in value: values = list() for item in re_matchall(regexp, output): entry = {} for item_key, item_value in iteritems(value): entry[item_key] = template(item_value, {'item': item}) if when: if template(conditional, {'item': entry}): values.append(entry) else: values.append(entry) obj[name] = values elif isinstance(value, Mapping): values = dict() for item in re_matchall(regexp, output): entry = {} for item_key, item_value in iteritems(value['values']): entry[item_key] = template(item_value, {'item': item}) key = template(value['key'], {'item': item}) if when: if template(conditional, {'item': {'key': key, 'value': entry}}): values[key] = entry else: values[key] = entry obj[name] = values else: item = re_search(regexp, output) obj[name] = template(value, {'item': item}) else: obj[name] = value return obj def parse_cli_textfsm(value, template): if not HAS_TEXTFSM: raise AnsibleError('parse_cli_textfsm filter requires TextFSM library to be installed') if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise AnsibleError("parse_cli_textfsm input should be a string, but was given a input of %s" % (type(value))) if not os.path.exists(template): raise AnsibleError('unable to locate parse_cli_textfsm template: %s' % template) try: template = open(template) except IOError as exc: raise AnsibleError(str(exc)) re_table = textfsm.TextFSM(template) fsm_results = re_table.ParseText(value) results = list() for item in fsm_results: results.append(dict(zip(re_table.header, item))) return results def _extract_param(template, root, attrs, value): key = None when = attrs.get('when') conditional = "{%% if %s %%}True{%% else %%}False{%% endif %%}" % when param_to_xpath_map = attrs['items'] if isinstance(value, Mapping): key = value.get('key', None) if key: value = value['values'] entries = dict() if key else list() for element in root.findall(attrs['top']): entry = dict() item_dict = dict() for param, param_xpath in iteritems(param_to_xpath_map): fields = None try: fields = element.findall(param_xpath) except: display.warning("Failed to evaluate value of '%s' with XPath '%s'.\nUnexpected error: %s." % (param, param_xpath, traceback.format_exc())) tags = param_xpath.split('/') # check if xpath ends with attribute. # If yes set attribute key/value dict to param value in case attribute matches # else if it is a normal xpath assign matched element text value. if len(tags) and tags[-1].endswith(']'): if fields: if len(fields) > 1: item_dict[param] = [field.attrib for field in fields] else: item_dict[param] = fields[0].attrib else: item_dict[param] = {} else: if fields: if len(fields) > 1: item_dict[param] = [field.text for field in fields] else: item_dict[param] = fields[0].text else: item_dict[param] = None if isinstance(value, Mapping): for item_key, item_value in iteritems(value): entry[item_key] = template(item_value, {'item': item_dict}) else: entry = template(value, {'item': item_dict}) if key: expanded_key = template(key, {'item': item_dict}) if when: if template(conditional, {'item': {'key': expanded_key, 'value': entry}}): entries[expanded_key] = entry else: entries[expanded_key] = entry else: if when: if template(conditional, {'item': entry}): entries.append(entry) else: entries.append(entry) return entries def parse_xml(output, tmpl): if not os.path.exists(tmpl): raise AnsibleError('unable to locate parse_cli template: %s' % tmpl) if not isinstance(output, string_types): raise AnsibleError('parse_xml works on string input, but given input of : %s' % type(output)) root = fromstring(output) try: template = Template() except ImportError as exc: raise AnsibleError(str(exc)) spec = yaml.safe_load(open(tmpl).read()) obj = {} for name, attrs in iteritems(spec['keys']): value = attrs['value'] try: variables = spec.get('vars', {}) value = template(value, variables) except: pass if 'items' in attrs: obj[name] = _extract_param(template, root, attrs, value) else: obj[name] = value return obj class FilterModule(object): """Filters for working with output from network devices""" filter_map = { 'parse_cli': parse_cli, 'parse_cli_textfsm': parse_cli_textfsm, 'parse_xml': parse_xml } def filters(self): return self.filter_map
import sys, itertools from pylibs.test import Test, Player, BwChange, DelayChange, TcpDump from pylibs.generic import PlainObject server_url = '' bigbuckbunny8_url = server_url + '/bbb8/play_size.m3u8' # rates: 350k 470k 630k 845k 1130k 1520k 2040k 2750k, duration (s): ~600 settings = PlainObject() settings.video_label = 'bbb8' settings.video_url = bigbuckbunny8_url settings.kill_after = 700 settings.rtt = ('20ms', '80ms') settings.rtt_zfill = 4 settings.buffer_size = ('25%', '50%', '100%', '600%') #won't be given directly to tc_helper, but will pass through get_bdp_fraction settings.buffer_size_zfill = 4 settings.fairshare = range(600, 3001, 300) settings.aqm = ('droptail', 'ared', 'codel') settings.clients = (1, 2, 3) settings.algorithms = ('classic-119', 'bba2', 'bba3') settings.curl = ('yes', 'bandwidth') def get_curl_label(curl): if curl == 'yes': return 'keepalive' if curl == 'bandwidth': return 'keepalive_est' return 'close' def get_algocurl_tuples(algorithms, curl_tuple): tuples = [] for curl in curl_tuple: for algo in algorithms: if algo.startswith('bba') and curl == 'yes': tuples.append((algo, 'bandwidth')) continue tuples.append((algo, curl)) return set(tuples) from pylibs.test import delay_convert, router_buffer_convert def get_bdp_fraction(rtt, bandwidth, fraction): #in packets rtt_ms = delay_convert(rtt) if rtt_ms == 20: bandwidth = '50mbit' elif rtt_ms == 80: bandwidth = '10mbit' return router_buffer_convert(fraction, bandwidth, rtt) def add_tcpdump(t): t.add_event(TcpDump(host='bandwidth', iface='eth1')) t.add_event(TcpDump(host='bandwidth', iface='eth2')) if __name__ == "__main__": for (buffer_size, rtt, (algo, curl), n_clients, aqm) in itertools.product(settings.buffer_size, settings.rtt, get_algocurl_tuples(settings.algorithms, settings.curl), settings.clients, settings.aqm): if (aqm == 'ared' or (algo == 'classic-119' and curl == 'yes')) and n_clients > 1: continue rtt_label = str(rtt).zfill(settings.rtt_zfill) buffer_size_label = str(buffer_size).zfill(settings.buffer_size_zfill) #constant collection = 'constant_{}_{}_{}_{}BDP_{}'.format(n_clients, settings.video_label, rtt_label, buffer_size_label, aqm) num = 1 for bw_kbits in settings.fairshare: bw = str(bw_kbits*n_clients)+'kbit' bwchange = BwChange(bw=bw, buffer_size=get_bdp_fraction(rtt, bw, buffer_size), rtt=rtt) t = Test(name='c{:02d}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(num, n_clients, settings.video_label, bw, algo, get_curl_label(curl)), collection=collection, init_bw=bwchange, packet_delay=rtt, aqm_algorithm=aqm) t.add_event(TcpDump(host='bandwidth', iface='eth1')) t.add_event(TcpDump(host='bandwidth', iface='eth2')) for client_id in range(n_clients): player = Player(delay=1, host='client{}'.format(client_id), algo=algo, curl=curl, url=settings.video_url, kill_after=settings.kill_after) t.add_event(player) t.generate_schedule() num += 1 #variable bandwidths_coll = [ # actually: fairshare - it will be multiplied by the number of clients {0: 4000000, 120: 1000000, 240: 4000000, 360: 600000, 480: 4000000}, {0: 4000000, 100: 2800000, 200: 1500000, 300: 1000000, 400: 600000, 500: 4000000}, ] collection = 'variable_{}_{}_{}_{}BDP_{}'.format(n_clients, settings.video_label, rtt_label, buffer_size_label, aqm) num = 1 for bandwidths in bandwidths_coll: t = Test(name='v{:02d}_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(num, n_clients, settings.video_label, algo, get_curl_label(curl)), collection=collection, packet_delay=rtt, aqm_algorithm=aqm) for d, bw in bandwidths.iteritems(): t.add_event(BwChange(delay=d, bw=bw*n_clients, buffer_size=get_bdp_fraction(rtt, bw, buffer_size), rtt=rtt)) t.add_event(TcpDump(host='bandwidth', iface='eth1')) t.add_event(TcpDump(host='bandwidth', iface='eth2')) for client_id in range(n_clients): player = Player(delay=1, host='client{}'.format(client_id), algo=algo, curl=curl, url=settings.video_url, kill_after=settings.kill_after) t.add_event(player) t.generate_schedule() num += 1
# flake8: noqa # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Changing field 'Event.max_seats_per_guest' db.alter_column('event_rsvp_event', 'max_seats_per_guest','django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField')(null=True)) def backwards(self, orm): # Changing field 'Event.max_seats_per_guest' db.alter_column('event_rsvp_event', 'max_seats_per_guest','django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField')()) models = { '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'event_rsvp.event': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Event'}, 'allow_anonymous_rsvp': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'available_seats': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'city': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'contact_email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'contact_person': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'contact_phone': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'country': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'created_by': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'creation_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'end': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 9, 0, 0)'}), 'hide_available_seats': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'max_seats_per_guest': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'required_fields': ('event_rsvp.models.MultiSelectField', [], {'max_length': '250', 'blank': 'True'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'start': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 8, 0, 0)'}), 'street': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'template_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256'}), 'venue': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'zip': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'event_rsvp.guest': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Guest'}, 'creation_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'event': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'guests'", 'to': "orm['event_rsvp.Event']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_attending': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'message': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '4000', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'blank': 'True'}), 'number_of_seats': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'phone': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'blank': 'True'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['event_rsvp']
""" Python Character Mapping Codec iso8859_6 generated from 'MAPPINGS/ISO8859/8859-6.TXT' with """#" import codecs ### Codec APIs class Codec(codecs.Codec): def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_table) def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,errors,decoding_table) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): def decode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter): pass class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader): pass ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name='iso8859-6', encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, ) ### Decoding Table decoding_table = ( u'\x00' # 0x00 -> NULL u'\x01' # 0x01 -> START OF HEADING u'\x02' # 0x02 -> START OF TEXT u'\x03' # 0x03 -> END OF TEXT u'\x04' # 0x04 -> END OF TRANSMISSION u'\x05' # 0x05 -> ENQUIRY u'\x06' # 0x06 -> ACKNOWLEDGE u'\x07' # 0x07 -> BELL u'\x08' # 0x08 -> BACKSPACE u'\t' # 0x09 -> HORIZONTAL TABULATION u'\n' # 0x0A -> LINE FEED u'\x0b' # 0x0B -> VERTICAL TABULATION u'\x0c' # 0x0C -> FORM FEED u'\r' # 0x0D -> CARRIAGE RETURN u'\x0e' # 0x0E -> SHIFT OUT u'\x0f' # 0x0F -> SHIFT IN u'\x10' # 0x10 -> DATA LINK ESCAPE u'\x11' # 0x11 -> DEVICE CONTROL ONE u'\x12' # 0x12 -> DEVICE CONTROL TWO u'\x13' # 0x13 -> DEVICE CONTROL THREE u'\x14' # 0x14 -> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR u'\x15' # 0x15 -> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE u'\x16' # 0x16 -> SYNCHRONOUS IDLE u'\x17' # 0x17 -> END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK u'\x18' # 0x18 -> CANCEL u'\x19' # 0x19 -> END OF MEDIUM u'\x1a' # 0x1A -> SUBSTITUTE u'\x1b' # 0x1B -> ESCAPE u'\x1c' # 0x1C -> FILE SEPARATOR u'\x1d' # 0x1D -> GROUP SEPARATOR u'\x1e' # 0x1E -> RECORD SEPARATOR u'\x1f' # 0x1F -> UNIT SEPARATOR u' ' # 0x20 -> SPACE u'!' # 0x21 -> EXCLAMATION MARK u'"' # 0x22 -> QUOTATION MARK u'#' # 0x23 -> NUMBER SIGN u'$' # 0x24 -> DOLLAR SIGN u'%' # 0x25 -> PERCENT SIGN u'&' # 0x26 -> AMPERSAND u"'" # 0x27 -> APOSTROPHE u'(' # 0x28 -> LEFT PARENTHESIS u')' # 0x29 -> RIGHT PARENTHESIS u'*' # 0x2A -> ASTERISK u'+' # 0x2B -> PLUS SIGN u',' # 0x2C -> COMMA u'-' # 0x2D -> HYPHEN-MINUS u'.' # 0x2E -> FULL STOP u'/' # 0x2F -> SOLIDUS u'0' # 0x30 -> DIGIT ZERO u'1' # 0x31 -> DIGIT ONE u'2' # 0x32 -> DIGIT TWO u'3' # 0x33 -> DIGIT THREE u'4' # 0x34 -> DIGIT FOUR u'5' # 0x35 -> DIGIT FIVE u'6' # 0x36 -> DIGIT SIX u'7' # 0x37 -> DIGIT SEVEN u'8' # 0x38 -> DIGIT EIGHT u'9' # 0x39 -> DIGIT NINE u':' # 0x3A -> COLON u';' # 0x3B -> SEMICOLON u'<' # 0x3C -> LESS-THAN SIGN u'=' # 0x3D -> EQUALS SIGN u'>' # 0x3E -> GREATER-THAN SIGN u'?' # 0x3F -> QUESTION MARK u'@' # 0x40 -> COMMERCIAL AT u'A' # 0x41 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A u'B' # 0x42 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B u'C' # 0x43 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C u'D' # 0x44 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D u'E' # 0x45 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E u'F' # 0x46 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F u'G' # 0x47 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G u'H' # 0x48 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H u'I' # 0x49 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I u'J' # 0x4A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J u'K' # 0x4B -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K u'L' # 0x4C -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L u'M' # 0x4D -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M u'N' # 0x4E -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N u'O' # 0x4F -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O u'P' # 0x50 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P u'Q' # 0x51 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q u'R' # 0x52 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R u'S' # 0x53 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S u'T' # 0x54 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T u'U' # 0x55 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U u'V' # 0x56 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V u'W' # 0x57 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W u'X' # 0x58 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X u'Y' # 0x59 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y u'Z' # 0x5A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z u'[' # 0x5B -> LEFT SQUARE BRACKET u'\\' # 0x5C -> REVERSE SOLIDUS u']' # 0x5D -> RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET u'^' # 0x5E -> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT u'_' # 0x5F -> LOW LINE u'`' # 0x60 -> GRAVE ACCENT u'a' # 0x61 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A u'b' # 0x62 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER B u'c' # 0x63 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C u'd' # 0x64 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D u'e' # 0x65 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E u'f' # 0x66 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F u'g' # 0x67 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G u'h' # 0x68 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER H u'i' # 0x69 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I u'j' # 0x6A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER J u'k' # 0x6B -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K u'l' # 0x6C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L u'm' # 0x6D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER M u'n' # 0x6E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N u'o' # 0x6F -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O u'p' # 0x70 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER P u'q' # 0x71 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Q u'r' # 0x72 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER R u's' # 0x73 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S u't' # 0x74 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T u'u' # 0x75 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U u'v' # 0x76 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER V u'w' # 0x77 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER W u'x' # 0x78 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER X u'y' # 0x79 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y u'z' # 0x7A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z u'{' # 0x7B -> LEFT CURLY BRACKET u'|' # 0x7C -> VERTICAL LINE u'}' # 0x7D -> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET u'~' # 0x7E -> TILDE u'\x7f' # 0x7F -> DELETE u'\x80' # 0x80 -> <control> u'\x81' # 0x81 -> <control> u'\x82' # 0x82 -> <control> u'\x83' # 0x83 -> <control> u'\x84' # 0x84 -> <control> u'\x85' # 0x85 -> <control> u'\x86' # 0x86 -> <control> u'\x87' # 0x87 -> <control> u'\x88' # 0x88 -> <control> u'\x89' # 0x89 -> <control> u'\x8a' # 0x8A -> <control> u'\x8b' # 0x8B -> <control> u'\x8c' # 0x8C -> <control> u'\x8d' # 0x8D -> <control> u'\x8e' # 0x8E -> <control> u'\x8f' # 0x8F -> <control> u'\x90' # 0x90 -> <control> u'\x91' # 0x91 -> <control> u'\x92' # 0x92 -> <control> u'\x93' # 0x93 -> <control> u'\x94' # 0x94 -> <control> u'\x95' # 0x95 -> <control> u'\x96' # 0x96 -> <control> u'\x97' # 0x97 -> <control> u'\x98' # 0x98 -> <control> u'\x99' # 0x99 -> <control> u'\x9a' # 0x9A -> <control> u'\x9b' # 0x9B -> <control> u'\x9c' # 0x9C -> <control> u'\x9d' # 0x9D -> <control> u'\x9e' # 0x9E -> <control> u'\x9f' # 0x9F -> <control> u'\xa0' # 0xA0 -> NO-BREAK SPACE u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\xa4' # 0xA4 -> CURRENCY SIGN u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\u060c' # 0xAC -> ARABIC COMMA u'\xad' # 0xAD -> SOFT HYPHEN u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\u061b' # 0xBB -> ARABIC SEMICOLON u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\u061f' # 0xBF -> ARABIC QUESTION MARK u'\ufffe' u'\u0621' # 0xC1 -> ARABIC LETTER HAMZA u'\u0622' # 0xC2 -> ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE u'\u0623' # 0xC3 -> ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE u'\u0624' # 0xC4 -> ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE u'\u0625' # 0xC5 -> ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW u'\u0626' # 0xC6 -> ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE u'\u0627' # 0xC7 -> ARABIC LETTER ALEF u'\u0628' # 0xC8 -> ARABIC LETTER BEH u'\u0629' # 0xC9 -> ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA u'\u062a' # 0xCA -> ARABIC LETTER TEH u'\u062b' # 0xCB -> ARABIC LETTER THEH u'\u062c' # 0xCC -> ARABIC LETTER JEEM u'\u062d' # 0xCD -> ARABIC LETTER HAH u'\u062e' # 0xCE -> ARABIC LETTER KHAH u'\u062f' # 0xCF -> ARABIC LETTER DAL u'\u0630' # 0xD0 -> ARABIC LETTER THAL u'\u0631' # 0xD1 -> ARABIC LETTER REH u'\u0632' # 0xD2 -> ARABIC LETTER ZAIN u'\u0633' # 0xD3 -> ARABIC LETTER SEEN u'\u0634' # 0xD4 -> ARABIC LETTER SHEEN u'\u0635' # 0xD5 -> ARABIC LETTER SAD u'\u0636' # 0xD6 -> ARABIC LETTER DAD u'\u0637' # 0xD7 -> ARABIC LETTER TAH u'\u0638' # 0xD8 -> ARABIC LETTER ZAH u'\u0639' # 0xD9 -> ARABIC LETTER AIN u'\u063a' # 0xDA -> ARABIC LETTER GHAIN u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\u0640' # 0xE0 -> ARABIC TATWEEL u'\u0641' # 0xE1 -> ARABIC LETTER FEH u'\u0642' # 0xE2 -> ARABIC LETTER QAF u'\u0643' # 0xE3 -> ARABIC LETTER KAF u'\u0644' # 0xE4 -> ARABIC LETTER LAM u'\u0645' # 0xE5 -> ARABIC LETTER MEEM u'\u0646' # 0xE6 -> ARABIC LETTER NOON u'\u0647' # 0xE7 -> ARABIC LETTER HEH u'\u0648' # 0xE8 -> ARABIC LETTER WAW u'\u0649' # 0xE9 -> ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA u'\u064a' # 0xEA -> ARABIC LETTER YEH u'\u064b' # 0xEB -> ARABIC FATHATAN u'\u064c' # 0xEC -> ARABIC DAMMATAN u'\u064d' # 0xED -> ARABIC KASRATAN u'\u064e' # 0xEE -> ARABIC FATHA u'\u064f' # 0xEF -> ARABIC DAMMA u'\u0650' # 0xF0 -> ARABIC KASRA u'\u0651' # 0xF1 -> ARABIC SHADDA u'\u0652' # 0xF2 -> ARABIC SUKUN u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' u'\ufffe' ) ### Encoding table encoding_table=codecs.charmap_build(decoding_table)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers.c_like ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for other C-like languages. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2014 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups, inherit, words, \ default from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \ Number, Punctuation from pygments.lexers.c_cpp import CLexer, CppLexer from pygments.lexers import _mql_builtins __all__ = ['PikeLexer', 'NesCLexer', 'ClayLexer', 'ECLexer', 'ValaLexer', 'CudaLexer', 'SwigLexer', 'MqlLexer'] class PikeLexer(CppLexer): """ For `Pike <>`_ source code. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'Pike' aliases = ['pike'] filenames = ['*.pike', '*.pmod'] mimetypes = ['text/x-pike'] tokens = { 'statements': [ (words(( 'catch', 'new', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'gauge', 'throw', 'throws', 'class', 'interface', 'implement', 'abstract', 'extends', 'from', 'this', 'super', 'constant', 'final', 'static', 'import', 'use', 'extern', 'inline', 'proto', 'break', 'continue', 'if', 'else', 'for', 'while', 'do', 'switch', 'case', 'as', 'in', 'version', 'return', 'true', 'false', 'null', '__VERSION__', '__MAJOR__', '__MINOR__', '__BUILD__', '__REAL_VERSION__', '__REAL_MAJOR__', '__REAL_MINOR__', '__REAL_BUILD__', '__DATE__', '__TIME__', '__FILE__', '__DIR__', '__LINE__', '__AUTO_BIGNUM__', '__NT__', '__PIKE__', '__amigaos__', '_Pragma', 'static_assert', 'defined', 'sscanf'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword), (r'(bool|int|long|float|short|double|char|string|object|void|mapping|' r'array|multiset|program|function|lambda|mixed|' r'[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*_t)\b', Keyword.Type), (r'(class)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'), (r'[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/@-]', Operator), inherit, ], 'classname': [ (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Class, '#pop'), # template specification (r'\s*(?=>)', Text, '#pop'), ], } class NesCLexer(CLexer): """ For `nesC <>`_ source code with preprocessor directives. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'nesC' aliases = ['nesc'] filenames = ['*.nc'] mimetypes = ['text/x-nescsrc'] tokens = { 'statements': [ (words(( 'abstract', 'as', 'async', 'atomic', 'call', 'command', 'component', 'components', 'configuration', 'event', 'extends', 'generic', 'implementation', 'includes', 'interface', 'module', 'new', 'norace', 'post', 'provides', 'signal', 'task', 'uses'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword), (words(('nx_struct', 'nx_union', 'nx_int8_t', 'nx_int16_t', 'nx_int32_t', 'nx_int64_t', 'nx_uint8_t', 'nx_uint16_t', 'nx_uint32_t', 'nx_uint64_t'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Type), inherit, ], } class ClayLexer(RegexLexer): """ For `Clay <>`_ source. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'Clay' filenames = ['*.clay'] aliases = ['clay'] mimetypes = ['text/x-clay'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\s', Text), (r'//.*?$', Comment.Singleline), (r'/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/', Comment.Multiline), (r'\b(public|private|import|as|record|variant|instance' r'|define|overload|default|external|alias' r'|rvalue|ref|forward|inline|noinline|forceinline' r'|enum|var|and|or|not|if|else|goto|return|while' r'|switch|case|break|continue|for|in|true|false|try|catch|throw' r'|finally|onerror|staticassert|eval|when|newtype' r'|__FILE__|__LINE__|__COLUMN__|__ARG__' r')\b', Keyword), (r'[~!%^&*+=|:<>/-]', Operator), (r'[#(){}\[\],;.]', Punctuation), (r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[LlUu]*', Number.Hex), (r'\d+[LlUu]*', Number.Integer), (r'\b(true|false)\b', Name.Builtin), (r'(?i)[a-z_?][\w?]*', Name), (r'"""', String, 'tdqs'), (r'"', String, 'dqs'), ], 'strings': [ (r'(?i)\\(x[0-9a-f]{2}|.)', String.Escape), (r'.', String), ], 'nl': [ (r'\n', String), ], 'dqs': [ (r'"', String, '#pop'), include('strings'), ], 'tdqs': [ (r'"""', String, '#pop'), include('strings'), include('nl'), ], } class ECLexer(CLexer): """ For eC source code with preprocessor directives. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ name = 'eC' aliases = ['ec'] filenames = ['*.ec', '*.eh'] mimetypes = ['text/x-echdr', 'text/x-ecsrc'] tokens = { 'statements': [ (words(( 'virtual', 'class', 'private', 'public', 'property', 'import', 'delete', 'new', 'new0', 'renew', 'renew0', 'define', 'get', 'set', 'remote', 'dllexport', 'dllimport', 'stdcall', 'subclass', '__on_register_module', 'namespace', 'using', 'typed_object', 'any_object', 'incref', 'register', 'watch', 'stopwatching', 'firewatchers', 'watchable', 'class_designer', 'class_fixed', 'class_no_expansion', 'isset', 'class_default_property', 'property_category', 'class_data', 'class_property', 'thisclass', 'dbtable', 'dbindex', 'database_open', 'dbfield'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword), (words(('uint', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'bool', 'byte', 'unichar', 'int64'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Type), (r'(class)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'), (r'(null|value|this)\b', Name.Builtin), inherit, ], 'classname': [ (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Class, '#pop'), # template specification (r'\s*(?=>)', Text, '#pop'), ], } class ValaLexer(RegexLexer): """ For Vala source code with preprocessor directives. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ name = 'Vala' aliases = ['vala', 'vapi'] filenames = ['*.vala', '*.vapi'] mimetypes = ['text/x-vala'] tokens = { 'whitespace': [ (r'^\s*#if\s+0', Comment.Preproc, 'if0'), (r'\n', Text), (r'\s+', Text), (r'\\\n', Text), # line continuation (r'//(\n|(.|\n)*?[^\\]\n)', Comment.Single), (r'/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/', Comment.Multiline), ], 'statements': [ (r'[L@]?"', String, 'string'), (r"L?'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[^\\\'\n])'", String.Char), (r'(?s)""".*?"""', String), # verbatim strings (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[lL]?', Number.Float), (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?', Number.Float), (r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?', Number.Hex), (r'0[0-7]+[Ll]?', Number.Oct), (r'\d+[Ll]?', Number.Integer), (r'[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]', Operator), (r'(\[)(Compact|Immutable|(?:Boolean|Simple)Type)(\])', bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Decorator, Punctuation)), # TODO: "correctly" parse complex code attributes (r'(\[)(CCode|(?:Integer|Floating)Type)', bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Decorator)), (r'[()\[\],.]', Punctuation), (words(( 'as', 'base', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'construct', 'continue', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'enum', 'finally', 'for', 'foreach', 'get', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'lock', 'new', 'out', 'params', 'return', 'set', 'sizeof', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'while', 'yield'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword), (words(( 'abstract', 'const', 'delegate', 'dynamic', 'ensures', 'extern', 'inline', 'internal', 'override', 'owned', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'ref', 'requires', 'signal', 'static', 'throws', 'unowned', 'var', 'virtual', 'volatile', 'weak', 'yields'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Declaration), (r'(namespace|using)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text), 'namespace'), (r'(class|errordomain|interface|struct)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text), 'class'), (r'(\.)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)', bygroups(Operator, Name.Attribute)), # void is an actual keyword, others are in glib-2.0.vapi (words(( 'void', 'bool', 'char', 'double', 'float', 'int', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'long', 'short', 'size_t', 'ssize_t', 'string', 'time_t', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'ulong', 'unichar', 'ushort'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Type), (r'(true|false|null)\b', Name.Builtin), ('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name), ], 'root': [ include('whitespace'), default('statement'), ], 'statement': [ include('whitespace'), include('statements'), ('[{}]', Punctuation), (';', Punctuation, '#pop'), ], 'string': [ (r'"', String, '#pop'), (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape), (r'[^\\"\n]+', String), # all other characters (r'\\\n', String), # line continuation (r'\\', String), # stray backslash ], 'if0': [ (r'^\s*#if.*?(?<!\\)\n', Comment.Preproc, '#push'), (r'^\s*#el(?:se|if).*\n', Comment.Preproc, '#pop'), (r'^\s*#endif.*?(?<!\\)\n', Comment.Preproc, '#pop'), (r'.*?\n', Comment), ], 'class': [ (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Class, '#pop') ], 'namespace': [ (r'[a-zA-Z_][\w.]*', Name.Namespace, '#pop') ], } class CudaLexer(CLexer): """ For NVIDIA `CUDA™ <>`_ source. .. versionadded:: 1.6 """ name = 'CUDA' filenames = ['*.cu', '*.cuh'] aliases = ['cuda', 'cu'] mimetypes = ['text/x-cuda'] function_qualifiers = set(('__device__', '__global__', '__host__', '__noinline__', '__forceinline__')) variable_qualifiers = set(('__device__', '__constant__', '__shared__', '__restrict__')) vector_types = set(('char1', 'uchar1', 'char2', 'uchar2', 'char3', 'uchar3', 'char4', 'uchar4', 'short1', 'ushort1', 'short2', 'ushort2', 'short3', 'ushort3', 'short4', 'ushort4', 'int1', 'uint1', 'int2', 'uint2', 'int3', 'uint3', 'int4', 'uint4', 'long1', 'ulong1', 'long2', 'ulong2', 'long3', 'ulong3', 'long4', 'ulong4', 'longlong1', 'ulonglong1', 'longlong2', 'ulonglong2', 'float1', 'float2', 'float3', 'float4', 'double1', 'double2', 'dim3')) variables = set(('gridDim', 'blockIdx', 'blockDim', 'threadIdx', 'warpSize')) functions = set(('__threadfence_block', '__threadfence', '__threadfence_system', '__syncthreads', '__syncthreads_count', '__syncthreads_and', '__syncthreads_or')) execution_confs = set(('<<<', '>>>')) def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): for index, token, value in CLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): if token is Name: if value in self.variable_qualifiers: token = Keyword.Type elif value in self.vector_types: token = Keyword.Type elif value in self.variables: token = Name.Builtin elif value in self.execution_confs: token = Keyword.Pseudo elif value in self.function_qualifiers: token = Keyword.Reserved elif value in self.functions: token = Name.Function yield index, token, value class SwigLexer(CppLexer): """ For `SWIG <>`_ source code. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'SWIG' aliases = ['swig'] filenames = ['*.swg', '*.i'] mimetypes = ['text/swig'] priority = 0.04 # Lower than C/C++ and Objective C/C++ tokens = { 'statements': [ # SWIG directives (r'(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', Name.Function), # Special variables ('\$\**\&?\w+', Name), # Stringification / additional preprocessor directives (r'##*[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Comment.Preproc), inherit, ], } # This is a far from complete set of SWIG directives swig_directives = set(( # Most common directives '%apply', '%define', '%director', '%enddef', '%exception', '%extend', '%feature', '%fragment', '%ignore', '%immutable', '%import', '%include', '%inline', '%insert', '%module', '%newobject', '%nspace', '%pragma', '%rename', '%shared_ptr', '%template', '%typecheck', '%typemap', # Less common directives '%arg', '%attribute', '%bang', '%begin', '%callback', '%catches', '%clear', '%constant', '%copyctor', '%csconst', '%csconstvalue', '%csenum', '%csmethodmodifiers', '%csnothrowexception', '%default', '%defaultctor', '%defaultdtor', '%defined', '%delete', '%delobject', '%descriptor', '%exceptionclass', '%exceptionvar', '%extend_smart_pointer', '%fragments', '%header', '%ifcplusplus', '%ignorewarn', '%implicit', '%implicitconv', '%init', '%javaconst', '%javaconstvalue', '%javaenum', '%javaexception', '%javamethodmodifiers', '%kwargs', '%luacode', '%mutable', '%naturalvar', '%nestedworkaround', '%perlcode', '%pythonabc', '%pythonappend', '%pythoncallback', '%pythoncode', '%pythondynamic', '%pythonmaybecall', '%pythonnondynamic', '%pythonprepend', '%refobject', '%shadow', '%sizeof', '%trackobjects', '%types', '%unrefobject', '%varargs', '%warn', '%warnfilter')) def analyse_text(text): rv = 0 # Search for SWIG directives, which are conventionally at the beginning of # a line. The probability of them being within a line is low, so let another # lexer win in this case. matches = re.findall(r'^\s*(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', text, re.M) for m in matches: if m in SwigLexer.swig_directives: rv = 0.98 break else: rv = 0.91 # Fraction higher than MatlabLexer return rv class MqlLexer(CppLexer): """ For `MQL4 <>`_ and `MQL5 <>`_ source code. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'MQL' aliases = ['mql', 'mq4', 'mq5', 'mql4', 'mql5'] filenames = ['*.mq4', '*.mq5', '*.mqh'] mimetypes = ['text/x-mql'] tokens = { 'statements': [ (words(_mql_builtins.keywords, suffix=r'\b'), Keyword), (words(_mql_builtins.c_types, suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Type), (words(_mql_builtins.types, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Function), (words(_mql_builtins.constants, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Constant), (words(_mql_builtins.colors, prefix='(clr)?', suffix=r'\b'), Name.Constant), inherit, ], }
import logging import logging.config import os import posixpath import re import sys import MySQLdb as mysql import sqlalchemy.pool as pool from urllib.parse import urlencode from services.settings import settings import olympia.core.logger # This is not DRY: it's a copy of amo.helpers.user_media_path, to avoid an # import (which should triggers an import loop). # See bug 1055654. def user_media_path(what): """Make it possible to override storage paths in settings. By default, all storage paths are in the MEDIA_ROOT. This is backwards compatible. """ default = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, what) key = '{0}_PATH'.format(what.upper()) return getattr(settings, key, default) # This is not DRY: it's a copy of amo.helpers.user_media_url, to avoid an # import (which should be avoided, according to the comments above, and which # triggers an import loop). # See bug 1055654. def user_media_url(what): """ Generate default media url, and make possible to override it from settings. """ default = '%s%s/' % (settings.MEDIA_URL, what) key = '{0}_URL'.format(what.upper().replace('-', '_')) return getattr(settings, key, default) version_re = re.compile( r"""(?P<major>\d+) # major (x in x.y) \.(?P<minor1>\d+) # minor1 (y in x.y) \.?(?P<minor2>\d+|\*)? # minor2 (z in x.y.z) \.?(?P<minor3>\d+|\*)? # minor3 (w in x.y.z.w) (?P<alpha>[a|b]?) # alpha/beta (?P<alpha_ver>\d*) # alpha/beta version (?P<pre>pre)? # pre release (?P<pre_ver>\d)? # pre release version """, re.VERBOSE, ) def get_cdn_url(id, row): host = user_media_url('addons') url = posixpath.join(host, str(id), row['filename']) params = urlencode({'filehash': row['hash']}) return '{0}?{1}'.format(url, params) def getconn(): db = settings.SERVICES_DATABASE return mysql.connect( host=db['HOST'], user=db['USER'], passwd=db['PASSWORD'], db=db['NAME'], charset=db['OPTIONS']['charset'], ) mypool = pool.QueuePool(getconn, max_overflow=10, pool_size=5, recycle=300) def log_configure(): """You have to call this to explicitly configure logging.""" cfg = { 'version': 1, 'filters': {}, 'handlers': { 'mozlog': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'json', }, }, 'formatters': { 'json': { '()': olympia.core.logger.JsonFormatter, 'logger_name': 'http_app_addons', }, }, } logging.config.dictConfig(cfg) def log_exception(data): # Note: although this logs exceptions, it logs at the info level so that # on prod, we log at the error level and result in no logs on prod. typ, value, discard = sys.exc_info() error_log = olympia.core.logger.getLogger('z.update') error_log.exception('Type: %s, %s. Data: %s' % (typ, value, data))
from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import hashlib from .common import InfoExtractor _md5 = lambda s: hashlib.md5(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() class KankanIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:.*?\.)?kankan\.com/.+?/(?P<id>\d+)\.shtml' _TEST = { 'url': '', 'md5': '29aca1e47ae68fc28804aca89f29507e', 'info_dict': { 'id': '48863', 'ext': 'flv', 'title': 'Ready To Go', }, 'skip': 'Only available from China', } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) title = self._search_regex(r'(?:G_TITLE=|G_MOVIE_TITLE = )[\'"](.+?)[\'"]', webpage, 'video title') surls ='surls:\[\'.+?\'\]|lurl:\'.+?\.flv\'', webpage).group(0) gcids = re.findall(r"http://.+?/.+?/(.+?)/", surls) gcid = gcids[-1] info_url = '' % gcid video_info_page = self._download_webpage( info_url, video_id, 'Downloading video url info') ip = self._search_regex(r'ip:"(.+?)"', video_info_page, 'video url ip') path = self._search_regex(r'path:"(.+?)"', video_info_page, 'video url path') param1 = self._search_regex(r'param1:(\d+)', video_info_page, 'param1') param2 = self._search_regex(r'param2:(\d+)', video_info_page, 'param2') key = _md5('xl_mp43651' + param1 + param2) video_url = 'http://%s%s?key=%s&key1=%s' % (ip, path, key, param2) return { 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'url': video_url, }
from django.apps import apps from django.core import urlresolvers from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField from django.db import models class KMLSitemap(Sitemap): """ A minimal hook to produce KML sitemaps. """ geo_format = 'kml' def __init__(self, locations=None): # If no locations specified, then we try to build for # every model in installed applications. self.locations = self._build_kml_sources(locations) def _build_kml_sources(self, sources): """ Goes through the given sources and returns a 3-tuple of the application label, module name, and field name of every GeometryField encountered in the sources. If no sources are provided, then all models. """ kml_sources = [] if sources is None: sources = apps.get_models() for source in sources: if isinstance(source, models.base.ModelBase): for field in source._meta.fields: if isinstance(field, GeometryField): kml_sources.append((source._meta.app_label, source._meta.model_name, elif isinstance(source, (list, tuple)): if len(source) != 3: raise ValueError('Must specify a 3-tuple of (app_label, module_name, field_name).') kml_sources.append(source) else: raise TypeError('KML Sources must be a model or a 3-tuple.') return kml_sources def get_urls(self, page=1, site=None, protocol=None): """ This method is overrridden so the appropriate `geo_format` attribute is placed on each URL element. """ urls = Sitemap.get_urls(self, page=page, site=site, protocol=protocol) for url in urls: url['geo_format'] = self.geo_format return urls def items(self): return self.locations def location(self, obj): return urlresolvers.reverse('django.contrib.gis.sitemaps.views.%s' % self.geo_format, kwargs={'label': obj[0], 'model': obj[1], 'field_name': obj[2], } ) class KMZSitemap(KMLSitemap): geo_format = 'kmz'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module implements a client to WSGI applications for testing. :copyright: (c) 2014 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import sys import mimetypes from time import time from random import random from itertools import chain from tempfile import TemporaryFile from io import BytesIO try: from urllib2 import Request as U2Request except ImportError: from urllib.request import Request as U2Request try: from http.cookiejar import CookieJar except ImportError: # Py2 from cookielib import CookieJar from werkzeug._compat import iterlists, iteritems, itervalues, to_bytes, \ string_types, text_type, reraise, wsgi_encoding_dance, \ make_literal_wrapper from werkzeug._internal import _empty_stream, _get_environ from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseRequest from werkzeug.urls import url_encode, url_fix, iri_to_uri, url_unquote, \ url_unparse, url_parse from werkzeug.wsgi import get_host, get_current_url, ClosingIterator from werkzeug.utils import dump_cookie from werkzeug.datastructures import FileMultiDict, MultiDict, \ CombinedMultiDict, Headers, FileStorage def stream_encode_multipart(values, use_tempfile=True, threshold=1024 * 500, boundary=None, charset='utf-8'): """Encode a dict of values (either strings or file descriptors or :class:`FileStorage` objects.) into a multipart encoded string stored in a file descriptor. """ if boundary is None: boundary = '---------------WerkzeugFormPart_%s%s' % (time(), random()) _closure = [BytesIO(), 0, False] if use_tempfile: def write_binary(string): stream, total_length, on_disk = _closure if on_disk: stream.write(string) else: length = len(string) if length + _closure[1] <= threshold: stream.write(string) else: new_stream = TemporaryFile('wb+') new_stream.write(stream.getvalue()) new_stream.write(string) _closure[0] = new_stream _closure[2] = True _closure[1] = total_length + length else: write_binary = _closure[0].write def write(string): write_binary(string.encode(charset)) if not isinstance(values, MultiDict): values = MultiDict(values) for key, values in iterlists(values): for value in values: write('--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % (boundary, key)) reader = getattr(value, 'read', None) if reader is not None: filename = getattr(value, 'filename', getattr(value, 'name', None)) content_type = getattr(value, 'content_type', None) if content_type is None: content_type = filename and \ mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or \ 'application/octet-stream' if filename is not None: write('; filename="%s"\r\n' % filename) else: write('\r\n') write('Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n' % content_type) while 1: chunk = reader(16384) if not chunk: break write_binary(chunk) else: if not isinstance(value, string_types): value = str(value) else: value = to_bytes(value, charset) write('\r\n\r\n') write_binary(value) write('\r\n') write('--%s--\r\n' % boundary) length = int(_closure[0].tell()) _closure[0].seek(0) return _closure[0], length, boundary def encode_multipart(values, boundary=None, charset='utf-8'): """Like `stream_encode_multipart` but returns a tuple in the form (``boundary``, ``data``) where data is a bytestring. """ stream, length, boundary = stream_encode_multipart( values, use_tempfile=False, boundary=boundary, charset=charset) return boundary, def File(fd, filename=None, mimetype=None): """Backwards compat.""" from warnings import warn warn(DeprecationWarning('werkzeug.test.File is deprecated, use the ' 'EnvironBuilder or FileStorage instead')) return FileStorage(fd, filename=filename, content_type=mimetype) class _TestCookieHeaders(object): """A headers adapter for cookielib """ def __init__(self, headers): self.headers = headers def getheaders(self, name): headers = [] name = name.lower() for k, v in self.headers: if k.lower() == name: headers.append(v) return headers def get_all(self, name, default=None): rv = [] for k, v in self.headers: if k.lower() == name.lower(): rv.append(v) return rv or default or [] class _TestCookieResponse(object): """Something that looks like a httplib.HTTPResponse, but is actually just an adapter for our test responses to make them available for cookielib. """ def __init__(self, headers): self.headers = _TestCookieHeaders(headers) def info(self): return self.headers class _TestCookieJar(CookieJar): """A cookielib.CookieJar modified to inject and read cookie headers from and to wsgi environments, and wsgi application responses. """ def inject_wsgi(self, environ): """Inject the cookies as client headers into the server's wsgi environment. """ cvals = [] for cookie in self: cvals.append('%s=%s' % (, cookie.value)) if cvals: environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = '; '.join(cvals) def extract_wsgi(self, environ, headers): """Extract the server's set-cookie headers as cookies into the cookie jar. """ self.extract_cookies( _TestCookieResponse(headers), U2Request(get_current_url(environ)), ) def _iter_data(data): """Iterates over a dict or multidict yielding all keys and values. This is used to iterate over the data passed to the :class:`EnvironBuilder`. """ if isinstance(data, MultiDict): for key, values in iterlists(data): for value in values: yield key, value else: for key, values in iteritems(data): if isinstance(values, list): for value in values: yield key, value else: yield key, values class EnvironBuilder(object): """This class can be used to conveniently create a WSGI environment for testing purposes. It can be used to quickly create WSGI environments or request objects from arbitrary data. The signature of this class is also used in some other places as of Werkzeug 0.5 (:func:`create_environ`, :meth:`BaseResponse.from_values`, :meth:``). Because of this most of the functionality is available through the constructor alone. Files and regular form data can be manipulated independently of each other with the :attr:`form` and :attr:`files` attributes, but are passed with the same argument to the constructor: `data`. `data` can be any of these values: - a `str`: If it's a string it is converted into a :attr:`input_stream`, the :attr:`content_length` is set and you have to provide a :attr:`content_type`. - a `dict`: If it's a dict the keys have to be strings and the values any of the following objects: - a :class:`file`-like object. These are converted into :class:`FileStorage` objects automatically. - a tuple. The :meth:`~FileMultiDict.add_file` method is called with the tuple items as positional arguments. .. versionadded:: 0.6 `path` and `base_url` can now be unicode strings that are encoded using the :func:`iri_to_uri` function. :param path: the path of the request. In the WSGI environment this will end up as `PATH_INFO`. If the `query_string` is not defined and there is a question mark in the `path` everything after it is used as query string. :param base_url: the base URL is a URL that is used to extract the WSGI URL scheme, host (server name + server port) and the script root (`SCRIPT_NAME`). :param query_string: an optional string or dict with URL parameters. :param method: the HTTP method to use, defaults to `GET`. :param input_stream: an optional input stream. Do not specify this and `data`. As soon as an input stream is set you can't modify :attr:`args` and :attr:`files` unless you set the :attr:`input_stream` to `None` again. :param content_type: The content type for the request. As of 0.5 you don't have to provide this when specifying files and form data via `data`. :param content_length: The content length for the request. You don't have to specify this when providing data via `data`. :param errors_stream: an optional error stream that is used for `wsgi.errors`. Defaults to :data:`stderr`. :param multithread: controls `wsgi.multithread`. Defaults to `False`. :param multiprocess: controls `wsgi.multiprocess`. Defaults to `False`. :param run_once: controls `wsgi.run_once`. Defaults to `False`. :param headers: an optional list or :class:`Headers` object of headers. :param data: a string or dict of form data. See explanation above. :param environ_base: an optional dict of environment defaults. :param environ_overrides: an optional dict of environment overrides. :param charset: the charset used to encode unicode data. """ #: the server protocol to use. defaults to HTTP/1.1 server_protocol = 'HTTP/1.1' #: the wsgi version to use. defaults to (1, 0) wsgi_version = (1, 0) #: the default request class for :meth:`get_request` request_class = BaseRequest def __init__(self, path='/', base_url=None, query_string=None, method='GET', input_stream=None, content_type=None, content_length=None, errors_stream=None, multithread=False, multiprocess=False, run_once=False, headers=None, data=None, environ_base=None, environ_overrides=None, charset='utf-8'): path_s = make_literal_wrapper(path) if query_string is None and path_s('?') in path: path, query_string = path.split(path_s('?'), 1) self.charset = charset self.path = iri_to_uri(path) if base_url is not None: base_url = url_fix(iri_to_uri(base_url, charset), charset) self.base_url = base_url if isinstance(query_string, (bytes, text_type)): self.query_string = query_string else: if query_string is None: query_string = MultiDict() elif not isinstance(query_string, MultiDict): query_string = MultiDict(query_string) self.args = query_string self.method = method if headers is None: headers = Headers() elif not isinstance(headers, Headers): headers = Headers(headers) self.headers = headers if content_type is not None: self.content_type = content_type if errors_stream is None: errors_stream = sys.stderr self.errors_stream = errors_stream self.multithread = multithread self.multiprocess = multiprocess self.run_once = run_once self.environ_base = environ_base self.environ_overrides = environ_overrides self.input_stream = input_stream self.content_length = content_length self.closed = False if data: if input_stream is not None: raise TypeError('can\'t provide input stream and data') if isinstance(data, text_type): data = data.encode(self.charset) if isinstance(data, bytes): self.input_stream = BytesIO(data) if self.content_length is None: self.content_length = len(data) else: for key, value in _iter_data(data): if isinstance(value, (tuple, dict)) or \ hasattr(value, 'read'): self._add_file_from_data(key, value) else: self.form.setlistdefault(key).append(value) def _add_file_from_data(self, key, value): """Called in the EnvironBuilder to add files from the data dict.""" if isinstance(value, tuple): self.files.add_file(key, *value) elif isinstance(value, dict): from warnings import warn warn(DeprecationWarning('it\'s no longer possible to pass dicts ' 'as `data`. Use tuples or FileStorage ' 'objects instead'), stacklevel=2) value = dict(value) mimetype = value.pop('mimetype', None) if mimetype is not None: value['content_type'] = mimetype self.files.add_file(key, **value) else: self.files.add_file(key, value) def _get_base_url(self): return url_unparse((self.url_scheme,, self.script_root, '', '')).rstrip('/') + '/' def _set_base_url(self, value): if value is None: scheme = 'http' netloc = 'localhost' script_root = '' else: scheme, netloc, script_root, qs, anchor = url_parse(value) if qs or anchor: raise ValueError('base url must not contain a query string ' 'or fragment') self.script_root = script_root.rstrip('/') = netloc self.url_scheme = scheme base_url = property(_get_base_url, _set_base_url, doc=''' The base URL is a URL that is used to extract the WSGI URL scheme, host (server name + server port) and the script root (`SCRIPT_NAME`).''') del _get_base_url, _set_base_url def _get_content_type(self): ct = self.headers.get('Content-Type') if ct is None and not self._input_stream: if self._files: return 'multipart/form-data' elif self._form: return 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' return None return ct def _set_content_type(self, value): if value is None: self.headers.pop('Content-Type', None) else: self.headers['Content-Type'] = value content_type = property(_get_content_type, _set_content_type, doc=''' The content type for the request. Reflected from and to the :attr:`headers`. Do not set if you set :attr:`files` or :attr:`form` for auto detection.''') del _get_content_type, _set_content_type def _get_content_length(self): return self.headers.get('Content-Length', type=int) def _set_content_length(self, value): if value is None: self.headers.pop('Content-Length', None) else: self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(value) content_length = property(_get_content_length, _set_content_length, doc=''' The content length as integer. Reflected from and to the :attr:`headers`. Do not set if you set :attr:`files` or :attr:`form` for auto detection.''') del _get_content_length, _set_content_length def form_property(name, storage, doc): key = '_' + name def getter(self): if self._input_stream is not None: raise AttributeError('an input stream is defined') rv = getattr(self, key) if rv is None: rv = storage() setattr(self, key, rv) return rv def setter(self, value): self._input_stream = None setattr(self, key, value) return property(getter, setter, doc) form = form_property('form', MultiDict, doc=''' A :class:`MultiDict` of form values.''') files = form_property('files', FileMultiDict, doc=''' A :class:`FileMultiDict` of uploaded files. You can use the :meth:`~FileMultiDict.add_file` method to add new files to the dict.''') del form_property def _get_input_stream(self): return self._input_stream def _set_input_stream(self, value): self._input_stream = value self._form = self._files = None input_stream = property(_get_input_stream, _set_input_stream, doc=''' An optional input stream. If you set this it will clear :attr:`form` and :attr:`files`.''') del _get_input_stream, _set_input_stream def _get_query_string(self): if self._query_string is None: if self._args is not None: return url_encode(self._args, charset=self.charset) return '' return self._query_string def _set_query_string(self, value): self._query_string = value self._args = None query_string = property(_get_query_string, _set_query_string, doc=''' The query string. If you set this to a string :attr:`args` will no longer be available.''') del _get_query_string, _set_query_string def _get_args(self): if self._query_string is not None: raise AttributeError('a query string is defined') if self._args is None: self._args = MultiDict() return self._args def _set_args(self, value): self._query_string = None self._args = value args = property(_get_args, _set_args, doc=''' The URL arguments as :class:`MultiDict`.''') del _get_args, _set_args @property def server_name(self): """The server name (read-only, use :attr:`host` to set)""" return':', 1)[0] @property def server_port(self): """The server port as integer (read-only, use :attr:`host` to set)""" pieces =':', 1) if len(pieces) == 2 and pieces[1].isdigit(): return int(pieces[1]) elif self.url_scheme == 'https': return 443 return 80 def __del__(self): try: self.close() except Exception: pass def close(self): """Closes all files. If you put real :class:`file` objects into the :attr:`files` dict you can call this method to automatically close them all in one go. """ if self.closed: return try: files = itervalues(self.files) except AttributeError: files = () for f in files: try: f.close() except Exception: pass self.closed = True def get_environ(self): """Return the built environ.""" input_stream = self.input_stream content_length = self.content_length content_type = self.content_type if input_stream is not None: start_pos = input_stream.tell(), 2) end_pos = input_stream.tell() content_length = end_pos - start_pos elif content_type == 'multipart/form-data': values = CombinedMultiDict([self.form, self.files]) input_stream, content_length, boundary = \ stream_encode_multipart(values, charset=self.charset) content_type += '; boundary="%s"' % boundary elif content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': #py2v3 review values = url_encode(self.form, charset=self.charset) values = values.encode('ascii') content_length = len(values) input_stream = BytesIO(values) else: input_stream = _empty_stream result = {} if self.environ_base: result.update(self.environ_base) def _path_encode(x): return wsgi_encoding_dance(url_unquote(x, self.charset), self.charset) qs = wsgi_encoding_dance(self.query_string) result.update({ 'REQUEST_METHOD': self.method, 'SCRIPT_NAME': _path_encode(self.script_root), 'PATH_INFO': _path_encode(self.path), 'QUERY_STRING': qs, 'SERVER_NAME': self.server_name, 'SERVER_PORT': str(self.server_port), 'HTTP_HOST':, 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': self.server_protocol, 'CONTENT_TYPE': content_type or '', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': str(content_length or '0'), 'wsgi.version': self.wsgi_version, 'wsgi.url_scheme': self.url_scheme, 'wsgi.input': input_stream, 'wsgi.errors': self.errors_stream, 'wsgi.multithread': self.multithread, 'wsgi.multiprocess': self.multiprocess, 'wsgi.run_once': self.run_once }) for key, value in self.headers.to_wsgi_list(): result['HTTP_%s' % key.upper().replace('-', '_')] = value if self.environ_overrides: result.update(self.environ_overrides) return result def get_request(self, cls=None): """Returns a request with the data. If the request class is not specified :attr:`request_class` is used. :param cls: The request wrapper to use. """ if cls is None: cls = self.request_class return cls(self.get_environ()) class ClientRedirectError(Exception): """ If a redirect loop is detected when using follow_redirects=True with the :cls:`Client`, then this exception is raised. """ class Client(object): """This class allows to send requests to a wrapped application. The response wrapper can be a class or factory function that takes three arguments: app_iter, status and headers. The default response wrapper just returns a tuple. Example:: class ClientResponse(BaseResponse): ... client = Client(MyApplication(), response_wrapper=ClientResponse) The use_cookies parameter indicates whether cookies should be stored and sent for subsequent requests. This is True by default, but passing False will disable this behaviour. If you want to request some subdomain of your application you may set `allow_subdomain_redirects` to `True` as if not no external redirects are allowed. .. versionadded:: 0.5 `use_cookies` is new in this version. Older versions did not provide builtin cookie support. """ def __init__(self, application, response_wrapper=None, use_cookies=True, allow_subdomain_redirects=False): self.application = application self.response_wrapper = response_wrapper if use_cookies: self.cookie_jar = _TestCookieJar() else: self.cookie_jar = None self.allow_subdomain_redirects = allow_subdomain_redirects def set_cookie(self, server_name, key, value='', max_age=None, expires=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=None, httponly=False, charset='utf-8'): """Sets a cookie in the client's cookie jar. The server name is required and has to match the one that is also passed to the open call. """ assert self.cookie_jar is not None, 'cookies disabled' header = dump_cookie(key, value, max_age, expires, path, domain, secure, httponly, charset) environ = create_environ(path, base_url='http://' + server_name) headers = [('Set-Cookie', header)] self.cookie_jar.extract_wsgi(environ, headers) def delete_cookie(self, server_name, key, path='/', domain=None): """Deletes a cookie in the test client.""" self.set_cookie(server_name, key, expires=0, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain) def run_wsgi_app(self, environ, buffered=False): """Runs the wrapped WSGI app with the given environment.""" if self.cookie_jar is not None: self.cookie_jar.inject_wsgi(environ) rv = run_wsgi_app(self.application, environ, buffered=buffered) if self.cookie_jar is not None: self.cookie_jar.extract_wsgi(environ, rv[2]) return rv def resolve_redirect(self, response, new_location, environ, buffered=False): """Resolves a single redirect and triggers the request again directly on this redirect client. """ scheme, netloc, script_root, qs, anchor = url_parse(new_location) base_url = url_unparse((scheme, netloc, '', '', '')).rstrip('/') + '/' cur_server_name = netloc.split(':', 1)[0].split('.') real_server_name = get_host(environ).rsplit(':', 1)[0].split('.') if self.allow_subdomain_redirects: allowed = cur_server_name[-len(real_server_name):] == real_server_name else: allowed = cur_server_name == real_server_name if not allowed: raise RuntimeError('%r does not support redirect to ' 'external targets' % self.__class__) status_code = int(response[1].split(None, 1)[0]) if status_code == 307: method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] else: method = 'GET' # For redirect handling we temporarily disable the response # wrapper. This is not threadsafe but not a real concern # since the test client must not be shared anyways. old_response_wrapper = self.response_wrapper self.response_wrapper = None try: return, base_url=base_url, query_string=qs, as_tuple=True, buffered=buffered, method=method) finally: self.response_wrapper = old_response_wrapper def open(self, *args, **kwargs): """Takes the same arguments as the :class:`EnvironBuilder` class with some additions: You can provide a :class:`EnvironBuilder` or a WSGI environment as only argument instead of the :class:`EnvironBuilder` arguments and two optional keyword arguments (`as_tuple`, `buffered`) that change the type of the return value or the way the application is executed. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 If a dict is provided as file in the dict for the `data` parameter the content type has to be called `content_type` now instead of `mimetype`. This change was made for consistency with :class:`werkzeug.FileWrapper`. The `follow_redirects` parameter was added to :func:`open`. Additional parameters: :param as_tuple: Returns a tuple in the form ``(environ, result)`` :param buffered: Set this to True to buffer the application run. This will automatically close the application for you as well. :param follow_redirects: Set this to True if the `Client` should follow HTTP redirects. """ as_tuple = kwargs.pop('as_tuple', False) buffered = kwargs.pop('buffered', False) follow_redirects = kwargs.pop('follow_redirects', False) environ = None if not kwargs and len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], EnvironBuilder): environ = args[0].get_environ() elif isinstance(args[0], dict): environ = args[0] if environ is None: builder = EnvironBuilder(*args, **kwargs) try: environ = builder.get_environ() finally: builder.close() response = self.run_wsgi_app(environ, buffered=buffered) # handle redirects redirect_chain = [] while 1: status_code = int(response[1].split(None, 1)[0]) if status_code not in (301, 302, 303, 305, 307) \ or not follow_redirects: break new_location = response[2]['location'] method = 'GET' if status_code == 307: method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] new_redirect_entry = (new_location, status_code) if new_redirect_entry in redirect_chain: raise ClientRedirectError('loop detected') redirect_chain.append(new_redirect_entry) environ, response = self.resolve_redirect(response, new_location, environ, buffered=buffered) if self.response_wrapper is not None: response = self.response_wrapper(*response) if as_tuple: return environ, response return response def get(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to GET.""" kw['method'] = 'GET' return*args, **kw) def patch(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to PATCH.""" kw['method'] = 'PATCH' return*args, **kw) def post(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to POST.""" kw['method'] = 'POST' return*args, **kw) def head(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to HEAD.""" kw['method'] = 'HEAD' return*args, **kw) def put(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to PUT.""" kw['method'] = 'PUT' return*args, **kw) def delete(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to DELETE.""" kw['method'] = 'DELETE' return*args, **kw) def options(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to OPTIONS.""" kw['method'] = 'OPTIONS' return*args, **kw) def trace(self, *args, **kw): """Like open but method is enforced to TRACE.""" kw['method'] = 'TRACE' return*args, **kw) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.application ) def create_environ(*args, **kwargs): """Create a new WSGI environ dict based on the values passed. The first parameter should be the path of the request which defaults to '/'. The second one can either be an absolute path (in that case the host is localhost:80) or a full path to the request with scheme, netloc port and the path to the script. This accepts the same arguments as the :class:`EnvironBuilder` constructor. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 This function is now a thin wrapper over :class:`EnvironBuilder` which was added in 0.5. The `headers`, `environ_base`, `environ_overrides` and `charset` parameters were added. """ builder = EnvironBuilder(*args, **kwargs) try: return builder.get_environ() finally: builder.close() def run_wsgi_app(app, environ, buffered=False): """Return a tuple in the form (app_iter, status, headers) of the application output. This works best if you pass it an application that returns an iterator all the time. Sometimes applications may use the `write()` callable returned by the `start_response` function. This tries to resolve such edge cases automatically. But if you don't get the expected output you should set `buffered` to `True` which enforces buffering. If passed an invalid WSGI application the behavior of this function is undefined. Never pass non-conforming WSGI applications to this function. :param app: the application to execute. :param buffered: set to `True` to enforce buffering. :return: tuple in the form ``(app_iter, status, headers)`` """ environ = _get_environ(environ) response = [] buffer = [] def start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): if exc_info is not None: reraise(*exc_info) response[:] = [status, headers] return buffer.append app_rv = app(environ, start_response) close_func = getattr(app_rv, 'close', None) app_iter = iter(app_rv) # when buffering we emit the close call early and convert the # application iterator into a regular list if buffered: try: app_iter = list(app_iter) finally: if close_func is not None: close_func() # otherwise we iterate the application iter until we have a response, chain # the already received data with the already collected data and wrap it in # a new `ClosingIterator` if we need to restore a `close` callable from the # original return value. else: while not response: buffer.append(next(app_iter)) if buffer: app_iter = chain(buffer, app_iter) if close_func is not None and app_iter is not app_rv: app_iter = ClosingIterator(app_iter, close_func) return app_iter, response[0], Headers(response[1])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2012 Andrea Cometa. # Email: [email protected] # Web site: # Copyright (C) 2012 Agile Business Group sagl (<>) # Copyright (C) 2012 Domsense srl (<>) # Copyright (C) 2012 Associazione OpenERP Italia # (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import wizard_emissione_riba import riba_file_export import wizard_accreditation import wizard_unsolved
from mhctools.parsing import ( parse_netmhcpan28_stdout, parse_netmhcpan3_stdout, parse_netmhc3_stdout, parse_netmhc4_stdout, ) def test_netmhc3_stdout(): """ Test parsing of NetMHC output of predictions of HLA-A*02:01 and HLA-A*02:03 for three epitopes: - CFTWNQMNL - SLYNTVATL - SLYNTVATF """ netmhc_output = """ NetMHC version 3.4. 9mer predictions using Artificial Neural Networks - Direct. Allele HLA-A02:01. Strong binder threshold 50 nM. Weak binder threshold score 500 nM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pos peptide logscore affinity(nM) Bind Level Protein Name Allele ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 CFTWNQMNL 0.085 19899 seq4 HLA-A02:01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SLYNTVATL 0.579 94 WB seq5 HLA-A02:01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SLYNTVATF 0.289 2186 seq6 HLA-A02:01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetMHC version 3.4. 9mer predictions using Artificial Neural Networks - Direct. Allele HLA-A02:03. Strong binder threshold 50 nM. Weak binder threshold score 500 nM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pos peptide logscore affinity(nM) Bind Level Protein Name Allele ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 CFTWNQMNL 0.113 14800 seq4 HLA-A02:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SLYNTVATL 0.730 18 SB seq5 HLA-A02:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SLYNTVATF 0.493 239 WB seq6 HLA-A02:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ n_sequences = 3 n_alleles = 2 n_expected = n_alleles * n_sequences binding_predictions = parse_netmhc3_stdout(netmhc_output) assert len(binding_predictions) == n_expected, \ "Wrong number of binding predictions: %d (expected %d)" % ( len(binding_predictions), n_expected) for entry in binding_predictions: # make sure both allele's tables get parsed assert entry.allele in ('HLA-A*02:01', 'HLA-A*02:03'), entry # expect the HIV epitope SLYNTVATL to be a predicted binder for both # alleles if entry.peptide == "SLYNTVATL": assert entry.value < 100, entry def test_netmhc4_stdout(): netmhc_output = """ # NetMHC version 4.0 # Read 132 elements on pairlist /Users/tavi/drive/work/repos/cancer/n-b/netMHC-4.0/Darwin_x86_64/data/allelelist # Input is in PEPTIDE format # Rank Threshold for Strong binding peptides 0.500 # Rank Threshold for Weak binding peptides 2.000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pos HLA peptide Core Offset I_pos I_len D_pos D_len iCore Identity 1-log50k(aff) Affinity(nM) %Rank BindLevel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 HLA-A0201 AAAAAWYLWEV AAAWYLWEV 0 0 0 1 2 AAAAAWYLWEV SEQ_A 0.349 1147.39 4.50 0 HLA-A0201 AEFGPWQTV AEFGPWQTV 0 0 0 0 0 AEFGPWQTV SEQ_B 0.129 12361.73 18.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protein PEPLIST. Allele HLA-A0201. Number of high binders 0. Number of weak binders 0. Number of peptides 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rank Threshold for Strong binding peptides 0.500 # Rank Threshold for Weak binding peptides 2.000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pos HLA peptide Core Offset I_pos I_len D_pos D_len iCore Identity 1-log50k(aff) Affinity(nM) %Rank BindLevel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 HLA-A0202 AEFGPWQTV AEFGPWQTV 0 0 0 0 0 AEFGPWQTV SEQ_C 0.136 11437.51 23.00 219 HLA-A0202 QLLRDNLTL QLLRDNLTL 0 0 0 0 0 QLLRDNLTL SEQ_D 0.527 167.10 1.50 <= WB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protein PEPLIST. Allele HLA-A0202. Number of high binders 0. Number of weak binders 0. Number of peptides 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ n_sequences = 2 n_alleles = 2 n_expected = n_sequences * n_alleles binding_predictions = parse_netmhc4_stdout(netmhc_output) assert len(binding_predictions) == n_expected, \ "Wrong number of binding predictions: %d (expected %d)" % ( len(binding_predictions), n_expected) for entry in binding_predictions: # make sure both allele's tables get parsed assert entry.allele in ('HLA-A*02:01', 'HLA-A*02:02'), entry assert 0 < entry.value < 50000, entry # expect the epitope AEFGPWQTV to have high affinity for both # alleles if entry.peptide == "AEFGPWQTV": assert entry.value > 10000, entry def test_mhcpan28_stdout(): netmhcpan28_output = """ # Affinity Threshold for Strong binding peptides 50.000', # Affinity Threshold for Weak binding peptides 500.000', # Rank Threshold for Strong binding peptides 0.500', # Rank Threshold for Weak binding peptides 2.000', ---------------------------------------------------x pos HLA peptide Identity 1-log50k(aff) Affinity(nM) %Rank BindLevel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 HLA-A*02:03 QQQQQYFPE id0 0.024 38534.25 50.00 1 HLA-A*02:03 QQQQYFPEI id0 0.278 2461.53 15.00 2 HLA-A*02:03 QQQYFPEIT id0 0.078 21511.53 50.00 3 HLA-A*02:03 QQYFPEITH id0 0.041 32176.84 50.00 4 HLA-A*02:03 QYFPEITHI id0 0.085 19847.09 32.00 5 HLA-A*02:03 YFPEITHII id0 0.231 4123.85 15.00 6 HLA-A*02:03 FPEITHIII id0 0.060 26134.28 50.00 7 HLA-A*02:03 PEITHIIIA id0 0.034 34524.63 50.00 8 HLA-A*02:03 EITHIIIAS id0 0.076 21974.48 50.00 9 HLA-A*02:03 ITHIIIASS id0 0.170 7934.26 32.00 10 HLA-A*02:03 THIIIASSS id0 0.040 32361.18 50.00 11 HLA-A*02:03 HIIIASSSL id0 0.515 189.74 4.00 <= WB """ binding_predictions = parse_netmhcpan28_stdout(netmhcpan28_output) assert len(binding_predictions) == 12, \ "Expected 12 binding predictions but got %d" % (len(binding_predictions),) for entry in binding_predictions: assert entry.allele == 'HLA-A*02:03', \ "Expected entry %s to have allele 'HLA-A*02:03'" % (entry,) if entry.peptide == "HIIIASSSL": # expect the epitopes to be sorted in increasing IC50 assert entry.value == 189.74, entry assert entry.percentile_rank == 4.00, entry def test_mhcpan3_stdout(): netmhcpan3_output = """ # Rank Threshold for Strong binding peptides 0.500 # Rank Threshold for Weak binding peptides 2.000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pos HLA Peptide Core Of Gp Gl Ip Il Icore Identity Score Aff(nM) %Rank BindLevel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 HLA-B*18:01 QQQQQYFP QQQQQYFP- 0 0 0 8 1 QQQQQYFP id0 0.06456 24866.4 17.00 2 HLA-B*18:01 QQQQYFPE QQQQYFPE- 0 0 0 8 1 QQQQYFPE id0 0.06446 24892.8 17.00 3 HLA-B*18:01 QQQYFPEI QQ-QYFPEI 0 0 0 2 1 QQQYFPEI id0 0.06108 25819.2 18.00 4 HLA-B*18:01 QQYFPEIT QQYFPEIT- 0 0 0 8 1 QQYFPEIT id0 0.04229 31642.1 29.00 5 HLA-B*18:01 QYFPEITH -QYFPEITH 0 0 0 0 1 QYFPEITH id0 0.05316 28130.5 22.00 6 HLA-B*18:01 YFPEITHI Y-FPEITHI 0 0 0 1 1 YFPEITHI id0 0.02576 37836.9 50.00 7 HLA-B*18:01 FPEITHII FP-EITHII 0 0 0 2 1 FPEITHII id0 0.06199 25566.2 18.00 8 HLA-B*18:01 PEITHIIA PEITHIIA- 0 0 0 8 1 PEITHIIA id0 0.06692 24239.3 16.00 9 HLA-B*18:01 EITHIIAS -EITHIIAS 0 0 0 0 1 EITHIIAS id0 0.09323 18234.7 10.00 10 HLA-B*18:01 ITHIIASS ITHIIASS- 0 0 0 8 1 ITHIIASS id0 0.01784 41223.5 70.00 11 HLA-B*18:01 THIIASSS THIIASSS- 0 0 0 8 1 THIIASSS id0 0.03335 34856.1 38.00 12 HLA-B*18:01 HIIASSSL -HIIASSSL 0 0 0 0 1 HIIASSSL id0 0.03049 35949.6 42.00 """ binding_predictions = parse_netmhcpan3_stdout(netmhcpan3_output) assert len(binding_predictions) == 12 for entry in binding_predictions: assert entry.allele == 'HLA-B*18:01', \ "Expected entry %s to have allele 'HLA-B*18:01'" % (entry,) if entry.peptide == "EITHIIAS": # expect the epitopes to be sorted in increasing IC50 assert entry.value == 18234.7, entry assert entry.percentile_rank == 10.00, entry
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """upload_docs Implements a Distutils 'upload_docs' subcommand (upload documentation to PyPI's """ import os import socket import zipfile import tempfile import sys import shutil from base64 import standard_b64encode from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points from distutils import log from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError from distutils.command.upload import upload from setuptools.compat import httplib, urlparse, unicode, iteritems, PY3 errors = 'surrogateescape' if PY3 else 'strict' # This is not just a replacement for byte literals # but works as a general purpose encoder def b(s, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode(encoding, errors) return s class upload_docs(upload): description = 'Upload documentation to PyPI' user_options = [ ('repository=', 'r', "url of repository [default: %s]" % upload.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY), ('show-response', None, 'display full response text from server'), ('upload-dir=', None, 'directory to upload'), ] boolean_options = upload.boolean_options def has_sphinx(self): if self.upload_dir is None: for ep in iter_entry_points('distutils.commands', 'build_sphinx'): return True sub_commands = [('build_sphinx', has_sphinx)] def initialize_options(self): upload.initialize_options(self) self.upload_dir = None self.target_dir = None def finalize_options(self): upload.finalize_options(self) if self.upload_dir is None: if self.has_sphinx(): build_sphinx = self.get_finalized_command('build_sphinx') self.target_dir = build_sphinx.builder_target_dir else: build = self.get_finalized_command('build') self.target_dir = os.path.join(build.build_base, 'docs') else: self.ensure_dirname('upload_dir') self.target_dir = self.upload_dir self.announce('Using upload directory %s' % self.target_dir) def create_zipfile(self, filename): zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "w") try: self.mkpath(self.target_dir) # just in case for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.target_dir): if root == self.target_dir and not files: raise DistutilsOptionError( "no files found in upload directory '%s'" % self.target_dir) for name in files: full = os.path.join(root, name) relative = root[len(self.target_dir):].lstrip(os.path.sep) dest = os.path.join(relative, name) zip_file.write(full, dest) finally: zip_file.close() def run(self): # Run sub commands for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands(): self.run_command(cmd_name) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() name = self.distribution.metadata.get_name() zip_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "" % name) try: self.create_zipfile(zip_file) self.upload_file(zip_file) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) def upload_file(self, filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') content = f.close() meta = self.distribution.metadata data = { ':action': 'doc_upload', 'name': meta.get_name(), 'content': (os.path.basename(filename), content), } # set up the authentication credentials = b(self.username + ':' + self.password) credentials = standard_b64encode(credentials) if PY3: credentials = credentials.decode('ascii') auth = "Basic " + credentials # Build up the MIME payload for the POST data boundary = '--------------GHSKFJDLGDS7543FJKLFHRE75642756743254' sep_boundary = b('\n--') + b(boundary) end_boundary = sep_boundary + b('--') body = [] for key, values in iteritems(data): title = '\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key # handle multiple entries for the same name if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for value in values: if type(value) is tuple: title += '; filename="%s"' % value[0] value = value[1] else: value = b(value) body.append(sep_boundary) body.append(b(title)) body.append(b("\n\n")) body.append(value) if value and value[-1:] == b('\r'): body.append(b('\n')) # write an extra newline (lurve Macs) body.append(end_boundary) body.append(b("\n")) body = b('').join(body) self.announce("Submitting documentation to %s" % (self.repository), log.INFO) # build the Request # We can't use urllib2 since we need to send the Basic # auth right with the first request schema, netloc, url, params, query, fragments = \ urlparse(self.repository) assert not params and not query and not fragments if schema == 'http': conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc) elif schema == 'https': conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc) else: raise AssertionError("unsupported schema "+schema) data = '' try: conn.connect() conn.putrequest("POST", url) content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary conn.putheader('Content-type', content_type) conn.putheader('Content-length', str(len(body))) conn.putheader('Authorization', auth) conn.endheaders() conn.send(body) except socket.error: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.announce(str(e), log.ERROR) return r = conn.getresponse() if r.status == 200: self.announce('Server response (%s): %s' % (r.status, r.reason), log.INFO) elif r.status == 301: location = r.getheader('Location') if location is None: location = '' % meta.get_name() self.announce('Upload successful. Visit %s' % location, log.INFO) else: self.announce('Upload failed (%s): %s' % (r.status, r.reason), log.ERROR) if self.show_response: print('-'*75,, '-'*75)
from __future__ import (print_function) import logging from genmod.utils import INTERESTING_SO_TERMS, EXONIC_SO_TERMS def check_vep_annotation(variant): """ Return a set with the genes that vep has annotated this variant with. Vep annotates all variants but we are only interested in the exonic ones. The terms are specified in INTERESTING_SO_TERMS Arguments: variant (dict): A variant dictionary Returns: annotation (set): A set with genes """ annotation = set() # vep_info is a dictionary with genes as key and annotation as values ##TODO use extract_vcf to get the annotation here vep_info = variant.get('vep_info',{}) for allele in vep_info: for vep_annotation in variant['vep_info'][allele]: for consequence in vep_annotation.get('Consequence', {}).split('&'): # These are the SO terms that indicate that the variant # belongs to a gene if consequence in INTERESTING_SO_TERMS: annotation.add(vep_annotation.get('Gene', '')) return annotation def get_annotation(variant, annotation_key="Annotation", vep=False): """ Return the features that a variant belongs to. Arguments: variant (dict): A variant dictionary annotation_key (str): The name of the info field to search vep (bool): If variants are annotated with vep Returns: annotations (set): A set with annotated features """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ##TODO use extract_vcf to get the annotation here annotation = set() variant_id = variant.get('variant_id', '') logger.debug("Checking variant annotation for {0}".format(variant_id)) # If the variant has already been annotated by genmod we do not need to # check again if vep: logger.debug("Using vep annotation.") annotation = check_vep_annotation(variant) else: info_dict = variant.get('info_dict', {}) if info_dict.get(annotation_key, None): annotation = set(info_dict[annotation_key].split(',')) logger.debug("Annotations found for {0}: {1}".format( variant_id, ','.join(annotation) )) return annotation
# Copyright 2013 Kylin, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import tabs from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.defaults import tables class DefaultQuotasTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.QuotasTable,) name = _("Default Quotas") slug = "quotas" template_name = ("horizon/common/_detail_table.html") def get_quotas_data(self): request = self.tab_group.request try: data = quotas.get_default_quota_data(request) except Exception: data = [] exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to get quota info.')) return data class DefaultsTabs(tabs.TabGroup): slug = "defaults" tabs = (DefaultQuotasTab,) sticky = True
import rospy import smach from Robosub.msg import HighLevelControl from SubImageRecognition.msg import ImgRecObject def move(direction, motion_type, value): move.msg.Direction = direction move.msg.MotionType = motion_type move.msg.Value = value move.msg = HighLevelControl() = rospy.Publisher('/High_Level_Motion', HighLevelControl) move.COMMAND = 'Command' move.FORWARD = 'Forward' move.MANUAL = 'Manual' move.STRAFE = 'Strafe' move.TURN = 'Turn' move.DIVE = 'Depth' def turn(value): move(move.TURN, move.COMMAND, value) def forward(value): move(move.TURN, move.COMMAND, 0) move(move.FORWARD, move.COMMAND, value) def strafe(value): move(move.STRAFE, move.COMMAND, value) def dive(value): move(move.DIVE, move.COMMAND, value) class ScanNarrow(smach.State): def __init__(self, img_rec_topic, scan_degrees_start = 15, reverse_speed = -.5, scan_gains = 1, scan_duration = 1): super(ScanNarrow, self).__init__(outcomes=['succeeded', 'timed_out', 'preempted']) self._img_rec_topic = img_rec_topic self._scan_degrees_start = scan_degrees_start * scan_gains self._reverse_gains = reverse_speed self._reverse_duration = reverse_speed * -4 self._scan_duration = scan_duration self._reverse_speed = reverse_speed def reset(self): self.scan_degrees = self._scan_degrees_start self.obj_found = 0 self.scan_count = 0 def execute(self, userdata): self.reset() sub = rospy.Subscriber(self._img_rec_topic, ImgRecObject, self.obj_found_cb) while not self.obj_found: #Back up a little bit forward(self._reverse_speed) rospy.sleep(self._reverse_duration) forward(0.0) #Scan to the left turn(-self.scan_degrees) for i in range(self._scan_duration): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() self.reset() return 'preempted' rospy.sleep(1) #Scan to the right turn(self.scan_degrees * 2) for i in range(self._scan_duration * 2): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() self.reset() return 'preempted' rospy.sleep(1) #return to center (probably) turn(-self.scan_degrees) for i in range(self._scan_duration): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() self.reset() return 'preempted' rospy.sleep(1) self.scan_count += 1 self.reset() return 'succeeded' def obj_found_cb(self, msg): self.obj_found = True ## I started working on this to add a timeout but gave up for now -Chris #class MonitorState(smach.State): # def __init__(self, topic, msg_type, cond_cb, max_checks=-1): # smach.State.__init__(self,outcomes=['valid','invalid','preempted']) # self._topic = topic # self._msg_type = msg_type # self._cond_cb = cond_cb # self._max_checks = max_checks # self._n_checks = 0 # self._trigger_cond = threading.Condition() # def execute(self, ud): # self._n_checks = 0 # self._sub = rospy.Subscriber(self._topic, self._msg_type, self._cb, callback_args=[ud]) # with self._trigger_cond: # self._trigger_cond.wait() # self._sub.unregister() # if self.preempt_requested(): # self.service_preempt() # return 'preempted' # if self._max_checks > 0 and self._n_checks >= self._max_checks: # return 'valid' # return 'invalid' # def _cb(self, msg, ud): # self._n_checks += 1 # try: # if (self._max_checks > 0 and self._n_checks >= self._max_checks) or not self._cond_cb(ud, msg): # self._wake() # except: # rospy.logerr("Error thrown while executing condition callback %s" % str(self._cond_cb)) # self._wake() # def request_preempt(self): # smach.State.request_preempt(self) # self._wake() # def _timeout_cb(self): # self._wake() # def _wake(self): # with self._trigger_cond: # self._trigger_cond.notify()
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ This subpackage contains classes and functions for defining and converting between different physical units. This code is adapted from the `pynbody <>`_ units module written by Andrew Pontzen, who has granted the Astropy project permission to use the code under a BSD license. """ # Lots of things to import - go from more basic to advanced, so that # whatever advanced ones need generally has been imported already; # this helps prevent circular imports and makes it easier to understand # where most time is spent (e.g., using python -X importtime). from .core import * from .quantity import * from . import si from . import cgs from . import astrophys from . import photometric from . import misc from .function import units as function_units from .si import * from .astrophys import * from .photometric import * from .cgs import * from .physical import * from .function.units import * from .misc import * from .equivalencies import * from .function.core import * from .function.logarithmic import * from .decorators import * del bases # Enable the set of default units. This notably does *not* include # Imperial units. set_enabled_units([si, cgs, astrophys, function_units, misc, photometric])
# Lint as: python3 """An iterative epi_forecast_stat_mech.estimator_base.Estimator.""" import collections import functools import pickle from epi_forecast_stat_mech import data_model from epi_forecast_stat_mech import estimator_base from epi_forecast_stat_mech import mask_time from epi_forecast_stat_mech import optim_lib from epi_forecast_stat_mech.mechanistic_models import mechanistic_models from epi_forecast_stat_mech.mechanistic_models import predict_lib from epi_forecast_stat_mech.statistical_models import probability as stat_prob import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np import sklearn import sklearn.inspection def np_float(x): return np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) def jnp_float(x): return jnp.asarray(x, dtype=jnp.float32) def load(file_in): return pickle.load(file_in) class IterativeEstimator(estimator_base.Estimator): def save(self, file_out): pickle.dump(self, file_out) def __init__(self, stat_estimators=None, mech_model=None, hat_interpolation_alpha=0.5, iter_max=100, gradient_steps=10000, learning_rate=1E-4, verbose=1, time_mask_fn=functools.partial(mask_time.make_mask, min_value=1), rng=None ): """Construct an IterativeEstimator. Args: stat_estimators: A dictionary with an sklearn regressor for each encoded_param_name of the mech_model. Using a defaultdict is a convenient way to impose a default type of regressor, e.g.: collections.defaultdict(lambda: sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor( ...)). The fitted estimators will be saved in this dictionary, which is also saved on the instance. mech_model: An instance of a MechanisticModel. hat_interpolation_alpha: float between 0. and 1. representing how much to move toward the newly estimated mech_params_hat in each loop. iter_max: positive integer. How many iterative loops to perform. gradient_steps: The number of adam steps to perform per iter. learning_rate: The learning rate (positive float; default 1E-4). verbose: (Integer >= 0, default 1) Verbosity: 0: Quiet. 1: Reports every 1k steps. 2: Also report initial value and gradient. time_mask_fn: A function that returns a np.array that can be used to mask part of the new_infections curve. rng: A jax.random.PRNGKey. """ if stat_estimators is None: stat_estimators = collections.defaultdict( lambda: sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=50)) self.stat_estimators = stat_estimators self.hat_interpolation_alpha = hat_interpolation_alpha self.iter_max = iter_max self.gradient_steps = gradient_steps self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.verbose = verbose if mech_model is None: mech_model = mechanistic_models.ViboudChowellModel() self.mech_model = mech_model self.encoded_param_names = self.mech_model.encoded_param_names self.mech_bottom_scale = self.mech_model.bottom_scale self.out_dim = len(self.encoded_param_names) self.time_mask_fn = time_mask_fn if rng is None: rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) self.rng = rng def _unflatten(self, x): return jnp.reshape(x, (-1, self.out_dim)) def fit(self, data): data_model.validate_data_for_fit(data) = data num_locations = data.sizes['location'] self.epidemics = epidemics = mechanistic_models.pack_epidemics_record_tuple( data) self.time_mask = time_mask = self.time_mask_fn(data) self.v_df = v_df = _get_static_covariate_df(data) def mech_plus_stat_errors(mech_params_stack, mech_params_hat_stack=None): mech_log_prior = jnp.sum( jax.vmap(self.mech_model.log_prior)(mech_params_stack)) mech_log_lik_terms_raw = jax.vmap(self.mech_model.log_likelihood)( mech_params_stack, epidemics) mech_log_lik_terms = jnp.where(time_mask, mech_log_lik_terms_raw, 0.) mech_log_lik = jnp.sum(mech_log_lik_terms) mech_log_prob = mech_log_prior + mech_log_lik mech_log_prob = mech_log_lik stat_plugin_error_model = stat_prob.gaussian_with_softplus_scale_estimate( mech_params_stack, axis=0, min_scale=self.mech_bottom_scale, mean=mech_params_hat_stack, softness=self.mech_bottom_scale) # shape: (out_dim,) stat_log_prob = stat_plugin_error_model.log_prob(mech_params_stack).sum( axis=0) mech_plus_current_stat_loss = -(mech_log_prob + jnp.sum(stat_log_prob)) return mech_plus_current_stat_loss mech_params_stack = mechanistic_models.initialize_mech_model_stack( self.rng, self.mech_model, data, epidemics) assert mech_params_stack.shape[1] == len(self.encoded_param_names) mech_params_hat_stack = mech_params_stack for _ in range(self.iter_max): # Update mech_params_stack "regularized" by current mech_params_hat_stack. # N.B. This is not a maximum likelihood update. # We run two optimizers consecutively to try to unstick each. mech_params_stack = optim_lib.adam_optimize( functools.partial( mech_plus_stat_errors, mech_params_hat_stack=mech_params_hat_stack), mech_params_stack, train_steps=self.gradient_steps, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, verbose=self.verbose) mech_params_stack, opt_status, _ = optim_lib.lbfgs_optimize( functools.partial( mech_plus_stat_errors, mech_params_hat_stack=mech_params_hat_stack), mech_params_stack) if not opt_status[0]: print('optimizer reports: %s' % (opt_status,)) # Find an update for mech_params_hat_stack by calling upon the regressors # to fit each mech_param. Each of these fits is responsible for it's own # internal regularization. hat_accum = [] for j, param_name in enumerate(self.encoded_param_names): regressor = self.stat_estimators[param_name], np_float(mech_params_stack[:, j])) hat_accum.append(regressor.predict(v_df)) proposed_mech_params_hat_stack = jnp.stack(hat_accum, axis=1) # To stabilize the iteration, we don't jump all the way to the new fit, # but to this convex combination with the old value. mech_params_hat_stack = ( self.hat_interpolation_alpha * proposed_mech_params_hat_stack + (1 - self.hat_interpolation_alpha) * mech_params_hat_stack) self.mech_params_stack = mech_params_stack self.mech_params_hat_stack = mech_params_hat_stack return self def _check_fitted(self): if not hasattr(self, 'mech_params_stack'): raise AttributeError('`fit` must be called before `predict`.') def plot_partial_dependence(self): self._check_fitted() v_df = self.v_df for _, param_name in enumerate(self.encoded_param_names): print('Partial dependence plot for %s' % (param_name,)) regressor = self.stat_estimators[param_name] sklearn.inspection.plot_partial_dependence( regressor, v_df, v_df.columns, n_jobs=3, grid_resolution=20) def plot_permutation_importances(self): # needs sklearn 0.22. self._check_fitted() v_df = self.v_df for j, param_name in enumerate(self.encoded_param_names): print('Importance plot for %s' % (param_name,)) regressor = self.stat_estimators[param_name] imp1 = sklearn.inspection.permutation_importance( regressor, self.v_df, np_float(self.mech_params_stack[:, j])) sorted_idx = imp1.importances_mean.argsort() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.boxplot( imp1.importances[sorted_idx].T, vert=False, labels=v_df.columns[sorted_idx]) ax.set_title('Permutation Importances (train set)') fig.tight_layout() def predict(self, test_data, num_samples, seed=0): self._check_fitted() rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) mech_params = self.mech_params_stack dynamic_covariates = predict_lib.prepare_dynamic_covariates(, test_data) sample_mech_params_fn = getattr( self, 'sample_mech_params_fn', lambda rngkey, num_samples: jnp.swapaxes( jnp.broadcast_to(mech_params, (num_samples,) + mech_params.shape), 1, 0)) return predict_lib.simulate_dynamic_predictions( self.mech_model, mech_params,, self.epidemics, dynamic_covariates, num_samples, rng, sample_mech_params_fn) @property def mech_params(self): self._check_fitted() return predict_lib.mech_params_array(, self.mech_model, self.mech_params_stack) @property def mech_params_hat(self): self._check_fitted() return predict_lib.mech_params_array(, self.mech_model, self.mech_params_hat_stack) @property def encoded_mech_params(self): self._check_fitted() return predict_lib.encoded_mech_params_array(, self.mech_model, self.mech_params_stack) @property def mech_params_for_jax_code(self): return self.encoded_mech_params.values def _get_static_covariate_df(trajectories): """The (static) covariate matrix.""" raw_v_df = ( trajectories.static_covariates.reset_coords(drop=True).transpose( 'location', 'static_covariate').to_pandas()) # This can then be used with, e.g. patsy. # expanded_v_df = patsy(raw_v_df, ...patsy details...) # Optionally it can be converted back to xa using. # expanded_v_xa = xarray.DataArray(expanded_v_df) # for now... v_df = raw_v_df return v_df def make_mean_estimators(): return collections.defaultdict( lambda: sklearn.dummy.DummyRegressor(strategy='mean')) def get_estimator_dict(): estimator_dict = {} estimator_dict['iterative_randomforest__VC'] = IterativeEstimator() estimator_dict['iterative_mean__VC'] = IterativeEstimator( stat_estimators=make_mean_estimators()) estimator_dict['iterative_randomforest__VC_PL'] = IterativeEstimator( mech_model=mechanistic_models.ViboudChowellModelPseudoLikelihood()) estimator_dict['iterative_mean__VC_PL'] = IterativeEstimator( stat_estimators=make_mean_estimators(), mech_model=mechanistic_models.ViboudChowellModelPseudoLikelihood()) estimator_dict['iterative_randomforest__Gaussian_PL'] = IterativeEstimator( mech_model=mechanistic_models.GaussianModelPseudoLikelihood()) estimator_dict['iterative_mean__Gaussian_PL'] = IterativeEstimator( stat_estimators=make_mean_estimators(), mech_model=mechanistic_models.GaussianModelPseudoLikelihood()) return estimator_dict
# coding: utf8 # # 10/20/2013 jichi __all__ = 'GameApi', if __name__ == '__main__': # DEBUG import sys sys.path.append("..") import re from sakurakit import sknetio from sakurakit.skcontainer import uniquelist from sakurakit.skstr import unescapehtml #from sakurakit.skdebug import dwarn class GameApi(object): QUERY_HOST = "" QUERY_PATH = "/win/game/%s" API = QUERY_HOST + QUERY_PATH ENCODING = 'utf8' session = None # requests.Session or None def _makereq(self, id): """ @param kw @return kw """ return {'url':self._makeurl(id)} def _makeurl(self, id): """ @param id int @return str """ return self.API % id def _fetch(self, url): """ @param url str @return str """ return sknetio.getdata(url, gzip=True, session=self.session) #, cookies=self.COOKIES) def query(self, id): """ @param id str or int softId @return {kw} or None """ url = self._makeurl(id) h = self._fetch(url) if h: h = h.decode(self.ENCODING, errors='ignore') if h: ret = self._parse(h) if ret: ret['id'] = long(id) ret['url'] = "" % id # strip off www. img = '' % id ret['img'] = img if img in h else '' ret['sampleImages'] = list(self._iterparsesampleimages(h, id)) # [unicode] return ret def _parse(self, h): """ @param h unicode html @return {kw} """ title = self._parsetitle(h) if title: title = self._fixtitle(title) bl = u'BLゲーム' in h otome = bl or u'女性向' in h or u'乙女ゲーム' in h ecchi = u'全年齢' in h ret = { 'title': title, # unicode 'otome': otome, # bool 'ecchi': ecchi, # bool 'filesize': self._parsesize(h), # int 'description': self._parsedesc(h), # unicode or None 'videos': uniquelist(self._iterparsevideos(h)), # [kw] } ret.update(self._iterparsefields(h)) return ret # Example: RPGを初めて遊ぶ人のためのRPG ver1.32 _re_fixtitle = re.compile(' ver[0-9. ]+$') def _fixtitle(self, t): """ @param t unicode @return unicode """ return self._re_fixtitle.sub('', t) # Example: <meta name="twitter:title" content="「恋と友情の境界線-体験版-」:無料ゲーム by ふりーむ!"> _re_title = re.compile(ur'<meta name="twitter:title" content="([^"]+?):無料ゲーム[^"]*"') def _parsetitle(self, h): """ @param h unicode html @return unicode or None """ m = if m: return unescapehtml( _re_fields = ( # Example: <meta name="description" content="「赤い森の魔女」:樵の少年と魔女のお話" /> ('slogan', re.compile(ur'<meta name="description" content="[^"]+」:([^"]+?)"')), ('brand', re.compile(r'href="/brand/\d+">([^<]+)<')), # Example: ■登録日<br />2015-01-11<br /> ('date', re.compile(ur'■登録日<br />([0-9-]+)<')), ) def _iterparsefields(self, h): """ @param h unicode @yield (str key, unicode or None) """ for k,rx in self._re_fields: m = if m: yield k, unescapehtml( # Example: # ■容量<br /> # 16,121 KByte<br /> _re_size = re.compile(ur'■容量<br />\n*\r*\s*([0-9,]*) KByte') def _parsesize(self, h): """ @param h unicode html @return long not None """ m = if m: try: return 1024 * long(',', '')) except: pass return 0 # Example: def _iterparsesampleimages(self, h, id): """ @param h unicode html @param id long @yield unicode """ x = re.compile(r"\d+.jpg" % id) for m in x.finditer(h): yield # Example: _re_youtube = re.compile(r'\?v=([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)') def _iterparsevideos(self, h): # the method apply to all case """ @param h unicode html @yield unicode """ if '' in h: for m in self._re_youtube.finditer(h): yield # Example: # <!-- ■ゲーム説明スペース開始 --> # <div id="gameExplain"> # </div> # <!-- //□ゲーム説明スペース終了 --> _re_desc = re.compile( ur'<!-- ■ゲーム説明スペース開始 -->' r'(.*?)' ur'<!-- //□ゲーム説明スペース終了 -->' , re.DOTALL) def _parsedesc(self, h): """ @param h unicode html @param id long @yield unicode or None """ m = if m: return if __name__ == '__main__': api = GameApi() k = 8329 # k = 3055 # k = 7190 # k = 5414 # special name k = 4467 # k = 3781 # Youtube Video print '-' * 10 q = api.query(k) for k,v in q.iteritems(): print k, ':', v # EOF
from datetime import datetime as dt from mock import patch import numpy as np from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal import pytest from arctic import arctic as m from import DateRange, CLOSED_OPEN, mktz from arctic.exceptions import OverlappingDataException, \ NoDataFoundException def test_delete(tickstore_lib): DUMMY_DATA = [ {'a': 1., 'b': 2., 'index': dt(2013, 1, 1, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')) }, {'a': 3., 'b': 4., 'index': dt(2013, 1, 30, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')) }, ] tickstore_lib.chunk_size = 1 tickstore_lib.write('SYM', DUMMY_DATA) tickstore_lib.delete('SYM') with pytest.raises(NoDataFoundException):'SYM', date_range=DateRange(20130102), columns=None) # Delete with a date-range tickstore_lib.write('SYM', DUMMY_DATA) tickstore_lib.delete('SYM', DateRange(dt(2013, 1, 1, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')), dt(2013, 1, 2, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')))) df ='SYM', columns=None) assert np.allclose(df['b'].values, np.array([4.])) def test_delete_daterange(tickstore_lib): DUMMY_DATA = [ {'a': 1., 'b': 2., 'index': dt(2013, 1, 1, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')) }, {'a': 3., 'b': 4., 'index': dt(2013, 2, 1, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')) }, ] tickstore_lib.chunk_size = 1 tickstore_lib.write('SYM', DUMMY_DATA) # Delete with a date-range tickstore_lib.delete('SYM', DateRange(dt(2013, 1, 1, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')), dt(2013, 2, 1, tzinfo=mktz('Europe/London')), CLOSED_OPEN)) df ='SYM', columns=None) assert np.allclose(df['b'].values, np.array([4.]))
"""Test zha light.""" import asyncio from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch, sentinel from homeassistant.components.light import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE from .common import ( async_enable_traffic, async_init_zigpy_device, async_test_device_join, make_attribute, make_entity_id) from tests.common import mock_coro ON = 1 OFF = 0 async def test_light(hass, config_entry, zha_gateway, monkeypatch): """Test zha light platform.""" from zigpy.zcl.clusters.general import OnOff, LevelControl, Basic from import Status from zigpy.profiles.zha import DeviceType # create zigpy devices zigpy_device_on_off = await async_init_zigpy_device( hass, [OnOff.cluster_id, Basic.cluster_id], [], DeviceType.ON_OFF_LIGHT, zha_gateway ) zigpy_device_level = await async_init_zigpy_device( hass, [OnOff.cluster_id, LevelControl.cluster_id, Basic.cluster_id], [], DeviceType.ON_OFF_LIGHT, zha_gateway, ieee="00:0d:6f:11:0a:90:69:e7", manufacturer="FakeLevelManufacturer", model="FakeLevelModel" ) # load up light domain await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup( config_entry, DOMAIN) await hass.async_block_till_done() # on off light on_off_device_on_off_cluster = zigpy_device_on_off.endpoints.get(1).on_off on_off_entity_id = make_entity_id(DOMAIN, zigpy_device_on_off, on_off_device_on_off_cluster, use_suffix=False) on_off_zha_device = zha_gateway.get_device( # dimmable light level_device_on_off_cluster = zigpy_device_level.endpoints.get(1).on_off level_device_level_cluster = zigpy_device_level.endpoints.get(1).level on_off_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=asyncio.coroutine(MagicMock( return_value=[, Status.SUCCESS]))) level_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=asyncio.coroutine(MagicMock( return_value=[, Status.SUCCESS]))) monkeypatch.setattr(level_device_on_off_cluster, 'request', on_off_mock) monkeypatch.setattr(level_device_level_cluster, 'request', level_mock) level_entity_id = make_entity_id(DOMAIN, zigpy_device_level, level_device_on_off_cluster, use_suffix=False) level_zha_device = zha_gateway.get_device( # test that the lights were created and that they are unavailable assert hass.states.get(on_off_entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE assert hass.states.get(level_entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device await async_enable_traffic(hass, zha_gateway, [on_off_zha_device, level_zha_device]) # test that the lights were created and are off assert hass.states.get(on_off_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(level_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # test turning the lights on and off from the light await async_test_on_off_from_light( hass, on_off_device_on_off_cluster, on_off_entity_id) await async_test_on_off_from_light( hass, level_device_on_off_cluster, level_entity_id) # test turning the lights on and off from the HA await async_test_on_off_from_hass( hass, on_off_device_on_off_cluster, on_off_entity_id) await async_test_level_on_off_from_hass( hass, level_device_on_off_cluster, level_device_level_cluster, level_entity_id) # test turning the lights on and off from the light await async_test_on_from_light( hass, level_device_on_off_cluster, level_entity_id) # test getting a brightness change from the network await async_test_dimmer_from_light( hass, level_device_level_cluster, level_entity_id, 150, STATE_ON) # test adding a new light to the network and HA await async_test_device_join( hass, zha_gateway, OnOff.cluster_id, DOMAIN, device_type=DeviceType.ON_OFF_LIGHT) async def async_test_on_off_from_light(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from the light.""" # turn on at light attr = make_attribute(0, 1) cluster.handle_message(False, 1, 0x0a, [[attr]]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON # turn off at light attr.value.value = 0 cluster.handle_message(False, 0, 0x0a, [[attr]]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF async def async_test_on_from_light(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from the light.""" # turn on at light attr = make_attribute(0, 1) cluster.handle_message(False, 1, 0x0a, [[attr]]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON async def async_test_on_off_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from hass.""" from import Status with patch( 'zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request', return_value=mock_coro([0x00, Status.SUCCESS])): # turn on via UI await, 'turn_on', { 'entity_id': entity_id }, blocking=True) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args == call( False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) await async_test_off_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id) async def async_test_off_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test turning off the light from homeassistant.""" from import Status with patch( 'zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request', return_value=mock_coro([0x01, Status.SUCCESS])): # turn off via UI await, 'turn_off', { 'entity_id': entity_id }, blocking=True) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args == call( False, OFF, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) async def async_test_level_on_off_from_hass(hass, on_off_cluster, level_cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from hass.""" from zigpy import types # turn on via UI await, 'turn_on', {'entity_id': entity_id}, blocking=True) assert on_off_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.call_count == 0 assert on_off_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 1, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() await, 'turn_on', {'entity_id': entity_id, 'transition': 10}, blocking=True) assert on_off_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 1, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) assert level_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 4, (types.uint8_t, types.uint16_t), 254, 100.0, expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() await, 'turn_on', {'entity_id': entity_id, 'brightness': 10}, blocking=True) assert on_off_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 1, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) assert level_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 4, (types.uint8_t, types.uint16_t), 10, 5.0, expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None) on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() await async_test_off_from_hass(hass, on_off_cluster, entity_id) async def async_test_dimmer_from_light(hass, cluster, entity_id, level, expected_state): """Test dimmer functionality from the light.""" attr = make_attribute(0, level) cluster.handle_message(False, 1, 0x0a, [[attr]]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == expected_state # hass uses None for brightness of 0 in state attributes if level == 0: level = None assert hass.states.get(entity_id).attributes.get('brightness') == level
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ httpbin.core ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides the core HttpBin experience. """ import base64 import json import os import random import time import uuid from flask import Flask, Response, request, render_template, redirect, jsonify as flask_jsonify, make_response, url_for from werkzeug.datastructures import WWWAuthenticate, MultiDict from werkzeug.http import http_date from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseResponse from six.moves import range as xrange from . import filters from .helpers import get_headers, status_code, get_dict, get_request_range, check_basic_auth, check_digest_auth, secure_cookie, H, ROBOT_TXT, ANGRY_ASCII from .utils import weighted_choice from .structures import CaseInsensitiveDict ENV_COOKIES = ( '_gauges_unique', '_gauges_unique_year', '_gauges_unique_month', '_gauges_unique_day', '_gauges_unique_hour', '__utmz', '__utma', '__utmb' ) def jsonify(*args, **kwargs): response = flask_jsonify(*args, **kwargs) if not'\n'): += b'\n' return response # Prevent WSGI from correcting the casing of the Location header BaseResponse.autocorrect_location_header = False # Find the correct template folder when running from a different location tmpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates') app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=tmpl_dir) # Set up Bugsnag exception tracking, if desired. To use Bugsnag, install the # Bugsnag Python client with the command "pip install bugsnag", and set the # environment variable BUGSNAG_API_KEY. You can also optionally set # BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE. if os.environ.get("BUGSNAG_API_KEY") is not None: try: import bugsnag import bugsnag.flask release_stage = os.environ.get("BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE") or "production" bugsnag.configure(api_key=os.environ.get("BUGSNAG_API_KEY"), project_root=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), use_ssl=True, release_stage=release_stage, ignore_classes=['werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound']) bugsnag.flask.handle_exceptions(app) except: app.logger.warning("Unable to initialize Bugsnag exception handling.") # ----------- # Middlewares # ----------- @app.after_request def set_cors_headers(response): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = request.headers.get('Origin', '*') response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' if request.method == 'OPTIONS': # Both of these headers are only used for the "preflight request" # response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS' response.headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '3600' # 1 hour cache if request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Headers') is not None: response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = request.headers['Access-Control-Request-Headers'] return response # ------ # Routes # ------ @app.route('/') def view_landing_page(): """Generates Landing Page.""" return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/html') def view_html_page(): """Simple Html Page""" return render_template('moby.html') @app.route('/robots.txt') def view_robots_page(): """Simple Html Page""" response = make_response() = ROBOT_TXT response.content_type = "text/plain" return response @app.route('/deny') def view_deny_page(): """Simple Html Page""" response = make_response() = ANGRY_ASCII response.content_type = "text/plain" return response # return "YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE" @app.route('/ip') def view_origin(): """Returns Origin IP.""" return jsonify(origin=request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', request.remote_addr)) @app.route('/headers') def view_headers(): """Returns HTTP HEADERS.""" return jsonify(get_dict('headers')) @app.route('/user-agent') def view_user_agent(): """Returns User-Agent.""" headers = get_headers() return jsonify({'user-agent': headers['user-agent']}) @app.route('/get', methods=('GET',)) def view_get(): """Returns GET Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict('url', 'args', 'headers', 'origin')) @app.route('/post', methods=('POST',)) def view_post(): """Returns POST Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict( 'url', 'args', 'form', 'data', 'origin', 'headers', 'files', 'json')) @app.route('/put', methods=('PUT',)) def view_put(): """Returns PUT Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict( 'url', 'args', 'form', 'data', 'origin', 'headers', 'files', 'json')) @app.route('/patch', methods=('PATCH',)) def view_patch(): """Returns PATCH Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict( 'url', 'args', 'form', 'data', 'origin', 'headers', 'files', 'json')) @app.route('/delete', methods=('DELETE',)) def view_delete(): """Returns DELETE Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict( 'url', 'args', 'form', 'data', 'origin', 'headers', 'files', 'json')) @app.route('/gzip') @filters.gzip def view_gzip_encoded_content(): """Returns GZip-Encoded Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict( 'origin', 'headers', method=request.method, gzipped=True)) @app.route('/deflate') @filters.deflate def view_deflate_encoded_content(): """Returns Deflate-Encoded Data.""" return jsonify(get_dict( 'origin', 'headers', method=request.method, deflated=True)) @app.route('/redirect/<int:n>') def redirect_n_times(n): """302 Redirects n times.""" assert n > 0 absolute = request.args.get('absolute', 'false').lower() == 'true' if n == 1: return redirect(url_for('view_get', _external=absolute)) if absolute: return _redirect('absolute', n, True) else: return _redirect('relative', n, False) def _redirect(kind, n, external): return redirect(url_for('{0}_redirect_n_times'.format(kind), n=n - 1, _external=external)) @app.route('/redirect-to') def redirect_to(): """302 Redirects to the given URL.""" args = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.args.items()) # We need to build the response manually and convert to UTF-8 to prevent # werkzeug from "fixing" the URL. This endpoint should set the Location # header to the exact string supplied. response = app.make_response('') response.status_code = 302 response.headers['Location'] = args['url'].encode('utf-8') return response @app.route('/relative-redirect/<int:n>') def relative_redirect_n_times(n): """302 Redirects n times.""" assert n > 0 response = app.make_response('') response.status_code = 302 if n == 1: response.headers['Location'] = url_for('view_get') return response response.headers['Location'] = url_for('relative_redirect_n_times', n=n - 1) return response @app.route('/absolute-redirect/<int:n>') def absolute_redirect_n_times(n): """302 Redirects n times.""" assert n > 0 if n == 1: return redirect(url_for('view_get', _external=True)) return _redirect('absolute', n, True) @app.route('/stream/<int:n>') def stream_n_messages(n): """Stream n JSON messages""" response = get_dict('url', 'args', 'headers', 'origin') n = min(n, 100) def generate_stream(): for i in range(n): response['id'] = i yield json.dumps(response) + '\n' return Response(generate_stream(), headers={ "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked", "Content-Type": "application/json", }) @app.route('/status/<codes>', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'TRACE']) def view_status_code(codes): """Return status code or random status code if more than one are given""" if not ',' in codes: code = int(codes) return status_code(code) choices = [] for choice in codes.split(','): if not ':' in choice: code = choice weight = 1 else: code, weight = choice.split(':') choices.append((int(code), float(weight))) code = weighted_choice(choices) return status_code(code) @app.route('/response-headers') def response_headers(): """Returns a set of response headers from the query string """ headers = MultiDict(request.args.items(multi=True)) response = jsonify(headers.lists()) while True: content_len_shown = response.headers['Content-Length'] d = {} for key in response.headers.keys(): value = response.headers.get_all(key) if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] d[key] = value response = jsonify(d) for key, value in headers.items(multi=True): response.headers.add(key, value) if response.headers['Content-Length'] == content_len_shown: break return response @app.route('/cookies') def view_cookies(hide_env=True): """Returns cookie data.""" cookies = dict(request.cookies.items()) if hide_env and ('show_env' not in request.args): for key in ENV_COOKIES: try: del cookies[key] except KeyError: pass return jsonify(cookies=cookies) @app.route('/forms/post') def view_forms_post(): """Simple HTML form.""" return render_template('forms-post.html') @app.route('/cookies/set/<name>/<value>') def set_cookie(name, value): """Sets a cookie and redirects to cookie list.""" r = app.make_response(redirect(url_for('view_cookies'))) r.set_cookie(key=name, value=value, secure=secure_cookie()) return r @app.route('/cookies/set') def set_cookies(): """Sets cookie(s) as provided by the query string and redirects to cookie list.""" cookies = dict(request.args.items()) r = app.make_response(redirect(url_for('view_cookies'))) for key, value in cookies.items(): r.set_cookie(key=key, value=value, secure=secure_cookie()) return r @app.route('/cookies/delete') def delete_cookies(): """Deletes cookie(s) as provided by the query string and redirects to cookie list.""" cookies = dict(request.args.items()) r = app.make_response(redirect(url_for('view_cookies'))) for key, value in cookies.items(): r.delete_cookie(key=key) return r @app.route('/basic-auth/<user>/<passwd>') def basic_auth(user='user', passwd='passwd'): """Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic Auth.""" if not check_basic_auth(user, passwd): return status_code(401) return jsonify(authenticated=True, user=user) @app.route('/hidden-basic-auth/<user>/<passwd>') def hidden_basic_auth(user='user', passwd='passwd'): """Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic Auth.""" if not check_basic_auth(user, passwd): return status_code(404) return jsonify(authenticated=True, user=user) @app.route('/digest-auth/<qop>/<user>/<passwd>') def digest_auth(qop=None, user='user', passwd='passwd'): """Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Digest auth""" if qop not in ('auth', 'auth-int'): qop = None if 'Authorization' not in request.headers or \ not check_digest_auth(user, passwd) or \ not 'Cookie' in request.headers: response = app.make_response('') response.status_code = 401 # RFC2616 Section4.2: HTTP headers are ASCII. That means # request.remote_addr was originally ASCII, so I should be able to # encode it back to ascii. Also, RFC2617 says about nonces: "The # contents of the nonce are implementation dependent" nonce = H(b''.join([ getattr(request,'remote_addr',u'').encode('ascii'), b':', str(time.time()).encode('ascii'), b':', os.urandom(10) ])) opaque = H(os.urandom(10)) auth = WWWAuthenticate("digest") auth.set_digest('[email protected]', nonce, opaque=opaque, qop=('auth', 'auth-int') if qop is None else (qop, )) response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = auth.to_header() response.headers['Set-Cookie'] = 'fake=fake_value' return response return jsonify(authenticated=True, user=user) @app.route('/delay/<int:delay>') def delay_response(delay): """Returns a delayed response""" delay = min(delay, 10) time.sleep(delay) return jsonify(get_dict( 'url', 'args', 'form', 'data', 'origin', 'headers', 'files')) @app.route('/drip') def drip(): """Drips data over a duration after an optional initial delay.""" args = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.args.items()) duration = float(args.get('duration', 2)) numbytes = int(args.get('numbytes', 10)) code = int(args.get('code', 200)) pause = duration / numbytes delay = float(args.get('delay', 0)) if delay > 0: time.sleep(delay) def generate_bytes(): for i in xrange(numbytes): yield u"*".encode('utf-8') time.sleep(pause) response = Response(generate_bytes(), headers={ "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Content-Length": str(numbytes), }) response.status_code = code return response @app.route('/base64/<value>') def decode_base64(value): """Decodes base64url-encoded string""" encoded = value.encode('utf-8') # base64 expects binary string as input return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded).decode('utf-8') @app.route('/cache', methods=('GET',)) def cache(): """Returns a 304 if an If-Modified-Since header or If-None-Match is present. Returns the same as a GET otherwise.""" is_conditional = request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since') or request.headers.get('If-None-Match') if is_conditional is None: response = view_get() response.headers['Last-Modified'] = http_date() response.headers['ETag'] = uuid.uuid4().hex return response else: return status_code(304) @app.route('/cache/<int:value>') def cache_control(value): """Sets a Cache-Control header.""" response = view_get() response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age={0}'.format(value) return response @app.route('/encoding/utf8') def encoding(): return render_template('UTF-8-demo.txt') @app.route('/bytes/<int:n>') def random_bytes(n): """Returns n random bytes generated with given seed.""" n = min(n, 100 * 1024) # set 100KB limit params = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.args.items()) if 'seed' in params: random.seed(int(params['seed'])) response = make_response() # Note: can't just use os.urandom here because it ignores the seed = bytearray(random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(n)) response.content_type = 'application/octet-stream' return response @app.route('/stream-bytes/<int:n>') def stream_random_bytes(n): """Streams n random bytes generated with given seed, at given chunk size per packet.""" n = min(n, 100 * 1024) # set 100KB limit params = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.args.items()) if 'seed' in params: random.seed(int(params['seed'])) if 'chunk_size' in params: chunk_size = max(1, int(params['chunk_size'])) else: chunk_size = 10 * 1024 def generate_bytes(): chunks = bytearray() for i in xrange(n): chunks.append(random.randint(0, 255)) if len(chunks) == chunk_size: yield(bytes(chunks)) chunks = bytearray() if chunks: yield(bytes(chunks)) headers = {'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} return Response(generate_bytes(), headers=headers) @app.route('/range/<int:numbytes>') def range_request(numbytes): """Streams n random bytes generated with given seed, at given chunk size per packet.""" if numbytes <= 0 or numbytes > (100 * 1024): response = Response(headers={ 'ETag' : 'range%d' % numbytes, 'Accept-Ranges' : 'bytes' }) response.status_code = 404 = 'number of bytes must be in the range (0, 10240]' return response params = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.args.items()) if 'chunk_size' in params: chunk_size = max(1, int(params['chunk_size'])) else: chunk_size = 10 * 1024 duration = float(params.get('duration', 0)) pause_per_byte = duration / numbytes request_headers = get_headers() first_byte_pos, last_byte_pos = get_request_range(request_headers, numbytes) if first_byte_pos > last_byte_pos or first_byte_pos not in xrange(0, numbytes) or last_byte_pos not in xrange(0, numbytes): response = Response(headers={ 'ETag' : 'range%d' % numbytes, 'Accept-Ranges' : 'bytes', 'Content-Range' : 'bytes */%d' % numbytes }) response.status_code = 416 return response def generate_bytes(): chunks = bytearray() for i in xrange(first_byte_pos, last_byte_pos + 1): # We don't want the resource to change across requests, so we need # to use a predictable data generation function chunks.append(ord('a') + (i % 26)) if len(chunks) == chunk_size: yield(bytes(chunks)) time.sleep(pause_per_byte * chunk_size) chunks = bytearray() if chunks: time.sleep(pause_per_byte * len(chunks)) yield(bytes(chunks)) content_range = 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (first_byte_pos, last_byte_pos, numbytes) response_headers = { 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'ETag' : 'range%d' % numbytes, 'Accept-Ranges' : 'bytes', 'Content-Range' : content_range } response = Response(generate_bytes(), headers=response_headers) if (first_byte_pos == 0) and (last_byte_pos == (numbytes - 1)): response.status_code = 200 else: response.status_code = 206 return response @app.route('/links/<int:n>/<int:offset>') def link_page(n, offset): """Generate a page containing n links to other pages which do the same.""" n = min(max(1, n), 200) # limit to between 1 and 200 links link = "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a> " html = ['<html><head><title>Links</title></head><body>'] for i in xrange(n): if i == offset: html.append("{0} ".format(i)) else: html.append(link.format(url_for('link_page', n=n, offset=i), i)) html.append('</body></html>') return ''.join(html) @app.route('/links/<int:n>') def links(n): """Redirect to first links page.""" return redirect(url_for('link_page', n=n, offset=0)) @app.route('/image') def image(): """Returns a simple image of the type suggest by the Accept header.""" headers = get_headers() if 'accept' not in headers: return image_png() # Default media type to png accept = headers['accept'].lower() if 'image/webp' in accept: return image_webp() elif 'image/jpeg' in accept: return image_jpeg() elif 'image/png' in accept or 'image/*' in accept: return image_png() else: return status_code(404) @app.route('/image/png') def image_png(): data = resource('images/pig_icon.png') return Response(data, headers={'Content-Type': 'image/png'}) @app.route('/image/jpeg') def image_jpeg(): data = resource('images/jackal.jpg') return Response(data, headers={'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'}) @app.route('/image/webp') def image_webp(): data = resource('images/wolf_1.webp') return Response(data, headers={'Content-Type': 'image/webp'}) def resource(filename): path = os.path.join( tmpl_dir, filename) return open(path, 'rb').read() @app.route("/xml") def xml(): response = make_response(render_template("sample.xml")) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml" return response if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import unicode_literals import warnings from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import strip_tags from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import strip_accents_unicode from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import strip_accents_ascii from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.base import clone import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal from numpy.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import (assert_equal, assert_false, assert_true, assert_not_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_in, assert_less, assert_greater, assert_warns_message, assert_raise_message, clean_warning_registry, SkipTest) from collections import defaultdict, Mapping from functools import partial import pickle from io import StringIO JUNK_FOOD_DOCS = ( "the pizza pizza beer copyright", "the pizza burger beer copyright", "the the pizza beer beer copyright", "the burger beer beer copyright", "the coke burger coke copyright", "the coke burger burger", ) NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS = ( "the salad celeri copyright", "the salad salad sparkling water copyright", "the the celeri celeri copyright", "the tomato tomato salad water", "the tomato salad water copyright", ) ALL_FOOD_DOCS = JUNK_FOOD_DOCS + NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS def uppercase(s): return strip_accents_unicode(s).upper() def strip_eacute(s): return s.replace('\xe9', 'e') def split_tokenize(s): return s.split() def lazy_analyze(s): return ['the_ultimate_feature'] def test_strip_accents(): # check some classical latin accentuated symbols a = '\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb' expected = 'aaaaaaceeee' assert_equal(strip_accents_unicode(a), expected) a = '\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd' expected = 'iiiinooooouuuuy' assert_equal(strip_accents_unicode(a), expected) # check some arabic a = '\u0625' # halef with a hamza below expected = '\u0627' # simple halef assert_equal(strip_accents_unicode(a), expected) # mix letters accentuated and not a = "this is \xe0 test" expected = 'this is a test' assert_equal(strip_accents_unicode(a), expected) def test_to_ascii(): # check some classical latin accentuated symbols a = '\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb' expected = 'aaaaaaceeee' assert_equal(strip_accents_ascii(a), expected) a = '\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd' expected = 'iiiinooooouuuuy' assert_equal(strip_accents_ascii(a), expected) # check some arabic a = '\u0625' # halef with a hamza below expected = '' # halef has no direct ascii match assert_equal(strip_accents_ascii(a), expected) # mix letters accentuated and not a = "this is \xe0 test" expected = 'this is a test' assert_equal(strip_accents_ascii(a), expected) def test_word_analyzer_unigrams(): for Vectorizer in (CountVectorizer, HashingVectorizer): wa = Vectorizer(strip_accents='ascii').build_analyzer() text = ("J'ai mang\xe9 du kangourou ce midi, " "c'\xe9tait pas tr\xeas bon.") expected = ['ai', 'mange', 'du', 'kangourou', 'ce', 'midi', 'etait', 'pas', 'tres', 'bon'] assert_equal(wa(text), expected) text = "This is a test, really.\n\n I met Harry yesterday." expected = ['this', 'is', 'test', 'really', 'met', 'harry', 'yesterday'] assert_equal(wa(text), expected) wa = Vectorizer(input='file').build_analyzer() text = StringIO("This is a test with a file-like object!") expected = ['this', 'is', 'test', 'with', 'file', 'like', 'object'] assert_equal(wa(text), expected) # with custom preprocessor wa = Vectorizer(preprocessor=uppercase).build_analyzer() text = ("J'ai mang\xe9 du kangourou ce midi, " " c'\xe9tait pas tr\xeas bon.") expected = ['AI', 'MANGE', 'DU', 'KANGOUROU', 'CE', 'MIDI', 'ETAIT', 'PAS', 'TRES', 'BON'] assert_equal(wa(text), expected) # with custom tokenizer wa = Vectorizer(tokenizer=split_tokenize, strip_accents='ascii').build_analyzer() text = ("J'ai mang\xe9 du kangourou ce midi, " "c'\xe9tait pas tr\xeas bon.") expected = ["j'ai", 'mange', 'du', 'kangourou', 'ce', 'midi,', "c'etait", 'pas', 'tres', 'bon.'] assert_equal(wa(text), expected) def test_word_analyzer_unigrams_and_bigrams(): wa = CountVectorizer(analyzer="word", strip_accents='unicode', ngram_range=(1, 2)).build_analyzer() text = "J'ai mang\xe9 du kangourou ce midi, c'\xe9tait pas tr\xeas bon." expected = ['ai', 'mange', 'du', 'kangourou', 'ce', 'midi', 'etait', 'pas', 'tres', 'bon', 'ai mange', 'mange du', 'du kangourou', 'kangourou ce', 'ce midi', 'midi etait', 'etait pas', 'pas tres', 'tres bon'] assert_equal(wa(text), expected) def test_unicode_decode_error(): # decode_error default to strict, so this should fail # First, encode (as bytes) a unicode string. text = "J'ai mang\xe9 du kangourou ce midi, c'\xe9tait pas tr\xeas bon." text_bytes = text.encode('utf-8') # Then let the Analyzer try to decode it as ascii. It should fail, # because we have given it an incorrect encoding. wa = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), encoding='ascii').build_analyzer() assert_raises(UnicodeDecodeError, wa, text_bytes) ca = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', ngram_range=(3, 6), encoding='ascii').build_analyzer() assert_raises(UnicodeDecodeError, ca, text_bytes) def test_char_ngram_analyzer(): cnga = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', strip_accents='unicode', ngram_range=(3, 6)).build_analyzer() text = "J'ai mang\xe9 du kangourou ce midi, c'\xe9tait pas tr\xeas bon" expected = ["j'a", "'ai", 'ai ', 'i m', ' ma'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[:5], expected) expected = ['s tres', ' tres ', 'tres b', 'res bo', 'es bon'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[-5:], expected) text = "This \n\tis a test, really.\n\n I met Harry yesterday" expected = ['thi', 'his', 'is ', 's i', ' is'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[:5], expected) expected = [' yeste', 'yester', 'esterd', 'sterda', 'terday'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[-5:], expected) cnga = CountVectorizer(input='file', analyzer='char', ngram_range=(3, 6)).build_analyzer() text = StringIO("This is a test with a file-like object!") expected = ['thi', 'his', 'is ', 's i', ' is'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[:5], expected) def test_char_wb_ngram_analyzer(): cnga = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char_wb', strip_accents='unicode', ngram_range=(3, 6)).build_analyzer() text = "This \n\tis a test, really.\n\n I met Harry yesterday" expected = [' th', 'thi', 'his', 'is ', ' thi'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[:5], expected) expected = ['yester', 'esterd', 'sterda', 'terday', 'erday '] assert_equal(cnga(text)[-5:], expected) cnga = CountVectorizer(input='file', analyzer='char_wb', ngram_range=(3, 6)).build_analyzer() text = StringIO("A test with a file-like object!") expected = [' a ', ' te', 'tes', 'est', 'st ', ' tes'] assert_equal(cnga(text)[:6], expected) def test_countvectorizer_custom_vocabulary(): vocab = {"pizza": 0, "beer": 1} terms = set(vocab.keys()) # Try a few of the supported types. for typ in [dict, list, iter, partial(defaultdict, int)]: v = typ(vocab) vect = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=v) if isinstance(v, Mapping): assert_equal(vect.vocabulary_, vocab) else: assert_equal(set(vect.vocabulary_), terms) X = vect.transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) assert_equal(X.shape[1], len(terms)) def test_countvectorizer_custom_vocabulary_pipeline(): what_we_like = ["pizza", "beer"] pipe = Pipeline([ ('count', CountVectorizer(vocabulary=what_we_like)), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer())]) X = pipe.fit_transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) assert_equal(set(pipe.named_steps['count'].vocabulary_), set(what_we_like)) assert_equal(X.shape[1], len(what_we_like)) def test_countvectorizer_custom_vocabulary_repeated_indeces(): vocab = {"pizza": 0, "beer": 0} try: CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocab) except ValueError as e: assert_in("vocabulary contains repeated indices", str(e).lower()) def test_countvectorizer_custom_vocabulary_gap_index(): vocab = {"pizza": 1, "beer": 2} try: CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocab) except ValueError as e: assert_in("doesn't contain index", str(e).lower()) def test_countvectorizer_stop_words(): cv = CountVectorizer() cv.set_params(stop_words='english') assert_equal(cv.get_stop_words(), ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) cv.set_params(stop_words='_bad_str_stop_') assert_raises(ValueError, cv.get_stop_words) cv.set_params(stop_words='_bad_unicode_stop_') assert_raises(ValueError, cv.get_stop_words) stoplist = ['some', 'other', 'words'] cv.set_params(stop_words=stoplist) assert_equal(cv.get_stop_words(), set(stoplist)) def test_countvectorizer_empty_vocabulary(): try: vect = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=[])["foo"]) assert False, "we shouldn't get here" except ValueError as e: assert_in("empty vocabulary", str(e).lower()) try: v = CountVectorizer(max_df=1.0, stop_words="english") # fit on stopwords only["to be or not to be", "and me too", "and so do you"]) assert False, "we shouldn't get here" except ValueError as e: assert_in("empty vocabulary", str(e).lower()) def test_fit_countvectorizer_twice(): cv = CountVectorizer() X1 = cv.fit_transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS[:5]) X2 = cv.fit_transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS[5:]) assert_not_equal(X1.shape[1], X2.shape[1]) def test_tf_idf_smoothing(): X = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] tr = TfidfTransformer(smooth_idf=True, norm='l2') tfidf = tr.fit_transform(X).toarray() assert_true((tfidf >= 0).all()) # check normalization assert_array_almost_equal((tfidf ** 2).sum(axis=1), [1., 1., 1.]) # this is robust to features with only zeros X = [[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] tr = TfidfTransformer(smooth_idf=True, norm='l2') tfidf = tr.fit_transform(X).toarray() assert_true((tfidf >= 0).all()) def test_tfidf_no_smoothing(): X = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] tr = TfidfTransformer(smooth_idf=False, norm='l2') tfidf = tr.fit_transform(X).toarray() assert_true((tfidf >= 0).all()) # check normalization assert_array_almost_equal((tfidf ** 2).sum(axis=1), [1., 1., 1.]) # the lack of smoothing make IDF fragile in the presence of feature with # only zeros X = [[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] tr = TfidfTransformer(smooth_idf=False, norm='l2') clean_warning_registry() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: 1. / np.array([0.]) numpy_provides_div0_warning = len(w) == 1 in_warning_message = 'divide by zero' tfidf = assert_warns_message(RuntimeWarning, in_warning_message, tr.fit_transform, X).toarray() if not numpy_provides_div0_warning: raise SkipTest("Numpy does not provide div 0 warnings.") def test_sublinear_tf(): X = [[1], [2], [3]] tr = TfidfTransformer(sublinear_tf=True, use_idf=False, norm=None) tfidf = tr.fit_transform(X).toarray() assert_equal(tfidf[0], 1) assert_greater(tfidf[1], tfidf[0]) assert_greater(tfidf[2], tfidf[1]) assert_less(tfidf[1], 2) assert_less(tfidf[2], 3) def test_vectorizer(): # raw documents as an iterator train_data = iter(ALL_FOOD_DOCS[:-1]) test_data = [ALL_FOOD_DOCS[-1]] n_train = len(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) - 1 # test without vocabulary v1 = CountVectorizer(max_df=0.5) counts_train = v1.fit_transform(train_data) if hasattr(counts_train, 'tocsr'): counts_train = counts_train.tocsr() assert_equal(counts_train[0, v1.vocabulary_["pizza"]], 2) # build a vectorizer v1 with the same vocabulary as the one fitted by v1 v2 = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=v1.vocabulary_) # compare that the two vectorizer give the same output on the test sample for v in (v1, v2): counts_test = v.transform(test_data) if hasattr(counts_test, 'tocsr'): counts_test = counts_test.tocsr() vocabulary = v.vocabulary_ assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["salad"]], 1) assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["tomato"]], 1) assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["water"]], 1) # stop word from the fixed list assert_false("the" in vocabulary) # stop word found automatically by the vectorizer DF thresholding # words that are high frequent across the complete corpus are likely # to be not informative (either real stop words of extraction # artifacts) assert_false("copyright" in vocabulary) # not present in the sample assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["coke"]], 0) assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["burger"]], 0) assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["beer"]], 0) assert_equal(counts_test[0, vocabulary["pizza"]], 0) # test tf-idf t1 = TfidfTransformer(norm='l1') tfidf = assert_equal(len(t1.idf_), len(v1.vocabulary_)) assert_equal(tfidf.shape, (n_train, len(v1.vocabulary_))) # test tf-idf with new data tfidf_test = t1.transform(counts_test).toarray() assert_equal(tfidf_test.shape, (len(test_data), len(v1.vocabulary_))) # test tf alone t2 = TfidfTransformer(norm='l1', use_idf=False) tf = assert_false(hasattr(t2, "idf_")) # test idf transform with unlearned idf vector t3 = TfidfTransformer(use_idf=True) assert_raises(ValueError, t3.transform, counts_train) # test idf transform with incompatible n_features X = [[1, 1, 5], [1, 1, 0]] X_incompt = [[1, 3], [1, 3]] assert_raises(ValueError, t3.transform, X_incompt) # L1-normalized term frequencies sum to one assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(tf, axis=1), [1.0] * n_train) # test the direct tfidf vectorizer # (equivalent to term count vectorizer + tfidf transformer) train_data = iter(ALL_FOOD_DOCS[:-1]) tv = TfidfVectorizer(norm='l1') tv.max_df = v1.max_df tfidf2 = tv.fit_transform(train_data).toarray() assert_false(tv.fixed_vocabulary_) assert_array_almost_equal(tfidf, tfidf2) # test the direct tfidf vectorizer with new data tfidf_test2 = tv.transform(test_data).toarray() assert_array_almost_equal(tfidf_test, tfidf_test2) # test transform on unfitted vectorizer with empty vocabulary v3 = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=None) assert_raises(ValueError, v3.transform, train_data) # ascii preprocessor? v3.set_params(strip_accents='ascii', lowercase=False) assert_equal(v3.build_preprocessor(), strip_accents_ascii) # error on bad strip_accents param v3.set_params(strip_accents='_gabbledegook_', preprocessor=None) assert_raises(ValueError, v3.build_preprocessor) # error with bad analyzer type v3.set_params = '_invalid_analyzer_type_' assert_raises(ValueError, v3.build_analyzer) def test_tfidf_vectorizer_setters(): tv = TfidfVectorizer(norm='l2', use_idf=False, smooth_idf=False, sublinear_tf=False) tv.norm = 'l1' assert_equal(tv._tfidf.norm, 'l1') tv.use_idf = True assert_true(tv._tfidf.use_idf) tv.smooth_idf = True assert_true(tv._tfidf.smooth_idf) tv.sublinear_tf = True assert_true(tv._tfidf.sublinear_tf) def test_hashing_vectorizer(): v = HashingVectorizer() X = v.transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) token_nnz = X.nnz assert_equal(X.shape, (len(ALL_FOOD_DOCS), v.n_features)) assert_equal(X.dtype, v.dtype) # By default the hashed values receive a random sign and l2 normalization # makes the feature values bounded assert_true(np.min( > -1) assert_true(np.min( < 0) assert_true(np.max( > 0) assert_true(np.max( < 1) # Check that the rows are normalized for i in range(X.shape[0]): assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(X[0].data, 2), 1.0) # Check vectorization with some non-default parameters v = HashingVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), non_negative=True, norm='l1') X = v.transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) assert_equal(X.shape, (len(ALL_FOOD_DOCS), v.n_features)) assert_equal(X.dtype, v.dtype) # ngrams generate more non zeros ngrams_nnz = X.nnz assert_true(ngrams_nnz > token_nnz) assert_true(ngrams_nnz < 2 * token_nnz) # makes the feature values bounded assert_true(np.min( > 0) assert_true(np.max( < 1) # Check that the rows are normalized for i in range(X.shape[0]): assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(X[0].data, 1), 1.0) def test_feature_names(): cv = CountVectorizer(max_df=0.5) # test for Value error on unfitted/empty vocabulary assert_raises(ValueError, cv.get_feature_names) X = cv.fit_transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) n_samples, n_features = X.shape assert_equal(len(cv.vocabulary_), n_features) feature_names = cv.get_feature_names() assert_equal(len(feature_names), n_features) assert_array_equal(['beer', 'burger', 'celeri', 'coke', 'pizza', 'salad', 'sparkling', 'tomato', 'water'], feature_names) for idx, name in enumerate(feature_names): assert_equal(idx, cv.vocabulary_.get(name)) def test_vectorizer_max_features(): vec_factories = ( CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer, ) expected_vocabulary = set(['burger', 'beer', 'salad', 'pizza']) expected_stop_words = set([u'celeri', u'tomato', u'copyright', u'coke', u'sparkling', u'water', u'the']) for vec_factory in vec_factories: # test bounded number of extracted features vectorizer = vec_factory(max_df=0.6, max_features=4) assert_equal(set(vectorizer.vocabulary_), expected_vocabulary) assert_equal(vectorizer.stop_words_, expected_stop_words) def test_count_vectorizer_max_features(): # Regression test: max_features didn't work correctly in 0.14. cv_1 = CountVectorizer(max_features=1) cv_3 = CountVectorizer(max_features=3) cv_None = CountVectorizer(max_features=None) counts_1 = cv_1.fit_transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).sum(axis=0) counts_3 = cv_3.fit_transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).sum(axis=0) counts_None = cv_None.fit_transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).sum(axis=0) features_1 = cv_1.get_feature_names() features_3 = cv_3.get_feature_names() features_None = cv_None.get_feature_names() # The most common feature is "the", with frequency 7. assert_equal(7, counts_1.max()) assert_equal(7, counts_3.max()) assert_equal(7, counts_None.max()) # The most common feature should be the same assert_equal("the", features_1[np.argmax(counts_1)]) assert_equal("the", features_3[np.argmax(counts_3)]) assert_equal("the", features_None[np.argmax(counts_None)]) def test_vectorizer_max_df(): test_data = ['abc', 'dea', 'eat'] vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', max_df=1.0) assert_true('a' in vect.vocabulary_.keys()) assert_equal(len(vect.vocabulary_.keys()), 6) assert_equal(len(vect.stop_words_), 0) vect.max_df = 0.5 # 0.5 * 3 documents -> max_doc_count == 1.5 assert_true('a' not in vect.vocabulary_.keys()) # {ae} ignored assert_equal(len(vect.vocabulary_.keys()), 4) # {bcdt} remain assert_true('a' in vect.stop_words_) assert_equal(len(vect.stop_words_), 2) vect.max_df = 1 assert_true('a' not in vect.vocabulary_.keys()) # {ae} ignored assert_equal(len(vect.vocabulary_.keys()), 4) # {bcdt} remain assert_true('a' in vect.stop_words_) assert_equal(len(vect.stop_words_), 2) def test_vectorizer_min_df(): test_data = ['abc', 'dea', 'eat'] vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', min_df=1) assert_true('a' in vect.vocabulary_.keys()) assert_equal(len(vect.vocabulary_.keys()), 6) assert_equal(len(vect.stop_words_), 0) vect.min_df = 2 assert_true('c' not in vect.vocabulary_.keys()) # {bcdt} ignored assert_equal(len(vect.vocabulary_.keys()), 2) # {ae} remain assert_true('c' in vect.stop_words_) assert_equal(len(vect.stop_words_), 4) vect.min_df = 0.8 # 0.8 * 3 documents -> min_doc_count == 2.4 assert_true('c' not in vect.vocabulary_.keys()) # {bcdet} ignored assert_equal(len(vect.vocabulary_.keys()), 1) # {a} remains assert_true('c' in vect.stop_words_) assert_equal(len(vect.stop_words_), 5) def test_count_binary_occurrences(): # by default multiple occurrences are counted as longs test_data = ['aaabc', 'abbde'] vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', max_df=1.0) X = vect.fit_transform(test_data).toarray() assert_array_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], vect.get_feature_names()) assert_array_equal([[3, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 1, 1]], X) # using boolean features, we can fetch the binary occurrence info # instead. vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', max_df=1.0, binary=True) X = vect.fit_transform(test_data).toarray() assert_array_equal([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1]], X) # check the ability to change the dtype vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', max_df=1.0, binary=True, dtype=np.float32) X_sparse = vect.fit_transform(test_data) assert_equal(X_sparse.dtype, np.float32) def test_hashed_binary_occurrences(): # by default multiple occurrences are counted as longs test_data = ['aaabc', 'abbde'] vect = HashingVectorizer(analyzer='char', non_negative=True, norm=None) X = vect.transform(test_data) assert_equal(np.max(X[0:1].data), 3) assert_equal(np.max(X[1:2].data), 2) assert_equal(X.dtype, np.float64) # using boolean features, we can fetch the binary occurrence info # instead. vect = HashingVectorizer(analyzer='char', non_negative=True, binary=True, norm=None) X = vect.transform(test_data) assert_equal(np.max(, 1) assert_equal(X.dtype, np.float64) # check the ability to change the dtype vect = HashingVectorizer(analyzer='char', non_negative=True, binary=True, norm=None, dtype=np.float64) X = vect.transform(test_data) assert_equal(X.dtype, np.float64) def test_vectorizer_inverse_transform(): # raw documents data = ALL_FOOD_DOCS for vectorizer in (TfidfVectorizer(), CountVectorizer()): transformed_data = vectorizer.fit_transform(data) inversed_data = vectorizer.inverse_transform(transformed_data) analyze = vectorizer.build_analyzer() for doc, inversed_terms in zip(data, inversed_data): terms = np.sort(np.unique(analyze(doc))) inversed_terms = np.sort(np.unique(inversed_terms)) assert_array_equal(terms, inversed_terms) # Test that inverse_transform also works with numpy arrays transformed_data = transformed_data.toarray() inversed_data2 = vectorizer.inverse_transform(transformed_data) for terms, terms2 in zip(inversed_data, inversed_data2): assert_array_equal(np.sort(terms), np.sort(terms2)) def test_count_vectorizer_pipeline_grid_selection(): # raw documents data = JUNK_FOOD_DOCS + NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS # label junk food as -1, the others as +1 target = [-1] * len(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) + [1] * len(NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS) # split the dataset for model development and final evaluation train_data, test_data, target_train, target_test = train_test_split( data, target, test_size=.2, random_state=0) pipeline = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()), ('svc', LinearSVC())]) parameters = { 'vect__ngram_range': [(1, 1), (1, 2)], 'svc__loss': ('hinge', 'squared_hinge') } # find the best parameters for both the feature extraction and the # classifier grid_search = GridSearchCV(pipeline, parameters, n_jobs=1) # Check that the best model found by grid search is 100% correct on the # held out evaluation set. pred =, target_train).predict(test_data) assert_array_equal(pred, target_test) # on this toy dataset bigram representation which is used in the last of # the grid_search is considered the best estimator since they all converge # to 100% accuracy models assert_equal(grid_search.best_score_, 1.0) best_vectorizer = grid_search.best_estimator_.named_steps['vect'] assert_equal(best_vectorizer.ngram_range, (1, 1)) def test_vectorizer_pipeline_grid_selection(): # raw documents data = JUNK_FOOD_DOCS + NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS # label junk food as -1, the others as +1 target = [-1] * len(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) + [1] * len(NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS) # split the dataset for model development and final evaluation train_data, test_data, target_train, target_test = train_test_split( data, target, test_size=.1, random_state=0) pipeline = Pipeline([('vect', TfidfVectorizer()), ('svc', LinearSVC())]) parameters = { 'vect__ngram_range': [(1, 1), (1, 2)], 'vect__norm': ('l1', 'l2'), 'svc__loss': ('hinge', 'squared_hinge'), } # find the best parameters for both the feature extraction and the # classifier grid_search = GridSearchCV(pipeline, parameters, n_jobs=1) # Check that the best model found by grid search is 100% correct on the # held out evaluation set. pred =, target_train).predict(test_data) assert_array_equal(pred, target_test) # on this toy dataset bigram representation which is used in the last of # the grid_search is considered the best estimator since they all converge # to 100% accuracy models assert_equal(grid_search.best_score_, 1.0) best_vectorizer = grid_search.best_estimator_.named_steps['vect'] assert_equal(best_vectorizer.ngram_range, (1, 1)) assert_equal(best_vectorizer.norm, 'l2') assert_false(best_vectorizer.fixed_vocabulary_) def test_vectorizer_pipeline_cross_validation(): # raw documents data = JUNK_FOOD_DOCS + NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS # label junk food as -1, the others as +1 target = [-1] * len(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) + [1] * len(NOTJUNK_FOOD_DOCS) pipeline = Pipeline([('vect', TfidfVectorizer()), ('svc', LinearSVC())]) cv_scores = cross_val_score(pipeline, data, target, cv=3) assert_array_equal(cv_scores, [1., 1., 1.]) def test_vectorizer_unicode(): # tests that the count vectorizer works with cyrillic. document = ( "\xd0\x9c\xd0\xb0\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0" "\xb5 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x83\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0" "\xb5 \xe2\x80\x94 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xbd" "\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7" "\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd1\x83\xd1\x81" "\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3" "\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbb\xd0" "\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0, \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb7\xd1\x83\xd1\x87" "\xd0\xb0\xd1\x8e\xd1\x89\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82" "\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd1\x80" "\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb3" "\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2, \xd1\x81" "\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b\xd1\x85 " "\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x83\xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c\xd1\x81\xd1" "\x8f.") vect = CountVectorizer() X_counted = vect.fit_transform([document]) assert_equal(X_counted.shape, (1, 15)) vect = HashingVectorizer(norm=None, non_negative=True) X_hashed = vect.transform([document]) assert_equal(X_hashed.shape, (1, 2 ** 20)) # No collisions on such a small dataset assert_equal(X_counted.nnz, X_hashed.nnz) # When norm is None and non_negative, the tokens are counted up to # collisions assert_array_equal(np.sort(, np.sort( def test_tfidf_vectorizer_with_fixed_vocabulary(): # non regression smoke test for inheritance issues vocabulary = ['pizza', 'celeri'] vect = TfidfVectorizer(vocabulary=vocabulary) X_1 = vect.fit_transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) X_2 = vect.transform(ALL_FOOD_DOCS) assert_array_almost_equal(X_1.toarray(), X_2.toarray()) assert_true(vect.fixed_vocabulary_) def test_pickling_vectorizer(): instances = [ HashingVectorizer(), HashingVectorizer(norm='l1'), HashingVectorizer(binary=True), HashingVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2)), CountVectorizer(), CountVectorizer(preprocessor=strip_tags), CountVectorizer(analyzer=lazy_analyze), CountVectorizer(preprocessor=strip_tags).fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS), CountVectorizer(strip_accents=strip_eacute).fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS), TfidfVectorizer(), TfidfVectorizer(analyzer=lazy_analyze), TfidfVectorizer().fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS), ] for orig in instances: s = pickle.dumps(orig) copy = pickle.loads(s) assert_equal(type(copy), orig.__class__) assert_equal(copy.get_params(), orig.get_params()) assert_array_equal( copy.fit_transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).toarray(), orig.fit_transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).toarray()) def test_countvectorizer_vocab_sets_when_pickling(): # ensure that vocabulary of type set is coerced to a list to # preserve iteration ordering after deserialization rng = np.random.RandomState(0) vocab_words = np.array(['beer', 'burger', 'celeri', 'coke', 'pizza', 'salad', 'sparkling', 'tomato', 'water']) for x in range(0, 100): vocab_set = set(rng.choice(vocab_words, size=5, replace=False)) cv = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocab_set) unpickled_cv = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(cv)) assert_equal(cv.get_feature_names(), unpickled_cv.get_feature_names()) def test_countvectorizer_vocab_dicts_when_pickling(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) vocab_words = np.array(['beer', 'burger', 'celeri', 'coke', 'pizza', 'salad', 'sparkling', 'tomato', 'water']) for x in range(0, 100): vocab_dict = dict() words = rng.choice(vocab_words, size=5, replace=False) for y in range(0, 5): vocab_dict[words[y]] = y cv = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocab_dict) unpickled_cv = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(cv)) assert_equal(cv.get_feature_names(), unpickled_cv.get_feature_names()) def test_stop_words_removal(): # Ensure that deleting the stop_words_ attribute doesn't affect transform fitted_vectorizers = ( TfidfVectorizer().fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS), CountVectorizer(preprocessor=strip_tags).fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS), CountVectorizer(strip_accents=strip_eacute).fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) ) for vect in fitted_vectorizers: vect_transform = vect.transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).toarray() vect.stop_words_ = None stop_None_transform = vect.transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).toarray() delattr(vect, 'stop_words_') stop_del_transform = vect.transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS).toarray() assert_array_equal(stop_None_transform, vect_transform) assert_array_equal(stop_del_transform, vect_transform) def test_pickling_transformer(): X = CountVectorizer().fit_transform(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) orig = TfidfTransformer().fit(X) s = pickle.dumps(orig) copy = pickle.loads(s) assert_equal(type(copy), orig.__class__) assert_array_equal( copy.fit_transform(X).toarray(), orig.fit_transform(X).toarray()) def test_non_unique_vocab(): vocab = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a'] vect = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocab) assert_raises(ValueError,, []) def test_hashingvectorizer_nan_in_docs(): # np.nan can appear when using pandas to load text fields from a csv file # with missing values. message = "np.nan is an invalid document, expected byte or unicode string." exception = ValueError def func(): hv = HashingVectorizer() hv.fit_transform(['hello world', np.nan, 'hello hello']) assert_raise_message(exception, message, func) def test_tfidfvectorizer_binary(): # Non-regression test: TfidfVectorizer used to ignore its "binary" param. v = TfidfVectorizer(binary=True, use_idf=False, norm=None) assert_true(v.binary) X = v.fit_transform(['hello world', 'hello hello']).toarray() assert_array_equal(X.ravel(), [1, 1, 1, 0]) X2 = v.transform(['hello world', 'hello hello']).toarray() assert_array_equal(X2.ravel(), [1, 1, 1, 0]) def test_tfidfvectorizer_export_idf(): vect = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True) assert_array_almost_equal(vect.idf_, vect._tfidf.idf_) def test_vectorizer_vocab_clone(): vect_vocab = TfidfVectorizer(vocabulary=["the"]) vect_vocab_clone = clone(vect_vocab) assert_equal(vect_vocab_clone.vocabulary_, vect_vocab.vocabulary_) def test_vectorizer_string_object_as_input(): message = ("Iterable over raw text documents expected, " "string object received.") for vec in [CountVectorizer(), TfidfVectorizer(), HashingVectorizer()]: assert_raise_message( ValueError, message, vec.fit_transform, "hello world!") assert_raise_message( ValueError, message,, "hello world!") assert_raise_message( ValueError, message, vec.transform, "hello world!")
''' Created on Apr 9, 2014 @author: daniel-allington ''' # Creates a new database containing: (a) table of genre strings, with # absolute frequencies, in order of frequency, leaving out any below a # given threshold of frequency; (b) as a but for tags; (c) table of # users with tracks, giving (i) all genre strings associated with each # user's tracks, with frequency, in order of frequency, (ii) the # user's most common genre string, (iii) the user's most common three # genre strings (in alphabetical ordre; (d) as c but for tags. This # database is stored in an sqlite file with '_deriv' appended to the # name of the database it's derived from. # Where the program has to choose between genres/tags that a user has # used with equal frequency, it chooses the one that is more frequent # in the dataset as a whole (where this is tied, it chooses the # shorter string; where that is tied, the alphabetically prior # string). # Purpose: it will then be possible to create an undirected network of # users with edges based not on followings etc but on use of similar # genres/tags - and a network of genres/tags based on which ones are # associated with tracks uploaded by the same individuals. Hopefully # clusters in the two networks will give us a sense of the broad # stylistic groupings behind the huge range of genre terms used on # SoundCloud. Calculating betweenness centrality for these clusters # will help to identify key terms and individuals. # Edit: this now removes all spaces and hyphens from within strings. # Reason is to stop 'hip hop', 'hip-hop', and 'hiphop' appearing as # three different things. import sqlite3 import re import collections import add_data import cPickle import deriv_db genre_sep = re.compile(r'"|,|/|\\') tag_captu = re.compile(r'"(.+?)"|\b(\S+?)\b') to_remove = re.compile(r'[ -]') genre_threshold = 2 tag_threshold = 2 f = open('stopwords') # extracted from NLTK stop = cPickle.load(f) f.close() def flatten(l): return [i for subl in l for i in subl] def user_data(curs,user,col): # Apologies for combining a string operation with the proper # SQLite insertion method (with ?) - for some reason, when I try # to insert a table name with ?, it thinks this is a value that I # want it to return. The database is safe so this isn't the # security issue that it might have been - but I'll change it once # I figure out how. return curs.execute('SELECT {} FROM tracks WHERE user_id=?'.format(col),(user,)) def all_genres(curs): curs.execute('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master') return curs.execute('SELECT genre FROM tracks') def all_tags(curs): return curs.execute('SELECT tag_list FROM tracks') def clean(l): l2=[to_remove.sub('',i) for i in l] return [i for i in l2 if len(i)>1 and i not in stop] def strings_from_string(s,col): if col=='genre': return clean([g.strip() for g in genre_sep.split(s.lower().strip('"\' '))]) elif col=='tag_list': return clean([group[0] if group[0] else group[1] for group in tag_captu.findall(s.lower())]) else: print 'Unrecognised source column name: {}'.format(col) def strings_from_iterator(ite,col): strings=[] for i in ite: if i[0]: strings.extend(strings_from_string(i[0],col)) return strings def n_from_list(l,n,cursderiv,ranktable): sorting_list=[] for item in l: cursderiv.execute('SELECT rank FROM {} WHERE string=?'.format(ranktable), (item[0],)) c = cursderiv.fetchone() if c: rank=c[0] else: rank=10000000 sorting_list.append((rank,len(item[0]),item[0])) return [(i[2],) for i in sorted(sorting_list)[:n]] def n_most_common(counted,n,cursderiv,ranktable): c = (x for x in counted) l = [] unused = None current= [] while c: while True: try: item = if not current: current.append(item) elif item[1] == current[0][1]: current.append(item) else: unused = [item] break except StopIteration: c=False break if len(l)+len(current) <= n: l.extend(current) current = unused unused = None else: break if current: l.extend(n_from_list(current,n-len(l),cursderiv,ranktable)) string_list=[i[0] for i in l] return sorted(string_list+(['']*(n-len(string_list)))) def add_ranks(l,threshold): if not l: return [('','',0)] counted = collections.Counter(l).most_common() nums=list(reversed(sorted(set(zip(*counted)[1])))) return [(c[0],c[1],nums.index(c[1])+1) for c in counted if c[1]>=threshold] def create_gt_table(curssourc,cursderiv,colsourc,tabderiv): add_data.create_table(cursderiv,tabderiv) entries = (all_genres(curssourc) if tabderiv=='genres' else all_tags(curssourc)) l = [] for e in entries: if e[0]: l.extend(strings_from_string(e[0],colsourc)) sql=('INSERT INTO {} (string,frequency,rank) ' 'VALUES(?,?,?)'.format(tabderiv)) thresh = (genre_threshold if tabderiv == 'genres' else tag_threshold) cursderiv.executemany(sql,add_ranks(l,thresh)) def check_tables(cursderiv,required_tables): tables_present=[] for t in required_tables: cursderiv.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' " "AND name=?",(t,)) tables_present.append(True if len (cursderiv.fetchall()) > 0 else False) return tables_present def gt_tables(db_source): connsourc,connderiv = deriv_db.connect_databases(db_source) curssourc = connsourc.cursor() cursderiv = connderiv.cursor() for colsourc,table in [('genre','genres'),('tag_list','tags')]: create_gt_table(curssourc,cursderiv,colsourc,table) connderiv.commit() def deriv_user_data(curssourc,cursderiv,users,colsourc,ranktable): for user in users: print 'Working with user: '+str(user) to_count=strings_from_iterator(user_data(curssourc,user[0],colsourc), colsourc) counted=collections.Counter(to_count).most_common() mcstring = unicode(n_most_common(counted, 1,cursderiv,ranktable)[0]) cstrings = ' | '.join(n_most_common(counted, 3,cursderiv,ranktable)) str_counted= ' | '.join([u'{}, {}'.format(c[0],c[1]) for c in counted]) yield user[0],str_counted,mcstring,cstrings def user_gt_tables(db_source): connsourc,connderiv = deriv_db.connect_databases(db_source) curssourc = connsourc.cursor() cursderiv = connderiv.cursor() required=['genres','tags'] ct = check_tables(cursderiv,required) if not ct[0] or not ct[1]: for n,r in enumerate(ct): if not r: print 'Could not find {} table.'.format(required[n]) print ('Before calling this function, call gt_tables with ' 'path of source database to create necessary tables.') return False curssourc.execute('SELECT user_id FROM tracks') users=set(curssourc.fetchall()) for colsourc,tabderiv,ranktable in [('genre','user_genres','genres'), ('tag_list','user_tags','tags')]: print 'Now working with: '+ranktable add_data.create_table(cursderiv,tabderiv) add_data.insert_deriv_data(cursderiv,tabderiv, deriv_user_data(curssourc,cursderiv, users,colsourc,ranktable)) connderiv.commit() return True
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # written by sqall # twitter: # blog: # github: # # Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3. import logging import os from typing import List, Any from ..client import EventHandler from ..globalData import ManagerObjManager, ManagerObjNode, ManagerObjOption, ManagerObjSensorAlert, \ ManagerObjAlertLevel, ManagerObjAlert, ManagerObjSensor, ManagerObjProfile from ..globalData import SensorDataType class SensorEventHandler(EventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # file name of this file (used for logging) self._log_tag = os.path.basename(__file__) # noinspection PyTypeChecker def status_update(self, msg_time: int, options: List[ManagerObjOption], profiles: List[ManagerObjProfile], nodes: List[ManagerObjNode], sensors: List[ManagerObjSensor], managers: List[ManagerObjManager], alerts: List[ManagerObjAlert], alert_levels: List[ManagerObjAlertLevel]) -> bool: logging.critical("[%s]: status_update() not supported by node of type 'sensor'." % self._log_tag) raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by node of type 'sensor'.") # noinspection PyTypeChecker def sensor_alert(self, msg_time: int, sensor_alert: ManagerObjSensorAlert) -> bool: logging.critical("[%s]: sensor_alert() not supported by node of type 'sensor'." % self._log_tag) raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by node of type 'sensor'.") # noinspection PyTypeChecker def profile_change(self, msg_time: int, profile: ManagerObjProfile) -> bool: logging.critical("[%s]: profile_change() not supported by node of type 'sensor'." % self._log_tag) raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by node of type 'sensor'.") # noinspection PyTypeChecker def state_change(self, msg_time: int, sensor_id: int, state: int, data_type: SensorDataType, sensor_data: Any) -> bool: logging.critical("[%s]: state_change() not supported by node of type 'sensor'." % self._log_tag) raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by node of type 'sensor'.") def close_connection(self): pass def new_connection(self): pass
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import unittest import numpy from mantid.simpleapi import * from mantid.kernel import * from mantid.api import * class FilterLogByTimeTest(unittest.TestCase): __ws = None ''' Log file contents. 2008-06-17T11:10:44 -0.86526 2008-06-17T11:10:45 -1.17843 2008-06-17T11:10:47 -1.27995 2008-06-17T11:20:15 -1.38216 2008-06-17T11:20:16 -1.87435 2008-06-17T11:20:17 -2.70547 2008-06-17T11:20:19 -2.99125 2008-06-17T11:20:20 -3 2008-06-17T11:20:27 -2.98519 2008-06-17T11:20:29 -2.68904 2008-06-17T11:20:30 -2.5 2008-06-17T11:20:38 -2.45909 2008-06-17T11:20:39 -2.08764 2008-06-17T11:20:40 -2 2008-06-17T11:20:50 -1.85174 2008-06-17T11:20:51 -1.51258 2008-06-17T11:20:52 -1.5 2008-06-17T11:21:01 -1.48566 2008-06-17T11:21:02 -1.18799 2008-06-17T11:21:04 -1 2008-06-17T11:21:11 -0.98799 2008-06-17T11:21:13 -0.63694 2008-06-17T11:21:14 -0.5 2008-06-17T11:21:23 -0.46247 2008-06-17T11:21:24 -0.08519 2008-06-17T11:21:25 0 2008-06-17T11:21:32 0 ''' def setUp(self): x = numpy.arange(0, 1, 0.25) ws =CreateWorkspace(UnitX="1/q", DataX=x, DataY=[0,0,0], NSpec=1) self.__ws = ws LoadLog(Workspace=self.__ws,Filename='CSP78173_height.txt',Names='height') def tearDown(self): DeleteWorkspace(self.__ws) def test_startdate_after_enddate(self): try: results = FilterLogByTime(InputWorkspace=self.__ws, LogName='height', StartTime=1, EndTime=0) self.assertTrue(False, "End time < Start time.") except RuntimeError: pass def test_without_limits(self): AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_start',LogText='1900-Jan-01 00:00:00') AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_end',LogText='2100-Jan-02 00:00:00') results, stats = FilterLogByTime(InputWorkspace=self.__ws, LogName='height') self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, numpy.ndarray), "Should give back an array") self.assertTrue(isinstance(stats, float), "Should give back a single result") expected_size = self.__ws.getRun().getLogData('height').size() actual_size = results.size self.assertEqual(expected_size, actual_size, "Nothing filtered out") def test_with_start_limit(self): AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_start',LogText='2008-06-17T11:10:44') AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_end',LogText='2100-Jan-02 00:00:00') results, stats = FilterLogByTime(InputWorkspace=self.__ws, LogName='height', StartTime=1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, numpy.ndarray), "Should give back an array") self.assertTrue(isinstance(stats, float), "Should give back a single result") expected_size = self.__ws.getRun().getLogData('height').size() - 1 actual_size = results.size self.assertEqual(expected_size, actual_size, "Should filter one out expected_size %s, actual_size %s" % (str(expected_size), str(actual_size))) def test_with_end_limit(self): AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_start',LogText='2008-06-17T11:10:44') AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_end',LogText='2100-Jan-02 00:00:00') results, stats = FilterLogByTime(InputWorkspace=self.__ws, LogName='height', EndTime=0.99) self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, numpy.ndarray), "Should give back an array") self.assertTrue(isinstance(stats, float), "Should give back a single result") expected_size = 1 actual_size = results.size self.assertEqual(expected_size, actual_size, "Expected_size %s, actual_size %s" % (str(expected_size), str(actual_size))) def test_with_both_limits(self): AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_start',LogText='2008-06-17T11:10:44') AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_end',LogText='2100-Jan-02 00:00:00') results, stats = FilterLogByTime(InputWorkspace=self.__ws, LogName='height', StartTime=1, EndTime=3) self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, numpy.ndarray), "Should give back an array") self.assertTrue(isinstance(stats, float), "Should give back a single result") expected_size = 2 actual_size = results.size self.assertEqual(expected_size, actual_size, "Should filter one out expected_size %s, actual_size %s" % (str(expected_size), str(actual_size))) self.assertEqual(stats, (-1.17843 -1.27995)/2, "The 2nd and 3rd entry. Default stats should be mean of these.") def __doStats(self, method): AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_start',LogText='2008-06-17T11:10:44') AddSampleLog(Workspace=self.__ws,LogName='run_end',LogText='2100-Jan-02 00:00:00') results, stats = FilterLogByTime(InputWorkspace=self.__ws, LogName='height', StartTime=1, EndTime=3, Method=method) self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, numpy.ndarray), "Should give back an array") self.assertTrue(isinstance(stats, float), "Should give back a single result") return stats def test_calculate_mean(self): stats = self.__doStats("mean") self.assertEqual(stats, (-1.17843 -1.27995)/2) def test_calculate_max(self): stats = self.__doStats("max") self.assertEqual(stats, -1.17843) def test_calculate_min(self): stats = self.__doStats("min") self.assertEqual(stats, -1.27995) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
"""initial migration Revision ID: 38c4e85512a9 Revises: None Create Date: 2013-12-27 01:23:59.392801 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '38c4e85512a9' down_revision = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table('roles', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), sa.UniqueConstraint('name') ) op.create_table('users', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('username', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('role_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['role_id'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_index('ix_users_username', 'users', ['username'], unique=True) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_index('ix_users_username', 'users') op.drop_table('users') op.drop_table('roles') ### end Alembic commands ###
#!/usr/bin/env python import logging import sys from pkg_resources import Requirement from setuptools.package_index import PackageIndex _logger = logging.getLogger() _pypi = '' def _enable_console(level): """ Configure logging to receive log messages at the console. """ global _logger # define a Handler which writes messages to sys.stderr CONSOLE = logging.StreamHandler() CONSOLE.setLevel(level) CONSOLE.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) _logger.addHandler(CONSOLE) def grab_distrib(req, index=None, dest='.', search_pypi=True): """\ Downloads a distribution from the given package index(s) based on the given requirement string(s). Downloaded distributions are placed in the specified destination or the current directory if no destination is specified. If a distribution cannot be found in the given index(s), the Python Package Index will be searched as a last resort unless search_pypi is False. This does NOT install the distribution. """ # allow multiple package indexes to be specified if index is None: index = [] elif isinstance(index, basestring): index = [index] # else just assume it's some iterator of indexes # add PyPI as last place to search if it wasn't already specified if search_pypi and _pypi not in index and (_pypi + '/') not in index: index.append(_pypi) # allow specification of single or multiple requirements if isinstance(req, basestring): reqs = [Requirement.parse(req)] elif isinstance(req, Requirement): reqs = [req] else: reqs = [] for rr in req: if isinstance(rr, basestring): reqs.append(Requirement.parse(rr)) elif isinstance(rr, Requirement): reqs.append(rr) else: raise TypeError("supplied requirement arg must be a string" + " or a Requirement, but given type is %s" % type(rr)) index_list = [PackageIndex(idx, search_path=[]) for idx in index] for req in reqs: fetched = None for idx in index_list:'Looking for %s at package index %s' % (req, idx.index_url)) fetched =, dest) if fetched:' %s successfully downloaded' % fetched) break else: _logger.error("couldn't find distrib for %s" % req) return fetched if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser usage = "%prog [options] req(s)" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=grab_distrib.__doc__) parser.add_option("-i", "--index", action="append", type="string", dest="index", help="package index url (separate -i for each one)", default=[]) parser.add_option("-d", "--dest", action="store", type="string", dest="dest", help="destination directory", default='.') parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="no output") parser.add_option("--nopypi", action="store_true", dest="nopypi", help="do not search PyPI") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.quiet: loglevel = logging.CRITICAL else: loglevel = logging.INFO _logger.setLevel(loglevel) _enable_console(loglevel) grab_distrib(req=args, index=options.index, dest=options.dest, search_pypi=not options.nopypi) grab_distrib.__doc__ += """ Requirements may be supplied as strings or as Requirement objects. """
# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Jerdonek ([email protected]) # Copyright (C) 2010 ProFUSION embedded systems # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import logging import re from webkitpy.common.checkout.diff_parser import DiffParser from webkitpy.common.system.executive import Executive from webkitpy.common.system.filesystem import FileSystem from webkitpy.common.checkout.scm.detection import SCMDetector _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PatchReader(object): """Supports checking style in patches.""" def __init__(self, text_file_reader): """Create a PatchReader instance. Args: text_file_reader: A TextFileReader instance. """ self._text_file_reader = text_file_reader def check(self, patch_string, fs=None): """Check style in the given patch.""" fs = fs or FileSystem() patch_files = DiffParser(patch_string.splitlines()).files # If the user uses git, checking subversion config file only once is enough. call_only_once = True for path, diff_file in patch_files.iteritems(): line_numbers = diff_file.added_or_modified_line_numbers() _log.debug('Found %s new or modified lines in: %s' % (len(line_numbers), path)) if not line_numbers: match ="\s*png$", path) if match and fs.exists(path): if call_only_once: self._text_file_reader.process_file(file_path=path, line_numbers=None) cwd = FileSystem().getcwd() detection = SCMDetector(fs, Executive()).detect_scm_system(cwd) if detection.display_name() == "git": call_only_once = False continue # Don't check files which contain only deleted lines # as they can never add style errors. However, mark them as # processed so that we count up number of such files. self._text_file_reader.count_delete_only_file() continue self._text_file_reader.process_file(file_path=path, line_numbers=line_numbers)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Samples storage module tests ''' from __future__ import with_statement, division, absolute_import, print_function import sys from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO from aorn.samplesstore import STDIN_FILE, SamplesStore from tests.generators import synth_complex def test_samplesstore_init(): samples_store = SamplesStore() assert samples_store.get_samples() is None def test_samplesstore_load_file_empty(): tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, prefix='sample_') samples_store = SamplesStore() samples_store.load_samples( assert samples_store.get_samples() is not None assert len(samples_store.get_samples()) == 0 def test_samplesstore_load_stdin_empty(): old_stdin = sys.stdin sys.stdin = StringIO(None) samples_store = SamplesStore() samples_store.load_samples(STDIN_FILE) sys.stdin = old_stdin assert samples_store.get_samples() is not None assert len(samples_store.get_samples()) == 0 def test_samplesstore_load_file_somedata(): tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, prefix='sample_') data_sz = 10000 synth_complex(freqs=[440], coefs=[1], datasize=data_sz, samples_store = SamplesStore() samples_store.load_samples( assert samples_store.get_samples() is not None assert len(samples_store.get_samples()) == data_sz def test_samplesstore_load_stdin_somedata(): tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, prefix='sample_') data_sz = 10000 synth_complex(freqs=[440], coefs=[1], datasize=data_sz, old_stdin = sys.stdin sys.stdin = open(, 'rb') samples_store = SamplesStore() samples_store.load_samples(STDIN_FILE) sys.stdin = old_stdin assert samples_store.get_samples() is not None assert len(samples_store.get_samples()) == data_sz # vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:fdm=indent:ff=unix