Simulatable security for quantum protocols ; The notion of simulatable security reactive simulatability, universal composability is a powerful tool for allowing the modular design of cryptographic protocols composition of protocols and showing the security of a given protocol embedded in a larger one. Recently, these methods have received much attention in the quantum cryptographic community. We give a short introduction to simulatable security in general and proceed by sketching the many different definitional choices together with their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the reactive simulatability modelling of Backes, Pfitzmann and Waidner we then develop a quantum security model. By following the BPW modelling as closely as possible, we show that composable quantum security definitions for quantum protocols can strongly profit from their classical counterparts, since most of the definitional choices in the modelling are independent of the underlying machine model. In particular, we give a proof for the simple composition theorem in our framework.
Quantum Computation via Paraconsistent Computation ; We present an original model of paraconsistent Turing machines PTMs, a generalization of the classical Turing machines model of computation using a paraconsistent logic. Next, we briefl y describe the standard models of quantum computation quantum Turing machines and quantum circuits, and revise quantum algorithms to solve the socalled Deutsch's problem and DeutschJozsa problem. Then, we show the potentialities of the PTMs model of computation simulating the presented quantum algorithms via paraconsistent algorithms. This way, we show that PTMs can resolve some problems in exponentially less time than any classical deterministic Turing machine. Finally, We show that it is not possible to simulate all characteristics in particular entangled states of quantum computation by the particular model of PTMs here presented, therefore we open the possibility of constructing a new model of PTMs by which it is feasible to simulate such states.
LandauLifshitz sigmamodels, fermions and the AdSCFT correspondence ; We define LandauLifshitz sigma models on general coset space GH, with H a maximal stability subgroup of G. These are nonrelativistic models that have Gvalued Nother charges, local H invariance and are classically integrable. Using this definition, we construct the PSU2,24PSU222 LandauLifshitz sigmamodel. This sigma model describes the thermodynamic limit of the spinchain Hamiltonian obtained from the complete oneloop dilatation operator of the N4 super YangMills SYM theory. In the second part of the paper, we identify a number of consistent truncations of the Type IIB GreenSchwarz action on AdS5times S5 whose field content consists of two real bosons and 4,8 or 16 real fermions. We show that kappasymmetry acts trivially in these subsectors. In the context of the large spin limit of the AdSCFT correspondence, we map the Lagrangians of these subsectors to corresponding truncations of the PSU2,24PSU222 LandauLifshitz sigmamodel.
GLSM's for partial flag manifolds ; In this paper we outline some aspects of nonabelian gauged linear sigma models. First, we review how partial flag manifolds generalizing Grassmannians are described physically by nonabelian gauged linear sigma models, paying attention to realizations of tangent bundles and other aspects pertinent to 0,2 models. Second, we review constructions of CalabiYau complete intersections within such flag manifolds, and properties of the gauged linear sigma models. We discuss a number of examples of nonabelian GLSM's in which the Kahler phases are not birational, and in which at least one phase is realized in some fashion other than as a complete intersection, extending previous work of HoriTong. We also review an example of an abelian GLSM exhibiting the same phenomenon. We tentatively identify the mathematical relationship between such nonbirational phases, as examples of Kuznetsov's homological projective duality. Finally, we discuss linear sigma model moduli spaces in these gauged linear sigma models. We argue that the moduli spaces being realized physically by these GLSM's are precisely Quot and hyperquot schemes, as one would expect mathematically.
Effect of selection on ancestry an exactly soluble case and its phenomenological generalization ; We consider a family of models describing the evolution under selection of a population whose dynamics can be related to the propagation of noisy traveling waves. For one particular model, that we shall call the exponential model, the properties of the traveling wave front can be calculated exactly, as well as the statistics of the genealogy of the population. One striking result is that, for this particular model, the genealogical trees have the same statistics as the trees of replicas in the Parisi meanfield theory of spin glasses. We also find that in the exponential model, the coalescence times along these trees grow like the logarithm of the population size. A phenomenological picture of the propagation of wave fronts that we introduced in a previous work, as well as our numerical data, suggest that these statistics remain valid for a larger class of models, while the coalescence times grow like the cube of the logarithm of the population size.
Dynamical models and the phase ordering kinetics of the s1 spinor condensate ; The s1 spinor Bose condensate at zero temperature supports ferromagnetic and polar phases that combine magnetic and superfluid ordering. We investigate the formation of magnetic domains at finite temperature and magnetic field in two dimensions in an optical trap. We study the general ground state phase diagram of a spin1 system and focus on a phase that has a magnetic Ising order parameter and numerically determine the nature of the finite temperature superfluid and magnetic phase transitions. We then study three different dynamical models model A, which has no conserved quantities, model F, which has a conserved second sound mode and the GrossPitaevskii GP equation which has a conserved density and magnetization. We find the dynamic critical exponent to be the same for models A and F z2 but different for GP z approx 3. Externally imposed magnetization conservation in models A and F yields the value z approx 3, which demonstrates that the only conserved density relevant to domain formation is the magnetization density.
String Cosmological Model in Cylindrically Symmetric Inhomogeneous Universe with Electromagnetic Field ; Cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous string cosmological models in presence of electromagnetic field is investigated. We have assumed that F12 is the only nonvanishing component of Fij. The Maxwell's equations require that F12 is the function of x and t both and the magnetic permeability is the function of x and t both. To get the deterministic solution, it has been assumed that the expansion theta in the model is proportional to the eigen value sigma11 of the shear tensor sigmaij. The derived model represents the inflationary scenario as the proper volume increases exponentially with cosmic time. It is observed that the model has a point type singularity. The physical and geometric aspects of the model are also discussed.
Quantum Interference and Superposition in Cognition Development of a Theory for the Disjunction of Concepts ; We elaborate a theory for the modeling of concepts using the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics. Concepts are represented by vectors in the complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and membership weights of items are modeled by quantum weights calculated following the quantum rules. We apply this theory to model the disjunction of concepts and show that experimental data of membership weights of items with respect to the disjunction of concepts can be modeled accurately. It is the quantum effects of interference and superposition, combined with an effect of context, that are at the origin of the effects of overextension and underextension observed as deviations from a classical use of the disjunction. We put forward a graphical explanation of the effects of overextension and underextension by interpreting the quantum model applied to the modeling of the disjunction of concepts.
Modelling strong interactions and longitudinally polarized vector boson scattering ; We study scattering of the electroweak gauge bosons in 5D warped models. Within two different models we determine the precise manner in which the Higgs boson and the vector resonances ensure the unitarity of longitudinal vector boson scattering. We identify three separate scales that determine the dynamics of the scattering process in all cases. For a quite general background geometry of 5D, these scales can be linked to a simple functional of the warp factor. The models smoothly interpolate between a composite' Higgs limit and a Higgsless limit. By holographic arguments, these models provide an effective description of vector boson scattering in 4D models with a strongly coupled electroweak breaking sector.
Mesoscopic model for the fluctuating hydrodynamics of binary and ternary mixtures ; A recently introduced particlebased model for fluid dynamics with continuous velocities is generalized to model immiscible binary mixtures. Excluded volume interactions between the two components are modeled by stochastic multiparticle collisions which depend on the local velocities and densities. Momentum and energy are conserved locally, and entropically driven phase separation occurs for high collision rates. An explicit expression for the equation of state is derived, and the concentration dependence of the bulk free energy is shown to be the same as that of the WidomRowlinson model. Analytic results for the phase diagram are in excellent agreement with simulation data. Results for the line tension obtained from the analysis of the capillary wave spectrum of a droplet agree with measurements based on the Laplace's equation. The introduction of amphiphilic dimers makes it possible to model the phase behavior and dynamics of ternary surfactant mixtures.
Constraints on Dissipative NonEquilibrium Dark Energy Models from Recent Supernova Data ; Noncritical string cosmologies may be viewed as the analogue of offequilibrium models arising within string theory as a result of a cosmically catastrophic event in the early Universe. Such models entail relaxingtozero dark energies provided by a rolling dilaton field at late times. We discuss fits of such noncritical models to highredshift supernovae data, including the recent ones by HST and ESSENCE and compare the results with those of a conventional model with Cold Dark Matter and a cosmological constant and a model invoking superhorizon perturbations.
Riemann Hypothesis, MatrixGravity Correspondence and FZZT Brane Partition Functions ; We investigate the physical interpretation of the Riemann zeta function as a FZZT brane partition function associated with a matrixgravity correspondence. The HilbertPolya operator in this interpretation is the master matrix of the large N matrix model. Using a related function Xiz we develop an analogy between this function and the Airy function Aiz of the Gaussian matrix model. The analogy gives an intuitive physical reason why the zeros lie on a critical line. Using a Fourier transform of the Xiz function we identify a Kontsevich integrand. Generalizing this integrand to n times n matrices we develop a Kontsevich matrix model which describes n FZZT branes. The Kontsevich model associated with the Xiz function is given by a superposition of Liouville type matrix models that have been used to describe matrix model instantons.
The solar photospheric abundance of phosphorus results from co5bold 3D model atmospheres ; aims We determine the solar abundance of phosphorus using co5bold 3D hydrodynamic model atmospheres. method High resolution, high signaltonoise solar spectra of the PI lines of Multiplet 1 at 10511068 nm are compared to line formation computations performed on a co5bold solar model atmosphere. results We find AP5.46 0.04, in good agreement with previous analysis based on 1D model atmospheres, due to the fact that the PI lines of Mult. 1 are little affected by 3D effects. We cannot confirm an earlier claim by other authors of a downward revision of the solar P abundance by 0.1 dex employing a 3D model atmosphere. Concerning other stars, we found modest 0.1 dex 3D abundance corrections for P among four F dwarf model atmospheres of different metallicity, being largest at lowest metallicity. conclusions We conclude that 3D abundance corrections are generally rather small for the PI lines studied in this work. They are marginally relevant for metalpoor stars, but may be neglected in the Sun.
Accelerating Universe from an Evolving Lambda in Higher Dimension ; We find exact solutions in five dimensional inhomogeneous matter dominated model with a varying cosmological constant. Adjusting arbitrary constants of integration one can also achieve acceleration in our model. Aside from an initial singularity our spacetime is regular everywhere including the centre of the inhomogeneous distribution. We also study the analogous homogeneous universe in 4d dimensions. Here an initially decelerating model is found to give late acceleration in conformity with the current observational demands. We also find that both anisotropy and number of dimensions have a role to play in determining the time of flip, in fact the flip is delayed in multidimensional models. Some astrophysical parameters like the age, luminosity distance etc are also calculated and the influence of extra dimensions is briefly discussed. Interestingly our model yields a larger age of the universe compared to many other quintessential models.
Multifractal regime transition in a modified minority game model ; The search for more realistic modeling of financial time series reveals several stylized facts of real markets. In this work we focus on the multifractal properties found in price and index signals. Although the usual Minority Game MG models do not exhibit multifractality, we study here one of its variants that does. We show that the nonsynchronous MG models in the nonergodic phase is multifractal and in this sense, together with other stylized facts, constitute a better modeling tool. Using the Structure Function SF approach we detected the stationary and the scaling range of the time series generated by the MG model and, from the linear nonlinear behavior of the SF we identified the fractal multifractal regimes. Finally, using the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima WTMM technique we obtained its multifractal spectrum width for different dynamical regimes.
Persistence in a Random Bond Ising Model of SocioEcono Dynamics ; We study the persistence phenomenon in a socioecono dynamics model using computer simulations at a finite temperature on hypercubic lattices in dimensions up to 5. The model includes a socialrq local field which contains the magnetization at time t. The nearest neighbour quenched interactions are drawn from a binary distribution which is a function of the bond concentration, p. The decay of the persistence probability in the model depends on both the spatial dimension and p. We find no evidence of blockingrq in this model. We also discuss the implications of our results for possible applications in the social and economic fields. It is suggested that the absence, or otherwise, of blocking could be used as a criterion to decide on the validity of a given model in different scenarios.
A Simple Model of Direct Gauge Mediation of Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking ; We construct a model of direct gauge mediation of metastable SUSY breaking by simply deforming the Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih model in terms of a dual meson superpotential mass term. No extra matter field is introduced. The deformation explicitly breaks a U1R symmetry and a pseudo moduli have a nonzero VEV at oneloop. Our metastable SUSY breaking vacuum turns out to be sufficiently longlived. By gauging a subgroup of flavor symmetry, our model can directly couple to the standard model, which leads to nonvanishing gaugino mass generation. It is also shown that our model can evade the Landau pole problem. We show the parameters in the SUSY breaking sector are phenomenologically constrained.
Null Energy Condition and Dark Energy Models ; Null Energy Condition NEC requires the equation of state EoS of the universe wu satisfy wugeq1, which implies, for instance in a universe with matter and dark energy dominating wuwmOmegamwdeOmegadewdeOmegadegeq1. In this paper we study constraints on the dark energy models from the requirement of the NEC. We will show that with Omegadesim0.7, wde1 at present epoch is possible. However, NEC excludes the possibility of wde1 forever as happened in the Phantom model, but if wde1 stays for a short period of time as predicted in the Quintom theory NEC can be satisfied. We take three examples of Quintom models of dark energy, namely the phenomenological EoS, the twoscalarfield model and the single scalar model with a modified DiracBornInfeld DBI lagrangian to show how this happens.
Nonequilibrium critical dynamics of the twodimensional Ising model quenched from a correlated initial state ; The universality class, even the order of the transition, of the twodimensional Ising model depends on the range and the symmetry of the interactions Onsager model, BaxterWu model, Turban model, etc., but the critical temperature is generally the same due to selfduality. Here we consider a sudden change in the form of the interaction and study the nonequilibrium critical dynamical properties of the nearestneighbor model. The relaxation of the magnetization and the decay of the autocorrelation function are found to display a power law behavior with characteristic exponents that depend on the universality class of the initial state.
An Asymmetric Cone Model for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections ; Due to projection effects, coronagraphic observations cannot uniquely determine parameters relevant to the geoeffectiveness of CMEs, such as the true propagation speed, width, or source location. The Cone Model for Coronal Mass Ejections CMEs has been studied in this respect and it could be used to obtain these parameters. There are evidences that some CMEs initiate from a fluxrope topology. It seems that these CMEs should be elongated along the fluxrope axis and the cross section of the cone base should be rather elliptical than circular. In the present paper we applied an asymmetric cone model to get the real space parameters of frontsided halo CMEs HCMEs recorded by SOHOLASCO coronagraphs in 2002. The cone model parameters are generated through a fitting procedure to the projected speeds measured at different position angles on the plane of the sky. We consider models with the apex of the cone located at the center and surface of the Sun. The results are compared to the standard symmetric cone model.
Upper bounds on the minimum coverage probability of confidence intervals in regression after variable selection ; We consider a linear regression model, with the parameter of interest a specified linear combination of the regression parameter vector. We suppose that, as a first step, a databased model selection e.g. by preliminary hypothesis tests or minimizing AIC is used to select a model. It is common statistical practice to then construct a confidence interval for the parameter of interest based on the assumption that the selected model had been given to us a priori. This assumption is false and it can lead to a confidence interval with poor coverage properties. We provide an easilycomputed finite sample upper bound calculated by repeated numerical evaluation of a double integral to the minimum coverage probability of this confidence interval. This bound applies for model selection by any of the following methods minimum AIC, minimum BIC, maximum adjusted Rsquared, minimum Mallows' Cp and ttests. The importance of this upper bound is that it delineates general categories of design matrices and model selection procedures for which this confidence interval has poor coverage properties. This upper bound is shown to be a finite sample analogue of an earlier large sample upper bound due to Kabaila and Leeb.
Secluded WIMP Dark Matter ; We consider a generic mechanism via which thermal relic WIMP dark matter may be decoupled from the Standard Model, namely through a combination of WIMP annihilation to metastable mediators with subsequent delayed decay to Standard Model states. We illustrate this with explicit examples of WIMPs connected to the Standard Model by metastable bosons or fermions. In all models, provided the WIMP mass is greater than that of the mediator, it can be secluded from the Standard Model with an extremely small elastic scattering crosssection on nuclei and rate for direct collider production. In contrast, indirect signatures from WIMP annihilation are consistent with a weak scale crosssection and provide potentially observable gammaray signals. We also point out that gammaray constraints and flavor physics impose severe restrictions on MeVscale variants of secluded models, and identify limited classes that pass all the observational constraints.
The Quantum Transverse Field Ising Model on an Infinite Tree from Matrix Product States ; We give a generalization to an infinite tree geometry of Vidal's infinite timeevolving block decimation iTEBD algorithm for simulating an infinite line of quantum spins. We numerically investigate the quantum Ising model in a transverse field on the Bethe lattice using the Matrix Product State ansatz. We observe a second order phase transition, with certain key differences from the transverse field Ising model on an infinite spin chain. We also investigate a transverse field Ising model with a specific longitudinal field. When the transverse field is turned off, this model has a highly degenerate ground state as opposed to the pure Ising model whose ground state is only doubly degenerate.
Impact parameter dependent colour glass condensate dipole model ; We show that the colour glass condensate dipole model of Iancu, Itakura and Munier, improved to include the impact parameter dependence, gives a good fit to the total gamma p cross section measured at HERA if the anomalous dimension at the saturation scale, gammas, is treated as a free parameter. We find that the optimum value of gammas 0.46 is close to the value determined from numerical solution of the BalitskyKovchegov equation. The impact parameter dependent saturation scale is generally less than 0.5 GeV2 in the HERA kinematic regime for the most relevant impact parameters b 23 GeV1. We compare predictions of the model to data on the longitudinal and heavy flavour structure functions, exclusive diffractive vector meson production and deeply virtual Compton scattering at HERA. The model is found to be deficient for observables sensitive to moderately small dipole sizes, where an alternative model with explicit DGLAP evolution performs better. The energy dependence of exclusive diffractive processes is shown to provide an important discriminator between different dipole model cross sections.
Effect of muonnuclear inelastic scattering on highenergy atmospheric muon spectrum at large depth underwater ; The energy spectra of hadron cascade showers produced by the cosmic ray muons travelling through water as well as the muon energy spectra underwater at the depth up to 4 km are calculated with two models of muon inelastic scattering on nuclei, the recent hybrid model twocomponent, 2C and the wellknown generalized ectormesondominance model for the comparison. The 2C model involves photonuclear interactions at low and moderate virtualities as well as the hard scattering including the weak neutral current processes. For the muon scattering off nuclei substantial uclear effects, shadowing, nuclear binding and Fermi motion of nucleons are taken into account. It is shown that deep nderwater muon energy spectrum calculated with the 2C model are noticeably distorted at energies above 100 TeV as compared to that obtained with the GVMD model.
Super Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists ; This book introduces the concept of fuzzy super matrices and operations on them. This book will be highly useful to social scientists who wish to work with multiexpert models. Super fuzzy models using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Relational Maps, Bidirectional Associative Memories and Fuzzy Associative Memories are defined here. The authors introduce 13 multiexpert models using the notion of fuzzy supermatrices. These models are described with illustrative examples. This book has three chapters. In the first chaper, the basic concepts about super matrices and fuzzy super matrices are recalled. Chapter two introduces the notion of fuzzy super matrices adn their properties. The final chapter introduces many super fuzzy multi expert models.
A Model to Explain Varying , G and 2 Simultaneously ; Models with varying cosmical parameters, which were earlier regarded constant, are getting attention. However, different models are usually invoked to explain the evolution of different parameters. We argue that whatever physical process is responsible for the evolution of one parameter, should also be responsible for the evolution of others. This means that the different parameters are coupled together somehow. Based on this guiding principle, we investigate a Bianchi type I model with variable Lambda and G, in which Lambda, G and the shear parameter sigma2, all are coupled. It is interesting that the resulting model reduces to the FLRW model for large t with G approaching a constant.
On the Scaling Window of Model RB ; This paper analyzes the scaling window of a random CSP model i.e. model RB for which we can identify the threshold points exactly, denoted by rcr or pcr. For this model, we establish the scaling window Wn,deltarn,delta, rn,delta such that the probability of a random instance being satisfiable is greater than 1delta for rrn,delta and is less than delta for rrn,delta. Specifically, we obtain the following result Wn,deltarcrThetafrac1n1epsilonln n, rcrThetafrac1nln n, where 0leqepsilon1 is a constant. A similar result with respect to the other parameter p is also obtained. Since the instances generated by model RB have been shown to be hard at the threshold, this is the first attempt, as far as we know, to analyze the scaling window of such a model with hard instances.
Birational Mappings and Matrix Subalgebra from the Chiral Potts Model ; We study birational transformations of the projective space originating from lattice statistical mechanics, specifically from various chiral Potts models. Associating these models to emphstable patterns and emphsignedpatterns, we give general results which allow us to find emphall chiral qstate spinedge Potts models when the number of states q is a prime or the square of a prime, as well as several qdependent family of models. We also prove the absence of monocolor stable signedpattern with more than four states. This demonstrates a conjecture about cyclic Hadamard matrices in a particular case. The birational transformations associated to these lattice spinedge models show complexity reduction. In particular we recover a oneparameter family of integrable transformations, for which we give a matrix representation
Stochastic Algorithm For Parameter Estimation For Dense Deformable Template Mixture Model ; Estimating probabilistic deformable template models is a new approach in the fields of computer vision and probabilistic atlases in computational anatomy. A first coherent statistical framework modelling the variability as a hidden random variable has been given by Allassonniere, Amit and Trouv'e in 1 in simple and mixture of deformable template models. A consistent stochastic algorithm has been introduced in 2 to face the problem encountered in 1 for the convergence of the estimation algorithm for the one component model in the presence of noise. We propose here to go on in this direction of using some SAEMlike algorithm to approximate the MAP estimator in the general Bayesian setting of mixture of deformable template model. We also prove the convergence of this algorithm toward a critical point of the penalised likelihood of the observations and illustrate this with handwritten digit images.
Bianchi models with vorticity The type III bifurcation ; We study the latetime behaviour of tilted perfect fluid Bianchi type III models using a dynamical systems approach. We consider models with dust, and perfect fluids stiffer than dust, and eludicate the latetime behaviour by studying the centre manifold which dominates the behaviour of the model at late times. In the dust case, this centre manifold is 3dimensional and can be considered as a double bifurcation as the 2 parameters h and gamma of the type VIh model are varied. We calculate the decay rates and show that for dust or stiffer the models approach a vacuum spacetime, however, it does so rather slowly rhoH2sim 1ln t.
On the relation between E5models and the interacting boson model ; The connections between the E5models the original E5 using an infinite square well, E5beta4, E5beta6 and E5beta8, based on particular solutions of the geometrical Bohr Hamiltonian with gammaunstable potentials, and the interacting boson model IBM are explored. For that purpose, the general IBM Hamiltonian for the U5O6 transition line is used and a numerical fit to the different E5models energies is performed, later on the obtained wavefunctions are used to calculate BE2 transition rates. It is shown that within the IBM one can reproduce very well all these E5models. The agreement is the best for E5beta4 and reduces when passing through E5beta6, E5beta8 and E5, where the worst agreement is obtained although still very good for a restricted set of lowest lying states. The fitted IBM Hamiltonians correspond to energy surfaces close to those expected for the critical point. A phenomenon similar to the quasidynamical symmetry is observed.
Flavor Physics in SO10 GUTs with Suppressed Proton decay Due to Gauged Discrete Symmetry ; Generic SO10 GUT models suffer from the problem that Planck scale induced nonrenormalizable proton decay operators require extreme suppression of their couplings to be compatible with present experimental upper limits. One way to resolve this problem is to supplement SO10 by simple gauged discrete symmetries which can also simultaneously suppress the renormalizable Rparity violating ones when they occur and make the theory more natural. Here we discuss the phenomenological viability of such models. We first show that for both classes of models, e.g the ones that use bf 16H or bf 126H to break BL symmetry, the minimal Higgs content which is sufficient for proton decay suppression is inadequate for explaining fermion masses despite the presence of all apparently needed couplings. We then present an extended bf 16H model, with three bf 10 and three bf 45Higgs, where is free of this problem. We propose this as a realistic and natural model for fermion unification and discuss the phenomenology of this model e.g. its predictions for neutrino mixings and lepton flavor violation.
Network of recurrent events for the OlamiFederChristensen model ; We numerically study the dynamics of a discrete springblock model introduced by Olami, Feder and Christensen OFC to mimic earthquakes and investigate to which extent this simple model is able to reproduce the observed spatiotemporal clustering of seismicty. Following a recently proposed method to characterize such clustering by networks of recurrent events Geophys. Res. Lett. bf 33, L1304, 2006, we find that for synthetic catalogs generated by the OFC model these networks have many nontrivial statistical properties. This includes characteristic degree distributions very similar to what has been observed for real seismicity. There are, however, also significant differences between the OFC model and earthquake catalogs indicating that this simple model is insufficient to account for certain aspects of the spatiotemporal clustering of seismicity.
Weighted empirical likelihood in some twosample semiparametric models with various types of censored data ; In this article, the weighted empirical likelihood is applied to a general setting of twosample semiparametric models, which includes biased sampling models and casecontrol logistic regression models as special cases. For various types of censored data, such as right censored data, doubly censored data, interval censored data and partly intervalcensored data, the weighted empirical likelihoodbased semiparametric maximum likelihood estimator tildethetan,tildeFn for the underlying parameter theta0 and distribution F0 is derived, and the strong consistency of tildethetan,tildeFn and the asymptotic normality of tildethetan are established. Under biased sampling models, the weighted empirical loglikelihood ratio is shown to have an asymptotic scaled chisquared distribution for censored data aforementioned. For right censored data, doubly censored data and partly intervalcensored data, it is shown that sqrtntildeFnF0 weakly converges to a centered Gaussian process, which leads to a consistent goodnessoffit test for the casecontrol logistic regression models.
Critical points in coupled Potts models and critical phases in coupled loop models ; We show how to couple two critical Qstate Potts models to yield a new selfdual critical point. We also present strong evidence of a dense critical phase near this critical point when the Potts models are defined in their completely packed loop representations. In the continuum limit, the new critical point is described by an SU2 coset conformal field theory, while in this limit of the the critical phase, the two loop models decouple. Using a combination of exact results and numerics, we also obtain the phase diagram in the presence of vacancies. We generalize these results to coupling two Potts models at different Q.
Introduction to MultiAgent Simulation ; When designing systems that are complex, dynamic and stochastic in nature, simulation is generally recognised as one of the best design support technologies, and a valuable aid in the strategic and tactical decision making process. A simulation model consists of a set of rules that define how a system changes over time, given its current state. Unlike analytical models, a simulation model is not solved but is run and the changes of system states can be observed at any point in time. This provides an insight into system dynamics rather than just predicting the output of a system based on specific inputs. Simulation is not a decision making tool but a decision support tool, allowing better informed decisions to be made. Due to the complexity of the real world, a simulation model can only be an approximation of the target system. The essence of the art of simulation modelling is abstraction and simplification. Only those characteristics that are important for the study and analysis of the target system should be included in the simulation model.
A Matrix Model for 2D Quantum Gravity defined by Causal Dynamical Triangulations ; A novel continuum theory of twodimensional quantum gravity, based on a version of Causal Dynamical Triangulations which incorporates topology change, has recently been formulated as a genuine string field theory in zerodimensional target space arXiv0802.0719. Here we show that the DysonSchwinger equations of this string field theory are reproduced by a cubic matrix model. This matrix model also appears in the socalled DijkgraafVafa correspondence if the superpotential there is required to be renormalizable. In the spirit of this model, as well as the original largeN expansion by 't Hooft, we need no special doublescaling limit involving a fine tuning of coupling constants to obtain the continuum quantumgravitational theory. Our result also implies a matrix model representation of the original, strictly causal quantum gravity model.
Little RandallSundrum Model and a Multiply Warped Spacetime ; A recent work has investigated the possibility that the mass scale for the ultraviolet UV brane in the RandallSundrum RS model is of the order 103 TeV. In this so called Little RandallSundrum'' LRS model the bounds on the gauge sector are less severe, permitting a lower KaluzaKlein scale and cleaner discovery channels. However employing a low UV scale nullifies one major appeal of the RS model; namely the elegant explanation of the hierarchy between the Planck and weak scales. In this work we show that by localizing the gauge, fermion and scalar sector of the LRS model on a five dimensional slice of a doubly warped spacetime one may obtain the low UV brane scale employed in the LRS model and motivate the weakPlanck hierarchy. We also consider the generalization to an nwarped spacetime.
Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model ; This paper proposes consistent estimators for transformation parameters in semiparametric models. The problem is to find the optimal transformation into the space of models with a predetermined regression structure like additive or multiplicative separability. We give results for the estimation of the transformation when the rest of the model is estimated non or semiparametrically and fulfills some consistency conditions. We propose two methods for the estimation of the transformation parameter maximizing a profile likelihood function or minimizing the mean squared distance from independence. First the problem of identification of such models is discussed. We then state asymptotic results for a general class of nonparametric estimators. Finally, we give some particular examples of nonparametric estimators of transformed separable models. The small sample performance is studied in several simulations.
Selfaccelerated brane Universe with warped extra dimension ; We propose a cosmological model which exhibits the phenomenon of selfacceleration the Universe is attracted to the phase of accelerated expansion at late times even in the absence of the cosmological constant. The selfacceleration is inevitable in the sense that it cannot be neutralized by any negative explicit cosmological constant. The model is formulated in the framework of braneworld theories with a warped extra dimension. The key ingredient of the model is the branebulk energy transfer which is carried by bulk vector fields with a sigmamodellike boundary condition on the brane. We explicitly find the 5dimensional metric corresponding to the latetime de Sitter expansion on the brane; this metric describes an AdS5 black hole with growing mass. The present value of the Hubble parameter implies the scale of new physics of order 1 TeV, where the proposed model has to be replaced by putative UVcompletion. The mechanism leading to the selfacceleration has AdSCFT interpretation as occurring due to specific dynamics of conformal matter interacting with external electric fields. The Universe expansion history predicted by the model is distinguishable from the standard LambdaCDM cosmology.
Boosting Algorithms Regularization, Prediction and Model Fitting ; We present a statistical perspective on boosting. Special emphasis is given to estimating potentially complex parametric or nonparametric models, including generalized linear and additive models as well as regression models for survival analysis. Concepts of degrees of freedom and corresponding Akaike or Bayesian information criteria, particularly useful for regularization and variable selection in highdimensional covariate spaces, are discussed as well. The practical aspects of boosting procedures for fitting statistical models are illustrated by means of the dedicated opensource software package mboost. This package implements functions which can be used for model fitting, prediction and variable selection. It is flexible, allowing for the implementation of new boosting algorithms optimizing userspecified loss functions.
Knowledge bases over algebraic models. Some notes about informational equivalence ; The recent advances in knowledge base research and the growing importance of effective knowledge management raised an important question of knowledge base equivalence verification. This problem has not been stated earlier, at least in a way that allows speaking about algorithms for verification of informational equivalence, because the informal definition of knowledge bases makes formal solution of this problem impossible. In this paper we provide an implementable formal algorithm for knowledge base equivalence verification based on the formal definition of knowledge base proposed by Plotkin B. and Plotkin T., and study some important properties of automorphic equivalence of models. We also describe the concept of equivalence and formulate the criterion for the equivalence of knowledge bases defined over finite models. Further we define multimodels and automorphic equivalence of models and multimodels, that is generalization of automorphic equivalence of algebras.
On Modelling a Relativistic Hierarchical Fractal Cosmology by Tolman's Spacetime. II. Analysis of the Einsteinde Sitter Model ; This paper studies the spatially homogeneous Einsteinde Sitter cosmological model in the context of a relativistic hierarchical fractal cosmology as developed in paper I 0807.0866. The Einsteinde Sitter model is treated as a special case of LemaitreTolman's spacetime, obtained by the appropriate choice of the latter's three arbitrary functions. The observational relations along the past light cone of the model under consideration are calculated, and an investigation of whether or not it has fractal behaviour is performed. It was found that the Einsteinde Sitter model does not seem to remain homogeneous along the geodesic and that it also has no fractal features along the backward null cone.
A FirstOrder NonHomogeneous Markov Model for the Response of Spiking Neurons Stimulated by Small PhaseContinuous Signals ; We present a firstorder nonhomogeneous Markov model for the interspikeinterval density of a continuously stimulated spiking neuron. The model allows the conditional interspikeinterval density and the stationary interspikeinterval density to be expressed as products of two separate functions, one of which describes only the neuron characteristics, and the other of which describes only the signal characteristics. This allows the use of this model to predict the response when the underlying neuron model is not known or well determined. The approximation shows particularly clearly that signal autocorrelations and crosscorrelations arise as natural features of the interspikeinterval density, and are particularly clear for small signals and moderate noise. We show that this model simplifies the design of spiking neuron crosscorrelation systems, and describe a fourneuron mutual inhibition network that generates a crosscorrelation output for two input signals.
Phase Transitions and Chaos in LongRange Models of Coupled Oscillators ; We study the chaotic behavior of the synchronization phase transition in the Kuramoto model. We discuss the relationship with analogous features found in the Hamiltonian Mean Field HMF model. Our numerical results support the connection between the two models, which can be considered as limiting cases dissipative and conservative, respectively of a more general dynamical system of dampeddriven coupled pendula. We also show that, in the Kuramoto model, the shape of the phase transition and the largest Lyapunov exponent behavior are strongly dependent on the distribution of the natural frequencies.
Secondorder matter density perturbations and skewness in scalartensor modified gravity models ; We study secondorder cosmological perturbations in scalartensor models of dark energy that satisfy local gravity constraints, including fR gravity. We derive equations for matter fluctuations under a subhorizon approximation and clarify conditions under which firstorder perturbations in the scalar field can be neglected relative to secondorder matter and velocity perturbations. We also compute the skewness of the matter density distribution and find that the difference from the LCDM model is only less than a few percent even if the growth rate of firstorder perturbations is significantly different from that in the LCDM model. This shows that the skewness provides a modelindependent test for the picture of gravitational instability from Gaussian initial perturbations including scalartensor modified gravity models.
A unified theoretical framework for fluctuatingcharge models in atomspace and in bondspace ; Our previously introduced QTPIE charge transfer with polarization current equilibration model J. Chen and T. J. Martinez, Chem. Phys. Lett. 438, 315 2007 is a fluctuatingcharge model with correct asymptotic behavior. Unlike most other fluctuatingcharge models, QTPIE is formulated in terms of chargetransfer variables and pairwise electronegativities, not atomic charge variables and electronegativities. The pairwise character of the electronegativities in QTPIE avoids spurious charge transfer when bonds are broken. However, the increased number of variables leads to considerable computational expense and a rankdeficient set of working equations, which is numerically inconvenient. Here, we show that QTPIE can be exactly reformulated in terms of atomic charge variables, leading to a considerable reduction in computational complexity. The transformation between atomic and bond variables is generally applicable to arbitrary fluctuating charge models, and uncovers an underlying topological framework that can be used to understand the relation between fluctuatingcharge models and the classical theory of electrical circuits.
Collapse models with nonwhite noises II particledensity coupled noises ; We continue the analysis of models of spontaneous wave function collapse with stochastic dynamics driven by nonwhite Gaussian noise. We specialize to a model in which a classical noise field, with specified autocorrelator, is coupled to a local nonrelativistic particle density. We derive general results in this model for the rates of density matrix diagonalization and of state vector reduction, and show that in the absence of decoherence both processes are governed by essentially the same rate parameters. As an alternative route to our reduction results, we also derive the FokkerPlanck equations that correspond to the initial stochastic Schrodinger equation. For specific models of the noise autocorrelator, including ones motivated by the structure of thermal Green's functions, we discuss the qualitative and qantitative dependence on model parameters, with particular emphasis on possible cosmological sources of the noise field.
Waiting time models of cancer progression ; Cancer progression is an evolutionary process that is driven by mutation and selection in a population of tumor cells. We discuss mathematical models of cancer progression, starting from traditional multistage theory. Each stage is associated with the occurrence of genetic alterations and their fixation in the population. We describe the accumulation of mutations using conjunctive Bayesian networks, an exponential family of waiting time models in which the occurrence of mutations is constrained to a partial temporal order. Two opposing limit cases arise if mutations either follow a linear order or occur independently. We derive exact analytical expressions for the waiting time until a specific number of mutations have accumulated in these limit cases as well as for the general conjunctive Bayesian network. Finally, we analyze a stochastic population genetics model that explicitly accounts for mutation and selection. In this model, waves of clonal expansions sweep through the population at equidistant intervals. We present an approximate analytical expression for the waiting time in this model and compare it to the results obtained for the conjunctive Bayesian networks.
Nonlinear Quantum NeuroPsychoDynamics with Topological Phase Transitions ; We have proposed a novel model of general quantum, stochastic and chaotic psychodynamics. The model is based on the previously developed LifeSpace Foam LSF framework to motivational and cognitive dynamics. The present model extends the LSFapproach by incorporating chaotic and topological nonequilibrium phase transitions. Such extended LSFmodel is applied for rigorous description of multiagent joint action. The present model is related to HakenKelsoBunz model of selforganization in the human motor system including multistability, phase transitions and hysteresis effects, presenting a contrary view to the purely feedback driven neural systems, as well as the entropyapproach to adaptation in human goaldirected motor control. Keywords Quantum probability, LifeSpace Foam, noisy decision making, chaos, topological phase transitions, multiagent joint action, goaldirected motor control
Modelling interest rates by correlated multifactor CIRlike processes ; We investigate the joint description of the interestrate term stuctures of Italy and an AAArated European country by mean of a here proposed correlated CIRlike bivariate model where one of the state variables is interpreted as a benchmark riskfree rate and the other as a credit spread. The model is constructed by requiring the strict positivity of interest rates and the asymptotic decoupling of the joint distribution of the two state variables on a long time horizon. The second condition is met by imposing the reversibility of the process with respect to a product measure, the first is then implemented by using the tools of potential theory. It turns out that these conditions select a class of nonaffine models, out of which we choose one that is quadratic in the two state variables both in the drift and diffusion matrix. We perform a numerical analysis of the model by investigating a cross section of the term structures comparing the results with those obtained with an uncoupled bivariate CIR model.
Towards Kinetic Modeling of Global Metabolic Networks with Incomplete Experimental Input on Kinetic Parameters ; This is the first report, to our knowledge, on a systematic method for constructing a large scale kinetic metabolic model with incomplete information on kinetic parametersr, and its initial application to the modeling of central metabolism of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, a methylotrophic and environmental important bacterium, with all necessary constraints. Through a systematic and consistent procedure of finding a set of parameters in the physiological range we overcome an outstanding difficulty in large scale kinetic modeling the requirement for a massive number of enzymatic reaction parameters. We are able to construct the kinetic model based on general biological considerations and incomplete experimental kinetic parameters. The success of our approach with incompletely input information is guaranteed by two known principles in biology, the robustness of the system and the cooperation among its various parts. Will be pleased to be informed on other methodologies dealing with same type of problems aopingu.washington.edu
Text Modeling using Unsupervised Topic Models and Concept Hierarchies ; Statistical topic models provide a general datadriven framework for automated discovery of highlevel knowledge from large collections of text documents. While topic models can potentially discover a broad range of themes in a data set, the interpretability of the learned topics is not always ideal. Humandefined concepts, on the other hand, tend to be semantically richer due to careful selection of words to define concepts but they tend not to cover the themes in a data set exhaustively. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic framework to combine a hierarchy of humandefined semantic concepts with statistical topic models to seek the best of both worlds. Experimental results using two different sources of concept hierarchies and two collections of text documents indicate that this combination leads to systematic improvements in the quality of the associated language models as well as enabling new techniques for inferring and visualizing the semantics of a document.
Growth factor parametrization and modified gravity ; The growth rate of matter perturbation and the expansion rate of the Universe can be used to distinguish modified gravity and dark energy models in explaining the cosmic acceleration. The growth rate is parametrized by the growth index gamma. We discuss the dependence of gamma on the matter energy density Omega and its current value Omega0 for a more accurate approximation of the growth factor. The observational data, including the data of the growth rate, are used to fit different models. The data strongly disfavor the DvaliGabadadzePorrati model. For the dark energy model with a constant equation of state, we find that Omega00.27pm 0.02 and w0.97pm 0.09. For the LambdaCDM model, we find that gamma0.640.170.15. For the DvaliGabadadzePorrati model, we find that gamma0.550.140.13.
Solvable Stochastic Dealer Models for Financial Markets ; We introduce solvable stochastic dealer models, which can reproduce basic empirical laws of financial markets such as the power law of price change. Starting from the simplest model that is almost equivalent to a Poisson random noise generator, the model becomes fairly realistic by adding only two effects, the selfmodulation of transaction intervals and a forecasting tendency, which uses a moving average of the latest market price changes. Based on the present microscopic model of markets, we find a quantitative relation with market potential forces, which has recently been discovered in the study of market price modeling based on random walks.
Dynamical Evolution of Interacting Modified Chaplygin Gas ; The cosmological model of the modified Chaplygin gas interacting with cold dark matter is studied. Our attention is focused on the final state of universe in the model. It turns out that there exists a stable scaling solution, which provides the possibility to alleviate the coincidence problem. In addition, we investigate the effect of the coupling constants c1 and c2 on the dynamical evolution of this model from the statefinder viewpoint. It is found that the coupling constants play a significant role during the dynamical evolution of the interacting MCG model. Furthermore, we can distinguish this interacting model from other dark energy models in the sr plane.
Critical behavior of loops and biconnected clusters on fractals of dimension d 2 ; We solve the On model, defined in terms of self and mutually avoiding loops coexisting with voids, on a 3simplex fractal lattice, using an exact real space renormalization group technique. As the density of voids is decreased, the model shows a critical point, and for even lower densities of voids, there is a dense phase showing powerlaw correlations, with critical exponents that depend on n, but are independent of density. At n2 on the dilute branch, a trivalent vertex defect acts as a marginal perturbation. We define a model of biconnected clusters which allows for a finite density of such vertices. As n is varied, we get a line of critical points of this generalized model, emanating from the point of marginality in the original loop model. We also study another perturbation of adding local bending rigidity to the loop model, and find that it does not affect the universality class.
Statefinder parameters for quantum effective YangMills condensate dark energy model ; The quantum effective YangMills condensate YMC dark energy model has some distinguished features that it naturally solves the coincidence problem and, at the same time, is able to give an equation of state w crossing 1. In this work we further employ the Statefinder pair r,s introduced by Sahni et al to diagnose the YMC model for three cases the noncoupling, the YMC decaying into matter only, and the YMC decaying into both matter and radiation. The trajectories r,s and r,q, and the evolutions rz, sz are explicitly presented. It is found that, the YMC model in all three cases has rsimeq 1 for z 10 and ssimeq 0 for z5 with only small deviations simeq 0.02, quite close to the cosmological constant model LCDM, but is obviously differentiated from other dark energy models, such as quiesence, kinessence etc.
Quenched bond randomness in marginal and nonmarginal Ising spin models in 2D ; We investigate and contrast, via entropic sampling based on the WangLandau algorithm, the effects of quenched bond randomness on the critical behavior of two Ising spin models in 2D. The random bond version of the superantiferromagnetic SAF square model with nearest and nextnearestneighbor competing interactions and the corresponding version of the simple Ising model are studied and their general universality aspects are inspected by a detailed finitesize scaling FSS analysis. We find that, the random bond SAF model obeys weak universality, hyperscaling, and exhibits a strong saturating behavior of the specific heat due to the competing nature of interactions. On the other hand, for the random Ising model we encounter some difficulties for a definite discrimination between the two wellknown scenarios of the logarithmic corrections versus the weak universality. Yet, a careful FSS analysis of our data favors the fieldtheoretically predicted logarithmic corrections.
Yukawa Corrections to gamma gamma bbarb in the Topcolor Assisted Technicolor Models ; We study the Yukawa corrections to the gamma gamma bbarb corss section in the topcolor assisted technicolor models at the photonphoton colliders. We find that, for the favorable parameters, the relative corrections from pseudo Goldstone bosons give out a 3.25.9 decrement of the cross section from the tree level when sqrts500 GeV, the contributions from new extended technicolor gauge bosons Z and colored gauge bosons B are negligibly small, and the relative correction arising from new colorsinglet heavy gauge boson Z' is less than 3.2. Therefore, the total relative corrections are significantly larger than the corresponding corrections in the standard model, the general two Higgs doublet model and the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Since these corrections are obvious for the International Linear Colliders, the process gamma gamma bbarb is really interesting in testing the standard model and searching for the signs of technicolor.
Alleviation of Cosmic Age Problem In Interacting Dark Energy Model ; We investigate the cosmic age problem associated with the old highz quasar APM 08279 5255 and the oldest globular cluster M 107, both being difficult to accommodate in LambdaCDM model. By evaluating the age of the Universe in a model that has an extremely phantom like form of dark energy DE, we show that simply introducing the dark energy alone does not remove the problem, and the interaction between dark matter DM and DE need to be taken into account. Next, as examples, we consider two interacting DE models. It is found that both these two interacting DE Models can predict a cosmic age much greater than that of LambdaCDM model at any redshift, and thus substantially alleviate the cosmic age problem. Therefore, the interaction between DM and DE is the crucial factor required to make the predicted cosmic ages consistent with observations.
Tricritical On models in two dimensions ; We show that the exactly solved lowtemperature branch of the twodimensional On model is equivalent with an On model with vacancies and a different value of n. We present analytic results for several universal parameters of the latter model, which is identified as a tricritical point. These results apply to the range n leq 32, and include the exact tricritical point, the conformal anomaly and a number of scaling dimensions, among which the thermal and magnetic exponent, the exponent associated with crossover to ordinary critical behavior, and to tricritical behavior with cubic symmetry. We describe the translation of the tricritical model in a Coulomb gas. The results are verified numerically by means of transfermatrix calculations. We use a generalized ADE model as an intermediary, and present the expression of the onepoint distribution function in that language. The analytic calculations are done both for the square and the hexagonal lattice.
Standardlike Model from an SO12 Grand Unified Theory in sixdimensions with S2 extraspace ; We analyze a gaugeHiggs unification model which is based on a gauge theory defined on a sixdimensional spacetime with an S2 extraspace. We impose a symmetry condition for a gauge field and nontrivial boundary conditions of the S2. We provide the scheme for constructing a fourdimensional theory from the sixdimensional gauge theory under these conditions. We then construct a concrete model based on an SO12 gauge theory with fermions which lie in a 32 representation of SO12, under the scheme. This model leads to a StandardModellike gauge theory which has gauge symmetry SU3 times SU2L times U1Ytimes U12 and one generation of SM fermions, in fourdimensions. The Higgs sector of the model is also analyzed, and it is shown that the electroweak symmetry breaking and the prediction of Wboson and Higgsboson masses are obtained.
Fits of the Electroweak Standard Model and Beyond using Gfitter ; The global fit of the Standard Model to electroweak precision data, routinely performed by the LEP electroweak working groups and others, has been revisited in view of i the development of the new generic fitting package, Gfitter, ii the insertion of constraints from direct Higgs searches at LEP and Tevatron, and iii a more thorough statistical interpretation of the results. This paper describes the Gfitter project, and presents stateoftheart results for the global electroweak fit in the Standard Model, and for a model with an extended Higgs sector. Example results are an estimation of the mass of the Higgs boson MH 116.418.31.3 GeV and a forthorder result for the strong coupling strength alphaSMZ2 0.11930.00280.0027exp0.0001theo. Using toy Monte Carlo techniques the pvalue of the SM has been determined p0.22. As an example of a New Physics model constraints are derived for the Two Higgs Doublet Model of TypeII using observables from the B and K physics sectors.
Firstorder dynamical phase transition in models of glasses an approach based on ensembles of histories ; We investigate the dynamics of kinetically constrained models of glass formers by analysing the statistics of trajectories of the dynamics, or histories, using large deviation function methods. We show that, in general, these models exhibit a firstorder dynamical transition between active and inactive dynamical phases. We argue that the dynamical heterogeneities displayed by these systems are a manifestation of dynamical firstorder phase coexistence. In particular, we calculate dynamical large deviation functions, both analytically and numerically, for the FredricksonAndersen model, the East model, and constrained lattice gas models. We also show how large deviation functions can be obtained from a Landaulike theory for dynamical fluctuations. We discuss possibilities for similar dynamical phasecoexistence behaviour in other systems with heterogeneous dynamics.
An Improved Model of SiO Maser Emission in Miras ; We describe a combined dynamic atmosphere and maser propagation model of SiO maser emission in Mira variables. This model rectifies many of the defects of an earlier model of this type, particularly in relation to the infrared IR radiation field generated by dust and various wavelengthdependent, optically thick layers. Modelled masers form in rings with radii consistent with those found in VLBI observations and with earlier models. This agreement requires the adoption of a radio photosphere of radius approximately twice that of the stellar photosphere, in agreement with observations. A radio photosphere of this size renders invisible certain maser sites with high amplification at low radii, and conceals highvelocity shocks, which are absent in radio continuum observations. The SiO masers are brightest at an optical phase of 0.1 to 0.25, which is consistent with observed phaselags. Dust can have both mild and profound effects on the maser emission. Maser rings, a shock and the optically thick layer in the SiO pumping band at 8.13micron appear to be closely associated in three out of four phase samples.
FSU5 ; We construct three flipped SU5 X U1X models from Ftheory, and consider two such models from free fermionic string model building. To achieve the decoupling scenario in Ftheory models and the stringscale gauge coupling unification in free fermionic models, we introduce vectorlike particles at the TeV scale that can be observed at the Large Hadron Collider. We study gauge coupling unification, and find that proton decay is within the reach of the future HyperKamiokande experiment. In these models, the doublettriplet splitting problem and monopole problem can be solved, the neutrino masses and mixings can be explained via the double seesaw or seesaw mechanism, the observed baryon asymmetry can be obtained through leptogenesis, the hybrid inflation can be realized, and the correct cosmic primodial density fluctuations can be generated.
The shape of primordial nonGaussianity and the CMB bispectrum ; We present a set of formalisms for comparing, evolving and constraining primordial nonGaussian models through the CMB bispectrum. We describe improved methods for efficient computation of the full CMB bispectrum for any general nonseparable primordial bispectrum, incorporating a flat sky approximation and a new cubic interpolation. We review all the primordial nonGaussian models in the present literature and calculate the CMB bispectrum up to l 2000 for each different model. This allows us to determine the observational independence of these models by calculating the crosscorrelation of their CMB bispectra. We are able to identify several distinct classes of primordial shapes including equilateral, local, warm, flat and feature nonscale invariant which should be distinguishable given a significant detection of CMB nonGaussianity. We demonstrate that a simple shape correlator provides a fast and reliable method for determining whether or not CMB shapes are well correlated. We use an eigenmode decomposition of the primordial shape to characterise and understand model independence. Finally, we advocate a standardised normalisation method for fNL based on the shape autocorrelator, so that observational limits and errors can be consistently compared for different models.
Cosmic Duality and Statefinder Diagnosis of Spinor Quintom ; In this paper, we study the possible connections among different Spinor Quintom Dark Energy DE models by the aid of duality. Then we apply the statefinder diagnostic to these models. By this diagnostic pair r,s, we differentiate one Quintom DE model from the others in a model independent manner. A class of evolutionary trajectories of these Spinor Quintom models are presented in the statefinder parameter planes. We also obtain the current locations of the parameters r and s, and these locations correspond to different models in statefinder parameter planes theoretically.
ConceptOriented Model and Query Language ; We describe a new approach to data modeling, called the conceptoriented model COM, and a novel conceptoriented query language COQL. The model is based on three principles duality principle postulates that any element is a couple consisting of one identity and one entity, inclusion principle postulates that any element has a superelement, and order principle assumes that any element has a number of greater elements within a partially ordered set. Conceptoriented query language is based on a new data modeling construct, called concept, inclusion relation between concepts, and concept partial ordering in which greater concepts are represented by their field types. It is demonstrated how COM and COQL can be used to solve three general data modeling tasks logical navigation, multidimensional analysis and inference. Logical navigation is based on two operations of projection and deprojection. Multidimensional analysis uses product operation for producing a cube from level concepts chosen along the chosen dimension paths. Inference is defined as a twostep procedure where input constraints are first propagated downwards using deprojection and then the constrained result is propagated upwards using projection.
Cosmological phase space of Rn gravity ; We present some exact solutions and a phase space analysis of metric fRgravity models of the type Rn. We divide our discussion in nneq2 and n2 models. The later model is a good approximation, at late times to the fR frac2piR tan1Rbeta2 gravity model, being this an example of a nonsingular case. For n neq 2 models we have found power law solutions for the scale factor that are attractors and that comply with WMAP 5years data if n 2.55 or 1.67 n 2. On the other hand, the quadratic model has the de Sitter solution as an attractor, that also complies with WMAP 5years data.
A Counterpart to the Radial Orbit Instability in Triaxial Stellar Systems ; Selfconsistent solutions for triaxial mass models are highly nonunique. In general, some of these solutions might be dynamically unstable, making them inappropriate as descriptions of steadystate galaxies. Here we demonstrate for the first time the existence in triaxial galaxy models of an instability similar to the radialorbit instability of spherical models. The instability manifests itself when the number of box orbits, with predominantly radially motions, is sufficiently large. Nbody simulations verify that the evolution is due neither to chaotic orbits nor to departures of the model from selfconsistency, but rather to a collective mode. The instability transforms the triaxial model into a more prolate, but still triaxial, configuration. Stable triaxial models are obtained when the mass contribution of radial orbits is reduced. The implications of our results for the shapes of darkmatter halos are discussed.
Shedding Light on the Dark Sector with Direct WIMP Production ; A Weakly Interacting Massive Particle WIMP provides an attractive dark matter candidate, and should be within reach of the next generation of highenergy colliders. We consider the process of direct WIMP pairproduction, accompanied by an initialstate radiation photon, in electronpositron collisions at the proposed International Linear Collider ILC. We present a parametrization of the differential cross section for this process which conveniently separates the modelindependent information provided by cosmology from the modeldependent inputs from particle physics. As an application, we consider two simple models, one supersymmetric, and another of the universal extra dimensions UED type. The discovery reach of the ILC and the expected precision of parameter measurements are studied in each model. In addition, for each of the two examples, we also investigate the ability of the ILC to distinguish between the two models through a shapediscrimination analysis of the photon energy spectrum. We show that with sufficient beam polarization the alternative model interpretation can be ruled out in a large part of the relevant parameter space.
NonBoltzmann behaviour in models of interacting neutrinos ; We reconsider the question of the relative importance of single particle effects and correlations in the solvable interacting neutrino models introduced by Friedland and Lunardini and by Bell, Rawlinson and Sawyer. We show, by an exact calculation, that the two particle correlations are not small, and that they dominate the time evolution in these models, in spite of indications to the contrary from the rate of equilibration. This result holds even after the model in generalized from the original 2 flavor case to N flavors. The failure of the Boltzmann single particle approximation in this model is tentatively attributed to the simplicity of the model, in particular to the assumption that all neutrinos in the initial state are in flavor eigenstates.
Confinementdeconfinement transition in a generalized Kitaev model ; We present a spin model, namely, the Kitaev model augmented by a loop term and perturbed by an Ising Hamiltonian and show that it exhibits both confinementdeconfinement transitions from spin liquid to antiferromagneticspinchainferromagnetic phases and topological quantum phase transitions between gapped and gapless spin liquid phases. We develop a Fermionic meanfield theory to chart out the phase diagram of the model and estimate the stability of its spin liquid phases which might be relevant for attempts to realize the model in optical lattices. We also conjecture that some of the confinementdeconfinement transitions in the model, predicted to be first order within the meanfield theory, may become second order via a defect condensation mechanism.
The affine LIBOR models ; We provide a general and flexible approach to LIBOR modeling based on the class of affine factor processes. Our approach respects the basic economic requirement that LIBOR rates are nonnegative, and the basic requirement from mathematical finance that LIBOR rates are analytically tractable martingales with respect to their own forward measure. Additionally, and most importantly, our approach also leads to analytically tractable expressions of multiLIBOR payoffs. This approach unifies therefore the advantages of wellknown forward price models with those of classical LIBOR rate models. Several examples are added and prototypical volatility smiles are shown. We believe that the CIRprocess based LIBOR model might be of particular interest for applications, since closed form valuation formulas for caps and swaptions are derived.
Class of solvable reactiondiffusion processes on Cayley tree ; Considering the most general onespecies reactiondiffusion processes on a Cayley tree, it has been shown that there exist two integrable models. In the first model, the reactions are the various creation processes, i.e. circcirctobulletcirc, circcirctobulletbullet and circbullettobulletbullet, and in the second model, only the diffusion process bulletcirctocircbullet exists. For the first model, the probabilities Plm;t, of finding m particles on lth shell of Cayley tree, have been found exactly, and for the second model, the functions Pl1;t have been calculated. It has been shown that these are the only integrable models, if one restricts himself to L1shell probabilities Pm0,m1,...,mL;ts.
Excitation spectra of strongly correlated lattice bosons and polaritons ; Spectral properties of the BoseHubbard model and a recently proposed coupledcavity model are studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations in one dimension. Both models exhibit a quantum phase transition from a Mott insulator to a superfluid phase. The dynamic structure factor Sk,omega and the singleparticle spectrum Ak,omega are calculated, focusing on the parameter region around the phase transition from the Mott insulator with density one to the superfluid phase, where correlations are important. The strongly interacting nature of the superfluid phase manifests itself in terms of additional gapped modes in the spectra. Comparison is made to recent analytical work on the BoseHubbard model. Despite some subtle differences due to the polaritonic particles in the cavity model, the gross features are found to be very similar to the BoseHubbard case. For the polariton model, emergent particlehole symmetry near the Mott lobe tip is demonstrated, and temperature and detuning effects are analyzed. A scaling analysis for the generic transition suggests mean field exponents, in accordance with field theory results.
Regime Switching Stochastic Volatility with Perturbation Based Option Pricing ; Volatility modelling has become a significant area of research within Financial Mathematics. Wiener process driven stochastic volatility models have become popular due their consistency with theoretical arguments and empirical observations. However such models lack the ability to take into account long term and fundamental economic factors e.g. credit crunch. Regime switching models with mean reverting stochastic volatility are a new class of stochastic volatility models that capture both short and long term characteristics. We propose a new general method of pricing options for these new class of stochastic volatility models using Fouque's perturbation based option pricing method. Using empirical data, we compare our option pricing method to BlackScholes and Fouque's standard option pricing method and show that our pricing method provides lower relative error compared to the other two methods.
Epigenetic Tracking Towards a Project for an Artificial Biology ; This paper deals with a model of cellular growth called Epigenetic Tracking, whose key features are i distinction bewteen normal and driver cells; ii presence in driver cells of an epigenetic memory, that holds the position of the cell in the driver cell lineage tree and represents the source of differentiation during development. In the first part of the paper the model is proved able to generate arbitrary target shapes of unmatched size and variety by means of evodevo techniques, thus being validated as a model of embryogenesis and cellular differentiation. In the second part of the paper it is shown how the model can produce artificial counterparts for some key aspects of multicellular biology, such as junk DNA, ageing and carcinogenesis. If individually each of these topics has been the subject of intense investigation and modelling effort, to our knowledge no single model or theory seeking to cover all of them under a unified framework has been put forward as yet this work contains such a theory, which makes Epigenetic Tracking a potential basis for a project of Artificial Biology.
Chain graph models of multivariate regression type for categorical data ; We discuss a class of chain graph models for categorical variables defined by what we call a multivariate regression chain graph Markov property. First, the set of local independencies of these models is shown to be Markov equivalent to those of a chain graph model recently defined in the literature. Next we provide a parametrization based on a sequence of generalized linear models with a multivariate logistic link function that captures all independence constraints in any chain graph model of this kind.
AdSQCD The Relevance of the Geometry ; We investigate the relevance of the metric and of the geometry in fivedimensional models of hadrons. Generically, the metric does not affect strongly the results and even flat space agrees reasonably well with the data. Nevertheless, we observe a preference for a decreasing warp factor, for example AdS space. The SakaiSugimoto model reduces to one of these models and the level of agreement is similar to the one of flat space. We also consider the discrete version of the fivedimensional models, obtained by dimensional deconstruction. We find that essentially all the relevant features of holographic models of QCD can be reproduced with a simple 3site model describing only the states below the cutoff of the theory.
Minimum Probability Flow Learning ; Fitting probabilistic models to data is often difficult, due to the general intractability of the partition function and its derivatives. Here we propose a new parameter estimation technique that does not require computing an intractable normalization factor or sampling from the equilibrium distribution of the model. This is achieved by establishing dynamics that would transform the observed data distribution into the model distribution, and then setting as the objective the minimization of the KL divergence between the data distribution and the distribution produced by running the dynamics for an infinitesimal time. Score matching, minimum velocity learning, and certain forms of contrastive divergence are shown to be special cases of this learning technique. We demonstrate parameter estimation in Ising models, deep belief networks and an independent component analysis model of natural scenes. In the Ising model case, current state of the art techniques are outperformed by at least an order of magnitude in learning time, with lower error in recovered coupling parameters.
Measurement of Heavy Gauge Bosons in Little Higgs Model with Tparity at ILC ; The Littlest Higgs Model with Tparity is one of the attractive candidates of physics beyond the Standard Model. One of the important predictions of the model is the existence of new heavy gauge bosons, where they acquire mass terms through the breaking of global symmetry necessarily imposed on the model. The determination of the masses are, hence, quite important to test the model. In this paper, the measurement accuracy of the heavy gauge bosons at ILC is eported.
A detailed statistical analysis of the mass profiles of galaxy clusters ; The distribution of mass in the halos of galaxies and galaxy clusters has been probed observationally, theoretically, and in numerical simulations. Yet there is still confusion about which of several suggested parameterized models is the better representation, and whether these models are universal. We use the temperature and density profiles of the intracluster medium as measured by Xray observations of 11 relaxed galaxy clusters to investigate mass models for the halo using a thorough Bayesian statistical analysis. We make careful comparisons between two and threeparameter models, including the issue of a universal third parameter. We find that, of the twoparameter models, the NFW is the best representation, but we also find moderate statistical evidence that a generalized threeparameter NFW model with a freely varying inner slope is preferred, despite penalizing against the extra degree of freedom. There is a strong indication that this inner slope needs to be determined for each cluster individually, i.e. some clusters have central cores and others have steep cusps. The massconcentration relation of our sample is in reasonable agreement with predictions based on numerical simulations.
Shellmodel Hamiltonian from selfconsistent meanfield model NZ nuclei ; We propose a procedure to determine the effective nuclear shellmodel Hamiltonian in a truncated space from a selfconsistent meanfield model, e.g., the Skyrme model. The parameters of pairing plus quadrupolequadrupole interaction with monopole force are obtained so that the potential energy surface of the Skyrme HartreeFock BCS calculation is reproduced. We test our method for NZ nuclei in the fpg and sdshell regions. It is shown that the calculated energy spectra with these parameters are in a good agreement with experimental data, in which the importance of the monopole interaction is discussed. This method may represent a practical way of defining the Hamiltonian for general shellmodel calculations.
Dark Matter Stabilization Symmetries and LongLived Particles at the Large Hadron Collider ; Many popular models of new physics beyond the Standard Model use a parity to stabilize weakly interacting, dark matter candidates. We examine the potential for the CERN Large Hadron Collider to distinguish models with parity stabilized dark matter from models in which the dark matter is stabilized by other symmetries. In this letter, we focus on signatures involving longlived particles and large amounts of missing transverse energy. To illustrate these signatures, we consider three models from the literature which are representative of a more general class of models with nontraditional stabilization symmetries. The most optimistic scenario can observe the proposed signature with a minimum of 10 inverse fb of integrated luminosity at design center of mass energy. It will probably take considerable longer to validate the stabilizing symmetry is not a simple parity. In all, we emphasize that the underlying symmetry that stabilizes weakly interacting dark matter has tremendous implications for the LHC and our understanding of the nature of dark matter.
A wellposedness theory in measures for some kinetic models of collective motion ; We present existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence results for some kinetic equations motivated by models for the collective behavior of large groups of individuals. Models of this kind have been recently proposed to study the behavior of large groups of animals, such as flocks of birds, swarms, or schools of fish. Our aim is to give a wellposedness theory for general models which possibly include a variety of effects an interaction through a potential, such as a shortrange repulsion and longrange attraction; a velocityaveraging effect where individuals try to adapt their own velocity to that of other individuals in their surroundings; and selfpropulsion effects, which take into account effects on one individual that are independent of the others. We develop our theory in a space of measures, using mass transportation distances. As consequences of our theory we show also the convergence of particle systems to their corresponding kinetic equations, and the localintime convergence to the hydrodynamic limit for one of the models.
Building effective models from sparse but precise data ; A common approach in computational science is to use a set of of highly precise but expensive calculations to parameterize a model that allows less precise, but more rapid calculations on larger scale systems. Leastsquares fitting on a model that underfits the data is generally used for this purpose. For arbitrarily precise data free from statistic noise, e.g. ab initio calculations, we argue that it is more appropriate to begin with a ensemble of models that overfit the data. Within a Bayesian framework, a most likely model can be defined that incorporates physical knowledge, provides error estimates for systems not included in the fit, and reproduces the original data exactly. We apply this approach to obtain a cluster expansion model for the CaZr,TiO3 solid solution.
Finite temperature spindynamics and phase transitions in spinorbital models ; We study finite temperature properties of a generic spinorbital model relevant to transition metal compounds, having coupled quantum Heisenbergspin and Isingorbital degrees of freedom. The model system undergoes a phase transition, consistent with that of a 2D Ising model, to an orbitally ordered state at a temperature set by shortrange magnetic order. At low temperatures the orbital degrees of freedom freezeout and the model maps on to a quantum Heisenberg model. The onset of orbital excitations causes a rapid scrambling of the spin spectral weight away from coherent spinwaves, which leads to a sharp increase in uniform magnetic susceptibility just below the phase transition, reminiscent of the observed behavior in the Fepnictide materials.
The Search for a Realistic String Model at LHC ; We survey the lowenergy supersymmetry phenomenology of a threefamily PatiSalam model constructed from intersecting D6branes in Type IIA string theory on the T6Z2 x Z2 orientifold which possesses many of the phenomenological properties desired in string modelbuilding. In the model, there is no exotic matter in the lowenergy spectrum, the correct mass hierarchies for quarks and leptons may be obtained, and the gauge couplings are automatically unified at the string scale. We calculate the supersymmetry breaking soft terms and the corresponding lowenergy supersymmetry particle spectra for the model. We find the WMAP constrained dark matter density can be generated in this model in the stauneutralino and charginoneutralino coannihilation regions, with expected final states at LHC consisting of low energy leptons and OGeV neutrinos. Moreover, we expect final states in the supercritical string cosmology SSC scenario to comprise high energy leptons and OGeV neutrinos.
Smallest Relational Mechanics Model of Quantum Cosmology ; Relational particle mechanics are models in which there is, overall, no time, position, orientation nor, sometimes, scale. They are useful for wholeuniverse modelling the setting for quantum cosmology. This note concerns 3 particles in 1d in shapescale split variables. The scale part parallels certain Friedmann equations, while in this note the shape part involves functions on the circle. The scale part is taken to be heavy' and slow' so the semiclassical approach applies and scale provides an approximate timestandard with repect to which the light physics runs. Relational particle mechanics moreover provide conceptual models of inhomogeneity, structure formation and nontrivial linear constraints minisuperspace models do not and midisuperspace models only do at the cost of substantial complications.
Quantum Trajectories in Random Environment the Statistical Model for a Heat Bath ; In this article, we derive the stochastic master equations corresponding to the statistical model of a heat bath. These stochastic differential equations are obtained as continuous time limits of discrete models of quantum repeated measurements. Physically, they describe the evolution of a small system in contact with a heat bath undergoing continuous measurement. The equations obtained in the present work are qualitatively different from the ones derived in citeA1P1, where the Gibbs model of heat bath has been studied. It is shown that the statistical model of a heat bath provides clear physical interpretation in terms of emissions and absorptions of photons. Our approach yields models of random environment and unravelings of stochastic master equations. The equations are rigorously obtained as solutions of martingale problems using the convergence of Markov generators.
An estimating equations approach to fitting latent exposure models with longitudinal health outcomes ; The analysis of data arising from environmental health studies which collect a large number of measures of exposure can benefit from using latent variable models to summarize exposure information. However, difficulties with estimation of model parameters may arise since existing fitting procedures for linear latent variable models require correctly specified residual variance structures for unbiased estimation of regression parameters quantifying the association between latent exposure and health outcomes. We propose an estimating equations approach for latent exposure models with longitudinal health outcomes which is robust to misspecification of the outcome variance. We show that compared to maximum likelihood, the loss of efficiency of the proposed method is relatively small when the model is correctly specified. The proposed equations formalize the adhoc regression on factor scores procedure, and generalize regression calibration. We propose two weighting schemes for the equations, and compare their efficiency. We apply this method to a study of the effects of inutero lead exposure on child development.
Evaluation of Reverse Monte Carlo Models based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations A Case Study of Ion Conducting Network Glasses ; We investigate the quality of structural models generated by the Reverse Monte Carlo RMC method in a typical application to amorphous systems. To this end we calculate surrogate diffraction data from a Li2OSiO2 molecular dynamics MD simulation and use the total scattering function, in addition to minimal pair distances and coordination numbers of silicon oxygen to oxygen silicon ions, as input for the RMC modeling. Then we compare partial radial distribution functions, coordination numbers, bond angles, and ring sizes predicted by the RMC models with those of the MD system. It is found that partial distributions functions and properties on small lengths scales, as distributions of coordination numbers and bond angles, are well reproduced by the RMC modeling. Properties in the mediumrange order regime are, however, not well captured, as is demonstrated by comparison of ring size distributions. Due care therefore has to be exercised when extracting structural features from RMC models in this mediumrange order regime. In particular we show that the occurrence of such features can be a mere consequence of the chosen starting configuration.
Kernel Spectral Curvature Clustering KSCC ; Multimanifold modeling is increasingly used in segmentation and data representation tasks in computer vision and related fields. While the general problem, modeling data by mixtures of manifolds, is very challenging, several approaches exist for modeling data by mixtures of affine subspaces which is often referred to as hybrid linear modeling. We translate some important instances of multimanifold modeling to hybrid linear modeling in embedded spaces, without explicitly performing the embedding but applying the kernel trick. The resulting algorithm, Kernel Spectral Curvature Clustering, uses kernels at two levels both as an implicit embedding method to linearize nonflat manifolds and as a principled method to convert a multiway affinity problem into a spectral clustering one. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method by comparing it with other stateoftheart methods on both synthetic data and a realworld problem of segmenting multiple motions from two perspective camera views.
The spin Sutherland model of DN type and its associated spin chain ; In this paper we study the sum spin Sutherland trigonometric model of DN type and its related spin chain of HaldaneShastry type obtained by means of Polychronakos's freezing trick. As in the rational case recently studied by the authors, we show that these are new models, whose properties cannot be simply deduced from those of their wellknown BCN counterparts by taking a suitable limit. We identify the Weylinvariant extended configuration space of the spin dynamical model, which turns out to be the Ndimensional generalization of a rhombic dodecahedron. This is in fact one of the reasons underlying the greater complexity of the models studied in this paper in comparison with both their rational and BCN counterparts. By constructing a nonorthogonal basis of the Hilbert space of the spin dynamical model on which its Hamiltonian acts triangularly, we compute its spectrum in closed form. Using this result and applying the freezing trick, we derive an exact expression for the partition function of the associated HaldaneShastry spin chain of DN type.
Conformal chiral boson models on twisted doubled tori and nongeometric string vacua ; We derive and analyze the conditions for quantum conformal and Lorentz invariance of the duality symmetric interacting chiral boson sigmamodels, which are conjectured to describe nongeometric string theory backgrounds. The oneloop Weyl and Lorentz anomalies are computed for the general case using the background field method. Subsequently, our results are applied to a class of onshell Lorentz invariant chiral boson models which are based on twisted doubled tori. Our findings are in agreement with those expected from the effective supergravity approach, thereby firmly establishing that the chiral boson models under consideration provide the string worldsheet description of N4 gauged supergravities with electric gaugings. Furthermore, they demonstrate that twisted doubled tori are indeed the doubled internal geometries underlying a large class of nongeometric string compactifications. For compact gaugings the associated chiral boson models are automatically conformal, a fact that is explained by showing that they are actually chiral WZW models in disguise.
Flavour Theory 2009 ; After an overture and a nontechnical exposition of the relevant theoretical framework including a brief discussion of some of the most popular extensions of the Standard Model, we will compile a list of 20 goals in flavour physics that could be reached already in the next decade. In addition to K, D and Bs,d decays and lepton flavour violation also flavour conserving observables like electric dipole moments of the neutron and leptons and g2mu are included in this list. Flavour violation in high energy processes is also one of these goals. Subsequently we will discuss in more detail the most urgent issues for the coming years in the context of several extensions of the Standard Model like models with Minimal Flavour Violation, the general MSSM, the Littlest Higgs Model with T parity, RandallSundrum models and supersymmetric flavour models. This presentation is not meant to be a comprehensive review of flavour physics but rather a personal view on this fascinating field and an attempt to collect those routes that with the help of upcoming experiments should allow us to reach a much deeper understanding of physics, in particular flavour physics, at very short distance scales.