Constraints on the noise in dynamical reduction models ; The dynamics of a quantum system with internal degrees of freedom undergoing spontaneous collapse in the position basis are analysed; e.g., neutral mesons or neutrinos. Surprisingly, the value of the Heaviside function thetax at x0 that can in general be chosen in the interval 0,1 leads to different physical predictions. For the QMUPL Quantum Mechanics with Universal Position Localization model only a single value leads to probabilities conserving the particle number. Herewith the physical properties of the noise field can be constrained. This opens a road to study the physical properties of the noise field essential for collapse models.
The quantum nonAbelian Potts model and its exact solution ; We generalize the classical one dimensional Potts model to the case where the symmetry group is a nonAbelian finite group. It turns out that this new model has a quantum nature in that its spectrum of energy eigenstates consists of entangled states. We determine the complete energy spectrum, i.e. the ground states and all the excited states with their degeneracy structure. We calculate the partition function by two different algebraic and combinatorial methods. We also determine the entanglement properties of its ground states.
Gradient Flow in the GinzburgLandau Model of Superconductivity ; We present numerical studies of the dynamics of vortices in the Ginzburg Landau model using equations derived from the gradient flow of the free energy. These equations have previously been proposed to describe the dynamics of nvortices away from equilibrium. We are able to model the dynamics of multiple nvortex configurations starting far from equilibrium. We find generically that there are two time scales for equilibration a short time scale related to the formation time for a single nvortex, and a longer time scale that characterizes vortexvortex interactions.
A Stochastic Reliability Model of a Server under a Random Workload ; Traffic to any server is rarely constant over time. In addition, the workload brought by each service request is typically unknown in advance, and each request may bring a different workload to the server. Cha and Lee 2011 proposed a reliability model where each request brings an identical and constant workload. In this paper, we generalize the model to allow for requests to bring an unknown random stress to the server. Jobs arrive to the server via a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. Service times are random and i.i.d. Each job adds a random stress Hj H to the breakdown rate of the server until the job is completed. The survival function of such a server and the efficiency of the server are derived.
Datamodel comparison using FORWARD and CoMP ; The FORWARD SolarSoft IDL package is a community resource for modeldata comparison, with a particular emphasis on analyzing coronal magnetic fields. FORWARD allows the synthesis of coronal polarimetric signals at visible, infrared, and radio frequencies, and will soon be augmented for ultraviolet polarimetry. In this paper we focus on observations of the infrared IR forbidden lines of Fe XIII, and describe how FORWARD may be used to directly access these data from the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter MLSOCoMP, to put them in the context of other space and groundbased observations, and to compare them to synthetic observables generated from magnetohydrodynamic MHD models.
Predicting and controlling the Ebola infection ; We present a comparison between two different mathematical models used in the description of the Ebola virus propagation currently occurring in West Africa. In order to improve the prediction and the control of the propagation of the virus, numerical simulations and optimal control of the two models for Ebola are investigated. In particular, we study when the two models generate similar results.
Type II Radiative Seesaw Model of Neutrino Mass with Dark Matter ; We consider a model of neutrino mass with a scalar triplet xi,xi,xi0 assigned lepton number L0, so that the treelevel Yukawa coupling xi0 nui nuj is not allowed. It is generated instead through the interaction of xi and nu with dark matter and the soft breaking of L to 1L. We discuss the phenomenological implications of this model, including xi decay and the prognosis of discovering the dark sector at the Large Hadron Collider.
An identifiability problem in a state model for partly undetected chronic diseases ; Recently, we proposed an state model compartment model to describe the progression of a chronic disease with an preclinical undiagnosed state before clinical diagnosis. It is an open question, if a sequence of crosssectional studies with mortality followup is sufficient to estimate the true incidence rate of the disease, i.e. the incidence of the undiagnosed and diagnosed disease. In this note, we construct a counterexample and show that this cannot be achieved in general.
Chargedensitywave phases of the generalized tV model ; The onedimensional extended tV model of fermions on a lattice is a model with repulsive interactions of finite range that exhibits a transition between a Luttinger liquid conducting phase and a Mott insulating phase. It is known that by tailoring the potential energy of the insulating system, one can force a phase transition into another insulating phase. We show how to construct all possible chargedensitywave phases of the system at low critical densities in the atomic limit. Higher critical densities are investigated by a bruteforce analysis of the possible finite unit cells of the Fock states.
Non Parametric Hidden Markov Models with Finite State Space Posterior Concentration Rates ; The use of non parametric hidden Markov models with finite state space is flourishing in practice while few theoretical guarantees are known in this framework. Here, we study asymptotic guarantees for these models in the Bayesian framework. We obtain posterior concentration rates with respect to the L1norm on joint marginal densities of consecutive observations in a general theorem. We apply this theorem to two cases and obtain minimax concentration rates. We consider discrete observations with emission distributions distributed from a Dirichlet process and continuous observations with emission distributions distributed from Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussian distributions.
A Theory of Individualism, Collectivism and Economic Outcomes ; This paper presents a dynamic model to study the impact on the economic outcomes in different societies during the Malthusian Era of individualism time spent working alone and collectivism complementary time spent working with others. The model is driven by opposing forces a greater degree of collectivism provides a higher safety net for low quality workers but a greater degree of individualism allows high quality workers to leave larger bequests. The model suggests that more individualistic societies display smaller populations, greater per capita income and greater income inequality. Some limited historical evidence is consistent with these predictions.
Quasi likelihood analysis of point processes for ultra high frequency data ; We introduce a point process regression model that is applicable to price models and limit order book models. Hawkes type autoregression in the intensity process is generalized to a stochastic regression to covariate processes. We establish the socalled quasi likelihood analysis, which gives a polynomial type large deviation estimate for the statistical random field. We derive large sample properties of the maximum likelihood type estimator and the Bayesian type estimator when the intensity processes become large under a finite time horizon. There appears nonergodic statistics. A classical approach is also mentioned.
Axisymmetric multiphase Lattice Boltzmann method for generic equations of state ; We present an axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann model based on the Kupershtokh et al. multiphase model that is capable of solving liquidgas density ratios up to 103. Appropriate source terms are added to the lattice Boltzmann evolution equation to fully recover the axisymmetric multiphase conservation equations. We validate the model by showing that a stationary droplet obeys the YoungLaplace law, comparing the second oscillation mode of a droplet with respect to an analytical solution and showing correct mass conservation of a propagating density wave.
Electroweak Naturalness and Deflected Mirage Mediation ; We investigate the question of electroweak naturalness within the deflected mirage mediation DMM framework for supersymmetry breaking in the minimal supersymmetric standard model MSSM. The class of DMM models considered are nineparameter theories that fall within the general classification of the 19parameter phenomenological MSSM pMSSM. Our results show that these DMM models have regions of parameter space with very low electroweak finetuning, at levels comparable to the pMSSM. These parameter regions should be probed extensively in the current LHC run.
Interpretation of the diphoton excess at CMS and ATLAS ; We consider the diphoton resonance at the 13 TeV LHC in a consistent model with new scalars and vectorlike fermions added to the Standard Model SM, which can be constructed from orbifold grand unified theories and string models. The gauge coupling unification can be achieved, neutrino masses can be generated radiatively, and electroweak vacuum stability problem can be solved. To explain the diphoton resonance, we study a spin0 particle, and discuss various associated final states.
Generalized circuit model for coupled plasmonic systems ; We develop an analytic circuit model for coupled plasmonic dimers separated by small gaps that provides a complete account of the optical resonance wavelength. Using a suitable equivalent circuit, it shows how partially conducting links can be treated and provides quantitative agreement with both experiment and full electromagnetic simulations. The model highlights how in the conducting regime, the kinetic inductance of the linkers set the spectral blueshifts of the coupled plasmon.
The fourtangle in the transverse XY model ; We analyze the entanglement measure C4 for mixed states in general and for the transverse XY model. We come to the conclusion that it cannot serve alone for guaranteeing an entanglement of GHZ4type. The genuine negativity calculated in Ref.citeHofmann14 isn't sufficient for that either and some additional measure of entanglement must be considered. In particular we study the transverse XYmodel and find a nonzero C4 measure which is of the same order of magnitude than the genuine negativity. Furthermore, we observe a feature in the C4 values that resembles a destructive interference with the underlying concurrence.
Sovereign Default Risk and Uncertainty Premia ; This paper studies how international investors' concerns about model misspecification affect sovereign bond spreads. We develop a general equilibrium model of sovereign debt with endogenous default wherein investors fear that the probability model of the underlying state of the borrowing economy is misspecified. Consequently, investors demand higher returns on their bond holdings to compensate for the default risk in the context of uncertainty. In contrast with the existing literature on sovereign default, we match the bond spreads dynamics observed in the data together with other business cycle features for Argentina, while preserving the default frequency at historical low levels.
Covariance constraints for light front wave functions ; Light front wave functions LFWFs are often utilized to model parton distributions and form factors where their transverse and longitudinal momenta are tied to each other in some manner that is often guided by convenience. On the other hand, the cross talk of transverse and longitudinal momenta is governed by Poincar'e symmetry and thus popular LFWF models are often not usable to model more intricate quantities such as generalized parton distributions. In this contribution a closer look to this issue is given and it is shown how to overcome the issue for twobody LFWFs.
Large Random Simplicial Complexes, III; The Critical Dimension ; In this paper we study the notion of critical dimension of random simplicial complexes in the general multiparameter model described in our previous papers of this series. This model includes as special cases the LinialMeshulamWallach model as well as the clique complexes of random graphs. We characterise the concept of critical dimension in terms of various geometric and topological properties of random simplicial complexes such as their Betti numbers, the fundamental group, the size of minimal cycles and the degrees of simplexes. We mention in the text a few interesting open questions.
Large scale structures and the cubic galileon model ; The maximum size of a bound cosmic structure is computed perturbatively as a function of its mass in the framework of the cubic galileon, proposed recently to model the dark energy of our Universe. Comparison of our results with observations constrains the mattergalileon coupling of the model to 0.033lesssim alpha lesssim 0.17, thus improving previous bounds based solely on solar system physics.
BlackLitterman model with intuitionistic fuzzy posterior return ; The main objective is to present a some variant of the Black Litterman model. We consider the canonical case when priori return is determined by means such excess return from the CAPM market portfolio which is derived using reverse optimization method. Then the a priori return is at risk quantified uncertainty. On the side, intensive discussion shows that the experts' views are under knightian uncertainty. For this reason, we propose such variant of the Black Litterman model in which the experts' views are described as intuitionistic fuzzy number. The existence of posterior return is proved for this case.We show that then posterior return is an intuitionistic fuzzy probabilistic set.
Linear and Optimization Hamiltonians in Clustered Exponential Random Graph Modeling ; Exponential random graph theory is the complex network analog of the canonical ensemble theory from statistical physics. While it has been particularly successful in modeling networks with specified degree distributions, a naive model of a clustered network using a graph Hamiltonian linear in the number of triangles has been shown to undergo an abrupt transition into an unrealistic phase of extreme clustering via triangle condensation. Here we study a nonlinear graph Hamiltonian that explicitly forbids such a condensation and show numerically that it generates an equilibrium phase with specified intermediate clustering.
Phase transition in the KMP model with SlowFast boundaries ; The KipnisMarchioroPresutti KMP is a known model consisting on a onedimensional chain of mechanically uncoupled oscillators, whose interactions occur via independent Poisson clocks when a Poisson clock rings, the total energy at two neighbors is redistributed uniformly at random between them. Moreover, at the boundaries, energy is exchanged with reservoirs of fixed temperatures. We study here a generalization of the KMP model by considering different rates at energy is exchanged with the reservoirs, and we then prove the existence of a phase transition for the heat flow.
Universe acceleration and nonlinear electrodynamics ; A new model of nonlinear electrodynamics with a dimensional parameter beta coupled to gravity is considered. We show that an accelerated expansion of the universe takes place if the nonlinear electromagnetic field is the source of the gravitational field. A pure magnetic universe is investigated and the magnetic field drives the universe to accelerate. In this model, after the big bang, the universe undergoes inflation, and the accelerated expansion and then decelerates approaching Minkowski spacetime asymptotically. We demonstrate the causality of the model and a classical stability at the deceleration phase.
Analytic continuation of 3point functions of the conformal field theory ; It is shown that the general 3point function Phia Phib Phic, with continuous values of charges a, b, c of a statistical model operators, and the 3point function of the Liouville model, could all be obtained by successive analytical continuations starting from the 3point function of the minimal model.
Viability of Arctan Model of fR Gravity for Latetime Cosmology ; fR modifications of Einstein's gravity is an interesting possibility to explain the late time acceleration of the Universe. In this work we explore the cosmological viability of one such fR modification proposed in Kruglov2013. We show that the model violates fifthforce constraints. The model is also plagued with the issue of curvature singularity in a spherically collapsing object, where the effective scalar field reaches to the point of diverging scalar curvature.
Renormalizable Tensor Field Theories ; Extending tensor models at the field theoretical level, tensor field theories are nonlocal quantum field theories with Feynman graphs identified with simplicial complexes. They become relevant for addressing quantum topology and geometry in any dimension and therefore form an interesting class of models for studying quantum gravity. We review the class of perturbatively renormalizable tensor field theories and some of their features.
A SAT model to mine flexible sequences in transactional datasets ; Traditional pattern mining algorithms generally suffer from a lack of flexibility. In this paper, we propose a SAT formulation of the problem to successfully mine frequent flexible sequences occurring in transactional datasets. Our SATbased approach can easily be extended with extra constraints to address a broad range of pattern mining applications. To demonstrate this claim, we formulate and add several constraints, such as gap and span constraints, to our model in order to extract more specific patterns. We also use interactive solving to perform important derived tasks, such as closed pattern mining or maximal pattern mining. Finally, we prove the practical feasibility of our SAT model by running experiments on two real datasets.
Dynamics of a diffusive predatorprey model the effect of conversion rate ; A general diffusive predatorprey model is investigated in this paper. We prove the global attractivity of constant equilibria when the conversion rate is small, and the nonexistence of nonconstant positive steady states when the conversion rate is large. The results are applied to several predatorprey models and give some ranges of parameters where complex pattern formation cannot occur.
Resource Allocation with Population Dynamics ; Many analyses of resourceallocation problems employ simplistic models of the population. Using the example of a resourceallocation problem of Marecek et al. arXiv1406.7639, we introduce rather a general behavioural model, where the evolution of a heterogeneous population of agents is governed by a Markov chain. Still, we are able to show that the distribution of agents across resources converges in distribution, for suitable means of information provision, under certain assumptions. The model and proof techniques may have wider applicability.
A Nonparametric Bayesian Technique for HighDimensional Regression ; This paper proposes a nonparametric Bayesian framework called VariScan for simultaneous clustering, variable selection, and prediction in highthroughput regression settings. PoissonDirichlet processes are utilized to detect lowerdimensional latent clusters of covariates. An adaptive nonlinear prediction model is constructed for the response, achieving a balance between model parsimony and flexibility. Contrary to conventional belief, cluster detection is shown to be aposteriori consistent for a general class of models as the number of covariates and subjects grows. Simulation studies and data analyses demonstrate that VariScan often outperforms several wellknown statistical methods.
Exploring Segment Representations for Neural Segmentation Models ; Many natural language processing NLP tasks can be generalized into segmentation problem. In this paper, we combine semiCRF with neural network to solve NLP segmentation tasks. Our model represents a segment both by composing the input units and embedding the entire segment. We thoroughly study different composition functions and different segment embeddings. We conduct extensive experiments on two typical segmentation tasks named entity recognition NER and Chinese word segmentation CWS. Experimental results show that our neural semiCRF model benefits from representing the entire segment and achieves the stateoftheart performance on CWS benchmark dataset and competitive results on the CoNLL03 dataset.
Entropy and credit risk in highly correlated markets ; We compare two models of corporate default by calculating the JeffreysKullbackLeibler divergence between their predicted default probabilities when asset correlations are either high or low. Our main results show that the divergence between the two models increases in highly correlated, volatile, and large markets, but that it is closer to zero in small markets, when asset correlations are low and firms are highly leveraged. These findings suggest that during periods of financial instability the singleand multifactor models of corporate default will generate increasingly inconsistent predictions.
Nonlinear Spinor field in isotropic spacetime and dark energy models ; Within the scope of isotropic FRW cosmological model the role of nonlinear spinor field in the evolution of the Universe is studied. It is found that unlike in anisotropic cosmological models in the present case the spinor field does not possess nontrivial nondiagonal components of energymomentum tensor, consequently does not impose any additional restrictions on the components of the spinor field or metric function. The spinor description of different matter was given and evolution of the Universe corresponding to these sources is illustrated. In the framework of a three fluid system the utility of spinor description of matter is established.
Predicting with Distributions ; We consider a new learning model in which a joint distribution over vector pairs x,y is determined by an unknown function cx that maps input vectors x not to individual outputs, but to entire em distributions over output vectors y. Our main results take the form of rather general reductions from our model to algorithms for PAC learning the function class and the distribution class separately, and show that virtually every such combination yields an efficient algorithm in our model. Our methods include a randomized reduction to classification noise and an application of Le Cam's method to obtain robust learning algorithms.
Asymptotic properties of a stochastic GilpinAyala model under regime switching ; In this paper, a stochastic GilpinAyala population model with regime switching and white noise is considered. All parameters are influenced by stochastic perturbations. The existence of global positive solution, asymptotic stability in probability, pth moment exponential stability, extinction, weak persistence, stochastic permanence and stationary distribution of the model are investigated, which generalize some results in the literatures. Moreover, the conditions presented for the stochastic permanence and the existence of stationary distribution improve the previous results.
Selfaccelerating Universe in modified gravity with dynamical torsion ; We consider a model belonging to the class of gravities with dynamical torsion. The model is free of ghosts and gradient instabilities about Minkowski and torsionless Einstein backgrounds. We find that at zero cosmological constant, the model admits a selfaccelerating solution with nonRiemannian connection. Small value of the effective cosmological constant is obtained at the expense of the hierarchy between the dimensionless couplings.
Baby Skyrme model and fermionic zero modes ; In this work we investigate some features of the fermionic sector of the supersymmetric version of the baby Skyrme model. We find that, in the background of BPS compact Skyrmions, fermionic zero modes are confined to the defect core. Further, we show that, while three SUSY generators are broken in the defect core, SUSY is completely restored outside. We study also the effect of a Dterm deformation of the model. Such a deformation allows for the existence of fermionic zero modes and broken SUSY outside the compact defect.
Quantum Superlattices, Wannier Stark Ladders and the 'Resonance' technique ; We present a new method for solving the Schrodinger equation using the Lossless Transmission Line Model LTL. The LTL model although extensively used in fiber optics and optical fiber design, it has not yet found application in solid state problems. We develop the transformation theory mapping the wave equation to LTL and we apply the model to the case of a solid state periodic lattice. We extend the theory with an additional WannierStark term and we show with results the flexibility and the strength of the technique. The advantages of the method for arbitrary potentials are also stressed.
On Multiplicative Integration with Recurrent Neural Networks ; We introduce a general and simple structural design called Multiplicative Integration MI to improve recurrent neural networks RNNs. MI changes the way in which information from difference sources flows and is integrated in the computational building block of an RNN, while introducing almost no extra parameters. The new structure can be easily embedded into many popular RNN models, including LSTMs and GRUs. We empirically analyze its learning behaviour and conduct evaluations on several tasks using different RNN models. Our experimental results demonstrate that Multiplicative Integration can provide a substantial performance boost over many of the existing RNN models.
The InstantonDyon Liquid Model III Finite Chemical Potential ; We discuss an extension of the instantondyon liquid model that includes light quarks at finite chemical potential in the center symmetric phase. We develop the model in details for the case of SUc2times SUf2 by mapping the theory on a 3dimensional quantum effective theory. We analyze the different phases in the meanfield approximation. We extend this analysis to the general case of SUcNctimes SUfNf and note that the chiral and diquark pairings are always comparable.
ISIAware Modeling and Achievable Rate Analysis of the Diffusion Channel ; Analyzing the achievable rate of molecular communication via diffusion MCvD inherits intricacies due to its nature MCvD channel has memory, and the heavy tail of the signal causes inter symbol interference ISI. Therefore, using Shannon's channel capacity formulation for memoryless channel is not appropriate for the MCvD channel. Instead, a more general achievable rate formulation and system model must be considered to make this analysis accurately. In this letter, we propose an effective ISIaware MCvD modeling technique in 3D medium and properly analyze the achievable rate.
Realization of the NajafiGolestanian microswimmer ; A paradigmatic microswimmer is the threelinkedspheres model, which follows a minimalist approach for propulsion by shape shifting. As such, it has been the subject of numerous analytical and numerical studies. In this Rapid Communication, an experimental threelinkedspheres swimmer is created by selfassembling ferromagnetic particles at an airwater interface. It is powered by a uniform oscillating magnetic field. A model, using two harmonic oscillators, reproduces the experimental findings. Because the model remains general, the same approach could be used to design a variety of efficient microswimmers.
Nvicinities method for 3D Ising Model ; The nvicinities method for approximate calculations of the partition function of a spin system was proposed previously. The equation of state was obtained in the most general form. In the present publication these results are adapted to the Ising model on the Ddimensional cubic lattice. The state equation is solved for an arbitrary dimension D and the behavior of the free energy is analyzed. For large values of D D 2 the obtained results are in good agreement with the ones obtained by means of computer simulations. For small values of D D 3, there are noticeable discrepancies with the exact results.
Radiatively induced Quark and Lepton Mass Model ; We propose a radiatively induced quark and lepton mass model in the first and second generation with extra U1 gauge symmetry and vectorlike fermions. Then we analyze the allowed regions which simultaneously satisfy the FCNCs for the quark sector, LFVs including mue conversion, the quark mass and mixing, and the lepton mass and mixing. Also we estimate the typical value for the g2mu in our model.
Fractional Order Optimal Control Model For Malaria Infection ; We propose and study an optimal control model for malaria infection described by system of fractional differential equations. The model is formulated in terms of the left and right Caputo fractional derivatives. We determine the necessary conditions for the optimality of the controlled dynamical system.The forwardbackward sweep method with generalized euler scheme is applied to numerically compute the solutions of the optimality system.
Turchin's Relation for CallbyName Computations A Formal Approach ; Supercompilation is a program transformation technique that was first described by V. F. Turchin in the 1970s. In supercompilation, Turchin's relation as a similarity relation on callstack configurations is used both for callbyvalue and callbyname semantics to terminate unfolding of the program being transformed. In this paper, we give a formal grammar model of callbyname stack behaviour. We classify the model in terms of the Chomsky hierarchy and then formally prove that Turchin's relation can terminate all computations generated by the model.
On the continuoustime limit of the BarabasiAlbert random graph ; We prove that the Barab'asiAlbert model converges weakly to a set of generalized Yule models via an appropriate scaling. To pursue this aim we superimpose to its graph structure a suitable set of processes that we call the planted model and we introduce an adhoc sampling procedure. The use of the obtained limit process represents an alternative and advantageous way of looking at some of the asymptotic properties of the Barab'asiAlbert random graph.
Neural Machine Translation with Recurrent Attention Modeling ; Knowing which words have been attended to in previous time steps while generating a translation is a rich source of information for predicting what words will be attended to in the future. We improve upon the attention model of Bahdanau et al. 2014 by explicitly modeling the relationship between previous and subsequent attention levels for each word using one recurrent network per input word. This architecture easily captures informative features, such as fertility and regularities in relative distortion. In experiments, we show our parameterization of attention improves translation quality.
Integration of Probabilistic Uncertain Information ; We study the problem of data integration from sources that contain probabilistic uncertain information. Data is modeled by possibleworlds with probability distribution, compactly represented in the probabilistic relation model. Integration is achieved efficiently using the extended probabilistic relation model. We study the problem of determining the probability distribution of the integration result. It has been shown that, in general, only probability ranges can be determined for the result of integration. In this paper we concentrate on a subclass of extended probabilistic relations, those that are obtainable through integration. We show that under intuitive and reasonable assumptions we can determine the exact probability distribution of the result of integration.
Dynamical Transitions in a Dragged Growing Polymer Chain ; We extend the Rouse model of polymer dynamics to situations of nonstationary chain growth. For a dragged polymer chain of length Nt talpha, we find two transitions in conformational dynamics. At alpha 12, the propagation of tension and the average shape of the chain change qualitatively, while at alpha 1 the average centerofmass motion stops. These transitions are due to a simple physical mechanism a race duel between tension propagation and polymer growth. Therefore they should also appear for growing semiflexible or stiff polymers. The generalized Rouse model inherits much of the versatility of the original Rouse model it can be efficiently simulated and it is amenable to analytical treatment.
A liquidsolid' phase transition in a simple model for swarming, based on the no flatspots' theorem for subharmonic functions ; We consider a nonlocal shape optimization problem, which is motivated by a simple model for swarming and other selfassemblyaggregation models, and prove the existence of different phases. A technical key ingredient, which we establish, is that a strictly subharmonic function cannot be constant on a set of positive measure.
Inversion symmetry breaking and criticality in free fermionic lattices ; We describe the connection between inversion symmetry breaking and criticality in free fermionic lattice models. It is shown that for translationinvariant spinless fermions, the breaking of this symmetry in the ground state implies criticality, i.e., the existence of longrange correlations and the vanishing of the spectral gap; while for models with spin, only the asymmetry of the spinaveraged covariance matrix implies a similar conclusion. Our results are proved by introducing invariants under global translationinvariant free fermion quenches. Using this result, we identify a set of models where the generalized HartreeFock approximation must break down.
On the thermodynamics of scale factor dual Universes ; The thermodynamical aspects of the conformal time scale factor duality SFD of cosmological models within Einstein Gravity are investigated. We derive the SFD transformations of the thermodynamical quantities describing the thermal evolution of the matter fluid and of the apparent horizon. The thermodynamical properties of the selfdual cosmological models with a modified Chaplygin gas are studied in detail. We deduce the restrictions on the equation of state parameters that allow to extend scale factor duality as a UVIR symmetry of the cosmological models consistent with their thermodynamical behavior.
Curvaton reheating in nonminimal derivative coupling to gravity NO models ; The curvaton reheating mechanism in a nonminimal derivative coupling to gravity for any nonoscillating NO model is studied. In this framework, we analyze the energy density during the kinetic epoch and we find that this energy has a complicated dependencies of the scale factor. Considering this mechanism, we study the decay of the curvaton in two different scenarios and also we determine the reheating temperatures. As an example the NO model, we consider an exponential potential and we obtain the reheating temperature indirectly from the inflation through of the number of efolds.
Analysis and optimization of weighted ensemble sampling ; We give a mathematical framework for weighted ensemble WE sampling, a binning and resampling technique for efficiently computing probabilities in molecular dynamics. We prove that WE sampling is unbiased in a very general setting that includes adaptive binning. We show that when WE is used for stationary calculations in tandem with a coarse model, the coarse model can be used to optimize the allocation of replicas in the bins.
Renormalization group calculation of dynamic exponent in the models E and F with hydrodynamic fluctuations ; The renormalization group method is applied in order to analyze models E and F of critical dynamics in the presence of velocity fluctuations generated by the stochastic NavierStokes equation. Results are given to the oneloop approximation for the anomalous dimension gammalambda and fixedpoints' structure. The dynamic exponent z is calculated in the turbulent regime and stability of the fixed points for the standard model E is discussed.
Semiparametric clustered overdispersed multinomial goodnessoffit of loglinear models ; Traditionally, the Dirichletmultinomial distribution has been recognized as a key model for contingency tables generated by cluster sampling schemes. There are, however, other possible distributions appropriate for these contingency tables. This paper introduces new teststatistics capable to test loglinear modeling hypotheses with no distributional specification, when the individuals of the clusters are possibly homogeneously correlated. The estimator for the intracluster correlation coefficient proposed in AlonsoRevenga et al. 2016, valid for different cluster sizes, plays a crucial role in the construction of the goodnessoffit teststatistic.
Exact solution of the relativistic quantum Toda chain ; The relativistic quantum Toda chain model is studied with the generalized algebraic Bethe Ansatz method. By employing a set of local gauge transformations, proper local vacuum states can be obtained for this model. The exact spectrum and eigenstates of the model are thus constructed simultaneously.
Reedy diagrams in symmetric monoidal model categories ; Given a small category I and a closed symmetric monoidal category mm, we show that the diagram category mmI with the objectwise product is a closed symmetric monoidal category. We then prove that if I is a Reedy category and mm has a model structure compatible with its product, then so is the Reedy model structure on mmI provided that mm is cofibrantly generated.
Thermodynamics and emergent universe ; We show that in the isentropic scenario the first order thermodynamical particle creation model gives an emergent universe solution even when the chemical potential is nonzero. However there exists no emergent universe scenario in the second order nonequilibrium theory for the particle creation model. We then point out a correspondence between the particle creation model with barotropic equation of state and the equation of state giving rise to an emergent universe without particle creation in spatially flat FRW cosmology.
Existence and smoothness for a class of nD models in elasticity theory of small deformations ; We consider a model for deformations of a homogeneous isotropic body, whose shear modulus remains constant, but its bulk modulus can be a highly nonlinear function. We show that for a general class of such models, in an arbitrary space dimension, the respective PDE problem has a unique solution. Moreover, this solution enjoys interior smoothness. This is the first regularity result for elasticity problems that covers the most natural space dimension 3 and that captures behaviour of many typical elastic materials considered in the small deformations like rubber, polymer gels or concrete.
Decay of correlations in 2D quantum systems with continuous symmetry ; We study a large class of models of twodimensional quantum lattice systems with continuous symmetries, and we prove a general McBryanSpencerKomaTasaki theorem concerning algebraic decay of correlations. We present applications of our main result to the Heisenberg, Hubbard, and tJ models, and to certain models of random loops.
Notes on BornInfeldtype electrodynamics ; We propose a new model of nonlinear electrodynamics with three parameters. BornInfeld electrodynamics and exponential electrodynamics are particular cases of this model. The phenomenon of vacuum birefringence is studied. We show that there is not singularity of the electric field at the origin of pointlike charged particles. The corrections to Coulomb's law at rrightarrowinfty are obtained. We calculate the total electrostatic energy of charges for different parameters of the model which is finite.
Encapsulating models and approximate inference programs in probabilistic modules ; This paper introduces the probabilistic module interface, which allows encapsulation of complex probabilistic models with latent variables alongside custom stochastic approximate inference machinery, and provides a platformagnostic abstraction barrier separating the model internals from the host probabilistic inference system. The interface can be seen as a stochastic generalization of a standard simulation and density interface for probabilistic primitives. We show that sound approximate inference algorithms can be constructed for networks of probabilistic modules, and we demonstrate that the interface can be implemented using learned stochastic inference networks and MCMC and SMC approximate inference programs.
On Bogomolny equations in generalized gauged baby BPS Skyrme models ; Using the concept of strong necessary conditions CSNC, we derive Bogomolny equations and BPS bounds for two modifications of the gauged baby BPS Skyrme model the nonminimal coupling to the gauge field and kdeformed model. In particular, we study, how the Bogomolny equations and the equation for the potential, reflect these two modifications. In both examples, the CSNC method shows to be a very useful tool.
A shoving model for collectivity in hadronic collisions ; An extension of the rope hadronization model, which has previously provided good descriptions of hadrochemistry in high multiplicity pp collisions, is presented. The extension includes a dynamically generated transverse pressure, produced by the excess energy from overlapping strings. We find that this model can qualitatively reproduce soft features of Quark Gluon Plasma in small systems, such as higher langle pperp rangle for heavier particles and long range azimuthal correlations forming a ridge. The effects are similar to those obtained from a hydrodynamic expansion, but without assuming a thermalized medium.
A New Class of Anisotropic Charged Compact Star ; A new model of charged compact star is reported by solving the EinsteinMaxwell field equations by choosing a suitable form of radial pressure. The model parameters rho, pr, pperp and E2 are in closed form and all are well behaved inside the stellar interior. A comparative study of charged and uncharged model is done with the help of graphical analysis.
New models for asymmetric kinks and branes ; We investigate new models for scalar fields in flat and curved spacetime. We note that the global reflection symmetry of the potential that identify the scalar field model does not exclude the presence of internal asymmetries that give rise to asymmetric structures. Despite the asymmetry, the new structures are linearly stable and in the braneworld scenario with an extra dimension of infinite extend, they may generate new families of asymmetric thick branes that are robust against small fluctuations in the warped geometry.
Sparse Coding of Neural Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sequence Labeling ; In this paper we propose and carefully evaluate a sequence labeling framework which solely utilizes sparse indicator features derived from dense distributed word representations. The proposed model obtains near stateofthe art performance for both partofspeech tagging and named entity recognition for a variety of languages. Our model relies only on a few thousand sparse codingderived features, without applying any modification of the word representations employed for the different tasks. The proposed model has favorable generalization properties as it retains over 89.8 of its average POS tagging accuracy when trained at 1.2 of the total available training data, i.e.150 sentences per language.
On the Dbranes Standardlike Models ; Based on the lowenergy effective field theory of Dbranes, the mass spectrum of an extended Standard Model with twoHiggs doublets used to generate all the mass terms is investigated. Besides the gauge bosons, the fermion mass spectrum is weighted by the Higgs VEVs with a partial hierarchy and the smallness of neutrino masses is exhibited. With reference to the known data, the involved scales of the model are approached.
Audiobased Distributional Semantic Models for Music Autotagging and Similarity Measurement ; The recent development of Audiobased Distributional Semantic Models ADSMs enables the computation of audio and lexical vector representations in a joint acousticsemantic space. In this work, these joint representations are applied to the problem of automatic tag generation. The predicted tags together with their corresponding acoustic representation are exploited for the construction of acousticsemantic clip embeddings. The proposed algorithms are evaluated on the task of similarity measurement between music clips. Acousticsemantic models are shown to outperform the stateoftheart for this task and produce high quality tags for audiomusic clips.
Quasilocal Conservation Laws in the Quantum Hirota Model ; Extensivity of conservation laws of the quantum Hirota model on a 11 dimensional lattice is considered. This model can be interpreted in terms of an integrable manybody quantum Floquet dynamics. We establish the procedure to generate a continuous family of quasilocal conservation laws from the conserved operators proposed by Faddeev and Volkov. The HilbertSchmidt kernel which allows the calculation of inner products of these new conservation laws is explicitly computed. This result has potential applications in quantum quench and transport problems in integrable quantum field theories.
Dispersion relations for gravitational waves in different models of dark energy ; The propagation of weak gravitational waves on the background of dark energy is studied. The consideration is carried out within the framework of an approximate approach where the cosmological scale factor is expanded as a power series for relatively small values of the redshift corresponding to the epoch of the present accelerated expansion of the Universe. For several different dark energy models, we obtain dispersion relations for gravitational waves which can be used to estimate the viability of every specific model by comparing with observational data.
Three Dimensional Rotations of the Electroweak Interaction ; An extension to the standard electroweak model is presented that is different from previous models. This extension involves a three dimensional rotation of a plane defined by two chargeneutral current axes. In this model the plane also contains the three algebraically coupled SU2 groups quantization axes that comprise the SU3 group. This extension differentiates leptonic currents from baryonic currents through hypercolorcharge channels and predicts additional symmetries and currents due to different rotational orientations of the interaction projecting onto the plane defining the SU3 symmetry group and a U1 symmetry axis.
A storm is Coming A Modern Probabilistic Model Checker ; We launch the new probabilistic model checker storm. It features the analysis of discrete and continuoustime variants of both Markov chains and MDPs. It supports the PRISM and JANI modeling languages, probabilistic programs, dynamic fault trees and generalized stochastic Petri nets. It has a modular setup in which solvers and symbolic engines can easily be exchanged. It offers a Python API for rapid prototyping by encapsulating storm's fast and scalable algorithms. Experiments on a variety of benchmarks show its competitive performance.
The Morita equivalence between parametrized spectra and module spectra ; We give a Quillen equivalence between May and Sigurdsson's model category of parametrized spectra over BG, and Mandell, May, Schwede, and Shipley's model category of modules over the orthogonal ring spectrum Sigmainfty G, for each topological group G. More generally, for a topological category C we introduce an aggregate model structure on the category of diagrams of spectra indexed by C, and prove that it is Quillen equivalent to spectra over BC. This lifts several earlier results, and leads to a complete characterization of the dualizable parametrized spectra, answering a question of May and Sigurdsson.
Heat conduction and the nonequilibrium stationary states of stochastic energy exchange processes ; I revisit the exactly solvable KipnisMarchioroPresutti model of heat conduction J. Stat. Phys. 27 65 1982 and describe, for onedimensional systems of arbitrary sizes whose ends are in contact with thermal baths at different temperatures, a systematic characterization of their nonequilibrium stationary states. These arguments avoid resorting to the analysis of a dual process and yield a straightforward derivation of Fourier's law, as well as higherorder static correlations, such as the covariant matrix. The transposition of these results to families of gradient models generalizing the KMP model is established and specific cases are examined.
Dark matter kinetic decoupling with a light particle ; We argue that the acoustic damping of the matter power spectrum is not a generic feature of the kinetic decoupling of dark matter, but even the enhancement can be realized depending on the nature of the kinetic decoupling when compared to that in the standard cold dark matter model. We consider a model that exhibits a it sudden kinetic decoupling and investigate cosmological perturbations in the it standard cosmological background numerically in the model. We also give an analytic discussion in a simplified setup. Our results indicate that the nature of the kinetic decoupling could have a great impact on small scale density perturbations.
An Agentbased Model of Contagion in Financial Networks ; This work develops an agentbased model for the study of how the leverage through the use of repurchase agreements can function as a mechanism for the propagation and amplification of financial shocks in a financial system. Based on the analysis of financial intermediaries in the repo and interbank lending markets during the 200708 financial crisis we develop a model that can be used to simulate the dynamics of financial contagion.
Normal DGP in varying speed of light cosmology ; The varying speed of light VSL has been used in cosmological models in which the physical constants vary over time. On the other hand, the Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati DGP brane world model, especially its normal branch has been extensively discussed to justify the current cosmic acceleration. In this article we show that the normal branch of DGP in VSL cosmology leads to a selfaccelerating behavior and therefore can interpret cosmic acceleration. Applying statefinder diagnostics demonstrate that our result slightly deviates LambdaCDM model.
Growing Hair on the extremal BTZ black hole ; We show that the nonlinear sigmamodel in an asymptotically AdS3 spacetime admits a novel local symmetry. The field action is assumed to be quartic in the nonlinear sigmamodel fields and minimally coupled to gravity. The local symmetry transformation simultaneously twists the nonlinear sigmamodel fields and changes the spacetime metric, and it can be used to map an extremal BTZ black hole to infinitely many hairy black hole solutions.
Optomechanical Toy Model for Gravitationally Induced Decoherence Exact Solution ; I present the exact solution of a toy model for gravitationally induced decoherence. The toy model has Hamiltonian resembling optomechanical systems. It is an oscillator system coupled through its energy to an oscillator heat bath. I find the decoherence effect of vacuum fluctuations at zero temperature. Also for a finite bath I show that the decoherence is in general present and the system does not return to its initial coherence unless the fundamental frequencies of the bath have rational ratios.
The Elastic qbar q Cross Section in the NambuJonaLasinio Model ; We discuss the quark masses and the elastic qbar q cross sections at finite chemical potential in the NambuJonaLasinio model. We comment the generic features of the cross sections as functions of the chemical potential, temperature and collision energy. Finally, we discuss their relevance in the construction of a relativistic transport model for heavyion collisions based on this effective Lagrangian.
Classification of global dynamics of competition models with nonlocal dispersals I Symmetric kernels ; In this paper, we gives a complete classification of the global dynamics of two species LotkaVolterra competition models with nonlocal dispersals where K, P represent nonlocal operators, under the assumptions that the nonlo cal operators are symmetric, the models admit two semitrivial steady states and 0bc1. In particular, when both semitrivial steady states are locally stable, it is proved that there exist infinitely many steady states and the solution with non negative and nontrivial initial data converges to some steady state. Furthermore, we generalize these results to the case that competition coefficients are locationdependent and dispersal strategies are mixture of local and nonlocal dispersals.
Decisive BratteliVershik models ; In this paper we focus on BratteliVershik models of general compact zerodimensional systems with the action of a homeomorphism. An ordered Bratteli diagram is called decisive if the corresponding Vershik map prolongs in a unique way to a homeomorphism of the whole path space of the Bratteli diagram. We prove that a compact invertible zerodimensional system has a decisive BratteliVershik model if and only if the set of aperiodic points is either dense, or its closure misses one periodic orbit.
Growth of groups of wind generated waves ; In this paper we demonstrate numerical computations of turbulent wind blowing over group of waves that are growing in time. The numerical model adopted for the turbulence model is based on differential secondmoment model that was adopted for growing idealized waves by Drullion and Sajjadi 2014. The results obtained here demonstrate the formation of cat'seye which appear asymmetrically over the waves within a group.
Stochastic Constraint Programming as Reinforcement Learning ; Stochastic Constraint Programming SCP is an extension of Constraint Programming CP used for modelling and solving problems involving constraints and uncertainty. SCP inherits excellent modelling abilities and filtering algorithms from CP, but so far it has not been applied to large problems. Reinforcement Learning RL extends Dynamic Programming to large stochastic problems, but is problemspecific and has no generic solvers. We propose a hybrid combining the scalability of RL with the modelling and constraint filtering methods of CP. We implement a prototype in a CP system and demonstrate its usefulness on SCP problems.
Clusters' sizedegree distribution for bond percolation ; To address some physical properties of percolating systems it can be useful to know the degree distributions in finite clusters along with their size distribution. Here we show that to achieve this aim for classical bond percolation one can use the q to 1 limit of suitably modified qstate Potts model. We consider a version of such model with the additional complex variables and show that its partition function gives generating function for the size and degree distribution in this limit. We derive this distribution analytically for bond percolation on Bethe lattice and complete graph. The possibility to expand the applications of present method to other clusters' characteristics and to models of correlated percolation is discussed.
Continuoustime models with an autoregressive structure ; In this paper we suggest two continuoustime models which exhibit an autoregressive structure. We obtain existence and uniqueness results and study the structure of the solution processes. One of the models, which corresponds to general stochastic delay differential equations, will be given particular attention. We use the obtained results to link the introduced processes to both discretetime and continuoustime ARMA processes.
Stochastic modelling of nonstationary financial assets ; We model nonstationary volumeprice distributions with a lognormal distribution and collect the time series of its two parameters. The time series of the two parameters are shown to be stationary and Markovlike and consequently can be modelled with Langevin equations, which are derived directly from their series of values. Having the evolution equations of the lognormal parameters, we reconstruct the statistics of the first moments of volumeprice distributions which fit well the empirical data. Finally, the proposed framework is general enough to study other nonstationary stochastic variables in other research fields, namely biology, medicine and geology.
Sixvertex model and nonlinear differential equations I. Spectral problem ; In this work we relate the spectral problem of the toroidal sixvertex model's transfer matrix with the theory of integrable nonlinear differential equations. More precisely, we establish an analogy between the Classical Inverse Scattering Method and previously proposed functional equations originating from the YangBaxter algebra. The latter equations are then regarded as an Auxiliary Linear Problem allowing us to show that the sixvertex model's spectrum solves Riccatitype nonlinear differential equations. Generating functions of conserved quantities are expressed in terms of determinants and we also discuss a relation between our Riccati equations and a stationary Schrodinger equation.
Randomly crosslinked polymer models ; Polymer models are used to describe chromatin, which can be folded at different spatial scales by binding molecules. By folding, chromatin generates loops of various sizes. We present here a randomly crosslinked RCL polymer model, where monomer pairs are connected randomly. We obtain asymptotic formulas for the steadystate variance, encounter probability, the radius of gyration, instantaneous displacement and the mean first encounter time between any two monomers. The analytical results are confirmed by Brownian simulations. Finally, the present results can be used to extract the minimum number of crosslinks in a chromatin region from conformation capture data.
Model Theory of Fields with Virtually Free Group Actions ; For a group G, we define the notion of a Gkernel and show that the properties of Gkernels are closely related with the existence of a model companion of the theory of Galois actions of G. Using BassSerre theory, we show that this model companion exists for virtually free groups generalizing the existing results about free groups and finite groups. We show that the new theories we obtain are not simple and not even NTP2.
Quark mixing in an S3 symmetric model with two Higgs doublets ; We construct a model where the smallness of the masses of first quark generations implies the near block diagonal nature of the CKM matrix and viceversa. For this setup, we rely on a 2HDM structure with an S3 symmetry. We show that an SMlike Higgs emerges naturally from such a construction. Moreover, the ratio of two VEVs, tanbeta can be precisely determined from the requirement of the near masslessness of the up and downquarks. The FCNC structure that arises from our model is also very predictive.
Shortening binary complexes and commutativity of Ktheory with infinite products ; We show that in Grayson's model of higher algebraic Ktheory using binary acyclic complexes, the complexes of length two suffice to generate the whole group. Moreover, we prove that the comparison map from Nenashev's model for K1 to Grayson's model for K1 is an isomorphism. It follows that algebraic Ktheory of exact categories commutes with infinite products.
A wellbalanced meshless tsunami propagation and inundation model ; We present a novel meshless tsunami propagation and inundation model. We discretize the nonlinear shallowwater equations using a wellbalanced scheme relying on radial basis function based finite differences. The inundation model relies on radial basis function generated extrapolation from the wet points closest to the wetdry interface into the dry region. Numerical results against standard one and twodimensional benchmarks are presented.
Asymptotics of the spectral radius for directed ChungLu random graphs with community structure ; The spectral radius of the adjacency matrix can impact both algorithmic efficiency as well as the stability of solutions to an underlying dynamical process. Although much research has considered the distribution of the spectral radius for undirected random graph models, as symmetric adjacency matrices are amenable to spectral analysis, very little work has focused on directed graphs. Consequently, we provide novel concentration results for the spectral radius of the directed ChungLu random graph model. We emphasize that our concentration results are applicable both asymptotically and to networks of finite size. Subsequently, we extend our concentration results to a generalization of the directed ChungLu model that allows for community structure.
The Seed Order ; This paper introduces the seed order, a partial order of the class of uniform countably complete ultrafilters that generalizes the Mitchell order on normal measures. Like that order, the seed order is consistently a linear ordering even under strong large cardinal assumptions. In fact, the linearity of the seed order is a feature of all known canonical inner models for large cardinal axioms. We develop the theory of the seed order under the assumption that it is linear. Augmented by large cardinal hypotheses currently out of reach of inner model theory namely supercompactness, this linearity assumption, which we call the Ultrapower Axiom, has surprisingly strong consequences reminiscent of the structure theory of the canonical inner models.