Covering monotonicity of the limit shapes of first passage percolation on crystal lattices ; This paper studies the first passage percolation FPP model each edge in the cubic lattice is assigned a random passage time, and consideration is given to the behavior of the percolation region Bt, which consists of those vertices that can be reached from the origin within a time t 0. Cox and Durrett showed the shape theorem for the percolation region, saying that the normalized region Btt converges to some limit shape mathcalB. This paper introduces a general FPP model defined on crystal lattices, and shows the monotonicity of the limit shapes under covering maps, thereby providing insight into the limit shape of the cubic FPP model.
Existence and properties of connections decay rate for high temperature percolation models ; We consider generic finite range percolation models on mathbbZd under a high temperature assumption exponential decay of connection probabilities and exponential ratio weak mixing. We prove that the rate of decay of pointtopoint connections exists in every directions and show that it naturally extends to a norm on mathbbRd. This result is the base input to obtain fine understanding of the high temperature phase and is usually proven using correlation inequalities such as FKG. The present work makes no use of such model specific properties.
Unbounded transition fronts for the parabolic Anderson model and the randomized FKPP equation ; We investigate the uniform boundedness of the fronts of the solutions to the randomized FisherKPP equation and to its linearization, the parabolic Anderson model. It has been known that for the standard i.e. deterministic FisherKPP equation, as well as for the special case of a randomized FisherKPP equation with socalled ignition type nonlinearity, one has a uniformly bounded in time transition front. Here, we show that this property of having a uniformly bounded transition front fails to hold for the general randomized FisherKPP equation. Nevertheless, we establish that this property does hold true for the parabolic Anderson model.
Weakstrong uniqueness for energyreactiondiffusion systems ; We establish weakstrong uniqueness and stability properties of renormalised solutions to a class of energyreactiondiffusion systems. The systems considered are motivated by thermodynamically consistent models, and their formal entropy structure allows us to use as a key tool a suitably adjusted relative entropy method. The weakstrong uniqueness principle holds for dissipative renormalised solutions, which in addition to the renormalised formulation obey suitable dissipation inequalities consistent with previous existence results. We treat general entropydissipating reactions without growth restrictions, and certain models with a nonintegrable diffusive flux. The results also apply to a class of isoenergetic reactioncrossdiffusion systems.
Custom Object Detection via MultiCamera SelfSupervised Learning ; This paper proposes MCSSL, a selfsupervised learning approach for building custom object detection models in multicamera networks. MCSSL associates bounding boxes between cameras with overlapping fields of view by leveraging epipolar geometry and stateoftheart tracking and reID algorithms, and prudently generates two sets of pseudolabels to finetune backbone and detection networks respectively in an object detection model. To train effectively on pseudolabels,a powerful reIDlike pretext task with consistency loss is constructed for model customization. Our evaluation shows that compared with legacy selftraining methods, MCSSL improves average mAP by 5.44 and 6.76 on WildTrack and CityFlow dataset, respectively.
Optimal transportation and the falsifiability of incompletely specified economic models ; A general framework is given to analyze the falsifiability of economic models based on a sample of their observable components. It is shown that, when the restrictions implied by the economic theory are insufficient to identify the unknown quantities of the structure, the duality of optimal transportation with zeroone cost function delivers interpretable and operational formulations of the hypothesis of specification correctness from which tests can be constructed to falsify the model.
Dipole model for farfield thermal emission of a nanoparticle above a planar substrate ; We develop a dipole model describing the thermal farfield radiation of a nanoparticle in close vicinity to a substrate. By including in our description the contribution of eddy currents and the possibility to choose different temperatures for the nanoparticle, the substrate, and the background, we generalize the existing models. We discuss the impact of the different temperatures, particle size, emission angle, and the distance dependence for all four combinations of gold and SiC nanoparticles or substrates.
Metastability associated with manybody explosion of eigenmode expansion coefficients ; Metastable states in stochastic systems are often characterized by the presence of small eigenvalues in the generator of the stochastic dynamics. We here show that metastability in manybody systems is not necessarily associated with small eigenvalues. Instead, manybody explosion of eigenmode expansion coefficients characterizes slow relaxation, which is demonstrated for two models, interacting particles in a doublewell potential and the FredricksonAndersen model, the latter of which is a prototypical example of kinetically constrained models studied in glass and jamming transitions. Our results provide new insights into slow relaxation and metastability in manybody stochastic systems.
Collapse Geometry in Inhomogeneous FRW model ; Collapsing process is studied in special type of inhomogeneous spherically symmetric spacetime model known as IFRW model, having no timelike Killing vector field. The matter field for collapse dynamics is considered to be perfect fluid with anisotropic pressure. The main issue of the present investigation is to examine whether the end state of the collapse to be a naked singularity or a black hole. Finally, null geodesics is studied near the singularity.
DeepGLEAM A hybrid mechanistic and deep learning model for COVID19 forecasting ; We introduce DeepGLEAM, a hybrid model for COVID19 forecasting. DeepGLEAM combines a mechanistic stochastic simulation model GLEAM with deep learning. It uses deep learning to learn the correction terms from GLEAM, which leads to improved performance. We further integrate various uncertainty quantification methods to generate confidence intervals. We demonstrate DeepGLEAM on realworld COVID19 mortality forecasting tasks.
Impact of dynamical collapse models on inflationary cosmology ; Inflation solves several cosmological problems at the classical and quantum level, with a strong agreement between the theoretical predictions of wellmotivated inflationary models and observations. In this work, we study the corrections induced by dynamical collapse models, which phenomenologically solve the quantum measurement problem, to the power spectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation during inflation and the radiation dominated era. We find that the corrections are strongly negligible for the reference values of the collapse parameters.
Thiele's Differential Equation Based on Markov Jump Processes with Noncountable State Space ; In modern life insurance, Markov processes in continuous time on a finite or at least countable state space have been over the years an important tool for the modelling of the states of an insured. Motivated by applications in disability insurance, we propose in this paper a model for insurance states based on Markov jump processes with more general state spaces. We use this model to derive a new type of Thiele's differential equation which e.g. allows for a consistent calculation of reserves in disability insurance based on twoparameter continuous time rehabilitation rates.
Time and ensembleaverage statistical mechanics of the Gaussian Network Model ; We present analytical results up to a numerical diagonalization of a real symmetric matrix for a set of time and ensembleaverage physical observables in the nonHookean Gaussian Network Model GNM a generalization of the Rouse model to elastic networks with links with a certain degree of extensional and rotational stiffness. We focus on a set of coarsegrained observables that may be of interest in the analysis of GNM in the context of internal motions in proteins and mechanical frames in contact with a heat bath. A C computer code is made available that implements all analytical results.
Predicting times of waiting on red signals using BERT ; We present a method for approximating outcomes of road traffic simulations using BERTbased models, which may find applications in, e.g., optimizing traffic signal settings, especially with the presence of autonomous and connected vehicles. The experiments were conducted on a dataset generated using the Traffic Simulation Framework software runs on a realistic road network. The BERTbased models were compared with 4 other types of machine learning models LightGBM, fully connected neural networks and 2 types of graph neural networks and gave the best results in terms of all the considered metrics.
Investigating the parton shower model in PYTHIA8 with pp collision data at surds13, TeV ; Understanding the production of quarks and gluons in high energy collisions and their evolution is a very active area of investigation. Monte carlo event generator PYTHIA8 uses the parton shower model to simulate such collisions and is optimized using experimental observations. Recent measurements of event shape variables and differential jet crosssections in pp collisions at surds 13, TeV at the Large Hadron Collider have been used to investigate further the parton shower model as used in PYTHIA8.
Thermalization in Kitaev's quantum double models via Tensor Network techniques ; We show that the Davies generator associated to any 2D Kitaev's quantum double model has a nonvanishing spectral gap in the thermodynamic limit. This validates rigorously the extended belief that those models are useless as selfcorrecting quantum memories, even in the nonabelian case. The proof uses recent ideas and results regarding the characterization of the spectral gap for parent Hamiltonians associated to Projected Entangled Pair States in terms of a bulkboundary correspondence.
Convex optimization of bioprocesses ; We optimize a general model of bioprocesses, which is nonconvex due to the microbial growth in the biochemical reactors. We formulate a convex relaxation and give conditions guaranteeing its exactness in both the transient and steady state cases. When the growth kinetics are modeled by the Monod function under constant biomass or the Contois function, the relaxation is a secondorder cone program, which can be solved efficiently at large scales. We implement the model on a numerical example based on a wastewater treatment system.
Towards Better Adversarial Synthesis of Human Images from Text ; This paper proposes an approach that generates multiple 3D human meshes from text. The human shapes are represented by 3D meshes based on the SMPL model. The model's performance is evaluated on the COCO dataset, which contains challenging human shapes and intricate interactions between individuals. The model is able to capture the dynamics of the scene and the interactions between individuals based on text. We further show how using such a shape as input to image synthesis frameworks helps to constrain the network to synthesize humans with realistic human shapes.
NonAbelian Wrepresentation for GKM ; Wrepresentation is a miraculous possibility to define a nonperturbative exact partition function as an exponential action of somehow integrated Ward identities on unity. It is well known for numerous eigenvalue matrix models when the relevant operators are of a kind of Woperators for the Hermitian matrix model with the Virasoro constraints, it is a W3like operator, and so on. We extend this statement to the monomial generalized Kontsevich models GKM, where the new feature is the appearance of an ordered Pexponential for the set of noncommuting operators of different gradings.
Constantroll inflation from a fermionic field ; We study the inflationary period driven by a fermionic field which is nonminimally coupled to gravity in the context of the constantroll approach. We consider the model for a specific form of coupling and perform the corresponding inflationary analysis. By comparing the result with the Planck observations coming from CMB anisotropies, we find the observational constraints on the parameters space of the model and also the predictions the model. We find that the values of r and ns for 1.5betaleq0.9 are in good agreement with the observations when xi0.1 and N60.
Aspects of the polynomial affine model of gravity in three dimensions ; The polynomial affine gravity is a model that is built up without the explicit use of a metric tensor field. In this article we reformulate the threedimensional model and, given the decomposition of the affine connection, we analyse the consistently truncated sectors. Using the cosmological ansatz for the connection, we scan the cosmological solutions on the truncated sectors. We discuss the emergence of different kinds of metrics.
Yukawa Textures From Singular Spectral Data ; The Yukawa textures of effective heterotic models are studied by using singular spectral data. One advantage of this approach is that it is possible to dissect the cohomologies of the bundles into smaller parts and identify the pieces that contain the zero modes, which can potentially have nonzero Yukawa couplings. Another advantage is the manifest relationship between the Yukawa textures in heterotic models and local Ftheory models in terms of fields living in bulk or localized inside the 7branes. We only work with Weierstrass elliptically fibered CalabiYau manifolds here. The idea for generalizing this approach to every elliptically fibered CalabiYau with rational sections is given at the end of this paper.
LongRange Vector Models at Large N ; We calculate various CFT data for the ON vector model with the longrange interaction, working at the nexttoleading order in the 1N expansion. Our results provide additional evidence for the existence of conformal symmetry at the longrange fixed point, as well as the continuity of the CFT data at the longrange to shortrange crossover point sstar of the exponent parameter s. We also develop the N1 generalization of the recently proposed IR duality between the longrange and the deformed shortrange models, providing further evidence for its nonperturbative validity in the entire region d2ssstar.
Robust deep learning for emulating turbulent viscosities ; From the simplest models to complex deep neural networks, modeling turbulence with machine learning techniques still offers multiple challenges. In this context, the present contribution proposes a robust strategy using patchbased training to learn turbulent viscosity from flow velocities, and demonstrates its efficient use on the SpallartAllmaras turbulence model. Training datasets are generated for flow past twodimensional 2D obstacles at high Reynolds numbers and used to train an autoencoder type convolutional neural network with local patch inputs. Compared to a standard training technique, patchbased learning not only yields increased accuracy but also reduces the computational cost required for training.
Gravitation and regular Universe without dark energy and dark matter ; It is shown that isotropic cosmology in the RiemannCartan spacetime allows to solve the problem of cosmological singularity as well as the problems of invisible matter components dark energy and dark matter. All cosmological models filled with usual gravitating matter satisfying energy dominance conditions are regular with respect to energy density, spacetime metrics and the Hubble parameter. At asymptotics cosmological solutions of spatially flat models describe accelerating Universe without dark energy and dark matter, and quantitatively their behaviour is identical to that of standard cosmological Lambda CDMmodel.
Singularityfree dark energy star ; We propose a model for an anisotropic dark energy star where we assume that the radial pressure exerted on the system due to the presence of dark energy is proportional to the isotropic perfect fluid matter density. We discuss various physical features of our model and show that the model satisfies all the regularity conditions and stable as well as singularityfree.
Nuclear matter, nuclei, and neutron stars in hadron and quarkhadron models ; We develop a unified model of hadrons and quarks. Within this approach we investigate the phase structure of the model as function of temperature and chemical potential. Computing the equation of state of cold matter we determine neutron and hybrid star masses and radii. In an extension of the investigation we consider the cooling behavior of the compact stars and derive a general relation between the star's mass and rotation and its cooling behavior. Finally we study the effect of Delta resonances for star matter, especially with respect to possible solutions of stars with small radii.
On the viability of some Emergent Universe models ; A particular class of flat Emergent Universe scenario is studied in light of recent observational data. Observationally permissible ranges of values are obtained for the model parameters. The class of model studied here can accommodate different composition of matterenergy as cosmic fluid. It is found that recent observations favour some compositions over others while some compositions can be ruled out with some level of confidence.
Nonlinear Structure Formation with the Environmentally Dependent Dilaton ; We have studied the nonlinear structure formation of the environmentally dependent dilaton model using Nbody simulations. We find that the mechanism of suppressing the scalar fifth force in highdensity regions works very well. Within the parameter space allowed by the solar system tests, the dilaton model predicts small deviations of the matter power spectrum and the mass function from their LambdaCDM counterparts. The importance of taking full account of the nonlinearity of the model is also emphasized.
Hidden Fine Tuning In The Quark Sector Of Little Higgs Models ; In Little Higgs models a collective symmetry prevents the higgs from acquiring a quadratically divergent mass at one loop. We have previously shown that the couplings in the Littlest Higgs model introduced to give the top quark a mass do not naturally respect the collective symmetry. We extend our previous work showing that the problem is generic it arises from the fact that the would be collective symmetry of any one top quark mass term is broken by gauge interactions.
Exponential asymptotic spin correlations in XY chains ; The longtime and longdistance asymptotic behavior of the x spin correlations at finite temperature in an anisotropic spin12 XY chain is determined numerically. The decay of the correlations is exponential in both space and time. Similar exponential decay of correlations was already found earlier in the special case of the isotropic model, where analytical expressions for the decay rates could be derived via a mapping to a different model. While no such mapping is known for the anisotropic model, the asymptotic correlations can be very well approximated by a natural generalization of the known analytic results for the isotropic case.
Faithful fermionic representations of the Kondo lattice model ; We study the Kondo lattice model using a class of canonical transformations that allow us to faithfully represent the model entirely in terms of fermions without constraints. The transformations generate interacting theories that we study using mean field theory. Of particular interest is a new manifestly O3symmetric representation in terms of Majorana fermions at halffilling on bipartite lattices. This representation suggests a natural O3symmetric trial state that is investigated and characterized as a gapped spin liquid.
Deformed Statistics Free Energy Model for Source Separation using Unsupervised Learning ; A generalizedstatistics variational principle for source separation is formulated by recourse to Tsallis' entropy subjected to the additive duality and employing constraints described by normal averages. The variational principle is amalgamated with Hopfieldlike learning rules resulting in an unsupervised learning model. The update rules are formulated with the aid of qdeformed calculus. Numerical examples exemplify the efficacy of this model.
Moderate Deviations for a CurieWeiss model with dynamical external field ; In the present paper we prove moderate deviations for a CurieWeiss model with external magnetic field generated by a dynamical system, as introduced by Dombry and GuillotinPlantard. The results extend those already obtained in the case of a constant external field by Eichelsbacher and Lowe. The CurieWeiss model with dynamic external field is related to the so called dynamic Zrandom walks. We also prove a moderate deviation result for the dynamic Zrandom walk, completing the list of limit theorems for this object.
The Plebanski sectors of the EPRL vertex ; Modern spinfoam models of four dimensional gravity are based on a discrete version of the Spin4 Plebanski formulation. Beyond what is already in the literature, we clarify the meaning of different Plebanski sectors in this classical discrete model. We show that the linearized simplicity constraints used in the EPRL and FK models are not sufficient to impose a restriction to a single Plebanski sector, but rather, three Plebanski sectors are mixed. We propose this as the reason for certain extra undesired' terms in the asymptotics of the EPRL vertex analyzed by Barrett et al. This explanation for the extra terms is new and different from that sometimes offered in the spinfoam literature thus far.
Gauged WZW models for spacetime groups and gravitational actions ; In this paper we investigate gauged WessZuminoWitten models for spacetime groups as gravitational theories, following the trend of recent work by Anabalon, Willison and Zanelli. We discuss the field equations in any dimension and study in detail the simplest case of two spacetime dimensions and gauge group SO2,1. For this model we study black hole solutions and we calculate their mass and entropy which resulted in a null value for both.
Reconsidering a higherspinfield solution to the main cosmological constant problem ; Following an earlier suggestion by Dolgov, we present a specific model of two massless vector fields which dynamically cancel a cosmological constant of arbitrary magnitude and sign. Flat Minkowski spacetime appears asymptotically as an attractor of the field equations. Unlike the original model, the new model does not upset the local Newtonian gravitational dynamics.
TimeDependent Gutzwiller Theory for Multiband Hubbard Models ; Based on the variational Gutzwiller theory, we present a method for the computation of response functions for multiband Hubbard models with general local Coulomb interactions. The improvement over the conventional randomphase approximation is exemplified for an infinitedimensional twoband Hubbard model where the incorporation of the local multipletstructure leads to a much larger sensitivity of ferromagnetism on the Hund coupling. Our method can be implemented into LDAGutzwiller schemes and will therefore be an important tool for the computation of response functions for strongly correlated materials.
Series expansions from the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method the hard squares model ; The corner transfer matrix renormalization group method is an efficient method for evaluating physical quantities in statistical mechanical models. It originates from Baxter's corner transfer matrix equations and method, and was developed by Nishino and Okunishi in 1996. In this paper, we review and adapt this method, previously used for numerical calculations, to derive series expansions. We use this to calculate 92 terms of the partition function of the hard squares model. We also examine the claim that the method is subexponential in the number of generated terms and briefly analyse the resulting series.
RandallSundrum limit of fR braneworld models ; By setting some special boundary conditions in the variational principle we obtain junction conditions for the fivedimensional fR gravity which in the Einstein limit fRrightarrow R transform into the standard RandallSundrum junction conditions. We apply these junction conditions to a particular model of a Friedmann universe on the brane and show explicitly that the limit gives the standard RandallSundrum model Friedmann equation.
Technicolor Models with ColorSinglet Technifermions and their Ultraviolet Extensions ; We study technicolor models in which all of the technifermions are colorsinglets, focusing on the case in these fermions transform according to the fundamental representation of the technicolor gauge group. Our analysis includes a derivation of restrictions on the weak hypercharge assignments for the technifermions and additional colorsinglet, technisinglet fermions arising from the necessity of avoiding stable bound states with exotic electric charges. Precision electroweak constraints on these models are also discussed. We determine some general properties of extended technicolor theories containing these technicolor sectors.
On the Role of the Running Coupling Constant in a Quark Model Analysis of Todd TMDs ; We revisit the standard procedure to match nonperturbative models to perturbative QCD, using experimental data. The strong coupling constant plays a central role in the QCD evolution of parton densities. We will extend this procedure with a nonperturbative generalization of the QCD running coupling and use this new development to understand why perturbative treatments are working reasonably well in the context of hadronic models. Vice versa, this new procedure broadens the ways of analyzing the freezing of the running coupling constant.
Planetary Atmospheres as NonEquilibrium Condensed Matter ; Planetary atmospheres, and models of them, are discussed from the viewpoint of condensed matter physics. Atmospheres are a form of condensed matter, and many interesting phenomena of condensed matter systems are realized by them. The essential physics of the general circulation is illustrated with idealized 2layer and 1layer models of the atmosphere. Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics are used to directly ascertain the statistics of these models.
Analysis of a mathematical model of syntrophic bacteria in a chemostat ; A mathematical model involving a syntrophic relationship between two populations of bacteria in a continuous culture is proposed. A detailed qualitative analysis is carried out. The local and global stability analysis of the equilibria are performed. We demonstrate, under general assumptions of monotonicity, relevant from an applied point of view, the asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium point which corresponds to the coexistence of the two bacteria. A syntrophic relationship in the anaerobic digestion process is proposed as a real candidate for this model.
Exact Global Phantonical Solutions in the Emergent Universe ; We present new classes of exact solutions for an Emergent Universe supported by phantom and canonical scalar fields in the framework of a twocomponent chiral cosmological model. We outline in detail the method of deriving exact solutions, discuss the potential and kinetic interaction for the model and calculate key cosmological parameters. We suggest that this this model be called a it phantonical Emergent Universe because of the necessity to have phantom and canonical chiral fields. The solutions obtained are valid for all time.
BTZ Black Hole Entropy and the TuraevViro model ; We show the explicit agreement between the derivation of the BekensteinHawking entropy of a Euclidean BTZ black hole from the point of view of spin foam models and canonical quantization. This is done by considering a graph observable corresponding to the black hole horizon in the TuraevViro state sum model, and then analytically continuing the resulting partition function to negative values of the cosmological constant.
Model categories with simple homotopy categories ; In the present article, we describe constructions of model structures on general bicomplete categories. We are motivated by the following question given a category mathcalC with a subcategory wmathcalC closed under retracts, when is there a model structure on mathcalC with wmathcalC as the subcategory of weak equivalences We begin exploring this question in the case where wmathcalC F1mathrmiso, mathcalD for some functor FmathcalCrightarrow mathcalD. We also prove properness of our constructions under minor assumptions and examine an application to the category of infinite graphs.
Topological Midgap States of Topological Insulators with FluxSuperlattice ; In this paper based on the Haldane model, we study the topological insulator with superlattice of pifluxes. We find that there exist the midgap states induced by the fluxsuperlattice. In particular, the midgap states have nontrivial topological properties, including the nonzero Chern number and the gapless edge states. We derive an effective tightbinding model to describe the topological midgap states and then study the midgap states by the effective tightbinding model. The results can be straightforwardly generalized to other two dimensional topological insulators with fluxsuperlattice.
Consistency of Causal Inference under the Additive Noise Model ; We analyze a family of methods for statistical causal inference from sample under the socalled Additive Noise Model. While most work on the subject has concentrated on establishing the soundness of the Additive Noise Model, the statistical consistency of the resulting inference methods has received little attention. We derive general conditions under which the given family of inference methods consistently infers the causal direction in a nonparametric setting.
Bulk Viscosity in Holographic Lifshitz Hydrodynamics ; We compute the bulk viscosity in holographic models dual to theories with Lifshitz scaling andor hyperscaling violation, using a generalization of the bulk viscosity formula derived in arXiv1103.1657 from the null focusing equation. We find that only a class of models with massive vector fields are truly Lifshitz scale invariant, and have a vanishing bulk viscosity. For other holographic models with scalars andor massless vector fields we find a universal formula in terms of the dynamical exponent and the hyperscaling violation exponent.
Seeing bulk topological properties of band insulators in small photonic lattices ; We present a general scheme for measuring the bulk properties of noninteracting tightbinding models realized in arrays of coupled photonic cavities. Specifically, we propose to implement a single unit cell of the targeted model with tunable twisted boundary conditions in order to simulate large systems and, most importantly, to access bulk topological properties experimentally. We illustrate our method by demonstrating how to measure topological invariants in a twodimensional quantum Halllike model.
Language Modeling with Power Low Rank Ensembles ; We present power low rank ensembles PLRE, a flexible framework for ngram language modeling where ensembles of low rank matrices and tensors are used to obtain smoothed probability estimates of words in context. Our method can be understood as a generalization of ngram modeling to noninteger n, and includes standard techniques such as absolute discounting and KneserNey smoothing as special cases. PLRE training is efficient and our approach outperforms stateoftheart modified Kneser Ney baselines in terms of perplexity on large corpora as well as on BLEU score in a downstream machine translation task.
Crossing probabilities in topological rectangles for the critical planar FKIsing model ; We consider the FKIsing model in two dimensions at criticality. We obtain bounds on crossing probabilities of arbitrary topological rectangles, uniform with respect to the boundary conditions, generalizing results of DCHN11 and CS12. Our result relies on new discrete complex analysis techniques, introduced in Che12. We detail some applications, in particular the computation of socalled universal exponents, the proof of quasimultiplicativity properties of arm probabilities, and bounds on crossing probabilities for the classical Ising model.
Quintessence Cosmology with an Effective Term in Lyra Manifold ; In this paper, we study quintessence cosmology with an effective Lambdaterm in Lyra manifold. We consider three different models by choosing variable Lambda depend on time, the Hubble parameter and the energy density of dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy assumed as quintessence which interacts with the dark matter. By using numerical analysis we investigate behavior of cosmological parameters in three different models and compare our results with observational data. Statefinder diagnostic is also performed for all models.
Relative entropy minimizing noisy nonlinear neural network to approximate stochastic processes ; A method is provided for designing and training noisedriven recurrent neural networks as models of stochastic processes. The method unifies and generalizes two known separate modeling approaches, Echo State Networks ESN and Linear Inverse Modeling LIM, under the common principle of relative entropy minimization. The power of the new method is demonstrated on a stochastic approximation of the El Nino phenomenon studied in climate research.
A model problem for Mean Field Games on networks ; In 14, Gueant, Lasry and Lions considered the model problem What time does meeting start'' as a prototype for a general class of optimization problems with a continuum of players, called Mean Field Games problems. In this paper we consider a similar model, but with the dynamics of the agents defined on a network. We discuss appropriate transition conditions at the vertices which give a well posed problem and we present some numerical results.
Absence of percolation in the Bernoulli Boolean model ; We consider the Bernoulli Boolean discrete percolation model on the ddimensional integer lattice. We study sufficient conditions on the distribution of the radii of balls placed at the points of a Bernoulli point process for the absence of percolation, provided that the intensity of the underlying point process is small enough. We also study a Harris graphical procedure to construct, forward in time, particle systems with interactions of infinite range under the assumption that the corresponding generator admits a Kalikowtype decomposition. We do so by using the subcriticality of the boolean model of discrete percolation.
Relativistic theory of diHoleums quantized gravitational bound states of two micro black holes ; The KleinGordon equation is solved for diHoleums gravitational bound states of two micro black holes for scalar and vector gravity in its static limit. The relativistic models confirm the predictions of the nonrelativistic Newtonian gravity model, correct to about six significant figures over almost the entire subPlanck domain. All three models possess a mass range devoid of physics. This is interpreted as evidence that the universe must have more than four dimensions. We show that the formation of Holeums is feasible both in the subPlanck mass and abovePlanck mass ranges.
Wmixnet Software for Clustering the Nodes of Binary and Valued Graphs using the Stochastic Block Model ; Clustering the nodes of a graph allows the analysis of the topology of a network. The stochastic block model is a clustering method based on a probabilistic model. Initially developed for binary networks it has recently been extended to valued networks possibly with covariates on the edges. We present an implementation of a variational EM algorithm. It is written using C, parallelized, available under a GNU General Public License version 3, and can select the optimal number of clusters using the ICL criteria. It allows us to analyze networks with ten thousand nodes in a reasonable amount of time.
Traveling Wave Phenomena in a KermackMcKendrick SIR model ; We study the existence and nonexistence of traveling waves of general diffusive KermackMcKendrick SIR models with standard incidence where the total population is not constant. The three classes, susceptible S, infected I and removed R, are all involved in the traveling wave solutions. We show that the minimum speed for the existence of traveling waves for this threedimensional nonmonotonic system can be derived from its linearizaion at the initial diseasefree equilibrium. The proof in this paper is based on Schauder fixed point theorem and Laplace transform and provides a promising method to deal with high dimensional epidemic models.
Application of PseudoTransient Continuation Method in Dynamic Stability Analysis ; In this paper, pseudotransient continuation method has been modified and implemented in power system longterm stability analysis. This method is a middle ground between integration and steady state calculation, thus is a good compromise between accuracy and efficiency. Pseudotransient continuation method can be applied in the longterm stability model directly to accelerate simulation speed and can also be implemented in the QSS model to overcome numerical difficulties. Numerical examples show that pseudotransient continuation method can provide correct approximations for the longterm stability model in terms of trajectories and stability assessment.
Trace Pursuit A General Framework for ModelFree Variable Selection ; We propose trace pursuit for modelfree variable selection under the sufficient dimension reduction paradigm. Two distinct algorithms are proposed stepwise trace pursuit and forward trace pursuit. Stepwise trace pursuit achieves selection consistency with fixed p, and is readily applicable in the challenging setting with pn. Forward trace pursuit can serve as an initial screening step to speed up the computation in the case of ultrahigh dimensionality. The screening consistency property of forward trace pursuit based on sliced inverse regression is established. Finite sample performances of trace pursuit and other modelfree variable selection methods are compared through numerical studies.
A GodementJacquet type integral and the metaplectic Shalika model ; We present a novel integral representation for a quotient of global automorphic Lfunctions, the symmetric square over the exterior square. The pole of this integral characterizes a period of a residual representation of an Eisenstein series. As such, the integral itself constitutes a period, of an arithmetic nature. The construction involves the study of local and global aspects of a new model for double covers of general linear groups, the metaplectic Shalika model. In particular, we prove uniqueness results over padic and Archimedean fields, and a new CasselmanShalika type formula.
Treelevel equivalence between a Lorentzviolating extension of QED and its dual model in electronelectron scattering ; Smatrix amplitudes for the electronelectron scattering are calculated in order to verify the quantum equivalence of dual models. We used an extended Quantum Electrodynamics with CPTeven Lorentzviolating kinetic and mass terms, which was used in a process of gauge embedding, known as Noether dualizationn method NDM, in order to generate its gaugeinvariant dual model. The physical equivalence was established at treelevel and the cross section was calculated to second order in the Lorentzviolating parameter.
On the Analysis of a ContinuousTime BiVirus Model ; Motivated by the spread of opinions on different social networks, we study a distributed continuoustime bivirus model for a system of groups of individuals. An indepth stability analysis is performed for more general models than have been previously considered, for the healthy and epidemic states. In addition, we investigate sensitivity properties of some nontrivial equilibria and obtain an impossibility result for distributed feedback control.
A New Way to Derive the TaubNUT Metric with Positive Cosmological Constant ; We investigate a biaxial Bianchi IX model with positive cosmological constant, which is sometimes called the LambdaTaubNUT spacetime, whose exact solution is well known. The minisuperspace of biaxial Bianchi IX models admits two nontrivial Killing tensors that play an important role for deriving the TaubNUT metric. We also give a brief discussion about the asymptotic behaviour of Bianchi IX models.
Tutorial to SARAH ; I give in this brief tutorial a short practical introduction to the Mathematica package SARAH. First, it is shown how an existing model file can be changed to implement a new model in SARAH. In the second part, masses, vertices and renormalisation group equations are calculated with SARAH. Finally, the main commands to generate model files and output for other tools are summarised.
Neural Summarization by Extracting Sentences and Words ; Traditional approaches to extractive summarization rely heavily on humanengineered features. In this work we propose a datadriven approach based on neural networks and continuous sentence features. We develop a general framework for singledocument summarization composed of a hierarchical document encoder and an attentionbased extractor. This architecture allows us to develop different classes of summarization models which can extract sentences or words. We train our models on large scale corpora containing hundreds of thousands of documentsummary pairs. Experimental results on two summarization datasets demonstrate that our models obtain results comparable to the state of the art without any access to linguistic annotation.
Leptoquark patterns unifying neutrino masses, flavor anomalies, and the diphoton excess ; Vector leptoquarks provide an elegant solution to a series of anomalies and at the same time generate naturally light neutrino masses through their mixing with the standard model Higgs boson. We present a simple FroggattNielsen model to accommodate the B physics anomalies RK and RD, neutrino masses, and the 750 GeV diphoton excess in one cohesive framework adding only two vector leptoquarks and two singlet scalar fields to the standard model field content.
Belief Propagation on replica symmetric random factor graph models ; According to physics predictions, the free energy of random factor graph models that satisfy a certain static replica symmetry condition can be calculated via the Belief Propagation message passing scheme Krzakala et al., PNAS 2007. Here we prove this conjecture for two general classes of random factor graph models, namely Poisson random factor graphs and random regular factor graphs. Specifically, we show that the messages constructed just as in the case of acyclic factor graphs asymptotically satisfy the Belief Propagation equations and that the free energy density is given by the Bethe free energy formula.
The Gravitational Constant as a quantum mechanical expression ; A quantitatively verifiable expression for the Gravitational Constant is derived in terms of quantum mechanical quantities. This derivation appears to be possible by selecting a suitable physical process in which the transformation of the equation of motion into a quantum mechanical wave equation can be obtained by Einstein's geodesic approach. The selected process is the pimeson, modeled as the onebody equivalent of a twobody quantum mechanical oscillator in which the vibrating mass is modeled as the result of the two energy fluxes from the quark and the antiquark. The quantum mechanical formula for the Gravitational Constant appears to show a quantitatively verifiable relationship with the Higgs boson as conceived in the Standard Model.
Spectral Mestimation with Applications to Hidden Markov Models ; Method of moment estimators exhibit appealing statistical properties, such as asymptotic unbiasedness, for nonconvex problems. However, they typically require a large number of samples and are extremely sensitive to model misspecification. In this paper, we apply the framework of Mestimation to develop both a generalized method of moments procedure and a principled method for regularization. Our proposed Mestimator obtains optimal sample efficiency rates in the class of momentbased estimators and the same wellknown rates on prediction accuracy as other spectral estimators. It also makes it straightforward to incorporate regularization into the sample moment conditions. We demonstrate empirically the gains in sample efficiency from our approach on hidden Markov models.
Numerically Grounded Language Models for Semantic Error Correction ; Semantic error detection and correction is an important task for applications such as fact checking, speechtotext or grammatical error correction. Current approaches generally focus on relatively shallow semantics and do not account for numeric quantities. Our approach uses language models grounded in numbers within the text. Such groundings are easily achieved for recurrent neural language model architectures, which can be further conditioned on incomplete background knowledge bases. Our evaluation on clinical reports shows that numerical grounding improves perplexity by 33 and F1 for semantic error correction by 5 points when compared to ungrounded approaches. Conditioning on a knowledge base yields further improvements.
Simultaneous model selection and parameter estimation A superconducting qubit coupled to a bath of incoherent twolevel systems ; In characterization of quantum systems, adapting measurement settings based on data while it is collected can generally outperform in efficiency conventional measurements that are carried out independently of data. The existing methods for choosing measurement settings adaptively assume that the model, or the number of unknown parameters, is known. We introduce simultaneous adaptive model selection and parameter estimation. We apply our technique for characterization of a superconducting qubit and a bath of incoherent twolevel systems, a leading decoherence mechanism in the stateoftheart superconducting qubits.
Distributional properties and parameters estimation of GSB Process An approach based on characteristic functions ; A general type of a SplitBREAK process with Gaussian innovations henceforth, Gaussian SplitBREAK or GSB process is considered. The basic stochastic properties of the model are studied and its characteristic function derived. A procedure to estimate the parameter of the GSB model based on the Empirical Characteristic Function ECF is proposed. Our simulations suggest that the proposed method performs well compared to a Method of Moment procedure used as benchmark. The empirical use of the GSB model is illustrated with an application to the time series of total values of shares traded at Belgrade Stock Exchange.
Review Longbaseline oscillation experiments as a tool to probe High Energy Models ; We review the current status of neutrino oscillation experiments, mainly focussed on T2HK, NOnuA and DUNE. Their capability to probe high energy physics is found in the precision measurement of the CP phase and theta23. In general, neutrino mass models predicts correlations among the mixing angles that can be used to scan and shrink down its parameter space. We updated previous analysis and presents a list of models that contain such structure.
Investigations on Knowledge Base Embedding for Relation Prediction and Extraction ; We report an evaluation of the effectiveness of the existing knowledge base embedding models for relation prediction and for relation extraction on a wide range of benchmarks. We also describe a new benchmark, which is much larger and complex than previous ones, which we introduce to help validate the effectiveness of both tasks. The results demonstrate that knowledge base embedding models are generally effective for relation prediction but unable to give improvements for the stateofart neural relation extraction model with the existing strategies, while pointing limitations of existing methods.
Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry in J Production ; We estimate transverse single spin asymmetry TSSA in electroproduction of Jpsi for JLab and EIC energies. We present estimates of TSSAs in Jpsi production within generalized parton model GPM using recent parametrizations of gluon Sivers function GSF and compare the results obtained using color singlet model CSM with those obtained using color evaporation model CEM of quarkonium production.
On Nonslow Roll Inflationary Regimes ; We summarize our work on constant roll inflationary models. It was understood recently that constant roll inflation, in a regime beyond the slow roll approximation, can give models that are in agreement with the observational constraints. We describe a new class of constant roll inflationary models and investigate the behavior of scalar perturbations in them. We also comment on other nonslow roll regimes of inflation.
A Weighted Likelihood Approach Based on Statistical Data Depths ; We propose a general approach to construct weighted likelihood estimating equations with the aim of obtain robust estimates. The weight, attached to each score contribution, is evaluated by comparing the statistical data depth at the model with that of the sample in a given point. Observations are considered regular when the ratio of these two depths is close to one, whereas, when the ratio is large the corresponding score contribution may be downweigthed. Details and examples are provided for the robust estimation of the parameters in the multivariate normal model. Because of the form of the weights, we expect that, there will be no downweighting under the true model leading to highly efficient estimators. Robustness is illustrated using two real data sets.
QuasiNewtonian Cosmological Models in ScalarTensor Theories of Gravity ; In this contribution, classes of shearfree cosmological dust models with irrotational fluid flows will be investigated in the context of scalartensor theories of gravity. In particular, the integrability conditions describing a consistent evolution of the linearised field equations of quasiNewtonian universes are presented. We also derive the covariant density and velocity propagation equations of such models and analyse the corresponding solutions to these perturbation equations.
NonExtensive Transport Equations in Magnetized Plasmas ; In this work we introduce, for the first time, as far as we know, a complete selfconsist kinetic model for collisional transport in the nonextensive statistics, i.e., the generalization of the ordinary MaxwellBoltmzann statistics according to the Tsallis entropy. Starting only from the definition of this entropy, we derive the kinetic model, find its solutions for the electrons in a strongly magnetized plasmas, and calculate the respective transport coefficients in order to set the closed fluid equations. The results are further applied to model heat transport in space plasmas and the cold pulse phenomenon in magnetic confined plasmas.
Towards construction of ghostfree higher derivative gravity from bigravity ; In this paper, the ghostfreeness of the higher derivative theory proposed by Hassan et al. in Universe 1 2015 2, 92 is investigated. Hassan et al. believed the ghostfreeness of the higher derivative theory based on the analysis in the linear approximation. However, in order to obtain the complete correspondence, we have to analyze the model without any approximations. In this paper, we analyze two scalar model proposed in Universe 1 2015 2, 92 with arbitrary nonderivative interaction terms. In any order with respect to perturbative parameter, we prove that we can eliminate the ghost for the model with any nonderivative interaction terms.
Learning in Integer Latent Variable Models with Nested Automatic Differentiation ; We develop nested automatic differentiation AD algorithms for exact inference and learning in integer latent variable models. Recently, Winner, Sujono, and Sheldon showed how to reduce marginalization in a class of integer latent variable models to evaluating a probability generating function which contains many levels of nested highorder derivatives. We contribute faster and more stable AD algorithms for this challenging problem and a novel algorithm to compute exact gradients for learning. These contributions lead to significantly faster and more accurate learning algorithms, and are the first AD algorithms whose running time is polynomial in the number of levels of nesting.
Gedanken Tests for Correlated Michelson Interferometers One interferometer tests and twointerferometer tests the role of cosmologicallyimplemented models including Poincare particles ; The features of correlated Michelson interferometers are for describing the analysis of Einsteinian spacetime models, and the quantum geometries pertinent with descriptions of GR compatible with particle Physics. Such apparati allow for the spectral decomposition of fractional Planckscale displacements correlations and fractional Plancktime interval correlations for kinematical investigations in particle Physics on emerging Minkowski background, and for models which admit GR as a limit after cosmological implementations for Poincar'e particles content.
Primordial Black Hole Production in Inflationary Models of Supergravity with a Single Chiral Superfield ; We propose a double inflection point inflationary model in supergravity with a single chiral superfield. Such a model allows for the generation of primordial black holesPBHs at small scales, which can account for a significant fraction of dark matter. Moreover in vacuum it is possible to give a small and adjustable SUSY breaking with a tiny cosmological constant.
Wigner function in the polariton phase space ; The Wigner function of a dynamical infinite dimensional lattice is studied. A closed differential equation without diffusion terms for this function is obtained and solved. We map atomphoton interaction systems, such as the JaynesCummings model, into this lattice model, where each dressed or polariton state corresponds to a point in the lattice and the conjugate momenta are described by the eigenvalues of the phase operator. The corresponding Wigner function is defined by these two conjugate variables in what we name the polariton phase space. We derive a general propagator of the Wigner function, which is also valid for other hybrid models.
MomentumBased Topology Estimation of Articulated Objects ; Articulated objects like doors, drawers, valves, and tools are pervasive in our everyday unstructured dynamic environments. Articulation models describe the joint nature between the different parts of an articulated object. As most of these objects are passive, a robot has to interact with them to infer all the articulation models to understand the object topology. We present a general algorithm to estimate the inherent articulation models by exploiting the momentum of the articulated system along with the interaction wrench while manipulating the object. We validate our approach with experiments in a simulation environment.
American Put Option pricing using Least squares Monte Carlo method under Bakshi, Cao and Chen Model Framework 1997 and comparison to alternative regression techniques in Monte Carlo ; This paper explores alternative regression techniques in pricing American put options and compares to the leastsquares method LSM in Monte Carlo implemented by LongstaffSchwartz, 2001 which uses least squares to estimate the conditional expected payoff to the option holder from continuation. The pricing is done under general model framework of Bakshi, Cao and Chen 1997 which incorporates, stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rate and jumps. Alternative regression techniques used are Artificial Neural Network ANN and Gradient Boosted Machine GBM Trees. Model calibration is done on American put options on SPY using these three techniques and results are compared on out of sample data.
Modeling and Simulation of Regenerative Braking Energy in DC Electric Rail Systems ; Regenerative braking energy is the energy produced by a train during deceleration. When a train decelerates, the motors act as generators and produce electricity. This energy can be fed back to the third rail and consumed by other trains accelerating nearby. If there are no nearby trains, this energy is dumped as heat to avoid over voltage. Regenerative braking energy can be saved by installing energy storage systems ESS and reused later when it is needed. To find a suitable design, size and placement of energy storage, a good understanding of this energy is required. The aim of this paper is to model and simulate regenerative braking energy. The dc electric rail transit system model introduced in this paper includes trains, substations and rail systems.
Imagining the Unseen Learning a Distribution over Incomplete Images with Dense Latent Trees ; Images are composed as a hierarchy of object parts. We use this insight to create a generative graphical model that defines a hierarchical distribution over image parts. Typically, this leads to intractable inference due to loops in the graph. We propose an alternative model structure, the Dense Latent Tree DLT, which avoids loops and allows for efficient exact inference, while maintaining a dense connectivity between parts of the hierarchy. The usefulness of DLTs is shown for the example task of image completion on partially observed MNIST and FashionMNIST data. We verify having successfully learned a hierarchical model of images by visualising its latent states.
Cosmological perturbations in modified teleparallel gravity models ; Cosmological perturbations are considered in fT and in scalartorsion fvarphiT teleparallel models of gravity. Full sets of linear perturbation equations are accurately derived and analysed at the relevant limits. Interesting features of generalisations to other teleparallel models, spatially curved backgrounds, and rotated tetrads are pointed out.
Exponential synchronization of the highdimensional Kuramoto model with identical oscillators under digraphs ; For the Kuramoto model and its variations, it is difficult to analyze the exponential synchronization under the general digraphs due to the lack of symmetry. due to the asymmetry of the adjacency matrices. In this paper, for the highdimensional Kuramoto model of identical oscillators, a matrix Riccati differential equation MRDE is proposed to describe the error dynamics. Based on the MRDE, the exponential synchronization is proved by constructing a total error function for the case of digraphs admitting spanning trees. Finally, some numerical simulations are given to illustrate the obtained theoretical results.
Large Margin Neural Language Model ; We propose a large margin criterion for training neural language models. Conventionally, neural language models are trained by minimizing perplexity PPL on grammatical sentences. However, we demonstrate that PPL may not be the best metric to optimize in some tasks, and further propose a large margin formulation. The proposed method aims to enlarge the margin between the good and bad sentences in a taskspecific sense. It is trained endtoend and can be widely applied to tasks that involve rescoring of generated text. Compared with minimumPPL training, our method gains up to 1.1 WER reduction for speech recognition and 1.0 BLEU increase for machine translation.
Abelian 21D Loop Quantum Gravity Coupled to a Scalar Field ; In order to study 3d loop quantum gravity coupled to matter, we consider a simplified model of abelian quantum gravity, the socalled U13 model. Abelian gravity coupled to a scalar field shares a lot of commonalities with parameterized field theories. We use this to develop an exact quantization of the model. This is used to discuss solutions to various problems that plague even the 4d theory, namely the definition of an inverse metric and the role of the choice of representation for the holonomyflux algebra.
WikiAtomicEdits A Multilingual Corpus of Wikipedia Edits for Modeling Language and Discourse ; We release a corpus of 43 million atomic edits across 8 languages. These edits are mined from Wikipedia edit history and consist of instances in which a human editor has inserted a single contiguous phrase into, or deleted a single contiguous phrase from, an existing sentence. We use the collected data to show that the language generated during editing differs from the language that we observe in standard corpora, and that models trained on edits encode different aspects of semantics and discourse than models trained on raw, unstructured text. We release the full corpus as a resource to aid ongoing research in semantics, discourse, and representation learning.
Attractor Dimensions of ThreeDimensional NavierStokes Model for Fast Rotating Fluids on GenericPeriod Domains Comparison with NavierStokes Equations ; The threedimensional NavierStokesalpha model for fast rotating geophysical fluids is considered. The NavierStokesalpha model is a nonlinear dispersive regularization of the exact NavierStokes equations obtained by Lagrangian averaging and tend to the NavierStokes equations as alpharightarrow 0. We estimate upper bounds for the dimensions of global attractors and study the dependence of the dimensions on the parameter alpha. All the estimates are uniform in alpha, and our estimate of attractor dimensions remain finite when alpharightarrow 0.
Directed Exploration in PAC ModelFree Reinforcement Learning ; We study an exploration method for modelfree RL that generalizes the counterbased exploration bonus methods and takes into account long term exploratory value of actions rather than a single step lookahead. We propose a modelfree RL method that modifies Delayed Qlearning and utilizes the longterm exploration bonus with provable efficiency. We show that our proposed method finds a nearoptimal policy in polynomial time PACMDP, and also provide experimental evidence that our proposed algorithm is an efficient exploration method.
Imitation Learning for Neural Morphological String Transduction ; We employ imitation learning to train a neural transitionbased string transducer for morphological tasks such as inflection generation and lemmatization. Previous approaches to training this type of model either rely on an external character aligner for the production of gold action sequences, which results in a suboptimal model due to the unwarranted dependence on a single gold action sequence despite spurious ambiguity, or require warm starting with an MLE model. Our approach only requires a simple expert policy, eliminating the need for a character aligner or warm start. It also addresses familiar MLE training biases and leads to strong and stateoftheart performance on several benchmarks.
Searches for rare and nonStandard Model decays of the Higgs boson ; Discovered in 2012, the Higgs boson has opened a new window on nature. The latest searches for its rare and nonStandard Model decays with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. They represent a promising probe of the 1st and 2nd generation Yukawa couplings, and of new physics. Searches for rare exclusive decays of the Higgs boson to a meson and a photon are presented. Also presented are four searches for decays of the Higgs boson to pairs of beyond the Standard Model resonances, in various final states.