# # Copyright (c) 2015 - 2023, Intel Corporation # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # from geopmdpy.gffi import gffi from geopmdpy.gffi import get_dl_geopm from geopmdpy import error import json gffi.cdef(""" int geopm_agent_supported(const char *agent_name); int geopm_agent_num_policy(const char *agent_name, int *num_policy); int geopm_agent_policy_name(const char *agent_name, int policy_idx, size_t policy_name_max, char *policy_name); int geopm_agent_policy_json(const char *agent_name, const double *policy_array, size_t json_string_max, char *json_string); int geopm_agent_num_sample(const char *agent_name, int *num_sample); int geopm_agent_sample_name(const char *agent_name, int sample_idx, size_t sample_name_max, char *sample_name); int geopm_agent_num_avail(int *num_agent); int geopm_agent_name(int agent_idx, size_t agent_name_max, char *agent_name); int geopm_agent_enforce_policy(void); """) _dl = get_dl_geopm() _name_max = 1024 _policy_max = 8192 def policy_names(agent_name): """Get the names of the policies for a given agent. Args: agent_name (str): Name of agent type. Returns: list[str]: Policy names required for the agent configuration. """ agent_name_cstr ="char[]", agent_name.encode()) num_policy ="int *") err = _dl.geopm_agent_num_policy(agent_name_cstr, num_policy) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_num_policy() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) result = [] for policy_idx in range(num_policy[0]): buff ="char[]", _name_max) err = _dl.geopm_agent_policy_name(agent_name_cstr, policy_idx, _name_max, buff) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_policy_name() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) result.append(gffi.string(buff).decode()) return result def policy_json(agent_name, policy_values): """Create a JSON policy for the given agent. This can be written to a file to control the agent statically. Args: agent_name (str): Name of agent type. policy_values (list[float]): Values to use for each respective policy field. Returns: str: JSON str containing a valid policy using the given values. """ agent_name_cstr ="char[]", agent_name.encode()) policy_array ="double[]", policy_values) json_string ="char[]", _policy_max) err = _dl.geopm_agent_policy_json(agent_name_cstr, policy_array, _policy_max, json_string) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_policy_json() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) return gffi.string(json_string).decode() def sample_names(agent_name): """Get all samples produced by the given agent. Args: agent_name (str): Name of agent type. Returns: list[str]: List of sample names. """ agent_name_cstr ="char[]", agent_name.encode()) num_sample ="int *") err = _dl.geopm_agent_num_sample(agent_name_cstr, num_sample) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_num_sample() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) result = [] for sample_idx in range(num_sample[0]): buff ="char[]", _name_max) err = _dl.geopm_agent_sample_name(agent_name_cstr, sample_idx, _name_max, buff) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_sample_name() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) result.append(gffi.string(buff).decode()) return result def names(): """Get the list of all available agents. Returns: list[str]: List of all agent names. """ num_agent ="int *") err = _dl.geopm_agent_num_avail(num_agent) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_num_avail() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) buff ="char[]", _name_max) result = [] for agent_idx in range(num_agent[0]): err = _dl.geopm_agent_name(agent_idx, _name_max, buff) if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_name() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) result.append(gffi.string(buff).decode()) return result def enforce_policy(): """Enforce a static implementation of the agent's policy. The agent and the policy are chosen based on the GEOPM environment variables and configuration files. """ err = _dl.geopm_agent_enforce_policy() if err < 0: raise RuntimeError("geopm_agent_enforce_policy() failed: {}".format( error.message(err))) class AgentConf(object): """The GEOPM agent configuration parameters. This class contains all the parameters necessary to run the GEOPM agent with a workload. Attributes: path: The output path for this configuration file. options: A dict of the options for this agent. """ def __init__(self, path, agent='monitor', options=dict()): self._path = path if agent not in names(): raise SyntaxError('<geopm> AgentConf does not support agent type: ' + agent + '!') self._agent = agent self._options = options def __repr__(self): return json.dumps(self._options) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def get_path(self): return self._path def get_agent(self): return self._agent def METHOD_NAME(self): """Write the current config to a file.""" policy_items = policy_names(self._agent) name_offsets = { name: offset for offset, name in enumerate(policy_items)} policy_values = [float('nan')] * len(name_offsets) # Earlier versions of this function had special handling per agent instead # of using the agent's policy names. Translate the old-style inputs to # use the new style for backward compatibility. old_names = [] if self._agent in ['power_governor', 'power_balancer']: old_names = ['power_budget'] elif self._agent in ['frequency_map']: old_names = ['frequency_min', 'frequency_max'] policy_dict = self._options.copy() for offset, name in enumerate(old_names): if name in policy_dict: policy_dict[policy_items[offset]] = policy_dict.pop(name) for (policy_name, policy_value) in policy_dict.items(): if policy_name not in name_offsets: raise KeyError('<geopm> Policy "{}" does not exist in agent "{}"'.format(policy_name, self._agent)) policy_offset = name_offsets[policy_name] policy_values[policy_offset] = policy_value with open(self._path, "w") as outfile: outfile.METHOD_NAME(policy_json(self._agent, policy_values))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright 2021-2022 Valory AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """Helpers for Pytest tests with asynchronous programming.""" import asyncio import logging import time from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop from threading import Thread from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Generator, Optional, Union def wait_for_condition( condition_checker: Callable, timeout: int = 2, error_msg: str = "Timeout", period: float = 0.001, ) -> None: """Wait for condition occures in selected timeout.""" start_time = time.time() while not condition_checker(): time.sleep(period) if time.time() > start_time + timeout: raise TimeoutError(error_msg) class AnotherThreadTask: """ Schedule a task to run on the loop in another thread. Provides better cancel behaviour: on cancel it will wait till cancelled completely. """ def __init__( self, coro: Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, Any], Generator[Any, None, Any]], loop: AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: """ Init the task. :param coro: coroutine to schedule :param loop: an event loop to schedule on. """ self._loop = loop self._coro = coro self._task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self._future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._get_task_result(), loop) async def _get_task_result(self) -> Any: """ Get task result, should be run in target loop. :return: task result value or raise an exception if task failed """ self._task = self._loop.create_task(self._coro) return await self._task def result(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Any: """ Wait for coroutine execution result. :param timeout: optional timeout to wait in seconds. :return: result """ return self._future.result(timeout) def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel coroutine task execution in a target loop.""" if self._task is None: self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._future.cancel) else: self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._task.cancel) def done(self) -> bool: """Check task is done.""" return self._future.done() class ThreadedAsyncRunner(Thread): """Util to run thread with event loop and execute coroutines inside.""" def __init__(self, loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> None: """ Init threaded runner. :param loop: optional event loop. is it's running loop, threaded runner will use it. """ self._loop = loop or asyncio.new_event_loop() if self._loop.is_closed(): raise ValueError("Event loop closed.") # pragma: nocover super().__init__(daemon=True) def start(self) -> None: """Start event loop in dedicated thread.""" if self.is_alive() or self._loop.is_running(): # pragma: nocover return super().start() def run(self) -> None: """Run code inside thread.""" logging.debug("Starting threaded asyncio loop...") asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) self._loop.run_forever() logging.debug("Asyncio loop has been stopped.") def call( self, coro: Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, Any], Generator[Any, None, Any]] ) -> Any: """ Run a coroutine inside the event loop. :param coro: a coroutine to run. :return: task """ return AnotherThreadTask(coro, self._loop) def stop(self) -> None: """Stop event loop in thread.""" logging.debug("Stopping...") if not self.is_alive(): # pragma: nocover return if self._loop.is_running(): logging.debug("Stopping loop...") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._loop.stop) logging.debug("Wait thread to join...") self.join(10) logging.debug("Stopped.") class BaseThreadedAsyncLoop: """Test class with a threaded event loop running.""" DEFAULT_ASYNC_TIMEOUT = 5.0 loop: ThreadedAsyncRunner thread: Thread def setup(self) -> None: """Set up the class.""" self.loop = ThreadedAsyncRunner() self.loop.start() def execute( self, coro: Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, Any], Generator[Any, None, Any]], timeout: float = DEFAULT_ASYNC_TIMEOUT, ) -> Any: """Execute a coroutine and wait its completion.""" task: AnotherThreadTask = return task.result(timeout=timeout) def METHOD_NAME(self) -> None: """Teardown the class.""" self.loop.start() self.loop.join(5.0)
from json import dumps from urllib.parse import quote_plus from flask import ( request, render_template, url_for, jsonify ) from pypuppetdb.QueryBuilder import (AndOperator, EqualsOperator) from puppetboard.core import get_app, get_puppetdb, environments from puppetboard.utils import (check_env, get_or_abort, parse_python) app = get_app() puppetdb = get_puppetdb() @app.route('/fact/<fact>/json', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT'], 'node': None, 'value': None}) @app.route('/<env>/fact/<fact>/json', defaults={'node': None, 'value': None}) @app.route('/fact/<fact>/<value>/json', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT'], 'node': None}) @app.route('/fact/<fact>/<path:value>/json', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT'], 'node': None}) @app.route('/<env>/fact/<fact>/<value>/json', defaults={'node': None}) @app.route('/node/<node>/facts/json', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT'], 'fact': None, 'value': None}) @app.route('/<env>/node/<node>/facts/json', defaults={'fact': None, 'value': None}) def fact_ajax(env, node, fact, value): """Fetches the specific facts matching (node/fact/value) from PuppetDB and return a JSON table :param env: Searches for facts in this environment :type env: :obj:`string` :param node: Find all facts for this node :type node: :obj:`string` :param fact: Find all facts with this name :type fact: :obj:`string` :param value: Filter facts whose value is equal to this :type value: :obj:`string` """ draw = int(request.args.get('draw', 0)) envs = environments() check_env(env, envs) render_graph = False if fact is not None and fact in app.config['GRAPH_FACTS'] and value is None and node is None: render_graph = True query = AndOperator() if node is not None: query.add(EqualsOperator("certname", node)) if env != '*': query.add(EqualsOperator("environment", env)) if value is not None: # interpret the value as a proper type... value = parse_python(value) # know if it should be quoted or not in the query to PuppetDB # (f.e. a string should, while a number should not) query.add(EqualsOperator('value', value)) # if we have not added any operations to the query, # then make it explicitly empty if len(query.operations) == 0: query = None METHOD_NAME = [f for f in get_or_abort( puppetdb.METHOD_NAME, name=fact, query=query)] total = len(METHOD_NAME) counts = {} json = { 'draw': draw, 'recordsTotal': total, 'recordsFiltered': total, 'data': []} for fact_h in METHOD_NAME: line = [] if fact is None: line.append( if node is None: line.append('<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format( url_for('node', env=env, node_name=fact_h.node), fact_h.node)) if value is None: if isinstance(fact_h.value, str): # # Force quotes around string values # This lets plain int values that are stored as strings in the db # be findable when searched via the facts page value_for_url = '"' + quote_plus(fact_h.value) + '"' else: value_for_url = fact_h.value line.append('["{0}", {1}]'.format( url_for( 'fact', env=env,, value=value_for_url), dumps(fact_h.value))) json['data'].append(line) if render_graph: if fact_h.value not in counts: counts[fact_h.value] = 0 counts[fact_h.value] += 1 if render_graph: json['chart'] = [ {"label": "{0}".format(k).replace('\n', ' '), "value": counts[k]} for k in sorted(counts, key=lambda k: counts[k], reverse=True)] return jsonify(json) @app.route('/facts', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT']}) @app.route('/<env>/facts') def METHOD_NAME(env): """Displays an alphabetical list of all facts currently known to PuppetDB. :param env: Serves no purpose for this function, only for consistency's sake :type env: :obj:`string` """ envs = environments() check_env(env, envs) METHOD_NAME = get_or_abort(puppetdb.fact_names) # we consider a column label to count for ~5 lines column_label_height = 5 # 1 label per different letter and up to 3 more labels for letters spanning # multiple columns. column_label_count = 3 + len(set(map(lambda fact: fact[0].upper(), METHOD_NAME))) break_size = (len(METHOD_NAME) + column_label_count * column_label_height) / 4.0 next_break = break_size facts_columns = [] facts_current_column = [] facts_current_letter = [] letter = None count = 0 for fact in METHOD_NAME: count += 1 if count > next_break: next_break += break_size if facts_current_letter: facts_current_column.append(facts_current_letter) if facts_current_column: facts_columns.append(facts_current_column) facts_current_column = [] facts_current_letter = [] letter = None if letter != fact[0].upper(): if facts_current_letter: facts_current_column.append(facts_current_letter) facts_current_letter = [] letter = fact[0].upper() count += column_label_height facts_current_letter.append(fact) if facts_current_letter: facts_current_column.append(facts_current_letter) if facts_current_column: facts_columns.append(facts_current_column) return render_template('facts.html', facts_columns=facts_columns, envs=envs, current_env=env) @app.route('/fact/<fact>', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT'], 'value': None}) @app.route('/<env>/fact/<fact>', defaults={'value': None}) @app.route('/fact/<fact>/<value>', defaults={'env': app.config['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT']}) @app.route('/<env>/fact/<fact>/<value>') def fact(env, fact, value): """Fetches the specific fact(/value) from PuppetDB and displays per node for which this fact is known. :param env: Searches for facts in this environment :type env: :obj:`string` :param fact: Find all facts with this name :type fact: :obj:`string` :param value: Find all facts with this value :type value: :obj:`string` """ envs = environments() check_env(env, envs) render_graph = False if fact in app.config['GRAPH_FACTS'] and not value: render_graph = True value_json = value if value is not None: value_object = parse_python(value) if type(value_object) is str: value_json = value_object else: value_json = dumps(value_object) natural_time_delta_sort = False if fact in ["uptime"]: natural_time_delta_sort = True return render_template( 'fact.html', fact=fact, value=value, value_json=value_json, render_graph=render_graph, envs=envs, current_env=env, natural_time_delta_sort=natural_time_delta_sort )
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkeipanycast.endpoint import endpoint_data class ListAnycastEipAddressesRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Eipanycast', '2020-03-09', 'ListAnycastEipAddresses','eipanycast') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceGroupId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceGroupId') def set_ResourceGroupId(self, ResourceGroupId): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceGroupId', ResourceGroupId) def get_NextToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NextToken') def set_NextToken(self, NextToken): # String self.add_query_param('NextToken', NextToken) def METHOD_NAME(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceChargeType') def set_InstanceChargeType(self, InstanceChargeType): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceChargeType', InstanceChargeType) def get_BusinessStatus(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('BusinessStatus') def set_BusinessStatus(self, BusinessStatus): # String self.add_query_param('BusinessStatus', BusinessStatus) def get_ServiceLocation(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ServiceLocation') def set_ServiceLocation(self, ServiceLocation): # String self.add_query_param('ServiceLocation', ServiceLocation) def get_AnycastEipAddress(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AnycastEipAddress') def set_AnycastEipAddress(self, AnycastEipAddress): # String self.add_query_param('AnycastEipAddress', AnycastEipAddress) def get_AnycastIdss(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('AnycastIds') def set_AnycastIdss(self, AnycastIds): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(AnycastIds)): self.add_query_param('AnycastIds.' + str(depth1 + 1), AnycastIds[depth1]) def get_Tagss(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('Tags') def set_Tagss(self, Tags): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Tags)): if Tags[depth1].get('Key') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tags.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Key', Tags[depth1].get('Key')) if Tags[depth1].get('Value') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tags.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Value', Tags[depth1].get('Value')) def get_InternetChargeType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InternetChargeType') def set_InternetChargeType(self, InternetChargeType): # String self.add_query_param('InternetChargeType', InternetChargeType) def get_AnycastId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AnycastId') def set_AnycastId(self, AnycastId): # String self.add_query_param('AnycastId', AnycastId) def get_Name(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Name') def set_Name(self, Name): # String self.add_query_param('Name', Name) def get_BindInstanceIdss(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('BindInstanceIds') def set_BindInstanceIdss(self, BindInstanceIds): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(BindInstanceIds)): self.add_query_param('BindInstanceIds.' + str(depth1 + 1), BindInstanceIds[depth1]) def get_MaxResults(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('MaxResults') def set_MaxResults(self, MaxResults): # Integer self.add_query_param('MaxResults', MaxResults) def get_Status(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Status') def set_Status(self, Status): # String self.add_query_param('Status', Status)
#! /usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited # All rights reserved # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import PlotPowerStates as plotter import argparse import os from subprocess import call parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument("--statsfile", required=True, help="stats file path") parser.add_argument( "--bankutils", default="b1 b2 b3", help="target bank " 'utilization values separated by space, e.g. "1 4 8"', ) parser.add_argument( "--seqbytes", default="s1 s2 s3", help="no. of " "sequential bytes requested by each traffic gen request." ' e.g. "64 256 512"', ) parser.add_argument( "--delays", default="d1 d2 d3", help="string of delay" ' values separated by a space. e.g. "1 20 100"', ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", help="directory to output plots", default="plot_test" ) parser.add_argument("--pdf", action="store_true", help="output Latex and pdf") def METHOD_NAME(): args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isfile(args.statsfile): exit(f"Error! File not found: {args.statsfile}") if not os.path.isdir(args.outdir): os.mkdir(args.outdir) bank_util_list = args.bankutils.strip().split() seqbyte_list = args.seqbytes.strip().split() delays = args.delays.strip().split() plotter.plotLowPStates( args.outdir + "/", args.statsfile, bank_util_list, seqbyte_list, delays ) if args.pdf: textwidth = "0.5" ### Time and energy plots ### ############################# # place tex and pdf files in outdir os.chdir(args.outdir) texfile_s = "stacked_lowp_sweep.tex" print("\t", texfile_s) outfile = open(texfile_s, "w") startDocText(outfile) outfile.write("\\begin{figure} \n\\centering\n") ## Time plots for all delay values for delay in delays: # Time filename = plotter.stateTimePlotName(str(delay) + "-") outfile.write(wrapForGraphic(filename, textwidth)) outfile.write(getCaption(delay)) outfile.write("\end{figure}\n") # Energy plots for all delay values outfile.write("\\begin{figure} \n\\centering\n") for delay in delays: # Energy filename = plotter.stateEnergyPlotName(str(delay) + "-") outfile.write(wrapForGraphic(filename, textwidth)) outfile.write(getCaption(delay)) outfile.write("\\end{figure}\n") endDocText(outfile) outfile.close() print("\n Generating pdf file") print("*******************************") print("\tpdflatex ", texfile_s) # Run pdflatex to generate to pdf call(["pdflatex", texfile_s]) call(["open", texfile_s.split(".")[0] + ".pdf"]) def getCaption(delay): return "\\caption{" + "itt delay = " + str(delay) + "}\n" def wrapForGraphic(filename, width="1.0"): # \t is tab and needs to be escaped, therefore \\textwidth return ( "\\includegraphics[width=" + width + "\\textwidth]{" + filename + "}\n" ) def startDocText(outfile): start_stuff = """ \\documentclass[a4paper,landscape,twocolumn]{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage[margin=0.5cm]{geometry} \\begin{document} """ outfile.write(start_stuff) def endDocText(outfile): end_stuff = """ \\end{document} """ outfile.write(end_stuff) # Call main if __name__ == "__main__": METHOD_NAME()
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkess.endpoint import endpoint_data class ModifyScalingRuleRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ess', '2014-08-28', 'ModifyScalingRule','ess') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_AlarmDimensions(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('AlarmDimension') def set_AlarmDimensions(self, AlarmDimension): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(AlarmDimension)): if AlarmDimension[depth1].get('DimensionValue') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlarmDimension.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.DimensionValue', AlarmDimension[depth1].get('DimensionValue')) if AlarmDimension[depth1].get('DimensionKey') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlarmDimension.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.DimensionKey', AlarmDimension[depth1].get('DimensionKey')) def get_StepAdjustments(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('StepAdjustment') def set_StepAdjustments(self, StepAdjustment): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(StepAdjustment)): if StepAdjustment[depth1].get('MetricIntervalUpperBound') is not None: self.add_query_param('StepAdjustment.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.MetricIntervalUpperBound', StepAdjustment[depth1].get('MetricIntervalUpperBound')) if StepAdjustment[depth1].get('MetricIntervalLowerBound') is not None: self.add_query_param('StepAdjustment.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.MetricIntervalLowerBound', StepAdjustment[depth1].get('MetricIntervalLowerBound')) if StepAdjustment[depth1].get('ScalingAdjustment') is not None: self.add_query_param('StepAdjustment.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.ScalingAdjustment', StepAdjustment[depth1].get('ScalingAdjustment')) def get_DisableScaleIn(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('DisableScaleIn') def set_DisableScaleIn(self, DisableScaleIn): # Boolean self.add_query_param('DisableScaleIn', DisableScaleIn) def get_ScalingRuleId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ScalingRuleId') def set_ScalingRuleId(self, ScalingRuleId): # String self.add_query_param('ScalingRuleId', ScalingRuleId) def get_InitialMaxSize(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('InitialMaxSize') def set_InitialMaxSize(self, InitialMaxSize): # Integer self.add_query_param('InitialMaxSize', InitialMaxSize) def get_ScalingRuleName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ScalingRuleName') def set_ScalingRuleName(self, ScalingRuleName): # String self.add_query_param('ScalingRuleName', ScalingRuleName) def get_Cooldown(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('Cooldown') def set_Cooldown(self, Cooldown): # Integer self.add_query_param('Cooldown', Cooldown) def get_PredictiveValueBehavior(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PredictiveValueBehavior') def set_PredictiveValueBehavior(self, PredictiveValueBehavior): # String self.add_query_param('PredictiveValueBehavior', PredictiveValueBehavior) def get_ScaleInEvaluationCount(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('ScaleInEvaluationCount') def set_ScaleInEvaluationCount(self, ScaleInEvaluationCount): # Integer self.add_query_param('ScaleInEvaluationCount', ScaleInEvaluationCount) def get_MetricName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('MetricName') def set_MetricName(self, MetricName): # String self.add_query_param('MetricName', MetricName) def get_PredictiveScalingMode(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PredictiveScalingMode') def set_PredictiveScalingMode(self, PredictiveScalingMode): # String self.add_query_param('PredictiveScalingMode', PredictiveScalingMode) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_AdjustmentValue(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('AdjustmentValue') def set_AdjustmentValue(self, AdjustmentValue): # Integer self.add_query_param('AdjustmentValue', AdjustmentValue) def get_EstimatedInstanceWarmup(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('EstimatedInstanceWarmup') def set_EstimatedInstanceWarmup(self, EstimatedInstanceWarmup): # Integer self.add_query_param('EstimatedInstanceWarmup', EstimatedInstanceWarmup) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_PredictiveTaskBufferTime(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PredictiveTaskBufferTime') def set_PredictiveTaskBufferTime(self, PredictiveTaskBufferTime): # Integer self.add_query_param('PredictiveTaskBufferTime', PredictiveTaskBufferTime) def get_AdjustmentType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AdjustmentType') def set_AdjustmentType(self, AdjustmentType): # String self.add_query_param('AdjustmentType', AdjustmentType) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_PredictiveValueBuffer(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PredictiveValueBuffer') def set_PredictiveValueBuffer(self, PredictiveValueBuffer): # Integer self.add_query_param('PredictiveValueBuffer', PredictiveValueBuffer) def get_ScaleOutEvaluationCount(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('ScaleOutEvaluationCount') def METHOD_NAME(self, ScaleOutEvaluationCount): # Integer self.add_query_param('ScaleOutEvaluationCount', ScaleOutEvaluationCount) def get_MinAdjustmentMagnitude(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('MinAdjustmentMagnitude') def set_MinAdjustmentMagnitude(self, MinAdjustmentMagnitude): # Integer self.add_query_param('MinAdjustmentMagnitude', MinAdjustmentMagnitude) def get_TargetValue(self): # Float return self.get_query_params().get('TargetValue') def set_TargetValue(self, TargetValue): # Float self.add_query_param('TargetValue', TargetValue)
import logging from galaxy.exceptions import ConfigurationError from galaxy.util.yaml_util import ordered_load log = logging.getLogger(__name__) OPTION_DEFAULTS = { "type": "str", "unknown_option": False, "default": None, "desc": None, } UNKNOWN_OPTION = { "type": "str", "required": False, "unknown_option": True, "desc": "Unknown option, may want to remove or report to Galaxy team.", } class Schema: def __init__(self, mapping): self.app_schema = mapping def get_app_option(self, name): try: raw_option = self.app_schema[name] except KeyError: raw_option = UNKNOWN_OPTION option = OPTION_DEFAULTS.copy() option.update(raw_option) return option class AppSchema(Schema): def __init__(self, schema_path, app_name): self.raw_schema = self._read_schema(schema_path) self.description = self.raw_schema.get("desc", None) app_schema = self.raw_schema["mapping"][app_name]["mapping"] self._preprocess(app_schema) super().__init__(app_schema) def _read_schema(self, path): with open(path) as f: return ordered_load(f) def _preprocess(self, app_schema): """Populate schema collections used for app configuration.""" self._defaults = {} # {config option: default value or null} self._reloadable_options = set() # config options we can reload at runtime self._paths_to_resolve = {} # {config option: referenced config option} self._per_host_options = set() # config options that can be set using a per_host config parameter self._deprecated_aliases = {} for key, data in app_schema.items(): self._defaults[key] = data.get("default") if data.get("deprecated_alias"): self._deprecated_aliases[data.get("deprecated_alias")] = key if data.get("reloadable"): self._reloadable_options.add(key) if data.get("per_host"): resolves_to = data.get("resolves_to") if resolves_to: self._per_host_options.add(resolves_to) else: self._per_host_options.add(key) if data.get("path_resolves_to"): self._paths_to_resolve[key] = data.get("path_resolves_to") @property def defaults(self): return self._defaults @property def paths_to_resolve(self): return self._paths_to_resolve @property def reloadable_options(self): return self._reloadable_options @property def per_host_options(self): return self._per_host_options def validate_path_resolution_graph(self): """This method is for tests only: we SHOULD validate the schema's path resolution graph as part of automated testing; but we should NOT validate it at runtime. """ def check_exists(option, key): if not option: message = ( "Invalid schema: property '{}' listed as path resolution target " "for '{}' does not exist".format(resolves_to, key) ) raise_error(message) def check_type_is_str_or_any(option, key): if option.get("type") not in ("str", "any"): message = f"Invalid schema: property '{key}' should have type 'str'" raise_error(message) def METHOD_NAME(): visited = set() for key in self.paths_to_resolve: visited.clear() while key: visited.add(key) key = self.app_schema[key].get("path_resolves_to") if key and key in visited: raise_error("Invalid schema: cycle detected") def raise_error(message): log.error(message) raise ConfigurationError(message) for key, resolves_to in self.paths_to_resolve.items(): print(key) parent = self.app_schema.get(resolves_to) check_exists(parent, key) check_type_is_str_or_any(parent, key) check_type_is_str_or_any(self.app_schema[key], key) METHOD_NAME() # must be called last: walks entire graph
import pytest from eth_utils import ( to_bytes, ) from ethpm._utils.deployments import ( get_linked_deployments, normalize_linked_references, validate_linked_references, ) from ethpm.contract import ( LinkableContract, ) from ethpm.deployments import ( Deployments, ) from ethpm.exceptions import ( BytecodeLinkingError, EthPMValidationError, ) from web3.eth import ( Contract, ) DEPLOYMENT_DATA = { "SafeMathLib": { "contractType": "SafeMathLib", "address": "0x8d2c532d7d211816a2807a411f947b211569b68c", "transaction": "0xaceef751507a79c2dee6aa0e9d8f759aa24aab081f6dcf6835d792770541cb2b", # noqa: E501 "block": "0x420cb2b2bd634ef42f9082e1ee87a8d4aeeaf506ea5cdeddaa8ff7cbf911810c", } } @pytest.fixture def contract_factory(safe_math_lib_package): return safe_math_lib_package.get_contract_type("SafeMathLib") VALID_CONTRACT_TYPES = {"SafeMathLib": contract_factory} INVALID_CONTRACT_TYPES = {"INVALID": contract_factory} @pytest.fixture def deployment(): return Deployments(DEPLOYMENT_DATA, VALID_CONTRACT_TYPES) @pytest.fixture def invalid_deployment(): return Deployments(DEPLOYMENT_DATA, INVALID_CONTRACT_TYPES) def test_deployment_implements_getitem(deployment): assert deployment["SafeMathLib"] == DEPLOYMENT_DATA["SafeMathLib"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ("", "-abc", "A=bc", "X" * 257)) def test_deployment_getitem_with_invalid_contract_name_raises_exception( name, deployment ): with pytest.raises(EthPMValidationError): assert deployment[name] def test_deployment_getitem_without_deployment_reference_raises_exception(deployment): with pytest.raises(KeyError): deployment["DoesNotExist"] def test_deployment_implements_get_items(deployment): expected_items = DEPLOYMENT_DATA.items() assert deployment.items() == expected_items def test_deployment_implements_get_values(deployment): expected_values = list(DEPLOYMENT_DATA.values()) assert deployment.values() == expected_values def test_deployment_implements_key_lookup(deployment): key = "SafeMathLib" in deployment assert key is True def test_deployment_implements_key_lookup_with_nonexistent_key_raises_exception( deployment, ): key = "invalid" in deployment assert key is False @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_name", ("", "-abc", "A=bc", "X" * 257)) def test_get_instance_with_invalid_name_raises_exception(deployment, invalid_name): with pytest.raises(EthPMValidationError): deployment.get_instance(invalid_name) def METHOD_NAME(deployment): with pytest.raises(KeyError): deployment.get_instance("InvalidContract") def test_deployments_get_instance(safe_math_lib_package): deps = safe_math_lib_package.deployments safe_math_instance = deps.get_instance("SafeMathLib") assert isinstance(safe_math_instance, Contract) assert safe_math_instance.bytecode == to_bytes( hexstr=safe_math_lib_package.manifest["contractTypes"]["SafeMathLib"][ "deploymentBytecode" ]["bytecode"] ) def test_deployments_get_instance_with_contract_alias(safe_math_lib_package_with_alias): deps = safe_math_lib_package_with_alias.deployments safe_math_instance = deps.get_instance("safe-math-lib-alias") assert isinstance(safe_math_instance, Contract) assert safe_math_instance.bytecode == to_bytes( hexstr=safe_math_lib_package_with_alias.manifest["contractTypes"][ "SafeMathLib" ]["deploymentBytecode"]["bytecode"] ) def test_deployments_get_instance_with_link_dependency(escrow_package): deployments = escrow_package.deployments escrow_deployment = deployments.get_instance("Escrow") assert isinstance(escrow_deployment, LinkableContract) assert not escrow_deployment.needs_bytecode_linking def test_get_linked_deployments(escrow_package): escrow_manifest = escrow_package.manifest all_deployments = list(escrow_manifest["deployments"].values())[0] actual_linked_deployments = get_linked_deployments(all_deployments) assert actual_linked_deployments == {"Escrow": all_deployments["Escrow"]} # integration via package.deployments deployments = escrow_package.deployments assert len(deployments.contract_instances) == 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "deployments", ( ( { "Escrow": { "contractType": "Escrow", "address": "0x8c1968deB27251A3f1F4508df32dA4dfD1b7b57f", "transaction": "0xc60e32c63abf34579390ef65d83cc5eb52225de38c3eeca2e5afa961d71c16d0", # noqa: E501 "block": "0x4d1a618802bb87752d95db453dddeea622820424a2f836bedf8769a67ee276b8", # noqa: E501 "runtimeBytecode": { "linkDependencies": [ {"offsets": [200], "type": "reference", "value": "filler"}, { "offsets": [301, 495], "type": "reference", "value": "Escrow", }, ] }, } }, ) ), ) def test_get_linked_deployments_raises_exception_with_self_reference(deployments): with pytest.raises(BytecodeLinkingError): get_linked_deployments(deployments) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "link_data,expected", ( ( [ {"offsets": [1], "type": "reference", "value": "123"}, {"offsets": [2, 3], "type": "literal", "value": "abc"}, ], ((1, "reference", "123"), (2, "literal", "abc"), (3, "literal", "abc")), ), ( [{"offsets": [1, 2, 3], "type": "literal", "value": "123"}], ((1, "literal", "123"), (2, "literal", "123"), (3, "literal", "123")), ), ), ) def test_normalize_linked_references(link_data, expected): link_deps = normalize_linked_references(link_data) assert link_deps == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "link_deps,bytecode", ( (((1, b"abc"),), b"xabc"), (((1, b"a"), (5, b"xx"), (15, b"1")), b"0a000xx000000001"), ), ) def test_validate_linked_references(link_deps, bytecode): result = validate_linked_references(link_deps, bytecode) assert result is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "link_deps,bytecode", ( (((0, b"abc"),), b"xabc"), (((2, b"abc"),), b"xabc"), (((8, b"abc"),), b"xabc"), (((1, b"a"), (5, b"xxx"), (15, b"1")), b"0a000xx000000001"), ), ) def test_validate_linked_references_invalidates(link_deps, bytecode): with pytest.raises(EthPMValidationError): validate_linked_references(link_deps, bytecode)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkvpc.endpoint import endpoint_data class ModifyRouterInterfaceAttributeRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Vpc', '2016-04-28', 'ModifyRouterInterfaceAttribute','vpc') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_OppositeRouterId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OppositeRouterId') def set_OppositeRouterId(self, OppositeRouterId): # String self.add_query_param('OppositeRouterId', OppositeRouterId) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_Description(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Description') def set_Description(self, Description): # String self.add_query_param('Description', Description) def get_HealthCheckTargetIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckTargetIp') def set_HealthCheckTargetIp(self, HealthCheckTargetIp): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckTargetIp', HealthCheckTargetIp) def get_OppositeInterfaceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OppositeInterfaceId') def set_OppositeInterfaceId(self, OppositeInterfaceId): # String self.add_query_param('OppositeInterfaceId', OppositeInterfaceId) def get_HcThreshold(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HcThreshold') def set_HcThreshold(self, HcThreshold): # Integer self.add_query_param('HcThreshold', HcThreshold) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_DeleteHealthCheckIp(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('DeleteHealthCheckIp') def set_DeleteHealthCheckIp(self, DeleteHealthCheckIp): # Boolean self.add_query_param('DeleteHealthCheckIp', DeleteHealthCheckIp) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_RouterInterfaceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('RouterInterfaceId') def set_RouterInterfaceId(self, RouterInterfaceId): # String self.add_query_param('RouterInterfaceId', RouterInterfaceId) def get_OppositeInterfaceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OppositeInterfaceOwnerId') def set_OppositeInterfaceOwnerId(self, OppositeInterfaceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OppositeInterfaceOwnerId', OppositeInterfaceOwnerId) def get_HealthCheckSourceIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckSourceIp') def set_HealthCheckSourceIp(self, HealthCheckSourceIp): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckSourceIp', HealthCheckSourceIp) def get_Name(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Name') def set_Name(self, Name): # String self.add_query_param('Name', Name) def get_OppositeRouterType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OppositeRouterType') def set_OppositeRouterType(self, OppositeRouterType): # String self.add_query_param('OppositeRouterType', OppositeRouterType) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HcRate') def set_HcRate(self, HcRate): # Integer self.add_query_param('HcRate', HcRate)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nicolas Hennion <[email protected]> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only # """ I am your father... ...for all Glances Application Monitoring Processes (AMP). AMP (Application Monitoring Process) A Glances AMP is a Python script called (every *refresh* seconds) if: - the AMP is *enabled* in the Glances configuration file - a process is running (match the *regex* define in the configuration file) The script should define a Amp (GlancesAmp) class with, at least, an update method. The update method should call the set_result method to set the AMP return string. The return string is a string with one or more line (\n between lines). If the *one_line* var is true then the AMP will be displayed in one line. """ from glances.globals import u from glances.timer import Timer from glances.logger import logger class GlancesAmp(object): """Main class for Glances AMP.""" NAME = '?' VERSION = '?' DESCRIPTION = '?' AUTHOR = '?' EMAIL = '?' def __init__(self, name=None, args=None): """Init AMP class.""" logger.debug("AMP - Init {} version {}".format(self.NAME, self.VERSION)) # AMP name (= module name without glances_) if name is None: self.amp_name = self.__class__.__module__[len('glances_') :] else: self.amp_name = name # Init the args self.args = args # Init the configs self.configs = {} # A timer is needed to only update every refresh seconds # Init to 0 in order to update the AMP on startup self.timer = Timer(0) def load_config(self, config): """Load AMP parameters from the configuration file.""" # Read AMP configuration. # For ex, the AMP foo should have the following section: # # [foo] # enable=true # regex=\/usr\/bin\/nginx # refresh=60 # # and optionally: # # one_line=false # option1=opt1 amp_section = 'amp_' + self.amp_name if hasattr(config, 'has_section') and config.has_section(amp_section): logger.debug("AMP - {}: Load configuration".format(self.NAME)) for param, _ in config.items(amp_section): try: self.configs[param] = config.get_float_value(amp_section, param) except ValueError: self.configs[param] = config.get_value(amp_section, param).split(',') if len(self.configs[param]) == 1: self.configs[param] = self.configs[param][0] logger.debug("AMP - {}: Load parameter: {} = {}".format(self.NAME, param, self.configs[param])) else: logger.debug("AMP - {}: Can not find section {} in the configuration file".format(self.NAME, self.amp_name)) return False if self.enable(): # Refresh option is mandatory for k in ['refresh']: if k not in self.configs: logger.warning( "AMP - {}: Can not find configuration key {} in section {} (the AMP will be disabled)".format( self.NAME, k, self.amp_name ) ) self.configs['enable'] = 'false' else: logger.debug("AMP - {} is disabled".format(self.NAME)) # Init the count to 0 self.configs['count'] = 0 return self.enable() def get(self, key): """Generic method to get the item in the AMP configuration""" if key in self.configs: return self.configs[key] else: return None def enable(self): """Return True|False if the AMP is enabled in the configuration file (enable=true|false).""" ret = self.get('enable') if ret is None: return False else: return ret.lower().startswith('true') def regex(self): """Return regular expression used to identified the current application.""" return self.get('regex') def refresh(self): """Return refresh time in seconds for the current application monitoring process.""" return self.get('refresh') def one_line(self): """Return True|False if the AMP should be displayed in one line (one_line=true|false).""" ret = self.get('one_line') if ret is None: return False else: return ret.lower().startswith('true') def time_until_refresh(self): """Return time in seconds until refresh.""" return self.timer.get() def should_update(self): """Return True is the AMP should be updated Conditions for update: - AMP is enable - only update every 'refresh' seconds """ if self.timer.finished(): self.timer.set(self.refresh()) self.timer.reset() return self.enable() return False def set_count(self, count): """Set the number of processes matching the regex""" self.configs['count'] = count def count(self): """Get the number of processes matching the regex""" return self.get('count') def count_min(self): """Get the minimum number of processes""" return self.get('countmin') def count_max(self): """Get the maximum number of processes""" return self.get('countmax') def set_result(self, METHOD_NAME, separator=''): """Store the result (string) into the result key of the AMP If one_line is true then it replaces `\n` by the separator """ if self.one_line(): self.configs['result'] = u(METHOD_NAME).replace('\n', separator) else: self.configs['result'] = u(METHOD_NAME) def METHOD_NAME(self): """Return the result of the AMP (as a string)""" ret = self.get('result') if ret is not None: ret = u(ret) return ret def update_wrapper(self, process_list): """Wrapper for the children update""" # Set the number of running process self.set_count(len(process_list)) # Call the children update method if self.should_update(): return self.update(process_list) else: return self.METHOD_NAME()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ############################################################################### # Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################### from modules.common_msgs.audio_msgs import audio_event_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.localization_msgs import localization_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.perception_msgs import perception_obstacle_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.perception_msgs import traffic_light_detection_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.planning_msgs import planning_internal_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.planning_msgs import planning_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.prediction_msgs import prediction_obstacle_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.routing_msgs import routing_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.control_msgs import control_cmd_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.chassis_msgs import chassis_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.basic_msgs import drive_event_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.planning_msgs import navigation_pb2 from modules.common_msgs.guardian_msgs import guardian_pb2 from import proto_utils class MessageType: def __init__(self, name, topic, msg_type): = name self.topic = topic self.msg_type = msg_type def instance(self): return self.__msg_type() def parse_file(self, filename): value = self.instance() if not proto_utils.get_pb_from_file(filename, value): print("Failed to parse file %s" % filename) return None else: return value topic_pb_list = [ MessageType("audio_event", "/apollo/audio_event", audio_event_pb2.AudioEvent), MessageType("planning", "/apollo/planning", planning_pb2.ADCTrajectory), MessageType("control", "/apollo/control", control_cmd_pb2.ControlCommand), MessageType("chassis", "/apollo/canbus/chassis", chassis_pb2.Chassis), MessageType("prediction", "/apollo/prediction", prediction_obstacle_pb2.PredictionObstacles), MessageType("perception", "/apollo/perception/obstacles", perception_obstacle_pb2.PerceptionObstacles), MessageType("routing_response", "/apollo/routing_response", routing_pb2.RoutingResponse), MessageType("routing_request", "/apollo/routing_request", routing_pb2.RoutingRequest), MessageType("localization", "/apollo/localization/pose", localization_pb2.LocalizationEstimate), MessageType("traffic_light", "/apollo/perception/traffic_light", traffic_light_detection_pb2.TrafficLightDetection), MessageType("drive_event", "/apollo/drive_event", drive_event_pb2.DriveEvent), MessageType("relative_map", "/apollo/relative_map", navigation_pb2.MapMsg), MessageType("navigation", "/apollo/navigation", navigation_pb2.NavigationInfo), MessageType("guardian", "/apollo/guardian", guardian_pb2.GuardianCommand), ] class PbMessageManager: def __init__(self): self.__topic_dict = {} self.__name_dict = {} for msg in topic_pb_list: self.__topic_dict[msg.topic] = msg self.__name_dict[] = msg def topic_dict(self): return self.__topic_dict def get_msg_meta_by_topic(self, topic): if topic in self.__topic_dict: return self.__topic_dict[topic] else: return None def METHOD_NAME(self, name): if name in self.__name_dict: return self.__name_dict[name] else: return None def name_dict(self): return self.__name_dict def parse_topic_file(self, topic, filename): if topic not in self.__topic_dict: print("topic %s is not registered in topic_pb_list" % topic) return None meta_msg = self.__topic_dict[topic] return meta_msg.parse_file(filename) def parse_file(self, filename): """parse a file by guessing topic type""" for topic, meta_msg in self.__topic_dict.items(): try: message = meta_msg.parse_file(filename) if message: print("identified topic %s" % topic) return (meta_msg, message) except text_format.ParseError as e: print("Tried %s, failed" % (topic)) continue return (None, None)
""" This module defines options which should be available on all commands, such as the -v, --verbose option. To use it: - Add the `@add_common_options()` decorator after all the `click.option()` calls of the command function. - Add a `**kwargs: Any` argument to the command function. The `kwargs` argument is required because due to the way click works, `add_common_options()` adds an argument for each option it defines. """ from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar, cast import click from ggshield.cmd.utils.debug_logs import setup_debug_logs from ggshield.core.config.user_config import UserConfig AnyFunction = Callable[..., Any] # The argument of a Click option callback function ArgT = TypeVar("ArgT") # A Click option callback function ClickCallback = Callable[ [click.Context, click.Parameter, Optional[ArgT]], Optional[ArgT] ] def get_config_from_context(ctx: click.Context) -> UserConfig: """Returns the UserConfig object stored in Click context""" return cast(UserConfig, ctx.obj["config"].user_config) def create_ctx_callback(name: str) -> ClickCallback: """Helper function to define a Click option callback for simple cases where we only have to set a value on Click context object if the option is defined. """ def callback( ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, value: Optional[ArgT] ) -> Optional[ArgT]: if value is not None: ctx.obj[name] = value return value return callback def create_config_callback(*option_names: str) -> ClickCallback: """Helper function to define a Click option callback for simple cases where we only have to set a configuration attribute if the option is defined. to reach, set option_names to ["foo"] to reach, set option_names to ["secret", "bar"] """ def callback( ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, value: Optional[ArgT] ) -> Optional[ArgT]: if value is not None: obj = get_config_from_context(ctx) for name in option_names[:-1]: obj = getattr(obj, name) setattr(obj, option_names[-1], value) return value return callback _verbose_option = click.option( "-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, default=None, help="Verbose display mode.", callback=create_config_callback("verbose"), ) def debug_callback( ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, value: Optional[bool] ) -> Optional[bool]: if value is not None: setup_debug_logs(filename=None) return value # The --debug option is marked as "is_eager" so that we can setup logs as soon as # possible. If we don't then log commands for the creation of the Config instance # are ignored. _debug_option = click.option( "--debug", is_flag=True, default=None, is_eager=True, help="Send log output to stderr. Equivalent to `--log-file -`.", callback=debug_callback, ) def log_file_callback( ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, value: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[str]: if value is not None: setup_debug_logs(filename=None if value == "-" else value) return value # The --log-file option is marked as "is_eager" so that we can setup logs as soon as # possible. If we don't then log commands for the creation of the Config instance # are ignored. _log_file_option = click.option( "--log-file", metavar="FILE", is_eager=True, help="Send log output to FILE. Use '-' to redirect to stderr.", envvar="GITGUARDIAN_LOG_FILE", callback=log_file_callback, ) _allow_self_signed_option = click.option( "--allow-self-signed", is_flag=True, default=None, help="Ignore ssl verification.", callback=create_config_callback("allow_self_signed"), ) _check_for_updates = click.option( "--check-for-updates/--no-check-for-updates", is_flag=True, default=None, help="After executing commands, check if a new version of ggshield is available.", callback=create_ctx_callback("check_for_updates"), ) exit_zero_option = click.option( "--exit-zero", is_flag=True, default=None, envvar="GITGUARDIAN_EXIT_ZERO", help="Always return a 0 (non-error) status code, even if incidents are found." "The env var GITGUARDIAN_EXIT_ZERO can also be used to set this option.", callback=create_config_callback("exit_zero"), ) minimum_severity_option = click.option( "--minimum-severity", "minimum_severity", type=click.Choice(("LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "CRITICAL")), help="Minimum severity of the policies.", ) ignore_path_option = click.option( "--ignore-path", "--ipa", "ignore_paths", default=None, multiple=True, help="Do not scan paths that match the specified glob-like patterns.", ) def add_common_options() -> Callable[[AnyFunction], AnyFunction]: def METHOD_NAME(cmd: AnyFunction) -> AnyFunction: _verbose_option(cmd) _debug_option(cmd) _log_file_option(cmd) _allow_self_signed_option(cmd) _check_for_updates(cmd) return cmd return METHOD_NAME json_option = click.option( "--json", "json_output", is_flag=True, default=None, help="Use JSON output.", callback=create_ctx_callback("use_json"), ) def use_json(ctx: click.Context) -> bool: """Tells whether --json has been set""" return bool(ctx.obj.get("use_json", False)) directory_argument = click.argument( "directory", type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, path_type=Path, file_okay=False), required=False, # using a default value here makes the deprecated `iac scan` fail ) all_option = click.option( "--all", "scan_all", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Reports all vulnerabilities in the final state.", ) reference_option = click.option( "--ref", required=True, type=click.STRING, help="A git reference.", ) staged_option = click.option( "--staged", is_flag=True, help="Whether staged changes should be included into the scan.", )
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest class UpdateCdrsMonitorRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'CDRS', '2020-11-01', 'UpdateCdrsMonitor') self.set_method('POST') def get_CorpId(self): return self.get_body_params().get('CorpId') def METHOD_NAME(self,CorpId): self.add_body_params('CorpId', CorpId) def get_Description(self): return self.get_body_params().get('Description') def set_Description(self,Description): self.add_body_params('Description', Description) def get_RuleName(self): return self.get_body_params().get('RuleName') def set_RuleName(self,RuleName): self.add_body_params('RuleName', RuleName) def get_PicOperateType(self): return self.get_body_params().get('PicOperateType') def set_PicOperateType(self,PicOperateType): self.add_body_params('PicOperateType', PicOperateType) def get_AttributeName(self): return self.get_body_params().get('AttributeName') def set_AttributeName(self,AttributeName): self.add_body_params('AttributeName', AttributeName) def get_AttributeOperateType(self): return self.get_body_params().get('AttributeOperateType') def set_AttributeOperateType(self,AttributeOperateType): self.add_body_params('AttributeOperateType', AttributeOperateType) def get_RuleExpression(self): return self.get_body_params().get('RuleExpression') def set_RuleExpression(self,RuleExpression): self.add_body_params('RuleExpression', RuleExpression) def get_NotifierTimeOut(self): return self.get_body_params().get('NotifierTimeOut') def set_NotifierTimeOut(self,NotifierTimeOut): self.add_body_params('NotifierTimeOut', NotifierTimeOut) def get_TaskId(self): return self.get_body_params().get('TaskId') def set_TaskId(self,TaskId): self.add_body_params('TaskId', TaskId) def get_DeviceOperateType(self): return self.get_body_params().get('DeviceOperateType') def set_DeviceOperateType(self,DeviceOperateType): self.add_body_params('DeviceOperateType', DeviceOperateType) def get_PicList(self): return self.get_body_params().get('PicList') def set_PicList(self,PicList): self.add_body_params('PicList', PicList) def get_AttributeValueList(self): return self.get_body_params().get('AttributeValueList') def set_AttributeValueList(self,AttributeValueList): self.add_body_params('AttributeValueList', AttributeValueList) def get_NotifierAppSecret(self): return self.get_body_params().get('NotifierAppSecret') def set_NotifierAppSecret(self,NotifierAppSecret): self.add_body_params('NotifierAppSecret', NotifierAppSecret) def get_NotifierExtendValues(self): return self.get_body_params().get('NotifierExtendValues') def set_NotifierExtendValues(self,NotifierExtendValues): self.add_body_params('NotifierExtendValues', NotifierExtendValues) def get_DeviceList(self): return self.get_body_params().get('DeviceList') def set_DeviceList(self,DeviceList): self.add_body_params('DeviceList', DeviceList) def get_NotifierUrl(self): return self.get_body_params().get('NotifierUrl') def set_NotifierUrl(self,NotifierUrl): self.add_body_params('NotifierUrl', NotifierUrl) def get_NotifierType(self): return self.get_body_params().get('NotifierType') def set_NotifierType(self,NotifierType): self.add_body_params('NotifierType', NotifierType) def get_AlgorithmVendor(self): return self.get_body_params().get('AlgorithmVendor') def set_AlgorithmVendor(self,AlgorithmVendor): self.add_body_params('AlgorithmVendor', AlgorithmVendor
""" Universe configuration builder. """ import configparser import logging import logging.config import os from datetime import timedelta from galaxy.config import ( BaseAppConfiguration, CommonConfigurationMixin, expand_pretty_datetime_format, get_database_engine_options, TOOL_SHED_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PATH, ) from galaxy.config.schema import AppSchema from galaxy.exceptions import ConfigurationError from galaxy.util import string_as_bool from galaxy.version import ( VERSION, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) TOOLSHED_APP_NAME = "tool_shed" class ToolShedAppConfiguration(BaseAppConfiguration, CommonConfigurationMixin): default_config_file_name = "tool_shed.yml" add_sample_file_to_defaults = {"datatypes_config_file"} def _load_schema(self): return AppSchema(TOOL_SHED_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PATH, TOOLSHED_APP_NAME) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.METHOD_NAME(kwargs) @property def shed_tool_data_path(self): return self.tool_data_path def check(self): # Check that required directories exist; attempt to create otherwise paths_to_check = [ self.file_path, self.hgweb_config_dir, self.tool_data_path, self.template_cache_path, os.path.join(self.tool_data_path, "shared", "jars"), ] for path in paths_to_check: self._ensure_directory(path) # Check that required files exist. if not os.path.isfile(self.datatypes_config): raise ConfigurationError(f"File not found: {self.datatypes_config}") def METHOD_NAME(self, kwargs): # Backwards compatibility for names used in too many places to fix self.datatypes_config = self.datatypes_config_file # Collect the umask and primary gid from the environment self.umask = os.umask(0o77) # get the current umask os.umask(self.umask) # can't get w/o set, so set it back self.gid = os.getgid() # if running under newgrp(1) we'll need to fix the group of data created on the cluster self.version_major = VERSION_MAJOR self.version_minor = VERSION_MINOR self.version = VERSION # Database related configuration if not self.database_connection: # Provide default if not supplied by user self.database_connection = f"sqlite:///{self._in_data_dir('community.sqlite')}?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" self.database_engine_options = get_database_engine_options(kwargs) self.database_create_tables = string_as_bool(kwargs.get("database_create_tables", "True")) # Where dataset files are stored self.file_path = self._in_root_dir(self.file_path) self.new_file_path = self._in_root_dir(self.new_file_path) self.cookie_path = kwargs.get("cookie_path") self.cookie_domain = kwargs.get("cookie_domain") self.enable_quotas = string_as_bool(kwargs.get("enable_quotas", False)) # Tool stuff self.tool_path = self._in_root_dir(kwargs.get("tool_path", "tools")) self.tool_secret = kwargs.get("tool_secret", "") self.tool_data_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), kwargs.get("tool_data_path", "shed-tool-data")) self.tool_data_table_config_path = None self.integrated_tool_panel_config = self._in_root_dir( kwargs.get("integrated_tool_panel_config", "integrated_tool_panel.xml") ) self.builds_file_path = self._in_root_dir( kwargs.get("builds_file_path", os.path.join(self.tool_data_path, "shared", "ucsc", "builds.txt")) ) self.len_file_path = self._in_root_dir( kwargs.get("len_file_path", os.path.join(self.tool_data_path, "shared", "ucsc", "chrom")) ) self.ftp_upload_dir = kwargs.get("ftp_upload_dir") self.update_integrated_tool_panel = False # Galaxy flavor Docker Image self.user_activation_on = None self.registration_warning_message = kwargs.get("registration_warning_message") self.email_domain_blocklist_content = None self.email_domain_allowlist_content = None self.template_cache_path = self._in_root_dir( kwargs.get("template_cache_path", "database/compiled_templates/community") ) self.error_email_to = kwargs.get("error_email_to") self.pretty_datetime_format = expand_pretty_datetime_format(self.pretty_datetime_format) # Configuration for the message box directly below the masthead. self.wiki_url = kwargs.get("wiki_url", "") self.blog_url = kwargs.get("blog_url") self.screencasts_url = kwargs.get("screencasts_url") self.log_events = False self.cloud_controller_instance = False self.server_name = "" # Where the tool shed hgweb.config file is stored - the default is the Galaxy installation directory. self.hgweb_config_dir = self._in_root_dir(self.hgweb_config_dir) or self.root # Proxy features self.drmaa_external_runjob_script = kwargs.get("drmaa_external_runjob_script") # Parse global_conf and save the parser global_conf = kwargs.get("global_conf") global_conf_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() self.global_conf_parser = global_conf_parser if global_conf and "__file__" in global_conf and ".yml" not in global_conf["__file__"]:["__file__"]) self.running_functional_tests = string_as_bool(kwargs.get("running_functional_tests", False)) self.citation_cache_data_dir = self._in_root_dir( kwargs.get("citation_cache_data_dir", "database/tool_shed_citations/data") ) self.citation_cache_lock_dir = self._in_root_dir( kwargs.get("citation_cache_lock_dir", "database/tool_shed_citations/locks") ) self.citation_cache_url = kwargs.get("citation_cache_lock_dir", None) self.citation_cache_schema_name = kwargs.get("citation_cache_schema_name", None) self.citation_cache_table_name = kwargs.get("citation_cache_table_name", None) self.password_expiration_period = timedelta(days=int(self.password_expiration_period)) # Security/Policy Compliance self.redact_username_during_deletion = False self.redact_email_during_deletion = False self.redact_username_in_logs = False self.enable_beta_gdpr = string_as_bool(kwargs.get("enable_beta_gdpr", False)) if self.enable_beta_gdpr: self.redact_username_during_deletion = True self.redact_email_during_deletion = True self.redact_username_in_logs = True self.allow_user_deletion = True Configuration = ToolShedAppConfiguration
from http import HTTPStatus from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union, cast import httpx from ... import errors from ...client import AuthenticatedClient, Client from ...models.error_response import ErrorResponse from ...types import Response def _get_kwargs( pipeline_id: str, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass return { "method": "get", "url": "/pipelines/{pipeline_id}/validate".format( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, ), } def _parse_response( *, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], response: httpx.Response ) -> Optional[Union[ErrorResponse, str]]: if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK: response_200 = cast(str, response.json()) return response_200 if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: response_400 = ErrorResponse.from_dict(response.json()) return response_400 if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: response_404 = ErrorResponse.from_dict(response.json()) return response_404 if client.raise_on_unexpected_status: raise errors.UnexpectedStatus(response.status_code, response.content) else: return None def _build_response( *, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], response: httpx.Response ) -> Response[Union[ErrorResponse, str]]: return Response( status_code=HTTPStatus(response.status_code), content=response.content, headers=response.headers, parsed=_parse_response(client=client, response=response), ) def sync_detailed( pipeline_id: str, *, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], ) -> Response[Union[ErrorResponse, str]]: """Validate a pipeline. Validate a pipeline. Checks whether a pipeline is configured correctly. This includes checking whether the pipeline references a valid compiled program, whether the connectors reference valid tables/views in the program, and more. Args: pipeline_id (str): Raises: errors.UnexpectedStatus: If the server returns an undocumented status code and Client.raise_on_unexpected_status is True. httpx.TimeoutException: If the request takes longer than Client.timeout. Returns: Response[Union[ErrorResponse, str]] """ kwargs = _get_kwargs( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, ) response = client.get_httpx_client().request( **kwargs, ) return _build_response(client=client, response=response) def METHOD_NAME( pipeline_id: str, *, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], ) -> Optional[Union[ErrorResponse, str]]: """Validate a pipeline. Validate a pipeline. Checks whether a pipeline is configured correctly. This includes checking whether the pipeline references a valid compiled program, whether the connectors reference valid tables/views in the program, and more. Args: pipeline_id (str): Raises: errors.UnexpectedStatus: If the server returns an undocumented status code and Client.raise_on_unexpected_status is True. httpx.TimeoutException: If the request takes longer than Client.timeout. Returns: Union[ErrorResponse, str] """ return sync_detailed( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, client=client, ).parsed async def asyncio_detailed( pipeline_id: str, *, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], ) -> Response[Union[ErrorResponse, str]]: """Validate a pipeline. Validate a pipeline. Checks whether a pipeline is configured correctly. This includes checking whether the pipeline references a valid compiled program, whether the connectors reference valid tables/views in the program, and more. Args: pipeline_id (str): Raises: errors.UnexpectedStatus: If the server returns an undocumented status code and Client.raise_on_unexpected_status is True. httpx.TimeoutException: If the request takes longer than Client.timeout. Returns: Response[Union[ErrorResponse, str]] """ kwargs = _get_kwargs( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, ) response = await client.get_async_httpx_client().request(**kwargs) return _build_response(client=client, response=response) async def asyncio( pipeline_id: str, *, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], ) -> Optional[Union[ErrorResponse, str]]: """Validate a pipeline. Validate a pipeline. Checks whether a pipeline is configured correctly. This includes checking whether the pipeline references a valid compiled program, whether the connectors reference valid tables/views in the program, and more. Args: pipeline_id (str): Raises: errors.UnexpectedStatus: If the server returns an undocumented status code and Client.raise_on_unexpected_status is True. httpx.TimeoutException: If the request takes longer than Client.timeout. Returns: Union[ErrorResponse, str] """ return ( await asyncio_detailed( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, client=client, ) ).parsed
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Fermi Research Alliance, LLC # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Project: glideinwms Purpose: unit test for glideinwms/factory/ Author: Doug Strain <[email protected]> """ import os import shutil import sys import tarfile import tempfile import time import unittest import xmlrunner from glideinwms.factory import glideFactoryDowntimeLib from glideinwms.lib import condorMonitor, logSupport # unittest_utils will handle putting the appropriate directories on the python # path for us. from glideinwms.unittests.unittest_utils import create_random_string, create_temp_file, FakeLogger, runTest # from glideinwms.frontend.glideinFrontendInterface import Credential class TestDowntimes(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the downtimes library """ def METHOD_NAME(self): self.file_loc = "/tmp/downtimes.txt" self.downtime = glideFactoryDowntimeLib.DowntimeFile(self.file_loc) pass def tearDown(self): os.remove(self.file_loc) pass def test_downtimesfile(self): self.downtime.startDowntime(entry="All", comment="unittest downtime", create_if_empty=True) self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=None)) self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="James", check_time=None)) # Test downtime comments self.assertEqual(self.downtime.downtime_comment, "unittest downtime") self.downtime.endDowntime(entry="All", comment="end unittest downtime") # Use now+1 since we just ended the downtime # The second counter may not have updated now = int(time.time()) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=now + 1)) def test_setperiodwithendtime(self): now = int(time.time()) self.downtime.startDowntime( start_time=now - 60, end_time=now + 3600, entry="All", frontend="All", security_class="All", comment="unittest downtime", create_if_empty=True, ) self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=None)) self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="James", check_time=None)) self.downtime.endDowntime(entry="All", comment="end unittest downtime") # Make sure that is after the last downtime command now = int(time.time()) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=now + 1)) def test_entryonlydowntime(self): now = int(time.time()) self.downtime.startDowntime( start_time=now - 60, end_time=now + 3600, entry="DougEntry", frontend="All", security_class="All", comment="unittest downtime", create_if_empty=True, ) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=None)) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="James", check_time=None)) self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="DougEntry", check_time=None)) self.downtime.endDowntime(entry="All", comment="end unittest downtime") # Make sure that is after the last downtime command now = int(time.time()) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=now + 1)) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="DougEntry", check_time=now + 1)) def test_setdelayedperiod(self): now = int(time.time()) self.downtime.startDowntime( start_time=now + 7200, end_time=now + 10800, entry="All", frontend="All", security_class="All", comment="unittest delayed downtime", create_if_empty=True, ) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=None)) self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=now + 9600)) self.downtime.endDowntime(entry="All", comment="end unittest downtime") # Make sure that is after the last downtime command now2 = int(time.time()) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=now2 + 1)) # Relative to the initial time (must be now2 < now + 7200) # Otherwise endDowntime() interrupts started downtime intervals if now2 < now + 7200: self.assertTrue(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=now + 9600)) def test_setfrontendsecclass(self): now = int(time.time()) self.downtime.startDowntime( start_time=now - 7200, end_time=now + 10800, entry="TestEntry", frontend="SampleFrontend", security_class="SecClass", comment="unittest frontend secclass", create_if_empty=True, ) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="All", check_time=None)) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="factory", check_time=None)) self.assertFalse(self.downtime.checkDowntime(entry="TestEntry", check_time=None)) self.assertTrue( self.downtime.checkDowntime( entry="TestEntry", frontend="SampleFrontend", security_class="SecClass", check_time=now + 9600 ) ) self.assertFalse( self.downtime.checkDowntime( entry="TestEntry", frontend="OtherFrontend", security_class="SecClass", check_time=now + 9600 ) ) self.assertFalse( self.downtime.checkDowntime( entry="TestEntry", frontend="OtherFrontend", security_class="OtherClass", check_time=now + 9600 ) ) self.assertFalse( self.downtime.checkDowntime( entry="TestEntry", frontend="SampleFrontend", security_class="OtherClass", check_time=now + 9600 ) ) self.downtime.endDowntime(entry="All", comment="end unittest downtime") # Test relative to initial time but must be in the future now = max(int(time.time()) + 1, now + 9600) self.assertFalse( self.downtime.checkDowntime( entry="TestEntry", frontend="SampleFrontend", security_class="SecClass", check_time=now ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output="unittests-reports"))
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdklive.endpoint import endpoint_data class AddShowIntoShowListRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'live', '2016-11-01', 'AddShowIntoShowList','live') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_showLists(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('showList') def set_showLists(self, showList): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(showList)): if showList[depth1].get('showName') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.showName', showList[depth1].get('showName')) if showList[depth1].get('repeatTimes') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.repeatTimes', showList[depth1].get('repeatTimes')) if showList[depth1].get('resourceType') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.resourceType', showList[depth1].get('resourceType')) if showList[depth1].get('resourceUrl') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.resourceUrl', showList[depth1].get('resourceUrl')) if showList[depth1].get('liveInputType') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.liveInputType', showList[depth1].get('liveInputType')) if showList[depth1].get('duration') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.duration', showList[depth1].get('duration')) if showList[depth1].get('resourceId') is not None: self.add_query_param('showList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.resourceId', showList[depth1].get('resourceId')) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('LiveInputType') def set_LiveInputType(self, LiveInputType): # Integer self.add_query_param('LiveInputType', LiveInputType) def get_isBatchMode(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('isBatchMode') def set_isBatchMode(self, isBatchMode): # Boolean self.add_query_param('isBatchMode', isBatchMode) def get_Duration(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('Duration') def set_Duration(self, Duration): # Long self.add_query_param('Duration', Duration) def get_RepeatTimes(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('RepeatTimes') def set_RepeatTimes(self, RepeatTimes): # Integer self.add_query_param('RepeatTimes', RepeatTimes) def get_ShowName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ShowName') def set_ShowName(self, ShowName): # String self.add_query_param('ShowName', ShowName) def get_ResourceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceId') def set_ResourceId(self, ResourceId): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceId', ResourceId) def get_CasterId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('CasterId') def set_CasterId(self, CasterId): # String self.add_query_param('CasterId', CasterId) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_ResourceType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceType') def set_ResourceType(self, ResourceType): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceType', ResourceType) def get_ResourceUrl(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceUrl') def set_ResourceUrl(self, ResourceUrl): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceUrl', ResourceUrl) def get_Spot(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('Spot') def set_Spot(self, Spot): # Integer self.add_query_param('Spot', Spot)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdklinkedmall.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateOrderRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'linkedmall', '2018-01-16', 'CreateOrder','linkedmall') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_Quantity(self): return self.get_query_params().get('Quantity') def set_Quantity(self,Quantity): self.add_query_param('Quantity',Quantity) def METHOD_NAME(self): return self.get_query_params().get('BizUid') def set_BizUid(self,BizUid): self.add_query_param('BizUid',BizUid) def get_ExtJson(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ExtJson') def set_ExtJson(self,ExtJson): self.add_query_param('ExtJson',ExtJson) def get_AccountType(self): return self.get_query_params().get('AccountType') def set_AccountType(self,AccountType): self.add_query_param('AccountType',AccountType) def get_UseAnonymousTbAccount(self): return self.get_query_params().get('UseAnonymousTbAccount') def set_UseAnonymousTbAccount(self,UseAnonymousTbAccount): self.add_query_param('UseAnonymousTbAccount',UseAnonymousTbAccount) def get_OrderExpireTime(self): return self.get_query_params().get('OrderExpireTime') def set_OrderExpireTime(self,OrderExpireTime): self.add_query_param('OrderExpireTime',OrderExpireTime) def get_LmItemId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('LmItemId') def set_LmItemId(self,LmItemId): self.add_query_param('LmItemId',LmItemId) def get_ItemLists(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ItemLists') def set_ItemLists(self,ItemLists): for i in range(len(ItemLists)): if ItemLists[i].get('ItemId') is not None: self.add_query_param('ItemList.' + str(i + 1) + '.ItemId' , ItemLists[i].get('ItemId')) if ItemLists[i].get('Quantity') is not None: self.add_query_param('ItemList.' + str(i + 1) + '.Quantity' , ItemLists[i].get('Quantity')) if ItemLists[i].get('LmItemId') is not None: self.add_query_param('ItemList.' + str(i + 1) + '.LmItemId' , ItemLists[i].get('LmItemId')) if ItemLists[i].get('SkuId') is not None: self.add_query_param('ItemList.' + str(i + 1) + '.SkuId' , ItemLists[i].get('SkuId')) def get_ItemId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ItemId') def set_ItemId(self,ItemId): self.add_query_param('ItemId',ItemId) def get_TotalAmount(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TotalAmount') def set_TotalAmount(self,TotalAmount): self.add_query_param('TotalAmount',TotalAmount) def get_ThirdPartyUserId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ThirdPartyUserId') def set_ThirdPartyUserId(self,ThirdPartyUserId): self.add_query_param('ThirdPartyUserId',ThirdPartyUserId) def get_BizId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('BizId') def set_BizId(self,BizId): self.add_query_param('BizId',BizId) def get_OutTradeId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('OutTradeId') def set_OutTradeId(self,OutTradeId): self.add_query_param('OutTradeId',OutTradeId) def get_DeliveryAddress(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DeliveryAddress') def set_DeliveryAddress(self,DeliveryAddress): self.add_query_param('DeliveryAddress',DeliveryAddress
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """Common text strings""" def direction_in(): """Log line text indicating received by router""" return "<-" def direction_out(): """Log line text indicating transmitted by router""" return "->" def lozenge(): """ :return: HTML document lozenge character """ return "&#9674;" def METHOD_NAME(): """ :return: HTML Non-breaking space """ return "&#160;" # Large text strings used by main that change infrequently # html head, start body def web_page_head(): return """<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Adverbl Analysis - qpid-dispatch router logs</title> <style> * { font-family: sans-serif; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } table, td, th { border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px; } </style> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> --> <script type="text/javascript"> function node_is_visible(node) { if(dojo.isString(node)) node = dojo.byId(node); if(!node) return false; return == "block"; } function set_node(node, str) { if(dojo.isString(node)) node = dojo.byId(node); if(!node) return; = str; } function toggle_node(node) { if(dojo.isString(node)) node = dojo.byId(node); if(!node) return; set_node(node, (node_is_visible(node)) ? 'none' : 'block'); } function hide_node(node) { set_node(node, 'none'); } function show_node(node) { set_node(node, 'block'); } function go_back() { window.history.back(); } """ def web_page_toc(): return """ <h3>Contents</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Section</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_logfiles\" >Log files</a></td> <td>Router and log file info</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_rtrinstances\" >Router Instances</a></td> <td>Router reboot chronology</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_connections\" >Connections</a></td> <td>Connection overview; per connection log data view control</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_addresses\" >Addresses</a></td> <td>AMQP address usage</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_connectchrono\" >Connection Chronology</a></td> <td>Router restart and connection chronology</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_conndetails\" >Connection Details</a></td> <td>Connection details; frames sorted by link</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_noteworthy\" >Noteworthy log lines</a></td> <td>AMQP errors and interesting flags</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_logdata\" >Log data</a></td> <td>Main AMQP traffic table</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_messageprogress\">Message progress</a></td> <td>Tracking messages through the system</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_linkprogress\" >Link name propagation</a></td> <td>Tracking link names</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_rtrdump\" >Router name index</a></td> <td>Short vs. long router container names</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_peerdump\" >Peer name index</a></td> <td>Short vs. long peer names</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_linkdump\" >Link name index</a></td> <td>Short vs. long link names</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_msgdump\" >Transfer name index</a></td> <td>Short names representing transfer data</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_ls\" >Router link state</a></td> <td>Link state analysis</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=\"#c_sequence\" >Sequence diagram data</a></td> <td>Input data for utility</td></tr> </table> <hr> """ if __name__ == "__main__": pass
""" Accessible models can be read and copied but not modified or deleted. Owned models can be modified and deleted. """ from typing import ( Any, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, ) from galaxy import ( exceptions, model, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlalchemy.orm import Query class AccessibleManagerMixin: """ A security interface to check if a User can read/view an item's. This can also be thought of as 'read but not modify' privileges. """ # declare what we are using from base ModelManager model_class: Type[Any] def by_id(self, id: int): ... # don't want to override by_id since consumers will also want to fetch w/o any security checks def is_accessible(self, item: "Query", user: model.User, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """ Return True if the item accessible to user. """ # override in subclasses raise exceptions.NotImplemented("Abstract interface Method") def get_accessible(self, id: int, user: model.User, **kwargs: Any) -> "Query": """ Return the item with the given id if it's accessible to user, otherwise raise an error. :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException: """ item = self.by_id(id) return self.error_unless_accessible(item, user, **kwargs) def error_unless_accessible(self, item: "Query", user, **kwargs): """ Raise an error if the item is NOT accessible to user, otherwise return the item. :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException: """ if self.is_accessible(item, user, **kwargs): return item raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(f"{self.model_class.__name__} is not accessible by user") # TODO:?? are these even useful? def list_accessible(self, user, **kwargs): """ Return a list of items accessible to the user, raising an error if ANY are inaccessible. :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException: """ raise exceptions.NotImplemented("Abstract interface Method") # NOTE: this will be a large, inefficient list if filters are not passed in kwargs # items = ModelManager.list( self, trans, **kwargs ) # return [ self.error_unless_accessible( trans, item, user ) for item in items ] def METHOD_NAME(self, user, **kwargs): """ Return a list of items accessible to the user. """ raise exceptions.NotImplemented("Abstract interface Method") # NOTE: this will be a large, inefficient list if filters are not passed in kwargs # items = ModelManager.list( self, trans, **kwargs ) # return filter( lambda item: self.is_accessible( trans, item, user ), items ) class OwnableManagerMixin: """ A security interface to check if a User is an item's owner. Some resources are associated with the User that created or imported them and these Users can be considered the models' owner. This can also be thought of as write/edit privileges. """ # declare what we are using from base ModelManager model_class: Type[Any] def by_id(self, id: int): ... def is_owner(self, item: model.Base, user: Optional[model.User], **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """ Return True if user owns the item. """ # override in subclasses raise exceptions.NotImplemented("Abstract interface Method") def get_owned(self, id: int, user: Optional[model.User], **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Return the item with the given id if owned by the user, otherwise raise an error. :raises exceptions.ItemOwnershipException: """ item = self.by_id(id) return self.error_unless_owner(item, user, **kwargs) def error_unless_owner(self, item, user: Optional[model.User], **kwargs: Any): """ Raise an error if the item is NOT owned by user, otherwise return the item. :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException: """ if self.is_owner(item, user, **kwargs): return item raise exceptions.ItemOwnershipException(f"{self.model_class.__name__} is not owned by user") def list_owned(self, user, **kwargs): """ Return a list of items owned by the user, raising an error if ANY are not. :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException: """ raise exceptions.NotImplemented("Abstract interface Method") # just alias to by_user (easier/same thing) # return self.by_user( trans, user, **kwargs ) def filter_owned(self, user, **kwargs): """ Return a list of items owned by the user. """ # just alias to list_owned return self.list_owned(user, **kwargs) def get_mutable(self, id: int, user: Optional[model.User], **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Return the item with the given id if the user can mutate it, otherwise raise an error. The user must be the owner of the item. :raises exceptions.ItemOwnershipException: """ item = self.get_owned(id, user, **kwargs) self.error_unless_mutable(item) return item def error_unless_mutable(self, item): """ Raise an error if the item is NOT mutable. Items purged or archived are considered immutable. :raises exceptions.ItemImmutableException: """ if getattr(item, "purged", False) or getattr(item, "archived", False): raise exceptions.ItemImmutableException(f"{self.model_class.__name__} is immutable")
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdksmartag.endpoint import endpoint_data class ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Smartag', '2018-03-13', 'ModifyFlowLogAttribute','smartag') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_NetflowVersion(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NetflowVersion') def set_NetflowVersion(self, NetflowVersion): # String self.add_query_param('NetflowVersion', NetflowVersion) def get_Description(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Description') def set_Description(self, Description): # String self.add_query_param('Description', Description) def get_InactiveAging(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('InactiveAging') def set_InactiveAging(self, InactiveAging): # Integer self.add_query_param('InactiveAging', InactiveAging) def METHOD_NAME(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SlsRegionId') def set_SlsRegionId(self, SlsRegionId): # String self.add_query_param('SlsRegionId', SlsRegionId) def get_ActiveAging(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('ActiveAging') def set_ActiveAging(self, ActiveAging): # Integer self.add_query_param('ActiveAging', ActiveAging) def get_OutputType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OutputType') def set_OutputType(self, OutputType): # String self.add_query_param('OutputType', OutputType) def get_ProjectName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ProjectName') def set_ProjectName(self, ProjectName): # String self.add_query_param('ProjectName', ProjectName) def get_LogstoreName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LogstoreName') def set_LogstoreName(self, LogstoreName): # String self.add_query_param('LogstoreName', LogstoreName) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_NetflowServerPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('NetflowServerPort') def set_NetflowServerPort(self, NetflowServerPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('NetflowServerPort', NetflowServerPort) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_NetflowServerIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NetflowServerIp') def set_NetflowServerIp(self, NetflowServerIp): # String self.add_query_param('NetflowServerIp', NetflowServerIp) def get_Name(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Name') def set_Name(self, Name): # String self.add_query_param('Name', Name) def get_FlowLogId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('FlowLogId') def set_FlowLogId(self, FlowLogId): # String self.add_query_param('FlowLogId', FlowLogId)
"""NNCF Task of OTX Detection.""" # Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. from functools import partial from typing import Optional import otx.algorithms.detection.adapters.mmdet.nncf.patches # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import from otx.algorithms.common.tasks.nncf_task import NNCFBaseTask from otx.algorithms.common.utils.logger import get_logger from otx.algorithms.detection.adapters.mmdet.nncf import build_nncf_detector from otx.algorithms.detection.adapters.mmdet.task import MMDetectionTask from otx.algorithms.detection.adapters.mmdet.utils.config_utils import ( should_cluster_anchors, ) from otx.api.entities.datasets import DatasetEntity from otx.api.entities.inference_parameters import InferenceParameters from otx.api.entities.model import ModelEntity from otx.api.entities.optimization_parameters import OptimizationParameters from otx.api.entities.resultset import ResultSetEntity from otx.api.entities.subset import Subset from otx.api.entities.task_environment import TaskEnvironment from otx.api.usecases.evaluation.metrics_helper import MetricsHelper logger = get_logger() # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors class DetectionNNCFTask(NNCFBaseTask, MMDetectionTask): """DetectionNNCFTask.""" def __init__(self, task_environment: TaskEnvironment, output_path: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() super(NNCFBaseTask, self).__init__(task_environment, output_path) self._set_attributes_by_hyperparams() def _init_task(self, dataset: Optional[DatasetEntity] = None, export: bool = False): super(NNCFBaseTask, self)._init_task(dataset, export) self._prepare_optimize(export) def _prepare_optimize(self, export=False): super()._prepare_optimize() self.model_builder = partial( self.model_builder, nncf_model_builder=build_nncf_detector, return_compression_ctrl=False, is_export=export, ) def _optimize( self, dataset: DatasetEntity, optimization_parameters: Optional[OptimizationParameters] = None, ): results = self._train_model(dataset) return results def _optimize_post_hook( self, dataset: DatasetEntity, output_model: ModelEntity, ): # get prediction on validation set val_dataset = dataset.get_subset(Subset.VALIDATION) val_preds, val_map = self._infer_model(val_dataset, InferenceParameters(is_evaluation=True)) preds_val_dataset = val_dataset.with_empty_annotations() self._add_predictions_to_dataset(val_preds, preds_val_dataset, 0.0) result_set = ResultSetEntity( model=output_model, ground_truth_dataset=val_dataset, prediction_dataset=preds_val_dataset, ) # adjust confidence threshold if self._hyperparams.postprocessing.result_based_confidence_threshold: best_confidence_threshold = None"Adjusting the confidence threshold") metric = MetricsHelper.compute_f_measure(result_set, vary_confidence_threshold=True) if metric.best_confidence_threshold: best_confidence_threshold = metric.best_confidence_threshold.value if best_confidence_threshold is None: raise ValueError("Cannot compute metrics: Invalid confidence threshold!")"Setting confidence threshold to {best_confidence_threshold} based on results") self.confidence_threshold = best_confidence_threshold else: metric = MetricsHelper.compute_f_measure(result_set, vary_confidence_threshold=False) performance = metric.get_performance()"Final model performance: {str(performance)}") performance.dashboard_metrics.extend( # pylint: disable-next=protected-access self._generate_training_metrics(self._learning_curves, val_map) ) output_model.performance = performance def METHOD_NAME(self, modelinfo): if self._recipe_cfg is not None and should_cluster_anchors(self._recipe_cfg): modelinfo["anchors"] = {} self._update_anchors(modelinfo["anchors"], self.config.model.bbox_head.anchor_generator) modelinfo["confidence_threshold"] = self.confidence_threshold
from rest_framework import serializers as ser from rest_framework import exceptions from osf.exceptions import ValidationError from osf.models import ApiOAuth2PersonalToken, ApiOAuth2Scope from api.base.exceptions import format_validation_error from api.base.serializers import JSONAPISerializer, LinksField, IDField, TypeField, RelationshipField, StrictVersion from api.scopes.serializers import SCOPES_RELATIONSHIP_VERSION class ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenSerializer(JSONAPISerializer): """Serialize data about a registered personal access token""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) request = kwargs['context']['request'] # Dynamically adding scopes field here, depending on the version if expect_scopes_as_relationships(request): field = RelationshipField( related_view='tokens:token-scopes-list', related_view_kwargs={'_id': '<_id>'}, always_embed=True, read_only=False, ) self.fields['scopes'] = field self.fields['owner'] = RelationshipField( related_view='users:user-detail', related_view_kwargs={'user_id': '<owner._id>'}, ) # Making scopes embeddable self.context['embed']['scopes'] = self.context['view']._get_embed_partial('scopes', field) else: self.fields['scopes'] = ser.SerializerMethodField() self.fields['owner'] = ser.SerializerMethodField() id = IDField(source='_id', read_only=True, help_text='The object ID for this token (automatically generated)') type = TypeField() name = ser.CharField( help_text='A short, descriptive name for this token', required=True, ) token_id = ser.CharField(read_only=True, allow_blank=True) class Meta: type_ = 'tokens' links = LinksField({ 'html': 'absolute_url', }) def get_owner(self, obj): return obj.owner._id def METHOD_NAME(self, obj): return ' '.join([ for scope in obj.scopes.all()]) def absolute_url(self, obj): return obj.absolute_url def get_absolute_url(self, obj): return obj.absolute_api_v2_url def to_representation(self, obj, envelope='data'): data = super(ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenSerializer, self).to_representation(obj, envelope=envelope) # Make sure users only see token_id on create if not self.context['request'].method == 'POST': if 'data' in data: data['data']['attributes'].pop('token_id') else: data['attributes'].pop('token_id') return data def create(self, validated_data): scopes = validate_requested_scopes(validated_data.pop('scopes', None)) if not scopes: raise exceptions.ValidationError('Cannot create a token without scopes.') instance = ApiOAuth2PersonalToken(**validated_data) try: except ValidationError as e: detail = format_validation_error(e) raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail=detail) for scope in scopes: instance.scopes.add(scope) return instance def update(self, instance, validated_data): scopes = validate_requested_scopes(validated_data.pop('scopes', None)) assert isinstance(instance, ApiOAuth2PersonalToken), 'instance must be an ApiOAuth2PersonalToken' instance.deactivate(save=False) # This will cause CAS to revoke the existing token but still allow it to be used in the future, new scopes will be updated properly at that time. instance.reload() for attr, value in validated_data.items(): if attr == 'token_id': # Do not allow user to update token_id continue else: setattr(instance, attr, value) if scopes: update_scopes(instance, scopes) try: except ValidationError as e: detail = format_validation_error(e) raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail=detail) return instance class ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenWritableSerializer(ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenSerializer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenWritableSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) request = kwargs['context']['request'] # Dynamically overriding scopes field for early versions to make scopes writable via an attribute if not expect_scopes_as_relationships(request): self.fields['scopes'] = ser.CharField(write_only=True, required=False) def to_representation(self, obj, envelope='data'): """ Overriding to_representation allows using different serializers for the request and response. This will allow scopes to be a serializer method field if an early version, or a relationship field for a later version """ context = self.context return ApiOAuth2PersonalTokenSerializer(instance=obj, context=context).data def expect_scopes_as_relationships(request): """Whether serializer should expect scopes to be a relationship instead of an attribute Scopes were previously an attribute on the serializer to mirror that they were a CharField on the model. Now that scopes are an m2m field with tokens, later versions of the serializer represent scopes as relationships. """ return StrictVersion(getattr(request, 'version', '2.0')) >= StrictVersion(SCOPES_RELATIONSHIP_VERSION) def update_scopes(token, scopes): to_remove = token.scopes.difference(scopes) to_add = scopes.difference(token.scopes.all()) for scope in to_remove: token.scopes.remove(scope) for scope in to_add: token.scopes.add(scope) return def validate_requested_scopes(data): if not data: return [] if type(data) != list: data = data.split(' ') scopes = ApiOAuth2Scope.objects.filter(name__in=data) if len(scopes) != len(data): raise exceptions.NotFound('Scope names must be one of: {}.'.format( ', '.join(ApiOAuth2Scope.objects.values_list('name', flat=True)), )) if scopes.filter(is_public=False): raise exceptions.ValidationError('User requested invalid scope.') return scopes
# Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import errno import os import uuid from contextlib import contextmanager from errno import EACCES, ENOENT, EPERM, EROFS from os.path import isfile, join, lexists from shutil import rmtree from stat import ( S_IRGRP, S_IROTH, S_IRUSR, S_IRWXG, S_IRWXO, S_IRWXU, S_IXGRP, S_IXOTH, S_IXUSR, ) from tempfile import gettempdir from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from conda.gateways.disk.update import touch def create_temp_location(): tempdirdir = gettempdir() dirname = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] return join(tempdirdir, dirname) @contextmanager def tempdir(): prefix = create_temp_location() try: os.makedirs(prefix) yield prefix finally: if lexists(prefix): rmtree(prefix, ignore_errors=False, onerror=_remove_read_only) def _remove_read_only(func, path, exc): excvalue = exc[1] if func in (os.rmdir, os.remove) and excvalue.errno == errno.EACCES: os.chmod(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) func(path) else: pass def _make_read_only(path): os.chmod(path, S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) def _can_write_file(test, content): try: with open(test, "w+") as fh: fh.write(content) fh.close() if os.stat(test).st_size == 0.0: return False else: return True except Exception as e: eno = getattr(e, "errono", None) if eno == 13: return False def _try_open(path): try: f = open(path, "a+") except: raise else: f.close() def _can_execute(path): return bool(os.stat(path).st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) def test_make_writable(): from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import make_writable with tempdir() as td: test_path = join(td, "test_path") touch(test_path) assert isfile(test_path) _try_open(test_path) _make_read_only(test_path) pytest.raises((IOError, OSError), _try_open, test_path) make_writable(test_path) _try_open(test_path) assert _can_write_file(test_path, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks") os.remove(test_path) assert not isfile(test_path) def test_make_writable_doesnt_exist(): from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import make_writable with pytest.raises((IOError, OSError)) as exc: make_writable(join("some", "path", "that", "definitely", "doesnt", "exist")) assert exc.value.errno == ENOENT def test_make_writable_dir_EPERM(): import conda.gateways.disk.permissions from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import make_writable with patch.object(conda.gateways.disk.permissions, "chmod") as chmod_mock: chmod_mock.side_effect = IOError(EPERM, "some message", "foo") with tempdir() as td: assert not make_writable(td) def METHOD_NAME(): import conda.gateways.disk.permissions from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import make_writable with patch.object(conda.gateways.disk.permissions, "chmod") as chmod_mock: chmod_mock.side_effect = IOError(EACCES, "some message", "foo") with tempdir() as td: assert not make_writable(td) def test_make_writable_dir_EROFS(): import conda.gateways.disk.permissions from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import make_writable with patch.object(conda.gateways.disk.permissions, "chmod") as chmod_mock: chmod_mock.side_effect = IOError(EROFS, "some message", "foo") with tempdir() as td: assert not make_writable(td) def test_recursive_make_writable(): from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import recursive_make_writable with tempdir() as td: test_path = join(td, "test_path") touch(test_path) assert isfile(test_path) _try_open(test_path) _make_read_only(test_path) pytest.raises((IOError, OSError), _try_open, test_path) recursive_make_writable(test_path) _try_open(test_path) assert _can_write_file(test_path, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks") os.remove(test_path) assert not isfile(test_path) def test_make_executable(): from conda.gateways.disk.permissions import make_executable with tempdir() as td: test_path = join(td, "test_path") touch(test_path) assert isfile(test_path) _try_open(test_path) _make_read_only(test_path) assert not _can_write_file(test_path, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks") assert not _can_execute(test_path) make_executable(test_path)
import mock import pytest from django.db import IntegrityError from framework.auth import Auth from osf.models import Collection from osf.exceptions import NodeStateError from website.views import find_bookmark_collection from .factories import ( UserFactory, ProjectFactory, BookmarkCollectionFactory, CollectionFactory, CollectionProviderFactory ) from osf.utils.workflows import CollectionSubmissionStates from website.mails import mails from osf.models.collection_submission import mails as collection_submission_mail pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.fixture() def user(): return UserFactory() @pytest.fixture() def auth(user): return Auth(user) # copied from tests/ @pytest.mark.enable_bookmark_creation class TestBookmarkCollection: @pytest.fixture() def collection(self, user): return find_bookmark_collection(user) def test_bookmark_collection_is_bookmark_collection(self, collection): assert collection.is_bookmark_collection assert isinstance(collection, Collection) def test_cannot_remove_bookmark_collection(self, collection): with pytest.raises(NodeStateError): collection.delete() def test_cannot_have_two_bookmark_collection(self, user, collection): with pytest.raises(IntegrityError): BookmarkCollectionFactory(creator=user) def test_cannot_link_to_bookmark_collection(self, user, auth, collection): new_node = ProjectFactory(creator=user) with pytest.raises(ValueError): new_node.add_pointer(collection, auth=auth) def test_can_remove_empty_folder(self, user, auth): new_folder = CollectionFactory(creator=user) assert isinstance(new_folder, Collection) new_folder.delete() assert new_folder.deleted def test_can_remove_root_folder_structure_without_cascading(self, user, auth): outer_folder = CollectionFactory(creator=user) assert isinstance(outer_folder, Collection) inner_folder = CollectionFactory(creator=user) assert isinstance(inner_folder, Collection) outer_folder.collect_object(inner_folder, auth.user) outer_folder.delete() assert outer_folder.deleted inner_folder.refresh_from_db() assert not inner_folder.deleted @pytest.mark.enable_bookmark_creation class TestImplicitRemoval: @pytest.fixture def bookmark_collection(self, user): return find_bookmark_collection(user) @pytest.fixture def user2(self): return UserFactory() @pytest.fixture def alternate_bookmark_collection(self, user2): return find_bookmark_collection(user2) @pytest.fixture def standard_collection(self): return CollectionFactory() @pytest.fixture def collected_node(self, bookmark_collection, alternate_bookmark_collection, standard_collection): node = ProjectFactory(creator=bookmark_collection.creator, is_public=True) bookmark_collection.collect_object(node, bookmark_collection.creator) alternate_bookmark_collection.collect_object(node, alternate_bookmark_collection.creator) standard_collection.collect_object(node, standard_collection.creator) return node @pytest.fixture def provider(self): return CollectionProviderFactory() @pytest.fixture def provider_collection(self, provider): return CollectionFactory(provider=provider) @pytest.fixture def METHOD_NAME(self, bookmark_collection, alternate_bookmark_collection, provider_collection): node = ProjectFactory(creator=bookmark_collection.creator, is_public=True) bookmark_collection.collect_object(node, bookmark_collection.creator) alternate_bookmark_collection.collect_object(node, alternate_bookmark_collection.creator) provider_collection.collect_object(node, provider_collection.creator) return node @mock.patch('osf.models.node.Node.check_privacy_change_viability', mock.Mock()) # mocks the storage usage limits def test_node_removed_from_collection_on_privacy_change(self, auth, collected_node, bookmark_collection): associated_collections = collected_node.guids.first().collectionsubmission_set assert associated_collections.count() == 3 collected_node.set_privacy('private', auth=auth) assert associated_collections.filter(machine_state=CollectionSubmissionStates.REMOVED).count() == 2 assert associated_collections.exclude(machine_state=CollectionSubmissionStates.REMOVED).count() == 1 assert associated_collections.filter(collection=bookmark_collection).exists() @mock.patch('osf.models.node.Node.check_privacy_change_viability', mock.Mock()) # mocks the storage usage limits def test_node_removed_from_collection_on_privacy_change_notify(self, auth, METHOD_NAME, bookmark_collection): associated_collections = METHOD_NAME.guids.first().collectionsubmission_set assert associated_collections.count() == 3 send_mail = mails.send_mail with mock.patch.object(collection_submission_mail, 'send_mail') as mock_send: mock_send.side_effect = send_mail # implicitly test rendering METHOD_NAME.set_privacy('private', auth=auth) assert mock_send.called assert len(mock_send.call_args_list) == 1 email1 = mock_send.call_args_list[0] _, email1_kwargs = email1 assert {email1_kwargs['node'].id} == {} expected_mail = mails.COLLECTION_SUBMISSION_REMOVED_PRIVATE(associated_collections.last().collection, METHOD_NAME) assert {email1_kwargs['mail'].tpl_prefix} == {expected_mail.tpl_prefix} @mock.patch('osf.models.node.Node.check_privacy_change_viability', mock.Mock()) # mocks the storage usage limits def test_node_removed_from_collection_on_privacy_change_no_provider(self, auth, collected_node, bookmark_collection): associated_collections = collected_node.guids.first().collectionsubmission_set assert associated_collections.count() == 3 send_mail = mails.send_mail with mock.patch.object(collection_submission_mail, 'send_mail') as mock_send: mock_send.side_effect = send_mail # implicitly test rendering collected_node.set_privacy('private', auth=auth) assert not mock_send.called def test_node_removed_from_collection_on_delete(self, collected_node, bookmark_collection, auth): associated_collections = collected_node.guids.first().collectionsubmission_set assert associated_collections.filter(machine_state=CollectionSubmissionStates.ACCEPTED).count() == 3 collected_node.remove_node(auth) assert associated_collections.filter(machine_state=CollectionSubmissionStates.REMOVED).count() == 3
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # NOTE: This is an exact copy of # # with the exception of the `image` feature. This is to avoid adding `Pillow` # as a dependency. """HEAD-QA: A Healthcare Dataset for Complex Reasoning.""" import json import os import datasets _CITATION = """\ @inproceedings{vilares-gomez-rodriguez-2019-head, title = "{HEAD}-{QA}: A Healthcare Dataset for Complex Reasoning", author = "Vilares, David and G{\'o}mez-Rodr{\'i}guez, Carlos", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics", month = jul, year = "2019", address = "Florence, Italy", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "", doi = "10.18653/v1/P19-1092", pages = "960--966", abstract = "We present HEAD-QA, a multi-choice question answering testbed to encourage research on complex reasoning. The questions come from exams to access a specialized position in the Spanish healthcare system, and are challenging even for highly specialized humans. We then consider monolingual (Spanish) and cross-lingual (to English) experiments with information retrieval and neural techniques. We show that: (i) HEAD-QA challenges current methods, and (ii) the results lag well behind human performance, demonstrating its usefulness as a benchmark for future work.", } """ _DESCRIPTION = """\ HEAD-QA is a multi-choice HEAlthcare Dataset. The questions come from exams to access a specialized position in the Spanish healthcare system, and are challenging even for highly specialized humans. They are designed by the Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social. The dataset contains questions about the following topics: medicine, nursing, psychology, chemistry, pharmacology and biology. """ _HOMEPAGE = "" _LICENSE = "MIT License" _URL = "" _DIRS = {"es": "HEAD", "en": "HEAD_EN"} class HeadQA(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """HEAD-QA: A Healthcare Dataset for Complex Reasoning""" VERSION = datasets.Version("1.1.0") BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ datasets.BuilderConfig( name="es", version=VERSION, description="Spanish HEAD dataset" ), datasets.BuilderConfig( name="en", version=VERSION, description="English HEAD dataset" ), ] DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "es" def _info(self): return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features( { "name": datasets.Value("string"), "year": datasets.Value("string"), "category": datasets.Value("string"), "qid": datasets.Value("int32"), "qtext": datasets.Value("string"), "ra": datasets.Value("int32"), "answers": [ { "aid": datasets.Value("int32"), "atext": datasets.Value("string"), } ], } ), supervised_keys=None, homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" data_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_URL) dir = _DIRS[] data_lang_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, dir) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "data_dir": data_dir, "filepath": os.path.join(data_lang_dir, f"train_{dir}.json"), }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={ "data_dir": data_dir, "filepath": os.path.join(data_lang_dir, f"test_{dir}.json"), }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs={ "data_dir": data_dir, "filepath": os.path.join(data_lang_dir, f"dev_{dir}.json"), }, ), ] def METHOD_NAME(self, data_dir, filepath): """Yields examples.""" with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: head_qa = json.load(f) for exam_id, exam in enumerate(head_qa["exams"]): content = head_qa["exams"][exam] name = content["name"].strip() year = content["year"].strip() category = content["category"].strip() for question in content["data"]: qid = int(question["qid"].strip()) qtext = question["qtext"].strip() ra = int(question["ra"].strip()) aids = [answer["aid"] for answer in question["answers"]] atexts = [answer["atext"].strip() for answer in question["answers"]] answers = [ {"aid": aid, "atext": atext} for aid, atext in zip(aids, atexts) ] id_ = f"{exam_id}_{qid}" yield id_, { "name": name, "year": year, "category": category, "qid": qid, "qtext": qtext, "ra": ra, "answers": answers, }
#!/usr/bin/env python # general imports from numpy import * from random import uniform # imp general import IMP # our project from IMP.isd import Scale, vonMisesKappaJeffreysRestraint # unit testing framework import IMP.test class Tests(IMP.test.TestCase): def setUp(self): IMP.test.TestCase.setUp(self) # IMP.set_log_level(IMP.MEMORY) IMP.set_log_level(0) self.m = IMP.Model() self.kappa = Scale.setup_particle(IMP.Particle(self.m), 1.0) self.DA = IMP.DerivativeAccumulator() self.J = IMP.isd.vonMisesKappaJeffreysRestraint(self.m, self.kappa) def METHOD_NAME(self): "Test vonMisesKappaJeffreys probability" try: from scipy.special import i0, i1 except ImportError: self.skipTest("this test requires the scipy Python module") for i in range(100): no = uniform(0.1, 100) self.kappa.set_scale(no) ratio = i1(no) / i0(no) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.J.get_probability(), sqrt( ratio * ( no - ratio - no * ratio * ratio)), delta=0.001) def testValueE(self): "Test if vonMisesKappaJeffreys score is log(scale)" try: from scipy.special import i0, i1 except ImportError: self.skipTest("this test requires the scipy Python module") for i in range(100): no = uniform(0.1, 100) self.kappa.set_scale(no) ratio = i1(no) / i0(no) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.J.unprotected_evaluate(None), -0.5 * log(ratio * (no - ratio - no * ratio * ratio)), delta=0.001) def testDerivative(self): "Test the derivative of vonMisesKappaJeffreysRestraint" try: from scipy.special import i0, i1 except ImportError: self.skipTest("this test requires the scipy Python module") sf = IMP.core.RestraintsScoringFunction([self.J]) for i in range(100): no = uniform(0.1, 100) self.kappa.set_scale(no) sf.evaluate(True) ratio = i1(no) / i0(no) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.kappa.get_scale_derivative(), 0.5 * (-1 / ratio + 3 * ratio + 1 / no + 1 / ( no - no ** 2 / ratio + ratio * no ** 2)), delta=0.001) def test_get_inputs(self): "Test vonMisesKappaJeffreysRestraint::get_inputs()" self.assertEqual([x.get_name() for x in self.J.get_inputs()], [self.kappa.get_name()]) def testNonzeroE(self): "vonMisesKappaKappaJeffreys errors on evaluate with zero scale" self.kappa.set_scale(0.0) self.assertRaises( IMP.ModelException, self.J.unprotected_evaluate, self.DA) def testNegativeE(self): "vonMisesKappaKappaJeffreys errors on evaluate with negative scale" self.kappa.set_scale(-1.0) self.assertRaises( IMP.ModelException, self.J.unprotected_evaluate, self.DA) def testNonzeroP(self): "Test vonMisesKappaKappaJeffreys get_prob with zero scale" self.kappa.set_scale(0.0) self.assertRaises(IMP.ModelException, self.J.get_probability) def testNegativeP(self): "Test vonMisesKappaKappaJeffreys get_prob with negative scale" self.kappa.set_scale(-1.0) self.assertRaises(IMP.ModelException, self.J.get_probability) def testSanityEP(self): "Test if vonMisesKappaJeffreys score is -log(prob)" for i in range(100): no = uniform(0.1, 100) self.kappa.set_scale(no) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.J.unprotected_evaluate(self.DA), -log(self.J.get_probability())) def testSanityPE(self): "Test if vonMisesKappaJeffreys prob is exp(-score)" for i in range(100): no = uniform(0.1, 100) self.kappa.set_scale(no) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.J.get_probability(), exp(-self.J.unprotected_evaluate(self.DA))) if __name__ == '__main__': IMP.test.main()
# Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause from __future__ import annotations import json import uuid from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable import pytest from pytest import MonkeyPatch from conda.base.context import reset_context from import env_vars from import ( display_health_checks, find_altered_packages, find_packages_with_missing_files, ) from conda.testing.integration import make_temp_env @pytest.fixture def env_ok(tmp_path: Path) -> Iterable[tuple[Path, str, str, str]]: """Fixture that returns a testing environment with no missing files""" package = uuid.uuid4().hex (tmp_path / "bin").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (tmp_path / "lib").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (tmp_path / "conda-meta").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) bin_doctor = f"bin/{package}" (tmp_path / bin_doctor).touch() lib_doctor = f"lib/{package}.py" (tmp_path / lib_doctor).touch() # A template json file mimicking a json file in conda-meta # the "sha256" and "sha256_in_prefix" values are sha256 checksum generated for an empty file PACKAGE_JSON = { "files": [ bin_doctor, lib_doctor, ], "paths_data": { "paths": [ { "_path": bin_doctor, "sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", "sha256_in_prefix": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", }, { "_path": lib_doctor, "sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", "sha256_in_prefix": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", }, ], "paths_version": 1, }, } (tmp_path / "conda-meta" / f"{package}.json").write_text(json.dumps(PACKAGE_JSON)) yield tmp_path, bin_doctor, lib_doctor, package @pytest.fixture def env_missing_files(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str]) -> tuple[Path, str, str, str]: """Fixture that returns a testing environment with missing files""" prefix, bin_doctor, _, _ = env_ok (prefix / bin_doctor).unlink() # file bin_doctor becomes "missing" return env_ok @pytest.fixture def env_altered_files(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str]) -> tuple[Path, str, str, str]: """Fixture that returns a testing environment with altered files""" prefix, _, lib_doctor, _ = env_ok # Altering the file so that it's sha256 checksum will change with open(prefix / lib_doctor, "w") as f: f.write("print('Hello, World!')") return env_ok def test_no_missing_files(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str]): """Test that runs for the case with no missing files""" prefix, _, _, _ = env_ok assert find_packages_with_missing_files(prefix) == {} def test_missing_files(env_missing_files: tuple[Path, str, str, str]): prefix, bin_doctor, _, package = env_missing_files assert find_packages_with_missing_files(prefix) == {package: [bin_doctor]} def test_no_altered_files(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str]): """Test that runs for the case with no altered files""" prefix, _, _, _ = env_ok assert find_altered_packages(prefix) == {} def METHOD_NAME(env_altered_files: tuple[Path, str, str, str]): prefix, _, lib_doctor, package = env_altered_files assert find_altered_packages(prefix) == {package: [lib_doctor]} def test_json_keys_missing(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str], capsys): """Test that runs for the case with empty json""" prefix, _, _, package = env_ok file = prefix / "conda-meta" / f"{package}.json" with open(file) as f: data = json.load(f) del data["paths_data"] with open(file, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f) assert find_altered_packages(prefix) == {} def test_wrong_path_version(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str]): """Test that runs for the case when path_version is not equal to 1""" prefix, _, _, package = env_ok file = prefix / "conda-meta" / f"{package}.json" with open(file) as f: data = json.load(f) data["paths_data"]["paths_version"] = 2 with open(file, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f) assert find_altered_packages(prefix) == {} def test_json_cannot_be_loaded(env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str]): """Test that runs for the case when json file is missing""" prefix, _, _, package = env_ok # passing a None type to json.loads() so that it fails package = None assert find_altered_packages(prefix) == {} @pytest.mark.parametrize("verbose", [True, False]) def test_display_health_checks( env_ok: tuple[Path, str, str, str], verbose: bool, capsys, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ): """Test that runs display_health_checks without missing or altered files.""" prefix, bin_doctor, lib_doctor, package = env_ok monkeypatch.setenv("CONDA_PREFIX", str(prefix)) reset_context() display_health_checks(prefix, verbose=verbose) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "There are no packages with missing files." in captured.out assert "There are no packages with altered files." in captured.out @pytest.mark.parametrize("verbose", [True, False]) def test_display_health_checks_missing_files( env_missing_files: tuple[Path, str, str, str], verbose: bool, capsys, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, ): """Test that runs display_health_checks with missing files""" prefix, bin_doctor, _, package = env_missing_files monkeypatch.setenv("CONDA_PREFIX", str(prefix)) reset_context() display_health_checks(prefix, verbose=verbose) captured = capsys.readouterr() if verbose: assert str(bin_doctor) in captured.out else: assert f"{package}: 1" in captured.out @pytest.mark.parametrize("verbose", [True, False]) def test_display_health_checks_altered_files( env_altered_files: tuple[Path, str, str, str], verbose: bool, capsys, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, ): """Test that runs display_health_checks with altered files""" prefix, _, lib_doctor, package = env_altered_files monkeypatch.setenv("CONDA_PREFIX", str(prefix)) reset_context() display_health_checks(prefix, verbose=verbose) captured = capsys.readouterr() if verbose: assert str(lib_doctor) in captured.out else: assert f"{package}: 1" in captured.out
from itertools import chain from math import isnan from numbers import Real, Integral import numpy as np from import Value, Unknown, DiscreteVariable __all__ = ["Instance"] class Instance: def __init__(self, domain, data=None, id=None): """ Construct a new data instance. :param domain: domain that describes the instance's variables :type domain: :param data: instance's values :type data: or a sequence of values :param id: instance id :type id: hashable value """ if data is None and isinstance(domain, Instance): data = domain domain = data.domain self._domain = domain if data is None: self._x = np.repeat(Unknown, len(domain.attributes)) self._y = np.repeat(Unknown, len(domain.class_vars)) self._metas = np.array([var.Unknown for var in domain.metas], dtype=object) self._weight = 1 elif isinstance(data, Instance) and data.domain == domain: self._x = np.array(data._x) self._y = np.atleast_1d(np.array(data._y)) self._metas = np.array(data._metas) self._weight = data._weight else: self._x, self._y, self._metas = domain.convert(data) self._y = np.atleast_1d(self._y) self._weight = 1 if id is not None: = id else: from import Table = Table.new_id() @property def domain(self): """The domain describing the instance's values.""" return self._domain @property def METHOD_NAME(self): """ Instance's attributes as a 1-dimensional numpy array whose length equals `len(self.domain.attributes)`. """ return self._x @property def y(self): """ Instance's classes as a 1-dimensional numpy array whose length equals `len(self.domain.attributes)`. """ return self._y @property def metas(self): """ Instance's meta attributes as a 1-dimensional numpy array whose length equals `len(self.domain.attributes)`. """ return self._metas @property def list(self): """ All instance's values, including attributes, classes and meta attributes, as a list whose length equals `len(self.domain.attributes) + len(self.domain.class_vars) + len(self.domain.metas)`. """ n_self, n_metas = len(self), len(self._metas) return [self[i].value if i < n_self else self[n_self - i - 1].value for i in range(n_self + n_metas)] @property def weight(self): """The weight of the data instance. Default is 1.""" return self._weight @weight.setter def weight(self, weight): self._weight = weight def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, Integral): key = self._domain.index(key) value = self._domain[key].to_val(value) if key >= 0 and not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Expected primitive value, got '%s'" % type(value).__name__) if 0 <= key < len(self._domain.attributes): self._x[key] = value elif len(self._domain.attributes) <= key: self._y[key - len(self.domain.attributes)] = value else: self._metas[-1 - key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): idx = key if isinstance(key, Integral) else self._domain.index(key) if 0 <= idx < len(self._domain.attributes): value = self._x[idx] elif idx >= len(self._domain.attributes): if self._y.ndim == 0: value = self._y else: value = self._y[idx - len(self.domain.attributes)] else: value = self._metas[-1 - idx] var = self._domain[idx] if isinstance(key, DiscreteVariable) and var is not key: value = key.get_mapper_from(var)(value) var = key return Value(var, value) #TODO Should we return an instance of `object` if we have a meta attribute # that is not Discrete or Continuous? E.g. when we have strings, we'd # like to be able to use startswith, lower etc... # Or should we even return Continuous as floats and use Value only # for discrete attributes?! # Same in Table.__getitem__ @staticmethod def str_values(data, variables, limit=True): if limit: s = ", ".join(var.str_val(val) for var, val in zip(variables, data[:5])) if len(data) > 5: s += ", ..." return s else: return ", ".join(var.str_val(val) for var, val in zip(variables, data)) def _str(self, limit): s = "[" + self.str_values(self._x, self._domain.attributes, limit) if self._domain.class_vars: s += " | " + \ self.str_values(self._y, self._domain.class_vars, limit) s += "]" if self._domain.metas: s += " {" + \ self.str_values(self._metas, self._domain.metas, limit) + \ "}" return s def __str__(self): return self._str(False) def __repr__(self): return self._str(True) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Instance): other = Instance(self._domain, other) def same(x1, x2): nan1 = np.isnan(x1) nan2 = np.isnan(x2) return np.array_equal(nan1, nan2) and \ np.array_equal(x1[~nan1], x2[~nan2]) return same(self._x, other._x) and same(self._y, other._y) \ and all(m1 == m2 or type(m1) == type(m2) == float and isnan(m1) and isnan(m2) for m1, m2 in zip(self._metas, other._metas)) @classmethod def __hash__(cls): raise TypeError(f"unhashable type: '{type(cls.__name__)}'") def __iter__(self): return chain(iter(self._x), iter(self._y)) def values(self): return (Value(var, val) for var, val in zip(self.domain.variables, self)) def __len__(self): return len(self._x) + len(self._y) def attributes(self): """Return iterator over the instance's attributes""" return iter(self._x) def classes(self): """Return iterator over the instance's class attributes""" return iter(self._y) # A helper function for get_class and set_class def _check_single_class(self): if not self._domain.class_vars: raise TypeError("Domain has no class variable") elif len(self._domain.class_vars) > 1: raise TypeError("Domain has multiple class variables") def get_class(self): """ Return the class value as an instance of :obj:``. Throws an exception if there are multiple classes. """ self._check_single_class() return Value(self._domain.class_var, self._y[0]) def get_classes(self): """ Return the class value as a list of instances of :obj:``. """ return (Value(var, value) for var, value in zip(self._domain.class_vars, self._y)) def set_class(self, value): """ Set the instance's class. Throws an exception if there are multiple classes. """ self._check_single_class() if not isinstance(value, Real): self._y[0] = self._domain.class_var.to_val(value) else: self._y[0] = value
import glob import os from datetime import datetime import re import codecs import copy from pipeline.api import PipelineAPI from pipeline.log.logger import LocalLogger, TaskLogger, RunLogger DTS_LAST_RECORD_FILE = 'last_record.txt' DTS_EMAIL_TEMPLATE = 'template.html' DTS_LOGS_FILES = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOGS_FILES', 'dts*.*') DATE_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' dts_user = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOG_NOTIFICATION_USER') if not dts_user: raise RuntimeError('CP_DTS_LOG_NOTIFICATION_USER is not defined!') dts_users_copy = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOG_NOTIFICATION_USERS_COPY', None) dts_users_copy_list = [cc_user.strip() for cc_user in dts_users_copy.split( ",")] if dts_users_copy else [] dts_notify_subject = os.getenv( 'CP_DTS_LOG_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT', 'DTS logs files has errors') dts_path = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOG_CHECKER_SYSTEM_DIR') if not dts_path or not os.path.isdir(dts_path): raise RuntimeError( "CP_DTS_LOG_CHECKER_SYSTEM_DIR is not defined or doesn't exist on the system!") dts_file = os.path.join(dts_path, DTS_LAST_RECORD_FILE) dts_logs_path = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOGS_DIR') if not dts_logs_path or not os.path.isdir(dts_logs_path): raise RuntimeError('CP_DTS_LOGS_DIR is not defined!') dts_logs_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dts_logs_path, DTS_LOGS_FILES)) dts_log_url = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOG_URL_TEMPLATE') dts_token = os.getenv('API_TOKEN') dts_newest_log_file = max(glob.iglob(os.path.join( dts_logs_path, DTS_LOGS_FILES)), key=os.path.getmtime) email_template_file = os.path.join(dts_path, DTS_EMAIL_TEMPLATE) pattern = os.getenv('CP_DTS_LOG_MESSAGE_PATTERN', r'/*ERROR./*') run_id = os.getenv('RUN_ID', default='0') pipeline_name = os.getenv('PIPELINE_NAME', default='pipeline') runs_root = os.getenv('CP_RUNS_ROOT_DIR', default='/runs') run_dir = os.getenv('RUN_DIR', default=os.path.join( runs_root, pipeline_name + '-' + run_id)) log_dir = os.getenv('LOG_DIR', default=os.path.join(run_dir, 'logs')) pipeline_api = os.getenv('API') api = PipelineAPI(api_url=pipeline_api, log_dir=log_dir) logger = RunLogger(api=api, run_id=run_id) logger = TaskLogger(task='DTSLogCheck', inner=logger) logger = LocalLogger(inner=logger) def get_email_body(email_template_file): body = {} if os.path.exists(email_template_file): with, "r", "utf-8") as html_file: body = else: body = """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style> table, td {{ border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 5px; }} </style> </head> <body> <p>Dear user,<br> *** This is a system generated email, do not reply to this email ***<br> <b>DTS log files with errors:</b><br> {}<br> Best regards, EPM-AWS-Dev Platform<br> </body> </html> """ return body def generate_table(files_with_errors): def get_table_header(dts_log_url): if dts_log_url: return """ <tr> <td><b>Files</b></td> <td><b>Access link</b></td> </tr>""" else: return """ <tr> <td><b>Files</b></td> </tr>""" def get_table_row(dts_log_url, file): if dts_log_url: file_link = dts_log_url + \ os.path.basename(file) + '&contentDisposition=ATTACHMENT' return '<td>{}</td><td><a href="{}">Link</a></td>'.format(file, file_link) else: return '<td>{}</td>'.format(file) table = "<table>" + get_table_header(dts_log_url) for file in files_with_errors: table += "<tr>" + get_table_row(dts_log_url, file) + "</tr>" table += "</table>" return table def retrieve_timestamp(str): match_str = '(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}).(\d{3})', str) if match_str is not None and return datetime.strptime(, DATE_TIME_FORMAT) else: logger.warn("Can't find an applicable date in string: {}".format(str)) def retrieve_last_results_info(): if os.path.exists(dts_file) and os.path.getsize(dts_file) > 0: with open(dts_file) as f: file_row = dates = file_row.split(',') script_runtime = retrieve_timestamp(dates[0]) last_row_number = dates[1] return script_runtime, last_row_number else:'There is no information about previous results') return None, None def METHOD_NAME(script_runtime): changed_files = [] for file in dts_logs_files: mtime = os.path.getmtime(file) last_modification_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime) if not script_runtime or last_modification_date > script_runtime: changed_files.append(file) return changed_files def file_contains_error(filename, line_to_start): with open(filename, 'r') as f: count = 0 for line in f: if count < int(line_to_start): count += 1 continue if, line): return True def save_last_record_file(dts_file, dts_newest_log_file, logger): with open(dts_newest_log_file, 'r') as f: latest_row_number = len(f.readlines()) with open(dts_file, 'w+') as f: f.write(str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')) [:-3] + (',') + str(latest_row_number)) logger.success("DTS file has been updated") script_runtime, last_row_number = retrieve_last_results_info() changed_files = METHOD_NAME(script_runtime) files_with_errors = set() if not changed_files:'No new files to check') else: sorted_changed_files = sorted( changed_files, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=False)'There are new files, a check is needed') files_size = len(sorted_changed_files) for index in range(0, files_size): row_number = 0 if index == 0 and last_row_number: row_number = int(last_row_number) if file_contains_error(sorted_changed_files[index], row_number): files_with_errors.add(sorted_changed_files[index]) table = generate_table(files_with_errors) body = get_email_body(email_template_file) if len(files_with_errors) != 0:"There are: {} logs files with errors".format( len(files_with_errors))) api.create_notification(dts_notify_subject, body.format( table), dts_user, dts_users_copy_list) recipients = copy.deepcopy(dts_users_copy_list) recipients.append(dts_user)"Message was sent to {}".format(str(recipients))) else:"DTS logs have no errors, nothing to report") save_last_record_file(dts_file, dts_newest_log_file, logger)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkdataworks_public.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateTableRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'dataworks-public', '2020-05-18', 'CreateTable') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_Schema(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Schema') def set_Schema(self, Schema): # String self.add_query_param('Schema', Schema) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def METHOD_NAME(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_Columnss(self): # RepeatList return self.get_body_params().get('Columns') def set_Columnss(self, Columns): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Columns)): if Columns[depth1].get('SeqNumber') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.SeqNumber', Columns[depth1].get('SeqNumber')) if Columns[depth1].get('IsPartitionCol') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.IsPartitionCol', Columns[depth1].get('IsPartitionCol')) if Columns[depth1].get('ColumnNameCn') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.ColumnNameCn', Columns[depth1].get('ColumnNameCn')) if Columns[depth1].get('Length') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Length', Columns[depth1].get('Length')) if Columns[depth1].get('Comment') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Comment', Columns[depth1].get('Comment')) if Columns[depth1].get('ColumnName') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.ColumnName', Columns[depth1].get('ColumnName')) if Columns[depth1].get('ColumnType') is not None: self.add_body_params('Columns.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.ColumnType', Columns[depth1].get('ColumnType')) def get_LifeCycle(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('LifeCycle') def set_LifeCycle(self, LifeCycle): # Integer self.add_query_param('LifeCycle', LifeCycle) def get_Themess(self): # RepeatList return self.get_body_params().get('Themes') def set_Themess(self, Themes): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Themes)): if Themes[depth1].get('ThemeLevel') is not None: self.add_body_params('Themes.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.ThemeLevel', Themes[depth1].get('ThemeLevel')) if Themes[depth1].get('ThemeId') is not None: self.add_body_params('Themes.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.ThemeId', Themes[depth1].get('ThemeId')) def get_LogicalLevelId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('LogicalLevelId') def set_LogicalLevelId(self, LogicalLevelId): # Long self.add_query_param('LogicalLevelId', LogicalLevelId) def get_Endpoint(self): # String return self.get_body_params().get('Endpoint') def set_Endpoint(self, Endpoint): # String self.add_body_params('Endpoint', Endpoint) def get_EnvType(self): # Integer return self.get_body_params().get('EnvType') def set_EnvType(self, EnvType): # Integer self.add_body_params('EnvType', EnvType) def get_HasPart(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HasPart') def set_HasPart(self, HasPart): # Integer self.add_query_param('HasPart', HasPart) def get_TableName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TableName') def set_TableName(self, TableName): # String self.add_query_param('TableName', TableName) def get_AppGuid(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AppGuid') def set_AppGuid(self, AppGuid): # String self.add_query_param('AppGuid', AppGuid) def get_ProjectId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ProjectId') def set_ProjectId(self, ProjectId): # Long self.add_query_param('ProjectId', ProjectId) def get_CategoryId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('CategoryId') def set_CategoryId(self, CategoryId): # Long self.add_query_param('CategoryId', CategoryId) def get_Visibility(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('Visibility') def set_Visibility(self, Visibility): # Integer self.add_query_param('Visibility', Visibility) def get_PhysicsLevelId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('PhysicsLevelId') def set_PhysicsLevelId(self, PhysicsLevelId): # Long self.add_query_param('PhysicsLevelId', PhysicsLevelId) def get_OwnerId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_IsView(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('IsView') def set_IsView(self, IsView): # Integer self.add_query_param('IsView', IsView) def get_ExternalTableType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ExternalTableType') def set_ExternalTableType(self, ExternalTableType): # String self.add_query_param('ExternalTableType', ExternalTableType) def get_Location(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Location') def set_Location(self, Location): # String self.add_query_param('Location', Location) def get_Comment(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Comment') def set_Comment(self, Comment): # String self.add_query_param('Comment', Comment)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest class CreateImportJobRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'hcs-mgw', '2017-10-24', 'CreateImportJob') self.set_method('POST') def get_IsCustomizedInstance(self): return self.get_query_params().get('IsCustomizedInstance') def set_IsCustomizedInstance(self,IsCustomizedInstance): self.add_query_param('IsCustomizedInstance',IsCustomizedInstance) def get_DestAddressRegionId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DestAddressRegionId') def set_DestAddressRegionId(self,DestAddressRegionId): self.add_query_param('DestAddressRegionId',DestAddressRegionId) def get_DestBucket(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DestBucket') def set_DestBucket(self,DestBucket): self.add_query_param('DestBucket',DestBucket) def get_DestPrefix(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DestPrefix') def set_DestPrefix(self,DestPrefix): self.add_query_param('DestPrefix',DestPrefix) def get_TotalObjectNum(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TotalObjectNum') def set_TotalObjectNum(self,TotalObjectNum): self.add_query_param('TotalObjectNum',TotalObjectNum) def get_CustomizedInstances(self): return self.get_query_params().get('CustomizedInstances') def set_CustomizedInstances(self,CustomizedInstances): self.add_query_param('CustomizedInstances',CustomizedInstances) def get_IncrementalInterval(self): return self.get_query_params().get('IncrementalInterval') def set_IncrementalInterval(self,IncrementalInterval): self.add_query_param('IncrementalInterval',IncrementalInterval) def get_NetFlowLimiter(self): return self.get_query_params().get('NetFlowLimiter') def METHOD_NAME(self,NetFlowLimiter): self.add_query_param('NetFlowLimiter',NetFlowLimiter) def get_SrcListFilePath(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcListFilePath') def set_SrcListFilePath(self,SrcListFilePath): self.add_query_param('SrcListFilePath',SrcListFilePath) def get_DestAccessKeyId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DestAccessKeyId') def set_DestAccessKeyId(self,DestAccessKeyId): self.add_query_param('DestAccessKeyId',DestAccessKeyId) def get_SrcSubAddress(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcSubAddress') def set_SrcSubAddress(self,SrcSubAddress): self.add_query_param('SrcSubAddress',SrcSubAddress) def get_TotalObjectSize(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TotalObjectSize') def set_TotalObjectSize(self,TotalObjectSize): self.add_query_param('TotalObjectSize',TotalObjectSize) def get_SrcDomain(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcDomain') def set_SrcDomain(self,SrcDomain): self.add_query_param('SrcDomain',SrcDomain) def get_SrcAddressRegionId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcAddressRegionId') def set_SrcAddressRegionId(self,SrcAddressRegionId): self.add_query_param('SrcAddressRegionId',SrcAddressRegionId) def get_IncrementalMode(self): return self.get_query_params().get('IncrementalMode') def set_IncrementalMode(self,IncrementalMode): self.add_query_param('IncrementalMode',IncrementalMode) def get_SrcAddressType(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcAddressType') def set_SrcAddressType(self,SrcAddressType): self.add_query_param('SrcAddressType',SrcAddressType) def get_DestAccessKeySecret(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DestAccessKeySecret') def set_DestAccessKeySecret(self,DestAccessKeySecret): self.add_query_param('DestAccessKeySecret',DestAccessKeySecret) def get_SrcAppid(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcAppid') def set_SrcAppid(self,SrcAppid): self.add_query_param('SrcAppid',SrcAppid) def get_ExpectedImportTime(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ExpectedImportTime') def set_ExpectedImportTime(self,ExpectedImportTime): self.add_query_param('ExpectedImportTime',ExpectedImportTime) def get_SrcAddress(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcAddress') def set_SrcAddress(self,SrcAddress): self.add_query_param('SrcAddress',SrcAddress) def get_SrcAccessKeyId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcAccessKeyId') def set_SrcAccessKeyId(self,SrcAccessKeyId): self.add_query_param('SrcAccessKeyId',SrcAccessKeyId) def get_Name(self): return self.get_query_params().get('Name') def set_Name(self,Name): self.add_query_param('Name',Name) def get_IncrementalRepeatCount(self): return self.get_query_params().get('IncrementalRepeatCount') def set_IncrementalRepeatCount(self,IncrementalRepeatCount): self.add_query_param('IncrementalRepeatCount',IncrementalRepeatCount) def get_SrcAccessKeySecret(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SrcAccessKeySecret') def set_SrcAccessKeySecret(self,SrcAccessKeySecret): self.add_query_param('SrcAccessKeySecret',SrcAccessKeySecret
import re import pytest import falcon import falcon.testing as testing from _util import create_app, disable_asgi_non_coroutine_wrapping # NOQA class Proxy: def forward(self, req): return falcon.HTTP_503 class Sink: def __init__(self): self._proxy = Proxy() def __call__(self, req, resp, **kwargs): resp.status = self._proxy.forward(req) self.kwargs = kwargs class SinkAsync(Sink): async def __call__(self, req, resp, **kwargs): super().__call__(req, resp, **kwargs) def kitchen_sink(req, resp, **kwargs): resp.set_header('X-Missing-Feature', 'kitchen-sink') async def METHOD_NAME(req, resp, **kwargs): kitchen_sink(req, resp, **kwargs) class BookCollection(testing.SimpleTestResource): pass @pytest.fixture def resource(): return BookCollection() @pytest.fixture def sink(asgi): return SinkAsync() if asgi else Sink() @pytest.fixture def client(asgi): app = create_app(asgi) return testing.TestClient(app) class TestDefaultRouting: def test_single_default_pattern(self, client, sink, resource): response = client.simulate_request(path='/') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 def test_single_simple_pattern(self, client, sink, resource):, r'/foo') response = client.simulate_request(path='/foo/bar') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 def test_single_compiled_pattern(self, client, sink, resource):, re.compile(r'/foo')) response = client.simulate_request(path='/foo/bar') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 response = client.simulate_request(path='/auth') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_404 def test_named_groups(self, client, sink, resource):, r'/user/(?P<id>\d+)') response = client.simulate_request(path='/user/309') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 assert sink.kwargs['id'] == '309' response = client.simulate_request(path='/user/sally') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_404 def test_multiple_patterns(self, asgi, client, sink, resource): if asgi: async def sink_too(req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_781 else: def sink_too(req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_781, r'/foo'), r'/foo') # Last duplicate wins, r'/katza') response = client.simulate_request(path='/foo/bar') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_781 response = client.simulate_request(path='/katza') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 def test_with_route(self, client, sink, resource):'/books', resource), '/proxy') response = client.simulate_request(path='/proxy/books') assert not resource.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 response = client.simulate_request(path='/books') assert resource.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_200 def test_route_precedence(self, client, sink, resource): # NOTE(kgriffs): In case of collision, the route takes precedence.'/books', resource), '/books') response = client.simulate_request(path='/books') assert resource.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_200 def test_route_precedence_with_id(self, client, sink, resource): # NOTE(kgriffs): In case of collision, the route takes precedence.'/books/{id}', resource), '/books') response = client.simulate_request(path='/books') assert not resource.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_503 def test_route_precedence_with_both_id(self, client, sink, resource): # NOTE(kgriffs): In case of collision, the route takes precedence.'/books/{id}', resource), r'/books/\d+') response = client.simulate_request(path='/books/123') assert resource.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_200 class TestSinkMethodCompatibility: def _verify_kitchen_sink(self, client): resp = client.simulate_request('BREW', '/features') assert resp.status_code == 200 assert resp.headers.get('X-Missing-Feature') == 'kitchen-sink' def test_add_async_sink(self, client, asgi): if not asgi: with pytest.raises(falcon.CompatibilityError): else:, '/features') self._verify_kitchen_sink(client) def test_add_sync_sink(self, client, asgi): if asgi: with disable_asgi_non_coroutine_wrapping(): with pytest.raises(falcon.CompatibilityError): else:, '/features') self._verify_kitchen_sink(client) def test_add_sync_sink_with_wrapping(self, client, asgi):, '/features') self._verify_kitchen_sink(client)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkecs.endpoint import endpoint_data class ModifyInstanceNetworkSpecRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ecs', '2014-05-26', 'ModifyInstanceNetworkSpec','ecs') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def set_ClientToken(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_ISP(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ISP') def set_ISP(self, ISP): # String self.add_query_param('ISP', ISP) def get_InternetMaxBandwidthOut(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('InternetMaxBandwidthOut') def set_InternetMaxBandwidthOut(self, InternetMaxBandwidthOut): # Integer self.add_query_param('InternetMaxBandwidthOut', InternetMaxBandwidthOut) def get_StartTime(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('StartTime') def set_StartTime(self, StartTime): # String self.add_query_param('StartTime', StartTime) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('AutoPay') def set_AutoPay(self, AutoPay): # Boolean self.add_query_param('AutoPay', AutoPay) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_EndTime(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EndTime') def set_EndTime(self, EndTime): # String self.add_query_param('EndTime', EndTime) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_InstanceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceId') def set_InstanceId(self, InstanceId): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceId', InstanceId) def get_NetworkChargeType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NetworkChargeType') def set_NetworkChargeType(self, NetworkChargeType): # String self.add_query_param('NetworkChargeType', NetworkChargeType) def get_InternetMaxBandwidthIn(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('InternetMaxBandwidthIn') def set_InternetMaxBandwidthIn(self, InternetMaxBandwidthIn): # Integer self.add_query_param('InternetMaxBandwidthIn', InternetMaxBandwidthIn) def get_AllocatePublicIp(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('AllocatePublicIp') def set_AllocatePublicIp(self, AllocatePublicIp): # Boolean self.add_query_param('AllocatePublicIp', AllocatePublicIp)
import random class Colour: BLACK = "\033[30m" RED = "\033[91m" GREEN = "\033[32m" END = "\033[0m" suits = ( Colour.RED + "Hearts" + Colour.END, Colour.RED + "Diamonds" + Colour.END, Colour.BLACK + "Spades" + Colour.END, Colour.BLACK + "Clubs" + Colour.END, ) ranks = ( "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace", ) values = { "Two": 2, "Three": 3, "Four": 4, "Five": 5, "Six": 6, "Seven": 7, "Eight": 8, "Nine": 9, "Ten": 10, "Jack": 10, "Queen": 10, "King": 10, "Ace": 11, } playing = True class Card: def __init__(self, suit, rank): self.suit = suit self.rank = rank def __str__(self): return self.rank + " of " + self.suit class Deck: def __init__(self): self.deck = [] for suit in suits: for rank in ranks: self.deck.append(Card(suit, rank)) def __str__(self): deck_comp = "" for card in self.deck: deck_comp += "\n " + card.__str__() def shuffle(self): random.shuffle(self.deck) def deal(self): single_card = self.deck.pop() return single_card class Hand: def __init__(self): = [] self.value = 0 self.aces = 0 # to keep track of aces def add_card(self, card): self.value += values[card.rank] if card.rank == "Ace": self.aces += 1 def adjust_for_ace(self): while self.value > 21 and self.aces: self.value -= 10 self.aces -= 1 class Chips: def __init__(self): = 100 = 0 def METHOD_NAME(self): += def lose_bet(self): -= def take_bet(chips): while True: try: = int(input("How many chips would you like to bet? ")) except ValueError: print("Your bet must be an integer! Try again.") else: if > or <= 0: print( "Your bet cannot exceed your balance and you have to enter a positive bet! Your current balance is: ",, ) else: break def hit(deck, hand): hand.add_card( hand.adjust_for_ace() def hit_or_stand(deck, hand): global playing while True: x = input("Would you like to Hit or Stand? Enter '1' or '0' ") if x.lower() == "1": hit(deck, hand) elif x.lower() == "0": print("You chose to stand. Dealer will hit.") playing = False else: print("Wrong input, please try again.") continue break def show_some(player, dealer): print("\nDealer's Hand:") print(" { hidden card }") print("",[1]) print("\nYour Hand:", *, sep="\n ") def show_all(player, dealer): print("\nDealer's Hand:", *, sep="\n ") print("Dealer's Hand =", dealer.value) print("\nYour Hand:", *, sep="\n ") print("Your Hand =", player.value) def player_busts(player, dealer, chips): print("You are BUSTED !") chips.lose_bet() def player_wins(player, dealer, chips): print("You are the winner!") chips.METHOD_NAME() def dealer_busts(player, dealer, chips): print("Dealer has BUSTED !") chips.METHOD_NAME() def dealer_wins(player, dealer, chips): print("Dealer is the winner!") chips.lose_bet() def push(player, dealer): print("The match is tie !") # GAMEPLAY player_chips = Chips() while True: print("\t **********************************************************") print( "\t Welcome to the game Casino - BLACK JACK ! " ) print("\t **********************************************************") print(Colour.BLACK + "\t ***************") print("\t * A *") print("\t * *") print("\t * * *") print("\t * *** *") print("\t * ***** *") print("\t * *** *") print("\t * * *") print("\t * *") print("\t * *") print("\t ***************" + Colour.END) print( "\nRULES: Get as close to 21 as you can but if you get more than 21 you will lose!\n Aces count as 1 or 11." ) deck = Deck() deck.shuffle() player_hand = Hand() player_hand.add_card( player_hand.add_card( dealer_hand = Hand() dealer_hand.add_card( dealer_hand.add_card( take_bet(player_chips) show_some(player_hand, dealer_hand) while playing: hit_or_stand(deck, player_hand) show_some(player_hand, dealer_hand) if player_hand.value > 21: player_busts(player_hand, dealer_hand, player_chips) break if player_hand.value <= 21: while dealer_hand.value < 17: hit(deck, dealer_hand) show_all(player_hand, dealer_hand) if dealer_hand.value > 21: dealer_busts(player_hand, dealer_hand, player_chips) elif dealer_hand.value > player_hand.value: dealer_wins(player_hand, dealer_hand, player_chips) elif dealer_hand.value < player_hand.value: player_wins(player_hand, dealer_hand, player_chips) else: push(player_hand, dealer_hand) print("\nYour current balance stands at", if > 0: new_game = input("Would you like to play another hand? Enter '1' or '0' ") if new_game.lower() == "1": playing = True continue else: print( "Thanks for playing!\n" + Colour.GREEN + "\t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n \t Congratulations! You won " + str( + " coins!\n\t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n " + Colour.END ) break else: print( "Oops! You have bet all your chips and we are sorry you can't play more.\nThanks for playing! Do come again to Casino BLACK JACK!" ) break
from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import traceback from typing import List, Tuple import aiotools import pytest from redis.asyncio import Redis from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError as RedisConnectionError from redis.exceptions import TimeoutError as RedisTimeoutError from ai.backend.common import redis_helper from ai.backend.common.types import HostPortPair, RedisConnectionInfo from .docker import DockerRedisNode from .utils import interrupt @pytest.mark.redis @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.parametrize("disruption_method", ["stop", "pause"]) async def METHOD_NAME(redis_container: tuple[str, HostPortPair], disruption_method: str) -> None: do_pause = asyncio.Event() paused = asyncio.Event() do_unpause = asyncio.Event() unpaused = asyncio.Event() received_messages: List[str] = [] async def pop(r: RedisConnectionInfo, key: str) -> None: try: async with aiotools.aclosing( redis_helper.blpop(r, key, reconnect_poll_interval=0.2), ) as agen: async for raw_msg in agen: msg = raw_msg.decode() received_messages.append(msg) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception: traceback.print_exc() addr = redis_container[1] r = RedisConnectionInfo( Redis.from_url(url=f"redis://{}:{addr.port}", socket_timeout=0.2), service_name=None, ) assert isinstance(r.client, Redis) await r.client.delete("bl1") pop_task = asyncio.create_task(pop(r, "bl1")) interrupt_task = asyncio.create_task( interrupt( disruption_method, DockerRedisNode("node", addr.port, redis_container[0]), do_pause=do_pause, do_unpause=do_unpause, paused=paused, unpaused=unpaused, ) ) await asyncio.sleep(0) for i in range(2): print(f"pushing {i} to bl1") await r.client.rpush("bl1", str(i)) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) do_pause.set() await paused.wait() for i in range(2): # The Redis server is dead temporarily... if disruption_method == "stop": with pytest.raises(RedisConnectionError): await r.client.rpush("bl1", str(2 + i)) elif disruption_method == "pause": with pytest.raises((asyncio.TimeoutError, RedisTimeoutError)): await r.client.rpush("bl1", str(2 + i)) else: raise RuntimeError("should not reach here") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) do_unpause.set() await unpaused.wait() for i in range(2): await r.client.rpush("bl1", str(4 + i)) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await interrupt_task pop_task.cancel() await pop_task assert pop_task.done() all_messages = set(map(int, received_messages)) assert set(range(0, 2)) < all_messages assert set(range(5, 6)) < all_messages # more msgs may be lost during restart assert all_messages <= set(range(0, 6)) @pytest.mark.redis @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.parametrize("disruption_method", ["stop", "pause"]) async def test_blist_with_retrying_rpush( redis_container: Tuple[str, HostPortPair], disruption_method: str ) -> None: do_pause = asyncio.Event() paused = asyncio.Event() do_unpause = asyncio.Event() unpaused = asyncio.Event() received_messages: List[str] = [] async def pop(r: RedisConnectionInfo, key: str) -> None: try: async with aiotools.aclosing( redis_helper.blpop(r, key, reconnect_poll_interval=0.2), ) as agen: async for raw_msg in agen: msg = raw_msg.decode() received_messages.append(msg) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass addr = redis_container[1] r = RedisConnectionInfo( Redis.from_url(url=f"redis://{}:{addr.port}", socket_timeout=0.2), service_name=None, ) assert isinstance(r.client, Redis) await r.client.delete("bl1") pop_task = asyncio.create_task(pop(r, "bl1")) interrupt_task = asyncio.create_task( interrupt( disruption_method, DockerRedisNode("node", addr.port, redis_container[0]), do_pause=do_pause, do_unpause=do_unpause, paused=paused, unpaused=unpaused, ) ) await asyncio.sleep(0) for i in range(2): await redis_helper.execute(r, lambda r: r.rpush("bl1", str(i))) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) do_pause.set() await paused.wait() async def wakeup(): await asyncio.sleep(2.0) do_unpause.set() wakeup_task = asyncio.create_task(wakeup()) for i in range(2): await redis_helper.execute(r, lambda r: r.rpush("bl1", str(2 + i))) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await wakeup_task await unpaused.wait() for i in range(2): await redis_helper.execute(r, lambda r: r.rpush("bl1", str(4 + i))) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await interrupt_task pop_task.cancel() await pop_task assert pop_task.done() all_messages = set(map(int, received_messages)) assert set(range(0, 2)) < all_messages assert set(range(5, 6)) < all_messages # more msgs may be lost during restart assert all_messages <= set(range(0, 6))
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # # distributed with this work for additional information # # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # # specific language governing permissions and limitations # # under the License. class EndpointData(): def __init__(self): self.endpoint_map = { "cn-shanghai-internal-test-1": "", "cn-shenzhen-su18-b01": "", "cn-beijing": "", "cn-shanghai-inner": "", "cn-hangzhou-internal-prod-1": "", "cn-north-2-gov-1": "", "cn-yushanfang": "", "cn-qingdao-nebula": "", "cn-beijing-finance-pop": "", "cn-wuhan": "", "cn-zhangjiakou": "", "us-west-1": "", "cn-zhangbei": "", "rus-west-1-pop": "", "cn-shanghai-et15-b01": "", "cn-hangzhou-bj-b01": "", "cn-zhangbei-na61-b01": "", "ap-northeast-2": "", "ap-northeast-1": "", "cn-huhehaote-nebula-1": "", "cn-shanghai-et2-b01": "", "ap-southeast-1": "", "ap-southeast-2": "", "ap-southeast-3": "", "ap-southeast-5": "", "us-east-1": "", "cn-shenzhen-inner": "", "cn-zhangjiakou-na62-a01": "", "cn-beijing-gov-1": "", "cn-wulanchabu": "", "ap-south-1": "", "cn-shenzhen-st4-d01": "", "cn-haidian-cm12-c01": "", "cn-qingdao": "", "cn-hongkong-finance-pop": "", "cn-shanghai": "", "cn-shanghai-finance-1": "", "cn-hongkong": "", "eu-central-1": "", "cn-shenzhen": "", "cn-zhengzhou-nebula-1": "", "eu-west-1": "", "cn-hangzhou-internal-test-1": "", "eu-west-1-oxs": "", "cn-beijing-finance-1": "", "cn-hangzhou-internal-test-3": "", "cn-hangzhou-internal-test-2": "", "cn-shenzhen-finance-1": "", "me-east-1": "", "cn-chengdu": "", "cn-hangzhou-test-306": "", "cn-hangzhou-finance": "", "cn-beijing-nu16-b01": "", "cn-edge-1": "", "cn-huhehaote": "", "cn-fujian": "", "ap-northeast-2-pop": "", "cn-hangzhou": "", } self.endpoint_regional = "regional" def getEndpointMap(self): return self.endpoint_map def METHOD_NAME(self): return self.endpoint_regional endpoint_data = EndpointData()
import os import pytest from conftest import SATELLITE_PKG_DST, SATELLITE_PKG_URL, SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV from envparse import env @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def custom_subman(shell, repository=None): """ """ # Setup repositories to install the subscription-manager from. epel7_repository = "ubi" epel8_repository = "baseos" if SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV in ("oracle-7", "centos-7"): repository = epel7_repository elif "oracle-8" in SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV or "centos-8" in SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV: repository = epel8_repository # On Oracle Linux 7 a "rhn-client-tools" package may be present on # the system which prevents "subscription-manager" to be installed. # Remove package rhn-client-tools from Oracle Linux 7. if "oracle-7" in SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV: assert shell("yum remove -y rhn-client-tools") assert shell(f"cp files/{repository}.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/") # Install subscription-manager from 'custom' repositories, disable others for the transaction. assert shell(f"yum -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo={repository} install subscription-manager").returncode == 0 yield # Remove custom subscription-manager assert shell(f"yum remove -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo={repository} subscription-manager*").returncode == 0 assert shell(f"rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/{repository}.repo").returncode == 0 # Install back previously removed client tools if "oracle-7" in SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV: shell("yum install -y rhn-client-tools") shell("yum remove -y python-syspurpose") # The termination of the conversion does not happen fast enough, so same packages can get removed # Install the package back to avoid leaving the system in tainted state elif "centos-8" in SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV: shell("yum install -y centos-gpg-keys centos-logos") elif "oracle-8" in SYSTEM_RELEASE_ENV: shell("yum install -y oraclelinux-release-el8-* oraclelinux-release-8* redhat-release-8*") # Some packages might get downgraded during the setup; update just to be sure the system is fine shell("yum update -y") @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def METHOD_NAME(shell): """ """ # OL distros may not have wget installed assert shell("yum install wget -y").returncode == 0 # Install katello package for satellite assert ( shell( "wget --no-check-certificate --output-document {} {}".format(SATELLITE_PKG_DST, SATELLITE_PKG_URL) ).returncode == 0 ) assert shell("rpm -i {}".format(SATELLITE_PKG_DST)).returncode == 0 yield # Remove the katello packages assert shell("yum remove -y katello-*").returncode == 0 assert shell(f"rm -f {SATELLITE_PKG_DST}").returncode == 0 @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def kernel_check_envar(shell): """ Fixture. Set CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_SKIP_KERNEL_CURRENCY_CHECK environment variable to skip the kernel currency check. """ # Since we are moving all repos away, we need to bypass kernel check os.environ["CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_SKIP_KERNEL_CURRENCY_CHECK"] = "1" yield # Remove the envar skipping the kernel check del os.environ["CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_SKIP_KERNEL_CURRENCY_CHECK"] @pytest.mark.test_unsuccessful_satellite_registration def test_backup_os_release_wrong_registration(shell, convert2rhel, custom_subman): """ Verify that the os-release file is restored when the satellite registration fails. Reference issue: RHELC-51 """ assert shell("find /etc/os-release").returncode == 0 with convert2rhel("-y --no-rpm-va -k wrong_key -o rUbBiSh_pWd --debug --keep-rhsm") as c2r: c2r.expect("Unable to register the system through subscription-manager.") c2r.expect("Restore /etc/os-release from backup") assert shell("find /etc/os-release").returncode == 0 @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def system_release_missing(shell): # Make backup copy of the file backup_folder = "/tmp/missing-system-release_sysrelease_backup/" assert shell(f"mkdir {backup_folder}").returncode == 0 assert shell(f"mv /etc/system-release {backup_folder}").returncode == 0 yield # Restore the system assert shell(f"mv -v {backup_folder}system-release /etc/").returncode == 0 assert shell(f"rm -rf {backup_folder}").returncode == 0 @pytest.mark.test_missing_system_release def test_missing_system_release(shell, convert2rhel, system_release_missing): """ It is required to have /etc/system-release file present on the system. If the file is missing inhibit the conversion. """ with convert2rhel( "-y --no-rpm-va -k {} -o {} --debug".format( env.str("SATELLITE_KEY"), env.str("SATELLITE_ORG"), ) ) as c2r: c2r.expect("Unable to find the /etc/system-release file containing the OS name and version") assert c2r.exitstatus != 0 @pytest.mark.test_backup_os_release_no_envar def test_backup_os_release_no_envar( shell, convert2rhel, custom_subman, METHOD_NAME, repositories, kernel_check_envar ): """ This test case removes all the repos on the system which prevents the backup of some files. Satellite is being used in all of test cases. In this scenario there is no variable `CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_INCOMPLETE_ROLLBACK` set. This means the conversion is inhibited in early stage. """ assert shell("find /etc/os-release").returncode == 0 with convert2rhel( "-y --no-rpm-va -k {} -o {} --debug --keep-rhsm".format( env.str("SATELLITE_KEY"), env.str("SATELLITE_ORG"), ), unregister=True, ) as c2r: c2r.expect("set the environment variable 'CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_INCOMPLETE_ROLLBACK.") assert c2r.exitstatus != 0 assert shell("find /etc/os-release").returncode == 0 @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unsupported_rollback_envar(shell): os.environ["CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_INCOMPLETE_ROLLBACK"] = "1" yield del os.environ["CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_INCOMPLETE_ROLLBACK"] @pytest.mark.test_backup_os_release_with_envar def test_backup_os_release_with_envar( shell, convert2rhel, custom_subman, METHOD_NAME, repositories, unsupported_rollback_envar, kernel_check_envar ): """ In this scenario the variable `CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_INCOMPLETE_ROLLBACK` is set. This test case removes all the repos on the system and validates that the /etc/os-release package is being backed up and restored during rollback. Ref ticket: OAMG-5457. Note that after the test, the $releasever variable is unset. """ assert shell("find /etc/os-release").returncode == 0 with convert2rhel( "-y --no-rpm-va -k {} -o {} --debug --keep-rhsm".format( env.str("SATELLITE_KEY"), env.str("SATELLITE_ORG"), ), unregister=True, ) as c2r: c2r.expect( "'CONVERT2RHEL_UNSUPPORTED_INCOMPLETE_ROLLBACK' environment variable detected, continuing conversion." ) c2r.sendcontrol("c") assert c2r.exitstatus != 0 assert shell("find /etc/os-release").returncode == 0
# Copyright 2017-2020 EPAM Systems, Inc. ( # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import pytest from ..common_utils.entity_managers import PipelineManager from ..common_utils.test_utils import format_name from ..utils.pipeline_utils import * MAX_REP_COUNT = 150 class TestTerminateInstanceBeforeKubeRegistration(object): pipeline_id = None run_id = None state = FailureIndicator() test_case = "TC-SCALING-7" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): logging.basicConfig(filename=get_log_filename(), level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s:%(message)s') pipeline_name = format_name("test_terminate_instance_before_registration") cls.pipeline_id = PipelineManager.create(pipeline_name)"Pipeline {} with ID {} created.".format(pipeline_name, cls.pipeline_id)) try: run_id = run_pipe(pipeline_name, "-id", "11")[0] cls.run_id = run_id"Pipeline run with ID {}.".format(cls.run_id)) wait_for_required_status("SCHEDULED", run_id, MAX_REP_COUNT) wait_for_instance_creation(run_id, MAX_REP_COUNT)"Instance {} created.".format(run_id)) terminate_instance(run_id) wait_for_instance_termination(run_id, MAX_REP_COUNT)"Instance {} terminated.".format(run_id)) except BaseException as e: logging.error(e.message) cls.teardown_class() raise RuntimeError(e.message) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): node_name = get_node_name(cls.run_id) terminate_node(node_name)"Node {} was terminated".format(node_name)) if not cls.state.failure: PipelineManager.delete(cls.pipeline_id)"Pipeline {} deleted".format(cls.pipeline_id)) wait_for_instance_termination(cls.run_id, 150) def METHOD_NAME(self): try: status = get_pipe_status(self.run_id) if status != "SUCCESS": status = wait_for_required_status("RUNNING", self.run_id, 400, validation=False) assert status == "RUNNING" or status == "SUCCESS", \ "Pipeline should wait for node registration. Current status: {}".format(status) except AssertionError as e:"Case {} failed!".format(self.test_case)) self.state.failure = True"Test case {} failed.\n{}".format(self.test_case, e.message)) def test_new_node_should_be_created(self): try: wait_for_node_up(self.run_id, 400, validation=False) node_name = get_node_name(self.run_id)"Node {} in use.".format(node_name)) assert len(get_cluster_state_for_run_id(self.run_id)) == 1, "Cluster should have exact one extra node." except AssertionError as e:"Case {} failed!".format(self.test_case)) self.state.failure = True"Test case {} failed.\n{}".format(self.test_case, e.message)) def test_cluster_should_not_have_node_without_label(self): try: node_name = get_node_name(self.run_id) assert len(get_nodes_without_labels(node_name)) == 0, "Cluster should not have nodes without labels." except AssertionError as e:"Case {} failed!".format(self.test_case)) self.state.failure = True"Test case {} failed.\n{}".format(self.test_case, e.message))
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkdyvmsapi.endpoint import endpoint_data class SmartCallRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Dyvmsapi', '2017-05-25', 'SmartCall','dyvms') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self,ResourceOwnerId): self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId',ResourceOwnerId) def get_VoiceCodeParam(self): return self.get_query_params().get('VoiceCodeParam') def set_VoiceCodeParam(self,VoiceCodeParam): self.add_query_param('VoiceCodeParam',VoiceCodeParam) def get_EarlyMediaAsr(self): return self.get_query_params().get('EarlyMediaAsr') def set_EarlyMediaAsr(self,EarlyMediaAsr): self.add_query_param('EarlyMediaAsr',EarlyMediaAsr) def get_BackgroundSpeed(self): return self.get_query_params().get('BackgroundSpeed') def set_BackgroundSpeed(self,BackgroundSpeed): self.add_query_param('BackgroundSpeed',BackgroundSpeed) def get_BackgroundVolume(self): return self.get_query_params().get('BackgroundVolume') def set_BackgroundVolume(self,BackgroundVolume): self.add_query_param('BackgroundVolume',BackgroundVolume) def get_Speed(self): return self.get_query_params().get('Speed') def set_Speed(self,Speed): self.add_query_param('Speed',Speed) def get_AsrBaseId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('AsrBaseId') def set_AsrBaseId(self,AsrBaseId): self.add_query_param('AsrBaseId',AsrBaseId) def get_SessionTimeout(self): return self.get_query_params().get('SessionTimeout') def set_SessionTimeout(self,SessionTimeout): self.add_query_param('SessionTimeout',SessionTimeout) def get_DynamicId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('DynamicId') def set_DynamicId(self,DynamicId): self.add_query_param('DynamicId',DynamicId) def get_CalledNumber(self): return self.get_query_params().get('CalledNumber') def set_CalledNumber(self,CalledNumber): self.add_query_param('CalledNumber',CalledNumber) def get_TtsSpeed(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TtsSpeed') def set_TtsSpeed(self,TtsSpeed): self.add_query_param('TtsSpeed',TtsSpeed) def get_VoiceCode(self): return self.get_query_params().get('VoiceCode') def set_VoiceCode(self,VoiceCode): self.add_query_param('VoiceCode',VoiceCode) def METHOD_NAME(self): return self.get_query_params().get('CalledShowNumber') def set_CalledShowNumber(self,CalledShowNumber): self.add_query_param('CalledShowNumber',CalledShowNumber) def get_EnableITN(self): return self.get_query_params().get('EnableITN') def set_EnableITN(self,EnableITN): self.add_query_param('EnableITN',EnableITN) def get_ActionCodeTimeBreak(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ActionCodeTimeBreak') def set_ActionCodeTimeBreak(self,ActionCodeTimeBreak): self.add_query_param('ActionCodeTimeBreak',ActionCodeTimeBreak) def get_TtsConf(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TtsConf') def set_TtsConf(self,TtsConf): self.add_query_param('TtsConf',TtsConf) def get_ActionCodeBreak(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ActionCodeBreak') def set_ActionCodeBreak(self,ActionCodeBreak): self.add_query_param('ActionCodeBreak',ActionCodeBreak) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self,ResourceOwnerAccount): self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount',ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_RecordFlag(self): return self.get_query_params().get('RecordFlag') def set_RecordFlag(self,RecordFlag): self.add_query_param('RecordFlag',RecordFlag) def get_OwnerId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self,OwnerId): self.add_query_param('OwnerId',OwnerId) def get_TtsVolume(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TtsVolume') def set_TtsVolume(self,TtsVolume): self.add_query_param('TtsVolume',TtsVolume) def get_StreamAsr(self): return self.get_query_params().get('StreamAsr') def set_StreamAsr(self,StreamAsr): self.add_query_param('StreamAsr',StreamAsr) def get_Volume(self): return self.get_query_params().get('Volume') def set_Volume(self,Volume): self.add_query_param('Volume',Volume) def get_MuteTime(self): return self.get_query_params().get('MuteTime') def set_MuteTime(self,MuteTime): self.add_query_param('MuteTime',MuteTime) def get_BackgroundFileCode(self): return self.get_query_params().get('BackgroundFileCode') def set_BackgroundFileCode(self,BackgroundFileCode): self.add_query_param('BackgroundFileCode',BackgroundFileCode) def get_OutId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('OutId') def set_OutId(self,OutId): self.add_query_param('OutId',OutId) def get_AsrModelId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('AsrModelId') def set_AsrModelId(self,AsrModelId): self.add_query_param('AsrModelId',AsrModelId) def get_PauseTime(self): return self.get_query_params().get('PauseTime') def set_PauseTime(self,PauseTime): self.add_query_param('PauseTime',PauseTime) def get_TtsStyle(self): return self.get_query_params().get('TtsStyle') def set_TtsStyle(self,TtsStyle): self.add_query_param('TtsStyle',TtsStyle
# Copyright (C) 2018-2023 The NeoVintageous Team (NeoVintageous). # # This file is part of NeoVintageous. # # NeoVintageous is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # NeoVintageous is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with NeoVintageous. If not, see <>. from NeoVintageous.tests import unittest class Test_dollar(unittest.FunctionalTestCase): def METHOD_NAME(self): self.eq('one |two three', 'n_$', 'one two thre|e') self.eq('one |two three\nfour', 'n_2$', 'one two three\nfou|r') self.eq('|abc\nabc\n', 'n_$', 'ab|c\nabc\n') self.eq('|abc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\n', 'n_5$', 'abc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nab|c\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\n') # noqa: E501 self.eq('abc\n|\nabc\n', 'n_$', 'abc\n|\nabc\n') self.eq('|', 'n_$', '|') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'n_1$', 'ab|1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'n_2$', 'ab1\ncd|2\nef3\ngh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'n_3$', 'ab1\ncd2\nef|3\ngh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'n_4$', 'ab1\ncd2\nef3\ngh|4') self.eq('fi|zz \nbuzz', 'n_$', 'fizz | \nbuzz') self.eq('\n\n|\n\n\n', 'n_$', '\n\n|\n\n\n') self.eq('\n\n|\n\n\n', 'n_1$', '\n\n|\n\n\n') self.eq('\n\n|\n\n\n', 'n_2$', '\n\n\n|\n\n') self.eq('\n\n|\n\n\n', 'n_3$', '\n\n\n\n|\n') def test_v(self): self.eq('one |two three', 'v_$', 'one |two three|') self.eq('one |two three\nfour', 'v_$', 'one |two three\n|four') self.eq('one |two three\nfour', 'v_2$', 'one |two three\nfour|') self.eq('|abc\nabc\n', 'v_$', '|abc\n|abc\n') self.eq('|abc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\n', 'v_5$', '|abc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\n|abc\nabc\nabc\nabc\nabc\n') # noqa: E501 self.eq('abc\n|\n|abc\n', 'v_$', 'abc\n|\n|abc\n') self.eq('r_a|bc\nab|c\n', 'v_$', 'r_abc|\nab|c\n') self.eq('ab|c|\nabc\n', 'v_$', 'ab|c\n|abc\n') self.eq('r_abc\n|a|bc\n', 'v_2$', 'abc\n|abc\n|') self.eq('r_|abc|\nxy', 'v_$', 'ab|c\n|xy') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'v_1$', 'a|b1\n|cd2\nef3\ngh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'v_2$', 'a|b1\ncd2\n|ef3\ngh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'v_3$', 'a|b1\ncd2\nef3\n|gh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'v_4$', 'a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4|') self.eq('fi|zz \nbuzz', 'v_$', 'fi|zz \n|buzz') def test_V(self): self.eq('|abc\n|abc\nabc\n', 'V_$', '|abc\n|abc\nabc\n') self.eq('1\n|fizz\n|buzz\nfour\nfive', 'V_2$', '1\n|fizz\nbuzz\n|four\nfive') self.eq('1\n|fizz\n|buzz\nfour\nfive', 'V_3$', '1\n|fizz\nbuzz\nfour\n|five') self.eq('1\n|fizz\n|buzz\nfour\nfive', 'V_4$', '1\n|fizz\nbuzz\nfour\nfive|') self.eq('1\n|fizz\n|buzz\nfour\nfive', 'V_9$', '1\n|fizz\nbuzz\nfour\nfive|') self.eq('r_1\n|fizz\nbuzz\n|four\nfive', 'V_2$', 'r_1\nfizz\n|buzz\n|four\nfive') self.eq('r_1\n|fizz\nbuzz\n|four\nfive', 'V_3$', '1\nfizz\n|buzz\nfour\n|five') def test_b(self): self.eq('x\n|fizz| buzz\n|fizz| buzz\ny', 'b_$', 'x\n|fizz buzz\n||fizz buzz\n|y') @unittest.mock_bell() def test_c(self): self.eq('fi|zz', 'c$', 'i_fi|') self.eq('fi|zz\n', 'c$', 'i_fi|\n') self.eq('fi|zz\nbuzz', 'c$', 'i_fi|\nbuzz') self.eq('fizz\n|\nbuzz', 'c$', 'i_fizz\n|\nbuzz') self.eq('\n\n|\n\n', 'c$', 'i_\n\n|\n\n') self.eq('|', 'c$', 'i_|') self.eq('fi|zz ', 'c$', 'i_fi|') self.eq('fi|zz \n', 'c$', 'i_fi|\n') self.eq('fi|zz \nbuzz', 'c$', 'i_fi|\nbuzz') self.eq('fizz | \nbuzz', 'c$', 'i_fizz |\nbuzz') self.assertNoBell() @unittest.mock_bell() def test_d(self): self.eq('one |two three', 'd$', 'one| ') self.eq('one t|wo three', 'd$', 'one |t') self.eq('|abc\nabc\n', 'd$', '|\nabc\n') self.eq('|abc\nabc\nabc\nabc\n', '3d$', '|abc\n') self.eq('|fizz\nbuzz\n', 'd$', '|\nbuzz\n') self.eq('|ab1\nab2\nab3\nab4\n', '3d$', '|ab4\n') self.eq('123|4', 'd$', '12|3') self.eq('123|4\nfizz', 'd$', '12|3\nfizz') self.eq('|ab1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'd$', '|\ncd2\nef3\ngh4') self.eq('a|b1\ncd2\nef3\ngh4', 'd$', '|a\ncd2\nef3\ngh4') self.eq('fi|zz\nfuzz\nabc\ndef', '2d$', 'f|i\nabc\ndef') self.eq('fi|zz\nfuzz\nabc\ndef', '2d$', 'f|i\nabc\ndef') self.eq('fi|zz\nfuzz\nabc\ndef', '3d$', 'f|i\ndef') self.eq('first1\nst|art2\nxxx\nfour\nfive', '2d$', 'first1\ns|t\nfour\nfive') self.eq('first1\n|start2\n\n\nfive', '2d$', 'first1\n|\nfive') self.eq('fi|zz \nbuzz', 'd$', 'f|i\nbuzz') self.assertNoBell() self.eq('\n\n|\n\n', 'd$', '\n\n|\n\n') self.eq('fizz\n|\n\n\n\nbuzz', 'd$', 'fizz\n|\n\n\n\nbuzz') self.eq('fizz\n|\n\n\n\nbuzz', '1d$', 'fizz\n|\n\n\n\nbuzz') self.eq('fizz\n|\n\n\n\nbuzz', '2d$', 'fizz\n|\n\nbuzz') self.eq('fizz\n|\n\n\n\nbuzz', '3d$', 'fizz\n|\nbuzz')
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkslb.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateLoadBalancerUDPListenerRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Slb', '2014-05-15', 'CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener','slb') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_AclStatus(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AclStatus') def set_AclStatus(self, AclStatus): # String self.add_query_param('AclStatus', AclStatus) def get_AclType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AclType') def set_AclType(self, AclType): # String self.add_query_param('AclType', AclType) def get_Tags(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('Tag') def set_Tags(self, Tag): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Tag)): if Tag[depth1].get('Value') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tag.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Value', Tag[depth1].get('Value')) if Tag[depth1].get('Key') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tag.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Key', Tag[depth1].get('Key')) def get_VServerGroupId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('VServerGroupId') def set_VServerGroupId(self, VServerGroupId): # String self.add_query_param('VServerGroupId', VServerGroupId) def get_AclId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AclId') def set_AclId(self, AclId): # String self.add_query_param('AclId', AclId) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_LoadBalancerId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LoadBalancerId') def set_LoadBalancerId(self, LoadBalancerId): # String self.add_query_param('LoadBalancerId', LoadBalancerId) def get_MasterSlaveServerGroupId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('MasterSlaveServerGroupId') def set_MasterSlaveServerGroupId(self, MasterSlaveServerGroupId): # String self.add_query_param('MasterSlaveServerGroupId', MasterSlaveServerGroupId) def get_healthCheckReq(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('healthCheckReq') def set_healthCheckReq(self, healthCheckReq): # String self.add_query_param('healthCheckReq', healthCheckReq) def get_BackendServerPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('BackendServerPort') def set_BackendServerPort(self, BackendServerPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('BackendServerPort', BackendServerPort) def get_healthCheckInterval(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('healthCheckInterval') def set_healthCheckInterval(self, healthCheckInterval): # Integer self.add_query_param('healthCheckInterval', healthCheckInterval) def get_healthCheckExp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('healthCheckExp') def set_healthCheckExp(self, healthCheckExp): # String self.add_query_param('healthCheckExp', healthCheckExp) def get_ProxyProtocolV2Enabled(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('ProxyProtocolV2Enabled') def set_ProxyProtocolV2Enabled(self, ProxyProtocolV2Enabled): # Boolean self.add_query_param('ProxyProtocolV2Enabled', ProxyProtocolV2Enabled) def get_HealthCheckSwitch(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckSwitch') def set_HealthCheckSwitch(self, HealthCheckSwitch): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckSwitch', HealthCheckSwitch) def get_HealthCheckConnectTimeout(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckConnectTimeout') def set_HealthCheckConnectTimeout(self, HealthCheckConnectTimeout): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthCheckConnectTimeout', HealthCheckConnectTimeout) def get_Description(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Description') def set_Description(self, Description): # String self.add_query_param('Description', Description) def get_UnhealthyThreshold(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('UnhealthyThreshold') def set_UnhealthyThreshold(self, UnhealthyThreshold): # Integer self.add_query_param('UnhealthyThreshold', UnhealthyThreshold) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthyThreshold') def set_HealthyThreshold(self, HealthyThreshold): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthyThreshold', HealthyThreshold) def get_Scheduler(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Scheduler') def set_Scheduler(self, Scheduler): # String self.add_query_param('Scheduler', Scheduler) def get_ListenerPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('ListenerPort') def set_ListenerPort(self, ListenerPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('ListenerPort', ListenerPort) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_Bandwidth(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('Bandwidth') def set_Bandwidth(self, Bandwidth): # Integer self.add_query_param('Bandwidth', Bandwidth) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_HealthCheckConnectPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckConnectPort') def set_HealthCheckConnectPort(self, HealthCheckConnectPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthCheckConnectPort', HealthCheckConnectPort)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkhbase.endpoint import endpoint_data class RelateDbForHBaseHaRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'HBase', '2019-01-01', 'RelateDbForHBaseHa','hbase') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_HaMigrateType(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaMigrateType') def set_HaMigrateType(self,HaMigrateType): self.add_query_param('HaMigrateType',HaMigrateType) def get_HaActiveHdfsUri(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActiveHdfsUri') def set_HaActiveHdfsUri(self,HaActiveHdfsUri): self.add_query_param('HaActiveHdfsUri',HaActiveHdfsUri) def get_HaStandbyVersion(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyVersion') def set_HaStandbyVersion(self,HaStandbyVersion): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyVersion',HaStandbyVersion) def get_IsStandbyStandard(self): return self.get_query_params().get('IsStandbyStandard') def set_IsStandbyStandard(self,IsStandbyStandard): self.add_query_param('IsStandbyStandard',IsStandbyStandard) def get_HaActiveClusterKey(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActiveClusterKey') def set_HaActiveClusterKey(self,HaActiveClusterKey): self.add_query_param('HaActiveClusterKey',HaActiveClusterKey) def get_HaStandbyPassword(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyPassword') def set_HaStandbyPassword(self,HaStandbyPassword): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyPassword',HaStandbyPassword) def METHOD_NAME(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyClusterKey') def set_HaStandbyClusterKey(self,HaStandbyClusterKey): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyClusterKey',HaStandbyClusterKey) def get_HaStandbyHbaseFsDir(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyHbaseFsDir') def set_HaStandbyHbaseFsDir(self,HaStandbyHbaseFsDir): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyHbaseFsDir',HaStandbyHbaseFsDir) def get_HaActiveHbaseFsDir(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActiveHbaseFsDir') def set_HaActiveHbaseFsDir(self,HaActiveHbaseFsDir): self.add_query_param('HaActiveHbaseFsDir',HaActiveHbaseFsDir) def get_HaActiveDBType(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActiveDBType') def set_HaActiveDBType(self,HaActiveDBType): self.add_query_param('HaActiveDBType',HaActiveDBType) def get_HaActivePassword(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActivePassword') def set_HaActivePassword(self,HaActivePassword): self.add_query_param('HaActivePassword',HaActivePassword) def get_IsActiveStandard(self): return self.get_query_params().get('IsActiveStandard') def set_IsActiveStandard(self,IsActiveStandard): self.add_query_param('IsActiveStandard',IsActiveStandard) def get_HaStandbyUser(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyUser') def set_HaStandbyUser(self,HaStandbyUser): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyUser',HaStandbyUser) def get_HaActive(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActive') def set_HaActive(self,HaActive): self.add_query_param('HaActive',HaActive) def get_HaStandby(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandby') def set_HaStandby(self,HaStandby): self.add_query_param('HaStandby',HaStandby) def get_HaStandbyHdfsUri(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyHdfsUri') def set_HaStandbyHdfsUri(self,HaStandbyHdfsUri): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyHdfsUri',HaStandbyHdfsUri) def get_HaActiveVersion(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActiveVersion') def set_HaActiveVersion(self,HaActiveVersion): self.add_query_param('HaActiveVersion',HaActiveVersion) def get_ClusterId(self): return self.get_query_params().get('ClusterId') def set_ClusterId(self,ClusterId): self.add_query_param('ClusterId',ClusterId) def get_HaStandbyDBType(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaStandbyDBType') def set_HaStandbyDBType(self,HaStandbyDBType): self.add_query_param('HaStandbyDBType',HaStandbyDBType) def get_HaTables(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaTables') def set_HaTables(self,HaTables): self.add_query_param('HaTables',HaTables) def get_HaActiveUser(self): return self.get_query_params().get('HaActiveUser') def set_HaActiveUser(self,HaActiveUser): self.add_query_param('HaActiveUser',HaActiveUser
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest class CreateHostAvailabilityRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Cms', '2019-01-01', 'CreateHostAvailability','cms') self.set_method('POST') def get_TaskOptionHttpMethod(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpMethod') def set_TaskOptionHttpMethod(self, TaskOptionHttpMethod): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpMethod', TaskOptionHttpMethod) def get_TaskOptionHttpHeader(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpHeader') def set_TaskOptionHttpHeader(self, TaskOptionHttpHeader): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpHeader', TaskOptionHttpHeader) def get_AlertConfigEscalationLists(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('AlertConfigEscalationList') def set_AlertConfigEscalationLists(self, AlertConfigEscalationList): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(AlertConfigEscalationList)): if AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Times') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlertConfigEscalationList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Times', AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Times')) if AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('MetricName') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlertConfigEscalationList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.MetricName', AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('MetricName')) if AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Value') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlertConfigEscalationList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Value', AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Value')) if AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Operator') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlertConfigEscalationList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Operator', AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Operator')) if AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Aggregate') is not None: self.add_query_param('AlertConfigEscalationList.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Aggregate', AlertConfigEscalationList[depth1].get('Aggregate')) def get_TaskName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskName') def set_TaskName(self, TaskName): # String self.add_query_param('TaskName', TaskName) def get_AlertConfigSilenceTime(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('AlertConfig.SilenceTime') def set_AlertConfigSilenceTime(self, AlertConfigSilenceTime): # Integer self.add_query_param('AlertConfig.SilenceTime', AlertConfigSilenceTime) def get_TaskOptionHttpResponseCharset(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpResponseCharset') def set_TaskOptionHttpResponseCharset(self, TaskOptionHttpResponseCharset): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpResponseCharset', TaskOptionHttpResponseCharset) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpNegative') def set_TaskOptionHttpNegative(self, TaskOptionHttpNegative): # Boolean self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpNegative', TaskOptionHttpNegative) def get_TaskOptionInterval(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.Interval') def set_TaskOptionInterval(self, TaskOptionInterval): # Integer self.add_query_param('TaskOption.Interval', TaskOptionInterval) def get_AlertConfigNotifyType(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('AlertConfig.NotifyType') def set_AlertConfigNotifyType(self, AlertConfigNotifyType): # Integer self.add_query_param('AlertConfig.NotifyType', AlertConfigNotifyType) def get_TaskOptionTelnetOrPingHost(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.TelnetOrPingHost') def set_TaskOptionTelnetOrPingHost(self, TaskOptionTelnetOrPingHost): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.TelnetOrPingHost', TaskOptionTelnetOrPingHost) def get_TaskOptionHttpResponseMatchContent(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpResponseMatchContent') def set_TaskOptionHttpResponseMatchContent(self, TaskOptionHttpResponseMatchContent): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpResponseMatchContent', TaskOptionHttpResponseMatchContent) def get_InstanceLists(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceList') def set_InstanceLists(self, InstanceList): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(InstanceList)): self.add_query_param('InstanceList.' + str(depth1 + 1), InstanceList[depth1]) def get_TaskType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskType') def set_TaskType(self, TaskType): # String self.add_query_param('TaskType', TaskType) def get_GroupId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('GroupId') def set_GroupId(self, GroupId): # Long self.add_query_param('GroupId', GroupId) def get_AlertConfigEndTime(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('AlertConfig.EndTime') def set_AlertConfigEndTime(self, AlertConfigEndTime): # Integer self.add_query_param('AlertConfig.EndTime', AlertConfigEndTime) def get_TaskOptionHttpURI(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpURI') def set_TaskOptionHttpURI(self, TaskOptionHttpURI): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpURI', TaskOptionHttpURI) def get_TaskScope(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskScope') def set_TaskScope(self, TaskScope): # String self.add_query_param('TaskScope', TaskScope) def get_TaskOptionHttpPostContent(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TaskOption.HttpPostContent') def set_TaskOptionHttpPostContent(self, TaskOptionHttpPostContent): # String self.add_query_param('TaskOption.HttpPostContent', TaskOptionHttpPostContent) def get_AlertConfigStartTime(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('AlertConfig.StartTime') def set_AlertConfigStartTime(self, AlertConfigStartTime): # Integer self.add_query_param('AlertConfig.StartTime', AlertConfigStartTime) def get_AlertConfigWebHook(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AlertConfig.WebHook') def set_AlertConfigWebHook(self, AlertConfigWebHook): # String self.add_query_param('AlertConfig.WebHook', AlertConfigWebHook)
# Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, 2018-2019 ARM Limited # All rights reserved # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan # Copyright (c) 2013,2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import re ################### # Utility functions # # Indent every line in string 's' by two spaces # (except preprocessor directives). # Used to make nested code blocks look pretty. # def METHOD_NAME(s): return re.sub(r"(?m)^(?!#)", " ", s) # Regular expression object to match C++ strings stringRE = re.compile(r'"([^"\\]|\\.)*"') # Regular expression object to match C++ comments # (used in findOperands()) commentRE = re.compile( r"(^)?[^\S\n]*/(?:\*(.*?)\*/[^\S\n]*|/[^\n]*)($)?", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) # Regular expression object to match assignment statements (used in # findOperands()). If the code immediately following the first # appearance of the operand matches this regex, then the operand # appears to be on the LHS of an assignment, and is thus a # destination. basically we're looking for an '=' that's not '=='. # The heinous tangle before that handles the case where the operand # has an array subscript. assignRE = re.compile(r"(\[[^\]]+\])?\s*=(?!=)", re.MULTILINE) # # Munge a somewhat arbitrarily formatted piece of Python code # (e.g. from a format 'let' block) into something whose indentation # will get by the Python parser. # # The two keys here are that Python will give a syntax error if # there's any whitespace at the beginning of the first line, and that # all lines at the same lexical nesting level must have identical # indentation. Unfortunately the way code literals work, an entire # let block tends to have some initial indentation. Rather than # trying to figure out what that is and strip it off, we prepend 'if # 1:' to make the let code the nested block inside the if (and have # the parser automatically deal with the indentation for us). # # We don't want to do this if (1) the code block is empty or (2) the # first line of the block doesn't have any whitespace at the front. def fixPythonIndentation(s): # get rid of blank lines first s = re.sub(r"(?m)^\s*\n", "", s) if s != "" and re.match(r"[ \t]", s[0]): s = "if 1:\n" + s return s class ISAParserError(Exception): """Exception class for parser errors""" def __init__(self, first, second=None): if second is None: self.lineno = 0 self.string = first else: self.lineno = first self.string = second def __str__(self): return self.string def error(*args): raise ISAParserError(*args) def protectNonSubstPercents(s): """Protect any non-dict-substitution '%'s in a format string (i.e. those not followed by '(')""" return re.sub(r"%(?!\()", "%%", s) ############## # Stack: a simple stack object. Used for both formats (formatStack) # and default cases (defaultStack). Simply wraps a list to give more # stack-like syntax and enable initialization with an argument list # (as opposed to an argument that's a list). class Stack(list): def __init__(self, *items): list.__init__(self, items) def push(self, item): self.append(item) def top(self): return self[-1] # Format a file include stack backtrace as a string def backtrace(filename_stack): fmt = "In file included from %s:" return "\n".join([fmt % f for f in filename_stack]) ####################### # # LineTracker: track filenames along with line numbers in PLY lineno fields # PLY explicitly doesn't do anything with 'lineno' except propagate # it. This class lets us tie filenames with the line numbers with a # minimum of disruption to existing increment code. # class LineTracker(object): def __init__(self, filename, lineno=1): self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno # Overload '+=' for increments. We need to create a new object on # each update else every token ends up referencing the same # constantly incrementing instance. def __iadd__(self, incr): return LineTracker(self.filename, self.lineno + incr) def __str__(self): return "%s:%d" % (self.filename, self.lineno) # In case there are places where someone really expects a number def __int__(self): return self.lineno
# Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The Molecular Sciences Software Institute, Virginia Tech # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' Computes the difference between basis sets and files ''' import copy from .compare import compare_electron_shells from .. import fileio def subtract_electron_shells(s1, s2, rel_tol=0.0): """ Returns the difference between two lists of electron shells (s1 - s2) This will remove any shells from s1 that are also in s2, within a tolerance """ diff_shells = [] for sh1 in s1: for sh2 in s2: if compare_electron_shells(sh1, sh2, rel_tol=rel_tol): break else: diff_shells.append(copy.deepcopy(sh1)) return diff_shells def METHOD_NAME(left_list, right_list): ''' Compute the difference between two sets of basis set dictionaries The result is a list of dictionaries that correspond to each dictionary in `left_list`. Each resulting dictionary will contain only the elements/shells that exist in that entry and not in any of the dictionaries in `right_list`. This only works on the shell level, and will only subtract entire shells that are identical. ECP potentials are not affected. The return value contains deep copies of the input data Parameters ---------- left_list : list of dict Dictionaries to use as the base right_list : list of dict Dictionaries of basis data to subtract from each dictionary of `left_list` Returns ---------- list Each object in `left_list` containing data that does not appear in `right_list` ''' ret = [] for bs1 in left_list: res = copy.deepcopy(bs1) for bs2 in right_list: for el in res['elements'].keys(): if el not in bs2['elements']: continue # Element only exist in left eldata1 = res['elements'][el] eldata2 = bs2['elements'][el] s1 = eldata1['electron_shells'] s2 = eldata2['electron_shells'] eldata1['electron_shells'] = subtract_electron_shells(s1, s2) # Remove any empty elements res['elements'] = {k: v for k, v in res['elements'].items() if v['electron_shells']} ret.append(res) return ret def diff_json_files(left_files, right_files): ''' Compute the difference between two sets of basis set JSON files The output is a set of files that correspond to each file in `left_files`. Each resulting dictionary will contain only the elements/shells that exist in that entry and not in any of the files in `right_files`. This only works on the shell level, and will only subtract entire shells that are identical. ECP potentials are not affected. `left_files` and `right_files` are lists of file paths. The output is written to files with the same names as those in `left_files`, but with `.diff` added to the end. If those files exist, they are overwritten. Parameters ---------- left_files : list of str Paths to JSON files to use as the base right_files : list of str Paths to JSON files to subtract from each file of `left_files` Returns ---------- None ''' left_data = [fileio.read_json_basis(x) for x in left_files] right_data = [fileio.read_json_basis(x) for x in right_files] d = METHOD_NAME(left_data, right_data) for idx, diff_bs in enumerate(d): fpath = left_files[idx] fileio.write_json_basis(fpath + '.diff', diff_bs)
# Copyright 2017-2023 Posit Software, PBC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os from guild import cli from guild import guildfile from guild import util from guild import yaml_util log = logging.getLogger("guild") class _ImportedFlagsOpDefProxy: def __init__(self, flags_data, wrapped_opdef): self.guildfile = wrapped_opdef.guildfile self.flags = self._init_flags(flags_data, wrapped_opdef.main) def _init_flags(self, flags_data, main_mod): flags = [] for name, flag_data in flags_data.items(): try: flag_data = guildfile.coerce_flag_data(name, flag_data, self.guildfile) except guildfile.GuildfileError as e: if os.getenv("NO_WARN_FLAGS_IMPORT") != "1": log.warning("cannot import flags from %s: %s", main_mod, e) else: flags.append(guildfile.FlagDef(name, flag_data, self)) return flags def flag_values(self): return { f.default for f in self.flags} def apply_flags(opdef, import_flags_data_cb, apply_flags_data_cb=None): log_flags_info("### Script flags for %s", opdef.fullname) if _flags_import_disabled(opdef): log_flags_info("flags import disabled - skipping") return import_all_marker = object() to_import = _flags_to_import(opdef, import_all_marker) to_skip = METHOD_NAME(opdef) try: flags_data = import_flags_data_cb() except Exception as e: if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: log.exception(repr(import_flags_data_cb)) log.warning(e) else: if apply_flags_data_cb: apply_flags_data_cb(flags_data) import_data = { name: flags_data[name] for name in flags_data if ( (to_import is import_all_marker or name in to_import) and not name in to_skip ) } opdef.merge_flags(_ImportedFlagsOpDefProxy(import_data, opdef)) def log_flags_info(fmt, *args): if os.getenv("FLAGS_TEST") == "1": # pylint: disable=consider-using-generator fmt_args = tuple([_fmt_arg(arg) for arg in args]) cli.note(fmt % fmt_args) def _fmt_arg(arg): if isinstance(arg, tuple): return arg[0](*arg[1:]) return arg def _flags_import_disabled(opdef): return opdef.flags_import in (False, []) def _flags_to_import(opdef, all_marker): if opdef.flags_import in (True, "all"): return all_marker if opdef.flags_import is None: # If flags-import is not configured, import all defined flags. return { for flag in opdef.flags} if isinstance(opdef.flags_import, list): return set(opdef.flags_import) return set([opdef.flags_import]) def METHOD_NAME(opdef): if opdef.flags_import_skip: return set(opdef.flags_import_skip) return set() def flag_data_for_val(val): return { "default": _flag_default(val), "type": _flag_type(val), "arg-split": _flag_arg_split(val), } def _flag_default(val): if isinstance(val, list): return _encode_splittable_list(val) return val def _encode_splittable_list(l): return " ".join([util.shlex_quote(yaml_util.encode_yaml(x)) for x in l]) def _flag_type(val): if isinstance(val, str): return "string" if isinstance(val, bool): return "boolean" if isinstance(val, (int, float)): return "number" return None def _flag_arg_split(val): return True if isinstance(val, list) else None
import numpy as np from import Table from Orange.widgets import widget, gui from Orange.widgets.utils import itemmodels from Orange.widgets.utils.localization import pl from Orange.widgets.utils.sql import check_sql_input from Orange.widgets.utils.widgetpreview import WidgetPreview from Orange.widgets.widget import Input, Output from Orange.widgets.utils.annotated_data import (create_annotated_table) class OWSelectByDataIndex(widget.OWWidget): name = "Select by Data Index" description = "Match instances by index from data subset." category = "Transform" icon = "icons/SelectByDataIndex.svg" priority = 1112 class Inputs: data = Input("Data", Table) data_subset = Input("Data Subset", Table) class Outputs: matching_data = Output("Matching Data", Table, replaces=["Data"], default=True) non_matching_data = Output("Unmatched Data", Table) # avoiding the default annotated output name (Data), as it was used # for Matching Data previously annotated_data = Output("Annotated Data", Table) want_main_area = False buttons_area_orientation = None resizing_enabled = False class Warning(widget.OWWidget.Warning): instances_not_matching = widget.Msg("Input tables do not share any instances.") def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.data_subset = None self.model = itemmodels.VariableListModel() self.model_unique_with_id = itemmodels.VariableListModel() self.extra_model_unique = itemmodels.VariableListModel() self.extra_model_unique_with_id = itemmodels.VariableListModel() box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, True) gui.label( box, self, """ Data rows keep their identity even when some or all original variables are replaced by variables computed from the original ones. This widget gets two data tables ("Data" and "Data Subset") that can be traced back to the same source. It selects all rows from Data that appear in Data Subset, based on row identity and not actual data. """.strip(), box=True) @check_sql_input def set_data(self, data): = data @Inputs.data_subset @check_sql_input def METHOD_NAME(self, data): self.data_subset = data def handleNewSignals(self): self._invalidate() def commit(self): self.Warning.instances_not_matching.clear() subset_ids = [] if self.data_subset: subset_ids = self.data_subset.ids if not matching_output = None non_matching_output = None annotated_output = None else: if self.data_subset and \ not np.intersect1d(subset_ids, self.Warning.instances_not_matching() row_sel = np.in1d(, subset_ids) matching_output =[row_sel] non_matching_output =[~row_sel] annotated_output = create_annotated_table(, row_sel) self.Outputs.matching_data.send(matching_output) self.Outputs.non_matching_data.send(non_matching_output) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(annotated_output) def _invalidate(self): self.commit() def send_report(self): def data_info_text(data): if data is None: return "No data." nvars = len(data.domain.variables) + len(data.domain.metas) return f"{}, " \ f"{len(data)} {pl(len(data), 'instance')}, " \ f"{nvars} {pl(nvars, 'variable')}" self.report_items("", [("Data", data_info_text(, ("Data Subset", data_info_text(self.data_subset))]) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover iris = Table("") WidgetPreview(OWSelectByDataIndex).run( set_data=iris, METHOD_NAME=iris[:20])
# Copyright (C) 2018-2023 The NeoVintageous Team (NeoVintageous). # # This file is part of NeoVintageous. # # NeoVintageous is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # NeoVintageous is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with NeoVintageous. If not, see <>. from NeoVintageous.tests import unittest from import big_word_starts class Test_big_word_starts_InNormalMode(unittest.ViewTestCase): def test_move(self): self.write('(foo) bar\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0), 6) def test_move2(self): self.write('(foo) bar fizz\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, count=2), 10) def test_move3(self): self.write(''.join(('(foo) bar\n',) * 5)) self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, count=9), 46) # We can assume the stuff tested for normal mode applies to internal normal mode, so we # don't bother with that. Instead, we only test the differing behavior when advancing by # word starts in internal normal. class Test_big_word_starts_InInternalNormalMode_FromEmptyLine(unittest.ViewTestCase): def test_move_to_line_with_leading_white_space(self): self.write('\n (bar)\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True), 1) def test_move_to_line_with_leading_white_space2(self): self.write('\n(foo)\n \n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=2), 7) def test_move_to_whitespace_line(self): self.write('\n \n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, count=1, internal=True), 1) def test_move_to_one_word_line(self): self.write('\n(foo)\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=2), 7) def test_move_and_swallow_last_newline_char(self): self.write('\nfoo\n (bar)\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=3), 12) # We can assume the stuff tested for normal mode applies to internal normal mode, so we # don't bother with that. Instead, we only test the differing behavior when advancing by # word starts in internal normal. class Test_big_word_starts_InInternalNormalMode_FromOneWordLine(unittest.ViewTestCase): def test_move_to_eol(self): self.write('foo\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=1), 3) def test_move_to_line_with_leading_white_space_from_word_start(self): self.write('(foo)\n\nbar\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=2), 7) def test_move_to_empty_line_from_word(self): self.write('(foo)\n\nbar\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 1, internal=True, count=2), 6) def test_move_to_one_word_line_from_word_start(self): self.write('(foo)\nbar\nccc\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=2), 10) def test_move_to_one_word_line_from_word(self): self.write('(foo)\nbar\nccc\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 1, internal=True, count=2), 9) def METHOD_NAME(self): self.write('(foo)\n \nccc\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 1, internal=True, count=2), 12) def test_move_to_whitespaceline_followed_by_leading_whitespace_from_word(self): self.write('(foo)\n \n ccc\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 1, internal=True, count=2), 13) def test_move_to_whitespaceline_followed_by_leading_whitespace_from_word_start(self): self.write('(foo)\n \n ccc\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=2), 14) class Test_big_word_starts_InInternalNormalMode_FromLine(unittest.ViewTestCase): def test_move_to_eol(self): self.write('foo bar\n') self.assertEqual(big_word_starts(self.view, 0, internal=True, count=2), 7)
""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ from kombu.utils.objects import cached_property """Task request. This module defines the :class:`Request` class, that specifies how tasks are executed. """ __all__ = ("Request",) IS_PYPY = ... logger = ... _does_info = ... _does_debug = ... def __optimize__(): ... tz_or_local = ... send_revoked = ... send_retry = ... task_accepted = ... task_ready = ... revoked_tasks = ... class Request: """A request for task execution.""" acknowledged = ... time_start = ... worker_pid = ... time_limits = ... _already_revoked = ... _already_cancelled = ... _terminate_on_ack = ... _apply_result = ... _tzlocal = ... if notIS_PYPY: __slots__ = ... def __init__( self, message, on_ack=..., hostname=..., eventer=..., app=..., connection_errors=..., request_dict=..., task=..., on_reject=..., body=..., headers=..., decoded=..., utc=..., maybe_make_aware=..., maybe_iso8601=..., **opts ) -> None: ... @property def delivery_info(self): ... @property def message(self): ... @property def request_dict(self): ... @property def body(self): ... @property def app(self): ... @property def utc(self): ... @property def METHOD_NAME(self): ... @property def content_encoding(self): ... @property def type(self): ... @property def root_id(self): ... @property def parent_id(self): ... @property def argsrepr(self): ... @property def args(self): ... @property def kwargs(self): ... @property def kwargsrepr(self): ... @property def on_ack(self): ... @property def on_reject(self): ... @on_reject.setter def on_reject(self, value): ... @property def hostname(self): ... @property def ignore_result(self): ... @property def eventer(self): ... @eventer.setter def eventer(self, eventer): ... @property def connection_errors(self): ... @property def task(self): ... @property def eta(self): ... @property def expires(self): ... @expires.setter def expires(self, value): ... @property def tzlocal(self): ... @property def store_errors(self): ... @property def task_id(self): ... @task_id.setter def task_id(self, value): ... @property def task_name(self): ... @task_name.setter def task_name(self, value): ... @property def reply_to(self): ... @property def replaced_task_nesting(self): ... @property def correlation_id(self): ... def execute_using_pool(self, pool, **kwargs): """Used by the worker to send this task to the pool. Arguments: pool (~celery.concurrency.base.TaskPool): The execution pool used to execute this request. Raises: celery.exceptions.TaskRevokedError: if the task was revoked. """ ... def execute(self, loglevel=..., logfile=...): # -> None: """Execute the task in a :func:``. Arguments: loglevel (int): The loglevel used by the task. logfile (str): The logfile used by the task. """ ... def maybe_expire(self): # -> Literal[True] | None: """If expired, mark the task as revoked.""" ... def terminate(self, pool, signal=...): ... def cancel(self, pool, signal=...): ... def revoked(self): # -> bool: """If revoked, skip task and mark state.""" ... def send_event(self, type, **fields): ... def on_accepted(self, pid, time_accepted): # -> None: """Handler called when task is accepted by worker pool.""" ... def on_timeout(self, soft, timeout): # -> None: """Handler called if the task times out.""" ... def on_success(self, failed__retval__runtime, **kwargs): # -> None: """Handler called if the task was successfully processed.""" ... def on_retry(self, exc_info): # -> None: """Handler called if the task should be retried.""" ... # -> None: def on_failure(self, exc_info, send_failed_event=..., return_ok=...): """Handler called if the task raised an exception.""" ... def acknowledge(self): # -> None: """Acknowledge task.""" ... def reject(self, requeue=...): ... def info(self, safe=...): ... def humaninfo(self): ... def __str__(self) -> str: """``str(self)``.""" ... def __repr__(self): # -> str: """``repr(self)``.""" ... @cached_property def chord(self): ... @cached_property def errbacks(self): ... @cached_property def group(self): ... @cached_property def group_index(self): ... def create_request_cls( base, task, pool, hostname, eventer, ref=..., revoked_tasks=..., task_ready=..., trace=..., app=..., ): # -> Type[Request]: class Request(base): ...
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkretailcloud.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateClusterRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'retailcloud', '2018-03-13', 'CreateCluster') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_BusinessCode(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('BusinessCode') def set_BusinessCode(self, BusinessCode): # String self.add_query_param('BusinessCode', BusinessCode) def get_CreateWithLogIntegration(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('CreateWithLogIntegration') def set_CreateWithLogIntegration(self, CreateWithLogIntegration): # Boolean self.add_query_param('CreateWithLogIntegration', CreateWithLogIntegration) def get_Vswitchidss(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('Vswitchids') def set_Vswitchidss(self, Vswitchids): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Vswitchids)): self.add_query_param('Vswitchids.' + str(depth1 + 1), Vswitchids[depth1]) def get_CloudMonitorFlags(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('CloudMonitorFlags') def METHOD_NAME(self, CloudMonitorFlags): # Integer self.add_query_param('CloudMonitorFlags', CloudMonitorFlags) def get_ClusterEnvType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClusterEnvType') def set_ClusterEnvType(self, ClusterEnvType): # String self.add_query_param('ClusterEnvType', ClusterEnvType) def get_CreateWithArmsIntegration(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('CreateWithArmsIntegration') def set_CreateWithArmsIntegration(self, CreateWithArmsIntegration): # Boolean self.add_query_param('CreateWithArmsIntegration', CreateWithArmsIntegration) def get_KeyPair(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('KeyPair') def set_KeyPair(self, KeyPair): # String self.add_query_param('KeyPair', KeyPair) def get_ClusterTitle(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClusterTitle') def set_ClusterTitle(self, ClusterTitle): # String self.add_query_param('ClusterTitle', ClusterTitle) def get_PodCIDR(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PodCIDR') def set_PodCIDR(self, PodCIDR): # String self.add_query_param('PodCIDR', PodCIDR) def get_ClusterId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ClusterId') def set_ClusterId(self, ClusterId): # Long self.add_query_param('ClusterId', ClusterId) def get_ClusterType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClusterType') def set_ClusterType(self, ClusterType): # String self.add_query_param('ClusterType', ClusterType) def get_Password(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Password') def set_Password(self, Password): # String self.add_query_param('Password', Password) def get_SnatEntry(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('SnatEntry') def set_SnatEntry(self, SnatEntry): # Integer self.add_query_param('SnatEntry', SnatEntry) def get_NetPlug(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NetPlug') def set_NetPlug(self, NetPlug): # String self.add_query_param('NetPlug', NetPlug) def get_VpcId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('VpcId') def set_VpcId(self, VpcId): # String self.add_query_param('VpcId', VpcId) def get_RegionName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('RegionName') def set_RegionName(self, RegionName): # String self.add_query_param('RegionName', RegionName) def get_PrivateZone(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('PrivateZone') def set_PrivateZone(self, PrivateZone): # Boolean self.add_query_param('PrivateZone', PrivateZone) def get_ServiceCIDR(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ServiceCIDR') def set_ServiceCIDR(self, ServiceCIDR): # String self.add_query_param('ServiceCIDR', ServiceCIDR) def get_PublicSlb(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PublicSlb') def set_PublicSlb(self, PublicSlb): # Integer self.add_query_param('PublicSlb', PublicSlb)
"""This module contains utilities for longitudinal pipelines. See CAPS specifications for details about long ID.""" from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional def get_long_id(session_ids: List[str]) -> str: """Extract longitudinal ID from a list of session IDs. This will create a unique identifier for a participant and its corresponding sessions. Sessions labels are sorted alphabetically before being merged in order to generate the longitudinal ID. Parameters ---------- session_ids : list of str List of session IDs (e.g. ["ses-M000"] or ["ses-M000", "ses-M018", "ses-M036"]). Returns ------- str : Longitudinal ID. Examples -------- >>> from clinica.utils.longitudinal import get_long_id >>> get_long_id(['ses-M000']) 'long-M000' >>> get_long_id(['ses-M000', 'ses-M018', 'ses-M036']) 'long-M000M018M036' >>> get_long_id(['ses-M018', 'ses-M036', 'ses-M000']) 'long-M000M018M036' """ if not all([session_id.startswith("ses-") for session_id in session_ids]): raise ValueError( "Expected a list of session IDs of the form ses-XXX, " f"but received {session_ids} instead." ) return "long-" + "".join( [session_id.lstrip("ses-") for session_id in sorted(session_ids)] ) def get_participants_long_id( participant_ids: List[str], session_ids: List[str] ) -> List[str]: """Extract list of longitudinal IDs from a set of participant and session IDs. Parameters ---------- participant_ids : list of str List of participant IDs for which to compute the longitudinal IDs. session_ids : list of str List of session IDs for which to compute the longitudinal IDs. Returns ------- list of str : The computed longitudinal IDs. Examples -------- >>> from clinica.utils.longitudinal import get_participants_long_id >>> get_participants_long_id(['sub-CLNC01', 'sub-CLNC01', 'sub-CLNC02'], ['ses-M000', 'ses-M018', 'ses-M000']) ['long-M000M018', 'long-M000M018', 'long-M000'] """ from .participant import get_unique_subjects _, sessions_for_each_subject = get_unique_subjects(participant_ids, session_ids) long_ids = [] for sessions in sessions_for_each_subject: long_ids += [get_long_id(sessions)] * len(sessions) return long_ids def save_long_id( session_ids: List[str], output_dir: Path, file_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Save the list of session IDs to given `file_name`. Parameters ---------- session_ids : list of str The list of session IDs to save. output_dir : Path The path to the output directory in which to save the session IDs. file_name : str, optional The file name to use. If None, this will be computed as: '{longitudinal_id}_sessions.tsv' """ if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir(parents=True) file_name = file_name or f"{get_long_id(session_ids)}_sessions.tsv" content = "\n".join(sorted(session_ids)) with open(output_dir / file_name, "w") as fp: fp.write(f"session_id\n{content}\n") def METHOD_NAME( caps_dir: Path, participant_id: str, longitudinal_id: str, ) -> List[str]: """Extract sessions IDs from `caps_dir`/subjects/`participant_id`/`long_id`/`long_id`_sessions.tsv. Parameters ---------- caps_dir : Path Path to CAPS folder. participant_id : str ID of subject for which to extract session IDs. longitudinal_id : str Longitudinal ID for which to extract session IDs. Returns ------- List of str : The extracted list of session IDs. Raises ------ ClinicaException : If expected session TSV file does not exist. If 'session_id' is not in the session dataframe. """ import pandas as pd from clinica.utils.exceptions import ClinicaException sessions_file = ( caps_dir / "subjects" / participant_id / longitudinal_id / f"{longitudinal_id}_sessions.tsv" ) if not sessions_file.is_file(): raise ClinicaException( "The TSV file with sessions associated " f"to {participant_id} for longitudinal ID {longitudinal_id} is missing " f"(expected path: {sessions_file})." ) df = pd.read_csv(sessions_file, sep="\t") if "session_id" not in df.columns: raise ClinicaException( f"The TSV file does not contain session_id column (path: {sessions_file})." ) return list(df.session_id)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkecs.endpoint import endpoint_data class ModifyPrepayInstanceSpecRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ecs', '2014-05-26', 'ModifyPrepayInstanceSpec','ecs') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def set_ClientToken(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_OperatorType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OperatorType') def set_OperatorType(self, OperatorType): # String self.add_query_param('OperatorType', OperatorType) def get_SystemDiskCategory(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SystemDisk.Category') def set_SystemDiskCategory(self, SystemDiskCategory): # String self.add_query_param('SystemDisk.Category', SystemDiskCategory) def get_RebootTime(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('RebootTime') def set_RebootTime(self, RebootTime): # String self.add_query_param('RebootTime', RebootTime) def get_MigrateAcrossZone(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('MigrateAcrossZone') def set_MigrateAcrossZone(self, MigrateAcrossZone): # Boolean self.add_query_param('MigrateAcrossZone', MigrateAcrossZone) def get_InstanceType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceType') def set_InstanceType(self, InstanceType): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceType', InstanceType) def get_ModifyMode(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ModifyMode') def set_ModifyMode(self, ModifyMode): # String self.add_query_param('ModifyMode', ModifyMode) def get_AutoPay(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('AutoPay') def set_AutoPay(self, AutoPay): # Boolean self.add_query_param('AutoPay', AutoPay) def get_RebootWhenFinished(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('RebootWhenFinished') def set_RebootWhenFinished(self, RebootWhenFinished): # Boolean self.add_query_param('RebootWhenFinished', RebootWhenFinished) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def METHOD_NAME(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_EndTime(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EndTime') def set_EndTime(self, EndTime): # String self.add_query_param('EndTime', EndTime) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_Disks(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('Disk') def set_Disks(self, Disk): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Disk)): if Disk[depth1].get('PerformanceLevel') is not None: self.add_query_param('Disk.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.PerformanceLevel', Disk[depth1].get('PerformanceLevel')) if Disk[depth1].get('DiskId') is not None: self.add_query_param('Disk.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.DiskId', Disk[depth1].get('DiskId')) if Disk[depth1].get('Category') is not None: self.add_query_param('Disk.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Category', Disk[depth1].get('Category')) def get_InstanceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceId') def set_InstanceId(self, InstanceId): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceId', InstanceId)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkunimkt.endpoint import endpoint_data class ListMediaNameRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'UniMkt', '2018-12-12', 'ListMediaName') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_UserId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('UserId') def set_UserId(self, UserId): # String self.add_query_param('UserId', UserId) def get_OriginSiteUserId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OriginSiteUserId') def set_OriginSiteUserId(self, OriginSiteUserId): # String self.add_query_param('OriginSiteUserId', OriginSiteUserId) def get_PageNumber(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PageNumber') def set_PageNumber(self, PageNumber): # Integer self.add_query_param('PageNumber', PageNumber) def get_MediaName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('MediaName') def set_MediaName(self, MediaName): # String self.add_query_param('MediaName', MediaName) def get_AppName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AppName') def set_AppName(self, AppName): # String self.add_query_param('AppName', AppName) def get_TenantId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('TenantId') def set_TenantId(self, TenantId): # String self.add_query_param('TenantId', TenantId) def get_PageSize(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PageSize') def set_PageSize(self, PageSize): # Integer self.add_query_param('PageSize', PageSize) def get_AccessStatus(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AccessStatus') def set_AccessStatus(self, AccessStatus): # String self.add_query_param('AccessStatus', AccessStatus) def get_FirstScene(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('FirstScene') def set_FirstScene(self, FirstScene): # String self.add_query_param('FirstScene', FirstScene) def get_EndCreateTime(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('EndCreateTime') def set_EndCreateTime(self, EndCreateTime): # Long self.add_query_param('EndCreateTime', EndCreateTime) def get_Business(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Business') def set_Business(self, Business): # String self.add_query_param('Business', Business) def get_Os(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Os') def set_Os(self, Os): # String self.add_query_param('Os', Os) def get_MediaStatus(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('MediaStatus') def set_MediaStatus(self, MediaStatus): # String self.add_query_param('MediaStatus', MediaStatus) def get_Environment(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Environment') def set_Environment(self, Environment): # String self.add_query_param('Environment', Environment) def get_StartCreateTime(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('StartCreateTime') def set_StartCreateTime(self, StartCreateTime): # Long self.add_query_param('StartCreateTime', StartCreateTime) def get_UserSite(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('UserSite') def set_UserSite(self, UserSite): # String self.add_query_param('UserSite', UserSite) def get_SecondScene(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SecondScene') def set_SecondScene(self, SecondScene): # String self.add_query_param('SecondScene', SecondScene) def METHOD_NAME(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('MediaType') def set_MediaType(self, MediaType): # String self.add_query_param('MediaType', MediaType)
from __future__ import annotations from itertools import product import pandas as pd import pytest import dask.dataframe as dd from dask.dataframe.utils import assert_eq def resample(df, freq, how="mean", **kwargs): return getattr(df.resample(freq, **kwargs), how)() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["obj", "method", "npartitions", "freq", "closed", "label"], list( product( ["series", "frame"], ["count", "mean", "ohlc"], [2, 5], ["30T", "h", "d", "w", "M"], ["right", "left"], ["right", "left"], ) ), ) def test_series_resample(obj, method, npartitions, freq, closed, label): index = pd.date_range("1-1-2000", "2-15-2000", freq="h") index = index.union(pd.date_range("4-15-2000", "5-15-2000", freq="h")) if obj == "series": ps = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) elif obj == "frame": ps = pd.DataFrame({"a": range(len(index))}, index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(ps, npartitions=npartitions) # Series output result = resample(ds, freq, how=method, closed=closed, label=label) expected = resample(ps, freq, how=method, closed=closed, label=label) assert_eq(result, expected, check_dtype=False) divisions = result.divisions assert expected.index[0] == divisions[0] assert expected.index[-1] == divisions[-1] @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["count", "nunique", "size", "sum"]) def test_resample_has_correct_fill_value(method): index = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-15", freq="h") index = index.union(pd.date_range("4-15-2000", "5-15-2000", freq="h")) ps = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(ps, npartitions=2) assert_eq( getattr(ds.resample("30min"), method)(), getattr(ps.resample("30min"), method)() ) def test_resample_agg(): index = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-15", freq="h") ps = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(ps, npartitions=2) assert_eq(ds.resample("10min").agg("mean"), ps.resample("10min").agg("mean")) assert_eq( ds.resample("10min").agg(["mean", "min"]), ps.resample("10min").agg(["mean", "min"]), ) def test_resample_agg_passes_kwargs(): index = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-15", freq="h") ps = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(ps, npartitions=2) def foo(series, bar=1, *args, **kwargs): return bar assert_eq(ds.resample("2h").agg(foo, bar=2), ps.resample("2h").agg(foo, bar=2)) assert (ds.resample("2h").agg(foo, bar=2) == 2).compute().all() def test_resample_throws_error_when_parition_index_does_not_match_index(): index = pd.date_range("1-1-2000", "2-15-2000", freq="D") index = index.union(pd.date_range("4-15-2000", "5-15-2000", freq="D")) ps = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(ps, npartitions=5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Index is not contained within new index."): ds.resample("2M").count().compute() def test_resample_pads_last_division_to_avoid_off_by_one(): # times = [ 1545362463409128000, 1545362504369352000, 1545362545326966000, 1545363118769636000, 1545363159726490000, 1545363200687178000, 1545363241648824000, 1573318190393973000, 1573318231353350000, 1573318272313774000, 1573318313275299000, 1573318354233962000, 1573318395195456000, 1573318436154609000, 1580687544437145000, 1580687585394881000, 1580687667316809000, 1580687708275414000, 1580687790195742000, 1580687831154951000, 1580687872115363000, 1580687954035133000, 1559127673402811000, ] df = pd.DataFrame({"Time": times, "Counts": range(len(times))}) df["Time"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Time"], utc=True) expected = df.set_index("Time").resample("1Q").size() ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2).set_index("Time") actual = ddf.resample("1Q").size().compute() assert_eq(actual, expected) def test_resample_does_not_evenly_divide_day(): import numpy as np index = pd.date_range("2012-01-02", "2012-02-02", freq="H") index = index.union(pd.date_range("2012-03-02", "2012-04-02", freq="H")) df = pd.DataFrame({"p": np.random.random(len(index))}, index=index) ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=5) # Frequency doesn't evenly divide day expected = df.resample("2D").count() result = ddf.resample("2D").count().compute() assert_eq(result, expected) def test_series_resample_does_not_evenly_divide_day(): index = pd.date_range("2012-01-02 00:00:00", "2012-01-02 01:00:00", freq="T") index = index.union( pd.date_range("2012-01-02 06:00:00", "2012-01-02 08:00:00", freq="T") ) s = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(s, npartitions=5) # Frequency doesn't evenly divide day expected = s.resample("57T").mean() result = ds.resample("57T").mean().compute() assert_eq(result, expected) def test_unknown_divisions_error(): df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]}) ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2, sort=False) try: ddf.x.resample("1m").mean() assert False except ValueError as e: assert "divisions" in str(e) def METHOD_NAME(): from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np date_today = days = pd.date_range(date_today, date_today + timedelta(20), freq="D") data = np.random.randint(1, high=100, size=len(days)) df = pd.DataFrame({"date": days, "values": data}) df = df.set_index("date") ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=4) assert ddf.resample("D").mean().head() == "date" def test_series_resample_non_existent_datetime(): index = [ pd.Timestamp("2016-10-15 00:00:00"), pd.Timestamp("2016-10-16 10:00:00"), pd.Timestamp("2016-10-17 00:00:00"), ] df = pd.DataFrame([[1], [2], [3]], index=index) df.index = df.index.tz_localize("America/Sao_Paulo") ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1) result = ddf.resample("1D").mean() expected = df.resample("1D").mean() assert_eq(result, expected, check_freq=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize("agg", ["nunique", "mean", "count", "size", "quantile"]) def test_common_aggs(agg): index = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-15", freq="h") ps = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index) ds = dd.from_pandas(ps, npartitions=2) f = lambda df: getattr(df, agg)() res = f(ps.resample("1d")) expected = f(ds.resample("1d")) assert_eq(res, expected, check_dtype=False)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkvpc.endpoint import endpoint_data class ApplyPhysicalConnectionLOARequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Vpc', '2016-04-28', 'ApplyPhysicalConnectionLOA','vpc') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def METHOD_NAME(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_LineType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LineType') def set_LineType(self, LineType): # String self.add_query_param('LineType', LineType) def get_Si(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Si') def set_Si(self, Si): # String self.add_query_param('Si', Si) def get_PeerLocation(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PeerLocation') def set_PeerLocation(self, PeerLocation): # String self.add_query_param('PeerLocation', PeerLocation) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_Bandwidth(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('Bandwidth') def set_Bandwidth(self, Bandwidth): # Integer self.add_query_param('Bandwidth', Bandwidth) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_ConstructionTime(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ConstructionTime') def set_ConstructionTime(self, ConstructionTime): # String self.add_query_param('ConstructionTime', ConstructionTime) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_InstanceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceId') def set_InstanceId(self, InstanceId): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceId', InstanceId) def get_CompanyName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('CompanyName') def set_CompanyName(self, CompanyName): # String self.add_query_param('CompanyName', CompanyName) def get_PMInfos(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('PMInfo') def set_PMInfos(self, PMInfo): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(PMInfo)): if PMInfo[depth1].get('PMCertificateNo') is not None: self.add_query_param('PMInfo.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.PMCertificateNo', PMInfo[depth1].get('PMCertificateNo')) if PMInfo[depth1].get('PMName') is not None: self.add_query_param('PMInfo.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.PMName', PMInfo[depth1].get('PMName')) if PMInfo[depth1].get('PMCertificateType') is not None: self.add_query_param('PMInfo.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.PMCertificateType', PMInfo[depth1].get('PMCertificateType')) if PMInfo[depth1].get('PMGender') is not None: self.add_query_param('PMInfo.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.PMGender', PMInfo[depth1].get('PMGender')) if PMInfo[depth1].get('PMContactInfo') is not None: self.add_query_param('PMInfo.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.PMContactInfo', PMInfo[depth1].get('PMContactInfo'))
import re from django.apps import apps from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound, PermissionDenied from rest_framework import generics, permissions as drf_permissions from framework.auth.oauth_scopes import CoreScopes from api.addons.serializers import AddonSerializer from api.base.filters import ListFilterMixin from api.base.pagination import MaxSizePagination from api.base.permissions import TokenHasScope from api.base.settings import ADDONS_OAUTH from api.base.views import JSONAPIBaseView from website import settings as osf_settings class AddonSettingsMixin(object): """Mixin with convenience method for retrieving the current <Addon><Node|User>Settings based on the current URL. By default, fetches the settings based on the user or node available in self context. """ def get_addon_settings(self, provider=None, fail_if_absent=True, check_object_permissions=True): owner = None provider = provider or self.kwargs['provider'] if hasattr(self, 'get_user'): owner = self.get_user() owner_type = 'user' elif hasattr(self, 'get_node'): owner = self.get_node() owner_type = 'node' try: addon_module = apps.get_app_config('addons_{}'.format(provider)) except LookupError: raise NotFound('Requested addon unrecognized') if not owner or provider not in ADDONS_OAUTH or owner_type not in addon_module.owners: raise NotFound('Requested addon unavailable') addon_settings = owner.get_addon(provider) if not addon_settings and fail_if_absent: raise NotFound('Requested addon not enabled') if not addon_settings or addon_settings.deleted: return None if addon_settings and check_object_permissions: authorizer = None if owner_type == 'user': authorizer = addon_settings.owner elif getattr(addon_settings, 'user_settings', None): authorizer = addon_settings.user_settings.owner if authorizer and authorizer != self.request.user: raise PermissionDenied('Must be addon authorizer to list folders') return addon_settings class AddonList(JSONAPIBaseView, generics.ListAPIView, ListFilterMixin): """The documentation for this endpoint can be found [here]( """ permission_classes = ( drf_permissions.AllowAny, drf_permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, TokenHasScope, ) required_read_scopes = [CoreScopes.ALWAYS_PUBLIC] required_write_scopes = [CoreScopes.NULL] pagination_class = MaxSizePagination serializer_class = AddonSerializer view_category = 'addons' view_name = 'addon-list' ordering = () def METHOD_NAME(self): return [conf for conf in osf_settings.ADDONS_AVAILABLE_DICT.values() if 'accounts' in conf.configs] def get_queryset(self): return self.get_queryset_from_request() def param_queryset(self, query_params, default_queryset): """filters default queryset based on query parameters""" filters = self.parse_query_params(query_params) queryset = set(default_queryset) if filters: for key, field_names in filters.items(): match = self.QUERY_PATTERN.match(key) fields = match.groupdict()['fields'] statement = len(re.findall(self.FILTER_FIELDS, fields)) > 1 # This indicates an OR statement sub_query = set() if statement else set(default_queryset) for field_name, data in field_names.items(): operations = data if isinstance(data, list) else [data] for operation in operations: if statement: sub_query = sub_query.union(set(self.get_filtered_queryset(field_name, operation, list(default_queryset)))) else: sub_query = sub_query.intersection(set(self.get_filtered_queryset(field_name, operation, list(default_queryset)))) queryset = sub_query.intersection(queryset) return list(queryset)
# Test methods with long descriptive names can omit docstrings # pylint: disable=missing-docstring import io import os import pickle import shutil import tempfile import unittest import warnings from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from Orange import data from import FileFormat, TabReader, CSVReader, PickleReader from import PICKLE_PROTOCOL from import get_sample_datasets_dir from import Table from Orange.tests import test_dirname from Orange.util import OrangeDeprecationWarning class WildcardReader(FileFormat): EXTENSIONS = ('.wild', '.wild[0-9]') DESCRIPTION = "Dummy reader for testing extensions" def read(self): pass class TestChooseReader(unittest.TestCase): def test_usual_extensions(self): self.assertIsInstance(FileFormat.get_reader(""), TabReader) self.assertIsInstance(FileFormat.get_reader("t.csv"), CSVReader) self.assertIsInstance(FileFormat.get_reader("t.pkl"), PickleReader) with self.assertRaises(OSError): FileFormat.get_reader("test.undefined_extension") def test_wildcard_extension(self): self.assertIsInstance(FileFormat.get_reader("t.wild"), WildcardReader) self.assertIsInstance(FileFormat.get_reader("t.wild2"), WildcardReader) with self.assertRaises(OSError): FileFormat.get_reader("t.wild2a") class SameExtension(FileFormat): PRIORITY = 100 EXTENSIONS = ('.same_extension',) DESCRIPTION = "Same extension, different priority" def read(self): pass class SameExtensionPreferred(SameExtension): PRIORITY = 90 class SameExtensionL(SameExtension): PRIORITY = 110 class TestMultipleSameExtension(unittest.TestCase): def test_find_reader(self): reader = FileFormat.get_reader("some.same_extension") self.assertIsInstance(reader, SameExtensionPreferred) class TestLocate(unittest.TestCase): def test_locate_sample_datasets(self): with self.assertRaises(OSError): FileFormat.locate("", search_dirs=[os.path.dirname(__file__)]) iris = FileFormat.locate("", search_dirs=[get_sample_datasets_dir()]) self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(iris), "") # test extension adding iris = FileFormat.locate("iris", search_dirs=[get_sample_datasets_dir()]) self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(iris), "") def test_locate_wildcard_extension(self): tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with self.assertRaises(OSError): FileFormat.locate("t.wild9", search_dirs=[tempdir]) fn = os.path.join(tempdir, "t.wild8") with open(fn, "wt") as f: f.write("\n") location = FileFormat.locate("t.wild8", search_dirs=[tempdir]) self.assertEqual(location, fn) # test extension adding location = FileFormat.locate("t", search_dirs=[tempdir]) self.assertEqual(location, fn) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) class TestReader(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): data.table.dataset_dirs.append(test_dirname()) def METHOD_NAME(self): data.table.dataset_dirs.remove(test_dirname()) def test_open_bad_pickle(self): """ Raise TypeError when PickleReader reads a pickle file without a table (and it suppose to be there). GH-2232 """ reader = PickleReader("") with unittest.mock.patch("pickle.load", return_value=None): self.assertRaises(TypeError,, "foo") def test_empty_columns(self): """Can't read files with more columns then headers. GH-1417""" samplefile = """\ a, b 1, 0, 1, 2, """ c = io.StringIO(samplefile) with self.assertWarns(UserWarning) as cm: table = CSVReader(c).read() self.assertEqual(len(table.domain.attributes), 2) self.assertEqual(cm.warning.args[0], "Columns with no headers were removed.") def test_type_annotations(self): class FooFormat(FileFormat): write_file = Mock() FooFormat.write('test_file', None) FooFormat.write_file.assert_called_with('test_file', None) FooFormat.OPTIONAL_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS = True FooFormat.write('test_file', None) FooFormat.write_file.assert_called_with('test_file', None, True) FooFormat.write('test_file', None, False) FooFormat.write_file.assert_called_with('test_file', None, False) FooFormat.OPTIONAL_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS = False FooFormat.write('test_file', None) FooFormat.write_file.assert_called_with('test_file', None) @patch('csv.DictWriter.writerow') def test_header_call(self, writer): CSVReader.write_headers(writer, Table("iris"), False) self.assertEqual(len(writer.call_args_list), 1) writer.reset_mock() CSVReader.write_headers(writer, Table("iris"), True) self.assertEqual(len(writer.call_args_list), 3) def test_load_pickle(self): """ This function tests whether pickled files in older Orange loads correctly with newer version of Orange. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): # in unittests on travis/github actions OrangeDeprecationWarning # is raised as an error. With this statement it is disabled only # for this test - when unpickling pickle created with version older # than 3.27 ordered parameter in DiscreteVariable which is # deprecated still appears - which will raise deprecation warning warnings.simplefilter('default', OrangeDeprecationWarning) # load pickles created with Orange 3.20 # in next version there is a change in - line 738 # which broke back compatibility - tests introduced after the fix data1 = Table("datasets/sailing-orange-3-20.pkl") data2 = Table("datasets/sailing-orange-3-20.pkl.gz") # load pickles created with Orange 3.21 data3 = Table("datasets/sailing-orange-3-21.pkl") data4 = Table("datasets/sailing-orange-3-21.pkl.gz") examples_count = 20 self.assertEqual(examples_count, len(data1)) self.assertEqual(examples_count, len(data2)) self.assertEqual(examples_count, len(data3)) self.assertEqual(examples_count, len(data4)) attributes_count = 3 self.assertEqual(attributes_count, len(data1.domain.attributes)) self.assertEqual(attributes_count, len(data2.domain.attributes)) self.assertEqual(attributes_count, len(data3.domain.attributes)) self.assertEqual(attributes_count, len(data4.domain.attributes)) def test_pickle_version(self): """ Orange uses a fixed PICKLE_PROTOCOL (currently set to 4) for pickling data files and possibly elsewhere for consistent behaviour across different python versions (e.g. 3.6 - 3.8). When the default protocol is increased in a future version of python we should consider increasing this constant to match it as well. """ # we should use a version that is at least as high as the default. # it could be higher for older (but supported) python versions self.assertGreaterEqual(PICKLE_PROTOCOL, pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL) # we should not use a version that is not supported self.assertLessEqual(PICKLE_PROTOCOL, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
""" search views""" import re from import TrigramSimilarity from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.db.models.functions import Greatest from django.http import JsonResponse from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.views import View from csp.decorators import csp_update from bookwyrm import models from bookwyrm.connectors import connector_manager from bookwyrm.book_search import search, format_search_result from bookwyrm.settings import PAGE_LENGTH from bookwyrm.utils import regex from .helpers import is_api_request from .helpers import handle_remote_webfinger # pylint: disable= no-self-use class Search(View): """search users or books""" @csp_update(IMG_SRC="*") def get(self, request): """that search bar up top""" if is_api_request(request): return api_book_search(request) query = request.GET.get("q") if not query: return TemplateResponse(request, "search/book.html") search_type = request.GET.get("type") if query and not search_type: search_type = "user" if "@" in query else "book" endpoints = { "book": book_search, "user": METHOD_NAME, "list": list_search, } if not search_type in endpoints: search_type = "book" return endpoints[search_type](request) def api_book_search(request): """Return books via API response""" query = request.GET.get("q") query = isbn_check(query) min_confidence = request.GET.get("min_confidence", 0) # only return local book results via json so we don't cascade book_results = search(query, min_confidence=min_confidence) return JsonResponse( [format_search_result(r) for r in book_results[:10]], safe=False ) def book_search(request): """the real business is elsewhere""" query = request.GET.get("q") # check if query is isbn query = isbn_check(query) min_confidence = request.GET.get("min_confidence", 0) search_remote = request.GET.get("remote", False) and request.user.is_authenticated # try a local-only search local_results = search(query, min_confidence=min_confidence) paginated = Paginator(local_results, PAGE_LENGTH) page = paginated.get_page(request.GET.get("page")) data = { "query": query, "results": page, "type": "book", "remote": search_remote, "page_range": paginated.get_elided_page_range( page.number, on_each_side=2, on_ends=1 ), } # if a logged in user requested remote results or got no local results, try remote if request.user.is_authenticated and (not local_results or search_remote): data["remote_results"] = query, min_confidence=min_confidence ) data["remote"] = True return TemplateResponse(request, "search/book.html", data) def METHOD_NAME(request): """cool kids members only user search""" viewer = request.user query = request.GET.get("q") query = query.strip() data = {"type": "user", "query": query} # logged out viewers can't search users if not viewer.is_authenticated: return TemplateResponse(request, "search/user.html", data) # use webfinger for mastodon style [email protected] username to load the user if # they don't exist locally (handle_remote_webfinger will check the db) if re.match(regex.FULL_USERNAME, query): handle_remote_webfinger(query) results = ( models.User.viewer_aware_objects(viewer) .annotate( similarity=Greatest( TrigramSimilarity("username", query), TrigramSimilarity("localname", query), ) ) .filter( similarity__gt=0.5, ) .order_by("-similarity") ) paginated = Paginator(results, PAGE_LENGTH) page = paginated.get_page(request.GET.get("page")) data["results"] = page data["page_range"] = paginated.get_elided_page_range( page.number, on_each_side=2, on_ends=1 ) return TemplateResponse(request, "search/user.html", data) def list_search(request): """any relevent lists?""" query = request.GET.get("q") data = {"query": query, "type": "list"} results = ( models.List.privacy_filter( request.user, privacy_levels=["public", "followers"], ) .annotate( similarity=Greatest( TrigramSimilarity("name", query), TrigramSimilarity("description", query), ) ) .filter( similarity__gt=0.1, ) .order_by("-similarity") ) paginated = Paginator(results, PAGE_LENGTH) page = paginated.get_page(request.GET.get("page")) data["results"] = page data["page_range"] = paginated.get_elided_page_range( page.number, on_each_side=2, on_ends=1 ) return TemplateResponse(request, "search/list.html", data) def isbn_check(query): """isbn10 or isbn13 check, if so remove separators""" if query: su_num = re.sub(r"(?<=\d)\D(?=\d|[xX])", "", query) if len(su_num) == 13 and su_num.isdecimal(): # Multiply every other digit by 3 # Add these numbers and the other digits product = sum(int(ch) for ch in su_num[::2]) + sum( int(ch) * 3 for ch in su_num[1::2] ) if product % 10 == 0: return su_num elif ( len(su_num) == 10 and su_num[:-1].isdecimal() and (su_num[-1].isdecimal() or su_num[-1].lower() == "x") ): product = 0 # Iterate through code_string for i in range(9): # for each character, multiply by a different decreasing number: 10 - x product = product + int(su_num[i]) * (10 - i) # Handle last character if su_num[9].lower() == "x": product += 10 else: product += int(su_num[9]) if product % 11 == 0: return su_num return query
import pandas as pd from base_test import ArkoudaTest from context import arkouda as ak class SeriesTest(ArkoudaTest): def test_series_creation(self): # Use positional arguments ar_tuple = ak.arange(3), ak.arange(3) s = ak.Series(ar_tuple) self.assertIsInstance(s, ak.Series) ar_tuple = ak.array(["A", "B", "C"]), ak.arange(3) s = ak.Series(ar_tuple) self.assertIsInstance(s, ak.Series) # Both data and index are supplied v = ak.array(["A", "B", "C"]) i = ak.arange(3) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) self.assertIsInstance(s, ak.Series) self.assertIsInstance(s.index, ak.Index) # Just data is supplied s = ak.Series(data=v) self.assertIsInstance(s, ak.Series) self.assertIsInstance(s.index, ak.Index) # Just index is supplied (keyword argument) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s = ak.Series(index=i) # Just data is supplied (positional argument) s = ak.Series(ak.array(["A", "B", "C"])) self.assertIsInstance(s, ak.Series) # Just index is supplied (ar_tuple argument) ar_tuple = (ak.arange(3),) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s = ak.Series(ar_tuple) # No arguments are supplied with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s = ak.Series() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): s = ak.Series(data=ak.arange(3), index=ak.arange(6)) def test_lookup(self): v = ak.array(["A", "B", "C"]) i = ak.arange(3) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) lk = s.locate(1) self.assertIsInstance(lk, ak.Series) self.assertEqual(lk.index[0], 1) self.assertEqual(lk.values[0], "B") lk = s.locate([0, 2]) self.assertIsInstance(lk, ak.Series) self.assertEqual(lk.index[0], 0) self.assertEqual(lk.values[0], "A") self.assertEqual(lk.index[1], 2) self.assertEqual(lk.values[1], "C") # testing index lookup i = ak.Index([1]) lk = s.locate(i) self.assertIsInstance(lk, ak.Series) self.assertListEqual(lk.index.to_list(), i.index.to_list()) self.assertEqual(lk.values[0], v[1]) i = ak.Index([0, 2]) lk = s.locate(i) self.assertIsInstance(lk, ak.Series) self.assertListEqual(lk.index.to_list(), i.index.to_list()) self.assertEqual(lk.values.to_list(), v[ak.array([0,2])].to_list()) # testing multi-index lookup mi = ak.MultiIndex([ak.arange(3), ak.array([2, 1, 0])]) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=mi) lk = s.locate(mi[0]) self.assertIsInstance(lk, ak.Series) self.assertListEqual(lk.index.index, mi[0].index) self.assertEqual(lk.values[0], v[0]) # ensure error with scalar and multi-index with self.assertRaises(TypeError): lk = s.locate(0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): lk = s.locate([0,2]) def test_shape(self): v = ak.array(["A", "B", "C"]) i = ak.arange(3) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) (l,) = s.shape self.assertEqual(l, 3) def test_add(self): ar_tuple = (ak.arange(3), ak.arange(3)) ar_tuple_add = (ak.arange(3, 6, 1), ak.arange(3, 6, 1)) i = ak.arange(3) v = ak.arange(3, 6, 1) s = ak.Series(data=i, index=i) s_add = ak.Series(data=v, index=v) added = s.add(s_add) idx_list = added.index.to_pandas().tolist() val_list = added.values.to_list() for i in range(6): self.assertIn(i, idx_list) self.assertIn(i, val_list) def METHOD_NAME(self): v = ak.arange(3) i = ak.arange(3) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) top = s.topn(2) self.assertListEqual(top.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [2, 1]) self.assertListEqual(top.values.to_list(), [2, 1]) def test_sort_idx(self): v = ak.arange(5) i = ak.array([3, 1, 4, 0, 2]) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) sorted = s.sort_index() self.assertListEqual(sorted.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [i for i in range(5)]) self.assertListEqual(sorted.values.to_list(), [3, 1, 4, 0, 2]) def test_sort_value(self): v = ak.array([3, 1, 4, 0, 2]) i = ak.arange(5) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) sorted = s.sort_values() self.assertListEqual(sorted.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [3, 1, 4, 0, 2]) self.assertListEqual(sorted.values.to_list(), [i for i in range(5)]) def test_head_tail(self): v = ak.arange(5) i = ak.arange(5) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) head = s.head(2) self.assertListEqual(head.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [0, 1]) self.assertListEqual(head.values.to_list(), [0, 1]) tail = s.tail(3) self.assertListEqual(tail.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [2, 3, 4]) self.assertListEqual(tail.values.to_list(), [2, 3, 4]) def test_value_counts(self): v = ak.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 2]) i = ak.arange(5) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) c = s.value_counts() self.assertListEqual(c.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [0, 2, 1]) self.assertListEqual(c.values.to_list(), [2, 2, 1]) c = s.value_counts(sort=True) self.assertListEqual(c.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [0, 2, 1]) self.assertListEqual(c.values.to_list(), [2, 2, 1]) def test_concat(self): v = ak.arange(5) i = ak.arange(5) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) v = ak.arange(5, 11, 1) i = ak.arange(5, 11, 1) s2 = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) c = ak.Series.concat([s, s2]) self.assertListEqual(c.index.to_pandas().tolist(), [i for i in range(11)]) self.assertListEqual(c.values.to_list(), [i for i in range(11)]) df = ak.Series.concat([s, s2], axis=1) self.assertIsInstance(df, ak.DataFrame) ref_df = pd.DataFrame( { "idx": [i for i in range(11)], "val_0": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "val_1": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], } ) self.assertTrue(((ref_df == df.to_pandas()).all()).all()) def test_pdconcat(self): v = ak.arange(5) i = ak.arange(5) s = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) v = ak.arange(5, 11, 1) i = ak.arange(5, 11, 1) s2 = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) c = ak.Series.pdconcat([s, s2]) self.assertIsInstance(c, pd.Series) self.assertListEqual(c.index.tolist(), [i for i in range(11)]) self.assertListEqual(c.values.tolist(), [i for i in range(11)]) v = ak.arange(5, 10, 1) i = ak.arange(5, 10, 1) s2 = ak.Series(data=v, index=i) df = ak.Series.pdconcat([s, s2], axis=1) self.assertIsInstance(df, pd.DataFrame) ref_df = pd.DataFrame({0: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 1: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}) self.assertTrue((ref_df == df).all().all()) def test_index_as_index_compat(self): # added to validate functionality for issue #1506 df = ak.DataFrame({"a": ak.arange(10), "b": ak.arange(10), "c": ak.arange(10)}) g = df.groupby(["a", "b"]) g.broadcast(g.sum("c"))
import os import datetime import logging import json import re from typing import Tuple from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceExistsError from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from import ContainerSasPermissions, generate_container_sas, BlobServiceClient from exceptions import NoFilesInRequestException, TooManyFilesInRequestException def METHOD_NAME(account_name: str) -> str: return f"https://{account_name}.blob.{get_storage_endpoint_suffix()}/" def get_blob_client_from_blob_info(storage_account_name: str, container_name: str, blob_name: str): source_blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient(account_url=METHOD_NAME(storage_account_name), credential=get_credential()) source_container_client = source_blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name) return source_container_client.get_blob_client(blob_name) def create_container(account_name: str, request_id: str): try: container_name = request_id blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient(account_url=METHOD_NAME(account_name), credential=get_credential()) blob_service_client.create_container(container_name)'Container created for request id: {request_id}.') except ResourceExistsError:'Did not create a new container. Container already exists for request id: {request_id}.') def get_request_files(account_name: str, request_id: str) -> list: files = [] blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient(account_url=METHOD_NAME(account_name), credential=get_credential()) container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container=request_id) for blob in container_client.list_blobs(): files.append({"name":, "size": blob.size}) return files def copy_data(source_account_name: str, destination_account_name: str, request_id: str): credential = get_credential() container_name = request_id source_blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient(account_url=METHOD_NAME(source_account_name), credential=credential) source_container_client = source_blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name) # Check that we are copying exactly one blob found_blobs = 0 blob_name = "" for blob in source_container_client.list_blobs(): blob_name = if found_blobs > 0: msg = "Request with id {} contains more than 1 file. flow aborted.".format(request_id) logging.error(msg) raise TooManyFilesInRequestException(msg) found_blobs += 1 if found_blobs == 0: msg = "Request with id {} did not contain any files. flow aborted.".format(request_id) logging.error(msg) raise NoFilesInRequestException(msg) udk = source_blob_service_client.get_user_delegation_key(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1), datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) # token geneation with expiry of 1 hour. since its not shared, we can leave it to expire (no need to track/delete) # Remove sas token if not needed: sas_token = generate_container_sas(account_name=source_account_name, container_name=container_name, user_delegation_key=udk, permission=ContainerSasPermissions(read=True), expiry=datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) source_blob = source_container_client.get_blob_client(blob_name) source_url = f'{source_blob.url}?{sas_token}' # Set metadata to include the blob url that it is copied from metadata = source_blob.get_blob_properties()["metadata"] copied_from = json.loads(metadata["copied_from"]) if "copied_from" in metadata else [] metadata["copied_from"] = json.dumps(copied_from + [source_blob.url]) # Copy files dest_blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient(account_url=METHOD_NAME(destination_account_name), credential=credential) copied_blob = dest_blob_service_client.get_blob_client(container_name, source_blob.blob_name) copy = copied_blob.start_copy_from_url(source_url, metadata=metadata) try:"Copy operation returned 'copy_id': '%s', 'copy_status': '%s'", copy["copy_id"], copy["copy_status"]) except KeyError as e: logging.error(f"Failed getting operation id and status {e}") def get_credential() -> DefaultAzureCredential: managed_identity = os.environ.get("MANAGED_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID") if managed_identity:"using the Airlock processor's managed identity to get credentials.") return DefaultAzureCredential(managed_identity_client_id=os.environ["MANAGED_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID"], exclude_shared_token_cache_credential=True) if managed_identity else DefaultAzureCredential() def get_blob_info_from_topic_and_subject(topic: str, subject: str): # Example of a topic: "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<reosurce_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storage_account_name>" storage_account_name ='providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/(.*?)$', topic).group(1) # Example of a subject: "/blobServices/default/containers/<container_guid>/blobs/<blob_name>" container_name, blob_name ='/blobServices/default/containers/(.*?)/blobs/(.*?)$', subject).groups() return storage_account_name, container_name, blob_name def get_blob_info_from_blob_url(blob_url: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: # Example of blob url: return'https://(.*?).blob.{get_storage_endpoint_suffix()}/(.*?)/(.*?)$', blob_url).groups() def get_blob_url(account_name: str, container_name: str, blob_name='') -> str: return f'{METHOD_NAME(account_name)}{container_name}/{blob_name}' def get_storage_endpoint_suffix(): default_value = "" try: return os.environ["STORAGE_ENDPOINT_SUFFIX"] except KeyError as e: logging.warning(f"Missing environment variable: {e}. using default value: '{default_value}'") return default_value
import neopixel from storage import getmount from kmk.extensions import Extension from kmk.handlers.stock import passthrough as handler_passthrough from kmk.keys import make_key class Color: OFF = [0, 0, 0] BLACK = OFF WHITE = [249, 249, 249] RED = [255, 0, 0] AZURE = [153, 245, 255] BLUE = [0, 0, 255] CYAN = [0, 255, 255] GREEN = [0, 255, 0] YELLOW = [255, 247, 0] MAGENTA = [255, 0, 255] ORANGE = [255, 77, 0] PURPLE = [255, 0, 242] TEAL = [0, 128, 128] PINK = [255, 0, 255] class Rgb_matrix_data: def __init__(self, keys=[], underglow=[]): if len(keys) == 0: print('No colors passed for your keys') return if len(underglow) == 0: print('No colors passed for your underglow') return = keys + underglow @staticmethod def generate_led_map( number_of_keys, number_of_underglow, key_color, underglow_color ): keys = [key_color] * number_of_keys underglow = [underglow_color] * number_of_underglow print(f'Rgb_matrix_data(keys={keys},\nunderglow={underglow})') class Rgb_matrix(Extension): def __init__( self, rgb_order=(1, 0, 2), # GRB WS2812 disable_auto_write=False, ledDisplay=[], split=False, rightSide=False, ): name = str(getmount('/').label) self.rgb_order = rgb_order self.disable_auto_write = disable_auto_write self.split = split self.rightSide = rightSide self.brightness_step = 0.1 self.brightness = 0 if name.endswith('L'): self.rightSide = False elif name.endswith('R'): self.rightSide = True if type(ledDisplay) is Rgb_matrix_data: self.ledDisplay = else: self.ledDisplay = ledDisplay make_key( names=('RGB_TOG',), on_press=self._rgb_tog, on_release=handler_passthrough ) make_key( names=('RGB_BRI',), on_press=self._rgb_bri, on_release=handler_passthrough ) make_key( names=('RGB_BRD',), on_press=self._rgb_brd, on_release=handler_passthrough ) def _rgb_tog(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.enable: else: self.on() self.enable = not self.enable def _rgb_bri(self, *args, **kwargs): self.increase_brightness() def _rgb_brd(self, *args, **kwargs): self.decrease_brightness() def on(self): if self.neopixel: self.METHOD_NAME() def off(self): if self.neopixel: self.set_rgb_fill((0, 0, 0)) def set_rgb_fill(self, rgb): if self.neopixel: self.neopixel.fill(rgb) if self.disable_auto_write: def set_brightness(self, brightness=None): if brightness is None: brightness = self.brightness if self.neopixel: self.neopixel.brightness = brightness if self.disable_auto_write: def increase_brightness(self, step=None): if step is None: step = self.brightness_step self.brightness = ( self.brightness + step if self.brightness + step <= 1.0 else 1.0 ) self.set_brightness(self.brightness) def decrease_brightness(self, step=None): if step is None: step = self.brightness_step self.brightness = ( self.brightness - step if self.brightness - step >= 0.0 else 0.0 ) self.set_brightness(self.brightness) def METHOD_NAME(self): if self.split: for i, val in enumerate(self.ledDisplay): if self.rightSide: if self.keyPos[i] >= (self.num_pixels / 2): self.neopixel[int(self.keyPos[i] - (self.num_pixels / 2))] = ( val[0], val[1], val[2], ) else: if self.keyPos[i] <= (self.num_pixels / 2): self.neopixel[self.keyPos[i]] = (val[0], val[1], val[2]) else: for i, val in enumerate(self.ledDisplay): self.neopixel[self.keyPos[i]] = (val[0], val[1], val[2]) def on_runtime_enable(self, sandbox): return def on_runtime_disable(self, sandbox): return def during_bootup(self, board): self.neopixel = neopixel.NeoPixel( board.rgb_pixel_pin, board.num_pixels, brightness=board.brightness_limit, pixel_order=self.rgb_order, auto_write=not self.disable_auto_write, ) self.num_pixels = board.num_pixels self.keyPos = board.led_key_pos self.brightness = board.brightness_limit self.on() return def before_matrix_scan(self, sandbox): return def after_matrix_scan(self, sandbox): return def before_hid_send(self, sandbox): return def after_hid_send(self, sandbox): return def on_powersave_enable(self, sandbox): if self.neopixel: self.neopixel.brightness = ( self.neopixel.brightness / 2 if self.neopixel.brightness / 2 > 0 else 0.1 ) if self.disable_auto_write: def on_powersave_disable(self, sandbox): if self.neopixel: self.neopixel.brightness = self.brightness if self.disable_auto_write:
#!/usr/bin/env python """Build a mulled images for all recent conda recipe updates that don't have existing images. Examples: Build mulled images for recent bioconda changes with: mulled-build-channel build Build, test, and publish images with the follow command: mulled-build-channel all See recent changes that would be built with: mulled-build-channel list """ import os import subprocess import sys import time import requests from ._cli import arg_parser from .mulled_build import ( add_build_arguments, args_to_mull_targets_kwds, build_target, conda_versions, get_affected_packages, mull_targets, ) from .util import ( quay_versions, version_sorted, ) def _fetch_repo_data(args): repo_data = args.repo_data channel = if not os.path.exists(repo_data): platform_tag = "osx-64" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux-64" subprocess.check_call( [ "wget", "--quiet", f"{channel}/{platform_tag}/repodata.json.bz2", "-O", f"{repo_data}.bz2", ] ) subprocess.check_call(["bzip2", "-d", f"{repo_data}.bz2"]) return repo_data def METHOD_NAME(quay, conda): """Calculate the versions that are in conda but not on""" sconda = set(conda) squay = set(quay) if quay else set() return sconda - squay # sconda.symmetric_difference(squay) def run_channel(args, build_last_n_versions=1): """Build list of involucro commands (as shell snippet) to run.""" session = requests.session() for pkg_name, pkg_tests in get_affected_packages(args): repo_data = _fetch_repo_data(args) c = conda_versions(pkg_name, repo_data) # only package the most recent N versions c = version_sorted(c)[:build_last_n_versions] if not args.force_rebuild: time.sleep(1) q = quay_versions(args.namespace, pkg_name, session) versions = METHOD_NAME(q, c) else: versions = c for tag in versions: target = build_target(pkg_name, tag=tag) targets = [target] mull_targets(targets, test=pkg_tests, **args_to_mull_targets_kwds(args)) def get_pkg_names(args): """Print package names that would be affected.""" print("\n".join(pkg_name for pkg_name, pkg_tests in get_affected_packages(args))) def add_channel_arguments(parser): """Add arguments only used if running mulled over a whole conda channel.""" parser.add_argument( "--repo-data", dest="repo_data", required=True, help='Published repository data. If you want to build all containers for bioconda, this parameter needs to be set to "bioconda"', ) parser.add_argument( "--diff-hours", dest="diff_hours", default="25", help="If finding all recently changed recipes, use this number of hours.", ) parser.add_argument("--recipes-dir", dest="recipes_dir", default="./bioconda-recipes") parser.add_argument( "--force-rebuild", dest="force_rebuild", action="store_true", help="Rebuild package even if already published." ) def main(argv=None): """Main entry-point for the CLI tool.""" parser = arg_parser(argv, globals()) add_channel_arguments(parser) add_build_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument("command", metavar="COMMAND", help="Command (list, build-and-test, build, all)") parser.add_argument( "--targets", dest="targets", default=None, help="Build a single container with specific package(s)." ) parser.add_argument( "--repository-name", dest="repository_name", default=None, help="Name of a single container (leave blank to auto-generate based on packages).", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == "list": get_pkg_names(args) else: run_channel(args) __all__ = ("main",) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from lark.lark import Token from sqlalchemy.sql.operators import in_op, comparison_op from sqlalchemy.sql import Selectable from sqlalchemy.orm import Query from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from shared.database.source_control.file import File from shared.shared_logger import get_shared_logger from shared.database.source_control.file_stats import FileStats from typing import List import operator logger = get_shared_logger() def has_quotes(s: str) -> bool: return (s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"')) or (s.startswith("'") and s.endswith("'")) class CompareOperator: operator_value: operator or comparison_op @staticmethod def create_compare_operator_from_token(token: Token) -> 'CompareOperator': string_operator_mapping = { '>':, '<':, '=': operator.eq, '!=':, '>=':, '<=': operator.le, 'in': in_op, } value = string_operator_mapping[token.value] result = CompareOperator(operator_value = value) return result def __init__(self, operator_value: operator or comparison_op): self.operator_value = operator_value class QueryEntity: key: any # any type, a scaler, or a string reserved word etc. full_key: any # any type, a scaler, or a string reserved word etc. parent_key: 'QueryEntity' kind: str # scaler or reserved key_has_been_type_corrected: bool child_list: [] reserved_sub_words: list = ['id', 'tag'] def remove_plural(self): if type(self.key) == str: if self.key.endswith('s'): self.key = self.key[: - 1] def METHOD_NAME(self, token: Token) -> list: self.child_list = [] if type(self.key) != str: return self.child_list list_items = token.value.split('.') i = 0 query_entity_list = [self] for item in reversed(list_items): ent = QueryEntity() ent.key = item if i > 0: ent.parent_key = query_entity_list[i - 1] if i < len(list_items) - 1: query_entity_list.append(ent) self.child_list.append(ent) return self.child_list @staticmethod def cast_int_from_unknown_type(value: any): try: return int(value) except: return value def set_key_from_token_with_unknown_type(self, token: Token): value = QueryEntity.cast_int_from_unknown_type(token.value) new_value = None full_key = None if type(value) == int: new_value = value if type(value) == list: new_value = value if type(value) == str: new_value = value.split('.')[0] full_key = value self.key = new_value self.full_key = full_key self.key_has_been_type_corrected = True if type(value) not in [int, str, list]: raise NotImplementedError def change_key_based_on_sub_elements(self): final_key = self.key if len(self.child_list) > 1: for i in range(len(self.child_list) - 1, -1, -1): child = self.child_list[i] if i == len(self.child_list) - 1: continue if child.key in self.reserved_sub_words: final_key += '_' + child.key self.key = final_key @staticmethod def new(token) -> 'QueryEntity': entity = QueryEntity() entity.set_key_from_token_with_unknown_type(token) entity.remove_plural() entity.METHOD_NAME(token) entity.change_key_based_on_sub_elements() return entity class QueryElement: list_value: list raw_value: any column: Column or None subquery: Query project_id: int token: Token top_level_key: None log: dict query_entity: QueryEntity query_entity_children: List[QueryEntity] reserved_words: List[str] = ['label', 'attribute', 'file', 'dataset_id', 'dataset_tag', 'list'] def build_query(self, session: Session, token: Token) -> Selectable: raise NotImplementedError def determine_if_reserved_word(self, word: str): if word in self.reserved_words: return True @staticmethod def new(session: Session, log: dict, project_id: int, token: Token) -> ['QueryElement', dict]: """ Generates a query element from the given entity type. :param session: :param log: :param project_id: :param entity_type: :param token: :return: """ from shared.query_engine.sql_alchemy_query_elements.dataset_tag import TagDatasetQueryElement from shared.query_engine.sql_alchemy_query_elements.file import FileQueryElement from shared.query_engine.sql_alchemy_query_elements.attribute import AttributeQueryElement from shared.query_engine.sql_alchemy_query_elements.dataset import DatasetQuery from shared.query_engine.sql_alchemy_query_elements.scalar import ScalarQueryElement from shared.query_engine.sql_alchemy_query_elements.labels import LabelsQueryElement query_element = QueryElement() entity = query_element.query_entity = entity is_reserved_word = False if type(entity.key) == str and not has_quotes(entity.key): is_reserved_word = query_element.determine_if_reserved_word(entity.key) if not is_reserved_word: log['error'][ 'is_reserved_word'] = f"Entity: {entity.key} is not valid. Valid options are {query_element.reserved_words}" return None, log else: entity.key = "scalar" string_query_class = { 'label': LabelsQueryElement, 'attribute': AttributeQueryElement, 'file': FileQueryElement, 'dataset_id': DatasetQuery, 'dataset_tag': TagDatasetQueryElement, 'scalar': ScalarQueryElement } QueryClass = string_query_class.get(entity.key) if QueryClass is None: raise NotImplementedError query_class = QueryClass() query_class.query_entity = entity query_class.token = token query_class.project_id = project_id query_class.is_reserved_word = is_reserved_word query_class.session = session query_class.log = log query_class.build_query(session = session, token = token) return query_class, log
# # # # Convert parsed content blocks to a structured document (library file). # # Copyright 2002-2018 by # David Turner. # # This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, # modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project # license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute # this file you indicate that you have read the license and # understand and accept it fully. # # This is the base Formatter class. Its purpose is to convert a content # processor's data into specific documents (i.e., table of contents, global # index, and individual API reference indices). # # You need to sub-class it to output anything sensible. For example, the # file `' contains the definition of the `HtmlFormatter' sub-class # to output HTML. # from sources import * from content import * from utils import * ################################################################ ## ## FORMATTER CLASS ## class Formatter: def __init__( self, processor ): self.processor = processor self.identifiers = {} self.chapters = processor.chapters self.sections = processor.sections.values() self.block_index = [] # store all blocks in a dictionary self.blocks = [] for section in self.sections: for block in section.blocks.values(): self.add_identifier(, block ) # add enumeration values to the index, since this is useful for markup in block.markups: if markup.tag == 'values': for field in markup.fields: self.add_identifier(, block ) self.block_index = self.identifiers.keys() self.block_index.sort( key = index_key ) # also add section names to dictionary (without making them appear # in the index) for section in self.sections: self.add_identifier(, section ) def add_identifier( self, name, block ): if name in self.identifiers: # duplicate name! sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: duplicate definition for" + " '" + name + "' " + "in " + block.location() + ", " + "previous definition in " + self.identifiers[name].location() + "\n" ) else: self.identifiers[name] = block # # formatting the table of contents # def toc_enter( self ): pass def toc_chapter_enter( self, chapter ): pass def toc_section_enter( self, section ): pass def toc_section_exit( self, section ): pass def toc_chapter_exit( self, chapter ): pass def toc_index( self, index_filename ): pass def toc_exit( self ): pass def toc_dump( self, toc_filename = None, index_filename = None ): output = None if toc_filename: output = open_output( toc_filename ) self.toc_enter() for chap in self.processor.chapters: self.toc_chapter_enter( chap ) for section in chap.sections: self.toc_section_enter( section ) self.toc_section_exit( section ) self.toc_chapter_exit( chap ) self.toc_index( index_filename ) self.toc_exit() if output: close_output( output ) # # formatting the index # def index_enter( self ): pass def index_name_enter( self, name ): pass def index_name_exit( self, name ): pass def index_exit( self ): pass def index_dump( self, index_filename = None ): output = None if index_filename: output = open_output( index_filename ) self.index_enter() for name in self.block_index: self.index_name_enter( name ) self.index_name_exit( name ) self.index_exit() if output: close_output( output ) # # formatting a section # def section_enter( self, section ): pass def METHOD_NAME( self, block ): pass def markup_enter( self, markup, block = None ): pass def field_enter( self, field, markup = None, block = None ): pass def field_exit( self, field, markup = None, block = None ): pass def markup_exit( self, markup, block = None ): pass def block_exit( self, block ): pass def section_exit( self, section ): pass def section_dump( self, section, section_filename = None ): output = None if section_filename: output = open_output( section_filename ) self.section_enter( section ) for name in section.block_names: skip_entry = 0 try: block = self.identifiers[name] # `block_names' can contain field names also, # which we filter out for markup in block.markups: if markup.tag == 'values': for field in markup.fields: if == name: skip_entry = 1 except: skip_entry = 1 # this happens e.g. for `/empty/' entries if skip_entry: continue self.METHOD_NAME( block ) for markup in block.markups[1:]: # always ignore first markup! self.markup_enter( markup, block ) for field in markup.fields: self.field_enter( field, markup, block ) self.field_exit( field, markup, block ) self.markup_exit( markup, block ) self.block_exit( block ) self.section_exit( section ) if output: close_output( output ) def section_dump_all( self ): for section in self.sections: self.section_dump( section ) # eof
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkecs.endpoint import endpoint_data class DescribeLaunchTemplateVersionsRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ecs', '2014-05-26', 'DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions','ecs') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_LaunchTemplateName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LaunchTemplateName') def set_LaunchTemplateName(self, LaunchTemplateName): # String self.add_query_param('LaunchTemplateName', LaunchTemplateName) def get_MaxVersion(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('MaxVersion') def set_MaxVersion(self, MaxVersion): # Long self.add_query_param('MaxVersion', MaxVersion) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_DefaultVersion(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('DefaultVersion') def set_DefaultVersion(self, DefaultVersion): # Boolean self.add_query_param('DefaultVersion', DefaultVersion) def get_MinVersion(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('MinVersion') def set_MinVersion(self, MinVersion): # Long self.add_query_param('MinVersion', MinVersion) def get_PageNumber(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PageNumber') def set_PageNumber(self, PageNumber): # Integer self.add_query_param('PageNumber', PageNumber) def get_PageSize(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PageSize') def set_PageSize(self, PageSize): # Integer self.add_query_param('PageSize', PageSize) def get_LaunchTemplateId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LaunchTemplateId') def set_LaunchTemplateId(self, LaunchTemplateId): # String self.add_query_param('LaunchTemplateId', LaunchTemplateId) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_LaunchTemplateVersions(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('LaunchTemplateVersion') def METHOD_NAME(self, LaunchTemplateVersion): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(LaunchTemplateVersion)): self.add_query_param('LaunchTemplateVersion.' + str(depth1 + 1), LaunchTemplateVersion[depth1]) def get_DetailFlag(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('DetailFlag') def set_DetailFlag(self, DetailFlag): # Boolean self.add_query_param('DetailFlag', DetailFlag)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkvpc.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateVirtualBorderRouterRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Vpc', '2016-04-28', 'CreateVirtualBorderRouter','vpc') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_CircuitCode(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('CircuitCode') def set_CircuitCode(self, CircuitCode): # String self.add_query_param('CircuitCode', CircuitCode) def get_VlanId(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('VlanId') def set_VlanId(self, VlanId): # Integer self.add_query_param('VlanId', VlanId) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def set_ClientToken(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_EnableIpv6(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('EnableIpv6') def set_EnableIpv6(self, EnableIpv6): # Boolean self.add_query_param('EnableIpv6', EnableIpv6) def get_Description(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Description') def set_Description(self, Description): # String self.add_query_param('Description', Description) def get_PeerGatewayIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PeerGatewayIp') def set_PeerGatewayIp(self, PeerGatewayIp): # String self.add_query_param('PeerGatewayIp', PeerGatewayIp) def get_PeerIpv6GatewayIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PeerIpv6GatewayIp') def set_PeerIpv6GatewayIp(self, PeerIpv6GatewayIp): # String self.add_query_param('PeerIpv6GatewayIp', PeerIpv6GatewayIp) def get_ResourceGroupId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceGroupId') def set_ResourceGroupId(self, ResourceGroupId): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceGroupId', ResourceGroupId) def get_PeeringSubnetMask(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PeeringSubnetMask') def set_PeeringSubnetMask(self, PeeringSubnetMask): # String self.add_query_param('PeeringSubnetMask', PeeringSubnetMask) def get_LocalGatewayIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LocalGatewayIp') def set_LocalGatewayIp(self, LocalGatewayIp): # String self.add_query_param('LocalGatewayIp', LocalGatewayIp) def get_PeeringIpv6SubnetMask(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PeeringIpv6SubnetMask') def set_PeeringIpv6SubnetMask(self, PeeringIpv6SubnetMask): # String self.add_query_param('PeeringIpv6SubnetMask', PeeringIpv6SubnetMask) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_Bandwidth(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('Bandwidth') def set_Bandwidth(self, Bandwidth): # Long self.add_query_param('Bandwidth', Bandwidth) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_OwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_Tagss(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('Tags') def set_Tagss(self, Tags): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Tags)): if Tags[depth1].get('Value') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tags.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Value', Tags[depth1].get('Value')) if Tags[depth1].get('Key') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tags.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Key', Tags[depth1].get('Key')) def get_PhysicalConnectionId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PhysicalConnectionId') def set_PhysicalConnectionId(self, PhysicalConnectionId): # String self.add_query_param('PhysicalConnectionId', PhysicalConnectionId) def get_LocalIpv6GatewayIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LocalIpv6GatewayIp') def METHOD_NAME(self, LocalIpv6GatewayIp): # String self.add_query_param('LocalIpv6GatewayIp', LocalIpv6GatewayIp) def get_Name(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Name') def set_Name(self, Name): # String self.add_query_param('Name', Name) def get_VbrOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('VbrOwnerId') def set_VbrOwnerId(self, VbrOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('VbrOwnerId', VbrOwnerId)
# coding: utf-8 """ OpenAPI Petstore This spec is mainly for testing Petstore server and contains fake endpoints, models. Please do not use this for any other purpose. Special characters: \" \\ # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Generated by: """ from __future__ import annotations from petstore_api.shared_imports.schema_imports import * # pyright: ignore [reportWildcardImportFromLibrary] SmallCamel: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = schemas.StrSchema METHOD_NAME: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = schemas.StrSchema SmallSnake: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = schemas.StrSchema CapitalSnake: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = schemas.StrSchema SCAETHFlowPoints: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = schemas.StrSchema ATTNAME: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = schemas.StrSchema Properties = typing.TypedDict( 'Properties', { "smallCamel": typing.Type[SmallCamel], "CapitalCamel": typing.Type[METHOD_NAME], "small_Snake": typing.Type[SmallSnake], "Capital_Snake": typing.Type[CapitalSnake], "SCA_ETH_Flow_Points": typing.Type[SCAETHFlowPoints], "ATT_NAME": typing.Type[ATTNAME], } ) class CapitalizationDict(schemas.immutabledict[str, str]): __required_keys__: typing.FrozenSet[str] = frozenset({ }) __optional_keys__: typing.FrozenSet[str] = frozenset({ "smallCamel", "CapitalCamel", "small_Snake", "Capital_Snake", "SCA_ETH_Flow_Points", "ATT_NAME", }) def __new__( cls, *, smallCamel: typing.Union[ str, schemas.Unset ] = schemas.unset, METHOD_NAME: typing.Union[ str, schemas.Unset ] = schemas.unset, small_Snake: typing.Union[ str, schemas.Unset ] = schemas.unset, Capital_Snake: typing.Union[ str, schemas.Unset ] = schemas.unset, SCA_ETH_Flow_Points: typing.Union[ str, schemas.Unset ] = schemas.unset, ATT_NAME: typing.Union[ str, schemas.Unset ] = schemas.unset, configuration_: typing.Optional[schema_configuration.SchemaConfiguration] = None, **kwargs: schemas.INPUT_TYPES_ALL, ): arg_: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} for key, val in ( ("smallCamel", smallCamel), ("CapitalCamel", METHOD_NAME), ("small_Snake", small_Snake), ("Capital_Snake", Capital_Snake), ("SCA_ETH_Flow_Points", SCA_ETH_Flow_Points), ("ATT_NAME", ATT_NAME), ): if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): continue arg_[key] = val arg_.update(kwargs) used_arg_ = typing.cast(CapitalizationDictInput, arg_) return Capitalization.validate(used_arg_, configuration=configuration_) @staticmethod def from_dict_( arg: typing.Union[ CapitalizationDictInput, CapitalizationDict ], configuration: typing.Optional[schema_configuration.SchemaConfiguration] = None ) -> CapitalizationDict: return Capitalization.validate(arg, configuration=configuration) @property def smallCamel(self) -> typing.Union[str, schemas.Unset]: val = self.get("smallCamel", schemas.unset) if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): return val return typing.cast( str, val ) @property def METHOD_NAME(self) -> typing.Union[str, schemas.Unset]: val = self.get("CapitalCamel", schemas.unset) if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): return val return typing.cast( str, val ) @property def small_Snake(self) -> typing.Union[str, schemas.Unset]: val = self.get("small_Snake", schemas.unset) if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): return val return typing.cast( str, val ) @property def Capital_Snake(self) -> typing.Union[str, schemas.Unset]: val = self.get("Capital_Snake", schemas.unset) if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): return val return typing.cast( str, val ) @property def SCA_ETH_Flow_Points(self) -> typing.Union[str, schemas.Unset]: val = self.get("SCA_ETH_Flow_Points", schemas.unset) if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): return val return typing.cast( str, val ) @property def ATT_NAME(self) -> typing.Union[str, schemas.Unset]: val = self.get("ATT_NAME", schemas.unset) if isinstance(val, schemas.Unset): return val return typing.cast( str, val ) def get_additional_property_(self, name: str) -> typing.Union[schemas.OUTPUT_BASE_TYPES, schemas.Unset]: schemas.raise_if_key_known(name, self.__required_keys__, self.__optional_keys__) return self.get(name, schemas.unset) CapitalizationDictInput = typing.Mapping[str, schemas.INPUT_TYPES_ALL] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Capitalization( schemas.Schema[CapitalizationDict, tuple] ): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator. Ref: Do not edit the class manually. """ types: typing.FrozenSet[typing.Type] = frozenset({schemas.immutabledict}) properties: Properties = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: schemas.typed_dict_to_instance(Properties)) # type: ignore type_to_output_cls: typing.Mapping[ typing.Type, typing.Type ] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=lambda: { schemas.immutabledict: CapitalizationDict } ) @classmethod def validate( cls, arg: typing.Union[ CapitalizationDictInput, CapitalizationDict, ], configuration: typing.Optional[schema_configuration.SchemaConfiguration] = None ) -> CapitalizationDict: return super().validate_base( arg, configuration=configuration, )
from typing import Union from .registry import DATASET_COLLECTION_TYPES_REGISTRY class CollectionTypeDescriptionFactory: def __init__(self, type_registry=DATASET_COLLECTION_TYPES_REGISTRY): # taking in type_registry though not using it, because we will someday # I think. self.type_registry = type_registry def METHOD_NAME(self, collection_type): assert collection_type is not None return CollectionTypeDescription(collection_type, self) class CollectionTypeDescription: """Abstraction over dataset collection type that ties together string reprentation in database/model with type registry. >>> factory = CollectionTypeDescriptionFactory(None) >>> nested_type_description = factory.for_collection_type("list:paired") >>> paired_type_description = factory.for_collection_type("paired") >>> nested_type_description.has_subcollections_of_type("list") False >>> nested_type_description.has_subcollections_of_type("list:paired") False >>> nested_type_description.has_subcollections_of_type("paired") True >>> nested_type_description.has_subcollections_of_type(paired_type_description) True >>> nested_type_description.has_subcollections() True >>> paired_type_description.has_subcollections() False >>> paired_type_description.rank_collection_type() 'paired' >>> nested_type_description.rank_collection_type() 'list' >>> nested_type_description.effective_collection_type(paired_type_description) 'list' >>> nested_type_description.effective_collection_type_description(paired_type_description).collection_type 'list' >>> nested_type_description.child_collection_type() 'paired' """ collection_type: str def __init__(self, collection_type: Union[str, "CollectionTypeDescription"], collection_type_description_factory): if isinstance(collection_type, CollectionTypeDescription): self.collection_type = collection_type.collection_type else: self.collection_type = collection_type self.collection_type_description_factory = collection_type_description_factory self.__has_subcollections = self.collection_type.find(":") > 0 def child_collection_type(self): rank_collection_type = self.rank_collection_type() return self.collection_type[len(rank_collection_type) + 1 :] def child_collection_type_description(self): child_collection_type = self.child_collection_type() return self.collection_type_description_factory.METHOD_NAME(child_collection_type) def effective_collection_type_description(self, subcollection_type): effective_collection_type = self.effective_collection_type(subcollection_type) return self.collection_type_description_factory.METHOD_NAME(effective_collection_type) def effective_collection_type(self, subcollection_type): if hasattr(subcollection_type, "collection_type"): subcollection_type = subcollection_type.collection_type if not self.has_subcollections_of_type(subcollection_type): raise ValueError(f"Cannot compute effective subcollection type of {subcollection_type} over {self}") return self.collection_type[: -(len(subcollection_type) + 1)] def has_subcollections_of_type(self, other_collection_type): """Take in another type (either flat string or another CollectionTypeDescription) and determine if this collection contains subcollections matching that type. The way this is used in map/reduce it seems to make the most sense for this to return True if these subtypes are proper (i.e. a type is not considered to have subcollections of its own type). """ if hasattr(other_collection_type, "collection_type"): other_collection_type = other_collection_type.collection_type collection_type = self.collection_type return collection_type.endswith(other_collection_type) and collection_type != other_collection_type def is_subcollection_of_type(self, other_collection_type): if not hasattr(other_collection_type, "collection_type"): other_collection_type = self.collection_type_description_factory.METHOD_NAME(other_collection_type) return other_collection_type.has_subcollections_of_type(self) def can_match_type(self, other_collection_type): if hasattr(other_collection_type, "collection_type"): other_collection_type = other_collection_type.collection_type collection_type = self.collection_type return other_collection_type == collection_type def subcollection_type_description(self): if not self.__has_subcollections: raise ValueError(f"Cannot generate subcollection type description for flat type {self.collection_type}") subcollection_type = self.collection_type.split(":", 1)[1] return self.collection_type_description_factory.METHOD_NAME(subcollection_type) def has_subcollections(self): return self.__has_subcollections def rank_collection_type(self): """Return the top-level collection type corresponding to this collection type. For instance the "rank" type of a list of paired data ("list:paired") is "list". """ return self.collection_type.split(":")[0] def rank_type_plugin(self): return self.collection_type_description_factory.type_registry.get(self.rank_collection_type()) @property def dimension(self): return len(self.collection_type.split(":")) + 1 def multiply(self, other_collection_type): collection_type = map_over_collection_type(self, other_collection_type) return self.collection_type_description_factory.METHOD_NAME(collection_type) def __str__(self): return f"CollectionTypeDescription[{self.collection_type}]" def map_over_collection_type(mapped_over_collection_type, target_collection_type): if hasattr(mapped_over_collection_type, "collection_type"): mapped_over_collection_type = mapped_over_collection_type.collection_type if not target_collection_type: return mapped_over_collection_type else: if hasattr(target_collection_type, "collection_type"): target_collection_type = target_collection_type.collection_type return f"{mapped_over_collection_type}:{target_collection_type}" COLLECTION_TYPE_DESCRIPTION_FACTORY = CollectionTypeDescriptionFactory()
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest class DescribeInstancesRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ens', '2017-11-10', 'DescribeInstances','ens') self.set_method('POST') def get_OrderByParams(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OrderByParams') def set_OrderByParams(self, OrderByParams): # String self.add_query_param('OrderByParams', OrderByParams) def get_EnsRegionId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EnsRegionId') def METHOD_NAME(self, EnsRegionId): # String self.add_query_param('EnsRegionId', EnsRegionId) def get_InstanceResourceType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceResourceType') def set_InstanceResourceType(self, InstanceResourceType): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceResourceType', InstanceResourceType) def get_EnsServiceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EnsServiceId') def set_EnsServiceId(self, EnsServiceId): # String self.add_query_param('EnsServiceId', EnsServiceId) def get_VSwitchId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('VSwitchId') def set_VSwitchId(self, VSwitchId): # String self.add_query_param('VSwitchId', VSwitchId) def get_InstanceId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceId') def set_InstanceId(self, InstanceId): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceId', InstanceId) def get_InstanceName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceName') def set_InstanceName(self, InstanceName): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceName', InstanceName) def get_InstanceIds(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('InstanceIds') def set_InstanceIds(self, InstanceIds): # String self.add_query_param('InstanceIds', InstanceIds) def get_NetworkId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NetworkId') def set_NetworkId(self, NetworkId): # String self.add_query_param('NetworkId', NetworkId) def get_Status(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Status') def set_Status(self, Status): # String self.add_query_param('Status', Status) def get_IntranetIp(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('IntranetIp') def set_IntranetIp(self, IntranetIp): # String self.add_query_param('IntranetIp', IntranetIp) def get_ImageId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ImageId') def set_ImageId(self, ImageId): # String self.add_query_param('ImageId', ImageId) def get_SecurityGroupId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SecurityGroupId') def set_SecurityGroupId(self, SecurityGroupId): # String self.add_query_param('SecurityGroupId', SecurityGroupId) def get_SearchKey(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SearchKey') def set_SearchKey(self, SearchKey): # String self.add_query_param('SearchKey', SearchKey) def get_PageNumber(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('PageNumber') def set_PageNumber(self, PageNumber): # Integer self.add_query_param('PageNumber', PageNumber) def get_PageSize(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PageSize') def set_PageSize(self, PageSize): # String self.add_query_param('PageSize', PageSize) def get_EnsRegionIds(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EnsRegionIds') def set_EnsRegionIds(self, EnsRegionIds): # String self.add_query_param('EnsRegionIds', EnsRegionIds)
# coding: utf-8 """ Lightly API enables you to do self-supervised learning in an easy and intuitive way. The OpenAPI spec defines how one can interact with our REST API to unleash the full potential of # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Contact: [email protected] Generated by OpenAPI Generator ( Do not edit the class manually. """ from __future__ import annotations import pprint import re # noqa: F401 import json from typing import Optional from pydantic import Extra, BaseModel, Field, StrictStr, constr, validator from lightly.openapi_generated.swagger_client.models.datasource_config_base import DatasourceConfigBase from lightly.openapi_generated.swagger_client.models.s3_region import S3Region class DatasourceConfigS3(DatasourceConfigBase): """ DatasourceConfigS3 """ full_path: StrictStr = Field(..., alias="fullPath", description="path includes the bucket name and the path within the bucket where you have stored your information") s3_region: S3Region = Field(..., alias="s3Region") s3_access_key_id: constr(strict=True, min_length=1) = Field(..., alias="s3AccessKeyId", description="The accessKeyId of the credential you are providing Lightly to use") s3_secret_access_key: constr(strict=True, min_length=1) = Field(..., alias="s3SecretAccessKey", description="The secretAccessKey of the credential you are providing Lightly to use") s3_server_side_encryption_kms_key: Optional[constr(strict=True, min_length=1)] = Field(None, alias="s3ServerSideEncryptionKMSKey", description="If set, Lightly Worker will automatically set the headers to use server side encryption with this value as the appropriate KMS key arn. This will encrypt the files created by Lightly (crops, frames, thumbnails) in the S3 bucket. ") __properties = ["id", "purpose", "type", "thumbSuffix", "fullPath", "s3Region", "s3AccessKeyId", "s3SecretAccessKey", "s3ServerSideEncryptionKMSKey"] @validator('s3_server_side_encryption_kms_key') def s3_server_side_encryption_kms_key_validate_regular_expression(cls, value): """Validates the regular expression""" if value is None: return value if not re.match(r"^arn:aws:kms:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*:[0-9]{12}:key.+$", value): raise ValueError(r"must validate the regular expression /^arn:aws:kms:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*:[0-9]{12}:key.+$/") return value class Config: """Pydantic configuration""" allow_population_by_field_name = True validate_assignment = True use_enum_values = True extra = Extra.forbid def to_str(self, by_alias: bool = False) -> str: """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.dict(by_alias=by_alias)) def to_json(self, by_alias: bool = False) -> str: """Returns the JSON representation of the model""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(by_alias=by_alias)) @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> DatasourceConfigS3: """Create an instance of DatasourceConfigS3 from a JSON string""" return cls.METHOD_NAME(json.loads(json_str)) def to_dict(self, by_alias: bool = False): """Returns the dictionary representation of the model""" _dict = self.dict(by_alias=by_alias, exclude={ }, exclude_none=True) return _dict @classmethod def METHOD_NAME(cls, obj: dict) -> DatasourceConfigS3: """Create an instance of DatasourceConfigS3 from a dict""" if obj is None: return None if not isinstance(obj, dict): return DatasourceConfigS3.parse_obj(obj) # raise errors for additional fields in the input for _key in obj.keys(): if _key not in cls.__properties: raise ValueError("Error due to additional fields (not defined in DatasourceConfigS3) in the input: " + str(obj)) _obj = DatasourceConfigS3.parse_obj({ "id": obj.get("id"), "purpose": obj.get("purpose"), "type": obj.get("type"), "thumb_suffix": obj.get("thumbSuffix"), "full_path": obj.get("fullPath"), "s3_region": obj.get("s3Region"), "s3_access_key_id": obj.get("s3AccessKeyId"), "s3_secret_access_key": obj.get("s3SecretAccessKey"), "s3_server_side_encryption_kms_key": obj.get("s3ServerSideEncryptionKMSKey") }) return _obj
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest class CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ens', '2017-11-10', 'CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener','ens') self.set_method('POST') def get_ListenerForward(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ListenerForward') def set_ListenerForward(self, ListenerForward): # String self.add_query_param('ListenerForward', ListenerForward) def get_HealthCheckTimeout(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckTimeout') def set_HealthCheckTimeout(self, HealthCheckTimeout): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthCheckTimeout', HealthCheckTimeout) def get_HealthCheckURI(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckURI') def set_HealthCheckURI(self, HealthCheckURI): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckURI', HealthCheckURI) def get_HealthCheck(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheck') def set_HealthCheck(self, HealthCheck): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheck', HealthCheck) def get_Cookie(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Cookie') def set_Cookie(self, Cookie): # String self.add_query_param('Cookie', Cookie) def get_HealthCheckMethod(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckMethod') def set_HealthCheckMethod(self, HealthCheckMethod): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckMethod', HealthCheckMethod) def get_HealthCheckDomain(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckDomain') def set_HealthCheckDomain(self, HealthCheckDomain): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckDomain', HealthCheckDomain) def get_RequestTimeout(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('RequestTimeout') def set_RequestTimeout(self, RequestTimeout): # Integer self.add_query_param('RequestTimeout', RequestTimeout) def get_LoadBalancerId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('LoadBalancerId') def set_LoadBalancerId(self, LoadBalancerId): # String self.add_query_param('LoadBalancerId', LoadBalancerId) def get_HealthCheckInterval(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckInterval') def set_HealthCheckInterval(self, HealthCheckInterval): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthCheckInterval', HealthCheckInterval) def get_Description(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Description') def set_Description(self, Description): # String self.add_query_param('Description', Description) def get_UnhealthyThreshold(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('UnhealthyThreshold') def set_UnhealthyThreshold(self, UnhealthyThreshold): # Integer self.add_query_param('UnhealthyThreshold', UnhealthyThreshold) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthyThreshold') def set_HealthyThreshold(self, HealthyThreshold): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthyThreshold', HealthyThreshold) def get_Scheduler(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Scheduler') def set_Scheduler(self, Scheduler): # String self.add_query_param('Scheduler', Scheduler) def get_ForwardPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('ForwardPort') def set_ForwardPort(self, ForwardPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('ForwardPort', ForwardPort) def get_CookieTimeout(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('CookieTimeout') def set_CookieTimeout(self, CookieTimeout): # Integer self.add_query_param('CookieTimeout', CookieTimeout) def get_StickySessionType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('StickySessionType') def set_StickySessionType(self, StickySessionType): # String self.add_query_param('StickySessionType', StickySessionType) def get_ListenerPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('ListenerPort') def set_ListenerPort(self, ListenerPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('ListenerPort', ListenerPort) def get_ServerCertificateId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ServerCertificateId') def set_ServerCertificateId(self, ServerCertificateId): # String self.add_query_param('ServerCertificateId', ServerCertificateId) def get_IdleTimeout(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('IdleTimeout') def set_IdleTimeout(self, IdleTimeout): # Integer self.add_query_param('IdleTimeout', IdleTimeout) def get_HealthCheckConnectPort(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckConnectPort') def set_HealthCheckConnectPort(self, HealthCheckConnectPort): # Integer self.add_query_param('HealthCheckConnectPort', HealthCheckConnectPort) def get_HealthCheckHttpCode(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('HealthCheckHttpCode') def set_HealthCheckHttpCode(self, HealthCheckHttpCode): # String self.add_query_param('HealthCheckHttpCode', HealthCheckHttpCode)
import unittest from importlib import import_module import os import warnings import AnyQt from import Table from Orange.classification import LogisticRegressionLearner from Orange.classification.tree import TreeLearner from Orange.evaluation import CrossValidation from Orange.distance import Euclidean from import OWReport from Orange.widgets.widget import OWWidget from Orange.widgets.tests.base import WidgetTest from Orange.widgets.visualize.owtreeviewer import OWTreeGraph from Orange.widgets.evaluate.owcalibrationplot import OWCalibrationPlot from Orange.widgets.evaluate.owliftcurve import OWLiftCurve from Orange.widgets.evaluate.owrocanalysis import OWROCAnalysis from Orange.widgets.evaluate.owtestandscore import OWTestAndScore from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owcorrespondence import OWCorrespondenceAnalysis from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owdistancemap import OWDistanceMap from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owdistances import OWDistances from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owhierarchicalclustering import OWHierarchicalClustering from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owkmeans import OWKMeans from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owmds import OWMDS from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owpca import OWPCA def METHOD_NAME(top_module_name): top_module = import_module(top_module_name) widgets = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(top_module.__path__[0]): root = root[len(top_module.__path__[0]):].lstrip(os.path.sep) for file in files: if file.lower().startswith('ow') and file.lower().endswith('.py'): module_name = "{}.{}".format( top_module_name, os.path.join(root, file).replace(os.path.sep, '.')[:-len('.py')]) try: module = import_module(module_name, top_module_name[:top_module_name.index('.')]) except (ImportError, RuntimeError): warnings.warn('Failed to import module: ' + module_name) continue for name, value in module.__dict__.items(): if (name.upper().startswith('OW') and isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, OWWidget) and getattr(value, 'name', None) and getattr(value, 'send_report', None)): widgets.append(value) return list(set(widgets)) DATA_WIDGETS = METHOD_NAME('') VISUALIZATION_WIDGETS = METHOD_NAME('Orange.widgets.visualize') MODEL_WIDGETS = METHOD_NAME('Orange.widgets.model') class TestReportWidgets(WidgetTest): model_widgets = MODEL_WIDGETS data_widgets = DATA_WIDGETS eval_widgets = [OWCalibrationPlot, OWLiftCurve, OWROCAnalysis] unsu_widgets = [OWCorrespondenceAnalysis, OWDistances, OWKMeans, OWMDS, OWPCA] dist_widgets = [OWDistanceMap, OWHierarchicalClustering] visu_widgets = VISUALIZATION_WIDGETS spec_widgets = [OWTestAndScore, OWTreeGraph] def _create_report(self, widgets, rep, data): for widget in widgets: w = self.create_widget(widget) if w.inputs and isinstance(data, w.inputs[0].type): handler = getattr(w, w.inputs[0].handler) handler(data) w.create_report_html() rep.make_report(w) # def test_report_widgets_model(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() data = Table("titanic") widgets = self.model_widgets w = self.create_widget(OWTreeGraph) clf = TreeLearner(max_depth=3)(data) clf.instances = data w.ctree(clf) w.create_report_html() rep.make_report(w) self._create_report(widgets, rep, data) def test_report_widgets_data(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() data = Table("zoo") widgets = self.data_widgets self._create_report(widgets, rep, data) def test_report_widgets_evaluate(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() data = Table("zoo") widgets = self.eval_widgets cv = CrossValidation(k=3, store_data=True) results = cv(data, [LogisticRegressionLearner()]) results.learner_names = ["LR l2"] w = self.create_widget(OWTestAndScore) w.insert_learner(0, LogisticRegressionLearner()) w.set_train_data(data) w.set_test_data(data) w.create_report_html() rep.make_report(w) self._create_report(widgets, rep, results) def test_report_widgets_unsupervised(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() data = Table("zoo") widgets = self.unsu_widgets self._create_report(widgets, rep, data) def test_report_widgets_unsupervised_dist(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() data = Table("zoo") dist = Euclidean(data) widgets = self.dist_widgets self._create_report(widgets, rep, dist) def test_report_widgets_visualize(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() data = Table("zoo") widgets = self.visu_widgets self._create_report(widgets, rep, data) @unittest.skipIf(AnyQt.USED_API == "pyqt5", "Segfaults on PyQt5") def test_report_widgets_all(self): rep = OWReport.get_instance() widgets = self.model_widgets + self.data_widgets + self.eval_widgets + \ self.unsu_widgets + self.dist_widgets + self.visu_widgets + \ self.spec_widgets self._create_report(widgets, rep, None) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
import pytest from django.utils import timezone from unittest import mock from import approve_pending_schema_responses from osf.models import SchemaResponse from osf.utils.workflows import ApprovalStates from osf_tests.factories import RegistrationFactory from website.settings import REGISTRATION_UPDATE_APPROVAL_TIME EXCLUDED_STATES = [state for state in ApprovalStates if state is not ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED] AUTO_APPROVE_TIMESTAMP = - REGISTRATION_UPDATE_APPROVAL_TIME @pytest.mark.django_db class TestApprovePendingSchemaResponses: @pytest.fixture def control_response(self): reg = RegistrationFactory() initial_response = reg.schema_responses.last() initial_response.state = ApprovalStates.APPROVED revision = SchemaResponse.create_from_previous_response( previous_response=initial_response, initiator=reg.creator ) revision.state = ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED revision.submitted_timestamp = AUTO_APPROVE_TIMESTAMP return revision @pytest.fixture def test_response(self): reg = RegistrationFactory() initial_response = reg.schema_responses.last() initial_response.state = ApprovalStates.APPROVED return SchemaResponse.create_from_previous_response( previous_response=initial_response, initiator=reg.creator ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'is_moderated, expected_state', [(False, ApprovalStates.APPROVED), (True, ApprovalStates.PENDING_MODERATION)] ) def test_auto_approval(self, control_response, is_moderated, expected_state): with mock.patch( 'osf.models.schema_response.SchemaResponse.is_moderated', new_callaoble=mock.PropertyMock ) as mock_is_moderated: mock_is_moderated.return_value = is_moderated count = approve_pending_schema_responses() assert count == 1 control_response.refresh_from_db() assert control_response.state is expected_state def METHOD_NAME( self, control_response, test_response): test_response.state = ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED test_response.submitted_timestamp = AUTO_APPROVE_TIMESTAMP count = approve_pending_schema_responses() assert count == 2 control_response.refresh_from_db() test_response.refresh_from_db() assert control_response.state is ApprovalStates.APPROVED assert test_response.state is ApprovalStates.APPROVED @pytest.mark.parametrize('revision_state', EXCLUDED_STATES) def test_auto_approval_only_approves_unapproved_schema_responses( self, control_response, test_response, revision_state): test_response.state = revision_state test_response.submitted_timestamp = AUTO_APPROVE_TIMESTAMP count = approve_pending_schema_responses() assert count == 1 control_response.refresh_from_db() test_response.refresh_from_db() assert control_response.state is ApprovalStates.APPROVED assert test_response.state is revision_state def test_auto_approval_only_approves_schema_responses_older_than_threshold( self, control_response, test_response): test_response.state = ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED test_response.submitted_timestamp = count = approve_pending_schema_responses() assert count == 1 control_response.refresh_from_db() test_response.refresh_from_db() assert control_response.state is ApprovalStates.APPROVED assert test_response.state is ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED def test_auto_approval_does_not_pick_up_initial_responses( self, control_response, test_response): test_response = test_response.previous_response test_response.state = ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED test_response.submitted_timestamp = count = approve_pending_schema_responses() assert count == 1 control_response.refresh_from_db() test_response.refresh_from_db() assert control_response.state is ApprovalStates.APPROVED assert test_response.state is ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED def test_dry_run(self, control_response): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): approve_pending_schema_responses(dry_run=True) control_response.refresh_from_db() assert control_response.state is ApprovalStates.UNAPPROVED
# # Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Red Hat, Inc. # # This file is part of nmstate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # from contextlib import contextmanager import time import pytest import libnmstate from libnmstate.error import NmstateValueError from libnmstate.error import NmstateVerificationError from libnmstate.schema import Interface from libnmstate.schema import InterfaceIPv4 from libnmstate.schema import InterfaceIPv6 from libnmstate.schema import InterfaceState from .testlib import assertlib from .testlib import cmdlib from .testlib import statelib from .testlib.env import nm_major_minor_version from .testlib.genconf import gen_conf_apply DUMMY_INTERFACE = "dummy_test" @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def ip_link_dummy(): cmdlib.exec_cmd(["ip", "link", "add", DUMMY_INTERFACE, "type", "dummy"]) try: yield finally: cmdlib.exec_cmd(["ip", "link", "del", DUMMY_INTERFACE]) @contextmanager def dummy_interface(name): dummy_desired_state = { Interface.KEY: [ { Interface.NAME: name, Interface.STATE: InterfaceState.UP, Interface.IPV4: {InterfaceIPv4.ENABLED: False}, Interface.IPV6: {InterfaceIPv6.ENABLED: False}, } ] } libnmstate.apply(dummy_desired_state) try: yield dummy_desired_state finally: dummy_state = dummy_desired_state[Interface.KEY][0] dummy_state[Interface.STATE] = InterfaceState.ABSENT libnmstate.apply(dummy_desired_state) def test_iface_description_removal(eth1_up): desired_state = eth1_up desired_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.DESCRIPTION] = "bar" libnmstate.apply(desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only(("eth1",)) assert current_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.DESCRIPTION] == "bar" desired_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.DESCRIPTION] = "" libnmstate.apply(desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only(("eth1",)) assert Interface.DESCRIPTION not in current_state[Interface.KEY][0] def test_iface_mac_address_lowercase(eth1_up): desired_state = eth1_up desired_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.MAC] = "d4:ee:07:25:42:5a" libnmstate.apply(desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only(("eth1",)) assert ( current_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.MAC] == "D4:EE:07:25:42:5A" ) def test_iface_mac_address_mixedcase(eth1_up): desired_state = eth1_up desired_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.MAC] = "d4:EE:07:25:42:5a" libnmstate.apply(desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only(("eth1",)) assert ( current_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.MAC] == "D4:EE:07:25:42:5A" ) def METHOD_NAME(ip_link_dummy): with dummy_interface(DUMMY_INTERFACE) as dummy_desired_state: assertlib.assert_state_match(dummy_desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only((DUMMY_INTERFACE,)) assert len(current_state[Interface.KEY]) == 0 def test_take_over_virtual_interface_and_rollback(ip_link_dummy): with dummy_interface(DUMMY_INTERFACE) as dummy_desired_state: assertlib.assert_state_match(dummy_desired_state) dummy_desired_state[Interface.KEY][0]["invalid_key"] = "foo" with pytest.raises((NmstateVerificationError, NmstateValueError)): libnmstate.apply(dummy_desired_state) time.sleep(5) current_state = statelib.show_only((DUMMY_INTERFACE,)) assert len(current_state[Interface.KEY]) == 1 @pytest.mark.skipif( nm_major_minor_version() < 1.31, reason="Modifying accept-all-mac-addresses is not supported on NM.", ) def test_enable_and_disable_accept_all_mac_addresses(eth1_up): desired_state = eth1_up desired_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.ACCEPT_ALL_MAC_ADDRESSES] = True libnmstate.apply(desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only(("eth1",)) assert current_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.ACCEPT_ALL_MAC_ADDRESSES] desired_state[Interface.KEY][0][Interface.ACCEPT_ALL_MAC_ADDRESSES] = False libnmstate.apply(desired_state) current_state = statelib.show_only(("eth1",)) eth1_state = current_state[Interface.KEY][0] assert not eth1_state[Interface.ACCEPT_ALL_MAC_ADDRESSES] def test_gen_conf_iface_description(eth1_up): desired_state = { Interface.KEY: [ { Interface.NAME: "eth1", Interface.DESCRIPTION: "bar", } ] } with gen_conf_apply(desired_state): assertlib.assert_state_match(desired_state)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Commonsense Explanations (CoS-E) Dataset.""" import json import os from etils import epath from tensorflow_datasets.core.utils.lazy_imports_utils import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_datasets.public_api as tfds _CITATION = """ @inproceedings{rajani2019explain, title = "Explain Yourself! Leveraging Language models for Commonsense Reasoning", author = "Rajani, Nazneen Fatema and McCann, Bryan and Xiong, Caiming and Socher, Richard", year="2019", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL2019)", url ="" } """ _DESCRIPTION = """ Common Sense Explanations (CoS-E) allows for training language models to automatically generate explanations that can be used during training and inference in a novel Commonsense Auto-Generated Explanation (CAGE) framework. """ _COS_E_URL = "" # COS E has explanations for the CQA dataset, which is joined by ID. _CQA_URL_TRAIN = "" _CQA_URL_DEV = "" _CQA_URL_TEST = ( "" ) def _download_and_index_cqa(dl_manager): """Downloads CQA and returns it, indexed by id, for joining with Cos-E.""" downloaded_files = dl_manager.download_and_extract({ "cqa_train": _CQA_URL_TRAIN, "cqa_dev": _CQA_URL_DEV, "cqa_test": _CQA_URL_TEST, }) # NB: "cqa_test" is included in the files, but not in any of the CoS-E splits. cqa_splits = ["cqa_train", "cqa_dev"] cqa_complete = [] for split in cqa_splits: with[split]) as f: for _, line in enumerate(f): d = json.loads(line) cqa_complete.append(d) # Index the CQA dataset by id for joining with Cos-E. cqa_indexed = {} for d in cqa_complete: cqa_indexed[d["id"]] = d return cqa_indexed def METHOD_NAME(cqa): """Returns choices and the answer from a cqa example.""" choices = [] answer_key = cqa["answerKey"] answer = None for choice in cqa["question"]["choices"]: choices.append(choice["text"]) if answer_key == choice["label"]: answer = choice["text"] return choices, answer class CosE(tfds.core.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """CoS-E: Common Sense Explanations corpus.""" VERSION = tfds.core.Version("0.0.1") def _info(self): return tfds.core.DatasetInfo( builder=self, description=_DESCRIPTION, features=tfds.features.FeaturesDict({ "id": tfds.features.Text(), "question": tfds.features.Text(), "choices": tfds.features.Sequence(tfds.features.Text()), "answer": tfds.features.Text(), "abstractive_explanation": tfds.features.Text(), "extractive_explanation": tfds.features.Text(), }), supervised_keys=None, homepage="", citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" # NB: The CQA Dataset should be read only once, and only by callers who # want to _create_ the Cos-E dataset from scratch. cqa_indexed = _download_and_index_cqa(dl_manager) files = dl_manager.download_and_extract({ "dev": [ os.path.join(_COS_E_URL, "v1.11/dev/cose_dev_v1.11_processed.jsonl") ], "train": [ os.path.join( _COS_E_URL, "v1.11/train/cose_train_v1.11_processed.jsonl" ) ], }) # We use the CoS-E/CQA dev set as our validation set. return [ tfds.core.SplitGenerator( name=tfds.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs={"files": files["dev"], "cqa_indexed": cqa_indexed}, ), tfds.core.SplitGenerator( name=tfds.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={"files": files["train"], "cqa_indexed": cqa_indexed}, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, files, **kwargs): """Yields examples.""" cqa_indexed = kwargs["cqa_indexed"] for filepath in files: with epath.Path(filepath).open() as f: for line in f: cos = json.loads(line) cqa = cqa_indexed[cos["id"]] choices, answer = METHOD_NAME(cqa) yield cos["id"], { "id": cos["id"], "question": cqa["question"]["stem"], "choices": choices, "answer": answer, "abstractive_explanation": cos["explanation"]["open-ended"], "extractive_explanation": cos["explanation"]["selected"], }
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT license. import math from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from overrides import overrides from torch import nn from archai.common.common import get_conf from archai.common.utils import zip_eq from archai.supergraph.nas.arch_params import ArchParams from archai.supergraph.nas.model_desc import OpDesc from archai.supergraph.nas.operations import Op # TODO: reduction cell might have output reduced by 2^1=2X due to # stride 2 through input nodes however FactorizedReduce does only # 4X reduction. Is this correct? class DivOp(Op): """The output of DivOp is weighted output of all allowed primitives. """ PRIMITIVES = [ 'max_pool_3x3', 'avg_pool_3x3', 'skip_connect', # identity 'sep_conv_3x3', 'sep_conv_5x5', 'dil_conv_3x3', 'dil_conv_5x5', 'none' # this must be at the end so top1 doesn't choose it ] # def _indices_of_notallowed(self): # ''' computes indices of notallowed ops in PRIMITIVES ''' # self._not_allowed_indices = [] # for op_name in self.NOTALLOWED: # self._not_allowed_indices.append(self.PRIMITIVES.index(op_name)) # self._not_allowed_indices = sorted(self._not_allowed_indices, reverse=True) # def _create_mapping_valid_to_orig(self): # ''' Creates a list with indices of the valid ops to the original list ''' # self._valid_to_orig = [] # for i, prim in enumerate(self.PRIMITIVES): # if prim in self.NOTALLOWED: # continue # else: # self._valid_to_orig.append(i) def __init__(self, op_desc:OpDesc, arch_params:Optional[ArchParams], affine:bool): super().__init__() # assume last PRIMITIVE is 'none' assert DivOp.PRIMITIVES[-1] == 'none' conf = get_conf() trainer = conf['nas']['search']['divnas']['archtrainer'] finalizer = conf['nas']['search']['finalizer'] if trainer == 'noalpha' and finalizer == 'default': raise NotImplementedError('noalpha trainer is not implemented for the default finalizer') if trainer != 'noalpha': self._setup_arch_params(arch_params) else: self._alphas = None self._ops = nn.ModuleList() for primitive in DivOp.PRIMITIVES: op = Op.create( OpDesc(primitive, op_desc.params, in_len=1, trainables=None), affine=affine, arch_params=None) self._ops.append(op) # various state variables for diversity self._collect_activations = False self._forward_counter = 0 self._batch_activs = None #self._indices_of_notallowed() #self._create_mapping_valid_to_orig() @property def collect_activations(self)->bool: return self._collect_activations @collect_activations.setter def collect_activations(self, to_collect:bool)->None: self._collect_activations = to_collect @property def activations(self)->Optional[List[np.array]]: return self._batch_activs @property def num_primitive_ops(self)->int: return len(self.PRIMITIVES) @overrides def forward(self, x): # save activations to object if self._collect_activations: self._forward_counter += 1 activs = [op(x) for op in self._ops] # delete the activation for none type # as we don't consider it activs = activs[:-1] self._batch_activs = [t.cpu().detach().numpy() for t in activs] if self._alphas: asm = F.softmax(self._alphas[0], dim=0) result = sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip(asm, self._ops)) else: result = sum(op(x) for op in self._ops) return result @overrides def ops(self)->Iterator[Tuple['Op', float]]: # type: ignore return iter(sorted(zip_eq(self._ops, self._alphas[0] if self._alphas is not None else [math.nan for _ in range(len(self._ops))]), key=lambda t:t[1], reverse=True)) # def get_valid_op_desc(self, index:int)->OpDesc: # ''' index: index in the valid index list ''' # assert index <= self.num_valid_div_ops # orig_index = self._valid_to_orig[index] # desc, _ = self._ops[orig_index].finalize() # return desc @overrides def finalize(self) -> Tuple[OpDesc, Optional[float]]: ''' Divnas with default finalizer option needs this override else the finalizer in base class returns the whole divop ''' with torch.no_grad(): # select except 'none' op val, i = torch.topk(self._alphas[0][:-1], 1) desc, _ = self._ops[i].finalize() return desc, float(val.item()) @overrides def METHOD_NAME(self) -> bool: return False def _setup_arch_params(self, arch_params:Optional[ArchParams])->None: # do we have shared arch params? if arch_params is None: # create our own arch params new_p = nn.Parameter( # TODO: use better init than uniform random? 1.0e-3*torch.randn(len(self.PRIMITIVES)), requires_grad=True) self.create_arch_params([('alphas', new_p)]) else: assert arch_params.has_kind('alphas') self.set_arch_params(arch_params) # we store alphas in list so Pytorch don't register them self._alphas = list(self.arch_params().param_by_kind('alphas')) assert len(self._alphas)==
import json import unittest import cfnlint from taskcat._cfn.stack_url_helper import StackURLHelper class TestStackURLHelper(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass @staticmethod def _load_template(template_path): try: cfn = cfnlint.decode.cfn_yaml.load(template_path) except Exception: # print("Exception parsing: '{}'".format(template_path)) exit(1) return cfn # Test TemplateURL to path extraction def METHOD_NAME(self): with open("tests/data/stackurlhelper/test.json") as test_file: self.testers = json.load(test_file) self.testers = self.testers["tests"] total = len(self.testers) matched = 0 for test in self.testers: helper = StackURLHelper() cfn = self._load_template(test["input"]["master_template"]) helper.mappings = cfn.get("Mappings") helper.template_parameters = cfn.get("Parameters") # Setup default parameters default_parameters = {} for parameter in helper.template_parameters: properties = helper.template_parameters.get(parameter) if "Default" in properties.keys(): default_parameters[parameter] = properties["Default"] helper.SUBSTITUTION.update(default_parameters) test["input"]["parameter_values"] = {} # Inject Parameter Values if "parameter_values" in test["input"]: parameter_values = test["input"]["parameter_values"] helper.SUBSTITUTION.update(parameter_values) # print(test) # print(test["output"]["url_paths"]) # print(helper.flatten_template_url(test["input"]["child_template"])) if test["output"]["url_paths"] == helper.flatten_template_url( test["input"]["child_template"], ): matched = matched + 1 # print("matched {} total {}".format(matched, total)) self.assertEqual(matched, total) def test_flatten_template_url_exceptions_split(self): helper = StackURLHelper() with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: helper.flatten_template_url("{'Fn::Split'}") self.assertTrue("Fn::Split: not supported" in str(context.exception)) def test_flatten_template_url_exceptions_getatt(self): helper = StackURLHelper() with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: helper.flatten_template_url("{'Fn::GetAtt'}") self.assertTrue("Fn::GetAtt: not supported" in str(context.exception)) def test_flatten_template_url_maxdepth(self): helper = StackURLHelper() with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: helper.flatten_template_url( "{1{2{3{4{5{6{7{8{9{{{{{{{{{{{{21}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}" ) self.assertTrue("Template URL contains more than" in str(context.exception)) # Test TemplateURL to path extraction def test_find_local_child_template(self): with open("tests/data/stackurlhelper/test.json") as test_file: self.tests = json.load(test_file) self.tests = self.tests["tests"] total = 0 matched = 0 helper = StackURLHelper() for test in self.tests: index = 0 for url_path in test["output"]["url_paths"]: total = total + 1 master_template = test["input"]["master_template"] result = helper.find_local_child_template(master_template, url_path) expected = test["output"]["local_paths"][index] if str(result) == str(expected): matched = matched + 1 index = index + 1 # print("matched {} total {}".format(matched, total)) self.assertEqual(matched, total) def test_fn_findinmap_lookup(self): l_mappings = { "ami_lookup": { "us-east-1": {"ami": "this_one", "ami2": "that_one"}, "us-east-2": {"ami": "is_this_one", "ami2": "is_that_one"}, "us-west-1": {"ami": "not_this_one", "ami2": "not_that_one"}, } } helper = StackURLHelper() helper.mappings = l_mappings mappings_map = "ami_lookup" first_key = "us-west-1" final_key = "ami2" result = helper.find_in_map_lookup(mappings_map, first_key, final_key) self.assertEqual(result, "not_that_one") # TODO: Test all the individual functions # TODO: Test fn_sub logic # def test_fn_sub(self): # self.assertEqual(True, False) # TODO: Test local path Discovery # def test_fn_if(self): # self.assertEqual(True, False)
import os import random import tempfile from string import ascii_uppercase from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import MagicMock from minigalaxy.constants import DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE from import Download, DownloadType from minigalaxy.download_manager import DownloadManager class TestDownloadManager(TestCase): def test_download_operation(self): session = MagicMock() download_request = MagicMock() session.get.return_value = download_request chunk1 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) chunk2 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) chunk3 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) download_request.iter_content.return_value = [chunk1, chunk2, chunk3] download_request.headers.get.return_value = len(chunk1) + len(chunk2) + len(chunk3) download_manager = DownloadManager(session) progress_func = MagicMock() finish_func = MagicMock() cancel_func = MagicMock() temp_file = tempfile.mktemp() download = Download("", temp_file, DownloadType.GAME, finish_func, progress_func, cancel_func) download_manager._DownloadManager__download_operation(download, 0, "wb") expected = chunk1 + chunk2 + chunk3 with open(temp_file) as content: actual ='utf-8') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Clean up temp_file os.remove(temp_file) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(temp_file)) download_request.headers.get.assert_called_once() download_request.iter_content.assert_called_once() self.assertEqual(3 + 2, progress_func.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, finish_func.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, cancel_func.call_count) def test_download_operation_still_downloads_without_content_length(self): session = MagicMock() download_request = MagicMock() session.get.return_value = download_request chunk1 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) chunk2 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) chunk3 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) download_request.iter_content.return_value = [chunk1, chunk2, chunk3] download_request.headers.get.side_effect = TypeError download_manager = DownloadManager(session) progress_func = MagicMock() finish_func = MagicMock() cancel_func = MagicMock() temp_file = tempfile.mktemp() download = Download("", temp_file, DownloadType.GAME, finish_func, progress_func, cancel_func) download_manager._DownloadManager__download_operation(download, 0, "wb") expected = chunk1 + chunk2 + chunk3 with open(temp_file) as content: actual ='utf-8') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Clean up temp_file os.remove(temp_file) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(temp_file)) download_request.headers.get.assert_called_once() download_request.iter_content.assert_called_once() self.assertEqual(2, progress_func.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, finish_func.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, cancel_func.call_count) def test_download_operation_cancel_download(self): session = MagicMock() download_request = MagicMock() session.get.return_value = download_request chunk1 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) chunk2 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) chunk3 = bytes(random.choices(ascii_uppercase.encode('utf-8'), k=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)) download_request.iter_content.return_value = [chunk1, chunk2, chunk3] download_request.headers.get.side_effect = TypeError download_manager = DownloadManager(session) progress_func = MagicMock() finish_func = MagicMock() cancel_func = MagicMock() temp_file = tempfile.mktemp() download = Download("", temp_file, DownloadType.GAME, finish_func, progress_func, cancel_func) download_manager.active_downloads[download] = download download_manager.cancel_download(download) download_manager._DownloadManager__download_operation(download, 0, "wb") expected = chunk1 with open(temp_file) as content: actual ='utf-8') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Clean up temp_file os.remove(temp_file) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(temp_file)) download_request.headers.get.assert_called_once() download_request.iter_content.assert_called_once() self.assertEqual(1, progress_func.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, finish_func.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, cancel_func.call_count) def METHOD_NAME(self): session = MagicMock() download_manager = DownloadManager(session) progress_func = MagicMock() finish_func = MagicMock() cancel_func = MagicMock() temp_file = tempfile.mktemp() download = Download("", temp_file, DownloadType.GAME, finish_func, progress_func, cancel_func) download_manager.cancel_download(download) cancel_func.assert_called_once() for queue in download_manager.queues: for i in queue: self.assertNotEqual(i, download) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(temp_file))
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkga.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateBasicAcceleratorRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Ga', '2019-11-20', 'CreateBasicAccelerator','gaplus') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def set_ClientToken(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_AutoUseCoupon(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('AutoUseCoupon') def set_AutoUseCoupon(self, AutoUseCoupon): # String self.add_query_param('AutoUseCoupon', AutoUseCoupon) def get_AutoRenewDuration(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('AutoRenewDuration') def set_AutoRenewDuration(self, AutoRenewDuration): # Integer self.add_query_param('AutoRenewDuration', AutoRenewDuration) def get_Duration(self): # Integer return self.get_query_params().get('Duration') def set_Duration(self, Duration): # Integer self.add_query_param('Duration', Duration) def get_ResourceGroupId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceGroupId') def set_ResourceGroupId(self, ResourceGroupId): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceGroupId', ResourceGroupId) def get_Tags(self): # RepeatList return self.get_query_params().get('Tag') def set_Tags(self, Tag): # RepeatList for depth1 in range(len(Tag)): if Tag[depth1].get('Key') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tag.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Key', Tag[depth1].get('Key')) if Tag[depth1].get('Value') is not None: self.add_query_param('Tag.' + str(depth1 + 1) + '.Value', Tag[depth1].get('Value')) def get_AutoPay(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('AutoPay') def set_AutoPay(self, AutoPay): # Boolean self.add_query_param('AutoPay', AutoPay) def get_DryRun(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('DryRun') def set_DryRun(self, DryRun): # Boolean self.add_query_param('DryRun', DryRun) def METHOD_NAME(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PromotionOptionNo') def set_PromotionOptionNo(self, PromotionOptionNo): # String self.add_query_param('PromotionOptionNo', PromotionOptionNo) def get_BandwidthBillingType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('BandwidthBillingType') def set_BandwidthBillingType(self, BandwidthBillingType): # String self.add_query_param('BandwidthBillingType', BandwidthBillingType) def get_AutoRenew(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('AutoRenew') def set_AutoRenew(self, AutoRenew): # Boolean self.add_query_param('AutoRenew', AutoRenew) def get_ChargeType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ChargeType') def set_ChargeType(self, ChargeType): # String self.add_query_param('ChargeType', ChargeType) def get_PricingCycle(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PricingCycle') def set_PricingCycle(self, PricingCycle): # String self.add_query_param('PricingCycle', PricingCycle)
#!/usr/bin/env python #-- coding:UTF-8 -- # Copyright 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Script function # Select all routines supported by the current development board under the current IDF version from list.json import re import os import argparse IDF_SUPPORT_CHIP = {'722043f734':['v33'], 'release/v3.3':['v33'], 'release/v4.1':['v41'], 'release/v4.2':['v42'], 'release/v4.3':['v43'], 'v4.3.4':['v43'], 'release/v4.4':['v44'], 'release/v5.0':['v50']} ADF_PATH = os.getenv('ADF_PATH') if not ADF_PATH: print('Please set ADF_PATH before running this script') raise SystemExit(-1) BUILD_PATH = os.getenv('BUILD_PATH') if not BUILD_PATH: print('Please set BUILD_PATH before running this script') raise SystemExit(-1) APPS_JSON_PATH = ADF_PATH + '/tools/ci/apps_v4_4.json' LIST_JSON_PATH = BUILD_PATH + '/list.json' LIST_JSON_BK_PATH = BUILD_PATH + '/list_backup.json' # Filter examples # Remove examples that are not supported by this development version under the current version. def METHOD_NAME(reserve_example): if os.path.exists(LIST_JSON_PATH): os.rename(LIST_JSON_PATH, LIST_JSON_BK_PATH) list_json = open(LIST_JSON_PATH, 'a') list_backup = open(LIST_JSON_BK_PATH, 'r', encoding='utf8', errors='ignore').readlines() for i in range(len(reserve_example)): single_example_str = '\{\"build_system\"\: \"cmake\"\, \"app_dir\"\: \"'+str(reserve_example[i])+'.*?\}' single_example_json = re.findall(single_example_str, str(list_backup)) print(single_example_json) list_json.write(str(single_example_json[0])+'\n') # Parse apps_v4_4.json # Get all the examples supported by the current development board under the idf_branch version from 'apps.josn'. def parse_apps_json(idf_branch, board): apps_json = open(APPS_JSON_PATH, 'r', encoding='utf8', errors='ignore').readlines() list_json = open(LIST_JSON_PATH, 'r', encoding='utf8', errors='ignore').readlines() list_examples = re.findall('"app_dir": "(.*?)", "work_dir"',str(list_json)) print(list_examples) support_examples = list() for example in list_examples: single_example = re.findall('/examples/(.*)',str(example)) board_type = re.findall(str(single_example[0]) +'(.*?)}',str(apps_json)) idf_version = re.findall(board + ':\[(.*?)];',str(board_type)) if not idf_version: print("need rm:" + example) if idf_branch in str(idf_version): support_examples.append(example) elif '-' in str(idf_version): idf_version_range = re.findall('v[0-9][0-9]',str(idf_version)) if idf_version_range is not None: if idf_branch > idf_version_range[0] and idf_branch < idf_version_range[1]: support_examples.append(example) print(support_examples) return support_examples if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--board", "-B", help="Set audio hal", default='ESP_LYRAT_V4_3') parser.add_argument("--branch", "-b", help="Set branch", default='release/v4.4') args = parser.parse_args() examples_list = list() examples_list = parse_apps_json(str(IDF_SUPPORT_CHIP[args.branch][0]), args.board) METHOD_NAME(examples_list)
# Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited # All rights reserved. # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from m5.SimObject import * from m5.params import * # QoS scheduler policy used to serve incoming transaction class QoSPolicy(SimObject): type = "QoSPolicy" abstract = True cxx_header = "mem/qos/policy.hh" cxx_class = "gem5::memory::qos::Policy" class QoSFixedPriorityPolicy(QoSPolicy): type = "QoSFixedPriorityPolicy" cxx_header = "mem/qos/policy_fixed_prio.hh" cxx_class = "gem5::memory::qos::FixedPriorityPolicy" cxx_exports = [ PyBindMethod("initRequestorName"), PyBindMethod("initRequestorObj"), ] _requestor_priorities = None def setRequestorPriority(self, request_port, priority): if not self._requestor_priorities: self._requestor_priorities = [] self._requestor_priorities.append([request_port, priority]) def setMasterPriority(self, request_port, priority): warn( "QosFixedPriority.setMasterPriority is deprecated in favor of " "setRequestorPriority. See src/mem/qos/ for more " "information" ) self.setRequestorPriority(request_port, priority) def init(self): if not self._requestor_priorities: print( "Error," "use setRequestorPriority to init requestors/priorities\n" ) exit(1) else: for prio in self._requestor_priorities: request_port = prio[0] priority = prio[1] if isinstance(request_port, str): self.getCCObject().initRequestorName( request_port, int(priority) ) else: self.getCCObject().initRequestorObj( request_port.getCCObject(), priority ) # default fixed priority value for non-listed Requestors qos_fixed_prio_default_prio = Param.UInt8( 0, "Default priority for non-listed Requestors" ) class QoSPropFairPolicy(QoSPolicy): type = "QoSPropFairPolicy" cxx_header = "mem/qos/policy_pf.hh" cxx_class = "gem5::memory::qos::PropFairPolicy" cxx_exports = [ PyBindMethod("initRequestorName"), PyBindMethod("initRequestorObj"), ] _requestor_scores = None def METHOD_NAME(self, request_port, score): if not self._requestor_scores: self._requestor_scores = [] self._requestor_scores.append([request_port, score]) def init(self): if not self._requestor_scores: print("Error, use setInitialScore to init requestors/scores\n") exit(1) else: for prio in self._requestor_scores: request_port = prio[0] score = prio[1] if isinstance(request_port, str): self.getCCObject().initRequestorName( request_port, float(score) ) else: self.getCCObject().initRequestorObj( request_port.getCCObject(), float(score) ) weight = Param.Float(0.5, "Pf score weight")
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT license. import os from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Optional, Tuple from overrides import EnforceOverrides from archai.common import common, utils from archai.common.config import Config from archai.supergraph.nas.arch_trainer import TArchTrainer from archai.supergraph.nas.evaluater import EvalResult, Evaluater from archai.supergraph.nas.finalizers import Finalizers from archai.supergraph.nas.model_desc_builder import ModelDescBuilder from archai.supergraph.nas.random_finalizers import RandomFinalizers from archai.supergraph.nas.searcher import Searcher, SearchResult class ExperimentRunner(ABC, EnforceOverrides): def __init__(self, config_filename:str, base_name:str, clean_expdir=False) -> None: self.config_filename = config_filename self.base_name = base_name self.clean_expdir = clean_expdir def METHOD_NAME(self, conf_search:Config)->SearchResult: model_desc_builder = self.model_desc_builder() trainer_class = self.trainer_class() finalizers = self.finalizers() search = self.searcher() return, model_desc_builder, trainer_class, finalizers) def run_eval(self, conf_eval:Config)->EvalResult: evaler = self.evaluater() return evaler.evaluate(conf_eval, model_desc_builder=self.model_desc_builder()) def run(self, search=True, eval=True) \ ->Tuple[Optional[SearchResult], Optional[EvalResult]]: search_result, eval_result = None, None if search: # run search conf = self._init_conf(True, clean_expdir=self.clean_expdir) search_result = self.METHOD_NAME(conf['nas']['search']) if eval: conf = self.get_conf(False) common.clean_ensure_expdir(conf, clean_dir=self.clean_expdir, ensure_dir=True) if search: # first copy search result to eval, otherwise we expect eval config to point to results self.copy_search_to_eval() conf = self._init_conf(False, clean_expdir=False) eval_result = self.run_eval(conf['nas']['eval']) return search_result, eval_result def copy_search_to_eval(self)->None: # do not cache conf_search or conf_eval as it may have values that # needs env var expansion. # get desc file path that search has produced conf_search = self.get_conf(True)['nas']['search'] search_desc_filename = conf_search['final_desc_filename'] search_desc_filepath = utils.full_path(search_desc_filename) assert search_desc_filepath and os.path.exists(search_desc_filepath) # get file path that eval would need conf_eval = self.get_conf(False)['nas']['eval'] eval_desc_filename = conf_eval['final_desc_filename'] eval_desc_filepath = utils.full_path(eval_desc_filename) assert eval_desc_filepath utils.copy_file(search_desc_filepath, eval_desc_filepath) def model_desc_builder(self)->Optional[ModelDescBuilder]: return ModelDescBuilder() # default model desc builder puts nodes with no edges def searcher(self)->Searcher: return Searcher() def evaluater(self)->Evaluater: return Evaluater() @abstractmethod def trainer_class(self)->TArchTrainer: pass def finalizers(self)->Finalizers: conf = common.get_conf() finalizer = conf['nas']['search']['finalizer'] if not finalizer or finalizer == 'default': return Finalizers() elif finalizer == 'random': return RandomFinalizers() else: raise NotImplementedError def get_expname(self, is_search_or_eval:bool)->str: return self.base_name + ('_search' if is_search_or_eval else '_eval') def get_conf(self, is_search_or_eval:bool)->Config: conf = common.create_conf(config_filepath=self.config_filename, param_args=['--common.experiment_name', self.get_expname(is_search_or_eval)]) common.update_envvars(conf) # config paths might include env vars return conf def _init_conf(self, is_search_or_eval:bool, clean_expdir:bool)->Config: config_filename = self.config_filename conf = common.common_init(config_filepath=config_filename, param_args=['--common.experiment_name', self.get_expname(is_search_or_eval), ], clean_expdir=clean_expdir) return conf
"""Unit tests for the PAV backend in Annif""" import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import py.path import pytest import annif.backend import annif.corpus from annif.exception import NotSupportedException def test_pav_default_params(document_corpus, app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type(backend_id="pav", config_params={}, project=app_project) expected_default_params = { "min-docs": 10, "limit": 100, } actual_params = pav.params for param, val in expected_default_params.items(): assert param in actual_params and actual_params[param] == val def test_pav_is_not_trained(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) assert not pav.is_trained def test_pav_train(tmpdir, app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) tmpfile = tmpdir.join("document.tsv") tmpfile.write( "dummy\t\n" + "another\t\n" + "none\t" ) document_corpus = annif.corpus.DocumentFile(str(tmpfile), app_project.subjects) pav.train(document_corpus) datadir = py.path.local(app_project.datadir) assert datadir.join("pav-model-dummy-fi").exists() assert datadir.join("pav-model-dummy-fi").size() > 0 def test_pav_train_cached(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedException): pav.train("cached") def test_pav_train_nodocuments(app_project, empty_corpus): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedException) as excinfo: pav.train(empty_corpus) assert "training backend pav with no documents" in str(excinfo.value) def test_pav_initialize(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) assert pav._models is None pav.initialize() assert pav._models is not None # initialize a second time - this shouldn't do anything pav.initialize() def METHOD_NAME(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) results = pav.suggest( [ """Arkeologiaa sanotaan joskus myös muinaistutkimukseksi tai muinaistieteeksi. Se on humanistinen tiede tai oikeammin joukko tieteitä, jotka tutkivat ihmisen menneisyyttä. Tutkimusta tehdään analysoimalla muinaisjäännöksiä eli niitä jälkiä, joita ihmisten toiminta on jättänyt maaperään tai vesistöjen pohjaan.""" ] )[0] assert len(pav._models["dummy-fi"]) == 1 assert len(results) > 0 assert list(results)[0].score == pytest.approx(2 / 3) # PAV recalculated score def test_pav_train_params(tmpdir, app_project, caplog): logger = annif.logger logger.propagate = True pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) tmpfile = tmpdir.join("document.tsv") tmpfile.write( "dummy\t\n" + "another\t\n" + "none\t" ) document_corpus = annif.corpus.DocumentFile(str(tmpfile), app_project.subjects) params = {"min-docs": 5} with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): pav.train(document_corpus, params) parameters_spec = "creating PAV model for source dummy-fi, min_docs=5" assert parameters_spec in caplog.text def test_pav_suggest_after_min_docs(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) results = pav.suggest( [ """Arkeologiaa sanotaan joskus myös muinaistutkimukseksi tai muinaistieteeksi. Se on humanistinen tiede tai oikeammin joukko tieteitä, jotka tutkivat ihmisen menneisyyttä. Tutkimusta tehdään analysoimalla muinaisjäännöksiä eli niitä jälkiä, joita ihmisten toiminta on jättänyt maaperään tai vesistöjen pohjaan.""" ] )[0] assert len(pav._models["dummy-fi"]) == 0 assert len(results) > 0 print(results) print(list(results)[0]) assert list(results)[0].score == 1.0 # original score from dummy-fi project def test_pav_is_trained(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) assert pav.is_trained def test_pav_modification_time(app_project): pav_type = annif.backend.get_backend("pav") pav = pav_type( backend_id="pav", config_params={"limit": 50, "min-docs": 2, "sources": "dummy-fi"}, project=app_project, ) assert - pav.modification_time < timedelta(1)
# Copyright (c) 2016, 2020-2021 Arm Limited # All rights reserved. # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Copyright (c) 2008-2009 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os import re import sys from functools import wraps from . import convert from .attrdict import attrdict, multiattrdict, optiondict from .multidict import multidict # panic() should be called when something happens that should never # ever happen regardless of what the user does (i.e., an acutal m5 # bug). def panic(fmt, *args): print("panic:", fmt % args, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # fatal() should be called when the simulation cannot continue due to # some condition that is the user's fault (bad configuration, invalid # arguments, etc.) and not a simulator bug. def fatal(fmt, *args): print("fatal:", fmt % args, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # warn() should be called when the user should be warned about some condition # that may or may not be the user's fault, but that they should be made aware # of as it may affect the simulation or results. def warn(fmt, *args): print("warn:", fmt % args, file=sys.stderr) # inform() should be called when the user should be informed about some # condition that they may be interested in. def inform(fmt, *args): print("info:", fmt % args, file=sys.stdout) def callOnce(func): """Decorator that enables to run a given function only once. Subsequent calls are discarded.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not wrapper.has_run: wrapper.has_run = True return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.has_run = False return wrapper def deprecated(replacement=None, logger=warn): """This decorator warns the user about a deprecated function.""" def decorator(func): @callOnce def notifyDeprecation(): try: func_name = lambda f: f.__module__ + "." + f.__qualname__ message = f"Function {func_name(func)} is deprecated." if replacement: message += f" Prefer {func_name(replacement)} instead." except AttributeError: message = f"Function {func} is deprecated." if replacement: message += f" Prefer {replacement} instead." logger(message) @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): notifyDeprecation() return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator class Singleton(type): def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(cls, "_instance"): return cls._instance cls._instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instance def addToPath(path): """Prepend given directory to system module search path. We may not need this anymore if we can structure our config library more like a Python package.""" # if it's a relative path and we know what directory the current # python script is in, make the path relative to that directory. if not os.path.isabs(path) and sys.path[0]: path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], path) path = os.path.realpath(path) # sys.path[0] should always refer to the current script's directory, # so place the new dir right after that. sys.path.insert(1, path) def repoPath(): """ Return the abspath of the gem5 repository. This is relying on the following structure: <gem5-repo>/build/<ISA>/gem5.[opt,debug...] """ return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))) # Apply method to object. # applyMethod(obj, 'meth', <args>) is equivalent to obj.meth(<args>) def applyMethod(obj, meth, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(obj, meth)(*args, **kwargs) # If the first argument is an (non-sequence) object, apply the named # method with the given arguments. If the first argument is a # sequence, apply the method to each element of the sequence (a la # 'map'). def applyOrMap(objOrSeq, meth, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(objOrSeq, (list, tuple)): return applyMethod(objOrSeq, meth, *args, **kwargs) else: return [applyMethod(o, meth, *args, **kwargs) for o in objOrSeq] def METHOD_NAME(items): if len(items) == 1: for i in items[0]: yield (i,) else: for i in items[0]: for j in METHOD_NAME(items[1:]): yield (i,) + j def flatten(items): while items: item = items.pop(0) if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): items[0:0] = item else: yield item # force scalars to one-element lists for uniformity def makeList(objOrList): if isinstance(objOrList, list): return objOrList return [objOrList] def printList(items, indent=4): line = " " * indent for i, item in enumerate(items): if len(line) + len(item) > 76: print(line) line = " " * indent if i < len(items) - 1: line += f"{item}, " else: line += item print(line) def isInteractive(): """Check if the simulator is run interactively or in a batch environment""" return sys.__stdin__.isatty()
# Copyright 2017-2019 EPAM Systems, Inc. ( # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools import os import re import pykube import argparse from azure.common.client_factory import get_client_from_auth_file, get_client_from_cli_profile from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient RUN_ID_LABEL = 'runid' CLOUD_REGION_LABEL = 'cloud_region' KUBE_CONFIG_PATH = '~/.kube/config' LOW_PRIORITY_INSTANCE_ID_TEMPLATE = '(az-[a-z0-9]{16})[0-9A-Z]{6}' auth_file = os.environ.get('AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION', None) if auth_file: res_client = get_client_from_auth_file(ResourceManagementClient, auth_path=auth_file) compute_client = get_client_from_auth_file(ComputeManagementClient, auth_path=auth_file) else: res_client = get_client_from_cli_profile(ResourceManagementClient) compute_client = get_client_from_cli_profile(ComputeManagementClient) resource_group_name = os.environ["AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP"] def resolve_azure_api(resource): """ This method retrieves the latest non-preview api version for the given resource (unless the preview version is the only available api version) """ provider = res_client.providers.get('/')[6]) rt = next((t for t in provider.resource_types if t.resource_type.lower() == '/'.join(resource.type.split('/')[1:]).lower()), None) if rt and 'api_versions' in rt.__dict__: api_version = [v for v in rt.__dict__['api_versions'] if 'preview' not in v.lower()] return api_version[0] if api_version else rt.__dict__['api_versions'][0] def azure_resource_type_cmp(r1, r2): if str(r1.type).split('/')[-1].lower().startswith("virtualmachine"): return -1 elif str(r1.type).split('/')[-1].lower() == "networkinterfaces" and not str(r2.type).split('/')[-1].lower().startswith("virtualmachine"): return -1 return 0 def delete_cloud_node(node_name): low_priority_search =, node_name) if low_priority_search: # just because we set computer_name_prefix in nodeup script, # we know that it is the same with scale set name, so let's extract it scale_set_name = info = compute_client.virtual_machine_scale_sets.get(resource_group_name, scale_set_name) else: info = compute_client.virtual_machines.get(resource_group_name, node_name) if info is not None and "Name" in info.tags: resources = [] for resource in res_client.resources.list(filter="tagName eq 'Name' and tagValue eq '" + info.tags["Name"] + "'"): resources.append(resource) # we need to sort resources to be sure that vm and nic will be deleted first, because it has attached resorces(disks and ip) resources.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(azure_resource_type_cmp)) for resource in resources: res_client.resources.delete('/')[4],'/')[6], parent_resource_path='', resource_type=str(resource.type).split('/')[-1],, api_version=resolve_azure_api(resource), parameters=resource ).wait() def delete_kubernetes_node(kube_api, node_name): if node_name is not None and get_node(kube_api, node_name) is not None: obj = { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Node", "metadata": { "name": node_name } } pykube.Node(kube_api, obj).delete() def get_node(kube_api, nodename): nodes = pykube.Node.objects(kube_api).filter(field_selector={'': nodename}) if len(nodes.response['items']) == 0: return None return nodes.response['items'][0] def get_kube_api(): try: api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_service_account()) except Exception as e: api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file(KUBE_CONFIG_PATH)) api.session.verify = False return api def METHOD_NAME(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--internal_ip", "-ip", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--node_name", "-n", type=str, required=True) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() kube_api = get_kube_api() delete_kubernetes_node(kube_api, args.node_name) delete_cloud_node(args.node_name) if __name__ == '__main__': METHOD_NAME()
# Use this extension for showing layer status with three leds import pwmio import time from kmk.extensions import Extension, InvalidExtensionEnvironment from kmk.keys import make_key class statusLED(Extension): def __init__( self, led_pins, brightness=30, brightness_step=5, brightness_limit=100, ): self._leds = [] for led in led_pins: try: self._leds.append(pwmio.PWMOut(led)) except Exception as e: print(e) raise InvalidExtensionEnvironment( 'Unable to create pulseio.PWMOut() instance with provided led_pin' ) self._led_count = len(self._leds) self.brightness = brightness self._layer_last = -1 self.brightness_step = brightness_step self.brightness_limit = brightness_limit make_key(names=('SLED_INC',), on_press=self._key_led_inc) make_key(names=('SLED_DEC',), on_press=self._key_led_dec) def _layer_indicator(self, layer_active, *args, **kwargs): ''' Indicates layer with leds For the time being just a simple consecutive single led indicator. And when there are more layers than leds it wraps around to the first led again. (Also works for a single led, which just lights when any layer is active) ''' if self._layer_last != layer_active: led_last = 0 if self._layer_last == 0 else 1 + (self._layer_last - 1) % 3 if layer_active > 0: led_active = 0 if layer_active == 0 else 1 + (layer_active - 1) % 3 self.set_brightness(self.brightness, led_active) self.set_brightness(0, led_last) else: self.set_brightness(0, led_last) self._layer_last = layer_active def __repr__(self): return f'SLED({self._to_dict()})' def _to_dict(self): return { '_brightness': self.brightness, 'brightness_step': self.brightness_step, 'brightness_limit': self.brightness_limit, } def on_runtime_enable(self, sandbox): return def on_runtime_disable(self, sandbox): return def during_bootup(self, sandbox): '''Light up every single led once for 200 ms''' for i in range(self._led_count + 2): if i < self._led_count: self._leds[i].duty_cycle = int(self.brightness / 100 * 65535) i_off = i - 2 if i_off >= 0 and i_off < self._led_count: self._leds[i_off].duty_cycle = int(0) time.sleep(0.1) for led in self._leds: led.duty_cycle = int(0) return def before_matrix_scan(self, sandbox): return def after_matrix_scan(self, sandbox): self._layer_indicator(sandbox.active_layers[0]) return def before_hid_send(self, sandbox): return def after_hid_send(self, sandbox): return def on_powersave_enable(self, sandbox): self.set_brightness(0) return def METHOD_NAME(self, sandbox): self.set_brightness(self._brightness) self._leds[2].duty_cycle = int(50 / 100 * 65535) time.sleep(0.2) self._leds[2].duty_cycle = int(0) return def set_brightness(self, percent, layer_id=-1): if layer_id < 0: for led in self._leds: led.duty_cycle = int(percent / 100 * 65535) else: self._leds[layer_id - 1].duty_cycle = int(percent / 100 * 65535) def increase_brightness(self, step=None): if not step: self._brightness += self.brightness_step else: self._brightness += step if self._brightness > 100: self._brightness = 100 self.set_brightness(self._brightness, self._layer_last) def decrease_brightness(self, step=None): if not step: self._brightness -= self.brightness_step else: self._brightness -= step if self._brightness < 0: self._brightness = 0 self.set_brightness(self._brightness, self._layer_last) def _key_led_inc(self, *args, **kwargs): self.increase_brightness() def _key_led_dec(self, *args, **kwargs): self.decrease_brightness()
from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, FrozenSet, List, Set, Tuple, Union import numpy as np from sc2.position import Point2 class PixelMap: def __init__(self, proto, in_bits: bool = False): """ :param proto: :param in_bits: """ self._proto = proto # Used for copying pixelmaps self._in_bits: bool = in_bits assert self.width * self.height == (8 if in_bits else 1) * len( ), f"{self.width * self.height} {(8 if in_bits else 1)*len(}" buffer_data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8) if in_bits: buffer_data = np.unpackbits(buffer_data) self.data_numpy = buffer_data.reshape(self._proto.size.y, self._proto.size.x) @property def width(self) -> int: return self._proto.size.x @property def height(self) -> int: return self._proto.size.y @property def bits_per_pixel(self) -> int: return self._proto.bits_per_pixel @property def bytes_per_pixel(self) -> int: return self._proto.bits_per_pixel // 8 def __getitem__(self, pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> int: """ Example usage: is_pathable = self._game_info.pathing_grid[Point2((20, 20))] != 0 """ assert 0 <= pos[0] < self.width, f"x is {pos[0]}, self.width is {self.width}" assert 0 <= pos[1] < self.height, f"y is {pos[1]}, self.height is {self.height}" return int(self.data_numpy[pos[1], pos[0]]) def __setitem__(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], value: int): """ Example usage: self._game_info.pathing_grid[Point2((20, 20))] = 255 """ assert 0 <= pos[0] < self.width, f"x is {pos[0]}, self.width is {self.width}" assert 0 <= pos[1] < self.height, f"y is {pos[1]}, self.height is {self.height}" assert ( 0 <= value <= 254 * self._in_bits + 1 ), f"value is {value}, it should be between 0 and {254 * self._in_bits + 1}" assert isinstance(value, int), f"value is of type {type(value)}, it should be an integer" self.data_numpy[pos[1], pos[0]] = value def is_set(self, p: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool: return self[p] != 0 def is_empty(self, p: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool: return not self.is_set(p) def copy(self) -> "PixelMap": return PixelMap(self._proto, in_bits=self._in_bits) def flood_fill(self, start_point: Point2, pred: Callable[[int], bool]) -> Set[Point2]: nodes: Set[Point2] = set() queue: List[Point2] = [start_point] while queue: x, y = queue.pop() if not (0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height): continue if Point2((x, y)) in nodes: continue if pred(self[x, y]): nodes.add(Point2((x, y))) queue += [Point2((x + a, y + b)) for a in [-1, 0, 1] for b in [-1, 0, 1] if not (a == 0 and b == 0)] return nodes def METHOD_NAME(self, pred: Callable[[int], bool]) -> Set[FrozenSet[Point2]]: groups: Set[FrozenSet[Point2]] = set() for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): if any((x, y) in g for g in groups): continue if pred(self[x, y]): groups.add(frozenset(self.flood_fill(Point2((x, y)), pred))) return groups def print(self, wide: bool = False) -> None: for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): print("#" if self.is_set((x, y)) else " ", end=(" " if wide else "")) print("") def save_image(self, filename: Union[str, Path]): data = [(0, 0, self[x, y]) for y in range(self.height) for x in range(self.width)] # pylint: disable=C0415 from PIL import Image im ="RGB", (self.width, self.height)) im.putdata(data) # type: ignore def plot(self): # pylint: disable=C0415 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(self.data_numpy, origin="lower")
import logging from framework.celery_tasks.handlers import enqueue_task from website import settings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if settings.SEARCH_ENGINE == 'elastic': import as search_engine else: search_engine = None logger.warn('Elastic search is not set to load') def requires_search(func): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if search_engine is not None and not settings.RUNNING_MIGRATION: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped @requires_search def search(query, index=None, doc_type=None, raw=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX return, index=index, doc_type=doc_type, raw=raw) @requires_search def METHOD_NAME(node, index=None, bulk=False, async_update=True, saved_fields=None): kwargs = { 'index': index, 'bulk': bulk } if async_update: node_id = node._id # We need the transaction to be committed before trying to run celery tasks. # For example, when updating a Node's privacy, is_public must be True in the # database in order for method that updates the Node's elastic search document # to run correctly. if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task(search_engine.update_node_async.s(node_id=node_id, **kwargs)) else: search_engine.update_node_async(node_id=node_id, **kwargs) else: index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX return search_engine.METHOD_NAME(node, **kwargs) @requires_search def update_preprint(preprint, index=None, bulk=False, async_update=True, saved_fields=None): kwargs = { 'index': index, 'bulk': bulk } if async_update: preprint_id = preprint._id # We need the transaction to be committed before trying to run celery tasks. if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task(search_engine.update_preprint_async.s(preprint_id=preprint_id, **kwargs)) else: search_engine.update_preprint_async(preprint_id=preprint_id, **kwargs) else: index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX return search_engine.update_preprint(preprint, **kwargs) @requires_search def update_group(group, index=None, bulk=False, async_update=True, saved_fields=None, deleted_id=None): kwargs = { 'index': index, 'bulk': bulk, 'deleted_id': deleted_id } if async_update: # We need the transaction to be committed before trying to run celery tasks. if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task(search_engine.update_group_async.s(group_id=group._id, **kwargs)) else: search_engine.update_group_async(group_id=group._id, **kwargs) else: index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX return search_engine.update_group(group, **kwargs) @requires_search def bulk_update_nodes(serialize, nodes, index=None, category=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.bulk_update_nodes(serialize, nodes, index=index, category=category) @requires_search def delete_node(node, index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX doc_type = node.project_or_component if node.is_registration: doc_type = 'registration' search_engine.delete_doc(node._id, node, index=index, category=doc_type) @requires_search def update_contributors_async(user_id): """Async version of update_contributors above""" if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task(search_engine.update_contributors_async.s(user_id)) else: search_engine.update_contributors_async(user_id) @requires_search def update_user(user, index=None, async_update=True): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX if async_update: user_id = if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task(search_engine.update_user_async.s(user_id, index=index)) else: search_engine.update_user_async(user_id, index=index) else: search_engine.update_user(user, index=index) @requires_search def update_file(file_, index=None, delete=False): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.update_file(file_, index=index, delete=delete) @requires_search def update_institution(institution, index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.update_institution(institution, index=index) @requires_search def update_collected_metadata(node_id, collection_id=None, index=None, op='update'): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task( search_engine.update_collection_submission_async.s( node_id, collection_id=collection_id, op=op, index=index ) ) else: search_engine.update_collection_submission_async( node_id, collection_id=collection_id, op=op, index=index ) @requires_search def bulk_update_collection_submissions(collection_submissions, op='update', index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.bulk_update_collection_submission(collection_submissions, op=op, index=index) @requires_search def delete_all(): search_engine.delete_all() @requires_search def delete_index(index): search_engine.delete_index(index) @requires_search def create_index(index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.create_index(index=index) @requires_search def search_contributor(query, page=0, size=10, exclude=None, current_user=None): exclude = exclude or [] result = search_engine.search_contributor(query=query, page=page, size=size, exclude=exclude, current_user=current_user) return result
import logging from ..base.twilltestcase import ( common, ShedTwillTestCase, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) repository_name = "filtering_1470" repository_description = "Galaxy's filtering tool" repository_long_description = "Long description of Galaxy's filtering tool" category_name = "Test 1470 - Updating Installed Repositories" category_description = ( "Functional test suite to ensure that updating installed repositories does not create white ghosts." ) """ 1. Install a repository into Galaxy. 2. In the Tool Shed, update the repository from Step 1. 3. In Galaxy, get updates to the repository. 4. In Galaxy, uninstall the repository. 5. In Galaxy, reinstall the repository. 6. Make sure step 5 created no white ghosts. """ class TestUpdateInstalledRepository(ShedTwillTestCase): """Verify that the code correctly handles updating an installed repository, then uninstalling and reinstalling.""" def test_0000_initiate_users(self): """Create necessary user accounts.""" self.login(email=common.test_user_1_email, username=common.test_user_1_name) self.login(email=common.admin_email, username=common.admin_username) def test_0005_create_filtering_repository(self): """Create and populate the filtering_0530 repository.""" category = self.create_category(name=category_name, description=category_description) self.login(email=common.test_user_1_email, username=common.test_user_1_name) repository = self.get_or_create_repository( name=repository_name, description=repository_description, long_description=repository_long_description, owner=common.test_user_1_name, category=category, strings_displayed=[], ) self.upload_file( repository, filename="filtering/filtering_1.1.0.tar", filepath=None, valid_tools_only=True, uncompress_file=True, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar=False, commit_message="Uploaded filtering 1.1.0 tarball.", strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[], ) def test_0010_install_filtering_to_galaxy(self): """Install the filtering_1470 repository to galaxy. This is step 1 - Install a repository into Galaxy. """ self.galaxy_login(email=common.admin_email, username=common.admin_username) self._install_repository( repository_name, common.test_user_1_name, category_name, install_tool_dependencies=False, install_repository_dependencies=False, new_tool_panel_section_label="Filtering", ) self._assert_has_installed_repos_with_names("filtering_1470") def test_0015_update_repository(self): """Upload a readme file to the filtering_1470 repository. This is step 2 - In the Tool Shed, update the repository from Step 1. Importantly, this update should *not* create a new installable changeset revision, because that would eliminate the process we're testing in this script. So, we upload a readme file. """ self.login(email=common.test_user_1_email, username=common.test_user_1_name) repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner(repository_name, common.test_user_1_name) self.upload_file( repository, filename="filtering/readme.txt", filepath=None, valid_tools_only=True, uncompress_file=False, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar=False, commit_message="Uploaded readme.", strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[], ) def test_0020_get_repository_updates(self): """Get updates to the installed repository. This is step 3 - In Galaxy, get updates to the repository. """ self.galaxy_login(email=common.admin_email, username=common.admin_username) installed_repository = self.test_db_util.get_installed_repository_by_name_owner( repository_name, common.test_user_1_name ) self.update_installed_repository_api(installed_repository) def METHOD_NAME(self): """Uninstall the filtering_1470 repository. This is step 4 - In Galaxy, uninstall the repository. """ installed_repository = self.test_db_util.get_installed_repository_by_name_owner( repository_name, common.test_user_1_name ) self.uninstall_repository(installed_repository) def test_0030_reinstall_repository(self): """Reinstall the filtering_1470 repository. This is step 5 - In Galaxy, reinstall the repository. """ installed_repository = self.test_db_util.get_installed_repository_by_name_owner( repository_name, common.test_user_1_name ) self.reinstall_repository_api(installed_repository) def test_0035_verify_absence_of_ghosts(self): """Check the count of repositories in the database named filtering_1470 and owned by user1. This is step 6 - Make sure step 5 created no white ghosts. """ installed_repository = self.test_db_util.get_installed_repository_by_name_owner( repository_name, common.test_user_1_name, return_multiple=True ) assert ( len(installed_repository) == 1 ), 'Multiple filtering repositories found in the Galaxy database, possibly indicating a "white ghost" scenario.'
# Drakkar-Software OctoBot-Interfaces # Copyright (c) Drakkar-Software, All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. import flask import octobot_commons.logging as commons_logging import octobot_commons.authentication as authentication import tentacles.Services.Interfaces.web_interface.util as util import tentacles.Services.Interfaces.web_interface.login as login import tentacles.Services.Interfaces.web_interface.models as models import tentacles.Services.Interfaces.web_interface.flask_util as flask_util import octobot.automation as bot_automation import octobot.constants as constants def register(blueprint): @blueprint.route("/automations", methods=["POST", "GET"]) @login.login_required_when_activated def automations(): if not models.are_automations_enabled(): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("home")) if flask.request.method == 'POST': action = flask.request.args.get("action") success = True response = "" tentacle_name = bot_automation.Automation.get_name() tentacle_class = bot_automation.Automation restart = False if action == "save": request_data = flask.request.get_json() success, response = models.update_tentacle_config( tentacle_name, request_data, tentacle_class=tentacle_class ) if action == "start": restart = True elif action == "factory_reset": success, response = models.reset_automation_config_to_default() restart = True if restart: models.restart_global_automations() if success: return util.get_rest_reply(flask.jsonify(response)) else: return util.get_rest_reply(response, 500) display_intro = flask_util.BrowsingDataProvider.instance().get_and_unset_is_first_display( flask_util.BrowsingDataProvider.AUTOMATIONS ) all_events, all_conditions, all_actions = models.get_all_automation_steps() form_to_display = constants.AUTOMATION_FEEDBACK_FORM_ID try: user_id = models.get_user_account_id() display_feedback_form = models.has_at_least_one_running_automation() and not models.has_filled_form(form_to_display) except authentication.AuthenticationRequired: # no authenticated user: don't display form user_id = None display_feedback_form = False return flask.render_template( 'automations.html', profile_name=models.get_current_profile().name, events=all_events, conditions=all_conditions, actions=all_actions, display_intro=display_intro, user_id=user_id, form_to_display=form_to_display, display_feedback_form=display_feedback_form, ) @blueprint.route('/automations_edit_details') @login.login_required_when_activated def METHOD_NAME(): if not models.are_automations_enabled(): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("home")) try: return util.get_rest_reply( models.get_tentacle_config_and_edit_display( bot_automation.Automation.get_name(), tentacle_class=bot_automation.Automation ) ) except Exception as e: commons_logging.get_logger("automations_edit_details").exception(e) return util.get_rest_reply(str(e), 500)
""" NTLM authenticating pool, contributed by erikcederstran Issue #10, see: """ from __future__ import absolute_import from logging import getLogger from ntlm import ntlm from .. import HTTPSConnectionPool from ..packages.six.moves.http_client import HTTPSConnection log = getLogger(__name__) class NTLMConnectionPool(HTTPSConnectionPool): """ Implements an NTLM authentication version of an urllib3 connection pool """ scheme = 'https' def __init__(self, user, pw, authurl, *args, **kwargs): """ authurl is a random URL on the server that is protected by NTLM. user is the Windows user, probably in the DOMAIN\\username format. pw is the password for the user. """ super(NTLMConnectionPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.authurl = authurl self.rawuser = user user_parts = user.split('\\', 1) self.domain = user_parts[0].upper() self.user = user_parts[1] = pw def METHOD_NAME(self): # Performs the NTLM handshake that secures the connection. The socket # must be kept open while requests are performed. self.num_connections += 1 log.debug('Starting NTLM HTTPS connection no. %d: https://%s%s', self.num_connections,, self.authurl) headers = {'Connection': 'Keep-Alive'} req_header = 'Authorization' resp_header = 'www-authenticate' conn = HTTPSConnection(, port=self.port) # Send negotiation message headers[req_header] = ( 'NTLM %s' % ntlm.create_NTLM_NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE(self.rawuser)) log.debug('Request headers: %s', headers) conn.request('GET', self.authurl, None, headers) res = conn.getresponse() reshdr = dict(res.getheaders()) log.debug('Response status: %s %s', res.status, res.reason) log.debug('Response headers: %s', reshdr) log.debug('Response data: %s [...]', # Remove the reference to the socket, so that it can not be closed by # the response object (we want to keep the socket open) res.fp = None # Server should respond with a challenge message auth_header_values = reshdr[resp_header].split(', ') auth_header_value = None for s in auth_header_values: if s[:5] == 'NTLM ': auth_header_value = s[5:] if auth_header_value is None: raise Exception('Unexpected %s response header: %s' % (resp_header, reshdr[resp_header])) # Send authentication message ServerChallenge, NegotiateFlags = \ ntlm.parse_NTLM_CHALLENGE_MESSAGE(auth_header_value) auth_msg = ntlm.create_NTLM_AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE(ServerChallenge, self.user, self.domain,, NegotiateFlags) headers[req_header] = 'NTLM %s' % auth_msg log.debug('Request headers: %s', headers) conn.request('GET', self.authurl, None, headers) res = conn.getresponse() log.debug('Response status: %s %s', res.status, res.reason) log.debug('Response headers: %s', dict(res.getheaders())) log.debug('Response data: %s [...]',[:100]) if res.status != 200: if res.status == 401: raise Exception('Server rejected request: wrong ' 'username or password') raise Exception('Wrong server response: %s %s' % (res.status, res.reason)) res.fp = None log.debug('Connection established') return conn def urlopen(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, retries=3, redirect=True, assert_same_host=True): if headers is None: headers = {} headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' return super(NTLMConnectionPool, self).urlopen(method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkclickhouse.endpoint import endpoint_data class CreateDBInstanceRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'clickhouse', '2019-11-11', 'CreateDBInstance') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_ResourceOwnerId(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId') def set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId) def get_DBClusterDescription(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBClusterDescription') def set_DBClusterDescription(self, DBClusterDescription): # String self.add_query_param('DBClusterDescription', DBClusterDescription) def get_ClientToken(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken') def set_ClientToken(self, ClientToken): # String self.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken) def get_SourceDBClusterId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SourceDBClusterId') def set_SourceDBClusterId(self, SourceDBClusterId): # String self.add_query_param('SourceDBClusterId', SourceDBClusterId) def get_DbNodeStorageType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DbNodeStorageType') def set_DbNodeStorageType(self, DbNodeStorageType): # String self.add_query_param('DbNodeStorageType', DbNodeStorageType) def get_DBClusterCategory(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBClusterCategory') def set_DBClusterCategory(self, DBClusterCategory): # String self.add_query_param('DBClusterCategory', DBClusterCategory) def get_EncryptionType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EncryptionType') def set_EncryptionType(self, EncryptionType): # String self.add_query_param('EncryptionType', EncryptionType) def get_DBClusterNetworkType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBClusterNetworkType') def set_DBClusterNetworkType(self, DBClusterNetworkType): # String self.add_query_param('DBClusterNetworkType', DBClusterNetworkType) def get_Period(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Period') def set_Period(self, Period): # String self.add_query_param('Period', Period) def get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount') def set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount) def get_OwnerAccount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount') def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount): # String self.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount) def get_DBClusterVersion(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBClusterVersion') def set_DBClusterVersion(self, DBClusterVersion): # String self.add_query_param('DBClusterVersion', DBClusterVersion) def get_DBClusterClass(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBClusterClass') def set_DBClusterClass(self, DBClusterClass): # String self.add_query_param('DBClusterClass', DBClusterClass) def get_BackupSetID(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('BackupSetID') def set_BackupSetID(self, BackupSetID): # String self.add_query_param('BackupSetID', BackupSetID) def get_EncryptionKey(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('EncryptionKey') def set_EncryptionKey(self, EncryptionKey): # String self.add_query_param('EncryptionKey', EncryptionKey) def METHOD_NAME(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId') def set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId): # Long self.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId) def get_DBNodeGroupCount(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBNodeGroupCount') def set_DBNodeGroupCount(self, DBNodeGroupCount): # String self.add_query_param('DBNodeGroupCount', DBNodeGroupCount) def get_UsedTime(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('UsedTime') def set_UsedTime(self, UsedTime): # String self.add_query_param('UsedTime', UsedTime) def get_VSwitchId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('VSwitchId') def set_VSwitchId(self, VSwitchId): # String self.add_query_param('VSwitchId', VSwitchId) def get_DBNodeStorage(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('DBNodeStorage') def set_DBNodeStorage(self, DBNodeStorage): # String self.add_query_param('DBNodeStorage', DBNodeStorage) def get_VPCId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('VPCId') def set_VPCId(self, VPCId): # String self.add_query_param('VPCId', VPCId) def get_ZoneId(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ZoneId') def set_ZoneId(self, ZoneId): # String self.add_query_param('ZoneId', ZoneId) def get_PayType(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('PayType') def set_PayType(self, PayType): # String self.add_query_param('PayType', PayType)
import pytest from lark.exceptions import UnexpectedToken from pharmpy.model import ModelSyntaxError def test_data_filename_get(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA "pheno.dta"').records[0] assert record.filename == 'pheno.dta' record = parser.parse('$DATA /home/full/pheno.dta').records[0] assert record.filename == '/home/full/pheno.dta' record = parser.parse("$DATA 'pheno.dta'").records[0] assert str(record.root.subtree('filename')) == "'pheno.dta'" assert record.filename == "pheno.dta" record = parser.parse(r'$DATA "C:\windowspath\with space in.csv"').records[0] assert record.filename == r'C:\windowspath\with space in.csv' record = parser.parse('$DATA \n pheno.dta \n; comment\n').records[0] assert record.filename == 'pheno.dta' record = parser.parse('$DATA ; comment\n ; some comment line\n pheno.dta\n\n').records[0] assert record.filename == 'pheno.dta' def METHOD_NAME(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA DUMMY ; comment').records[0] assert record.filename == 'DUMMY' assert str(record) == '$DATA DUMMY ; comment' # simple replace record = record.set_filename('/new/path/to_file.txt') assert record.filename == '/new/path/to_file.txt' assert str(record) == '$DATA /new/path/to_file.txt ; comment' # force quoting record = record.set_filename('MUST=QUOTE') assert record.filename == 'MUST=QUOTE' assert str(record) == "$DATA 'MUST=QUOTE' ; comment" # more complex example text = '$DATA ; comment\n ; some comment line\n pheno.dta\n\n' record = parser.parse(text).records[0] assert record.filename == 'pheno.dta' assert str(record) == text # more complex replace record = record.set_filename("'IGNORE'") assert record.filename == "'IGNORE'" assert str(record) == text.replace('pheno.dta', '"\'IGNORE\'"') # * record = parser.parse('$DATA DUMMY ; comment').records[0] record = record.set_filename(None) assert str(record) == '$DATA * ; comment' def test_option_record(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta NOWIDE').records[0] assert record.option_pairs == {'NOWIDE': None} def test_ignore_character(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta').records[0] assert record.ignore_character is None record = record.set_ignore_character('I') assert record.ignore_character == 'I' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=@').records[0] assert record.filename == 'pheno.dta' assert record.ignore_character == '@' record = record.set_ignore_character('K') assert record.ignore_character == 'K' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE="I"').records[0] assert record.ignore_character == 'I' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=\'"\'').records[0] assert record.ignore_character == '"' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=K IGNORE=(ID.EQ.2)').records[0] assert record.ignore_character == 'K' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=(DV==3) IGNORE=C').records[0] assert record.ignore_character == 'C' record = record.set_ignore_character('@') assert record.ignore_character == '@' assert str(record.ignore[0]) == 'DV==3' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=,').records[0] assert record.ignore_character == ',' record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE="').records[0] assert record.ignore_character == '"' record = record.set_ignore_character('"') assert record.ignore_character == '"' assert str(record) == '$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE="' with pytest.raises(UnexpectedToken): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=""').records[0] record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=c IGNORE=@').records[0] with pytest.raises(ModelSyntaxError): record.ignore_character def test_ignore_character_from_header(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta').records[0] assert record.ignore_character is None record = record.set_ignore_character_from_header("ID") assert record.ignore_character == '@' record = record.set_ignore_character_from_header("_ID") assert record.ignore_character == '_' def test_null_value(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta NULL=1').records[0] assert record.null_value == 1 record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta NULL=+').records[0] assert record.null_value == 0 def test_ignore_accept(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=(DV.EQ.1)').records[0] assert str(record.ignore[0]) == 'DV.EQ.1' assert record.accept == [] record = record.remove_ignore() assert record.ignore == [] assert record.accept == [] record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta ACCEPT=(DV.EQ.1, MDV.NEN.23)').records[0] assert str(record.accept[0]) == 'DV.EQ.1' assert str(record.accept[1]) == 'MDV.NEN.23' assert record.ignore == [] record = record.remove_accept() assert record.ignore == [] assert record.accept == [] record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=(WGT < 1 ,\n ID\n.EQ."lk")').records[0] assert str(record.ignore[0]) == 'WGT < 1', 'ID\n.EQ."lk"' record = parser.parse('$DATA ../pheno.dta IGNORE=@ IGNORE(APGR.GT.23)\n').records[0] record = record.remove_ignore().remove_accept() assert str(record) == '$DATA ../pheno.dta IGNORE=@ \n' def test_comments(parser): record = parser.parse('$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=@;MYCOMMENT').records[0] assert str(record) == '$DATA pheno.dta IGNORE=@;MYCOMMENT' def test_data_infile(parser): record = parser.parse('$INFILE pheno.dta').records[0] assert == 'DATA' assert record.filename == 'pheno.dta' assert record.raw_name == '$INFILE' def test_comment(parser): contents = r"""$DATA cpt7.dta IGNORE= # ; Dataset """ record = parser.parse(contents).records[0] record = record.set_ignore_character("A") assert str(record) == '$DATA cpt7.dta \n; Dataset\nIGNORE=A\n'
"""Use the Python pygments library to perform extra checks on C++ grammar.""" from pygments import token from pygments.lexers.compiled import CppLexer import os def check_header_file(fh_name, project_name, errors): """Check a single C++ header file""" METHOD_NAME(fh_name, project_name, True, errors) def check_cpp_file(fh_name, project_name, errors): """Check a single C++ source file""" METHOD_NAME(fh_name, project_name, False, errors) def METHOD_NAME(fh_name, project_name, header, errors): fh, filename = fh_name s = tokenize_file(fh) check_tokens(s, filename, project_name, header, errors) def tokenize_file(fh): """Use the Python pygments library to tokenize a C++ file""" code = c = CppLexer() scan = [] for (index, tok, value) in c.get_tokens_unprocessed(code): scan.append((tok, value)) return scan def check_tokens(scan, filename, project_name, header, errors): if filename.find("test_") == -1: # we don't do it for python tests check_comment_header(scan, filename, errors) if header: # Handle older versions of pygments which concatenate \n and # tokens if len(scan) >= 3 and scan[2][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[2][1] == '\n#': scan[2] = (token.Comment.Preproc, '#') scan.insert(2, (token.Comment.Text, '\n')) check_header_start_end(scan, filename, project_name, errors) def check_comment_header(scan, filename, errors): if len(scan) < 1 or scan[0][0] not in (token.Comment, token.Comment.Multiline): errors.append('%s:1: First line should be a comment with a copyright ' 'notice and a description of the file' % filename) def have_header_guard(scan): return len(scan) >= 11 \ and scan[4][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[4][1].startswith('ifndef') \ and scan[7][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[7][1].startswith('define') \ and scan[-3][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[-3][1].startswith('endif') \ and scan[-2][0] in (token.Comment, token.Comment.Multiline) def get_header_guard(filename, project_name): """Get prefix and suffix for header guard""" guard_prefix = project_name.replace(".", "").upper() guard_suffix = os.path.split(filename)[1].replace(".", "_").upper() return guard_prefix, guard_suffix def check_header_start_end(scan, filename, project_name, errors): guard_prefix, guard_suffix = get_header_guard(filename, project_name) header_guard = guard_prefix + '_' + guard_suffix if len(scan) < 11: bad = True else: bad = False if not scan[4][0] == token.Comment.Preproc: bad = True if not scan[4][1].startswith('ifndef'): errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard missing #ifndef.' % (filename, 1)) bad = True if not scan[7][0] == token.Comment.Preproc: bad = True if not scan[7][1].startswith('define'): errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard missing #define.' % (filename, 1)) bad = True if not scan[-3][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and not scan[-4][0] == token.Comment.Preproc: bad = True if not scan[-3][1].startswith('endif') \ and not scan[-4][1].startswith('endif'): errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard missing #endif.' % (filename, 1)) bad = True if not scan[-2][0] in (token.Comment, token.Comment.Multiline) \ and not scan[-3][0] in (token.Comment, token.Comment.Multiline): errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard missing closing comment.' % (filename, 1)) bad = True guard = scan[4][1][7:] if not guard.startswith(guard_prefix): errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard does not start with "%s".' % (filename, 1, guard_prefix)) bad = True if not guard.replace("_", "").endswith(guard_suffix.replace("_", "")): errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard does not end with "%s".' % (filename, 1, guard_suffix)) bad = True if not scan[7][1] == 'define ' + guard: errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard does not define "%s".' % (filename, 1, guard)) bad = True if not scan[-2][1] == '/* %s */' % guard \ and not scan[-3][1] == '/* %s */' % guard: errors.append('%s:%d: Header guard close does not have a ' 'comment of "/* %s */".' % (filename, 1, guard)) bad = True if bad: errors.append('%s:%d: Missing or incomplete header guard.' % (filename, 1) + """ Header files should start with a comment, then a blank line, then the rest of the file wrapped with a header guard. This must start with %s and end with %s - in between can be placed extra qualifiers, e.g. for a namespace. For example, /** Copyright and file description */ #ifndef %s #define %s ... #endif /* %s */ """ % (guard_prefix, guard_suffix, header_guard, header_guard, header_guard))
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from vi import utils from vi.widgets import ListWidget, EditWidget from vi.priorityqueue import actionDelegateSelector, ModuleWidgetSelector from flare.i18n import translate from vi.config import conf from vi.pane import Pane from flare.button import Button class ContextAction(Button): def __init__(self, module, handler, actionName, *args, **kwargs): dsc = actionName.split(".", 3) assert dsc[0] == "context", u"Invalid definition!" mod = dsc[1] vars = dsc[2].split(",") assert mod in conf["modules"], "The module '%s' must provide an adminInfo when run in a context action" adminInfo = conf["modules"][mod] if "name" in adminInfo: title = adminInfo["name"] else: title = mod icon = adminInfo.get("icon") super(ContextAction, self).__init__(text=title, icon=icon) self.widget = None self.adminInfo = adminInfo self.contextModule = mod self.contextVariables = vars self.title = title self.filter = filter self.icon = icon self.addClass("context-%s" % self.contextModule) self["class"].extend(["bar-item","btn--small"]) self.disable() def onAttach(self): super(ContextAction, self).onAttach() self.widget = self.parent().parent() if isinstance(self.widget, ListWidget): self.widget.selectionChangedEvent.register(self) elif isinstance(self.widget, EditWidget) and self.widget.mode == "edit": self.enable() def onDetach(self): if isinstance(self.widget, ListWidget): self.widget.selectionChangedEvent.unregister(self) super(ContextAction, self).onDetach() def METHOD_NAME(self, table, selection, *args, **kwargs): if len(selection) > 0: self.enable() else: self.disable() def onClick(self, sender=None): assert self.widget, u"This action must be attached first!" if isinstance(self.widget, ListWidget): for s in self.widget.getCurrentSelection(): self.openModule(s) elif isinstance(self.widget, EditWidget): d = self.widget.serializeForDocument() self.openModule(d) def openModule(self, data, title=None): # Generate title if title is None: for key in conf["vi.context.title.bones"]: if title := data.get(key): if isinstance(title, dict) and conf["flare.language.current"] in title: title = title[conf["flare.language.current"]] break # Merge contexts context = {} context.update(self.widget.context or {}) context.update(self.adminInfo.get("context", {})) # Evaluate context variables for var in self.contextVariables: if "=" in var: key, value = var.split("=", 1) if value[0] == "$": value = data.get(value[1:]) else: key = var value = data.get("key") context[key] = value # Open a new view for the context module conf["mainWindow"].openView( translate("{{module}} - {{name}}", module=self.title, name=title), self.adminInfo.get("icon") or "icon-edit", self.contextModule + self.adminInfo["handler"], self.contextModule, None, # is not used... data=utils.mergeDict(self.adminInfo, {"context": context}), target="popup" if self.parent().parent().isSelector else "mainNav" ) # OLD VERSION OPENS THE HANDLER DIRECTLY IN A POPUP. # # Have a handler? # assert (widgen :=, self.adminInfo)) # # #print(widgen, context, utils.mergeDict(self.adminInfo, {"context": context})) # widget = widgen(self.contextModule, **utils.mergeDict(self.adminInfo, {"context": context})) # # if widget: # widget.isSelector = True # this is done so that subsequent views are stacked in Popups... # # conf["mainWindow"].stackWidget( # widget, # title=translate("{{module}} - {{name}}", module=self.title, name=title), # icon=self.adminInfo.get("icon") # ) # # else: # print("Widget could not be generated") @staticmethod def isSuitableFor(module, handler, actionName): if module is None or module not in conf["modules"].keys(): return False if not actionName.startswith("context."): return False mod = actionName.split(".", 3)[1] cuser = conf["currentUser"] return "root" in cuser["access"] or ("%s-view" % mod) in cuser["access"] actionDelegateSelector.insert(1, ContextAction.isSuitableFor, ContextAction)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest from aliyunsdkimm.endpoint import endpoint_data import json class GenerateWebofficeTokenRequest(RpcRequest): def __init__(self): RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'imm', '2020-09-30', 'GenerateWebofficeToken','imm') self.set_method('POST') if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"): setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap()) if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"): setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional()) def get_Referer(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Referer') def set_Referer(self, Referer): # String self.add_query_param('Referer', Referer) def get_Notification(self): # Struct return self.get_query_params().get('Notification') def METHOD_NAME(self, Notification): # Struct self.add_query_param("Notification", json.dumps(Notification)) def get_Password(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Password') def set_Password(self, Password): # String self.add_query_param('Password', Password) def get_ProjectName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('ProjectName') def set_ProjectName(self, ProjectName): # String self.add_query_param('ProjectName', ProjectName) def get_Watermark(self): # Struct return self.get_query_params().get('Watermark') def set_Watermark(self, Watermark): # Struct self.add_query_param("Watermark", json.dumps(Watermark)) def get_NotifyTopicName(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('NotifyTopicName') def set_NotifyTopicName(self, NotifyTopicName): # String self.add_query_param('NotifyTopicName', NotifyTopicName) def get_Filename(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('Filename') def set_Filename(self, Filename): # String self.add_query_param('Filename', Filename) def get_SourceURI(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('SourceURI') def set_SourceURI(self, SourceURI): # String self.add_query_param('SourceURI', SourceURI) def get_ExternalUploaded(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('ExternalUploaded') def set_ExternalUploaded(self, ExternalUploaded): # Boolean self.add_query_param('ExternalUploaded', ExternalUploaded) def get_UserData(self): # String return self.get_query_params().get('UserData') def set_UserData(self, UserData): # String self.add_query_param('UserData', UserData) def get_PreviewPages(self): # Long return self.get_query_params().get('PreviewPages') def set_PreviewPages(self, PreviewPages): # Long self.add_query_param('PreviewPages', PreviewPages) def get_Hidecmb(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('Hidecmb') def set_Hidecmb(self, Hidecmb): # Boolean self.add_query_param('Hidecmb', Hidecmb) def get_CachePreview(self): # Boolean return self.get_query_params().get('CachePreview') def set_CachePreview(self, CachePreview): # Boolean self.add_query_param('CachePreview', CachePreview) def get_Permission(self): # Struct return self.get_query_params().get('Permission') def set_Permission(self, Permission): # Struct self.add_query_param("Permission", json.dumps(Permission)) def get_CredentialConfig(self): # Struct return self.get_query_params().get('CredentialConfig') def set_CredentialConfig(self, CredentialConfig): # Struct self.add_query_param("CredentialConfig", json.dumps(CredentialConfig)) def get_User(self): # Struct return self.get_query_params().get('User') def set_User(self, User): # Struct self.add_query_param("User", json.dumps(User))
from __future__ import annotations from import Hashable, Mapping, Sequence from typing import Any import pytest import dask import dask.threaded from dask.base import DaskMethodsMixin, dont_optimize, tokenize from dask.context import globalmethod from dask.delayed import Delayed, delayed from dask.typing import ( DaskCollection, Graph, HLGDaskCollection, Key, NestedKeys, PostComputeCallable, PostPersistCallable, ) try: from IPython.display import DisplayObject except ImportError: DisplayObject = Any da = pytest.importorskip("dask.array") db = pytest.importorskip("dask.bag") dds = pytest.importorskip("dask.datasets") dd = pytest.importorskip("dask.dataframe") def finalize(x: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: return x[0] def get1(dsk: Mapping, keys: Sequence[Key] | Key, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return dask.threaded.get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) def get2(dsk: Mapping, keys: Sequence[Key] | Key, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return dask.get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) class Inheriting(DaskCollection): def __init__(self, based_on: DaskCollection) -> None: self.based_on = based_on def __dask_graph__(self) -> Graph: return self.based_on.__dask_graph__() def __dask_keys__(self) -> NestedKeys: return self.based_on.__dask_keys__() def __dask_postcompute__(self) -> tuple[PostComputeCallable, tuple]: return finalize, () def __dask_postpersist__(self) -> tuple[PostPersistCallable, tuple]: return self.based_on.__dask_postpersist__() def __dask_tokenize__(self) -> Hashable: return tokenize(self.based_on) __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(dask.threaded.get) __dask_optimize__ = globalmethod( dont_optimize, key="hlgcollection_optim", falsey=dont_optimize, ) def compute(self, **kwargs) -> Any: return dask.compute(self, **kwargs) def persist(self, **kwargs) -> Inheriting: return Inheriting(self.based_on.persist(**kwargs)) def visualize( self, filename: str = "mydask", format: str | None = None, optimize_graph: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> DisplayObject | None: return dask.visualize( self, filename=filename, format=format, optimize_graph=optimize_graph, **kwargs, ) class HLGCollection(DaskMethodsMixin): def __init__(self, based_on: HLGDaskCollection) -> None: self.based_on = based_on def __dask_graph__(self) -> Graph: return self.based_on.__dask_graph__() def __dask_layers__(self) -> Sequence[str]: return self.based_on.__dask_layers__() def __dask_keys__(self) -> NestedKeys: return self.based_on.__dask_keys__() def __dask_postcompute__(self) -> tuple[PostComputeCallable, tuple]: return finalize, () def __dask_postpersist__(self) -> tuple[PostPersistCallable, tuple]: return self.based_on.__dask_postpersist__() def __dask_tokenize__(self) -> Hashable: return tokenize(self.based_on) __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(get1) __dask_optimize__ = globalmethod( dont_optimize, key="hlgcollection_optim", falsey=dont_optimize, ) class NotHLGCollection(DaskMethodsMixin): def __init__(self, based_on: DaskCollection) -> None: self.based_on = based_on def __dask_graph__(self) -> Graph: return self.based_on.__dask_graph__() def __dask_keys__(self) -> NestedKeys: return self.based_on.__dask_keys__() def __dask_postcompute__(self) -> tuple[PostComputeCallable, tuple]: return finalize, () def __dask_postpersist__(self) -> tuple[PostPersistCallable, tuple]: return self.based_on.__dask_postpersist__() def __dask_tokenize__(self) -> Hashable: return tokenize(self.based_on) __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(get2) __dask_optimize__ = globalmethod( dont_optimize, key="collection_optim", falsey=dont_optimize, ) def METHOD_NAME(x: int) -> int: return x + 1 increment: Delayed = delayed(METHOD_NAME) def assert_isinstance(coll: DaskCollection, protocol: Any) -> None: assert isinstance(coll, protocol) @pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", [DaskCollection, HLGDaskCollection]) def test_isinstance_core(protocol): arr = da.ones(10) bag = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], npartitions=2) df = dds.timeseries() dobj = increment(2) assert_isinstance(arr, protocol) assert_isinstance(bag, protocol) assert_isinstance(df, protocol) assert_isinstance(dobj, protocol) def test_isinstance_custom() -> None: a = da.ones(10) hlgc = HLGCollection(a) nhlgc = NotHLGCollection(a) assert isinstance(hlgc, DaskCollection) assert isinstance(nhlgc, DaskCollection) assert isinstance(nhlgc, DaskCollection) assert not isinstance(nhlgc, HLGDaskCollection) def compute(coll: DaskCollection) -> Any: return coll.compute() def compute2(coll: DaskCollection) -> Any: return coll.compute() def test_parameter_passing() -> None: from dask.array import Array a: Delayed = increment(2) hlgc = HLGCollection(a) assert compute(hlgc) == 3 assert compute2(hlgc) == 3 d: Delayed = increment(3) assert compute(d) == 4 assert compute2(d) == 4 array: Array = da.ones(10) assert compute(array).shape == (10,) assert compute2(array).shape == (10,) def test_inheriting_class() -> None: inheriting: Inheriting = Inheriting(increment(2)) assert isinstance(inheriting, Inheriting)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018-2023 EvaDB # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest from mock import patch from evadb.constants import NO_GPU from evadb.executor.execution_context import Context class ExecutionContextTest(unittest.TestCase): @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.ConfigurationManager") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.get_gpu_count") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.is_gpu_available") def test_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_gets_populated_from_config( self, gpu_check, get_gpu_count, cfm ): gpu_check.return_value = True get_gpu_count.return_value = 3 cfm.return_value.get_value.return_value = [0, 1] context = Context() self.assertEqual(context.gpus, [0, 1]) @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.ConfigurationManager") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.os") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.get_gpu_count") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.is_gpu_available") def test_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_gets_populated_from_environment_if_no_config( self, is_gpu, get_gpu_count, os, cfm ): is_gpu.return_value = True cfm.return_value.get_value.return_value = [] get_gpu_count.return_value = 3 os.environ.get.return_value = "0,1" context = Context() os.environ.get.assert_called_with("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "") self.assertEqual(context.gpus, [0, 1]) @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.ConfigurationManager") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.os") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.get_gpu_count") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.is_gpu_available") def test_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_should_be_empty_if_nothing_provided( self, gpu_check, get_gpu_count, os, cfm ): gpu_check.return_value = True get_gpu_count.return_value = 3 cfm.return_value.get_value.return_value = [] os.environ.get.return_value = "" context = Context() os.environ.get.assert_called_with("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "") self.assertEqual(context.gpus, []) @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.ConfigurationManager") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.os") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.is_gpu_available") def test_gpus_ignores_config_if_no_gpu_available(self, gpu_check, os, cfm): gpu_check.return_value = False cfm.return_value.get_value.return_value = [0, 1, 2] os.environ.get.return_value = "0,1,2" context = Context() self.assertEqual(context.gpus, []) @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.ConfigurationManager") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.os") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.is_gpu_available") def test_gpu_device_should_return_NO_GPU_if_GPU_not_available( self, gpu_check, os, cfm ): gpu_check.return_value = True cfm.return_value.get_value.return_value = [] os.environ.get.return_value = "" context = Context() os.environ.get.assert_called_with("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "") self.assertEqual(context.gpu_device(), NO_GPU) @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.ConfigurationManager") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.get_gpu_count") @patch("evadb.executor.execution_context.is_gpu_available") def METHOD_NAME( self, gpu_check, get_gpu_count, cfm ): gpu_check.return_value = True get_gpu_count.return_value = 1 cfm.return_value.get_value.return_value = [0, 1, 2] context = Context() selected_device = context.gpu_device() self.assertEqual(selected_device, 0)
import os from galaxy_test.driver import integration_util THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) PANEL_VIEWS_DIR_1 = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "panel_views_1") class TestPanelViewsFromDirectoryIntegration(integration_util.IntegrationTestCase): framework_tool_and_types = True allow_tool_conf_override = False @classmethod def handle_galaxy_config_kwds(cls, config): super().handle_galaxy_config_kwds(config) config["panel_views_dir"] = PANEL_VIEWS_DIR_1 def test_section_copy(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="filter")) index_as_list = index.json() sections = [x for x in index_as_list if x["model_class"] == "ToolSection"] section_names = [s["name"] for s in sections] assert len(section_names) == 1 assert "For Tours" in section_names def test_custom_label_order(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="my-custom")) verify_my_custom(index) def test_filtering_sections_by_tool_id(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_2")) index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() sections = [x for x in index_as_list if x["model_class"] == "ToolSection"] assert len(sections) == 1 section = sections[0] tools = section["elems"] assert len(tools) == 3, len(tools) def test_filtering_sections_by_tool_id_regex(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_3")) verify_custom_regex_filtered(index) def METHOD_NAME(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_4")) index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() assert len(index_as_list) == 2 # Labels are filtered out... assert model_classes(index_as_list) == ["Tool", "Tool"] assert element_ids(index_as_list) == ["empty_list", "count_list"] def test_custom_section_def(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_6")) index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() assert len(index_as_list) == 1 assert model_classes(index_as_list) == ["ToolSection"] section = index_as_list[0] section_elems = section["elems"] assert len(section_elems) == 4, model_classes(section_elems) assert model_classes(section_elems) == ["ToolSectionLabel", "Tool", "ToolSectionLabel", "Tool"] assert element_ids(section_elems) == ["the-start", "empty_list", "the-middle", "count_list"] def test_section_embed(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_5")) verify_custom_embed(index) def test_section_embed_filtering(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_7")) index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() assert len(index_as_list) == 1 assert model_classes(index_as_list) == ["ToolSection"] section = index_as_list[0] section_elems = section["elems"] assert len(section_elems) == 5, model_classes(section_elems) assert model_classes(section_elems) == ["Tool", "Tool", "Tool", "ToolSectionLabel", "Tool"] elem_ids = element_ids(section_elems) assert elem_ids[0:3] == ["multi_data_optional", "paths_as_file", "param_text_option"] assert elem_ids[4] == "Filter1" def test_section_reference_by_name(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_8")) verify_custom_embed(index) def test_section_alias(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_9")) verify_custom_regex_filtered(index) def test_expand_section_aliases(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_10")) index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() assert len(index_as_list) == 2 assert model_classes(index_as_list) == ["ToolSection", "ToolSection"] def test_global_filters(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_11")) verify_custom_regex_filtered(index) def test_global_filters_on_integrated_panel(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True, view="custom_12")) index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() sections = [x for x in index_as_list if x["model_class"] == "ToolSection"] assert len(sections) == 2 section = sections[0] assert section["id"] == "test" tools = section["elems"] assert len(tools) == 2, len(tools) class TestPanelViewsFromConfigIntegration(integration_util.IntegrationTestCase): framework_tool_and_types = True @classmethod def handle_galaxy_config_kwds(cls, config): super().handle_galaxy_config_kwds(config) config["panel_views"] = [ { "id": "my-custom", "name": "My Custom", "type": "generic", "items": [ { "type": "label", "text": "The Start", }, { "type": "tool", "id": "empty_list", }, { "type": "label", "text": "The Middle", }, { "type": "tool", "id": "count_list", }, { "type": "label", "text": "The End", }, ], } ] config["default_panel_view"] = "my-custom" def test_custom_label_order(self): index = self.galaxy_interactor.get("tools", data=dict(in_panel=True)) verify_my_custom(index) def verify_my_custom(index): index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() sections = [x for x in index_as_list if x["model_class"] == "ToolSection"] assert len(sections) == 0 assert len(index_as_list) == 5 assert model_classes(index_as_list) == ["ToolSectionLabel", "Tool", "ToolSectionLabel", "Tool", "ToolSectionLabel"] def verify_custom_embed(index): # custom_5 / custom_8 index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() assert len(index_as_list) == 1 assert model_classes(index_as_list) == ["ToolSection"] section = index_as_list[0] assert section["name"] == "My New Section" assert section["id"] == "my-new-section" section_elems = section["elems"] assert len(section_elems) == 5, model_classes(section_elems) assert model_classes(section_elems) == ["Tool", "Tool", "Tool", "Tool", "Tool"] assert element_ids(section_elems) == [ "multi_data_optional", "paths_as_file", "param_text_option", "column_param", "Filter1", ] def verify_custom_regex_filtered(index): # custom_3 / custom_9 index.raise_for_status() index_as_list = index.json() sections = [x for x in index_as_list if x["model_class"] == "ToolSection"] assert len(sections) == 1 section = sections[0] tools = section["elems"] assert len(tools) == 2, len(tools) def element_ids(elements): return [x["id"] for x in elements] def model_classes(elements): return [x["model_class"] for x in elements]