[ [ "Choudhury", "Durga P.", "", "Physics Department, Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom\n AFB." ], [ "Willemsen", "Balam A.", "", "Physics Department, Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom\n AFB." ], [ "Derov", "John S.", "", "Physics Department, Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom\n AFB." ], [ "Sridhar", "S.", "", "Physics Department, Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom\n AFB." ] ]
Nonlinear Response of HTSC Thin Film Microwave Resonators in an Applied DC Magnetic Field
supr-con cond-mat.supr-con
The non-linear microwave surface impedance of patterned YBCO thin films, was measured using a suspended line resonator in the presence of a perpendicular DC magnetic field of magnitude comparable to that of the microwave field. Signature of the virgin state was found to be absent even for relatively low microwave power levels. The microwave loss was initially found to decrease for small applied DC field before increasing again. Also, non-linearities inherent in the sample were found to be substantially suppressed at low powers at these applied fields. These two features together can lead to significant improvement in device performance.
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 17:34:38 GMT
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 17:34:38 GMT
[ [ "Willemsen", "Balam A.", "", "Physics Department,\n Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom AFB" ], [ "Derov", "J. S.", "", "Physics Department,\n Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom AFB" ], [ "Sridhar", "S.", "", "Physics Department,\n Northeastern University and Rome Laboratory, Hanscom AFB" ] ]
Critical State Flux Penetration and Linear Microwave Vortex Response in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-x} Films
supr-con cond-mat.supr-con
The vortex contribution to the dc field (H) dependent microwave surface impedance Z_s = R_s+iX_s of YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-x} thin films was measured using suspended patterned resonators. Z_s(H) is shown to be a direct measure of the flux density B(H) enabling a very precise test of models of flux penetration. Three regimes of field-dependent behavior were observed: (1) Initial flux penetration occurs on very low field scales H_i(4.2K) 100Oe, (2) At moderate fields the flux penetration into the virgin state is in excellent agreement with calculations based upon the field-induced Bean critical state for thin film geometry, parametrized by a field scale H_s(4.2K) J_c*d 0.5T, (3) for very high fields H >>H_s, the flux density is uniform and the measurements enable direct determination of vortex parameters such as pinning force constants \alpha_p and vortex viscosity \eta. However hysteresis loops are in disagreement with the thin film Bean model, and instead are governed by the low field scale H_i, rather than by H_s. Geometric barriers are insufficient to account for the observed results.
Tue, 3 Sep 1996 14:08:26 GMT
Tue, 3 Sep 1996 14:08:26 GMT
[ [ "Hasegawa", "Yasumasa", "", "Himeji Institute of Technology" ] ]
Density of States and NMR Relaxation Rate in Anisotropic Superconductivity with Intersecting Line Nodes
supr-con cond-mat.supr-con
We show that the density of states in an anisotropic superconductor with intersecting line nodes in the gap function is proportional to $E log (\alpha \Delta_0 /E)$ for $|E| << \Delta_0$, where $\Delta_0$ is the maximum value of the gap function and $\alpha$ is constant, while it is proportional to $E$ if the line nodes do not intersect. As a result, a logarithmic correction appears in the temperature dependence of the NMR relaxation rate and the specific heat, which can be observed experimentally. By comparing with those for the heavy fermion superconductors, we can obtain information about the symmetry of the gap function.
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 07:57:29 GMT
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 07:57:29 GMT
[ [ "Enomoto", "Naoki", "", "Okayama Univ." ], [ "Ichioka", "Masanori", "", "Okayama Univ." ], [ "Machida", "Kazushige", "", "Okayama Univ." ] ]
Ginzburg Landau theory for d-wave pairing and fourfold symmetric vortex core structure
supr-con cond-mat.supr-con
The Ginzburg Landau theory for d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductors is constructed, by starting from the Gor'kov equation with including correction terms up to the next order of ln(T_c/T). Some of the non-local correction terms are found to break the cylindrical symmetry and lead to the fourfold symmetric core structure, reflecting the internal degree of freedom in the pair potential. Using this extended Ginzburg Landau theory, we investigate the fourfold symmetric structure of the pair potential, current and magnetic field around an isolated single vortex, and clarify concretely how the vortex core structure deviates from the cylindrical symmetry in the d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductors.
Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:17:09 GMT
Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:17:09 GMT