28 values
5 values
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`
2023-11-23 02:24:01+00:00
2023-11-23 21:53:52+00:00
Apply `backend.result_type` to `ones_like`, `outer`, `pad`, `prod`, `ravel`, `repeat`, `reshape`, `roll`, `round`, `sign`, `sort`, `split`, `square`, `squeeze`, `stack`, `std`, `swapaxes` and `zeros_like`. The dtype inference is complicated for `ops.power` so I left it as a todo item. I might finish all ops for consistent dtype inference in 1 or 2 PR. Currently, the status of ops applied `backend.result_type` is as follows (A-S): <details> - [x] abs - [x] absolute - [x] add - [x] all - [x] amax - [x] amin - [x] append - [x] arange - [x] arccos - [x] arccosh - [x] arcsin - [x] arcsinh - [x] arctan - [x] arctan2 - [x] arctanh - [x] argmax - [x] argmin - [x] argsort - [x] array - [x] average - [x] bincount - [x] broadcast_to - [x] ceil - [x] clip - [x] concatenate - [ ] conj (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] conjugate (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [x] copy - [x] cos - [x] cosh - [x] count_nonzero - [x] cross - [ ] cumprod (left for #18734 #18813) - [ ] cumsum (left for #18734 #18813) - [x] diag - [x] diagonal - [x] diff - [x] digitize - [x] divide - [x] dot - [x] einsum - [x] empty - [x] equal - [x] exp - [x] expand_dims - [x] expm1 - [x] eye - [x] flip - [x] floor - [x] full - [x] full_like - [x] greater - [x] greater_equal - [x] hstack - [x] identity - [ ] imag (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] interp (Keras lacks this op) - [x] isclose - [x] isfinite - [x] isinf - [x] isnan - [x] less - [x] less_equal - [x] linspace - [x] log - [x] log10 - [x] log1p - [x] log2 - [x] logaddexp - [x] logical_and - [x] logical_not - [x] logical_or - [x] logspace - [x] matmul - [x] max - [x] maximum - [x] mean - [x] median - [x] meshgrid - [ ] mgrid (Keras lacks this op) - [x] min - [x] minimum - [x] mod - [x] moveaxis - [x] multiply - [x] nan_to_num - [ ] ndim - [ ] nonzero (TODO item) - [x] not_equal - [x] ones - [x] ones_like - [x] outer - [x] pad - [ ] percentile (Keras lacks this op) - [ ] power (TODO item) - [x] prod - [x] quantile - [x] ravel - [ ] real (Keras does not directly support complex data) - [ ] reciprocal (Keras lacks this op) - [x] repeat - [x] reshape - [x] roll - [x] round - [x] sign - [x] sin - [x] sinh - [ ] size - [x] sort - [x] split - [x] sqrt - [x] square - [x] squeeze - [x] stack - [x] std - [x] subtract - [x] sum - [x] swapaxes - [ ] take - [ ] take_along_axis - [x] tan - [x] tanh - [ ] tensordot - [ ] tile - [ ] trace - [ ] transpose - [x] tri - [ ] tril - [ ] triu - [ ] true_divide - [ ] vdot - [ ] vstack - [ ] where - [x] zeros - [x] zeros_like </details>
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.
Added constant_values support to pad
2023-11-23 01:24:08+00:00
2023-11-24 18:00:28+00:00
Added constant_values support to pad. Added `constant_values` kwarg to `ops.pad`. This argument is ignored if `mode != 'constant'`, which is different to `numpy` which raises.