Where id LIKE "%70%"
14. List the last names of all customers in an alphabetical oder.
Select distinct LastName
From customers
Order by LastName
Return the ordered list of all good ids.
Select distinct id
From goods
Order by id
15. Find all receipts in which either apple flavor pie was bought or customer id 12 shopped.
Select T1.receipt
From items as T1 JOIN goods as T2 ON T1.item = T2.id
where T2.flavor = "Apple" and T2.food = "Pie"
Select ReceiptNumber
From receipts
where CustomerId = 12
Find all receipts which has the latest date. Also tell me that date.
Select ReceiptNumber, date
From receipts
where date = (Select date From receipts Order by date Desc LIMIT 1)
Find all receipts which either has the earliest date or has a good with price above 10.
Select T1.Receipt
From items as T1 JOIN goods as T2 ON T1.item = T2.id
where T2.price > 10
Select ReceiptNumber
From receipts
where date = (Select date From receipts Order by date LIMIT 1)
16. What are the ids of Cookie and Cake that cost between 3 and 7 dollars.
Select id
From goods
where (food = "Cookie" or food = "Cake") and price between 3 and 7
Find the first name and last name of a customer who visited on the earliest date.
Select T1.FirstName, T1.LastName
From customers as T1 JOIN receipts as T2 ON T1.id = T2.CustomerId
Order by T2.date
17. What is average price of goods whose flavor is blackberry or blueberry?
Select avg(price)
From goods
where flavor = "Blackberry" or flavor = "Blueberry"
Return the cheapest price for goods with cheese flavor.
Select min(price)
From goods
where flavor = "Cheese"
18. What are highest, lowest, and average prices of goods, grouped and ordered by flavor?
Select max(price), min(price), avg(price), flavor
From goods
group by flavor
order by flavor
Return the lowest and highest prices of goods grouped and ordered by food type.
Select min(price), max(price), food
From goods
group by food
order by food
19. Find the top three dates when the most goods were sold.
Select date
From receipts
Group by date
Order by count(*)
Which customer shopped most often? How many times?