Markdown code
Insert a histogram to Add Population against Country
Create a horizontal histogram to Display Population against Country
Show the distribution of Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a histogram
Insert a histogram titled 'Population and GDP Distribution' to Create the distribution of Population and GDP against Country
<|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x[1]=POPULATION|x[2]=GDP|title=Population and GDP Distribution|>
Create a horizontal distribution titled 'Population and GDP Distribution' to Present Population and GDP against Country
<|{data}|chart|type=histogram|y[1]=POPULATION|y[2]=GDP|title=Population and GDP Distribution|>
Add a pie chart to Create Population against Country
Create a pie chart titled 'Population Pie Chart' to Create Population against Country
<|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=POPULATION|labels=Country|title=Population Pie Chart|>
Insert a pie chart to Create GDP against Country
Display a pie chart of Sales against Region titled 'Sales Pie Chart'
<|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=SALES|labels=Region|title=Sales Pie Chart|>
Create a pie chart of Profit against Region
Visualize Productivity against Employee in a line chart
Create Productivity against Employee in a line chart titled 'Employee Productivity Trend'
<|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|title=Employee Productivity Trend|>
Create Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee
Create Productivity against Employee with a Dashed line
Present Satisfaction by Employee on a Dotted line
Plot Productivity against Employee in Blue
Exhibit Satisfaction against Employee in Green
Show Satisfaction against Employee in Green titled 'Satisfaction Overview'
<|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|color=Green|title=Satisfaction Overview|>
Display Productivity in Red and Satisfaction in Yellow against Employee
Visualize Satisfaction by Employee in a Red dashed line and Productivity in a Yellow Dotted line
Highlight Employee according to Productivity
Create in a bar chart the Productivity against Employee
Create in a bar chart the Productivity against Employee and Satisfaction against Employee
Create Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a bar chart
Create in a bar chart the Productivity against Employee and Satisfaction against Employee titled 'Work Overview'
<|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|title=Work Overview|>
Create in a scatter plot Productivity against Employee
Create Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a scatter plot
Plot Satisfaction in Green points and Productivity in Yellow points against Employee
Display a histogram of Productivity against Employee
Create a horizontal histogram of Productivity against Employee
Create the distribution of Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee
Create the distribution of Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee titled 'Productivity and Satisfaction Distribution'
<|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|x[2]=GDP|title=Productivity and Satisfaction Distribution|>
Present a horizontal distribution of Population and GDP against Country titled 'Population and GDP Distribution'
<|{data}|chart|type=histogram|y[1]=POPULATION|y[2]=GDP|title=Population and GDP Distribution|>
Create a pie chart of Population against Country
Create a pie chart of Population against Country titled 'Population Pie Chart'
<|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=POPULATION|labels=Country|title=Population Pie Chart|>
Create a pie chart of GDP against Country
Basic scenario DAG display.
Scenario DAG without rendering.
Scenario DAG without toolbar.
Scenario DAG with custom height.
Scenario DAG with custom width.
Scenario DAG with custom ID.
Scenario DAG with custom class.
Scenario DAG for a specific scenario.
Scenario DAG in a part.
<| <|scenario_dag|> |>
Scenario DAG in a layout cell.
<|layout| <|scenario_dag|> |>
Scenario DAG with dynamic scenario binding.
Scenario DAG with visible toolbar.
Scenario DAG with full width.
Scenario DAG with half-screen height.
Scenario DAG showing specific scenario.
Scenario DAG with active rendering.
Scenario DAG with expandable viewer.
<|Title|expandable| <|scenario_dag|> |>
Scenario DAG with reduced height.
Scenario DAG with reduced width.
Scenario DAG with full-screen height.
Scenario DAG inside a scenario.
<|scenario| <|scenario_dag|> |>
Scenario DAG with large toolbar.
<|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='font-size: large;'|>
Scenario DAG with small toolbar.
<|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='font-size: small;'|>
Scenario DAG with dynamic height.
Scenario DAG with dynamic width.
Scenario DAG with dynamic scenario and height.
Scenario DAG with custom style.
<|scenario_dag|style='border: 1px solid black;'|>
Scenario DAG with full control dimensions.
Scenario DAG with zoom control.
<|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='zoom: 80%;'|>
Scenario DAG with custom toolbar style.
<|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='toolbar-background: gray;'|>
Basic data node viewer.
Inactive data node component.
Non-expandable data node viewer.
Initially collapsed data node viewer.
Data node viewer without configuration label.
Data node viewer without owner label.
Data node viewer hiding edition date.
Data node viewer hiding expiration date.
Data node viewer without properties.
Data node viewer without history.
Data node viewer without data value.
Data node viewer with custom height.
Data node viewer with custom width.
Data node viewer with custom ID.
Data node viewer with custom class.
Data node viewer for a specific data node.
Data node viewer in a part.
<| <|data_node|> |>
Data node viewer in a layout cell.
<|layout| <|data_node|> |>
Data node viewer with dynamic data node binding.
Data node viewer with visible owner label.
Data node viewer showing configuration label.
Data node viewer showing edit date.
Data node viewer showing expiration date.
Data node viewer showing properties.
Data node viewer showing history.
Data node viewer showing data value.
Data node viewer with active rendering.
Data node viewer with expandable content.
Data node viewer with expanded content.
Data node viewer with chart configuration.
Basic data node selector.
Data node selector without cycles.
Data node selector without primary flag.
Data node selector with custom height.