stringlengths 10
| Markdown code
stringlengths 5
Insert a histogram to Add Population against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x=POPULATION|> |
Create a horizontal histogram to Display Population against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x=POPULATION|> |
Show the distribution of Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a histogram | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|x[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Insert a histogram titled 'Population and GDP Distribution' to Create the distribution of Population and GDP against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x[1]=POPULATION|x[2]=GDP|title=Population and GDP Distribution|> |
Create a horizontal distribution titled 'Population and GDP Distribution' to Present Population and GDP against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|y[1]=POPULATION|y[2]=GDP|title=Population and GDP Distribution|> |
Add a pie chart to Create Population against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=POPULATION|labels=Country|> |
Create a pie chart titled 'Population Pie Chart' to Create Population against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=POPULATION|labels=Country|title=Population Pie Chart|> |
Insert a pie chart to Create GDP against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=GDP|labels=Country|> |
Display a pie chart of Sales against Region titled 'Sales Pie Chart' | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=SALES|labels=Region|title=Sales Pie Chart|> |
Create a pie chart of Profit against Region | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=PROFIT|labels=Region|> |
Visualize Productivity against Employee in a line chart | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create Productivity against Employee in a line chart titled 'Employee Productivity Trend' | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|title=Employee Productivity Trend|> |
Create Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Create Productivity against Employee with a Dashed line | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|line=dash|> |
Present Satisfaction by Employee on a Dotted line | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|line=dot|> |
Plot Productivity against Employee in Blue | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|color=Blue|> |
Exhibit Satisfaction against Employee in Green | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|color=Green|> |
Show Satisfaction against Employee in Green titled 'Satisfaction Overview' | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|color=Green|title=Satisfaction Overview|> |
Display Productivity in Red and Satisfaction in Yellow against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|color[1]=Red|color[2]=Yellow|> |
Visualize Satisfaction by Employee in a Red dashed line and Productivity in a Yellow Dotted line | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=SATISFACTION|y[2]=PRODUCTIVITY|line[1]=dash|line[2]=dot|color[1]=Red|color[2]=Yellow|> |
Highlight Employee according to Productivity | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create in a bar chart the Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create in a bar chart the Productivity against Employee and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Create Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a bar chart | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Create in a bar chart the Productivity against Employee and Satisfaction against Employee titled 'Work Overview' | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|title=Work Overview|> |
Create in a scatter plot Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=scatter|mode=markers|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a scatter plot | <|{data}|chart|type=scatter|mode=markers|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Plot Satisfaction in Green points and Productivity in Yellow points against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=scatter|mode=markers|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=SATISFACTION|y[2]=PRODUCTIVITY|color[1]=Green|color[2]=Yellow|> |
Display a histogram of Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create a horizontal histogram of Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create the distribution of Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|x[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Create the distribution of Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee titled 'Productivity and Satisfaction Distribution' | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|x[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|x[2]=GDP|title=Productivity and Satisfaction Distribution|> |
Present a horizontal distribution of Population and GDP against Country titled 'Population and GDP Distribution' | <|{data}|chart|type=histogram|y[1]=POPULATION|y[2]=GDP|title=Population and GDP Distribution|> |
Create a pie chart of Population against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=POPULATION|labels=Country|> |
Create a pie chart of Population against Country titled 'Population Pie Chart' | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=POPULATION|labels=Country|title=Population Pie Chart|> |
Create a pie chart of GDP against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=GDP|labels=Country|> |
Basic scenario DAG display. | <|scenario_dag|> |
Scenario DAG without rendering. | <|scenario_dag|render=False|> |
Scenario DAG without toolbar. | <|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=False|> |
Scenario DAG with custom height. | <|scenario_dag|height='100vh'|> |
Scenario DAG with custom width. | <|scenario_dag|width='80%'|> |
Scenario DAG with custom ID. | <|scenario_dag|id=my_dag|> |
Scenario DAG with custom class. | <|scenario_dag|class_name='my_class'|> |
Scenario DAG for a specific scenario. | <|scenario_dag|scenario={scenario_instance}|> |
Scenario DAG in a part. | <|
|> |
Scenario DAG in a layout cell. | <|layout|
|> |
Scenario DAG with dynamic scenario binding. | <|scenario_dag|scenario={dynamic_scenario}|> |
Scenario DAG with visible toolbar. | <|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|> |
Scenario DAG with full width. | <|scenario_dag|width='100%'|> |
Scenario DAG with half-screen height. | <|scenario_dag|height='50vh'|> |
Scenario DAG showing specific scenario. | <|scenario_dag|scenario={specific_scenario}|> |
Scenario DAG with active rendering. | <|scenario_dag|render=True|> |
Scenario DAG with expandable viewer. | <|Title|expandable|
|> |
Scenario DAG with reduced height. | <|scenario_dag|height='30vh'|> |
Scenario DAG with reduced width. | <|scenario_dag|width='50%'|> |
Scenario DAG with full-screen height. | <|scenario_dag|height='100vh'|> |
Scenario DAG inside a scenario. | <|scenario|
|> |
Scenario DAG with large toolbar. | <|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='font-size: large;'|> |
Scenario DAG with small toolbar. | <|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='font-size: small;'|> |
Scenario DAG with dynamic height. | <|scenario_dag|height={dynamic_height}|> |
Scenario DAG with dynamic width. | <|scenario_dag|width={dynamic_width}|> |
Scenario DAG with dynamic scenario and height. | <|scenario_dag|scenario={dynamic_scenario}|height={dynamic_height}|> |
Scenario DAG with custom style. | <|scenario_dag|style='border: 1px solid black;'|> |
Scenario DAG with full control dimensions. | <|scenario_dag|height='100vh'|width='100%'|> |
Scenario DAG with zoom control. | <|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='zoom: 80%;'|> |
Scenario DAG with custom toolbar style. | <|scenario_dag|show_toolbar=True|style='toolbar-background: gray;'|> |
Basic data node viewer. | <|data_node|> |
Inactive data node component. | <|data_node|active=False|> |
Non-expandable data node viewer. | <|data_node|expandable=False|> |
Initially collapsed data node viewer. | <|data_node|expanded=False|> |
Data node viewer without configuration label. | <|data_node|show_config=False|> |
Data node viewer without owner label. | <|data_node|show_owner=False|> |
Data node viewer hiding edition date. | <|data_node|show_edit_date=False|> |
Data node viewer hiding expiration date. | <|data_node|show_expiration_date=False|> |
Data node viewer without properties. | <|data_node|show_properties=False|> |
Data node viewer without history. | <|data_node|show_history=False|> |
Data node viewer without data value. | <|data_node|show_data=False|> |
Data node viewer with custom height. | <|data_node|height='100vh'|> |
Data node viewer with custom width. | <|data_node|width='80%'|> |
Data node viewer with custom ID. | <|data_node|id=my_viewer|> |
Data node viewer with custom class. | <|data_node|class_name='my_class'|> |
Data node viewer for a specific data node. | <|data_node|data_node={data_node_instance}|> |
Data node viewer in a part. | <|
|> |
Data node viewer in a layout cell. | <|layout|
|> |
Data node viewer with dynamic data node binding. | <|data_node|data_node={dynamic_data_node}|> |
Data node viewer with visible owner label. | <|data_node|show_owner=True|> |
Data node viewer showing configuration label. | <|data_node|show_config=True|> |
Data node viewer showing edit date. | <|data_node|show_edit_date=True|> |
Data node viewer showing expiration date. | <|data_node|show_expiration_date=True|> |
Data node viewer showing properties. | <|data_node|show_properties=True|> |
Data node viewer showing history. | <|data_node|show_history=True|> |
Data node viewer showing data value. | <|data_node|show_data=True|> |
Data node viewer with active rendering. | <|data_node|render=True|> |
Data node viewer with expandable content. | <|data_node|expandable=True|> |
Data node viewer with expanded content. | <|data_node|expanded=True|> |
Data node viewer with chart configuration. | <|data_node|chart_config={config}|> |
Basic data node selector. | <|data_node_selector|> |
Data node selector without cycles. | <|data_node_selector|display_cycles=False|> |
Data node selector without primary flag. | <|data_node_selector|show_primary_flag=False|> |
Data node selector with custom height. | <|data_node_selector|height='100vh'|> |