code of conduct
codecision procedure
codification of community law
cohesion fund
cold store
collective agreement
collective dismissal
combined nomenclature
combined transport
combustion gases
commercial bank
commercial law
commercial transaction
commercial vehicle
commission agent
commission delegation
commitment of expenditure
committee of inquiry
committee of the regions
committee report
commodities exchange
commodity agreement
common agricultural policy
common commercial policy
common customs tariff
common defence policy
common fisheries policy
common fund
common market
common organisation of markets
common ports policy
common price policy
common tariff policy
common transport policy
common wheat
communications industry
communications policy
communications systems
communications tariff
community acquis
community act
community action
community agricultural market
community aid
community body
community body (established by the treaties)
community borrowing
community budget
community certification
community competence
community control
community customs procedure
community decision
community directive
community employment policy
community environmental policy
community expenditure
community export
community financial instrument
community financing
community financing arrangements
community import
community industrial policy
community initiative
community investment
community law
community law - national law
community legal system
community legislative programme
community loan
community market
community migration
community migration policy
community national
community of madrid
community of valencia
community plant variety office
community policy
community production
community programme
community publication
community recommendation
community regional policy
community research policy
community resolution
community sanction
community social dialogue
community sponsorship
community statistics
community stock
community support framework
community tax
community trademark office