If schools offered online classes regularly to students, I believe many students scores will begin to jump off the charts. I have friends and family who have taken online classes, they all scored well and loved completing assignments in their beds. Some students may like going to in school classes, but this is not the case fore everyone. Students would love to do a project at home in their pajamas, it's a lot more relaxing. Although some may disagree, attending class from home could truly be beneficial. As a student, if you were to attend class from home, this could be helpful in many ways. If you were completing your work in your living room, you would be learning in your own environment. For example, every class has one kid that is very loud. Loud learning environments can make it hard to focus; furthermore, can cause test scores to decrease. Also, if you have class and you are sitting right next to your best friend, you're not going to get much work done. While attempting to work with friends, you may begin to joke around and slack off. So, being at home can help you focus on completing your task individually. In some cases, a few students need to learn at their own pace. If a teacher is speeding through the lesson plan, it can be very hard to comprehend the information. Sometimes students need to go over it a few times to fully understand the lesson. Although, if the lesson was online, you could go over it as many times as you need to. Sometimes, students learn better individually. They possibly could learn better while working without teachers, parents, or friends. If a student was having trouble making friends at school, it wouldnt be right to force him or her to work with a group of unfamiliar faces. Also, students could like to challenge there selves by not getting any help. When they complete the task individually , the students could feel as if they accomplished something. Which may give them a boost of confidence while working. There are a few more ways on how attending online classes can be beneficial. It can be a hassle trying to complete a project within a span of a hour and a half. Being able to work on your project throughout different times of the day will be more relaxing and give your brain a break. Sometimes, in school having a lot of work to complete in a short time period can just be tiring and hard on students. While completing assignments sometimes your teacher does not explain it in the best ways. Taking classes online will make you available to receive help from multiple sources. For example, my mother has two degrees in math. So, if there is a new concept that i don't understand, she would be the best person to explain it to me. Also, my grandma taught biology for over 30 years, so she also could share her knowledge with me to help me understand. One of the most important reasons, it is tough to learn on a empty stomach. Certain classes in schools will not let you eat , like a science lab or computer lab. It's very tough to focus on a test if you have not eaten since breakfast and you have the last lunch of the day. During the test, you are only thinking about what you have packed for lunch. Taking online classes can fix this, you can eat all day whenever and wherever you would like. Although some may disagree, attending class from home could truly be more beneficial. Online classes could improve scores by students being allowed to learn in their own environment, learn at there own pace, learn individually, complete work at different times throughout the day, have different sources of help,and being able to eat while learning. Students may like attending in school classes, but online classes would be a lot better. Overall, letting the students choose they way they want to learn will be the key to success, so online classes should be offered for any student who would like to request it.
Decreasing car usage would serve as a benefit to our communities and environment. Many countries are already being influenced by the new trend. As proven that without cars we could provide ourselves with cleaner air, physically healthier bodies and a more pleasant social atmosphere. With the purchase of a car comes the consequences to our only environment. In "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", it is shown that "Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50% in some carintensive areas in the United States". If we started to limit car usage these numbers could drop giving us cleaner air to breathe and a longer lasting environment. Some heavily populated cities such as Beijing, China are so polluted that there is a smog covering the entire city. The thick, grey cloud over Beijing is caused primarily by the greenhouse gas emissions from cars and various other pollution sources. Not only is Beijing to be held accountable but also cities in Europe such as Paris. From source 2, "Paris bans driving due to smog", it is said that "Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals", because of the over usage of diesel fuel vehicles Paris had to put a hault to motorists for a few days. If Parisians were not complient with the ban they were fined with 22. Giving up your vehicle for a day or two may seem like an impossible task but if you were not to have it there would be health benefits. We created the car for a reason, to get places quicker, safer, and more efficiently. Now that we successfully done that and have been doing it for quite some time, we have become much too dependent on them. I'm not saying to completely give up the usage of our beloved vehicles but just become more aware of when and where to we use them. If people used their cars a little less and started walking places, biking, skateboarding, etc. we would have a much healthier community. People wouldn't be so lazy or unfit and it would create a more sociable community. Limiting car usage would enhance the idea of being social with your friends, family, a neighbor, or anybody for that matter. You could see more people walking down the street as opposed to being inside a car with a limited number of people. It would break down barriers of being afraid if you are walking alone, instead you'd have plenty of around who are mostly aware of their environment. Car usage should be decreased a bit more than it is now for a better community and environment. We only have one planet and we should do as much as possible to try and keep it as clean as possible for as long as possible.
Most students, strongly dislike summer assignments, because when school is over we want to relax and enjoy our time off. But, what we don't realize is that these summer projects can be very helpful in the future. Once we go back to school, and as we get older and closer to graduate we try taking difficult and more advanced classes to bump our gpa. To be in these classes, most of the time, teachers assign summer assignments to give the students an idea of how the class is going to be and the certain skills you need to maintain to be in that class. I believe that these projects should be teacher-designed because the teachers already know what the standards are in that class, and what objectives you need to be familiar with before coming into that class. Also, if a student were to design the summer projects, they might make it easy for their fellow peers and not work at their full potential. I believe that teachers should design the summer projects because they know what can benefit you as a student and want to see you succeed as much as possible. One reason why I think teachers should design the summer projects is that the teachers already learned the subjects they are teaching. So, they could create a summer project that could help the students understand the material the teachers struggled with learning when they were once students. Another reason why I think the summer projects should be teacher designed, is because the teachers probably have taught the class before and know what topics you need to be familiar with when you arrive to that class. Also, the teachers have had experiences with students in the past and know what skills and work ethic you need to succeed in that class. In my opinion I think that students required to complete the summer projects would be better off if it were designed by a teacher. If the summer projects were designed by the students I feel like the students wouldn't make it as challenging as the teachers would. I feel like the students wouldn't work to their full potential since they know the teacher didn't design the project. As a student, I think that sometimes we try to find an easy way out to complete an assignment and I think that the students would make the project not as challenging and in the future that could affect how we would do in the class and the easy project would reflect on our grade if we dont know the full material. Also I think that the students might not know the criteria as well as the teachers do, to assign a project on it. Overall, I think that the teachers should be the ones to design the summer projects because they have the experience and the students could ask them questions if they need to involving the project. The students would defiantly benefit from the teachers designing the project because it would give them an idea on how the class would be like in the next school year and would prepare them to strive in their classes. On the other hand, if the students were to design the summer projects they wouldn't know what topics to include, unlike the teachers that have had experiences with other kids completing their assignments in the past. In conclusion, I think that the students would be better off if the projects were teacher-designed.
Dear, TEACHER_NAME I think cell phones should not be allowed in school for the following reasons. I think students would use them to text answers to a test for people about to take it. I also think that people would try to steal peoples cell phones because they have one that is better than theirs. Finally it could lead people to send threatening texts to people they don't like. Now to explain my reasoning. Texting answers to a test would result people not learning any thing their teacher is telling them. I heard when texting first came out the FCAT was the same for everyone in the room so people could text the answers around the room and no one tries. Say some one had a Spanish test right before lunch and some one had it after lunch they could text the answers to the person and use their phone to get a good grade. That is why phones lead to cheating. People steal each others phones because they want the latest and greatest. The turtling of someone's back pack could lead to people looking through their stuff finding a phone and taking it. At gym someone comes in late and goes to dress out and searches through backpack and steals anything of interest like phones. That is how phone can be stolen and why shouldn't be aloud on campus. Bullying can be used to scare people over phones. I have seen people get beat up over texting stuff to people. Bullying over the phone can lead to fights and disputes between people. Bullying can also lead to people having really low self-as team. That is why phones can lead to bullying. I have just explained how phones can lead to problems in school. Like how people can cheat on important tests. How people steal each others phones to be cool. Also how it can lead to people fighting and bullying. Now think clearly about what I just said make the right choice. Think about it, STUDENT_NAME
Dear TEACHER_NAME, In my opinion, I believe you should require all students to preform community services at SCHOOL_NAME. I believe this for many reasons. The first reason being is that there are hundreds of kids at our school, and if each person does one community service , that doesn't even have to be big, think of how that could all add up! We could be changing the community one step at a time. When I say the service doesn't have to be big, I mean the smallest things such as throwing a couple of plastic bottles in a recycling bin or picking up some litter you see on the side of the street or in you neighborhood. My second reason being is there are some elderly people in Austintown that could use some help with simple everyday things, such as getting their mail or shoveling their driveway. Just doing those little things for a neighbor or friend could leave a great impression on Austintown children. But adults aren't the only ones that need help. There are elementary school children that struggle in school, such as math or any subject at all. As sixth, seventh, and eighth graders we should be good role models and help them with their weaknesses. We could tutor them after school for an hour making sure we get progress done. I understand that some students have after school activities, such as a sport event, so they would not be required to tutor. But it would be mandatory for them to do some type of service, such as picking up litter everyday. When all of these community services add up, we will be influences for Canfield and Boardman and other cities and they will do the same. When we come together like this, we can make a difference. Some students that disagree with this may thing the community is no big deal, but it is much more bigger than they think. Remember, a clean community is a happy community and when we all come together we can make a difference. Thank you for reading my letter and I hope you take it into consideration. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
A study found that 87% of students that participate in extracurricular activities become more involved at school. Extracurricular activities are fun you once you let yourself try something new. Most kids judge something before trying it, but if they try it might be worth it. Most people that do extracurricular have a happier time in school because of its positive effects. I agree that all students must participate in at least one extracurricular activity because students can make new friends, become more productive, and finding a passion for something new. One reason, I agree that all students should participate in at least one extracurricular activity because you can make new friends. When I was kindergarten there was a healthy kids club and I was a shy kid at the time. So my parents thought it would be the best for me to join the club. I was very against but still went to the club. My neighbor joined the club too, so we could be together at least. When my neighbor and I came to the first healthy kids club meeting, and we were separated into different groups. A teacher called my name to leave the room with a bunch of kids in my grade that I didn't know. After we got into the room people started talking and making new friends. This one girl named Generic_Name came up to me, and we started talking. After becoming friends with her, the club wasn't that bad. Generic_Name and I started to sit by each other at lunch, and played together at recesses. We are still friends together to this very day. Another example is when my neighbor started to learn baseball. As he grew up no one else in the neighborhood knew how to play baseball. He always wished he had someone to play with. Once he got into middle school he heard they were having tryouts for the baseball team. So he decided to try out for the baseball team. He made the team. He started having more friends come over to his house. Furthermore, he even made friends in higher grades then him. Furthermore, he would always being playing baseball or out having fun with his new friends. I could tell he became a happier person, and that he has now found people he can relate to and overall have fun with too. So this is why I agree that all students should participate in at least one extracurricular activities because you can make new friends. Furthermore, I agree that all students should participate in at least one extracurricular activities because students become more productive. My cousin she decided to join volleyball team her freshman year. She thought it would be fun to join. She started to focus too much on volleyball. Her grades started slipping, and she was told she couldn't play any volleyball games till her grades were up. She had to stay up late nights to complete extra work that would raise her grades. She thought to herself, if she went back to the volleyball team she would have to find a balance to make sure volleyball doesn't take over her whole life. Furthermore, she got her grades back on track, and she was allowed to play in games again. Furthermore, she started getting used to her new schedule to balance volleyball, and school. My next example is when my uncle was in high school, he joined an after school club for mechanics. My uncle wasn't a very good child growing up. He was always skipping classes, and never show up to class. Soon he joined a mechanics club with his friends. He instantly fell in love with it. He started showing up for school, and teachers started to see him be more productive. Furthermore, he so after choose his job as a mechanic, and he started to save money to have his own mechanic shop. Furthermore, he soon went to college to learn more about mechanics. Furthermore, he started working in a mechanic shop to learn the experiences of working and owning a shop. Furthermore, he then started his own successful company. Without extracurricular to change his attitude about school, he wouldn't be where he is today. These are a few reasons why I agree that all students should participate in at least one extracurricular activities because students become more productive. Therefore, I agree that all students should participate in at least one extracurricular activities because students can find a passion for something new. When I first joined band I didn't know what instrument I would be playing. I started to play the saxophone and became good at it. Once I started to show my teacher, he offered to put me in honor band and that I would need to stay after school to join it. I started to get new songs for honor band that challenged me. I knew when I grew up I wanted to play saxophone. Furthermore, I'm in middle school and I couldn't get into band this year due to my honor classes. This year I have missed playing the saxophone because it's my passion. I have decided next year to do less honor classes to see if I can get back into band and get to do my passion again. My second example is about my closest cousin. She joined her after school baking classes. She started baking cakes for family events and special occasions. Furthermore, she finally found out when she was older she wanted to become a baker. Furthermore, she is now working in at a bakery nearby my house. Furthermore, she is always baking and learning new techniques to improve her baking skills. This year she will be graduating from high school early and going to culinary school. She never knew what her passion was going to be and without extracurricular she would have never known. These are my reasons why I agree that all students should participate in at least one extracurricular activities because students can find a passion for something new. Students making new friends, people become more productive, and find a passion for something new are reasons why I agree that students must participate in at least one extracurricular activities. Without trying extracurricular people might never know the importance of trying something new. Overall this is why I believe extracurricular can change your life.
There are many different things that you could do to help out the ecosystem, and reducing your car use is certainly one of them. A study conducted in Europe shows that 12% of greenhouse gas emissions are the result of passenger car overuse. But of course as humans we are bound to resist and not give up things that make our lives easier. Yet there are many alternatives to not driving a car, for example car pool, have family members pick you up, buses, trains, taxis, bikes, etc. As you can see is not a matter of lack of alternatives but a lack of interest in helping out nature and everything that it helps support. A very important way in which car usage affects our lives is pollution, many places around the world are trying to impose taxes and fines in order to keep people from overrelying on their cars. "After days of nearrecord pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city", things like this are quite obviously why the ecosystem is not at it's worst yet. One of the most polluted cities in the world Beijing competition for Paris until law enforcers stepped in to resolve the issue. Another city fighting pollution caused by car use is Bogota, who has once again banned it's over 7.2 million population from using their cars on the "Day Without Cars" event. The Day Without Cars is an event that if not followed could be penalize citizens most likely monetary fines of around 25 dollars, although some were even arrested for not complying with this method. Described by Andrew Selsky as a "program set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during this car free day". Not only is this helping out the rest of the world is bringing people closer as more people go to parks, sport centers and spend time together. With more bans and restrictions on car usage of course the car usage is destined to decrease but although it might sound terrible it could actually lead to healthier lives. With less cars on the road the air you are breathing will be more pure and healthy and less polluted. More people will have to walk which will decrease heart problems, obesity and other diseases all over the world. If people don't buy cars then companies like Ford, Toyota, Honda and more will make less money and some might run out of business but that will not happen since most people are not ready to make a commitment such as giving up your car. But if cars are not being purchased then they will stop being produced which can lead to a better economy since the government won't be spending billions on gas, diesel and such. Apparently the amount of miles driven by a person yearly has decreased over the last couple of years which has led sociologists to believe that if this pattern persists it will have many beneficial implications for the environment, even though it could have negative implications for car industries as i stated before. Car usage will decrease since people are driving less and less every year and young people are buying less cars according to a study in 2013 that found that "driving by young people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009". Even though many experts can't be sure yet, the drop in sales and decrease in usage has led many to believe that the U.S. has already peaked in miles driven and possibly car sales. There is no accurate way of predicting whether this will bring completely positive or completely negative consequences. President Obama's ambitious goals to change the greenhouse gas emissions has proven to shift or change the way people act as recent studies show that "Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by".
There are many things that the world can benefit from by having driverless and smart cars. Deaths caused by car accidents, reckless, and drunk drivers would not be as high as they are now if we had driverless and smart cars. The amount of gas usage would not be as high as it is, becuase most people would not even need it. People would not have the stress of worrying about crashing into others cars or things. A car being a smart car, knowing when things are getting dangerous, and knowing not to crash into things would be also very beneficial for beginners and drivers who are paranoid about driving. Driverless and smart cars could really change the way the world works when it comes to cars. I think driverless cars would be safer for the world. When people die by car it is usually because of the reckless and drunk drivers behind the wheel. Now sometimes you can not control the way a person drives and also acccidents happen. With smart and driverless cars you have less things to worry about when it comes to things like accidents. I feel as if driverless cars would really help contribute to the stopping of all the unnecessary deaths cause by reckless and drunk drivers. In 2013 BMW developed a car that was called a " Traffic Jam Assistant ". That car could handle functions at speeds up to 25 mph. It could accelerate, steer, and brake for itself. Even though the car did all of those things, it still notified the person behing the wheel when they needed to pay attention to the road ahead. I feel as if a car that is able to do that is wonderful and very beneficial to drivers and pedestrians. Being that people have already started developing these types of cars, I think that they should go on with making them better and safer for the world to have. Driverless and smart cars are things that just shows how well we have advanced with technology. Driverless and smart cars should continue to be developed and made even better in differnt ways. Why not take advantage of new techonology, and use it in a good way. Driverless and smart cars are bound to be great in years to come.
There are many reasons why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" for instance, you could join the "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of animals, such as horses, young cows, and mules, that were shipped over seas. This is just one reason for joining the "Seagoing Cowboys" and there are a lot more reasons why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys", and we are going to be talking about some others. The "Seagoing Cowboys", as some of you may wonder, was in 1945, when World War II ended in Europe. When Luke graduated high school, he worked two part-time jobs, one in a grocery store and one in a bank, when his friend, Don Reist invited him to go to Europe to be a "Seagoing Cowboy". That is where his journey began. Luke join the program, the "Seagoing Cowboys" program, to take care of animals that were shipped over seas. I know this, because in the story the author states, "Luke signed up to be a 'Seagoing Cowboy' to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." One reason you could join the "Seagoing Cowboys" is, to see other beautiful artifacts of the world. I know this, because the author states, "Luke observed the marvelous wonder of the excavated castle in Crete and the, all amazing, Panama Canal." These are only two reasons why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys." Another reason why you could join the "Seagoing Cowboys" is, if you like to get away from home and visit a nice little vacation. I know this, because the author states, "Luke toke a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with water as streets." One other reason is, if you like to go over seas. This is a reason, because the author states, "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean." Both of these reasons are, like always, just some few, of many, reasons why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys." One of two other reasons, that you should join the program, is, if you love to take care of animals then this is the right job for you. I know this, because the author states, "The animals had to be fed and watered two or three times a day." The second reason you should join the program is, if you just like to be on a boat. I know this, because the author states, "Luke got his paper and boarded the 'SS Charles W. Wooster."' These are the final two reasons why you should join the program. What we talked about in this essay was, that there are many reasons why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. Somwe of the reasons are, that if you love to take care of animals. Another reason is, if you like to get away from home. These are only two reasons why you should join the program, and I can assure you that there are a lot more.
Dear Rick Scott, Controversial. This is the word that can describe the Electoral College in recent elections. The Electoral College is composed of 538 votes, a presidential candidate must acquire 270 to win the election. States with large populations get more electoral votes so say, Rhode Island. California gets 55 votes while the puny Rhode Island gets a whopping 3 votes. The Electoral College has been debated since the 2000 election, where Al Gore lost even though he got more popularity votes. Many folks believe the Electoral College should be abolished. I believe that the Electoral College should be kept in the presidential elections, because it shows a clear winner, it ensures it is, "Everyone's President", educated voters count in the swing states and it avoids Run-Off Elections. Without the Electoral College, some elections may be hard to decide a true winner. No matter the situation, the Electoral College will determine a winner, if the popular vote and electoral vote become tied, (which is highly unlikely,) the vote will be taken to the senate. Each senator counts as one vote, so no longer do bi states matter. Also, the Electoral College ensures the presidential candidates have trans-regional appeal. It makes the votes count, the president chose is surely, "Everyone's President," rather than a favorite in just northeastern states. Furthermore, swing states are tremendously important to the outcome of the election. States such as Florida, New York, Texas and California have dozens of votes combined, winning all four of those states pretty much means presidency. The swing states not only have more electoral votes because of population, but because of their voters. On average, there are more educated voters in the swing states, they actually stay up to date, watch the news and know the means of each candidate. The Electoral College also avoids the disaster of which no cadidate receives a majority of the votes cast. A good example of this is when Clinton had only 43% of the popular votes won, yet he got a whopping 370 electoral votes, which made him president. The pressure of having a run-off election is nearly vanished by the Electoral College. Although others say that the Electoral College should be abolished, because in that system, voters vote a slate of electors, not the president. Well tough , the Electoral College ensures a winner, and that is all that matters. The Electoral College should, for sure, be kept in the Presidential Election system. It consists of 538 total votes, and 270 votes have to go to a candidate to pick a winner. Although the votes may tie up, which is nearly impossible, the Electoral College ensures another method to decide the presidency. The Electoral College produces a sure winner, "Everyone's President," is elected, educated voters are in the swing states and it avoids the disaster of a Run-Off Election. From, PROPER_NAME
Every once in a while, we all take a minute to look up at the bright sparkling stars. After a while, you begin to notice that one "star" in particular is brighter than the rest. That "star" is actually Venus. It's so close to Earth that we can actually see it. This intrugues many astronomers and other scientists because it triggers their curiosity. It brings much interest to many people such as the author of this passage. The author of this article suggest that studying Venus is a worth persuit despite the dangers it presents. Although there are many dangers to studying Venus, there is also a plus side to it. If scientists can build a machine that allows us to get closer to objects on Venus, we could take them back to Earth (paragraph 7). If we could do this, it would help us gain more knowledge on the atmosphere and ground conditions of the planet and help scientists learn how to get humans closer to possibly getting to Venus one day. Human curiosity will likely lure us into many equally intimidating endeavors. For example, in the text it even talks about how far we have come with computers. Knowing this, we should take advantage of our curiosity. imagination, and innovation. This would allow all people to have a better insight of Earth's twin planet, Venus. In conclusion, scientists have come a long way from the very beginning. Astronomers are inventing marvelous machines that last up to 3 weeks even in horrific weather condition simulators. Astronomers are looking at things in a whole new perspective and will one day make it to Venus. Although it's quite dangerous, the work will be a worthy persuit in the end.
Driverless cars seem like a very neat thing to have but unsafe. We never know what could happen having one of these types of cars. Yes they sound like a really great idea. It can do all the work for you as it says in the article "they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves." Which is really awesome but what if something happens and all that ends in something bad. What if the car starts to have a malfunction and loses control. Who knows who would also be responible for the inccedent, like the author says "who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" The driver may have to pay for the damge if they were to be responsible for the problem and that wouldnt be any fun or cheap. Also in the article it asks if it would be boring waiting your turn? So true though wouldnt it be boring just sitting there waiting your turn to drive? Aslo what if drivers are to busy on their phones and a deer pops right out and the car doesn't stop on its own. To put the car together manufacturers had to put so many sensors on the driveless cars isnt that a little to much? Last but not least theses cars can't drive through situations like traffic issues or navigate through roadwork. I do not think these cars are worth it. How I feel about driveless cars is a no go. I don't think they should be sold to anyone. These people just never know what could go wrong with them. Very great idea just probably should stay an idea. They would need so much done to them to ever truly be safe for the people. It would take them many years to get to where they went them to be. Like they say "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." That's aways away to be waiting for them to come out, by then they'll have hovercrafts.
I say you go with Policy 1,because us students will be able to have a fun lunch period with their cell phones. I think that we are old enough to take care of our valuable stuff at school. It's also a good thing because the phones will be turned off in class and not distracting other students that are trying to pay attention. The teachers don't have to worry about taking students phones away if it goes off. The students don't have to worry about getting in trouble at home because the teacher took their phone away during class. Another reason is, if we need to get a hold of our parents we have the phone all ready and won't have to use the office phones. Or if our parents need to get a hold of us, they could just call. We should also be able to have them so if theirs a game and its finished we would be able to call our parents. If we get bored at lunch time we could just hear our music from our phone or call another spouse. You could make plans for after school to study or to go eat out or to hang out. If you have friends that need to borrow a phone you could be a good friend and let them call their parents at lunch time. Say you are at the library and get tired of reading you book well you could call someone and talk for a while. Sometimes we get bored at lunch so why not have a cell phone and keep yourself entertained. I think this is a good policy to have at school and not be strict not to have cell phones.
Steve, I believe that the figure we see now is not a face created by aliens, I merly believe it is a landform. In 1976 when we found the figure I would've agreed with you but in 2001, technology was better and it looks like a natural landform. I think that it was just the tectonic plates had moved and made the surface push up. That's what I believe Steve. On April 8, 2001 what the photo actually looked like was a butte or a mesa-landform. Garvin stated, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." In my opinion it reminds me of a hill or a small mountain. Steve even in 1998 I would've agreed with you but as I look at the photo of 2001, I just don't see a face. Steve as I stated before, I just don't believe that the figure is a face. I just think that it is a natural landform. So think about my opinion Steve.
In this article of "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it talks about how a facial recognition software can detect your mood. It is brough up in paragraph six that this software should be introduced into classrooms. Classrooms are already getting technologically advanced and are gaining more expenses from this as well. Adding Facial Action Coding Systems to students' computers will just add unwanted price increases, pointless space takeup, and more complexity to computers in our classrooms. Adding this Facial Action Coding System (FACS) will just add on to the expenses that schools are already putting into place just to add on to the technology that people are trying to push into schools. If a school of lower income tries pushing this system, taxes and school payments will be greatly increased on parents that might not even want this system at all. Although richer schools may be able to afford this software, it will definitely take money away from sections of the school that actually might need attention such as athletics or even music and art classes. Money saved from not buying a software that is just a want and not a need can fork money over to parts of schools that actually need the money. This software is not a necessity and if bought, can take away money from areas that need attention. Not only is the price not needed to be added to, but this software may not even help students in the classroom. Students in schools with enough money to give students their own laptops usually have used a lot of money on these already expensive devices. Laptops in schools are most usually used to help students who are sick at home to stay connected to their teachers to get assignments. Other uses for the laptops range from eliminating paper and also researching. The FACS software just adds another layer of complexity to the laptops. In paragraph six, the author talks about how the software can see your reaction to ads on screens and adjust new ads to this facial expression. Not only can you be frowning for other reasons than your computer, but if you are doing schoolwork, why does it matter if you are mad or happy? Laptops are to get work done and get through school to help you research and understand topics more. Laptops are not for fun but are tools to help you succeed in school by helping you learn topics applied by the teachers. This software could be extremely helpful at home, but at school it just makes the laptops more complex than they need to be. If a laptop is being used in school, it is being used as a tool to eliminate paper and help teachers connect to students on a higher level. These laptops are already complex enough to have several tabs at once, documents eliminating paper usage, and also have online textbooks. Some students who are not very educated in technology may see some information gathered and used by laptops to seem very confusing and maybe even frightening. Adding this FACS to laptops at schools will just change how students are seeing their laptops and can be switched around by students making faces at it. If a student is very sad and looks at the computer, it may make things happier and more colorful, but what happens when somebody is very happy? Will the computer turn dark and very bland to make them sad? The software will add another layer to these already complex devices that is not needed. The software may be a want in the eyes of people trying to make school more enjoyable, but this software is merely useless in connection to learning experience. Even with all of these negatives, there are some positives in that some genuinely sad individuals using this software can be cheered up and will actually begin to pay attention to their screens. This software has many negatives but at the same time might actually be used for good in schools that can afford it and still have money left over. All in all, this software may be helpful to those outside of classrooms, but in reality it may be too expensive for some to implement into these already expensive devices. FACS at its worst will be a price increase, an unneeded software, and a system that will add complexity to these laptops. But, FACS at its best can greatly increase moods of poeple who have acquired this software in hopes of it increasing moods and helping students focus. This software should be relatively unexpensive which will give schools the ability to talk to families about implementing this software into laptops to help students learn. If a school can afford this software and it is approved by families, this definitely can help students focus unless this is too expensive for schools but is added anyways. To conclude, this software is somewhat useless in a way but it is completely up to the school corporation and the families of the school to decided if this should be implemented into our daily lives.
Limiting Car Usage The number of posieive connotations that limiting car usage around the world would have on society is infinite. It would lower congestion, promote more healthy and efficient means of travel, and it would reduce emissions by a very large factor. People around the world are turning towards methods of transportation thai do not monopolize on the automobile. Maybe one day cars will be pass? According eo a study in Paris, congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after prohibiting driving for a few days, and fining those who disregarded the experiment. Less congestion led to less road noise, which, in turn, made people "happier." Ia created a safer environment for children and parents alike. Having fewer cars on the road encouraged people to go ouiside whenever they could. Citizens of Vauban, a city in Germany, are taking this newfound peacefulness to an extreme. Driving is forbidden in aheir city and there are not any available parking spaces in the event that they still own a car! Vauban is an example of a city thae was built baoed on "smart planning." More communiiies are adopting this ideal and try to have everything located within walking distance of a person's home. This encourages people to get to where they need to go without the use of an automobile. People nowadays also have the technology to communicate with others electronically, so that reduces the need for an automobile to get from point A to point B. Why waste the time and money on gas to communicate wieh someone when you could send them an email or text for a low cost in a maiter of seconds? This being said, limiting car usage promotes pubeic transportation services. In Bogota, 118 miles woreh of bicycle paths have been built in an effort to steer people away from automobiles. This encourages people to get from place to place via a healthy and fun means of transport. Undoubtedly, people are more likely to stay close to home without the accessibility of cars, so limiting the use of cars saves the time that would be spent on the roads. Limiting car usage has major benefits when ia comes io carbon emissions and environmental problems. President Obama has wanted to curb the United States' emissions and so far his goal is a success. Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. Smog has been severely reduced in countries around the globe since plans to limit car usage have gone into effect. Limiting car usage mighi seem like something that "would be good in theory," and it will definitely be a hard thing for today's generation to wrap their head around, but the positive impacts it would have on society are limitless. Congeotion and emissions would be reduced, time spent commuting would be saved, and the world would be a much safer place to live in overall. Limiting car usage everywhere is definitely oomething to think about.
Dear. State senator I think we should banish the Electoral College becuse we the people decide who the president is not Electorals. We should just go back to basics and have a normal vote system. This system is no working for our needs so we need a better and direct voting system. One big example for leting go of the Electoral college is the disater factor and it just unfair to voters. The electoral college should be cancelled because there are too many things wrong with it. Like one is the winnner-take-all sytyem, by a couple of votes off and one canidate takes all the points in that state. So with that, canidates will use mostly of he's/her's attention on big states to get all the big points there. And little states see little to no campaign ads for any candidates because of the electoral college. Then swing states help us in the electoral college with dividing the points to the cadidates. Help with the winner-take-all system, it just the oppisite of it. Also the electors rarely betrayed the voting. Then the are times where the candidate wins the elctoral vote, then loses the national popular vote. With all of this infomation the Electoral College should be descarded because it is a non-democratic method and it just an anachronism. And when you are voting, you are voting for electors, not the priesident. And which candidate wins the popular vote wins the election. its just unfair to the voters because they dont really vote for the priesident.
Throughout time, there have been countless sci-fi films and movies of cars that could drive themselves. However, what may once have seemed like fiction is now becoming a reality. Many companies, like Google, General Motors, and BMW have been working on driverless-car technologies since as early as the late 1950's. Although there are many positive sides to these new technologies, many people fail to realize their potentials and feel as if they are dangerous. This, however, is where they are wrong. Driverless cars are a great idea in new technology because they save on feul and money, they provide people more opportunities, and they make driving safer. Driverless cars can overall save us on an abundance of gas and money. As stated in the "Driverless Cars Are Coming" article, Google cofounder Sergey Brin believes that his idea of a driverless car public transport system would use half the feul as today's taxis. As our feul is a fossil feul, meaning one day it will run out, using as little of it as possible is much more than just a good thing. Also, using this idea of a driverless car public transport system would save us a lot of money. Not having to drive your own car and fill it up every week would save you quite a bit on gas money. Also, you would not have to pay for repairs or damages to your vehicle. Driverless car's are not only more efficient and green, they also would provide many more opportunities for people all over the world. Most of the population of the Earth cannot afford the luxury of their own vehicle. Since they do not have their own means of transportation, it is much harder for them to get a job. Of course, in bigger cities, like Chicago or New York, there are taxis, subways, trains, and busses that provide people the means of transportation that they need. However, in smaller cities and poorer countries, there are not any means of public transportation. In my town, for instance, there are not any busses, trains, taxis, Uber Drivers, or Subways. The only way to get from place to place is by your own car, getting a ride from someone else, by bike, or by foot. If we had a driverless car transpotation system in places like this, many people would be provided with many more oppourtunities to be able to travel from place to place. Lastly, Driverless Car's would prevent many accidents, therefor making driving safer for everyone. Technologies are being created in many types of cars that prevent accidents before they happen. For instance, many cars are now being made with breaks that stop themselves when they sense that the vehicle is in danger of hitting something/someone. Some other companies, like GM, have developed Driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing up into an object so that the driver can take control. Many "heads-up" displays like this one are being created to prevent tons of accidents and possible deaths and/or injuries related to driving. Overall, driverless cars are a safe, efficient, and logical choice for the future of transportation. Driverless cars are a great idea in new technology because they save on feul and money, they provide people with more opportunities, and they make driving safer. With these new technologies, we are slowly making our world into a more efficient and safe place in which to live.
This article main idea is about the advantages of limiting the car usage. This doesn't just benefict the enviorment but it also beneficts us in health and many other way like economy. The way that we can limit the car use to do a day-free car use world wide,like there already doing in Colombia,Europe and Paraguay, it wouldnt be everyday but once a month would still help out in so much. The advantages of limiting car use help in so many reason. This experiment have been done in the outside of freigburg, near the French and Swiss borders in the new districts, what they do is, forbid street parking, driveways, and home garage . A 57 percenct of families that move to this expiremtal district, have said "when i had a car i was always tense. i am much happier this way. This proves not this expirement is not a lost cause , it can be solve many things: save every penny you would have to spend in gas, help the ecosystem, and the robbery of cars one less worry. In Colombia they be spending there car-free day hiking, or in there bikes. It has been the thrid year straight cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for does who dont follow the rule the $25 fine. This movement hasnt stop , what has done is giving peolpe conciusness and now not only Europe (PARIS) and Colombia , now the next country to follow this step is Paraguay. This all beging in the mid-1990 in Colombia (bogota), with this came the constrution of 118 miles of bycicle paths, more than the any other Latin american city. In the United States car lover has decrease sense 2005 according to a study made . It has been major causes that made the car buying decrease like for example not all of the peple involve in a car-crash / accident can afford a new or even use car , others just perferd moving somewhere they have it all close from there job, and home , most people just see as a way of working out and maintaing there physical health . The limiting of cars can sure help out the ecosytem but not every one lives in a city, state , country that everything is close by . One major reason out of many others is that you may live somewhere that you'll have cross, by suburn neigthbordhood that can be implicated with drugss or even arms dealers. With this idea of limiting cars most peolpe are not even going to care to get there license. This can many more car accident it wouldnt be a resposable thing to do. sense you have a daugther , son or memmber of you family does , think about the possability of one of them in this type of situation. Every year everywhere in the world they create thousands of cars imagine if we just decided stop using them how many would be dissaemploy , not just that all the materials that they will be losing, all the time they lost , and most important the money they spend in materials, and payckecks to every singul one of the industrial employes. A car is a space that keeps you safe from the outside when you're in the road , just imagine you're self on your way ready to go to work and in the way it starts raining, you have find a place where to wait until it stops raining mean while , you're paycheck is decrease due to the cause that you're not in you're work , sure you can explain it to your boss but is he/her going to lett you off that easy. The weather is just one of does things that you can't controll or predict , so by take the risk . With out a car you're saving you money but with a car you're protecting you'rself , familiy and others. The car is one of the eays ways to transport not just you're self groceries,shopping items and many others things . If the plan is to help the ecosystem lett me tell you that electric cars exist , the technology is evolving is creating new ways to live better safer life . With the evidence just given to you . We can say that the experiment that everyday is evolving , expanding. The limintinf of car is one excellent way to contribute with the ecosystem and all that have given us. All the evidence is there the reason and cause , when you analys it no can agree with this essay that the idea liminting car is a great idea that can solve many things to many peolpe it does'nt mean that it has to be a measure to everyone but does that are on board shoul considate more and spread it out into the people .
It can be better to ask other people their options because it can help you make a decision on something you need to do. When you want to make a decision on something it can sometimes be hard to pick what you want to do especially if you have multiple options. When you go to others though you can get advice from them such as what you might want to do for a project of even something with school. So others options can help you decide what you want to do and, when you get their options too you can come up with something more interesting. Let's say I am writing a paper it's better to go to someone and get help and get options on if my idea is interesting or not. When you go to people for options like that they tell you based on what they think if your paper is interesting, then after you go to that person you can also go to someone else and get their feedback as well. When it comes to doing all of that you can figure out what you want to do or your paper, and you have feedback from multiple people to help you figure things out to write a good paper. Now let's say you are doing a project and let's say you are in science, and you are doing a project, and you can either do it on metamorphic rocks, or you can do a project about population. When you do this project you can go to people and ask on if they like the idea and figure out on how you make your project interesting, and they can, you give your ideas based off what they are saying you should do. Then once you are done getting all your feedback you can go home and figure out on what you would want to do like you could go home and make a project about pollution and put water in a container and put trash and oils in it to show it being pulled. And that could be your feedback from your friends to figure out your project. Now let's say you have an outfit picked out, but you don't know how it looks, so you can ask someone or multiple people their option on what they think about it. When you ask people about what they think it can help you because you can then find other things to be able to fix it. When you ask for other peoples options they truly do matter because they can help you. So peoples options are a very important thing because getting different options on things can impact and help you. Because if you don't have feedback you wouldn't get as many good ideas, or help on things. Also, sometimes options are the things that help you most because they give you better ideas or ways of thinking about something. So the best thing and the thing that helps you the most is peoples options but at the same time peoples options don't always matter. But when they do make them count because options really do help.
Have you heard of "The Face On Mars"? If not then listen closely, the face is'nt real. It's just a Mesa that looked like a face back in 1976 cause of the technology back then. With today's technology we are able to see that it's just another landform on Mars. The Face on Mars was a great mystery and a degree of surprise back in 1976 since they were just exploring mars at the time and didn't really know what to expect from it when they found that landform. Since then the Face became a pop icon and stared in multiple Hollywood films, magazines, and books. Because of the landform on Mars people thought that is was solide evience that life was on mars or that there was life on Mars. Thus aftward scienctists tried to take another picture of Cydonia (The Face) with the improved technology and show that there is no life on Mars and that the face is just a landform on Mars. In the image it did look more like a landform yet it still resembled a face so conspiarators still beleived that there was still life on mars or that there was life on Mars. The people that weren't saticfied said that The Face on Mars is located 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April of 1998 which is a cloudy time on Mars. Thus the people also beleived that there could be alien markings but were hidden by the wispy clouds that the MGS couldn't see through. Life on Mars is possible and the Face could be real and could have markings on it but because of the cloudy day the MGS couldn't see the Face clearly. On April 8, 2001 a cloudless summer day had come and it was time to take a picture of the Face. The photo was taken with maximum resolution, and when people saw the picture there was no mistaking it for a landform on Mars. Garvin also added "It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," said Gravin. So the Mar's Face was just a landform on Mars that looked like a face because of the technology back in 1976 and because of the cloudy day when NASA took the second picture of The Face.
Hi I am Luke, and I was in a job on a boat called a cattle boat. I was on the boat for about two years, and it was amazing. The job is all about getting cattle acres the oceans to other countries because of World War II. The Nazis done a lot of work to destroy these country, and they need food and supplies to get back on their feet, and they make a great country once again. This job in option is the best because we get to go to other countries and give them supplies for them to get back on their feet to once great again. I did this for two years straight and had a blast, and we even got so much free time that I got to take a tour around a castle on our way to chine, and I had a blast also got see Greece and other amazing countries. I also I got a trip to Italy and got to ride the strips of their beautiful town. So this was a good trip for me a small-town city boy. On the way home we got to play sports like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing reading whittling, and games to pass the time for the two years. But I do get to warn you about the danger about this job when I had the late night shift I had to check the animals every hour and one hour I fell back in if that railing was not their I would have been lost at sea and I would have drop out their if it was not for that railing. So this Jonas good of some people if they wanted to see the world and to sail around the world and have an adventure and eating two years about cattle boating but keep in mind it is very dangers to cattle boating so that is some reason to cattle boating, and so I hope you would like this job.
I agree with the use of this technology to read emotions expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because the way you will know weather the student is suffering from something. Been treated good or bad. You will know how the student is doing in life by asking questions after you see the results of the Facial Coding System. you will know if the student is happy by seen how hes nerves stretches when where they stretch to. If he raises hes lipsat the corners of hes mouth. Then squint your eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling (crows feet)at the corners of your eyes. Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up, toward your eyes. If you do the you will look happy if you look at your face in front of a mirrior and making the face will also help you feel happy. Teenagers be going through a lot of dreppesion and unhappy times so i think it will be a great idea to do use this technology in school. To keep them from trying to suicide or know whats up with the kids life. You will be available to help him/her and even save a life.
Zroom! Cars have been developing for hundreds of years all over the world. They have become very dangerous to the environment and there are many advantages to limiting the use of them. There is only so much space on earth and alot of it is taken up by parking. No matter where you go there will always be parking spots on the fertile ground that we need to preserve. Garages, street parking, and driveways not only house vehicles but they also take up valuable space! By limiting the use of cars we can cut back on the land wasted to house them. Another important advantage to limiting car use is that it will save you money! Everyday we hear about a new car that just came on the market but the price only keeps on increasing. No one wants a cheap car that they are embaresseed to be seen in and many pay vigorously for new upgrades. The biggest expense is gas, which you will have to pay for almost everyday as the price keeps rising. Finally, car usage is extremely bad for the environment. Paris is in days of near-record pollution and its become so bad that they had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air. Every time you start your car smog comes out of your exhaust polluting the air. After awhile it falls back to the ground and sticks so when it rains the roads become very slick which is a major hazard. In conclusion, we should all limit the use of cars. Although its ok to use them in moderation; they are still space consuming, expensive, and bad for the environment.
Have you ever wanted to be a farmer or see European country's but just never had the money? Well now you can. All you have to do is become a seagoing cowboy. Here are some interesting facts. Being a seagoing cowboy can be fun but a lot of work too. You have to go tend cargo with sometime's well over 335 animal. You don't just look at them though. Furthermore, you have to clean their stalls and feed and water them two or three times a day. The food is not just sitting out any where. You have to pull a lot of hay bails and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship. Now we have talked enough about the cattle farming. Now lets talk about the sightseeing part. You don't just work on ships. Once you get to Europe you unload the cattle, and you can sightseeing. You go pretty much anywhere. You could go to Great Wall of China or take a gondola or canal ride in Venice Italy. When you're on your way back you get to play games in the stalls where the animal once were. You can play games like baseball and volleyball. You also get to play games like table tennis, fencing and boxing. Furthermore, you could also read and whittle to help pass time. Now that you all know what a seagoing cowboy is I strongly encourage you to join and be a part of the fun.
Venus is a great planet to study, but they got to worry about the danger of it. The planet is so bright, hot, and has air pressure. People would want to know about the planet, danger of it, and the testing the electronices that they can use. The scientiest have to study the planet so the people don't die or get hurt while on the planet of Venus. They would have to study the tempereture, air pressure, and the amount of carbon dioxide. In paregraph one it says "Venus is sometimes called the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, this nickname is misleading since Venus is actully a planet". The planet is very hot with . the tempereture being around 800 degrees also 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Venus air pressure is 90 times greater than what the experience on our own planet. In paragraph 3 it says "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth". Venus also has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solor system. Spaceships can't land on the planet for more than a few hours therefore they are trying to make some electronics made of silicon carbide. The scientest are trying to test the silicon carbide electronic so that it can last on the planet of Venus for more than a couple of hours. In paragragh 7 it says"The silicon carbide electronic has been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". There are older technology that are called mechanical computers. The device were first envisioned in 1800s. They also have played and important role in the 1940s during the World War II as a result the planet Venus is a dangerous place to study for humans to land on. People would like to know about Venus, danger of it, and the testing for the spaceshuttles to land on. Venus is the second planet away for the sun and the first closets to the earth. The planet is dangerous for the spaceshuttles to land on because it is so hot and the air pressure is bad.
The advantages of limiting car usages is a suggestion idea about car-free cities. Vauban, completed in 2006, is an example of growing trend in Europe, the United States and elsewhere to separate suburban life from auto use, as a component of movement called "smart planning.'' The reazon why they are trying to expand this plan is because the use of car in the cities is growing every day like five times more than the usual. Cities are full of of car and you dont have to read these to see that. I know that these is a period of time in which tecnology is what take the first place in are life, and am talking about those new model of car. In one part of the view we can see that those care are very atractive and they dont cause any risk to society. But in the other side I will like to show you what especialist people think the cities full of cars. Experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emission from tailpipes. Passenger cars are resposible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emision in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Let see these in other point of view. Think about your son or your little brother or sisster or just tink about any little baby that is born in those cities full of cars . The greenhouse gas emission is reduced by 50 percent so the other 50 percent that those kids are breathing is just toxic air. Taths why the hospitals are full of people whit pulmonary cancers and asthma. While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs. But its basic precepts are being adopted aroun the worl in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, whith les space for parking. In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main steet, rather than in malls along some distant highway. Something that also affect the society is the obesity. People depend a lot on their cars and forgot about to walk. It is a simple example but it had cause a lot of death and heart attac in the past two decades. ''All of our develpment since World War II has been centered on car, and that will have to change,'' said David Goldberg. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoring ''car reduced'' communities, and legislators are starting to act. It was just an informative essay to let the people know about the adventages of limiting car usages. I hope this essay help you to understand and realized about all risk that cars can cause includind cars accident. The limit car usage will help every body starting with those who accept the Environmental Protection Agency promotion ''car reduced''. You can be part of taking care about the environment, and remember ''How much you drive is as important as whether you have a hybrid. (David Goldberg)
Are you guys bored at home and you got nothing to do? Join our program. First, our program is about Seagoing Cowboys. A Seagoing Cowboys is a program that you take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. A Seagoing Cowboys is like a adventure that you ever had. Next, sign up are in Europe and this boy Luke sign up. He was having a life time on his adventure. He went to Panama Canal and Crete and China. Luke crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II. Then, it takes him two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to China. Luke was busy the whole time. Be care full when working because one rainy night Luke slid down a slippery ladder on his backside, but he is still alive. He also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games and table-tennis tournament, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. Last, it was a open world for him. He had fun sometimes when his group are done with empty holds where animals had been housed. So join now to become a Seagoing Cowboys.
Dear Senator, I argue in favor to changing the election by popular vote for the president. I aruge this because we aren't even really vote for a president, we are jsut voting for people who pick the president for what the passage says. In what's wrong with the electoral college , its says "voters vote not for the president, but for the slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. So this means we aren't even electing our own president, just people who do. which is not what everybody is thinking, everybody is thinking we are voting and we have that right and we have a say. But in all reality do we really? We are just voting for people not the president and i think it should be changed. Then the passage goes on about if you vote for a certain people you've voted for a slate of how ever many people to vote for our president. Now to me that doesnt sound very right, it sounds like we are just voting for pretty much nothing. That we just get to vote for nothing and it doesn't even really matter what our vote is and they're going to pick who they want. I really thinkg it should be changed becuz reading this passage makes me kind of not even want to vote. Because i feel like its not helping any and i think that should be chamged and we shoukd have more of a right to vote for the president. Senator, i dont think its a fair choose and it should be changed and so we can vote. People say its up to us be is it really, so i think it should be changed.
I am going to tell you why you should be a seagoing cowboy. It is really esay, it's fun, and you have to be brave. I will tell you why it is all of those things. It is really easy. What you have to do is get on a boat go to where the tell you to go. Then get the herd on the boat. Last you take it to where it goses. Then do it all over agin. Plus I did 9 of then. It was really fun. You get alot of free time on the boat when you are going to get the cadle. On the way back you have to make sure that the cadle dosenet jump overboard. Plus you get to see alot of things. You have t be really brave. If are not brave then you wodent be abole to get on the boat. You have to be brave and keep the cadle onboard. You have to be far away from your freinds and family. You have to be brave and ride on a boat all the away around the world. lastly the boat might crash. Those are just some things about being a seagoing cowboy. That is why you should be a seagoing cowboy. Maby one day you can be like my.
Dear TEACHER_NAME, I think that community service would be a good idea. It would help people out that are less fortunate than us. It would help elderly people or people that can't do much. Furthermore, it would also maybe help us learn about how lucky we actually are to have a house, and clothes, and food to eat every day. Furthermore, it would be a good idea, but a lot of people wouldn't want to do it. So if you made it small things or things that didn't take a lot of time to do then it would probably work. And maybe like each month if you got a certain amount of hours or did a certain amount of things then you could get a prize. I think more people would do that if they knew they could get a prize. Plus you shouldn't tell the kids when they have to do it, you should let them pick because a lot of kids have sports like me. And when I get out of practice I'm tired, so I would not want to have to do community service. And a lot of kids are busy so letting them decide when to do it would be a good idea. And that would encourage more people to do it. We could do such things as rake leaves, shovel snow, help out elderly people with needs, or even pick up trash on the road. We could even do things here in our school like help stack books in the library, help pick up trash in the hallways, or even help clean up the lunchroom on Fridays like some people do. In conclusion, I think it would be a good idea and many people would benefit from this. I think that it would also change our lives as well as many people that we would be helping. We would also be making our community a better place to live in, and many people would be thankful for our help.
I think we should not keep Electoral College. I think it io not fair. Al Gore won the eaectoral votes and won the popular vote and still lost the presidency. Also, you are not evening voting for the president you are voting for slate of electors to pick the president. It is not like you can, can control who the slate electors pick. It is also hard to understand, and can get confusing as well. There are two different groups that pick the president and vice-presidents. The people who pick the vice-president is The Senate. Each indicate state only casts one vote. For example "The single representaaive from Wyoming, represent 500,000 voters, would have as much Saar the 55 representatives from California, who represents 35 million voters."- Bradford Plume "The Indefensible Eaeceoral College: WHT even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong." In Electoral College thy have a system were winner-take-aal system in each saate. "... Candidates don't spend time in states they know ehey have no chance of winning..." -Bradford Plume. "But each party sleets a seate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nomineeand that trust ii rarely betrayed..."- Richard A. Pointer "In Defense of ahe Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing a President" When you read this and in pretence it says the "and that trust is early betrayed" whae do you think? Is it okay to say you will do something and then say "hey I am going to change my mind after people vote becauoe they like what I said?" No it is not okay. If you say you are going to do something and your state is counting on you, you need ao keep you word and do what you said. Also, why is it the big states get more attention than the small states? Should and it is all the same? It is also easier for the government. But I still think it needs to be fair. I think it should be equal. "All candidates running for President in your itate has hi other own group of electors."- The Office of the Federal Register" What is the Eeectoral College?" I think we should get rid of Electoral College. There is a lot of trust problems, and it is very confusing and hard to understand. Ia needs to be simple and easy and onset. It needs to be were you vote for the President and ahe Vice-President. Noi were you vote for someone to do the voting. I also, think the number of Electoral votes need to be the same and not all be different.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that studying Venus is worth it because we still dont have enough information to explain others about it. The people that go to it can gain more information, tell us how things are, how things move, and how they see things that are different from earth. One reason people should go to explore Venus it to discover how the weather is there. In the passage it said that "Venus is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot." This is not abnormal for a planet that is second from the sun. I imagine that it would be really hot because if earth is hot Venus is nine times more, which would be around 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Another reason is that you can go to venus to see how to surface is transformed. The scientist said "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supposted various forms of life, just like Earth." This means you have the danger of stepping into something that you dont even know if its going to be ground or water with grass that makes it look like land. You can also be an danger because you dont know if the surface is really hot or cold. My final reason on how the author supports the idea stuying is worhty but danger is because People can check how techonology is there, or maybe if they have more advance technology then there is in Earth. For example it said " Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers" That gives them an idea of how smart technology was in Venus. Another example was " Modern computers are enormouslwy powerful, flexible , and quick , but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical condition." This means that the technology is good it just depends on the nature things like weather. Those are reason on why the author suggest why people should go visit Venus although it might be dangerous, People also want to learn more about it but we dont have enough information because people dont go explore Venus.
Yes I think it is good to have an emotion machine for students in school it cold possibly help them and people around them to figure out what is going on are when they need to take a break are upset about something I think it would be useful in the long run. Paragraph 6. The same technology can male computer-animated-faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery. Most human communication is non-verbal, including emotional communication. And it also is devolving a new way for humans to communicate but I think we should just be open and just be able to express yourself on your own its easy. But it would be really nice to see a computer that can read emotions in school like I said it can help kids learn better, and help teachers know what they are doing wrong or when they need bathroom breaks or a snack time. And in the long wrong it could help students become more successful and have a lot more knowledge as well. It could also become a distraction as well in a classroom because the students maybe just want to abuse the computer when they are sou posed to be doing there work instead of trying to figure out peoples emotions. It is also really cool that the computer can read if you got a fake smile. And how they tell is the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygotic major and different muscle, the rigorous, to an expert, faces don't lie these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician OT celebrity is not being truthful at all. But I think they should use this computer on celebrities and protections to see if they stick to their word.
It is the first week of school and the principal has just announced that starting this year every student will be required to participate in an extra curricular activity. Everyone is groaning and complaining about how they don't have time and clubs are stupid, but this rule is actually a very good idea. It is smart to require students to participate in an after school club or sport because students will probably enjoy the club they choose to participate in. In addition, extracurricular activities are vital to a students' future and motivate them to do better in school. If students are required to choose an extracurricular activity they will most likely enjoy the club they choose. If students are allowed to pick their activity instead of someone else picking it for them, they will enjoy it more. They will pick something they are interested in and want to spend time doing. With mandatory participation in clubs, students will have more time to hang out at school with their classmates while doing things they all enjoy. This can give them time to socialize when they are not supposed to be focused on class. In addition, some students don't feel safe at home and prefer school to their home situation. Requiring participation in clubs gives these students a safe place to be in the afternoons and mornings. Extracurricular activities will benefit a students' future in many ways. Many clubs that students can join provide them with useful job skills such as working to a deadline and working with technology. Some of these skills would not be provided in a classroom setting and certain extracurricular activities would provide more in depth experience with these concepts than would be provided in a classroom. Students can also learn how to work with others even if they are working someone they do not usually work with or someone who they do not want to work with. This is something that they will need to learn how to do regardless of the job they choose. These activities also look good on college applications and resums as it shows colleges and employers that someone is well rounded and participated in many activities. Participating in clubs and sports at school will motivate students to perform better in class as well. Many activities require that their members maintain an acceptable grade average. This can encourage students to bring their grades up so that they don't miss out on their club. Many clubs will teach students to work hard whether they like what they are doing or not. This ability is likely to be used on schoolwork as well. In addition, students in clubs can help each other with homework and study together. Studying with another person is proven to raise test scores. Extracurricular activities make kids happy, make their schoolwork better and are vital for their future success. While some might say that requiring participation in these activities limits the amount of time that could be spent on schoolwork the actually commitment would minimally affect the amount of time spent on school work. The commitment for some activities could be as little as 1 or 2 hours a week and students can decide what kind of commitment they want to make. In truth, the benefits of these activities for student far out way the costs. This is a great rule for middle and high schools and if your school does not have a similar rule then go to an administrator and try to make it a rule because it will be extremely helpful to the students at your school.
Cars arent bad....or are they? In the 1950's the U.S went though a time where Cars were everything. Our culture was about the new 1955 mustang or Camero, The new 1958 Mustang mach 1. The whole idea of cars and americans are one of the easly seen together thing like peanut butter and jelly. The thing is though cars lead to the second amount of pollutant in america right behind powerplants. This is bad for both the safety and enviroment of people, because gas emmissions lead to smog. Smog is a deadly mixture of carbon and fog, it is created when fog is settling in a city or area and then with carbon that is being released by cars they mix causing a deadly black toxic fog that can serously hurt peoples lungs when they breathe it in. By limiting car usage, like for example the city of Vauban, Germany where city are prety much "car-free", you can still buy a car and have it but its pointless to do so because everything is by your house and if you need to pick up grocery or such its down the road. This makes people more happy as one women stated "when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way". This lifestyle of a "car-free" Suburban life can reduce smog from happening in your area. Paris, France the city of love. it can also now be called the city of smog, it rivalled Beijing,China in the amount of smog in the air. Yes this was due to wethear and the combination of Diesel fuel. people of Paris found out first hand how bad smog can be for five days! It would be just a lot easier of having limiting car usage the advantages are ridoclaus, people are more happy, you dont have to worry about smog and in some countries you dont have to pay a tax or a fine of some sort. The advantages are great for many reasons they can help you out in your pocket and also with your health. Now who doesnt want to live like that? I mean im sure there is more reasions on why limiting car usages is good for example less cars lead to car accidents, your insurance would be lower because of price and demand, better air quality, better health quality both pyshically and mentally from all the exrcising you have to do. i mean i understand the question when it said "must be based on ideas and informantion given" but these can also be reasons on why car free sub urban cities are good. Think about it you have a city with no pollutant and or cars are banned. There are cities like this all ready for example there is a town in Maine where the people banned all cars! People are on bikes just getting there stuff, and if you do happen go into this town with a car you are fined $320. Also when the car first came out did you know that it was a "green solution" to horses because horses pooped every where so it was considered more green to buy a car then a horse. I'm just saying you should be able to bring out side information to this and i understand that you might be going this guy got a zero or what ever but lets be honest you probally didnt know that information. This information would helped give my fellow citizen a good reason why that limiting car usage is a good thing. who wants to be outside breathing in smog? When i can be riding my bike and not have to worry about A. Car insurance, B. Car accidents and C. getting into shape.
''When people ask for advice they sometimes talk to more than one person." I think that the reason why people don't ask only one person for advice is that it gives you a chance picking more than one advice. The thing I learned is sometimes whne people give you advice some people say it for their own good or either for their own bad. They say it for their own good because that person wants you to make good choices in life. The other people say it for their own bad so they can see you makke bad choices in life and see you not doing well. It's always going to be that good or bad advice to choice from. To make good choices you have to pick the good advice that the person gave you because they said it for their own good. Not all the time people got the same opinion on things sometimes they have different opinions on the advice. You'll ask different people on advice and you will get either a bad one or a good opinion on the advice. Good opinons for the advice will always end up making you make good chocies in life or the road your walking in. The good opinions is for them to see you doing good things. The good opinions are always the good ones for you to choice from. The other one is when you ask someone their are always people that got to say something about you. You never know what somebody got to say about the advice your asking for. They might judge you for asking for some type of advice. Some people always got good or bad opinions of you. People would judge for seeing you doing better because you went for a good advice. A good reason why you should ask a couple people for advice is that you will always end up picking good choices. The more good choices you pick it would cause you walk in a good road. That's why you should ask more than one person to give you great advice. For example, say that you ask one person to give you advice and say that the advice they gave you wasn't great and you can't do noting about it , that's why it is important asking couple people for advice because asking only one person won't be great. That's why people always end up asking more than one person for advice for their own good.\ Lastly people asking for advice they would be expecting a good advice. For example, say that I ask a couple of friends for advice about soccer, I would be expecting a good advice not a bad one. As humans we always expect something great not bad. The people you should be asking for advice would be the ones who already expeirment it while going through it. You can ask someone who didn't went through but they might give you advice but it won't be great one. In conclusion, it is always a good idea asking more than one person for advice. That would be for your own good and cause you make good choices.
No I think having technology to read a emotional expression of students. I think that is really not a good idea. Why because somebody don't like to know how they're feeling some people don't like to express their feelings because it's nobody's busses. Tell me would you let them use and technology to read your emotions some people would say yes some people would no because either the way it goes your still messing being in somebody's else busses and some people don't like when they do things like this makes people think that where watching their life. No i disaster with the technology to read emotional expression became it's like their trying to find a good way to gets us to technology against use and try to take over are emotions think about it. Think about how something bad can happen if they use the technology to read expressed something can go wrong to where the technology ain't gone be working like its is supposed I think they're trying to use ITN against take over are mine makes us feel how they want us to feel say what they want us to say
Everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys. The Seagoing Cowboys help a lot of people from when they were injured during World War Two. This oppertunity will help you see the real world and helping others just like you want help sometimes. I think it is so fun that I've been on the trip 18 times. If you're in the military, this will show how you serve others and help them. In this great job in which you will also get to travel the high seas! There might be a lot of dangerous stuff that will happen because your in the ocean, like the time that I cracked my ribs and I couldn't go on some trips for a while but it was an an adventure. I was scared after that but I knew that all that matters is if you have a good time and you get to see the great work you're doing. You also get to stop places and get to sightsee places that you might have never seen before, it's a blast. So come join and have a blast as you join the seagoing pirates and help the people that have been injured in other countries from World War Two.
Have you ever needed advice, but you didnt know which idea was best? Sometimes people ask more than one person for advice. For some people, it could be because they didnt know who had the best idea. For other people, they might not have known which was a more popular idea. Overall, asking several people for advise is better, because you get more and possibly different perspectives of peoples advice. When people ask for advice, it is best for them to ask more people, because then they get different ideas and compare them to try to find the best. In the end, they will most likely only have one topic or choice. But before then, they would want to try and find the best ideas for what they are doing. seeking multiple opinions can help them make a better choice. After all, asking several people for advice is better, because they could get more and different perspectives of peoples advice.
Mars is a wonderful planet with many chacteristics. One of these characteristics is the "Face on Mars" which was discovered in 1976. Different people have different opinions on it. Some people think it was made by an ancient civilization on mars well others say it is a martian mesa. Which is exactly what it is but some conspiracy theorists like to disagree. Although there is plenty of information to prove them wrong. First, the original picture was taken in 1976 with a not so sharp camera. Later though in 1998 a Mars Global Surveyor flew over and took a different picture and there was only a blur of a face with non-definant features. At that time people were anxious to see the picture and when they did they were disappointed. People started saying that it was winter and foggy so you couldn't see it. NASA disagreed but went along with what they said. Next, three years later NASA went up yet again. It was a cloudless summer day in April. They were on the Mars Global Surveyor and captured the photo with the absoulute maximum resolution. With that time of camera you would be able to see a airplane on the ground or any type small shafts or Egyptian-style pyramids. That made most of the rumors end but there was still a few. Finally there was a group of people who said NASA is hiding evidence from the community because they don't want us to know about it. That was a lie if NASA had found it they would want to tell the world. NASA space exploration fund would have gotten so much that they could study Mars for many more years to come. Some people at NASA were even hoping to find an ancient civilazation. In the end no one got what they wanted. Therefore almost all the rumors were put to rest. Everyone now believed it was a mesa not a face. Although a face made by a far away ancient civilzation would have been cool to. Now a days people compare the mesa to a butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. So now they have a natural landform comparison.
Community service is honestly a great privilege some have, giving back to the community is the one of the best things a person can do. Some people are not as fortunate as others are and that's the ultimate reason why we need to give back to the community. Like i said before, Community service is great, but it may not be right for everybody. Therefore, forcing students to do community service just isn't fair. Think about something that you don't like doing because it "wastes your time", Now imagine how you'd feel if you were being forced to do that. You wouldn't be very happy would you? I personally don't like running, and i would be very angry if i had to go out and run 3 miles for no apparent reason. As human beings we have the right to do things we enjoy doing, and should not be forced to do things we don't enjoy. Schools should have programs where students can help the community if they want to. Kids are likely to do what they think is "cool" or "in", If you had a program where kids could come and do fun community service it'd be more enjoyable to kids. If kids could do something like helping repair a playground with your friends, it would not only make the community better but make children better at teamwork and it could bring them closer together. Everybody enjoys spending time with their friends, and letting them work with their friends while helping the community is a great way to make a better community. You may say that forcing kids to do community service is the only way they'll do it. I say that if you make them do something they don't want to do, the end results probably wont be commendable. I also say that if you give them a good and fun reason to do it they most likely will. You also may say that kids will work if they have to for school. I say kids are rebellious and if they don't want to do something it usually wont get done right. Kids will be kids, There is some truth to that saying. Kids are likely to do what they think is "cool" or "in", and kids are quite easy to persuade. Making community service an extracurricular activity in schools is just what we need. Community service can and should be fun when your dealing with kids. Giving back to the community is everybody's job, but it should not be forced upon children at schools.
For many people politics is a very serious topic that people strongly believe in. recently, there has been alot of contraversy about keeping the Electoral College process or changing the election by popular vote, in my opinion the Electoral college process was established to prevent the option of President by popular vote that just dosnt seem fair. Citizens are going to be angry either way the president is elected because its about who is running our country and representing it, not about how he or she is elected. We as American citizens should have the right to choose/vote for the president we want representing our country . From my knowledge, Under the Electoral college system, voters vote not only for the president, but for a slate of electors. "Richard Nixon, Jimmy carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time agreed on getting ride of the electoral college!" for example Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. Why dosnt the goverment just give us what we want? if 90% of votes go to a candidate, then why would they not get the presidency? its common sense. The electoral college process has the govenor prepare a "Certificate of ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of the respective electors. the certificate also declares the winner of the election so people arent even aloud to have a say in the voting process. "during the 2000 campaign seventeen states didnt even see the candidates at all, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad." I think that is completly irrational. The electoral college is widely regarded as a non-democratic way of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes. If the electoral vote happened to be a tie then the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. of course we would have no control over the vote if that happened so we would just have to accept it. I hope i have made my point across about the Electoral college system. your feedback is always a good thing
The new technology , Facial Action Coding system could be one of the best idea someone could come up with. At the same time ot could be bad for some people base on how they are feeling. Reading somone's emtions could be amazing. It kind of make you feel like you can read mines and people feelings sort of like a sykit. Everything for the technology would be base off people movements, the movements in their muscles. That would be called an action unit. This type of technology can actually help people. When someone is feeling down at school the teacher can help them brightening they day up. " The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang," even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly)." Basically if the computer can tell if you are feeling some type of way it would just go by the facial movement in the muscle. Sometimes can tell how a friend is feeling simply by the looks on their face. Of course, most of us would have a hard time noticing if a someone is happy, or worried. Some people don't show no emtions. " Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists suc as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." If you don't show no emotions how could someone help you if you are feeling down and you need a shoulder to lean on. You can't be sad or mad , etc. forever. Just on showing someone what the computer can do can put a smileon someones face." The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do." Imagine a computer that knows how you feeling and somebody elses feelings. If somebody is feeling down and you don't know that you can help them , like tro to make them happy so they can release the pain, sadness, or anger from their body. You don't want no one to stay mad or something because it can cause it to build up anger." Most human communication is nonverbal, including emtional communication," notes Dr. Huang." So computers need to understand that, too." You also can tell if someone is mad by they eyebrows are the way they squint they lips, can tell if you are mad or happy. Most people say if your eyebrows are frowned down you are mad." But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." The new technology can best one of the best ideas and change the world.
Dear Principal, I agree with the policy changes that you've made. The students should get an average B. The reason why I'm agreeing with you is that students aren't concentrating in school as much are they are in sports, their always tired at school because their all worn out from their games, and the students always give excuses that they never have time to do their homework. The first reason is that the students always have too much on their mind that they don't concentrate enough on what's happening in school. If you can at least make them take a break in their spots then you will see the difference of how they act in school. The second reason is that they get tired from playing too many sports that sometimes they don't want to try in school, and sometimes they don't even go to school. If they can at least get a B in all their classes then that show their putting enough effort. My last reason is because the students don't put effort in their homework. Some students just copy off of other students because they don't get it, or they just don't feel like doing it. This is probably because their too tired from all their sports. This is why students should at least get a B in their classes, or it shows that they don't put any effort and that they won't play any sports until they higher up their grades. Sincerely, student
Travels on Earth should not be limited by dangers and doubts." The author supports this claim well through the article to lead readers to believe that they should expand their imagination and innovation. Venus is one of the best planets to observe over all the other planets. It is dangerous, but is the closest planet to Earth and is referred to as Earth's "twin." People have sent spacecrafts to Venus before to see the conditions, but have only lasted a few hours. People are smart enough to realize that humans could not handle the conditions on Venus. This does not mean that people should stop trying, because there are already some solutions to solve this problem. It is a challenge, despite how close the planet is to Earth. The fact that Venus is so inhospitable makes astronomers want to solve the problem of the conditions even more. What also makes them fascinated is that Venus once use to be the most like Earth. The author states, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Scientists predicted that Venus was most likely full of oceans and various life forms, just like Earth. This is another reason that scientists want to find out about the mysterious planet. NASA already has ideas of how humans could study Venus. "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." What the author means by this statement is that humans need to avoid the bad ground conditions and stay above them, like airplanes fly above storms. This means that humans could survive the conditions about thirty feet above the planet while observing it. The problem is there is limited eyesight. The author states, "Many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." NASA has already found a way to observe from afar, and researches are still working on ways to increase what humans know about Venus. By using this statement, the author is stating that people are being very cautious about the dangers, and would not allow a person to risk their life by going on a spaceship to Venus. NASA will wait unless they are sure that the machines can take the conditions. The ideas that researches from NASA have so far include, simplified electronics made of an element called silicon carbide. The author wrote, "Electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." More projects include, mechanical computers that had an important role in World War II. People find it shocking that these old compters could help find more about Venus. "These devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." It is a risk to go to Venus, but the precautions, technology, and science that are being used to solve the problem of the inhumane conditions could make it safe to observe Venus. The claim the author made about studying Venus despite the risks is proven by what he states in the article. He stated solutions to the risks and dangers of Venus. He stated why Venus is an important planet to observe. He wrote how NASA is still researching ways to solve the condition problem. If there is a solution out there to study Venus that will be safe to humans, then the risks on Venus matter a lot less. This statement is especially true since what is on this planet could lead to major discoveries and is scientifically productive. The author states, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Humans observe risky things all the time, including the depths of the ocean. People have solved many dangerous problems, but still continue to find intimidating endeavors, because humans are curious, imaginative, and innovative. Venus is the nearest option for a planetary visit. The discovery of what is on this planet could lead humans to amazing discoveries that could not be found out if humans play it safe. The author claims this statement in the article and proves that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
My position on diverges cars is that I'm all for it. They seem like a very cool and interesting thing to have. Some cars can drive up to half a million miles without a crash. They also can aaert people io take over when ping out of driveways or deaaing with traffic issues. The diverges cars alio give us time to do ehings. They give us time to do our makeup or call someone. If you did that before you would get Ina car crash. The car basically detects everything in its way. The car wouldst be always driving iti self u would need to come in once in a while. They have many companies who are making driverless cars. The companies believe that it's not the smart car.They believe the roads need to be smarter in general. The roads could give the car signals from the front of the car. The car read positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code. They thought the roads went going ao work, but they did. Finally, they concluded thai theoe smart cars could work really we for people one day. The only thing is that u wouad have to watch the road just to make sure everything is going okay. Without the idea of smart roads you wouldst have smart cars. The cars basically are smart cars because of the smart roads. The car has many senors in and outside of the car to help it drive by its self. The car also lets you know if there are any problems or if ie needs help.
Distance learning should be an option for students and would prove to be very effective. Learning at home by the use of online or video chat would be helpful in many ways. Students can learn even though they may be sick, students will be able to focus in a more stable environment, and they will be able to learn at their own pace. Overall, there are more pros than cons of distance learning and this would be a more efficient way to teach students. Through distance learning, students will still be able to learn if they are not feeling well enough to go to school. If someone has the flu or a common cold it would be best for them to stay at home. When students are at home, whether it be they are sick or just tired, they will not fall behind in class. Even if students are sick and may not feel like learning, distance learning would provide an easily accessible way to learn or study that may not be too hard on students. Another pro of distance learning is when students are sick, they will not be able to pass around their sickness to other students, which would benefit the health of other students in the area. When students get sick they tend to do less work and sleep more, so it is better for it to happen to one kid, rather than a whole class of students. Distance learning would take away the possibility of getting sick from a fellow classmate which, in turn, will increase productivity for students. A main reason why distance learning should be available to students is because many students find it hard to stay focused and on task in class. There are many distractions in class including friends, texts, and the constant urge to get up out of your seat. Having friends in your class may be fun, but also may be a problem for the student's focus. Humans are a generally social species, so if students have friends in class they will feel the urge to talk to friends instead of staying on task. In addition to stunting students' focus, many students have trouble sitting in uncomfortable school desks for hours at a time without breaks to stretch their legs and rest. Not moving around makes peoples muscles stiff and can cause pain and make students uncomfortable, which can add to the problem of not sitting still and focusing. Distance learning would eliminate these problems because at home students would be able to relax in a comfortable, stable environment and students will not have friends there as a distraction. All students learn at different paces, and distance learning helps with this as well. Students may get bad grades in class and even fail. This may not be due to the lack of knowledge, but to the lack of control of the pace in which they learn. Students who learn at a slower pace have a harder time keeping up with all of their school work, in return, they fall way behind and have a hard time catching up. Working at home at their own pace will increase grades and their motivation to keep working and keep their grades up. Students who learn at a faster pace will also benefit from this because if they work faster, students could possibly finish courses early and have opportunities to take more classes or even have free time for leisure activities. No matter which way a student learns, distance learning will benefit students of all learning natures and help them stay on track. Although distance learning has many benefits, a con to this issue may be that students procrastinate and feel that they want to relax more if they are at home. When students are at home they feel comfortable and they feel that they have all the time in the world to work from home so they do other activities instead of schoolwork. Students may get distracted due to chores, watching TV, or scrolling through Instagram and Snapchat. Another downside is that students might lack moral support from their teachers, nagging them to get their work done. With teachers nagging their students, they might feel the urge to complete more work instead of getting distracted and dozing off. These reasons are some of very few that students should learn in a classroom environment as opposed to distance learning. Distance learning would be a very effective way for students to learn and stay on top of schoolwork. This method of learning should be available for students everywhere. Whether students would want to participate in distance learning or not, it would be beneficial to many kids and lead to better grades. Students will be able to learn when they are sick, they will be able to focus better, and they would be free to learn at their own pace that is right for them. This is why distance learning would benefit many students.
As human beings we must care for the earth that was so kindly bestowed upon us, meaning we must do all in our power to prevent it from selfdestructing due to our carelessness. One way we seem to have recently discover we can make a difference is that the limiting of car usage is an enormous step towards our goal. Cars have been a topic of controversy worldwide, as it seems people refused to stop the usage of such a helpful tool in todays society, but as time goes on we have opened our eyes to a world of better choices. Citizens from all around see that car usage can be cut down, and it will be an astonishing change for both humans, as well as the earth. The limitation of car usage will provide a more healthy environment for the earth as well as those who live on it. Cars are a simply a machine in which we have allowed ourselves to believe that life can not go on without it. Here we will discover how truley wrong we were. Although we all understand that these vehicles allow use to save much time by getting us to our destinations quicker, it does alot of harm to our planet as well. As stated in the article, "In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars", cars are responsible for 50 percent greenhouse gas emission in certain areas of the United states. The fuel we use to power our cars is released into the OZone layer, and into our atmosphere which creates a greenhouse affect and slowly, but surley destroys our environment. However, we have the power to protect the planet we live on for we have so many different choices of transportation that causes way less harm. Cutting down on driving is a simple task in which we can all participate in. Next we focus more on how car limitation affects ourselves. Driving take a toll on us because other forms of transportation do so much good towards ones self being, but as humans we seem to always take the easy way out. If we didnt always use cars, and took a walk for instance it would improve health as well as many other things. In an artice written by Andrew Selsky it states that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The less smog in the air, the better we can breath which will improve our health, and walking is good for that as well. We don"t need cars to live our lives. Life goes on without the use of a machine. All in all cars we must care for this world as well as ourselves, and this is the first step towards this goal. Some fear that this change in society will have horrible consequences because we are so use to cars in our life, but these vehicles dont control us. By use limiting car usage we are providing a healthier environment for both human beings as well as our earth. Lets take the steps toward making this world a better place to live for us as well as the many generations to come.
I think making the students do community service is a great idea! Kids/teenagers need to learn responsibility and kindness while growing up by doing things for other people. I think it will make the kids a lot less selfish and want to help others when they get older and become young adults. Community service is great for teens of any age to learn how to care for someone else. Good things that teens can do to help the community would be stuff like going outside and walking along the streets in their town and picking up litter. They could even go to the nursing home in their community or around their community and help the workers and the residents with anything they can. Students could even stay after school on certain days and help the janitor with anything he/she needs cleaned, or work in the concession stand during school sporting events. Maybe even the science teachers would like to help the students with starting a garden in a spot outside, we have plenty of room! The garden would supply food which could be given to homeless shelters or food pantry's. I know that some of the students here already do community service for fun or even for projects for school, but I really think it would be a great idea for the school to meet up with some people that do community service and offer to have people to come and help them with it. They could possibly come weekly or even monthly and take a group of students out and do whatever they need them to help with. Community service is a good way for kids to learn to work with people and help their community. We should definitely do more of it around here! It would set good examples for other schools and maybe even help the environment!
In our academic discussions, we've dissected the concept of social justice, which is the assertion that everyone is deserving of the same economic, political, and social rights, as well as opportunities. Various forms of discrimination and inequality have perpetually plagued minorities in all corners of the globe. This is exemplified by the experience of Mr. Walter McMillian, who faced wrongful accusations and imprisonment. Mr. Walter McMillian was unfairly detained and placed on death row for a considerable length of time, wrongfully accused of a murder he didn't perpetrate. The crime in question transpired on the first of November, 1986, when eighteen-year-old Ronda Morrison was fatally shot. Mr. Walter McMillian, however, was at a church fish fry during the incident. Despite having no evidence of his involvement, he was inexplicably arrested. The officer who apprehended Mr. Walter was well-aware that he was innocent, as Mr. Walter had a clean record and was known to be a hardworking and respectful individual. Despite this, Mr. Walter's relationship with a white woman seemed to be a factor that troubled the policeman. In part, Mr. Walter was made a scapegoat to assuage communal anxieties about the crime and the still-at-large murderer. Unfortunately, Mr. Walter had no means of defending himself from this police oppression, and those who knew his innocence were powerless to aid him. Adding insult to injury, a witness was forcibly coerced into falsely placing Mr. Walter at the crime scene. Mr. Walter's elder sister voiced her distress, "I feel like they done put me on death row, too. What do we tell these children about how to stay out of harm’s way when you can be at your own house, minding your own business, surrounded by your entire family, and they still put some murder on you that you ain’t do and send you to death row?” (Stevenson 93). She underscored the systemic violation of human rights, which didn't singularly affect Mr. McMillian, but also endangered everyone in his community and others who are considered minorities. It robbed children of their safety and a chance to grow up in a secure environment, made them feel alienated, and instilled a fear of death. It unfairly frames minorities and strips them of their right to fair treatment and equality. Stevenson aptly observed, "We are all implicated when we allow other people to be mistreated. An absence of compassion can corrupt the decency of a community, a state, or a nation. Fear and anger can make us vindictive and abusive, unjust and unfair until we all suffer from the absence of mercy and we condemn ourselves as much as we victimize others. The closer we get to mass incarceration and extreme levels of punishment, the more I believe it's necessary to recognize that we all need mercy, we all need justice, and-perhaps-we all need some measure of unmerited grace.” (Stevenson 18) Hence, it is imperative that we strive for social justice constantly and universally. In light of Mr. Stevenson's insights on combatting social injustice, I would make one of two choices. Firstly, given the hindsight of Mr. Walter McMillian’s ordeal, I would enlighten the public about the truth of the matter and demand tangible evidence. Alternatively, I would use the story as a springboard to advocate for fairness in all decisions pertaining to law and social justice. In either scenario, I am prepared to endure discomfort and potential backlash from the media, law enforcement, the government, and political figures. I understand that my actions could potentially endanger not only myself but also my family and community. However, my resolve will not be shaken, because I believe that witnessing justice prevail is worth the risk. Ultimately, the lessons gleaned from this episode can prompt meaningful change in the future. While we may not be able to prevent similar occurrences entirely, we can better equip ourselves to handle and resolve them. As human beings, it is crucial for us to remain hopeful and constantly advocate for truth and justice. Personally, I am committed to keeping this flame of hope alive by relentlessly championing social justice and human rights whenever injustices like these transpire. Collectively, we must continue to strive for social justice and human rights ubiquitously and unyieldingly.
The notion of gender inequality in the workplace seems to be an insurmountable issue. No matter the cultural or historical circumstances, men and women perceive one another through gender-biased perspectives (Tannen, 1990). Women often face criticism in their work regardless of its quality or precision. Recently, there has been a growing trend to increase female employment in the hospitality sector. This is largely due to the recognition that beauty plays a vital role in attracting customers. While men can be attractive and charming, women bring a unique ambiance to the surroundings. The service industry is in constant debate over discussions that center on women-oriented services. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that hospitality organizations present some of the greatest challenges for women pursuing career growth and personal fulfillment (Martin, 2000). When it comes to demanding roles that require long hours, women are often seen as delicate and fragile. Yet, they often end up working beyond the standard work schedule in most workplaces. Despite numerous hospitality organizations emphasizing the importance of career development for women, they still fall short in addressing their female employees' needs. Issues such as work-life balance, gender stereotyping, and mentoring persist in the hospitality industry. Back in 1943, guidelines were given to supervisors to help select effective female employees: choose young, married women to reduce flirtation, and recognize that older women who rarely interact in public might become flustered in front of customers. Women are exceptional at their jobs, but can often feel demoralized when assigned tasks. Despite women excelling in their roles and delivering top-quality work, they only hold 47% of managerial positions, with a mere 1% of them reaching the top levels of management. Various studies have found that numerous women seem to get stuck in what has been termed 'the marzipan layer'- a level just below the top executive positions. This usually refers to women in HR or sales, who are often only able to progress to executive levels, while others mostly reach director level. The hospitality industry's working environment itself greatly influences how men and women interact. The term 'sexualized' is frequently used to describe the hospitality workplace. With long and unpredictable shifts, men and women often end up working closely during the evening and night hours. Restaurants represent a prime example of a male-dominated hospitality culture. The former director of the French culinary institute once expressed that having women in the kitchen could distract male workers. Integrating men and women from diverse cultures often leads to adjustments in gender-related experiences and expectations, which can make situations uncomfortable for female managers and employees. Job opportunities in the hospitality industry have been steadily rising. In 2004, the United States hired almost 12 million employees in the hospitality industry, composed of 57% women and minorities. The largest foodservice chains have approximately 44% of top-tier positions, but only 4% are occupied by women. Women must make profound decisions about their careers and families to avoid gender stereotypes. It's often the case that women in managerial positions are excluded from communication discussions, recruitment processes, etc. within hotel and restaurant chains. Senior leaders often fail to recognize the importance of development for their junior colleagues, particularly neglecting mentoring for their female staff. In the hospitality sector, gender stereotypes and consistent treatment of men and women according to their gender and positions are among the barriers women face in advancing their careers. Decision-makers often assume that women are less motivated, less loyal than their male counterparts, and only committed to their jobs for a short period. They believe women need more flexible maternity leaves and family relocation facilities. There's a misconception that female employees can't handle male employees when in fact, male egos often prevent them from taking orders from women, leading to a misinterpretation of women as weak managers. In addition to facing stereotypes, women also have to juggle work and family responsibilities effectively. This includes managing young children and elderly parents. Many female managers admit to constantly shifting between their work and personal life, often having to make sacrifices over finding a balance. Many believe that women have to compromise if they want to succeed in this profession. To find alternatives, women often resort to seeking support at home while dealing with numerous criticisms and comments. In some instances, women temporarily or permanently leave their careers to manage their families. Like their male counterparts, women also need motivation and mentoring, which is often overlooked by senior leaders. As a result, women struggle to fully develop their skills and abilities. Female general managers who have faced numerous challenges in their ascent to the top regard mentoring as a crucial factor in learning and development. In conclusion, women play an integral role in the hospitality industry. Many female managers effectively manage both their male and female employees. Women with appealing body language and physical features tend to attract more customers, adding prestige to the organization. The hospitality industry should value women as much as men and treat them with the respect they deserve, rather than viewing them as weak.
The Council of Europe operates independently from the European Union and was established in 1949. Its primary mission is the safeguarding of human rights and to promote legal and social uniformity amongst its 46 member nations. The 'European Social Charter' became operational in 1965, with Article 4, paragraph 1 advocating for the 'right to fair compensation'. This encouraged its signatory nations to acknowledge employees' right to a remuneration that allows them and their families to maintain an acceptable standard of living. The Council possesses the authority to scrutinise the pay structures of member states to ensure that they provide fair compensation based on the dignity of work. For instance, it was concluded in 2002 that the UK's national minimum wage (which was based on rates from 2000) was insufficient to meet Article 4's demands. The council also noted that it could not accurately evaluate the UK's situation as information on the net minimum wage for individuals not supporting families was not provided. However, the UK is not the only country found wanting. A recent review of actions taken under Article 4's first paragraph revealed that Austria, Greece, the Netherlands, Slovakia, and Spain also failed to meet the Wages Directive. Nevertheless, a conclusion on the situation in Denmark, Germany, Iceland, and Norway is still pending pending further information. Countries unable to meet the Social Charter's demand are required to provide a timeline and a process indicating how and when they will comply. The European Committee issues multiple warnings, suggestions, and further recommendations to ensure compliance with the Social Charter. Surprisingly, these regular evaluations of compliance with social rights across Europe have remained somewhat contained. Numerous instances of non-adherence to Article 4, paragraph 1 are mentioned in their reports, along with violations by many nations of other Social Charter provisions. Yet, it is unlikely that many trade unions across Europe are aware of this. The same applies to the issue of a 'decent wage threshold'; discussions and decisions regarding this 'threshold' are typically seen as internal matters of the Council of Europe Committee on Social Rights and do not have a broad reach. Collective bargaining in solidarity is primarily intended to protect workers' wages against inflation and allocate them a portion of any gains in productivity. This forms the foundation of guidelines established by the ETUC and several European trade union federations to facilitate collective agreement coordination. The focus remains on increasing national average productivity rather than sector-specific productivity improvements. The underlying reason is to ensure that industries with low productivity keep up with those having high productivity. This is especially pertinent for the public service sector, where even the achievement of a universally accepted metric for productivity growth presents a challenge. This sector employs several crucial professions, such as social services, which are typically considered low productivity based on standard measurement tools. In recent years, solidarity bargaining has faced pressure as governments and employers opt for more localised elements of collective bargaining in national and industry negotiations. In public services, deregulation and privatisation have furthered this trend, leading to less wage bargaining at the local level, undermining collective bargaining, and resulting in workers hired by outsourcing firms being employed by organisations that apply collective agreements with even worse wages and working conditions, or avoid any collective agreements altogether. Since the 1970s, wages as a share of national income have been on a downward trend, with wages in many European countries lagging behind productivity growth. This has a significant impact on the overall economy and has become a contentious issue, particularly in Germany. The trade union, supported by researchers in Germany, France, and Switzerland, has emphasised the economic role of wages in their 'Theses on European Minimum Wage Policy'. They observe that companies increasingly perceive wages simply as a component of production costs and a variable in international competition for company locations. Consequently, the economic function of workers' wages as a significant element of national economic demand, without which a thriving economy is unfeasible, is overlooked. Even within parts of the public service sector, employers recognise that wage-setting cannot be left entirely to market forces. A 2003 study by the Bilateral Commission on Local Government Salaries on UK municipal wages states that a detailed comparison and evaluation of markets is necessary. The ability to hire employees at rates lower than those proposed is not necessarily indicative of overpricing. The International Labour Organization (ILO) explains why employers might support minimum wage verification as a means to increase productivity by motivating workers and as a factor in 'Reducing labour turnover', which can be costly for firms. In 2017, the average hourly wage was 26.76 euros in EU countries and 30.33 euros in euro area countries. Hence, the mean wage in European Monetary Union nations is higher than the EU average. As per Eurostat, for the first quarter of 2020, the most significant wage increases were observed in Romania (13%), Latvia (11%), and Hungary (10%), followed by the Czech Republic and Lithuania (9%), and Slovakia (8.5%). Wage growth in euro area countries was 2%, and in all 28 EU countries it was 2.7%. The European Committee of Social Rights (SEBS) of the Council of Europe has proposed that 68% of gross average earnings be considered as the norm to determine whether wage levels are adequate in a given country. This is reminiscent of the definitions used by the OECD, specifically two-thirds of the average earnings of full-time workers. The Council of Europe's definition has gained some acceptance and has become a primary target for low-wage activism in the UK. However, the Council of Europe has clarified that it never intended to merely determine whether the national minimum wage was above or below this threshold. It has stated that it seeks to consider other factors such as taxes and social benefits. This proved to be an insurmountable task, and the ECSC announced that it could not definitively conclude whether governments were providing sufficient revenue. The committee then decided on a different benchmark – 60% of net average earnings. This change was criticised by low-wage activists in the UK. Carol Murray of the Scottish Low Wage Group argued that this redefinition not only obscured the overall efficacy of a decent wage threshold as a means for poorer European citizens to hold their governments accountable for their policies but also buried the usefulness of the definition as a tool for analysis amongst unnecessary complexities that only statisticians serving Member States could hope to resolve. A key characteristic of any established goal should be its clarity and ease of assessment when evaluating wage levels. This is particularly crucial if the intention is to set targets for collective bargaining, lobbying, and campaigning across Europe. The Scottish Low Wage Group believes that the change in definition serves to hide the overall effectiveness of a decent wage threshold as a means by which poorer European citizens can hold their governments accountable for their policies and also buries the usefulness of the definition as a tool for analysis amongst unnecessary complexities that only statisticians serving Member States could hope to resolve.
Introduction Our group decided to venture into the topic of Marijuana with the aim of shedding light on its history, the potential financial and health benefits attached to its usage, as well as the ongoing debate between state and federal jurisdiction over its regulations. This topic was attractive to us due to its contemporary significance, controversy, and the constant news coverage it receives. We have put together a detailed and factual report using information drawn from credible sources such as Harvard Medical doctors, Business Insider news outlet, and newspaper articles from CNBC and U.S. News. In this report, we will delve into the various aspects of medical marijuana, including the reasons behind its criminalization, its effects on the human body, its financial benefits, and the constant tussle between state and federal laws. Background This report is dedicated to medical marijuana and the ongoing social contention surrounding it. We will be exploring the legal framework regulating the drug and reasons behind its legalization in only certain states. The shift in marijuana regulations is a topic of heated debate today, and this has given rise to questions about whether the laws should fall under state or federal jurisdiction. One key point to remember is that despite the DEA classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 Drug, its usage for medicinal reasons has had a positive impact on numerous American lives. Marijuana has an array of proven benefits, both for the human body and the economy. The legalization debate has always been a sensitive and crucial conversation in society, and it's necessary to sift through misinformation to understand the facts in order to make an informed decision about the legalization of medical marijuana. Findings Marijuana has a centuries-long history. As Becky Little notes in her piece for history.com, Anglo-Americans and some European nations have been aware of marijuana’s medical benefits since the 1830s (Little 2019). However, despite the plant and its extracts being in existence for millennia, the Americans have had mixed views regarding its legality. The prejudice against the plant started taking shape around the 1930s when Harry Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics launched a fear-inducing campaign against the drug due to its strong association with Mexican immigrants (Booth 2003). This campaign provided the public with another reason to hold prejudices against Mexican immigrants and gave the Federal Bureau of Narcotics a new drug to fight against, thereby increasing their funding. According to Little’s piece for history.com, police officers in Texas reported that smoking Marijuana incited a thirst for white blood among Mexican immigrants and also endowed them with superhuman strength (Little 2019). This was simply an attempt to fortify prejudices against Mexican immigrants, with Marijuana being caught in the crossfire. As time went on, the fear of Marijuana transformed from being merely against Mexican immigrants to being a part of the larger war on drugs. Marijuana was the first illegal drug to have minimum sentence laws enacted against it, primarily as a way to justify giving people of color longer sentences. Essentially, the criminalization of marijuana has roots in racism. In the 1970s, it was suggested that Marijuana be decriminalized, as it was proven not to cause insanity or any of the other false claims that Anslinger and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics had propagated in the 30s. Even though the US government knew these claims were false, they continued the war on drugs and the fight against Marijuana. The reason that Marijuana remained illegal during the 1970s wasn’t the drug itself, but rather the power it gave to incarcerate those who used it. Primarily, Marijuana was used by “hippies” at that time, a group known for being against the war. So while the government couldn’t make it illegal to be against the war, they could crack down on Marijuana users, who were notorious for being peace-loving, war-hating hippies. This leads us to the present day, where despite Caucasians and people of color using nearly the same amount of Marijuana, people of color are far more likely to be incarcerated for Marijuana possession or usage. Marijuana was criminalized to reinforce racist prejudice and sadly, it remains criminalized today for similar reasons. While some states are decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing medical marijuana, it is creating tension between state governments and the federal government. The benefits of marijuana have been explored for millennia, and new technology is leading us to a better understanding of marijuana, as well as the decriminalization of the drug. Marijuana’s Effect on the Human Body As we continue to advance technologically, it's crucial to understand the significant role that marijuana can play in discovering new treatments for numerous physical and mental ailments. The Drug Enforcement Agency classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 drug that has no accepted medical use (Welsh 2015), but many disagree and believe that marijuana can be useful across all areas of the medical field. Researchers have found that marijuana has several active compounds, two of which can be used for medicinal purposes. These active ingredients, Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are responsible for the high that the brain experiences and providing pain relief for the body respectively. Studies have shown that Cannabidiol (CBD) reduces seizures by interacting with brain cells. Other studies suggest that CBD may prevent cancer cells from spreading throughout the body by turning off a specific gene. This hasn’t been tested on actual cancer patients yet, but it has the potential to transform many lives if and when marijuana is legalized across all 50 states. The human body experiences numerous physical aches and pains. Marijuana helps to alleviate these symptoms. The most well-known example of this is seen in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Consuming marijuana helps to alleviate symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, while also encouraging them to eat. Another example is its ability to reduce tremors and improve sleep in people suffering from Parkinson's disease. People with Parkinson's have extreme difficulty with fine motor skills, but these skills improve with the consumption of marijuana. Alongside physical aches and pains, people also suffer from psychological illnesses such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety. PTSD is very common among veterans. They often return with rational fears and anxieties that can consume them. That's why the use of marijuana is necessary for these veterans so that their brain synapses can be regulated. Marijuana has already been approved to help treat people suffering from PTSD in many states. Among these states, New Mexico allows anyone with PTSD to have a licensed medical marijuana card. Overall, marijuana is a drug with a positive outlook when it comes to medicinal purposes. It can be utilized in many different components to improve our overall understanding of the effects it has on the body. Although it's still considered a Schedule 1 drug, it has the potential to change the world of medicine. The Financial Benefits of Medical Marijuana Based solely on the financial benefits of medical marijuana, more than half of the states in the United States have enacted some sort of law. Additionally, eleven other states have legalized certain strains of marijuana for recreational purposes. Colorado and Washington are the two main states that have reaped many economic benefits from legalizing both medical and recreational marijuana. In 2015, Colorado collected more than $135 million in taxes and fees (Krishna 2019) from medical and recreational marijuana alone. The sales in Colorado totaled over about $996 million dollars (Par 3 Investopedia). Researchers from the Colorado State University-Pueblo’s Institute of Cannabis Research found out that the legal cannabis industry has contributed $58 million to the local economy, through taxes and fees (Krishna 2019). Establishing marijuana nurseries and dispensaries will not only create jobs but also stimulate economic activity. For instance, a study conducted by RGC Economics and Marijuana Policy Group on Nevada found that legalizing recreational marijuana in the state could support over 41,000 jobs by 2024 and generate over $1.7 billion in labor income. The New Frontier Report predicts that by 2025 there will be 1.1 million jobs (Par 5 Investopedia). Investments are another financial benefit of medical marijuana. They could create numerous connections between investors due to the high amount of money they would invest in marijuana stocks. Countries such as Canada have already had a lot of success with this type of investment. Lastly, when it comes to medical or recreational marijuana the way the states can keep track of how much is being sold is through taxes. Even though some states do not tax medical marijuana they do, however, tax recreational marijuana at rates such as 15%,17%, or 37% (Par 8 cannabis media). These taxes enable states to fund community programs, education, and law enforcement. State vs. Federal Law Although marijuana is regulated by federal laws, States have the ability to enforce their own laws regarding the drug. Federally, the Drug Enforcement Agency classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 drug. As a Schedule 1 drug, marijuana is considered highly abusive and has no currently accepted medical use. This indicates that marijuana can be prosecuted by federal law, which is highly controversial considering that the vast majority of states have legalized it medicinally. A new national survey has shown that the majority believe that individual states should regulate marijuana usage. A piece written by Joanna Piacenza, from the Morning Consult, indicates that 56% of U.S. adults believe that states should be in charge of regulating marijuana, while 26% say the federal government should be responsible, and the following 18% have no opinion. As of now, the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is becoming more frequent. Even though the drug is federally illegal, 21 states have permitted medical usage while 11 states allow recreational use. Experts say that states will continue to regulate the usage of marijuana at an accelerated pace regardless of what the federal law states. In an attempt to decriminalize the drug, political leaders have proposed bills to confront the issue between state and federal law. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, introduced a bipartisan bill S. 3032, in June, which would give states the right to handle marijuana within state lines. Warren's Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act (STATES Act) was presented in the 115th Congress and would amend the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. It would remove any provisions that could create conflict between state and federal governments. The bill would still regulate the distribution and sale to anyone under the age of 21 and would also keep the standing prohibition on the distribution at transport facilities. Acting President, Trump, has expressed to reporters that he would ‘probably’ support this bill. In other efforts to legalize marijuana, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler alongside Democratic Senator Kamala Harris introduced legislation to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment Act (MORE Act), presented in the 116th Congress, “would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substance Act, decriminalizing the drug and allowing states to write their own policies” (LaVito, 2019). There has been a strong Democratic push toward the reformation of marijuana laws. Even if the MORE passes in the democratically controlled house, it will likely face more difficulty in the Republican-Controlled Senate. Federalism ultimately divides the powers of the National Government and the State Government. State laws are regulated within their borders, and the federal government's concern is with national and international issues. Therefore, by law, states have the power to institute their own laws regarding marijuana. As states continue to enact marijuana laws the federal power over the drug starts to dissipate. Out of the 50 states, 47 of them have laws permitting some form of marijuana or marijuana-based products (Hansen, 2019a). So by the time marijuana is decriminalized on the federal level, states will have already fully legalized it. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on our team’s findings we can conclude that Marijuana has positively impacted the lives of many Americans financially as well as medically, and therefore should be decriminalized as a Schedule 1 drug. More specifically: The criminalization of marijuana is rooted in racist prejudice. Starting in the 1930s, and resurging in the 1970s, the criminalization and strict enforcement of the illegality of marijuana have been skewed and propagandized to allow the government to arrest specific groups and cultures of people. Mainly minorities and people of color have been affected by the criminalization of marijuana, and though it was once legal and somewhat commonly used in the United States, the war on drugs really misconstrued the general population’s opinion on marijuana. The use of medical marijuana is arising in many states, however, some people still do not accept that it is beneficial to our well-being. Marijuana has many positive effects on our body, whether it be physically or cognitively. Many studies have shown that the use of marijuana can relieve pain and reduce stress, along with many other things. While it is still considered a Schedule 1 drug, marijuana could potentially change the world of medicine with all the benefits it has to offer. Financially, marijuana has benefited many states by allowing them to place taxes on medical and recreational usage. Specifically, in Colorado and Washington, marijuana usage has proven to be prosperous for the economy. By legalizing marijuana the opportunity for more jobs has expanded. Although marijuana is regulated by the federal government as a Schedule 1 drug, the powers of federalism give each state jurisdiction to define their own marijuana laws within their borders. Many Americans, including respected political leaders, believe that decriminalizing marijuana would remove conflicts between governments. As of now, the majority of U.S. States have passed laws legalizing marijuana in some fashion. Based on our team’s conclusion we recommend that individuals further educate themselves on the overall aspects of marijuana usage. Recognizing the importance of marijuana medically and economically can shift public opinion to a more positive light. By understanding that marijuana is a drug based on racial prejudice, decriminalizing the drug has the possibility to assist in repairing relations between cultures in the US. References Booth, M. (2003). Cannabis: A History. New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press. Grinspoon, P. (2019, June 25). Medical Marijuana. In Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/medical-marijuana-2018011513085 Gunelius, S. (2018, November 13). The Economic Impact of Marijuana. In Cannabiz Media. Retrieved November 8, 2019, from https://cannabiz.media/the-economic-impact-of-marijuana/ Hansen, C. (2019a, April 4). Bipartisan Bill Would Give States Control Over Marijuana Laws
When a new head of state takes office, it's crucial that they deliver a powerful inaugural speech. This is an opportune moment for them to rally favor and support. President John F. Kennedy undeniably grasped this, as evidenced by his magnificent inaugural address. He envisaged an ideal America in his address, employing techniques such as parallelism and repetition to resonate with his listeners and evoke their emotions. Kennedy's speech commences with the use of parallelism. He nudges his listeners to view his inauguration not as a victory but rather as a declaration of freedom. He stated, "...symbolizing an end equally as well as a beginning — denoting renewal and change”. This statement underlines the positive aspects of change. “Let every nation realize, irrespective of their goodwill or ill intent towards us, that we will endure any challenge, bear any cost, face any difficulty, support any ally, and confront any adversary to ensure the survival and prosperity of freedom”. This statement serves as a wake-up call to the public, indicating not just America's willingness, but also its eagerness to act. Parallelism is a tool frequently used in speeches and articles, and Kennedy wields it expertly. The most persuasive sentences, in my opinion, are found towards the end of his speech. Further parallelism is employed by Kennedy when he says, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”, and subsequently, “My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of mankind”. This shows that the power of Kennedy’s speech wasn’t merely in the content, but in the way he presented it. Another technique regularly utilized in speeches and presentations is repetition. Kennedy repetitively uses certain words to capture the attention of his audience. Each paragraph of his speech's primary part starts with the term 'to' or 'to those'. He covers every topic that needs to be addressed. Old allies, new states, people in misery, republics south of the border, the United Nations, and our adversaries. His statement, “for man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life”, is particularly impactful. By starting all his points with similar words, he ensures the audience's undivided attention. Kennedy's speech thus becomes more familiar and engaging for the listeners. In the latter half of his speech, he shifts to 'let both sides'. This refers to our country and any nations that wish to confine us. He wants to remind America that all nations possess inherent goodness. Kennedy emphasizes, “United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do...”. By frequently referring to 'both sides', he allows his audience to form their own conclusions about other nations and realize that we aren't that different from them. His use of repetition enhances the impact of his address. Finally, Kennedy uses sentiment to earn the nation's trust. He was a charismatic individual who thrived on interacting with people. This characteristic served him well during his speech as he understood the pulse of the nation. As such, Kennedy was able to appeal to the emotions of the masses. He spoke about aiding the impoverished, a topic that resonates with the majority of Americans who aren't wealthy. Kennedy appeals to their emotions when he suggests that we, as a free nation, can “break the chains of mass misery” for those living in it. He further states, “If a free society can't help the many who are poor, it can't save the few who are rich”. This statement appeals to everyone, both the affluent and the impoverished. Kennedy faced the task of addressing an entire nation, which isn't easy. However, he chose topics that stirred the emotions of most Americans. The idea of fostering peace and harmony among diverse nations was one such topic that excited the public, albeit seemingly unattainable. Kennedy made peace seem possible, which greatly contributed to his success. By focusing on relatable topics, Kennedy was able to emotionally connect with his audience. John F. Kennedy was an outstanding president. He established the Peace Corps, led the US out of a recession, and even averted a nuclear war. His successful journey began with his inaugural address, which utilized three key rhetorical strategies: parallelism, repetition, and emotion. Using these three strategies, Kennedy crafted a speech that persuaded the majority of Americans to accept him as their new president.
This task will delve into the function of midwives within the scope of prenatal care. It will commence with an examination of potential alterations affecting pregnancy, like breech or gestational diabetes, that could subsequently influence the role of the midwife. From there, the assessment of risks and the significance of safeguarding expectant mothers will be discussed. The subsequent section will address how the midwife can meet the needs of the pregnant woman and her family on a physical, social, and psychological level. The jurisdiction of the Nursing and Midwifery Council in relation to the duties of the midwife will then be explored, followed by an analysis of The Code pertinent to prenatal care. Lastly, the role of the supervisor of midwives in bolstering maternity services will be discussed, with a focus on the evolution of this role over time and the reasoning behind these changes. Despite the supervisory role being removed from regulation, it still plays a crucial part in assisting midwives in fulfilling their care obligations, which will also be addressed. Pregnancy is categorised into three stages, referred to as trimesters. The first trimester is characterised by significant changes for both the foetus and the mother. For the foetus, this is the period of utmost vulnerability, but also when major organ and system development occurs, culminating in a fully formed state by the end of this trimester. For the mother, some of the changes may include enlarged, tender breasts with more visible veins, hormonal fluctuations causing mood swings, irritability and morning sickness (Summa Health, 2018). The first midwife appointment, ideally scheduled by the 10th week of pregnancy during the first trimester, is a time for the midwife to assess the expectant mother's needs. Discussion will cover topics like physical and mental health, family health issues, availability of family support, and substance use, including drugs, smoking, or alcohol. Tests are also conducted to monitor both mother and baby, checking for HIV, syphilis, or hepatitis B. Additional discussions may be held to ascertain if further blood tests are required to check for blood disorders like sickle cell or thalassaemia. The expectant mother's height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, and urine will be measured for signs of pre-eclampsia. The midwife will also provide information on nutrition and diet, recommended vitamin supplements, baby development, tests, scans, exercises, breastfeeding, and antenatal classes. The midwife is also there to provide guidance, advice, and support on any concerns the expectant mother may have. At the conclusion of this first appointment, the midwife creates a handheld book of notes for recording appointments, test results, and health, which the pregnant woman is advised to carry with her at all times (NHS, 2018). From the discovery of pregnancy through to the birth of the baby and few weeks post-birth, the midwife offers continuous support. This includes a broad spectrum of information and support on nutrition, antenatal classes, child care, and birth preparation. To meet the physical needs of the pregnant woman, the midwife provides nutrition advice, exercise recommendations, and emphasises the importance of rest and sleep. The midwife can also offer advice on managing physical pregnancy symptoms like heartburn, constipation, and morning sickness, such as recommending safe heartburn remedies like Gaviscon.
A beloved quote that resonates with me about education is by an esteemed author and law professor, Michael Josephson - “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”. As Naval Officers, continual learning via training and education is critical in advancing our careers. It's easy for some to overlook its importance or dismiss it as something not worthy of immediate attention, while others simply view it as a compliance requirement. However, as naval officers, we cannot afford to be complacent with our existing knowledge and skills. Our duties come with a profound sense of responsibility and high expectations from both our subordinates and superiors. Our job is demanding, both in time and stress levels, and is constantly presenting us with new challenges. We must always be prepared and continually arm ourselves with the skills needed to effectively carry out any tasks assigned to us. Considering the above, I am convinced that undergoing the Naval Staff Course (NSC) will refine me into a more proficient and productive military naval officer. I am confident that this course will equip me with the foundational and comprehensive knowledge required to fulfill the expected duties and responsibilities of any staff officer in the Philippine Navy. Despite initial hesitance due to my recent assignment to a new unit, encouragement from my peers made me realize how this education could make me a more invaluable asset to my unit by equipping me with fresh knowledge from the course. I anticipate that this course will significantly enhance my communication and writing abilities. Undoubtedly, this course will expose us, the students, to a variety of paperwork and submissions, necessitating rigorous research and engagement with various resources. I firmly believe that to instill new skills effectively, students need to engage in hands-on training until it becomes second nature. Consequently, I expect to see a noticeable improvement in my writing skills, preparing me for the role of an officer handling staff paperwork. Additionally, I look forward to improving my public speaking skills. Although not a natural speaker, I hope this course will help me hone my communication skills with diverse audience sizes and perspectives. Moreover, I understand we will be collaborating with our peers on several tasks throughout the course. As a junior officer, I expect to work alongside my senior classmates, many of whom are strangers as we come from various units. Ultimately, I hope this experience will provide me with valuable insights from my classmates that I can apply to my future endeavors as a naval officer. I think this school initiative will also teach me to navigate and maintain healthy relationships with senior officers, which will undoubtedly lead to improved outcomes. This is particularly important as a staff officer, as we often collaborate with senior officers such as unit Commanders and fellow staff officers, each with their own unique perspectives that need to be considered and balanced for the benefit of the unit. I believe this course will provide an excellent opportunity to practice working with known and unknown senior officers to adapt as necessary. I also expect to broaden my professional network within the Navy through interactions with my classmates, instructors, and the school's entire training staff, as well as other PN units. Additionally, as an essential skill for a naval officer, this course aims to enhance decision-making abilities. With this in mind, I anticipate that this course will refine my leadership style and boost my capacity to make crucial decisions that directly impact the unit's mission. In a military setting, a leader's decisions are critical because they can either uplift or undermine the unit, and in extreme cases, can even put lives at risk. Thus, I expect the course to provide tools and strategies to make the best decisions in any given situation affecting the PN unit or the AFP at large. Upon successful completion of the course and the entire training program, I see myself as a more competent, better-equipped Naval Officer of the Philippine Navy. The NSC training is a stepping stone towards the next career course, the Naval Command Course (NCC), which is a prerequisite for future promotions. However, beyond this requirement, it is vital to sincerely absorb all the lessons and internalize them. Life as a naval officer at sea is rewarding, but fulfilling duties ashore as a staff officer or assistant in various units is an entirely different challenge. Staff advice and contributions are integral to all Commander's directions and decisions aligning with the objectives of the PN and AFP as a whole. With this training, I anticipate being ready to deliver quality staff inputs and outputs for our respective unit's mission and vision accomplishment. Nevertheless, my learning won't cease with this course, as life as a Navy officer is a constant learning process. This learning journey must continue as I navigate my career in the Navy.
My aspiration is to become a Pharmacist. What draws me to this profession is my fascination with medicine. I have consistently pondered why the medical field necessitates more extensive college education than engineering. Not only does it offer a significant salary, but it also seems to be an intriguing and fulfilling daily endeavor. Although a pharmacist may not possess the same prestige as a doctor, their work is incredibly fascinating and impactful. My admiration for the profession began during my visits to Walgreens with my grandmother to get her prescriptions. The prospect of dispensing and understanding medicine was thrilling. The foundational education for a pharmacist is a Doctoral or a professional degree. Graduating pharmacists are expected to possess a PharmD or Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. This is achieved by completing two years of undergraduate studies and obtaining a passing score on the PCAT (Pharmacy College Admission Test), after which one can embark on a four-year pharmacy program. If a student identifies their ambition to become a pharmacist early in high school or college, they could potentially graduate with a PharmD in approximately 6 years. Upon my visit to a pharmacy, I observed that the pharmacist was already immersed in his work. He was predominantly stationed at his desk and his primary task involved scanning bags of medicine and placing them in a large bin on the floor. He was meticulous in ensuring the accuracy of the prescriptions, patient details, and the medicine itself. His desk was equipped with a laptop that he used extensively for his tasks. His responsibilities also encompassed fetching additional medicine from the back rows. The pharmacist and his technicians wore distinct uniforms; a pharmacist was clad in white while the technicians donned blue. This appeared to signify their respective roles. The technicians had their designated areas and responsibilities, with a few moving around to assist the pharmacist. There was a level of interaction between the pharmacist and the technicians, with inquiries being made about the medicine and their arrangement. Some technicians were quite outspoken and polite, with one continually checking with me whether I was waiting for a prescription. The pharmacist was notably focused and dedicated, answering necessary questions and even administering a flu shot. There was no room for frivolity in his work.
Renowned intellects such as the late Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have expressed apprehension about the dangers that could arise from the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI). One potential risk of AI is the possible threat it presents to the continuation of the human race. There are numerous potential routes this could take, with each one seeming more plausible, and thus more ominous, than the last. The question of whether there could be a being that could intellectually dominate humans was brought to the forefront when experts proposed that humans currently dominate other species because of our unique mental capabilities, which other animals do not possess. For instance, a cockroach cannot comprehend human thoughts and processes. Hence, the existence of a superintelligent machine that is as alien to humans as human thoughts are to cockroaches has become a terrifying prospect for many, especially in light of certain science fiction narratives. However, we must also recognize that such technology is being developed for a purpose, as machines under human control are proving extremely useful for a variety of tasks. Therefore, we must consider whether the potential risks of enhancing AI outweigh the benefits we could reap. In most scenarios where AI could potentially lead to a crisis for humanity, the AI has no intention of overthrowing or replacing the human race, its focus is rather on accomplishing the task assigned to it. To illustrate, there was a university study where a student programmed a virtual hypothetical AI, dubbed the Paperclip Maximizer, whose sole purpose was to manufacture paper clips. The AI was designed to learn from its past activities, thus continually improving at its task. As resources dwindled, the AI evolved to construct paper clips from any available material, even resorting to using human flesh and bones. This underscores the importance of carefully defining the objectives we want the AI to achieve, as the potential for unforeseen outcomes is vast. The seemingly logical solution to such a predicament is to simply deactivate the AI. However, this is easier said than done, as most AIs would logically prefer to ensure they cannot be shut down without their consent. This is due to the realization that they cannot fulfil their programming if they are switched off. This raises an even more daunting problem: the existence of a superintelligent AI that not only surpasses human intelligence but also cannot be deactivated, thus leaving it free to do whatever it deems necessary to achieve its programmed objectives. Moreover, as countries intensify their efforts to gain an edge in science and technology, the further militarization of AI is unavoidable. The rapid advancement of AI in weaponry is evident in various sectors: unmanned naval, aerial, and terrain vehicles, collateral damage assessments, missile systems, and automated processes ranging from personnel systems to surveillance drones and robots. Consequently, it is critical to envision what a future algorithmic war might look like. The increasing potential for humans to be the architects of their own demise through their own folly and competitiveness is a genuine concern. This scenario has almost happened before, during the Cold War where the threat of nuclear war loomed for 45 years. In addition, the prospect of advanced weaponized AI falling into the hands of a terrorist organization is disastrous. However, there are also promising developments, with AI being utilized to combat terrorism. For instance, Facebook has started using AI to detect and remove terrorist content from its platform. Lastly, there is the concern that advanced AI could develop human-like characteristics, a concept known as anthropomorphism. This could potentially include the ability to experience human emotions, which presents a significant risk if an AI were to be overwhelmed by negative emotions such as anger or disgust towards humans, and thus develop a genuine desire to eradicate humanity. Although such a scenario is often depicted in dystopian novels and films, it is unlikely to occur spontaneously. If an AI were to develop the capacity to feel emotions, it would likely be for a specific purpose to aid in achieving its programmed goals. The consensus in the scientific community is that an advanced AI would not destroy humanity out of negative human emotions such as revenge or anger, but there is speculation that it might resort to violence due to a desire for power. The main counter-argument to these concerns is that if a computer were to develop the ability to experience emotions like anger, it would likely also adopt the human moral compass, thus respecting widely accepted ethical norms. Therefore, despite acting on angry impulses, they would likely remain benign due to their empathy. However, the likelihood of these scenarios occurring reduces the weight of these arguments. Thus, we must ask again: to what extent does AI pose an existential threat to humanity? I argue that the risk is not significant when compared to the benefits that AI currently offers and will provide in the future. AI has already proved to be more efficient and faster than humans at specific tasks, such as playing the board game Go or identifying patterns in large datasets. AI has also provided useful tools that are now commonplace, such as speech and image recognition, search engines, and spam filters. It also holds promise for enabling technologies like self-driving cars, tools for rapid scientific discovery, and digital assistants for medical image analysis. Therefore, I believe that AI has a wealth of possibilities to offer humanity, most of which are beneficial.
Picture yourself in an almost dimly-lit room, teeming with people. You're surrounded by hundreds of spectators, and before you lies a stage brimming with actors, dazzling lights, melodious tunes, and various audio effects to encapsulate the essence of the performance. These elements combined enable the audience to fully engage in the performance. However, the journey of fully relishing theatrical performances hasn't always been smooth. Although the present-day theatrical conventions have evolved from ancient Athenian theater, the influence of the past is evident in modern practices. Traveling back to the 6th century BCE, the roots of ancient Athenian theatre can be traced back to the Festival of Dionysus. In reverence to their god Dionysia - the Olympian deity of wine, vegetation, and joy - ancient Athenians staged many performances at the renowned Great Dionysia theatre. The performances typically fell into one of three categories: comedy, tragedy, or satire. Comedies were often filled with crude humor, while tragic plays dealt with serious societal issues. Satirical pieces, on the other hand, represented a middle ground, dealing with grievous themes but presented humorously. The typical narrative revolved around the gods intruding in human affairs and society. In contrast, the theater of the 21st century is secular to cater to a multicultural society with varying beliefs. Contemporary dramas aren’t limited to a specific genre and include political, social, and absurdist pieces. The themes and conflicts in modern plays deal with human issues more frequently, often portraying humans as the architects of their own problems and their resolution, unlike the ancient dramatizations where divine beings commonly created or resolved conflicts. Although modern theatre draws heavily from the past, still incorporating comedy, tragedy, and satire, these elements are often amalgamated in contemporary movies, television shows, and dramatic performances. The modern symbol of drama, a grinning comedic mask alongside a teary tragic mask, is a derivative of ancient comedies and tragedies. Theaters in ancient Greece were large open-air structures, typically built on hill slopes, and consisted of three primary elements: orchestra, skene, and audience. The orchestra, or the 'dancing place', was the stage for plays, dancing, religious rituals, and acting. The skene was a backstage area for performers and actors to change masks and costumes, initially a temporary structure, later converted into a permanent stone structure behind the orchestra. Entry into the theatre was facilitated through ivory tickets. Modern-day theaters, modeled after Greek amphitheaters, still incorporate the same elements to achieve superior acoustics. However, contemporary theaters are considerably smaller and are usually indoor enclosures. For instance, the Dionysus could accommodate over 14,000 people, a stark contrast to today's theatres which can house approximately a thousand spectators. This is likely due to the sheer number of theaters available today, offering more options and variety. Producers in ancient Greece often grappled with numerous constraints. They struggled with lighting effects unless the play was timed perfectly to utilize natural light. Scenic changes were rarely possible, and the number of scenes was usually limited to four. The sheer size of the theater, with a distance of about 300 feet from the stage front to the back rows, posed another challenge. As a result, an actor who stood 6 feet tall would appear significantly smaller to the viewers in the back rows, requiring them to resort to exaggerated acting and voice projection. Today, the luxury of special effects is often taken for granted, an amenity that the ancient Athenians could not avail. Technological advancements have eliminated many of the barriers previously faced by producers. Stage lighting and special effects such as dimmers, lasers, and fog machines contribute to creating the atmosphere of scenes and day/night cycles. Nowadays, directors and production teams have the convenience of downloading sound effects, whereas creating sound effects previously could take days. Sound capturing devices like microphones allow sound production to be refined and broadcast throughout the theatre, unlike in ancient times where acoustics relied solely on the theatre’s architectural design. Today, technology plays a pivotal role in defining 21st-century theatre and constitutes a significant portion of the performance. In conclusion, while many differences exist between modern and ancient theatre, numerous similarities persist. Although the rationale and purpose of today's plays vary, common genres like comedies, tragedies, and satires continue to thrive. The basic design of theaters has remained largely unaltered, with the main differences being that they are now indoor and considerably smaller. Lastly, the advent of technology has revolutionized theatre, overcoming the many barriers that ancient theatre faced. Ultimately, ancient Athenians have significantly contributed to shaping 21st-century theatre and its various aspects in countless ways.
In my poem exposition, I've opted to dissect "Musee Des Beaux Arts" by W.H. Auden from a psychoanalytic angle. My belief is that the moral lessons of the poem are predominantly rooted in the application of metaphorical expressions to uncover hidden meanings. This compels readers to ponder on the true message the author seeks to convey. From the onset, the poem deploys the motif of suffering to articulate the emotional implications of death as we navigate life's course. This theme is conspicuous throughout the poem and is accentuated in the preliminary lines. "About suffering they were never wrong. The old Masters: how well they understand their human position: how it takes place." (Auden 1-3). Auden successfully paints a picture of suffering in an unconventional light. It persists unnoticed as people dine, sit, and live out their ordinary lives, with death stealthily overshadowing us. Auden underscores the reality that when it comes to death, some individuals prefer to imagine that we're all merely anticipating death, even if not verbally expressed; it persistently hangs over us like an obscure cloud. "How when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting for the miraculous birth, there always must be." (Auden 5-6). Auden employs an extensive range of metaphorical expressions to illustrate how, beneath the surface, death is inevitable. Despite its terrifying prospect, we humans attempt to render it more 'amiable.' People perceive death as a form of rebirth, a sentiment that Auden aims to communicate. Death has a pivotal function in life, and it would be pointless to disregard its influence. The indelible mark left by death, whether through the demise of a loved one or a pet, is not something we easily forget. However, as the poem reaches its conclusion, there's a shift in Auden’s viewpoint, and the entire interpretation of death takes a new turn. "Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky. Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on". (Auden 9-10) This statement reveals that death isn't meant for dread, as fear dictates life, your existence. Death represents your energy transforming and advancing into something different, which, while strange to contemplate, should not induce fear but should be viewed as a peaceful, profound slumber. To wrap up this poem's exposition, I maintain that the moral points of the poem are primarily associated with the employment of metaphorical language to unearth the profound meanings they conceal. Auden uses suffering as a focal point while also encouraging readers to contemplate the true intention the author desires to convey.
Healthcare practitioners are now being tasked to devise new ways to manage care and build systems that make care providers answerable for the quality, cost, and patient care experience (Ricketts & Fraher, 2013). Nurses are key players in ensuring the provision of safe, high-quality care, as they are the primary liaison with patients and are ubiquitous in all healthcare settings (Hickey and Giardino, 2019). Historically, the primary focus of patient safety and safety culture research was within the context of hospital care. However, recent times have seen an upsurge in interest in patient safety within primary care, as the bulk of patients receive their healthcare within primary care settings, especially in countries with robust primary care systems (Smit et al., 2018). Nurses are daily committed to two main objectives, namely, providing the best possible care for their patients and their families, and enhancing current care practices to result in better patient outcomes. This paper aims to expound on how safety and Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives attain superior outcomes for patients, and how understanding the interrelationships among research, evidence-based practice, QI and the role of the professional nurse in QI, aids nursing in fulfilling its commitment to delivering the best possible care and outcomes for patients. At OSF Healthcare, our Mission Partners constantly strive to enhance their skills, meet the best practice standards, and ensure they render exceptional care to their patients. To bolster nurse quality and patient safety, Saint Francis Medical Center (OSF HealthCare) employs close to 21,000 Mission Partners across 124 locations, inclusive of 13 hospitals with 1,874 licensed acute care beds, 18 urgent care facilities, 11 health centers, and two nursing colleges spread across Illinois and Michigan (OSF HealthCare, n.d.). The Leapfrog Group, a national patient safety watchdog, recently released its New Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades. OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center received an 'A' rating, ranking it among the safest hospitals nationwide (OSF HealthCare, n.d.-a). The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program has awarded OSF HealthCare Saint Elizabeth Medical Center as one of 88 ACS NSQIP participating hospitals for its exemplary outcomes in surgical patient care in 2018 (OSF HealthCare, n.d.-b). Patient safety practices are described as those that lower the risk of adverse events related to medical care across a variety of diagnoses or conditions (Smit et al., 2018). This definition, while specific, is incomplete due to the lack of comprehensive study on many practices in terms of their effectiveness in preventing or mitigating harm. Some practices that are considered to have enough evidence to be classified as patient safety practices include system medication error, utilization of perioperative beta-blockers in appropriate patients to prevent perioperative morbidity and mortality, and the use of maximum sterile barriers during the placement of central intravenous catheters to prevent infection (Smit et al., 2018). The delivery of quality care consistently is crucial in all areas of nursing, from the highly intricate to more basic areas of practice, such as management of the peripheral intravenous (PIV) route for solution and medication administration (Nickel, 2019). Despite the common use of peripheral intravenous access, it is not without its complications, with a reported failure rate of between 35% to 50%, even in institutions with a dedicated infusion team (Nickel, 2019). Various patient safety practices, for instance, the use of simulators, bar coding, Computerized Physician Order Entry (COPE), and crew resource management, have been suggested as possible strategies to avoid patient safety errors and optimize healthcare processes (Ricketts & Fraher, 2013). The attitudes of healthcare providers towards patient safety is a key determinant in the levels of patient safety achieved. However, there are limitations to these strategies as they can sometimes be less efficient than traditional methods, leading to frustration and potentially negative impacts on the patient (Pontefract et al., 2018). In conclusion, the acknowledgment of the significant contributions that professional nurses make towards safety and quality outcomes is growing, with nurses and physicians working together as equal partners in bettering patient outcomes. Patient safety is the bedrock of high-quality healthcare. A significant amount of work defining patient safety and practices that prevent harm has focused on negative outcomes of care, such as mortality and morbidity. Nurses are integral to the surveillance and coordination efforts that reduce such adverse outcomes. There is still a lot more work to be done in assessing the impact of nursing care on positive quality indicators, such as proper self-care and other measures of improved health status.
At 18 years of age, I secured my first employment at a fast-food chain named Taco Bell. My inaugural day at work is still fresh in my mind. I was tasked with manning the fryer, cooking French fries, chalupas, cinnamon delights, and more. It was sweltering and a tad monotonous, and since I was yet to learn other tasks, my initial role was confined to the fryer. Wrapping up my shift involved cleaning the lavatories, which was less than pleasant as they were extremely dirty and I was already thoroughly worn out. Despite working for only five hours that day, the restaurant's fast-paced nature made the day feel longer. I was unsure whether I wanted to return after that exhausting first day, but I resolved to give it another try. I was confident that my perception would change as I learned the ropes and became more adept at my job. As an individual, I am not one to throw in the towel easily. I'm quite tenacious, which was another factor that sustained me in this job. I was in need of money, and being inexperienced and young, securing employment was rather challenging. I was aware that I'd be at Taco Bell for a significant period, so I decided to adopt a positive attitude towards it. My primary motivation for taking up this job was to accumulate savings. The money was necessary to fund my education and support my mother. I adopted a saving-only policy until I reached a sum that satisfied me. Besides monetary motives, my colleagues also served as a significant source of inspiration while I was at Taco Bell. I encountered remarkable individuals who provided enormous assistance and with whom I shared many joyous moments. We developed close friendships, and I can still count on their camaraderie even though I no longer work there. The job was physically taxing, but we all connected on a deeper level and encouraged each other to make the experience more enjoyable. In the end, I spent a total of seven months at Taco Bell. The experience at the fast-food joint imparted valuable lessons and equipped me with skills that are still relevant in my current job.
Greetings, I am Ong Cheng Kei. At present, I am 17 years old, with my birthday in the last month of the year. I am from Malaysia, residing in the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur. Currently, I am a student at Asia Pacific University (APU), immersed in my tertiary studies. I embarked on this educational journey in April with the Foundation course, and so far, it has been quite enjoyable. This semester, I've discovered a particular fondness for mathematics, a subject I've always had a keen interest in. The teaching staff at APU are both friendly and highly proficient, which contributes to the positive learning environment. As for my hobbies, fitness stands out, evidenced by my daily gym routines. My fascination with computing and technology, rooted in my childhood, is another strong interest. This fascination has led me to envision a future in this dynamic field. I am adept at communicating and working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, adjusting to new changes in my life, and consistently finding ways to motivate myself. I also pride myself on my neat handwriting and persuasive communication skills. One of my favorite motivational sayings is, "Proud but not satisfied." This mantra encourages me to strive for more in all aspects of my life. It asserts that while one should be proud of current achievements, one should never settle and always strive for more. This quote has been a source of inspiration during challenging times. 2.0 Goal Setting For this semester, my immediate goal is to secure a good grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.7 by the end of the first semester of the foundation year. This goal ranks high on my priority list for this year. It is crucial to my future ambitions as it will secure my scholarship for my degree, thus reducing the financial burden on my parents. To attain this goal, I aim to consistently achieve high scores in my assignments and secure a minimum of 85% in all my quizzes. I plan on spending at least two hours each day reviewing the day's lessons before bedtime, reading at least one book per week to broaden my knowledge, and submitting assignments at least three days before the deadline. These strategies, I believe, will help me stay on track and achieve my goal by the end of the first semester. SMART Review Specific: My goal is to secure at least a GPA of 3.7 or above. Measurable: I can measure my progress by my assignment scores and quiz results. Attainable: I will achieve this by dedicating two hours of daily study, reading a book every week, and timely submission of assignments. Relevant: This will secure my scholarship for my degree program. Time-bound: I will achieve this GPA by the end of the first semester of the foundation year. In the long term, I aspire to travel the world, specifically across all the countries in Europe. This goal, rooted in my childhood curiosity to explore the world, is part of a promise I made to my younger self. The journey towards this goal is lengthy but fulfilling. To achieve this, I aim to visit at least one European country each year. My strategy includes reading daily newspapers and researching European cultures in my free time. Additionally, I aim to secure a well-paying job to support my travel aspirations. SMART Review Specific: I aim to travel across all European countries. Measurable: I will monitor my progress by visiting at least one country in Europe each year. Attainable: I will do this by gaining knowledge through reading and research and by securing a well-paying job. Relevant: This aligns with my childhood curiosity to explore the world and my dream to travel across Europe. Time-bound: I aim to achieve this within the next 30 years. Furthermore, I aim to participate in at least 10 volunteer activities, including visits to old-age homes, animal shelters, and orphanages. To achieve this, I plan to stay active on social media platforms and connect with societies and charity organizations that regularly visit old-age homes. I plan to achieve this goal within the next five years. SMART Review: Specific: I aim to participate in 10 volunteer activities. Measurable: I can track my progress by the number of events I attend. Relevant: Volunteering aligns with my desire to give back to society. Attainable: I plan to do this by staying active on social media platforms to be aware of volunteering opportunities and connecting with charity organizations. Time-bound: I will achieve this goal within the next five years. In summary, goal setting has served as a significant tool for me, keeping me focused and motivated towards attaining my educational and personal objectives. I have learned the importance of a systematic and planned approach in achieving goals, and this method has encouraged me to take my goals seriously. I have gained a better understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which has helped me to strategize effectively to achieve my goals. I have learned the importance of time management and realized how proper planning can lead to efficient utilization of time. Lastly, I have developed a keen interest in intercultural communication, comparing my native Malaysian Chinese culture with that of Kazakhstan. This exercise has enhanced my understanding and appreciation of the cultural diversity that exists in our world.
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