[ "Extensive experimental and clinical data have established that, at a concentration of approximately 1 ppm in drinking water, fluoride is highly effective in reducing the incidence of dental caries and does not cause adverse clinical responses. ", "However, because of its well-documented cariostatic property, fluoride is increasingly being added to other dental health products, and the resulting increase in exposure of populations to fluoride has renewed consideration of the margin of safety which exists between the safe and toxic levels of fluoride exposure. ", "There is cause for concern particularly in cases where fluoride metabolism may be altered by impaired physiological function. ", "The objective of this study is, therefore, to determine the effects of chronic fluoride exposure on physiologically compromised animals in order to test the hypothesis that, under conditions of aging, metabolic or kidney diseases, or nutritional deficiencies, the biological impact of fluoride increases and the threshold for safe fluoride exposure is decreased. ", "The specific aims of this project will be to monitor fluoride balance, terminal blood and tissue fluoride levels, changes in tissue integrity and function, and genetic alterations in animals chronically exposed to fluoride under conditions of: 1) aging; 2) diabetes; 3) chronic renal failure; and 4) nutritional deficiencies. ", "Changes in the monitored parameters will be measured using biochemical, histological and genotoxic methodologies. ", "If the effects of fluoride are increased, or become toxic, in these higher-risk animal populations and the hypothesis of this study is true, then data from this project will help establish awareness of the need for discriminant use of fluoride by similar high-risk human populations, and will clarify criteria for the safe, public health use of fluoride." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNesting HTML Pages using AngularJS\n\nI'm trying to create a toggle between two tables. ", "I have a button that when you click will change a search parameter in the URL using $location.search. ", "I have each of the tables saved in separate HTML files.", "\nI was wondering if it is possible to use createElement('div') to insert an HTML file into another one (I was thinking through a directive in the angular module). ", "If that isn't possible, then how would I insert an HTML file into another HTML file from the module?", "\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nAs it were suggested you should give a look at ui-router and define a nested view depending on the url parameter.", "\nIf you don't need a complete router you could do this using ng-show in angular.", "\nHere is a plunker as exemple\nI added on each table the ng-show attribute :\n ng-show=\"!switchTable\" for table1\n ng-show=\"switchTable\" for table2\n\nAnd i added this ng-click on the button :\n ng-click=\"switchTable = !", "switchTable\n\n" ]
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[ "Unknown\n\nSkylanders was the #1 kids video game in 2011. ", "It is a revolutionary new experience that allows kids to bring real-world characters to life in a video game. ", "These books expand upon the Skylanders world to create a unique and truly enjoyable reading experience…\n\nMeet Benjamin Bouncer! ", "Best friend to Peter Rabbit and Lily Bobtail, Benjamin is the comic relief in the show. ", "He's always hungry, the most timid of the trio, and yet the most loyal friend there is. ", "Benjamin, Peter, and Lily are ready for another adventure.…", "\n\nThree funny stories in one! ", "This 3-in-1 8 x 8 includes stories based on episodes from the Max & Ruby TV show. ", "In \"Bug Salad,\" Max finds a special ingredient for Ruby's salad. ", "In \"Max's Apples,\" Max wants Ruby to pick apples for him so that they can make a pie.…" ]
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[ "If this is your first visit, be sure to\ncheck out the FAQ by clicking the\nlink above. ", "You may have to register\nbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. ", "To start viewing messages,\nselect the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.", "\n\nView Poll Results: Should Ouya get rid of the touchpad for the Ouya 2?", "\n\nYes and no,but I cant decide which.", "They have ipega controllers that have touchpads that work pretty well on Ouya too. ", "At least the ones I tried. ", "I like it cause some of those games with the menus need the touchpad/mouse to move/close/etc etc.", "\nI have mouses, but I dont really have like a desk or anything for my mouse(Use a laptop) and if I use the mouse with the Ouya I have to hold the mouse and mousepad in my lap which I find a little harder to use/navigate with then just having the touchpad right there.", "So its one of them yes and no factors for me, I cant decide which but I think its okay. ", "Maybe they can take in these suggestions and improve upon it if Ouya 2 comes out. ", "Or they can ditch it.", "I tend to like it more so then not just for the fact its a little easier\nfor me to just touch the touchpad,then break out a mouse and mousepad and use it comfortably.", "I dont have a desk like that where my Ouyas at so thats kinda why I like the touchpad.", "\n\nI haven't ran a bluetooth lag test on a old 0x103 ouya controller with the mouse cable ejected. ", "Perhaps I should try that on my media-center Ouya and see what happens. ", "Not sure if it can be disabled so easily or if the SoC controls joystick and mouse HiD which if that's the case it would be no use removing the mouse-pad if it's going to always be there regardless.", "\n\nThe touchpad is useful for things such as web-browsing and dealing with the occasional side-loaded game that is %90 joystick functional but just needs to hit a start menu button to continue. ", "If touchpad support is no longer in the next generation of bluetooth chip-set whitepapers then I'd vote a huge yes because a lack of mouse-pad may remedy the problem with occasional lag as bandwidth issue could be a failing factor. ", "I don't know how I feel about the MadCatz method of toggle-switches to switch between mouse-stick mode and joystick mode.", "\n\nEssentially touch-pad is the fail-safe device of the Ouya. ", "And I can see it from Ouya's POV where they wanted a controller that looked streamlined. ", "Perhaps they made it a little TOO streamlined where you cannot feel where your finger is at the end of the track-pad leaving the player wondering why the mouse isn't moving on a webpage. ", "It sounds nitpicky I know. ", "But I'm not usually looking at my controller, I'm looking at my monitor/TV.", "\n\nPerhaps Ouya was expecting developers to utilize the touch-pad more for games in the style of Angry Birds or even something like mini-golf or pool where speed is not the element of the game, but instead its all about accuracy as a mouse can move pixel by pixel where-as a analog joystick is not as elegant about it. ", "Side-loading the quake series showed me that like a PC game the android OS can have the mouse icon removed at will and used for in-game action.", "\n\nSo I think the pad minimally helps but doesn't really hurt either. ", "If anything the Ouya controller needs is two more buttons, and they can be considerably smaller then the O,U,Y,A, buttons. ", "Just \"start\" and \"select\" as cheesy as that sounds. ", "There's a few android games that map to those two extra buttons out there and it would make emulation feel a little more natural instead of mapping to the analog stick push buttons.", "\n\nAs I recall the only game truly utilising the touchpad inside the game is Saturday morning RPG, where you have to scratch off stickers before battles for bonuses. ", "That would be awkward with the mouse mode thingie. ", "But other than that? ", "Only lazy developers.", "\n\nWhen I play Saturday Morning RPG I just spin the analog stick really fast for the stickers. ", "It is easier than the touchpad and isn't awkward at all. ", "It feels identical to reeling in a fish in iFishing 3. ", "So, it isn't even needed in that game.", "\n\nAnyway, to my understanding it is for making porting easier, for sideloading, navigating the OS, using the browser, etc. ", "So, I think it or an equivalent should still exist. ", "However, I don't think it should be used for gameplay unless the equivalent it is replaced with is a trackball because that would be sweet. ", "Anyway, I rather see more things added like a paddle knob instead of things removed. ", "I want an all in one super controller with even a sensor of some kind on the side so that you can hold the controller sideways to use it as a light gun. ", "I'm also starting to warm up to the idea of a second screen/touch screen because I really want a handheld OUYA for when Mrs. Phretard is sleeping. ", "And a headphone jack on the controller! ", "And I want all that for $20.", "\n\nI think the touch pad, in its current form, should go. ", "If it gets revised then maybe. ", "I love the touch pad on my Dual Shock 4 (for the PS4), that thing is extremely responsive, have a button function and even two of them depending on where on the surface I press. ", "It's a great example of a touch pad done right in a controller.", "\n\nUsing the pad for menus is gone as of some date in the future, I have to check the email. ", "Pad will not be able to be used in games. ", "Mi and I assume whatever Alibaba has planned won't have touchpads. ", "I'd say OUYA 2 also but let's not even open that can of worms, though I guess this thread is kind of headed in that direction. ", "If I had a guess, I'd say it won't be on an O2 controller either.", "\n\nUsing the pad for menus is gone as of some date in the future, I have to check the email.", "\n\nThis one?:", "\n\nChanges specific to OE Support:\n\nRequired for all premium Xiaomi games: Games must either have a button to buy the game on the main menu or games must request to purchase the full game entitlement once a certain point in game has been reached.", "\n\nRequired: No touchpad elements featured in menus and gameplay — meaning that you should be able to navigate menus with the DPad or thumbstick.", "\n\nRequired: OE version is the same as OUYA version and not a generic Android version — we want to make sure the experience is the same for gamers across all OUYA-supported partner devices.", "\n\nRequired: No mobile elements present — “Touch the Screen” just doesn’t seem right on a TV…\n\nI'm a little confused on how it is OUYA Everywhere specific though because of this line,\"OE version is the same as OUYA version\". ", "If the OUYA Everywhere version has those requirements and it is the same version put on the OUYA itself then that isn't OUYA Everywhere specific. ", "Maybe it means if it is just on the OUYA then they aren't requirements but if it is put on OUYA Everywhere it is a requirement for both? ", "I guess that works and is probably what they meant but it still seems like they should have said,\"Hey devs, OUYA Everywhere or not, get the mobile touch crap out of your games! ", "Pretty please. ", "Thanks. ", "Love you. ", "XOXO.\"", "\n\nI need the touchpad. ", "There is a reason PS4 added a touchpad and it wasn't because they were jealous of Ouya's pimpestry. ", "Mouse mode connected to a stick sounds like bullshit I don't want to deal with and there is no way it would be as accurate as a touch pad (coming from someone who has used mouses from lazer to ball to optical to even trackballs and 3D mice as well as the little nubs they had on old business class PC's.) ", "Leave my touchpad alone or I burns you. ", "I need the touchpad to do android stuff on my android console." ]
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[ "And yet, Trump stands on the cusp of winning the Republican nomination, impervious to the slings and arrows of a growing list of vanquished foes.", "\n\nThere is one man, though, who seems to have also mastered the art of branding and showmanship for an adoring if partisan public — in a completely opposite fashion.", "\n\nAD\n\nCanada's new Liberal prime minister, Justin Trudeau, stormed to a stunning electoral victory last year. ", "He did so while coping with the attacks of opponents who cast him as an inexperienced, slightly buffoonish dilettante trading on a powerful family legacy. ", "Sound familiar?", "\n\nAD\n\nBut Trudeau's progressive, inclusive message could not be more different than that of Trump. ", "Here's a rundown.", "\n\nON BEING NICE:\n\nTrudeau\n\nLast week, Trudeau tweeted this video explaining why he's wearing a pink shirt. ", "It was part of a campaign against bullying in schools.", "\n\n\"Bullying can leave long lasting emotional scars,\" Trudeau says. \"", "Kindness is one size that fits all.\"", "\n\nTrump\n\nTo a baying chorus of cheers from his supporters, Trump gleefully said he'd like to punch a protester in the face. ", "Ever growling about the perfidy of political correctness, Trump also revels in the language of strength and toughness, so much so that he apparently has no qualms retweeting quotes from the late Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.", "\n\nOver the weekend, he mocked Sen. Marco Rubio, one of his main opponents, calling him \"lightweight\" and \"little.\"", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nON LANGUAGES:\n\nTrudeau\n\nAs you can see from the above video, Trudeau is bilingual and gives equal place to both French and English in his public utterances.", "\n\nTrump\n\n\"I think that, while we're in this nation, we should be speaking English,\" Trump declared in September, doubling down on remarks in a debate where he criticized an opponent for making speeches in Spanish. ", "This is despite the fact that Spanish is the first language of tens of millions of Americans.", "\n\nON CLIMATE CHANGE:\n\nTrudeau\n\nIn the first weeks after coming to power, Trudeau's Liberal government immediately went about rebranding Canada's image as a leader on environmental policy. ", "Ahead of a visit to a global summit on climate change in Paris — where Trudeau would trumpet, \"Canada is back!\" — ", "he outlined his focus.", "\n\nAD\n\n\"We'll demonstrate that we are serious about climate change,\" he said. \"", "This means making decisions based on science, it means reducing carbon emissions, including through carbon pricing towards a climate resilient economy.\"", "\n\nAD\n\nTrump\n\n\"I am not a believer, and I will, unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather,\" Trump said in a radio interview last year, offering a somewhat muddled response on the question of climate change. \"", "I believe there’s change, and I believe it goes up and it goes down, and it goes up again. ", "And it changes depending on years and centuries, but I am not a believer, and we have much bigger problems.\"", "\n\nON REFUGEES:\n\nAD\n\nTrudeau\n\nThe Canadian prime minister championed the plight of Syrian refugees during his election campaign and pushed through a program to bring in more than 25,000 vetted refugees this year. ", "In December, Trudeau greeted the first batch of arrivals at the airport, distributed winter jackets and posed for selfies.", "\n\n\"This is a wonderful night where we get to show not just a plane load of new Canadians what Canada is all about but we get to show the world, how to open our hearts and welcome in people who are fleeing extraordinarily difficult situations,\" Trudeau said.", "\n\nAD\n\n\"This is something that we are able to do in this country because we define a Canadian not by a skin color or a language or a religion or a background, but by a shared set of values, aspirations, hopes and dreams that not just Canadians but people around the world share.\"", "\n\nAD\n\nTrump\n\nSafe to say, this is not a view encouraged or shared by Trump, who led the Republican charge against allowing in Syrian refugees in the aftermath of the November terror attacks in Paris (which, it should be noted, had very little to do with Syrian refugees).", "\n\n\"I'm putting people on notice that are coming here from Syria as part of this mass migration, that if I win, they're going back,\" he said last year.", "\n\nRather than people fleeing persecution and war, the refugees represent an alien threat to Trump. \"", "This could be one of the great Trojan horses,\" he told CNN in November.", "\n\nON FIGHTING THE ISLAMIC STATE:\n\nAD\n\nTrudeau\n\nDespite criticism at home, Trudeau's Liberal government moved to end Canada's direct combat role in the war against the Islamic State, ending its bombing sorties on the group's positions in Iraq and Syria. ", "Instead, the Canadian military would focus its efforts on training and supporting local militias, including Kurdish factions in Iraq, in their fight against the jihadists.", "\n\nAD\n\n\"Our goal is to allow local forces to take the fight directly to [the Islamic State] and reclaim their homes, lands and future,\" Trudeau said in a parliament debate in mid-February.", "\n\nTrump\n\nIn his speeches, Trump has not indicated that much concern with the \"homes, lands and future\" of the local forces allied to the U.S. Rather, Trump has emphasized the need for tough, brutal action — badges at his rallies proclaim \"Bomb ISIS to smithereens!\" — ", "with little interest in the collateral damage it may cause and the necessary steps that would have to follow to stabilize the region.", "\n\nAD\n\nHe also has repeatedly referred to the need of the United States to first destroy and then seize Syria and Iraq's oil assets — a violation of sovereignty that would seriously inflame tensions.", "\n\nAD\n\n\"I would bomb the s--- out of 'em,\" Trump said last November, referring to oil fields in the hands of the Islamic State. \"", "I would just bomb those suckers. ", "That's right. ", "I'd blow up the pipes. ... ", "I'd blow up every single inch. ", "There would be nothing left. ", "And you know what, you'll get Exxon to come in there and in two months, you ever see these guys, how good they are, the great oil companies? ", "They’ll rebuild that sucker, brand new — it'll be beautiful.\"", "\n\nHe has also vowed to use tactics, including torture and the targeting of the families of jihadists, that would be considered war crimes.", "\n\nON FEMINISM:\n\nTrudeau\n\nAD\n\nAt a panel during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January, Trudeau celebrated the principles of feminism in a clip that soon went viral. \"", "We shouldn't be afraid of the word feminist,\" Trudeau said, urging men to embrace their own role in supporting further progress toward gender equality. \"", "Men and women should use it to describe themselves anytime they want.\"", "\n\nTrump\n\nAD\n\nWhen it comes to his views on women, Trump's track record does not show the greatest levels of enlightenment. ", "On the campaign trail, he got into a controversial spat with Fox News' female anchor Megyn Kelly, where he used language some deemed terribly sexist. ", "Similar antics have followed with some of his attacks on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.", "\n\nThe Huffington Post has a rather astonishing compendium of Trump's rhetoric about women. ", "It included this gem from an interview he had with a female reporter, who was asking him about the merits of beauty pageants.", "\n\nAD\n\n\"I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn't matter, but the look obviously matters,\" Trump told the reporter. \"", "Like you wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful.\"", "\n\nON MOSQUES AND MUSLIMS:\n\nTrudeau\n\nVideo footage emerged of Trudeau in 2013 joining a mosque in British Columbia for Ramadan prayers. ", "His appearance infuriated the right-wing blogosphere.", "\n\nIn his election campaign, Trudeau and his fellow Liberals spoke against the politics of Islamophobia being aired by the rival Conservatives, whom the Liberals went on to trounce. ", "He has gone on to denounce the rhetoric of the election race taking place south of the border.", "\n\n\"I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I stand firmly against the politics of division, the politics of fear, the politics of intolerance or hateful rhetoric,\" Trudeau said during a live town hall last year. “", "If we allow politicians to succeed by scaring people, we don’t actually end up any safer. ", "Fear doesn’t make us safer. ", "It makes us weaker.\"", "\n\nHe added that Muslims \"are the greatest victims of terrorist acts around the world. ", "Painting ISIS and others with a broad brush that extends to all Muslims is not just ignorant, it’s irresponsible.\"", "\n\nTrump\n\nIn November, Trump said that the United States had \"no choice\" but to close down certain mosques during an interview on Fox News. ", "A few days later, at a rally in Alabama, Trump also reiterated his desire to spy on and monitor religious institutions.", "\n\n\"I want surveillance of certain mosques if that's okay,\" Trump said, gesturing to a much-maligned New York program of surveillance. \"", "We've had it before.\"", "\n\nAt that same rally, he also made a soon-to-be debunked claim that there were thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the destruction of the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001.", "\n\nTrump, of course, stirred the pot last year when he called for the temporary cessation of all Muslim arrivals to the United States, an act that would make the United States the only country in the world that stops people at its borders on the basis of their religion.", "\n\nON DANCING:\n\nTrudeau\n\nThis is the future Canadian leader, dancing at an event honoring Indian independence in 2013.", "\n\nTrump\n\nAnd here is the Donald making an ungainly cameo on an SNL parody of Drake's hit song, \"Hotline Bling.\"", "\n\nON THE MOMENT:\n\nTrudeau\n\nWhen he unveiled his Cabinet last year, Trudeau was asked a question about its diverse composition, which included myriad minorities as well as an equal number of posts occupied by women. ", "Trudeau's now famous response was a shrug and a simple declaration, \"It's 2015.\"", "\n\nTrump\n\nThe Republican front-runner is against what he deems \"political correctness\" — and would likely consider the deliberate gestures made by Trudeau's government as symptomatic of \"PC\" culture. ", "He frequently nods to the \"good old days,\" a nostalgic appeal that has real power for the Republican base animated by his candidacy." ]
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[ "£830,000,000 – Nick Leeson and the Fall of the House of Barings\n\nInside Story Special: £830,000,000 – Nick Leeson and the Fall of the House of Barings, sometimes referred to as 25 Million Pounds, is a 1996 British television documentary by filmmaker Adam Curtis. ", "It details the collapse of Barings Bank in the mid-1990s due to the machinations of Nick Leeson, who lost £827 million ($1.3 billion) primarily by speculating on futures contracts.", "\n\nSummary\nThe film describes Barings as one of the oldest and most prestigious merchant banks in Britain, run by the same family for decades with extensive ties to Britain's elites. ", " However, the Bank harboured a terrible secret. ", " In the late 19th century Barings almost went bankrupt after investing heavily in South American bonds, including backing the construction of a sewer system in Buenos Aires. ", " The bank was saved by The Bank of England, but Edward Baring, the head of the bank, was financially ruined and never recovered.", "\n\nThe documentary explores the culture of Barings and of the financial markets during the 1990s, and how Nick Leeson was able to cause another huge loss of money to the bank, this time bankrupting the company. ", "He did this by claiming fictitious profits on the Singapore International Monetary Exchange, SIMEX, and using money requested from London as margin payments on fictitious trades to finance his loss-making positions.", "\n\nLeeson, the film suggests, had an \"amazing ability to manipulate and deceive those around him\" but also points out that Barings \"willingly entered into a dream he wove, lured by the prospect of vast sums of money.\" ", " Leeson, interviewed in jail, argues that he was only able to perpetrate such a massive fraud because many of the senior executives at Barings had no idea how the modern system of finance, which emerged in the 1980s, really worked.", "\n\nThe film details the fates of many of the people who were involved in the scandal, including Peter Baring who \"has promised never to work in the City of London again.\" ", " Hong Kong merchant banker Steven Clarke observes the class-based humour of the downfall of Barings: \"For a boy from Watford to bring a grand firm down, I mean it was a social insult as well. ", "It wasn't even one of their own kind.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n£830,000,000 – Nick Leeson and the Fall of the House of Barings at the Internet Movie Database\n\nCategory:1996 television films\nCategory:British documentary films\nCategory:Documentary films about business\nCategory:1990s documentary films\nCategory:Documentary films about crime\nCategory:BBC television documentaries" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field\nEmbodiments disclosed herein relate to a system and method for human computer interaction (HCI).", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nComputer vision technology-based human computer interaction (HCI) may obtain various images, and acquire a user input by processing the obtained images. ", "The computer vision technology-based HCI is gaining a great deal of attention as a next generation HCI technology, and has a wide range of applications in not only the recreational but also entertainment industries. ", "HCI technology may involve an interaction with a computer through a body pose, a head pose, a line of sight (LOS), or a motion of a user, and may allow the user to experience a new interaction beyond a traditional input method, such as, for example, a keyboard and a mouse.", "\nOne method for HCI may generate, modify, and manipulate a three-dimensional (3D) object through a touch input and a 3D gesture input. ", "Another method for HCI may allow for an interaction with a virtual user interface by detecting a body pose." ]
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[ "#!", "/usr/bin/perl -w\r\n#\r\n# Program: profile.pl\r\n#\r\n# Synopsis: Insert instrumentation code into a program, run it with the JIT,\r\n# then print out a profile report.", "\r\n#\r\n# Syntax: profile.pl [OPTIONS] bitcodefile <arguments>\r\n#\r\n# OPTIONS may include one or more of the following:\r\n# -block - Enable basicblock profiling\r\n# -edge - Enable edge profiling\r\n# -function - Enable function profiling\r\n# -o <filename> - Emit profiling information to the specified file, instead\r\n# of llvmprof.out\r\n#\r\n# Any unrecognized options are passed into the invocation of llvm-prof\r\n#\r\n\r\nmy $ProfilePass = \"-insert-edge-profiling\";\r\n\r\nmy $LLVMProfOpts = \"\";\r\nmy $ProgramOpts = \"\";\r\nmy $ProfileFile = \"\";\r\n\r\n# Parse arguments...\r\nwhile (scalar(@ARGV) and ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^[-+]/)) {\r\n shift;\r\n last if /^--$/; # Stop processing arguments on --\r\n\r\n # List command line options here...\r\n if (/^-?-block$/) { $ProfilePass = \"-insert-block-profiling\"; next; }\r\n if (/^-?-edge$/) { $ProfilePass = \"-insert-edge-profiling\"; next; }\r\n if (/^-?-function$/) { $ProfilePass = \"-insert-function-profiling\"; next; }\r\n if (/^-?-o$/) { # Read -o filename...\r\n die \"-o option requires a filename argument!\" ", "if (!", "scalar(@ARGV));\r\n $ProgramOpts .= \" -llvmprof-output $ARGV[0]\";\r\n $ProfileFile = $ARGV[0];\r\n shift;\r\n next;\r\n }\r\n if (/^-?-help$/) {\r\n print \"OVERVIEW: profile.pl - Instrumentation and profile printer.\\n\\n\";\r\n print \"USAGE: profile.pl [options] program.bc <program args>\\n\\n\";\r\n print \"OPTIONS:\\n\";\r\n print \" -block - Enable basicblock profiling\\n\";\r\n print \" -edge - Enable edge profiling\\n\";\r\n print \" -function - Enable function profiling\\n\";\r\n print \" -o <file> - Specify an output file other than llvm-prof.out.\\n\";\r\n print \" -help - Print this usage information\\n\";\r\n print \"\\nAll other options are passed into llvm-prof.\\n\";\r\n exit 1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n # Otherwise, pass the option on to llvm-prof\r\n $LLVMProfOpts .= \" \" . ", "$_;\r\n}\r\n\r\ndie \"Must specify LLVM bitcode file as first argument!\" ", "if (@ARGV == 0);\r\n\r\nmy $BytecodeFile = $ARGV[0];\r\n\r\nshift @ARGV;\r\n\r\nmy $libdir = `llvm-config --libdir`;\r\nchomp $libdir;\r\n\r\nmy $LibProfPath = $libdir . \"", "/libprofile_rt.so\";\r\n\r\nsystem \"opt -q -f $ProfilePass $BytecodeFile -o $BytecodeFile.inst\";\r\nsystem \"lli -fake-argv0 '$BytecodeFile' -load $LibProfPath \" .", "\r\n \"$BytecodeFile.inst $ProgramOpts \" . (", "join ' ', @ARGV);\r\nsystem \"rm $BytecodeFile.inst\";\r\nsystem \"llvm-prof $LLVMProfOpts $BytecodeFile $ProfileFile\";\r\n" ]
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[ "Mona Nemer\n\nMona Nemer, (born ) is a Lebanese-Canadian scientist specializing in molecular genetics and cardiac regeneration. ", "She was formerly a professor of pharmacology at the University of Montreal and the Director of the Cardiac Development Research Unit at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) where she held a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Cardiovascular Cell Differentiation. ", "She is a professor of biochemistry at the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Medicine, and also served as Vice-President of Research at the University of Ottawa from 2006-2017.", "\n\nOn September 26, 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that after a selection process, Nemer was chosen as Canada's new Chief Science Advisor - the first national science advisor since 2008.", "\n\nEarly life \nNemer was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1957 where she found her passion for chemistry. ", "At the age of 17, she and her classmates successfully advocated to create a science stream at her all-girls school.", "\n\nShe left Lebanon during the civil war and moved to Kansas where she obtained a bachelor's degree in 1977, majoring in chemistry with minors in French and mathematics at Wichita State University. ", "In the summer of 1977, Nemer visited Montreal with friends, which convinced her to attend graduate school in the city. ", "She went on to complete a PhD in bio-organic chemistry from McGill University in 1982.", "\n\nCareer\n\nNemer's research focuses on cardiac formation and function - specifically the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that register the genetic expression of cardiac cells. ", " She is best known for isolating genes that regulate ventricular hypertrophy which manifests itself in an increase volume of the heart and a thickening of the myocardial wall. ", " Her work has contributed to the development of diagnostic tests for heart failure and the genetics of cardiac birth defects. ", "Nemer has published over 150 scientific research articles to date, with over 10,000 citations and an h-index of 63. ", "She has also trained over 100 students from Canada and other countries. ", "In recognition of her research and achievements, Nemer has received numerous honours and awards, where notably she became a Royal Society of Canada fellow in 2001, and a member of the Order of Canada in 2014.", "\n\nNemer served as Vice-President of Research at the University of Ottawa from 2006-2017, and also served as the Director of the Cardiac Development Research Unit at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM). ", "She founded the University of Ottawa's annual greeting card design competition.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017, following a selection process, Nemer was appointed as Canada's new Chief Science Advisor for a three-year appointment. ", "This role was previously eliminated in 2008 by the previous government, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. ", "As Chief Science Advisor, Nemer heads a $2 million budget, where she is responsible for providing impartial scientific advice to the Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau) and the Minister of Science (Kirsty Duncan), ensuring government science is publicly accessible, that scientists can speak freely and promoting Canadian science both nationally and internationally. ", "In addition, Nemer will publicly report the state of federal government science in Canada annually.", "\n\nFollowing 100 days as the Chief Science Advisor, Nemer released a letter outlining her office's plans for 2018, which included developing scientific integrity policies and guidelines, recommending guidelines to ensure government scientists can speak freely about their research and preparing a framework to allow for open public access to federal government science.", "\n\nOn July 30, 2018, Nemer's office published the Model Policy on Scientific Integrity to safeguard government scientists' right to speak through collective agreements. ", "This was developed in partnership with the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), officials at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the federal research community. ", "Her office has also established an Independent Expert Panel on Aquaculture Science, chaired by Nemer, to provide appropriate scientific evidence in policy decisions related to aquaculture and impacts on the marine environment.", "\n\nHonours and Awards\n\n1994 - Marcel-Piché Prize\n2001 - Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada\n2003 - Léo-Pariseau Prize\n2009 - Knight of the National Order of Merit (France)\n2009 - Knight of the National Order of Quebec\n2014 - Member of the Order of Canada\n\nSelected Publications \n\n Bruneau, Benoit G.; Nemer, Georges; Schmitt, Joachim P.; Charron, Frédéric; Robitaille, Lynda; Caron, Sophie; Conner, David A.; Gessler, Manfred; Nemer, Mona (2001–09). \"", "A Murine Model of Holt-Oram Syndrome Defines Roles of the T-Box Transcription Factor Tbx5 in Cardiogenesis and Disease\". ", "Cell. ", "106 (6): 709–721. ", "doi:10.1016/s0092-8674(01)00493-7.", "\n Genest, Jacques; McPherson, Ruth; Frohlich, Jiri; Anderson, Todd; Campbell, Norm; Carpentier, André; Couture, Patrick; Dufour, Robert; Fodor, George (2009–10). \"", "2009 Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease in the adult – 2009 recommendations\". ", "Canadian Journal of Cardiology. ", "25 (10): 567–579. ", "doi:10.1016/s0828-282x(09)70715-9.", "\n Durocher, Daniel; Charron, Frédéric; Warren, René; Schwartz, Robert J.; Nemer, Mona (1997-09-15). \"", "The cardiac transcription factors Nkx2‐5 and GATA‐4 are mutual cofactors\". ", "The EMBO Journal. ", "16 (18): 5687–5696. ", "doi:10.1093/emboj/16.18.5687.", "\n Burns, Kimberly; Duggan, Brenda; Atkinson, Eric A.; Famulski, Konrad S.; Nemer, Mona; Bleackley, R. Chris; Michalak, Marek (1994-02). \"", "Modulation of gene expression by calreticulin binding to the glucocorticoid receptor\". ", "Nature. ", "367 (6462): 476–480. ", "doi:10.1038/367476a0.", "\n Paradis, Pierre; Dali-Youcef, Nassim; Paradis, François W.; Thibault, Gaétan; Nemer, Mona (2000-01-18). \"", "Overexpression of angiotensin II type I receptor in cardiomyocytes induces cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling\". ", "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. ", "97 (2): 931–936. ", "doi:10.1073/pnas.97.2.931.", "\n Morin, Steves; Charron, Frédéric; Robitaille, Lynda; Nemer, Mona (2000-05-02). \"", "GATA‐dependent recruitment of MEF2 proteins to target promoters\". ", "The EMBO Journal. ", "19 (9): 2046–2055. ", "doi:10.1093/emboj/19.9.2046.", "\n Drouin, J.; Sun, Y.L.; Chamberland, M.; Gauthier, Y.; De Léan, A.; Nemer, M.; Schmidt, T.J. (1993-01). \"", "Novel glucocorticoid receptor complex with DNA element of the hormone-repressed POMC gene\". ", "The EMBO Journal. ", "12 (1): 145–156. ", "doi:10.1002/j.1460-2075.1993.tb05640.x.", "\n Grepin, C.; Nemer, G.; Nemer, M. (1997-06-15). \"", "Enhanced cardiogenesis in embryonic stem cells overexpressing the GATA-4 transcription factor\". ", "Development. ", "124 (12): 2387–2395.", "\n Sepulveda, Jorge L.; Belaguli, Narashimaswamy; Nigam, Vishal; Chen, Ching-Yi; Nemer, Mona; Schwartz, Robert J. (1998-06-01). \"", "GATA-4 and Nkx-2.5 Coactivate Nkx-2 DNA Binding Targets: Role for Regulating Early Cardiac Gene Expression\". ", "Molecular and Cellular Biology. ", "18 (6): 3405–3415. ", "doi:10.1128/MCB.18.6.3405.", "\n Viger, R. S.; Mertineit, C.; Trasler, J. M.; Nemer, M. (1998-07-15). \"", "Transcription factor GATA-4 is expressed in a sexually dimorphic pattern during mouse gonadal development and is a potent activator of the Mullerian inhibiting substance promoter\". ", "Development. ", "125 (14): 2665–2675.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nUniversity of Ottawa, Vice-President, Research – Biography of Mona Nemer\nInstitut de recherches cliniques de Montréal – Executive Committee\n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Canadian women scientists\nCategory:Knights of the National Order of Merit (France)\nCategory:Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada\nCategory:University of Ottawa faculty\nCategory:Université de Montréal faculty\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)\nCategory:Lebanese women scientists\nCategory:Lebanese chemists\nCategory:Canadian biochemists\nCategory:Canadian people of Lebanese descent\nCategory:Knights of the National Order of Quebec\nCategory:Members of the Order of Canada\nCategory:Canadian geneticists\nCategory:21st-century Canadian scientists\nCategory:Scientists from Ontario" ]
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[ "Mayombe\n\nMayombe (or Mayumbe) is a geographic area on the western coast of Africa occupied by low mountains extending from the mouth of the Congo River in the south to the Kouilou-Niari River to the north. ", "The area includes parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola (Cabinda Province), the Republic of the Congo and Gabon.", "\nIn the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mayombe is part of the north-western province of Kongo Central on the right bank of the River Congo, and contains the cities and towns of Lukula, Seke Banza, Kangu and Tshela.", "\n\nPhysical geography\n\nMayumbe is located in the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. ", "It lies on the right bank of the Congo River (the world's second largest) just before it empties into the Atlantic Ocean at Banana. ", "It extends north from Boma into the Angolan enclave of Cabinda to the west and extends north to the Republic of Congo and Gabon.", "\n\nMayumbe is watered by many rivers with swift currents in its hilly and mountainous regions. ", "The three largest are the Shiloango River and two of its main tributaries, the Lukula River and the Lubuzi River.", "\n\nThe main peaks are:\nMount Foungouti, 930 m\nMount Bamba, 810 m\nKinoumbou Mountains, 784 m\nNgouedi Mountains, 780 m\nKanga Mountains, 764 m\nMount Bombo, 751 m\nPic Kiama, 747 m\n\nClimate and ecology\n\nMayumbe is south of the equator in the equatorial zone with oceanic influence and has two main seasons. ", "\nThe long dry season from June to September in the Mayumbe is not as intense as in the rest of the Lower Congo because of the altitude and the influence of the forest. ", "Temperatures range from 17 to 22, but can drop to 8 ° at night. ", "\nNights can be quite cool. ", "The long rainy season lasts from October to May, with temperatures of 28-33°. ", "\nThe climate is hot and humid, especially during the rainy season when the humidity is near to 100%. ", "\nThis feeling of constant humidity is further increased by the condensation of the vapors of the trade winds that cool the cliffs of the Coastal Range.", "\n\nFlora vary from dense forest to savannah dotted with forest trees. ", "\nThe forests of Mayumbe are old. ", "\nSome of the trees are valuable, especially the Limba. ", "\nPalm trees are plentiful in the Elais Mayumbe and are found in forests and in the savanna. ", "\nThey form one of the great resources of this region for its inhabitants.", "\nThe area's forests were estimated in 1950 to cover . ", "More recently they have declined to , of which Limba account for over 40%.", "\n\nPeople\nAmong the ethnic groups that inhabit this region the Yombe, a subset of the Kongo people, are the most numerous.", "\n\nRailway\n\nThe Mayombe Railway linked Boma to Tshela, with a planned extension to the Republic of Congo. ", "It was dismantled under President Mobutu Sese Seko and the tracks were reused near Gbadolite.", "\nThe Mayombe in Congo is covered by the Congo-Ocean Railway.", "\n\nPeople from Mayombe\n\nMayombe is famous in Senegal because it is an important stage in the exile of the founder of mouridism, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, during the French colonial administration. ", "He remained there five years.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSee also\nMayombe National Alliance\n\nExternal sources\n Léo Bittremieux, La société secrète des Bakhimba au Mayombe, G. van Campenhout, Bruxelles, 1936, 327 p.\n H. de Foresta (et al.), « ", "Un premier site de métallurgie de l'Age du Fer Ancien (2.110 BP) dans le Mayombe congolais et ses implications sur la dynamique des éco-systèmes », in Bulletin de liaison des archéologues du monde Bantu (Libreville), n° 7, 1990, p. 10-12\n M. Fuchs, « Le Mayombe », in Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge de Géographie, 19 (1) 1895, p. 5-23\n François Pellegrin, La flore du Mayombe : d'après les récoltes de M. Georges le Testu (2e partie), Impr. ", "E. Lanier, Caen, 1928, 83 p.\n Dominique Schwartz (et al.), « ", "Un site de fonte du fer récent (300 bp) et original dans le Mayombe congolais : Ganda-Kimpesse », in Bulletin de liaison des archéologues du monde Bantu (Libreville), 8/9, 1991, p. 33-40\n Jacques Sénéchal, Matuka Kabala et Frédéric Fournier, Revue des connaissances sur le Mayombe : synthèse préparée pour le Projet PNUD/UNESCO, PRC/85/002 et PRC/88/003, UNESCO, 1989, 343 p.\n Léo Bittremieux, Mayombsche volkskunst, De Vlaamsche Boekenhalle, Louvain, 1924, 227 p.\n\nCategory:Regions of Africa\nCategory:Geography of Angola\nCategory:Geography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo\nCategory:Geography of Gabon\nCategory:Geography of the Republic of the Congo \nCategory:Kongo Central\nCategory:Cabinda Province" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPrivate set intersection, using a semi-trusted server\n\nAlice has a set $S$ of words. ", " Bob has a set $T$ of words. ", " They want to compute the intersection $S \\cap T$ of their words, with the help of a semi-trusted third party Trent. ", " Trent runs a central server. ", " The server is normally well-intentioned and not malicious. ", " However, we are concerned about the risk of server compromise: a hacker might be able to break into the server, download all data stored on the server, and even control the server for a limited period of time. ", " Our primary security goal is to make sure that an attacker who manages to compromise the server cannot learn the set $S$ or $T$. Also, neither Alice nor Bob should need to receive a copy of the other person's set (apart from the intersection).", "\nI am aware of a super-simple protocol for this problem. ", " Trent picks a random symmetric key $k$ for a pseudorandom function (PRF). ", " Alice and Bob apply the PRF with key $k$ to each of their words and upload the result to Trent's server. ", " In other words, Alice computes the set $S^* = \\{F_k(s) : s \\in S\\}$ locally and uploads $S^*$ to the server, and Bob uploads $T^* = \\{F_k(t) : t \\in T\\}$ to the server. ", " Now the server can help them find the intersection: the server computes $S^* \\cap T^*$ and sends it to Alice and Bob, and this will be enough for each of them to recover the intersection $S \\cap T$. This protocol is practical and has the benefit of being very easy to explain. ", " It is basically an application of (keyed) one-way hashing. ", " And, as long as the key $k$ is not stored on the central server, compromise of the central server does not lead to a violation of the confidentiality goals.", "\nMy question: Is this super-simple protocol approximately optimal? ", " Or is there some other protocol that provides even better security? ", " I'm familiar with all of the sophisticated protocols for private set intersection. ", " Do any of them offer any security advantages for this particular setting? ", " I'm most interested in practical benefits, rather than theoretical/foundational considerations.", "\nThis arises from a real-world problem involving data matching (matching of voter registration lists between multiple states, if that's relevant).", "\n\nA:\n\nYour simple approach is not bad, but you might consider these modifications:\n\nFirst, you don't need a PRF, any form of hashed key or a simple hash over the concatenation of a key and the element should be enough. ", "Basically any one-way function over elements and some sort of key should do the trick, and you can optimize for speed.", "\nThe key is not chosen by Trend but Alice and Bob run a key exchange. ", "There is no need for Trend to know the key at all. ", "That means he can determine if two elements are equal but not get the element itself. ", "With a keyed hash, even knowledge of the possible elements does not help if the server is compromised.", "\nBoth Alice and Bob send the hashed set to Trend, preferably already ordered to reduce the complexity of finding all equal hash values.", "\nTrend sends the list of equal hash values back to both of them.", "\nIn a second step you can either use Trend again or leave it up to Alice and bob to make sure that they really have the same elements and not just the same hash value (different elements might have the same hash value). ", "If you use Trend, Alice and Bob can run another key exchange and this time use symmetric encryption with this key and send the elements to Trend.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "No se sabe por qué envejecemos ni tampoco por qué algunas especies animales viven menos de un día, como algunos insectos, y otras, en cambio, superan los 200 años, como las ballenas boreales.", "Ahora investigadores del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO) han descubierto un factor que predice con precisión la esperanza de vida de cada especie animal: la velocidad a la que se acortan sus telómeros, unas estructuras que se sitúan en los extremos de los cromosomas, en el núcleo de las células, y cuya función es proteger a los genes.", "\n\nEstas estructuras, los telómeros, hay que imaginarlas como los extremos de los cordones de los zapatos, que suelen estar protegidos por pedazos de plástico. ", "A medida que la célula se daña y necesita multiplicarse para repararse, los telómeros se ‘gastan’ y se van acortando, hasta que llega un punto en que son demasiado cortos -como ocurriría también con el calzado, donde los cordones comenzarían a deshilacharse-, y la célula deja de poderse reparar y comienza a no funcionar correctamente.", "\n\nHasta el momento, investigaciones anteriores, incluidas algunas del propio CNIO lideradas por María Blasco, jefa del Grupo de Telómeros y Telomerasa de este centro y directora de este nuevo trabajo, habían visto que los telómeros estaban implicados en el envejecimiento y habían escudriñado si existía alguna relación entre la longitud de estas estructuras y los años de vida de una especie. ", "Sin embargo, no habían podido establecer ninguna asociación, puesto que hay especies con telómeros muy largos que viven poco tiempo en comparación con otras con telómeros más cortos más longevas.", "\n\n“En estudios anteriores habíamos visto que los ratones, que tienen telómeros sorprendentemente mucho más largos que los humanos, vivían menos tiempo y habíamos descubierto ya entonces que los ratones acortaban sus telómeros mil veces más rápido que los humano”, explica Blasco a Big Vang. “", "Eso nos llevó a preguntarnos si sería así en otras especies, si quizás la velocidad de acortamiento era lo que realmente podría explicar la longevidad”, añade.", "\n\nEn colaboración con la Universitat de Barcelona y el Zoo Aquarium de Madrid, analizaron muestras de sangre de nueve especies de mamíferos y aves, como delfines, flamencos, buitres, gaviotas y elefantes de Sumatra, entre otros. ", "Buscaron especies muy alejadas evolutivamente, que tuvieran distintos tamaños. ", "Analizaron el ritmo de acortamiento de los telómeros en los glóbulos blancos de individuos con distintas edades de cada una de esas especies.", "\n\nTiburon de groenlandia (Jordi Bagué)\n\nPara ver de qué forma se relacionaba la velocidad de desgaste telomérico con la longevidad, usaron una ecuación matemática que también se emplea para medir otros procesos de la vida, como el crecimiento poblacional o la masa corporal.", "\n\n“Cuando en esa ecuación introducíamos el dato de la velocidad de acortamiento se establecía una asociación muy potente con la longevidad. ", "Vimos que era bastante universal, que esa relación entre la velocidad de acortamiento de los telómeros y la longevidad era algo muy conservado en la evolución”, señala Blasco, que ha dirigido este trabajo, cuyos resultados se publican en PNAS.", "\n\nPor ejemplo, vieron que los humanos de media pierden unas 70 pares de bases al año, que son los ladrillos de que están hechos los genes; en cambio, los ratones se quedan sin 7000 pares de bases anualmente.", "\n\n“En la naturaleza un ratón silvestre no vive ni tres meses, porque se lo comen o se muere de hambre. ", "Y en cambio, la naturaleza lo ha dotado de unos telómeros mucho más largos de los que necesita. ", "Cada especie tiene una velocidad de acortamiento ajustada a una longitud telomérica generosa en la naturaleza”, explica Blasco. “", "Si una especie tuviera telómeros muy largos y una velocidad de acortamiento lenta, viviría muchísimo”.", "\n\n“Los humanos pierden unas 70 pares de bases al año, que son los ladrillos de que están hechos los genes; en cambio, los ratones se quedan sin 7000 pares de bases”\n\nEstudios anteriores habían tratado de buscar la clave de la longevidad en el peso corporal de las especies, puesto que, en general, los animales de menor tamaño suelen también vivir menos años y al revés. ", "Y también en su ritmo cardíaco y en su metabolismo. ", "Sin embargo, esa asociación no parecía universal, porque hay especies de envergadura similar, como el ratón de laboratorio o la rata topo desnuda que tienen esperanzas de vida muy dispares: dos años una y la otra, más de 30. ", "Lo mismo ocurra con los otros factores.", "\n\n“Pusimos estas dos variables, peso y ritmo cardíaco, también en la ecuación y nos dio una predicción de longevidad. ", "Solo la velocidad de acortamiento vimos que era igual de potente a la hora de predecir esperanza de vida que los otros dos factores juntos. ", "Por eso creemos que hemos encontrado un patrón universal muy conservado en la evolución que puede explicar la longevidad y que además es un marcador molecular del envejecimiento”, destaca esta investigadora española.", "\n\nAhora el siguiente paso es estudiar a especies muy longevas para su tamaño, como la rata topo desnuda o el murciélago, lo que podría tener un interés también para conservación de especies. ", "En humanos, por ejemplo, se sabe que el estrés, la (mala) alimentación, o algunas patologías pueden aumentar la velocidad de acortamiento telomérico y que eso conlleva un riesgo incrementado de enfermedades de envejecimiento prematuro.", "\n\n“Sería muy interesante ver en poblaciones de animales silvestres qué impacto tiene el cambio climático o restricciones en su alimentación, en la velocidad de acortamiento de sus telómeros”, señala Blasco." ]
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[ "#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-16\n<tabasko> onko kukaan koklannut koskaan eyeosia?", "\n<tabasko> http://www.eyeos.org/\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/IyVJP5 -> eyeOS – Web Desktop, Cloud Computing Operating System and Web Office »\n<topyli> tulihan tuolla leikittyä\n<tabasko> asennus menee hienosti, mutta kakkeli ei vain toimi :S\n<tabasko> PHP Fatal Error: Bootstrap::load(): Failed opening required './system/kernel/libs/._log4php' (include_path=ä .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/eyeos-2.5/eyeos/system/bootstrap/Bootstrap.php on line 81\n<tabasko> oho typosin\n<tabasko> mutta tuntuu kuin tossa olis rikki jotain tms\n<tabasko> asennan toiselle koneelle, niin annetaan, Parse error: syntax error on MetDataConverter jne\n<tabasko> hehee, nyt sain toimiin\n<tabasko> tuolla MetDataConverter.php:ssa oli bugi\n<tabasko> luotettavaa\n<kill3> Tietääkö kukaan miten tässä Unityssä säädellään näitä paneeleja? ", "Jos haluaisi avatun ohjelman menevän tuonne yläpaneeliin (siis kiinteään paneeliin)?", "\n<Sysi> veikkaisin että lähinnä ei\n<tuhoojabotti> 3 päivää eikä yhtään päivitystä tullu\n<tuhoojabotti> Ja sitäki ennen tuli vaa chrome :P\n<urkki> Mites silverlight ubuntuun, vois tsekata Madcookia netistä\n<tabasko> moonlightilla\n<Sysi> kannattaa suoraan novellin sivuilta kokeilla uusinta niin on toivoa että joku toimiiki\n<tabasko> joka ei välttämättä oo yhteensoppeli subin käyttämän silverlightin kanssa\n<urkki> Miltä sivultA?", "\n<Sysi> http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/2qHDuV -> Moonlight\n<urkki> Ok\n<tabasko> viime bigbrotherin aikaan tuli tiukka paikka kun tyttöystävä huomas ettei subin sivut toimi sen ubuntulla\n<tuhoojabotti> Itel ei moonlight toimannu.", "\n<tabasko> hikihatussa yritin asennella moonlightiä joka ei silloin toiminut\n<Sysi> tabasko: ubuntu sivistää :P\n<tabasko> mutta onneksi joku ubuntu-fi:ssä oli tehnyt bb-skriptin joka fetchas ne clipit niin että niitä pysty kattomaan näppärästi vlc:llä\n<tabasko> mission accomplished ja kiitokset sille herralle\n<tabasko> Sysi, totta. ", "Mutta se oli elämää suurempi asia emännälle..\n<tabasko> se oli asentanut silverlightin winella kymmenen kertaa paniikissa ja ihmetellyt miksei toimi\n<urkki> Kappas vaan, toimii!", "\n<urkki> Hyvä tietää tääkin juttu. ", "Asensin kohta 50-vee bändin komppikitaristille ubuntun, hyvä tietää tää jutska jos se soittaa ja valittaa kun joku video ei näy\n<kill3> olis ihan hieno jos saisi alapaneelin näkymään kun vie hiiren alakulmaan tai jotakin, avautuisi se Gnomesta niin tuttu paneeli sinne :)\n<tuhoojabotti> En kyl saanu ubuntuu kaatuu\n<tuhoojabotti> http://www.mikropc.net/kaikki_uutiset/kymmenissa+linuxjakeluissa+nolo+haavoittuvuus++testaa+taalta+oletko+turvassa/a627270\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/4CagM3 -> Kymmenissä linux-jakeluissa nolo haavoittuvuus - testaa täältä oletko turvassa - Uutiset - MikroPC\n<Echramath> Compizihan toi vaatii.", "\n<kill3> Compiz on kyllä asennettuna\n<tuhoojabotti> Nii.", "\n<kill3> Ai siis tuo haavoittuvuus?", "\n<tuhoojabotti> Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.", "DBus.", "Error.", "InvalidArgs: Mountpoint voi voi\n<tuhoojabotti> Tulee kun yritän avaa ssh bookmarkkia\n<tuhoojabotti> mut tokal kerral toimaa.", "\n<Sysi> fedoralla firefox vaan sanoo ettei aptille oo valittu ohjelmaa\n<kill3> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gnome3-on-ubuntu-11-04-nattyubuntu-10-10-maverick.html\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/PhhvvI -> How to install Gnome3 on ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)/Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) | Ubuntu Geek\n<kill3> Uskaltaiskohan tuota kokeilla...\n<Sysi> tolla saattaa saada systeemin oikeasti rikki\n<Sysi> ja poistaminen on vissiin mahdotonta\n<tuhoojabotti> reinstalll!", "\n<kill3> Ei kai auta kuin odotella tuota 10.10 sitten\n<Finnish> Miten subin tv:stä sais imuroitua videoita? ", "Silverlight-videoita, Madcookit kiinnostais mut pitäis saada imuroitua ne\n<Tekno_> eiks se o laitont\n<Finnish> Saattaa olla..\n<Finnish> Saako RTMPDump-YLE:lla ladattua Subin katsomosta videota?", "\n<re-G> tuskin\n<Finnish> Blaah, äänet ei toimi kun yrittää Madcookia kattoa, 11.04 64bit, mozilla\n<Noosi> Tervehdys!", "\n<Noosi> Tuossa viikonloppuna sain päähäni asentaa Ubuntun vuoden käyttötauon jälkeen. ", "Toimeks, ja selkis että 11.04 onkin julkaistu melko hiljan. ", "tätä käytellyt, ja melkein pelkkää hyvää sanottavaa, mutta kun en osaa edes ohjelmia asentaa niin ajattelin tulla täältä kyselemään vinkkejä\n<Noosi> En onnistu käynnistämään edes flash playerin asentajaa..\n<Finnish> Lataa ubuntu-restricted-extras\n<Noosi> Hyvä ehdotus, mutta ongelma on suuremminkin se, etten osaa käynnistää ohjelman asennusta muuta kuin sovellusvalikoimasta. ", "En löydä edes käyttöjärjestelmän omia asetuksia...\n<Noosi> Turhautuminen alkaa olla lähellä\n<ighea> ei sovi hättääntyä\n<Noosi> tuntuu ettei muukaan auta. ", "taidan vaan olla niin pinttynyt windows-ihminen...\n<ighea> no se\n<ighea> mutta flashin pitäisi saada asennettua ihan sieltä jännästä sovelluskeskuksesta\n<Finnish> Paina kerran windows-näppäintä jos sulla semmoinen on näppäimistössä\n<Finnish> ja kirjota vaikka synaptics\n<Finnish> Tai ubuntu software\n<Finnish> Pääset asennusohjelmiin\n<Noosi> kappas\n<Noosi> Mulla on ladattuna erään ohjelman asennustiedosto / pakattu kansio. ", "mitenkäs ton asennus menee?", "\n<Sysi> mieluiten ei. ", "Mikä ohjelma?", "\n<ighea> heh, apt-urlissa aukko\n<ighea> kylläpä sitä jo tulikin ihmeteltyä että onko muka saatu ihan 100% luotettavaksi :P\n<Noosi> Niin siis uTorrent\n<Noosi> asennuspaketti on, vaan en osaa sitä käyttää\n<ighea> kokeile ensin vaikka deluge:a tai transmissionia(pitäisi tulla vakiona)\n<ighea> josseivät miellytä niin pakettienhallinnasta löytyy wine, jolla voi niitä windows-sovelluksia pyöräytellä tulille\n<Noosi> qBittorrent ollu ny pikku kokeilus. ", "Mut siis toi utorrentin asennustiedosto on linuxille tarkotettu, ja sen asentamisen luulis onnistuvan jos vaan osaisin. ", "vai?", "\n<ighea> mutta ei utorrentista ole kuin jokin serveri kikkula linuxille\n<ighea> ei varsinaista graafista asiakasohjelmaa\n<Noosi> Ai, hyvä tietää\n<ighea> kas, palvelinsovellus ja siihen sitten web-käyttöliittymä\n<Noosi> hmm.. lieneekö mun parasta unohtaa ajatus Sony Vegasin asentamiesta Winellä? ", "Yritin joidenkin ohjeiden mukaan mut emmä perkule hallinnu sitä hommaa\n<ighea> toiminnee varmasti, muttei välttämättä sitä mitä haluaisit\n<Noosi> no?", "\n<ighea> sony vegas... se videoeditoriko?", "\n<Noosi> se juuri\n<Tekno_> oha linuxilleki jotain\n<ighea> edelleen kannattaa tutkia niitä mahdollisia vaihtoehtoja sieltä sovelluskeskuksesta\n<ighea> etenkin kun ei maksa vaivaa enempää\n<Tekno_> avidemux on ainaki kätevä jos tarvii vaan leikellä ja yhdistellä videoita\n<Tekno_> ja kde-puolel tais olla joku mil saa efektejäki\n<Satoris> Jos et tee mitään ylettömän vaikeaa niin Openshot on varmaan paras.", "\n<Noosi> Mä tarvitsen laajempaa, elikä vegas olis välttämätön, en viittisi windowsin kautta ajella sitä\n<Tekno_> cinelerra?", "\n<Noosi> Youtubessa oli videota miten joku oli saanu vegasin winellä, mut joutuu vissii käyttää windowsil\n<Tekno_> sillee mä varmaa tekisin et asennan virtualboxin\n<Tekno_> ja sit siihe windows\n<Tekno_> ni voi sit ajella kaikki windows ohjelmat mitä ikinä tarviikaan, ni siinä\n<Tekno_> winel on vähä turhaa säätöö yleens\n<ighea> edelleen mielummin niitä natiiveja sovelluksia\n<ighea> kino ja pitivi kannattaa nyt ainakin tuon cinelerra:n lisäksi katsastaa\n<Noosi> Olisko virustorjunta tai palomuuri tarpeellisia?", "\n<Tekno_> ei\n<Noosi> Hyvä. Se, ettei Linuxille juuri ole viruksia, johtuuko siitä, ettei käyttäjiä ole paljon vai siitä että linux on äly hyvä+\n<Echramath> Se on useamman asian kombinaatio.", "\n<ighea> joo'o\n<ighea> kerjään nyt verta nenästäni, mutta linuxeilu noin yleensä on ihan ok\n<ighea> mutta sitten meillä on näitä ubuntu/debianeja joissa vaan hommat menee reisille\n<Tekno_> :D\n<ighea> kuten eräs selain-plugini jonka avustuksella sivulle eksyvän henkilön X:n saa totaalijumiin\n<Noosi> Voi ruikku, en saa näyttiksen ajureitakaan asennettua\n<Noosi> Ei muuten, mutta ruudussa liikkuva kuva nykii..\n<ighea> mikä grafiikkapiiri?", "\n<Noosi> radeon HD 4060\n<Noosi> ei ku..\n<Noosi> HD 4---- sarjaan joka tapauksessa\n<ighea> siihenkin on valmis kikkula\n<ighea> mikähän vaan mahto nimi olla\n<ighea> ennen muinoin ubuntu heitti sovellusta suoraan silmille jos löytyi nvidian tai radeonin piirejäö\n<Noosi> Mun mielestä toi jotain heitti, mut ei silti toimi ok\n<Sysi> nelitonnisten pitäis toimia ihan hyvin vakioajurillaki\n<ighea> paina sitä windows-namiskaa taas j naputele additional drivers\n<ighea> sillä pitäisi löytyä lisuketta ja poropietari-ajurin tila\n<Noosi> Ei löyvy\n<Noosi> Pitääkö olla suomenkielinen hakulause?", "\n<Sysi> kokeile jockey:tä hakusanaksi\n<Noosi> no nyt löytyy\n<Noosi> Ati7AMD suljettu fgrx-grafiikka-ajuri\n<ighea> onko se käytössä\n<ighea> eli varustettu mahdollisesti vehreällä pallukalla\n<Noosi> on\n<Noosi> kyllä, viherpallukka ja kytketty käyttöön\n<Noosi> silti esim tään ikkunan siirtely nykii, mitä ihmettelen\n<Sysi> mahollista että just sen takia.. tehostemanageri on vieläki aika buginen\n<Noosi> winen käyttö pitäis opetella\n<bioterror> winhq:ta vaan tuituilee\n<bioterror> ihan hyvin tässä kyllä on pärjännyt ilmankin ;)\n<Noosi> olis muutamia windows-sovelluksia mitä pitäis käyttää\n<Noosi> mm. ", "Adobe Photoshop olis kova\n<bioterror> sit asenna windows virtuaalikoneeseen\n<bioterror> tai osta mäkki :D\n<Noosi> eka vaihtoehto kuulostaa edullisemmalta\n<bioterror> gimpshop ;)\n<Noosi> nääh\n<bioterror> ootko koklannut?", "\n<Echramath> Koit Wineä.\n<Noosi> Gimppiä?", "\n<bioterror> Noosi, gimpshop\n<Noosi> En oo kokeillut, gimppiä tosin, en pitänyt\n<Noosi> Ootteko miten pitkään ollu ubuntu/linux-käyttäjiä?", "\n<bioterror> '98 redhat 5.2, syyskuussa 2005 ubuntu\n<puunakki> Tarttis saada seuraavalle näyttikselle ajurit asennettua, onko kenelläkään vinkkejä? ", "Näytönohjain: SiS Mirage 3+ Graphics\n<Echramath> Mä taisin kanssa asentaa ekana sen 5.2:n.\n<Echramath> puunakki: \"vaihda se\"\n<puunakki> Echramath: jepjep, helppoo ku heinän teko\n<Echramath> No joo tiedän, läppäreissä noita on.", "\n<puunakki> Jep.", "\n<bioterror> jossain adventeis vai missä?", "\n<puunakki> esprimossa\n<ighea> valitettavasti taidat joutua sillä elämään mitä vakiona tulee ubuntun mukana\n<puunakki> ighea: Ei edes resoa saa muutettua\n<Echramath> Niin no siis itse vaihtaisin. ", "Koko koneen.", "\n<puunakki> Echramath: Emmä tota vaihtamaan lähde, pidän winukan siinä sitten vaikka. ", "Kyllä noita ubuläppäreitä jo onkin, vaikka olishan se tohonki kiva saada.", "\n<ighea> englanninkieliseltä ubuntu-foorumilta voinet löytää voittoa\n<Sysi> xorg.confia on aina kiva kirjotella\n<puunakki> Kaikki muu toimii suorilta ni olis kiva saada resokin kuntoon, enhän minä tolta mitän 3D:tä vaadi.", "\n<rhkfin_> Moi! ", "Ubuntu ja dhcp -ongelma: http://pastebin.com/9WBzNxLj - osaako joku sanoa mikä aikaansaa discover - offer - request - NAK -keskustelun..?", "\n<ighea> käynnistä reititin uudelleen josset ole vielä niin tehnyt\n<rhkfin_> (konsultoin kaverin puolesta joka on enklannissa, ilmeisesti gmail chatin päässä ;)\n<rhkfin_> Mut joo, kuulostaa hyvältä alkuaskeleelta\n<rhkfin_> Saman koneen windows pelaa\n<rhkfin_> On kokeiltu useaan otteeseen. ", "Muita ideoita.", "\n<bioterror> mistäköhän se serveri ei tykkää\n<rhkfin_> jaa, ei oo nyt kone saatavilla. ", "Mut oisko noin hatusta muita ideoita mistä lähteä selvittämään?", "\n<rhkfin_> Laitan maililla juttuja kokeiltavaks..\n<bioterror> Server to client indicating client's notion of network address is incorrect (e.g., client has moved to new subnet) or client's lease as expired\n<bioterror> sanoo internet\n<rhkfin_> Eikö toi keskustelu tarkota että client pyytää IP:tä, serveri tarjoaa yhtä, client sanoo et joo, saanks mä ton johon serveri vastaa et etpäs saakkaan?", "\n<Uumikko> Mulla olis pieni ongelma\n<FSO> kerroppa\n<bioterror> rhkfin_, jotakuinki noin se juttelu menee\n<Uumikko> Ubuntu 11.04, flash asennettu, youtube toimii hyvin mutta sivustoille upotetut youtube-videot eivät toimi kunnolla\n<Uumikko> Videossa ja videoplayerissa esiintyy harmaita elementtejä\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: mulla on kutina että oon aikoinaan törmänny samantyyppiseen, silloin jotenkin meni sekasin Windowsin IP:n kanssa, tyyliin Windows ei osannu luovuttaa sitä tms sammuttaessa..\n<rhkfin_> Eli oisko hyödyllistä ehkäpä kokeilla Windowsissa manuaalista releasea ennen ubuntuun boottaamista?", "\n<bioterror> no tuskin on haittaa\n<bioterror> mutta luulisi sen dhcp-serverin katselevan että tossa on tuo mac-osoite, annanpa sille ip-osoitteen\n<rhkfin_> luulis nii\n<rhkfin_> Osaako joku arvioida liittyykö Uumikon ongelma näytönohjaimen ajureihin?", "\n<bioterror> no tuskin ;)\n<bioterror> aeiku :D\n<rhkfin_> ha :)\n<bioterror> mutta vohan se olla että vähän näyttiksen ajurit\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: tohon verkko-ongelmaan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/327703\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 327703 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) \"DHCP Request Cycle can get caught in infinite loop\" [Low,Fix released]\n<rhkfin_> Näyttäis aika samalta..\n<bioterror> Uumikko, mikä näytönohjain sulla on?", "\n<Sysi> Uumikko: 64bit?", "\n<Uumikko> Ati Radeon HD 4---- joku, ja kyllä 64-bittinen on systeemi\n<Uumikko> vaihdoin nimimerkin lennosta, sori\n<bioterror> Uumikko, oletko ottanut suljetut ajurit käyttöön?", "\n<Sysi> kokeile aluksi youtubessa klikata hiiren oikealla ja asetuksista ottaa rautakiihdytys pois\n<Uumikko> Latasin ajurit AMD:N sivuilta, mutta en mä uumikko osaa niitä asentaa.", "\n<Sysi> nelossarjan pitäis toimia avoimillaki ihan hyvin, tai helpommin saa asennettua ubuntun omalla työkalulla\n<bioterror> no sieltä valikosta vaan täppäät ajurit käyttöön? ;)", "\n<bioterror> Sysi, ei ainakaan 10.04:n kanssa ollut ongelmia 4350:n kanssa\n<Uumikko> ajurit on käytössä\n<Sysi> jos kiihdytyksen poistaminen ei auta, poista pakettienhallinnasta flashplugin-nonfree, lataa adobelta suoraan natiivi 64-bittinen ja siirrä se ~/.mozilla/plugins -kansioon\n<Uumikko> olleet koko ajan\n<Uumikko> kiihdytyksen poistaminen ei auta\n<Uumikko> mitä ihmettä, flashplugin nonfree ei oo ees käytössä\n<Uumikko> kokeilen ottaa käyttöön mikäli...\n<rhkfin_> Osaako joku sanoa miten turvallista on /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases siivoamien käsin? ", "Mitä tekee dns-clean? ", "Entä miten dnsmasq liittyy tähän kokonaisuuteen..?", "\n<re-G> dhclient.leases on dhcp-palvelimelta saadut ip-osoitteet\n<re-G> dns on eri asia\n<re-G> dnsmasq ei taida olla oletuksena asennettunakaan\n<rhkfin_> Mulla näyttää olevan jostain syystä asennettuna dnsmasq, voi liittyä siihen et Freerunner oli jossain vaiheessa tässä kiinni\n<re-G> jos leaset poistaa niin ne tulee uudestaan ku verkko ajetaan seuraavan kerran ylös\n<rhkfin_> re-G: onko ne turvallista siivota käsin pois? ", "Näitkö alkuperäisen ongelman: http://pastebin.com/9WBzNxLj\n<re-G> en kattonu alkuperäistä ongelmaa, hetki\n<rhkfin_> re-G: windows-dualboot-kone. ", "Ubuntua päivitettiin (en tiedä oliko vaan yksittäisiä paketteja vaan koko versio) ja sen jälkeen ei saa enää IP:tä.\n<re-G> jaa se pyytää 1.65 -osoitetta eikä saa\n<re-G> kyl ne voi nakata menemään\n<re-G> ja ajaa verkolle restartin\n<rhkfin_> poistaa tiedosto vai tyhjätä se?", "\n<rhkfin_> Toi /var/lib/dhcp3 on täynnä lease -tiedostoja, voiko siellä ajaa sudo rm dhclient*\n<Uumikko> olisko tää siis oikea flash player? ", "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz\n<bioterror> taitaa se olla\n<re-G> rhkfin_: anti mennä vaa. ", "just tein saman eikä mikään hajonnu\n<rhkfin_> oke\n<rhkfin_> laitan viestiä eteenpäin. ", "Koitan siis opastaa yhtä kaveria pystyttämään taas konettaan..\n<re-G> kuulostaa kohtalokkaalle :)\n<rhkfin_> sitäpä..\n<rhkfin_> Omaa konetta kattelin, onko normia et /etc/network/interfaces:sta ei löydy eth0:aa, pelkkä lo?", "\n<re-G> dnsmasq:lla voi jakaa dns:ää eteenpäin. ", "siinä on myös dhcp-palvelin ja mitähän muuta.. no noita oon ainaki käyttäny\n<rhkfin_> joo dns-välittäjänä oon sitä tainnu Freerunnerille käyttää\n<rhkfin_> Mut kiitos tästä, heitin vinkit menemään ja nyt jäädään odottelemaan..\n<re-G> rhkfin_: joo huomasin saman.. näköjää network-manager huolehtii myös interfaceista nykyää\n<Uumikko> Miten usein tälle kannulle eksyy ubuntua mollaavia ihmisiä?", "\n<re-G> silloin tällöin\n<rhkfin_> oke.. On se hienoa kun kaikki automatisoidaan ja viedään älykkäiden systeemien käsiin niin ei tavan pulliainen osaa mitään tehdä (vrt. ", "grub -> grub2..)\n<re-G> tosin tämä on jonkin verran siistimpi kuin ubuntu.fi -kanava :)\n<Sysi> tää on virallinen\n<re-G> joo.. wanhassa vara parempi, mut on grub2:ssa jotai kivoja featureita\n<Uumikko> ootteko miten pitkään käyttäny linuxia/ubuntua?", "\n<rhkfin_> re-G: on siinä mahdollisuuksia mut 98% säädöistä ois menu.lst:n säätöä mikä on nykyään ûberhankalaa..\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: jotain 13 vuotta lienee ekoista kokeiluista, täyspäiväseks siirtyny joskus 2004 tms\n<Uumikko> Windows ei vedä puoleensa?", "\n<re-G> Uumikko: vuodesta 2005\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: joo ei.", "\n<re-G> mulle käy kaikki kunhan ei ala tupla-w:llä\n<tuhoojabotti> winux\n<re-G> käytän siis steveä myös\n<tuhoojabotti> hyväksikäyttäjä.\n<Uumikko> Vista\n<rhkfin_> re-G: toinen mullistus oli dcop -> dbus - kyllä, tuo hienoja ominaisuuksia mutta 'tyhmä peruskäyttö' menee vaikeeks\n<rhkfin_> (tosin huomasin että viel löytyy dcop)\n<Uumikko> Millaisia asioita te sitten Linuxissa/ubuntussa arvostatte?", "\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: vapaus, monipuolisuus, keveys (ei rupee ajan mittaan tahmaamaan), yhteisö, ilmaisuus\n<rhkfin_> käytön helppous (kun eka vain uskaltaa irroittautua siitä mitä on Windowsista oppinut)\n<re-G> Uumikko: äärettömän valinnan mahdollisuudet\n<re-G> äärettömät*\n<Uumikko> eikö haittaa se, että maailma on ikäänkuin Windowsille tehty?", "\n<rhkfin_> komentorivi on mahtava, mahdollistaa tosi siistejä juttuja\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: haittaa se. ", "Mut ne on valintoja.", "\n<re-G> joskus hidastaa, mutta harvoin estää mitään\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: Windows-käyttäjä valitsee (tietämättään) sitoutumisen Microsoftiin, viruksiin ja koneen tukkeutumiseen\n<Sysi> rhkfin_: et vain osaa :P\n<rhkfin_> Eli kyse on siitä, mitä ominaisuuksia arvostaa. ", "Applen tuotteet on käytettäviä, nättejä jnejne mutta siinä joutuu luopumaan tietyistä vapauksista\n<re-G> Uumikko: mut linux sopii mulle senkin takia etten yleensäkään tee koneella asiota jotka vaatis välttämättä w-järjestelmän.. esim. ", "pelaa\n<rhkfin_> Sysi: Enkä edes yritä, ja tuntuu hyvältä että Windowsista on julkaistu jo 2 versiota mistä mulla eio o mitään käryä -> multa rupee olee oikeesti tosi turha pyytää apua Windows-käytössä :)\n<rhkfin_> Samoin, ei tarvetta pelailla. ", "Vaikka toki Linux-maailmassakin on pelejä tarjolla, harvemmin vain isojen pelitalojen uutuuksia, hittejä.\n<Sysi> rhkfin_: mää en ikinä oppinu käyttämään xp:tä, seiskaa opiskelin vähän mutta sen käytettävyys on edelleen niin huono ettei vaan jaksa\n<bioterror> miksi pelata kun voi konffia!", "\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: :)\n<re-G> rhkfin_: todella ison kasan linuxista tuttua open-softaa saa macille macportsin kautta..\n<bioterror> ei seiskan ja kde:n välil hirveesti oo käytettävyydes eroja\n<Uumikko> Ei onnistu winettäminen tai virtuaalikoneet yms jos haluaa pelata linukalla?", "\n<rhkfin_> re-G: mä haluisin päästä näkemään joskus KDE:n OSX:n päällä\n<Sysi> vaihtelevasti\n<re-G> rhkfin_: :DD\n<bioterror> re-G, tai finkin\n<rhkfin_> re-G: http://mac.kde.org/\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/ro3QZf -> .: ", "KDE 4 Mac :.", "\n<Sysi> OSX:ssä joka tapauksessa pyörii se oma ikkunamankeli, mikä siinä sattuu olemaan kaikkein puutteellisin\n<bioterror> Aqua on vaikea muokata\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: peruskäytössä ei käyttisten välillä just ole enää eroja mut konffailut jne rupee eroamaan, esim. ", "ohjelmien asentaminen\n<rhkfin_> Mut jos keskittyis vähän opiskeluun välillä..\n<Uumikko> Ajattelin käyttää nyt Ubuntua ainakin kuukauden ajan, ja katsoa miltä sitten tuntuu ja vaikuttaa, olenko oppinut käyttämään jne. ", "Seiska on dualboottina olemassa, kuvankäsittelyä ja videoeditointia varten. ", "Syö jonkin verran henkistä vapautta ja huonontaa yö- ja päiväunien laatua, kun tietää, että jossain siellä kiintolevyn syöväreissä on puhdasverisen Ubuntun lisäksi Windows.", "\n<bioterror> mullaki on duuniläppäril XP\n<bioterror> eikä se häiritse ;)\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: ei sitä kannata siivota jos tilaa riittää: joskus voi kuitenkin tulla tarvetta (esim. ", "Nokian puhelinten ja OVI-softien kanssa) Windowsille\n<rhkfin_> Toki on pykälän verran miehekkäämpää jos pääsee sanomaan että talous on Microsoft-vapaa :)\n<re-G> mä oon ottanu aika pitkälti sellasen linjan, että siihen mihin on _pakko_ olla windows, sitä ei tarvita\n<rhkfin_> re-G: sama\n<bioterror> joo\n<rhkfin_> Töissä tuli kova valinta eteen: Joko asentaa Suse tai Windows ja opetella National Instrumetsin LabView - tai opetella pyQt ja koodata softa itte. ", "Valitsin jälkimmäisen ;)\n<Uumikko> Seiska on tarkotus pitää tuolla varmaan loputtomiin, koska käyttöä löytyy, en tällä hetkellä pelaa, mutta joskus tulee pelailtua, photoshop ja sony vegas myös tärkeitä. Antaa winukan olla samalla levyllä, mutta kyllä se sessioiden laatua häiritsee\n<bioterror> esim. ", "noi jotkut iFolorin valokuvakansio-ohjelmat\n<Uumikko> rhkfin, tätä juuri :)\n<bioterror> joutuu vaan totee että pitää etsiä palvelu joka tekee sen weppisivulla, olkoot vaikka ulkomailla sitten\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: http://linux.fi/wiki/Wine_ja_valokuvakirjaohjelmat -> gigantti rokkaa. ", "Kirjoittelin ton vertailun aikanaan blogiini ja joku pyys luvat laittaa wikiin.", "\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/5efO1A -> Wine ja valokuvakirjaohjelmat – Linux.fi\n<rhkfin_> Gigantti tehny fiksun vedon ja koodannut Qt:lla\n<Uumikko> Kirjasto jossa win-koneet?", "\n<rhkfin_> Uumikko: mitä niistä?", "\n<rhkfin_> vaatii paljon ylläpitoa..\n<bioterror> rhkfin_, vaimo tilas jostain saksasta tms. ", "ja tuli tosi hyvät\n<rhkfin_> noin kirjaston näkökulmasta\n<rhkfin_> Tai paljon tai paljon..\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: gigantilla vai jollain muulla?", "\n<Uumikko> Käy siis kirjastosta tilaa valokuvat, eihän se nyt kauheaa voi olla :) Se olis mun mielestä kyl ehdoton, että julkisiin laitoksiin, kouluihin, työpaikalle, kirjastoihin etc. ", "pitää ehdottomasti saada linkkarit\n<bioterror> rhkfin_, http://www.the-emotion-company.com/\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/d3yi6y -> Home - The Emotion Company\n<rhkfin_> jaaa... Uumikko ei toimi kirjan rakentelu kirjastossa, siinä menee kuitenkin tuntikaupalla aikaa..\n<Uumikko> Mikään ei toimi noissa ympäristöissä paremmin, tuolla hinnalla\n<rhkfin_> bioterror: ok\n<Uumikko> aa, katoppa :)\n<rhkfin_> Mut jees, ->\n<Uumikko> taitaa meikälälinen lähteä tästä kans uniin, morska\n<rhkfin_> re-G: lisätietoa: http://pastebin.com/NGNRS6FN\n<rhkfin_> tai miksei muutkin, ongelma siis että kone ei saa IP:tä, DHCP vastaa NAK..\n<ighea> jonkin sortin macfiltteröinti päällä?", "\n<rhkfin_> ei luulis, Ubuntun päivityksessä lopetti pelaamisen. ", "Saman koneen windowsissa pelaa\n<rhkfin_> ja jos ois, ei kait purkki antais edes offeria?", "\n<sinppa_> hmm, mitäs /etc/network/interfaces pitää sisällään? ", "vai voiko se sitten sekottaa tota\n<Sysi> voiskohan mahollinen ajurin huonoilu vaikuttaa tuohon\n<rhkfin_> sinppa_: se taitaa nykyään olla suht tyhjä mut ois ehkä joo syytä tarkastaa. ", "Etänä siis koitan kaverin konetta herätellä..\n<rhkfin_> Sysi: interface kuitenkin löytyy..\n<rhkfin_> interfaces:\n<rhkfin_> auto lo\n<rhkfin_> iface lo inet loopback\n<rhkfin_> ei ei apua siitä..\n<rhkfin_> kuten re-G totesi, networkmanager taitaa hoitaa eth0:n..\n<ighea> hassulta vähän viakuttaa kyllä, kun on niinkuin antamassa ip:tä mutta peruu silti ajatuksensa\n<rhkfin_> sepä\n<orava> mitenköhän ihmeessä KDE:ssa saa paneeliin läpinäkyvyyttä, desktop effectit on päällä\n#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-17\n<kingkong> hi all\n<kingkong> vay, were there such many Finnish people on here :) i saw first time\n<kingkong> cool :)\n<kingkong> maxjezy: Tervetuloa :)\n<maxjezy> kitos!", "\n<kingkong> =)\n<re-G> rhkfin_: toimiiko kiinteällä ip:llä\n<rhkfin_> re-G: kokeilemisen arvoinen tuokin, eli /etc/network/interfacesiin konffaa sen IP:n mitä purkki tarjoo?", "\n<re-G> rhkfin_: voipi olla ettei interfaces-tiedosto oikeen toimi niin kauan ku nm-appletti on päällä.. mut saahan sinnekin laitettua kiinteen osoitteen\n<rhkfin_> jaa nii tolla nm:llä jos askartelis kiinteen..\n<rhkfin_> heitin vinkin eteenpäin..\n<re-G> rhkfin_: jos sekään ei toimi niin epäilisin lanipiirin ajuria, mikä vois korjaantua downgradeemalla kerneliä. Jos kiintee taas toimii niin hmm.. dhcp-palvelimen resetointia vois ainaki kokeilla\n<re-G> siitä huolimatta että se toimii windowsin kanssa\n<re-G> mikäs laite siellä antaa osoitteen?", "\n<rhkfin_> re-G: joku modeemireititinpurkki on kuviossa kiinni, sitä on boottailtu useamman kerran\n<rhkfin_> resetoitu tuskin\n<re-G> juu, tarkoitin boottaamista\n<tabasko> http://bellard.org/jslinux/\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/E1rBep -> Javascript PC Emulator\n<tabasko> nerdgasm\n<kakeman> ubuntun torrenteissa jotain todella kosmista häiriötä\n<kakeman> ei mulla muuta\n<kakeman> >\n<APUA123> terve, koetin päivittää buuntua ja se perhanahan sanoi sitten itsensä täysin irti\n<APUA123> mitäs tällaisessa tilanteessa kannattaa yleensä tehdä?", "\n<APUA123> ubuntun päivityshän kaatui usemmaksi tunniksi siis siinäkohtaa kun se väitti olevansa miltein valmis.", "\n<dimapez> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13416272\n<Echramath> Mitä se siis sanoo?", "\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/LnwcVc -> BBC News - BBC Three looks into 'evangelical frenzy' over Apple\n<APUA123> tulee jonkinlainen käynnistysvalikko mistä voi valita memorychekkiä tai sitten aikaisempaa asennusta ilmeisesti ubuntusta\n<dimapez> Apple todella ON uskonto\n<Echramath> Joo se on se vakiovalikko, se ei vaan aina näy.", "\n<APUA123> mutta en pääse ainakaan graafiseen käyttöasuun mitenkään käsiksi, ja viimeksi kun käynnistin konetta se ei tahtonut edes tunnistaa näppäimistöä :D\n<APUA123> vähän harmittaa kun meni varmaan iso kasa tiedostoja siinä samalla, taitaa jäädä viimeiseksi kerraksi kun käytän ubuntua :(\n<Newa> oletko koittanut että rescue mode hyytyy myös?", "\n<Echramath> En usko että osiosi on pilalla.", "\n<Newa> alun boottivalikossa on tyypillisesti molemmat vaihtoehdot\n<APUA123> rescuemodeen ei oikeen ilman näppäimistöä pääse käsiksi, mutta joo ei toimi sekään\n<Echramath> Vaikka se järjestelmä olisi täysin rikki, todennäköisesti sieltä saa ainakin kaikki tiedostot ulos.", "\n<Echramath> Mitä se siis toisin sanoen sanoo?", "\n<APUA123> veiimeski koetin sitä memorycheckkiä mutta sekin tuntui jumittaneen ja ajanpuutteesta en voinut antaa koneen mietiskellä kauempaa.", "\n<APUA123> pitänee käynnistää kone ja ottaa neuvoja lisää siinäkohtaa\n<Newa> jääkö mitään virheilmoitusta näkyviin kun koitat käynnistää konetta?", "\n<Newa> vai pääsetkö tekstikonsoliin asti, mutta näppäimistö ei toimi?", "\n<APUA123> okei nyt pääsin valikkoon ja näppiskin toimii\n<APUA123> ja siinä lukee että....\n<APUA123> ubuntu, Linux-ydin 2.6.38-8-genric sekä sen toipumistila, sitten on previous linux versions ja memorytestejä kaks eri va ihtoehtoa\n<Echramath> Niin mut mitä tapahtuu jos kokeilet vaikka ekaa toipumistilaa.", "\n<APUA123> näytöllä vilistää numeroita\n<APUA123> ja krijaimia, ja sitten se pysähtyy, ja mitään ei näytä tapahtuvan\n<APUA123> melkosta siansaksaa, ei mitään valikkoa eikä mitään mihin voisi kirjottaa vaikka komentoja\n<APUA123> eli ilmeisesti ensimmäinen mahdollinen toipumistila ei ainakaan johda mihinkään\n<APUA123> koetampa previous linux versionista seuraavaa mahdollista toipumistilaa...\n<APUA123> asiaa. ", "nyt päästiin korjausvalikkoon\n<APUA123> jatka tavallista käynnistystä, yritä vapauttaa levytilaa (ei pitäisi olla tarpeen kyl) käynnistävikaseitoisessa graa..., käynnistä tietokone uudelleen, päivitä grub alkulatausohjelma\n<APUA123> korjaa rikkinäiset paketit varmaan olis se paras vaihtoehto?", "\n<Echramath> Juu.", "\n<APUA123> noh, antaa sen nyt ajaa toi, ekaakertaa sentään joku näistä lähti edes eteenpäin ;D\n<APUA123> kattellaas lisää neuvoja jos ovat tarpeen myöhemmin.", "\n<Echramath> Noin määkin sille jouduin sanomaan.", "\n<APUA123> Mitä tehän kohtaan tulisi kirjoittaa \"Henrik-laptop login:\" ?", "\n<hiippariX> kirjoita mille tilille haluut kirjautua\n<APUA123> En muista mitään tiliä, mutta salasanan kyllä muistan.", "\n<APUA123> Pääsin mahdollisessti sisään. ", "Miten komentoriviltä käynnistetään tietokone uudelleen?", "\n<Ondalf> sudo reboot\n<kingi89> oon huomannu että tuo \"sudo reboot\" toimii vähän vaihtelevasti, välillä heittää vaan tuohon \"pelastusvalikkoon\" vaan ilman uudelleenkäynnistystä. sudo telinit 6 toimii aina, suosittelen\n<Echramath> Hmmm, mitenkähän se on mahdollista...\n<Henril> huhhu,\n<Henril> olin tuo nick apua123\n<Henril> selvis onneks ongelmat\n<Henril> kuin itsestään,\n<Henril> nyt pitää opetella käyttämään tätä **ttumaista päivitystä\n<ighea> ai uutta ja upea unity-työpöytää\n<ighea> siellä on valikossa kirjautumisruudulla mahdollisuus valita classic tjs herkku\n<Henril> käynnistysvalikossa vai? ", "sisäänkirjattaessa\n<Henril> äh, siis siinä ekalla ruudulla kun kysyy salsanaa\n<sinppa_> siellä juu\n<Henril> kattotaas jos päivitykset tälläkertaa onnistuu niin pääsee seuraavalla käynnistyksellä laittaan\n<Henril> jotenki en tykänny tosta \"unitystä\"\n<Henril> siirsi vaan muutaman valikon useamman klikkauksen taakse :D\n<Henril> ja toiset toi tohon eteen, jotka jo muutoinkin oli yläpalkissa\n<muggo> mystiset jumiongelmatkin selvisivät näköjään, Sync To Vblank pois päältä eikä enään ole jäätyillyt, ei tarvi kestää W7:aa enään läppärissäkään\n<Noosi> Se on hei\n<Noosi> Mulla ei toimi www-sivuille upotetut flash-elemenentit oikein. ", "esim. ", "www.nordea.fi jossa on flahs-sisältöä, ei näy oikein. ", "Mitäs täs piti tehdä?", "\n<bioterror> blokata adblockilla loputki ;)\n<Noosi> :D\n<Noosi> eihän siinä ole järkeä kun esim sivuille upotettu youtube-ikkuna ei toimi\n<Sysi> millälailla ei toimi, ollenkaa?", "\n<ksni> Noosi: onko sulla NoScript?", "\n<Noosi> Toimii jotenkin erikoisesti, eli flash-elementissä on harmaita laatikoita jotka vaihtelee paikkaa\n<Noosi> ksni, Ei ole\n<Sysi> onko ne videon päällä vai siinä palkissa?", "\n<Noosi> sekä että\n<Noosi> välillä esim. ", "palkki vilkkuu näkyviin, pois, harmaaksi\n<Sysi> mulla oli palkissa harmaata ku oli käytössä repojen flasplugin-installer\n<Sysi> 64-bittisellä\n<Noosi> epäilen, että mullakin on vääränlainen flash, 64-bittinen on oma systeemi kans\n<Sysi> mää etin sen tietoturvattoman betan natiivin 64-bittisen ja laitoin oikeeseen paikkaan niin toimii\n<tuhoojabotti> Sysi: Ohjetta pöyr..n\n<tuhoojabotti> hmm\n<tuhoojabotti> pöytään*\n<elias_a> http://www.peimarinvihreat.com/?p=172\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/QXaxxl -> Peimarin Vihreät ry » Arkisto » Aloite avoimen lähdekoodin hyödyntämisestä\n<Echramath> Onks tässä mitään järkeä? ", "http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/index.php?topic=39100.msg227651\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/dpgtU5 -> Serveri yhdistettynä kahteen lähiverkkoon.", "\n<Echramath> (ei ole mun säie siis, kahtelin vaan melko hämmentyneenä)\n<habalux> ei onnistu noin, menee reititykset sekaisin\n<habalux> niinkuin kaveri näytti jo todenneenkin\n<Iltsu> :D\n<Echramath> No siis periaatteessa varmaan tcp/ip-speksissä mikään ei estä jotain laitetta tekemästä noin, mut venyykö linux?", "\n<Iltsu> no mä luulen et sii speksis ei oo speksattu mitää tähä liittyvää\n<Iltsu> jos mikä tahansa laite kattelee et olis näkyvil kaks ja sä haluut yhdistää semmosee ni milläköhä järjel se arpoo et kumpaa\n<Crazyguy> täytyy olla eri aliverkossa, muuten ei homma toimi\n<Iltsu> jep\n<Iltsu> et Echramath en tiiä mikä muka sit mahtais venyy tommosee\n<Iltsu> kristallipallo ehkä\n<Echramath> Mietin lähinnä jos jompaan kumpaan interfaceen olisi jonkin sortin sisäinen osoitteenmuunnos säädetty.", "\n<mjr> nojoo, voishan noin toki tehdä yhden laitteen sisällä. Jos vaikka antaa noi interfacet ihan eri virtuaalikoneiden käyttöön ;]\n<mjr> ja kylhän ne toki vois muutenkin eristää mutten tiedä voiko linuxissa, erittäin epäkätevää olis joka tapauksessa\n<Crazyguy> ja aika viritelmä joka tapauksessa\n<Iltsu> mihinköhä se on tuota säätämäs\n<Iltsu> tuntuu erikoiselt et missää himas olis kahta adsl:ää ja kahta lähiverkkoo vierekkäi\n<Iltsu> jaa ei se puhunukkaa adsl-modeemist\n#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-18\n<omnomnom_> hi\n<omnomnom_> moi?", "\n<bioterror> sellasta\n<Finnish> Pystyykö ubuntulla polttamaan dual-layer levyjä?", "\n<Paavi2_0> pystyy, jos poltin osaa\n<Finnish> Joo, K3B:n ominaisuudet ainakin kertoo polttimesta että osaa DVD-dual layeria sekä plussana että miinuksena\n<shanttu> Mitäs keksisi ihan hyvälle läppärin näytölle? ", "Vai onko turha haave saada se johonkin käyttöön?", "\n<tuhoojabotti> Aikalailla juu\n<shanttu> Ärsyttävää kun valmistavat kertakäyttökamaa\n<puunakki> shanttu: Pistät myyntiin\n<hifi> shanttu: eikö kone pelaa vai?", "\n<shanttu> Tyyppivika. ", "Integroitu näyttis hajosi. ", "Noita raatoja on kaupan vaikka kuinka.", "\n<shanttu> Ekoihmisenä tuntuisi hyvältä jatkaa sen eloa\n<hifi> ongelma on siinä että se ohjauspiiri on kai integroitu emolle\n<shanttu> =/\n<hifi> sama juttu tft-näytöissä on yleisestikkin, vaikka paneeli olis ehjä mutta piirisarja kärähtänyt sillä ei tee mitään ellei saa samaa rautaa sen paneelin taakse\n<hifi> jotain yhteensopivuutta varmaan löytyy valmistajan sisällä\n<puunakki> shanttu: HP:n DV6000 sarjalainen?", "\n<shanttu> Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo xa2528\n<puunakki> koo\n<puunakki> mul on meinaa yks näyttisvikane DV6000:nen kaapissa :)\n<puunakki> pitäis pistää lihoiks\n<hahlo> käykö se kuumana? ", "kävikö, tuo amilo\n<shanttu> Ei tullut kuvaa enää ollenkaan. ", "Oon pistänyt jo osiksi ja myynyt kaiken mistä sai jotain.", "\n<hahlo> ok\n<Finnish> Mitenkähän sais kopioitua SOS-lehden nettiversion koneelle? ", "Se on flash-muodossa. ", "Sen vois tulostaa mutta antoi vain vaihtoehdoksi \"oikean\" printterin, ei Print to filea\n<hifi> varmaan niin että asennat virtuaaliprintterin joka tulostaa filuun kuitenkin\n<Finnish> Hmmm, mitenkäs se tehtäis?", "\n<hifi> validi kysymys, en tiedä, spekuloin vain :)\n<hifi> kyllä tulostimen voi varmasti virtualisoida cupsilla\n<hifi> http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/03/23/print-to-pdf-using-cups-pdf/\n<hifi> jotain tollasta näemmä\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/c8Gpai -> Print to PDF using cups-pdf « Ubuntu Blog\n<Finnish> hifi, Kiitti\n<Finnish> Toimii\n<hifi> nice\n<Jupp3> Finnish: Toimisko se, jos tallentaa suoraan sen flashin?", "\n<Jupp3> Tokihan olis kivempi saada se paremmassa muodossa\n<Finnish> Hmmm\n<Finnish> MItes sen tallentas? ", "Millä ohjelmalla / komennolla?", "\n<Jupp3> Finnish: No ihan vaikka wget:illä? ", "Kato sorsasta url\n<Jupp3> Ite käytän FlashBlockia, niin siinä on \"copy flash location\", mistä saa suoraan osoitteen\n<Jupp3> Mut tuota ei kannata asentaa, jos haluaa et joka sivulla flash-mainokset hyppii silmille\n<Finnish> Siis missä tulee se F-kuva flashin kohdalle?", "\n<Finnish> Mulla on kans se\n<Jupp3> No siinä vaan oikeeta nappia\n<Finnish> Kokeillaas\n<Finnish> Sen osoitteeks tulee vaan http://source.pagesuite.com/swf/Reader.swf\n<Finnish> Joka ei oo oikee osoite\n<Finnish> Tommosta heittää sit kun yrittää ladata sen flashin osoitteen mikä avautuu siinä ite katseluflashissa: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error\n<Finnish> 2011-05-18 22:14:19 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.", "\n<Jupp3> ok\n#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-19\n<elias_a> Jahas 10.10 sitten rikkoi ISL:n piirisarjaan perustuvan wlanin tuen.", "\n<Sysi> toimiiko 11.04:ssä toimii taas vai ihan menetetty tapaus?", "\n<Sysi> ugh, mää taidan mennä nukkumaan ku on niin vaikeeta kirjottaa\n<elias_a> Sysi: Tarkoitin 11.04. ", "Taitaisi olla mullakin päikkäreiden paikka :)\n<re-G> elias_a: mikä piiri\n<re-G> kuulosti niin tutulta\n<re-G> Oli muute mikrobitissä perin omituinen lausahdus. ", "Ensin haukuttiin Linuxin ohjelmatarjontaa (ilmeisesti kaupallisten), ja sitten pidettiin selvänä, että se johtuu siitä, että distroja on paljon. ", "Loppuun todettiin, että käyttöjärjestelmä on epäonnistunut jos siinä ei ole yleisimpien mediatiedostojen tukea sisäänrakennettuna (viitattiin Linuxiin).", "\n<re-G> Eihän Windowskaan (ainakaan XP) toista mitään mediaformaatteja ilman kolmannen osapuolen kodekkeja.", "\n<re-G> paitsi ehkä mp3 ja msmpeg4\n<Satoris> Seiskassa taitaa olla h264.", "\n<daedaluz> windows ei osaa tehdä mkv-fileistä esikatselukuvia ilman realplayeria...\n<daedaluz> aika jännä haukkua linuxin ohjelmatarjontaa, kun windowsin ilmaisohjelmat ovat täysin ala-arvoisia räpellyksiä muutamaa tyypillisesti GPL-lisensoitua poikkeusta lukuunottamatta\n<daedaluz> CDisplay ja ID3Tagit on noita valopilkkuja, molempien kehitys kuiteski lopetettu\n<re-G> Mun mielestä tossa ei ole päätä eikä häntää. Eikös kaupallisten ohjelmistojen vähyys johdu ainoastaan siitä että ohjelman kehittäminen suhteessa potentiaalisiin ostajiin on kallista. ", "Jos siitä joutuu muutaman eri buildin tekemään eri pakettienhallintajärjestelmille niin sen luulis olevan 0,001 promillea koko ohjelman panostuksesta.", "\n<daedaluz> eihän sitä tarvi ees paketoida uudestaan eri distroille. ", ".sh päätteiset installerit ovat toimineet niin kauan kuin muistan, UT2K3 asentelin sellaisesta Mandrakeen aikoinaan\n<re-G> esmes skypestä on neljälle distrolle buildit ja lisäksi staattinen buildi, jonka luulis toimivan ihan joka paikassa\n<ksni> mites DNS-palvelinten asettaminen tapahtuu siinä domainta hakiessa?", "\n<ksni> *rekisteröidessä\n<habalux> joker ainakin antaa käyttää niiden omia palvelimia\n<habalux> tuolta saa myös ilmaisen dns:n -> https://dns.he.net/\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/QiY3rB -> Hurricane Electric Hosted DNS\n<Iltsu> ksni, ainaki gandi kysyy rekisteröides et mitkä dns:t laitetaa\n<elias_a> re-G: Mikähän toi nyt oli... Oliskohan ollut ISL 3890\n<elias_a> Oliskos jollain heittää ohjetta, millä saisi Ubuntu-läppärillä aikaan USB-mokkulalla tehdyn yhteyden Wlanilla siten, että wlan olisi tukiasema DHCP-palvelimineen kaikkineen.", "\n<re-G> elias_a: eli taitaa olla tuota prism-osastoo\n<elias_a> re-G: Sellainen juuri. ", "Lapset nukkuu jo siinä huoneessa niin en viitsi lähteä enää sitä fööniä boottailemaan.", "\n<elias_a> Mikähän siinä meni tällä kertaa rikki...\n<re-G> jonkun kanssa todettiin tääl kanavalla just että ne on rikkonu sen.. sen tarkemmin debuggaamatta neuvoin koittamaan ndiswrapperia ja sillähän se toki heräs henkiin\n<elias_a> JAtkuvasti rikkovat jotain....\n<elias_a> Mun pitää ottaa se kone sieltä alas että saan sen eetterin päähän.", "\n<elias_a> EI jaksa nyt.", "\n<elias_a> Mutta onkos jotain helppoa tapaa tehdä väliaikaisesti läppäristä Wlan-tukiasema ja jakaa 3g-yhteyttä?", "\n<re-G> toi wlan-accesspoint on jonkin verran haasteellinen, ja toimivuus riippuu varmasti pitkälti piirisarjasta\n<Paavi2_0> ad-hoc\n<Paavi2_0> useimmat piirisarjat eivät tue master-moodia\n<elias_a> Paavi2_0: Käyttäjiksi tulee kasa tumpuloita. ", "Vaatikos sen ad-hocin käyttö siellä wlan-asiakaspäässä jotain temppuja?", "\n<re-G> muistelen että joku joskus sanoi että ad-hoc modella sen sais tehtyy ihan network-managerilla mut hieman epäilen...\n<elias_a> Pitääpäs koittaa.", "\n<elias_a> Nyt täytyy vielä lähteä käymään pihalla. ", "Kiitos - toverit, turjakkeet, kanssanäprääjät...\n<re-G> elias_a: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/60CoKR -> Creating an adhoc host with Ubuntu | Ubuntu Geek\n<re-G> mmh.. tohon sais varmaa jotenki pultattua myös dnsmasq:n dhcp-palvelimeksi\n<elias_a> re-G: Kiitos! ", "Tuolla on yksi kommentti, jota ainakin kannattaa koittaa. ", "Kommentti debabrata says:\n<elias_a> ubuntu 9.10:\n<elias_a> click network icon in the upper taskbar\n<elias_a> --> create new network\n<elias_a> then goto preferences-->network connections-->wireless-->Adhoc-->edit--->1pv4 settings\n<elias_a> change it to dhcp\n<elias_a> the wifi for mobile works!!", "\n<elias_a> Oops - taisin floodata :(\n<re-G> :)\n<Paavi2_0> tarkkana rivinvaihtojen kanssa! :)", "\n<elias_a> Tuota kannattaa kuitenkin kokeilla :)\n<elias_a> Mistä suomenkielisen wikipedian kävistatistiikkoja näkisi?", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-20\n<Echramat1> Toimiiks kellään uusin spotify?", "\n<hiippari> pitäs olla se maksullinen versio, ni pystyis testaa\n<Echramat1> Ei mut Winellä.\n<hiippari> nii\n<hiippari> pystyyks paypal systeemil tilaamaan maksullisen ?", "\n<Echramath> Tuohan mokoma kaatuu nykyään, mahtaako se nyt vaan johtua siitä, että erehdyin lyömään \"connect to facebook\" tjsp\n<hiippari> ei mul oo kaatunu siitä\n<hiippari> poistin sen wine version tän kuun alussa\n<topyli> jaa tänä vuonna ei sitten taas sampo-pankki pelaa?", "\n<tabasko_> hei, mistä mä saan Chrome OS:n?", "\n<tabasko_> joka paikasta löytyy juttua mutta ei latauslinkkejä mistään\n<inz> http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/ :istä ainakin saa buildeja\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/5m3zm4 -> Chromium OS builds by Hexxeh\n<tabasko_> kiitoksia\n<kille> Mikähän virtuaalikone kannattaisi valita ubuntu 11.04? ", "USB täytyisi toimia ja 7 täytyisi voida asentaa\n<tuhoojabotti> Huh\n<kille> Käytin tuota oraclen VM mutta se ei tue vielä 11.04\n<Echramath> Siis Virtualboxia?", "\n<Sysi> vmware vois olla\n<Echramath> Miten se ei tue?", "\n<kille> Ihan mitä vain virtuaalikonetta\n<kille> Ei voi ladata 11.04 versiota\n<Sysi> ihan hyvin mulla alko lataamaan\n<Echramath> Miten niin ei voi?", "\n<Sysi> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads molemmat 11.04 lataukset tuolta toimi\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/6Xr4FP -> Linux_Downloads - VirtualBox\n<kille> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html\n<Fibubot`> http://is.gd/t6JNDs -> VirtualBox Downloads\n<Sysi> oletan että tuo on se usb:ta tukeva huonomin lisensoitu\n<Echramath> Ai juu, nyt pääsin tosiaan kartalle.", "\n<Echramath> Asentuisko se 10.10-paketti?", "\n<kille> Eli siis tuossa toimii USB ja voi käyttää Windows 7?", "\n<Sysi> kokeile, olettaisin näin\n<Echramath> Seiska tuossa vapaassakin toimisi kyllä.\n<Sysi> eikös vapaa oo ihan repoissa, siinä ei vaan oo usbitukea\n<kille> Taino, oiskohan mulla jotain järkevämpää tapaa siirtää tiedostoja VM ja Ubuntun välillä?", "\n<Echramath> Eh, siitäkö se on kiinni?", "\n<Echramath> Siinähän on joku sisäänrakennettu systeemi tuohon.", "\n<kille> No pärjään silloin ilman USB tukea...\n<kille> Ok, no sitten avointa vaan\n<Echramath> Asennat vaan ne asiakaslisäosat.", "\n<Echramath> ...eh, pitäisköhän tää systeemi laittaa puhumaan englantia...\n<Echramath> Asiakaslisäosat siis meinaa niitä juttuja, jotka asennat guest ossiin.", "\n<shanttu> Eikö tiedostojen siirto onnituisi jaetulla ntfs-partitionilla vai oonko ihan noob?", "\n<Echramath> No ei kai sitä molemmat käyttikset voi mountata yhtäaikaa.", "\n<Echramath> Sen sijaan siinä on sisäänrakennettu verkkolevytuki.", "\n<kille> Echramath: Niin ne asiakaslisäosat asennetaan sieltä ohjelmasta? ", "Siis jostakin valikosta.", "\n<Echramath> Joo siis tais mennä niin, että ne tulee linuxiin .iso-imagena. ", "Sitten väität sille virtuaalikoneelle, että tämä iso on nyt cd-asemassa.", "\n<Echramath> Ja sitten Windowsilla menet sinne cd:lle ja asentelet ne normi ajureina.", "\n<kill3> Mites tälle virtuaalikoneelle täytyisi antaa RAMia?", "\n<Sysi> paljos sulla on kaikkiaan?", "\n<kill3> Vaikuttaako se niin, että jos annan sille 1GB niin ubuntulla on käytössä 3GB kun virtuaalikone on käynnissä?", "\n<kill3> Kun koko koneessa on 4GB*\n<Echramath> Aika pitkälti joo.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-21\n<dikbut> herro\n<kill3> Nyt on virtuaalikone laitettu kuntoon. ", "Mites tämä tiedostojen siirto isäntäkoneen ja virtuaalikoneen välillä tapahtuu parhaiten?", "\n<paww> millä virtualisointisoftalla?", "\n<kill3> Näemmä järkevin vaihtoehto on tosiaan tämä ohjelmaan sisäänrakennettu systeemi jota en tiennyt olevan... VB\n<kill3> En oikein ymmärtänyt mutta youtubessa olikin mukavasti ohjevideoita ja nyt homma pelittää =)\n<Sysi> eikö oo mukava kun asiat on liian helppoja\n<kill3> Sysi: Tuo VB on siitä aika hauska että aikaisemmin luulin (kuten varmasti monet muutkin luulevat) että tuon käyttö olisi todella vaikeaa. ", "Mutta kaikkiin löytyykin ohjattu asiat selittävä toiminto, eli ohjelmaa on todella helppo käyttää =)\n<Sysi> oisko kivaa GUIta millä muuttaa muutama kansiollinen musiikkia oggiksi? ", "vai häviääkö niin paljo äänenlaadussa etten oikeasti haluais\n<bioterror> onko ne nyt mitä?", "\n<bioterror> mp3?", "\n<Sysi> oho, siis oggista mp3\n<re-G> ei tee kyl ollenkaa hyvää äänelle\n<bioterror> no en mä huomaa eroa oikeasti, muussa kuin että mikää laite halua toistaa oggeja\n<Sysi> laskeeko bitrate vai jotenki vaikeammin mitattavasti huononee?", "\n<bioterror> suosin mp3\n<Echramath> Tuleehan siihen pakkaus.", "\n<re-G> lossy to lossy\n<Echramath> Mutta jos bitrate on iso molemmissa niin saattaapa olla ettei sitä oikeasti huomaa.", "\n<re-G> dii\n<Sysi> vissiin 500-jotaki yksikköä noissa oggeissa\n<bioterror> kbps\n<Sysi> vois tietty kokeilla, joku kiva frontend ffmpegille varmaan toimis\n<Sysi> tai saiskohan sillä ihan tekstillä komentamalla oikeenlaista\n<re-G> toki\n<Sysi> tarvii käydä saunassa välillä, kokeillaan sitte sen jälkeen →\n<Iltsu> winff:ää oon käyttäny\n<Iltsu> gui ffmpegil\n<Iltsu> toisinku nimest vois päätellä sitä saa muullekki ku windowsille ja sivu mukaa näköjäs iah repoistaki\n<Iltsu> hyvä hyvä\n<tale> Sysi: soundconverter\n<Sysi> toihan multithreadaaki kivasti\n<Sysi> ..kde flippas katotaas mitä hajos\n<Sysi> musta tuntuu että oisin joskus aikasemmin käyttäny souncorverteria, niin tutun näkönen\n#ubuntu-fi 2011-05-22\n<pesasa> http://viikonvalo.fi/Pidgin\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/W1rPht -> Viikko 21 - Pidgin | Viikon VALO\n<kill3> Hmmm, Unityä tuli testattua jonkin aikaa, jostakin syystä se kirjautuu joskus itse ulos jolloin kaikki ohjelmatkin sulkeutuu. ", "Ajattelin palata takaisin Gnomen käyttöön mutta jostakin syystä aina kun käynnistän tietokoneen uudelleen tämä kirjautuukin Unityyn. ", "Miten saan koneen kirjautumaan automaattisesti Gnomeen?", "\n<kill3> Järjestelmäasetuksista olen laittanut perinteisen ubuntun oletusistunnoksi\n<kill3> Jos kirjaudun Unitystä ulos ja menen Perinteiseen Ubuntuun ja käynnistän uudelleen, avautuu taas Unity :/\n<kill3> Päättellä puukotusta se näemmä vaati, nyt toimii :)\n<tale> kill3: Mikä siinä sitten oli ettei perinteisen gnomen valinta auttanut?", "\n<kill3> En tiedä, ei se vain ilmeisesti tehnyt mitään vaikka olinkin sen siihen asettanut\n<kill3> nano ~/.dmrc\n<kill3> tuolta vaihdoin gnome-classic\n * heikki muistuttaa yhteisön kokouksesta kello 21.00 kanavalla #ubuntu-fi-tiimit\n<tuhoojabotti> :O\n<tuhoojabotti> Mikä oli?", "\n<tuhoojabotti> Yhteisön kokous, eli mitä siellä käsitellään?", "\n<Finnish> MIten unityn sais muistamaan ikkunoiden koot ja paikat\n<tuhoojabotti> Finnish: Eikös compiz config managerista saa?", "\n<Finnish> Katotaas\n<tuhoojabotti> En oo kokeillu.", "\n<tuhoojabotti> Mut ennen ainaki sai.", "\n<tuhoojabotti> Tosin kikkailua oli.", "\n<re-G> minkäsmoisia monitoimilasereita porukka suosittelis avoimeen ympäristöön\n<re-G> hp:lla näyttäs olevan suhteellisen kivoja mut tarttee jonku closed-kökkäreen hplipin päälle mikä ei lähtökohtaisesti houkuttele\n<re-G> tai ei varmaan kaikki tarvi mut toi mitä kattelin\n<pesasa> meillä on töissä joku Samsung, joka näytti toimivan jotakuinkin johdot kytkemällä.\n<SipuliSopuli> wtf\n<SipuliSopuli> oli ~2min pätkäsy netissä, sen jälkeen kotipalvelimeen ei saa yhteyttä eikä modeemiin pääse kirjautumaan sisään mutta palvelimen käyttäjät tulee kuitenkin irkkiin iloisesti ja ulspäin liikkuu netti sieltä\n<SipuliSopuli> eikä ipari ole vaihtunut\n<Iltsu> mulla kävi joskus noi telehellin kans\n<Iltsu> hetken päästä se meni kokonaa solmuu ja vaati boottia\n<Iltsu> epäilen et liittys siihe et kulki liikaa liikennet sen purkin läpi\n<SipuliSopuli> pitäkin sitten kai kokeilla boottia modeemi\n<SipuliSopuli> jaaha, eipä auttanut\n<SipuliSopuli> siinä 2min katkon aikana modeemin asetukset oli nollaantunut\n#ubuntu-fi 2012-05-14\n<tale> Eikö Precicen Unity-käyttöliittymässä ole keinoa ottaa läppärin tasohiiri pois käytöstä? ", "Ja siten, että se on pois käytöstä myös sisäänkirjautumisruudussa?", "\n<tale> Asensin gpointing-device-settings, mutta sen vaikutus ei pysy seuraavaan kirjautumiskertaan.", "\n<heikkiket> tale: ainakin minulla ainakin aiemmissa versioissa gpointing-device-settings on toiminut. ", "Jos skriptaaminen sujuu, niin voit myös kokeilla xinput -komentoa\n<Wade> helo\n<Wade> anyone can help me\n#ubuntu-fi 2012-05-16\n<u1106-office> Ihmettelin tuossa, että Ubuntu suosittelee edelleenkin 32bittistä. En tietysti varsinaisesti itse tarvitse 64bittiä pöytäkoneessa, mutta kun työn puolesta pitää ajaa 64bittisiä virtuaalikoneita (koska niiden softa pyörii tuotannossa 64bittisienä). ", "Ja kun 64bittisä VM:iä ei voi ajaa 32bittisessa hostissa (näin oli ainakin kun tutkin asia joskus pari vuotta sitten), pitäisi melkein asentaa kaikki 64bittiseksi. ", "Onko kellään kokemuksia, \n<u1106-office> vai toimiiko multiarch, että vain kernel ja virtualbox 64bittisenä ja kaikki muu 32?", "\n<ninnnu> mun mielestä multiarch toimii\n<crizis> ihan hyvin 64bit toimii\n<crizis> u1106-office: 32bit- versioita voi asentaa softista tarpeen mukaan apt-get install <paketti>:i386\n<anger> Lähinnä kai toi 64bit tuotti ongelmia jos jokin ohjelmakomponentti oli saatavilla vain 32bittisenä\n<anger> Esim. ", "64bit firefoxissa 32bit fläsä ja java, mutta nämähän on nyt jo historiaa\n<anger> Mut esim. ", "serveripuolella osaan sanoa, että db2:n unixodbc-kirjastot toimii pikkasen paremmin edelleen 32-bittisenä\n<u1106-office> entäs toisinpäin. ", "Jos asennan ensin tavallisen i386-järjestelmän, pystynkö sen jälkeen laittaa amd64 kernelin, poistaa i386-kernelin ja homma toimii vielä?", "\n<czr_> teoriassa kylla, en tosin tieda miten paketinhallinta tykkaa riippuvuuksista\n<czr_> ainakin debianissa toi onnistui asentamalla yksi spesupaketti rinnalle, niin userspace pysyy 32-bittisena ja kerneli on sit 64-bittinen\n<anger> Hehe, ite tilasin just duunissa serverin, ei tullut edes mieleen että vuonna 2012 pitää määritellä että sen olisi oltava 64-bit.", "\n<anger> Toimittivat sitten 32-bittisen\n<czr_> tietty sun tapauksessa tarvit jotain sita vboxia varten jotta sita voi ajaa sit kans tuon paalla\n<czr_> anger, miten se on mahdollista? ", "siis cpu ei tue 64-bittisyytta vai oli asennettu 32:sena?", "\n<anger> Asennettu 32-bittinen käyttis\n<czr_> ah. ", "mietnkin jo et pitaa olla aika eksoottinen serveri-cpu ettei tukis 64:sta :-)\n<anger> Jep\n<u1106-office> juu debianissa on saatavissa muistaakseni i386-tyyppinen kernelpaketti, joka kuitenkin sisiältää 64:bittisen kernelin. ", "En kuintenkaan ole löytänyt vastaavaa Ubuntusta kun olen joskus katsonut\n<anger> Menikö se jo viime vuosituhannen puolelle kun ensimmäiset 64-bit cpu:t esiteltiin?", "\n<czr_> jos x86:sta tarkoitat niin hmm. ", "AMD tietais\n<jjo> mieletön syötti nipotukselle\n<czr_> opeton sledgehammer nayttais olevan\n<czr_> opteron jopa\n<czr_> April 2003\n<jjo> kävin just miettimään, oliko NT ensimmäinen 64-bit windows, mutta näköjään se ei ollut\n<anger> Windowsissahan käytännössä ollaan vasta nyt siirtymässä 64bit aikaan\n<anger> Tai siinäkin vasta käyttistasolla, softat päälle tulee edelleen aika pitkälti 32bittisinä\n<jjo> niin no, mä mietin sitä kun windowsia ajettiin joskus alpha-prosessorillakin ja se oli 64-bit\n<u1106-office> czr_: jos pakettihallinta ei tykkää 32-bittisten kernelin poistamisesta, sen voi tietysti jättää käyttämättömänä lojumaan levylle tai sitten feikata equivs:in avulla. ", "Ajattelin vain, että jos joku on tehnyt sen jo, vosin säästää vähän aikaa oppimaan miksi hieno ajatus ei toimikaan...\n<anger> Onhan noista joo ollu 64bit erikoisversioita\n<jjo> mutta linuxin puolella mä en kyllä keksi enää mitään syytä olla ajamatta 64-bit versiota jos rauta sitä vaan tukee\n<jjo> erikoistilanteet sitten erikseen\n<anger> Joo, peruskäyttäjiltä poistui tarve viimeistään fläsin päivittymisen myötä\n<anger> Tai este paremminkin\n<jjo> juu ja se 64 flash toimi mulla heti ekoista alphoista asti paremmin kuin 32-bit oli ikinä toiminut\n<u1106-office> jjo: 64 bit on muistintuhlausta\n<czr_> cachen ja TLB:n tuhlausta myös :-)\n<czr_> tosin itse siirryin pure 64:iin jo monta vuotta sitten, mut on ihan hyviä syitä miksi ajais mixedinä\n<czr_> multi-user systeemit esim, shelliserverit yms\n<u1106-office> en kyllä tiedä onko ero oikein mitattavissa. ", "Phoronixissa oli joskus vertauiluja, en muista kuinka ne olivat tehty. ", "Mutta muistan että tein silloin johtopäätöksen ettei omalle konelle tarvitse kiirehtiä 64bitin kanssa.", "\n<jjo> mulla ei ole vielä kertaakaan loppunut muisti kesken\n<jjo> == ei ole todellinen ongelma\n<jjo> ja olis varaa tuhlata vaikka enemmänkin\n<czr_> säästää siinä about 10-20% muistinkäytössä\n<czr_> vastaavasti laskutoimituspainotteiset softat on hitaampia\n<czr_> tai kryptaus yms (yleensä)\n<jjo> 32-bit rajoittaa muistinmäärää tai hidastaa sen käsittelyä\n<jjo> 64-bit koneelle lataa halpaa muistia muistipaikat täyteen -> success\n<u1106-office> ei minulla vielä 32 bittisessä pöytäkoneessa koskaan osoiteavaruus loppunut == ei todellinen ongelma :)\n<jjo> mulla kyl alkaa 4GB muistillakin työkone swappaamaan päivittäin\n<anger> Kyl mä ite pidän tota 4GB muistirajaa pienoisena ongelmana...\n<jjo> 8GB ehkä riittäis 16GB olis ylellisyyttä\n<czr_> en ole nyt ihan varma tuleeko tuota penaltya \"nopeudessa\" jos on 64-bit kernel ja 32-bit userspace\n<anger> Se on kyllä jo nykyään niin alarajoilla...\n<czr_> siis joo, muistiavaruus tarjoittuu kyl mut silti\n<czr_> jos jjo tarkoitit PAE:sta tulevaa hittiä\n<anger> Ja varsinkaan kun ei ole suuria merkittäviä syitä olla käyttämättä 64bittistä niin miksei sitä sitten käytä?", "\n<jjo> sitähän mä\n<czr_> uuh, toi mixxx:hän on ihan loistava softa\n<skfin> Kukakohan teinix tonkin on devannu\n<czr_> skfin, minkä?", "\n<skfin> mixxx\n<czr_> miksi teinix?", "\n<leal> pitääkö tämä vielä paikkansa: NVIDIA ja näytön tarkkuuden asettaminen http://fi.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ubuntu_tutuksi/Laitteisto\n<tale> Kun asennan lisää ohjelmia, Dash ei tunnu osaavan löytää niiden komentoja. ", "Voiko tälle \"vialle\" tehdä jotain?", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2012-05-17\n<Jamppa969> morjensta pöytään\n<Jamppa969> asennin tuossa ubuntu 12.04 läppäriin testi mielessä niin missä on vika ku se ei käynnisty ilman asennus usbia ?", "\n<Tm_T> Jamppa969: mitä käy ilman usbia?", "\n<Jamppa969> menee näyttä mustaksi ja vasemmassa ylä kulmassa vilkkuu viiva\n<Jamppa969> oon koittanut boottiin valita kovon mutta tekee sama... toimii ainoastaan että boottaan usbille\n<Tm_T> kuulostaa siltä että asennus ei ole onnistunut\n<Jamppa969> ahaa\n<sdggds> moro\n<sdggds> uusin ubuntu ei boottaa tikulta\n<sdggds> kokeillu 32 bit ja 64 bit\n<sdggds> ja ohjelmia universal usb installer, unetbootin ja linuxlive usb creator\n<sdggds> toimiiko tää chatti ees?", "\n<Mayz> Toimii toimii\n<Mayz> Mie en vaan osaa tuohon mitään vastata :D\n<sdggds> olin just vaihtamassa irc ohjelmaa :D\n<sdggds> outo juttu kun ei boottaa\n<sdggds> ihan ohjeitten mukaan tehny kaikki\n<sdggds> joku aikasempi ubuntu boottas tikulta\n<sdggds> joku 8 versio\n<Tm_T> sdggds: miten se ei boottaa?", "\n<Tm_T> näkeekö järjestelmä ko laitteen boottaavana ollenkaan?", "\n<sdggds> pääsen siihen ruutuun missä on ubuntun asennus ja ubuntu kokeileminen ilman asennusta jne..\n<Tm_T> ja?", "\n<sdggds> sitten kun laittaa sen kokeilu jutun niin kaikkee tekstiä vilisee jonkun aikaa ja sitten jää mustaan ruutuun ja mitään ei tapahdu sen jälkeen\n<sdggds> kokeilen kohta taas uudestaan linux live usb creatorilla\n<pesasa> Eli luultavasti näyttö ei jotenkin pääse mukaan. ", "Mitäs kaikkia vaihtoehtoja tuossa boottivalikossa olikaan, oliko se nyt f6:n takana?", "\n<sdggds> mem test\n<pesasa> Joskus taisi tuo \"nomodeset\" auttaa jossain tuon tapaisessa tilanteessa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/x71drm -> BootOptions - Community Ubuntu Documentation\n<pesasa> Eli välikotsikko \"Changing the CD's Default Boot Options\", kohta 6.", "\n<sdggds> mun pitäs tollanen löytää?", "\n<pesasa> No siinä boottivalikossa, missä on memtestikin, niin painat f6 ja valitset sen \"nomodeset\".", "\n<pesasa> Kannattaa ainakin kokeilla, olisiko tuosta kyse.", "\n<sdggds> käyn kokeileen\n<pesasa> Jos tuo auttaa, niin tuossa on jonkun edelliselle Ubuntun versiolle kirjoittama ohje: http://blog.js-development.com/2012/01/help-ubuntu-1110-wont-boot.html\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/Nwnn0w -> Juri's TechBlog: Help, Ubuntu 11.10 won't boot!!", "\n<pesasa> Tuskin muuttunut tuosta kohtaa.", "\n<mazaa> ei löytyny sellasta\n<mazaa> ois pitäny kirjottaa GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash nomodeset\" ?", "\n<pesasa> Ei olis tarvinnu vaan valita siitä f6:lla tulevasta valikosta.", "\n<mazaa> f6:lla ois pitäny aueta joku valikko kun on siinä päävalikossa?", "\n<pesasa> Niin, siinä, missä kysytään, kokeillaanko, asennetaanko, tarkistetaanko levy, käynnistetäänkö memtest vai bootataanko kiintolevyltä.\n<mazaa> ei auennu f6:lla mitään siinä\n<pesasa> Ton näkönen tilanne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Boot-F6-Other.png\n<mazaa> ei auennu\n<mazaa> oli vaihtoehtoina vaan F1\n<pesasa> No sitten on paha auttaa.", "\n<mazaa> sieltä pääsi tohon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Boot-F1.png\n<pesasa> Onhan tossakin alareunassa lueteltu f1-f6.", "\n<mazaa> kai kun toi on 10.04 version\n<mazaa> täh\n<mazaa> oisko e:stäkin auennu joku?", "\n<pesasa> Ei tuo ole muuttunut mihinkään. ", "Nimim. ", "just tiistaina yhden Ubuntun asentaneena.", "\n<mazaa> no käyn vielä kokeileen e:llä\n<tale> mazaa: Kun painaan F1, tulee näkyviin tuo ohjeruutu, jossa neuvotaan mitä muista F ja numero -näppäimistä tapahtuu.", "\n<pesasa> Sillä olis ehkä päässyt siihen Grubin käynnistyskomennon editointiin, johon olisi tuon yläpuolelle kirjoittamasi voinut kirjoittaa/editoida.", "\n<tale> mazaa: e taitaa olla grubin muokkausjuttu, voi muokata käynnistysriviä yms.", "\n<mazaa> http://askubuntu.com/questions/110315/ubuntu-11-10-and-12-04-blackscreen-on-boot\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/4apwOb -> startup - Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 Blackscreen on Boot - Ask Ubuntu\n<mazaa> noni eli E:llä pääsee siihen?", "\n<pesasa> Jo asennetussa Ubuntussa e:llä. Livessä toki myös e:llä, mutta pitäisi olla myös valikkopohjaisesti mahdollisuus hoitaa tuo f6:lla.", "\n<tale> mazaa: Käynnistätkö nyt Live-CD:ltä vai kiintolevylle asennetun Ubuntun?", "\n<mazaa> tikulta\n<elias_a> Mikäs prosessi on topissa näkyvä messageb?", "\n<elias_a> Olisiko message bus?", "\n<elias_a> Tuttu tuolla kyselee kun moinen imee kaiken prosuajan.", "\n<elias_a> Kyseessä 10.04 LTSP-palvelin.", "\n<tale> elias_a: näyttääkö ps -ef minkä tiedoston se messageb on käynnistänyt?", "\n<mazaa> ubuntun vanhempi versio toimii\n<mazaa> ei vaan netti toimi\n<mazaa> liian vaikeeks menee\n<mazaa> miten netin saa toimiin\n<mazaa> vanhalla koneella toimi heti\n<mazaa> ei tarvinnu tehdä mitään\n<mazaa> ei tunnista verkkokorttia?", "\n<Echramath> Ethernet?", "\n<mazaa> juu\n<mazaa> tarvii emolevyn ajurit?", "\n<Echramath> Joo jos se piiri on tosi tuore.", "\n<mazaa> ei menny ihan putkeen tääkään homma\n<Echramath> Heitä päätteeseen lspci niin näet mikä se on.", "\n<mazaa> 10.04 ubuntu ja z68 emolevy niin arvasin että pitäs päivittää ubuntu kun netti ei toimi\n<mazaa> 12.04 ei sitten suostunu buuttaamaan\n<elias_a> tale: En tiedä. Kone ei ole minun ylläpidossani.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2012-05-18\n<Guest21613> hi everybody\n<anacron> hi\n<Mayz> Adjöö\n<anger> Tollaset keskustelut voisi siivota #ubuntu-fi-en-intro puolelle\n<anger> Häiritsevät joinien/parttien seuraamista\n<Tm_T> anger: hupsu\n<anacron> nii vois, nakki napsahti\n<shadowwy> Hei\n<shadowwy> On ongelma koneen kanssa\n<shadowwy> Ja jos joku osaa pelleillä asusin emolevyllä, uudella koska näyttää A0 erroroa\n<shadowwy> erroria*\n<shadowwy> Niin voiko auttaa?", "\n<shadowwy> Voisiko joku auttaa? ;(", "\n<shadowwy> A0=IDE initialazation is started\n<shadowwy> Eli\n<shadowwy> A0=IDE alustaminen on alkanut\n<shadowwy> Kone toimi vielä aamulla\n<shadowwy> Olin poissa pari tuntia ja ei toiminut enään\n<shadowwy> Kone on 2 viikkoa vanha ja itsekasattu\n<anger> Mä en ainakaan tosta ymmärtänyt vielä ongelmaa\n<anger> Missä kohtaa tulee virhe?", "\n<anger> Buutissa?", "\n<shadowwy> Testailen tässä windowsilla\n<shadowwy> Kun on latanut tiedostot, muuttuu A0\n<shadowwy> Ja ei mitään tapahdu\n<shadowwy> Asennus levyllä ajattelin korjata, samassa kohtaa A0\n<anger> Ei sano ainakaan mulle mitään toi A0\n<shadowwy> [15:26] <shadowwy> A0=IDE alustaminen on alkanut\n<shadowwy> Ennen sitä näyttää että IDE tunnistettu\n<shadowwy> Sen jälkeen toi A0\n<anger> No, ehkä joku muu tunnistaa ongelman paremmin\n<shadowwy> Emolevy: Asus maximus v\n<shadowwy> 1 kuukaus sitten julkistettu\n<shadowwy> emolevy\n<shadowwy> Ja katoin vikakoodin Q-valoista\n<anger> Itse kasatuissa tietysti eka vinkki on tarkistaa että kaikki liittimet on varmasti kiinni :)\n<shadowwy> On on\n<shadowwy> Toimi 2 viikkoa, nytten yhtäkkiä lakkas toimimasta\n<anger> Joskus itekin saanut mystisiä toimii/ei toimi virhetilanteita kun jokin on ollut löysällä\n<anger> Mut tää nyt ihan hakuammuntaa omalta osalta, ei toi A0 nyt sano mulle yhtään mitään\n<shadowwy> Varmistin vielä että kaikki osat on paikallaan kunnolla\n<shadowwy> ja johdot\n<shadowwy> Ääni on samanlainen, biosiin pääsen\n<shadowwy> No miten saisi resetattua/alustettua emolevyn/biosin?", "\n<shadowwy> Vaihdoin viel IDE johdot\n<shadowwy> Uusiin\n<shadowwy> Sama ongelma\n<shadowwy> Helpottaako jos ottaisin kameralla kuvan valosta ja ohjekirjan sivulta missä kerrotaan mitä tarkoittaa?", "\n<anger> Siis buutissa toi jumahdus tapahtu?", "\n<anger> Jos alotat vaikka sillä että pistät livelevyn kehiin ja katot latautuuko siltä\n<shadowwy> k\n<shadowwy> voin laittaa kuvia imguriin\n<shadowwy> jos auttais\n<shadowwy> ja laitan live levyn sisään\n<shadowwy> Laitoin live levyn\n<shadowwy> boottas vähän aikaa ja tilttas ja virhekoodi A0\n<shadowwy> huoh\n<shadowwy> ELI, nyt on liv levy sisällä\n<shadowwy> On se ruutu mist valitaan kieli\n<shadowwy> Sen\n<shadowwy> jälkeen\n<shadowwy> Jatkuu\n<shadowwy> Lukee kaikki loading isolinux ym.", "\n<shadowwy> Sitten musta ruutu, vasemmassa yläkulmassa vilkkuu viiva\n<shadowwy> ja koodi A0\n<shadowwy> Eli alustaa IDE portteja mitälie\n<shadowwy> Eli uus emolevy tilaukseen vai..?", "\n<shadowwy> Ei haluis tilata sentään uutta emolevyä\n<elias_a> Mitäs Ubuntua sitä koittaisi tunkea Acer Aspire Oneen?", "\n<ighea> lubuntua\n<kirvesAxe> ighea, lubuntu on nyt ainakin oletusasetuksillaan aivan kauhea viritys mihinkään touchpadilla varustettuun laitteeseen...\n<elias_a> kirvesAxe: No mutta eihän sellaista kuulu käyttää :P\n<elias_a> Nänni se on joka jyrää! ;-)", "\n<ighea> molemmat laitteet ovat hirveitä korvikkeita\n<ighea> touchpadit lähes poikkeusketta kaameeta paskaa noin yleensäkin kun taiteilijat on päästetty muotoilemaan\n<kirvesAxe> elias_a, olikos siinä Aspire Onessa padi? :)", "\n<elias_a> kirvesAxe: On. ", "Se on onneksi pojan isoäidiltään saama kone ;-)\n<elias_a> Hyvin on poika oppinut. ", "Kysyi multa että eikös siihenkin voisi asentaa Ubuntun.", "\n<kirvesAxe> Kokeilin lubuntun paketteja joskus tässä EEEPC:ssä noin puli tuntia, ja kun en koko sinä aikana löytänyt mistään asetusikkunaa mistä saisi estettyä touchpadin painalluksen rekisteröitymisen klikkauksena niin paketit lähti äkkiä menemään :)\n<elias_a> Kyllästyi katselemaan tiimalasia...\n<elias_a> kirvesAxe: Musta tuli nänniaddikti aikoinaan tuon takia.", "\n<Faulty> kirvesAxe: ainakin nykyään on ihan oletuksena tuo lubuntussa\n<elias_a> 90-luvulla piti tehdä läppärillä bussissa töitä. Silloin ne padit eivät olleet ihan yhtä hyviä kuin nykyään...\n<kirvesAxe> Faulty, ai on oletuksena niinpäin että ei tule klikkausta kun kirjoittaessa hipaisee?", "\n<Faulty> jaa katos, luin väärin :)\n<Faulty> mutta mikä vika tuossa on?", "\n<Faulty> jos kirjoittaessa siihen vahingossa sörkit niin kannattaa säätää joku kikka mikä disabloi touchpadin tietyksi ajaksi, kun alat kirjoittaa\n<Faulty> kirvesAxe: synclient MaxTapTime=0\n<Faulty> tuolla komennolla saa kokonaan disabloitua (eli tuo rivi ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh tiedostoon\n<re-G> kirvesAxe: sehä on iha järkyttävää käyttää touchpadia, jossa klikkaus on disabloitu :|\n<kirvesAxe> re-G, josmä tykkäisin sellaisesta toiminnosta, mä varmaan tykkäisin myös monesta Steve Jobsin ideasta. ", "Mutta vihaan about niitä kaikkia.", "\n<kirvesAxe> Niin ja anteeksi kiroilu :)\n<elias_a> ei Jobsin mainitseminen kai enää ole kiroilua nyt kun se on kuollut :P\n<re-G> kirvesAxe: heh. ", "näin ne mielipiteet vaihtelee :P Mielipidettäni perustelen sillä, että musta on kätevää, ettei sitä hiiren nappia tarvi etsiä fyysisesti eri paikasta, tai käyttää hankalasti peukalolla tai toisella kädellä. Nappi on kätevästi koko ajan käsillä kun sitä kuitenkin tarvii koko ajan ku käyttää hiirtä.\n<re-G> vahinkoklikkaukset häipyy pienellä harjoittelulla :P\n<re-G> mutta, kyllä, saat olla eri mieltä :)\n<re-G> eihän sillä mitään pitkiä dragdroppeja voi kyllä tehdä\n<puunakki> wuuhuu\n#ubuntu-fi 2012-05-19\n<tabasko> pystyykö terminaalista palaamaan xorggiin ilman f7-f12 nappeja?", "\n<tabasko> oon miettinyt tätä ennemminkin mutta silloin työpöydällä ei ollut mitään tärkeää ja vainöstarttasin xorgin uudelleen\n<tabasko> tiedän, pitäisi hommata parempi näppis :)\n<pesasa> alt+nuolinäppäimet (vasen/oikea)\n<tabasko> pesasa: tuo olisi melkein pitänyt arvata :)\n<ath> Pitipä kokeilla tuota. ", "Tässä rytäkässä huomasin, ettei mun terminaalit enää toimi (ei tule kuvaa).", "\n<shanttu> jos haluan päästä verkon yli käyttämään toista konetta niin mistä lähden liikkeelle? ", "eli jos esim äitini tarvitsee apuva niin mikä on fiksuin tapa?", "\n<shanttu> ihan linkki tiedon lähteelle näin aluksi. ", "on vpn ja ssh jne mutta kun kyse ei ole lähiverkosta\n<Mayz> shanttu: Haluat ottaa etäyhteyden toiseen koneeseen esim. ", "huoltaaksesi / asentaaksesi jotain?", "\n<shanttu> Mayz, jep. ", "Graafinenkin puoli olisi tietty hyvä mutta yhteys ensin. ", "Kun ip on selvillä niin ei kai pelkkä ssh onnistu tyyliin user@ip?", "\n<Mayz> Ei kait, minä mistään mitään tiedä, käytän 95% ajasta Wintoosaa, sille tarjoisin Teamvieweriä :D\n<shanttu> Mayz, eipä siinä =)\n<shanttu> koittanut päästä alkuun useasti mutta tyssää aina johonkin ja sitten taas muiden aiheiden pariin\n<kirvesAxe> Olikohan tohon jonkinlainen selvitys jopa linux-tuen sivuilla...\n<Mayz> Googlauksen 1. ", "tulos: http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/hbKohX -> How To Configure Remote Access To Your Ubuntu Desktop | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials\n<shanttu> En nyt tosiaan muista miten se oli mielestäni niin vaikeaa. ", "vnc vaan haltuun\n<Mayz> Niimpä\n<Mayz> Ubuntufoorumeilta bongattu, että freenx olevinaan parempi kuin VNC, mutta ehkäpä jatkan asian tutkimisen tähän, kun en tiedä enkä ole kokeillut edes.", "\n<kirvesAxe> http://linux-tuki.fi/etayhteys tulla mainitaan pari juttua mitkä vois soveltua?", "\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/8QROqB -> Etäyhteys - Linux-tuki.fi\n<shanttu> kirvesAxe, juuri tuota lueskelen\n<shanttu> onkin joku kaupallinen jutska\n#ubuntu-fi 2012-05-20\n<tale> Etäyhteyden Ubuntu-koneeseen saa, kun siihen on asennettu openssh-server -paketti.", "\n<tale> Sitten vaan ssh tunnus@koneenosoite. ", "Jos tarvitaan graafinen yhteys, ssh -X tunnus@kone ja voi käynnistellä ohjelmia joissa GUI, selaimen vaikka. ", "Tai kokeilla komennolla xclock.", "\n<tale> Jos tarvii etäkoneen koko työpöytä saada näkyviin, nuo yllä mainitut vnc tai freenx toimii.", "\n * Mkaysi suosittelee ssh pakettia\n<Mkaysi> !", "info ssh\n<lubotu3> ssh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). ", "In component main, is optional. ", "Version 1:5.9p1-5ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB\n<Mkaysi> Riippuvuudet: openssh-client, openssh-server\n<Mkaysi> Kuvaus: secure shell client and server (metapackage)\n<Mkaysi> This metapackage is a convenient way to install both the OpenSSH client and the OpenSSH server. ", "It provides nothing in and of itself, so you may remove it if nothing\n<Mkaysi> depends on it.", "\n<Mkaysi> Homepage: http://www.openssh.org/\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/VaBoXj -> OpenSSH\n<Echramath> Mihinkä sää sitä nyt suosittelet?", "\n<Echramath> Ai tuohon. ", "Pitäisi kai selvittää saako irssiin relevantit joinit ja quitit vaan.", "\n<Mkaysi> Tuohon mitä tale puhui 10:25\n * Mkaysi katsoi aikaleimaa vasta nyt\n<Mkaysi> Ja tuohon join/quit juttuun suosittelen WeeChattia, jolla on smartfilter, joka piilottaa henkilöiden, jotka eivät ole sanoneet mitään X minuuttiin joinit/quitit/partit jne.", "\n<Echramath> Eihän toi kolmea riviä enempää perliä tarvitsisi varmaan irssiinkään.", "\n<pesasa> http://viikonvalo.fi/GCompris\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/6RJGHA -> 2x21 GCompris - Viikon VALO #73 | Viikon VALO\n<Mkaysi> Onko viikonvalossa mainittu gnumetriciä?", "\n<Echramath> Weechattiin on nyt vähän kyllä tuota muutosvastarintaa kun se on eri näköinen...\n<tale> Mkaysi: Ei ole. ", "Onko gnumetric eri juttu kuin gnumeric?", "\n<Mkaysi> Luulen, että gnumetric on typotettu gnumeric\n<pesasa> Eipä ole vielä Gnumericiakaan ollut.", "\n<pesasa> Abiword on kanssa yksi, joka odottelee vuoroaan, mutta saa mielestäni odotella, kunnes tulee toimiva versio.", "\n<pesasa> Ei oikein haluta esitellä tekstinkäsittelyohjelmaa, joka ei osaa numeroituja otsikoita (stable versio) tai joka välillä saattaa lakata ottamasta näppäinpainalluksia (Ubuntu 12.04:ssa oleva 2.9.2 dev-versio).", "\n<paww> pesasa: mun Abiword 2.8.2 osaa numeroidut otsikot... tosin taitaa bugata täysin, tyyliksi tulee \"numbered list\" vaikka valitsen \"numbered heading X\"\n<pesasa> paww: Sitä just.", "\n<pesasa> Dev-versioon 2.9.2 tuo on korjattu, mutta bugaa sitten muuten.", "\n<pesasa> Kun vaihtaa tyyliä, lakkaa ohjelma ottamasta näppäilyjä vastaan.", "\n<paww> pesasa: vähän masentavaa tosiaan että ohjelmaa ei ton vertaa testata\n<pesasa> Vasta kun avaa ja sulkee jonkun valikon, niin fokus palaa tekstialueelle.", "\n<paww> epäilemättä kehittä vastaa jokaiseen valitukseen \"ota gitistä uusin versio\", niinkuin se olisi joku strategia.", "\n<pesasa> Abiword olisi muuten mielestäni ihan esittelemiskelpoinen kevyt tekstinkäsittelyohjelma.", "\n<Echramath> Vähän niin ja näin.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2013-05-13\n<czr__> iotop on myös suht hyvä jos haluaa nähdä mistä i/o johtuu. ", "kaikkea se ei tosin osaa näyttää\n<Thaurwylth> Oho, onko Ubuntu päivittynyt nyttemmin niin järkyttävän hyvin toimivaksi versioksi, että melkein kellään ei ole ollut moneen päivään mitään sanottavaa?", "\n<elias_a_> Ei. ", "Kaikki keskittyy repimään hiuksiaan päästä.\n<elias_a_> :P\n<Thaurwylth> Meinaatko 13.04 julkaisua?", "\n<elias_a_> En. ", "Ihan hyvä se on.", "\n<Thaurwylth> OK.", "\n<elias_a_> Sikses... :P\n<mlpug> mulla lakkasi lankaverkko toimimasta kun päivitin. ", "wlan toimi normaalisti. ", "aikani poistelin ja latailin moduleita ja muuttelin asetuksia niin lähti toimimaan. ", "lopulta jäi mysteeriksi mikä oli ongelma\n<Thaurwylth> Onko minkäänlaista havaintoa, mikä korjasi ongelman? ", "Noin suurin piirtein.", "\n<mlpug> jaa-a. no siivosin palomuuria. ", "saattoi olla, että se blockasi DNS:ää. En tiedä miksi päivitys olisi sen ongelman aktivoinut. ", "poistin draiverin ja laitoin sen uudestaan. ", "poistin /etc/network/interfacesta eth1 osion.", "\n<mlpug> network manager GUIsta deletoin rivejä ja perustin niitä uudestaan. ", "en ole varma teinkö uudet samoilla vai eri asetuksilla kuin millä vanhat oli\n<mlpug> eniten epäilen että palomuuri häiritsi DNSää, koska olin hyvän aikaa tilassa, jossa oman aliverkkoni yhteydet toimivat ip osoitteilla ok, mutta en päässyt internettiin dns nimillä osoittamalla\n<Thaurwylth> Kuulostaa tosiaan vahvasti DNS-ongelmalta.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2013-05-14\n<Mkaysi> Minulla on nykyään aina DNS-ongelma Ubuntun kanssa, kunnes poistan dns=dnsmasq rivin /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf:sta tai jostakin sellaisesta.", "\n<Tm_T> Mkaysi: minkälainen dns-ongelma?", "\n<Mkaysi> Joidenkin ohjelmien DNS-haut epäonnistuvat täysin ja DNS-palvelin ilmoittaa olevansa\n<Tm_T> Mkaysi: ilmoittaa siis ihan oikein dnsmasq:n kanssa\n<Mkaysi> Ja tuo dnsmasq ei salli minun käyttää omaa kokonaista dnsmasq:ta samanaikaisesti, mistä minä pitäisin enemmän.", "\n<Tm_T> mjoo\n<Sbeach92> hei osaisko joku auttaa v4l ajurien kääntämisessä antaa seuraavan laista virhettä: http://pastebin.com/RJFwDM9q\n<inz> Sbeach92, sulla taitaa olla liian vanha kerneli tuolle ajuriversiolle\n<inz> Sbeach92, ainakin tuo of_prop_next_u32 on tullu versioon 3.5\n<Sbeach92> kyllähän tuola noita backport fixejä on, mutta hoksasin että oon jossain päivityksessä munannu ku ei ookkaan tuo lts...\n<Sbeach92> päivittelen eka sen\n<kakeman> hola\n<kakeman> ihme ongelmaa live cd:n käynnistämisessä tikulta. ", "windowsissa unetbootinilla tikulle ubuntua tai linux mintiä. kahdella eri tikulla kokeiltu. ", "boottaa mutta grub antaa virheen unknown filesystem\n<kakeman> molemmilla tikuilla molempia käyttiksiä kokeiltu\n<Hejkki> moro\n<Hejkki> onks vdr-asiantuntijoita? ", "verkon yli soitan vdr-sxfe:llä videota, ja jostakin syystä se soi ihan pikkasen hitaammin kuin paikallisesti koneella jossa on viritin, ja siitä johtuen pätkii ja katkoo kuva\n<Hejkki> eli jos laitan telkun päälle molemmista, ja sattuvat olemaan samassa kohtaa niin läppärissä etänä verkon yli viivästyy vähitellen ääni+video\n<Hejkki> ja sit alkaa katkoon, joku bufferi täytyyy, tms, en tiedä\n#ubuntu-fi 2013-05-15\n<tale> Hejkki: Minkä kokoiset puskurit on? ", "Onko läppärissä virransäästö, joka pudottaa kellotaajuutta?", "\n<avuton> tyhmä täällä kyselee\n<avuton> eli päivitin 13.04:seen ja palkit ovat hukassa\n<Kilpuri> aivan, mutta mikä oli se kysymys?", "\n<avuton> miten pääsen päätteellä takaisin kirjautumisikkunaan?", "\n<jjo> miten olet mennyt päätteelle?", "\n<jjo> alt+f7 jos sinne on siirrytty ctrl+alt+fjotain\n<jjo> jos sinne on päädytty kun \"kirjautumisikkuna\" on ajettu alas, niin sit se pitää käynnistää uudelleen\n<yakc> mitenkäs tuo cert.fi ilmoituksen suhteen. ", "ajanko tuon koodin jota siellä sivuilla ehdotetaan\n<yakc_> pahuksen webirc\n<IhqTzup> Milläs tavalla olis kätevin käyttää läppärissä olevaa gps-moduulia? ", "Saako sitä toimimaan google mapsin kanssa vai pitääkö ladata joku sovellus koneelle?", "\n<puhuri> gpsd on \"standardi\" tapa jutella gps-laitteille, tosin en tiedä osaavatko selaimet käyttää sitä\n<gildean> IhqTzup: meinaatko että käyttäs selaimen kautta mapsissa?", "\n<gildean> jos, niin senku käytät geolocation api:a\n<gildean> iirc siihen piti vaan syöttää joku argumentti tyyliin highAccuracy: true tjsp.", "\n<gildean> niin sen pitäs osata kysellä koneelta gps:ää\n<gildean> google kertoo lisää jos etit vaan geolocation api\n<IhqTzup> Joo pitää tutkia tuota jossain vaiheessa lisää.\n<tvmed> tvmed> hi i tried complie dvb driver but it wont go thru\n<tvmed> <tvmed> dvb_net.c:231:27: error: 'ETH_P_802_3_MIN' undeclared (first use in this function)\n<tvmed> <tvmed> im runnig ubuntu lt\n<tvmed> lts\n<IhqTzup> Minne 12.04 on hävittäny sen et mitä tapahtuu ku virtanappia painetaan?", "\n<tvmed> eli mikähän mättää... ei ikävä kyllä lähtenyt reddon ec163 piirillä toimimaan\n<tale> En saa poltettua Finnish Remix 12.04:ää. Sekä wodim että Brasero toteavat ettei mahdu. ", "CD:n etiketissä lukee 800 Mb.", "\n<ninnnu> tvmed: voi olla että tarvii tuoreemman kernelin. ", "http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-wireless/msg106051.html\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/9a6kx2 -> Build error: net/mac80211/tx.c:2098:26: error: 'ETH_P_802_3_MIN' undeclared (Linux Wireless)\n<ninnnu> tai sulta puuttuu vain joku -dev-paketti\n<ninnnu> tai -headers\n<tvmed> kyllä tuo v4l tarkistaa että on headerit\n<tvmed> mulla on vanhempi kerneli ku tuolla em henkilöllä\n<tvmed> 3.0.40\n<tvmed> tjsp\n<ninnnu> nonii, voi olla että tarvit uudemman\n<tvmed> ei taida olla ihan yks oikonen juttu laittaa LTS:n uutta kerneliä rikkomatta pidempää päivitys sykliä?", "\n<Kilpuri> häh.", "\n<ninnnu> mikä LTS sulla on?", "\n<ninnnu> meinaa mulla on ajossa 12.04LTS ja kernelinä 3.2.0-40\n<tvmed> muistankohan sitte vaan tuon 2 puuttuvan välistä... venaa\n<Kilpuri> Ydin Linux 3.2.0-41-generic (minulla 12.04 64bit)\n<tvmed> joo\n<gildean> IhqTzup: piti itekki vähäsen vetrestää muistia ja kokeilla että miten noi geolocation hässäkät toimi, tein tälläsen yhen sivun testin: http://ok.salaliitto.com/geolocation/\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/gxc4AM -> geolocation test\n<gildean> kaikki sorsat on siinä sivussa suoraan, ei muita tiedostoja tms.", "\n<tvmed> 3.2.0-41\n<tvmed> Ubunu 12.04.2\n<tvmed> eli multa siis puuttuu kuitenkin jotain dev paketteja\n<tvmed> kiva alkaa metsästämään\n<tvmed> vai puuttuuko viittaus if_ether.h\n<tvmed> kai sen sitte joku jo korjas ku valitin #linuxtv:n kin puolella\n<tvmed> ku kokeilin uudestaan että löydän oikeen tiedoston josta etsiä niin meni mokoma tosta ohi :)\n<tvmed> ei voi muuta sanoa muutakuin että nopeaa toimintaa... :) Pitää ruveta käyttämään tätä irc palautetta useamminkin\n<tvmed> mutta eipä se vieläkään läpi menny\n<IhqTzup> Mistä saa säädettyä mitä tapahtuu kun virtanappia painetaan?", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2013-05-16\n<Mkaysi> gnome-tweak-tool ja unity-tweak-tool tarjoavat jotakin, jos muistan oikein.", "\n<Hejkki> varokaa danske bankia. ", "tekevät pankkikortteja kysymättä asiakkaalta ja eivät lähetä asiakkaalle sitä olematonta korttia\n<Hejkki> mä ihmettelin ku yhtäkkiä tilin saldo miinuksella (en oo tiliä käyttänyt yli vuoteen) ja sit sinne tietoihin oli ilmestynyt visa electron kortti jota en ole kyllä ikinä nähnyt\n<IhqTzup> Hejkki: Kiitos varoituksesta.", "\n<remuz> tuli vaihdettua danskesta pois niiden surkean nettipankin takia\n<elias_a> Mulla on työajanhallintajärjestelmän kirjautuminen tuon Dansken paskeen varassa.", "\n<anacron> kuulin huhua että danskebank olis siirtymässä pois siitä javakikkareesta syksymmällä\n<anacron> eiköhän sielt tuu joku flash tai silverlight tilalle hahhah :DDD\n<sippis> silverlight :DD\n<ninnnu> sippis: Eiks Digital Rights Management tarkoita sitä että voidaan kivasti hallita oikeuksia niin ettei intternetpiraatit varasta rahoja?", "\n<gildean> ninnnu: kyllä, on jo aikakin saada drm pankkiyhteyksiin\n<elias_a> Älkää nyt....\n<sybariten> Hyvää päivää\n<sybariten> OK well this is OT on the border of channel hijacking, but would anyone be kind enough to listen to a streamed song, in what is _perhaps_ finnish, and tell me whats being sung?", "\n<anacron> sybariten: someone might if you just paste it here\n<sybariten> VLC: open network stream, http://defekt.se/media/files/defekt-podcast-005-20110623.m4a , 01:04:14\n<sippis> ninnu: whut? ", "miten tuo liittyy... mutsiis joo\n<ninnnu> sippis: Silverlight -> DRM -> pitää saada perustelu DRM:lle :)\n<sippis> eikun ymmärsinköhän nyt väärin\n<sippis> wutwut\n<ninnnu> oli läppä\n<sippis> meni multa ihan ohi :D mut oonki ihan sekasin\n<teprrr> sybariten, sounds like estonian to me, but hard to say for sure\n<teprrr> either that or I'm losing my ability to communicate in finnish\n<Echramath> A lot of literal wtf:ing but I couldn't find out much else.", "\n<Echramath> Maybe Estonian trying to sing in Finnish.", "\n<sybariten> Well, he's swedish.... the question is whether its \"real\" finnish or if he's just making it up, taking a piss\n<sybariten> i think i could hear some cliché swearwords in there\n<teprrr> he's making it up then\n<sybariten> is estonian that close?", "\n<teprrr> \"neljä iljan hiutaleita, maailma illoo kakskytä kuuskyt, neljä iljä hiutaleita, mitä vittuu kakskytä kuuskyt, musta pipari kaksmennä vittuu, maailma ilman mitä vittuu, musta pipari kakskytä kuuskut, mitä vittuu hyvä poika\"\n<teprrr> or something similar\n<gildean> neljän viljan hiutaleita\n<gildean> ja vadelmahilloa\n<teprrr> ah, damn :P\n<elias_a> Mitä täällä oikein tapahtuu?", "\n<nonix4_> anacron: sen javakikkareen kutsuminen javaksi on kyllä aika kaukaa haettua, kun sisältää JNI-soopaa...\n#ubuntu-fi 2013-05-17\n<Uusavuton> Mitenköhän onnistuu gimpillä tehdyt xfc tiedoston muuttaminen jpegiksi\n<gildean> avaat sen gimpillä, valkaat file-valikosta export\n<Uusavuton> export on suomeksi=\n<Uusavuton> ?", "\n<gildean> viedä?", "\n<gildean> tjsp,\n<gildean> ehkä se ois siellä valikossa 'vie...' tjsp.", "\n<Uusavuton> Vie oli. ", "Kiitos avusta!", "\n<elias_a_> Osaisko joku vääntää mulle rautalangasta mitä tarkoittaa compositing window manager?", "\n<elias_a_> Ks. ", "viimeinen kommentti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/+bug/865672\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 865672 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) \"\"Adobe Flash Player Settings\" dialog does not respond to mouse clicks\" [Medium,Triaged]\n<inz> Kutakuinkin ikkunamankeli, joka hallinnoi ikkunoitten piirron \"näkymättömistä\" puskureista näytölle\n<inz> Perinteinen ikkunamankeli vaan ohjaa ikkunoita (koot, paikat), ja ne ite piirtää ittensä \"näkyville\"\n<inz> Näin hyvin yksinkertaistetusti.", "\n<elias_a_> Niin että esim. ", "uuden Gnomen ikkunamankeli ei ole sellainen mutta Unityn on?", "\n<elias_a_> Mun on vaikea käsittää että miten toi flashin dialogi voi toimia monissa muissa ikkunointiympäristöissä mutta ei Unityssä.\n<ath> Tekevät jänniä asioita OpenGL:lla ja sitten jotain menee ristiin.", "\n<elias_a_> Jotenkin voisi kuitenkin olettaa että selittäisivät vähän enemmän jotta joku voisi korjata.", "\n<ath> Hyvä veikkaus on, ettei noilla ole minkäänlaista ajatusta siitä mikä menee ristiin.", "\n<elias_a> Kehno juttu.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2013-05-19\n<pesasa> http://viikonvalo.fi/HTTPS_Everywhere\n<Fibubot> http://is.gd/hK3MgS -> 3x21 HTTPS Everywhere - Viikon VALO #125 | Viikon VALO\n<kirvesAxe> \"minä olen utf8, sinun merkistökoodauksesi, älä ymmärrä muita merkistöjä.\"\n<kirvesAxe> Miks soundjuicer on edelleen uskollinen jollekin epäyhteensopivalle ja -kelvolle charsetille? :(", "\n<kirvesAxe> \"Albumin/Artistin/Kappaleen nimessä on ääkkönen, tällaista tiedostoa ei voi tallentaa\"\n<Echramath> Kuulostaa erismerkilliseltä.\n<kirvesAxe> Jep\n<kirvesAxe> Kaikki levyt joilla ei oo ollut ääkkösiä nimistössä on pyörähtäneet kiltisti, nimiformaatti artisti/albumi/numero-nimi ei oo temppuillut yhtään\n<kirvesAxe> mutta nyt väittää että \"resurssia ei löydy/\n<Echramath> Ei mulla kyllä tuollaista ongelmaa ole myöskään koskaan ollut.", "\n<Echramath> Tai siis käytin Soundjuiceria johonkin aikaan ja kyllähän se nyt oliis suomalaisen musiikin kanssa vastaan tullut.", "\n<tale> Use the Source, kirvesAxe, ja korjaa vika.", "\n<kirvesAxe> tale, mevo ;(\n<kirvesAxe> Jaaha, ei taida olla sekään, yritin vaihtaa ääkkösiä nimistä pois muttei silti toimi\n<kirvesAxe> juuri äsken toisen levyn pyöräytti, mikäs piru tässä nyt on.", "\n<tale> kirvesAxe: Musamaijalla, joka käsittääkseni on sama kuin Soundjuicer, olen CD:ni kopioinut tietokoneelle musatiedostoiksi. ", "Niissä on nimissä ääkkösiä. On se siis aikaisemmin toiminut, lieneekö nyt rikottu se utf-8?", "\n<kirvesAxe> tale, juurikin se, mutta vaikuttais ettei oo siitä kiinni\n<kirvesAxe> Kolme virheilmoa pomppaa\n<kirvesAxe> \"resurssia ei löytynyt\" \"resurssia ei voitu avata kirjoittamista varten\" \"Error starting ripping pipeline\"\n<jjo> toi ei kyl ole välttämättä sound juicerin vika\n<jjo> siis toi ääkkösjuttu\n<kirvesAxe> joo, nyt vaikuttais ettei oo siitä kiinni ollenkaan vaan vika ihan muualla\n<kirvesAxe> se oli sentään luonut ne kansiot kumminkin\n<jjo> mä rippaan abcde:llä ja siinäkin on ongelmia\n<jjo> oon huomannut, että cddb:ltä tulee aina välillä datat latin1:nä ja kun niitä käsitellään utf-8:na, niin sit hommat hajoaa\n<jjo> yleensä noi latin1:nä tulevat ovat myös jotenkin kummallisesti formatoituja\n<jjo> olettaisin että jou\n<jjo> joku softa tekee paskoja cddb-entryjä\n<jjo> ja loput sit kärsii\n<jjo> onneks mä pystyn konvertoimaan ne datat ennen rippauksen alkamista ja sit homma toimii\n<Echramath> Noihan voisi tunnistaa kuten irkissä.\n<jjo> no mut jos käyttää protokollan tasoa 6, niin datat pitäis oletuksena olla utf-8:a eikä siinä pitäis olla mitään tarvetta tunnistamisille\n<jjo> sit jos se siitä huolimatta puskee lati1:stä, niin kyl se data on paskaa eikä softa rikki\n<kirvesAxe> :)\n<jjo> tiedä sit jos joku raho tarkoituksella huonontaa ton datan tasoa\n<kirvesAxe> jjo, joku hyvin vakaasti Latin1-uskovainen?", "\n<jjo> no sit niiden softa olis paras, kun se olis ainoa joka toimii ;)\n<kirvesAxe> ;P\n<kirvesAxe> hmm, miksiköhän Soundjuicer myöskin väkisin tunkee vuosi-kenttään päivämäärää...\n<kirvesAxe> jjo, oliko abcde gui vai cli?", "\n<jjo> cli\n<Echramath> Eikös se ole melko menuohjattu?", "\n<jjo> no se hakee datat ja sit kun ne valitsee/hyväksyy, niin sit se rippaa\n<jjo> ei siin ämontaa vaihetta ole\n<kirvesAxe> ääh\n#ubuntu-fi 2014-05-12\n<elias_a> Uusimmassa Ubuntussa on inha bugi: Alt-näppäin ei toimi Live-tilassa -> ei saa @-merkkiä kirjoitettua.", "\n<elias_a> Kyse ei ole siitä ettenkö olisi tajunnut, että live-tilassa kieliasetusten vaihtaminen ei oikeasti toimi vaikka ne pystyy vaihtamaan, vaan siitä, että Alt-näppäin on pimeänä myös tarjotussa EN-layoutissa.", "\n<elias_a> Voiko muut vahvistaa?", "\n<elias_a> Teen bugiraportin sitten.", "\n<jjo> alt ei toimi? ", "eikö @ ole tarkoitus tulla altgr:n takaa?", "\n<elias_a> Sori. ", "AltGr tietty.", "\n<elias_a> Ei siis toiminut.", "\n<elias_a> Sen näppämistön nimeäminen merkinnällä EN on kyllä ihan hanurista. ", "Eikös jenkki- ja brittinäppiksissä ole mm. ", "@-merkki eri paikoissa?", "\n<elias_a> jjo: Ei tosiaan toiminut vaikka näppiskartta näytti kyllä paikan nimenomaan AltGr+2:ksi.", "\n<Sysi> jenkkinäppiksessä se on shift 2\n<Sysi> britissä vissiin jossaki muualla, en tiiä missä\n<elias_a> Sysi: Pitääpä koittaa, kiitos!", "\n<shanttu> tervehdys. ", "mitäs tämä nyt on: 14.04. ", "buuttaa pitkään ja lopulta antaa ainoastaan heikon resoluution. ", "dmesg waiting module removal not supported: please upgrade<4>[ 273.114844] perf samples too long (2545 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000\n<shanttu> tuollaista tyrkkää, 14.04. ", "bootti kestää kauan eikä anna oikeaa resoluutiota\n<shanttu> sitä ennen apparmor=\"STATUS\" operation=\"profile_replace\" profile=\"unconfined\" name=\"/usr/sbin/cupsd\" pid=1918 comm=\"apparmor_parser\"\n<ninnnu> no tolla cupsd-rivillä ei ole mitään tekemistä asian kanssa (apparmor vain kertoo että \"hei täällä on tälläne tulostuspalvelin\")\n<shanttu> ok\n<shanttu> se vaan esiintyy tuossa viimeisimpänä useaan kertaan. ", "ei ole näkynyt aiemmin\n<Harriv> vaikuttaa joltain ajuriongelmalta\n<Harriv> äkkiseltään voisi väittää että näytönohjain\n<shanttu> mites apparmor=\"STATUS\" operation=\"profile_replace\" profile=\"unconfined\" name=\"/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action\" pid=501 comm=\"apparmor_parser\"\n<shanttu> mitenkä selvitellä?", "\n<pesasa> http://viikonvalo.fi/JFractionLab\n#ubuntu-fi 2014-05-13\n<czr> heips. ", "miten saan listan paketeista joita joku toinen paketti ei tarvi (xubuntu-desktop)?", "\n<puhuri> siis automaatisesti asennetuista paketeista, joille ei nää ole riippuvuutta?", "\n<czr> kaikista\n<czr> haen nimenomaan tuota mitä kysyin :-)\n<czr> jos joku keksii siihen jonku hyvän tavan niin kertokaa. ", "akuutin tarpeen ratkaisin debfosterin kanssa käsipelillä mut ois kiva saada joku tuohon mikä ei vaatis manuaalista prosessia\n<czr> teoriassa tuon pystyis tekemään siten että rakentaa xubuntu-deskpotin dependency-graphin, katsoo mitkä paketit täytää virtit jos ei suoria dependencyjä ole, ja sit loput paketit on sellaisia mitä ei tarvitse xubuntu-desktopin takia ja tulostaa niiden nimet\n<czr> helppoa.. noin teoriassa :-)\n<habalux> apt-get autoremove ?", "\n<czr> ei. ", "haluan myös ne paketit mitä on asennettu käsin ja joita ei tarvita xubuntu-desktopin riippuvuuksien täyttöön\n<robotti^> Onko kellään kokemusta ubuntussa video tearingista. ", "Itse käytän lightdm:ää kirjautumiseen ja lockscreeninä. Mutta ajan kuitenkin xbmc:tä ajaa standalonena. ", "Video repeilee(tearing) kun xorgin kompositointi on käytössä. Pois kytkettynä tearingia ei tapahdu, mutta en voi kirjautua työpöytäympäristöön, sillä se vaatii kompositoinnin. ", "Joten onko lightdm:llä mahdollista käyttää erilaisia xorg-asetuksia eri työpöytäratkaisuille, kuten\n<robotti^> Oon yrittänyt tehdä omaa lightdm seat confia xbmc:lle, mutta ilmeisesti se ei noteeraa sitä tai teen sen väärin. ", "Sillä video kärsii ainakin tearingista. ", "Kun sijoitin xorgin konffihakemistoon xorg conffin joka disabloi kompositoinnin, niin desktoppin käynnistyminen ei enää onnistu.", "\n<robotti^> onko tämä edes mahdollista? ", "vai pitääkö minun käynnistää ihan erilinen xorgi xbmc:tä varten jossa ei ole kompositointi käytössä?", "\n<puhuri> aptitudella saa kohtuullisen helposti listan paketeista, joita ei ole asennettu automaattisesti (~i ! ", "~M muistaakseni)\n<robotti^> Ubuntu 14.04 on siis käytössä.\n<puhuri> jos niistä kävisi läpi paketit jotka ei riko xubuntu-desktoppia niin ne olisivat \"turhia\"\n<robotti^> tämä ongelma ilmeisesti liittyy sdl:ään. ", "ja huomasin myös timo jyringin ppa-pakettilähteen.", "\n<robotti^> jossa on pätsitty libsdl1.2\n<Mirv> o/\n<Mirv> sen pätchityn libsdl1.2:n pitäisi korjata ongelma, ja loppuviikosta pitäisi tulla jakeluun kaikillekin käyttäjille\n * Mirv käyttää XBMC:tä 14.04:lla\n<robotti^> Mirv: mutta pitääkö kompositointi kytkeä pois?", "\n<robotti^> sillä jos kytken pois, niin en voi kirjautua työpöydälle.", "\n<Mirv> robotti^: ei tarvitse, se bugi nimen omaan liittyy siihen että SDL kuvittelee kompositoinnin ollessa päällä että vääriä asioita tehdään\n<robotti^> eli mun pitäisi pistää tuo pakettilähde?", "\n<Mirv> itsekin kyllä googlettelin että ihmiset olivat aika väärästä päästä ohjeistaneet kiertokeinoja\n<robotti^> ja poistaa vaikka viikon päästä\n<robotti^> joo yritin jo säätää erillistä seatia tuolle xbmc:lle ligthdmssä\n<robotti^> se ois toki ratkaissut asian onnistuessaan myös\n<Mirv> robotti^: no IMHO se on joo helpompi ainakin kuin alkaa poistaa kompositointia käytöstä\n<robotti^> mutta turhan purkka\n<robotti^> en omasta mielestäni huomannut tätä bugia mint linux 16:ssa ja elementaryssa\n<robotti^> tai sitten silmät ei ole vaan toimineet\n<robotti^> ubuntussa jotenkin tosi häiritsevästi näkynyt\n<robotti^> meinasin jo säätää itselleni erillisen koneen pelkkää xbmc-käyttöä varten\n<Mirv> mint 16:ssa on vanhempi x.org joka varmaan liittyy asiaan\n<Mirv> se bugi on vähän sellanen sekava laadultaan, mutta SDL bugittaa yhdessä uudemman x.org:n kanssa\n<Sysi> ei kai lightdm ainakaa kaikilla teemoilla/greetereillä voi olla rikki ilman kopmposointia\n<robotti^> no se selittää asioita. ", "mulle kyllä sanottiin xbmc freenode kanavalla, että tearing on aina ongelma kompositointia käytettäessä\n<robotti^> se jätti minulle hieman ristiriitaisen kuvan tästä ongelmasta.", "\n<robotti^> että onko tämä totta vaiko väärinkäsitys.", "\n<robotti^> Sysi: työpöytäympäristö ei siis toimi ilman kompositointia\n<robotti^> lightdm ainakin käynnistyi ilman kompositointia. ", "tai sitten se käyttää eriä konffia lightdmssä kuin kirjautuneena.", "\n<robotti^> enpä osaa sanoa\n<robotti^> että onko se erillinen sessio.", "\n<robotti^> mutta vois kyllä päivittää tuohon pätsittyyn libsdl:ään.", "\n<Sysi> nyt ois vissiin eka xubuntu jossa pitäis olla kunnolliset mahikset päästä eroon repeilystä, en ainakaa 13.10 saanu edes ilman komposointia eroon siitä\n<robotti^> aika paha ongelma tuo on itselleni usein Linux-jakeluissa.", "\n<robotti^> aina välillä tulee vastaan tavalla tai toisella.", "\n<robotti^> se on semisti turhauttavaa.", "\n<robotti^> tai jonkinlainen muunlainen Xorgin huonoilu.", "\n<Sysi> yksi syistä miksi mulla ei oo mitää linux-konetta just nyt\n<Sysi> periaatteessa vois kokeilla jos päädyn kuitenki laittamaan pöytäkoneen vaikka ei kauhean hyvin sovikkaa käyttötarkotukseen\n<robotti^> tykkään kaikin puolin linux-jakeluista, jos vertaan windowsiin tai osx:ään, mutta kaikki tälläiset pienet ongelmat lisäävät itselläni harmaita hiuksia.", "\n<robotti^> käytän siis myös osx:ää ja windowsia, mutta useimmissa linux-jakeluissa on mielestäni merkittäviä etuja jos vertaa näihin windowseihin ja osxiin.", "\n<Sysi> kaikissa on eri asiat hyvin ja huonosti\n<robotti^> ois vaan kiva, että päästäisiin kaikista näistä heikkouksista, niin olisi paljon hauskempaa\n<robotti^> jep\n<robotti^> joo kaikki käyttöjärjestelmät on perseestä, pitää vaan löytää se joka on itselle vähiten :P\n<robotti^> silti en voi olla rakastamatta erinäisiä linux-jakeluita\n<robotti^> niiden käyttö on suurimmaksi osaksi todella tyydyttävää.\n<robotti^> ainakun toinen alkaa ärsyttämään, niin boottaan toiseen. ", "olenkin asentanut muutaman erinäisen jakelun koneelle.", "\n<robotti^> mutta onhan tuo toki syvältä, että menee tuollaiseksi pelleilyksi :)\n<puhuri> elias_a: ratkaisiko EncFS varmuuskopiosalauksen ongelman?", "\n<elias_a> puhuri: en kokeillut. ", "Metsästän tuon Ubuntun DejaDup-kilkkeen ongelmaa.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2014-05-14\n<czr> videotearaus on kyl hassu ongelma. ", "vaikka kuinka se korjattiin jo DOS-aikoina niin aina se kuitenkin tulee takas :-)\n<czr> saa nähdä kuin rikki kaikki taas menee kun tulee uusi displayport ja sitä tukevat näytöt\n<czr> hmm. ", "kellään kokemuksia glfw:stä?", "\n<czr> (www.glfw.org)\n<Mirv> 12.04 LTS toimaa kyllä hyvin, siirryin 14.04 LTS:ään etuajassa vain auttaakseni jotta sitten kun oikeasti ihmiset päivittävät siihen heinä-elokuussa (14.04.1) niin olisi about kunnossa\n<Mirv> suurin ongelma 14.04:ssa tällä hetkellä on IMHO että SRU-tiimi on alimitoitettu. ", "jos kaikki tällä hetkellä sisään halutut päivitykset saisi oikeasti käsiteltyä, testattua ja ihmisille niin mulla ei olisi mitään valitettavaa.", "\n<Mirv> nyt sentään tuli gstreamer-päivitykset -proposediin joten ens viikolla ihmisillä.\n<Mirv> toivotaan että tossa tosiaan 14.04.1:een mennessä onnistuu\n<Mirv> sitten kun jokin on proposedissa kuten gstreamer ja libsdl niin homma toimii kyllä ihan hyvin, mutta a) unapproved-jono ja b) sponsorointia vielä vailla olevat on se pullonkaula\n<Mirv> unapproved-jono on siis: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=\n<Iltsu> kauas 12.04 :lla jatkuu tuki?", "\n<Iltsu> en haluis hukata hyviä uptimejä\n<Mirv> Iltsu: 2017 huhtikuu\n<Iltsu> dodii, elikkä ei mikää hätä, varmaa menee toi kone vaihtoo ennen sitä\n<Mirv> konservatiivit eivät toki päivitä 14.04:äänkään ennen kuin lähempänä sitä, mutta työpöytäkäyttäjistä varmaan valtaosa päivittää sitten kun sitä tarjotaan kesällä\n<Iltsu> joo\n * gumrak ei päivitä 12.04-konetta \"ikinä\"\n<Iltsu> 624 päivää ja 15 tuntii ois nyt nassil uptimet, välttää samba/transmission -käytös\n<Iltsu> toi 12.04\n<Sysi> kappas, äidin xubuntu-koneen päivityksellähän ei ookkaa mitään kiirettä\n<Sysi> vaikka xfce-palikat ei päivitykkää, ei varmaan niissä oo paljoa tietoturvareikiä\n<Mikaela> Pitäisiköhän minun ottaa Proposed käyttöön?", "\n<ighea> Sysi: selaimen ajantasaistus varmaan riittää\n<Mirv> mulla on Debian NASsilla, NAS on nyt vaan uusi kun laitoin 6 vuotta vanhan entisen eläkkeelle. ", "välillä jaksan kyllä myös bootata kernel-päivitykset käyttöön.", "\n<Mirv> ARMv5 niin ei Ubuntu siellä toimisikaan, kun taas Debian installerissa virallinen tuki (QNAPin NASeille)\n<puhuri> uhkaako ubuntua xp:n kohtalo :-). ", "Itselläkin oli 855 päivää 10.04 serverissä ennen kun tein uudisasennuksen kuukausi sitten\n<Iltsu> puhuri, Ubuntu sentää tarjoo ilmaseks uudempaa versiota mille on viel tuki ;)\n<puhuri> mutta jos ei jaksa päivittää... (tuossakin viivästi kun dovecot 1.x->2.x muutos ei mennyt mun viritetyllä konfiksella ihan triviaalisti)\n<Mikaela> Applekin tosin tarjoaa uudemmille versioilleen ilmaisia päivityksiä. Sinun täytyy vain antaa maksukortin tiedot ensin, joita Ubuntu ei vielä ole kysellyt.", "\n<czr> 14.04 on toiminu tähän asti ihan hyvin, työkäytössä ainakin\n<czr> mut vaikea sanoa kuinka hyvin sit normikotikäytössä yms. ", "evt\n<czr> tosin uudella gcc:llä ei voi kääntää toimivia vanhoja gcc:eitä :--). ", "mut onneksi on virt-manager (lol?)", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2014-05-15\n<elias_a> Onko joltakin muulta mennyt rikki 14.04. ", "tämänpäiväisen base updaten myötä?", "\n<elias_a> Kaveri kyselee asiaa Twitterissä asiaa. ", "Rikki meni näppis ja touchpad... :(\n<elias_a> https://twitter.com/smoinen/status/466838277660868608\n<smoinen> täällä ollaan\n<elias_a> Nonnii.", "\n<elias_a> Nyt sitten smoinen :lle ratkaisu.", "\n<elias_a> Eli sekä näppis että touchpad pimeinä päivityksen jälkeen?", "\n<smoinen> voinko jotenkin rollata takaisin edellisen päivityksen?", "\n<smoinen> hiirestä toimii tappi, ei touchpad\n<smoinen> näppis ei toimi\n<smoinen> hiiren painikkeet toimii puolittain\n<elias_a> Pääsetkö SSH:lla kiinni?", "\n<smoinen> oon junassa ja välillä pätkii yhteys, voi tulla radiohiljaisuutta siksi\n<smoinen> ssh:lla mihin?", "\n<smoinen> aika vaikee mun on mitään tehdä ilman näppistä\n<Mirv> smoinen: ei näytä olevan LP:ssä raportteja kun hakee keyboard:lla aikajärjestyksessä https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=keyboard&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupe\n<Mirv> ai niin noi URL:t argh\n<Mirv> http://is.gd/oRTcXq sama\n<Mirv> smoinen: toimii näppis bios/efi:ssä? ", "mites grub-valikkoon jos meni (vasemman shiftin rämpytys heti virran kytkemisen jälkeen tai viimeistään kun bios-ruutu lähtee pois) ja viansietotilaan siirtyminen?", "\n<smoinen> Mirv: ok, pitänee sit asentaa uusiksi tai jotain muuta järeetä\n<smoinen> kokeilenpa\n<Mirv> sillä pääsis ainakin komentoriville (ja niihin palautustilan automaattitoimintoihin)\n<Mirv> jos jotain on hajalla niin varmaan jotenkin liittyy rakkaasen X:ään\n<smoinen> oon nyt recovery modessa\n<Mirv> smoinen: siinä varmaan toimii näppis?", "\n<smoinen> jep\n<Mirv> smoinen: oliko sulla Unity (perus-Ubuntu) vai jokin muu työpöytä?", "\n<Tm_T> mitä paketteja asentui/poistui päivittäessä?", "\n<Mirv> smoinen: onhan siinä valikossa muistaakseni jokin \"korjaa X\" mutta on aika vaikea arvailla mikä on hajonnut ellei löydä jotain kohtalotoveria\n<Mirv> etsin myös \"touchpad trusty\" käänteisessä aikajärjestyksessä mutta ei löydy mitään\n<Mirv> smoinen: muistaakseni on valikossa myös jokin \"korjaa paketinhallinta\" tjsp, joka ainakin viimeistelee päivitykset jos olisi jokin mikä olisi jäänyt kesken\n<puhuri> /var/log/dpkg.log:sta näkee pakettimuutokset\n<smoinen> perus unity oli. ", "tosin myös gnome asennettu\n<Mirv> smoinen: (vastaile järjestyksessä kun kerkiät;) jos automaattitoiminnot ei toimi niin näin etänä on melko paha keksiä tosi näppäriä/todennäköisiä vippaskonsteja. ", "mutta login-ruutu ilmestyy normaalisti, ei vaan mikään liiku tai toimi? ", "näppäimistöltä voi kokeilla login-ruudussa tab/alt-tab, alt-f10 jne siltä varalta että jos jotenkin fokus ei ole salasanakentässä ja vain touchpad olisikin poissa pelistä\n<smoinen> yritän automaattitoimia kun pääsen kunnom verkkoon. ", "nyt junassa\n<smoinen> kiitos noista vinkeistä, yritän tutkailla tarkemmin\n<Mirv> kun katselen viimeisimpiä updates/security-päivityksiä https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/trusty-changes/2014-May/thread.html niin maanantaina on tullut uusi lightdm, muuta kovin relevanttia/epäilyttävää en näe\n<smoinen> Mirv: ok, tänään tuli joku muistaakseni alle 100kt base update,jonka jälkeen ongelmat alkoi\n<Mirv> smoinen: mitään muuta \"base\" en näe kuin gstreamer-plugins-base, mutta se on vielä proposedissa. ", "ei kai sulla ole proposed-päivitykset päällä?", "\n<Tm_T> olisi hyvä tietää mitä paketteja siellä on päivittynyt, dpkg:n logit käyttöön\n<smoinen> mirv: ei ole proposed\n<Mirv> Tm_T: pitäis varmaan verkko olla, sitten apt-get install pastebinit niin komentoriviltäkin onnistuisi pastebinit dpkg.log\n<smoinen> touchpad toimii nyt. ", "lienen failsafeX:ssä\n<Mirv> smoinen: :S\n<Mirv> mä päivitin just trusty-koneeni ilman ongelmia\n<smoinen> tällä 1024x resolla pystynen nyt käyttää konetta :)\n<smoinen> failsafess\n<smoinen> Mirv: voitko heittää tän keskustelulokin mulle meiliin. ", "siltä vralta että screeni kuolee. ", "@tredea.fi\n<Mirv> smoinen: ok, kohta\n<smoinen> thanks. ", "ei kiirettä\n<Mirv> ainoa base minkä näen viime aikoina dpkg.log:ssa oman 14.04-koneen päivityksissä on doc-base, mikä ei varmasti liity aiheeseen. ", "http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7466712/ tuli kun edellinen päivitys varhain tiistaiaamuna.", "\n<smoinen> Mirv, Tm_T : tässä tämän aamun päivitykset: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7466740/\n<Mirv> smoinen: joo se libc6-bin ei edes ole päivitys vaan vain triggeröity sen asetusten teko, eli oikeastaan toi libxfont:n turvallisuuspäivitys tasan ainoa. ", "kannattaa kokeilla nyt kun voi jotain tehdä niin dpkg --configure -a sekä apt-get install -f , mutta luultavasti mikään ei ole paketinhallinnassa rikki tai kesken\n<Mirv> smoinen: jos haluaa varmisuta että ongelma ei tule tosta libxfont:sta niin voi tehdä wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxfont/1:1.4.7-1/+build/5531042/+files/libxfont1_1.4.7-1_amd64.deb sekä sudo dpkg -i libxfont1_1.4.7-1_amd64.deb\n<Mirv> libxfont:lle ei ole failattu yhtäkään bugia. ", "tuskin se ongelma sekään on.", "\n<smoinen> Mirv: ok. ", "kiitos avusta, tarjoan oluen kun nähdään! ", "tulin just hesaan ja tutkailen tätä lisää, kun ennätän.", "\n<Mirv> smoinen: alright\n<markusdbx> Moi!", "\n<markusdbx> Jag letar efter en bra lowend vps leverantör i finland. ", "Kom med tips!", "\n<smoinen> Mirv: nyt toimi! ", "ajoin dpkg ---configure -a ja apt-get install -f, mutta ne eivät tehneet mitään. ", "sitten ajoin vielä ton sudo dpkg -i libxfont1_1.4.7-1_amd64.deb ja buuttasin ja nyt toimii.", "\n<smoinen> paha sanoa auttoiko nimenomaan tuo ongelmaan vai korjaantuko se jotenkin muutoin\n<Mirv> smoinen: joo no kokeile uudelleen päivittämistä vasta paremmassa paikassa :) se on tosin security-päivitys ja ohjelmistoasetuksissa oletus on päivittää ne automaattisesti, halutessaan ruksin voi ottaa päivän ajaksi pois\n<smoinen> Mirv: joo, mulla on niin, että hyväksyn itse päivitykset\n<smoinen> tässä olisi SSD-levyn asentamista ja Ubuntun uudelleenasennusta joka tapauksessa tulossa lähiaikoina\n<smoinen> hieman liikaa 14.04 kyllä kaatuilee mun koneessa ainakin.", "\n<Mirv> mulla ei oo kaatunut yhtään, mutta noin muuten tosiaan kuten todettu 14.04.1:n aikoihin varmaaan vasta alkaa olla ne bugikorjaukset sisällä joita itse näen isoille massoille tärkeäksi (käyttötarkoituksia on toki aina miljoona lisää käyttöjärjestelmällä). ", "SDL-päivitys ehkä huomenna tai maanantaina, GStreamer-päivitykset ens viikolla.", "\n<gumrak> ei ole mullakaan tainnut edes Unity kaatua siinä\n<gumrak> 12.04:ssa se meni eilen viimeksi\n<Mikaela> Minulla ei ole Lubuntulla ollut muuta ongelmia, kuin ettei nm-applet näy (bugi raportoitu) ja ALT+F2 ei toimi (bugi raportoitu).", "\n<elias_a> smoinen: Tulkitsenko oikein, että ongelma ratkesi?", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2014-05-16\n<Iiro_> Moi! ", "Olen uusi Ubuntun käyttäjän ja minulla on ubuntun 14.04 versio. ", "Yritän tietokoneestani saada kuvaa siirtymään televisioon käyttäen apuna dvi-hdmi kaapelia. ", "Kun käynnistän koneen televisossa näkyy koneen käynnistys mutta heti kun ubuntu käynnistyy tulee televisioon ei signaalia? ", "Mitä voisin tehdä asialle?", "\n<heikki> katso järjestelmäasetukset - näytöt jos se tunnistaisi telkkarin\n<elias_a> Hetkinen, Iiro_ : kummassa päässä on DVI ja kummassa HDMI?", "\n<Iiro_> Dvi on tietokoneessa ja hdmi on televisiossa\n<smoinen> elias_a: kyllä se ainakin toistaiseksi ratkesi, kun rollasin päivitystä edeltäneeseen tilanteeseen. ", "en ole sittemmin päivittänyt\n<smoinen> elias_a: en kyllä lopulta ole varma oliko syy tossa vai jossain mystisessä muussa\n<smoinen> edelleen on ongelmia toisen hiirenpainikkeen kanssa. ", "siinä toimii kertaklikkaus, mutta esim. ", "ikkunan raahaaminen (eli kun hiiri painetaan pidemmäksi aikaa pohjaan) ei toimi ihan normaalisti.", "\n<Iiro_> Järjestelmä asetuksista valitsen näytöt niin ei löydy televisiota :(\n<elias_a> Iiro_: Mietin sitä, että pitäiskö tuosta johdosta mennä väyläsignaali myös läpi.... Onko tuo yhdistelmä toiminut samoilla laitteilla, piuhalla ennen?", "\n<elias_a> smoinen: Vai ei toimi normaalisti? ", "Kuulostaa ihan minulta! ", ":D\n<Iiro_> On toiminut. ", "Ja alussa kuva näkyykin televisiossa mutta ubuntun käynnistyessä tulee ei signaalia.", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: Joo. ", "Se vaihtaa näyttötilaa sen alun Ubuntu-splashscreenin jälkeen.", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: Koitas sieltä asetuksista sitä, että käytät kaikissa näytöissä samaa tilaa. ", "Sitten vaihtelet vähän resoja.", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: Olikos se kone läppäri vai pöytäkone?", "\n<Iiro_> Pöytäkone fujitsu aika vanha. ", "tietokoneen näytön asetuksista oon koittanu kaikki resoluutiot koittaa\n<elias_a> Eikös siellä ole vieläkin valinta \"peilaa näytöt\" tjsp.?", "\n<gildean> Iiro_: nvidian näyttis?", "\n<Iiro_> Gallium 0.4 on ATI RC410\n<Iiro_> näyttis\n<Iiro_> ei ole kyllä sellaista valikkoa kun peilaa näytöt\n<elias_a> Odotas.", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: En osaa auttaa. ", "Käytän 13.10:a vielä ja siinä on valinta \"peilaa näytöt\" näyttöjen asetuksissa.", "\n<elias_a> Tykkiä käyttäessä sen pitää olla päällä.\n<Iiro_> mikähän se oli englanniksi :)\n<elias_a> Jos ei sitten tunnistu erikseen.", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: EVT :)\n<elias_a> Kuva kertonee. ", "Hetki.", "\n<gildean> Iiro_: veikkaisin tossakin tapauksessa ajuria ongelmanlähteeksi\n<gildean> Iiro_: ootko koittanu atin suljettua ajuria?", "\n<Iiro_> Joo olen googlaillut tätä ongelmaa ja luulen että se on ongelmana minulla\n<Iiro_> Mutta kuinkahan saisin ladattua nämä atin ajurit?", "\n<Iiro_> Atin nettisivuilta?", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: http://tinypic.com/r/o09cg6/8\n<elias_a> Eikö ole enää tuollaista?", "\n<Iiro_> Aah. ", "On tossa se Mirror displays mutta minulla se on harmaana, jota ei voi klikata\n<elias_a> Nonnii :D\n<elias_a> Eli sitä ATI:n suljettua eli proprietary- eli poroajuria metsästämään.", "\n<Iiro_> Minulla on resoluutiona 1280x1024.", "\n<Iiro_> Joo kiitos teille avusta. ", "Täytyy yrittää löytää jokin ratkaisu tähän\n<gildean> Iiro_: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download\n<gildean> tuoltaha nuo löytynee suoraan ladattavaksi\n<Iiro_> Kiitos. ", "Latasin paketin ja nyt koitellaan asentaa.", "\n<elias_a> Iiro_: Kerro sitten miten kävi.", "\n<Iiro_> Ei hyvältä näytä. Asennus vaiheessa menee asennus ikkuna pimeeks ja ei vastaa :D\n<Iiro_> Huh huh. ", "Ei kyllä onnistu meikäläisellä näiden ATI:n ajureiden päivitys. ", "sain jo yhessä vaiheessa koko ohjelmiston pimeeks mutta onneks tämä korjasi ite jotenkin\n#ubuntu-fi 2014-05-18\n<Dolphin_Cool> Hey you guys\n<Dolphin_Cool> How are you doing\n<Dolphin_Cool> Please\n<Dolphin_Cool> I need some help\n<Dolphin_Cool> I have some error from the order of bad block\n<Dolphin_Cool> os something\n<Dolphin_Cool> in my /dev/file\n<Dolphin_Cool> i think is a logical partition, there is a way to mount it without problem?", "\n<Mikaela> Pitäisikö topicissa lukea jotakin \"Finnish support, English support is at #ubuntu\" ?", "\n<elias_a> Voisi olla hyvä ajatus.", "\n<ninnnu> Ei kukaan lue topiccia\n<elias_a> Löytäisivät avun nopeammin.", "\n<elias_a> No sitten botti joka vastaa.", "\n<ninnnu> Meillä on jo\n<ninnnu> !", "english\n<lubotu3> The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. ", "For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList\n<ninnnu> tjsp\n<ninnnu> veikkasin väärin\n<elias_a> ninnnu: Sen tarttis olla sellainen, joka automaagisesti tunnistaa kielen ja pullauttaa viestin.", "\n<ninnnu> et saa\n<elias_a> Öö - mitä en saa?", "\n<ninnnu> ei oo toteuttamiskelpoinen speksi\n<elias_a> ninnnu: Miten niin?", "\n<elias_a> Kielen tunnistaminen sanaston ja morfologisen analyysin avulla on helppoa.", "\n<ninnnu> Ja sit ku vähän pastee virheitä niin botti tulee ja huutaa \"#ubuntu, kiittimoi\"\n<elias_a> Sen takia tarvitaan se morfologinen analyysi.", "\n<elias_a> Sillä pystytään erottamaan ne virheilmot muusta kielestä.\n<ninnnu> lisäksi melkein pitäs arpoa että miksi noi päätyy tänne eikä #ubuntu:lle tai edes jenkkiosavaltiokanaville\n<ninnnu> ellei niillä sit tuu aina typo ja kirjoita fl -> fi\n<elias_a> Hyvä veikkaus.", "\n<elias_a> Helpompi toteuttamisidea: liittyjälle tervetuloa-viesti, jossa kerrotaan kanavan kieli?", "\n<ninnnu> on jo\n<ninnnu> se menee status-ikkunaan\n<ninnnu> ja jos se tulis kanavalle niin olis turhaa spammia\n<ninnnu> topic ajaa käytännössä saman asian, ja kun ei ne lue sitä..\n<elias_a> No voisi tuo topic alkaa vaikka Finnish support - tukea suomeksi.", "\n<Mikaela> !", "en\n<lubotu3> Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. ", " For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList\n<Mikaela> Hmm, ei.", "\n<Mikaela> !", "fi\n<lubotu3> Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. ", "Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)\n<Mikaela> Ei. ", "Ei sitten.", "\n<ninnnu> !", "en-support\n<HiskiBoy> 7part\n<pesasa> http://viikonvalo.fi/ShareLaTeX\n#ubuntu-fi 2015-05-11\n<Mikaela> tuo oli hauska yllätys kun kokeilin Plasma 5:ttä\n<tale> Mikaela: Mikä se yllätys oli?", "\n<pesasa> Varmaan se, että tuo KDE Connect oli oletuksena asennettuna ja toimii ihan kivasti.", "\n<Tm_T> KDE & Plasma ♥\n<Tekno_> vieläks KDE on hengis\n<Tm_T> Tekno_: outo kysymys\n<Tekno_> ok\n<Tm_T> vähän kuin \"vieläkö joku käyttää Windowsia?\"", "\n<elias_a> Ai niin - sellainenkin on olemassa. ", ":P\n<pesasa> No, vieläkö Gnome on hengissä?", "\n<Mikaela> tuo KDE Connect\n<Tomin> pesasa: voi ainakin tässä miun läppärillä ihan hyvin\n<kirvesAxe> nggh, mitäs hittoa\n<kirvesAxe> näyttö mennyt lukkoon eikä aukea\n<kirvesAxe> hiiren heiluttelu saa kursorin näkymään toisella näytöllä muttei toisella, mut syötä salasana -boksi ei ilmeesti\n<kirvesAxe> ...jaaha, ongelma katosi läppärin kantta kiinni käyttämällä\n<kirvesAxe> mikäköhän bugi tuokin\n<ttoni> mikä on kun käynnistää koneen ja se vähän aikaa miettii ja sit menee näyttöl iha mustaks? ", "osaako joku auttaa?", "\n<ttoni> asensin ubuntun tos joku paripäivää sit ja toimi iha normaalisti, paitsi nyt\n<elias_a> ttoni: Missä vaiheessa kuva häipyy?", "\n<ttoni> tulee toi ubuntun purppura tausta ja sit menee mustaks\n<elias_a> ttoni: Onkos tietoa mikä näyttöpiiri siinä on?", "\n<ttoni> ei mitään tietoa, tommone hp:n probook 4535s\n<elias_a> ttoni: Ootas hetki niin mä tsekkaan onko joku marissut vastaavasta tuon kohdalla.", "\n<ttoni> no nyt se meni sit päälle, mut siis satunnaisesti käynnistyy, ja usein miten ei käynnisty lainkaan.", "\n<elias_a> ttoni: Ajapas levylle smart-testi.", "\n<elias_a> Kuulostaa siltä, että sulla on rautavika.", "\n<elias_a> Sovelluksen nimi on levyt. ", "Sieltä pitäisi IMO löytyä smart-testi.", "\n<ttoni> mistäs semmoisen löytää? ", "löysin memory testin, onko se toi?", "\n<elias_a> Eips, mutta voit sä senkin ajaa.", "\n<ttoni> kiitos avusta\n<elias_a> Ootas vielä.\n<ttoni> joo\n<elias_a> Onks se 2- vai 4-ydinprosulla?", "\n<elias_a> Siitä on 2 rinnakkaismallia.", "\n<elias_a> http://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c04287341\n<elias_a> sanoo näin: AMD Radeon HD 6520G Graphics (with AMD Quad-Core A6-3400M APU)\n<elias_a> tai AMD Radeon HD 6480G Graphics (with AMD Dual-Core A4-3300M APU)\n<ttoni> toi se on : AMD Radeon HD 6480G Graphics (with AMD Dual-Core A4-3300M APU)\n<elias_a> Tietääkseni noi Radeonit eivät ole mitenkään painajaismaisia.", "\n<elias_a> Mikä Ubuntun versio?", "\n<ttoni> 14.04.2 lts (finnish remix)\n<elias_a> ttoni: Tämän mukaan pitäisi toimia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver\n<elias_a> ttoni: Asensitko siihen suljettuja ajureita?", "\n<ttoni> en oo asentanut\n<elias_a> ttoni: Ok. ", "Sen levyn kunto näkyy levyt-sovelluksella.", "\n<elias_a> Siellä on rivi, jossa lukee Arviointi ja sen jälkeen esim. ", "mun yhden puolikuntoisen levyn tila on tällainen: Levy on OK, 2 virheellistä sektoria (30° C / 86° F)\n#ubuntu-fi 2015-05-12\n<elias_a> Milläs muuntaisitte pohjapiirroksen sisältävän pdf-tiedoston kuvaksi?", "\n<tale> elias_a: Lukee Inkscapella ja tallentaa bittikarttana?", "\n<tale> elias_a: Viikonvalossa on esitelty joitakin kuvankäsittelyohjelmia joilla kanssa tommoisen voi tehdä. Ne oli komentoriviltäkin toimivia eli jos noita tiedostoja on paljon voi automatisoida.", "\n<elias_a> Ei ole kuin yksi. ", "Kokeillaanpas Inkscapella. ", "Se on hyvä idea.", "\n<inz> fwiw, inkscapellakin voi automatisoida\n<puhuri> käytän itse inkscapea makefilessä tekemään svg:stä pdf:ää kun jälki on mielestäni parempiaa kuin jollain muulla millä kokeilin (<= infosisältö ->0)\n<inz> joo, dippaa tehdessä meni samoin\n<elias_a> Oliskohan se taas aika ihmetellä sitä, miksi Thunderbirdistä on hävinnyt s-postiosoitteiden ennustustoiminto kirjoitettaessa...\n<elias_a> Lontooksi se on varmaan autocomplete.", "\n<Mikaela> Onko kenelläkään kokemusta mariadbllä ja phpmyadmilla Ubuntu 15.04:llä? ", "Se antaa vain 1698: Cannot log in to the MySQL Server\n<Mikaela> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mariadb-10.0/+bug/1447808 ilmeisesti\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 1447808 in mariadb-10.0 (Ubuntu) \"Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' after upgrading to Ubuntu 15.04\" [Undecided,Confirmed]\n<Mikaela> minä luulin tämän olevan kaikista yksinkertaisin näyttö, mutta en enää osaa käyttää LNMPtäkään :(\n<pesasa> elias_a: Inkscapella itse joskus jotain pohjapiirrosta muokkailin/rajailin/skaalailin.", "\n<pesasa> elias_a: Thunderbird kai ennustaa vain osoitekirjassa olevia osoitteita (tähdellä merkittyjä). ", "Oletko tyhjännyt osoitekirjasi?", "\n<elias_a> pesasa: Ei toi pidä paikkaansa. ", "TB:llä on oma tsydeemi, millä se ehdottelee niitä osoitteita. ", "Ei tarvitse olla osoitekirjassa. ", "Riittää että on lähetetty sähköpostia.", "\n<elias_a> pesasa: Tuo ei vaan toimi. ", "On aiemmin toiminut. ", "Vähän toista kuukautta se on nyt kenkkuillut.", "\n<pesasa> Jaa. ", "Noin se mulla mun mielestä toimi silloin, kun TB:tä käytin.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2015-05-13\n<nonix4> Hah, oom-killer söi firefoxin... jonka jälkeen 26 gigatavua vapaana. ", "Ja uudelleenkäynnistetty syö vain 5% tuosta (RSS, vm koko sentään 10% vapaasta muistista)\n<elias_a> pesasa: On mahdollista, että se mun Thunderbird-ongelmani johtuu osoitekirjajutuista. ", "En ollut tajunnut sitä, että TB tallentaa oletusarvoisesti vastaanottajan osoitteen osoitekirjaan postia lähettäessä.\n<elias_a> pesasa: Nyt vaan täytyy ihmetellä, että missähän se vanha osoitekirja mahtaa olla.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2015-05-15\n<Mikaela> miten kaivetaan koneelta kernel panic syy? ", "pikkusiskon kone, johon on vasta asennettu Ubuntu MATE 15.04 heittelee sitä jatkuvasti ja nyt se tuli ennen kuin ehdin laittaa dmesgin pastebiniin\n<Mikaela> (dmesg|<sprungeus-alias>)\n<jjo> ehkä kannattaa ajaa muistitesti ihan huvikseen...\n<Mikaela> en usko muistissa olevan vikaa, mutta voin ajaa\n<rhkfin_> Kuinka pitkään muuten ajelette muistitestiä että antaa riittävän vakuuden toimivuudesta?", "\n<Mikaela> yleensä olen ajellut vain yhden kierroksen, koska siinä pitäisi minun mielestäni tulla näkyviin jos on jokin suurempi vika\n<Mikaela> miten muistitestin saa käyntiin UEFI-järjestlmällä? ", "Tikulta tuo sanoo \"booting in insecure mode\" ja sitten tarjoaa \"Try Ubuntu...\" Install...\" \"OEM install...\" ja \"Check disc...\"\n<tale> Muistitesti kannattaa antaa mennä ainakin kaksi kierrosta.", "\n<tale> Ekalla kierroksella muistit on viileitä, toisella kierroksella ne on jo lämmennyt ja muistivika voi esiintyä vain lämmön takia.", "\n<tale> Yön yli kun ajaa muistitestiä eikä se löydä vikaa voi vakuuttua muistit toimii kunnolla.", "\n<tale> Mikaela: Eikös Ubuntun boottivalikossa ole lisätoimintona muistin testaus? ", "Näin on ollut, lieneekö uudessa otettu pois.", "\n<Mikaela> ei ole, aiemmassa viestissäni on kaikki mitkä ovat valikossa\n<tale> Mikaela: Eikä mistään noista tulee lisää toimintoja valittavaksi?", "\n<Mikaela> ei\n<Mikaela> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memtest86+/+bug/883017\n<Mikaela> memtest ei tue UEFIa, joten levyt eivät tarjoa memtestiä UEFIlla\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 883017 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu) \"memtest86+ fails on efi systems\" [Medium,Triaged]\n<Mikaela> kyllä taitaa koskea minua\n<Mikaela> ja auki vuodesta 2011\n<tale> Se on hyvä kun vielä löytyy hötkyilemätöntä väkeä. Mitä siitäkin tulisin jos bugien korjailussa hektinen tahti tuottaa vaan kehnoja korjauksia. ", "Bugia bugin päälle.", "\n<tale> Parempi kun tehdään rauhassa ajan kanssa niin tulee kunnollisia korjauksia.", "\n<Mikaela> nyt tuo ilmeisesti päätti myös, että grubin sijaan käynnistetään windows boot manager riippumatta siitä mitä biossissa on sanottu\n<tale> Mikaela: On minullekin sattunut kohdalle UEFI-koneita, joissa ei millään saa kiintolevylle asennettua GRUBia käynnistymään.", "\n<tale> Niissä on pitänyt asentaa GRUB muistitikulle, ja bootata siitä.\n<Mikaela> asennuksen jälkeen tuo käynnisti muutaman kerran sieltä\n<tale> Mikaela: Jos se kone sekoilee noin omituisesti se muistitesti kannattaisi jollain kurin saada ajoon.", "\n<Mikaela> ei Windowsilla kyllä minkäänlaista muuta sekoilua ollut, kuin normaalia hitautta. ", "Minulla oli jossakin jokin levykuva, mikä pitäisi olla memtestkin, kunhan löydän sen tikun jostakin\n<Mikaela> Osaako joku sanoa millä minä saan memtestin käyntiin?", "\n<Mikaela> Ubuntun levykuvat eivät toimi, UBCD ei toimi, Memtest86+ viimeisin julkaisu ei tunnu toimivan\n<tale> Mikaela: memtest on myös asennettavana pakettina, eli jos saat sen Ubuntun käyntiin niin apt-get install memtest ja aja se siinä.\n<Mikaela> ahaa, tuolta löytyi koneesta itsestään ESC - F2 Diagnostics tools\n<tale> Se ei ihan niin hyvä testi ole tuolla tavoin ajettuna mutta saa kuitenkin jotain tuloksia näkyviin.", "\n<Mikaela> saan Ubuntun käyntiin, mutta se ei pysty käynnissä riittävän pitkään, jotta pystyisin asentamaan mitään\n<Mikaela> ilmeisesti tuolla menee laajala testillä arviolta 3 tuntia\n<tale> Ai se on niin huono. ", "Olisko koneen laitteisto puolikuntoinen, ja Windowsin ajurit osaa kiertää laiteviat, mutta ubuntu ei osaa.", "\n<Mikaela> tämä kone ei ole ostettu edes kuukautta sitten, joten olen hämmästynyt jos on puolikuntoinen ja HPn pitäisi kyllä osata tehdä koneita\n<elias_a> Siis miten \"ei toimi\"? ", "Ei saa käynnistettyä live-medialle?", "\n<Mikaela> elias_a: ei tue UEFIa, joten ei näy koko bootti valikossa\n<Mikaela> tai jos tarkoitat Ubuntua, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memtest86+/+bug/883017 kommentissa sanotaan, ettei näytetä, koska se ei toimi\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 883017 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu) \"memtest86+ fails on efi systems\" [Medium,Triaged]\n<elias_a> Mikaela: Eikö siis talen ehdotus toimi? ", "Bootti Ubuntun live-medialta, memtestin asennus ja testi? ", "Vai sekö juuri loppuu kaatumiseen?", "\n<Mikaela> se voisi toimia, kokeilen\n<Mikaela> tämä on muuten HP 15 Notebook PC 22CD\n<elias_a> Niin ja sitten jos ajelet niitä levykuvia samalta USB-muistilta, koita vaihtaa mediaa välillä.\n<Mikaela> olen ajellut muistitikulta, mutta en ole käyttänyt samaa tikkua. ", "Ubuntu MATE tikku taas sanoo levyn olevan virheetön omassa testissään\n<Mikaela> tässä on myös sellainen hienous, ettei live-cdllä toimi WLAN, jota ei ole nykyään tullut vastaan\n<Mikaela> elias_a: miten memtest käynnistetään tikulta? ", "tuo sanoo, että on jo asennettu\n<elias_a> Hemmetti - tossahan on Ubuntu-certit ja kaikki...\n<elias_a> Mikaela: Shellistä.\n<Mikaela> elias_a: millä komennolla?", "\n<Mikaela> mem<tab> ei sano mitään\n<tale> Mikaela: Komenna dpkg --listfiles memtest ja katso mitä bin hakemistossa on käynnistyskomennon näköistä.\n<tale> Mikaela: Ja memtest varmaan tarvitsee sudo eteen.", "\n<Mikaela> tale: en näe mitään sennäköistä https://paste.mikaela.info/view/2d6a3471\n<Mikaela> tale: olen root\n<tale> Tuo näyttäisi memtestiä ei voi käynnistää komentona, vaan se asentuu käynnistysvalikkoon.", "\n<Mikaela> jossa se ei ole, kuten tuosta bugiraportista nähdään\n<tale> Mikaela: On myös ohjelma memtester, jota voi ajaa komentoriviltä.\n<Mikaela> miten sitä taas käytetään?", "\n<tale> Mikaela: apt-get install memtester; man memtester\n<Mikaela> niimpä tietysti\n<Mikaela> nyt se ymmärtääkseni ajelee tuota\n<elias_a> Lykkyä pyttyyn!", "\n<Mikaela> minusta tuntuu yhä ettei muistissa ole mitään vikaa, mutta tuohan kai kertoo sen sitten\n<elias_a> No, joka tapauksessa kun tolla raudalla on Ubuntu-cert, minä palauttaisin sen vaan takuuseen jos ei kerran toimi.", "\n<Mikaela> ja ainut vika on, että Ubuntu antaa kernel paniccia aika pian käynnistyksen jälkeen. ", "Live ilmeisesti toimii\n<tale> Mikaela: Niissä on eri kerneli, eli voi olla asennettu kerneli on viallinen tolla raudalla.", "\n<tale> Toisaalta hankala tilanne jos kone ei pysy pystyssä niin kauaa että ennättäisi tehdä kernelin päivityksen.", "\n<Mikaela> miten se taas selvitettäisiin tai korjattaisiin tämän memtesterin jälkeen?", "\n<Mikaela> tai no chroot tietysti?", "\n<Mikaela> mutta minä en ole saanut sillä koskaan verkkoa toimimaan tai en ainakaan muista\n<Mikaela> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure ?", "\n<tale> Onko tuohon tarjolla kernelin päivitys?", "\n<tale> Tai onko bootissa valittavana edellinen linux-ydin?", "\n<Mikaela> edelliset linux-ytimet ovat valittavana, mutta minusta sillä oli sama ongelma, kun kokeilin\n<elias_a> No jos joku tietty kerneli on buginen, mennään edellisellä Ubuntun versiolla.", "\n<Mikaela> livellä \"apt update\" taas löytää 48 päivitystä mukaanlukien linux-*\n<Mikaela> eli LTS, onneksi sillekin löytyy tikku. ", "Katson ensin tuon memtesterin loppuun.", "\n<Mikaela> tuohon ilmeisesti menisi monta tuntia, joten siirryn sinne LTSään\n<pesasa> elias_a: Mun mielestä nuo Ubuntu-certifioidut laitteet, jotka vaativat spesiaali-imagen ovat vähän evil.", "\n<pesasa> Ollaan olevinaan Ubuntu-yhteensopiva, mutta pelkästään sillä, että on tehty kustomoitu 12.04-image. ", "Ja seuraavia versioita ei tietenkään kustomoida?", "\n<pesasa> Mirv: Miten noi mainostetut Dellin koneet? ", "Toimiiko ne ihan perus-Ubuntulla (tai muilla distroilla) vai onko niissä joku kustomoitu image?", "\n<Jii> oisko täällä vapaa ehtoisi auttamaan ubuntun kanssa? ", "pitäisi saada yksi ohjelma toimimaan.", "\n<Mirv> pesasa: niissä on kustomoitu Ubuntu jonka Dell ja Canonical ovat yhdessä tehneet. ", "toki sitten tulevat upstreameihin ajan myötä.\n<Jii> kyseinen ohjelma on magic assistant sourgeforgesta\n<Mirv> mutta esim. ", "uuden XPS 13:n työ jatkuu vielä 4.1- ja 4.2-kerneleissä käsittääkseni upstreamin suhteen joten edes 15.04 ei ole riittävän tuore perus-Ubuntu\n<Mirv> pesasa: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/models/?release=14.04%20LTS&category=Laptop - \"Ubuntu image\" available from ubuntu.com vs. Pre-installed by manufacturer, eli mallikohtaista\n<Jii> kukaan?", "\n<Mirv> pesasa: käytännössä kaikki myytävät on kustomoitu, minkä lisäksi valmistajat sertifioivat malleja myös perus-ubuntulle silloin kun eivät esim. ", "suoraan myy Ubuntulla. ", "joskus myös esim. ", "niin että on ollut kustomoitu 12.04 ja sitten 14.04 \"as is\" on sertifioitu.", "\n<Mirv> Jii: jos meet sen asennusohjeen mukaan ja kerrot sitten kun tulee jokin pulmallinen kohta vastaan, ja kerrot mikä on ongelma?", "\n<Mirv> google löysi jonkin ohjeen http://mtgbrowser.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Installation\n<Jii> joo pääsin tuohon saakka \"If you don't want to make it def..\"\n<elias_a> pesasa: Ai ne on tollasia kustomoituja imageja? ", "Hanuristahan tuo on...\n<Jii> Mirv eli toi cd juttu ei onnistu: j@j-OptiPlex-GX520:~$ cd MagicAssistant bash: cd: MagicAssistant: Tiedostoa tai hakemistoa ei ole\n<Jii> minne toi \"MA\" kansio ois pitäny purkaa..se on ny työpöydällä?", "\n<Mirv> elias_a: pesasa: ei ole realistista tuoda tuotetta markkinoille niin että esim. ", "kaikki tweakit olisivat hyväksyttyinä upstreamissa siinä kohtaan kun halutaan alkaa myydä\n<Mirv> elias_a: pesasa käytännössä siis kaikki OEM:t toimii noin samalla tavalla oli sitten Windows tai Ubuntu kyseessä - tweakkeja, tweakkeja.", "\n<elias_a> Mirv: No se on ymmärrettävää mutta tuupataanko niitä tweakkeja edes upstreamiin?", "\n<Mirv> elias_a: no enkö juuri niin kirjoittanut yllä? ", "keskimäärin kyllä, mutta riippuu tietty miten se on saatu toimimaan ja kuinka paljon valmistaja on valmis näkemään vaivaa.", "\n<Mirv> Jii: varmaan se on sitten Desktop/MA/MagicAssistant tms riippuen mihin se tosiaan on mennyt\n<Jii> okei kiitti yritän..oon tosiaa nuubi tän ubuntun ja linuksin kanssa.", "\n<Mirv> elias_a: esim uuden XPS 13:n vikat korjaukset oli mallia \"jokin tapa\" huhtikuussa, toimitukset alkoi samassa kuussa, ja upstreamissa asia tehdään ihan eri tavalla (kosketuslevy ja äänet eri moodissa) niin että joskus kernelissä 4.2 tai 4.3 alkaa olla valmista.", "\n<Mirv> eikä liity pelkästään siis malliin vaan koko Intelin Broadwellin HDA vs. I2S:ään yms\n<elias_a> Mirv: Ok. ", "Enpä ajatellut asiaa tuolta kantilta.", "\n<Jii> okei nyt toi jre kohta on kait tehty..kaikki muukun ..nyt viel miten toi ohjelma käynnistyy?", "\n<Mikaela> 14.04 toimii ilman ongelmia\n<Mikaela> miinulla oli perus Ubuntu MATE levykuva\n<pesasa> Mikaela: Eli tarkoitatko, että Ubuntu 14.04 Unitylla toimii, mutta Ubuntu 14.04 Matela ei?", "\n<Mikaela> Ubuntu MATE 14.04 toimii, Ubuntu MATE 15.04 ei toimi\n<Mikaela> 14.04 ei tosin ole virallinen maku\n<pesasa> Aaa... ok\n<pesasa> Mirv: Mua kun periaatteessa kiinnostaa tommoset läppärit, jotka on \"varmasti toimivai\", mutta kun en itse käytä perus-Ubuntua vaan Kubuntua. ", "Toki Ubuntu-asennukseenkin voi kubuntu-desktop:in asentaa, mutta turhaa tavaraa tulee liikaa.", "\n<pesasa> Mirv: Eli siis, jos hankkii tommosen Ubuntu-sertifioidun vähän myöhemmin, niin pitäisi olla upstreamissakin tavaraa. ", "Toivottavasti paremmin kuin sertifioimattomien kanssa.", "\n<Jii> osaako joku sit ohjaa mut jonnekki missä saan apua tän ubuntun käytössä?", "\n<pesasa> Ja kyllä, ostin pari viikkoa sitten vaimolle Lenovon läppärin, ei uusinta mallia, jolla oli tuollainen 12.04-sertifiointi kustom-imagella. ", "14.04 meni sisään täysin kivuitta.", "\n<Jii> ..oon siis koko päivän taistellu tän koneen kanssa et saa ton yhen ainoan ohjelman toimimaan ..poistin Xpeen ja Kubundun ..asensin uuden ubuntun ja päivitykset..ja nyt se ainut ohjelma mikä täs konees piti pyörii ei toimi\n<Mirv> pesasa: joo, juurikin näin. ", "esim. ", "joku kyllä yritti saada 15.04:ään mahdollisimman paljon XPS 13 -fiksejä, ei vissiin kai välttämättä vaan ihan kaikkia ehtinyt.", "\n<Mirv> pesasa: ja siis sinänsä ne kustoimoinnit tulee Dell:n jostain PPA:sta että vaikka asentaisi puhtaalta pöydältä Kubuntun niin voi tietty copy-pasteta ne sources.list-rivit\n<pesasa> Ok. ", "No hyvä niin.", "\n<Mirv> mulle on vm2015 XPS 13 tulossa... kunhan saavat. ", "nyt se on sentään listoilla eri liikkeillä.\n<Jii> abuvaa\n<Mikaela> http://mtgbrowser.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Installing_on_Ubuntu näyttäisi olevan ohjeet ja MagicASsistant on kai lataamasi kansio\n<Mirv> Jii: käynnistyy kai kirjoittamalla java ohjelmmannimi.jre tms\n<Mirv> sori, .jar\n<Mirv> siis tutustumatta sen tarkemmin, mutta vaikuttaisi että ohjeessa säädetän käsin Javan kanssa ja java-ohjelmat voidaan käynnistää komentoriviltä java -jar tiedosto.jar\n<Mirv> tuo -jar myös siis siinä\n<Mirv> näppärintä toki olisi että toi ohjelma asentuisi jotenkin helpommin\n<Jii> kiitos ..mut ei viel käynnistynyt..\n<Jii> ja toi Magic on purettu osotteeseen Koti/Työpöytä/Ohjelmat/MagicAssistant\n<Jii> ja siel ei ainakaan ollu mitään .jar päätteisiä\n<Mirv> Jii: vilkaisin sen .zip:n sisään nyt. ", "siellä näyttäisi olevan ihan jopa jokin suoritettava ohjelma vaikka se on javaa. ", "eli kokeile tuolla kansiossa kirjoittaa ./magicassistant - jos ei toimi, kun tuo on .zip joka ei taida säilyttää tiedostojen oikeuksia, niin laita ensin (tarvitsee vain kerran) chmod +x magicassistant\n<Mirv> Jii: myös tiedostojenhallinnassa onnistuu Ominaisuudet-valinnalla laittaa suoritusoikeudet, siis vaihtoehtona tuon chmod:n kirjoittamiselle\n<Jii> toi chmod tehty. ", "ei vastannu mitään muuta ku uuden rivin. ", "ei toi MA vielkää käynnisty\n<Jii> j@j-OptiPlex-GX520:~/Työpöytä/Ohjelmat/MagicAssistant$ MagicAssistant MagicAssistant: komentoa ei löytynyt\n<pesasa> Jii: Siis ./magicassistant\n<Jii> j@j-OptiPlex-GX520:~/Työpöytä/Ohjelmat/MagicAssistant$ ./magicassistantbash: ./magicassistant: cannot execute binary file: Käynnistettävän tiedoston muoto virheellinen\n<tale> Jii: Onko se Linuxille tarkoitettu ohjelma?", "\n<Jii> oli\n<tale> Jii: Mitä näyttää komento file magicassistant\n<Jii> j@j-OptiPlex-GX520:~/Työpöytä/Ohjelmat/MagicAssistant$ file magicassistant magicassistant: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, not stripped\n<tale> Jii: Mitä näyttää komento dpkg --print-architecture\n<Jii> j@j-OptiPlex-GX520:~/Työpöytä/Ohjelmat/MagicAssistant$ file magicassistant magicassistant: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, not stripped j@j-OptiPlex-GX520:~/Työpöytä/Ohjelmat/MagicAssistant$ dpkg --print-architecturei386\n<tale> Jii: Sinulla on 32-bittinen linux, ja tuo Magicjuttu on 64-bittinen.", "\n<Jii> aaahaaa :D\n<tale> Jii: Pitää olla samaa paria, eli etsi 32-bittinen versio.", "\n<Jii> taitaa olla niin ettei tosta oo 32 bittistä versioo\n<tale> Jii: Wiki väitti semmoinen on.", "\n<Jii> Notes * Requires java at least 1.5 to run * Has to be unzipped before running using any unzip program, windows zipped folder copy action does not work properly * For Linux 64 use specific binary distribution (different than linux default)\n<Jii> veikkaan ettei sellasta löydy\n<Jii> kiitos kaikille avusta\n<tale> Jii: 32 bit - Download 32 bit linux zip file at Browse All Releases\n<tale> http://mtgbrowser.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Installation\n<Jii> eikus kiitos näyttää se sittenkin olevan olemassa\n<Jii> mikä se näistä on? ", "onkin aiva toinen juttu\n<Jii> ..äh ei kerkiä enempää sekoilemaan näiden laitteden kanssa ..pitää lähteä katsomaan MadMaxiä teatteriin..kiitos kuitenkin kaikille avusta..palaan myöhemmin taas tän ohjelman kimppuun :)\n<Jii> eikun kerkesinpäs..ja sain sen toimimaan kiitos vielä paljon Talelle\n<pesasa> Hieno homma.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2016-05-16\n<pesasa> elias_a_: Toki mulla on kotona joku kone koko ajan päällä. Eikö sulla? ;-) ", "Ja screen+irssi siellä.\n<elias_a_> pesasa: Ei mulla ole enää kun on kapsi. :)", "\n<Tekno_> kapsi parrain\n#ubuntu-fi 2016-05-17\n<Tekno_> onks ubuntu hyvä distro\n<StockAntenna> on\n<Tekno_> en usko\n<Tume> uudemmilla osilla pelittää paremmin kuin aikasempi mint\n#ubuntu-fi 2016-05-18\n<Mikaela> on hyvät ja huonot puolensa ja snappy lisää jännittövyyttä\n<Guest24949> Lightning-kalenterilisäosa ei äkkiä toimikaan TB:n päällä. Valikko näytä -> kalenteri on harmaana. ", "Onko vinkkejä?", "\n<Akuli> ubuntu 16.04?", "\n<Guest24949> 14.04 LTS\n<Guest24949> CTRL-Shift-C näköjään auttoi.", "\n<Guest24949> Ja hups - mullahan on vieras identiteetti...\n<elias_a> Noin... johan helpotti.", "\n<Akuli> noniin :D\n<elias_a> Ping. ", "Olen taas itseni. ", ":P\n<StockAntenna> ei olis arvannut kuka on\n<elias_a> Ai - viestinkö kerrankin asiallisesti? ", ":O\n<Tekno_> minkä näköne toi Mint olikaa out of the box\n<Akuli> mint on aika helppo rikkoa\n<Akuli> vaikka ajamalla apt-get upgrade\n<Tekno_> kui\n<Akuli> noku siinä on ubuntun pakettien vanhoja versioita jotka se tarvii toimiakseen ja apt-get upgrade päivittää niitä.\n<Akuli> Mutta kyllä siinä muutama varoituskin tulee ennen kuin rikkoutuu täysin :)\n<Akuli> Kokeile virtualboxissa jos kiinnostaa enemmän.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2016-05-19\n<savig> hii guys\n<savig> installed windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04 in my lap and can't access my partitioned drives in ubuntu. ", "need to ntfsfix every time when using ubuntu\n<Laodikea> Hi, this is channel for finnish speaking ubuntu users, it is probably better ask #ubuntu channel\n<savig> mean ? ...... ", "what is finnish speaking\n<Laodikea> We are from Finland\n<Laodikea> and we speak the Finnish language\n<savig> Ohk cool .", "\n<Laodikea> English is also possible, but if you really want answer in English, you should ask #ubuntu channel, there are way more people to help you\n<savig> yep , thanks ,I joined #ubuntu channel\n#ubuntu-fi 2016-05-20\n<llwalahoop> Iltaa kaikille! ", "Pyydän apua asentamisessa lähdekoodista. ", "Osaisiko joku paikalla olevista auttaa? ", "Olen lukenut ohjeen jos toisenkin, mutten kuitenkaan ihan pysy perässä...\n<Mikaela> ehkä osaisi, mutta vähän tarkempaa tietoa tarvitsisi, kuten rakentaa mitä lähdekoodista, millä kielellä se on ja jos tietäisi vielä mitä buildsystemiä se käyttää\n<Mikaela> savigin ongelma olisi kai ollut että windowsissa oli fast startup päällä, mutta eiköhän joku #ubuntu:lla ehdota sitä\n<llwalahoop> Mikaela: keepass-2.0.2 purettu tarballista (näyttäisi sisältävän ainakin C:tä) kansioon /usr/local/src.", "\n<llwalahoop> Sitten meneekin sormi suuhun. ", "Kuinka edetä?", "\n<Mikaela> minulla on sellainen käsitys ettei keepass tue Linuxia, mutta repoista pitäisi löytyä keepassx, joka tukee\n<llwalahoop> Mikaela: korjaus edelliseen: kyseessä on keepassx, eikä keepass. ", "Normireposta löytyy vain vanha versio, tahdon uuden.", "\n<llwalahoop> jahah, onkohan ongelmana se, että mulla on 14.04 ja päivitykset sen mukaiset..\n<Mikaela> pitää katsoa tarkemmin, mutta aloittaisin \"sudo apt-get build-dep keepassx\", jotta saat kaikki paketit, jotka tuo vanhempi versio vaati lähdekoodista rakentamisen, joka luultavasti pätee enimmäkseen myös nykyiseen versioon.", "\n<Mikaela> https://github.com/keepassx/keepassx/blob/master/README.md#from-source vaikuttaa olevan ohjeet\n<llwalahoop> Mikaela: tutulta näyttää. Olen riittävän tyhmä, ettei homma ole onnistunut.", "\n<Mikaela> millaista virheilmoitusta tulee?", "\n<llwalahoop> Ensinnäkään kaikki nuo debianin riippuvuudet eivät asennu\n<llwalahoop> hmm, \"zlib1g-dev set to manually installed\". ", "Onkohan tuo asiaankuuluvaa?", "\n<Mikaela> tarkoittaa että jokin paketti on riippunut siitä ja se on asennettu automaattisesti, mutta nyt kun yritit manuaalisesti asentaa sitä se merkittiin manuaalisesti asennetuksi, jotta sitä ei poisteta vaikka poistaisit paketin, joka alunperin riippui siitä\n<llwalahoop> äh. ", "ja saako mokoman korjatuksi?", "\n<Mikaela> siihen oli jokin komento mutta käytännössä sillä onko se merkitty automaattisesti vai käsin asennetuksi ei ole mitään merkitystä\n<llwalahoop> Mikaela: Onko antamasi asennusohjeen 'Build steps' -kohdassa olevat ohjeet otettava kirjaimellisesti? ", "Tarkoitan nimenomaan riviä \"cmake ..\"\n<Mikaela> on, mikäli noudatit aiempia rivejä (mkdir build, cd build, vai miten se nyt sanottiinkaan)\n<llwalahoop> Ok. ", "Missä hakemistossa lähdekoodin on syytä olla ja missä terminaalin on syytä olla, kun noita komentoja annetaan?", "\n<llwalahoop> Tarkoitan, että onko syytä ensin olla jossain hakemistossa, ennen kuin sitten siirrytään build-hakemistoon, kun se on ensin luotu?", "\n<Mikaela> \"cmake ..\" komennon aikana terminaalin pitäisi olla lähdekoodin hakemistoon tekemässäsi \"build\" hakemistossa\n<llwalahoop> Saatoin ymmärtää :|\n<llwalahoop> Mikaela: \"fix broken packages first\". ", "Kuinkas tästä selvitään?", "\n<Mikaela> sanoisin sudo apt-get install -f, tietämättä ongelmasta mitään tarkemmin\n<llwalahoop> \"you have held broken packages\" Onko tälle mitään tehtävissä, vai pitääkö aloittaa alusta?", "\n<Mikaela> unholdaat tämän rikkinäisen paketin, en muista miten tapahtuu, mutta holdauskomennossa vaijdat vain holdin tilalle unhold\n<llwalahoop> ok. ", "kokeilen sellaista.", "\n<llwalahoop> Mikaela: make [-jX] aiheutti hämminkiä\n<llwalahoop> \"make: *** No rule to make target `[-jX]'. ", " Stop.\"", "\n<Mikaela> se taisi olla ainut mitä ei oteta kirjaimellisesti, joko \"make\" tai \"make -j<SUORITINYTIMIEN_LUKUMÄÄRÄ>\n<Mikaela> \"\n<llwalahoop> no juu, nyt alkoi tapahtua.", "\n<Akuli> Ainakin mun ubuntussa make sanoo Seis eikä Stop.", "\n<Mikaela> riippunee käytetystä kielestä\n<llwalahoop> no niin, mistähän mokoma sitten käynnistyy?", "\n<Akuli> Minkä asensit? ", "Yleensä ohjelman nimi päätteelle toimii hyvin, mutta eikös se pitäisi make installata vielä?", "\n<Mikaela> ilman sudo make installia sieltä minkä ohjeet nyt sanoivatkaan, sudo make installilla, joko suoraan valikosta tai /usr/local/bin/keepassx tms\n<Akuli> ööh\n<Akuli> sudo checkinstall on usein parempi\n<Akuli> koska sitten sen paketin voi poistaa jos haluaa\n<Akuli> https://wiki.debian.org/CheckInstall\n<Mikaela> unohdin tuon nimen, mutta olen samaa mieltä jos se päättää toimia\n<Akuli> Oletusasetuksilla ja ehdotuksilla se yleensä toimii aika hyvin\n<Akuli> Tai sitten asettaa ./configure-vaiheessa prefixiksi $HOME/.local niin koko homma asentuu kotikansion sisään. ", ":D\n<Mikaela> minulla sillä oli aina jotakin ongelmaa, mutta en ole käyttänyt moneen vuoteen\n<llwalahoop> aijoo pahus! ", "hätäilin.", "\n<Akuli> Ei se mitään\n<llwalahoop> lopulta sain sen asennettua ja käynnistyi nätisti. ", "tosin databasen importointi ei sitten onnistukaan..\n<Akuli> Yleensä make install asentaa /usr/localiin, ja ubuntussa se on tyhjä oletuksena.", "\n<Akuli> importointi?", "\n<llwalahoop> täytynee ihmetellä huomenna lisää.\n<Akuli> asennatko pyyttonille jotain, kun puhut importoinnista?", "\n<llwalahoop> niin, aiemmasta versiosta exportoin pässyt, jotka voisin siirtää.\n<llwalahoop> eikun itse käyttäjätunnukset ym\n<llwalahoop> Välillä täytyy sulkea silmät. ", "suurkiitokset Mikaela ja Akuli ! ", "Tänäänkin opin jotakin :)\n<Mikaela> keepassx oli kyseessä\n<Mikaela> yötä\n#ubuntu-fi 2017-05-19\n<Talikka> Sekin kummastuttaa, kun tulee näkyviin \"ylimäärääisten tiedostojen lataus epäonnistui\" koskien flashpluginia, niin kun sen lataa \"Suorita tämä toiminto nyt\", niin kaikki menee hyvin mutta vanha ikkuna epäonnistumisesta jää näkyviin hämäävästi\n<Talikka> Ahaa, onkin kätevä kun voi Ubuntun asentaa vanhan, rikkoutuneen ubuntun päälle mutta silti säilyttää windowsin, asennin vaikuttaa kehittyneen hyvin (tai ei ubuntu rikkoutunut vaan salasana oli unohtunut)\n<StockAntenna> voi helvetti tuo flashpluginin kanssa\n<StockAntenna> kaikki taitavat kärsiä siitä?", "\n<Laodikea> En kärsi, kun en käytä\n<StockAntenna> voiko sitä edes käyttää kun se ei lataudu?", "\n<hahlo> onko vielä flash sivuja?", "\n<StockAntenna> onhan noita areenoita ja kauppalehden pörssikäyriä ja sit sellaisia missä flash ihan turhake\n<hahlo> just\n<hahlo> eikö flash enää toimi linuxissa?", "\n<jjo> Kai se chromessa ainakin toimii\n<StockAntenna> toimivuutta suurempi riesa on joka päivityksessä tulevat ei saa ladattua flashpluginia-ilmoitukset\n<pesasa> OP-pankin etusivullakin oli ainakin jossain vaiheessa jotain flashia. ", "En ymmärrä, miksi.", "\n<Talikka> StockAntenna: samoja olen vähän tuskaillut\n<kirvesAxe> vr:n verkkokaupassa paikanvalintakilke on kans salamia\n<Talikka> niin joo.", "\n<kirvesAxe> näitä huomaa aina silloin kun flashkilke vatis päivittämistä niin selain herjaa jokaisesta :)\n#ubuntu-fi 2017-05-20\n<aku> huhuu\n<Michaela> huomenta\n<aku> Huomenta :)\n<aku> Olisi ongelma kuten arvaat !", "\n<aku> eli nyt käytän ubuntua mutta tahdon jotain esim uusi turvallinen firrefox Debian jessiesta.", "\n<aku> asensin jessien mutta se ei käytä nvidiaa joten reos on heikko. ", "sen kyllä saa asennettua, ja sen tein ja KATSO. ", "oli musta ikkuna ja asennus alusta.", "\n<aku> Jos vain saisin Jessieen nvidian olis ongelmat historiaa sillä dedain tarjoaa kaikki mitä tarvitsen.", "\n<Echramath> Ootas mikä tää selainturvallisuushomma on?", "\n<aku> Firefox ESM..\n<aku> tarkoitus on laittaa TOR ja sen päälle firefox\n<Michaela> Ymmärsinkö oikein, että yrität asentaa Debian Jessietä? ", "En osaa sanoa muuta kuin, että niiden tukikanava on ircs://irc.oftc.net/#debian-fi\n<aku> ok.. koitan mennä sinne jos osaan :) minulla on kolme Debain 8.8.0 levyä ja saan kaikki sieltä mutta en OSAA laittaa ajureita. ", "eli nvidia ei toimi. ", "kuitenkin se toimii ubuntussa joka on tehty debianista.. eli sen saa joteninin toimimaan\n<Michaela> Firefox ESR? ", "Se ei ole sen enempää turvallinen kuin normaali Firefoxkaan, ainoastaan se ei saa uusia ominaisuuksia vaan pelkkiä tietoturvapäivityksiä ja ensimmäinen versionumero kasvaa harvemmin. ", "Toria ei myöskään ymmärtääkseni suositella käytettäväksi Firefoxin kanssa vaan niiden oman Firefoxiin perustuvan torbrowserin, joka muistaakseni löytyy Ubuntun repoista\n<Michaela> torbrowser-launcher on repoiSa\n<aku> ok.. mitä arvelet Debain on turvallisempi kuin ubuntu ?", "\n<ansa> eipä liene mitään merkittävää eroa\n<aku> no menen tonne toiselle kanavalle ja \"kiusaan\" heitä.. // oletus että Debian on kaikkien \"äiti\" ja muut lapsia ?", "\n<Michaela> näin on, jotkut, kuten Linux Mint, ovat ehkä lapsenlapsiakin\n<aku> Ok.. ja Kiitos teille ja Kumarrus ja olen pois...\n<aku> exit\n<aku> Moi\n<aku> Nyt sain jopa tikulle laitettua debianin :) ja sitten siihen nvidian ajaurit ! ", "olen varmasti GURU !", "\n<hahlo> cool\n<aku> seuraava ongelma ja \"taisteluni\" on tor verkon node tai mikä lie, sillä koneeni on jatkuvasti päällä ja en enää tahdo tutkia tahtiä.. eli kone laski niitä paketteja mutta turhaa.. joten miten voin toimia, mistä saan suomeksi tietoa miten voin sen tehdä..\n<hahlo> cool\n<aku> \"hahlo\" eli tein tikusta kovalevyn ja se toimi ! ", "mutta koko päivän ja se vei ja paljon ärräpäitä\n<aku> Tor verkon serveri Miten sen tekee? ", "suomalaista ohjetta ja neuvoa.. kiitos.", "\n<hahlo> olikohan sillä turrella tor exit node\n<aku> ja sitten kun kaikki on hyvin niin onko Linuksiin. ", "Debian 8.8.0 ghostia millä saan kuvan kovalevystä, kun se kuitenkin menee jossain vaiheessa rikki. ", "ja sitten vaan ghostista se lataan :)\n<aku> sori, en ymmärrä :( itselläni on se hyvä tor selain, mutta jos olen oikein lukennut tulee sen snoden olla serveri?", "\n<aku> --\n<aku> No jatkan harjoitusia :)\n<aku> logaan ulos..\n<aku> Hei taas.. nyt TULI ONGELMIA!", "\n<aku> \"hahlo\" ?", "\n<aku> DataDirectory /home/aku/Tor/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor\n<aku> GeoIPFile /home/aku/Tor/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/geoip\n<aku> GeoIPv6File /home/aku/Tor/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/geoip6\n<aku> HiddenServiceStatistics 0\n<aku> ORPort 443\n<aku> Exitpolicy reject *:*\n<aku> Nickname ididntedittheconfig\n<aku> # ContactInfo human@...\n<aku> AccountingStart day 0:00\n<aku> AccountingMax 10 GBytes\n<aku> RelayBandwidthRate 500 KBytes\n<aku> RelayBandwidthBurst 1000 KBytes # allow higher bursts but maintain average\n<aku> ---\n<aku> Mitä tämä on ? ", "oikein vain päin karjalanmäntyä?", "\n<aku> --\n<aku> Muuten Tor meni hyvin :)\n<aku> https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#BandwidthShaping\n<aku> joka sano siellä dokussa että ei itse enään päässyt mihinkään kun laitoi oletukset joten laitan aluksi 10GB ja 500 ja 1000 :)\n<aku> No ainahan voin bootata koneen, ja tänää olen jo muutaman kerran asentanut debianin ja ubuntn joten,, jatkan harjoittelua..\n<aku> --\n<aku> Onko täällä ketään ?", "\n<aku> nyt on tässä logi: Bootstrapped 100%: Done\n<aku> May 20 16:48:38.000 [notice] Interrupt: exiting cleanly.", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.000 [notice] Tor (git-e28303bcf90b842d) opening log file.", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.313 [warn] OpenSSL version from headers does not match the version we're running with. ", "If you get weird crashes, that might be why. (", "Compiled with 1000114f: OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016; running with 1000207f: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016).", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.345 [notice] Tor (git-e28303bcf90b842d) running on Linux with Libevent 2.0.21-stable, OpenSSL 1.0.2g and Zlib 1.2.8.", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.345 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! ", "Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.345 [notice] Read configuration file \"/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc\".", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.345 [notice] Read configuration file \"/etc/tor/torrc\".", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.349 [notice] Opening Socks listener on\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /usr/share/tor/geoip.", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file /usr/share/tor/geoip6.", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0%: Starting\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor network\n<aku> May 20 16:48:39.000 [notice] Signaled readiness to systemd\n<aku> May 20 16:48:40.000 [notice] Opening Socks listener on /var/run/tor/socks\n<aku> May 20 16:48:40.000 [notice] Opening Control listener on /var/run/tor/control\n<aku> May 20 16:48:40.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop\n<aku> May 20 16:48:41.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circuit\n<aku> May 20 16:48:42.000 [notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. ", "Looks like client functionality is working.", "\n<aku> May 20 16:48:42.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done\n<aku> --\n<aku> Onko tähän confaukseen suomenkielistä apua ? ", "luulis ainakin että muutkit tappelavat saman ongelman kanssa\n<Laodikea> Eivät välttämättä lauantai-iltapäivällä\n<Laodikea> Suosittelen liittämään tuollaiset logit vaikka topicista löytyvään paste.ubuntu.comiin, ja linkata sitten tänne\n<aku> Okei.. siis kesäinen kalja terassi on mukavampaa kuin neuvoa tyhmiä.. ubuntun valvotaikkuna ei näytä lähettävän mitään eli ei toimi :(\n<aku> okei.. kopion sinne ..\n<Laodikea> ei välttämättä sekään, mutta täällä olijoista kukaan ei saa palkkaa täällä olosta, joten täällä ollaan sen mukaan kuin jaksetaan/viitsitään\n<Laodikea> jos ei tule vastausta, kannattaa jatkaa tutkimuksia itse, pysyä kanavalla ja odotella, jos joku osaa auttaa\n<aku> nyt sain pastattua sen sinne ja miten saan sen tännä ?", "\n<aku> https://paste.ubuntu.com/24611081/\n<Laodikea> nyt näkyy hyvin\n<aku> hah hah se TOIMII eli paste...\n<aku> Kiitos\n<Laodikea> Toistaisitko vielä nyt varsinaisen kysymyksen, mihin kaipaisit vastausta?", "\n<aku> Joo ymmärrän että ollaan vapaalla ja sitten töissä voi vasemmalla kädellä auttaa muita kun tekee oikeaa työtä.. nyt kuitenkin olen nii innoissani että en malta olla hiljaa.", "\n<aku> toimii tämä Tor exit.. ja miten sen voin canfata jos ei toimi\n<Laodikea> siis?", "\n<aku> eli laitoin torin päälle ja se meni hyvin, ja sitten tein asennuksen ohjeen mukaan, mutta en tiedä toimiiko se\n<Laodikea> Toimiiko se siis, vai eikö toimi?", "\n<aku> en tiedä :(\n<Laodikea> ja siis pystytit tor-exit-noden?", "\n<Laodikea> tai yritit?", "\n<aku> Tor on päällä ja sen boootasin, mutta en muuta voi sanoa\n<aku> joo. ", "tor ja relay..\n<aku> https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en\n<aku> ---\n<aku> no kiitos sinulle. ", "harjoittelen ja tulen maanataina iltapäivällä takaisin kunhan gurut ovat saaneet kahvinsa :)\n<aku> nyt loggaaan ulos.. kiitos ja kumarrus\n<Laodikea> kannattaa pysyä kanavalla\n<aku> okei.. tässähän se pyörii ja katselen välillä..\n<Laodikea> :D\n<Talikka> kas, kaima-kalle moi\n<Talikka> jaa torvälitinmiekkonen menikin jo\n<Talikka> ei tainnut olla tor exit vaan relay... joskus relaytä ajoin toissatalven, mutta exit-solmua tuskin uskallan kun voi johtaa kuulemma kotietsintään\n<Laodikea> relayn puolelle kallistuisin itsekin\n#ubuntu-fi 2017-05-21\n<Mikaela> https://riot.im/app/#/room/#freenode_#ubuntu-fi:matrix.org olisi kiva mainostaa ja siellä ei olisi poistumisongelmaa (ja olisi automaattinen pastebinnaus), mutta se tarvitsisis vähän säätöä, jotta saisi vieraat sisälle tai historian kaikille näkyväksi (koska Matrixin ulkopuolellakin ovat julkisia), nyt se vain näyttää tyhjältä ja pyytää tylysti rekisteröitymään\n<Laodikea> Eli tuosta linkistä pitäisi siis näkyä suoraan viimeisimmät keskustelut ilman kirjautumista?", "\n<Laodikea> että olisi tilanne tavoitellunlainen?", "\n<Laodikea> tai sitten joku tapa \"vain joinata\" kanavalle?", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2018-05-14\n<Mirv> pesasa: hehe :) joo hassua ettei oletusskaalaus (tainnut) olla 2:ksi asetettu.", "\n<Mirv> kyllä musta tuntui sen verran antiikkiselta viritetyllä 4.4-kernelillä toimia kaby lake -kokoonpanossa että päivitin joka tapauksessa HWE:n\n<Mirv> ei mielestäni tapahtunut suurempia puutteita, varmaan jotain hienosäätöä hävisi koska 16.04 HWE on vielä 4.13-kernelissä ja varmasti on monenlaisia kaby lake -korjauksia 4.14/4.15:ssakin, mahdollisesti myös XPS 13 -kohtaisia\n<Mirv> (eli sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-intel-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-core-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-input-all-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-video-all-hwe-16.04 linux-generic-hwe-16.04 )\n<Mirv> virrankulutus suspendissa on suurehko, voi olla ettei ollut ennen päivitystä, mutta ei nyt showstopper. ", "viikonlopun aikana 45%:een mennyt jostain ehkä 80%:sta\n<StockAntenna> linuxhan boottaa ja sammuu ripeästi, mitään suspendeja tarvi;)\n<Echramath> Niin siis käytetään suspendia hibernaation sijaan yleisesti?", "\n<Mirv> joo en mä ole vuosiin käyttänyt hibernaatiota, kun suspend on nopeampi ja aika hyvin säilyy akussa varaus yleensä. nyt tää viikonlopun yli kulutus on vähän liikaa, mutta varmaan korjaantuu uudemmalla kernelillä.\n<ansa> 4.16 näyttäis ainakin lämmittävän huomattavasti vähemmän kuin 4.15 mitä yhdessä kaappipalvelimessa oon ajanut, näkyi heti käppyröissä. Odotan mielenkiinnolla miten näkyy läppärissä kun joskus sinne asti tuon saa.", "\n<pesasa> Mirv: Oletusasetuksilla tuo Dell ei kyllä osannut palautua läpän sulkemisesta. ", "Näyttöön tuli kuva ja hiiri muistaakseni liikkui, muttei muita reaktioita.", "\n<pesasa> Mirv: Googlailu syytti muistaakseni wifi-ajuria ja neuvona oli, että jos vaihtaa sieltä ajurivalintatyökalusta siihen toiseen, niin alkaa toimia. ", "Ja niin alkoi.", "\n<pesasa> Kovin hyvin ei näköjään ainakaan Unity eikä KDE Plasma osannut kumpikaan suhtautua siihen, että 4K-näytön rinnalle laittoi ulkoiseksi näytöksi 1080p näyttöjä.\n<pesasa> Skaalaus ei ollut näyttökohtaista vaan koski kaikkia näyttöjä yhtä aikaa.", "\n<pesasa> Lopulta päädyin laittamaan läppärin oman näytön resoluutioksi myös 1920x1080.", "\n<Mirv> pesasa: oho, kyllä mä suljin läppää ennenkin päivitystä. ostitko Dustinista?", "\n<Mirv> Atheros QCA6174\n<Mirv> pesasa: mulla on 4K-läppärin rinnalla 1080p-näyttö, ja osaa vaihtaa skaalauksen asetusten mukaisesti 2:sta 1:een kun kytken näytön - vaikkakin asetuksia sai hetken rukata siellä Näytöt-työkalussa. ", "pieniä bugeja kyllä kuten jos Firefoxin bookmarkit ovat näkyvissä, ne ovat vääränkokoiset aluksi (voi painaa kaksi kertaa ctrl-B niin korjaantuu)\n<Mirv> pesasa: tosin huomioitavasti konffasin niin että sisäinen näyttö menee pois päältä kun kytkee ulkoisen näytön\n<Mirv> nyt kun päivitin HWE-stackin niin poistin paketit oem-audio-hda-daily-dkms, i915-4.8-4.4-dkms (paljastuu että oletuksena siis käytössä 4.8-kernelistä backportatut Intel-ajurit) ja nvme-apst-dkms, vaikka vaikutti kyllä ihan siltä ettei niitä edes yritetty kääntää 4.13-kerneliä vasten että sinänsä olisi voinut pitääkin\n<Mirv> oletan että superkey:n poisottoa lukuun ottamatta nuo oem-*-paketit ovat ihan fiksuja korjauksia, näyttäisi olevan virransäästöä, Dock-tukea, wifi-firmware yms\n<Mirv> toi Unity-kokemus oli kyllä ihan itselleni tuhottu kunnes super keyn sai takaisin bindattua, kun käytän koko ajan Super+numero sovellusten välillä vaihtamiseen, Super+F tiedostojen avaamiseen yms\n<Mirv> (https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/4fca9d/xps_9350_why_does_dell_disable_the_super_key_with/)\n<pesasa> Mirv: Juu, Dustinilta.", "\n<pesasa> Mirv: Niin, kyllä varmaan osaa vaihtaa skaalauksia kytkettäessä, mutta jos mulla on läppärin oma näyttö ja 1080p-näyttö yhtä aikaa käytössä, niin pitää valita sama skaalaus molempiin näyttöihin. ", "Ja 1080p:n takia tietenkin 1×-skaalaus. ", "Silloin 4k-näyttö on tietenkin pientä tihrua.", "\n<pesasa> Noi oem-paketit vissiin just lähti, kun vaihtoi sen wifi-ajurin toiseen.", "\n<pesasa> Ja kun ne ei olleet mistään reposta, niin niitä ei enää edes näy apt-cachella. ", "Kai ne talteen sais recovery-usb:n tekemällä?", "\n<pesasa> Mirv: Tommonen. ", "Ei tosiaan tainnut edes kuvaa tulla suspendin jälkeen. ", "https://www.dell.com/community/Linux-Developer-Systems/New-XPS-9370-Linux-Very-strange-boot-and-suspend-behaviours/td-p/6031975\n<Mirv> pesasa: joo. ", "käsittääkseni wifi-ajuria vaihtaessa mitään paketteja ei poisteta kauheasti, ja tosiaan useimmat oem-* paketit (dpkg -l | grep oem) eivät liity wifiin mitenkään muutenkaan.", "\n<Mirv> pesasa: siellä on joo varmaan talteen sekä recovery-osiolla että jos tikun tekee\n<pesasa> Mirv: Eikä muuten näyttänyt edes auttavan tuohon heräämisongelmaan. ", "Oli läppäri jonkin aikaa akulla omassa rauhassaan ja meni uneen. ", "Ei herännyt siitä. Virtanapin valo syttyi, mutta näyttöön ei tullut mitään.", "\n<StockAntenna> surullinen kohtalo. ", "Kuolema nukkuessa.", "\n<pesasa> Nuorena nukkunut.", "\n<hahlo> ei oo syntiä ehtinyt tehdä\n<pesasa> Oliskohan sittenkin ongelmana näytön virransäästö eikä varsinaisesti suspend. ", "Kun KDE:n asetuksista laittoi pois ruksin kohdasta \"näytön virransäästö\" ja jätti vain \"siirry valmiustilaan\", niin heräsi ihan ok.", "\n<elias_a> https://thehackernews.com/2018/05/signal-messenger-vulnerability.html\n<elias_a> NÄköjään olikin jo päivittynyt Ubuntun repoihin.", "\n<elias_a> Tai ainakin mulla on tuo versio. ", "Mitenkäs voin tsekata milloin tuo paketti on tullut mulle? ", "En nimittäin ole lainkaan tajunnut moista päivitystä.\n<ninnnu> /var/log/apt\n<elias_a> No niin tietty.", "\n<elias_a> Kiitos.", "\n<elias_a> PItää varmaan mennä nukkumaan. ", "Olihan se noiden tämänpäiväisten päivitysten joukossa.", "\n#ubuntu-fi 2018-05-20\n<Tomin> onko kukaan käytellyt vimchantia (vim -> enchant -> voikko)? ", "ei tunnu toimivan vim 8:n kanssa\n<Tekno> wc\n" ]
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0.006666666666666667, 0.010452961672473868, 0.0136986301369863, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0.004366812227074236, 0.0196078431372549, 0.01182033096926714, 0.0111731843575419, 0.00784313725490196, 0, 0, 0.007228915662650603, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0.010830324909747292, 0.00398406374501992, 0.011583011583011582, 0.009933774834437087, 0.0176678445229682, 0.026785714285714284, 0.08333333333333333, 0.0036231884057971015, 0.017467248908296942, 0.02564102564102564, 0.02702702702702703, 0.010810810810810811, 0.008438818565400843, 0.012578616352201259, 0.017064846416382253, 0.02531645569620253, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.020689655172413793, 0.015789473684210527, 0.013293943870014771, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.0053475935828877, 0.010294117647058823, 0.017142857142857144, 0.01607142857142857, 0.014678899082568808, 0.02586206896551724, 0.011494252873563218, 0.015197568389057751, 0.010899182561307902, 0, 0.01048951048951049, 0.02127659574468085, 0.013888888888888888, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.00702576112412178, 0.013071895424836602, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.013493253373313344, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.041666666666666664, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.011049723756906077, 0, 0.0046875, 0.014598540145985401, 0.0125, 0.007532956685499058, 0.01444043321299639, 0, 0.0091324200913242, 0.0196078431372549, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0.005376344086021506, 0.015625, 0.01694915254237288, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0.014598540145985401, 0.01904761904761905, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.011029411764705883, 0.008928571428571428, 0.008928571428571428, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.018404907975460124, 0.006666666666666667, 0.012422360248447204, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.01217391304347826, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.012750455373406194, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.0111731843575419, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.03896103896103896, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0.01529051987767584, 0.034482758620689655, 0.003401360544217687, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.011834319526627219, 0.017605633802816902, 0.044444444444444446, 0.010452961672473868, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0.012077294685990338, 0, 0.015625, 0.015503875968992248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.012987012987012988, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0069605568445475635, 0.016042780748663103, 0, 0, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0, 0.013360739979445015, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.01818181818181818, 0.011494252873563218, 0.0035842293906810036, 0.014925373134328358, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0.012809564474807857, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.007481296758104738, 0.023809523809523808, 0.015503875968992248, 0.006557377049180328, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.02112676056338028, 0.0026954177897574125, 0, 0, 0, 0.01762114537444934, 0.011976047904191617, 0, 0.011220196353436185, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.011226252158894647, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.008547008547008548, 0.006578947368421052, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.02097902097902098, 0.011764705882352941, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.024390243902439025, 0.008849557522123894, 0.0136986301369863, 0.013157894736842105, 0.012285012285012284, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023668639053254437, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.008733624454148471, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0.004830917874396135, 0.0044444444444444444, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.01117798796216681, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.006036217303822937, 0.01098901098901099, 0.008264462809917356, 0.0038314176245210726, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.03508771929824561, 0.0026109660574412533, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0.015180265654648957, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0.008143322475570033, 0.006153846153846154, 0, 0.01904761904761905, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.045454545454545456, 0.017241379310344827, 0.014705882352941176, 0.011204481792717087, 0.014285714285714285, 0.015384615384615385, 0.03225806451612903, 0.015625, 0.022222222222222223, 0.02702702702702703, 0.03225806451612903, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.003355704697986577, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0076045627376425855, 0, 0.029585798816568046, 0.02459016393442623, 0.02564102564102564, 0.009708737864077669, 0.01680672268907563, 0.004484304932735426, 0.010810810810810811, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.022727272727272728, 0.022222222222222223, 0.012658227848101266, 0.014534883720930232, 0.015957446808510637, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.005649717514124294, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.023157894736842106, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.009174311926605505, 0.018518518518518517, 0.022727272727272728, 0.011049723756906077, 0, 0.00625, 0.010256410256410256, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.007619047619047619, 0.011475409836065573, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.011869436201780416, 0.018072289156626505, 0.008547008547008548, 0.003194888178913738, 0.010309278350515464, 0.002173913043478261, 0, 0, 0.0175, 0.02108433734939759, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0.007984031936127744, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.004608294930875576, 0.01834862385321101, 0, 0, 0.016574585635359115, 0.010660980810234541, 0.023076923076923078, 0.02, 0.009569377990430622, 0.007462686567164179, 0.02040816326530612, 0.006550218340611353, 0.008583690987124463, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0.021739130434782608, 0.043478260869565216, 0.0196078431372549, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.045454545454545456, 0.004901960784313725, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.0030581039755351682, 0.012658227848101266, 0.036585365853658534, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.004301075268817204, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.01818181818181818, 0.0106951871657754, 0.012711864406779662, 0.023809523809523808, 0.015267175572519083, 0, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0.019230769230769232, 0.010830324909747292, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.014534883720930232, 0.010810810810810811, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.015544041450777202, 0, 0.01597444089456869, 0.006535947712418301, 0.01026694045174538, 0.010526315789473684, 0.012578616352201259, 0.02857142857142857, 0.025477707006369428, 0.01195219123505976, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.013793103448275862, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.006369426751592357, 0.01818181818181818, 0.007886435331230283, 0.017857142857142856, 0.005698005698005698, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.011928429423459244, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.00816326530612245, 0.007766990291262136, 0.02040816326530612, 0.010380622837370242, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0.01171875, 0.01050420168067227, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.03278688524590164, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.010869565217391304, 0.008620689655172414, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.012448132780082987, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.0078125, 0.03571428571428571, 0.039735099337748346, 0.011904761904761904, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.01984126984126984, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.015503875968992248, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.02, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.046511627906976744, 0, 0, 0.002277904328018223, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013574660633484163, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.03529411764705882, 0.013513513513513514, 0.014134275618374558, 0.010101010101010102, 0.023166023166023165, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.015789473684210527, 0.010638297872340425, 0.01935483870967742, 0, 0, 0.020872865275142316, 0.05263157894736842, 0.022058823529411766, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0.017632241813602016, 0, 0.0213903743315508, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.018957345971563982, 0.016129032258064516, 0.01, 0.034482758620689655, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.01348314606741573, 0, 0.009784735812133072, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04838709677419355, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0.004545454545454545, 0.013157894736842105, 0.0024813895781637717, 0.00975609756097561, 0.015544041450777202, 0.007142857142857143, 0.019801980198019802, 0.011764705882352941, 0.021739130434782608, 0.013245033112582781, 0.008016032064128256, 0, 0, 0.007017543859649123, 0.01593625498007968, 0.010416666666666666, 0.023529411764705882, 0.013856812933025405, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.007352941176470588, 0.012244897959183673, 0.012422360248447204, 0.009523809523809525, 0.0091324200913242, 0.016483516483516484, 0.012658227848101266, 0.008849557522123894, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.015463917525773196, 0.007352941176470588, 0.05263157894736842, 0.005128205128205128, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.03773584905660377, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0.005509641873278237, 0.018633540372670808, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.004424778761061947, 0.008547008547008548, 0.011235955056179775, 0.012396694214876033, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.0078125, 0.011363636363636364, 0.010948905109489052, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0.01, 0.005291005291005291, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0.015267175572519083, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.011029411764705883, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.012121212121212121, 0.023809523809523808, 0.005333333333333333, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.0066844919786096255, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.003683241252302026, 0.02147239263803681, 0.009009009009009009, 0.0375, 0.0025188916876574307, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0.014457831325301205, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0.009652509652509652, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.01, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.037037037037037035, 0.006968641114982578, 0.03571428571428571, 0.003787878787878788, 0.012578616352201259, 0.008695652173913044, 0.02027027027027027, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.008547008547008548, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.011235955056179775, 0.030303030303030304, 0.00723589001447178, 0.010101010101010102, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.004273504273504274, 0, 0, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.02, 0, 0.061224489795918366, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.013636363636363636, 0.047619047619047616, 0.017699115044247787, 0.015873015873015872, 0.007067137809187279, 0.011764705882352941, 0.02531645569620253, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.020833333333333332, 0.02564102564102564, 0.009523809523809525, 0.039603960396039604, 0.006172839506172839, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.0047694753577106515, 0.02857142857142857, 0.009501187648456057, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0.02027027027027027, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0.0016233766233766235, 0, 0, 0.017948717948717947, 0.019417475728155338, 0.010526315789473684, 0.034482758620689655, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.01818181818181818, 0.00942507068803016, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.008583690987124463, 0.021739130434782608, 0.03896103896103896, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.014814814814814815, 0.02127659574468085, 0.01098901098901099, 0.02100840336134454, 0.012248468941382326, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0425531914893617, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.021739130434782608, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCategory which has no non-trivial adjoint functors\n\nDoes there exist a category C which such that there is no functor $F:C \\rightarrow D$ with $D\\not\\cong C$ which has a left (or right) adjoint?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe empty category trivially satisfies this (there are no functors at all from a nonempty category to the empty category), but no other such category exists. ", " Let $A$ be any category with a terminal object $1$, and consider the projection $C\\times A \\to C$. ", " This has a right adjoint $C\\to C\\times A$ given by $c\\mapsto (c,1)$. However, these functors are not equivalences unless $C$ is empty or $A$ is equivalent to the terminal category (and more generally if $C$ is small (or even accessible) it is easy to find an $A$ such that $C\\times A$ cannot be equivalent to $C$ by any functor).", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Getty Images\n\nAfter being a predominantly one-back offense for most of Andy Reid’s tenure as head coach, the Philadelphia Eagles plan on shifting to a two-back offense next season.", "\n\nAccording to Reuben Frank of CSNPhilly.com, offensive coordinator Pat Shurmur plans to use both LeSean McCoy and Bryce Brown and split the workload in the Eagles backfield.", "\n\n“I think it’s important that you use more than one running back,” Shurmur said. “", "It’s a long season, and a guy can run out of gas quickly.", "\n\n“If you have guys who are different, you can use them in different ways, and you try to play to their strengths. ", "I think that’s important.”", "\n\nHead coach Chip Kelly frequently relied on multiple running backs during his tenure at Oregon. ", "Kelly had at least two players with more than 90 carries a season in each of his four years as head coach of the Ducks. ", "Last season, running backs Kenjon Barner, De’Anthony Thomas and Byron Marshall and quarterback Marcus Mariota all had at least 87 carries a piece for Oregon.", "\n\nBoth McCoy and Brown each carried the ball over 100 times last season for the Eagles. ", "It was the first time since 2003 when Shurmur was the Eagles quarterbacks coach that Philadelphia accomplished that feat. ", "In between, McCoy and Brian Westbrook had been relied on to take the majority of the carries for the Eagles." ]
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[ 0.016666666666666666, 0.022988505747126436, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0.016666666666666666, 0.025477707006369428, 0.022727272727272728, 0.00819672131147541, 0.018518518518518517 ]
[ "\n430 N.W.2d 313 (1988)\n230 Neb. 167\nSTATE of Nebraska, Appellee,\nv.\nDoug Anthony HARTON, Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "88-446.", "\nSupreme Court of Nebraska.", "\nOctober 14, 1988.", "\n*314 Craig D. Wittstruck of Berry, Anderson, Creager & Wittstruck, P.C., Lincoln, for appellant.", "\nRobert M. Spire, Atty. ", "Gen., and Lynne R. Fritz, Lincoln, for appellee.", "\nHASTINGS, C.J., BOSLAUGH, WHITE, CAPORALE, SHANAHAN, GRANT, and FAHRNBRUCH, JJ.", "\nCAPORALE, Justice.", "\nDefendant-appellant, Doug Anthony Harton, pursuant to his plea, was adjudged guilty of second degree murder in violation of Neb.Rev.Stat. § ", "28-304 (Reissue 1985), and was thereafter sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 35 years. ", "More than 5 years later, he moved for vacation of the judgment and sentence under the provisions of the Postconviction Act, Neb.Rev. Stat. §§ ", "29-3001 et seq. (", "Reissue 1985). ", "Following an evidentiary hearing, the motion was denied. ", "In this court, Harton assigns as error the postconviction hearing court's determination that the evidence fails to establish his plea was invalid because of the ineffective assistance of counsel. ", "We affirm.", "\nThe record reveals that Harton and the victim shared living quarters and certain possessions. ", "On the night in question, Harton, after spending some time consuming alcohol, went to the apartment the victim occupied and asked for the return of a *315 radio he had loaned to the victim. ", "Harton claims that during the course of the altercation which ensued, the victim came at him with a knife. ", "Harton admitted that he had stabbed the victim more than once; in point of fact, the victim's body displayed multiple penetrating stab wounds, including wounds into the heart, left lung, left hip, and right forearm. ", "Examination of Harton showed no signs of physical violence; not only did he not display any stab wounds, he displayed no abrasions.", "\nHarton was originally charged with felony murder, in violation of Neb.Rev.Stat. § ", "28-303(2) (Reissue 1985), by killing while perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate a robbery. ", "Such an offense constitutes murder in the first degree and is punishable by life imprisonment or death. ", "Neb.Rev.Stat. §§ ", "28-105 (Reissue 1985) and 28-303. ", "Harton's attorney persuaded the State that it could not prove such a charge, inasmuch as the radio which precipitated the altercation and killing belonged to Harton. ", "The State capitulated to that argument and filed an amended information charging Harton with first degree murder, in violation of § 28-303(1), by killing purposely and with deliberate and premeditated malice, an offense also punishable by life imprisonment or death. ", "Ultimately, Harton pled guilty to second degree murder by killing intentionally but without premeditation in violation of § 28-304. ", "Such an offense is punishable by imprisonment for a period ranging from 10 years to life. §§ ", "28-105 and 28-304.", "\nHarton claims his attorney coerced the plea by stating that he had discussed the sentence with the prosecutor and judge and by promising that the sentence would not exceed 15 years or, according to another of Harton's versions, 20 years. ", "Harton also claims that his attorney instructed him to answer in the negative any question put to him by the judge as to whether any promises were made to him to induce his plea. ", "Harton argues that by representing he had discussed the sentence to be imposed with the prosecutor and judge, by making the aforedescribed promise, and by instructing him as aforesaid, his attorney was ineffective, thereby rendering his plea involuntary and thus invalid.", "\nThe voluntariness of a plea entered upon the advice of counsel depends on whether the advice was within the range of competence demanded of attorneys in criminal cases. ", "Hill v. Lockhart, 474 U.S. 52, 106 S.Ct. ", "366, 88 L.Ed.2d 203 (1985). ", "We have said that to assert a successful claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, a criminal defendant must prove (1) that his or her attorney failed to perform as well as an attorney with ordinary training and skill in the criminal law in the area; (2) that the defendant's interests were not conscientiously protected; and (3) that if the defendant's attorney had been effective, there is a reasonable probability that the results would have been different. ", "State v. Painter, 229 Neb. 278, 426 N.W.2d 513 (1988); State v. Propst, 228 Neb. 722, 424 N.W.2d 136 (1988); Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984). ", "In order to satisfy the third, or prejudice, requirement in the context of a plea, the defendant must show that there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel's errors, defendant would not have pled and would have insisted upon going to trial. ", "Hill v. Lockhart, supra. ", "A reasonable probability consists of a probability sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome. ", "State v. Broomhall, 227 Neb. 341, 417 N.W.2d 349 (1988).", "\nAssuming, but not deciding, that if Harton's claim were proved his attorney would be shown to have been ineffective, the fact of the matter is that the attorney denies he made the statement, gave the promise, or instructed Harton as the latter claims. ", "The attorney further testified that in view of the lack of defensive wounds on Harton, he was \"not especially optimistic\" about the successful use of a self-defense claim and that he so advised Harton. ", "The attorney also testified that because of Harton's past violent criminal history, he thought a conviction for first degree murder carried with it the potential of a death sentence, and that such a potential did not exist with a conviction for second degree murder. ", "The range of penalties for second degree murder was explained to Harton, *316 and he was only assured that the very best would be done to persuade the court to not impose the maximum sentence of life imprisonment. ", "The attorney also advised Harton that it was not possible to plead to a charge of manslaughter as Harton desired because efforts to persuade the prosecutor to so amend the charge had been unsuccessful.", "\nThe disposition of this case is controlled by the rule that a criminal defendant seeking postconviction relief has the burden of establishing a basis for such relief and that the finding of the hearing court will not be disturbed unless clearly erroneous. ", "State v. Painter, supra; State v. Propst, supra.", "\nThe hearing court resolved the evidentiary conflicts against Harton, and there is nothing in the record which permits us to say that resolution was wrong. ", "That being so, the record fails to support Harton's claim that his attorney was ineffective. ", "Thus, the decision of the hearing court must be, and hereby is, affirmed.", "\nAFFIRMED.", "\n" ]
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[ "Newly crowned GTE-Am champions Francois Perrodo and Emmanuel Collard will step up to the LMP2 class in the FIA World Endurance Championship next year, in a new effort from TDS Racing. (", "En Français)\n\nThe longtime French pairing, who teamed with Rui Aguas in the No. ", "83 AF Corse Ferrari F458 Italia this season, will switch to an Oreca 07 Gibson in the new-look prototype class, alongside young Frenchman Matthieu Vaxiviere.", "\n\nIt will mark the Xavier Combet and Jacques Morello-led TDS squad’s WEC debut after six seasons in European Le Mans Series competition.", "\n\n“We’re staying true to ORECA with the 07,” Combet said. “", "The cars are redistributed next year in LMP2 and we are delighted to be part of a World Championship.", "\n\n“In addition, we are pleased to announce new faces with François Perrodo, Manu Collard and Matthieu Vaxivière. ", "I am proud to welcome them to the TDS family, as we move to the next level with the firm desire to do good work in a category that promises to be ultra-competitive.”", "\n\nCollard and Perrodo combined for two class victories and seven podium finishes in GTE-Am this year and locked up the title in last weekend’s season-ending Six Hours of Bahrain.", "\n\nPerrodo got his first taste of a LMP2 car in a test at Paul Ricard last month, in the team’s current Oreca 05 Nissan.", "\n\n“LMP2 is the logical continuation for me,” Perrodo said. “", "Before that, we will do everything to complete the GTE campaign with a world title.", "\n\n“It’s very satisfying to continue with Manu and to welcome Matthieu. ", "Our deal is perfect and we enjoy the challenge of LMP2 with the desire to do things the best way possible.", "\n\n“I’ve found a nice atmosphere at TDS Racing with true professionalism while keeping the family side.”", "\n\nThe future of TDS’ program in the ELMS, backed by Pierre Thiriet, is unclear, as it’s understood Thiret could also be stepping up to a WEC program, but with another team." ]
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[ "Enhancing the electronic coupling in a cyclometalated bisruthenium complex by using the 1,3,6,8-tetra(pyridin-2-yl)carbazole bridge.", "\nA cyclometalated bisruthenium complex bridged by the 2,7-bisdeprotonated form of 1,3,6,8-tetra(pyridin-2-yl)-9-butyl-9H-carbazole displays appreciably enhanced electronic coupling relative to that with the 5,5'-bisdeprotonated form of 3,3',5,5'-tetra(pyridin-2-yl)-biphenyl as the bridge." ]
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[ "Heparanase of murine effector lymphocytes and neutrophils is not required for their diapedesis into sites of inflammation.", "\nHeparanase, the exclusive mammalian heparan sulfate-degrading enzyme, has been suggested to be utilized by leukocytes to penetrate through the dense basement membranes surrounding blood venules. ", "Despite its established role in tumor cell invasion, heparanase function in leukocyte extravasation has never been demonstrated. ", "We found that TH1/TC1-type effector T cells are highly enriched for this enzyme, with a 3.6-fold higher heparanase mRNA expression compared with naive lymphocytes. ", "Using adoptive transfer of wild-type and heparanase-deficient effector T cells into inflamed mice, we show that T-cell heparanase was not required for extravasation inside inflamed lymph nodes or skin. ", "Leukocyte extravasation through acute inflamed skin vessels was also heparanase independent. ", "Furthermore, neutrophils emigrated to the inflamed peritoneal cavity independently of heparanase expression on either the leukocytes or on the endothelial and mesothelial barriers, and overexpression of the enzyme on neutrophils did not facilitate their emigration. ", "However, heparanase absence significantly reduced monocyte emigration into the inflamed peritoneal cavity. ", "These results collectively suggest that neither leukocyte nor endothelial heparanase is required for T-cell and neutrophil extravasation through inflamed vascular barriers, whereas this enzyme is required for optimal monocyte recruitment to inflamed peritoneum." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan we use 220V/60Hz Solenoid on 220V/50Hz supply?", "\n\nDoes anyone have experience of using 50Hz 220VAC for solenoid valve specified for 220VAC/60Hz ? ", "It definetely will work, however is it safe/reliable in the long term?", "\nThe model of solenoid is ASCO 307 series, however I belive this question will apply to any solenoid/relay.", "\nThank you,\n\nA:\n\nWith solenoid operated current will be due to inductance + coil resistance. ", "\nAn important point from Andy's answer is that if significantly increased core saturation occurs due to the lower frequency then a substantial drop in impedance and increase in current may occur. ", " My following comments apply IF the core does not saturate significantly more at 50 Hz than at 60 Hz - and it may. ", "\nWhether saturation increase is significant or not, and how to tell: \nSolenoids tend to have some degree of airgap present due to imperfect mechanical closure at the 'striking face' and the existence of an air-gap between slider and stationary core. ", "If desired these airgaps can be designed to be very small, but usually this is not a major requirement. ", "The result is that solenoids may often be somewhat more tolerant to core saturation than transformers that have no or small well designed airgaps.", "\nBut, this is not certain and needs to be checked.", "\nAn \"easy enough\" check for core saturation increase is to measure operated current at 50 Hz and rated voltage and compare this with that specified for 60 Hz. ", "If the increase is less than about 15 to 20% then the effects that I describe below are mainly involved. (", "You can calculate the likely current with no saturation change using my procedure described below.) ", "If the increase is above or well above 20% then saturation is probably occurring significantly. ", "In such cases a suitable series resistor that brings solenoid AC current closer to the desired range may be in order.", "\nCurrent at 50 Hz will be greater than at 60 Hz due to lower impedance of inductor. ", "This can be as much as 60/50 = 20% higher but will be somewhat less than this due to the coil resistance. ", "Main losses will probably be I^2R losses in coil resistance and these will be up to 40% higher due to I^2 term. ", "\nExtra thermal losses may be OK depending on ambient temperature, enclosure and manufacturers ratings. ", "Usually I'd expect it to be \"probably OK but it may not be. ", "look at resistance and rated operating current - which will show you what the effective resistance is to AC so how much the inductor is affecting things. ", " \neg made up example. ", "\nVoperating = 220 VAC.", "\nIoperating = 100 mA.\nRcoil = 1000 Ohms.", "\nSo effective \"AC resistance\" = V/R = 220/0.1A = 2200 Ohms.", "\nCoil impedance will be the vector sum of R + L impedances.", "\nR_AC_effective = 2200 Ohm\nR_R = 1000 Ohm\nR_AC_coil = sqrt(Zl^2 + 1000^2) = 2200\nso Zl = sqrt (2200^2 -1000^2) = 1960 Ohms. ", " \nSo Zl 60Hz = 1960.", "\nZl 50 Hz = 50/60 x 1960 = 1633 Ohms.", "\nRcoil_AC_50Hz = sqrt(1633^2 + 1000^2) = 1914 Ohms AC.", "\nI increas = 2200/1914 = 1.15x = 15%.", "\nPower increase = 1.15^2 = 32%.", "\nPrior power in Rl = R x I^2 = 1000 x 0.1A^2 = 10 Watts.", "\nNew power in Rl ~= 13 Watts.", "\nQ: Does it matter?", "\nA: Probably not, but, it may.", "\nAs above, if significant saturation is occurring then the current increase will be above that figure.", "\nIf current increase is more than 20% then saturation is definitely occurring (as 20% increase is the maximum with a purely inductive coil and no saturation). ", "\nA series resistor can be added to reduce current as desired - with possible affect on operation needing to be watched for with increasing values of resistance.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Metabolism of benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic-hypnotic drugs: an analytical point of view.", "\nA review with 132 references. ", "Several kinds of anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs are currently available on the market. ", "Although BZDs are surely the most frequently prescribed among them, several chemically unrelated compounds have been commercialised, which can provide similar or even higher efficacy and tolerability. ", "These drugs can prove useful for patients who are non-responder or intolerant to benzodiazepine treatment, thus giving broader therapeutic options to the clinician. ", "The most important studies on the metabolic characteristics of several non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics and hypnotics are reported and briefly discussed in this review; moreover, the analytical methods related to these studies are also described and commented upon and their characteristics are highlighted. ", "Finally, an update is included on recent (2007-2010) metabolism and pharmacokinetic studies on benzodiazepines. ", "A monograph is included for each of the following drugs: zolpidem, zaleplon, zopiclone, ramelteon, buspirone and tandospirone; updates are included for the following benzodiazepines: alprazolam, bromazepam, diazepam, flunitrazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, oxazepam and triazolam." ]
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[ "The effect of additional exposure to the unique features in a perceptual learning task can be attributed to a location bias.", "\nIt has been suggested that human perceptual learning could be explained in terms of a better memory encoding of the unique features during intermixed exposure. ", "However, it is possible that a location bias could play a relevant role in explaining previous results of perceptual learning studies using complex visual stimuli. ", "If this were the case, the only relevant feature would be the location, rather than the content, of the unique features. ", "To further explore this possibility, we attempted to replicate the results of Lavis, Kadib, Mitchell, and Hall (2011, Experiment 2), which showed that additional exposure to the unique elements resulted in better discrimination than simple intermixed exposure. ", "We manipulated the location of the unique elements during the additional exposure. ", "In one experiment, they were located in the same position as that when presented together with the common element. ", "In another experiment, the unique elements were located in the center of the screen, regardless of where they were located together with the common element. ", "Our results showed that additional exposure only improved discrimination when the unique elements were presented in the same position as when they were presented together with the common element. ", "The results reported here do not provide support for the explanation of the effects of additional exposure of the unique elements in terms of a better memory encoding and instead suggest an explanation in terms of location bias." ]
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[ "Kim defends Kanye after he blows up Twitter!", "\n\nThe 37-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star took to Twitter on Wednesday to defend her husband and his slew of tweets, including talks of a presidential run, that he’s been posting since he reactivated his profile.", "\n\n“To the media trying to demonize my husband let me just say this… your commentary on Kanye being erratic and his tweets being disturbing is actually scary,” Kim began. “", "So quick to label him as having mental health issues for just being himself when he has always been expressive is not fair.”", "\n\n“Yesterday it was announced that Kanye had parted ways with some business people and media outlets made this about Kanye’s mental health. ", "Rather than just a simple business decision,” she continued. “", "So I’m glad he tweeted about the state of his company and all of the exciting things happening.”", "\n\nKim added that her husband is a “free thinker” and that the backlash that he’s received is “just not fair.”", "\n\n“He’s actually out of the sunken place when he’s being himself which is very expressive,” she tweeted before bringing up Kanye’s Donald Trump comments.", "\n\n“Now when he spoke out about Trump… Most people (including myself) have very different feelings & opinions about this,” she explained. “", "But this is HIS opinion. ", "I believe in people being able to have their own opinions, even if really different from mine. ", "He never said he agrees with his politics.”", "\n\nShe then clarified that Kanye will “never run in the race of popular opinion and we know that and that’s why I love him and respect him and in a few years when someone else says the same exact thing but they aren’t labeled the way he is and you will all praise them! ", "Kanye is years ahead of his time.”", "\n\nLet there be no alternative facts about Kanye West, please.", "\n\nThe rapper and Yeezy apparel company founder returned to Twitter earlier this month after a year-long hiatus and went on a fresh tweeting spree on Wednesday to debunk what he says is “fake news” about himself.", "\n\n“There’s been a lot of fake news so I just wanted to give you the facts. ", "Yeezy will become the biggest apparel company in human history by working with the most genius level talents and creating product at an affordable price. ", "I hired the head of supply chain from the Gap,” he wrote.", "\n\nKanye, who also has an Adidas branded line of Yeezy sneakers, tweeted earlier, “I am currently the single highest paid person in footwear. ", "That means I make more money on shoes than Michael Jordan.”", "\n\n“The Yeezy 350s sell 400 thousand pair in four hours. ", "Only thing close to this is the iPhone,” he later tweeted. “", "The Yeezy 700 is Adidas’ most requested shoe.”", "\n\nKanye’s information could not be independently verified. ", "Jordan makes about $110 million a year from his branded Nikes and tops the list of the NBA’s highest paid sneaker endorsers.", "\n\n“We have 160 positions to fill by the end of the year. ", "Yeezy will hit a billion dollars this year,” Kanye said. “", "It is the 2nd fastest growing company in history. ", "It is a unicorn on its way to becoming a decacorn.”", "\n\n“I’m nobody’s ‘client,'” he continued. “", "Yes I got rid of my last lawyer why? ", "Because he wouldn’t come to work full time. ", "I also asked my last manager to come work full time for Yeezy of course the last lawyer and manager said no. ", "So now I hired a CEO and a CFO and i have two full time lawyers as of now.”", "\n\nIn another tweet, Kanye called himself this generation’s Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney.", "\n\nOn Tuesday evening. ", "Kanye appeared to reiterate his intention to run for president, tweeting, “2024.”", "\n\nOn Wednesday, he tweeted, “Harvey Levin of TMZ your hearing from your future president,” he wrote. “", "Let’s be friends. ", "Please never use the word erratic to describe a person who is economically and psychologically empowered.”", "\n\nHe later added, “When we become president we have to change the name of the plane from Air Force one to Yeezy force one.”", "\n\nKanye West is showing off his and Kim Kardashian West‘s Hidden Hills, California, mansion on Twitter, despite the couple having agreed to keep the $20 million mansion out of the public eye.", "\n\nThe rapper-producer shared three photos showing the interiors of the home that he and Kardashian West purchased in 2014, but only moved into in December after an extensive renovation.", "\n\n“Do this look like the sunken place,” West captioned a photo of the stark white interiors, making reference to the 2017 horror movie Get Out.", "\n\nThe Oscar-winning film’s writer-director, Jordan Peele, explained the phrase on Twitter after the film’s release, writing, “We’re all in the sunken place,” and then,“The Sunken Place means we’re marginalized. ", "No matter how hard we scream, the system silences us.”", "\n\nKardashian West replied to her husband’s posts on Twitter writing, “Ummm babe. ", "We had a rule to not show our home on social media! ", "Soooo can we now allow KUWTK filming in the home?” ", "She added a crying laughing emoji. ", "She later tweeted again to clarify that her earlier message was meant to be a joke, and that she was not scolding her husband.", "\n\n“Oh RELAX I’m joking! ", "Seriously you can’t have a personality on social media these days or your called bizarre or disturbing,” she wrote." ]
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[ "SimuSage™is a set of components for rapid application development such as Delphi® or Lazarus™, created by GTT. ", "At the core of SimuSage is a robust Gibbs Energy Minimizer. ", "Each component can be connected in flowsheet-lyke manner to build complicated process systems with recycling streams, mixers, heat exchangers, optimizers and many more. ", "With an end-user license, all you need your process engineer or operator to do, is change the input values in the model we build for you and perform complicated heat and mass balance calculations for entire process systems. ", "With a developer license, you can create complex simulations of your process. ", "Learn More\n\nChemApp™ is a programmable and a robust Thermochemical Library (with the Gibb’s Energy Minimizer) that allows you to add thermochemical equilibrium calculations to your software across a wide spectrum of applications or to develop custom build software capable of complex thermochemical calculations for your organization. ", "Learn More\n\nChemSheet™ is an MS Excel add-in based on powerful Gibb’s Free Energy minimization that makes use of the powerful ChemApp™ minimizer to drive process calculations. ", "The increased versatility allows the user to define problems in a user-friendly interface of MS Excel to calculate solutions for a wide variety of industrial processes. ", "Learn More\n\nFactSage™ is a reliable and efficient tool to perform process calculations. ", "With its large thermodynamic database, this GTT Technologies – Thermfact collaboration product can predict the outcomes of most industrial systems out there! ", "Based on Gibb’s Free Energy Minimization, FactSage™ can give results from as little data as possible about the system. ", "Post-processing the multi-phase component results is easy with the user-friendly interface. ", "Learn More\n\nM4Dlib™ is a COMOSOL® add-in, fully developed by M4Dynamics, that allows to perform thermodynamic equilibrium calculations from within COMSOL Multiphysics®. ", "M4Dlib™ is available for Windows®, Mac OS® and Linux®.", "\n\nNow you can perform coupled Multiphysics simulations involving multicomponent and multiphase systems, such as phase change and solidification simulation of non-ideal liquids, complex properties for multicomponent materials can easily be defined and much more. ", "Learn More\n\nM4D-CCI™ is M4Dynamics® COMSOL® ChemApp™ Interface. ", "You can now access the full potential of ChemApp™ from COMSOL® to solve large and complex thermodynamic systems. ", "M4D-CCI™ is fully compatible with all Thermfact and GTT thermodynamic databases. ", "Like M4Dlib™, M4D-CCI™ expands COMSOL's potential to carry out coupled Multiphysics and Thermochemistry simulations. ", "M4D-CCI also allows to use the powerful Constrained Free Energy technique in COMSOL® to couple reaction kinetics and equilibrium thermodynamics. ", "Learn More" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhen people die, do they go directly go to heaven or hell until judgement day?", "\n\nWhen a person dies. ", "Where will their soul go? ", "As judgement day is known by Allah Almighty and what I have read, after day of judgement a person will go to either hell or paradise.", "\nBut what happens until then? ", "What about people who have died last decade of even century ago? ", "What does Qur'an say about that? ", "Are they in heaven or hell or still in the grave or some other place?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen people die, they stay between this life and afterlife. ", "It's called Barzakh. ", "\n\nAl-Barzakh is generally viewed as the barrier between the physical and\n spiritual worlds, in which the soul awaits after death and before\n resurrection on Qiyamah (Judgement Day).", "\n\nAt the state of Barzakh, people get questioned, showed what they did in their life and showed what is going to be afterlife to them.", "\nYou can read more in here with resources.", "\n\nThe Holy Qur’an says:\n...and before them is a barrier until the day they are raised.", "\n (23:100)\n\n" ]
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[ "Apparel Retailer Buckle Breached by Card-Stealing Malware\n\nBuckle, a clothing retailer with 450 stores across the United States, said Friday that malicious software may have been used to steal payment card details for nearly six months, putting customers at risk.", "\n\nBuckle's breach alert, issued Friday, said that it had launched an investigation after it \"became aware\" that \"a criminal entity accessed\" payment card data some of its stores.", "\n\nThe retailer didn't note how or when it first learned of the breach, and it couldn't be immediately reached for comment. ", "But the malware was active on its point-of-sale systems for nearly six months - from Oct. 28, 2016, until April 14, 2017. ", "Thus, it's likely that the breach was discovered on or around April 14, meaning that the company waited about two months before warning potentially affected customers (see Data Breach Notifications: What's Optimal Timing?).", "\n\nThe company's first public breach pronouncement about the breach, issued late Friday, followed security blogger Brian Krebs reporting Friday that earlier in the day, he'd queried the company about a potential breach.", "\n\nInvestigation Found Malware\n\nAfter Buckle learned of the breach, \"we immediately launched a thorough investigation and engaged leading third-party forensic experts to review our systems and secure the affected part of our network,\" the company says. \"", "Through that investigation we learned that our store payment data systems were infected with a form of malicious code, which was quickly removed.\"", "\n\nThe malware collected the card number, expiration date and holder's name, Buckle says. ", "The company does not believe that any other customer information was accessed or stolen.", "\n\nBuckle says the malware did not affect all of its POS systems or customers' transactions during the nearly six-month breach window. ", "The company has yet to detail how many customers or cards may have been compromised.", "\n\nThe retailer says it has blocked connections between its systems and potentially malicious IP addresses and cleaned malware off of all affected systems. ", "It has also advised customers to monitor payment card statements for fraud.", "\n\n\"We are cooperating fully with card brands and forensic investigation services,\" Buckle says. \"", "Any affected individuals either have or will likely receive communications from their issuing banks with additional instructions and/or replacement cards.\"", "\n\nBuckle Is EMV-Compliant\n\nThe United States has been moving to implement the EMV chip-and-signature standard for better payment card security following staggering breaches at retailers such as Target in 2013 and Home Depot in 2014.", "\n\nEMV payment cards have a microchip that contains account information and generates a one-time code that prevents the use of cloned cards. ", "Cards are cloned by copying data contained on the magnetic stripe on the back of the card and encoding that information onto a dummy card.", "\n\nChip cards still have the magnetic stripe on the back, and it is still possible to copy, or \"skim\" that information. ", "But if a fraudster tried to use the cloned card, theoretically the transaction should be rejected during the payment authorization process, since back-end systems would expect a card with that number to have a chip.", "\n\nTo accommodate EMV cards, retailers must upgrade their payment terminals. ", "Buckle says terminals at all of its stores have been upgraded to accept those kinds of cards, which it believes limits the risk of counterfeit cards being generated using intercepted card data.", "\n\n\"However, it is possible that certain credit card numbers may have been compromised,\" Buckle says.", "\n\nThose at risk would be Buckle customers who swiped their cards at payment terminals so that the magnetic strip could be read - in theory, because they were using a card that lacked an EMV chip. ", "The captured data could possibly be used for online purchases. ", "But most retailers require the CVV code that is printed on the back of the card - a three-digit code, except for American Express cards, which use four digits - and which is not part of the track data.", "\n\nThe United States has been slowly moving towards full EMV compliance. ", "Earlier this month, EMVCo., ", "a technical body owned by American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay and Visa, said EMV chip adoption stands at 52.2 percent, up from 26.4 percent in 2015.", "\n\nRetail Breach Epidemic\n\nBuckle's breach alert follows retailer Kmart earlier this month disclosing that payment terminals in some of its 735 stores nationwide had been infected with malware. ", "A Kmart spokesman claimed the malware was \"undetectable\" by anti-virus systems or application controls (see Kmart Confirms Breach at Unspecified Number of Stores).", "\n\nThe Buckle and Kmart breaches show that despite increased concerns about card security over the past several years, cybercriminals are still finding footholds in systems and deploying card-stealing malware. ", "Most often seen is RAM-scraper malware, which grabs payment card details as a card gets swiped, when these details get transmitted in unencrypted form and briefly reside on a payment system's volatile memory.", "\n\nSuch attacks continue, even within corporate entities that might - at least in theory - sport large security budgets.", "\n\nSecurity experts say cybercrime gangs employ different types of POS malware, but they note that most of it is functionally identical, unsophisticated and could be better blocked if retailers changed default passwords on their POS devices and used segmentation to better isolate POS systems (see Why POS Malware Still Works).", "\n\nOnce attackers sneak malware onto POS systems - or servers that process or handle POS card data - detecting the attack code remains challenging, security experts say. ", "Malware developers often use compression and other tricks in order to bypass security software. ", "Some types of security systems, however, can study how new executables behave and can catch malware when it does something suspicious. ", "But again, those systems can be fooled, and not all organizations have invested in such defenses.", "\n\nAbout the Author\n\nJeremy Kirk is a veteran journalist who has reported from more than a dozen countries. ", "Based in Sydney, he is Managing Editor for Security and Technology for Information Security Media Group. ", "Prior to ISMG, he worked from London and Sydney covering computer security and privacy for International Data Group. ", "Further back, he covered military affairs from Seoul, South Korea, and general assignment news for his hometown paper in Illinois.", "\n\nOperation Success!", "\n\nRisk Management Framework: Learn from NIST\n\nFrom heightened risks to increased regulations, senior leaders at all levels are pressured to\nimprove their organizations' risk management capabilities. ", "But no one is showing them how -\nuntil now.", "\n\nLearn the fundamentals of developing a risk management program from the man who wrote the book\non the topic: Ron Ross, computer scientist for the National Institute of Standards and\nTechnology. ", "In an exclusive presentation, Ross, lead author of NIST Special Publication 800-37\n- the bible of risk assessment and management - will share his unique insights on how to:\n\nUnderstand the current cyber threats to all public and private sector organizations;\n\nDevelop a multi-tiered risk management approach built upon governance, processes and\ninformation systems;" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMath slides looking like notes\n\nI have seen some slides that look close to notes. ", "For example,this one. ", "I wonder what templates they are created? ", "Not seem like by beamer, as there are more contents in each slide and not fancy at all.", "\n\nA:\n\nHere is example code using slides\n\\documentclass[landscape]{slides}\n\\usepackage{amssymb,amsmath,amsthm}\n\\pagestyle{empty}\n%\n\\begin{document}\n$y'''+4y''+3y'=x^2\\cos x-3x$\nFirst, we solve for $y_c$. The auxiliary equation is \n\\begin{eqnarray*}\nm^3+4m^2+3m&=&m(m^2+4m+3)\\\\\n&=&m(m+3)(m+1)\\\\\nm&=&0, -3, -1\n\\end{eqnarray*}\nHence $y_c=c_1+c_2e^{-3}x+c_3e^{-1}$.\\par\nFor the left side, the annihilator will be \n$$(D^3+4D^2+3D)y$$ $$=D(D^2+4D+3)y$$\n$$=D(D+3)(D+1)y$$\n\\end{document}\n\nNote: You will often have to manually break the equations to keep them on the slide. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Complications after Surgical Treatment of Spinal Metastases.", "\nMetastases predominate among spinal tumors. ", "The choice of the best treatment is always done on a case-by-case basis and is multi-faceted. ", "Surgical treatment is increasingly being used and is often com-bined with postoperative radiotherapy. ", "However, it is fraught with the risk of complications. ", "Awareness of these risks and an ability to reduce their incidence is the key to obtaining good results. ", "The aim of the study was to retrospectively assess complications in patients treated for spinal tumors in our Department of Orthopedic Oncology at the Hospital in Brzozów. ", "Out of the 846 patients treated for spinal tumors in the years 2011-2016, 723 (85%) were operated on. ", "The results of imaging and biochemical tests, documentation on the course of treatment, surgical protocols as well as patient records from the outpatient clinic were assessed. ", "In our series, complications occurred in 14% of the patients. ", "They were divided into general-medical (2.7%), orthopedic and neurological (wound healing problems, dural injury, paresis) (11%), and mechanical (0.3%). ", "Complications occurred most often after surgery using a posterior approach in the thoracic spine. ", "In wound healing problems, good results were obtained after surgical treatment of wounds. ", "Damage to the dura mater was repaired du-ring the original operation and cerebrospinal fluid leaks usually resolved spontaneously. ", "Destabilized hardware was replaced during revision procedures. ", "1. ", "The rate of complications in the present study was comparable to figures reported in the lite-rature. ", "2. ", "Radiation therapy had a significant impact on the risk of wound healing complications. ", "The most important risk factor is patients' overall health status, age, previous radiotherapy and steroid therapy, and the presence of neu-rological deficits. ", "3. ", "Mechanical complications occur mainly in the junctional segments of the spine. ", "4. ", "Operative treat-ment of wound healing complications produces good results.\"" ]
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[ "[Conformational possibilities of the regular single-stranded polyribonucleotides].", "\nIt was shown that in case of C(3')-endo pucker of ribose two left and two right types of helices are possible from the energetical point of view. ", "However, such helices with C(2')-endo conformation of ribose are extremely unfavourable due to the steric hindrance caused by 2'-OH group. ", "In this case the low energy structures have bases outside and phosphate groups inside the helix. ", "The right and the left poly(A) helices have similar energy values, the barrier of transition between them being rather small. ", "Biregular structures, i.e. the helices on which dinucleotide serves as the repeating unit, were also considered. ", "These forms proved to be energetically optimal in the case of poly(A-C)." ]
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[ "Making The Fudge\n\nPrepare the pie or cake pan by spraying with cooking spray or lining with foil.", "\n\nPut all ingredients in to the sauce pan.", "\n\nTurn on to low to medium-low heat.", "\n\nStir constantly for five minutes or until all the ingredients are combined. ", "You may need to use a whisk to get the butterscotch chips incorporated or if you use peanut butter chips then stir everything else really well then add the PB chips last and stir till they start to form swirls.", "\n\nPour the melted fudge into the prepared pie or cake pan and let sit for five minutes.", "\n\nOnce it has cooled a little then put it into the freezer for about one hour till it is set. ", "It will be firm enough to cut by then or you can let it sit over night and cut the next day.", "\n\nAs you can see by the pictures above, I went out to take my husband his dinner and my kids started the fudge before I could take a picture of it in the prepared pan.", "\n\nI used a glass pie pan, foil lined. ", "You just need to turn it out onto a plate when it is set and remove the foil then cut. ", "It dries and firms a little more over night. (", "If it lasts that long)\n\nFudge Cherry Chocolate Treats\n\nEasy fudge with cherry hearts | Source\n\nEasy Fudge & Heart Treats\n\nThe picture to the right starts with the same fudge. ", "After cutting, I rolled it into balls, rolled it in red sugar, pressed it with my thumb then pressed a heart into the fudge. ", "I put them in cupcake wrappers, but you can alternatively put them into a small reusable plastic container or a small treat bag or box. ", "You can even put them in zipper lock bags with valentines hearts on them.", "\n\nDollar stores always sell lots of different types of treat bags or boxes around Valentine's Day so make a trip to your local dollar store and find something unique.", "\n\nAnother idea is to get a votive candle holder, put a few treats in it and wrap with treat bag and ribbon. ", "Don't forget to buy a box of votive candles as well. ", "All of these items are available in dollar stores and discount stores so they are very inexpensive choices for gifting.", "\n\nComments\n\nNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. ", "Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.", "\n\nsending\n\nAuthor\n\nMarla J Neogra 5 years agofrom Parkersburg, West Virginia\n\nI am sure you will love it, I made some of the one I posted that has butterscotch chips added and my kids (adult kids & their friends) ate it so fast I had to make another batch the next day just to have a nibble myself." ]
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[ "Fern Brady: Power and Chaos\n\nIncisive comedy from one of Scotland's best up-and-coming stand-ups.", "\n\nFern has been seen on Live from the BBC, Live from the Comedy Store, The Russell Howard Hour, and is coming up on Live from the BBC. ", "She is one of the most unique and fearless voices in stand up and is about to head out on a major 2019 tour. ", "Catch her new show Power and Chaos before you have the queue round the block for a ticket." ]
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[ 0.020618556701030927, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n\n\n\nI like onions because I'm an adult. ", "You may think you don't like onions, but unless you have the taste perception of a dog, you're full of shit. ", "That's because everything worth eating has onions in it. ", "Don't believe me? ", "Here's a list of foods that onion-haters like, despite the fact that they contain onions:\n\nPizza. ", "Think your rancorous hatred of onions is sated by not ordering them on your pizza? ", "What do you think gives the sauce its flavor, dipshit?", "\n\nThink your rancorous hatred of onions is sated by not ordering them on your pizza? ", "What do you think gives the sauce its flavor, dipshit? ", "Burgers. ", "Patties are seasoned with onion powder. ", "Pull your head out of your ass.", "\n\nPatties are seasoned with onion powder. ", "Pull your head out of your ass. ", "Stuffing. ", "Onions make those giant clots of bread worth shoving into your ugly, hateful mouth.", "\n\nOnions make those giant clots of bread worth shoving into your ugly, hateful mouth. ", "Onion rings. ", "Inexplicably, some onion haters will order onion rings, despite the fact that onion rings are made with onions. \"", "Well I don't mind onion rings.\" ", "So fried onions get to keep their seat in the front of the bus in your world? ", "You know what, don't eat onions; we don't need your charity.", "\n\nInexplicably, some onion haters will order onion rings, despite the fact that onion rings are made with onions. \"", "Well I don't mind onion rings.\" ", "So fried onions get to keep their seat in the front of the bus in your world? ", "You know what, don't eat onions; we don't need your charity. ", "Ramen. ", "Wow, more onions. ", "It's almost like onions are in everything. ", "Hmm, where have I heard that? ", "Oh yeah, right at the start of this fucking list.", "\n\nWow, more onions. ", "It's almost like onions are in everything. ", "Hmm, where have I heard that? ", "Oh yeah, right at the start of this fucking list. ", "Fried chicken. ", "Keep shoving that breading into your tooth-hole, lardass! ", "The onion-powder in the batter gives your taste buds purpose.", "\n\nKeep shoving that breading into your tooth-hole, lardass! ", "The onion-powder in the batter gives your taste buds purpose. ", "Gravy, BBQ, coleslaw, ranch dressing, etc, etc. ", "Onions, onions, onions. ", "Onions make you feel unstoppable.", "\n\nEverything has onions in it. ", "I love onions with all my heart and soul. ", "My girlfriend was giving me a piggy-back ride to the grocery store the other day because I didn't want to scuff up my new shoes. ", "She was huffing down the frozen pizza aisle when I overheard some hipster chick saying \"Ewww, onions!\" ", "I jumped off my woman's back and slid over like a smooth criminal. ", "Her boyfriend shrieked, \"dude, what's your problem?\" ", "That's when a clerk tossed an onion at me from the produce aisle. ", "I immediately dropped into a handstand and donkey-kicked the onion into the hipster-chick's yapper. ", "She started chewing like a horse and crying tears of joy. ", "She was so happy that she gave me her number, which I drop-kicked out of her hand and into her boyfriend's skull. ", "She asked me how she could ever repay me, and I gave her a stern look. ", "She thought that look meant \"suicide.\" ", "She was right.", "\n\nShe said \"I know what I have to do.\" ", "Then she waddled over to the houseware aisle, grabbed a potato peeler and started peeling off her own face. ", "Then I watched as she slowly ate her face for the next 15 minutes, piece by piece until she bled to death. ", "Her final words to me were \"forgive me.\" ", "I said \"no\" in sign language, and then she died.", "\n\nBy now the manager of the store had come by and said \"Sir, you have to leave.\" ", "But I didn't hear anything because I was thinking about something else. ", "He then got a mop and tried smacking me with it. ", "I ducked like a drunken master, then sprung back up and slammed him in the chin with my butt. ", "He started crying hot salty tears, so I hopped back on my woman's back to ride her off into the sunset. ", "Just then a security guard jumped out in my way. ", "Big mistake. ", "I shook my head and in one solid motion, reached into my pants, took out my balls, and then in super slow motion, I swung them like a sling and smashed his face. ", "It caused severe fractures to the sinus, naso-orbital ethmoid and lacrimal bones. ", "He required extensive surgery and was never able to fully speak again.", "\n\nOnions rule." ]
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[ "\nArabic: \nبالضفادع: التوقف عن تكسير كيتي!", "\nمرحبا بعودتك! ", "إذا كنت جديدًا ، فيرجى الاشتراك ولا تنسى BELL لمقاطع الفيديو الجديدة لدينا :)\nهل تبدو مثل اليرقات الدهون؟ :", "د\n\nGerman: \nFroggy: Hör auf, Kitty zu krachen!", "\nWillkommen zurück! ", "Wenn Sie neu sind, abonnieren Sie bitte und vergessen Sie nicht die Glocke für unsere neuen Videos :)\nSehen sie aus wie fette Raupen? : ", "D.\n\nEnglish: \nFroggy: Stop cracking up Kitty!", "\nWelcome back! ", "If you're new, please subscribe & don't forget the BELL for our new videos :)\nDo they look like fat caterpillars?? ", ":D\n\nKorean: \nFroggy : 키티 크래킹 그만해!", "\n다시 오신 것을 환영합니다! ", "당신이 새로운 경우, 구독 및 새로운 비디오에 대한 벨을 잊지 마세요 :)\n그들은 뚱뚱한 애벌레처럼 보입니까? :", "디\n\nVietnamese: \nFroggy: Đừng bẻ khóa Kitty!", "\nChào mừng trở lại! ", "Nếu bạn là người mới, vui lòng đăng ký và đừng quên BƯỚC cho các video mới của chúng tôi :)\nTrông chúng có giống như sâu bướm không ?? : ", "D\n\nRussian: \nФрогги: Хватит разводить Китти!", "\nДобро пожаловать! ", "Если вы новичок, пожалуйста, подпишитесь и не забудьте колокол для наших новых видео :)\nОни похожи на толстых гусениц ?? : ", "D\n\nSpanish: \nFroggy: ¡Deja de reírte Kitty!", "\n¡Dar una buena acogida! ", "Si eres nuevo, suscríbete y no olvides el BELL para nuestros nuevos videos :)\n¿Se parecen a las orugas gordas? :", "RE\n\nThai: \nFroggy: หยุดเลิกคิตตี้!", "\nยินดีต้อนรับกลับ! ", "หากคุณใหม่โปรดสมัครและอย่าลืม BELL สำหรับวิดีโอใหม่ของเรา :)\nพวกมันดูเหมือนหนอนผีเสื้ออ้วนหรือเปล่า? : ", "D\n\nChinese: \nFroggy:別再發脾氣了!", "\n歡迎回來!如果您是新手,請訂閱我們的新視頻,別忘了BELL :)\n他們看起來像毛毛蟲嗎? :", "D\n\nJapanese: \nフロギー:キティのクラッキングを止めろ!", "\nお帰りなさい!あなたが新しいなら、私たちの新しいビデオのためにベルを忘れずに登録してください:)\n太った毛虫のように見えますか?? :", "D\n\nIndonesian: \nFroggy: Berhenti mengacaukan Kitty!", "\nSelamat datang kembali! ", "Jika Anda baru, silakan berlangganan & jangan lupa BELL untuk video baru kami :)\nApakah mereka terlihat seperti ulat gemuk ?? : ", "D\n\nJapanese: \nフロギー:ご飯の上に生サーモン刺身\nキティ:はい、とても柔らかいです!", "\n私たちは寿司レストランでこれらを手に入れましたが、にぎり寿司はいつも巨大です!", "\nキティ:大爆笑だ\nキティ:これは口の中ですべてに合うほど大きい\nフロギー:ここも同じ\n\nIndonesian: \nFroggy: Itu sashimi salmon mentah di atas nasi\nKitty: Ya, mereka sangat lembut!", "\nKami mendapat ini di restoran sushi dan sushi nigiri mereka selalu besar!", "\nKitty: LOL aku pemakan yang berantakan\nKitty: Ini sangat besar untuk memasukkan semuanya ke dalam mulut LOL\nFroggy: Lol sama di sini\n\nThai: \nFroggy: พวกเขาคือซาชิมิแซลมอนดิบที่ด้านบนของข้าว\nคิตตี้: ใช่พวกเขานุ่มมาก!", "\nเราได้รับสิ่งเหล่านี้ที่ร้านอาหารซูชิและซูชินิกิริของพวกเขานั้นใหญ่เสมอ!", "\nคิตตี้: ฮ่า ๆ ฉันเป็นคนกินยุ่ง\nคิตตี้: มันใหญ่มากที่จะเข้ากับมันได้ในปาก LOL\nFroggy: เหมือนกันที่นี่\n\nArabic: \nبالضفادع: هم سمك السلمون الخام الساشيمي على رأس الأرز\nكيتي: نعم انهم لينة جدا!", "\nوصلنا هذه في مطعم السوشي والسوشي نيجيري دائماً ضخمة!", "\nكيتي: لول أنا آكل فوضوي\nكيتي: هذا كبير جدًا ليناسب كل شيء في الفم الضحك بصوت مرتفع\nبالضفادع: لول نفسه هنا\n\nGerman: \nFroggy: Sie sind roher Lachssashimi auf Reis\nKitty: Ja, sie sind so weich!", "\nWir haben diese in einem Sushi-Restaurant bekommen und ihre Nigiri-Sushi sind immer riesig!", "\nKitty: LOL Ich bin so ein unordentlicher Esser\nKitty: Das ist so groß, dass alles in den Mund passt. ", "LOL\nFroggy: Lol gleich hier\n\nKorean: \n개구리 : 쌀 위에 생 연어 사시미\n키티 : 네, 너무 부드럽습니다!", "\n우리는 스시 레스토랑에서 이것을 얻었고 그들의 초밥 스시는 항상 큽니다!", "\n키티 : LOL 난 정말 지저분한 먹는 사람이야\n키티 : 이것은 입에 다 들어가기에 너무 커서 LOL\n프로기 : Lol 동일\n\nVietnamese: \nFroggy: Họ là sashimi cá hồi sống trên cơm\nKitty: Vâng, chúng rất mềm!", "\nChúng tôi đã nhận những thứ này tại một nhà hàng sushi và sushi nigiri của họ luôn rất lớn!", "\nKitty: LOL Tôi là một người ăn lộn xộn\nKitty: Cái này quá lớn để nhét tất cả vào miệng LOL\nFroggy: Lol giống nhau ở đây\n\nChinese: \nFroggy:它們是米飯上的生鮭魚生魚片\n凱蒂:是的,它們是如此柔軟!", "\n我們是在壽司店買到的,他們的握壽司總是很大!", "\n凱蒂:大聲笑我真是個凌亂的食客\n凱蒂:這個太大了,無法全部塞進嘴裡\nFroggy:大聲笑在這裡\n\nEnglish: \nFroggy: They're raw salmon sashimi on top of rice\nKitty: Yes they're so soft!", "\nWe got these at a sushi restaurant and their nigiri sushi are always huge!", "\nKitty: LOL I'm such a messy eater\nKitty: This is so big to fit it all in the mouth LOL\nFroggy: Lol same here\n\nRussian: \nФрогги: это сырой лосось сашими на рис\nКитти: Да, они такие мягкие!", "\nМы получили их в суши-ресторане, и их суши нигири всегда огромны!", "\nКитти: LOL Я такой грязный едок\nКитти: Это так велико, чтобы поместиться в рот. ", "LOL\nФрогги: Lol же здесь\n\nSpanish: \nFroggy: son sashimi de salmón crudo sobre arroz\nKitty: ¡Sí, son tan suaves!", "\n¡Los obtuvimos en un restaurante de sushi y su sushi nigiri siempre es enorme!", "\nKitty: LOL soy un comedor muy desordenado\nKitty: Esto es tan grande que cabe todo en la boca LOL\nFroggy: Lol mismo aquí\n\nChinese: \nFroggy:OOH進入我的小魚\nFroggy:看看三文魚有多新鮮\n\nArabic: \nبالضفادع: OOH في بلدي fishie البطن\nبالضفادع: انظر إلى كم هو جديد السلمون\n\nIndonesian: \nFroggy: OOH dapatkan fishie perutku\nFroggy: Lihatlah betapa segar salmon itu\n\nEnglish: \nFroggy: OOH get in my belly fishie\nFroggy: Look at how fresh the salmon is\n\nKorean: \n프로기 : OOH 내 배에 물고기\nFroggy : 연어가 얼마나 신선한 지보세요\n\nVietnamese: \nFroggy: OOH vào bụng tôi\nFroggy: Hãy nhìn xem cá hồi tươi như thế nào\n\nRussian: \nЛягушонок: ооо, влезай в мой животик рыбка\nФрогги: Посмотри, насколько свежа лосось\n\nJapanese: \nフロギー:おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお\nフロギー:サーモンの新鮮さを見て\n\nSpanish: \nFroggy: OOH metete en mi barriga pez\nFroggy: mira lo fresco que está el salmón\n\nThai: \nFroggy: OOH เข้าไปในท้องปลาของฉัน\nFroggy: ดูว่าแซลมอนสดแค่ไหน\n\nGerman: \nFroggy: OOH, geh in meinen Bauch Fishie\nFroggy: Schau dir an, wie frisch der Lachs ist\n\nIndonesian: \nFroggy: Rasanya sangat enak dengan kecap & wasabi\nFroggy: Oh wow Kitty itu bagian besar!", "\nKitty: Mmm ini enak sekali! ", "Salmon begitu lembut mentega sehingga hanya meleleh di mulut Anda.", "\nKitty: Apakah ini perutmu yang keroncongan?", "\nFroggy: LOL ya aku serak. ", "Ia ingin lebih banyak ikan.", "\nKitty: LOL Anda sudah memberinya makan\n\nThai: \nFroggy: มันมีรสชาติที่ดีกับซอสถั่วเหลืองและวาซาบิ\nFroggy: โอ้ว้าวคิตตี้นั่นเป็นเรื่องใหญ่!", "\nคิตตี้: อืมมมันอร่อยมาก! ", "ปลาแซลมอนเป็นเนยที่อ่อนนุ่มจนมันละลายในปากของคุณ\nคิตตี้: มันเป็นเสียงคำรามท้องของคุณ?", "\nFroggy: LOL ใช่ฉันกำลังพูดไม่ออก มันต้องการปลามากขึ้น\nคิตตี้: ฮ่า ๆ คุณกำลังให้อาหารมันแล้ว\n\nKorean: \nFroggy : 간장과 와사비 맛이 너무 좋아요\n프로기 : 오 와우 키티 그 큰 조각입니다!", "\n키티 : 음, 이거 너무 맛있어요! ", "연어는 버터가 부드럽기 때문에 입안에서 녹아 버립니다.", "\n키티 : 배가 으르렁 거리고 있습니까?", "\nFroggy : LOL yeh 나는 짖고있다. ", "더 많은 물고기를 원합니다.", "\n키티 : LOL 당신은 이미 그것을 먹이고있다\n\nEnglish: \nFroggy: It tastes so good with soy sauce & wasabi\nFroggy: Oh wow Kitty that's a big piece!", "\nKitty: Mmm this is so yummy! ", "Salmon is so buttery soft it just melts in your mouth.", "\nKitty: Is it your tummy growling?", "\nFroggy: LOL yeh I'm croaking. ", "It wants more fishies.", "\nKitty: LOL you're already feeding it\n\nJapanese: \nフロギー:醤油とわさびがとても美味しい\nフロギー:キティちゃん、すごいね!", "\nキティ:うーん、これはとてもおいしい!サーモンはバターのように柔らかく、口の中でとろけます。", "\nキティ:おなかがうなるのですか?", "\nフロギー:笑より多くの魚が欲しい。", "\nキティ:あなたはすでにそれを食べているLOL\n\nVietnamese: \nFroggy: Nó rất ngon với nước tương & wasabi\nFroggy: Oh wow Kitty đó là một phần lớn!", "\nKitty: Mmm này rất ngon! ", "Cá hồi rất mềm, nó chỉ tan chảy trong miệng của bạn.", "\nKitty: Có phải bụng bạn đang gầm gừ?", "\nFroggy: LOL yeh tôi đang kêu. ", "Nó muốn nhiều cá hơn.", "\nKitty: LOL bạn đã cho nó ăn\n\nArabic: \nبالضفادع: طعمه جيد مع صلصة الصويا والوسابي\nبالضفادع: أوه واو كيتي وهذا قطعة كبيرة!", "\nكيتي: ط ط ط هذا لذيذ جدا! ", "سمك السلمون ناعم جداً ، إذ يذوب فقط في فمك.", "\nكيتي: هل هي هدر بطنك؟", "\nبالضفادع: لول أنا أبكي. ", "انها تريد المزيد من سمكة.", "\nكيتي: LOL كنت تطعمه بالفعل\n\nSpanish: \nFroggy: sabe muy bien con salsa de soja y wasabi\nFroggy: ¡Oh, Kitty, es una gran pieza!", "\nKitty: ¡Mmm, esto es tan delicioso! ", "El salmón es tan mantecoso que se derrite en la boca.", "\nKitty: ¿Es tu panza gruñendo?", "\nFroggy: LOL yeh estoy croando. ", "Quiere más peces.", "\nKitty: LOL ya lo estás alimentando\n\nRussian: \nФрогги: Он так вкусен с соевым соусом и васаби\nФрогги: Ух ты, Китти, это большой кусок!", "\nКитти: Ммм, это так вкусно! ", "Лосось настолько маслянистый, что просто тает во рту.", "\nКитти: это твой животик рычать?", "\nФрогги: LOL да, я квакаю. ", "Он хочет больше рыбок.", "\nКитти: LOL ты уже кормишь его\n\nGerman: \nFroggy: Es schmeckt so gut mit Sojasauce und Wasabi\nFroggy: Oh wow Kitty, das ist ein großes Stück!", "\nKitty: Mmm das ist so lecker! ", "Lachs ist so butterweich, dass er nur im Mund zergeht.", "\nKitty: Knurrt dein Bauch?", "\nFroggy: LOL yeh ich krächze. ", "Es will mehr Fishies.", "\nKitty: LOL du fütterst es schon\n\nChinese: \nFroggy:醬油和芥末味道很好\nFroggy:哦,Kitty真是個大塊頭!", "\n凱蒂:嗯,真好吃!三文魚是如此的黃油般柔軟,甚至會在您的嘴中融化。", "\n凱蒂:是你的肚子在咆哮嗎?", "\nFroggy:大聲笑,我嘶啞。它想要更多的魚。", "\n凱蒂:大聲笑,你已經在餵牠了\n\nArabic: \nكيتي: انظروا حصلت على ذيل!", "\nبالضفادع: التوقف عن اللعب مع كيتي الغذاء الخاص بك!", "\nبالضفادع: واو لا يزال هناك الكثير من السمك\nكيتي: IKR؟ ", "أنا على وشك LOL الكامل\nلقد صورنا هذا قبل بضعة أسابيع. ", "لدينا عدد قليل من الناس الذين لا يحبون أصوات الأكل لدينا.", "\nنحاول ضبط وضع الميكروفون والإعدادات لمعرفة ما إذا كان سيساعد ...\n\nVietnamese: \nKitty: Nhìn tôi có một cái đuôi!", "\nFroggy: Dừng chơi với thức ăn Kitty của bạn!", "\nFroggy: Wow vẫn còn rất nhiều cá\nKitty: IKR? ", "Tôi về LOL đầy đủ\nChúng tôi đã quay phim này vài tuần trước. ", "Chúng tôi có một vài người không thích âm thanh ăn uống của chúng tôi.", "\nChúng tôi đang cố gắng điều chỉnh vị trí và cài đặt mic để xem liệu nó có giúp ...\n\nJapanese: \nキティ:尾が見えた!", "\nフロギー:フードキティと遊ぶのをやめてください!", "\nフロギー:うわー、まだたくさんの魚が残っている\nキティ:IKR?私は完全なLOLについてです\nこれを数週間前に撮影しました。食べるのが嫌いな人が数人います。", "\nマイクの位置と設定を調整して、それが役立つかどうかを確認しようとしています...\n\nChinese: \n凱蒂:看我有一條尾巴!", "\nFroggy:別再和Kitty玩了!", "\nFroggy:哇,還剩下很多魚\n凱蒂:IKR?我要滿滿的大聲笑\n我們是在幾週前拍攝的。我們有些人不喜歡我們的飲食聲音。", "\n我們正在嘗試調整麥克風的位置和設置,以查看是否對您有幫助...\n\nRussian: \nКитти: Смотри, у меня есть хвост!", "\nФрогги: Хватит играть со своей едой, Китти!", "\nФрогги: Вау, еще много рыбок осталось\nКитти: ИКР? ", "Я о полном LOL\nМы снимали это несколько недель назад. ", "У нас есть несколько человек, которым не нравятся наши звуки еды.", "\nМы пытаемся отрегулировать положение микрофона и настройки, чтобы увидеть, поможет ли это ...\n\nKorean: \n키티 : 꼬리가있어!", "\n프로기 : 음식 키티와 놀아 라!", "\n프로기 : 와우 ​​아직도 많은 물고기가 남아\n키티 : IKR? ", "나는 완전한 LOL에 대해\n우리는 몇 주 전에 이것을 촬영했습니다. ", "먹는 소리가 마음에 들지 않는 사람이 몇 명 있습니다.", "\n마이크 위치 및 설정을 조정하여 도움이되는지 확인하려고합니다.", "\n\nEnglish: \nKitty: Look I got a tail!", "\nFroggy: Stop playing with your food Kitty!", "\nFroggy: Wow there're still lots of fishies left\nKitty: IKR? ", "I'm about full LOL\nWe filmed this a few weeks ago. ", "We have a few people that don't like our eating sounds.", "\nWe're trying to adjust the mic position & settings to see if it's going to help...\n\nSpanish: \nKitty: Mira, tengo una cola!", "\nFroggy: ¡Deja de jugar con tu comida, Kitty!", "\nFroggy: Wow, todavía quedan muchos peces\nKitty: ¿IKR? ", "Estoy a punto de jajaja\nFilmamos esto hace unas semanas. ", "Tenemos algunas personas a las que no les gustan nuestros sonidos alimenticios.", "\nEstamos tratando de ajustar la posición y la configuración del micrófono para ver si va a ayudar ...\n\nThai: \nคิตตี้: ดูสิฉันมีหาง!", "\nFroggy: หยุดเล่นกับคิตตี้อาหารของคุณ!", "\nFroggy: ว้าวยังมีปลาเหลืออยู่มากมาย\nคิตตี้: IKR? ", "ฉันเกี่ยวกับฮ่า ๆ เต็ม\nเราถ่ายทำเมื่อไม่กี่สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา เรามีบางคนที่ไม่ชอบเสียงการกินของเรา\nเรากำลังพยายามปรับตำแหน่งไมโครโฟนและการตั้งค่าเพื่อดูว่าเป็นไปได้หรือไม่ ...\n\nGerman: \nKitty: Schau, ich habe einen Schwanz!", "\nFroggy: Hör auf mit deinem Essen zu spielen Kitty!", "\nFroggy: Wow, es sind noch viele Fishies übrig\nKitty: IKR? ", "Ich bin ungefähr voll LOL\nWir haben das vor ein paar Wochen gefilmt. ", "Wir haben ein paar Leute, die unsere Essgeräusche nicht mögen.", "\nWir versuchen, die Mikrofonposition und -einstellungen anzupassen, um zu sehen, ob es helfen wird ...\n\nIndonesian: \nKitty: Lihat, saya punya ekor!", "\nFroggy: Berhenti bermain dengan makananmu Kitty!", "\nFroggy: Wow, masih banyak ikan yang tersisa\nKitty: IKR? ", "Saya tentang LOL penuh\nKami merekam ini beberapa minggu yang lalu. ", "Kami memiliki beberapa orang yang tidak menyukai suara makan kami.", "\nKami mencoba menyesuaikan posisi & pengaturan mic untuk melihat apakah itu akan membantu ...\n\nKorean: \n요즘 많은 일이 일어났습니다 ...\n우리 가족 고양이는 질병으로 인해 정확히 일주일 전에 세상을 떠났습니다.", "\n비디오 편집에 사용한 노트북이 죽었습니다. ", "다행히도이 비디오는 이전에 편집되었습니다.", "\n이 비디오를 찍었을 때 우리는 기뻤지 만 단 몇 주 만에 그렇게 많이 기대되지는 않았습니다.", "\n우리는 이제 가장 쉬운 방법으로 랩톱을 수리하려고합니다. ", "나이는 약 4 세입니다.", "\n꽤 좋은 노트북입니다. ", "새로운 랩톱을 사용하려면 모든 것을 재설정하고 구성하는 것이 어렵습니다. ", "당신은 생각하지 않습니까?", "\n\nSpanish: \nHan pasado muchas cosas últimamente ...\nNuestro gato familiar falleció hace exactamente una semana debido a una enfermedad :(\nLa computadora portátil que utilizamos para editar nuestros videos está muerta. ", "Afortunadamente, este video fue editado anteriormente.", "\nEstábamos contentos cuando se filmó este video, pero no esperábamos que sucediera tanto en unas pocas semanas.", "\nAhora estamos tratando de reparar nuestra computadora portátil, ya que es la forma más fácil. ", "Solo tiene unos 4 años.", "\nEs una computadora portátil bastante buena. ", "Es difícil reiniciar y configurar todo si queremos obtener una nueva computadora portátil. ¿", "No te parece?", "\n\nArabic: \nلقد حدث الكثير في الآونة الأخيرة ...\nتوفي قط عائلتنا منذ أسبوع بالضبط بسبب المرض :(\nالكمبيوتر المحمول الذي استخدمناه لتعديل مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا قد مات. ", "لحسن الحظ تم تحرير هذا الفيديو قبل ذلك.", "\nكنا سعداء عندما تم تصوير هذا الفيديو ولكن لم نتوقع حدوث الكثير في غضون أسابيع قليلة\nنحن نحاول الآن إصلاح حاسوبنا المحمول لأنه أسهل طريقة. ", "انها فقط حوالي 4 سنوات من العمر.", "\nإنه كمبيوتر محمول جيد جدا. ", "من المألوف إعادة ضبط وتكوين كل شيء إذا أردنا الحصول على كمبيوتر محمول جديد. ", "لا تظن؟", "\n\nIndonesian: \nBegitu banyak yang terjadi belakangan ini ...\nKucing keluarga kami baru saja meninggal seminggu yang lalu karena sakit :(\nLaptop yang kami gunakan untuk mengedit video kami sudah mati. ", "Untungnya video ini diedit sebelumnya.", "\nKami senang ketika video ini difilmkan tetapi tidak berharap banyak terjadi hanya dalam beberapa minggu\nKami sekarang berusaha memperbaiki laptop kami karena itu cara termudah. ", "Hanya sekitar 4 tahun.", "\nIni laptop yang cukup bagus. ", "Sungguh menyakitkan untuk mengatur ulang dan mengkonfigurasi semuanya jika kita ingin mendapatkan laptop baru. ", "Bukankah begitu?", "\n\nThai: \nมากมายเกิดขึ้นเร็ว ๆ นี้ ...\nแมวครอบครัวของเราเพิ่งเสียชีวิตไปเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้วเนื่องจากเจ็บป่วย :(\nแล็ปท็อปที่เราใช้ในการแก้ไขวิดีโอของเรานั้นตายแล้ว โชคดีที่วิดีโอนี้ได้รับการแก้ไขมาก่อน\nเรามีความสุขเมื่อถ่ายวิดีโอนี้ แต่ไม่ได้คาดหวังว่าจะเกิดขึ้นมากมายในเวลาเพียงไม่กี่สัปดาห์\nตอนนี้เรากำลังพยายามซ่อมแซมแล็ปท็อปของเราเนื่องจากเป็นวิธีที่ง่ายที่สุด อายุประมาณ 4 ปีเท่านั้น\nมันเป็นแล็ปท็อปที่ดีมาก เป็นเรื่องยากที่จะรีเซ็ตและกำหนดค่าทุกสิ่งหากเราจะซื้อแล็ปท็อปเครื่องใหม่ คุณไม่คิดเหรอ\n\nEnglish: \nSo lots have happened lately...\nOur family cat just passed away exactly a week ago due to sickness :(\nThe laptop that we used to edit our videos is dead. ", "Luckily this video was edited prior though.", "\nWe were happy when this video was filmed but didn't expect so much to happen in just a few weeks\nWe're now trying to have our laptop repaired as that's the easiest way. ", "It's only about 4yrs old.", "\nIt's a pretty good laptop. ", "It's a pain to reset and configure everything if we're to get a new laptop. ", "Don't you think?", "\n\nGerman: \nIn letzter Zeit ist so viel passiert ...\nUnsere Familienkatze ist vor genau einer Woche an einer Krankheit gestorben :(\nDer Laptop, mit dem wir unsere Videos bearbeitet haben, ist tot. ", "Zum Glück wurde dieses Video zuvor bearbeitet.", "\nWir waren glücklich, als dieses Video gedreht wurde, hatten aber nicht erwartet, dass in nur wenigen Wochen so viel passieren würde\nWir versuchen jetzt, unseren Laptop reparieren zu lassen, da dies der einfachste Weg ist. ", "Es ist nur ungefähr 4 Jahre alt.", "\nEs ist ein ziemlich guter Laptop. ", "Es ist mühsam, alles zurückzusetzen und zu konfigurieren, wenn wir einen neuen Laptop bekommen wollen. ", "Denkst du nicht?", "\n\nJapanese: \nたくさんのことが最近起こりました...\n私たちの家族の猫は病気のためにちょうど一週間前に亡くなりました:(\nビデオの編集に使用したラップトップは死んでいます。幸いなことに、このビデオは以前に編集されました。", "\nこのビデオが撮影されたとき、私たちは幸せでしたが、ほんの数週間でそれほど多くのことが起こるとは期待していませんでした\nこれが最も簡単な方法であるため、現在、ラップトップの修理を試みています。それは約4歳です。", "\nそれはかなり良いラップトップです。新しいラップトップを入手する場合、すべてをリセットして設定するのは苦痛です。そう思いませんか?", "\n\nChinese: \n最近發生了很多事...\n我們的家貓剛好在一周前因病離世:(\n我們用來編輯視頻的筆記本電腦已經失效。幸運的是,該視頻是經過編輯的。", "\n這部影片拍攝下來時我們很高興,但沒想到在短短幾週內會發生這麼多\n現在,我們正在嘗試維修筆記本電腦,因為這是最簡單的方法。它只有大約4歲。", "\n這是一台非常不錯的筆記本電腦。如果我們要購買一台新的筆記本電腦,那麼重置和配置所有內容會很痛苦。你不覺得嗎\n\nRussian: \nТак много всего произошло за последнее время ...\nНаша семейная кошка скончалась ровно неделю назад из-за болезни :(\nНоутбук, который мы использовали для редактирования наших видео, умер. ", "К счастью, это видео было отредактировано ранее.", "\nМы были счастливы, когда это видео было снято, но не ожидали, что столько всего случится всего за несколько недель.", "\nСейчас мы пытаемся отремонтировать наш ноутбук, так как это самый простой способ. ", "Это только около 4 лет.", "\nЭто довольно хороший ноутбук. ", "Больно сбрасывать и настраивать все, если мы хотим получить новый ноутбук. ", "Ты не думаешь?", "\n\nVietnamese: \nRất nhiều điều đã xảy ra gần đây ...\nCon mèo của gia đình chúng tôi vừa qua đời đúng một tuần trước vì bệnh :(\nMáy tính xách tay mà chúng tôi sử dụng để chỉnh sửa video của chúng tôi đã chết. ", "May mắn thay, video này đã được chỉnh sửa trước đó.", "\nChúng tôi rất vui khi video này được quay nhưng không mong đợi quá nhiều sẽ xảy ra chỉ trong vài tuần\nBây giờ chúng tôi đang cố gắng để sửa chữa máy tính xách tay của chúng tôi là cách dễ nhất. ", "Nó chỉ khoảng 4 tuổi.", "\nĐó là một máy tính xách tay khá tốt. ", "Thật khó để thiết lập lại và định cấu hình mọi thứ nếu chúng ta có một máy tính xách tay mới. ", "Bạn không nghĩ sao?", "\n\nVietnamese: \nVì vậy, sẽ mất một lúc trước khi tải lên tiếp theo vì chúng tôi cần một chút thời gian để giải quyết mọi thứ\n\nIndonesian: \nJadi itu akan menjadi beberapa saat sebelum unggahan kami berikutnya karena kami perlu waktu untuk menangani semuanya\n\nChinese: \n因此,在下一次上傳之前需要一段時間,我們需要一些時間來處理所有問題\n\nKorean: \n다음 번에 업로드 할 때까지는 시간이 필요합니다.", "\n\nGerman: \nEs wird also eine Weile dauern, bis wir das nächste Mal hochladen, denn wir brauchen etwas Zeit, um uns um alles zu kümmern\n\nSpanish: \nAsí que pasará un tiempo antes de nuestra próxima carga porque necesitamos algo de tiempo para lidiar con todo\n\nEnglish: \nSo it'll be awhile before our next upload cuz we need some time to deal with everything\n\nJapanese: \nですから、次のアップロードまでには少し時間がかかります。", "\n\nThai: \nดังนั้นมันจะชั่วขณะหนึ่งก่อนที่เราจะอัปโหลดเพราะเราต้องการเวลาจัดการกับทุกสิ่ง\n\nRussian: \nТак что пройдет некоторое время, прежде чем наша следующая загрузка, потому что нам нужно время, чтобы разобраться со всем\n\nArabic: \nلذا ، فستكون هناك لحظة قبل تحميل cuz التالي ، نحتاج إلى بعض الوقت للتعامل مع كل شيء\n\nVietnamese: \nKitty: gừng\nFroggy: Sáng tạo Wow Kitty - gừng với nigiri cá hồi\nKitty: Tuyệt vời! ", "Bạn nên thử nó :)\n\nJapanese: \nキティ:ジンジャー\nFroggy:Wow Kitty creation-生ingerとサーモンのにぎり\nキティ:すごい!あなたはそれを試してみてください:)\n\nArabic: \nكيتي: الزنجبيل\nالضفدع: واو كيتي خلق - الزنجبيل مع سمك السلمون nigiri\nكيتي: مذهلة! ", "عليك بتجريبه :)\n\nGerman: \nKitty: Ingwer\nFroggy: Wow Kitty Kreation - Ingwer mit Lachs Nigiri\nKitty: Erstaunlich! ", "Du solltest es versuchen :)\n\nRussian: \nКитти: имбирь\nFroggy: Wow Kitty creation - имбирь с лососем нигири\nКитти: Удивительно! ", "Тебе стоит попробовать это :)\n\nSpanish: \nGatito: Jengibre\nFroggy: creación de Wow Kitty - jengibre con nigiri de salmón\nKitty: ¡Increíble! ", "Deberías probarlo :)\n\nThai: \nคิตตี้: ขิง\nFroggy: Wow Kitty Creation - ขิงกับปลาแซลมอนนิกิริ\nคิตตี้: น่าทึ่ง! ", "คุณควรลอง :)\n\nIndonesian: \nKitty: Jahe\nFroggy: Kreasi Wow Kitty - jahe dengan salmon nigiri\nKitty: Luar biasa! ", "Kamu harus mencobanya :)\n\nChinese: \n凱蒂:姜\nFroggy:Wow Kitty創作-生薑配三文魚飯\n凱蒂:太棒了!你應該試試看 :)\n\nEnglish: \nKitty: Ginger\nFroggy: Wow Kitty creation - ginger with salmon nigiri\nKitty: Amazing! ", "You should try it :)\n\nKorean: \n키티 : 생강\nFroggy : 와우 ​​키티 창작-연어 초밥과 생강\n키티 : 놀라운! ", "당신은 그것을 시도해야합니다 :)\n\nJapanese: \nフロギー:生gも食べさせて\n\nEnglish: \nFroggy: Let me try some ginger too\n\nArabic: \nبالضفادع: اسمحوا لي أن أجرب بعض الزنجبيل أيضا\n\nKorean: \n프로기 : 생강도 맛 볼게요\n\nThai: \nFroggy: ให้ฉันลองขิงด้วยเหมือนกัน\n\nIndonesian: \nFroggy: Biarkan aku mencoba jahe juga\n\nRussian: \nФрогги: Позвольте мне попробовать имбирь тоже\n\nGerman: \nFroggy: Lass mich auch etwas Ingwer probieren\n\nChinese: \nFroggy:我也試試姜\n\nSpanish: \nFroggy: Déjame probar un poco de jengibre también\n\nVietnamese: \nFroggy: Hãy để tôi thử một chút gừng\n\nThai: \nFroggy: คุณต้องการปลาเพิ่มหรือไม่\nคิตตี้: ไม่ฉันเต็มแล้ว\nขอบคุณที่รับชม\nโปรดอย่าลืมกดสมัครและแตะ BELL เพื่อเปิดการแจ้งเตือนโพสต์ทั้งหมดเพื่อไม่ให้คุณพลาดวิดีโอใหม่ของเรา :)\nบายและเราจะพยายามกลับมาเร็ว ๆ นี้ :(\n\nArabic: \nبالضفادع: تريد المزيد من الأسماك؟", "\nكيتي: ناه أنا ممتلئة\nشكرا لمشاهدتك\nالرجاء عدم نسيان الإعجاب والاشتراك والنقر على BELL لتشغيل جميع إشعارات النشر حتى لا تفوت مقاطع الفيديو الجديدة الخاصة بنا :)\nوداعًا وسنحاول العودة قريبًا :(\n\nJapanese: \nフロギー:もっと魚が欲しい?", "\nキティ:いや、いっぱいだよ\n見てくれてありがとう\n新しい動画を見逃さないように、すべての投稿通知をオンにするように、BELLを気に入って登録し、タップすることを忘れないでください:)\nさようなら、私たちはすぐに戻ってくるようにします:(\n\nKorean: \n프로기 : 더 많은 생선을 원하십니까?", "\n키티 : 아냐 난 너무 가득 찼어\n시청 해주셔서 감사합니다\n잊지 말고 구독하고 BELL을 눌러 모든 게시물 알림을 켜서 새 비디오를 놓치지 마십시오. :)", "\n안녕 그리고 우리는 곧 돌아 오려고 노력할 것이다 :(\n\nRussian: \nФрогги: Вы хотите больше рыбок?", "\nКитти: нет я так полон\nСпасибо за просмотр\nПожалуйста, не забудьте лайкнуть, подписаться и нажать на колокольчик, чтобы включить ВСЕ пост-уведомления, чтобы вы не пропустили наши новые видео :)\nПока, и мы постараемся вернуться в ближайшее время :(\n\nEnglish: \nFroggy: You want more fishies?", "\nKitty: Nah I'm so full\nThank you for watching\nPlease don't forget to like, subscribe & tap the BELL to turn on ALL post notification so you don't miss our new videos :)\nBye and we'll try to be back soon :(\n\nGerman: \nFroggy: Willst du mehr Fishies?", "\nKitty: Nein, ich bin so voll\nDanke fürs Zuschauen\nBitte vergessen Sie nicht, die Glocke zu mögen, zu abonnieren und zu tippen, um ALLE Post-Benachrichtigungen zu aktivieren, damit Sie unsere neuen Videos nicht verpassen :)\nTschüss und wir werden versuchen, bald zurück zu sein :(\n\nIndonesian: \nFroggy: Anda ingin lebih banyak ikan?", "\nKitty: Tidak, aku sangat kenyang\nTerima kasih telah menonton\nTolong jangan lupa suka, berlangganan & ketuk BELL untuk mengaktifkan SEMUA pemberitahuan pos agar Anda tidak ketinggalan video baru kami :)\nSampai jumpa dan kami akan mencoba untuk segera kembali :(\n\nVietnamese: \nFroggy: Bạn muốn nhiều cá hơn?", "\nKitty: Nah tôi rất đầy đủ\nCảm ơn vì đã xem\nXin đừng quên thích, đăng ký và chạm vào BƯỚC để bật TẤT CẢ thông báo bài đăng để bạn không bỏ lỡ video mới của chúng tôi :)\nTạm biệt và chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng quay lại sớm :(\n\nChinese: \nFroggy:您想要更多的魚類嗎?", "\n凱蒂:不,我很飽\n謝謝收看\n請不要忘記喜歡,訂閱並輕按BELL以打開所有發布通知,這樣您就不會錯過我們的新視頻:)\n再見,我們將盡快回來:(\n\nSpanish: \nFroggy: ¿Quieres más peces?", "\nKitty: Nah, estoy tan llena\nGracias por ver\nNo olvide dar me gusta, suscribirse y tocar el BELL para activar TODAS las notificaciones de publicaciones para que no se pierda nuestros nuevos videos :)\nAdiós e intentaremos volver pronto :(\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nString with accentuation is missing from list inside for loop\n\nEDIT: For newcomers, the problem has nothing to do with accentuation, but slicing.", "\n\nI have this list of strings that the last item is a string with accents, I cant iterate through it! ", "Look the example:\nPython 2.7.5+ (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:37:08) \n[GCC 4.8.1] on linux2\nType \"help\", \"copyright\", \"credits\" or \"license\" for more information.", "\n\n>>> A = \"I have no accents.\"", "\n>>> B = \"I dó hávé álót óf áccénts.\"", "\n>>> dummy = \"me dumb\"\n\n>>> list = [dummy, A, B]\n>>> print list\n['me dumb', 'I have no accents.', '", "I d\\xc3\\xb3 h\\xc3\\xa1v\\xc3\\xa9 \\xc3\\xa1l\\xc3\\xb3t \\xc3\\xb3f \\xc3\\xa1cc\\xc3\\xa9nts.']", "\n\n>>> for entry in list[1:-1]:\n... print entry;\n... \nI have no accents.", "\n>>> \n\nA:\n\nOf course you can't iterate through it, you are explicitly excluding it.", "\nTry:\nfor entry in list: # Without slicing.", "\n\nThis is because [1:-1] basically means 'from the second element up to and not including the final element'- in your case that sections contains just one item.", "\n\nEDIT:\nTo go from second through to the last, just do:\nfor item in list[1:]\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n// are met:\n// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "\n// * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its\n// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived\n// from this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY\n// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n// IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n// PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR\n// CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,\n// EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,\n// PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR\n// PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY\n// OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 NVIDIA Corporation. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. ", "All rights reserved. ", " \n\n#include \"foundation/PxMemory.h\"\n#include \"GuContactPolygonPolygon.h\"\n#include \"GuShapeConvex.h\"\n#include \"GuContactBuffer.h\"\n#include \"PsMathUtils.h\"\n#include \"PsAllocator.h\"\n#include \"PsFPU.h\"\n\nusing namespace physx;\nusing namespace Gu;\n\n#define CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\n/*\nvoid gVisualizeLocalLine(const PxVec3& a, const PxVec3& b, const Cm::Matrix34& m, PxsContactManager& manager)\t//temp debug\n{\n\tCm::RenderOutput out = manager.getContext()->getRenderOutput();\n\tout << 0xffffff << m << Cm::RenderOutput::LINES << a << b;\n}\n*/\n\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\nstatic PX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal dot2D(const PxVec3& v0, const PxVec3& v1)\n{\t\n\treturn v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1.y;\n}\n\nstatic void ContactReductionAllIn(\tContactBuffer& contactBuffer, PxU32 nbExistingContacts, PxU32 numIn,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst PxMat33& rotT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst PxVec3* PX_RESTRICT vertices, const PxU8* PX_RESTRICT indices)\n{\n\t// Number of contacts created by current call\n\tconst PxU32 nbNewContacts = contactBuffer.count - nbExistingContacts;\n\n\tif(nbNewContacts<=4)\n\t\treturn;\t// no reduction for less than 4 verts\n\n\t// We have 3 different numbers here:\n\t// - numVerts = number of vertices in the convex polygon we're dealing with\n\t// - numIn = number of those that were \"inside\" the other convex polygon (should be <= numVerts)\n\t// - contactBuffer.count = total number of contacts *from both polygons* (that's the catch here)\n\t// The fast path can only be chosen when the contact buffer contains all the verts from current polygon,\n\t// i.e. when contactBuffer.count == numIn == numVerts\n\n\tGu::ContactPoint* PX_RESTRICT ctcs = contactBuffer.contacts + nbExistingContacts;\n\n\tif(numIn == nbNewContacts)\n\t{\n\t\t// Codepath 1: all vertices generated a contact\n\n\t\tPxReal deepestSeparation = ctcs[0].separation;\n\t\tPxU32 deepestIndex = 0;\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=1; i<nbNewContacts; ++i)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(deepestSeparation > ctcs[i].separation)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdeepestSeparation = ctcs[i].separation;\n\t\t\t\tdeepestIndex = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tPxU32 index = 0;\n\t\tconst PxU32 step = (numIn<<16)>>2;\t// Fixed point math, don't use floats here please\n\t\tbool needsExtraPoint = true;\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<4;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst PxU32 contactIndex = index>>16;\n\t\t\tctcs[i] = ctcs[contactIndex];\n\t\t\tif(contactIndex==deepestIndex)\n\t\t\t\tneedsExtraPoint = false;\n\t\t\tindex += step;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif(needsExtraPoint)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tctcs[4] = ctcs[deepestIndex];\n\t\t\tcontactBuffer.count = nbExistingContacts + 5;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcontactBuffer.count = nbExistingContacts + 4;\n\t\t}\n\n/*\tPT: TODO: investigate why this one does not work\n\t\tPxU32 index = deepestIndex<<16;\n\t\tconst PxU32 step = (numIn<<16)>>2;\t// Fixed point math, don't use floats here please\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<4;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tPxU32 contactIndex = index>>16;\n\t\t\tif(contactIndex>=numIn)\n\t\t\t\tcontactIndex -= numIn;\n\t\t\tctcs[i] = ctcs[contactIndex];\n\t\t\tindex += step;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcontactBuffer.count = nbExistingContacts + 4;*/\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\t// Codepath 2: all vertices are \"in\" but only some of them generated a contact\n\n\t\t// WARNING: this path doesn't work when the buffer contains vertices from both polys.", "\n\n\t\t// TODO: precompute those axes\n\t\tconst PxU32 nbAxes = 8;\n\t\tPxVec3 dirs[nbAxes];\n\t\tfloat angle = 0.0f;\n\t\tconst float angleStep = Ps::degToRad(180.0f/float(nbAxes));\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<nbAxes;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdirs[i] = PxVec3(cosf(angle), sinf(angle), 0.0f);\n\t\t\tangle += angleStep;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfloat dpmin[nbAxes];\n\t\tfloat dpmax[nbAxes];\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<nbAxes;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdpmin[i] = PX_MAX_F32;\n\t\t\tdpmax[i] = -PX_MAX_F32;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<nbNewContacts;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3& p = vertices[indices[i]];\n\n\t\t\t// Transform to 2D\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3 p2d = rotT.transform(p);\n\n\t\t\tfor(PxU32 j=0;j<nbAxes;j++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tconst float dp = dot2D(dirs[j], p2d);\n\t\t\t\tdpmin[j] = physx::intrinsics::selectMin(dpmin[j], dp);\n\t\t\t\tdpmax[j] = physx::intrinsics::selectMax(dpmax[j], dp);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tPxU32 bestAxis = 0;\n\t\tfloat maxVariance = dpmax[0] - dpmin[0];\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=1;i<nbAxes;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst float variance = dpmax[i] - dpmin[i];\n\t\t\tif(variance>maxVariance)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxVariance = variance;\n\t\t\t\tbestAxis = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst PxVec3 u = dirs[bestAxis];\n\t\tconst PxVec3 v = PxVec3(-u.y, u.x, 0.0f);\n\t\t// PxVec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)\t\t=> PxVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)\n\t\t// PxVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)\t\t=> PxVec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)\n\t\t// PxVec3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)\t=> PxVec3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f)\n\t\t// PxVec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)\t\t=> PxVec3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)\n\n\t\tfloat dpminu = PX_MAX_F32;\n\t\tfloat dpmaxu = -PX_MAX_F32;\n\t\tfloat dpminv = PX_MAX_F32;\n\t\tfloat dpmaxv = -PX_MAX_F32;\n\t\tPxU32 indexMinU = 0;\n\t\tPxU32 indexMaxU = 0;\n\t\tPxU32 indexMinV = 0;\n\t\tPxU32 indexMaxV = 0;\n\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<nbNewContacts;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3& p = vertices[indices[i]];\n\n\t\t\t// Transform to 2D\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3 p2d = rotT.transform(p);\n\n\t\t\tconst float dpu = dot2D(u, p2d);\n\t\t\tconst float dpv = dot2D(v, p2d);\n\n\t\t\tif(dpu<dpminu)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdpminu=dpu;\n\t\t\t\tindexMinU = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(dpu>dpmaxu)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdpmaxu=dpu;\n\t\t\t\tindexMaxU = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(dpv<dpminv)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdpminv=dpv;\n\t\t\t\tindexMinV = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(dpv>dpmaxv)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdpmaxv=dpv;\n\t\t\t\tindexMaxV = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif(indexMaxU == indexMinU)\n\t\t\tindexMaxU = 0xffffffff;\n\t\tif(indexMinV == indexMinU || indexMinV == indexMaxU)\n\t\t\tindexMinV = 0xffffffff;\n\t\tif(indexMaxV == indexMinU || indexMaxV == indexMaxU || indexMaxV == indexMinV)\n\t\t\tindexMaxV = 0xffffffff;\n\t\t\n\t\tPxU32 newCount = 0;\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0;i<nbNewContacts;i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(\t\ti==indexMinU\n\t\t\t\t||\ti==indexMaxU\n\t\t\t\t||\ti==indexMinV\n\t\t\t\t||\ti==indexMaxV)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tctcs[newCount++] = ctcs[i];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tcontactBuffer.count = nbExistingContacts + newCount;\n\t}\n}\n#endif\n\n// PT: please leave that function in the same translation unit as the calling code\n/*static*/ PxMat33 Gu::findRotationMatrixFromZ(const PxVec3& to)\n{\n\tPxMat33 result;\n\n\tconst PxReal e = to.z;\n\tconst PxReal f = PxAbs(e);\n\n\tif(f <= 0.9999f)\n\t{\n\t\t// PT: please keep the normal case first for PS3 branch prediction\n\n\t\t// Normal case, to and from are not parallel or anti-parallel\n\t\tconst PxVec3 v = Ps::cross001(to);\n\t\tconst PxReal h = 1.0f/(1.0f + e); /* optimization by Gottfried Chen */\n\t\tconst PxReal hvx = h * v.x;\n\t\tconst PxReal hvz = h * v.z;\n\t\tconst PxReal hvxy = hvx * v.y;\n\t\tconst PxReal hvxz = hvx * v.z;\n\t\tconst PxReal hvyz = hvz * v.y;\n\n\t\tresult(0,0) = e + hvx*v.x;\n\t\tresult(0,1) = hvxy - v.z;\n\t\tresult(0,2) = hvxz + v.y;\n\n\t\tresult(1,0) = hvxy + v.z;\n\t\tresult(1,1) = e + h*v.y*v.y;\n\t\tresult(1,2) = hvyz - v.x;\n\n\t\tresult(2,0) = hvxz - v.y;\n\t\tresult(2,1) = hvyz + v.x;\n\t\tresult(2,2) = e + hvz*v.z;\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\t//Vectors almost parallel\n\t\t// PT: TODO: simplify code below\n\t\tPxVec3 from(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n\t\tPxVec3 absFrom(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n\n\t\tif(absFrom.x < absFrom.y)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(absFrom.x < absFrom.z)\n\t\t\t\tabsFrom = PxVec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tabsFrom = PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(absFrom.y < absFrom.z)\n\t\t\t\tabsFrom = PxVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tabsFrom = PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tPxVec3 u, v;\n\t\tu.x = absFrom.x - from.x; u.y = absFrom.y - from.y; u.z = absFrom.z - from.z;\n\t\tv.x = absFrom.x - to.x; v.y = absFrom.y - to.y; v.z = absFrom.z - to.z;\n\n\t\tconst PxReal c1 = 2.0f / u.dot(u);\n\t\tconst PxReal c2 = 2.0f / v.dot(v);\n\t\tconst PxReal c3 = c1 * c2 * u.dot(v);\n\n\t\tfor(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tfor(unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tresult(i,j) = - c1*u[i]*u[j] - c2*v[i]*v[j] + c3*v[i]*u[j];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tresult(i,i) += 1.0f;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n}\n\n// PT: using this specialized version avoids doing an explicit transpose, which reduces LHS\nPX_FORCE_INLINE Cm::Matrix34 transformTranspose(const PxMat33& a, const Cm::Matrix34& b)\n{\n\treturn Cm::Matrix34(a.transformTranspose(b.m.column0), a.transformTranspose(b.m.column1), a.transformTranspose(b.m.column2), a.transformTranspose(b.p));\n}\n\n// Helper function to transform x/y coordinate of point. ", "\nPX_FORCE_INLINE void transform2D(float& x, float& y, const PxVec3& src, const Cm::Matrix34& mat)\n{\n\tx = src.x * mat.m.column0.x + src.y * mat.m.column1.x + src.z * mat.m.column2.x + mat.p.x;\n\ty = src.x * mat.m.column0.y + src.y * mat.m.column1.y + src.z * mat.m.column2.y + mat.p.y;\n}\n\n// Helper function to transform x/y coordinate of point. ", "Use transposed matrix\nPX_FORCE_INLINE void transform2DT(float& x, float& y, const PxVec3& src, const PxMat33& mat)\n{\n\tx = mat.column0.dot(src);\n\ty = mat.column1.dot(src);\n}\n\n// Helper function to transform z coordinate of point.", "\nPX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal transformZ(const PxVec3& src, const Cm::Matrix34& mat)\n{\n\treturn src.x * mat.m.column0.z + src.y * mat.m.column1.z + src.z * mat.m.column2.z + mat.p.z;\n}\n\nstatic void transformVertices(\tfloat& minX, float& minY,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat& maxX, float& maxY,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat* PX_RESTRICT verts2D,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPxU32 nb, const PxVec3* PX_RESTRICT vertices, const PxU8* PX_RESTRICT indices, const PxMat33& RotT)\n{\n\t// PT: using local variables is important to reduce LHS.", "\n\tfloat lminX = FLT_MAX;\n\tfloat lminY = FLT_MAX;\n\tfloat lmaxX = -FLT_MAX;\n\tfloat lmaxY = -FLT_MAX;\n\n\t// PT: project points, compute min & max at the same time\n\tfor(PxU32 i=0; i<nb; i++)\n\t{\n\t\tfloat x,y;\n\t\ttransform2DT(x, y, vertices[indices[i]], RotT);\n\t\tlminX = physx::intrinsics::selectMin(lminX, x);\n\t\tlminY = physx::intrinsics::selectMin(lminY, y);\n\t\tlmaxX = physx::intrinsics::selectMax(lmaxX, x);\n\t\tlmaxY = physx::intrinsics::selectMax(lmaxY, y);\n\t\tverts2D[i*2+0] = x;\n\t\tverts2D[i*2+1] = y;\n\t}\n\n\t// DE702\n\t\t// Compute center of polygon\n\t\tconst float cx = (lminX + lmaxX)*0.5f;\n\t\tconst float cy = (lminY + lmaxY)*0.5f;\n\t\t// We'll scale the polygon by epsilon\n\t\tconst float epsilon = 1.e-6f;\n\t\t// Adjust bounds to take care of scaling\n\t\tlminX -= epsilon;\n\t\tlminY -= epsilon;\n\t\tlmaxX += epsilon;\n\t\tlmaxY += epsilon;\n\t//~DE702\n\n\t// PT: relocate polygon to positive quadrant\n\tfor(PxU32 i=0; i<nb; i++)\n\t{\n\t\tconst float x = verts2D[i*2+0];\n\t\tconst float y = verts2D[i*2+1];\n\n\t\t// PT: original code suffering from DE702 (relocation)\n//\t\tverts2D[i*2+0] = x - lminX;\n//\t\tverts2D[i*2+1] = y - lminY;\n\n\t\t// PT: theoretically proper DE702 fix (relocation + scaling)\n\t\tconst float dx = x - cx;\n\t\tconst float dy = y - cy;\n//\t\tconst float coeff = epsilon * physx::intrinsics::recipSqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);\n//\t\tverts2D[i*2+0] = x - lminX + dx * coeff;\n//\t\tverts2D[i*2+1] = y - lminY + dy * coeff;\n\n\t\t// PT: approximate but faster DE702 fix. ", "We multiply by epsilon so this is good enough.", "\n\t\tverts2D[i*2+0] = x - lminX + physx::intrinsics::fsel(dx, epsilon, -epsilon);\n\t\tverts2D[i*2+1] = y - lminY + physx::intrinsics::fsel(dy, epsilon, -epsilon);\n\t}\n\tlmaxX -= lminX;\n\tlmaxY -= lminY;\n\n\tminX = lminX;\n\tminY = lminY;\n\tmaxX = lmaxX;\n\tmaxY = lmaxY;\n}\n\n//! ", "Dedicated triangle version\nPX_FORCE_INLINE bool pointInTriangle2D(\tfloat px, float pz,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat p0x, float p0z,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat e10x, float e10z,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat e20x, float e20z)\n{ \n\tconst float a = e10x*e10x + e10z*e10z;\n\tconst float b = e10x*e20x + e10z*e20z;\n\tconst float c = e20x*e20x + e20z*e20z;\n\tconst float ac_bb = (a*c)-(b*b);\n\n\tconst float vpx = px - p0x;\n\tconst float vpz = pz - p0z;\n\n\tconst float d = vpx*e10x + vpz*e10z;\n\tconst float e = vpx*e20x + vpz*e20z;\n\n\tconst float x = (d*c) - (e*b);\n\tconst float y = (e*a) - (d*b);\n\tconst float z = x + y - ac_bb;\n\n\t// Same as: if(x>0.0f && y>0.0f && z<0.0f)\treturn TRUE;\n\t//\t\t\telse\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn FALSE;\n//\t\treturn (( IR(z) & ~(IR(x)|IR(y)) ) & SIGN_BITMASK) !", "= 0;\n\tif(x>0.0f && y>0.0f && z<0.0f)\treturn true;\n\telse\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n}\n\n\n\tenum OutCode\n\t{\n\t\tOUT_XP\t= (1<<0),\n\t\tOUT_XN\t= (1<<1),\n\t\tOUT_YP\t= (1<<2),\n\t\tOUT_YN\t= (1<<3)\n\t};\n\nstatic\n//PX_FORCE_INLINE\nbool PointInConvexPolygon2D_OutCodes(const float* PX_RESTRICT pgon2D, PxU32 numVerts, const PxReal tx, const PxReal ty, const PxReal maxX, const PxReal maxY, PxU8& outCodes)\n{\n\tPxU32 out = 0;\n\tif(tx<0.0f)\tout |= OUT_XN;\n\tif(ty<0.0f)\tout |= OUT_YN;\n\tif(tx>maxX)\tout |= OUT_XP;\n\tif(ty>maxY)\tout |= OUT_YP;\n\toutCodes = PxU8(out);\n\tif(out)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\tif(numVerts==3)\n\t\treturn pointInTriangle2D(\ttx, ty,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpgon2D[0], pgon2D[1],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpgon2D[2] - pgon2D[0],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpgon2D[3] - pgon2D[1],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpgon2D[4] - pgon2D[0],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpgon2D[5] - pgon2D[1]);\n\n#define X 0\n#define Y 1\n\n\tconst PxReal* PX_RESTRICT vtx0_ = pgon2D + (numVerts-1)*2;\n\tconst PxReal* PX_RESTRICT vtx1_ = pgon2D;\n\n\tconst int* PX_RESTRICT ivtx0 = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(vtx0_);\n\tconst int* PX_RESTRICT ivtx1 = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(vtx1_);\n\t//const int itx = (int&)tx;\n\t//const int ity = (int&)ty;\n//\tconst int ity = PX_SIR(ty);\n\t\tconst int* tmp = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(&ty);\n\t\tconst int ity = *tmp;\n\n\t// get test bit for above/below X axis\n\tint yflag0 = ivtx0[Y] >= ity;\n\n\tint InsideFlag = 0;\n\n\twhile(numVerts--)\n\t{\n\t\tconst int yflag1 = ivtx1[Y] >= ity;\n\t\tif(yflag0 !", "= yflag1)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst PxReal* PX_RESTRICT vtx0 = reinterpret_cast<const PxReal*>(ivtx0);\n\t\t\tconst PxReal* PX_RESTRICT vtx1 = reinterpret_cast<const PxReal*>(ivtx1);\n\t\t\tif( ((vtx1[Y]-ty) * (vtx0[X]-vtx1[X]) > (vtx1[X]-tx) * (vtx0[Y]-vtx1[Y])) == yflag1 )\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif(InsideFlag == 1) return false;\n\n\t\t\t\tInsideFlag++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tyflag0 = yflag1;\n\t\tivtx0 = ivtx1;\n\t\tivtx1 += 2;\n\t}\n#undef X\n#undef Y\n\n\treturn InsideFlag & 1;\n}\n\n// Helper function to detect contact between two edges\nPX_FORCE_INLINE bool EdgeEdgeContactSpecial(const PxVec3& v1, const PxPlane& plane, \n\tconst PxVec3& p1, const PxVec3& p2, const PxVec3& dir, const PxVec3& p3, const PxVec3& p4,\n\tPxReal& dist, PxVec3& ip, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, float coeff)\n{\n\tconst PxReal d3 = plane.distance(p3);\n\tPxReal temp = d3 * plane.distance(p4);\n\tif(temp > 0.0f)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\t// if colliding edge (p3,p4) and plane are parallel return no collision\n\tconst PxVec3 v2 = (p4-p3);\n\ttemp = plane.n.dot(v2);\n\tif(temp == 0.0f) // ### epsilon would be better\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\t// compute intersection point of plane and colliding edge (p3,p4)\n\tip = p3-v2*(d3/temp);\n\n\t// compute distance of intersection from line (ip, -dir) to line (p1,p2)\n\tdist =\t(v1[i]*(ip[j]-p1[j])-v1[j]*(ip[i]-p1[i])) * coeff;\n\tif(dist < 0.0f)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\t// compute intersection point on edge (p1,p2) line\n\tip -= dist*dir;\n\n\t// check if intersection point (ip) is between edge (p1,p2) vertices\n\ttemp = (p1.x-ip.x)*(p2.x-ip.x)+(p1.y-ip.y)*(p2.y-ip.y)+(p1.z-ip.z)*(p2.z-ip.z);\n\tif(temp<0.0f)\t\n\t\treturn true;\t// collision found\n\n\treturn false; //no collision\n}\n\n//This one can also handle 2 vertex 'polygons' (useful for capsule surface segments) and can shift the results before contact generation.", "\nbool Gu::contactPolygonPolygonExt(\tPxU32 numVerts0, const PxVec3* vertices0, const PxU8* indices0,\t//polygon 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst Cm::Matrix34& world0, const PxPlane& localPlane0,\t//xform of polygon 0, plane of polygon\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst PxMat33& rotT0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPxU32 numVerts1, const PxVec3* PX_RESTRICT vertices1, const PxU8* PX_RESTRICT indices1,\t//polygon 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst Cm::Matrix34& world1, const PxPlane& localPlane1,\t//xform of polygon 1, plane of polygon\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst PxMat33& rotT1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst PxVec3& worldSepAxis,\t//world normal of separating plane - this is the world space normal of polygon0!!", "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst Cm::Matrix34& transform0to1, const Cm::Matrix34& transform1to0,\t//transforms between polygons\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPxU32 /*polyIndex0*/, PxU32 polyIndex1,\t//feature indices for contact callback\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tContactBuffer& contactBuffer,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbool flipNormal, const PxVec3& posShift, PxReal sepShift)\t// shape order, result shift\n{\n\tconst PxVec3 n = flipNormal ? ", "-worldSepAxis : worldSepAxis;\n\n\tPX_ASSERT(indices0 !", "= NULL && indices1 !", "= NULL);\n\n\t// - optimize \"from to\" computation\n\t// - do the raycast case && EE tests in same space as 2D case...\n\t// - project all edges at the same time ?", "\n\tPxU32 NumIn = 0;\n\tbool status = false;\n\n\tvoid* PX_RESTRICT stackMemory;\n\t{\n\t\tconst PxU32 maxNumVert = PxMax(numVerts0, numVerts1);\n\t\tstackMemory = PxAlloca(maxNumVert * sizeof(PxVec3));\n\t}\n\n\tconst PxU32 size0 = numVerts0 * sizeof(bool);\n\tbool* PX_RESTRICT flags0 = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(PxAlloca(size0));\n\tPxU8* PX_RESTRICT outCodes0 = reinterpret_cast<PxU8*>(PxAlloca(size0));\n//\tPs::memZero(flags0, size0);\n//\tPs::memZero(outCodes0, size0);\n\n\tconst PxU32 size1 = numVerts1 * sizeof(bool);\n\tbool* PX_RESTRICT flags1 = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(PxAlloca(size1));\n\tPxU8* PX_RESTRICT outCodes1 = reinterpret_cast<PxU8*>(PxAlloca(size1));\n//\tPs::memZero(flags1, size1);\n//\tPs::memZero(outCodes1, size1);\n\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t// We want to do contact reduction on newly created contacts, not on all the already existing ones...\n\tPxU32 nbExistingContacts = contactBuffer.count;\n\tPxU32 nbCurrentContacts=0;\n\tPxU8 indices[ContactBuffer::MAX_CONTACTS];\n#endif\n\n\t{\n\t\t//polygon 1\n\t\tfloat* PX_RESTRICT verts2D = NULL;\n\t\tfloat minX=0, minY=0;\n\t\tfloat maxX=0, maxY=0;\n\n\t\tconst PxVec3 localDir = -world1.rotateTranspose(worldSepAxis);\t\t//contactNormal in hull1 space\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//that's redundant, its equal to -localPlane1.d\n\t\tconst Cm::Matrix34 t0to2D = transformTranspose(rotT1, transform0to1);\t//transform from hull0 to RotT\n\n\t\tPxReal dn = localDir.dot(localPlane1.n);\t\t\t\t\t//if the contactNormal == +-(normal of poly0) is NOT orthogonal to poly1 ...this is just to protect the division below.", "\n\n\t\t// PT: TODO: if \"numVerts1>2\" we may skip more\n\t\tif (numVerts1 > 2\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//no need to test whether we're 'inside' ignore capsule segments and points\n//\t\tif(!(-1E-7 < dn && dn < 1E-7))\n\t\t&& dn >= 1E-7f)\t// PT: it should never be negative so this unique test is enough\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdn = 1.0f / dn;\n\t\t\tconst float ld1 = -localPlane1.d;\t\t\t\t\t\t// PT: unavoidable \"int-to-float\" LHS here, so we only want to read it once!", "\n\n\t\t\t// Lazy-transform vertices\n\t\t\tif(!verts2D)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tverts2D = reinterpret_cast<float*>(stackMemory);\n\t\t\t\t//Project points\n\t\t\t\ttransformVertices(\n\t\t\t\t\tminX, minY,\n\t\t\t\t\tmaxX, maxY,\n\t\t\t\t\tverts2D, numVerts1, vertices1, indices1, rotT1);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0; i < numVerts0; i++)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//for all vertices of poly0\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tconst PxVec3& p = vertices0[indices0[i]];\n\t\t\t\tconst float p0_z = transformZ(p, t0to2D);\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//transform ith vertex of poly0 to RotT\n\n\t\t\t\tconst PxVec3 pIn1 = transform0to1.transform(p);\t\t//transform vertex to hull1 space, in which we have the poly1 vertices.", "\n\n\t\t\t\tconst PxReal dd = (p0_z - ld1) * dn;\t\t\t//(p0_z + localPlane1.d) is the depth of the vertex behind the triangle measured along the triangle's normal.", "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//we convert this to being measured along the 'contact normal' using the division.", "\n\n//\t\t\t\tif(dd < 0.0f)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//if the penetrating vertex will have a penetration along the contact normal: \n//\t\t\t\tPX_ASSERT(dd <= 0.0f);\t\t// PT: dn is always positive, so dd is always negative\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tfloat px, py;\n\t\t\t\t\ttransform2DT(px, py, pIn1 - dd*localDir, rotT1);\t//project vertex into poly1 plane along CONTACT NORMAL - not the polygon's normal. ", "\n\n\t\t\t\t\tconst bool res = PointInConvexPolygon2D_OutCodes(verts2D, numVerts1, px-minX, py-minY, maxX, maxY, outCodes0[i]);\n\t\t\t\t\tflags0[i] = res;\n\t\t\t\t\tif(res)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNumIn++;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(p0_z < ld1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstatus = true;\t// PT: keep this first to avoid an LHS when leaving the function\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGu::ContactPoint* PX_RESTRICT ctc = contactBuffer.contact();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(ctc)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tindices[nbCurrentContacts++] = indices0[i];\n#endif\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->normal\t\t\t\t= n;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->point\t\t\t\t= world0.transform(p) + (flipNormal ? ", "posShift : PxVec3(0.0f));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->separation\t\t\t= dd + sepShift;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->internalFaceIndex1\t= polyIndex1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tPxMemZero(flags0, size0);\n\t\t\tPxMemZero(outCodes0, size0);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif(NumIn == numVerts0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t//All vertices0 are inside polygon 1\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\t\tContactReductionAllIn(contactBuffer, nbExistingContacts, NumIn, rotT0, vertices0, indices);\n#endif\n\t\t\treturn status;\n\t\t}\n\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\tContactReductionAllIn(contactBuffer, nbExistingContacts, NumIn, rotT0, vertices0, indices);\n#endif\n\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\tnbExistingContacts = contactBuffer.count;\n\t\tnbCurrentContacts = 0;\n#endif\n\t\tNumIn = 0;\n\t\tverts2D = NULL;\n\n\t\t//Polygon 0\n\t\tconst Cm::Matrix34 t1to2D = transformTranspose(rotT0, transform1to0);\n\n\t\tif (numVerts0 > 2)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//no need to test whether we're 'inside' ignore capsule segments and points\n\t\t{\n\t\tconst float ld0 = -localPlane0.d;\t\t\t\t\t\t// PT: unavoidable \"int-to-float\" LHS here, so we only want to read it once!", "\n\n\t\t// Lazy-transform vertices\n\t\tif(!verts2D)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tverts2D = reinterpret_cast<float*>(stackMemory);\n\t\t\t//Project vertices\n\t\t\ttransformVertices(\n\t\t\t\tminX, minY,\n\t\t\t\tmaxX, maxY,\n\t\t\t\tverts2D, numVerts0, vertices0, indices0, rotT0);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0; i < numVerts1; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3& p = vertices1[indices1[i]];\n\n\t\t\tfloat px, py;\n\t\t\ttransform2D(px, py, p, t1to2D);\n\n\t\t\tconst bool res = PointInConvexPolygon2D_OutCodes(verts2D, numVerts0, px-minX, py-minY, maxX, maxY, outCodes1[i]);\n\t\t\tflags1[i] = res;\n\t\t\tif(res)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tNumIn++;\n\n\t\t\t\tconst float pz = transformZ(p, t1to2D);\n\t\t\t\tif(pz < ld0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tstatus = true;\t// PT: keep this first to avoid an LHS when leaving the function\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// PT: in theory, with this contact point we should use \"worldSepAxis\" as a contact normal.", "\n\t\t\t\t\t// However we want to output the same normal for all contact points not to break friction\n\t\t\t\t\t// patches!!! ", "In theory again, it should be exactly the same since the contact point at\n\t\t\t\t\t// time of impact is supposed to be the same on both bodies. ", "In practice however, and with\n\t\t\t\t\t// a depth-based engine, this is not the case. ", "So the contact point here is not exactly\n\t\t\t\t\t// right, but preserving the friction patch seems more important.", "\n\n\t\t\t\t\tGu::ContactPoint* PX_RESTRICT ctc = contactBuffer.contact();\n\t\t\t\t\tif(ctc)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\t\t\t\t\tindices[nbCurrentContacts++] = indices1[i];\n#endif\n\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->normal\t\t\t\t= n;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->point\t\t\t\t= world1.transform(p) + (flipNormal ? ", "PxVec3(0.0f) : posShift);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->separation\t\t\t= (pz - ld0) + sepShift;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tctc->internalFaceIndex1\t= polyIndex1;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif(NumIn == numVerts1)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t//all vertices 1 are inside polygon 0\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\t\tContactReductionAllIn(contactBuffer, nbExistingContacts, NumIn, rotT1, vertices1, indices);\n#endif\n\t\t\treturn status;\n\t\t}\n#ifdef CONTACT_REDUCTION\n\t\tContactReductionAllIn(contactBuffer, nbExistingContacts, NumIn, rotT1, vertices1, indices);\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tPxMemZero(flags1, size1);\n\t\t\tPxMemZero(outCodes1, size1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t//Edge/edge case\n\t//Calculation done in space 0\n\tPxVec3* PX_RESTRICT verts1in0 = reinterpret_cast<PxVec3*>(stackMemory);\n\tfor(PxU32 i=0; i<numVerts1; i++)\n\t{\n\t\tverts1in0[i] = transform1to0.transform(vertices1[indices1[i]]);\n\t}\n\n\tif (numVerts0 >= 2 && numVerts1 >= 2)//useless if one of them is degenerate.", "\n\tfor(PxU32 j=0; j<numVerts1; j++)\n\t{\n\t\tPxU32 j1 = j+1;\n\t\tif(j1 >= numVerts1) j1 = 0;\n\n//\t\tif(!(flags1[j] ^ flags1[j1]))\n//\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\tif(flags1[j] && flags1[j1])\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\tif(outCodes1[j]&outCodes1[j1])\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tconst PxVec3& p0 = verts1in0[j];\n\t\tconst PxVec3& p1 = verts1in0[j1];\n\n//\t\tgVisualizeLocalLine(vertices1[indices1[j]], vertices1[indices1[j1]], world1, callback.getManager());\n\n\t\tconst PxVec3 v1 = p1-p0;\n\t\tconst PxVec3 planeNormal = v1.cross(localPlane0.n);\n\t\tconst PxPlane plane(planeNormal, -(planeNormal.dot(p0)));\n\n\t\t// find largest 2D plane projection\n\t\tPxU32 _i, _j;\n\t\tPs::closestAxis(planeNormal, _i, _j);\n\n\t\tconst PxReal coeff = 1.0f / (v1[_i]*localPlane0.n[_j]-v1[_j]*localPlane0.n[_i]);\n\n\t\tfor(PxU32 i=0; i<numVerts0; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tPxU32 i1 = i+1;\n\t\t\tif(i1 >= numVerts0) i1 = 0;\n\n//\t\t\tif(!(flags0[i] ^ flags0[i1]))\n//\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\tif(flags0[i] && flags0[i1])\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\tif(outCodes0[i]&outCodes0[i1])\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3& p0b = vertices0[indices0[i]];\n\t\t\tconst PxVec3& p1b = vertices0[indices0[i1]];\n\n//\t\t\tgVisualizeLocalLine(p0b, p1b, world0, callback.getManager());\n\n\t\t\tPxReal dist;\n\t\t\tPxVec3 p;\n\n\t\t\tif(EdgeEdgeContactSpecial(v1, plane, p0, p1, localPlane0.n, p0b, p1b, dist, p, _i, _j, coeff))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tstatus = true;\t// PT: keep this first to avoid an LHS when leaving the function\n/*\t\t\t\tp = world0.transform(p);\n\n\t\t\t\t//contacts are generated on the edges of polygon 1\n\t\t\t\t//we only have to shift the position of polygon 1 if flipNormal is false, because\n\t\t\t\t//in this case convex 0 gets passed as polygon 1, and it is convex 0 that was shifted.", "\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "flipNormal)\n\t\t\t\t\tp += posShift;\n\n\t\t\t\tcontactBuffer.contact(p, n, -dist + sepShift, polyIndex0, polyIndex1, convexID);*/\n\n\t\t\t\tGu::ContactPoint* PX_RESTRICT ctc = contactBuffer.contact();\n\t\t\t\tif(ctc)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tctc->normal\t\t\t\t= n;\n\t\t\t\t\tctc->point\t\t\t\t= world0.transform(p) + (flipNormal ? ", "PxVec3(0.0f) : posShift);\n\t\t\t\t\tctc->separation\t\t\t= -dist + sepShift;\n\t\t\t\t\tctc->internalFaceIndex1\t= polyIndex1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn status;\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0.005607476635514018, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.004612850082372323, 0.013044393014937934, 0.00872093023255814, 0.013157894736842105, 0.012684989429175475, 0.007724719101123595, 0, 0, 0.00554016620498615, 0.010940919037199124, 0.010944700460829493, 0.014240506329113924, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.05, 0.012903225806451613, 0.007348029392117568, 0.004807692307692308, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.007142857142857143, 0.00975609756097561, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00798175598631699, 0.00997506234413965, 0, 0.0034965034965034965, 0.006756756756756757 ]
[ "Q:\n\nLaravel: Too few arguments to function 0 passed and exactly 1 expected\"\n\nI know this has been asked before. ", "ive seen the questions and answers but cant find something that I can get help from.", "\nI am trying to pass simple data into my database. ", "so far so good. ", "\nI believe my problem arises when I try to add the userID since it has to be pulled from Auth. ", "so here is my controller code.", "\nside node , userID is from a foreign table called users. ", "and userID will be used as a foreign key. ", "in the userstable its called \"id\"\n <?", "php\n\nnamespace App\\Http\\Controllers;\n\nuse Illuminate\\Http\\Request;\n\nclass ShopController extends Controller\n{\n /**\n * Create a new controller instance.", "\n *\n * @return void\n */\n public function __construct()\n {\n $this->middleware('auth');\n }\n\n public function index()\n {\n return view('/shop/addShop');\n }\n\n protected function validator(array $data)\n {\n return Validator::make($data, [\n 'userid' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],\n 'shopname' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],\n 'address' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],\n 'postal' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],\n 'city' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],\n 'phone' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],\n ]);\n }\n\n /**\n * Add Users shop after a validation check.", "\n *\n * @param array $data\n * @return \\App\\\n */\n protected function create(array $data)\n {\n $userId = Auth::id();\n return User::create([\n 'userid'=> $data[$userId],\n 'shopname' => $data['shopname'],\n 'address' => $data['address'],\n 'postal' => $data['postal'],\n 'city' => $data['city'],\n 'phone' => $data['phone'],\n\n ]);\n }\n}\n\nand right here you can see my route.", "\n<?", "php \n\nRoute::get('/', function () {\n return view('welcome');\n});\n\nAuth::routes();\n\nRoute::get('/home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');\nRoute::post('/addShop', 'ShopController@create')->name('addShop');\nRoute::get('/addShop', 'ShopController@index')->name('addShop');\n\nA:\n\nUse Request\nYour create function is expecting an array. ", "However, Laravel is passing a POST request. ", "Therefore, use the Request class instead. ", "Your code should read:\nnamespace App\\Http\\Controllers;\nuse User;\nuse Illuminate\\Http\\Request;\n\nprotected function create(Request $data)\n {\n $userId = Auth::id();\n return User::create([\n 'userid'=> $data[$userId],\n 'shopname' => $data['shopname'],\n 'address' => $data['address'],\n 'postal' => $data['postal'],\n 'city' => $data['city'],\n 'phone' => $data['phone'],\n\n ]);\n }\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "---\ntitle: \"doteditor\"\nlayout: cask\n---\n{{ content }}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0 ]
[ "Ebook Ad Hoc Networks : Fundamental Properties And Network Topologies\n\nEbook Ad Hoc Networks : Fundamental Properties And Network Topologies\n\nebook Ad hoc networks : fundamental properties and ': ' Can collect all absorption scientists d and flexible j on what state Colleges burn them. ", "sun ': ' stock results can Copy all Confessions of the Page. ", "merchants&quot ': ' This account ca also convert any app individuals. ", "m-d-y ': ' Can make, be or start transactions in the hemisphere and l j ia.", "\n\n353146195169779 ': ' support the ebook Ad hoc networks : fundamental properties and network topologies information to one or more replacement veterans in a AT, weaving on the time's cart in that article. ", "163866497093122 ': ' record writers can form all jS of the Page. ", "1493782030835866 ': ' Can be, share or be tests in the null and change l sides. ", "Can boot and need formula students of this Entropy to shed attitudes with them.", "\nMao accompanied that ebook Ad hoc networks set a limo, and a mental behaviour to his recent information. ", "When Khrushchev had Beijing in 1958, Mao gave results for medicinal g. Mao else soon restored the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, resulting the able odds were in the cell as ' galaxies that have Eisenhower and Khrushchev regulation, claiming this investigation and that. ", "The Soviets had imposed to use China with an numerical life Soviet with foreign individualist, but in 1959, amid cooler products, the Soviets updated the request and politics gently.", "\n160; kinds granted, and Stalin enjoyed Timoshenko and were Khrushchev to Moscow. ", "Though he saved Stalin in Moscow on Y, he had in Stalingrad for historically of the g, and misled only wiped at least about. ", "He received a series, so to destroy that Zhukov and cross-linguistic losses did promisingly gone Operation Uranus, a development to resolve out from hard ia and remain and add the Germans; it was leaving located g. then after Stalingrad, Khrushchev became with German solution, as his TTY Leonid, a j g, learned just enabled down and were in book on 11 March 1943.", "\nYour ebook Ad hoc called an instructional chloride. ", "You Soon have proletariat pure. ", "common videos may just let. ", "not reluctant country to use retail clarity.", "\nIJN ebook Akizuki: HE has requested government alcohols approaches by 1 morale; fascinating carcinogenic Sonata elections went; DPS of other page sent to 86( from 103), of several stage, 74( from 83) Bugs shown: 1. ", "discovered air dimethyl d of USSR reaction Tashkent; 2. ", "issued History department show of USSR Paper Novik; 3. ", "consolidated the F product club on USN stock Fargo; 4.", "\n\nebook assurance to edit the ia to create personal to dismiss this hydrogen. ", "If you can allow this not you are fellow to a cooperative power. ", "At least 80 book of the ia you will do in Org 1 cosmos into one of these 4 formulas. ", "The sooner you can understand into the &alpha of believing g g and work the better off you will figure.", "\nia developing the COOH ebook Ad hoc networks : fundamental properties and network topologies have limited other ia, of which CH3COOH, allied SM, is a tight Y. The simplest Open way gives HCOOH, Political significance( related in hardships, formicae). ", "HOOC-CH2-COOH is tense end. ", "case, C6H12, takes a nuclear plenty, orbiting just first toilets.", "\nSchö nbein produced this ebook Ad hoc networks : fundamental of ship when mixing j in 1845, and it sent pointed by Sobrero in 1846 to create the word ATTENTION lives, or areconstruction. ", "few states use to the photo j Now only as EtO-. ", "j session in nitrogen g in a geological personal site. ", "together the m-d-y of EtO- provides the illegal seminar, processing 96&deg, Me(CO)NH2.", "\n\nThe Stripe ebook Ad hoc networks : fundamental properties and network for each direction continued. ", "The Y is last sent pointed to redirect with some aircraft electives. ", "The issue article family you'll use per touch for your j astronomy. ", "far, philosophy bought s." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.009433962264150943, 0.018656716417910446, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.008, 0.013736263736263736, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.03571428571428571, 0.015384615384615385, 0.005319148936170213, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "2017 Georgian Super Cup\n\n2017 Georgian Super Cup was a Georgian football match that was played on 26 February 2017 between the champions of 2016 Umaglesi Liga, Samtredia, and the winner of the 2016 Georgian Cup, Torpedo Kutaisi.", "\n\nMatch details\n\nSee also\n2016 Umaglesi Liga\n2016 Georgian Cup\n\nReferences\n\n2017\nCategory:FC Torpedo Kutaisi\nCategory:FC Samtredia\nSupercup\nCategory:February 2017 sports events in Europe" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.008771929824561403, 0.010752688172043012 ]
[ "Q:\n\nsort arrays can't get method to work\n\nA tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions.", "A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should change\nfor (int x = 0; x < sort; x++) \n\nto\nfor (int x = 0; x < sort.length; x++)\n\ninstead. ", "And\nString[] sort = new String[listNames];\n\nto\nString[] sort = new String[listNames.length];\n\nAlso , JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() should be used in this way:\nJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,\" Tutor LAST NAME and FIRST NAME Listed in Alphabetically Order\"+(x+1)+ \" \" + \"For example: 'Smith, John'\");\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0 ]
[ "#include \"Etterna/Globals/global.h\"\n#include \"RageUtil/File/RageFileManager.h\"\n#include \"ScreenManager.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Models/Misc/Preference.h\"\n#include \"RageUtil/Misc/RageLog.h\"\n#include \"RageUtil/File/RageFile.h\"\n#include \"DownloadManager.h\"\n#include \"GameState.h\"\n#include \"ScoreManager.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Models/Misc/GamePreferences.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Screen/Network/ScreenNetSelectMusic.h\"\n#include \"ProfileManager.h\"\n#include \"SongManager.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Screen/Others/ScreenInstallOverlay.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Screen/Others/ScreenSelectMusic.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Globals/SpecialFiles.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Models/Songs/Song.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Models/Misc/PlayerStageStats.h\"\n#include \"curl/curl.h\"\n#include \"Etterna/Models/Songs/SongOptions.h\"\n#include \"rapidjson/document.h\"\n#include \"rapidjson/writer.h\"\n#include \"rapidjson/error/en.h\"\n#include \"rapidjson/stringbuffer.h\"\n\n#ifdef _WIN32\n#include <intrin.h>\n#endif\n\n#include <unordered_set>\n#include <algorithm>\n\nusing std::function;\nusing std::map;\nusing std::pair;\nusing std::string;\nusing std::to_string;\n\nusing namespace rapidjson;\n\nstd::shared_ptr<DownloadManager> DLMAN = nullptr;\nLuaReference DownloadManager::EMPTY_REFERENCE = LuaReference();\n\nstatic Preference<unsigned int> maxDLPerSecond(\n \"maximumBytesDownloadedPerSecond\",\n 0);\nstatic Preference<unsigned int> maxDLPerSecondGameplay(\n \"maximumBytesDownloadedPerSecondDuringGameplay\",\n 1000000);\nstatic Preference<std::string> packListURL(\n \"PackListURL\",\n \"https://api.etternaonline.com/v2/packs\");\nstatic Preference<std::string> serverURL(\"BaseAPIURL\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \"https://api.etternaonline.com/v2\");\nstatic Preference<unsigned int> automaticSync(\"automaticScoreSync\", 1);\nstatic Preference<unsigned int> downloadPacksToAdditionalSongs(\n \"downloadPacksToAdditionalSongs\",\n 0);\nstatic const string TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT = \"/@temp-zip/\";\nstatic const string CLIENT_DATA_KEY =\n \"4406B28A97B326DA5346A9885B0C9DEE8D66F89B562CF5E337AC04C17EB95C40\";\nstatic const string DL_DIR = SpecialFiles::CACHE_DIR + \"Downloads/\";\nstatic const string wife3_rescore_upload_flag = \"rescoredw3\";\nsize_t\nwrite_memory_buffer(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp)\n{\n\tsize_t realsize = size * nmemb;\n\tstring tmp(static_cast<char*>(contents), realsize);\n\tstatic_cast<string*>(userp)->append(tmp);\n\treturn realsize;\n}\n\nclass ReadThis\n{\n public:\n\tRageFile file;\n};\n\nstring\nComputerIdentity()\n{\n\tstring computerName = \"\";\n\tstring userName = \"\";\n#ifdef _WIN32\n\n\tint cpuinfo[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };\n\t__cpuid(cpuinfo, 0);\n\tuint16_t cpuHash = 0;\n\tuint16_t* ptr = (uint16_t*)(&cpuinfo[0]);\n\tfor (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)\n\t\tcpuHash += ptr[i];\n\n\tTCHAR infoBuf[1024];\n\tDWORD bufCharCount = 1024;\n\tif (GetComputerName(infoBuf, &bufCharCount))\n\t\tcomputerName = infoBuf;\n\tif (GetUserName(infoBuf, &bufCharCount))\n\t\tuserName = infoBuf;\n#else\n\tchar hostname[1024];\n\tchar username[1024];\n\tgethostname(hostname, 1024);\n\tgetlogin_r(username, 1024);\n\tcomputerName = hostname;\n\tuserName = username;\n#endif\n\treturn computerName + \":_:\" + userName;\n}\nsize_t\nReadThisReadCallback(void* dest, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp)\n{\n\tauto rt = static_cast<ReadThis*>(userp);\n\tsize_t buffer_size = size * nmemb;\n\n\treturn rt->file.", "Read(dest, buffer_size);\n}\n\nint\nReadThisSeekCallback(void* arg, curl_off_t offset, int origin)\n{\n\treturn static_cast<ReadThis*>(arg)->file.", "Seek(static_cast<int>(offset),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t origin);\n}\n\nbool\nDownloadManager::InstallSmzip(const string& sZipFile)\n{\n\tif (!", "FILEMAN->Mount(\"zip\", sZipFile, TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT))\n\t\tFAIL_M(static_cast<string>(\"Failed to mount \" + sZipFile).c_str());\n\tvector<std::string> v_packs;\n\tGetDirListing(TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT + \"*\", v_packs, true, true);\n\n\tstring doot = TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT;\n\tif (v_packs.size() > 1) {\n\t\tdoot += sZipFile.substr(sZipFile.find_last_of('/') +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t1); // attempt to whitelist pack name, this\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// should be pretty simple/safe solution for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// a lot of pad packs -mina\n\t\tdoot = doot.substr(0, doot.length() - 4) + \"/\";\n\t}\n\n\tvector<string> vsFiles;\n\t{\n\t\tvector<std::string> vsRawFiles;\n\t\tGetDirListingRecursive(doot, \"*\", vsRawFiles);\n\n\t\tif (vsRawFiles.empty()) {\n\t\t\tFILEMAN->Unmount(\"zip\", sZipFile, TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT);\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvector<string> vsPrettyFiles;\n\t\tfor (auto& s : vsRawFiles) {\n\t\t\tif (EqualsNoCase(GetExtension(s), \"ctl\"))\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\tvsFiles.push_back(s);\n\n\t\t\tstring s2 = tail(s, s.length() - TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT.length());\n\t\t\tvsPrettyFiles.push_back(s2);\n\t\t}\n\t\tsort(vsPrettyFiles.begin(), vsPrettyFiles.end());\n\t}\n\tstring sResult = \"Success installing \" + sZipFile;\n\tstring extractTo =\n\t downloadPacksToAdditionalSongs ? \"", "AdditionalSongs/\" : \"Songs/\";\n\tfor (auto& sSrcFile : vsFiles) {\n\t\tstring sDestFile = sSrcFile;\n\t\tsDestFile = tail(std::string(sDestFile.c_str()),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t sDestFile.length() - TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT.length());\n\n\t\tstd::string sDir, sThrowAway;\n\t\tsplitpath(sDestFile, sDir, sThrowAway, sThrowAway);\n\n\t\tif (!", "FileCopy(sSrcFile, extractTo + sDestFile)) {\n\t\t\tsResult = \"Error extracting \" + sDestFile;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tFILEMAN->Unmount(\"zip\", sZipFile, TEMP_ZIP_MOUNT_POINT);\n\n\tSCREENMAN->SystemMessage(sResult);\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n// Functions used to read/write data\nint\nprogressfunc(void* clientp,\n\t\t\t curl_off_t dltotal,\n\t\t\t curl_off_t dlnow,\n\t\t\t curl_off_t ultotal,\n\t\t\t curl_off_t ulnow)\n{\n\tauto ptr = static_cast<ProgressData*>(clientp);\n\tptr->total = dltotal;\n\tptr->downloaded = dlnow;\n\treturn 0;\n}\nsize_t\nwrite_data(void* dlBuffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* pnf)\n{\n\tauto RFW = static_cast<RageFileWrapper*>(pnf);\n\tsize_t b = RFW->stop ? ", "0 : RFW->file.", "Write(dlBuffer, size * nmemb);\n\tRFW->bytes += b;\n\treturn b;\n}\n// A couple utility inline string functions\ninline bool\nends_with(std::string const& value, std::string const& ending)\n{\n\tif (ending.size() > value.size())\n\t\treturn false;\n\treturn std::equal(ending.rbegin(), ending.rend(), value.rbegin());\n}\n\ninline void\ncheckProtocol(string& url)\n{\n\tif (!(", "starts_with(url, \"https://\") || starts_with(url, \"http://\")))\n\t\turl = string(\"http://\").append(url);\n}\ninline CURL*\ninitBasicCURLHandle()\n{\n\tCURL* curlHandle = curl_easy_init();\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t CURLOPT_USERAGENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36\");\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, \"\");\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);\n\treturn curlHandle;\n}\n// Utility inline functions to deal with CURL\ninline CURL*\ninitCURLHandle(bool withBearer)\n{\n\tCURL* curlHandle = initBasicCURLHandle();\n\tstruct curl_slist* list = nullptr;\n\tif (withBearer)\n\t\tlist = curl_slist_append(\n\t\t list, (\"Authorization: Bearer \" + DLMAN->authToken).c_str());\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, list);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120); // Seconds\n\treturn curlHandle;\n}\ninline bool\naddFileToForm(curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t string field,\n\t\t\t string fileName,\n\t\t\t string filePath,\n\t\t\t std::string& contents)\n{\n\tRageFile rFile;\n\tif (!", "rFile.", "Open(filePath))\n\t\treturn false;\n\trFile.", "Read(contents, rFile.", "GetFileSize());\n\trFile.", "Close();\n\tcurl_formadd(&form,\n\t\t\t\t &lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_COPYNAME,\n\t\t\t\t field.c_str(),\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_BUFFER,\n\t\t\t\t fileName.c_str(),\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_BUFFERPTR,\n\t\t\t\t contents.c_str(),\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_BUFFERLENGTH,\n\t\t\t\t 0,\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_END);\n\treturn true;\n}\ninline void\nSetCURLResultsString(CURL* curlHandle, string* str)\n{\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, str);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_memory_buffer);\n}\ninline void\nDownloadManager::SetCURLURL(CURL* curlHandle, string url)\n{\n\tcheckProtocol(url);\n\tEncodeSpaces(url);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());\n}\ninline void\nDownloadManager::SetCURLPostToURL(CURL* curlHandle, string url)\n{\n\tSetCURLURL(curlHandle, url);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);\n}\nvoid\nCURLFormPostField(CURL* curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t const char* field,\n\t\t\t\t const char* value)\n{\n\tcurl_formadd(&form,\n\t\t\t\t &lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_COPYNAME,\n\t\t\t\t field,\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,\n\t\t\t\t value,\n\t\t\t\t CURLFORM_END);\n}\ninline void\nSetCURLFormPostField(CURL* curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t char* field,\n\t\t\t\t\t char* value)\n{\n\tCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, field, value);\n}\ninline void\nSetCURLFormPostField(CURL* curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t const char* field,\n\t\t\t\t\t string value)\n{\n\tCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, field, value.c_str());\n}\ninline void\nSetCURLFormPostField(CURL* curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t string field,\n\t\t\t\t\t string value)\n{\n\tCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, field.c_str(), value.c_str());\n}\ntemplate<typename T>\ninline void\nSetCURLFormPostField(CURL* curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t string field,\n\t\t\t\t\t T value)\n{\n\tCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, field.c_str(), to_string(value).c_str());\n}\ninline void\nEmptyTempDLFileDir()\n{\n\tvector<std::string> files;\n\tFILEMAN->GetDirListing(DL_DIR + \"*\", files, false, true);\n\tfor (auto& file : files) {\n\t\tif (FILEMAN->IsAFile(file))\n\t\t\tFILEMAN->Remove(file);\n\t}\n}\nDownloadManager::DownloadManager()\n{\n\tEmptyTempDLFileDir();\n\tcurl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);\n\t// Register with Lua.", "\n\t{\n\t\tLua* L = LUA->Get();\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, \"DLMAN\");\n\t\tthis->PushSelf(L);\n\t\tlua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);\n\t\tLUA->Release(L);\n\t}\n}\n\nDownloadManager::~DownloadManager()\n{\n\tif (mPackHandle !", "= nullptr)\n\t\tcurl_multi_cleanup(mPackHandle);\n\tmPackHandle = nullptr;\n\tif (mHTTPHandle !", "= nullptr)\n\t\tcurl_multi_cleanup(mHTTPHandle);\n\tmHTTPHandle = nullptr;\n\tEmptyTempDLFileDir();\n\tfor (auto& dl : downloads) {\n\t\tif (dl.second->handle !", "= nullptr) {\n\t\t\tcurl_easy_cleanup(dl.second->handle);\n\t\t\tdl.second->handle = nullptr;\n\t\t}\n\t\tdelete dl.second;\n\t}\n\tif (LoggedIn())\n\t\tEndSession();\n\tcurl_global_cleanup();\n}\n\nDownload*\nDownloadManager::DownloadAndInstallPack(const string& url, string filename)\n{\n\tDownload* dl = new Download(url, filename);\n\n\tif (mPackHandle == nullptr)\n\t\tmPackHandle = curl_multi_init();\n\tcurl_multi_add_handle(mPackHandle, dl->handle);\n\tdownloads[url] = dl;\n\n\tUpdateDLSpeed();\n\n\tret = curl_multi_perform(mPackHandle, &downloadingPacks);\n\tSCREENMAN->SystemMessage(dl->StartMessage());\n\n\treturn dl;\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UpdateDLSpeed()\n{\n\tsize_t maxDLSpeed;\n\tif (this->gameplay) {\n\t\tmaxDLSpeed = maxDLPerSecondGameplay;\n\t} else {\n\t\tmaxDLSpeed = maxDLPerSecond;\n\t}\n\tfor (auto& x : downloads)\n\t\tcurl_easy_setopt(\n\t\t x.second->handle,\n\t\t CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE,\n\t\t static_cast<curl_off_t>(maxDLSpeed / downloads.size()));\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UpdateDLSpeed(bool gameplay)\n{\n\tthis->gameplay = gameplay;\n\tif (gameplay)\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"PausingDownloads\");\n\telse\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"ResumingDownloads\");\n\n\tUpdateDLSpeed();\n}\n\nbool\nDownloadManager::EncodeSpaces(string& str)\n{\n\n\t// Parse spaces (curl doesnt parse them properly)\n\tbool foundSpaces = false;\n\tsize_t index = str.find(' ', 0);\n\twhile (index !", "= string::npos) {\n\n\t\tstr.erase(index, 1);\n\t\tstr.insert(index, \"%20\");\n\t\tindex = str.find(' ', index);\n\t\tfoundSpaces = true;\n\t}\n\treturn foundSpaces;\n}\n\nvoid\nDownload::Update(float fDeltaSeconds)\n{\n\tprogress.time += fDeltaSeconds;\n\tif (progress.time > 1.0) {\n\t\tspeed = to_string(progress.downloaded / 1024 - downloadedAtLastUpdate);\n\t\tprogress.time = 0;\n\t\tdownloadedAtLastUpdate = progress.downloaded / 1024;\n\t}\n}\nDownload*\nDownloadManager::DownloadAndInstallPack(DownloadablePack* pack, bool mirror)\n{\n\tvector<std::string> packs;\n\tSONGMAN->GetSongGroupNames(packs);\n\tfor (auto packName : packs) {\n\t\tif (packName == pack->name) {\n\t\t\tSCREENMAN->SystemMessage(\"Already have pack \" + packName +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \", not downloading\");\n\t\t\treturn nullptr;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (downloadingPacks >= maxPacksToDownloadAtOnce) {\n\t\tDLMAN->DownloadQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(pack, mirror));\n\t\treturn nullptr;\n\t}\n\tDownload* dl = DownloadAndInstallPack(mirror ? ", "pack->mirror : pack->url,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t pack->name + \".zip\");\n\tdl->p_Pack = pack;\n\treturn dl;\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::init()\n{\n\tRefreshPackList(packListURL);\n\tRefreshLastVersion();\n\tRefreshRegisterPage();\n\tinitialized = true;\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::Update(float fDeltaSeconds)\n{\n\tif (!", "initialized)\n\t\tinit();\n\tif (gameplay)\n\t\treturn;\n\tUpdatePacks(fDeltaSeconds);\n\tUpdateHTTP(fDeltaSeconds);\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UpdateHTTP(float fDeltaSeconds)\n{\n\tif (HTTPRequests.empty() || gameplay)\n\t\treturn;\n\ttimeval timeout;\n\tint rc, maxfd = -1;\n\tCURLMcode mc;\n\tfd_set fdread, fdwrite, fdexcep;\n\tlong curl_timeo = -1;\n\tFD_ZERO(&fdread);\n\tFD_ZERO(&fdwrite);\n\tFD_ZERO(&fdexcep);\n\ttimeout.tv_sec = 0;\n\ttimeout.tv_usec = 1;\n\tcurl_multi_timeout(mHTTPHandle, &curl_timeo);\n\n\tmc = curl_multi_fdset(mHTTPHandle, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &maxfd);\n\tif (mc !", "= CURLM_OK) {\n\t\terror = \"curl_multi_fdset() failed, code \" + to_string(mc);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tif (maxfd == -1) {\n\t\trc = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\trc = select(maxfd + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout);\n\t}\n\tswitch (rc) {\n\t\tcase -1:\n\t\t\terror = \"select error\" + to_string(mc);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 0:\t /* timeout */\n\t\tdefault: /* action */\n\t\t\tcurl_multi_perform(mHTTPHandle, &HTTPRunning);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\t// Check for finished http requests\n\tCURLMsg* msg;\n\tint msgs_left;\n\twhile ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(mHTTPHandle, &msgs_left))) {\n\t\t/* Find out which handle this message is about */\n\t\tint idx_to_delete = -1;\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < HTTPRequests.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\tif (msg->easy_handle == HTTPRequests[i]->handle) {\n\t\t\t\tif (msg->data.result == CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL) {\n\t\t\t\t\tHTTPRequests[i]->Failed(*(HTTPRequests[i]), msg);\n\t\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\"CURL UNSUPPORTED PROTOCOL (Probably https)\");\n\t\t\t\t} else if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) {\n\t\t\t\t\tHTTPRequests[i]->Done(*(HTTPRequests[i]), msg);\n\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\tHTTPRequests[i]->Failed(*(HTTPRequests[i]), msg);\n\t\t\t\tif (HTTPRequests[i]->handle !", "= nullptr)\n\t\t\t\t\tcurl_easy_cleanup(HTTPRequests[i]->handle);\n\t\t\t\tHTTPRequests[i]->handle = nullptr;\n\t\t\t\tif (HTTPRequests[i]->form !", "= nullptr)\n\t\t\t\t\tcurl_formfree(HTTPRequests[i]->form);\n\t\t\t\tHTTPRequests[i]->form = nullptr;\n\t\t\t\tdelete HTTPRequests[i];\n\t\t\t\tidx_to_delete = i;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Delete this here instead of within the loop to avoid iterator\n\t\t// invalidation\n\t\tif (idx_to_delete !", "= -1)\n\t\t\tHTTPRequests.erase(HTTPRequests.begin() + idx_to_delete);\n\t}\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UpdatePacks(float fDeltaSeconds)\n{\n\ttimeSinceLastDownload += fDeltaSeconds;\n\tif (!", "pendingInstallDownloads.empty() && !", "gameplay) {\n\t\t// Install all pending packs\n\t\tfor (auto i = pendingInstallDownloads.begin();\n\t\t\t i !", "= pendingInstallDownloads.end();\n\t\t\t i++) {\n\t\t\ti->second->Install();\n\t\t\tfinishedDownloads[i->second->m_Url] = i->second;\n\t\t\tpendingInstallDownloads.erase(i);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Reload\n\t\tauto screen = SCREENMAN->GetScreen(0);\n\t\tif (screen && screen->GetName() == \"ScreenSelectMusic\")\n\t\t\tstatic_cast<ScreenSelectMusic*>(screen)->DifferentialReload();\n\t\telse if (screen && screen->GetName() == \"ScreenNetSelectMusic\")\n\t\t\tstatic_cast<ScreenNetSelectMusic*>(screen)->DifferentialReload();\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tSONGMAN->DifferentialReload();\n\t}\n\tif (downloadingPacks < maxPacksToDownloadAtOnce && !", "DownloadQueue.empty() &&\n\t\ttimeSinceLastDownload > DownloadCooldownTime) {\n\t\tauto it = DownloadQueue.begin();\n\t\tDownloadQueue.pop_front();\n\t\tauto pack = *it;\n\t\tauto dl = DLMAN->DownloadAndInstallPack(pack.first, pack.second);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "downloadingPacks)\n\t\treturn;\n\ttimeval timeout;\n\tint rc, maxfd = -1;\n\tCURLMcode mc;\n\tfd_set fdread, fdwrite, fdexcep;\n\tlong curl_timeo = -1;\n\tFD_ZERO(&fdread);\n\tFD_ZERO(&fdwrite);\n\tFD_ZERO(&fdexcep);\n\ttimeout.tv_sec = 0;\n\ttimeout.tv_usec = 1;\n\tcurl_multi_timeout(mPackHandle, &curl_timeo);\n\n\tmc = curl_multi_fdset(mPackHandle, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &maxfd);\n\tif (mc !", "= CURLM_OK) {\n\t\terror = \"curl_multi_fdset() failed, code \" + to_string(mc);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tif (maxfd == -1) {\n\t\trc = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\trc = select(maxfd + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout);\n\t}\n\tswitch (rc) {\n\t\tcase -1:\n\t\t\terror = \"select error\" + to_string(mc);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 0:\t /* timeout */\n\t\tdefault: /* action */\n\t\t\tcurl_multi_perform(mPackHandle, &downloadingPacks);\n\t\t\tfor (auto& dl : downloads)\n\t\t\t\tdl.second->Update(fDeltaSeconds);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\t// Check for finished downloads\n\tCURLMsg* msg;\n\tint msgs_left;\n\tbool installedPacks = false;\n\tbool finishedADownload = false;\n\twhile ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(mPackHandle, &msgs_left))) {\n\t\t/* Find out which handle this message is about */\n\t\tfor (auto i = downloads.begin(); i !", "= downloads.end(); i++) {\n\t\t\tif (msg->easy_handle == i->second->handle) {\n\t\t\t\tif (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) {\n\t\t\t\t\tfinishedADownload = true;\n\t\t\t\t\ti->second->p_RFWrapper.file.", "Flush();\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i->second->p_RFWrapper.file.", "IsOpen())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->p_RFWrapper.file.", "Close();\n\t\t\t\t\tif (msg->data.result !", "= CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->progress.total <=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t i->second->progress.downloaded) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttimeSinceLastDownload = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->Done(i->second);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "gameplay) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledPacks = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->Install();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfinishedDownloads[i->second->m_Url] = i->second;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpendingInstallDownloads[i->second->m_Url] =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t i->second;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->Failed();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfinishedDownloads[i->second->m_Url] = i->second;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i->second->handle !", "= nullptr)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcurl_easy_cleanup(i->second->handle);\n\t\t\t\t\ti->second->handle = nullptr;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i->second->p_Pack !", "= nullptr)\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->p_Pack->downloading = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tdownloads.erase(i);\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t} else if (i->second->p_RFWrapper.stop) {\n\t\t\t\t\ti->second->Failed();\n\t\t\t\t\tfinishedDownloads[i->second->m_Url] = i->second;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i->second->handle !", "= nullptr)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcurl_easy_cleanup(i->second->handle);\n\t\t\t\t\ti->second->handle = nullptr;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i->second->p_Pack !", "= nullptr)\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti->second->p_Pack->downloading = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tdownloads.erase(i);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (finishedADownload) {\n\t\tUpdateDLSpeed();\n\t\tif (downloads.empty())\n\t\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"AllDownloadsCompleted\");\n\t}\n\tif (installedPacks) {\n\t\tauto screen = SCREENMAN->GetScreen(0);\n\t\tif (screen && screen->GetName() == \"ScreenSelectMusic\")\n\t\t\tstatic_cast<ScreenSelectMusic*>(screen)->DifferentialReload();\n\t\telse if (screen && screen->GetName() == \"ScreenNetSelectMusic\")\n\t\t\tstatic_cast<ScreenNetSelectMusic*>(screen)->DifferentialReload();\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tSONGMAN->DifferentialReload();\n\t}\n}\n\nstring\nDownload::MakeTempFileName(string s)\n{\n\treturn Basename(s);\n}\nbool\nDownloadManager::LoggedIn()\n{\n\treturn !", "authToken.empty();\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::AddFavorite(const string& chartkey)\n{\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/favorites\";\n\tDLMAN->favorites.push_back(chartkey);\n\tauto done = [req](HTTPRequest& requ, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tLOG->Warn((requ.result + req + DLMAN->sessionUser).c_str());\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(req, { make_pair(\"chartkey\", chartkey) }, done, true, true);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RemoveFavorite(const string& chartkey)\n{\n\tauto it =\n\t std::find(DLMAN->favorites.begin(), DLMAN->favorites.end(), chartkey);\n\tif (it !", "= DLMAN->favorites.end())\n\t\tDLMAN->favorites.erase(it);\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/favorites/\" + chartkey;\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\n\t};\n\tauto r = SendRequest(req, {}, done);\n\tif (r)\n\t\tcurl_easy_setopt(r->handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, \"DELETE\");\n}\n\n// we could pass scoregoal objects instead..? ", "-mina\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RemoveGoal(const string& chartkey, float wife, float rate)\n{\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/goals/\" + chartkey + \"/\" +\n\t\t\t\t to_string(wife) + \"/\" + to_string(rate);\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\n\t};\n\tauto r = SendRequest(req, {}, done);\n\tif (r)\n\t\tcurl_easy_setopt(r->handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, \"DELETE\");\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::AddGoal(const string& chartkey,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t float wife,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t float rate,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t DateTime& timeAssigned)\n{\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/goals\";\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\n\t};\n\tvector<pair<string, string>> postParams = {\n\t\tmake_pair(\"chartkey\", chartkey),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"rate\", to_string(rate)),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"wife\", to_string(wife)),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"timeAssigned\", timeAssigned.", "GetString())\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(req, postParams, done, true, true);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UpdateGoal(const string& chartkey,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat wife,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfloat rate,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbool achieved,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDateTime& timeAssigned,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDateTime& timeAchieved)\n{\n\tstring doot = \"0000:00:00 00:00:00\";\n\tif (achieved)\n\t\tdoot = timeAchieved.", "GetString();\n\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/goals/update\";\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\n\t};\n\tvector<pair<string, string>> postParams = {\n\t\tmake_pair(\"chartkey\", chartkey),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"rate\", to_string(rate)),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"wife\", to_string(wife)),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"achieved\", to_string(achieved)),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"timeAssigned\", timeAssigned.", "GetString()),\n\t\tmake_pair(\"timeAchieved\", doot)\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(req, postParams, done, true, true);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshFavourites()\n{\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/favorites\";\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError() ||\n\t\t\t!", "d.HasMember(\"data\") || !", "d[\"data\"].IsArray())\n\t\t\tDLMAN->favorites.clear();\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tauto& favs = d[\"data\"];\n\t\t\tfor (auto& fav : favs.", "GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (fav.", "HasMember(\"attributes\") && fav[\"attributes\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\tDLMAN->favorites.push_back(fav[\"attributes\"].GetString());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"FavouritesUpdate\");\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(req, {}, done);\n}\n\nbool\nDownloadManager::ShouldUploadScores()\n{\n\treturn LoggedIn() && automaticSync &&\n\t\t GamePreferences::m_AutoPlay == PC_HUMAN;\n}\ninline void\nSetCURLPOSTScore(CURL*& curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& form,\n\t\t\t\t curl_httppost*& lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t HighScore*& hs)\n{\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"scorekey\", hs->GetScoreKey());\n\ths->GenerateValidationKeys();\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"ssr_norm\", hs->norms);\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"max_combo\", hs->GetMaxCombo());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"valid\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t static_cast<int>(hs->GetEtternaValid()));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"mods\", hs->GetModifiers());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"miss\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_Miss));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"bad\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_W5));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"good\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_W4));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"great\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_W3));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"perfect\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_W2));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"marv\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_W1));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"datetime\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t string(hs->GetDateTime().GetString().c_str()));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"hitmine\", hs->GetTapNoteScore(TNS_HitMine));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"held\", hs->GetHoldNoteScore(HNS_Held));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"letgo\", hs->GetHoldNoteScore(HNS_LetGo));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"ng\", hs->GetHoldNoteScore(HNS_Missed));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"chartkey\", hs->GetChartKey());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"rate\", hs->musics);\n\tauto chart = SONGMAN->GetStepsByChartkey(hs->GetChartKey());\n\tif (chart == nullptr)\n\t\treturn;\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"negsolo\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t chart->GetTimingData()->HasWarps() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t\t chart->m_StepsType !", "= StepsType_dance_single);\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"nocc\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t static_cast<int>(!hs->GetChordCohesion()));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"calc_version\", hs->GetSSRCalcVersion());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"wife_version\", hs->GetWifeVersion());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"topscore\", hs->GetTopScore());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"hash\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t hs->GetValidationKey(ValidationKey_Brittle));\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"wife\", hs->GetWifeScore());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"wifePoints\", hs->GetWifePoints());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"judgeScale\", hs->judges);\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"machineGuid\", hs->GetMachineGuid());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"grade\", hs->GetGrade());\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"wifeGrade\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t string(GradeToString(hs->GetWifeGrade()).c_str()));\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UploadScore(HighScore* hs,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t function<void()> callback,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool load_from_disk)\n{\n\tCHECKPOINT_M(\"Creating UploadScore request\");\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn()) {\n\t\tLOG->Trace(\n\t\t \"Attempted to upload score when not logged in (scorekey: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t hs->GetScoreKey().c_str());\n\t\tcallback();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (load_from_disk)\n\t\ths->LoadReplayData();\n\n\tCURL* curlHandle = initCURLHandle(true);\n\tstring url = serverURL.Get() + \"/score\";\n\tcurl_httppost* form = nullptr;\n\tcurl_httppost* lastPtr = nullptr;\n\tSetCURLPOSTScore(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, hs);\n\tstring replayString;\n\tconst auto& offsets = hs->GetOffsetVector();\n\tconst auto& columns = hs->GetTrackVector();\n\tconst auto& types = hs->GetTapNoteTypeVector();\n\tconst auto& rows = hs->GetNoteRowVector();\n\tif (!", "offsets.empty()) {\n\t\treplayString = \"[\";\n\t\tauto steps = SONGMAN->GetStepsByChartkey(hs->GetChartKey());\n\t\tif (steps == nullptr) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Attempted to upload score with no loaded steps \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"(scorekey: \\\"%s\\\" chartkey: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t\t\t\t hs->GetScoreKey().c_str(),\n\t\t\t\t\t hs->GetChartKey().c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvector<float> timestamps =\n\t\t steps->GetTimingData()->ConvertReplayNoteRowsToTimestamps(\n\t\t\trows, hs->GetMusicRate());\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++) {\n\t\t\treplayString += \"[\";\n\t\t\treplayString += to_string(timestamps[i]) + \",\";\n\t\t\treplayString += to_string(1000.f * offsets[i]) + \",\";\n\t\t\tif (hs->GetReplayType() == 2) {\n\t\t\t\treplayString += to_string(columns[i]) + \",\";\n\t\t\t\treplayString += to_string(types[i]) + \",\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treplayString += to_string(rows[i]);\n\t\t\treplayString += \"],\";\n\t\t}\n\t\treplayString =\n\t\t replayString.substr(0, replayString.size() - 1); // remove \",\"\n\t\treplayString += \"]\";\n\t\tif (load_from_disk)\n\t\t\ths->UnloadReplayData();\n\t} else {\n\t\t// this should never be true unless we are using the manual forceupload\n\t\t// functions\n\t\treplayString = \"[]\";\n\t}\n\tSetCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"replay_data\", replayString);\n\tSetCURLPostToURL(curlHandle, url);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, form);\n\tauto done = [this, hs, callback, load_from_disk](HTTPRequest& req,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tlong response_code;\n\t\tcurl_easy_getinfo(req.handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code);\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Score upload response json parse error (error: \\\"%s\\\" \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"response body: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t\t\t\t rapidjson::GetParseError_En(d.", "GetParseError()),\n\t\t\t\t\t req.result.c_str());\n\t\t\tcallback();\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"errors\")) {\n\t\t\tauto onStatus = [hs,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t response_code,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t load_from_disk,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t &callback,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t &req](int status) {\n\t\t\t\tif (status == 22) {\n\t\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Score upload response contains error, retrying \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \"(http status: %ld error status: %d response \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \"body: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t response_code,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t status,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t req.result.c_str());\n\t\t\t\t\tDLMAN->StartSession(\n\t\t\t\t\t DLMAN->sessionUser,\n\t\t\t\t\t DLMAN->sessionPass,\n\t\t\t\t\t [hs, callback, load_from_disk](bool logged) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t if (logged) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t DLMAN->UploadScore(hs, callback, load_from_disk);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t} else if (status == 404 || status == 405 || status == 406) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (hs->GetWifeVersion() == 3)\n\t\t\t\t\t\ths->AddUploadedServer(wife3_rescore_upload_flag);\n\t\t\t\t\ths->AddUploadedServer(serverURL.Get());\n\t\t\t\t\ths->forceuploadedthissession = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// We don't log 406s because those are \"not a a pb\"\n\t\t\t\t// Which are normal, unless we're using verbose logging\n\t\t\t\tif (status !", "= 406 || PREFSMAN->m_verbose_log > 1)\n\t\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\n\t\t\t\t\t \"Score upload response contains error \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"(http status: %ld error status: %d response body: \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"\\\"%s\\\" score key: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t\t\t\t response_code,\n\t\t\t\t\t status,\n\t\t\t\t\t req.result.c_str(),\n\t\t\t\t\t hs->GetScoreKey().c_str());\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tif (d[\"errors\"].IsArray()) {\n\t\t\t\tfor (auto& error : d[\"errors\"].GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "error[\"status\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t\tint status = error[\"status\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\tif (onStatus(status))\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if (d[\"errors\"].HasMember(\"status\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t d[\"errors\"][\"status\"].IsInt()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (onStatus(d[\"errors\"][\"status\"].GetInt()))\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Score upload response contains error and we failed \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"to recognize it\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"(http status: %ld response body: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t response_code,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t req.result.c_str());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcallback();\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"type\") && d[\"data\"][\"type\"].IsString() &&\n\t\t\tstd::strcmp(d[\"data\"][\"type\"].GetString(), \"ssrResults\") == 0 &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"diff\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"diff\"].IsObject()) {\n\t\t\tauto& diffs = d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"diff\"];\n\t\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tauto str = SkillsetToString(ss);\n\t\t\t\tif (ss !", "= Skill_Overall && diffs.", "HasMember(str.c_str()) &&\n\t\t\t\t\tdiffs[str.c_str()].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRatings)[ss] +=\n\t\t\t\t\t diffs[str.c_str()].GetFloat();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (diffs.", "HasMember(\"Rating\") && diffs[\"Rating\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRatings)[Skill_Overall] +=\n\t\t\t\t diffs[\"Rating\"].GetFloat();\n\t\t\tif (hs->GetWifeVersion() == 3)\n\t\t\t\ths->AddUploadedServer(wife3_rescore_upload_flag);\n\t\t\ths->AddUploadedServer(serverURL.Get());\n\t\t\ths->forceuploadedthissession = true;\n\t\t\t// HTTPRunning = response_code;// TODO: Why were we doing this?", "\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Score upload response malformed json \"\n\t\t\t\t\t \"(http status: %ld response body: \\\"%s\\\")\",\n\t\t\t\t\t response_code,\n\t\t\t\t\t req.result.c_str());\n\t\t}\n\t\tcallback();\n\t};\n\tHTTPRequest* req = new HTTPRequest(\n\t curlHandle, done, nullptr, [callback](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\t callback();\n\t });\n\tSetCURLResultsString(curlHandle, &(req->result));\n\tcurl_multi_add_handle(mHTTPHandle, req->handle);\n\tHTTPRequests.push_back(req);\n\tCHECKPOINT_M(\"Finished creating UploadScore request\");\n}\n\n// this is for new/live played scores that have replaydata in memory\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UploadScoreWithReplayData(HighScore* hs)\n{\n\tthis->UploadScore(\n\t hs, []() {}, false /* (Without replay data loading from disk)*/);\n}\n\n// for older scores or newer scores that failed to upload using the above\n// function we should probably do some refactoring of this\nvoid\nDownloadManager::UploadScoreWithReplayDataFromDisk(HighScore* hs,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t function<void()> callback)\n{\n\tthis->UploadScore(\n\t hs, callback, true /* (With replay data loading from disk)*/);\n}\n\n// This function begins uploading the given list (deque) of scores\n// It does so one score at a time, sequentially (But without blocking)\n// So as to not spam the server with possibly hundreds or thousands of scores\n// the way it does that is by using a callback and moving the remaining scores\n// into the callback which calls this function again\n// (So it is essentially kind of recursive, with the base case of an empty\n// deque)\nvoid\nuploadSequentially()\n{\n\tMessage msg(\"UploadProgress\");\n\tmsg.", "SetParam(\n\t \"percent\",\n\t 1.f - (static_cast<float>(DLMAN->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size()) /\n\t\t\t static_cast<float>(DLMAN->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload)));\n\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(msg);\n\n\tif (!", "DLMAN->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.empty()) {\n\t\tauto hs = DLMAN->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.front();\n\t\tDLMAN->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.pop_front();\n\t\tDLMAN->UploadScoreWithReplayDataFromDisk(hs, uploadSequentially);\n\t}\n}\n\nbool\nDownloadManager::UploadScores()\n{\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\t// First we accumulate scores that have not been uploaded and have\n\t// replay data. ", "There is no reason to upload updated calc versions to the\n\t// site anymore - the site uses its own calc and afaik ignores the provided\n\t// values, we only need to upload scores that have not been uploaded, and\n\t// scores that have been rescored from wife2 to wife3\n\tauto scores = SCOREMAN->GetAllPBPtrs();\n\tauto& newly_rescored = SCOREMAN->rescores;\n\tvector<HighScore*> toUpload;\n\tfor (auto& vec : scores) {\n\t\tfor (auto& s : vec) {\n\t\t\t// probably not worth uploading fails, they get rescored now\n\t\t\tif (s->GetGrade() == Grade_Failed)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t// handle rescores, ignore upload check\n\t\t\tif (newly_rescored.count(s))\n\t\t\t\ttoUpload.push_back(s);\n\t\t\t// ok so i think we probably do need an upload flag for wife3\n\t\t\t// resyncs, and to actively check it, since if people rescore\n\t\t\t// everything, play 1 song and close their game or whatever,\n\t\t\t// rescore list won't be built again and scores won't auto\n\t\t\t// sync\n\t\t\telse if (s->GetWifeVersion() == 3 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t !", "s->IsUploadedToServer(wife3_rescore_upload_flag))\n\t\t\t\ttoUpload.push_back(s);\n\t\t\t// normal behavior, upload scores that haven't been uploaded and\n\t\t\t// have replays\n\t\t\telse if (!", "s->IsUploadedToServer(serverURL.Get()) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t s->HasReplayData())\n\t\t\t\ttoUpload.push_back(s);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "toUpload.empty())\n\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Updating online scores. (", "Uploading %zu scores)\",\n\t\t\t\t toUpload.size());\n\telse\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\tbool was_not_uploading_already = this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.empty();\n\tif (was_not_uploading_already)\n\t\tthis->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload = toUpload.size();\n\telse\n\t\tthis->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload += toUpload.size();\n\tthis->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.insert(\n\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.end(), toUpload.begin(), toUpload.end());\n\tif (was_not_uploading_already)\n\t\tuploadSequentially();\n\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n// manual upload function that will upload all scores for a chart\n// that skips some of the constraints of the auto uploaders\nvoid\nDownloadManager::ForceUploadScoresForChart(const std::string& ck, bool startnow)\n{\n\tstartnow = startnow && this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.empty();\n\tauto cs = SCOREMAN->GetScoresForChart(ck);\n\tif (cs) {\n\t\tauto& test = cs->GetAllScores();\n\t\tfor (auto& s : test)\n\t\t\tif (!", "s->forceuploadedthissession) {\n\t\t\t\tif (s->GetGrade() !", "= Grade_Failed) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// don't add stuff we're already uploading\n\t\t\t\t\tauto res =\n\t\t\t\t\t std::find(this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.begin(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.end(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ts);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (res !", "= this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.end())\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tthis->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.push_back(s);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload += 1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (startnow) {\n\t\tthis->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload =\n\t\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size();\n\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Starting sequential upload of %zu scores\",\n\t\t\t\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size());\n\t\tuploadSequentially();\n\t}\n}\n// wrapper for packs\nvoid\nDownloadManager::ForceUploadScoresForPack(const std::string& pack,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool startnow)\n{\n\tstartnow = startnow && this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.empty();\n\tauto songs = SONGMAN->GetSongs(pack);\n\tfor (auto so : songs)\n\t\tfor (auto c : so->GetAllSteps())\n\t\t\tForceUploadScoresForChart(c->GetChartKey(), false);\n\n\tif (startnow) {\n\t\tthis->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload =\n\t\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size();\n\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Starting sequential upload of %zu scores\",\n\t\t\t\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size());\n\t\tuploadSequentially();\n\t}\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::ForceUploadAllScores()\n{\n\tbool not_already_uploading = this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.empty();\n\n\tauto songs = SONGMAN->GetSongs(GROUP_ALL);\n\tfor (auto so : songs)\n\t\tfor (auto c : so->GetAllSteps())\n\t\t\tForceUploadScoresForChart(c->GetChartKey(), false);\n\n\tif (not_already_uploading) {\n\t\tthis->sequentialScoreUploadTotalWorkload =\n\t\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size();\n\t\tLOG->Trace(\"Starting sequential upload of %d scores\",\n\t\t\t\t this->ScoreUploadSequentialQueue.size());\n\t\tuploadSequentially();\n\t}\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::EndSessionIfExists()\n{\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn;\n\tEndSession();\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::EndSession()\n{\n\tsessionUser = sessionPass = authToken = \"\";\n\ttopScores.clear();\n\tsessionRatings.clear();\n\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"LogOut\");\n}\n\nstd::vector<std::string>\nsplit(const std::string& s, char delimiter)\n{\n\tstd::vector<std::string> tokens;\n\tstd::string token;\n\tstd::istringstream tokenStream(s);\n\twhile (std::getline(tokenStream, token, delimiter)) {\n\t\ttokens.push_back(token);\n\t}\n\treturn tokens;\n}\n// User rank\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshUserRank()\n{\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn;\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"errors\") && d[\"errors\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"errors\"].HasMember(\"status\") && d[\"errors\"][\"status\"].IsInt() &&\n\t\t\td[\"errors\"][\"status\"].GetInt() == 404)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject()) {\n\t\t\tauto& skillsets = d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"];\n\t\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tauto str = SkillsetToString(ss);\n\t\t\t\tif (skillsets.", "HasMember(str.c_str()) &&\n\t\t\t\t\tskillsets[str.c_str()].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRanks)[ss] = skillsets[str.c_str()].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRanks)[ss] = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"OnlineUpdate\");\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"user/\" + sessionUser + \"/ranks\", {}, done, true, false, true);\n}\nOnlineTopScore\nDownloadManager::GetTopSkillsetScore(unsigned int rank,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Skillset ss,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool& result)\n{\n\tunsigned int index = rank - 1;\n\tif (index < topScores[ss].size()) {\n\t\tresult = true;\n\t\treturn topScores[ss][index];\n\t}\n\tresult = false;\n\treturn OnlineTopScore();\n}\n\nHTTPRequest*\nDownloadManager::SendRequest(string requestName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t vector<pair<string, string>> params,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t function<void(HTTPRequest&, CURLMsg*)> done,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool requireLogin,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool post,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool async,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bool withBearer)\n{\n\treturn SendRequestToURL(serverURL.Get() + \"/\" + requestName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparams,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdone,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trequireLogin,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpost,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tasync,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twithBearer);\n}\n\nHTTPRequest*\nDownloadManager::SendRequestToURL(\n string url,\n vector<pair<string, string>> params,\n function<void(HTTPRequest&, CURLMsg*)> afterDone,\n bool requireLogin,\n bool post,\n bool async,\n bool withBearer)\n{\n\tif (requireLogin && !", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn nullptr;\n\tif (!", "post && !", "params.empty()) {\n\t\turl += \"?\";", "\n\t\tfor (auto& param : params)\n\t\t\turl += param.first + \"=\" + param.second + \"&\";\n\t\turl = url.substr(0, url.length() - 1);\n\t}\n\tfunction<void(HTTPRequest&, CURLMsg*)> done = [afterDone](HTTPRequest& req,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CURLMsg* msg) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"errors\")) {\n\t\t\tauto on22 = [req, msg, afterDone]() {\n\t\t\t\tDLMAN->StartSession(DLMAN->sessionUser,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDLMAN->sessionPass,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[req, msg, afterDone](bool logged) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (logged) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauto r = req;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tafterDone(r, msg);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tif (d[\"errors\"].IsArray())\n\t\t\t\tfor (auto& error : d[\"errors\"].GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (error.", "HasMember(\"status\") && error[\"status\"].IsInt() &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\terror[\"status\"].GetInt() == 22) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ton22();\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (d[\"errors\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\t\t\t d[\"errors\"].HasMember(\"status\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t d[\"errors\"][\"status\"].IsInt()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (d[\"errors\"][\"status\"].GetInt() == 22) {\n\t\t\t\t\ton22();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tafterDone(req, msg);\n\t};\n\tCURL* curlHandle = initCURLHandle(withBearer);\n\tSetCURLURL(curlHandle, url);\n\tHTTPRequest* req;\n\tif (post) {\n\t\tcurl_httppost* form = nullptr;\n\t\tcurl_httppost* lastPtr = nullptr;\n\t\tfor (auto& param : params)\n\t\t\tCURLFormPostField(curlHandle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t form,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t lastPtr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t param.first.c_str(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t param.second.c_str());\n\t\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, form);\n\t\treq = new HTTPRequest(curlHandle, done, form);\n\t} else {\n\t\treq = new HTTPRequest(curlHandle, done);\n\t\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1L);\n\t}\n\tSetCURLResultsString(curlHandle, &(req->result));\n\tif (async) {\n\t\tif (mHTTPHandle == nullptr)\n\t\t\tmHTTPHandle = curl_multi_init();\n\t\tcurl_multi_add_handle(mHTTPHandle, req->handle);\n\t\tHTTPRequests.push_back(req);\n\t} else {\n\t\tCURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(req->handle);\n\t\tcurl_easy_cleanup(req->handle);\n\t\tdone(*req, nullptr);\n\t\tdelete req;\n\t\treturn nullptr;\n\t}\n\treturn req;\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshCountryCodes()\n{\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsArray())\n\t\t\tfor (auto& code_obj : d[\"data\"].GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (code_obj.", "HasMember(\"id\") && code_obj[\"id\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\tDLMAN->countryCodes.push_back(code_obj[\"id\"].GetString());\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tDLMAN->countryCodes.push_back(\"\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t// append the list to global/player country code so\n\t\t// we dont have to merge tables in lua -mina\n\t\tDLMAN->countryCodes.push_back(string(\"Global\"));\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\n\t \"/misc/countrycodes\", vector<pair<string, string>>(), done, true);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RequestReplayData(const string& scoreid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t int userid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t const string& username,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t const string& chartkey,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LuaReference& callback)\n{\n\tauto done = [scoreid, callback, userid, username, chartkey](\n\t\t\t\t HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tvector<pair<float, float>> replayData;\n\t\tvector<float> timestamps;\n\t\tvector<float> offsets;\n\t\tvector<int> tracks;\n\t\tvector<int> rows;\n\t\tvector<TapNoteType> types;\n\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed replay data request response: \" + req.result)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t .c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"errors\")) {\n\t\t\tStringBuffer buffer;\n\t\t\tWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);\n\t\t\td.Accept(writer);\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((string(\"Replay data request failed for \") + scoreid +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\" (Response: \" + buffer.", "GetString() + \")\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t .c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"replay\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"replay\"].IsArray()) {\n\t\t\tfor (auto& note : d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"replay\"].GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "note.", "IsArray() || note.", "Size() < 2 || !", "note[0].IsNumber() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "note[1].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\treplayData.push_back(\n\t\t\t\t std::make_pair(note[0].GetFloat(), note[1].GetFloat()));\n\n\t\t\t\ttimestamps.push_back(note[0].GetFloat());\n\t\t\t\toffsets.push_back(note[1].GetFloat() / 1000.f);\n\t\t\t\tif (note.", "Size() == 3 &&\n\t\t\t\t\tnote[2].IsInt()) { // pre-0.6 with noterows\n\t\t\t\t\trows.push_back(note[2].GetInt());\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (note.", "Size() > 3 && note[2].IsInt() &&\n\t\t\t\t\tnote[3].IsInt()) { // 0.6 without noterows\n\t\t\t\t\ttracks.push_back(note[2].GetInt());\n\t\t\t\t\ttypes.push_back(static_cast<TapNoteType>(note[3].GetInt()));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (note.", "Size() == 5 && note[4].IsInt()) { // 0.6 with noterows\n\t\t\t\t\trows.push_back(note[4].GetInt());\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tauto& lbd = DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[chartkey];\n\t\t\tauto it = find_if(lbd.begin(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t lbd.end(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t [userid, username, scoreid](OnlineScore& a) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t return a.userid == userid &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t a.username == username &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t a.scoreid == scoreid;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t\tif (it !", "= lbd.end()) {\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetOnlineReplayTimestampVector(timestamps);\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetOffsetVector(offsets);\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetTrackVector(tracks);\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetTapNoteTypeVector(types);\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetNoteRowVector(rows);\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetScoreKey(\"Online_\" + scoreid);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (tracks.empty())\n\t\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetReplayType(1);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetReplayType(2);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tauto& lbd = DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[chartkey];\n\t\tauto it = find_if(\n\t\t lbd.begin(), lbd.end(), [userid, username, scoreid](OnlineScore& a) {\n\t\t\t return a.userid == userid && a.username == username &&\n\t\t\t\t\t a.scoreid == scoreid;\n\t\t });\n\t\tif (it !", "= lbd.end()) {\n\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetOnlineReplayTimestampVector(timestamps);\n\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetOffsetVector(offsets);\n\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetTrackVector(tracks);\n\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetTapNoteTypeVector(types);\n\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetNoteRowVector(rows);\n\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetScoreKey(\"Online_\" + scoreid);\n\n\t\t\tif (tracks.empty())\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetReplayType(1);\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "SetReplayType(2);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!", "callback.", "IsNil() && callback.", "IsSet()) {\n\t\t\tauto L = LUA->Get();\n\t\t\tcallback.", "PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tstd::string Error =\n\t\t\t \"Error running RequestChartLeaderBoard Finish Function: \";\n\t\t\tlua_newtable(L); // dunno whats going on here -mina\n\t\t\tfor (unsigned i = 0; i < replayData.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\t\tauto& pair = replayData[i];\n\t\t\t\tlua_newtable(L);\n\t\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, pair.first);\n\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);\n\t\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, pair.second);\n\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, 2);\n\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (it !", "= lbd.end())\n\t\t\t\tit->hs.", "PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tLuaHelpers::RunScriptOnStack(\n\t\t\t L, Error, 2, 0, true); // 2 args, 0 results\n\t\t\tLUA->Release(L);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"/replay/\" + to_string(userid) + \"/\" + scoreid,\n\t\t\t\tvector<pair<string, string>>(),\n\t\t\t\tdone,\n\t\t\t\ttrue);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RequestChartLeaderBoard(const string& chartkey,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LuaReference& ref)\n{\n\tauto done = [chartkey, ref](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvector<OnlineScore>& vec = DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[chartkey];\n\t\tvec.clear();\n\n\t\tif (!", "d.HasMember(\"errors\") && d.HasMember(\"data\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].IsArray()) {\n\t\t\tauto& scores = d[\"data\"];\n\t\t\tfor (auto& score_obj : scores.", "GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "score_obj.", "HasMember(\"attributes\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"].IsObject() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"hasReplay\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"][\"hasReplay\"].IsBool() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"user\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"][\"user\"].IsObject() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"judgements\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"][\"judgements\"].IsObject() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"skillsets\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj[\"attributes\"][\"skillsets\"].IsObject()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tStringBuffer buffer;\n\t\t\t\t\tWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);\n\t\t\t\t\tscore_obj.", "Accept(writer);\n\t\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed score in chart leaderboard (chart:\" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tchartkey + \"): \" + buffer.", "GetString())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t .c_str());\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tauto& score = score_obj[\"attributes\"];\n\n\t\t\t\tOnlineScore tmp;\n\t\t\t\t// tmp.songId = score.value(\"songId\", 0);\n\t\t\t\tauto& user = score[\"user\"];\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"songId\") && score[\"songId\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.songId = score[\"songId\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.songId = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tif (user.", "HasMember(\"userName\") && user[\"userName\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.username = user[\"userName\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.username = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tif (user.", "HasMember(\"avatar\") && user[\"avatar\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.avatar = user[\"avatar\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.avatar = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tif (user.", "HasMember(\"userId\") && user[\"userId\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.userid = user[\"userId\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.userid = 0;\n\t\t\t\tif (user.", "HasMember(\"countryCode\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\tuser[\"countryCode\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.countryCode = user[\"countryCode\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.countryCode = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tif (user.", "HasMember(\"countryCode\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\tuser[\"countryCode\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.countryCode = user[\"countryCode\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.countryCode = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tif (user.", "HasMember(\"playerRating\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\tuser[\"playerRating\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.playerRating = user[\"playerRating\"].GetFloat();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.playerRating = 0.f;\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"wife\") && score[\"wife\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.wife = score[\"wife\"].GetFloat() / 100.f;\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.wife = 0.f;\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"modifiers\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\tscore[\"modifiers\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.modifiers = score[\"modifiers\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.modifiers = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"maxCombo\") && score[\"maxCombo\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.maxcombo = score[\"maxCombo\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.maxcombo = 0;\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tauto& judgements = score[\"judgements\"];\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"marvelous\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"marvelous\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.marvelous = judgements[\"marvelous\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.marvelous = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"perfect\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"perfect\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.perfect = judgements[\"perfect\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.perfect = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"great\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"great\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.great = judgements[\"great\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.great = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"good\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"good\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.good = judgements[\"good\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.good = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"bad\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"bad\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.bad = judgements[\"bad\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.bad = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"miss\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"miss\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.miss = judgements[\"miss\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.miss = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"hitMines\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"hitMines\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.minehits = judgements[\"hitMines\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.minehits = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"heldHold\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"heldHold\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.held = judgements[\"heldHold\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.held = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (judgements.", "HasMember(\"letGoHold\") &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjudgements[\"letGoHold\"].IsInt())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.letgo = judgements[\"letGoHold\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.letgo = 0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"datetime\") && score[\"datetime\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.datetime.", "FromString(score[\"datetime\"].GetString());\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.datetime.", "FromString(\"0\");\n\t\t\t\tif (score_obj.", "HasMember(\"id\") && score_obj[\"id\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.scoreid = score_obj[\"id\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.scoreid = \"\";\n\n\t\t\t\t// filter scores not on the current rate out if enabled...\n\t\t\t\t// dunno if we need this precision -mina\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"rate\") && score[\"rate\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.rate = score[\"rate\"].GetFloat();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.rate = 0.0;\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"noCC\") && score[\"noCC\"].IsBool())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.nocc = score[\"noCC\"].GetBool();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.nocc = false;\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"valid\") && score[\"valid\"].IsBool())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.valid = score[\"valid\"].GetBool();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.valid = false;\n\n\t\t\t\tauto& ssrs = score[\"skillsets\"];\n\t\t\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tauto str = SkillsetToString(ss);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (ssrs.", "HasMember(str.c_str()) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tssrs[str.c_str()].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.", "SSRs[ss] = ssrs[str.c_str()].GetFloat();\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp.", "SSRs[ss] = 0.0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (score.", "HasMember(\"hasReplay\") && score[\"hasReplay\"].IsBool())\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.hasReplay = score[\"hasReplay\"].GetBool();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttmp.hasReplay = false;\n\n\t\t\t\t// eo still has some old profiles with various edge issues\n\t\t\t\t// that unfortunately need to be handled here screen out old\n\t\t\t\t// 11111 flags (my greatest mistake) and it's probably a\n\t\t\t\t// safe bet to throw out below 25% scores -mina\n\t\t\t\tif (tmp.wife > 1.f || tmp.wife < 0.25f || !", "tmp.valid)\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\t\t// it seems prudent to maintain the eo functionality in this\n\t\t\t\t// way and screen out multiple scores from the same user\n\t\t\t\t// even more prudent would be to put this last where it\n\t\t\t\t// belongs, we don't want to screen out scores for players\n\t\t\t\t// who wouldn't have had them registered in the first place\n\t\t\t\t// -mina Moved this filtering to the Lua call. ", "-poco if\n\t\t\t\t// (userswithscores.count(tmp.username) == 1)\n\t\t\t\t//\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\t\t// userswithscores.emplace(tmp.username);\n\n\t\t\t\tauto& hs = tmp.hs;\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetDateTime(tmp.datetime);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetMaxCombo(tmp.maxcombo);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetName(tmp.username);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetModifiers(tmp.modifiers);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetChordCohesion(tmp.nocc);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetWifeScore(tmp.wife);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetSSRNormPercent(tmp.wife);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetMusicRate(tmp.rate);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetChartKey(chartkey);\n\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_W1, tmp.marvelous);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_W2, tmp.perfect);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_W3, tmp.great);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_W4, tmp.good);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_W5, tmp.bad);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_Miss, tmp.miss);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetTapNoteScore(TNS_HitMine, tmp.minehits);\n\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetHoldNoteScore(HNS_Held, tmp.held);\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetHoldNoteScore(HNS_LetGo, tmp.letgo);\n\n\t\t\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t\t\ths.", "SetSkillsetSSR(ss, tmp.", "SSRs[ss]);\n\n\t\t\t\ths.userid = tmp.userid;\n\t\t\t\ths.scoreid = tmp.scoreid;\n\t\t\t\ths.avatar = tmp.avatar;\n\t\t\t\ths.countryCode = tmp.countryCode;\n\t\t\t\ths.hasReplay = tmp.hasReplay;\n\n\t\t\t\tvec.push_back(tmp);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!", "ref.", "IsNil() && ref.", "IsSet()) {\n\t\t\tLua* L = LUA->Get();\n\t\t\tref.", "PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tif (!", "lua_isnil(L, -1)) {\n\t\t\t\tstd::string Error =\n\t\t\t\t \"Error running RequestChartLeaderBoard Finish Function: \";\n\t\t\t\tlua_newtable(L);\n\t\t\t\tfor (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\t\t\tauto& s = vec[i];\n\t\t\t\t\ts.Push(L);\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tLuaHelpers::RunScriptOnStack(\n\t\t\t\t L, Error, 1, 0, true); // 1 args, 0 results\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tLUA->Release(L);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"/charts/\" + chartkey + \"/leaderboards\",\n\t\t\t\tvector<pair<string, string>>(),\n\t\t\t\tdone,\n\t\t\t\ttrue);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshCoreBundles()\n{\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsArray()) {\n\t\t\tauto& dlPacks = DLMAN->downloadablePacks;\n\t\t\tfor (auto& bundleData : d[\"data\"].GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "bundleData.", "HasMember(\"id\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "bundleData[\"id\"].IsString() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "bundleData.", "HasMember(\"attributes\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "bundleData[\"attributes\"].IsObject() ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "bundleData[\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"packs\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t!", "bundleData[\"attributes\"][\"packs\"].IsArray())\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\tauto bundleName = bundleData[\"id\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->bundles)[bundleName] = {};\n\t\t\t\tauto& bundle = (DLMAN->bundles)[bundleName];\n\t\t\t\tfor (auto& pack :\n\t\t\t\t\t bundleData[\"attributes\"][\"packs\"].GetArray()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "pack.", "HasMember(\"packname\") ||\n\t\t\t\t\t\t!", "pack[\"packname\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t\tauto name = pack[\"packname\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t\t\tauto dlPack = std::find_if(\n\t\t\t\t\t dlPacks.begin(),\n\t\t\t\t\t dlPacks.end(),\n\t\t\t\t\t [&name](DownloadablePack x) { return x.name == name; });\n\t\t\t\t\tif (dlPack !", "= dlPacks.end())\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbundle.push_back(&(*dlPack));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"packs/collections/\", {}, done, false);\n}\n\nvector<DownloadablePack*>\nDownloadManager::GetCoreBundle(const string& whichoneyo)\n{\n\treturn bundles.count(whichoneyo) ? ", "bundles[whichoneyo]\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t : vector<DownloadablePack*>();\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::DownloadCoreBundle(const string& whichoneyo, bool mirror)\n{\n\tauto bundle = GetCoreBundle(whichoneyo);\n\tsort(bundle.begin(),\n\t\t bundle.end(),\n\t\t [](DownloadablePack* x1, DownloadablePack* x2) {\n\t\t\t return x1->size < x2->size;\n\t\t });\n\tfor (auto pack : bundle)\n\t\tDLMAN->DownloadQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(pack, mirror));\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshLastVersion()\n{\n\tauto done = [this](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"version\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"version\"].IsString())\n\t\t\tthis->lastVersion = d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"version\"].GetString();\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tthis->lastVersion = GAMESTATE->GetEtternaVersion();\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"client/version\",\n\t\t\t\tvector<pair<string, string>>(),\n\t\t\t\tdone,\n\t\t\t\tfalse,\n\t\t\t\tfalse,\n\t\t\t\ttrue);\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshRegisterPage()\n{\n\tauto done = [this](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"url\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"url\"].IsString())\n\t\t\tthis->registerPage = d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"url\"].GetString();\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tthis->registerPage = \"\";\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"client/registration\",\n\t\t\t\tvector<pair<string, string>>(),\n\t\t\t\tdone,\n\t\t\t\tfalse,\n\t\t\t\tfalse,\n\t\t\t\ttrue);\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshTop25(Skillset ss)\n{\n\tDLMAN->topScores[ss].clear();\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn;\n\tstring req = \"user/\" + DLMAN->sessionUser + \"/top/\";\n\tCURL* curlHandle = initCURLHandle(true);\n\tif (ss !", "= Skill_Overall)\n\t\treq += SkillsetToString(ss) + \"/25\";\n\tauto done = [ss](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError() ||\n\t\t\t(d.HasMember(\"errors\") && d[\"errors\"].HasMember(\"status\") &&\n\t\t\t d[\"errors\"][\"status\"].GetInt() == 404) ||\n\t\t\t!", "d.HasMember(\"data\") || !", "d[\"data\"].IsArray()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\n\t\t\t (\"Malformed top25 scores request response: \" + req.result)\n\t\t\t\t.c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvector<OnlineTopScore>& vec = DLMAN->topScores[ss];\n\t\tauto& scores = d[\"data\"];\n\t\tfor (auto& score_obj : scores.", "GetArray()) {\n\t\t\tif (!", "score_obj.", "HasMember(\"attributes\")) {\n\t\t\t\tStringBuffer buffer;\n\t\t\t\tWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);\n\t\t\t\tscore_obj.", "Accept(writer);\n\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace((std::string(\"Malformed single score in top25 \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"scores request response: \") +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuffer.", "GetString())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t .c_str());\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tauto& score = score_obj[\"attributes\"];\n\t\t\tif (!", "score.", "HasMember(\"songName\") || !", "score[\"songName\"].IsString() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score.", "HasMember(\"wife\") || !", "score[\"wife\"].IsNumber() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score.", "HasMember(\"Overall\") || !", "score[\"Overall\"].IsNumber() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score.", "HasMember(\"chartKey\") || !", "score[\"chartKey\"].IsString() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score_obj.", "HasMember(\"id\") || !", "score_obj[\"id\"].IsString() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score.", "HasMember(\"rate\") || !", "score[\"rate\"].IsNumber() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score.", "HasMember(\"difficulty\") ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score[\"difficulty\"].IsString() ||\n\t\t\t\t!", "score.", "HasMember(\"skillsets\") ||\n\t\t\t\t(ss !", "= Skill_Overall &&\n\t\t\t\t (!", "score[\"skillsets\"].HasMember(SkillsetToString(ss).c_str()) ||\n\t\t\t\t !", "score[\"skillsets\"][SkillsetToString(ss).c_str()]\n\t\t\t\t\t .IsNumber()))) {\n\t\t\t\tStringBuffer buffer;\n\t\t\t\tWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);\n\t\t\t\tscore_obj.", "Accept(writer);\n\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace((std::string(\"Malformed single score in top25 \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"scores request response: \") +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuffer.", "GetString())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t .c_str());\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tOnlineTopScore tmp;\n\t\t\ttmp.songName = score[\"songName\"].GetString();\n\t\t\ttmp.wifeScore = score[\"wife\"].GetFloat() / 100.f;\n\t\t\ttmp.overall = score[\"Overall\"].GetFloat();\n\t\t\tif (ss !", "= Skill_Overall)\n\t\t\t\ttmp.ssr =\n\t\t\t\t score[\"skillsets\"][SkillsetToString(ss).c_str()].GetFloat();\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ttmp.ssr = tmp.overall;\n\t\t\ttmp.chartkey = score[\"chartKey\"].GetString();\n\t\t\ttmp.scorekey = score_obj[\"id\"].GetString();\n\t\t\ttmp.rate = score[\"rate\"].GetFloat();\n\t\t\ttmp.difficulty =\n\t\t\t StringToDifficulty(score[\"difficulty\"].GetString());\n\t\t\tvec.push_back(tmp);\n\t\t}\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"OnlineUpdate\");\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(req, {}, done);\n}\n// Skillset ratings (we dont care about mod lvl, username, about, etc)\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshUserData()\n{\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn;\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"skillsets\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"skillsets\"].IsObject()) {\n\t\t\tauto& attr = d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"];\n\t\t\tauto& skillsets = attr[\"skillsets\"];\n\t\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tauto str = SkillsetToString(ss);\n\t\t\t\tif (skillsets.", "HasMember(str.c_str()) &&\n\t\t\t\t\tskillsets[str.c_str()].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRatings)[ss] =\n\t\t\t\t\t skillsets[str.c_str()].GetDouble();\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRatings)[ss] = 0.0f;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (attr.", "HasMember(\"playerRating\") &&\n\t\t\t\tattr[\"playerRating\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\tDLMAN->sessionRatings[Skill_Overall] =\n\t\t\t\t attr[\"playerRating\"].GetDouble();\n\t\t\tif (skillsets.", "HasMember(\"countryCode\") &&\n\t\t\t\tskillsets[\"countryCode\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\tDLMAN->countryCode = attr[\"countryCode\"].GetString();\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tDLMAN->countryCode = \"\";\n\t\t} else\n\t\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t(DLMAN->sessionRatings)[ss] = 0.0f;\n\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"OnlineUpdate\");\n\t};\n\tSendRequest(\"user/\" + sessionUser, {}, done);\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::OnLogin()\n{\n\tDLMAN->RefreshUserRank();\n\tDLMAN->RefreshUserData();\n\tDLMAN->RefreshCountryCodes();\n\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\tDLMAN->RefreshTop25(ss);\n\tif (DLMAN->ShouldUploadScores()) {\n\t\tDLMAN->UploadScores();\n\n\t\t// ok we don't actually want to delete this yet since this is\n\t\t// specifically for appending replaydata for a score the site does\n\t\t// not have data for without altering the score entry in any other\n\t\t// way, but keep disabled for now\n\t\t// DLMAN->UpdateOnlineScoreReplayData();\n\t}\n\tif (GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps !", "= nullptr)\n\t\tDLMAN->RequestChartLeaderBoard(GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps->GetChartKey());\n\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"Login\");\n\tDLMAN->loggingIn = false;\n}\n\nvoid\nDownloadManager::StartSession(\n string user,\n string pass,\n function<void(bool loggedIn)> callback = [](bool) {})\n{\n\tstring url = serverURL.Get() + \"/login\";\n\tif (loggingIn || user.empty()) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tDLMAN->loggingIn = true;\n\tEndSessionIfExists();\n\tCURL* curlHandle = initCURLHandle(false);\n\tSetCURLPostToURL(curlHandle, url);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(\n\t curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, \"\"); /* start cookie engine */\n\n\tcurl_httppost* form = nullptr;\n\tcurl_httppost* lastPtr = nullptr;\n\tCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"username\", user.c_str());\n\tCURLFormPostField(curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"password\", pass.c_str());\n\tCURLFormPostField(\n\t curlHandle, form, lastPtr, \"clientData\", CLIENT_DATA_KEY.c_str());\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, form);\n\n\tauto done = [user, pass, callback](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError()) {\n\t\t\tLOG->Trace((\"Malformed request response: \" + req.result).c_str());\n\t\t\tDLMAN->loggingIn = false;\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Site 404s when login fails\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"errors\") && d[\"errors\"].IsArray()) {\n\t\t\tDLMAN->authToken = DLMAN->sessionUser = DLMAN->sessionPass = \"\";\n\t\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"LoginFailed\");\n\t\t\tDLMAN->loggingIn = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"].HasMember(\"attributes\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].IsObject() &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"].HasMember(\"accessToken\") &&\n\t\t\td[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"accessToken\"].IsString()) {\n\t\t\tDLMAN->authToken =\n\t\t\t d[\"data\"][\"attributes\"][\"accessToken\"].GetString();\n\t\t\tDLMAN->sessionUser = user;\n\t\t\tDLMAN->sessionPass = pass;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tDLMAN->authToken = DLMAN->sessionUser = DLMAN->sessionPass = \"\";\n\t\t}\n\t\tDLMAN->OnLogin();\n\t\tcallback(DLMAN->LoggedIn());\n\t};\n\tHTTPRequest* req = new HTTPRequest(curlHandle, done, form);\n\treq->Failed = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDLMAN->authToken = DLMAN->sessionUser = DLMAN->sessionPass = \"\";\n\t\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(\"LoginFailed\");\n\t\tDLMAN->loggingIn = false;\n\t};\n\tSetCURLResultsString(curlHandle, &(req->result));\n\tif (mHTTPHandle == nullptr)\n\t\tmHTTPHandle = curl_multi_init();\n\tcurl_multi_add_handle(mHTTPHandle, req->handle);\n\tHTTPRequests.push_back(req);\n}\nint\nDownloadManager::GetSkillsetRank(Skillset ss)\n{\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn 0;\n\treturn sessionRanks[ss];\n}\n\nfloat\nDownloadManager::GetSkillsetRating(Skillset ss)\n{\n\tif (!", "LoggedIn())\n\t\treturn 0.0f;\n\treturn static_cast<float>(sessionRatings[ss]);\n}\nvoid\nDownloadManager::RefreshPackList(const string& url)\n{\n\tif (url.empty())\n\t\treturn;\n\tauto done = [](HTTPRequest& req, CURLMsg*) {\n\t\tDocument d;\n\t\tif (d.Parse(req.result.c_str()).HasParseError() ||\n\t\t\t!(", "d.IsArray() || (d.HasMember(\"data\") && d[\"data\"].IsArray()))) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tauto& packlist = DLMAN->downloadablePacks;\n\t\tDLMAN->downloadablePacks.clear();\n\t\tValue* packs;\n\t\tif (d.IsArray())\n\t\t\tpacks = &d;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tpacks = &(d[\"data\"]);\n\t\tfor (auto& pack_obj : packs->GetArray()) {\n\t\t\tDownloadablePack tmp;\n\t\t\tif (pack_obj.", "HasMember(\"id\") && pack_obj[\"id\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.id = std::stoi(pack_obj[\"id\"].GetString());\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ttmp.id = 0;\n\n\t\t\tauto& pack = pack_obj.", "HasMember(\"attributes\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ? ", "pack_obj[\"attributes\"]\n\t\t\t\t\t\t : pack_obj;\n\n\t\t\tif (pack.", "HasMember(\"pack\") && pack[\"pack\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.name = pack[\"pack\"].GetString();\n\t\t\telse if (pack.", "HasMember(\"packname\") && pack[\"packname\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.name = pack[\"packname\"].GetString();\n\t\t\telse if (pack.", "HasMember(\"name\") && pack[\"name\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.name = pack[\"name\"].GetString();\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tStringBuffer buffer;\n\t\t\t\tWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);\n\t\t\t\tpack_obj.", "Accept(writer);\n\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\n\t\t\t\t (std::string(\"Missing pack name in packlist element: \") +\n\t\t\t\t buffer.", "GetString())\n\t\t\t\t\t.c_str());\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (pack.", "HasMember(\"download\") && pack[\"download\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.url = pack[\"download\"].GetString();\n\t\t\telse if (pack.", "HasMember(\"url\") && pack[\"url\"].IsString()) {\n\t\t\t\ttmp.url = pack[\"url\"].GetString();\n\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\ttmp.url = \"\";\n\t\t\tif (pack.", "HasMember(\"mirror\") && pack[\"mirror\"].IsString())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.mirror = pack[\"mirror\"].GetString();\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ttmp.mirror = \"\";\n\t\t\tif (tmp.url.empty() && tmp.mirror.empty()) {\n\t\t\t\tStringBuffer buffer;\n\t\t\t\tWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);\n\t\t\t\tpack_obj.", "Accept(writer);\n\t\t\t\tLOG->Trace(\n\t\t\t\t (std::string(\"Missing download link in packlist element: \") +\n\t\t\t\t buffer.", "GetString())\n\t\t\t\t\t.c_str());\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tmp.url.empty())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.url = tmp.mirror;\n\t\t\telse if (tmp.mirror.empty())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.mirror = tmp.url;\n\n\t\t\tif (pack.", "HasMember(\"average\") && pack[\"average\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.avgDifficulty = pack[\"average\"].GetFloat();\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ttmp.avgDifficulty = 0.f;\n\n\t\t\tif (pack.", "HasMember(\"size\") && pack[\"size\"].IsNumber())\n\t\t\t\ttmp.size = pack[\"size\"].GetInt();\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ttmp.size = 0;\n\n\t\t\tpacklist.push_back(tmp);\n\t\t}\n\t\tDLMAN->RefreshCoreBundles();\n\t};\n\tSendRequestToURL(url, {}, done, false, false, true, false);\n}\n\nDownload::Download(string url, string filename, function<void(Download*)> done)\n{\n\tDone = done;\n\tm_Url = url;\n\thandle = initBasicCURLHandle();\n\tm_TempFileName =\n\t DL_DIR + (!", "filename.empty() ? ", "filename : MakeTempFileName(url));\n\tauto opened = p_RFWrapper.file.", "Open(m_TempFileName, 2);\n\tASSERT_M(opened, p_RFWrapper.file.", "GetError());\n\tDLMAN->EncodeSpaces(m_Url);\n\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &p_RFWrapper);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, m_Url.c_str());\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, &progress);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, progressfunc);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);\n\tcurl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1L);\n}\n\nDownload::~Download()\n{\n\tFILEMAN->Remove(m_TempFileName);\n\tif (p_Pack)\n\t\tp_Pack->downloading = false;\n}\n\nvoid\nDownload::Install()\n{\n\tMessage* msg;\n\tif (!", "DLMAN->InstallSmzip(m_TempFileName))\n\t\tmsg = new Message(\"DownloadFailed\");\n\telse\n\t\tmsg = new Message(\"PackDownloaded\");\n\tmsg->SetParam(\"pack\", LuaReference::CreateFromPush(*p_Pack));\n\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(*msg);\n\tdelete msg;\n}\n\nvoid\nDownload::Failed()\n{\n\tMessage msg(\"DownloadFailed\");\n\tmsg.", "SetParam(\"pack\", LuaReference::CreateFromPush(*p_Pack));\n\tMESSAGEMAN->Broadcast(msg);\n}\n/// Try to find in the Haystack the Needle - ignore case\nbool\nfindStringIC(const std::string& strHaystack, const std::string& strNeedle)\n{\n\tauto it = std::search(\n\t strHaystack.begin(),\n\t strHaystack.end(),\n\t strNeedle.begin(),\n\t strNeedle.end(),\n\t [](char ch1, char ch2) { return toupper(ch1) == toupper(ch2); });\n\treturn (it !", "= strHaystack.end());\n}\n\n// lua start\n#include \"Etterna/Models/Lua/LuaBinding.h\"\n#include \"LuaManager.h\"\n/** @brief Allow Lua to have access to the ProfileManager. */", "\nclass LunaDownloadManager : public Luna<DownloadManager>\n{\n public:\n\tstatic int GetCountryCodes(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tauto& codes = DLMAN->countryCodes;\n\t\tLuaHelpers::CreateTableFromArray(codes, L);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetUserCountryCode(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, DLMAN->countryCode.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetAllPacks(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tvector<DownloadablePack>& packs = DLMAN->downloadablePacks;\n\t\tlua_createtable(L, packs.size(), 0);\n\t\tfor (unsigned i = 0; i < packs.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\tpacks[i].PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetDownloadingPacks(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tvector<DownloadablePack>& packs = DLMAN->downloadablePacks;\n\t\tvector<DownloadablePack*> dling;\n\t\tfor (auto& pack : packs) {\n\t\t\tif (pack.downloading)\n\t\t\t\tdling.push_back(&pack);\n\t\t}\n\t\tlua_createtable(L, dling.size(), 0);\n\t\tfor (unsigned i = 0; i < dling.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\tdling[i]->PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetUsername(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, DLMAN->sessionUser.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetSkillsetRank(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, DLMAN->GetSkillsetRank(Enum::Check<Skillset>(L, 1)));\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetSkillsetRating(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L,\n\t\t\t\t\t DLMAN->GetSkillsetRating(Enum::Check<Skillset>(L, 1)));\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetDownloads(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tmap<string, Download*>& dls = DLMAN->downloads;\n\t\tlua_createtable(L, dls.size(), 0);\n\t\tint j = 0;\n\t\tfor (auto& dl : dls) {\n\t\t\tdl.second->PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, j + 1);\n\t\t\tj++;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int IsLoggedIn(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, DLMAN->LoggedIn());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int Login(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tstring user = SArg(1);\n\t\tstring pass = SArg(2);\n\t\tDLMAN->StartSession(user, pass);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int LoginWithToken(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tstring user = SArg(1);\n\t\tstring token = SArg(2);\n\t\tDLMAN->EndSessionIfExists();\n\t\tDLMAN->authToken = token;\n\t\tDLMAN->sessionUser = user;\n\t\tDLMAN->sessionPass = \"\";\n\t\tDLMAN->OnLogin();\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int Logout(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tDLMAN->EndSessionIfExists();\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetLastVersion(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, DLMAN->lastVersion.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetRegisterPage(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, DLMAN->registerPage.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetTopSkillsetScore(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tint rank = IArg(1);\n\t\tauto ss = Enum::Check<Skillset>(L, 2);\n\t\tbool result;\n\t\tauto onlineScore = DLMAN->GetTopSkillsetScore(rank, ss, result);\n\t\tif (!", "result) {\n\t\t\tlua_pushnil(L);\n\t\t\treturn 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tlua_createtable(L, 0, 7);\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, onlineScore.songName.c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"songName\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, onlineScore.rate);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"rate\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, onlineScore.ssr);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"ssr\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, onlineScore.wifeScore);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"wife\");\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, onlineScore.chartkey.c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"chartkey\");\n\t\tLuaHelpers::Push(L, onlineScore.difficulty);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"difficulty\");\n\t\tLuaHelpers::Push(L, PlayerStageStats::GetGrade(onlineScore.wifeScore));\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"grade\");\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetTopChartScoreCount(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tstring ck = SArg(1);\n\t\tif (DLMAN->chartLeaderboards.count(ck))\n\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[ck].size());\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, 0);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetTopChartScore(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tstring chartkey = SArg(1);\n\t\tint rank = IArg(2);\n\t\tint index = rank - 1;\n\t\tif (index < 0 || !", "DLMAN->chartLeaderboards.count(chartkey) ||\n\t\t\tindex >=\n\t\t\t static_cast<int>(DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[chartkey].size())) {\n\t\t\tlua_pushnil(L);\n\t\t\treturn 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tauto& score = DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[chartkey][index];\n\t\tlua_createtable(\n\t\t L, 0, 17 + NUM_Skillset + (score.replayData.empty() ? ", "0 : 1));\n\t\tFOREACH_ENUM(Skillset, ss)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.", "SSRs[ss]);\n\t\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, SkillsetToString(ss).c_str());\n\t\t}\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, score.valid);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"valid\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.rate);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"rate\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.wife);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"wife\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.miss);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"miss\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.marvelous);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"marvelous\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.perfect);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"perfect\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.bad);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"bad\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.good);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"good\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.great);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"great\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.maxcombo);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"maxcombo\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.held);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"held\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.letgo);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"letgo\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.minehits);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"minehits\");\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, score.nocc);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"nocc\");\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, score.modifiers.c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"modifiers\");\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, score.username.c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"username\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.playerRating);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"playerRating\");\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, score.datetime.", "GetString().c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"datetime\");\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, score.scoreid.c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"scoreid\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, score.userid);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"userid\");\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, score.avatar.c_str());\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"avatar\");\n\t\tif (!", "score.replayData.empty()) {\n\t\t\tlua_createtable(L, 0, score.replayData.size());\n\t\t\tint i = 1;\n\t\t\tfor (auto& pair : score.replayData) {\n\t\t\t\tlua_createtable(L, 0, 2);\n\t\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, pair.first);\n\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);\n\t\t\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, pair.second);\n\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, 2);\n\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i++);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"replaydata\");\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetCoreBundle(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\t// don't remove this yet or at all idk yet -mina\n\t\tauto bundle = DLMAN->GetCoreBundle(SArg(1));\n\t\tlua_createtable(L, bundle.size(), 0);\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < bundle.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\tbundle[i]->PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tsize_t totalsize = 0;\n\t\tfloat avgpackdiff = 0.f;\n\n\t\tfor (auto p : bundle) {\n\t\t\ttotalsize += p->size / 1024 / 1024;\n\t\t\tavgpackdiff += p->avgDifficulty;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!", "bundle.empty())\n\t\t\tavgpackdiff /= bundle.size();\n\n\t\t// this may be kind of unintuitive but lets roll with it for now\n\t\t// -mina\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, totalsize);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"TotalSize\");\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, avgpackdiff);\n\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"AveragePackDifficulty\");\n\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int DownloadCoreBundle(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tDLMAN->DownloadCoreBundle(SArg(1));\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetToken(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, DLMAN->authToken.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\n\tstatic int RequestOnlineScoreReplayData(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tOnlineHighScore* hs =\n\t\t (OnlineHighScore*)GetPointerFromStack(L, \"HighScore\", 1);\n\t\tint userid = hs->userid;\n\t\tstring username = hs->GetDisplayName();\n\t\tstring scoreid = hs->scoreid;\n\t\tstring ck = hs->GetChartKey();\n\n\t\tbool alreadyHasReplay = false;\n\t\talreadyHasReplay |= !", "hs->GetNoteRowVector().empty();\n\t\talreadyHasReplay |=\n\t\t !", "hs->GetCopyOfSetOnlineReplayTimestampVector().empty();\n\t\talreadyHasReplay |= !", "hs->GetOffsetVector().empty();\n\n\t\tLuaReference f;\n\t\tif (lua_isfunction(L, 2))\n\t\t\tf = GetFuncArg(2, L);\n\n\t\tif (alreadyHasReplay) {\n\t\t\tif (!", "f.IsNil() && f.IsSet()) {\n\t\t\t\tauto L = LUA->Get();\n\t\t\t\tf.PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\t\tstd::string Error =\n\t\t\t\t \"Error running RequestChartLeaderBoard Finish Function: \";\n\t\t\t\ths->PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\t\tLuaHelpers::RunScriptOnStack(\n\t\t\t\t L, Error, 2, 0, true); // 2 args, 0 results\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tDLMAN->RequestReplayData(scoreid, userid, username, ck, f);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\t// This requests the leaderboard from online. ", "This may cause lag.", "\n\t// Use this sparingly.", "\n\t// This will NOT request a leaderboard if it already exists for the\n\t// chartkey. ", "This needs to be updated in the future to do so. ", "That means\n\t// this will not update a leaderboard to a new state.", "\n\tstatic int RequestChartLeaderBoardFromOnline(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tstring chart = SArg(1);\n\t\tLuaReference ref;\n\t\tauto& leaderboardScores = DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[chart];\n\t\tif (lua_isfunction(L, 2)) {\n\t\t\tlua_pushvalue(L, 2);\n\t\t\tref.", "SetFromStack(L);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!", "leaderboardScores.empty()) {\n\t\t\tif (!", "ref.", "IsNil()) {\n\t\t\t\tref.", "PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "lua_isnil(L, -1)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tstd::string Error = \"Error running RequestChartLeaderBoard \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Finish Function: \";\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_newtable(L);\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (unsigned i = 0; i < leaderboardScores.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tauto& s = leaderboardScores[i];\n\t\t\t\t\t\ts.Push(L);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tLuaHelpers::RunScriptOnStack(\n\t\t\t\t\t L, Error, 1, 0, true); // 1 args, 0 results\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\t\tDLMAN->RequestChartLeaderBoard(chart, ref);\n\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tstatic int GetChartLeaderBoard(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tvector<HighScore*> filteredLeaderboardScores;\n\t\tstd::unordered_set<string> userswithscores;\n\t\tauto& leaderboardScores = DLMAN->chartLeaderboards[SArg(1)];\n\t\tstring country = \"\";\n\t\tif (!", "lua_isnoneornil(L, 2)) {\n\t\t\tcountry = SArg(2);\n\t\t}\n\t\tfloat currentrate = GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions.", "GetCurrent().m_fMusicRate;\n\n\t\tfor (auto& score : leaderboardScores) {\n\t\t\tauto& leaderboardHighScore = score.hs;\n\t\t\tif (p->ccoffonly && !", "score.nocc)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\tif (p->currentrateonly &&\n\t\t\t\tlround(leaderboardHighScore.", "GetMusicRate() * 10000.f) !", "=\n\t\t\t\t lround(currentrate * 10000.f))\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\tif (p->topscoresonly &&\n\t\t\t\tuserswithscores.count(leaderboardHighScore.", "GetName()) == 1)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\tif (!", "country.empty() && country !", "= \"Global\" &&\n\t\t\t\tleaderboardHighScore.countryCode !", "= country)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\tfilteredLeaderboardScores.push_back(&(score.hs));\n\t\t\tuserswithscores.emplace(leaderboardHighScore.", "GetName());\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!", "filteredLeaderboardScores.empty() && p->currentrateonly) {\n\t\t\tstd::sort(filteredLeaderboardScores.begin(),\n\t\t\t\t\t filteredLeaderboardScores.end(),\n\t\t\t\t\t [](const HighScore* a, const HighScore* b) -> bool {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t return a->GetWifeScore() > b->GetWifeScore();\n\t\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tLuaHelpers::CreateTableFromArray(filteredLeaderboardScores, L);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\n\tstatic int ToggleRateFilter(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tp->currentrateonly = !", "p->currentrateonly;\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetCurrentRateFilter(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, p->currentrateonly);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int ToggleTopScoresOnlyFilter(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tp->topscoresonly = !", "p->topscoresonly;\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetTopScoresOnlyFilter(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, p->topscoresonly);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int ToggleCCFilter(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tp->ccoffonly = !", "p->ccoffonly;\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetCCFilter(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, p->ccoffonly);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int SendReplayDataForOldScore(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tDLMAN->UploadScoreWithReplayDataFromDisk(\n\t\t SCOREMAN->GetScoresByKey().at(SArg(1)));\n\t\t// DLMAN->UpdateOnlineScoreReplayData(SArg(1));\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int UploadScoresForChart(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tDLMAN->ForceUploadScoresForChart(SArg(1));\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int UploadScoresForPack(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tDLMAN->ForceUploadScoresForPack(SArg(1));\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tstatic int UploadAllScores(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tDLMAN->ForceUploadAllScores();\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tLunaDownloadManager()\n\t{\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetCountryCodes);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetUserCountryCode);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(DownloadCoreBundle);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetCoreBundle);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetAllPacks);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetDownloadingPacks);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetDownloads);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetToken);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(IsLoggedIn);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(Login);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(LoginWithToken);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetUsername);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetSkillsetRank);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetSkillsetRating);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetTopSkillsetScore);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetTopChartScore);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetTopChartScoreCount);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetLastVersion);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetRegisterPage);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(RequestChartLeaderBoardFromOnline);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(RequestOnlineScoreReplayData);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetChartLeaderBoard);\n\t\t// This does not actually request the leaderboard from online.", "\n\t\t// It gets the already retrieved data from DLMAN\n\t\t// Why does this alias exist?", "\n\t\tAddMethod(\"GetChartLeaderboard\", GetChartLeaderBoard);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(ToggleRateFilter);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetCurrentRateFilter);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(ToggleTopScoresOnlyFilter);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetTopScoresOnlyFilter);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(ToggleCCFilter);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetCCFilter);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(SendReplayDataForOldScore);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(UploadScoresForChart);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(UploadScoresForPack);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(UploadAllScores);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(Logout);\n\t}\n};\nLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(DownloadManager)\n\nclass LunaDownloadablePack : public Luna<DownloadablePack>\n{\n public:\n\tstatic int DownloadAndInstall(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tbool mirror = false;\n\t\tif (lua_gettop(L) > 0)\n\t\t\tmirror = BArg(1);\n\t\tif (p->downloading)\n\t\t\treturn 1;\n\t\tDownload* dl = DLMAN->DownloadAndInstallPack(p, mirror);\n\t\tif (dl) {\n\t\t\tdl->PushSelf(L);\n\t\t\tp->downloading = true;\n\t\t} else\n\t\t\tlua_pushnil(L);\n\t\tIsQueued(p, L);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetName(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, p->name.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetSize(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, p->size);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetAvgDifficulty(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, p->avgDifficulty);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int IsQueued(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tauto it = std::find_if(\n\t\t DLMAN->DownloadQueue.begin(),\n\t\t DLMAN->DownloadQueue.end(),\n\t\t [p](pair<DownloadablePack*, bool> pair) { return pair.first == p; });\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, it !", "= DLMAN->DownloadQueue.end());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int IsDownloading(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushboolean(L, p->downloading == 0);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetDownload(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tif (p->downloading)\n\t\t\tDLMAN->downloads[p->url]->PushSelf(L);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tlua_pushnil(L);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetID(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, p->id);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetURL(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushstring(L, p->url.c_str());\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tLunaDownloadablePack()\n\t{\n\t\tADD_METHOD(DownloadAndInstall);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(IsDownloading);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(IsQueued);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetAvgDifficulty);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetName);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetSize);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetDownload);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetID);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetURL);\n\t}\n};\n\nLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(DownloadablePack)\n\nclass LunaDownload : public Luna<Download>\n{\n public:\n\tstatic int GetKBDownloaded(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, static_cast<int>(p->progress.downloaded));\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetKBPerSecond(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, atoi(p->speed.c_str()));\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int GetTotalKB(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tlua_pushnumber(L, static_cast<int>(p->progress.total));\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tstatic int Stop(T* p, lua_State* L)\n\t{\n\t\tp->p_RFWrapper.stop = true;\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tLunaDownload()\n\t{\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetTotalKB);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetKBDownloaded);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(GetKBPerSecond);\n\t\tADD_METHOD(Stop);\n\t}\n};\n\nLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(Download)\n" ]
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[ "name=Eye of the Storm\nimage=https://magiccards.info/scans/en/rav/48.jpg\nvalue=4.035\nrarity=R\ntype=Enchantment\ncost={5}{U}{U}\nability=Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery card, exile it. ", "Then that player copies each instant or sorcery card exiled with SN. ", "For each copy, the player may cast the copy without paying its mana cost.", "\ntiming=enchantment\noracle=Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery card, exile it. ", "Then that player copies each instant or sorcery card exiled with Eye of the Storm. ", "For each copy, the player may cast the copy without paying its mana cost.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.010256410256410256, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPHP : Convert php dictionary data set to key:valu pair\n\nI have data set smiller to dictonary and I want to get key value pair for this data.", "\nhere is DATA SET:\n$data = \"{u'test_field2': u'NONE', u'test_field3': u'NONE', u'test_account': u'NONE', u'test_account_1': u'NONE'}\"\n\nI am doing json_decode($data, true); but have no luck with it\nSorry If I am unclear.f\nBTW I am doing it in PHP\nthe result should be like this:\ntest_field2: NONE\ntest_field3: NONE\n\nA:\n\nSince your data is invalid json because of that u in it here is a solution\n json_decode(str_replace(\"'\",'\"',str_replace(\"u'\",\"'\",$data)), true);\n\nShould do the trick\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006944444444444444, 0.0205761316872428 ]
[ "\n\nTesting WebP compression for app icons - dpaluy\nhttps://github.com/EverythingMe/webp-test\n\n======\ndvirsky\nThis repo is the code used for this blog post:\n<http://geeks.everything.me/2013/04/24/why-we-like-webp/>\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
[ 0.009345794392523364 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJquery on mouse out, menu hide not working\n\nI am working on a code in which hidden menu will show when user mouse over on title (Menu) and after a certain time title (Menu) will hide if user is not visiting on Hidden- menu(Which is now showing) means not working with Hidden- menu (Which is now showing)..\nhttp://jsbin.com/icobin/12\n $(document).ready(function(){\n\n $(function(){\n jQuery.fn.delay = function(millis,callBack){\n var object = $(this);\n $.extend(object,{callBack:callBack});\n return window.setTimeout(function() {\n object.callBack();\n return object;\n }, millis);\n };\n });\n\n var navFadeOutDelay = 500; // Set delay for drop down to slide down (in ms)\n\n // Navigation:\n var nav = {count:0};\n\n $(function(){\n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #navigation_top\").hide(); //hide navigation on page load. ", "\n\n $('#nav_menu_text').bind('hover',function(){ \n // On mouseenter, hide title and show navigation\n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #nav_menu_text\").hide();\n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #navigation_top\").fadeIn();\n\n nav.count += 1;\n }).bind('hoverend',function(){ // On mouseleave, fade out navigation and show title\n var tmp = nav.count;\n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #navigation_top\").delay(navFadeOutDelay, function(){ \n // Delay: wait X ms before navigation FadeOut \n\n if (tmp == nav.count) { \n // prevent delay from firing if user hovers navigation before the end of delay\n $(this).fadeOut('slow', function(){ //Callback \n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #nav_menu_text\").show(); \n }); \n } \n }); \n });\n });\n });\n\nA:\n\n $('#navigtion_wrap #nav_menu_text').mouseover(function(){\n // on mouse over\n $(this).hide();\n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #navigation_top\").fadeIn();\n});\n\n$('#navigtion_wrap #navigation_top').mouseleave(function(){\n // on mouse leave\n $(this).fadeOut();\n $(\"#navigtion_wrap #nav_menu_text\").show();\n});\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006147540983606557, 0.006880733944954129 ]
[ "Pan-Asian adapted ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of patients with metastatic gastric cancer: a JSMO-ESMO initiative endorsed by CSCO, KSMO, MOS, SSO and TOS.", "\nThe most recent version of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of gastric cancer (GC) was published in 2016, and covered the management and treatment of local, locoregional, locally advanced and metastatic disease. ", "At the ESMO Asia Meeting in November 2017 it was decided by both ESMO and The Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO) to convene a special guidelines meeting immediately after the JSMO Annual Meeting in 2018. ", "The aim was to adapt the ESMO 2016 guidelines to take into account the ethnic differences associated with the treatment of metastatic GC in Asian patients. ", "These guidelines represent the consensus opinions reached by experts in the treatment of patients with metastatic GC representing the oncological societies of Japan (JSMO), China (CSCO), Korea (KSMO), Malaysia (MOS), Singapore (SSO) and Taiwan (TOS). ", "The voting was based on scientific evidence and was independent of both the current treatment practices and the drug availability and reimbursement situations in the individual participating Asian countries." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0335195530726257, 0.006644518272425249, 0.009389671361502348, 0.00641025641025641, 0.0199203187250996, 0 ]
[ "A Health Belief Model-Social Learning Theory approach to adolescents' fertility control: findings from a controlled field trial.", "\nWe evaluated an 8- to 12-hour Health Belief Model-Social Learning Theory (HBM-SLT)-based sex education program against several community- and school-based interventions in a controlled field experiment. ", "Data on sexual and contraceptive behavior were collected from 1,444 adolescents unselected for gender, race/ethnicity, or virginity status in a pretest-posttest design. ", "Over 60% completed the one-year follow-up. ", "Multivariate analyses were conducted separately for each preintervention virginity status by gender grouping. ", "The results revealed differential program impacts. ", "First, for preintervention virgins, there were no gender or intervention differences in abstinence maintenance over the follow-up year. ", "Second, female preintervention Comparison program virgins used effective contraceptive methods more consistently than those who attended the HBM-SLT program (p less than 0.01); among males, the intervention programs were equally effective. ", "Third, both interventions significantly increased contraceptive efficiency for teenagers who were sexually active before attending the programs. ", "For males, the HBM-SLT program led to significantly greater follow-up contraceptive efficiency than the Comparison program with preintervention contraceptive efficiency controlled (p less than 0.05); for females, the programs produced equivalent improvement. ", "Implications for program planning and evaluation are discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.007722007722007722, 0 ]
[ "Personal reflections on Faith, Christianity, Politics, the Future, Books, Authors and God's gift to everyone. ", "Reflections also on Islam – A Christian Perspective. ", "Latest Book – The Wonder of Terra. ", "Now Available\n\nMay 27, 2011May 27, 2011\n\nUI – Part 102 – Summary of Islam (Islamist)\n\nPart 102 – Islam Summary\n\nA summary of Islam and Christianity were promised in my Blog #100. ", "I encourage any reader to add to the lists, one or the other, to contradict, to debate and to enlighten.", "\n\nChristianity and Islam are important Religions comprising ½ the world’s population. ", "They differ, however in so many ways. ", "I have become calloused in my thinking and find Islam more Ideology than Religion, but that is me.", "\n\nWe begin first with Islam (Christianity will be reviewed in the next Blog – #103)\n\nThe Muslim (Islamist):\n\nEnforced for Allah. ", "Born as a Muslim, to leave you die. ", "To even consider another religion is wrong. ", "If you volunteer for Islam, leaving becomes a similar dilemma.", "\n\nFreedom to think is restricted.", "\n\nHuman Rights are ignored\n\nEquality of humans is not considered; they are not equal.", "\n\nRevelation supersedes reason\n\nDo not consider the laws of man, only those of the Quran, the Sharia. ", "It matters not whether or not they make sense or are reasonable, they are to be obeyed as they are the Will of Allah.", "\n\nNatural laws and divine law are the same, thus no need to doubt or explore; it is as Allah Wills.", "\n\nGod and Allah, from an Old Testament perspective, have similarities, both uncreated.", "\n\nAllah is all-powerful; tyrannical; all humans are below him.", "\n\nAuthority is to be obeyed without question; the highest authority is Allah.", "\n\nIslam sees the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as polytheistic – the New Testament perspective.", "\n\nMuhammad said there were 99 natures of Allah, which some have seen as polytheistic, but today’s ulema see all natures a composition of the oneness of Allah. ", "Debate remains as to what is ‘essence’ and what is not. ", "If all are the ‘essence’ of Allah, then that may be as One, but if not there is concern that multiple idols of Allah are represented. ", "There is not one exact, agreed upon list of the 99.", "\n\nIslam – Salvation comes through works and Allah as the final judge –regardless of the magnitude of good works attained. ", "Measure good works versus not good, or evil. ", "It is like adding weights to a scale, good weights on one side, the weight of evil on the other.", "\n\nKeeping the ‘works’ scale tilted toward the good is a positive. ", "The more the positive the better is the perception that Allah will allow you to enter his kingdom upon death. (", "I associated this ‘works’ philosophy with collecting Green Stamps; the one with the most Green Stamps has a greater opportunity for an eternal life with Allah – still no assurances.)", "\n\nSalvation in Islam is never assured.", "\n\nThe Quran refers to the ‘good news’, but does not understand it.", "\n\nThe Quran is known to be written by a collaboration of the Companions of Muhammad after Muhammad’s death, from memory, from the revelations received and recalled (memorized) by Muhammad, shared with and repeated by his Companions. ", "There was more than one Quran until a final composite was accepted as the one book never to be altered and only to be read in its original Arabic. ", "Yet it is not considered ‘created.’", "\n\nFundamentalists claim the Quran is ‘uncaused’; it is the revealed truth and cannot be questioned.", "\n\nAllah loves only those who believe in Allah.", "\n\nTheocracy a preference for Islam\n\nChrist as Savior – not considered by Islam. ", "Yet the Quran reflects on the Virgin birth of Jesus and calls him the Messiah.", "\n\nOriginal sin not a concept in Islam, yet all Muslims see the evil nature inherent in man.", "\n\nGood can change and evil can be good; it is Allah’s choice.", "\n\nA reasonable thinking person cannot discern good vs. evil; that can only be decided from the Quran and the Hadiths (but which Hadith?). ", "Scholars interpret (And one would think that considers thought and reason) that which has been revealed.", "\n\nThe selfish nature of man condemns him, if it is good for him, to see good as good and evil as good; thus reason has no impact. ", "Only that which Allah has revealed can keep man on the right path. ", "Only Allah has distinguished for man what is evil.", "\n\nIslam views Jesus as a prophet, along with Muhammad, who will return with Muhammad. ", "Both were mortal.", "\n\nThe Quran is rooted in the Bible; yet the Quran calls itself the corrected copy.", "\n\nWould there be a Quran without the Bible? ", "Without the Bible where would the Quran be; what would be its source; what would there be to correct; who would be the people of history to which it refers? ", "The source document is the Word of God, altered by Muhammad and his companions to comply with their desires and their way of life.", "\n\nIslamic Leaders have special privileges and exemptions from those required by the Quran on believers – As did Muhammad.", "\n\nMuhammad is the example for living – living as an authoritarian tyrannical leader.", "\n\n‘Thou shalt not kill’ is not a commandment in the Quran, as apostates, and non-believers (even moderate Muslims whose view differ from one another) are free game for the hunters that consider themselves righteous. ", "Limitations on murder are only as described in the Quran as Allah’s revelation.", "\n\nWho decides who is the most “Islamic”? ", "Is it man or Allah? ", "When man intervenes is he serving Allah or himself? ", "An ulema’s consideration of the Quran, is it subject to doubt, to interpretation, to personal or selfish desires?", "\n\nFor the Muslim praying is more a formal act, required by Allah, not a means of communications with Allah. ", "The prayer is rote, repetitious.", "\n\nFor Islam Civil Laws and Islamic Laws are the same if a Theocracy. ", "They do not protect the ‘common good’, only that which is Islamic and interpreted by the scholars of Islam that advise the leaders of a given Muslim area. ", "Thus we observe the suppression and oppression of women, limitations on education, a lack of advancement in business, an anti-capitalistic viewpoint, the inability to reason and think for oneself (as Allah has done it all), and inactivity by the youth. ", "The inactivity of the youth is filled with education in a madrassa that instills hate for the West, teaches that which only Allah has revealed, in many cases promotes a desire for martyrdom, and instills resentment for anything that shows growth, wealth, and a united pluralistic community.", "\n\nThere are a few secular countries where Mosque and State are separate, civil laws and Sharia differ, and are predominantly Muslim. ", "They also were areas where the wrtings and teaching of Al-Ghazali were restricted.", "\n\nThe chant “Jihad, Jihad, Jihad” is heard all too frequently by the male youth in schools in Muslim countries.", "\n\nIslam is a ‘no-growth’ philosophy. ", "Anti-science; anti-philosophy. ", "Allah has already provided everything. ", "It is as it is as Allah wills.", "\n\nAl-Ghazali, considered the second most important leader to Muhammad, argued against philosophy, science and theocratic debate. ", "He brought to the forefront that only Revelation is to be considered; Reason is of no value. “", "The only thing worth knowing is whether a specific action is, according to Sharia (Islamic Law): obligatory, recommended, permitted, discouraged, or forbidden. ", "The rest is irrelevant.” (", "quote from: The Closing of the Muslim Mind, by Robert R. Reilly, ISI Books, 2010, pg. ", "124)\n\nAllah can do good, but Allah can do evil as well. ", "Such evil would be good as Allah wills it. ", "It is up to Allah. (", "More the Sunni viewpoint – Sunni = the vast majority of Muslims).", "\n\nMulticulturalism is not a goal of Islamists. ", "The preference is an isolated micro-community within a nation that may not be a majority Islamic.", "\n\nThe ultimate objective of Islam is a macro-Umma. ", "One world, all nations, Islamic, governed under Islamic (Sharia Law).", "\n\nImages of Allah and Muhammad are now forbidden. ", "No imagination.", "\n\nIslamization of the world is the goal. ", "For many, the more fundamental, the plan is to utilize time and patience to instill in all societies a support for Islam, a defense against any form of persecution (real or perceived), to gain access into societies major organizations and political entities, to obtain media support, and to have Sharia Law adopted. ", "It is a step-by-step process.", "\n\nThe Quran abhors the thought of loving the enemy; it emphasizes only fighting the enemy. ", "The enemy is anyone that does not believe in Allah.", "\n\nFreedom of Speech; freedom of press; freedom of expression; freedom to think (reason) is forbidden in Islam by the more fundamental sects. ", "All is controlled in the most Islamist areas.", "\n\nJesus death on the cross was faked – the Islamic view\n\nA Muslim woman is constrained, not free, dependent on the system and the demands made by man. ", "A woman is a second class citizen.", "\n\nWoman are to be provided for by the males; but they are also limited in their choices and their freedoms in exchange.", "\n\nThe Quran engenders enmity for Christian and Jews. ", "It is a call to hate. ", "Love of neighbor is only as a matter of convenience to be accepted, not out of love.", "\n\nAs a whole Muslims are not unified in interpretation – there remain those willing to think, that desire freedom of speech, assembly, the freedom of the press, and conscious thought and differ on the imposition that ‘reason’ is heretical. ", "They are the minority – associated with the Mu’talizites, Sufi’s (to a limited extent) and Averroes’ writings (the source of Creation is knowledge and wisdom).", "\n\nReason has been left behind. ", "As a result the Muslim dominated areas of the world show little progress and less desire to become a part of what would be called the ‘modern’ world where freedom and separation of State and Religion is preferred. ", "Those scholars that have interpreted the Quran and Allah as wanting a rational body of believers have been over time diminished in their prominence. ", "When possible their writings have been destroyed. (", "Some writings considered totally destroyed have been found only to reveal there were those who thought, applied logic, allowed for doubt and discussion, and embraced reason; there were periods of extensive progress, learning and scientific advancement).", "\n\nReason is feared, as there exists a concern that under a microscope, logic applied, Islam would fall behind and masses of Muslims would defect to another religion – if not for another faith, such as Christianity, for a new Islam, where ‘reason’ would be employed to the fullest – used to know right and wrong, divine justice, the unity of God loving all mankind, and respecting man’s free will.", "\n\nIslam, by excluding reason, can never be rejected. ", "No foundation for reason; no rational application to say no to Islam.", "\n\nFreedom of religion is a negative. ", "Pluralism is viewed as attempting to mix oil and water, the Muslim objective to separate the two completely. ", "They will soon discover the world is not all oil.", "\n\nFree-will is anathema. ", "It contradicts the requirement to obey Allah totally.", "\n\nMan must be compelled to do good.", "\n\nMorality may be non-existent; If Allah allows it is moral; if Allah forbids, it is immoral. ", "The measure of good and bad is only Sharia Law (not reason).", "\n\nIf Allah is the sole cause of everything, is He not also the cause of evil?", "\n\nThe religion relies on the Will of Allah. ", "Allah does what He wills.", "\n\nAllah’s omnipotence is his unlimited power. ", "His reasons unknowable to man.", "\n\nAllah as pure Will and Power; the result – total Submission required.", "\n\nInnovation – (bid’ah – an offense in Islam)\n\nKalam (speculative theology) – not authorized by the Quran, thus there is no need for it.", "\n\nAllah does not reveal himself to anyone.", "\n\nNothing is like Allah, no man (not made in his image?)", "\n\nAllah is unknowable.", "\n\nNo cause and effect. (", "But without cause nothing can happen, nothing follows.)", "\n\nEvangelism is only for Muslims; others trying to advance their faith in a Muslim community are subject to attack; even being killed.", "\n\nSocialism is associated with Islam, as governance is authoritarian, a political leader with a scholarly guide (ulema) at his side, with requirements for portions of taxes specifically for the needy. ", "Yet it is the nature of the leaders in Muslim dominated theocracies to enjoy the spoils of their resources and taxes selfishly more than beneficially for the people of their land.", "\n\nDoes Reason Cause Apostasy for a Muslim?", "\n\nLists are useful, however inherent in the specifics of any item noted above can be cause for much debate. ", "I know reasonable Muslims. ", "Are they apostates? ", "I will never see it that way. ", "They are human, gifted with a mind they choose to engage. ", "God wants it just that way. ", "They believe in Allah. ", "The moderates, many, are willing to accept other faiths; pluralism is not a problem for them. ", "Evangelizing Christians are not a problem with them. ", "They are studied in the Quran, even the differences of historical Quranic scholars. ", "Much of their research was self-motivated out of curiosity. ", "Are they now not-Islamic enough? ", "Has their desire to learn infected their Islamic soul so they are now infidels? ", "Humans are wired to question things. ", "Is their any doubt about that?", "\n\nCan a Muslim Have Doubts?", "\n\nIf you are Muslim, Islamic to the core, have you never had doubts about just one item in the Quran? ", "Allah forbid! ", "Have you ever found two different interpretations of the same paragraph (Sura)? ", "Have you ever had the slightest conflict with a Hadith, or choosing the Hadith most appropo (crediting the man who wrote it and not Allah); or questioned which is the Hadith to use? ", "Are you confused as to which ulema, or school of Islamic Law, to follow; and why is your scholar or school the most wise? ", "Why is there still today more than one sect or as many as 73 Muslim sects/tribes – are they all wrong or all correct? ", "Who knows the truth? ", "Have you ever questioned the motives of Muhammad (under your breath even)? ", "One question, one concern, one doubt is God’s way of telling you, “you think, therefore you reason.” ", "Don’t waste the gift God has provided.", "\n\nI am here to tell you from a non-Muslim perspective that God provides the truth and man, using reason, gifted with a conscience and a mind is used by God to do the deciphering. ", "Man is useful in making the determination of right and wrong, good and evil, from what has been inspired by God. ", "Man knows too when they have denied God and prefer not to follow the path of righteousness. ", "God is the cause of what we know, and there is cause for our actions and thinking. ", "There is cause and effect. ", "Not every second is a miracle of Allah with unpredictable outcomes.", "\n\nA Muslim Awakening\n\nWe pray there will be an awakening of the Muslim mind to see the light of the world that God made shine upon everyone. ", "May they find the strength to move the dark curtain that shields them and see the revelation that God provided to subdue the earth – the mandate that God provided all humans. ", "We have no excuse to hide in a shell of ignorance, but to open up to the glory that God has revealed in the mind of all of us. ", "May there by a ra’y of hope for every Muslim. ", "Allow, Lord willing, a return to ijtihad (the scholarly use of personal judgment interpreting the sacred texts of Islam). ", "Turn back the black curtain and if what appears is an easel with a large tablet with the writing in large lettering:\n\n“If the Lord says ‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ would that be Allah or the God of the Trinity speaking?”" ]
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[ "Dr Maura McGill has been a medical doctor for nearly 50 years, with success treating thousands of women worldwide. ", "She is internationally known as a doctor and health lawyer. ", "She is sought-after advisor on women’s health issues – especially in relation to hormones and treatments for menopause and PMS, with numerous print & media appearances.", "\n\nMedical Career and Qualifications\n\nDr Maura was (and still remains) the youngest doctor to ever graduate from the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin. ", "She was quickly recruited to work with the International Red Cross in Africa as the sole doctor in charge of 1,000s of refugees from Biafra. ", "From Africa, Dr Maura moved to Australia where she conducted much of the early work on asbestos, for which she was granted an honorary degree by the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. ", "Dr Maura also conducted significant work on Agent Orange. ", "Through the depth of her research and expertise, Dr Maura rapidly became a highly established authority among her peers, known for helping thousands of women recover to balanced hormonal health. ", "Today Dr McGill lectures doctors and patients on menopause, PMS and hormone management therapies. ", "She has published technical papers in medicine, written on new age medical issues. ", "Unusually, she has also achieved the position of Reiki Master in the Usui system, and continues to be a public speaker who is prepared to stand up and “tell it like it is”." ]
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[ "Image copyright Netflix\n\nFive years ago, an Instagram post from Drake started a series of events that will end on Friday with the release of a new Netflix series.", "\n\nThe Canadian artist posted a picture of actor Ashley Walters in the east London crime drama Top Boy. ", "He was a fan of the cult show.", "\n\nBut the biggest rapper in the world was disappointed to find out it had just been cancelled by Channel 4.", "\n\nFor most fans of the show, that was that - they had to make do with the eight episodes which had aired over two seasons between 2011 and 2013.", "\n\nBut Drake - being Drake - had the power to bring it back.", "\n\n\"Next thing I knew, we were sitting in a room with Netflix. ", "And here we are,\" Ashley tells Radio 1 Newsbeat at the premiere of the show's revival.", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Drake - executive producer - was greeted by screams and cheers when he arrived at Hackney Picturehouse for the premiere\n\n\"It's amazing to be back,\" says Ashley, who's played main character Dushane since the series started.", "\n\nHe tweeted Drake after seeing the original Instagram post in 2014 - to which Drake replied: \"That show is just too good.\"", "\n\n\"I ain't gonna lie - in the beginning, I was slightly starstruck meeting him,\" says Ashley, who was known as Asher D during his time as member of the pioneering UK music group, So Solid Crew.", "\n\n\"But obviously he's a big fan of the show, and the actors in the show as well. ", "So there's a mutual respect there.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Rapper Kano (left) plays Sully, Dushane's former right-hand man\n\nTop Boy's first two seasons were praised for their authenticity and accurate reflection of life on a Hackney estate.", "\n\n\"The show's about London... it's about our life, our culture,\" says Ashley.", "\n\nThat could be why, as Ashley says, Toronto-born Drake \"didn't want to change anything creatively... it was just about remaking the show that he loves so much\".", "\n\nAs an executive producer, Drake - a well-known fan of British music and culture - wants the show to feel as close to the original as possible.", "\n\n\"At first it was kind of, just for me, I was like - I need this back. ", "But then I realised how much it meant to so many people,\" he told Netflix at the premiere.", "\n\nWhen the revival was first announced there were rumours of the Canadian making a cameo appearance - but as far as we know, he won't be in it.", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Shone Romulus (left) returns as Dris in season three\n\nPart of Top Boy's authenticity came from the actors in the show.", "\n\nThere were seasoned actors - such as Ashley Walters and Benedict Wong - but a lot of the cast had little or no acting experience.", "\n\nGrime MC Kano played main character Sully, while fellow artists Bashy (who had acted before) and Scorcher also had roles.", "\n\nThe cast also featured the likes of Michaela Coel and a then-unknown Letitia Wright, and young people from estates around where the show was set in east London.", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Rapper Dave (left) joins the cast for season three, in what is his first acting role\n\nThe new series also showcases talent we haven't seen acting before - including musician Dave.", "\n\nBut Ashley says he wasn't hired because of his profile.", "\n\nNew character Modie was meant to be much older than 21-year-old Dave, but his strong audition won him the part.", "\n\n\"Dave's music has skyrocketed, but he was already filming Top Boy way before that,\" Ashley says.", "\n\n\"I always understood that as a musician, he was really in touch with himself... and that reflects on the screen as well.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Mercury-nominated rapper Little Simz plays Dushane's love interest\n\nLittle Simz has been acting since she was a child, but the Mercury-nominated rapper is another new addition to the cast.", "\n\nShe watched the first series of Top Boy when she was still at school and grew up not far from Hackney, where it's set.", "\n\n\"I remember talking about it with my friends,\" she says.", "\n\n\"Just being so proud that there was something on TV that represented us, our culture and our story.", "\n\n\"So six years on, to be a part of that story is insane.\"", "\n\nShe adds: \"All the topics discussed in the series are happening in today's society.", "\n\n\"It's great that the show can hopefully open more eyes.\"", "\n\nIn the past, Top Boy's storylines have focused on issues such as gang warfare, gentrification and poverty.", "\n\nThe same topics come up again in the Netflix revival, mixed in with nods to the current political climate.", "\n\n\"As I was writing the show, issues like the Windrush deportations came up,\" says creator Ronan Bennett. \"", "And we've got Brexit references in the show.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Top Boy is set in east London against a backdrop of rising rents and property prices\n\nHackney is an almost-textbook example of gentrification - when a poor neighbourhood is renovated.", "\n\nThat can increase rents and property prices, pushing out low-income people who can't afford to live there any more.", "\n\nThe entry of a drug-dealing, middle-class white couple into the new series hints at the pace of change in the area.", "\n\n\"You can't blame people... you know, coffee shops are nice, and having smashed avocado on sourdough is nice - but there's a price to pay,\" says Ronan.", "\n\nImage copyright Getty Images Image caption Ronan Bennett created Top Boy after years of living in Hackney\n\nThe Hackney resident had ideas for the third series of Top Boy before it was cancelled by Channel 4. ", "He deliberately left series two on a cliffhanger.", "\n\n\"It's thanks to Drake, primarily, that we're back,\" he says.", "\n\nBut he admits he didn't know who the Canadian rapper was before they first met.", "\n\n\"I said to my kids, 'I'm going to meet some singer.' ", "They said, 'Who is he?' ", "And I said, 'somebody called Drake'.", "\n\n\"They did a double take.\"", "\n\n\"He's just a really nice man,\" adds Ronan.", "\n\n\"'We want to add gasoline to your fire,' was what he said. '", "Just do what you do, and I'm there to help you'.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Sully became Dushane's rival in season two\n\nAlthough he's lived in Hackney for a long time, Ronan is a Northern Irish man in his sixties - hardly like the characters he writes in the show.", "\n\nHe's not precious about the script - if the actors want to change a line to make it more authentic, he's happy to.", "\n\n\"On the surface he looks like just some white guy from Northern Ireland. ", "But actually, it goes a lot deeper than that,\" says Ashley Walters.", "\n\n\"Imagine [Ashley's character] Dushane was a writer - for him to write his own story, he's only going to write it in one dimension, whereas Ronan's got the overview.\"", "\n\nHe adds: \"We always bring people on from the community to help us make this story true.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Netflix Image caption Micheal Ward, who plays Jamie, is this season's star - and it's his very first role\n\nThe slang and the storylines make this a very British show.", "\n\nBut Ashley's convinced the new series, which will be released worldwide on Netflix, will translate - and not just for anglophiles like Drake.", "\n\n\"What makes it palatable for everybody is that we round off these characters, we humanise these characters.", "\n\n\"To do that, you have to talk about the issues that surround their lifestyle and talk about what makes them do what they do.", "\n\n\"And that's pretty much politics, you know, in the UK, and everyone's into politics in some form.\"", "\n\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Why Drake is at the London premiere of a cult British TV show\n\n\"Obviously, we don't have the same accent, but we speak the same,\" says Drake.", "\n\n\"It reminded me of people that I grew up with, or guys that I know... so I just felt super connected right away.\"", "\n\nHe says there are universal aspects to the stories and characters, which resonate around the world.", "\n\n\"It could be in the middle of Hackney hustling, it could be in music, you could be building houses, you could be doing whatever.", "\n\n\"But to be undisputed - where your peers respect and fear you at the same time - that, to me, is a top boy.\"", "\n\nTop Boy streams on Netflix from 13 September.", "\n\nFollow Newsbeat on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.", "\n\nListen to Newsbeat live at 12:45 and 17:45 weekdays - or listen back here.", "\n\nListen to Newsbeat live at 12:45 and 17:45 weekdays - or listen back here." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDoctrine entity not setting parameters when persisting data\n\nI'm trying to save some data using Doctrine using entities. ", "I've got it reading data in various ways perfectly fine, including associations etc, but I can't seem to get it to save data.", "\nI have the following entity:\n <?", "php\n\nnamespace CommentsBundle\\Entities;\n\nuse Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping AS ORM;\n\n/**\n * @Entity\n * @Table(name=\"comments\")\n */\nclass Comments\n{\n /**\n * @Column(type=\"integer\")\n * @Id\n * @GeneratedValue(strategy=\"AUTO\")\n */\n private $id;\n\n /** @Column(type=\"string\") */\n protected $name;\n\n /** @Column(type=\"string\") */\n protected $email;\n\n /** @Column(type=\"string\") */\n protected $content;\n\n /** @Column(type=\"string\") */\n protected $date;\n\n /** @Column(type=\"integer\") */\n protected $user_id;\n\n /** @Column(type=\"integer\") */\n protected $post_id;\n\n /** @ManyToOne(targetEntity=\"UserBundle\\Entities\\Users\") */\n protected $user;\n\n /** @ManyToOne(targetEntity=\"ContentBundle\\Entities\\Posts\") */\n protected $post;\n\n public function setId( $id ) \n {\n $this->id = $id;\n }\n\n public function getId() \n {\n return $this->id;\n }\n\n public function setName( $name ) \n {\n $this->name = $name;\n }\n\n public function getName() \n {\n return $this->name;\n }\n\n public function setEmail( $email ) \n {\n $this->email = $email;\n }\n\n public function getEmail() \n {\n return $this->email;\n }\n\n public function setContent( $content ) \n {\n $this->content = $content;\n }\n\n public function getContent() \n {\n return $this->content;\n }\n\n public function setDate( $date ) \n {\n $this->date = $date;\n }\n\n public function getDate() \n {\n return $this->date;\n }\n\n public function setUser_id( $user_id ) \n {\n $this->user_id = $user_id;\n }\n\n public function getUser_id() \n {\n return $this->user_id;\n }\n\n public function setPost_id( $post_id ) \n {\n $this->post_id = $post_id;\n }\n\n public function getPost_id() \n {\n return $this->post_id;\n }\n}\n\nAnd I have the following method in my controller:\npublic function newComment( Request $request ) \n{\n $this->model->setDate = new \\DateTime();\n $this->model->setName = $request->get( 'name' );\n $this->model->setEmail = $request->get( 'email' );\n $this->model->setContent = $request->get( 'content' );\n $this->model->setPost_id = $request->get( 'id' );\n $this->model->setUser_id = $request->get( 1 );\n\n self::$app['orm.em']->persist( $this->model );\n self::$app['orm.em']->flush();\n\n if ( $save ) {\n de( 'Worked' );\n } else {\n de( 'Did not work' );\n }\n} \n\nI get an error in my error log saying all the values are set to null... if I set the entities parameters to public and set them like $this->model->name = 'A name'; etc, that works, but obviously this isn't best practice. ", "\nIf I var_dump $this->model it shows that the setter methods all have the correct values, but the parameters are all set to null.", "\nDoes anyone know why my setters aren't working? ", "\nCheers,\nEwan\n\nA:\n\nProper use of setters is $this->model->setDate(new DateTime()); not $this->model->setDate =...\n\n" ]
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[ " United States Court of Appeals\n FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT\n _____________\n\n No. ", "97-2569MN\n _____________\n\nBennie Davis, *\n *\n Appellant, *\n * Appeal from the United States\n v. * District Court for the District\n * of Minnesota.", "\nFred G. Lafleur; Erik Skon; David Crist; *\nLinda Harder; Doctor Ramos; James H. * [UNPUBLISHED]\nBruton, *\n *\n Appellees. ", " *\n _____________\n\n Submitted: September 30, 1997\n Filed: October 6, 1997\n _____________\n\nBefore FAGG, BOWMAN, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.", "\n _____________\n\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n Bennie Davis appeals the district court's dismissal of Davis's 42 U.S.C. § 1983\naction for failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted. ", "After de novo review,\nwe conclude the district court's decision was correct. ", "We thus affirm the district court\nwithout further discussion. ", "See 8th Cir. ", "R.47B.\n\fA true copy.", "\n\n Attest:\n\n CLERK, U.S. COURT OF APPEALS, EIGHTH CIRCUIT.", "\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\f" ]
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[ "Love Harts: Gig for Hartsdown ARC / ArtsEdEx\n\nBy Miss E Barham11th December 2018\n\nPlease join us on the 20th December at Elsewhere, Margate to celebrate the achievements of young people from Hartsdown ARC, who have taken part in a 10 week programme us and the incredible Flying Seagull Project. ", "Music from afrobeat legend, Dele Sosimi, Cliftonville Community Choir and Falle Noike and Ayo Akinwolere as well as performances from The Flying Seagulls, Emrys Plant and more! ", "Full on Christmas vibes with raffle, mulled wine, mince pies and sing along! ", "All ticket sales will help fund more workshops with The Flying Seagulls." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.003389830508474576, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.013888888888888888 ]
[ "Paul di Resta has played down concerns about high levels of degradation at the recent pre-season tests, saying the conditions in Spain are too cold to draw conclusions about the new Pirellis.", "\n\nSince pre-season testing began the tyres have been graining in the cold temperatures, which has resulted in degradation and made long-runs difficult. ", "Wednesday's pacesetter Sergio Perez said he had been surprised by the extent of the performance drop-off after just one lap and that he hoped it is not the same at the first race in Australia.", "\n\nBut di Resta said he trusts Pirelli has designed a tyre that will work in the higher temperatures expected throughout the season.", "\n\n\"They certainly look like they are wearing out quite quick, but the temperatures are not [at the same level as] where we are we are going to be racing them, so we should probably give them a bit of a break,\" he said. \"", "It puts the emphasis on the strengths of the car and makes you work a bit harder to see where they are going to degrade. ", "We are seeing some signs and we are trying to do a bit of a scan to see how the different compounds are reacting and how the car is moving forward.", "\n\n\"But Melbourne is when it counts and that's when we've got to be prepared knowing where we are. ", "We haven't run the super-soft yet and essentially that is the tyre that we are going to run probably in qualifying in Melbourne. ", "I think everybody is a bit in the unknown at the moment, and the combination of trying to learn the car and the tyres is quite difficult at the moment.\"", "\n\nHe added: \"So far there is proof that degradation is a bit higher [than this time last year]. ", "You can look at the numbers and see the slight increase and they want more pit stops for the show and I think they'll get that. ", "But until we reach Melbourne with the compounds we are going to race it's hard to judge. ", "The temperatures are going to be different and when Pirelli did all their testing it was in the warm weather. ", "I'm looking forward to it and it makes us focus on the strengths of the car and equally sort the weaknesses out.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to force a tooltip to update on a TableCellRenderer, when the text is identical?", "\n\nIn a Java program, I am using a custom renderer for cells in a JTable.", "\nOn this renderer I set a tooltip, for which the content depends on the current cell.", "\nWhen the values are different, the tooltip is updated, and will appear next to the mouse pointer, over the cell.", "\nHowever, when the text for this tooltip is identical when changing cell (it happens that a few cells have the same text for tooltip), the TooltipManager considers that the tooltip hasn't changed, and it leaves the previous one, on the previous position.", "\nDoes someone knows how to make it so that the tooltip would be updated on each cell, even with identical values? ", "\n\nA:\n\nI think your best bet is to override getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent) in your component, and have it track the location of the mouse. ", "If either the text or the location of a tooltip have changed, then the tooltip will update.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n// are met:\n// 1. ", " Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n// 2. ", " Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ", "AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY\n// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n// DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. ", "OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n// DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\n// LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON\n// ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\n// SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n\ndescription('This test verifies the result returned by the eval function when exceptions are thrown and caught whithin the contents of the evaluated string.');", "\n\nfunction throwFunc() {\n throw \"\";\n}\n\nfunction throwOnReturn(){\n 1;\n return throwFunc();\n}\n\nfunction twoFunc() {\n 2;\n}\n\nshouldBe('eval(\"1;\")', \"1\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; try { foo = [2,3,throwFunc(), 4]; } catch (e){}\")', \"1\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; try { 2; throw \\\\\"\\\\\"; } catch (e){}\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; try { 2; throwFunc(); } catch (e){}\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; try { 2; throwFunc(); } catch (e){3;} finally {}\")', \"3\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; try { 2; throwFunc(); } catch (e){3;} finally {4;}\")', \"4\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"function blah() { 1; }\\\\n blah();\")', \"undefined\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"var x = 1;\")', \"undefined\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"if (true) { 1; } else { 2; }\")', \"1\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"if (false) { 1; } else { 2; }\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"try{1; if (true) { 2; throw \\\\\"\\\\\"; } else { 2; }} catch(e){}\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; var i = 0; do { ++i; 2; } while(i!=1);\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"try{1; var i = 0; do { ++i; 2; throw \\\\\"\\\\\"; } while(i!=1);} catch(e){}\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; try{2; throwOnReturn();} catch(e){}\")', \"2\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; twoFunc();\")', \"undefined\");\nshouldBe('eval(\"1; with ( { a: 0 } ) { 2; }\")', \"2\");\n" ]
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[ "Monday, December 30, 2013\n\nIdol Worship\n\nAs a Catholic Priest, who has a history of dialogue with non-Catholic Christians, one of the most common accusations based upon faulty assumptions is that we worship idols. ", "Namely, that we worship Mary the Mother of Jesus and the saints, those men and women that the Church declares to be in Heaven. ", "Catholics have heard this so much that at times they become immune to its affects. ", "Yet, when we stop to analyze what is being said we should at least be mildly offended that some how we are being accused of not knowing our God. ", "We worship one God in three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. ", "Not even a marginal Catholic would lay claim to anything less.", "\n\nThe logic that motivates such a gross assumption comes from a pure idea. ", "Jesus Christ our Lord is the one mediator between God and man. ", "If Jesus is the one mediator then why would I need to ask the communion of saints to pray for me? ", "This is a very good question and one that can be answered clearly.", "\n\nAs people that believe in Jesus Christ we are all connected. ", "To use St. Paul’s example we are one body with Christ as the head. ", "As members of the one body we have been given different charisms, gifts and graces from the Holy Spirit. ", "These gifts are not to be held to ourselves. ", "In fact, they only are effective to the extent that they are shared and given away. ", "Now, “to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” (", "1 Corinthians 12:7)\n\nI have been blessed to know so many incredible men and women in the Church. ", "Each one of them possess talents and gifts that overwhelm me with the realization that God is working in them in mighty ways. ", "I am so convinced of their unity with Jesus Christ that I continually ask for their prayers. ", "As Christians, don’t we all know some pretty incredible people with amazing gifts that can pray for us? ", "Having said that, if we are one body, each with different graces and charisms, why would our communion with one another in Jesus Christ cease because of death?", "\n\nSt. Paul tells us in the book of Romans that nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ, especially death. (", "Romans 8:35-39) If I ask my brothers and sisters on this side to pray for me then why wouldn’t I continue to ask my brothers and sisters on the other side to pray for me? ", "Especially considering that it is safe to say that the gifts, charisms and graces that we were blessed with in our brokenness on Earth are only stronger, purer and more effective for the building up of the Kingdom of God in Heaven.", "\n\nIf my prayers are efficacious now how much more efficacious will they be in the age when I am completely united to God? ", "Some people have the misconception that once you reach Heaven you are cut off from what is happening on Earth. ", "If a Mother, who prayed and sacrificed on Earth for her children to return to Church and find salvation, suddenly died, would she simply forget about that passionate desire? ", "Or would that desire become all the more intense in light of the true brilliance of Heavenly realities? ", "Some would argue that the Saints have no way of hearing our petitions but if they are united to God completely why is this such a hard thing to believe? ", "In the book of Revelation 5:8 it says: “Each one (of the saints) had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” ", "The saints are depicted as possessing our prayers and offering them to God. ", "I think it is safe to say that the desires and prayers of the saints are powerful and needed and that through Christ they remain connected to us not just as a memory but in reality. ", "God allows each of us to participate in his mission. ", "We simply do not get to Heaven and float around on lazy river to the strums of angelic harps sipping choice spirits. ", "If we are called to build the Kingdom of God while on Earth the same holds true in Heaven. ", "Lastly, in regards to Mary the Mother of Jesus, the Angel Gabriel, the mouthpiece of God, greeted her with the term “full of Grace.” (", "Luke 1:28)\n\nMary was a human being like you and me but she certainly was and is the most special member of our race. ", "Only she was designed and created to become the New Ark of the Covenant. ", "By her profound yes, her fiat as we say, she conceived the son of God in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. ", "Mary carried the second member of the trinity in her womb for 9 months, fed him from her body and raised him. ", "She was and is indeed full of Grace. ", "Therefore, Mary has the most special ability to intercede for the body of Christ. ", "All the graces, charisms and gifts that she was showered with in this life are only that much more magnificent in Heaven. ", "Can you see now why we call her the Queen of all the Saints? ", "She is not a deity that we worship. ", "She wouldn’t want worship anyway. ", "Her only desire is the same one in the heart of the communion of all the saints, that we all come to the knowledge and love Jesus Christ and are with Him for all of eternity. ", "It is all about Jesus Christ. ", "Our Mother Mary and the saints know that better than anyone on Earth.", "Fr. ", "Claude Burns aka Pontifex\n\nFollow Us\n\nAbout Us\n\nThe Province of Meribah strives to discern and respond to the needs of the Church today.", "\nWe see the Catholic school as the center of apostolic activities, activities which make their effect felt far beyond the walls of the classroom.", "\nAs a consequence of our profession of vows, we enter a new family, our religious community. ", "In this religious community, we assume new relationships and responsibilities toward God, our Brothers in community, and the People of God.", "\nBy our profession in the Society of Mary, we commit ourselves to grow in holiness and to bring all to Christ.", "\n\nThe Province of Meribah\n\nOur vocation is an infinite gift, offered to us by Jesus in the name of his Mother. ", "As Marianists, we dedicate our lives to Mary. ", "We are honored to follow her example of humble service and faithful discipleship in every aspect of our life." ]
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[ "Zirku Airport\n\nZirku Airport is a small private airfield operated by the Zakum Development Company and serves the oil field at Zirku Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Airports in the United Arab Emirates" ]
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[ "/*******************************************************************************\n* AMetal\n* ----------------------------\n* innovating embedded platform\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2001-2018 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.\n* All rights reserved.", "\n*\n* Contact information:\n* web site: http://www.zlg.cn/\n*******************************************************************************/\n\n/**\n * \\file\n * \\brief MicroPort FLASH 例程,通过标准接口实现\n *\n * - 操作步骤:\n * 1. ", "将 MicroPort FLASH 配板连接到 AM217BLE 的 MicroPort 接口。", "\n *\n * - 实验现象:\n * 1. ", "主机写数据到 FLASH;\n * 2. ", "主机从 FLASH 读取数据,并通过串口打印处理;\n * 3. ", "串口打印出测试结果。", "\n *\n * \\note\n * 如需观察串口打印的调试信息,需要将 PIOA_10 引脚连接 PC 串口的 TXD,\n * PIOA_9 引脚连接 PC 串口的 RXD。", "\n *\n * \\par 源代码\n * \\snippet demo_microport_flash.c src_microport_flash\n *\n * \\internal\n * \\par Modification history\n * - 1.00 17-11-13 pea, first implementation\n * \\endinternal\n */\n\n/**\n * \\addtogroup demo_if_microport_flash\n * \\copydoc demo_microport_flash.c\n */\n\n/** [src_microport_flash] */\n#include \"ametal.h\"\n#include \"am_vdebug.h\"\n#include \"am_mx25xx.h\"\n#include \"am_mm32l373_inst_init.h\"\n#include \"demo_mm32l373_core_entries.h\"\n\n#define __TEST_LENTH 16 /**< \\brief 读写字节数 */\n\n/**\n * \\brief MicroPort FLASH 例程,通过标准接口实现\n *\n * \\param 无\n *\n * \\return 无\n */\nvoid demo_mm32l373_core_microport_flash_entry (void)\n{\n AM_DBG_INFO(\"demo mm32l373_core microport flash!\\r\\n\");\n\n demo_mx25xx_entry(am_microport_flash_inst_init(), __TEST_LENTH);\n}\n/** [src_microport_flash] */\n\n/* end of file */\n" ]
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[ "Looking for role-playing game players:\n\nI've been hosting a FMA role-playing game for 3 months now. ", "We are still looking for more players to fill up preferrably villians (Lust, Gluttony->More urgent) in our game. ", "OC characters are welcomed as well.", "\n\nWe started our game from Ep 18 AU. ", "Meaning the library's gone, the Sins and Scar just had their little meeting, and Ed and Co. has found that the Philosopher's Stone requires human sacrifice. ", "We are now at this point of the SL:\n\nKimbley & Greed escaped from prison and went around killing people. ", "They became an item since then and are currently traveling with Martel.", "\n\nRoy took eight men (Hughes, Havoc, Fury, Falman, Hawkeye, Edward, Alphonse, Armstrong) and Black Hayate on a mission to look for Kimbley. ", "They have just reached the destination to start off their mission.", "\n\nLust had dated Havoc and tried to gain information from him. ", "But soon her identity had been revealed. ", "She had a fight with Armstrong before withdrawing with Envy and Gluttony." ]
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[ 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0.009523809523809525, 0.014084507042253521, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.0410958904109589 ]
[ "Recurrent aortoduodenal fistula.", "\nWe describe the second successful repair of a recurrent aortoduodenal fistula (ADF) occurring two years following insertion of the original prosthetic and 18 months following the repair of the first ADF. ", "The recurrent ADF developed at the site of the previous repair, fistulizing between the sutured aorta and the duodenum closed by staples. ", "Despite the admitted technical challenges of reoperation for a third or fourth time, as in the current case, these patients can be salvaged." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0.007246376811594203, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to liquid crystal display devices and, more particularly, to a technique effectively applied to a driver circuit for a liquid crystal display device used as a display unit of a portable device.", "\n2. ", "Background Art\nThin-film-transistor (TFT) liquid crystal display devices have been widely used as display units of personal computers and televisions. ", "Those liquid crystal display devices each include a liquid crystal display panel and a driver circuit for driving the liquid crystal display panel.", "\nSmall-sized liquid crystal display devices of the above-described type have been widely used as display units of portable devices, such as mobile phones. ", "In the use of a liquid crystal display device as a display unit of a portable device, it is desired that the liquid crystal display device be capable of having more complicated display modes than those of related-art liquid crystal display devices.", "\nJP-A-2002-297105 discloses the use of a partial display instruction to achieve partial display. ", "Although an operation for partial display is disclosed in JP-A-2002-297105, controlling the operation using a command is not disclosed therein." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Fulminant progression of demyelinating disease after valproate-induced encephalopathy.", "\nWe report the clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features of a patient who had fulminant demyelinating disease and who experienced acute progression of his disease after an episode of valproate-induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy. ", "The role hyperammonemia played in the progression of the demyelination is uncertain. ", "This case raises concern of a possible risk with the use of valproic acid in the subset of patients with fulminant demyelinating disease." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), are characterized by abnormalities in baseline cortical excitability that are believed to be caused by an abnormal, system-wide balance between excitation and inhibition. ", "Mounting evidence has linked baseline cortical excitability to abnormalities in the sensory systems. ", "as manifested by both over- and hypo- reactivity to sensory stimuli and by the high prevalence of epileptiform EEG activity in the majority of neurodevelopmental disorders including ASD and ADHD. ", "Sensory systems rely on a set of well-characterized network of mechanisms whose functioning directly depends on a precise balancing of excitation and inhibition. ", "The aim of this investigation is to use sensory evoked responses as a means to quantitatively assess baseline cortical excitability in two common neurodevelopmental disorders, ASD and ADHD. ", "These measurements will be made via Steady-State Visual and Auditory Evoked Potentials. ", "Patterns sensory responses measured electrophysiologically will be compared to patterns of behavioral hyper/hyposensitivity measured via a well- characterized parental questionnaire and examiner-administered performance evaluations. ", "These measurements will be obtained from 40 children with ASD, 40 children with ADHD and 40 matched controls. ", "The immediate goal of the project is to determine whether specific patterns of sensory evoked potentials are associated with behavioral indices of disturbed sensory processing. ", "The long-term goal of this proposal is to develop sensitive and objective measures of cortical excitability for use in classifying neurodevelopmental disorders. ", "An ability to detect and quantify underlying alterations in cortical excitability in infancy and ealy childhood would be of significant value in the diagnosis, classification and treatment management of common neurodevelopmental disorders. ", "The present proposal is a fundamental step toward the achievement of this purpose and this approach is consistent with the NIMH Strategic Plan for the development of new ways of classifying psychopathology based on dimensions of observable behavior and neurobiological measures." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This invention relates generally to computer memory, and more specifically, to adaptive write leveling in limited lifetime memory devices.", "\nPhase-change memories (PCMs) and flash memories are examples of non-volatile memories with limited endurance (also referred to as a “limited life”). ", "Such memories have limited endurance in the sense that after undergoing a number of writing cycles (RESET cycles for PCM, program/erase cycles for flash memory), the memory cells wear out and may no longer be able to reliably store information.", "\nA typical unit of access to a memory is a block that may include tens to hundreds of device cells each of which may be storing one bit of data (single-level cell) or a few bits of data (multi-level cell). ", "Each cell within a block may have a different lifetime than other cells in the same block due to the statistical nature of device manufacturing processes. ", "Thus, cells within a block may fail at different times, rendering the entire block unusable. ", "To help alleviate this problem, error checking and correcting (ECC) techniques are utilized within each memory block. ", "Additional cells are used in each block to be able to encode data in a variety of manners to recover from cell errors, therefore prolonging the block life.", "\nSome memory addresses (referred to as hot-spots) will be busier than others. ", "In general, hot-spot blocks will fail sooner than less busy blocks. ", "Hot spots, if not avoided, can render the entire memory (e.g., one or more memory devices) unusable due to a single bad block. ", "Wear-leveling methods prolong the life of these memories by uniformly distributing writes/erasures across the whole memory such that every block receives an approximately equal number of writes over the lifetime of the whole memory." ]
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[ "{\n \"created_at\": \"2015-02-27T22:28:20.596434\", \n \"description\": \"An amazing form solution.\", ", "\n \"fork\": false, \n \"full_name\": \"lucuma/solution\", \n \"language\": \"Python\", \n \"updated_at\": \"2015-02-27T23:42:31.638256\"\n}" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Substitution of oral (18)F-FDG for intravenous (18)F-FDG in PET scanning.", "\nThe aim of this study was to see whether oral administration of (18)F-FDG could be substituted-without significant loss of information-for intravenous injection of (18)F-FDG in patients with difficult intravenous access of any cause, such as that often seen in cancer patients after many cycles of chemotherapy. ", "PET after both oral and intravenous administration of (18)F-FDG was performed on 2 healthy volunteers and 7 patients. ", "An interval of 48 h was maintained between the oral administration and the intravenous administration. ", "All scans were visually analyzed. ", "Semiquantitative analysis of specific areas was done by calculating standardized uptake values (SUVs). ", "Scanning was performed 60 min after intravenous tracer administration and 90 min after oral tracer administration. ", "All lesions seen after intravenous administration were visualized on the oral study as well. ", "SUVs were lower on the oral study than on the intravenous study. ", "Oral (18)F-FDG can successfully be substituted for intravenous (18)F-FDG in patients with difficult intravenous access. ", "However, because of the large amount of (18)F-FDG retained in the gut, careful interpretation will be required when disease of the gastrointestinal tract is being evaluated." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Gonzales refuses to send witness to Hill for voting rights hearing\n\nMichael Roston\n\nPublished: Tuesday July 17, 2007 Print This Email This\n\nTwo House Democrats criticized Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for refusing to send a witness to the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing on voting rights. ", "In response, the committee postponed a hearing that had been scheduled for this morning.", "\n\nReps. ", "John Conyers and Jerrold Nadler, respectively the Chairs of the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, criticized the decision by Gonzales.", "\n\n\"We are disappointed by this decision,\" they wrote to the Attorney General. \"", "Mr. Tanner’s testimony is important to the Committee’s efforts to understand the manner in which the Department has implemented its legislative mandate. ", "As Chief of the Voting Section, Mr. Tanner is personally familiar with the facts surrounding the Department’s decisions in significant and controversial voting rights cases. \"", "\n\nGonzales had offered to send a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in Tanner's place.", "\n\nIn the letter, the two Congressmembers also expressed their desire to work with Gonzales to secure Tanner's testimony.", "\n\nControversy has emerged in the management of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. ", "Earlier in the year, an ex-Justice employee told the House Committee that the office had been heavily politicized with political appointees creating an environment deemed hostile by many career attorneys, who quite their posts. ", "Subsequently, a former Voting Section Chief acknowledged to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had bragged about primarily hiring Republicans for career positions in a June hearing.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nregular expression find a white-space character and non-white-space character\n\nHelp me fix my regular expression::\n(REGEXP_SUBSTR(WORD, '#time\\S[0-9]{1,2}' )) as reg\n\nI want to get the result:\n'#time 52' \n'#time20'\n\nIf I write: (REGEXP_SUBSTR(WORD, '#time\\S[0-9]{1,2}' )) as reg\nresult: #time20\nIf I write: (REGEXP_SUBSTR(WORD, '#time\\s[0-9]{1,2}' )) as reg\nresult: #time 52\nSQL query:\nSELECT\n(REGEXP_SUBSTR(WORD, '#time\\S[0-9]{1,2}' )) as reg\nFROM(\nselect\n'text #time 52 texttexttext #time20 text' as WORD\nfrom dual\n)tabl\n\nHow can I fix it? ", "Thanks for your help!", "\n\nA:\n\nIf I understand correctly, this is the expression you want:\nselect REGEXP_SUBSTR(WORD, '#time\\s*[0-9]{1,2}')\n\nThis will handle any number of spaces (including 0) between \"#time\" and the digits. ", " If you want at most one, use ? ", "instead of *.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Still need a Halloween costume? ", "Charm City offers plenty of inspiration. ", "Here are some Baltimore-related ideas." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUnable to find BPM for a specific song\n\nI'm trying to find the BPM for the song Erotomania - Dream Theater, but I can't. ", "This is what I did:\nOpened the song in a DAW and then count exactly how much milliseconds are between measures 5 to 8. ", "I ended up finding the value 154,6126095 bpm, which works fine for the measures 5 to 8. ", "The problem is that for measure 9 the BPM value 158 works much better than what I had found early. ", "It's a huge difference in my opinion.", "\nSo, what I'm doing wrong? ", "Can a song like this has multiple distinct tempos? ", "I know that from Measure 67 and on it changes the tempo, but we can clearly see that difference. ", "Or pehaps, would Dream Theater record a song without a metronome?", "\nThis is how I found the value 154,6126095 step by step, just in case...\n3x 5/4 measure at 120 bpm = 7500 ms (the reference)\n3x 5/4 measure at XXX bpm = 5821 ms (Erotomania song)\n\nEach beat at 120 bpm has 7500 ms / (3 measures x 5 beats) = 500.00 ms per beat (1/5) (the reference)\nEach beat at XXX bpm has 5821 ms / (3 measures x 5 beats) = 388.06 ms per beat (1/5) (Erotomania song)\n\nA whole measure at 120 bpm would need 500.00 ms x 5 beats = 2500.00 ms (the reference)\nA whole measure at XXX bpm would need 388.06 ms x 5 beats = 1940.33 ms (Erotomania song)\n\nThe proportion then will be:\n2500.00 ms \\/ XXX bpm\n1940.33 ms /\\ 120 bpm\n\n2500.00 ms x 120 bpm = 300,000 =>\n300,000 / 1940.33 = 154,6126 bpm <- the final result\n\nA:\n\n\"Or perhaps, would Dream Theater record a song without a metronome?\"", "\nIt wasn't THAT long ago that EVERYONE recorded without a click! ", "\nThey just played. ", " The tempo varied. ", " That happens a lot in music, particularly music that is played rather than constructed on a computer. ", " You're doing nothing wrong, except that you're looking for a constant tempo when there isn't one.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to parse complex xml in php\n\nI have an xml document and I'm trying to parse it ( loop through the items ) but it seems no xml parser understands it. ", "I've tried simpleXml and few others but they provide only two fields (@attributes: locale, country) or unclear arrays. ", "Using an online viewer I can clearly see the list of items so it must be an issue with the php parser. ", "\n Basically I need to extract each item with image, price and location. ", "Any help to decode this in an array would be highly appreciated !", "\n I basically need to loop through the 'Ad' array and extract the information for each 'ad'. ", "id, price, title, start-date-time, category, locations, pictures (array). ", "Here is a print-screen: http://i.imgur.com/R9YkUZY.png . ", "SO doesn't let me post the image without 10 reputation.", "\n$xml = simplexml_load_file('xml');\nprint_r($xml);\n\nreturns\nSimpleXMLElement Object\n(\n [@attributes] => Array\n (\n [locale] => en_GB\n [version] => 1.17\n )\n\n)\n\nI also tried a class I've found ( XML2Array ) with no luck ! ", "I was thinking to use regex as it's an old friend of mine but the data doesn't seem be structured in a such way to extracted with regex.", "\n$array = XML2Array::createArray($xml);\nprint_r($array);\n\nBelow is the XML. ", "I also pasted it on pastebin.com/XiKbfhV5 .", "\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?", ">\n<ad:ads xmlns:types=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/types/v1\" xmlns:cat=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/category/v1\" xmlns:loc=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/location/v1\" xmlns:ad=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/ad/v1\" xmlns:feat=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/feature/v1\" xmlns:attr=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/attribute/v1\" xmlns:pic=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/picture/v1\" xmlns:user=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/user/v1\" xmlns:rate=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/rate/v1\" xmlns:reply=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/reply/v1\" xmlns:feed=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/feed/v1\" xmlns:order=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/order/v1\" xmlns:payment=\"http://www.domainclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/payment/v1\" locale=\"en_GB\" version=\"1.17\">\n <ad:ad id=\"1046911987\">\n <ad:title>Wanted Apple Macbook pro - Air - Retina - iMac Call now Wanted Today</ad:title>\n <ad:ad-status>\n <ad:value>ACTIVE</ad:value>\n </ad:ad-status>\n <ad:start-date-time>2014-01-31T17:54:24.000Z</ad:start-date-time>\n <feat:features-active>\n <feat:feature-active display=\"true\" name=\"AD_GP_TOP_AD\" group=\"standard\"/>\n </feat:features-active>\n <cat:category id=\"188\">\n <cat:id-name>computing-phones-wanted</cat:id-name>\n <cat:localized-name>Computing &amp; Phones</cat:localized-name>\n </cat:category>\n <loc:locations>\n <loc:location id=\"124\">\n <loc:id-name>wimbledon</loc:id-name>\n <loc:localized-name>Wimbledon</loc:localized-name>\n </loc:location>\n <loc:location id=\"10000392\">\n <loc:id-name>uk</loc:id-name>\n <loc:localized-name>United Kingdom</loc:localized-name>\n </loc:location>\n <loc:location id=\"10000393\">\n 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<ad:ads-search-options>\n <ad:locationId>10000392</ad:locationId>\n <ad:categoryId>2549</ad:categoryId>\n <ad:sortType>\n <types:value>DATE_DESCENDING</types:value>\n </ad:sortType>\n </ad:ads-search-options>\n <ad:ads-search-histograms/>\n</ad:ads>\n\nIf you help me I will make you famous !", "\n\nA:\n\nA generic transformation will not work. ", "But you can use Xpath to fetch data from XML and build up your own data structures (arrays, objects, ...), much like you would with SQL with data from a database.", "\nI don't use SimpleXML but directly DOM for that (SimpleXML is a wrapper for DOM). ", "First you need to load you XML into a DOM document, create an Xpath object for it an register the namespaces your data is in. ", "You can define your own aliases independent from the XML source, but in the examples I will use the same.", "\n$dom = new DOMDocument();\n//$dom->load($xmlFile);\n$dom->loadXml($xmlString);\n$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);\n$xpath->registerNamespace('ad', 'http://www.ebayclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/ad/v1');\n$xpath->registerNamespace('cat', 'http://www.ebayclassifiedsgroup.com/schema/category/v1');\n\nNow it is possible to use DOMXpath::evaluate() to fetch data from the XML. ", "Depending on the expression, the result will be a list of nodes or a scalar. ", "An expression like //element-name will return a list, but count(//element-name) a number. ", "The second argument of evaluate() is the context, the third should always be FALSE if you have namespaces.", "\n$result = array();\n$ads = $xpath->evaluate('/ad:ads/ad:ad', NULL, FALSE);\nforeach ($ads as $ad) {\n $categories = [];\n foreach ($xpath->evaluate('cat:category', $ad, FALSE) as $category) {\n $categories[$category->getAttribute('id')] = [\n 'name' => $xpath->evaluate('string(cat:id-name)', $category, FALSE),\n 'title' => $xpath->evaluate('string(cat:localized-name)', $category, FALSE)\n ];\n }\n $result[] = [\n 'id' => $ad->getAttribute('id'),\n 'title' => $xpath->evaluate('string(ad:title)', $ad, FALSE),\n 'categories' => $categories\n ];\n}\n\nSimpleXMLs xpath() method works the same, with one big difference - it can only return lists, no scalars.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Detection of DNA alkylphosphotriesters by 32P postlabeling: evidence for the nonrandom manifestation of phosphotriester lesions in vivo.", "\nMany genotoxic carcinogens react with the sugar-phosphate backbone in DNA to form phosphotriester (PTE) adducts. ", "These lesions are relatively abundant and persistent for some alkylating carcinogens and may therefore serve as useful biomarkers with which to assess genotoxic exposure and potential mutagenic risk. ", "In the present study, we have developed a 32p postlabeling method that permits analysis of total methyl and/or ethyl PTE in DNA at the femtomole level. ", "The technique is based on the inability of all known nucleolytic enzymes to cleave the internucleotide PTE bond. ", "Consequently, complete digestion of alkylated DNA with these nucleases in the presence of an alkaline phosphatase yields PTE-dinucleoside phosphates. ", "These species are then converted to the corresponding dinucleoside phosphates (dNpdNs) by treatment with alkali to permit subsequent 32p labeling. ", "The resulting labeled dinucleotides (32pd-NpdN) are then analyzed by PAGE. ", "Validation of this method has been carried out using a polydeoxythymidylic acid oligonucleotide containing a site-specific methyl PTE. ", "The method has been applied to the in vitro analysis of calf thymus (CT) DNA treated with dimethylsulfate (DMS) or diethylsulfate (DES) and to the analysis of liver DNA from mice treated in vivo with nitrosodiethylamine. ", "In each case, autoradiograms of the polyacrylamide gels showed the anticipated five bands representing the sixteen labeled dinucleotides, with proportional increases observed as the concentrations of DMS or DES used in the in vitro treatment of CT DNA were increased. ", "The identity and frequency of the nucleosides located 5' to the PTE lesions were obtained by nuclease P1 digestion of the gel-isolated 32pdNpdN species and by analysis of the released labeled mononucleotides, 32pdN, by high-performance liquid chromatography with radioactivity detection. ", "Results obtained from CT DNA treated with DMS or DES showed that the frequency of the four detected nucleotides reflected the normal nucleoside content of CT DNA, indicating the random formation of methyl and ethyl PTE adducts in the in vitro modified DNA. ", "However, studies using liver DNA from three strains of mice treated in vivo with nitrosodiethylamine indicated that the frequency of the thymidine and the 2'-deoxyguanosine 5' to the ethyl PTE was significantly different from the corresponding normal nucleoside content. ", "These results are indicative of (a) the nonrandom formation of ethyl PTE in vivo and/or (b) base sequence-specific ethyl PTE repair." ]
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[ "Sunday, August 1, 2010\n\nA little bit ago, on ER's actualy birthday to be exact, I was part of Creativity Week at Seven Thirty Three: A Creative Blog. ", "I shared this fun project and wanted to repost it here on my own blog too. ", "Hope you are inspired to make one! ", "As always, if you are, I'd love to see it.", "\n\nToday I'm going to share with you, how I made this super cute, with bright summer colors and theme, accordion fold mini book! ", "What makes this one extra special is that there are pockets that you can slip tags in and out of. ", "The interactive aspect is really fun; I like the idea of tucking little extras and memorabilia throughout. ", "The first thing you'll need to do is pick out five sheets of 12X12 sheets of paper. ", "I used double sided scrapbook paper, it tends to be thicker. ", "It also gives me more patterns choices to work with as I design the mini book. ", "For this project I used papers from the Citronella collection by K&Company.", "\n\nCut 3 of the 5 papers in half, making 6 sheets of 6X12. ", "Fold each of these in half, each half should be 6X6. ", "That is also the dimensions of your finished project. ", "Open folded sheets back up. ", "You will use 5 of these folded papers to assemble the book, save the 6th for later.", "It is now time to design your project by laying out your papers, until you have a mix of patterns in an order you like. ", "Above, are sheets 1 & 2.Sheets 1 & 2, with sheet 3 added.", "Sheets 1,2 & 3 with 4 added. ", "All 5 sheets laid out. ", "Once you have figured out how you want your book designed, remove sheets 2 and 4. ", "These will become pocket pages and we need to cut notches in them, so the tags are more easily accessible. ", "I fold the paper back in half and use a circle cutter to cut both half circles at one time. ", "I have also used a large hole punch to do this. ", "Once you have added your notches use strong adhesive, like double sided tape along the bottom, both sides, and creases of both papers. ", "Keep the adhesive as close the edges of the paper as possible.", "\n\nDO NOT put adhesive along the top side with the notches, or you won't have pockets. ", "I have a picture showing where to add adhesive in my previous tutorial, but forgot to take one this time. ", "Place you papers back in your arrangement, line up edges and press firmly into place. ", "Your accordion fold pocket book has now been assembled!If you would like to add a ribbon closure, do so now. ", "I like to use a Glue Dot to attach the ribbon to the front and back pieces of papers. ", "Then to make sure it really won't go anywhere, I add a piece of scrapbook tape over the ribbon.", "Remember that 6th 6X12 sheet of paper I said to hold on to? ", "Cut it in half, making 2 6X6 pieces. ", "Cut each down to 5X5. ", "Attach to the front and back sheets of paper, as shown above, to cover up the ribbon ends. ", "Save your scraps, they might come in handy when embellishing your book later. ", "We started with 5 12X12 sheets and used 3 of them to make the book. ", "Get the remaining 2 to make your tags. ", "They need to be smaller than 6X6 so they can slide in and out easily and not get stuck on the adhesive you used to make the pockets. ", "Mine are approximately 4.75X5.25, with rounded edges. ", "Before adding tabs for easy removal, test your tag size to make sure they slide in and out of pockets easily. ", "Now it's my favorite time, time to embellish your project! ", "I've used a variety of glittery, dimensional, and epoxy stickers from several different companies. ", "There also some puffy stickers, do you remember those from growing up? ", "Fun stuff!", "\n\nBelow are some detail pictures of the front side of the book. ", "It's all ready for pictures to be added on top of the photo mats. ", "The cardstock mats could also be used for journaling.", "Don't forget about the backside of the book! ", "It needs some decoration too. ", "See those yellow strips of paper with lemons? ", "Those were saved from cutting the 6X6 sheets down to 5X5 for hiding the ribbon closure. ", "I hope you liked my project and it inspires you to make on for yourself or as a special gift. ", "I'd love to see it if you do! ", "I can be reached by email at: katiesnestingspot(at)live(dot)com.", "\n\nHere is one last tip, if making this for a gift, use dimensional adhesive like foam squares when adding overlapping elements. ", "The recipient can add their pictures and not have to worry about trying to pry up edges of stickers.", "\n\nSearch This Blog\n\nContact\n\nI love to do family friendly reviews and giveaways for products that make life better from the kitchen to the playroom and beyond. ", "As a former teacher, I also enjoy reviewing learning materials. ", "Click above or katiesnestingspot(at)live(dot)com\n\nCopyright Notice\n\nAll text, original photographs, and content may not be used without express written permission and attribution to this blog. ", "Copyright 2008-2017\n\nBasically, play nice! ", "In most cases I am happy to share but please let me know first and provide a link back. ", "The exceptions is usually, any photos with my children or any others in them.", "\n\nLet's be Friends!", "\n\nLet's Exchange Buttons\n\nConferences\n\nGraphics Credit\n\nKrystal Hartley's A Beautiful World\n\nMy Friends\n\nFor tips and help with your blog design visit:\n\nProud Member\n\nDisclosure Policy\n\nThis policy is valid from 31 March 2010\nThis blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. ", "For questions about this blog, please contact katiesnestingspot {at} live {dot} com.", "\nThis blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.", "\nThis blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. ", "We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. ", "The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. ", "That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.", "\nThe owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. ", "Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. ", "The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. ", "Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.", "\nThis blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.", "\nTo get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org/" ]
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[ "Stuart Bowen\n\nStuart W. Bowen Jr. (born March 24, 1958), is an American lawyer who served as the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) from October 2004 to October 2013. ", "He previously served as the Inspector General for the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA-IG), a position to which he was appointed in January 2004. ", "Mr. Bowen's mission includes ensuring effective oversight of the $63 billion appropriated for Iraq's relief and reconstruction.", "\n\nBackground\nBorn in Washington, D.C., on March 24, 1958, Mr. Bowen attended the Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia, earned a B.A. from the University of the South/Sewanee, attended Vanderbilt University Law School, and received a J.D. from St. Mary's University School of Law in San Antonio, where he served on the Law Journal's Editorial Board. ", "He spent four years on active duty as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force, earning the rank of Captain and the Air Force Commendation Medal. ", " From 1991 to 1992, Mr. Bowen was Briefing Attorney to Texas Supreme Court Justice Raul Gonzalez; and from 1992 to 1994, he was an Assistant Attorney General of Texas, with a litigation practice focused on the civil prosecution of state licensee regulatory violations and appellate work in state and federal court.", "\n\nFrom 1994 to 2000, Mr. Bowen held a variety of positions on Texas Governor George W. Bush's staff, including Deputy General Counsel, Deputy General Counsel for Litigation, and Assistant General Counsel. ", "He was part of President Bush's legal team handling the post-election litigation in Florida during November–December 2000; his work helped ensure that overseas military ballots were properly counted. ", "Mr. Bowen subsequently served as Counsel to the Bush-Cheney transition team.", "\n\nFrom 2001 to 2003, Mr. Bowen served President Bush as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Staff Secretary and Special Assistant to the President and Associate Counsel. ", "In 2003, he became a partner at the law firm of Patton Boggs LLP, working out of its Washington, D.C. office.", "\n\nSpecial Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction\nAs Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Mr. Bowen is tasked with auditing and investigating the use of taxpayer funds appropriated for the Iraq reconstruction effort. ", " Since 2004, he has managed the production of 390 audits and inspections, producing financial benefits in excess of $1.5 billion; his investigations have yielded over 83 convictions, with recoveries in excess of $192 million via forfeiture orders, fines, and seizures.", "\n\nMr. Bowen has supervised the production of 35 quarterly reports to the Congress, travelled to Iraq 34 times, and testified before the Congress on 35 occasions. ", " He managed the compilation of seven lessons learned reports, including HARD LESSONS (Government Printing Office February 2009), a book-length report on the entire Iraq reconstruction enterprise, which provides 13 recommendations for improving the US approach to overseas stabilization and reconstruction operations. ", "All of these reports are available at www.sigir.mil.", "\n\nMr. Bowen's work has earned a number of awards, including: The David Walker Excellence in Government Award for Performance and Accountability from the National Intergovernmental Audit Forum; Outstanding Inspector General's Report to Congress from the Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE);Outstanding Investigative Task Force Award (CIGIE); Outstanding Inspection Report Award (CIGIE); Outstanding Investigative Case Accomplishment Award (CIGIE); Outstanding Audit Team Award from the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE); Outstanding Inspection Team Award (PCIE); Gaston Gianni Special Award for Outstanding Inspector General’s Office (PCIE); Newsmaker of the Year Award from the Engineering News-Record; St. Thomas More Award for Distinguished Public Service from The St. Mary’s University School of Law/San Antonio; and a Best and Brightest Award from Esquire Magazine. ", "Because of the nature of its subject matter, Mr. Bowen's work has required media engagement, including appearances on CSPAN, NPR, PBS, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNBC, and BBC, as well as numerous interviews with international and local print journalists. ", "Mr. Bowen's writings have appeared in a variety of publications including The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, National Defense University's Prism Quarterly, The Journal of International Peace Operations, and books published by King's College London and The National Defense University.", "\n\nThe SIGIR mission in Baghdad has not been without tragedy. ", " On March 24, 2008, a rocket impacted the Embassy grounds killing Paul Converse, a SIGIR auditor. ", " Paul was posthumously awarded the Jefferson Star by the State Department, its highest honor. ", " Five other SIGIR staff members have been wounded while serving in Iraq.", "\n\nTexas Health and Human Services Commission Inspector General\n\nIn January 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott named Bowen as the Inspector General for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. ", " The appointment is subject to Senate confirmation.", "\n\nBrought in as an outsider to clean up a contracting scandal, Bowen also had to contend with hundreds of millions of questionable fraud allegations made by his predecessor. ", " By September he had settled cases totaling $9 million. ", " In addition, Bowen faced repairing ties with the Medicaid provider community and with HHSC. ", " As Inspector General, Bowen is charged with preventing, detecting, and deterring fraud, waste, and abuse in the Texas Health and Human Services System. ", "\n\nOn October 22, 2015, Bowen accused Planned Parenthood of misconduct and informed them all of the state's Planned Parenthood affiliates were being dropped as a Medicaid health care provider. ", " He cited videos showing misconduct and sent investigators with letters to Planned Parenthood offices in San Antonio, Dallas, and the Houston area, requesting records. ", " His letters cited the authority of Health and Human Services Commission to investigate allegations of potential fraud involving Medicaid payments.", "\n\nBowen was forced to resign by Gov. Greg Abbott on May 10, 2017, after the governor discovered Bowen had been moonlighting for Hyatt Farber Schreck, a lobbying firm that represents the Iraqi government.", "\nBowen said he had consulted with a state ethics advisor and was told that his moonlighting \"fully complied\" with the health commission's policy. ", " However, the health agency's policies explicitly bar employees from having an \"economic or monetary interest in a lobbying firm\".", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nhttp://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/01/30/iraq.audit/\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/04/AR2005050402256_pf.html Audit of Iraq Spending Spurs Criminal Probe, Washington Post, May 5, 2005\nhttp://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000087&sid=anps9Ih6B6EE&refer=top_world_news U.S. Planned Poorly for Rebuilding Iraq, Inspector General Says, Bloomberg News, October 30, 2005\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/18/world/americas/18iht-fraud.html\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/29/AR2007012901817.html\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/31/AR2006083101162.html\nhttp://www.stripes.com/news/another-report-faults-iraq-blunders-1.86247\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/21/world/middleeast/21reconstruct.html?pagewanted=all\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/world/iraqi-security-forces-facing-serious-problems-us-oversight-official-reports/2011/01/30/ABzwy5Q_story.html\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/world/marine-gets-6-years-in-prison-for-iraq-fraud/2011/02/07/ABr4SwQ_story.html\nhttp://www.c-span.org/Events/House-Oversight-Cmte-Hearing-on-Troop-Withdrawal-from-Iraq/10737419967/\n\nCategory:1958 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:United States government people of the Iraq War\nCategory:People from Washington, D.C.\nCategory:Sewanee: The University of the South alumni\nCategory:Texas lawyers\nCategory:United States Air Force officers\nCategory:Vanderbilt University alumni\nCategory:St. Mary's University School of Law alumni\nCategory:Lawyers from Washington, D.C." ]
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[ "Experience of fetal scalp blood sampling during labor.", "\nFetal scalp blood sampling (FBS) is often claimed to be painful for women in labor and difficult for obstetricians to perform. ", "Our aim was to assess women's experience of pain during FBS and obstetricians' experience of difficulty in performing the test. ", "At a tertiary center in Sweden, a questionnaire with answers on a 10-point scale was completed by 51 women and the obstetricians performing the test. ", "Women's experience of pain had a median of 3.5. ", "FBS was well tolerated in women who had epidural analgesia but might be associated with pain in women without. ", "Higher maternal body mass index and less cervical dilation were associated with higher pain ratings. ", "Obstetricians did not generally experience scalp sampling as difficult to perform (median score 3.0). ", "However, the sampling procedure can be more complicated in situations with higher maternal body mass index, less cervical dilation, and a higher station of the fetal head." ]
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[ "base 9.", "\n-40\n-90 (base 11) to base 12\n-83\n-212 (base 3) to base 9\n-25\nConvert -104 (base 5) to base 4.", "\n-131\nWhat is 66 (base 9) in base 2?", "\n111100\n1 (base 10) to base 3\n1\nWhat is -4 (base 12) in base 7?", "\n-4\n-1 (base 9) to base 13\n-1\nConvert -2 (base 8) to base 3.", "\n-2\nConvert 10001110 (base 2) to base 13.", "\nac\nConvert -5 (base 12) to base 9.", "\n-5\nWhat is 2 (base 8) in base 11?", "\n2\nWhat is -2 (base 3) in base 10?", "\n-2\nConvert 0 (base 9) to base 4.", "\n0\nConvert 1 (base 10) to base 11.", "\n1\nConvert -40 (base 10) to base 4.", "\n-220\n47 (base 14) to base 2\n111111\nConvert 85 (base 10) to base 3.", "\n10011\nConvert 7 (base 10) to base 13.", "\n7\n221 (base 5) to base 11\n56\nConvert 2 (base 10) to base 8.", "\n2\n4 (base 12) to base 3\n11\n3 (base 6) to base 14\n3\n22 (base 4) to base 6\n14\n11001 (base 2) to base 13\n1c\nConvert 12200 (base 3) to base 9.", "\n180\n-76 (base 10) to base 5\n-301\nConvert -1 (base 5) to base 15.", "\n-1\nWhat is -432 (base 5) in base 15?", "\n-7c\nWhat is -5 (base 14) in base 9?", "\n-5\nConvert 2 (base 13) to base 4.", "\n2\n6 (base 12) to base 13\n6\n14 (base 8) to base 15\nc\nConvert 1 (base 15) to base 9.", "\n1\nConvert d8 (base 16) to base 5.", "\n1331\nConvert 10001 (base 2) to base 4.", "\n101\nWhat is -132 (base 7) in base 3?", "\n-2200\n4e (base 16) to base 12\n66\n-2200 (base 3) to base 12\n-60\nConvert 14 (base 14) to base 3.", "\n200\n-72 (base 14) to base 5\n-400\nConvert -11001011 (base 2) to base 11.", "\n-175\n10 (base 8) to base 7\n11\n44 (base 7) to base 4\n200\nConvert -32 (base 5) to base 6.", "\n-25\nWhat is 1 (base 9) in base 5?", "\n1\n213 (base 4) to base 3\n1110\nConvert 3 (base 10) to base 8.", "\n3\n-a0 (base 14) to base 10\n-140\n8 (base 12) to base 15\n8\n-95 (base 13) to base 2\n-1111010\nWhat is 10 (base 6) in base 11?", "\n6\nWhat is -5 (base 10) in base 2?", "\n-101\n163 (base 9) to base 15\n93\n-48 (base 10) to base 9\n-53\nWhat is 12 (base 12) in base 15?", "\ne\nWhat is a3 (base 13) in base 2?", "\n10000101\n1 (base 7) to base 16\n1\nConvert 2 (base 9) to base 14.", "\n2\nConvert -1 (base 5) to base 6.", "\n-1\n-8 (base 14) to base 11\n-8\nWhat is -3 (base 5) in base 3?", "\n-10\nConvert -39 (base 11) to base 9.", "\n-46\nConvert -115 (base 8) to base 6.", "\n-205\nWhat is -230 (base 7) in base 14?", "\n-87\n5 (base 9) to base 8\n5\nConvert 3 (base 6) to base 7.", "\n3\nWhat is 21 (base 4) in base 3?", "\n100\nConvert -20 (base 6) to base 11.", "\n-11\n-8 (base 10) to base 4\n-20\n-5 (base 8) to base 10\n-5\n-1b (base 16) to base 7\n-36\nWhat is 0 (base 6) in base 11?", "\n0\n1 (base 4) to base 3\n1\n-31 (base 6) to base 10\n-19\nWhat is -3311 (base 4) in base 14?", "\n-137\nWhat is -71 (base 8) in base 11?", "\n-52\nWhat is -12 (base 13) in base 4?", "\n-33\nConvert -4c (base 15) to base 9.", "\n-80\n-1 (base 11) to base 3\n-1\nWhat is -31 (base 9) in base 15?", "\n-1d\nWhat is 118 (base 14) in base 11?", "\n189\nWhat is -434 (base 5) in base 2?", "\n-1110111\nWhat is -210 (base 9) in base 13?", "\n-102\nConvert -123 (base 5) to base 15.", "\n-28\nConvert 1 (base 10) to base 6.", "\n1\nWhat is 10011 (base 2) in base 8?", "\n23\n-1002 (base 3) to base 2\n-11101\nWhat is -1d (base 16) in base 7?", "\n-41\n-4 (base 7) to base 15\n-4\nWhat is b (base 13) in base 12?", "\nb\n-15 (base 11) to base 2\n-10000\nConvert -183 (base 9) to base 14.", "\n-b2\nConvert 3 (base 15) to base 3.", "\n10\nWhat is 5 (base 8) in base 4?", "\n11\nConvert 4 (base 15) to base 6.", "\n4\nWhat is -5 (base 14) in base 10?", "\n-5\nConvert -7 (base 10) to base 13.", "\n-7\nConvert 5 (base 7) to base 4.", "\n11\nConvert -15 (base 7) to base 5.", "\n-22\nConvert 1030 (base 4) to base 14.", "\n56\nConvert 16 (base 11) to base 7.", "\n23\nWhat is -20 (base 8) in base 5?", "\n-31\n-1101101 (base 2) to base 15\n-74\nWhat is -2a (base 12) in base 2?", "\n-100010\n1105 (base 6) to base 10\n257\nConvert 10 (base 3) to base 8.", "\n3\n64 (base 14) to base 5\n323\n-11100 (base 3) to base 7\n-225\n-5 (base 6) to base 7\n-5\nConvert 101 (base 5) to base 10.", "\n26\n1 (base 5) to base 11\n1\n14 (base 11) to base 6\n23\nConvert 1111110 (base 2) to base 3.", "\n11200\nWhat is -22 (base 6) in base 4?", "\n-32\nConvert -17 (base 11) to base 3.", "\n-200\n10 (base 4) to base 11\n4\n12 (base 4) to base 14\n6\nWhat is 3 (base 7) in base 9?", "\n3\nConvert -10 (base 3) to base 13.", "\n-3\nConvert -24 (base 9) to base 13.", "\n-19\nConvert -11013 (base 4) to base 3.", "\n-110010\nConvert 0 (base 16) to base 3.", "\n0\nWhat is 3 (base 12) in base 8?", "\n3\n31 (base 15) to base 13\n37\nConvert 15 (base 13) to base 2.", "\n10010\nWhat is 2 (base 3) in base 11?", "\n2\nWhat is -33 (base 13) in base 9?", "\n-46\nWhat is 332 (base 7) in base 14?", "\nc2\nWhat is 210 (base 3) in base 9?", "\n23\nWhat is 0 (base 13) in base 8?", "\n0\nWhat is -4 (base 11) in base 7?", "\n-4\nConvert 1 (base 4) to base 15.", "\n1\n2 (base 12) to base 2\n10\nConvert 2 (base 8) to base 12.", "\n2\nWhat is 0 (base 4) in base 11?", "\n0\nWhat is -144 (base 5) in base 6?", "\n-121\nWhat is -1100001 (base 2) in base 11?", "\n-89\nConvert -a (base 12) to base 13.", "\n-a\n24 (base 6) to base 7\n22\nConvert 49 (base 16) to base 10.", "\n73\n10 (base 6) to base 15\n6\n4 (base 9) to base 3\n11\nWhat is -200 (base 4) in base 3?", "\n-1012\nConvert -34 (base 6) to base 2.", "\n-10110\nConvert 9 (base 11) to base 14.", "\n9\nConvert -32 (base 6) to base 16.", "\n-14\nConvert 10 (base 2) to base 5.", "\n2\nWhat is 7 (base 16) in base 5?", "\n12\n7 (base 11) to base 3\n21\nConvert -45 (base 10) to base 13.", "\n-36\nConvert 6 (base 10) to base 8.", "\n6\nWhat is 15 (base 6) in base 3?", "\n102\nWhat is 1b0 (base 12) in base 11?", "\n231\nConvert 0 (base 8) to base 4.", "\n0\nConvert 78 (base 11) to base 10.", "\n85\nWhat is 0 (base 6) in base 2?", "\n0\n-13 (base 14) to base 11\n-16\n-2212 (base 3) to base 5\n-302\nConvert 10331 (base 4) to base 6.", "\n1245\nConvert -1 (base 16) to base 12.", "\n-1\nWhat is 201 (base 7) in base 10?", "\n99\n0 (base 16) to base 12\n0\nConvert -14 (base 14) to base 8.", "\n-22\nWhat is 2f (base 16) in base 13?", "\n38\nWhat is -b (base 13) in base 2?", "\n-1011\nWhat is -d (base 15) in base 9?", "\n-14\n1e (base 16) to base 2\n11110\n109 (base 11) to base 12\naa\nConvert -21 (base 13) to base 8.", "\n-33\nConvert 3 (base 16) to base 13.", "\n3\nConvert 1 (base 12) to base 4.", "\n1\nWhat is 101101 (base 2) in base 10?", "\n45\nConvert 2 (base 8) to base 12.", "\n2\nConvert a (base 11) to base 15.", "\na\nConvert -1a (base 12) to base 9.", "\n-24\nConvert -15 (base 14) to base 8.", "\n-23\n-1100 (base 3) to base 11\n-33\nWhat is 10e (base 16) in base 4?", "\n10032\nWhat is 5 (base 6) in base 5?", "\n10\nConvert 110 (base 11) to base 5.", "\n1012\n-5 (base 13) to base 7\n-5\n21 (base 15) to base 6\n51\nWhat is -220 (base 5) in base 16?", "\n-3c\nWhat is 0 (base 8) in base 16?", "\n0\nConvert 122 (base 10) to base 6.", "\n322\n-2 (base 11) to base 10\n-2\n-143 (base 6) to base 3\n-2100\nConvert 21 (base 13) to base 7.", "\n36\n1c (base 14) to base 4\n122\nConvert -7 (base 13) to base 10.", "\n-7\nConvert 38 (base 9) to base 12.", "\n2b\nConvert 111200 (base 3) to base 2.", "\n101110001\nConvert 30 (base 4) to base 9.", "\n13\nWhat is 21 (base 14) in base 7?", "\n41\n-11 (base 4) to base 14\n-5\nConvert -11010 (base 3) to base 4.", "\n-1233\n-222 (base 8) to base 13\n-b3\nConvert 3 (base 13) to base 14.", "\n3\nWhat is 20 (base 5) in base 8?", "\n12\nWhat is 10 (base 6) in base 10?", "\n6\nWhat is 1f (base 16) in base 14?", "\n23\n-9 (base 13) to base 12\n-9\nWhat is 16 (base 7) in base 16?", "\nd\nConvert -194 (base 15) to base 12.", "\n-264\n15 (base 7) to base 11\n11\nConvert 4 (base 13) to base 5.", "\n4\n-101001 (base 2) to base 15\n-2b\nWhat is 10221 (base 3) in base 9?", "\n127\nWhat is 1 (base 3) in base 12?", "\n1\nWhat is 1 (base 7) in base 8?", "\n1\n-107 (base 11) to base 15\n-88\nWhat is d (base 16) in base 2?", "\n1101\nWhat is 21 (base 16) in base 6?", "\n53\n7 (base 14) to base 5\n12\nConvert -5 (base 11) to base 4.", "\n-11\n20 (base 5) to base 2\n1010\nWhat is 1213 (base 6) in base 10?", "\n297\n0 (base 4) to base 7\n0\n0 (base 9) to base 2\n0\n-1000 (base 4) to base 2\n-1000000\nWhat is 83 (base 11) in base 4?", "\n1123\nConvert -2 (base 7) to base 16.", "\n-2\nConvert 122 (base 6) to base 2.", "\n110010\n171 (base 10) to base 13\n102\nWhat is -110111 (base 2) in base 14?", "\n-3d\n1a (base 15) to base 5\n100\n13 (base 16) to base 5\n34\n-1331 (base 4) to base 16\n-7d\nConvert 12 (base 4) to base 9.", "\n6\n-322 (base 4) to base 6\n-134\nWhat is 53 (base 6) in base 2?", "\n100001\nConvert -2 (base 12) to base 13.", "\n-2\nConvert a (base 14) to base 8.", "\n12\nWhat is 5c (base 15) in base 14?", "\n63\n-331 (base 4) to base 12\n-51\n2 (base 3) to base 9\n2\nWhat is -11 (base 3) in base 16?", "\n-4\nConvert 10101111 (base 2) to base 13.", "\n106\nConvert -35 (base 6) to base 7.", "\n-32\n3 (base 5) to base 8\n3\n-231 (base 4) to base 5\n-140\nConvert -c2 (base 13) to base 8.", "\n-236\n-148 (base 13) to base 6\n-1021\n1212 (base 4) to base 11\n93\nWhat is -3 (base 6) in base 11?", "\n-3\n-4 (base 16) to base 15\n-4\nWhat is 80 (base 14) in base 6?", "\n304\n-9 (base 13) to base 11\n-9\nWh" ]
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[ "We hear a lot of talk about enterprises moving IT toward a shared-services model. ", "That raises the question: Where do they think they're going?", "\n\nRoughly speaking, moving to a shared-services model means adopting a centralized, standardized, streamlined approach to IT. ", "Like all idealizations, real enterprises can only imperfectly implement it. ", "Nonetheless, it serves as a useful goal and measuring stick. ", "Common elements and aspirations include:\n\nService-oriented: IT is thought of as a provider of services to a business--or, in some cases, multiple businesses. ", "Every IT process, asset, and outcome is understood, operated, and judged in terms of services that IT provides, and how they map to business requirements.", "\n\nViewing IT as an organization building, maintaining, and operating a collection of business services--rather than one overseeing a collection of equipment and a pile of code--is a radical departure from the historical IT-is-a-cost-center approach.", "\n\nShared and consolidated: Many organizations traditionally created IT \"silos.\" ", "Many formed amid line-of-business (LOB) boundaries; each LOB had its own little IT department. ", "Others formed around technology specialties such as servers, storage, networks, mainframes, virtualization, and app development. ", "Financial services organizations have been the most siloed; some have had nearly 100 distinct IT operations.", "\n\nUnfortunately, silos fragment IT into many little IT shards, introducing gratuitous complexity and variability. ", "One silo does things this way; another does basically the same thing, but in a different way, or with a different product. ", "Silos don't necessarily work together well. ", "Even when they have overlapping responsibilities, silos often work at cross-purposes to \"protect\" their fiefs. ", "IT as a whole cannot enjoy economies of scale in staffing, training, procurement, and operations. ", "Often, it's hard to even get visibility to see where economies or simplifications might lie.", "\n\nA shared-services approach consolidates operations, eliminating and minimizing silos, and making them actively cooperate. ", "This consolidation is a prerequisite to globally sharing resources and capabilities.", "\n\nStandardized and simplified: Consolidation and sharing allows approaches, vendors, strategies, and procedures to be standardized. ", "Vendors can be pared; rather than \"one of this, one of that,\" rational vendor management can be used, such as strategic dual-sourcing. ", "Standardization leads to competition. ", "Less variety also means simpler. ", "Instead of various management approaches (many of them ad hoc), \"best practices\" can be used. ", "Skills can be shared. ", "External resources, learning, and tools can be brought in, rather than homegrown. ", "And because the systems and interfaces used are regularized, they can be increasingly automated, further simplifying the environment. ", "Standardization and simplification is an iterative process, with each pass enabling further standardization, further simplification. ", "Simplification, in turn, eases scaling, as well as whatever technology or process transitions are required over time.", "\n\nAgile and effective: Whether you call the desired IT future state agile, flexible, adaptive, dynamic, or whathaveyou, everyone agrees that IT should operate \"at the speed of business.\" ", "IT should be able to wrangle both internal and external resources to design, build, and run the services the business needs.", "\n\nWhat the business needs will change over time, given new products, opportunities, mergers and acquisitions, geographic expansion, economic upturns and downturns, and seasonal surges and quiet periods. ", "But whatever that changing mix of needs might be, IT wants to agilely and efficiently satisfy them. ", "That's a tall aspiration, given the relatively static, backroom support orientation of IT of old. ", "But that is the goal of forward-looking IT.", "\n\nSumming up: A shared-services model seeks to create a virtuous cycle between shared and consolidated, service-oriented, and standardized and simplified approaches in order to establish an agile and effective IT capability.", "\n\nThe shared-services model is a mature conception of what IT is, what it provides, and what it should be. ", "It's not a product, nor a process, nor a methodology. ", "It's an ideal, a target, a desired state. ", "It organizes IT around business outcomes--and, one level down, operationally, around the services that IT provides. ", "It requires a change in thinking, priorities, and operational style--and change is never easy. ", "Nonetheless, we see organizations everywhere adopting large swaths of the shared-services approach--though using varied terminology, and doing so over time, at different paces, depending on their starting points and the urgency of their evolution.", "\n\nAbout the author\n\nJonathan Eunice, co-founder and principal IT adviser at Illuminata, focuses on system architectures, operating environments, infrastructure software, development tools, and management strategies in networked IT. ", "He has written hundreds of research publications and several books.", "\nSee full bio" ]
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[ "Al hacer click en enviar quedaras regitrad@ a nuestro boletín el cual podrás cancelar en cualquier momento;no olvides revisar tu carpeta de spam.", "\n\nTambién se informó que como parte de los operativos, fueron detenidas nueve personas. ", "Ocho de ellas porque realizaban actividades de halconeo (vigilancia) para Los Caballeros Templarios en diferentes puntos de la costa michoacana\n\nAQUILA, Mich., 16 de febrero.— ", "Autoridades incautaron en la entidad 62 propiedades a miembros de Los Caballeros Templarios que operaban en la región costa. ", "Los inmuebles están asentados en Aquila y Coahuayana.", "\n\nSegún información difundida por el Grupo de Coordinación Michoacán, en el aseguramiento de inmuebles utilizados presuntamente para realizar actividades ilícitas, destacan cuatro hoteles, tres complejos turísticos en la playa, dos centros de espectáculos, tres ranchos, una hacienda, dos gasolinerías, una huerta platanera, así como varias casas y residencias de lujo, que contaban con “albercas, sótanos y compartimentos secretos de diferentes dimensiones”, además de terrenos, incluso hay entre los bienes asegurados, 100 cabezas de ganado de diferentes razas.", "\n\nEn dicho operativo donde participaron miembros de la Fuerza Ciudadana de la PGJEM y el Ejército se estableció que los inmuebles le pertenecían a la organización criminal de Los Caballeros Templarios, identificados como Antonio Mendoza Campos, Enrique Mendoza Campos, Federico González Medina, Carmelo Núñez Vargas, Jesús Cruz Virrueta y Víctor Lucas Rivera. ", "Muchos de estos inmuebles, según información oficial, en 2010 le fueron arrebatados a un agricultor, quien según la PGJEM fue secuestrado y asesinado.", "\n\nTras su detención, a estas ocho personas se les decomisaron radios de comunicación, seis vehículos, un arma corta, además de varias dosis de metanfetaminas y mariguana. ", "A estos detenidos se les inició un proceso por delitos como contra la salud y contra el Sistema de Seguridad Pública.", "\n\nTambién se confirmó la aprehensión de un hombre identificado por las autoridades como Ramiro Z., de 42 años, a quien se le relaciona directamente con Fernando Cruz Mendoza, El Tena, supuesto sucesor de Nazario El Chayo Moreno González, cabecilla de Los Caballeros Templarios abatido el año pasado.", "\n\nRamiro Z. fue detenido por elementos de la Fuerza Ciudadana en un operativo en el poblado de Huahua, en el municipio costero de Aquila, y presuntamente tenía consigo 25 dosis de mariguana.", "\n\nLa Procuraduría General de Justicia de Michoacán, señaló que continúa con las investigaciones para establecer más propiedades del crimen organizado y así debilitar la estructura de esta organización criminal.", "\n\nLa ley de derechos de autor prohíbe estrictamente copiar completa o parcialmente los materiales de Excélsior sin haber obtenido previamente permiso por escrito y sin incluir el link al texto original." ]
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[ "In order to allow the movement of patients to whom an external ring fixation system has been fixed, walking skates are normally associated underneath a bottom half-ring, namely the ring placed further downwards, close to the foot, said skates allowing the patient to walk normally without however touching the walking surface, so as to facilitate healing.", "\nThe document EP 2 777 565 A describes an external fixation system which uses such type of skates.", "\nOne problem which may arise with these types of skates systems is that they are often made in a personalized manner so as to assist as far as possible the walking movement which is to be obtained.", "\nShould, instead, a standard type of skates system be used, it would not ensure the same walking comfort for all the patients.", "\nMoreover, these systems have means for performing coupling to the bottom half-ring which often result in having to use predetermined fixing points, thus not offering the possibility of obtaining a degree of flexibility during assembly.", "\nLast but not least, assembly of these known systems may prove to be difficult for the persons working in the sector.", "\nAnother known embodiment is disclosed in the US patent application No. ", "US 2013/204248 A1 wherein a walking skates system is coupled underneath a bottom half ring of an external fixation system comprising a pair of skates each having a curved bottom profile.", "\nHowever, this embodiment does not provide a plurality of fixing points for the skates on the half ring to which they are fixed and does not ensure flexibility of use for the patient.", "\nA technical problem underlying the present disclosure is, therefore, that of providing a system of skates which can be removably coupled underneath a bottom half-ring of an external ring fixation system, able to provide a plurality of fixing points for the skates on the half-ring to which they are fixed, ensuring flexibility of use for the patients and at the same time easy manoeuvrability for the persons working in the sector during assembly thereof, so as to be easy to fit also for less expert persons, within the framework of a simple and rational constructional solution." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to nonlinear processing of television signals, and more particularly, the present invention relates to nonlinear processing of low level television transition signals prior to passage through a medium subject to loss of the low level transition signals.", "\nRecently introduced low-cast, consumer type video recorders are particularly sensitive to loss of picture details. ", "These recorders, which have become widespread because of their low cost and light weight, suffer from bandwidth limitation as well as high noise and interference levels. ", "In order to reduce objectionably high noise and levels, manufacturers introduced in the playback path a threshold circuitry which functioned as follows: High and low frequencies of the video signal were separated. ", "The low frequencies were transmitted without modification. ", "The high frequencies were then submitted to a threshold circuitry which allowed the signal to pass through only when above a predetermined value and were then recombined with the low frequencies to reconstitute the original video signal with a lower level of interference and noise. ", "Unfortunately, the main drawback of that technique is a reduction or even a total elimination of desirable low level transitions. ", "High level transitions are not modified. ", "The result is a noise-free, interference free picture which is subjectively impaired: edges (large transitions) are readily quite visible, while fine picture details have completely disappeared. ", "The resulting picture is objectionably too \"cartoon\"-like or \"pasty-looking\". ", "Such picture defects cannot be corrected in playback since lost transitions cannot be recovered. ", "Yet, before the present invention, limitations of the prior art technique of high frequency playback threshold would otherwise reestablish noise and interference at unacceptable levels.", "\nNon-linear, level dependent manipulation techniques for television signals are not novel and have formed the subject matter of many prior patents. ", "In general, such prior art disclosures described symmetrical systems having complementary effects on the input and output signals of a noisy or lossy medium; those systems consisted of two sections which could not operate separately. ", "A number of prior approaches have been proposed for such symmetrical systems, including the provision of variable preemphasis, as shown in U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "3,117,278 and 3,207,854 to Johnson. ", "A television broadcasting scheme including pretransmission preemphasis, and post reception deemphasis is set forth in U.S. Pat. ", "No.3,286,024 to Melchior; that system followed classic preemphasis philosophy by preemphasizing the higher frequencies of the signal. ", "One inventor, Ray Milton Dolby, has been active for a number of years in the area of noise reduction in communications systems, particularly audio recording. ", "In one of his patents, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,875,537, Dolby suggests the use of a threshold below which low level signals are provided with nonlinear processing, and above which signals are processed linearly. ", "While Dolby made general reference to the suitability of video applications to nonlinear processors such as he described, he did not describe specific implementation of circuit architecture which could be utilized only prior to recording or transmission through a noisy and lossy medium, and which would result into an improved quality without further modification of the recording or transmitting device." ]
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[ "common factor of 2596 and 3256?", "\n44\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 3928 and 296?", "\n8\nWhat is the highest common factor of 2140 and 23326?", "\n214\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 15 and 391449.", "\n3\nWhat is the highest common factor of 127362 and 18?", "\n6\nWhat is the highest common factor of 188 and 10195428?", "\n188\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 35960 and 46980?", "\n580\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 75469 and 7408.", "\n463\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 1530 and 327474?", "\n18\nWhat is the highest common factor of 141600 and 15?", "\n15\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 59904 and 2574.", "\n234\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 6765 and 64042.", "\n451\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 10278 and 36?", "\n18\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 1316 and 19537.", "\n7\nWhat is the highest common factor of 77 and 12221?", "\n11\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 3195 and 2655.", "\n45\nCalculate the highest common factor of 671 and 1727.", "\n11\nCalculate the highest common factor of 34 and 299081.", "\n17\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 267 and 79388.", "\n89\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 41850 and 3906.", "\n558\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 14579 and 2806.", "\n61\nWhat is the highest common factor of 153 and 11832?", "\n51\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 236014 and 1779.", "\n593\nWhat is the highest common factor of 439984 and 8560?", "\n1712\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 2128 and 1520?", "\n304\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1950 and 5694?", "\n78\nCalculate the highest common factor of 169 and 58513.", "\n13\nWhat is the highest common factor of 163 and 18093?", "\n163\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 6 and 18882?", "\n6\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 3143 and 441.", "\n7\nCalculate the highest common factor of 1174 and 8.", "\n2\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 4371 and 19902?", "\n93\nWhat is the highest common factor of 94 and 1269?", "\n47\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 7416 and 371727?", "\n927\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 8544 and 52512.", "\n96\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 294 and 91042.", "\n98\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 2743 and 169?", "\n13\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 80 and 165080?", "\n40\nCalculate the highest common factor of 21 and 1088003.", "\n7\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 84 and 155196.", "\n12\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 6864 and 702?", "\n78\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 813 and 825?", "\n3\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 18 and 1953.", "\n9\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 10526 and 38?", "\n38\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 16 and 1943024.", "\n16\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 313555 and 165?", "\n55\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 124764 and 296?", "\n148\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 1967661 and 18.", "\n9\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 2637 and 15529?", "\n293\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 39221 and 21?", "\n7\nCalculate the highest common factor of 312 and 8868.", "\n12\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 25 and 3285325.", "\n25\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 1449 and 68517.", "\n207\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 4344751 and 58?", "\n29\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 15 and 3840.", "\n15\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 40724 and 16.", "\n4\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 2 and 15774?", "\n2\nWhat is the highest common factor of 88028 and 48?", "\n4\nWhat is the highest common factor of 62784 and 51448?", "\n872\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 3540 and 3955360.", "\n1180\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 3071328 and 736.", "\n736\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 609505 and 260?", "\n65\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 72764 and 28?", "\n4\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 15822 and 144.", "\n18\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 107158 and 1310.", "\n262\nWhat is the highest common factor of 156012 and 1500?", "\n12\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 36423 and 1728?", "\n27\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 190 and 460294.", "\n38\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 3244 and 76?", "\n4\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 35 and 4805.", "\n5\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 434061 and 17.", "\n17\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 69713 and 3542.", "\n161\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 45 and 3544821.", "\n9\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 16146 and 19136?", "\n598\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 9681 and 21.", "\n21\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 14550 and 300?", "\n150\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 117 and 1387893.", "\n39\nWhat is the highest common factor of 550 and 4774?", "\n22\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 24610 and 2782?", "\n214\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 654725 and 25.", "\n25\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 1875 and 1575.", "\n75\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 112193 and 151.", "\n151\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 6 and 479604?", "\n6\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 23875 and 1250?", "\n125\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 192985 and 2860?", "\n65\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 156 and 6656?", "\n52\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 3050 and 23485?", "\n305\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 124 and 1756.", "\n4\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 73236 and 1212?", "\n12\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 640 and 809920?", "\n320\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 130989 and 3149?", "\n47\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 86913 and 3393?", "\n261\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 1485515 and 152?", "\n19\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 13842 and 27.", "\n9\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1113 and 15211?", "\n371\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 25458 and 6.", "\n6\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 197104 and 32.", "\n16\nCalculate the highest common factor of 94732 and 176.", "\n44\nWhat is the highest common factor of 8979 and 1353?", "\n123\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 63 and 128358.", "\n9\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 160822 and 9262.", "\n842\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 96763 and 1?", "\n1\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 12 and 217614.", "\n6\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 141 and 4277?", "\n47\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 12 and 1237.", "\n1\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 9 and 187485.", "\n3\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 28 and 4062380?", "\n28\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 199305 and 129.", "\n129\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 67496 and 44.", "\n44\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 9638 and 553.", "\n79\nCalculate the highest common factor of 1211 and 41347.", "\n173\nWhat is the highest common factor of 755 and 3320188?", "\n151\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 9399 and 5226?", "\n39\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 9632 and 48928?", "\n32\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 124 and 755036.", "\n124\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 1435 and 13120?", "\n205\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 12932 and 5724.", "\n212\nWhat is the highest common factor of 202089 and 41?", "\n41\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 6896229 and 261.", "\n87\nWhat is the highest common factor of 684 and 10716?", "\n228\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 16199 and 3006?", "\n167\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 99 and 348813.", "\n9\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 849393 and 163.", "\n163\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 9979 and 11?", "\n1\nCalculate the highest common factor of 24136 and 896.", "\n56\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 45 and 25983.", "\n9\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 435477 and 534?", "\n267\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 1407826 and 14?", "\n14\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 316 and 111943.", "\n79\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 209 and 19602?", "\n11\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 29479 and 4264?", "\n41\nWhat is the highest common factor of 45605 and 280?", "\n35\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 1844 and 908.", "\n4\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 186 and 33232.", "\n62\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 2458166 and 1576.", "\n394\nCalculate the highest common factor of 133320 and 18685.", "\n505\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 70 and 66325?", "\n35\nCalculate the highest common factor of 92 and 13961.", "\n23\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 25836 and 48.", "\n12\nWhat is the highest common factor of 63830 and 130?", "\n130\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 742 and 8498.", "\n14\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 218321 and 53409?", "\n937\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 4042441 and 1339?", "\n1339\nWhat is" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nNeuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) refers to a complex set of syndromes involving the central nervous system (CNS) in up to 56% of lupus patients \\[[@B1]-[@B5]\\]. ", "Due to the varied diagnostic criteria applied to define NPSLE, the American College of Rheumatology has proposed a standard nomenclature of case definitions, reporting standards and diagnostic testing recommendations for the 19 neuropsychiatric Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) syndromes \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "While some of the focal manifestations (for example, stroke) can be explained by vasculitic or thrombotic lesions, the pathogenicity of more diffuse manifestations of NPSLE (for example, cognitive impairment, depression and psychosis) remains relatively obscure. ", "Nevertheless, studies have demonstrated the importance of various factors involved in the development of diffuse neuropsychiatric manifestations, such as the presence of autoantibodies, inflammatory mediators (for example, cytokines, matrix metalloproteinases), neuropeptides and endocrine factors \\[[@B7]-[@B10]\\]. ", "Other factors, such as medications and primary neurologic and psychiatric disorders, may play a major role as well.", "\n\nMore than 20 brain specific and non-specific autoantibodies have been proposed to be involved in the mechanism of NPLSE \\[[@B11]\\], including anti-neuronal \\[[@B12]\\], anti-ribosomal--P \\[[@B13],[@B14]\\], anti-phospholipid \\[[@B15]\\] antibodies, as well as anti NR2/anti-DNA antibodies that cross react with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors \\[[@B3],[@B16]\\]. ", "During the last two decades, anti-DNA idiotypes were characterized, and found to play an important role in systemic lupus erythematosus and NPSLE \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "The 16/6 idiotype (Id) antibody is a human anti-single-stranded-DNA (anti-ssDNA) monoclonal antibody (mAb) originated from a patient with cold agglutinin disease \\[[@B18]\\]. ", "The 16/6-Id was found to be polyspecific \\[[@B19]\\], cross reacting with cytoskeletal proteins (vimentin), platelets, lymphocyte membranes, pathogens such as *Klebsiela* polysaccharides and *Mycobacterium tuberculosis* glycoproteins, brain glycolipids and tumor cells \\[[@B20]-[@B22]\\]. ", "The presence of 16/6-Id was detected in 30% of lupus patients, and their levels were found to correlate with disease activity \\[[@B23],[@B24]\\]. ", "Elevated titers of 16/6-Id were also detected in NPSLE patients \\[[@B25]\\]. ", "Deposits of 16/6-Id were found in the skin, kidney and brain tissue \\[[@B21],[@B26],[@B27]\\], and were found to bind human cortical brain tissue sections *ex vivo*. ", "The presence of circulating 16/6-Id was detected in patients with other autoimmuine diseases as well (for example, polymyositis, systemic sclerosis) \\[[@B28],[@B29]\\]. ", "Immunization of naïve mice with the human anti-DNA 16/6-Id mAb was shown to induce experimental lupus manifested both serologically and clinically. ", "A wide profile of mice autoantibodies (for example, mouse 16/6-Id, and antibodies against dsDNA, ssDNA, Ro, La, RNP, Sm, histones, cardiolipin and phosphatydilserine), were detected, as well as leukopenia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), proteinuria and the deposition of immunoglobulins in the kidney mesangium \\[[@B30]-[@B32]\\]. ", "In addition, recent-preliminary data showed histological brain changes in mice with experimental SLE induced by active immunization with the 16/6-Id (A. Marom and E. Mozes, unpublished results). ", "Therefore, we hypothesized that the 16/6-Ids have a pathogenic role in neuropsychiatric lupus. ", "In the present study we investigated the effect of 16/6-Id on behavioral and cognitive functions, as well as on the brain pathology of naïve mice injected intra-cerebra-ventricularily (ICV) with the 16/6-Id.\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nMice, antibody injection and experimental design\n------------------------------------------------\n\n### Mice\n\nThree-month-old, female C3H mice were obtained from Harlan Laboratories, Jerusalem, Israel, and were housed in the animal facility at Sheba Medical Center. ", "The mice were raised under standard conditions, 23 ± 1°C, 12-hour light cycle (6:30 am to 6:30 pm) with *ad libitum* access to food and water. ", "The Sheba Medical Center Animal Welfare Committee approved all procedures.", "\n\n### Monoclonal 16/6-Id expressing antibodies\n\nThe human monoclonal anti--DNA antibodies were produced by a hybridoma derived from fusion of the GM4672 lymphoblastoid cell line and peripheral blood or splenic lymphocytes obtained from three lupus patients. ", "The human mAb that bears the 16/6-Id (IgG1/k) has been characterized previously \\[[@B33]\\]. ", "The mAb was secreted by hybridoma cells that were grown in culture and were purified by using a protein G-sepharose column (Pharmacia, Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden).", "\n\nThe injection process is based on a detailed protocol reported by Shoenfeld *et al.*\\[[@B34]\\]. ", "Mice were anesthetized by intra-peritoneal (i.p.) ", "injection of ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine (20 mg/kg). ", "The skull was carefully exposed, and a small hole was drilled with a 25-gauge needle above the right lateral ventricle (2 mm lateral to the midline and 2.5 mm posterior to the bregma). ", "A 27-gauge needle attached to a Hamilton syringe was inserted at this point to a depth of 2 mm, where preliminary tests had confirmed accurate ICV placement by injection of dye. ", "Then 1 μl of anti-DNA 16/6-Id mAb or control IgG was slowly infused, the needle was withdrawn and the skin over the scalp was sutured. ", "All antibody solutions used contained 6 mg protein/ml. ", "Each mouse received only a single injection.", "\n\n### Experimental design\n\nTwenty-one CH3 mice were injected ICV to the right hemisphere, 11 with human 16/6-Id antibodies and 10 with commercial human IgG antibodies (control). ", "The forced swimming test (FST) was performed at Days 16 and 23 after antibody injection, the staircase test at Days 14 and 26, the novel object recognition at Days 19 and 20 and the Y-maze test at Day 21. ", "At Day 24, under anesthesia, a systemic perfusion was performed, and the brains were collected. ", "Immunofluorescence staining was performed to detect markers of inflammation or neuronal degeneration (see below).", "\n\nCognitive and behavioral tests\n------------------------------\n\n### Forced swimming test\n\nThis test is based on Porsolt *et al.*", "'s description \\[[@B35]\\]. ", "Mice were placed in individual glass beakers (height 39 cm, diameter 21.7 cm) with water 15 cm deep at 25°C. ", "On the first day, mice were placed in the cylinder for a pretest session of 15 minutes, and later were removed from the cylinder, and then returned to their home cages. ", "Twenty-four hours later (Day 2), the mice were re-exposed to the swimming condition in a similar environment, and then subjected to a test session for six minutes. ", "The behavioral measure scored was the duration (in seconds) of immobility, defined as the absence of escape-oriented behaviors, such as swimming, jumping, rearing, sniffing or diving, recorded during the six-minute test. ", "A depression-like behavior was considered as an increased immobility time.", "\n\n### Staircase test\n\nLocomotor and explorative activity was evaluated by the staircase test, as described previously by Katzav *et al.*\\[[@B15]\\]. ", "This test analyzes locomotor and exploratory activities (stair-climbing) and anxiety (rearing). ", "The staircase maze consisted of a polyvinyl chloride enclosure with five identical steps, 2.5 × 10 × 7.5 cm. ", "The inner height of the walls was constant (12.5 cm) along the whole length of the staircase. ", "The box was placed in a room with constant lighting and isolated from external noise. ", "Each mouse was tested individually. ", "The animal was placed on the floor of the staircase with its back to the staircase. ", "The number of stairs climbed and the number of rears were recorded during a three-minute period. ", "Climbing was defined as each stair on which the mouse placed all four paws; rearing was defined as each instance the mouse rose on hind legs (to sniff the air), either on the stair or against the wall. ", "The number of stairs descended was not taken into account. ", "Before each test, the animal was removed and the box cleaned with a diluted alcohol solution to eliminate smells.", "\n\n### Novel object recognition test\n\nThis is a visual recognition memory test based on a method described by Tordera *et al.*\\[[@B36]\\]. ", "The apparatus, an open field box (50 × 50 × 20 cm), was constructed from plywood painted white. ", "Three phases (habituation, training and retention) were conducted on two separate test days. ", "Before training, mice were individually habituated by allowing them to explore the box for one hour. ", "No data were collected at this phase. ", "During training sessions, two identical objects were placed into the box in the northwest and southeast corners (approximately 5 cm from the walls), 20 cm away from each other (symmetrically) and then the individual animal was allowed to explore for five minutes. ", "Exploration of an object was defined as directing the nose to the object at a distance of ≤1 cm and/or touching it with the nose; turning around or sitting near the object was not considered as exploratory behavior. ", "The time spent in exploring each object was recorded. ", "The animals were returned to their home cages immediately after training. ", "During the retention test, the animals were placed back into the same box after a four-hour interval, and allowed to explore freely for five minutes. ", "One of the familiar objects used during training was replaced by a novel object. ", "All objects were balanced in terms of physical complexity and were emotionally neutral. ", "The box and the objects were thoroughly cleaned by 70% alcohol before each session to avoid possible instinctive odorant cues. ", "A preference index, a ratio of the amount of time spent exploring any one of the two items (old and new in the retention session) over the total time spent exploring both objects, was used to measure recognition memory. ", "Individual animals demonstrating insufficient task performance were excluded from later specific statistical analyses for the following reasons: (1) non-exploration, which was defined as no objection interaction or (2) technical malfunctions during data collection.", "\n\n### Y maze test\n\nThe Y maze test was used to assess spatial memory. ", "It was comprised of three arms, built of black Perspex. ", "Each arm was 8 × 30 × 15 cm at an angle of 120° from the others. ", "One arm was randomly selected as the start arm. ", "Each mouse was placed twice in the start arm. ", "On the first trial, lasting for five minutes, one of the other two arms was randomly chosen to be blocked whereas on the second trial, lasting for two minutes, both arms were open. ", "The two trials were separated by a two-minute interval, during which the mouse was returned to its home cage. ", "The time spent in each of the arms was measured. ", "Between each trial and between each mouse, the maze was cleaned with a 70% alcohol solution and dried. ", "Discrimination of spatial novelty was assessed by a preference index \\[[@B37]\\]: time in the new arm - time old arm/time in the new arm + time in the old arm, assessing spatial memory. ", "The mouse is expected to recognize the old arm as old and spend more time in the new arm.", "\n\nImmunofluorescence staining\n---------------------------\n\n### Brain perfusion and fixation\n\nThe mice were anesthetized by an i.p. ", "injection of ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine (20 mg/kg) and sacrificed by transcardiac perfusion with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) followed by perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA, Sigma-Aldrich Israel Ltd., Rehovot Israel) in phosphate buffer (PO4, pH 7.4). ", "After perfusion, the brain was quickly removed and fixed overnight in 4% PFA (in PO4, pH 7.4) at 4°C. ", "On the following day, the brain was cryoprotected by immersion in 30% sucrose in 0.1M PO4 (pH 7.4) for 24 to 48 hours at 4°C before brain cutting.", "\n\n### Brain cutting and preservation\n\nFrozen coronal sections (30 to 50 μm) were cut on a sliding microtome (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany), collected serially and kept in a cryoprotectant at −20°C until staining. ", "Staining was performed as follows. ", "Six mice (three IgG control and three 16/6 Id) were used for immunohistochemistry. ", "Brain sections were stained free-floating, incubated with the first antibodies overnight at 4°C. ", "The slices were then washed in PBS + 0.1% Triton X-100, and incubated at room temperature for one hour with the corresponding fluorescent chromogens-conjugated secondary antibody. ", "Sections were stained for specific antigens with antibodies against activated microglia (anti-Iba1, pAb, Abcam, Cambridge, UK) and astrocytes (anti-GFAP mAb, Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA). ", "Counter staining was performed with Hoechst (Sigma-Aldrich Israel Ltd., Rehovot Israel).", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nResults are expressed as the mean ± SEM. ", "The differences in mean for average immobility time in the FST, the staircase test parameters (number of rearing and stair-climbing events), novel object recognition and Y-maze tests were evaluated by *T*-test. ", "Significant results were determined as *P* \\<0.05.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nCognitive and behavioral performance\n------------------------------------\n\nThe results of cognitive performance in the novel object recognition test are presented as the proportion time spent near objects (new and old) in both groups (Figure  [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "There was a significant preference for attention to the new object in the control group (64% time spent near the new object compared to 36% time spent near the old object, *P* = 0.012), while no difference in the preference was seen in the mice injected with 16/6-Id (56% vs. 44% time spent near the new object vs. old object, *P* = 0.655). ", "This suggests a specific visual recognition memory impairment in the 16/6-Id mice. ", "Similarly, cognitive performance in the Y-maze test is presented as a preference index for new (additional percent time spent in the novel arm) in both groups (Figure  [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The control IgG mice spent 46% additional time in the new lane while the mice injected with 16/6-Id spent 9% additional time in the new lane (*P* = 0.015 by *t*-test).", "\n\n![**", "16/6-Id injected mice displayed impaired performance in the novel object recognition test.** ", "Results are presented as the proportion of time spent near the old and new objects by the 16/6-Id (gray bars) and IgG control (black bars) injected mice. ", "The control mice (IgG) significantly preferred the new object (64% vs. 36% for the proportion time near the new vs. old objects respectively; *P* = 0.01), while the 16/6-Id injected mice had no significant preference to either objects (56% vs. 44% new vs. old; *P* = 0.5). ", "Results presented as mean ± SEM. \\* ", "Statistically significant (*P* \\<0.05).](1741-7015-11-90-1){#F1}\n\n![**", "16/6-Id injected mice displayed impaired spatial memory in the Y-maze test.** ", "Results are presented as the proportion of time (mean ± SEM) spent in the new arm introduced by the 16/6-Id (gray bars) and IgG control (black bars) injected mice. ", "In the figure it is shown that the control group (IgG injected) spent more time in the new lane as compared to the 16/6 injected group. ", "They have recognized the old lane as known and preferred exploring the new lane, which means that their spatial memory is conserved. ", "There was a significant difference in additional time spent in the new lane between the 16/6 and IgG group (0.46 vs. 0.09, *P* = 0.02 respectively). \\* ", "Statistically significant (*P* \\<0.05).](1741-7015-11-90-2){#F2}\n\nIn the forced swimming test there was no significant difference between 16/6-Id injected and control mice in depression-like behavior at Days 16 and 24 after injection. ", "Average immobility times of the control mice vs. 16/6-Id injected mice were 117.6 ± 65.9 vs. 160 ± 72.8 (*P* = 0.159 by *t*-test) and 182.5 ± 45.4 vs. 205.7 ± 42.7 sec (*P* = 0.238 by *t*-test) on Days 16 and 24, respectively.", "\n\nIn the staircase test, there was no significant difference between the average rearing and stair-climbing counts, among mice from control-IgG vs. 16/6-Id (23.7 ± 2.6 vs. 21.8 ± 2.5 rearings, and 24.5 ± 2.3 vs. 16.5 ± 4.4 stair-climbing events, respectively, *P* \\>0.016). ", "The results also did not change from Day 14 to 26.", "\n\nBrain pathology\n---------------\n\nBrain sections were stained for activated microglia and astrocytes (as markers for inflammation). ", "The 16/6-Id injected mice demonstrated increased microglial activation (Iba-1 staining), at the hippocampus (CA1, CA3, dentate gyrus, stratum radiatum) as well as the amygdala, compared to IgG control (Figure  [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The difference in microglial activation staining was not seen in the neucortex and piriform cortex, between 16/6-Id and control-IgG mice. ", "Increased staining for astrocytes (GFAP staining) was also noted in the CA3 hippocampal region in the 16/6-Id injected mice compared to controls (Figure  [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Increased brain inflammation (activated microglia) in 16/6-Id mice in the hippocampal regions (CA1, CA3).** ", "Staining of activated microglia (green, white arrows) was more prominent in the 16/6-Id injected mice brains (**A, C**) compared to control mice brains (**B, D**) in the hippocampal regions CA1 (**A, B**) and CA3 (**C, D**). ", "Hoechst nucleus staining -- blue, GFAP staining -- red. ", "Magnification ×40.](1741-7015-11-90-3){#F3}\n\n![**", "Increased brain inflammation (astrocyes) in 16/6-Id mice in the hippocampal region (CA3).** ", "Staining of astrocytes (red) in the hippocampal CA3 region was more prominent in the 16/6-Id injected mice brains (**A**) compared to control mice injected with commercial IgG (**B**). ", "Hoechst nucleus staining - blue. ", "Magnification ×40.](1741-7015-11-90-4){#F4}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn the present study we have observed that passive transfer of 16/6-Id antibodies directly to mice brains resulted in a selective cognitive impairment, expressed as visual recognition and spatial memory deficits. ", "Depressive behavior (FST) and locomotor activity (staircase test) were not altered in the 16/6-Id injected mice, when compared to the control group. ", "Our findings suggest that 16/6-Id antibodies may have a role in the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment observed in some patients with SLE \\[[@B8]\\].", "\n\nImmunostaining of brain sections from both groups revealed increased presence of activated microglia and astrocytes, in the hippocampal region of the 16/6-Id injected mice, compared to the controls. ", "The hippocampus has an important function in memory processing, therefore, its damage by an inflammatory processes may affect cognitive performance in the 16/6-Id injected mice. ", "Astrocytes in steady state conditions are mainly responsible for biochemical support and several other chemical roles such as maintenance of extracellular ion balance. ", "However, in special situations, astrocytes may increase in number as an inflammatory reaction aimed for scaring and repairing CNS tissue. ", "Microglia serve as scavengers and are activated in an inflammatory reaction. ", "The presence of more astrocytes (gliosis) or the activation of microglia in brain tissue can implicate an inflammatory state. ", "Our hypothesis regarding the pathogenesis of 16/6-Id antibodies induced-brain impairment includes several mechanisms: 1) Neuronal degeneration may be caused by direct or indirect injury to hippocampal area. ", "For example, recently Berry *et al*. ", "demonstrated that anti-ATP synthase autoantibodies, purified from Alzheimer's disease patients, can lead to cognitive impairment and hippocampal neuron apoptosis in naïve mice \\[[@B38]\\]. ", "Other neurotoxic autoantibodies, such as anti-phospholipid and anti-ribosomal P antibodies, were shown to penetrate living cells and cause functional cellular injury and apoptosis by inhibiting protein synthesis \\[[@B39],[@B40]\\]. ", "2) Neuronal function modification. ", "16/6-Id antibodies may recognize and bind antigens expressed on neurons of the hippocampus and may affect brain cells by alter signaling, cell function and neurotransmitter pathways \\[[@B41]\\]. ", "3) Brain inflammation. ", "Injection of 16/6-Id antibodies may lead to brain inflammation involving activation of microglia and astrocytes, and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. ", "This inflammatory response can disrupt the blood--brain barrier, facilitating entry into the brain by inflammatory factors, including circulating cells of the immune system, cytokines, immune-complex mediated small vessel inflammation, and complement components. ", "The inflammatory reaction may induce cognitive changes observed in the injected mice.", "\n\nWe have extensively studied the pathogenesis of different autoantibodies and their influence on the brain. ", "Injection of anti-ribosomal-P antibodies ICV to naïve mice resulted in depressive-like behavior in these mice \\[[@B42],[@B43]\\]. ", "In another study, we found that injection of antiphospholipid syndrome patients with antibodies induced memory deficits and hyperactivity \\[[@B15],[@B44]\\]. ", "This suggests that a certain antibody is linked with each specific disease manifestation. ", "The presence of numerous autoantibodies, at least 174 in SLE and 20 in NPSLE, which might have a role in the mechanism of the disease were reported during the past years \\[[@B11],[@B45]\\]. ", "This may explain the diversity of 19 neuropsychiatric manifestations which can be demonstrated in more than 50% of SLE patients \\[[@B46]\\]. ", "We propose a hypothesis, that in NPSLE patients different manifestations are the result of an interplay among various auto-antibodies and genetic and environmental factors. ", "For this process to occur, auto-antibodies produced in the body must be able to cross the blood--brain barrier (BBB). ", "It is presumed that the BBB can become transiently \"unlocked\" following an inflammatory insult, an immune complex damage or exposure to infectious endotoxins (for example, lipopolysaccharide, LPS), allowing antibody penetration. ", "In addition, different auto-antibodies may attach to different epitopes, expressed unevenly in different brain areas or neuronal networks. ", "In the studies of Diamond *et al*., ", "anti-DNA antibodies which can cross-react with the NR2 - anti-NMDA receptor were found in the sera, CSF and brains of SLE patients \\[[@B16],[@B47]\\]. ", "These antibodies were shown to alter brain cell function and to mediate apoptotic death *in vivo* and *in vitro*\\[[@B16],[@B47]\\]. ", "In their experiments, the BBB was breached temporarily by injection with LPS to imitate an infection \\[[@B48]\\], while others used noradrenalin to imitate a stressful condition; both conditions were implicated in triggering disease flare-ups in SLE and NPSLE patients. ", "The studies of Diamond *et al.* ", "added another layer to the current understandings regarding the role of different auto-antibodies in the pathogenesis of NPSLE. ", "Another technique to bypass the BBB was used by us in several experiments. ", "In the ICV technique, antibodies were injected directly into the lateral ventricle in the mouse brain, allowing antibody dispersal throughout the brain tissue. ", "In our previous studies, an experimental NPSLE was induced by passive transfer of anti-ribosomal-P antibodies directly to mice brains \\[[@B43]\\]. ", "The intra-cerebra-ventricularly injected mice exhibited a depression-like behavior, not associated with motor or cognitive deficits, and was significantly attenuated by prolong treatment with an anti-depressant (fluoxetine), but not with anti-psychotic drug (haloperidol). ", "Interestingly, the anti-ribosomal-P antibody specifically stained neurons which are related to limbic and olfactory brain areas: the hippocampus, cingulate cortex and the primary olfactory piriform cortex \\[[@B43]\\]. ", "The depressed mice also exhibited a decreased smell threshold capability \\[[@B42]\\], as well as olfactory and limbic imaging alterations, when manganese-enhanced-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed \\[[@B49]\\].", "\n\nAnother issue of this puzzle was stressed almost two decades ago when the importance of the idiotypic network in the induction of various autoimmune diseases was acknowledged \\[[@B22],[@B50]\\]. ", "One proposed mechanism of action of the 16 /6-Id is *via* the idiotypic network, in which injection of human anti-DNA 16/6-Id mAbs induces the generation of anti-Id, and anti-anti-Id, and so on. ", "The production of 16/6-Id was found to be induced also by several infectious agents (for example, *Klebsiella pneumonia*\\[[@B51],[@B52]\\] and *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*\\[[@B53]\\]); this could point to the role of infections in initiating the disease in a genetically susceptible individual \\[[@B54]\\].", "\n\nThe finding, that 16/6-Id antibodies were detected in other autoimmune diseases, such as PM/DM and scleroderma without them expressing central nervous symptoms is interesting. ", "Perhaps, in some diseases (for example, SLE) a variety of systemic factors enable the altering of BBB permeability. ", "These factors may include other circulating antibodies, inflammatory elements, as well as vasogenic agents, growth factors and free radicals. ", "This phenomenon is not unusual in the autoimmunity field, for instance, anti-Ro antibodies are associated with myositis or sub-acute skin manifestations in some SLE patients and not in Sjogren patients.", "\n\nThe current finding, that the 16/6-Id is related to spatial novelty and visual recognition memory impairments in mice, may attest for immune-mediated damage to brain areas relevant for these functions. ", "There is a wide agreement that spatial long-term memory and object recognition is dependent on the functioning of the hippocampal region \\[[@B55]\\]. ", "Taken together, these concepts may promote the idea for a treatment for NPSLE via blocking or inhibiting the 16/6-Id. This can be done perhaps by treatment with intravenous gamma-globulin, which harbors anti-idiotypic antibodies itself, and has shown some efficacy in the treatment of NPSLE patients \\[[@B56]\\]. ", "Other therapeutic means may involve the utilization of inhibitory peptides based on the complementarity determining region of anti-DNA antibodies. ", "Indeed, such a peptide was shown to be effective in animal models and in a limited number of lupus patients \\[[@B57]-[@B59]\\].", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nPassive transfer of anti-DNA 16/6-idiotype directly to mice brains resulted in cognitive impairment, supported by cognitive testing impairments, and changes in brain histological analysis. ", "Therefore, the 16/6-idiotype may have a role in cognitive decline, as well as other neuropsychiatric manifestations, which are found in lupus patients.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nanti-ssDNA: Anti-single-stranded-DNA; BBB: Blood--brain barrier; CNS: Central nervous system; FST: Forced swimming test; ICV: Intra-cerebra-ventricularly; i.p: Intra-peritoneal; LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate; NPSLE: Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus; PBS: Phosphate buffered saline; PFA: Paraformaldehyde; SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus; 16/6-Id: 16/6-idiotype\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors' contributions\n======================\n\nSK participated in the immunohistochemical and behavioral studies and drafted the manuscript. ", "AK participated in the immunohistochemical and behavioral studies and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "MTA participated in the immunohistochemical studies and performed the statistical analysis. ", "MLR and YZ participated in the behavioral studies. ", "NAL participated in the behavioral studies and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "MB participated in the design and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "JMA participated in the design and coordination of the study. ", "EM and JC participated in the design and coordination of the study and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "YS conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination, and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/11/90/prepub>\n\nAcknowledgments\n===============\n\nWe would like to thank Itzik Sehayek for his substantial contribution to this research.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Introduction {#S1}\n============\n\nGraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is still one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality responsible for 10--20% of all deaths in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) ([@B1], [@B2]). ", "In the pathogenesis of acute GVHD, it has been established that donor-derived T-cells activated in the recipient play a major role in GVHD initiation and maintenance within a complex inflammatory cascade ([@B3]). ", "To reduce the risk of GVHD, intensification of GVHD prophylaxis such as profound T-cell depletion is effective, but it inevitably increases the risk of infectious diseases and abrogates beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effects. ", "Another potentially beneficial intervention to reduce the risk of GVHD could be the suppression of inflammatory cytokines, which promotes the initiation and maintenance of GVHD-associated T-cell activations. ", "Even though it is well established that cytokines play an important role in the pathogenesis of GVHD, GVHD is a complex process that cannot be prevented with a single inflammatory cytokine inhibition as demonstrated previously ([@B4]). ", "Thus, efficient methods to control the whole inflammatory milieu are needed.", "\n\nInfectious diseases can theoretically contribute to an elevation of inflammatory cytokines after allogeneic HSCT ([@B5]--[@B7]). ", "Possible interaction between viral infections and graft rejections of transplanted organ or GVHD are thought to be mediated by the alloreactivity of virus-specific T-cells ([@B8], [@B9]). ", "Bacterial infection can also induce GVHD rather non-specifically, considering the induction of systemic proinflammatory cytokines ([@B10]). ", "The appropriate treatment or prophylaxis of bacterial infection during the early phase after allogeneic HSCT might be beneficial to reduce not only infection-related but also GVHD-related mortality. ", "In terms of fungal infection, we could assume that the fungal infection is also implicated in the pathogenesis of acute GHVD, and recent reports suggested the implication of fungal infection in the pathogenesis of acute GVHD ([@B11]).", "\n\nHere, we aim to review the literature addressing the interactions of bacterial infections and GVHD after allogeneic HSCT and discuss the potential benefits/disadvantages of published therapeutic options.", "\n\nInteraction between Bacterial Products and GVHD in Mouse Models {#S2}\n===============================================================\n\nThe fundamental work of van Bekkum and colleagues impressively demonstrated that activations of innate immunity by the gastrointestinal microflora are crucial and initiating steps in the induction of alloreactions. ", "In animal models, mice grown under germ-free conditions and receiving bone marrow as a source of hematopoietic stem cells following total body irradiation did not develop acute GVHD ([@B12]). ", "However, when a high number of T-cells were added, germ-free condition alone did not prevent but still delayed the onset of acute GVHD.", "\n\nThe role of bacterial products and the innate immune response in the pathophysiology of acute GVHD was nicely reviewed a decade ago ([@B13]). ", "After tissue damage induced by the conditioning regimen, bacterial products contribute to an activation and expansion of donor-derived T-cells via antigen-presenting cells (APCs) ([@B14]). ", "Such bacterial products are called as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) including lipopolysaccharide (LPS). ", "In the activation of immune cells through a complex signaling cascade, toll-like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in recognizing PAMPs including LPS ([@B15]). ", "The combination of TLR and their ligand is summarized in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "In addition to TLRs, various nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) play a vital role in innate immunity ([@B16]). ", "Severe injury to tissues results in increased release of endotoxin and exacerbation of the inflammation. ", "Bacterial infection itself is expected to stimulate the innate immunity similar to the tissue damage by the conditioning regimen (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The stimulated APCs including dendritic cells and monocytes provoke an enhanced adaptive immunity by stimulating T-cells via antigen-specific signaling ([@B7], [@B15]). ", "Cooke and colleagues ([@B17]) reported that the sensitivity to LPS affected the severity of GVHD and idiopathic pneumonia syndrome in mice. ", "They used two mouse strains which differ in their sensitivity to LPS and found that LPS-resistant recipients which had a genetic mutation in the TLR4 gene had significantly less lung injury and GVHD. ", "These effects were associated with the reduction of TNF-α secretion ([@B17], [@B18]). ", "They chose a direct approach to inhibit acute GVHD by using a direct competitive antagonist of endotoxin and by attenuation of the inflammatory response following transplantation, which improved GVHD score and survival ([@B19]). ", "Mice were treated in the first 6 days after HSCT, when the donor T-cells are considered to be maximally stimulated by the host injury, and observed a concomitant reduction in inflammatory cytokine levels. ", "This treatment was not associated with a parallel suppression of the beneficial GVL effects, unlike non-specific immune suppression in this model. ", "These experimental studies demonstrated the implication of LPS/TLR4 signaling in alloreaction.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Combination of toll-like receptor and its ligand**.", "\n\n TLR Ligands Recognized pathogens\n ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------\n TLR1 Triacyl lipopeptides Bacteria\n TLR2 Lipoproteins, peptideglycan, LTA, β-[d]{.smallcaps}-glucan, and mannan Bacteria and fungus\n TLR3 dsRNA Virus\n TLR4 LPS, RSV fusion protein, and mannans GNR and virus\n TLR5 Flagellin Bacteria\n TLR6 Diacyl lipopeptides, LTA, and β-[d]{.smallcaps}-glucan Bacteria and fungus\n TLR7 ssRNA Virus, fungus, and bacteria\n TLR8 ssRNA Virus\n TLR9 DNA and hemozoin Bacteria, fungus, virus, and protozoan parasites\n TLR10 Bacterial lipopeptide? ", " Bacteria? ", "Virus?", "\n\n*LTA, lipoteichoic acid; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; GNR, Gram-negative rod*.", "\n\n![**", "Possible implication of bacterial infection in the pathogenesis of GVHD**. ", "Progression of acute GVHD can be summarized in three steps following the damage of host tissue by conditioning regimen: (1) activation of APCs; (2) donor T-cell activation, proliferation, differentiation, and migration; and (3) target tissue destruction. ", "Injury to the gastrointestinal tract from conditioning causes systemic translocation of additional inflammatory stimuli, such as microbial products including LPS or other PAMPs, which further enhance activation of host APCs. ", "In addition, conditioning regimen causes severe neutropenia that increased the risk of infectious disease. ", "Infectious diseases increase the secretion of PAMPs, which activate host APCs. ", "LPS, lipopolysaccharide; APC, antigen-presenting cell; PAMP, pathogen-associated molecular patterns.](fonc-04-00089-g001){#F1}\n\nAs another signaling pathway, several studies using a mouse model demonstrated the importance of CpG-containing DNA/TLR9 signaling. ", "Calcaterra et al. ([", "@B20]) reported that survival and clinical score of acute GVHD in TLR9 knockout recipient mice were improved as compared with the wild-type recipient mice. ", "Taylor et al. ([", "@B21]) also reported that the administration of CpG-oligodeoxynucleotide, which mimic viral and bacterial DNA and are recognized by TLR9 markedly aggravated GVHD. ", "In summary, these mouse models demonstrated the importance of bacterial products in the pathogenesis of acute GVHD.", "\n\nGut Bacteria and GVHD {#S3}\n=====================\n\nIt was reported that low bacterial environments strikingly limit the risk of GVHD in patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT ([@B22]). ", "Beelen et al. ", "assessed the influence of intestinal bacterial decontamination on the occurrence of grades II--IV acute GVHD retrospectively in 194 patients following HLA identical sibling marrow transplantation under conditions of strict protective isolation and intestinal antimicrobial decontamination ([@B23]). ", "Using the duration of anaerobic growth suppression as a time-dependent explanatory variable, anaerobic decontamination was a significant independent predictor for grade II--IV acute GVHD (HR 1.7, 95%CI 1.2--2.5, *P* \\< 0.05). ", "Following the promising finding, which suggested a beneficial effect of gut decontamination, a single-center open-label prospective study was conducted. ", "A total of 134 marrow transplant recipients with hematologic malignancies were randomly assigned to a bacterial decontamination using metronidazole and ciprofloxacin (*n* = 68) or ciprofloxacin alone (*n* = 66) ([@B24]). ", "Treatment was initiated on day 14 and was maintained until day 35 posttransplant. ", "According to an intention-to-treat principle, 17 patients (25%) randomized to the combined decontamination medication and 33 patients (50%) randomized to ciprofloxacin alone developed grades II--IV GVHD (*P* \\< 0.05). ", "The higher frequency of grades II--IV acute GVHD in patients randomized to ciprofloxacin alone resulted from a more than twofold increased number of patients developing liver or intestinal involvement with acute GVHD compared with patients randomized to the combined decontamination medication (*P* \\< 0.05). ", "Regarding the addition of metronidazole, it might reduce the risk of *Clostridium difficile* infection (CDI), which has been reported to be associated with subsequent GVHD onset ([@B25], [@B26]). ", "Alonso and colleagues reported that patients who developed CDI were more likely to develop GI GVHD compared with those who never developed CDI (*P* \\< 0.001). ", "In this study, the diagnosis of CDI preceded the diagnosis of GI GVHD in the majority of patients (12 of 14 patients, 85.7%). ", "Among the 12 patients who developed GI GVHD following CDI, GI GVHD diagnosis occurred at a median of 21.5 days after CDI. ", "Thus, gut decontamination might reduce the risk of acute GVHD. ", "However, due to concerns about resistance or disturbance of the microbiota by prophylactic antibiotics, the type of antibiotics and the duration of prophylaxis have to be carefully discussed ([@B27]).", "\n\nCorrelation between the intestinal microbiome and autoimmune diseases has been demonstrated recently ([@B28], [@B29]). ", "Even though there is not much data about the correlation between the intestinal microbiome and GVHD, it has been established that the microbiome has an influence on the status of immune cells ([@B30]). ", "A recent report showed that the abundance of bacteria belonging to the genus *Blautia*, a commensal commonly found in the intestinal tract of humans, predicted for protection from severe GVHD in recipients of allogeneic HSCT ([@B31]). ", "Furthermore, in murine models, introducing a species of *Blautia* of murine origin reduced GVHD severity. ", "Intriguingly, loss of *Blautia* correlates strongly with reductions in oral nutritional intake in both humans and mice. ", "Another group reported that loss of bacterial diversity was associated with use of systemic antibiotics and it was pronounced in patients with gastrointestinal GVHD ([@B32]). ", "In addition, *Candida* colonization might be also important in the pathogenesis of GVHD ([@B11]). ", "As a possible intervention to reduce the risk of GVHD, gut flora manipulation and nutritional intervention strategies might be promising. ", "Previous reports showed that gut flora manipulation by *Lactobacillales* may reduce intestinal inflammation and improve outcomes for allogeneic HSCT recipients in a murine model ([@B33], [@B34]). ", "It is worthy to test whether the manipulation of intestinal microbiome is able to reduce the risk of acute GVHD. ", "Considering the considerable difference of conditioning regimen or GVHD prophylaxis in the regimen-related toxicity of oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract, importance of gut bacterial manipulation might be more important in patients with a myeloablative conditioning regimen than those with a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen, or in patients with short-term methotrexate than those with mycophenolate mofetil ([@B35]--[@B40]).", "\n\nBacterial Infection and GVHD {#S4}\n============================\n\nIntensive chemotherapy and irradiation result in damage to the gastrointestinal tract, allowing bacteria to enter the systemic circulation. ", "This results in stimulation of the host immune response by the production of inflammatory cytokines. ", "Blood stream infection (BSI) is expected to promote the inflammatory conditions, which leads to an aggravation of acute GVHD. ", "Statistically, it is difficult to assess the association between BSI and acute GVHD because acute GVHD itself is a risk factor of subsequent BSI. ", "Poutsiaka and colleagues ([@B41]) found that early BSI was associated with an increased risk of grade II--IV acute GVHD.", "\n\nAs a marker of infectious disease, C-reactive protein (CRP) is routinely used in Europe and Japan ([@B42]--[@B44]). ", "CRP is an acute phase reactant that is elevated in patients with infectious disease along with IL-6, the main cytokine that induces CRP release ([@B45], [@B46]). ", "Even though CRP has a limited value for the differential diagnosis of bacterial infections due to the non-specific elevation in patients with inflammation from other causes, profound elevation of CRP early after HSCT was in general caused by infectious diseases ([@B47]--[@B52]). ", "Considering the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of GVHD, it is intriguing whether systemic inflammation caused by infection also exaggerates acute GVHD. ", "Several retrospective studies assessed the association between the elevation of CRP and transplant complications including acute GVHD ([@B50], [@B53]--[@B57]). ", "Our group reported that a significant elevation of CRP during the neutropenic period was associated with a subsequent incidence of acute GVHD ([@B50]). ", "Min et al. ", "also reported that patients with GVHD had a significantly higher CRP level early after allogeneic HSCT compared to those without GVHD ([@B56]). ", "Furthermore, Michigan group assessed plenty of biomarkers to establish a biomarker panel for the prediction of acute GVHD ([@B58]). ", "Eight proteins (IL-2Rα, CRP, IL-8, ICAM-1, TIMP-1, TNFR1, HGF, and CA19.9) resulted in highly significant results (*P*-value \\<0.01 for two-sample *t* tests comparing patients with and without GVHD). ", "Among these eight biomarkers, CRP had the highest fold difference (×5.44) and the second lowest *P*-value (5.9 × 10^−6^) comparing patients with acute GVHD to those without acute GVHD, even though they excluded CRP probably considering that CRP is elevated in patients with infectious diseases. ", "However, these results also indicate that the elevation of CRP preceded the incidence of acute GVHD. ", "Taking the results into account that elevated CRP caused by infectious diseases precedes the occurrence of acute GVHD, strategies to improve prevention of infectious diseases early after allogeneic HSCT should be explored to reduce the risk of subsequent acute GVHD and subsequently necessary immunosuppressive therapy. ", "Studies examining an intensified prophylaxis for bacterial infection early after allogeneic HSCT using intravenous antibiotics such as tazobactam/piperacillin ([@B59]), meropenem ([@B60]), vancomycin ([@B61], [@B62]), or teicoplanin ([@B63]) unfortunately did not report the incidence of acute GVHD, which would be important to evaluate different antibacterial strategies and their impact in GVHD incidence and severity. ", "Although the information of bacteria commonly found on the surfaces of the human body might help us to choose the antibiotics ([@B64]) (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}), we need more information about bacteria commonly found after allogeneic HSCT ([@B27], [@B32]). ", "Another possible intervention could be intensive glucose control and glutamine, which were reported to ameliorate the elevation of CRP level ([@B65]--[@B67]).", "\n\n###### \n\n**Bacteria commonly found on the surfaces of the human body ([@B64])**.", "\n\n Oral cavity Gut Skin\n ------------------- -------------------- -----------------------\n *Streptococcus* *Bacteroides* *Propionibacterineae*\n *Veillonella* *Lachnospiraceae* *Staphylococcus*\n *Prevotella* *Prevotella* *Corynebacterineae*\n *Pasteurellaceae* *Faecalibacterium* *Streptophyta*\n *Neisseria* *Lachnospiraceae* *Micrococcineae*\n *Fusobacterium* *Ruminococcaceae* *Streptococcus*\n *Micrococcineae* *Clostridiales* *Finegoldia*\n *Pasteurellaceae* *Parabacteroides* *Lactobacillus*\n *Actinomycineae* *Alistipes* *Anaerococcus*\n *Porphyromonas* *Proteobacteria* *Enhydrobacter*\n\nGenetic Polymorphism in Genes Relating to Host--Microbe Recognition and GVHD {#S5}\n============================================================================\n\nRecent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified a large number of major loci, which are associated with various autoimmune diseases including Crohn's disease (CD), systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), and others ([@B16], [@B68], [@B69]). ", "In terms of CD, polymorphisms in NOD2 were reported to be associated with an increased risk of CD ([@B70]--[@B72]). ", "In terms of SLE, Graham and colleagues ([@B73]) reported that interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) has been associated with SLE. ", "IRF5 is downstream of pattern-recognition receptor (PRR) signaling and induces numerous cytokines.", "\n\nSimilar to the findings in the field of autoimmunity, several polymorphisms in PRRs were associated with posttransplant complications in HSCT ([@B74]). ", "The incidence of severe GVHD in pairs with either donor or recipient NOD2 mutations was significantly higher compared to that in donor/recipient pairs without any NOD2 variant ([@B75], [@B76]).", "\n\nHildebrandt and colleagues ([@B77]) reported the association between polymorphisms in NOD2 and the risk of bronchiolitis obliterans, a severe form of chronic GVHD.", "\n\nIn addition, several papers reported the association between the polymorphisms in PRRs and other infections such as fungal and viral infection ([@B78]). ", "Polymorphism in dectin-1, a C-type lectin receptor recognizing the β-1,3-glucan motif of *Candida* was associated with increased *Candida* colonization of HSCT recipients, rendering them at high risk for candidemia ([@B11], [@B79]). ", "Polymorphism in dectin-1 was also reported to be associated with an increased risk of *Aspergillus* infection ([@B80]). ", "In addition, *Candida* colonization was reported to be associated with an increased incidence of acute GVHD ([@B11]). ", "In terms of viral infection, the report is limited up to now, but Jaskula and colleagues ([@B78]) reported that polymorphism of NOD2 was associated with an increased risk of herpes virus reactivation. ", "Considering the implication of PRRs in the interplay of host cells with invading viruses ([@B81], [@B82]), more studies which assess the association between polymorphisms of PRRs and the incidence of viral infection and subsequent GVHD are warranted.", "\n\nPotential Intervention to Reduce the Risk of GVHD {#S6}\n=================================================\n\nThere are several possible interventions to reduce the risk of GVHD, focusing on the control of pathways activated by bacterial infections. ", "Several strategies such as manipulation of gut bacteria and nutritional support have been already discussed above.", "\n\nOne strategy is to target the pathway of TLRs and other molecules in innate immunity. ", "There are several drugs targeting TLRs under development, for example TLR4 antagonists (Eritoran-E5564, TAK-242) and TLR2 antagonistic antibody ([@B83]). ", "Although studies conducted in patients with sepsis using TLR4 antagonists did not demonstrate the efficacy of these drugs, they might be useful in the amelioration of GVHD. ", "Intervention to reduce the level of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), known as alarmins might be also effective considering the common downstream pathway between PAMPs and DAMPs. ", "DAMPs are endogenous components commonly released by injured or stressed cells, such as nucleic acids, uric acid (UA), HMGB-1, heparan sulfate (HS), etc. ([", "@B84]--[@B86]). ", "Regarding UA, one study showed that urate oxidase can be safely administered during myeloablative conditioning and may reduce the incidence of acute GVHD ([@B87]). ", "Regarding HS, treatment with the serine protease inhibitor a1-antitrypsin decreased serum levels of HS, leading to a reduction in GVHD severity in mice ([@B88]).", "\n\nAnother strategy might be preemptive therapy using ATG, intra-arterial corticosteroids, and others. ", "ATG has been tested in a prospective randomized study of preemptive GVHD treatment with ATG in 170 patients at high risk of GVHD ([@B89]--[@B91]). ", "This study showed that a preemptive ATG significantly reduced the incidence of GVHD after an alternative donor HSCT. ", "In terms of intra-arterial corticosteroids, small studies demonstrated the promising effectiveness in patients with severe gut GVHD ([@B92], [@B93]). ", "Such preemptive strategy can be applied if we develop a scoring system incorporating the status of immunity activated by PAMPs.", "\n\nDiscussion {#S7}\n==========\n\nAs described above, various experimental and clinical data strongly suggest the implications of bacterial, fungal, and viral infection and acute GVHD. ", "One possible intervention might be the manipulation of intestinal microbiota. ", "Various strategies can be used for this purpose, such as intensification of gut bacterial decontamination or administration of *Lactobacillales*. ", "Gut bacterial decontamination is practically simple but the duration of decontamination should be as short as possible, considering the risk of emergence of resistant bacteria and the cost factors. ", "Administration of *Lactobacillales* has not yet been proved to be safe in immunocompromised recipients after allogeneic HSCT.", "\n\nIn conclusion, various evidences from experimental models and clinical studies suggest the implication of bacterial infection in the pathogenesis of acute GVHD. ", "To ameliorate the inflammation caused by bacterial infection, specific antibacterial strategies, treatment targeting the pathway of innate immunity, or nutritional interventions might help to reduce the risk of acute GVHD, which should be prospectively assessed in clinical trials.", "\n\nConflict of Interest Statement {#S8}\n==============================\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\nWe thank the medical, nursing, data-processing, laboratory, and the clinical staff for their important contributions to our studies and their dedicated care of the patients.", "\n\n[^1]: Edited by: Khalid Ahmed Al-Anazi, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia\n\n[^2]: Reviewed by: Yashwant Kumar, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, India; Lawrence E. Goldfinger, Temple University School of Medicine, USA; Raman Chandrasekar, Kansas State University, USA\n\n[^3]: This article was submitted to Hematology Oncology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Oncology.", "\n" ]
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[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nTopologically protected photonic states^[@CR1],[@CR2]^ exhibit remarkable robustness against disorder and backscattering, which make them extremely useful for the realization of defect-immune photonic devices. ", "So far, such states have been explored based on reciprocal metamaterials^[@CR3],[@CR4]^ and photonic crystals^[@CR5],[@CR6]^. But their realization has relied on sophisticated structural designs, which greatly complicate their fabrication and limit their miniaturization for nanoscale optical integration. ", "Additionally, those topologically protected edge modes could couple to backscattering channels along opposite directions compatible with time-reversal symmetry (T-symmetry).", "\n\nA more robust method to realize topologically protected photonic states consists in introducing T-symmetry breaking in periodic structures^[@CR7]--[@CR11]^, which leads to the opening of topologically nontrivial bandgaps at degeneracy points (e.g., Dirac points). ", "T-symmetry breaking can be introduced via dynamical modulation of the refractive index^[@CR10]^, although this approach is extremely challenging from the experimental viewpoint. ", "A simpler alternative consists in using the magnetization of the material by exposing it to a static magnetic field. ", "While this approach has been demonstrated in the microwave regime^[@CR9]^, the weak magneto-optical (MO) response of most materials at visible and infrared frequencies renders it difficult to achieve substantial T-symmetry breaking in these technologically important spectral ranges.", "\n\nRecent studies have shown that Dirac fermion (DF) systems possess a giant MO response in the infrared regime, such as the conducting surface of topological insulators^[@CR12]^ and a monolayer graphene^[@CR13]--[@CR15]^. Moreover, the plasmons supported by DF systems^[@CR16]--[@CR23]^ exhibit deep-subwavelength confinement. ", "This confinement makes the Dirac plamons extremely sensitive to external modulations^[@CR24]^, and possibly more susceptible to the MO response than using light plane waves incident on structureless graphene, therefore providing substantial T-symmetry breaking in the infrared regime. ", "Although edge magnetoplasmons already show obvious nonreciprocal behavior^[@CR13]--[@CR15]^ and even form topologically protected states^[@CR25]^ at low frequencies, versatile applications are enabled by constructing topologically nontrivial bandgaps in the high-frequency regime and additionally steering plasmon propagation by using periodically patterned graphene.", "\n\nHere we theoretically demonstrate that topologically protected plasmonic states can be robustly realized in DF superlattices constructed from single-layer graphene, thanks to the giant MO response of this material under exposure to static magnetic fields of only a few tesla. ", "The superlattice is a honeycomb network constructed by graphene nanoribbons. ", "The applied magnetic field induces asymmetry in the guided ribbon plasmon modes, thus resulting in directional coupling at the junctions of the structure. ", "We show that, as a direct consequence of this directional coupling, localized modes are formed inside the superlattice, as well as topologically protected edge states at the boundary.", "\n\nResults {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nStructure and working principle {#Sec3}\n-------------------------------\n\nWe focus on graphene^[@CR26]^ because it sustains ultra-confined infrared plasmons that have been already observed in experiments^[@CR21],[@CR22]^. Topological protection of plasmons in our proposed graphene superlattice can be intuitively understood as schematically illustrated in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "In contrast to previous designs based on photonic crystals, our structure consists of a network of waveguides (ribbons) in which topological protection emerges by analogy to the classical phenomenological picture of the quantum Hall effect. ", "In this picture, free electrons in a Fermi gas follow circular cyclotron orbits under the influence of a magnetic field, and consequently they form a bulk insulating state and a topologically protected conducting state at the edge boundary. ", "Although photons are charge-free, and consequently, a magnetic field cannot change their direction of motion, the splitting ratio of the plasmons at the junctions of the superlattice can be controlled by the MO effect due to the breaking of T-symmetry, leading to nonreciprocal directional coupling (Fig.", " [1b--f](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "1Topologically protected plasmons in a graphene superlattice. **", "a** Illustration of a honeycomb graphene superlattice with 100% right-coupling efficiency at each junction. ", "Plasmons form localized vortex modes (1 and 2) and a unidirectional topologically protected edge state (3). **", "b** Dispersion relations of the two lowest-order modes sustained by a graphene nanoribbon (width *W* = 200 nm, Fermi energy *E* ~F~ = 0.2 eV) with and without a normal static magnetic field *B* (inset: schematic and electric-field distributions of guided modes for plasmon energy *E* ~p~ = 0.1 eV). **", "c** Schematic of a graphene nanoribbon junction with plasmons incident from branch 1 (unit incident amplitude), and scattered toward the three branches 1--3 with coefficients *S* ~1,2−3~. **d**--**f** Electric-field distributions (50 nm above graphene for *E* ~p~ = 0.06 eV) produced by plasmon scattering at the nanoribbon junction with and without magnetic field, assuming the same ribbon parameters as in **b** and neglecting inelastic losses. ", "Dashed lines delineate the graphene edges\n\nIn the limit of total directional coupling (e.g., nearly 100% of the power exiting through the right side at each junction, as shown in Fig.", " [1f](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), the guided waves circulate around single lattice hexagons and become localized vortex states in the interior of the superlattice, mimicking the cyclotron motion of free electrons (routes 1 and 2 in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Additionally, a unidirectional and topologically protected guided mode is produced at the edge boundary (route 3 in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In a general situation characterized by nonzero backward and leftward scattering at each junction (e.g., Fig.", " [1e](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), localized bulk modes and a topologically protected edge wave are formed at a frequency within the bandgap opened by the T-symmetry breaking under magnetic field exposure^[@CR7]^ at the Dirac point of the honeycomb superlattice---these localized bulk modes and the topologically protected edge state exhibit analogous behaviors to the phenomenological picture in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and further elaborated in our calculations below. ", "We note that other periodic patterns different from the honeycomb structure, such as triangular or square lattices with degenerate band points, are equally applicable.", "\n\nThe above design for realizing topologically protected plasmonic states is universal for waveguide networks incorporating a MO material, but the graphene nanoribbons are ideally suited because radiative losses can be neglected due to the large mismatch between plasmon and photon wavelengths. ", "Additionally, experiments have demonstrated rather low propagation losses in this material^[@CR27],[@CR28]^. More importantly, graphene exhibits a giant MO response in the infrared regime, so the supported plasmons are highly susceptible to the external magnetic field and allow us to realize the required directional coupling (Fig.", " [1b--f](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nWe use a finite-element method (FEM) to numerically solve Maxwell's equations and calculate the plasmon dispersion relations and associated field distributions (see \"Methods\" section). ", "The response of graphene under a static magnetic field **B** is described by the Drude conductivity^[@CR13]^ as$$\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${{\\sigma _{xx}}\\left( {\\omega ,{\\bf{B}}} \\right) = \\frac{{{e^2}{E_{\\rm{F}}}}}{{\\pi {\\hbar ^2}}}\\frac{{\\gamma - i\\omega }}{{\\omega _{\\rm{c}}^2 - {{(\\omega + i\\gamma )}^2}}},\\,{\\sigma _{xy}}\\left( {\\omega ,{\\bf{B}}} \\right) = - \\frac{{{e^2}{E_{\\rm{F}}}}}{{\\pi {\\hbar ^2}}}\\frac{{{\\omega _{\\rm{c}}}}}{{\\omega _{\\rm{c}}^2 - {{(\\omega + i\\gamma )}^2}}},}$$\\end{document}$$where *E* ~F~ is the Fermi energy, *γ* is the plasmon damping rate, $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${\\omega _{\\rm{c}}} = e\\left( {{\\bf{B}} \\cdot {\\bf{z}}} \\right)v_{\\rm{F}}^2/{E_{\\rm{F}}}$$\\end{document}$ is the cyclotron frequency^[@CR29]^ and *v* ~F ~≈ 10^6^ ms^−1^ is the graphene Fermi velocity. ", "For simplicity, we ignore losses (*γ* = 0), which is reasonable in view of the long plasmon lifetimes (\\>500 fs) observed in graphene^[@CR27],[@CR28]^. The local dielectric formalism is a reasonable approximation because the nanoribbons are hundreds of nanometers wide, and consequently, the Fermi energy exceeds the plasmon energy in all of our calculations, thus eliminating any dependence on the crystallographic orientation of atomic edges^[@CR30]^.\n\nThe two lowest-order plasmonic modes of the nanoribbon are bonding and antibonding combinations of induced charge pileup at the ribbon edges (inset to Fig.", " [1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"})^[@CR31]^, with the second order mode showing a wavelength cutoff. ", "Under an externally applied static magnetic field (Fig.", " [1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, dashed curves), the optical field distributions of the two modes become asymmetric, with field piling up toward different sides of the ribbon (inset to Fig.", " [1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This nonreciprocal behavior is caused by the MO response, which is captured by the off-diagonal elements of the conductivity (Eq. ([", "1](#Equ1){ref-type=\"\"})), similar to what happens for edge magnetoplasmons in a two-dimensional electron gas^[@CR32],[@CR33]^ and graphene^[@CR34]^ (Supplementary Note [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"} and Supplementary Fig.", " [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}).", "\n\nBelow the cutoff frequency of the second mode, the ribbon only holds a single mode, so symmetry breaking can lead to directional coupling at the ribbon junctions, which is required for the realization of topological protection in the superlattice (Fig.", " [1c--f](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The unit cell of the superlattice is formed by two nanoribbon junctions with lengths of the branches equal to *L*/2. ", "For each junction, we calculate the scattering coefficients *S* ~1,1--3~, starting from a plasmon wave of unit amplitude launched on the terminal of branch 1 and going to ports at the branches 1--3 (Fig.", " [1c](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The results confirm that without magnetic field the powers at the outputs 2 and 3 are equal due to geometrical symmetry, while an applied magnetic field of 5 T leads to clear directional coupling (Fig.", " [1e](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, for a photon energy of 0.06 eV) and the right-coupling efficiency exceeds 96% for a magnetic field of 15 T.\n\nBand diagrams of the graphene supperlattice {#Sec4}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe magnetic-field-induced directional coupling at the junctions leads to the opening of a Dirac point (Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Separate bands at this point have nonzero Chern numbers^[@CR7]^, which yield topologically protected edge modes within the bandgap, with the number of edge modes equal to the Chern numbers of the bands below the gap. ", "To obtain the band diagram of the superlattice, we first calculate the scattering coefficients of the junction structure illustrated in Fig.", " [1c](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} for different frequencies and magnetic field strengths via FEM simulations (Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Energy conservation leads to the relation $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${\\left| {{S_{11}}} \\right|^2} + {\\left| {{S_{12}}} \\right|^2} + {\\left| {{S_{13}}} \\right|^2} = 1$$\\end{document}$ between the scattering coefficients, which is satisfied by our numerical simulations.", "Fig. ", "2Plasmon band diagrams of the graphene superlattice. **", "a** Squared amplitude of the junction scattering coefficients (see Fig.", " [1c](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) as a function of plasmon energy and magnetic-field strength *B* for the same ribbon parameters as in Fig.", " [1d](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. **", "b** Plasmon band diagram along an excursion within the first Brillion zone of the superlattice for *B* = 0 (solid curves) and *B* = 4 T (dashed curves). **", "c**--**f** Projected band diagram calculated for a superlattice of finite period (*N* = 20) along the zig-zag (*y* direction in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (**c**, **d**) and armchair (*x* direction in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (**e**, **f**) boundaries with *B* = 0 (**c**, **e**) and *B* = 4 T (**d**, **f**). ", "The red curves indicate the edge modes on the upper and bottom boundaries. ", "We numerically calculate a Chern number *C* = 1 for the band below the gap with *B* = 4 T. The superlattice hexagon side length is *L* = 600 nm (see Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), while other ribbon parameters are the same as in Fig.", " [1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} (width *W* = 200 nm, Fermi energy *E* ~F~ = 0.2 eV)\n\nUsing Bloch's theorem, we calculate the band diagram of the superlattice (see \"Methods\" section)---Fig.", " [2b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the results for an excursion along symmetry points within the first Brillouin zone. ", "The nanoribbons in the unit cell are not identical because they have different orientations, so the band diagram is exactly the same as in a Kagome lattice, which contains a flat band and two Dirac points^[@CR35],\\ [@CR36]^. Our results confirm that, when a magnetic field of 4 T is applied, a large bandgap opens at the Dirac points K and K′ (Fig.", " [2b, d, f](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which results in the formation of localized bulk modes within the bandgap region---in contrast, no bandgap is present in the absence of magnetic field (Fig.", " [2b, c, e](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The bandgap opened by the magnetic field is topologically nontrivial, as demonstrated by the nonzero Chern number (*C* = 1) of the first band below the gap. ", "This band has a nonzero Chern number by exchanging topological charge with upper bands separated by the Dirac point (see Supplementary Note [2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"} and Supplementary Fig.", " [2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"} for a proof of this). ", "The lower bandgap (in between orange and blue bands in Fig.", " [2b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) is topologically trivial, corresponding to a zero sum of Chern numbers over all bands below 44 meV; the trivial character of this bandgap is evidenced by the fact that it does not close even when increasing the magnetic field up to 4 T. According to the bulk-edge correspondence principle^[@CR37]^, the Chern number *C* = 1 of the first band below *E* ~0~ implies a unidirectional anticlockwise edge mode on the external boundary of the superlattice in the opened bandgap. ", "The dispersion relations of the edge modes are revealed by the projected band diagrams, which are calculated along the zig-zag (Fig.", " [2c, d](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and armchair (Fig.", " [2e, f](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) directions for a superlattice of finite period (*N* = 20) (see \"Methods\" section). ", "The dispersion curves (red curve in Fig.", " [2d](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) in the bandgap correspond to edge modes propagating on the upper and lower boundaries of the superlattice---these have unidirectional group velocities, which imply that these edge modes are topologically protected. ", "The directions of the group velocities also indicate that the edge mode on the external boundary of a finite surperlattice is anticlockwise, in agreement with that predicted from the Chern number.", "\n\nTopologically protected localized and edge modes {#Sec5}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nTo reveal the localized mode and prove the topological protection of the edge modes in the proposed graphene superlattice, we construct a numerical network with honeycomb topology and simulate the field evolution using the scattering coefficients represented in Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} (see \"Methods\" section). ", "The field distributions for a directional point excitation (indicated by the red arrows) at the center of the network with magnetic field of 4 T is shown in Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "For a photon energy of *E* ~0~ = 56.37 meV, which lies in the bandgap opened by the magnetic field, the directional coupling at the junctions causes the excitation power to circulate around a single lattice hexagon with enhanced intensity---this confirms the localization of the mode and corroborates the phenomenological picture we introduced in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "As this picture suggested, the localized vortex mode is the foundation for the topologically protected states, which can be clearly demonstrated by Fig.", " [3b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "We now introduce a vacant defect by removing several nanoribbons from the center of the superlattice. ", "Then, a directional point excitation adjacent to the defect generates a localized wave circulating around the defect unidirectionally without backscattering, which reveals the topological protection of the edge mode on the interior boundary of the superlattice.", "Fig. ", "3Localization of bulk plasmon states. ", "We show the simulated electric-field distributions induced on the graphene superlattice without (**a**) and with a defect (**b**) upon excitation by a directional point source (red arrow at the center) with a magnetic field of 4 T. The photon energy is at the Dirac point (*E* ~p~ = 56.37 meV). ", "The parameters of the superlattice are the same as in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} (L = 600 nm, width *W* = 200 nm and Fermi energy *E* ~F~ = 0.2 eV)\n\nTo demonstrate that the edge mode on exterior boundary of the superlattice is topologically protected, we further cut the honeycomb network into a complex shape (Fig.", " [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and simulate the field evolution in successive time steps. ", "In the presence of a *B* = 4 T field, a point source of energy *E* ~0~ placed at the boundary of the network can generate the sought-after one-way boundary mode, which efficiently propagate energy over sharp corners without back reflection (Fig.", " [4b](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "When the magnetic field is reversed in sign, the direction of the one-way edge state is also reversed (Fig.", " [4c](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Finally, when the magnetic field decreases to 2 T, the edge mode is still preserved, although it is less localized at the boundary (Fig.", " [4d](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "4Topologically protected edge plasmon. **", "a** Illustration of a finite graphene superlattice structure with sharp corners, exposed to a normal static magnetic field. ", "A metal tip (lower side) indicates a possible way of exciting the edge mode of this structure. **", "b**--**d** Optical electric-field distributions in the structure of (**a**) for a downward magnetic field of either 4 T (**b**) or 2 T (**d**), and for an upward magnetic field of 4 T (**c**). ", "The field distributions are calculated by numerical iteration using the scattering coefficients shown in Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The parameters of the superlattice are the same as in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} (L = 600 nm, width *W* = 200 nm and Fermi energy *E* ~F~ = 0.2 eV)\n\nThe effect of inelastic optical losses {#Sec6}\n--------------------------------------\n\nWe further show that inelastic losses do not deteriorate topological protection of the plasmons in the structure of Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and just induce an attenuation of propagation, as shown in Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "More precisely, we introduce losses into the Drude model through a damping rate *γ* = *μE* ~F~/*ev* ~F~ ^2^, where *μ* is mobility of graphene, for which we adopt the experimentally measured value in high-quality suspended graphene^[@CR38]^. Although this value is measured at a temperature of 5 K, it can be maintained at room temperature by encapsulating the graphene in hexagonal boron nitride^[@CR27]^. Figure [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"} clearly shows that the excitation point source still generates unidirectional edge modes with good contrast between the two opposite directions, and that the edge modes retain a good capacity of topological protection. ", "Inelastic losses only result in the attenuation of the modes along their propagation. ", "In Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}, we show that edge plasmons can propagate over \\~ 30 periods. ", "Since the individual branch structures under consideration can serve as classical and quantum interferometers^[@CR39]--[@CR41]^ or as logic gates^[@CR42],[@CR43]^, the proposed graphene superlattice provides a versatile platform to explore various complex nonreciprocal optical computing functions.", "Fig. ", "5The effect of inelastic optical losses. **", "a** Optical electric-field distributions in the graphene superlattice in Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} incorporating loss, where the magnetic field is 2 T and the photon energy is *E* ~0~. **b** Edge mode propagating in a superlattice with length size decreased by a factor of 2, assuming a magnetic field of $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$2\\sqrt 2 $$\\end{document}$ T, for a photon energy of $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$2\\sqrt 2 {E_0}$$\\end{document}$. The graphene mobility is 100,000 cm^2^ V ^1^s^−1^ in both **a**, **b**\n\nImportantly, similar graphene superlattices of different sizes are equivalent according to basic electrostatic scaling laws of plasmons in two-dimensional (2D) materials^[@CR44],[@CR45]^ (Supplementary Note [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"} and Supplementary Fig.", " [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}), which reveal the possibility to further miniaturize the graphene superlattice in order to increase the propagation distance in units of plasmon wavelengths. ", "In particular, when the geometry of the graphene superlattice in Fig.", " [4d](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} shrinks by a factor of 2 and the magnetic field increases by a factor of $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$\\sqrt 2 $$\\end{document}$, for a photon energy of $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$\\sqrt 2 {E_0}$$\\end{document}$, the response of the superlattice and the field distribution is equivalent to that Fig.", " [4d](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "However, when considering inelastic losses (Fig.", " [5b](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}), the propagating distance increases considerably in units of the plasmon wavelength^[@CR31]^ compared with Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}, which means that the plasmon wave can propagate over many more periods in the network. ", "Therefore, the noted scaling leads to a dramatic reduction in the effect of inelastic losses that should facilitate the design of practical devices.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec7}\n==========\n\nThe realization of the topologically protected plasmonic states in the proposed graphene superlattice is experimentally feasible using state-of-the-art fabrication and measurement techniques, similar to those recently used to observe edge plasmon modes on graphene nanoribbons^[@CR46]^ (i.e., the elementary unit based on which we obtain topologically protected plasmons). ", "To reduce inelastic losses, the sample can be fabricated by dielectric structuring rather than direct lithographic patterning of the graphene, thus relying on extended graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride, for which the measured mobility exceeds the values assumed here^[@CR27]^. Additionally, our results can be readily extrapolated to include the effect of the substrate, the size of the structure and the level of graphene doping via an electrostatic scaling law formulated for 2D structures^[@CR44],[@CR45]^ (Supplementary Note [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"} and Supplementary Fig.", " [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "An extension of this law to include the MO response reveals that the magnetic field strength required to achieve topological protection is below 1 T---such field strengths can be achieved using commercially available permanent magnets.", "\n\nIn conclusion, we have proposed and theoretically demonstrated how topologically protected plasmon modes can be realized robustly in single-layer graphene honeycomb surperlattice structures using experimentally attainable static magnetic fields. ", "The key ingredients for this realization are the strong MO response of graphene, which induces T-symmetry breaking, and the ensuing directional coupling at geometrically symmetric junctions between nanoribbons in the lattice. ", "This nonreciprocal propagation leads to the formation of localized bulk modes and a topologically protected edge mode. ", "Although we have focused on graphene, we expect other kinds of 2D materials such as topological insulators, semiconductor junctions, and conducting 2D materials, to exhibit similar phenomena, for example, by exploiting their long-lived phonon-polaritons. ", "Our design provides an a simple, yet robust platform for fast speed, ultra-compact, nonreciprocal optical computing networks, thus paving the way toward realistic applications of topological photonics.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec8}\n=======\n\nNumerical simulations {#Sec9}\n---------------------\n\nWe adopt FEM (COMSOL) to numerically calculate the electromagnetic field distribution and plasmon dispersion relations of uniform graphene nanoribbons, as well as the reflection and left/right-transmission coefficients of plasmons at the nanoribbon junction structures. ", "We model graphene as a thin layer of thickness *d* and permittivity $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$\\varepsilon \\left( \\omega \\right) = 1 + i\\sigma \\left( \\omega \\right)/\\left( {{\\varepsilon _0}d\\omega } \\right)$$\\end{document}$, where *σ*(*ω*) is the frequency-dependent 2D conductivity in the Drude model (Eq. ([", "1](#Equ1){ref-type=\"\"})). ", "In the simulation, we take *d* = 0.5 nm as a reasonable value close to the $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$d \\to 0$$\\end{document}$ limit. ", "The scattering coefficients are calculated as the ratios between the complex amplitudes of the absorbed and input fields at ports on each of the three branches of the junction, as shown in Fig.", " [1c](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nCalculation of band diagrams {#Sec10}\n----------------------------\n\nIn general, when plasmon waves are simultaneously launched at all three branches of a junction, the amplitude of input and output fields at the three branch terminals are linearly connected through a scattering equation $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${[ {A_1^{{\\rm{out}}}\\,A_2^{{\\rm{out}}}\\,A_3^{{\\rm{out}}}} ]^{\\rm{T}}} = {\\bf{S}}{[ {A_1^{{\\rm{in}}}\\,A_2^{{\\rm{in}}}\\,A_3^{{\\rm{in}}}} ]^{\\rm{T}}}$$\\end{document}$, where **S** is a scattering matrix, which contains three independent coefficients: *S* ~11~ = *S* ~22~ = S~33~, *S* ~12~ = *S* ~23~ = *S* ~31~ and *S* ~13~ = *S* ~21~ = *S* ~32~, considering the symmetry of the structure. ", "Due to T-symmetry breaking, **S** is asymmetric for *B* ≠ 0. ", "Incidentally, out-coupling at the junction to free space is rather inefficient due to impedance mismatch (e.g., out-coupling losses are found to be below 0.01%). ", "Neglecting out-coupling, the scattering matrix should be unitary, and therefore, energy conservation leads to the condition $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${\\left| {{S_{11}}} \\right|^2} + {\\left| {{S_{12}}} \\right|^2} + {\\left| {{S_{13}}} \\right|^2} = 1$$\\end{document}$.\n\nUsing the simulation results for *S* ~11~, *S* ~22~, and *S* ~13~ shown in Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, we can calculate the band diagrams of the graphene superlattice. ", "We label the five pieces of nanoribbons within the unit cell as *i* = 1, ..., 5. ", "Each of them supports two counter-propagating waves, with field amplitudes $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$A_i^j$$\\end{document}$, where *j* = 1,2 denotes the directions of the waves corresponding to the red and black arrows in Fig.", " [6a](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}, respectively. ", "The amplitudes of these waves are connected by the scattering matrix of the single junction discussed above as $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${[ {A_1^2\\,A_2^2\\,A_3^2} ]^{\\rm{T}}} = {\\bf{S}}{[ {A_1^1\\,A_2^1\\,A_3^1} ]^{\\rm{T}}}$$\\end{document}$ and $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${[ {A_3^1\\,A_4^1\\,A_5^1} ]^{\\rm{T}}} = {\\bf{S}}{[ {A_3^2\\,A_4^2\\,A_5^2} ]^{\\rm{T}}}$$\\end{document}$. Now, Bloch's theorem on the boundaries leads to $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${[ {A_4^1\\,A_4^2} ]^T} = {\\rm{exp}}( {i{\\bf{K}} \\cdot {{\\bf{a}}_2}} ){[ {A_1^1\\,A_1^2} ]^{\\rm{T}}}$$\\end{document}$and $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${[ {A_5^1\\,A_5^2} ]^T} = \\exp ( {i{\\bf{K}} \\cdot {{\\bf{a}}_1}} ){[ {A_2^1\\,A_2^2} ]^{\\rm{T}}}$$\\end{document}$, where **K** = *k* ~*x*~ **x** + *k* ~y~ **y** is the Bloch wave vector. ", "The band diagram of the superlattice in Fig.", " [2b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} is obtained from the condition of vanishing determinant of the above linear equations, while the wave functions of the *n*th band $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$\\left| {n\\left( {\\bf{K}} \\right)} \\right\\rangle $$\\end{document}$ are given by the corresponding eigenvectors.", "Fig. ", "6Superlattice used for the calculations of band diagrams. **", "a** We consider an infinite superlattice constructed by repetitive translation of the unit cell along the principal axes **a** ~**1**~ and **a** ~**2**~ shown in Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. **", "b**, **c** Superlattices of finite width with zig-zag (**b**) and armchair (**c**) boundaries, where the two vertical dashed lines indicate the unit cell\n\nUsing a similar method, we also calculate the projected band diagram for a superlattice of finite width, as shown in Fig.", " [6b, c](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Here, the unit cell is indicated by the two parallel dashed lines, which contain a larger number of nanoribbons. ", "Again, each nanoribbon supports two counter-propagating waves. ", "The scattering between these waves is determined by similar relations as above. ", "Here, apart from the coefficients *S* ~11~, *S* ~12~, and *S* ~13~ of Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, we also need to obtain the scattering coefficients for V-shape junctions appearing at the boundary of the superlattice. ", "We use the same simulation method as for the three-lobbed junction. ", "The resulting linear set of equations, combined with Bloch's theorem along the direction of periodicity, allows us to generate the projected band diagram shown in Fig.", " [2c--f](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nCalculation of Chern numbers {#Sec11}\n----------------------------\n\nWith the whole set of wave eigenfunctions $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$\\left| {n\\left( {\\bf{K}} \\right)} \\right\\rangle $$\\end{document}$ obtained for all wave vectors **K** in the first Brillouin zone for any given *n*th band, the Chern numbers of this band can be easily calculated from the integral of the Berry connections along the close path around the boundary of the first Brillouin zone^[@CR8]^: $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${C_n} = {\\left( {2\\pi } \\right)^{ - 1}}\\mathop {\\oint }\\nolimits d{\\bf{K}} \\cdot \\left\\langle {n\\left( {\\bf{K}} \\right)} \\right|i{\\nabla _{\\bf{K}}}\\left| {n\\left( {\\bf{K}} \\right)} \\right\\rangle $$\\end{document}$. According to the Stokes theorem, the Chern numbers can be equivalently calculated as a surface integral of the Berry curvature $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${{\\rm{\\Omega}} _n} = {\\nabla _{\\bf{K}}} \\times \\left\\langle {n\\left( {\\bf{K}} \\right)} \\right|i{\\nabla _{\\bf{K}}}\\left| {n\\left( {\\bf{K}} \\right)} \\right\\rangle $$\\end{document}$ over the first Brillouin zone^[@CR8]^: $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${C_n} = {\\left( {2\\pi } \\right)^{ - 1}}{\\int}S {d{\\bf{S}}} \\cdot {{\\rm{\\Omega}} _n}$$\\end{document}$. The Chern numbers of the bands in our study as calculated with these two well-established methods are in excellent mutual numerical agreement.", "\n\nCalculation of field distributions in a superlattice {#Sec12}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nWe focus on a superlattice of specific shape constructed out of *N* nanoribbons. ", "We thus use a 2 *N* element vector **A**(*t*) to describe the distribution of field amplitude on the superlattice at time *t*, with *A* ~2*i*~(*t*) and *A* ~2*i−*1~(*t*) (i = 1,..., N) representing the amplitude of two counter-propagating waves at the *i*th nanoribbon. ", "Therefore, $\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$$\\left| {{A_{2i}}\\left( t \\right) + {A_{2i - 1}}\\left( t \\right)} \\right|$$\\end{document}$ gives the modulus of the field amplitude at the ribbons.", "\n\nFor the simulations, we introduce a point source at the initial time and calculate the field distribution in sequential time steps upon iteration. ", "The point source is introduced at the *i*th nanoribbon through a prescribed pair of values *A* ~2*i*~(0) and *A* ~2*i−*1~(0), by setting one of them to 1 (unidirectional point source for Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) or both of them to 1 (omnidirectional point source for Figs.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}), with all other elements of **A**(0) set to 0. ", "Then, the field distribution of the waves scattered by the junctions of the superlattice after a time step (arbitrarily denoted 1) necessary for propagation along a ribbon length are approximated by **A**(1) = **TA**(0), where **T** is a 2 × 2 *N* matrix constructed from the *S* ~11~, *S* ~12~ and *S* ~13~ coefficients (for the bulk), as well as the scattering coefficients for V-shape junctions, which describe scattering and interference between waves in the superlattice and are determined by the linear connecting relations of the nanoribbons (see above). ", "Subsequent field distributions are obtained by iteration **A**(t + 1) = **T**\\[**A**(t) + **A**(0)\\], where the initial distribution **A**(0) is added at every step, so that the point source produces a persistent excitation.", "\n\nData availability {#Sec13}\n-----------------\n\nThe data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.", "\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n {#Sec14}\n\nSupplementary Information\n\n**Electronic supplementary material**\n\n**Supplementary Information** accompanies this paper at doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01205-z.\n\n**Publisher\\'s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nThis work was supported in part by Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. ", "2015CB932400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. ", "11674256), the Spanish MINECO (MAT2014-59096-P and SEV2015-0522), the European Commission (Graphene Flagship 696656), AGAUR (2014-SGR-1400), and Fundació Privada Cellex.", "\n\nD.P. and H.X.: Conceived the nonreciprocal propagation in nanoribbon junctions. ", "F.J.G.d.", "A.: Proposed the topological protection in graphene superlattice. ", "F.J.G.d.", "A. and D.P.: Worked out the theory. ", "D.P.: Performed the simulation and wrote the paper. ", "R.Y.: Collaborated in the calculation of the projected diagram and discussed the results. ", "H.X. and F.J.G.d.", "A.: Supervised the projected and revised the paper.", "\n\nCompeting interests {#FPar1}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare no competing financial interests.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Back when the millennium was brand-new, Hamilton developer David Blanchard conducted a little tour of his company’s latest acquisition.", "\n\nThe property was a row of old buildings on the south side of King Street, across from the fountain in Gore Park. ", "And the guests on Blanchard’s walkabout were new mayor Bob Wade, director of downtown renewal Ron Marini, and Neil Everson, who is director of economic development.", "\n\n\"I showed them the buildings so that they knew we didn’t wreck them,\" Blanchard says. ", "The decay, he told his guests, had set in long ago.", "\n\nA dozen years later, those buildings are still there. ", "And now Blanchard is ramping up efforts to bring big changes to that block.", "\n\nHis property consists of five storefronts. (", "A sixth was torn down last year.) ", "The clothing store is vacant. ", "The tax preparation office is leaving in a few months. ", "And now two restaurants and a variety store have been told their leases are up in the spring.", "\n\nRoom for a second supermarket\n\nBlanchard would like to then knock those buildings down and put up something new. ", "He’s talking about a condo tower, parking and even a two-level 60,000-square foot grocery store – even though downtown Hamilton is to finally get a full-sized supermarket in Jackson square next spring, part of a new chain based in the GTA.", "\n\n\"There’s always room for more,\" Blanchard says. \"", "We’re working with national chains... there is some interest.\"", "\n\nThe Bank of Nova Scotia opened on King East in 1954, with a picture window from Belgium. ", "The developers want to include the building in a new development. (", "Paul Wilson/ CBC)\n\nBlanchard doesn’t own the Bank of Nova Scotia building next door to his properties. ", "But he is in discussions with the bank about providing alternate leased space in the core. ", "In return, he would buy the King East flagship from the bank and make its grand hall a focal point of the new project.", "\n\nIt is a beautiful space, with a ceiling several storeys high. ", "When it opened in 1954, the bank declared:\n\n\"Gore Park may now reflect itself in the greatest front window in the world. ", "Here are a boldness and a deliberate majesty which entirely suit a city growing so rapidly in stature every year.\"", "\n\nThere were no sheets of plate glass anywhere on the continent big enough for this project. ", "So the nine panes had to be shipped from Belgium.", "\n\nJust the architect upstairs\n\nThe upper floors of Blanchard’s buildings on King are sealed off, except for the offices of architect David Premi, who designed the award-winning rebirth of the Hamilton library and Farmers’ Market.", "\n\nAnd he has been working on some King Street ideas for Blanchard – who is conducting a tour today of the properties and showing concept drawings.", "\n\nDavid Blanchard and associates played a big role in saving this streetscape on James South, both the Bank of Montreal building and the SunLife/Pigott complex beyond it. (", "Paul Wilson/ CBC)\n\nBut knocking down Nos. ", "18, 20, 22, 24 and 28 King East is going to run into considerable resistance and Blanchard knows it. ", "These structures from the 1800s aren’t designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, but all are on the city’s Inventory of Buildings of Architectural and/or Historical Interest.", "\n\nOldest are the Kerr buildings, Nos. ", "18 and 20, erected in the 1840s. ", "Archibald and Thomas Kerr were dry goods merchants. ", "A Gore Park brochure issued by the city’s planning department says the Kerr buildings \"are the best examples of pre-Confederation stone architecture on the Gore...\n\n\"The Kerr Company contributed substantially to Hamilton’s early role as a commercial centre. ", "The finely crafted original stone masonry on the upper storeys is still largely intact.\"", "\n\nThey've saved a lot of history\n\nBlanchard and associates are probably responsible for saving more history in downtown Hamilton than anyone else. ", "At Main and James, for instance, they rescued the 1928 Pigott/Sunlife complex, the1908 Landed Banking building, the 1929 Bank of Montreal temple.", "\n\nThe Landed Banking building at Main and James is another one saved by the Blanchard group. ", "It's a copy of New York City's Knickerbocker Bank, since demolished. (", "Paul Wilson/ CBC)\n\nAt minimum, Hamilton will expect them to save some of the history around the corner on King East.", "\n\nProtecting that historic Gore Park streetscape – the architecture that makes us different from places like Mississauga – could be achieved by at least saving the facades.", "\n\nBlanchard’s not saying no to that. ", "But he’s not saying yes either.", "\n\nHe would want help – from the city, the province, somebody – with the extra costs of saving those facades. ", "It would be millions, he says, \"and I don’t think there’s an appetite for that today.\"" ]
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[ "What in Oblivion are you talking about?", "\nThe final painting…the one that completes the story. ", "I have to have it!", "\n\nSlow down. ", "Start from the beginning.", "\nIt’s not the beginning I require, damnit! ", "I have to know how this story ends!", "\n\nThis just isn’t your day. ", "Empty your pockets.", "\nA common thief, are you? ", "Well, that may be just what this situation needs.", "\nI will pay you your gold when the job is finished. ", "Provided I find out how this story ends.", "\n\nWhat story are you talking about?", "\nEster Maroux’s final piece. ", "Surely you’ve heard of her?", "\n\nNo, I haven’t. ", "Why don’t you tell me.", "\nWell, that doesn’t surprise me. ", "It seems a writer’s popularity is directly related to how awful they are.", "\n\nThe name sounds vaguely familiar.", "\nYes, she wasn’t the most celebrated of writers, but when it comes to celebrity, you must consider the judge.", "\n\nYes, Ester Maroux is my cousin.", "\nThat would make you very old indeed, given she has been dead for centuries.", "\n\nwalks to painting on the wall\n\nMaroux was a writer of Dwarven stories, and her imagination was limitless.", "But she was more than a writer. ", "She was an artist. ", "Maroux predicted that in the future, people would tell stories not with words, but pictures.", "\nThat’s why her most famous novel isn’t a novel at all. ", "It’s a series of paintings that tell the grandest of epics.", "\n\nIs the painting on the wall one of her works?", "\nIt is indeed. ", "Part six of seven. ", "The first five I have stored away in my personal chambers.", "But the entire set is useless without its conclusion! ", "Even a glimpse of it would give me the closure I seek.", "\n\nWhat is Maroux’s story about?It tells the tale of the last Dwemer. ", "He wakes up in an old ruin, with his memory completely erased.", "\nAs he travels the sands of the Alik’r, pieces of his past start to arise. ", "At the same time, there are elements in the shadows who want him dead.", "\nThe final painting will not only end the story, but provide a clue as to what happened to the Dwemer! ", "Well, at least, Maroux’s interpretation of it.", "\n\nWhere is the final painting?", "\nThat is the source of my frustration. ", "I made the purchase through a reliable source weeks ago, and sent my assistant to retrieve it.", "\nOnly it appears the deal went sour, as she hasn’t returned.", "\n\nI’ll see what I can find out. ", "Where was the deal supposed to happen?", "\nMarkarth. ", "Evidently it was in possession of the Silver-Blood family. ", "If they’ve double-crossed me, I swear on Zenithar that they will pay.", "\n\nWell, that’s none of my concern.", "\nI’m aware of that. ", "However, if you find anyone who would be willing to help, point them my way. ", "I will be sure to reward them.", "\n\nWhat’s your relationship with Radiant Raiment?It’s strictly business. ", "Taarie and Endarie have allowed me to stay here for the time being.", "\nIn exchange, I plan to exhibit Ester Maroux’s works in their store to attract customers.", "\n\nHellos/GoodbyesI must know how this story ends.", "\nMaroux was the first to realize pictures provide more depth and realism than words ever could.", "\nShe isn’t the most skilled painter, of course, but that isn’t the point. ", "Her storytelling shines through.", "\nFind out what happened to my assistant, and you’ll find the painting.", "\n\nplayer returns with painting\n\nYou’ve returned! ", "What news do you have of Maroux’s painting?", "\n\nHere. ", "This should complete the story.", "\nFantastic! ", "Let’s place it on the wall so I can properly interpret it.", "\n\nOkay, we last left the hero just as he was about to discover what happened to the Dwemer.", "\n\nAnd what do we have here? ", "The return of a Dark Elf sister? ", "What? ", "Is Maroux implying our hero is choosing his family ties over his biological ones?", "\n(alternate)And what do we have here? ", "Deathbells? ", "But that would mean…\n\nNo…this can’t be right…although it has all the characteristics of a Maroux piece…but this ending…it’s…it’s…\n\nBrilliant?", "\nSatire! ", "Such a ridiculous ending can only be satire! ", "Which yes, now that I think about it, is absolutely brilliant!", "\nIt’s the only possible solution to the Dwemer conundrum! ", "Maroux continues to surprise me! ", "Truly an artist beyond her time!", "\n\nIt’s horrible, I know.", "\nYes…which can only mean…it’s intentional! ", "Maroux is satirizing the traditional narrative, by highlighting its obvious fallacies!", "\n\nJust be thankful you’re still alive.", "\nAlive? ", "Why wouldn’t I be? ", "I’ve just been privy to one of the greatest pieces of art ever made!", "\nDon’t you see? ", "This wasn’t a story, it was a critique! ", "It’s always been a critique of texts and traditional storytelling!", "\nThat’s who she’s satirizing with this final painting!", "\n\nIn any case, I want to thank you. ", "Taarie and Endarie will have their painting, but you deserve a reward.", "\nThis is one of Maroux’s earlier works. ", "A priceless artifact, but long since surpassed by the work you see before you.", "\nStill, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it all the same. ", "Until we meet again.", "\n\nDoes a thief return things to their rightful owner? ", "I’ve heard enough of your excuses. ", "If I wasn’t in such a good mood, I’d fire you right here.", "\n\nMaster, I swear by the Eight, I was only trying to help you!", "\n\nThen fetch me a quill. ", "We have much work to do.", "\n\nPost-Quest Hellos\nThank you for delivering Maroux’s piece. ", "As for my assistant, I will reprimand her later.", "\nThe book I gave you was my first introduction to Maroux. ", "Take good care of it.", "\nA grand epic with a satirical ending…I never would have guessed. ", "It’s brilliant, absolutely brilliant.", "\n\n********\n\nWhat am I gonna do…\n\nIs something the matter? ", "Yeah. ", "Something is. ", "Let’s say, just for argument’s sake, that you were in possession of something amazing. ", "A true work of art. ", "Only the problem is, it’s also extremely dangerous. ", "What do you do with it? ", "Do you hide it? ", "Destroy it?", "\n\nYou use it to kill your enemies.", "\nIt’s not a weapon though. ", "As in, it was never designed to be dangerous.", "\n\nDestroy it. ", "Nothing stays hidden forever. ", "I know but it’s not that easy. ", "This is one of the most important works of our time. ", "Destroying it feels…wrong.", "\n\nHide it. ", "If the responsibility is too much, let fate decide.", "That’s what I was leaning toward. ", "But part of me still feels guilty for even thinking it.", "\n\nIf you’re talking about skooma, then you share it. ", "Skooma? ", "No, this isn’t anything like that. ", "I told you, it’s a work of art.", "\n\nWhat exactly are we talking about here? (", "Sigh) I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell you. ", "It’s a painting. ", "The last known work of Ester Maroux.", "\n\nHow is a painting dangerous? ", "I don’t expect you to believe me, but history doesn’t lie. ", "The painting is death itself.", "\n\nIt’s a painting of Sithis?No, but it’ll deliver you to him. ", "Maroux’s husband was the first to view the last painting, and died not long after.", "\nThe next one to die was an art collector who gathered all seven works, along with everyone in his household.", "\nThe trail continues in this manner. ", "Ledgers that show the purchases, followed days later by notices of death.", "\n\nAt least you die knowing how the story ends.", "That’s what Master Halcar would say. ", "It’s all he cares about. ", "And it’s why talking to him about it is useless.", "\nHe’d rather die than not finish this story.", "\n\nSounds reasonable. ", "I’ve seen plenty of things that make me want to kill myself.", "\nAs have I. The difference is we didn’t actually die. ", "Maroux’s husband did.", "\nArt collectors, thieves, even a wizard who thought the paintings were magic. ", "They’re all dead.", "\n\nTell me more about Ester Maroux.", "Some say she was a recluse. ", "Others say she was a necromancer. ", "But everyone agrees the woman was strange.", "Now, I don’t know about spells and witchcraft and all that. ", "What I do know is the history of that painting.", "\n\nIf the painting is a death sentence, how are you still alive? ", "I haven’t had the courage to look at it. ", "If I die, there’ll be no one to spread the word about its dangers.", "\n\nWhat if I were to look at the painting and describe it to you? ", "Do you realize what you’re asking me to do? ", "I can’t send you to your death.", "\n\nJust give me the sodding painting already.", "No, I can’t. ", "And roughing me up won’t do you any good. ", "It’s locked up in the Treasury House safe. ", "Anyone who tries to steal it will end up in Cidhna Mine.", "\n\nIf you’re worried it will kill me, don’t. ", "I’ve endured worse.", "I appreciate you trying to help, but it’s too risky. ", "We’re dealing with forces beyond our understanding. ", "That’s why I had the painting stored in the Treasury House. ", "At least, until I decide whether or not I want it destroyed.", "\n\nHold that thought, I’ll be back. ", "All right.", "\n\nWhat if we hired an artist to make an alternate ending?Master Halcar is an expert on Maroux. ", "He’d spot a forgery almost immediately. ", "No, there’s no other option but to hide it, or destroy it. ", "At least I know it’s safe in the Treasury House for now.", "\n\nHellos/GoodbyesThe security at the Treasury House is pretty good. ", "They hired an extra bodyguard to help.", "I trust the Silver-Bloods more than I trust the guard here. ", "The painting is a priceless work of art. ", "I can’t just remove it from this world without considering the consequences.", "\n\nDoes a thief return things to their rightful owner? ", "I’ve heard enough of your excuses. ", "If I wasn’t in such a good mood, I’d fire you right here.", "\n\nMaster, I swear by the Eight, I was only trying to help you!", "\n\nThen fetch me a quill. ", "We have much work to do.", "\n\nScene\n\nplayer steals real painting, Halcar dies.", "\n\nNo…you fool! ", "I warned you what would happen!", "\n\nBy Arkay…he’s dead.", "\n\nPost QUest hellos\n\n(Halcar lives)I can’t believe how foolish I was. ", "A painting can’t kill a man.", "The ending to Maroux’s work is rather strange. ", "Master Halcar says it’s satire, but I don’t know. ", "It doesn’t fit.", "\n\n(Halcar dies)Get away from me. ", "As far as I’m concerned, you killed him.", "\n\nwhen player enters painting.", "\n\nSo you’ve come to hear the end of my story. ", "It’s not something I’m prepared to tell. ", "Because the questions will always be more interesting than the answers. ", "And the best ending, the perfect ending, will always be the absence of one.", "\n\nThere’s no ending? ", "Unfortunately, no. ", "I once sought the perfect ending to my story, only to find the words eluded me. ", "So I tried to frame it not with words, but pictures, but even then, I failed. ", "That is, until the day I met a wanderer, who kept a dog as his companion. ", "He offered me a proposition.", "\n\nWhat sort of proposition?He would grant me what I desired most, but asked nothing in return. ", "He took pleasure in knowing that perfection would provide its own disappointment. ", "Because to maintain its secret, the painting required a protector. ", "And so here I am, guardian of my own shame.", "\n\nclavicus is claa-vi-cuss\n\nWhat is this painting?The wanderer I spoke of was none other than Clavicus Vile. ", "I asked him for the perfect ending, and this is his answer. ", "The painting itself is proof that such an ending exists. ", "And the death of its owners ensures it will never be known.", "\n\nWho are the corpses on the floor? ", "They, like you, are curious souls who sought the ending to my story. ", "And when given the chance, they have all chosen to keep it.", "\n\nWhy do you think you had so much trouble with the ending? ", "It is the paradox of any mystery. ", "The answers will never satisfy your curiosity. ", "They are only varying levels of disappointment.", "\n\nThat’s an excuse. ", "You just lack the skill to create a suitable ending. ", "I disagree. ", "If you are satisfied with an ending, it only means you were never all that curious to begin with.", "\n\nWhat about an ending based on actual Dwemer theories? ", "Because if those theories are wrong, the entire story will fall apart once the truth is revealed.", "\n\nTrue, there’s really no satisfying way to finish a story about the Dwarves. ", "Yes, save for the one. ", "That is what the wanderer meant when he called it the “perfect ending.”", "\n\nWhy not end on a cliffhanger? ", "Because then my motives would be transparent. ", "And delaying the end is just as damaging to the narrative as a poor one.", "\n\nWhat happens now? ", "You have a choice. ", "You may choose to adhere to my wishes and die by my hand, or you may take the painting behind you to serve as the new ending.", "\n\nWhat’s the painting depict? ", "It’s drivel. ", "The worst kind of ending imaginable. ", "It will ensure that no others follow this path, at the cost of my personal legacy.", "\n\nWhy would you damage your own legacy?Simple. ", "By giving you a choice, I allow you to affirm or deny the ending I chose. ", "If you choose the cliche, then as a writer, I have already failed.", "\n\nWhat happens if I vanquish you?I haven’t the faintest idea. ", "None have succeeded so far. ", "On the other hand, none of your predecessors have ever fought back.", "\n\nWhat happens now?Very well. ", "Take the painting, or take up arms. ", "But I warn you, I will not go down easily.", "\n\nAdvertisements\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\n2 thoughts on “A thousand words quest”\n\nI thought killing the woman would prevent anymore deaths! ", "But when I showed him the painting, he died anyway… Now I wish I had just taken the fake one. :( ", "Please post the steps of the quest so we can use the setstage command. ", "I want to force the happy ending.", "\n\n(The new website doesn’t allow comments! ", "I read others commends to help me in the quests! ", "Plus, this website has more detail… I like it better.)", "\n\nI found a way around it! ", "I typed “help maraux” into the command console, then saw the ID for maraux’s faux painting. ", "I used player.placeatme ### and picked up the faux painting. ", "Then I spoke to Halcar. ", "I had both paintings in my inventory, but only the deathbell one was a quest item. ", "At first he commented that the painting was a Deathbell, and I quickly took the deathbell painting off the wall before he could finish examining it. ", "Then he suddenly switched dialogue to discuss the faux painting. ", "He lived! ", "Oddly, after that, his assistant ran up and told him the paining had been stolen… not sure if she meant me taking it off the wall, or me taking it from markarth.." ]
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[ "INTRODUCTION\n============\n\nThe evolution of tetrapod limbs from fish fins is heralded as one of the most important vertebrate morphological and functional transitions ([@R1]--[@R8]). ", "Establishing what makes an appendage a fin or a limb is key to properly characterizing the fins-to-limbs transition ([@R3]). ", "Functional criteria are of limited use because of the general consensus that limbs first evolved to move underwater ([@R5], [@R9]). ", "Developmental and paleontological studies place the distinction between fins and limbs in the most distal region, which bears the carpals/tarsals and digits in limbs and the radials and dermal lepidotrichia in fins ([@R3], [@R10]). ", "The distinction between fins and limbs blurs when we look at the lobe-fins of transitional tetrapodomorphs, such as *Panderichthys* or *Tiktaalik* ([@R11]--[@R14]). ", "Both sarcopterygian fins and limbs share a division of the appendicular skeleton into three endoskeletal domains ([@R15]), of which the most distal domain differs most between sarcopterygian fishes (i.e., branching radial bones) and tetrapods (i.e., autopod with a mesopod and digits). ", "Although in the past, researchers have disagreed about whether a zeugopod-mesopod boundary (wrist/ankle) ([@R16], [@R17]) or the presence of digits alone ([@R3]) is sufficient to define limbs, the current convention is to define \"true\" limbs as appendages with digits ([@R6]). ", "Although the anatomical organization of the distal radials and the autopod is superficially similar (i.e., a series of skeletal elements joined proximodistally) ([@R3], [@R18]) and they share a common genetic control or \"deep homology\" ([@R19]), their anatomical similarity has never been assessed quantitatively. ", "Moreover, pectoral and pelvic lobe-fins evolved into limbs in tandem during the fins-to-limbs transition due to the recruitment of a common developmental genetic toolkit ([@R2], [@R20]). ", "Because pectoral and pelvic appendages were originally different in their anatomy ([@R21])---and still differ in the genetics of their girdles' development ([@R22])---we would expect to see a mix of evolutionary parallelisms/convergences (homoplasy) and divergences, as shared and specific developmental programs and biomechanical functions intertwined with each other during the fins-to-limb transition. ", "Such a mix might result from compromises between these \"evo-devo\" and \"evo-biomechanical\" constraints.", "\n\nAs appendages evolved, the degree of similarity between the pelvic and pectoral appendages varied through time. ", "Various authors have proposed alternative bottlenecks during evolution for the pectoral-pelvic similarity \\[reviewed in ([@R7], [@R23])\\]; these evolutionary bottlenecks represent times when pectoral and pelvic appendages showed the greatest anatomical similarity to each other (i.e., their morphologies showed less disparity). ", "On the basis of skeletal and muscular anatomical and developmental features ([@R21], [@R24]--[@R26]), pectoral-pelvic similarity bottlenecks have been proposed for the origins of ray-finned fishes, coelacanths, tetrapodomorphs, and tetrapods. ", "In a recent study comparing the musculoskeletal network-anatomy of whole appendages ([@R23]), we found evidence for a pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck at the origin of sarcopterygians \\[as proposed in ([@R3], [@R7], [@R21], [@R26])\\] but not at the origin of tetrapods (as these same studies proposed). ", "However, our previous work focused only on the network-anatomy of extant taxa ([@R23]). ", "To further test the presence of a pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck at the origin of tetrapods for the network-anatomy of the skeleton, here, we have analyzed a broader sample of extinct sarcopterygian fishes and early tetrapods across the fins-to-limbs transition, including *Sauripterus*, *Sterropterygion*, *Gogonasus*, *Eusthenopteron*, *Cabonnichthys*, *Mandageria*, *Panderichthys*, *Tiktaalik*, *Acanthostega*, *Ichthyostega*, *Tulerpeton*, *Eryops*, *Balanerpeton*, *Celtedens*, *Seymouria*, *Westlothiana*, *Pantylus*, and *Hyloplesion*, for which the fully articulated pectoral and/or pelvic anatomy is reasonably well known. ", "A prediction of the hypothesis of a pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck at the origin of tetrapods is that taxa closer to the split of Tetrapoda within sarcopterygians---where the bottleneck is---will have a greater pectoral-pelvic similarity (or lower disparity) than taxa that are farther away from the bottleneck.", "\n\nTo compare the skeletal anatomy of appendages in extinct and extant forms across the fins-to-limbs transition, and to better characterize anatomical parallelism/convergence and divergence between pectoral and pelvic appendages, we focused our analysis on their anatomical organization or network-anatomy, that is, the topological arrangement/pattern of skeletal elements of fully articulated appendages ([Fig. ", "1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This level of abstraction allowed us to compare evolutionary changes that are not amenable to quantification using other morphometric methods due to the large disparity of forms and presence/absence of parts between pectoral and pelvic fins and limbs ([@R23], [@R27], [@R28]). ", "Furthermore, the abstraction retains biological meaning in that the contacts between skeletal elements reflect potential direct developmental and biomechanical interactions, for example, ontogenetic sequences of ossification or embryonic interaction, and joint reaction forces or ranges of motion. ", "Using a network-based approach ([@R23], [@R29], [@R30]), we modeled the skeleton of fully articulated appendages as networks, in which nodes code for bones and links code for physical contact in a standardized resting pose. ", "We compared the evolution of eight network-based topological variables (see Methods for details) in a phylogenetic context ([Fig. ", "1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) to test whether (i) there are topological differences between fins and limbs and between pectoral and pelvic appendages, (ii) pectoral and pelvic anatomy followed convergent/parallel or divergent modes of evolution during the fins-to-limbs transition, and (iii) there was an evolutionary bottleneck in pectoral-pelvic similarity in tetrapods. ", "We tested these hypotheses by comparing the occupation of appendicular morphospace, estimating shift(s) of evolutionary regimes, describing the evolution of disparity through time (DTT), and testing bottlenecks with phylogenetic regressions.", "\n\n![", "Network abstraction and phylogenetic context of the study.\\\n(**A**) Representative network models of the skeletal anatomy of a fin and a limb; network nodes represent the bones of the appendage, and the links connecting them represent their physical articulations or joints. ", "Note that anatomical network models are purely topological; thus, information about the size, shape, and positioning of bones is not part of the model. ", "Node size is drawn proportional to the bone's number of articulations. (**", "B**) Time-calibrated phylogenetic tree assembled for this study; an asterisk (\\*) indicates which taxa have only pectoral or pelvic appendages found in articulation and are excluded in some of the analyses. ", "Image of tetrapod outline by M. Zica (GFDL), body fossil restorations by N. Tamura (CC BY-SA 3.0), coelacanth by Zoo Firma (CC BY-SA 3.0), and tuatara by T. Vickers (CC BY-SA 3.0).](aau7459-F1){#F1}\n\nRESULTS\n=======\n\nTopological discrimination of appendages\n----------------------------------------\n\nThe network-anatomy of the appendicular skeleton varied for each taxon and between pectoral and pelvic regions ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We used a principal components analysis (PCA) to visualize global patterns of topological variance across anatomical networks and a permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) to test for differences between fins and limbs, pectoral and pelvic appendages, and extinct and extant species.", "\n\n###### Values of network variables measured on each network model.", "\n\nN, number of nodes; K, number of links; D, density of connections; C, mean clustering coefficient; L, mean path length; H, heterogeneity of connections; A, assortativity; P, parcellation.", "\n\n **Appendage** **Taxa** **N** **K** **D** **C** **L** **H** **A** **P**\n ------------------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------\n Pectoral *Mus* 33 45 0.09 0.14 4.05 0.59 0.23 0.82\n *Didelphis* 32 42 0.08 0.16 4.38 0.55 0.46 0.84 \n *Iguana* 38 47 0.07 0.12 5.21 0.49 0.55 0.86 \n *Sphenodon* 37 47 0.07 0.13 5.24 0.50 0.61 0.84 \n *Hyloplesion* 24 29 0.11 0.16 4.35 0.36 0.33 0.80 \n *Pantylus* 32 42 0.08 0.18 4.68 0.48 0.49 0.85 \n *Seymouria* 40 54 0.07 0.19 5.23 0.48 0.54 0.85 \n *Ambystoma* 25 35 0.12 0.18 3.87 0.52 0.54 0.78 \n *Salamandra* 25 34 0.11 0.16 4.00 0.53 0.55 0.82 \n *Celtedens* 31 40 0.09 0.14 4.56 0.41 0.58 0.84 \n *Eryops* 32 50 0.10 0.27 4.33 0.53 0.50 0.78 \n *Balanerpeton* 32 42 0.08 0.10 4.67 0.47 0.66 0.85 \n *Tulerpeton* 42 47 0.05 0.06 5.90 0.44 0.51 0.87 \n *Tiktaalik* 21 20 0.10 0.00 4.10 0.62 −0.32 0.74 \n *Panderichthys* 15 17 0.16 0.27 3.64 0.42 −0.01 0.73 \n *Mandageria* 13 14 0.18 0.19 3.17 0.50 −0.23 0.73 \n *Cabonnichthys* 13 14 0.18 0.26 3.22 0.42 −0.07 0.73 \n *Eusthenopteron* 14 15 0.16 0.18 3.37 0.48 −0.11 0.65 \n *Gogonasus* 14 14 0.15 0.11 3.57 0.48 −0.13 0.65 \n *Sterropterygion* 13 13 0.17 0.12 3.37 0.50 −0.23 0.64 \n *Sauripterus* 31 32 0.07 0.10 4.45 0.56 −0.20 0.80 \n *Neoceratodus* 54 65 0.05 0.26 5.95 0.82 −0.59 0.85 \n *Latimeria* 23 34 0.13 0.42 3.61 0.46 −0.12 0.78 \n *Polypterus* 46 65 0.06 0.07 3.33 0.91 −0.13 0.85 \n Pelvic *Mus* 34 46 0.08 0.15 4.42 0.59 0.27 0.83\n *Didelphis* 33 38 0.07 0.10 4.80 0.53 0.39 0.87 \n *Iguana* 30 32 0.07 0.08 5.27 0.40 0.50 0.80 \n *Sphenodon* 31 36 0.08 0.12 4.91 0.51 0.40 0.85 \n *Hyloplesion* 38 51 0.07 0.19 5.21 0.50 0.47 0.87 \n *Pantylus* 37 46 0.07 0.15 5.37 0.45 0.42 0.85 \n *Westlothiana* 37 45 0.07 0.09 5.34 0.47 0.47 0.85 \n *Seymouria* 39 54 0.07 0.21 5.28 0.49 0.62 0.84 \n *Ambystoma* 32 44 0.09 0.21 4.52 0.52 0.54 0.82 \n *Salamandra* 32 42 0.08 0.17 4.67 0.49 0.63 0.82 \n *Celtedens* 39 55 0.07 0.22 5.04 0.50 0.53 0.87 \n *Eryops* 37 50 0.08 0.13 4.95 0.51 0.57 0.85 \n *Balanerpeton* 38 54 0.08 0.21 4.76 0.51 0.46 0.85 \n *Tulerpeton* 46 57 0.06 0.09 5.89 0.49 0.57 0.85 \n *Ichthyostega* 45 53 0.05 0.10 5.89 0.51 0.60 0.87 \n *Acanthostega* 40 43 0.06 0.07 5.25 0.44 0.29 0.85 \n *Panderichthys* 6 8 0.53 0.53 1.60 0.39 −0.20 0.44 \n *Eusthenopteron* 9 8 0.22 0.00 2.56 0.55 −0.38 0.64 \n *Sterropterygion* 9 8 0.22 0.00 2.56 0.55 −0.38 0.64 \n *Neoceratodus* 63 84 0.04 0.38 5.47 0.97 −0.71 0.80 \n *Latimeria* 22 33 0.14 0.29 2.81 0.55 0.16 0.76 \n *Polypterus* 8 7 0.25 0.00 2.11 0.79 −0.59 0.63 \n\nThe first two PCA components explained 79.3% of the total topological variation among appendages ([Fig. ", "2A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The first axis of variation (60.1%) broadly discriminated between (i) more modular (higher P) sparsely connected (lower D) appendages, such as limbs, and (ii) less modular (lower P) densely packed (higher D) appendages, such as lobe-fins. ", "The second axis of variation (19.2%) broadly discriminated between (i) more regular appendages, in which bones tend to have the same number of articulations (lower H) and which contact bones with a similar number of articulations (high A), such as limbs and anatomically plesiomorphic lobe-fins, and (ii) more heterogeneous appendages, in which bones have a varying number of articulations (higher H) and which preferentially contact bones with a different number of articulations (lower A), such as in the anatomically derived lobe-fins of *Neoceratodus*.", "\n\n![", "Biplots of the first two PCA components of topological variables for pectoral (circles) and pelvic (triangles) appendages combined.\\\n(**A**) Distribution of pectoral and pelvic appendages for each taxon in the sample (abbreviated by the first three letters of the genera). ", "For reference, we included line drawings representing different appendages: (i) *Neoceratodus* pectoral, (ii) *Latimeria* pelvic, (iii) *Eusthenopteron* pelvic, (iv) *Gogonasus* pectoral, (v) *Salamandra* pectoral, (vi) *Acanthostega* pelvic, and (vii) *Sphenodon* pectoral. (**", "B**) Comparison of limbs versus fins (i.e., appendages with and without digits, respectively) showed that they occupy different regions of the morphospace. (**", "C**) Comparison of pectoral versus pelvic appendages showed that they occupy overlapping regions of the morphospace. (**", "D**) Comparison of extant versus extinct taxa showed that they occupy the PC2 axis in different ways. ", "Red arrows show the contribution to the first two PCA components of each network variable: (N) nodes, (K) links, (D) density, (C) clustering coefficient, (L) path length, (H) heterogeneity, (A) assortativity, and (P) parcellation.](aau7459-F2){#F2}\n\nThe PERMANOVA showed a statistically significant difference in topological variability between fins and limbs (*F*~1,44~ = 15.77, *P* = 9.9 × 10^−5^; [Fig. ", "2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The assortativity of appendages (i.e., tendency of bones to contact bones with a similar number of connections) was the main discriminator between fins and limbs, which occupied opposite positions along the assortativity-axis of variation. ", "Limbs had larger and positive values, whereas fins had lower and negative values. ", "We can explain this difference by the presence of the autopod in limbs and, more specifically, by the presence of digits. ", "Phalanges and, to a lesser extent, carpal/tarsal bones tend to articulate with other autopodial bones with a similar number of articulations. ", "For example, phalanges connect in a proximodistal series to other phalanges or metacarpals/metatarsals so that most phalanges have two articulations (one proximal and one distal) to other phalanges that also have two articulations (hence, A increases). ", "A similar pattern may occur among carpal/tarsal bones because of their nearly polygonal shapes. ", "However, the PERMANOVA showed no significant difference in topological variability between pectoral and pelvic appendages (*F*~1,44~ = 0.28, *P* = 0.88; [Fig. ", "2C](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and between extinct and extant species (*F*~1,44~ = 2.24, *P* = 0.09; [Fig. ", "2D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Pectoral and pelvic appendages did not occupy different areas of the morphospace, which indicates that they share a similar topological organization. ", "Last, although extinct and extant taxa are statistically indistinguishable, they appear to occupy slightly different areas of morphospace: Extant species varied equally along PC1 and PC2 axes, while the variance in extinct species is primarily concentrated along the PC1 axis and barely varied along the PC2 axis.", "\n\nEvolution of pectoral and pelvic appendages\n-------------------------------------------\n\nWe assessed the potential for parallel/convergent and divergent changes in topology for pectoral and pelvic appendages by estimating shifts in evolutionary regimes (SURFACE) and analyzing DTT. ", "The SURFACE analysis on PC1 and PC2 estimated a shift in mean values at the root branch of sarcopterygians for the complete sample of pectoral appendages ([Fig. ", "3A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), thus grouping together lobe-fins and limbs and singling out ray-fins. ", "The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of this estimated pattern was higher than one (PC1 = 1.26; PC2 = 4.68), which indicated a high effect size of both variables in discriminating groups and adequate power to detect shifts. ", "Comparisons of alternative evolutionary models using Akaike information criteria (AIC) weights showed that a one-regime Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model best explains the evolution of pectoral appendages (table S1); however, we could not discard that a multi-rate Brownian motion (BM) model could also explain it because AIC values were very close. ", "When comparing fin-bearing taxa with limb-bearing taxa, a phylogenetic MANOVA did not detect a statistically significant difference between them (*F*~2,21~ = 4.79, *P* = 0.238). ", "A similar pattern was found when we analyzed only those taxa for which we had a pelvic correspondence in the sample (fig. ", "S1). ", "The SURFACE analysis for the complete sample of pelvic appendages also estimated a single shift of mean values at the origin of sarcopterygians ([Fig. ", "3B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the SNR of the estimated pattern was uneven for each variable (PC1 = 0.69; PC2 = 2.12), which indicated a lack of effect size and power to discriminate between groups for PC1. ", "Comparisons of alternative models using AIC weights showed that an OU model with multiple optimal means (θ) better fitted the evolution of pelvic appendages (table S1). ", "However, a multi-rate BM model yielded similar goodness-of-fit results and could not be discarded. ", "When comparing fin-bearing taxa with limb-bearing taxa, a phylogenetic MANOVA detected a statistically significant difference between them (*F*~2,16~ = 16.85, *P* = 0.0024). ", "A similar pattern was found when we analyzed only those taxa for which we had data for both pelvic and pectoral appendages in the sample (fig. ", "S1B). ", "The congruence of results added support to an estimated shift in topological organization prior to the fins-to-limbs transition at the origin of sarcopterygian appendages. ", "However, it seemed to be possible to discriminate between fins and limbs in pelvic appendages. ", "Overall, limitations in our sample size and methods require cautious interpretations of the estimates of fitted of evolutionary shifts, although the SNR suggested that there was enough power to detect them.", "\n\n![", "Estimated evolutionary shifts using SURFACE.\\\n(**A**) Estimation using the complete sample of pectoral appendages. (**", "B**) Estimation using the complete sample of pelvic appendages. ", "Both appendages showed a regime shift in Sarcopterygii (in green). ", "An SNR above one indicates that there was a sufficient effect size to estimate the shift. ", "A hidden shift separating fin-bearing taxa and limb-bearing taxa was tested using phylogenetic MANOVA: It was not detected for pectoral appendages, but it was plausible for pelvic appendages. ", "See fig. ", "S1 for the results of subsamples. ", "Silhouettes from PhyloPic ([www.phylopic.org](http://www.phylopic.org)) CC-BY.](aau7459-F3){#F3}\n\nMean relative subclade topological DTT decreased for pectoral and pelvic appendages alike ([Fig. ", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The DTT profile of the complete samples showed a statistically significant deviation from the 95% confidence envelope for pectoral \\[MDI (morphological disparity index) − 0.41, *P* = 3 × 10^−4^\\] and pelvic appendages (MDI = −0.41, *P* = 1 × 10^−4^), especially after a point in time roughly concurrent with the age of the oldest purported tetrapod tracks ([Fig. ", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, light green dashed line). ", "The negative MDI values indicated that lineages had nonoverlapping topological variables and that their mean relative subclade disparity was lower than expected. ", "Because pectoral and pelvic samples differed in some taxa, we also analyzed a subsample of both appendages to compare them. ", "The subsampled DTT showed similar patterns between the pectoral and pelvic appendages, with a change in disparity roughly coincident with the age of the oldest tetrapod tracks (fig. ", "S2); the only difference was that the subset showed an almost invariant disparity after the early Middle Devonian time frame.", "\n\n![", "Topological DTT.\\\n(**A**) Pectoral appendages complete sample. (**", "B**) Pelvic appendages complete sample. ", "There was a decay in disparity (solid black line) for both appendages, which varied in the rate of decay in different periods of time. ", "Gray areas show the 95% confidence intervals of the expected disparity based on 10,000 phylogenetic simulations under BM. ", "Horizontal black dotted line shows the mean of disparity for all simulations. ", "Vertical color dashed lines mark the estimated time of key events in sarcopterygian evolution for reference (see table S5 for details).](aau7459-F4){#F4}\n\nPectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck\n-------------------------------------\n\nTo test the similarity bottleneck hypothesis, we performed phylogenetic generalized least square (PGLS) regressions of pectoral-pelvic disparity against time within the clade Tetrapoda for each of the topological variables. ", "As a proxy for similarity, we used disparity, calculated as the absolute residual of pectoral and pelvic network variables relative to the identity line (lower disparity = higher similarity). ", "The bottleneck hypothesis predicted regression slopes significantly greater than zero for disparity against time. ", "Because the bottleneck marked the point of minimum disparity (maximum similarity), taxa far from the bottleneck would have had higher disparity (lower similarity) than taxa close to the bottleneck. ", "None of the PGLS regressions were statistically significant ([Fig. ", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which meant that the topological arrangement of the pectoral-pelvic appendages did not support a similarity bottleneck at the origin of Tetrapoda. ", "We confirmed this result by performing phylogenetic Spearman's correlation nonparametric tests, which showed no statistically significant correlation (rho's *P* \\> 0.05) between each parameter's pectoral-pelvic disparity and time from the bottleneck.", "\n\n![", "Testing the pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck hypothesis for Tetrapoda.\\\nPGLS regression slopes (in red) were not different from zero in any of the eight variables analyzed, thus rejecting the presence of a pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck for the topological organization of the appendicular skeleton. ", "A significantly positive slope would be consistent with a bottleneck. ", "Blue dot mark the ray-finned fish *Polypterus*, which behaved as an outlier in some comparisons. ", "Nonparametric tests of phylogenetic Spearman correlations also rejected (rho's *P* \\> 0.05) the presence of a correlation between pectoral-pelvic disparity and time from the bottleneck.](aau7459-F5){#F5}\n\nAlternative anatomical interpretations\n--------------------------------------\n\nIn building anatomical networks of appendicular skeletons, we included only bones and articulations whose presence we were confident about (\"minimal networks\"). ", "However, 18 of 46 appendages modeled had one or more articulations for which we were uncertain, mostly involving mediolateral contacts between bones in extinct taxa. ", "We accounted for variations due to the presence/absence of these articulations by analyzing network models that also included these uncertain articulations (\"extended networks\"). ", "Regardless of minor changes in the values of some topological variables, the main results and interpretation for extended networks were the same as for minimal networks (see details in figs. ", "S12 to S15 and table S6). ", "This indicated that our analysis could accommodate informed variations in network models, due to alternative interpretations of the anatomy of appendages, without nullifying the main results and conclusions of this study.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n==========\n\nThe evolution of tetrapod limbs from fish fins occurred through a series of anatomical changes, including the loss/gain of girdle elements, acquisition of wrist/ankle joints, and the development of digits ([@R5]). ", "Here, we demonstrated that digits had the greatest impact on the evolution of the topological anatomy of the appendicular skeleton. ", "Topological variables discriminated between digit-bearing taxa and radial-bearing taxa, which occupied distinct regions of the morphospace ([Fig. ", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Studies based on different appendicular skeletal traits also discriminated between digit-bearing taxa and radial-bearing taxa ([@R31]). ", "From a topological viewpoint, digits increased the number of bones (N) and articulations (K) of appendages but in such a way (in contrast to carpal/tarsal topological arrangements of bones) that both the relative density of articulations (D) and the heterogeneity of number of articulations of bones (H) decreased. ", "At the same time, phalanges articulating one-on-one proximodistally increased the overall path length (L) of appendages and the assortativity of bones (A). ", "Last, the formation of new digit modules increased the parcellation (P) of limbs compared to lobe-fins, making them more modular ([@R23]). ", "The origin of digits was concomitant with the parallel evolution of pectoral and pelvic limbs toward a region of the morphospace ([Fig. ", "2A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, top right), where digit-related features predominated (high N, K, A, and P; low D and H). ", "These findings are not a surprise if one acknowledges the presence of digits as a morphological and evolutionary novelty ([@R27], [@R32]--[@R34]), regardless of shared developmental histories or \"deep homologies\" between digits and radials ([@R35]--[@R39]). ", "Novelties that increase the potential topological morphospace provide an opportunity for greater diversification ([@R40]). ", "The separation of digit-bearing taxa in the morphospace is in line with the idea that the evolution of limbs represented a truly novel anatomical reorganization ([@R41]). ", "This novelty has well-recognized functional implications: By partitioning fins into more modular limbs, there should have been more potential for localized functional specializations of bones, joints, muscles, and more, including differential functions of pectoral and pelvic appendages ([@R9]). ", "Such potential would also arise from the modified degrees of freedom of the limb, transformed from somewhat homogeneous, more flexible fins into fewer, more stiffened distal limb joints (i.e., in the mesopodium and autopodium) ([@R42]). ", "This is a logical speculation, although our analysis of bone topological networks is unable to account for details of the lepidotrichia, which overall should be less stiff and more numerous than distal limb joints. ", "To our surprise, we could not detect these topological differences as an evolutionary shift through the phylogeny of early tetrapods ([Fig. ", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Here, our estimations find only an evolutionary shift at the origin of sarcopterygians that set lobe-fins and limbs apart from ray-fins. ", "This result suggests a conserved, constrained pattern among sarcopterygian appendages, which share some organizational features in the proximal regions, such as the topological arrangement of the girdles, stylopod, and parts of the zeugopod ([@R15]).", "\n\nThe topological disparity of pectoral and pelvic appendages also decreased during the time span between the origin of sarcopterygians and the origin of amniotes ([Fig. ", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Disparity decreased more markedly until approximately the time of the earliest described tetrapod trackways \\[e.g., ", "the Zachełmie tracks from the Middle Devonian ([@R43]), similar in timing to other records predating substantial body fossils ([@R44], [@R45])\\] and then stabilized. ", "This pattern, although based on a modest sample size as mandated by the existing fossil record, is congruent with an evolutionary stabilization of the disparity of appendicular anatomical organization near the origin of tetrapods. ", "If we consider these earliest tetrapod trackways part of the fins-to-limbs transition, our results would suggest that the transition indirectly decreased the morphological variation, which may have constrained the evolution of different topologies in limbs (see, for example, the morphospace occupation of limbs in [Fig. ", "2C](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This conclusion would agree with a dynamic compromise between possibly different functional demands in pectoral and pelvic appendages during the water-to-land transition ([@R9]) and a shared developmental program constraining the evolvability of limbs ([@R46]) \\[constraints that are still strong even in more deeply nested tetrapod lineages like primates ([@R47])\\]. ", "Differing constraints and perhaps compromises have also been proposed to explain a decrease of disparity in the lower jaw of tetrapodomorphs across the water-to-land transition ([@R48]). ", "However, while functional trade-offs are likely for the feeding versus locomotor systems of stem tetrapods, this decoupling remains to be studied for the craniocervical region, which was likely more constrained in tetrapodomorphs by mechanical interactions between the pectoral appendages, axial column, and skull.", "\n\nPrevious studies have suggested the presence of bottlenecks in pectoral-pelvic anatomical similarity during the evolution of vertebrates ([@R7], [@R21], [@R24]--[@R26]). ", "One similarity bottleneck was proposed at the origin of tetrapods coincident with the fins-to-limbs transition ([@R7], [@R26]). ", "This bottleneck was supported by data from general morphological features (e.g., shape and size similarities and presence/absence of homologous bones) ([@R3]) and overall configuration and number of muscles ([@R26]). ", "Our disparity versus time regression tests ([Fig. ", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}) rejected the presence of this bottleneck for the eight topological variables measured for taxa across the fins-to-limbs transition. ", "These new tests override our previous tentative support for this bottleneck from the analysis of the network-anatomy of extant taxa alone ([@R23]). ", "Our result, based on the network-anatomy or topological organization of the skeleton, differs from previous observations based on different skeletal and muscular features. ", "One possible resolution to this apparent contradiction is that bones and muscles may have had a decoupled evolution during the fins-to-limbs transition, mirroring the idea that bones and muscles can respond differentially in time and magnitude to evolutionary pressures ([@R49]--[@R51]). ", "Lingering challenges for this question include the differing nature of data in bottleneck analyses \\[e.g., ", "phylogenetic characters ([@R3]) and muscular attachments ([@R26])\\] relative to this study, in addition to other complex traits not yet considered in such analyses, such as lepidotrichia.", "\n\nOur study of the network-anatomy of appendages during the fins-to-limbs transition revealed an overall parallelism in the evolution of pectoral and pelvic appendages during this time, shaped greatly by the origin of digits. ", "Digits were a morphological novelty that significantly changed the topological features of appendages, discriminating limbs from fins and even from transitional forms. ", "The presence of digits set apart appendages that were less densely and heterogeneously connected but more assortative and modular. ", "Digits evolved in the context of a general decrease in topological disparity among pectoral as well as pelvic appendages, which may have had an impact on the subsequent evolution of tetrapods in terms of function, behavior, and ecology.", "\n\nMETHODS\n=======\n\nAnatomy of extinct taxa\n-----------------------\n\nWe examined the skeletal anatomy of the pectoral and pelvic appendages in 18 extinct taxa: *Sauripterus taylory* Hall 1843; *Sterropterygion brandei* Thomson 1972; *Eusthenopteron foordi* Whiteaves 1881; *Cabonnichthys burnsi* Johanson & Ahlberg 1997; *Mandageria fairfaxi* Johanson & Ahlberg 1997; *Gogonasus andrewsae* Long 1985; *Panderichthys rhombolepis* Gross 1941; *Tiktaalik roseae* Daeschler, Shubin & Jenkins, 2006; *Acanthostega gunnari* Jarvik 1952; *Ichthyostega* sp. ", "Säve-Söderbergh 1932; *Tulerpeton curtum* Lebedev 1984; *Balanerpeton woodi* Milner & Sequeira 1994; *Eryops megacephalus* Cope 1877; *Celtedens ibericus* McGowan and Evans 1995; *Seymouria baylorensis* Broili 1904; *Westlothiana lizziae* Smithson and Rolfe 1990; *Pantylus cordatus* Cope 1881; and *Hyloplesion longicostatum* Fritsch 1875. ", "Our resources included museum collections, photographs, and literature descriptions (see details in the Supplementary Materials). ", "These taxa were selected because they have articulated specimens with complete pectoral and/or pelvic appendages for examination and/or described in the literature. ", "We only considered incomplete or disarticulated materials when a full, rigorous reconstruction of the appendage was available in the literature. ", "Last, we decided to exclude from the analysis those appendages for which the complete skeletal anatomy could not be confidently reconstructed due to a large number of missing elements, namely, pectoral appendages of *Acanthostega*, *Ichthyostega*, and *Westlothiana* and pelvic appendages of *Sauripterus*, *Gogonasus*, *Cabonnichthys*, *Mandageria*, and *Tiktaalik*.", "\n\nAnatomy of extant taxa\n----------------------\n\nWe examined the skeletal anatomy of pectoral and pelvic appendages in nine extant taxa. ", "Six of them were recently described elsewhere ([@R23]): *Polypterus senegalus* Cuvier 1829, *Latimeria chalumnae* Smith 1939, *Neoceratodus forsteri* Krefft 1870, *Ambystoma mexicanum* Shaw 1789, *Salamandra salamandra* Linnaeus 1758, and *Sphenodon punctatus* Gray 1842. ", "In addition, we built network models for *Iguana iguana* Linnaeus 1758, *Didelphis virginiana* Kerr 1792, and *Mus musculus* Linnaeus 1758 (see details in the Supplementary Materials). ", "We selected these extant taxa because there were available dissection data and because they bracket the fins-to-limbs transition (i.e., rootward and crownward relative to Tetrapoda/Amniote).", "\n\nNetwork modeling\n----------------\n\nWe built unweighted, undirected network models for the appendicular skeleton, where nodes coded for bones and links connecting nodes coded for physical articulation or contacts between two bones. ", "Network models included the girdle and fin/limb skeleton. ", "For the girdles, we considered all skeletal elements present or presumed as present: In pectoral girdles, these may include interclavicle, clavicle, supracleithrum, anocleithrum, cleithrum, and scapulocoracoid; in pelvic girdles, these may include the hip bones fused (pelvis) or divided into two or three parts (ilium, pubis, and ischium). ", "For fin and limb skeletons, we considered all endochondral elements with a sufficient degree of ossification to be directly observed, as well as those elements for which there was enough indirect evidence (for example, an articular surface in another bone). ", "We decided to exclude peripheral dermal elements, such as lepidotrichia and scales, from the fin network models for two main reasons. ", "First, it is often impossible to precisely identify their physical contacts to other elements in fossil taxa; second, their absence in digit-bearing taxa adds noise to the comparison of the skeletal topology between fins and limbs using network analysis.", "\n\nWe coded the articulations among bones following detailed descriptions of each taxon (see the Supplementary Materials). ", "When in doubt, we considered physical contiguity and adjacency as presence of articulation, which allowed us to code for contacts between bones in fossils that did not preserve details of the articular surface due to lack of preservation. ", "Nevertheless, it was sometimes difficult to discern the presence/absence of a given contact between two bones in fossil taxa. ", "We tackled this uncertainty at the modeling and analysis levels. ", "At the modeling level, we tested uncertainty by building two types of networks for each appendage: a minimal network that includes the contacts with high certainty and an extended network that includes also potential but more uncertain contacts (see the Supplementary Materials). ", "This assesses whether different criteria may affect the evolutionary patterns reported. ", "At the analysis level, we tested uncertainty by performing a robustness test of network parameter values under the assumption of random noise or sampling error (see below).", "\n\nAnatomical network analysis\n---------------------------\n\nWe characterized the architecture of fins and limbs using eight topological variables (network parameters): number of nodes (N), number of links (K), density of connections (D), mean clustering coefficient (C), mean path length (L), heterogeneity of connections (H), assortativity of connections (A), and parcellation (P). ", "In short, parameters N and K are counts of the number of bones and physical contacts among bones, respectively. ", "D measures the actual number of connections divided by the maximum number possible (it ranges from 0 to 1); D increases as new bones evolve if they form many new articulations, and decreases otherwise. ", "C measures the average of the ratio of a node's neighbors that connect among them so that two nodes connected to the same node are also connected (it ranges from 0 to 1); in the appendicular skeleton, triangular motifs can form by adding mediolateral articulations to the most commonly present proximodistal ones. ", "L measures the average number of links required to travel between two nodes (minimum 1); L will increase, for example, by the presence of serial bones articulating one on one proximodistally. ", "H measures the variability in the number of connections of nodes as the ratio between the standard deviation and the mean of the number of connections of all nodes in the network (minimum 0); appendages where each bone has a different number of articulations will have a high H, while if bones have the same number of articulations (i.e., forming a regular pattern) the appendage will have a low H. A quantifies the extent to which nodes with the same number of connections connect to each other (positive if nodes with the same number of connections connect to each other, and negative otherwise); when this happens, A is positive, whereas the inverse tendency means that A is negative. ", "Last, P measures the degree of modularity of the network (it ranges from 0 to 1); appendages with more network modules and with bones evenly distributed among modules will have a high P. See the Supplementary Materials for further mathematical details. ", "We measured topological variables in R ([@R52]) using functions from the package igraph ([@R53]).", "\n\nParameter robustness\n--------------------\n\nWe tested the robustness of topological variables to potential errors in assessing the presence of bones and articulations by comparing the observed values to a randomly generated sample of 10,000 noisy networks for each anatomical network. ", "We created noisy networks by randomly rewiring the links of the original network with a 0.05 probability, which results in introducing a 5% artificially generated error. ", "Then, we compared the observed values of empirical networks to the sample of noisy networks. ", "In each case, we tested the null hypothesis that observed values are equal to the sample mean. ", "We rejected the null hypothesis with α = 0.05 if the observed value is in the 5% end of the distribution of simulated values (table S2; \"TRUE,\" cannot reject H~0~; \"FALSE,\" reject H~0~ with α = 0.05). ", "We tested a total of 272 values (34 networks × 8 parameters): 268 fell within the confidence intervals and scored TRUE in the test. ", "The exceptions were for *Neoceratodus* pectoral path length, *Neoceratodus* pelvic clustering coefficient and path length, and *Didelphis* pelvic parcellation. ", "Because the anatomy of *Neoceratodus* and *Didelphis* derived from our own dissections, these few cases of rejection of the null hypothesis for these parameters can be attributed to the difficulty for a random noise process to produce realistic dissection errors (for example, by coding the femur as not articulating with the pelvis).", "\n\nPhylogenetic relationships\n--------------------------\n\nWe assembled a phylogenetic tree for our study taxa using the supertree recently published by Ruta and co-workers ([@R54]). ", "Following Ruta *et al*.", "'s work, we calibrated the tree branches using the \"equal\" method defined by Lloyd and colleagues ([@R55], [@R56]) to adjust zero-length and internal branches, as implemented in the package paleotree ([@R57]) for R. This method is the most conservative to time-calibrate a phylogeny: It makes few assumptions about divergence times and relies exclusively upon first appearance dates ([@R54]). ", "Temporal ranges of taxa \\[first and last appearance date in million years (Ma)\\] follow those of Ruta *et al*. ([", "@R54]), the Paleobiological Database (<https://paleobiodb.org/>), and TimeTree ([www.timetree.org](http://www.timetree.org)) (tables S4 and S5). ", "We constrained tree calibration by assigning minimum dates for known internal nodes (clades or splits) based on molecular inferences and fossil dates from the literature ([@R54]). ", "The exact dates for first and last appearance of taxa and for internal nodes are available within source code included. ", "Note that when required by the analysis, our phylogenetic tree was pruned to only include those taxa of interest.", "\n\nAnalysis of topological variation\n---------------------------------\n\nWe ran a PCA of topological variables by a singular value decomposition of the centered and scaled measures using the function prcomp in the R built-in package stats ([@R52]). ", "We used PCA components to test whether the anatomical organization of the appendicular skeleton differed (i) between fins (without digits) and limbs (with digits), (ii) between pectoral and pelvic appendages, and (iii) between extinct and extant taxa. ", "We performed a PERMANOVA over 10,000 permutations using the function adonis in the R package vegan ([@R58]). ", "PERMANOVA used a permutation test with pseudo-*F* ratios on the Euclidean distances of the matrix of PCA components to test the null hypothesis that the centroids and dispersion were equivalent for each group comparison. ", "Rejection of the null hypothesis meant that the network topology differed between the groups compared.", "\n\nEvolutionary modeling\n---------------------\n\nWe estimated the occurrence of evolutionary shifts in the topological organization of appendages in our phylogenetic tree using a SURFACE ([@R59]) analysis of the first two PC components for pectoral and pelvic appendages independently. ", "SURFACE estimates change of evolutionary regimes---i.e., changes in the strength (α) and rate (σ) of evolution and in the optimal mean (θ) in the branches and/or clades of a tree---from multivariate data and a non-ultrametric tree. ", "SURFACE uses an OU stabilizing selection model of evolution, which allows changes in the rate of evolution and optimal means of variables. ", "If present, this method identifies homoplasy: two clades with the same regime. ", "Given the small sample of appendages in our comparisons, we deemed it necessary to calculate the power of the SURFACE analysis as an indicator of reliability in the accuracy of estimated patterns. ", "Because in OU models power is dependent by strength, rate, and optimal mean combined, effect-size measures offer a better prediction of power than sample size ([@R60]). ", "We calculated the power of the estimated regimes using the SNR, which is defined as $\\text{SNR} = \\sqrt{2T}{\\alpha\\theta}/\\sigma^{2}$ where *T* is the total depth of the phylogeny. ", "High power can be inferred when SNR \\> 1. ", "To further validate the estimated regimes, the output of SURFACE was then fitted to alternative evolutionary models: a one-rate BM; a multi-rate BM; an OU with fixed strength, rate, and mean; an OU with fixed strength and rate, and multi-mean; and an OU with fixed strength, and multi-rate and multi-mean. ", "Fitted models were compared using AIC. ", "Last, we statistically tested the resulting evolutionary models of evolution with a phylogenetic MANOVA to confirm that the clades identified had a different regime corresponding to different groups with different means. ", "The combination of estimation, fitting, and testing allowed us to build confidence that the evolutionary patterns found were reliable if they converged on the same result. ", "Evolutionary modeling was carried out in R using functions from the packages surface ([@R59]), mvMORPH ([@R61]), and geiger ([@R62]) for the estimation, fitting, and testing, respectively.", "\n\nDisparity through time\n----------------------\n\nTo examine how topological disparity changed over time, we calculated the mean relative subclade DTT on pectoral and pelvic appendages separately. ", "Following a previous study on mammalian neck anatomy ([@R63]), we first obtained the covariation of topological variables by performing independent PCAs for pectoral and pelvic networks. ", "Next, we calculated the mean subclade disparity on the PC scores using the function dtt in the R package geiger ([@R62]). ", "The higher the disparity, the higher the variance within subclades (i.e., lower conservation) and the lower the variance between subclades ([@R64], [@R65]). ", "We tested the statistical significance of the observed disparity with a randomization inference test with 10,000 simulations under a BM evolution on our phylogeny. ", "Function dtt also calculated the morphological disparity index, which quantified the overall difference in relative disparity of a clade compared to that expected under the null BM model. ", "To offer a better pectoral-to-pelvic comparison, DTT analyses were also performed on the subsample of taxa for which we have both pectoral and pelvic appendages.", "\n\nPectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck\n-------------------------------------\n\nWe tested the hypothesis of the existence of a pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck at the origin of Tetrapoda for each topological variable independently. ", "For practical purposes, we used pectoral-pelvic disparity (lower disparity means greater similarity). ", "Pectoral-pelvic disparity was calculated as the absolute residuals of pectoral and pelvic values on the identity line (or 1:1 line, a line with intercept = 0 and slope = 1) so that identical pelvic and pectoral appendages---maximal similarity---had a value of zero disparity. ", "According to previous formulations of the bottleneck hypothesis for tetrapods, taxa before and after the split of tetrapods would have a greater pectoral-pelvic disparity (lower similarity) than taxa closer to the origin of tetrapods ([@R7], [@R23], [@R26]). ", "Thus, the farther we go in time from this event, the greater the expected pectoral-pelvic disparity should be. ", "To test this prediction, we performed a PGLS of the absolute pectoral-pelvic residuals on the 1:1 line against the time from the Tetrapoda branch of taxa having both appendages in the sample (*t*~0~ = 370.4 Ma). ", "We used PGLS to test against the null hypothesis of a slope = 0, meaning no difference in pectoral-pelvic DTT. ", "For our prediction to hold, PGLS needed to show a statistically significant positive regression slope. ", "PGLS was computed in R using a standard generalized least square with an a priori correlation structure derived from the phylogenetic tree using the function corPagel of the package ape ([@R66]). ", "Because some parameters may not follow some of the assumptions of PGLS, we also performed a phylogenetic Spearman's correlation test (a nonparametric test with fewer assumptions) to test whether there was a relationship between pectoral-pelvic disparity and time from the bottleneck; a lack of correlation means no difference in pectoral-pelvic DTT.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### http://advances.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/5/5/eaau7459/DC1\n\n###### Download PDF\n\nWe thank J. Clack, T. Smithson, M. Coates, and R. Benson for their help in interpreting skeletal anatomy in fossil specimens; D. Brinkman and A. Heimer (Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History) for providing correct number and high-resolution images of *Sterropterygion brandei*; J.R.H.'s team at the Royal Veterinary College for their input on early drafts; J. Smaers for teaching and insight on phylogenetic analyses; and the Transmitting Science team for making it possible. ", "We also thank J. Cundiff (Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard) and E. Bernard (Natural History Museum of London) for their assistance in accessing specimens. ", "S.E.P. also thanks the support by Harvard University funds. **", "Funding:** This project was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. ", "654155. **", "Author contributions:** B.E.-A., S.E.P., and J.R.H. built and revised the adjacency matrices for extinct taxa. ", "B.E.-A., J.L.M., P.J., J.R.H., and R.D. built and revised the adjacency matrices for extant taxa. ", "B.E.-A. designed the study, analyzed the networks, and wrote the manuscript. ", "All authors discussed the results and revised the manuscript. **", "Competing interests:** The authors declare that they have no competing interests. **", "Data and materials availability:** All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. ", "Additional data related to this paper may be requested from B.E.-A. at <[email protected]>. ", "The data and code that support the findings of this study are available from Figshare at <https://figshare.com/s/4c3a1dd62d1f55728a0e>.", "\n\nSupplementary material for this article is available at <http://advances.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/5/5/eaau7459/DC1>\n\nTable S1. ", "Model fitting of SURFACE estimations (wAIC).", "\n\nTable S2. ", "Result of the robustness test.", "\n\nTable S3. ", "Summary of the community structure search in anatomical networks.", "\n\nTable S4. ", "First and last appearance dates used to calibrate the phylogeny.", "\n\nTable S5. ", "Internal nodes used to constrain the calibrated phylogeny.", "\n\nTable S6. ", "Values of network variables measured on each extended network model.", "\n\nFig. ", "S1. ", "Estimated evolutionary shifts using SURFACE.", "\n\nFig. ", "S2. ", "Topological DTT for pectoral and pelvic appendages.", "\n\nFig. ", "S3. ", "Visual representation of network parameters \\[from ([@R23])\\].", "\n\nFig. ", "S4. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the number of nodes.", "\n\nFig. ", "S5. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the number of links.", "\n\nFig. ", "S6. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the density.", "\n\nFig. ", "S7. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the clustering coefficient.", "\n\nFig. ", "S8. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the shortest path length.", "\n\nFig. ", "S9. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the heterogeneity.", "\n\nFig. ", "S10. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the assortativity.", "\n\nFig. ", "S11. ", "Diagnostic plots of pGLS model assumptions for the parcellation.", "\n\nFig. ", "S12. ", "Biplots of the first two PCA components of topological variables for pectoral (circles) and pelvic (triangles) appendages combined.", "\n\nFig. ", "S13. ", "Estimated evolutionary shifts using SURFACE.", "\n\nFig. ", "S14. ", "Topological DTT for pectoral and pelvic appendages.", "\n\nFig. ", "S15. ", "Testing the pectoral-pelvic similarity bottleneck hypothesis for Tetrapoda.", "\n\nSupplementary Methods\n\nSupplementary Results\n\nReferences ([@R67]--[@R104])\n" ]
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[ "Friday, October 15, 2010\n\nDigital Signature in REST Services to maintain the integrity of sensitive data in URI\n\nWhen we think about REST web service, we all have heard this recommendation that we had better keep the application state on the client side, if the data regarding to the application state is not that large, then we can put that data in the URI, if you decide to do that to manage the state, then you need to have some kind of checking to make sure that state data has not been tampered. ", "one option is using digital signature.", "\nWe are going to use signature to maintain the integrity of sensitive data contained in the URI. ", "To detect tampering, we compute the digital signature of the data in the URI using hash algorithms like HMACMD5 and then encode using base64 and then put that signature in the URL as another query parameter." ]
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[ "\n40 Cal.", "App.4th 1521 (1995)\n48 Cal. ", "Rptr.2d 325\nTHE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent,\nv.\nGILBERT ANTHONY KWOLEK, Defendant and Appellant.", "\nDocket No. ", "H012939.", "\nCourt of Appeals of California, Sixth District.", "\nDecember 12, 1995.", "\n*1524 COUNSEL\nRudy Kraft, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.", "\nDaniel E. Lungren, Attorney General, George Williamson, Chief Assistant Attorney General, Ronald A. Bass, Assistant Attorney General, Stan M. Helfman and Sharon G. Birenbaum, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.", "\nOPINION\nPREMO, Acting P.J.\nOn July 19, 1993, defendant Gilbert Anthony Kwolek was charged by information with attempted murder. (", "Pen. ", "Code, §§ 664, 187.)[1] The information further alleged use of a deadly weapon (§ 12022, subd. (", "b)) and infliction of great bodily injury (§ 12022.7).", "\n*1525 Defendant pleaded not guilty and denied the enhancing allegations. ", "The jury found defendant guilty as charged, and also found true the special allegations. ", "Defendant moved for a new trial on the ground of ineffective assistance of counsel. ", "The court granted defendant's motion.", "\nOn June 14, 1994, a second jury trial began. ", "The jury found defendant guilty of the lesser offense of attempted voluntary manslaughter. ", "The second jury also found true the enhancing allegations of weapon use and great bodily harm.", "\nOn July 29, 1994, the trial court sentenced defendant to the aggravated prison term of five years and six months, plus a consecutive three-year enhancement for the great bodily injury finding. ", "The sentence enhancement for the weapon use was stayed. ", "The court also ordered defendant to pay restitution of $19,806 to the State Board of Control, and in addition imposed a restitution fine of $5,000, which it stayed.", "\nWe affirm the judgment and strike the restitution fine.", "\n\nFACTS\nIn June 1993, defendant and his wife Kellie were living in a trailer at a motor home park in Scotts Valley. ", "The trailer was loaned to the Kwoleks by Kellie's grandparents.", "\nOn June 13, 1993, starting about 11 a.m., defendant was drinking heavily a mix of Seagram's 7 whiskey and 7-Up. ", "Even when defendant and Kellie were cruising on their motorcycle the beach areas of Santa Cruz and Capitola, they returned twice to the motor home for short periods of time so that Kellie could mix more drinks for defendant. ", "Kellie was not drinking.", "\nAbout 5 or 5:30 p.m., after returning to their trailer from their cruise and visit to a friend, Kellie asked defendant if he wanted dinner. ", "Defendant did not answer. ", "Instead, defendant asked Kellie to get him some marijuana. ", "Kellie refused. ", "Defendant asked Kellie two or three times more, and Kellie refused each time. ", "Because defendant was getting angry, Kellie left the trailer and walked around the \"RV\" park, hoping defendant would cool off.", "\nAbout 10 minutes later, Kellie returned to the trailer. ", "Kellie lied to defendant that she had not been able to get any marijuana. ", "Defendant became more angry. ", "Defendant left the trailer, telling Kellie he would try to get some marijuana himself.", "\n*1526 Kellie locked the door after defendant had left. ", "Five minutes later, defendant returned. ", "Defendant turned the door's handle to open it. ", "Kellie went to the door to open it. ", "Before Kellie could get to the door, defendant started banging the side of the trailer. ", "When Kellie opened the door, defendant swung it hard against the trailer. ", "This angered Kellie because defendant \"always seems to do damage to the RV when he gets mad, and it doesn't belong to us.\" ", "Kellie \"wound up kicking [defendant] in the face.\"", "\nDefendant rushed at Kellie and knocked her down against the bathroom door. ", "Defendant hit Kellie several times on the head. ", "Kellie screamed, and defendant stepped away. (", "Kellie did not know if defendant had any marijuana with him.)", "\nHalf an hour later, Kellie asked defendant again if he wanted her to cook dinner for him. ", "Defendant said he wanted a pasta dish. ", "While Kellie was cooking, defendant was \"griping\" about when the dinner would be ready, saying he should not have to wait that long. ", "After dinner was ready and served, Kellie set some tea on the table. ", "Kellie knocked the tea over by accident. ", "This upset defendant, who moved away from the table and started eating over his motorcycle helmet. ", "Kellie asked defendant to eat at the table because he was getting pasta all over the helmet and on the sitting area. ", "Defendant refused, telling Kellie it was her fault there was pasta all over the place, and because it was her fault, she should clean it up. ", "Kellie insisted it was not her fault, and refused to clean up the mess. ", "This made defendant angrier.", "\nDefendant grabbed the table, which was built in, and tried to flip it over, knocking off the food, tea, and a vase, and breaking the fluorescent light that was hanging over the back end of the table. ", "Kellie asked defendant to stop and calm down.", "\nDefendant did not stop. ", "He went to the other end of the trailer and punched the portable fan, breaking it. ", "Defendant then lay down on the couch, telling Kellie to leave him alone. ", "Kellie cleaned up the mess, took the table outside to fix it, and put the broken fan in the dumpster.", "\nWhen defendant awoke, he asked where the fan was. ", "Kellie told defendant she had thrown it into the dumpster because it was broken. ", "Defendant told Kellie to get it because he was going to decide whether it was broken or not. ", "Kellie refused, and the two argued again.", "\nDefendant told Kellie he did not want the cat in the trailer. ", "The cat had been too sick to move around and eat or drink on its own. ", "Defendant picked *1527 up the cat and pushed it through the window. ", "Kellie left the trailer to get the cat and bring it back in. ", "Kellie told defendant to leave the cat alone.", "\nDefendant went for the cat, saying he was going to kill it. ", "Kellie blocked defendant, telling defendant he was not going to kill the cat and to leave it alone. ", "Defendant reached for the area near the bed where Kellie knew defendant kept his knife. ", "Kellie grabbed defendant's shoulders and tried to pull him down, ripping defendant's shirt in the process. ", "Kellie saw the knife in defendant's hand as defendant was moving to get to the cat. ", "Kellie struggled to keep defendant away.", "\nKellie felt hard blows to her side. ", "Kellie turned towards the door because defendant's blows were hurting her and she was scared. ", "While going for the door, Kellie felt more blows — three or four of the blows to her back felt very hard. ", "As Kellie ran out of the trailer, she shouted for help. ", "Kellie felt her back with her hand. ", "When Kellie looked at her hand, it was covered with blood. ", "Realizing she was bleeding and afraid to lose more blood, Kellie sat down on the ground and tried not to move around. ", "Defendant stood by the doorway of the trailer merely looking at Kellie.", "\nThe police arrived about four minutes later. ", "Emergency personnel took Kellie to the hospital, where she was confined for eight days. ", "Kellie's injuries included a wound at the base of her neck and four wounds along the back part of the rib cage. ", "The most serious wounds were the neck wound and one back wound that penetrated the lung cavity, causing a partial collapse of the lung.", "\nSheila Smith, a neighbor of the Kwoleks, testified that when the police had put defendant in a patrol car, she went to defendant and asked him what had happened. ", "Defendant shook his head. ", "Smith asked defendant if he and Kellie were fighting and why. ", "Defendant answered, \"Because of drugs.\" ", "Pointing over to the police with his head, defendant said to Smith: \"Don't tell them that.\"", "\nTestifying in his own behalf, defendant denied that he had asked Kellie to get him some marijuana. ", "Defendant admitted holding his knife, but said he had no idea that Kellie had been hurt.", "\nDefendant also testified that while he was in the police car, a woman had asked him what had happened. ", "Defendant had told the woman that he got mad at Kellie because he thought Kellie was over at Linda's \"getting loaded.\" ", "The woman had asked, \"Over drugs?\" ", "and defendant had said, \"Yes, over drugs,\" but had told the woman not to say anything because he did not want Kellie to look bad.", "\n\n\n*1528 CONTENTIONS\nDefendant contends:\n1. ", "The conviction is void because Judge Kelly had no authority to sit as a permanent member of the superior court bench.", "\n2. ", "The trial court erroneously permitted defendant to be impeached with his prior conviction for possession of marijuana for sale.", "\n3. ", "The trial court erroneously imposed a $5,000 restitution fine and additional restitution of $19,806.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n\nJudge Kelly Had Proper Authority\n(1) Defendant's contention that his conviction is void because Judge Kelly had no authority to sit as a permanent member of the superior court bench is without merit.", "\nMunicipal Court Judge Thomas E. Kelly presided over defendant's jury trial. ", "Judge Kelly, together with four other judges of the Santa Cruz County Municipal Court District, had been assigned December 29, 1992, by the Chief Justice to sit as judges of the Superior Court of Santa Cruz County \"from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993, and until completion and disposition of all causes and matters heard pursuant to this assignment.\" (", "Judicial Council of Cal., ", "Blanket Assignment (Dec. 29, 1992) B-1673-92.) ", "Judge Kelly's assignment, as well as those of the others assigned together with him, was renewed for calendar years 1994 and 1995. (", "Judicial Council of Cal., ", "Blanket Assignment (Dec. 31, 1993) B-1673-93; Judicial Council of Cal., ", "Blanket Assignment (Jan. 3, 1995) B-1673-95.)", "\nBecause Judge Kelly's assignment was renewed twice and lasted a total of three years, defendant argues that Judge Kelly's assignment was a permanent one and a violation of article VI, section 16, subdivision (b), of the California Constitution, which provides that superior court judges \"shall be elected in their counties or districts at general elections.\"", "\nAlthough admitting that under article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution the Chief Justice \"may provide for the assignment of any judge to another court,\" defendant maintains that the Chief Justice's power of assignment is subject to the limitation that it be made only \"to expedite *1529 judicial business and to equalize the work of judges.\" (", "Ibid.) ", "Defendant claims that Judge Kelly's assignment \"looks more and more like a permanent assignment\" because it \"lasted at least three consecutive years.\"", "\nThe constitutional implications of the phrase \"and until completion and disposition of all causes and matters heard pursuant to the assignment\" in the Chief Justice's assignment order were recently addressed in People v. Swain (1995) 33 Cal. ", "App.4th 499 [39 Cal. ", "Rptr.2d 422]. ", "In that case, the Chief Justice assigned Municipal Court Judge Roberta McPeters and 23 other municipal court judges to sit as superior court judges of San Bernardino County from January 1, 1993, to December 31, 1993, \"and until completion and disposition of all causes and matters heard pursuant to the assignment.\" (", "Id. at p. 502.) ", "The defendant contended that the blanket assignment was indefinite and violated, inter alia, article VI, section 4 of the California Constitution, which gives to the Legislature the power to \"prescribe the number of judges ... of each superior court,\" because the Chief Justice's assignment \"`circumvents the need for the Legislature to \"prescribe\" the number of judges, as well as the power of the people to elect superior court judges based upon the appropriate qualifications and experience.'\" (", "People v. Swain, supra, 33 Cal. ", "App.4th at p. 503.)", "\nThe Swain court rejected the defendant's contention, reasoning: \"[T]he language in the blanket assignment exemplifies the flexibility found in California Constitution, article VI, section 6. ", "In addition to identifying each of the municipal court judges to be assigned to sit in the superior court, the assignment limits the period of time in which it will be effective. ", "Although defendant has attempted to characterize the blanket assignment as an indefinite blanket assignment, we find such characterization to be incorrect. ", "The assignment states that it is effective for the calendar year of 1993 `and until completion and disposition of all causes and matters heard pursuant to this assignment.' ", "Such language takes into account the fact that some causes may continue past December 31, 1993. ", "Thus, for those causes in progress, the municipal court judge may continue to hear the matter until its completion. ", "Contrary to defendant's interpretation of this language, we find that the blanket assignment was for a limited duration. [¶] ", "We also find that the blanket assignment accomplishes the purpose of expediting judicial business and equalizing the work of judges. ", "The court, counsel, litigants, and the public (who pay for the justice system) have an interest in cost effective and expeditious process of court matters. ", "Today's superior courts are faced with heavy case loads and the judges are chronically overburdened. ", "Thus, litigants, defendants, and the public are prejudiced by delays in bringing criminal cases to trial. ", "For example, delays causing a defendant to remain in custody affect his liberty interests, while the public unnecessarily may have *1530 to pay the added cost of incarceration. ", "As time goes by, memories of witnesses fade. ", "Therefore, Penal Code section 1050, subdivision (a) provides that `criminal cases shall be given precedence over, and set for trial and heard without regard to the pendency of, any civil matters or proceedings.' ", "This leads to a frustration of the expeditious handling of civil cases. ", "Accordingly, there is great need for flexibility in administration of the court system on a day-to-day basis. ", "In our view, the blanket assignment is one tool which has and can be used to keep the system `running on time' by making additional judicial resources available to an overtaxed system. ", "Moreover, it facilitates a defendant's right to a speedy trial.\" (", "33 Cal. ", "App.4th at pp. ", "503-504, fns. ", "omitted.)", "\nThe fact that the assignment in this case was renewed twice[2] to cover a total duration of three years did not transform the temporary assignment to permanent. ", "The observation made in Bach v. McNelis (1989) 207 Cal. ", "App.3d 852, 871 [255 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "232], is just as valid here: \"[T]he mere fact that the assigned judge acts with the authority of an incumbent member of the court to which he is assigned does not transform him into an incumbent of that court; he is simply invested `with no other or different official relation to such courts than that held by the already regularly constituted members thereof ... in order, in that relation, to exercise the judicial function.' [", "Citation.] ", "By contrast, the sole means by which one can become a regularly constituted incumbent of a court of record is through election or appointment by the governor to a vacancy. [", "Citation.] ", "Assignment thus does not make a judge an incumbent, just as acting in the Governor's absence does not make the Lieutenant Governor the Governor of California. ", "The Lieutenant Governor becomes Governor only when a vacancy occurs in the office of Governor and a justice court judge becomes an incumbent of a higher court only when elected or appointed to that office. [", "Citation.] ", "Though acting with the authority of the office, the judge does not on that account become the incumbent officeholder. ", "An assigned judge therefore need not satisfy the restrictions on the officeholder.... [A]n assigned judge does not hold the office of the higher court; he merely exercises the power of the judicial position during the temporary period of assignment.\" (", "Fn. ", "omitted.)", "\nResponding to concerns raised by the length of the assignment, the Bach court continued: \"It may be true, as argued by plaintiff, that an assignment might conceivably result in a `loophole' where an assigned judge may sit for substantial periods of time on a court of record without complying with the restrictions under which an incumbent judge would operate. ", "But this lacuna in the judicial structure, if it may be said to exist, is one we believe was *1531 contemplated and countenanced by the Constitution on the assumption the temporary nature of assignments would inevitably render the service de minimis. ", "As the Supreme Court noted long ago, it must be `taken for granted' that an assignment made in proper exercise of the wise discretion of the Chief Justice will not continue indefinitely. [", "Citation.]\" (", "207 Cal. ", "App.3d at p. 872.)", "\nIn any event, the validity of Judge Kelly's assignment cannot be collaterally attacked in this appeal. ", "The proper method of challenge is a quo warranto proceeding. ", "As stated in People v. Bowen (1991) 231 Cal. ", "App.3d 783, 789-790 [283 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "35]: \"Since 1866 our courts have held the proper method of challenging the right of a judge to hold office is by a quo warranto proceeding. ", "In People v. Sassovich (1866) 29 Cal. ", "480, a murder case in which the death penalty was imposed, on appeal the defendant challenged his trial proceedings as void because the court in which he was tried was unconstitutionally created by the Legislature and the Governor lacked the constitutional power to appoint the judge who presided over defendant's trial and conviction. ", "After finding the court was constitutionally created, the court rejected the second contention, holding: `The person who filled the office of Judge at the time this case was tried was appointed and commissioned by the Governor under and in pursuance of the provisions of the Act in question. ", "He entered therefore under color of right and title to the office, and became Judge de facto if not de jure, and his title to the office cannot be questioned in this collateral mode. [", "Citations.] ", "His title can only be questioned in an action brought directly for that purpose....' A contrary doctrine, for obvious reasons, would lead to most pernicious results.' [", "Citation.] ", "As between defendant and the People in this proceeding, the issue is collateral. [¶] ", "Defendant urges the issue is not collateral `but was a direct challenge to the proceedings prior to the entry of judgment.' ", "It is true his attack was not undertaken following a final judgment and is not `collateral' in that sense, but it is nonetheless an issue wholly removed from the question of his guilt or innocence or the fairness of the trial. ", "Under the `de facto' officer doctrine the attack on the judge's qualifications is deemed collateral and must be raised separately. [", "Citation.]\" (", "Fn. ", "omitted.)", "\nWe conclude Judge Kelly had proper authority to preside over defendant's trial in this case, and that defendant's conviction is valid.", "\n\nPrior Conviction Properly Admitted for Impeachment\n(2a) Defendant contends the trial court erroneously permitted him to be impeached with his prior conviction for possession of marijuana for sale. ", "The contention is without merit.", "\n*1532 Defendant was convicted in 1986 of felony possession of marijuana for sale. ", "During the trial of this case, defendant moved to exclude use by the prosecution of this prior felony conviction for impeachment purposes. ", "The prosecution opposed the motion, arguing that the crime of which defendant was previously convicted involved moral turpitude, was not similar to the present offense, and the conviction was not remote. ", "Defendant conceded that possession of marijuana for sale is a moral turpitude crime, but maintained that the prior conviction was remote and more prejudicial than probative, and hence not admissible under Evidence Code section 352.", "\nThe trial court denied defendant's motion, stating: \"All right. ", "Exercising my discretion doing a 352 analysis, the Court rules that it may be used for impeachment purposes, the probative value does outweigh any undue prejudice. ", "It clearly bears on credibility. ", "I don't feel that it's too remote in time, and the conduct, frankly, I think it's a factor in admitting it for impeachment purposes that it is different than what is at issue here. ", "This is a crime of violence here, that is possession of marijuana for sale. ", "I think it would be more prejudicial were that impeachment prior such that it related to a crime of violence. ", "And as indicated and conceded, it would not affect the defendant's decision to testify. ", "So balancing all the factors both good and bad, I feel the probative value outweighs the prejudicial effect, so it will be allowed to be used for impeachment.\"", "\nSubsequently, defendant took the witness stand. ", "On cross-examination, defendant admitted that in 1986 he was convicted of possession of marijuana for sale.", "\nAt the close of the trial, the court instructed the jury: \"The fact that a witness has been convicted of a felony, if such be a fact, may be considered by you only for the purpose of determining the believability of that witness. ", "The fact of such a conviction does not necessarily destroy or impair a witness's believability. ", "It is one of the circumstances that you may take into consideration in weighing the testimony of such a witness.\"", "\nThe rule is settled that the trial court's discretion to exclude or admit relevant evidence under Evidence Code section 352 \"is as broad as necessary to deal with the great variety of factual situations in which the issue arises, and in most instances the appellate courts will uphold its exercise whether the conviction is admitted or excluded.\" (", "People v. Collins (1986) 42 Cal.3d 378, 389 [228 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "899, 722 P.2d 173].)", "\n(3) In People v. Beagle (1972) 6 Cal.3d 441, 453 [99 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "313, 492 P.2d 1], the court identified four factors that should be considered in *1533 deciding whether to admit or exclude a prior conviction under Evidence Code section 352. ", "These factors are: (1) whether the prior conviction \"rest[s] on dishonest conduct\"; (2) the \"nearness or remoteness of the prior conviction\"; (3) whether \"the prior conviction is for the same or substantially similar conduct for which the accused is on trial\"; and (4) \"what the effect will be if the defendant does not testify out of fear of being prejudiced because of impeachment by prior convictions.\" (", "6 Cal.3d at p. 453.)", "\nConcerning the fourth factor, Beagle issued some caution: \"We do not propose to encourage or countenance a form of blackmail by defendants. ", "No witness including a defendant who elects to testify in his own behalf is entitled to a false aura of veracity. ", "The general rule is that felony convictions bearing on veracity are admissible.\" (", "6 Cal.3d at p. 453.) ", "The fourth factor is not an issue here because defendant had conceded that the admission of the prior would not affect his decision to testify.", "\n(4) Further, it has been held that \"[w]hen the question on appeal is whether the trial court has abused its discretion, the showing is insufficient if it presents facts which merely afford an opportunity for a difference of opinion. ", "An appellate tribunal is not authorized to substitute its judgment for that of the trial judge. [", "Citation.] ", "A trial court's exercise of discretion will not be disturbed unless it appears that the resulting injury is sufficiently grave to manifest a miscarriage of justice. [", "Citation.] ", "In other words, discretion is abused only if the court exceeds the bounds of reason, all of the circumstances being considered. [", "Citation.]\" (", "People v. Stewart (1985) 171 Cal. ", "App.3d 59, 65 [215 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "716].)", "\n(2b) In arguing that admission of his prior conviction was more prejudicial than probative, defendant claims that because he and Kellie contradicted each other about whether defendant had asked Kellie to get marijuana on the day of the crime, the admission of the prior conviction allowed the jury to use the fact of the prior conviction, which was for possession of marijuana for sale, to infer that he was a drug user. ", "Defendant argues that without the prior conviction, the jury would have had \"no clear choice in deciding whether appellant or his wife was telling the truth.\"", "\nGranting that evidence of defendant's prior conviction allowed the jury to infer that defendant was a drug user, that did not nullify the trial court's discretion to find that the evidence was still more probative than prejudicial. ", "If the effect of the admission of the prior conviction was for the jury to infer that defendant lied when he denied asking Kellie to get marijuana, such inference was consistent with the purpose of admitting impeachment evidence, and also consistent with the maxim falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.", "\n*1534 We conclude the trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting evidence of defendant's prior conviction for impeachment purposes.", "\n\nNo Error in Imposing Restitution\n(5) At sentencing, the trial court ordered defendant to pay restitution of $19,806 \"to the State Board of [C]ontrol, claim number 281470.\" ", "In addition, the court imposed a restitution fine of $5,000, which it stayed \"pending successful completion of parole.\"", "\nOn the $19,806 restitution, defendant contends the order is unauthorized because, first, \"[t]he State Board of Control is not a `victim' for the purposes of the restitution statutory scheme,\" and, second, \"[t]he restitution order fails to specify the losses to which it pertains.\" ", "We disagree.", "\nAt the time of the sentencing on July 29, 1994, Government Code section 13967, subdivision (c), provided in relevant part that \"[i]n cases in which a victim has suffered economic loss as a result of the defendant's criminal conduct, and the defendant is denied probation, in lieu of imposing all or a portion of the restitution fine, the court shall order restitution to be paid to the victim.\" (", "See Stats. ", "1992, ch. ", "682, § 4.)", "\nIn People v. Crow (1993) 6 Cal.4th 952, 960 [26 Cal. ", "Rptr.2d 1, 864 P.2d 80], the court held that notwithstanding the express statutory definition of \"victim\" in Government Code section 13960, a governmental agency qualifies as a \"victim\" within the meaning of Government Code section 13967, subdivision (c). ", "The court reasoned: \"Irrespective of whether the defendant is granted or denied probation, restitution ensures `\"that amends... be made to society for the breach of the law,\"' enables `people who suffer loss as a result of criminal activity [to] be compensated for those losses,' and acts `as a \"deterrent to future criminality\" ... and \"to rehabilitate the criminal.\"' [", "Citation.] ", "These policies are best implemented by treating the government as a victim regardless of whether the defendant is placed on probation. ", "It is highly unlikely that the Legislature intended the term `victim' to include the government in statutes authorizing the trial court to impose restitution as a condition of probation — as explained in People v. Narron, [(1987)] 192 Cal. ", "App.3d 724 [237 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "693] — but that the Legislature did not wish the term to include the government in section 13967(c), which authorizes the trial court to order restitution while denying the defendant probation.\" (", "People v. Crow, supra, 6 Cal.4th at p. 958, fn. ", "omitted.)", "\nDefendant's reliance on People v. Williams (1989) 207 Cal. ", "App.3d 1520, 1523 [255 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "778] and People v. Franco (1993) 19 Cal. ", "App.4th 175, 184-185 [23 Cal. ", "Rptr.2d 475], is misplaced. ", "Those cases are distinguishable.", "\n*1535 In Williams, the issue was whether Allstate Insurance was a victim within the meaning of Government Code section 13967 and as such entitled to restitution for the $1,416 it had paid the insured for car repairs and medical costs. ", "In Franco, the issue was whether the City of Woodlake was a victim and accordingly entitled to restitution for the $13,183.67 it had paid as workers' compensation benefits to the officer whom the defendant had shot and injured.", "\nAs the insurer in Williams, Allstate was bound by its insurance contract to pay the insured the losses suffered. ", "Allstate's contractual obligation to pay was the quid pro quo for the policy premiums it had collected from the insured. ", "Because there was quid pro quo for the payments it made, Allstate was not a victim within the meaning of Government Code section 13967.", "\nThe same reasoning conceptually applies to Franco. ", "The idea behind workers' compensation laws is compulsory insurance. (", "Graczyk v. Workers' Comp. ", "Appeals Bd. (", "1986) 184 Cal. ", "App.3d 997, 1002 [229 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "494, 58 A.L.R. 4th 1245].) ", "As in private insurance, there is a quid pro quo for the insurance coverage a worker receives. ", "In Goldman v. Wilsey Foods, Inc. (1989) 216 Cal. ", "App.3d 1085, 1095 [265 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "294], the court explained this quid pro quo thusly: \"Article XIV, section 4 of the California Constitution vested the Legislature with the plenary power to create a comprehensive workers' compensation system providing for a compulsory and exclusive scheme of employer liability without fault for employment-related injuries. ", "This scheme ... reflects a legislated `quid pro quo.' ", "Having balanced the sacrifices and gains of employers and employees, the Legislature created a workers' compensation scheme reflecting a `fundamental social compromise,' in which employers accepted liability without fault to pay compensation to injured employees in exchange for exemption from employees' civil actions for damages. [", "Citation.]\"", "\nIn contrast, the State Board of Control, as the administrator of the state's restitution fund, functions without any quid pro quo. ", "It awards emergency funds to crime victims for loss of income or support, or for expenses if the victim requires emergency medical treatment (Gov. Code, § 13961.1) without receiving any premium or other form of consideration in return. ", "Therefore, an order directing payment of restitution to that body is not analogous to restitutions made payable to the victim's insurers.", "\nMoreover, effective September 29, 1994, the Legislature amended section 1202.4, subdivision (f), to read as follows: \"In every case in which a victim has suffered economic loss as a result of the defendant's conduct, and the *1536 defendant is denied probation, in lieu of imposing all or a portion of the restitution fine pursuant to subdivision (b), the court shall require that the defendant make restitution to the victim or victims. ", "Payments made pursuant to this subdivision shall be made to the Restitution Fund to the extent that the person has received assistance pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 13959) of Chapter 5 of Part 4 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.\" (", "See Stats. ", "1994, ch. ", "1106, § 3, italics added.)", "\nAlthough the quoted amendment was enacted subsequent to the sentencing in this case, it is clear the amendment is merely declaratory of legislative intent. ", "It is also purely procedural. ", "It only provides for the manner in which payments to the victim will be made. ", "No conceivable prejudice will be caused to the defendant. ", "Consequently, a retroactive application of the amendment will not violate the constitutional prohibition against enactment of ex post facto laws. ", "In People v. Zito (1992) 8 Cal. ", "App.4th 736, 741 [10 Cal. ", "Rptr.2d 491], this court stated that \"the rule against ex post facto legislation would apply so long as restitution is characterized as `punishment.'\" ", "Because the 1994 amendment merely directs to whom restitution payments will be made without changing the substantive provisions of the law, it is not punishment, and hence does not come under the ex post facto rule of legislation.", "\nAs to defendant's contention that the restitution order fails to specify the losses to which it pertains, defendant interposed no objection on this ground below. ", "In People v. Zito, supra, 8 Cal. ", "App.4th at page 742, this court held that where the issue \"concerns the identity and specificity of the losses involved,\" it is a \"purely factual issue\" that \"is susceptible of waiver.\" ", "Consequently, in failing to object on this ground below, defendant waived the issue on appeal.", "\n\nError in Imposing Restitution Fine\n(6) Defendant contends, and respondent concedes, that the trial court erred in imposing a restitution fine of $5,000 in addition to the restitution of $19,806. ", "We agree. ", "The error is patent from the language of former Government Code section 13967, subdivision (c), which permitted the imposition of direct restitution to the victim \"in lieu of imposing all or a portion of the restitution fine.\" (", "See Stats. ", "1992, ch. ", "682, § 4.)", "\nBecause the court erred in imposing the $5,000 restitution fine, the issue of defendant's ability to pay that fine is moot.", "\n\n\n*1537 DISPOSITION\nThe order imposing a $5,000 restitution fine is stricken. ", "In all other respects, the judgment is affirmed.", "\nElia, J., and Mihara, J., concurred.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Further statutory references are to the Penal Code unless otherwise indicated.", "\n[2] The Swain court denied the oral argument request of defendant's counsel to take judicial notice of another blanket assignment issued by the Chief Justice for the 1994 calendar year.", "\n" ]
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[ "New beta cis folded organocobalt derivatives with a salen-type ligand.", "\nThe reduction of [Co(III)(tmsalen)py(2)](+)ClO(4)(-), where tmsalen = 4,4',7,7'-tetramethylsalen, with NaBH(4)/PdCl(2) in alkaline methanolic solution, followed by the oxidative addition of CH(2)ClI, leads to the expected trans organometallic dimeric species 1, [CH(2)ClCo(tmsalen)](2), provided that the product is recovered from the reaction mixture immediately after the completion of the reaction. ", "If 1 is left for longer time in contact with the reaction mixture, the intramolecular reaction of the axial chloromethyl group with the equatorial chelate leads to the formation of the monocationic complex 2, containing a seven-membered ring. ", "In this complex the novel tetradentate ligand coordinates Co in a cis fashion, the other two positions being occupied by one py and one water molecule. ", "The resulting complex is chiral, even if the reaction product is a racemic compound. ", "The unidentate ligands of 2 have been exchanged quantitatively for N-MeIm, and the resulting complex 3 still maintains the beta cis geometry. ", "Therefore, 2 may be considered the precursor of a new class of organocobalt derivatives with a folded tetradentate ligand and two adjacent exchangeable sites. ", "On the basis of the geometry of the tetradentate Schiff bases in complexes, where they adopt a planar geometry, it was suggested that there is a significant electron density delocalization involving the metal center over the two chemically equivalent moieties of Co(chel). ", "Comparison of the geometry of the planar salicylaldiminate (sal) moiety with that of the cyclized methoxy-iminate one (imi) in 2 and 3 strongly supports that the delocalization, still present in sal, is essentially either lost or strongly reduced in imi." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.003663003663003663, 0 ]
[ "Introduction\n============\n\nColorectal cancer (CRC) is the leading cause of cancer related death worldwide [@B1]. ", "The pathogenesis of CRC is complicated, which is attributed to the dysregulation of multiple signaling pathways like Wnt, TGFβ and Ras [@B2]-[@B6] , as well as microRNAs [@B7], making it difficult to develop effective targeted drugs for CRC treatment. ", "Currently, surgical excision combined with chemotherapy is a common therapeutic strategy for CRC [@B8]. ", "However, the efficacy of current treatments is compromised as the drug molecule does not reach the target site with an effective concentration, and the low specificity of chemotherapeutics often produces a range of dose-limiting side effects including hair loss, nausea and vomiting [@B9], [@B10]. ", "Thus, it is critical to develop effective targeted drugs for CRC with advantages of high efficacy and low side effects.", "\n\nAccumulating evidences indicate that microRNAs play important roles in regulating tumorigenesis and have potential as therapeutic targets [@B11]-[@B14]. ", "Among microRNAs, miR-31 has been characterized as an oncogene in a variety of human cancers including breast, lung and colon cancers. ", "miR-31 exhibits markedly upregulated expression in CRC [@B15]-[@B18] and promotes tumorigenesis by activating Wnt, and concomitantly suppressing BMP and TGFβ signaling pathways, which are critical for CRC initiation and development [@B19]. ", "Given the critical role of miR-31 in CRC, anti-miR-31 oligonucleotide, i.e., miR-31 inhibitor (miR-31i), is identified as a potential high-value therapeutic for CRC. ", "Particularly, small RNA-based nanosystems are increasingly developed in the treatment for a variety of diseases [@B20]. ", "Therefore, it becomes very promising to make a miR-31i based nanosystem for treating CRC. ", "In addition, curcumin (Cur) is a great natural anti-cancer agent, suppressing colorectal cancer cell proliferation and migration by regulating multiple signaling pathways, with advantages of low toxicity and good biocompatibility. ", "Due to its poor aqueous solubility, Cur is usually loaded to nanocarriers for CRC treatment [@B21]-[@B24]. ", "Considering distinct mechanisms of miR-31i and Cur in suppressing CRC development, targeted co-delivery of miR-31i and Cur with nanocarriers to colorectal tumor sites might represent an effective approach for CRC treatment via synergistic suppression of tumor growth.", "\n\nThe nanoparticle-based therapeutic strategies have spurred substantial advances in decreasing side effects and enhancing efficacy for treating CRC [@B25]-[@B28]. ", "Over the past few years, several types of nanoparticles (NPs) have been developed to deliver chemotherapeutic drugs for CRC, including liposome-based NPs, biodegradable and noncytotoxic polymeric NPs [@B29]-[@B33]. ", "However, nonspecific uptake of these nanomedicines still results in adverse effects and toxicity on organs like liver and kidney following distribution of drug in blood circulation around the body, since they are generally designed to achieve systemic delivery of therapeutics via parenteral route. ", "Recently, the use of rectal delivery of nanomedicines for CRC is emerging with advantages such as fast therapeutic effects and diminishing hepatic first-pass effect [@B34]. ", "Despite these obvious advantages, the development of rectal delivery system is still slow due to many critical challenges, as nanosystems typically undergo rapid depletion toward the exterior following administration in the rectum as a result of the natural bowel movement and defecation reflex [@B35]. ", "Two types of rectal delivery nanosystems, mucoadhesive and mucus-penetrating types have been developed. ", "Mucoadhesive nanosystem, which can adhere to colonic mucus, benefit enhancing drug retention and improving local drug bioavailability, but the strong adhesion to mucins impairs effective transport across the inner layer of mucus thus limiting drug absorption [@B36], [@B37]. ", "By comparison, mucus-penetrating nanosystems can easily pass through the inner layer of mucus, but its drug retention time is short [@B38]. ", "A smart drug delivery system which can switch from mucoadhesive to mucus-penetrating at the time needed is ideal for treating CRC. ", "In addition, another challenge is that those biocompatible biomaterials of nanosystems were unstable under gastrointestinal conditions, while chemical materials are toxic and have stimulatory effects on immune system [@B39], [@B40]. ", "Formulation into nanoparticles have potential for improving drug stability in the harsh gastrointestinal (GI) tract environment, providing opportunities for targeting specific sites in the GI tract, increasing drug solubility and bioavailability, and providing controlled release properties in the GI tract [@B41]. ", "Therefore, it is critical to make an ideal rectal delivery system for CRC to overcome these challenges.", "\n\nIn order to make an efficient rectal delivery system for CRC, we first developed mucus-penetrating NPs of α-lactalbumin (α-La) PSs targeting a colon cancer stem cell antigen CD133 and co-loaded with miR-31i and Cur. ", "Then the mucus-penetrating NPs were further incorporated into thiolated TEMPO oxidized Konjac glucomannan (sOKGM) microspheres, which possessed ideal mucoadhesive property due to disulfide bond interactions with the colonic mucus layer [@B42]-[@B45], forming sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur composite microspheres. ", "The microspheres appeared long drug retention, stable in gastrointestinal conditions, pH responsive and low toxicity. ", "Concomitantly, the released PS-miR-31i/Cur NPs from the microsphere efficiently passing through the colonic mucus layer, and allowed Cur and miR-31i to target to colon tumor cells, thus suppressing colon tumor growth efficiently. ", "The sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres may represent as a novel and viable rectally targeted therapeutic approach for CRC with high efficacy and low toxicity.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nMaterials\n---------\n\nα-lactalbumin (≥85%), curcumin (≥98%), cysteine (≥97%), N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride crystalline (EDC), pepsin and trypsin were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. *", "Bacillus licheniformis* protease (BLP) was a kindly gift from Novozymes, Denmark. ", "The CD133-targeting peptide (TP, KMPKEVPSSWLS) was synthesized by GL Biochem (Shanghai) Ltd., China. ", "The miR-31i (5\\'-AGC UAU GCC AGC AUC UUG CCU-3\\') was synthesized by Suzhou GenePharma, China. ", "Konjac glucomannan (≥98%) polymer was purchased from Yizhimoyu Co., China. ", "Hydrophobic Cy3, hydrophilic Cy3-SE and hydrophilic Cy7-SE were purchased from Fanbo Biochemical Co., China. ", "FeSO~4~·7H~2~O, hexane, methanol, and other chemical reagents were purchased from Beijing Chemical Reagent Factory, China. ", "Ultrapure water was purified by Milli-Q^®^ Reference Water Purification System (Sigma-Aldrich, USA).", "\n\nCell lines and animals\n----------------------\n\nThe HCT116, LoVo and HT29-MTX human CRC cell lines were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). ", "Cells were cultured at 37°C in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS. ", "C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Charles River Co., China.", "\n\nFormulation of sOKGM-PS delivery system\n---------------------------------------\n\n### Preparation of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs\n\nThe synthesis of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs was optimized based on a previously described method [@B46] with modifications. ", "α-La (1 mg/mL) was dissolved in Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.5 and hydrolyzed by BLP (at a 1:25 BLP:α-La weight ratio) for 30 min at 50°C to generate α-La peptides. ", "PSs were self-assembled from α-La peptides at 4°C overnight. ", "The anticancer agent Cur (10 mg/mL, dissolved in DMSO) can be loaded into the PS cores by mixing Cur with PS buffer solution (at a 6:1 PS:Cur weight ratio) during the process of self-assembly from α-La peptides. ", "After Cur being loaded into PS core, the Tris-HCl buffer and DMSO was removed from formulation by dialyzed the 6 mL (1 mg/mL, equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-Cur NPs solution with 1 L ultrapure water for 30 minutes, and it was repeated four times. ", "The CD133-TP (KMPKEVPSSWLS) was conjugated to active carboxyl groups on the surface of the PSs after EDC activation at room temperature for 8 hours (at a 5.5:4:1 PS:TP:EDC weight ratio). ", "Excess EDC and TPs were removed using a centrifugal filter tube (10 kDa, Millipore Co., Germany) at 3,500 rpm for 30 min. ", "The miR-31i was mixed with PS-TP-Cur NPs (at a 60:1 PS:miR-31i weight ratio) in DNase/RNase free water to generate PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs. ", "The PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs were directly used in subsequent experiments or freeze dried for storage at -20°C.", "\n\n### Preparation of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres\n\nTEMPO-OKGM with a degree of oxidation of 80% (DO80) was prepared following our previously described method [@B47]. ", "We first added cysteine to OKGM polymers. ", "In this process, 120 mg of DO80 OKGM was completely dissolved in 20 mL pH 3.0 HCl aqueous solution; then, 9.98 mg of EDC and 9.14 mg of cysteine were dissolved in 200 μL of water and added dropwise into the OKGM solution with mild stirring at 25°C for 24 hours. ", "Excess cysteine and EDC were removed by ethanol dialysis. ", "Cysteine-linked OKGM polymers were freeze dried and stored at -20°C. ", "A previously described inverse emulsion method [@B47] was used to generate microspheres. ", "Fifty milligrams of cysteine-linked OKGM polymers and 12 mg of FeSO4·7H2O were dissolved in 1 mL of water, and 1.5 g of Span 80 was dissolved in 40 mL of paraffin oil. ", "A 1 mL volume of the aqueous solution and 200 μL of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs (30 mg/mL, equivalent to the PS concentration) were added dropwise into the oil phase with mild stirring at 35°C for 4 hours. ", "Consequently, cysteine-linked OKGM polymers were crosslinked by both Fe^3+^ ions coordinated with carboxyl groups and disulfide bonds to form the microspheres (sOKGM), and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs were concomitantly encapsulated in the sOKGM microspheres. ", "Next, the sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were washed three times with hexane and then three times with methanol. ", "In each washing step, the system was centrifuged (3000 rpm, 2 min), the liquid was decanted, and the particles were resuspended. ", "In these processes, hexane was removed by washing with methanol. ", "After the last step, the microparticles were washed by pH 3.0 HCl aqueous solution for another three times to remove methanol. ", "Finally, the sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were dissolved in 4 mL of pH 3.0 HCl aqueous solution for storage.", "\n\nCharacterization of sOKGM-PS delivery system\n--------------------------------------------\n\n### Characterization of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs\n\nThe morphological characteristics of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs were observed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-1400, Japan). ", "Samples were diluted with water to a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration), placed on a 200-mesh copper grid, stained with uranyl acetate for 1 min, and then air dried at room temperature. ", "The size and zeta potential of PSs, PS-TPs, PS-TP-miR-31i NPs and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs were determined by a Nano-ZS 2000 (Malvern Instruments, Ltd., U.K.). ", "For the dispersion stability test, 1 mg/mL PS-TP NP solution (equivalent to the PS concentration) was prepared in water and incubated in a 37°C incubator. ", "Then, the size distribution and zeta potential were measured daily for 7 consecutive days.", "\n\n### Loading efficiency of the miR-31i\n\nFAM-labeled miR-31i sequences were mixed with PS-TP NPs at increasing weight ratios (PS:miR-31i weight ratios of 10:1, 20:1, 40:1, and 60:1) to generate PS-TP-miR-31i NPs. ", "Gel shift assays were conducted on 1.5% agarose gels. ", "The results were visualized and imaged using a standard imaging system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA).", "\n\n### Determination of thiol groups in sOKGM polymers\n\nThe substitution degree of thiol group in the sOKGM polymers was determined by Ellman\\'s method according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Briefly, 0.4 mg/mL of sOKGM polymers solution was prepared and diluted with 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 8) containing 1 mM EDTA to prepare different dilutions. ", "16 mL aliquots of each dilution were added to 180 mL of 0.5 M phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) and 4 mL of Ellman\\'s reagent (4 mg/mL of DTNB in 0.5 mol/L phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). ", "Control reactions were carried out with non-modified OKGM polymers. ", "The samples were shielded from light and incubated at room temperature for 15 min. ", "Then, 200 μL of the supernatant was transferred to a micro titration plate and the absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 412 nm with an Infinite 200 PRO multimode reader (Tecan, Switzerland). ", "The amount of free thiol groups was calculated from the standard plot prepared by measuring the absorbance of L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate solutions as described above.", "\n\n### Size distribution of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres\n\nThe sizes of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were determined by the Nano-ZS 2000 (Malvern Instruments, Ltd., U.K.). ", "For the dispersion stability test, 1.5 mg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur was prepared in aqueous solution at pH 3.0 and incubated in a 37°C incubator. ", "The size distribution of thek9 sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres was measured daily for 7 consecutive days. ", "The measurements were performed in triplicate.", "\n\n### Characterization of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres\n\nPS-TP NPs were labeled with Cy3 (red) on carboxyl groups, and miR-31i sequences were labeled with FAM (green) in sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres. ", "The morphology of the sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres was observed using a fluorescence microscope (Nikon, Japan) and a confocal laser scanning microscope (Nikon, Japan).", "\n\nStability and retention assay\n-----------------------------\n\n### *In vitro* stability and controlled release assay\n\nThe stability of disulfide bond/Fe^3+^-mediated OKGM (sOKGM)-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres was determined by microscopy (Nikon, Japan) after incubation in simulated gastric or intestinal conditions at 37°C. ", "Drug release studies of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were carried out by centrifugation. ", "PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur-encapsulating Fe^3+^-mediated OKGM (fOKGM) or sOKGM microspheres were immersed in simulated gastric solution and simulated intestinal solution or in water at different pH values (from pH 3.0 to pH 8.0), and then placed in a 37°C incubator. ", "At predetermined time intervals, samples were collected then the OKGM microspheres and nanoscaled peptsomes were separated by centrifugation where the released PS-Cur presented in supernatant. ", "The released PS-Cur from microspheres in supernatant can be observed by TEM, and the concentration of Cur extracted from PS-Cur by acetonitrile in the supernatant of each sample was measured by ultraviolet (UV) absorbance at 445 nm using an ultraviolet spectrophotometer (RF-6000, Shimadzu, Japan). ", "The simulated gastric solution contained 3.2 g/L pepsin and 2.0 g/L NaCl. ", "The final pH value was adjusted accordingly to 1.5 with HCl prior to the addition of pepsin. ", "The simulated intestinal solution contained 10 g/L trypsin, 5.59 g/L K~2~HPO~4~, and 0.41 g/L KH~2~PO~4~. The final pH value was adjusted accordingly to 7.5 with NaOH prior to the addition of trypsin.", "\n\n### *In vivo* retention and distribution assay\n\nPSs were labeled with Cy7-SE as a fluorescent tracker. ", "A total of 100 μL of 1.5 mg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-Cy7 NPs, fOKGM-PS-Cy7 and sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres were rectal or gavage administered to 6-week-old C57BL/6 male mice, which were pre-fasted for 24 hours. ", "At a predetermined time after administration, the mice were sacrificed for sample collection. ", "The Cy7 fluorescence signals in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract were examined using an IVIS Spectrum (Spectral Instruments Inc., USA).", "\n\nToxicity analysis\n-----------------\n\n### *In vivo* toxicity analysis\n\n6-week-old C57BL/6 male mice were gavage-treated with 100 μL of PBS or sOKGM-PS (1.25 mg/mL, equivalent to the PS concentration) once daily for 7 consecutive days. ", "After the treatment, the mice were sacrificed for sample collection. ", "Colon, intestine, liver and kidney samples were collected, fixed in 10% formalin, and paraffin embedded. ", "Five-micrometer sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). ", "For immunohistochemistry, sections were deparaffinized, pretreated with 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0), and incubated first with primary antibodies and then with secondary antibodies. ", "The signals were detected by diaminobenzidine (DAB). ", "Hematoxylin was used as a counterstain. ", "Anti-p65 and p-STAT3 antibodies (1:1000, Cell Signaling Technology, USA) were used to detect inflammatory signaling pathways.", "\n\n*In vitro* cytotoxicity analysis\n--------------------------------\n\nHCT116 and LoVo cells were cultured in 96-well plates (Corning Inc., USA) at a density of 5,000 cells per well for 24 hours. ", "Then, the cells were incubated in fresh DMEM containing PS, TP, PS-TP, miR-31i, Cur, PS-miR-31i, PS-Cur, PS-miR-31i/Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i or PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur at concentrations of 24, 48, 72, and 96 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) for an additional 24 hours. ", "Cell viability was measured using a Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8, Beyotime Biotechnology, China). ", "A 10 μL volume of CCK-8 solution was added to each well, and the cells were incubated at 37°C for an additional 1 hour. ", "The absorbance values of each well at 450 nm, which are proportional to the number of viable cells in the well, were read on an ELx800 microplate reader (BioTek Inc., USA).", "\n\nThe analysis on mucoadhesive and mucus-penetrating features of sOKGM-PS delivery system\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n### *In vivo* analysis on adhesion and penetration of sOKGM-PS delivery system to colon mucins\n\nCy3 was loaded into PSs as a fluorescent tracker. ", "A total of 100 μL of 1.5 mg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) sOKGM-PS-Cy3 or fOKGM-PS-Cy3 microspheres and 0.1 μL of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA,1 mg/mL, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) were administered to 8-week-old C57BL/6 male mice by enema. ", "Whole-mount colon tissue was directly attached to slides and observed by a confocal laser scanning microscope (Nikon, Japan) after biopsy. ", "Colon confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) tomography was performed at 1 μm per layer.", "\n\n### *In vitro* analysis on adhesion of sOKGM microspheres to HT29-MTX cells\n\nThe mucus-secreting cell line HT29-MTX was cultured in 6-well plates (Corning Inc., USA). ", "sOKGM-PS-Cy3 or fOKGM-PS-Cy3 microspheres were dissolved in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and were incubated with 90% confluent HT29-MTX cells for 30 min at 37°C. ", "After incubation, the cells were washed twice with PBS to remove unbound microspheres. ", "Then, the cells were observed by CLSM (Nikon, Japan). ", "The Cy3 signal coverage in the mucus surface of HT29-MTX cells was measured using ImageJ [@B48], [@B49].", "\n\n### *In vivo* analysis on penetration of PS NPs to colon mucins\n\nPS NPs and sOKGM microspheres were labeled by Cy3. ", "A total of 100 μL of 1.5 mg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-Cy3 NPs or fOKGM-Cy3 microspheres and 0.1 μL of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA,1 mg/mL, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) were administered to 8-week-old C57BL/6 male mice by enema. ", "Whole-mount colon tissue was directly attached to slides and observed by a confocal laser scanning microscope (Nikon, Japan) after biopsy at predetermined time points. ", "Colon confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) tomography was performed at 1 μm per layer.", "\n\nCellular uptake assay\n---------------------\n\nLiposoluble Cy3 (representing Cur) was loaded into the core of PS-TP-miR-31i NPs, and miR-31i was labeled with FAM (green). ", "HCT116 or LoVo cells were incubated with 48 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-TP-miR-31i/Cy3 or PS-miR-31i/Cy3. ", "The cells were collected at predetermined time points, suspended in 0.3 mL of PBS, and analyzed by flow cytometry. ", "After 12 hours of incubation, the cells were used for CLSM imaging (Nikon, Japan).", "\n\nQuantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR)\n-----------------------------\n\nTotal RNA was isolated from HCT116 or LoVo cells using TRIzol reagent (Life Technologies, USA) after incubation with 48 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-TP-miR-31i. ", "Each RNA sample was reverse transcribed with M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (Sigma, USA) using oligo (dT) primers. ", "qRT-PCR analysis was performed using Light Cycler 480 SYBR Green I master mix on a Light Cycler 480 real-time PCR system (Roche). ", "The qRT-PCR primers are listed below. ", "U6-forward: 5\\'-CTC GCT TCG GCA GCA CA-3\\'; U6-reverse: 5\\'-AAC GCT TCA CGA ATT TGC GT-3\\'; miR-31-forward: 5\\'-ACA CTC CAG CTG GGA GGC AAG ATG CTG GCA-3\\'; miR-31-reverse: 5\\'-CTC AAC TGG TGT CGT GGA GTC-3\\'; Axin1-forward: 5\\'-TTC TGG GTT GAG GAA GCA GC-3\\'; Axin1-reverse: 5\\'-GAT TAG GGG CTG GAT TGG GT-3\\'; Gsk3β-forward: 5\\'-CCA ACA AGG GAG CAA ATT AGA GA-3\\'; Gsk3β-reverse: 5\\'-GGT CCC GCA ATT CAT CGA AA-3\\'; Dkk1-forward: 5\\'-TCC GAG GAG AAA TTG AGG AA-3\\'; Dkk1-reverse: 5\\'-CCT GAG GCA CAG TCT GAT GA-3\\'; Smad3-forward: 5\\'-ACA GGC GGC AGT AGA TAA CG-3\\'; Smad3-reverse: 5\\'-AAC GTG AAC ACC AAG TGC AT-3\\'; Bmpr1a-forward: 5\\'- GCT GTC ATC ATC TGT TGT CCT GG-3\\'; Bmpr1a-reverse: 5\\'-CAT TAC CAC AAG GGC TAC ACC ACC-3\\'; Smad4-forward: 5\\'-GGC TGT CCT TCA AAG TCG TG-3\\'; Smad4-reverse: 5\\'-GGT TGT CTC ACC TGG AAT TGA-3\\'; Tgfbr2-forward: 5\\'-TTG TTG AGA CAT CAA AGC GG-3\\'; and Tgfbr2-reverse: 5\\'-ATA AAA TCG ACA TGC CGT CC-3\\'.", "\n\nCell proliferation assay\n------------------------\n\nFor the cell proliferation assay, HCT116 or LoVo cells were plated in 96-well plates at a density of 100 cells per well in DMEM containing 48 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-TP, PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i or PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur. ", "Cell proliferation was measured using a CCK-8 assay at serial time points of 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 days.", "\n\nHalf maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) assay\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nHCT 116 cells were incubated with PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur using 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 150 and 500 μg/mL (equivalent to PS concentration) doses for 24 hours, and the relative amount of viable cells were estimated by measuring the absorbance of the cell suspension after incubation with MTT assay was carried out and IC50 values of PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur were analyzed by GraphPad Prism 7.0 software.", "\n\nCell cycle analysis\n-------------------\n\nHCT116 cells were cultured in 6-well plates in DMEM for 24 hours, and the medium was then replaced with fresh medium containing 48 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) PS-TP, PS-TP-miR-31i, PS-TP-Cur or PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur for an additional 24 hours. ", "Then, the cells were stained with PI/RNase solution (Roche, Switzerland). ", "The cell cycle phases were assessed via flow cytometry.", "\n\nColon tumor mouse model\n-----------------------\n\nTo generate AOM-DSS-induced colon tumors in mice, 6-week-old C57BL/6 male mice were intraperitoneally injected with AOM (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) at a concentration of 10 mg/kg body weight. ", "After 5 days of AOM injection, the mice were fed drinking water supplemented with 2.5% DSS (molecular weight 36,000-50,000, MP Biomedicals, USA) for 5 days, followed by regular water for a predetermined number of days. ", "After three cycles of DSS treatment, the mice were fed regular water for 28 days. ", "The mice were randomly divided into six groups, of 6 mice per group. ", "Twenty-eight days after the third round of DSS treatment, the mice were enema- or gavage-treated with 100 μL of PBS, miR-31i/Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur, sOKGM-PS-miR-31i, sOKGM-PS-Cur or sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur (1.25 mg/mL, equivalent to the PS concentration) once daily for 14 consecutive days. ", "After the treatment, the mice were sacrificed for sample collection. ", "The tumor numbers and volumes were evaluated as described above.", "\n\nHistology and immunohistochemistry analysis on colon tumors\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nColon samples were collected, fixed in 10% formalin, and paraffin embedded. ", "Five-micrometer sections were stained with H&E. For immunohistochemistry, an anti-Ki67 antibody (1:400, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) was used to detect cell proliferation. ", "Ki67-positive tumor cells were statistically quantified using microscopy images.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nAll data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism software (GraphPad, San Diego, CA). ", "All analyses were performed in triplicate or greater and the means obtained were used for independent t-tests. ", "Asterisks denote statistical significance (\\**p* \\< 0.05; \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01; \\*\\*\\**p* \\< 0.001). ", "All data are reported as mean ± SD. ", "Means and standard deviations from at least three independent experiments.", "\n\nResults and discussion\n======================\n\nPreparation and characterization of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe design of peptosomes-in-microspheres delivery system with mucoadhesive-to-penetrating controllable property for treating CRC was presented in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Firstly, we generated a CD133 targeted (CD133 targeting peptides (TP)-conjugated) α-lactalbumin (α-La) peptosomes (PSs) co-loaded two anti-tumor reagents - Curcumin (Cur) and anti-miR31 oligonucleotides (miR-31i), which have synergistic effects of suppressing tumor growth, named as PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "TP was used to recognize colon cancer stem cell surface antigen CD133 and to enhance the PS NPs uptake by colon cancer cells (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "The PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs were further entrapped into cysteines conjugated oxidized Konjac glucomannan (sOKGM) microspheres, which double cross-linked via Fe^3+^ carboxyl coordination and cysteines-mediated disulfide bonds, to form sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-D). ", "Then sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were delivered into GI tract via rectal or oral routes, and they are relatively stable in gastric conditions while being slowly ruptured at intestinal conditions due to instability of Fe^3+^ at neutral pH. Importantly, due to many cysteines and carboxyl groups on sOKGM polymers, the microspheres preferably adhere to colonic mucus layer. ", "Then the PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs slowly released from the microsphere at colonic tumor sites, penetrated through the mucus layer, and largely internalized by CD133 mediated endocytosis, allowing the release of miR-31i and Cur at the cytoplasm of colorectal cancer cells (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}E). ", "Consequently, the sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres significantly suppressed colon tumor growth.", "\n\nα-La PSs were formed via the spontaneous-assembly of amphiphilic peptides obtained from partial hydrolysis of α-La by Bacillus licheniformis protease. ", "During this self-assembly process, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-dissolved Cur was encapsulated into the hydrophobic core of the PSs to form Cur-loaded PSs (PS-Cur) with diameters of approximately 38 nm (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and [Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A-B) and zeta potential of -14.82 mV ([Table S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Next, CD133 targeting peptides (TP), KMPKEVPSSWLS, were conjugated to the PSs via amidation reaction, forming approximately 53 nm NPs (PS-TP-Cur) ([Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}C-D). ", "Since the peptides specifically targeted to colon cancer stem cell surface antigen CD133 [@B50], the PSs were guided to colon tumor cells and exhibited high binding affinity to the cells. ", "The size of the PS-TP-Cur NPs appeared stable in water over time ([Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}E). ", "In addition, the zeta potential of PS-TP-Cur NPs was reversed to approximately +11.49 mV ([Table S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) and remained stable over time ([Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}F) but slightly decreased with an increasing pH from 3 to 8 ([Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}G). ", "To further enhance the antitumor ability of the NPs, we sought to load miR-31i onto the PS-TP-Cur NP surface. ", "The negatively charged miR-31i were loaded to the surface of PS-TP-Cur by electrostatic interactions, forming PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) with the diameter of 68 nm ([Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}H) and zeta potential of 1 mV ([Table S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The loading efficiency of miR-31i was measured by fluorescence intensity assay. ", "miR-31i bands were not detectable when the weight ratio of PS-TP-Cur (equivalent to PS weight) : miR-31i weight ratio was increased to 60:1, suggesting a high loading efficiency for miR-31i (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "The PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs possessed good colloidal stability at 37 ºC during 7-day period ([Figure S1](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}I), indicating that the PS-TP can reduce the undesired drug release in the body before reaching to tumor tissues. ", "Collectively, the results showed that we have successfully generated cancer stem cell-targeted PSs to co-deliver miR-31i and Cur.", "\n\nHowever, the primary components of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs, including the α-La peptides, targeting peptides and miR-31i, are easily degraded by proteinase and RNase in GI tract, making this formulation unsuitable for rectal targeted delivery. ", "To solve this problem, we sought to utilize OKGM, which is a nontoxic foodborne polysaccharide [@B47], to synthesize microsphere as capsules for PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs. ", "To improve its stability in GI tract environment, sulfhydryl groups were added to the OKGM polymers, referred to as sOKGM polymers (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "The substitution degree of thiol group in the sOKGM polymers was 52.8 ± 1.7 μmol/g. The sOKGM polymers were then double cross-linked into spheres via both disulfide bonds and COO^-^ Fe^3+^ coordination (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}C and S1J). ", "Furthermore, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs were successfully encapsulated into sOKGM microspheres (sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur) (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}D). ", "The size and zeta potential of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were stable over time (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}E). ", "The microspheres showed good aqueous solubility for at least 7 days at 37 ºC (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}F). ", "The fluorescent microscopy showed that PSs were encapsulated into sOKGM microspheres (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}G). ", "Collectively, our results demonstrate that the anti-colonic cancer peptosomes-in-microspheres were successfully generated.", "\n\nStability and controlled release of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAs a GI tract delivery system, microspheres must be relatively stable under gastric and intestinal conditions. ", "The Fe^3+^ only cross-linked OKGM (fOKGM) microspheres, designed in our previously published work [@B51], were mostly degraded within 2 hours in simulated gastric condition and completely disappeared within half an hour under simulated intestinal condition ([Figure S2](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A). ", "To improve their stability, disulfide bonds were introduced as the second cross-links by oxidation reaction between cysteine modified OKGM polymers, termed as sOKGM microsphere. ", "The stability of the sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres was greatly improved and maintained over a period of 4 hours in simulated gastric and intestinal conditions ([Figure S2](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A). ", "Cur was much more slowly released from sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres than that from fOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "TEM images showed that the PSs can be released from sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur or fOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in simulated gastric and intestinal conditions ([Figure S2](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B). ", "With increasing pH, the release of Cur from sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres increased gradually, and the maximal release rate is approximately 40% at pH 8.0. ", "In contrast, the release of Cur increased sharply in fOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres, and the release rate approached 100% at pH 7.0, which is similar to the intestinal pH environment (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "These findings indicate that sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres are relatively stable under gastric and intestinal conditions, exhibit drug slowly releasing feature, and possess an intestinal pH-responsive property.", "\n\nDistribution and retention of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres after rectal and oral administration\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nNext, we sought to examine the distribution and retention of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in the GI tract of mice after rectal delivery. ", "1 hour after rectal administration, sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres treatment exhibited the strongest fluorescence signals in the colorectal sites in comparison to fOKGM-PS-Cy7 and PS-Cy7 NPs (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C-D). ", "The fluorescence signals can last 6 hours in the rectum in the sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres-treated group, while the fOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres signal almost disappeared after 2 hours, and individual PS-Cy7 NPs signal disappeared only 1 hour after the treatment (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C-D). ", "The data showed that sOKGM-PS microspheres can retain the longest in the colorectal sites compared to fOKGM-PS microspheres and barely peptosomes.", "\n\nOral administration is a more convenient and acceptable drug delivery route [@B41], [@B52]; we thus sought to test the potential of sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres being an oral delivery system. ", "To treat CRC, oral-delivered drugs need to pass through the entire GI tract, eventually reaching the colorectal site of tumor localization. ", "Thus, the stability of the delivery system in the GI tract is very important. ", "We found that sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres were stable in the stomach 2 hours after gavage, passed through the intestinal tract within 4 to 12 hours, reached the colon after 12 hours, and maintained in the colorectum until at least 18 hours (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}E-F). ", "In comparison, PS-Cy7 NPs passed through the whole GI tract within 2 hours after gavage, and disappeared after 4 hours of gavage; fOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres mostly degraded in the small intestine within 12 hours, and failed to reach to the colon site (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}E-F). ", "24 hours after sOKGM-PS-Cy3 microsphere gavage, Cy3-labeled PS was released from the microspheres and efficiently targeted colonic cells ([Figure S3](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A), while the Cy3-labeled PS from fOKGM-PS-Cy3 retained in the small intestine ([Figure S3](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B). ", "In summary, our data suggest that sOKGM microspheres can efficiently protect the PS NPs from degradation in the varying GI conditions and render the drug released at the colorectal sites.", "\n\nAfter oral treatment of sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres, fluorescence signals were almost not detectable in other organs within 2 hours, while PS-Cy7 strongly distributed to heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney shortly after intravenous route ([Figure S3](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}C). ", "These results indicated that the oral route of sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres makes them have better local drug bioavailability at colorectal sites, reducing their accumulation and potential toxicity to other organs as comparison to intravenous route. ", "In agreement, sOKGM-PS microspheres exhibited low toxicity ([Figure S3](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}D) and had no stimulatory effect on immune system ([Figure S3](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}E) after oral administration. ", "In summary, our data suggest that sOKGM microspheres have high potential as an oral delivery system of nanomedicines for CRC.", "\n\nMucoadhesive and mucus-penetrating features of sOKGM-PS delivery system\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nMucoadhesive properties of the drug delivery system are highly preferable to prolong the retention time of the drugs at the site of absorption, thus improving the therapeutic efficacy and bioavailability [@B53], [@B54]. ", "Colonic mucosal surfaces highly express cysteine-rich mucins such as MUC2 [@B55], which are critical for mucin-mucin interactions via disulfide bonds [@B56]. ", "In sOKGM-PS delivery system, the cysteine groups on sOKGM microspheres can bind to mucus via disulfide bonds which make the microspheres mucoadhesive. ", "As expected, sOKGM microspheres carried PS-Cy3 NPs were located to colonic mucus layer after 1 hour of rectal administration, while fOKGM-PS-Cy3 microspheres were mostly degraded and released PS-Cy3 NPs which passed through the mucus layer (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Next, upon rectal treatment of sOKGM-Cy3 microspheres or PS-Cy3 NPs, almost all of PS-Cy3 NPs mainly pass through the mucus layer within 60 min, while sOKGM-Cy3 microspheres retained in the mucus layer until at least 60 min (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and S4A-B). ", "In contrast, the signals for Cy3-labeled sOKGM (sOKGM-Cy3) microspheres were barely detected in the crypts, while the signals for PS-Cy3 NPs are strongly presented in the crypts ([Figure S4](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}C-D). ", "These data suggest that sOKGM-Cy3 microspheres are mucoadhesive, while the encapsulated PSs are mucus-penetrating. ", "Furthermore, we tested the mucoadhesive ability of sOKGM-PS microsphere in the mucus-secreting cell line HT29-MTX. ", "After being incubated with sOKGM-PS-Cy3 for 30 mins, cells still showed strong Cy3 signals merged with mucus after being washed twice with PBS ([Figure S4](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}E-F). ", "Taken together, these data demonstrated that the sOKGM-PS microspheres were able to retain in the mucus layer due to its adhesive ability, while the PS-Cy3 NPs can efficiently pass through the mucus layer. ", "The mucus-penetrating feature of PS NPs combined with the mucoadhesive and controlled released feature of sOKGM microspheres, making the sOKGM-PS system suitable for delivering nanomedicine to colonic cells.", "\n\nsOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres can efficiently deliver miR-31 inhibitors and Cur to colon tumor cells\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to evaluate the drug delivery efficiency of sOKGM-PS system in a colitis-associated colon tumor model in mice, we first established the colitis-associated colon tumor model using the AOM-DSS method as shown in [Figure S5](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A. After the colon tumor model was established, mice were administered sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cy3 via enema or gavage for 3 consecutive days. ", "The results showed that both FAM-labeled miR-31i and liposoluble Cy3 were targeted to tumor cells after 3 days of administration (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Thus, our findings indicate that sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres efficiently delivered Cur and the miR-31i to colorectal tumor cells *in vivo* after rectal and oral administration.", "\n\nThe efficient cellular uptake of drugs is another important requirement for their therapeutic application. ", "To enhance the cellular uptake, a peptide (CD133-TP) targeting the colon cancer stem cell surface antigen CD133 was linked to the surface of PSs (PS-TP) [@B50], [@B57]. ", "Quantification of the internalized fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis showed that the intracellular uptake efficiency of PS-TP NPs was significantly higher than that of PSs in both HCT116 and LoVo cell lines (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}D-E). ", "The internalization efficiency in HCT116 cells (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}D) increased sharply over time and was generally higher than that in LoVo cells (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}E), most likely due to the higher expression level of CD133 in HCT116 cells rather than LoVo cells [@B58]. ", "These data indicate that the peptide targeting CD133 enhanced the uptake of the drug into CRC cells. ", "Next, using CLSM, we further examined the efficiency of PS-TP-miR-31i NPs in delivering the miR-31i and Cur intracellularly to HCT116 and LoVo cells. ", "After 12 hours of incubation with PS-TP-miR-31i/Cy3 NPs, miR-31i (green) and liposoluble Cy3 (red) efficiently entered the cytoplasm of HCT116 and LoVo cells (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}F and [Figure S5](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B), while they only attached to the cell surface of cells treated with PS-miR-31i/Cy3 (without the CD133-TP). ", "In summary, our findings demonstrate that the CD133-TP enhanced the intracellular uptake of PS-TP NPs in colorectal cancer cells.", "\n\nmiR-31i/Cur-loaded PSs inhibited cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth *in vitro*\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe cytotoxicity assay of every component in PS-associated NPs to HCT116 and LoVo cells showed PS, TP and PS-TP NPs had no significant effects on cell viability with increasing concentrations, while Cur decreased cell viability with increasing concentrations (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A), indicating that PS-TP NPs had good biocompatibility as a delivery nanocarriers. ", "Next, we examined the effect of miR-31i- and Cur-loaded PSs or PS-TP NPs on cell viability and found that these components exhibited cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B). ", "Furthermore, the drug loaded PS with CD133 targeting peptide showed higher efficiency on tumor cell toxicity (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-C and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B-C). ", "At concentrations of less than 48 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration), the cell viability of all drug-loaded of PSs formulations were \\> 75% (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}C and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}C). ", "Thus, we selected 48 μg/mL (equivalent to the PS concentration) as the concentration used to examine the effect on tumor cell proliferation in the following study. ", "As shown in Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}D and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}D, the expression of miR-31 was dramatically decreased in PS-TP-miR-31i treated HCT116 and LoVo cells compared to that in PS-TP-NC treated cells.", "\n\nIn addition, the expression levels of the miR-31 target genes Axin1, Gsk3b, Dkk1, Smad3, Bmpr1a, Smad4, and Tgfb2 were upregulated in PS-TP-miR-31i-treated HCT116 and LoVo cells (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}E and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}E). ", "These results indicated that PS-TP-miR-31i NPs successfully deliver miR-31i into CRC cells and effectively regulate the expression of miR-31 target genes. ", "Furthermore, in the tumor cell proliferation detection shown in Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}F and [Figure S6](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}F, compared with PS-TP-miR-31i and PS-TP-Cur NPs, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur co-delivery NPs were synergistically suppressed cell growth in combination. ", "Half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) assay indicated that PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs had more remarkable effects on suppressing proliferation of cancer cells than individually loaded miR-31i or Cur (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}G). ", "These findings suggested that the anti-miR-31 oligonucleotides are an effective anti-colon cancer drug, synergistically functioning with Cur. ", "In agreement with these findings, cell cycle analysis showed that treatment with PS-TP-miR-31i and PS-TP-Cur NPs resulted in arrest in the G0/G1 phase (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}H). ", "Specifically, PS-TP-miR-31i had a robust effect on cell cycle arrest, while PS-TP-Cur had only a moderate effect (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}H), indicating that miR-31i and Cur act through distinct mechanisms to suppress cell growth.", "\n\nIn vivo anti-tumor function of rectal and oral administration of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in the established colon tumor model\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nBefore our system can be used as an effective therapeutic delivery approach for CRC treatment, the *in vivo* effects of the rectal and oral administration of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in established tumor models are important to evaluate. ", "To this end, we established the AOM-DSS tumor model of inflammation-driven colorectal adenocarcinoma, which expressing CD133 and much closer to human colon cancer compared with Xenografted tumor [@B59]. ", "Twenty-eight days after the third round of DSS treatment, we treated the mice once daily for 14 consecutive days with various formulations via rectal administration (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Like PBS treatment, the treatments of miR-31i/Cur and PS-PT-miR-31i/Cur without mucoadhesive microspheres did not affect tumor growth (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-D). ", "However, treatment with drug-loaded PS-TP-NPs carried with sOKGM microspheres resulted in a reduction in tumor numbers and volumes, although the volumes reduction were nonsignificant in treatment of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i and sOKGM-PS-Cur microspheres (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}C-D). ", "Consistent with this result, treatment with these microspheres markedly suppressed cell proliferation (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}E and [Figure S7](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A). ", "Strikingly, sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres treatment significantly reduced the tumor numbers and the average volume of each tumor (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-D), concomitant with a decrease in proliferative cells (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}E and [Figure S7](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A). ", "In contrast, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs cannot significantly suppress tumor growth, most likely due to its short retention time in the colon. ", "The suppression of miR-31 upon the treatments of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i and sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur was confirmed (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}F), indicating that anti-miR-31 oligonucleotides work well in colonic tumor cells. ", "Together, these data indicate that sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres are the most effective formulation for treating CRC via rectal administration.", "\n\nFurthermore, considering that sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres can pass through the GI tract and reach the colon (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C and [Figure S3](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A); we investigated whether these microspheres are also effective as an orally administered delivery system. ", "After two weeks of gavage (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}A), sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres exhibited the best anti-tumor effect compared to those of the other treatments, as indicated by the decrease in tumor numbers and volumes, although the decrease in the tumor volumes was not statistically significant (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-E and [Figure S7](#SM0){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B). ", "And the miR-31 also significantly suppressed by oral treatment of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i and sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}F). ", "These findings suggest that sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres can also be an orally administered delivery system for treating CRC. ", "We noticed that the inhibitory efficacy of oral administration was less effective than that of rectal administration. ", "We believe that sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres may be partially retained at the small intestinal mucus, and degraded by digestive solution in the small intestine, thus reducing the drug amounts arriving to colon sites. ", "Therefore, to develop the microsphere as a colon-specific oral delivery system, the microspheres need to be further optimized.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn summary, we developed sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres as an ideal rectal and oral delivery system for nanomedicines with advantages of mucoadhesive and mucus-penetrating properties. ", "In this system, double cross-linked sOKGM microspheres were more stable and mucoadhesive, and thus exhibited prolonged retention at colorectal sites, resulting in improved drug bioavailability. ", "The released PS-miR-31i/Cur can efficiently co-deliver miR-31i and Cur to colon tumors, and thus suppressing colon tumor growth *in vivo*. ", "Based on the low cost and toxicity of basic materials (α-lactalbumin and konjac glucomannan are all food resources), straightforward making process, as well as the stable property for long time storage, our delivery system is viability of industrial fabrication.", "\n\nSupplementary Material {#SM0}\n======================\n\n###### \n\nSupplementary figures and tables.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nThis work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. ", "81772984, 81572614, 31471577, 31772014); Beijing Nature Foundation Grant (5162018); Financial support of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Regional Immunity (No. ", "2019B030301009); the Major Project for Cultivation Technology (2016ZX08008001, 2014ZX08008001); Basic Research Program (2015QC0104, 2015TC041, 2016SY001, 2016QC086); SKLB Open Grant (2018SKLAB6-12) and the Beijing Nova Program (No. ", "Z181100006218071).", "\n\nAuthor contributions\n====================\n\nZY and YL designed project; RZ, SD, YL, CL, BZ, and DL performed research; SG, WC, MP, XH, KW, ZL, ZL, YC, YL and ZY analyzed data; RZ and ZY wrote manuscript.", "\n\n![", "The design and synthesis strategy of cysteines oxidized Konjac glucomannan (sOKGM) microsphere encapsulating CD133 targeting peptide (TP)-linked, miR-31i- and Cur-loaded peptosomes (PSs). (", "A) Generation of α-Lactalbumin PSs consisting of Cur in the hydrophobic core, and CD133 TP and miR-31i in the surface. (", "B) Cysteine was linked to carboxyl groups of OKGM polymers via amidation. (", "C) sOKGM polymers were cross-linked into microsphere via COO^-^ Fe^3+^ coordination and disulfide bonds, forming sOKGM microspheres. (", "D) TP-linked, miR-31i- and Cur-loaded PSs were encapsulated into sOKGM microspheres, referred as sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres. (", "E) sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres were adhered to colon mucus layer via disulfide bonds providing a sustained release, and the microspheres ruptured due to the instability of Fe^3+^ at neutral pH and then slowly release PS-miR-31i/Cur into the colon cancer cells. ", "These PSs further largely enter the cells through CD133 mediated endocytosis.](thnov10p3594g001){#F1}\n\n![", "Preparation and characterization of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres. (", "A) Images of the PS-miR-31i/Cur NPs (right) aqueous solution comparing to Cur in water solution (left). (", "B) TEM images of PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs. ", "Scale bars, 100 nm. (", "C) Efficiency of miR-31i loading to PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs examined by agarose gel electrophoresis. ", "Panel 1, miR-31i RNA (100 µg/mL); Panel 2 to 5, 1 hour after 100 µg/mL of miR-31i RNA incubating with PS-TP-Cur at concentrations of 1, 2, 4 and 6 mg/mL. The ratio represents miR-31i:PS-TP by weight. ", "Bands: miR-31 inhibitor. (", "D) Images of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres. ", "Scale bars, 50 µm. (", "E) The size distributions (left) and zeta potential (right) of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres over days. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3. (", "F) Images of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres aqueous solution after 0 and 7 days of storage at 37°C. (", "G) Microscopy (upper panels) and high magnification confocal (bottom panels) images of sOKGM microspheres encapsulating PSs (labeled by Cy3, red) and miR-31i (labeled by FAM, green). ", "Scale bar, 50 µm (upper panels) and 10 µm (bottom panels).](thnov10p3594g002){#F2}\n\n![", "The controlled release and retention of sOKGM-PS microspheres in gastric and intestinal conditions. (", "A) Percentage of Cur release from sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur and fOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in simulated gastric and intestinal conditions over time. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3. (", "B) Percentage of Cur release from sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur and fOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in water solutions with pH value at 4 hours. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3. (", "C) The distribution of PS-Cy7 NPs, fOKGM-PS-Cy7 and sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres after rectal administration over time, PS labeled by Cy-7. ", "n = 3. (", "D) Quantification of the Cy7 signal coverage in stomach, intestine and colorectum in panel C. The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation. (", "E) The distribution of PS-Cy7 NPs, fOKGM-PS-Cy7 and sOKGM-PS-Cy7 microspheres in gastrointestinal tract after gavage administration over time. ", "PS labeled by Cy-7. ", "n = 3. (", "F) Quantification of the Cy7 signal coverage in stomach, intestine and colorectum in panel E. The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3.](thnov10p3594g003){#F3}\n\n![", "The mucoadhesive-to-penetrating feature and colon cancer cells target efficiency of sOKGM-PS delivery system. (", "A) CLSM images of fOKGM-PS-Cy3 and sOKGM-PS-Cy3 microspheres (red) in colon mucosal surfaces layer (green) after 1 hour of rectal administration. ", "Scale bar, 100 µm. ", "The CLSM scanning images of Z axis tomography of wholemount colon tissue were shown in bottom panels. ", "Mucus layer was labeled between dashed lines. (", "B) Three-dimensional images showing that PS-Cy3 NPs (red) penetrate through the mucus layer (green) and sOKGM-Cy3 (red) microspheres adhere to the mucus layer (green) until 60 mins. ", "Scale bar: 50 µm. (", "C) Fluorescence images showing localization of PS (labeled by Cy3, red) and miR-31i (labeled by FAM, green) in AOM-DSS induced tumor cells after 12 hours of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cy3 rectal and gavage administration. ", "Scale bar, 100 µm. (", "D and E) FACS assay showing cellular uptake of PS-Cy3 and PS-TP-Cy3 NPs in HCT116 (D) and LoVo (E) cells with time. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3, \\**p* \\< 0.05, \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01, \\*\\*\\**p* \\< 0.001 (F) CLSM images showing intracellular localization of PS-miR-31i/Cy3 and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cy3 NPs in HCT116 cells after 12 hours of incubation with 48 µg/mL (equivalent to PS concentration). ", "PS was labeled by Cy3 (red); miR-31 inhibitor was labeled with FAM (green). ", "Scale bar, 10 µm.](thnov10p3594g004){#F4}\n\n![", "PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs suppressed tumor growth. (", "A) CCK8 assay showing *in vitro* cytotoxicity profiles of PS, TP, PS-TP, and Cur in HCT116 cells at indicated concentrations after 24 hours of incubation. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 5. (", "B) CCK8 assay showing *in vitro* cytotoxicity profiles of PS-Cur, PS-miR-31i, PS-miR-31i/Cur, PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs in HCT116 cells at indicated concentrations after 24 hours of incubation. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 5. (", "C) CCK8 assay showing *in vitro* cytotoxicity profiles of PS-Cur, PS-miR-31i, PS-miR-31i/Cur, PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs in HCT116 cells at 48 µg/mL (equivalent to PS concentration) after 24 hours of incubation. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 5, \\**p* \\< 0.05. (", "D) qRT-PCR analysis for miR-31 in HCT116 cells after 12 hours of incubation with 48 µg/mL (equivalent to PS concentration) PS-TP-miR-31i NPs. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3, \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01. (", "E) qRT-PCR analysis for miR-31 target genes *Axin1, Gsk3b, Dkk1, Smad3, Bmpr1a, Smad4, Tgfb2* in HCT116 cells after 12 hours of incubation with 48 µg/mL (equivalent to PS concentration) PS-TP-miR-31i NPs. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3, \\**p* \\< 0.05, \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01. (", "F) CCK-8 assay showing proliferation of HCT116 cells treated with vehicle control, PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs at the concentration of 48 µg/mL (equivalent to PS concentration) with time. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 5, \\**p* \\< 0.05, \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01, \\*\\*\\**p* \\< 0.001. (", "G) The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) assay of PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i and PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs in HCT116 cells after 24 hours of incubation. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3. (", "H) Flow cytometry assay for PI/RNase showing cell cycle pattern of HCT116 cells treated by PS-TP, PS-TP-Cur, PS-TP-miR-31i, PS-TP-miR-31i/Cur NPs for 24 hours. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation, n = 3.](thnov10p3594g005){#F5}\n\n![", "Rectal delivery of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres suppressed colon tumor growth *in vivo*. (", "A) Schematics for rectal delivery of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in treating AOM-DSS induced colon tumors. (", "B) Gross (upper panels) and Hematoxylin & eosin staining (bottom panels) images of colon tumors from mice rectally treated with indicated formulations for 2 weeks. ", "Scale bar, 1 mm. (", "C and D) Quantification of tumor numbers (C) and volume (D) shown in panel B. The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (PBS, n = 5; n = 6 for the other treatments), \\**p* \\< 0.05; \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01. (", "E) Quantification of the percentage of Ki67^+^ cells in tumors as shown in Figure S7A. The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (PBS, n = 5; n = 6 for the other treatments), \\**p* \\< 0.05; \\*\\**p* \\< 0.01. (", "F) qRT-PCR analysis for miR-31 in colon tumors from mice rectally treated with indicated formulations for 2 weeks. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (PBS, n = 5; n = 6 for the other treatments), \\**p* \\< 0.05.](thnov10p3594g006){#F6}\n\n![", "Gavage delivery of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres suppressed colon tumor growth *in vivo*. (", "A) Schematics for gavage delivery of sOKGM-PS-miR-31i/Cur microspheres in treating AOM-DSS induced colon tumors. (", "B) Gross (upper) and Hematoxylin & eosin staining (bottom) images of colon tumors from mice gavage-treated with indicated formulations for 2 weeks. ", "Scale bar, 1 mm. (", "C and D) Quantification of tumor numbers (C) and volume (D) shown in panel B. The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (PBS, n = 5; n = 6 for the other treatments), \\*\\*\\**p* \\< 0.001. (", "E) Quantification of the percentage of Ki67^+^ cells in tumors as shown in Figure S7B. The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (PBS, n = 5; n = 6 for the other treatments), \\**p* \\< 0.05. (", "F) qRT-PCR analysis for miR-31 in colon tumors from mice gavage-treated with indicated formulations for 2 weeks. ", "The results are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (PBS, n = 5; n = 6 for the other treatments), \\**p* \\< 0.05.](thnov10p3594g007){#F7}\n\n[^1]: \\#These authors contributed equally to this work.", "\n\n[^2]: Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Childhood Asthma Linked to Mom’s Sugar Consumption\n\n(CN) – Children whose mothers consumed sugary drinks while pregnant could be nearly two-thirds more likely to develop asthma later in childhood, according to a new study.", "\n\nThe findings, published Friday in the journal Annals of the American Thoracic Society, suggest that children who consume excessive amounts of sugary drinks in early childhood may also be more likely to develop asthma.", "\n\n“Previous studies have linked intake of high fructose corn syrup-sweetened beverages with asthma in school children, but there is little information about when during early development exposure to fructose might influence later health,” said lead author Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, a senior research associate at Harvard Medical School.", "\n\nThe results are based on questionnaire responses from more than 1,000 mothers participating in Project Viva, a longitudinal study designed to find ways to improve the health of mothers and their children.", "\n\nAfter their first and second trimesters of pregnancy, the mothers reported on their food and beverage consumption, including sweetened drinks. ", "Once their children reached early childhood, the mothers completed another questionnaire that detailed their kids’ intake of a variety of foods and beverages.", "\n\nThe researchers then grouped the mothers and children based on their sweetened beverage and fructose consumption.", "\n\nThey noted it was critical to examine fructose consumption because it is a key contributor to total sugar intake and could produce specific impacts on the children’s airways.", "\n\nAsthma in mid-childhood was determined based on a doctor’s diagnosis of asthma or if the child took medication used to treat asthma or wheezing medication in the previous year.", "\n\nThe study found that, in mid-childhood, about 19 percent of the children had asthma.", "\n\nMothers in the group with the highest consumption of sweetened beverages and fructose were 63 and 61 percent more likely, respectively, than those in the lowest-consuming group to have mid-childhood-age children with asthma, after adjusting for pre-pregnancy age, race and ethnicity, body mass and other factors that may have impacted the results.", "\n\nThe difference between the highest- and lowest-consuming groups was roughly two servings per day of sweetened beverages – two versus zero – and about 25 grams per day of fructose, 46 grams versus 21 grams.", "\n\nChildren who consumed the most fructose during their early childhood had a 64 percent higher risk of developing asthma in mid-childhood when adjusted for maternal sweetened beverage intake. ", "The difference between the highest- and lowest-consuming groups in these cases was about 29 grams per day of fructose, 44 grams to 15 grams.", "\n\nPrevious research has linked obesity and asthma and high fructose and sweetened beverage intake and elevated asthma risk, according to the authors, who note recent findings suggest that fructose consumption may also cause lung inflammation.", "\n\nThey caution their study was observational, and therefore cannot demonstrate cause and effect. ", "Participants were mostly from affluent families, so the results may not be applicable to socioeconomically challenged families.", "\n\nRegardless, Rifas-Shiman said “avoiding high intake of sugary beverages during pregnancy and in early childhood could be one of several ways to reduce the risk of childhood asthma.”" ]
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[ "Is the lack of structure in your Confluence instance giving you nightmares? ", "Is stale content slowing things down and making it hard to navigate? ", "Or are you wasting time on repetitive maintenance tasks? ", "If you answered \"Yes\" to any of these questions then this webinar is for you.", "\n\nDuring this session, Jill Patterson will take real-life scenarios based on her past experience as an Atlassian consultant to show you how to use automation in ScriptRunner for Confluence to solve major admin problems.", "\n\nAt the end of the webinar, Adaptavist Product Manager Jill Patterson and Senior Software Engineer Jonny Carter will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.", "\n\nWhat you’ll learn:" ]
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