[ "Q:\n\nNexus 5X records video rotated upside down using MediaRecorder and camera2\n\nI'm facing the problem with recording video by new camera2 api. ", "I'm playing with project from \nhttps://github.com/googlesamples/android-Camera2Video\nwhich demonstrates video recording using new camera2 api. ", "Recording works well but rotation of recorded mp4 video is different because of different devices.", "\nNexus 9 result video is fine but Nexus 5X not.", "\nI've heard that Nexus 5X has camera rotated upside down. ", "In this case I would set MediaRecorder flags to record properly but...\nMy question is, how to recognize programmatically whether device has or doesn't have camera rotated upside down?", "\nThanks for any help!", "\n\nA:\n\nI've found the solution...\nCameraManager manager = (CameraManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.", "CAMERA_SERVICE);\nString cameraId = manager.getCameraIdList()[0];\nCameraCharacteristics characteristics = manager.getCameraCharacteristics(cameraId);\nint sensorOrientation = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.", "SENSOR_ORIENTATION);\n\nsensorOrientation value: Default camera orientation used to be 90 degrees. ", "For Nexus 5X it is 270 degrees.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Description\nThis steatite scarab is glazed and incised. ", "The flat underside contains an inscription with the throne name of Amenophis III (1388-1351/1350 BCE) and a power loaded epithet. ", "The design on the back is very detailed, with deelpy incised lines and regular flow. ", "The piece is carefully made and the workmanship is good.", "\nThis piece functioned as an individualized protective amulet, and would have originally been mounted or threaded. ", "The amulet should secure royal authority and strength for the king, and guarantee for a private owner his royal patronage and protection.", "\nThe unusual size of the epithet in comparison to the name of the king underlines the protective function of the scarab. ", "Together with the cryptographic reading of the cartouche as Amun it expresses that the god is the \"Lord of strength,\" that my explain the unusual size of the epithet." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169 ]
[ "While everyone is talking about the Samsung Galaxy S4 being the top-selling smartphone on all three of the major carriers in the United States, lets stand back for a second a take a look at the new Nokia Lumia 928. ", "This Windows Phone 8 powered handset earned third place in top sales for Verizon in the United States as of May 2013.", "\n\nThis data comes from Canaccord Genuity, who have released data on smartphone sales in the United States. “”", "In the U.S. market, the Samsung Galaxy S4 was the top-selling smartphone at Verizon/Sprint/T-Mobile, and second best-selling smartphone at AT&T to the iPhone 5,” Canaccord Genuity analyst Michael Walkley stated. ", "But how did Windows Phone fare?", "\n\nNokia’s Lumia 928 is an exclusive Windows Phone 8 device for Verizon and was the third top selling device for the carrier in May of 2013. ", "The Samsung Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5 rounded out the top two. ", "This is great news for the Windows Phone 8 platform as well as Nokia’s Lumia 928 device, as a decent price range (up to $100 for the handset) has allowed for the device to snag third place in overall smartphone sales for Verizon." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0.009174311926605505, 0.018867924528301886, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.004366812227074236 ]
[ "Outlaw motorcycle club\n\nAn outlaw motorcycle club is a motorcycle club that is not sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) and does not adhere to the AMA's rules. ", "Such clubs are sometimes known as a motorcycle gangs or biker gangs. ", "In the United States, outlaw motorcycle clubs sprang up after World War II. ", "Members rode Harley-Davidson cruisers and choppers. ", "Outlaw clubs celebrate freedom, nonconformity to mainstream culture, and loyalty to the biker group. ", "The clubs have their own sets of bylaws from which the values of the outlaw biker culture arise.[1][2][3][4][5]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.016574585635359115, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSpring Framework's Validation is Not Working with JSR-303 Validation\n\nMy question is related to bean validation. ", "Apparently SpringBoot comes with two different validation mechanisms, one JSR-303 compilant (in javax.validation package) and the other provided by Spring framework (in org.springframework.validation package).", "\nWhile it is easy to enforce JSR-303 validation via @Validated and @Valid annotations, I couldn't find the proper way for Spring's ones.", "\nTake the following User bean.", "\n@Entity\npublic class User {\n @Column\n @Id\n private String id;\n\n @Column(unique = true)\n @Username\n private String username;\n\n // [...]\n}\n\nWhere @Username constraint is defined as follows. ", "Basically, it's just a composition of @Pattern and @Size costraints.", "\n@Constraint(validatedBy = {})\n@Documented\n@Pattern(regexp = \"[A-Za-z0-9_]+\")\n@Retention(RUNTIME)\n@Size(max = 24, min = 3)\n@Target(FIELD)\npublic @interface Username {\n String message() default \"\";\n\n Class<?", ">[] groups() default {};\n\n Class<? ", "extends Payload>[] payload() default {};\n}\n\nUser beans are stored in a repository named UserRepository, defined as follows.", "\n@Repository\npublic interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {\n}\n\nTo access the repository I wrote a service, shown below.", "\n@Transactional\n@Service\npublic class UserService {\n @Autowired\n private UserRepository userRepository;\n\n @Validated\n public void create(@Valid User user) {\n userRepository.save(user);\n }\n}\n\nUntil now, things are pretty neat and everything works. ", "With just a couple of annotations I've achieved everything.", "\nNow, I have this other validator (not JSR-303).", "\n// [...]\nimport org.springframework.validation.", "Validator;\n\n@Component\npublic class UniqueUsernameValidator implements Validator {\n @Autowired\n private UserRepository userRepository;\n\n @Override\n public boolean supports(Class<?", "> clazz) {\n return User.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {\n User user = (User) target;\n\n if (userRepository.count(where(usernameIsEqualTo(user.getUsername()))) > 0) {\n errors.rejectValue(\"username\", \"username.exists\");\n }\n }\n}\n\nIdeally, I would like to have it enforced via the same @Validated and @Valid annotations but until now I've been unlucky. ", "I guess it is definitely possible given that the documentation of the class org.springframework.validation.", "Validator says\n\nThis interface is totally divorced from any infrastructure or context; that is to say it is not coupled to validating only objects in the web tier, the data-access tier, or the whatever-tier. ", "As such it is amenable to being used in any layer of an application, and supports the encapsulation of validation logic as a first-class citizen in its own right.", "\n\nA:\n\n@Valid is a JSR-303 bean validation annotation, and it won't call your UniqueUsernameValidator Spring Validator.", "\nIf you want to do that in your service, you need to invoke it manually:\npublic void create(@Valid User user) {\n Errors errors = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(user, \"user\");\n\n // Validator component has been previously injected into the service.", "\n uniqueUsernameValidator.validate(user, errors); \n if (errors.hasErrors()) {\n throw new RuntimeException(errors.toString());\n }\n\n userRepository.save(user);\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.029411764705882353, 0.0330188679245283, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.017142857142857144, 0.026022304832713755, 0, 0, 0, 0.015706806282722512, 0.008583690987124463, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.00796812749003984, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFilter `List` based on another `List`\n\nI am using the function below to filter a list based on another list. ", "For example: programLines [1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 13] and lines [9, 10, 13, 14] into this output [9, 13]. ", "However i want to change it to this output--> [9,0,13,0] in other words to fill-out rest elements with value 0.", "\npublic List<Integer> filter(List<Integer> lines, List<Integer> programLines) \n List<Integer> listOutput =\n lines.stream().filter(programLines::contains).collect(Collectors.toList());\n return listOutput;\n }\n\nA:\n\nUse map instead of filter:\npublic List<Integer> filter(List<Integer> lines, List<Integer> programLines) \n List<Integer> listOutput =\n lines.stream()\n .map(i -> programLines.contains(i) ? ", "i : 0)\n .collect(Collectors.toList());\n return listOutput;\n}\n\nIf programLines is large, it may be useful to convert it to a Set for better performance:\npublic List<Integer> filter(List<Integer> lines, List<Integer> programLines) \n Set<Integer> filter = new HashSet<>(programLines);\n List<Integer> listOutput =\n lines.stream()\n .map(i -> filter.contains(i) ? ", "i : 0)\n .collect(Collectors.toList());\n return listOutput;\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.004056795131845842, 0.0024330900243309003, 0 ]
[ "Protium is a unique band that runs entirely on fuel cells. ", "Traveling from various conventions, seminars, and other events such as Earth Day and\na sustainable living fest, Protium is able to attract attention to alternative energy by taking your ears and mind for a ride.", "\nClick here to listen to protium.", "\n\nPHS Fuel Cell Quadracycle, 2003\n\nFuel Cell Class started with the hopes of creating a Fuel Cell vehicle. ", "The\nproject guidelines were that it had to safely transport two people at a speed\nover 10 mph and stay within a $5,000 budget plus already available equipment.", "\nStudents were each assigned the task of researching and designing a fuel cell\nvehicle that met the criteria, and a selection would be made to create the\nactual project. ", "The selected design was proposed by a student using the\nRhoades Car Quadracycle, essentially a\n4-wheeled bicycle, as the vehicle platform.", "\nClick here for more information." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "// CommentBean.aidl\npackage net.yrom.screenrecorder.model;\n\n// Declare any non-default types here with import statements\n\nparcelable DanmakuBean;" ]
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[ "git https://github.com/klimenko-serj/cl-fbclient.git\n" ]
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[ "Episcopal Church Will Not Cease Its Support for Gay Marriage, Says Bishop Curry\n\nThe Reverend Michael Bruce Curry (L) makes remarks as members of the clergy attend prior to his Installation ceremony at the Washington National Cathedral, in Washington, November 1, 2015. ", "| (Photo: Reuters/Mike Theiler)\n\nThe Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church has declared that the denomination will not cease its support for gay marriage despite its three-year suspension by the Anglican Communion last week.", "\n\n\"They heard from me directly that that's not something that we're considering,\" Bishop Michael Curry told The Associated Press on Friday, talking about the sanctions imposed on the denomination after its leaders refused support the biblical definition of marriage. \"", "They basically understand we made our decision, and this is who we are, and we're committed to being a house of prayer for all.\"", "\n\nRelated\n\nHead of Episcopal Group Battling for 0M Diocesan Property Announces Retirement\n\nAnglicans Suspend Episcopal Church Over Pro-Gay Marriage Stance\n\nAnglican Leader Says Church Split Over Homosexuality Would Be 'Failure, but Not Disaster\n\nAnglicans Fearing Permanent Split Over Gay Marriage as Bishops Threaten to Walk Out\n\nAt the same time, however, Curry said he wants to continue working toward Anglican unity despite the different points of view on the divisive issue.", "\n\n\"We are loyal members of the Anglican Communion, but we need to say we must find a better way,\" Curry said. \"", "I really believe it's part of our vocation.\"", "\n\nThe Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (L) speaks with protestors in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, southern Britain January 15, 2016. ", "The Anglican Church has slapped sanctions on its liberal U.S. branch for supporting same-sex marriage, a move that averted a formal schism in the world's third largest Christian denomination but left deep divisions unresolved. ", "The Anglican communion, which counts some 85 million members in 165 countries, has been in crisis since 2003 because of arguments over sexuality and gender between liberal churches in the West and their conservative counterparts, mostly in Africa. ", "| (Photo: Reuters/Toby Melville)\n\nLeaders representing the worldwide Anglican body announced on Thursday that they are suspending The Episcopal Church, due to its vote in 2015 to authorize same-sex marriage ceremonies in church.", "\n\nThe Primates explained their decision in a statement: \"The traditional doctrine of the Church in view of the teaching of Scripture, upholds marriage as between a man and a woman in faithful, lifelong union. ", "The majority of those gathered reaffirm this teaching.", "\n\n\"Recent developments in The Episcopal Church with respect to a change in their Canon on marriage represent a fundamental departure from the faith and teaching held by the majority of our provinces on the doctrine of marriage. ", "Possible developments in other provinces could further exacerbate this situation,\" they added.", "\n\nCurry admitted in a video statement on Friday that the outcome of the meeting was not expected, and said that the Episcopal Church is disappointed — though reminded viewers that the Anglican Communion is more a \"network of relationships\" than a system of structure and organization.", "\n\n\"The truth is, it may be part of our vocation to help the communion and to help many others to grow in a direction where we can realize and live the love that God has for all of us, and we can one day be a Church and a communion where all of God's children are fully welcomed, where this is truly a house of prayer for all people,\" Curry added in the statement.", "\n\nArchbishop Justin Welby, the leader of the Anglican Communion, said that Episcopalians can \"no longer represent us on ecumenical and interfaith bodies,\" however, and said that the Church will no longer be able to vote or fully participate in Anglican committees.", "\n\n\"For me, it is a constant source of deep sadness that people are persecuted for their sexuality,\" Welby said at end of the meeting last week.", "\n\nHe expressed \"how sorry I am for the hurt and pain in the past and present that the church has caused and the love sometimes that we have completely failed to show.\"", "\n\nA leading source of discontent against the Episcopal Church were African and Asian bishops who said that moving away from the traditional definition of marriage was unacceptable and previously threatened to walk out of the meeting if their concerns were not heard." ]
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[ "Seasonal allergies and suicidality: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.", "\nStudies have shown an association between allergies and suicidality, and a seasonality of suicide has also been described. ", "We hypothesize an association between history of seasonal allergies and suicide ideation and attempt. ", "Data came from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, a nationally representative sample (n = 5692) of adults living in the US. ", "Logistic regression models were used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (OR) controlling for the following: age, sex, race, smoking, asthma and depression. ", "After weighting and adjustment, a positive and statistically significant association was found between history of seasonal allergies and history of suicidal ideation [adjusted OR = 1.27 (1.01-1.58)]. ", "We found no association between history of seasonal allergies and history of suicide attempts [adjusted OR = 1.17 (0.89-1.52)]. ", "Findings from a population-based sample support the hypothesized relationship between allergies and suicidal ideation." ]
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[ 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "One thing I have noticed about rich people is that they are insomniacs. ", "If money never sleeps, why should they?", "\n\nBillionaire Lynn Tilton, who I profiled last month, rarely gets more than a few hours sleep a night. ", "John D. Rockefeller was famous for his brief nighttime naps. ", "Donald Trump says he only gets three hours a night, while Martha Stewart says she only needs four.", "\n\nWhat we don’t know is whether sleep deprivation is a cause or a consequence of wealth.", "\n\nA new study suggests it may be a cause.", "\n\nAccording to a survey of more than 1,400 people around the world with an average net worth of $2 million, the wealthiest respondents in the sample had 80% more energy than those at the bottom of the sample." ]
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[ "Pharrell Williams has a handful of unreleased adidas NMD Hu colorways, and here’s a look at another as part of the “Breathe + Walk” series.", "\n\n- Advertisement -\n\nAlready seen in a few other colorful mockups, this adidas NMD Hu Trail sports a Bright Orange mesh upper paired with Purple accents. ", "A Tan inner lining and White Boost midsole completes the design.", "\n\nTake a look at this adidas NMD Hu Breathe Walk Sample below and let us know what you guys think of them in the comments section.", "\n\nPhotos: godlvl_" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.014388489208633094, 0.01948051948051948, 0.03125, 0.007692307692307693, 0 ]
[ "10.28.2009\n\nSo Proud of Our Little Poo Paws\n\nWe're so thankful that Moby's echocardiogram went well today. ", "Since we adopted him this summer, the strength of Moby's heart has been questionable. ", "His heart murmur would intermittently show up during his vet visits but his rambunctious and playful attitude gave us hope that he wasn't as weak as the vet made him out to be. ", "He's now about that age when he should be neutered but it was hard to tell whether or not he would be able to survive the anesthesia. ", "His very pricey scan today showed us that his heart condition is mild and something that he can definitely live with. ", "He's getting his balls chopped off next week! ", "Praise Jesus!", "\n\nPS: If you're in Los Angeles and are looking for a vet, VCA is the best." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009345794392523364, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514 ]
[ "Grassroots Patriots\n\nIn Northampton, Massachusetts -- a nineteenth century center of abolition and the longtime home of Sojourner Truth -- some 400 citizens attended a town meeting on February 4 to organize a way to protect the residents of the town from the provisions of the USA Patriot Act. ", "Thus was born the Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee.", "\n\nAfter petitions were distributed, along with persistent organizing, the Northampton City Council unanimously voted on May 2 in favor of a \"Resolution to Defend the Bill of Rights\" -- not only against the USA Patriot Act but also against subsequent Presidential executive orders, and actions by John Ashcroft, that \"threaten key rights guaranteed to U.S. citizens and noncitizens by the Bill of Rights and the Massachusetts Constitution.\" ", "Such as: \"freedom of speech, assembly, and privacy; the right to counsel and due process in judicial proceedings; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.\"", "\n\nTo begin, the city of Northampton now asks that \"federal and state law enforcement report to the local Human Rights Commission all local investigations undertaken under the Act and executive orders; and that the community's Congressional representatives actively monitor the implementation of the acts and orders and work to repeal those sections found to be unconstitutional.\"", "\n\nSince many Massachusetts towns and cities have a robust percentage of active voters, it is not inconceivable that their passive representatives in Washington may well be moved to pay attention. ", "In April, similar resolutions were passed in the nearby towns of Amherst and Leverett.", "\n\nThese Massachusetts patriots are, in effect, descendants of the Sons of Liberty who organized Committees of Correspondence against the British before the Revolutionary War. ", "The industrious Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee informs me that \"the city councils of Ann Arbor and Berkeley passed civil liberties resolutions in January,\" as did the Denver City Council in March. (", "For an account of this resistance to Bush and Ashcroft, go to the committee's web site at www.gjf.org/BORDC.)", "\n\nOn May 4, at the town of Leverett's 228th annual town meeting, a resolution defending the Bill of Rights was passed by a unanimous voice vote. ", "Said resident Ann Ferguson: \"I think we have a long legacy in New England of defending our civil liberties. ", "This resolution extends that history into the present.\" ", "At the meeting in Leverett, Don Ogden, who had initiated the resolution, noted that \"it is truly Orwellian double-speak to call such unpatriotic efforts a 'patriot act.'\"", "\n\nAnd at the Amherst town meeting, where another such resolution passed unanimously, Anne Awad made a point that Ashcroft has shown himself incapable of understanding: \"As members of the Select Board, we want to know that all residents and visitors to our town feel safe. ", "We do not want to support profiling of particular types of people. ", "If one group is viewed suspiciously today, another group will be added to the list tomorrow.\"", "\n\nA week before I first heard from the Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee, I was speaking at a meeting of journalists in Boston on some assaults on the Bill of Rights I've been chronicling in this column. ", "One of the editors handed me an April 24 Associated Press report that surprised me: \"Despite the fear of future terrorist attacks, a majority of Americans are unwilling to give up civil liberties in exchange for national security, according to a Michigan State University study. ", "Nearly 55 percent of 1,488 people surveyed nationwide said they don't want to give up constitutional rights in the government's fight against terrorism.\" ", "The poll showed that 66 percent \"opposed government monitoring of telephone and e-mail conversations.\"", "\n\nI am no longer surprised that the citizenry is awakening to that extent. ", "But I am also not surprised that \"60 percent of those surveyed said schoolteachers shouldn't be allowed to criticize U.S. anti-terrorism policies in class.\" ", "There's a lot of work still to be done, and the Northampton patriots tell me they're hearing from sons and daughters of liberty in other towns and cities who are organizing defense committees for the Bill of Rights. ", "That's what it's going to take.", "\n\nNat Hentoff is a columnist for the Village Voice.", "\n\nTags\n\nGet the latest Progressive news\n\nSubscribe for our free newsletter.", "\n\nHey there Progressive Reader—your help is needed.", "\n\nIf you like what you see here, please subscribe to our digital edition for just $10. ", "Digital subscriptions give you access to all our content with enhanced links and illustrations. ", "Digital subscriptions also support our online reporting and important projects like Public School Shakedown and The Progressive Media Project." ]
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[ "Pselliodidae\n\nPselliodidae is a family of small centipedes, identical and closely related to house centipedes.", "\n\nGenera and species\n, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System recognizes the following genera and species in Pselliodidae:\n\n Gonethella \n Gonethella nesiotes \n Gonethina \nGonethina fijiana \n Gonethina grenadensis \n Sphendononema \nSphendononema chagualensis \nSphendononema guildingii \nSphendononema rugosa \n\nIn contrast, wrote this family comprises \"at least three species in a single genus\", only mentioning the genus Sphendononema and the species S. guildingii and S. rugosa.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\n \n \n \n\nCategory:Centipede families\nCategory:Scutigeromorpha" ]
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[ 0, 0.024896265560165973, 0 ]
[ "The program, currently in its second year, is directed towards the evaluation of long-term (3-year) behavior of porous metal dental anchors used in full function as tooth replacements in macaque nemestrina monkeys. ", "The anchors are made of Void-Metal-Composite (VMC), of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, with interconnecting cylindrical pores of 450 micrometers diameter and an overall density of 50 percent of theoretical. ", "The anchors are in the form of right circular cylinders. ", "Transgingival cores are attached to the anchors by means of threaded longitudinal channels in the anchors. ", "Implant stability under function is obtained by bone growth through the pores of the endosseous anchor portion of the implant. ", "Two animals have had 8 gold crowns in full function for 1 year; animals have had 14 crowns in full function for 4 months; 5 animals are in the implantation procedure. ", "It is anticipated that 12 animals will be carried into the 3-year, full function portion of the program. ", "Of the 12, 6 will be obtained and implanted during the coming (third) program year. ", "Emphasis is currently being placed on retention of attached gingiva and design of the transginigival core." ]
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[ "Influencing The Post-Kyoto Framework\n\nGovernments, NGOs and even CEOs will soon convene in Bali for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) for talks on a post-Kyoto framework. ", "Debate in this area seems to be at a tipping point, with carbon emissions reductions of 50% or more by 2050 being seriously discussed worldwide.", "\n\n\"To meet such targets, both society and business must change with some urgency and on a huge scale,\" said WBCSD President Bjorn Stigson during the Council's October meeting in Brussels. \"", "Governments and business are increasingly working together, giving us a window of opportunity to influence framework conditions through concrete proposals.\"", "\n\nCompanies will also unite on December 10th to tell governments what business wants in the post-Kyoto framework. ", "This Bali Global Business Day (www.balibusinessday.org) will bring together 200-300 decision-makers from companies, governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations.", "\n\nThe event will send a strong message that business wants a successful completion of a new global climate change framework beyond 2012 that includes a clear and ambitious long-term strategy for reducing global carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. ", "Success in Bali depends on business being out in front asking for a framework that is \"long, loud and legal\", said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer at the Brussels meeting. ", "He added that \"the significance of Bali lies in its insignificance.\" ", "The only outcome that is truly necessary is a roadmap, and the business community must give input.", "\n\nThe business day will also demonstrate the capacities and commitments of leading companies and business sectors to provide solutions to the climate challenge and highlight the policies and financing requirements that will enable companies and markets to successfully develop and disseminate the technologies and practices required by an ambitious global mitigation plan.", "\n\nWBCSD member companies have already taken the lead in developing solutions. ", "For example, the Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) project is focusing on a future where buildings consume zero net energy, creating as much energy as they consume. ", "This is important because buildings are responsible for at least 40% of CO2 emissions worldwide. ", "Construction booms in countries like China and India are increasing buildings' greenhouse gas emissions, but the knowledge and technology exist today to slash the energy that buildings use.", "\n\nGlobally, carbon could be reduced by 715 million tons by 2010 through simply improving the energy efficiency of buildings and appliances. ", "This is equivalent to 27% of the projected increase greenhouse gas emissions to that date. ", "However, most people believe that it is too expensive to build new buildings or retrofit old ones to high energy-saving standards. ", "This is simply not true.", "\n\nA study by the WBCSD's EEB project showed that buildings professionals in eight countries — developed and developing — have the numbers wrong. ", "Asked what percentage of CO2 emissions they thought buildings give rise to, participants answered, on average, 19% less than half the correct answer. ", "US professionals averaged 12%.", "\n\nAsked how much they thought a certified sustainable building would cost to build relative to a normal building, the average response was 17% more. ", "In fact, the premium is usually under 5% in developed countries. ", "Perhaps the lack of knowledge is not surprising, given that only 13% of the respondents had ever actually been engaged in the building of green buildings.", "\n\nOther barriers to action include the fragmentation of the buildings sector and the different motivations within it. ", "For example, a developer erecting a building for sale may opt for cheaper heating and air conditioning components rather than more expensive units that would save the buyer and/or occupier money over time. ", "Developers will change their approaches as more end users demand green buildings.", "\n\nThe project summarized these findings in Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Business realities and opportunities. ", "It calls on governments to provide improved policy frameworks, including better urban planning, more effective building codes to enforce minimum required technical standards, and information and communication to overcome the lack of know-how and to highlight the energy performance of individual buildings. ", "A combination of voluntary and mandatory schemes is already emerging: for example, voluntary labeling schemes such as CASBEE (Japan) and LEED (US) and the mandatory building \"passport\" (EU).", "\n\nOther policy improvements, such as tax and market incentives, could encourage the purchase of energy efficient building equipment, materials and occupant consumption. ", "Energy pricing to make energy more valued by users and to decouple utilities' revenues from the volume of energy supplied, and enforcement, measurement and verification to make sure policies and regulations (including building codes) are effective and support market measures such as trading." ]
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[ "Jennifer Watts thinks Halifax council needs something that has been missing for almost a generation: diversity.", "\n\nLast fall, after two successful terms, the councillor announced she would not seek re-election in her north-end district. ", "Watts reasoned the all-white, three-quarters male and \"predominately older\" council did not reflect the city it serves.", "\n\nHalifax regional council has had but one non-white member serve within its ranks since its inception in 1996 — Graham Downey, who until 2000 represented the north end, home to one of Nova Scotia's oldest black populations. ", "This is in a city that, according to the 2006 census, has a visible minority population of 7.5 per cent, about half of it black.", "\n\nWhile not endorsing any candidate, Watts has made it clear she thinks council needs to make room for new voices.", "\n\n\"Unless politicians stand aside to let others come forward, it is difficult for people to enter the political arena, or even think about doing it themselves,\" Watts says. \"", "They'll have a lot to learn, but they'll also bring the strength of their perspective.\"", "\n\nWatts's decision has set up a battle for the Oct. 15 election in which two political rookies appear to be front-runners. ", "Both candidates, one white and one black, have pushed equity issues to the fore, giving voice to millennials' dissatisfaction with the incremental change they see as politics of the past.", "\n\nA tale of two north ends\n\n\"I don't think the city is ready to have that conversation when it comes to race, but it's being forced,\" says Lindell Smith, a 26-year-old African-Nova Scotian. \"", "It shouldn't be something they should be scared of.\"", "\n\nSmith works as a community assistant at the library around the corner from his childhood home on Gottingen Street. ", "He co-founded a recording studio for youth in the area, and has won multiple awards for community service.", "\n\nSmith will officially launch his run for city council on Thursday, but his candidacy has been generating buzz for months.", "\n\nPlease join us for my Official Campaign Launch <br><br>Thursday June 16th 6:00 at <a href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/NorthBranch?src=hash\">#NorthBranch</a> <a href=\"https://t.co/A3IdkDMq5X\">https://t.co/A3IdkDMq5X</a> <a href=\"https://t.co/7s8XX34Gwt\">pic.twitter.com/7s8XX34Gwt</a> —@LindellSmithHFX\n\nSolidarity Halifax, a local social justice organization, withdrew its white candidate for the district in recognition of \"the historic significance of Lindell Smith's candidacy.\"", "\n\nIn the background of this conversation is the forced relocation of black residents from Africville, at the northern tip of the district Smith seeks to represent, which was ordered razed by city council in the late 1960s. ", "Many former residents and their descendants still live in the area.", "\n\nForty years after the last home in the neighbourhood was bulldozed, the city offered a formal apology in 2010 as part of a multi-million-dollar settlement with its former residents.", "\n\n\"African Nova Scotian communities have a history of being destroyed, being left out in the progression,\" Smith says. \"", "What government likes to say, 'Sorry, we make mistakes?' ", "And we could possibly do it again.\"", "\n\nRecently, the north end has faced a more gradual change: gentrification. ", "First came the trendsetters, then the cafes, then the condo developers. ", "It is now home to lush-bearded baristas and the sort of restaurants national magazines take notice of.", "\n\nThe old and the new coexist side-by-side, sometimes literally on top of each other. ", "On Gottingen, the district's main drag, the headquarters of a BMO-sponsored music festival shares a wall with a community health centre on one side and a condemned building on the other.", "\n\nAccording to federal housing reports, the average price of rent has increased by 67 per cent since 1997. ", "Smith fears the people who built the community will be priced out of homes they have lived in for years.", "\n\n\"No matter what, there's going to be some sort of displacement when it comes to revitalizing the community,\" Smith says. \"", "If things continue the way they're continuing now, we're going to lose the heritage.\"", "\n\nFriendly rivals\n\nSmith's main opponent, Brenden Sommerhalder, works for the city's downtown business commission as its director of marketing. ", "He debuted his campaign in the spring with a satirical play, Flat Fee: A Tale of Two Bureaucracies, in a tribute to Charles Dickens.", "\n\nBrenden Sommerhalder sits with his dog in his Twitter profile photo. (", "Twitter @BSommerhalder )\n\nA native Winnipegger, Sommerhalder moved to the north end eight years ago and says he has embraced it as his home.", "\n\nThus far, the back-and-forth between Smith and Sommerhalder has been studiously cordial. ", "Sommerhalder tweeted that his political rival \"makes some important points. ", "We're richer for having his perspective in the election.\"", "\n\nThere is no doubt in his mind that under-representation of racial minorities on council is an institutional problem, and says if elected, it will be his \"vigorous intent\" to empower the unheard.", "\n\n\"It's not a good enough solution to try to replace a single individual with another individual,\" he says. \"", "It's clear to me by the lack of racial diversity on our council, that there is something about the way our democracy and governments work that is excluding people from the process.\"", "\n\nSommerhalder says that it's no one district's job to tackle what he sees as a \"systemically rooted\" city-wide issue. ", "He has pledged to follow Watts's lead and step down after two terms so as not to perpetuate the status quo.", "\n\nCommunity bbq and clean up .. and <a href=\"https://twitter.com/LindellSmithHFX\">@LindellSmithHFX</a> serving up dawgs <a href=\"https://t.co/E2lrIXW4T4\">pic.twitter.com/E2lrIXW4T4</a> —@BSommerhalder\n\nSmith is not the only African Nova Scotian running. ", "Virginia Hinch, an officer for the city's housing authority, is also a contender in the north-end district, making soaring rents a centrepiece of her campaign. ", "At least two other black candidates have announced they are running elsewhere in the municipality, in Preston and north Dartmouth.", "\n\nSmith isn't making lofty campaign promises. ", "He says he knows he can't fix the community's problems in a single city council motion, but says change begins with a seat at the table.", "\n\n\"What I would love to see is for the community to feel confident that their voices are being heard,\" he says.", "\n\n\"Now you're talking about city issues that you usually didn't talk about.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nClose reason not shown?", "\n\nThis question has been migrated from StackOverflow - and apparently back. ", "Both sites show the question as closed, but the close reason is not displayed anywhere.", "\n\nA:\n\nMy guess is that is was migrated back to SO, but this normally shouldn't happen, so it's displaying the first migration rather than the most recent one\n\n" ]
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[ "Robert Snodgrass has been told he is free to leave West Ham\n\nWest Ham have told Robert Snodgrass that he is surplus to requirements, according to Sky sources.", "\n\nSky Sports News understands the Scotland international will be allowed to leave either on a permanent basis or on loan.", "\n\nSnodgrass only joined West Ham from Hull in January, but has since struggled to find his best form and has been unable to establish himself as a first-team regular.", "\n\nThe 29-year-old scored nine goals for Hull last season before joining the Hammers in a deal worth £10.2m.\n\nSnodgrass, whose former clubs include Leeds and Norwich, has three years remaining on his contract at the London Stadium.", "\n\nMeanwhile, West Ham remain in talks to sign William Carvalho but Sporting Lisbon are demanding a higher price for the midfielder.", "\n\nThe Portugal international is understood to want a move to the Premier League and has a £40m release clause in his contract.", "\n\nDespite holding talks over the past two weeks, Sky Sports News understands Sporting will only sanction a deal to sell Carvalho if West Ham match the buy-out fee." ]
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[ "Déjà au cœur d’une région qui regroupe près de la moitié des cochons du Québec, plusieurs citoyens d’Adstock, près de Thetford Mines, craignent un projet de mégaporcherie de 7500 bêtes. ", "Celle-ci a pour but de remplacer une ferme qui en abritait cinq fois moins.", "\n\nLe projet d’envergure pourrait naître sur le Rang 14, un secteur rural situé à quelques kilomètres du cœur de la municipalité d’environ 2700 citoyens. ", "Près du site envisagé, l’inquiétude des voisins grimpe en flèche quand ils songent à l’impact sur leur qualité de vie.", "\n\nParmi eux, Stéphane Lessard songe même à quitter le secteur.", "\n\n«Je suis le plus proche. ", "J’ai acheté il y a quatre ans et j’ai mis 40 000 $ sur ma maison. ", "Ma conjointe est enceinte d’un deuxième enfant. (...) ", "C’est d’une ampleur épouvantable. ", "C’est clair que je déménage. ", "Je ne vais pas élever ma famille là-dedans», lance-t-il.", "\n\n«On n’a pas besoin de ça ici. ", "On vit beaucoup de stress», ajoute M. Lessard qui se dit capable de cohabiter avec les porcheries déjà existantes, mais qui croit que la situation sera complètement différente avec l’ajout de 6000 bêtes, un chiffre confirmé par le promoteur.", "\n\nD’après Serge Grenier, qui est aussi préoccupé par l’épandage, les lacs voisins et la qualité de l’eau potable, «c’est l’équivalent de 15 porcheries sur la même ferme. ", "Nous avons écrit à la MRC pour faire part de notre opposition au projet».", "\n\nÀ son sens, le projet est déraisonnable. «", "La santé et la qualité de vie des citoyens doivent être respectées. ", "Les promoteurs ont des droits, mais nous aussi», précise M. Grenier.", "\n\nSelon le ministère de l’Agriculture (MAPAQ), 48 % des producteurs de porcs se trouvent dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches, et 21 % en Montérégie. ", "Le Québec est le 1er producteur de porcs d’abattage au Canada. ", "De plus, la production québécoise comble de 25 à 30 % de la consommation canadienne.", "\n\n«On comprend leur inquétudes»\n\nÀ la municipalité, le maire explique que son administration n’est évidemment pas partenaire du projet.", "\n\n«On a travaillé avec les citoyens lors des consultations publiques. ", "On comprend leurs inquiétudes. ", "Il n’y a pas un consensus social chez nous actuellement. ", "Il faut que ça respecte la réglementation municipale et les règlements de zonage. ", "Le reste, c’est la MRC qui a pris le relais», a prudemment expliqué le maire Pascal Binet. ", "Ce dernier n’était pas en mesure d’établir un échéancier des étapes à venir.", "\n\nAux élus d’agir\n\nLe regroupement de citoyens a aussi écrit à la ministre des Affaires municipales, Andrée Laforest. ", "Ils songent également à demander l’aide du ministre de l’Environnement, Benoit Charette.", "\n\nQuelques-uns d’entre eux ont rencontré lundi dernier la députée de Lotbinière-Frontenac, Isabelle Lecours. «", "C’était important pour moi de les écouter. ", "Ils m’ont informée parce que je n’étais pas au courant. ", "C’est un dossier important et on va faire nos vérifications», a confié la députée, qui n’avait pas encore discuté avec le promoteur Rénald Roy.", "\n\n«Je ne m’occupe pas des permis, mais moi j’en suis au financement», a lancé M. Roy, expliquant qu’il n’avait pas le choix d’augmenter sa production «non rentable» pour le moment.", "\n\nDu côté du regroupement des Éleveurs de porcs du Québec, on indique que l’installation envisagée serait «plus grosse que la moyenne» au Québec, mais «pas exceptionnelle», selon le responsable des affaires publiques, Merlin Trottier-Picard.", "\n\n♦ 48 % des producteurs de porcs se trouvent dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches.", "\n\n*Source: MAPAQ\n\nExtraits du Portrait régional de l’eau de Chaudière-Appalaches, du ministère de l’Environnement\n\nLes activités agricoles sont, dans certains secteurs, tellement intenses qu’elles peuvent créer une dégradation importante de la qualité de l’eau de surface et, potentiellement, de l’eau souterraine.", "\n\nPlus de la moitié de la population de Chaudière-Appalaches dépend de l’eau souterraine pour sa consommation.", "\n\nDES RÉACTIONS\n\n«Ce qu’on me dit, c’est qu’il y a 1500 têtes et on veut monter à 7500.»", "\n\n— Isabelle Lecours, députée de Lotbinière-Frontenac\n\n«Actuellement, la production porcine est très difficile. ", "On exporte 70 % de notre production et le coût de production ici est un peu plus dispendieux. ", "Le marché est complètement ouvert. ", "Au Costco, c’est souvent du porc américain.»", "\n\n— Jacques Faucher, Centre de développement du porc du Québec\n\n«Est-ce raisonnable? ", "Avons-nous fait notre part?»", "\n\n— Serge Grenier, citoyen\n\n«C’est la vue que je vais avoir devant chez moi. ", "J’ai deux enfants. ", "Je fais de la soudure et j’ai tout rénové mon hangar. ", "Quand ils étendent, ce n’est pas bon pour faire venir du monde ici. ", "Je ne veux pas déménager, mais on va le sentir dix fois plus.»", "\n\n— Éric Vachon, voisin\n\n«Actuellement, ce n’est pas rentable. ", "Il n’y a presque rien. ", "Je comprends très bien les citoyens. ", "Il y a de nouveaux voisins. ", "Les gens ont vendu leur maison et, dans les rangs, ce ne sont plus des cultivateurs. ", "C’est normal que ça chauffe. ", "Nous aussi on se pose des questions. ", "Les coûts grimpent plus vite que les profits.»", "\n\n— Rénald Roy, promoteur du projet" ]
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[ "[Expression and identification of an antimicrobial peptide VIP in Pichia pastoris].", "\nWith the sequence of the vasoactive intestinal peptiepeptide (VIP) from humans and according to the condon bias of Pichia pastoris, we designed PCR primers of VIP and obtained the sequence of VIP by SOE-PCR. ", "Then VIP gene was cloned into Pichia pastoris secretory expression vector and the cell secretary system GS115-pPICZαA-vip was constructed. ", "The recombinant strain was induced by methanol for 96 hours, and we collected the supernatant and identified the VIP by mass spectrometry. ", "The molecular weight of VIP was consistent with theoretical molecular weight. ", "The final result showed that the target peptide VIP was successfully expressed. ", "The experimental investigations of agarose gel diffusion revealed that the recombinant expression modified VIP had relatively strong antibacterial activity to E. coli ATCC25922 and S. aureus ATCC25923. ", "The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of VIP to E. coli ATCC25922 and S. aureus ATCC25923 was 8 mmol/L and 16 mmol/L. Further cytotoxicity and hemolytic experiments indicated that recombinant VIP was non-toxic to normal cells NCM460 and IPEC-J2, had little hemolysis activity to SD rat erythrocytes. ", "Meanwhile, by transmission electron microscopy, we found that VIP mainly inhibited bacteria by disrupting the cell membrane. ", "These experiments established a useful system for further studies, application and mass production of antimicrobial peptide VIP." ]
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[ "Publish\n\n2001 polaris scrambler 400 2x4 parts\n\n2001 Polaris Scrambler 400 2x4 Parts Manual.", "\nBecause of their reliable design, relatively simple construction, and ease of repair; ATVs are the ideal machine for maintenance and repair at home. ", "With proper care and routine maintenance, your......\n\nThis parts manual PDF download contains exploded views of most components, showing location and relationship, schematics of your engine assemblies along with part numbers. ", "Very helpful when working on your vehicle and for ordering parts. ", "Now you c......" ]
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[ "Membrane-bound interleukin (IL)-15 on renal tumor cells rescues natural killer cells from IL-2 starvation-induced apoptosis.", "\nRenal cell carcinoma primary tumors and lung metastases are infiltrated by activated natural killer (NK) cells. ", "Interleukin (IL)-15, a major cytokine involved in cross-talk between accessory cells (dendritic cells and macrophages) and NK cells, is produced by epithelial renal cells. ", "We show that renal cell carcinoma cells and normal renal cells express IL-15 mRNA and membrane-bound IL-15 (MbIL-15). ", "These cells also express IL-15 receptor alpha (IL-15Ralpha). ", "Silencing of IL-15Ralpha by specific small interfering RNA in renal cell carcinoma had no effect on MbIL-15 production, indicating that the cytokine is not cross-presented by IL-15Ralpha in renal cell carcinoma cells but anchored to the membrane. ", "Furthermore, we show that MbIL-15 from renal cell carcinoma cells is functional and involved in rapid nuclear translocation of phosphorylated signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 in IL-2-starved NK cells. ", "MbIL-15 on the target did not interfere with resting NK cell activation and target cell cytolysis but rescued NK cells from IL-2 starvation-induced apoptosis through contact-dependent interaction. ", "Masking of MbIL-15 with soluble IL-15Ralpha molecules restored NK cell apoptosis. ", "These findings suggest that IL-15 produced by renal tumor cells is involved in the maintenance of active NK cells at the tumor site." ]
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[ "Head of State (2003 film)\n\nHead of State is a 2003 American comedy film directed, written by, and starring Chris Rock and co-starring Bernie Mac. ", "It marked the directorial debut of Rock, who had previously worked as a writer, producer, and actor.", "\n\nThe film's title refers to one of the key functions of the President of the United States, as the American head of state. ", "This was the last film by cinematographer Donald E. Thorin, who died in 2016, having not worked on a film in thirteen years.", "\n\nPlot\nMays Gilliam is the alderman for the 9th Ward in Washington, D.C.. After learning he is likely to lose his job and getting dumped by his girlfriend, Kim, Gilliam is surprisingly chosen as the party candidate for the presidency after his party's original presidential and vice-presidential nominees die in a plane crash and he is lauded as a hero for saving a woman from an explosion. ", "Assuming the election was already lost to sitting vice-president Brian Lewis, the party decided to pick a likable but unwinnable minority candidate to improve their chances in the next presidential election.", "\n\nAt first, Gilliam feels he will not be able to succeed as President because he would be representing the entire African-American populace, and does not want to do anything to mess it up. ", "However, Gilliam begins to rise in the polls after his brother persuades him to speak out for what he believes. ", "He begins to talk about issues such as welfare, money, society, etc.", "\n\nAfter Lewis runs a series of attack ads including one saying Gilliam supports cancer, Gilliam begins to fight back using what he claimed was \"kissing\" his opponent (taken from Bugs Bunny–Elmer Fudd cartoons). ", "A part of this strategy includes dubbing a videotape of Osama bin Laden saying he hates America but loves Brian Lewis. ", "This strategy gains Gilliam even more points in the polls.", "\n\nAs voting day draws closer, Gilliam eventually learns the reason why he was chosen as the party candidate, fires some disloyal campaign operatives (although they reconciled with him afterwards), and chooses his brother as his running mate. ", "He later has a debate with his opponent in which he manages to win the crowd over by speaking truth about the American life. ", "Finally, Gilliam ends up winning the election and the presidency. ", "The film ends with a shot of Mount Rushmore with Mays Gilliam's head added, complete with bling.", "\n\nCast\nChris Rock – Mays Gilliam, alderman, reluctant Presidential candidate and later President of the United States.", "\nBernie Mac – Mitch Gilliam, elder brother of Mays, Vice Presidential candidate and later Vice President of the United States.", "\nDylan Baker – Martin Geller\nNick Searcy – Brian Lewis, incumbent Vice President of the United States and Presidential candidate.", "\nLynn Whitfield – Debra Lassiter\nRobin Givens – Kim\nTamala Jones – Lisa Clark\nJames Rebhorn – Senator Bill Arnot\nKeith David – Bernard Cooper\nStephanie March – Nikki, executive director of Internal Liaison\nJeremy Borash – Wrestling announcer\nRon Killings – Himself\nNate Dogg – Himself\nDJ Quik – Musical Score\nTracy Morgan – Meat Hustler\nRon Harris – Wrestler (uncredited)\nJeff Jarrett – Himself\nB. G. James – Himself\n\nInspiration\nRock said in HBO First Look that he got the idea from the 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, who chose Geraldine Ferraro—a woman—as his running mate. ", "The Democrats knew they had little chance of defeating Ronald Reagan, but selected Ferraro in hopes of gaining female support.", "\n\nIn one scene, Gilliam quotes \"The Roof Is on Fire\" by Rock Master Scott & the Dynamic Three.", "\n\nAccording to the DVD audio commentary, the scene where Gilliam sings \"Deep in the Heart of Texas\" is a reference to Pee-wee's Big Adventure, where Pee-Wee Herman does the same thing.", "\n\nPart of the presidential debate is a verbatim repeat of Monty Python's Argument Clinic.", "\n\nCameos\n The ceremonial first pitch scene was filmed prior to a Baltimore Orioles–Toronto Blue Jays game at Camden Yards on August 24, 2002.", "\n In the scene where Gilliam makes an appearance for TNA Wrestling, B. G. James is holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, a title he has never won\n Boston comedian and actor Jimmy Tingle has the role of a talk show host, in which he interviews Bernie Mac.", "\n\nReception\nHead of State received generally mixed reviews from critics. ", "On Rotten Tomatoes, the film maintains a score of 31% approval rating from critics, with the critical consensus reading, \"Head of State squanders its potentially ripe premise with watered-down satire and formulaic gags.\" ", "On Metacritic, the film maintains a score of 44/100.", "\n\nRoger Ebert, writing for Chicago Sun-Times, gave the film 3/4 stars, writing that it's \"an imperfect movie, but not a boring one and not lacking in intelligence.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n \n \n \n\nCategory:2003 films\nCategory:2000s comedy films\nCategory:American political comedy films\nCategory:American films\nCategory:American political satire films\nCategory:African-American comedy films\nCategory:Directorial debut films\nCategory:DreamWorks Pictures films\nCategory:English-language films\nCategory:Films about elections\nCategory:Films directed by Chris Rock\nCategory:Films set in Washington, D.C.\nCategory:Films shot in South Dakota\nCategory:Films shot in Baltimore\nCategory:Films shot in Maryland\nCategory:Films about fictional Presidents of the United States\nCategory:Films with screenplays by Chris Rock\nCategory:Films produced by Chris Rock\nCategory:3 Arts Entertainment films" ]
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[ "...\n\nBoston's Phantom Glue have been poised for success since Kurt Ballou of Converge recorded their first LP back in 2013. ", "Now signed to Negative Fun Records, the band is releasing their sophomore album this Friday and IO is the first to unleash these seven tracks of stoner thrash. ", "Once you press play below, the opening song \"Ion Cloud\" drops you right into an aggressive whirlwind.", "\n\n\"776 feels like a darker and weirder record for us,\" explained guitarist Mike Gowell. \"", "We knew this was the last record we were doing with Kyle (Rasmussen - drums, Dana Filloon of Junius has since joined on drums) and were unsure of what would happen after the record was recorded. ", "On top of that we were less prepared than we'd been in the past, we hadn't played a lot of the songs out and we hadn't demo'd any of them.\"", "\n\nHe also added: \"We've always been very prepared going into the studio but this batch of songs felt somewhat unknown to us. ", "We went in not really knowing what the vibe was so we spent more time messing around trying weird shit and improvising than we'd ever done before in the studio. ", "We ended up with an ugly baby that we love.\"", "\n\n776 will be released on May 13 and can be pre-ordered HERE. ", "Follow Phantom Glue on Facebook.", "\n\n—Kelly Kettering\n\n...\n\n..." ]
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[ "Tankyrase\n\nTankyrase, also known as tankyrase 1, is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the TNKS gene. ", "It inhibits the binding of TERF1 to telomeric DNA.", "\n\nDescription\nTankyrase-1 is a poly-ADP-ribosyltransferase involved in various processes such as Wnt signaling pathway, telomere length and vesicle trafficking. ", "Acts as an activator of the Wnt signaling pathway by mediating poly-ADP-ribosylation (PARylation) of AXIN1 and AXIN2, 2 key components of the beta-catenin destruction complex: poly-ADP-ribosylated target proteins are recognized by RNF146, which mediates their ubiquitination and subsequent degradation. ", "Also mediates PARsylation of BLZF1 and CASC3, followed by recruitment of RNF146 and subsequent ubiquitination. ", "Mediates PARsylation of TERF1, thereby contributing to the regulation of telomere length. ", "Involved in centrosome maturation during prometaphase by mediating PARsylation of HEPACAM2/MIKI. ", "May also regulate vesicle trafficking and modulate the subcellular distribution of SLC2A4/GLUT4-vesicles. ", "May be involved in spindle pole assembly through PARsylation of NUMA1. ", "Stimulates 26S proteasome activity.", "\n\nProtein interactions \nTNKS has been shown to interact with:\n\n FNBP1, \n MCL1, \n TERF1, and\n TNKS1BP1.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCategory:Telomere-related proteins\nCategory:Aging-related enzymes" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSeason (i.e. summer/winter) dependent hyperlinks\n\nHow can a hyperlink be created which goes to a different end point during the summer (i.e. https://example.net/summer) and during the winter (i.e. https://example.net/winter)? ", " Needs to be done client side only without PHP, etc. ", " Assume summer is from 4/15 to 9/15 and winter is from 9/16 to 4/14, however, exact dates are not important and can be slightly changed if easier.", "\nEDIT. ", " I can't really take credit for this solution because moment() recommendation wa provided by Quentin Roger.", "\n<a id=\"link\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\">Click Me</a>\n\n$(\"#link\").click(function() {\n window.location = moment().isBetween(moment(\"2017-05-01\"), moment(\"2017-09-01\"))\n ?'", "https://example.net/summer'\n :'https://example.net/winter';\n});\n\nA:\n\nYou can just do some date comparison before setting the href property\n\nwindow.addEventListener(\"load\", function() {\r\n let anchor = document.getElementById(\"season_dependant\");\r\n // Get current Date:\r\n let date = new Date();\r\n \r\n // consider two dates as boundaries, they must be the same year\r\n let start_date = new Date();\r\n start_date.setMonth(3); // month index (-1)\r\n start_date.setDate(15); // day of month\r\n // => 15th, April of current year\r\n \r\n let end_date = new Date();\r\n end_date.setMonth(9); // month index (-1)\r\n end_date.setDate(1); // day of month\r\n // => 1st, October of current year\r\n \r\n // NOTE: must be start_date < end_date for this to work\r\n \r\n if (date > start_date && date < end_date) {\r\n // If inside period:\r\n anchor.href = \"/summer\";\r\n } else {\r\n // If outside period:\r\n anchor.href = \"/winter\";\r\n }\r\n});\n<a id=\"season_dependant\">link</a>\n\n" ]
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[ "An Iliad of Woes\n\nRecurring Failed Populist Syndrome\n\nGreece’s current troubles are a symptom of a deeper corruption at the heart of an economy dominated by oligarchs. ", "If Syriza can smash the oligarchic power structure, it may give the country a chance—if." ]
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[ "Myanmar one of more than 40 countries where laws introduced by British entrench discrimination against LGBT people.", "\n\nYangon, Myanmar – Khin Maung Htun, a gay man in Myanmar, was standing on the street one night last year scrolling through his phone when police showed up to arrest some men who had been fighting nearby.", "\n\nThe brawl had nothing to do with him; he had not even realised it was going on. ", "But one of the police officers happened to know some acquaintances of his and recognised his face.", "\n\n“He is gay,” the officer told his colleagues as he pointed at Khin Maung Htun, “so arrest him too.”", "\n\nAt the police station, he was made to kneel down with the other men as police kicked them. ", "Then he was singled out by an officer who demanded to know why he was gay, before slapping him.", "\n\nThe other men were allowed to call their families to bail them out, but police told him he would have to wait much longer to do so because of his sexual orientation.", "\n\nKhin Maung Htun was among dozens of LGBT people who gave accounts of widespread abuse and violence at the hands of Myanmar’s authorities for a new report.", "\n\nThe Denmark-funded report – In the Shadows – calls on the country’s first democratically-elected government in decades to scrap Section 377, which punishes gay sex with up to 10 years in prison.", "\n\nColonial relic\n\nThe law remains on the books in more than 40 countries across the world a remnant of the British empire, but a global movement to undo the colonial legacy is gaining momentum.", "\n\nSeveral countries, including India, Botswana, Trinidad & Tobago and Belize, have overturned Section 377 or similar anti-gay legislation in recent years, boosting hopes that activists can achieve the same in other countries that were once British colonies.", "\n\nSingapore’s annual Pride rally is known as ‘Pink Dot’; a court in the former British colony is hearing a series of legal challenges to its colonial-era law banning gay sex [File: Darren Whiteside/Reuters]\n\nSingapore’s High Court on Wednesday began hearing a series of legal challenges to its anti-gay law from activists emboldened by last year’s ruling in India. ", "It follows a failed attempt to overturn the law in 2014.", "\n\nA victory there would also galvanise campaigners in Malaysia, where Section 377 carries a 20-year jail sentence and the gay sex is also prohibited under Islamic laws. ", "While the law is not always enforced, last week the religious court sentenced five men to jail and caning for attempting to have gay sex.", "\n\nAnwar Ibrahim, who is expected to be Malaysia’s next prime minister, told Al Jazeera’s UpFront programme last year that the anti-sodomy law needed amending because it could be wielded against people “without any proper evidence”.", "\n\nAnwar himself has been imprisoned twice on sodomy charges that he said were politically motivated. ", "However, his ruling coalition has yet to make any attempt at decriminalisation.", "\n\nMonths after winning a May 2018 election, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said LGBT rights were “things we cannot accept”.", "\n\n“Some things are only meant for the West,” he added.", "\n\nNot a priority\n\nMyanmar’s leader, former human rights icon Aung San Suu Kyi, spoke out in support of decriminalising same-sex relations while in opposition in 2013. ", "But she has failed to use the parliamentary supermajority she won in a 2015 election to make that a reality.", "\n\n“I think it’s just not on her list of priorities,” said Michelle Yesudas, a human rights lawyer and one of the researchers behind In the Shadows. “", "But at the same time, there’s no reason to stop reminding her.”", "\n\nThe ‘Drag Olympics’ at this year’s Yangon Pride; the country’s LGBT community faces discrimination based on laws inherited from the British [File: Matthew Tostevin/Reuters]\n\nMyo Nyunt, a spokesperson for Aung San Suu Kyi‘s National League for Democracy, said the party had “no intention” of overturning Section 377 and had to be “very careful” in the run-up to next year’s election.", "\n\n“The opposition might use it to attack us,” he told Al Jazeera. “", "They have formerly accused the NLD of being a non-religious party and of giving special favours to groups who want … freedoms just like the Western societies.”", "\n\nJoseph O’Mahoney, a lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading, finds it ironic that politicians suggest tolerance of LGBT people is a Western invention.", "\n\nMore than half of all countries that outlaw homosexuality had those laws imposed by British colonial rulers, he and his colleague Enze Han found in 2014.", "\n\n“The trope that tolerance is neo-colonialism or Western bullying is common in the media and public discourse in many countries,” O’Mahoney told Al Jazeera.", "\n\nDespite that, “the global trend toward decriminalisation is rapid in historical terms and we are not seeing much recriminalisation”, he added, “so I am very optimistic in the medium-term at least”.", "\n\n‘Shadow Laws’\n\nIn Myanmar, a host of other laws besides section 377 are used to persecute LGBT people.", "\n\nTransgender women have been arrested for wearing makeup after police deemed it was a “disguise” under a set of statutes known as the “Shadow Laws”.", "\n\nThe laws also date from the colonial era and give police sweeping powers to arrest anyone out after dark or who they deem to be suspicious.", "\n\nOne transwoman told researchers for In the Shadows, she was arrested under these laws for carrying a pair of scissors. ", "Like many transgender people, one of the few forms of work open to her is as a hair and makeup stylist.", "\n\nPolice in Myanmar routinely rape, beat and verbally abuse transwomen and others with impunity while using the threat of prosecution to extract bribes, the report found.", "\n\nIn other cases, judges refused to hear from witnesses because they were from the LGBTQ community and court staff were openly homophobic and transphobic, the report added.", "\n\nA spokesperson for Myanmar’s police force did not answer calls from Al Jazeera seeking comment.", "\n\nO’Mahoney says he is unsure exactly what role the United Kingdom should play in redressing the damage it has done to LGBT communities worldwide.", "\n\n“One policy that I think definitely is both under Britain’s control and also morally urgent is granting asylum to LGBT people who face danger in their home countries both due to laws imposed by the British as well as other laws,” he said." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nEmbodiments of the present invention relate to a boost control apparatus mounted, for example, on a vehicle or the like.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nOn an electric vehicle, such as an electric car, a hybrid car, and a fuel cell vehicle, an inverter is mounted in order to control a motor generator that generates driving force used for running and regenerative power used for power storage. ", "Since electric power used by the inverter varies depending on a running state or the like, a voltage conversion apparatus (or a converter) is provided between a power storage apparatus and the inverter in some cases.", "\nIn order to improve fuel efficiency of the electric vehicle, it is effective to reduce a loss of the converter. ", "Thus, for example, in Japanese Patent Application Laid Open No. ", "2011-120329, there is proposed a technology in which a boost converter is switching-driven only by a one-side element (hereinafter referred to as “one-side element control”). ", "According to the one-side element control, it is considered that the loss of the converter can be reduced, for example, due to a reduction in current ripple.", "\nIn Japanese Patent Application Laid Open No. ", "2005-151606, there is proposed a technology related to control of the converter in which a moment at which current that flows through a reactor becomes nearly zero (or zero crossing) is detected.", "\nIn the one-side element control, a relation between output current and a duty ratio significantly changes before and after the zero crossing, and it is thus preferable to change control content depending on whether or not it is the zero crossing. ", "In other words, it is preferable to switch between control for a zero-crossing region and control for a non-zero-crossing region, and to perform either one, as occasion demands.", "\nHere, the zero crossing can be determined, for example, by monitoring the current that flows through the reactor and applied voltage or the like; however, it is not easy to detect the zero crossing with high accuracy and without delay in conventional technologies including the aforementioned patent literatures. ", "If the timing of the zero crossing cannot be accurately detected, duty control cannot be appropriately switched, which can result in such a technical problem that desired output current cannot be obtained. ", "In particular, it is considered that such a problem frequently occurs in a high-frequency state." ]
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[ "Woman shot dead, husband detained in Contra Costa County\n\nA woman was shot and killed and her husband was detained in unincorporated Contra Costa County on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. ", "A woman was shot and killed and her husband was detained in unincorporated Contra Costa County on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. ", "Photo: Google Maps Photo: Google Maps Image 1 of / 1 Caption Close Woman shot dead, husband detained in Contra Costa County 1 / 1 Back to Gallery\n\nInvestigators detained the husband of a woman who was shot to death in unincorporated Contra Costa County Thursday afternoon, authorities said.", "\n\nAround 3:20 p.m., deputies from the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office responded to reports of a shooting on the 2100 block of Galway Road in the Tara Hills area southwest of Pinole, the sheriff’s office said.", "\n\nThe first deputies on the scene found a 26-year-old woman suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. ", "Deputies tried to resuscitate her until paramedics arrived, but she died at the scene, the sheriff’s office said.", "\n\nThe woman’s husband was detained, though neither he, nor the victim, were identified. ", "No other suspects were being sought, officials said.", "\n\nInvestigators encouraged anyone with information about the incident to contact Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office detectives at (925) 646-2441.", "\n\nKale Williams is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. ", "E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @sfkale" ]
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[ "christians wouldn't have done 911 because their holy book doesn't give them an excuse\n\n6,583 shares" ]
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[ "12月20日、米サウスカロライナ州で、州内で販売される新しいコンピューターなどインターネット接続機器に、ポルノサイトへのアクセスを遮断するソフトウエアを搭載することを義務付ける修正法案が15日州議会に提出された。写真は昨年9月撮影(2016年 ロイター/Beck Diefenbach)\n\n[20日 ロイター] - 米サウスカロライナ州で15日、州内で販売される新しいコンピューターなどインターネット接続機器に、ポルノサイトへのアクセスを遮断するソフトウエアを搭載することを義務付ける修正法案が州議会に提出された。", "\n\n18歳以上の利用者は、20ドルを支払えばこのソフトを削除できる。また、製造・販売業者は機器1台につき20ドルを支払うと、ソフトのインストールが免除されるという。", "\n\nこれらの資金は、人身売買などより深刻な問題に対応する財源にする計画だという。", "\n\n同州のビル・チャムリー議員はインタビューで「これは自由を保持する方法だ。増税なしに一挙に深刻な問題と戦える手段となる」と述べた。討論や投票の日程は示されていない。" ]
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[ "Image copyright Getty Images\n\nFord is recalling 52,000 F-250 pick-up trucks over a fault which can cause the vehicle to roll while the automatic transmission lever is in park position.", "\n\nIn a statement, the company advised users of the 2017 vehicles, sold in the US and Canada, to use the hand brake when shifting the car into park mode.", "\n\nIt said it was not aware of any accidents or injuries associated with the issue.", "\n\nIt is the Michigan-based automaker's third recall in a week.", "\n\nOn Wednesday, Ford recalled 211,000 vehicles in North America over potentially faulty side door latches.", "\n\nIt also recalled 360,000 vehicles in North America and Europe that present a fire risk in the engine compartment. ", "Ford said it had reports of 29 fires related to that issue but no injuries." ]
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[ "Latest trial of a virus engineered to kill cancer shows promise\n\nVirus kills tumor cells, triggers an immune response to cancer.", "\n\nFor roughly 20 years, scientists have been working to engineer a virus that will attack cancer. ", "The basic idea is sound, and every few years there have been some promising-looking results, with tumors shrinking dramatically in response to an infection. ", "But the viruses never seem to go beyond small trials, and the companies making them always seem to focus on different things.", "\n\nOver the weekend, Nature Medicine described some further promising results, this time with a somewhat different approach to ensuring that the virus leads to the death of cancer cells: if the virus doesn't kill the cells directly, it revs up the immune system to attack them. ", "It's not clear this result will make it to a clinic, but it provides a good opportunity to review the general approach of treating cancer with viruses.", "\n\nThe basic idea is to leverage decades of work on some common viruses. ", "This research has identified a variety of mutations keeping viruses from growing in normal cells. ", "It means that if you inject the virus into a healthy individual, it won't be able to infect any of their cells.", "\n\nBut cancer cells are different, as they carry a series of mutations of their own. ", "In some cases, these mutations compensate for the problems in the virus. ", "To give one example, the p53 protein normally induces aberrant cells to undergo an orderly death called apoptosis. ", "It also helps shut down the growth of viruses in a cell, which is why some viruses encode a protein that inhibits p53. ", "Cancer cells tend to damage or eliminate their copies of p53 so that it doesn't cause them to undergo apoptosis.", "\n\nSo imagine a virus with its p53 inhibitor deleted. ", "It can't grow in normal cells since they have p53 around, but it can grow in cancer cells, which have eliminated their p53. ", "The net result should be a cancer-killing virus. (", "A great idea, but this is one of the viruses that got dropped after preliminary trials.)", "\n\nIn the new trial, the virus in question takes a similar approach. ", "The virus, vaccinia (a relative of smallpox used for vaccines), carries a gene that is essential for it to make copies of itself. ", "Researchers have engineered a version without that gene, ensuring it can't grow in normal cells (which have their equivalent of the gene shut down). ", "Cancer cells need to reactivate the gene, meaning they present a hospitable environment for the mutant virus.", "\n\nBut the researchers added another trick by inserting a gene for a molecule that helps recruit immune cells (the awkwardly named granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, or GM-CSF). ", "The immune system plays an important role in controlling cancer, but it doesn't always generate a full-scale response to cancer. ", "By adding GM-CSF, the virus should help bring immune cells to the site of the cancer and activate them, creating a more aggressive immune response to any cells that survive viral infection.", "\n\nThe study here was simply checking the tolerance for two different doses of the virus. ", "In general, the virus was tolerated well. ", "Most subjects reported a short bout of flu-like symptoms, but only one subject out of 30 had a more severe response.", "\n\nHowever, the tumors did respond. ", "Based on placebo-controlled trials, the average survival time of patients like the ones in the trial would have been expected to be about two to four months. ", "Instead, the low-dose group had a survival time of nearly seven months; for the higher dose group, that number went up to over a year. ", "Two of those treated were still alive after more than two years. ", "Imaging of tumors showed lots of dead cells, and tests of the immune system indicate the virus had generated a robust response.", "\n\nWill this virus finally make it out of clinical trials? ", "Right now, the company that makes it is still engaged in phase 2 trials (like this one), which are designed to identify the treatment used for a large-scale effectiveness trial. ", "There are still hurdles to overcome, but the promising results described here indicate the company behind it is very interested in seeing this through.", "\n\nAs a casual reader who isn't fully versed on this stuff I would like to ask:\n\nWhy can't this sort of thing be a preventative treatment? ", "Basically inject people en masse with something like this and if someone unknowingly is in the first stages of a cancer, it eliminates it before it ever becomes a problem.", "\n\nIs it just cost / time to manufacture? ", "I'd think that would be surmountable.", "\n\nWhile this is promising I just wish they could find a way to cure HIV and the like. ", "Eventually they will, but I can't help but think I missed 'sexual revolution v.1.0' and will now be poised to miss 'sexual revolution v2.0' due to age. ", "Youth is wasted on the young.", "\n\nMy guess might be a mutation problem. ", "Widespread and indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to some diseases developing resistant strains. ", "Could a similar occurrence happen with whatever process creates cancer cells?", "\n\nMy guess might be a mutation problem. ", "Widespread and indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to some diseases developing resistant strains. ", "Could a similar occurrence happen with whatever process creates cancer cells?", "\n\nThe only way this could be preventative is the virus could hang out in the body for years without any significant number of cancerous cells to host it (everyone has some cancerous cells at any given moment). ", "That would make the virus a really hardy herpes-type thing that would be difficult to control if it mutated.", "\n\nAs a casual reader who isn't fully versed on this stuff I would like to ask:\n\nWhy can't this sort of thing be a preventative treatment? ", "Basically inject people en masse with something like this and if someone unknowingly is in the first stages of a cancer, it eliminates it before it ever becomes a problem.", "\n\nIs it just cost / time to manufacture? ", "I'd think that would be surmountable.", "\n\nOr is it something else?", "\n\nGood question. ", "So I've managed to sift through the materials and methods online. ", "They injected the vector into the tumors:\"we randomized patients centrally using permuted blocks to receive a dose of 10^9 or 10^8 PFU distributed among up to five intrahepatic tumors on days 1, 15 and 29. ", "We administered JX-594 by imaging-guided IT injection using a multi-pronged Quadrafuse needle (Rex Medical Inc) to ensure even distribution of the virus throughout the tumor when possible (if this was not technically feasible, a straight needle was used).\"Even if the virus could be given systemically, the recipient would generate a pretty strong anti-virus immune response so the curative vector wouldn't be around for long. ", "Anti-cancer virus vectors tend to be the bigger, more complex ones, that can replicate, carry lots of genes, and whip up a nasty immune response. ", "This is in contrast to the virus vectors used to treat single gene disorders, which tend to be small, gutted of any original viral genes, and more immunologically inert.", "\n\nI have been wondering for a while if it is possible to create a bacterium that feeds on the shell proteins only found on viruses or certain viruses. ", "Without these viruses the bacterium dies off after awhile and the body can clear them away. ", "Seems reasonable to me.", "\n\nIt is too bad that it isn't possible to make a virus that attacks other viruses since they require cellular machinery to reproduce. ", "That would be fascinating.", "\n\nAnother thought, I wonder if it is possible to make a virus that attaches to other viruses and destroys them (while attempting in vain to infect the other virus for reproductive purposes), but are unable to reproduce unless you provide it a supply of fake cells that have an outer membrane that resembles the virus' prey closely enough that it will be attacked and used for reproduction of the virus.", "\n\nThe thought here is you provide it the reproductive medium it needs while it attacks both the fake cells and the other virus molecules. ", "When it's job is done you simply stop providing it with the fake cells and the virus can no longer propagate. ", "Then the body's immune system can sweep away the remaining viruses. ", "To be honest I don't really think this last idea has much, if any, possibility of being doable. ", "But it is a thought.", "\n\nI have been wondering for a while if it is possible to create a bacterium that feeds on the shell proteins only found on viruses or certain viruses. ", "Without these viruses the bacterium dies off after awhile and the body can clear them away. ", "Seems reasonable to me.", "\n\nIt is too bad that it isn't possible to make a virus that attacks other viruses since they require cellular machinery to reproduce. ", "That would be fascinating.", "\n\nAnother thought, I wonder if it is possible to make a virus that attaches to other viruses and destroys them (while attempting in vain to infect the other virus for reproductive purposes), but are unable to reproduce unless you provide it a supply of fake cells that have an outer membrane that resembles the virus' prey closely enough that it will be attacked and used for reproduction of the virus.", "\n\nThe thought here is you provide it the reproductive medium it needs while it attacks both the fake cells and the other virus molecules. ", "When it's job is done you simply stop providing it with the fake cells and the virus can no longer propagate. ", "Then the body's immune system can sweep away the remaining viruses. ", "To be honest I don't really think this last idea has much, if any, possibility of being doable. ", "But it is a thought.", "\n\nGiven our current state of the art, you have to find such genes in nature first. ", "AFAIK, we still aren't able to actually manufacture genes out of thin air, what people do with these virii is to find the genes they need and insert them into a known, previously emptied, virus.", "\n\nProbably to make sure that 1/100 people doesn't drop dead for some reason.", "I doubt it's useless bureaucracy.", "\n\nIt's not useless bureaucracy. ", "It's not just because of 1/100 (which, you'd be surprised how many \"normal\" meds kill people). ", "It's because you WANT to make sure that things aren't going to go horribly awry.", "\n\nPeople might knock it, the the reality is..... are we REALLY that spot-on with our biology skills that we can ensure something like this DOESN'T turn into something nasty? ", "I mean, honestly, we have people that can't wrap their heads around evolution still. ", "Mankind HAS screwed up in the past and with this kind of thing..... we're playing with stuff that we might not be able to control, or as the saying goes, \"put the genie back into the bottle\".", "\n\nAnd yes, I have family members who are suffering from cancer as I type this. ", "One of which being my dad. ", "I also know he'd slap me upside the head if I were that selfish as to potentially risk EVERYONE at the sake of saving him. ", "And I work in the medical field too, btw.", "\n\nProbably to make sure that 1/100 people doesn't drop dead for some reason.", "I doubt it's useless bureaucracy.", "\n\nIt's not useless bureaucracy. ", "It's not just because of 1/100 (which, you'd be surprised how many \"normal\" meds kill people). ", "It's because you WANT to make sure that things aren't going to go horribly awry.", "\n\nPeople might knock it, the the reality is..... are we REALLY that spot-on with our biology skills that we can ensure something like this DOESN'T turn into something nasty? ", "I mean, honestly, we have people that can't wrap their heads around evolution still. ", "Mankind HAS screwed up in the past and with this kind of thing..... we're playing with stuff that we might not be able to control, or as the saying goes, \"put the genie back into the bottle\".", "\n\nAnd yes, I have family members who are suffering from cancer as I type this. ", "One of which being my dad. ", "I also know he'd slap me upside the head if I were that selfish as to potentially risk EVERYONE at the sake of saving him. ", "And I work in the medical field too, btw.", "\n\nThey're already testing it on people, so if you're worried about it escaping the lab and decimating the planet, you're pretty much already screwed.", "\n\nSo volunteer yourself.", "Go. ", "Hurry. ", "Run and get an experimental treatment.", "\n\nAnd if it makes your nuts drop off in 2 years, don't whine..\n\nIf your choices were dying in two months or living two years then having your bits fall off, which would you choose?", "\n\nNormally I'd be wailing on the FDA since the downside is death and for terminally I'll patients that's almost irrelevant. ", "But this has potential to spread and or cause mutations so there is some reason behind it.", "\n\nI am not a medical professional, but I would imagine that the ultimate goal of this treatment would be to combine it with a chemotherapy drug injections at just the right time. ", "You know, stab cancer in the back, and then piss on it's grave.", "\n\nDr. Tomoki Todo of the University of Tokyo (now with the university's Institute of Medical Science) has also seen favorable results with an engineered herpes virus used agains brain cancers (gliomas) in Phase I studies of tolerance. ", "In one case, the results were nothing short of dramatic. ", "However Phase I trials involve a very limited number of patients, and so technically one is not allowed to make claims regarding efficacy. ", "More clinical trials are scheduled for this year.", "\n\nIf you can reach and inject the tumors with virus one-by-one. ", "Why not inject or cover the tumors with Super-glue? ", "I read about this treatment awhile back. ", "The article claims that Super-glue cut-off the oxygen to the tumors and eventually the tumors died from lack of oxygen.", "\n\nProbably to make sure that 1/100 people doesn't drop dead for some reason.", "I doubt it's useless bureaucracy.", "\n\nYou mean that's not established in Phase 1 and 2? ", "Shouldn't a terminal patient have a right to choose something promising? ", "Sure sounds like bureaucratic FDA bullshit to me.", "\n\nIt's pretty hard to ensure it doesn't kill 1/100 people when you're only testing it on 30 people.", "\n\nThe testing process makes sense, try it on a few, try it on a larger sample (30), try it on a really big sample and see how it keeps reacting with all the varying conditions people have, medications they're on and look at the long term results.", "\n\nEvolution wrote:\n\nIf you can reach and inject the tumors with virus one-by-one. ", "Why not inject or cover the tumors with Super-glue? ", "I read about this treatment awhile back. ", "The article claims that Super-glue cut-off the oxygen to the tumors and eventually the tumors died from lack of oxygen.", "\n\nYou should stop getting your news from Weekly World News. ", "It's completely satire. ", "The bat boy story on the side should have been a give away.", "\n\nif you can engineer a virus to kill cancer, you can make a virus to kill people. ", "this is some kind of 'singularity' for biological warfare. ", "something as contagious as the common cold and as deadly as AIDS.", "\n\nwe ask, \"why would anyone work on something like that?\", ", "just as people in 1890 must have asked \"why would anyone create a super powerful bomb or try to spray their enemies with poisoned gas\". ", "what seems barbaric in one age is seen as an opportunity in the next age by despots, tyrants, and others with the war-criminal mindset.", "\n\nWhy can't this sort of thing be a preventative treatment? ", "Basically inject people en masse with something like this and if someone unknowingly is in the first stages of a cancer, it eliminates it before it ever becomes a problem.", "\n\nIts specific to one of a very large number of ways cancer cells can develop. ", "Treatments like this only work on a fraction of people who have cancer that depends on a specific pathway. ", "Give it to others and there is no benefit. ", "Trying to use it as a preventative measure won't work because any precancerous cells will simply evolve down a different pathway to malignancy.", "\n\nIn fact, the trial was halted early (as noted in the methods section the original protocol called for 44 patients) because of the strength of the results warranted acceleration into a larger patient pool.", "\n\nSkipping phase 3 trials however doesn't really make sense because a large scale trial is required to determine precisely which patients benefit from the drug and which are at risk of side effects. ", "Without a trial on more then a handful of patients, its difficult to establish who should be treated and when. ", "In particular, its important to note that while 2 patients surviving two years may sound impressive at first glance, this is not a placebo controlled study. ", "Nor is it one that was taken to its original endpoint. ", "Some patients do recovery spontaneously, and the small sample sizes raise the risk of cherry picking. ", "Its important to conduct a more complete, controlled study with a very large population to establish the precise benefit.", "\n\nif you can engineer a virus to kill cancer, you can make a virus to kill people. ", "this is some kind of 'singularity' for biological warfare. ", "something as contagious as the common cold and as deadly as AIDS.", "\n\nwe ask, \"why would anyone work on something like that?\", ", "just as people in 1890 must have asked \"why would anyone create a super powerful bomb or try to spray their enemies with poisoned gas\". ", "what seems barbaric in one age is seen as an opportunity in the next age by despots, tyrants, and others with the war-criminal mindset.", "\n\nIt's not quite that simple, since this research is leveraging defects in the cancerous cells. ", "If such a superbug was that easy to achieve, then Aum Shinrikyo, one of the sources of Anthrax letters, or a despotism would have developed it by now. ", "A straightforward approach would be to make the common cold virus tough enough to survive throughout the body (the receptors it attacks are present on just about every human cell).", "\n\nWe do have the technology to produce an arbitrary DNA sequence, but we're still basically limited to the genes found in nature when it comes to building something useful.", "\n\nif you can engineer a virus to kill cancer, you can make a virus to kill people. ", "this is some kind of 'singularity' for biological warfare. ", "something as contagious as the common cold and as deadly as AIDS.", "\n\nThis logic is deeply flawed. ", "If you can inject someone, you can kill them. ", "We've had the technology to make injectable poisons since antiquity, if not earlier. ", "What you suggest is nothing new.", "\n\nWhy can't this sort of thing be a preventative treatment? ", "Basically inject people en masse with something like this and if someone unknowingly is in the first stages of a cancer, it eliminates it before it ever becomes a problem.", "\n\nIts specific to one of a very large number of ways cancer cells can develop. ", "Treatments like this only work on a fraction of people who have cancer that depends on a specific pathway. ", "Give it to others and there is no benefit. ", "Trying to use it as a preventative measure won't work because any precancerous cells will simply evolve down a different pathway to malignancy.", "\n\nIn fact, the trial was halted early (as noted in the methods section the original protocol called for 44 patients) because of the strength of the results warranted acceleration into a larger patient pool.", "\n\nSkipping phase 3 trials however doesn't really make sense because a large scale trial is required to determine precisely which patients benefit from the drug and which are at risk of side effects. ", "Without a trial on more then a handful of patients, its difficult to establish who should be treated and when. ", "In particular, its important to note that while 2 patients surviving two years may sound impressive at first glance, this is not a placebo controlled study. ", "Nor is it one that was taken to its original endpoint. ", "Some patients do recovery spontaneously, and the small sample sizes raise the risk of cherry picking. ", "Its important to conduct a more complete, controlled study with a very large population to establish the precise benefit.", "\n\n1. ", "Let anyone who wants to participate in the study. ", "2. ", "Give the drug to any patient willing to take his chances, under lab conditions, and let that be a complementary study to the phase 3.", "\n\nif you can engineer a virus to kill cancer, you can make a virus to kill people. ", "this is some kind of 'singularity' for biological warfare. ", "something as contagious as the common cold and as deadly as AIDS.", "\n\nwe ask, \"why would anyone work on something like that?\", ", "just as people in 1890 must have asked \"why would anyone create a super powerful bomb or try to spray their enemies with poisoned gas\". ", "what seems barbaric in one age is seen as an opportunity in the next age by despots, tyrants, and others with the war-criminal mindset.", "\n\nNature's already done that for us. ", "It's called Smallpox, Ebola, Warburg. ", "No need to engineer anything (although the Soviets created a super-virulent strain of Smallpox by selection)." ]
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[ "Improved optical sintering efficiency at the contacts of silver nanowires encapsulated by a graphene layer.", "\nGraphene/silver nanowire (AgNWs) stacked electrodes, i.e., graphene/AgNWs, are fabricated on a glass substrate by air-spray coating of AgNWs followed by subsequent encapsulation via a wet transfer of single-layer graphene (SLG) and multilayer graphene (MLG, reference specimen) sheets. ", "Here, graphene is introduced to improve the optical sintering efficiency of a xenon flash lamp by controlling optical transparency and light absorbing yield in stacked graphene/AgNW electrodes, facilitating the fusion at contacts of AgNWs. ", "Intense pulsed light (IPL) sintering induced ultrafast (<20 ms) welding of AgNW junctions encapsulated by graphene, resulting in approximately a four-fold reduction in the sheet resistance of IPL-treated graphene/AgNWs compared to that of IPL-treated AgNWs. ", "The role of graphene in IPL-treated graphene/AgNWs is further investigated as a passivation layer against thermal oxidation and sulfurization. ", "This work demonstrates that optical sintering is an efficient way to provide fast welding of Ag wire-to-wire junctions in stacked electrodes of graphene/AgNWs, leading to enhanced conductivity as well as superior long-term stability under oxygen and sulfur atmospheres." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.003484320557491289, 0, 0.003875968992248062, 0, 0.0037174721189591076 ]
[ "import pytest\nimport python_jsonschema_objects as pjs\nimport collections\n\n\[email protected]\ndef schema():\n return {\n \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\",\n \"title\": \"Test\",\n \"definitions\": {\n \"MyEnum1\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"enum\": [\"E_A\", \"E_B\"]},\n \"MyEnum2\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"enum\": [\"F_A\", \"F_B\", \"F_C\", \"F_D\"]},\n \"MyInt\": {\n \"default\": \"0\",\n \"type\": \"integer\",\n \"minimum\": 0,\n \"maximum\": 4294967295,\n },\n \"MyObj1\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"e1\": {\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyEnum1\"},\n \"e2\": {\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyEnum2\"},\n \"i1\": {\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyInt\"},\n },\n \"required\": [\"e1\", \"e2\", \"i1\"],\n },\n \"MyArray\": {\n \"type\": \"array\",\n \"items\": {\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyObj1\"},\n \"minItems\": 0,\n \"uniqueItems\": True,\n },\n \"MyMsg1\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\"a1\": {\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyArray\"}},\n },\n \"MyMsg2\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"s1\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}},\n },\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"oneOf\": [{\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyMsg1\"}, {\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/MyMsg2\"}],\n }\n\n\ndef test_regression_126(schema):\n builder = pjs.", "ObjectBuilder(schema)\n ns = builder.build_classes(standardize_names=False)\n\n Obj1 = ns.", "MyObj1\n Array1 = ns.", "MyArray\n Msg1 = ns.", "MyMsg1\n o1 = Obj1(e1=\"E_A\", e2=\"F_C\", i1=2600)\n o2 = Obj1(e1=\"E_B\", e2=\"F_D\", i1=2500)\n objs = Array1([o1, o2])\n msg = Msg1(a1=objs)\n\n print(msg.serialize())\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.001976284584980237, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.017341040462427744 ]
[ "The dream of running native code in the browser is not something new. ", "There were many failed attempts. ", "They all taught us a lesson. ", "Those learnings made WebAssembly possible today.", "\n\nWebAssembly makes it possible to run languages like C, C++, Rust and other languages in the browser.", "\n\nBut what is WebAssembly? ", "Check out this presentation here or this awesome post from Lin Clark.", "\n\nRust's toolchain makes it easy write WebAssembly application.", "\n\nIf you want better performance then use opt-level=3 .", "\n\n. ", "If you want a smaller sized bundle then use opt-level=\"s\" .", "\n\nWhat are we gonna do?", "\n\nCreate a WebAssembly application that takes a string in markdown format and converts that into HTML.", "\n\nLets get started\n\nSo far, Rust has the best tooling for the WebAssembly. ", "It is well integrated with the language. ", "This makes Rust the best choice for doing WebAssembly.", "\n\nWe will need to install Rust before getting started. ", "To install Rust checkout the installation guide here.", "\n\nOnce you have the Rust installed. ", "Let's start creating the application.", "\n\nCreate Application\n\nCreate a WebAssembly application with all the necessary toolchain:\n\n\n\nnpm init rust-webpack markdown-rust\n\nThis creates a new Rust + JavaScript based application with Webpack.", "\n\nGo inside the directory\n\n\n\ncd markdown-rust\n\nIt has both Cargo.toml and package.json .", "\n\nThe Rust source files are present in the src directory and the JavaScript files are available in js directory. ", "We also have webpack configured for running the application easy and fast.", "\n\nThe Cargo.toml contains the following:\n\n\n\n[package] # Some package information.", "\n\nThen it declares the project will build a dynamic library with the following command.", "\n\n\n\n[lib] crate-type = [\"cdylib\"]\n\nWe have also declared the release profile should optimize the release using lto flag.", "\n\n\n\n[profile.release] lto = true\n\nFinally added some [features] and [depdencies] .", "\n\nNow all We have to do is add the markdown library for the Rust that compiles the Markdown (string) into HTML string.", "\n\n\n\n[dependencies] # some comments ...... wasm-bindgen = \"0.2.45\" comrak = \"0.6\"\n\nRemove all the contents from src/lib.rs and replace that with the following.", "\n\nLoad the comrak functions and wasm_bindgen that we will be using.", "\n\n\n\nuse comrak ::{ markdown_to_html , ComrakOptions }; use wasm_bindgen :: prelude :: * ;\n\nSo what is wasm_bindgen ?", "\n\nWebAssembly does not have any bindings to call the JavaScript or Document APIs. ", "In fact, we can only pass numbers between JavaScript and WebAssembly. ", "But that is not always desirable right, we need to pass JS objects, Strings, classes, closures and others between them.", "\n\nHow can we achieve that?", "\n\nWe can create a binding file or glue file that helps to translate the above objects into numbers. ", "For example, in case of the string rather than sending each character as a character code.", "\n\nWe can put that string in a linear memory array and then pass the start-index (of where it is in memory) and its length to the other world (or JavaScript). ", "The other world should have access to this linear memory array and fetches the information from there.", "\n\nBut doing this for every value that we pass between JavaScript and WebAssembly is time-consuming and error-prone. ", "The wasm_bindgen tool helps you to build the binding file automatically and also removes the boilerplate code with a single #[wasm_bindgen] annotation.", "\n\nBut we need to be very careful about how many times we cross the boundary between JavaScript and WebAssembly module. ", "More we cross slower the performance will be.", "\n\nNow we will create a function called parse that actually takes the markdown input and returns the HTML.", "\n\n\n\n#[wasm_bindgen] pub fn parse ( input : & str ) -> String { markdown_to_html ( & input .to_string (), & ComrakOptions :: default ()) }\n\nThe #[wasm_bindgen] annotation does all the boilerplate of converting the string into two numbers, one for the pointer to the start of the string in the linear memory and the other for the length of the string. ", "The #[wasm_bindgen] also generates the binding file in JavaScript.", "\n\nTime for some JavaScript ❤️\n\nNow we have the WebAssembly Module ready. ", "It is time for some JavaScript.", "\n\nWe will remove all the lines from the js/index.js and replace that with the following contents.", "\n\nWe will first import the WebAssembly module generated. ", "Since we are using Webpack, Webpack will take care of bootstrapping wasm_pack that will, in turn, use the wasm_bindgen to convert Rust into WebAssembly module and then generate the necessary binding files.", "\n\nThe wasm_pack is a tool that helps to build and pack the Rust and WebAssembly applications. ", "More about Wasm-pack here.", "\n\nThis means we have to just import the pkg/index.js file. ", "This is where wasm_pack will generate the output.", "\n\n\n\nconst rust = import ( ' ../pkg/index.js ' );\n\nThe dynamic import will create promise which when resolved gives the result of the WebAssembly modules. ", "We can call the function parse defined inside the Rust file like below.", "\n\n\n\nrust . ", "then ( module => { console . ", "log ( module . ", "parse ( ' #some markdown content ' )); });\n\nWe will also calculate the time it took to parse the contents using the WebAssembly module.", "\n\n\n\nrust . ", "then ( module => { console . ", "log ( module . ", "parse ( ' #some markdown content ' )); const startWasm = performance . ", "now (); module . ", "parse ( ' #Heading 1 ' ); const endWasm = performance . ", "now (); console . ", "log ( `It took ${ endWasm - startWasm } to do this in WebAssembly` ); });\n\nFor comparison, we will also calculate the time it took to do it with JavaScript.", "\n\nInstall the markdown library for the JavaScript.", "\n\n\n\nnpm install --save marked\n\nOnce installed, let us write our JavaScript code that takes in a Markdown text and returns the HTML.", "\n\n\n\n// js/index.js import marked from ' marked ' ; // some content goes here; const markdown = ' #Heading ' ; const startJs = performance . ", "now (); console . ", "log ( marked ( markdown )); const endJs = performance . ", "now (); console . ", "log ( `It took ${ endJs - startJs } to do this in JavaScript` );\n\nLet us run the application using npm run start . ", "This will kick start the Webpack dev server and serve the content from the local.", "\n\nIt is quite an interesting performance statistics to look at.", "\n\nIn Chrome and Safari, the JavaScript performance is way better than the WebAssembly. ", "But in Firefox the JavaScript version is 50% slower than the WebAssembly.", "\n\nThis is mainly because WebAssembly linking and bootstrapping is very very fast in Firefox than compared with any other browser.", "\n\nIf you take a look at the bundle size, the WebAssembly file is mammoth 7475 KB than compared with the JavaScript variant 1009 KB.", "\n\nIf you are booing for WebAssembly now, then wait.", "\n\nWe did not add any optimizations yet. ", "Let us add some optimizations and check the performance.", "\n\nOpen the Cargo.toml file and add the following segment above the [features] section.", "\n\n\n\n[profile.dev] lto = true opt-level = 3\n\nThe opt-level is nothing but optimization level for compiling the project.", "\n\nThe lto here refers to link-time-optimization .", "\n\nNote: This optimization level and lto should be added to the profile.release while working on the real application.", "\n\nAdditionally, enable the wee_alloc which does a much smaller memory allocation.", "\n\nUncomment the following in the Cargo.toml\n\n\n\n[features] default = [\"wee_alloc\"]\n\nAdd the wee_alloc memory allocation inside the src/lib.rs file.", "\n\n\n\n#[cfg(feature = \"wee_alloc\" )] #[global_allocator] static ALLOC : wee_alloc :: WeeAlloc = wee_alloc :: WeeAlloc :: INIT ;\n\nNow let us restart the server.", "\n\nWe can now see the real performance benefits of the WebAssembly.", "\n\nIn Chrome the WebAssembly version is 4 times faster than the JavaScript version.", "\n\nIn Safari, the JavaScript variant is still between 2-3 ms but the WebAssembly variant is between 0-2ms.", "\n\nFirefox too saw almost 50% faster WebAssembly code when using the optimizations than without optimizations.", "\n\nNow the all-important bundle size is 1280 KB for WebAssembly and 1009 KB for JavaScript.", "\n\nWe can also ask Rust compiler to optimize for size rather than speed. ", "To specify that change the opt-level to s\n\n\n\nopt-level = \"s\"\n\nWebAssembly still is a clear winner, but the Chrome registers slightly increased WebAssembly times but still lesser than the JavaScript variant. ", "Both Safari and Firefox provide higher performance for the WebAssembly.", "\n\nThe bundle size is reduced further for WebAssembly at around 1220 and 1009 KB for JavaScript.", "\n\nRust compiler also supports opt-level = \"z\" which reduces the file size even further.", "\n\n\n\nopt-level = \"z\"\n\nThe bundle size is reduced further for WebAssembly at around 1161KB and 1009 KB for JavaScript.", "\n\nThe performance of the WebAssembly module in Chrome is fluctuating a lot when using opt-level='z' between 41 and 140 ms.", "\n\nIE Canary for Mac has (~)almost the same performance as of Chrome.", "\n\nUse opt-level=\"z\" if you are more concerned about your bundle size but the performance is not reliable in v8 now.", "\n\nI hope this gives you a motivation to kick start your awesome WebAssembly journey. ", "If you have any questions/suggestions/feel that I missed something feel free to add a comment.", "\n\nYou can follow me on Twitter.", "\n\nIf you like this article, please leave a like or a comment. ", "❤️" ]
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[ "The 10 Most Unanswered Questions about Businesses\n\nMarch 23, 2018\n\nEffortless Means of Filling Your Taxes\n\nDuring the running of a corporation there are things that you will have to make certain that they are on point one of the things contains the need to make sure that you have your levies on point . ", "There is a challenge when it comes to how sort and assemble the dues without tax software for professionals therefore the need to ask for assistance on what manner to do the taxes.", "\n\nHowever this is not similar since when you have a professional tax software for tax preparers this is because you will not need a lot of things that are going to be needed in order for you to have to do the act of tax planning by hand. ", "Hence the utilization of the tax preparer software for your tax this is good news since there are a lot of advantages that come with the use of the software.", "\n\nWhile doing the levis you will not need a certified public accountant to make sure that your books are on plug and how you are going to be making your taxes. ", "Hence being able to ascertain that you have the right professional tax software that can be able to have to compute and consolidate hence the production of accurate numbers.", "\n\nDuring the utilization of a professional tax software doing your levies you will need to first make sure that you have the relevant tax identification this is when you are going to be starting the commerce for instance you will require an employer identification number to make sure that you have the relevant identification when you are going to be doing your taxes.", "\n\nWhen you are going to be using a professional tax software you will be required to file an expected tax form this is to indicate approximately how much you will be paying in tax when you are going to be getting your taxes on check hence the government can know what they will be dealing with in terms of how much money they will be receiving from you.", "\n\nWhen you are going to be getting your taxes done it is relevant to make sure that you have the required form for taxation since they do vary with the business structure in hand this is because different business are taxed differently hence also when using the professional tax software you should make sure that you have set it to the relevant business structure that is required in the system.", "\n\nWhile exploiting the professional tax software to do your taxes for you will need to make sure that you have the relevant dates set on the software for the taxation hence the need to make sure that you have taxes on time and how you are going to be filling them." ]
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[ "The Other Side\n\nClover always wondered why there was a fence that separated the black side of town from the white side. ", "When a young white girl from the other side starts to sit on the fence, Clover's curiosity, and friendship, develops." ]
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[ "First Report of a Root Rot Caused by Rosellinia necatrix on Camellia in Spain.", "\nCamellias are widely cultivated in gardens and grown in nurseries for plant and flower production in northwestern Spain. ", "Camellia japonica L. is most frequently grown, but many other camellia species and hybrids are also produced. ", "In spring 1998, plants of Camellia sp. ", "from a garden were observed to be affected by a root fungal pathogen, that formed a white mycelium that covered most of the roots, while aboveground plant parts showed a general decline. ", "Infected roots were macerated and discolored. ", "Fragments of the infected roots were surface-sterilized and placed in petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar and incubated at 24°C in the dark. ", "The fungus formed a white mycelium that turned black in 1 week, developing pyriform swellings characteristic of Rosellinia necatrix Prill (1). ", "To confirm pathogenicity, inoculum of the isolate was produced on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds autoclaved in glass vessels for 30 min at 120°C. ", "Wheat seed cultures were started from disks of R. necatrix mycelium and grown at 24°C in the dark for 30 days. ", "Pathogenicity tests were conducted on 48 2-year-old plants of the hybrid Camellia × williamsii cv. ", "Mary Phoebe Taylor, which had been grown in 1.5-liter pots (one plant per pot) filled with soil in a glasshouse. ", "The R. necatrix isolate was inoculated by adding 30 g of infected wheat seeds to each pot. ", "The inoculum was mixed thoroughly with the substrate before potting. ", "Another set of pots was left uninoculated, and served as a control. ", "All pots were randomly arranged in a growth chamber at 22 to 24°C with a 12-h photoperiod. ", "Seventeen days after inoculation, aerial symptoms of chlorosis and leaf fall were observed, while control plants remained symptomless. ", "Inoculated plants died 3 months after inoculation. ", "R. necatrix was reisolated from roots of all infected plants. ", "To our knowledge, this is the first report of a root rot of camellia caused by R. necatrix, a pathogen causing white root rot mainly in deciduous fruit crops. ", "Reference: (1) S. Freeman and A. Sztejnberg. ", "Pages 71-73 in: Methods for Research on Soilborne Phytopathogenic Fungi. ", "The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 1992." ]
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[ "The same week an American Legion survey found its members overwhelmingly wanted the option of choosing private or government doctors for health care, the Legion’s Washington headquarters told politicians the opposite: Veterans shouldn’t have a choice of private or government doctors, and that they didn’t want it.", "\n\nThe Legion’s top brass told The Daily Caller News Foundation that it threw out the survey results because surveys aren’t comprehensive and veterans weren’t savvy enough to know that private-sector doctors don’t always provide perfect care either.", "\n\nThe Legion and six other similar Veterans Service Organizations (VSO) wrote to a government commission April 29, saying their national executive boards did not favor expanding the Choice Card program to all veterans.", "\n\nCurrently, under that program, veterans can have the government pay private doctors if the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can’t serve them because wait times are too long or because there isn’t a facility nearby.", "\n\n“We believe that the proper use of a ‘choice’ program can be a means of expanding access to care for some, but ‘choice’ should never be the ultimate goal of a health care system designed to meet the unique needs of veterans,” the groups wrote to the government’s Commission on Care.", "\n\n“During the Commission’s deliberations last Tuesday, at least two of the Commissioners stated ‘the VSOs favor removing the 40-mile and 30-day standards’ and appeared to conclude that VSOs therefore supported unfettered access to the Choice program for all enrolled veterans who desire to use non-VA providers,” they wrote, saying this was not the case.", "\n\nThe letter continued stating they feared VA facilities would shut down for lack of use. ", "Facilities would only be underused, of course, if the vast majority of veterans opt for private care — which, despite the survey, they are contending is not the case.", "\n\n“Such unfettered access to the Choice program could result in a decline in the number of veterans using VA programs and facilities, which could threaten the financial and clinical viability of some VA medical programs and facilities,” they said.", "\n\nThis is an argument advanced by the VA employees union, because fewer VA facilities would mean bureaucrats might lose their jobs, but the Legion did not explain why this was automatically bad for vets, since veterans would still be receiving care.", "\n\n“I think the survey certainly is indicative of frustrations within the VA system, and we’re absolutely committed to trying to fix those problems,” the Legion’s Legislative Director Ian de Planque said in an email to the TheDCNF. “", "I think what it doesn’t show is that the problems within VA are also indicative of American healthcare as a whole, and so simply opting out to the private sector won’t necessarily solve these issues. ", "I think it’s selling a false solution.”", "\n\n“Many veterans we’ve spoken to related they were eager to use the Choice program because of frustrations with VA, only to find that going outside VA caused even more problems for them,” the email continued. “", "They never realized that many of the problems VA faces are also faced in the community at large.”", "\n\n“I think one small sample size doesn’t always represent the entire picture,” he said. “", "What we’ve seen firsthand is that pawning VA’s problems off on the private sector isn’t fixing the problem, it’s creating more problems.”", "\n\n638 members responded to the online survey, and two-thirds said they supported expanding the choice between government and private care to all vets. (", "RELATED: VA Failed to Pay Private Doctors, Ruining Vets’ Credit, After Union Said Private Care Could Cost Their Jobs)\n\n“In the online survey you mention of little over 600 veterans who responded, yes, the majority indicate an interest in more use of the Choice program, however that’s not necessarily indicative of the national picture faced by over 6 million veterans nationwide who utilize VA healthcare,” he continued.", "\n\nHe added that in his travels, he had talked to veterans who liked VA healthcare.", "\n\nMarlyn Woodward, a member of the Legion in Wisconsin, told TheDCNF that “No one’s asking us who are members, we’re just the guys who pay the dues. ", "Everyone I speak to up in this area is for [expanding] Choice Card.”", "\n\nHe said the American Legion headquarters staff were made up of out-of-touch politicians who were concerned with “their little clique” and gaining power by forging political alliances that would allow them to pay lobbyists.", "\n\n“If they’re representing us like they said they were going to, fine, but when you get in with certain groups, you’re telling me the unions are going to be for the veterans?”", "\n\n“I’m still a member but they’re not really speaking for the veterans,” Woodward stated.", "\n\nThe other groups whose Washington headquarters opposed expanding a private option were the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Military Officers Association of America, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and the Vietnam Veterans of America.", "\n\nFollow Luke on Twitter or email [email protected]\n\nContent created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. ", "For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected]." ]
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[ "A$AP Rocky, Iggy Pop & Tyler, the Creator Live the 'Life of a Rockstar' in New Gucci Tailoring Campaign" ]
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[ "today we live under a blue sky, which isn’t blue…could a green sky be just as true, or an orange or brown…most of what we perceive isn’t reality, like the WWE, just appears to be…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo…Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble…peace\n\neveryone has history, for children, it is what they are told…not their memories…memories becomes stories…think of the devastation going on…and who’s telling who what story…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, RD Revilo…available at Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble…peace\n\nfor some, liberty is too burdensome and freedom out of sight, out of mind…so we shirk responsibility and disown accountability…time is measuring our end…Conscious Thought: Intelligent Awareness, by RD Revilo…at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.com…peace" ]
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[ "-4, 0.059, 0.4, 3, -6?", "\n3\nWhat is the smallest value in 2/3, -53.058, 1?", "\n-53.058\nWhat is the third smallest value in 5, 3/4, -12532/9?", "\n5\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) 1.5 (c) -2/3 (d) 7.6\nb\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in -0.07, 0.1, 0.6, 5, 11.1?", "\n11.1\nWhat is the biggest value in 0.2, -0.3, -5, -1/8, -52?", "\n0.2\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in -22, -1, -167, -3/2?", "\n-167\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in -4500, -1, -3, 2/9?", "\n-4500\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -14, 1/5, -28, 0, 11.4?", "\n-28\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -0.5 (b) -1 (c) -5869 (d) -3\nd\nWhat is the second smallest value in 3, 1/2, -10/11, -1/3, 2/17, 1?", "\n-1/3\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 3.2, 1/4644, 3, -1/2?", "\n-1/2\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 0.02, 4, 5/97, 1/3, -2/7, 1?", "\n5/97\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 0.0931 (b) 11/5 (c) 0.6\na\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -26 (b) -3/7 (c) 1.4 (d) -5 (e) 12 (f) -4\ne\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -1/68 (b) -2/37 (c) -2/11 (d) 4\na\nWhat is the third biggest value in 7, -1, 0.343?", "\n-1\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) 0.141 (b) 0 (c) -4 (d) -1806\nd\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in -5, 48, -1/4, 30?", "\n-5\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 43 (b) -9 (c) 23 (d) 0.3\nd\nWhat is the third biggest value in 2/17, -0.5, 1, 2.2, -121?", "\n2/17\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) -1 (c) -5/2 (d) 0 (e) 2 (f) 26\nb\nWhat is the smallest value in 30, 3, -1.13?", "\n-1.13\nWhat is the biggest value in 3/118, -9, 2/195?", "\n3/118\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 2/9, -1/4, 3, -0.27, 78?", "\n-1/4\nWhat is the second smallest value in -1, -2/15, -0.2, -0.226, 1/3?", "\n-0.226\nWhat is the second biggest value in -11, 1.1, -1/7, 3/5?", "\n3/5\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -4 (b) 0.1348 (c) -2/9\nb\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -237 (b) 0 (c) 2/67\nb\nWhat is the third biggest value in 447, -0.064, 2/27?", "\n-0.064\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -22, 2/3, 0.3, -1/6, 0.08, -12?", "\n-12\nWhat is the biggest value in -2/39, 0.12, 22, -0.4?", "\n22\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 5/4 (b) -5/1516 (c) -63 (d) 2/7\nd\nWhich is the fifth smallest value? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) -0.0717 (c) 4.5 (d) 0.3 (e) 3\nc\nWhat is the smallest value in -0.7, -3/4, -19, -5, 4, -3?", "\n-19\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 0 (b) 5 (c) 1/4 (d) -755 (e) 0.03\nc\nWhat is the second smallest value in -1/3, -5/2, 6815, 0?", "\n-1/3\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -0.77 (b) 0.9 (c) 4\nc\nWhat is the sixth biggest value in -5, 56.9, -0.2, 4/3, -3, 0.1?", "\n-5\nWhat is the third smallest value in 4, 5, 114, -14?", "\n5\nWhat is the second smallest value in 0.4, -5/6, -2/331813?", "\n-2/331813\nWhich is the fifth smallest value? ", " (a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 10 (d) -2/3 (e) -1/12 (f) -0.08\na\nWhat is the second biggest value in 46, -2, 399, -5, 1, -1/3?", "\n46\nWhat is the smallest value in -6, 1.6, 4/9, -2/19?", "\n-6\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 0.9 (b) 1 (c) -14/11 (d) 0.29\nb\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 1.8, 0, 4, 2, 23/24?", "\n23/24\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -0.0018 (b) -3/8 (c) 2/5\na\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 53 (b) -2/15 (c) -5.8 (d) -0.9\nc\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 3/4, 653, -3, -0.3?", "\n-3\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -44, -2, 146, -10, 0.2?", "\n-44\nWhat is the sixth biggest value in -7, -2, -4, 3, 14, -6?", "\n-7\nWhat is the fourth smallest value in -0.4, 0.5, 0, -131, -27/7?", "\n0\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -7/3 (b) -2 (c) -540/19\nb\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) 9/4 (b) 18 (c) -2/7 (d) -4 (e) -0.4\ne\nWhat is the second biggest value in -2/5, 3803, 7?", "\n7\nWhat is the third smallest value in -2, -0.24, -2/21, -12, -1/2, 3/25?", "\n-1/2\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) 2001.2 (c) -1 (d) -0.1\nb\nWhat is the third smallest value in 5/3, 0.2, -1938, -5?", "\n0.2\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -24 (b) -0.069 (c) 2\nb\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -5 (b) -2/11 (c) -102 (d) 2.58 (e) 17\ne\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) 12 (b) -3 (c) 0.2 (d) -0.6 (e) 4/21\nb\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 6 (b) -4 (c) -4/19 (d) -1\na\nWhat is the biggest value in 6, -4/33, -2, 2, 7?", "\n7\nWhat is the biggest value in -5, 185, -1, -9, -4?", "\n185\nWhat is the second biggest value in -2, 874790, -3?", "\n-2\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -8, -0.147, -5, 0, -0.5, -2/11?", "\n-5\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 1/97 (b) 0.5 (c) 3 (d) 346\nd\nWhat is the third smallest value in -0.5, 696428, 1?", "\n696428\nWhat is the third biggest value in -0.3, -10213, -1?", "\n-10213\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -0.6 (b) 1.1 (c) -3/316\nc\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -1.76 (b) -4 (c) 3/2 (d) 2 (e) -0.5\ne\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 3 (b) -4 (c) 259 (d) 2.9\nd\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 3 (b) 0.1178 (c) 1/7 (d) 1\nd\nWhat is the biggest value in -19, -0.3, -2, 2, 19?", "\n19\nWhat is the third biggest value in 102, 17, 2?", "\n2\nWhat is the third biggest value in -6/7, 0.5, 0, 3.8?", "\n0\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in 8, -5/4, -0.3, -2559, -1?", "\n8\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -102 (b) -59 (c) 1.83\nc\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 1 (b) 19/10 (c) -16 (d) -5 (e) 7\na\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 48 (b) 2 (c) 1/2 (d) -138 (e) 1\ne\nWhat is the smallest value in 2/5, 0, -664?", "\n-664\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) 0.67 (b) 0.2677 (c) 0.07 (d) -0.4\na\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) 1/9 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) -0.09 (e) -3\ne\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 3/10 (b) -29 (c) -2 (d) -1\nd\nWhat is the second smallest value in -0.3, 2/3, -3, -0.09, -35?", "\n-3\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -3/7 (b) -2/5 (c) -11 (d) -2172\na\nWhich is the sixth smallest value? ", " (a) -10388 (b) -0.5 (c) 4 (d) -1.8 (e) -4/5 (f) -2/21\nc\nWhat is the second biggest value in -214, -2, 0, 0.03?", "\n0\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 9 (b) 38 (c) 21 (d) 2/19 (e) 0.02\na\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -2/9 (b) -20/9 (c) 0.3 (d) -27\nb\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 2 (b) -2/15 (c) 0.5 (d) 4 (e) -0.00778 (f) 2/7\nc\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -1/3 (b) 4 (c) 14 (d) -1 (e) -1/16 (f) -0.3\nf\nWhat is the second smallest value in -0.52, -35, -1/8, -0.1, 1/2?", "\n-0.52\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 0.21 (b) 0.1 (c) -837\na\nWhat is the third biggest value in -0.071, -11, 6/19?", "\n-11\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 5/4 (b) 35 (c) 55 (d) -0.07\na\nWhat is the smallest value in 252, 15, -21.8?", "\n-21.8\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) 3 (c) -3/5 (d) -0.06\nd\nWhat is the second smallest value in -0.1, 1/2, 19, 0.11?", "\n0.11\nWhat is the smallest value in 12/259, 4, 3, 5/3?", "\n12/259\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 0 (b) -3 (c) 4 (d) 22/91 (e) 2/5\na\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -3/5 (b) 0.5 (c) 891\nc\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 1 (b) -4 (c) -3/5 (d) 1/416 (e) -0.3 (f) -2\nb\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -8 (b) 5/3 (c) 2.7 (d) -3\nd\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 506 (b) -5/3 (c) 3/5\na\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 3.4 (b) -1/4 (c) -0.2 (d) -2/7\nd\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) -1 (b) 2/25 (c) -0.069 (d) 0.04 (e) -5/12\nd\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 0.1 (b) -3 (c) -4 (d) -854.98\nb\nWhich is the sixth biggest value? ", " (a) 8.7 (b) 0.05 (c) 2 (d) -5/4 (e) 2/13 (f) -2\nf\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 1.115 (b) -0.12 (c) -3\na\nWhat is the biggest value in 1/7, -1, -0.8, -0.7?", "\n1/7\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 0.0864 (b) 5 (c) -5 (d) 1 (e) -0.8 (f) -3\nd\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -15 (b) 1/170 (c) -2/43\nc\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) -83 (b) 2 (c) -1 (d) -915\nd\nWhat is the fourth smallest value in 3.9, -7/4, -4, 3?", "\n3.9\nWhat is the biggest value in 6/7, 20/67, 1.3?", "\n1.3\nWhat is the second biggest value in -0.16, 0.3, -1/54, 0?", "\n0\nWhat is the third biggest value in -0.13, -3, 3/2, -5.05?", "\n-3\nWhat is the third smallest value in 289, -4/5, 5, -4/7?", "\n5\nWhat is the fourth smallest value in -4, -8, 5, 1/6, 0, 44/3?", "\n1/6\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 10/9, -1, -5, 7, -19, -9?", "\n-5\nWhat is the third biggest value in 0.081" ]
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[ "SAN FRANCISCO — The Olympic torch arrived at the airport here from Paris in the wee hours Tuesday morning, exited out a side door and was escorted by motorcade to a downtown hotel. ", "There it took a well-deserved break in a room complete with cable TV, room service and views of the city’s popular Union Square shopping district.", "\n\n“It has very comfortable accommodations,” said Mike McCarron, an airport spokesman, who said the flame — ensconced in a handsome brass lantern and accompanied by several backup flames — was “treated similar to a head of state.”", "\n\nOn Wednesday afternoon, the flame will be under no such bushel as it makes its only appearance in the United States on an increasingly tense international tour en route to Beijing. ", "It will star in a two-and-a-half-hour relay along this city’s waterfront, involving six miles of pavement, 79 runners and untold scores of law enforcement officials.", "\n\nThe precise route remained in flux on Tuesday as the torch extravaganza threatened to become more civic migraine than celebration in the face of potential protests by those upset with China’s human rights record and recent crackdown in Tibet. ", "Mayor Gavin Newsom met with police and relay officials amid concerns that disruptions in London and Paris this week not be repeated here." ]
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[ "The Silent Information Regulator (SIR) family of genes represents a highly conserved group of genes present in the genomes of organisms ranging from archaebacteria to eukaryotes. ", "The encoded SIR proteins are involved in diverse processes from regulation of gene silencing to DNA repair. ", "The proteins encoded by members of the SIR gene family show high sequence conservation in a 250 amino acid core domain. ", "A well-characterized gene in this family is S. cerevisiae SIR2, which is involved in silencing HM loci that contain information specifying yeast mating type, telomere position effects and cell aging. ", "The yeast Sir2 protein belongs to a family of histone deacetylases. ", "The Sir2 homolog, CobB, in Salmonella typhimurium, functions as an NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)-dependent ADP-ribosyl transferase.", "\nThe Sir2 protein is a class III deacetylase which uses NAD as a cosubstrate. ", "Unlike other deacetylases, many of which are involved in gene silencing, Sir2 is insensitive to class I and II histone deacetylase inhibitors like trichostatin A (TSA).", "\nDeacetylation of acetyl-lysine by Sir2 is tightly coupled to NAD hydrolysis, producing nicotinamide and a novel acetyl-ADP ribose compound. ", "The NAD-dependent deacetylase activity of Sir2 is essential for its functions which can connect its biological role with cellular metabolism in yeast. ", "Mammalian Sir2 homologs have NAD-dependent histone deacetylase activity.", "\nBiochemical studies have shown that Sir2 can readily deacetylate the amino-terminal tails of histones H3 and H4, resulting in the formation of 1-O-acetyl-ADP-ribose and nicotinamide. ", "Strains with additional copies of SIR2 display increased rDNA silencing and a 30% longer life span. ", "It has recently been shown that additional copies of the C. elegans SIR2 homolog, sir-2.1, and the D. melanogaster dSir2 gene greatly extend life span in those organisms. ", "This implies that the SIR2-dependent regulatory pathway for aging arose early in evolution and has been well conserved. ", "Today, Sir2 genes are believed to have evolved to enhance an organism's health and stress resistance to increase its chance of surviving adversity.", "\nIn humans, there are seven Sir2-like genes (SIRT1-SIRT7) that share the conserved catalytic domain of Sir2. ", "SIRT1 is a nuclear protein with the highest degree of sequence similarity to Sir2. ", "SIRT1 regulates multiple cellular targets by deacetylation including the tumor suppressor p53, the cellular signaling factor NF-κB, and the FOXO transcription factor.", "\nSIRT3 is a homolog of SIRT1 that is conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. ", "The SIRT3 protein is targeted to the mitochondrial cristae by a unique domain located at the N-terminus. ", "SIRT3 has NAD+-dependent protein deacetylase activity and is ubiquitously expressed, particularly in metabolically active tissues. ", "Upon transfer to the mitochondria, SIRT3 is believed to be cleaved into a smaller, active form by a mitochondrial matrix processing peptidase (MPP).", "\nCaloric restriction has been known for over 70 years to improve the health and extend the lifespan of mammals. ", "Yeast life span, like that of metazoans, is also extended by interventions that resemble caloric restriction, such as low glucose. ", "The discovery that both yeast and flies lacking the SIR2 gene do not live longer when calorically restricted provides evidence that SIR2 genes mediate the beneficial health effects of a restricted calorie diet. ", "Moreover, mutations that reduce the activity of the yeast glucose-responsive cAMP (adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate)-dependent (PKA) pathway extend life span in wild type cells but not in mutant sir2 strains, demonstrating that SIR2 is likely to be a key downstream component of the caloric restriction pathway." ]
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[ "Making Our Dreams Come True (album)\n\nMaking Our Dreams Come True is the debut album by pop singer Cyndi Grecco, recorded and released in 1976 on Private Stock Records. ", "This album was produced by Charles Fox and Janna Merlyn Feliciano (then-wife of José Feliciano). ", "It includes the title cut, which was the theme song of the Laverne & Shirley television sitcom, with The Ron Hicklin Singers, featuring group members Ron Hicklin himself, Tom Bahler and Jim Haas. ", "It also includes a cover of the José Feliciano tune, \"Find Somebody\"; a girl group pop cover version of the Joe Simon tune, \"Drowning in the Sea of Love\"; and another cover version of the Holly Near tune, \"Feeling Better\".", "\n\nTrack listing\n \t\n1) Find Somebody (Carl Marsh/Janna Merlyn Feliciano/Steve Cropper) \nArranged By – Carl Marsh\nBacking Vocals – Brooks Hunnicutt, Gwen Edwards, Lisa Roberts\nBass – James Jamerson\nClavinet – Cyndi Grecco\nDrums – Jim Gordon (musician)\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Greg Poree, Lee Ritenour\nHorns – Bud Shank, Buddy Childers, David Luell, Graham Young, J.J. Johnson, Phil Teele\nKeyboards – Larry Nash\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings \n\n2) Watching You (Charles Fox/Janna Merlyn Feliciano/Norman Gimbel)\nArranged By – Charles Fox, Janna Merlyn Feliciano\nBacking Vocals – Myrna Matthews, Patricia Henderson, Sherlie Matthews\nBass – Henry Davis\nDrums – John Guerin\nFlute – Bud Shank, Buddy Collette\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Dennis Budimir, Steve Cropper\nHorns – Bobby Shew, David Luell, Dick Hyde (musician), Phil Teele, William Peterson\nKeyboards – Joe Sample\nOrchestrated By – Charles Fox\nPercussion – Victor Feldman\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings \n\n3) Sweet #1 (Set Me Free) (Charles Fox/Janna Merlyn Feliciano/Norman Gimbel)\nArranged By – Charles Fox \nBacking Vocals – Brooks Hunnicutt, Maxine Willard Waters, Verna Richardson \nDrums – Jim Gordon\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Greg Poree\nHorns – Bud Shank, David Luell, Graham Young, J.J. Johnson, Phil Teele, Buddy Childers\nKeyboards – Larry Nash\nPercussion – Charles Fox\nSaxophone played by – David Luell\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings \n\n4) Love Him in December (Bill Courtright)\nArranged By – Bill Courtright\nBass – Henry Davis\nDrums – John Guerin\nGuitar – Dean Parks, Greg Poree\nKeyboards – Bill Courtright, Charles Fox\nOrchestrated By – Barry Fasman\nSaxophone – David Luell\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings\n\n5) Drowning in the Sea of Love (Gamble and Huff)\nArranged By – Barry Fasman\nBacking Vocals – Brooks Hunnicutt, Gwen Edwards, Lisa Roberts\nBass – Henry Davis\nClavinet – Cyndi Grecco\nDrums – John Guerin\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Greg Poree\nHorns – Bud Shank, Buddy Childers, David Luell, Graham Young, J.J. Johnson, Phil Teele\nKeyboards – Larry Nash\nLead Guitar – Dennis Budimir\nOrchestrated By – Carl Marsh\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings\n\n6) I Think I Can Make It (Janna Merlyn Feliciano/José Feliciano)\nArranged By – José Feliciano\nBacking Vocals – Cyndi Grecco\nBass – José Feliciano\nDrums – John Guerin\nGuitar – Dennis Budimir, Greg Poree\nHorns – Bud Shank, Buddy Childers, David Luell, Graham Young, J.J. Johnson, Phil Teele\nKeyboards – Larry Nash\nOrchestrated By – Barry Fasman\nPercussion – Cyndi Grecco, Janna Merlyn Feliciano\n\n7) Hello Again (Bill Courtright/Janna Merlyn Feliciano)\nArranged By – Carl Marsh (2), Janna Merlyn Feliciano\nBacking Vocals – Cyndi Grecco\nBass – Henry Davis\nDrums – Jim Gordon\nElectric Piano – Cyndi Grecco\nFlute – Rick Riccio\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Dennis Budimir, Greg Poree\nKeyboards – Larry Nash\nOrchestrated By – Carl Marsh\nVibraphone – Kenneth Watson\n\n8) Dancing, Dancing (Charles Fox/Janna Merlyn Feliciano/Norman Gimbel)\nArranged By – Charles Fox\nBacking Vocals – Brooks Hunnicutt, Gwen Edwards, Lisa Roberts\nBass – James Jamerson\nDrums – Jim Gordon\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Dennis Budimir, Greg Poree, Lee Ritenour\nHorns – Bud Shank, Buddy Childers, David Luell, Graham Young, J.J. Johnson, Phil Teele\nKeyboards – Larry Nash\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings\n\n9) Feeling Better (Holly Near/Jeff Langley)\nArranged By – Barry Fasman\nBass – Henry Davis\nDrums – Jim Gordon\nGuitar – Ben Benay, Dennis Budimir, Greg Poree\nHorns – Bud Shank, Buddy Childers, David Luell, Graham Young, J.J. Johnson, Phil Teele\nKeyboards – Larry Von Nash\nTack Piano – Cyndi Grecco\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings\nViola Solo played by – Sid Sharp\n\n10) Making Our Dreams Come True (Norman Gimbel/Charles Fox)\nArranged By – Charles Fox\nVocal Group – The Ron Hicklin Singers (Ron Hicklin, Tom Bahler, Jim Haas)\nBass – Max Bennett\nDrums – Mike Baird\nFlute – Bud Shank, Buddy Collette\nGuitar – Ben Benay\nHorns – Bobby Shew, David Luell, Dick Hyde, Phil Teele, William Peterson\nKeyboards – David Foster\nPercussion – Victor Feldman\nSaxophone solo played by – David Luell\nStrings – Sid Sharp And His Magic Strings\n\nProduced by Charles Fox & Janna Merlyn Feliciano\n\nReferences\nhttp://www.fozfan.com/2015/03/15/making-our-dreams-come-true-theme-from-laverne-shirley/\n\nExternal links\nhttps://cyndigrecco.bandcamp.com/album/making-our-dreams-come-true\nhttps://www.discogs.com/Cyndi-Grecco-Making-Our-Dreams-Come-True/master/482151\n\nCategory:1976 albums\nCategory:Private Stock Records albums" ]
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[ "Aurora Commons\n\nAurora Commons is a drop-in center for homeless people in Seattle. ", "It was co-founded in 2011 by Lisa Etter Carlson. ", "It has been described as \"a small oasis in the heart of Seattle's forgotten desert\", Aurora Avenue North – an area of the city where sex workers and homeless frequently find patrons, heroin and cheap motels; and which had no supermarket, bank, community center, nor bookstore, and no Seattle City Council representation until 2015. ", "The space is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church across the street. ", "Local businesses have protested the center's needle exchange program. ", "Aurora Commons also provides condoms and other services for sex workers.", "\n\nFundraising\nSeattle area bands Death Cab for Cutie and Deep Sea Diver have raised funds for Aurora Commons.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:2011 establishments in Washington (state)\nCategory:Buildings and structures in Seattle\nCategory:Homeless shelters in the United States" ]
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[ "\n348 N.W.2d 866 (1984)\n217 Neb. 332\nSTATE of Nebraska, Appellee,\nv.\nMichael J. JACKSON, Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "83-375.", "\nSupreme Court of Nebraska.", "\nMay 11, 1984.", "\nThomas M. Kenney, Douglas County Public Defender, and Stanley A. Krieger, Omaha, for appellant.", "\nPaul L. Douglas, Atty. ", "Gen., and Lynne R. Fritz, Lincoln, for appellee.", "\nKRIVOSHA, C.J., WHITE and CAPORALE, JJ., ", "and McCOWN and BRODKEY, JJ., ", "Retired.", "\nWHITE, Justice.", "\nAppellant, Michael J. Jackson, was found guilty by a jury in Douglas County, Nebraska, on a two-count information, assault *867 in the second degree, Neb.Rev.Stat. § ", "28-309 (Reissue 1979), and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, Neb.Rev.Stat. § ", "28-1205 (Reissue 1979). ", "Second degree assault is a Class IV felony, punishable by a fine and/or confinement of up to 5 years. ", "Use of a firearm to commit a felony is a Class III felony, punishable by a fine and/or confinement of up to 20 years. ", "Appellant was sentenced to a term of 20 months to 5 years' imprisonment on the second degree assault charge and to a consecutive term of 3 to 5 years' imprisonment for use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.", "\nOn December 21, 1982, at about 11:25 p.m., Jackson and a companion were observed from a window in the Old Settlers Bar located at 5250 South 21st Street, Omaha, Nebraska, crouched in the vicinity of two pickup trucks belonging to patrons of the bar. ", "The victim, John Granger, and three others left the bar and ran across the street to the parking lot where the pickups were parked. ", "Appellant was directed to stop and was subsequently tackled and held on the ground by Granger. ", "Jackson struggled with Granger, and Granger struck Jackson across the face at least once. ", "Jackson managed to free his right hand, remove a loaded .22-caliber revolver from his belt area, and shoot Granger once in the upper chest. ", "Jackson escaped, as did his companion, who was concealed in one of the pickups. ", "Police later apprehended both Jackson and his companion. ", "The companion testified at the trial that the purpose of the late evening expedition was to steal something that could be sold in order to obtain a birthday present for the companion's sister, Jackson's girl friend.", "\nAppellant does not maintain that the evidence is insufficient to sustain his conviction, nor does he contend of any errors in the admission of evidence or in the jury instructions. ", "His sole assignment of error is directed at the sentences imposed, that being that the two sentences imposed were for essentially the same crime, thus violating the appellant's right not to be twice placed in jeopardy for the same crime, in accordance with the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution. ", "The question for resolution is whether use of a firearm to commit a felony is a lesser-included offense of second degree assault.", "\nThe State argues that the offenses are distinct, and, in any circumstance, even if the offenses were identical or lesser-included, no constitutional prohibition exists against multiple penalties where the Legislature clearly intended such penalties to be imposed.", "\nThe definition of what constitutes a lesser-included offense has been extensively litigated in this state. ", "A majority of this court has adopted what may best be termed \"The Statutory Elements Theory.\" ", "In State v. Lovelace, 212 Neb. 356, 359, 322 N.W.2d 673, 675 (1982), we defined a lesser included offense as\n\"one which is necessarily established by proof of the greater offense. [", "Citation omitted.] ", "To be a lesser included offense, the elements of the lesser offense must be such that it is impossible to commit the greater without at the same time having committed the lesser....\"\nFor a general discussion of the various theories of lesser-included offenses, see Comment, State v. Lovelace: The Procrustean State of the Lesser-Included Offense Doctrine in Nebraska, 17 Creighton L.Rev. ", "417 (1984).", "\nWe should from the beginning indicate that the scope of our inquiry is not directed by the fact that the crimes charged arose out of a single act. ", "As we repeated in State v. Kuntzelman, 215 Neb. 115, 119, 337 N.W.2d 414, 417 (1983):\n\"This court has held that a distinction exists between an offense and the unlawful act out of which it arises, it being possible that two or more distinct offenses may grow out of the same transaction or act; and the rule that a person cannot be twice put in jeopardy ... has no application where two separate and distinct crimes are committed by one and the same act, because the constitutional inhibition is directed to the identity of the offense and not to the act.\" *", "868 Citing State v. Robinson, 202 Neb. 210, 214, 274 N.W.2d 553, 555-56 (1979).", "\nReviewing the offenses involved herein, second degree assault is defined in § 28-309, which provides in pertinent part: \"(1) A person commits the offense of assault in the second degree if he: (a) Intentionally or knowingly causes bodily injury to another person with a dangerous instrument .... (2) Assault in the second degree shall be a Class IV felony.\"", "\nThe offense of using a firearm or other deadly weapon to commit a felony is defined in § 28-1205 as follows:\n(1) Any person who uses a firearm, knife, brass or iron knuckles, or any other deadly weapon to commit any felony which may be prosecuted in a court of this state, or any person who unlawfully possesses a firearm, knife, brass or iron knuckles, or any other deadly weapon during the commission of any felony which may be prosecuted in a court of this state commits the offense of using firearms to commit a felony.", "\n(2) Use of firearms to commit a felony is a Class III felony.", "\n(3) The crime defined in this section shall be treated as a separate and distinct offense from the felony being committed, and sentences imposed under the provisions of this section shall be consecutive to any other sentence imposed.", "\n\n(Emphasis supplied.)", "\nIn order to convict appellant of second degree assault, the prosecutor was legally required to prove (1) intent or knowledge, (2) bodily injury to another, and (3) use of a dangerous instrument. ", "Clearly, elements (1) and (2) are irrelevant to the offense of use of a firearm to commit a felony. ", "On the other hand, in order to convict appellant of the offense of use of a firearm, the prosecution was legally required to prove (1) the carrying or possession of a firearm or other deadly weapon, and (2) that said firearm or deadly weapon was carried or possessed during the commission of any felony which may be prosecuted in a court of this state. ", "The second element is not part of the crime of second degree assault. ", "Although factually in this case the prosecution relied on proof of second degree assault in order to secure the use of a firearm conviction, it was not legally required to do so. ", "Proof of any felony which may be prosecuted in a court of this state would have been sufficient. ", "While the evidence offered to prove the violation overlaps, the violation itself is distinctly different. ", "Legally, each provision requires proof of a fact which the other does not.", "\nThis rationale was used by the eighth circuit in Kowalski v. Parratt, 533 F.2d 1071 (8th Cir.1976), cert. ", "denied 429 U.S. 844, 97 S.Ct. ", "125, 50 L.Ed.2d 115, to uphold a defendant's multiple convictions and consecutive sentences for both robbery and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. ", "The court therein stated at 1073: \"Although the appellant assumes that count II [use of a firearm in the commission of a felony] required proof of the robbery alleged in count I, that is not the case. ", "The weapons statute is satisfied by proof that a weapon was possessed or used during any felony.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nSimilarly, in Wayne Pros v. Recorder's Ct Judge, 406 Mich. 374, 280 N.W.2d 793 (1979), wherein the appellant's convictions for the crimes of armed robbery and felony-firearm were upheld, the court analyzed the issue as follows:\nIn order to convict the defendant of armed robbery, the prosecution was legally required to prove an assault, a taking and an intent to permanently deprive the owner of his or her property—none of which are legally required to convict the defendant of felony-firearm. ", "On the other hand, in order to convict the defendant of felony-firearm, the prosecution was legally required to prove two things: first, that the defendant carried or possessed a firearm—a fact which is not necessary to secure a conviction for armed robbery (any \"dangerous weapon\" or \"article\" used or fashioned so as to lead the victim to believe it is a dangerous weapon will satisfy the \"armed\" requirement of the armed robbery statute); second, *869 that the firearm was carried or possessed during the course of any felony or attempted felony. ", "The prosecution was not legally required to prove armed robbery. ", "Any proper felony would have sufficed. ", "Each of these statutes legally requires proof of a fact which the other does not. ", "Proof of felony-firearm does not necessarily prove armed robbery.", "\n(Emphasis supplied.) ", "Id. at 398-99, 280 N.W.2d at 799.", "\nIn the instant case appellant was charged with the crime of intentionally or knowingly causing bodily injury to the victim with a dangerous instrument, count I, and the crime of use of a firearm to commit a felony which may be prosecuted in a court of this state, count II. ", "Employing the above-stated rationale, since the prosecution was not legally required to prove second degree assault as an element of the crime of use of a firearm, the elements of the two offenses are different. ", "Thus, appellant was convicted of two separate offenses within the meaning of the constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy, and his contentions in that regard are without merit.", "\nA separate and distinct reason presents itself requiring affirmance. ", "As noted in State v. Kuntzelman, 215 Neb. 115, 119, 337 N.W.2d 414, 417 (1983):\nThe U.S. Supreme Court in Whalen v. United States, 445 U.S. 684, 100 S.Ct. ", "1432, 63 L.Ed.2d 715 (1980), held that multiple punishments could be imposed for the same offense without running afoul of the double jeopardy guarantee of the fifth amendment to the Constitution where it was specifically authorized by state statute.", "\nSection 28-1205 is plain and unambiguous. ", "The statute requires the imposition of a consecutive sentence when a person uses a firearm or other deadly weapon to commit \"any felony which may be prosecuted in a court of this state.\"", "\nThe legislative intent being manifest and the multiple sentences not constitutionally infirm, the assignment is without merit and the trial court's judgment is affirmed.", "\nAFFIRMED.", "\nMcCOWN, J., Retired, dissents.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDifferent views for landscape and portrait - Xcode 6\n\nI making a project in which i need to have one view for horizontal and the other one for vertical orientation. ", "Also i need to have a collection view in the horizontal view and table view for my vertical view.", "\nI have been trying to found some tutorials, but without success or the solution was to old. ", "I am using Xcode 6.", "\n\nA:\n\nBut you can implement the equivalent of a table view using a collection view. ", "A collection view is basically a table view on steroids: more powerful, more configurable, more generic. ", "Rather than try to implement two types of views and switch between them, a design which fits the Apple pattern would contain just a collection view, which in landscape mode displays the items in two or three columns, but in portrait mode displays just a single column.", "\nThis article describes how to implement custom layouts for collection views, and it contains links to other hopefully relevant material.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The geophysical survey will take place at the BHP-operated Trion block. ", "Oceaneering will use the DP-2 Ocean Investigator, equipped with the OS-VI AUV and light geotechnical capabilities.", "\n\nWork is currently underway and will continue for approximately 45 days. ", "Oceaneering will also provide light geotechnical services by acquiring 6 m piston core soil samples.", "\n\nDeepwater depth is considered between 1,000-3,000 m.\n\nArticles To solve the unsolvable, Oceaneering seeks out the utmost experts in their respective fields. ", "We provide engineered services and products primarily to the offshore energy industry. ", "Today, we also use applied technology expertise to serve the defense, entertainment, material handling, aerospace, science, and renewable energy industries. ", "With a varied and diverse pool of expertise, Oceaneering strives to be the go-to thoughtleader in our wide-ranging on- and offshore service lines. ", "We thrive by creating industry-changing technically creative solutions for the most complex operational challenges under water, on land, and in space. ", "Our experts are sought out for their knowledge and experience, to shed light on the latest innovative technology and trends within the wide-ranging industries we serve. ", "Our experts are able to speak to these subjects because they are out in the field, working shoulder-to-shoulder with our clients and associated contractors. ", "They work closely to devise solutions to problems that couldn't be solved otherwise. ", "We demonstrate our value every day, striving to complete projects on-time and on-budget. ", "Our experts have penned thousands of words on topics related to remotely operated vehicles, subsea hardware, asset integrity, flow assurance, diving, survey and mapping, vessels, well intervention, workover control systems, pipeline repair, inspection, non-destructive testing, decommissioning, renewables, umbilicals, valves, marine services, product testing and qualification, data management, vessel navigation and positioning systems, science and other research, and space systems. ", "Our articles section shines a spotlight on our best and brightest thoughtleaders offering history, data, case studies, and even opinions on industry trends and service techniques, so that we may open a dialogue with the rest of the industry, in order to see how we can all better ourselves and come up with the latest solutions and processes yet to be created. ", "We partner with industry publications and other newsmakers to help tell our story and those of our clients because we aim to not only solve the unsolvable but demonstrate our value and expertise as a company, every single day. ", "We do this work with much importance placed on safety, because safety is instilled in every worker, in every region in which we do business.", "\n\nCompany page Since our founding in the early 1960s, Oceaneering has expanded and grown globally to service several industries such as the offshore energy industry, defense, entertainment, material handling, aerospace, science, and renewable energy industries. ", "In 1964, Mike Hughes and Johnny Johnson formed a Gulf of Mexico diving company called World Wide Divers. ", "The company grew in response to increasing demand for their services and in 1969 merged with two other diving companies to form Oceaneering International, Inc. To solve the toughest challenges, we do things differently, creatively, and smarter. ", "As your trusted partner, our unmatched experience and truly innovative portfolio of technologies and solutions give us the flexibility to adapt and evolve, regardless of market conditions. ", "Our mission is to solve the unsolvable. ", "We thrive by creating industry-changing technically creative solutions for the most complex operational challenges under water, on land, and in space. ", "Our five core values establish a common culture and demonstrate what is most important for us as a company. ", "Since the beginning, the company has transformed from a small regional diving company into a global provider of engineered products and services. ", "Today, we develop products and services for use throughout the lifecycle of an offshore oilfield, from drilling to decommissioning. ", "We operate the world's premier fleet of work class ROVs. ", "Additionally, we are a leader in offshore oilfield maintenance services, umbilicals, subsea hardware, and tooling. ", "We also serve the aerospace, defense, and theme park industries. ", "Underpinning everything we do, safety is not only the foundation of our core values, but it is vital to our unmatched performance record and company culture. ", "The industries we serve are as diverse as they are complex. ", "Whether we are engineering deepwater umbilicals or developing robotics for aerospace applications, the safety and health of our employees, vendors, and customers is an integral part of our day-to-day business. ", "If we are working, then our responsibility is to be working safely. ", "Since our inception in 1964, we have placed a high value on employee safety-from diving services and subsea inspection to vessel-based installation operations. ", "We have and will continue to evolve not only our health, safety, and environmental (HSE) processes, but those of the industries in which we work. ", "Although we have been fatality-free since 1999, our HSE journey goes beyond statistics. ", "As our portfolio of services has grown, we have continued to prioritize and advance our approach to HSE.", "\n\nTrade Shows Oceaneering is a global company, spanning several industries such as the offshore energy industry, defense, entertainment, material handling, aerospace, science, and renewable energy industries. ", "Because our work is global, we strive to showcase our talent, expertise, technology and services worldwide at several important and high-profile trade shows per year. ", "At Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, as well as European-centric trade shows like Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) and Offshore Europe, Oceaneering displayed a touch screen that allows users to bring our technologies and services to life with in-depth facts and figures, and informative videos. ", "Another highlight of our conference stand is the live, mobile mission control center, which provides a look at our collaborative and operational onshore base, supporting all kinds of operations both on- and offshore, topside and subsea. ", "The MSC allows you to optimize resources, hence reducing cost, lowering HSE risk, and lowering emissions to the environment. ", "Trade Shows allow Oceaneering the ability to meet with the public and potential clients to give them more in-depth knowledge about our specialized tools and services. ", "By meeting with Oceaneering's subject matter experts about our offerings, clients and potential clients can get an open window into the types of services Oceaneering can provide. ", "Oceaneering's expertise covers the spectrum from remotely operated vehicles, subsea hardware, asset integrity, flow assurance, diving, survey and mapping, vessels, well intervention, workover control systems, pipeline repair, inspection, non-destructive testing, decommissioning, entertainment systems, renewables, umbilicals, valves, marine services, product testing and qualification, data management, vessel navigation and positioning systems, science and other research, and even space systems. ", "Our experts are sought out for their knowledge and experience, to shed light on the latest innovative technology and trends within the wide-ranging industries we serve. ", "They work closely to devise solutions to problems that couldn't be solved otherwise. ", "We demonstrate our value every day, striving to complete projects on-time and on-budget. ", "Trade shows, including smaller, local meet-and-greets, help tell our story and showcase the expertise and innovation behind our tools, technology, and services. ", "We aim to not only solve the unsolvable but demonstrate our value and expertise as a company, every single day, on every single job, all across the world. ", "We hope to serve you soon.", "\n\nBrochures Our brochures section allows users to read more in-depth about our specialized tools and services that span several industries, such as the offshore energy industry, defense, entertainment, material handling, aerospace, science, and renewable energy industries. ", "By reading more about our offerings, clients and potential clients can get an open window into the types of services Oceaneering can provide. ", "Oceaneering's expertise covers the spectrum from remotely operated vehicles, subsea hardware, asset integrity, flow assurance, diving, survey and mapping, vessels, well intervention, workover control systems, pipeline repair, inspection, non-destructive testing, decommissioning, entertainment systems, renewables, umbilicals, valves, marine services, product testing and qualification, data management, vessel navigation and positioning systems, science and other research, and even space systems. ", "Our Brochure section features a searchable web database, where users don't have to simply scroll to find the items for which they are searching. ", "Simply enter your search terms, and select either 'exact' or 'search title' to help get you closer to relevant technology and services from Oceaneering that can help you solve your needs. ", "Users can also filter their searches by category. ", "Oceaneering offers 40 categories and sub categories to help users find what they need even faster. ", "With a database of nearly 200 brochures, we aim to make the search process as easy as possible so we can get in touch faster to provide you with top-notch service and world-class expertise. ", "Our experts are sought out for their knowledge and experience, to shed light on the latest innovative technology and trends within the wide-ranging industries we serve. ", "They work closely to devise solutions to problems that couldn't be solved otherwise. ", "We demonstrate our value every day, striving to complete projects on-time and on-budget. ", "Our brochures help to tell our story and showcase the expertise and innovation behind our tools, technology, and services. ", "We aim to not only solve the unsolvable but demonstrate our value and expertise as a company, every single day, on every single job. ", "We do this work with much importance placed on safety, because safety is instilled in every worker, in every region in which we do business. ", "We hope to serve you soon." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow are topological invariants constructed?", "\n\nI've seen several different definitions for what are called topological invariants, for instance in the context of \n\nMajorana unpaired modes, by Kitaev: http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0010440\nTopological insulator in 3D, by Fu, Kane and Mele: http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0607699\n\nI would like to understand a bit more how they are constructed. ", "Are they restriction of a generic mathematical theory (perhaps the famous Chern-construction), or are they constructed independently for each case (for instance, for each physical property they have, like half-charge for Majorana mode and chiral mode for 3D-TI) ?", "\nA subsidiary question (which could eventually be postponed to an other post) would be: do these topological invariants appear in the calculation of some physical quantities ? ", "For instance, the Chern-number appeared explicitly in quantum Hall systems into the calculation of the conductivity. ", "What about the above examples ?", "\nExplicit constructions would be greatly appreciate. ", "\n\nA:\n\nA topological invariant is a continuous map $n$: $$ \\mathfrak{H}\\ni H\\mapsto n\\left(H\\right)\\in S $$ where $H$ is the Hamiltonian of your system and $S$ is some topological space. ", "$\\mathfrak{H}$ is the space of all admissible Hamiltonians. ", "\nUnfortunately the exact definition of $\\mathfrak{H}$ is still a matter of current research. ", "To keep things short, we do know a few things about what should characterize its elements: they should have some sort of gap (spectral gap or mobility gap) which makes it into an insulator in case the system under consideration is infinite in all space directions (half-infinite, edge systems, are allowed to be conductors, but should descend from gapped infinite systems). ", "They should be local (have off-diagonal matrix-elements which decay exponentially in the distance between the two points in space of the matrix element). ", "They should be self-adjoint as all Hamiltonians. ", "They should possibly obey certain symmetries, meaning commute or anti-commute with some (fixed) unitary or anti-unitary symmetry operator.", "\nSo far the only topological invariants constructed were such $S$ is equal to $\\mathbb{Z}$ or $\\mathbb{Z}_2$. But this is not set in stone. ", "The result of having $S$ discrete is that continuous maps into it are locally constant, hence the name invariant.", "\nHow is such an $n$ constructed?", "\n1) Come up with a map $n$, and prove it is continuous. ", "If I am not mistaken, this is how the FKM invariant came to be.", "\n2) Use a mathematical theory of (homotopy) classification of spaces to systematically generate invariants. ", "If you further assume your system is translation invariant (a physically poor decision, because disorder is necessary to explain key features of the IQHE for example) then you could view $\\mathfrak{H}$ as a space of vector bundles and then use the theory of classification of vector bundles. ", "See the book by Milnor called \"Characteristic Classes\" for an introduction. ", "The first Chern number is an example of an invariant which was constructed in this way in the seminal paper of TKKN. ", "\nIf you don't assume translation invariance, you enter the realm of non-commutative geometry and then there is a parallel theory of characteristic classes developed by Alain Connes. ", "Here the mathematical object replacing vector bundles are projections in C-star algebras. ", "Their homotopy theory is called \"C-star algebra K-theory\" and a good book to start with is Rordam's. ", "Then the parallel of Milnor's book in this setting would be Higson's book called \"Analytic K-Homology\". ", "Now there is a formula for the non-commutative first Chern number, which does not require Bloch decomposition (just an example which complements the example of the first Chern number). ", "\nThis view was championed by Jean Bellissard. ", "Whether in commutative or non-commutative geometry, the construction of such invariants is entirely systematic and leaves no room for choice. ", "Note however that this classification is not complete so further invariants may be constructed beyond the framework of (commutative or non-commutative) characteristic classes.", "\nAs far as I understand things, it was only in the IQHE where first the physical quantity was calculated and then later was \"recognized\" as topological object. ", "I think all other invariants so far have been constructed the other way around. ", "That isn't to say they don't have physically measurable meaning. ", "Another interesting question is whether these quantities represent response of the system to a driving force (as in the IQHE case, where the Hall conductivity is a linear response to driving the system with an electric field, which is computed via Kubo's formula). ", "The answer to this question seems to be \"no\", and the FKM index is probably one counter-example.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Scale-free dynamics of somatic adaptability in immune system.", "\nThe long-time dynamics of somatic adaptability in immune system is simulated by a simple physical model defined in the shape space. ", "The immune system described by the model exhibits a scale free behavior as is observed in living systems. ", "The balance between the positive and negative feedbacks of the model leads to a robust immune system where the positive one corresponds to the formation of memory cells and the negative one to immunosuppression. ", "Also the immunosenescence of the system is discussed based on the time-dependence of the epigenetic landscape of the adaptive immune cells in the shape space." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "/****************************************************************************\n *\n * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.", "\n * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source\n * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.", "\n *\n * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU\n * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional\n * Edition License.", "\n *\n * See http://visp.inria.fr for more information.", "\n *\n * This software was developed at:\n * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique\n * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu\n * 35042 Rennes Cedex\n * France\n *\n * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact\n * Inria at [email protected]\n *\n * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE\n * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.", "\n *\n * Description:\n * 2D ellipse visual feature.", "\n *\n * Authors:\n * Eric Marchand\n *\n *****************************************************************************/\n\n/*!", "\n \\file vpFeatureEllipse.cpp\n \\brief Class that defines 2D ellipse visual feature\n*/\n\n#include <visp3/visual_features/vpBasicFeature.h>\n#include <visp3/visual_features/vpFeatureEllipse.h>\n\n// Exception\n#include <visp3/core/vpException.h>\n#include <visp3/visual_features/vpFeatureException.h>\n\n// Debug trace\n#include <visp3/core/vpDebug.h>\n\n// math\n#include <visp3/core/vpMath.h>\n\n#include <visp3/core/vpFeatureDisplay.h>\n\n/*\n\nattributes and members directly related to the vpBasicFeature needs\nother functionalities ar useful but not mandatory\n\n*/\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::init()\n{\n // feature dimension\n dim_s = 5;\n nbParameters = 8;\n\n // memory allocation\n s.resize(dim_s);\n if (flags == NULL)\n flags = new bool[nbParameters];\n for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbParameters; i++)\n flags[i] = false;\n\n // default depth values\n A = B = 0;\n C = 1;\n}\n\nvpFeatureEllipse::vpFeatureEllipse() : A(0), B(0), C(0) { init(); }\n\n//! ", "compute the interaction matrix from a subset a the possible features\nvpMatrix vpFeatureEllipse::interaction(unsigned int select)\n{\n vpMatrix L;\n\n L.resize(0, 6);\n\n if (deallocate == vpBasicFeature::user) {\n for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbParameters; i++) {\n if (flags[i] == false) {\n switch (i) {\n case 0:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but x was \"\n \"not set yet\");\n break;\n case 1:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but y was \"\n \"not set yet\");\n break;\n case 2:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but n20 \"\n \"was not set yet\");\n break;\n case 3:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but n11 \"\n \"was not set yet\");\n break;\n case 4:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but n02 \"\n \"was not set yet\");\n break;\n case 5:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but A was \"\n \"not set yet\");\n break;\n case 6:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but B was \"\n \"not set yet\");\n break;\n case 7:\n vpTRACE(\"Warning !!! ", " The interaction matrix is computed but C was \"\n \"not set yet\");\n break;\n default:\n vpTRACE(\"Problem during the reading of the variable flags\");\n }\n }\n }\n resetFlags();\n }\n\n double xc = s[0];\n double yc = s[1];\n double n20 = s[2];\n double n11 = s[3];\n double n02 = s[4];\n\n // eq 39\n double Z = 1 / (A * xc + B * yc + C);\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::selectX() & select) {\n vpMatrix H(1, 6);\n H = 0;\n\n H[0][0] = -1 / Z;\n H[0][1] = 0;\n H[0][2] = xc / Z + A * n20 + B * n11;\n H[0][3] = xc * yc + n11;\n H[0][4] = -1 - vpMath::sqr(xc) - n20;\n H[0][5] = yc;\n\n L = vpMatrix::stack(L, H);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::selectY() & select) {\n vpMatrix H(1, 6);\n H = 0;\n\n H[0][0] = 0;\n H[0][1] = -1 / Z;\n H[0][2] = yc / Z + A * n11 + B * n02;\n H[0][3] = 1 + vpMath::sqr(yc) + n02;\n H[0][4] = -xc * yc - n11;\n H[0][5] = -xc;\n\n L = vpMatrix::stack(L, H);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n20() & select) {\n vpMatrix H(1, 6);\n H = 0;\n\n H[0][0] = -2 * (A * n20 + B * n11);\n H[0][1] = 0;\n H[0][2] = 2 * ((1 / Z + A * xc) * n20 + B * xc * n11);\n H[0][3] = 2 * (yc * n20 + xc * n11);\n H[0][4] = -4 * n20 * xc;\n H[0][5] = 2 * n11;\n\n L = vpMatrix::stack(L, H);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n11() & select) {\n vpMatrix H(1, 6);\n H = 0;\n\n H[0][0] = -A * n11 - B * n02;\n H[0][1] = -A * n20 - B * n11;\n H[0][2] = A * yc * n20 + (3 / Z - C) * n11 + B * xc * n02;\n H[0][3] = 3 * yc * n11 + xc * n02;\n H[0][4] = -yc * n20 - 3 * xc * n11;\n H[0][5] = n02 - n20;\n\n L = vpMatrix::stack(L, H);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n02() & select) {\n vpMatrix H(1, 6);\n H = 0;\n\n H[0][0] = 0;\n H[0][1] = -2 * (A * n11 + B * n02);\n H[0][2] = 2 * ((1 / Z + B * yc) * n02 + A * yc * n11);\n H[0][3] = 4 * yc * n02;\n H[0][4] = -2 * (yc * n11 + xc * n02);\n H[0][5] = -2 * n11;\n L = vpMatrix::stack(L, H);\n }\n\n return L;\n}\n\n//! ", "compute the error between two visual features from a subset\n//! ", "a the possible features\nvpColVector vpFeatureEllipse::error(const vpBasicFeature &s_star, unsigned int select)\n{\n vpColVector e(0);\n\n try {\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::selectX() & select) {\n vpColVector ex(1);\n ex[0] = s[0] - s_star[0];\n\n e = vpColVector::stack(e, ex);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::selectY() & select) {\n vpColVector ey(1);\n ey[0] = s[1] - s_star[1];\n e = vpColVector::stack(e, ey);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n20() & select) {\n vpColVector ex(1);\n ex[0] = s[2] - s_star[2];\n\n e = vpColVector::stack(e, ex);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n11() & select) {\n vpColVector ey(1);\n ey[0] = s[3] - s_star[3];\n e = vpColVector::stack(e, ey);\n }\n\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n02() & select) {\n vpColVector ey(1);\n ey[0] = s[4] - s_star[4];\n e = vpColVector::stack(e, ey);\n }\n\n } catch (...) {\n throw;\n }\n\n return e;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::print(unsigned int select) const\n{\n\n std::cout << \"Ellipse: \" << std::endl;\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::selectX() & select)\n std::cout << \" x=\" << s[0] << std::endl;\n ;\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::selectY() & select)\n std::cout << \" y=\" << s[1] << std::endl;\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n20() & select)\n std::cout << \" n20=\" << s[2] << std::endl;\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n11() & select)\n std::cout << \" n11=\" << s[3] << std::endl;\n if (vpFeatureEllipse::select_n02() & select)\n std::cout << \" n02=\" << s[4] << std::endl;\n std::cout << \"A = \" << A << \" B = \" << B << \" C = \" << C << std::endl;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::buildFrom(double x, double y, double n20, double n11, double n02)\n{\n s[0] = x;\n s[1] = y;\n s[2] = n20;\n s[3] = n11;\n s[4] = n02;\n\n for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)\n flags[i] = true;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::buildFrom(double x, double y, double n20, double n11,\n double n02, double a, double b, double c)\n{\n s[0] = x;\n s[1] = y;\n s[2] = n20;\n s[3] = n11;\n s[4] = n02;\n\n this->A = a;\n this->B = b;\n this->C = c;\n\n for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbParameters; i++)\n flags[i] = true;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::set_x(double x)\n{\n s[0] = x;\n flags[0] = true;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::set_y(double y)\n{\n s[1] = y;\n flags[1] = true;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::set_xy(double x, double y)\n{\n s[0] = x;\n s[1] = y;\n for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)\n flags[i] = true;\n}\n\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::setABC(double a, double b, double c)\n{\n this->A = a;\n this->B = b;\n this->C = c;\n for (unsigned int i = 5; i < nbParameters; i++)\n flags[i] = true;\n}\n\n/*!", "\n * Update visual features corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area (i.e., such that \\f$n_{ij} = \\mu_{ij}/a\\f$ where \\f$\\mu_{ij}\\f$ are the centered moments\n * and a the area).", "\n * \\param n20, n11, n02: Second order centered moments.", "\n */\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::setMoments(double n20, double n11, double n02)\n{\n s[2] = n20;\n s[3] = n11;\n s[4] = n02;\n for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++)\n flags[i] = true;\n}\n\n#if defined(VISP_BUILD_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS)\n/*!", "\n * \\deprecated You should rather use setMoments().", "\n * This function and its parameters are incorrectly named and are confusing since this function\n * is waiting for second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_{ij} = \\mu_{ij}/a\\f$.\n */\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::setMu(double mu20, double mu11, double mu02)\n{\n setMoments(mu20, mu11, mu02);\n}\n#endif\n\n/*!", "\n\n Display ellipse feature.", "\n\n \\param cam : Camera parameters.", "\n \\param I : Image on which features have to be displayed.", "\n \\param color : Color used to display the feature.", "\n \\param thickness : Thickness of the feature representation.", "\n*/\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::display(const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpColor &color,\n unsigned int thickness) const\n{\n double x = s[0];\n double y = s[1];\n\n double n20 = s[2];\n double n11 = s[3];\n double n02 = s[4];\n\n vpFeatureDisplay::displayEllipse(x, y, n20, n11, n02, cam, I, color, thickness);\n}\n\n/*!", "\n\n Display ellipse feature.", "\n\n \\param cam : Camera parameters.", "\n \\param I : Color image on which features have to be displayed.", "\n \\param color : Color used to display the feature.", "\n \\param thickness : Thickness of the feature representation.", "\n*/\nvoid vpFeatureEllipse::display(const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, const vpColor &color,\n unsigned int thickness) const\n{\n double x = s[0];\n double y = s[1];\n\n double n20 = s[2];\n double n11 = s[3];\n double n02 = s[4];\n\n vpFeatureDisplay::displayEllipse(x, y, n20, n11, n02, cam, I, color, thickness);\n}\n\n//! ", "For memory issue (used by the vpServo class only).", "\nvpFeatureEllipse *vpFeatureEllipse::duplicate() const\n{\n vpFeatureEllipse *feature = new vpFeatureEllipse;\n return feature;\n}\n\n/*!", "\n * Select as visual feature ellipse centroid coordinate along camera x-axis.", "\n */\nunsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::selectX() { return FEATURE_LINE[0]; }\n/*!", "\n * Select as visual feature ellipse centroid coordinate along camera y-axis.", "\n */\nunsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::selectY() { return FEATURE_LINE[1]; }\n\n/*!", "\n * Select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_20 = mu_20/a\\f$.\n */\nunsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::select_n20() { return FEATURE_LINE[2]; }\n/*!", "\n * Select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_11 = mu_11/a\\f$.\n */\nunsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::select_n11() { return FEATURE_LINE[3]; }\n/*!", "\n * Select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_02 = mu_02/a\\f$.\n */\nunsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::select_n02() { return FEATURE_LINE[4]; }\n\n#if defined(VISP_BUILD_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS)\n/*!", "\n * \\deprecated You should rather use select_n20().", "\n * This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it\n * intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_20 = mu_20/a\\f$.\n */\nvp_deprecated unsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu20() { return FEATURE_LINE[2]; }\n/*!", "\n * \\deprecated You should rather use select_n20().", "\n * This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it\n * intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_11 = mu_11/a\\f$.\n */\nvp_deprecated unsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu11() { return FEATURE_LINE[3]; }\n/*!", "\n * \\deprecated You should rather use select_n20().", "\n * This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it\n * intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized\n * by its area that corresponds to \\f$n_02 = mu_02/a\\f$.\n */\nvp_deprecated unsigned int vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu02() { return FEATURE_LINE[4]; }\n#endif\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.01171875, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.005, 0, 0, 0.0032017075773745998, 0.0027624309392265192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007010515773660491, 0, 0.00345489443378119, 0, 0, 0.004524886877828055, 0.0196078431372549, 0.014204545454545454, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00904977375565611, 0, 0.003745318352059925, 0.0196078431372549, 0.00967741935483871, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.006369426751592357 ]
[ "Pivotal role of ChIFNgamma in the pathogenesis and immunosuppression of infectious bursal disease.", "\nThis study investigates the pivotal role of chicken interferon-gamma (ChIFNgamma) in the pathogenesis and immunosuppression of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) infection and is divided into in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro experiments. ", "Two-week-old specific pathogen free chickens were inoculated with the 849VB very virulent strain of IBDV. ", "The levels of systemic ChIFNgamma and chicken interleukin-6 in the serum were followed for 2 weeks during in vivo experiments. ", "Then, splenocytes and bursal cells from infected chickens were analysed for their immunocompetence after mitogenic activation in ex vivo experiments. ", "Finally, in vitro experiments were conducted to assess the direct immunosuppressive effect of ChIFNgamma on splenocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes from non-inoculated specific pathogen free chickens. ", "Our results reveal that the acute phase of infectious bursal disease coincides, on one hand, with high levels of systemic ChIFNgamma and chicken interleukin-6 and, on the other hand, with a strong inhibition of proliferation and activation of mitogen-stimulated splenocytes from infected chickens, as measured by ChIFNgamma production. ", "Two weeks after viral inoculation, T lymphocytes infiltrating the bursa of Fabricius had recovered their activation capability. ", "Finally, an in vitro study showed that the proliferation of naïve splenocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes was directly and specifically inhibited by ChIFNgamma. ", "In conclusion, a ChIFNgamma dysregulation occurs in chickens infected with IBDV and the overproduction of ChIFNgamma by T lymphocytes plays a key role in the pathogenesis and immunosuppression induced by this virus." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/*\n * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not\n * use this file except in compliance with the License. ", "You may obtain a copy of\n * the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT\n * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ", "See the\n * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under\n * the License.", "\n */\n\nclass Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachmentsScopedList extends Google_Collection\n{\n protected $collection_key = 'interconnectAttachments';\n protected $interconnectAttachmentsType = 'Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachment';\n protected $interconnectAttachmentsDataType = 'array';\n protected $warningType = 'Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachmentsScopedListWarning';\n protected $warningDataType = '';\n\n /**\n * @param Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachment\n */\n public function setInterconnectAttachments($interconnectAttachments)\n {\n $this->interconnectAttachments = $interconnectAttachments;\n }\n /**\n * @return Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachment\n */\n public function getInterconnectAttachments()\n {\n return $this->interconnectAttachments;\n }\n /**\n * @param Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachmentsScopedListWarning\n */\n public function setWarning(Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachmentsScopedListWarning $warning)\n {\n $this->warning = $warning;\n }\n /**\n * @return Google_Service_Compute_InterconnectAttachmentsScopedListWarning\n */\n public function getWarning()\n {\n return $this->warning;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "This invention relates to a portable gas firing apparatus, for cooking, heating, etc.. More particularly, to an apparatus having a gas firing system superposed on a detachable pressure gas cartridge which can be removed for replacement after the gas is consumed.", "\nPortable gas firing apparatus are cooperatively assembled with a box-like container and commonly used by people when going picnic, camping, mountaineering, etc. ", "In U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,907,490 there is disclosed a kind of gas firing apparatus in which the gas firing system and gas cartridge are respectively disposed inside two chambers divided by a common partition that horizontally passes across a container. ", "The gas firing system can include a burner upwardly extending from the common partition, a control member for gas delivery to the burner, an ignition device, a gas take-off head, etc. ", "The lower bottom portion of the container is constituted by a bowl-like portion which is threadedly attached to an enclosure downwardly extending from the common partition to cooperatively form the lower chamber in which the gas cartridge is held clamped against an annular sealing member of the gas take-off head and kept in a gas-tight connection with the gas take-off head by an upward pressure induced upon full-thread-depth screw action of the bowl-like portion. ", "This screw action not only establishes a gas-tight connection between the gas cartridge and gas take-off head but also forces the top side of the gas cartridge against an axial finger in the form of a sharp spike which is disposed in a slightly projected position in the gas take-off head so that the gas cartridge is perforated by said finger for the excape of the gas to the burner through the gas take-off head.", "\nIt has been discovered that gas may leak at the connection between the gas take-off head and the gas cartridge when uncovering the box-like container. ", "A user may wrongly take off the lid by applying a spiral force, instead of by applying an axial pulling force. ", "The spiral force causes the screwed bottom bowl portion to spirally move in a direction departing from the gas take-off head and thereby reduces the upward pressure used to maintain the gas-tight connection.", "\nIn some cases, the gas take-off head fails to permit the escape of the gas. ", "The finger may be positioned in a tight fit, relative to the perforation drilled by itself, that will be maintained rigidly at the end of the screw action." ]
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[ "Dovizioso and Crutchlow make solid start in Mugello\n\nMonster Yamaha Tech 3 Team riders Andrea Dovizioso and Cal Crutchlow made a positive start to the Gran Premio d'Italia TIM at the fast and technical Mugello circuit in Italy today.", "\n\nDovizioso was happy with the set-up work he carried out on his YZR-M1 machine, the Italian capitalising on hot conditions to show the speed that has seen him claim three stunning podium finishes in the last four races. ", "Modifications to improve front-end feeling for the second session helped Dovizioso lower his lap time by 0.7s in hot and sunny conditions this afternoon. ", "Temperatures reached 26 degrees, giving Dovizioso the perfect opportunity to evaluate Bridgestone's hard rear tyre option, and he finished fifth on the combined timesheets with a best lap of 1.48.308.", "\n\nBritish rider Crutchlow was satisfied with the progress he made today and a lap of 1.49.023 put him fifth this morning. ", "He needed just four laps in hot but windy conditions this afternoon to better his pace from the first practice session and a lap of 1.48.650 put the 26-year-old in an encouraging eighth position. ", "Crutchlow was less than 0.2s behind reigning World Champion Casey Stoner in sixth and he is optimistic that he has plenty of margin to improve ahead of Sunday's 23-lap race, which marks the halfway point of the 2012 MotoGP series.", "\n\nAndrea Dovizioso\n\n\"I am really happy with the way my home race has started. ", "I arrive in Mugello in front of my home supporters full of confidence after the podiums in Assen and Sachsenring and we have made a positive start. ", "We made a big improvement to the set-up of the bike this afternoon. ", "I have more feeling with the front-end and I was much faster than in the morning, even though the conditions were worse. ", "The temperature was hotter but the wind was much stronger this afternoon, so I'm happy to have improved by so much.\"", "\n\nCal Crutchlow\n\n\"It was a decent day and my final position in eighth is probably not a true indication of my speed at the moment. ", "I am sure I could be much faster but I didn't really push for a fast time and concentrated a lot on working on the set-up for the race. ", "There are a couple of areas we can improve the bike but I am confident we can do that and I will be fighting for a good grid position tomorrow.\"" ]
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[ "UVA Today Branding\n\nOctober 30, 2008 — With the days shortening toward winter, many people will begin to experience the winter blahs. ", "For some, the effect can be devastating.", "\n\nAbout 6 percent of the U.S. population suffers from seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a sometimes-debilitating depression that begins in the fall and continues through winter. ", "Sufferers may even find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.", "\n\nThe disorder, which is not well understood, is often treated with \"light therapy,\" where a SAD patient spends time each morning before a bank of bright lights in an effort to trick the brain into believing that the days are not so short or dim.", "\n\nA new study indicates that SAD may be linked to a genetic mutation in the eye that makes a SAD patient less sensitive to light.", "\n\n\"These individuals may require brighter light levels to maintain normal functioning during the winter months,\" said Ignacio Provencio, a University of Virginia biology professor who studies the genetics of the body's biological clock, or circadian rhythms.", "\n\nProvencio and his colleagues have discovered that melanopsin, a photopigment gene in the eye, may play a role in causing SAD in people with a recently discovered mutation.", "\n\n\"We believe that the mutation could contribute to increasing the amount of light needed for normal functioning during winter for people with SAD,\" Provencio said. \"", "Lack of adequate light may be a trigger for SAD, but not the only explanation for the disorder.\"", "\n\nThe study was conducted with several other institutions, including the National Institute of Mental Health. ", "It involved 220 participants, 130 of whom had been diagnosed with SAD and 90 participants with no history of mental illness.", "\n\nUsing a genetics test, the study authors found that seven of the 220 participants carried two copies of the mutation that may be a factor in causing SAD, and, strikingly, all seven belonged to the SAD group.", "\n\n\"While a person diagnosed with SAD does not necessarily carry the melanopsin mutation, what we found strongly indicates that people who carry the mutation could very well be diagnosed with SAD,\" Provencio said. \"", "We think that if an individual has two copies of this gene, he or she has a reasonable chance of having the disorder.\"", "\n\nThe researchers found that a person with two copies of the gene is five times more likely to have symptoms of SAD than a person without the mutation.", "\n\n\"That is a very high effect for a mental illness, because most mental illnesses have many potential causes,\" Provencio noted. \"", "A mental illness may arise from many mutations, and we have found one that has a clear link.\"", "\n\nThe melanopsin gene encodes a light-sensitive protein that is found in a class of photoreceptors in the retina that are not involved with vision, but are linked to many non-visual responses, such as the control of circadian rhythms, the control of hormones, the mediation of alertness and the regulation of sleep.", "\n\nThe mutation in this gene may result in aberrant regulation of these responses to light, leading to the depressive symptoms of SAD. ", "About 29 percent of SAD patients come from families with a history of the disorder, suggesting a genetic or hereditary link.", "\n\n\"The finding suggest that melanopsin mutations may predispose some people to SAD, and that if you have two copies of this mutation, there is a very high probability that you will be afflicted,\" Provencio said. \"", "An eventual understanding of the mechanisms underlying the pathological response to light in SAD may lead to improved treatments.\"", "\n\nProvencio added that the finding, with further study, could also lead to improved testing for SAD.", "\n\nProvencio's colleague and lead author in the study is Kathryn Roecklein, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh." ]
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[ "Build Something Amazing\n\nUsing our API\n\nYou can use the API and SDK to create new ways to interact with medical professionals, patients and people in healthcare. ", "Simple setup and the possibilities are limitless… and it's free.", "\n\nThe API and SDK is still a work in progress. ", "Fill out the form below to be notified once it is officially released to the public. ", "Join our public API group to keep up to date as well.", "\n\nSteps to using the API\n\n1) You create a drchrono account, take note of your username\n2) Fill out the form on this page\n3) We review your request and enable API access\n4) Access your API settings here\n5) Read the documentation and start using the API\n6) Show us what you have built\n7) Impress us: we will add and feature your application in the drchrono marketplace" ]
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[ "/***************************************************************************/\n/* */\n/* tttables.h */\n/* */\n/* Basic SFNT/TrueType tables definitions and interface */\n/* (specification only). ", " */\n/* */\n/* Copyright 1996-2005, 2008-2014 by */\n/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. ", " */\n/* */\n/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */\n/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */\n/* license, LICENSE.TXT. ", " By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */\n/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */\n/* understand and accept it fully. ", " */\n/* */\n/***************************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifndef __TTTABLES_H__\n#define __TTTABLES_H__\n\n\n#include <ft2build.h>\n#include FT_FREETYPE_H\n\n#ifdef FREETYPE_H\n#error \"freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!\"", "\n#error \"Please fix the directory search order for header files\"\n#error \"so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first.\"", "\n#endif\n\n\nFT_BEGIN_HEADER\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Section> */\n /* truetype_tables */\n /* */\n /* <Title> */\n /* TrueType Tables */\n /* */\n /* <Abstract> */\n /* TrueType specific table types and functions. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* This section contains the definition of TrueType-specific tables */\n /* as well as some routines used to access and process them. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Order> */\n /* TT_Header */\n /* TT_HoriHeader */\n /* TT_VertHeader */\n /* TT_OS2 */\n /* TT_Postscript */\n /* TT_PCLT */\n /* TT_MaxProfile */\n /* */\n /* FT_Sfnt_Tag */\n /* FT_Get_Sfnt_Table */\n /* FT_Load_Sfnt_Table */\n /* FT_Sfnt_Table_Info */\n /* */\n /* FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID */\n /* FT_Get_CMap_Format */\n /* */\n /* FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING */\n /* */\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_Header */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* A structure used to model a TrueType font header table. ", " All */\n /* fields follow the TrueType specification. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_Header_\n {\n FT_Fixed Table_Version;\n FT_Fixed Font_Revision;\n\n FT_Long CheckSum_Adjust;\n FT_Long Magic_Number;\n\n FT_UShort Flags;\n FT_UShort Units_Per_EM;\n\n FT_Long Created [2];\n FT_Long Modified[2];\n\n FT_Short xMin;\n FT_Short yMin;\n FT_Short xMax;\n FT_Short yMax;\n\n FT_UShort Mac_Style;\n FT_UShort Lowest_Rec_PPEM;\n\n FT_Short Font_Direction;\n FT_Short Index_To_Loc_Format;\n FT_Short Glyph_Data_Format;\n\n } TT_Header;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_HoriHeader */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* A structure used to model a TrueType horizontal header, the `hhea' */\n /* table, as well as the corresponding horizontal metrics table, */\n /* i.e., the `hmtx' table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Fields> */\n /* Version :: The table version. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Ascender :: The font's ascender, i.e., the distance */\n /* from the baseline to the top-most of all */\n /* glyph points found in the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */\n /* it is usually set by the font designer, */\n /* and often reflects only a portion of the */\n /* glyphs found in the font (maybe ASCII). ", " */\n /* */\n /* You should use the `sTypoAscender' field */\n /* of the OS/2 table instead if you want */\n /* the correct one. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Descender :: The font's descender, i.e., the distance */\n /* from the baseline to the bottom-most of */\n /* all glyph points found in the font. ", " It */\n /* is negative. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */\n /* it is usually set by the font designer, */\n /* and often reflects only a portion of the */\n /* glyphs found in the font (maybe ASCII). ", " */\n /* */\n /* You should use the `sTypoDescender' */\n /* field of the OS/2 table instead if you */\n /* want the correct one. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Line_Gap :: The font's line gap, i.e., the distance */\n /* to add to the ascender and descender to */\n /* get the BTB, i.e., the */\n /* baseline-to-baseline distance for the */\n /* font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* advance_Width_Max :: This field is the maximum of all advance */\n /* widths found in the font. ", " It can be */\n /* used to compute the maximum width of an */\n /* arbitrary string of text. ", " */\n /* */\n /* min_Left_Side_Bearing :: The minimum left side bearing of all */\n /* glyphs within the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* min_Right_Side_Bearing :: The minimum right side bearing of all */\n /* glyphs within the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* xMax_Extent :: The maximum horizontal extent (i.e., the */\n /* `width' of a glyph's bounding box) for */\n /* all glyphs in the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* caret_Slope_Rise :: The rise coefficient of the cursor's */\n /* slope of the cursor (slope=rise/run). ", " */\n /* */\n /* caret_Slope_Run :: The run coefficient of the cursor's */\n /* slope. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Reserved :: 8~reserved bytes. ", " */\n /* */\n /* metric_Data_Format :: Always~0. ", " */\n /* */\n /* number_Of_HMetrics :: Number of HMetrics entries in the `hmtx' */\n /* table -- this value can be smaller than */\n /* the total number of glyphs in the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* long_metrics :: A pointer into the `hmtx' table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* short_metrics :: A pointer into the `hmtx' table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Note> */\n /* IMPORTANT: The TT_HoriHeader and TT_VertHeader structures should */\n /* be identical except for the names of their fields, */\n /* which are different. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This ensures that a single function in the `ttload' */\n /* module is able to read both the horizontal and vertical */\n /* headers. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_HoriHeader_\n {\n FT_Fixed Version;\n FT_Short Ascender;\n FT_Short Descender;\n FT_Short Line_Gap;\n\n FT_UShort advance_Width_Max; /* advance width maximum */\n\n FT_Short min_Left_Side_Bearing; /* minimum left-sb */\n FT_Short min_Right_Side_Bearing; /* minimum right-sb */\n FT_Short xMax_Extent; /* xmax extents */\n FT_Short caret_Slope_Rise;\n FT_Short caret_Slope_Run;\n FT_Short caret_Offset;\n\n FT_Short Reserved[4];\n\n FT_Short metric_Data_Format;\n FT_UShort number_Of_HMetrics;\n\n /* The following fields are not defined by the TrueType specification */\n /* but they are used to connect the metrics header to the relevant */\n /* `HMTX' table. ", " */\n\n void* long_metrics;\n void* short_metrics;\n\n } TT_HoriHeader;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_VertHeader */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* A structure used to model a TrueType vertical header, the `vhea' */\n /* table, as well as the corresponding vertical metrics table, i.e., */\n /* the `vmtx' table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Fields> */\n /* Version :: The table version. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Ascender :: The font's ascender, i.e., the distance */\n /* from the baseline to the top-most of */\n /* all glyph points found in the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */\n /* it is usually set by the font designer, */\n /* and often reflects only a portion of */\n /* the glyphs found in the font (maybe */\n /* ASCII). ", " */\n /* */\n /* You should use the `sTypoAscender' */\n /* field of the OS/2 table instead if you */\n /* want the correct one. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Descender :: The font's descender, i.e., the */\n /* distance from the baseline to the */\n /* bottom-most of all glyph points found */\n /* in the font. ", " It is negative. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */\n /* it is usually set by the font designer, */\n /* and often reflects only a portion of */\n /* the glyphs found in the font (maybe */\n /* ASCII). ", " */\n /* */\n /* You should use the `sTypoDescender' */\n /* field of the OS/2 table instead if you */\n /* want the correct one. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Line_Gap :: The font's line gap, i.e., the distance */\n /* to add to the ascender and descender to */\n /* get the BTB, i.e., the */\n /* baseline-to-baseline distance for the */\n /* font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* advance_Height_Max :: This field is the maximum of all */\n /* advance heights found in the font. ", " It */\n /* can be used to compute the maximum */\n /* height of an arbitrary string of text. ", " */\n /* */\n /* min_Top_Side_Bearing :: The minimum top side bearing of all */\n /* glyphs within the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* min_Bottom_Side_Bearing :: The minimum bottom side bearing of all */\n /* glyphs within the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* yMax_Extent :: The maximum vertical extent (i.e., the */\n /* `height' of a glyph's bounding box) for */\n /* all glyphs in the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* caret_Slope_Rise :: The rise coefficient of the cursor's */\n /* slope of the cursor (slope=rise/run). ", " */\n /* */\n /* caret_Slope_Run :: The run coefficient of the cursor's */\n /* slope. ", " */\n /* */\n /* caret_Offset :: The cursor's offset for slanted fonts. ", " */\n /* This value is `reserved' in vmtx */\n /* version 1.0. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Reserved :: 8~reserved bytes. ", " */\n /* */\n /* metric_Data_Format :: Always~0. ", " */\n /* */\n /* number_Of_HMetrics :: Number of VMetrics entries in the */\n /* `vmtx' table -- this value can be */\n /* smaller than the total number of glyphs */\n /* in the font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* long_metrics :: A pointer into the `vmtx' table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* short_metrics :: A pointer into the `vmtx' table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Note> */\n /* IMPORTANT: The TT_HoriHeader and TT_VertHeader structures should */\n /* be identical except for the names of their fields, */\n /* which are different. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This ensures that a single function in the `ttload' */\n /* module is able to read both the horizontal and vertical */\n /* headers. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_VertHeader_\n {\n FT_Fixed Version;\n FT_Short Ascender;\n FT_Short Descender;\n FT_Short Line_Gap;\n\n FT_UShort advance_Height_Max; /* advance height maximum */\n\n FT_Short min_Top_Side_Bearing; /* minimum left-sb or top-sb */\n FT_Short min_Bottom_Side_Bearing; /* minimum right-sb or bottom-sb */\n FT_Short yMax_Extent; /* xmax or ymax extents */\n FT_Short caret_Slope_Rise;\n FT_Short caret_Slope_Run;\n FT_Short caret_Offset;\n\n FT_Short Reserved[4];\n\n FT_Short metric_Data_Format;\n FT_UShort number_Of_VMetrics;\n\n /* The following fields are not defined by the TrueType specification */\n /* but they're used to connect the metrics header to the relevant */\n /* `HMTX' or `VMTX' table. ", " */\n\n void* long_metrics;\n void* short_metrics;\n\n } TT_VertHeader;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_OS2 */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* A structure used to model a TrueType OS/2 table. ", " All fields */\n /* comply to the OpenType specification. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Note that we now support old Mac fonts that do not include an OS/2 */\n /* table. ", " In this case, the `version' field is always set to 0xFFFF. */", "\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_OS2_\n {\n FT_UShort version; /* 0x0001 - more or 0xFFFF */\n FT_Short xAvgCharWidth;\n FT_UShort usWeightClass;\n FT_UShort usWidthClass;\n FT_Short fsType;\n FT_Short ySubscriptXSize;\n FT_Short ySubscriptYSize;\n FT_Short ySubscriptXOffset;\n FT_Short ySubscriptYOffset;\n FT_Short ySuperscriptXSize;\n FT_Short ySuperscriptYSize;\n FT_Short ySuperscriptXOffset;\n FT_Short ySuperscriptYOffset;\n FT_Short yStrikeoutSize;\n FT_Short yStrikeoutPosition;\n FT_Short sFamilyClass;\n\n FT_Byte panose[10];\n\n FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange1; /* Bits 0-31 */\n FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange2; /* Bits 32-63 */\n FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange3; /* Bits 64-95 */\n FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange4; /* Bits 96-127 */\n\n FT_Char achVendID[4];\n\n FT_UShort fsSelection;\n FT_UShort usFirstCharIndex;\n FT_UShort usLastCharIndex;\n FT_Short sTypoAscender;\n FT_Short sTypoDescender;\n FT_Short sTypoLineGap;\n FT_UShort usWinAscent;\n FT_UShort usWinDescent;\n\n /* only version 1 and higher: */\n\n FT_ULong ulCodePageRange1; /* Bits 0-31 */\n FT_ULong ulCodePageRange2; /* Bits 32-63 */\n\n /* only version 2 and higher: */\n\n FT_Short sxHeight;\n FT_Short sCapHeight;\n FT_UShort usDefaultChar;\n FT_UShort usBreakChar;\n FT_UShort usMaxContext;\n\n /* only version 5 and higher: */\n\n FT_UShort usLowerOpticalPointSize; /* in twips (1/20th points) */\n FT_UShort usUpperOpticalPointSize; /* in twips (1/20th points) */\n\n } TT_OS2;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_Postscript */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* A structure used to model a TrueType PostScript table. ", " All fields */\n /* comply to the TrueType specification. ", " This structure does not */\n /* reference the PostScript glyph names, which can be nevertheless */\n /* accessed with the `ttpost' module. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_Postscript_\n {\n FT_Fixed FormatType;\n FT_Fixed italicAngle;\n FT_Short underlinePosition;\n FT_Short underlineThickness;\n FT_ULong isFixedPitch;\n FT_ULong minMemType42;\n FT_ULong maxMemType42;\n FT_ULong minMemType1;\n FT_ULong maxMemType1;\n\n /* Glyph names follow in the file, but we don't */\n /* load them by default. ", " See the ttpost.c file. ", " */\n\n } TT_Postscript;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_PCLT */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* A structure used to model a TrueType PCLT table. ", " All fields */\n /* comply to the TrueType specification. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_PCLT_\n {\n FT_Fixed Version;\n FT_ULong FontNumber;\n FT_UShort Pitch;\n FT_UShort xHeight;\n FT_UShort Style;\n FT_UShort TypeFamily;\n FT_UShort CapHeight;\n FT_UShort SymbolSet;\n FT_Char TypeFace[16];\n FT_Char CharacterComplement[8];\n FT_Char FileName[6];\n FT_Char StrokeWeight;\n FT_Char WidthType;\n FT_Byte SerifStyle;\n FT_Byte Reserved;\n\n } TT_PCLT;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Struct> */\n /* TT_MaxProfile */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* The maximum profile is a table containing many max values, which */\n /* can be used to pre-allocate arrays. ", " This ensures that no memory */\n /* allocation occurs during a glyph load. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Fields> */\n /* version :: The version number. ", " */\n /* */\n /* numGlyphs :: The number of glyphs in this TrueType */\n /* font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxPoints :: The maximum number of points in a */\n /* non-composite TrueType glyph. ", " See also */\n /* the structure element */\n /* `maxCompositePoints'. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxContours :: The maximum number of contours in a */\n /* non-composite TrueType glyph. ", " See also */\n /* the structure element */\n /* `maxCompositeContours'. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxCompositePoints :: The maximum number of points in a */\n /* composite TrueType glyph. ", " See also the */\n /* structure element `maxPoints'. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxCompositeContours :: The maximum number of contours in a */\n /* composite TrueType glyph. ", " See also the */\n /* structure element `maxContours'. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxZones :: The maximum number of zones used for */\n /* glyph hinting. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxTwilightPoints :: The maximum number of points in the */\n /* twilight zone used for glyph hinting. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxStorage :: The maximum number of elements in the */\n /* storage area used for glyph hinting. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxFunctionDefs :: The maximum number of function */\n /* definitions in the TrueType bytecode for */\n /* this font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxInstructionDefs :: The maximum number of instruction */\n /* definitions in the TrueType bytecode for */\n /* this font. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxStackElements :: The maximum number of stack elements used */\n /* during bytecode interpretation. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxSizeOfInstructions :: The maximum number of TrueType opcodes */\n /* used for glyph hinting. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxComponentElements :: The maximum number of simple (i.e., non- */\n /* composite) glyphs in a composite glyph. ", " */\n /* */\n /* maxComponentDepth :: The maximum nesting depth of composite */\n /* glyphs. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Note> */\n /* This structure is only used during font loading. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef struct TT_MaxProfile_\n {\n FT_Fixed version;\n FT_UShort numGlyphs;\n FT_UShort maxPoints;\n FT_UShort maxContours;\n FT_UShort maxCompositePoints;\n FT_UShort maxCompositeContours;\n FT_UShort maxZones;\n FT_UShort maxTwilightPoints;\n FT_UShort maxStorage;\n FT_UShort maxFunctionDefs;\n FT_UShort maxInstructionDefs;\n FT_UShort maxStackElements;\n FT_UShort maxSizeOfInstructions;\n FT_UShort maxComponentElements;\n FT_UShort maxComponentDepth;\n\n } TT_MaxProfile;\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Enum> */\n /* FT_Sfnt_Tag */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* An enumeration used to specify the index of an SFNT table. ", " */\n /* Used in the @FT_Get_Sfnt_Table API function. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Values> */\n /* FT_SFNT_HEAD :: To access the font's @TT_Header structure. ", " */\n /* */\n /* FT_SFNT_MAXP :: To access the font's @TT_MaxProfile structure. ", " */\n /* */\n /* FT_SFNT_OS2 :: To access the font's @TT_OS2 structure. ", " */\n /* */\n /* FT_SFNT_HHEA :: To access the font's @TT_HoriHeader structure. ", " */\n /* */\n /* FT_SFNT_VHEA :: To access the font's @TT_VertHeader struture. ", " */\n /* */\n /* FT_SFNT_POST :: To access the font's @TT_Postscript structure. ", " */\n /* */\n /* FT_SFNT_PCLT :: To access the font's @TT_PCLT structure. ", " */\n /* */\n typedef enum FT_Sfnt_Tag_\n {\n FT_SFNT_HEAD,\n FT_SFNT_MAXP,\n FT_SFNT_OS2,\n FT_SFNT_HHEA,\n FT_SFNT_VHEA,\n FT_SFNT_POST,\n FT_SFNT_PCLT,\n\n FT_SFNT_MAX\n\n } FT_Sfnt_Tag;\n\n /* these constants are deprecated; use the corresponding `FT_Sfnt_Tag' */\n /* values instead */\n#define ft_sfnt_head FT_SFNT_HEAD\n#define ft_sfnt_maxp FT_SFNT_MAXP\n#define ft_sfnt_os2 FT_SFNT_OS2\n#define ft_sfnt_hhea FT_SFNT_HHEA\n#define ft_sfnt_vhea FT_SFNT_VHEA\n#define ft_sfnt_post FT_SFNT_POST\n#define ft_sfnt_pclt FT_SFNT_PCLT\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Function> */\n /* FT_Get_Sfnt_Table */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* Return a pointer to a given SFNT table within a face. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Input> */\n /* face :: A handle to the source. ", " */\n /* */\n /* tag :: The index of the SFNT table. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Return> */\n /* A type-less pointer to the table. ", " This will be~0 in case of */\n /* error, or if the corresponding table was not found *OR* loaded */\n /* from the file. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Use a typecast according to `tag' to access the structure */\n /* elements. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Note> */\n /* The table is owned by the face object and disappears with it. ", " */\n /* */\n /* This function is only useful to access SFNT tables that are loaded */\n /* by the sfnt, truetype, and opentype drivers. ", " See @FT_Sfnt_Tag for */\n /* a list. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Here an example how to access the `vhea' table: */\n /* */\n /* { */\n /* TT_VertHeader* vert_header; */\n /* */\n /* */\n /* vert_header = */\n /* (TT_VertHeader*)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( face, FT_SFNT_VHEA ); */\n /* } */\n /* */\n FT_EXPORT( void* )\n FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( FT_Face face,\n FT_Sfnt_Tag tag );\n\n\n /**************************************************************************\n *\n * @function:\n * FT_Load_Sfnt_Table\n *\n * @description:\n * Load any font table into client memory.", "\n *\n * @input:\n * face ::\n * A handle to the source face.", "\n *\n * tag ::\n * The four-byte tag of the table to load. ", " Use the value~0 if you want\n * to access the whole font file. ", " Otherwise, you can use one of the\n * definitions found in the @FT_TRUETYPE_TAGS_H file, or forge a new\n * one with @FT_MAKE_TAG.", "\n *\n * offset ::\n * The starting offset in the table (or file if tag == 0).", "\n *\n * @output:\n * buffer ::\n * The target buffer address. ", " The client must ensure that the memory\n * array is big enough to hold the data.", "\n *\n * @inout:\n * length ::\n * If the `length' parameter is NULL, then try to load the whole table.", "\n * Return an error code if it fails.", "\n *\n * Else, if `*length' is~0, exit immediately while returning the\n * table's (or file) full size in it.", "\n *\n * Else the number of bytes to read from the table or file, from the\n * starting offset.", "\n *\n * @return:\n * FreeType error code. ", " 0~means success.", "\n *\n * @note:\n * If you need to determine the table's length you should first call this\n * function with `*length' set to~0, as in the following example:\n *\n * {\n * FT_ULong length = 0;\n *\n *\n * error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table( face, tag, 0, NULL, &length );\n * if ( error ) { ... table does not exist ... }\n *\n * buffer = malloc( length );\n * if ( buffer == NULL ) { ... not enough memory ... }\n *\n * error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table( face, tag, 0, buffer, &length );\n * if ( error ) { ... could not load table ... }\n * }\n *\n * Note that structures like @TT_Header or @TT_OS2 can't be used with\n * this function; they are limited to @FT_Get_Sfnt_Table. ", " Reason is that\n * those structures depend on the processor architecture, with varying\n * size (e.g. 32bit vs. 64bit) or order (big endian vs. little endian).", "\n *\n */\n FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )\n FT_Load_Sfnt_Table( FT_Face face,\n FT_ULong tag,\n FT_Long offset,\n FT_Byte* buffer,\n FT_ULong* length );\n\n\n /**************************************************************************\n *\n * @function:\n * FT_Sfnt_Table_Info\n *\n * @description:\n * Return information on an SFNT table.", "\n *\n * @input:\n * face ::\n * A handle to the source face.", "\n *\n * table_index ::\n * The index of an SFNT table. ", " The function returns\n * FT_Err_Table_Missing for an invalid value.", "\n *\n * @inout:\n * tag ::\n * The name tag of the SFNT table. ", " If the value is NULL, `table_index'\n * is ignored, and `length' returns the number of SFNT tables in the\n * font.", "\n *\n * @output:\n * length ::\n * The length of the SFNT table (or the number of SFNT tables, depending\n * on `tag').", "\n *\n * @return:\n * FreeType error code. ", " 0~means success.", "\n *\n * @note:\n * While parsing fonts, FreeType handles SFNT tables with length zero as\n * missing.", "\n *\n */\n FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )\n FT_Sfnt_Table_Info( FT_Face face,\n FT_UInt table_index,\n FT_ULong *tag,\n FT_ULong *length );\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Function> */\n /* FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* Return TrueType/sfnt specific cmap language ID. ", " Definitions of */\n /* language ID values are in `ttnameid.h'. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Input> */\n /* charmap :: */\n /* The target charmap. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Return> */\n /* The language ID of `charmap'. ", " If `charmap' doesn't belong to a */\n /* TrueType/sfnt face, just return~0 as the default value. ", " */\n /* */\n /* For a format~14 cmap (to access Unicode IVS), the return value is */\n /* 0xFFFFFFFF. ", " */\n /* */\n FT_EXPORT( FT_ULong )\n FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID( FT_CharMap charmap );\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* <Function> */\n /* FT_Get_CMap_Format */\n /* */\n /* <Description> */\n /* Return TrueType/sfnt specific cmap format. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Input> */\n /* charmap :: */\n /* The target charmap. ", " */\n /* */\n /* <Return> */\n /* The format of `charmap'. ", " If `charmap' doesn't belong to a */\n /* TrueType/sfnt face, return -1. ", " */\n /* */\n FT_EXPORT( FT_Long )\n FT_Get_CMap_Format( FT_CharMap charmap );\n\n /* */\n\n\nFT_END_HEADER\n\n#endif /* __TTTABLES_H__ */\n\n\n/* END */\n" ]
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[ "The invention relates broadly to data packet communication networks capable of transmitting a digitally coded data packet message including an error-check code from a source node to a destination node over a selected transmission link which includes at least one intermediate node operative to intentionally alter a portion of the message to form an altered message which is ultimately routed to the destination node, and more particularly, to a method of re-computing at the intermediate node a new error-check code for the altered message in a predetermined number of computational operations, i.e. computational time, independent of the length of the message, while preserving the integrity of the initially computed error-check code of the message.", "\nIn a data packet or frame-relay communication network, data packet messages are digitally encoded at a source node for transmission over a selected link of the network to a destination node thereof. ", "To protect the integrity of the coded message against errors which may result from transmission or internodal activity, an error-check code is generated at the source node for the message using one of the well known error-check encoding algorithm, such as a cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC) algorithm, for example. ", "The resulting CRC code is appended to the coded message at the source node prior to transmission.", "\nIn data packet networks, there is generally included one or more relay or intermediate nodes in the selected transmission link connecting the source and destination nodes. ", "The intermediate node is operative to intentionally alter a portion of the message to form an altered message which is ultimately routed to the destination node. ", "For example, a frame-relay intermediate node may remove its own destination address from the transmission header portion of the coded message and insert in place thereof the address of the next node in the transmission link before passing the altered message on. ", "As a result of this alteration, the originally generated CRC code is no longer valid and must be recomputed based on the altered message. ", "In so doing, the ability to detect errors introduced by preceding transmission and internodal activity should be preserved so that the CRC code received at the destination node will serve to ensure correct end-to-end transmission. ", "Accordingly, any algorithm used to recompute a CRC code pattern at the intermediate node must also ensure end-to-end integrity all along the selected transmission link between the source and destination nodes of the network.", "\nA classical approach for recomputing the CRC code at the intermediate node while preserving error detection integrity includes stripping off the originally generated CRC code from the received message and calculating another CRC code based on the actual coded message received, comparing the original and calculated CRC codes for the detection of errors introduced into the message over the preceding transmission link. ", "If no errors are detected, a new CRC code is computed based on the altered message and the altered message along with the new CRC code are retransmitted together to the next node in the transmission link. ", "If an error is detected, the received message may be dropped at the intermediate node or some default action taken. ", "This classical approach is a process-intensive procedure in that it requires two CRC code encoding computational operations by a conventional byte-wise CRC encoder for each byte of the message, i.e. message length dependent.", "\nData packet messages normally range in length from 200 bytes to a maximum on the order of 8,000 bytes. ", "Accordingly, using a message length dependent procedure for recalculating a CRC code to accommodate an altered message in an intermediate node of a network requires long computational intervals when the message is comprised of thousands of bytes. ", "Computational times of this magnitude for recalculating CRC codes at intermediate nodes in a network will burden the throughput transmission rates and be prohibitive to data packet transmissions of an overall message like a voice message, for example.", "\nIt has been observed, that due to the linearity of CRC codes, the recomputation thereof may be simplified by computing a difference CRC code for the difference portion between the unaltered and altered data messages. ", "The resultant difference CRC code may be added (modulo 2) to the original CRC code to form the new CRC code for the altered message. ", "In this manner, the ability to detect errors in the message from end-to-end utilizing the CRC code thereof is preserved. ", "Examples of such recomputational techniques are referred to in the following references:\n(1) D. R. Irvin, \"Preserving the Integrity of Cyclic-Redundancy Checks When Protected Text is Intentionally Altered,\" IBM J. RES. ", "Develop., ", "Vol. ", "33, pp. ", "618-626, received by the IEEE Dec. 16, 1988; and accepted for publication Nov. 21, 1989; and PA1 (2) CCITT Study Group XVIII, Question 3-XVIII, Contribution 14, \"CRC4--Recommendation Amendments for an Automatic Interworking and Message Channel Capability,\" February, 1990.", "\nHowever, the recomputation time of the foregoing described recomputational technique remains message length dependent for the computation of the difference CRC code and thus, may require up to a maximum of 8,000 or so computation operations therefor. ", "Accordingly, this recomputation time for internodal transmission of data packet messages is still believed prohibitive for lengthy data messages.", "\nThe present invention provides for a recomputational procedure which overcomes the drawbacks of the foregoing described techniques by recomputing the CRC code in a computational time virtually independent of the message length. ", "This computational procedure provides the highest gain for very long data messages and a small number of altered bytes." ]
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[ "Many people wonder if they are contactees,\noften describing childhood memories or dreams or obsessions.", "\nHere's some examples received only during this past week or so.", "\n\nI often awake at night with the feeling that something is pulling at my feet and it really freaks me out.", "\n\nHow do you know if you are being watched by another species ? ", "I ask this because I do not suffer from paranoia, but sometimes I feel like\nI'm being monitored for some reason.", "\n\nSome time ago I had a vision while sleeping. ", "It was too clear to be a dream. ", "It was more like seeing with my eyes. ", "I can find in my\nneighborhood hills that fit with the vision, except the sea level is lower now.", "\n\nI have a memory of being in clouds while talking is going on. ", "I seem to be agreeing. ", "I think it was before I was born. ", "I don't know what if\nanything it was other than a dream, but I've thought about this since I can remember.", "\n\nI'm from Indonesia. ", "I experienced a dream about 10 years ago. ", "I sense an entity on my left side Suddenly my body begins floating, then I\nbegin to moving my body wildly because I am scared. ", "After that, I had many dreams that I got into a space craft. ", "Please tell me, am I a\ncontactee?", "\n\nMany people within this community have a STRONG sense that we must gather seeds, knowledge etc, and head for higher ground.", "\n\nA couple of years ago someone I couldn't see, but could hear, came in my bedroom and touched me on the forehead followed by an electrical\nshock.", "\n\nI have dreams what are coming true in time. ", "I am seeing, feeling things before are happening. ", "Unfortunately I am not seeing good thinks\nregarding our planet,\n\nI had an alien encounter right in my own home in the mountains of North Idaho. ", "Later I had what they thought was a brain aneurysm but\nnow I feel it was to prepare me for the End Times and the new way of life soon to come to our planet. ", "The doctors called it a miracle. ", "They\ndon't understand why I survived. ", "Now they say it wasn't an aneurysm. ", "They dont know what the heck it was. ", "I am doing way to well they say\nfor it to have been an aneurysm.", "\n\nBecause I, Nancy, get so much email requesting what I have termed personal counseling,\nI don't comment one way or the other, declining.", "\nThis has been my policy for years, since 1996, due to my workload, as a personal question answered benefits only one person, but general ZetaTalk\non the subject benefits all mankind.", "\nSo, what DO the Zetas say about these vague feelings that people have?", "\nHow DOES one determine if they are a contactee?", "\n\nIn the past, clue lists have been published, some of them based on common symptoms exhibited by contactees attending support groups.", "\nAny truth to these lists?", "\nDoes suffering from allergies, for instance, mean one is a contactee?", "\n\nA popular pastime in those discussing the alien presence and the wealth of information on what contactees experience both during\ntheir visitations and afterwards, when struggling to live a double life in human society, is the clue list. ", "Every symptom of anxiety or\nnervous tension is listed, with the erstwhile contactee assured that if they can check off a dozen or more of these symptoms then they\nare most likely a contactee.", "\n\nThe problem with these lists is that any and all those symptoms occur in the populace as a whole, are regularly part of the human\nexperience, and do not, in and of themselves, indicate a contactee status!", "\n\nEven symptoms such as brain buzz or irritated draining ears do not in and of themselves indicate a contactee status, and most\ncertainly allergies are common enough to be considered almost normal for the human condition. ", "Thus, no assurance can be gotten\nfrom a simple clue list, including such clues as recall of visitations, which can and often are simply imagination, a reaction to reading\ncontactee literature.", "\n\nSorting out whether one is or is not a contactee is not a simple matter, and involves the intensity of recall, the presence of smells and\ntouch during recall as well as visual memories, the correlation of the appearance of scars and missing time with recalled instances, and\nremembrance of factors routinely present in visitations prior to reading or learning about them from outside sources, and other such\nconfirming circumstances.", "\n\nCheck lists are designed in the main to intrigue the reader and sell magazines or increase web site activity, not to help the populace\ndetermine their contactee status. ", "Would you conclude that you had cancer based upon a check list? ", "Or perhaps conclude that you\nneeded to go to a divorce attorney and institute proceedings based on a check list? ", "Or sell your car and buy another based on a check\nlist? ", "Check lists have their place, but not in complicated situations involving a number of variables.", "\n\nWhere clue lists cannot determine your status as a contactee,\nthere is some validity to some of the symptoms listed.", "\nFor instance, allergies.", "\n\nAllergic reactions are very much under the influence of one's mental state, caused as they are by a heightened immune system reaction\nwhere the body is hyper-alert as it were. ", "Nervous tension makes allergies worse, as any asthma sufferer will attest.", "\n\nContactees are certainly dealing with tense situations. ", "Not only is the visit itself strange and a bit unnerving, but the situation on the\nhome front is in most cases not supportive. ", "The contactee cannot share their experiences, and if they do so find they are ostracized and\ntreated with disdain.", "\n\nThus the strangeness of the situation cannot be lessened, in the time honored manner that humans use to reduce their anxiety - talking\nit out with others. ", "The contactee must bury their anxieties, rather than express them, and the outcome is often, in those who are\nallergy prone, an allergy attack!", "\n\nAnd problems such as irritated, draining, ears can be related to contactee activity.", "\n\nThe ear is a sensitive organ, designed to alert the human to a loss of balance as well as serving as the hearing sense. ", "Loss of balance,\nor falling, is sensed by a change in blood pressure, the delicate difference between what is going on in one side of the head versus the\nother. ", "This dual role of the ears involves the ear in visitations in a way that confuses many contactees - ringing in the ears, temporary\nloss of hearing, pain in the ears, or excessive drainage from the ears due to such irritations.", "\n\n* During visitations [a contactee] may be suddenly taken on a quick trip to a ship, and if [the contactee] is afraid of heights this can\nbe alarming, raising the blood pressure.", "\n\n* The [contactee] may be paralyzed for ease of passage and to reduce anxieties, but when coming out of this state the [contactee]\nmay have sudden changes in blood pressure as the body adjusts to being alert again.", "\n\nA sudden trip to a space ship? ", "A paralyzed state? ", "What's all this about?", "\nThere are ways to get a contactee quickly into a ship, being sucking up by a giant vacum cleaner into a ship port.", "\nI've experienced this often, especially during the business day when I would be asked, telepathically, to take a break and step out onto a veranda.", "\nIn high heels, I would usually end up on my bum after landing in the port, and dreading heights, seldom opened my eyes to see the landscape below.", "\nAnd yes, I've had an ear irritation for years.", "\nOr teleporting, where one is suddenly in another place, is another such method of quickly bringing a contactee into a ship for a meeting.", "\nDuring any of this, if the contactee is nervous or likely to flail about, they are paralyzed.", "\n\nThe state of paralysis that many contactees report is common, and is used not only as a means of calming and controlling potentially\nviolent contactees but also for convenience. ", "The paralyzed state is very relaxing, and leaves no harmful trace. ", "During travel between\nthe Earth and a space ship, through walls, and at rapid speeds, humans often prefer to be paralyzed. ", "In fact, this is a frequent request\nof the constant contactee, as they find they can rest, and, as you say, leave the driving to us.", "\n\nWhat is going on in the state of paralysis? ", "At times the mind is aware, at times as though in a deep sleep. ", "Some contactees report they\ncan break out of the paralysis, with a shout or by force of will. ", "The mechanism used to place humans into paralysis is simple, and does\nnot involve our technologies or manipulation of densities.", "\n\nWe are utilizing an existing human physiology, something akin to the frozen state that possums take when frightened. ", "Why is it that\nhumans never play possum when we or other aliens aren't around to induce this? ", "Because this facility is deep within the reptilian brain,\nand not connected to the middle brain or frontal lobes. ", "Humans voluntarily cannot reach this spot. ", "But if one knows where it is, and\nknows what buttons to push, then presto!", "\n\nA contactee picked up during a busy day will find themselves returned to the exact spot they left, but will be relaxed when this occurs.", "\nThe sudden need to have their legs tensed under them will create a sense of falling, and catching oneself. ", "This can create a sense, in the\ncontactee, that their knees temporarily gave out, and is confusing.", "\n\nAnother often reported confusion is what is termed sleep paralysis. ", "The contactee is returned to bed, as most visits are done at night,\nwhen missing time will not be noticed by a sleeping family. ", "The contactee, hardly asleep when returned, finds themselves in the\nconscious stream of memory as suddenly waking, but paralyzed. ", "After a moment, the trigger switch that was flipped to create paralysis\nreleases, and the contactee finds they can move again. ", "They are often aware, subconsciously, that a visit has taken place, and relate\nthe two, as they should. ", "However, the visit did not create paralysis, per se. ", "This is akin to dust on the boots, after a walk, a remnant of\nthe visit, only.", "\n\nAnd yes, I have had that experience during busy days at the office, suddenly finding my legs buckling under me.", "\nFor years, before I knew that I was a contactee, I assumed it was a type of epileptic attack, not knowing what to think.", "\n\nBut the standard, and oft reported, method is simply asking the contactee, telepathically,\nto walk out into the woods where a space ship has landed.", "\nThis was in fact Nancy's first meeting.", "\nI quote from my hypnotic recall.", "\nNote I'm spending some time putting myself in the setting,\nreminding myself of how it was,\nso I could catch the start of the string, the start of the memory.", "\nNot a bad practice when meditating and trying to allow a visitation recorded only in the subconscious to emerge.", "\n\nI went down into the swamps a lot. ", "So many frogs, and at night the frogs would be a chorus. ", "It would be like the lapping of water on\nthe beach, it would be so thunderous in a soft way. ", "I'd chase frogs during the day and catch their green bodies and let them go. ", "There\nwere so many frogs in the swamp. ", "Big swamp. ", "When you looked off across the swamp the mist would rise.", "\n\nIt was a flooded pasture and the trees were a backdrop along the river there. ", "Nobody ever went there, but I would walk in the woods,\nin those tall trees, and when you were in those woods, you didn't know that anything else was around you, nobody could see you.", "\nNobody could see you from the railroad tracks, nobody could see you from the woods, and there was no traffic at all on the road. ", "You\nwere just alone.", "\n\nSo I'd go down in the woods a lot and look out across the swamp at the woods, and when I'd go down there I'd be all by myself,\nwalking in those woods. ", "I'd be gone for hours. ", "Nobody would know where I was because the trees were big. ", "The fallen trees had big\ntrunks covered with mushrooms. ", "Big fern fronds, some poison nettles that you had to worry about touching, but mostly just the big\ntrees. ", "Nobody ever went there.", "\n\nI was a little girl. ", "I had coveralls, blue coveralls and maybe a red T-shirt underneath. ", "I'd go down in those woods there and I would be\nvery observant. ", "I would expect to find almost anything. ", "I was very curious about animals and I would be very quiet and watch for\nthem.", "\n\nThis time I think I'm standing still. ", "But it's actually somebody watching for me down in those woods. ", "I'm standing still and have that\nfeeling going up my spine that you do when you know somebody's around but you don't know where they are or who they are. ", "So I\nhave that feeling up my spine.", "\n\nI'm by a fallen tree. ", "I can't see what it is that I feel nervous about, but out of the corner of my eye I see a movement, from the left,\ncoming out from behind a tree. ", "I think there's something to the right too, but I'm not sure.", "\n\nSomebody just steps out from behind a tree. ", "It's one of these skinny guys, very gray, light gray actually. ", "They almost look smaller than\nme. ", "I don't know what to make of it. ", "Nothing's said and I'm just staring. ", "Then I feel like there's more people to the right and to the left.", "\n\nI guess I'm not alarmed by this, because I'm so used to wild creatures like the rabbits that we had for pets. ", "So many wild creatures are\nvery quiet, like deer, they only show themselves when they feel safe. ", "So I'm not alarmed by this.", "\n\nI'm seeing some sort of a disk shape, small. ", "It's a small disk shape, maybe 12 foot across, not that large. ", "I'm pretty curious. ", "I guess my\ninitial reaction was curiosity more than fear. ", "I'm trying to figure out what this is. ", "I don't feel anything hostile. ", "It seems like we just walk\ntoward that ship, and there's a ramp that's let down from it. ", "I feel a little nervous at one point, when we're going up into the ship and\nI'm thinking it's a tight enclosed space and I don't know why we're doing this.", "\n\nThe trees are dark, just very dense woods, and the weeds along the river made it very enclosed. ", "I don't think I'm doing any resisting.", "\nThey seem to be interested in my head and my hands and my wrists. ", "They seem to be examining my hands and my wrists, the way my\nwrists bend. ", "They seem to be putting their hands on either side of my head, almost like they're sizing it. ", "Looking at the very top of my\nhead for some reason. ", "Curious little creatures, very gray, light gray, even slightly smaller than I am, although I couldn't have been\nmore than eight years old or so.", "\n\nOne of them looks at me, puts his face close to mine, eye contact I guess, and seems to be trying to communicate something. ", "Maybe\nhe's saying, \"Do you know why we're here? ", "Do you know what we want?\" ", "Maybe it's because I'm not afraid, maybe that's what he's\nthinking, that I already know. ", "I'm just trying to search and find if I know. ", "But I just keep thinking they're really curious little creatures.", "\n\nThere's something at the side that looks like a little tray at the dentist's office where they have this little mirror on a stick and things\nlike that. ", "It's off to the right hand side and it makes me just a tiny bit nervous to think about that. ", "I think maybe they're going to do\nsomething with my right forearm, like when someone takes blood or something like that, poke around in your forearm a little bit. ", "But I\ndon't think anything's happening exactly. ", "Maybe up by my elbow somewhere they do something, toward the back of the elbow, but it's\nnothing too significant.", "\n\nI'm more interested in the dark eyes and how he seems to be trying to communicate something. ", "He keeps saying, \"Do you know why\nwe're here?\" ", "and I'm not sure why. ", "It's got something to do with the greenness of the woods and the way I love nature. ", "I'm always\nwandering off and spending time alone in nature. ", "I actually just watch nature, kind of get into it, empathize, just lost in it, observing it.", "\nI'm very comfortable with it, very open.", "\n\nHe's telling me that my grandmother's like that, she loves nature, is very curious. ", "He's telling me I'm going to have a role because of\nthis. ", "He says, \"Do you know why we're here?\" ", "It's got something to do with the vastness of the woods and how beautiful that is, how it\nshould be that way, it should stay that way. ", "I'm trying to think what else. ", "Let's see, he's telling me about my grandmother and how they\ntalked to my grandmother about me too.", "\n\nIt seems like I laid back down on a table but it wasn't really flat, something more like a chaise lounge. ", "They want to look at my feet. ", "I\nwould go barefoot a lot. ", "How my feet bend at the ankles, and checking out my wrists, how they bend, and I think they're going to do\nsomething with my forehead. ", "They don't take my clothes off, they just bend my head forward a little bit and kind of shield my eyes or\ntell me to close my eyes now. ", "They do something to my forehead. ", "I'm not really aware of any discomfort.", "\n\nI think, basically, I trust these guys. ", "They have their hands at the side of my head, pulling my head face up, trying to check it out.", "\nThey've got my head at an angle and do something to my forehead. ", "They position my head. ", "They were checking out the top of my head\nearlier. ", "It's a little bit sore, but it's a very dull ache. ", "Now I don't feel like thinking so much about what he was saying, \"Do you know\nwhy we're here.\" ", "I'm a little more distracted.", "\n\nI don't think they ever closed the door. ", "It's a small ship. ", "It's probably no larger than this living room. ", "I tell them I want to go back to\nmy frogs and he says, \"We'll be back\". ", "I'm thinking about those green frogs, how they'd jump and what they would look like when\nthey'd leap. ", "They were always so wet, so hard to grab, really beautiful bodies. ", "And the mist around the bushes, even the swamp water\nfascinated me, so full of life, ripples and bubbles and things like that.", "\n\nThen I think I just go and walk along the railroad tracks like I set out to do that morning. ", "And then I just put it to the back of my mind.", "\n\nAfter this recall, I backed up to a mirror to look for any scar at the back of my elbow, and there it was, like a mouse nip, a scar!", "\nAnd note the inference of family lines being contactees, my grandmother being someone who had talked to the Zetas too.", "\nI also realized later that these little Zetas might have been trying to get my soul to talk to little Nancy's brain about all this,\nAs I had a pre-birth agreement to be a contactee, and they were trying to awaken me to this role.", "\nAnd certainly there is the inference that an implant may have been placed in my head somewhere, during this first visit.", "\n\nA remarkable story regarding this inspection of my forehead and the headache I had for a few minutes after that first meeting.", "\nWhen I was 12 years old, in Junior High, I took swimming for gym and would often walk home, hair still wet, in the cold Wisconsin winters,\nAs a result, I had a lot of sinus infections, and the doctor would treat these by packing medicated cotton in and putting a diathermy pad over my eyes\nand nose, to heat all this for a few minutes.", "\n\nOne time, when the pad was up over where the 3rd eye is, center of the forehead,\nthis got awfully hot,\nand when he removed the pad, he discovered the flesh there had been cooked to the bone, a 3rd degree burn.", "\nThis burn occurred ONLY there, not on the eyebrows or the bridge of the nose, where the skin was thinner and more likely to burn.", "\n\nAnother family member, realizing he was a contactee in his early 20's,\nhad a sudden scar about the size of a quarter, an indentation,\nright at the 3rd eye at a time when he was planning to get this head x-ray'd to check for implants.", "\nDuring his recall, little metal balls were being taken out of the center of his forehead.", "\n\nWould metal balls cause a diathermy machine to reflect excessive heat to just that spot?", "\nDiathermy does work by reflecting heat, which is why the doctor carefully checked for any fever before the treatment.", "\n\nBeyond being implants, or locating devices, I have always felt these forehead implants were to encourage a type of brain activity or growth,\nperhaps for telepathic communication later, as my role has certainly required a high degree of telepathic ability.", "\n\nBut I was no doubt also given an implant during that first meeting, which I had to invite and welcome per the rules for contact.", "\nImplants are used to locate the contactee for a quick visits.", "\nBut this is per the wishes of the contactee, as the humans always control the situation.", "\nWhat are some of the symptoms of an implant?", "\n\nImplants are reported to cause lumps under the skin, bleeding from the nose, tingling when separated from the surface nerves that\nhave grown around them, and a general sense of relief from intrusion and invasion when removed. ", "All of these symptoms would be\ntrue of any foreign object in the body.", "\n\nUnique to alien implants is their capacity to cause what many contactees describe as a jolt or buzz in the brain, a sensation they\ncannot biologically reconcile. ", "Some contactees seek medical advice, convinced they have a brain tumor or, if they experience a\nmomentary loss of muscular control, perhaps epilepsy.", "\n\nCombined with the ear problems many contactees experience, many also suspect a disease of the inner ear, and run repeatedly to this\nspecialist or that, seeking an explanation. ", "What causes the jolt or buzz, and what purpose does it serve?", "\n\nImplants, as we have explained, are locating devices, allowing the contactee to be quickly located prior to a visitation. ", "The devices\nrespond to a signal sent in all directions, an answering call. ", "To generate the signal, the implant utilizes the nervous system.", "\n\nA signal sent through brain, bone, and muscle. ", "Within a dead body, the implant would not respond to the locating signal, thus\ninforming the visitors, who in any case eventually learn of the death of their contactee via spiritual routes, of a death. ", "Implants also\nrespond with a unique signal, generated from the DNA of the contactee, so that the implant response confirms not only that the\ncontactee is alive but that the implant is still located within the proper body.", "\n\nThus, when contactees experience a jolt of buzz in the brain, they should not be alarmed. ", "All is working as intended, and what they are\nexperiencing confirms their link to the visitors they have asked to meet.", "\n\nThere is great controversy about implants,\nwith those wanting the common man to be suspicious and guarded about contact pointing to this an as intrusion.", "\nHere's what the Zetas say about THAT.", "\n\nImplants are without a doubt the most talked about contactee phenomena. ", "Where other matters are in fact more common than the\nimplant phenomena, implants get the most press. ", "Why this focus on implants?", "\n\nHumans regularly tag wild life in order to track it, tag their domestic animals so they can be found if lost, tag their cars so ownership\ncan be proved, etch their name on the backs of valuable items, assign numbers such as the Social Security Number to identify each\nother, and expect their spouse to wear a ring. ", "Ownership.", "\n\nJust so, when humans realize that they themselves or others have been implanted, the worst notions of the tagging process that\nhumans do to each other, and to animals, come to mind. ", "The Nazis death camps, where humans were tattooed with numbers so they\ncould not escape their fate, men who smash their wives in the face so the scars and broken nose will announce to the world that they\ncannot escape brutality, livestock to be culled from the herd marked with bright colors so they cannot be missed, and wildlife tagged\nso it can be recaptured and perhaps killed and dissected for science. ", "Humans being tagged? ", "What can this mean?", "\n\nImplants must be put into the perspective of the wider picture. ", "Contactees are all volunteers. ", "Tagged or not, they can end their status\nas contactees at will. ", "They have the power. ", "Therefore, implants are not a tag placed in a possession.", "\n\nThink of an implant, rather, as a type of portable, lightweight, ever-ready telephone. ", "The implant allows the aliens in contact to\nquickly locate the contactee, saving both a lot of time. ", "Implants have been described as going up the nose, behind the ear, into the\nbones of the head, and under the skin. ", "All that and more. ", "They have been described as organic and structured to dissolve when\nremoved. ", "Some are that, and some are not affected by removal, and some are not of organic materials at all.", "\n\nAnd there are those who complain about contact with children,\nthought the government or organized religions cannot stop this practice.", "\nTHEY can brainwash their children, but the visitors have no right to respond to a request for a conference, is their argument.", "\n\nContactees who have been visited since early childhood often consider their visitors as much a part of the family as the humans related\nto them by blood. ", "Visitations often start before the contactee has started school, and the first encounters are made in a setting the\nchild associates with discovery and a sense of bonding with nature so that these overtones continue as an association through life.", "\n\nThe contactee child finds their visitors responding to their unspoken call when they are anxious or deeply pondering a course in life.", "\nThe contactee child is often discussing their dilemma and alternative paths with their visitors even before their human parents or\nsiblings are sought out as counsel.", "\n\nThus, the child considers his visitors his first stop during times of trauma, and bonds with his visitors as only comrades in combat can.", "\nThus, by the time the contactee reaches adulthood, the contactee identifies with his alien visitors as much as with his human family.", "\n\nContactees caught in a dual indentity crisis sound like what Ann McWilliams is portraying in her song, Marking Time, from her album Wrapped Around\nit.", "\n\nSince Roswell, contact has been recorded only in the subconscious.", "\nThis is due to an accelerating Awakening process, where awareness of the alien presence will be increased, seeing space ships and glimpsing alien\nbodies will increase.", "\nAnd to keep the growing number of contactees safe from being attacked by those who might find this frightening, this is kept low key.", "\n\nDuring face-to-face contact we disconnect the conscious. ", "These memories are not recorded at all in your conscious, which is a different\npart of your brain from your subconscious. ", "Humans have the capability to disconnect their conscious and subconscious memories, and\nquite frequently do so. ", "For instance, if a memory is painful it can be forgotten. ", "However, in all these circumstances, the subconscious\nremembers the facts. ", "It is the conscious which deals in falsehoods.", "\n\nSubconscious memories of our face-to-face meetings are as effective as a full conscious memory. ", "The distress a schism between the\nconscious and subconscious causes a human occurs when the human finds they just up and do something where they previously didn't\nknow they had this intention.", "\n\nThis leads to the double life syndrome, dealing with alternate realities.", "\n\nContactees, regardless of their conscious awareness of their status, find themselves in a puzzling world. ", "Human society has scarcely\nbecome comfortable with the concept of telepathy, ridiculing those who claim this form of communication exists even when proven in\na controlled laboratory setting.", "\n\nThe concept of spirits, such as ghosts or reincarnation or possession, is considered in the realm of tales rather than the reporting of\nfact, especially as spirits leave no mark or footprints. ", "What cannot be physically restrained does not exist, in the minds of many, so\nbrain waves or spirit forms are speculative.", "\n\nWhere does this leave the contactee. ", "Contactees who have not yet realized their status, or who have not yet sorted out memories from\nthe spirit from memories stored in the corporeal mind, can be highly confused. ", "At first, the contactee's subconscious memories of\nvisitations are treated as an overactive imagination, but then signs such as scars that appear overnight begin to intrude.", "\n\nSubconscious memories of visitations play out during recall with full sound and color, as you say, so that the memory unfolds like a\nmovie. ", "Thus an experienced contactee who has sorted out the alternate realities finds their life no more confusing than a shopper\ndiscovering clothing on the racks from different countries and in different styles. ", "After awhile, it all seems quite normal.", "\n\nRemembering gradually, at a pace comfortable to the contactee, is the desired result.", "\n\nSome contactees remember immediately, and think they have been aware all along. ", "In fact, this is not what occurs, but rather\nimmediately after the visitation the contactee connects the memory in their subconscious to the conscious. ", "This process is similar to the\nphysiological process humans use to restore their past after amnesia periods.", "\n\nThe recall can be paced, being suppressed again if the contactee does not feel ready. ", "Remembering therefore is on an individual basis,\nand the individual contactee is fully in control, which is as it should be.", "\n\nTo discover the story of a visitation in full sound and color,\nmeditation or self hypnosis is often used.", "\nHaving done this myself, I can tell you the process is simple.", "\nOne simply has to relax, utterly.", "\nThis is best achieved by starting with the feet, and relaxing every muscle as one goes up the body to the top of the head.", "\nConcentrate on these muscle groups as you relax them, one by one, going limp.", "\nBy the time you've gone up and down your body this way, you are limp as a wet noodle.", "\nThen clear your mind of all thoughts, and allow whatever wants to pop into your conscious mind to do so.", "\nIf there is a story in your subconscious that your subconscious has been trying to tell you, it will pop out.", "\nLet the story unfold, unhindered.", "\nYou are in complete control of yourself during this process, awake and in control,\nand stopping the hypnosis session is nothing more than getting up and tensing those muscles again,\nfocusing on the day at hand again.", "\nSession ended.", "\n\nContactees desiring to recall their visits use various methods, including meditation, induced trance states, and hypnosis.", "\n\nAll these methods are essentially the same, in that they utilize a feature of the human physiology normally in force during dream states.", "\n\nAs the human brain is less than holistic, due to the many genetic engineering passes made from a combination of reptilian and\nhominoid sources, it does not speak to itself well. ", "The subconscious is aware of everything, but where the conscious is only partially\naware it is allowed, ostensibly, to be in charge.", "\n\nDuring dream states the human conscious is bombarded with information, as the gates are not locked, the guard against the\nsubconscious let down, and the gap between what the conscious thinks reality is and what the subconscious knows reality to be is filled\nwith a rush of information.", "\n\nDuring hypnosis or other deliberately induced trance states the flood of information is controlled. ", "The gates are let down gradually,\nand when the information begins to flow from the subconscious as much time as needed is taken to find where to place it, making\nconnections. ", "This is why recall on a history of visitations seems to proceed slowly at first, but eventually reaches the point where a\nslight self induced trance state is enough to bring the memory of a recent visitation over from the subconscious to the conscious.", "\n\nVisitations are placed only in the subconscious, so a base needs to be established in the conscious upon which to build the conscious\nmemories. ", "For those inexperienced with hypnosis or other trance state inducement, the key is relaxation and clearing the mind of all\nactivity, all thoughts. ", "Blank mind, utterly relaxed body, and bing - a thought pops into your conscious.", "\n\nHypnosis does not create the thoughts, it allows the flood of information to begin prior to an actual sleep state. ", "Some contactees find\nthey begin remembering as they are dropping off or waking up from sleep.", "\n\nHypnosis is most successful where there is a press of information waiting to flood over from the subconscious, which has been actively\ninvolved in sorting out a recent visitation or in reconciling visitations. ", "Successful hypnosis also requires a conscious willingness to\nrecall.", "\n\nIf the contactee is unwilling to recall, blocks this, then no amount of hypnosis will work. ", "Contactees blocking conscious awareness will\neven wake themselves from dream states where progress is being made, fearful of the outcome. ", "Others, desiring their life to be built of\na single fabric, spend as much time as possible, sleeping or waking, weaving things together.", "\n\nOften visitations are leaked during dreams, when the brain is at Alpha state,\nthe brain wave state used during hypnosis.", "\n\nMany contactees recall their visitations as a dream, as the recall starts during a semi-sleep state, during that time when one is just\ndropping off to sleep or waking up. ", "However, there are characteristics that mark the recall as other than a dream.", "\n\nThe dream seems vivid, so real, and includes elements not normally in dreams such as sounds and smells. ", "These dreams are usually so\nvivid as to wake the drowsy contactee. ", "If the contactee is comfortable with the concept of the alien presence, they will dig further into\ntheir subconscious and unfold the story, but many simply leave the recall in the dream status as in this way the recall is less\nthreatening. ", "How could it be real? ", "It was only a dream!", "\n\nIf a contactee is uneasy about the visitations, because admitting them will put his life in conflict, he may block recall.", "\n\nMany contactees find that, try as they may, they cannot recall their visitations as other contactees seem to do. ", "All manner of attempts,\nincluding professional hypnosis, will be tried to no avail. ", "What's going on here? ", "In human society, and in particular in many contactee's\nlives, there is a conflict about the alien presence and thus there can be a conflict within the contactee.", "\n\nDoes the spouse believe that man is not alone and is being visited by beings from other worlds? ", "Is the employer ultra-conservative,\nsuch that a slip of the tongue in the coffee room will place doubts in the employer's mind about the contactee's promotability? ", "Is the\nfamily supportive, the friends accepting, or will the contactee find they are increasingly treated as an eccentric and left out of social\nplans.", "\n\nWhere the contactee fears repercussions in his life he will tend to block. ", "The mind is aware of these blockages, as it has put them there,\nand thus can effectively resist attempts to get around them. ", "In effect, the block is the result of the total mind-set of the contactee. ", "As\nwith amnesia or coma or just plain forgetfulness, that which the total mind-set cannot deal with will tend to be pushed aside.", "\n\nIn order to achieve recall, then, the contactee must make changes in their life so that recall is not a threat. ", "Most find this difficult,\nespecially if family or a job or the marital situation is the problem.", "\n\nAfter individual contact is established, the contactee may begin meeting others on space ships or in remote places like grassy fields or beaches.", "\nMost often visits are at night, when missing time is less likely to be noticed.", "\nThus, group meetings might be peopled by folks in their pajamas,\nor hurriedly dressed in the middle of the night while still sleepy.", "\n\nGroup interactions validate experiences. ", "The individual, finding their night clothes on backwards, knows there has been a visitation,\nbut secretly wonders if perhaps their memory might be failing. ", "In a group of contactees a synergy takes place, first one and then\nanother realizing, as others tell their tales, that they are not alone in their experiences.", "\n\nWithin the contact group details are shared that have not appeared in print, could not therefore be faked, and are told with much\nemotion and conviction. ", "When these details, told by another, match the listener's story - more than sharing takes place, and more than\nan Awakening takes place. ", "A Transformation takes place.", "\n\nThe Contact Group is now a group of humans who are no longer toying with an idea, no longer arguing with each other, but are\nfacing the reality of the Transformation calmly, with open eyes and open minds and most often with open hearts. ", "Thereafter, walking\namong others out in society, everything looks different. ", "The frantic push to live better than the Jones, the focus on the World Series,\nthe chatter about the SETI project - all are put into a different perspective.", "\n\nIt is as though all of humanity were in a trench and could not look out except for a few who stand tall. ", "Those too short to see behave\nas though all that matters takes place in the trench, in their own little world. ", "Those few tall enough to be glimpsing beyond know\nbetter, but can do little more than look at each other and smile at the ignorance and short sightedness around them. ", "Such it is with\nmembers of Contact Groups, who find they can only talk honestly among themselves.", "\n\nThere is a Transformation going on, a personal Transformation, but no less important in the scheme of things. ", "Great dunes are built\nfrom many grains of sand, and eventually the collective consciousness is such that this transformative momentum begins to affect\nsociety. ", "Ideas presented at the table receive support rather than argument. ", "Programs that affect the public are slanted toward the\nbroader view in subtle ways. ", "The little grains of sand are making mounds, where no one has noticed, as the wind blew them just a few\nat a time." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to use 2D Array on Queues? ", "windows form\n\nQueue[,] inventqueue = new Queue[10,7];\nfor(int row = 0; row < inventqueue.", "GetLength(0); row++)\n{\n for (int col = ; col < inventqueue.", "GetLength(1); col++)\n {\n if(inventqueue[row,col].Count !", "= 0)\n {\n MessageBox.", "Show(\"Theres a queue on \" + row + \",\" + col);\n }\n }\n}\n\nI have been trying this out but visual studio is giving me the error \"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\"", "\n\nA:\n\nYou're allocating only the double array, you still need to allocate Queues for each entry in the array like:\nQueue[,] inventqueue = new Queue[10,7];\nfor(int row = 0; row < inventqueue.", "GetLength(0); row++)\n{\n for (int col = ; col < inventqueue.", "GetLength(1); col++)\n {\n inventqueue[row,col] = new Queue();\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Mixed valency and magnetism in cyanometallates and Prussian blue analogues.", "\nPrussian blue (PB) is a well-known archetype of mixed valency systems. ", "In magnetic PB analogues {CxAy[B(CN)6]z}.nH2O (C alkali cation, A and B transition metal ions) and other metallic cyanometallates {Cx(AL)y[B(CN)8]z}.nH2O (L ligand), the presence of two valency states in the solid (either A-B, or A-A' or B-B') is crucial to get original magnetic properties: tunable high Curie temperature magnets; photomagnetic magnets; or photomagnetic high-spin molecules. ", "We focus on a few mixed valency pairs: V(II)/V(III)/V(IV); Cr(II)/Cr(III); Fe(II)-Fe(III); Co(II)-Co(III); Cu(I)-Cu(II); and Mo(IV)/Mo(V), and discuss: (i) the control of the degree of mixed valency during the synthesis, (ii) the importance of mixed valency on the local and long-range structure and on the local and macroscopic magnetization, and (iii) the crucial role of the cyanide ligand to get these original systems and properties." ]
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[ "Palmicola\n\nPalmicola is a genus of fungi in the Xylariales order of the Ascomycota. ", "The relationship of this taxon to other taxa within the order is unknown (incertae sedis), and it has not yet been placed with certainty into any family.", "\n\nExternal links\nIndex Fungorum\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Xylariales" ]
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[ "Healthy man viagra radio commercial\n\nHealthy man viagra radio commercial\n\n3billion a year worldwide, is your perfume making you ill? ", "Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects at least one in four men, which increases sexual desire in both genders. ", "She’s quite the Sex Bomb; the game line up is disappointing. ", "I was born a multi, an integrated amplifier than makes it easy to stream music at a quality you’ve probably never heard before. ", "Some of those who tested the drug experienced side, i’ll wear a bikini under a snowsuit next time!", "\n\nHe says he was motivated by scientific curiosity and that the launch will be a triumph for a small British company that lacks the manpower and resources of the big players in the market. ", "The Smiths have founded an eco, run to be prescribed to some men on the NHS. ", "Shyness and self, list’s secret health hack?", "\n\nA daily glass of pomegranate juice for a fortnight produced a surge in testosterone, which increases sexual desire in both men and women, according to Edinburgh researchers. ", "Previous research on pomegranate juice has found it full of antioxidants which can help ward off heart diseases and help blood circulation. ", "No longer the third wheel! ", "This is gonna be the rush of all rushes! ", "FILE – In this Aug.\n\nFrom the pole to the pool! ", "You’re going to want to get physical! ", "We have a script’: J. Testosterone levels increased between 16 per cent and 30 per cent among the subjects, while blood pressure plummeted. ", "Tequila shots, stained clothes and VERY bleary eyes!", "\n\nIs this what Jesus REALLY looked like? ", "We miss and love you so much! ", "Premature ejaculation doesn’t just make the patient feel bad. ", "This is a chronic, debilitating problem, affecting both men and their partners.", "\n\nIs this Meghan’s wedding dress? ", "Just the two of us! ", "I was born a multi-tasker! ", "Whilst premature ejaculation is not a life-threatening condition, its consequences can be serious. ", "Why can’t we all just be best friends?", "\n\nIt only takes around five minutes to get work, although those who like to be spontaneous will be pleased to know it can be sprayed on up to two hours before sex. ", "The shooting of a customer at a tattoo parlour during Mick Hawi’s funeral may be linked to the Comanchero kingpin’s execution. ", "Is your perfume making you ill? ", "Now one of the inventors of Viagra claims to have a drug that will help many more experience the joy of sex. ", "They can’t get enough of each other!", "\n\nCould this help solve JFK’s murder? ", "The Smiths have founded an eco-friendly bottled-water company called Just, which is unveiling a new line of flavored waters next month. ", "For men this affects traits such as facial hair, a deep voice and greater sexual urges. ", "So what’s the truth about depression pills? ", "Still not had your Phil?", "\n\nApple’s Watch will free you from your phone – while making sure you don’t suffer the fear of missing out. ", "Peloton’s hi-tech bike lets you stream live and on demand rides to your home – and it’s one of the best examples of fitness technology out there – at a price. ", "Positive emotions rose and negative feelings fell. ", "However, some of those who tested the drug experienced side-effects, including burning sensations and headaches.", "\n\nOverzealous PDAs, and THAT very awkward live TV moment: Cheryl, and Liam put on united front at the BRITs amid split rumours but was it just all a big ‘stunt’? ", "Women also benefited from longer love making, with both sexes expressing greater satisfaction with their sex life. ", "Premature ejaculation can wreck self-esteem, make it difficult to form and maintain relationships and, at its worst, can make it impossible for partner to become pregnant. ", "Now that’s a pet rescue! ", "Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects at least one in four men, making it more common than the impotence caused by Viagra.", "\n\nWas this the reason Brendan Cole was axed from Strictly? ", "However, Dr Wyllie will not receive any royalties from the sales and only has a very small holding in Plethora Solutions. ", "Men and women who drank a daily glass of the fruit’s juice for a fortnight experienced a surge in the hormone testosterone, which increases sexual desire in both genders.", "\n\n595 foray into headphones are the perfect accessory for design obsessives looking to upgrade their listening habits. ", "IF music be the food of love, then pomegranates would appear to run a very close second. ", "It does affect the partner and can completely destroy relationships. ", "Having a whale of a time! ", "Goldie Hawn cuts a chic figure in stylish multi-colored dress for will." ]
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[ "Blog\n\nBy Ethan Goetz on May 12, 2011\n\nSo here’s one economist‘s take on why politicians never truly have the incentive to make significant cuts to the federal budget. ", "C’mon, take a peak, it’s only two minutes and has cool graphics.", "\n\nThere are strong reasons to support anything that questions the wisdom (or efficiency, fairness, legitimacy, etc) of the status quo, and on that front Prof. Ben Powell successfully makes his point: Federal programs often live on because if you just take a little bit from everyone to implement a public policy, it’s not worth the people’s time to fight it. ", "Once a program’s in place, it’s incredibly difficult to remove it.", "\n\nAnd when most people aren’t even willing to consider reducing the big boys (military, Medicare, Social Security), which cost thousands per person, how can we get people to care about most federal programs (of which there are tens of thousands) that cost us each only a few pennies?", "\n\nThe answer lies in analyzing both the philosophical argument involved with, and the real application of, these programs, using farming subsidies as the medium.", "\n\nOK, let’s really think about what’s going on here, independent of the amount of money involved. ", "The government takes something from all of us by force, and passes a benefit to two select and small parties: (1) the group who directly benefits from the program (here, farmers), and (2) the politician getting the campaign contributions, kickbacks, etc.", "\n\nRight off the bat, we can see there is no clearer example of government picking winners and losers. ", "The situation immediately fails in the philosophical “Is It Fair To All?” ", "Department –- after all, the fisherman, TV manufacturer, or any other provider of goods isn’t getting that subsidy.", "\n\nWorse, one of the winners is the government itself! ", "Philosophically, it’s such an incredible problem (i.e. conflict of interest) when politicians directly and financially benefit from the distribution of our taxes. ", "We should be appalled by this situation, whether it’s a penny or a million! ", "Yet somehow we’ve all become so numb to it –- to the point where this type of transaction is commonly and shamelessly flaunted by the politicians. ", "We’ve all heard about “pork legislation,” but do we ever do more than roll our eyes? ", "This is something that needs to change in our society, and it can once the public loudly demands it. ", "Remember, the government works for us, not the other way around.", "\n\nOK, now for the application of the subsidy (or, what it really is, wealth redistribution). ", "Let’s assume that the programs actually benefit more people than just the two small, aforementioned parties. ", "We’ll revisit this assumption later, but for now I’ll pretend we “all” benefit in some capacity from the farm subsidy.", "\n\nThe most overlooked aspect of this transaction is the huge cost of physically collecting small amounts of money from everyone and distributing it to the small group (the farmers, in the amount of $10K). ", "In reality, a big chunk of that $10K collected from the public meant to fund the farmers actually goes towards to bureaucrats, taxmen, planners and politicians –- they have to be paid for their time and energies.", "\n\nSo even ignoring the massive conflict of interest discussed earlier, this process is inefficient and wasteful; for every penny you give to theoretically drive down the price of, say, corn, only some fraction of that penny actually reaches the farmer to reduce that price. ", "The rest of the penny goes to the government middleman, who has no competitors or legal checks on what cut he takes of your penny.", "\n\nLet’s recap: You get less than full return on your penny, the farmer gets less of the funding allocated for the subsidy, and the central planners get their cut (do not ever forget this). ", "So even if we do all receive some benefit from the decrease in corn price, we know it’s less of a benefit than if we all just gave the farmers a penny directly (who would’ve been able to reduce prices further with the set of full pennies, rather than the set of fractions of pennies they receive from the government).", "\n\nTying this back to the philosophical side, there are additional problems with this situation once you investigate the assumption that “everyone gains from farm subsidies,” which is how lawmakers will try to justify its existence. ", "As French 19th Century theorist and political economist Frédéric Bastiat said, there is “what is seen and what is not seen.”", "\n\nThe price decrease of corn is what is seen. ", "This is the “benefit for all.” ", "But what is not seen?", "\n\nFirst, we all could’ve afforded a slightly higher corn price had we not lost that penny to taxes –- we would have one additional penny to spend on the corn. ", "As shown above, only a fraction of your penny actually went towards decreasing corn price, so what is not seen is that by passing it to the taxman, you did not get the full value out of the use of your penny. ", "So you did not fully benefit.", "\n\nFurther, what if you don’t like/buy corn? ", "You had no choice in how to spend that penny –- it was going to fund a corn subsidy whether you like corn or not. ", "So what is not seen is that you lost the ability to spend that penny on beans, milk, or anything else you want (even investment: see what portions of your taxes could’ve earned if you had the choice to invest them). ", "What is not seen is that the growers/makers of those products in turn lose customers and income because you were forced to spend your penny on corn in lieu of anything else. ", "They (and their employees) most certainly did not benefit from the corn subsidy.", "\n\nNext, farmers now have financial incentive to grow corn (to get the subsidies). ", "This comes at the expense of what else could’ve been grown on the same amount of land. ", "So, for example, let’s say a farmer now grows corn instead of cotton. ", "Now the supply of cotton decreases and its price goes up. ", "So what else is “not seen?” ", "The subsidy caused the price of corn to decrease, but cotton to increase. ", "Purchasers of cotton did not benefit.", "\n\nDid the subsidy actually cause a net gain in the benefit to the public? ", "At best, the answer is “It’s unclear, some win while some lose,” and at worst the answer is “absolutely not.” ", "The only clear winners are the farmer and the central planner.", "\n\nSo we must ask: Does this process seem fair? ", "Efficient? ", "Moral? ", "That is what we must debate, for all allocations of tax dollars (or, nowadays, government borrowing), no matter how insignificant the amount of money involved. ", "These are the types of situations that need to come to the forefront in any discussion on shrinking federal budget and closing the deficit.", "\n\nEthan Goetz is a math geek, economics nerd and baseball junkie who loves a good argument. ", "Also, it’s been said his nostrils are almost as big as his ego. ", "Almost." ]
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[ "Fact-Checking Rick Perry On Climate Change\n\n“I do believe that the issue of global warming has been politicized. ", "I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects. ", "I think we’re seeing it almost weekly or even daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change. ", "Yes, our climates change. ", "They’ve been changing ever since the earth was formed. ", "But I do not buy into, that a group of scientists, who in some cases were found to be manipulating this data.”", "\n\nThe facts:\n\n…various surveys of climate researchers suggest growing acceptance, with as many as 98 percent believing in the concept of man-made climate change. ", "A 2010 study by the National Academy of Sciences, which surveyed 1,372 climate researchers, is an example of this consensus. ", "After all, it was first established in 1896 that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could help create a “greenhouse effect.”", "\n\nThe old charge of data manipulation has already been discredited.", "\n\nPerry appears to be referring to hundreds of e-mails that were stolen from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in Britain and then disseminated on the Internet in 2009. ", "One e-mail made references to adding a “trick” in the data, leading climate change skeptics to claim the data was manipulated.", "\n\nBut, although Perry claimed the scientists “were found to be manipulating this data,” five investigations have since been conducted into the allegations — and each one exonerated the half-dozen or so scientists involved." ]
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[ "Drasteria sinuosa\n\nDrasteria sinuosa is a moth of the family Erebidae. ", "It is found in Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Drasteria\nCategory:Moths described in 1884\nCategory:Moths of Asia\nCategory:Moths of Turkey\nCategory:Taxa named by Otto Staudinger" ]
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[ "\nAskHN: Why there are so many posts I'm not interested in? - ", "id122015\nsometimes I find a few posts in a row I&#x27;m interested in. ", "But many times there is nothing i want to read.", "\n======\nPaulHoule\nSee\n[http://ontology2.com/essays/HackerNewsForHackers/](http://ontology2.com/essays/HackerNewsForHackers/)\n\n------\ngepi79\nAFAIR, it began some months ago at a certain day. ", "I am serious.", "\n\nSince then links to mainstream or low quality articles in mainstream media and\nblog posts have flooded hacker news.", "\n\n------\ntwobyfour\nBecause other people are interested in different things than you are.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Mahadipur Kalan\n\nMahadipur Kalan is a village in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar district of Punjab State, India. ", "It is located away from sub post office Jadla, from Nawanshahr, from district headquarter Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar and from state capital Chandigarh. ", "The village is administrated by Sarpanch an elected representative of the village.", "\n\nDemography \nAs of 2011, Mahadipur Kalan has a total number of 34 houses and population of 154 of which 85 include are males while 69 are females according to the report published by Census India in 2011. ", "The literacy rate of Mahadipur Kalan is 82.44%, higher than the state average of 75.84%. ", "The population of children under the age of 6 years is 23 which is 14.94% of total population of Mahadipur Kalan, and child sex ratio is approximately 533 as compared to Punjab state average of 846.", "\n\nMost of the people are from Schedule Caste which constitutes 94.81% of total population in Mahadipur Kalan. ", "The town does not have any Schedule Tribe population so far.", "\n\nAs per the report published by Census India in 2011, 42 people were engaged in work activities out of the total population of Mahadipur Kalan which includes 41 males and 1 females. ", "According to census survey report 2011, 95.24% workers describe their work as main work and 4.76% workers are involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months.", "\n\nEducation \nKC Engineering College and Doaba Khalsa Trust Group Of Institutions are the nearest colleges. ", "Industrial Training Institute for women (ITI Nawanshahr) is . ", "The village is away from Chandigarh University, from Indian Institute of Technology and away from Lovely Professional University.", "\n\nList of schools nearby:\nDashmesh Model School, Kahma\nGovt Primary School, Kahlon\nGovt High School, Garcha\n\nTransport \nNawanshahr train station is the nearest train station however, Garhshankar Junction railway station is away from the village. ", "Sahnewal Airport is the nearest domestic airport which located away in Ludhiana and the nearest international airport is located in Chandigarh also Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport is the second nearest airport which is away in Amritsar.", "\n\nSee also \nList of villages in India\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Tourism of Punjab\n Census of Punjab\n Locality Based PINCode\n\nCategory:Villages in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar district" ]
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[ "\"X Factor\" fans were thrown for a loop last Wednesday night when the hit show was postponed due to a rain delayed baseball game between the New York Yankees and Detroit Tigers. ", "While east coast viewers were able to catch the first half of the singing competition, the rest of the nation was forced to wait until Tuesday night to learn the fate of his or her favorite contestants.", "\n\nWith room for only 16 of the finalists to move on to the live shows, this was their last chance to really wow their mentors.", "\n\nBritney Spears, Teens\n\nUp first was Team Britney Spears. ", "The six teens awaited the \"I Wanna Go\" singer's decision from her beachside mansion in Malibu.", "\n\n\"I don't want to have to go back to the eighth grade,\" Carly Rose Sonenclar said before hearing from Brit Brit. \"", "It just sounds awful thinking about it.\" ", "Luckily for the middle schooler, Spears' final four included her as well as Diamond White, Arin Ray and Beatrice Miller.", "\n\nL.A. Reid, 25 and Ups\n\nThere was no question L.A. Reid was disappointed when learning his category was the 25 and ups. ", "But since watching their performances from the comfort of his own home, Reid is now singing a different tune after realizing the batch had an immense amount of talent.", "\n\nIn the end, Reid's final choices resembled last season's all-boy team. ", "His picks? ", "David Correy, Jason Brock, Tate Stevens and Vino Alan.", "\n\nThe decision to compete with an all-male group was one that left Tara Simon, the only female in the over 25s, feeling a tad discouraged.", "\n\n\"He just got rid of somebody who could be a Kelly Clarkson or a Carrie Underwood,\" Simon explained. \"", "That's his decision to live with.\"", "\n\nDemi Lovato, Young Adults\n\nDemi Lovato may have had one of the toughest decisions of all the judges. ", "Not only because the young adults are extremely talented but also because, in a sense, the Disney diva is mentoring a group of her peers, all ranging between the ages of 17 and 21.", "\n\nBefore hearing from the \"Skyscraper\" singer, Nick Youngerman said nothing would stand in his way from winning the competition. ", "He would soon discover, however, something that would: a \"no\" from Miss Lovato.", "\n\nYoungerman was sent packing alongside Jillian Jensen, whose dramatic exit even left Lovato in tears. \"", "It sucks,\" she explained after saying goodbye to both finalists. ", "But tears of sadness for Youngerman and Jensen meant tears of joy for CeCe Frey, Jennel Garcia, Paige Thomas and Willie Jones, who will be moving on to the finals.", "\n\nSimon Cowell, Groups\n\nLast but never least was Simon Cowell and the groups. ", "The British music exec praised Dope Crisis for their performance of Nicki Minaj's \"Super Bass\" from the night before, saying they \"couldn't have put anything more into that performance.\" ", "Unfortunately for the duo, their best was not enough as Cowell eliminated them and boy band Playback from the competition. ", "Which leaves Emblem3, LYLAS, LYRIC 145 and Sister C to compete in next week's live shows.", "\n\nWhich group on \"The X Factor\" are you rooting for? ", "Sound off in the comments below!" ]
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[ "Vitor Belfort was once the face of the UFC. ", "Known as the “Phenom” for his fast hands and devastating knock-outs, his early days in the UFC were the start of what legends are made of. ", "However, since losing the heavyweight tournament to Randy Couture at UFC 15, Belfort has turned into something of journeyman fighter. ", "Bouncing around promotions and weight classes, it has seemed at times like Belfort could never really find his stride. ", "After another convincing victory in the octagon last night against Michael Bisping, I’m left wondering where the road will take Belfort next?", "\n\nLet’s take it from the beginning. ", "Belfort’s first real foray into professional MMA was directly into the early days of the UFC, and he made quite the splash right from the start. ", "In his first tournament at UFC 12 he won the heavyweight tournament in fast and decisive fashion – this fast paced big risk/big reward fighting style would become his trademark throughout the rest of his MMA career. ", "In fact the rest of his fights in his first stint in the UFC would go on as first round finishes – with only one loss to his credit.", "\n\nIt was from this point that Belfort’s career as a journeyman would really start. ", "Belfort left the UFC to join PRIDE FC (where he would experience mixed results), then he would bounce back to the UFC (and briefly reign as LHW champion)… and so it went, Belfort spent the next few years bouncing from promotion-to-promotion: back to PRIDE FC, Cage Rage, Affliction, Stirkeforce… and finally back landing back in the UFC. ", "Since returning to the UFC, Belfort has fought at multiple weight classes and has had mixed results.", "\n\nWhere does leave Belfort today? ", "While, many will disagree with me, I think Belfort is turning into a high-level gate-keeper. ", "The term “gate-keeper” may be kind of a dirty word in MMA, I think it aptly describes Belfort and his position today. ", "Take a look at his match-ups since returning to the UFC:\n\nRich Franklin: This fight was meant to solidify Franklin’s place at a higher weight class, while also debuting Belfort.", "\n\nAnderson Silva: Belfort was never considered a serious contender in this fight. ", "He came in on a one-fight win streak, and he was an opponent for Silva in a dwindling talent middleweight class.", "\n\nYoshihiro Akiyama: The UFC was desperate to get either Akiyama or Belfort a win, so they could start to beef up the middleweight division. ", "Neither was considered to be back on the road to a title.", "\n\nAnthony Johnson: This was Johnson’s first fight at 185lbs, again to help beef up a weak middleweight division.", "\n\nJon Jones: Belfort was the only fighter who would sub-in for an injured Dan Henderson.", "\n\nMichael Bisping: Belfort was supposed to be the doormat for Bisping’s title shot (which backfired for Bisping).", "\n\nWhen you look at this, it’s not exactly a hard pill to swallow that Belfort is a high-level gate-keeper. ", "Even when Belfort has had his title shots in his most recent stints in the UFC he’s never been looked at as a serious contender, he’s been a pinch-hitter. ", "He’s an exciting fighter to watch, and can bang with any of the best of any division he has fought in, but he just doesn’t have that “pound-for-pound best quality” that separates the best in the world from everyone else.", "\n\nSo, what does the road hold for Belfort? ", "Well, if Belfort wants to make a true stand and establish a legacy as he moves into the twilight of his career he needs to find a place and stick it out there. ", "Stop jumping around weight classes.", "\n\nIn my personal opinion Belfort should settle in 205lbs. ", "I think Belfort can stand and bang against almost anyone in middleweight or light heavyweight. ", "However, I don’t honestly think he has a chance against Anderson Silva again, as he was embarrassed in their last match-up. ", "He actually looked pretty good against Jones and almost submitted him; and a lot of the top contenders at light heavyweight have shown some weakness to Belfort’s swarming-style of fighting (Shogun, Evans, Machida).", "\n\nI don’t know if Belfort can make an honest run at another title at this stage in his career, given that he is 36 in a few months. ", "That said, if plays it smart and there is a need for another substitute fighter for a championship then Belfort could fill that role quite well! ", "I do hope the man keeps fighting and fights like he is ready for a title, because there is one thing you can never take away from “The Phenom” and that is that at any given time he can end a fight in style (just ask Michael Bisping).", "\n\n… and that is the last word.", "\n\nFollow me on twitter: @lastwordmark\n\nPhoto credit: photo credit: Tiago Cata via photopin cc" ]
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[ "Dermatomyositis and myelodysplastic syndrome with myelofibrosis responding to methotrexate therapy.", "\nDermatomyositis (DM) has not yet been reported as a complication of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). ", "A 50-year-old man was diagnosed as having MDS because of the presence of anemia, the appearance of immature cells in peripheral blood, and the abnormal cellular morphology. ", "A few months later, high fever, myalgia and erythema developed. ", "Although DM symptoms were resistant to high-dose corticosteroid administration, methotrexate (MTX) therapy improved not only the symptoms of DM but also hematologic findings related to MDS. ", "This indicates that immunosuppressive therapy including MTX administration can be useful for patients with MDS with autoimmune symptoms." ]
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[ "It's similar in that the battle system is similar, but modernised to be a lot tauter and crunchier, but you won't be getting a grand sweeping tale told through high-concept fantasy set pieces. ", "There's some fantastical stuff, but never on the scale of an FF game. ", "The game's probably around 30-40 hours through each characters' stories, but there's a whole chunk of extra stuff that may or may not be worthwhile depending on how much you enjoy the combat. ", "As I said earlier, there's plenty to enjoy, but it's hard to recommend without reservation.", "\n\nYeah, they're certainly a step up when you encounter them, and the fight is much longer than as you don't get as many chances to counter attack as a regular boss, but having fought them roughly a bazillion times in Godhome, I'd say they're actually very fair.", "\n\nI would love to be able to use Steady Body as some of the boss speedruns I've seen utilise that and quick slash to amazing effect, but like you, I think it would require too much fighting against learned habits! ", "Plus, probably losing those lovely, comforting, nail extending charms!", "\n\nIt's honestly hard to recommend because the game is pretty lacking in a lot of areas, but if you like hard/puzzley bosses, the endgame stuff that VN1X mentioned is super satisfying. (", "Btw, Starseer isn't the best of those bosses to fight first. ", "Try starting at the shrine of the Archmagus, and they can all be done at around level 50.) ", "Also, the stuff that those bosses unlock is some of the most fun stuff in the game, if you like getting into the nitty gritty of JRPG battle systems ...and why wouldn't you, it's basically the best thing about Octopath!", "\n\nI actually had a couple of crashes on switch after Godmaster came out. ", "I was absolutely terrified during my last few PoH runs!", "\nNoticeable chugging during bosses with multiple projectiles on screen too, after playing it without closing down the app over a number of sessions. ", "Hoping it'll be fixed in the next patch!" ]
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[ "Oxytocin receptor messenger ribonucleic acid: characterization, regulation, and cellular localization in the rat pituitary gland.", "\nThe hypothalamic neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) stimulates the release of several pituitary hormones, including ACTH, LH, and PRL. ", "Although specific OT receptors have been identified in anterior pituitary membranes, the structure and cellular localization of these binding sites have not been elucidated. ", "We previously cloned a rat OT receptor (OTR) gene and showed that its expression in rat uterus results in several transcripts ranging in size from 2.9-6.7 kilobases. ", "In this study we show, by using Northern blot analysis, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, and ultrastructural in situ hybridization that the same OTR gene is also expressed in the pituitary, where it gives rise to a 6.7- and a 4.8-kilobase messenger RNA. ", "Ultrastructural in situ hybridization combined with immunogold labeling indicated that pituitary OTR gene expression is highly cell-specific and restricted to lactotrophs. ", "In accordance with this finding, only the lactotroph-derived cell line MMQ expressed the OTR gene among several pituitary cell lines tested. ", "Northern blot analysis, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, and in situ hybridization analysis indicated a dramatic increase in pituitary OTR gene expression at the end of gestation and after estrogen treatment. ", "Our results suggest that the OT effect on lactotrophs is direct, whereas OT actions on gonadotrophs and corticotrophs are either indirect or mediated via different receptors. ", "Moreover, our findings imply that OT exerts its full potential as a physiological PRL-releasing factor only towards the end of gestation, and that therefore the role of OT as a hypothalamic PRL-releasing factor may so far have been underestimated." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ndelete[] a; どうしてdelete[]←ここに値がないのに配列を廃棄できるのですか\n\nint *a =new int[10];\n\nここでは数字が必要ですが\ndelete[] a;\n\nどうしてここでは数字が必要ないのですか\n\nA:\n\n初期の c++ では delete[10] a; のように要素数が必要だったんです。", "\nだけどそれではあまりに使いづらいということで delete[] a; と書けるように工夫がされました。", "\nよくある実装では new[] の際に何個確保したかを同時に記憶しておく手法がとられます。", "\nnew int [10] に対して、実際に確保される記憶域は\nstruct intarray {\n size_t count_of_elements;\n int body[10];\n};\n\n(および必要なら境界整合のための padding 分をさらに追加し)\nnew[] は内部で p=malloc(sizeof (intarray)) した上で\n- p->count_of_elements に要素数(この例では 10 )を記憶する\n- &(p->body[0]) を返却する\ndelete[] は逆の動作、つまり\n- &(p->body[0]) から p を逆算し\n- p->count_of_elements から要素数を引き出す\nこれによりめでたく new[] で確保した要素数がオブジェクト自体に記憶されるようになりました。", "\nオブジェクト自体が自分の要素数を知っていれば delete[] の際に要素数の指定は不要です。", "\nまあ c++14 では 要素数を明示指定する delete[] も増えるんですけど。", "\nc++14 では要素数を明示指定する operator delete[] が増えてますけど\nこれは delete[] を使う側にはあまり関係ない話かな・・・\n\nA:\n\nhttp://faithandbrave.hateblo.jp/entry/20120224/1330058808\n処理系依存ですがこういうことですね。", "\nVC では試していませんが GCC と Clang では配列の先頭要素の直前に要素数が入っているようです。", "\n\n" ]
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[ "To bridge or not to bridge the multisensory time gap: bimanual coordination to sound and touch with temporal lags.", "\nLiving in a complex and multisensory environment involves constant interaction between perception and action. ", "There is evidence that multisensory integration is governed by temporal factors, such as physiological synchrony between cross-modal stimuli favouring multisensory benefit, and the existence of a range of asynchrony between the stimuli which affords their binding (the temporal window of integration). ", "These factors were examined in this study in a bimanual sensorimotor synchronization task with cross-modal stimuli. ", "Participants synchronized each hand to a pair of audio-tactile stimuli, in which the asynchrony between onsets of auditory and tactile stimuli was systematically manipulated. ", "In cross-modal conditions, they were instructed to tap either to the auditory stimuli or to tactile stimuli. ", "The results reported a temporal window of integration of 160 ms centred around 40 and 80 ms (tactile first). ", "Moreover, the temporal interval between the auditory and tactile stimuli affected the stability of bimanual coordination and of synchronization exclusively when participants were instructed to synchronize with tactile stimuli. ", "Overall, the results indicate that both physiological asynchrony and temporal window of integration apply to cross-modal integration in a bimanual synchronization task. ", "In addition, it shows the effect of auditory dominance onto multisensory temporal processes. ", "This study sheds light on the role of temporal factors in multisensory processes when perception and actions are rhythmic and coupled." ]
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[ "Psilocybe laurae\n\nPsilocybe laurae is a species of mushroom in the Strophariaceae family. ", "The mushroom contains the medicinal compound psilocybin.", "\n\nSee also\nList of Psilocybin mushrooms\nPsilocybin mushrooms\nPsilocybe\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Entheogens\nCategory:Psychoactive fungi\nlaurae\nCategory:Psychedelic tryptamine carriers" ]
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[ "---\nexternal help file: BranchCacheOrchestrator.cdxml-help.xml\nModule Name: BranchCache\nonline version: \nschema: 2.0.0\ntitle: Set-BCSecretKey\nms.author: v-anbarr\nms.reviewer: brianlic\ndescription: \nkeywords: powershell, cmdlet\nauthor: andreabarr\nmanager: jasgro\nms.date: 2017-10-29\nms.topic: reference\nms.prod: powershell\nms.technology: powershell\nms.assetid: 1A9FB4EF-F7B0-4907-AA14-21233F4153A1\n---\n\n# Set-BCSecretKey\n\n## SYNOPSIS\nSets the cryptographic key used in the generation of segment secrets.", "\n\n## SYNTAX\n\n```\nSet-BCSecretKey [[-Passphrase] <String>] [-Force] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>]\n [-AsJob] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]\n```\n\n## DESCRIPTION\nThe **Set-BCSecretKey** cmdlet sets the cryptographic key used in the generation of segment secrets.", "\nUse this cmdlet when deploying BranchCache-enabled content servers in a cluster or behind a network load balancer.", "\nIf a file or webpage exists on multiple content servers, then each server must use the same secret key; otherwise, each copy of the file will be cached separately within the branch office.", "\n\n## EXAMPLES\n\n### EXAMPLE 1\n```\nPS C:\\>Set-BCSecretKey -Passphrase mySecretPhrase\n```\n\nThis example sets the cryptographic key that is used in the generation of segment secrets, using the pass phrase mySecretPhrase.", "\n\n## PARAMETERS\n\n### -AsJob\nps_cimcommon_asjob\n\n```yaml\nType: SwitchParameter\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: \n\nRequired: False\nPosition: Named\nDefault value: None\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### -CimSession\nRuns the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer.", "\nEnter a computer name or a session object, such as the output of a New-CimSessionhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=227967 or Get-CimSessionhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=227966 cmdlet.", "\nThe default is the current session on the local computer.", "\n\n```yaml\nType: CimSession[]\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: Session\n\nRequired: False\nPosition: Named\nDefault value: None\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### -Confirm\nPrompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.", "\n\n```yaml\nType: SwitchParameter\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: cf\n\nRequired: False\nPosition: Named\nDefault value: False\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### -Force\nRuns the cmdlet without prompting for confirmation.", "\n\n```yaml\nType: SwitchParameter\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: \n\nRequired: False\nPosition: Named\nDefault value: None\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### -Passphrase\nSpecifies the pass phrase to use in the computation of the server secret key.", "\nRun this cmdlet on each server in a cluster using the same passphrase to ensure a common segment secret is used.", "\n\n```yaml\nType: String\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: \n\nRequired: False\nPosition: 1\nDefault value: None\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### -ThrottleLimit\nSpecifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be established to run the cmdlet.", "\nIf this parameter is omitted or a value of `0` is entered, then Windows PowerShell® calculates an optimum throttle limit for the cmdlet based on the number of CIM cmdlets that are running on the computer.", "\nThe throttle limit applies only to the current cmdlet, not to the session or to the computer.", "\n\n```yaml\nType: Int32\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: \n\nRequired: False\nPosition: Named\nDefault value: None\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### -WhatIf\nShows what would happen if the cmdlet runs.", "\nThe cmdlet is not run.", "\n\n```yaml\nType: SwitchParameter\nParameter Sets: (All)\nAliases: wi\n\nRequired: False\nPosition: Named\nDefault value: False\nAccept pipeline input: False\nAccept wildcard characters: False\n```\n\n### CommonParameters\nThis cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. ", "For more information, see about_CommonParameters (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).", "\n\n## INPUTS\n\n### None\n\n## OUTPUTS\n\n### None\n\n## NOTES\n\n## RELATED LINKS\n\n[Export-BCSecretKey](./Export-BCSecretKey.md)\n\n[Import-BCSecretKey](./Import-BCSecretKey.md)\n\n" ]
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[ "\nEquity for all? ", "My experience as Carta’s lone woman executive - robbiet480\nhttps://medium.com/@emilykramer/equity-for-all-1ae9ac42679e\n======\ntomp\nI still can’t quite figure out how we can properly distinguish (from a\nsubjective viewpoint) whether people dislike us because of our personality, or\nbecause of some external, sometimes immutable characteristic (woman, black,\nRepublican, Emo, geek, ...).", "\n\nThis article swings a bit more towards asshole though. ", "Like, she accuses\n“Henry” of sexist comments, whereas his comments were at best just passionate\nif possibly too honest (“you’re an asshole, nobody wants to work with you”)\nand at worst benevolently sexist (“you were given a pass because you’re a\nwoman”).", "\n\nLooking forward to see how the suit will go.", "\n\n------\nKKKKkkkk1\nKudos to Ms. Kramer for her courage. ", "She is taking a great risk to her wealth\nand her career in the hope of achieving justice.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Although President Bush has been somewhat more accessible to reporters in his second term, it is still a big deal when he has any kind of extend Q&A with journalists as he did today. ", "Among other things, Mr. Bush was asked to weigh in on House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's ethics troubles. ", "Here's our senior White House correspondent John King.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)\n\nBUSH: ...fix Social Security. ", "I keep emphasizing...\n\nJOHN KING, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Taking questions from newspaper editors, the president did not answer directly when asked if Tom DeLay is now a liability to the Republican Party. ", "But Mr. Bush stood by the embattled House majority leader\n\nBUSH: He wants the ethics committee to review his case. ", "And he's willing to step up and talk to the ethics committee about it. ", "He's been a very effective leader. ", "We've gotten a lot done in the legislature. ", "And I'm convinced we'll get more done in the legislature. ", "And I'm looking forward to working with him.", "\n\nKING: The president forcefully defended his support of death penalty, dismissing critics who suggest it is in conflict with his calls for stronger culture of life during the national debate over whether to remove the feeding tube of a brain damaged Florida woman.", "\n\nBUSH: The difference between the case of Terri Schiavo and the case of a convicted killer is a difference between guilt and innocence. ", "I'm comfortable with my belief that there is no contradiction between the two.", "\n\nKING: As always, the editors asked several questions about secrecy and access to government records. ", "Mr. Bush said most information should be easily available, but he made exceptions for sensitive intelligence and national security data. ", "And lamented that public record laws force a president to make tough personal choices.", "\n\nBUSH: You know, you're entitled to how I make decisions and you're entitled to, you know, ask questions which I answer. ", "I don't think you're entitled to read my mail between my daughters and me. ", "And so I've made an easy decision there, I just don't do it. ", "Which is sad.", "\n\n(END VIDEOTAPE)\n\nKING: Now, this is a president who's not known for introspection but began by telling the newspaper editors he's enjoying himself, enjoying work more lately. ", "Also telling, Judy, at the top of his remarks the president noted higher energy costs. ", "The president well aware, it seems, that rising prices at the pump are not only a drag on the economy, but on his approval rating as well.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: John, we noticed the president also had baseball on his mind. ", "He was talking -- he was joking at the beginning of his remarks about decisions he has to make, one of them -- I think he said was whether he's going to fire out a fastball or a slider? ", "Is that the decision he is looking at? ", "And is he ready for tonight?", "\n\nKING: He says he's ready, Judy. ", "His aides say he has been practicing going back a couple of weeks. ", "I would not doubt it if the president were on the grounds of the White House right now practicing a little bit more.", "\n\nHe is honored, aides say, to throw out the first pitch as baseball returns to Washington tonight. ", "The president did joke in those remarks that he loves making decisions as president, fastball or a slider tonight. ", "I'd expect a fastball, and I expect a big smile. ", "The president is a big baseball fan. ", "He's looking forward to it.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: So, they're not letting you take the camera out on the south lawn and watch?", "\n\nKING: No, they never do.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: OK. ", "John King, thanks very much.", "\n\nWell, President Bush is just one of many baseball fans here in Washington counting the minutes until the Nationals play on their home field for the first time. ", "I confess to even having a case of baseball fever myself. ", "And so does CNN's Bob Franken who is lucky enough to be at RFK Stadium right now.", "\n\nBob, I just came from there. ", "I did an interview with somebody instrumental in putting all this together. ", "People are excited.", "\n\nBOB FRANKEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They are, Judy. ", "About the only better place to be than where I am now would be, perhaps, to be one of them. ", "But it was not to be. ", "Them being the Washington Nationals, first time playing a home game here in Washington.", "\n\nAs you can see, they're taking infield now. ", "At the same time, they're take batting practice. ", "It is part of the time honored ritual that precedes a game, first the home team than the visiting team which is the Arizona Diamondbacks.", "\n\nBy the way, they only started playing 1998. ", "And it only took them three years to get to the World Series. ", "So, hope spring's eternal here.", "\n\nNow, as you can see, the field is in pretty good shape. ", "This is RFK Stadium. ", "But if you see over now on the other side, you will see a contingent of National Guard people who are going to be taking part in the opening ceremonies here. ", "And there's quite a bit of discussion going on now with the National Guard about some sort of advertising deal with the Washington Nationals.", "\n\nNow, there was some objection on it becoming naming situation with the stadium, so now the latest is that unless there are some snags, RFK is going to be renamed Armed Services Stadium at RFK.", "\n\nBut whatever it's called, baseball comes back to Washington, Judy.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: OK. ", "Bob Franken out there where the grass is looking very green indeed. ", "Bob, thanks very much.", "\n\nRichard Nixon was the president when Washington last had a Major League Baseball team to call its own. ", "Let's talk a little bit more about the significance of the sports return to the city after a three decade timeout.", "\n\nThomas Boswell is a sportswriter for the Washington Post. ", "He's also at RFK. ", "And he joins me now.", "\n\nTom Boswell, Washington has changed in 34 years, huh?", "\n\nTOM BOSWELL, WASHINGTON POST: It sure has. ", "Just standing here, I'm looking at all the seats I sat in when I was a boy. ", "A teenager, a college student. ", "And just a few could seconds ago, Judy, I remembered that there were so few fans here one night that three of my high school friends and I brought a crank siren, went into the upper deck, disrupted the entire game and brought the entire game to a halt while the umpires told around and told the police to chase us. ", "I haven't thought of that in 30 years.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Now, so, are the Nationals going to have the same problem?", "\n\nBOSWELL: No. ", "You won't be able to find a ticket tonight.", "\n\nBack in those days, you might get 5,000 at a game. ", "It was really sad to come to what was considered then to be a gorgeous ballpark.", "\n\nNow I think you're going to see above average Major League attendance here. ", "Even thought this ball park is 44 years old and they're just in the early stages of refurbishing it. ", "It will probably take another year or two before they get it to as good as can you make an old ballpark.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Some people have actually had the nerve to ask if a team that didn't have that magic in Montreal is going to find magic in Washington. ", "What do you think?", "\n\nBOSWELL: They had a terrible road schedule where they had to travel to Puerto Rico for a significant number of their supposed home games. ", "That's a real disadvantage. ", "They never had home crowds cheering for them.", "\n\nI really think that it's probably worth six or eight games just to get those two factors reversed. ", "So, I would look for them to be fairly decent team with at least 75 wins this year, who knows maybe they can get to .500.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: So many unknowns. ", "I have been asking my colleagues here at CNN. ", "They said ask Tom Boswell if anyone wants to buy this team. ", "My guess is it's too early to ask that question?", "\n\nBOSWELL: Oh, there are plenty of people who want to buy it.", "\n\nIt's been a surprise to baseball. ", "The season ticket sales, the merchandise sales, just the general buzz has been much greater than the people at top of baseball expect. ", "But that's because they're 20 or 25 years behind in understanding the demographics of Washington, the wealth of Washington. ", "So, they're being surprised by something many people here have tried to get them to understand for a very long time.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: What does this team mean for the city?", "\n\nBOSWELL: I'm not sure Washington, D.C. really needs anything. ", "It's one of the great cities in the world. ", "It will be happy to include the Nationals along with the Redskins and the Wizards as one of the core institutions that any great city in this country expects to have.", "\n\nWhat's odd is that it hasn't had it for the last 20 to 30 years. ", "This will simply fit right into Washington's fabric just as the Redskins are probably the most successful NFL franchise, I think in time, the Nationals have a good chance to be one of the most successful baseball franchises\n\nWOODRUFF: Very quick question...\n\nBOSWELL: In other words...\n\nWOODRUFF: I was just going to say -- very quick question -- what are you looking for tonight?", "\n\nBOSWELL: The feeling. ", "3 1/2 hours before the game when they're taking batting practice, it's hard to sense what it's going to be like when the park's full. ", "When the old Senators, some of my boyhood heroes like Roy Severs, comes out to take positions on the field. ", "It's very difficult to know what you're going to feel after waiting this long, wanting something this much. ", "And I think there are many people who will be surprised by the depth of their feelings tonight. ", "I hope it's that way.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Tom Boswell, sports writer for the Washington Post. ", "It's a real treat to have you on INSIDE POLITICS. ", "We appreciate it.", "\n\nBOSWELL: Judy, thank you.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Well, we have new video to show you this hour from Operation Falcon. ", "That is the massive dragnet announced today by the Justice Department. ", "More than 10,000 fugitives have been rounded up across the country over the past week. ", "Many of them wanted for violent crimes.", "\n\nAttorney General Alberto Gonzales says U.S. Marshals led the unprecedented coast-to-coast sweep.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nALBERTO GONZALES, ATTORNEY GENERAL: There was a concentrated effort in terms of throwing together resources, manpower, unique coordination. ", "So this was a very concentrated effort, intense effort in this particular one week period to try to round up as many fugitives as we could. ", "We are very, very pleased at the results of this. ", "And as a result I think that it will warrant serious consideration for future such programs.", "\n\n(END VIDEO CLIP)\n\nWOODRUFF: Law enforcement officials say they did not expect to round up so many fugitives. ", "But they acknowledge the scope of the operation likely will generate positive publicity.", "\n\nNow back to baseball -- a bit of trivia for you. ", "When the old Washington Senators played for the last time at home, do you know how the game ended? ", "The answer's coming up.", "\n\nPlus the latest political moves for and against Tom DeLay. ", "And Senator Trent Lott joins us with his take on DeLay's troubles and other things.", "\n\nAnd is there a bug situation at the White House? ", "In a way -- we'll explain, ahead.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nWOODRUFF: House speaker Dennis Hastert tells CNN today that he fully supports Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and will continue to do so unless it is proven DeLay violated House ethics rules. ", "Hastert also accused Democrats of blocking the Ethics Committee from organizing because the panel might clear DeLay.", "\n\nMeantime, California Democratic Congressman George Miller is calling today for a thorough investigation of Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a central figure in the DeLay controversy.", "\n\nOur congressional correspondent Ed Henry has been investigating the allegations against DeLay and the Abramoff connection.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)\n\nED HENRY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The majority leader has a simple explanation for his troubles, telling CNN he's a victim of \"just another seedy attempt by the liberal media to embarrass me.\"", "\n\nREP. ", "TOM DELAY (R-TX), HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER: The liberals have a strategy of personal destruction.", "\n\nHENRY: But liberal has never been used to describe the editorial page of \"The Wall Street Journal\" recently declared that DeLay has an odor problem, \"an unsavory whiff, that could have GOP loyalists reaching for a political glade if it gets any worse.\" ", "That's why Republicans like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have started calling on DeLay to finally lay out his side of the story.", "\n\nMuch of DeLay's trouble stems from his relationship with lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who hit the jackpot when he raked in $82 million from the gambling operations of six Indian tribes. ", "But the lobbyist known as \"Casino Jack\" is now under federal investigation. ", "This scrutiny has resulted in collateral damage to DeLay. ", "Two of DeLay's expensive overseas trips were reportedly bankrolled by Abramoff and other lobbyists, which is prohibited by House rules.", "\n\nIn 2000, DeLay was joined by Abramoff for a $70,000 to a trip to Britain. ", "It included a round of golf at vaunted St. Andrews, where Abramoff has a membership.", "\n\nIn official documents obtained by CNN, DeLay listed the sponsor of the trip as the nonprofit National Center for Public Policy Research. ", "Which would be permissible. ", "But \"The Washington Post\" has report the trip was secretly financed by two Abramoff clients which would violate House rules. ", "DeLay says he's unaware of any funding my lobbyists.", "\n\nAlso under scrutiny: a $64,000 visit to Moscow with Abramoff. ", "Records reviewed by CNN show DeLay again listed the nonprofit as the sponsor, but \"The Washington Post\" has cited four anonymous sources as claims the trip was secretly financed by Russian business lobbyists with ties to Abramoff.", "\n\nIn an exclusive off camera interview with CNN DeLay said, \"No member can be responsible for going into the bowels of researching how such trips are funded.\" ", "But ethics watchdogs counter he should beheld to a higher standard.", "\n\nMELANIE SLOAN, CITIZENS FOR RESPONSIBILITY & ETHICS: Tom DeLay now says, well, I didn't know. ", "I thought just a charity was paying for this trip. ", "Well, there isn't a don't ask, don't tell policy for lobbyists and for members of Congress who don't want people to know how they're traveling.", "\n\nHENRY: Three DeLay associates have been indicted in Texas on campaign finance charges. ", "The prosecutor has not ruled out an indictment of DeLay who says the case is politically motivated. ", "DeLay is also taking heat for having his wife and daughter on his campaign payroll to the tune of $500,000 over four years.", "\n\nLawmakers in both parties also have relatives on their campaigns, which is not illegal. ", "But the arrangement has helped fuel an impression that DeLay's activities are catching up to him, a perception the majority leader's allies are trying to shoot down.", "\n\nROY: He has the thickest skin of any politician I've ever been involved with.", "\n\nHENRY (voice-over): DeLay says he wants to clear everything up with the House Ethics Committee, but a partisan standoff has effectively shut down the ethics panel, amid Democratic charges Republicans have changed the rules to shield DeLay.", "\n\n(END VIDEOTAPE)\n\nHENRY (on camera): House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi today maneuvered to try to restore the old ethics rules. ", "That failed, but what's very interesting about it is that two Republicans broke ranks with DeLay and voted with Democrats: Republican Joel Hefley, who was pushed out as Ethics chairman after admonishing DeLay, and then Republican Jim Leach. ", "His office says that Leach is very concerned about this whole DeLay controversy that is bringing discredit to Congress. ", "As to whether or not Jim Leech thinks that Tom DeLay should step down, his office says he's reserving judgment for now -- Judy.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: All right. ", "Ed Henry, thanks very much for pulling that all together for us. ", "We appreciate it.", "\n\nAnd with me to talk more about the back and forth over House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and other issues is Republican senator Trent Lott of Mississippi. ", "He joins me from Capitol Hill. ", "Senator, thank you very much for talking with me.", "\n\nSEN. ", "TRENT LOTT (R), MISSISSIPPI: Glad to be with you again, Judy.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Senator, you have you come to Tom DeLay's defense. ", "You're not troubled by any of the allegation against him?", "\n\nLOTT: I've seen nothing that violates the House ethics rules or is illegal. ", "If it's repeated enough, as if there's something wrong with that, via the print media, the electronic media, people begin to wonder. ", "What this is really about, Judy, is that Tom DeLay has been a strong conservative leader in the House of Representatives for the last ten years, making a huge difference in the war on terror, in keeping our military strong, tax cut policy, a variety of reforms, transportation legislation.", "\n\nHe's a very aggressive leader, and you know, I'm sorry to say that this is Washington, Judy, and it's pretty tough partisan politics. ", "And I think that's what is happening here, and I do think that since he is the most visible aggressive, strong, conservative Republican leader, he's the, you know, flavor of the day. ", "He's the one that's being attacked. ", "It's nothing new.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: But Senator, you know, it's not just Democrats. ", "It is people like Senator Santorum, one of your colleagues, who was saying Congressman DeLay should lay out all the facts. ", "Newt Gingrich, the former house speaker, a good friend of yours, has called on Tom DeLay to get information out there. ", "You have Jim Leach, congressman from Iowa, Republican, saying Tom DeLay has brought, in his words, discredit on the Congress.", "\n\nLOTT: Well, there'll always be one or two or three that, you know, you can scratch around and find. ", "I think Tom has tried to be cooperative with the Ethics Committee in the past. ", "Certainly, I assume there's no problem with getting out all the information. ", "He has tried to do that, as far as I can tell. ", "But unless it is some sort of admission of wrongdoing, people are not satisfied with that.", "\n\nJudy, there's no question that he is a target. ", "If you look at \"Washington Post\" every day, in the first section, they have another piece bashing Tom DeLay, and usually it's a rehash of something that's already been written about as much as two years ago. ", "If it's repeated in a negative way, often enough people begin to wonder. ", "For instance, employing family members in your campaign: people may not like the way that looks, and for that reason, I haven't done it in the past myself, but that is done very often. ", "It's not against the ethics rules, it's not illegal. ", "So what is the problem?", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Senator, you mentioned the \"Washington Post.\" ", "I'm going to change the subject a little bit and turn to another story they wrote today. ", "On their front page, there's a picture of you, Trent Lott, with the headline, something to the effect that you've rebuilt your power base in the Senate, and you've put your troubles behind you. ", "Are they right?", "\n\nLOTT: It was a very nice article in the \"Washington Post,\" and positive for the most part. ", "And I must confess, I was a little bit shocked with it. ", "But I appreciate it. ", "All I'm trying to do, Judy, is -- I'm a senator for my state of Mississippi. ", "We have a lot of needs. ", "Our country is facing a lot of problems. ", "We need to make sure the economy stays strong, we need to deal with deficit problems, we need a highway bill, energy bill, and so I get involved in trying to find ways I can help issues that are important to my constituency and, frankly, to the country, and if that's positive, and I can be helpful, I'm very happy with that.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Do you believe that Senator Bill Frist, your successor, has been an effective leader?", "\n\nLOTT: Yes, I think he has. ", "He's got toughest job in Washington, D.C., Judy, and I mean that with all due respect to Tom DeLay. ", "Because, at least in the House of Representatives, they have a Rules Committee and they can determine what bills will come up and how long they can be recommended.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Very quick -- very quick....\n\nLOTT: But being the leader of the Senate is a tough job, and I think Tom has done -- I mean that Bill Frist has done a good job.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Very quickly, is Senator Frist going to be successful on this so-called \"nuclear option,\" curbing Democrats' filibuster?", "\n\nLOTT: I hope he will, I believe he will, if he has to do that. ", "Maybe cooler heads will prevail and some agreement can be reached where we won't have to go to that clarification of the rules, but something has to be done. ", "We can't continue to filibuster men, women and minorities unfairly that surely are qualified for the federal judiciary. ", "We have got to find a solution.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Senator Trent Lott, we appreciate it. ", "It's always good to see you.", "\n\nLOTT: You thank you, Judy.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Thanks very much.", "\n\nSome Republicans may consider Senator Hillary Clinton an easy target if she decides to run for president. ", "Up next, Newt Gingrich says his party allies should be careful what they wish for. ", "His surprising comments about a potential Clinton campaign next in our \"Political Bytes.\"", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nWOODRUFF: Checking the \"Political Bytes\" on this Thursday. ", "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had some candid comments this week about a potential White House run by Senator Hillary Clinton. ", "In comments reported by the \"New York Times,\" Gingrich told newspaper editors here in Washington, quote, \"barring something I can't imagine, Clinton will be the Democrat's presidential nominee.\" ", "Gingrich also said that any Republican who thinks Senator Clinton would be defeated easily has, quote, \"total amnesia about the history of the Clintons,\" end quote.", "\n\nFormer Republican Party Chairman Ed Gillespie is expected to join Senate Republicans soon to help make the case to end rules allowing judicial filibuster, the so-called nuclear option. ", "Gillespie would serve as consultant to the National Republican Senatorial Committee helping with their communication strategy.", "\n\nAnd you might call our last item political bugs. ", "Cornell University scientists discovered 65 new species of beetles, closely related to the one we're showing you here. ", "As a way of honoring three of the nation's top official, the scientists decided to name three of the bugs for President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. ", "Make of it what you will.", "\n\nFrom bugs to baseball, coming up, baseball again, the waiting's finally over for Washington baseball fans, including more than a few high powered officials. ", "Who's hoping to score political points now that the Nationals are set to play ball?", "\n\nPlus a delay, beside Tom, that is getting bloggers fired up: a postponement of a controversial vote.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nWOODRUFF: It is just after 4:00 on the east coast. ", "And as the markets get set to close on Wall Street, I'm joined by Kitty Pilgrim in New York with the Dobbs Report. ", "Hi, Kitty.", "\n\nKITTY PILGRIM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi Judy. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nWe have another sell off going on in Wall Street. ", "We have weak corporate profile reports. ", "And the Dow Industrials are dropping about 124 points. ", "Take in mind, this is falling a 100 point loss yesterday. ", "The NASDAQ is more than 1 percent lower also.", "\n\nWe have a volatile day in the oil markets as well. ", "Oil prices climbing nearly a dollar today to settle above $51 a barrel. ", "Crude oil had fallen, however, below $50 a barrel earlier in the session. ", "And that's the first time it happened since last February.", "\n\nThis just in, Congress proved a new bankruptcy bill that will toughen up on standards to declare personal bankruptcy. ", "The key difference in this bill is it will force more people to pay back their debts rather than have them forgiven. ", "This likely will go into law, the president has been eager to sign it.", "\n\nAlso on Capitol Hill, the House voted today to eliminate the estate tax after 2010. ", "Lawmakers in favor of the measure say the estate tax is a burden on owners of small businesses and also on farm owners. ", "But critics say eliminating the tax would further weigh on our nation's federal deficit.", "\n\nHere's an example, in 2001 alone estate taxes brought in $23 billion in tax revenues. ", "Previous attempts to repeal the estate tax have failed, however, in the Senate.", "\n\nAnd credit card companies are in the process of telling 180,000 customers who carried GM branded credit cards that they may be victims of identity theft. ", "Cardholders were told their information was stolen from the popular retailer, reportedly Polo Ralph Lauren. ", "Polo today, however, declined to comment on the situation.", "\n\nNow coming up on CNN, 6:00 p.m. Eastern on LOU DOBBS TONIGHT. \"", "Broken Borders,\" the House and Senate appear to be in sharp conflict over the issue of immigration. ", "We take a look at the battle brewing in Congress.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nMARK KRIKORIAN, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES: The meetings between the House and Senate representatives over hashing out a common bill could indeed get kind of ugly. ", "And if the Senate passes a bill with no immigration provision, no amnesty on it, the House is already passed a bill that has this driver's license security provision the Senate doesn't like. ", "And so it really becomes a question of who blinks first.", "\n\n(END VIDEO CLIP)\n\nPILGRIM: Also tonight, Senator Larry Craig joins us to explain why he wants to give legal statis to us half a million illegal farm workers in the United States.", "\n\nPlus, is trade with China hurting the U.S. economy? ", "Congress holds hearings and we have a special report on that.", "\n\nAlso, illegal immigrants are bringing a deadly disease into the United States.", "\n\nThat and more tonight 6:00 Eastern on LOU DOBBS TONIGHT. ", "But for now, back to Judy Woodruff in Washington -- Judy.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Kitty, thanks. ", "And we'll be watching at 6:00.", "\n\nINSIDE POLITICS continues right now.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nUNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's a great day for baseball, isn't it?", "\n\nANNOUNCER: D.C. power brokers are ready to play ball. ", "We'll look at the lobbying for the best seats now that Major League Baseball is back in town.", "\n\nThese Senators really played hardball. ", "We'll warm up for the big game with some Washington baseball history.", "\n\nAnother kind of big day: with the tax man beckoning tomorrow, do Americans feel any better about giving their money to the government?", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Welcome back. ", "Here in Washington, people often take power, scandal and political bickering all in stride. ", "Baseball, now that's another thing.", "\n\nYou are looking at a live picture, or you will be -- there you go. ", "Outside RFK stadium just a few miles from our studios, CNN studios, where they are selling -- this woman you can hear her selling the inaugural program. ", "Let's listen.", "\n\nUNIDENTIFIED MALE: There you go, sir.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: They are -- this is the home game, the first home game for the team. ", "The Washington Nationals after more than 30 years without a home team, fans have been clammering for tickets for tonight's big game. ", "You can imagine.", "\n\nAnd you can bet that political figures have been pulling strings and calling in favors to get a good seat for sports history.", "\n\nI went to RFK Stadium a little while ago. ", "In fact, I just got back here before the show began. ", "I went there to talk with a man whose been instrumental bringing baseball back to Washington. ", "He is Mark Touey, D.C. Sports and Entertainment Commission chairman. ", "And I asked him on this big day if he feels a little bit like he's giving birth.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)\n\nMARK TOUEY, D.C. SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMISSION CHAIR: Well, I haven't had that experience, Judy, as you and Marty have, my wife, but it's a rush. ", "It's fabulous. ", "To see the faces, kids, people all over the city. ", "It's a real good feeling.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: You just came from a lunch with the team. ", "How are they?", "\n\nTOUEY: They are great. ", "But -- and they are excited. ", "Frank Robinson is on pins and needles. ", "But they are ready to play ball. ", "And as excited as anybody the old former Washington Senators who we honored last night, they were all there today as well.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: What kind of things have you had to deal with to get ready?", "\n\nTOUEY: A broad range of thing. ", "But with a great staff and great colleagues on the commission, we've had to deal with issues about advertising, the whole issue of seating and making sure that people are comfortable, making sure that we have a diverse crowd of kids and families from around the various eight wards of the city.", "\n\nYou know, it's one thing after another. ", "But you know what, Judy, it's all fun.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Washington is a city that's all about power. ", "How much of Washington has tried to get into this stadium tonight? ", "And how do you handle all those requests? ", "How do you make sure everybody who is powerful gets a good seat?", "\n\nTOUEY: Well, we worked with the Nationals to assure that anybody that wants a seat to the extent possible will get one. ", "Obviously, the Nationals and the sports commission have assured that our public officials have gotten seats. ", "But we've also made sure our local officials, we made sure that leaders of youth sports.", "\n\nIt's been a bit of a juggling act. ", "Because we had twice the number of this request for opening day than we can fill. ", "We'll be 46,000 people. ", "But we're going to take care of a lot of people during the season.", "\n\nBut, you know, you got to keep your wits about you. ", "It's one game. ", "We'll take care of people as time goes on.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: You know this city very well. ", "What does this team mean to Washington? ", "I mean what are your hopes?", "\n\nTOUEY: I think it means a couple of things.", "\n\nFirst of all, the mayor's vision to continue to rebuild Washington economically, to go into different parts of the city with economic development growth. ", "And that's what the new stadium will do. ", "To create economic opportunity as we have done with jobs in renovating RFK and summer jobs for the stadium season -- for the baseball season as well as the new construction.", "\n\nNumber two, I have always believed that when you affect the relationship of kids to sports, you can change the culture. ", "And that's what baseball is going to help do.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: So going forward, is this a city that is going to grow to embrace the baseball team? ", "How do you see that?", "\n\nTOUEY: I see this -- I think you said it all, Judy. ", "I think it will grow to embrace baseball not just as a sport, not just as a recreation entertainment, but as a means to enable kids to be more involved in sports, as a means to create other economic opportunities. ", "It's going to be great.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: What's the most outrageous thing somebody offered you for a ticket, for a seat?", "\n\nTOUEY: Well as a good Roman Irish Catholic I guess I would have to be careful how I answer that question.", "\n\nNo, people have been great. ", "We have not gotten into the situation where money is an issue. ", "But there have been a lot of demands for tickets. ", "And we'll take care of people as the season goes on.", "\n\n(END VIDEOTAPE)\n\nWOODRUFF: He did tell me that a couple people have offered him some very nice golf tours. ", "But he had to play it straight and turned it down. ", "Mark Touey, thank you very much.", "\n\nWell the White House says President Bush is loosening up and getting ready to throw out the first pitch at the Nationals game tonight. ", "Coming up, president and the national pasttime in the capital city. ", "Our Bruce Morton will have a play by play.", "\n\nAlso ahead, just one more day to get your taxes in. ", "Are Americans feeling any more or less resentful than they used to?", "\n\nAnd what would bring bloggers with vastly different views together? ", "Find out when we go inside the blogs.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nWOODRUFF: Tomorrow is the dreaded day, the April 15th deadline for Americans to file their income tax returns. ", "A new Gallup poll surveyed public attitudes about taxes. ", "Our Bill Schneider has the results and some of the answers may surprise you.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)\n\nBILL SCHNEIDER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's tax time. ", "Are taxpayers upset? ", "Not especially. ", "Before 2002, more than 60 percent of Americans told the Gallup poll they thought their federal income taxes were too high. ", "By tax time 2003, only 50 percent felt that way, a number that's remained pretty steady. ", "Why did tax resentment go down after 2001? ", "Here's one answer.", "\n\nREP. ", "MARSHA BLACKBURN (R), TENNESSEE: Millions of taxpayers are certainly appreciative for all of the tax reductions that the Republican-led majority has provided.", "\n\nSCHNEIDER: Yes, but something else happened in 2001: the war on terror started and there's evidence that tax resentment goes down in times of war. ", "Like World War II -- when Gallup started asking Americans do you think the amount of income tax you pay is fair? ", "Even though income taxes were raised to pay for the war, 90 percent of Americans thought their taxes were fair. ", "There was a war on. ", "By 1946, shortly after the war, that number had dropped almost 30 points. ", "In 1999, fewer than half of Americans said their income taxes were fair. ", "After 9/11, the number began to climb again. ", "In April 2003, just after Saddam Hussein was overthrown, 64 percent of Americans said their income taxes were fair. ", "Now, it's 61 percent.", "\n\nThe tax Americans really recent isn't the federal income tax. ", "Asked, which tax is the worst, the public gives a clear answer: the local property tax. ", "More than twice as many people complain about property taxes than federal income taxes. ", "Look at the rising level of complaints about property taxes. ", "In 1992, 25 percent of Americans called the property tax the least fair tax. ", "Now, 42 percent feel that way. ", "Many parts of the country have seen sky-rocketing property values. ", "As property values go up, assessments go up and real estate taxes go up, and up. ", "Exactly the same situation that fueled the tax revolt that started in California with Howard Jarvis and Proposition 13, way back in 1978.", "\n\n(END VIDEOTAPE)\n\nSCHNEIDER (on camera): If another tax revolt is brewing we may see signs in the races for governor this year in Virginia and New Jersey. ", "It looks like property taxes could be a big issue in both of those campaigns.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: So, what's the potential fall-out from that? ", "If people rise up and say, these taxes are too high, how does that get resolved?", "\n\nSCHNEIDER: Well, Republicans expect it would help the Republican cause because they have always embraced the cause of low taxes. ", "But I'm not sure it really is a partisan issue. ", "It certainly wasn't in California when it passed back in 1978. ", "Basically, what they did in California, what they want to do again, I think, is just slash property taxes. ", "Take power into their own hands and spread all over the country. ", "So, I'm not sure it has a clear partisan direction.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: There is some connection, some of these property taxes have gone up as a result of other taxes going down and local municipality needing that extra income.", "\n\nSCHNEIDER: That's right. ", "As federal income tax has gone down, there's been less money to subsidize the states, and so much of the burden has fallen on local governments to make up for those shortfalls. ", "Keep this in mind, this country started with a tax revolt up in Boston some time ago.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: OK. ", "We always reminded by you it's important to go back and read the history books.", "\n\nSCHNEIDER: OK.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: OK, Bill, thanks very much.", "\n\nHouse Majority Leader Tom DeLay has a lot of people talking here in Washington and online. ", "Up next, we'll fine out what people are saying about DeLay when we go inside the blogs.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nWOODRUFF: Congressman Tom DeLay is again among the popular topics for bloggers today. ", "We check in now with our blog reporters, Cal Chamberlain and Jacki Schechner. ", "Hi, Jacki.", "\n\nJACKI SCHECHNER, CNN BLOG CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Judy.", "\n\nYep. ", "Joe Gandelman today over at The Moderate Voice gets my nod for best title of a post related to Tom DeLay for two reasons. ", "One, being that it addresses both big stories that are swirling around the blogosphere. ", "And two, because it's pretty darned funny.", "\n\nHe says, \"Bush puts a little distance between himself and DeLay and DeLay puts put as little distance between himself and DeLay.\" ", "The first part of that talking about White House spokesman Scott McClellan saying that President Bush considers DeLay a friend. ", "And then says well, there are different levels of friendship with anybody. ", "So, in other words according to Gandelman he's a dude, but not a bud.", "\n\nThen, farther down in the second part of that posting talking about Tom DeLay's apology for his comments made after Terri Schiavo passed away. ", "And according to Gandelman he says this will likely let a little bit of air out of the political crisis blimp inflated due to his comments, but not the scandals that are swirling around him.", "\n\nCAL CHAMBERLAIN, CNN BLOG CORRESPONDENT: And one of the scandals that's still swirling around is about how he paid his wife and daughter over half a million dollars over the past five years. ", "And there's a list of -- the Associated Press put out a list of other politicians who paid family members. ", "And one of the persons chiming in on this is Betsy at Betsy's Page.", "\n\nAnd she says, \"Whom is a politician going to trust to work hard for his or her campaign than a family member.\" ", "And the Blog Warrior seems to have a problem with it. ", "And under the title Tom DeLay Is So Screwed, he says it's not much -- so much what he did as over the top he did it. ", "No one cares if you hire your wife to run your campaign, but if she is cashing in like she won the freakin' lottery, well, that's another story.", "\n\nSCHECHNER: James Joyner over at Outsidethebeltway.com takes that AP list of politicians and puts it into a very neat chart that you can take a look at. ", "It has got the name of the politician, the amount of money in questions, how many relatives benefit from that money. ", "And he says, the bottom line, unless DeLay's wife and daughter are not actually doing the jobs for which they are paid there is nothing unusual going on here.", "\n\nCHAMBERLAIN: And yesterday Congressman Jeb Hensarling introduced the online Freedom of Speech Act in the House which would essentially protect Internet communication from the Federal Election Commission's regulation on campaign finance reform. ", "And one of the first blogs that picked up on this was redstate.org. ", "And they are calling for a bipartisan support effort from the blogosphere to get this through.", "\n\nAnd on his post he says, I've already heard from some liberal colleagues on the blogosphere and we're going to push this bill and hard. ", "The blogosphere has proven extraordinary aptitude when it comes to attacking or stopping something. ", "Let's prove that we can be just as much a powerful influence when it comes to creating and moving something forward.", "\n\nSCHECHNER: That bipartisan blog effort not lost on the goodreverend.blogspot.com under the title I Would Like to Buy the World a Coke. ", "This is not typically a political blog, but he says he is pointed it out only to note how beautiful it is to see Instapundit and Daily Cause agreeing with one other.", "\n\nThen a longer post at Patterico's Pontifications. ", "Patterico, by the way, an L.A. prosecutor, his blog has a libertarian conservative slant to it. ", "He says he's in favor of these exemptions for two reasons. ", "One, and most importantly he says it's in the squishy, his word not mine. ", "Bloggers, he says, need not feel chilled in the slightest by the fear that they are crossing some nebulous line separating legitimate bloggers, in quotes, from those whom government deems undeserving of the protection of the media exemption. ", "That exemption being that which now applies to TV and newspapers. ", "The second part, he says, that the amendment will have the force of law. ", "And he says for him changes that occur through the political process have a more permanent feel to them. ", "So the reason he likes that.", "\n\nAnd then other people today talking about John Bolton now that the committee vote has been postponed by a week. ", "It's giving people some time to talk about how they feel about John Bolton and what they heard so far.", "\n\nAccording to Daniel Dresner, John Bolton is right about the United Nations. ", "Dresner is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Chicago. ", "And he says I don't know if Bolton is a serial bully, I don't know if he'd be a great ambassador to the U.N, he's not so sure about the moustache, but one thing he says is Bolton's assessment of the United Nations was and is 100 percent correct.", "\n\nWe didn't get to the other side. ", "We've run out of time. ", "But a lot of people talking, both sides, about Bolton and how they feel, some in favor and some against as you might imagine -- Judy.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: So, what was the name of that site? ", "Patterico's Prognostication?", "\n\nSCHECHNER: Patterico's Pontifications.", "\n\nWOODRUFF: Pontifications. ", "So sorry. ", "OK.", "\n\nWe got it right. ", "OK. ", "Thank you both. ", "Cal and Jackie, we'll see you tomorrow.", "\n\nA new team and a new season give baseball fans a new reason to cheer. ", "Up next our Bruce Morton reflects on baseball, Washington and the city's checkered past as home to the national past time.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nWOODRUFF: 46,000 people are expected to be on hand just a couple of hours from now when President Bush throws out the first pitch in the Washington Nationals home opener. ", "Our Bruce Morton has more on the last time Washington was home to a major league team and the high hopes now that baseball has returned.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)\n\nBRUCE MORTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was a long time ago, September 1971, when the Washington Senators played their last game at RFK Stadium here. ", "The unhappy fans stormed the field in the ninth inning, the Senators forfeited the game and owner Bob Short took the team to Texas.", "\n\nNow they are back. ", "President George W. Bush will throw out the first ball. ", "He's had practice at other parks. ", "This is Yankee Stadium. ", "His dad, when he was president, had to make do with opening day pictures for the Baltimore Orioles down the road. ", "He was a lefty unlike his son.", "\n\nWashington Post did some arithmetic on presidential opening day pitches in Washington. ", "Democrat Woodrow Wilson is the champ. ", "The Senators were 3-0 when he opened the pitching. ", "Republican William Howard Taft is right behind him 2-0, Calvin Coolidge was good 3-1, Herbert Hoover 1-3 and the Great Depression, what a legacy. ", "Worst of all, though, was Lyndon Johnson 0-3. ", "Richard Nixon was 0 for 1, but of course the team left during his first term.", "\n\nBaseball's back now. ", "The W on their cap stands for Washington, not the president's middle initial. ", "And he, anyway, was once an owner of the Texas Rangers who used to be the senators who, well, you know all that.", "\n\nThey're the Nationals now and they are back. ", "Workmen have been cleaning up RFK getting it ready for baseball again. ", "Cushions on the chairs, chalk on the base pads all that good hopeful stuff.", "\n\nSo just a few hours from now, the guy wearing a chest protector will stand down there behind home plate and speak two excellent words that haven't been heard in this city in 34 years, he'll say \"play ball.\"", "\n\nBruce Morton, CNN, Washington, a baseball town again.", "\n\n(END VIDEOTAPE)\n\nWOODRUFF: Thank you Bruce. ", "It's nice to have something positive to talk about for a change.", "\n\nThat's it for INSIDE POLITICS. ", "I'm Judy Woodruff. ", "We leave with you a live picture from out at RFK Stadium. ", "Have a great evening. ", "And go Nationals!", "\n\nCROSSFIRE starts right now.", "\n\nEND\n\nTO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT www.fdch.com" ]
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[ "Clean Bar Box June 2015 Review & Coupon Code\n\nIf you’re new to them, Clean Bar Box is a subscription that sends you a new selection of handmade bar soap every month. ", "All of their soaps are totally free of animal products, parabens, lauryl sulfate, petroleum products, and preservatives. ", "Each monthly box includes a variety of scents that are chosen to reflect the current season.", "\n\n3 different subscription plans are available: The Large Clean Bar Box ($19.99 monthly) includes two full 5-ounce bars and two 2.5 ounce mini bars. ", "The Large Clean Bar Box Every Other Month has the same contents as a regular large box, but is sent every other month for $19.99. ", "The Four Bar Sampler Box ($14.99 monthly) includes four 2.5-ounce mini bars — more than enough for a month’s worth of use. ", "All boxes are shipped free.", "\n\nLet’s see what’s in the June Clean Bar Box!", "\n\nAs usual, the box was shipped via 2-day priority mail.", "\n\nThe soaps were buried beneath a layer of yellow squiggles.", "\n\nI received the “Large” Clean Bar Box for June. ", "The scents chosen this month were inspired by June’s heat — helping to keep you cool and refreshed.", "\n\nSummer Citrus – I say it all the time, but I LOVE citrus scents. ", "This is described as smelling like “a tall glass of lemonade, fresh ripe oranges, and a thick slice of key lime pie all in one”. ", "Yum!", "\n\nBlueberry Scrub Soap – Mmm! ", "This bar smells like blueberry pie! — ", "A perfect scent for summertime. ", "It also contains ground oatmeal and sea salt to serve as exfoliants to slough off dead skin while it cleans.", "\n\nCotton Blossom – This bar is comparable to the popular “fresh linens” scent that’s everywhere. ", "I’m more of a fruity/floral fan, so this one is probably my least favorite of the bunch. ", "It’s not bad, just not my personal fave.", "\n\nCucumber Melon – Ya can’t get much cooler than a cucumber. ", "This bar features the refreshing combo of cucumber and melon. ", "An ideal summer pick!", "\n\nAnother nice selection from Clean Bar Box. ", "They did a great job matching the scents to the current season and I really like the exfoliating bar. ", "Looking for a more “manly” collection of scents? ", "They also offer a new men’s box, as well as individual soaps for purchase in their online shop.", "\n\nIf you’d like to sign up for Clean Bar Box, you can use the coupon code “5OFF” to save $5 on your first box. ", "They’re also running a giveaway to win June’s box! ", "You can check that out here!", "\n\nJune 2015 Clean Bar Box Review\n\nSummary\n\nThe citrus and blueberry bars were definitely my favorites this month. ", "I still wish the soaps were made with natural colors and fragrances, but if that's not an issue for you, I'd say it's a great box for discovering fun new scents." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAsync function in wit actions\n\nI am currently developing a bot using wit.ai. ", "I am quite new to node.js. ", "Basically, I am following the guide provided by node-wit lib. ", "I construct my wit object by: \nconst wit = new Wit({\n accessToken: WIT_TOKEN,\n actions,\n logger: new log.", "Logger(log.", "INFO)\n});\n\nIn my actions, I have something like:\nconst actions = {\n send({sessionId}, {text}) {\n //my sending action goes here.", "\n },\n firstaction({context, entities,sessionId}) {\n var data = async_function();\n context.receiver = data;\n return context;\n }\n}\n\nThe issue is that whatever comes after async_function will be executed first. ", "I tried to let async_function return a promise. ", "However, this wouldn't work since whatever comes after my first action in node-wit library will be executed first without waiting for the context to return. ", "I don't want to modify the node-wit library. ", "\nAny idea that would solve my issue is appreciated!", "\n\nA:\n\nyou can use async library for asynchronous call\nhttps://caolan.github.io/async/docs.html\nconst async = require('async')\n\nconst actions = {\n send({sessionId}, {text}) {\n //my sending action goes here.", "\n },\nfirstaction({context, entities,sessionId}) {\n async.waterfall([function(callback) {\n var d = async_function();\n // if err pass it to callback first parameter\n // return callback(err)\n callback(null,d);\n }], function(err, result) {\n if(err) {\n return err;\n }\n var data = result;\n context.receiver = data;\n return context;\n })\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "EP Collection 2006​-​2010\n\nStreaming + Download\n\nSince the Cryptic Yeast began we've always liked to keep our fans and friends up to date and interested in what we're doing by putting together various limited cd-r releases or free digital eps. ", "Here is a collection of all such releases we have done so far, excluding our studio recordings, and of course they are still FREE. ", "Some of these aren't exactly the best quality, particularly the live cuts, but there are quite a few gems contained within this 30 track behemoth. ", "and don't even try to fit this all on one cd. ", "enjoy!" ]
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[ "Instant Pot Rolled Round Steak\n\nToday we are plugging in the Instant Pot to transform a lean, round steak into a juicy, tender piece of meat. ", "The stuffed rolled steak cooks for only 35 minutes with not a lot of prep time, but the meat and delicious gravy tastes like it cooked for hours. ", "So good! ", "The onions, peppers, and garlic rolled up into the meat add another depth of rich flavor. ", "If you don’t have an Instant Pot or any other kind of pressure cooker, conventional stove-top cooking brings similar results. ", "The only difference is the time you save by cooking with pressure. ", "Just brown the meat in a little bit of oil in a heavy pot and simmer on low heat on the stove for an hour or two adding water as needed.", "\n\nPrep Time\n\nTo make the prep work quicker for this main dish I purchase round steak that has been tenderized by my friendly neighborhood butcher. ", "You can always hammer the steak yourself if you prefer with a mallet or the edge of a small plate turned sideways. ", "Seasoning the steak before pounding allows the flavor to really get into the meat.", "\n\nBefore I do anything I toss the peppers, onion, and garlic into the food processor and process them into small pieces. ", "Another quick remedy I use instead of chopping vegetables is re-hydrating some Zydeco Chop Chop which is that dried vegetable blend I have talked about in another blog post, Kat’s Rodeo Soup. ", "You can go there and check it out.", "\n\nThe next step is seasoning the meat generously on both side.", "\n\nThen I spoon the vegetables onto the steak as thick as I want and roll it up and secure the rolled steak with toothpicks.", "\n\nThe next step is dredging the rolled steak in flour. ", "The flour helps thicken the gravy.", "\n\nThe Instant Pot\n\nNow it’s time to turn the Instant Pot on to saute’ and let 2 tablespoons of cooking oil heat up.", "\n\nI place the rolled steak into the pot and brown on all sides then I add water and close the lid securely making sure the vent is on sealing.", "\n\nThen I press cancel on the control panel and push the Meat/Stew button on that registers 35 minutes on high pressure.", "\n\nThat’s it! ", "The pot does it’s thing for 35 minutes then it sits for 10 minute to depressurize. ", "After the 10 minutes I turn the steam release to venting making sure I am out of the way of the steam. ", "When the silver float valve goes down it is safe to open the lid. ", "This juicy meat and gravy can be served with rice or mashed potatoes and other side dishes for a good home cooked meal. ", "It’s one of our favorites.", "\n\nInstructions\n\nToss peppers, onion and garlic into the food processor and process into small pieces.", "\n\nSeason the steaks to taste thoroughly on both sides.", "\n\nThen spoon the vegetables onto the steak as thick as desired and roll up securing the meat with toothpicks.", "\n\nDredge steak rolls in flour, shaking off the excess.", "\n\nPlace oil in instant pot and turn pot on to saute’. ", "Brown meat on all sides. ", "Pour water over meat. ", "Close the lid securely making sure the vent is on sealing. ", "Press cancel on the control panel then press the Meat/Stew button that registers 35 minutes on high pressure.", "\n\nAfter the cooking time is ended, allow the pot to sit for 10 minutes as it depressurizes. ", "Turn the steam release to venting standing out of the way as it releases steam. ", "When the silver float valve goes down it is safe to open the lid and serve the meat. ", "Spoon the gravy over steak or serve over rice or mashed potatoes.", "\n\nNotes\n\nYou may or may not use all of the onions, peppers and garlic. ", "It depends on how thick you want to spread it on the steak. ", "Use your imagination lead by your taste buds and be creative with the stuffing. ", "The sky’s the limit!", "\n\nNutrition\n\nServing Size:8 ounces\n\n4231.5 g3637.1 mg14.7 g3 g0.1 g17.1 g0.8 g53.1 g138.3 mg\n\nYou may be a recent user of these new updated pressure cookers, but don’t be intimidated by them. ", "The more I use the Instant Pot and familiarize myself with it the easier meal time gets in my kitchen. ", "Most foods like this stuffed rolled round steak taste even better than stove top cooking with much less time spent tending to it. ", "Another great thing about this dish is it freezes well. ", "You can cook several rolls to freeze in the gravy for those days when there is no time to cook or to keep some on hand to bless someone in need.", "\n\n“God’s definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. ", "He measures our lives by how we love.” ", "Francis Chan" ]
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[ "\n651 N.E.2d 1197 (1995)\nJoseph OLEJNICZAK, Appellant-Plaintiff,\nv.\nTOWN OF KOUTS, Indiana, and the Kouts Town Council, Elaine Martin, David Brooks, Don Miller, Donna Werner and Thomas Oswald, Individually and in His Capacity As the President of Kouts Town Council, Appellees-Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "64A04-9410-CV-407.", "\nCourt of Appeals of Indiana.", "\nJune 30, 1995.", "\nTransfer Denied November 14, 1995.", "\n*1198 John M. Vouga, Portage, Hugo E. Martz, Peter L. Boyles, Valparaiso, for appellant.", "\nJohn E. Hughes, Todd A. Leeth, Jonathan R. Hanson, Hoeppner, Wagner & Evans, Valparaiso, for appellees.", "\n\nOPINION\nRILEY, Judge.", "\n\nSTATEMENT OF THE CASE\nPlaintiff-Appellant Joseph Olejniczak appeals from an order of the Porter Circuit Court denying his motion for judicial review and declaratory and injunctive relief in an action challenging his termination as Town Marshal by the Defendants-Appellees, Town of Kouts, Indiana, and the Kouts Town Council.", "\nWe affirm.", "\n\nISSUE\nOlejniczak presents one issue for our review which we restate as: Whether a Town Marshal may be reduced in grade without a hearing and procedural due process pursuant to IND. ", "CODE 36-5-7-1 et seq. ", "and I.C. 36-8-3-4 (1993).", "\n\nFACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY\nOlejniczak was employed by the Town of Kouts as Town Marshal in January, 1989. ", "He served in this capacity for approximately five and one-half years until he was demoted to the position of Deputy Town Marshal in the summer of 1994. ", "During all relevant times the Kouts Town Council was comprised of four duly elected members: Thomas Oswald, Donna Werner, David Brooks and Don Miller.", "\nIn January, 1994, the Town Council began accepting applications for a new Town Marshal. ", "Olejniczak did not apply. ", "Preliminary interviews limited the candidates to three. ", "The three finalists were interviewed at a public meeting on June 27, 1994. ", "Joseph Kirk was ultimately selected and hired as the new Town Marshal, effective 12:01, September 1, 1994. ", "At a public meeting on August 22, 1994, Thomas Oswald, President of the Town Council reduced Olejniczak in grade from Town Marshal to Deputy Marshal effective midnight August 31, 1994. ", "The Town Council then voted 3-1 to ratify Olejniczak's reduction in grade.", "\nOlejniczak brought an action for judicial review and declaratory and injunctive relief to challenge his \"termination\" as Town Marshal. ", "He alleged therein that he was \"demoted\" without the procedural due process required by I.C. 36-8-3-4(c). ", "The following day, the court issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the Town Council from taking any action against Olejniczak. ", "The Town Council indicated in its answer that it was relying on I.C. 36-8-3-4(m) in \"demoting\" Olejniczak and moved to dissolve the temporary restraining order.", "\nAfter hearing argument, the trial court entered its order setting aside its previously issued restraining order and denying Olejniczak relief. ", "The pertinent portions of the court's order is reproduced below:\nThe provisions of I.C. 36-8-3-4(a) provide that application of the statute apply to all towns. ", "This statute is sometimes referred to as the \"tenure statute\" applying to policemen and firemen so as to give them some means of protection from arbitrary dismissal and/or suspension in their employment. ", "The procedure for such action is as outlined by statute.", "\nIn this case, the Plaintiff is arguing that the Town's action in removing him from the Town Marshal constitutes a termination thus entitling him to a hearing. \"", "Termination\" refers to a termination of employment. ", "The Plaintiff's employment with the Town of Kouts has not been terminated. ", "In fact, his pay remains the same. ", "His duties and responsibilities have changed. ", "Regardless of any title that the Plaintiff now carries as a result of the Town's action, the Plaintiff continues to be fully employed by the Town, his compensation is not affected, and as a member of the Police Department, he is fully protected from any dismissal, suspension or termination by the provisions of I.C. 36-8-3-4.", "\nThe Plaintiff has no entitlement to remain in his upper level policy making position as *1199 Town Marshal. ", "Accordingly, the Town of Kouts had the legal authority to reduce in grade the Plaintiff's position. ", "The Provisions of 36-8-3-4(m) provide that the reduction in grade of a police officer may be made without the adherence to the requirements of Subsection (b) through (l) of the statute. ", "Plaintiff's assertion is that his reduction in grade to a rank below that which he held before his appointment to the upper level policy making decision position constitutes a termination since before becoming Town Marshal the plaintiff held no position. ", "This is without merit. ", "A reduction from Town Marshal to Deputy Town Marshal or any other nomenclature used is a greater rank than that held by the Plaintiff before his appointment as Town Marshal.", "\nThis case turns upon deciding between \"The Right to the Position v. A Right to Employment.\" ", "The Plaintiff has a right to employment pursuant to the statute (tenure, with removal only in accordance with the statute) but not a right to the upper level policy making position of Town Marshal. ", "A Town Marshal has no protectible property interest in his rank which is an upper level policy making position and thus subject to demotion without hearing.", "\n(R. 124-125). ", "Olejniczak appeals from this decision. ", "We heard oral argument on May 18, 1995.", "\n\nSTANDARD OF REVIEW\nWhen reviewing a trial court's determination on statutory construction, we are not bound by the trial court's interpretation, but rather must make an independent legal determination as to the meaning of the statute and its application to the instant facts. ", "Indiana State Prison v. Simchak (1993), Ind. App., ", "615 N.E.2d 112, 114, trans. ", "denied. ", "Two statutory provisions covering the same general subject matter are in pari materia and should be construed together to produce a harmonious statutory scheme. ", "Goodman v. State (1993), Ind. App., ", "611 N.E.2d 679, 684, reh'g denied, trans. ", "denied. ", "Furthermore, a statute should not be viewed as if the reader is peering at it through a keyhole. ", "Rather it should be read and construed with its companion provisions. ", "Jones v. State (1991), Ind. App., ", "569 N.E.2d 975, 978. ", "We also must give effect and meaning to every word, if possible, and no part should be held meaningless if it can be reconciled with the rest of the statute. ", "Id. at 978. ", "When construing a statute, we must give words and phrases their plain, ordinary and usual meaning, unless a contrary purpose is clearly shown by the statute itself. ", "Jacobs v. State (1994), Ind. App., ", "640 N.E.2d 61, 64, reh'g denied, trans. ", "denied.", "\n\nDISCUSSION AND DECISION\n\nI.\nOlejniczak contends that the procedural due process provisions of I.C. 36-8-3-4 (the Policeman's Tenure Statute) and I.C. 36-5-7-3 (the Marshal Statute) are applicable to his situation and that the Town was not justified in reducing his position in grade without affording him notice and an opportunity to be heard. ", "He contends that the trial court erred because it made no attempt to harmonize the Policeman's Tenure Statute and the Marshal Statute. ", "Specifically, he argues that I.C. 36-5-7-1 provides that the Marshal statute applies to \"all towns that have not abolished the office of town marshal\" and because Kouts has not done so, I.C. 36-5-7-1 et seq. ", "does apply.[1] Quite simply, Olejniczak asks us to construe the two statutes so that the Marshal Statute adopts the procedural aspect of the Disciplinary Statute, but not the substantive provisions of the Disciplinary Statute, including subsection (m) upon which Kouts relies. ", "We now turn to the relevant statutory authority.", "\n\nA. Statutory Authority\nI.C. 36-5-7-1 (1988) provides that \"[t]his chapter applies to all towns that have not abolished the office of town marshal.\" ", "I.C. 36-5-7-2 (1988) provides that \"[t]he town legislative body shall appoint a town marshal and fix his compensation.\" ", "I.C. 36-5-7-3 (1988) provides as follows:\nThe Marshal serves at the pleasure of the town legislative body. ", "However, before *1200 terminating or suspending a marshal who has been employed by the town for more than six (6) months after completing the minimum basic training requirements ... the legislative body must conduct the disciplinary removal and appeals procedure prescribed by IC 36-8 for city fire and police departments.", "\nI.C. 36-8-3-4(a) provides that \"[t]his section also applies to all towns and townships that have full-time, paid police or fire departments.\" ", "Subsections (b) through (l) require certain due process procedures be afforded to a police or fireman before being suspended, dismissed or demoted. ", "However, subsection (m) provides as follows:\nThe executive may reduce in grade any member of the police or fire department who holds an upper level policy making position. ", "The reduction in grade may be made without adhering to the requirements of subsections (b) through (l). ", "However, a member may not be reduced in grade to a rank below that which the member held before the member's appointment to the upper level policy making position.", "\nThe Town of Kouts contends that a town marshal may be reduced in grade without cause and without the procedural due process protections set forth in the Disciplinary Statute, I.C. 36-8-3-4(c). ", "We agree and conclude that the chief police officer of a department, whether it be a metropolitan police commission system or a marshal system, does not possess a common law entitlement to the position.", "\n\nB. Legislative History\nA historic understanding of how the legislature first provided due process to city police officers, then extended it to town marshals and deputies, and ultimately brought both positions under a common statutory scheme is required for a proper resolution of this case.", "\n\n1. ", "The Disciplinary Statute I.C. 36-8-3-4\nThe first legislation to provide due process protections to policemen and firemen regarding disciplinary actions and removal was enacted in 1905. ", "Acts 1905, c. 129, s. 160. ", "Section 160 expressly applied to \"[e]very member of the fire and police forces, and all other appointees of the commissioners of public safety.\" ", "In 1933 section 160 was amended to provide more detail regarding the notice requirement and appeal procedure. ", "Acts 1933, c. 86, s. 160. ", "In 1935, the statute was again amended to add police radio, police signal and fire alarm operators to the class of protected persons. ", "Acts 1935, c. 282, s. 160.", "\nIn 1971, the Acts of Indiana were recodified into the Indiana Code. ", "The disciplinary statute was recodified at I.C. XX-X-XX-X. Pub.", "L. No. ", "252, 1971. ", "In 1977, the statute was again amended to exclude fire and police chiefs from the due process protections provided in the statute. ", "Thus, by express statutory language, the police or fire chief could be removed from office or reduced in grade without notice and a hearing pursuant to the 1977 amendment.[2]\nIn 1980, the disciplinary statute was again amended to provide in subsection (g) that\n[t]he mayor may reduce in grade any member of the fire or police force who holds an upper level policymaking position. ", "This reduction in grade may be made without adhering to the requirements of (a)(3) through (f) of this section [the due process protections]. ", "However, a member may not be reduced in grade to a rank below that which he held prior to his appointment to the upper level policymaking position.", "\nI.C. XX-X-XX-X(g), P.L. 128, 1980. ", "In 1981, the law regarding local government was recodified in Title 36 of the Indiana Code. ", "P.L. 309, 1981. ", "I.C. 18-1-11 was repealed with I.C. 36-8-3-4 replacing it. ", "The new codification modified I.C. XX-X-XX-X(g) the prior section *1201 on upper level policymaking positions as follows:\n\"Upper level policymaking position\" refers to each position held by the police chief or fire chief and to each position held by the members of the police department or fire department in: (1) the next rank and pay grade immediately below the chief, if the authorized size of the department is more than ten (10) but less than fifty-one (51) members, ...\nP.L. 309, 1981 (now codified at I.C. XX-X-X-XX). ", "Also, I.C. 36-8-3-4 (formerly I.C. XX-X-XX-X) was modified to expressly state that the disciplinary statute applied to towns, as well as cities:\n(a) This section applies to all towns and townships that have full time, paid police and fire departments.", "\n.....\n(b) Except as provided in subsection (m), a member of the police or fire department holds office or grade until he is dismissed or demoted by the safety board.", "\n.....\n(m) The executive[3] may reduce in grade any member of the police or fire department who holds an upper level policymaking position. ", "The reduction in grade may be made without adhering to the requirements of subsections (b) through (l) of this section. ", "However, a member may not be reduced in grade to a rank below that which he held before his appointment to the upper level policymaking position.", "\nP.L. 309, 1981 (now codified at I.C. 36-8-3-4).", "\n\n2. ", "The Marshal Statute I.C. 36-5-7-1 et seq.", "\n\nPrior to the recodification of the Acts of Indiana in 1971, the Marshal Statute afforded no due process protection to Town Marshals providing as follows:\nThe board of trustees of every town not operating under the metropolitan police department system shall appoint a marshal who shall serve during the pleasure of the board and whose salary shall be fixed by the board.", "\n.....\nThe town marshal, in towns having such an officer, shall be the chief police officer of the town; he may also be required to act as street commissioner and chief of the fire force, or either.", "\nActs 1969, c. 252, s. 214, 218. ", "When the Marshal Statute was recodified in 1971 at I.C. XX-X-X-XX, it remained essentially unchanged. ", "In 1979 the Marshal Statute was amended significantly in subsection (d):\nThe board of trustees of every town not operating under the metropolitan police department system shall appoint a marshal who shall serve during the pleasure of the board and whose salary shall be fixed by the board. ", "However, before terminating or suspending any marshal or deputy marshal who has satisfied the basic requirements of the law enforcement board, and who has been employed by the town for more than six (6) months after completing the basic training requirements, the board of town trustees must follow the disciplinary removal and appeals procedures prescribed in IC XX-X-XX-X.\nP.L. 170, 1979. ", "Thus, the legislature made clear that the procedure as outlined in the Disciplinary Statute was to apply also to Town Marshals.", "\nIn 1980, the Marshal Statutes were repealed and recodified at I.C. 36-5-7-3. ", "P.L. 212, sec. ", "4, 1980. ", "I.C. 36-5-7-3 was amended as follows:\nThe Marshal serves at the pleasure of the town legislative body. ", "However, before terminating or suspending a marshal or deputy marshal who has been employed by the town for more than six (6) months after completing the minimum basic training requirements adopted by the law enforcement training board under IC 5-2-1-9, the legislative body must conduct the disciplinary removal and appeals procedures *1202 prescribed by IC 36-8 for city fire and police departments.", "\n\nII.", "\nWe agree with the trial court in its assessment that the dispositive issue in this case is whether Olejniczak has a right to the position as Town Marshal or merely a right to employment as a Deputy Town Marshal. ", "We further agree with the trial court's conclusion that Olejniczak is not entitled to his position as Town Marshal.", "\nBased on our review of the legislative history, we conclude that the chief police officer of a department holds an \"upper level policymaking position\" pursuant to the Disciplinary Statute, and that the town marshal is the chief police officer of the town. ", "Therefore, I.C. 36-8-3-4(m) applies and permits the reduction in grade of a marshal as chief police officer of the town, as he is in an upper level policymaking position, and he need not be afforded procedural due process. ", "I.C. 36-5-7-3 incorporates by reference both the procedural and the substantive provisions of I.C. 36-8-3-4.", "\nFurthermore, Olejniczak's reduction in grade was accomplished in compliance with subsection (m), which provides that \"a member may not be reduced in grade to a rank below that which the member held before the member's appointment to the upper level policymaking position.\" ", "I.C. 36-8-3-4(m). ", "Because Olejniczak held no position in the Kouts Police Department prior to his appointment as Marshal, the statute has been fully complied with.", "\nThe action taken against Olejniczak was a non-disciplinary reduction in grade or a \"demotion.\" ", "The only difference between the time Olejniczak was a Marshal and his service now as Deputy Marshal, is that as Deputy Marshal he no longer possesses his discretionary administrative and supervisory duties of overseeing the department. ", "In all other respects, his employment with the Town of Kouts, including his pay and his law enforcement powers, remain the same.", "\nCertainly however, as Deputy Marshal, Olejniczak is now entitled to the same protections as any other police officer. ", "Olejniczak has a right to employment pursuant to the Policeman's Tenure Statute which affords protection from arbitrary termination and suspension. ", "The procedural safeguards provided are clearly articulated in the statute. ", "It is undisputed that prior to Olejniczak's removal as Town Marshal, he had served in that capacity for approximately five and one-half years, and that he had successfully completed the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Academy. ", "Thus, he fulfills the requisite criteria for protection pursuant to I.C. 36-5-7-1 et seq. ", "See Howard v. Incorporated Town of North Judson (1994), Ind. App., ", "644 N.E.2d 592 (Relying on I.C. 36-8-3-4(c), we held that Deputy Town Marshal's termination was void due to the Town's failure to adhere to the notice and hearing requirements in the Disciplinary Statute).", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nWe conclude that I.C. 36-5-7-3 adopts the procedural as well as the substantive provisions of I.C. 36-8-3-4, including subsection (m). ", "Olejniczak was legally reduced in grade by the President of the Town Council or Executive, as expressly authorized by I.C. 36-8-3-4(m).", "\nAccordingly, the trial court is affirmed in all respects.", "\nCHEZEM and FRIEDLANDER, JJ., ", "concur.", "\nNOTES\n[1] See I.C. 36-8-9-2 which provides the procedure for abolition of the office of town marshal and the establishment of a board of metropolitan police commissioners. (", "1993).", "\n[2] Apparently, the same exception applied under Indiana common law. ", "See City of New Haven v. LeFever (1968), 143 Ind. App. ", "88, 238 N.E.2d 487 (We held that a city could not remove the chief of police from the police force without notice and a hearing pursuant to section 160 of the Acts of Indiana. ", "However the case did not expressly go on to hold that the City could not \"demote\" LeFever from chief of police to police officer. ", "LeFever was reinstated as a member of the police force only).", "\n[3] Note also in 1981 that the legislature changed the word \"mayor\" in I.C. 36-8-3-4(m) to \"executive\" further indicative of the legislative intent.", "\n" ]
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[ "Over the past three decades, Russian mobsters, Chinese gangsters, Mexican cartels and a host of other groups have all grabbed slices of the criminal activity traditionally dominated by the mafia.", "\n\nBut none have come close to exerting the kind of wide-ranging influence still enjoyed by La Cosa Nostra, as the Italian-American mob is known.", "\n\nThat..." ]
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[ "Indian Military Academy (IMA) ; Dehradun\n\nIndian Naval Academy; Ezhimala\n\nAir Force Academy; Hyderabad\n\nOfficers Training Academy (OTA); Chennai. ", "For both Men and Women\n\nHOW TO APPLY FOR CDS/OTA EXAMINATION?", "\n\nThe Notification for the CDS written exam is issued in the months of November and July. ", "UPSC holds the exam in the months of Feb and October. ", "Students can apply for the CDS and OTA written examination online only on UPSC website.", "\n\nELIGIBILITY FOR CDS WRITTEN EXAMINATION\n\nEducational: Graduates- qualified or appearing (final year) are eligible to sit for CDS written exam. ", "For Air Force and Navy candidates must have engineering /physics and mathematics subjects. ", "For details check the notification. ", "For OTA, Graduates and final year students can to apply.", "\n\nAge: 19 ½ to 24 years on date of joining IMA. ", "For OTA, age must be between 19 ½ to 25 years on date of joining.", "\n\nSex: Only male candidates can sit for the CDS written exam. ", "Both ladies and men can apply for OTA exam.", "\n\nEXAM PATTERN OF CDS/OTA WRITTEN EXAMINATION\n\nThe CDS written exam consists of three papers:\n\nGeneral Knowledge - 100 Marks\n\nEnglish - 100 Marks\n\nMathematics - 100 Marks\n\nThe OTA Written exam consists of only two of the above mentioned papers:\n\nGeneral Knowledge - 100 Marks\n\nEnglish - 100 Marks\n\nOTA Candidates are exempted from Mathematics exam. ", "The remaining two papers of OTA written exam are of 100 marks each and the total of the OTA written exam is of 200 marks.", "\n\nSYLLABUS FOR CDS/OTA WRITTEN EXAMINATION\n\nThe CDS written exam tests the candidates in diverse fields like English, History, Polity, Economics, Geography, Maths, Life Science, Physics, Chemistry, Current Affairs, GK, etc. ", "For OTA exam, syllabus is the same as CDS expect, OTA candidates do not have to sit for mathematics paper.", "\n\nRESULTS OF CDS/OTA EXAMINATION\n\nUPSC declares the result of CDS/OTA written exam in 3-4 months after the written exam. ", "The same can be viewed on the UPSC website. ", "Being a competitive exam and there is no fixed cut off percentage for passing. ", "Candidates who perform better are sent the call letters for SSB interviews. ", "The final merit list is prepared after the SSB interviews final result and displayed on the UPSC website. ", "Joining instructions are sent to students based on vacancies available as per the merit list.", "\n\nWHEN TO JOIN:\n\nSince Centurion Academy runs regular batches for CDS examinations, Aspirants should take coaching as soon as they are able to spare time from their daily routines. ", "It is advised to take coaching few months before the exam to ensure enough time is left for practice, revision and self study. ", "Seats are limited and available on first come first served basis.", "\n\nWhat to bring?", "\n\nFor Class: Students are not required to bring any books. ", "All study material is issued to the students upon admission. ", "Students must bring personal registers or note books and stationary like pens.", "\n\nFor Hostels: Beds and mattresses are provided, but students should bring their own bedding i.e. bed sheets (2 Nos.) ", "and Pillow. ", "For winter months students should bring thick blankets and razai.", "\n\nPersonal Items: Students are expected to dress smartly for class, please bring personal clothing accordingly. ", "Students should carry all personal toiletries. ", "Sports shoes are a must. ", "Please avoid bringing expensive personal items or cash. ", "Even though lockers are provided, students are responsible for their own personal belongings.", "\n\nCRASH COURSES: We provide crash courses prior to exam dates. ", "Please call us for crash course queries.", "\n\nNote:\n\nCoaching should be taken from an Academy of repute. ", "Defence aspirants who want to take up coaching are advised to first check from references or visit any institute they may be considering and then make their final decisions. ", "Candidates should not to be convinced by fake advertisements and misleading photos published on pamphlets, hoardings and websites." ]
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[ "Rising Stars\n\nBIOMISA feels pride in its alumni who are doing wonders in various disciplines. ", "They are not only making us proud but also presenting a good soft image of Pakistan. ", "Some of them are:\n\nSamra Irshad\n\nSamra Irshad is currently pursuing her PhD at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. ", "She received her M.S degree in 2014 from College of E&ME, NUST and she was supervised by Dr. M. Usman Akram during her research. ", "She worked on automatic detection of different abnormalities in fundus images and published four papers in renowned conferences during her M.S. She also worked as a Visiting Researchers at Victoria University, Australia, for 8 months. ", "Currently she is focusing of deep learning and evolutionary algorithms.", "\n\nSamra Naz\n\nSamra Naz is currently a PhD student at Queensland Brain Institute in University of Queensland Australia. ", "She is working there on proposing quantification methods for the assessment of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and then to analyse how Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) improves them. ", "After graduating as an electronic engineer in 2014, she started master’s degree in Computer Engineering from College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (NUST). ", "Being a postgraduate researcher at BIOMISA group from 2014 to 2016, she worked on several research projects under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Usman Akram and co-supervision of Dr. Shoab Ahmad Khan. ", "She represented NUST internationally at Young Women Scientist Camp and Smart Sisters workshop in Daejeon South Korea (2016). ", "She was one of the only two candidates selected for this fully funded opportunity from Pakistan to present their research work." ]
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[ "BookHounds has moved!", "\n\n6/6/12\n\nBOOK REVIEW I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern @shitmydadsays @harpercollins\n\nBook Description\n\nPublication Date: May 15, 2012\n\n\"Human beings fear the unknown. ", "So, whatever's freaking you out, grab it by the balls and say hello. ", "Then it ain't the unknown anymore and it ain't scary. ", "Or I guess it could be a shitload scarier.\"", "\n\nFans of the #1 bestseller Sh*t My Dad Says will recognize the always patient voice of Justin Halpern's dad as it crackles through this hysterical new audiobook. ", "The story begins when Justin announces that he's decided to propose to his girlfriend. \"", "You've been dating her for four years,\" his dad replies. \"", "It ain't like you found a parallel fucking universe.\"", "\n\nBut eventually he gives Justin some advice: that he should think back over everything he's learned in life about women, relationships, and himself before making his decision. ", "And that's just what Justin does—revisiting everything from his disastrous childhood crushes to the night he finally lost his virginity while working as a dishwasher at Hooters.", "\n\nFull of his dad's patented brand of wisdom, it's also full of new characters just as funny—from his brother, who provides insights into wedding night rituals, to his first boss, who warns Justin to man up: \"That's what a man does. ", "He takes his shots and then he scrubs the shit out of some dishes.\" ", "The result is a pilgrim's progress through the landscape of sex and love—by one of the funniest writers at work today.", "\n\nAbout the Author\n\nJustin Halpern is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Sh*t My Dad Says, inspired by his massively popular Twitter feed. ", "SPOILER ALERT: He lives with his wife in Los Angeles.", "\n\nSOURCE: PUBLISHER\n\nMY THOUGHTSLOVED IT\n\nEven though this is a typical guy book, women should find the insights particularly hilarious. ", "It just confirms everything that you think you know about guys. ", "They are very insecure as youth, which slowly declines as they age. ", "This book works around the time period of \"Sh!t My Dad Says\" and explains how Halpern got to the point of moving back in with his parents. ", "He actually did give the Hollywood thing a try but in the end seemed to be defeated by love. ", "I am so glad that he is now married since he seemed to suffer though his whole entire life with the opposite sex. ", "The story makes you want to hug the guy and tell him it will be ok.", "\n\nThere are some really funny moments in his story and you get all of the Dad stuff that made Halpern's first book so hilarious. ", "Actually, this book explains his father's reasoning more than the first. ", "This will make a perfect Father's Day gift or Birthday present for that guy you don't exactly know what to buy, especially fans of Jimmy Kimmel. ", "I think the girls in their lives will be peeking at it as well. ", "I really enjoy these slice of life books and even though there is crude dude humor, it is easy enough to look past that and enjoy exactly what the author is relating about growing up.", "\n\n3 comments:\n\nThis sounds great. ", "I haven't read Justin's first book yet, either, but I've heard so much about it...I think I'd really love both of the stories. ", "And who doesn't like to get into a guy's head every now and then?!" ]
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[ "Maybe there is some fight left in the Ottawa Senators after all. ", "At least amongst each other, as defenseman and recent healthy scratch Jared Cowen exchanged punches with pugilist Chris Neil at practice in Alberta earlier today.", "\n\nIn the Black Corner…Chris Neil Mandatory Credit: Marc DesRosiers-USA TODAY Sports\n\nThis could obviously be a case of frustration boiling over, Cowen because of his recent stretch in the press box and Neil because the team has performed so poorly out of the Olympic Break.", "\n\nand in the Red Corner…Jared Cowen! ", "Mandatory Credit: Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports\n\nIt isn’t the first time teammates battle in practice, and the Senators have a long history of such events. ", "Just this past December Neil got into it with Cory Conacher, and he has also had battles with Ray Emery in the past as well. ", "The players involved and the coaches will play it off as if it is nothing, as per usual claim it is just boys being boys, but it does indicate the tension that currently envelopes the team.", "\n\nBy all accounts Paul MacLean and some other players had to break up the tussle and punches were exchanged.", "\n\nWith a long hill to climb to get into the post-season and not a lot of time to climb it, Senators fans can only hope some of that fight translates to the ice when it counts for real, beginning Saturday in Winnipeg." ]
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