19 values
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Item 1 - Business As used in this Annual Report, unless the context indicates otherwise, the terms "Citizens" or "Company" refer to Citizens First Bancorp, Inc. and its subsidiary, the term "Bank" refers to Citizens First National Bank of New Jersey and its subsidiaries, the term "Investment" refers to Citizens First Investment Corp. and its subsidiary, the term "Financial" refers to C. F. Financial Corp., the term "Leasing" refers to C F Leasing Corp., and the term "Property" refers to C. F. Property, Inc. Citizens' and the Bank's principal executive offices are located at 208 Harristown Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452-3306; telephone number (201) 445-3400. Citizens First Bancorp, Inc. is a bank holding company incorporated in New Jersey and registered under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended. It commenced business in 1982 when it acquired all the outstanding capital stock of the Bank. The Bank accounts for substantially all of the consolidated assets, revenues and operating results of Citizens. The only subsidiary of Citizens is the Bank, a full service commercial bank offering a complete range of individual, commercial and trust services through 50 banking offices located in the northern New Jersey counties of Bergen, Hudson, Morris and Passaic, and in Ocean County in southern New Jersey. On the basis of total deposits at June 30, 1993, Citizens ranked 182nd of the top 300 commercial banks in the United States and eleventh in size among commercial banking organizations in New Jersey. As of December 31, 1993, Citizens and the Bank employed 878 full-time equivalent employees. On March 21, 1994, Citizens announced the execution of a definitive merger agreement among National Westminster Bank Plc ("NatWest"), NatWest Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of NatWest, and Citizens. For information relating to the merger, see "Item 8 - Financial Statements and Supplementary Data" on page 13 hereof under the heading "Subsequent Event." The Bank The Bank is a national banking association which was organized in 1920 and is a full service commercial bank providing a broad spectrum of personal, commercial and trust services, including secured and unsecured personal and business loans, real estate financing and letters of credit to consumers and local businesses. In addition, the Bank makes available to its customers checking, savings, time and retirement accounts, certificates of deposit and repurchase agreements. In response to the growing preference of customers seeking alternatives to traditional deposit products, the Bank introduced annuity and mutual fund sales programs. The trust department manages discretionary assets with a market value of $497,635,000 at year-end 1993. Financial, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Investment since 1985, was established in 1983 for the purpose of holding certain investment securities. Prior to 1985, Financial was a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank. Investment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank, was established in 1985 for the purpose of owning Financial. Leasing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank, was established in 1986 for the purpose of originating and servicing equipment leases. Property, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank, was established in 1990 for the purpose of holding certain real estate acquired through foreclosure. Market Area Citizens' offices are located in 5 New Jersey counties with the largest representation in Bergen County. The Bank's customer base is comprised of a variety of commercial and retail clients including a high concentration of middle and above average household incomes. The average household income of the Bank's northern New Jersey market area is 18% higher than the state average.* In Citizens' Bergen, Passaic and Morris County market areas, the average household income is 27%, 14% and 39% respectively higher than the state average.* Thirty-one branch offices are concentrated in Citizens' northern Bergen County market area including such communities as Ridgewood, Hillsdale and Bergenfield. The Bank's market area also includes communities within Morris, Passaic, Ocean and Hudson counties. In Bergen County, the Bank holds approximately 7.73% of the countywide deposits.** Citizens' deposit base of $2.3 billion is supported by 50 branch facilities. Substantially all branch offices provide a full range of consumer and commercial banking services. The Bank has implemented a "relationship banking" approach to serving customers, providing attractive packages of high quality services, developing new business, and proactively serving community needs. The "relationship banking" strategy was reinforced during the year with the introduction of SMARTBanking -TM-, a value-oriented package of consumer services, and annuity and mutual fund sales programs. The Bank believes that customer relationships will be strengthened and fee income increased by expanding the product line with these financial services. * The household income data is from the 1991 Sheshunoff New Jersey Branch Deposit Book. ** The market share information is from the 1994 Sheshunoff New Jersey Branch Deposit Book. Supervision and Regulation Citizens is a holding company registered under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended ("Act"). Under the Act, bank holding companies may engage directly, or indirectly through subsidiaries, in activities which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ("FRS") determines to be so closely related to banking, managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto. There is generally no restriction under the Act on the geographical area in which these non-banking activities may be conducted. Engaging in activities which the FRS has not determined to be incidental to banking requires specific FRS approval. Under FRS regulations, Citizens and its subsidiary are prohibited from engaging in certain tie-in arrangements in connection with extensions of credit, leases, the sale of property, or the franchising of services. The Act prohibits a bank holding company from acquiring more than five percent of the voting shares or substantially all of the assets of any bank without the prior approval of the FRS, which is prohibited from approving an application by a bank holding company to acquire voting shares of any commercial bank in another state unless such acquisition is specifically authorized by the laws of the other state. New Jersey law permits mergers with banking organizations in other states, subject to reciprocal legislation. As a national bank, the Bank is subject to regulation and supervision by federal bank regulatory agencies. Federal law imposes certain restrictions on the Bank in extending credit to Citizens, and with certain exceptions, to other affiliates of Citizens, in investing in the stock or securities of Citizens, and in taking such stock or securities as collateral for loans to any borrower. The Bank is also subject to other statutes and regulations concerning required reserves, investments, loans, interest payable on deposits, establishment of branches and other aspects of its operation. In December 1992, as a result of the Bank's improved capital position and other factors, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC") terminated a Cease and Desist order issued in 1990 and entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the Board of Directors setting forth areas that the Bank will continue to address to further the rebuilding process, including reducing the levels of nonperforming assets. The MOU requires the Bank to maintain a Tier 1 capital ratio of 6.5% of adjusted total assets, a Tier 1 capital ratio of 7.5% of risk-weighted assets, and total capital of 10.0% of risk-weighted assets. At December 31, 1993, the Bank was in full compliance with all regulatory capital requirements. As a result of the improved financial condition of the Bank, on March 15, 1994, the MOU was terminated. In December 1990, the Board of Directors of Citizens entered into a written agreement with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ("FRB") concerning the operations of Citizens, the purpose of which is to restore and maintain the financial health of Citizens. Included among the matters covered by the agreement with the FRB are restrictions on the payment of dividends, bonuses, benefits and expenditures of an extraordinary nature by Citizens without notice to, or the prior approval of, the FRB. In March 1993, Citizens executed an amendment to its written agreement with the FRB permitting Citizens to declare and pay regular quarterly dividends on the preferred stock without being required to obtain prior written approval. In addition, in the fourth quarter of 1993, the FRB approved Citizens' request to declare and pay a Common Stock dividend of $.0425 per share, payable on February 1, 1994, to shareholders of record on January 14, 1994. As a result of the improved financial condition of Citizens, on March 15, 1994, the written agreement was terminated. Governmental Monetary Policies The earnings of Citizens and the Bank are affected by domestic and foreign economic conditions, particularly by the monetary and fiscal policies of the United States government and its agencies. The monetary policies of the Federal Reserve Board have had, and will continue to have, an important impact on the operating results of commercial banks through its power to implement national monetary policy in order, among other things, to mitigate recessionary and inflationary pressures by regulating the national money supply. The techniques used by the Federal Reserve Board include setting the reserve requirements of member banks and establishing the discount rate on member bank borrowings. The Federal Reserve Board also conducts open market transactions in United States government securities. From time to time various proposals are made in the United States Congress and the New Jersey legislature and before various regulatory authorities which would alter the powers of, and restrictions on, different types of banking organizations and which would restructure part or all of the existing regulatory framework for financial institutions. It is impossible to predict whether any of the proposals will be adopted and the impact, if any, of such adoption on the business of Citizens and the Bank. Statistical Information and Analysis This section presents certain statistical data concerning Citizens on a consolidated basis. Average data throughout this section was calculated on a daily basis and is representative of the consolidated operations of Citizens. I. Distribution of Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity; Interest Rates and Interest Differential Citizens responds to this segment by incorporating by reference the material under the caption "Average Rates and Yields on a Taxable-Equivalent Basis" on pages 36 and 37 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders, and the material under the captions "Net Interest Income" and "Rate/Volume Analysis of Net Interest Income" on pages 25 and 26 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. II. Securities Portfolio A. Book Value of Securities Portfolio Citizens responds to this segment by incorporating by reference the material under the caption "Securities Portfolio" on page 29 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. B. The following table presents the maturity distributions and weighted average interest yields on a taxable-equivalent basis of securities of Citizens at December 31, 1993: III. Loan Portfolio A. Types of Loans Citizens responds to this segment by incorporating by reference the material under the caption "Loans," "Commercial and Industrial Loans," "Real Estate Loans" and "Consumer Loans" on pages 29 and 30 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. B. Maturities and Sensitivity of Loans to Changes in Interest Rates The following table presents information on the scheduled maturity and interest sensitivity of total loans by category at the date indicated: C. Risk Elements Citizens responds to this segment by incorporating by reference the material under the caption "Asset Quality" on pages 31 through 32 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. IV. Summary of Loan Loss Experience A. The following table sets forth an analysis of changes in the allowance for loan losses at the dates indicated: The allowance for loan losses is a valuation reserve established through charges to income. Loan losses are charged against the allowance when management believes that the collectibility of all or a portion of the principal is unlikely. This evaluation is based upon identification of loss elements and known facts which are reasonably determined and quantified. If, as a result of loans charged off or an increase in the level of portfolio risk characteristics, the allowance is below the level considered by management to be sufficient to absorb future losses on outstanding loans and commitments, the provision for loan losses is increased to the level considered necessary to provide an adequate allowance. In the opinion of management, the allowance for loan losses at December 31, 1993 was adequate to absorb possible future losses on existing loans and commitments. On a monthly basis management reviews the adequacy of the allowance. That process includes a review of all delinquent, nonaccrual and other loans identified as needing additional review and analysis. The evaluation of loans in these categories involves an element of subjectivity, but the process takes into consideration the risk of loss presented by the loans and potential sources of repayment, including collateral security. The evaluation is based upon a credit rating system that conforms to regulatory classification definitions that are extensively tested by management and the internal loan review department. Consideration is also given to historical data, trends in overall delinquencies, concentration of loans by industry and current economic conditions that may result in increased delinquencies, as well as other relevant factors. At December 31, 1993, the allowance for loan losses was $63,788,000, a decrease of 15.9% over the $75,838,000 reported for 1992. The decrease was primarily attributable to a charge to the allowance of approximately $15,000,000 related to a bulk sale of loans and foreclosed real estate during 1993. The provision for loan losses was $17,000,000 and $23,000,000 in 1993 and 1992, respectively. The allowance for loan losses to total loans was 3.6%, 4.5% and 4.4% at December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively. The allowance for loan losses to nonperforming loans was 99.4% at December 31, 1993 compared to 74.1% and 61.2% at December 31, 1992 and 1991, respectively. B. The following table presents an allocation by loan category of the allowance for loan losses at the dates indicated: Allocation of the Allowance for Loan Losses by Category The allocation of the allowance for loan losses by loan category is an estimate which involves the exercise of judgment and requires consideration of the loan loss experience of prior years. It also requires assumptions concerning economic conditions in Citizens' market areas, the value and adequacy of collateral and the growth and composition of the loan portfolio. Since these factors are subject to change, the allocation of the allowance for loan losses should not be interpreted as an indication that charge-offs in 1994 will occur in these amounts or proportions, or that the allocation indicates future trends. The following table presents the percentage of loans in each loan category to total loans at the dates indicated: Percentage of Total Loans by Category V. Deposits A. Citizens responds to this segment by incorporating by reference the material under the caption "Average Rates and Yields on a Taxable-Equivalent Basis" on pages 36 and 37 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. D. The following table sets forth, by time remaining until maturity, time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more at December 31 in each of the past three years: VI. Return on Equity and Assets Citizens responds to this item by incorporating by reference the material under the caption "Financial Ratios" on page 35 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. VII. Short-Term Borrowings Citizens responds to this item by incorporating by reference the material under Footnote 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, "Short-Term Borrowings," found on page 17 of Citizens' 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders. Item 2
[ 128000, 1256, 220, 16, 482, 8184, 198, 2170, 1511, 304, 420, 25992, 8423, 11, 7389, 279, 2317, 15151, 6062, 11, 279, 3878, 330, 65661, 30060, 1, 477, 330, 14831, 1, 8464, 311, 40996, 5629, 84177, 31215, 11, 4953, 13, 323, 1202, 41164, 11, 279, 4751, 330, 26913, 1, 19813, 311, 40996, 5629, 5165, 8715, 315, 1561, 16228, 323, 1202, 72202, 11, 279, 4751, 330, 34976, 479, 1, 19813, 311, 40996, 5629, 33350, 22621, 13, 323, 1202, 41164, 11, 279, 4751, 330, 57330, 1, 19813, 311, 356, 13, 435, 13, 17961, 22621, 2637, 279, 4751, 330, 2356, 4522, 1, 19813, 311, 356, 435, 2009, 4522, 22621, 2637, 323, 279, 4751, 330, 3128, 1, 19813, 311, 356, 13, 435, 13, 8825, 11, 4953, 13, 40996, 6, 323, 279, 8715, 596, 12717, 11145, 19672, 527, 7559, 520, 220, 12171, 15591, 380, 785, 9728, 11, 41061, 9305, 11, 1561, 16228, 220, 26739, 4103, 12, 10568, 21, 26, 21186, 1396, 320, 679, 8, 220, 19697, 12, 13679, 15, 627, 65661, 30060, 5629, 84177, 31215, 11, 4953, 13, 374, 264, 6201, 10168, 2883, 32762, 304, 1561, 16228, 323, 9879, 1234, 279, 8715, 55777, 8351, 3298, 315, 220, 6280, 21, 11, 439, 31011, 13, 1102, 65362, 2626, 304, 220, 3753, 17, 994, 433, 19426, 682, 279, 19310, 6864, 5708, 315, 279, 8715, 13, 578, 8715, 9815, 369, 32302, 682, 315, 279, 60391, 12032, 11, 30466, 323, 10565, 3135, 315, 40996, 13, 578, 1193, 41164, 315, 40996, 374, 279, 8715, 11, 264, 2539, 2532, 8518, 6201, 10209, 264, 4686, 2134, 315, 3927, 11, 8518, 323, 7095, 3600, 1555, 220, 1135, 23641, 19672, 7559, 304, 279, 18671, 1561, 16228, 31276, 315, 80099, 11, 39253, 11, 30283, 323, 10175, 62488, 11, 323, 304, 22302, 6406, 304, 18561, 1561, 16228, 13, 1952, 279, 8197, 315, 2860, 34751, 520, 5651, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 40996, 21682, 220, 10828, 303, 315, 279, 1948, 220, 3101, 8518, 14286, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 323, 10732, 45707, 304, 1404, 4315, 8518, 23641, 11351, 304, 1561, 16228, 13, 1666, 315, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 40996, 323, 279, 8715, 20011, 220, 25890, 2539, 7394, 13890, 8420, 627, 1966, 5587, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 40996, 7376, 279, 11572, 315, 264, 45813, 47112, 9306, 4315, 5165, 48043, 8715, 1856, 66, 3573, 66314, 24188, 4063, 24772, 24188, 54642, 4953, 2637, 264, 41164, 315, 24772, 24188, 11, 323, 40996, 13, 1789, 2038, 23343, 311, 279, 47112, 11, 1518, 330, 1256, 220, 23, 482, 17961, 70816, 323, 99371, 2956, 1, 389, 2199, 220, 1032, 1618, 1073, 1234, 279, 14836, 330, 3214, 72457, 3749, 10246, 791, 8715, 198, 791, 8715, 374, 264, 5426, 23641, 15360, 902, 574, 17057, 304, 220, 5926, 15, 323, 374, 264, 2539, 2532, 8518, 6201, 8405, 264, 7353, 20326, 315, 4443, 11, 8518, 323, 7095, 3600, 11, 2737, 27528, 323, 653, 85408, 4443, 323, 2626, 17017, 11, 1972, 12675, 29642, 323, 12197, 315, 6807, 311, 13723, 323, 2254, 9873, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 279, 8715, 3727, 2561, 311, 1202, 6444, 13598, 11, 19523, 11, 892, 323, 21624, 9815, 11, 35537, 315, 16946, 323, 2109, 13173, 20038, 13, 763, 2077, 311, 279, 7982, 22698, 315, 6444, 11125, 27548, 311, 8776, 16946, 3956, 11, 279, 8715, 11784, 3008, 35594, 323, 27848, 3887, 6763, 7620, 13, 578, 7095, 9476, 29972, 96894, 12032, 449, 264, 3157, 907, 315, 400, 22640, 11, 22276, 11, 931, 520, 1060, 13368, 220, 2550, 18, 627, 57330, 11, 264, 42241, 29799, 41164, 315, 33350, 2533, 220, 3753, 20, 11, 574, 9749, 304, 220, 3753, 18, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 10168, 3738, 9341, 34919, 13, 32499, 311, 220, 3753, 20, 11, 17961, 574, 264, 42241, 29799, 41164, 315, 279, 8715, 13, 33350, 11, 264, 42241, 29799, 41164, 315, 279, 8715, 11, 574, 9749, 304, 220, 3753, 20, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 41377, 17961, 627, 2356, 4522, 11, 264, 42241, 29799, 41164, 315, 279, 8715, 11, 574, 9749, 304, 220, 3753, 21, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 71373, 323, 65918, 7241, 73657, 627, 3128, 11, 264, 42241, 29799, 41164, 315, 279, 8715, 11, 574, 9749, 304, 220, 2550, 15, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 10168, 3738, 1972, 12675, 19426, 1555, 81382, 627, 39922, 12299, 198, 65661, 30060, 6, 19672, 527, 7559, 304, 220, 20, 1561, 16228, 31276, 449, 279, 7928, 13340, 304, 80099, 6406, 13, 578, 8715, 596, 6130, 2385, 374, 40056, 315, 264, 8205, 315, 8518, 323, 11040, 8403, 2737, 264, 1579, 20545, 315, 6278, 323, 3485, 5578, 14048, 46791, 627, 791, 5578, 14048, 8070, 315, 279, 8715, 596, 18671, 1561, 16228, 3157, 3158, 374, 220, 972, 4, 5190, 1109, 279, 1614, 5578, 5013, 763, 40996, 6, 80099, 11, 10175, 62488, 323, 30283, 6406, 3157, 5789, 11, 279, 5578, 14048, 8070, 374, 220, 1544, 13689, 220, 975, 4, 323, 220, 2137, 4, 15947, 5190, 1109, 279, 1614, 5578, 31795, 92702, 19101, 9046, 19672, 527, 38626, 304, 40996, 6, 18671, 80099, 6406, 3157, 3158, 2737, 1778, 10977, 439, 45995, 38385, 1411, 11, 25964, 35283, 323, 80099, 2630, 13, 578, 8715, 596, 3157, 3158, 1101, 5764, 10977, 2949, 30283, 11, 10175, 62488, 11, 22302, 323, 39253, 31276, 627, 644, 80099, 6406, 11, 279, 8715, 10187, 13489, 220, 22, 13, 5958, 4, 315, 279, 14189, 9328, 34751, 13, 334, 40996, 6, 16946, 2385, 315, 400, 17, 13, 18, 7239, 374, 7396, 555, 220, 1135, 9046, 13077, 13, 3804, 4811, 34575, 682, 9046, 19672, 3493, 264, 2539, 2134, 315, 11761, 323, 8518, 23641, 3600, 627, 791, 8715, 706, 11798, 264, 330, 37195, 23641, 1, 5603, 311, 13788, 6444, 11, 8405, 19411, 14519, 315, 1579, 4367, 3600, 11, 11469, 502, 2626, 11, 323, 463, 64119, 13788, 4029, 3966, 13, 578, 330, 37195, 23641, 1, 8446, 574, 49680, 2391, 279, 1060, 449, 279, 17219, 315, 80708, 26913, 287, 482, 22809, 37619, 264, 907, 36185, 6462, 315, 11761, 3600, 11, 323, 3008, 35594, 323, 27848, 3887, 6763, 7620, 13, 578, 8715, 13919, 430, 6130, 12135, 690, 387, 60862, 323, 11307, 8070, 7319, 555, 24050, 279, 2027, 1584, 449, 1521, 6020, 3600, 627, 9, 578, 14048, 8070, 828, 374, 505, 279, 220, 2550, 16, 1443, 4385, 359, 1885, 1561, 16228, 26176, 49571, 6017, 13, 3146, 578, 3157, 4430, 2038, 374, 505, 279, 220, 2550, 19, 1443, 4385, 359, 1885, 1561, 16228, 26176, 49571, 6017, 627, 10254, 651, 1854, 323, 48338, 198, 65661, 30060, 374, 264, 10168, 2883, 9879, 1234, 279, 8715, 55777, 8351, 3298, 315, 220, 6280, 21, 11, 439, 31011, 3573, 2471, 1865, 9636, 279, 3298, 11, 6201, 10168, 5220, 1253, 16988, 6089, 11, 477, 46345, 1555, 72202, 11, 304, 7640, 902, 279, 8925, 315, 91089, 315, 279, 12411, 25820, 744, 3573, 10725, 50, 909, 27667, 311, 387, 779, 15499, 5552, 311, 23641, 11, 18646, 477, 26991, 14286, 439, 311, 387, 264, 6300, 10672, 9139, 11269, 13, 2684, 374, 8965, 912, 20020, 1234, 279, 3298, 389, 279, 54001, 3158, 304, 902, 1521, 2536, 1481, 33434, 7640, 1253, 387, 13375, 13, 3365, 4210, 304, 7640, 902, 279, 435, 11706, 706, 539, 11075, 311, 387, 84316, 311, 23641, 7612, 3230, 435, 11706, 14765, 13, 9636, 435, 11706, 14640, 11, 40996, 323, 1202, 41164, 527, 27010, 505, 23387, 304, 3738, 18623, 3502, 28904, 304, 3717, 449, 20300, 315, 6807, 11, 73657, 11, 279, 6412, 315, 3424, 11, 477, 279, 16953, 3876, 315, 3600, 627, 791, 3298, 59538, 264, 6201, 10168, 2883, 505, 42990, 810, 1109, 4330, 3346, 315, 279, 16043, 13551, 477, 32302, 682, 315, 279, 12032, 315, 904, 6201, 2085, 279, 4972, 14765, 315, 279, 435, 11706, 11, 902, 374, 27010, 505, 77258, 459, 3851, 555, 264, 6201, 10168, 2883, 311, 21953, 16043, 13551, 315, 904, 8518, 6201, 304, 2500, 1614, 7389, 1778, 24279, 374, 11951, 19144, 555, 279, 7016, 315, 279, 1023, 1614, 13, 1561, 16228, 2383, 29790, 18970, 388, 449, 23641, 11351, 304, 1023, 5415, 11, 3917, 311, 87298, 13543, 627, 2170, 264, 5426, 6201, 11, 279, 8715, 374, 3917, 311, 19812, 323, 38217, 555, 6918, 6201, 23331, 13607, 13, 12411, 2383, 88381, 3738, 17294, 389, 279, 8715, 304, 33459, 6807, 311, 40996, 11, 323, 449, 3738, 20157, 11, 311, 1023, 32133, 315, 40996, 11, 304, 26012, 304, 279, 5708, 477, 34919, 315, 40996, 11, 323, 304, 4737, 1778, 5708, 477, 34919, 439, 52508, 369, 17017, 311, 904, 70719, 13, 578, 8715, 374, 1101, 3917, 311, 1023, 62282, 323, 14640, 18815, 2631, 30600, 11, 22538, 11, 17017, 11, 2802, 45691, 389, 34751, 11, 21967, 315, 23962, 323, 1023, 13878, 315, 1202, 5784, 627, 644, 6790, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 8715, 596, 13241, 6864, 2361, 323, 1023, 9547, 11, 279, 8410, 315, 279, 1219, 418, 1496, 315, 279, 29553, 3573, 46, 3791, 909, 32372, 264, 24703, 521, 323, 3959, 380, 2015, 11136, 304, 220, 2550, 15, 323, 10862, 1139, 264, 73766, 58385, 315, 46551, 3573, 10754, 52, 909, 449, 279, 8925, 315, 46085, 6376, 13544, 5789, 430, 279, 8715, 690, 3136, 311, 2686, 311, 4726, 279, 56228, 1920, 11, 2737, 18189, 279, 5990, 315, 2536, 29588, 287, 12032, 13, 578, 11672, 52, 7612, 279, 8715, 311, 10519, 264, 36332, 220, 16, 6864, 11595, 315, 220, 21, 13, 20, 4, 315, 24257, 2860, 12032, 11, 264, 36332, 220, 16, 6864, 11595, 315, 220, 22, 13, 20, 4, 315, 5326, 12923, 291, 12032, 11, 323, 2860, 6864, 315, 220, 605, 13, 15, 4, 315, 5326, 12923, 291, 12032, 13, 2468, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8715, 574, 304, 2539, 8907, 449, 682, 23331, 6864, 8670, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 13241, 6020, 3044, 315, 279, 8715, 11, 389, 5587, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 279, 11672, 52, 574, 32372, 627, 644, 6790, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 279, 8925, 315, 46085, 315, 40996, 10862, 1139, 264, 5439, 9306, 449, 279, 12411, 25820, 8715, 315, 1561, 4356, 3573, 10725, 33, 909, 18815, 279, 7677, 315, 40996, 11, 279, 7580, 315, 902, 374, 311, 15301, 323, 10519, 279, 6020, 2890, 315, 40996, 13, 47064, 4315, 279, 13146, 9960, 555, 279, 9306, 449, 279, 17067, 33, 527, 17294, 389, 279, 8323, 315, 56364, 11, 33321, 11, 7720, 323, 53869, 315, 459, 24674, 7138, 555, 40996, 2085, 5406, 311, 11, 477, 279, 4972, 14765, 315, 11, 279, 17067, 33, 13, 763, 5587, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 40996, 16070, 459, 28238, 311, 1202, 5439, 9306, 449, 279, 17067, 33, 62174, 40996, 311, 16292, 323, 2343, 5912, 51534, 56364, 389, 279, 15236, 5708, 2085, 1694, 2631, 311, 6994, 4972, 5439, 14765, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 304, 279, 11999, 8502, 315, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 17067, 33, 12054, 40996, 6, 1715, 311, 16292, 323, 2343, 264, 7874, 12937, 46980, 315, 8842, 22349, 20, 824, 4430, 11, 45691, 389, 7552, 220, 16, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 311, 41777, 315, 3335, 389, 6186, 220, 975, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 13241, 6020, 3044, 315, 40996, 11, 389, 5587, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 279, 5439, 9306, 574, 32372, 627, 62569, 278, 74214, 63348, 198, 791, 24608, 315, 40996, 323, 279, 8715, 527, 11754, 555, 13018, 323, 7362, 7100, 4787, 11, 8104, 555, 279, 33384, 323, 20323, 10396, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 3109, 323, 1202, 13607, 627, 791, 33384, 10396, 315, 279, 12411, 25820, 8925, 617, 1047, 11, 323, 690, 3136, 311, 617, 11, 459, 3062, 5536, 389, 279, 10565, 3135, 315, 8518, 14286, 1555, 1202, 2410, 311, 4305, 5426, 33384, 4947, 304, 2015, 11, 4315, 1023, 2574, 11, 311, 50460, 39621, 661, 323, 25544, 661, 40850, 555, 58499, 279, 5426, 3300, 8312, 13, 578, 12823, 1511, 555, 279, 12411, 25820, 8925, 2997, 6376, 279, 21137, 8670, 315, 4562, 14286, 323, 31692, 279, 11336, 4478, 389, 4562, 6201, 17636, 826, 13, 578, 12411, 25820, 8925, 1101, 74198, 1825, 3157, 14463, 304, 3723, 4273, 3109, 34919, 627, 3915, 892, 311, 892, 5370, 25243, 527, 1903, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 8151, 323, 279, 1561, 16228, 39856, 323, 1603, 5370, 23331, 11527, 902, 1053, 11857, 279, 13736, 315, 11, 323, 17294, 389, 11, 2204, 4595, 315, 23641, 11351, 323, 902, 1053, 312, 7993, 961, 477, 682, 315, 279, 6484, 23331, 12914, 369, 6020, 14673, 13, 1102, 374, 12266, 311, 7168, 3508, 904, 315, 279, 25243, 690, 387, 18306, 323, 279, 5536, 11, 422, 904, 11, 315, 1778, 25375, 389, 279, 2626, 315, 40996, 323, 279, 8715, 627, 16257, 40596, 8245, 323, 18825, 198, 2028, 3857, 18911, 3738, 29564, 828, 18815, 40996, 389, 264, 60391, 8197, 13, 24478, 828, 6957, 420, 3857, 574, 16997, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 323, 374, 18740, 315, 279, 60391, 7677, 315, 40996, 627, 40, 13, 35009, 315, 41738, 11, 14851, 8623, 323, 12037, 17075, 6, 58588, 26, 25074, 48076, 323, 25074, 99836, 198, 65661, 30060, 31680, 311, 420, 10449, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 17703, 330, 27388, 48076, 323, 816, 7052, 389, 264, 15545, 481, 13737, 447, 12031, 70128, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 1927, 323, 220, 1806, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 11, 323, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 78888, 330, 7099, 25074, 33620, 1, 323, 330, 11825, 14, 19436, 18825, 315, 9558, 25074, 33620, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 914, 323, 220, 1627, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 5660, 13, 46272, 47292, 198, 32, 13, 6017, 5273, 315, 46272, 47292, 40996, 31680, 311, 420, 10449, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 17703, 330, 8596, 38333, 47292, 1, 389, 2199, 220, 1682, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 33, 13, 578, 2768, 2007, 18911, 279, 48261, 43785, 323, 37924, 5578, 2802, 36508, 389, 264, 59453, 63359, 12031, 8197, 315, 34919, 315, 40996, 520, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 512, 23440, 13, 36181, 47292, 198, 32, 13, 21431, 315, 48615, 40996, 31680, 311, 420, 10449, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 17703, 330, 4357, 598, 1359, 330, 60816, 323, 25563, 48615, 1359, 330, 13058, 25447, 48615, 1, 323, 330, 31068, 48615, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 1682, 323, 220, 966, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 33, 13, 386, 2693, 1385, 323, 32252, 18546, 315, 48615, 311, 29240, 304, 25074, 48076, 578, 2768, 2007, 18911, 2038, 389, 279, 13847, 48261, 323, 2802, 27541, 315, 2860, 17017, 555, 5699, 520, 279, 2457, 16717, 512, 34, 13, 32388, 35257, 40996, 31680, 311, 420, 10449, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 17703, 330, 17015, 18410, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 2148, 1555, 220, 843, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 3166, 13, 22241, 315, 36181, 25733, 21460, 198, 32, 13, 578, 2768, 2007, 7437, 13544, 459, 6492, 315, 4442, 304, 279, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 520, 279, 13003, 16717, 512, 791, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 374, 264, 51262, 21137, 9749, 1555, 10405, 311, 8070, 13, 36181, 18151, 527, 11684, 2403, 279, 41458, 994, 6373, 13919, 430, 279, 6667, 3225, 315, 682, 477, 264, 13651, 315, 279, 12717, 374, 17821, 13, 1115, 16865, 374, 3196, 5304, 22654, 315, 4814, 5540, 323, 3967, 13363, 902, 527, 29546, 11075, 323, 10484, 1908, 13, 1442, 11, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 17017, 11684, 1022, 477, 459, 5376, 304, 279, 2237, 315, 20136, 5326, 17910, 11, 279, 41458, 374, 3770, 279, 2237, 6646, 555, 6373, 311, 387, 14343, 311, 35406, 3938, 18151, 389, 19310, 17017, 323, 42356, 11, 279, 17575, 369, 11941, 18151, 374, 7319, 311, 279, 2237, 6646, 5995, 311, 3493, 459, 26613, 41458, 627, 644, 279, 9647, 315, 6373, 11, 279, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 520, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 574, 26613, 311, 35406, 3284, 3938, 18151, 389, 6484, 17017, 323, 42356, 13, 1952, 264, 15438, 8197, 6373, 8544, 279, 41228, 2826, 315, 279, 41458, 13, 3011, 1920, 5764, 264, 3477, 315, 682, 1624, 258, 17187, 11, 2536, 4575, 81, 940, 323, 1023, 17017, 11054, 439, 33921, 5217, 3477, 323, 6492, 13, 578, 16865, 315, 17017, 304, 1521, 11306, 18065, 459, 2449, 315, 3917, 1968, 11, 719, 279, 1920, 5097, 1139, 18361, 279, 5326, 315, 4814, 10666, 555, 279, 17017, 323, 4754, 8336, 315, 71118, 11, 2737, 52508, 4868, 13, 578, 16865, 374, 3196, 5304, 264, 6807, 10959, 1887, 430, 96264, 311, 23331, 24790, 17931, 430, 527, 42817, 12793, 555, 6373, 323, 279, 5419, 11941, 3477, 9476, 13, 21829, 367, 374, 1101, 2728, 311, 13970, 828, 11, 18845, 304, 8244, 1624, 53988, 6072, 11, 20545, 315, 17017, 555, 5064, 323, 1510, 7100, 4787, 430, 1253, 1121, 304, 7319, 1624, 53988, 6072, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1023, 9959, 9547, 627, 1688, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 574, 400, 5495, 11, 24216, 11, 931, 11, 264, 18979, 315, 220, 868, 13, 24, 4, 927, 279, 400, 2075, 11, 24250, 11, 931, 5068, 369, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 578, 18979, 574, 15871, 71526, 311, 264, 6900, 311, 279, 41458, 315, 13489, 400, 868, 11, 931, 11, 931, 5552, 311, 264, 20155, 6412, 315, 17017, 323, 2291, 35187, 1972, 12675, 2391, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 578, 17575, 369, 11941, 18151, 574, 400, 1114, 11, 931, 11, 931, 323, 400, 1419, 11, 931, 11, 931, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 323, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 15947, 13, 578, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 311, 2860, 17017, 574, 220, 18, 13, 21, 13689, 220, 19, 13, 20, 4, 323, 220, 19, 13, 19, 4, 520, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 323, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 15947, 13, 578, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 311, 2536, 29588, 287, 17017, 574, 220, 1484, 13, 19, 4, 520, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 7863, 311, 220, 5728, 13, 16, 4, 323, 220, 5547, 13, 17, 4, 520, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 323, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 15947, 627, 33, 13, 578, 2768, 2007, 18911, 459, 24691, 555, 11941, 5699, 315, 279, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 520, 279, 13003, 16717, 512, 79416, 315, 279, 27628, 685, 369, 36181, 25733, 288, 555, 10260, 198, 791, 24691, 315, 279, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 555, 11941, 5699, 374, 459, 16430, 902, 18065, 279, 10368, 315, 19971, 323, 7612, 18361, 315, 279, 11941, 4814, 3217, 315, 4972, 1667, 13, 1102, 1101, 7612, 32946, 18815, 7100, 4787, 304, 40996, 6, 3157, 5789, 11, 279, 907, 323, 41228, 2826, 315, 52508, 323, 279, 6650, 323, 18528, 315, 279, 11941, 20136, 13, 8876, 1521, 9547, 527, 3917, 311, 2349, 11, 279, 24691, 315, 279, 41458, 369, 11941, 18151, 1288, 539, 387, 33398, 439, 459, 28137, 430, 6900, 65039, 304, 220, 2550, 19, 690, 12446, 304, 1521, 15055, 477, 49892, 11, 477, 430, 279, 24691, 15151, 3938, 18845, 627, 791, 2768, 2007, 18911, 279, 11668, 315, 17017, 304, 1855, 11941, 5699, 311, 2860, 17017, 520, 279, 13003, 16717, 512, 37267, 315, 10884, 48615, 555, 10260, 198, 53, 13, 78150, 1220, 198, 32, 13, 40996, 31680, 311, 420, 10449, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 17703, 330, 27388, 48076, 323, 816, 7052, 389, 264, 15545, 481, 13737, 447, 12031, 70128, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 1927, 323, 220, 1806, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 35, 13, 578, 2768, 2007, 7437, 13544, 11, 555, 892, 9861, 3156, 48261, 11, 892, 34751, 304, 15055, 315, 400, 1041, 11, 931, 477, 810, 520, 6790, 220, 2148, 304, 1855, 315, 279, 3347, 2380, 1667, 512, 26376, 13, 3494, 389, 58588, 323, 41738, 198, 65661, 30060, 31680, 311, 420, 1537, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 279, 17703, 330, 57330, 41677, 3614, 1, 389, 2199, 220, 1758, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 53, 5660, 13, 10928, 9469, 4289, 79047, 826, 198, 65661, 30060, 31680, 311, 420, 1537, 555, 52913, 555, 5905, 279, 3769, 1234, 15819, 10179, 220, 605, 311, 279, 79980, 660, 17961, 70816, 11, 330, 12755, 9469, 4289, 79047, 826, 1359, 1766, 389, 2199, 220, 1114, 315, 40996, 6, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 311, 12037, 17075, 627, 1256, 220, 17 ]
Item 1. Business Owens & Minor, Inc. (the "Company") was incorporated in Virginia on December 7, 1926 as a successor to a partnership founded in Richmond, Virginia in 1882. The Company is a wholesale distributor of medical/surgical supplies and carries over 104,000 products and operates 36 distribution centers serving hospitals, nursing homes, alternate medical care facilities and other institutions nationwide. The Company also distributes pharmaceuticals and other products to independent pharmacies and chain drug stores in south Florida. The Company's common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol OMI. On December 22, 1993, the Company entered into an agreement with Stuart Medical, Inc. (Stuart) whereby the companies will combine their two businesses. Stuart, a distributor of medical/surgical supplies, has distribution centers located primarily in the West, Midwest and Northeast and had sales for the year ended December 31, 1993 of $890.5 million (unaudited). In the proposed transaction, the Company will form a holding company that will own all of the currently outstanding capital stock of the Company and Stuart. Under the terms of the agreement, the new holding company would exchange $40,200,000 in cash and $115,000,000 par value of convertible preferred stock for all of the capital stock of Stuart. The Company will also refinance Stuart's pro forma debt of $141,000,000 (unaudited). Each outstanding share of the Company's common stock would be exchanged for one share of common stock of the new holding company. The Company intends to account for this transaction as a purchase, if consummated. The Board of Directors of the Company and the requisite shareholders of Stuart have unanimously approved this transaction. The Company's shareholders will vote on the proposed transaction at the annual shareholders' meeting with expected closing of the transaction to occur in the second quarter. In 1993, the Company did not engage in any material amount of governmental business that may be subject to renegotiation of profits or termination of contract at the election of the government. The Company held no material patents, trademarks, licenses, franchises or concessions in 1993 nor is it subject to any material seasonality. At December 31, 1993, the Company had 1,674 full and part-time employees and considers its relations with them to be excellent. The Company is required to carry a significant investment in inventory to meet the rapid delivery requirements of its customers. The Company sells only finished goods purchased from approximately 1,650 different competing manufacturers that provide an adequate availability of inventory. In 1993, products purchased from Johnson & Johnson, Inc. accounted for more than 19% of the Company's net sales. The Company believes that it is not vulnerable to supply interruptions that would have a material adverse effect on its operations or profitability. Due to the immediate delivery requirements of its customers, the Company has no material backlog of orders. During 1993, hospital customers (including members of hospital buying groups) represented 90% of the Company's sales. The remaining sales were to nursing homes, physicians and other purchasers. The high percentage of sales to hospitals reflects the principal strategy to concentrate on hospital customers in the belief that hospitals will remain the primary focus of the healthcare industry. Important elements of this strategy have been to maintain the Company's status as a low cost distributor of high volume disposable, commodity products and to operate in a decentralized manner to provide customers with a high level of service on a local basis. In 1993, the majority of the Company's net sales were related to eight product groups - urological products, dressings, needles and syringes, surgical packs and gowns, sterile procedure trays, sutures, intravenous products and endoscopic products. These products are disposable and are generally used in high volume by customers. The sales of these products are supplemented by sales of a wide variety of other products including incontinence products, feeding tubes, surgical staples, blood collection devices and surgical gloves. The Company's growth has been achieved by expansion into new geographical areas through acquisitions, the opening of new distribution centers and the consolidation of existing distribution centers. In May 1989, the Company acquired National Healthcare and Hospital Supply Corporation (National Healthcare). With the addition of National Healthcare's six continuing distribution centers, the Company was able to expand its distribution area to the western portion of the United States. On December 2, 1991, the Company acquired Koley's Medical Supply, Inc. (Koley's). The acquisition of Koley's provided the Company with three distribution centers located in Iowa and Nebraska. In May 1992 and September 1992, the Company opened distribution centers in Columbus, Ohio and Memphis, Tennessee, respectively. In May 1993, the Company acquired Lyons Physician Supply Company located in Youngstown, Ohio. In June 1993, the Company acquired A. Kuhlman & Co. located in Detroit, Michigan. In June 1993, the Company opened distribution centers in Birmingham, Alabama and Detroit, Michigan, and in August 1993 and December 1993, the Company opened distribution centers in Boston, Massachusetts and Seattle, Washington, respectively. The Company intends to continue to acquire or establish facilities in new locations depending on the attractiveness of new markets, the availability of suitable acquisition candidates and the potential for additional sales or cost savings from new locations. Since 1985, the Company has been a distributor for Voluntary Hospitals of America, Inc. ("VHA"). The Company entered into a new supply agreement with VHA in November 1993. VHA is the nation's largest non-profit hospital system, representing over 960 hospitals, approximately 370 of which are in markets serviced by the Company. Under the provisions of the new VHA agreement, commencing on April 1, 1994, the Company will sell products to VHA-member hospitals and affiliates on a variable cost-plus basis that is generally dependent upon dollar volume of purchases and percentage of total products purchased from the Company. Accordingly, as the Company's sales to and penetration of VHA-member customers increase, the cost plus pricing charged to such customers decreases. Prior to April 1, 1994, products were sold on a straight cost- plus basis. During 1993, no single customer accounted for 10% or more of the Company's sales, except for sales under the VHA agreement to member hospitals, which amounted to approximately $460 million or 33% of the Company's total net sales. In February 1994, the Company was selected by Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp. ("Columbia/HCA") as its prime distributer for medical/surgical products. Columbia/HCA operates 192 acute care and specialty hospitals throughout the United States. The Company also acts as an agent for Abbott Laboratories, warehousing and distributing intravenous solutions and related products on a fee basis at six distribution centers. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MARKETING SYSTEMS The Company believes that its increased use of computers will continue to improve its inventory management and its ability to provide prompt delivery to customers. The use of computers has enabled the Company to handle an increasing level of sales without corresponding increases in personnel. Since 1988, the Company has utilized its Owens & Minor Network Information System (OMNI), a fully integrated on-line system that operates from a centralized data base. OMNI has improved operating controls and provided more consistent information from the distribution centers. Additionally, the OMNI system has improved the Company's ability to communicate with and service its customers. The second phase of the OMNI implementation provides for the installation of a new computer-oriented warehouse management system, which includes a state-of-the-art radio frequency control system utilizing barcodes that interface with the mainframe computer system. This system completely computerizes on-line the receiving, putaway, storage, verification, order picking and shipping of merchandise. One of the benefits of the system is that it provides for periodic recounts of merchandise, which will improve the accuracy of on-hand product inventory data. Through 1993, this new warehouse management system has been implemented in 18 of the Company's 36 distribution centers. During 1992, the Company began an investment in resources to upgrade the OMNI system in order to service its customers more effectively. Selected employees within the information systems department are utilizing the latest application development techniques including Computer Aided System Engineering (CASE). The Company offers its customers certain systems-related services which management believes contribute to its competitive position. The Company has a variety of electronic order entry systems which allow its sales representatives and customers to enter orders directly into the Company's computer. These systems can interface with existing customer materials management systems and with hand-held microcomputers carried by sales representatives to transmit orders. During 1993, approximately 63% of the Company's sales were entered through these systems. Electronic order entry systems have enabled the Company to reduce its order processing costs and improve customer service. Customers with compatible computer terminals or computerized materials management systems can enter orders directly into the mainframe computer in Richmond using their own product numbering system. The Company has also adapted its central computer system in Richmond to receive computer-to-computer order transmissions from several more comprehensive material management software systems used by certain customers. The customer has the choice of using its own product numbering system or the Company's standard numbering system. MARKETING DEVELOPMENTS Under the name of PANDAC(R) services, the Company markets wound closure inventory management and cost control programs for use in acute care hospitals. This system aids in budget forecasting and control, both in terms of balance sheet and profit and loss applications. In 1993, the Company introduced SPECTROM(TM), an instrument-scope repair service for the cost conscious healthcare provider. The SPECTROM(TM) service was designed to be a single source for both major and minor repairs, offering the customer quality repair, quick turnaround time and economy. SPECTROM(TM) can reduce the hospital's instrument-scope repair cost which offers the customer valuable quality performance at the lowest possible cost. In 1993, the Company introduced CARDIOM(TM), an inventory and cost management service for the angio Cath Lab. CARDIOM(TM) can significantly reduce the hospital's Cath Lab asset investment. As part of the service provided by CARDIOM(TM), the hospital receives quarterly reports containing data which assists the hospital in maintaining efficient inventories and controlling procedure product costs. In 1993, the Company introduced Pallet Architecture Location Services (PALS(TM)), a service designed to reduce the customers operating costs by palletizing customer orders to facilitate the receiving process and reduce put-away time. LOGISTIC SERVICES Due to changing needs in the marketplace, the Company's Logistic Support Services developed a Quality Management Process (QMP) to provide customized services and solutions. The objective of QMP is to provide hospital customers with the solutions needed to manage their business through an era of increasing costs and shrinking reimbursements, with the underlying goal of providing the lowest delivered cost to the patient. The QMP Continuum offers steps to help the customer move from a traditional to a non-traditional distribution environment, defined by the specific needs of each hospital. The QMP Continuum is comprised of four basic components: (1) Process Documentation identifies quality improvement opportunities to remove redundancies, reduce inefficiency, and introduce a continuous improvement process; (2) Asset Management Solution provides EDI transactions, continuous inventory replenishment, J-I-T/Stockless partnerships, PANDAC(R) Wound Closure Management Program and other asset management programs; (3) Cost Control Analysis provides data needed to identify asset utilization, streamline and reduce costs, including PALS(TM); and (4) Project Management and Consulting Services provide operating system design, distribution system design, facility design, space utilization, Cath Lab design, mergers and consolidations, etc. The Quality Management Process methodology is integrated into the operations of the local Owens & Minor Distribution Center which serves the hospital. COMPETITION The medical/surgical supply business in the United States consists of one nationwide distributor, Baxter International, and a number of regional and local distributors. The Company believes that, based upon sales, it is the second largest distributor of medical/surgical products to hospitals in the United States. Competition within the medical/surgical supply business exists with respect to product availability, delivery time, services provided, the ability to meet special requirements of customers and price. In recent years, there has been a consolidation of medical/surgical supply distributors through the purchase of smaller distributors by larger companies. Item 2.
[ 128000, 1256, 220, 16, 13, 8184, 198, 46, 86, 729, 612, 30893, 11, 4953, 13, 320, 1820, 330, 14831, 909, 574, 32762, 304, 13286, 389, 6790, 220, 22, 11, 220, 5926, 21, 439, 264, 34665, 311, 264, 15664, 18538, 304, 35348, 11, 13286, 304, 220, 9367, 17, 13, 578, 8351, 374, 264, 35557, 44168, 315, 6593, 2754, 57673, 17135, 323, 24266, 927, 220, 6849, 11, 931, 3956, 323, 27149, 220, 1927, 8141, 198, 86541, 13788, 24461, 11, 28456, 10632, 11, 25631, 6593, 2512, 13077, 323, 1023, 14673, 29054, 13, 578, 8351, 1101, 96835, 35410, 82, 323, 1023, 3956, 311, 9678, 77605, 323, 8957, 5623, 10756, 304, 10007, 9784, 13, 578, 8351, 596, 4279, 5708, 374, 31207, 389, 279, 1561, 4356, 12937, 19224, 1234, 279, 7891, 507, 9972, 627, 1966, 6790, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 10862, 1139, 459, 9306, 449, 44632, 13235, 11, 4953, 13, 320, 626, 28269, 8, 49001, 279, 5220, 690, 16343, 872, 1403, 9873, 13, 44632, 11, 264, 44168, 315, 6593, 2754, 57673, 17135, 11, 706, 8141, 19169, 7559, 15871, 304, 279, 4410, 11, 52257, 323, 45680, 323, 1047, 6763, 369, 279, 1060, 9670, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 315, 400, 21381, 13, 20, 3610, 320, 359, 8039, 1639, 570, 763, 279, 11223, 7901, 11, 279, 8351, 690, 1376, 264, 10168, 2883, 430, 690, 1866, 682, 315, 279, 5131, 19310, 6864, 5708, 315, 279, 8351, 323, 44632, 13, 9636, 279, 3878, 315, 279, 9306, 11, 279, 502, 10168, 2883, 1053, 9473, 400, 1272, 11, 1049, 11, 931, 304, 8515, 323, 400, 7322, 11, 931, 11, 931, 1370, 907, 315, 68713, 15236, 5708, 369, 682, 315, 279, 6864, 5708, 315, 44632, 13, 578, 8351, 690, 1101, 2098, 25387, 44632, 596, 463, 22544, 11897, 315, 400, 9335, 11, 931, 11, 931, 320, 359, 8039, 1639, 570, 9062, 19310, 4430, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 4279, 5708, 1053, 387, 48501, 369, 832, 4430, 315, 4279, 5708, 315, 279, 502, 10168, 2883, 13, 578, 8351, 44330, 311, 2759, 369, 420, 7901, 439, 264, 7782, 11, 422, 4766, 76, 660, 13, 578, 8925, 315, 46085, 315, 279, 8351, 323, 279, 82780, 41777, 315, 44632, 617, 65178, 12054, 420, 7901, 13, 578, 8351, 596, 41777, 690, 7055, 389, 279, 11223, 7901, 520, 279, 9974, 41777, 6, 6574, 449, 3685, 15676, 315, 279, 7901, 311, 12446, 304, 279, 2132, 8502, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 1550, 539, 16988, 304, 904, 3769, 3392, 315, 52811, 2626, 430, 1253, 387, 3917, 311, 99777, 7246, 315, 22613, 477, 35508, 315, 5226, 520, 279, 6355, 315, 279, 3109, 13, 578, 8351, 5762, 912, 3769, 46997, 11, 42134, 11, 21746, 11, 65003, 477, 62608, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 6463, 374, 433, 3917, 311, 904, 3769, 3280, 2786, 13, 2468, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 1047, 220, 16, 11, 25513, 2539, 323, 961, 7394, 8420, 323, 32238, 1202, 4398, 449, 1124, 311, 387, 9250, 627, 791, 8351, 374, 2631, 311, 6920, 264, 5199, 9341, 304, 15808, 311, 3449, 279, 11295, 9889, 8670, 315, 1202, 6444, 13, 578, 8351, 31878, 198, 3323, 8220, 11822, 15075, 505, 13489, 220, 16, 11, 13655, 2204, 27260, 17032, 430, 3493, 459, 26613, 18539, 315, 15808, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 3956, 15075, 505, 11605, 612, 11605, 11, 4953, 13, 41853, 369, 810, 1109, 220, 777, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 4272, 6763, 13, 578, 8351, 13919, 430, 433, 374, 539, 20134, 311, 8312, 89508, 430, 1053, 617, 264, 3769, 31959, 2515, 389, 1202, 7677, 477, 63336, 13, 24586, 311, 279, 14247, 9889, 8670, 315, 1202, 6444, 11, 279, 8351, 706, 912, 3769, 71822, 315, 10373, 627, 16397, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 8952, 6444, 320, 16564, 3697, 315, 8952, 12096, 198, 17171, 8, 15609, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 6763, 13, 578, 9861, 6763, 1051, 311, 28456, 10632, 11, 35944, 323, 1023, 94755, 13, 578, 1579, 11668, 315, 6763, 311, 24461, 27053, 279, 12717, 8446, 311, 37455, 389, 8952, 6444, 304, 279, 16801, 430, 24461, 690, 7293, 279, 6156, 5357, 315, 279, 18985, 5064, 13, 44921, 5540, 315, 420, 8446, 617, 1027, 311, 10519, 279, 8351, 596, 2704, 439, 264, 3428, 2853, 44168, 315, 1579, 8286, 44890, 11, 38983, 3956, 323, 311, 14816, 304, 264, 49063, 11827, 311, 3493, 6444, 449, 264, 1579, 2237, 315, 2532, 389, 264, 2254, 8197, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8857, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 4272, 6763, 1051, 5552, 311, 8223, 2027, 5315, 482, 577, 299, 31356, 3956, 11, 8679, 826, 11, 57267, 323, 6705, 12928, 288, 11, 34933, 31406, 323, 342, 43456, 11, 82743, 10537, 92825, 11, 35312, 1439, 11, 10805, 81443, 3956, 323, 842, 84667, 3956, 13, 4314, 3956, 527, 44890, 323, 527, 8965, 1511, 304, 1579, 8286, 555, 6444, 13, 578, 6763, 315, 1521, 3956, 527, 89804, 555, 6763, 315, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 1023, 3956, 2737, 304, 22025, 768, 3956, 11, 26040, 34083, 11, 34933, 87929, 11, 6680, 4526, 7766, 323, 34933, 36516, 627, 791, 8351, 596, 6650, 706, 1027, 17427, 555, 14800, 1139, 502, 54001, 5789, 1555, 63948, 11, 279, 8736, 315, 502, 8141, 19169, 323, 279, 60732, 315, 6484, 8141, 19169, 13, 763, 3297, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 279, 8351, 19426, 5165, 39435, 323, 15429, 30909, 13332, 320, 31912, 39435, 570, 3161, 279, 5369, 315, 5165, 39435, 596, 4848, 14691, 8141, 19169, 11, 279, 8351, 574, 3025, 311, 9407, 1202, 8141, 3158, 311, 279, 19001, 13651, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 13, 1952, 6790, 220, 17, 11, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 279, 8351, 19426, 735, 50099, 596, 13235, 30909, 11, 4953, 13, 320, 42, 50099, 596, 570, 578, 24279, 315, 735, 50099, 596, 3984, 279, 8351, 449, 2380, 8141, 19169, 7559, 304, 21357, 323, 38379, 13, 763, 3297, 220, 2550, 17, 323, 6250, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 279, 8351, 9107, 8141, 19169, 304, 32917, 11, 14689, 323, 43162, 11, 24097, 11, 15947, 13, 763, 3297, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 19426, 92066, 88298, 30909, 8351, 7559, 304, 13566, 44058, 11, 14689, 13, 763, 5651, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 19426, 362, 13, 735, 96274, 1543, 612, 3623, 13, 7559, 304, 20344, 11, 14972, 13, 763, 5651, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 9107, 8141, 19169, 304, 36937, 11, 21272, 323, 20344, 11, 14972, 11, 323, 304, 6287, 220, 2550, 18, 323, 6790, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 9107, 8141, 19169, 304, 10406, 11, 22108, 323, 16759, 11, 6652, 11, 15947, 13, 578, 8351, 44330, 311, 3136, 311, 21953, 477, 5813, 13077, 304, 502, 10687, 11911, 389, 279, 100045, 315, 502, 11987, 11, 279, 18539, 315, 14791, 24279, 11426, 323, 279, 4754, 369, 5217, 6763, 477, 2853, 19523, 505, 502, 10687, 627, 12834, 220, 3753, 20, 11, 279, 8351, 706, 1027, 264, 44168, 369, 11119, 60056, 85397, 315, 5270, 11, 4953, 13, 3573, 53, 17455, 1865, 578, 8351, 10862, 1139, 264, 502, 8312, 9306, 449, 650, 17455, 304, 6841, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 650, 17455, 374, 279, 7140, 596, 7928, 2536, 28926, 8952, 1887, 11, 14393, 927, 220, 16415, 24461, 11, 13489, 220, 14648, 315, 902, 527, 304, 11987, 81223, 555, 279, 8351, 627, 16648, 279, 19705, 315, 279, 502, 650, 17455, 9306, 11, 1081, 11627, 389, 5936, 220, 16, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 279, 8351, 690, 4662, 3956, 311, 650, 17455, 44650, 24461, 323, 32133, 389, 264, 3977, 2853, 23786, 8197, 430, 374, 8965, 18222, 5304, 18160, 8286, 315, 24393, 323, 11668, 315, 2860, 3956, 15075, 505, 279, 8351, 13, 63909, 11, 439, 279, 8351, 596, 6763, 311, 323, 44596, 315, 650, 17455, 44650, 6444, 5376, 11, 279, 2853, 5636, 21913, 11684, 311, 1778, 6444, 43154, 13, 32499, 311, 5936, 220, 16, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 3956, 1051, 6216, 389, 264, 7833, 2853, 12, 5636, 8197, 13, 12220, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 912, 3254, 6130, 41853, 369, 220, 605, 4, 477, 810, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 6763, 11, 3734, 369, 6763, 1234, 279, 650, 17455, 9306, 311, 4562, 24461, 11, 902, 74319, 311, 13489, 400, 16551, 3610, 477, 220, 1644, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 4272, 6763, 627, 644, 7552, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 279, 8351, 574, 4183, 555, 19326, 24240, 5158, 39435, 22621, 13, 3573, 34, 74170, 24240, 5158, 909, 439, 1202, 10461, 2916, 29051, 369, 6593, 2754, 57673, 3956, 13, 19326, 24240, 5158, 27149, 220, 5926, 30883, 2512, 323, 36974, 24461, 6957, 279, 3723, 4273, 627, 791, 8351, 1101, 14385, 439, 459, 8479, 369, 43227, 78717, 11, 51806, 81715, 323, 50812, 10805, 81443, 10105, 323, 5552, 3956, 389, 264, 11307, 8197, 520, 4848, 8141, 19169, 627, 62141, 643, 39186, 3651, 18505, 86951, 35852, 50, 198, 791, 8351, 13919, 430, 1202, 7319, 1005, 315, 19002, 690, 3136, 311, 7417, 1202, 15808, 6373, 323, 1202, 5845, 311, 3493, 10137, 9889, 311, 6444, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 19002, 706, 9147, 279, 8351, 311, 3790, 459, 7859, 2237, 315, 6763, 2085, 12435, 12992, 304, 17274, 627, 12834, 220, 3753, 23, 11, 279, 8351, 706, 34716, 1202, 64457, 612, 30893, 8304, 8245, 744, 320, 1937, 15259, 705, 264, 7373, 18751, 389, 8614, 1887, 430, 27149, 505, 264, 58983, 828, 2385, 13, 48437, 15259, 706, 13241, 10565, 11835, 323, 3984, 810, 13263, 2038, 505, 279, 8141, 19169, 13, 23212, 11, 279, 48437, 15259, 1887, 706, 13241, 279, 8351, 596, 5845, 311, 19570, 449, 323, 2532, 1202, 6444, 627, 791, 2132, 10474, 315, 279, 48437, 15259, 8292, 5825, 369, 279, 14028, 315, 264, 502, 6500, 36185, 31212, 6373, 1887, 11, 902, 5764, 264, 1614, 8838, 10826, 38921, 9063, 11900, 2585, 1887, 35988, 3703, 26899, 430, 3834, 449, 279, 1925, 6906, 6500, 1887, 13, 1115, 1887, 6724, 6500, 4861, 389, 8614, 279, 12588, 11, 2231, 14075, 11, 5942, 11, 23751, 11, 2015, 21816, 323, 11862, 315, 36045, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 7720, 315, 279, 1887, 374, 430, 433, 5825, 369, 39445, 95889, 315, 36045, 11, 902, 690, 7417, 279, 13708, 315, 389, 25417, 2027, 15808, 828, 13, 17331, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 420, 502, 31212, 6373, 1887, 706, 1027, 11798, 304, 220, 972, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 220, 1927, 8141, 19169, 627, 16397, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 279, 8351, 6137, 459, 9341, 304, 5070, 311, 14234, 279, 48437, 15259, 1887, 304, 2015, 311, 2532, 1202, 6444, 810, 13750, 13, 30402, 8420, 2949, 279, 2038, 6067, 9476, 527, 35988, 279, 5652, 3851, 4500, 12823, 2737, 17863, 362, 4591, 744, 17005, 320, 41471, 4390, 791, 8351, 6209, 1202, 6444, 3738, 6067, 14228, 3600, 902, 6373, 13919, 17210, 311, 1202, 15022, 2361, 13, 578, 8351, 706, 198, 64, 8205, 315, 14683, 2015, 4441, 6067, 902, 2187, 1202, 6763, 24005, 323, 6444, 311, 3810, 10373, 6089, 1139, 279, 8351, 596, 6500, 13, 4314, 6067, 649, 3834, 449, 6484, 6130, 7384, 6373, 6067, 323, 449, 1450, 58606, 8162, 66047, 388, 11953, 555, 6763, 24005, 311, 30382, 10373, 13, 12220, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 13489, 220, 5495, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 6763, 1051, 10862, 1555, 1521, 6067, 627, 90743, 2015, 4441, 6067, 617, 9147, 279, 8351, 311, 8108, 1202, 2015, 8863, 7194, 323, 7417, 6130, 2532, 13, 40689, 449, 18641, 6500, 54079, 477, 6500, 1534, 7384, 6373, 6067, 649, 3810, 10373, 6089, 1139, 279, 1925, 6906, 6500, 304, 35348, 1701, 872, 1866, 2027, 79362, 1887, 13, 578, 8351, 706, 1101, 30464, 1202, 8792, 6500, 1887, 304, 35348, 311, 5371, 6500, 4791, 11733, 11533, 2015, 92096, 505, 3892, 810, 16195, 3769, 6373, 3241, 6067, 1511, 555, 3738, 6444, 13, 578, 6130, 706, 279, 5873, 315, 1701, 1202, 1866, 2027, 79362, 1887, 477, 279, 8351, 596, 5410, 79362, 1887, 627, 24995, 86951, 71361, 47, 29863, 198, 16648, 279, 836, 315, 393, 4064, 1741, 2855, 8, 3600, 11, 279, 8351, 11987, 27653, 22722, 15808, 6373, 323, 2853, 2585, 7620, 369, 1005, 304, 30883, 2512, 24461, 13, 1115, 1887, 52797, 304, 8199, 79482, 323, 2585, 11, 2225, 304, 3878, 315, 8335, 11071, 323, 11626, 323, 4814, 8522, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 11784, 328, 7433, 3442, 93265, 705, 459, 14473, 1355, 2474, 13023, 2532, 369, 279, 2853, 17371, 18985, 9287, 13, 578, 328, 7433, 3442, 93265, 8, 2532, 574, 6319, 311, 387, 264, 3254, 2592, 369, 2225, 3682, 323, 9099, 31286, 11, 10209, 279, 6130, 4367, 13023, 11, 4062, 67610, 892, 323, 8752, 13, 328, 7433, 3442, 93265, 8, 649, 8108, 279, 8952, 596, 14473, 1355, 2474, 13023, 2853, 902, 6209, 279, 6130, 15525, 4367, 5178, 520, 279, 15821, 3284, 2853, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 11784, 42800, 40, 1937, 93265, 705, 459, 15808, 323, 2853, 6373, 2532, 369, 279, 6590, 822, 12513, 11868, 13, 42800, 40, 1937, 93265, 8, 649, 12207, 8108, 279, 8952, 596, 12513, 11868, 9513, 9341, 13, 1666, 961, 315, 279, 2532, 3984, 555, 42800, 40, 1937, 93265, 705, 279, 8952, 21879, 51534, 6821, 8649, 828, 902, 29944, 279, 8952, 304, 20958, 11297, 17459, 2490, 323, 26991, 10537, 2027, 7194, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 11784, 393, 7616, 38943, 10067, 8471, 320, 47, 47837, 93265, 5850, 264, 2532, 6319, 311, 8108, 279, 6444, 10565, 7194, 555, 59903, 4954, 6130, 10373, 311, 28696, 279, 12588, 1920, 323, 8108, 2231, 90724, 892, 627, 7391, 83656, 26715, 198, 34160, 311, 10223, 3966, 304, 279, 30633, 11, 279, 8351, 596, 79168, 9365, 8471, 8040, 264, 18410, 9744, 8773, 320, 48, 5901, 8, 311, 3493, 32789, 3600, 323, 10105, 13, 578, 16945, 315, 1229, 5901, 374, 311, 3493, 8952, 6444, 449, 279, 10105, 4460, 311, 10299, 872, 2626, 1555, 459, 11639, 315, 7859, 7194, 323, 63185, 96260, 1392, 11, 449, 279, 16940, 5915, 315, 8405, 279, 15821, 12886, 2853, 311, 279, 8893, 627, 791, 1229, 5901, 20915, 21066, 6209, 7504, 311, 1520, 279, 6130, 3351, 505, 264, 8776, 311, 264, 2536, 10398, 329, 3079, 8141, 4676, 11, 4613, 555, 279, 3230, 3966, 315, 1855, 8952, 13, 578, 1229, 5901, 20915, 21066, 374, 40056, 315, 3116, 6913, 6956, 25, 320, 16, 8, 8773, 45565, 36611, 4367, 16048, 10708, 311, 198, 5514, 37673, 32737, 11, 8108, 90325, 10603, 11, 323, 19678, 264, 19815, 16048, 1920, 26, 320, 17, 8, 23429, 9744, 12761, 5825, 16421, 40, 14463, 11, 19815, 15808, 70543, 16409, 11, 622, 22197, 9469, 14, 19931, 1752, 40705, 11, 393, 4064, 1741, 2855, 8, 468, 801, 56667, 9744, 6826, 323, 1023, 9513, 6373, 7620, 26, 320, 18, 8, 11443, 7935, 18825, 5825, 828, 4460, 311, 10765, 9513, 50549, 11, 82703, 323, 8108, 7194, 11, 2737, 393, 47837, 93265, 1237, 323, 320, 19, 8, 5907, 9744, 323, 47511, 8471, 3493, 10565, 1887, 2955, 11, 8141, 1887, 2955, 11, 12764, 2955, 11, 3634, 50549, 11, 12513, 11868, 2955, 11, 18970, 388, 323, 28230, 811, 11, 5099, 627, 791, 18410, 9744, 8773, 38152, 374, 18751, 1139, 279, 7677, 315, 279, 2254, 64457, 612, 30893, 35009, 5955, 902, 17482, 279, 8952, 627, 24637, 1372, 7237, 198, 791, 6593, 2754, 57673, 8312, 2626, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 17610, 315, 832, 29054, 44168, 11, 92847, 7327, 11, 323, 264, 1396, 315, 15481, 323, 2254, 56694, 13, 578, 8351, 13919, 430, 11, 3196, 5304, 6763, 11, 433, 374, 279, 2132, 7928, 44168, 315, 6593, 2754, 57673, 3956, 311, 24461, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 13, 42321, 2949, 279, 6593, 2754, 57673, 8312, 2626, 6866, 449, 5201, 311, 2027, 18539, 11, 9889, 892, 11, 3600, 3984, 11, 279, 5845, 311, 3449, 3361, 8670, 315, 6444, 323, 3430, 13, 763, 3293, 1667, 11, 1070, 706, 1027, 264, 60732, 315, 6593, 2754, 57673, 8312, 56694, 1555, 279, 7782, 315, 9333, 56694, 555, 8294, 5220, 627, 1256, 220, 17, 13 ]
[ "OMI" ]
ITEM 1. BUSINESS GENERAL Michigan National Corporation (MNC), a registered bank and savings and loan association holding company, is incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan. MNC owns 100% of the common stock of four of its bank and savings and loan subsidiaries, and its five non-bank subsidiaries. MNC owns 49% of the common stock of the holding company of an additional bank subsidiary. Effective October 1, 1993, MNC sold substantially all the assets and certain liabilities of BancA Corporation, a Dallas, Texas computer software company. The assets were previously written down during the second quarter of 1993 with a $4.6 million charge to income and no additional loss resulted from the sale transaction. MNC had acquired all the assets and assumed certain liabilities of BancA Corporation on July 29, 1992, for a cash purchase price of $3.5 million. On April 1, 1993, Peoples National Bank, Pasadena, Texas; Peoples Bank, Houston, Texas; and Community National Bank, Friendswood, Texas were acquired and merged into Lockwood Banc Group, Inc. (Lockwood). The cash purchase price for the acquisition was $16.7 million, which was equal to the estimated net fair value of those institutions. The transaction was accounted for under the purchase method and goodwill of $4.1 million was recognized in the acquisition, which is being amortized over 15 years on a straight-line basis. MNC has approximately 5,900 full-time equivalent employees. At the end of 1993, MNC was the fourth largest bank holding company in Michigan based upon total assets. Michigan National Bank (MNB), MNC's principal banking subsidiary, has 190 branch offices, operates one of the largest automated teller machine networks in Michigan and provides all services associated with a full-service commercial banking institution. INDUSTRY SEGMENTS MNC operates in two industry segments - the mortgage banking industry and the financial institutions industry. Please refer to Note W. to consolidated financial statements for industry segment information. Independence One Mortgage Corporation (IOMC) operates the mortgage banking business and has 23 offices in ten states. IOMC's principal business activities are discussed in the Mortgage Banking Activities section of Note A. to consolidated financial statements. FORM 10-K ITEM 1. BUSINESS (CONTINUED) The financial institutions primary businesses are retail banking, commercial banking and investment banking. These businesses are operated by MNB. Independence One Bank of California (IOBOC), Lockwood and First State Bank & Trust also operate retail and commercial banking businesses. COMPETITION Michigan is a highly competitive financial services market. Michigan laws that allow reciprocal interstate banking with contiguous states and nationwide interstate banking have enlarged the banking market and heightened competitive forces. MNB competes primarily with other Michigan banks for loans, deposits and trust accounts. Further competition comes from a variety of financial intermediaries including savings and loan associations, consumer finance companies, mortgage companies and credit unions. IOBOC does business in the highly competitive southern California market and MNC's Texas banks have a small presence in southeast area of the state. Financial institutions compete for deposit accounts, loans and other business on the basis of interest rates, fees, convenience and quality of service. The mortgage banking industry in which IOMC does business is highly competitive in most of the markets it serves. MNC's non-bank subsidiaries (included in the financial institutions industry segment), which are involved in leasing, insurance and investment management, face direct competition from leasing companies, brokerage houses, large retailers and commercial finance and insurance companies. SUPERVISION AND REGULATION MNC is subject to supervision and regulation by the Federal Reserve Board under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended. Since it is a bank holding company, the services provided by the subsidiary banks and the operations of MNC are required to be closely related to the business of banking or related financial services. MNC currently operates two national banks and one state bank, all of which are members of the Federal Reserve System, thereby supervised, regulated and subject to examination by the appropriate federal regulatory agencies. MNC also operates a federally-chartered stock savings bank which is regulated by the Office of Thrift Supervision. In addition, all MNC bank subsidiaries and its savings bank subsidiary are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The electronic funds transfer services of these subsidiaries are governed by both state and federal laws. As previously reported in August 1993, MNB entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Central Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Under the terms of the MOU, MNB agreed to review its management structure; risk FORM 10-K ITEM 1. BUSINESS (CONTINUED) management policies; and its mortgage banking business for the purpose of determining its appropriate role in MNB's strategic plan. ITEM 2.
[ 128000, 12236, 220, 16, 13, 27693, 198, 95836, 14972, 5165, 13332, 320, 44, 10153, 705, 264, 9879, 6201, 323, 19523, 323, 11941, 15360, 10168, 2883, 11, 374, 32762, 1234, 279, 7016, 315, 279, 3314, 315, 14972, 627, 44, 10153, 25241, 220, 1041, 4, 315, 279, 4279, 5708, 315, 3116, 315, 1202, 6201, 323, 19523, 323, 11941, 72202, 11, 323, 1202, 4330, 2536, 1481, 1201, 72202, 13, 386, 10153, 25241, 220, 2491, 4, 315, 279, 4279, 5708, 315, 279, 10168, 2883, 315, 459, 5217, 6201, 41164, 627, 68639, 6664, 220, 16, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 386, 10153, 6216, 32302, 682, 279, 12032, 323, 3738, 58165, 315, 84177, 32, 13332, 11, 264, 19051, 11, 8421, 6500, 3241, 2883, 13, 578, 12032, 1051, 8767, 5439, 1523, 2391, 279, 2132, 8502, 315, 220, 2550, 18, 449, 264, 400, 19, 13, 21, 3610, 6900, 311, 8070, 323, 912, 5217, 4814, 19543, 505, 279, 6412, 7901, 13, 386, 10153, 1047, 19426, 682, 279, 12032, 323, 19655, 3738, 58165, 315, 84177, 32, 13332, 389, 5887, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 369, 264, 8515, 7782, 3430, 315, 400, 18, 13, 20, 3610, 627, 1966, 5936, 220, 16, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 81398, 5165, 8715, 11, 83550, 11, 8421, 26, 81398, 8715, 11, 16386, 11, 8421, 26, 323, 12332, 5165, 8715, 11, 23323, 6798, 11, 8421, 1051, 19426, 323, 27092, 1139, 16076, 6798, 84177, 5856, 11, 4953, 13, 320, 12258, 6798, 570, 578, 8515, 7782, 3430, 369, 279, 24279, 574, 400, 845, 13, 22, 3610, 11, 902, 574, 6273, 311, 279, 13240, 4272, 6762, 907, 315, 1884, 14673, 13, 578, 7901, 574, 41853, 369, 1234, 279, 7782, 1749, 323, 82746, 315, 400, 19, 13, 16, 3610, 574, 15324, 304, 279, 24279, 11, 902, 374, 1694, 93364, 1534, 927, 220, 868, 1667, 389, 264, 7833, 8614, 8197, 627, 44, 10153, 706, 13489, 220, 20, 11, 7467, 2539, 7394, 13890, 8420, 13, 2468, 279, 842, 315, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 386, 10153, 574, 279, 11999, 7928, 6201, 10168, 2883, 304, 14972, 3196, 5304, 2860, 12032, 13, 14972, 5165, 8715, 320, 44, 34442, 705, 386, 10153, 596, 12717, 23641, 41164, 11, 706, 220, 7028, 9046, 19672, 11, 27149, 832, 315, 279, 7928, 28598, 3371, 261, 5780, 14488, 304, 14972, 323, 5825, 682, 3600, 5938, 449, 264, 2539, 24358, 8518, 23641, 15244, 627, 5358, 52, 6805, 56, 66122, 29863, 386, 10153, 27149, 304, 1403, 5064, 21282, 482, 279, 21515, 23641, 5064, 323, 279, 6020, 14673, 5064, 13, 5321, 8464, 311, 7181, 468, 13, 311, 60391, 6020, 12518, 369, 5064, 10449, 2038, 627, 64499, 768, 3861, 48780, 13332, 320, 40, 1937, 34, 8, 27149, 279, 21515, 23641, 2626, 323, 706, 220, 1419, 19672, 304, 5899, 5415, 13, 358, 1937, 34, 596, 12717, 2626, 7640, 527, 14407, 304, 279, 48780, 50599, 44382, 3857, 315, 7181, 362, 13, 311, 60391, 6020, 12518, 627, 11052, 220, 605, 16222, 37032, 220, 16, 13, 27693, 320, 24194, 691, 70267, 340, 791, 6020, 14673, 6156, 9873, 527, 11040, 23641, 11, 8518, 23641, 323, 9341, 23641, 13, 4314, 9873, 527, 24026, 555, 386, 34442, 13, 44177, 3861, 8715, 315, 7188, 320, 3895, 4782, 34, 705, 16076, 6798, 323, 5629, 3314, 8715, 612, 17236, 1101, 14816, 11040, 323, 8518, 23641, 9873, 627, 24637, 1372, 7237, 14972, 374, 264, 7701, 15022, 6020, 3600, 3157, 13, 14972, 7016, 430, 2187, 87298, 74183, 23641, 449, 67603, 5415, 323, 29054, 74183, 23641, 617, 74117, 279, 23641, 3157, 323, 60487, 15022, 8603, 13, 386, 34442, 4634, 288, 15871, 449, 1023, 14972, 14286, 369, 17017, 11, 34751, 323, 7095, 9815, 13, 15903, 10937, 4131, 505, 264, 8205, 315, 6020, 55275, 5548, 2737, 19523, 323, 11941, 30257, 11, 11761, 17452, 5220, 11, 21515, 5220, 323, 6807, 29590, 13, 6565, 4782, 34, 1587, 2626, 304, 279, 7701, 15022, 18561, 7188, 3157, 323, 386, 10153, 596, 8421, 14286, 617, 264, 2678, 9546, 304, 42552, 3158, 315, 279, 1614, 13, 17961, 14673, 20874, 369, 16946, 9815, 11, 17017, 323, 1023, 2626, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 2802, 7969, 11, 12718, 11, 19679, 323, 4367, 315, 2532, 13, 578, 21515, 23641, 5064, 304, 902, 358, 1937, 34, 1587, 2626, 374, 7701, 15022, 304, 1455, 315, 279, 11987, 433, 17482, 13, 386, 10153, 596, 2536, 1481, 1201, 72202, 320, 83722, 304, 279, 6020, 14673, 5064, 10449, 705, 902, 527, 6532, 304, 71419, 11, 8276, 323, 9341, 6373, 11, 3663, 2167, 10937, 505, 71419, 5220, 11, 75955, 15316, 11, 3544, 30282, 323, 8518, 17452, 323, 8276, 5220, 627, 91986, 48771, 3651, 13990, 56942, 386, 10153, 374, 3917, 311, 38217, 323, 19812, 555, 279, 12411, 25820, 8925, 1234, 279, 8715, 55777, 8351, 3298, 315, 220, 6280, 21, 11, 439, 31011, 13, 8876, 433, 374, 264, 6201, 10168, 2883, 11, 279, 3600, 3984, 555, 279, 41164, 14286, 323, 279, 7677, 315, 386, 10153, 527, 2631, 311, 387, 15499, 5552, 311, 279, 2626, 315, 23641, 477, 5552, 6020, 3600, 627, 44, 10153, 5131, 27149, 1403, 5426, 14286, 323, 832, 1614, 6201, 11, 682, 315, 902, 527, 3697, 315, 279, 12411, 25820, 744, 11, 28592, 60089, 11, 35319, 323, 3917, 311, 24481, 555, 279, 8475, 6918, 23331, 13607, 13, 386, 10153, 1101, 27149, 264, 80637, 43638, 34259, 5708, 19523, 6201, 902, 374, 35319, 555, 279, 8410, 315, 30665, 2130, 62924, 1854, 627, 644, 5369, 11, 682, 386, 10153, 6201, 72202, 323, 1202, 19523, 6201, 41164, 527, 3697, 315, 279, 12411, 49571, 22413, 13332, 13, 578, 14683, 10736, 8481, 3600, 315, 1521, 72202, 527, 27800, 555, 2225, 1614, 323, 6918, 7016, 627, 2170, 8767, 5068, 304, 6287, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 386, 34442, 10862, 1139, 264, 73766, 58385, 315, 46551, 320, 10754, 52, 8, 449, 279, 10913, 8410, 315, 279, 1219, 418, 1496, 315, 279, 29553, 13, 9636, 279, 3878, 315, 279, 11672, 52, 11, 386, 34442, 7378, 311, 3477, 1202, 6373, 6070, 26, 5326, 198, 11052, 220, 605, 16222, 37032, 220, 16, 13, 27693, 320, 24194, 691, 70267, 340, 43573, 10396, 26, 323, 1202, 21515, 23641, 2626, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 26679, 1202, 8475, 3560, 304, 386, 34442, 596, 19092, 3197, 627, 12236, 220, 17, 13 ]
ITEM 1. BUSINESS Wynn's International, Inc., through its subsidiaries, is engaged primarily in the automotive parts and accessories business and the petrochemical specialties business. The Company designs, produces and sells O-rings and other seals and molded rubber and thermoplastic products and automotive air conditioning systems, components and related parts. The Company also formulates, produces and sells petrochemical specialty products and automotive service equipment and distributes, primarily in southern California, locks and hardware products manufactured by others. O-rings and other molded rubber products are marketed under the trademark "Wynn's-Precision." Air conditioning units for the automotive aftermarket are marketed by the Company under the trademark "Frostemp(R)," and wholesale parts are marketed and installation centers are operated under the trademark "Maxair(R)." Petrochemical specialty products are marketed under various trademarks, including "Wynn's(R)," "Friction Proofing(R)," "X-Tend(R)," "Spit Fire(R)," "Classic(R)," "Mark X(R)" and "Du-All(TM)." The Company's executive offices are located at 500 North State College Boulevard, Suite 700, Orange, California 92668. Its telephone number is (714) 938-3700. The terms "Wynn's International, Inc.," "Wynn's," "Company" and "Registrant" herein refer to Wynn's International, Inc. and its subsidiaries unless the context indicates otherwise. FINANCIAL INFORMATION BY BUSINESS SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC DATA The Company's operations are conducted in three industry segments: Automotive Parts and Accessories; Petrochemical Specialties; and Builders Hardware. Financial information relating to the Company's business segments for the five years ended December 31, 1993 is incorporated by reference from Note 15 of "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" on pages 29 through 31 of the Company's Annual Report to Stockholders for the year ended December 31, 1993 (the "1993 Annual Report"). AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES The Automotive Parts and Accessories Division consists of Wynn's-Precision, Inc. ("Precision") and Wynn's Climate Systems, Inc. ("Wynn's Climate Systems"). During 1993, sales of the Automotive Parts and Accessories Division were $181,478,000 or 64% of the Company's total net sales as compared with $185,947,000 and 64% in 1992. The operating profit of this division in 1993 was $16,643,000, or 70% of the Company's total operating profit as compared with $15,265,000 and 68% in 1992. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Business Segment and Geographical Information" on pages 14 through 17 and 29 through 31, respectively, of the 1993 Annual Report, which are hereby incorporated by reference. See also "Other Factors Affecting the Business." WYNN'S-PRECISION, INC. (O-RINGS, SEALS AND MOLDED RUBBER AND THERMOPLASTIC PRODUCTS) PRODUCTS Precision and its affiliated companies manufacture and sell a variety of static and dynamic sealing products. The principal users of the Precision products are automotive manufacturers, heavy vehicle manufacturers, industrial component manufacturers, hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder manufacturers, aerospace and defense contractors and the oil service industry. The principal products of Precision are O-rings, rack and pinion and front wheel drive seals, composite gaskets, hydraulic cylinder seals and various engineered molded rubber and plastic parts. These products are made from synthetic elastomers and thermoplastic materials. DISTRIBUTION Precision sells its products primarily through a direct sales force to original equipment manufacturer ("OEM") customers. Precision also markets its products throughout the United States through independent distributors and through Company-operated regional service centers located in Rancho Cucamonga, California; Elgin, Illinois; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Golden Valley, Minnesota; Charlotte, North Carolina; Buffalo, New York; Dayton, Ohio; Bensalem, Pennsylvania; Indianapolis, Indiana; Fort Worth, Texas; and Lenexa, Kansas. Precision's Canadian operation distributes products principally through a direct sales force to OEM customers, through independent distributors and through Precision-operated service centers in Canada and England. PRODUCTION Precision's manufacturing facilities are located in Lebanon and Livingston, Tennessee; Tempe, Arizona; Lynchburg, Virginia; Houston, Texas; and Orillia, Ontario, Canada. In 1993, Precision closed its 5,000 square-foot leased manufacturing facility located in Alexandria, Scotland due to certain start-up problems. Precision's corporate headquarters are located at the site of its main manufacturing facility in Lebanon, Tennessee. Precision also operates its own tool production facility in Lebanon, Tennessee. Over the past several years, Precision has made significant investments in modern computerized production equipment and facilities. Precision has a facility in Lebanon, Tennessee dedicated exclusively to injection molding. Using internally generated funds, Precision plans to spend approximately $10 million for capital expenditures in 1994 to increase its production capacity. The principal raw materials used by Precision are elastomeric and thermoplastic materials. These raw materials generally have been available from numerous sources in sufficient quantities to meet Precision's requirements. Adequate supplies of raw materials were available in 1993 and are expected to continue to be available in 1994. WYNN'S CLIMATE SYSTEMS, INC. (AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONING PRODUCTS) Wynn's Climate Systems sells its products to OEM customers and to independent distributors who resell units principally to car dealers. Wynn's Climate Systems also distributes wholesale parts manufactured by others and sells refrigerant recovery and recycling machines. In addition, Wynn's Climate Systems operates installation centers in the Denver, Colorado area and in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Phoenix, Arizona and Mesa, Arizona that perform installation services for car dealers and retail customers. PRODUCTS Wynn's Climate Systems designs, engineers and produces automotive air conditioning systems for the OEM market and the automotive aftermarket. Systems are manufactured for many current year models of domestic and imported automobiles, trucks and vans. Wynn's Climate Systems also manufactures and sells units for a wide range of automobiles, trucks and vans from prior model years. In addition, Wynn's Climate Systems manufactures and sells a variety of air conditioning components, including condensers, evaporator coils and adapter kits, and distributes air conditioning components and accessories manufactured by others. Wynn's Climate Systems also manufactures and sells refrigerant recovery and recycling equipment. DISTRIBUTION The products of Wynn's Climate Systems are distributed in several different ways. First, Wynn's Climate Systems manufactures air conditioners for sale to OEM customers and their distributors and dealers. Sales to Mazda, the largest customer of Wynn's Climate Systems, were approximately $35.1 million in 1993 or approximately 28% less than in 1992. In 1993, Wynn's Climate Systems supplied air conditioning kits to Mazda principally for its 323 automobile and light trucks. As previously reported, in approximately April 1993, Mazda began purchasing light trucks from Ford in lieu of importing them from Japan. Wynn's Climate Systems also supplies certain components to Mazda's Flat Rock, Michigan facility. Mazda assembles its own air conditioning kits in the United States for the MX-6, 626 and Miata model automobiles and the MPV. Mazda has informed Wynn's Climate Systems that Mazda will assemble air conditioning kits for the 323 automobile commencing in model year 1995, but Wynn's Climate Systems will continue to supply air conditioning kits for the 323 automobile through model year 1994. In 1991, Wynn's Climate Systems began supplying front units for Land and Range Rover four-wheel drive vehicles. This supply arrangement with Rover terminated in February 1994. In early 1993, Wynn's Climate Systems began supplying a newly-designed rear air conditioning unit for certain Rover models. Wynn's Climate Systems also sells its products to Chrysler Corporation, which purchases products for its Dodge vans and Jeep vehicles and for export. Wynn's Climate Systems supplies units to the General Motors Truck and Bus Division. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Other Factors Affecting the Business." Second, Wynn's Climate Systems manufactures and sells products under the trademark "Frostemp(R)" in the United States and Canada to approximately 75 active independent distributors. Sales to independent distributors decreased approximately 8% in 1993 compared to 1992 due primarily to the impact on aftermarket sales of the continuing trend of increased factory installed air conditioning systems. See "Other Factors Affecting the Business." Wynn's Climate Systems also distributes component parts and accessories purchased from other manufacturers to independent distributors. Third, Wynn's Climate Systems manufactures and sells refrigerant recovery and recycling equipment to end users and to distributors. Wynn's Climate Systems offers a line of equipment that recovers and recycles R-12 and R-134a refrigerants used in automotive air conditioning systems. Finally, Wynn's Climate Systems manufactures and distributes parts and components to OEM customers and distributors. Wynn's Climate Systems also sells "Frostemp(R)" brand air conditioning systems and products manufactured by others through five company-operated service centers which perform installation services for dealers and sell directly to retail customers. PRODUCTION The manufacturing facilities of Wynn's Climate Systems are located in Fort Worth, Texas. Air conditioning kits are assembled and produced in a 210,000 square foot facility which also serves as the corporate headquarters of Wynn's Climate Systems. In 1993, Wynn's Climate Systems consolidated three satellite manufacturing facilities into the main facility. The production facilities of Wynn's Climate Systems include an environmental test and calibration chamber used for evaluating the performance of air conditioning units. The test chamber has computer controlled environmental test conditions and data collection and can handle both front-wheel and rear-wheel drive vehicles over a variety of simulated speeds, temperatures and levels of humidity. Wynn's Climate Systems manufactures condensers and evaporator coils, injection-molded and vacuum-formed plastic parts, adapter kits, steel brackets and hose and tube assemblies. Wynn's Climate Systems uses these components in the production of its air conditioning units and sells them to outside customers. Outside vendors supply certain finished components such as accumulators, receiver/dryers and compressors. An adequate supply of these materials is available at present and is expected to continue to be available for the foreseeable future. Wynn's Climate Systems generally experienced only modest price increases for raw materials in 1993. In 1993, Wynn's Climate Systems installed a technologically advanced nitrogen brazing oven, which will be used to produce high efficiency heat exchangers. Wynn's Climate Systems also acquired in 1993 equipment to enable it to produce high quality hose assemblies in house. This equipment was purchased in connection with the efforts of Wynn's Climate Systems to enhance its production and technological capabilities. PHASE-OUT OF R-12 REFRIGERANT Most automotive air conditioning systems manufactured by Wynn's Climate Systems and others prior to 1994 utilized R-12 as a refrigerant. R-12 is a chlorofluorocarbon ("CFC") which has been linked to the destruction of ozone molecules in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Under the Montreal Protocol, CFC production in the United States is being phased out and will cease after December 31, 1995. Wynn's Climate Systems has developed air conditioning systems which use R-134a refrigerant, a hydrofluorocarbon which is a permissible alternative to CFC refrigerants. Sales of R-134a systems are expected to increase as sales of traditional CFC systems are phased out. Wynn's Climate Systems also has begun the development of retrofit kits that will permit automotive air conditioning systems designed for R-12 use to be converted to use R-134a. R-134a is not compatible with an R-12-based system without certain necessary changes. Other optional changes will enhance the performance of R-134a in an R-12-based air conditioning system. The sales volume of these retrofit kits will depend upon the future availability and price of R-12 refrigerant. PETROCHEMICAL SPECIALTIES The Petrochemical Specialties Division consists of Wynn Oil Company and its subsidiaries ("Wynn Oil"). During 1993, net sales at Wynn Oil were $98,318,000 or 34% of the Company's total net sales as compared to $99,622,000 and 34% for 1992. The operating profit of the division during 1993 was $7,046,000, or 29% of the Company's total operating profit compared with $6,636,000 and 30% for 1992. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Business Segment and Geographical Information" on pages 14 through 17 and 29 through 31, respectively, of the 1993 Annual Report, which are hereby incorporated by reference. See also "Other Factors Affecting the Business." PRODUCTS The principal business of Wynn Oil is the production and marketing of a wide variety of petrochemical specialty car care products under the "Wynn's(R)" and "X-Tend(R)" trademarks. Wynn Oil's car care products are designed to provide preventive or corrective maintenance for automotive engines, transmissions, differentials, engine cooling systems and other automotive mechanical parts. Wynn Oil also manufactures industrial specialty chemical products, including forging compounds, lubricants, cutting fluids and multipurpose coolants for precision metal forming and machining operations. In addition, the Company sells the GM-approved and patented "Mark X(R)" power-flush machine which, when combined with proprietary cooling system products, flushes a vehicle's engine cooling system, removes contaminants from the used antifreeze and returns the rejuvenated antifreeze to the engine cooling system. Wynn Oil also sells the new GM-approved "Du-All(TM)" bulk antifreeze recycling machine which, when combined with proprietary cooling system products, drains the used antifreeze, removes contaminants from the antifreeze and rejuvenates the antifreeze for reuse. Wynn Oil also sells its Emission Control product, a patented organic fuel combustion catalyst for spark ignition and diesel engines which helps reduce exhaust emissions and improve fuel economy. Wynn Oil also produces and markets a line of automotive appearance products under the "Classic(R)" and "Wynn's Classic(R)" trademarks. Wynn Oil is a principal U.S. automotive distributor of AirSept(TM) odor-removing chemical spray, used principally in automotive air conditioning systems. Wynn Oil also markets the Wynn's Product Warranty(R) program, which, in general, are kits containing a specially formulated line of automotive additive products, accompanied by a special product warranty. The warranty kits are sold, through distributors and automobile dealers, primarily to purchasers of used automobiles. The Wynn's Product Warranty(R) program provides reimbursement of certain parts and labor expenses and, in some instances, the costs of towing and a rental car incurred by vehicle owners who used the special products to treat their vehicles in accordance with the terms and conditions of the warranty and who experience certain types of damage which the special products were designed to help prevent. See "Other Factors Affecting the Business." DISTRIBUTION Wynn Oil's car care products are sold in the United States and in approximately 80 foreign countries. See "Foreign Operations." Wynn Oil distributes its products through a wide range of distribution channels. Domestically, Wynn Oil distributes its products through independent distributors, warehouse distributors, mass merchandisers and chain stores. The Company also uses an internal sales force and manufacturers' representative organizations in the sale and distribution of its products. Foreign sales are made principally through wholly-owned subsidiaries, which sell either through an internal sales force or to independent distributors. The Company also engages in direct export sales to independent distributors, primarily in Asia and Latin America. See "Other Factors Affecting the Business." PRODUCTION Wynn Oil has manufacturing facilities in Azusa, California; St. Niklaas, Belgium; and Arganda del Rey, Spain. Other foreign subsidiaries either purchase products directly from the manufacturing facilities in the United States or Belgium or have the products manufactured locally by outside suppliers according to Wynn Oil's specifications and formulae. Several years ago, Wynn Oil transferred some of its production requirements to its foreign subsidiaries due to the strength of the United States dollar at that time and its impact on prices to Wynn Oil's foreign customers. With fluctuating foreign currency rates, Wynn Oil periodically reviews its production and sourcing locations. Wynn Oil utilizes a large number of chemicals in the production of its various petrochemical specialty products. Primary raw materials necessary for the production of these products, as well as the finished products, generally have been available from several sources. An adequate supply of materials was available in 1993 and is expected to continue to be available for the foreseeable future. BUILDERS HARDWARE The Builders Hardware Division consists of Robert Skeels & Company ("Skeels"), a wholesale distributor of builders hardware products, including locksets and locksmith supplies. During 1993, Skeels' net sales were $5,161,000 or 2% of the Company's total net sales as compared with $6,219,000 and 2% for 1992. The operating profit of this division during 1993 was $193,000, or 1% of the Company's total operating profit compared with $422,000 and 2% for 1992. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Business Segment and Geographical Information" on pages 14 through 17 and 29 through 31, respectively, of the 1993 Annual Report, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Skeels' main facility is located in Compton, California. In addition, Skeels also has leased satellite facilities located in Fullerton and Los Angeles, California. Skeels supplies approximately 35,000 items to retail hardware, locksmith and lumberyard outlets in southern California, Arizona, and Nevada. Skeels also sells directly to school districts, municipalities, industrial firms and building contractors. Skeels has been a distributor of Schlage lock products since 1931. Skeels also distributes other well-known brands such as Lawrence, Kwikset and Master. All of Skeels' distributorship arrangements generally are cancelable by the manufacturers without cause. Most of Skeels' sales are derived from replacement items used by industry, institutions and in-home remodeling and repair. OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING THE BUSINESS COMPETITION All phases of the Company's business have been and remain highly competitive. The Company's products and services compete with those of numerous companies, some of which have financial resources greater than those of the Company. Sales by the Automotive Parts and Accessories Division are in part related to the sales of vehicles by its OEM customers. Precision has a large number of competitors in the market for static and dynamic sealing products, some of which competitors are substantially larger than Precision. The markets in which Precision competes are also sensitive to changes in price. Requests for price reductions are not uncommon. Precision attempts to work with its customers to identify ways to lower costs and prices. Precision focuses on high technology, high quality sealing devices and has made significant investments in advanced equipment and other means to raise productivity. Precision's major focus is to be the low cost producer of superior quality products within its industry. Precision believes it must expand into additional areas of sealing technology in order to continue to be an effective competitor. In 1993, Precision invested approximately $4.4 million in new equipment and facilities to improve overall performance to its customers. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations." Historically, the largest part of Wynn's Climate Systems' sales have been to OEM customers. Following the opening of its Flat Rock, Michigan facility, Mazda has gradually taken over production of its requirements for air conditioning kits in the United States. Sales to Mazda decreased approximately 28% in 1993 compared to 1992 due to the phase-out of the air conditioning supply agreement for light trucks and a decline in sales by Mazda of its 323 cars. The Company anticipates that commencing in the third quarter of 1994, Wynn's Climate Systems will no longer furnish 323 kits to Mazda, as Mazda has elected to assemble these kits at its Flat Rock, Michigan facility. Sales of kits for Mazda 323 cars were approximately $29.9 million in 1993. In 1993, Wynn's Climate Systems' sales to the Rover Group in the U.K were approximately $14.5 million, of which approximately $12.8 million was for units for the Range Rover and Discovery vehicles, pursuant to a supply agreement in effect through the end of model year 1993. In 1994, this customer began purchasing air conditioning systems for these vehicles from a foreign competitor of Wynn's Climate Systems. Although the expiration of this supply agreement is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company's consolidated results of operation in 1994, it is expected to cause a decline in the operating profit of Wynn's Climate Systems in 1994. Over time there has been a gradual increase in the number of air conditioning systems installed on the factory line. An increase in the number of factory-installed units reduces the size of the market for aftermarket sales. See "Wynn's Climate Systems, Inc." Competition with respect to the Company's petrochemical specialty products consists principally of other automotive aftermarket chemical and industrial fluid companies. Some major oil companies also market their own additive products through retail service stations, independent dealers and garages. Certain national retailers market private label brands of petrochemical specialty products. The Company's "Mark X(R)" power flush system and "Du-All(TM)" antifreeze recycling equipment and chemicals compete against other antifreeze recycling processes, some of which also have been approved by General Motors. The principal methods of competition vary by geographic locale and by the relative market share held by the Company compared to other competitors. Skeels continues to face intense price competition from numerous cash-and-carry discount retailers. Skeels also has observed some manufacturers selling directly to retailers to increase volume. Skeels' revenues declined 17% in 1993 compared to 1992 in part due to this competition. KEY CUSTOMERS Sales to Mazda constituted 42% of the total net sales of Wynn's Climate Systems and 12.3% of the total net sales of the Company in 1993. As noted above, sales to Mazda related to kits for the 323 model are expected to continue until the third quarter of 1994, when Mazda will take over production of kits for the 1995 model 323 automobile. Due to the previous actions taken by the Company to restructure the business of Wynn's Climate Systems and the relatively low margins associated with the Mazda business, the loss of Mazda as a key customer of the Company is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated results of operations of the Company. See "Wynn's Climate Systems, Inc." and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations." Sales to General Motors constituted approximately 9.2% of the total net sales of the Company in 1993. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS The number of governmental rules and regulations affecting the Company's business and products continues to increase. Wynn Oil markets the Wynn's Product Warranty(R) program in approximately thirty-five states and two foreign countries. Questions have been raised by certain state insurance regulators as to whether the product warranty that accompanies the kit is in the nature of insurance. Wynn Oil attempts to resolve these questions to the satisfaction of each state insurance regulator. At times, it has elected to withdraw the Wynn's Product Warranty(R) from certain states. No assurance can be given that governmental regulations will not significantly affect the marketing of the Wynn's Product Warranty(R) in the United States or other countries in the future. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS The Company has used various substances in its past and present manufacturing operations which have been or may be deemed to be hazardous, and the extent of its potential liability, if any, under environmental statutes, rules, regulations and case law is unclear. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended ("CERCLA"), a responsible party may be jointly liable for the entire cost of remediating contaminated property even if it contributed only a small portion of the total contamination. The nature of environmental investigation and cleanup activities creates difficulties in determining the impact of such activities on the Company's financial position. The effect of resolution of environmental matters on results of operation cannot be predicted due to the uncertainty concerning both the amount and timing of future expenditures and future results of operations. See Note 12 of "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page 28 of the 1993 Annual Report, which is hereby incorporated by reference. All potentially significant environmental matters presently known to the Company are described below. In January 1984, Wynn Oil received a letter from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA") regarding an investigation of groundwater contamination in the San Gabriel Valley, California. The letter from the EPA requested Wynn Oil to furnish certain information relating to its manufacturing facility in Azusa, California (the "Azusa Facility"). Wynn Oil complied with the request. In March 1988, Wynn Oil received a letter from the EPA requesting additional information with respect to its Azusa Facility. Wynn Oil submitted its response at the end of May 1988. In July 1990, Wynn Oil received a general notice letter from the EPA stating that it may be a potentially responsible party ("PRP") with respect to the Azusa/Irwindale Study Area in the San Gabriel Valley, California Superfund Sites (the "AISA"). The EPA letter included an information request pursuant to Section 104(e) of CERCLA. The EPA letter stated that the EPA contemplated using the Special Notice procedures of Section 122(e) of CERCLA to formally negotiate the terms of a consent agreement with PRPs to conduct a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for the AISA. Wynn Oil Company responded to the EPA information request within the specified time period. In September 1990, Wynn Oil received a letter from the EPA stating that it did not expect to send a Special Notice letter to Wynn Oil for the AISA, but that it still considered Wynn Oil, as well as a large number of other companies, to be PRPs for basinwide groundwater activities in the San Gabriel Valley. In May 1993, the EPA made available for public comment its Operable Unit Feasibility Study for the Baldwin Park Operable Unit ("BPOU") of the San Gabriel Valley Superfund Sites. The Azusa Facility is located within the BPOU. In its Operable Unit Feasibility Study for the BPOU, the EPA has proposed construction of extraction and treatment facilities with an estimated initial capital cost of $47 million and estimated annual operating and maintenance costs of $4 to $5 million. Wynn Oil has been cooperating with other companies located in the BPOU, as well as state and local government and water supply officials, who are working to develop a substantially less costly alternative which would accomplish the desired remedial goals. In March 1988, a representative of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (the "LADHS") inspected the Azusa Facility and observed oil-stained surface soils. Based on these observations, LADHS directed Wynn Oil to conduct a site assessment and implement remedial measures if contaminated soils were identified. In February 1989, Wynn Oil received a Subsurface Investigation Report from the consulting firm retained by Wynn Oil to perform the site assessment and submitted the report to the LADHS. In April 1989, regulatory jurisdiction over this matter was transferred from the LADHS to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board-Los Angeles Region (the "RWQCB"). Since October 1989, Wynn Oil and its consultants have been working with representatives of the RWQCB to conduct a comprehensive site assessment of the Azusa Facility. In January 1992, at the request of the EPA and the RWQCB, Wynn Oil agreed to expand the scope of its investigation of the Azusa Facility to include three soil gas monitoring wells and one groundwater monitoring well. The monitoring wells were installed in 1992, and the results of ongoing sampling have been reported to the RWQCB. In the summer of 1993, RWQCB requested Wynn Oil to install an upgradient groundwater monitoring well at the Azusa Facility. The RWQCB subsequently requested two other companies located upgradient of Wynn Oil to install downgradient soil gas and groundwater monitoring wells. Wynn Oil and one of these companies have entered into an agreement to share the cost of one groundwater and one soil gas monitoring well which will operate as an upgradient monitoring well for Wynn Oil and a downgradient monitoring well for the other company. In May 1989, Wynn's Climate Systems received notice that it had been identified as a generator of hazardous waste that had been shipped to the Chemical Recycling, Inc. ("CRI") site in Wylie, Texas (the "CRI Site") for treatment. CRI was engaged in the business of recycling and reclaiming spent solvents and other hazardous wastes at the CRI Site until it ceased operations in February 1989. Wynn's Climate Systems is one of approximately 100 hazardous waste generators who have been identified as potentially responsible parties for the CRI Site. A PRP Steering Committee (the "Committee") was formed to negotiate with the EPA on behalf of its members an agreement to take remedial measures voluntarily at the CRI Site. As of March 15, 1994, approximately 88 PRPs, including Wynn's Climate Systems, have agreed to participate in the Committee for the CRI Site. PRPs who have agreed to participate in the Committee have signed Consent Agreements with the EPA with respect to the CRI Site. Remediation efforts have begun at the CRI Site under the guidance of the Committee. As of March 15, 1994, Wynn's Climate Systems' proportionate share of the total volume of waste contributed to the CRI Site by Committee members was less than one percent (1%). In January 1991, Wynn's Climate Systems received a letter from the Texas Water Commission (the "TWC") that soil adjacent to one of its leased manufacturing facilities was contaminated with hazardous substances. The TWC directed Wynn's Climate Systems to determine the extent of such contamination and then take appropriate remedial measures. Wynn's Climate Systems retained environmental consultants to conduct soil sampling and otherwise comply with the directive of the TWC. Performance of this work was completed in late 1991. Wynn's Climate Systems submitted a copy of the report of its consultants to the TWC in January 1992. In 1994, Wynn's Climate Systems received a letter from the TWC requesting additional information. Wynn's Climate Systems is cooperating with the requests of the TWC. In January 1990, Precision received a letter from the EPA regarding the Saad Site in Nashville, Tennessee. The owner of the Saad Site engaged in reclamation and recycling activities at the Site, which resulted in soil and groundwater contamination. The letter stated that Precision may be a PRP for the Saad Site. The EPA subsequently requested Precision to furnish information about its involvement with the Saad Site. Precision has provided the information requested. Precision's records indicated that a predecessor entity sent wastes to the Saad Site in the mid-1970s. Based on that information, Precision joined the Saad Site Steering Committee as a Limited Member. In February 1992, the Company received a letter stating that the Allocation Committee had concluded that Precision should become a Full Member of the Steering Committee and thus share proportionately in the liability for the cleanup. Precision responded by letter that there was no legal basis to hold it responsible for the activities of the predecessor entity. As of March 15, 1994, the Allocation Committee has not responded to Precision's letter. In 1992, Precision identified an area at its Lebanon, Tennessee facility which contained oil stained soils. Precision retained outside environmental consultants to investigate the nature and extent of the contamination. The remedial investigation is underway and Precision intends to take any necessary remedial actions. In March 1992, an inactive subsidiary of the Company received a letter from the then lessee ("Lessee") of a parcel of real property in Compton, California formerly leased by this subsidiary. The letter stated that the Lessee had discovered soil contamination at the site and asserted that the Company's subsidiary may be liable for the cost of cleanup. The letter stated that the Lessee was investigating the nature and extent of the soil contamination. In July 1993, the Company received a letter from the owner of the real property stating that the owner had asserted a claim against the Lessee to pay the cost of remediation and that the owner may assert a claim against the Company. The Company has determined that the Lessee has filed for voluntary reorganization under the federal bankruptcy laws. The Company does not know the extent of the contamination or the estimated cost of cleanup at this site. FOREIGN CURRENCY FLUCTUATIONS In 1993, the United States dollar generally appreciated in value compared to 1992 in the currencies of most countries in which the Company does business. This appreciation caused sales and operating profit to be lower than what would have been reported if exchange rates had remained constant during 1993. In 1993, the Equity Adjustment from Foreign Currency Translation account on the Consolidated Balance Sheet declined by $2.1 million, which caused a corresponding reduction in Total Stockholders' Equity. See "Foreign Operations." PATENTS, TRADEMARKS AND LICENSE AGREEMENTS The Company holds a number of patents and trademarks which are used in the operation of its businesses. There is no known challenge to the Company's rights under any material patents or material trademarks. In 1989, Wynn Oil filed a lawsuit in the federal district court in Detroit, Michigan against another company and its principal stockholder for infringement of Wynn Oil's X- Tend(R) trademark. In February 1994, the court awarded Wynn Oil $2.0 million in damages. The court also indicated it would award prejudgment interest and attorneys' fees to Wynn Oil. Following the entry of a final judgment, the defendants are expected to appeal the trial court's decision. See "Legal Proceedings." SEASONALITY OF THE BUSINESS Although sales at the Company's divisions are somewhat seasonal, the consolidated results of operations generally do not reflect seasonality. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Wynn Oil maintains research and product performance centers in Azusa, California; St. Niklaas, Belgium; Paris, France; and Edenvale, South Africa. The main activities of the research staff are the development of new specialty chemicals and other products, improvement of existing products, including finding new applications for their use, evaluation of competitive products and performance of quality control procedures. Precision maintains research and engineering facilities in Lebanon, Tennessee; Lynchburg, Virginia; and Orillia, Ontario, Canada. Research and development is an important aspect of Precision's business as Precision has developed and continues to develop numerous specialized compounds to meet the specific needs of its various customers. Precision also has technical centers at its Lebanon, Tennessee, Lynchburg, Virginia, and Orillia, Ontario, Canada facilities to construct prototype products and to perform comprehensive testing of materials and products. Precision maintains extensive research, development and engineering facilities to provide outstanding service to its customers. FOREIGN OPERATIONS The following table shows sales to foreign customers for 1993, 1992 and 1991: Consolidated operating results are reported in United States dollars. Because the Company's foreign subsidiaries conduct operations in the currencies of the countries in which they are based, all financial statements of the foreign subsidiaries must be translated into United States dollars. As the value of the United States dollar increases or decreases relative to these foreign currencies, the United States dollar value of items on the financial statements of the foreign subsidiaries is reduced or increased, respectively. Therefore, changes in dollar sales of the foreign subsidiaries from year to year are not necessarily indicative of changes in actual sales recorded in local currency. See Note 4 and Note 15 of "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" on pages 25 and 29 through 31, respectively, of the 1993 Annual Report, which are hereby incorporated by reference. The value of any foreign currency relative to the United States dollar is affected by a variety of factors. It is exceedingly difficult to predict what such value may be at any time in the future. Consequently, the ability of the Company to control the impact of foreign currency fluctuations is limited. A material portion of the Company's business is conducted outside the United States. Therefore, the Company's ability to continue such operations or maintain their profitability is to some extent subject to control and regulation by the United States government and foreign governments. EMPLOYEES At December 31, 1993, the Company had 1,978 employees. A majority of the production and maintenance employees at the Lebanon, Tennessee plant of Precision are represented by a local lodge of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The collective bargaining agreement for this facility will expire in April 1995. The production and maintenance employees at the Orillia, Ontario, Canada plant of Precision are represented by a local unit of the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America. The collective bargaining agreement for the unit will expire in February 1997. A majority of the production and maintenance employees at the Lynchburg, Virginia plant of Dynamic Seals, Inc., an affiliate of Precision, are represented by a local of the International Chemical Workers Union. The collective bargaining agreement for this facility expires in February 1996. The Company considers its relations with its employees to be good. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE REGISTRANT The executive officers of the Company, who are appointed annually, are as follows: The principal occupations of Mr. Carroll and Mr. Gibbons for the past five years have been their current respective positions with the Company. Prior to his employment with the Company in July 1989, Mr. Schlosser was Vice President-Finance of EECO Incorporated (electronic components) from August 1987 to June 1989 and Controller of Baker Hughes Incorporated and its predecessor, Baker International Corporation (oil field services and process technologies) from July 1984 to August 1987. There is no arrangement or understanding between any executive officer and any other person pursuant to which he was selected as an officer. There is no family relationship between any executive officers of the Company. ITEM 2.
[ 128000, 12236, 220, 16, 13, 27693, 198, 54, 59360, 596, 7327, 11, 4953, 2637, 1555, 1202, 72202, 11, 374, 17045, 15871, 304, 279, 40508, 5596, 323, 23090, 2626, 323, 279, 6896, 299, 32056, 94436, 2626, 13, 578, 8351, 14769, 11, 19159, 323, 31878, 507, 3880, 826, 323, 1023, 57877, 323, 85760, 23506, 323, 30945, 454, 52279, 3956, 323, 40508, 3805, 35121, 6067, 11, 6956, 323, 5552, 5596, 13, 578, 8351, 1101, 1376, 24031, 11, 19159, 323, 31878, 6896, 299, 32056, 36974, 3956, 323, 40508, 2532, 7241, 323, 96835, 11, 15871, 304, 18561, 7188, 11, 32776, 323, 12035, 3956, 28648, 555, 3885, 627, 46, 3880, 826, 323, 1023, 85760, 23506, 3956, 527, 61149, 1234, 279, 32464, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 9483, 21759, 1210, 6690, 35121, 8316, 369, 279, 40508, 90992, 527, 61149, 555, 279, 8351, 1234, 279, 32464, 330, 37, 42602, 3342, 2855, 36493, 323, 35557, 5596, 527, 61149, 323, 14028, 19169, 527, 24026, 1234, 279, 32464, 330, 6102, 1334, 2855, 41418, 62579, 32056, 36974, 3956, 527, 61149, 1234, 5370, 42134, 11, 2737, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 2855, 36493, 330, 23376, 2538, 38091, 287, 2855, 36493, 330, 55, 9469, 408, 2855, 36493, 330, 6540, 275, 6785, 2855, 36493, 330, 64431, 2855, 36493, 330, 9126, 1630, 2855, 10143, 323, 330, 43174, 12, 2460, 93265, 570, 702, 791, 8351, 596, 11145, 19672, 527, 7559, 520, 220, 2636, 4892, 3314, 9304, 48540, 11, 21652, 220, 7007, 11, 22725, 11, 7188, 220, 26026, 2614, 13, 11699, 21186, 1396, 374, 320, 23193, 8, 220, 25454, 12, 14648, 15, 13, 578, 3878, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 7327, 11, 4953, 13, 1359, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 1359, 330, 14831, 1, 323, 330, 87680, 519, 1, 36881, 8464, 311, 468, 59360, 596, 7327, 11, 4953, 13, 323, 1202, 72202, 7389, 279, 2317, 15151, 6062, 627, 17167, 27267, 6340, 45613, 7866, 27693, 66122, 5441, 3651, 86209, 41084, 1341, 14444, 198, 791, 8351, 596, 7677, 527, 13375, 304, 2380, 5064, 21282, 25, 55518, 27399, 323, 40819, 26, 62579, 32056, 9984, 29646, 26, 323, 76848, 37865, 13, 17961, 2038, 23343, 311, 279, 8351, 596, 2626, 21282, 369, 279, 4330, 1667, 9670, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 374, 32762, 555, 5905, 505, 7181, 220, 868, 315, 330, 22405, 311, 79980, 660, 17961, 70816, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 1682, 1555, 220, 2148, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 25992, 8423, 311, 12937, 17075, 369, 279, 1060, 9670, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 320, 1820, 330, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 39709, 58376, 1937, 1831, 6674, 6909, 50, 3651, 51652, 43837, 198, 791, 55518, 27399, 323, 40819, 14829, 17610, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 9483, 21759, 11, 4953, 13, 3573, 56601, 909, 323, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 11, 4953, 13, 3573, 54, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1865, 12220, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 6763, 315, 279, 55518, 27399, 323, 40819, 14829, 1051, 400, 10562, 11, 22086, 11, 931, 477, 220, 1227, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 4272, 6763, 439, 7863, 449, 400, 9741, 11, 26511, 11, 931, 323, 220, 1227, 4, 304, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 578, 10565, 11626, 315, 420, 13096, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 574, 400, 845, 11, 22956, 11, 931, 11, 477, 220, 2031, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 10565, 11626, 439, 7863, 449, 400, 868, 11, 14374, 11, 931, 323, 220, 2614, 4, 304, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 3580, 330, 23030, 596, 36613, 323, 18825, 315, 17961, 15534, 323, 18591, 315, 25927, 1, 323, 330, 23562, 38203, 323, 4323, 32277, 8245, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 975, 1555, 220, 1114, 323, 220, 1682, 1555, 220, 2148, 11, 15947, 11, 315, 279, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 11, 902, 527, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 13, 3580, 1101, 330, 11663, 68318, 362, 1740, 287, 279, 8184, 1210, 468, 56, 9944, 13575, 9483, 67713, 25189, 11, 18610, 13, 320, 46, 11151, 12124, 11, 5161, 47837, 3651, 386, 1971, 11749, 432, 4594, 9745, 3651, 350, 3087, 10754, 2989, 6483, 1341, 88390, 340, 52531, 50, 198, 56601, 323, 1202, 37506, 5220, 30847, 323, 4662, 264, 8205, 315, 1118, 323, 8915, 66934, 3956, 13, 578, 12717, 3932, 315, 279, 52459, 3956, 527, 40508, 17032, 11, 8987, 7458, 17032, 11, 13076, 3777, 17032, 11, 44175, 323, 44626, 33030, 35664, 17032, 11, 78164, 323, 9232, 33840, 323, 279, 5707, 2532, 5064, 13, 578, 12717, 3956, 315, 52459, 527, 507, 3880, 826, 11, 30759, 323, 9160, 290, 323, 4156, 13587, 6678, 57877, 11, 28814, 342, 49240, 11, 44175, 35664, 57877, 323, 5370, 46036, 85760, 23506, 323, 12466, 5596, 13, 4314, 3956, 527, 1903, 505, 28367, 92185, 69638, 323, 30945, 454, 52279, 7384, 627, 35, 70106, 1294, 198, 56601, 31878, 1202, 3956, 15871, 1555, 264, 2167, 6763, 5457, 311, 4113, 7241, 14290, 3573, 46, 2783, 909, 6444, 13, 52459, 1101, 11987, 1202, 3956, 6957, 279, 3723, 4273, 1555, 9678, 56694, 323, 1555, 8351, 59655, 660, 15481, 2532, 19169, 7559, 304, 39431, 971, 356, 1791, 77405, 64, 11, 7188, 26, 4072, 8326, 11, 19174, 26, 10517, 55286, 11, 14972, 26, 18288, 13345, 11, 19461, 26, 29473, 11, 4892, 13030, 26, 32489, 11, 1561, 4356, 26, 49273, 11, 14689, 26, 426, 729, 22317, 11, 20355, 26, 42451, 11, 22319, 26, 11246, 37246, 11, 8421, 26, 323, 25234, 327, 64, 11, 20754, 13, 52459, 596, 12152, 5784, 96835, 3956, 92381, 1555, 264, 2167, 6763, 5457, 311, 41862, 6444, 11, 1555, 9678, 56694, 323, 1555, 52459, 59655, 660, 2532, 19169, 304, 7008, 323, 9635, 627, 9295, 48646, 198, 56601, 596, 15266, 13077, 527, 7559, 304, 40371, 323, 95074, 11, 24097, 26, 8817, 375, 11, 17368, 26, 38206, 10481, 11, 13286, 26, 16386, 11, 8421, 26, 323, 2582, 484, 689, 11, 21193, 11, 7008, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 52459, 8036, 1202, 220, 20, 11, 931, 9518, 21117, 82280, 15266, 12764, 7559, 304, 57233, 11, 19627, 4245, 311, 3738, 1212, 5352, 5435, 13, 52459, 596, 13166, 26097, 527, 7559, 520, 279, 2816, 315, 1202, 1925, 15266, 12764, 304, 40371, 11, 24097, 13, 52459, 1101, 27149, 1202, 1866, 5507, 5788, 12764, 304, 40371, 11, 24097, 13, 6193, 279, 3347, 3892, 1667, 11, 52459, 706, 1903, 5199, 22538, 304, 6617, 6500, 1534, 5788, 7241, 323, 13077, 13, 52459, 706, 264, 12764, 304, 40371, 11, 24097, 12514, 24121, 311, 26127, 66157, 13, 12362, 34167, 8066, 10736, 11, 52459, 6787, 311, 8493, 13489, 400, 605, 3610, 369, 6864, 53869, 304, 220, 2550, 19, 311, 5376, 1202, 5788, 8824, 627, 791, 12717, 7257, 7384, 1511, 555, 52459, 527, 92185, 316, 11893, 323, 30945, 454, 52279, 7384, 13, 4314, 7257, 7384, 8965, 617, 1027, 2561, 505, 12387, 8336, 304, 14343, 33776, 311, 3449, 52459, 596, 8670, 13, 63140, 19684, 17135, 315, 7257, 7384, 1051, 2561, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 323, 527, 3685, 311, 3136, 311, 387, 2561, 304, 220, 2550, 19, 627, 54, 56, 9944, 13575, 7121, 90652, 35852, 50, 11, 18610, 13, 320, 58376, 1937, 1831, 6674, 46994, 11228, 1753, 88390, 340, 54, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 31878, 1202, 3956, 311, 41862, 6444, 323, 311, 9678, 56694, 889, 594, 616, 8316, 92381, 311, 1841, 27291, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 96835, 35557, 5596, 28648, 555, 3885, 323, 31878, 30477, 519, 13654, 323, 34978, 12933, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 27149, 14028, 19169, 304, 279, 22898, 11, 15745, 3158, 323, 304, 15745, 30304, 11, 15745, 11, 23503, 11, 17368, 323, 55965, 11, 17368, 430, 2804, 14028, 3600, 369, 1841, 27291, 323, 11040, 6444, 627, 52531, 50, 198, 54, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 14769, 11, 25175, 323, 19159, 40508, 3805, 35121, 6067, 369, 279, 41862, 3157, 323, 279, 40508, 90992, 13, 15264, 527, 28648, 369, 1690, 1510, 1060, 4211, 315, 13018, 323, 25973, 79648, 11, 27861, 323, 77124, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 70901, 323, 31878, 8316, 369, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 79648, 11, 27861, 323, 77124, 505, 4972, 1646, 1667, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 70901, 323, 31878, 264, 8205, 315, 3805, 35121, 6956, 11, 2737, 9955, 729, 388, 11, 60150, 859, 71860, 323, 13253, 32596, 11, 323, 96835, 3805, 35121, 6956, 323, 23090, 28648, 555, 3885, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 70901, 323, 31878, 30477, 519, 13654, 323, 34978, 7241, 627, 35, 70106, 1294, 198, 791, 3956, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 527, 4332, 304, 3892, 2204, 5627, 627, 5451, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 70901, 3805, 3044, 388, 369, 6412, 311, 41862, 6444, 323, 872, 56694, 323, 27291, 13, 16207, 311, 63042, 11, 279, 7928, 6130, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 11, 1051, 13489, 400, 1758, 13, 16, 3610, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 477, 13489, 220, 1591, 4, 2753, 1109, 304, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 17665, 3805, 35121, 32596, 311, 63042, 92381, 369, 1202, 220, 15726, 35528, 323, 3177, 27861, 13, 1666, 8767, 5068, 11, 304, 13489, 5936, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 63042, 6137, 23395, 3177, 27861, 505, 14337, 304, 39381, 315, 50995, 1124, 505, 6457, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 17135, 3738, 6956, 311, 63042, 596, 24492, 9305, 11, 14972, 12764, 13, 63042, 439, 41794, 1202, 1866, 3805, 35121, 32596, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 369, 279, 28685, 12, 21, 11, 220, 22385, 323, 21402, 460, 1646, 79648, 323, 279, 9599, 53, 13, 63042, 706, 16369, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 430, 63042, 690, 42840, 3805, 35121, 32596, 369, 279, 220, 15726, 35528, 1081, 11627, 304, 1646, 1060, 220, 2550, 20, 11, 719, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 690, 3136, 311, 8312, 3805, 35121, 32596, 369, 279, 220, 15726, 35528, 1555, 1646, 1060, 220, 2550, 19, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 6137, 44413, 4156, 8316, 369, 11680, 323, 16842, 53276, 3116, 62727, 6678, 11731, 13, 1115, 8312, 27204, 449, 53276, 32372, 304, 7552, 220, 2550, 19, 13, 763, 4216, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 6137, 44413, 264, 13945, 69956, 14981, 3805, 35121, 5089, 369, 3738, 53276, 4211, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 31878, 1202, 3956, 311, 65035, 13332, 11, 902, 24393, 3956, 369, 1202, 43981, 77124, 323, 51002, 11731, 323, 369, 7637, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 17135, 8316, 311, 279, 3331, 37792, 34785, 323, 19111, 14829, 13, 3580, 330, 23030, 596, 36613, 323, 18825, 315, 17961, 15534, 323, 18591, 315, 25927, 1, 323, 330, 11663, 68318, 362, 1740, 287, 279, 8184, 10246, 16041, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 70901, 323, 31878, 3956, 1234, 279, 32464, 330, 37, 42602, 3342, 2855, 10143, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 323, 7008, 311, 13489, 220, 2075, 4642, 9678, 56694, 13, 16207, 311, 9678, 56694, 25983, 13489, 220, 23, 4, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 7863, 311, 220, 2550, 17, 4245, 15871, 311, 279, 5536, 389, 90992, 6763, 315, 279, 14691, 9327, 315, 7319, 8803, 10487, 3805, 35121, 6067, 13, 3580, 330, 11663, 68318, 362, 1740, 287, 279, 8184, 1210, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 96835, 3777, 5596, 323, 23090, 15075, 505, 1023, 17032, 311, 9678, 56694, 627, 38075, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 70901, 323, 31878, 30477, 519, 13654, 323, 34978, 7241, 311, 842, 3932, 323, 311, 56694, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 6209, 264, 1584, 315, 7241, 430, 1421, 9146, 323, 1421, 16182, 432, 12, 717, 323, 432, 12, 9565, 64, 30477, 1821, 1511, 304, 40508, 3805, 35121, 6067, 627, 24901, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 70901, 323, 96835, 5596, 323, 6956, 311, 41862, 6444, 323, 56694, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 31878, 330, 37, 42602, 3342, 2855, 10143, 6883, 3805, 35121, 6067, 323, 3956, 28648, 555, 3885, 1555, 4330, 2883, 59655, 660, 2532, 19169, 902, 2804, 14028, 3600, 369, 27291, 323, 4662, 6089, 311, 11040, 6444, 627, 9295, 48646, 198, 791, 15266, 13077, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 527, 7559, 304, 11246, 37246, 11, 8421, 13, 6690, 35121, 32596, 527, 35105, 323, 9124, 304, 264, 220, 8848, 11, 931, 9518, 4579, 12764, 902, 1101, 17482, 439, 279, 13166, 26097, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 60391, 2380, 24088, 15266, 13077, 1139, 279, 1925, 12764, 13, 578, 5788, 13077, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 2997, 459, 12434, 1296, 323, 38711, 25199, 1511, 369, 38663, 279, 5178, 315, 3805, 35121, 8316, 13, 578, 1296, 25199, 706, 6500, 14400, 12434, 1296, 4787, 323, 828, 4526, 323, 649, 3790, 2225, 4156, 62727, 323, 14981, 62727, 6678, 11731, 927, 264, 8205, 315, 46836, 25753, 11, 20472, 323, 5990, 315, 38193, 627, 54, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 70901, 9955, 729, 388, 323, 60150, 859, 71860, 11, 26127, 1474, 820, 291, 323, 29302, 95977, 12466, 5596, 11, 13253, 32596, 11, 9699, 40029, 323, 38600, 323, 14019, 62407, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 5829, 1521, 6956, 304, 279, 5788, 315, 1202, 3805, 35121, 8316, 323, 31878, 1124, 311, 4994, 6444, 13, 42251, 29629, 8312, 3738, 8220, 6956, 1778, 439, 15783, 42391, 11, 14291, 3529, 894, 388, 323, 25633, 1105, 13, 1556, 26613, 8312, 315, 1521, 7384, 374, 2561, 520, 3118, 323, 374, 3685, 311, 3136, 311, 387, 2561, 369, 279, 79003, 3938, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 8965, 10534, 1193, 27946, 3430, 12992, 369, 7257, 7384, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 10487, 264, 2869, 30450, 11084, 47503, 99086, 287, 24276, 11, 902, 690, 387, 1511, 311, 8356, 1579, 15374, 8798, 506, 331, 14381, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 19426, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 7241, 311, 7431, 433, 311, 8356, 1579, 4367, 38600, 62407, 304, 3838, 13, 1115, 7241, 574, 15075, 304, 3717, 449, 279, 9045, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 311, 18885, 1202, 5788, 323, 30116, 17357, 627, 11079, 4157, 12, 3740, 3083, 432, 12, 717, 3680, 10725, 1953, 643, 2891, 198, 13622, 40508, 3805, 35121, 6067, 28648, 555, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 323, 3885, 4972, 311, 220, 2550, 19, 34716, 432, 12, 717, 439, 264, 30477, 519, 13, 432, 12, 717, 374, 264, 37833, 1073, 10036, 269, 511, 52745, 3573, 34, 6897, 909, 902, 706, 1027, 10815, 198, 998, 279, 19814, 315, 77537, 35715, 304, 279, 9420, 596, 8582, 16975, 13, 9636, 279, 30613, 25590, 11, 356, 6897, 5788, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 374, 1694, 86329, 704, 323, 690, 32616, 1306, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 20, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 706, 8040, 3805, 35121, 6067, 902, 1005, 432, 12, 9565, 64, 30477, 519, 11, 264, 17055, 27256, 269, 511, 52745, 902, 374, 264, 76345, 10778, 311, 356, 6897, 30477, 1821, 13, 16207, 315, 432, 12, 9565, 64, 6067, 527, 3685, 311, 5376, 439, 6763, 315, 8776, 356, 6897, 6067, 527, 86329, 704, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 1101, 706, 22088, 279, 4500, 315, 25678, 32596, 430, 690, 11810, 40508, 3805, 35121, 6067, 6319, 369, 432, 12, 717, 1005, 311, 387, 16489, 311, 1005, 432, 12, 9565, 64, 13, 432, 12, 9565, 64, 374, 539, 18641, 449, 459, 432, 12, 717, 6108, 1887, 2085, 3738, 5995, 4442, 13, 7089, 10309, 4442, 690, 18885, 279, 5178, 315, 432, 12, 9565, 64, 304, 459, 432, 12, 717, 6108, 3805, 35121, 1887, 13, 578, 6763, 8286, 315, 1521, 25678, 32596, 690, 6904, 5304, 279, 3938, 18539, 323, 3430, 315, 432, 12, 717, 30477, 519, 627, 80504, 1308, 44893, 44, 15942, 23893, 51, 5482, 198, 791, 62579, 32056, 9984, 29646, 14829, 17610, 315, 468, 59360, 15895, 8351, 323, 1202, 72202, 3573, 54, 59360, 15895, 39709, 16397, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 4272, 6763, 520, 468, 59360, 15895, 1051, 400, 3264, 11, 17592, 11, 931, 477, 220, 1958, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 4272, 6763, 439, 7863, 311, 400, 1484, 11, 19808, 11, 931, 323, 220, 1958, 4, 369, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 578, 10565, 11626, 315, 279, 13096, 2391, 220, 2550, 18, 574, 400, 22, 11, 24222, 11, 931, 11, 477, 220, 1682, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 10565, 11626, 7863, 449, 400, 21, 11, 22422, 11, 931, 323, 220, 966, 4, 369, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 3580, 330, 23030, 596, 36613, 323, 18825, 315, 17961, 15534, 323, 18591, 315, 25927, 1, 323, 330, 23562, 38203, 323, 4323, 32277, 8245, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 975, 1555, 220, 1114, 323, 220, 1682, 1555, 220, 2148, 11, 15947, 11, 315, 279, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 11, 902, 527, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 13, 3580, 1101, 330, 11663, 68318, 362, 1740, 287, 279, 8184, 10246, 52531, 50, 198, 791, 12717, 2626, 315, 468, 59360, 15895, 374, 279, 5788, 323, 8661, 315, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 6896, 299, 32056, 36974, 1841, 2512, 3956, 1234, 279, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 2855, 10143, 323, 330, 55, 9469, 408, 2855, 10143, 42134, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 596, 1841, 2512, 3956, 527, 6319, 311, 3493, 71123, 477, 91852, 13709, 369, 40508, 21787, 11, 92096, 11, 2204, 10522, 11, 4817, 28015, 6067, 323, 1023, 40508, 22936, 5596, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 1101, 70901, 13076, 36974, 11742, 3956, 11, 2737, 95931, 32246, 11, 54494, 1821, 11, 14713, 56406, 323, 12842, 30349, 7155, 1821, 369, 16437, 9501, 30164, 323, 98423, 7677, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 279, 8351, 31878, 279, 19722, 67362, 323, 63712, 330, 9126, 1630, 2855, 10143, 2410, 12556, 1136, 5780, 902, 11, 994, 11093, 449, 34333, 28015, 1887, 3956, 11, 18698, 288, 264, 7458, 596, 4817, 28015, 1887, 11, 29260, 88959, 505, 279, 1511, 3276, 333, 28733, 323, 4780, 279, 73484, 660, 3276, 333, 28733, 311, 279, 4817, 28015, 1887, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 1101, 31878, 279, 502, 19722, 67362, 330, 43174, 12, 2460, 93265, 10143, 20155, 3276, 333, 28733, 34978, 5780, 902, 11, 994, 11093, 449, 34333, 28015, 1887, 3956, 11, 79750, 279, 1511, 3276, 333, 28733, 11, 29260, 88959, 505, 279, 3276, 333, 28733, 323, 73484, 988, 279, 3276, 333, 28733, 369, 27068, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 1101, 31878, 1202, 469, 2796, 7935, 2027, 11, 264, 63712, 17808, 10633, 59333, 51483, 369, 15541, 60692, 323, 33880, 21787, 902, 8779, 8108, 17960, 20748, 323, 7417, 10633, 8752, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 1101, 19159, 323, 11987, 264, 1584, 315, 40508, 11341, 3956, 1234, 279, 330, 64431, 2855, 10143, 323, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 22591, 2855, 10143, 42134, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 374, 264, 12717, 549, 815, 13, 40508, 44168, 315, 6690, 25669, 93265, 8, 54097, 12, 1864, 9308, 11742, 23749, 11, 1511, 92381, 304, 40508, 3805, 35121, 6067, 627, 54, 59360, 15895, 1101, 11987, 279, 468, 59360, 596, 5761, 57629, 2855, 8, 2068, 11, 902, 11, 304, 4689, 11, 527, 32596, 8649, 264, 35426, 60394, 1584, 315, 40508, 64338, 3956, 11, 24895, 555, 264, 3361, 2027, 8642, 13, 578, 8642, 32596, 527, 6216, 11, 1555, 56694, 323, 35528, 27291, 11, 15871, 311, 94755, 315, 1511, 79648, 13, 578, 468, 59360, 596, 5761, 57629, 2855, 8, 2068, 5825, 71111, 315, 3738, 5596, 323, 9511, 18512, 323, 11, 304, 1063, 13422, 11, 279, 7194, 315, 89792, 323, 264, 19160, 1841, 52872, 555, 7458, 7980, 889, 1511, 279, 3361, 3956, 311, 4322, 872, 11731, 304, 18859, 449, 279, 3878, 323, 4787, 315, 279, 8642, 323, 889, 3217, 3738, 4595, 315, 5674, 902, 279, 3361, 3956, 1051, 6319, 311, 1520, 5471, 13, 3580, 330, 11663, 68318, 362, 1740, 287, 279, 8184, 10246, 35, 70106, 1294, 198, 54, 59360, 15895, 596, 1841, 2512, 3956, 527, 6216, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 323, 304, 13489, 220, 1490, 7362, 5961, 13, 3580, 330, 59732, 25927, 10246, 54, 59360, 15895, 96835, 1202, 3956, 1555, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 8141, 12006, 13, 21414, 478, 2740, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 96835, 1202, 3956, 1555, 9678, 56694, 11, 31212, 56694, 11, 3148, 22480, 438, 62380, 323, 8957, 10756, 13, 578, 8351, 1101, 5829, 459, 5419, 6763, 5457, 323, 17032, 6, 18740, 11351, 304, 279, 6412, 323, 8141, 315, 1202, 3956, 13, 19620, 6763, 527, 1903, 92381, 1555, 42241, 29799, 72202, 11, 902, 4662, 3060, 1555, 459, 5419, 6763, 5457, 477, 311, 9678, 56694, 13, 578, 8351, 1101, 69589, 304, 2167, 7637, 6763, 311, 9678, 56694, 11, 15871, 304, 13936, 323, 20023, 5270, 13, 3580, 330, 11663, 68318, 362, 1740, 287, 279, 8184, 10246, 9295, 48646, 198, 54, 59360, 15895, 706, 15266, 13077, 304, 15757, 31853, 11, 7188, 26, 800, 13, 22300, 4355, 300, 11, 34061, 26, 323, 7793, 10018, 1624, 49312, 11, 18157, 13, 7089, 7362, 72202, 3060, 7782, 3956, 6089, 505, 279, 15266, 13077, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 477, 34061, 477, 617, 279, 3956, 28648, 24392, 555, 4994, 20972, 4184, 311, 468, 59360, 15895, 596, 29803, 323, 15150, 68, 13, 26778, 1667, 4227, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 23217, 1063, 315, 1202, 5788, 8670, 311, 1202, 7362, 72202, 4245, 311, 279, 8333, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 18160, 520, 430, 892, 323, 1202, 5536, 389, 7729, 311, 468, 59360, 15895, 596, 7362, 6444, 13, 3161, 39388, 54643, 7362, 11667, 7969, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 48582, 8544, 1202, 5788, 323, 74281, 10687, 627, 54, 59360, 15895, 60880, 264, 3544, 1396, 315, 26333, 304, 279, 5788, 315, 1202, 5370, 6896, 299, 32056, 36974, 3956, 13, 26150, 7257, 7384, 5995, 369, 279, 5788, 315, 1521, 3956, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 8220, 3956, 11, 8965, 617, 1027, 2561, 505, 3892, 8336, 13, 1556, 26613, 8312, 315, 7384, 574, 2561, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 323, 374, 3685, 311, 3136, 311, 387, 2561, 369, 279, 79003, 3938, 627, 48280, 4419, 71002, 7818, 198, 791, 76848, 37865, 14829, 17610, 315, 8563, 63281, 2053, 612, 8351, 3573, 50, 441, 2053, 4063, 264, 35557, 44168, 315, 49186, 12035, 3956, 11, 2737, 5409, 5022, 323, 99060, 17135, 13, 12220, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 63281, 2053, 6, 4272, 6763, 1051, 400, 20, 11, 10718, 11, 931, 477, 220, 17, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 4272, 6763, 439, 7863, 449, 400, 21, 11, 13762, 11, 931, 323, 220, 17, 4, 369, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 578, 10565, 11626, 315, 420, 13096, 2391, 220, 2550, 18, 574, 400, 7285, 11, 931, 11, 477, 220, 16, 4, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2860, 10565, 11626, 7863, 449, 400, 16460, 11, 931, 323, 220, 17, 4, 369, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 3580, 330, 23030, 596, 36613, 323, 18825, 315, 17961, 15534, 323, 18591, 315, 25927, 1, 323, 330, 23562, 38203, 323, 198, 9688, 32277, 8245, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 975, 1555, 220, 1114, 323, 220, 1682, 1555, 220, 2148, 11, 15947, 11, 315, 279, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 11, 902, 527, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 627, 50, 441, 2053, 6, 1925, 12764, 374, 7559, 304, 1219, 19271, 11, 7188, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 63281, 2053, 1101, 706, 82280, 24088, 13077, 7559, 304, 8797, 37733, 323, 9853, 12167, 11, 7188, 627, 50, 441, 2053, 17135, 13489, 220, 1758, 11, 931, 3673, 311, 11040, 12035, 11, 99060, 323, 62553, 17884, 28183, 304, 18561, 7188, 11, 17368, 11, 323, 27966, 13, 63281, 2053, 1101, 31878, 6089, 311, 2978, 27536, 11, 59589, 11, 13076, 19339, 323, 4857, 33840, 627, 50, 441, 2053, 706, 1027, 264, 44168, 315, 50379, 425, 5409, 3956, 2533, 220, 7285, 16, 13, 63281, 2053, 1101, 96835, 1023, 1664, 22015, 16097, 1778, 439, 28574, 11, 735, 49537, 751, 323, 11060, 13, 2052, 315, 63281, 2053, 6, 44168, 5383, 28904, 8965, 527, 9299, 481, 555, 279, 17032, 2085, 5353, 627, 13622, 315, 63281, 2053, 6, 6763, 527, 14592, 505, 14039, 3673, 1511, 555, 5064, 11, 14673, 323, 304, 25389, 70430, 323, 13023, 627, 31367, 59643, 10022, 362, 26105, 1753, 3247, 27693, 198, 24637, 1372, 7237, 198, 2460, 35530, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2626, 617, 1027, 323, 7293, 7701, 15022, 13, 578, 8351, 596, 3956, 323, 3600, 20874, 449, 1884, 315, 12387, 5220, 11, 1063, 315, 902, 617, 6020, 5070, 7191, 1109, 1884, 315, 279, 8351, 13, 16207, 555, 279, 55518, 27399, 323, 40819, 14829, 527, 304, 961, 5552, 311, 279, 6763, 315, 11731, 555, 1202, 41862, 6444, 627, 56601, 706, 264, 3544, 1396, 315, 28650, 304, 279, 3157, 369, 1118, 323, 8915, 66934, 3956, 11, 1063, 315, 902, 28650, 527, 32302, 8294, 1109, 52459, 13, 578, 11987, 304, 902, 52459, 4634, 288, 527, 1101, 16614, 311, 4442, 304, 3430, 13, 51982, 369, 3430, 47311, 527, 539, 41296, 13, 52459, 13865, 311, 990, 449, 1202, 6444, 311, 10765, 5627, 311, 4827, 7194, 323, 7729, 13, 52459, 24400, 389, 1579, 5557, 11, 1579, 4367, 66934, 7766, 323, 706, 1903, 5199, 22538, 304, 11084, 7241, 323, 1023, 3445, 311, 4933, 26206, 13, 52459, 596, 3682, 5357, 374, 311, 387, 279, 3428, 2853, 17276, 315, 16757, 4367, 3956, 2949, 1202, 5064, 13, 52459, 13919, 433, 2011, 9407, 1139, 5217, 5789, 315, 66934, 5557, 304, 2015, 311, 3136, 311, 387, 459, 7524, 43940, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 52459, 29091, 13489, 400, 19, 13, 19, 3610, 304, 502, 7241, 323, 13077, 311, 7417, 8244, 5178, 311, 1202, 6444, 13, 3580, 330, 23030, 596, 36613, 323, 18825, 315, 17961, 15534, 323, 18591, 315, 25927, 10246, 50083, 2740, 11, 279, 7928, 961, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 6, 6763, 617, 1027, 311, 41862, 6444, 13, 23548, 279, 8736, 315, 1202, 24492, 9305, 11, 14972, 12764, 11, 63042, 706, 27115, 4529, 927, 5788, 315, 1202, 8670, 369, 3805, 35121, 32596, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 13, 16207, 311, 63042, 25983, 13489, 220, 1591, 4, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 7863, 311, 220, 2550, 17, 4245, 311, 279, 10474, 9994, 315, 279, 3805, 35121, 8312, 9306, 369, 3177, 27861, 323, 264, 18174, 304, 6763, 555, 63042, 315, 1202, 220, 15726, 9515, 13, 578, 8351, 16961, 988, 430, 1081, 11627, 304, 279, 4948, 8502, 315, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 690, 912, 5129, 52259, 220, 15726, 32596, 311, 63042, 11, 439, 63042, 706, 16689, 311, 42840, 1521, 32596, 520, 1202, 24492, 9305, 11, 14972, 12764, 13, 16207, 315, 32596, 369, 63042, 220, 15726, 9515, 1051, 198, 97836, 400, 1682, 13, 24, 3610, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 6, 6763, 311, 279, 53276, 5856, 304, 279, 549, 11606, 1051, 13489, 400, 975, 13, 20, 3610, 11, 315, 902, 13489, 400, 717, 13, 23, 3610, 574, 369, 8316, 369, 279, 16842, 53276, 323, 39193, 11731, 11, 33549, 311, 264, 8312, 9306, 304, 2515, 1555, 279, 842, 315, 1646, 1060, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 420, 6130, 6137, 23395, 3805, 35121, 6067, 369, 1521, 11731, 505, 264, 7362, 43940, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 13, 10541, 279, 32792, 315, 420, 8312, 9306, 374, 539, 3685, 311, 617, 264, 3769, 31959, 2515, 389, 279, 8351, 596, 60391, 3135, 315, 5784, 304, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 433, 374, 3685, 311, 5353, 264, 18174, 304, 279, 10565, 11626, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 304, 220, 2550, 19, 627, 1959, 892, 1070, 706, 1027, 264, 53722, 5376, 304, 279, 1396, 315, 3805, 35121, 6067, 10487, 389, 279, 8803, 1584, 13, 1556, 5376, 304, 279, 1396, 315, 8803, 34788, 4841, 8316, 26338, 279, 1404, 315, 279, 3157, 369, 90992, 6763, 13, 3580, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 11, 4953, 10246, 1110, 56867, 449, 5201, 311, 279, 8351, 596, 6896, 299, 32056, 36974, 3956, 17610, 92381, 315, 1023, 40508, 90992, 11742, 323, 13076, 15962, 5220, 13, 4427, 3682, 5707, 5220, 1101, 3157, 872, 1866, 64338, 3956, 1555, 11040, 2532, 17789, 11, 9678, 27291, 323, 7515, 1154, 13, 35211, 5426, 30282, 3157, 879, 2440, 16097, 315, 6896, 299, 32056, 36974, 3956, 13, 578, 8351, 596, 330, 9126, 1630, 2855, 10143, 2410, 18698, 1887, 323, 330, 43174, 12, 2460, 93265, 10143, 3276, 333, 28733, 34978, 7241, 323, 26333, 20874, 2403, 1023, 3276, 333, 28733, 34978, 11618, 11, 1063, 315, 902, 1101, 617, 1027, 12054, 555, 3331, 37792, 13, 578, 12717, 5528, 315, 10937, 13592, 555, 46139, 19076, 323, 555, 279, 8844, 3157, 4430, 5762, 555, 279, 8351, 7863, 311, 1023, 28650, 627, 50, 441, 2053, 9731, 311, 3663, 19428, 3430, 10937, 505, 12387, 8515, 9976, 1824, 11687, 11336, 30282, 13, 63281, 2053, 1101, 706, 13468, 1063, 17032, 11486, 6089, 311, 30282, 311, 5376, 8286, 13, 63281, 2053, 6, 30466, 19284, 220, 1114, 4, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 7863, 311, 220, 2550, 17, 304, 961, 4245, 311, 420, 10937, 627, 4889, 44399, 4419, 198, 36518, 311, 63042, 65591, 220, 2983, 4, 315, 279, 2860, 4272, 6763, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 323, 220, 717, 13, 18, 4, 315, 279, 2860, 4272, 6763, 315, 279, 8351, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 1666, 10555, 3485, 11, 6763, 311, 63042, 5552, 311, 32596, 369, 279, 220, 15726, 1646, 527, 3685, 311, 3136, 3156, 279, 4948, 8502, 315, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 994, 63042, 690, 1935, 927, 5788, 315, 32596, 369, 279, 220, 2550, 20, 1646, 220, 15726, 35528, 13, 24586, 311, 279, 3766, 6299, 4529, 555, 279, 8351, 311, 312, 7993, 279, 2626, 315, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 323, 279, 12309, 3428, 37682, 5938, 449, 279, 63042, 2626, 11, 279, 4814, 315, 63042, 439, 264, 1401, 6130, 315, 279, 8351, 374, 539, 3685, 311, 617, 264, 3769, 31959, 2515, 389, 279, 60391, 3135, 315, 7677, 315, 279, 8351, 13, 3580, 330, 54, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 11, 4953, 1210, 323, 330, 23030, 596, 36613, 323, 18825, 315, 17961, 15534, 323, 18591, 315, 25927, 1210, 16207, 311, 3331, 37792, 65591, 13489, 220, 24, 13, 17, 4, 315, 279, 2860, 4272, 6763, 315, 279, 8351, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 627, 15881, 87470, 5441, 13990, 1112, 22545, 198, 791, 1396, 315, 52811, 5718, 323, 14640, 28987, 279, 8351, 596, 2626, 323, 3956, 9731, 311, 5376, 627, 54, 59360, 15895, 11987, 279, 468, 59360, 596, 5761, 57629, 2855, 8, 2068, 304, 13489, 27219, 36399, 5415, 323, 1403, 7362, 5961, 13, 24271, 617, 1027, 9408, 555, 3738, 1614, 8276, 40242, 439, 311, 3508, 279, 2027, 8642, 430, 49156, 279, 16530, 374, 304, 279, 7138, 315, 8276, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 13865, 311, 198, 17775, 1521, 4860, 311, 279, 24617, 315, 1855, 1614, 8276, 40704, 13, 2468, 3115, 11, 433, 706, 16689, 311, 15142, 279, 468, 59360, 596, 5761, 57629, 2855, 8, 505, 3738, 5415, 13, 2360, 44701, 649, 387, 2728, 430, 52811, 14640, 690, 539, 12207, 7958, 279, 8661, 315, 279, 468, 59360, 596, 5761, 57629, 2855, 8, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 477, 1023, 5961, 304, 279, 3938, 627, 31460, 60939, 984, 25832, 85267, 198, 791, 8351, 706, 1511, 5370, 33155, 304, 1202, 3347, 323, 3118, 15266, 7677, 902, 617, 1027, 477, 1253, 387, 25660, 311, 387, 51024, 11, 323, 279, 13112, 315, 1202, 4754, 24305, 11, 422, 904, 11, 1234, 12434, 62282, 11, 5718, 11, 14640, 323, 1162, 2383, 374, 25420, 13, 9636, 279, 67963, 25027, 6075, 11, 70396, 323, 91143, 3298, 11, 439, 31011, 3573, 34, 643, 42235, 4063, 264, 8647, 4717, 1253, 387, 53258, 35473, 369, 279, 4553, 2853, 315, 1323, 19586, 1113, 52673, 3424, 1524, 422, 433, 20162, 1193, 264, 2678, 13651, 315, 279, 2860, 47810, 13, 578, 7138, 315, 12434, 8990, 323, 21993, 7640, 11705, 27129, 304, 26679, 279, 5536, 315, 1778, 7640, 389, 279, 8351, 596, 6020, 2361, 13, 578, 2515, 315, 11175, 315, 12434, 13146, 389, 3135, 315, 5784, 4250, 387, 19698, 4245, 311, 279, 27924, 18815, 2225, 279, 3392, 323, 18912, 315, 3938, 53869, 323, 3938, 3135, 315, 7677, 13, 3580, 7181, 220, 717, 315, 330, 22405, 311, 79980, 660, 17961, 70816, 1, 389, 2199, 220, 1591, 315, 279, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 11, 902, 374, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 13, 2052, 13893, 5199, 12434, 13146, 50801, 3967, 311, 279, 8351, 527, 7633, 3770, 627, 644, 6186, 220, 3753, 19, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 3723, 4273, 25027, 19721, 16784, 320, 1820, 330, 36, 8201, 909, 9002, 459, 8990, 315, 72329, 47810, 304, 279, 5960, 39843, 13345, 11, 7188, 13, 578, 6661, 505, 279, 27250, 11472, 468, 59360, 15895, 311, 52259, 3738, 2038, 23343, 311, 1202, 15266, 12764, 304, 15757, 31853, 11, 7188, 320, 1820, 330, 38299, 31853, 47750, 1865, 468, 59360, 15895, 84864, 449, 279, 1715, 13, 763, 5587, 220, 3753, 23, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 27250, 35792, 5217, 2038, 449, 5201, 311, 1202, 15757, 31853, 47750, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 14976, 1202, 2077, 520, 279, 842, 315, 3297, 220, 3753, 23, 13, 763, 5887, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 4036, 264, 4689, 5406, 6661, 505, 279, 27250, 28898, 430, 433, 1253, 387, 264, 13893, 8647, 4717, 3573, 6616, 47, 909, 449, 5201, 311, 279, 15757, 31853, 39251, 81, 19703, 1604, 19723, 12299, 304, 279, 5960, 39843, 13345, 11, 7188, 7445, 58703, 33038, 320, 1820, 330, 32, 35301, 1865, 578, 27250, 6661, 5343, 459, 2038, 1715, 33549, 311, 11360, 220, 6849, 2069, 8, 315, 356, 643, 42235, 13, 578, 27250, 6661, 11224, 430, 279, 27250, 93439, 1701, 279, 9984, 25773, 16346, 315, 11360, 220, 8259, 2069, 8, 315, 356, 643, 42235, 311, 37402, 37667, 279, 3878, 315, 264, 14771, 9306, 449, 8743, 21051, 311, 6929, 264, 97970, 532, 47997, 14, 6251, 300, 3225, 19723, 369, 279, 362, 35301, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 8351, 16846, 311, 279, 27250, 2038, 1715, 2949, 279, 5300, 892, 4261, 13, 763, 6250, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 27250, 28898, 430, 433, 1550, 539, 1755, 311, 3708, 264, 9984, 25773, 6661, 311, 468, 59360, 15895, 369, 279, 362, 35301, 11, 719, 430, 433, 2103, 6646, 468, 59360, 15895, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 264, 3544, 1396, 315, 1023, 5220, 11, 311, 387, 8743, 21051, 369, 58309, 9328, 72329, 7640, 304, 279, 5960, 39843, 13345, 13, 763, 3297, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 27250, 1903, 2561, 369, 586, 4068, 1202, 7613, 481, 8113, 3926, 300, 3225, 19723, 369, 279, 56018, 5657, 7613, 481, 8113, 3573, 33, 2089, 52, 909, 315, 279, 5960, 39843, 13345, 7445, 58703, 33038, 13, 578, 15757, 31853, 47750, 374, 7559, 2949, 279, 426, 2089, 52, 13, 763, 1202, 7613, 481, 8113, 3926, 300, 3225, 19723, 369, 279, 426, 2089, 52, 11, 279, 27250, 706, 11223, 8246, 315, 33289, 323, 6514, 13077, 449, 459, 13240, 2926, 6864, 2853, 315, 400, 2618, 3610, 323, 13240, 9974, 10565, 323, 13709, 7194, 315, 400, 19, 311, 400, 20, 3610, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 706, 1027, 82589, 449, 1023, 5220, 7559, 304, 279, 426, 2089, 52, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1614, 323, 2254, 3109, 323, 3090, 8312, 7510, 11, 889, 527, 3318, 311, 2274, 264, 32302, 2753, 34348, 10778, 902, 1053, 22829, 279, 12974, 34630, 532, 9021, 627, 644, 5587, 220, 3753, 23, 11, 264, 18740, 315, 279, 9853, 12167, 6406, 6011, 315, 6401, 8471, 320, 1820, 330, 43, 1846, 12228, 909, 62884, 279, 15757, 31853, 47750, 323, 13468, 5707, 5594, 2692, 7479, 69561, 13, 20817, 389, 1521, 24654, 11, 445, 1846, 12228, 15910, 468, 59360, 15895, 311, 6929, 264, 2816, 15813, 323, 4305, 34630, 532, 11193, 422, 52673, 69561, 1051, 11054, 13, 763, 7552, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 4036, 264, 3804, 40846, 47997, 8423, 505, 279, 31831, 7626, 35363, 555, 468, 59360, 15895, 311, 2804, 279, 2816, 15813, 323, 14976, 279, 1934, 311, 279, 445, 1846, 12228, 13, 763, 5936, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 23331, 29101, 927, 420, 5030, 574, 23217, 505, 279, 445, 1846, 12228, 311, 279, 7188, 26361, 10164, 18410, 7935, 8925, 8288, 437, 12167, 17593, 320, 1820, 330, 57468, 48, 13276, 1865, 8876, 6664, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 323, 1202, 50184, 617, 1027, 3318, 449, 24005, 315, 279, 47306, 48, 13276, 311, 6929, 264, 16195, 2816, 15813, 315, 279, 15757, 31853, 47750, 13, 763, 6186, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 520, 279, 1715, 315, 279, 27250, 323, 279, 47306, 48, 13276, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 7378, 311, 9407, 279, 7036, 315, 1202, 8990, 315, 279, 15757, 31853, 47750, 311, 2997, 2380, 17614, 6962, 16967, 48396, 323, 832, 72329, 16967, 1664, 13, 578, 16967, 48396, 1051, 10487, 304, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 323, 279, 3135, 315, 14529, 25936, 617, 1027, 5068, 311, 279, 47306, 48, 13276, 13, 763, 279, 7474, 315, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 47306, 48, 13276, 11472, 468, 59360, 15895, 311, 4685, 459, 709, 27492, 72329, 16967, 1664, 520, 279, 15757, 31853, 47750, 13, 578, 47306, 48, 13276, 28520, 11472, 1403, 1023, 5220, 7559, 709, 27492, 315, 468, 59360, 15895, 311, 4685, 1523, 27492, 17614, 6962, 323, 72329, 16967, 48396, 13, 468, 59360, 15895, 323, 832, 315, 1521, 5220, 617, 10862, 1139, 459, 9306, 311, 4430, 279, 2853, 315, 832, 72329, 323, 832, 17614, 6962, 16967, 1664, 902, 690, 14816, 439, 459, 709, 27492, 16967, 1664, 369, 468, 59360, 15895, 323, 264, 1523, 27492, 16967, 1664, 369, 279, 1023, 2883, 627, 644, 3297, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 4036, 5406, 430, 433, 1047, 1027, 11054, 439, 264, 14143, 315, 51024, 12571, 430, 1047, 1027, 28358, 311, 279, 36424, 81685, 11, 4953, 13, 3573, 34, 4403, 909, 2816, 304, 468, 67577, 11, 8421, 320, 1820, 330, 34, 4403, 13207, 909, 369, 6514, 13, 356, 4403, 574, 17045, 304, 279, 2626, 315, 34978, 323, 58583, 287, 7543, 2092, 48764, 323, 1023, 51024, 82320, 520, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 3156, 433, 59477, 7677, 304, 7552, 220, 3753, 24, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 374, 832, 315, 13489, 220, 1041, 51024, 12571, 44163, 889, 617, 1027, 11054, 439, 13893, 8647, 9875, 369, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 13, 362, 8743, 47, 79821, 10554, 320, 1820, 330, 34541, 6684, 909, 574, 14454, 311, 37667, 449, 279, 27250, 389, 17981, 315, 1202, 3697, 459, 9306, 311, 1935, 34630, 532, 11193, 54523, 520, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 13, 1666, 315, 5587, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 13489, 220, 2421, 8743, 21051, 11, 2737, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 11, 617, 7378, 311, 16136, 304, 279, 10554, 369, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 13, 8743, 21051, 889, 617, 7378, 311, 16136, 304, 279, 10554, 617, 8667, 93487, 4701, 58875, 449, 279, 27250, 449, 5201, 311, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 13, 97970, 7246, 9045, 617, 22088, 520, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 1234, 279, 19351, 315, 279, 10554, 13, 1666, 315, 5587, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 6, 21801, 349, 4430, 315, 279, 2860, 8286, 315, 12571, 20162, 311, 279, 356, 4403, 13207, 555, 10554, 3697, 574, 2753, 1109, 832, 3346, 320, 16, 4, 4390, 644, 6186, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 8421, 10164, 9849, 320, 1820, 330, 51, 26538, 909, 430, 17614, 24894, 311, 832, 315, 1202, 82280, 15266, 13077, 574, 52673, 449, 51024, 33155, 13, 578, 350, 26538, 15910, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 311, 8417, 279, 13112, 315, 1778, 47810, 323, 1243, 1935, 8475, 34630, 532, 11193, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 35363, 12434, 50184, 311, 6929, 17614, 25936, 323, 6062, 26069, 449, 279, 34959, 315, 279, 350, 26538, 13, 21304, 315, 420, 990, 574, 8308, 304, 3389, 220, 2550, 16, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 14976, 264, 3048, 315, 279, 1934, 315, 1202, 50184, 311, 279, 350, 26538, 304, 6186, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 350, 26538, 35792, 5217, 2038, 13, 468, 59360, 596, 31636, 15264, 374, 82589, 449, 279, 7540, 315, 279, 350, 26538, 627, 644, 6186, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 52459, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 27250, 9002, 279, 16233, 329, 13207, 304, 37640, 11, 24097, 13, 578, 6506, 315, 279, 16233, 329, 13207, 17045, 304, 312, 34084, 323, 34978, 7640, 520, 279, 13207, 11, 902, 198, 1407, 291, 304, 17614, 323, 72329, 47810, 13, 578, 6661, 11224, 430, 52459, 1253, 387, 264, 8743, 47, 369, 279, 16233, 329, 13207, 13, 578, 27250, 28520, 11472, 52459, 311, 52259, 2038, 922, 1202, 22315, 449, 279, 16233, 329, 13207, 13, 52459, 706, 3984, 279, 2038, 11472, 13, 52459, 596, 7576, 16717, 430, 264, 40274, 5502, 3288, 82320, 311, 279, 16233, 329, 13207, 304, 279, 5209, 12, 4468, 15, 82, 13, 20817, 389, 430, 2038, 11, 52459, 11096, 279, 16233, 329, 13207, 79821, 10554, 439, 264, 19439, 12308, 13, 763, 7552, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 279, 8351, 4036, 264, 6661, 28898, 430, 279, 73767, 10554, 1047, 20536, 430, 52459, 1288, 3719, 264, 8797, 12308, 315, 279, 79821, 10554, 323, 8617, 4430, 21801, 2718, 304, 279, 24305, 369, 279, 21993, 13, 52459, 16846, 555, 6661, 430, 1070, 574, 912, 5897, 8197, 311, 3412, 433, 8647, 369, 279, 7640, 315, 279, 40274, 5502, 13, 1666, 315, 5587, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 279, 73767, 10554, 706, 539, 16846, 311, 52459, 596, 6661, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 52459, 11054, 459, 3158, 520, 1202, 40371, 11, 24097, 12764, 902, 13282, 5707, 61152, 69561, 13, 52459, 35363, 4994, 12434, 50184, 311, 19874, 279, 7138, 323, 13112, 315, 279, 47810, 13, 578, 34630, 532, 8990, 374, 38199, 323, 52459, 44330, 311, 1935, 904, 5995, 34630, 532, 6299, 627, 644, 5587, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 459, 32899, 41164, 315, 279, 8351, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 1243, 3625, 4151, 3573, 24641, 4151, 909, 315, 264, 30409, 315, 1972, 3424, 304, 1219, 19271, 11, 7188, 34833, 82280, 555, 420, 41164, 13, 578, 6661, 11224, 430, 279, 11876, 4151, 1047, 11352, 17614, 47810, 520, 279, 2816, 323, 50697, 430, 279, 8351, 596, 41164, 1253, 387, 35473, 369, 279, 2853, 315, 21993, 13, 578, 6661, 11224, 430, 279, 11876, 4151, 574, 24834, 279, 7138, 323, 13112, 315, 279, 17614, 47810, 13, 763, 5887, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 4036, 264, 6661, 505, 279, 6506, 315, 279, 1972, 3424, 28898, 430, 279, 6506, 1047, 50697, 264, 3802, 2403, 279, 11876, 4151, 311, 2343, 279, 2853, 315, 34630, 7246, 323, 430, 279, 6506, 1253, 2105, 264, 3802, 2403, 279, 8351, 13, 578, 8351, 706, 11075, 430, 279, 11876, 4151, 706, 13019, 369, 37079, 312, 24844, 1234, 279, 6918, 36707, 7016, 13, 578, 8351, 1587, 539, 1440, 279, 13112, 315, 279, 47810, 477, 279, 13240, 2853, 315, 21993, 520, 420, 2816, 627, 34123, 6399, 356, 58392, 13062, 10834, 52, 22545, 198, 644, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 3723, 4273, 18160, 8965, 26893, 304, 907, 7863, 311, 220, 2550, 17, 304, 279, 36702, 315, 1455, 5961, 304, 902, 279, 8351, 1587, 2626, 13, 1115, 35996, 9057, 6763, 323, 10565, 11626, 311, 387, 4827, 1109, 1148, 1053, 617, 1027, 5068, 422, 9473, 7969, 1047, 14958, 6926, 2391, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 58588, 93049, 505, 19620, 29553, 39141, 2759, 389, 279, 79980, 660, 31946, 28841, 19284, 555, 400, 17, 13, 16, 3610, 11, 902, 9057, 264, 12435, 14278, 304, 10884, 12937, 17075, 6, 58588, 13, 3580, 330, 59732, 25927, 10246, 93585, 44978, 11, 97961, 24995, 50, 3651, 12367, 76590, 16837, 50, 198, 791, 8351, 10187, 264, 1396, 315, 46997, 323, 42134, 902, 527, 1511, 304, 279, 5784, 315, 1202, 9873, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 3967, 8815, 311, 279, 8351, 596, 3268, 1234, 904, 3769, 46997, 477, 3769, 42134, 13, 763, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 468, 59360, 15895, 13019, 264, 19831, 304, 279, 6918, 9474, 5590, 304, 20344, 11, 14972, 2403, 2500, 2883, 323, 1202, 12717, 5708, 4346, 369, 54443, 315, 468, 59360, 15895, 596, 1630, 12, 350, 408, 2855, 8, 32464, 13, 763, 7552, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 279, 5590, 22034, 468, 59360, 15895, 400, 17, 13, 15, 3610, 304, 26186, 13, 578, 5590, 1101, 16717, 433, 1053, 10292, 34920, 9247, 2802, 323, 31434, 6, 12718, 311, 468, 59360, 15895, 13, 23548, 279, 4441, 315, 264, 1620, 19971, 11, 279, 40246, 527, 3685, 311, 14638, 279, 9269, 5590, 596, 5597, 13, 3580, 330, 53886, 55227, 10246, 937, 36404, 984, 3414, 3083, 3247, 27693, 198, 16179, 6763, 520, 279, 8351, 596, 37601, 527, 14738, 36899, 11, 279, 60391, 3135, 315, 7677, 8965, 656, 539, 8881, 3280, 2786, 627, 793, 44645, 3651, 71361, 55759, 198, 54, 59360, 15895, 33095, 3495, 323, 2027, 5178, 19169, 304, 15757, 31853, 11, 7188, 26, 800, 13, 22300, 4355, 300, 11, 34061, 26, 12366, 11, 9822, 26, 323, 3279, 3239, 1604, 11, 4987, 10384, 13, 578, 1925, 7640, 315, 279, 3495, 5687, 527, 279, 4500, 315, 502, 36974, 26333, 323, 1023, 3956, 11, 16048, 315, 6484, 3956, 11, 2737, 9455, 502, 8522, 369, 872, 1005, 11, 16865, 315, 15022, 3956, 323, 5178, 315, 4367, 2585, 16346, 627, 56601, 33095, 3495, 323, 15009, 13077, 304, 40371, 11, 24097, 26, 38206, 10481, 11, 13286, 26, 323, 2582, 484, 689, 11, 21193, 11, 7008, 13, 8483, 323, 4500, 374, 459, 3062, 13189, 315, 52459, 596, 2626, 439, 52459, 706, 8040, 323, 9731, 311, 2274, 12387, 28175, 32246, 311, 3449, 279, 3230, 3966, 315, 1202, 5370, 6444, 13, 52459, 1101, 706, 11156, 19169, 520, 1202, 40371, 11, 24097, 11, 38206, 10481, 11, 13286, 11, 323, 2582, 484, 689, 11, 21193, 11, 7008, 13077, 311, 9429, 25018, 3956, 323, 311, 2804, 16195, 7649, 315, 7384, 323, 3956, 13, 52459, 33095, 16781, 3495, 11, 4500, 323, 15009, 13077, 311, 3493, 19310, 2532, 311, 1202, 6444, 627, 34123, 6399, 42476, 22545, 198, 791, 2768, 2007, 5039, 6763, 311, 7362, 6444, 369, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 323, 220, 2550, 16, 512, 15577, 5303, 660, 10565, 3135, 527, 5068, 304, 3723, 4273, 11441, 13, 9393, 279, 8351, 596, 7362, 72202, 6929, 7677, 304, 279, 36702, 315, 279, 5961, 304, 902, 814, 527, 3196, 11, 682, 6020, 12518, 315, 279, 7362, 72202, 2011, 387, 25548, 1139, 3723, 4273, 11441, 13, 1666, 279, 907, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 18160, 12992, 477, 43154, 8844, 311, 1521, 7362, 36702, 11, 279, 3723, 4273, 18160, 907, 315, 3673, 389, 279, 6020, 12518, 315, 279, 7362, 72202, 374, 11293, 477, 7319, 11, 15947, 13, 15636, 11, 4442, 304, 18160, 6763, 315, 279, 7362, 72202, 505, 1060, 311, 1060, 527, 539, 14647, 64005, 315, 4442, 304, 5150, 6763, 12715, 304, 2254, 11667, 13, 3580, 7181, 220, 19, 323, 7181, 220, 868, 315, 330, 22405, 311, 79980, 660, 17961, 70816, 1, 389, 6959, 220, 914, 323, 220, 1682, 1555, 220, 2148, 11, 15947, 11, 315, 279, 220, 2550, 18, 25992, 8423, 11, 902, 527, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 627, 791, 907, 315, 904, 7362, 11667, 8844, 311, 279, 3723, 4273, 18160, 374, 11754, 555, 264, 8205, 315, 9547, 13, 1102, 374, 76821, 5107, 311, 7168, 1148, 1778, 907, 1253, 387, 520, 904, 892, 304, 279, 3938, 13, 53123, 11, 279, 5845, 315, 279, 8351, 311, 2585, 279, 5536, 315, 7362, 11667, 65649, 374, 7347, 627, 32, 3769, 13651, 315, 279, 8351, 596, 2626, 374, 13375, 4994, 279, 3723, 4273, 13, 15636, 11, 279, 8351, 596, 5845, 311, 3136, 1778, 7677, 477, 10519, 872, 63336, 374, 311, 1063, 13112, 3917, 311, 2585, 323, 19812, 555, 279, 3723, 4273, 3109, 323, 7362, 17047, 627, 25201, 36766, 36, 1600, 198, 1688, 6790, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 279, 8351, 1047, 220, 16, 11, 17272, 8420, 627, 32, 8857, 315, 279, 5788, 323, 13709, 8420, 520, 279, 40371, 11, 24097, 6136, 315, 52459, 527, 15609, 555, 264, 2254, 60891, 315, 279, 7327, 10229, 315, 18798, 258, 1705, 323, 81965, 36798, 13, 578, 22498, 55309, 9306, 369, 420, 12764, 690, 33663, 304, 5936, 220, 2550, 20, 13, 578, 5788, 323, 13709, 8420, 520, 279, 2582, 484, 689, 11, 21193, 11, 7008, 6136, 315, 52459, 527, 15609, 555, 264, 2254, 5089, 315, 279, 3723, 53406, 11, 53036, 11, 8732, 1286, 372, 323, 37108, 36798, 315, 5270, 13, 578, 22498, 55309, 9306, 369, 279, 5089, 690, 33663, 304, 7552, 220, 2550, 22, 627, 32, 8857, 315, 279, 5788, 323, 13709, 8420, 520, 279, 38206, 10481, 11, 13286, 6136, 315, 22648, 1369, 1147, 11, 4953, 2637, 459, 22325, 315, 52459, 11, 527, 15609, 555, 264, 2254, 315, 279, 7327, 36424, 36798, 9323, 13, 578, 22498, 55309, 9306, 369, 420, 12764, 29002, 304, 7552, 220, 2550, 21, 627, 791, 8351, 32238, 1202, 4398, 449, 1202, 8420, 311, 387, 1695, 627, 47440, 1406, 6674, 18076, 1341, 4419, 3083, 3247, 13990, 30603, 2891, 198, 791, 11145, 9808, 315, 279, 8351, 11, 889, 527, 21489, 30171, 11, 527, 439, 11263, 512, 791, 12717, 60966, 315, 4491, 13, 47209, 323, 4491, 13, 29479, 47620, 369, 279, 3347, 4330, 1667, 617, 1027, 872, 1510, 20081, 10093, 449, 279, 8351, 13, 32499, 311, 813, 14740, 449, 279, 8351, 304, 5887, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 4491, 13, 5124, 9563, 261, 574, 23270, 4900, 7424, 25387, 315, 469, 7650, 46, 67795, 320, 19493, 8535, 6956, 8, 505, 198, 32559, 220, 3753, 22, 311, 5651, 220, 3753, 24, 323, 9970, 315, 29492, 41411, 67795, 323, 1202, 40274, 11, 29492, 7327, 13332, 320, 74913, 2115, 3600, 323, 1920, 14645, 8, 505, 5887, 220, 3753, 19, 311, 6287, 220, 3753, 22, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 27204, 477, 8830, 1990, 904, 11145, 9640, 323, 904, 1023, 1732, 33549, 311, 902, 568, 574, 4183, 439, 459, 9640, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 3070, 5133, 1990, 904, 11145, 9808, 315, 279, 8351, 627, 12236, 220, 17, 13 ]
"ITEM 1. BUSINESS.\nFluor Corporation (\"Fluor\" or the \"Company\") was incorporated in Delaware in(...TRUNCATED)
Alpha Appalachia Holdings, Inc.
"Item 1. BUSINESS\nUSAir Group, Inc. (\"USAir Group\" or the \"Company\") is a corporation organized(...TRUNCATED)
"Item 1. Business\nThe Sears Credit Account Trust 1991 C (the \"Trust\") was formed pursuant to the (...TRUNCATED)
"Item 1. Business\n(a) The Registrant, CBI Industries, Inc. and its subsidiaries (CBI), classifies i(...TRUNCATED)
"Item 1 Business\n(a) General Development of Business\nEncore Computer Corporation (\"Encore\" or th(...TRUNCATED)
"ITEM 1. BUSINESS City National Corporation (the Corporation) was organized in Delaware in 1968 to a(...TRUNCATED)
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