A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane.
[ "A person is outdoors, on a horse." ]
[ "A white horse is jumping.", "Someone jumps a horse over a gate.", "A person is riding a animal.", "The person is riding a horse", "A horse jumps.", "A rider rides a horse.", "A person is jumping off a plane.", "A horse jumping a hurdle.", "The person is flying a plane.", "Someone is on a horse.", "A horse rider is jumping over a fence.", "The rider is on a horse.", "Someone is in a stable with a horse.", "There is someone on top of a horse.", "A person is flying through the air." ]
Children smiling and waving at camera
[ "There are children present" ]
[ "Children are posing for the camera.", "The children are kids.", "Children pose for the camera", "Children are taking a picture.", "Children are being playful in front of the camera.", "children are together", "A group of people are waving at a camera.", "The children are singing.", "There are kids.", "The people smile", "The kids have serious expressions on their faces.", "There are some children in this picture", "There are children being shown how things work.", "Two young people are smiling.", "Children are attached to each other." ]
A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge.
[ "The boy does a skateboarding trick." ]
[ "A boy is skateboarding in the street.", "A boy is riding a skateboard outside.", "There is a boy skateboarding", "The boy jumps.", "The boy is skating.", "a boy is snowboarding", "A boy is on a skateboard.", "A skateboarder does a jump.", "A boy does a skateboard trick.", "A boy is riding a skateboard.", "Boy on a skateboard", "Kid doing skateboard trick.", "A boy doing stunts at a skate park.", "A young boy does a skateboard trick.", "The boy skateboards." ]
Two blond women are hugging one another.
[ "There are women showing affection." ]
[ "Both these people are blonde", "They are hugging.", "A blonde girl is embracing another woman.", "Two women are together.", "Two women next to eachother", "Two women display affection in front of the camera.", "There are two woment", "Two women smile.", "Two women together.", "a women with blonde and brown hair has her arms around a man", "Two people hugging.", "Two blonde woman are talking over each other.", "Two women are happy.", "two women are happy", "The people are hugging each other." ]
A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice.
[ "The diners are at a restaurant." ]
[ "A restaurant has people in it.", "The people are dining in a restaurant.", "People are drinking and eating.", "People are in a restaurant.", "a person receives a drink from a server", "People are enjoying being at a restaurant.", "people sipping a drink", "people are making drinks", "People are at a diner.", "Some people are standing in a restaurant.", "Several people are seated at a restaurant", "The people are in a restaurant.", "People are at the restaurant.", "There were several people drinking.", "A person is drinking a beverage while another person is eating something" ]
An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant.
[ "A man is drinking juice." ]
[ "A man enjoying his drink.", "There is a man dressed in orange.", "There is an older man.", "There is a man at a restaurant.", "The elderly man eats food", "An old man is at a store.", "The man is in a chair at a restaurant.", "A man is eating in Restaurant.", "A man is drinking a beverage outside.", "A man is having a beverage.", "An older man is eating something.", "A person at a restaurant.", "An old man is eating an apple", "A man is in an orange shirt.", "the man is old" ]
A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain.
[ "A blond man drinking water from a fountain." ]
[ "A man drinks water.", "The man is enjoying drinks", "A man by a body of water.", "A man drinks toilet water.", "The gentleman has blonde hair.", "a person with water", "There is a man taking a drink", "A man is outdoors having a drink.", "There is a man by a water tank.", "A man enjoying his drink.", "There is a man holding a drink", "The man is drinking something.", "A man plays in the fountain.", "Someone is drinking water.", "A man drinks some water." ]
Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye.
[ "There are two woman in this picture." ]
[ "The women are both talking at the same time.", "The two women are pleasing.", "Two women eating dinner together.", "The women were hugging, leaning on one another.", "Two women wave goodbye.", "Two people hugging after a long time apart.", "They're done having lunch.", "A couple hug each other.", "A couple of people are hugging.", "The women are hugging.", "A couple eating lunch.", "Women eating and talking.", "Two people are having lunch.", "Two women show affection to one another.", "people hugging." ]
Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug.
[ "Two women hug each other." ]
[ "Two women are eating.", "Both women have things in their hands.", "two women have lunch", "Two women with baggage to carry.", "Two women are near each other.", "The women are hugging.", "Two women are carrying bags", "Two females hugging.", "Two women are eating", "Two people hug at the airport.", "Two women hugging.", "The two women are happy.", "The two woman are holding their arms", "two women are near each other", "Two women are in this picture." ]
A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game.
[ "A team is trying to tag a runner out." ]
[ "A group plays a sport.", "A ball game in progress.", "Teams are on the field", "Two little league players are outside.", "They are playing a game.", "there are players playing softball", "The team watches a baseball game.", "A baseball game is in progress.", "The kids are playing softball", "The team plays sports.", "Two local little league teams are having a game tonight.", "They are playing basebal", "The baseball players slide into the base.", "The people are at a athletic game.", "The game is being played during the day." ]
A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane.
[ "A person is outdoors, on a horse." ]
[ "The horse is prepared to jump over an obstacle", "The horse is outside.", "a horse jumps high", "The person is riding a galloping horse.", "The person is on a horse", "A girl is riding a pony over a jump.", "An animal is jumping over things.", "Someone is flying through the air.", "A rider jumps.", "The person is riding the horse.", "A horse jumps over a bale of hay.", "A horse jumping over a barrier", "The person rode a horse.", "The horse is jumping.", "the person is jumping out a plane" ]
Children smiling and waving at camera
[ "There are children present" ]
[ "The children are near each other.", "There are children in a group.", "People are smiling", "There is a group of excited young people.", "The kid has a camera.", "People look at a camera and smile.", "The children sit nicely to have their pictures taken.", "The kids have their eyes open.", "The children are singing.", "Children are receiving recognition.", "The children are across from one another.", "the boys smile", "The Children are together.", "There is a camera in front of the kids.", "The people smile" ]
A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge.
[ "The boy does a skateboarding trick." ]
[ "The boy jumps.", "A skateboarder is doing a jump.", "A boy riding a skateboard.", "The boy knows how to inline skate.", "the boy is jumping", "The boy is outdoors skating.", "A kid is on a skateboard.", "A boy is skateboarding outside.", "A skateboarder is performing a jumping stunt.", "The boy is on the bridge.", "A boy is riding a board .", "A boy skateboards on edge.", "The boy is skateboarding on the sidewalk.", "A boy riding a skateboard", "a boy rides a skateboard" ]
Two blond women are hugging one another.
[ "There are women showing affection." ]
[ "two people are hugging", "An older woman is hugging a younger girl.", "Asian women are hugging each other.", "The two blond women are standing.", "Two women are greeting each other.", "They are hugging.", "The two women are embracing.", "The women were hugging, leaning on one another.", "Two girls are hugging each other.", "Two women have hair.", "Two women are in this picture.", "Humans hugging", "Two girls are hugging themselves.", "two women are smiling .", "The two women are hugging and kissing." ]
A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice.
[ "The diners are at a restaurant." ]
[ "a couple of people eat an orange", "A woman drinks orange juice.", "The people are in a restaurant.", "A group of people are sitting in a restaurant.", "The people are in front of a restaurant.", "People are drinking.", "The woman is drinking orange juice.", "People in a restaurant.", "The fruit juice can has a deposit.", "Some people are drinking.", "The people are at a restaurant.", "People are at the restaurant.", "People are consuming alcohol.", "People are enjoying being at a restaurant.", "Humans drinking" ]
An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant.
[ "A man is drinking juice." ]
[ "An older male is drinking alcohol.", "A man is at an eatery.", "A man is wearing an orange shirt", "An older man is eating something.", "An older man is drinking his night cap.", "The man likes to drink.", "A man enjoying his drink.", "A person is having a drink.", "An old man looks at the fruit.", "An old man is sitting at a cafe drinking coffee", "An older man open a wine bottle at the bar.", "A old male has beer in front of him.", "An older woman is drinking in a restaurant.", "The man makes drinks.", "The old man has a beer." ]
A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain.
[ "A blond man drinking water from a fountain." ]
[ "There is a man holding a drink", "A man is by water.", "A man by the water.", "The man is thirsty.", "A man plays in the fountain.", "A man is standing near a fountain.", "A man has blonde hair.", "A man is drinking.", "Blond man has nothing to drink", "the man is blond", "A man is outdoors having a drink.", "the man is haivng a drink", "A man is drinking a bottle of water.", "A man drinking a drink.", "The person took a drink of water." ]
Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye.
[ "There are two woman in this picture." ]
[ "Two women are together", "Two women are eating lunch while another woman walks nearby.", "two girls eat lunch", "Two women are greeting each other.", "Two people go to lunch.", "There are two women talking to each other.", "Two women embracing each other", "The women gave each other gentle hugs.", "They're done having lunch.", "Asian women are hugging each other.", "two women are near each other", "Two females are sharing a moment.", "Two woman eating in a lunchroom.", "People eating lunch", "Two women speaking to each other." ]
Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug.
[ "Two women hug each other." ]
[ "Two women are smiling", "Two people hold food.", "The women are preparing food together.", "Women are taking something from a basket.", "A human hugs another human.", "The people are hugging each other.", "Two women carrying bags.", "A woman graduating from school is hugging another person.", "The women are serving food.", "The two women are near each other.", "Two women are together.", "Two woman standing near each other while one of them holds an item.", "Two humans with containers to hold things.", "two women.", "There is a women handing items out" ]
A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game.
[ "A team is trying to tag a runner out." ]
[ "The little league team loses the game.", "A base runner attempts to steal third base as the pitcher winds up to pitch.", "Two teams play a baseball game.", "there is a baseball game going on", "People playing sports.", "There is a base ball ground and pitcher.", "The team is outdoors.", "A softball player is trying to get to a base.", "A sports game is happening.", "They are playing ball.", "kids playing a sport", "They players are outside.", "Children playing softball.", "Some peoples are running in game", "They are playing a sports game." ]
The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties.
[ "A school is hosting an event." ]
[ "People act out a historical event.", "There will be a party.", "Young people are partying.", "a band of students together", "American youth receives most of its cultural influences from reading ancient texts.", "The school was ready to cater to its discriminating students.", "There are students.", "The different religious groups often join each other in celebration.", "the party is in the same country", "an class of students", "There is a group of people at a party.", "Youngsters are conversing and learning new things in class.", "Students will be taught how to understand and appreciate fundamental American values.", "People are at school.", "A gathering of people are at an event." ]
High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city.
[ "Women are waiting by a tram." ]
[ "Ladies sitting with people behind them.", "People wait outside in a busy downtown area.", "ladies are standing", "People out in a city.", "Women are standing outdoors.", "A group waiting beside a street", "Some ladies are outside.", "People wait outside.", "Group waits for oncoming public transit.", "People are waiting in a crowded space.", "people waiting", "The people are waiting on transportation.", "The ladies are comunicating in public.", "Women standing outside.", "A large group of young women outside." ]
A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach.
[ "A family of three is at the beach." ]
[ "A group of people enjoying their time near a body of water.", "People relax at the beach during the day.", "There are people on the beach", "There are 3 people at the beach.", "Some people on a beach.", "A group of people at the beach.", "Some people enjoy themselves.", "three women and a man on beach", "A couple is on the beach.", "People are on the beach playing with the sand.", "Three people are on the beach.", "A group is at the beach", "The people are enjoying themselves.", "People relaxing by the ocean.", "A couple of people are at the beach." ]
A couple playing with a little boy on the beach.
[ "A couple are playing with a young child outside." ]
[ "A man and a boy are playing together.", "Friends and family are having fun at the beach.", "The kids are on the beach playing.", "They are on the beach.", "People are playing a on beach.", "The people are at a beach.", "The father and the two kids are playing on the beach.", "A couple is near the water.", "A couple playing outside", "People are outside on the beach", "Two people at the seaside.", "A boy and girl are playing outside", "the people are at the beach", "A young couple is enjoying a day at the beach.", "Father and son play in the waves." ]
A couple play in the tide with their young son.
[ "The family is outside." ]
[ "A man is playing a video game with his son.", "A family is enjoying in the water.", "A woman and her son are playing in the ocean.", "A man is spending time with his son.", "A man and a young child were playing toys outdoors.", "A father and son are playing together.", "Humans are playing in water.", "A boy and girl are playing in the water.", "A dad and a son is enjoying themselves.", "A family is playing together", "A couple is having fun.", "mother and son playing on beach", "Two humans playing in water.", "The couple is by the water.", "A father and son was outside." ]
A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant.
[ "Near a couple of restaurants, two people walk across the street." ]
[ "a woman and man walking in a street", "A man and woman are outside.", "People cross the street in the city.", "A restaurant on the street.", "A man and woman are on a street corner.", "A man and a woman standing in the street.", "A man and woman are walking outside", "the men and women are by the street", "A person is behind a man and woman.", "A man and a woman are out in public.", "The man and woman are outside.", "A man and a woman enjoying food.", "People are going toward a restaurant", "Two people are huddled together for pizza.", "The people are in front of a restaurant." ]
A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley.
[ "The woman is wearing green." ]
[ "A woman wearing light blue fleece jacket posing at the top of a snowy hill with a mountain range in the background outside.", "The woman is enjoying the view.", "A woman is looking at the view.", "a woman is peeking", "The woman is looking up.", "There is a woman in a green shirt.", "A woman looking at a jacket.", "The woman was looking down the street.", "There is a woman in a light green jacket standing.", "A woman dressed in green is outside staring at the sunrise.", "There is a woman wearing a jacket.", "The woman is in green", "The woman has something on her head.", "woman in jacket", "The woman has green clases." ]
Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background.
[ "A woman in white." ]
[ "The woman and man are out for a walk.", "A couple is walking.", "There is a man and a woman", "A man walks alongside a woman.", "A man and a woman are walking.", "The man and woman are walking.", "Two people in front of a sign.", "A man and woman are walking outside", "A woman and man are both wearing white pants.", "The woman is near the man.", "A man and woman are walking outside.", "A man is walking behind a woman.", "Two people are walking together.", "There are two people walking.", "A woman stands in front of something, at which a man points." ]
Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground.
[ "The adults are both male and female." ]
[ "Two people are walking together.", "Two people are at a crosswalk.", "People are walking across the street", "An adult and child are walking on the street.", "Two people walking along a path.", "Two people walking", "A woman and a man are not far away.", "Two people walking on the street", "Two people are outside walking.", "Two people are facing away from each other.", "Two people walking down a street.", "2 people walking on a street next to a traffic light.", "There is an adult and a child walking outside.", "Two people walking outdoors.", "Two people walk outdoors." ]
A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase.
[ "A female is next to a man." ]
[ "The man and woman are close to each other.", "Two people walking.", "The woman is walking", "A woman is wearing a jacket while near a man wearing white.", "There are two people walking.", "A man and woman are walking", "A woman in a business suit carries a briefcase.", "Woman is walking", "A man and a woman are eating.", "the woman walks", "A man is near a woman.", "A woman walks past a man.", "A woman in a white coat is walking.", "There are two people, one of whom is eating.", "The woman is wearing white." ]
A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase.
[ "the woman is outside" ]
[ "A woman purchases some fruit along the street.", "The woman may possibly get a bite to eat here.", "A woman and a man are not far away.", "A woman is holding a banana.", "The man is buying a banana.", "Man walking while using his phone and woman on crossing street.", "Two women are walking across the street.", "girl eats banana", "two women eat bananas", "A woman is carrying fruit", "Two people are eating bananas with both hands.", "The man and woman are walking along.", "The man is holding a banana.", "The woman is crossing the street.", "the man is eating bananas from the store." ]
A skier slides along a metal rail.
[ "A skier is near the rail." ]
[ "The skier is doing a jump.", "A skier is seen near the mountainside.", "A human skiing.", "There is a skier with both of his poles.", "The skier is standing at the top of a slope.", "A skier is navigating a challenging mountain terrain.", "The skier is in the snow.", "The skier is performing a stunt.", "A skier going down a slope.", "The skier went down the hill.", "Skier going down a hill.", "The skier is skiing.", "A skier is outside skiing.", "The skier is going down the hill.", "A skier catches some air." ]
A person on skis on a rail at night.
[ "The person skiis" ]
[ "A skier is about to descend.", "A skier is away from the rail.", "The skier is in the snow.", "a person skiing on the snow", "The person skis.", "A skier is in the air.", "A skier is on the ground.", "Someone skiing in the snow.", "A man has skis.", "A person skiing.", "A skier is outside", "The skier is outside.", "There is someone wearing skis.", "A skier is making a jump.", "a snowboarder is outside at night riding" ]
A skier in electric green on the edge of a ramp made of metal bars.
[ "The brightly dressed skier slid down the race course." ]
[ "A skier skiing.", "There is someone wearing skis.", "A person is on skis.", "There is a skier with both of his poles.", "An old man in green skiing.", "The person is skiing", "a skier poses", "a human skiing", "A skier is making a jump", "a person riding up a ramp.", "A human on a ski", "The skier is not descending the hill", "A snowboarder is on a ramp.", "The skier is going down the slope.", "A person skiing." ]
A yellow uniformed skier is performing a trick across a railed object.
[ "Somebody is engaging in winter sports." ]
[ "The skier is near snowy ground.", "a person skiing on the snow", "A skier looks at something.", "The person is wearing yellow.", "A person skiing on snow.", "A skier is on the ski lift.", "The skier is putting on skis.", "a person is doing tricks.", "A crosscountry skier.", "The person skis over the snow.", "a person does a trick", "A skier is having a picture taken.", "There is an athlete performing a trick.", "A person performing a trick on a jet ski", "Someone is skiing." ]
A blond man is drinking from a public fountain.
[ "The man is drinking water." ]
[ "There are people around a fountain.", "A man enjoying his drink.", "A fellow sips a beverage.", "A man runs through a fountain.", "A person having a drink.", "A man quenching his thirst", "A man drinks from a water fountain.", "A man is having a drink.", "A man is outside consuming a liquid.", "A smiling blond man is eating.", "Man is drinking water", "The man is drinking an alcoholic beverage.", "A male is getting a drink of water.", "The man took a deep drink.", "The man is drinking." ]
Wet brown dog swims towards camera.
[ "A dog is in the water." ]
[ "A dog swims in water.", "The dog is near the water.", "The brown dog is running in water.", "That dog is wet.", "Dog swimming in water", "A dog is emerging from water.", "A dog swims in a pool.", "A dog swims in a body of water.", "The dog is near liquid.", "There is an animal swimming.", "The dog is swimming around and drinking some water.", "A dog is going towards some water.", "a dog is swimming", "A brown and black dog was swimming.", "A brown dog is in the water." ]
Closeup image of a dog swimming.
[ "A dog swims in a body of water." ]
[ "a dog in the pool", "A black dog swims.", "a dog goes for a swim", "The dog knows how to swim.", "A dog is wet.", "There is a dog in the water.", "The animal is wet.", "An animal about to go for a swim.", "There is a dog besides a pool.", "Dog is getting wet", "There is water around the dog.", "There is an animal that is wet.", "A dog gets wet.", "The dog is swimming", "A dog swims towards the camera." ]
The furry brown dog is swimming in the ocean.
[ "A dog is swimming." ]
[ "A dog is swimming at the beach", "The dog was in the water getting wet.", "A dog swimming in a pool.", "The dog is swimming in the water", "A dog is walking in the water.", "The polar bear is swimming in the ocean.", "A dog is swimming in a lake", "A dog swimming in the river.", "A dog in the water", "The dog is swimming laps.", "The dog is swimming in the middle of the ocean.", "A dog is is swimming in a pond.", "The dog is swimming in the fountain.", "The dog is near the ocean.", "A penguin swimming in the ocean." ]
A big brown dog swims towards the camera.
[ "A dog swims towards the camera." ]
[ "The dog in getting wet.", "A brown dog is all wet.", "A big brown dog swims with a smaller dog in a body of water", "dog swimming", "The dog is getting into a body of water.", "A brown dog is wet.", "dog in water", "A dog jumps at the camera.", "There is a dog swimming in a pool.", "A dog is swimming in the water.", "The dog is swimming int he ocean.", "A big dog splashes around while trying to swim", "A dog is swimming in the pool.", "The dog was in the water.", "The dog is wet or about to be wet in this picture." ]
A man wearing black with a gray hat, holding a pitchfork, directs a horse-drawn cart.
[ "The man with the gray hat and pitchfork is directing the cart." ]
[ "A man wears a hat near some art.", "The man is dressed in black", "He wore a hat.", "A man wears black.", "A guy wearing a hat", "The man has a black headband on.", "a man on a gray horse dons a sombrero", "A man holding his hat.", "A man in black.", "A man wearing a hat", "A guy is pushing a cart.", "A man is moving a cart.", "The man is in black", "A man has a headpiece.", "There is a man dressed in black." ]
A man is leading a Clydesdale up a hay road, within a Old Country.
[ "A man is walking with his horse up a country road." ]
[ "A man driving a tractor down a country road.", "The man is riding down a country road.", "The man is being walked by the horse.", "The man is trying to control the horse.", "A man is being driven by an animal.", "A man is driving a Mustang in front of a fence.", "The horse was raised on a farm.", "There is a man an a horse.", "The farmers are outside in a field of hay.", "A man is walking with animals.", "A man is riding a horse in the country.", "A man with an animal.", "A man is riding horseback.", "A small country road.", "A man is riding a horse on a dirt road." ]
A farmer fertilizing his garden with manure with a horse and wagon.
[ "The man is fertilizering his garden." ]
[ "a man working in the garden", "A man is in a wagon.", "The throng is converging on a farm.", "A man rides his horse in the field.", "A man using farm-like equipment in a swampy area.", "The man is on a farm.", "The man is gardening outdoors.", "A man drives his car on a farm.", "The man and horse are outside.", "A man gardening.", "A man doing some gardening", "The man is using lawn care equipment.", "The man is near a horse.", "The man drives a tractor", "A farmer drives a tractor." ]
A white horse is pulling a cart while a man stands and watches.
[ "An animal is walking outside." ]
[ "There is a man on a horse.", "The people are looking at a horse.", "There is a horse near a person.", "The crowd watches the horse.", "man on horseback", "A man is moving a cart.", "Horses are looking at a person.", "The horses are pulling an animal.", "The horse is being rode.", "A man with a cart.", "A man walks a horse.", "The man on the motorcycle is pulling a cart.", "A man is standing on a hay wagon while horses eat the hay.", "There is a horse roce.", "The man is looking at his horse." ]
A dog drops a red disc on a beach.
[ "a dog drops a red disc" ]
[ "a dog running at the beach", "A dog is at the beach", "The dog is outside", "a dog is running on sand", "A dog lays on the beach.", "A dog playing at the beach.", "THe dog is outside", "There is a dog on the beach.", "Animals on a beach.", "A dog is jumping on the sand.", "A dog is rolling in the sand", "the dog is outdoors", "A dog run one the beach.", "The dog has sand on his paws.", "A dog is holding a red toy." ]
A man and a woman are walking on a street at the top of a hill.
[ "A man and woman walk on a street." ]
[ "The woman and man are out for a walk.", "A man and lady are walking.", "People walking on the street.", "There are people outside on a big hill.", "Two people are walking down a road together.", "A man and a woman walking across ground that is wet.", "A man and woman next to a road.", "Two people walk outside.", "a man and a woman are walking", "There are two people walking outside.", "a woman and man are outside", "Couple walking down a street.", "Man and a lady are walking.", "A couple are walking outside.", "Two people are outside walking." ]
An elderly man is drinking orange juice at a cafe.
[ "An old man is enjoying a beverage at a cafe." ]
[ "A person is drinking a beverage.", "The man is old", "an old man is eating", "The older man is inside.", "An old man is drinking beer with a straw.", "There is a man wearing an orange shirt.", "The man is drinking something.", "The guy is drinking juice.", "The old man is", "The man has a drink.", "There is an old man.", "A man is sipping coffee in a cafe.", "The lady enjoys orange juice with her breakfast.", "An elderly man is eating a bowl of soup outside.", "A man wears an orange shirt." ]
A couple holding hands walks down a street.
[ "People are holding hands and walking." ]
[ "Two people walking outside", "Some people are walking down the street.", "A couple holding hands.", "A couple are walking down the street outside.", "A man and woman hold hands as they walk down the road.", "An old couple holding hands.", "A woman and a man are walking down a street.", "The gay couple walks down the street.", "A couple is holding hands.", "A couple is holding hands outside.", "Two people dressed in white walk while holding hands.", "Some people are walking down the street", "Two people are walking and holding hands.", "A couple is outside.", "The couple are touching each other's hands." ]
A couple walk through a white brick town.
[ "People are walking outdoors." ]
[ "people are walking", "two people are taking a walk in the country", "A couple walks around Italy.", "A couple are walking outside.", "Two people are walking", "some humans walking", "A couple walks.", "A couple are outside.", "two people walking", "Couple walking down a street.", "A couple is outside.", "they are walking", "The couple was walking on a road.", "A couple on a walk goes under a narrow street arch.", "A couple is strolling through the city." ]
Children going home from school.
[ "The school children head home." ]
[ "The kids are at school.", "The children have things.", "The children are outside their home.", "The kids can go to school wherever they want.", "Children are on a trip", "The kids are in time-out.", "The students are leaving the classroom.", "Kids are in school", "The kids are in school", "Kids are in class", "The children are in school clothes.", "the kids are in school", "Children at school.", "There are students at school.", "The kids are bundled up for cold weather as they make their way to school." ]
People listening to a choir in a Catholic church.
[ "Choir singing in mass." ]
[ "people sing", "The children's choir is singing.", "The people are listening to a speaker.", "Some people are in a church.", "the people are sitting in church", "A choir consisting of adults sits down.", "A group singing for an audience.", "Two people are in a church.", "People are in a cathedral.", "Musicians playing guitar in church.", "The people have ears.", "a young peoples choir singing", "People at the church are talking amongst themselves.", "People are hearing music.", "the people gathered in the church" ]
Bicyclists waiting at an intersection.
[ "Bikers stop and wait for traffic at the intersection." ]
[ "There are people waiting.", "Some humans waiting", "There are people with bicycles outdoors.", "There are people standing by a bicycle", "There is more than one bicycle present.", "There are people on bikes in the city.", "A crowded bicycling event", "There are a lot of bike slined up.", "There are at least two bikes.", "People are on bicycles outside", "Two bicyclists are outdoors", "People stand next a bicycle on a corner.", "women cyclist waiting on corner", "The bicyclists are wearing the same color.", "A group of people have bikes." ]
People waiting at a light on bikes.
[ "People are on their bikes." ]
[ "More than one person is waiting for something.", "People are waiting.", "People are waiting for something.", "The bike riders are near a open space.", "Cyclists are waiting at a cross zone.", "The people are waiting for the streetlight to change colors.", "Two female humans are near bikes.", "They are waiting.", "Some people are outside on bikes.", "The people are waiting.", "People waiting outdoors", "Two people are sitting near bikes.", "People are out riding bikes.", "The people are currently not riding their bikes.", "A group of people have bikes." ]
People on bicycles waiting at an intersection.
[ "There are people on bicycles." ]
[ "There are people standing by a bicycle", "A group of people are riding bicycles.", "The people are riding bikes.", "People riding bicycles.", "Two people stand near a group of bicycles.", "People are out riding bikes.", "Someone waiting to cross a busy intersection.", "People riding bikes.", "Humans waiting.", "the people pose by the bikes", "There is a car and a bicycle at an intersection.", "People waiting at a crosswalk.", "There are bicyclers in the city.", "The pedestrians and cyclists are on there way somewhere.", "The people are waiting at the bike shop." ]
A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top.
[ "The cart is filled to the top." ]
[ "Two men and a red car.", "A man is watching something.", "A man is pulling a cart.", "A man is pushing a cart", "Two men with colorful shirts see each other.", "There is a cart.", "Two men are looking at the photographer while standing next to a cart with another person.", "A man is wearing a red shirt while working.", "A man sees", "People are watching a man.", "A man is in a red tank top", "The cart has as display.", "The man is watching something.", "The two men are looking at each other.", "There is a man being watched" ]
A boy is drinking out of a water fountain shaped like a woman.
[ "A male is getting a drink of water." ]
[ "Boy is drinking some sort of liquid while girl is paying attention to him", "The fountain is spraying water.", "The boys are outside by a fountain.", "A boy jumps off a fountain.", "the boy is swimming.", "A boy is wet.", "child plays in fountain", "A boy is swimming.", "A kid has a pail of water", "There is a fountain outdoors.", "their is a boy in water", "A boy is getting wet.", "A boy is in water", "A boy getting water in a bucket.", "There is a boy with black hair standing in a water fountain" ]
three bikers stop in town.
[ "Bikers stop for gas" ]
[ "The bikers are riding their bikes.", "People on bikes by a building.", "Humans on bikes", "bikers enjoy landscape", "People are on bikes.", "The bike riders came to a stop.", "bikers are riding down the highway", "Three men are out in the town.", "The bike riders are in the street.", "The people are near the bicycles", "People standing next to their bikes.", "A group of three people are on bikes in a park.", "There are people on bikes in the city.", "Some people are riding bikes outside.", "Three men gather around a bike." ]
Two people loading brush on a trailer attached to a truck.
[ "A couple of people are loading brush onto a trailer that is attached to a truck." ]
[ "The truck is moving", "Two men are next to a truck.", "People are by a truck.", "People are in the truck.", "Two individuals on an assembly line are doing their job.", "There are people with their vehicle.", "Some people are in a truck.", "Two people attempt a cleaning task.", "The two people were sweeping.", "The people are on a vehicle.", "There are people standing around a truck.", "A truck in movement.", "a couple of people working together", "The truck is not black", "A couple of people are working outside." ]
A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope.
[ "A bearded man is pulling on a rope." ]
[ "A man shaves his beard.", "A man is hanging from a rope.", "A person works with thin rope on a machine.", "There is a person pulling an object.", "a man with a beard", "A man on a rope.", "A man is working on rope.", "The man is near rope.", "A woman is pulling on a rope, while wearing a red hat.", "a person is climbing while a safety man holds the rope.", "A person with a beard carrying chopped wood.", "A man wearing a yellow hard hat is pulling hard on a rope pulley", "A man wears a red shirt", "The man is contorting his body.", "The man has a beard" ]
A man with facial hair and a red and gray shirt tugging on a piece of rope.
[ "A man has facial hair." ]
[ "A man has on a tie.", "Someone is pulling a rope.", "Two men pulling on a rope.", "A man walks on a tight rope.", "A man is getting his hair trimmed.", "A male is moving his body.", "The man has hair", "A person with a rope.", "Male with hairy face.", "a man is teaaching", "The person is cutting the rope.", "A person is touching someones hair.", "A man combs his hair.", "A red-haired man is showing his muscles.", "A man is pulling on a rope" ]
A middle-aged oriental woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is flashing a giant smile.
[ "A middle aged oriental woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is flashing a giant smile" ]
[ "A woman is wearing a headscarf.", "A woman is wearing a green shirt.", "A woman in a blue shirt smiles.", "The woman is standing and smiling.", "A woman smiling", "The lady is smiling.", "A woman smiling.", "The woman is the center of attention.", "She look very happy.", "The woman is in a good spirit.", "The woman is laughing.", "The lady is Asian", "A woman was looking nice.", "A person smiles.", "A woman gleefully smiles." ]
An Asian woman in a blue top and green headscarf smiling widely as another woman rows a boat in the background.
[ "An Asian woman is smiling at while another lady is rowing." ]
[ "There is an Asian woman.", "A happy woman.", "The lady is Asian", "The woman is Asian.", "a womans head", "Two ladies are happy.", "A woman is making a happy facial expression.", "Asian women are dressed.", "A woman rows her boat below.", "There are happy looking women.", "the woman is wearing blue", "Women are in the boat.", "Two women are smiling.", "An Asian woman in the crowd.", "A woman with a green sweater has a happy expression." ]
A boat worker securing line.
[ "A worker is doing something to a boat." ]
[ "The boat has a person in it.", "The person is on a boat.", "A person operates a kayak.", "The worker is holding something.", "A person working", "A worker using his tools.", "A man is working on a boat.", "there is a man and a boat in the picture", "The sailor is having trouble.", "The man in the boat is fixing something.", "A person is in a boat in the water.", "A worker is working on a board.", "The worker is doing construction", "a boat is acnhored", "A boat is in need of repair." ]
A small girl with a necklace is swimming.
[ "A small girl with a necklace is in the water" ]
[ "a girl is in her swimsuit", "A little girl has her hands in the water.", "There is a child swimming.", "A little girl is in a swimsuit.", "there is a little girl in this picture", "The girl was getting wet.", "The girl is near water.", "The girl was underwater.", "The girl is near the water.", "A girl was ready to swim today.", "The girl swims very well.", "A small girl is outside.", "there is a girl that is wet", "A child is swimming underwater.", "The girl is in a swimming pool." ]
a skateboarder skates in the pool.
[ "A skater is in the pool." ]
[ "There is a skateboarder jumping", "A human riding a skateboard.", "The skateboarder knows how to ride a skateboard.", "The skateboarder is doing a trick", "There is a human in a swimming pool.", "There is a skateboarder skating.", "The skater was on his skateboard.", "There is someone riding a skateboard.", "person on skateboard", "A skateboarder outside.", "Someone has a skateboard", "Skateboarder is outside", "A person plays pool.", "A person is playing pool.", "The skateboarder is jumping." ]
A couple, who appear to be Indian or Pakistani, walk on a path beside a body of water, the mother carrying a child in a diaper, the father wrapped in a blanket with the logo of the humanitarian organization "Save the Children."
[ "A couple carrying a child are walking along water." ]
[ "Two people are walking together.", "The couple is walking.", "A man and his daughter are walking.", "a man and woman walk", "There is a Muslim family walking outside.", "A is a couple walking outside.", "The woman and man are walking.", "A man and a child are walking near water", "A woman walks with her child", "Some people are walking", "Two human beings walk down the road.", "Indian families have small children.", "The people are walking", "Two people walking around", "couple walking" ]
There is a woman holding a baby, along with a man with a save the children bag.
[ "A group of people are possing for an add." ]
[ "A woman holds a newborn.", "The woman is holding an infant.", "A mom holds a baby", "A person holds a baby.", "a woman has a baby", "She is holding a child.", "A woman holds a child.", "a man holds a baby", "Multiple people are present with an infant.", "A baby is being held by its mother.", "A baby is held by another person.", "The baby is holding the man.", "A woman is carrying her child.", "A woman is carrying a child", "The woman had a baby." ]
A family with a baby, the father is wearing a save the children sign.
[ "A man is wearing something with writing on it." ]
[ "There is a family outdoors.", "A family celebrates.", "Dad hold his child", "There are children with a man.", "The family are spending time together.", "A family is outdoors.", "A person with a child.", "A group of people are near a sign.", "Two men are with a young child.", "the young child is with its father", "A family is hanging out with each other.", "The fathers are outside.", "There is a man and two children in this picture", "There is a group of people around a sign.", "A man is holding his child." ]
A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water.
[ "A foreign family walks by a dirt trail along a body of water." ]
[ "The people are walking outdoors.", "The people are walking on a dirt road outside.", "The families are outside.", "There are people walking outdoors", "A family is outside near a canal with boats.", "A family is together.", "a family is together", "There are people walking", "Groups of families enoy the outdoors.", "A family on the beach.", "A family outside a building.", "The family is on the coast", "These people are walking", "A grandfather and grandchild are walking down the path.", "people are walking outdoors" ]
A man and a woman are standing next to sculptures, talking while another man looks at other sculptures.
[ "A man and a woman are standing." ]
[ "Two people are visiting statues.", "Two people are near a piece of art.", "Women and a man standing together.", "People standing, looking at art.", "A woman and a man are talking.", "A man and woman are next to a speaker.", "Two men having a conversation in an art gallery.", "A man and a woman are near each other", "the man and woman are talking", "A man is standing next to some art.", "A man and woman are standing.", "a man and woman standing", "The man is thinking of buying one of the sculptures.", "The man is standing next to a woman and man", "Two people are looking at items." ]
Group of young women in dresses strolling on the sidewalk.
[ "there are some groups one of them of young females are in dresses strolling for a ramp walk" ]
[ "A group of girls walk through town.", "Some people strolling along", "a group of girls walks", "Women are walking next to each other.", "The women all wear dresses.", "Women walking together.", "There are two women on the sidewalk.", "Some people are strolling.", "three young overweight women in warm clothes are walking on a sidewalk lined with palm trees followed by two men", "The women are walking outdoors.", "The women were wearing new dresses.", "A group of women are outside.", "Women are wearing dresses.", "A group of females are walking outside.", "The women walked around the city." ]
A man wearing a striped top and jeans does a skateboard trick on some steps while a man who is hunched over photographs him.
[ "a man is photographing a man skateboarding." ]
[ "A man performs a skateboard trick", "The person is doing tricks on his skateboard", "A barely dressed man is skateboarding.", "A man is wearing jeans", "A man performs skating tricks.", "A guy does a trick with a skateboard.", "a person doing skateboard tricks", "A guy performs a trick on his skateboard.", "A man strips and falls with skateboard in the air.", "A man is doing a skateboard trick.", "a guy skateboarding", "A skateboarder skates down some stairs.", "A person performs stunts with a skateboard.", "A guy is doing skateboard tricks.", "A man watches two skateboarders skate." ]
A man squatting in the foreground of a photograph while taking a photograph of his own of a man doing a skateboarding kick flip in midair above a short flight of stairs outdoors.
[ "A man is photographing another man." ]
[ "A man is taking photos", "Man is skateboarding.", "A man taking a picture", "Two men are taking pictures", "Two guys pose for a picture while riding a skilift up a mountain.", "The man works for or is a photographer.", "The man's feet are touching the ground.", "two men posing for a photo", "There is a man having his photo taken.", "Two men are being photographed.", "The man is skateboarding while being videotaped.", "Two people doing flips.", "Man taking a photo", "A man is skateboarding outside.", "A man and a camera." ]
One biker is running with their bike while another is riding around them.
[ "People have bikes" ]
[ "The bikers are outdoors.", "The two people are running.", "The bicyclers are racing.", "Two people ride their bikes.", "Some people ride bikes.", "People are riding bikes", "People have bikes.", "There are two dirt bikes racing.", "The two bikers are enjoying a ride.", "There is a bike race.", "people are riding a bike.", "Cyclists are racing each other.", "There is more than one bike.", "Bikers are racing outdoors.", "Two people on bikes with one doing tricks." ]
Two people with bicycles, one in front running with a bike and one in back riding.
[ "One person running next to their bike with the person riding their bike behind them." ]
[ "Two people are riding bikes.", "They are riding on bicycles.", "The two people are riding bikes.", "Two people are riding bicycles.", "People are on their bikes.", "A group of people have bikes.", "Two people are riding a tandem bike.", "There are at least two bikes.", "People are riding bikes outside.", "People are riding their bikes.", "Some people are cycling.", "Two people riding a bike.", "The people are biking.", "Two people are racing bikes outside.", "Two people outside riding a bike." ]
A young man doing a trick on a skateboard down the stairs while being photographed.
[ "A man being photographed while he does a trick on his skateboard down the stairs." ]
[ "A man is doing skateboarding tricks.", "Tom is going down the stairs with his skateboard.", "The skateboarder uses the stairs.", "he is riding a skate board", "A man is riding a skateboard.", "A guy is on a skateboard.", "A skateboarder jumps some stairs as several people watch.", "A man is skateboarding down 2 stairs.", "a man has a skateboard", "a skateboarder doing a trick", "man plays skateboard.", "the young boy does skateboard tricks", "The man has a skateboard.", "A young person is doing a trick on his skateboard.", "Man is skateboarding." ]
A lady in a black and white striped shirt and holding a bouquet of flowers, looks seriously at two gentlemen talking on the steps.
[ "A lady with a serious face is standing with two guys in front of steps outside." ]
[ "Two women are looking at flowers.", "A lady looks at a man who is wearing a red t-shirt.", "A lady is speaking.", "People on some steps.", "A bride holds her bouquet.", "The woman is checking out a nearby gentleman.", "a pair of ladies talk", "The lady is pretty", "There is a beautiful lady.", "There are women in dresses holding flowers.", "A woman stares at a man who is looking at two other women.", "The is more than one flower.", "The woman are looking at the flowers.", "Two people are outdoors surrounded by flowers.", "a cadre of ladies stand about" ]
A man walking proudly down the street.
[ "A man is outside." ]
[ "A man is walking down the road.", "A man is outside on the street", "A man walks down a street.", "The man is walking on a street.", "There is a man dressed up walking outside.", "A man walking down the sidewalk.", "The man is outside walking.", "The guy is walking down the street.", "The man is happy as he walks.", "The man was walking down the street.", "A man walks outside.", "A man is taking a stroll down a street.", "The man is on the street.", "The man is walking down the street.", "A man is strolling down the street." ]
Four teenage boys are doing cannonballs into a swimming pool.
[ "A group of young men are splashing a lot of water." ]
[ "Four kids are swimming in a pool.", "A group of men play pool.", "The kids are in the pool.", "Three boys are near a swimming pool", "Four kids are playing in a fountain.", "The kids are jumping into the pool", "The four kids are going to shoot the water guns.", "The kids are in a swimming pool.", "Several men are playing pool.", "Four teenagers outside.", "Boys are playing", "Children playing in a pool.", "Boys are playing.", "Boys outside in water.", "The boys are in a swimming pool." ]
Three men standing on grass by the water looking at something on a table.
[ "The three men are outside." ]
[ "Three men are in the field", "The men are standing in the water.", "There are three people looking into the water.", "There are three people standing outside.", "There are three men outside.", "three men looking around", "Some men standing.", "Three men outdoors.", "People are standing near some water.", "Three men are looking to the left.", "There are at least three men.", "There are three men trying to stay dry while observing their surroundings.", "A group of men are in front of a body of water.", "Men play a game on grass.", "There are three men here." ]
A woman stands behind an outdoor grill with a blue basket of food in her hands.
[ "A woman standing behind a grill outside with a blue basket of food in her hands." ]
[ "A woman has produce", "The woman is standing outside.", "A woman shops for veggies outside.", "a woman stands outside a store", "A woman standing up cooking.", "A woman serves food.", "A woman serving food from a kitchen.", "A woman stands behind a cart selling food.", "A woman is standing.", "A woman grills.", "A woman is pictured outside.", "A person standing outside.", "A grill is being used in the yard.", "A lady with veggies.", "A human grilling" ]
A Land Rover makes its way through a deep pond.
[ "A car drives through the water." ]
[ "A tractor is on a dirt road.", "A dirt road.", "There are at least two vehicles.", "There is a vehicle outside.", "A car is driving outdoors.", "The car is in the middle of the lake.", "ROAMS: Rover Analysis, Modeling and Simulation", "A car drives onto a ferry.", "There is a man near a pond.", "A tractor is outside.", "the man went walking around the pond", "There is a tractor near the water.", "An animal is on a dirt road.", "The dogs are at the pond.", "A motor vehicle is moving along." ]
many people relax in the yard.
[ "A group of people are outside." ]
[ "The people are all outside.", "Some people are relaxing.", "The people are all outdoors.", "There are many people outside today.", "People perform healthy activity on grass.", "People relaxing outside around a tree.", "Some people enjoying weather outside a building.", "People are outside doing things.", "Two people relax in the outdoors", "A group is lounging around outdoors.", "A few people are outside.", "Several people are sitting outside.", "People outdoors.", "A couple and their children relax outside.", "Several people are outdoors." ]
A car sinking in water.
[ "A car is flooding." ]
[ "Someone is in some water.", "The car is flying in the air.", "A boat sank in", "The car is loaded.", "A car is outside", "The hulls of the boats are wet", "The race car tires are wet.", "There is a vehicle that is being towed.", "The car is at capacity.", "The automobiles are wet.", "A car is towing a boat in a river.", "A car being crushed.", "a cart is sinking in the ocean", "A car is dirty.", "A car is being worked on." ]
A man wearing black is playing an electric guitar at a concert.
[ "A man is playing the guitar." ]
[ "A man in black leather is performing on a stage.", "a man performs at a talent show with a guitar", "The man is playing music on his guitar", "The man is playing music.", "The man is wearing black.", "A man play music.", "A man is wearing black.", "A man plays guitar on stage.", "a man playing the guitar", "A male guitarist wearing a baseball cap and playing on a black acoustic guitar.", "The man has a guitar.", "The man playing his guitar.", "A man plays music.", "a man playing guitar", "A man is dancing at a concert." ]
A man with wild hair rocks a show playing a guitar center stage.
[ "A guy stands on stage with his guitar." ]
[ "The man is musical", "A long haired man plays the guitar.", "A man on stage.", "A man performing.", "A man on a stage", "The man is standing on a stage as he plays the guitar.", "A Guitarist was exhibiting his skills.", "Man with long hair plays his guitar.", "The man stands on a stage with a guitar", "A performer is on the stage.", "A well-dressed man is playing the guitar on stage", "the man is a performer", "A man is playing acoustic guitar.", "A man performs with a guitar.", "A man with facial hair is playing an instrument." ]
woman and child on trolley car labeled Powell and market and bay and taylor
[ "The woman is on a trolley." ]
[ "A woman is with her child.", "People are using public transportation.", "A mother and her child are outdoors.", "A woman walking between two buses.", "People were on the bus.", "A woman and a child are near each other.", "a mother is with her child", "A lady and a young child together", "There had been things in that trolley.", "A couple is on a bus.", "There are cars behind the trolleys.", "A woman and child on the subway", "the lady and the kid are walking.", "Two people are in a car.", "There are two passengers." ]
Two female medical professionals, one african american& one white, looking over paperwork in a hospital.
[ "There are people at work." ]
[ "Tests are done by ladies in a lab.", "Professionals are in the middle of a surgery.", "Woman are looking at paper", "Two females are inside.", "a nurse checks a woman", "Two ladies looking down.", "The nurses are looking at the medical supplies.", "Doctors are working on a patient.", "Two people in a hospital.", "A woman is working as a doctor.", "A woman is visiting a friend in the hospital.", "Two people are using medical equipment to operate.", "A woman is in a hospital.", "A person in a hospital.", "A mental patient is examined by a man and a woman in blue scrubs." ]
Two ladies are reading through binders.
[ "Some women are reading." ]
[ "The two women are illiterate", "An elderly woman is holding reading material.", "Two people are sitting and reading.", "People looking at books.", "a lady is reading", "two women are inside.", "They are laying down reading", "People are sitting and reading.", "Older women are reading and enjoying art.", "There are two women sitting.", "Two women are holding pieces of paper.", "The people are reading.", "Two women are inside.", "The two women are inside.", "The busy people are reading material." ]
A man in the distance is walking past a brick wall painted with words and graffiti.
[ "Grafffiti on a brick wall." ]
[ "Gentleman walking", "A man is walking on a path.", "A man walks near a wall with a painting.", "A man is constructing a brick wall.", "The man's paint is the same as the wall graffiti.", "The man is by a wall.", "A man is walking past a building", "A man is walking near a building.", "Man in light shirt and black jeans walking by graffiti.", "The man was walking.", "A man walks past street art.", "A man is walking by a wall with a mural on it.", "A hat clad man is walking by a wall.", "Man standing next to a painting on a wall.", "The man is touching the wall." ]
A woman and a child holding on to the railing while on trolley.
[ "The people are holding onto the rail." ]
[ "Some people are on a train.", "The woman and child are outdoors.", "A woman is holding a child", "A woman holds a small child.", "The woman is on a trolley.", "Someone is holding a child.", "There are more than two people around a railing.", "Two kids are on a train holding different things.", "A woman and a child are doing a ride together.", "A woman and child are in a hurry.", "A woman and her daughter holding hands as they go to catch the subway train.", "The woman and child are on the elevator.", "A child and adult hold hands", "A lady is holding a toddler.", "There is a women holding a child" ]
A man in a striped polo shirt is pointing and smiling.
[ "The man seems happy" ]
[ "The man looks cool.", "The man in glasses is smiling at something.", "Someone is smiling.", "A man pointing something out.", "the man is happy", "a man smiles on a sunny day", "A man in a blue jacket with a white stripe down the sleeve is smiling.", "The mans is wearing a shirt.", "The man's shirt is a bright color.", "A man smiles as he looks at drinks.", "A man puts on a smile.", "The person looks calm and smiling.", "The man has a shirt on", "A man wearing a shirt.", "The man holding the gavel is happy." ]
A guy performing a bicycle jump trick for an audience.
[ "a guy is performing a bike trick" ]
[ "A man performing.", "Someone does air stunts on his bike.", "A man is riding a bike for the crowd.", "A man performs stunts on his bicycle.", "the man performs", "A man is performing tricks for a group of people.", "The man is doing a stunt.", "The man was performing a stunt on the bike.", "A person is doing a bike trick.", "The guy is on a bike.", "This man can do tricks on a bike.", "A man does a trick.", "There is a person doing a trick on a bike.", "A guy is jumping a ramp on a bike.", "A man is performing stunts on a mountain bike." ]
A gray-haired woman in a blue dress coat with snowflakes on it balances something on her head.
[ "The woman is wearing a coat." ]
[ "A woman wearing a dress and carrying a tray on her head.", "The woman has a head", "A woman is in a blue dress", "The woman wears a dress.", "A person with a blue hat and white coat.", "a woman in a hat", "The person is wearing a winter coat.", "The woman's coat is blue.", "A person in a dress.", "Her head is covered", "A woman in a coat.", "There is a person wearing a coat.", "a woman is in a multi colored headdress", "She is wearing a blue dress.", "The lady is wearing a coat." ]
Two children play outside in a field.
[ "Kids are playing outdoors." ]
[ "A group of kids playing in a field", "children playing in the fields", "There are children outside having fun.", "Two children are outside", "Children are outside playing", "The children are playing in a rocky field.", "There are two children outdoors.", "Two kids are playing on the grass.", "Two children are outside playing.", "There are two children in this picture, and they are outside.", "The two children are outside.", "kids play outside", "There is a group of children playing in a field.", "The children are outdoors.", "Two children play." ]
One man sits inside and plays the banjo, there are trees behind him outside.
[ "A male sitting indoors." ]
[ "The man is playing his instrument outdoors.", "A man is playing outside", "The man plays an instrument.", "A musician is outside.", "A man performs music outside.", "A man is sitting and playing a harmonica.", "There is a man sitting outdoors.", "A man playing an instrument in a local business.", "A well dressed man is playing music outdoors.", "A guy plays the banjo alone.", "A man plays the guitar outside.", "A man is playing an instrument outdoors.", "An old man is playing a banjo.", "A man is playing his instrument", "There is a person making music outdoors" ]
Two children, in colorful outfits, playing in a field with a big rock in the middle.
[ "Two kids are playing with a big rock in the field" ]
[ "Two kids are outside in nature.", "The kids are outside playing.", "Children play outside together.", "two children play", "A group of children at play in a field.", "Childrens are playing outdoors.", "children are playing outdoors.", "Children play outside", "Two young children are outside.", "Two children outside playing.", "Kids are playing in a green field.", "Two children are playing in the yard.", "Two children playing outside", "Children in a field.", "There are children playing outdoors" ]
Two young girls are playing outside in a non-urban environment.
[ "Two girls are playing outside." ]
[ "There are two girls playing together.", "Young girls are playing in the water.", "two children outside playing.", "Girls having fun.", "Two little girls are playing outside", "Girls playing", "The girls are playing on the playground.", "Two girls are playing tag outside.", "There are children playing outdoors", "There are kids playing outside", "Two girls are playing in the water.", "Two girls are playing together.", "The little girls are not foreign.", "The girls are young.", "Two young girls are playing." ]
Two children in hats play in an open, rocky field.
[ "The children are playing in a rocky field." ]
[ "Kids playing together outside.", "Two children are playing outdoors.", "Two kids are outdoors.", "Two children playing outdoors", "There are two children in this picture, and they are outside.", "Kids are playing in a park.", "Two kids are outside", "children are playing outdoors.", "Children are playing outside.", "Some children are outside.", "two children outside playing.", "Childrens are playing outdoors.", "Kids are outsides.", "the children are outside", "Kids are playing in a field" ]
A woman wearing a green and pink dress is dancing with someone wearing a blue top with white pants.
[ "The woman in green and pink is dancing." ]
[ "women dancing", "A woman has a dress on.", "A woman is wearing a black dress and dancing.", "The woman is dancing.", "A woman is in a dress.", "There is a woman in a dress.", "There are two people dancing.", "The woman is dancing with a man.", "The lady in the orange dress is dancing.", "Two women dancing.", "A woman in a dress is dancing in a gym with a man in a swimsuit.", "A woman wearing a dress.", "The two are dancing.", "Two people dancing.", "the women are dancing." ]

The largest query length is: 1815
The average query length is: 61.19101432132145

The largest pos length is: 1312
The average pos length is: 152.11767179632923

The largest neg length is: 1669
The average neg length is: 224.2615171813766

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