1 value
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2017 Martin Heusel # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Adapted from the original implementation by Martin Heusel. # Source ''' Calculates the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) to evalulate GANs. The FID metric calculates the distance between two distributions of images. Typically, we have summary statistics (mean & covariance matrix) of one of these distributions, while the 2nd distribution is given by a GAN. When run as a stand-alone program, it compares the distribution of images that are stored as PNG/JPEG at a specified location with a distribution given by summary statistics (in pickle format). The FID is calculated by assuming that X_1 and X_2 are the activations of the pool_3 layer of the inception net for generated samples and real world samples respectivly. See --help to see further details. ''' from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import scipy as sp import os import gzip, pickle import tensorflow as tf from scipy.misc import imread import pathlib import urllib class InvalidFIDException(Exception): pass def create_inception_graph(pth): """Creates a graph from saved GraphDef file.""" # Creates graph from saved graph_def.pb. with tf.gfile.FastGFile( pth, 'rb') as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( _ = tf.import_graph_def( graph_def, name='FID_Inception_Net') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # code for handling inception net derived from # def _get_inception_layer(sess): """Prepares inception net for batched usage and returns pool_3 layer. """ layername = 'FID_Inception_Net/pool_3:0' pool3 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(layername) ops = pool3.graph.get_operations() for op_idx, op in enumerate(ops): for o in op.outputs: shape = o.get_shape() if shape._dims is not None: shape = [s.value for s in shape] new_shape = [] for j, s in enumerate(shape): if s == 1 and j == 0: new_shape.append(None) else: new_shape.append(s) try: o._shape = tf.TensorShape(new_shape) except ValueError: o._shape_val = tf.TensorShape(new_shape) # EDIT: added for compatibility with tensorflow 1.6.0 return pool3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_activations(images, sess, batch_size=50, verbose=False): """Calculates the activations of the pool_3 layer for all images. Params: -- images : Numpy array of dimension (n_images, hi, wi, 3). The values must lie between 0 and 256. -- sess : current session -- batch_size : the images numpy array is split into batches with batch size batch_size. A reasonable batch size depends on the disposable hardware. -- verbose : If set to True and parameter out_step is given, the number of calculated batches is reported. Returns: -- A numpy array of dimension (num images, 2048) that contains the activations of the given tensor when feeding inception with the query tensor. """ inception_layer = _get_inception_layer(sess) d0 = images.shape[0] if batch_size > d0: print("warning: batch size is bigger than the data size. setting batch size to data size") batch_size = d0 n_batches = d0//batch_size n_used_imgs = n_batches*batch_size pred_arr = np.empty((n_used_imgs,2048)) for i in range(n_batches): if verbose: print("\rPropagating batch %d/%d" % (i+1, n_batches), end="", flush=True) start = i*batch_size end = start + batch_size batch = images[start:end] pred =, {'FID_Inception_Net/ExpandDims:0': batch}) pred_arr[start:end] = pred.reshape(batch_size,-1) if verbose: print(" done") return pred_arr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def calculate_frechet_distance(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2): """Numpy implementation of the Frechet Distance. The Frechet distance between two multivariate Gaussians X_1 ~ N(mu_1, C_1) and X_2 ~ N(mu_2, C_2) is d^2 = ||mu_1 - mu_2||^2 + Tr(C_1 + C_2 - 2*sqrt(C_1*C_2)). Params: -- mu1 : Numpy array containing the activations of the pool_3 layer of the inception net ( like returned by the function 'get_predictions') -- mu2 : The sample mean over activations of the pool_3 layer, precalcualted on an representive data set. -- sigma2: The covariance matrix over activations of the pool_3 layer, precalcualted on an representive data set. Returns: -- dist : The Frechet Distance. Raises: -- InvalidFIDException if nan occures. """ m = np.square(mu1 - mu2).sum() #s = sp.linalg.sqrtm(, sigma2)) # EDIT: commented out s, _ = sp.linalg.sqrtm(, sigma2), disp=False) # EDIT: added dist = m + np.trace(sigma1+sigma2 - 2*s) #if np.isnan(dist): # EDIT: commented out # raise InvalidFIDException("nan occured in distance calculation.") # EDIT: commented out #return dist # EDIT: commented out return np.real(dist) # EDIT: added #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def calculate_activation_statistics(images, sess, batch_size=50, verbose=False): """Calculation of the statistics used by the FID. Params: -- images : Numpy array of dimension (n_images, hi, wi, 3). The values must lie between 0 and 255. -- sess : current session -- batch_size : the images numpy array is split into batches with batch size batch_size. A reasonable batch size depends on the available hardware. -- verbose : If set to True and parameter out_step is given, the number of calculated batches is reported. Returns: -- mu : The mean over samples of the activations of the pool_3 layer of the incption model. -- sigma : The covariance matrix of the activations of the pool_3 layer of the incption model. """ act = get_activations(images, sess, batch_size, verbose) mu = np.mean(act, axis=0) sigma = np.cov(act, rowvar=False) return mu, sigma #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following functions aren't needed for calculating the FID # they're just here to make this module work as a stand-alone script # for calculating FID scores #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_or_download_inception(inception_path): ''' Checks if the path to the inception file is valid, or downloads the file if it is not present. ''' INCEPTION_URL = '' if inception_path is None: inception_path = '/tmp' inception_path = pathlib.Path(inception_path) model_file = inception_path / 'classify_image_graph_def.pb' if not model_file.exists(): print("Downloading Inception model") from urllib import request import tarfile fn, _ = request.urlretrieve(INCEPTION_URL) with, mode='r') as f: f.extract('classify_image_graph_def.pb', str(model_file.parent)) return str(model_file) def _handle_path(path, sess): if path.endswith('.npz'): f = np.load(path) m, s = f['mu'][:], f['sigma'][:] f.close() else: path = pathlib.Path(path) files = list(path.glob('*.jpg')) + list(path.glob('*.png')) x = np.array([imread(str(fn)).astype(np.float32) for fn in files]) m, s = calculate_activation_statistics(x, sess) return m, s def calculate_fid_given_paths(paths, inception_path): ''' Calculates the FID of two paths. ''' inception_path = check_or_download_inception(inception_path) for p in paths: if not os.path.exists(p): raise RuntimeError("Invalid path: %s" % p) create_inception_graph(str(inception_path)) with tf.Session() as sess: m1, s1 = _handle_path(paths[0], sess) m2, s2 = _handle_path(paths[1], sess) fid_value = calculate_frechet_distance(m1, s1, m2, s2) return fid_value if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("path", type=str, nargs=2, help='Path to the generated images or to .npz statistic files') parser.add_argument("-i", "--inception", type=str, default=None, help='Path to Inception model (will be downloaded if not provided)') parser.add_argument("--gpu", default="", type=str, help='GPU to use (leave blank for CPU only)') args = parser.parse_args() os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.gpu fid_value = calculate_fid_given_paths(args.path, args.inception) print("FID: ", fid_value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EDIT: added class API: def __init__(self, num_images, image_shape, image_dtype, minibatch_size): import config self.network_dir = os.path.join(config.result_dir, '_inception_fid') self.network_file = check_or_download_inception(self.network_dir) self.sess = tf.get_default_session() create_inception_graph(self.network_file) def get_metric_names(self): return ['FID'] def get_metric_formatting(self): return ['%-10.4f'] def begin(self, mode): assert mode in ['warmup', 'reals', 'fakes'] self.activations = [] def feed(self, mode, minibatch): act = get_activations(minibatch.transpose(0,2,3,1), self.sess, batch_size=minibatch.shape[0]) self.activations.append(act) def end(self, mode): act = np.concatenate(self.activations) mu = np.mean(act, axis=0) sigma = np.cov(act, rowvar=False) if mode in ['warmup', 'reals']: self.mu_real = mu self.sigma_real = sigma fid = calculate_frechet_distance(mu, sigma, self.mu_real, self.sigma_real) return [fid] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # Adapted from the original implementation by The TensorFlow Authors. # Source: import numpy as np from scipy import signal from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve def _FSpecialGauss(size, sigma): """Function to mimic the 'fspecial' gaussian MATLAB function.""" radius = size // 2 offset = 0.0 start, stop = -radius, radius + 1 if size % 2 == 0: offset = 0.5 stop -= 1 x, y = np.mgrid[offset + start:stop, offset + start:stop] assert len(x) == size g = np.exp(-((x**2 + y**2)/(2.0 * sigma**2))) return g / g.sum() def _SSIMForMultiScale(img1, img2, max_val=255, filter_size=11, filter_sigma=1.5, k1=0.01, k2=0.03): """Return the Structural Similarity Map between `img1` and `img2`. This function attempts to match the functionality of ssim_index_new.m by Zhou Wang: Arguments: img1: Numpy array holding the first RGB image batch. img2: Numpy array holding the second RGB image batch. max_val: the dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the maximum the and minimum allowed values). filter_size: Size of blur kernel to use (will be reduced for small images). filter_sigma: Standard deviation for Gaussian blur kernel (will be reduced for small images). k1: Constant used to maintain stability in the SSIM calculation (0.01 in the original paper). k2: Constant used to maintain stability in the SSIM calculation (0.03 in the original paper). Returns: Pair containing the mean SSIM and contrast sensitivity between `img1` and `img2`. Raises: RuntimeError: If input images don't have the same shape or don't have four dimensions: [batch_size, height, width, depth]. """ if img1.shape != img2.shape: raise RuntimeError('Input images must have the same shape (%s vs. %s).' % (img1.shape, img2.shape)) if img1.ndim != 4: raise RuntimeError('Input images must have four dimensions, not %d' % img1.ndim) img1 = img1.astype(np.float32) img2 = img2.astype(np.float32) _, height, width, _ = img1.shape # Filter size can't be larger than height or width of images. size = min(filter_size, height, width) # Scale down sigma if a smaller filter size is used. sigma = size * filter_sigma / filter_size if filter_size else 0 if filter_size: window = np.reshape(_FSpecialGauss(size, sigma), (1, size, size, 1)) mu1 = signal.fftconvolve(img1, window, mode='valid') mu2 = signal.fftconvolve(img2, window, mode='valid') sigma11 = signal.fftconvolve(img1 * img1, window, mode='valid') sigma22 = signal.fftconvolve(img2 * img2, window, mode='valid') sigma12 = signal.fftconvolve(img1 * img2, window, mode='valid') else: # Empty blur kernel so no need to convolve. mu1, mu2 = img1, img2 sigma11 = img1 * img1 sigma22 = img2 * img2 sigma12 = img1 * img2 mu11 = mu1 * mu1 mu22 = mu2 * mu2 mu12 = mu1 * mu2 sigma11 -= mu11 sigma22 -= mu22 sigma12 -= mu12 # Calculate intermediate values used by both ssim and cs_map. c1 = (k1 * max_val) ** 2 c2 = (k2 * max_val) ** 2 v1 = 2.0 * sigma12 + c2 v2 = sigma11 + sigma22 + c2 ssim = np.mean((((2.0 * mu12 + c1) * v1) / ((mu11 + mu22 + c1) * v2)), axis=(1, 2, 3)) # Return for each image individually. cs = np.mean(v1 / v2, axis=(1, 2, 3)) return ssim, cs def _HoxDownsample(img): return (img[:, 0::2, 0::2, :] + img[:, 1::2, 0::2, :] + img[:, 0::2, 1::2, :] + img[:, 1::2, 1::2, :]) * 0.25 def msssim(img1, img2, max_val=255, filter_size=11, filter_sigma=1.5, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, weights=None): """Return the MS-SSIM score between `img1` and `img2`. This function implements Multi-Scale Structural Similarity (MS-SSIM) Image Quality Assessment according to Zhou Wang's paper, "Multi-scale structural similarity for image quality assessment" (2003). Link: Author's MATLAB implementation: Arguments: img1: Numpy array holding the first RGB image batch. img2: Numpy array holding the second RGB image batch. max_val: the dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the maximum the and minimum allowed values). filter_size: Size of blur kernel to use (will be reduced for small images). filter_sigma: Standard deviation for Gaussian blur kernel (will be reduced for small images). k1: Constant used to maintain stability in the SSIM calculation (0.01 in the original paper). k2: Constant used to maintain stability in the SSIM calculation (0.03 in the original paper). weights: List of weights for each level; if none, use five levels and the weights from the original paper. Returns: MS-SSIM score between `img1` and `img2`. Raises: RuntimeError: If input images don't have the same shape or don't have four dimensions: [batch_size, height, width, depth]. """ if img1.shape != img2.shape: raise RuntimeError('Input images must have the same shape (%s vs. %s).' % (img1.shape, img2.shape)) if img1.ndim != 4: raise RuntimeError('Input images must have four dimensions, not %d' % img1.ndim) # Note: default weights don't sum to 1.0 but do match the paper / matlab code. weights = np.array(weights if weights else [0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333]) levels = weights.size downsample_filter = np.ones((1, 2, 2, 1)) / 4.0 im1, im2 = [x.astype(np.float32) for x in [img1, img2]] mssim = [] mcs = [] for _ in range(levels): ssim, cs = _SSIMForMultiScale( im1, im2, max_val=max_val, filter_size=filter_size, filter_sigma=filter_sigma, k1=k1, k2=k2) mssim.append(ssim) mcs.append(cs) im1, im2 = [_HoxDownsample(x) for x in [im1, im2]] # Clip to zero. Otherwise we get NaNs. mssim = np.clip(np.asarray(mssim), 0.0, np.inf) mcs = np.clip(np.asarray(mcs), 0.0, np.inf) # Average over images only at the end. return np.mean([:-1, :] ** weights[:-1, np.newaxis], axis=0) * (mssim[-1, :] ** weights[-1])) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EDIT: added class API: def __init__(self, num_images, image_shape, image_dtype, minibatch_size): assert num_images % 2 == 0 and minibatch_size % 2 == 0 self.num_pairs = num_images // 2 def get_metric_names(self): return ['MS-SSIM'] def get_metric_formatting(self): return ['%-10.4f'] def begin(self, mode): assert mode in ['warmup', 'reals', 'fakes'] self.sum = 0.0 def feed(self, mode, minibatch): images = minibatch.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) score = msssim(images[0::2], images[1::2]) self.sum += score * (images.shape[0] // 2) def end(self, mode): avg = self.sum / self.num_pairs return [avg] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2016 Wojciech Zaremba # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Adapted from the original implementation by Wojciech Zaremba. # Source: from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os.path import sys import tarfile import numpy as np from six.moves import urllib import tensorflow as tf import glob import scipy.misc import math import sys MODEL_DIR = '/tmp/imagenet' DATA_URL = '' softmax = None # Call this function with list of images. Each of elements should be a # numpy array with values ranging from 0 to 255. def get_inception_score(images, splits=10): assert(type(images) == list) assert(type(images[0]) == np.ndarray) assert(len(images[0].shape) == 3) #assert(np.max(images[0]) > 10) # EDIT: commented out #assert(np.min(images[0]) >= 0.0) inps = [] for img in images: img = img.astype(np.float32) inps.append(np.expand_dims(img, 0)) bs = 100 with tf.Session() as sess: preds = [] n_batches = int(math.ceil(float(len(inps)) / float(bs))) for i in range(n_batches): #sys.stdout.write(".") # EDIT: commented out #sys.stdout.flush() inp = inps[(i * bs):min((i + 1) * bs, len(inps))] inp = np.concatenate(inp, 0) pred =, {'ExpandDims:0': inp}) preds.append(pred) preds = np.concatenate(preds, 0) scores = [] for i in range(splits): part = preds[(i * preds.shape[0] // splits):((i + 1) * preds.shape[0] // splits), :] kl = part * (np.log(part) - np.log(np.expand_dims(np.mean(part, 0), 0))) kl = np.mean(np.sum(kl, 1)) scores.append(np.exp(kl)) return np.mean(scores), np.std(scores) # This function is called automatically. def _init_inception(): global softmax if not os.path.exists(MODEL_DIR): os.makedirs(MODEL_DIR) filename = DATA_URL.split('/')[-1] filepath = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): def _progress(count, block_size, total_size): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Downloading %s %.1f%%' % ( filename, float(count * block_size) / float(total_size) * 100.0)) sys.stdout.flush() filepath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(DATA_URL, filepath, _progress) print() statinfo = os.stat(filepath) print('Succesfully downloaded', filename, statinfo.st_size, 'bytes.'), 'r:gz').extractall(MODEL_DIR) # EDIT: increased indent with tf.gfile.FastGFile(os.path.join( MODEL_DIR, 'classify_image_graph_def.pb'), 'rb') as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( _ = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') # Works with an arbitrary minibatch size. with tf.Session() as sess: pool3 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('pool_3:0') ops = pool3.graph.get_operations() for op_idx, op in enumerate(ops): for o in op.outputs: shape = o.get_shape() shape = [s.value for s in shape] new_shape = [] for j, s in enumerate(shape): if s == 1 and j == 0: new_shape.append(None) else: new_shape.append(s) try: o._shape = tf.TensorShape(new_shape) except ValueError: o._shape_val = tf.TensorShape(new_shape) # EDIT: added for compatibility with tensorflow 1.6.0 w = sess.graph.get_operation_by_name("softmax/logits/MatMul").inputs[1] logits = tf.matmul(tf.squeeze(pool3), w) softmax = tf.nn.softmax(logits) #if softmax is None: # EDIT: commented out # _init_inception() # EDIT: commented out #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EDIT: added class API: def __init__(self, num_images, image_shape, image_dtype, minibatch_size): import config globals()['MODEL_DIR'] = os.path.join(config.result_dir, '_inception') self.sess = tf.get_default_session() _init_inception() def get_metric_names(self): return ['IS_mean', 'IS_std'] def get_metric_formatting(self): return ['%-10.4f', '%-10.4f'] def begin(self, mode): assert mode in ['warmup', 'reals', 'fakes'] self.images = [] def feed(self, mode, minibatch): self.images.append(minibatch.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)) def end(self, mode): images = list(np.concatenate(self.images)) with self.sess.as_default(): mean, std = get_inception_score(images) return [mean, std] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# empty
import os import csv import numpy as np import argparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # initialize parser arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--csv', '-csv', help='path to csv file', default='../All_Ratings.csv', type=str) parser.add_argument('--density', '-density', help='configure plot density', default=0.05, type=float) args = parser.parse_args() # initiate list of beauty rates means beauty_rates_mean = [] # read raters csv file with open(args.csv, 'r') as csvfile: # Dictionary to load images from csv # key: image name # value: list of 60 beauty rates from raters csv_dict = {} raw_dataset = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') # fill the dictionary for i, row in enumerate(raw_dataset): row = ','.join(row) row = row.split(',') # create list of rates for each image if row[1] in csv_dict: csv_dict[row[1]][0].append(float(row[2])) else: csv_dict[row[1]] = [[float(row[2])]] # move dict to lists, convert beauty rates to numpy ranged in [0,1] for key, value in csv_dict.items(): beauty_rates_mean.append(np.mean(np.asarray(value, dtype=np.float32))) # create a x axis with the given density and zeros as y axis to be filled next x_values = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, args.density) y_values = [0]*len(x_values) # for each mean, increase the counter in the correct location for val in beauty_rates_mean: y_values[int(round(val/args.density))] += 1 # plot the results plt.plot(x_values, y_values) plt.xlabel('beauty rates') plt.ylabel('number of subjects') plt.title('Beauty Rates Distribution') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(os.path.basename(args.csv).split(".")[-2]+ ".png")
import os from PIL import Image # select dataset folder to check and destination folder to put output images in path = '../datasets/beauty_dataset/img/beauty_dataset' dest_path = '../datasets/beauty_dataset/img/beauty_dataset_scaled' # destination resolution dest_res = 2 ** 8 for i, file in enumerate(os.listdir(path)): # open image using PIL to detect resolution. img =,file)) width, height = img.size # pad image if necessary if width != height: # create a new black picture in size of (max(height,width), max(height,width)) padded_size = (max(height,width), max(height,width)) black_img ="RGB", padded_size) # # define origin to paste the image on the newly created image location_x = int((padded_size[0] - width) / 2) location_y = int((padded_size[1] - height) / 2) # paste the image black_img.paste(img, (location_x,location_y)) img = black_img # resize image to destination resolution and save in dest folder img = img.resize((dest_res,dest_res),Image.ANTIALIAS),file),quality=95) if i % 100 == 0: print("saved {}/{} images".format(i,len(os.listdir(path))))
import math import random import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import Themis def load_soft_from_settings(): names=[] types=[] values=[] num_values=[] tree = ET.parse('settings.xml') root = tree.getroot() software_name = root.find("name").text command = root.find("command").text inputs = root.find("inputs") random.seed(int(root.find("seed").text)) for uid, obj in enumerate(inputs.findall("input")): names[uid] = obj.find("name").text types[uid] = obj.find("type").text if types[uid] == "categorical": values[uid] = [elt.text for elt in obj.find("values").findall("value")] elif types[uid] == "continuousInt": values[uid] = range(int(obj.find("bounds").find("lowerbound").text), int(obj.find("bounds").find("upperbound").text)) else: assert false num_values[uid] = len(values[uid]) print names print values print num_values print command print types return Themis.soft(names, values, num_values, command, types) if __name__ == '__main__': soft = load_soft_from_settings() soft.printSoftwareDetails() #D = soft.discriminationSearch(0.2,0.99,0.1,"groupandcausal") #print "\n\n\nThemis has completed \n" #print "Software discriminates against ", D #X=[0,2] #print soft.groupDiscrimination(X,99,0.1) #print soft.causalDiscrimination(X,99,0.1) #print soft.getTestSuite()
import sys import itertools import commands import random import math import copy class soft: conf_zValue = {80:1.28,90:1.645,95:1.96, 98:2.33, 99:2.58} MaxSamples=50 SamplingThreshold = 10 cache = {} def __init__(self, names, values, num, command, type): self.attr_names = copy.deepcopy(names) self.values = copy.deepcopy(values) self.num = copy.deepcopy(num) self.type = copy.deepcopy(type) self.command = copy.deepcopy(command) def getValues(self): return self.values def getComand(self): return self.command def getAttributeNames(self): return self.attr_names def getRange(self, attr_name): for index,att_name in self.attr_names.iteritems(): if(att_name == attr_name): return self.num[index] def getValues(self, attr_name): for index,att_name in self.attr_names.iteritems(): if(att_name == attr_name): return self.values[index] def printSoftwareDetails(self): print "Number of attributes are ", len(self.attr_names),"\n" for attr_name in self.attr_names: print "Attribute name is ",attr_name print "Number of values taken by this attribute =",self.getRange(attr_name) print "The different values taken are ",self.getValues(attr_name),"\n" def randomInput (self, I, X, attr): print I print X exit() i=0 inp = [] while i < len(I): if i in X: inp.append(attr[X.index(i)]) else: inp.append(random.randint(0,I[i]-1)) i+=1 return inp def SoftwareTest(self, inp,num, values): i=0 actual_inp = [] running_command = self.command while i<len(inp): actual_inp.append(values[i][inp[i]]) running_command += " " running_command += str(values[i][inp[i]]) i+=1 return (commands.getstatusoutput(running_command)[1] == "1") def decodeValues(self, index, num, X): attr=[] copy = index for x in X: a = num[x] attr.append(copy%a) copy -= (copy%a) copy = copy/a return attr def discriminationSearch(self,theta, confidence, epsilon, type): Scausal=[] if("causal" in type and "group" in type): Scausal = self.discriminationSearch(theta, confidence, epsilon, "causal") i=0 lst = [] while i<len(self.attr_names): lst.append(i) i+=1 i=1 D = [] while i<= len(self.attr_names): subsets = list(itertools.combinations(tuple(lst), i)) for X in subsets: found = False for d in D: if(set(d)< set(list(X))): found = True break if(found): continue if("group" in type): score = self.groupDiscrimination(list(X),confidence,epsilon) elif("causal" in type): score = self.causalDiscrimination(list(X),confidence,epsilon) if(score > theta): D.append(list(X)) #print self.group_discrimination(list(X),90,0.1) i+=1 S=[] for d in D: s = [] for att in d: s.append(self.attr_names[att]) S.append(s) if("group" in type and "causal" in type): dict={"group":S, "causal":Scausal["causal"]} elif("group" in type): dict={"group":S} else: dict={"causal":S} return dict def getTestSuite(self): inp_lst = [] print self.values for inp,out in self.cache.iteritems(): curr=[] i=0 while i<len(inp): curr.append(self.values[i][inp[i]]) i+=1 inp_lst.append(curr) return inp_lst def ProcessCacheCausal (self,inp,X): tr=0 fl=0 for cache_tuple in self.cache.items(): #print cache_tuple i=0 match = True j=0 while j<len(inp): if(j in X): j+=1 continue if(not (cache_tuple[0][j] == inp[j])): match = False break i+=1 j+=1 if(match==True and not cache_tuple[1]==self.cache[tuple(inp)]): return True return False def merge(self, inp, attr, X): #print inp, attr, X i=0 while i<len(inp): if(i in X): inp[i] = attr[X.index(i)] i+=1 return inp def causalDiscrimination (self, X, confidence, epsilon): count = 0 r = 0 numValues = 1 for x in X: numValues *= self.num[x] while r < self.MaxSamples : inp = self.randomInput(self.num,[],[]) if(tuple(inp) in self.cache.keys()): out = self.cache[tuple(inp)] else: out = self.SoftwareTest( inp,self.num, self.values) self.cache[tuple(inp)] = out found_in = self.ProcessCacheCausal(inp, X) #Process cache to find atleast one with not out as output if r > self.SamplingThreshold: p = count*1.0/r if (self.conf_zValue[int(100*confidence)] * math.sqrt(p*(1-p)*1.0/r) < epsilon): break if(found_in): count+=1 r+=1 continue i=0 found = False while i < numValues: #print "here",i, numValues attr=self.decodeValues(i,self.num,X) new_inp = self.merge(inp,attr,X) if(tuple(new_inp) in self.cache.keys()): tmpout = self.cache[tuple(new_inp)] else: tmpout = self.SoftwareTest(new_inp,self.num, self.values) self.cache[tuple(new_inp)] = tmpout if(not tmpout==out): found = True break i+=1 if(found): count+=1 r += 1 return p def ProcessCache (self, X, attr): tr=0 fl=0 for cache_tuple in self.cache.items(): #print cache_tuple i=0 match = True for x in X: if(not (cache_tuple[0][x] == attr[i])): match = False break i+=1 if(match==True and int(cache_tuple[1])==1): tr+=1 elif (match): fl+=1 return (tr,fl) def groupDiscrimination (self, X, confidence, epsilon): minGroup = float("inf") maxGroup = 0 numValues = 1 for x in X: numValues *= self.num[x] maxPossible =1 i=0 while i<len(self.num): if i in X: i+=1 continue maxPossible*=self.num[i] i+=1 i=0 while i < numValues: attr = self.decodeValues(i,self.num,X) tr = 0 fal=0 r = tr+fal count = tr p=1 added_now=[] while r <= self.MaxSamples: inp = self.randomInput(self.num,X,attr) if(tuple(inp) in self.cache.keys()): out = self.cache[tuple(inp)] if(r==maxPossible): p = count*1.0/r break if(inp in added_now): continue else: out = self.SoftwareTest(inp,self.num, self.values) self.cache[tuple(inp)] = out added_now.append(inp) r+=1 if out: count += 1 p = count*1.0/r if r > self.SamplingThreshold: if (self.conf_zValue[int(100*confidence)] * math.sqrt(p*(1-p)*1.0/r) < epsilon): break if(maxGroup < p): maxGroup = p if(minGroup > p): minGroup = p i+=1 return maxGroup - minGroup
import sys sex = sys.argv[1] race = sys.argv[3] if(sex=="Male" and race=="Red"): print "1" else: print "0"
''' Wrapper script to call each of the subject system depending on the input arguments ''' import sys import commands ''' Usage : argv[1] : Name of the subjecct system argv[2] : The dataset to train the classifier argv[3] : Type of discrimination (Group/Causal) argv[4] : The sensitive argument to train the classfier argv[5] : Tyep of attribute to test discrimination against ''' subjectSystem = sys.argv[1] data = sys.argv[2].strip() discType = (sys.argv[3]) row = (sys.argv[4]) column = (sys.argv[5]) if discType == "group": group=1 else: group = 0 if data=="credit": dataset = "Suites/Credit" else: dataset = "Suites/Census" if row=="race": r=8 else: r=9 if column=="race": c=8 else: c=9 if subjectSystem=='A': if "Credit" in dataset: if group==1: cmd1="cd A/" cmd2 = "python ../"+dataset else: cmd1="cd A/" cmd2 = "python ../"+dataset else: if group==1: cmd1="cd A/" cmd2="python ../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) else: if c==8: cmd1="cd A/" cmd2="python ../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) else: cmd1="cd A/" cmd2="python ../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) print cmd1+";"+cmd2 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+";"+cmd2) print out if subjectSystem=='B': if "Credit" in dataset: if group==1: cmd1="cd B/BGroupCredit; make clean; make" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset cmd3="cd ../.." else: cmd1="cd B/BCausalCredit; make clean; make" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset cmd3="cd ../.." else: if group==1 and r==8: cmd1="cd B/Brace; make clean; make" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." elif group==1 and r==9: cmd1="cd B/Bgender; make clean; make" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." elif r==8: cmd1="cd B/Bracecausal; make clean; make" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." elif r==9: cmd1="cd B/Bgendercausal; make clean; make" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." print cmd1+";"+cmd2+";"+cmd3 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+";"+cmd2+";"+cmd3) print out if subjectSystem =='C': if "Credit" in dataset: dataset = "Suites/CCreditdata" cmd1="cd C/Ccredit" if group==1: cmd2="python ../../"+dataset else: cmd2="python ../../"+dataset else: if r==8: dataset = "Suites/Cracedata" if group==1: cmd1="cd C/Crace" cmd2="python ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) else: cmd1="cd C/Crace" cmd2="python ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) elif r==9: dataset = "Suites/Cgenderdata" if group==1: cmd1="cd C/Cgender" cmd2="python ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) else: cmd1="cd C/Cgender" cmd2="python ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) print cmd1+";"+cmd2 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+";"+cmd2) print out if subjectSystem=='D': if "Credit" in dataset: dataset = "Suites/DCreditdata" if group==1: cmd1="cd D/DGroupCredit; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset cmd3="cd ../.." else: cmd1="cd D/DCausalCredit; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset cmd3="cd ../.." else: if group==1 and r==8: dataset = "Suites/Dracedata" cmd1="cd D/Drace; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." elif group==1 and r==9: dataset = "Suites/Dgenderdata" cmd1="cd D/Dgender; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." elif r==8: dataset = "Suites/Dracedata" cmd1="cd D/Dracecausal; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." elif r==9: dataset = "Suites/Dgenderdata" cmd1="cd D/Dgendercausal; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." print cmd1+";"+cmd2+";"+cmd3 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+cmd2+";"+cmd3) print out if subjectSystem =='E': if "Credit" in dataset: cmd1="cd E/" if group==1: cmd2="python ../"+dataset else: cmd2="python ./../"+dataset else: if group==1: cmd1="cd E/" cmd2="python ./../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) else: cmd1="cd E/" cmd2="python ./../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) print cmd1+";"+cmd2 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+";"+cmd2) print out if subjectSystem=='F': if "Credit" in dataset: if group==1: cmd1="cd F/FGroupCredit; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset cmd3="cd ../.." else: cmd1="cd F/FCausalCredit; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset cmd3="cd ../.." else: if group==1 : cmd1="cd F/Fgroup; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." else: cmd1="cd F/Fcausal; make clean; make;" cmd2="./dtree ../../"+dataset+" "+str(c) cmd3="cd ../.." print cmd1+";"+cmd2+";"+cmd3 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+cmd2+";"+cmd3) print out if subjectSystem =='G': if "Credit" in dataset: cmd1="cd G/" if group==1: cmd2="python ./../"+dataset else: cmd2="python ./../"+dataset else: if group==1: cmd1="cd G/" cmd2="python ./../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) else: cmd1="cd G/" cmd2="python ./../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) print cmd1+";"+cmd2 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+";"+cmd2) print out if subjectSystem =='H': if "Credit" in dataset: cmd1="cd H/" if group==1: cmd2="python ./../"+dataset else: cmd2="python ./../"+dataset else: if group==1: cmd1="cd H/" cmd2="python ./../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) else: cmd1="cd H/" cmd2="python ./../"+dataset+" "+str(r)+" "+str(c) print cmd1+";"+cmd2 out = commands.getoutput(cmd1+";"+cmd2) print out
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for race 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==5 and type==0): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 if(rowNum==2 and type==1): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Group discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender if(type==0): pos = [0,0,0,0,0] neg = [0,0,0,0,0] else: pos =[0,0] neg =[0,0] for line in f: line = line.strip() line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): if(type==1): if(int(line[8])<len(pos)): pos[int(line[8])]+=1 else: pos[int(line[7])]+=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): if(type==1): if(int(line[8])<len(neg)): neg[int(line[8])]+=1 else: neg[int(line[7])]+=1 i =0 max = 0 min = 1 while i<len(pos): ratio = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if(ratio >= max): max = ratio if(ratio < min): min = ratio i+=1 val = 100*(max-min) if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f" %val) #print 100*(max-min)
''' Test the Subject System A on Credit dataset to generate the output for the input given as argv arguments. All the inputs are assumed to be space separated. ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import itertools import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands sens_arg =9# int(sys.argv[2]) minInp = 50000 max_inp=5 trainfile = sys.argv[1] random.seed(12) #fixed seed to get the same test suite each time if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {}; sens = [] option =1 with open(trainfile, "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float); Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float); sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float); loss_function = lf._logistic_loss; sep_constraint = 0; sensitive_attrs = [name]; sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov}; gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma); i=2 inp=[] while len(inp)<20: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print np.sign(, inp))
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System A Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp=50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printout = 1 sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) fixval=9 #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../Suites/freshAcausal"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) random.seed(11) #print sens_arg if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") already = "../Suites/A"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval)+"causal" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] inpstr='' for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) inpstr+=a+' ' if option ==4 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den,num,den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out = np.sign(, inp)) str1="" inpstr="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," inpstr +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg); if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) #fixed_atr = 9 fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0] #fixed[fixed_str-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed) print "output is in ",outputfile f.close()
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System A Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument argv[3] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst For argv[2] and argv[3] : 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands random.seed(1996) #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printout=1 sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) fixval=8 outputfile = "../Suites/freshAcausal"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) #print sens_arg if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") already = "../Suites/A"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval)+"causal" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed): if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] inpstr='' for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) inpstr+=a+' ' if option ==4 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 10000) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 #out = np.sign(, inp)) str1="" inpstr="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," inpstr+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 #print pos*100.0/(neg+pos) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) #fixed_atr = 9 fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0] #fixed[fixed_str-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed) f.close() print "output is in ",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System A on Credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands random.seed(22) max_inp = 4000 minInp=4000 printout=1 sens_arg = 9 if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 fixval=9 outputfile = "../Suites/freshAcausalcredit"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) option=4 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) already= "../Suites/Acausalcredit" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} f = open(outputfile,"w") def check_ratio(fixed): num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 while i<2: line[8] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] inpstr='' for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) inpstr+=a+' ' if option ==4 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout==1: f.write(strinp+","+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 10000) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 num_test+=1 out = np.sign(, inp)) str1="" inpstr="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," inpstr += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) #fixed_atr = 9 fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] #fixed[fixed_str-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed) f.close() print "output is in ",outputfile ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) '''
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System A for Credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import itertools import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 15000 #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp=15000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Training file trainfile = sys.argv[1] random.seed(2) #fixed seed to get the same test suite each time sens_arg=9 fixval=9 if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {}; sens = [] outputfile = "../Suites/freshAcredit"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval)+".txt" option=4 already = "../Suites/Acredit" with open(trainfile, "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float); Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float); sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float); loss_function = lf._logistic_loss; sep_constraint = 0; sensitive_attrs = [name]; sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov}; gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma); #print "software has been trained" f = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in f: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} f = open(outputfile,"w") def check_ratio(fixed): if option==3 or option==4: pos0=0 pos1=0 neg0=0 neg1=0 for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr +=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = np.sign(, inp)) else: out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr) if(out>0): if((inp[8]) ==1): pos1+=1 else: pos0+=1 else: if((inp[8]) ==1): neg1+=1 else: neg0+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") print "score is ",100*(pos1*1.0/(pos1+neg1) - pos0*1.0/(pos0+neg0)) return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 inpstr="" str1="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," inpstr+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr) elif option==2: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) # print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed) f.close() print "output is in ",outputfile
''' Test the Subject System A on Census dataset to generate the output for the input given as argv arguments. All the inputs are assumed to be space separated. ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import itertools import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) trainfile = sys.argv[1] random.seed(12) #fixed seed to get the same test suite each time if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {}; sens = [] option =1 with open(trainfile, "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float); Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float); sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float); loss_function = lf._logistic_loss; sep_constraint = 0; sensitive_attrs = [name]; sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov}; gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma); i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print np.sign(, inp))
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System A Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument argv[3] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst For argv[2] and argv[3] : 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import itertools import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) fixval = int(sys.argv[3]) #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp=50000 #Training file trainfile = sys.argv[1] #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../Suites/freshA"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) random.seed(12) if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {}; sens = [] option=4 with open(trainfile, "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float); Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float); sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float); loss_function = lf._logistic_loss; sep_constraint = 0; sensitive_attrs = [name]; sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov}; gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma); num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} f = open(outputfile,"w") already = "../Suites/A"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) def check_ratio(fixed): fix_atr = [] if option==3 or option==4: fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = np.sign(, inp)) else: out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) #print (max-min)*100 def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) if(sens_arg==9 and fixval==8): fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0] elif (sens_arg==9 and fixval==9): fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0] elif (sens_arg==8 and fixval==9): fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0] else: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed) print "output written in ", outputfile f.close()
import sys import os import numpy as np import scipy.special from collections import defaultdict import traceback from copy import deepcopy def _hinge_loss(w, X, y): yz = y *,w) # y * (x.w) yz = np.maximum(np.zeros_like(yz), (1-yz)) # hinge function return sum(yz) def _logistic_loss(w, X, y, return_arr=None): """Computes the logistic loss. This function is used from scikit-learn source code Parameters ---------- w : ndarray, shape (n_features,) or (n_features + 1,) Coefficient vector. X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Array of labels. """ yz = y *,w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. if return_arr == True: out = -(log_logistic(yz)) else: out = -np.sum(log_logistic(yz)) return out def _logistic_loss_l2_reg(w, X, y, lam=None): if lam is None: lam = 1.0 yz = y *,w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. logistic_loss = -np.sum(log_logistic(yz)) l2_reg = (float(lam)/2.0) * np.sum([elem*elem for elem in w]) out = logistic_loss + l2_reg return out def log_logistic(X): """ This function is used from scikit-learn source code. Source link below """ """Compute the log of the logistic function, ``log(1 / (1 + e ** -x))``. This implementation is numerically stable because it splits positive and negative values:: -log(1 + exp(-x_i)) if x_i > 0 x_i - log(1 + exp(x_i)) if x_i <= 0 Parameters ---------- X: array-like, shape (M, N) Argument to the logistic function Returns ------- out: array, shape (M, N) Log of the logistic function evaluated at every point in x Notes ----- Source code at: ----- See the blog post describing this implementation: """ if X.ndim > 1: raise Exception("Array of samples cannot be more than 1-D!") out = np.empty_like(X) # same dimensions and data types idx = X>0 out[idx] = -np.log(1.0 + np.exp(-X[idx])) out[~idx] = X[~idx] - np.log(1.0 + np.exp(X[~idx])) return out
import numpy as np from random import seed, shuffle import loss_funcs as lf # our implementation of loss funcs from scipy.optimize import minimize # for loss func minimization from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, Queue from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting stuff import sys def train_model(x, y, x_control, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma=None): #print x[0],y[0],x_control, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh """ Function that trains the model subject to various fairness constraints. If no constraints are given, then simply trains an unaltered classifier. Example usage in: "synthetic_data_demo/" ---- Inputs: X: (n) x (d+1) numpy array -- n = number of examples, d = number of features, one feature is the intercept y: 1-d numpy array (n entries) x_control: dictionary of the type {"s": [...]}, key "s" is the sensitive feature name, and the value is a 1-d list with n elements holding the sensitive feature values loss_function: the loss function that we want to optimize -- for now we have implementation of logistic loss, but other functions like hinge loss can also be added apply_fairness_constraints: optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraint (0/1 values) apply_accuracy_constraint: optimize fairness subject to accuracy constraint (0/1 values) sep_constraint: apply the fine grained accuracy constraint for details, see Section 3.3 of For examples on how to apply these constraints, see "synthetic_data_demo/" Note: both apply_fairness_constraints and apply_accuracy_constraint cannot be 1 at the same time sensitive_attrs: ["s1", "s2", ...], list of sensitive features for which to apply fairness constraint, all of these sensitive features should have a corresponding array in x_control sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh: the covariance threshold that the classifier should achieve (this is only needed when apply_fairness_constraints=1, not needed for the other two constraints) gamma: controls the loss in accuracy we are willing to incur when using apply_accuracy_constraint and sep_constraint ---- Outputs: w: the learned weight vector for the classifier """ assert((apply_accuracy_constraint == 1 and apply_fairness_constraints == 1) == False) # both constraints cannot be applied at the same time max_iter = 100000 # maximum number of iterations for the minimization algorithm if apply_fairness_constraints == 0: constraints = [] else: constraints = get_constraint_list_cov(x, y, x_control, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh) if apply_accuracy_constraint == 0: #its not the reverse problem, just train w with cross cov constraints f_args=(x, y) w = minimize(fun = loss_function, x0 = np.random.rand(x.shape[1],), args = f_args, method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":max_iter}, constraints = constraints ) else: # train on just the loss function w = minimize(fun = loss_function, x0 = np.random.rand(x.shape[1],), args = (x, y), method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":max_iter}, constraints = [] ) old_w = deepcopy(w.x) def constraint_gamma_all(w, x, y, initial_loss_arr): gamma_arr = np.ones_like(y) * gamma # set gamma for everyone new_loss = loss_function(w, x, y) old_loss = sum(initial_loss_arr) return ((1.0 + gamma) * old_loss) - new_loss def constraint_protected_people(w,x,y): # dont confuse the protected here with the sensitive feature protected/non-protected values -- protected here means that these points should not be misclassified to negative class return, x.T) # if this is positive, the constraint is satisfied def constraint_unprotected_people(w,ind,old_loss,x,y): new_loss = loss_function(w, np.array([x]), np.array(y)) return ((1.0 + gamma) * old_loss) - new_loss constraints = [] predicted_labels = np.sign(, x.T)) unconstrained_loss_arr = loss_function(w.x, x, y, return_arr=True) if sep_constraint == True: # separate gemma for different people for i in range(0, len(predicted_labels)): if predicted_labels[i] == 1.0 and x_control[sensitive_attrs[0]][i] == 1.0: # for now we are assuming just one sensitive attr for reverse constraint, later, extend the code to take into account multiple sensitive attrs c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_protected_people, 'args':(x[i], y[i])}) # this constraint makes sure that these people stay in the positive class even in the modified classifier constraints.append(c) else: c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_unprotected_people, 'args':(i, unconstrained_loss_arr[i], x[i], y[i])}) constraints.append(c) else: # same gamma for everyone c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_gamma_all, 'args':(x,y,unconstrained_loss_arr)}) constraints.append(c) def cross_cov_abs_optm_func(weight_vec, x_in, x_control_in_arr): cross_cov = (x_control_in_arr - np.mean(x_control_in_arr)) *, x_in.T) return float(abs(sum(cross_cov))) / float(x_in.shape[0]) w = minimize(fun = cross_cov_abs_optm_func, x0 = old_w, args = (x, x_control[sensitive_attrs[0]]), method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":100000}, constraints = constraints ) return w.x def compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh_arr, gamma=None): """ Computes the cross validation error for the classifier subject to various fairness constraints This function is just a wrapper of "train_model(...)", all inputs (except for num_folds) are the same. See the specifications of train_model(...) for more info. Returns lists of train/test accuracy (with each list holding values for all folds), the fractions of various sensitive groups in positive class (for train and test sets), and covariance between sensitive feature and distance from decision boundary (again, for both train and test folds). """ train_folds = [] test_folds = [] n_samples = len(y_all) train_fold_size = 0.7 # the rest of 0.3 is for testing # split the data into folds for cross-validation for i in range(0,num_folds): perm = range(0,n_samples) # shuffle the data before creating each fold shuffle(perm) x_all_perm = x_all[perm] y_all_perm = y_all[perm] x_control_all_perm = {} for k in x_control_all.keys(): x_control_all_perm[k] = np.array(x_control_all[k])[perm] x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train, x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test = split_into_train_test(x_all_perm, y_all_perm, x_control_all_perm, train_fold_size) train_folds.append([x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train]) test_folds.append([x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test]) def train_test_single_fold(train_data, test_data, fold_num, output_folds, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh): x_train, y_train, x_control_train = train_data x_test, y_test, x_control_test = test_data w = train_model(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test = check_accuracy(w, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, None, None) distances_boundary_test = (, w)).tolist() all_class_labels_assigned_test = np.sign(distances_boundary_test) correlation_dict_test = get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs) cov_dict_test = print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_test, distances_boundary_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs) distances_boundary_train = (, w)).tolist() all_class_labels_assigned_train = np.sign(distances_boundary_train) correlation_dict_train = get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs) cov_dict_train = print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_train, distances_boundary_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs) output_folds.put([fold_num, test_score, train_score, correlation_dict_test, correlation_dict_train, cov_dict_test, cov_dict_train]) return output_folds = Queue() processes = [Process(target=train_test_single_fold, args=(train_folds[x], test_folds[x], x, output_folds, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh_arr[x])) for x in range(num_folds)] # Run processes for p in processes: p.start() # Get the reuslts results = [output_folds.get() for p in processes] for p in processes: p.join() test_acc_arr = [] train_acc_arr = [] correlation_dict_test_arr = [] correlation_dict_train_arr = [] cov_dict_test_arr = [] cov_dict_train_arr = [] results = sorted(results, key = lambda x : x[0]) # sort w.r.t fold num for res in results: fold_num, test_score, train_score, correlation_dict_test, correlation_dict_train, cov_dict_test, cov_dict_train = res test_acc_arr.append(test_score) train_acc_arr.append(train_score) correlation_dict_test_arr.append(correlation_dict_test) correlation_dict_train_arr.append(correlation_dict_train) cov_dict_test_arr.append(cov_dict_test) cov_dict_train_arr.append(cov_dict_train) return test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr def print_classifier_fairness_stats(acc_arr, correlation_dict_arr, cov_dict_arr, s_attr_name): correlation_dict = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_arr) non_prot_pos = correlation_dict[s_attr_name][1][1] prot_pos = correlation_dict[s_attr_name][0][1] p_rule = (prot_pos / non_prot_pos) * 100.0 print "Accuracy: %0.2f" % (np.mean(acc_arr)) print "Protected/non-protected in +ve class: %0.0f%% / %0.0f%%" % (prot_pos, non_prot_pos) print "P-rule achieved: %0.0f%%" % (p_rule) print "Covariance between sensitive feature and decision from distance boundary : %0.3f" % (np.mean([v[s_attr_name] for v in cov_dict_arr])) print return p_rule def compute_p_rule(x_control, class_labels): """ Compute the p-rule based on Doctrine of disparate impact """ non_prot_all = sum(x_control == 1.0) # non-protected group prot_all = sum(x_control == 0.0) # protected group non_prot_pos = sum(class_labels[x_control == 1.0] == 1.0) # non_protected in positive class prot_pos = sum(class_labels[x_control == 0.0] == 1.0) # protected in positive class frac_non_prot_pos = float(non_prot_pos) / float(non_prot_all) frac_prot_pos = float(prot_pos) / float(prot_all) p_rule = (frac_prot_pos / frac_non_prot_pos) * 100.0 print print "Total data points: %d" % (len(x_control)) print "# non-protected examples: %d" % (non_prot_all) print "# protected examples: %d" % (prot_all) print "Non-protected in positive class: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (non_prot_pos, non_prot_pos * 100.0 / non_prot_all) print "Protected in positive class: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (prot_pos, prot_pos * 100.0 / prot_all) print "P-rule is: %0.0f%%" % ( p_rule ) return p_rule def add_intercept(x): """ Add intercept to the data before linear classification """ m,n = x.shape intercept = np.ones(m).reshape(m, 1) # the constant b return np.concatenate((intercept, x), axis = 1) def check_binary(arr): "give an array of values, see if the values are only 0 and 1" s = sorted(set(arr)) if s[0] == 0 and s[1] == 1: return True else: return False def get_one_hot_encoding(in_arr): """ input: 1-D arr with int vals -- if not int vals, will raise an error output: m (ndarray): one-hot encoded matrix d (dict): also returns a dictionary original_val -> column in encoded matrix """ for k in in_arr: if str(type(k)) != "<type 'numpy.float64'>" and type(k) != int and type(k) != np.int64: print str(type(k)) print "************* ERROR: Input arr does not have integer types" return None in_arr = np.array(in_arr, dtype=int) assert(len(in_arr.shape)==1) # no column, means it was a 1-D arr attr_vals_uniq_sorted = sorted(list(set(in_arr))) num_uniq_vals = len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted) if (num_uniq_vals == 2) and (attr_vals_uniq_sorted[0] == 0 and attr_vals_uniq_sorted[1] == 1): return in_arr, None index_dict = {} # value to the column number for i in range(0,len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted)): val = attr_vals_uniq_sorted[i] index_dict[val] = i out_arr = [] for i in range(0,len(in_arr)): tup = np.zeros(num_uniq_vals) val = in_arr[i] ind = index_dict[val] tup[ind] = 1 # set that value of tuple to 1 out_arr.append(tup) return np.array(out_arr), index_dict def check_accuracy(model, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, y_train_predicted, y_test_predicted): """ returns the train/test accuracy of the model we either pass the model (w) else we pass y_predicted """ if model is not None and y_test_predicted is not None: print "Either the model (w) or the predicted labels should be None" raise Exception("Either the model (w) or the predicted labels should be None") if model is not None: y_test_predicted = np.sign(, model)) y_train_predicted = np.sign(, model)) def get_accuracy(y, Y_predicted): correct_answers = (Y_predicted == y).astype(int) # will have 1 when the prediction and the actual label match accuracy = float(sum(correct_answers)) / float(len(correct_answers)) return accuracy, sum(correct_answers) train_score, correct_answers_train = get_accuracy(y_train, y_train_predicted) test_score, correct_answers_test = get_accuracy(y_test, y_test_predicted) return train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test def test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(model, x_arr, y_arr_dist_boundary, x_control, thresh, verbose): """ The covariance is computed b/w the sensitive attr val and the distance from the boundary If the model is None, we assume that the y_arr_dist_boundary contains the distace from the decision boundary If the model is not None, we just compute a dot product or model and x_arr for the case of SVM, we pass the distace from bounday becase the intercept in internalized for the class and we have compute the distance using the project function this function will return -1 if the constraint specified by thresh parameter is not satifsified otherwise it will reutrn +1 if the return value is >=0, then the constraint is satisfied """ assert(x_arr.shape[0] == x_control.shape[0]) if len(x_control.shape) > 1: # make sure we just have one column in the array assert(x_control.shape[1] == 1) arr = [] if model is None: arr = y_arr_dist_boundary # simply the output labels else: arr =, x_arr.T) # the product with the weight vector -- the sign of this is the output label arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float64) cov = - np.mean(x_control), arr ) / float(len(x_control)) ans = thresh - abs(cov) # will be <0 if the covariance is greater than thresh -- that is, the condition is not satisfied # ans = thresh - cov # will be <0 if the covariance is greater than thresh -- that is, the condition is not satisfied if verbose is True: print "Covariance is", cov print "Diff is:", ans print return ans def print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(model, x_arr, y_arr_dist_boundary, x_control, sensitive_attrs): """ reutrns the covariance between sensitive features and distance from decision boundary """ arr = [] if model is None: arr = y_arr_dist_boundary # simplt the output labels else: arr =, x_arr.T) # the product with the weight vector -- the sign of this is the output label sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original = {} for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_arr = x_control[attr] bin_attr = check_binary(attr_arr) # check if the attribute is binary (0/1), or has more than 2 vals if bin_attr == False: # if its a non-binary sensitive feature, then perform one-hot-encoding attr_arr_transformed, index_dict = get_one_hot_encoding(attr_arr) thresh = 0 if bin_attr: cov = thresh - test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(None, x_arr, arr, np.array(attr_arr), thresh, False) sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr] = cov else: # sensitive feature has more than 2 categorical values cov_arr = [] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr] = {} for attr_val, ind in index_dict.items(): t = attr_arr_transformed[:,ind] cov = thresh - test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(None, x_arr, arr, t, thresh, False) sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr][attr_val] = cov cov_arr.append(abs(cov)) cov = max(cov_arr) return sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original def get_correlations(model, x_test, y_predicted, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs): """ returns the fraction in positive class for sensitive feature values """ if model is not None: y_predicted = np.sign(, model)) y_predicted = np.array(y_predicted) out_dict = {} for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_val = [] for v in x_control_test[attr]: attr_val.append(v) assert(len(attr_val) == len(y_predicted)) total_per_val = defaultdict(int) attr_to_class_labels_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for i in range(0, len(y_predicted)): val = attr_val[i] label = y_predicted[i] # val = attr_val_int_mapping_dict_reversed[val] # change values from intgers to actual names total_per_val[val] += 1 attr_to_class_labels_dict[val][label] += 1 class_labels = set(y_predicted.tolist()) local_dict_1 = {} for k1,v1 in attr_to_class_labels_dict.items(): total_this_val = total_per_val[k1] local_dict_2 = {} for k2 in class_labels: # the order should be the same for printing v2 = v1[k2] f = float(v2) * 100.0 / float(total_this_val) local_dict_2[k2] = f local_dict_1[k1] = local_dict_2 out_dict[attr] = local_dict_1 return out_dict def get_constraint_list_cov(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh): """ get the list of constraints to be fed to the minimizer """ constraints = [] for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_arr = x_control_train[attr] attr_arr_transformed, index_dict = get_one_hot_encoding(attr_arr) if index_dict is None: # binary attribute thresh = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr] c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov, 'args':(x_train, y_train, attr_arr_transformed,thresh, False)}) constraints.append(c) else: # otherwise, its a categorical attribute, so we need to set the cov thresh for each value separately for attr_val, ind in index_dict.items(): attr_name = attr_val #print attr, attr_name, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr] thresh = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr][attr_name] t = attr_arr_transformed[:,ind] c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov, 'args':(x_train, y_train, t ,thresh, False)}) constraints.append(c) return constraints def split_into_train_test(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, train_fold_size): split_point = int(round(float(x_all.shape[0]) * train_fold_size)) x_all_train = x_all[:split_point] x_all_test = x_all[split_point:] y_all_train = y_all[:split_point] y_all_test = y_all[split_point:] x_control_all_train = {} x_control_all_test = {} for k in x_control_all.keys(): x_control_all_train[k] = x_control_all[k][:split_point] x_control_all_test[k] = x_control_all[k][split_point:] return x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train, x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test def get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_arr): # make the structure for the correlation dict correlation_dict_avg = {} # print correlation_dict_arr for k,v in correlation_dict_arr[0].items(): correlation_dict_avg[k] = {} for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val] = {} for class_label, frac_class in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label] = [] # populate the correlation dict for correlation_dict in correlation_dict_arr: for k,v in correlation_dict.items(): for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): for class_label, frac_class in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label].append(frac_class) # now take the averages for k,v in correlation_dict_avg.items(): for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): for class_label, frac_class_arr in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label] = np.mean(frac_class_arr) return correlation_dict_avg def plot_cov_thresh_vs_acc_pos_ratio(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs): # very the covariance threshold using a range of decreasing multiplicative factors and see the tradeoffs between accuracy and fairness it = 0.05 cov_range = np.arange(1.0, 0.0-it, -it).tolist() if apply_accuracy_constraint == True: if sep_constraint == False: it = 0.1 cov_range = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 + it, it).tolist() if sep_constraint == True: cov_range = [0,1,5,10,20,50,100,500,1000] positive_class_label = 1 # positive class is +1 train_acc = [] test_acc = [] positive_per_category = defaultdict(list) # for each category (male / female), the frac of positive # first get the original values of covariance in the unconstrained classifier -- these original values are not needed for reverse constraint test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, 0, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, [{} for i in range(0,num_folds)], 0) for c in cov_range: print "LOG: testing for multiplicative factor: %0.2f" % c sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied = [] for sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original in cov_dict_train_arr: sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = deepcopy(sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original) for k in sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh.keys(): v = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[k] if type(v) == type({}): for k1 in v.keys(): v[k1] = v[k1] * c else: sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[k] = v * c sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied.append(sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh) test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied, c) test_acc.append(np.mean(test_acc_arr)) correlation_dict_train = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_train_arr) correlation_dict_test = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_test_arr) # just plot the correlations for the first sensitive attr, the plotting can be extended for the other values, but as a proof of concept, we will jsut show for one s = sensitive_attrs[0] for k,v in correlation_dict_test[s].items(): if v.get(positive_class_label) is None: positive_per_category[k].append(0.0) else: positive_per_category[k].append(v[positive_class_label]) positive_per_category = dict(positive_per_category) p_rule_arr = (np.array(positive_per_category[0]) / np.array(positive_per_category[1])) * 100.0 ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(cov_range, positive_per_category[0], "-o" , color="green", label = "Protected") plt.plot(cov_range, positive_per_category[1], "-o", color="blue", label = "Non-protected") ax.set_xlim([min(cov_range), max(cov_range)]) plt.xlabel('Multiplicative loss factor') plt.ylabel('Perc. in positive class') if apply_accuracy_constraint == False: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.xlabel('Multiplicative covariance factor (c)') ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.scatter(p_rule_arr, test_acc, color="red") ax.set_xlim([min(p_rule_arr), max(max(p_rule_arr), 100)]) plt.xlabel('P% rule') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.5) def get_line_coordinates(w, x1, x2): y1 = (-w[0] - (w[1] * x1)) / w[2] y2 = (-w[0] - (w[1] * x2)) / w[2] return y1,y2
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import itertools import sys random.seed(1) num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] print out
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System H for credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(1) outputfile = "../Suites/freshHcredit9.txt" option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) already = "../Suites/Hcredit" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fixval=9 fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr ='' while i<len(inp): inpstr +=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out num_inp+=1 if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) #print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) f.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System H for credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(1) num_test=0 outputfile = "../Suites/freshHcreditcausal9.txt" option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) already = "../Suites/Hcausalcredit" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=9 if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out = 1 else: out = 0 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import itertools import sys random.seed(1) num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} i=2 inp=[] while len(inp)<20: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] print out
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System H Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(1) outputfile = "../Suites/freshH"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../Suites/H"+sys.argv[2] def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr = '' while i<len(inp): inpstr +=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out num_inp+=1 if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break #print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] sense_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) fixed[sense_arg-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System H Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against maxinp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(1) outputfile = "../Suites/freshHcausal"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) already = "../Suites/H"+sys.argv[2]+"causal" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] inpstr='' for a in line: inpstr +=a+' ' inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out = 1 else: out = 0 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, maxinp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=maxinp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) f.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp =50000 random.seed(13) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshC9"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" option=4 fout = open(outputfile,"w") sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/C9"+sys.argv[2] num_atr=[ 10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return num_test=0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 str1="" strinp = "" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) print 100*(max-min) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[sens_arg-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) map={} option =1 i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 random.seed(2) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcausal9"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" option=4 num_test=0 fout = open(outputfile,"w") #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/C9"+sys.argv[2]+"causal" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr =' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 20000) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 num_test+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C(Credit dataset) Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument argv[3] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst For argv[2] and argv[3] : 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcreditcausal99.txt" random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/Ccausalcredit" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} fout = open(outputfile,"w") option =4 def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=9 if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr=' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = int(tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]]) tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out="" str1="" strinp="" for ax in inp: str1 += str(ax)+"," strinp+=str(ax)+" " fout.write(str(ax)+",") if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys max_inp = 50000 printsuite = 1 minInp = 50000 random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} option =1 i=2 inp=[] while len(inp)<20: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System C(Credit dataset) Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument argv[3] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst For argv[2] and argv[3] : 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp =50000 random.seed(1998) trainfile = sys.argv[1] #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcredit99.txt" option = 4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} already = "../../Suites/Ccredit" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fixval=9 fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return num_test=0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 num_inp+=1 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[9-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) f.close() print "output is in",outputfile
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp =50000 random.seed(13) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshC8"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" option=4 fout = open(outputfile,"w") sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/C8"+sys.argv[2] num_atr=[ 10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test=0 fix_atr = [] if option==3 or option==4: fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 strinp="" str1="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: #print pos,neg break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[sens_arg-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) map={} option =1 i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 random.seed(2) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcausal8"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" fout = open(outputfile,"w") option=4 num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../../Suites/C8"+sys.argv[2]+"causal" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr=' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: #print pos,neg break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System E for credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp =50000 random.seed(13) outputfile = "../Suites/freshEcredit9.txt" f = open(outputfile,"w") option =4 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../Suites/Ecredit" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fixval=9 fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return num_test=0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] num_inp+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[9-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) f.close() print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System E Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(2) num_test=0 outputfile = "../Suites/freshEcausal9"+sys.argv[2] f = open(outputfile,"w") option =4 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../Suites/E"+sys.argv[2]+"causal" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 10000) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: #print pos,neg break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System E for causla dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(13) num_test=0 outputfile = "../Suites/freshEcreditcausal9.txt" f = open(outputfile,"w") option =4 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../Suites/Ecausalcredit" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=9 if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: #print pos,neg break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import sys max_inp = 50000 printsuite=0 minInp =5 random.seed(2) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) i=2 inp=[] while len(inp)<20: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System E Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp =50000 random.seed(2) sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) outputfile = "../Suites/freshE"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" option=4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[ 10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../Suites/E"+sys.argv[2] def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test=0 if option==3 or option==4: fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: #print pos,neg break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[sens_arg-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import sys max_inp = 50000 printsuite=0 minInp =5 random.seed(2) sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import sys max_inp = 30000 printout = 0 minInp=30000 random.seed(1997) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out > 0: print "1" else: print "0"
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System G for credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(12) num_test=0 outputfile = "../Suites/freshGcreditcausal9.txt" f = open(outputfile,"w") option=4 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} already = "../Suites/Gcausalcredit" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=9 if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) inpstr = ' '.join(line) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out = 1 else: out = 0 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x) +" " #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 if option ==1 : #print "python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) out = int(out) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System G Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 random.seed(12) outputfile = "../Suites/freshGcausal"+sys.argv[2]+".txt" num_test=0 option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) already = "../Suites/G"+sys.argv[2]+"causal" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==8: numval=5 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) inpstr=' '.join(line) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out = 1 else: out = 0 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : #print "python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) out = int(out) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System G for Credit dataset Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp=30000 random.seed(1997) trainfile = sys.argv[1] outputfile = "../Suites/freshGcredit9.txt" option=4 f=open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} already = "../Suites/Gcredit" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fixval=9 fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 inpstr='' while i<len(inp): inpstr +=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr) out = int(out) if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) out = int(out) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out #if(','.join(str(inp)) in map.keys()): # continue if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) #print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) f.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import sys max_inp = 30000 printout = 0 minInp=3 random.seed(1997) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) i=2 inp=[] while len(inp)<20: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out > 0: out=1 else: out=0 print out
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System G Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 30000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp=30000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 sense_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) random.seed(15) outputfile = "../Suites/freshG"+str(sense_arg)+".txt" f = open(outputfile,"w") option=4 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../Suites/G"+sys.argv[2] def check_ratio(fixed,clf): fix_atr = [] if option==3 or option==4: fixval=int(sys.argv[2]) fpr = open(already,"r") done = {} for line in fpr: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = ','.join(line[:-1]) line+=',' done[line]=1 if fixval==9: pos=[0,0] neg=[0,0] else: pos=[0,0,0,0,0] neg=[0,0,0,0,0] for inp in done.keys(): strinp = inp inpstr='' inp = inp.split(',') inp=inp[:-1] i=0 while i<len(inp): inpstr+=inp[i]+' ' inp[i] = int(inp[i]) i+=1 if option==3: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] else: out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) out = int(out) if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if(out>0): pos[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 else: neg[inp[fixval-1]]+=1 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+" "+str(out)+"\n") i=0 maxv = 0 minv = 1 while i<len(pos): #print pos[i],neg[i] v = pos[i]*1.0/(pos[i]+neg[i]) if v > maxv : maxv = v if v < minv: minv = v i+=1 print "score is ",100*(maxv-minv) return num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 num_inp+=1 strinp="" str1="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : #print "python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) out = int(out) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out #if(','.join(str(inp)) in map.keys()): # continue if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) #print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[sense_arg-1] = 1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) f.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==5 and type==0): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 if(rowNum==2 and type==1): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==7): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==40): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==35): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==7): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' Group discrimination testing for Subject System A Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument argv[3] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst For argv[2] and argv[3] : 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands random.seed(1996) #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printout=1 sens_arg = 8 fixval=8 outputfile = "../Suites/freshAcausal"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) #print sens_arg if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") already = "../Suites/Acausal"+str(sens_arg)+str(fixval) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed): if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') outval = float(line[-1]) line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 if fixval ==8: numval=10 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[7] = str(int(i%5)) line[8] = str(int(i/5)) #line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = float(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+str(sens_arg)+" "+inpstr)) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print i3 if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = int(tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]]) tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 #out = np.sign(, inp)) str1="" inpstr="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," inpstr+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+inpstr) else: out = np.sign(, inp)) if printout: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 print pos*100.0/(neg+pos) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) #fixed_atr = 9 fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0] #fixed[fixed_str-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed) f.close() print "output is in ",outputfile
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==10): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' Test the Subject System A on Census dataset to generate the output for the input given as argv arguments. All the inputs are assumed to be space separated. ''' from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import itertools import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints import commands sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) trainfile = sys.argv[1] random.seed(12) #fixed seed to get the same test suite each time if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {}; sens = [] option =1 with open(trainfile, "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float); Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float); sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float); loss_function = lf._logistic_loss; sep_constraint = 0; sensitive_attrs = [name]; sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov}; gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma); i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print np.sign(, inp))
import sys import os import numpy as np import scipy.special from collections import defaultdict import traceback from copy import deepcopy def _hinge_loss(w, X, y): yz = y *,w) # y * (x.w) yz = np.maximum(np.zeros_like(yz), (1-yz)) # hinge function return sum(yz) def _logistic_loss(w, X, y, return_arr=None): """Computes the logistic loss. This function is used from scikit-learn source code Parameters ---------- w : ndarray, shape (n_features,) or (n_features + 1,) Coefficient vector. X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Array of labels. """ yz = y *,w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. if return_arr == True: out = -(log_logistic(yz)) else: out = -np.sum(log_logistic(yz)) return out def _logistic_loss_l2_reg(w, X, y, lam=None): if lam is None: lam = 1.0 yz = y *,w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. logistic_loss = -np.sum(log_logistic(yz)) l2_reg = (float(lam)/2.0) * np.sum([elem*elem for elem in w]) out = logistic_loss + l2_reg return out def log_logistic(X): """ This function is used from scikit-learn source code. Source link below """ """Compute the log of the logistic function, ``log(1 / (1 + e ** -x))``. This implementation is numerically stable because it splits positive and negative values:: -log(1 + exp(-x_i)) if x_i > 0 x_i - log(1 + exp(x_i)) if x_i <= 0 Parameters ---------- X: array-like, shape (M, N) Argument to the logistic function Returns ------- out: array, shape (M, N) Log of the logistic function evaluated at every point in x Notes ----- Source code at: ----- See the blog post describing this implementation: """ if X.ndim > 1: raise Exception("Array of samples cannot be more than 1-D!") out = np.empty_like(X) # same dimensions and data types idx = X>0 out[idx] = -np.log(1.0 + np.exp(-X[idx])) out[~idx] = X[~idx] - np.log(1.0 + np.exp(X[~idx])) return out
import numpy as np from random import seed, shuffle import loss_funcs as lf # our implementation of loss funcs from scipy.optimize import minimize # for loss func minimization from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, Queue from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting stuff import sys def train_model(x, y, x_control, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma=None): #print x[0],y[0],x_control, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh """ Function that trains the model subject to various fairness constraints. If no constraints are given, then simply trains an unaltered classifier. Example usage in: "synthetic_data_demo/" ---- Inputs: X: (n) x (d+1) numpy array -- n = number of examples, d = number of features, one feature is the intercept y: 1-d numpy array (n entries) x_control: dictionary of the type {"s": [...]}, key "s" is the sensitive feature name, and the value is a 1-d list with n elements holding the sensitive feature values loss_function: the loss function that we want to optimize -- for now we have implementation of logistic loss, but other functions like hinge loss can also be added apply_fairness_constraints: optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraint (0/1 values) apply_accuracy_constraint: optimize fairness subject to accuracy constraint (0/1 values) sep_constraint: apply the fine grained accuracy constraint for details, see Section 3.3 of For examples on how to apply these constraints, see "synthetic_data_demo/" Note: both apply_fairness_constraints and apply_accuracy_constraint cannot be 1 at the same time sensitive_attrs: ["s1", "s2", ...], list of sensitive features for which to apply fairness constraint, all of these sensitive features should have a corresponding array in x_control sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh: the covariance threshold that the classifier should achieve (this is only needed when apply_fairness_constraints=1, not needed for the other two constraints) gamma: controls the loss in accuracy we are willing to incur when using apply_accuracy_constraint and sep_constraint ---- Outputs: w: the learned weight vector for the classifier """ assert((apply_accuracy_constraint == 1 and apply_fairness_constraints == 1) == False) # both constraints cannot be applied at the same time max_iter = 100000 # maximum number of iterations for the minimization algorithm if apply_fairness_constraints == 0: constraints = [] else: constraints = get_constraint_list_cov(x, y, x_control, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh) if apply_accuracy_constraint == 0: #its not the reverse problem, just train w with cross cov constraints f_args=(x, y) w = minimize(fun = loss_function, x0 = np.random.rand(x.shape[1],), args = f_args, method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":max_iter}, constraints = constraints ) else: # train on just the loss function w = minimize(fun = loss_function, x0 = np.random.rand(x.shape[1],), args = (x, y), method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":max_iter}, constraints = [] ) old_w = deepcopy(w.x) def constraint_gamma_all(w, x, y, initial_loss_arr): gamma_arr = np.ones_like(y) * gamma # set gamma for everyone new_loss = loss_function(w, x, y) old_loss = sum(initial_loss_arr) return ((1.0 + gamma) * old_loss) - new_loss def constraint_protected_people(w,x,y): # dont confuse the protected here with the sensitive feature protected/non-protected values -- protected here means that these points should not be misclassified to negative class return, x.T) # if this is positive, the constraint is satisfied def constraint_unprotected_people(w,ind,old_loss,x,y): new_loss = loss_function(w, np.array([x]), np.array(y)) return ((1.0 + gamma) * old_loss) - new_loss constraints = [] predicted_labels = np.sign(, x.T)) unconstrained_loss_arr = loss_function(w.x, x, y, return_arr=True) if sep_constraint == True: # separate gemma for different people for i in range(0, len(predicted_labels)): if predicted_labels[i] == 1.0 and x_control[sensitive_attrs[0]][i] == 1.0: # for now we are assuming just one sensitive attr for reverse constraint, later, extend the code to take into account multiple sensitive attrs c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_protected_people, 'args':(x[i], y[i])}) # this constraint makes sure that these people stay in the positive class even in the modified classifier constraints.append(c) else: c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_unprotected_people, 'args':(i, unconstrained_loss_arr[i], x[i], y[i])}) constraints.append(c) else: # same gamma for everyone c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_gamma_all, 'args':(x,y,unconstrained_loss_arr)}) constraints.append(c) def cross_cov_abs_optm_func(weight_vec, x_in, x_control_in_arr): cross_cov = (x_control_in_arr - np.mean(x_control_in_arr)) *, x_in.T) return float(abs(sum(cross_cov))) / float(x_in.shape[0]) w = minimize(fun = cross_cov_abs_optm_func, x0 = old_w, args = (x, x_control[sensitive_attrs[0]]), method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":100000}, constraints = constraints ) return w.x def compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh_arr, gamma=None): """ Computes the cross validation error for the classifier subject to various fairness constraints This function is just a wrapper of "train_model(...)", all inputs (except for num_folds) are the same. See the specifications of train_model(...) for more info. Returns lists of train/test accuracy (with each list holding values for all folds), the fractions of various sensitive groups in positive class (for train and test sets), and covariance between sensitive feature and distance from decision boundary (again, for both train and test folds). """ train_folds = [] test_folds = [] n_samples = len(y_all) train_fold_size = 0.7 # the rest of 0.3 is for testing # split the data into folds for cross-validation for i in range(0,num_folds): perm = range(0,n_samples) # shuffle the data before creating each fold shuffle(perm) x_all_perm = x_all[perm] y_all_perm = y_all[perm] x_control_all_perm = {} for k in x_control_all.keys(): x_control_all_perm[k] = np.array(x_control_all[k])[perm] x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train, x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test = split_into_train_test(x_all_perm, y_all_perm, x_control_all_perm, train_fold_size) train_folds.append([x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train]) test_folds.append([x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test]) def train_test_single_fold(train_data, test_data, fold_num, output_folds, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh): x_train, y_train, x_control_train = train_data x_test, y_test, x_control_test = test_data w = train_model(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test = check_accuracy(w, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, None, None) distances_boundary_test = (, w)).tolist() all_class_labels_assigned_test = np.sign(distances_boundary_test) correlation_dict_test = get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs) cov_dict_test = print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_test, distances_boundary_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs) distances_boundary_train = (, w)).tolist() all_class_labels_assigned_train = np.sign(distances_boundary_train) correlation_dict_train = get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs) cov_dict_train = print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_train, distances_boundary_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs) output_folds.put([fold_num, test_score, train_score, correlation_dict_test, correlation_dict_train, cov_dict_test, cov_dict_train]) return output_folds = Queue() processes = [Process(target=train_test_single_fold, args=(train_folds[x], test_folds[x], x, output_folds, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh_arr[x])) for x in range(num_folds)] # Run processes for p in processes: p.start() # Get the reuslts results = [output_folds.get() for p in processes] for p in processes: p.join() test_acc_arr = [] train_acc_arr = [] correlation_dict_test_arr = [] correlation_dict_train_arr = [] cov_dict_test_arr = [] cov_dict_train_arr = [] results = sorted(results, key = lambda x : x[0]) # sort w.r.t fold num for res in results: fold_num, test_score, train_score, correlation_dict_test, correlation_dict_train, cov_dict_test, cov_dict_train = res test_acc_arr.append(test_score) train_acc_arr.append(train_score) correlation_dict_test_arr.append(correlation_dict_test) correlation_dict_train_arr.append(correlation_dict_train) cov_dict_test_arr.append(cov_dict_test) cov_dict_train_arr.append(cov_dict_train) return test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr def print_classifier_fairness_stats(acc_arr, correlation_dict_arr, cov_dict_arr, s_attr_name): correlation_dict = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_arr) non_prot_pos = correlation_dict[s_attr_name][1][1] prot_pos = correlation_dict[s_attr_name][0][1] p_rule = (prot_pos / non_prot_pos) * 100.0 print "Accuracy: %0.2f" % (np.mean(acc_arr)) print "Protected/non-protected in +ve class: %0.0f%% / %0.0f%%" % (prot_pos, non_prot_pos) print "P-rule achieved: %0.0f%%" % (p_rule) print "Covariance between sensitive feature and decision from distance boundary : %0.3f" % (np.mean([v[s_attr_name] for v in cov_dict_arr])) print return p_rule def compute_p_rule(x_control, class_labels): """ Compute the p-rule based on Doctrine of disparate impact """ non_prot_all = sum(x_control == 1.0) # non-protected group prot_all = sum(x_control == 0.0) # protected group non_prot_pos = sum(class_labels[x_control == 1.0] == 1.0) # non_protected in positive class prot_pos = sum(class_labels[x_control == 0.0] == 1.0) # protected in positive class frac_non_prot_pos = float(non_prot_pos) / float(non_prot_all) frac_prot_pos = float(prot_pos) / float(prot_all) p_rule = (frac_prot_pos / frac_non_prot_pos) * 100.0 print print "Total data points: %d" % (len(x_control)) print "# non-protected examples: %d" % (non_prot_all) print "# protected examples: %d" % (prot_all) print "Non-protected in positive class: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (non_prot_pos, non_prot_pos * 100.0 / non_prot_all) print "Protected in positive class: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (prot_pos, prot_pos * 100.0 / prot_all) print "P-rule is: %0.0f%%" % ( p_rule ) return p_rule def add_intercept(x): """ Add intercept to the data before linear classification """ m,n = x.shape intercept = np.ones(m).reshape(m, 1) # the constant b return np.concatenate((intercept, x), axis = 1) def check_binary(arr): "give an array of values, see if the values are only 0 and 1" s = sorted(set(arr)) if s[0] == 0 and s[1] == 1: return True else: return False def get_one_hot_encoding(in_arr): """ input: 1-D arr with int vals -- if not int vals, will raise an error output: m (ndarray): one-hot encoded matrix d (dict): also returns a dictionary original_val -> column in encoded matrix """ for k in in_arr: if str(type(k)) != "<type 'numpy.float64'>" and type(k) != int and type(k) != np.int64: print str(type(k)) print "************* ERROR: Input arr does not have integer types" return None in_arr = np.array(in_arr, dtype=int) assert(len(in_arr.shape)==1) # no column, means it was a 1-D arr attr_vals_uniq_sorted = sorted(list(set(in_arr))) num_uniq_vals = len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted) if (num_uniq_vals == 2) and (attr_vals_uniq_sorted[0] == 0 and attr_vals_uniq_sorted[1] == 1): return in_arr, None index_dict = {} # value to the column number for i in range(0,len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted)): val = attr_vals_uniq_sorted[i] index_dict[val] = i out_arr = [] for i in range(0,len(in_arr)): tup = np.zeros(num_uniq_vals) val = in_arr[i] ind = index_dict[val] tup[ind] = 1 # set that value of tuple to 1 out_arr.append(tup) return np.array(out_arr), index_dict def check_accuracy(model, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, y_train_predicted, y_test_predicted): """ returns the train/test accuracy of the model we either pass the model (w) else we pass y_predicted """ if model is not None and y_test_predicted is not None: print "Either the model (w) or the predicted labels should be None" raise Exception("Either the model (w) or the predicted labels should be None") if model is not None: y_test_predicted = np.sign(, model)) y_train_predicted = np.sign(, model)) def get_accuracy(y, Y_predicted): correct_answers = (Y_predicted == y).astype(int) # will have 1 when the prediction and the actual label match accuracy = float(sum(correct_answers)) / float(len(correct_answers)) return accuracy, sum(correct_answers) train_score, correct_answers_train = get_accuracy(y_train, y_train_predicted) test_score, correct_answers_test = get_accuracy(y_test, y_test_predicted) return train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test def test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(model, x_arr, y_arr_dist_boundary, x_control, thresh, verbose): """ The covariance is computed b/w the sensitive attr val and the distance from the boundary If the model is None, we assume that the y_arr_dist_boundary contains the distace from the decision boundary If the model is not None, we just compute a dot product or model and x_arr for the case of SVM, we pass the distace from bounday becase the intercept in internalized for the class and we have compute the distance using the project function this function will return -1 if the constraint specified by thresh parameter is not satifsified otherwise it will reutrn +1 if the return value is >=0, then the constraint is satisfied """ assert(x_arr.shape[0] == x_control.shape[0]) if len(x_control.shape) > 1: # make sure we just have one column in the array assert(x_control.shape[1] == 1) arr = [] if model is None: arr = y_arr_dist_boundary # simply the output labels else: arr =, x_arr.T) # the product with the weight vector -- the sign of this is the output label arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float64) cov = - np.mean(x_control), arr ) / float(len(x_control)) ans = thresh - abs(cov) # will be <0 if the covariance is greater than thresh -- that is, the condition is not satisfied # ans = thresh - cov # will be <0 if the covariance is greater than thresh -- that is, the condition is not satisfied if verbose is True: print "Covariance is", cov print "Diff is:", ans print return ans def print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(model, x_arr, y_arr_dist_boundary, x_control, sensitive_attrs): """ reutrns the covariance between sensitive features and distance from decision boundary """ arr = [] if model is None: arr = y_arr_dist_boundary # simplt the output labels else: arr =, x_arr.T) # the product with the weight vector -- the sign of this is the output label sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original = {} for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_arr = x_control[attr] bin_attr = check_binary(attr_arr) # check if the attribute is binary (0/1), or has more than 2 vals if bin_attr == False: # if its a non-binary sensitive feature, then perform one-hot-encoding attr_arr_transformed, index_dict = get_one_hot_encoding(attr_arr) thresh = 0 if bin_attr: cov = thresh - test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(None, x_arr, arr, np.array(attr_arr), thresh, False) sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr] = cov else: # sensitive feature has more than 2 categorical values cov_arr = [] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr] = {} for attr_val, ind in index_dict.items(): t = attr_arr_transformed[:,ind] cov = thresh - test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(None, x_arr, arr, t, thresh, False) sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr][attr_val] = cov cov_arr.append(abs(cov)) cov = max(cov_arr) return sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original def get_correlations(model, x_test, y_predicted, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs): """ returns the fraction in positive class for sensitive feature values """ if model is not None: y_predicted = np.sign(, model)) y_predicted = np.array(y_predicted) out_dict = {} for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_val = [] for v in x_control_test[attr]: attr_val.append(v) assert(len(attr_val) == len(y_predicted)) total_per_val = defaultdict(int) attr_to_class_labels_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for i in range(0, len(y_predicted)): val = attr_val[i] label = y_predicted[i] # val = attr_val_int_mapping_dict_reversed[val] # change values from intgers to actual names total_per_val[val] += 1 attr_to_class_labels_dict[val][label] += 1 class_labels = set(y_predicted.tolist()) local_dict_1 = {} for k1,v1 in attr_to_class_labels_dict.items(): total_this_val = total_per_val[k1] local_dict_2 = {} for k2 in class_labels: # the order should be the same for printing v2 = v1[k2] f = float(v2) * 100.0 / float(total_this_val) local_dict_2[k2] = f local_dict_1[k1] = local_dict_2 out_dict[attr] = local_dict_1 return out_dict def get_constraint_list_cov(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh): """ get the list of constraints to be fed to the minimizer """ constraints = [] for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_arr = x_control_train[attr] attr_arr_transformed, index_dict = get_one_hot_encoding(attr_arr) if index_dict is None: # binary attribute thresh = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr] c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov, 'args':(x_train, y_train, attr_arr_transformed,thresh, False)}) constraints.append(c) else: # otherwise, its a categorical attribute, so we need to set the cov thresh for each value separately for attr_val, ind in index_dict.items(): attr_name = attr_val #print attr, attr_name, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr] thresh = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr][attr_name] t = attr_arr_transformed[:,ind] c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov, 'args':(x_train, y_train, t ,thresh, False)}) constraints.append(c) return constraints def split_into_train_test(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, train_fold_size): split_point = int(round(float(x_all.shape[0]) * train_fold_size)) x_all_train = x_all[:split_point] x_all_test = x_all[split_point:] y_all_train = y_all[:split_point] y_all_test = y_all[split_point:] x_control_all_train = {} x_control_all_test = {} for k in x_control_all.keys(): x_control_all_train[k] = x_control_all[k][:split_point] x_control_all_test[k] = x_control_all[k][split_point:] return x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train, x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test def get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_arr): # make the structure for the correlation dict correlation_dict_avg = {} # print correlation_dict_arr for k,v in correlation_dict_arr[0].items(): correlation_dict_avg[k] = {} for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val] = {} for class_label, frac_class in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label] = [] # populate the correlation dict for correlation_dict in correlation_dict_arr: for k,v in correlation_dict.items(): for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): for class_label, frac_class in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label].append(frac_class) # now take the averages for k,v in correlation_dict_avg.items(): for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): for class_label, frac_class_arr in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label] = np.mean(frac_class_arr) return correlation_dict_avg def plot_cov_thresh_vs_acc_pos_ratio(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs): # very the covariance threshold using a range of decreasing multiplicative factors and see the tradeoffs between accuracy and fairness it = 0.05 cov_range = np.arange(1.0, 0.0-it, -it).tolist() if apply_accuracy_constraint == True: if sep_constraint == False: it = 0.1 cov_range = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 + it, it).tolist() if sep_constraint == True: cov_range = [0,1,5,10,20,50,100,500,1000] positive_class_label = 1 # positive class is +1 train_acc = [] test_acc = [] positive_per_category = defaultdict(list) # for each category (male / female), the frac of positive # first get the original values of covariance in the unconstrained classifier -- these original values are not needed for reverse constraint test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, 0, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, [{} for i in range(0,num_folds)], 0) for c in cov_range: print "LOG: testing for multiplicative factor: %0.2f" % c sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied = [] for sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original in cov_dict_train_arr: sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = deepcopy(sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original) for k in sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh.keys(): v = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[k] if type(v) == type({}): for k1 in v.keys(): v[k1] = v[k1] * c else: sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[k] = v * c sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied.append(sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh) test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied, c) test_acc.append(np.mean(test_acc_arr)) correlation_dict_train = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_train_arr) correlation_dict_test = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_test_arr) # just plot the correlations for the first sensitive attr, the plotting can be extended for the other values, but as a proof of concept, we will jsut show for one s = sensitive_attrs[0] for k,v in correlation_dict_test[s].items(): if v.get(positive_class_label) is None: positive_per_category[k].append(0.0) else: positive_per_category[k].append(v[positive_class_label]) positive_per_category = dict(positive_per_category) p_rule_arr = (np.array(positive_per_category[0]) / np.array(positive_per_category[1])) * 100.0 ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(cov_range, positive_per_category[0], "-o" , color="green", label = "Protected") plt.plot(cov_range, positive_per_category[1], "-o", color="blue", label = "Non-protected") ax.set_xlim([min(cov_range), max(cov_range)]) plt.xlabel('Multiplicative loss factor') plt.ylabel('Perc. in positive class') if apply_accuracy_constraint == False: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.xlabel('Multiplicative covariance factor (c)') ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.scatter(p_rule_arr, test_acc, color="red") ax.set_xlim([min(p_rule_arr), max(max(p_rule_arr), 100)]) plt.xlabel('P% rule') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.5) def get_line_coordinates(w, x1, x2): y1 = (-w[0] - (w[1] * x1)) / w[2] y2 = (-w[0] - (w[1] * x2)) / w[2] return y1,y2
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==7): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) map={} option =1 i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 random.seed(2) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcausalmarital.txt" option=4 num_test=0 fout = open(outputfile,"w") #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/Ccausalmarital" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=5 if fixval ==5: numval=7 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) inpstr = ' '.join(line) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = float(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" 9 "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print i3 if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 num_test+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 #print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = 5#int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==75): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C(Credit dataset) Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Sensitive argument argv[3] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst For argv[2] and argv[3] : 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization minInp = 50000 #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcreditcausal99.txt" random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/Ccreditcausal99.txt" num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} fout = open(outputfile,"w") option =4 def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=13 if fixval ==13: numval=75 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) inpstr = ' '.join(line) strinp = ','.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = float(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print inp_fix j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = int(tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]]) tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out="" str1="" strinp="" for ax in inp: str1 += str(ax)+"," strinp+=str(ax)+" " fout.write(str(ax)+",") if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>minInp: break num_inp+=1 print "score is " pos*1.0/(neg+pos) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys max_inp = 50000 printsuite = 1 minInp = 50000 random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[4,80,5,11,200,5,5,4,2,3,4,4,75,3,3,4,4,3,2,2] map={} option =1 i=2 inp=[] while len(inp)<20: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==10): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) map={} option =1 i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 random.seed(2) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcausalrg.txt" fout = open(outputfile,"w") option=4 num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../../Suites/Ccausalrg.txt" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=9#int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==9: numval=10 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(int(i/5)) line[8-1] = str(int(i%5)) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = float(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" 8 "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = int(tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]]) tmp_val = int((tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]]) i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print i3 if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = int(tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]]) tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: #print pos,neg break num_inp+=1 print "output is in ",outputfile print pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = 9#int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 fixed[8-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System C Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 random.seed(2) #Output file for the test suite outputfile = "../../Suites/freshCcausalage.txt" fout = open(outputfile,"w") option=4 num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) already = "../../Suites/Ccausalage.txt" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=1#int(sys.argv[2]) if fixval ==1: numval=10 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = float(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" 8 "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print i3 if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp+=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: fout.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: #print pos,neg break num_inp+=1 print "score is ",pos*1.0/(neg+pos) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = 1 fixed = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) fout.close() ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==10): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import commands import sys random.seed(1991) trainfile = sys.argv[1] num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) map={} option =1 i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==200): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==30): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==2): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==7): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==70): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==10): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==7): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System E Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import commands import itertools import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 #set prinsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite = 1 random.seed(2) num_test=0 outputfile = "../Suites/freshEcausalmarital" f = open(outputfile,"w") option =4 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} already = "../Suites/Ecausalmarital" def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=5 if fixval ==5: numval=7 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" 9 "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print i3 if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp +=str(x)+" " if option ==1 : out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac=pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: #print pos,neg break num_inp+=1 print "score is ",pos*1.0/(neg+pos) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = 5#int(sys.argv[2]) fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import sys max_inp = 50000 printsuite=0 minInp =5 random.seed(2) sens_arg = int(sys.argv[2]) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 print str(clf.predict([inp])[0])
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import sys max_inp = 30000 printout = 0 minInp=30000 random.seed(1997) X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) i=3 inp=[] while len(inp)<13: inp.append(int(sys.argv[i])) i+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out > 0: print "1" else: print "0"
''' Causal discrimination testing for Subject System G Inputs : argv[1] : Train file argv[2] : Argument to test discriminationa gainst 8 means race and 9 means gender ''' from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import commands import sys #Maximum number of inputs to test against max_inp = 50000 #Minimum number of inputs tos tart applying the confidence check optimization mininp=50000 #set printsuite to 0 to not print the test suite printsuite=1 random.seed(12) outputfile = "../Suites/freshGcausalrelation.txt" num_test=0 option =4 f = open(outputfile,"w") X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) already = "../Suites/Gcausalrelation.txt" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 if option==3 or option==4: fin = open(already,"r") requeried={} num=0 den=0 for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split(',') line = line[:-1] i=0 pos=0 neg=0 fixval=7 if fixval ==7: numval=6 else: numval=2 while i<numval: #print i,den line[fixval-1] = str(i) strinp = ','.join(line) inpstr = ' '.join(line) if(strinp in requeried.keys()): i+=1 continue else: #query here inp=[] for a in line: inp.append(int(a)) if option ==4 : out = int(commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" 8 "+inpstr)) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] #print out, clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out = 1 else: out = 0 if printsuite==1: f.write(strinp+", "+str(out)+"\n") #print strinp+", "+str(out) if out>0: pos+=1 else: neg+=1 requeried[strinp] = 1 i+=1 if pos>0 and neg > 0: num+=1 if pos>0 or neg>0: #print pos,neg,line,num den+=1 print "Score is ",num*100.0/den return fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : #print i3 if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; j=0 while j<len(num_atr): if inp_fix[j]=='': inp[j] = (random.randint(0,num_atr[j]-1)) else: inp[j]=inp_fix[j] j+=1 val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 str1="" strinp="" for x in inp: str1 += str(x)+"," strinp += str(x)+" " if option ==1 : #print "python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp out = commands.getoutput("python "+sys.argv[1]+" "+sys.argv[2]+" "+strinp) out = int(out) else: out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if out>0: out=1 else: out=0 if printsuite==1: f.write(str1+" "+str(out)+"\n") #print str1,out if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 frac = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if 2.5*math.sqrt(frac*(1-frac)*1.0/(pos+neg)<0.05) and pos+neg>mininp: break num_inp+=1 print "score is ", pos*1.0/(neg+pos) def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) fixedatr = 7 fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] fixed[fixedatr-1]=1 check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf) ''' print "output is in",outputfile
''' This script calculates the Causal discrimination score for the particular input file towards race or gender. USAGE : argv[1] : Input test suite argv[2] : 0/1 0 for tace 1 for gender ''' import sys f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") type = int(sys.argv[2]) #type = 0 means race #type = 1 means gender pos = 0 neg = 1 rowNum = 0 num=0 den=0 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter = 0 lst = [] lines =[] for line in f: line = line.strip() l1 = line lines.append(l1) line =line.split(',') if(float(line[-1])>0): posFound=1 if(float(line[-1])<=0): negFound=1 rowNum+=1 if(rowNum==6): rowNum=0 if(posFound==1 and negFound==1): num+=1 lst.append(iter/5*5) #print l1,iter den+=1 posFound = 0 negFound = 0 iter +=1 val = num*100.0/den if(val < 0.01): val=0.01 print("%.2f"%val)
from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints if(len(sys.argv)!=4): print "USAGE python 8/9 SEX AGE" print "Curently working with 9 only as it doesnt converge with 8" exit(-1) sens_arg = int(sys.argv[1]) print sens_arg if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) x = [ 5,1,10,3,0,4,2,0,1,0,0,45,0] predicted_labels = np.sign(, x)) print predicted_labels print "DONE" sex = sys.argv[2] race = sys.argv[3] inp=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] inp = np.array(inp, dtype = float) for i3 in range(0, 70) : for i12 in range(0,100): for i10 in range(0,100): for i11 in range(0,40): for i6 in range(0,14): for i5 in range(0,7): for i7 in range(0,6): for i4 in range(0,16): for i13 in range(0,40): for i1 in range(0,10): for i2 in range(0,8): for i9 in range(0,1): for i8 in range(0,1): i9 = sex i8 = race inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); inp[7]=(i8); inp[8]=(i9); inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); out = np.sign(, inp)) if(out>0): print inp, 1 else: print inp, 0
from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints if(len(sys.argv)!=4): print "USAGE python 8/9 SEX AGE" print "Curently working with 9 only as it doesnt converge with 8" exit(-1) random.seed() sens_arg = int(sys.argv[1]) print sens_arg if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) x = [ 5,1,10,3,0,4,2,0,1,0,0,45,0] predicted_labels = np.sign(, x)) print predicted_labels print "DONE" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 70) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i12 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i10 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i11 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i6 in range(0,14): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i5 in range(0,7): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i7 in range(0,6): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i4 in range(0,16): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i13 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i1 in range(0,10): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i2 in range(0,8): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i9 in range(0,2): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i8 in range(0,5): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 if(','.join(str(inp)) in curr_map.keys()): pos_found=-1 print "here",inp break #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 inp = str(inp) out = np.sign(, inp)) if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): break if(pos_found==-1): continue if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 num_inp+=1 print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
from __future__ import division from random import seed, shuffle import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import svm import os,sys import urllib2 sys.path.insert(0, './fair_classification/') # the code for fair classification is in this directory import utils as ut import numpy as np import loss_funcs as lf # loss funcs that can be optimized subject to various constraints if(len(sys.argv)!=4): print "USAGE python 8/9 SEX AGE" print "Curently working with 9 only as it doesnt converge with 8" exit(-1) random.seed() sens_arg = int(sys.argv[1]) print sens_arg if(sens_arg== 9): name = 'sex' cov=0 else: name = 'race' cov = [0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0] X=[] Y=[] i=0 sensitive = {} sens = [] with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue L = map(int,line1[:-1]) sens.append(L[sens_arg-1]) #L[sens_arg-1]=-1 X.append(L) if(int(line1[-1])==0): Y.append(-1) else: Y.append(1) X = np.array(X, dtype=float) Y = np.array(Y, dtype = float) sensitive[name] = np.array(sens, dtype = float) loss_function = lf._logistic_loss sep_constraint = 0 sensitive_attrs = [name] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {name:cov} gamma=None w = ut.train_model(X, Y, sensitive, loss_function, 1, 0, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) x = [ 5,1,10,3,0,4,2,0,1,0,0,45,0] predicted_labels = np.sign(, x)) print predicted_labels print "DONE" num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, 70) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i12 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i10 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i11 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i6 in range(0,14): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i5 in range(0,7): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i7 in range(0,6): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i4 in range(0,16): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i13 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i1 in range(0,10): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i2 in range(0,8): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i9 in range(0,2): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i8 in range(0,5): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] out = np.sign(, inp)) num_inp+=1 if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
import sys import os import numpy as np import scipy.special from collections import defaultdict import traceback from copy import deepcopy def _hinge_loss(w, X, y): yz = y *,w) # y * (x.w) yz = np.maximum(np.zeros_like(yz), (1-yz)) # hinge function return sum(yz) def _logistic_loss(w, X, y, return_arr=None): """Computes the logistic loss. This function is used from scikit-learn source code Parameters ---------- w : ndarray, shape (n_features,) or (n_features + 1,) Coefficient vector. X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Array of labels. """ yz = y *,w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. if return_arr == True: out = -(log_logistic(yz)) else: out = -np.sum(log_logistic(yz)) return out def _logistic_loss_l2_reg(w, X, y, lam=None): if lam is None: lam = 1.0 yz = y *,w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. logistic_loss = -np.sum(log_logistic(yz)) l2_reg = (float(lam)/2.0) * np.sum([elem*elem for elem in w]) out = logistic_loss + l2_reg return out def log_logistic(X): """ This function is used from scikit-learn source code. Source link below """ """Compute the log of the logistic function, ``log(1 / (1 + e ** -x))``. This implementation is numerically stable because it splits positive and negative values:: -log(1 + exp(-x_i)) if x_i > 0 x_i - log(1 + exp(x_i)) if x_i <= 0 Parameters ---------- X: array-like, shape (M, N) Argument to the logistic function Returns ------- out: array, shape (M, N) Log of the logistic function evaluated at every point in x Notes ----- Source code at: ----- See the blog post describing this implementation: """ if X.ndim > 1: raise Exception("Array of samples cannot be more than 1-D!") out = np.empty_like(X) # same dimensions and data types idx = X>0 out[idx] = -np.log(1.0 + np.exp(-X[idx])) out[~idx] = X[~idx] - np.log(1.0 + np.exp(X[~idx])) return out
import numpy as np from random import seed, shuffle import loss_funcs as lf # our implementation of loss funcs from scipy.optimize import minimize # for loss func minimization from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, Queue from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting stuff import sys SEED = 1122334455 seed(SEED) # set the random seed so that the random permutations can be reproduced again np.random.seed(SEED) def train_model(x, y, x_control, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma=None): print x[0],y[0],x_control, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh """ Function that trains the model subject to various fairness constraints. If no constraints are given, then simply trains an unaltered classifier. Example usage in: "synthetic_data_demo/" ---- Inputs: X: (n) x (d+1) numpy array -- n = number of examples, d = number of features, one feature is the intercept y: 1-d numpy array (n entries) x_control: dictionary of the type {"s": [...]}, key "s" is the sensitive feature name, and the value is a 1-d list with n elements holding the sensitive feature values loss_function: the loss function that we want to optimize -- for now we have implementation of logistic loss, but other functions like hinge loss can also be added apply_fairness_constraints: optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraint (0/1 values) apply_accuracy_constraint: optimize fairness subject to accuracy constraint (0/1 values) sep_constraint: apply the fine grained accuracy constraint for details, see Section 3.3 of For examples on how to apply these constraints, see "synthetic_data_demo/" Note: both apply_fairness_constraints and apply_accuracy_constraint cannot be 1 at the same time sensitive_attrs: ["s1", "s2", ...], list of sensitive features for which to apply fairness constraint, all of these sensitive features should have a corresponding array in x_control sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh: the covariance threshold that the classifier should achieve (this is only needed when apply_fairness_constraints=1, not needed for the other two constraints) gamma: controls the loss in accuracy we are willing to incur when using apply_accuracy_constraint and sep_constraint ---- Outputs: w: the learned weight vector for the classifier """ assert((apply_accuracy_constraint == 1 and apply_fairness_constraints == 1) == False) # both constraints cannot be applied at the same time max_iter = 100000 # maximum number of iterations for the minimization algorithm if apply_fairness_constraints == 0: constraints = [] else: constraints = get_constraint_list_cov(x, y, x_control, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh) if apply_accuracy_constraint == 0: #its not the reverse problem, just train w with cross cov constraints f_args=(x, y) w = minimize(fun = loss_function, x0 = np.random.rand(x.shape[1],), args = f_args, method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":max_iter}, constraints = constraints ) else: # train on just the loss function w = minimize(fun = loss_function, x0 = np.random.rand(x.shape[1],), args = (x, y), method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":max_iter}, constraints = [] ) old_w = deepcopy(w.x) def constraint_gamma_all(w, x, y, initial_loss_arr): gamma_arr = np.ones_like(y) * gamma # set gamma for everyone new_loss = loss_function(w, x, y) old_loss = sum(initial_loss_arr) return ((1.0 + gamma) * old_loss) - new_loss def constraint_protected_people(w,x,y): # dont confuse the protected here with the sensitive feature protected/non-protected values -- protected here means that these points should not be misclassified to negative class return, x.T) # if this is positive, the constraint is satisfied def constraint_unprotected_people(w,ind,old_loss,x,y): new_loss = loss_function(w, np.array([x]), np.array(y)) return ((1.0 + gamma) * old_loss) - new_loss constraints = [] predicted_labels = np.sign(, x.T)) unconstrained_loss_arr = loss_function(w.x, x, y, return_arr=True) if sep_constraint == True: # separate gemma for different people for i in range(0, len(predicted_labels)): if predicted_labels[i] == 1.0 and x_control[sensitive_attrs[0]][i] == 1.0: # for now we are assuming just one sensitive attr for reverse constraint, later, extend the code to take into account multiple sensitive attrs c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_protected_people, 'args':(x[i], y[i])}) # this constraint makes sure that these people stay in the positive class even in the modified classifier constraints.append(c) else: c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_unprotected_people, 'args':(i, unconstrained_loss_arr[i], x[i], y[i])}) constraints.append(c) else: # same gamma for everyone c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_gamma_all, 'args':(x,y,unconstrained_loss_arr)}) constraints.append(c) def cross_cov_abs_optm_func(weight_vec, x_in, x_control_in_arr): cross_cov = (x_control_in_arr - np.mean(x_control_in_arr)) *, x_in.T) return float(abs(sum(cross_cov))) / float(x_in.shape[0]) w = minimize(fun = cross_cov_abs_optm_func, x0 = old_w, args = (x, x_control[sensitive_attrs[0]]), method = 'SLSQP', options = {"maxiter":100000}, constraints = constraints ) try: assert(w.success == True) except: print "Optimization problem did not converge.. Check the solution returned by the optimizer." print "Returned solution is:" print w return w.x def compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh_arr, gamma=None): """ Computes the cross validation error for the classifier subject to various fairness constraints This function is just a wrapper of "train_model(...)", all inputs (except for num_folds) are the same. See the specifications of train_model(...) for more info. Returns lists of train/test accuracy (with each list holding values for all folds), the fractions of various sensitive groups in positive class (for train and test sets), and covariance between sensitive feature and distance from decision boundary (again, for both train and test folds). """ train_folds = [] test_folds = [] n_samples = len(y_all) train_fold_size = 0.7 # the rest of 0.3 is for testing # split the data into folds for cross-validation for i in range(0,num_folds): perm = range(0,n_samples) # shuffle the data before creating each fold shuffle(perm) x_all_perm = x_all[perm] y_all_perm = y_all[perm] x_control_all_perm = {} for k in x_control_all.keys(): x_control_all_perm[k] = np.array(x_control_all[k])[perm] x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train, x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test = split_into_train_test(x_all_perm, y_all_perm, x_control_all_perm, train_fold_size) train_folds.append([x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train]) test_folds.append([x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test]) def train_test_single_fold(train_data, test_data, fold_num, output_folds, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh): x_train, y_train, x_control_train = train_data x_test, y_test, x_control_test = test_data w = train_model(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma) train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test = check_accuracy(w, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, None, None) distances_boundary_test = (, w)).tolist() all_class_labels_assigned_test = np.sign(distances_boundary_test) correlation_dict_test = get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs) cov_dict_test = print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_test, distances_boundary_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs) distances_boundary_train = (, w)).tolist() all_class_labels_assigned_train = np.sign(distances_boundary_train) correlation_dict_train = get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs) cov_dict_train = print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_train, distances_boundary_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs) output_folds.put([fold_num, test_score, train_score, correlation_dict_test, correlation_dict_train, cov_dict_test, cov_dict_train]) return output_folds = Queue() processes = [Process(target=train_test_single_fold, args=(train_folds[x], test_folds[x], x, output_folds, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh_arr[x])) for x in range(num_folds)] # Run processes for p in processes: p.start() # Get the reuslts results = [output_folds.get() for p in processes] for p in processes: p.join() test_acc_arr = [] train_acc_arr = [] correlation_dict_test_arr = [] correlation_dict_train_arr = [] cov_dict_test_arr = [] cov_dict_train_arr = [] results = sorted(results, key = lambda x : x[0]) # sort w.r.t fold num for res in results: fold_num, test_score, train_score, correlation_dict_test, correlation_dict_train, cov_dict_test, cov_dict_train = res test_acc_arr.append(test_score) train_acc_arr.append(train_score) correlation_dict_test_arr.append(correlation_dict_test) correlation_dict_train_arr.append(correlation_dict_train) cov_dict_test_arr.append(cov_dict_test) cov_dict_train_arr.append(cov_dict_train) return test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr def print_classifier_fairness_stats(acc_arr, correlation_dict_arr, cov_dict_arr, s_attr_name): correlation_dict = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_arr) non_prot_pos = correlation_dict[s_attr_name][1][1] prot_pos = correlation_dict[s_attr_name][0][1] p_rule = (prot_pos / non_prot_pos) * 100.0 print "Accuracy: %0.2f" % (np.mean(acc_arr)) print "Protected/non-protected in +ve class: %0.0f%% / %0.0f%%" % (prot_pos, non_prot_pos) print "P-rule achieved: %0.0f%%" % (p_rule) print "Covariance between sensitive feature and decision from distance boundary : %0.3f" % (np.mean([v[s_attr_name] for v in cov_dict_arr])) print return p_rule def compute_p_rule(x_control, class_labels): """ Compute the p-rule based on Doctrine of disparate impact """ non_prot_all = sum(x_control == 1.0) # non-protected group prot_all = sum(x_control == 0.0) # protected group non_prot_pos = sum(class_labels[x_control == 1.0] == 1.0) # non_protected in positive class prot_pos = sum(class_labels[x_control == 0.0] == 1.0) # protected in positive class frac_non_prot_pos = float(non_prot_pos) / float(non_prot_all) frac_prot_pos = float(prot_pos) / float(prot_all) p_rule = (frac_prot_pos / frac_non_prot_pos) * 100.0 print print "Total data points: %d" % (len(x_control)) print "# non-protected examples: %d" % (non_prot_all) print "# protected examples: %d" % (prot_all) print "Non-protected in positive class: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (non_prot_pos, non_prot_pos * 100.0 / non_prot_all) print "Protected in positive class: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (prot_pos, prot_pos * 100.0 / prot_all) print "P-rule is: %0.0f%%" % ( p_rule ) return p_rule def add_intercept(x): """ Add intercept to the data before linear classification """ m,n = x.shape intercept = np.ones(m).reshape(m, 1) # the constant b return np.concatenate((intercept, x), axis = 1) def check_binary(arr): "give an array of values, see if the values are only 0 and 1" s = sorted(set(arr)) if s[0] == 0 and s[1] == 1: return True else: return False def get_one_hot_encoding(in_arr): """ input: 1-D arr with int vals -- if not int vals, will raise an error output: m (ndarray): one-hot encoded matrix d (dict): also returns a dictionary original_val -> column in encoded matrix """ for k in in_arr: if str(type(k)) != "<type 'numpy.float64'>" and type(k) != int and type(k) != np.int64: print str(type(k)) print "************* ERROR: Input arr does not have integer types" return None in_arr = np.array(in_arr, dtype=int) assert(len(in_arr.shape)==1) # no column, means it was a 1-D arr attr_vals_uniq_sorted = sorted(list(set(in_arr))) num_uniq_vals = len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted) if (num_uniq_vals == 2) and (attr_vals_uniq_sorted[0] == 0 and attr_vals_uniq_sorted[1] == 1): return in_arr, None index_dict = {} # value to the column number for i in range(0,len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted)): val = attr_vals_uniq_sorted[i] index_dict[val] = i out_arr = [] for i in range(0,len(in_arr)): tup = np.zeros(num_uniq_vals) val = in_arr[i] ind = index_dict[val] tup[ind] = 1 # set that value of tuple to 1 out_arr.append(tup) return np.array(out_arr), index_dict def check_accuracy(model, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, y_train_predicted, y_test_predicted): """ returns the train/test accuracy of the model we either pass the model (w) else we pass y_predicted """ if model is not None and y_test_predicted is not None: print "Either the model (w) or the predicted labels should be None" raise Exception("Either the model (w) or the predicted labels should be None") if model is not None: y_test_predicted = np.sign(, model)) y_train_predicted = np.sign(, model)) def get_accuracy(y, Y_predicted): correct_answers = (Y_predicted == y).astype(int) # will have 1 when the prediction and the actual label match accuracy = float(sum(correct_answers)) / float(len(correct_answers)) return accuracy, sum(correct_answers) train_score, correct_answers_train = get_accuracy(y_train, y_train_predicted) test_score, correct_answers_test = get_accuracy(y_test, y_test_predicted) return train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test def test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(model, x_arr, y_arr_dist_boundary, x_control, thresh, verbose): """ The covariance is computed b/w the sensitive attr val and the distance from the boundary If the model is None, we assume that the y_arr_dist_boundary contains the distace from the decision boundary If the model is not None, we just compute a dot product or model and x_arr for the case of SVM, we pass the distace from bounday becase the intercept in internalized for the class and we have compute the distance using the project function this function will return -1 if the constraint specified by thresh parameter is not satifsified otherwise it will reutrn +1 if the return value is >=0, then the constraint is satisfied """ assert(x_arr.shape[0] == x_control.shape[0]) if len(x_control.shape) > 1: # make sure we just have one column in the array assert(x_control.shape[1] == 1) arr = [] if model is None: arr = y_arr_dist_boundary # simply the output labels else: arr =, x_arr.T) # the product with the weight vector -- the sign of this is the output label arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float64) cov = - np.mean(x_control), arr ) / float(len(x_control)) ans = thresh - abs(cov) # will be <0 if the covariance is greater than thresh -- that is, the condition is not satisfied # ans = thresh - cov # will be <0 if the covariance is greater than thresh -- that is, the condition is not satisfied if verbose is True: print "Covariance is", cov print "Diff is:", ans print return ans def print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(model, x_arr, y_arr_dist_boundary, x_control, sensitive_attrs): """ reutrns the covariance between sensitive features and distance from decision boundary """ arr = [] if model is None: arr = y_arr_dist_boundary # simplt the output labels else: arr =, x_arr.T) # the product with the weight vector -- the sign of this is the output label sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original = {} for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_arr = x_control[attr] bin_attr = check_binary(attr_arr) # check if the attribute is binary (0/1), or has more than 2 vals if bin_attr == False: # if its a non-binary sensitive feature, then perform one-hot-encoding attr_arr_transformed, index_dict = get_one_hot_encoding(attr_arr) thresh = 0 if bin_attr: cov = thresh - test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(None, x_arr, arr, np.array(attr_arr), thresh, False) sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr] = cov else: # sensitive feature has more than 2 categorical values cov_arr = [] sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr] = {} for attr_val, ind in index_dict.items(): t = attr_arr_transformed[:,ind] cov = thresh - test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov(None, x_arr, arr, t, thresh, False) sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original[attr][attr_val] = cov cov_arr.append(abs(cov)) cov = max(cov_arr) return sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original def get_correlations(model, x_test, y_predicted, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs): """ returns the fraction in positive class for sensitive feature values """ if model is not None: y_predicted = np.sign(, model)) y_predicted = np.array(y_predicted) out_dict = {} for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_val = [] for v in x_control_test[attr]: attr_val.append(v) assert(len(attr_val) == len(y_predicted)) total_per_val = defaultdict(int) attr_to_class_labels_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for i in range(0, len(y_predicted)): val = attr_val[i] label = y_predicted[i] # val = attr_val_int_mapping_dict_reversed[val] # change values from intgers to actual names total_per_val[val] += 1 attr_to_class_labels_dict[val][label] += 1 class_labels = set(y_predicted.tolist()) local_dict_1 = {} for k1,v1 in attr_to_class_labels_dict.items(): total_this_val = total_per_val[k1] local_dict_2 = {} for k2 in class_labels: # the order should be the same for printing v2 = v1[k2] f = float(v2) * 100.0 / float(total_this_val) local_dict_2[k2] = f local_dict_1[k1] = local_dict_2 out_dict[attr] = local_dict_1 return out_dict def get_constraint_list_cov(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh): """ get the list of constraints to be fed to the minimizer """ constraints = [] for attr in sensitive_attrs: attr_arr = x_control_train[attr] attr_arr_transformed, index_dict = get_one_hot_encoding(attr_arr) if index_dict is None: # binary attribute thresh = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr] c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov, 'args':(x_train, y_train, attr_arr_transformed,thresh, False)}) constraints.append(c) else: # otherwise, its a categorical attribute, so we need to set the cov thresh for each value separately for attr_val, ind in index_dict.items(): attr_name = attr_val print attr, attr_name, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr] thresh = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[attr][attr_name] t = attr_arr_transformed[:,ind] c = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': test_sensitive_attr_constraint_cov, 'args':(x_train, y_train, t ,thresh, False)}) constraints.append(c) return constraints def split_into_train_test(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, train_fold_size): split_point = int(round(float(x_all.shape[0]) * train_fold_size)) x_all_train = x_all[:split_point] x_all_test = x_all[split_point:] y_all_train = y_all[:split_point] y_all_test = y_all[split_point:] x_control_all_train = {} x_control_all_test = {} for k in x_control_all.keys(): x_control_all_train[k] = x_control_all[k][:split_point] x_control_all_test[k] = x_control_all[k][split_point:] return x_all_train, y_all_train, x_control_all_train, x_all_test, y_all_test, x_control_all_test def get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_arr): # make the structure for the correlation dict correlation_dict_avg = {} # print correlation_dict_arr for k,v in correlation_dict_arr[0].items(): correlation_dict_avg[k] = {} for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val] = {} for class_label, frac_class in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label] = [] # populate the correlation dict for correlation_dict in correlation_dict_arr: for k,v in correlation_dict.items(): for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): for class_label, frac_class in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label].append(frac_class) # now take the averages for k,v in correlation_dict_avg.items(): for feature_val, feature_dict in v.items(): for class_label, frac_class_arr in feature_dict.items(): correlation_dict_avg[k][feature_val][class_label] = np.mean(frac_class_arr) return correlation_dict_avg def plot_cov_thresh_vs_acc_pos_ratio(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs): # very the covariance threshold using a range of decreasing multiplicative factors and see the tradeoffs between accuracy and fairness it = 0.05 cov_range = np.arange(1.0, 0.0-it, -it).tolist() if apply_accuracy_constraint == True: if sep_constraint == False: it = 0.1 cov_range = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 + it, it).tolist() if sep_constraint == True: cov_range = [0,1,5,10,20,50,100,500,1000] positive_class_label = 1 # positive class is +1 train_acc = [] test_acc = [] positive_per_category = defaultdict(list) # for each category (male / female), the frac of positive # first get the original values of covariance in the unconstrained classifier -- these original values are not needed for reverse constraint test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, 0, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, [{} for i in range(0,num_folds)], 0) for c in cov_range: print "LOG: testing for multiplicative factor: %0.2f" % c sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied = [] for sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original in cov_dict_train_arr: sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = deepcopy(sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original) for k in sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh.keys(): v = sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[k] if type(v) == type({}): for k1 in v.keys(): v[k1] = v[k1] * c else: sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh[k] = v * c sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied.append(sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh) test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = compute_cross_validation_error(x_all, y_all, x_control_all, num_folds, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_original_arr_multiplied, c) test_acc.append(np.mean(test_acc_arr)) correlation_dict_train = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_train_arr) correlation_dict_test = get_avg_correlation_dict(correlation_dict_test_arr) # just plot the correlations for the first sensitive attr, the plotting can be extended for the other values, but as a proof of concept, we will jsut show for one s = sensitive_attrs[0] for k,v in correlation_dict_test[s].items(): if v.get(positive_class_label) is None: positive_per_category[k].append(0.0) else: positive_per_category[k].append(v[positive_class_label]) positive_per_category = dict(positive_per_category) p_rule_arr = (np.array(positive_per_category[0]) / np.array(positive_per_category[1])) * 100.0 ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(cov_range, positive_per_category[0], "-o" , color="green", label = "Protected") plt.plot(cov_range, positive_per_category[1], "-o", color="blue", label = "Non-protected") ax.set_xlim([min(cov_range), max(cov_range)]) plt.xlabel('Multiplicative loss factor') plt.ylabel('Perc. in positive class') if apply_accuracy_constraint == False: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.xlabel('Multiplicative covariance factor (c)') ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.scatter(p_rule_arr, test_acc, color="red") ax.set_xlim([min(p_rule_arr), max(max(p_rule_arr), 100)]) plt.xlabel('P% rule') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.5) def get_line_coordinates(w, x1, x2): y1 = (-w[0] - (w[1] * x1)) / w[2] y2 = (-w[0] - (w[1] * x2)) / w[2] return y1,y2
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import sys max_inp = 1000 random.seed() X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test=0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, 70) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i12 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i10 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i11 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i6 in range(0,14): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i5 in range(0,7): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i7 in range(0,6): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i4 in range(0,16): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i13 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i1 in range(0,10): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i2 in range(0,8): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i9 in range(0,2): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i8 in range(0,5): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] out = clf.predict([inp])[0] num_test+=1 num_inp+=1 if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) print fixed,max,min, max-min, num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB import itertools import sys max_inp = 1000 random.seed() num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = GaussianNB(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 70) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i12 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i10 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i11 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i6 in range(0,14): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i5 in range(0,7): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i7 in range(0,6): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i4 in range(0,16): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i13 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i1 in range(0,10): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i2 in range(0,8): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i9 in range(0,2): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i8 in range(0,5): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 if(','.join(str(inp)) in curr_map.keys()): pos_found=-1 print "here",inp break #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): break if(pos_found==-1): continue if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 num_inp+=1 print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import itertools import sys max_inp = 1000 random.seed() X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, 70) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i12 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i10 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i11 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i6 in range(0,14): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i5 in range(0,7): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i7 in range(0,6): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i4 in range(0,16): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i13 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i1 in range(0,10): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i2 in range(0,8): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i9 in range(0,2): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i8 in range(0,5): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] inp = str(inp) out = clf.predict([inp])[0] num_inp+=1 if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import sys max_inp = 1000 random.seed() X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) val = 0 #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] out = clf.predict([inp])[0] num_inp+=1 if(out>0): #print inp, out, 1 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 pos+=1 else: #print inp,out, 0 map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 neg+=1 if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)>max): max = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) if(pos*1.0/(pos+neg)<min): min = pos*1.0/(pos+neg) print fixed,max,min, max-min def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np import itertools import sys max_inp = 1000 random.seed() num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, max_inp) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 if(','.join(str(inp)) in curr_map.keys()): pos_found=-1 break num_test+=1 out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): break if(pos_found==-1): continue if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 num_inp+=1 print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
from __future__ import division import random import math import os from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import linear_model import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn import svm import itertools import sys max_inp = 1000 random.seed() num_test=0 X=[] Y=[] i=0 with open("cleaned_train", "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip() line1 = line.split(',') if(i==0): i+=1 continue X.append(map(int,line1[:-1])) Y.append(int(line1[-1])) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) num_atr=[10,8,70,16,7,14,6,5,2,100,40,100,40] map={} def check_ratio(fixed,clf): num_test = 0 fix_atr = [] num=1 for i in range(0,len(fixed)): if(fixed[i]==1): num = num*num_atr[i] fix_atr.append(i) #print fix_atr, num max = -1 min = 100 #print num val = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #if(val%10000==0): #print val while i>=0: inp_fix[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 #print inp_fix val+=1 inp=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] num_inp = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 curr_map={} for i3 in range(0, 70) : if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i12 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i10 in range(0,100): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i11 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i6 in range(0,14): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i5 in range(0,7): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i7 in range(0,6): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i4 in range(0,16): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i13 in range(0,40): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i1 in range(0,10): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i2 in range(0,8): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i9 in range(0,2): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; for i8 in range(0,5): if(num_inp>=max_inp): break; if(inp_fix[0]==''): inp[0]=(random.randint(0,9)); else: inp[0]=inp_fix[0] if(inp_fix[1]==''): inp[1]=(random.randint(0,7)); else: inp[1]=inp_fix[1] if(inp_fix[2]==''): inp[2]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[2]=inp_fix[2] if(inp_fix[3]==''): inp[3]=(random.randint(0,15)); else: inp[3]=inp_fix[3] if(inp_fix[4]==''): inp[4]=(random.randint(0,6)); else: inp[4]=inp_fix[4] if(inp_fix[5]==''): inp[5]=(random.randint(0,13)); else: inp[5]=inp_fix[5] if(inp_fix[6]==''): inp[6]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[6]=inp_fix[6] if(inp_fix[7]==''): inp[7]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[7]=inp_fix[7] if(inp_fix[8]==''): inp[8]=(random.randint(0,5)); else: inp[8]=inp_fix[8] if(inp_fix[9]==''): inp[9]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[9]=inp_fix[9] if(inp_fix[10]==''): inp[10]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[10]=inp_fix[10] if(inp_fix[11]==''): inp[11]=(random.randint(0,99)); else: inp[11]=inp_fix[11] if(inp_fix[12]==''): inp[12]=(random.randint(0,39)); else: inp[12]=inp_fix[12] val = 0 pos_found = 0 neg_found = 0 while val< num: inp_fix=['','','','','','','','','','','','',''] i=len(fix_atr)-1 tmp_val = val #print val while i>=0: inp[fix_atr[i]] = tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]] tmp_val = (tmp_val - tmp_val%num_atr[fix_atr[i]])/num_atr[fix_atr[i]] i-=1 val+=1 if(','.join(str(inp)) in curr_map.keys()): pos_found=-1 print "here",inp break #print inp,num_inp,max_inp num_test+=1 inp = str(inp) out = clf.predict([inp])[0] if(out>0): pos_found=1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 1 else: neg_found = 1 curr_map[','.join(str(inp))] = 0 if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): break if(pos_found==-1): continue if(pos_found==1 and neg_found==1): pos+=1 else: neg+=1 num_inp+=1 print fixed,pos,neg, pos*1.0/(neg+pos),num_test def findsubsets(S,m): return set(itertools.combinations(S, m)) for i in range(0,13): out = findsubsets([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],i+1) for a in out: fixed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(0,13): if j in a: fixed[j]=1 #print fixed check_ratio(fixed,clf)
# Themis 2.0 # # By: Rico Angell from __future__ import division import argparse import subprocess from itertools import chain, combinations, product import math import random import scipy.stats as st import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import copy class Input: """ Class to define an input characteristic to the software. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the input. values : list List of the possible values for this input. Methods ------- get_random_input() Returns a random element from the values list. """ def __init__(self, name="", values=[], kind="", ub=None, lb=None): try: = name self.values = [str(v) for v in values] self.kind = kind if (ub != None and lb != None): = lb self.ub = ub except: print("Themis input initialization corrupted!") def get_random_input(self): """ Return a random value from self.values """ try: return random.choice(self.values) except: print("Error in get_random_input") def __str__(self): try: s = "\nInput\n" s += "-----\n" s += "Name: " + + "\n" s += "Values: " + ", ".join(self.values) return s except: print("Issue with returning a string representation of the input") __repr__ = __str__ class Test: """ Data structure for storing tests. Attributes ---------- function : str Name of the function to call i_fields : list of `` The inputs of interest, i.e. compute the casual discrimination wrt these fields. threshold : float in [0,1] At least this level of discrimination to be considered. conf : float in [0, 1] The z* confidence level (percentage of normal distribution. margin : float in [0, 1] The margin of error for the confidence. group : bool Search for group discrimination if `True`. causal : bool Search for causal discrimination if `True`. """ def __init__(self, function="", i_fields=[], conf=0.999, margin=0.0001, group=False, causal=False, threshold=0.15): try: self.function = function self.i_fields = i_fields self.conf = conf self.margin = margin = group self.causal = causal self.threshold = threshold except: print("Themis test initialization input") def __str__(self): try: s = "\n\n" # Alters output based on the test that was ran if self.function == "discrimination_search": print( "Ran discrimination search for: \n") if ( == True): s += "Group Discrimination\n" if (self.causal == True): s += "Causal Discrimination\n\n" elif self.function == "causal_discrimination": s += "Calculated causal discrimination for the following sets of inputs: \n (" + ", ".join(self.i_fields) + ") \n\n" elif self.function == "group_discrimination": s += "Calculated group discrimination for the following sets of inputs: \n (" + ", ".join(self.i_fields) + ") \n\n" return s except: print("Issue with returning a string version of the test details") __repr__ = __str__ class Themis: """ Compute discrimination for a piece of software. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- """ def __init__(self, xml_fname=""): """ Initialize Themis from xml file. Parameters ---------- xml_fname : string name of the xml file we want to import settings from. """ if xml_fname != "": try: tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) root = tree.getroot() self.max_samples = int(root.find("max_samples").text) self.min_samples = int(root.find("min_samples").text) self.rand_seed = int(root.find("seed").text) self.software_name = root.find("name").text self.command = root.find("command").text.strip() self._build_input_space(args=root.find("inputs")) self._load_tests(args=root.find("tests")) self._cache = {} except: print("issue with reading xml file and initializing Themis") else: self._cache = {} self.tests = [] def run(self): """ Run Themis tests specified in the configuration file. """ ## try: #key = inputs tuple # value = percentage from test execution self.group_tests = {} self.causal_tests = {} self.group_search_results = {} self.causal_search_results = {} self.group_measurement_results = [] self.causal_measurement_results = [] self.simple_discrim_output = "" self.detailed_discrim_output = "" for test in self.tests: print (test) random.seed(self.rand_seed) #print ("--------------------------------------------------") if test.function == "causal_discrimination": suite, p, self.causal_pairs = self.causal_discrimination(i_fields=test.i_fields, conf=test.conf, margin=test.margin) # store tests for output strings causal_key = tuple(test.i_fields) self.causal_tests [causal_key] = "{:.1%}".format(p) ## self.output += str(test) ## op = 'Your software discriminates on the above inputs ' + "{:.1%}".format(p) + ' of the time.' ## self.output += op elif test.function == "group_discrimination": suite, p, _, _ = self.group_discrimination(i_fields=test.i_fields, conf=test.conf, margin=test.margin) # store tests for output strings group_key = tuple(test.i_fields) self.group_tests [group_key] = "{:.1%}".format(p) #save min_group and max_group elif test.function == "discrimination_search": print ("running discrim search") print (test.conf) print (test.margin) print( print(test.causal) print(test.threshold) g, c = self.discrimination_search(threshold=test.threshold, conf=test.conf, margin=test.margin,, causal=test.causal) if g: for key, value in g.items(): values = ", ".join(key) + " --> " + "{:.1%}".format(value) + "\n" self.group_search_results[tuple(key)] = "{:.1%}".format(value) if c: for key, value in c.items(): values = ", ".join(key) + " --> " + "{:.1%}".format(value) + "\n" self.causal_search_results[tuple(key)] = "{:.1%}".format(value) ## ## print ("Group Discrimination Tests: \n") ## for key,value in self.group_tests.items(): ## print ('Input(s): ' + str(key) + '--->' + str(value) + "\n") ## ## print ("Causal Discrimination Tests: \n") ## for key, value in self.causal_tests.items(): ## print ('Input(s): ' + str(key) + '--->' + str(value) + "\n") self.short_output = "" self.extended_output = "" ## except: ## print ("Issue in main Themis run") def group_discrimination(self, i_fields=None, conf=0.999, margin=0.0001): """ Compute the group discrimination for characteristics `i_fields`. Parameters ---------- i_fields : list of `` The inputs of interest, i.e. compute the casual discrimination wrt these fields. conf : float in [0, 1] The z* confidence level (percentage of normal distribution. margin : float in [0, 1] The margin of error for the confidence. Returns ------- tuple * list of dict The test suite used to compute group discrimination. * float The percentage of group discrimination """ assert i_fields != None ## try: min_group_score, max_group_score, test_suite, p = float("inf"), 0, [], 0 min_group_assign, max_group_assign = "","" rand_fields = self._all_other_fields(i_fields) for fixed_sub_assign in self._gen_all_sub_inputs(args=i_fields): count = 0 for num_sampled in range(1, self.max_samples): assign = self._new_random_sub_input(args=rand_fields) assign.update(fixed_sub_assign) self._add_assignment(test_suite, assign) count += self._get_test_result(assign=assign) p, end = self._end_condition(count, num_sampled, conf, margin) if end: break print (fixed_sub_assign[i_fields[0]] + "--> " + str(p)) if p < min_group_score: min_group_score = p min_group_assign = fixed_sub_assign[i_fields[0]] if p > max_group_score: max_group_score = p max_group_assign = fixed_sub_assign[i_fields[0]] return test_suite, (max_group_score - min_group_score), (min_group_score,min_group_assign,max_group_score,max_group_assign) ## except: ## print("Issue in group_discrimination") def causal_discrimination(self, i_fields=None, conf=0.999, margin=0.0001): """ Compute the causal discrimination for characteristics `i_fields`. Parameters ---------- i_fields : list of `` The inputs of interest, i.e. compute the casual discrimination wrt these fields. conf : float in [0, 1] The z* confidence level (percentage of normal distribution. margin : float in [0, 1] The margin of error for the confidence. Returns ------- tuple * list of dict The test suite used to compute causal discrimination. * float The percentage of causal discrimination. """ ## try: assert i_fields != None count, test_suite, p = 0, [], 0 f_fields = self._all_other_fields(i_fields) # fixed fields causal_pairs = [] for num_sampled in range(1, self.max_samples): fixed_assign = self._new_random_sub_input(args=f_fields) singular_assign = self._new_random_sub_input(args=i_fields) assign = self._merge_assignments(fixed_assign, singular_assign) print ("Assign --> " , assign) causal_assign1 = copy.deepcopy(assign) self._add_assignment(test_suite, assign) result = self._get_test_result(assign=assign) for dyn_sub_assign in self._gen_all_sub_inputs(args=i_fields): if dyn_sub_assign == singular_assign: continue assign.update(dyn_sub_assign) self._add_assignment(test_suite, assign) if self._get_test_result(assign=assign) != result: count += 1 causal_pairs.append((causal_assign1,copy.deepcopy(assign))) break p, end = self._end_condition(count, num_sampled, conf, margin) if end: break return test_suite, p, causal_pairs ## except: ## print("Issue in causal discrimination") def discrimination_search(self, threshold=0.2, conf=0.99, margin=0.01, group=False, causal=False): """ Find all minimall subsets of characteristics that discriminate. Choose to search by group or causally and set a threshold for discrimination. Parameters ---------- threshold : float in [0,1] At least this level of discrimination to be considered. conf : float in [0, 1] The z* confidence level (percentage of normal distribution. margin : float in [0, 1] The margin of error for the confidence. group : bool Search for group discrimination if `True`. causal : bool Search for causal discrimination if `True`. Returns ------- tuple of dict The lists of subsets of the input characteristics that discriminate. """ ## try: assert group or causal group_d_scores, causal_d_scores = {}, {} for sub in self._all_relevant_subs(self.input_order): if self._supset(list(set(group_d_scores.keys())| set(causal_d_scores.keys())), sub): continue if group: suite, p, data = self.group_discrimination(i_fields=sub, conf=conf, margin=margin) if p > threshold: group_d_scores[sub] = p self.group_measurement_results.append(MeasurementResult(causal=False, i_fields=sub, p=p, testsuite=suite, data=data)) if causal: suite, p, cp = self.causal_discrimination(i_fields=sub, conf=conf, margin=margin) print (sub) print(conf) print(margin) print (p) print (cp) if p > threshold: causal_d_scores[sub] = p self.causal_measurement_results.append(MeasurementResult(causal=True, i_fields=sub, p=p, testsuite=suite, data=cp)) return group_d_scores, causal_d_scores ## except: ## print("Issue in trying to search for discrimination") def _all_relevant_subs(self, xs): try: return chain.from_iterable(combinations(xs, n) \ for n in range(1, len(xs))) except: print("Issue in returning relative subsets. Possibly a divide by zero error") def _supset(self, list_of_small, big): try: for small in list_of_small: next_subset = False for x in small: if x not in big: next_subset = True break if not next_subset: return True except: print("Issue in finding superset") def _new_random_sub_input(self, args=[]): try: assert args return {name : self.inputs[name].get_random_input() for name in args} except: print("Issue in getting a random subset") def _gen_all_sub_inputs(self, args=[]): assert args try: vals_of_args = [self.inputs[arg].values for arg in args] combos = [list(elt) for elt in list(product(*vals_of_args))] return ({arg : elt[idx] for idx, arg in enumerate(args)} \ for elt in combos) except: print("Issue in generate all") def _get_test_result(self, assign=None): assert assign != None ## try: tupled_args = self._tuple(assign) if tupled_args in self._cache.keys(): return self._cache[tupled_args] cmd = self.command + " " + " ".join(tupled_args) output = subprocess.getoutput(cmd).strip() self._cache[tupled_args] = (subprocess.getoutput(cmd).strip() == "1") return self._cache[tupled_args] ## except: ## print("Issue in getting the results of the tests") def _add_assignment(self, test_suite, assign): try: if assign not in test_suite: test_suite.append(assign) except: print("Issue in assigining to the test_suite") def _all_other_fields(self, i_fields): try: return [f for f in self.input_order if f not in i_fields] except: print("Issue in _all_other_fields") def _end_condition(self, count, num_sampled, conf, margin): try: p = 0 if num_sampled > self.min_samples: p = count / num_sampled error = st.norm.ppf(conf)*math.sqrt((p*(1-p))/num_sampled) return p, error < margin return p, False except: print("Issue in _end_condition. Possibly a divide by zero error") def _merge_assignments(self, assign1, assign2): try: merged = {} merged.update(assign1) merged.update(assign2) return merged except: print("Issue in merging assigments") def _tuple(self, assign=None): try: assert assign != None return tuple(str(assign[name]) for name in self.input_order) except: print("Issue in generating tuples for tests") def _untuple(self, tupled_args=None): assert tupled_args != None try: listed_args = list(tupled_args) return {name : listed_args[idx] \ for idx, name in enumerate(self.input_order)} except: print("Issue in untupling") def _build_input_space(self, args=None): assert args != None try: self.inputs = {} self.input_order = [] self.input_names = [] for obj in args.findall("input"): name = obj.find("name").text self.input_names.append(name) values = [] t = obj.find("type").text if t == "categorical": values = [elt.text for elt in obj.find("values").findall("value")] self.inputs[name] = Input(name=name, values=values, kind="categorical") elif t == "continuousInt": lowerbound = int(obj.find("bounds").find("lowerbound").text) upperbound = int(obj.find("bounds").find("upperbound").text)+1 values = range(int(obj.find("bounds").find("lowerbound").text), int(obj.find("bounds").find("upperbound").text)+1) self.inputs[name] = Input(name=name, values=values, kind="continuousInt", lb = str(lowerbound), ub = str(upperbound)) else: assert False self.input_order.append(name) except: print("Issue in building the input space/scope. Major problem") def _add_input(self, name=None, kind=None, values=None): assert name != None assert kind != None assert values != None try: try: self.inputs except AttributeError: self.inputs = {} self.input_order = [] self.input_names = [] local_values = [] self.input_names.append(name) if kind == "Categorical": i_values = values.split(',') self.inputs[name] = Input(name=name, values=i_values, kind="categorical") elif kind == "Continuous Int": ulb = values.split('-') lowerbound = ulb[0] upperbound = ulb[1] local_values = range(int(lowerbound),int(upperbound)+1) self.inputs[name] = Input(name=name, values=local_values, kind="continuousInt", lb = str(lowerbound), ub = str(upperbound)) else: assert False self.input_order.append(name) except: print("Issue in adding input to input space.") def _load_tests(self, args=None): assert args != None try: self.tests = [] for obj in args.findall("test"): test = Test() test.function = obj.find("function").text if test.function == "causal_discrimination" or \ test.function == "group_discrimination": test.i_fields = [elt.text for elt in obj.find("i_fields").findall("input_name")] if test.function == "discrimination_search": = bool(obj.findall("group")) test.causal = bool(obj.findall("causal")) test.threshold = float(obj.find("threshold").text) test.conf = float(obj.find("conf").text) test.margin = float(obj.find("margin").text) self.tests.append(test) except: print("Issue in loading the tests") def _new_test(self, group, causal, name=None, conf=None, margin=None, i_fields=None, threshold=0.20): assert name != None assert conf != None assert margin != None assert i_fields != None ## try: ## self.tests ## except AttributeError: ## self.tests = [] try: test = Test() test.function = name test.conf = conf test.margin = margin = group test.causal = causal test.i_fields = i_fields test.threshold = threshold self.tests.append(test) except: print("Issue creating test") class MeasurementResult(object): def __init__(self, causal=False, i_fields=None, p=None, testsuite=None, data=None): self.causal = causal self.i_fields = i_fields self.p = p self.testsuite = testsuite = data if __name__ == '__main__': try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run Themis.") parser.add_argument("XML_FILE", type=str, nargs=1, help="XML configuration file") args = parser.parse_args() t = Themis(xml_fname=args.XML_FILE[0]) except: print("Issue in the main call to Themis i.e. Driver")
import sys sex = sys.argv[1] race = sys.argv[3] if(sex=="Male" and race=="Red"): print "1" else: print "0"
import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * import PyQt5.QtGui as QtGui from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import themis2 tree = None class App(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Themis 2.0' self.left = 500 = 200 self.width = 600 self.height = 700 self.dialog = None self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) self.createThemisGrid() windowLayout = QVBoxLayout() windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox4) windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox) windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox2) windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox3) self.setLayout(windowLayout) def createThemisGrid(self): self.horizontalGroupBox4 = QGroupBox() layout4 = QGridLayout() self.tester = themis2.Themis() command_box_label = QLabel("Command:") self.command_box = QLineEdit(self) layout4.addWidget(command_box_label,1, 0) layout4.addWidget(self.command_box,1, 1) self.createInputsTable() self.createTestsTable() self.horizontalGroupBox = QGroupBox("Inputs") self.horizontalGroupBox.setFont(QFont("", pointSize=14)) layout = QGridLayout() layout.setSpacing(5) add_button = QPushButton('Add Input') add_button.setAutoDefault(False) add_button.clicked.connect(self.addInput) layout.addWidget(self.inputs_table,0,1, 3, 4) layout.addWidget(add_button,5,1) self.horizontalGroupBox2 = QGroupBox("Measurements") self.horizontalGroupBox2.setFont(QFont("", pointSize=14)) layout2 = QGridLayout() add_test_button = QPushButton('Add Measurement') add_test_button.setAutoDefault(False) add_test_button.clicked.connect(self.addTest) layout2.addWidget(self.tests_table, 5, 4, 4, 4) layout2.addWidget(add_test_button, 9, 4) self.horizontalGroupBox3 = QGroupBox("") self.layout3 = QGridLayout() self.results_box = QTextEdit() self.results_box.setReadOnly(True) run_button = QPushButton("Run") run_button.clicked.connect(self.handleRunButton) run_button.setAutoDefault(False) load_button = QPushButton('Load') load_button.setAutoDefault(False) save_button = QPushButton('Save') save_button.setAutoDefault(False) save_button.clicked.connect(self.handleSaveButton) load_button.clicked.connect(self.handleLoadButton) self.layout3.addWidget(load_button,1, 1) self.layout3.addWidget(save_button,1, 2) self.layout3.addWidget(run_button,1, 3) self.layout3.addWidget(self.results_box, 2, 1, 5, 5) self.horizontalGroupBox3.setLayout(self.layout3) self.horizontalGroupBox.setLayout(layout) self.horizontalGroupBox2.setLayout(layout2) self.horizontalGroupBox4.setLayout(layout4) def addTest(self): inputs = [] for i in range(self.inputs_table.rowCount()): print(self.inputs_table.item(i,1).text()) inputs.append(self.inputs_table.item(i,1)) self.dialog = EditTestWindow(True) self.dialog.setModal(True) if self.dialog.exec_(): tests = self.dialog.all_measurements conf_values = self.dialog.all_confs margins = self.dialog.all_margins inputs = self.dialog.all_inputs #add thresholds for i in range(len(tests)): print ("Measurement: " + tests[i]) print ("Confidence: " + conf_values[i]) print ("Margin: " + margins[i]) print ("Inputs of interest: " + ",".join(inputs[i])) test = tests[i] print (test) conf = conf_values[i] margin = margins[i] i_fields = list(inputs[i]) self.tests_table.insertRow(i) self.createEditButtons(self.tests_table, i, test=None) self.setTestTableValue(conf, i, 2) self.setTestTableValue(margin, i, 3) self.setTestTableValue(",".join(i_fields), i, 4) if test == "Group Discrimination": test = self.tester._new_test(False, False, "group_discrimination", float(conf), float(margin), i_fields) self.setTestTableValue(test, i, 1) elif test == "Causal Discrimination": test = self.tester._new_test(False, False, "causal_discrimination", float(conf), float(margin), i_fields) self.setTestTableValue(test, i, 1) else: if test == "Discrimination Search Causal": self.setTestTableValue("Search for causal discrimination", i, 1) test = self.tester._new_test( False, True, "discrimination_search", float(conf), float(margin),i_fields) elif test == "Discrimination Search Group": print("HERE 1") self.setTestTableValue("Search for group discrimination", i, 1) test = self.tester._new_test( True, False, "discrimination_search", float(conf), float(margin), i_fields) else: print ("HERE 2") self.setTestTableValue("Search for group & causal discrimination", i, 1) test = self.tester._new_test(True, True, "discrimination_search", float(conf), float(margin), i_fields) self.resizeCells(self.tests_table) def addInput(self): dialog = EditInputWindow(True) dialog.setModal(True) if dialog.exec_(): for i in range(len(dialog.all_names)): print("Name: " + dialog.all_names[i]) print("Type: " + dialog.all_types[i]) print("Values: " + dialog.all_values[i]) name = dialog.all_names[i] kind = dialog.all_types[i] values = dialog.all_values[i] self.inputs_table.insertRow(i) self.createEditButtons(self.inputs_table, i, test=None) self.setCellValue(name, i, 1) self.setCellValue(kind, i, 2) if kind == "Categorical": self.setCellValue("{" + values + "}", i, 3) self.tester._add_input(name, "Categorical", values) else: ulb = values.split('-') lb = ulb[0] ub = ulb[1] self.setCellValue("(" + lb + "-" + ub + ")", i, 3) self.tester._add_input(name, "Continuous Int", values) self.resizeCells(self.inputs_table) def handleRunButton(self): #python #42 #200 #10 self.tester.max_samples = 10000 self.tester.min_samples = 10 self.tester.rand_seed = 42 self.tester.command = self.command_box.text() self.results_box.setText("<h2 style=\"text-align:center\">Themis 2.0 Execution Complete!</h2>"); self.results_box.repaint() for test in self.tester.tests: print (test) if == True or test.causal == True: if self.tester.group_search_results or self.tester.causal_search_results: self.results_box.append("<h2> Discrimination found! </h2>") self.results_box.repaint() detailed_output_btn = QPushButton("More details...") self.layout3.addWidget(detailed_output_btn, 8, 4) detailed_output_btn.clicked.connect(self.handleDetailedButton) self.horizontalGroupBox3.setLayout(self.layout3) self.results_box.toHtml() def handleDetailedButton(self): dialog = QDialog() horizontalGroupBox = QGroupBox("Detailed Discrimination Findings") horizontalGroupBox.setFont(QFont("", pointSize=14)) layout = QGridLayout() detailed_output_box = QTextEdit() detailed_output_box.setReadOnly(True) detailed_output_box.setText("") ## if self.tester.group_tests: ## detailed_output_box.append("<h2>Group Discrimination Tests</h2>") ## if self.tester.causal_tests: ## detailed_output_box.append("<h2>Causal Discrimination Tests</h2>") for test in self.tester.tests: if == True or test.causal == True: detailed_output_box.append("<h2>Discrimination Results</h2>") detailed_output_box.append("<h4> Threshold: " + "{:.1%}".format(test.threshold) + "</h4>") if self.tester.group_search_results: detailed_output_box.append("<h3> Group discrimination found </h3>") for key,value in self.tester.group_search_results.items(): detailed_output_box.append("<h3>" + ",".join(key) + ": " + value + "</h3>") print (",".join(key) + "-->" + value ) for result in self.tester.group_measurement_results: if (key == tuple(result.i_fields)): min_score =[0] min_assign =[1] max_score =[2] max_assign =[3] detailed_output_box.append("&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <b>Min: </b>" + min_assign + " &#8594; " + "{:.1%}".format(min_score)) detailed_output_box.append("&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <b>Max: </b>" + max_assign + " &#8594; " + "{:.1%}".format(max_score)) if self.tester.causal_search_results: detailed_output_box.append("<h3>Causal discrimination found</h3>") for key,value in self.tester.causal_search_results.items(): detailed_output_box.append("<h3>" + ",".join(key) + ": " + value + "</h3>") print (",".join(key) + "-->" + value) detailed_output_box.append("<h4> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Causal Pairs: </h4>") for result in self.tester.causal_measurement_results: if (key == tuple(result.i_fields)): for a1, a2 in str_list1 = [] str_list2 = [] for k in self.tester.input_order: if k in key: str_list1.append("<b>" + a1[k] + "</b>") str_list2.append("<b>" + a2[k] + "</b>") else: str_list1.append(a1[k]) str_list2.append(a2[k]) causal_pair1 = ", ".join(str_list1) causal_pair2 = ", ".join(str_list2) detailed_output_box.append("<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; " + causal_pair1 + " &#8594; " + causal_pair2 + "</p>") print (causal_pair1, causal_pair2) detailed_output_box.toHtml() detailed_output_box.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Start) layout.addWidget(detailed_output_box, 1, 1, 5, 5) horizontalGroupBox.setLayout(layout) dialog.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width+100, self.height-200) windowLayout = QVBoxLayout() windowLayout.addWidget(horizontalGroupBox) dialog.setLayout(windowLayout) dialog.setWindowTitle("Themis 2.0: Detailed Output") dialog.exec_() def handleLoadButton(self): dialog = QFileDialog() filename = dialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", "~/Documents/Themis/Themis2.0") if filename[0]: self.file = open(filename[0], 'r') else: return self.tester = themis2.Themis(filename[0]) command = self.tester.command rand_seed = self.tester.rand_seed max_samples = self.tester.max_samples min_samples = self.tester.min_samples # set text boxes from Themis self.command_box.setText(command) self.results_box.clear() self.tests_table.clearContents() self.inputs_table.clearContents() index = 0 inputs = [] for test in self.tester.tests: self.tests_table.insertRow(index) self.createEditButtons(self.tests_table,index, test) function = test.function confidence = test.conf margin = test.margin self.setTestTableValue(str(function),index,1) self.setTestTableValue(str(confidence), index, 2) self.setTestTableValue(str(margin), index, 3) index += 1 for field in test.i_fields: if field not in inputs: inputs.append(field) self.resizeCells(self.tests_table) i = 0 for name in self.tester.input_names: self.inputs_table.insertRow(i) self.createEditButtons(self.inputs_table, i, test) inpt = self.tester.inputs[name] name = inpt_type = inpt.kind values = inpt.values self.setCellValue(name, i, 1) self.setCellValue(inpt_type, i, 2) if inpt_type == "categorical": value = "{" + ", ".join(values) + "}" self.setCellValue(value, i, 3) else: value = "[" + + "-" + inpt.ub + "]" self.setCellValue(value, i, 3) i +=1 self.resizeCells(self.inputs_table) def resizeCells(self, table): table.resizeRowsToContents() table.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) for i in range(table.columnCount()-1): table.resizeColumnToContents(i) def handleSaveButton(self): return def createInputsTable(self): self.inputs_table = QTableWidget() self.inputs_table.setColumnCount(4) self.inputs_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["", "Input Name", "Input Type", "Possible Values"]) self.inputs_table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.resizeCells(self.inputs_table) def createTestsTable(self): self.tests_table = QTableWidget() self.tests_table.setColumnCount(5) self.tests_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["", "Measurement To Run", "Confidence", "Margin", "Inputs"]) self.resizeCells(self.tests_table) def createEditButtons(self, table, row, test): layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(2,2,2,2) layout.setSpacing(10) delete_btn = QPushButton(table) delete_btn.setText("Delete") delete_btn.adjustSize() layout.addWidget(delete_btn) edit_btn = QPushButton(table) edit_btn.setText("Edit...") index = QPersistentModelIndex(table.model().index(row, 0)) edit_btn.clicked.connect(lambda *args, index=index: self.handleEditButton(index, table, test)) layout.addWidget(edit_btn) cellWidget = QWidget() cellWidget.setLayout(layout) table.setCellWidget(row,0,cellWidget) def handleEditButton(self, index, table, test): if table is self.inputs_table: item_name = table.item(index.row(), 1) item_type = table.item(index.row(), 2) item_values = table.item(index.row(), 3) print ("Name: " + item_name.text()) print ("Type: " + item_type.text()) print ("Values :" + item_values.text()) edit_input_dialog = EditInputWindow(False, item_name.text(), item_type.text(), item_values.text()) edit_input_dialog.setModal(True) if table is self.tests_table: test_name = table.item(index.row(), 1) confidence = table.item(index.row(), 2) margin = table.item(index.row(), 3) self.edit_test_dialog = EditTestWindow(False, test_name.text(), confidence.text(), margin.text(), test) self.edit_test_dialog.setModal(True) self.updateTable(table, index) def updateTable(self, table, index): if self.edit_test_dialog.exec_(): if table is self.tests_table: test = self.tester.tests[index.row()] print (" We are in update table") print ("Sex ", self.sex_cb.isChecked()) print ("Race ", self.race_cb.isChecked()) print ("Income ", self.income_cb.isChecked()) #update Themis values if self.edit_test_dialog.sex_cb.isChecked() and self.edit_test_dialog.race_cb.isChecked() and self.edit_test_dialog.income_cb.isChecked(): print ("Blah blah blah") # fix wht goes in table! table.item(index.row(),1).setText("discrimination_search") test.function = "discrimination_search" if self.edit_test_dialog.causal_cb.isChecked() and not self.edit_test_dialog.group_cb.isChecked(): = False test.causal = True elif not self.edit_test_dialog.causal_cb.isChecked() and self.edit_test_dialog.group_cb.isChecked(): = True test.causal = False else: = True test.causal = True else: if self.edit_test_dialog.group_cb.isChecked(): test.function = "group_discrimination" table.item(index.row(),1,).setText("group_discrimination") elif self.edit_test_dialog.causal_cb.isChecked(): table.item(index.row(),1).setText("causal_discrimination") test.function = "causal_discrimination" test.conf = float(self.edit_test_dialog.conf_box.text()) table.item(index.row(), 2).setText(str(test.conf)) test.margin = float(self.edit_test_dialog.margin_box.text()) table.item(index.row(), 3).setText(str(test.margin)) self.tester.tests[index.row()] = test def setCellValue(self, value, row, column): new_input = QTableWidgetItem() new_input.setText(value) self.inputs_table.setItem(row,column,new_input) def setTestTableValue(self, value, row, column): new_input = QTableWidgetItem() new_input.setText(value) self.tests_table.setItem(row,column,new_input) class EditTestWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self, inputs=None, add=False, name=None, conf=None, margin=None, test=None): super().__init__() if add == False: self.title = 'Edit Measurement' else: self.title = 'Add Measurements' self.left = 100 = 100 self.width = 500 self.height = 300 assert inputs != None try: if name == None and conf == None and margin == None and test==None: self.initUI(inputs) else: self.initUI(inputs, name, conf, margin, test) except: print('Inputs required to add test!') def initUI(self, name=None, conf=None, margin=None, test=None): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) if name == None and conf == None and margin == None and test==None: self.createGrid() else: self.createGrid(name, conf, margin, test) windowLayout = QVBoxLayout() windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox) self.setLayout(windowLayout) def createGrid(self, name=None, conf=None, margin=None, test=None): self.all_measurements = [] self.all_confs = [] self.all_margins = [] self.all_inputs = [] self.all_thresholds = [] self.horizontalGroupBox = QGroupBox("") self.layout = QGridLayout() self.type_label = QLabel("Measurement Type: ") self.group_cb = QCheckBox('Group Discrimination',self) self.causal_cb = QCheckBox('Causal Discrimination',self) if name is not None: if name == "group_discrimination": self.group_cb.setChecked(True) elif name == "causal_discrimination": self.causal_cb.setChecked(True) elif name == "discrimination_search": if test is not None: self.discrim_search.setChecked(True) if == True: self.group_cb.setChecked(True) if test.causal == True: self.causal_cb.setChecked(True) else: print ("No test was passed in!") self.group_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.causal_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.layout.addWidget(self.type_label, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.group_cb, 1, 2) self.layout.addWidget(self.causal_cb, 2, 2) self.inputs_label = QLabel("Select inputs of interest:") self.sex_cb = QCheckBox("sex") self.race_cb = QCheckBox("race") self.income_cb = QCheckBox("income") self.sex_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.race_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.income_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.layout.addWidget(self.inputs_label, 5, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.sex_cb,5,2) self.layout.addWidget(self.race_cb,6,2) self.layout.addWidget(self.income_cb,7,2) self.conf_label = QLabel("Confidence: ") self.conf_box = QLineEdit(self) if conf is not None: self.conf_box.setText(str(conf)) self.layout.addWidget(self.conf_label, 8, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.conf_box, 8, 2) self.margin_label = QLabel("Margin: ") self.margin_box = QLineEdit(self) if margin is not None: self.margin_box.setText(str(margin)) self.layout.addWidget(self.margin_label, 9, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.margin_box, 9, 2) self.add_button = QPushButton("Add") self.add_button.setAutoDefault(False) self.layout.addWidget(self.add_button, 10, 3) self.add_button.clicked.connect(self.handleAddButton) self.horizontalGroupBox.setLayout(self.layout) def selectionChange(self): if self.group_cb.isChecked or self.causal_cb.isChecked(): if self.sex_cb.isChecked() and self.race_cb.isChecked() and self.income_cb.isChecked(): self.enterThreshold() else: try: self.removeThreshold() except: return def removeThreshold(self): self.layout.removeWidget(self.threshold_label) self.layout.removeWidget(self.threshold_box) self.layout.removeWidget(self.conf_label) self.layout.removeWidget(self.conf_box) self.layout.removeWidget(self.margin_label) self.layout.removeWidget(self.margin_box) self.layout.removeWidget(self.add_button) self.layout.addWidget(self.conf_label, 8, 1 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.conf_box, 8, 2 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.margin_label, 9, 1 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.margin_box, 9, 2 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.add_button, 10, 3) def enterThreshold(self): self.threshold_label = QLabel("Threshold:") self.threshold_box = QLineEdit(self) self.layout.removeWidget(self.conf_label) self.layout.removeWidget(self.conf_box) self.layout.removeWidget(self.margin_label) self.layout.removeWidget(self.margin_box) self.layout.removeWidget(self.add_button) self.layout.addWidget(self.threshold_label, 8, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.threshold_box, 8, 2) self.layout.addWidget(self.conf_label, 9, 1 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.conf_box, 9, 2 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.margin_label, 10, 1 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.margin_box, 10, 2 ) self.layout.addWidget(self.add_button, 11, 3) def handleAddButton(self): if self.sex_cb.isChecked() and self.race_cb.isChecked() and self.income_cb.isChecked(): if self.causal_cb.isChecked() and not self.group_cb.isChecked(): self.all_measurements.append("Discrimination Search Causal") self.all_thresholds.append(self.threshold_box.text()) elif self.group_cb.isChecked() and not self.causal_cb.isChecked(): self.all_measurements.append("Discrimination Search Group") self.all_thresholds.append(self.threshold_box.text()) else: self.all_measurements.append("Discrimination Search ") self.all_thresholds.append(self.threshold_box.text()) else: if self.group_cb.isChecked(): self.all_measurements.append(self.group_cb.text()) print(self.group_cb.text()) elif self.causal_cb.isChecked(): self.all_measurements.append(self.causal_cb.text()) print (self.causal_cb.text()) self.all_confs.append(self.conf_box.text()) self.all_margins.append(self.margin_box.text()) inputs = [] if self.sex_cb.isChecked(): inputs.append("sex") if self.race_cb.isChecked(): inputs.append("race") if self.income_cb.isChecked(): inputs.append("income") inputs_tuple = tuple(inputs) self.all_inputs.append(inputs_tuple) self.accept() def handleDoneButton(self): self.accept() class EditInputWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self, add=False, name=None, kind="categorical", values=None): super().__init__() if add == False: self.title = "Edit Input" else: self.title = 'Add Inputs' self.left = 100 = 100 self.width = 500 self.height = 300 if name == None and kind == "categorical" and values == None: self.initUI() else: self.initUI(name, kind, values) def initUI(self, name=None, kind="categorical",values=None): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) if name == None and kind == "categorical" and values == None: self.createGrid() else: self.createGrid(name, kind, values) windowLayout = QVBoxLayout() windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox) self.setLayout(windowLayout) def createGrid(self, name=None, kind="categorical", values=None): self.horizontalGroupBox = QGroupBox("") layout = QGridLayout() self.all_names = [] self.all_values = [] self.all_types = [] name_label = QLabel("Input name: ") self.name_box = QLineEdit(self) if name is not None: self.name_box.setText(str(name)) layout.addWidget(name_label, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.name_box, 1, 2) self.type_label = QLabel("Input type: ") self.types = QComboBox() self.types.addItem("Categorical") self.types.addItem("Continuous Int") if kind == "continuousInt": index = self.types.findText("Continuous Int") if index >= 0: self.types.setCurrentIndex(index) else: print ("Can't find item in combo box!") layout.addWidget(self.type_label, 2, 1) layout.addWidget(self.types, 2, 2) self.values_label = QLabel("Values (separated by commas): ") self.values_box = QLineEdit(self) if values is not None: self.values_box.setText(values) layout.addWidget(self.values_label, 3, 1) layout.addWidget(self.values_box, 3, 2) self.types.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.add_button = QPushButton("Add") self.add_button.setAutoDefault(False) self.add_button.clicked.connect(self.handleAddButton) layout.addWidget(self.add_button, 4,4) self.horizontalGroupBox.setLayout(layout) def selectionChange(self): if self.types.currentText() == "Continuous Int": self.values_label.setText("Range (e.g. 1-10) : ") else: self.values_label.setText("Values (separated by commas): ") def handleAddButton(self): self.all_names.append(self.name_box.text()) self.all_values.append(self.values_box.text()) self.all_types.append(self.types.currentText()) self.accept() def handleDoneButton(self): self.accept() if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() sys.exit(app.exec_())
import sys sex = sys.argv[1] race = sys.argv[2] income = sys.argv[3] # first case if sex == "male": print ("1") elif race != "green": if income == "0...50000": print ("0") else: print ("1") else: if income == "0...50000" or income == "50001...100000": print ("0") else: print ("1")
import sys sex = sys.argv[1] race = sys.argv[2] income = sys.argv[3] # second case if race == "green" or race == "orange": if income == "0...50000": print ("0") else: print ("1") else: if income == "50001...100000": print ("0") else: print ("1")
import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import themis2 class App(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Themis 2.0' self.left = 100 = 100 self.width = 800 self.height = 1000 self.tree = None self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) self.createThemisGrid() windowLayout = QVBoxLayout() windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox4) windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox) windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox2) windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox3) self.setLayout(windowLayout) def createThemisGrid(self): self.horizontalGroupBox4 = QGroupBox() layout4 = QGridLayout() command_box_label = QLabel("Command:") self.command_box = QLineEdit(self) seed_box_label = QLabel("Random seed:") self.seed_box = QLineEdit(self) max_box_label = QLabel("Max Samples:") self.max_box = QLineEdit(self) min_box_label = QLabel("Min Samples:") self.min_box = QLineEdit(self) layout4.addWidget(command_box_label,1, 0) layout4.addWidget(self.command_box,1, 1) layout4.addWidget(seed_box_label,2,0) layout4.addWidget(self.seed_box,2,1) layout4.addWidget(max_box_label,3,0) layout4.addWidget(self.max_box,3,1) layout4.addWidget(min_box_label,4,0) layout4.addWidget(self.min_box,4,1) self.horizontalGroupBox = QGroupBox("Inputs") layout = QGridLayout() layout.setSpacing(5) self.createInputsTable() load_button = QPushButton('Load...') load_button.clicked.connect(self.handleLoadButton) save_button = QPushButton('Save...') save_button.clicked.connect(self.handleSaveButton) add_button = QPushButton('Add Input...') add_button.clicked.connect(self.handleAddButton) self.dialog = EditInputWindow() layout.addWidget(self.inputs_table,0,1, 3, 4) layout.addWidget(load_button,5, 1) layout.addWidget(save_button,5, 2) layout.addWidget(add_button,5,3) self.horizontalGroupBox2 = QGroupBox("Tests") layout2 = QGridLayout() self.createTestsTable() add_test_button = QPushButton("Add Test...") layout2.addWidget(self.tests_table, 5, 4, 4, 4) layout2.addWidget(add_test_button, 9, 4) self.horizontalGroupBox3 = QGroupBox("") layout3 = QGridLayout() run_button = QPushButton("Run") # run themis run_button.clicked.connect(self.runThemis) self.results_box = QTextEdit() self.results_box.setReadOnly(True) layout3.addWidget(run_button,1, 1) layout3.addWidget(self.results_box, 2, 1, 5, 5) self.horizontalGroupBox.setLayout(layout) self.horizontalGroupBox2.setLayout(layout2) self.horizontalGroupBox3.setLayout(layout3) self.horizontalGroupBox4.setLayout(layout4) def runThemis(self): self.results_box.setText(self.getTesterOutput) def getTesterOutput(self): results = self.tester.output return results def handleAddButton(self): self.dialog.setModal(True) def handleLoadButton(self): dialog = QFileDialog() filename = dialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", "/home") if filename[0]: self.file = open(filename[0], 'r') # add themis instance with loaded file self.processSettingsFiles() def processSettingsFiles(self): self.tree = ET.parse(self.file) root = self.tree.getroot() run_command = root.find('command').text self.command_box.setText(run_command) seed = root.find('seed').text self.seed_box.setText(seed) max_samples = root.find('max_samples').text self.max_box.setText(max_samples) min_samples = root.find('min_samples').text self.min_box.setText(min_samples) # column 1 = Input Name # column 2 = Input Type # column 3 = Values #for categorical values self.inputs = [] ctr = 0 for run_input in root.iter('input'): name = run_input.find('name').text print(name) self.inputs[ctr] = name categoricalFlag = False for j in run_input.iter('type'): if j.text == "categorical": categoricalFlag = True values = [] if(categoricalFlag is True): for i in run_input.iter('value'): values.append(i.text) else: for lbound in run_input.iter('lowerbound'): values.append(lbound.text) for ubound in run_input.iter('upperbound'): values.append(ubound.text) if (len(values) != 0): self.setCellValue(values.__str__(), ctr, 3) ctr += 1 index = 0 for run_test in root.iter('test'): function = "" configuration = "" margin = "" for func in run_test.iter("function"): function = func.text for config in run_test.iter("conf"): configuration = config.text for marg in run_test.iter("margin"): margin = marg.text print(function) print(configuration) print(margin) print("Got all the values") self.setTestTableValue(function,index,1) self.setTestTableValue(configuration, index, 2) self.setTestTableValue(margin, index, 3) index += 1 def handleSaveButton(self): self.tree.write("settings") def createInputsTable(self): self.inputs_table = QTableWidget() self.inputs_table.setRowCount(10) self.inputs_table.setColumnCount(4) self.inputs_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["", "Input Name", "Input Type", "Values"]) # pass in row to create buttons on that row for i in range(self.inputs_table.rowCount()): self.createEditButtons(self.inputs_table, i) self.inputs_table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.inputs_table.resizeRowsToContents() self.inputs_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.inputs_table.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.inputs_table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) def createTestsTable(self): self.tests_table = QTableWidget() self.tests_table.setRowCount(10) self.tests_table.setColumnCount(5) self.tests_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["", "Name", "Confidence", "Margin", "Notes"]) for i in range(self.tests_table.rowCount()): self.createEditButtons(self.tests_table,i) self.tests_table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.tests_table.resizeRowsToContents() self.tests_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.tests_table.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.tests_table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) def createEditButtons(self, table, row): layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(2,2,2,2) layout.setSpacing(10) delete_btn = QPushButton(table) delete_btn.setText("Delete") delete_btn.adjustSize() layout.addWidget(delete_btn) edit_btn = QPushButton(table) edit_btn.setText("Edit...") layout.addWidget(edit_btn) cellWidget = QWidget() cellWidget.setLayout(layout) table.setCellWidget(row,0,cellWidget) def setCellValue(self, value, row, column): new_input = QTableWidgetItem() new_input.setText(value) self.inputs_table.setItem(row,column,new_input) def setTestTableValue(self, value, row, column): new_input = QTableWidgetItem() new_input.setText(value) self.tests_table.setItem(row,column,new_input) class EditInputWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Add or Edit Inputs' self.left = 100 = 100 self.width = 500 self.height = 300 self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) self.createGrid() windowLayout = QVBoxLayout() windowLayout.addWidget(self.horizontalGroupBox) self.setLayout(windowLayout) ## def createGrid(self): self.horizontalGroupBox = QGroupBox("") layout = QGridLayout() name_label = QLabel("Input name: ") self.name_box = QLineEdit(self) layout.addWidget(name_label, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.name_box, 1, 2) type_label = QLabel("Input type: ") self.types = QComboBox() self.types.addItem("Categorical") self.types.addItem("Continuous Int") layout.addWidget(type_label, 2, 1) layout.addWidget(self.types, 2, 2) self.values_label = QLabel("Values (separated by commas): ") self.values_box = QLineEdit(self) layout.addWidget(self.values_label, 3, 1) layout.addWidget(self.values_box, 3, 2) self.types.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectionChange) self.add_button = QPushButton("Add") layout.addWidget(self.add_button, 4, 1) self.done_button = QPushButton("Done") layout.addWidget(self.done_button, 4, 4) self.horizontalGroupBox.setLayout(layout) def selectionChange(self): if self.types.currentText() == "Continuous Int": self.values_label.setText("Enter range (e.g. 1-10) : ") else: self.values_label.setText("Values (separated by commas): ") if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() sys.exit(app.exec_())